VIA THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD (to Sedalia), MISSOURI, KANSAS &, TEXAS R. VT., HOUSTON & TEXAS CENTRAL R. W., GALVESTON HOUSTON & HENDERSON R.W. C03srT.A.ii3ri2>r0- A COMPLETE LIST OF NAMES. BUSINESS AND LOCATIONS OF A^L PERSONS DOING BUSINESS IN EACH OF THE CITIES, TOWNS AND STA i IONS ON THESE RAILROADS, TOGETHER WITH A BRIKI' ""^ i <>Rt<_;aL SKETCH OF EACH; ALSO, A NEW POST OFFICE DIRECTORY OF THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES, COKRECTED TO DATE. COMPILED FROM A CAREFUL CANVAS, A. L. LOGAN & CO., Publishers, SAINT LOUIS, MO. r ofT rri rrm i ¥ t mrg [a: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, ^ © UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, i © .^ IBJ liT.lOUISPlJlNOIfi&IIUnRINGCOMm' In their short career of six years, have received in succession Over all competitors, at various State Fairs, defeating in turn every other maker without a single exception. The Chicago Times says : This Piano possesses in an eminent degree all those superlative qualities which have given the instruments of some well-known makers a world-wide reputation. The often doubterl question whether the West can produce an instrument equal in quality and l)rice to Eastern maker-, is now very decidedly proved in favor of the St. Louis Piano Manufacturing Co. — Chicago Times Those best qualified to judge, including manufacturers and pianists, have the greatest confidence in its power to do all that a first-class square piano can do. — Chicago Evening Post. They are real gems in every particular. — N . O. Picayune. ToSt. Louis belongs the honor of producing instruments equal at least in every respect to the most famous manufacturers. — Memphis Avalanche. A great future is certain for this company. Their instruments are ranked .above Steck's, Decker's, Weber's, and Chickering & Son's — Westliche Post- We recommend them to the patronage of our readers as superior instruments — N. O. Times. These Pianos are superior to many older makes. Galveston News. The New i Jrlcans Times very justly says : It has heretofore seemed impossible to make an upright piano in Europe or America that would compare in sonority of tone with the best square pianos. But the best judges who have tested the •' Bell Treble " Upright, agree that we have an upright piano not excelled by the finest sijuares in depth, clearness, brilliancy and richness of tone, in power, elasti- city and lightness of touch, in durability and f>uituess in beauty of appearance, combining all the desirable qualities of, the Pleyel, the Erard, the Chickering, and the Steinway. The New Orleans Pieavune says : It would be superfluous to attempt to add any weight to the decisive opinion expressed by our best musicians, that, in every particular, the St. Louis "' Bell Treble" Upright Pianos arc unsurpassed Ihc youmal o/ Commerce f,^'£.^v>.... Vocal and Instrumental Music and Drawing. Mrs. Frank C. Edwards Intermediate Department. Miss Kate G. Flagg • Primary Department and Penmanship. MadExMOiselle a. M. Grossman French, German and Music. LECTURERS. Hon. Enos Clarke, Rev. Dr. T. M, Post, Rev. G. K. Dunlop, Rev. J. R. Warner, Prof. A. J. Coiiaut, Prof. W. T. Harris, Prof. J. L. Tracy, Rev. E. P. Powell, Rev. Dr. A. H. Burlingham, Rev, Dr. Holland, Rev. S. J. NiccoILs, Rev. Dr. W. Pope Ycuman.' BOARD OF CORPORATION. Hon. E. W. Fox.. . . : President. Rev. Dr. Niccolls, Rev. G. K. Duxlop, Rev. S. K. Sneed Vice-Presidents. Rev. John R, "Warner • Secretary. General A. G. Edwards, Dr. B. F. Edwards, A. B. Garrison, Esq., Wm. E. Burr, Esq., T. J. Albright, Esq., George H. Gill, Esq., A. S. Mermod, Esq., Paul "Wright, Esq., Leonard Matthews, Esq., Captain E. Augustin. Special Attention is called to the remarkably low terms, which we offer as inducements to scholars from a distance. TERMS, PER SESSION OF FORTY WEEKS. Tuition in English branches, and board, including fuel, 'lights, washing, (one dozen per week) $250 00 All the advantages of the institution, including tuition, board and washing, music and practising, German or French, and drawing S300 00 All terms payable in advance, half at the entry of the scholar, and the remainder in January. An early application is desirable. Call on or address the Principal, MISS ANNA C. SNEED, Kirkwood, St. Louis Co., Mo. Logan's Railway Directory. EVREKA, MO, A station rather among the hiils, vrith some enterprising residents — about 150 in number ; this village secured in 1870 a wide reputation by the terrible railroad disaster of that year, caused by the too sudden meeting of the incoming "express" and a heavily -loaded out-bound freight train, resulting in a fearful disaster and destruction of rolling stock, and in the killing and severely wounding of a few people, per- haps a hundred, aside from others who were badly scared, by the trifling loss of a finger, hand, arm or foot. AJLLEyrOX, MO. A way station 3 miles each from the notorious ' ' Eureka' ' and Frank- lin, and ^i miles from St. Louis ; possesses some attractions, with some energetic inhabitants, the latter numbering perhaps 200 souls, including the suburbs. FBAyKZiy, JIO, This is an old town in years, coataining formerly the construction and repair shops of the South Pacific Railroad, and is the real eastern terminus of the great 35th parallel railroad; it is 37 miles west of St. Louis, is surrounded on the north by rocky hills with a few good farms in other directions ; contains a population of about 1 200 souls ; is a headquarters for a large number of railroad employees, and is in feet entirely a railroad town. The following are the names of her business men: Calkins, J. B., Prop. Franklin Hotel and R. R. Eating House, at Depot. Eheret, Frank, Boot and Shoemaker, St. Louis street. Gross, George, Bakery and Confectionery, St. Louis. Huneke, William, General Merchandise, St. Louis. Langenbacher, Barney, Groceries, St. Louis. Leber, L., Cigar-maker, St. Louis. Leisler, Bemhard, Groceries and Bakery, opposite Depot. Lesaulnier, J. C, Drugs and Medicines, Si. Louis and First. Manther, William, Native Wines, St. Louis. Mielert, Chas., Merchant Tailor, opposite Depot. Renmer, Lewis, Stoves and Tinware, St. Louis. Roberson, D. S., Watchmaker, St. Louis. Schaefer, Charles, Boots and Shoes, First. Sea burn, L. L, General Merchandise and Post-master, St. Louis. Seifert, Theodore, General Merchandise, St. Louis. Truman, F. , Stoves and Tinware, St. Louis. White, J- W., Lawyer, St. Louis. Williams, H., Lumber Dealer, St. Louis. Worthington, J. F., General Merchandise, St. Louis. FroTYh St. Louis to Galveston. GRAY'S SUMMIT, MO. A station and village 4 miles west of Franklin and 41 miles from St. Louis, on the Missouri Pacific road, situated as its name implies on an elevated location, with some enterprising people and a large proportion of natives, numbering about 350; will some time doubtless become important as a shipping point for building stone, of which there is unlimited abundance. LABADIE, MO, A small way station so necessary about every 3 or 4 miles to make up the necessary appearance of a densely settled section of country ; the truth of which we take for granted. AUGUSTA, MO. Another of the style of the last point, 4 miles west of it and par- taking of very much the same peculiarities, except that it possesses a feminine name, and likewise a preponderance of that sex, its entire population possibly numbering 150 souls, natives and all. south: jpoixt, mo, A way station just 4 miles west of the last named, and 8 miles east of Washington (not D. C.) ; has some promising country surrounding it and a few good farms, with a population of about 200 souls all counted. WASHINGTON, MO, Washington is a town of considerable importance, situated upon the Pacific R. R. and the Missouri River, 55 miles west of St. Louis, having the advantage of both river navigation and railroad facilities, for shipping merchandise, it is one if not the best built towns on the road, all the buildings being of brick. It has about 3300 inhab- itants, and is about 35 years old. It has now in operation and all doing a good business, two flour mills, two pork packing establish- ments, a tannery, brewery and lumber and planing mill ; population mostly German, an honest, industrious and law abiding class of citizens. Baumann, F. , Merchant Tailor, Jefferson. Bleckmann, Horn & Co., Pacific Flour Mills, Front. Bleckmann, J. F., Furniture, Main, near Cedar. Brinken, G. H., Furniture, Main and Lafayette. Buckreth, Henry, Watchmaker, Elm and Third. Busch, John B. & Co., Brewers and Makers, Jefferson. Colman, J. P., Lawyer, Jefferson near Second. Collins &. Weber, Livery and Sale Stable, Lafayette and Main. Dietrich, C. W., Barber Shop and Bath, Main, corner Elm. Logan's Railway Directory Eitzen, Henry C, General Merchandise, Second and Jefferson. Everts, Charles, Harness and Saddle-maker, Jefferson. Fisher, Hermann, Drugs and Medicines, Jefferson. "Franklin Co. Observer," Mense & Foss, Publishers, Elm Street. Furnstein, Mrs. A., Milliner and Dressmaker, Jefferson. Graafrath, P. D., General Merchandise, Jefferson. Grothr-us & Droege, General I^Ierchandis, Main and Oak. Heining & Son, General Merchandise, Elm near Main. Herwick, G. H., Barber, Main and Lafayette. Horn, F. W., (M. D ,) Drugs and Medicines, Second and Elm. Huppert, Mathew, Baker, Second. Jordens, F., General Merchandise, Main, cor. Oak. Kibbelen & Kerkstroeter, General Store, Main, corner Elm. Kegelmann, Charles, Tobacconist, Jefferson. Kallmann, C. H., Pork Packer, Elm, between Main and Second. Kring, William, Tobacco and Cigars, Main, near Oak. Kruse, C, General r>Ierchandise, Main and Oak. Lang, Francis & Co., General Merchandise, Fourth and Jefferson. Laumann, W., Boots and Shoes, Elm and Main. McCulloch, W. H., Lawyer, Jefferson, near Second. Martin, J. L., Lawyer, Jefferson. Metz, John, Baker and Confectioner, Second near Jefferson. Muench, Ludvvig, Drugs and Medicines, Jefferson. Mullgardt, C, Saddle and FTarness-maker, Third and Jefferson. Neirdieck, A. General Market, Second, corner Lafayette. Ottman, S., Agent Singer Sewing Machines, Main near Jefferson. Otto, W. H., Furniture Manufacturer, Elm near Third. Perkins, W. C, Photograph Gallery, Elm near Second. Peterson, A. & Son, Stoves and Tinware, Jefferson. Poppenhusen, H. & Co., Stoves and Tinware, Elm near Main. Rahmann, E. General Merchandise, Elm and Second. Roehrig, J. E., Cigar-maker, Main near Lafayette. Schmitz, Joshua dt Co,, Tanners and Leather Dealers, Jefferson. Schucck, Jacob, Coffin-maker, Fifth and Jefferson. Schuerman & Stienh.aus, Furniture and Builders, Fifth and Jefferson. Schulte, H., Carriage Blacksmithing, Jefferson. Schwigman, J. F., Flour Mills, Front Street. Spaunhorst & Bueker, General Merchandise, Jefferson. Straus, S., Watchmaker, Main near Jefferson. Tamm, George, Boot and Shoes, Second and Jefferson.' Tebbe, Henry, Turning, Jefferson. Thias, H. C, Grain Dealer, Elm near Third. Thias. H. H. & F. H., General Merchandise, Elm, near Second. Tiemann, William, General Merchandise, Elm and Third. Tod, Gerhard, Pork & Grain Dealer, Front, opp. Depot. See card. Trintman, H., Boots and Shoes, Main and Oak. Trintman, Narup & Co., Carpenters & Plan. Mill, Front, opp. R. R. Voelker, C. T., Saddle and Harness-maker, Elm, near Second. Voss, Mrs. L., Millinery, Elm near Main. / Opposite R. R. Depot, C3i?^WASHINCTON, MO.^^^O Has lately been taken by the present proprietor, and fittetl up in every way as an A No. i Hotel ; it is a fine brick building, with large airy rooms and first-class accommodations — two large sample rooms for commercial travelers ; there is also a splendid bar connected with it, where the choicest wines and liquors are guaranteed. Parties stopping at Washington, if they would consult their own comfort, should by all means put up at this House, where they will receive every attention from the genial and courteous host. W3I. WOLF. MENSE & FOSS, Editors and Proprietors Franklin County Observer, ELM STREET, WASHINGTON, MO. BEBNABD MENSE, Business Manager. J. C. S. FOSS, Editor. WMt© H#n»®f H. LESSEL - - - - Manager, HERMANN, MO. Opposite Depot. Situated as this House is, at the Depot, where trains from the East and West both stop for meals, it affords both transient and permanent accommodations for commercial travelers and business men not found elsewhere in the town. In addition, it is convenient for the accom- modation of Pic-nic, Hunting and Fishing Parties during the summer. 8 Logan's Railway Directory . Washington Savings Bank, Elm near Main. S. M. Jones, President. L. Wattenberg, Cashier. Wehmann, Louis, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Harness, and Post-master, E. side Jefferson. Weil, Henry, Merchant Tailor, Main near Elm. Wellenkamp, H., General Merchandise, Main and Lafayette. IfEWPOMT, 310. A station 62 miles from St. Louis, of little importance, drawing a large portion of its supplies from Washington ; has a population of 75 persons, principally railroad employees. MILLBB'S LANDING, 3IO., Is a station of a little more importance than the last; is 12 miles from Washington, and 67 miles from St. Louis, with a population of 200. It is handsomely situated on the R. R. and Missouri River, com- manding a fine view and a healthy location, with good country around it. Bassett, E. & Co., Post-0 Rice and General Merchandise. Bohmert, Frank, Furniture. Godt, Frederick, Stoves and Tinware. I^aupin, B. L., New Haven Flouring Mills. Meloy, Schleef & Co., General Merchandise. Nortmann, J. & Co., Proprietors New Haven Hotel. Warnken, J. G., General Merchandise. JETLAH, MO., Is only a flag station, one of those necessary 4 mile stations, being just 4 miles each way from Miller's Landing and Berger's, and is 71 miles from St. Louis, with perhaps a dozen native inhabitants. BBBGEB'S, MO., Is a station on Missouri Pacific Railroad between Washington and Jefferson City, 78 miles from St. Louis; containing one store, viz: Helradecker, Charles, General Merchandise. HEBMANN, 3IO., Is the county town of Gasconade Co.; is situated on the south bank of the Missouri River, 81 miles by rail west of St. Louis ; its inhabit- ants number 1300, and are exclusively of German descent; the citizens have the advantages of good schools and churches, printing office, bank, flouring mill, hotels, etc.; the surrounding country is hilly, and is noted for the amount and quality of fruit and wine which is pro- duced annually, and to which the majority of the land owners turn their attention. Frorti St. Louis to Galveston. Bergmann, August, Dry Goods and Hardware, Third. Cramer, Edward, Dry Goods, Market. Eitzen. C. O., General Merchandise, Wharf. Ennis, Mrs. L. M., Millinery and Notions, First. Ettmeller, G., M. D., Drugs and Medicines, First. Fausch, C., Shoemaker, First. Feltmann, J., M. D., Drugs and Medicines, Second. Fischer, C. J., Tinware, First. Fischer, John, Proprietor United States Hotel, First. Flusch, John, Dry Goods, Second. Forster, C, Shoemaker, First. Gasconade Wine Growers Association, Goodman corner First. Haseuritter, R. H., Furniture aud Upholstery, First. Hermann Savings Bank, Schiller near First. Kielmann, L. F., Post-master, First. Klinger, Geo. A., Merchant Flour Mills, Goodman and First. (See card.) Koeller, E-, Dry Goods and Groceries, Third, corner Schiller. Krockenberger, F.. Bakery, First. Lessel, L., Manager White House, at Depot. (See card by Index.) Lewis, W., Lawyer, First. Loeb, F., Shoemaker, First. Magehan, W. H., Station Agent and Telegraph Operator. Mertens, G. A., Clothing, Schiller and First. Mertens, W. F., Dry Goods and Groceries, First and Schiller. Mowing, Otto, Hardware and Cutlery, First. Mushand, S. W., Cigar-maker, Wharf. Nasse, A. Dr., Drugs and Medicines. Nasse, Eugene, Stoves and Tinware, Schiller. Pfautsch, John, Wines and Liquors, Third. Prudot, Adolph J., Groceries, First. Rauss, Rosaline, Millinery Goods, Schiller. Refsimen, Frank, Barber, Second. Roark, J., Lamar Hotel, Wharf. Schlender, H., General Merchandise, Schiller and Second. Schwertzel, C. W., Confectioner, Wharf. Stroehel, Jacob, Brewery, First. Wedepohl, W., Books and Stationery, Schiller and Third. Wimert, L. M., Watchmaker, First. Zorn, W. J., Billiard Saloon, Wharf. GASCONADE, MO. A station 7 miles west of Heimann, (the native wine depot of Missouri,) and 88 miles west of St. Louis, on the banks of the Gasconade River; has a rather enterprising population of about 150 souls all trying to make a living ; it has some good country around it. 3IOIIB1SOW, MO. A station and villnge of more importance than the last, being sur- rounded by a better country, with some good timber and good soil as 10 Logan's Bciilwcvy Directory . well as rocks and hills which are characteristic of this entire stretch of country on or near the Missouri river ; it is 93 miles from St. Louis, and has a population of about 300. * CHA3IOIS, 3IO., Is situated on the fertile bottom of the Missouri, near the base of hills, and is 100 rniles west of St. Louis, by rail ; it has the advantage of good schools, churches, flouring mill, sawmill, etc.; but most of all it has a live weekly newspaper ably edited ; the surrounding country is good, the Missouri valley produces bounteous crops of grain, and the hill lands yield fruit of all kinds and the best quality of tobacco, and of recent date is improving rapidly; population 475. Bowen & Towniey, Dry Goods and Groceries, Main. Caughell & Roark, Physicians and Druggists, Main. Comby & Co., Groceries and Provisions, Main. Connor, P. O., Billiard Saloon, Main and Pacific. Crump & Co., General Merchandise, Main. Ernsmeyer, H. Livery and Sale Stable, Main. Trautwein, E. &. F. P., Merchant Flour Mills, Cherry. (^See card.) Hall, S. G. &L Son, Proprietors Western House, Main. Knott, W. J., Plug Tobacco Manufacturer, Main. Kreamer, F., Slioemaker, Main. Leeman, C. S. & Co., Lumbermen, Market. Marqifand, Henry, Books and Stationery, Main. Mercer & Cochran, Dry Goods and Groceries, Main. Miller & Freckman, Wagon-makers, Main. iVIoran, J. H., Station Agent and Telegraph Operator, Main. Parker, J. S., Dentist, Main. Persson & Co., Merchant Tailors, Main. Ries, A., Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Main. Schmidt, J., Bakery, Main, (See card by Index.) Stempel Bros., Billiard Saloon, Market. Stratton, T. F., Publisher Osage County Leader, Main. Wagner & Towniey, Physicians and Druggists, Main. Wiser, G. A., Merchant Tailor, Main. Worting, H., Saddles and Harness, Main. ST. AUBEUT STATION, 3IO. Situated in the midst of a fine and productive section, not as thickly settled as it could be, but from natural location and the nature of the present inhabitants (250,) it has much to reasonably expect in the future; it is 5 m'iles from Chamois, and 105 west of St. Louis. 11 H[EIl^]VtA.]V]V ST^Ii, MILLS. GEO. A. KLINGER, MANUFACTURER OF Flour, Corn Meal, Bran, Shipstuff, &c., &c. •The highest Cash Price paid for WHEAT, RYE and CORN. HERMANN, MO. Pork Packer and Provision Dealer, VS^ASHINGTON, MO. Buys and sells Bacon and Lard, and will fill all orders for either of the above from any point in Missouri, Kansas or Texas, or St. Louis. aKRKARB TOD, Pork Packer and Grain Dealer, Front street, opposite repot, - - 77ASHINGT0N, MO,, Has constantly on hand a large supply of SMOKED and CURED MEATS. Also pays highest market prices for PORK and GRAIN. Solicits shipments from South-west Missouri, Southern Kansas, and Texas. (Established in 1859,) KEEP A LARGE NURSERY STOCK OF Apples, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Cherries, Grapes, Gooseberries, Currants, Strawberries, Potato Plants, Ornamental Trees, Hedge Plants, Smithton, Pettis Co.^ Mo. SEND FOR price: i^ist and c/\.tai.ogxte:. BONNOT'S, MO, A flag station 113 miles from St. Louis, possessing no particular attraction except the characteristics of its native inhabitants, of whom there are possibly 70 souls. OSAGE, MO, Is on the Little Osage River and Pacific R. R., 4 miles from last station, and 8 miles from Jefferson City (State Capital), 117 miles from St. Louis, and is one of those imperative 4 mile stations so neccessary on this R. R.; has a population of about 100. JEFFEBSOJS^ CITT, 3IO. This is one of the oldest inhabited towns in Missouri, and has many natural advantages in location, being on both R.R. and river, on gently rising bluffs with a fine lay of country around it of woodlands and prairie, the latter cultivated by enterprising agriculturalists who take a great pride in their business : it is the permanent seat of State Govern- ment, (State Capitol,) and has a few enterprising business men, with a population of about 5000. Andrae, H. P., Variety and Notion Store, High. Antwiler, J., Boot and Shoes, Madison near High. Babbit, James L., United States Commissioner, High near Madison. Bagg, T. H., Proprietor Bauer's Hotel, Water, corner Monroe. Bailey & North, Photographers, over First National Bank. Bailer, A., Cigar-maker. Broadway opp. Capitol. Barnes, H. & Bro., Restaurant, Madison. Belch, J. E., Lawyer, High near Monroe. Birch, N. C. & Bro., Real Estate Agents, High, near Jefferson. Bodine &. Lohmen, Man. Agr'l and Farm Mach., Water, near Jefferson. Bolton, J. H., Ferguson House, High. Bommel, F., Books and Stationery, High near Madison. Brassier, W., Bakery, Jefferson near Main. Busch & Beckers, Lumber, Main, corner Jefferson. Bushnell, E. P., Photographer, High. See card by Index. Burch, N. C, Editor Week/y State Journal, High near Madison. Carragan, H. F., Lawyer, High. Chevalier, W. S. & Co., Cigar-makers, Madison near Main. Church & Bro., Boots and Shoes, High, opp. City Hotel. Clic, J. J., Physician, High, near Madison. Clow, Roche & Stokes, Dry Goods and Merchant Tailoring, High. Conroth, Louis, Bakery, Madison, near High. Cox, S. W., Real Estate and Mineral Land Agent, Madison. Crevelt, G., Furniture, Washington, near High. Curry & Kirby, Bankers, Madison. De Wye & Nagel, Drugs and Medicines, High and Madison. From St. Louis to Galveston. 13 Daehla, J. & Son, Groceries, High, near Madison. Downs, T. B., Dentist, High, near Jefferson. Dulle, G. H. & Sons, Prop. Capitol Star Mills, Main. (See card by Index.) Dunscomb, Mrs. J. E., Millinery, High, near Madison. Eaton, Henry, Lumberman, Madison, near High. Edwards, C L. & Son, Lawyers, High, cor. Monroe. Ewing, H. C, Lawyer, High, near Madison. Felker, H., Billiard Saloon, High near Madison. Fischer, Fred, Blacksmith and Wagon-maker, Madison. Fischer & Rosen, Soda and Seltzer Water-makers, Madison. First National Bank, High. J. S. Fleming, Frest. W. C. Boom, Cashier. Fitzpatrick, J. F., Blacksmith and Wagon-maker, Broadway. Flick, Joseph, Boot and Shoemaker, High. Flintharn, J. W., Groceries, High. Frederick, John, Groceries, Dunklin, cor. Washington. Fremel, C, Saloon, Main. Gibson, W. C, Agent Weed Sewing Machine, High, over Telegraph Office. (See card by Index.) Gilmore & Marshall, Groceries and Produce, High. Goetz, F. W., Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, Main. Goldman, J., Clothing, High, near Madison. Grelock & Lenhardt, Grocery and Feedstore, High, cor. Monroe. Griesharamer, N., Barber at Madison Hotel. Grieshammer, N., Jewelry, High, near Madison. Grieshammer & Spaunhorst, Saloon and Ten-pin Roll, Madison. Grimshaw, J., Agent United States Express Company, High. Gundelfinger, J. C, Proprietor Wagner Hotel, High, near Madison. Guyote, ]., Watchmaker, High, near Monroe. Hamilton, H. B., Lawyer, Madison, near High. Hansgen, H. C, Boots and Shoes, High. Harchenroeder, C, Saloon, Madison. Heinricher, J., Barber, High. Heimrichs, Jacob, Furniture and Undertaker, Jefferson, near Main. Hess, C. E., Lawyer and Bankrupt Register, High. Henry, J. A., Live Stock, Hides and Wool, High, near Jefferson. Hirsch, Adam, Saloon. Hugel, J. A., Boarding House. Hutchenson, E. H., Restaurant, High, near Monroe. Hyde, W., Barber, High. Johnson & Botsford, Lawyers, High, corner Monroe. Juber & Bro., Marble Workers, High, near Jefferson. Kaiser, J. B. Proprietor City Hotel, High, corner Madison. Kiel, E. B., & Bro., Manufacturing Confectioners, High. King, E. L. & Bro., Lawyers, Madison. Kirk, Mrs. S. E., Millinery, High, near Monroe. Koecher, John, Merchant Tailor, Madison. Knaup, F., Saloon, under City Hotel. Krauthoff, L., Saloon, High. Krekel; Arnold, Judge U, S. District Court, High, near Madison. 14 Logan's Railway Directory. Krekel, A. P., Clerk U. S. District Court, High, near Madison. Landell, Morris, Blacksmith, Jefferson. Lay, A. M., Lawyer, High, near Monroe. Leopold, S., Merchant Tailor and Clothing, Madison. Lohnian, C. W., Dry Goods and Groceries, Jefferson, cor. Dunklin. Lohman & Son, Hardware and Iron, Water, near Jefferson. McCarty; B, F. dtSon; Prop. Madison Hotel, Main, cor. Madison. McCarty, Charles, Livery Stable, High, near Jefferson. McGill, B., Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Monroe, corner Main. Mailer, Mrs. A. M., Dry Goods and Groceries, Main, near Walnut. Mattfield & Snphan, Drugs and Medicines, High, near Madison. Matthews, T., Physician and Druggist, High. Matson, Ella, Post- mistress, Madison. Maushand, W., Saloon, High. Maws, C. B., Dry Goods, Groceries & Hardware, Water, cor. Jefferson. Mayer, W. F., Stoves and Tinware, High. Miller, G. W., Lawyer, Madison, near High. Miller, W. H., Real Estate Agent and Collector, High, near Monroe. Miller, Peter, Groceries, High. Morris, W. D., Dentist, Hig'h. National Exchange Bank, High, cor. Madison, H. C. Ewing, Fres., P. E. Chappell, Cash. Nichols, S., propr. Jefferson House, High, near Jefferson. Nitchy H., Real Estate Agent, High, near Madison. Nitchey & Schuelier, Printers and Publishers, High, near Monroe. Obermeyer, M. J.. Dry Goods and Clothing, High and Madison. Opel & Goller, Furniture and Coffins, High, near Monroe. Parsons, E. W., Drugs and Medirines, Madison, near High. Peasner, John, Bakerv and Confectionery, High. Peasner, F., Restaurant, High, near Jefferson. Pratt, W. D., Auctioneer, High, near Madison. Quick, E., Agent W. U. Telegraph Company, High. Rabohl, Henry, Furniture, Milller corner Jefferson. Rank, J. A., Saddles and Harness, High, near Madison. Reeves, Mrs. Rebecca, Millinery, Madison. Repho, F. H., Dry Goods and Groceries, Main. Rexoth , Fruit and Confectionery. Riddler, J. G., Drugs and Medicines, High, near Madison. Robinson, Mrs. G. F. Millinery, Madison. Roer, F.j Books and Stationery, Madison. Rose, William, Cigar-maker, Madison. Sachs & Wolferman, General Dry Goods and Clothing, High. Sander, A. H. & Co., Dry Goods and Groceries, High, near Monroe. Schaller & Flaute, Saloon, High. Schirmer, G., Jewelry, High, near Madison. Schirmer & (rreenhood. Saloon, High. Schmitt, Philip, Saloon, High, near Madison. Schott, J. G., Saloon, High. Schrandt, , Physician, High, near Jefferson. 15 DINKLE'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, To those desiring to obtain a thorough Business education in this Institution, we offer better and superior advantages. Business course embraces : Book-keeping, as applied to all branches of business, Wholesale and Retail Merchandising, Commission, Steamboating, Railroading, Banking, etc., etc.; also, Commercial Calculations, Com- mercial Law, Commercial Correspondence, Business Forms, and Penmanship. In the Mathemetical and English Department, the course of instruction is such as will thoroughly prepare the student for the " Business Course." In this department Penmanship is taught in its various forms, such as Plain and Ornamental Writing, Text Lettering in different styles. Card Writing, Drawing, Blackboard Writing, etc. It is obvious to all that persons wishing to obtain a Business Edu- cation, will find it to their interest to attend this Institution, as board and tuition are cheaper here than in the larger cities, while the course of instruction is as thorough as anywhere in the country. Send for a circular. Address, G. M. DINKLE, PrineipaL LEROY HOUSE, Ohio, bet Fifth & Sixth Sts., SEDALIA', MO. E. BATMl-ET, !E*i'oprietor. TSRIKES $1.50 PSR DAY. Mr. Barret, would say to the traveling public that he has recently taken charge of the above named house, and will guarantee those who favor him with a call, first rate accommodations at reasonable rates. W. H. MILLER, Notary Public, Ile?.l Estat3 Agent and General Claim Agent. HIGH ST., bet. Monroe and Adams. (over office of "The Fortschritt.") JEFFERSON CITY, MO. s. w. cox, Real Estate Agent, JEFFERSON CITY, MO. Buys and sells lands on commis- sion, pays taxes for non-residents, Miner and dealer in Iron and Lead Ores, Baryta and Kaolin. 16 Logan's Railway Directory , Schultz, H. E., Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, High. Schwartz & Schleer, Tinware, High, near Madison. Scorem & Wagner, Groceries and Liquors, Madison. Smith B. H., Boots and Shoes, Madison, near High. Smith, George, U. S. Deputy Marshall, High, near Madison, Stoats, C, Painter, Main, near Madison. Stone & Co., Billiard Saloon, High, corner Madison. Straub, W., Cigars, Tobacco, etc., Madison. Thomas & Craven, Groceries and Liquors, High, corner Madison. Thompson, C. A., Physician, Madison. Van Hall, A. Saloon, High, near Madison. Wagner, George, Brewery, Dunklin. Waldo, J., Book Bindery, High, near Jefferson. Watts John, Barber, High. Watson, J. C, Proprietor Virginia Hotel, High, near Jefferson. Wehrman, F., Saloon, High. Wells, J. T., Saddle and Harness-maker, High, near Madison. Wills & Donahoe, Glass and Queensware, High, near Madison, White & Janvier, Hardware and Agricultural Implements, High. White, Geo. T., Lawyer, High, near MadisOn. Winston, G. B, & B. W., Physicians, High, near Madison, Woodard, Mrs. J. L., Millinery, opposite Court House. Wray, E. S., U. S. Claim Agent, High, near Jefferson. Wright & Burtt, Billiard Saloon, High, corner Madison. Yarmer, Jacob, Dry Goods and Groceries, Jefferson, corner Dunklin, Young, R. E., Physician, High. SCOTT STATION, MO, An ordinary station possessing nothing more than the ordinary way stations; contains a population of about 75 ; is 7 miles from the State Capital, and 182 miles from St. Louis. ELSTON STATION, MO, Elston Station is on Missouri Pacific R. R., 10 miles west of Jeffer- son City and 135 miles from St. Louis, in the midst of cultivated farms, with lead and coal mines; has a population of about 150 souls. Barton, R. W., Brick-maker. Brooks, George, Wagon-maker. Chambers, E., General Store. CoUett, Jasper, Blacksmith, Dixon, L. & F. M., Coal Miners. Dyer, J. C, Shoemaker, Ecker, Peter, Boot and Shoemaker. Elston, A. M., Station Exp. Agt., Teleg. Ope'r and Justice of Peace. Elston, Elias, Flour and Saw Mills, Elston, E. & Co., General Store. Elston, George, Drugs and Medicines. From St. Louis to Galveston. 17 Elston, J, A., Physician. Garve, Granville, Builder. Hamilton & Reed, Coal Miners. Hawthorn, W. M., Broadway House. Lamlin, G. F., Saloon. Shule, Joseph, Shoemaker. Stehlin & Kauffman, Coal Miners. Tripp, M. J., Carpenter and Builder. CENTERTOWN, MO., Is an ordinary way station, with 75 inhabitants, including the "Pikes"; is 5 miles from last station, 15 miles from the State Capital, and 140 miles from St. Louis. CALIFOMJVIA, MO. A town 25 miles from the State Capital and 150 miles west of St. Louis, partially surrounded- by fine belts of timber and several well cultivated farms ; is well located, but has virtually lost all its former enterprise, and is now what is fairly termed, a dead town of 2000 inhabitants, including natives all counted. Anderson, C. P., Groceries, Drugs and Medicines, Oak. Anderson, J. H., Editor, Moniteau Co. Democrat. Apperson, L. B., Livery Stable, Main. Barnhill, Mrs. C, Millinery and Dressmaking, High. Beam & Pearson, Dry Goods, Groceries and Notions, Oak. Beard & Hoge, Lawyers, at Court House. Belo, J., Stoves, Tinware and Furniture, High. Bertram, Wm., Boot and Shoemaker, Oak. Burke, E., Attorney at Law, on Public Square. Bryen, R., Cigar Manufacturer, High. Byler, A. G., Attorney at Law, at Court House. Campbell, W. A., Shoemaker, Oak. Cavers, Geo., Grain Buyers and Shippers. Crane & Pearson, Merchant Millers. Davenport, Mrs. J. M., Dressmaking, Oak. Duwenick, Fred., Billiard Saloon, Oak. Ehrhardt, J. G., General Merchandise, Oak st. and Versailles av. Endcr, James, Watchmaker, Main. Finke, H. C, General Merchandise, High. Gentzsch, Frank, Barber, Main. Gordon, C. M., Attorney at Law, Main. Gray, J. P. H., Physician and Surgeon, on Public Square. Gropp, A., General Merchandise, High. Haas & Weike, General Merchandise, Main. Hamilton cS: Coe, Electric Physicians, Oak. Hengen, Wm., Shoemaker, High. 18 Logan's Railway Directory Huntington, R. E., Publisher, Moniteau Journal, Main. Keley & Bro., Stoves and Tinware, Higli. Klinger, Alex., Jewelry, High. Markworth & Co., Saddles and Harness, East. • Martin, J. J., Wagon manufacturer. East. Meekins. J. J., Dry Goods and Groceries, Oak. Mengel, Wm. H. & Co., General Merchandise, cor. North and High. Messerly, L. F., Groceries, High. Meyer, W. F., Merchant Tailor, High. Meyres, Frank, Shoemaker, East. Meusch, C, Saddles and Harness, North. Moore, S., Wagon manufacturer, Oak. Moore & Williams, Lawyers, at Court House. Moniteau National Bank, south-side Public Square. Moser, J. N. E., Billiard Saloon, High. Owens & Wood, Attorneys at Law, Public Square. Peters, S. J., Lumber and Furniture, Versailles av. Pountain & Bishop, Livery and Feed Stable, Oak. Rose & Cohn, General Merchandise, High. Ross, Geo., Lumber, Versailles av. Russell, J. J., Physician and Druggist, High. ' :5aarman, F. W., Saloon, High. Shorpe & Hickcox, General Merchandise, High, cor. Main. Swanson, G. W., Saloon, Oak. Todd & Wood, Druggists and Apothecaries, High, cor. North. ToUe, D. B., Proprietor Planters' House, Oak. Trissel, N., Railroad and Express Agent, at Depot. Weavar, Joseph, Blacksmith, Main. Wood, J. D. & Co., General Merchandise, East. Wood. Milton, Barber, Oak. MONITEAU, MO. An ordinary way station, 156 miles from St. Louis and 31 miles from the State Penitentiary (Capital); has a population of about 100 souls, counting all noses ; this town may come out in the future and become important. TIPTOW, MO, This is an old settled town, having been located long enough to be a city or the tip-of-a-town, neither of which will its present population bring about, but which may be done by generations unborn ; its natural location, 163 miles from St. Louis, is good, and the Missouri Pacific R. R. Co. has made an effort to help it by building a branch road to Booneville, on the Missouri river, of 25 miles, but all to no great benefit; it has a population of about 1000 souls. E. O. EVANS, M. D, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & OCULIST, SEDALIA, 3IISSOUBI. SPECIALITIES, DISEASES OP THE EYE AND EAR- Sedalia— Dr. T. J. Montgomery, Dr. J. B. Holman, Col. A. D. Jaynes, Hon. J. T. Heard. Boonville, Mo.— Capt. J. L. Stephens. Fort Scott, Kan.— Dr. Jas. Hogan, Jas. H. Brown. FRANKLIN HOUSTON. JOHN H. BOTHWELL. {Prosecuting Attorney.) HOUSTON & BOTHWELL, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, No. 57 Main Street, Second Floor, SEDALIA, Pettis County, Mo. Will practice in all the Courts of Record in this and adjoining Circuits, in the Supreme Court, and in the U. S. District and Circuit Courts for the Western District of Missouri. Will attend promptly to all collections and business entrusted to them ; examine titles and give opinions ; and furnish information in professional matters. Satisfactory references given whenever desired. U. F. SHORT. W. H. H. HILL. SHORT ^ HILLi^ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 52 3Iain Street, (upstairs,) SEDALIA, - - - Pettis Co., Mo. GEO P. B. JACKSON, Altt)®Ml¥ Mi 1^4W f OFFICE: ILGENFRITZ' BLOCK, cor. Third k Ohio Sts., SKDALIA^ MO. WILL PRACTICE IN PETTIS AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. Bane & Lyon, Livery Stable, Osage. Brinison, J., Saloon, Moniteau. Christopher, W. H., Livery Stable, Moniteau. Clark, M., Groceries, Moniteau. Cochel Bros. , Hardware and Agricultural Implements, Moniteau. Crossman, C, Butcher, Moniteau. Dueber, E., Stoves and Tinware, Moniteau. Dueber, Gustav, Stoves and Tinware, Moniteau. Duerig, S., Barber, Moniteau. Easley, J. W. , Bakery and Confectionery, Moniteau. Estill, B. D., Boots and Shoes, Moniteau. Fitschen, A. P., Saloon, Moniteau. Gigas, J., Merchant Tailor, Moniteau. Hoehn', G. L., Prop. St. Louis House, Moniteau. Holtschneider, B. W., General Merchandise, Moniteau. Maclay & Co., General Merchandise, Moniteau. Magill, A. G., Druggist, Moniteau. Reavis, B. F., General Merchandise, Moniteau. Redman, Wm., General Merchandise and Drugs, Moniteau. Riley & Baker, Furniture, Moniteau. Rose & Cohn, General Merchandise, Moniteau. Schmidt, J. & Co., Dry Goods and Groceries, Moniteau. Schreiak, P., Shoemaker, Moniteau. Shaaf, A., Shoemaker, Moniteau. Slorgrass <& Hirst, General Merchants, Moniteau. Stinson, W. H., Boots and Shoes, Moniteau. Tipton Bank, Moniteau. Walker, R. C. , Dry Goods, Moreau. Walter & Kelley, Groceries, Moniteau. Weiner, J., Druggist, Moniteau. OTTJEBTIZLJE, 3IO. This town originally derived its name from the fine quality of otter furs secured and shipped from this locality. It is not an old town, but possessed of good natural advantages, and the large majority of its business men are live, industrious, and enterprising, who are far out- reaching their neighbors of Tipton and California. It has a popula- tion of 600. Aarni, F. R., Wagon manufacturer, Grover. Amick, J. F., Lumber merchant, Main. Atchison, Andy, Furniture, Grover. Boatright, C. F., General Merchandise, Grover and Vine. Bollinger, J., Physician, Morgan. Butler, D. S.. Saddles and Harness, Grover. Homan & Wear, General Merchandise, Public Square. Knaus, W., Wagon manufacturer, Grover. Mathews, C. G., Prop. Mansion House & Livery Stable, cor. Main and Vine. (See card by Index.) FroTiv St. Louis to Galveston. 