y ,f ' \ -V h:M^' ^Vv y. Palatial Homely Cy^ ojfj^wYork AND The Dwellers Therein ILLUSTRATED ARRANGED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE PASSER-BY PRICE 15 CENTS ■■J Book. # GopyrightN^_ COPyRIGHT DEPOSITS PALATIAL HOMES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND THE DWEI.LERS THEREIN ILLUSTRATED ARRANGED FOR THE CONVEiNIENCE OF THE PASSER- BY Copyrighted, 1910, by I. Hamilton 201 East 12th Stkeet New York Copyrii^ht by Citdciicood &■ Underivood, N. Y. FIFTH AVENUE, NORTH FROM o3ND STREET ©CU26123: The Reason FOR this little book, is the belief that a great many among those living in, as well as those living outside New York City will welcome it for being confined to one subject of general in- terest and not in any other sense a guide book. Nor is it offered as a society list, blue book, or gen- eral directory. For those seeking other informa- tion concerning New York and its residents, many excellent books exist. The endeavor has been to keep the contents well within the subject of title. A few exceptions have been made to meet supposed popular interest and desire for information about some of the older city mansions — not in the present conception of New York palaces — and even now attractive residential sections, without consideration of historical interest or glamour; — such as Washington Square, Gram- ercy Park and Murray Hill. Great care has been used in selecting for list dwellings that attract the eye of a passerby on account of unusual size and architectural beauty, or peculiarity. The same care has been exercised in arranging to meet convenience of readers. Hence numerical rather than alphabetical order. Scattered throughout Greater New York in lo- cations frequented by few are many fine residences 3 easily defined palatial, that may be omitted from list, and others that may be more costly and attrac- tive from interior viewpoint than some included in list, but for obvious reasons have not been men- tioned. For similar reasons while a few hotels, that with others omitted might well come within the subject of palatial homes — many resident New Yorkers making them such — are included in list, it has been done with the object of avoiding mis- takes or confusion by those not familiar with the city. The same is true of large apartment houses. No attempt has been made to enumerate dwell- ings along Central Park West, only a general view of the Avenue being given in illustration. Though many wealthy and prominent residents make the magnificent hotels and apartments that line this beautiful street their winter homes, and a number of handsome private dwellings can be found on the Avenue, space prohibits a fuller list. Riverside Drive above One Hundred and Twentieth Street, which now extends across the viaduct at One Hun- dred and Twenty-fifth Street and is lined on east side facing Hudson River with many fine apart- ment houses, is not included for same reason. JNIuch has been written, and perhaps more can be, regarding the rapid growth and wonderful changes of New York City, especially recent progress in making it a City Beautiful, but space again forbids any attempt at description, or of history. - PALATIAL HOMES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK Washington Square, North. • No. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart. 2 Mr. Charles E. Gregory. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stewart. 5 Mr. Charles W. Gould. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Richard James Cross. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. de Forest. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Guinness. 9 Miss Mary E. Schell. 10 Mrs. Robert R. Livingston. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Tailer. 12 Northeast Corner Fifth Avenue. Mr. Eugene Delano. 14 Northwest Corner Fifth Avenue. Miss Serena Rhinelander. 15 Mr. and Mrs. John Claflin. 16 Miss Grace Wilkes. 17 Mrs. Charlotte S. Witherbee. 18 Mrs. Auguste Noel. 19 Mrs. William L. Strong. 20 Mrs. Herman L. Livingston. 22 Mr. and Mrs. Clement A. Griscom, Jr. 24 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Davis. 25 Mr. Clement Marsh. 26 Mrs. William Dare Morgan. Fifth Avenue. ^^- From North Washington Square. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dana. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer Witherbee. 6 Mr. Lispenard Stewart. 8 Southwest Corner 8th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Maei. 20 The Berkeley Apartment Hotel. 23 Northeast Corner 9th Street. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles. 24 Northwest Corner 9th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles de Rham. 32 Southwest Corner 10th Street. Mr. Amos F. Eno. 37 The Grosvenor Apartments. 39 Mr. and Mrs. William Starr Miller. 43 N. E. Corner 11th Street. Apartments. 45 Major and Mrs. Duncan Harrison. 49 Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Duffield. 62 Mrs. George Lovett Kingsland. Fifth Avenue. 267 Northeast Corner 29th Street. Calumet Club. 319 N. E. Corner 32d St. Knickerbocker Club. 417 Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Gurnee. 448 Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Kip. East 38th Street. 5 Mrs. Henry A. Cram. 7 Mrs. Samuel Sloan. 11 Dr. and Mrs. John Watson Cox. 15 Mr. Edward W. Sheldon. Fifth Avenue. 459 Southeast Corner 40th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Vanderbilt. 511 Mr. Richard T. Wilson. 512 Southwest Corner 43d Street. Hotel Renaissance. 524 S. W. Corner 44th Street. Sherry's. N. E. Corner 44th Street. Delmonico's. Fifth Avenue. No. 579 Northeast Corner 47th Street. Miss Helen Miller Gould. 587 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Haggin. 591 Southeast Corner 48th Street. Mrs. Robert Goelet. 597 Northeast Corner 48th Street. Mrs. Roswell P. Flower. 599 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Coogan. 601 Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Thomas. 603 Dr. and Mrs. James B. Clemens. 604 3Irs. Russell Sage. 608 Southwest Corner 49Tn Street. IMrs. Ogden Goelet. 611 N. E. Corner 49th St. The Belgravia. Northwest Corner 49th Street, No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. John Innes Kane. West 49th Street. 5 Mrs. George A. Crocker. Fifth Avenue. 612 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Flower. 616 Mrs. Daniel Butterfield. 620 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hoffman. 621 S. E. Corner 50th St. The Buckingham. 622 Mr. and Mrs. August Heckscher. 626 Northwest Corner 50tii Street. Mr. Benjamin Altman. West 50th Street. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swan jNIanning. 9 Mr. and Mrs James A. Blair. West 51st Street. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Clyde. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Williams. Fifth Avenue. N. E. Corner 51st Street. Union Club. 634 Residence of Late D. O. Mills, Esq. 640 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Frick. 