&M .*^ .. ^-^ w *bV" — '^- jp^ -,f-' '^' '»^ ^'W- *bv." ^'« "^ ^C^ •5- ...•<;^' ."< 'bv" «. • • . v> ^ . ^-^o^v .^■" .-f-' *^ .. "1'-- \/ .- ,/ y^^ ■ <^/ /°- \ ^*' o V A" .»•-•' v^"^. °.,w;: c.:i">^ '.w^: .^^''^. vj^*' «^^"^^ '.^n^.' a •>-. 'bv." ^^^. v '^j, "#*, .^^\ *b v^ :m^(^ ■ O > *" ..■ c ^ v^"'^°' v^*'y v^y .. \. ---- .. .^ •n.-o^ V^ ° • * A' •^^0^ i* ,/% ^^-'^^'^ °-^- /''-% 'W^ ^'"^^ -^^^^' ,/^ .N^^ ^-. % -^^0^ : .^•^°- Early Town Records of NEWCASTLE, MAINE from June 24, ij^6 to January 6^\jj() Copied from the original Manuscript Records ^hQjw first published Only 107 Copies made DAMARISCOTTA, MAINE 1914 Newcastle Town Records [8] [A]t our Toyrn meetiag held in New Oastell June the 2lth 1756 voted by the majer part of the Enhabilants that tUe Revd — Mr Aaaxander Boyd was not Legally Rese^ed according; to Law or the preabetiren coustitutiau tho a number of the Gahabitent against the vote Entered a protest and said they had no Bight to TOte aney such vote 2ly Voted by the majer part that thpy will Not Reaeye the Revd Mr Alexan- der Boyd to be thier luialster tho a ]Snmberof the Enhabitent protessted they had no Right to vot in that Gate aLvdgiag he was Reseved slredy and that they would Leave it witii the Revii presbetry to Desid it Sly Voted by the mijiw DerectB 3Iy to npoiut a time to settell aOonnts with Mr Boyd and the Treisurer and aney others who may have payd aney part of tbier Rates to Mr Boyd to bring in Iheir aoounte if aney bo at or before the time that shall be apoiated for setling aCountH with Mr Boyd that Both minister and peo- ple may know wliit is Oew for the suport of the Qospell a'so to apoint men to settel sayd aUonnti 3ly to see if the Town glial Judge It Nesesary to send a man to the ye Revt Presbetry next Aprill in order to have ye Grivancee Removed that has Ri?eu between ye Rev. Mr. Boyd and t;ie Town for which this shall ha your wnreat dated New- castle March ye 2d 1757 and in ye 30th year of his majestes Rfiirn Georgye Second of Qrear Briten franco & Ireland king Defender of ye fMith to William Cuningham James Clark Constabl taps Selectmen William MoOlalland March the 17th 1757 At the Annenl meeting held in New Oasile it being Legally warned 1 William McOlelland voted to be mojerutor 2 James Clark and William McOIal- land votted to be Selectmen 8 John MoNear votted to be Town Olark 4 Alexander Niokls Janr voted Town treseurer 5 Petter Pattrson votted to bi Con- Btabl and sworn 6 John Ward William MoOlalland and John MoNear voted and Chosen to Settell with the Revn Mr Alexander Boyd and the treseurer and the Conslabls and then the meeting is ajorned nntill the Twenty eecond of March March the twentey second meet aoord- ing to ajornment 1 William Blackston Selectman and Glisha Clark votted to be Constabl for the East eid of the Town John Coaingham and David Hopkins votted to be fence vewers Rebert Hodg votted to be Hog Con- stabl and Samuell Kenedy vottfd to be feald Diiver and Josia Ulnrk and John Balentin high way surveyors Wiliiam Hopkins votted to be Toithing man and philip Cooper hog Constabl and Benjamin Speed fet d Driver and Joseyh Johns fence Viewer and go the meeting in Dismised In His Msjestys Name yon arebearby Required to pive Lawful Publick warning to all the lahabitentH of the Town or Destrect of New CaRtell to attend a publick Town meeting upon thursdav the seventh diy of April) ht ten oOloak in the forenoon at the meeting Hous of sajd Distrect to ROt upon thes artickles hearwith Commeted to yo which you are to Insert in the notifej cation for which this shall be your warent Deated at NewCastl the twenty third day of march in the tbirtith year of his majestys Reign A: A 1757 George ye 3 of great Brittand King &o James Clark Select William McClulUud men turn over LIO] to Inquire Into ye Reaeon-i why we have not had the Sacreuieot of tlie Loda supper Adinine^tr.d amnngst us sence the Revt Mr Alr'Zr Boyds ondana- tion and whither Ihi^ nicii Mr Boyds Con luot auiongiit us be a greivance or not to the most part of the Town and If Judgd a griveance as aforesaid to put it to vote whither we ''ill senil a man at the Towns Charge to the ^Revt Presbytery in order to have thes Greivances Removed as soon as sayd Revt Presbytery In thier wisdoms chall Jndg proper to deterrnin the same 2ly to Enquire Into the Resons why the Pound was not Bait at the time aud pleace where we formerly Votei it to be don and if not ReputinaLt to Law to see if they Jcdrf it i.ece^ary to Bald a pound in E u'b side of the Destrict also when and where sayd pound or pounds shall be Bnit Sly to vole what sum of money the Town shall Judg neceearey to be Raised f or a Toy\ n Etock to Defray nsoetarey Town Charges as the Law Direota New Castle march the 83d 1757 J: O to Mr. Petter Patterson Constabl tlies W: Mo at a Town metting held upon thnraday Aprill the 7-1757 the following artickis wear votted and agreed upon 1 William MoClalland Chosen moder- ator for 4ayd meeting 2 votted and agreed that Mr Alexan- der Boyds Condock is a Qrevance and that .ther be a mm sent up to the presbetry to heave the agrevances that U aserted in the warent Removed 3 voted and agreed that ther be a pound BuU in Each Bid of the Town the one at the Krook Near tho Gereson that gos by the Neain of Mr Huchens Garigon Bud the o^her at the Brook that is Near John Ooninghams Hong Both of tliem to be BuU on the first wenslay of this present year 4 voted that ther be 4 pound sesed and Reased for a Town Stock Recorded er me John McNear Town Clark Page 13New-Caatle Jacob Greeley and Mary Lailer both of New-Castle Was Married Sept 18th 1761 by Joseph Pattan Justice peace Samuel Nickols of Newcastle & Jan, Miller of Walepole was Married Oct. 14th 1761 by John Siinson Jaetloe peace Samuel Getterson and Jennet Hnuter both of New-Castle was Married May 6 1762 by John Stintson Justice peace Page 20 New Castle In the County of York & Prove of yo Massachussetts Bay The twenty seventh Day of June 1760 Public No'ice is hereby .Given that I ye subscriber on the 25Mi day of this Instant took np and Impoardei & bath in ye Pound of New 0e Room of ye former enrveior Re moTtd from ns 5iy to gee if ye Town shall think it Propper to send for a Justice of ye PeaOf at the Tcwu Charge In order to have Proof made as far as may bo found Upon Ex>kuiinntion and our PreaFunt ClrcamHtauces will Admitt: of ye Coiupl&iuts they bare against ye Uev.d Alex.r Bojd in oider to Lay said Complaints before ye Rev.d Presbytery Ht tbe Nix; susBion and humbly to Icsiet upon ye Determina- tion of ye same; or otherwise to take whnt Meathod ye Town thinks most fltt to obtain e:d: proof: Whither at ye Towns Charge or otherwise so yt a Determi.n may be Expected: also to appoiutt Whom ihe ye Town shall think ptopper: to H'rite lu behalf of \e Town to said Rev.cl Pri'sbytery wbat May Couc trn them In tlu« pre&sant aCfriir 6ly to gee Whither jo Town as a Town Dnsires yt ye Rev d Presby.y shoal I Remove m'r Alex, Bovd fro.u them & if it be ye miud of yo Towu to put it to Vote it they think propper: bIko it ye above mentioned removal of m'Alex'r Boyd C'i nnot be obtain. d for want of ye Evidences of som Persons Which Cannot now be bai under our preisant ciicumstances it not being Practicable for them ut Preasaut to De- clare What they know Conoerniner this Afftkir eom of them baing tbre Abroad at Preaiant and Consequently Cannot: and also to lee if > e Towu thinks Qt to order ye men whom they appoint to Write to ye Rev.d Ptesby.y to continue m'r Boyd to supply Elsewhere untill snoh Proof may be had 71? to 8e» whatt ye Town thinks &t todofor m'r Einelm Winslow In the office of a Constable be being A Usetull man Amongt us in bis Prao- Ooe for Which this shall be y'r Warrent New Oas'.le June ye 87:th 1758 Jamei Clark > Se'.eot-men Wm MClaland i The foregoing Warrant Wag Comitud to m'r Henry Little Conattible & Notified by him: Accord. g to ye several Articles therein Contained At a Town-Meeting held upon Wens day ye 13. of July 1758 ye foloing Articles were Voted atd Agreed. Uy Will.m MClaland Chosen Moder.r to Resnlat s:d Town-Meeting 21y WiU.m MCluKind Cnosen Town- Clark & sworn to e:d o£Qce 81y John Cuniugham Chosen Pound- keeper 4lv Voted and agreed to send for a Justice of ye Peace at ye Towns Charge lu order to have proof made hs it is speoify.d la ye foregoing Wan ent 61y Voted & Agreed yt ye Town- Clark thail Write to ye Rev.d Presby.y In behalf of ye Towu. e.y Voted & Agreed to De- sire of the Rev.d Presby.y to Remove m'r Alex r Boyd ir.jm n-: & if ye Said Re- moval Cannot now be obtain d | to desire them to Appoint m'r | Boyd to supply , Recorded by Will.m Elsewhere | MCluland Town-Clark Page 22 New-CJastle Sap t ye SSih 1758 York; s? In His Majeatys Naoie you are here- by requir.d to give Publick Lawful! Wa;'uiag to all the luhabitants of ye Town or Distriot of New-Caetle to attend a Publick Town Town-Meeting upon Thursday ye 28'. h of this Iii- staut, at tea Oolock in ye fore-noon at ye Meeting hon^e of eaid District then & Miere to Act npou ye following Articles Viz lly to ohuse a Moderator to Regnlate ^:.3 Town-Meetliig 2ly to chuae a CoUimitee to settle Acoompis with yo Rev. m'r Alex.r Boyd yt. we may kuow how Munh of hisstilety Keni.s due to him In order to make Payment of ye eau e: nlao to syttlo Accompts with ye selectmen: Treasurer & Constables in atl things Wherein .eny of y.m hath been Im- ploy d In ye Towns service yt We m-iy kuow w.t is Cue to any of them Either by Law or Town vote for ye laiLe: & that we may know what is due bv any of them to ye Twon Sly it it be neccesiary: to Chore a Town Treat^urcr In ye Room of ye former Treasurer Remov.d from ui for Which this shall by y.r Warrent James Clark ) Will.m MClaland ( Select-Men New-Castle Sept.r ye 15th 1758 In the 32th year of His Majestys Reign George ye 3. K: of Brittan & O ye foregoing Warrent was Commited to Henry Little Oonsatble & notif.d by him as ye Law Directs Accord . to ye several Artiolea therin OontaU.d at a Town-Meeting held at New- Castle upon Thursday ye 28th of Sep.tr 1738 ye following Articles were Voted & Agreed upon lly James Cargill Chosen Mode.tr to Regulat s:d Town-Meeting 2ly James Forbes Jamea Cargill & Will.m M Olalacd Chosen a Oommitee to settle Aoc.ts for the Town with ye everal Persons yf are specfled in ye bove Warrent aUo egree-d upon with yo several Persons yt are specified lu ye above Warrent also at;ree,d upon yt ye s:d Com tee shbili give In ye ocoount of ye Atfers by ye 9th of nixt month if they kLOw how to AtsesB 31v Voted to have a New T: Treas.r also David Givin Chosen to be Treasurer New-Castle Oct.r ye 9th 1758, We being Appoint. d ye Committee to settle with the Rev.d M'r Hoyd & finds owe to him sellary & settlement Money £S6- 13: 4 Whiah We have appoint.d James Clatk Rub.t Hodge & Jamea Cargill to Pay ye above to him: & M'r Bojd is Willing to ,take ye Above men as feourity for his pay Which ye Con- stables is order. d to pay ye first Money yt Coleot M'r Alex Boyd also sign.d the above Agreem.t James Forbes W.m MClaland JameN Cargill Committee After the Above Acoou.t pay.d to M'r Boyd as p's his recepte £ 18 7-^ Ballauce due to him £58 7-7-^ tiettled by ye above Comm.tee We ye Above Oum.tee having De- liber:y Ooneider.d ye Towns Debt finds it NeccBS y to Appoint £70 to be forth- with AHuees'd for ye payment of ye i.amB& We appoint to meet Dec. 25 to settle accounts At vo Above mention. dJTown Meet- ing We ye eub^cribers being cboeeu a 0cm. tee on ye settl.t of ye Rev.d M'r Atex.r Boyds have this day after giv- ing Everyone preasant an Opertun'ty of seeirjg ye manu.r of our proceed. g proceed. d to Lott with M'r Boyd for ye two lots number.d 16 & 16 & ye Lott number 15 fell to M'r Boyd & ye other Viz numb r 16 Rem.s ye Towns — Oomujitee to be record. d by James Cargill & Robert. Hodge by his mark Rdcorddby W.mMOlal.nd) Town- i Clark Page 23. Marjh ye 27th 1759 Pablic Notice is hereby given to all ye lahabifealBof ye Towu or District of NewOdsUe to sttend ye Public March Aaunjl Town-Msetiug npoa tnssday ye 27ih of this Instent March at ten OolooU lu ye forenoon at ye Meeting hons of said Distriot then & there to Act upon ye foloing Articlss viz lly to Ohnse a Moderator to Regnlat said Meeting 21y to (Juuse all neceifary Town Officers for ye year Ensuing as ye law Directs 8!y to Ohasa a Oommitee if ya Town thinks P.