21 Middleton, J. H,, Physician, Vine. Moore, H., Merchant, Main. Potter & Wharton, Druggists, Vine. Reed & Ellis, General Merchandise, Grover and Vine. Runnelds, Wm., Saloon, Main. Saunders, S. H., Physician, Public Square. Scully, E., General Merchandise, Public Square. Small, T. J., City Clerk, Boonville. Smith, John, Butcher, Grover. Strain, J. D., General Merchandise, Main. Watts, D. B., Photographer, Main. Zollinger & Ellis, General Merchandise, Vine and Grover. S3IITHTON, MO. A station and village of 450 inhabitants ; a thoroughly enterprising people, who are making a good reputation for their town and them- selves. The location is a good one, with a fine farming country around it. It is 181 miles from St. Louis. Cook, James, Postmaster. Hane, N. H., General Merchandise, Washington, Heismeyer, A. H., Dry Goods and Notions, Washington. Jackson, W. F., Nurseryman. (See Card.) Martin, S. D., Physician and Surgeon. Mellen, J. H., Attorney-at-law, Washington. Moore, J. I., Attorney-at-law. Overstreet, J. M., Physician. Overstreet, W. C. & Co., Druggists, Washington and Walnut. Page, W. H., General Merchandise, Washington. Price & Baker, Flour Mills, Washington. Ringen, G., Blacksmith, Washington. Russel & Son, General Merchants, Washington. Smith, W. A,, Groceries, Washington. 8EJ>ALIA, 3IO, This thriving and energetic town is one of the oldest in Central Missouri, 189 miles west of St. Louis, and 93 miles from Kansas City; being originally settled by active and thoroughly enterprising people, from its origin it became a thriving village, soon a town, and now takes on the appearance of a Western City. Its location being on a high, rolling prairie, rich in soil, well cultivated, with water near the surface of a good quality, all naturally unite to stimulate the perma- nent building up of an economical town and city. The building and completion of the Missouri Pacific Railroad gave it its first perma- nent importance, but the building of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway (this being its present eastern terminus,) is doing more to Logan's Railway Directory. increase the importance of the town as a commercial distributing point and manufacturing center than any other. This place now has direct communication by rail south, southwest, west, northwest and northeast, by six distinct railroads extending in as many directions, thereby affording direct, quick and cheap transportation to the mer- chants and manufacturers, of which there are a goodly number of liberal, enterprising persons, firms and companies, who have the enter- prise to compete with St. Louis in some things, and with Kansas City in all goods to their local consumption, as well as to the trade of surrounding towns over an immense scope of thickly settled and pros- perous sections of country, not second to any part of the West. The names and nature of business of each of these persons are given below, and more fully in our advertising pages, to which we refer the reader for facts and fuller representation. Sedalia has an aggregate population of 7,000. Abbott & Co., Stoves and Tinware, 5 Ohio. Baker, J. A., Agricultural Implements, 103 Main. Bard & Miller, Druggists and Apothecaries, 58 Main. Barret, E., Propr. Leroy House, Otis, bet. 5th and 6th. See card. Barley, J. H. & Co., Manufacturer of Agricultural Implements, Main. Beck, Wm., General Merchandise, 43 Main. Beck, J. G., Propr. German House, 74 Main. Bichsel, Geo., Jewelry, 33 Ohio. Bixby, E. & Co., Hardware and Stoves, 34 Main. Blair Bros., Clothiers, etc., 27 Main. Blocher, D., Agricultural Implements, 80 Main. Bonner, S. P., Physician, 67 Main. Brown, C. W. & Co., Books and Stationery, Ohio. Brown, Geo. T. & Co., Proprietors Joes House, opposite Depot. Brendt & Bro., Grocers, 73 Main. Brobbins, F. L., Livery and Sale Stable, Main. Burke, James, Saloon, 31 Main. Burkhart, J., Boot and Shoemaker, 13 Main. Buruss, J., Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 3 Ohio. Callis, J., Groceries, Main. Campbell, Wm., Undertaker, Ohio. Cecill, W. W., Groceries, 95 Main. Central Mo. Banking & Saving Association, 46, cor. Main and Osage. Citizens' National Bank, cor. Main and Ohio. Clute Bros., Dry Goods and Notions, 30 Main. Corbett, E., Boot and Shoemaker, Ohio. Clair, Jno. J., Books and Stationery, Ohio. Clay, C. C, Propr. Marble Works, Main. Crandell & Sinnet, Attorneys-at-law, 60 Main. Cummings & Koyl, Agents Domestic Sewing Machine, ^^ Ohio. ^3 Walker Evans. H. B. Fletcher. Byrd Evans. Evans, Fletcher & Co., IMPORTERS AND WIIOLESAI-E DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GUNS PISTOLS AND AMMUNITION Iron, Steel, and Wagon Wood-Work. BLACKIITHS UNO CARRII18E MMERS SUPPLIES, B*^msaiM@ T'OOXa Champion Reapers and Mowers. Agents for Laflin & Rand Powder Conr)anj , No. 42 MAIN STREET, SEDALIA, - - - - MISSOURI. Dakin &. Dixon, Druggists and Apothecaries, Ohio. Davis, H. R., City Marble Works, 98 Main. Depp, H. E,, Surgeon Dentist, 75 Main. Dexter, C. A., Stationery and Books, Main. Dinkle, G. M., Commercial College, Main. See card by Index. Donelson, J. M. & Co., Foundry and Machine Shop, Main. See card by Index. Ellis, J. J., Groceries and Produce, Ohio. Evans, Fletcher &. Co., Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Iron, Steel, Wagon Stock, Nails, Tools, Guns, and Farming Implements, Main. See card opposite first part of Sedalia Names. Evans, E. C, M. D., Surgeon and Oculist, Main and Ohio. See card, Evans, J., Saloon, 76 Main. Faulhaber, Mrs. G. L., Artist, 6 Ohio. Fear, D. D., Merchant Tailor, 96 Main. First National Bank, Ohio. Fisher, A., Saloon, Ohio. Frisch, H., Saloon, 79 Main. Gallie, Rod., Groceries and Produce, 29 Main. Garrett, R. P., Attorney at Law, corner Main and Ohio. Ginter, John, Confectionery and Restaurant, Ohio. Goodwin, J. W., Publisher "Bazoo," Ohio. Gray & Harrison, Builders and Contractors, Main. Griffin, J. H., Proprietor Leet House, Main. Groesbeck & Philips, Dry Goods and Notions, 55 Main. Gross & Huffman, Groceries, Ohio. Guild & Codding, Groceries and Provisions, Ohio. Hackett, Thomas, Merchant Tailor, Main. Hancock, J. R,, Proprietor Sedalia Woolen Mills, North Main. Hail &■ Bailer, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 28 Main. Hassinger, Mrs. M. G., Milliner and Dress-maker, 75 Main. Harrison, W. F., Carpenter and Builder, Main. Heard & Bros., Attorneys at Law, Ohio. Henoch & Jacobs, Clothing, 49 Main. Hillis Bros., Furniture, Chairs, etc., 33 Main. Hoberecht, Theo. &. Bro., Merchant Flouring Mill, near Pac. Depot. Hogue & Bixby, Druggists and Chemists, 40 Main. Houston & Bothwell, Attorneys at Law, 57 Main, Smith's Hall Building. See card by Index. Houx & Siebe, Hardware and Stoves, 56 Main. Hughes & Robinson, Groceries and Restaurant, Ohio. Hull, A. Y., Editor Sedalia " Democrat," Main. Ingram, B. H., Insurance Agent, corner Main and Ohio. Jackson, Geo. P. B., Attorney at Law, 10 Ohio. See card by Index. Jeffrcss, J., Confectionery, 82 Main. Jones, J. B., Physician, 52 Main. Kahn & David, Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 67 Main. Kaiser, John, Restaurant, 12 Ohio. Keiley, J., Groceries and Saloon, 78 and 84 Main. Kinsey, F, M., Stoves and Tinware, 47 Main. Klinge, K., Butcher, Ohio. Krieckhaus, & Bro., Grocers, corner Ohio and Second. Kuhn, J., Dry Goods and Notions, corner Main and Kentucky. Kuhn, Peter, Cigars and Tobacco, Ohio. Kullmer, Boots and Shoes, Ohio. Lamy, E., Clothing, 48 Main. Landes & Co., Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, 53 Main. Landmann, F., Cigar-maker, 61 Main. Leach, C. A., Editor Sedalia Times. Leake, J. P. & Co., General Merchandise, Ohio. Leece, T., Barber shop, 43 Main, Lesher, C. D., Restaurant, 33 Main. Lesher, C. D., Groceries and Produce, 2 Ohio. Lesher, H. C, Artist, 75 Main. Levey, D. & Bro., Clothing, 62 Main. Little, P. S., Furniture, 50 Main. Littlefield, Ira W,, Agent Howe Sewing Machine, 7 Ohio. Lotour, , Photographer, 52 Main. Lucking, H. H., Cigar-maker, 43 Main. McNees, P. F., Saddle and Harness- maker, Ohio. McClure & Wilhelm, Drugs and Medicines, Ohio. McKey, Phipps, Hat and Shoe store, corner Main and Ohio. Magann, I. G., Editor and Publisher Sedalia Opinion, Ohio. Major, T. T., Groceries, 77 Main. Marean, D. H., Dry Goods and Furnishing Goods, 26 Main. Mertz & Hall, Druggists and Physicians, Ohio. Mayer, C. A. Mrs., Millinery and Notions, Ohio. Morrison, S. D., «&: S. M., Dry Goods and Notions, 32 Main. Murray, J. M., Meat Market, Main. Newton & Son, Butchers, Ohio. Parks, James, Groceries and Provisions, 21 Main. Parmerlee Bros., Tanners, and Dealers in Leather, 108 Main. Peters, Geo. M., Shoemaker, 102 Main. Pitt & Engels, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 19 Main. Porter Bros., Boots and Shoes, corner Main and Ohio. Radcliff Bros., Dry Goods and Millinery, Ohio. Ringen & Yost., Groceries and Produce, Ohio. Russel, W. H., 14 Ohio. Rickman & Goodrich, Butchers, Main. Sampson & Bro., Attorneys at Law, Ohio. Scott, A. C, Attorney at Law, Ohio. Sedalia Foundry and Machine Co., Third, near M. K.&T. R.R. shops. Seligman, A., (rents' Furnishing Goods, 4 Ohio. Short & Hill, Attorneys at Law, 52 Main. See card by Index. Slianafclt, John, Grocedes and Provisions, 10 Ohio. Sicher Bros., Restaurant and Bakery, Ohio. Simmons & Co., Groceries, corner Ohio and Sixth. Sloan, J. G., Attorney at Law, 60 Main. Logan's Railway Directory . Smith, A. W., Dental Surgeon, Oliio. Smith, C. E., Clothing, 57 Main. Smith, D. H., General Hardware, 59 Main. Snell & Koehler, Central Block, Ohio. Snoddy & Bridges, Attorneys at Law, Ohio. Stafford & Meyer, Real Estate and Collecting Agents, Ohio. Suess, Henry, Saddlery and Harness, 44 Main. Garnham & Oilman, Livery Stable, corner Main and Mountain. Taylor, C. G., Jewelry Store, 6 Ohio. Townsley, H. P., Attorney at Law, 67 Main. Tucker, W. J., Wall Paper and Window Shades, Ohio. Werner, Philip, Groceries, Oak. White, J. G., Lumber and Plasterers Materials, Ohio. Wolf, I. & Bro., Dry Goods and Clothing, 60 Main. Yeater, J. K. & Co., Wholesale and Retail Groceries, 52 Main. GREEN RIDGE, 3IO, A small station in Pettis county, 1 2 miles from Sedalia, 98 miles from Fort Scott, and 201 miles from St. Louis. Population about 140. Land, good prairie, and cheap. Goodridge, G. W., Proprietor Goodridge House. House, G. W., Physician. Hull, C. O., Sadtlle and Harness-maker. Jaivis, John P., Shoemaker. Jennings & Bro.; General Merchandise. Ream, James S., Druggist and Apothecary. Stevens, J. C., Blacksmith and Wagon-maker. Story, Thomas & Denny, General Merchandise. Thomas, John R., Post-master. Tracy, S. T., Telegraph op'r, Exp. and Station Ag't M. K. & T. R.R. WINDSOR, MO, Windsor is an old town, and had almost all of its present population before the Railroad came through. It contains about 700 inhabitants, — has five churches, one steam flour mill, and a good number of business houses. Land is good, both prairie and upland, and is worth for improved from ^20 to $50 — unimproved, $10 to ^20. Stage line leaves every morning, except Sunday, for Bolivar, War- saw and Springfield. Distance from Sedalia, 21 miles; Fort Scott, 89 miles, and from St. Louis, 210 miles. The following are the active business men : Alexander, R. J., Saddle and Harness maker, Allen, Stewart, Proprietor Stewart's Hotel. Andrews & Bro., General Merchandise. Jas. G. Ogden, Jno. R. Miller, Jas. G. Tesch, President. Secretary. Superintendent. Foundry and Machine Co., THIRB STREET, near M. K. tC T. B'y, SEDALIA, - - - - MISSOURI. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF PflRTiBL[ ^^ai ^™^^^^ #1 CIRCULAR SAW, SUGAR MILL, AND GRIST MILL MACHINERY. Machinery for Stone and Marble Sawing', IRON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS, Iron Fence and Railings OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. BELLS, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, SydraiUic and Improved Tobacco Presses, DOORS, SHUTTERS, HOISTING MACHINES, CANE CRUSHERS, TWO SISES, SUPERIOR IN EVERY RESPECT, Cheap, Simple and Durable. Extras always on had. We have facilities for doing all kinds of work in Iron, Brass and other Metals, and defy competition in any branch of our business. All kinds of Agricultural Machinery repaired to order. Cash Paid FOR Scrap Iron. Letters of Incjuiry promptly answered. ^8 Logan's Railway Directory, Bass & Kelly, General Merchandise. Bennett & Bro-, Livery Stable. Bowman, F. M., Stoves and Furniture. Brame, J. B., Dentist. Burke, E., Proprietor Burke House. Carpenter, N. E., Harness-maker. Chapman & Ham, Blacksmiths and Wagon-makers. Churchill & Case, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Elliott, Charles H., Carpenter and Builder. Emett, L. S., Postmaster. Fonk & Truel, Livery Stable. Fults & Clark, Attorneys at Law. Goforth, Wm., Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. Gray, J. W., Physician. Greene, A. A., Tel. Operator & Station Agent M., K. & T. R. R. Harris, Charles, Shoemaker. Harter & Weaver, Proprietors Windsor Steam Flour Mills. Hunt, P. H., Silversmith. Karr, M. J., Watchmaker and Jeweler. Kelly, T. G., Physician. Livingston, W. J., General Merchandise. McCleverty, H. B., General Merchandise. Miles, G. W., Eating-house. Moreland & Elliott, Grocers and Produce. Morse, C. C, Lumber Yard. Neale, G. L., Photographer. Oechsli & Allen, Blacksmiths and Wagon-makers. Parks, Mrs. A., Milliner and Dress-maker. Sayler, J., Boots and Shoes. Schwab, Samuel, Boots and Shoes. Shadborn, T. G., Physician. Smith, -B. F., Druggist. Spencer, Edward, Wagon-maker. Tryon & Bro., General Merchandise. Withers, James, Blacksmith. Winn, J. Y., Physician. Winn & Glover, Druggists and Apoths., and Agts. Adams Express Co. Woodard, J. F., Saloon. Yankee & Shook, Groceries and Produce. CALHOVN, MO. This place is like Windsor, one of the old settlements. It pos- sesses many natural advantages, among which may be enumerated plenty of wood, coal, water and good soil. Iron ore has been found in the vicinity in considerable quantities, but as yet not having been mined, nothing definite is known of its extent or richness. Coal is delivered in the town at 9 cents per bushel, and it is of an excellent From St. Louis to Galveston. 29 quality ; wood — hickory and oak — at $2.00 per cord. There is plenty of the best hard wood in the vicinity, and a company has been formed and are now at work , manufacturing it into spokes, hubs and poles for wagons and carriages. They have quite an extensive steam factory, and will do much to help the town. They have also an excellent hotel here, and the usual number of business houses for a prosperous town ; it is 29 miles from Sedalia, 72 miles from Fort Scott, and 217 from St. Louis. • Bronaugh & Bro,, Physicians, Calhoun Manufacturing Company, M. B. Merritt, Pres., George Lattin, Supi. See card by Index. Edmondson, W. E. & Son, General Merchandise. Finks, J. E., Druggist. Gutridge & Pigg, General Merchandise. Gutridge, W. H., Druggist. Hable, Mrs. R., Millinery and Fancy Goods. Hahn «Sr Bro., Hardware and Groceries. Harper, S. P., General Merchandise, McComas, Samuel, Presiding Trustee of Calhoun, and Proprietor of McComas House. Michael, Moses, Postmaster. Munn, David, Stoves and Tinware. Omviler, Joseph, Groceries and Produce. Omviler, J. W., Agent Adams Express Co. Pigg, D. H., Lumber Yard. Rice, C. A., Telegraph Operator and Station Agent, M. K. & T. R. Sternberg, S., General Merchandise. Squires & Edmondson, General Merchandise; Trevey, R., Physician. Trinnier, J. T., Boot-maker. LEWIS, 3IO. A flag station in Henry county. There is no business done here. Distance from Sedalia, 32 miles; from St. Louis, 221 miles. It is well located and promises well for the future. CLIJSITON, MO, The population, 2,500. This town was first laid out in 1836 as county-seat of Rives county. Henry county was laid out in 1838. The population, down to the war, was about 500. From 1865 to 1873 it grew to its present dimensions. 7,000 of the population are natives of the State. About 5,000 came from Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Present population, 20,000. The farming interest of the county is largely on the increase. The county is an Excellent corn and wheat Logan's Railway Directory county, and all other small grain. Excellent coal in vast quantities abounds all over the county, and is being mined quite successfully. Lead ore was recently discovered in the southeast part of the county. The Germans form a considerable part of the population. The county has excellent schools and churches, and Sabbath schools have a good footing. Wild land ranges from $2 to ^25 per acre, and improved lands from ^5 to $50. Allen, Robert, Proprietor Allen House. See card by Index. Allison, W. H., Saloon. Allison & Piper, Dry Goods and Clothing. Austin, James A., Loan Agent. Barcafer, F. W., Bakery. Baumgartner & Co., Wagon-makers. Bender, O. H., Proprietor St. Stephens Hotel. Birgo, J. W., Physician. Blackford, A. J. & Co., Millinery Goods. Bledsoe & Co., Blacksmiths. Brinkerhoff, J. C, & Co., Butchers. Brinkerhoff & Smith, Real Estate Agents. See card by Index. Budd, A., Attorney at Law. Burgess, J., Butcher. Carey, A. S., Photographer. Carpenter, W. H., Lumber Dealer. Coglan, William, Merchant Tailor. Collins, T. W., Insurance Agent. Dorphley, D. H., Dentist. Dorman, J. G., Dry Goods and Notions. Davis, H. Kirby, Station Agent M. K. & T. R. R. Davis, Wm., Proprietor Weekly Democrat. DeWolf, E., Saloon. Dimmitt, Austin, Saddle and Harness maker. Dimmitt, J. P., Physician. Durst, G. P., Groceries and Provisions. Eddins «& Messick, Millinery Goods. Ellis, G. S., Justice of the Peace, Collecting and Insurance Agent. Ferguson, A. P., Boots and Shoes. Fike, John W., Post-master. First National Bank, J. M. Avery, Cashier. Flagg, J. E., Attorney-at-law. Foote, Bros., Stoves and Hardware. Frowein, A. P. & Bro., General Dry Goods. Fulkerson, A. M. & Co., Druggists & Apothecaries and Express Ag'ts. Fyke, Ausby, Real Estate Agent. Gaith, S. D. & Bro., Lumber Dealers. Gatewood, W. W., Attorney-at-law. Gerhardt, G., Saddles and Harness. Gobar, F. S., Groceries .and Produce. 31 Capitol Star Mills. C. H. DULLE & SONS, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Flour and Meal, Ship- stuff, Shorts, Bran, etc. Corner Main and Walnut sts., Jefferson City, Mo. Highest market price paid for Grain. MANSION HOUSE, OTTERVILLE, MO. C. G. MATHEWS, Proprietor. The traveling Public will find the above house to be first class in all its appointments, and con- venient to depot, JS^ Terms reasonable. ■*^a Will J. Knott, T. T. Stratton, Editor. Publisher. OSAGE COUNT! LWDER, CHAMOIS, MO. 32-column paper, largest circu- lation of any paper in the Fifth Congressional District. Splendid advertising medium. Rates low. Subscription price $1.50 per an- Daily Stage Line FROM Appleton City . Connecting with Trains both ways. GEO. W. EVANS, Proprietor. SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IN USE ! W. C. Gibson, Agent, Office: High St., over Telegraph Office, JEFFERSON CITY, MO. E. P. BUSHHELL Photographic Artist. Photographs of the 26th and 2 7th General Assembly of Missouri , also of Capitol and Grounds, Gov- ernor's Mansion, Armory, etc., for sale in all sizes. Agents wanted at 50 per cent, at which $10 per day can be made by agents. Address, box 100, Jefferson City, Mo. CHAMOIS MILL E.&F.P.TRAUTWEIN, MANUFACTURBRS AND DEALERS IN MEAL, HOMINY & FEED, CHAMOIS, - - MO. J. SCHMIDT, BARBER SHOP, Shaving, Hair Dressing, Shampooing, etc., DONE IN THE BEST STYLE. CHAMOIS, MO. Goldsmith, C, Clothing. Greer, A. G., Furniture and Cabinet-maker. Green, H.. Dentist. Griffith & Coughren, Groceries and Produce. Griffin, William, Groceries and Produce. Haysler Bros., Saddlery and Harness. Haysler, G. C. & Co., Stoves and Tinware. Heckler. H., Saloon. Heckler, William, Saloon. Heitland, Lewis, Shoemaker. Herkert Bros., Boots and Shoes, Hitch & Co., Butchers. Hitchcock & Newbury, Agricultural Implements. Hornung, H. J., Barber. Jackson, G. R., Gunsmith. Jackson, W. W., Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. Jennings & Britts, Physicians. Johnson «& Leake, General Dry Goods. Jones, J. O., Telegraph Operator. Jones &. Palmer, Pubs, and Props. Clintoji Weekly Advocate. Keil, J. W., Jeweler. Kimbrough, J. S., Stoves and Hardware. Klee, Daniel, Boot and Shoemaker. Ladue, Vance & Fike, Attorneys-at-law. Land, B. F., Physician. Link, H., Propr. St. Charles Hotel. Look, W. D., Groceries and Produce. McBeth & Price, Attorneys-at-law. McKee, Jas. T., Newsdealer and Stationer. Middlecoff, J. G., Proprietor Clinton Flour Mills, Groceries and Produce. Milton, G. W., Dentist. Nuskimon, W. W. Dry Goods and Notions, Neiberger Bros., Groceries and Produce. Newbury «&: Co., Billiard Saloon. Oechsli & Kilmer, Blacksmiths and Wagon-makers. Owen, W. H , Livery and Sale Stable. Parks & Gantt, Attorneys-at-law. Pearman & Lake, Blacksmiths and Wagon-makers. PIckerill & Blackford, Attorneys at-law. Pollard, Henry, Prop. Pollard House; and Livery Stable. Pollock & Cohn, Clothing. Power, W. J., Restaurant. Ragland Bros., Groceries and Queensware. ReymuUer, F. P. & Co., Boots and Shoes. Roberts, E. E., Livery and Sale Stable. Roberts »Sc Corey, Bakery. Roberts, John & Son, Boots and Shoes. Robinson, Charles S., Justice of the Peace. From St' Louis to Galveston. 33 Savage, F. E. & Bro., Attorneys-at-law. Salmon & Salmon, Bankers and Brokers. Schmidt, George, Saloon. Schroeder, Will H., Groceries and Produce. Schultz, S. B,, Groceries and Produce. Shobe John, Groceries and Produce. Snyder, E. W., Real Estate Agent. Stalker, J., Painter. Stewart & Kincannon, Physicians. Stoker, J. W., Groceries and Produce. Stone, W. S., Druggist and Apothecary. Sutton, J. VV., Saloon. Thornton & Boone, Attorneys-at-law. Thurne, John G., Saloon. Turner, H. O., Saloon. U. S. Mail, Stage Line, Office in St. Stephen Hotel. Weidemeyer, J. M., Groceries and Produce. Wilder, A. R. & Co., Hardware and Cutlery. Williams, C. C, Druggist and Physician. Williams, S. R., Groceries and Produce. Wilson, C. B., Attorney-at-law. Zunmerschied, J. F., Barber. Zener, Robert, Druggist and Apothecary. LADUJE, MO, A flag station 7 miles west of Clinton, 46^ miles from Sedalia, and 2351^ miles from St. Louis. There is an excellent coalmine here, but no business houses. MONTBOSE, MO. This thriving place, though but a new town, laid out and built since the M. K. & T. R. R. was built, is now probably doing more business than any place of its size on the road. The country around it is very rich and is well settled, while new settlers are coming in every day. The land is rolling prairie. It contains four churches, steam mill, a good hotel and a large number of business houses. A good public school building will soon be put up. Population about 900. Distance from Sedalia, 52^^ miles; Fort Scott, 57^ miles,; St. Louis, 241^ miles. Alspach, J. B., Furniture, Chairs, &c. Baum, Bros., General Merchandise. See card by Index. Campbell, A. J. & Bros., Shoemakers. Carter & Childs, General Merchandise. Chilton, Edward, Physician. Coleman, , Photographic Artist. Cox, J. D. , Stoves, Hardware and Implements. Culbertson, John, Builder and Carpenter. Davis, E. Z., Justice of the Peace. Drummond, W. W. &. Co., Proprietors Montrose Steam Flour Mills. Dunn, Geo. W., Att'y-at-law and Ins. Agt. Seecard by Index. Edwards, H. J., Saloon. Epstein, I. & Bro., General Merchandise. Heckler, Henry, Saloon. Hewitt, S., Physician. Key, J. T., Restaurant. Kerr, Wm. M., Lumber Dealer and Iron Merchant. Leonard, I. C, Blacksmith and Wagon-maker. March & Carey, Groceries and Produce. Marsh, J. J. & Co., Proprietors Star Hotel. Martin, C. R., Groceries and Produce. Shaffer, A., Tel. Operator, Exp. and Station Agent M. K. & T. R. R. Taylor, E., Livery Stable. Thornton, John G., Druggist and Apothecary. Weirich, W. H., Physician, Whitehead Bros., Hardware and Agricultural Implements. APPLBTON CITY, 3IO, A station 6 miles southwest of Montrose, with a population of 450, well surrounded with prairie and small timber, with a fine out-look for a good business town, and shipping point for the immense quantities of grain soon lo be raised here. Adams, E. A., Proprietor Adam's Hotel, Fourth. Cobb, H. A. & Son, Drugs and Medicines. Davis, J. J., Proprietor Appleton House, Third and Walnut. Egnew & Bro., Livery and Feed Stable, Fourth. Emmons, R. S., Editor St Clair Gazette, Fourth. Evans, G. W-, Prop. Appleton & Butler Stage. See card by Index. Forbes, T. & Son, Manufacturers of Harness, Fourth. Hedrick, J. D., Groceries and Provisions, Fourth. Hodkins & King, Dry Goods and Notions. Klein, S. Bros., Dry Goods and Clothing, Fourth. Luchinger & Staife, Hardware and Agricultural Implements, Fourth. Mason, E., Druggist, Fourth. Myers, J. D. & Son, General Merchandise, Fourth. Pickerell, J. R., Postmaster, Fourth. Rouch, W. P., Proprietor Home Hotel, Third. Schempp, J., Saloon. Shelton, W. E., Physician and Surgeon, Fourth. Sloss & Livingston, Dry Goods, Fourth. Thompson, B. E., Druggist, Fourth. Thurman, Notions, Fourth. Wells, T. H., Attorney at Law, Fourth. Wesson, A. R., Groceries and Provisions, Fourth and Walnut. Wetlupby, W. V. B., Agent xM. K. & T. R. R., at Depot. 35 Biiitirl Irtm Wtrta iT. m. Donelsoxi i£ Co.^ MANUFACTURERS OF Mffiia PBMP; MILL MACHINERY, IRON STORE FRONTS AND ALL KINDS OF IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. ALL WORK DONE AT ST. LOUIS PRICES, AND ENTIRE SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEED. Vernon County, Mo. lEIlIi a S»EOT®, Proirl©t«re. Located on the M. K. & T. R. R., Have con- stantly on hand the best grades of Family Flour, Corn Meal, etc. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR WHEAT. Conner's Eating House^ SCHELL CIT^% IVTO. J. P. CONNERS, Proprietor. Close to Depot, Heals famished for all Trains, at Fiftij cents, I^assenr/ers ivill get their money's worth hy imtronizing this House, DOJSf'T MISS IT. 36 Logan's Railway Directory. BOCKVILLE, MO. A station and village 1 1 miles southwest of the last, similarly sur- rounded and situated, with more or less coal underlying the immediate surface, which must soon become available for domestic and manufac- turing fuel. It has a population of 150. Buskirk, M. D., Druggist, Main. Fields, H. B. Physician, Main. Fricquet & Bro., Merchants, Main. Haines, R. H., Agent M. K. & T. R. R. and Telegraph Operator. Johannes, N., Merchant, Main. Kennedy, Postmaster, Main. Klien, S., Merchant, Main. Mackey, J. B., Druggist, Main. Scantlin, T., Saloon, Main. Vickers, J. L., Lawyer, Main. SHELL CITY, MO. A station and village of 200 inhabitants, surrounded by a fine country, being 72 miles southwest of Sedalia, Mo., and 40 miles from Ft. Scott, Kan., and 261 miles from St. Louis. It has some good busi- ness men, as follows : Affolten, W. H., Agent M. K. & T. R. R. Brines & Strong, Proprietors Merchant Mill. See car dby Index. Childs, T., Attorney and Real Estate Agent. Conner, J. P., Proprietor Hotel, near Depot. See card by Index. Harvey, A., Merchant, Main. Loney, J., Saloon, Loney's Alley. Maus, J. H. & Bro., General Merchandise, Main. Peirce, G. A., Commission Merchant and Grocer, Main. Purinton, J. A.. Postmaster, Main. Sherburn, W., Prop'r Shell City Hotel and Railroad Eating House, near Depot. See card by Index. Van Orman, C., Physician, Druggist, Main. WALKER'S STATION, MO. A shipping station in Vernon county, 10 miles from the last, and 271 miles from St. Louis, has a population of 125 people, among whom are the following business men : Armstrong, R. H., Manufacturer of Wagons, &c., Sixth. Bunnel, J. I., Groceries and Produce, Marvin ave. Cameron 6l Co., Drugs and Medicines, Marvin ave. Cameron, W. T., Postmaster, Marvin ave. Clinton, B. J., Proprietor Prairie House. Edmonds, R., General Merchandise. Marvin ave. ^ From St. Louis to Galveston. 37 Mitchell, J., Ag't M. K. & T. R. R., and Tel. Operator, at Station. Ransom, E. T., Notion Store, Marvin ave. Thomas, Wm., Shoemaker, Marvin ave. NEVADA, MO, A town yet new, but possessing considerable importance, being situated in a well settled, wealthy farming community, in the midst of fine prairie, with both coal and timber in abundance ; is 90 miles from Sedalia, 21 miles from Fort Scott, and 277 miles from St. Louis, and has a population of 600, among whom are Bang & Co., Bakery and Confectionery. Blake & Lupton, Physicians and Surgeons, Cherry. Clelland, D. W., Lumber Merchant, Cherry. Dermot, John, Proprietor Nevada House. See card by Index. Farmer, Jones tSc Co., Lumber Merchants, Cherry. Fisher, Wm. J., Groceries and Produce, Cedar. Forney, & Co., Billiard Saloon. Grimes, J. C, Bakery and Restaurant, Main. Gulley, D. & S., Butchers. Hancock, D. V., Dry Goods, Cedar. Hill & Wilson, Billiard Saloon, Main. Jackson, M,, Attorney-at-law, Cherry. Kahn & Jones, Groceries and Produce, Main. Karnes, H., General Merchandise, Cherry. Libby, C. M., Carriage manufacturer. Cherry. See card by Index. McCrudden, Wm., Clothing, Public Square. Mobley & Co., Groceries and Provisions, Cherry. Moore, H. C. & Co., General Merchandise, Cherry. Nelson & Williams, General Merchandise, Cherry. Paton, L. O. & Co., Drugs and Medicines, S. E. cor. Public Square. Peyton & Kuhn, Butchers, Cherry. Pence, G. W., Wines and Liquors, Cherry. Prewitt & Poindexter, Real Estate and Collecting Agents, Cherry. See card by Index. Roberst & Tyler, Hardware and Stoves, Cherry. Rockwood, C. A., Physician and Surgeon, Main. Rennick & Sterett, Hardware and Cutlery, Main. Rosenthal, , Dry Goods and Clothing, Main. Ryan, J., Groceries and Produce, Cedar. Samuel, W. R. & Co., Groceries and Produce, Cherry. Smith, T. J., Tobacco and Cigars, Cherry. Sullivan, T. W., Groceries and Produce. Thopnton, Paul F. & Co., Bankers, Cherry. Tillotson & Harding, Stationery, Cherry. Tillotson, H. L., Postmaster, Cherry. Trauer, Samuel J., Notions and Fancy Goods, Main. Urner, L. H., Manufacturer of Saddles and Harness, Cherry. 38 Logan's Railway Directory. Vincent, J. A., Tel. Op., and Gen. Ag't M. K. & T. R. R., at Depot. Walters, A., Groceries and Produce, Cherry. Warth & Bro., Druggists and Apothecaries. Wilson, J. W., Groceries and Produce. Whitsell, C. E., Furniture, Chairs, Main. Zellweger & Arnold, Drugs and Medicines, Main. jyEEBFIELD, MO. The last station in Missouri, as also the one next east of Ft. Scott, Kan., and 12 miles from it, and 9 miles from the last station, being far enough from each to become of some importance, as it doubtless will ere long. Its present population is about 150. FOBT SCOTT, KAN. This enterprising town was first located as a United States Fort with the usual traders, trappers, hunters and Indians, who, with troops stationed here, formed the inhabitants from 1842 to i860, when a town was organized, and for a year prospered but little, when the War Department found it again necessary to re-occupy the almost abandoned town and fort ; and during the four years following it was an important military post, being a base of supplies for the Federal army, and hence the town grew in population as a war necessity until the close of the war, when an enterprising class of men began rapidly settling up the rich and productive country around it, which has steadily increased ever since, until it is now surrounded by a rich and prosperous agricultural people, who are each year increasing in numbers and wealth, and whose necessities have given a permanent growth to the town equaled by few towns in the Southwest, and which has become enhanced by the growth and necessities of smaller surround- ing towns, whose trade centers here. The natural location is a good one, being on rising ground, surrounded by rolling prairies and fine belts of timber, with unlimited beds of coal ; and in this latter, although mined but very little, exists a mine of wealth, as this coal is clear of sulphur, and is a good steam coal. It can be supplied at a very low figure, in large quantities, hence here is the permanent foundation as well as a large home consumption for many articles of manufacture, and foreign capital will do well to look in this direction for investments, as this town now has a population of 6,500, with a healthy increase, and is likely to be the commercial distributing center for Western Missouri, Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory, comprising an immense scope of country, now only partially settled, but rapidly filling up with honest and industrious people from the CALHOUN MANUFACTURING CO. MANUFACTURE SPOKES, HUBS, SHAFTS, POLES, etc., CALHOUN, MO. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. BAUM BROS., DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Furnisliing Goods, Clothing, Boots <£ SJioes, geocehies, dried fruits, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, imcontrose:, ivio. M. J. KARR, DEALER IN S9 Watches, Clocks, AND JEWELRY, WINDSOR, MO. ALL WORK WARRANTED. GEO. W. DUNN, Mknei & Counselof al Law Notary Public and Collec- tion Agent, MONTROSE, MO. Taxes paid for non-residents. All business promptly attended to. SHELL CITY HOTEL AND 'M ill IM lOUSE, W. SHERBURN, Proprietor. Having Leased and refitted this important Railway Eating House, I am prepared to give to the traveling public a first-class meal, also to accommodate guests who may desire to stop over with me in first-class style. All those fond of sporting will find it as good a place for all small game as can be found in Missouri, and they will find an old SPORT FOR MINE HOST. W. SHERBUEN, Proprietor. ^0 Logan's Railway Directory more densely populated States, all of which makes an increase of con- sumption ; and hence money invested in manufacturing would be per- manently remunerative, and is the only sure basis of creating and maintaining an increase of population and wealth in a town or city, and in this, Ft. Scott possesses advantages equaled by few towns any- where. She has now some manufacturing enterprises of fair magnitude, each of whom are prospering, and whose names, nature of business and location can be seen below and in our advertising pages, to which all are referred. Anderson, J., Merchant Tailor, 12 Main. Avery & Ratekin, Agents Weir Plow Co., Jones, cor. Market Square. Baker & Bro., Merchant Tailors, 39 Main. Bamberger, Jacob, Clothing, Wall, cor. Market. Barlow, A. C., Physician, Main, cor. Locust. Bawden, Martin & Cheney, Attorneys-at-Iaw, Main, cor. Wall. Bawden, Pierman, Confectioner, 33 Main. Beebe, Richard, Gunsmith, Market Square. Bell & Schroer, Furniture manufacturers, on M. R. F. S. & G. R. R. Bender, O. C, Physician, Market Square. Beymer, O. J., Undertaker, Market, cor. Main. Bicking, A. F., Bee Hive manufacturer, Jones, cor. Wall. Binford & Galloway, Attorneys-at-law, Birch, bet. Main and Jones. Bitner, S. C, Merchant Tailor, Market, cor. Main. Blair, C. W., Attorney-at-law, Wall. Bolles, W. T., Marble Works, Main, cor. Locust. Boughton, B. F., Blacksmith. Boyle, F. R., Cigars and Tobacco, 3 Main. Bright & Bro., Dry Goods, General Stock, 19 Main. Brinkerhoff, S. S., Attorney-at-law, 10 Main. Brown, H., Merchant Tailor, Jones, cor. Main. Brown, Jacob, Shoemaker, Market, cor. Wall. Brown, Riley, Shoemaker, 9 Scott Avenue. Bryant, John A., Wagon-maker. Buckeridge, R. E., Meat-market, S. Main. Burgess, R. F., Dentist, Wall, cor. Market. Bush, Henry, Barber, Market square. Cain, William J., Baker, Crawford near Hickory. Callaway, T. J., Proprietor City Hotel, Market Square. Campbell, J. B., Postmaster, Books and Stationery, Wall. Cassell, John, Millinery Goods, S. Main. Chapman, W. S., Boots and Shoes, 17 Wall. Chase, R. W., Groceries and Produce, 3 Scott ave. Cheney, J. T., Wall Paper and Painting, Main and Birch. Clark, Geo. J., Ticket Ag't Mo. R. Ft. S. &G. R. R., near Gulf House. Clark, Has., Agricultural Implements, Market Square. Clark, John A., Land Com. Mo. Ft. S. & G. R. R., Wall. Cohn, Julius, Confectioner, 13 Main. ^ From St. Louis to Galveston. Jfl Cooley, A. R., Groceries and Produce, 5 Market. Cormany, J. W., Physician, 2>Z Main. Cormany, W. A., Insurance Agent, 10 Wall. Crawford, Geo. A., Proprietor Fort Scott Foundry, near Jones. See card by Index. Crow & Streit, Shoemaker, Wall, opposite Post-office. Cuenin, Joseph, Proprietor Gulf House, Wall and S. S. & G. R. R. See card by Index. Daugherty, D., Meat Market, opposite Gulf House. Davis, Bros. & Co., Grain Dealers and Commission Merchants, M. K. & T. R. R, corner Jones. See card by index. Day, S. A., Attorney-at-law, Birch, between Main and Jones. De Cotnonville, R., Physician, Jones and Main. Deland & Bacon, Props. Exchange Mills, near M. K. & T. Depot. Dickman & Co., Druggists, 18 Main. Dillard, W. W., Cigars and Tobacco, 23 Market. Dillon, M., Saloon and Restaurant, Market Square. Drake, C. F., Hardware and Stoves, Main, cor. Wall. Drake, H. A., Groceries and Produce, E. Wall. Dunn, W. L., Propr. Merchants Hotel, N. Jones. Durkee & Stout, Agricultural Implements, Jones, cor. Market Square. See card by Index, Edson, M. B., Carpenter. Elliot, S. W. & Son., Boots and Shoes, Market Square. Emmert, J. S., Real Estate Agent, 10 Wall. Evans, R. J., Agent Howe Sewing Machine Co., Wall, cor. Market. Ferguson, J. M., Boots and Shoes, 30 Main. Files, Benj., Livery Stable, Walker, bet. Wall and Locust. First National Bank, L. C. Nelson, Cash., 32 Main. Fisher, J., Physician, S. Main. Fox, M. S., Shoemaker, Wall, cor. Wilson. Ft. Scott Coal & Mining Co., Theo. Wheeler, Stipt., Wall, opp. P. O. Ft. Scott Democrat, S. L. & J. L. Goode, Props., Main, cor. Wall. Ft. Scott Monitor, Daily and Weekly, P. H. Tiernan, Supt., Wall, opp. Post Office. See card by Index. Ft. Scott Paint & Cement Works, B. F. Hepler, Manager, on M. R. F. S. & G. R. R. See card by Index. Frank, D., Wholesale Grocer, 16 Main. French, C O., Attorney at-law, 37 Market. Frechter, Casper, Prop'r Frechter House, near Market Square. Galloway, Jno. M., Attorney-at-law, Birch, bet. Main and Jones. Garwood, S. W., Physician, opp. Gulf House. Gilson, L. G., Gunsmith, Locust, cor. Walker. Glassbrook & Barron, Blacksmiths, Wall. Glunz, John, Saddlery and Harness, 21 Market. Goodlander, C. W. & Co., Lumber Yard, Jones and Wall. Goodiander, Cuppy & Co., Proprietors Goodlander Mill and Elevator, near Gulf House. Goodlander, Geo. W., Carpenter and Builder, Wall bt. Jones and Oak. Goodlander, S. O. & Co., Furniture, lo Scott ave. Gotlieb, Jacob, Dry Goods, lo Main. Grassmuck, L., Physician, Main and Wall. Greenfield & Sandfelder, Clothing, 7 Wall. Gross, Robert, Jeweler, 9 Wall. Grubel, Louis, Shoemaker, S. Scott ave. Guerin, W. E., Attorney-at-Law, 37 Market. Hahn, Christian, Meat Market, 9 Market. Haight, A. G., Telegraph Operator, 34 Main. Hall, E. J., Architect, S. Scott ave. Harris & Spencer, Attorneys-at-law, 36 Main. Hart, Joseph, Millinery Goods, Jones, corner of Locust. Hartman, H. M., Saddlery and Harness, Market Square. Hatfield, S. E., Agent Singer Machine Co., i Scott ave. Haynes, C. H., Groceries and Produce, Market Square. Hays, E. C, Physician. lo Wall. Heck, William, Saloon, 1 1 Main. Heine, Martin, Saloon, S. Scott ave. Hellendall & Hellman, Groceries and Produce, 30 Main. Henderson, H. D., Painter, Scott ave., between Wall and Locust. Herbert, T. L., Painter, 7 Scott ave. Hewitt, D. H., Boots and Shoes, Market Square. Higgins, John, Saloon, Wall, opposite Post-office. Hill, J. D., Dentist, 39 Market. Hill, J. D., Attorney at Law, Wall. Hinde, R. M., Furniture, 7 Market. Hitchcock & Russell, Hardware and Cutlery, 4 Main. Hogan, James, Physician, 8 Main. Hooper, Wm., Shoemaker, Jones, near Main. Horton, N. N., Physician, Wall, corner Market. Hulett, S. M., Attorney at Law, Jones, corner Birch. Ingalls, A. O., Druggist, S. Scott Avenue. Isett, E. B., Groceries and Produce, 15 Market. Johnston, E., Wholesale Wines and Liquors, 45 Market. Johnson, G. W., Watchmaker, 19 Main. Jewett, J. H., Grocer, 5 Scott Avenue. Jones, R. D., Groceries and Produce, Jones, near. R. R. Kaiser, M., Cigars and Tobacco, 11 Market. Keller, G. W., Confectioner, ^;^ Market. Keyser, C. H., Shoemaker, Wall, cor. Scott Avenue. Klingbeil, Lewis, Saloon, 43 Market. Knox, A. v., Restaurant, 2 Main. Kohn, E. L., Justice of the Peace, to Main. Kohn, Mrs. K., Millinery Goods, Main, bet. Wall and Locust. Liepman, M. & Bro., Clothing, Main. Lindsay, , Saloon, Jones, near R. R. Limbocker, J. M., Attorney-atlaw, McDonald Hall. Linn, W. L, Groceries and Produce, 27 Market. Lockwood, Boarding House, Jones, near Market Square. 