645 INIr. and Mrs. William B. O. Field. 647 Mr. and ]\Irs. Robert Goelet. 8 Copyrig-ht by Underiuood &■ Underwood, N. Y. RESIDENCE OF MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM K. VANDERBILT No. t)60 Fifth Avenue and N. W. Cor. 52d Street Fijih Avenue. Southeast Corner 52d Street, East, No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Morton F. Plant. Q^Qt^ Mr. and Mrs. Wileiam K. Vanderbilt, Jr. 673 Northeast Corner 53d Street. Mr. and Mrs. Tolman Pyle. 675 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Untermeyer. 677 Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt. 680 Dr. and Mrs. William Seward Webb. 681 Hon. and Mrs. Levi P. Morton. 684 Southwest Corner 54th Street. Mrs. Hamilton McK. Twombly. RESIDENCE OF MR. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER No. 4 West 54th Street Fifth Avenue. No. 685 Southeast Corxer S-Ath Street. Mr. axd Mrs. Charles W. Harkxess. 689 Northeast Corxer 54th Street. Mr. axd j\Irs. William Rockefeller. N. W. Corxer 54th St. Uxiversity Club. East 54th Street. 4 Mr. axd IMrs. William H. Moore. 10 Fifth Avenue. No. Southeast Corner 55th Street. Hotel St. Regis. Southwest Corner 55th Street. HoTEE Gotham. West 56th Street. 4 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Goin. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deering. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Le Roy Sattereee. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Edey. 12 Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Hollins. East 56th Street. 1 Mrs. Moses Hopkins. 3 Mr. John Lambert Cadwalader. 5 Judge and Mrs. John Clinton Gray, 7 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Perry. 9 Mr. James T. Woodward. Fifth Avenue. 715 Mr. and Mrs. John Conyngham. 719 Southeast Corner 56th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury G. Langdon. 721 Northeast Corner 56th Street. Mrs. Ambrose C. Kingsland. 725 Mrs. Marcus Daly. Northeast Corner 57th Street, No. 1. Mrs. Herman Oelrichs. , Southeast Corner 57th Street, No. 2. Mrs. Collis P. Huntington. West 57th street. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Whitney. 4 Mrs. James A. Roosevelt. 6 Mrs. John Stewart Kennedy. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lewisohn. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Augustus D. Juilliard. 11 RESIDENCE OF MRS. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT Fifth Avenue West 37th and 58th Streets Showing- 58th Street Entrance facing Plaza and Central Park West 58th Street. No. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Alexander, 8 Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman. 10 Miss Susan R. Kendall. n Fifth Avenue. No. 728 West Side 58th and 59th Streets. Plaza Hotel. 767 East Side 58th and 59th Streets. Hotel Savoy. 783 Northeast Corner 59th Street. Hotel Netherland. Northeast Corner 60th Street. Metropolitan Club. 800 Northeast Corner 61st Street. Mrs. J. A. Bostwick. Southeast Corner 61st Street, No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge T. Gerry. East 61st Street. 4 Mrs. Arthur Julian Moulton. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Clinton Blair. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lane Eno. 11 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Pratt. Fifth Avenue. 801 Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Bostwick. 803 Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis Corey. 804 Mr. and Mrs. W. Emlen Roosevelt. 805 Mrs. William Lanman Bull. 807 Southeast Corner 62d Street. Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni del Drago. 810 Northeast Corner 62d Street. Mrs. Florence Amsinck. 811 Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Loring. 812 Mr. and Mrs. George McMurtry. 813 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Chisholm. 814 Mrs. Thomas Rutter. 815 Dr. and Mrs. John S. Thacher. 816 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gerry. 824 Mrs. James Powell Kernochan. 825 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford V. Brokaw. 826 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mortimer Brooks. 13 RESIDENCE OF MR. AND MRS. JOHN R. DREXEL No. 1 East 62d Stkeet East 62d Street. No. 4 Dr. and Mrs. Howard A. Whiteside. 6 Mr. Howard Taylor. 8 Mr. and ]\Irs. Joseph H. Choate. 10 Mrs. Raymond S. White. East 64th Street. No. 1 Northeast Corner Fifth Avenue. Mr. George Crocker. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Berwind. S Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Orme Wilson. Fifth Avenue. 883 Mr. and Mrs. William Guggenheim. 834 Mr. Frank J. Gould. 836 Mrs. IsAi)OR Wormser. 838 Southeast Corner 65th Street. Mr. and Mrs. William Watts Sherman, Copyright by Uncierivood ^ Vml. RESIDENCE OF MR. JOHN JACOB ASTOR No. 840 Fifth Avenue and No. East Corner 65th Street 15 Fifth Avenue. No. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morton. Southeast Corner 66th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Grant B. Schley. Northeast Corner 66th Street, No. 1. Mrs. Henry O. Havemeyer. Mr. Oliver H. Payne. Mrs. George W. Kidd. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thaw. Southeast Corner 67th Street, No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Wertheim. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan. Southeast Corner 68th Street. Mrs. Mary A. Yerkes. 844 845 852 853 854 858 864 RESIDENCE OF MR. AND MRS. GEORGE J. GOULD No. 857 FiiTH AvExuK AND No. East Corner 67th Stkeet 1(> RESIDENCE OF MR. H. P. WHITNEY 871 Fifth Avenue and No. East Corner 6S'vh Street East 68th Street. No. 5 Mrs. John J. Emery. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. Kahn. 18 Mr. Henry T. Sloane. Fifth Avenue. Northeast Corner 69th Street, No. 1. Mrs. E. H. Harriman. Southeast Corner 69th Street, No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Mills. East 69th Street. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. P. Pell. 4 Mrs. Maturin Livingston. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Kalman Haas. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dalley. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Seligman. 17 RESIDENCES OF MRS. C. F. STICKNEY No. 874 Fifth Avenue MR. DANIEL GRAY REID No. 875 Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue. No. 876 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burton Harrison. 883 Mrs. John Sloane. 884 Southeast Corner 70th Street. Mr. George W. Collard. East 70th Street. 4 Mr. Joseph Eastman. 6 Mr. and Mrs. George Barclay Moffat. East 71st Street. 1 Mrs. Natalie E. Baylies. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. C. Taylor. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Van Ingen. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hoe. 15 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McMillan Welch. East 72d Street. 4 Mr. and Mrs. William V. S. Thorne. 6 Mrs. Samuel Keyser. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gould Jennings. 