-opper to Agree mith some At; reablo Person as Devine providence Miy ^iv6 opeituuity to i^rauch ye Gospel amongst us this Eusuing sea- sin 4Iy to Ohuse some Person or Persons la ye Room of fuch as are Absent of ye form?r Oommitee Appoiut. by yo Town to fettle Accjucts wltli ye Treas.r selectmen Constubl others Dated at Newcastle March ye 13th 1759 James Claik ■! Selectmen \ * Will.ni MOIeland j Town-Olark at ye Anaal Tovvn-Meating held at Newcastle ye 17ili: 1759 ye folowitg Articles Were Voted and Agree. d upon- lly Benjamin Woodbridi^e Olioson Moderator ;to reguiat 8:d Town-Mcet- ing 2iy Will.m MOlelind Chosen to be Town-Clark Sly VViU.m MOIeland: Benj.n Wood- bridge & Joha JHusoy Cl-.osan to be telectmeu 41y sam.l Kennedy Chosen to be Town Treas. and sworn to s:d Oflioa. 6Iy David Hopl^ina & James Hall Chosen Constables & sworn y'r office 61y John Ballintine & Will.m Black- ■ton Ohossn i)ighway surveyors 71y Will.m Onnuingliam & Christo- pher Hopkins Ohossn field-drivers & sworn 8'y John Cnauiughaai continued to be fence vener 9!y Will.m Kennedy Jun.r & Kinelm Wiufloiv Oho'en to be tythiag-men & sworn lOly Sam.l Kennedy & John Hnsey Chosen to be hog-constabtes & sworn. Illy Sam.l Kennedy & Eiisha Clafk Appoint, to supply ye Room of ye Delinqneut Coinmitees. 121y Benjamin Woodbridge Rob't Hodge & Samuel Perkins Chosen a Commitee to Imploy a Miuistcr to Preach ye Gospel to us for this year Becoid. by )7i I m Mcleland Town-Clark the above Mention Town-Officers Was sworn to I heir Respective office by ye Town-Clark there being no Jug. tioe of ye peace to us at yo time Page 24 New-Caetle March ye !3th 1760 these are to Give Publick Notice to all ye lohabitents of ye Town or Dis- trict of Newcastle to Attend ye Publick Anual March Town-Meetiijg upon ye folowing Articles viz lly to fJhuse a Moderator to Regu- late 8:d Town Meeting 21y to Chnse all Necessary Town- officers for ye Year ensuing as ve Law directs Sly 10 Chiiso a Committee to Imploy som fiithfnl Minititer to Preacli ye Gospel among us as Devine Provldance may give Opertuuity for ye ti:d year 41y to Ohms a Committee to settle Accounts '.vith all ye former Town- Offijers Wherein any of them has been loiploy d in ye Towns service from Year to Year or any other Persons who his tieeu Imploy. d In 6:d Town service Ihsit ye Town May Know What Is due b? any of them to ye Town for their service Either es the Law or Town Vote direota.- All»o to Appoint ye e:J Gommitlee what ye Town think proper tor their 6o;viee 51y to see if the Town thicks Proper to have a Oonstabie to finish ye Col- lections formerly Ooicmited to Will m Hopkins Deceased to Collect & if Judg d needfnll to tak^ ye Rule ye law Directs for that Affair 61y to see what ye Town thinks Proper to do for the Constable In ye year 17E8 with Respect to ye Charges of ye Exeonti.^n & trouble he has or may be at yt affair it b«ingr none of his Neeleot but "tfeerly lor wans of ye Proper Warrent 7ly tochnsseom fit person or t'er sons In heha'if of ye Town to take care of je Ministetin! Lot both with re- spect to ye Mareh & upland & to fence ye Marsti & Improve or Lett it for what fpace of time or from year to year rb ye Town shall Judge Most proper 8 y to Chuse a Propper Person to Make Application to ye Getier.l Oaurt In order to get ye Prov.c tax Abaited or taken off for Reasons which me y be Laid before s:d Person for ye time & Charge he May be at In that affair 91y to know what ye Town thinks fit to raise for je support of ye Gospel & other Necessary Charges which may Arise for the Preasent year lOly to Chuse a Oommitee to Lay out What roads are Necessary & for je benefit of ye Town Dated at New-Castle ye 27th day of February 1760 by order of ye selectmen Will m MOIeland Town-Olark at our Town-Meeting held In New- castle a« it is Above specified ye following Articles Was Voted & Agree.d M.r Benj n Woodbridge OhoEen Moder r for s :d Meeting. 2iy Will m MOIeland Town-Clark: Banjamin Woodbridge David Givin & Elisha Clark selectmen: Samuel Nichols Chosen Town-Trea-'. Samuel Kennedy Chosen (nonstable for yo West side of Diatrici & Kiuelm Winslow for East side: John Cunningham David Hop- Kius John Hnssey & Joseph Jones fence vewers Robert Hodge & Samuel Hall Csiosen tithlcg-men James Cargill & Tobias Glidden Chosen hog-constables Will m CuDniugham James Hall & Joseph Jones Highway turveyor^: Jame? Clark James CargUl & Samuel Perkins Chosen a Committee to Imploy a Miuister: John CnuLitgham Samuel Nichols & Joseph Joues a Oouimiitee Chofen to settle Accounts John Cnning Samuel Nickols & Joseph Jones a Committo choeen to Settle Acaounts aieo alow.d 4 months to settle E:d aoccnut.s & to be paid by ye I'own for their teivice ye Town is to give Henry Little Constable in 1758 £1-6 es^idos ye Oonstables pension and to pay for ye Execution & trub!e tlierebv: ye Town Treas: is 10 take propper cair of & Lett ye Ministerial Lott mr WooJbridge Chosen to make Applic:ition to ye General Court in order to Obtain &baitment of our Prov.l tax at ye nixt May session & if ye Town pays less in preportion of ye tax laid upon ye Prov. c by Reason of 6:d Application then ye Town is to pay f:cI Woodbridge £8 & if he obtains no Abaltment of s:d tax then he is to h^ve nothing for his service ye above Mention. d Town Officers were^fsworn to their respective offices by ye Town Claik there being no Jn-itice of ye Peace nijih to us Pccord.d by Wm MCieland] Town- Clark Voted lo laite £30 tor Town-Stock for ye Preasant year as above. Page 25. New-Oagtle Ootober ye 3.d 1760 York: Bg To any or either of ye Con- stable of ye District of New-Castle Greeting yon are hereby Required In His Majetyes Name forthwith to Notify ye Inhabltents of 8:d New-Castle to At- tend a Town-Meeting to be held at ye Meetiog-honss of s:d Destrict on Fri- day ye third of October Nixt at ten OClock In ye forenoon then & there II? to Obuse Moderator to Begnlat B:d Meeting Sly to see if they will Vote to become one CoQgrigation with ye people of Walpole and give a Call to ye Rev. d Mr Kathin Ward to be onr Minister & settle with ns and tbem onr Neigh- bonrs of s:d Walpole to haye one half of 8:d Mr. Wards time and Labours and this Destrict ye other half 81v to see what they will Vote for settlement & what for sallery to the 6:d Mr. Ward fur this Destriots half aforesaid 4ly to cbase what nnmber of Persons this District shall Judge propper to transact ye affair of 8:d settlement & Invest them with snch Power as they Jndge Best by a Town-Vote 51y to see if this District will Vote to have swine to go at Large they being Yok.d & RIng.d Agreeable to ye Law of ye Provance & for your so doing this shall be suEScient Warrant given under our band ye 18 day of Sept.r 1760, Elisha Clark ) David Given ) Selectmen Agreeable to ye above Warrant ye Inhabiatantti were Notified to attend e:d Town-Meeting & Return maae of 8:d Warrant by Sam.l Kenedy Con- stable. New-Castle ye 26th of Jan.y 1761 at our Towii.Keetini: by Adjnrnment from our MeeiiuiK on } e 3 of Oct.r lly Voted that ye Report of ye Com- mittee on ye 4th article with Regard to Mr. Ward be Commit d to ye Town- Clark to Record 21y Voted yt ye further Consideration of ye fourth Article be defer. d until ye a & 3 Articles be voted upon Sly Voted on ye 3 Article that we Become one Congrigatiou with ye people of Walpole if they agree to become one with is >e srd People of Walpole to have one half of Mr. Wards time and Labours & this District to have ye other half they of 8:d Walpole becoming surety for their parte of his settlement & support & to be left Wholly to mr Ward In what part of ye Congrlgatlon he will settle In: this Vote to be In force so Long as ye s:d mr Ward is our Minister & Walpoie & ua shall Agree to be one ye one party that is this District: or ye 8:d People of Walpole not to Break off without ye Consent of ye other 41 y Voted on ye 3 Artlale yt what this District will pay for half cf ye settlement afor es :d is £38:13&4&if any time hereafter ye 8:d mr. Ward should go Wholy Either to ye People of Walpole or this District these to Whome he goes to Repay whatfcoever y» other «hall have paid to his settle- ment turn over to ye nixt page page 36 New Castle Jan.y 36: 1761 5iy Voted on ye 3d Article yt £33; 6j & 6d is ye sume that this District will pay for their half of ve eallery to ye afarcB:d mr. Ward 61y Voted on ye 4th Article that yo number of ye Committee for tranact- ing ye matter in ye 4th Article Be five men & that Will.ni MCleland David Given Joseph Glidden Henry Little & John Hassey be ye five men & that they Let ye people of Walpole know what we have done in this Matter & that ye Committee is hereby invested with full Power to Act & Transact with mr Nath.n Ward: & ye People of Walpole Everything Necessary to ye settlem.t of a Minister over a Congreg.n as to Manner Agreeable to ye Matter of ye foregoing Vote lu Caee ye Peo pie of Walpole Concurs with us & If they Refuse: then to lay ye Matter before ye District as soon as May be 71y Voted on ye 4th Article that their be seven men Chosen as a Couimittee & that David Qiyiu Joseph (jlidden Henry Little John Uussey David Hopkins Elisha Clark & John Cun- ningham be ye seven men ■foreB:d & ye power yt they are Invested with is to Inquire Into ye Reasons of Rev.d mr. Wards being Di^mis.d from his former Congrii:ation & Into bis Moral Chiraoter & lay what they liud will give Litjht, In »:d Affair Before ye luhnbltants of this District at their ToA'n-Meeiiog on ye Last Monday of Jau.y Nixt Sly ye Report of ye above Mentlon.d Committee Relalting mr Ward are as follows- Whereas we ye subscribers on ye 3d of Got r iHgt was Chose a Com .tee to Inquire Into ye Moral Character of ye Rev d Mr. Nath.n Ward & ye Reasons of his Uismission from his Congilgation & We find on Inquiry that his Moral Character is g jod & Becoming his pruffession boath a« a Minister & a Christian & his Life & Conversation more then Ordenary blameless: as to ye Reas ms of his Dismiss. n from his former Oongrig.n was on Bcoonnt yt a Number of his Congrig.n turned Anabaptis & Re- quired him to Administer ye Ordinances to them in that way of Worship: Which he Refus.d & a Counsil being Called Justified g:d mr Ward In big Condnat &hetoldy.m that ai their Nnmber waa small' they being devided In Principles he apprehended hi» Use- fullness with them was not Likely to be great & therefore Ask.d his Dis- miss n which he get & his Conduct Justify. d thes things We are Persuaded of to our Satisfaction Elisha Clark John Husev David Ola John Cunningham David Glid- den Joseph Glidden Henry Little Ji";om.tee »ly Votfd on ye Article that ye Swine have Liberty to go nt large they beinj,' Yoak d & Riug.d Agreeable to ye Laws of ye Prova.e ye foregoiDg Articles given In to be Record. d James Cargill | Moderator per Will m MCleland | Town-OIark Page 27 Newcastle March 30th I76I these are to give Noiioe & Warning to all ye Inhabitoiits of yo District of New-Orictie to Asftooiblo & meet at ye moeticg-hoase In said District on ye laRtt MondRy of ilns Instant March beiuK ye 30Sh day iii teu O Clock In ye forenoon than & there to Act as follows lly to ChuBe a Moderator to Regulat Eaid Towc-Meetiug 8iy to Ohnse a T jwn-0!ark 81 s^ to Ohuae Seiectmen 41y to Ohnse all Neccs ;ary Town- OfScers for said Di-trict a:;jardiDg to li&w for ye Year Eo suing Also to Vate for Conn! y Treituror 5 y to see what ye lahubitcnts will do la Order to have tiieir Province tax Eased or taken off 6'.y to see What ye lababitents will Alow Jrhu CunDinghiim Saai'l Nickels & Josijph JjDis per diy for settleiog ye Aeo ts they weie ChOEe to settle Newcastle 16;b 1761 Will.ui MOle'and Town-OIaik by Order of ye select-meu March BOrh Accord. g to ye Above Warnins for ya Annal March-meeiing ye Inhabitents Aefembled & Voted upon ye above Articles as tolows lly Benjamin Woodbridge Ohosen Moderator to Regulat said Town- Meeting 3Iy Will.ui MClelsnd Chosen Town- Olarii Sly Benjm Woodbridge David Givin & Eliaha Olark Ohoeen to be select- niea 41y James OargiU & Joseph Gliddcn Chosen Wnrdeens 5;y John M:Nair Chosen Constable for ye Shetpscot sida of ye District & Joseph Jones for Dainurifcoity side 6iy Saiu.l Nickoie Chosen Town TreaEurer 7iy Robert Dodge & Sam.l Hall TiythiuK-Men 8iy David Hopkins John Onnniug- ham & Ohristo.r Hopkins fens veiwer? 