43 If HVABA H#UBHt G^NEVADA CITY, MO.^^) JOHN DERMOTT, Proprietor. Traveling men all stop at this House because they cannot better themselves. It is located in the Business part of town, almost one-half mile from Depot. Omnibus at Depot on the arrival of Trains. A good Feed and Livery Stable connected with the House. American Insurance Co., OF CIIIC.A.GO, II.L1. ORGANIZED A, D. 1859. Available Assets, $1,492,269.37. Assets over one million Dollars. The largest Farmers' Insurance Co. in the United States. Over 1800 Policy-holders in Southwest Missouri. Business confined to detached Dwellings and Farm Property. J. s. T^ivr, Special Agent for Southwest Missouri. MISSOURI OFFICE, CARTHAGE. ALLEN HOUSE, R. ALLEN, Proprietor. CLINTON, - - - - MO. My Buss will be at the Depot on thejarrivalof all passenger trains, and will convey my guests to and from my house free of charges. Charges reasonable. Rooms better and fare as good as any other house in town, I have no room for drunkards or loafers. R. ALLEN. Wakefield's Family Medicines ARE FOR SALE BY EDWIN B. RALL, HIATTVILLE, KAN. Dry Goods, Notions and Groceries always in stock. Also Drugs and Medicines, Wooden, Willow and Stone- ware at reason- able rates. Country Produce bought for Cash or taken in exchange for Goods. j^Jj. Logan's Railway Directory. Low, William, Groceries and Produce, 31 Main. Luty, C. H., Groceries and Produce, Wall, near Gulf House. Lyon, A. B., Confectioner, 5 Scott ave. McCleary & Gray, Commercial School, Wall, opposite Post-office. McComas & McKeighan, Attorneys at Law, Main, bet. Wall & Locust. McDermott, F. L., Attorney at Law, Wall, cor. Market. McElroy, E., Groceries and Produce, Scott ave., cor. Locust. McGee & Metz, Saddlery and Harness, 19 Market. McNaughton, J. P., Express Agent, Main, near Locust. McSuUey, J., Shoemaker, Market Square. Marble, E. L., Meat Market, Hickory, cor. Judson. Margrave, William, Justice of the Peace, McDonald's Hall. Mahler & Bro., Saloon, Market, cor. Wall. Manlove & Clarke, Real Estate Agents, 1 1 Wall. Malks, Adams, Saloon, Market and Wall. Mariotte & Scothorn, Painters. Marsh & Co., Druggists, Market Square. Martin, Mrs. M. W., Hair Store, Main. Mead & Beir, Meat Market, Market Square. Merchant's National Bank, G. A. Scovill, Cashier, Wall, near Post office. See card by Index. Metzler, C. D. & Co., Hides and Tallow, Market Square. Miller & Schultz, Confectioners, 15 Wall. Morley Bros. & Co., Hardware and Stoves, Wall corner of Walker. Neal, C. J., Blacksmith, Locust near Scott ave. Nelson, Charles. Wines and Liquors, 39 Market. Newbauer, Henry, Saloon, 11 Wall. Newbauer, Julius, Cigars and Tobacco, 13 Wall. Newbauer & Treebe, Saloon, 14 Main. Noonan, D. C, Proprietor International House, Wall, corner Wilson. See card by Index. Norton, S. P., Hats and Caps, 36 Main. Osbuh & Co., Drugs and Medicines, 28 Main. Palmer, Parmelee & Dimon, Propr's Wilder House, cor. Wall &Main. Parker, John T., Photograper, 13 Market. Parson, W. J., Veterinary Surgeon, Jones. Penniman, A. C, Hardware and Cutlery, 8, 10, and 12 Market. Peterson & ThrondSOn, Groceries and Produce, 41 Market. Petty, J. E., Blacksmith, Market Square. Petty, G. W., Druggist, opp. Gulf House. Porter, J. M. & Co., Boots and Shoes, 6 Main. Powelson, James, Baker, E. Locust. Prager, D., Jeweler, 10 Main. Preston, T. H. & Co., Plasterers. Prichard & Bro., Druggists and Apothecaries, Main, cor. Market. Ramsey, J. B. & Co., Groceries and Produce, Market Square. Randolph, J. H., General Dry Goods, 17 Market. Redfield & Baldwin, Physicians, Main, cor. Locust. Reed, E. O., Senate Saloon, Main, cor. Wall. From St. Louis to Galveston. Jf.5 Reed & Young, Livery and Sale Stable, cor. Jones and Wall. See card by Index. Reid, W. R., Groceries and Produce, 32 Scott Avenue. Rennick & St. John, Shoemakers, 17 Wall. Reynolds, B. H., Confectionery, Wall, near Wilson. Robinson & Bro., Grocers, i Main. Robens & Loud, Grocers and Produce. Crawford, cor. Hickory. Rodecker & Co., Clothing, 17 Main. Romaine, N, T., Shoemaker, Jones, near Market Square. Rothschild, P., Saloon, 3 Wall. Rubicam & Dilworth, Stoves and Hardware, 37 Market. Rush & Co., Druggists and Apothecaries, 5 Wall. Sanger, L S., Physician, Scott ave. Sargent, Miss L., Millinery Goods, S. Main. Schott, Julius, Furniture, Jones, near Market Square. Schultz & Blasch, Proprietors City Brewery, S. Main. Scravendyke, William, Groceries and Produce, Wall, near Wilson. Sargent & Patterson, Groceries and Produce, E. Wall. Shepard & Higby, Merchant Flour Mills, on M. R. F. S.& G. R. R. Shoot, J. H., Physician, Main, cor. Wall. Slack, Mrs. S. J., Millinery Goods, Wall, near Market. Smith, C. A., Auctioneer, 13 Market. Smith, Dyer, Photographer, Wall, cor. Scott ave. Smith &: Burgess, Blacksmiths, East Locust. Smith, P. J., Barber, 28 Market. Stadden, Isaac, Groceries and Produce, 8 Wall. Stegman, Henry, Saloon, Market Square. Stewart House, opp. M. R, F. S. & G. R. R. Depot. Stewart, W. C, Attorney-at-law, Wall, cor. Market. Stone & Co., Sale Stable, Oak. Strode, J. M., Photographer, Main and Wall. Strong, G. P., Frt. Agt. M. R. Ft. S. & G. R. R. near Gulf House. Sunderlin, , Physician, S. Main. Swank, Henry, Carriage-maker, S. Scott Avenue. Sweeney & Beeson, Coal Dealers, 8 Wall. Terry, J. M., Groceries and Produce, Main, cor. Locust. Thomson, J. C, Blacksmith, Market Square. Trent, J. E. & Co., Sale Stable, Jones, cor. Wall. Tresslar Bros., Photographers, i Scott Avenue. Tucker, E. T., Bakery, 6 Wall. Tyler, C, Wagon-maker, Jones and Oak. Tyler & Ware, Lumber Yard, Jones, bet. Wall and Oak. Van Fossen & Wilcox, Real Estate Agents, McDonald Hall. Victor Sewing Machine Co., Main, near Locust. Voelker, Leo, Barber, Main, near Wall. Wagner & Bro., Merchant Tailors, 35 Market. Walrath, W. H., General Dry Goods, Wall, opposite Post-office. Walters & Co., Groceries and Produce, Market Square. Watts, A. L., Confectioner, 29 Main. ^6 Logan's Railway Directory. Waters & Scoville, Attorneys at Law, 39 Market. Westewelt & Co., General Dry Goods, 34 Main, Wheaton, C. S., Meat Market, 15 Main. Wilkinson, A. W., Attorney at Law, 36 Main. Williams, Miss Emma, Millinery Goods, Main, near Locust. Williams, S. A., Insurance Agent, Main, near Loust. Willour, Charles, Painter, Wall, between Jones and Oak. Wilson, F. E., Saloon, 2 Main. Winter, W. L., Job Printer and Publisher, The Occasional, 39 Market. Withers, J. W. & Co., Clothing, 29 Market. Woodward, F. E., Millinery Goods, 35 Market. Wolf, Henry, Saloon, cor, Wall and Main. Wooledge, C. H., Wholesale Wines and Liquors, Market Square. MABMATOJSr, KAN, A flag station 7 miles south of Fort Scott; n?/^ miles from Sedalia ; 306^^ miles from St. Louis. No houses here, only a side track for passing of trains. HIATTVILLE, KAN. Hiattville is a flag station situated twelve miles south-west of Fort Scott, in the midst of a beautiful rolling prairie. It is beautifully located on a high mound, and commands a splendid view of the sur- rounding country. It consists principally of a large assorted store, kept by E. B. Rail, and a grocery, kept by D. K. Anderson. There is also a hotel managed by an excellent landlord, namely, Wm. Dailey. The Railroad Company and the people are together building a switch here, so that it will, ere long, be quite an important place. Anderson, D. K., Groceries aud Produce. Dailey, William, Hotel and Boarding House. Rail, E. B., Post-master and dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Wooden and Queensware. See card by Index. SEPLER, KAN, Is located in Crawford county, on the M. K. & T. R. R., 20 miles south of Fort Scott, and 15 north of Osage Mission, near the head of Walnut and Pawnee creeks in the midst of a beautiful and productive country. The scenery around Hepler is picturesque and beautiful, the country abounding in high mounds, and is traversed by numerous streams, all of which are skirted by timber of an excellent quality. 47 H. A. PHILLIPS, President. G. A. SCOVILL, Cashier. JAMES POTTER, Vice President. G. It. SCOVILL, Assistant Cashier. MERCHAIVTS National Bank, FORT SCOTT, KANSAS. Authorized Capital, - - - - $300,000 Capital Paid in, $150,000 Buccesaors to 8. H. GHIFFIN, GR&lll,PRODUC[& COMMISSION MfRCHtNIS, FORT SCOTT, KAS. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE : JONES, NEAR PASSEN&ER DEPOT M. Z. & T. R. R. Geo. a. Crawford, Proprietor. Frank J. Nutz, Superintendent. FORT SCOTT FOUNDRY. Steam Engines^ Boilers, IRON & BRASS CASTINGS, HORSE-POWERS, HOISTING APPARATUS, PUMPS FOR MINING, AND MACHINERY FOR ANY PURPOSE MADE TO ORDER. F ORT SCOT T, KAN. All sizes Steam and Water Pipes and Fittings. Job Work and repairs done on short notice. DURKBi: & STOUT^ AND MITCHELL WAGONS, EASTERN TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Jf,8 Logan's Railway Directory, WALNUT, KAN. Is located on Walnut Creek, on the M. K. & T. R. R., 27 miles southwest of Fort Scott, in Crawford county. There is a very tidy depot building here, and a good location for a thriving town. Good timber and water in abundance, and an excellent farming country. Land is worth from ^5 to $15 dollars per acre in the vicinity. OSAGE MISSION, KAN. This sterling town was located in 1867; is 35 miles south of Fort Scott, and 354 miles from St. Louis. Its location, although hereto- fore on Indian ground, now Southern Kansas, was a good selection, being on the east branch of the Neosho river, with Flat Rock Creek on the east, surrounded by fine timber on one side and rolling prairie on the other, renders it picturesque and attractive. The establishing of a Jesuit Missionary School, first inaugurated it in 1847, which still exists, greatly increased, enlarged and appreciated as a medium of education of the Osage and other Indian tribes, in which they have been largely successful. This has now become an important shipping and trading town, and is, in brief, a railway headquarters, having a population of 2,000, among whom are the following live business men which read : Adams, S. S., Oculist and Aurist. Baker, Mrs. H., Millinery Goods. Baker, Samuel, Merchant Tailor. Bahney, I. S. & Co., Hardware and Stoves. Bugbee, J. W., Grain Dealer. Butler, T. H., General Merchandise. Cook, Geo. E., Jeweler. Cooney, Charles, Wagon-maker. Covoler, Aug., Shoemaker. Crawford, E. H., Harness-maker. Crowther & Walker, Publishers of IVeek/y Transcript. CuUison, Ananias, Physician. Detwiler, J. R.. Grain Dealer. Dickey & Lahey, Saloon. Dorris, C.B., Blacksmith. Foley, T. J., Groceries and Produce. Gittings, Lewis, Lumber Yard. Godley, W. M., Shoemaker. Godley, Mrs., Millinery Goods. Gregory, D. B. & Co., Livery Stable. Heekin, P., Shoemaker. Hengesbach, Theo., Shoemaker. JOSEPH GUXSNIM, PROPRIETOR 49 FORT SCOTT, KAN. FORT SCOTT PAINT AND CEMENT WORKS. Office at the Works, Fort Scott, Kansas — Where we manufacture Hydraulic Cement, add the following Paints: American Umbers and Sienna, Purple Red. Fort Scott Golden Ocher, Purple Brown. Iron Clad, Red and Brown. And Fire Proof Paints, dry and in oil. Also, Ground Fire-Clay, in barrel or in bulk. We are Manufacturers Whole- sale Agents for Fort Scott Quick Lime, burned by "Boyle" in Page Kiln, which is equal to the Hannibal or Alton White Lime. Also, Manufacturers' Wholesale Agents for Cement Cliimneys, Chimney Tops and Drain Pipe, Manufactured in Omaha, Neb., and Fort Scott, Kan. Dr. B. F. HEPLER, General Manager. E. O. REED. J. L. YOUNG. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLE, OPPOSITE WILDER HOUSE, FORT SCOTT, KAS. The most complete stable in the city. Single and double teams and saddle horses always on hand for hire. Established Tpn i i-k i 5 Blank Book Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT. Established The most complete Book and Job Print- ing Office in South- ern Kansas. Geo. A. Crawford. Proprietor. MANUFACTORY. Every description of Magazine Binding neatly and prompt- ly executed. P. H. Tiernan, Superintendent, 50 Logan's Railway Directory Howard, C. H., Agent Adams Express Company, and Postmaster. Howard, D., Tel. Operator and Agent M. K. & T. R. R. Holden, T. M., Proprietor Planters' House, and Furniture Dealer. Hutchings & O' Grady, Attorneys at Law. Joyce Bros., General Merchandise. Kelley, Dennis, Saloon. Kirby, William, Merchant Tailor. Lahey & Banus, Saloon. Langever, O. B., Restaurant. Layeg, C. A., Insurance Agent. Lease, C. L. & Co., Druggists and Apothecaries. Leonard, H. B., Boots and Shoes. McDougall, D. L., General Merchandise. McNeill, P., Millinery Goods. Marston, Brunner & Co., Props. National Mills. Mattingly & Maguire, Groceries and Produce. May, William & Co., General Dry Goods. Miller, John, Watchmaker. Miller & Riley, Livery Stable. Moffitt, John, Attorney-at-law. Nathan, Samuel, Clothing. Neighbors, Thos. & J>ro., Hrooni-makers. Neosho County Savings Bank, C. W. Mitchell, Cashier. OUiphant, S. J. Saloon. Owens, J. Y., Pro[ r. Neosho House. Paris, D. H., Saloon. Pendleton, A. J., Saloon. Rager, T. F., Attorney-at-law. Rouse, H. H., Hardware and Stoves. Robbins, E. M., Dentist. Ryan & Roycroft, Props. Mission Mills. Sanford, Geo. B., Dentist. Scott & Perry, Proprietors Weekly J-ournal. Shackelton, H. T., Restaurant. Sinnamon & Seymour, Hardware and Cutlery. Smith, A. J., Furniture, Chairs, etc. Smith, T., Groceries and Provisions. Spangler & Bro., Blacksmiths. Steele, Mrs., Millinery Goods. Stillwell & Baylies, Attorneys at Law. Stoddart, A. B., General Merchant and Proprietor Stoddart House. See card by Index. Taymans & Bro., Wagon-makers. Tepfer, H., Restaurant. Tryer, Nicholas, Barber. Venneman, B. & Co., Lumber Yard. Walton, James, Harness-maker. Warner & Orton, Druggists and Apothecaries. Williams, W. IL, Groceries and Produce. Wussow, August, Shoemaker. PREWITT & POINDEXTER, Real Estate and Collecting Agents, NEVABA, VEIINON CO., MO, Havccomplotc Abstracts of Title to all Real Instate in Vernon Co., Mo. Wall Street, near Gulf Depot, Fort Scott, Kas. D. C. NOOITAIT, Proprietor. STODDART HOUSE, i Corner Main and County Street, Accommodations Unequaled and Terms Reasonable. BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. A, B, STODDABT, - - - - Proprietor, f®j J. R. DETWILER, ^ GRAIN, PRODUCE, NORTHWEST CORNER OK AND I Ayricaltaral Itnplenients. MAIN & WALL STREETS, \ oak street. m. Scott, KaiS, Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. OSAGE MISSION, KANSAS. References — Samuel Dolman, To- peka, A. H. Craigue & Co., Topeka, J. W. Dolman, Osage Mission. Logan's Railway Directory , PARSONS, K ASS AS. In 1840 the site now occupied by Parsons was known as wild prai- rie of Southern Kansas, but the completion of the Northwestern division of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway to this point in June of that year, and that of the Sedalia division of the same Com- pany in March of 1871, gave to this point a significance not usually found in new railroad termini ; and this condition was not to remain unimproved, for this same Company immediately began their great trunk railroad line south through the Indian country, toward the "Lone Star" State, and it was then, that this town took on perma- nent commercial importance, and from that time to the present enjoyed a substantial increase, known to few towns in the great "Southwest." Owing its permanent population and wealth to the far-reaching enterprise and liberality of this Railway Company, the name of whose President it bears, than which a more worthy philan- thropist is not to be found in the entire list of American or European Railway Managers, and who is equally seconded by that far-seeing, shrewd General Manager, R. S. Stevens ; this town now numbering a population of 2,500 souls, was located with good judgment, being ^)n a rich, rolling prairie, at the forks of Labette River; the country around is prairie, with occasional groves or belts of timber, with l)lenty of water for agricultural purposes and stock raising, both of which are conducted on a large scale by men of experience and means, who are receiving every month large accessions to their num- bers, from the older States, whose necessities and wants have to be supplied by the merchant and manufacturer ; of the former there are a good number for enterprising, liberal men ; and of the latter a few, and to others for whom there is a fine opening for a profitable busi- ness ; the names of all of which see below : Aldrich, B. A. & Bro., Hardware and Cutlery, Johnson ave. Alexander, Mrs., Millinery Store, Riggs ave. Anderson, Jno., manufacturer of Boots and Shoes, Forest ave. Atchison & Wheat, Hardware, Agr. Imp., cor. Forest and Riggs avs. Baker, E., Barber, Riggs ave. Bancroft tSr Davis, Real testate Agency, Forest. Barnes, W. H., Physician and Surgeon, Forest ave. Beard, U. L. C, Propr. Belmont House, Belmont. Bing, J., Clothing Store, Forest. Brown, A. A., Cigars and Tobacco, Riggs ave. Brown, J. R., Billiard Saloon, opp. Depot. Brown, M. G., General Merchandise, Johnson ave. Buck, A., Attorney-at-law, Forest ave. 53 P. Q. DAVIS, PARSONS, - - - - KANSAS, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN 14ElieS, MDPMi, miiMES, Bridles, Whips, Curry Combs, Blankets. Mr. Davis guarantees his work, and those who favor him with their orders, either personally or by letter, will find all things as represented. JAMES HARVEY, PAHSONS, ----- KANSAS. Mr. Harvey gives his entire attention to the Real Estate Busi- ness, and has the complete Abstracts of Titles of all lands in Labette county, and is ready to locate lands, pay taxes, etc. He is also a Notary Public. Those trusting their business to Mr. Harvey will be fully satisfied with the result. KINTUCKY mm m mm shop, PARSONS, KAS. J. W. COWLES, Proprietor. Mr. Cowles would say that he has constantly on hand and makes to order Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Blankets, Whips, etc., and all kinds of Saddlery Hardware. In all work he guarantees satisfaction. PETER SCHONS, MERCHANT TAILOR BIGGS AVE., PARSONS, KAS., Has constantly on hand a first-class stock of goods of all seasons of the year, and employs none but first-class workmen, and being a Tailor by education and profession, can guarantee perfect satisfaction. Those who try him will go nowhere else. 5Jf Logan's Railway Directory Calkins, A. C, Lumber Merchant. Carpenter, J. C, Ass. Att'y M. K. & T. R. R., cor. Riggs & Forest. Clinton, Mary, Restaurant, Forest ave. Cook & Snowdowne, Groceries, Provisions and Liquors, Forest ave- nue. See card by Index. Colton, M., Saloon, Forest ave. Conroy, J., Groceries and Provisions, Johnson ave. Cory, T. C, Attorney-at-law, Forest ave. Cowles, J. W., manufacturer of Harness and Saddles, Forest ave- nue, See card by Index. Crossby, Mrs. E. J., Millinery Store, Forest ave. Current &: Crook, Dry Goods, Groceries, etc.. Forest ave. Dana, W. W., Billiard Saloon, Johnson ave. Davis, P. Q., manufacturer of Harness, Saddles, etc., Johnson ave. See card by Index. Davis, Willard, Attorney-at law. Forest ave. Duck. D. R., Agent Howe Sewing Machine Co., Forest. Ellis, Heatherly & Co., Proprietors St. Charles Hotel, cor. Riggs and Johnson. See card by Index. Everhart, G. W., General Merchandise, cor. Riggs and Forest. Feazel, W, M., Ten Pin Alley, Johnson ave. First National Bank, Angell Matthewson, Cashier, cor. Riggs and Forest ave. Foley, Ed., General Merchandise, Johnson ave. Gamble, Geo. R., Photographer, cor. Johnson and Riggs. Gosling, W. D., Physician and Surgeon, Forest ave. Hamacher, C. & Co., Dry Goods and Groceries, Forest ave. Hankel, C, Butcher Shop, Johnson ave. Harvey, Jas., Real Estate and Financial Agent, Forest ave. See card by Index. Hastings, E. E., Attorney-at-law, Riggs ave. Hayes & Pierson, Books and Stationery, Forest ave. Hayes, W. K. , Postmaster. Hayes & Bradley, Auction House, Riggs ave. Henry du d'Huy, Prop. German House, cor. Skiddy and Riggs. Holmes, W. C, Druggist and Chemist, Forest ave. Johnson, M., Dry Goods and Groceries, Johnson ave. Jones, W. H., Barber, Forest ave. Karr, J. C, Proprietor St. James Hotel, cor. Forest and Riggs. Kennedy & Smith, Livery and Feed Stable, Belmont ave. Kimball, C. H., Attorney-at-law, Forest ave. Kleiser, J. M., Physician,. Forest ave. Lucand, F., Restaurant, Johnson ave. Mexell, W., Lumber Merchant. Miesse, B. B., Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, etc. , Forest ave. See card by Index. Miller, Geo., Liquors and Tobacco. Morris, J. T., Pork-packer and Provision Dealer. Neely & Disch, Druggists, Johnson ave. COOK & SNOWDOWNE, DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines PARSONS, KANSAS. W. C. OVERSTREET ^ CO., Druggists & Dispensing Chemists, PARSONS, KANSAS. Manufacturers of Dr. W. C. Overstreet's celebrated Indian Chola- gogue and Ague Specific. Warranted to cure all miasmatic diseases so prevalent in our Western States and Territories. Price 75 cents per bottle. All responsible Druggists and Merchants who wish a consign- ment of the best and fastest selling Ague Specific in the world will please address us. p. T. THOMAS, AUGUSTUS WILSON, H. L. GOSLING, Notary Public. Real Estate Broker. Att'y-at-Law. Thomas, Wilson & Gosling, LUDiiiG R[iii [mn, m & \m\m\ co. OF SOUTHERN KANSAS. 27 Riggs Avenue, gik]^gOSif KAliiAgt, FORRSSX .AVE. RESXAXJRANX, PARSONS, KANSAS. This favorite place has lately been thoroughly refitted, and is now open to the public. Our table will always be supplied with all the luxuries the market affords. Open day and night. First class bar in connection. VINNEDGE & FRANKLIN, Prop'rs. PARSONS, KANSAS. Wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes and Stnokers' articles. Also a fine stock of imported goods at prices that will compete with any house in the West. 56 Logan's Railway Directory. Neely & Singleton, General Merchandise, Forest ave. Noyes, M., Proprietor Parsons Hotel, Riggs ave. See card by Index. Ostrom & Knapp, Furniture and Dry Goods, Forest ave. Overstreet, W. C. & Co., Druggists and Chemitss, Forest ave. See card by Index. Parkhurst, J. G., Attorney-at-law, Forest ave. Partridge, H. L., Justice of Peace, Riggs ave. Patrick, R. H., Stoves, Hardware, etc. See card by Index. Reeves & Dell, General Merchandise Store, Forest ave. Hayes & Bradley, Auction House, Riggs. Rhodus, J. W., General Merchandise, Johnson ave. Reynolds & Gosling, Editors and Proprietors Parsons Sun. Schons, P., Merchant Tailor, Riggs ave. See card by Index. Sears, T. C, Attorney M. K. & T. R. W., cor. Riggs and Forest. Schwase, V. W., Jeweler, Forest ave. Schmetzer, E., Livery and Feed Stable, Forest ave. Sipple Bros., Groceries and Produce, Johnson ave. Smith, E. K., Jewelry, Forest ave. Suter & Co., Furniture, Chairs, etc., Johnson av. Tessenden, C. B. Jr., Agent M. K. & T. R. R. Thomas, D. S., Surgeon Dentist, cor. Riggs and Johnson avenues. Thomas Wilson & Gosling, Real Estate, Law and Insurance Co., Riggs av. See card by Index. Thomkins & Whitney, Merchant Tailors, Forest ave. Todd, J. F., Proprietor City Hotel, Riggs ave. Truman, A. B., Attorney at Law, Forest ave. Ulmer, C. D., Boots, Shoes and Groceries, Forest ave. Vanmetre, B. R., Physician and Surgeon, Johnson ave. Venneman, B. & Co., Lumber Merchants. Vinnedge & Franklin, Restaurant, Forest. See card by Index. Ward, E. C, County Attorney, Forest ave. Warren, T. R., Druggist, cor. Forest and Riggs ave. Watson Bros., Livery, Feed, Sale Stable, cor. Johnson & Denison ave. Williams & Bro., Barbers, Riggs ave. Williams, H. & Co., Saloon, Johnson ave. LABETTB, KAN. A station 9 miles south of Parsons, used as a passing and meeting station. Has a good country around it, with a few industrious inhab- itants. Has a population of 100. OSWEGO, KAN. Oswego was located and organized in 1867, on the west bank of the Neosho river, 100 feet above it. It is on the M. K. & T. R. R., 14 miles from Fort Scott, 362 miles from St. Louis, in the midst of rich prairies partly cultivated and inviting more farmers, whose wants are supplied promptly and cheaply by the competing merchants and 57 PARSONS HOUSE, PARSONS, KANSAS. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Good Sample Room, Baggage Wagon and Omnibus run to and from Depot free. Commercial Travelers and Business Men will receive kind attention at this House. Be We 11d0¥ME« Ps®piietes« Mr. Clover would announce to the traveling public that he has recently taken charge of this House, and will spare no pains in making it first-class in all its appointments. He has had a life-long experience, and knows how to make his guests comfortable and NATIONAL HOTEL, CHETOPA, KAS. KELLERMAN & S3IITH, Proprietors. This is the only first-class Hotel in Chetojia, and the traveling public will always find its table supi)lied with the best the market and county afford, with good attention and the best accommodations in every respect. 58 Logan's Railway Directory. manufacturers, and lor the latter there is a good opening here. See names of business men below. Population about 1500. Adams, Brown & Glasse, Attorneys-at-law, Commercial. AUexander, R. J., Editor Register, Fourth and Merchants. Barnes, M. C, Stoves and Tinware, Commercial. Belt, W. H., Physician and Surgeon. Bishop, W. P., Attorney-at-law, Fourth. Boulter, J. C, Groceries and Produce, Fourth. Cameron, C. C, Physician and Surgeon, Commercial. Campbell, F., Groceries and Provisions, Commercial. Clover, D. W., Proprietor Oswego House, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. See card by Index. Condon, C. M., Dry Goods and Groceries, Commercial. Cowell, O. W., Druggist, Commercial. Crouse, E. B., Physician, Commercial. Cunningham, W. T. & Co., Hardware, Fourth. Draper & Sandford, General Merchandise, Fourth. Fisher & Brother, Groceries and Provisions, Commercial. Getty, Jolm, General Merchandise, Commercial. Haskey & Sons, Dry Goods and Groceries, Commercial. Higgins, J. J., General Merchandise, Commercial. Kanning, H. Saloon, Fourth. Keller, J. F., Jewelry, Fourth. Kemper & McManner, Bakery, Commercial. Kingsbury & Nelson, Druggists, Commercial. Kunse, J. L., Proprietor American House, Fourth. Lea, W. J., Stationery, Commercial. Leonard, T. S., Livery Stable, Commercial. McArthur, D., Bakery, Commercial ave. Maxwell, E. L., General Merchandise, Commercial. Oswego Bank, Commercial. Patterson, W. H., Saloon, Fourth. Peirson & Bros., Furniture, Fifth. Reed Bros., Hardware, etc., Commercial. Sanford & Bro., Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles, Fourth. Savage, Mrs. A. C, Millinery Goods, Fourth. Scheuer, Chas., Clothing, etc. Stonecipher, Physician, Fourth. Symmes, H. & Son, Druggist, Fourth ave. Wagoner, H., Agt. AL K. & T. R. R., and Tel. Operator, at Depot. Wier, J, W., Physician, Fourth. Wilkins, Mrs. S. M., Millinery and Dress-making, Commercial. Williams, H., Billiard Saloon, Fourth. Williford, G. S., General Merchandise, Commercial. Wilson, J. R., Grain Dealer, Commercial. Woodford & Woodford, Groceries, Commercial. 59 John J. Outley, Tas. A. Geokc.e, John Haven, Of St. Louis, Mo. Of Jefferson, Texa.s. Of Shreveport,La. JAS. A. GEORGE & CO., Receiving, Forwarding and (leneral WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Staple Groceries and PlantationSupplies, Fire P^r-oof AVai-elioixse, IVIain St., Agents for the celebrated Esterly Reaper a d Mower, Invincible Vibrator Threshing Machines and Horse Powers, Phoenix Cotton Gins, Pine Apple, Zebra and Palm Cooking Stoves and Fixtures, and Depot for the Western Oil Co., St. Louis, Mo. Cash Advances made on Consignments to our Correspondents in New York, Galveston, and St. Louis, Mo. Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, V/OODARD STREET, OEIVISOIV, - - - - TEX^S. Liberal Advances in Cash or Merchandise made on Consignments of Cotton, Wool, Hides, etc., for Sale or Shipment to St. Louis, or other Markets. GILBERT MARTIN, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Groceries, Provisions, Grain and Produce, No. 43 Main Street. - - DENISON, TEXAS. 60 Logan's Railway Directory. CHBTOPA, KAS. Chetopa with a population of i,too inhabitants, is most handsomely located on the west bank of the Neosho river, just below its junction with Labette creek, both of which are fine average living streams, offering immense natural water power, which many are learning to make use of. The town enjoys a good trade from the surrounding country, and from the Indian Territory a few miles south of it. This town has a bright future prospect. The names of her business men are seen below : Alexander, Wm., Barber, Maple. Beamer & Smith, Wagon and Carriage makers. Bedell & Bro., Groceries and Produce, Maple. Blensinger, H., Harness, Saddles, etc., Maple. Butterworth & Hand, Groceries and Produce, Maple. Caldwell, Geo. M., Agent Adams Express Co., Maple. Calvin, T. J., Furniture, Chairs, etc.. Maple. Cavaness & Vanlandingham, Editors "Advance," Maple. Clark, Adam, Groceries and Produce, Third. Closser, D. O., Druggist, Third. Coggins, T. H., Grocery, Third. Davis, D. W. C, Hardware, Stoves, etc., Maple. Dejarnette Bros., Saddles and Harness, Fourth. Dersham, M. H., M. D., Druggist, Maple. Dunn, J. H., Billiard Saloon, Maple. First National Bank, Third. Fox, Miss & Co, Dressmakers. Fraunberg, F. W., Wines, Liquors, etc.. Maple. Gregory & Bradbury, Saloon, Maple. Higbey, E., Groceries, Maple. Hibbets, J. J., Postmaster, Maple. Kellerman &. Smith, Proprs. National Hotel, Maple. See card by Index. Loose, D. A. & J. L., General Merchandise, Maple. Ludlow, C. H., Druggist, Maple. McLaughlin, J. W. & Co., Saloon, Maple. McLauthlin & Co., Druggists, Maple. Marsh & Overhuls, General Merchandise, Maple. Morgan, J. M., Groceries, Maple. Morris, J. P., Livery and Feed Stable, Maple. Norman, Mrs. H. H., Millinery Goods, Third. Paxton & Riley, Confectionery, Maple. Sheilds, John P., Attorney and Justice of Peace, Third. Smith, J. J., Hardware and Cutlery, Maple. True, L. C., Attorney-at-law, Maple. Tusch, Wm., Saloon, Maple. Vanlandingham & Caveness, Books and Stationery, Maple. Walker, E. L., Saloon, Maple. Waterman, Weil & Star, Dry Goods, Clothing, etc.. Third. 61 T. H. WARREN. M. E. BRIDDELL. WAEEEN & BRIDDELL, Denison^ Texasi Special attention given to the purchasing and selling of Town Lots and Lands in the vicinity of the City. KENTUCKY WHISKY DEPOT. KPPSTESIN BROS.^ Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, PURE KENTUCKY WHISKY A SPECIALITY. Main Street, ----- Denison, Texas. Sole Agents of Native American Stomach Bitters, and Doctor Pence's Botanic Ague Cure. Charter Oak Billiard Saloon, GEO. STBOUBE, Proprietor, Main Street, Denison, Texas. Mr. Stroube has none but the first quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also Club Rooms up-stairs. RICHARD MALTBIE, Attorney at Law, McKinney, Texas. Will practice in the Courts of Collin and adjoining counties. Special attention paid to the inves- tigation of land claims. T. H. EMERSON & CO., 'mM.m'm'mm.m A>fD DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, McKINNEY, - - TEXAS. Make collections in all the towns of Northern Texas, at the actual cost of collection. Logan's Railway Directory. VINITA, INDIAN TEH,, Is a station on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway, and the western terminus of the A. & P. R. R., and is the great Eldorado from which the tides of ceaseless wealth shall flow to enrich the Western world, and the 35th Parallel R. R., just 401 miles distant from St. Louis, with an enterprising population of 50 souls, among which are two store traders, the R. R, Agents, one tavern keeper,, together with a few trappers, half-breeds and Indians, all of the lat- ter industriously idle ; the yearly increase of population will average 2 per cent. Morgan, J. N., Groceries and Produce. Roeadill, J. W., Telegraph Operator, and Agt. M. K. & T. R. R. Thompson, J. A. & Co., General Merchandise. ADAIB, INDIAN TEB. Only a side track station — no houses near it ; 67 miles from Par. sons, 206 miles from Denison, and 415 miles from St. Louis. PBYOB'S CHEEK, INDIAN TEB. No business here — two or three houses, population about 25. Dis- tant from Parsons, 77 miles; Denison, 196 miles; St. Louis, 425 miles. CHOUTEAU, INDIAN TEB., Is a shipping point for the country around, but no business houses except a little Indian store with a capital of about $25. Distance from Parsons, 86 miles; Denison, 186 miles; St. Louis, 434 miles; will be a good town on the opening of the Territory to white settle- ment. GIBSON, INDIAN TEB., Is a station of more importance than the last, being surrounded with some timber, and is the shipping point for Fort Gibson and other Indian villas and lodges. It has a population of 500, with several good business men, the names of which we failed to get, but may give in the appendix. MUS-KO-GEE, INDIAN TEB. Muskogee is a town of about 500 inhabitants, 117 miles south of Parsons, and 456 miles from St. Louis, and is the " base of supplies " for a large tract of country. A large part of Ft. Smith and Van Buren, Ark. freight and passenger trade coming this way. The pro- W. B. SIMPSON & CO., ^A/^HOLESALE (S) «) DENISON, TEXAS. BEFERENCES: First National Bank, Denison . Wallis Landes & Co., Galveston. ft^Liberal Advancement on Consignments."©a W. A. DUDLEY. G. J. DEXTER. DUDLEY & DEXTER, (Late of Lexington, Ky.,) WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, DEALERS IN Bare Drugs, Patent lledicines, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Stationery, Dental Goods. DENISON, TEXAS. OUTHERN lOTEL, North Side Public Square, SHERMAN, TEXAS, FENLON & GRAHAM, - - - Proprietors. E. Fenlon, Formerly of Carney, Fenlon & Co., St. Louis. W. C. Graham, Formerly of Overland Transit Co. Logan's Railway Directory. ducts of the country are mostly cotton, hides and furs, quite large amounts being shipped daily. The soil is adapted to grow almost anything, and should the Territory be thrown open to white settlement this little town will be the centre of a thriving farming country. It might make a splendid stock country, but fear the lack of water will prevent that ; they have no wells, and have to depend on the rivers for their supply. The M. K. & T. Railway have good repair shops and round house here, it being the end of Cherokee and Choctaw Divisions. The fol- lowing are the business men of the town : Atkinson, J. S, & Co., General Merchandise and Forwarding Agents. Cummings, G. W., Physician. Mitchell, James, Hotel Proprietor. Patterson, J. A., General Merchandise. Perkins, B. G., Telegraph, Express and Railroad Agent. Ross, Joshua, General Merchandise. OAK-TA-HA, INDIAN TEB. A flag station 142 miles from Denison, 131 miles from Parsons, and 479 miles from St. Louis. NOJRTH FORK TOWN, INDIAN TUB. Also a flag station, so named from being on the north fork of the Canadian river. Distance from Denison, 125 miles; Parsons, 148 miles ; St. Louis, 496 miles. SOUTH CANADIAN, INDIAN TEB, On south fork of the Canadian river, 112 miles from Denison, t6o miles from Parsons, and 508 miles from St. Louis. BEAMS, INDIAN TEB, No stores here. Distance from Denison, 104 miles; Parsons, 169 miles ; St. Louis, 517 miles. lIcALLISTEB, INDIAN TEB. A station well situated naturally, only awaiting white settlement of the Territory to make it a thriving town]; being 178 miles south of Parsons, and 526 miles from St. Louis, it has good timber and fair soil. 65 J. E. PERRY. M. Y. PIERCE. EUGENE P. LYLE. piiif, piiEii a i¥ii, DEALERS IN Pianos, Violins, Stationer's and Fancy Notions, HOUSTON STREET, - - - SHERMAN, TEXAS. WILLIAMS & PURINTON. Buy and sell Lands, Examine Titles, mahe out Deeds and Locate Lands IN ANY OF THE WESTERN COUNTIES. OFFICE-WALNUT, COH. HOUSTON STREETS, (UP STAIRS.) SHERMAN, TEXAS. "The Sherman Patriot/' Largest Paper Pablished in North Texas. $2.50 Per Year. A. L. DARNALL, Editor. Patriot Job Printing House, East Lamar Street, South Side. Every Description of Job Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. R. De Armond, BASS 85 BASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, IUI„I/IMMCV xcvac Proprietors Abltracf of Titles McKINNEY, - - TEXAS. ^„j ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^q^^^3_ Will practice in the District Courts of Collin, Dallas and Gray- son Counties, and in the Supreme Court at Austin. Collections Promptly Made. Land and Land Certificates Bought, Sold or Located; SHERMAN, - - TEXAS. 