9 Mr. James Stillman. 14 Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Henize. 15 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Guggenheim. 16 Mr. Robert W. Tailer. 19 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stillman. 20 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Grant. 22 Col. and Mrs. William Sanger. 24 Mr. and Mrs. W. Bayard Cutting. Fijth Avenue. 908 Southeast Corner 72d Street. Mrs. James A. Burden. 912 Northeast Corner 72d Street. Mrs. James O. Bloss. 914 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thorne. 922 Northeast Corner 73d Street. Mr. and Mrs. George Q. Palmer. East 73d Street. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kelly. 5 Mrs. William A. M. Burden. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer. 19 Fifth Avenue. No. 923 Mrs. Randolph Guggenheimer. 9M Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Warren. 925 Mrs. Herbert Leslie Terrell. 926 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Simpson. 929 Southeast Corner 74th Street. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Duane Pell. 930 Northeast Corner 74th Street. Mr. Simeon B. Chapin. East 74th Street, 3 Mrs. George A. Trowbridge. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Stetson. 5 Mrs. Richard Croker. 6 Mr. John A. McKim. Fifth Avenue. 931 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Layng. 932 Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer L. Schiff. 933 Mr. L. V. Harkness. 934 Mrs. Alfred M. Hoyt. East 75th Street. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reese Hoyt. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Duncan. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel McCready. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Benedict. 7 Mr. and Mrs. James McLean. East 76th Street. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Hudson. Fifth Avenue. 954 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Bridgham. 955 Mr. and Mrs. J. Horace Harding. East 77th Street. 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ryan. 6 ^Ir. and Mrs. Charles H. Marshall. 8 ^Irs. Samuel J. Penniman. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Q. Trowbridge. 12 Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel L. Heller. 20 RESIDENCE OF SENATOR WILLIAM A. CLARK No. 959 Fifth Avenue and No. East Corner 77th Street Fifth Avenue. No. 963 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dieterich. 964 Mrs. George H. Butler. 965 Southeast Corner 78th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Schiff. East 78th Street. 2 Mr. George A. Kessler. 3 Mrs. Henry H. Rogers. 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. Dreiser. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Reginald G. Barclay. Fifth Avenue. 972 Mr. and Mrs. Payne Whitney. 973 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos M. de Heredia. 984 Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Brokaw. 985 Northeast Corner 79th Street. Mr. and Mrs. I. Brokaw. 21 East 79th Street. No. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher. 4 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Nichols. 10 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Barnes. 12 Mrs. Charles Walton Ogden. 14 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ogden. 16 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lane. 18 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haven. Fifth Avenue. 986 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Curtis. 987 Mrs. William Bateman Leeds. 988 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Murray. 989 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Brady. 990 Northeast Corner 80th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Woolworth. East 80th Street. 2 Mrs. L. Weissman. 5 Mrs. Robert G. Remsen. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Otto E. Dreyfoos. 5 Mrs. Samuel C. Boehm. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Gutman. 7 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Satterthwaite. Fifth Avenue. 991 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Clark. 993 Mr. Louis Stern. 1007 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Zimmerman. 1008 Capt. and Mrs. Berry Dromuillard. 1009 Southeast Corner 82d Street. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Duke. East 82d Street. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gould Jennings. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hager, Jr. 4 Mr. and Mrs. David Heller. 5 Mr. William Colgate. 6 Mrs. Peter D. Sturges. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. King. Fifth Avenue. 1020 Northeast Corner 83d Street. Mr. and iVlRs. William Salomon. 22 Fifth Avenue, No. 1025 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Bryce. 1026 Mrs. William M. Kingsland. 1027 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Clark. 1028 Southeast Corner 84th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Thorne. 1030 Northeast Corner 84th Street. Miss Catherine L. Hammersley. 1032 CoMTEssE Annie Leary. 1033 Miss N. C. Hatch. 1034 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Robbins. 1041 Mr. Lloyd Warren. 1043 Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Adler. 1044 Mrs. James H. Crowell. 1046 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dresser. 1047 Mr. and Mrs. Glover. 1053 Mr. and Mrs. George Leary. 1056 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Perin. 1063 Northeast Corner 87th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phipps. East 87th Street, 2 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Benjamin. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Martin, Jr. East 88th Street. 5 Mrs. George William Douglas. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Schaefer. Fifth Avenue, 1068 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stein. 1071 Mrs. George H. Penniman. 1072 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fuller. 1080 Northeast Corner 89th Street. Mr. Percival Farquhar. East 89th Street, 4 Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Bowen. 5 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hornblower. Fifth Avenue, 1081 Mr. and Mrs. McLane Van Ingen. 1082 Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Phillips. 1083 Mr. and Mrs. Archer M. Huntington. 23 RESIDENCE OF MR. AND MRS. ANDREW CARNEGIE Fifth Avenue, 90th and 91st Streets East 90th Street. No. 9 Mr. and Mrs. George L. McAlpin. 11 Mr. and Mrs. William W. McAlpin. East 91st Street. 7 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Burden. 9 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hammond. Fifth Avenue. 1109 North Corner 92d Street. Mr. and Mrs. Felix iNI. Warburg. South Corner 92d Street, 2 East. Mr. and Mrs. I. Townsend Burden, 1116 South Corner 93d Street. JNIr. Jacob Ruppert. 24 Gr^amercy Par^k. No. 7 Bishop and Mrs. David H. Greer. New York Diocese of the Episcopal Church. 13 Mr, John Eeliott Cowdin. 