91y Wiil.m Cnrtniogham & Ohristo.r Hopkins field Drivers 10;y Sam.l Nickels & Wiil.m Cnn- ninghani high-way surveyers Illy James OargiU & Joshua Linscott hog Constables I2I7 Henry Little & Elisha Clark sarveyers of Boards 131y Voted that ye eelect*mea peti- tion ye Court with Respect to ye Provanos tax 14ly Voted to give 4s per day to ye Oouimittee as above speclfyed ye Above Mention d Town officers was oworu to ye Respective Officers by ye Town-Clark their b<>iDg do Jastioe of ye Peace then preasent. Record. d per W. m M..d Town Olark Page 28th. Now-Castle May 18' 1. 1761 Lincoln :?s: to ye OoDFtable= of this Di'itrict of Nesy-Castle or Either of them Greeting Your are hereby Required lu his M-jesties Name to Nofcif-/ ye Inhabi- tents of this Disttiot of New-Osstle to Attend a Disitrict Meetinghouse of s:d District on Mnnday ye 18th day of lostant Mf y at ten OClock In ye forenoon then & ths'e lly to 01 ue a M-derator to Regclat 8:d Meeting 21y to see if thev will Vot" 'o G.ve a Call to yp Rev d m.r Nath.t* Ward to gett'e wii'i UB & be our Misiiater&if they slioulci Judge theniselvc s rot able to take his Whole tiireet Prt-npeat to tijeiueelvtB to see What part they will Vote to take nntill such times as they may Judge themselves Able to take j e Whole & Likewiso to Agree how yo other part of his time will be Disposed of Whither left In his own hand or otherwise untill they Judpe themselves ab'e as afotesaid Sly to see what thoy will V^ote for ssltlement & What for sallriry to B:d lu r Ward for his settlement & support if he should Aiept 41y to Note whec & In What Manner to present our Call & Propcselg to s.d m.r Ward for his CoiiaidersiioD: & to Ohnse f nch Committee or Committees to trauiactlall such Matters as they May Judge Needfull to be done for 8:d District & Invest them wi'h nil such Power as they Judge bert by a Diatriot Vote & for your so doing this sbp.ll be yoa Werrent Given under one hands at New- castle this 4th day of May 1761 Accord. e to this Wsrre nt ye Inh.ib.ta was Notify. d par John M Nair 'Non- stable—— E isha Clark I „ „,„, _„ D.vid Givin I aeleoc-men According to ye Above Warrant ya Inhabiteats Asiemble.d & Voted as fciowB lly James OargiU Oiioren Moder.r to ReguUt sul Meeting aiv Voted to Give ye Rev d m.r Ward a call be our Minister also Voted to settle m.r Ward In this District 31y Voted to Give £53 63 8d fo» settle- ment when m.r Ward Acepts of our Call & is Regularly Ordaic.d to bs our settled Minister: one half to be paid ten days after his OrdiEation as afore- sa'd & ye other half with ye second years sallarv also Voted upon ye 3rd Article to give m.r Ward forty six Pounds thirteen shillings & four pence Anualy for sallary 41y Voted that ye Oall Now Read In ye TowD-Meetins as soon as may be togither with ye Town Vote be pre- snuted to m.r Ward for hia atiswsr also Voted upon ye 4th Article vt 3 mea be a Committee to forward ye Oall & Vote a£;ree.d upon at this Meeting & that John Balliutine David Giving and Joseph Glidden be ye Cam.tee afore- said: also said Com, tee is appointed to agree with Fuoh supply as Devine Providence May Offer to Preacli yo Gospel to us for this Year in Case m.r Wiud should nst accept of our Call aUu Given In to & Appoint.d to be Rec; rd.d Record. d per Wiil.m MClalund | Tcwa-Clsrk An^u>.t 4!h 1761 Voted on ye 4th AtUcle to Raise .i'oO in case m.r Ward belnstently Ordain. d if not then to Raite £30 only Page 29. New Oastle Augoit 5th 1761 Lincoln: as: to any or Either of ye Congt.8 of this District Greeting yon are hereby Command.d In bis MajestvB Name to notify ye Inhah.ts of this District of New-Castle to At- tend a District Meeting to be holden at ye MeetlDghous of sid District on Tuesday ye 4th day of August Nixt at ten OOI )ck la ye forenoon then & there Hy to Ohoose a Moderater to Regnlat s:d: Meeting Sly to make Choice of what Churches tbev think Best to fend for advice and Direction & whatsoever thlnt-'s they Judge bast and Needful to be Done Relating to ye eettlement of m.r Nathan Ward with us at he hath Ex- cepted our Call: & when and in What Manner they will send three Churches yt they Ohos as aforesaid & agree on time when Place where and Manner how all onr further proceedings shall be Carried on in said Aflhir: and as there is no settled Minister In this County to see if they will Apply to ye Lew.t Governor and secretary for their advice & Direction: to know Whither these Ministers Approbation Whoine We Chose will— answer the Law of ye Provanee ye same as if they were ye Majority of ye Ministers In a County: & fully Impower this Dis- trict bv law to Raise Money formT Wards settlement & support. Sly to Choose such Person or Persons as they Jndu;e Needful to act & trans- act all such Matter or Matters as they Judge Needful to be done for this District & invest him or them with all such power as they Judge Best by a District vote 41y to see what sum of Money they will Vote to be Bale. d in this District at preasant & when it shall be done^— for which this shall be your warrant Dated at New-Castle this SOth Day of July in ye first Year of his Majestys Reign A. D. 1761: David Sivin Elisha Clatk | Selectmen at onr Town Meeting being legaly assembl.d as above ye following Articles Were Voted & agreed upon viz Ily Voted to Apply to ye Churches tIz M.r Bliss of Concord m.r Amersen of Hollis m.r Pemberton of Boston m.r Porter of bridgewater m.r Hall of Sutton m.r Cleveland of Jebacoo & m.r Sewelld:d: Sly Voted yt ye time when place where & manner how ye affair of Ordinat.n shall be oarri d on be wholy left to ye ministers Sly Voted yt onr Commiton.r Apply to ye Lew.t Qov.r & secretary for Direction In this Affair agreeable to ye Warrant 41y Voted on ye 3 Article to lend only 1 Oomeision.r to Attend & try for the Affair of Ordinat.n 5ly W MOIeland Chosen Commision r Refuses for Reasons given John MNiir chosen Acepted and undertook je same 6!y if ye Advice given by s:d Gentle- men be such yt ye Approbation of thos Ministers will fully Answer ye Law of ye Prov.c fully .-is it is Specify d in ye above Warrant if said Ministers as A Council advise then to procepd to said Ordinat.n when & where end In what Manner they shall Drect; our Commiss.ris Cairfully to obseive the directions of said Geu'lemen & to proceed or Desist Acecrdingly Page 30th August 4th 1761 at a Town-meeting August 4'b 1761 the following Dieect was Eutr.d Whereas at ye Last District Mertinc In this place it was Vut( d lo give mr Nathan Ward a Call to stttle vote his Sallary & settlement: Provided he could be Rogularly settled here which Was ye Motive £ Believe the luhabiteute Acied Upon aud as Wo don't know Whither he Can be Regu- larly sertled or not I desire the Vry Nixt thing that is AotCvi upon may be to that: Before ye luhabittiu s proceed any further: If not I Elnter my Diseot Against ye Proceeding: if yon Act Contrary I think you Act lm[ rndentiy In not knowing Whither m.r Ward has a prop r Dismission from those over Whom I have heard he was settled at place Called Watertown if yon act Contrary to Authority Viz: ye act of our General Court: I Enter my Dissent against ye Whole Proceedings New-Castle august 4th 1761 Benjamin Woodbridge EInelm Winslow James Brown James Hall NewCMtle Mftroh 34tb. 1762 at oar Anaal Towa-Meetiog being Legaly Warned as ye Law Directs: the lababiteats Aasembted and Voted and Agre.d npoD ye followJD^ Articles Viz lly BeDJiQiin Woodbridge Ohosen moderator for 8:d meetiug 2ly Will m MOleland Cbosen Towd. Olark Sly BeDj n Woodbridge David Oirin & Elleha Clark Cboseo felect-men 4ly Saiu.l Kenedy and Hamnel Per- kiuB Cbosen Wardeui 51y Will.m Kenedy »ad Jotiab Olark Cbc'seo Constables 61y John Oauningham and Beoj.n Speed Oboseu hog Conettibles 71y Will.m CunuiDKhaiu Elisha Olark & Joseph Joues sairoyora of Boards Sir Sam 1 Niokels Sam.l Andereon Thomas Hmupb s & Jos.b Slidden highway carveyors 9ly Saoj.l Nickels Town Treas r lOly Robert Hodee & Kinalm Wins- low tiytbing-men Illy John CuDuiD^b.ni David Hopte 8 John Hasey and Jaoieb Hal] fence vewers- — ISly Will m OnnDlngb m & Ohrig> taph.r Hopkins field Driveri ISly Will MOle.and Jon n Leatten & Henry Little Obosen a Com. tee to Imploy sach supply to Preach ye Qospel a? Devine Provid.c may offer this Tear AlbO to settle all acconnts or Debts due to or from the Town 14ly Voted to give the Constable In the Ertst side of ye Town three pounds this year ISly Voted that all the Bams Own.d or kept In the Town shall be kept from ye sheep from ye first of Angnst till ye fifth of Nore.r under the penalty cf forty shillings fine 161y yt no stallion above a year old ehall Rna at Large aJder the peualty of fonr pannds floe Esijept Alow.d by ye Town I7ly Voted to Petition the Gen.l Oonrt for Liberty to ye nnimproved Land Page 81 Angnst 81st, 1763 Pablio Notice is hereby given to all the Inhabltents of the District of Newcastle to attend a Pablick Town- MaetiDg to be held at the Meeting- honse of said District upon tueeday the 81 of this Instant Agu.t at ten Ojlook in ye forenoon then and there to Act apon ye following Articles Viz lly Deliberately and Oairfally to Consider what the Town shall further Judge proper to do with Respect to the settlement of m.r Ward with us as our Minister and to Come to a final Determination of that Affair. 2ly to see what sum of Money ye Town shallJadge proper to Raise at Preasent for Defraying the Town Debts and Charges— — Aocord.g to the Above Notification ye fallowing Articles were Voted & agreel Upon Viz lly to Consider and Act further Concerning ye settlement of mr N .tli.n Ward 2ly Voted and Agreed Not to Apply any farthe.