66 Logan's Railway Directory. LIMESTONB GAP, INDIAN TEB. A station 27 miles south of the last station, 205 miles south of Parsons, and 553 miles from St. Louis, and like the other, only waiting for white settlement ; it has good soil and good timber. A-TO-KA, INDIAN TUB. f A station 13 miles further south, similarly situated as the last five, with the same jwant of white settlement, education of the Indians, and less cheating of them {by government officials, with an example of industry before them. CADDO, INDIAN TEB. This is a shipping station of some importance, being the principal shipping point to Forts, Sill, Arbuckle, to Paul Valley, Tishamingo, in the Indian Territory west, and to Skelton, Wheelock, Doaksville, Riomatia, Ultimathule, Spencer and Armstrong, Indian Territory, and to Paris, Clarksville, Garretts Bluff, Blossom Prairie, Honey Grove, Starksville, Robinsville in Texas. It contains a population of 200, including half breeds, and is doing a good business. The following are its merchants and business men : Burks, W. S., General Merchandise and Country Produce. Caddo House, Proprietor. Cox, Hugh, General Merchandise and Produce. Hanes, John & Co., Hides, Cotton, Wool and Grain. McCurdy, William H., Telegraph Operator, Express and Station Agent. McVay & Graham, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. Walner & Welch, Hardware and Agricultural Implements. BED BIVEB CITT, TEXAS. A small town near the river of same name, 613 miles from St. Louis, and 5 miles from Denison ; a thriving town, well located, and likely to become of some importance ; the following are the business men : Dexter, Henry, Restaurant, Front. Donwoth, E., Saloon, Jefferson. Fitsh, T. S., Confectionery. Ourind, Jno. D., Saloon, Front. Oliver & McLand, Saloon, Jefferson. Robinson, L. W. T., Proprietor Robinson House, Waco. Washington, G., Express Agent, H. & T. C. S. D. STEEDMAN. J. GUNTER. STEEDMAN & GUNTER, Attorneys at Law, AND Dealers in Heal Estate, Sherman, - - Texas. jJ®~Will practice in the District Courts of Northern Texas and the Supreme and Federal Courts at Austin. R. Y. MANGUM; DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONER!, [TC, (Opposite Cannon House,) SHERMAN, - - TEXAS. a^"All the latest papers, mag- azines and periodicals of the day. W. A, JONES. B. LUCKMAN. W. A. JONES & CO, MANUFACTURERS OF TINIKTARE Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, etc. Sign of Big Coffee- Pot, Main St., DALLAS, TEXAS. Orders solicited and promptly at- tended to. BREMEN HOUSE, W. A. RUMPLE, Proprietor BRXMOXD, TEXAS. JOHN C. EASTON, 67 mm AND LAND AGENT, Sherman, Texas, Has resumctl the Practice of Law in Northern Texas, and will at- tend promptly to all business in- trusted to him in the counties of Grayson, Collin, Denton and Fan- nin, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts in Texas. TlifOGl(iiiorlon,Bfown&Siiiitli ATTOENBYS AT LAW, Sherman, - - Texas. Will practice in the Courts of Grayson and Fannin counties, and in the Supreme Court of the State. J. D. WOODS, J. R. COWLES. S. S. FEARS, WOODS, COWLES & FEARS, Attorneys at Law AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS. SHERMAN, (Grayson Co.,) TEXAS. Segar & Holliday, DENTISTS, DALLAS, TEXAS. Office in Swink's new block, Elm street. 68 Logan's Railway Directory DENISON, TEXAS, Denison, now only a year old, has a population of 2500, among whom are some of the most substantial merchants in any town on the route, whose energy is unceasing and integrity unquestioned. The natural location was a good selection, (yet it might have been as good immediately on the banks of Red River). The situation is some 3 miles from the south-side of the Red River in Texas, near the boundary line between Texas and the Indian Territory, on fine rising ground, with a magnificent view, rich deep soil with a red clay sub- soil, a soil remarkable for its certainty of yearly production, although being porous it retains moisture during the summer far beyond other sub-soils. The stores of this town are substantial structures, which show permanency and perfect confidence in the future importance of this town, and in fact, from present indications it bids fair to very soon rival Sherman, Waco and Dallas, and may become the largest town in Northern Texas. See names of business men below: Audinwood, J. M., Meat-market, Main. Avery, P., Groceries and Produce, Austin. Baker, F. P., Post-master, Skiddy. Baker & Cutler, Publishers and Editors ^'Journal,'' Main. Barnes, G. W., Books and Stationery, Skiddy. Barnes, G. W., Saloon, Main. Benoist & Nevins, General Merchandise, Crawford. Boss, Jennings & Co., Lumber, Doors, etc. Bridge, Beach & Go., Stoves, Tinware, etc., Skiddy. Brown, Wm., Barber Shop, Main. • Cameron &: Mayfield, Lumber Merchants. Campbell & Co., Auction and Commission Merchants, Main. Cash, A. E., Jewelry, Clocks, etc.. Main. Collins, J. C, Saloon, Main. Cook, J. R., Physician and Surgeon, Main. Clark & Tallant, Groceries, Provisions, etc., Main. Crowell, R. C. & Co., Commission Merchants, Skiddy. Cunningham, Michie & Beech, Proprietors Nelson House, Main. Cuttler, G. H., Books and Stationery, Skiddy. Davis, D. W. C., Hardware, Tools, etc.. Main. Day, W. H., Real Estate and Texas lands. Main. Deland & Bacon, Flour, Meal and Mill Stuff, Woodard. Denison City Bank, Skiddy. Dolman, L. A. & Bro., Groceries and Produce, Crawford. Dudley & Dexter, Wholesale Druggists, Main. See card by Index. Eaper, J. A. & Co., Confectionery, etc., Main. Eldes, H., Tel. Operator and Agent M. K. & T. R. R. Eppstein Bros., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, Main. See card by Index. 69 J. T. AULT, C. H. JENKINS, W. R. AULT, Lawyer. Surveyor. Surveyor. AULT, JENKINS & AULT, GENERAL LAND & COLLEeTING AGENTS, DALLAS, TEXAS. 250,000 acres of land for sale. Land certificates bougtit, sold or located. S. S. JONES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROC[RI[S, PROVISIONS &IID LIQUORS, ELM STREET, (Next door to Adam's and Senord's Bank,) DALLAS, TEXAS. R. M. Scripture, James Forrestall, (Late of Arrow Rock, Mo.) (Late of Illinois.) DALLAS HOTEL, SCRIPTURE & FORRESTALL, Proprietors, Cor. Jefferson and Commerce Streets, DALLAS, TEXAS. 70 Logan's Railway Directory , First National Bank of Denison, Perry Edwards, Cashier. Fitzhugh Bros., Dealers in Groceries, etc., Skiddy, Fraidel, C. D., Groceries and Produce, Crawford. George, James A. & Co., wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchant, Main. See card by Index. Gilbert, N. S. & Co., Wholesale & Retail Groceries & Prov., Woodard. Gnase, John G., Liquors, etc. GoldsoU & Co., Hardware, Jewelry, etc. Main. Harper & Hayward, Confectionery, Main. Harris & Williams, Barbers, Main. Hart, J. B., Wagons and Carriages, Woodard. Hines, J. P. & Co., Billiard Saloon. Hughes, Wm., Real Estate Agent, Main. Jones, Henderson, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Liquors, Skikdy. Jordon, Geo. H., Proprietor Dinsmoore House, Main. Killian, W. E., Restaurant, Main. Knight & Sibert, Auctioneers, Skiddy. Ledrick & Robbins, Furniture, etc., Main. Deeper, J. P., Lumber, Austin. Libbe, Louis & Co., Palace Beer Hall, Main. Lowery, Patrick, Saloon, Crawford. Luzzadder, Geo. W., Saloon, Main. McDougel, J. B., Saloon, Main. MrGreevy, P., General Merchandise, Main. Mclmbody, May, Confectionery, Main. Mandok, H., Wines, Liquors, etc.. Main. Martin, G., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise, 43 Main. See card by Index. Walters, G. W., Saloon, Main. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Restaurant, Main. Modie, Owens & Co., General Merchandise, Skiddy and Austin. Montgomery tSc Schluter, Attorneys-at-law. Main. Moore, W. B., Saloon, Skiddy. Mozeley, H., Druggist, Main. Muller, T., Groceries and Produce, Main. Munson & McElvany, Attorneys-at-law. Murray, B. C, Editor Daily News, Skiddy. Nelson & Perry, Attorneys-at-law, Main. Nicholson «& French, Wholesale Grocers, Main. Payne & Barker, People's Market, Main. Pierce, M. H., Grain Shipper, Austin, Pollard, P. D., Tinware and Hollow-ware, Main. Raff, L. C, Restaurant, Main, Reber, T. L., News and Stationery Depot. Main. Sauel-, E. J., Groceries and Provisions, Main. Schrader & Lyon, Attorneys-at-law and Land Office. Sharp & Buckles, Provisions, Main. A. D. EImIaIS^ Proprietor. (formerly of waverly, mo.) j. b. hereford. j. s. hereford. DEALERS IN Gents' Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, etc. MAIN STREET, - - DALLAS, TEXAS. (Opposite Odd Fellows Hall.) Resident ^^^^ Dentists. With the advantages of the best Dental College of Philadelphia, and eighteen years practice, are capable of giving satisHiction in their business. OfRce North Side Public Square, Main Street, DALLAS, TEXAS. BNWIS H#UBHt JERRY D. BEAUCHAMP, Proprietor. This is a new house and newly furnished, and those who favor Mr. Beauchamp with a call will be perfectly satisfied with accommoda- tions and bill. 72 Logan's Railway Directory Shattuck, A. R., Merchant Tailor, Main. Sherman, Reid & Co., Saloon, Main. Sheeder & Co., J. M., Harness and Saddles, Main. Sholze, W. H. & Co., Boots and Shoes, Main; Short, Dr., Physician, Skiddy. Silver & Co., Wine and Beer Hall, Main. Simpson, W. B. & Co., Dealers in Provisions and Commission Merchants, Main. See card by Index. Stegmiller, V., Beer and Wine Depot, Main. Stratton, J. M., Groceries and Commission, Woodard. See card by Index. Streeper, J. E., Furniture, Chairs, etc., Main. Stone & Guy, Groceries and Produce, Crawford. Stroube, Geo., Billiard Saloon, Main. See card by Index. Texas Immigration Aid Co., Main. Trasy, O. D., Proprietor Cameron House, Crawford. Wallace, J. H., Attorney-at-law, Main. Warren & Briddell, Real Estate Brokers, Main. See card by Index. Washington, G., Agt.H. & T. C.R.R.,at Denison &Red River City. Waterman, Weil & Star, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Main. Weaver & Bill, Liquors, Tobacco, etc., Main. Winn, W. H., Gun and Ammunition Store, Main. White, T., Barber Shop, Main. Wilson, H. C, Groceries and Provisions, Main. Woolacott, W., Tobacconist, Main. SSEBMAJSr, TEXAS. Sherman, the metropolis of Northern Texas, with a population of 4,500 inhabitants, is 14 miles south of the Red river, or northern Texas boundary, 10 miles from Denison, 441 miles from Sedalia, 630 miles from St. Louis, and 380 miles from Galveston. It is situated in and surrounded by a marvelously rich country, partially but well cul- tivated in a deep, rich soil of porous black sandy loam, of from 2 to 6 feet in depth, with a productive subsoil, which produces fine, yield- ing certain crops of cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, and good average crops of wheat, corn, rye, barley, oats, flax and grasses, which, during dry weather, are well watered by dews, which are heavy, productive and healthy. In addition to these immense yearly yields, fruits of every kind and of the finest quality, are produced here in abundance. This entire section of Northern Texas is well watered and has ample areas of wood and coal skirting the numerous streams. And to this latter fact is attributed the profitable breeding and herding of stock, especial ly cattle and sheep, of which extensive herds and flocks are owned by farmers and herders, many of the latter making it their 73 And Sample Room Attached. Choice LiaUORS & CIGARS on Hand. Main Street, next west of Odd Fellows Hall. . McGABB & CURRIBR^ Prop^rs^ DALLAS, TEXAS. St. Charles Restaurant, BREMOND, TEXAS. 13A.VIS BIMZZOL^\.IM, Proprietor-. This is the only Restaurant in the city, and those who call on the St. Charles Restaurant can at all times get a good meal of such as they see proper to select, at Reasonable Rates. Also, Fine Segars, Fancy Groceries and Fine Liquors. AGE SALOON. J. A. COOK, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, BREMOND, - - TEXAS. The Traveling Public will always find the Choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Age. 74- Logan's Railway Directory. sole occupation, from all of which, each are making money surely and quickly, and yet there is vast room. From the above industries, energetically and permanently pursued, immense quantities of stock, wool, hiders pelts, bones, cotton and tobacco are continually shipped from here to St. Louis and Galveston, on which certain profits and quick returns are invariably received, as commission houses each vie with the others, for this extensive business ; and from these producers comes a large mercantile want, to be supplied both to the local consuming trade, as also to the retail trade of an immense surround- ing country, extending for hundred of miles in some directions, to which the business men of Sherman are only partially alive to, as the building up of a town within lo miles of it, that promises soon to rival it, is evident proof, but this is owing to their old fogy ideas of conducting business, coming into competition with more industrious and liberal-minded business men, of which their neighbor is com- posed ; yet, each has ample room to enlarge. The following are her business men : Archer & Cassidy, Saloon, N. Travis. Armstrong & Zimmerman, St. Louis Beer Hall, Crockett, near Lamar. Aschaffenburg, L., Cigars and Tobacco, N. S. Square. Banks, J. N., Attorney-at-law, S. Travis. Barnes, Templeton, Livery Stable, Crockett, N. of Square. Barret, R. O., Attorney-at-law, N. Travis. Bass & Bass, Attorneys-at-law and Land Agents, Houston, W. of Crockett. See card by Index. Baugh, D. L.. Groceries and Produce, S. S. Square. Beiler tSc Offield, Groceries and Produce, N. Travis. Block, Jett & Co., Groceries and Produce, N. Travis. Boland, John H., Saloon, S. Travis. Bond iS: Manson, Groceries and Liquors, S. of Square. Bornstein, L., Clothing and Furnishing Goods, E. S. Square. Bostick, S., District Clerk, Crockett, cor. Houston. Brack, W. B., Attorney-at-law, N. S. Square. Bradbury & Crisp, Druggists and Apothecaries, Houston, cor. Walnut. Brooke, John, Physician and Druggist, S. S. Square. Brooke & Lamb, Saddlery and Harness, S. S. Square. Brown, Etter & Co., General Merchandise, N. W. cor. Square. Buchanan, James, Saloon, N. S. Square. Buehrke, C". H., Cigars and Tobacco, E. S. Square. Bullock House, C. A. Davis, Proprietor, Jones, bet. Travis and Crockett. Bullock, R. L., Physician and Surgeon, Travis, S. of Square. Burris & Co., Livery Stable, N. W. cor. Square. Canieron & Mayfield, Lumber Yard, E. Travis. Campbell, Phillips & Co., Flouring Mills, E. Travis. Restaurant & Saloon, ROBERT SMITH, Prop., MEXIA, - TEXAS, Here all eat, drink and are merry. For everything is so nice and cheery. With clerks smiling, waiters willing, you really are glad to spend a shilling. And the beauty of the thing is, you get the worth of your money. 75 RIALTO BAR, BILLIARD SALOON, And TEN-PIN ALLEY , ROBERT SMITH, Proprietor, Navasota, Texas. Something nice to open your eyes, and a decent place to exer- cise. And every one who calls, enjoys a pleasaat chat with clever boys. Everything neat and orderly. J. r. & W. B. DAIRS. DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROMUOOTUSHOEMATSfi CAPS, HAR.r)^WAI^E5 ETO.5 GROESBECK, ... - TEXAS. B^'Also Commission Merchants and Agents for the "Weir Plow." PRIMA VISTA HOUSE, (East of the Railroad, near the Depot,) BRYAN, - - - - TEXAS. Mrs. S. A. SHAW, Proprietress. Jit®"" New house. Furnishing new, and well kept, "'^a SMITH'S HOTEL, NAVASOTA, - - - TEXAS. P. A. SMITH, Proprietor. Baggage transferred to and from Hotel free. Feed Stable in connection. 76 Logan's Railway Directory. Cannon House, E. Cannon, Proprietor, Travis S. of Square. Chevalier, W. S., Cigars and Tobacco, E. S. Square. Christy, O. H. & Co., Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, N. Travis. Cohn, H. M., Clothing and Furnishing Goods, E. S. Square. Conley, Hugh, Shoemaker, N. Travis. Cotter, B. & Co., Wholesale Provisions, E. Houston. Craig & Heady, Physicians and Surgeons, S. S. Square. Cummins, J. M. &J. B., Props. Cummins Hotel, Crockett, cor. Houston. Daggy, J. S., City Marshall, Travis, near JaiL Daniels, L. L., Wagon-maker, S. Crockett. Darr, , Saloon, E. S. Square. Darr & Martin, Saloon, E. Houston. Daugherty & Bishop, Saloon, E. Travis. Davis, A. & Co., Groceries and Produce, N. Travis. Democrat, (Weekly), \V. A. Thompson, Prop'r, Crockett, cor. Jones. Dodge, R. A., Physician and Surgeon, Travis, S. of Square. Dorchester, John, Post-master, Travis, near Square. Dorohestep &l Willis, Hardware and Stoves, S. Travis. Dugan & Son, General Merchandise, E. S. Square. Eakin, S. S., Dentist, Travis, S. of Square. Easton, John C, Attorney-at-law and Land Agent, Travis, S. of Square. See card by Index. Elett, Thomas. Wagon-maker, Jones, near Travis. El Paso Stage Co., R. S. Dorchester, Agent, S. Travis. Eubank & Caruthers, Groceries and Produce, E. S. Square. Evans, J. F., Groceries and Produce, N. Travis. Farley, J. C. & Co., Saloon, N. Travis. Farmer, Cole, General Merchandise, S. E. cor. Square. Fenet, J. N. & Co., Livery Stable, S, S. Square. Fife, William, Groceries and Produce, N. Travis. Fitch & Maxwell, Groceries and Liquors, N. E. cor. Square. Fitch & Son, Saloon, N. S. Square. Forsyth, L. H., Saloon, N. Travis. Foster & Webster, Dry Goods and Notions, N. Travis. Freeman &: Steever, Physicians and Surgeons, Travis, S. of Square. Garvisk, J. C, Tinner, W, S, Square. Gearhardt, G. W., Insurance x\gent, E. Houston. Gohn & Cassidy, Saloon, E. Travis. Gray & Porter, Land Agents, N. Travis. Hall, I. N., Agent Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, S. E. Square. Hall, R. G. & Son, Dry Goods and Clothing, E. S. Square. Hare & Bledsoe, Attorneys-at-law, S. Travis. Hassar, Frank & Co., Bakery, N. Travis. Haverty, G. T., Merchant Tailor, Travis, S. of Square. Head, H. O., Attorney-at-law, S. Travis. Helwig (S: Lane, Wines and Liquors, N. Travis. Helwig, Mrs., Millinery and Fancy Goods, N. Travis. Henry, J. H. & Bro., Groceries and Produce, E. S. Square. Holmes & Wilson, Carriage-makers, Crockett, N. of Square. Ml 77 Opposite Passenger Depot, Bremond, Texas. A. HIGGS, Proprietor. Passengers going to and from Waco having to change cars, may have to stop a few hours at Bremond, will receive every attention, good fare, etc., at this house. C. M. LIBBY, Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND OMNIBUSES & STAGES, NEVADA, - - MO. Surrounded by fine timber, with no rents, and first class workmen, enables me to produce better work at less cost, than in towns and cities less favored. 78 Logan's Railway DiT'ectory . Jackson, C. & Co., Saloon and Groceries, S. E. cor. Square. Jeneke, William, Shoemaker, Travis, cor. Square. Jeter, J. R., Attorney-at-law, Travis, S. of Square. Jones, E. H. Saloon, N. Travis. Jouvenat, E., Real Estate and Insurance, E. Houston. Keef, J. B., Saloon and Restaurant, E. Houston. Kendall, J. F,, Saloon, N. S. Square. Kimbrough & Wilson, Stoves and Tinware, N. Travis. Klein, H. A., Clothing and Furnishing Goods, E. Houston. Laffey, M. H., Blacksmith, Houston, near Crockett. Lang, A. «& Co., Soda Water Manufacturers, E. Houston. Leberman, F. C. J. , Wholesale Wines & Liquors, Houston, cor. Crockett. Leeper, J. P. & Co., Lumber, Cherry, bet. Crockett and Travis. Lindsay, George, Saddlery and Harness, E. Houston. Logsdon & Dickerman, Livery Stable, Jones, bet. Crockett and Travis. McAllister, Blarney & Co., Lumber Yard, E. Houston. McDonald & Robberson, Dry Goods and Clothing, E. S. Square. McGee, J. J.. Blacksmith, S. Crockett. McMurtry, Mrs. Z. T., Physician, E. Pecan. McMann & Harper, Confectioners, Houston, cor. Walnut. Mauguiu, R. Y., News, Book and Stationery Depot, S. Travis. See card by Index. Mattingly, E., Wagon maker, S. Crokett. Millar & Riordan, R. R. Tie Contractors, Crockett, N. of Square. Merchants' & Planters' Bank, J. H. Slater, Cashier, N. S. Square. Metz, C. & Co., Hides and Wool, E. Houston. Moody & Bro., Groceries and Produce, S. W. cor. Square. Moody, J. S., Hardware and Tools, Crockett, cor. Lamar. Moore, A. B., General Merchandise, S. S. Square. Moore, Ed., Furniture, Chairs, etc., Travis, cor. Jones. Monson, C. W., Shoemaker, N. Travis. Moore, W. S., Grain and Provision Dealers, W. S. Square. Mullins, Booth & Co., Stock Dealers and Shippers, Jones, W. Crokett. Neyland, William, Blacksmith, E. Travis. Neely & Lankford, Dry Goods and Notions, E. Houston. Ott & Tepe, Shoemakers, W. S. Square. Owens & Son, Groceries and Produce, S. S. Square. Parker, T. H., Watchmaker, N. Travis. Parks, E. J. Saloon, E. Houston. Parks, E. J., Painter, N.Travis. Parrish, H. A., Attorney-at-law, S. S. Square. Peck, W. S. '& Bro., Groceries and Produce, N. Travis. Perry Pierce & Lyle, Books and Stationery, E. Houston. See card by Index. Planters' House, J. T. Allen, Proprietor, Travis, cor. Cherry. Poak & Jones, Banking and Exchange, N. Travis. Pope, J. D. & D. H., Attorneys-at-law, N. Travis. Porter & Porter, Attorneys-at-law, N. Travis. 79 HAYNES HOUSE, CALVERT, TEXAS. Mrs. M. E. HAYIVTES^ Propr^ts. EAST SIDE OP R. R., NEAR DEPOT. SIMMONS'' AMERICAN HEPATIC BITTERS. For Diseases of the 1 -iver, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sick or Nervous Headache, Bilious or Cramp Colic, Bilious Headache, Flatulency, Pain in the Bowels, Restlessness, Dull, Drowsy Feelings, Languor, Jaundice, Chills, or Ague and Fever, for Pregnant Ladies, a dose after dinner or supper will relieve their costive bowels, sourness of stomach, sick stomach, restlessness, etc. N. B. — When winding up a drunken spree, two to four spoonsful will carry off the bile, relieve the head and enable the person to resume business sooner than he could otherwise do. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. V/. P. BOUL^VARE & Co., Navasota, Texas. E. D. JOHN SOU. State Agent. OUTHERIT lOTEL, EAST SIDE OF H. & T. C. R. R. One Square from R. R. Junction, HEARNE, TEXAS, 80 Logan's Railway Directory. Preusse, Julius, Saloon, E. Travis. Randall, W. G. & Bro., Dry Goods and Notions, N. Travis. Reichert, Julius, Restaurant, W. S. Square. Richards, Thomas, General Merchandise, S. E. cor. Square. Richardson, W. T., Billiard Hall, E. Houston. Robertson, F. N., Attorney-at-law, S. Travis. Robinson, L. F., Saloon, E. S. Square. Rogers, , Saloon, Jones, cor. Crockett. Rouvant, L., Jeweler, N. E. cor. Square. Sadler & Roe, Druggists and Apothecaries, W. S. Square. Sanger Brothers, Dry Goods and Clothing, N. Travis. Saunders & Kennedy, Physicians and Surgeons, E. Travis. Schneider & Bro., General Merchandise, N. E. cor. Square. Senner, I., Jeweler, E. S. Square. Siesfield, J. & A., General Merchandise, N. S. Square. Shackleford, G., Blacksmith, Jones, cor. Travis. Shannon, R. E. & Bro., Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing, S. Travis. Shaw, J. E., Barber and Confectioner, N. W. cor. Square. "Sherman Courier," (Weekly) Dickerman & Crooks, Props., S. Travis. "Sherman Patriot," (Weekly) A. L., Darnell, Editor, E. Travis. Sherrard, J. B., Dry Goods and Notions, E. Travis. Slack & Nichol, Stoves and Tinware, N. Travis. Southern Hotel, Fenlon & Graham, Props., N. S. Square. See card by Index. Steedman & Gunter, Attomeys-at-law and Land Agents, E. Travis. See card by Index. Stevens, J. H., Auction House, Crockett, cor. Houston. Stevens, Miss Sarah L., Restaurant, S. S. Square. Stinson, J. B., Physician and Surgeon, S. S. Square. Storrs, N. S., Real Estate Agent, N. Travis. Storer, W. R., Notions and Variety Goods, N. Travis. Story & Martin, Attorneys-at-law, Travis S. of Square. Strattan, D. F., Stoves and Tinware, N. Travis. Summers, J. A., Physician and Surgeon, S. S. Square. Sumner, F. W., Jewelry and Musical Instruments, 3 Houston. Swain, J. W. F., Saloon, N. Travis. Tarr & Newcome, Groceries and Produce, E. S. Square. Texas Express Company, E. Jouvenat, Agent, E. Houston. Texas Pacific House, Martin Langdon, Proprietor, Crockett, cor. Cherry. Thorp, J. R., Groceries and Produce, N. Travis. Throckmorton, Brown & Smith, Attorneys-at-law, Travis, S. of Square. Tolliver, Zac & Co., Druggists and Booksellers, S. Travis. Tuttle, James H., Sheriff, Crockett, cor. Houston. Walker, W. W., Furniture, Chairs, etc., N. Travis. Wasson, A., Hides, Peltries and Wool, N. S. Public Square. Western Union Telegraph Company, D. C. Mann, Agent, E. Houston; White, W. S., Blacksmith, N. Travis. 81 It. ©taitoi H#tali PARSONS, KANSAS. EUis^ Heatherly d^ Go.^ Props. This Hotel, equal to the best in town, has fair accommodations for all who choose to favor it with their patronage. The proprietors are enterprising people, who do their best to satisfy their patrons. Wholesale an.i Retail Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery and Tools, STOVES ^^IVI3 TITVAV^^I«,E, ON FOREST AVENUE, PARSONS, - - - KANSAS. A. M. Hobby, Galveston, Pres. B. A. Strange, Navasota, Cash. Citizens' Bank of Navasota, NAVASOTA, TEXAS. C.AJRITAL STOOK:, - - #300,000. COLLECTIONS PROMPILY MADE. Gold, Silver and Currency Bought and Sold. HENRY L.RANKIN, NOTARY PUBLIC, U. S. COMMISSIONER, AND General Conveyancer, HEMPSTEAD, - - TEXAS. R. H. BOXLEV. WM. P. COLE. BOXLEY & COLE, BAN KS R S^ And Dealers in Exchange, HEMPSTEAD, TEXAS. Special attention given to collec- tions, and remittances promptly made. Logan's Railway Directory. Wilhite, E. S., General Insurance Agent, N. Travis. Williamsbaden & Co., Saloon, N. E. Pecan. Williams & Purinton, Land Agents, Houston, cor. Walnut. See card by Index. Woods, J. D., Mayor, Travis, near Jail. Woods, Cowles & Fears, Attorneys-at-law and Land Agents, E. Lamar. See card by Index. SUMMIT, TEXAS, Is only a side track, 9 miles south of Sherman — well situated. VAN ALSTTNE, TEXAS. Van Alstyne, has been laid off a short time, and the following exhibit of establishments started in so short a time, indicates clearly that it will be one of the most important towns on the Central road. Situated on the highest point of the line from Houston to Red River, and in the heart of the best farming country in the State, it offers unrivaled inducements to those wishing to go into business, or seeking healthy and beautiful homes for their families. Creager, J. F., Prop'r Van Alstyne House. Daniels, J. M., Lumber, Blinds, Sash, etc. Dayton House and Rescaurant. Griffith, J. H., General Merchandise. Leslie, , Drugs and Medicines. Leslie, Collins & Grier, Physicians and Surgeons. McRuiner, Chancellor & Germany, Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. Pattie Bros., Agricultural Implements and General Merchandise. Riddell, O. P. & Bro., Wines and Liquors. Rupee & Barry, Grocers and Produce Dealers. Tevis, W. P., Ornamental and Sign Painter. Thornton & Thornton, Billiard Hall and Saloon. MELISSA, TEXAS. Nothing but a station house and side track. Fine country. McKINNET, TEXAS. This is the county seat of Collins county — one of the righest agri- cultural counties in the State. The soil is of the black, waxykind- and produces corn, cotton, wheat, etc., in great abundance. Consid- erable quantities of cotton and hides are shipped from here to Galves, ton and St. Louis. McKinney is one of the old towns of Texas, having been settled in 1847. It contains about 800 inhabitants. The surrounding country is well diversified — partly timber, partly prairie. Improved 8S W. H. ELIOT, Drugg-ist, Proprietor of Dr. Eliot's Celebrated Southern Remedies. J,5 MAIJ{ STREET, TRUE ANTI- BILIOUS FILLS. HYGIENIC PANACEA. COUGH MIXTURE. RELIEF OF PAIN TILL A AND RUGUM OINTMENT. EYE LOTION HEALING SALVE, PILE OINTMENT. DIARRHCEA AND CHOLERA MIXTURE, PURE TONIC. Warranted to Effect Relief in Every Instance. A. B. COGGESHALL, Proprietor, Near the Square, HEMPSTEAD, - - - TEXAS. This house is centrally located, and presents unusually good attractions for Commercial Travelers. S. CONRADI, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 6 1 Main Street, Van Alstyne's Bui /dings, HOUSTON, TXSXAS. Watches, Clocks, k Jewelry Carefully Repaired & Warranted. A large stock of Jewelry always on hand, also Watches, Clocks, etc., etc. 84- Logan's Railway Directory. land is worth from $io to $2$; unimproved from $<, to $10. Dis- tance from Sherman, 32 miles ; Sedalia, 473 miles ; St. Louis, 662 miles ; Galveston 348 miles. Alexander & Oron, General Merchandise. Allison, R. D., Dentist. Anderson & Hedgecoxe, Livery Stable and Wagon Yard. Ardinger, H. W. & Co., Dry Goods and Notions. Baird, T. W., Blacksmith. Bement, A. C., Groceries and Produce. Benge & Harris, General Merchandise. Bently, Geo. W., Attorney-at-law. Board, Menney & Welch. General Merchandise. Boyd, W. L., General Merchandise. Bryant, Charles, Saloon. Carter & Howard, Commission Merchants. Cartright & Lee, Groceries and Produce. » Chastain, J. A. Post-master. Craig & Garnett, Attorneys-at-Iaw. DeArmond, R., Attorney-at-law. See card by Index. Deutschner & Cohen, Dry Goods and Clotliing. Emerson, T. T., Stoves and Tinware. Emerson, Thomas H. & Co., Banking and Exchange Dealers. See card by Index. Foote, G. A. & L. A., General Merchandise. Foote & Herndon, Druggists and Apothecaries. Goemann. L., Restaurant. Heard, J. S. & S. D., Groceries and Produce. Hernstadt, E. M., General Merchandise. Horton, H. A. R., Watchmaker and Jeweler. Howell, D. & Co., Groceries and Produce. Howell & Estes, General Merchandise. Howell, J. B. & Co., Druggists and Apothecaries. Hutchins House, B. S. Johnson, Proprietor. Hemstable, A., Boots and Shoes. Jenkins & Goodner, Attorneys-at-law. Johnson, T., Express and R. R. Agent H. & T. C. R. R. Kinnebrew, H. S., Attorney-at-law. Logan, W. B., General Merchandise. McCarty, John, Physician and Surgeon. McClellan & Doggett, Attorneys-at-law. McDonald, H. A., Stoves, Hardware and Cutlery. McKinney, James, Proprietor McKinney Hotel. McKinney, Albert, Saloon. " McKinney Enquirer," J. H. Bingham, Propr. " McKinney Messenger," (Weekly) James W. Thomas, Proprietor. Maltbie, Richard, Attomey-at-law. See card by Index. Moore, W. T., Dentist. Murray & McKinney, General Merchandise. f; 85 HOTEL & RESTAUEANT, LEMAIRi: & CO., Props., SAINT NICHOLAS BUILDING, Ilun St., between Franklin and Commerce, J. H. MANLY. A. R. MASTERSON. MANLY & MASTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HOTJSTOTV, TEXAS. Will practice in the Federal, Supreme and all inferior Courts in the State. F. R. LUBBOCK. T. U. LUBBOCK. R. BURNS. F. R. InUBBOGK & SOH^ AUCTIONEERS AND 31 niJiLirr strest, ' HOUSTON, TEXAS. References — First National Bank, Mr. T. W. House, Messrs. P. J. Willis & Bro., Galveston. 86 Logan's Railway Directory. Parker, R. L., Shoemaker. Parker, W. D., Saddlery and Harness. Perkins, Frank D., Attorney-at-law. Rhine B. W., General Dry Goods, Merchandise. Raglan, William, Saloon. Seay, R. F., Furniture, Chairs, etc. Shain, Jesse, Groceries and Produce, and Livery Stable. Skidmore & Gordon, Groceries and Produce. Smith & Riley, Physicians and Surgeons. Stiff, J. B., Groceries and Produce. Stiff, J. D., Blacksmith. Stovall, J. S., Harness-maker. Texas Express Co., L. Jouvenat, Agent. Thompson, J. L., Book, Stationery and News Depot. Turner, W. C. Telegraph Operator. Walker & Co., Confectioners. Watson, J. W., Photographer. White & Cameron, Land Agents. White, J. L., Attorney-at-law. White, R. C, Attorney-at-law. Wilson, J. C, Livery Stable and Wagon Yard. JPLANO, TEXAS. A small town of about 200 inhabitants, situated in Collin county. Land in the vicinity is excellent, and the remarks made on McKinney will apply to Piano. Distance from Sherman, 48 miles ; St. Louis, 676 miles j Galveston, 334 miles. Atkinson, T. P., Station Agent H. & T. C. R. R. Brock & Ellison, General Merchandise. Butler, L., Druggist and Apothecary. Clepper, A., Blacksmith. Dewey, A. O., Groceries and Produce. Dye, H., Physician and Surgeon. Fagen, M. M., Shoemaker. Farrell & Moore, Blacksmiths. Fowler & Bates, General Merchandise. Garvin & Co., Groceries and Produce. Kendricks & Aston, General Merchandise. Lamm, Charles, General Merchandise. Maroney, W. L., Physician and Surgeon. Murry, H. L., Billiard Hall. Overaker, H. C, General Merchandise and Agent Texas Express Co. Patton, C. C, Physician and Surgeon. Simpson, & Fowler, General Merchandise. Westervelt, W. L, Agent Western Union Telegraph Co. 87 JAMES MARTIN, PROPRIETOR OF A FIEST CLASS HOTEL, ON THIRD STREET, HEARNE, - - - TEXAS. Being well located and having thorough personal management, this Hotel, is second to none in town both for convenience and accommodations, to which the public are directed. BRYAN CANDY MANUFACTORY. Candy made of the best sugar, no adulteration. We the undersigned, merchants of the city of Bryan, have tested the qualities of the candy manufactured by R. A. Brantley, formerly by W. M. Wheat, and pro- nounce it the best that we have ever bought or sold, as it gives entire satisfaction in both warm and damp weather, and sold as cheap as goods of similar grade are sold in Galveston or elsewhere. J. S. Fowlkes & Co., Fulkerson & Davis, McQueen & Davis, C. B. Beck & Co., Parker & Flippen, Spencer Ford, E. Littlefield, J. W. Boyle, J. W. Tabor. R. A. BRANTLEY, Proprietor. D. M. CLOVER, wmm & OPTICIAN, WITH A.MeK.EE, dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, Main Street, - Bryan, Texas. EXCHANGE HOTEL. HEARNE, TEXAS. Mrs, J. I. Pearson, Manager. 88 Logan's Railway Directory, BICHABDSOJ!^, TEXAS. A way station south of Piano. It is an excellent place for a colony to locate, and the country is superior and very cheap, and not yet settled. DALLAS, TEXAS. Dallas is not one of the oldest towns in Texas, but had an existence before the Houston & Texas Central Railroad was built, but this last gave it commercial intercourse and prominence and cheap transporta- tion, since which time it has nearly doubled in population, having now 7,500 people, among whom are some extensive jobbers and several large retail houses, that are doing an immense business, and are deserving of much credit for their enterprise. The Texas Pacific Railroad, now completed to this point, crosses the Texas Central here, and is rapidly building farther west, which fact adds vast import- ance to the town, and with as vast and rich an agricultural sectipn as surrounds it, will make Dallas for all time in future the third if not the second city on Texas soil. Below will be found the name and busi- ness of her business and professional men. Able, J. Lee, Groceries and Produce, Main. Adams & Leonard, Bankers, cor. Elm and Austin. Aebly, H., Bakery, Main. Antone, N., Saloon, Main. Ash &. Wagner, General Merchandise, cor. Main and Jefferson. Ault, Jenkins & Ault, General Land Agents, Main. See card by Index. Bard, G. W. , Family Groceries, Jefferson. Barksdale & Eblem, Attorneys-at-law, Commerce. Basey & Hanna, Saloon, Jefferson. Baum & Graft, Commission Merchants, Houston. Bohny, L. F., Propr. Wm. Tell House, cor. Commerce and Market. Bohy & Lupot, Bakery and Restaurant, Main. Botto, L. T. & Bro., manfs. of Candies, cor. Commerce and Jefferson. Bowen & Connor, Dry Goods, cor. Houston and Commerce. Blake & Barkley, Props. Commercial House, Elm. Block, Jett & Co., Wholesale Grocers, cor. Elm and Lamar. Brin, H. & Bro., Dry Goods and Notions, Elm. Brin, J. & S., General Merchandise, Jefferson. Bryan, F. B. & Co., Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., Houston. Caperman, Leon, Groceries and Produce, cor. Main and Market. Carter, W. E. & Co., Agts. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, Main. Chifflet, E., Restaurant, Commerce. Clark & Bryan, General Merchandise, Houston. Cochran, H. N., Druggist, Elm. Coraeford & Wilson, Butchers cor. Main and Market. pilot's building, HOUSTON, TEXAS. G> H. DA]\riZ:]LiSO]y^ Proprietor. The acknowledged superiority of the Von Moltke over all other Texas saloons, both in regard to the liquors kept at the bar and the promptitude of bar tenders, renders it the most popular of resorts. R. COTTER & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, DEALERS IN PATENT MEDICINES AND PEBFUMEEIES, SOAPS, BEUSHES, Sec, Sec, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff's and Glassware, No. 74 Main Street, - - - - HOUSTON, TEXAS^ LOUIS F. ZIEGLER, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Optician, HOUSTON, TEXAS. Keeps constantly on hand a large and complete assortment of Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Watches and Jewelry. Lenses of all kinds, superior to all others to suit the sight, put in old frames. All work entrusted to me will be executed to the greatest satisfaction. C. C. THOnfEAS, Dentist, (late of NATCHEZ, MISS.) Has now permanently located in the city of Houston for the purpose of practicing his profession. He is pleased to inform the public that he attended a regular course of study of five years, and has since practiced twenty-five years. In regard to inventive, scientific mechanism, he has no superior in the profession. B^'Specialty — Disease of the Mouth and Gums, and Facial Neuralgia. Office, Over Bald^n's Book Store, 84 Main Street. 90 Logan's Railway Directory. Connor & Walker, Druggists, Main. Cornish, W. K., Agt. Texas Express Co., Commerce. Crawford, J. A., Groceries and Provisions, Elm. Cummins & Duncan, Land Agents, Commerce. "Dallas Daily Herald," D. McCaleb, Editor, cor. Elm and Houston. Dallas News, E. W. Baylor, Editor, Elm, bet. Market and Austin. Davis, B., Dry Goods and Clothing, Jefferson. Deppe, Chas, Barber, Jefferson. Douglass &. Baylor, Real Estate Brokers. Downs, J. L. & Co., Groceries and Provisions, Main. Drayfus, G., Restaurant, Main. Druley & Fisher, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Houston. Elliott & Stevenson, Druggists, Main. Ellis, A. D., Proprietor Southern Hotel, Main. See card by Index. Eylar, J. F., Manufacturer of Saddles, etc.. Main. Fendly & Miller, Billiard Hall and Saloon, Commerce. Field Bros., Agricultural Implements, Main. Field & Nowlan, Attorneys-at-law. Fowler, J. A., Ten-pin alley, Main. Fox, A. & Bro., General Merchandise, Elm. Frank, T. J., Hardware, Cutlery, etc.. Main. Friend, A. M. & Co., Wines and Liquors, Houston. Garlington, Marsales & Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Elm. Garrett, Wm., Groceries, Provisions, etc.. Elm. Goslin & Co., House Furnishing Goods, cor. Main and Lamar. Gaston & Thomas, Bankers and Dealers in Exchange, Main. Gaston & Work, Livery Stable, cor. Commerce and Houston. Good & Bowers, Attorneys at-law, Commerce. Harry Bros., Boot and Shoemakers, Jefferson. Haynes, J. W. General Merchandise, cor. Main and Jefferson. Hensley Bro. & Co., Commission Merchants and dealers in Lumber. Hereford Bros. & Co., Gents' Furnishing Goods, Main. See card by Index. Hinkley & Dibrell, Stoves, Hollow-ware, ect., cor. Elm and Market. Hoffstadt, M., Proprietor Empire Hotel, Main. Holland, G. B., Dry Goods and Clothing, Elm. Holland & Sterett, Attorneys-at-law, Elm. Hoskins, H. C. & Co., Drugs and Medicines, Elm. Hughes, F. E., Physician and Surgeon, Elm. Huey & Philp, Stoves and Tinware, Elm. Jameson, W. W., Saloon, Main. Jefferies & Terry, General Merchandise, cor. Jefferson and Commerce. Johnson & Mcllhenny, Prop. Crutchfield House, Main and Houston. Jones, S. S. & Co., Groceries and Provisions. See card by Index. Jones, W. A. & Co., Stoves and Tinware, Main. See card by Index. Jones, William, Postmaster, Houston. Jordon, T. C. «Sc Co., Bankers, cor. Commerce and Market. Kahn tS^ May, Confectionery, Main. 91 [r©©Bl©v©* llti! IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Trunks, 126, 128 and 130 Strand, GALVESTON, - - - TEXAS. Brinkerhoff & Smith, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND General Heal Ihtate Agents. CLINTON, ... MO. dents. Taxes paid for non-resi- T. HEYCK. F. HELFERICH. ma & H[[F[Ricn (Late of Lavaca,) General Commission Merchants, IMPORTERS OF COFFEE. 