14 Mrs. Spencer Trask. 15 National Arts Club. 16 The Players' Club. 18 Columbia University Club. 22 Mrs. John A. Vanderpoel. 23 Mr. and Mrs. George Zabriskie. 36 The Gramercy Club. East Corner Lexington Avenue. Former Residence Henry W. Poor. West Corner Lexington Avenue. Princeton Club. Formerly Residence of Late Stanford White. East 21st Street. 117 Mrs. Robert G. Ingersoll. 115 Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Schieffelin. 113 Mrs. Charles W. Cooper. 109 Mrs. Robert B. Minturn. L emigton A v enu e . 9 Mrs. Abram S. Hewitt. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cooper Hewitt. Madison Avenue. 120 TO 124, Between 30th and 31st Streets. The Colony Club. Southwest Corner 33d Street, No. 38 East. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Kennedy. Southwest Corner 34th Street, No. 30 East Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wysong. 180 Dr. and Mrs. William B. Anderton. 191 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Janvrin. 195-197 Mrs. Morris K. Jesup. 209 Mrs. S. H. Grosvenor. 213 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. East 34th Street. 44 Mr. and Mrs. August Belmont. 26 RESIDENCE OF MR. J. PIERPONT MORGAN No. 219 Madison Avenue and No. East Corner 36th Street Showing the New White Marble Library and Art Gallery, a Separate Building on East 36th Street Madison Avenue. No. 215 Southeast Corner 36th Street. Mrs. Emma J. Mason. East 36th Street. 28 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Hoyt. 30 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Parsons. 32 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hamilton. 36 Mr. and Mrs. Percy R. Pyne. 37 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Satterlee. 38 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Moore. 27 Madison Avenue. No. 218 Northwest Corner 36th Street. Mrs. Jane E. Oothout. 220 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Heinze. 222 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Jones. 224 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Peabody. 230 Southwest Corner 37th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Anson P. Stokes. 231 Southeast Corner 37th Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morgan, Jr. Northeast Corner 37th Street, No. 17 East. Mrs. Myers. East 37th Street, 19 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ditson. Madison Avenue, 232 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jenkins. 238 Mrs. Augustus Kountze. 240 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Weatherbee. 262 Southwest Corner 39th Street. Miss Grace H. Dodge. 266 Northwest Corner 39th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth Wickes. 267 Northeast Corner 39th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sorchan. 271 Mrs. Henry Draper. 273 Prof, and Mrs. Morris Loeb. 275 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Terry, 2d. 277 Southeast Corner 40th Street. General Horace Porter. 279 Northeast Corner 40th Street. Mrs. Frederick Billings. 278 Southwest Corner 40th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Slevin. 284 Northwest Corner 40th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence INI. Hyde. 283 Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson. 289 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newbold. 28 RESIDENCE OF MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE H. MACKAY No. 244 Madison Avenue and So. West Cokxer 38th Stueet From South Side looking through tall iron rail or fence view of house is unusually attractive. It was not possible to get this view at time above illustration was made Madison Avenue. No. 253 Mr. James V. Parker. 257 Mr. and Mrs. James Speyer. 258 Mr. and Mrs. George F. Baker, 259 Miss Elizabeth A. Osgood. 260 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Loew. 261 Southeast Corner 39th Street. Mrs. Robert G. Dun. 29 Madison Avenue. No. 291 Mrs. Thomas H. Howard. 295 Mr. Frederick T. Adams. 297 Southeast Corner 41st Street. Mrs. Hutnot. 299 Northeast Corner 41st Street. Mr. and Mrs. Oakleigh Thorne. 300 Northwest Corner 41st Street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Senff. 412 Northwest Corner 48th Street. Mr. William A. Smith. Northeast Corner 49th Street. The New Weston Apartments. 441 Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Haggin. Southeast Corner 50th Street, 20 East. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton Cutter. 451 Hon. and Mrs. Whitelaw Reid. 452 Northwest Corner 50th Street. Most Rev. Archbishop John M. Farley. 453 Mr. and Mrs. Artemas H. Holmes. 455 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dean Adams. 457 Mr. Harris C. Fahnestock. 460 Southwest Corner 51st Street. Rectory of St. Patrick's Cathedral. 477 Northeast Corner 51st Street. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont. Southeast Corner 51st Street, 22 East. Mr. and Mrs. William Fahnestock. Southeast Corner 52d Street, 28 East. Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Trevor. East 52d Street. 30 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Proal. 32 Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Peters. 34 Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius C. Cuyler. 36 Mrs. James M. Varnum. 38 Captain and Mrs. Philip M. Lydig. 40 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van R. Kennedy. 30 Madison Avenue. No. Northwest Corner 53d Street, 21 East. Mr. John W. Davis. Southwest Corner 53d Street, 22 East. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nixon. Southwest Corner 54th Street, 30 East. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Peabody. 534 Northwest Corner 54th Street. Mr. Frank R. Lawrence. 559 Miss Nina Rhoades. 563 Southeast Corner 56th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Bonner. Southwest Corner 56th Street, 28 East. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Read. Southwest Corner 57th Street, 26 East. Mr, and Mrs. Henry H. Rogers, Jr. Southwest Corner 61st Street, 28 East. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Baudouine. Northwest Corner 62d Street, 23 East. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Atterbury. Southwest Corner 64th Street, 30 East. Hon. and Mrs. Seth Low. Northwest Corner 64th Street, 27 East. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Harrah. 751 Southeast Corner 65th Street. Dr. and Mrs. H. N. Vineberg. 753 Northeast Corner 65th Street. Dr. and Mrs. Augustus Caille. Southwest Corner 65th Street, 22 East. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bishop. East 6oth Street, 8 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hill. East 66th Street, 21 Mrs. Edwin D. Godfrey. 5 Mr. and Mrs. William Jay Schieffelin. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Phoenix. 31 RESIDENCE OF MR. AND MRS. ROBERT FULTON CUTTING Madison Avenue and So. West Corner 67th Street Northeast Corner 67th Street, No. 27 East. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman K. Evans. East 67th Street, No. 7 8 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallatin, Mr. and Mrs. Jules S. Bache. 32 Madison Avenue. No. 791 Southeast Corner 67th Street. Colonel Joseph J. Slocum. 800 Northwest Corner 67th Street. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Remsen. 811 Southeast Corner 68th Street. Dr. and Mrs. George N. Miller. 812 Southwest Corner 68th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Eric. B. Dahlgren. 813 Northeast Corner 68th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Ladew. 814 Northwest Corner 68th Street. Mr, and Mrs. Philip G. Bartlett. 816 Judge Henry G. Ward. 818 Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis Roosevelt. 819 Dr. and Mrs. Christian A. Herter. 820 Mr. and Mrs. William M. S packman. 821 Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Swenson. 822 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Dix. 823 Mrs. E. Walpole Warren. Southeast Corner 69th Street, 22 East. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherman Haight. Northeast Corner 69th Street, 19 East. Dr. and Mrs. Wilber M. Dailey. Northwest Corner 69th Street, No. 17 East. Mrs. Lincoln Brunn. 831 Mrs. Charles F. Clark. 833 Mr. and Mrs. George G. Moore. 835 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Bodman. 841 Southeast Corner 70th Street. Mr. Philip Van Volkenburgh. 850 Southwest Corner 70th Street. Prof, and Mrs. H. F. Osborn. 865 Mrs. Eugene Schieffelin. 872 Northwest Corner 71st Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mahony. Southwest Corner 72d Street, 24 East. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bayard Cutting. 33 RESIDENCE OE MR. AND MRS. STUYVESANT EISH Madison Avenue and No. West Corner 78th Street Madison Avenue. No. Southwest Couxkk T8th Street, 28 East. Mr. and jMus. Philip A. Rollins. East 78th Street, 15 Mr. and Mrs. Urban H. Broughton. 34 Madison Avenue, No. Southeast Corner 72d Street, 30 East. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Butler, Jr. Northeast Corner 72d Street, 31 East. Mrs. Rhinelander Waldo. NORTHAVEST CoRNER 72d StREET, 27 EaST. Tiffany Apartments. Mr. Louis C. Tiffany and Others. 962 Southwest Corner 76th Street. Mr. and Mrs. John U. Farley. 981 N. E. Corner 76th Street. Apartments. 987 S. E. Corner 77th Street. Apartments. 990 Southwest Corner 77th Street. Mr. Seth M. Milliken. 995 N. E. Corner 77th Street. Apartments. Northeast Corner 79th Street, 31 East. Mrs. William R. Grace. 1042 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rickhardt. 1044 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sachs. Southeast Corner 80th Street, 40 East. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Gray. East 81st Street. 24 Mr. and Mrs. Julian S. Ulman. Madison Avenue, 1078 Apartments. Southwest Corner 82d Street, 26 East. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siegel. East 86th Street, 19 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Abney. 17 Gen. and Mrs. Eugene Griffen. 15 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Townsend. 11 Mrs. Frederick J. de Peyster. 7 Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Pendleton. 35 Park Avenue. No. 15 Mr. aa^d Mrs. John H. Flagler. 16 Southwest Corner 35th Street. Dr. and Mrs. V. P. Gibney. 19 Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Day. 22 Mrs. Prescott H. Butler. 23 Mr. James Hampden Robb. 27 Mr. Edward F. Whitney. 28 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Guthrie. 29 Mrs. Marion Story. 30 Mrs. Richard Gambrill. 31 Mr. and Mrs. John Beavor-Webb. 32 Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Flagler. 33 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Willard. 31^ Mr. and Mrs. William Kramer. 36 Mr. Frederick Sturges. 37 Mr. Irving Grinnell. 39 Mr. and Mrs. George S. Bowdoin. 47 Southeast Corner 37th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Russell. Southwest Corner 36th Street, 40 East. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Osborn. Northwest Corner 36th Street, 39 East. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Delano, Jr. Southwest Corner 37th Street, 38 East. Mrs. Robert Winthrop. Northwest Corner 37th Street, 37 East. Mrs. Charles H. Coster. 48 Miss A. B. Jennings. 59 Southeast Corner 38th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Devoe. 67 Northeast Corner 38th Street. Mrs. Chas. T. Barney. 68 Northwest Corner 38th Street. Mr. and Mrs. James Stokes. 74 Miss Frances Ogden Jones. 76 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Perkins. 78 Miss Emily Ogden Butler. RESIDENCE OF MR. AND MRS. F. B. JENNINGS No. 86 Pauk Avenue and No. West Corner 39th Street On Crest of Murray Hill Park Avenue. No. , . . Southeast Corner 39th Street. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Brown. SOUTHAVEST CoRNER 39tH StREET. Mrs. D. Willis James. Mr. and Mrs. John G. McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. James. Southwest Corner 40th Street. Mrs. William H. Payne. 79 88 90 92 98 37 VIEW OF PARK AVENUE North Fro^f 70th Street, Showing on Left, Over Parking, Residence of Senator Emhu Root Parh Avenue, Uptown. No. Southwest Corner 67th Street, 62 East. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Warner. 660 Northwest Corner 67th Street. Miss E. B. Grigsby. 692 Southwest Corner 69th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Amory Leland. Southeast Corner 70th Street, 100 East. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Brewster. Northeast Corner 70th Street, 101 East. Mr. George D. Dutton. 733 Southeast Corner 71st Street. Senator and Mrs. Eeihu Root. Northwest Corner 71st Street. New Residence of Mr. G. Brewster. 750 Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Douglas Robinson. 752 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Collier. 754 Mr. and Mrs. Henry de Coppet. 772 Southwest Corner 73d Street. Apartments. 777 Southeast Corner 73d Street. Mrs. George Fahys. 780 Northwest Corner 73d Street. Apartments. 784 Southwest Corner 74th Street. Apartments. N. W. Corner 74th Street. Apartments. East 73d Street. 105 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. Holton. 107 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hapgood. 113 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Train. 127 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson. Northwest Corner 74th Street. Apartments. 39 r r 1^ ij b M ^^^^Ei^afcitiiamir^^^MW — "' *'-, i « ',, «-■» iiitefej« »- Copyright by Ujiderivood &- Uiideriuood, N. Y. RESIDENCE OF MR. AND MRS. CHARLES M. SCHWAB Riverside Drive, 78rd to 74th Streets Riverside Drive. No. 1 North Corner 72d Street. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Prentiss. 3 Mr. Philip Keuberg. 22 North Corner T^th Street. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Macy. 23 Mr. Asa Hull. 24 Mr. George Clinton McKesson. West 74th Street. 323 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Tod. West 75th Street. 