- t) the General Court In this Affair — - Sly Voted to Ohuse seven Ministers fur Approbation of m.r Ward v z m.r Biiss of Conoord: m.r Amerson of Hollls m.r Cliveland of Jebaooo m r Porter of Bridgewater ui r Peuiberton of Boston Dr. e^ewel of Ditto & m.r Hall of Sntton 4ly Also Agreed upon by the Major- ity ttien Preasent at said TowQ-Meet- iug ytif lu r Ward be Approbated by s:d Geatlemen to have him Ordain. d for Newcastle only & to pay him by snbacriplion by these perticalar Per- sons of our District who shall sub- scribe According to thalr subscriptions and Enjoy his Labours Accordingly: and the Remaining pirt of bis time in Devlne service to be at mr Wards Pleasure to go Where Devine Prori- denoe may give him O.jportunity 6ly Voted to Rais forty Pounds In Town-Rates which is to be paid to the Treasurer the ll:th of Deer Nixt Ensuing Record.dper W.m M: Town Clark / Page 83 Thes are to give Pablio Notice to all the lababltenta of thes Town or Deitriot to aegemble an<) meet together at the meeting Hoase on Tasday the 38d of thes inatent at ten of the Clock in the Fornoon to act on the following artickla Id to Cbuse a Moderator to Begalate sayd Meeting 8d to Chase a Town Olark 8d to OhooBe three select men 4I7 to Ohooie two warden! 5d to Cho08 Two Constables 61y to lee what the luhabetents will act and do in order to get a ehntable person to preach the Qospell amongst ns 71y to see whether the Inhabetents will send to the Rev nd m.r Parsoni of Kewbury to come and pay us a veset Sly to see what the Inbabeteuts will do in order to get a sbatable man to keep a Town school 91y to vote for a conntey Treasurer lOly to CbooB two propej' persons to take Care of the meeting Honse and the flankers of the gareeon Illy To vote to take care of the Rams and stone horses 12th To CboostwoTythingmen and all other Town officers according to Law 13 To see what meathod or by whom the Town shall think fit to fence the Grave yard New Castle march 7tb 1768 per William mOlalland Town Clark March the 23 1T68 aCording to the above warning the following arteokls were voted the Inhabetents being as sembled and meet together 1 Benjamin Woodbridg Chosen moderator to Begulat sayd meeting 2 John MoNear Choosen to be Town Clark 3 Johannathan Liten Samnel Kenedy and Joseph Jones Ohooeen to be select men 4 Samuel Perkins Samuel Kenedy Choosen to be wardens 5 William MoClalland and Joseph Qleden Choosen to be Constables 6 Voted that the Inhabeteuts send to the Revn.d mr parsons to pay ns a veset same time this sumer T voted that we Choose some shnta- ble persons to be a oometey to Inquire and get a shntable person to prtach the Qospell to us allso to writ to the Revn.d mr parsons to oome to pay ns a veset Bumetime this sumer and John Cunningham Elisha Clark and David Hopkins is Choosen for a Commety for the same 8 Voted that we have no Town schoolmaster thes year Samnel Deney Esq Choosen to be Connty treasurer turn to the nizt peage Page 8S Robert Hods William MoClalland Samul Nlokles and John Cunningham Choosen to take Care of the meeting Hoase and frankere and Gareson and let thu f rankers for the Towns nse 10 Robert Hodg and Elisha Clark Choosen to be tything men 11 voted that the Inhabetents of the North Sid of the Town fence the grave yeard or Burying Pleaoe 13 wlUlam Cunningham and Elisha Clark Choosen to be enrvers of all lumber that be for eealt this year 13 William Cunningham Samnel Nickles Hinerey Lettell and Elisha Clark to be Hayway survers for the present year 14 David Hopkins James Cnnniog- ham and Eenallem winslow Chosen to be f eald Drivers for this year. 15 John Cunningham David Hopkins John Husey Nathanall Rollands Chosen to be fence vewers 16 James Cargell Choosen to be Hog Constable and James Hall allso 17 Voted that aney Rams that may be found going at Larg out of his oners inclosher from the first of august till tbe 30th of November shall be forfeted and the oner to pay forty shillings to be Recovered by being Cjnvected or proved before a justes of the peace the one half to the informer or he that sheweth for tbe same 18 voted that aney stallon or stone horse that may be above one year old may be fonnd within tbe Bowns of the Town or Destriot shall be forfeted to he or they that shall take npsucli horah and the oner to pay two pounds tbe one half Both of tbe borsh and money to be payd to the Town Treaa- nrer for the Town nse and the other Half to be that shall shew for tbe seam 19 Samuel Hall willlam McClalland David Uivin and Henery Lettell Chosen to be Grand jurey men 20 James lilven John Cnnnlngham Johanathan Liten and tobias Gleden to serve on the jurey of traials and so the meeting is Desmesed Recorded by me John MoNear Town ClarK all the above Town officers were iworn to their Respecttiv oSeses by the Town Clark he being sworn by tbe raoderater ferst Lincoln bb march the 9th 1764 To the Constable of New Castle you are in bis majestieB name Required to Notefey and warn the freeholders and other InhabeteotB CJnalefeyed as the Law Diricts to Vote in Town Meting to assemble and meet at the lueetini? HouB on Tusday the twentyseventh Day of thes Instent at ten of the OlocK in the fornoon then and there to act on the following Partiokelors Viz first to Chuse a moderator and other Town offesors aa the Law Directs. 2 to see wbat the Town will do as to the Repearing of the meeting House turn over Peage 27 3d to see whether the] Town will leave the swine to go at large this year. 41y to see whether the RamB shall be taken from the eheep. 5 to see whether the stone Horses sliall go at large 6 to see whether the Town will Raise aney money for a Town stock and what tbev well Raise also to see wbat the Town well do Releating to a micister, Jonathan Laiter ) select hamuel Konedy J men Joseph Jones Lincoln ss. Newcastle the 2nd day of march 1761 agreeable to the within warrent to me Derioted I have Notefeyed the within Named Inhabetents aa the Law Dericts Henerey Hodg Constable Lincoln ss New Castle the 27th day of March 1764 agreeable to the withing warrent to me Derioted I have Note- feyed the withen named Inbabetents aa the Law Dericts Henerey Hodg Constable, New Castle march 27th 1764 at onr anueil meeting I Benjamin Woodriilg Chosen moderator and John McNear Town dark Jonathan Litin Saiuull Kennedy and Henerey Lettell Chosen to be selectmen Thomas Cl'irk and Thomas Hnmphres Constable John Hus«y and David Hopkins warners Samnll Nickls Town treasurer Hugh Holms and Christopher Hopkins tith- ing men James Camble Samnll Nickls Arcbebald Robenion SamuU Hall Einalem Winslow Hayway survers Samnll Nickls william Cunningham Oollers of Lumber Joseph Jones Elisha Clark Cullers of Lumber william Ken- nedy and Samull Anderson feald Drivers James Hall Nathancll Rolins feald Drivers SimuU Kenedy Jaiues Cutiiugham Hcjg ODUSJables william Rankley (?) Abcier Horkeiis Hog Con- stable the feald Drivfl'-s are the fence fewers John Onningiuiu Pownd keeper voted that the meeting House be re- peared and that all from Cpc Samull Nickls House thes sid of the Town Repeated »ud that all the other sld be at no Charge of it voted that ther be twenty six pounds thertea sbillicgs and four pence Reased to Rppsar the meeting House turn to the other aid Peage 28 voted that Samull Nijkle Jauiea Camble an 3 John Cunlngham be Com- ety to see the meeting Hou-e Repeared the money that is to bs Reased for that use voted tliat tnor be a Comety Chosen to treat with mr Rolan and to find a supply for the Pulpet and Robert Hodj Joseph Gleden and John McNear Otiosea for the Csmaty for that purpose voted tliat the swine go at Large and that no Raiues go at large from the first of Anguit untell the tenth day of November and if eney is found going at Lar^je the oaer of such Riuie sliall pay two pounds to the n-se of ths Town and foifat the Rtme to him tiiat tak3^ up such Rame voted ihat no stou liors tr stallea go at Large and if auoy such hors be found goinc; at lixrgd the oner shall pay four pjuuda one half to the use of the Town and the otlaer half to him or them that takei up such Horse voted tliat there oe therSy pounds Reaeed for a Town stock a-d sotlie meefiog ij dacuesed Rsoorded by ma JohnjMcNear Town Clark. Page 25 by Tertew of a warent to me de- reoted from the Clark of the enprcme Court thes are Notify and warn all the freeholderg and others Inbabi tentB of theDestriot of New Castle qaalefayed by Law to vote in Town afairs to meet at the meetiog House upon tusday the fortenth of June nixt att Eleven aClook in the fornoon for to Ohoos three jurey men qnalefayed by Law eupreme Court at fallmoutb one for the Grangurey and two for the juerey of trayls way the therty ferst 1768 Joseph Gledden Oonstnble aooordlng to above warent or Notey- fercation the (reeholders and inhabi- tents being asembled togatber at the meeting Hous Choose James Oargell to serve for Granjarey man Samuel Nickls and Kenalm winslow to serve on the jurey of trials to be held at tallmonth the 28 of June 1763. agreeab!e to a warent from the selectmen to me for that purpose De- reoted publiok notice is hearby given to all Inhabitants of thee Destrict Qualifayed as the Law Deriots to vote in Town afairs to aasemble and meet at the meeting House of the Destrict on the thirtyeth Day of June Instent at one of the Clock in the afternoon then and there 1st to Chose a Moderator to Begalat said meeting aiy to Choose a Constable in the Boom and steed of william MoOlalland Deoesed Sly to see wheather they will Repear the Meeting House 41y to chuse a Committee to Lay out a Road from Allexander Campbells House to the Lags of Rooks so Called Sly to sea what money the Town will Raise to Defray Town Charges and when it shall be payd into the Town Treasurer 61y to see wheather the Town will have the Swine to go at Large Deated at New Castle thes 19tb Day of June 1763 Joseph Oleden Constable agreeable to the above warent or Noteyfeyoation the freeholders and Inhabetents being asembled and meet together at the meeting Hoase liy Chuse Jonathan Litter moderator to Regulat sayd meeting 21y Henerey Hodg Chosen to be Constable and sworn to his office. Sly voted that we do not repear the meeting House yet 4ly voted that Henerey Lettell Thomas Hnmfres and SamuU Perkins be a commety to Lay out a Road from Alexander Campells to the Leag of Bocki 80 called— — turn to nixt peag Page 86 Sly voted that ther be therty pounds teased for Deffraving the Town Obarges to be payd to the Town treasurer the ferst of Desember cist 6ly voted that the swine go at Large thes year 1763 Lincoln ss To the Constable of New Castle you are in his majesties Neame Required to Notefey and warn the freeholders and other Inliabetants of this Town of Destiitft Qnalefayed as the Law Derecta to vote in Town affairs to asemble and meet at the meeting House on Wednes- day the 12th Day of October next at Ten of ye Clock in the fornoon then and there to act on the following par- tloularb first to see what the Town will Do in Regard to mr Nathan Wards Call whether they will Desmiss the Call acording to his Disire or what tbey will Do secondly to see whether the Town will Raise any money for a Town Stock and how much therdly to see what Roads they will except thet 's alltedy Laid out Deated In New-Castle September the 26th 1773 Joseph Glidden Constable at our meeting held at our meeting Hons on Wednesday the 12 of October agreeable to the above warent the folowing artickls wear 1: voted and agreed that the Call that was Given to Mr. Nathan ward Be dismissed Johnathan Leter being moderator of sayd meeting secondly voted and agreed that ther be 20 pounds Raised for a Town stock for this year aud^then the meeting is Dismised New Oastle June the tth 1764 By vertew of a Request to ns di- ricted we hearby ^otefey and warn the freeholders and other inhabetents Qaalefeyed to vote in Town meeting as the Law Dereots to asemble and meet at one of the clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the fowloing and is to Reseve perticklers first to sea whither the Town will ezept of the meeting Honee as it Is prayed by a Commety Ohose for that purpose 