216 Strand, GALVESTON. CALVERT HOUSE, THOMAS MARTIN, Propr. CAIiVERT, TEXAS. located. ■This house is centrally WEISS & HEISE. Bakers and Confectioners, No. II CONGRESS STREET, HOUSTON, - - TEXAS. Adolph Klein, Dealer in Fancf and Staple ^ Goods, CROCKERY, Glassware, Garden Seeds, etc. 4 CONGRESS STREET, HOUSTON, - - TEXAS. PETER FLffiCK, BANKER, 11 Cong-ress Street- HOUSTON, TEXAS. Dealer in Exchange, Currency, Gold, Silver, and Uncurrent Money. Collections made at all conve- nient points. 92 Logan's Railway Directory. Israelsky, A., General Merchandise, Jefferson. Keller & PhareS, Dentists, Main. See card by Index. Lamb & Drew, Groceries and Produce, Elm. Lane, Miss Lizzie, Proprietoress Elm Street House, Elm. Lange, H , Jewelry, Main. Leachman, J. S., Gen. Agent Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, Elm. Littlefield, G. M. & Co., Household Furnishing Goods. Lively & Robberson, Livery Stable, Elm. Loeb, S. & Co., Dry Goods and Clothing, Main. Luitjens, E. & Co., Shoemakers, Commerce. McCabe & Curraier, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Main. See card by Index. McConner, J. C, Hardware, Cutlery, etc., Elm. McDowell & Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission House, Main. Marcus, B B., Wholesale Liquor Dealer, Main. Meloy & Beverly, Photographers, Elm. Middleton Bros., Tombstones, Monuments, etc., Elm. Miers & Allen, Wines and Liquors, Commerce. Oram, J. M., Watches and Jewelry, Main. Orr, A. M., Livery Stable, cor. Commerce and Market. Oorrick, W. K., Saloon, Jefferson. Patterson & Thomas, General Merchandise, Houston. Pierce & Lyle, Books and Stationery, Main. Prather & Murphy, General Merchandise, Houston. Randall, W. G. & Bro. , Dry Goods and Notions, Elm. Rodgers, R. H., Manufacturer of Buggies, etc.. Main. Rodgers, W. A., Hardware, Cutlery, etc.. Elm. Ryan, J. H., Billiard Saloon, cor. Jefferson and Adams. Sale, H. T., Attorney-at-law, Commerce. Sanger Bros., Dry Goods and Clothing, Elm. Sayre, T. A. & Co., Druggists, Houston. Schmidt, U.S., Groceries and Produce, Main. Schneider & Davis. Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Elm. Scripture & Poristall, Prop's Dallas Hotel, cor. Commerce and Jefferson. See card by Index. Seegart & Holliday, Dentists, Commerce. See card by Index. Selig, S. & Co., Dry Goods and Clothing, Main. Simon, G., & Co., Groceries and Produce. Speigel, G. C, Tobacconist, Jefferson. Steagall & Co., Books and Stationery, Elm. Stephenson, C. B., Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Commerce. Stone & Frankel, Groceries and Provisions, Elm. Tenison, W. H., Manufacturers of Saddles, etc., Commerce. Tuntz, Jacob, Merchant Tailor, Commerce. Tolly, H., Agent Singer Sewing Machines, Main. Tompkins & Littlefield, Commis'n and Forwarding Merchants, Elm. UUmann & Co., Wholesale Groceries and Liquors. Wadsworth, W. L. & Co., Hardware, etc.. Main. Webb, J. W., Jewelry, cor. Main and Houston. 93 WASHINGTON RESTAURANT ^ HOTEL, ( ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, j BERNARD SBISA, Prop'r. MBALS AT AI^I^ HOURS. Newly Furnished Rooms, with or without Board. Nos. 163 and 165 Meclianic Street, GALVESTON, - - TEXAS. WALLIS, LANDES & CO., Wholesale Grocers, 106, 108 «& 110 Strand, GALVESTON, ■ - TEXAS. COTTON FACTOR & COM MISSION MFRCIiiNT, O^^LVESTOTV, - - - - TEXAS. Liberal cash advances made on consignments in hand. Refers to Ball, Hutchings & Co., Bankers. 94 Logan's Railway Directory William Bros., Groceries and Liquors, Elm. Williams & Crowdus, Druggists, cor. Main and Jefferson. Witwer, John S., General Agent for Studebaker Wagon, Elm. Wohl, M., Dry Goods and Notions, Elm. Wood & Fleming, Saloon, Jefferson, MILLEM, TEXAS, Is a railroad supply station for wood and water, and passing of trains, with a few inhabitants, with no particularly inviting outlook, and is only awaiting settlement. HUTCJBEIJVS, TEXAS, Has an inhabitance of about 150 souls, a few business houses, is not a year old, has a good surrounding country and bids fair to increase ; is 73 miles south of Sherman, 703 miles from St. Louis, and 305 miles from Galveston. See names below : Adams, J. L., Pysician and Surgeon. Bledsoe, M. O., Dry Goods and Notions. Davis, R. P., Physician and Surgeon. Grove, N. K., Dry Goods and Notions. Henry, Paul, Groceries and Produce. Lacy, P. P., Station Agent, Houston & Texas Central Railway. Rafferty & Co., General Dry Goods Store. Raulins, H. M., General Drug Store. Schorn & Bro., Bakery. Taylor, Lewis, Saloon. PALMER, TEXAS. A way station 85 miles south of Sherman, 715 miles from St. Louis, and 293 miles from Galveston, is well located — waiting inhabitants. ENNTS, TEXAS. A town of 250 inhabitants, not nine months old, is well located, far enough from any other town, is 96 miles from Sherman, 726 miles from St. Louis, 282 miles from Galveston. The following are those doing business now, among whom is none more enterprising than the hotel man : Aldridge, W. A., Restaurant, Main. Anderson, J. W., Saloon, Main. Beauchamp, Jerry D., Propr. Ennis Hotel, See card by Index. Blakey, Joseph & Co., Hardware and Groceries, Railroad. Check & Marshal, General Dry Goods, Railroad, *' Ennis Argus, ^^ J. C. Rushing, Proprietor. 95 N. H. RICKER. R, P. SARGENT. N. H. RICKEE & CO., FORWARDING AGENTS. All Freight consigned to us destined for ihe interior of Texas, forwarded via G., H. & H. R. R., free of all forwarding charges. Iron Safes and Heavy Machinery removed. HOISTING HORSES AND MULES always on hand and furnished at short notice. Captains of vessels will find it to their advantage to give us a call. P. O. Drawer 243. OEPICE, HEWTDIiEJY'S BUILDING-, 224 East Strand, - - _ GALVESTON, TEXAS. M. SOULIGNY, Attorney at Law. A. MASSARD, Collector. SOVLIGNY & MASSARD, R[il[SmUilSURillC[&CO[L[CTIIii;AG[liTS, OFFICE, pilot's BUILDING, CONGRESS STREET, HOUSTON, TEXAS. REFER TO THE FOLLOWING CITIZENS OF HOUSTON: B. A. Shepherd, President National Bank ; T. W. House, Banker ; Gray & Botts, Attorneys at Law ; Henderson & Cook, Attorneys at Law; E. Pillot, ex-President of B. B. Ship Channel Co. ; Benj. A. Botts, President City Bank ; W. R. Baker, ex-President of H. & T. C. R. W. Co. ; Geo. Goldthwaite, Attorney at Law; Col. J. B. Likens, Attorney at Law ; Henry Cline, Attorney at Law. A. AV. & E. P. CLEGG, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Heavy & Shelf Hardware, CUTLERY, &c., 88 and 60 Strand, Galveston, Texas. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED STUDEBAKER WAGONS. 96 Logan's Railway Directory Gilpin, J. M., General Merchandise, Main. Glascock, B. F., Groceries and Confectionery, Railroad. Hurt, J. H., General Merchandise, Main. Jester, C. W., Harness and Saddles, Railroad. McKinney, J. C., General Dry Goods, Railroad. Murkey, J. F., General Druggist, Railroad. Pannill, C. & Co., Forwarding Commission Merchants, Main, Stallworth, N. C. & Co., Groceries and Provisions, Railroad. Terrell, P. T. & Co., Groceries and Provisions, Main. Templeton, J. D. & Co., Commission House, Railroad. Thorp, W. R. A., Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles, etc., Main. White, H. K., General Merchandise, Main. BICB, TEXAS. Has about 150 inhabitants. It is a new village, well located, await- ing settlement of the surrounding country. Burnett, F., Station Agent H. & T. C. R. R. Bell, A., Groceries and Produce. Huynie & Ward. General Merchandise. Smith, George, Groceries and Produce. COBSICANA, TEXAS. This town of 1,500 inhabitants, 117 miles south of Sherman, 747 miles from St. Louis, and 261 miles from Galveston, is well situated, and has a fair trade ; but its business men do not appreciate it, princi- pally because they are men of small means and little enterprise, who are in need of some live additions to their number. See names below. Aldrich & Allyn, Groceries and Produce. Arto House, A. E. Quinn, Proprietor, near Depot. Baker, I. W. & Co., General Druggists. BeallBros., Druggists. Becker, Mrs. B., Restaurant. Black, J. E., Livery Stable. Block Bros. & Co., Groceries and Produce. Blum, Charles, Saloon. Braswell, S. N., General Merchandise. Broadway, Photographer. Burck, George & Co., Books and Stationery. Burns, D., Groceries and Produce. Campbell, J. G., Druggist. Caplen & Bro., Dry Goods and Notions. Carruthers, F. W., Lumber Merchant. Carter, T. N. & Co., General Druggists. Cerf, L, Groceries and Produce, S. S. Square. Cheek, H., Physician and Surgeon. City Hotel, J. H. Neims, Proprietor. McCOMBS, KELLER & BYRNES, ^'^ lap ®il#ii & 100 & 102 North Main Street, (Corner Chestnut and Main,) ST. LOUIS, MO. CHARLES H. BUCK. WILKY S. WRIGHT. BUCK <&, WRIGHT, Manufacturers of Buck's Patent Improved Peerless & Brilliant Cooking Stoves, Decidedly the best stove yet invented. Office & Salesroom 720 k 111 N. Main st.. ST. LOUIS, MO. All enterprisiiig Stove Dealers are asked to request Catalogues. Manufacturers, Importers and Jobbers of Bags, Bagging and Burlap Cloth, ^ & 10 ]Voi-th ]\Xaiii Stveet, ST. LOVIS, MO. Bags and Sacks printed to order. GROVER & BAKER Sewing Machine Company, 307 North Fifth Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. 98 Logan's Railway Directory. Commercial Restaurant, J. P. Lasserre, Proprietor. Cooper & Fletcher, Saloon. Damon & Bro., Dry Goods and Notions. Denman, F. G., Crockery, Queensware, etc. Deutschner & Cohen, General Dry Goods. Edwards ^: Kerr, Druggists. Eika, Charles, Saloon. Eliot, J. M.. Land Agent. Fewell, C. S., Tinsmith. Forche, A., Saloon. Fox. A. &: Bro., Dry Goods, Notions, etc. Froman. R. D., Physician. Fryan, J. T., Billiard Saloon. Furche, August, Saloon. Garitty, Huey & Co., Bankers and Brokers. Goodman, R. P. & Bro., Groceries and Produce. Gowan & Robinson, Dentists. Gulick, J. W., Physician. Hamm, F. H., Merchant Tailor. Hutchison, G. H., Agricultural Implements. Hord, W. S., Dry Goods and Notions. Hucherson, George, Livery Stable. Huey, J., Stoves and Tinware. J 'ster, C. W., Harness-maker. Jones, Jno. B. & Co., Commission Merchants and Bankers. Kerr, C. P., Commission Merchant. Kerr & Hayes, General Merchandise. Kerr &: Roberts, General Merchandise. Kerr, W. J. W., Physician. Kindon & Adams, Bakery. Knoth, William, Barber. Knox, William, Agent Texas Express Company, at Depot. Krohn, E., Groceries and Produce. Kuska & Martens, Bakers. Learmouth, James, Wagon-maker. Lebermann, F. E. J., Wines and Liquors. Lee, U. M. & Co., Dry Goods and Notions. Ligon & Walkins, Carpenters. Lindly, J. M., Groceries and Produce. Littlefield, G. M., Furniture. Littlefield, J. H. & Co., Commission Merchants. Love, W. J., Physician. McAfee, D. M., Groceries and Produce. MacCulloch, Route Agent Texas Express Company. McElwee, W. H., General Merchandise. Mann, J. M., Agent Weed Sewing Machines. Martin & Son, Shoemakers. Mills, R. Q., Attorney-at-law. MoUoy House, H. S. Molloy, Prop., N. E. cor. Square. 99 BEMIS, BROWX & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BAGS, And Ag'ts Home Cotton Mills, Kos. 104 and 106, North Main Street, ST. T.OXJIS, ----- MilSSOXJR^I- LIBERTY HOTEL. HENRY KURY, Prop'r. EMIL MUENCH, Clerk. No. 508 South Seventh Street, Near Pacific Railroad Depot. STi LOUIS9 MOa Boarders & Travelers will find a first class Accommodation. F. J. FINIGAN, GENERAL DEALER IN FRUIT & PRODUCE, AND COMMISSION MBRGHANT^ Orders and consignments solicited and promptly attended to. No. 806 Broadway, ST. LOXJIS, ]VIO. General Agent OHIO Rie &ND W[ST VIRGINIIl SALT CO'S., No. 122 Olive Street, ST. LOUIS, - - - IWCISSOXJIW. 100 Logan's Railway Directorit. Morrison, M. M., Insurance Agent. Norris, J. C, Blacksmith. Padgitt, Jesse, Harness- maker. Perry, J. M., Photographer. Pigg, Bros. Groceries and Produce. Prentice, G. D., Gunsmith Presley, W. M.. Confectioneries. Pundt, P., Groceries and Produce. Raphael, E., Groceries and Produce. * Read, N. C, Attorney- at-law. Redding, R., Confectionery. Remonte, J., Merchant Tailor. Rous, Condon & Co., Groceries and Produce. Schrimpf, A. N., Furniture, Chairs, etc. Shwarts, Abe , General Merchandise. Simpkins, E. J., Attorney-at-law and Land Agent. Smith, Stephen, Saloon. Solomon, T. D., Groceries and Produce. Steagall, & Co., Books and Stationery. Tatum, L. S., Tinsmith. The Corsicatia Observer, R. A. Van Horn Proprietor. The Navarro Banner, E. J. Simpkins, Proprietor. Vogel, P., Shoemaker. Walden, Mrs. R. P., Milliner and Dress-maker. Watkins, B., Hides, Pelts and Wool. Wilson, A. M., General Merchandise. Zadek, A., Sr., Groceries and Produce. mCHLAJS^J), TEXAS. A switch station, 12 miles south of Corsicana. Surrounding land is well named, and only wants cultivation to produce the proof of its richness; it is 138 miles from Sherman; 769 miles from St. Louis, and 249 miles from Galveston. TEHVACANA STATION, TEXAS. A small station of about 100 inhabitants. It is the railroad station for Tehuacana Hills, from which it derives its name. This place is situated some six miles from the road and is chiefly noted for its water, and for a Presbyterian school there of some size. The station is 189 miles from Houston, 239 miles from Galveston, and 152 miles from Red River City. Bradley, W. N., General Merchandise. Carroll, J. D., Agent Texas Express Co. Dunnica, R. F., Telegraph Operator cS: Station Agent H. & T. C. R. R. Nessbaum, & Co., Groceries and Produce. Rowland, J. R., General Merchandise. Northam, S. R., General Merchandise. JOSEPH HAUER, GENERAL COMMISSION m nmn m[|)ciiiint, No. 713 North Third Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. A full line of consignments solicited, to which prompt attention will be given, and prompt and accurate returns made. MULDOOn & SHARP^ PORK PACKERS, GENERAL DEALERS IN No. 904 BROADWAY, ST. LOUIS, MO. Orders solicited, promptly attended to and filled. C. HORSHMAN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Dealer in all kinds of PRODUCE AND FRUIT, 811 Broadway, - - - - * - - ST. LOUIS, MO. (Between Morgan street and Franklin avenue.) a®" Orders filled and Consignments solicited, ""^i. R. E. COLMANN, Builders' and General Hardware. ♦ The best and largest assortment of COOPERS, CARPENTERS & MILLWRIGHT TOOLS. Warranted and sold at Factory prices. Orders received by mail will receive immediate attention and be promptly filled. No. 908 Broadway, (Opposite Foundry,) SAINT LOUIS, MO- 102 Logan's Uailway Directory . 31BXIA, TEXAS, Is situated in Limestone county, and for its age is one o f the most promising towns in Texas. Not yet a year old, it has a population of nearly 400, and is doing a good business, as is evinced by the amount of cotton shipped this year, 8,000 bales, besides hides and wool._ Land is worth from $10 to $25 per acre for improved, and ^5 to $10 for unimproved. Distance from Houston, 181 miles; Galveston, 231 miles; and Red River City, 160 miles. Archer & Burrows, Furniture. Atkinson, James, Dry Goods and Notions. Bates & Bro., Saddlery and Harness. Beckham & Carruthers, Lumber Yard. Beckham, J. J., Groceries and Produce. Beeson, D. W. & Bro., Groceries and Produce. Bonner Bros., Commission Merchants. Burnett, B. L., Jeweler. Durham, L. C, Saloon. Egan, Miss Flora A., Oper. and Agent Western Union Telegraph Co. Eisenberg, Adolph, Groceries and Produce. Foster, S. J. & Co., Genpral Merchandise. Furche, A., Saloon. Gatlin House, Mrs. E. Gatlin, Proprietor. Gibson, T. J., Attorney at Law. Hausen Bros., Bakery. Hickman, J. P. «& Co., Groceries and Produce. Hodges, E. S., Saddles aud Harness. Jackson, B. W., General Merchandise. Kemp, M. W,, Druggist and Physician. Kerley, J. J., General Merchandise. Kamsler & Bro., General Merchandise. King, M. A., Groceries and Produce. Kohn, Adolph, General Merchandise. Lewis, J. P. & Co., General Merchandise. Love, J. P., Livery Stable. Mexia Hotel, L. W. Traweeck, Proprietor. Mexia Ledger, Fishman, Proprietor. Mindak & Green, General Merchandise. Miller & Adams, Hardware and Stoves. Mitchell, J., General Merchandise. Mosely, S. P., Confectionery. Munger, H. M., Lumber and Timber Yard. Neal, E. R., Express Agent and Station Agent H. & Texas C. R. R. Oliver & Griggs, Bankers and Brokers. Reisman, J., Dry Goods and Notions. Richardson, W. H., General Merchandise. Robertson, T. H., General Merchandise. 103 WM. SCHOTTEN & CO., MANUFAi 'irKKKS OF FRENCH AND DRY MUSTARD, Ground Spices and Coffee, Imperial, Worcestershire k Pepper Sauce, Walnut k Tomato Catsup. Proprietors of ST. LOUIS S]RICE MILLS- Oflace— Cor. Third and Cedar Streets, St. Louis, Mo. Commission Merchants, AND GENERAL GROCERS, 942 Broadway, ST. LOUIS, MO. Particular attention and superior advantages offered to consignments of Butter, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, etc., from the country. SARPY BERTHOLD. CURTIS M. JENNINGS. BERTHOLD & JENNINGS, (Successors to Jos. Bogy & Co.,) LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 18 S. Main St., St. Louis, Mo. (Exchange Building.) 4@" Special attention paid to Walnut Lumber. °^a UIVIOIV STOVE E]\II>OIMU]Vt FRESDBRIGK BOLTJS, WHOLESALE AND > ^___^1^^^^V RETAIL DEALER IN Stoves & ^jM Tinware, No. 1310 Broadivay, St. Louis, Mo. 104 Logan's Railway Directory Scott & Fowler, General Merchandise. Scott & Williams, Groceries and Produce- Simons, J. B., Postmaster and News Dealer. Smith, J. L. & L. P., General Merchandise. Smith, Robert, Restaurant and Saloon. Starley, W. H., Physician. Stern, P., Shoemaker. Traweeck, L. W., Livery Stable. Wolverton, V., Saddles and Harness. Yarbro, J. C, General Merchandise and Commission. GROESBBBCK, This town, like others on this road, has lost the greater portion of its population by the T. C. being extended, yet those who have remained here are of the right stripe — energetic and pushing — and are deter- mined to make the town a place of some importance. Nature is with them in their endeavor, for the place possesses many good points, hav- ing a pleasant situation with an excellent country around that is fast filling up. The soil is excellent, and land can be bought for from gio to g2o for improved, and from ^5 to $\o for unimproved. In addition to good soil and natural advantages offered to settlers, Groesbeeck presents some others, among which may be mentioned the Texas Central Institute, 9 miles from the town. This institution is a school for both sexes, and is said to be one of the best in Texas. Cotton, wool and hides comprise the bulk of the shipments. It is 170 miles from Houston, 220 miles from Galveston, and 171 miles from Red River C\\.y. Anglin, J. C, Livery Stable. Bennett, T. & Co., Groceries. Camp, A. G., Physician. Clark & Key, Saloon. Davis, J. T. & W. B., Gen. Merch. and Commission. See card. Farrow, G. W., Postmaster and Wagon-maker. Foshall, Fred., Bakery. Hart, J. C, Telegraph Operator and Station Agent H. & T. C. R. R. Jayne, A. A., Land Agent and Surveyor. Jaynes, Mrs. Juliet, Boarding House. Klockenbrink, George, Groceries. Lewis & Rowland, General Merchandise and Commission. Parker, P. , Propr. Parker House. Robinson & Andrews, General Merchandise. Stork, E. B., Saloon. Texas Express Company, F. C. Yarbro, Agent. Watts, G. A., Attorney'-at-law. Welch & Davis, Druggists. Welch, J. C. Physician. Yarbro & Jackson, General Merchandise. 105 J. C. LANGDEAN. ESTABLiaHBD 1862. ^^ HENRY F. REED. LAXGDEAN & REED, Gen'l Commission Merchants FOR THE SALE OK TOBACCO, HIDES, HAY, GRAIN, FRUIT. All kinds of produce consignments solicited. TOSy T3\^T. Whittier has spent the best of his younger and later years among us. No word of ours is needed in his recommendation— his patients are to be found in every State. We consider it creditable to this center of business that one of our citizens should draw revenue Irom all parts of the country. He purcljase 1 Iiis present business establishment in i860. 12^ Logan's Railway Directory. Goldsmith, A. M., Livery Stable. Goodman, Mrs. C, General Merchandise, W. S. Square. Gresham, B. A., Physician. Hammond, Z. H., General Merchandise, M. S. Square. Hauser, Jacob, Wagon-maker, W. S. Square. Haveman & Co., Groceries and Produce, S. VV. cor. Square. Hieronymus, E., Insurance Agent. Hooper «& Cole, General Merchandise, W. S. Square. Hooper & Hopkins. Siddlerv and Harnes';. Jalonick, Joseph, Merchant Tailor, E. S. Square. Kaempfer, J., General Merchandise, W. S. Square. Keuneke, W.^ Merchant Tailor, E. S. Square. Krumnev, H., Shoemaker, E. S. Square. McDade &. Tolbert, Saloon, E. S. Square. See card by Index. Manning, W. G., Groceries and Produce, W. S. Square. Milsaps, E., Tinner and Pressed-ware, N. S. Square. NuLsop, John, Groceries and Provisions, E. S. Square. Newman, S., General Merchandise, N. W. cor. Square. Newman, W., General Merchandise, W. S. Square. Nooner, J. W., Saloon, N. E. cor. Square. O'Kelly, T, M., Bakery and Confectionery. Perryf, J. J., Physician, W. S. Square. Planter's Exchange, A. B. Coggoshall, Propr. M. Square. Railey, L. C, Saloon, E. S. Square. Rankin, W. L, Notary Public. Ridell, C. L., Insurance Agent Schwartz, I., General Merclmndise, W. S. Square. Shindler, B., Gin House and Planing Mill. Schwartz, B., General Merchandise, E. S. Square. Sch vartz, Samuel, General Merchandise, N. S. Square. Stephenson, J, W., Attorney-at-law, W. S. Square. Stone, W. T. & Co., Druggists and Apothecaries, W. S. Square. Strickland, J. M., Watchmaker. Texas Express Company, Henry L. Rankin, Agent, E. S. Square. The Hempstead Messeno;er, Nevvnam & Farr, Props., E. S. Square. Thornton, R. W., Dentist, W. S. Square. Tuffley, Tell, Bakery, E. S. Square. Urban, W. W., Druggist and Pli)sician. Watson, R. C, Physician, W. S. Square. Weinyss, John, Blacksmith. Young & Kemper, Druggists, W. S. Square. Zadow, F. W., Shoemaker. WALLER, TEXAS. Is ten miles south of Hempstead, and 40 miles north of Houston, surrounded by the same country as the last town ; has a good outlook for the future and will increase with time. 125 C^* No. 115 PINE STREET, CQ Manufacture and Furnish Printing Presses, Plain and Ornamental Type, Machine and Hand Printing Presses, Paper and Card Cutters, News and Book Papers, (All Sizes.) Note, Letter, Cap, Flat Cap, Commercial, Packet, and Folio Post Papers. CARDS AND CARD BOARDS, (Every Variety.) Printing Inks, All qualities News, Book, Black and Colored ; Lithographic Inks, etc. electrotyping Executed to order at short notice. Hand Stamps, Seals and Seal Presses. 126 Logan's Railway Directory. HOCKLEY, TEXAS. A way station similar to the last named, with very few inhabitants immediately at the station, but in a well settled country, is 35 miles from Houston, and 924 miles from St. Louis. CYPRESS, TEXAS. A station similar to the last, with not quite as good country aroun it ; is 25 miles from each Hempstead south and Houston north, witli few houses, and perhaps 100 people. THOMPSONS STATIOX, TEXAS. A way station for supplying trains with fuel and water, with a few enterprising inhabitants; surrounded by fair country. GUM ISLAND, TEXAS, Is true to its name; is 12 miles north of Houston, with some good timber and a few inhabitants ; draws it supplies from Houston. EUREKA, TEXAS. A passing station, 5 miles from Houston, with good country around it, but has not as yet gained as much popularity for railroad accidents as "Eureka," in Missouri. HOUSTON, TEXAS. Houston, the second city in the State in population and trade, ranks as first in manufactures, in public buildings, in enterprise and in wealth. Situated upon Buffalo Bayou, at the head of navigation, and centrally to the whole State, she always enjoyed a large trade and a large influence with the interior. Before the era of railroads, when the interior commerce was carried on by ox-wagons, this was the grand centre to which it all tended. From 1837 t° ^^57 the streets of Houston were always, during the busy season, thronged by these "prairie schooners," and out of this trade many fortunes were built. In 1857 the railroads built the previous year began to change this feature. At the beginning of that year, there were twenty-five miles of the Central road completed and seven of the Houston Tap, con- necting with the Harrisburg and Richmond road, then only completed to the Brazos timber. Still, short as were these roads, they extended over the worst part of the much dreaded Houston prairie, and enabled the wagoners to save a long and boggy pull to market. From that BEARD & BRO., 127 MANUPACTIKERS OF THE e:xc£:i.sior fire AND BANK VAULTS, BANK LOCKS, AND VAXJI^T DOORS, 918 and 920 Worth Second Street' IRON COTTON TIES. ST. LOUIS. PROPRIETOR OF St. £iiOuis G-Iass ^STorhs, Nos. 2301 TO 23IJ BROADWAy, COR. MONROE ST T:^^^^^' - - - ^i««ouR,. Ihese are old established works, manafred wifh .r,- .r GEO. PARTRIDGE « CO., MANUPACTUKHRS Of AND DKALEKS IN LABO, NEATSFOOT, LUBeiCATING ANO BURNING OILS, AXLE OREASE, Etc. Agents for Averill Chemical Paint Company, 712 N. MAIN STEEBT, ST. LOUIS, MO. SEWING MACHINE T/ie Simplest and The Best for Family Use. General Western OfficeTsSS Wabash Ave CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 128 Logan's Railway Directory time to this the railroads have yearly grown, until now there is con- nected with Houston the following miles of railroad, viz : Houston and Texas Central, (main line), 341 miles. " " " " (Western branch) 165 " (Waco branch) 45 " Galveston, Houston and Henderson 50 '' Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio .. 84 " Houston and Great Northern, (main line) 115 *' •' " " " (Columbia Division) 50 '• Inter-National via Hearne, (not operated) 146 " Houston and New Orleans ,, no " Total 1106 miles. Each season adds a new tier of counties that are becoming tributary to the Texas coast. And it is the universal experience of mer- chants, that no trade is so satisfactory as that thus turned from other markets, none so easy to please with terms, prices, etc. The fact speaks volumes. The manufacturers of Houston are as yet comparatively in their infancy. Leading among them are the Houston City Mills and Eureka Mills. The money invested in them amounts to over $300,000. They give employment to a large number of operatives, and support directly and indirectly over a thousand people. They thus illustrate the advantage of manufactures over trade as the basis of a thriving population. When to these we add the thousands upon thousands dependent upon the foundries, the machine shops, and other great industries for their support, we shall find that four-fifths of the popula- tion of Houston belong to this department of manufactures. Great as these are, there is abundant room for more, and almost every week finds new enterprises of this kind inaugurated. But trade, for some time subsequent to the war overdone, and con- sequently languishing, has of late experienced a remarkable revival, and to-day there is no city in the South whose streets show more animation, whose counting houses more business satisfaction, than this. Her merchants command a correspondence almost co-extensive with the State. From the western counties of DeWitt, Gonzales, Refugio to the Northern counties of Grayson Collin, Denton, and Lamar, there is not a town or a cross road that has not some business at this centre. As the railroads from month to month open up new distances, this trade is bound to spread until it reaches every section of this vast commonwealth. 129 H. iT. IKEullan «£ Co., Wholesale Dealers in mw m m HiRDW&Rf ind cutl[ry, NAILS, CASTINGS, IRON, PLOWS, ROPE, STEEL, ETC., 69 and 71 Common and 52 Canal St. Sole Agents for Howe's Standard Scales. NEV/ ORLEANS, LA. 54 Caral Street, Directly Opp^si^e CiiSicra Houae, New Orleans, La., Wholesale Dealer in HATS AI«D CAPS, Tr^aveling and Packing Tintnhs, Valises and Ba^s, Fancy Bashets, India Rubber and Oil Clotliing. 4®^ The attention of Merchants and others, throughout the inte- rior, is invited to an examination of my stock, when visiting the city. Orders for anything in my line will have my promptest and most careful attention. iktaibXiAcz: & co., Wholesale Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Corner of Common and Magazine Streets, NEW ORLEANS. (SUCCESSORS TO S. E. MOORE & CO.,) Wholesale Importers and Dealers in Crockery, China, Glass & Tinware, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, Tatle Cutlery, Britannia Ware, Castors, Lamps, TABLE AND TEA SPOONS, TVo. S9 Camp, and 11C5 Ooiximon Streets, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. 130 Logan's Railway Directory. Houston has of late years shown great enterprise and good taste in her public buildings She has the finest educational edifice, the largest and finest hotel, the best courthouse, and her Masonic Temple, is the finest building of any kind in Texas. In the matter of enterprise and public spirit, Houston may safely challenge the State for an equal, or the whole country for a superior. Her very foundations were laid in enterprise that disdained all natural advantages, and delighted in bend ing nature to its will. By all the rules of experience, Houston should have been laid out where Harrisburg now stands. But the projectors of the city could more easily make naviga- tion and build railroads than they could persuade the owners of land, by "nature designed for a city," to yield to their enterprise, and Houston, as Dr. Moore well said in 1837, was located " at the very crown of the head of navigation," and to this day it would be difficult for a good sized skiff to go a thousand yards above the turning point for the largest steamboats. She has not only made the narrow and tortuous bayou navigable, but, following the projects of the far-seeing men who founded the city, she has built railroads, till now their great iron arms bid fair in a year or two more to embrace the whole State in their grasp. It is a curious fact, that when the city of Houston was laid out in 1837, one of the streets was named Railroad street, the very street on which, near 20 years after, the first rails were laid, and on which the great Central still enters the city. But enterprise such as this grows with what it feeds upon, and each new achievement but opens a field and creates an ambition, not to say a necessity, for still greater. The whole State now offers to pour its commerce into her lap, and the question is, what is to be done with it ? A railroad and a bayou, with a fleet of steamers and barges now counted by the score, prove inadequate to the growing commerce, and a ship channel to the Gulf has become a necessity. The work is already under way, and with such success, so far, as to give early promise of great relief. Not only has the undertaking been proved feasible, but its advantages are already felt in the trade, and ere long they will have sea-going vessels loading and discharging in the very heart of the city. Nor will this enterprise stop here, but another rail- road to the Island is to be an early necessity, and will not only cer- tainly be built, but it will be built by Houston enterprise and Houston capital. Houston is' growing in population. In 1850, the census showed 2,390. In i860, the population had grown to nearly 5,000; and in 1870, the enumeration showed between 9,000 and 10,000. To-day 131 Importer and Dealer in Guns, Pistols and Rifles, ALL SIZES OF CARTRIDGES, FISHING TACKLE!^ ETC. No. 53 STATE STREET, (Formerly 101 Lake Street,) CHICAGO^ . . - - ILLS. C. C. WIGGIN. D. C. SMITH. B. C. SIMPSON. KNGINKKRS, MACHINISTS. Preston Street, near Long Bridffe, Houston, Texas, «S- All kinds of Job Work done at the lowest rates. IT HAS COME, PREPARE IN TIME. The constant rains of spring and succeeding burning sun are pro- ducing their legitimate fruits in the demoralization of the liver, blood and bowels, and superinducing a train of diseases that, if not at once controlled and dissipated, will tend to the production of a greatly increased mortuary report, and unnecessary addition to the popula- tion of our cemeteries. You can bs cured of all affections of the liver, jaundice, dyspepsia, constipation, depression of spirits, effects of alcoholic stimulants upon the liver and kidneys, dropsy, chills and fever, — in fact, perfect health is insured, if Maguire's Condurango Liver and Blood Bitters is used. No alcohol, no piles. — St. Louis Globe. Log art's Railway Directory. there are fully 20,000 within her limits, and the annual increase is very nearly equal to the entire population of 1850. This growth is caused, not only by the ordinary business growth and ordinary increase of population, but by the extreme healthfulness of the climate. With this large population, the average mortuary list for the years 1870 and 1879 ^^.s less than four per week the year round, or one in 55 annually of the average population. The United States may safely be challenged to produce a parallel. This good health is the characteristic of this climate, to which the only exception is the yellow fever. The cholera has never prevailed here, nor any other fatal epidemic but the fever. This has visited, in all, nine times, viz: in 1839, 1847, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1858, 1859, 1864 and 1867, the latter year proving by far the most fatal ever before known. During the decade from 1850 to i860 there were five epidemics. From i860 to 1870 there were but two. It is to be hoped that the sanitary meas- ures now adopted — notably, the establishment of a rigid quarantine, and the construction of deep underground sewers — will remove largely the causes for the introduction and spread of this fever, and that there may be no more of it. It is the only drawback. Prosperous as are the cities of Galveston and Houston, however, enterprising as are their citizens, it is doubtful if their prospective greatness has yet dawned upon them. An empire is behind them to back them up, and a field for enterprise before them that broadens and widens in every aspect. They are both destined to become the abode of populations to be numbered by the hundreds of tliousands, and to sway influences that shall reach from the Lakes to the Rocky Mountains. This city should be the seat of government, in justice, for it will in a few years be second to none in the *' Lone Star State." See names of her enterprising business men below : Ackerman, P., Merchant Tailor, 92 Main. Adams, C. & Co., Saloon, Congress near Fannin. Albrecht & Co., Saloon, 11 Preston. Allen, W. H., Commissioner of Deeds, Congress cor. Fannin. [Travis. Alexander, W. P., Cotton, Hides & Wool, Commerce bet. Main and Allen, H. R., Agent Averill Chemical Paint, Commerce cor. Main. Alltmont, N., Dry Goods and Notions, 27 Travis. Arto, J. S., Restaurant, 70 Main. Baer, R. B., Gen'l Sup't. T. & N. O. R. R. Co. 48 Main. Bailey, J. &. F. H., Grocers and Provision Dealers, i Franklin. Bachstrum, A., Merchant Tailor, 105 Main. Baldwin & Co., Books and Stationery, 84 Main. t' 133 Bail waj. Business Direetorj, FROM Saint Louis to St. Paul. VIA ST. LOUIS, vm m m northern mm\ lOW^A CENTRAL RAILV/AY, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Containing A complete Directory of the names, business and location of every person, firm or company doing business of any kind in all cities, towns, and stations on each of the above trunk lines of railroads in Missouri, Iowa and Minnesota, compiled from information obtained from a personal canvas of each. With A historical and descriptive sketch of each town, showing its peculiar location, advantages, and the extent of enterprise of the inhabitants. Also A new Post Office Directory of the Western States and Territories, corrected to date. Rates for Patronage. One Page Advertisement with Book $25.00. Half " " '' " 15.00. Fourth " " " " 10.00. Eighth " " " " 7.00. Name in large letters i.oo. Copy of Book with name and business 3-oo. A. L. LOGAN & CO., Publishers. Post Office Box 2781, ST. ZOUIS. ISJf. Logan's Railway Directory , Baldwin, D. J., Lawyer, Gray's Building. Barrett, R. H., Groceries and Produce, 138 Main. Barr & Wright, Photographers, 4 Congress and 82 Main. Bartels, Andrew, Saloon, 25 Commerce. Barton & Hyndman, Livery Stable, Texas ave. cor. Travis. Bearcus, C. C, Books and Stationery, 94 Main. Beaumont, Godfrey, Physician, 4 Congress. Benedict, N., Cigars and Tobacco, 68 Main. Belling, J., Jeweler, 109 Main. Bentley, A., Variety Store, 93 Main. Bering, A. & Bro., Lumber Yard, Prairie cor. Milam. Bering, C. H. & Co., Carpenters, Milam near Prairie. Bernard, C. F., Groceries and Produce, 29 Travis. Billiesan & Scott, Restaurant, 121 Main. Birsaniet, B., Gunsmith, 93 Main. Billich, Peter, Proprietor St. Charles Restaurant, Congress near Main. Blake, J. H. & E. H., Physicians, 51 Texas ave. Bleuner, H., Confectioner, Preston, West Houston. Block, H., Dry Goods and Clothing, 82 Main. Bollpass, Bros., Groceries and Bakery, 35 Preston. Bond, Tom, Saddlery and Harness, 50 Main. Bonn, F., Groceries and Produce, 21 Travis. Bosha, A., Grocer, Preston, between Travis and Milam. Brandon, E. W., Manager Western Narrow Gauge Railway. Brietling, F. A., Furniture, Chairs, etc., 29 Main. Brinsmade & Marston, Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 52 Main. Bruner, A., Boot and Shoemaker, 123 Main. Brady, Wm., Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, over E. H. Cushings. Buffalo Bayou Ship Channel Co., Commerce cor. Main. Burke & Co., Cotton and Commission Merchants, 12 Franklin. Burke, Turner & Co., Wholesale Clothing, 12 and 14 Franklin. Burroughs, J. J., Oculist, 117 Main. Bute, James, Paints, Oils and Colors, 80 Main. Butt, F. N., Livery and Sale Stable, cor. Preston and Milam. Byrnes, T. E., Marble Yard, corner Franklin and Fannin. Cabien, J. C, Insurance Agent, 84 Main. Capitol Hotel, E. L. Bremond, Proprietor Main, cor. Texas. Carroll, N., Civil Engineer, cor. Fannin and Prairie. Castleton, J. L., Groceries and Produce, 126 Main. Christian, Williams & Co., Grocery and Com., 26, 28 and 30 Main. See card by Index. Church, Mrs. C. M., Millinery and Fancy Goods, 130 Main. City Bank of Houston, B. F. Weems, Cashier, Main, cor. Franklin. Clemen, P., Merchant Tailor, 106 Main. Cleveland, W. D., Wholesale Grocer and Cotton Factor, 37 Main. Cline & Bro., Wagon makers, Preston, near Louisiana ave. Cochran, Owen, Ins. Agt. & Cotton Broker, Main, cor. Commerce. Cohen, M., Merchant Tailor, 112 Main. Cohen, R., Dry Goods and Clothing, 30 Main. £kmm^m^wr i^rio^n^, 135 MANUFACTURER OF 1 — C/3 m ^ 30 ?