322 South Corner Drive. Mr. Henry H. Vail. 331 North Corner Drive. Mr. and Mrs. John Duveen. 40 Riverside Drive, No. 32 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Shanley. 33 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. H. Gilbert. 34 Mrs. Thomas F. White. 35 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Phillips. 37 Mrs. Samuel Blatchford. 38 Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Toplitz. 39 South Corner 76th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Haley Fiske. 40 North Corner 76th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Brill. West 76th Street. 337 Mrs. Horace J. Hayden. Riverside Drive. 41 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur C. Noyes. 42 The Misses Grahams. 43 Mr. William Henry Hall. 45 Mr. and Mrs. Alphonzo E. Pelham. 46 Prof, and Mrs. Frank J. Goodnow. 60 North Corner 78th Street. Mrs. a. K. Barbey. 61 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Priesch. 62 Mr. D. a. Pearsall. 67 South Corner 79th Street. Apartments. 70 North Corner 79th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lehman. 71 Mr. John Scannell. 72 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Wetzel. 73 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Nones. 75 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Edwards. 76 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hamilton. 78 South Corner 80th Street. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Scaich. 81 Mr. John B. Manning. 82 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Colbron. 83 Mrs. Marietta Moore. 84 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Henriques. 85 Mr. Timothy J. Martin. 41 % _f%mtin^mr^'^----^'^' i RESIDENCE OF MR. AND MRS. THOMAS S. CLARK No. 50 Riverside Drive and North Corner 77th Street Riverside Drive. No. 51 Mr. Henry J. S. Hai.l. 4e Riverside Drive. No. 86 South Corner 81st Street. Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll. 90 North Corner 81st Street. Mrs. William H. Duff. 91 Mrs. Sheppard Knapp. 92 Mr. Solomon R. Jacobs. 93 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Higgins. 94 Mrs. Eliza M. Pelgram. 95 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Simon. 97 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gentzlinger. 98 Mrs. Abel F. Goodnow. 99 South Corner 82d Street. Mr. and Mrs. August E. Knopf. West 82d Street. 329 Mrs. Walter Watson. Riverside Drive. 102 Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge Gerry Snoav, Jr. 103 Mrs. Helen Pupke. 105 Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Winterburn. 107 South Corner 83d Street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Austin Bates. 110 North Corner 83d Street. Apartments. 112 Apartments. 116 Apartments. 120 North Corner 84th Street. Apartments. 125 Apartments. 126 Apartments. 131 North Corner 85th Street. Apartments. 137 South Corner 86th Street. Apartments. 139 North Corner 86th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Baker. 43 Riverside Drive. No. 140 Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper. 141 Dr. and Mrs. John Alton Harriss. 142 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Benjamin. 143 Mr. and Mrs. George B. Woodward. 144 Mrs. Benjamin Dean. 145 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. McElhiney. 146 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Martin. 147 South Corner 87th Street. Mr. and Mrs. William J. White. 150 North Corner 87th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried Piel. 152 Mrs. Robert J. Hoguet. 153 Mrs. Elijah D. Murphy. 154 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Norton. 155 Mr. and Mrs. Girard C. W. Lowrey. South Corner 89th Street. Mr. S. Schinasi. South Corner 90th Street. Mrs. Edwin Parsons. 184 North Corner 90th Street. Mrs. J. H. Pell. 186 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Holden. 187 South Corner 91st Street. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dininny. 194 South Corner 92d Street. Apartments. 200 North Corner 92d Street. Apartments. 202 South Corner 93d Street. Apartments. 214 South Corner 94th Street. Apartments. 222 North Corner 94th Street. Apartments. 223 Apartments. 45 Riverside Drive. No. 227 South Corner 95th Street. Apartments. 230 North Corner 95th Street. Apartments. 244 South Corner 97th Street. Apartments. 258 South Corner 98th Street. Apartments. South Corner 99th Street. Apartments. 291 Mr. E. L. Crabbe. 292 Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Post. 293 Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Corwith. 298 Mr. and Mrs. George D. Somers. 300 North Corner 102d Street. Mrs. Bertha M. Foster. 310 North Corner 103d Street. Mr. Emile Thiele. 311 Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Larenden. 312 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Foelmer. 31-1 Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Meyers. 315 South Corner 104th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Marcus. 320 North Corner 104th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson MacMilijn. 321 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Josephi. 322 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Chamberlaine. 323 Mrs. Edwin B. Holden. 330 North Corner 105th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Davis. 335 Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Faber. 340 South Corner 106th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. INIarvin. 341 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Galvin. 342 Mr. and Mrs. D. R. A^an Nostrand. North Corner 100th Street, 339 West. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doelger. South Corner 102d Street, 330 West. INIr. and Mrs. D. S. Brown. 46 Riverside Drive, No. 337 South Corner 106th Street. Mrs. M. W. Brower. 343 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dien. 351 North Corner 107th Street. Mr. M. Schinasi. 353 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Poillon. 355 South Corner 108th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Bayne. 360 North Corner 108th Street. Mr. and Mrs. John Alex. Rutherford. 362 AND 109th Street. Apartments. 380 110th to 111th Streets. The Hendrick Hudson Apartments. 400 112th Street. Apartments. 404 Apartments at 113th Street. 414 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Walker. 415 Mrs. M. J. Toplitz. 420 An Early Riverside Drive Mansion. Mr. T. Edwin Ward. 431 Corner 115th Street. Apartments. 435 AND 118th Street. Apartments. 450 Apartments. 468 Apartments at 119th Street. 494 Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Biggs. 496 Mrs. Joseph J. Kittel. 47 fVest 72d Street, No. 239 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H.. Vreeland. 330 Mrs. Charles W. Mieeer. 311 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sutphen. 316 Mr. and Mrs. Archer V. Pancoast. West End Avenue, 240 Southeast Corner 71st Street. Miss Flora Chapman. Southwest Corner 71st Street, No. 300. Mr. Frank Martin. Northwest Corner 71st Street, No. 301. Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Benziger. Northeast Corner 72d Street, No. 271. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Aldrich. Southwest Corner 72d Street, No. 300. Rev. and Mrs. Charles A. Stoddard. Northwest Corner 72d Street, No. 301. Mr. and Mrs, John S. Huyler. ^QQ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doelger, Jr. 270 Southeast Corner 73d Street. Mrs. Amedee Spadone. 280 Northeast Corner 73d Street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Shaw. West 73d Street. 310 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zuckerman. West End Avenue. 73d to 74th Streets and West Side. Mr. Charles M. Schwab. Northwest Corner 75th Street, No. 259. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Degnon. Southeast Corner 76th Street. Apartments. 340 Northeast Corner 76th Street. Mrs. Lucius H. Biglow. 49 West 76th Street. No. 300 301 Southwest Corxer. Mr. Theodore L. De Vinxe. Northwest Corner. Mr. Robert C. Clowry. West End Avenue. S51 258 391 393 410 411 412 425 Southwest Corner 77th Street. Count Gaspar Edithe. Southeast Corner 77th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Soi-omon Kaufman. 78th to 79th Streets, East Side. Apthorp Apartments. Apartments. S. W. Corner 79th Street. Apartments. N. W. Corner 79th Street. Apartments. Northeast Corner 79th Street. Apartments. Apartments. SouTHW^EST Corner 80th Street. Apartments. Southeast Corner 80th Street. Apartments. Northeast Corner 80th Street. Apartments. Northwest Corner 80th Street. Apartments. Northeast Corner 81st Street. Apartments. West 81st Street. 301 Northwest Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred jMestre. West End Avenue. Southeast Corner 82d Street. Apart^nients. Southwest Corner 82d Street. APART:srENTs. Southeast Corner 83d Street. Apartments. Southwest Corner 84th Street. Apartments. 50 West End Avenue. No. 506 Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bucklin. 516 Southeast Corner 85th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus L. Sulzberger. 519 Southwest Corner 85th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Dundas. 539 Southwest Corner 86th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Braman. 541 Northwest Corner 86th Street. Dr. Alfred K. Hills. 578 Southeast Corner 88th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Farrelly. 582 Northeast Corner 88th Street. Mrs. Christopher C. Shayne. 583 Northwest Corner 88th Street. Mr. and Mrs. William Crompton. 599 Southwest Corner 89th Street. Mr. and Mrs. C. Albert Jacob. 601 Northwest Corner 89th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dwyer. 619 Southwest Corner 90th Street. Mrs. Emma Mahler. 620 Northeast Corner 90th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Arnold. 621 Northwest Corner 90th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Bennett. West 90th Street. 322 Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Rusch. West End Avenue. 638 Southeast Corner 91st Street. Mr. and Mrs. Orison B. Smith. 640 Northeast Corner 91st Street. Apartments. NORTHA^EST CoRNER 91ST StREET. Apartments. 51 RESIDENCE OF MR. W. B. QUAINTANCE 918 West Exd Avenue West End Avenue. No. 919 Southwest Cokxer 105th Steeet. Mr. and Mrs. William Morschhauser. 52 West End Avenue. No. 658 Southeast Corner 92d Street. Dr. E. a. Dlt Brue. 660 Southeast Corner 92d Street. Dr. and Mrs. Amos Canfieed. 66^ Northeast Corner 92d Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sammet. 664< Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Reed. 665 Mrs. Mary Kranich. 668 Northeast Corner 93d Street. Mr. and Mr. G. Campanari. 677 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frazin. 678 Southeast Corner 93d Street. Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Oper. 680 Mr. and Mrs. Walther Luttgen. West 93d Street. 300 Southwest Corner. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Childs. West End Avenue. 681 Northwest Corner 93d Street. Mr. and Mrs. Brander Matthews. 683 Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kern. 685 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Lounsbury 687 Mrs. S. Esther Allen. 689 Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Cohn. 690 Mr. S. L. Jacobs. 692 Dr. and Mrs. George T. Jackson. 693 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bennett. 694 Mr. William S. Champ. 760 Northeast Corner 97th Street. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Freund. 780 Southeast Corner 98th Street. Mrs. J. C. Richardson. 861 Northwest Corner 102d Street. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Weser. 881 Northwest Corner 103d Street. Mr. Gustav Cimiotti. 900 Northeast Corner 104th Street. Hon. and Mrs. William B. Ellison. 53 HOTELS Algonquin, 59 W. 44th Street Ansonia, The, 2109 Broadway ASTOR, 1517 Broadway Belleclaire, 2173 Broadway Belmont, Park Avenue and 42d Street Breslin, the, 1192 Broadway Bretton Hall, 2350 Broadway Buckingham, 621 Fifth Avenue COLLINGWOOD, 45 West 35th Street Cumberland, 1703 Broadway Endicott, 101 W. 81st Street Essex, 572 Madison Avenue Flanders, 133 W. 47th Street Gotham, The, 2 W. 55th Street Grand, 1238 Broadway Grenoble, The, 201 W. 56th Street Hargrave, 112 W. 72d Street Hoffman, 1111 Broadway Holland, 276 Fifth Avenue Imperial, 1254 Broadway Iroquois, The, 49 W. 44th Street Knickerbocker, Broadway and 42d Street Latham, 4 E. 28th Street Lucerne, 201 W. 79th Street Majestic, 2 W. 72d Street Manhattan, 19 E. 42d Street Manhattan Square, 56 W. 77th Street Marie Antoinette, 1961 Broadway Martha Washington, 29 E. 29th Street Martinique, 56 W. 33d Street Murray Hill, 112 Park Avenue Netherland, 783 Fifth Avenue PlERREPONT, 43 W. 32d Street Plaza, 59th Street and Fifth Avenue Prince George, 9 E. 27th Street ROYALTON, 44 W. 44th Street St. Andrew, 201 W. 72d Street St. Regis, 2 E. 55th Street Savoy, 767 Fifth Avenue Seville, 22 E. 29th Street Seymour, 46 W. 45th Street Sherry's, 524 Fifth Avenue Tourraine, 9 E. 39th Street Waldorf-Astoria, 2 W. 34th Street Wellington, 865 Seventh Avenue 54 TKe link fo perfect dressmaking you seen the the SINGER latest "QQ SINGER STORES AND FREE Singer Souvenir Vie^vs of Ne>v York City at 396 FIFTH AVENUE 9 EAST 14th STREET 348 SIXTH AVENUE 142 EAST 59th STREET 158 WEST 125th STREET 55 WHERE TO BUY Antique Furniture, James Fay, 43-45 West 42d Street, New York. See page 63. Artist Photographer, Davis & Sanford, 246 Fifth Avenue, New York . See page 62. Bonbons and Chocolates, See page 60. Burglar Alarm, Metropolitan Electric Pro- tective Co., 38 East 8th Street, New York. See page 59. Candy, See page 60. Cleaning and Dyeing, Mme M. Obry, 548 Fifth Avenue, 4 West 33d Street, 167 West 72d Street, New York. See page 61. Embroideries and Materials, Alice Maynard, 381 and 510 Fifth Avenue, New York. See page 64. Foods, Christian's Natural Food Co., 7 West 41st Street, New York. See page 58. Footwear, Andrew Alexander, Sixth Avenue at 19th Street, New York. See page 64. Fountain Pens, L. E. Waterman Co., 173 Broadway, New York. See Back Cover. Gas Lighting Appliances, TiRRiLL Gas Machine Light- ing Co., 509 Fifth Avenue New York. See page 59. Gowns and Lingerie, Alice Maynard, 381 and 510 Fifth Avenue, New York. See page 64. Hair Dryers, Shelton Electric Co., 105 West 42d Street, New York, See page 61. 