2 To sen what money the Town wil' Raise in order for Repearing the above mentioned meeting Honse and provid- ing a place Oonvenent on the Estern Bid of tbea Town paplick worship of God 3 to Ohase a Oommety and impow- eiing them to Lay out what money Bhall be Raised in Repearing the above mentioned meeting Honse and pro- viding a place on the Estern aid of (he Town to be Layd out in EQuall Pro- prtion to the Town turn over 4 to see whear the Town will vote a place for publiok worship on the Estern std ot tbes Town Sly to see what time the said money shall be payd for the above menioned Repear- ing and Providing and what time shall be alowd for said work to be done Jonathan Liten j a„i„„t Samull Kenedy | Selectmen New Caetell jnne the 19th 1764 then at our Town meeting it being Lawfully warned it is voted that mr Benjamin Woodbridg be moderator to Regulate the nfairs of said meeting, 2 voted and agreed the Town ex- cepts the meeting Hon&e as it is apraised by the Oommety Ohosen for that Perpose 3 voted that ther be one Hundred pounds Raised for Repering the meet- ing Home and providing a pleas Con- venient on the other sid of the Town and fayd money to be Lajd out in Equell proporion to the Town Reats in Repearing of the meeting Hons and said pleas Oouvenient for publick worship on the Estern «id of the Town 4 voted that John Coningham Op Samull Niokls and Henerey Hodg James Brown and Henerey Littell be a Commety Empowered by theTo«n to Lay the above money in Repearing the meeting Hons and in providing a pleas Convent for the pnblitk woiship of God on tho oihor sid cf tbe Tow a 5 it is voted tli"t tha above O m- mety are EifpowtTod to OtiUBO r.ud determau the [i.eag whear theplriis ebail be fi^rpuliiick worship oi tlie otiier 8:d of thi- Town 6 voted that ihe Oommety fhnM have the said work don in three mouths from the above deat 7 voted that the money that is to be Reaeed for the above work be Reased In three months from the above said deat and so the meeting is dia- mesed we the subscribers have Laid oat the Road from Alexander Oombells to the Leag which Road Lays as foUowi from Oombells to Littels southwest from Littels to the turn of the way to Days southwest and be west from the tarn of the Road to Dodgs southwest and be south from Dodgs up the hill west from the hill to the Leag Near southwest as witness our hands June tbe 1, 1764 Henerey Little Thomes Humphres Samull Perkens By verty of aBeqaeit to ai Dereoted we do hereby Nctefy and warn the freehol'iers and others inhabatenta Qa . lefe> d as the Law Dereets to vote in T'>wn meetiog to asemble and meet at the meeting Hons on tuesday seven- teenth Day of July Enttent at two of the Clock in tlie afternoon to tee if the Town will ReConseder the vote that was voted the Last Town meetine In Regard to Repatrintr and providing plaaes for Pnbllo worship in thes Town Pr Its Jonathan Liten I ielectmen Samull Kenedy | July tbe 17th 1764 then at oar Town meeting it being Lawfully warned by the selectmen it is voted and agreed that tbe votes Oonceming the meeting House and Plea* of worship on the Estern sid of the Town shall stand and Bemean as they were voted at tbe Last meeting the 19th day of Jane laet and as they are Beoorded in the Town Book pr oie John McNear Town Olark Linoola ss to Thomas Clark Con- stable yon are in bis majeates name Required to Notefy and warn the freeholders and other inhnbetenta qaale- feyed as the Law Deriota to vote In Town meeting to aaemble and meet at tbe meeting Hous on Wednesday the 6th day of march Inshewing at ten of the Clock in the morning then and there to act on the following perticklera viz first to Uhens a moderator and all other Town officers as the Law Deriota and allao to Chens a Commety to aettel with the Town treasurer and all other Persons Indited to tbe Town and whom the Town it indited to 9 to see what provesion the Town will make in order to have a mlnester to preach Gospell amongst as Sly to see what the Town will do in Regard to Oheusing and imploying a a soool master to keep the Town acool thes Pretkent yetr and what money the Town will Raise to defray tbe Town Charges 41y to Chouse a Connty Regester ■nd a County treasurer for the present year Sly to aee what incorigment the Town will Give to thoae Persons that shall Kelt wolves or wild Oaia in tbe Town the Present year 61y to see whither the Town will Except of what the Commety bath don in Regard to appointing a pleace to setting up a meeting House on the Esterly sidof the Town allso to see if the 6aid Commety shall proced to Rreot the said House and finish it said House and finish the meeting House on the west sid 71y to see if the Town will Chouse a Commety to lay out a Road from Nilsons mell down the Neaok Sly to see wbither tbe Town will hear a desent f rom the inhabetents of tbe Esterly side cf these Town and aote npon it they sayir g they are agrieved 91y whither the Town will Con- sider the inhabetents on the Eeterly side of the Town not haveing time to agree ainonget thenjselyes wliear a House should be Eriofed for publiok worship before the Oomiuety Game to aote they not acting before the tiiue was np which time was Limeted by the Town vote for the said Commety to acta lOly to see what time the ston horses and Rams shall be Kept from the mears and sheep and what fine shall be Layd on Fach of them for Going at Large Illy to see what the Town well allow Oapt James Oargell for his time and Expences at the Generall Court Id ansnring to the plemoth petlti^on abont the Removing the Court to other Oountys Daated in New Castle Feber. uarary the 10th 1766 allio to see if the Town well vot that the swine shall go at Large givin nnder our hands thes Day Deated at New CasMe Feberary the 10th 1765 allso to see if the Town well vot that the swinp shall ?o at Large givin under our hands thes Day Deated at New Castle Febernry 18th 1765 12 to see if the Town well vote that a Town Road shall be Layd out from Andersons farther up the Town 13ly to see whether the Town well vote to Bnid a bridge over the Mill Brook so Called a Lettel above wher mr Nickls mill stands Lincoln sa New Castle the eixt day of March 1766 agreeable to the within warent to me Dereoted I have Notefeyd the Inhabetents of these Destriot agreea- ble to the tenor of the within warent as the Law Dereots Thomas Clark Constable of New Castle New Castle march the 6th 1766 at our Annnell meeting agreable to the above warent mr Benjamen Wood- bridg Chosen to be moderator to Regu- lat said meeting John McNear to be Town Clark and Benjamen Woodbridge John Onningham Joseph Jones Chosen to be selectmen David Given and Nathanell Rolens Chosen to be wardens Op James Oambell and Abner Perkens Chosen to be Constable John McNear John Starboard Tobias Oledn Chosen to be Taithing men Hugh Holms Samull Kenndy archebald Robeson and Samnll Anderson Chosen and SamuU Hall chosen to be Hogg Oonstabls CpSa.unll Nickls Samull Anderson Samull Perkens and Joseph Jones Chosen to be i.ud Johnatban Liteu Chosen to be hayway mrveiirs John Cnningham David Hopkens Joseph Jones and Christopher Hopkens Chosen to be feald drivers and fence vewers SamDll wptters and John Husey Chosen to be Packers of fish and to be Pa-kers of fish and to see that the fish be not obstrootfd or hindred in heir pashing up and down the Revers William CiiDiugbBm and Elisha Clmk Chosen to be vewexs of Lambs Samnll Nickls Chosen tj be Town treasurer ind Jo'in Cnnii gbam Pownd Keeper Cp James Cargill Benjamin Woodbridge and Alextinder Cambell Chosen to bo a Oamety to settell the Town accounts with the Town Treas- urer and all that are indeb ed to the Town and aney that Town are in- deted to turn over Cp James Camble Alexander Gamble Jobnathan Litten siid John Cnning- ham and Samnll Perkens Chosen to be a Commety to provide a uiinester for the present year and one the said Commety being Chosen by the Rest to Qo and Look for a Minester and that the Town shall pay bim for his time and ullNe-eary Charges voted that we will not have a Townscoll this year voted that the Town will pay one pound for Every (Jrown wolf that that shall be Kelled withen the Bounds of thes Town voted that Town do not reseve the Report nor what the Commety baa done Releating to the Chusing a pleace to get the meeting Hous on on the Estern sid of the Town voted that ther be a Road Layd out from mr Nelsons meell down days Neck so Called providing thftt the oners of the l»nd Gives the Land for the said Road as free Gratess without any Charge* Coming upon the Town for the seam. voted that ther be a Road Layd out from Samull Andersons to the uper Line or bownd of the Town voted that Jonathan Liten Samull Kenedy and Samnll Anderson be a Commety to lay out the above Road voted that ther be a bridg Bult over the meell Brook above Cp Nickls meell and that David Given and Op Samull Nickls and John Onningham be a Commetv to tray what aney workman will Buld the said Bridg and then to ofifer of it tosume of the workmen of the Town and to agree with him or them as Cheep as they can and the money to pay for the work to be Reased in a tax oc the Town and the said Bridg to be floished by the aOth of Augest vottd that no ston horsh go at Larg and that Everey ston Horsh above one year o'd that shall be found going at Larg the oner m gnch Horsh shall pay the forfet of forty shillings to him or them that shiill take np such horsh or hortihes. voted that the Rams shall not go at Larg from the first day of August till the twenteth day of November and that the oner of aney Ram that shall be found going at Large out of the oners Euoloser shall pay the forfet of fory i>h lllngs and shall forfet the said R'oi'd for lijeeame and Lodge it with tile town tieat,urer Sih.y Vottd that the town Send a petition to the General Court Signed b^ ihe town Clark in behalf of the town Olark In behalf of the town praying we might be Eas.d in our nixt Provance tax most of adjaoents beiog i;jcorporated 9ilily Voted that ;here be alow.d to the Each h Jones and arcbabilld Robin- son chosen feild drivers- voted to recored the above votes as tbey stand this meeting is dismised Sa Nicke.s town Olark These are to warn and give notice to all the freeholders and other iohabe- tents of this town or Dettrict to asaem- ble and meet togather at the meeting house un the Easterly side of this destriot on mnnday the twenty secotd day of this instant at two of the clock in the allernoon then and there to act on the following perticnlars Viz: Ist to Chase a modaralor to raga- late said meeting 2d to see what sum of money the town will vote for a school or Schools to the keept in said town this preasent year that is a year from this meeting 8d to see whether the town will vote that what money Shall be raised for a School or schools Shall be De- ▼ided that is for the westerly side and Easterly side of this Destriot to Draw out of said sum of money as each side Pays town Rates. 