^c: o O o 7^ -'^ CO oo o -n ■0 m o >• o r- 1— m 30 ^ > i2 2 S o Refsrencos io some of those us og my Staqea in different parts of the country. H. C. Creveling, Pres. St Louis Transfer Co., St. Louis Mo.; R. P. Tansey, Supt. Chicago & St. Louis Transftr Co., St. Louis, Frank Borge, Supt. New Orlean> Transfer Co., New Orleans ; Parker & Tisdale, Springfield. Mo. ; L. G. Terry. Supt. Kansas Stage Co., Leavenworth, Kansas ; Frank Parmele & Co., Omnibus Line, Chicago 111. ; l^eoples' Omnibus & B. Co., Wabash Avenue Line, Chicago ; C. B. Heartt, Lumberman's Line, Chicago; A. & P Ragor, Canal Street Line Chicago ; T. W. Wadsworth, Supt. Madison Street Line, Chicago ; J. D. S. Harvey, Wilksbarre', Pa. ; J. B. Cook, Transfer Line, St. Paul Minn. ; Atchison Transfer Co , Atchison, Kan. ; Frank E. Short, Transfer Co., Kansas City ; Geo. W. Homan, Jr., Omaha Transfer Co., Omaha, Neb.; W. B. Hawkes, Omnibus Line, Columbus, < >. References to some of thos-< using my Cars in different parts of tie cou->tr). R. C. Shackelford, Pres. Bellefont;iinc R. R. Co., St. Louis ; John H. Maxon Pres. I mdell & 4th Street R. R. Co., St. Louk ; Yoder Brown, Pres. Union Line, St. Louis ; F.rastus ^Vells, Pres. Missouri R. R. Co., St. Louis; Geo. W. Case, Pres. Baden & St Louis R. R Co., St. Louis; Jas. F. Utz, Pres. Shreveport City R. R. Co., Shreveport, La. ; Hardin & Robinson, Selma, Ala. ; T. S. Davis, Pres. Men^phis Citv R. R. Co . Memphis, Tenn. : N. Holmes, Pres Kansas City R. R. Co., Kansas City, Mo.; P. D Rid.Miour, Pres. Lawrence City R. K, Co., Lawrence, Kan. ; L. C. Ells- worth, Pres. Denver City R R Co., Denver, Col. ; S. A. Bishop, Pres. San Jose & Santa Clara R. R. Co., San Jose, Cal. ; Peoria City R. R. Co., Peoria, 111 >(I^This establisnment, by long eacperience, extensive facilities and careful attention, produces Elegance, Lightness and Strength, in the highest degree, adapted to all kinds of service. Its loca- tion in the the city of St. Louis affords the greatest facilities for shipment, both by rail and water. My prices are uniform to all. Orders by mail have equal advantxiges with those placed in person. 136 Logan's Railway Directory Cohen, Sol., Clothing, io6 Main. Cohen, William, Merchant Tailor, 90 Main. Colenson, Lawrence S., Portrait Artist, Temple, Main, near Mason. Collins, John & Co., Groceries and Produce, Travis, cor. Preston. Colby & Clary, Dry Goods & Groceries, Preston, West Houston. Colman, Isaac, Groceries and Produce, Congress, cor. Travis. Colman, Lewis, Groceries and Produce, Congress, cor. Milam. Conklin, T. H., Insurance & Real Estate Agt., Van Alstyne Building. Conliff, J. C, Drugs and Medicines, Preston, near Main. Connell, A. & Co., Cigars and Liquors, 32 Main. Conrad, J. B., Upholsterer, Milam, bet. Franklin and Congress. Conradi, S., Jeweler and Watchmaker, 61 Main. See card by Index. Cook, Gustave, Attorneyat-law, 132 Main. Cooper, T. , Veterinary Surgeon, Preston, near Milam. Copping, T. J. & C. W., Saloon, 108 Main. Connell, A., Physician, Texas ave., near Fannin. Cotter, R. & Co., wholesale and Retail Druggists, 74 Main. See card by Index. Cowling, James, Physician, Prairie, between Main and Travis. Cramer, A., Dry Goods and Notions, 79 Main. Crank & Wilson, Attorneys-at-law, 84 Main. Crosly & Hill, Attorneys-at-law, 48 Main. Cushman, J. A. & Co., Hardware & Tinware, Commerce, near Main. Gushing, E. H., Books and Stationery, 5 and 7 Franklin. Danish, F. R., Notions, Travis, between Commerce and Franklin. Danielsen, G. H., Saloon, bet. Main and Congress. See card by Index. Danlovenish, G., Confectioner, 60 Main. Davis & Co., Carriage manfs., Fannin, bet. Commerce and Franklin. Davis, J. W., Harness-maker, Travis, bet. Franklin and Commerce. Duchaumes & Dunn, Stoves and Tinware, 49 Main. Desforges, L. & Co., Produce and Commission, 32 Travis. DeMirrimonde, N., Dry Goods & Groreries, Preston, West Houston. Dettmer, H. Tobacconist, 105}^ Main. DeWall, A., Painter, 112 Main. Dewey, L. F., Insurance Agent, 29 Preston. Direct Navigation Co., John Shearne, Concrete Building. See card by Index. Dirsen, Wm., Propr. Dirsen House, Preston, opp. Post Office. Dolan, N. P., Insurance Agent, cor. Main and Preston. Dooley, F. B., Cleaning and Scouring, 43 Main. Dumble, Geo., Hardware and Stoves, Congress, near Main. Duncan, John H., Attorney-at law, Prairie. Eagle Car Works, J. H., Peregory, Manager, West Houston. Eliot, W. H., Drugs and Medicines, 45 Main. See card in full by Index. Ellis, W. A. & Co., Hides, Pelts and Wool, near Bayou Bridge. Eleasser, J., Dry Goods and Clothing, 68 Main. Emmich, Z., Crockery and Glassware, 72 Main. 137 HOUSTOBSr lireot »^ g© FROM HOVSTOJSr, BY STEAM TO NEW YOEK AND NEW ORLEANS, BY SAIL TO NEW YORK, LIVERPOOL, AND OTHER POINTS. Wharfage, Drayage and Commission Saved ON GOODS BY THIS LINE TO HOUSTON. All Produce consigned to this Company is insured at the Company's expense. kmm Ffee on Cotton and ottief Produce bf this Line TO GALVESTON. CONSIGN TO Houston Direct Navigation Co., ALL JUST CLAIMS FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE PROMPTLY PAID. JOHN SHEARN, President, Houston Texas. 138 Logan's Railway Directory. Erichson, G., Gunsmith, Milam, near Congress. Erlenmeyer, E., Drugs and Medicines, 125 Main. Escella, N., Confectioner, 133 Main. Engelke, H., Painter's Supplies, 14 Congress. Ewing, A., Gents' Furnishing Goods, 43 Main. Fassbender, H., Saloon, 5 Congress. Fenwick, C. C, Painter, 132 Main. Fielding, E. L., Dentist, 117 Main. Fitzgerald, B. S., Principal Houston Academy. Floeck, Peter, Banker, 1 1 Congress. See card by Index. Floyd, Henry, Attorney-at-law, Fannin. Flynn, James, Saloon and Clothing, 27 Commerce. Foley, Francis, Saloon, Commerce, bet. Travis and Milam. Foster & Blessing, Real Estate Agents, 4 Congress. Fox, A. S., Dry Goods and Notions, 54 Main. Fox & Heitmann, Iron and Heavy Hardware, Main and Commerce. Fox, W., Dry Goods and Clothing, Preston, bet. Main and Travis. Freund, M. E., Livery Stable, Commerce, near Milam. Friedrich, C. A., Saloon, Milam, bet. Franklin and Congress. Froment & Schuster, Jewelers, 62 Main. Frunklin, T. R., Dry Goods, 73 Main. Frynet, D. D., Lawyer, Pilots' Building. Gallwey, A., Saloon, Travis, bet. Franklin and Congress. Garcia, Anto, Fruit Store, 70 Main. Gaus, Simon, Auction House, 48 Main. Gargon, Caspar, Shoemaker, Milam, corner Prairie. Garnett & Garnett, Lawyers, Van Alstyne's Building. Gaskill & Miller, Saloon, Preston, between Main and Travis. Gibbons, G. A., Meichant Tailor, 76 Main. Giericke, F., Boots and Shoes, 80 Main. Girard, Joseph, Grocer, Fannin, corner Prairie. Gilbert, Mrs. C. A., Fruit Store, Preston, bet. Main and Fannin. Glass, W. H. & Co., Plasterers, 127 Congress, Goldman, A., Soap manufacturer, Frostown. Gray, A. C. & Co., Job Printers, Travis, corner Congress. Gray & Botts, Attorneys-at-law, Gray's Building, Gregory, Geo. W. & Co., Saloon and Restaurant, 60 Main. Grosgean, C, Groceries and Liquors, cor. Traners and Congress. Grow, G. A., Pres. Houston & G. N. R. R., Main, cor. Franklin. Grunewald, Rengo, Musical Merchandise, Gray's Building. Hoag, E., Grocer, Railroad. Hodro, B., Physician, Capitol. Hail, W. F., Stoves and Tinware, i Preston. Hall, E,, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 62 Main. Holff, S., Clothing, corner Main and Preston. Harde, Louis, & Co., Groceries and Com. Merchants, 33 Main. Harrall, W. & Co., Wines and Liquors, 66 Main. Harris & Fox, General Merchandise. Hastings. F. J,, Agent Grover and Baker Sewing Machine, 98 Main. ^t^®^^*» E#^^ 139 AND TEXAS RAILWAY, NOW COMPLETED THOUGH Sooth-West Missouri, Souttiern Kansas, tlie Indian Nation Through Tickets for sale in all the principal offices throughout the United States, and in St. Louis, at 404 WALNUT STREET, (Southern Hotel Block), where Berths and Locations in Sleeping Cars can be obtained. THE ONLY ROUTE FROM It® t#rii t# l^XHi WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS IS . VIA SEDALIA. THOS. DORWIN, JAMES D. BROWIT, General Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. General Ticket Agent, Sedalia, Mo 1^0 Logan's Bail,way Directory. Hatfield, C. A., Proprietor Star Hotel, i8 Congress. Hartridge, H. E. & Co., General Merchandise, i6 Congress. Heidingsfelder, E., Dry Goods and Notions, 5 Preston. Heidingsfelder, L., Cigars and Tobacco, 114 Main. Henderson, J. A.. Candy Manufacturer, 16 Congress. Henderson, J. W., Attorney-at-law, 132 Main. Henkel, Henry, Merchant Tailor, 112 Main. Henning & Co., Groceries and Produce, 2 Grays Building. Herndon, J. H. & A. C, Real Estate Agents, Van Alstyne's Building. Herman, Jacob, Saloon, Congress and Travis. Henricks, Henry & Co., Groceries and Com., Main, cor. Commerce. Hesse, F., Organ Builder, Pilots' Building. Hill, J. M., Drugs and Medicines, 103 Main. Hirshberg & Bro., Dry Goods and Clothing, 119 Main. Hohenthal, S. L., Exchange and Collection Office, 46 Main. Hopkins, & Stevens, Saddles and Harness, Preston, near Main. House, H., Planing Mill, Travis, bet. Texas and Capitol. House, T. W., Cotton Factor and General Merchandise, 41 Main. See card by Index. Houston House, C. G. Guettler, Preston, cor. Louisiana ave. Houston Gas Light Co., F. F. White, Secretary, Travis, cor. Franklin. Houston In. Co., E. H. Gushing, Sec'y, Franklin, bet. Main & Travis. ''Houston Telegraph," (daily) Wm. G. Webb, Proprietor ; F. Chew, Associate Editor, Main, cor. Commerce. Houston & Texas Central Railway Company, General Office, Franklin, bet. Main and Travis. See card by Index. Houston Weekly Chronicle, A. J. Hanson, Proprietor. Howard, B. T. , Cotton Factor, Main, near Franklin. Howard, W. H., Physician, at Conliff's Drug Store. Huebner, Adam, Groceries and Produce, 33 Travis. Hucker, James, Book and News Dealer, 42 Main. Hurd, Mason & Co., Wagon Manufacturers, Commerce, cor. Travis. Hutohins House, N. P. Turner, Prop., Franklin, bet. Main & Travis. See card by Index. Hutchison, 6. H., Groceries and Produce, Milam, near Texas. Hutchins, W. J., Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, Franklin, between Main and Texas. International Houston & Great Northern Railroad, General offices, Franklin, corner Main. Jacobs and Gohlman, Dry Goods and Notions, 51 Main. Jacobs, J., Confectioner, 104 Main. Jiliz, F., Furniture, Chairs, etc., opposite Hutchins House. Johnson & Lemmon, Com. Mer. & Grain Dealers, Travis and Com. Johnson, J. B. & Co., Druggists, 96 Main. Johnson, J. L , Grocer, corner Milam and Preston. Jones, C. A., Lawyer, Congress, near Main. Jones, L. M., Fancy Goods, 92 Main. Kaffenberger, G. W., Groceries and Produce, Preston. Keller, T. A. Watchmaker, 60 Travis. lAl Houston & Texas CENTRAL RAILWAY. Southern Terminus, Houston. Northern Terminus, Red River City. Western Terminus, Austin. Northwestern Terminus, Waco. Connecting at Red River City with the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway, VIA SEDALIA AND ST. LOUIS, OR WITH THE AlMlf I® & PAilf If BMll'OlP At Vinita, I. T. Gives via either of these Lines an ALL RAIL ROUTE To Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, and all prominent points North, East and West. Also via Galveston and New Orleans to all points North and East in the Through Tickets on sale at important stations to all noted points between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, within the limits of the United States and Canada. Half rates are extended to Immigrants where they are provided with the proper certificates of Immigration. The Houstoii & Texas Central Railway traverses the best portion of the State of Texas, and offers the most agreeable route to all, whether Immigrants, Tourists or Speculators. Attached to all Night Passenger Trains. J. DURAND, J. WALDO, Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Freight and Ticket Agt. :iIOX7STQ»r, TEZXAS. Ijf2 Logan's Railway Directory. Kidd, Geo. & Co., Auction and Commission Merchants, 55 Main. Keller, T. & Co., Groceries and Produce, 31 and 33 Preston. Kennedy, John, Groceries and Produce, 36 Travis. Kiam, V., Saloon, 15 Preston. Klein, Adolph, Fancy Goods, 4 Congress. See card by Index. Koehler, C. J., Dry Goods and Notions, 12 Congress. Koenig, W., Grocer, Preston, West Houston. Kodtler, C. H., Mattress maker, cor. Preston and Fannin. Koschwite, C, Furniture and Chairs, 140 Main. Kruger, E., Shoemaker, Commerce, bet. Travis and Milam. Labruzan, Mrs., Books and Stationery, 114 Main. Latham, L. J., Furniture and Carpets, 140 Main. Larendon, J., Physician, corner Congress and Fannin. Lauter, H., Saloon, Congress, between Travis and Milam. Larson, A., Boot and Shoe-maker, Congress, near Main. Lawrence, John, Grocer, 107 Main. Lemmon, G. W. , Livery Stable, Milam, corner Preston. Levy, A., Dry Goods, 3 Preston. Levy, A., Junk Dealer, Louisiana ave., bet. Preston and Congress. Levy, M. H., Dry Goods, 89 Main. Levy, S. J. D., Dry Goods and Clothing, 91 Main. Lemmell, G. W., Wines and Liquors, 25 Main. Lewis, P., Saioon, between Main and Travis. Lewis Bros., Dollar Store, 52 Main. Likens & O'Brien, Lawyers, Van Alstyne's Building. Loeb, A., Dry Goods and Notions, 23 Travis. Loeb & Bro., Dry Goods and Clothing, 29 Preston. Loefler, G., Cotton, Wool & Produce Com'n Mer., Main & Com'rce. Lonsbach, J., Wholesale Liquors, 31 Travis. Lord & Richardson, Prop's Eagle Iron Works, opposite T. C. Depot. Looscan, M., Lawyer, Congress near Main. Lowenstein & Flias, Wholesale Cigars and Tobacco, 29 Main. Lubbock, F. R. & Son, Auction and Commission, 31 Main. See card by Index. Lunday, R. W., Physician, Preston near Fannin. Lynch, G. L., Saloon, cor. Fannin and Franklin. McAnallen, Thomas, Saloon, Commerce, between Travis and Milam. McConaughey & Fauntleroy, Lawyers, Van Alstyne Building. McDonald, Gordon & Co., Beef Packers, cor. Main and Commerce. McDonough, B. F., Real Estate Agent, Van Alstyne Building. MoGowen, A., Prop'r Bayou City Iron Works, near C. R. R. Depot. See card by Index. McGown, W. C, Physician, 82 Main. Mcllheny & Hutchins, Dry Goods and Notions, 6, 8, and 10 Franklin. Macater, W. L., Soap and Candle manufacturer. Magnolia Warehouse. MaiSOn Doree Hotel, Lemaire & Co., Prop's, 24 Main. See card by Index, Magnolia House, Alex. Weissensee, Prop'r, 18 Congress. Manly & Masterson, Lawyers, Gray's Building. See card by Index. a 213 wc!2i fo ©o S 2 « M,^ 2 O-^'i O L3 -1 fs 2 ^^ 3 ='3 ~ V E£ fo ^ r E.S- P P 2. f« 35 «* :i 2 ^ r 2 i^- ~ te P 2 S O r j»cP'pE£.c i — iCf; E.5.C 3 cs 5 ? S 2. § ^^ --^ £ HogjH S--- c =r 2 f^ s- w ;»^B 55 2 5 3: Qc-P £. 55'? ;^ 144 Logan's Railway Directory Mann, B. L. & Co., Hide and Wool Factors, Commerce near Main. Mark, C, Groceries and Produce, 5 Preston. Marshall, Oliver, Hair Dresser, 117 Main. Marston, C. S. & Co., Clothing and Furnishing Goods^ 77 Main. Martinez, M., Cigars and Tobacco, 99 Main. Mason & Black, Carriage-makers, 14 and 15 Commerce. Mason, F., Jeweler, Preston, between Mam and Fannin. Masonic Mirror, A. C. Gray & Co., Prop'rs, Travis, cor. Congress. Marsie, E. L., Physician, 96 Main. Massard, A., Real Estate and Collecting Agent, Gray's Building. Massey, W. P., Boot and Shoe-maker, Congress, near Main. Mather, E., Groceries and Com. Merchant, Commerce, cor. Main. Maydole & Cline, Carriage and Wagon-makers, Preston. Maurish, A., Confectioner, Preston, West Houston. Meinzer, C. , Shoemaker, 114 Main. Meyr, Joseph F., Carriage and Wagon material, 58 Travis. Meyer, S., Grocer, 29 Travis. Mendez & Fernandez, Cigars and Tobacco, 85 Main. Mendenhall, W, H., Carriages, Congress, bet. Main and Fannin. Mever, H., Boots and Shoes, Preston, bet. Main and Fannin. Miller, N., Saloon, cor. Fannin and Preston. Miller, J. D., Dry Goods and Groceries, Congress near Travis. Mitchell & Fitzsimmons, Grocers, 126 Main. Mohl, F., General Insurance Ageiit, over First National Bank. Moon, J. P., Tent and Tarpaulin Maker, Van Alstyne Building. Moos, A., Saloon, 83 Main. Morris, B., Dry Goods and Notions, Congress, bet. Travis and Milam. Munger, S. S., Lumber, Lath and Shingles, 13 Franklin. Munson & Usher, Lawyers, Gray's Building. Myerston, M., Grocer, 109 Main Neurath, J. R., Merchant Tailor, 92 Main, Noland & Straus, Groceries and Produce, 60 Travis. Nussbaum, P. S., Dry Goods and Notions, 13 Congress. Nye, Kindred & Co., Stoves, Tinware, Cong. bet. Main & Fannin. Oldham, W. S., Lawyer, Pilot's Building. Ollre, F. & L., Barbers, Preston, bet. Main and Fannin. Pannell, R. F., Undertaker, 57 Prairie. Percy, H. R., Cotton Buyer and Shipper, Commerce, cor. Main. Perkins' Theatre, Franklin, cor. Main. Perl, M., Physician, Travis, cor. Texas ave. Pereira & Randolph, Painters, Preston, near Main. Pescay, C. W. & Co., Watchmakers and Jewelers, 81 Main. See card by Index. Petersen, H., Cigars and Tobacco, 40 Main. Planters' Ins. Co., C. S. Longcope, Sec'y, Franklin, cor. Travis. Poulson, James, Physician, 96 Main. Powell, B., Physician, Preston and San Jacinto. Proetzel, A., Grocer, Preston, West Houston. Quimby, L., Dentist, 81 Main. Rahne, F,, Shoemaker, Commerce, bet. Travis and Milam. 145 THE Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R., IS NOW FINISHED TO DENISON!! The Great Metropolis and Railroad Center of NORTIIERN TEXAS!! Where it Connects with the HOUSTON & TEXAS CENTRAL R. R. FOR ALL POINTS IN Central Texas, and on the Gulf. THROUGH TRAINS OF Palace Sleeping Cars & Elegant Day Coaches Fully equipped with Patent Air Brake and Safety Platforms, now run from St. Louis, Sedalia, Fort Scott, New Chicago, Humboldt, Emporia and Junction City. This line of Railway passes through the entire length of the CELEBRATED NEOSHO VALLEY, IN Zf:jA.NS.A.S, Where this Company have ONE MILLION of acres of the finest farming land in the world, for sale on long time. This is the Most Desirable and Practicable Route to and FROM ALL POINTS IN JAMES D. BROWN, THOMAS DORWIN, Gen'l Ticket Ag't, Gen'l Pass. Ag't, SEDALIA, MO. ST. LOUIS, MO. 1^6 Logan's Railway Directory, Reichardt, W. & A., Groceries and Produce, 35 and 37 Travis. Riemann, A., Watchmaker and Jeweler, 46 Main. Rice, F. A., Treasurer H. & T. C. Railway, Main, cor. Franklin. Riggs, M. C,, Lawyer, cor. Main and Franklin. Riley, J. F., Hardware and Cutlery, 67 and 69 Main. Robinson, A., Dry Goods and Notions, 58 Main. Robertson & Shepherd, Groceries and Produce, 13, 15 & 17 Congress. Roco, R. H. & Bro., Groceries and Produce, 49 Travis. Rogers & Recter, Washington Restaurant, Travis, near Franklin. Roos, L. & Bro., Dry Goods and Notions, 13 Preston. Rose, J. W. & Co., Carriage makers, Texas ave., bet. Main & Travis. Rosenfield, D., Cigars and Tobacco, no Main. Rosenfield, S. & M., Fancy Dry Goods, 87 Main. Rottenstein, F., Painter, Travis, cor. Congress. Rumpel, William, Grocery and Bakery, 21 Preston. Ruppersberg, Wm., Undertaker, Capitol, cor. Milam. St. Nicholas Billiard Hall, P. A. Targarona, 22 Main. Saulnier, P. & Co., Mattress-makers, Main, near Texas ave. Savings Bank, E. Raphael, Agent, Main, cor. Franklin. Sawyer, F. A., Jeweler, Preston, cor. Main. Schindler, Henry, Bakery, Congress, bet. Travis and Milam. Scherffius, H., Agricultural Implements, 34 Main. Schiefer & Holz, Jewelers, 59 Main. Schmidt, C. F., Saddlery and Harness, 7 Preston. Schmidt, E. F., Druggist and Chemist, 66 Travis. Schmidt, F. A., General Insurance Agent, 46 Main. Schmidt, H., Groceries and Produce, 27 Travis. Schmidt & Kosse, Hardware and Cutlery, 75 Main. Schmidt, M., Stoves and Tinware, 39 Travis. Schnaucke, F., Groceries and Feed, 54 and 56 Travis. Schulte, H. & Co., Brewers, Commerce, near Carolina. Schweikart, Fred., Groceries and Produce, 25 Travis. Segner, J. M., Manager Weed Sewing Machine Co., Main. Shannon & Oldham, Attorneys-at-law, 84 Main. Siferth, M., Cigars and Tobacco, 95 Main. Shearn, John, President Houston Direct Navigation Co., Concrete Building. See card by Index. Sigle & Bro., Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 44 Main. Solomon, C, Merchant Tailor, Travis, bet. Commerce and Franklin. Souligny & Massard, Real Estate Agents, Congress, near Main. See card by Index. Smith, J. M., Attorney- at-law, Travis, bet. Texas ave. and Capitol. Steele, A. L., Insurance Agent, 34 Main. Stephens, J. J., Harness maker, Milam, corner Prairie. Steubenrauch, M., Boots and Shoes, 59 Main. _ Stewart & Barzirza., Attorneys-at-law, 82 Main. Straus, Philip, Grocer, 19 Main. Sues, L., Dry Goods and Clothing, 115 Main. 147 GaWon, Houston feHendeM The Only ALL-RAIL ROUTE Out of Connecting With all Lines Leading to all Points in HORTHERlSr, EASTERN E, WESTERN t Q PASSENfiER TRAINS ! U Leave GALVESTON DaUy. Passengers by Morgan Line of Steamers make continuous connections with the Galveston, Houston & Henderson Railroad, To Houston, thence via the Houston & Great Northern Railroad, To all Prominent Points in Northeast Texas and Northwest Louisiana! No other Line can offer such inducements. Connecting also with the Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio, TO ALL POINTS IN SODTWEST TEXAS, Making Direct Connection with the Houston & Texas Central R. R. Fop all Ppoml^ent Points in Nopthern and Gentral Texas. Travelers by this Line, reach their destination Hours in Advance of the Water Line. All travelers substantiate these facts, and save time and money by taking this Popular Route. GEO. B. NICHOLS, H. B. ANDBEWS, Gen'l Superintendent, Galveston. Gen. Frt. & Tkt. Agent, Galveston. 1^8 Logan's Railivay Directory. Sues, M. Dry Goods and Clothing, 93 Main. Taylor, E. W., Real Estate Agent, Franklin, corner Travis, Taylor, H. D., Com. Merchant, Commerce, bet. Main and Travis. Taylor, N. A., Building Material, Commerce, cor. Milam. Taylor, N. M., Grocer, 99 Main. Texas Baptist Herald, J. B. Link, Prop., Travis, cor. Congress. Texas Express Co., General Office 7 Congress. Texas Transportation Co., office, Concrete Building. Thomas, C. C, Dentist, 84 Main. See card by Index. Thomas & Sj ann, Boots and Shoes, 78 Main. Throckmorton, J. A., Physician, 82 Main. Tips, C. H., Saddlery, 10 Commerce. Treboesius, F., Saloon, Congress, bet. Travis and Milam. Tuffly, B. & Co., Confectionery, 56 Main. Turner, E. P., Lawyer, Gray's Building. Trepagnier & Hooper, Barbers, 6 Congress. Valentine, John, Barber, Franklin, bet. Main and Travis. Verandah Hotel, H. Frosbender, Prop., cor. Franklin and Fannin. Veith, L Wholesale Liquor Dealer, Fannin corner Preston. Vincent, W. B., Cotton Warehouse, Commerce, bet. Travis & Milam. Vucalovish, P., Restaurant, 64 Main. Waldo, J., Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent, cor. Main and Franklin. \Vagley, Lockart & Co., Real Estate Agents, Van Alstyne's Building. Wagner & Herman, Brewers, Preston, near Caroline. Ward, Mrs. C. M., Dress maker, 106^ Main. Washington Hotel, L Blumenkron, Travis, bet. Franklin & Congress. Weed Sewing Machine Co., J. M. Segner, Manager, Main. Weis, F., Wagon maker, Prairie ave., near Travis. Weiss & Heise, Bakers, 1 1 Congress. See card by Index. West, H. C, Agent Singer Sewing Machine, 140 Main. Western Narrow Gauge R. R., Dr. Roberts, President, 98 Main. Wilder, N. A. C, Confectionery, 128 Main. Westheimer, M. L., Livery and Sale Stable, Market Square. Whitfield, J. T., Attorney-at-law, 48 Main. Whitaker, A., Seeds and Fruit Trees, Gray's Building. White, Mrs. E., Milliner, 97 Main. Wiggins, Smith & Simpson, Engineers, Machinists, and Founders. Works, Preston, near Long Bridge. See card by Index. Wilson, E. H., Wholesale Grocer, 81 Main. Wichman, C. H., Grocer, Preston, bet. Travis and Milam. Wilson, J. C. & Co., Carriage manufacturers, Main, corner Texas. Williams, E. F., Saloon, 9 Franklin. Winch, J. C. C, Attorney-at-law, 48 Main. Wolf, F., Glass and Queensware, Main, near Coi^ress. Wulff, H. H., Gunsmith, 6 Congress. Young, S. O., Physician, Texas avenue, near Main. Ziegler, Louis F., Jeweler and Optician. See card by Index. Zwieb, Miss M. A., Milliner and Dressmaker, no Main. 149 INDIANAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. Great Through Line Betitreen SAIIVT LOXJIS .A.IVI> THE EAST. THREE EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY. Through on Quick time via Pana, Mattoon, Terre Haute, and Green Castle, connecting at Indianapolis for Cincinnati, Louisville and the South. '•omVenal"! :mmm lalltSI The "CHESTLIITE ROUTE" for Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, And all Eastern Cities. ' S SLEEPING CARSemployed on thisLine. Passengers holding Through Tickets via this deservedly Popular Line, are transferred through St. Louis, FREE OF CHARGE. Ask for Tickets over the Indianapolis and St. Louis R.R. S. WOODWARD, C. C. COBB, Gen'l Sup't, St. Louis. Gen'l Passenger Ag't, St. Louis. S. F. PIERSON, General Ticket Agent, St. Louis. Greneral Offices ; I^epiTl)licaii Bixilding-? S. E. cor. 3d & Chestnut sts., ST. LOUIS, MO. 150 Logan's Railivay Directory SABBISBUBG JUNCTION, TEXAS, This is several miles from the town of the same name, has a few- enterprising people, principally railroad employees, engaged in opera- ting the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad, which branches off from here, running west, and is now in operation to Columbia, 84 miles from the Junction, 128 miles from Galveston. This road is being extended toward San Antonio as fast as possible. The stations of Allen, Summit, Clear Creek, Dickenson, Highland, Virginia Point, Eagle Grove, and Poolville, the stations intervening between this point and Galveston, a distance of 44 miles, are very much alike in appearance and importance, there being no towns, as there is but little settlement of the country, it being level and flat, covered some seasons by overflow, hence no support for towns, as in fact their subsistence would be insecure and unprofitable, between two such cities as Houston and Galveston, neither over 25 miles off", we therefore come to the Gulf of Mexico, and across the Bayou to GALVESTON, TEXAS. Galveston, the largest city and principal port of Texas, lies on Galveston Island, in North latitude 29° 17', and 94° 46' west longi- tude from Greenwich. As a cotton exporting port, it stands third in the Annual Statement of 1 87 1, of exports from the United States to foreign countries. The favor which the Texas staple is viewed in foreign markets has no doubt contributed, and will long continue to contribute, to the rapid growth of the city as a cotton port. Previous to the civil war Galveston had begun to rank as a sugar exporting port. The results of the war having prostrated this industry in the coast counties of the State, and although it is now beginning to revive, the receipts of sugar and molasses have been so small, they are not tabulated in the current commercial tables of the port. The wool trade of Galveston has developed since the civil war, and but recently passed into the hands of experts in grading and sorting. With the extension of tne railroads, now being constructed to the western counties, this trade bids fair to increase. Grain. The want of railroad transportation between tide water and the wheat growing region of Texas, has hitherto kept this staple out of foreign markets. This connection is now complete to Red River by the construction of the Central Texas Railroad, and as Gal- 151 The Only First Class Road in the West. (See Classification of Railroads by Board of Railroad Commissioners.) THE aUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE From ST. LOUIS to Milwaukee, St. Paul, New York, Boston, the East and the North ! ELEGS^A-IVT I3AY C ^ R. S , mil I UIU PALACE, SLEEPING and DINING CARS r II LL III II It run through WITHOUT CHANGE from ST. LOUIS to CHICAGO. From ST. LOUIS to Pekin, Peoria, Louisiana,Mo., Quincy, Keokuk & Chicago. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car Fare From ST. LOUIS to Quincy and Keokuk, $1.S0 ; to Peoria, SO cts.; to Chicago, $2.00. one: oNx^ir i.ine: MAKING CONNECTIONS IN UNION DEPOT, CHICAGO, WITH TRAINS TO Pittsburg, Harrisburg, Williamsport, Philadelphia, New York, Milwaukee, La Crosse, St. Paul and Principal points East and North, WITHOUT CHANGE. JA3IES CHARLTON, J. C. 3Ic3IULLIN, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Ag't, General Superintendent, CHICAGO. 15^ Logan's Railway Directory veston is by far the nearest accessible point on tide water, a develop- ment of trade in wheat may be looked for. The wheat of Texas ripens well, is very heavy, and may be expected to hold a high rank in other markets when exported from a Texan port, as Texas cotton now does under like circumstances. As a Coffee market Galveston has developed notably since the war. Direct importation has been established by several iirms, and it now has the reputation of being one of the cheapest coffee markets in the United States. A recent Rio Janerio circular gives the following statement of exports of coffee to Galveston: 1870, 11,702 bags; 1871, 22,410 bags. It is said the import of this article, during the present year, will exceed 40,000 bags. The renewed activity in the construction of railroads in Texas bears the promise of a continued growth of trade to Galveston. For years the contested titles to the flats forming the harbor front, and to the Galveston & Houston Railroad, which connects it with the railroad sytem of the State, at Houston, exercised a depressive and injurious power over the local spirit of enterprise. These have now been finally settled, and a renewed feeling in favor of public improvements ani- mates the inhabitants. The railway connections of Galves- ton on the first of January, 1872, were the following: By G. H, & H. R. R. to Houston, 50 miles ; From Harrisburg to Columbus, by Galveston & San Antonio R. R., 129 miles. The Galveston & San Antonio Railroad has been voted subsidies by both of the cities named, and it is said will be rapidly extended west- ward. Prominent among projected roads from Galveston are the Galveston and Eastern Texas, to Henderson and Red river; and the Galveston and Denver Road, to Denver, Colorado Territory. The facilities for water transportation from Galveston are naturally good, and with moderate enterprise and expenditure can be largely extended. Galveston Bay is a broad sheet of water, penetrating about thirty miles into the interior, and expanding laterally along the coast to nearly the same extent in each direction. Besides the small affluents of Galveston, Harris and Chambers counties, it receives Buffalo Bayou, navigable to Houston, and Trinity river, navigable to Lockbridge's Landing, 668 miles. West Bay is connected by canal with the Brazos river, and it is proposed to extend this work 21 miles further, which will open inland 153 ARE REACHED BY The Only All Rail Route, Formed by Conrjection of the ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY & NORTHERN, Centeal B» B* of lowap -AND— MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL R. R.'s. Passengers from St. Louis or other points in Missouri, Kansas, Indian Territory and Texas, who are destined to points North, should bear in mind that This is the Only U^onte FREE FROM FERRIES AND BOATS!! THE ONLY ONE Running Direct I St. Louis. All others subject passengers to a river transfer to place of departure from East St. Louis, and a circuituous route through Illinois.' The Equipment of tMs Line is Complete : Westinghouse Brake, Miller Platforms, Pullman Sleepers, Etc. Tickets Sold and Baggage Checked Through. Take No Other Route. This is the One. A. RUSSELIi, D. N. PICKERING, Gen. Past. & Tkt. Agent, Marshall, Iowa. Gen. Supt., Marshall, Iowa. 15 Jj, Logan's Railway Directory . navigation from Texas, through Matagorda Bay, to the salt deposits of the Laguna Madre, with a possible "extension through this to Brownsville and Matamoras on the Rio Grande. East Bay receives East Bayou, which it is proposed to connect by canal 20 miles long with Taylor's Bayou, an affluent of Sabine Bay. This connection would open water transportation from Galveston tot he Neches river, navigable 260 miles ; the Angelina river, navigable 450 miles ; and the Sabine river, navigable 800 miles at favorable seasons. When this canal is opened, Galveston will become one of the largest markets in the South. The South Channel of Galveston Bay, running between the island and Pelican Spit and Shoal, which measurably protect shipping, forms the harbor of Galveston. In this channel and the inner roads thirty feet of water are found. On the outer bar, twelve feet is the greatest draft of water that can be carried over safely. The larger vessels which visit the port lie in the outer roads, where safe anchorage and good holding ground exist in six fathoms of water. Between the inner roads and the harbor, a shallow bar had formed in recent years. This has been removed by a breakwater, (constructed by the city at a cost of nearly $ioo,oooj extending about 600 yards from the point of the island. This work, by confining and giving direction to the current, has so swept the channel, that ships which cross the outer bar can proceed at once to the wharves. It was the original design to extend this breakwater about 600 yards farther. Should this be accomplished, it is believed that not only will the water on the outer bar be still further deepened, but that by the consequent union of the South Channel current with that flowing through Bolivar Channel, ^^ an important effect upon the Cylinder Channel over the outer bar will be produced. The outer bar is evidently formed through the deflection and dead- ening of the outflow from Galveston Bay, by the prevailing current setting in a S. W. direction along the coast. The Cylinder Channel is the continuation proper of the Bolivar Channel from the bay, but the current is deflected from it. It is noticed that the tide at the flood sets into the bay through this channel, but at the ebb flows out over the main bar. If this outflow could be to any extent directed into the Cylinder Channel, it is thought it would be an important effect in deepening the channel which now has ten feet of water. This is a work which, from its magnitude and wide influence upon the general interests of the country, should be undertaken by the 165 Houston & Texas CENTRAL RAILWAY. Southern Terminus, Houston, Northern Terminus, Red River City. Western Terminus, Austin. Northwestern Terminus, Waco. Connecting at Red River City with the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway, VIA SEDALIA AND ST. LOUIS, OR WITH THE ATllHTIi & Mill IG EAllEOAP At Vinita, I. T. Gives via either of these Lines an ALL RAIL ROUTE To Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, and all prominent points North, East and West. Also via Galveston and New Orleans to ,all points North and East in the Through Tickets on sale at important stations to all noted points between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, within the limits of the United States and Canada. Half rates are extended to Immigrants where they are provided with the proper certificates of Immigration. The Houston & Texas Central Railway traverses the best portion of the State of Texas, and offers the most agreeable route to all, whether Immigrants, Tourists or Speculators. Attached to all Night Passenger Trains. J. DURAND, J. WALDO, Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Freight and Ticket Agt. HOCrSXQPff, TEXAS. 156 Logan's Railway Directory. Federal government. Efforts are now being made to this end, and it s to be hoped they will awaken the attention this important subject merits. The present inland navigation is limited to two lines of steamers to Houston, the most important of which is the Houston Direct Navi- gation Company ; several steamers running on Trinity river, one through the canal to the Brazos, and numbers of bay craft which sup- ply the city with wood, cedar, bricks, charcoal, oysters and vegetables from the adjacent counties. From the United States census returns, we take the following exhibit of the population of the city in the last three decades : 1850 4,177 i860 7,307 1870 13,818 In 1873 25,000 Unlike most of the seaport cities of the country, the rise of Gal- veston has followed, instead of preceding, that of the interior settle- ments, growing out of their needs for communication with the ocean. The island was doubtless visited by the survivors of De Soto's ill-fated expedition, in the retreat from the Mississippi to Mexico (1543), but the first historical mention of it is by La Salle in 1686. The city was laid out with a liberal and wise provision for the future. Broad streets running from the Gulf to the bay, intersected at right angles by wide avenues, insure a constant circulation of the sea-breeze, and make it, both in summer and winter, a delightful place of residence. The orange, the citron, and the lemon thrive in its gardens throughout the year^ while in summer the refreshing breezes from the Gulf mitigate the heats which belong to its far southern latitude. A great hindrance to the growth of Galveston is the want of an abundant water supply. Rain caught in cisterns is the source of all the fresh water used in the city. At no time does this afford the requisite supply for the Fire Department, or for steam engines and other mechanical purposes ; while in season of drouth a portion of the inhabitants experience great privations from the want of water. A movement is now on foot to supply the city by means of public water works. Situated as Galveston is geographically and coast-wise, she has a position naturally second to none, and far in advance of Mobile and 157 St Louis h Southeastern R, \ (CONTSOLilDATEI}.) "NASHVILLE SHORTEST LINE." AND DIRECT ROUTE TO Belleville, Chattanooga^ Nashville, Centralia, Cairo, Atlanta, Shaw7ieetown, llacon^ Evansville, Bristol, Montgomery, Mobile, Vicksbiirg, Knoxville, Charleston, ^lemphis, Jjynchhurg, Savannah, New Orleans, Galveston, Richinond, Norfolk. AND ALL POINTS SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST! n«^J ««««^ ^1.