56 WHERE TO BUY Everywhere See page 60. Ice Creams, J. M. HoRTON Ice Cream Co. 213 East 24th Street, 598 Sixth Avenue, 305 Columbus Avenue, New York. See page 58. Lighting Fixtures, G. E. Walter, 155-157 East 44th Street, New York. See page 63. Mineral Water, Highland Spring Water Co. 406-408 West 45th Street, New York. See page 58. Pliotograplis, Davis & Sanford, 246 Fifth Avenue^ New York. See page 62. Sewing Machines, Singer Stores, 396 Fifth Avenue, 348 Sixth Avenue, 9 East 14th Street, New York. See page 55. Storage, Columbia Storage Ware- houses Columbus Avenue and 67th St., Amsterdam Ave. and 90th St. New York. Sse page 63. Vibrators, Shelton Electric Co., 105 West 42d Street, New York. See page 61. Watclimen, Metropolitan Electric Pro- tective Co., 38 East 8th Street, New York. See page 59. Water Filters, Theodore Linke, 235 West 46th Street, New York. See page 59. .57 HOW FOODS CURE AND How to Reduce High Cost of Living WELL-KNOWN FOOD SCIENTIST TELLS. E WILL SEND HIS BOOKS ITHOUT COST TO YOU RITE TO-DAY CHRISTIAN'S NATURAL FOOD CO. Dept. 40 7 EAST 41st STREET, NEW YORK HIGHLAND SPRING WATER From Androscoggin County, Maine NEW YORK OFFICE, 406-408 WEST 45th STREET Telephone, 2903 Bryant Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D. says:— "I have used the 'Highland Water' for three years and have derived great benefit from it. . . . It tastes good and does good." Albert H. Gihon, M.D., Medical Director U. S. Navy, says:— "You are at liberty to use my name as one of its co;imienders." Prof. Richard C. Stanley, Ph.D., State Assayer of 3Iaine, says of "Highland Water": "I find it entirely free from «ii-s:nni(; impuril ie«* -:i remarkably pnre, soft winter. I consider it a most excellent water for family use for drinlciug. The Iron iiud Magrnetsia undoubtedly give it its medicinal properties, and its remarkable parity specially recommends it." For Government Report, see Water Supply Paper 223 of U. S. Geological Survey HORTON'S ICE CREAM Charlotte Russe^ Water Ices^ Fancy Ices^ Cakes^ etc. Used by nearly everybody. TR r THEM ::: Ton will like them 305 Fourth Avenue 142 West 125th Street 598 Sixth Avenue DEPOTS i 'o East 125th Street 115 Park Row 302 Columbus Avenue PALATIAL HOMES In the City of New York :CAN BE BOUGHT AT= Brentano's, Wanamaker's, and All Other Newsdealers' 58 FOR COUNTRY HOMES AND CAMPS TIRRILL "EQUALIZING" GAS MACHINE MEETS EVERY REQUIREMENT FOR LIGHT— HEAT— POWER. Produces Automatically Standard Uniform Gas. No Odor, Smoke or Danger. Sp-cially Adapted for Operating Incubators Write for full particulars or call TIRRILL GAS MACHINE LIGHTING CO. 509 Fifth Avenue, near 42d Street, New York The LINKE ^'ACORN" WATER PURIFIER ^yi Silicate Stone Tube Filter Supplies pure water free from all Bacteria. By a clever mechanical device the tubes are cleaned in a few seconds without takitig apart. If you use one you will understand its advantage over all others, and why it commands the universal indorsement oi physicians. Trice ^3.50 Demonstrations daily Inspection invited Send Postal for Booklet LINKE "ACORN'* & ADVANCE FILTERS 235 WEST 46th STREET, NEW YORK ^ri-date te^atchmen Tumi^^hed for All Occasions 59 METROPOLITAN SWEET CHOCOLATE HIGHEST QUALITV SMOOTHNESS AND FLAUOR TEN CENTS & FIVE CENTS 60 FINEST FRENCH CLEANING AND DYEING SPOTS AND SLIGHT SOIL can he removed without cleaning entire garment AT SHORT NOTICE 4 WEST 33D STREET 548 GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHES SCOURED INSIDE AND OUT FIFTH AVENUE 167 WEST 72D STREET Vhe SHELTON VIBRATOR Vibration preserves the health. It exercises the muscles, maintains an active circulation and invigor- ates the nervous system. Shelton Vibrators are invaluable in the home— persons can treat themselves in the privacy of their own room or the treatment may be applied by another member of the family. The Vibrator is always ready for use and the expense is nominal. The Shelton Vibra- tors are used in the finest homes in America. Vibration has attained great popularity as an ad- junct to the toilet as well as in the treat- ment of many dis- eases. Physicians employ it in over 200 diseases and symp- toms. Among these which are frequently treated at home are : Deafness, Head- aches, Insomnia, Lumbago, Nervous- ness, Neuralgia, Neurasthenia, Pa- ralysis, Sprains, etc. We also wish to call your attention to our line of electrical HAIR DRYERS which are made for both home and pro- fessional use. Shelton Electric Vibrator $25.00 Shelton Portable Hair Dryer $30.00 SHELTON ELECTRIC COMPANY 105 WEST FORTY-SECOND STREET 61 NEW YORK CITY Davis ^S^" Sanford The Only Artist - Photographers 246 Fifth Avenue New York The leaders in new styles. See the wonderful portraits in two colors and the WATTEAU portraits in full color. Moderate in price and marvelously beautiful. All sittings made by Mr. Davis or Mr. Eickemeyer — no understudies. Visitors welcome. Strangers in the city will avoid disappointment by visiting this old and world-known studio. PORTRAITS in OIL and PASTEL MINIATURES on PORCELAIN and IVORY GUARANTEED RESULTS CHARLES H. DAVIS RUDOLF EICKEMEYER PROPRIETORS 62 CORNER OF STUDIO 155-157 east 44tl) Street Ct)ica0o .^an /Francisco 4B. €. Walttt Electric Sigbt ifiptuceg ;^tanDarbs, Canbetabra;^ fn "55uretta" Telephone, 4486 Bryant JAMES FAY (Antiques, Fine Reproductions 43 and 45 WEST 42d STREET NE\A^ YORK Between 5th and 6th Avenues ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS COLUMBUS AVE. 90* STAND "•**IV*» VaJlIs AMSTERDAM AVE» fDP VALUES 63 APK XO '='«' 3ax Wamm nnh (il\\\ihtm " Dresses for breakfasts, and dinners, and balls; Dresses to sit in, and stand in, and walk in; Dresses to dance in, and flirt in, and talk in; Dresses in which to do nothing at all." " Muslins, embroideries, worked underclothes, Handkerchiefs, scarfs, and such trifles as those; Apparel of every sort of material. Inexpensive, substantial, and very ethereal." IN THE SHOPS OF ALICE M A YN AR D 381 and 510 Fifth Avenue SHOES EXCLUSIVELY ANDREW ALEXANDER SIXTH AVENUE AT NINETEENTH STREET NEW YORK Leading in style and quality for more than fifty years Alexander SHOES are known to well-dressed people in every part of the country CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 64 Always Reliable, Ready, fit for use of daintiest woman at any time, in any room of any home. A comfort traveling on train, steamer or motor car, for lady of leisure and people of business. k OUR SAFETY PEN Cannot Soil by Spilling on Desk, Dresser, in Bag or Pocket For Sale by the Best Dealers Everywhere Montreal Boston Chicago LIBRARY OF CONGRESS