4ly to Chnse a committee of three men one on each side of this town to Draw out the Proportion for Each side from the town treasrur and state the schools where to be kept and pay those that keep the SchoollH Sly to vote vfither those of the In- habitants at the head of the tide bhall Draw their Proportion as they Pay town Rates in order to hiet a School mistress among them eiy to See whither the town will accept of the road Laid out at the uper end of this to >vn on the westerly side by a committee Chose for that Furpose New Castle 8th 1768 Benjxmin Woodbridge David Hopkins Selectmen Alexander Campbell New Castle Agust 22d 1768 Agreeable to the foregoing warrant the freeholders and other inhabetents met togather at the time and place mentioned and voted and agreed as follows Viz: 1st Mr Benjamin Wood bridge Chosen moderator 2 Voted to Rais forty pounds Law- full money for the Suport of town Schools for the year insuing this date 3d Voted that the Easterly and Westerly sides of this town Each Shall Draw their proportion of the above Sum to maintain a School among themHelves the year insuing this Date 4thly Voted that Messrs Riobard Bijwers Lemuel Pirkins & Nathaniel Rouliuge be a Committee for the Eastern Side of this town to imploy a Schoolmaster or Schoolmistress as they think proper and have power to Draw upon the town treasurer for their proportion of the money voted for that purpose to pay the master or mlitress 5tly Voted that Messrs Benjamin Woodbridge David Hopkins and John Cnningham be a oommittee to provide a town Soboollmaster fo^ the westereO Side of this town and to have power to draw upon the town treae.r for their proportion of the Sum voted to Pay said master Ct Voted that the peopel at the head of the tide shail have Power to Draw upon the town treas.r tor their pro- portion in order to have a sohooll- mibtresshiered among themselves— the above votes being Red the town voted to Enter them as they now stand Benjamin Woodbridge Moderater Samnel Nickels town Olark To Cristifor Hopkine Constable on the Eatteren Side of the town or Destrict of New Castle: yon are here- by Required in his Majesties nam to notify the freeholders aud the inbabe* tents of this town qnalifyed by law to vote|in]town meeting that they assem- ble and meet togather at the meeting honse£on the westerly side of the town on satarday the twenty forth Day of this instant September at ten of the Clock in the forenoon then and there to take into Consideration the follow- ing Perticulars 1st to Chuse a modarator to ragn- late said meetiug 2d that wheras the town of boston on a late town meeting whose Votes and Resolves we have to Communicate & in Pertioular Voted that the Select- men of said town ehoald send a Coopey of said votes and resolTes to the Seleot- oieuof each Resptciive town within this provanee with an Ernest Suppioa- tion Disiaring that they should Imede- atlv lay ihe lame before the town or Destrlct after Galling a meeting: the requestes and votes has letly coiue to hatid and in compliance therewith we felnd.it neseerey to call this meeting to S&e whither the town will cl nee a committee anf Send Said committee to Boston there to Jojn the General Convention which is to be held at Boston,as soon as poeable in order to consnlt and Determin on the mo»t prndant methods that Can be taken with respect to Dibooaraging Deflcnltys which our Oountery in giaeral and Ffovanoe in perticnlar labours nuder 8d that it the town Shall think it Best to cbnae any parson or Partons for that pnipose as a comittee to vo*e who the said parson or Parsons Shall be 4th to See what Provition tbe town win make with regard to tlie nes erey charges that is needfuil tu the person or parsons lo chosen to pros eed on said on said pnrpose New Oastle September ye 22d 1768 Benjamin Woodbridge David Hopkins Selectmen Alexander Campbell Agreeable to the foregoing warrant I have Notified the freeholders and other inbabitents to meet togathf r at the time aud place above mentioned. Cristifor Hopkins Constable Agreeable to the foregoing warrant tbe freeholders and other iiihabitects met togatber at tbe time and place •hove mentioned and voted and agreed aa follows — Ist Benjamin Woodbridge chosen moderator 3nd Voted that William Nickels Shall be a Committee to Represent this town to Jojn the General conven- tion in boston and that he be fnrni^'bed with a copey of the town Vote to Bnable him to proseed in said business 8d Voted to Pay the said William Nickels for his time and Expenees While Neseserely Imployed in that Business oat of our town treasurery Recorded by me Sa Nickles town Clark These are to give Notice and warn all tbe freeholders and other Inbabi- tents of this town or Destrict Qualified by Law to vote in townmeetings that they assemble and meet togatber at tbe meeting house on tbe Easterly side of this town or destrict on tnesuay the fourteenth day of march next at ten of the cluck in the forenoon then acd there to act on the following Pertioa- lars Viz- lit to Choose a moderator to Ret u- late said meeting. 2 to vote and Ohuse a town OlMrk. 8 to vote and chuse three select- men and the same to be asaesors 4 to vote and chuse a to hVD treasurer 5 to vote and chuse a onnty treas- urer 6 to ohuse a Oouimittee of three men to settle with the towa treasurer and all other pcc tt 7 to ohuse a Committee of three men SntHbie PHrsoiiS to Provid ond br'ng a proper parson to p:eHfh the Gospell in this pleace this prensant year and thnt the town will be Kxceed- iu!» carefall to chuse tlioae parsons for that committee that will End.-ver by all fear met ns to bring a good preacher a minister that is lickly to settle in this place as soon as may be 8 to chuse a ccmmitti e cf three men to lay cut a Road on the Esterly Side of this town or Destrict beginning at Mr. Elisha Olarkes little leild ajoyning the County Road from thence to the Northerly bounds of this town 9 to chuse a Committee of three men to Lay out a Boad in order to ac- comodnte those people wlio live there viv: Robert Kou^hern ileurey Hodge and Petter Prttterson- 10 to eee whither th.3 town will Vute that said Conthorn Hodge and Patirson shall ba alow.d to Draw out their proportion of the Sonoll Rates they liveiog Inoonveniant to where the school Is genarely kept that they may hiar Schoolmaster among them selves as they think proper 11 to vote for sutable Parsons to sarvp as Constables and Coleoters and see Whst the town will alow them for their trouble Collecting this year 13 to vote and chuse fore sutable parsons to Saive as Wardens this year 14 to to See what the town will slow for wolve Cetohed acd killed in thll town this present year 16 to see what sum of money the town will Vote to be Rais.d this preapent year to Defrey tbe Nesserey Charges Arising within the same 16 to see wither the town will chuse acccmmittee to lay out a Koad to ac- comodate Mr Joseph Uliddtn to and from his farm he not hnving tbe add- vantage of Roads as others genarely have 17 to see wither the tbe town that all Pnbliok town meetings Shall be Notified by Posting up a warning at the meeting house or other Public places in said town. 18 to see what sum of money the town will Tote to be Raised to maintain a School or Schools this current year 19 to See what sum of money the town Will vote to be rais.d to be work.d out upon the high ways this preasant year and what shall be alow.d pr Day for a man oxen cart Plow 20 to whither the town will Vote to Receive and take into Consideration what Mr Joseph Trow offers bv way of abatement 21 to see wither tbe town will Re- ceive a Return from a former commit tee who has Laid out a Road at the nper end of this town 22 to see whither tbe town will chuse a committee of three men to lay out a Road between Samuel Nickels aud alex r Campbell to the sotherly hounds of this town in order to joyn a Road proposed by the session to be laid out through freetown toward Buthbee 23 to eee whither tbe Swine shall go at large they being yoaked and Ringed 24 to see what time the Rames shall be taken from tbe Sheep 25 to vote that no stalion Shall go at Ihrge above one year old and what fine to lay for every such offeose 26 to see what the town will alow the town treasurer for this correD year New Castle Feb.ry 25th 1769 by order of the selectmen Benjamin Woodbridge David Hopkins Selectmen Aexander Campbell Saml Nickels town Clark Agreeable to above warrant I have Notified the freeholders and other inbabetent to meet at the time and Pleaoe above mentioned Sa Nickels town Clark Asreeable to tbe foregoing warrant the freeholders and other inhabetents met togatber at the time and place above mentioned and voted and agreed as follows 1 Benjamin Woodbridge Chosen moderator. 2 Samuel Nickels ohoeen town dark 3 Benjamis Woodbridee Alexr Campbell and David Hopkins Chosen Selectmen 4 Samuel Nickel Chosen town treasurer 5 Benjamin Woodbridge Alexr Campbell and James Cargill obosen a committee to settle with the town treasurer and all other aco.tt with the town 6 Samuel Nickels Alexr Campbell and David Hopkins ohos n a commit- tee to Lo3k out and piovid a meinister agreeable to the warrant above men- tioned 7 Joseph Jones Elisha Clark and Richard Bowers Chosen a committee to lay out a Hoad Bound Vanes pound so called to Josiab Clarks from thenoe to tbe Northernmost Bound of this town 8 Benjamin Woodbridge Alexr Campbell and David Hopkins Chosen a Committee to lay a road from the Sheepscot River Near Henrey Hoge or Mr. Koglrans Easterlj- to Oromeys Road 60 called against where the town Koad la already laid out and Cleard 9 Voted tbat Henrey Hodg Robert KoRhern and PeUer Patterson Shall Draw their proportion of the money Raised for School to help Provld a SohooUmaster or mlBterie among them- eelves 10 John plomer Samuel Walters & John mo Olnre (Jhosen a committee to proTid a Bobool at the uper end of this town and to have power to Draw their proprotion Rais.d in the town fcr that perpoi as above 11 James Cargill and JamCB Given Chosen Constables and also vote to give said Constable* too pounds thir- teen and fore pence for their trouble or sarves in tbat office 18 David Given John Hodge Samuel Hall Tobias Qlidden chosen wardens 13 William Cunningham Saml Nlctels Henerey Hodge Samuel Wai- ters Richard Boireis Joseph Jones and thomas Humphrls Chosen Burveors on High ways 14 William Oanningbam John Cannlngbam lohobod Asblnga Nath'l Roallner Abnlr Perkins and t ristifor Hopkens Chosen fence Yewers and Bid Drivers. John CnuDingham Chosen Pown keeper klnalam Winslow Ebenezer Hall John PInmer Job Day John Cunning- bam and Benjamin Woodbtldge Jun.r Chosen Hog»; Constables Michal Batt Chosen Sealer of Leather Riohatd Bowers Chosen Dear keeper Klnalam Wins'ow David Murey John Plumer Chosen tytbing Men Joseph Jones Ellsha Clark William Caningham Chosen Survayors of Lumber James Oarglll and Samuel Watters chosen fish keepers Voted to give twenty five shillings for Everey grown Wolf that shall be oatobed and killed in this town this preasant year out of the town StooK- Voted to Raise fifty pounds Lawfull money to Defrey the Neserey Chaiges of this town at prasent Voted all town meetings to be floti- fled by Posting up NotlSecatlons thereof at Sum Publick Pleace or Pieaoes In this town Voted to Rais twenty five pounds Lawfull money To support a town BChooll or SoooIIb Voted that the Committee tbat was Chosen to Supply the Eastern Side with a Scbooll shall have Power to Draw their proportion of the above Bum to help to hier a Schoolmaster or Sohoollmlsterls as they think Proper or as they and the Rest of the InhabetectB on tbat side can agree Voted that the Committee Chosen on the weiteren side shall have Power as ■aid Committee on the E isteren Voted to Rais the sum of one hun- dred pounds Lawfull money to be worked out on the highways In this town at the same Kate it was one before Voted to give Mr Joseph Trow one half of the Note that he has given onr town treasurer or on° half of the snm Certalned in said Note NathI Bryant Samuel Nickels and Ja i.es little Chosen a Committee to lay out a Road from rur town Road where they Shall think Most Conven- lant to Joyo a Road Proposed by the Seesion to te out through a p'ace called freetown towards Buthbe* Voted that the Swine