^ THIS IS THE PREFERRED (jooq reasons why route. T+ lo ^\\f\ nvkl-rr T -Jinrt I ^'^"^''^'^S Pullman Palace Drawing- it IS iHe Oniy lline \ Room sleeping Cars through from St. Louis to Nashville without change. It is the only Linej^llt^^"^^^^^"^^^-^"^^^^^^^^"^^^^^ Tf IQ +llP nnlv T ino I ^>^ ^''^^''^ passengers can save from 60 XL 10 tUC UUIJ Ulllt/|to 200 miles travel, and from six to twenty-four hour's time. Tf IQ $9zlf^ r!llPC»r\PvF'°"' ^^- ^°"^' *° Nashville than Xt 10 tp^.'lLF UllcapCl I the circuitous route via Louisville. OUR MOTTO: Quick Time! Good Care! Close Connections! New and elegant day coaches equipped with the Westinghouse Air Brake and the Miller Coupler and Platform are run in all trains. Through Tickets on sale and Baggage checked at all the principal Ticket Offices in the West and North. Ask for Tickets via the " Southeastern Railway." W, B. DAVJENJPOBT, E, F. WINSLOW, Gen. Ticket Agt., St. Louis. Gen. Manager, St. Louis. 158 Logan's Railway Directory. New Orleans, as to harbor facilities for entering and departing of heavy craft, drawing ocean depth of water, and these natural advan- tages improved, with one-fourth the investment, would afford a much larger harbor than either of the above named cities, for the shipping of all nations, and to her importing trade must Galveston look for her permanent growth and future greatness, and she has citizens that, had they the means, would soon accomplish what they will eventually have to depend on the State or General Government to do. Navnes of Patrons, Cannon & Williams, Cotton, Wool and Commmission, Strand. Clegg, A. W. & E. P., Wholesale Hardware and Cutlery, 58 and 60 Strand. See card by Index. Close Brothers, Proprietors Galveston Iron Works, manufacturers of Engines, Boilers, Castings and Machinery, Eighteenth, cor. L. ave. See card by Index. Dreyfusfiert & Co., Jobbers Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc., 165 E. Strand. Fisher, L. C, Cotton Factor & Commission Merchant, 68 Strand. See card by Index. Focke, Wilkins & Co., Cotton Factors & Com. Merchants, 176 Strand. Gary & OlipMnt, Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factors, 162, 164 and 166 Strand. See card by Index. Greenleve, Block & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods, 126, 128 and 130 Strand. See card by Index. Heyck & Helferich, Commission Merchants and Importers of Coffee, 216 Strand. See card by Index. Rickep, N. H. & Co., Forwarding Agents, 224 East Strand. See card by Index. Somerville & Davis, Commission Merchants, Strand. Strickland & Clarke, Books, Stationery, etc., 109 Strand. Thompson, T. E., Importer and Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds and Silverware, Tremont, cor. Market. See card by Index. Wallis, Landes dt Co., Wholesale Grocers, 106, 108 and no Strand. See card by Index. Washington Restaurant and Hotel, Bernard Sbisa, Pro- prietor, 163 and 165 Mechanic. See card by Index. '^AMflBS H®®1 150 SPARR & KSIiiSISY, - Propr^s. FronTiug on Fourth. Chestnut and Pine Streets. This hotel is a recognized railroad headquarters, containing the general ticket offices of five trunk lines of railroad, to which omni- buses arrive and depart continually to all depots. This is one of the pioneer hotels in the west, and has always main- tained a first-class reputation, being as it is, a First-class Hotel in all its accommodations, and the proprietors and employees are courteous and attentive to the wants of their guests, making it a genteel, conve- nient house. SPARR & KELSEY, Propr's. LOGAN'S Post Office Directory, CONTAINING An alphabetical list of names of all post offices in Missouri, Kansas, Texas and the Indian Territory, arranged by States, giving the name of office and county, corrected to date, from Government authority. The first name at the left of each column is the name of office, the right hand the name of the county; [c. h.,] means county town. See Supplement for any new offices established. MISSOUMI. OFFICE. COUNTY-. Aberdeen Pike. Abernathy Perry. Acarto Clarke. Ada Ray. Akron Harrison. Atlanthos Grove Gentry. Albany [c. h.] Gentry. Albina Howell. Allen Randolph. Allendale Worth. Allen' s Landing Perry. Allenton St. Louis. Alma Webster. Almeda Newton. Alnanthy Ozark. Alpha Grundy. Allenbaugh Perry. Alton [c. h.] Oregon. Amoagonia Andrew. Amity De Kalb. Anderson Clinton. Andover . .. .' Harrison. Appleton Cape Girardeau. Arbela Scotland. Argo Crawford. Arno Douglas. Arrow Rock Saline OFFICE. COUNTY. Ashburn Pike. Asherville Stoddard. Ash Grove Greene. Ashland Boone. Ashley Pike. Ashton Clarke. Astoria Wright. Atfe Holt. Athens Clarke. Athoneus Mill Crawford . Auburn Lincoln. Augusta .St. Charles. Austin Cass. Avilla Jasper. Avoca Jefferson. Avon St. Genevieve. Avalon Livingston. Ayersville Putnam. Baden St. Louis. Bailey's Creek Osage. Bairdstown .Sullivan. Bakers Grove i . ...Barton. Balaam McDonald. Baldwin St. Louis. Bancroft Davies. Bandeville Oregon. Barnsville Clinton. 161 it$ HtebtlM ffittol ^■€ lUMiljjLiiiliiiiT 'fiojllllin I liLo 1 IIIflftitiifiitiiiTi ^tllftffllfffttlff FRONTING ON 1-OURTH STREET, BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND FRANKLIN AVENUES, 'I'll is Hotel possesses fine accommodations, having large and airy rooms hui.dsomely furnished, sets a first-class table, has an enterprising proprietor, obliging clerks, and attentive servants who each spare no pains to make the guests comfortable and happy. The location is among large business houses, near the great Mississippi Bridge and Washington Avenue Tunnel, places of amusement, and public buildings. Street cars pass the door to all points of the city, and omnibuses call to and from all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. RATES OF FARE LOWER THAN MOSTOTHER HOTELS. E. JENNINGS, Proprietor. 162 Logan's Post Office Directory . Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Bardleville Taney. Barnumton Camden. Barretts Station St. Louis. Barry Clay. Barry ville Macon . Bay Gasconade. Bear Creek Cedar. Beaufort Franklin . Beaver Douglass. Bedford Livingston. 3ee Ridge Knox. Belews Creek Jefferson. Belgrade Washington. Belton Cass. Bel Air Cooper. Bellefontaine St. Louis. Belmont St. Louis. Belleview Iron. Benbow Marion. Benjamin Lewis. Berger Franklin . Bethany [c. h.] Harrison. Bethel Shelby. Bevier Macon. Bible Grove Scotland. Biehle Perry. Bigbee Callaway. Big Creek Texas. Big River Mills St. Francois. Big Spring Montgomery. Birdsville Mississippi. Black Jack St. Louis. Black Oak Point Hickory. Blackwell's Station. ..St. Francois. Blairsville St. Francois. Bloomfield [c. h.] Stoddard. Blooming Rose Texas. Bloomington Macon. Blue Eagle Clay. Blue Hill Jackson. Blue Mound Livingston. Blue Ridge Harrison . Blue Springs Jackson . Bluff Texas. Bluffton Montgomery. Blytheville Jasper. Boeuf Creek Franklin. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Bogard Mound Carroll. Bole Franklin. Bolivar [c. h.] Polk. Bolton Harrison . Bonhomme St. Louis. Bois D'Arc Greene. Bonds Mines Morgan. Bonnot's Osage. Boonville [c. h.] Cooper. Bottsville Linn. Bourbon Crawford. Bower's Mills Lawrence. Bower's Store Gentry. Bowling Green [c. h.] Pike. Boyd Dallas. Boydsville Callaway. Boylers Mill Morgan. Bralito Cole. Breckenridge Caldwell. Bridge Creek Carroll. Bridgeport Warren. Bridgeton St. Louis. Brighton Polk. Brookfield Carroll . Brotherton St. Louis. Browning Linn. Brownings Ferry Henry. Brownsville Saline. Brumley Miller. Brunot Wayne. Brunswick Chariton . Brush Creek Laclede. Buffalo [c. h.] Dallas. Bulls Mills Christian. Buncombe Pettis . Burboise Gasconade. Burlington Boone. Burn Oak Harrison . Burnett Station Johnson. Butler [c. h.] Bates. Buttsville Grundy. Bynumville Chariton. Byron Osage. Cadet Washington. Cahoka Clarke. Cainesville Harrison. Cairo Randolph. Logan's Post Office Directory. 163 Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Caledonia Washington, Calhoun Henry. California [c. h.] Moniteau. Callao Macon. Calumet Pike. Cal vy Franklin. Cambridge Saline. Camden Ray. Camden Point Platte. Cameron Clin ton . Campbellton Frankl i n- Can naan Gasconade. Cane Creek Butler. Cane Hill Cedar. Caney .' Ozark. Canton Lewis. Cap Au Oris Lincoln. Cape Girardeau. ..Cape Girardeau. Copps Creek Newton. Carrington Callaway. Carondelet St. Louis. Carpenter's Store Clinton. Carrollton, [c. h.] Carroll. Carrsville Henry. Carthage, [c. h.] Jasper. Carutherbville Pemiscott. Case Laclede. Cassville, [c. h.] Barry. t^astle Rock Osage. Catawba Caldwell. Catawissa Franklin. Cane Pump Camden . Cedar City Callaway. Cedar Fork Franklin . Central St. Louis. Central City Putnam. C'en tralia Boone. Center Creek Jasper. Center Town Cole. Centre Ralls. Centreville, [r. h.] Reynolds. Chalk Level St. Clair. Chambersburgh Clarke. Chamois Osage. Chantilla Lincoln. Chapell Howell. Chappel Grove Green . Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Chapel Hill Lafayette. Charleston, [c. h.] Mississippi. Cheltenham St. Louis. Cherry Box Shelby. Cherry Grove Schuyler. Cherry ville Crawford. Chesapeake Lawrence. Chestnut Grove Bates. Chestnut Ridge St. Genevieve. Chillicothe, [c. h.] Livingston. City Point Platte. Civil Bend Daviess. Claire Springs Cedar. Clapper Monroe. Clare Christian . Clarence Shelby. Clarksburg Moniteau. Clarks' Fork Cooper. Clarksville Pike. Clarysville Perry. Claysville Boone. Clayton Vernon. Cleopatra Mercer. Clear Water Wayne. Clifton Schuyler. Chitty Dale Maries. Clinton ville Cedar. Clinton, [c. h.] Henry. Clinton Callaway. Clinton's Mills Crawford . Cloverdale Benton. Cole Bank Cooper. Coffeysburg Daviess. Cold Water Wayne. Cole Camp Benton. Cole Spring Moniteau. College Mound Macon. Coloma Carroll . Colony Knox. Columbia, [c. h.] Boone. Columbus Johnson. Commerce, [c. h.] Scott. Competition Laclede. Concord Callaway. Concordia Lafayette. Conner's Mills Cooper. Coon Creek Barton . 164 Logan's Post Office Directory. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Cooper's Hills Osage. Cornelia Johnson. Cote Brilliant St. Louis. Cote Sans Dessin Callaway. Cottleville St. Charles. Cottonwood Point Pemiscot. Cowski n ; Douglass. Crab Orchard Ray. Crawsford's Fork Cass. Cresent Hill Bates. Creve Coeur St. Louis. Cross Timber Hickory. Crystal City Jefferson . Cuba Crawford . Cui vre Lincol .1 . Curran Barry. Dadeville Dade. Dalhoff St. Charles. Dallas Webster. Danville, [c. h.] Montgomery. Darksville Randolph. Dawn Livingston . Decaturville Camden. Deep Ford Dent. Deep Water Henry. Deerfield Vernon . Deer Ridge Lewis. DeKalb Buchanan. Dell Delight Benton . Dent's Station St. Francois. DeSo to Jefferson . Des Peres St. Louis. De Witt Carroll. Dexter City Stoddard. Dixon Pulaski. Diamond City Jasper. Dick Lafayette. Doniphan, [c. h.] Ripley. Dover Lafayette. Dresden Pettis. Dry Creek Crawford. Dry Spri ng Ripley. Dundee Franklin. Dunklis Store Lawrence. Durham Lewis. Duroc Benton, Eagle Harrison. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY, Easton Buchanan. Edgar Spring Phelps. Edina, [c. h.] Knox. Edinburgh Grundy. Egypt Mills Cape Girardeau. El'Dorado Clarke. Elenorah....; Griury. Elk Creek Texas. Elk Mills McDonahi. Eikton Hickory. Elleard St. Louis. Elliottsville Monroe. EUisville St. Louis. Elm Linn. Elms Wood ". Saline. Elston Station Cole. Emerson Marion . Eminence Shannon. Enterprise McDonald . Erie McDonald . Etlah Franklin. Etna Scotland. Eureka St. Louis. Eva Barry. Evansville Monroe. Eveline Buchanan . Everett Cass. Excelsior Morgan . Fairfield Bentorf. Fair Grove Greene. Fairmont Clarke. Fair Play Polk. Fair View St. Louis. Farber Audrain. Farley Platte. Farmersville Livingston. Farmington Davies. Farmington, [c. h.]...St. Francois. Fayette, [c. h.] Howard. Fayetteville Johnson . Fenton St. Louis. Fidelity Jasper. Fillmore Andrew. Finney's Creek Saline. Fine Prairie Jackson. Flat Creek Barry. Flat River St. Francois. 165 OUTHERN lOTEL, FRONTING ON Fourth, Fifth and Walnut Streets, The " Southern " by its central location, with the ticket offices of five trunk Railroad Lines, Steamboat Lines and Telegraph Offices within its walls, has become the principal headquarters' for Merchants, Planters, Government, State and Railroad Officials, Capitalists, Tourists, and others. The appointments of this house are first-class ; its tables are at all times supplied in great abundance. The proprietors are men of large experience, and their clerks and employees .ire courteous and atten- tive to the wants of their guests. LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., 166 Logan's Post Office Directory Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Flint Hill St. Charles. Florence Morgan. Florida Monroe. Florissant St. Louis. Floyd's Creek Adair. Forrest City Holt. Forkiner's Hill Webster. Fort Henry Randolph. Fort Lyon Benton. Fourche Washington. Fox Ray. Frankford Pike. Franklin Howard. Fredericksburg Osage. Fredericktown, [c. h.].. .Madison. Freedom Washington. Freedom Lafayette. Freeland Carter. French Village St. Fancois. Fulton Callaway. Gainsville, [c. h,] Ozark. Galbraith Henry. Galena, [c. h.] Stone. Gallatin, [c. h.] Davies. Galloudett Marion. Garden Grove Ralls. Gasconade Ci ty Gasconade. Gasconade Ferry Gasconade. Gatewood Ripley Gayoso, [c. h.] Pemiscott. Gen try ville Gentry. Georgetown Pettis. Georgeville Ray. Gilead Lewis. Glasgow Howard, Glaze City Camden , Glenallen Bollinger. Glencoe St. Louis. Glendale Nodaway. Gooche's Mill Cooper. Goodland Knox. Goff Creek Stone. Goshen Mercer. Goose Neck Hickory. Graham Nodaway. Granby Newton . Grant's Hill Worth. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Granville. Monroe. Grason Andrew. Grand Road Cape Girardeau. Gravois Mills Morgan . Gray's Point Lawrence. Green Castle Sullivan Greenfield, [c. h.] Dade. Green's Ferry Cape Girardeau. Green Hill - . . Montgomery. Green Leaf DeKal b. Greenland Boone. Green Ridge Pettis. Greensburg Knox. Greenton Lafayette Green Top Schuyler. Greenville, [c.h.] Wayne. Greenwood Jackson. Grinnell Grundy. Grove Spring Wright. Grubville Franklin. Guilford Nodaway. Gunter's Spring Camden. Hager' s Grove Shelby. Hainsville Clinton. Half Rock Mercer. Half Way Polk. Hallock Buchanan. Hallsa's Ferry Nodaway. Hallsville Boone. Hamburg St. Charles. Hamilton Caldwell. Hampton Platte. Ham's Prairie Callaway. Hancock Pulaski. Hannibal Marion . Hanover Jefferson. Hardin Ray. Harlem Clay. Harmony Washington . Harrison 's Mills Crawford . Harrisonville, [c. h.] Cass. Hartford Putnam. Hartville, [c. h.j Wright. Hassard Ralls. Havanna Gentry. Havens Lawrence. Hazel Barrens Barry. Logan's Post Office Directory. 167 Missouri. OFFICE, COUNTY. Hazel Green Laclede. Heaton Lawrence. Hematite Jefferson . Herdsville Barry. Hermann, [c. h.] Gasconade. Hermitage, [c. h.] Hickory. Herndon Saline. Heth Douglas. Hester Marion . Hibernia Callaway. Hicks City Jackson. Highlandville Christian. High Prairie Webster. Hickory Barren Green. Hickory Creek Audrain. Hickory Hill Cole. Hickory Port Grundy. High Blue Cass. High Grove Maries. High Hill Montgomery. High Point Moniteau. High Ridge Jefferson. Hillsborough, [c. h.] Jefferson. Hi tt Scotland . Hode's Store Stoddard. Holden Johnson. Holstein Warren. Honey Mercer. Honey Creek McDonald. Hopewell Academy Warren. Hopewell Furnace. . . .Washington: Horse Creek Barton . House Springs Jefferson. Houston, [c. h.] Texas. Howard's Mills St. Clair. Howe's Mill Dent. Hudson City Worth. Hughes Nodaway. Hugginsville Gentry. Humansville Polk. Humboldt Pulaski . Hunnewell Shelby. Huntington Henry. Huntsville, [c. h.] Randolph. Hurdland Knox. Hydsburgh Ralls. Litan Platte. IVIissouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Independence, [c. h.] Jackson. Indian Creek Monroe. loka Jasper. Irish Grove Atchison. Irondale Washington. I ron Fork. Ozark. Iron Mountain St. Francois. Iron Ridge Crawford. Ironton, [c. h.] Iron. Isadora Worth Island City Gentry. Jacks Fork Texas. Jackson, [c. h.]... Cape Girardeau. Jackson's Corners Sullivan. Jacksonville Randolph. Jakes Prairie Gasconade. James Bayou Mississippi. Jamesport Daviess. Jamestown Moniteau. Jasper Jasper. Jay Harrison. Jefferson City Cole. Jeffriesburgh Franklin. Jenkins Creek Jasper. Jericho Laclede. Jewett Madison. Jobe Oregon. John's Branch Audrain. Johnstown Bates. Jonesburg Montgomery. Jones Tan yard Callaway. Judson Sullivan . Joplin City Jasper. Kansas City Jackson. Kaolin Iron. Kasey ville Macon. Kendall Clay. Kent Newton . Kenton Christian . Keytesville, [c. h.] Chariton. Kidder Caldwell. Kidd ville Sullivan, Kimmswick Jefferson. King City Gentry. Kings Point Dade. Kingston, [c. h.] Caldwell. Kingston Furnace Washington. 168 Logan's Post Office Directory. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Kirksville, [c. h.] Adair. Kirkwood St. Louis. Knobnoster Johnson. Knobview Crawford. Knoxville Ray. Koelztown Osage. Kressell's Mills Benton. Labadie Franklin. La Bell Lewis. Laclede Linn. Lacon Maries. La Grange Lewis. Lake Creek Benton . Lakenam Shelby. Lake Spring Dent. Lakeville Stoddard . Lamar, [c. h.] Barton. Lamar's Station Nodaway. La Mine Cooper. Lamonte Pettis. Lancaster, [c. h.] Schuyler. Landmark Howard. Lanes Prairie Maries. La Plata Macon . Laurel Hill Perry. Laynesville Sabine. Leasburg Crawford . Lebanon, [c. h.] Laclede. Leesville Henry. Lesterville Reynolds. Lexington, [c, h.] Lafayette. Lewieks' Mill Randolph. Liberty, [c. h.] Clay. Liberty ville St. Francois. Licking Texas. Lockins Mill Green. Lincoln Benton. Linden Atchison . Lindersville Adair. Lindley Grundy. Linn, [c. h.] Osage. Linntrs, [c. h.] Linn. Linnwood Osage. Lisbon Lafayecte. Lisbon Ray. Little Black Rii^lpy. Little Beaver Osaiic. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Little Bergen Gasconade. Little Osage Vernon . Little Piney Phelps. Little York Greene. Littsville Nodaway. Livonia Putnam. Locust Grove Clark. Locust Hill Knox. Locust Mound Miller. Logan's Creek Reynolds. Lone Jack Jackson. Long Branch Monroe. Long Lane Dallas. Longwood Pettis. Looniesville McDonald. Loose Creek Osage. Lost Branch Lincoln. Lotta Nodaway. Louisburg Dallas. Louisiana Pike. Louisvi lie Lincoln . Loutre Audrain. Loutre Island Montgomery. Lucas Henry. Luterville Bollinger. Loby ten Nodaway. Luther Franklin. Lynchburg Nodaway. McCredie Callaway. Macon City, [c. h.] Macon. 1\I acks Creek Camden. Marion Cole. Magoffin Pettis. Marionville Lawrence. Marshall, [c. h.] Saline. Marshfield, [c. h.] Webster. Marthasville Warren. Martinstown Putnam. Mai y ville, [c. h.] Nodaway. Maysville, [c. h.] De Kalb. May wood Lewis. M lyview Lafayette. iMcdoc Jasper. Medora Osage. Melrose St. Louis. Melville Wright. Memphis Scotland. 100 lIBilBD BOB! ST. laOtTIS, MO. Is first-class in every respect, with passenger elevator, bath rooms, etc., and can comfortably accommodate 500 Guests. The Girard House is centrally located, convenient to the wholesale business houses, and within five minutes walk of the Court House and Post Office. No Runners are employed, and the traveling public are cautioned against misrepresentations of those running for other hotels. Good, Square Meals, elegant and cleanly rooms, and courteous treatment can be had at the Girard House for only Two Dollars per day. Railroad Ticket and Western Union Telegraph Office in the house. BYRON A. BALDWIN, Prop'r. 170 Logan's Post Office Directory. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Mendota Putnam. Mercer Mercer. Merrimac Station St. Louis, Mexico, [c. h.] Audrain. Miami Saline. Middlebrook Iron. Middlebury Mercer. Middle Fabius Scotland. Middle Grove Monroe. Middletown Montgomery. Milan, [c. h.] Sullivan. Miles Point Carroll. Millersburg Callaway. Millersville Cape Girardeau. Mill Port Knox. Millsprings St. Louis. Millville Ray, Millwood '. . . . Lincoln. Milton Randolph . Minden Lawrence . Mine LaMotte Madison. Mineral Point Washington . Mining Morgan. Marabile Caldwell. Missouri City Clay. Missouriton St. Charles. Miteomah Webster. Mitchellville Harrison . Modena Mercer. Mokeville St. Louis. Monagan St. Clair. Monroe City Monroe. Montevallo Vernon. Montgomery City. . .Montgomery. Monticello [c. h.] Lewis. Mooresville Livingston. Mornington , Webster. Morrison Gasconade. Morristown Cass. Morse's Mills Jefferson. Moselle Franklin. Mount Airy Randolph. Mountain Grove Perry. Mount Hope Lafayette. Mount Moriah Harrison. Mount Pleasant Gentry. Mount Vernon [c. h.].. Lawrence. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY, Mount View Benton. Munger' s Mill Reynolds. Myrtle Knox Neeley's L'ding..Cape Girardeau. Nelsonville Marion, Neola Grundy. Neosho [c. h.] Newton. Nevada .. .Vernon. Newark Knox. New Bloomfield Callaway. New Boston Macon . Newbergh Macon . New Cambria Macon. New Florence Montgomery. New Frankfort Saline. New Garden Ray. New Harmony Pike. New Haven Franklin. New Home Bates. New Hope Lincoln. New London [c. h.J Ralls. New Madrid [c. h.] ...N. Madrid. New Market Platte. New Melle St. Charles. New Offenbergh....St. Genevieve. New Santa Fe Jackson. Newtonia Newton. Newtown Putnam. New Wells Cape Girardeau. Ninevah Adair. Normanda St. Louis. North Branch Nodaway. Northcutt Linn. North Salem Linn. North Star Atchison. Oakfield Franklin. Oak Grove Jackson. Oakhurst Miller. Oakland Laclede. Oak Ridge Cape Girardeau. O'Fallon St. Charles. Old Alexander Lincoln . Old Ditch Jefferson. Old Mines Washington. Old Monroe Lincoln. Olio Macon. Omaha Putnam, Logan's Post Office Directory. 171 Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Oregon [c. h.] Holt. Orleans Polk. Orrick Ray. Osage Crawford. Osage Bluff Cole. Osage City Cole. Osborn De Kalb. Osceola [c. h.J St. Clair. O tsego Ray. Otter Creek Wayne. Otterville Cooper. Owasco Sullivan. Owensville Gasconade. Owl Creek Knox. Oxford Worth. Oyster Lewis. Ozark [c. h] -Crihstian. Pacific Franklin. Page City Lafayette. Paine's Prairie Polk. Pallas Green. Palmyra [c. h.] Marion. Papinsville Bates. Paradise Clay. Paris [c. h.] Monroe. Parker Andrew. Parkville Platte. Patterson Wayne. Patton Boll inger. Pattonsburg Davies. Paul ville Adair. Paxtons Store Pike. Pay Down Maries. Paynsville Pike. Peaksville Clarke. Peel Tree Pettis. Pendleton Warren. Peoria Bates. Perrin Clinton. Perry Ralls. Perryvillc [c. h.] Perry. Pevely Jefferson. Philadelphia Marion. Philander Gentry. Piedmont Wayne. Pickney Warren. Piketon Stoddard. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Pilot Grove Cooper. Pilot Knob Iron. Pine Bluff Pulaski. Pine Ridge Iron. Pineville [c. h.] McDonald. Pine Hill Jackson. Pi ne Oak Warren. Pisgah Cooper. Pitts Warren. Pittsburgh Hickory. Plato Texas. Platte City [c. h.] Platte. Platte River Buchanan. Plattsburgh [c. h.] Clinton. Pleasant Farm Miller. Pleasant Gap Bates. Pleasant Hill Cass. Pleasant Home Putnam. Pleasant Hope Polk. Pleasant Mount Miller. Pleasant Park... Carroll. Pleasant Retreat Scotland. Pleasant Ridge Harrison. Pleasant Valley Wright. Pleasant View Ray. Plum Valley Texas. Pocahontas... .....Cape Girardeau. Point Pleasant New Madrid. Pond St. Louis. Poplar Bluff [c. h.] Butler. Porches Prairie Chariton. Port Hudson Franklin. Portland • Callaway. Post Oak Lincol n . Potosi [c. h.] Washington. Prairie Bird Adair. Prairie City Bates. Prairie Home Cooper. Prairie Park Nodaway. Prairieville Pike. Preston Jasper. Price's Branch Montgomery. Price's Landing Scott. Primrose Lewis. Prince [c. h.] Mercer. Prospect Grove Scotland . Prospect Hill Clay. 172 Logan's Post Office Directory. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY- Providence Boone. Pryor's Store Douglas. Punjaub St. Genevieve. Queen City Schuyler. Quincy Hickory. Quitman Nodaway. Racine Newton. Ramey Johnson. Randolph Randolph. Ravenna Mercer. Reading Pike. Radsville... Callaway. Reaves Station Butler. Reform Callaway. Regency Gentry. Relfe Phelps. Rhineland Montgomery. Rich Atchison. Richardsonville Chariton. Rich Fountain Osage. Richmond [c. h.] Ray. Richwood Washington. Ridge Prairie Saline. Ridgely Platte. Ridge View Pettis. Ringo's Point Adair. Ritter Scotland. Roanoke Randolph. Robertson's Mill Stone. Rocheport Boone. Rochester! Andrew. Rock Hill St. Louis. R ck House Prairie Buchanan. Rockport [c. h.] Atchison. Rock Spring Washington. Rocky Comfort Newton. Rocky Mount Miller. Rolla [c. h,] Phelps. Rolling Home Randolph. Rondo Polk. Roney Hickory. Roseal St. Clair. Rose Hill Johnson. Robidoux Texas. Round Prairie Vernon. Rowlette Pettis. Rural Dale Grundy. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Rushbottom Holt. Rushville Buchanan. Russell's Hill Shannon. Russell's Hill Reynolds. Russell's Mills Iron. Russelville Cole. Saint Annie Pulaski. Saint Auberts Callaway. Saint Catherine Lynn. Saint Charles [c. h.]...St. Charles. Saint Clair Franklin . Saint Francisville Clarke. St. Genevieve[c.h]St. Genevieve. Saint James Phelps. Saint John Putnam. Saint Joseph [c. h.] Buchanan. Saint Leger Ozark. Saint Louise [c. h.] St. Louis. Saint Martins Morgan. Saint Mary's St. Genevieve. Saint Paul Webster. Saint Peter's..... St. Charles. Saint Thomas Cole. Salem Linn . Saline Mercer. Salisbury Chariton . Salt Creek Chariton . Sand Hill Scotland. Sand Springs Webster. Sand Stone Vernon. Santa Fe Monroe. Santa Rosa Daviess. Sappington St. Louis. Sarcoxie Jasper. Sarvis Springs Phelps. Savannah, [c. h.] Andrew. Saxton Buchanan. Saverton Ralls. Schleursburgh St. Charles. Scottsville Sullivan. Sedalia, [c. h.] Pettis. Sentinel Prairie Polk. Sharpsburgh Marion. Shawnee Mound Henry. Shelbina Shelby. Shelbyville, [c. h.] Shelby. Sherman St. Louis. 173 OGDEN HOUSE, Cor. Franklin and Washington Streets, CHICAGO, II^IiS. TODD & SNOVS^, PBOPBIETORS. This new and elegantly furnished house is admirably located, being but two squares from Board of Trade, and Court House, and equally convenient to Post Office, Theatres, Public Halls, etc., and is surrounded by many of the largest jobbing houses in the city; is complete in its appointments, containing all the accommodations of modern hotels. The proprietors are gentlemen of experience, enterprise and liberality, who know the wants of practical business men, and to encour- age the patronage of such, have put their rates down to #3.^0 F*Eit r>A"i", and yet furnish accommodations and set a table equal to those who charge $4.00 per day. Merchants should stop at the Ogden House. 114 Logan's Post Office Directory. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Sherwood Jasper. Shell Knob Barry. Shelby's Point Adair. Shiloh Butler. Shoalsbury Newton. Shoneytown Putnam . Short Bend Dent. Shotwell Franklin. Sibley Jackson. Sidney Ralls. Sigel Pettis. Sikestown Scott. Silver Lake Perry. Sloan's Point Adair. Smith City Pettis. Smithville Clay. Snells Mill Harrison. Snibar Lafayette. Snow Hill St. Charles. Somerset Monroe . South Grove Saline, South Point Franklin. Spencerburgh Pike. Spring Bluff Franklin. Springfield, [c. h.] Greene. Spring Grove Dallas. Spring Hill Livingston. Spring Valley Adair. Squirrel Island Lincoln. Stairfield Clinton . Stanford Texas. Stanton Mines Franklin. Steelville, [c. h.] Crawford. Steens Prairie Maries. Steffenville Lewis. Stephen's Store Callaway. Stewart Penobscot. Stewartsville DeKalb. Sticklerville Sullivan. Stockland Montgomery. Stockton, [c. h.] Cedar. Stone House Morgan . Stoney Hill Gasconade. Stono it. Francois. Stoney Point Jackson. Stoutville Monroe. Stringtown Cole. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY-, Strother Jackson. Sturgeon Boone. Sullivan Franklin. Sulphur S. Landing Jefferson. Sumac Bollinger. Swann ick Bay Ray. Sweet Home Nodaway. Switzlers Monroe. Syracuse Morgan . Taitsville Ray. Taos Cole. Taokis Holt. Ten Mile Macon. Terre Haute Putnam. Thornasville Oregon. Tindell Grundy. Finney's Grove Ray. Tipton Moniteau. Tacunia Schuyler. Thompson's Station Audrain. Trenton, [c. h.] Mercer. Troy, [c. h.] Lincoln. Truxton Lincoln. Tuckersville Camden . Tullvania Macon. Tuque Warren. Turnback Dade. Tuscumbia, [c. h.] Miller. Twane Dent. Ullman's Ridge Miller. Union, [c. h.] Franklin. Union Grove Gentry. Union Mills Platte. LTnion Ridge Sullivan. Union Star DeKalb. Union Valley Nodaway. Unionville, [c. h.] Putnam. Urbana Dallas. Uriah Henry. Utica Livingston . Valparaiso Sullivan. VanBuren [c. h.] Carter. Vernoys Mill Pike. Vera Cruz [c. h.] Douglas. Vermont Cooper. Versailles [c. h.] Morgan. Victoria Daviess. Logan's Post Office Mirectory. 175 Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Victoria Station Jefferson, Vienna [c. h.] Maries. Vineland Jefferson. Vi rgil City Cedar. Wadesburgh Cass. Walnut Creek Bates. Walnut Grove Greene. Walnut Hill Buchanan. Walnut Shade Taney. Warsaw Marion . Warrenton [c. h.] Warren. Warsaw [c. h.] Benton. Washburn Prairie Barry. Washington Franklin. Waterloo [c. h.] Clarke. Waverly Lafayette. Waynesville [c. h.] Pulaski. Webst er Oregon. Webster Groves St. Louis. Wellington Lafayette. Wellsburgh St. Charles. Wellsville Montgomery. Wentzville St. Charles. West Ely Marion. West Liberty Putnam. Western Platte. West Spri ngfield Shelby. Westphalia Osage. West Plains [c. h.] Howell. Westport Jackson. Wet Glaze Camden . Wheeling Livingston. White Cloud Nodaway. White Rock Prairie. ...McDonald. Whi tesville Andrew. Willard Greene. Williamsburgh Callaway. Williamstown Lewis. Williamsville Wayne. Wilmathsville Adair. Wilson Adair. Winchester Clarke. Windsor Henry. Winemiller's Mills Worth. Winigan Sullivan. Wintersville Sullivan. Winthrop Buchanan. Missouri. OFFICE. COUNTY. Wittenburgh Perry. Wolf Creek Wright. Woodhill. Dallas. Woodlawn Monroe. Woodland ville Boone. Woodville Macon. Woolam Gasconade. Wright City Warren. Wyaconda Scotland . Xenia Nodaway. Yancey Phelps. Yankee Ridge Harrison. Youngs Creek Audrain . Youtes Store Perry. KANSAS. Abilene [c. h.] Dickinson. Albany Nemaha. Albina Washington. AUanthus Ottaway. Allen Lyon. Alma [c. h.] Wabaunsee. Almena Norton. AUtona Marshall. Alton Sumner. Alum Creek Ellsworth. America City Nemaha. Americus Logan . Appleton Bourbon. Arcadia Crawford. Arington Atchison. Atchison [c. h.] Atchison. Auburn Shawnee. Aron Coffee. Baldra Smith. Baldwin City Douglass. Barnsville Bourbon. Barrett Marshall. Barritt's Hill Wilson. Bartelson Johnson. Batcheller Riley. Bath Woodson. Baxter Springs Cherokee. Bazarr Chase. Beaver Osborne. Beekman Washington. 176 Logan's Post Office Directory. Kansas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Belknap Howard. Belmont Woodson. Bellgrade Pottawatomie. Bennington Ottawa. Benton But ler. Berea Franklin. Berlin Riley. Bethel Marion. Big Creek Station Saline. Big Springs Douglass. Big Timber Riley. Billingsville Norton. Black Jack Douglass. Bloomfield Howard . Blooming Grove Lynn. Blufton Ottawa. Blue Hill Mitchell. Blue Rapids Marshall. Boyle Jefferson. Broohty Ly nn . Bryant Butler. Buffalo Wilson. Burlingame [c. h.] Osage. Burlington [c, h.] Coffee. Burnt Creek Greenwood . Cabin Valley Cowley. Canville [c. h.] Neosho. Canola Howard. Capioma Nemeha. Carbondale Osage. Carlyle Allen. Carlton Dickinson. Carson Brown. Center Creek Riley. Caska Cowley, Castleton Reno. Catholic Mission Neosho. Cato Bourbon. Cedar Point Chase. Centralia Nemaha. Centreville Lynn. Centropolis Franklin. Chapman's Creek Dickinson. Cherokee City Cherokee. Chetopa Labette. Chilicothe Phillips. Christiana Green wuod. Kansas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Circleville Jackson . Clarence Cowk^y. Clay Center Clay. Clifton Washington. Clinton Douglas. Coal Creek Ottawa. Coal Field Cherokee. Coloma Woodson . Connor's Station W).-andotte. Cook's Ford Jefferson. Corinh Osborne. Corona Coffee. Cottonwood Falls [c. h.]... Chase. Council Grove [c. h.] Morris. Covington Smith . Coy ville .Wilson . Cransdale Cloud. Crooked Creek McPherson. Crawfordsville Crawford . Darien Cowley. Darrell Smith. Dayton Bourbon. Delavan Clay. Delaware City Leavenworth . Delta Jewell. De Soto Johnson. Denmark Lincoln. Detroit Dickinson. Dillon Dickinson. Dixon Coffee. Doniphan Doniphan. Dover Shawnee. Doyle Marion. Easton Leavenworth. East Wolf. Russell. Eden Atchison. Ed wardsville Wyandotte. Eldorado Butler. Eldridge Sedgwick. Elizabethtown Anderson. Ellis Ellis. Elison Harvey. EUinwood Barton. Ellma Republic. Ellsworth [c. h. ]....,. ...Ellsworth. Elmendora Lyon. Elm Grove Washington. 177 A. B. PEARSON, MANUFACTURER OF THE FAIRBANK STANDARD SCALE, AND AGENT FOR THE HuDDART Standard Scale, Railroad, Stock, Hay, Dormant, Portable Platform, and Counter Scales of all Sizes at Manufacturers Prices. ALSO, Railroad Baggage Trucks, Box Trucks, Grain and Warehouse Wagons, Cotton and Weighmasters Beams, Warehouse Skids, &c., No. 618 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, - - MISSOURI. By using none but the best materials, and employing only practical mechanics, I am able to offer as good an article as any others, who have higher prices and make irregular discounts, especially as I squander no money on traveling men, to run down other Scales. 178 Logan's Post Office Directory. Kansas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Elmira Mitchell. Ellsmore Allen. Ellwood Doniphan. Emley Osborne. Empire McPherson. Emporia [c. h.] Lyon. Enterprise Dickinson. Erie Neosho. Eudora Douglass. Eugene Shawnee. Fairmount Leavenworth. Farland McPherson. Farmersburgh Howard. Far West Morris. Forrest Hill Lyon. Forest Home Franklin. Fort Harker Ellsworth. Fort Earned Peketon. Fort Lincoln Bourbon. Fort Riley Davis. Fort Scott, [c. h.] Bourbon. Fort Wallace Fredericktown Coffey. Fredonia, [c. h.] Wilson. Free Will Osborne. Fremont Lyon. Fulda Howard. Gardner Johnson . Garnette, [c. h.] Anderson. Gatesville Clay. Geary Doniphan. Geneva Allen. Girard, [c. h.] Crawford. Glendale Bourbon. Golden Gate Howard. Good Intent Atchison. Graham Graham. Granite Bluff Phillips. Grandville Jefferson . Greely Anderson. Greenfield Clay. Grenada Nemaha. Guittard Station Marshall. Guthrie Dickinson . Haddam Washington. Hamlin Brown . Hartford Lyon . Kansas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Hart's Mill Howard. Hebron Saline. Henry ville Riley. Hessville Sumner. Hiawatha, [c. h.] Brown. Hillside Farm Harvey. Hage . Leavenworth . Holland Dickinson. Hallenberg Washington. Halton, [c. h.] Jackson. Hat Hill Ottawa. Horner Creek Greenwood . Honek Saline. Humboldt, [c. h.] Allen. Huron Atchison. Hymen Chase. Tola Allen. Iowa Point Doniphan. Irving Marshall. luka Labette. Jackson Lynn. Jacksonville Neosho. James' Crossing Jackson. Janesville, [c. h.] Greenwood. Jarbola Leavenworth. Jay Eu Rej, ublic. Jefferson Jefferson . Jerome Anderson . Jewell Center Jewell. Johnson Pottawattamie. Junction City, [c. h.] Davis. Kanwaka Douglas. Kennekak Atchison. Kenton Greenwood. Kickapoo City Leavenworth. Kingsville Shawnee. Kill Creek Osborne. Lafayette Don iphan . Lakin Sedgwick. Lancaster Atchison. Lane Franklin. Lanesfield Johnson . Lapaz Howard. Lappin Nemaha. Larkin Atchison. Earned Pawnee. Lawrence, [c. h.] Douglas. Logan's Post Office Directory. 179 Kansas. OFKICE. COUNTY. Lecompton Douglas. Lena Valley Greenwood. Leon Morris. Leroy Coffee. Loosterville Saline. Liberty Woodson . Lima Clay. Limestone Washington. Line Lyon. Locust Grove Atchison. Lodiana Rice. Lodi Miami. Lola Cherokee. Long Island Phillips. Lorain Louisville, [c. h.]..Pottawottamie, Lury Russell. Lynn Creek Shawnee. Mace Russell. Madison Greenwood. Manhattan, [c. h.] Riley. Mansfield Lynn. Maplewood Allen . Marion Center, [c. h.] Marion. Marmiton Bourbon. Marsh Valley Jewell. Marysville, [c. h.] Marshall. Matfiel Green Chase. May view Jewell. May wood Wyandotte. Medina Jefferson. Medicine Lodge Barbour. Miam i Vi 1 lage Miami . Middle Creek Chase. Mill Creek Bourbon. Milo Lincoln. Milton Marion. Mineral Point Anderson. Mission Creek Waubaunsee. Monmouth Cherokee. Monrovia Atchison. Monticello Johnson, Moss Springs Davis. Mound City, [c. h.] Linn. Mount Cenis Dickinson. Mount Florence Jefferson. Mount Liberty Reno. Kansas. OIKICE. COUNTY. Mount Pleasant Atchison. Mount Sterling Bourbon . Mount Vernon Howard. Moxfield Bremer. Murdoch Butler. Muscotah Atchison. Newman Wyandotte. Neosho Falls Woodson. Neuchatel Nemaha. Neutral City Cherokee. New Albany Wilson. Newbern Dickinson. New Cincinnati Rice. New Eureka Brown. New Lancaster Miami. New Salem Cowley. Nickerson Reno. Norman ville Doniphan. North Cedar Jackson. Nottingham Marshall. Odena .% Allen. Oakwood Linn. Ogden Riley. Olathe [c. h.] Johnson. Ontario Jackson. Oriole Smith. Osage Miami. Osborne [c. h.] Osborne. Osbom Neosho. Oskaloosa [c. h.] Jefferson. Oswego Labette. Otto Cowley. Ottawa Franklin. Ottumwa Coffee. Ozark Anderson. Padonia Brown. Painterhood Howard. Palermo Doniphan . Paola [c. h.] Miami. Parallel Riley. Pardee Atchison. Parker Montgomery. Pauline Shawnee. Pawnee Bourbon . Pawnee Rock Parton . Paw Paw Howard. Peach Rice. 180 Logan's Post Office Directory. Kansas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Peach Grove Washington. Peoria Franklin. Perry .Jefferson. Petersburgh Leavenworth. Petersville Cherokee. Phillippsburgh [c. h.]...Phillipps. Pittsburgh Mitchell . Pleasant Grove Greenwood. Pleasant Ridge Leavenworth. Pleasant Valley Lincoln . Pleasant View. [c. h.]... Cherokee. Plumb Creek Jefferson. Plum Grove Atchison. Plymouth Lyon. Potosi Linn. Powellsburg Clay. Powhattan Nemaha. Prairie City .Douglass. Prairie Grove Republic. Prairie View Jefferson . Quincy Greenwood. Quindaro Wyandotte. Randolph Riley. Rantoul Franklin. Raymond Rice. Redfield Bourbon. Rekeka Morris. Reno Leavenworth. Remanto Sumner. Richardson Osage. Rich Anderson . Richland Shawnee. Ridge Lima. Ridge way Osage . Robinson Brown . Rocheford Bourbon. Rockville Miami. Roger's Mills Neosho. Rooks Center Rooks. Rosston Nevada. Rubens Sewell. Sabetha Nemaha. Sabra Sabine. Sac and Fox Agency Sabine. Safford ...Chase. Saint George Pottawatomie. St. Mary's Mission.. Pottawatomie. Kansas. OFFICE, COUNTY. St. Nicholas Atchison. Salina, (c. h.) Saline. Saltmarsh Republic. Salt Springs Seward. Savannah Pottawatomie. Scot Land Jefferson. Scranton Osage. Sebo Creek Coffee. Sedgwick Sedgwick. Seneca, (c. h.) Nemaha. Sharp's Creek McPherson. Shawnee Johnson . Shell Rock Greenwood. Sherman Johnson. Sherman Kingnan. Shirley Cloud. Sigel Douglas. Silver Creek Chase. Silver Spri ng Nemaha. Skiddy Morris. Smith Smith. Smith Center Smith. Smoky Hill McPherson. Solomon City Saline. Soldier Republic. South Mound Neosho. Spring Dale Leavenworth. Spring Creek Howard . Springfield Mitchell. Spring Hill Johnson. Spring Place Johnson. Spring Valley McPherson. Spring Valley Leavenworth. Stanley Johnson. Stanton Miami . Stockdale Riley. Stone Carrol Rice. Stone Mound Smith. Stranger Leavenworth. Sunny Side ". . . . .Montgomery. Sun Set Republic. Summerville Ottawa. Sylvan Grove Lincoln. Syracuse Crowley. Turkey Creek Bourbon. Thompson Smith. Tremont Washington. Logan's Post Office Directory. 181 Kansas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Trenton Labette. Twin Mound Douglas. Twin Spring Linn. Tylers Brown. Union Chase. Unonda Brown. Upton Miami. Verdigris Greenwood. Vesper Lincoln. Vienna Pottawatomie. Violet Springs Rice. Virgil Greenwood. Wabaunsee Wabaunsee. Waconda Mitchell. Wallace Wallace. Walnut Creek Cherokee. Walnut Grove Doniphan. Walnut Hill Bourbon. Wamego Pottawatomie. Washington, (c. h.)... Washington. Waterloo Lyon. Waveland Shawnee. West Asher Mitchell. Westmoreland Pottawatomie. West Paradise Osborne. White City Morris. White Cloud Doniphan. White Post Montgomery. Wild Cat Riley. Williamsport Shawnee. Willow Springs Douglas. Wilmington Wabaunsee. Winchester Jefferson. WoodhuU Chase. Wyandotte, ' c. h.) Wyandotte. Wyoming Marshall. Xenia Bourbon . Youngstown Marion. INDIAN TEItRITOBY. Boggy Depot Choctaw Nation. Buckluxy Cherokee Nation. Caddo Choctaw Nation. Choctaw Agency Choctaw N. Council House Choctaw N. Creek Agency Creek Nation. Indian Territory.— Texas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Fort Arbuckle Chickasaw N. Fort Gibson Cherokee Nation. Ft. Washita Chickasaw N. Lightning Creek Cherokee N. Micco Creek Nation. Suksata Choctaw Nation. Pleasant Point... Cherokee Nation. Prairie City Cherokee Nation. Tahlequah [c. h.]. ...Cherokee N. TEXAS. Alabama Houston . Alleytown Colorrdo. Alio Cherokee. Anderson [c. h ] Grimes. Amona Red River. Ant ioch Lavaca. Arnickville De Witt. Ash Spring Harrison. Ashby Houston. Ashland Hunt. Athens [c. h.]- Henderson. Atascosa Bexer. Augusta Houston . Bagdad Williamson. Bedias Grimes. BelloeiUe [c. h.] Bee. Bell view Rush. Bellville [c. h.] Austin . Belmont [c. h.] Gonzales. Belton Bell. Ben Franklin Lamar. Bethel Anderson. Birdsdale Bell. Black Jack Grove Hopkins. Black Oak Hopkins. Blanco [c. h.] Blanco. Bluffton Llano. 15oli var Denton . Bonham [c. h.] Fannin. Brazos Sontiago Cameron. Brazoria [c. h.] Brazoria. Brenham [c. h.] Washington. Bright Star Hopkins. Bristol Ellis. Brookeland Sabine. Texas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Brooklyn Shelby. Brownsborough Henderson. Brownsville [c. h.] Cameron. Brownwood [c. h] Brown. Bryan [c. h.] Brazos. Bunkeville Newton. Burnet [c, h.] Burnet. Caldwell [c. h.] Burleson. Calloway Upshur. Cameron [c. h.] Milam. Camp Colorado [c. h.].. Coleman. Camp Stockton Bexar. Caney Matagorda. Carrezo Zapata. Carrolton Upshur. Cartersville Parker. Carthage [c h.] Panola. Castroville [c. h.] Madina. Cat Spring Austin. Cedar Fayette. Cedar Hill Dallas. Cedar Mills Grayson. Cedar Valley Hays. Centreville, [c. h.] Leon. Chappel Hill Washington. Cheeseland Angelina. Cherine Necogdoches. Cherokee San Saba. Cherry S{,rings Gillespie. Circleville Williamson. Clarksville, [c. h.] Red River. Cleburne, [c. h.] Johnson. Cleveland Fort Bend. Clifton Bosque. Clinton, [c. h.] DeWitt, Coffee ville Upshur. Cobeit's Ferry Grayson. Cold Spring Polk. Colli nsville Grayson. Culthorp? Houston. Columbia Brazoria. Columbus, [c.h.] Colorado. Comanche Springs JSIcClellan. Comfor: Kerr. Concepcion Douval. Concord Hardin. Concrete DeWitt. Texas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Content Colorado. Corpus Christ i Nueces. Corsicana, [c. h.] Navarro. Cotton Gin Freestone. Courtney Grimes. Covington Hill. Crane' s Mill Comal. Crockett, [c. h.]-- Houston. Cross Timbers Ellis. Crossville Corryell. Cummin's Creek Ellis. Cunningham's Bastrop. Cuthand Red River. Cypress Top Harris. Daingerfield Titus. Dallas, [c. h.] Dallas. Danville Montgomery. Decatur, [c. h.] Wise. DeKalb Bowie. Delaware Bend Cooke. Del Rio Kinney. Denison Grayson. Denton, [c. h.] Denton. Double Horn Burnett. Dodge Station Walker. Douglassville Cass. Dresden Navarro. Duffan Erath. Eagle Pass, [c. h] Maverick. Ecleto Karnes. Edinburgh, [c. h.] Hidalgo. Egypt Wharton. Elbe Burleson. Eliza Hojiston. Elm Mott McLennan . El Paso, [c. h.] El Paso. Ennis Ellis. Etna Smith. Eureka Mills Harris. Eutaw Limestone. Fairfield, [c. h.] Freestone. Farmersville Collin. Farmington Grayson. Fayetteville Fayette. Finecastle Henderson. Fort Clark, [c. h.] Kinney Fort Davis Preside. Logan's Post Office Directory. 183 Texas. officf:. county. Fort Worth, [c. h.] Tarrant. Fredericksburgh, [c.h.].. Gillespie. Frelsburgh Colorado. Friendship Harrison . Frio Town Frio. Gainesville, [c. h.] Cooke. Galveston, [c h.] Galveston. Garden Valley Smith. Gay Hill Washington. Georgetown, [c. h.]... Williamson. Goliad, [c.h.] Goliad. Golindo Falls. Gonzales, [c. h.] Gonzales. Grand Bluff Panola. Gray Rock Titus, Gray town Bexer. Gussettville Live Oak. Hackberry Lavaca. Halesboro Red River. Hamilton Shelby. Hardin, [c.h.] Hardin. Harrisburgh Harris. Haw Creek Fayette. Head-of-Elm Montague. Hedwig's Hill Mason. Hempstead Austin. Hendersonville Anderson. Hickory Hill Cass. High Hill Fayette. Highland Collin. Hillsborough, [c. h.] Hill. Hockley Harris. Holloway's Store Walker. Homer, [c. h.] Angelina. Honey Grove Fannin. Hope Lavaca. Hopkinsville Gonzales. Howard Bell. Huntsville, [c. h.] Walker. Hutchins Dallas. Independence Washington . Indiola, [c. h.] Calhoun. Industry Austin. Iron Clad Limestone. Iron Mountain Rusk. Jacksborough, [c. h.] Jack. Jasper, [c. h.] Jasper. Texas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Jefferson, [c. h.] Marion. Jence Falls. Johnsons Station Tarrant. Kauffman, [c. h.] Kauffman. Keechie Leon. Kemp Kauffman . Kentuckytown Grayson . Kerrville, [c. h.] Kerr. Kilgore Rusk. Knoxville Cherokee . Krohue Burleson . Ladonia Fannin. Lafayette Upshur. La Grange, [c. h.] Fayette. Lake Robertson. Lamar Refugio. Lampasas, [c. h.J Lampasas. Lancaster Dallas. Laredo, [c. h.] Webb. Leona Leon. Leon Springs Bexer. Lexington Burleson . Liberty, [c. h.] Liberty. Liberty Hill Williamson. Linn Flat Nacogdoches. Linnwood Cherokee. Little Mineral Grayson. Livingston, [c. h.] Polk. Llano, [c. h.] Llano. Lockhart, [c. h.] Caldwell. Lone Star Titus. Longstreet Montgomery. Lyons Fayette. McKinney, [c. h.] Collin. McLanisborough Hill. McMillin Belle. Macomb Grayson. Madisonville, [c. h.] Madison. Mahomet Burnett. Malakoff Henderson. Maple Springs Red River. Marion Angelina. Marlin, [c. h.] Falls. Marshall, [c. h.J Harrison. Marysville Cooke. Mason, [c. h.] Mason. Matagorda, [c. h.J Matagorda. Texas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Meridian, [c. h.] Bosque. Merriltown Travis. Mexia Limestone. Milam Sabine. Milford Ellis. Millheim ....Austin. Millican Brazos. Milton Red River. MiUville Rusk. Mission Valley Victoria. Moffatt Bell. Montague, [c. h.] Montague. Montgomery, [c. h.]Montgomery. Moscow Polk. Moss Bluff Liberty. Mountain City Hays. Mount Calm Limestone. Mount Enterprise Rusk. Mount Gaynor Hays. Mount Olivet McLennan. Mount Pleasant Titus. Mule Creek Gonzales. Naches Houston. Nacogdoches, [c. h.]Nacogdoches. Navasota Grimes. Neckerville Anderson . Neere's Store Fayette. Nelsonville Austin. New Fountain Medina. New Port Walker. New Salem Rusk. Newton, [c. h.] Newton. New Ulm ..Austin. Norman Hill Bosque. Oakville, [c. h.] Live Oak. Oakwood Leon. OatviUe, [c. h.] Live Oak. Oatmeal Burnett. Oenaville Bell. Omega Upshur. Orange, [c. h.j Orange. Orangeville Franklin. Owensville, [c. h.] Robertson. Palestine, [c. h.] Anderson. Palo Alto, [c. h.] Palo Alto. Palo Pinto Palo Pinto. Pana Maria Karnes. Texas. OFFICE. COUNTY. Paris, (c. h.) Lamar. Parry ville Wood. Peach Tree Jasper. Pecan Delta. Pennington Houston. Pendleton Sabine. Peoria Hill. Perdido Goliad . Pereley Navarro. Person ville Limestone. Petersburgh Lavaca. Pierpont Place DeWitt. Pilot Grove Grayson. Pine Grove Henderson. Pine Town Cherokee. Pine Oak Fayette. Pittsburgh Upshur. Piano Collin. Pleasanton (c. h.) Atascosa. Plenitude Anderson. Plem Creek Caldwell. Point Isabelle Cameron. Point Pleasant Upshur. Pond Spring Williamson. Post Oak Grove Lavaca. Powellton Harrison. Prai rie Houston . Prairie Lee Caldwell. Prairie Mount Lamar. Prairie Plain Grimes. Prairie Point Anderson. Prospect Burleson . Rancho Gonzales. Rannesville Grayson. Rid Oak Ellis. Refugio (c. h.) Refugio. Rice Navarro. Richardsville Wood. Richland Crossing Navarro. Rio Grande City Starr. Robbinsville Red River. Rocky Erath. Rockwall Kauffman. Roma Starr. Rose Hill Harris. Round Mountain Blanco. Round Rock Williamson. Il Logan's Post Office Directory. 185 OFFICE. Texas. county. Round Top Fayette. Rural Shade Navarro. Rush Creek Navarro. Rusk [c. h.] Cherokee. Rutersville Fayette. Sabine Pass Sabine. Sabinetown Sabine. Saint Elmo Freestone. Saint Marie Refugio. Salado Bell. San Antonio [c. h.[ Bexar. San Bernardino [c. h.] San Bern. San Diego Nueches. Sand Fly * Burleson. Sandy Blanco. Sandy Point Brazoria. San Elizario El Paso. San Feli p Austin. San Gabriel Milam. San Marcos [c. h."] Hays. San Patricio [c. h.]..San Patricio. San Cuba [c. h.] San Cuba. Seyene Dallas. Seguin [c. h.] Guadalupe. Selma Bexar. Serbin Bastrop. Shelby Austin. Sherman [c. h.] Grayson. Siep Springs Comanche. Sisterdale Comal. Sivells Bend Cook. Smithson's Valley Comal. Somerset Atascosa. South Bosque McLennan. Spring Branch Comal. Si)ringfield [c. h.] Limestone. Spring Hill Navarro. Stafford's Point Fort Bend. Starkesville Lamar. Starville Smith. Stewards Mill Freestone. Stringtown Hays. Stovers Cross Roads Kauffman. Sugar Land Fort Bend. Sullivan's Bluff Houston. Sulphur Bluff Hopkins. Sumpter [c. h.] Trinity. Sutherland Springs Wilson. Swartmouth Polk. Sweet Home Lavaca. OFFICE. Texas. county. Taos Navarro. Tarrant [c. h.] Hopkins. Tennessee Colony Anderson. Texana [c. h.] Jackson. Tidwell Creek Hunt. Timber Creek Hunt. Thornton Limestone. Town Bluff Tyler. Travis Austin. Troupe Smith. Turner' s Store Kauffman . Tumey 's Store Travis. Tuscaloosa [c. h.] Tuscaloosa. Turtle Bayou Liberty. Twi n Sisters Blanco. Tyler [c. h.[ Smith. Union Hill Kauffman. Uvalda [c. h.] Uvalda. Valley Mills Bosque. Val Verde Denton. Valley View Cooke. Velasco Brazoria. Victoria [c. h.] Victoria. Waco [c. h.] Lennan. Waller's Store Austin. Walling's Ferry Rusk. Walnut Hill Panola. Warren Fannin. Washington Washington . Waverly Walker. Waxahachie, [c, h.] Ellis. Weatherford, [c. h.] Parker. Welborville Travis. Weston Collin. West Point Fayette. Wharton, [c. h.] Wharton. Wheelock Robertson. White Oak Hopkins. White Rock Hill. Willow Creek Robertson. Wilton Ellis. Winchester Fayette. Woods Panola. WoodviUe, [c. h.] Tyler. Wrightsborough Gonzales. Yorktown DeWitt . Young's Settlement Bastrop. Zanzenburgh Kerr. Zavala Smith. Zionville Washington. 186 Logan's Post Office Directory. IOWA. OFFICE. COUNTY. Ackley Hardin. Addison Humbolt. Add Dallas. Adelphi Pope. Afton, [c. h.] Union. Agency City Wapello. Ainsworth Washington . Albany Davis. Albia, [c. h.] Monroe. Albion Marshall. Alden Hardin. Algona Kossuth. Allanakee Kossuth. Allen' s Grove Scott. Allison Dubuque . Almoral Delaware . Alpine Wapello. Altmont Shelby. Alton Dallas. Ames Storey. Arnish Johnson . Amity Scott. Anamosa, [c. h.] Jones. Andrew, [c. h.] Jackson. Aplington Butler. Arbor Hill Adair. Aricola Mahaska. Areola Monona. Argo Lucas. Armstrong Grove Emmett. Ash Grove Davis. Ashland Wapello. Atalissa Muscatine. Atlanta Buchanan. Attica Marion. Auburn Mahaska. Augusta Des Moines. Aurora Keokuk. Avon Polk. Avon Station Polk. Batavia Jefferson. Bach Grove Wright. Boden Keokuk. Baker Jefferson. Ballycough Dubuque. Bangor Marshall . OFFICE. COUNTY. Bankston Dubuque. Barclay Black Hawk. Barry ville Delaware. Bartlett Fremont. Bassett Chickasaw. Bath Cerro Gordo. Beacon Mahaska. Bedford Taylor. Beetrace Appanoose. Belfast ^ Lee. Belinda Lucas . Belleair Johnson. Bellefontain Mahaska. Belle Plaine Benton . Bellevue Jackson. Belmond Wright. Belvidere Monona. Bergen Alamakee. Benson Grove Winnebago. Benton Mills. Bentonsport Van Buren . Bennington Marion . Berlin ' Hardin. Bertin Linn . Bethel Fayette. Bethel Wayne. Beulah Clayton. Big Mound Lee. Big Rock Scott. Big Spring Johnson . Birmingham Van Buren. Blairsburg Hamilton . Blairstown Benton . Blakesburg Wapello. Blakeville Black Hawk. Bloomsfield, [c. h.] Davis. Blue Grass Scott. Blue Point Powesh iek. Bluffton Winneshiek. Bonacord Johnston. Bonaparte Van Buren. Boone Dallas. Boonesborough, [c. h.] Boone. Boon Springs Clinton. Border Plains Webster. Botany Shelby. Logan's Post Office Directory. 187 Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Botavia Jefferson. Bottom Monona. Bowen's Prairie Jones. Boyer River Crawford. B ylan' s Grove Butler. Bradford Chickasaw. Bradley ville Page. Blandon Buchanan. Brighton Washington. Bristol Worth. Brookfield Clinton. Brookly Powskiek Brookville Jefferson. Brown's Station Clayton. Brown ville Mitchell. Brush Creek Fayette. Bryson Wapello. Buck Creek Bremer. Buckh orn Mahaska. Buckingham Tama. Buena Vista Clinton. Buffalo Scott. Buffalo Fork Kossuth. Buffalo Grove Buchanan. Borgess Clinton. Burk Benton . Burlington, [c. h] Des Moines. Burr Oak Winneshiek. Busti Howard. Butler Keokuk. Butler Center, [c. h] Butler. Butlerville Tama. Cairo Louisa. Caldwell Appanoose. Caledon ia Ringgold. Callioun Harrison. C'almar Winneshiek. Calmos Clinton . ( 'aloma Marion . Camanc.he Clinton . Cambria Wayne. Cambridge Story. Campton Delaware. Canton Jackson . Cantril Van Buren. Carbon Webster. Caidiff Mitchell. Iowa. OFFICK. COUNTY. Carl Adams. Carlsle Warren. Carroll City Carroll. Carrolton, [c.h] Carroll. Carr's Point Montgomery. Cassady's Corner Boone. Cascade Dubuque. Cass Center Cass. Casey Guthrie. Castalia Winneshiek. Castana Monona. Castleville Buchanan. Cedar Bluff Cedar. Cedar Creek Greene. Cedar Cross Roads Marshall. Cedar Falls Black Hawk. Cedar Mines Monroe. Cedar Rapids Linn. Cedar Run Muskingum. Cedar Valley Black Hawk. Cedarville Washington. Centerville Appanoose. Central City Linn. Centre Page . Centre Point Linn. Ceres Clayton. Cessford Cedar. Chandler Keokuk . Chapin Franklin . Chariton, [c. h] Lucas. Charles City Floyd. Charleston Lee. Charlotte Clinton. Chatham Buchanan . Chelsea Tama. Chequirt Davis. Cherokee, [c. h] Davis. Chickasaw, [c. h] Chickasaw. Chillicothe Wapello. Christiansburg Wapello. Cincinnati Appanoose. Clinton Madison. Clarence Cedar. Clarinda, [c. h] Page. Clarkville Butler. Clay Washington. Clifford Jones. 188 Logan's Post Office Directory. Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Claymiss jones, Clayton Clayton. Clear Creek Allamakee. Clear Lake Cerro Gordo. Clearmont Fayette Clifton Louisa.' Clinton Clinton. Clio Wayne. Clyde Jasper. Coalton Monroe. Coldwater Franklin. Colesburg Delaware. ^°!f^^---: Jasper. College Spring Page. ^°)^-". Storey. Columbia Marion. Columbus City Louisa. Communia Clayton. Competine Wapello. Comstock Wapello. Confidence Wayne. Coon Rapids Carrol. Coopersville Wapello. Copi Johnson. Correction ville Woodbery Corydon, [c. h.] Wayne. Cottage Hardin. Cottage Hill Dubuque. Cotton Grove Henry. Cotton ville Jackson '. Council Bluffs,[c.h]Pottawatomie. Council Hill Clayton. Conover Winneshiek. Cox Creek Clayton. Crawfordsville Washington Crescent City Pottawatomie. Cresco Howard. Cross Ringgold. Croton Lgg Crystal '.■.'.■■■■.■■Tama." Dahlonega Wapello. gairy Washington. P^kotah Humbolt. gaf City Guthrie i^'^las Marion Dalmanutha Guthrie, ^anforth Johnson Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY-, Danville Des Moines. Davenport, [c. h.] Scott. Dayton Center Chickasaw. gecatur Decatur. Decorah, [c. h.] Winneshiek. Deep River Poweshiek. Deerfield Chicksaw. Delanti Hardin. Delaware Delaware. Delhi, [c. h.] Delaware Denison, [c. h] Crawford. Denmark Lgg Dennis Appanoose. Denver Bremer. Des Moines, [c. h.] Polk. Dewitt, [c. h] Clinton. Dickson Scott. Dodge Guthrie! Dodgeville Des Moines. Donahue Scott. Duke Dubuque. Durand Mitchell. Dorchester Allamakee. Doud Station Van Buren. Dodge Station Fayette. Dover Lge. Downey Cedar. Darkesville Davis. Day Creek Linn.' Dubuque, [c. h.] Dubuque. Dudley Wapello. Dunlap Harrison. Durango Dubuque. Durant Cedar. Dutch Creek Washington. Dyersville Dubuque. Eagle Bremer. Eagle Grove Wright. Earlville Delaware. Eastport Fremont. Eddyville Wapello. Eden Fayette. Edenville Marshall. Edinburgh Jones. Elba Carroll. Eldora, [c. h.] Hardin. Eldorado Fayette. Ij Logan's Post Office Directory 189 Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Elgin Fayette. Elk Decatur. Elkhart Polk. Elk Horn Shelby. Elkport Clayton. Elk River Clinton. Ellington, [c. h] Hancock. Elizabeth Grundy. Ellsworth ... Madison . Elm Springs Butler. Elon Allamakee. Elvira Clinton. Ely Marion . Emmett Emmett. Emmettsburgh, [c. h.l-.Palo Alto. Enterprise Black Hawk. Epworth Dubuque. Ernest Lyon . Eugene Ringgold. Eveland Grove Mahaska. Exira, [c. h] Audubon. Fairbank Buchanan. Fairfax Linn . Fairfield, [c. h] Jefferson . Fairhaven Tama. Fairport Muscatine. Fairview Jones. Faulkner Franklin . Farley Dubuque. Farmersburgh Clayton . Farmers Creek Jackson. Farmersville Mahaska. Farmington Van Buren. Fayette Fayette. Fern Valley Palo Alto. Fifteen Mile Grove Tama. Fillmore Dubuque. Flemingville Linn. Flint Mahaska. Florence Ben ton . Floris Davis. Floyd Floyd. Fontanelle, [c. h] Adair. Fooie Iowa. Forest City, [c. h]... Winnebago. Forest Home Poweshiek. Foreston Howard. Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Forestville Delaware. Fort Atkinson Winneshiek. Fort Dodge, [c. h] Webster. Fort Madison, [<^. h] Lee. Fort Plain Warren. Four Corners Jefferson. Frankfort Montgomery. Franklin Decatur. Franklin Centre Lee. Franklin Grove Page. Frank Pierce Johnson. Frankville Winneshiek. Frederick Bremer. Fredericksburgh Chickasaw. Fredonia Louisa. Frederick Monroe. Freedom Lucas. Freeport Winneshiek. Fremont Mahaska. French Creek Allamakee. Fulton Jackson . Galesburgh Jasper. Garden Grove Decatur. Garden Prairie Green. Garibaldi Keokuk. Garnaville Clayton. Garry Owen Jackson. Gaston Fremont. Gem Clayton. Geneseo Cerro Gordo. Geneva Franklin . Genoa Wayne. Genoa Bluff Iowa. Georgetown Monroe. Germanville Jefferson. Glare 1 Clayton . Gilbert Scott. Gilbertsville Black Hawk. Givin Mahaska. Glasgow Jefferson. Glendale Jefferson. Glen Roy Howard. Glenwood, [c. h] Mills. Glidden Carroll. Godfrey Wapello. Goldfield, [c. h ] Wright. Gopher Osceola. 190 Logan's Post Office Directory. Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Goshen Ringgold . Gosport Marion. Grand Mound Clinton. Grand River Wayne. Grand View Louisa. Grant Montgomery. Grant City Sac. Granville Mahaska. Gravity Taylor. Great Oak Palo Alto. Greely Delaware. Green Bay Clarke. Greencastle Jasper. Greenfield Adair. Greenvale Dallas. Greenwood Polk. Grinnell Poweshiek. Grove City Cass. Grove Creek Jones. Grove Hill Bremer. Grundy Center, [c. h]... Grundy. Guthrie Center Guthrie. Guttenburgh Clayton . Half Way Prairie Monroe. Hall Creek Minona. Hamburgh Fremont. Hamilton Marion . Hamlin Woodbury. Hamlin Grove Audubon. Hammondsburgh Warren . Hamton, [c. h] Franklin. Hard in Clayton. Hardin City Hardin. Hard Times Pocahontas. Harlan, [c. h] Shelby. Harper Keokuk. Harpers Ferry Alamakee. Harris Grove Harrison. Hartford Warren . Hartland Worth. Hawleysville Page. Hazel Green Delaware . Hebron Adair. Helen) Tama. H e Uerso 1 1 Lyon . Henderson Lucas. Hesper Winneshiek. Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Hibbsville Appanoose. Hickory Van Buren. Higginsport Jackson . High Creek Fremont. High Lake Emmett. Highland Clayton. Highland Grove Jones. High Point Decatur. Hillsborough Henry. Holladay ' s Adair. Holt Taylor. Home Van Buren. Homer Hamilton. Homestead Iowa. Hook's Point Hamilton. Hopeville Clarke. Hopewell Mahaska. Hopkinton Delaware. Horn Jasper. Horton Bremer. Hosper Sioux. Howard Center. Hudson Black Hawk. Hull Boone. Humboldt Humboldt. Humeston Wayne. Huron Des Moines. Iconium Appanoose. Ida, [c. h] Ida. Illinois Grove Marshall. Illyria Fayette. Independence Buchanan. Indianapolis Mahaska. Indianola, [c. h] Warren. Ingart Grove Ringgold. Ingham Franklin. Inland Cedar. loka Keokuk . lola Marion. Ion Alamakee. Iowa Centre Story. Iowa City, [c. h.] Johnson. Iowa Falls Hardin. Iowa Lake Emmett' lowaville Van Buren . Iron Hills Jackson. Irvington Kossuth. Logan's Post Office Directory. 191 Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Jacksonville Chickasaw. Jaynesville Bremer. Jefferson Dubuque. Jeffersonville Lee. Jenks Taylor. Jerome Appanoose. Jessup Buchanan . Johnson Jones. Jollyville Lee. Kasson Madison. Keosauqua, [c. h] VanBuren. Kier Buchanan. Kimball Jasper. King Dubuque. Kingston Des Moines. Kirkville : Wapello. Kirkwood Appanoose. Kiron Crawford. Kesho Webster. Kni ffen Wayne . Knoxville, [c. h] Marion. Kossuth Des Moines. Kossuth Center Kossuth. Koszta Iowa. Lacelle Clarke. Lacey , Muscatine. Lacona Warren. Ladora Iowa. Lafayette Linn . LaGrange Lucas. Lake City, [c. h] Calhoun. Lake Mills Winnebago. Lake View Palo Alto. Lakins Grove H amilton . Lamotte Jackson . Lancaster Keokuk. Langworthy Jones. Lansing Alamakee. Laporte City Black Hawk. Larch wood Lyon . Last Chance Lucas. Lattners Dubuque. La Vega Des Moines. Lawler Chickasaw. Lawrenceburgh Warren. Lebanon Van Buren. Le Clair Scolt. Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Le Grand Marshall. Leighton Mahaska. Lenox Taylor. Leon, [c. h] Decatur. Leroy Bremer. Lester Black Hawk. Lewis, [c. h] Cass. Lewisburgh Wayne. Liberty Clarke. Liberty Center Warren. Libertyville Jefferson. Lima Fayette. Lime Creek Cerro Gordo. Lime Spring Howard. Lincoln Polk. Linden Dallas. Linton Des Moines. Linton Louisa. Lisbon Linn. Listonville Woodbury. Lithopolis Hard in . Little Port Clayton. Litchfield Taylor. Little Sioux Harrison. Little Turkey Chickasaw. Livingston Appanoose. Lockridge Jefferson. Locust Lane Winneshiek. Logan Harrison. Lotts Louisa. Long Tree Johnson. Lot hrope Warren . Lotts Creek Humboldt. Loveland Pottawatomie. Lovilia Monroe. Lowden Cedar. Lowell Henry. Low Moore Clinton. Lucena Clayton. Lud low Alamakee. Linn Wright. Lybrand Alamakee. Lycurgus Alamakee. Lynn Warren. Lynnville Jasper. Lyons Clinton. Lytle City Iowa. 192 Logan's Post Office Directory. Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. McGregor Clayton . Macedonia Pottawatoniie. Mackeys Grove Boone. Macksville Guthrie. Madison Jon es. Magnolia, [c. h] Harrison. Malcolm Poweihiek. Manchester Delaware. Manhattan Keokuk. Manteno Shelby. Manti Fremont. Mapleton Monona. Maquoketa Jackson. Marengo, [c. h] Iowa. Marion, c. h Linn. Marshall Henry. Marshalltown, [c. h] Marshall, Martell Jones. Martinsburgh Keokuk. Masonville Delaware. ' Massillon Cedar. Maudville Butler. Mechanicsville Cedar. Melray Dubuque. Melpine Muscatine. Melrose Grundy. Memory Taylor. Mentor Bremer. Merrimac Jefferson. Middletown Des Moines. Mid Prairie Henry. Mill Fayette. Milledgville Appanoose. Millersburgh Iowa. Millers Creek Black Hawk. Mill Grove Poweshiek. Millville Clayton. Milton Van Buren. Mineral Ridge Boone. Minerva Marshall. Missouri Valley Harrison. Mitchell, [c. h.] Mitchell. Mitchelville Polk. Module Harrison. Mofifit's Grove Guthrie. Moingona Boone. Mora Mitchell. Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Moorehead Monona. Monmouth Jackson. Monona Clayton. Monroe Jasper. Montana Boone. Monterey Davis. Montezuma, [c. h] Poweshiek. Monticello Jones. Mormon ton Taylor. Moravia Appanoose. Morning Sun Louisa. Moscow Muscatine. Mount Algior Jackson. Mount Auburn Benton. Mount Ayr, [c. h] Ringold. Mount Hope ....Delaware. Mount Joy Scott. Mount Pisgah Harrison. Mount Pleasant, [c. h] Henry. Mount Sterling Van Buren. Mount Vernon Linn. Mount Zion Van Buren. Moville Woodbury. Munch Chunk Mohaska. Muscatine, [c. h.] Muscatine. Nashua Chickasaw. Nautville ...Black Hawk. Nemora Johnson. Nevada, [c. h] Storey. Nevinville Adams. New Alba Winneshiek. Newark Marion. Newbern Marion. New Albin Alamakee. New Boston Lee. New Buda. Decatur. Newburgh Mitchell. New Hampton Chickasaw. New Hartford Butler. New Liberty Scott. New London Henry. New Oregon, [c. h] Howard. New Philadelphia Story. Newport Center Johnson. New Providence Hardin. New Sharon Mahaska. Newton, [c. h] Jasper. Logan's Post Office Directory. 193 Iowa. OFFICIO. COUNTY. Newtonville Buchanan. New Vienna Dubuque. New Virginia Warren. New York Wayne. Niles Van Buren. Nine Eagles Decatur. Noblet cju Polk. Nora Springs Floyd. Norris Marshall. North English Iowa. Northfield Des Moines. North Liberty Johnson. North McG regor Clayton. North River Dallas. XorthviUe Greene. North Washington Chickasaw. Northwood, c. h. Worth. Norwalk Warren. Nugent's Grove Linn. Nunia Appanoose. Oakfield Audubon. Oakland Valley Franklin. Oak Point Van Buren. Oak Spring Davis. Oasis Johnson. O'Brien, c. h O'Brien. Oceola, c. h Clarke. Ogden Dubuque. Ohio Madison. Okoboj i Dicki nson. Ola Lucas, Old Mission Winneshiek. Onawa City, c. h Monona. Oran Fayette. Orange Clinton. Orford Tama. Orleans Appanoose. Orono Muscatine. Osage Mitchell. Oshkosh Sioux. Oskaloosa, c. h Mahaska. Osprey Monroe. Ossian Winneshiek. Otho Webster. Otisville Franklin. Oto Woodbury. Otranto Mitchell. Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Otrego Fayette. Ottaway Clarke. Otter Creek Jackson. Otterville Buchanan. Ottumwa, c. h Wapello. Owen's Grove Cerro Gordo, Oxford Junction Jones. Oxford Mills Jones. Ozark Jackson . Pacific City .'...Mills. Page City Page. Palermo Grundy. Palestine Johnson. Palmyra Warren. Palo Linn. Panora, c. h Guthrie. Paris Linn. Parkersburgh Butler. Parrish Des Moines. Pattison Mad ison. Pearl Rock Chickasaw. Pedee Cedar. Pella Marion. Peoria Mahaska. Peoria City Polk. Peosta.. Dubuque. Pierce Point Dallas. Pierceville Van Buren. Pike Muscatine. Pilot Grove Lee. Pilot Mound Boone. Pilot Rock Cherokee. Pine Oak Dubuque. Pittsburgh Van Buren. Plainview Scott. Plattville Taylor. Pleasant Grove Des Moines. Pleasant Hill Cedar. Pleasant Plain Jefferson. Pleasant Valley "...Scott. Pleasantville Marion. Plum Hollow Fremont. Plymouth Cerro Gordo. Plymouth Rock Winneshiek. Point Pleasant Hardin. Polk City Polk. Port Allen Louisa. 194 Logan's Post Office Directory. Iowa. OFFICE, COUNTY. PortlandviHe Plymouth. Port Louisa Louisa. Port Richmond Wapello. Postville Alamakee. Prairieburgh Linn. Prairie C'ty Jasper. Prai rie Grove Clarke. Prairie Hill Boone. Prairie Mills Muscat ine. Primrose Lee. Pri nceton Scott. Promise City Wayne. Prospect Clay. Prospect Hill Linn. Pulaski Davis. Putnam Fayette. Quasqueton Buchanan. Quincy, c. h Adams. Ramersa Clinton. R.indidl Hamilton. kavrnoiid Black Hawk. R-:;>d Clayton. Rrdiiin^ Ringgold. Rc.dfield Dallas. Red Oak Cedar. Red Oak June, c.h, Montgomery. Red Rock. Marion. Reader's Mills Harrison. Reinbeck Grundy. Riceville Mitchell. Richfield Fayette. Richland Keokuk. Richmond Washington. Ridgedale Polk. Ridgeway Winneshiek. Riley Clarke. Riggs Clinton. Ringgold Ringgold. Rippey Greene. Rising Sun Polk. Riverside Boone. Riverview Lyon. Robin Benton. Rochester Cedar^ Rock Branch Woodbury. Rock Cerro Gordo. Rock Dale Dubuque. Iowa. OFFICE. COUNTY. Rockford Floyd. Rock Grove City Floyd. Rolfe, c.h Pocahontas. Rome Henry. Rose Mount Warren. Roseville Alamakee. Round Grove Scott. Russell Lucas. Russell Grove Hamilton. Sabula Jackson. Sac City, c. h Sac. Saint Ausgar Mitchell. Saint Charles Madison. Saint Clair Menona. Saint Donatus Jackson. Saint Oilman Osceola. Saint John Harrison. Saint Paul Lee. Saint Sebald Clayton. Salem Henry. Salina Jefferson. Sand Spring Delaware. Sandusky Lee. Sandvville Warren. Saratoga Howard. Savannah Davis Saylorville Polk. Seola Montgomery. Scotch Grove Jones. Scotch Center Fayette. Selma Wayne. Seneca Kossuth. Seventy-Eight Johnson. Sedgewick Decatur. Sharon Warren. Sheldon O'Brien. Shell Rock Butler. Shell Rock Falls Cerro Gordo. Shellsburgh Benton . Sheridan Van Buren. Sherman Poweshiek. Sherrill's Mount Dubuque. Shobes Grove Franklin. Shueyville Johnson. Sibley Osceola. Siam Taylor. Sidney, c. h Fremont. Logan's Post Office Directory . 195 Iowa. OFFICK. Cor.NTY. Sigel Clayton. Sigourney, c. h Clayton. Silver I.ake Worth. Simpson Adams. Sioux City, c. h Woodbury. Smi thland ^Vool i bu ry . Smyrna Clarke. Snow Hill Page. Snyder Dallas. Soda Bar Palo Alto. Soldier Valley Harrison. Solon Johnson. South English Keokuk. South Flint Des Moines. South O'Brien 0'15rien. Spechts Ferry Dubuque. Spencer Grove Benton, SpiUville Winneshiek. Spinneyville Scott. Spirit Lake, c. h Dickinson. Spragueville Jackson. Springbrook Jackson. Sj^ri ng Creek Tama. Spring Dale Cedar. Springfield Keokuk. Spring Grove Linn. Spring Lake Bremer. Spring Valley Decatur. Springville Linn. Spring Water Winneshiek. Stacy ville Mitchell . Stapleton Ch ickasaw. Star Marion. State Cen ter Marshall. Stetapolis Iowa. Sterling Jackson. Stiles Davis. Story City Story. Strawberry Point Clayton . Sugar Creek Jasper. Summers Benton . Summerset Warren . Summit Muscat i ne. Summitville Lee. Sumner Bremer. Sunny Side Buchanan. Swanton Butler. Iowa. OI-KICF.. COUNTY. Swea Kossuth. Sweede Point Boone. Smutland Center Muscatine. Syracuse Bremer. Tabor Fremont. Tallahoma Tineas. Tama City Tama. Tara Webster. Tarkio Page. Tay lorsville Fayette. Teeds Grove Clinton . Terre Haute Decatur. Timber Creek Marshall. Tipton, c. h Cedar. Tivoli Dubuque. Toledo, c. h Tama. Toolsborough Louisa. Toronto Clinton. Tower Hill Delaware. Trenton Henry. Tripol i Bremer. Troy Davis. Troy Mills Linn. Twin Lakes Calhoun . Twin Spring Winneshiek. Tyro Poweshiek. Tyrone Monroe. Ulster Floyd . Union Hard in . Union City Union Union Grove Page. Union Hill Ringgold. Union Mills Mahaska. Union Prairie Alamakee. Union Ridge Butler. Union Town. Delaware. Unionville Appanoose. Upland Lyon. Upper Grove Hanc ock. Upton Van linren. Urbana Benton . Utica Vai 1 Buren. Valley Washington . Valley Farm Linn. Valisca Montgomery. Van Buren Jackson. Vandal ia Jasper. 196 Logan's Post Office Directory. OFFICE: Iowa. COUNTY. Vaughan '. . . .Fremont. Venus Madison . Vernon Van Buren. Victor Iowa. Vienna Marshall. Village Creek Alamakee. Vincennes Lee . Vinton, c. h Benton. Viola ■ Linn . Virginia Grove Louisa . Volga City Clayton . Volney Alamakee. Wacousta Humboldt. Wagner Clayton. Wahaghbonsy Mills. Walnut City Appanoose. Walnut Fork Jones. Walnut Grove Scott. Waltham Tama. Wapello, c. h Louisia. Wapsa Linn. Wardena Fayette. Wards Corners Buchanan. Warren Lee . Warren Center Lucas. Warsaw Wayne. Washington, c. h Washington. Washta Cherokee. Waterloo, c. h Black Hawk. Water town Floyd . Waterville Alamakee. Waubeck '. Linn. Waucoma. . .'. Fayette. Waukon, c. h Alamakee. Waverly, c. h Bremer. Wayne ,. Henry. Webster Keokuk . Webster City, c. h Hamilton. Weller Monroe. Wells Mills Appanoose. Welton Clin ton . Wentworth Mitchell. West Albany Fayette. West Bend Palo Alto. West Branch Cedar. West Chester Washington. West Dayton Webster. Western College Linn. Westerville Decatur. West Grove Davis. OFFICE. Iowa. COUNTY. West Irving Tama. West Liberty Muscatine. West Mitchell. West Point Iowa. West Point Lee. West Prairie Linn. West Troy Iowa. West Union, c. h Fayette. What Cheer Keokuk. Wheatland Clinton. Wheelers Grove Pottawatomie. Wheeling Marion . White Cloud Mills. White Oak Mahaska. White Pigeon Keokuk. Whitesborough Harrison. Whitney ville Cass. Wickliffe Jackson. Willets Van Buren. Williams Hamilton. Williamston Chickasaw. Williola ■. Lyon. Willoughby Butler. Wilton Junction Muscatine. Winchester Van Buren. Windham Joh nson . Winfield Henry. Winona Henry. Winterset, c. h Madison. Winthrop Buchanan. Wiota Cass. Wolf Creek Tama. Woodbine Harrison. Woodbury Woodbury. Woodstuck Wright. Wood ville Winneshiek. Wooster Jefferson . Worth Boone. Worthington Dubuque. Wyoming Jones. Xenia Dallas. Yankee Settlement Clayton. Yatesville Calhoun. Yatton Washington. Yazoo Harrison . York Delaware. York Prairie Cedar. Yough Boone. Zoar Cedar. Zwingle Dubuque. Logan's Railway Directory. 107 ST. LOVIS. St. Louis, now a city of 425,000 citizens, is naturally in the right place, being on the great Mississippi river, just below the mouth and junction of the great Missouri river, and within reasonable distance of the mouth of the great Ohio river, — the three greatest rivers on the North American continent, — thus receiving the benefit of thou- sands of miles of river transportation, as well as by rail, over seven- teen trunk lines of railroad, and several others whose entire business passes over these main lines, thus reaching by rail every conceivable point of the compass, and each of these are rapidly extending and adding branch roads, covering the entire Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio valleys and the great "Southwest," — a larger scope of produc- tive country than any other city has ever had access to, or controlled, numbering hundreds of towns and villages, all which can more cheaply draw their supplies from St. Louis than any other point. Notwithstanding all that nature and the foresight and industry of ancestry have done for this city, it is not yet alive to its advantages ; seclusion and bigotry have here existed for a quarter of a century, and still controls full half of her citizens, among whom are many good, honest old fogies, that would do quite as much for themselves, their posterity and the public, by passing to the "Happy Hunting Grounds," and leaving untrammeled the industry and enterprise possessed by those left remaining. The names of a few of those last named, are given in the following list and in our advertising pages, the exact number of page being found by referring to the " Index " in front of book : Pat7'07lS, Alexander, John G., Railway supplies, 307 Pine. Allison & Rohan, Boiler makers and Sheet Iron Workers, 1008 to 1014 North Second. Baldwin, B. A., Proprietor Girard House, corner Broadway and Carr. Sec c:ard by Index. Barnes & Beynon, Book and Job Printers, 215 Pine. Beard & Bro., Manufacturers of Safes, Bank Vaults, and Cotton Ties, 918 and 920 North Second. See card by Index. Bemis, Brown &. Co., Manufacturers and Jobbers, in Bags and Bagging, 104 and 106, North Main. See card by Index. Berthold & Jennings, Lumber Commission Merchants, iS South Main. See card by Index. Bolte, Frederick, Stoves and Tinware at Wholesale and Retail. 1310 Broadway. See card by Index. Branch, Crookes & Co., Saw Manufacturers, 114 and ri6 Vine. See card by Index. 198 Logan's Railway Directory. Bridge, Beach & Co., Stove Manufacturers and Jobbers of Tinners' Stock, Sheet Iron, and Wire, 120 North Main. Brown, Robert B., Wholesale dealer in Oils and Paints, 210 and 212 Washington Avenue. Buck &L Wright, Stove Manufacturers and Dealers in Hollow Ware, 720 and 722 North Main. See card by Index. Butchers' and Drovers' Bank, Northeast corner Fifth and Morgan. B. M. Chambers, President, P. S. Langton, Cashier. See card by Index. Chase, H. & L., Manufacturers Bags, Burlaps, and Jobbers of Bag- ging, 8 and 10 North Main. See card by Index. Chicago, Alton and St. Louis R. R. Co., General Offices, Chicago. Ticket Office 117 North Fourth. See card by Index. Coleman, R. E., Builders' and General Hartlware, 908 Broadway. See card by Index. Crane, J. H., Wholesale Dealer in Furniture^ Chairs, etc.. Southeast corner Fourth and Washington Avenue. Erefort & Petering Wholesale Grocers, 619 and 621 North Second. Excelsior Shoe Company, Manufacturers of Ladies', Misses', and Mens' Shoes, 303 Christy Avenue. See card by Index. Finigan, T. J., General Dealer in Fruits and Produce, 806 Broadway. See card by Index. Fohey, Thomas, Feed and Commission Stables, 1509 Broadway. Fluegel, Henry J., Manufacturer of Pocket Books, Bankers' and Sur- geons Cases, 109 North Sixth. Gilmartin & Kolives, Manufacturers and Jobbers of Tobacco and Cigars, 1 118 Broadway. Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company, 307 North Fifth st. See card by Index. Hake, Wm. & Bro., Produce Commission Merchants, 820 Broadway. Hall, Geo. D., Sligo Iron Store, and President Missouri Furnace Co., 1007 North Second. Hoithaus, A., Manufacturer and Dealer in Saddles, Harness and Collars, 1429 Broadway. See card by Index. Harris, J. G. & Co., Stencil and Steel letter Works, 416 and 418 North Second. See card by Index. Hauer, Joseph, General Commission and Produce Merchant, 713 Nor til Third. See card by Index. Heltzell, M. D. dt Co., Commission Merchants in Salt, Lime, Cement, Plaster, etc., 807 North Second. Hill, Wm. L., General Agent New York Life Insurance Company, 417 Pine. Howe Sewing Machine Company, Thomas M. Cochrane Manager, 620 Washington Avenue. Horstman, C , Commission Merchant, 811 Broadway. See card by index. Husbands Bros., Wliolesale Fancy Groceries, 712 North Second. Indianapolis and St. Louis Railroad Company, General Offices Re- publican Building corner Third and Chestnut. See card by Index. Logan's Railway Directory. 199 Joy, G. L.. General Agent Ohio River and West Virginia Salt Com- panies, 122 Olive. See card by Index. Krieckhaus A. ^: Co., Hides, Leather, Wool, Furs, etc., 414 South Main. Langdean & Reed, General Commission Merchants, 705 Broadway. See card by Index. Liberty Hotel, Henry Kury, Proprietor, S. 508 7th. See card by Index. Logan, A. L. & Co., Compilers and Publishers of Railway Business Directories, Post Offi --. Directory and Gazzetters, 621 North Fifth. See card in full b\- In