go at Large being yoaked and Ringed according to law Voted that the owner of any Ram that Shall be found going at Large from the first Hgust till the twentieth of November Shall pay a floe of twenty shillings the oue half of said flue to him or them that shall sew for and Recover the same and the other half to the use of the town and foifit the Ram Voted to give onr town treaeurer the snm of three pounds L*wfu'l money for hia Expenoe and trouble iu that office V jted that no stallon shall go Rt large abL,ve one year old and that owner of any Shall bj li'jb'e to ther same forfl ture or fine as tho^e that ownes Rames to beReiQverd iu the same manner and converted the same use and this meeting is Dismissed Ba Nickels town Clark These are to warn and give Notice to all the freeholders and other Inhabe- tectB of this town or Destrlct of New Castle qualified to vote In town or destrlct meeting to assemble and meet togather at the meeting bouse on the western sid of this town or destrlct on munday the seventeenth day of aprll Instant at ten at ten of the Clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following partlcniars l(t to chuae a moderator to regu- late said meeting to see whether the Inhabetents of this town or destrlot will agree and vote to Mr. William Southmayd a Call to preach the gospell and settle In this town 31 to see whet the inhabetents of this place will vote to give Mr. William Southmayd fcr his silleiy vearly pro- vided he Excepts of said Call and Dos settle and preach the gospell iu this place 41y to see what the Inhabetents of this place win vote to give mr William Southmayd for his Settlement in this place 6 to see whither the inhabetents of this town or Destrlct will chuce a com- mittee of three or five Sntable parecns to give the call to mr Wiiram South" mayd to preach the gofpel and settle In this town or Destrict and give sa d committee full power to piovid and Carrey on every thing for his ordina- tion at the Expenoe of this town or Destrlct provided he Dos Accept and Bettle hern 6 To see whither the Inhabetents of this town or Destrict will vote to 80* or transact any tbltg further pro- vided it appears to be n.Bsesery & for the benefit of this town New Castle aprlll vp 3d 1769 By order of the Sehotmen Beojimin Woodbridge Alexander Campbell Selectmen David UopklnB Sa NlcKelB town Clurk Agreeable to the above notlflcatlon I have Notified the freeholders and iu- bahetents to meet togather at the time and place bove mentioned Sa Nickels town Clark Agreeable to the above Warrant the freeholders and other Inhabetents met togather at the time and place above mentioned and voted and agreed as follows Viz- lat Benjamin Woodhjidge ohosec moderator 2d it 18 unaLemosly voted to give Mr Wlllirm Southmayd a Call to Settle in the mluistetey and preach the gospell amonng as in ibis town or Destriot- 3 Votted to give mr William South- mayd the sum of Eighty pounds lawful for bis yearly Sallarey provided he Dos Accept of Said Call and is ordained and settled in the mlnlsterey In this town 4 Voted to give mr William Sonth- mayd the Sum of one hnnnred pounds Lawlul Note— The records of the above meeting stop at tbi" point and the next page goes on with the return for an- other warrant. Evidently a page has been lost. Agreeable to the Witbln Warrant I have Notified and freeholders and other inhabatants to meet togather at the time and Place within mentioned Sa Nickels town Olark New Castle Agust 18th 1769 Agreeable to the foregoing warrant the freeholders and other inhabatents met togather at the time and place and voted as follows Benjamin Chosen moderator Votel not to act any thing further on the foregoin? Warrant and the meetin is Dismissed Sa Nickels to Clar These are to warn and give Notice to all the freeholders acd other tnbab* etents of this town or Destrlot that they asemble and meet togather at the meeting bouse on the Westerly sld of this town or Destrlct on Wednesday the Sixt Day of September at two of tOe Clock in the afternooo then and tnere to act on the following Perticu- lars Viz- 1 to Ohuee a modarator to Ragn^ate Said Meeting 2d to see What Sum ot monty the town Will Vote to Rale to Defray the Neisery Oharges of this town untill the ancal Meeting in March nixt 3 To chase a Oouimittee of three men on each side of tbia town to bier SohooliuaBters or mistreeses and invest them with Power to Draw out their Proportionable Parts of the the Sniu that Shall be Raised for that purpoee as Each Side of the town Pay town Bates To gee What Snm ot money the town will agree npon and Vote for said School! or Sohoolls for hire and Bord- ing. 5 Whereas there has been a ditpnt Whither there has been a a Road agreed upon and laid out for the Eene- at of the town Inhabetents .... Road called ferrey Road near the Euriipg yatd .... Mr Oristifor Late of New- berrey Deoes.d Runniug Nor . . . yard EoOalled and Easterly by uir Robert H. ... In town or Deitrict Road from the .... appears thaie . . Lawfnl money for his settlemen*. Provided he is ordained and settles In this town 5 Voted io Pay mr William South- mayd too therdes of the above Sum the year after be is called and the otner third the second year after provided he Accepts eaid call and is settled 6 Voted to Ohnse a committee of five men to Present eaid Call to David Hopkins Alexander Campbell Joseph Glidden James Oargill Samule Nickels otaooen for said committee and also voted they shall have Inil Power So Provid and carrey on all things and manner of ordination at the Expence of this town Votted to chase a committee to lay out a Road from the town Road Diers neck to Joyn the town Road on the Eastern side of Diers Neck Jacob Greely Samuel Walters Benjamin Woodbridge ohoosen for said purpose Voted that there be a petition sent to the General Sessions Signed by our town Olark praying that there be an aocademy of Learning Erected in the town of Buthbay this meeting is Desmised Sa Nickels town Olark These are to warn and give Notice to all the freeholders and of this town or Destrict to Asemble aud meet to- gather at the meeting house on the westerly side of this town on friday the Eighteenth of of this Inatitnt at threa of the Oicck in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Pcrliculnrs Viz.- Is ToOhusea moderator to ragu- late said meeting 3d To see what sum of money the Inhabetents of this Destrict will Rais far the keeping of echooll in this Dis- trict until the annual meeting in march nixt insuii-g the Date h. . . . and how to be Disposed cIT 3d To see what the town will Vote to give David Cun makiug up his grate Loss ho has met witli. . . . otherways as they think propfr To See wither the will accept of the Road to the town Road Near Samuel Note— At this point appears tiie Declaration of Indtpentiei ce written oat in full and in a cler.r hand followed by this f.tatement "the foregoing Act of ludepeGdenoe Recorded Bv me Benj n Woodbridse Jun town "Clerk" A Urge number of blank pages follr.ws and then the entries are resumed dated 17(0. This apparent confusion cannot of couise be esplilned now. These ore to give Notice to all the inhabetents of this town or Destiiot on weutday t e foreteenth Day of march nixt iosuing the Date berecf at ten of the clo ^k iu tlie fortnocn cf si.id Day then and liiere to act on the following Pertioulars Viz 1 To Vota and ohnae a maderator to Ragulate said meeting 2d to chuse a town dark 8 to chuse three Selectmen and they to Sarve for assesaois this preasant year 4 to chuse a town treasurer and a County treasurer 5t to chuse a Committee of three men to lookout and provid In such a manner so as the town may be Re- patedly enpplied with a Minister to Preach the Qcspell amoungst us this preasant year 6 to chuse a Committee of three men to Bettla with the town trecsurer aud all other accounts or Demands that is Due to or from this towu 7 Voted to chuse all other town offesers according to Law to saive the preasant year 8 to see whither the Inhabetents of this town will vote to chuso any other committee as Shall be agrt-ed npon aud found nesseserey on any Goation to siive for ye Preasant year and the towu to Invest them with such Powr as they think Proper 9 to tee whither the inhabetents of this town will vote to Give Mr. Joel BenidicS to settle and Preach the Oospell amaanget us in this town or Destrict 10 to see What Settlement and what Sallery yearly the Inhabetents of this town or Destrict will vote to pay mr Joel Benldict provided he inclines to Settle amoungst us 11 to see wither the inhabetents ol this town will vote to rlow mr Samuel Kenuidy Either agate or Barrs that part of the high Way thnt leads by his barm to Mr James Cargills 13 to see what Sum of money the Inhabetents of this town will vote to Raisin order to Defray the Nesgeterey Charges Aruiog in the Shme 14th to see what sum of money this town will for a School or SchooUs to be kept in this town Shis presant year 15 to see what sum ot money the town will vote to be raised to be Worked out on the highways for this preasant year and how much Shall be allow. d pr D.iy for a man how much for a pare cf oxen how much for a plougli or cart 16 to see if the inhabetents of this wlU Vote Each Devetion of said town as f hall be agreed upon Shall have it in their Powr to Draw their proportion, able part of the Schooll Rates by an order from their committee on the towu treasurer for payment of their own Sohooll master 17 to see what time end Long the Ramss shall be kept from the Sheep 18 to See whether the towu will vote that no Station Shall go at large above one year old and what Penalty against the transgreseer 19 to see what the inhabetents of this town will Vote to give for Wolves heads aud Willd cats killed within the town tills preasant year 20 that whereas at a Late town- meeting Legualy called the inhabetents of this town received a Report from a committee apointed to Lay out a road from Diars neck so Called to the town Road Near Samuel Anderson's aud said andersou complain that said road is much to his Damage, to See whither the inhabetents of this town will reoonsidep the former Vote at Least so fare as it Efeots him the said Anderson and chuse another Commit- tee to Lay ont the road a cross said Andersons Land their Report to be re3eived by the town, and said Ander- son to be Daly Notified by said com- mittee- Dated at Newcastle Febrnary ye 37 1770 David Hopkins Alexander Campbell selectmen By order of the selectmen Sa Niokles town Clark agreeable to the foregoing waruing tbe freeholders and other Inhabetents mett togsther at the time and place aboYC mentioned and voted and agreed as folluws Viz. Alexander Oampbell choBen modera- tor Samnel NiohoU chosen town Olark Benjamfa WooJbridpe Alexander Oampbell and Daved Hopkins Chosen Selectmen Samael Nlckeli Ohoeen town treas- nrer James Oarerill Alezr Oampbell and Chosen a committe to lake out and Provld a Supply of the Oospell in this town the preasant year Benjamin Woodbridge James Oar- gill and Alexr Campbell Ohoeen a Committee to Settle with with the Parsons that are indebted or have any Demands on this town lyavid Hopkins Nathl Roulings chosen to be added to the above Oom,tt that were obosen to feind a Suply o( the Gospell in this town the year in- iuing Voted to chase any Committee that the town shall think nessesery for tbe use of the town the year insaing Robert Koghern and james Brown Chosen ConstableB Jamea OarglU agrees to Sarve Con* stable in the Boom of Robert Koghern and the town accepts bim James Brown refases to take the Constables oath and the town Chnies ITath.l Bryant in his Room to be Oonitable Samnel Walters Samuel Kennedy Ebenezer Clark and Arohebilld Rob- inson Chosen Wardens- Hagb Homes David Murey Joseph Tailer and Tobias Glidden Chosen Tythlngmen- Samnel Nickels Samuel Watters William Cnnningbam Joseph Joneg Cristifor Hopkins and Thomas Hum- phris Obosen Snrveyers of highways Henry Hodge David Cuuingham Hugh Homes Benjamin Btiokney John plumer Joseph Jones Steven White- house and Arohabild Robinson chosen Hogg Constables Joseph Jones Jonathan Jones jun r Arohabild Robinson Hugh Homes Jacob Oreelv Henry Hodge and David Hopkins Chosen fence Vners and feld Drivers James Cargill Chosen fish keeper Joseph Jones Ellsha Olark Alex Oampbell Samnel Watters and Wil- liam Cuningham Chosen Surveyors of Lumber William Kennedy sn.r and Jehoberd Linsoott Chosen Deer keepers John Cuningham and Nath.l Bryant Obosen Pownkeepers Alexander Robinson Chosen Sealer of Leather Voted to give the Rev Mr Joal Benidict a Call to settle and Preach the Oospell in this town Voted to give mr J:el Benidict the sum of one hundred pounds for bis settlement Voted to give Mr. Joel Benidict the sum of Eighty Pounds Lawfull money for his yearly Sallerey Voted to give Samuel Kenedy the Leberty of a gate or barrs on his Part of the town Road that Leads to Barn of James Oargiils Voted to raise the sum of one hun- dred poaudg to Defray tbe Nesserey Charges of this town at Presaut Voted to Rais the Snm of ten pounds to Support a town holiooU Voted to Bp.is the Sum of oue hin- dred Pounds to be worked cut on the highways this Preasant year- Voted to give fore shillings a Day for a man two Shilliogs pr Day for a yoak of rxen and Eight pence pr Day for a Cart or Plow for Kaoh Day that they Shall work on tbe highways in this town Samuel Nickels Benjamin Wood- bridge and Alexander Oampbell Chosen a committee to lay out a town Road from the countv Road Near Damer- scota Mills Round the Sont end of the fresh Pound known by tbe name of Vagns Pound so up tbe west Side of said pound where they think will be most convenient to tbe North Boncds of of this town- Voted that owner of any Ram that Shall be fonnj going at Large from the first of agust to the twentieth of November shall forDt and pay a fine of twenty shillings the one half to bim or them that Shall Sue for and Re- cover the 8ame and the o her half to the use of the town Voted that the owner of any Stalion that shall be found going at large above one year old Shall forflt and pay a fine of forty Shillings to be recov- ered io the Sam manner and form bb that of rames voted to give ten Shillngs for Every grown wolf that Shall be catohed and killed in this town this preasant year Henry Hodge William Cuningham and Daved Hopkins chosen a commit- tee to See whither they think it is best to alter a sartain Road Laid out thorngh Samnel Andersons land by a late committee chosen for that Pur- pose- voted that the Selectmen be a com- mittee to lay out a town road in the southwest Part of this town where they think it most convenient for the use of the town— Henry Hodge obosen surveyor of highways- Stewart Hunt chosen to be a Sur- veyor of Lumber tbe above votes being red it is voted to Record them as they Stand. Sft Nickels town 01. r At the request of a number of free- bcldets of this town or Di'strict- Thepe are to warn and give Notice to all Ibe freeholdfTS and other inliabe- tents of tills Town or Deslrict to nsemble and meet togather on tuesday the twenty second Day ot this instant May at two of the clock in the after- I. oon then and there to act on the fol- lowing Particulars Viz.- Ist To chnse a moderator to ragu- late said meeting 3 To see whither the town will Voteto send a sntable Pareons to wait on the Rev Mr Emerson of Georgetown and the Rev.d Mr Eaton of Harpswell and Deslar these two Menisters, to ohusa good sound Gospel .Minister, and come to this Town as soon aa they couveniantlj can and gather a church in this town or Destrict and for them to know whither that church when gathered will vote to give Mr Joe bennidiot a Call to come and Preach the Gospell and settle In this town agreeable to a late vote Passed in this town relative to Mr. Benedict settling bere- Srd To see Whither the town Will Vote to send a entable Parson to offer the Call of that Church to Mr Bendict and intreat of him to come and settle here Viz in Newcastle if be Acceps tbe that Call then for the Parsons that gos to wait on bim here provided he can oome soon if be cannot to agree with him to oume aa soon as possable if Mr Benedict Dos not accept the Call then the Parson that is chosen to go to take great care the best advice of good min- isters and other good men and get a good sound preacher of the gospell well Recommended a sutable Parson to Come and P.-each the gospell amoungst us on probation for settle- ment here 4 to see whither the town will Vote that the Selectmen of this town Peti- tion the Justices of the General Ses- sions of the peace bolden at Pownal- borough on tbe first tusdayof June next insning tbe Date hereof that the Oonrt alow no License be granted to any Parson whither inholder or Retailer in this town or Deatrict without snch holder or Retailer babe an approbation from the Selectmen Every year they apply for it- 6 to see Whither the Inhabetents of this town will vote that the Select- men of this Town shall mak the Rate for the highways by the Last years In- ventory Newcastle May ye 7th 1770 Benjamin Woodbridge David Hopkins Select Alexander Oampbell men By order of the Selectmen Sa Nickel! town Olark Agreeable to the forgoing Notifica- tion the freeholders and other inhabe- tents met togather at the time and place witbiu mentioned and voted and agreed as follows Viz.t 1 Benjamin Woodbridge cboeen Moderator Voted to send a Salable Parson to wait on the Rev.d Mr. Emerson of Georgetown and the rev.d Mr Eaton of Harpswell and Disiar them two to obuse another good Sound Gospell Minister and come to this town as soon as they can conveniantly and Gather a church in this town, Voted that Thomas Humphries be Parson chosen to wait on 8aid minis- ter for said parpos Voted that (if satd chnrch when gathered should vote to give mr Joel Benedict a Call) that there should be Sntable (Parson chosen to go to Mr Benedict and to offer him said call. Voted that Samuel Nickels be the Parson Ohosen to go and offer 8aid call to Mr. Boned'ot and if he accepts said call then Said Ministers to wait on him here Provided he can come soon, if he cannot come soon to agree with him to come soon as posable and if Mr Benedict Dos not accept said call then Nickels is to take ttie best advice he can get of ministers and other good men and get a good Sound Preacher of the Gospell well reoommeiid to come and preach the Uospell amonugst ns on a probation for Settlement hero Voted that the Selectmen of this town send a petition to toe General Bessious of the Peace to be holden at Fownalboroagh witDin and for the oonnty of Lincoln on the first tusday of June nixfe Praying Praying their honers that there may be no License renewed to any Parson in this town whither inholder or Retailer unless such in- bolder or retailer have the approbation of the Selectmen of town Every year Voted that the highway rate this year be made by the Last years inven- tery Recordsd pr me 8a Nickels town Ola Newcastle May ye 32d 1770 These are to warn and give Notice to all the freeholders and other in- habitants of the town or Destriot of Newcastle Qaalifled by law to vote in townmeeting that they Asemble and meet togather at the meeting bouse on the Eisterly side of this town or Destrict on tusday the forth Day of September at two of the clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Particulars Viz- Ist Obnge a mederator to regulate said meeting 2d to vote and chase a sutable Par- son to sarve as a seleotwau on the Easterly side of this town 3 To vote aud chuse a proper Par- UDu to sarve as a comm.tt man for acoonta 4 To vote aud ohuse a sutable Par- son to sarve as a comui.ttaan for a minister 5 To see Wbither the to«n will vote to continue Mr. Mose§ Ho'.man as a scbooUmaster in said town 6 to see what further sniii of money the inhabeteuts of this town will vote to Defray the Publick charge- Newoaftle Agust ye Slst 1770 Bflnjamin Woodbrid David Hopkins Selectmen Alexr Oampbeli By order of the Selectmen Sa Nickels town Olr Newcastle Sept ye 4 h 1770 Agreeable to Jlie foregoing wnrrant the freeholder* and other luhabetents met togather at t!ie time and place mentioned and voted and ngreed as follows Viz 1st Benjamin Woodbridge chosen moderator 2 Mr John Ward ohoaen Selectman 3d Mr Richard Bowers ohosen a oom.ttman for aconnts 4 Mr Joseph Glidden a com.tt man for to see that this town Is provid with a good Minister to preach the Qoepell in this Town 5 Voted to continne Mr Moses Holman sohoolmaster to ktep school at one hundred and fift3r Puund old tenner pr year 6 Voted to lais the sum of fifty pounds Lawful money to Dafrey the Publick Charges of this Town Sa Nickels town Clr These are to warn and give Notice to all the freeliolders and other of this Town or Destrict Qualified by law to vote in Townmeeting to assemble and meet togather at thehneeting house on the westerly Side of this Town on tusday the twelveth Day of match nizt insewicg the Date herof then and there to act on the following Pertloa» lars Viz. 1st to Chase a moderator to Ragu- late said meeting 2d to Ohuse a Town Clark 3d To vote and chuse three Select- men 4th To ohuse a Town Treasurer County Treasurer and County Regester 5th To chuse all other Town of fleers as the Law Derects 6 To chuse a committee of three men to Provid a good sound minister to come and preach the Gospell amongst on probation for settlement 7th To Chuse a committee to Settle aco.tts with the town treasurer and all other Bcc.tts that is Due to or from the this town 8th To See what the lohabotents of this town will Vote to raise to Defrey the nesesery charges arising within Town this preasant Y^ar 9th To see what Sum of money this Town will vote to rais for the support of aTown SchoolorSohoolf. and See what Method the Town Take to regnlate said school or schools- lOtb To see what sum of money the Town will Vote to be worked out on the Highways that preasent year and how much for a man how much for a cart or Plow pr. Day. 13 To See Whether the town will Vote that no stallion shall go at large and what fine shall be paid by the owner or owners of such as shall be found going at Larg within this town this Preasant year I3tb To see whither the Town will Vote to Let the swine go at large they being yoaked and Ringed according to law 14th To see what the Town will Give for Wolves that shall be catched and killed within this Town this Preasant year 15th To see whither the Town will accept of a road L-tid out from tiie Town Road near samuel Andersons to Diars River so called by Mess.r Daved Hopkins and Henry Hodge and Wil- Urn Ouaingham Oommittee Ohosen for that purpose David Hopksns John Ward Selectmen By order of the selectmen Sa Nickels town Olr. Agreeable to the fore^ioing warrant the freebolaers and other inhabetents met togather at the time and place mentioned and voted and agreed as follows Viz- 1st Spencer Bennet Choaen Mod- erator 2d Samuel Nickels ohosen Town Olark 3d Samuel Nickels John Ward and David Hopkins chosen Selectmen 4 Samuel Nickels chosen town treasurer Votted for county Treasurer and County Register Elisba Hatch and Samuel anderson Ohosen Constable Richard Bowers Roberd Hodge jn.r and James Campbell chosen a comm.tt to settle with the town Treasurer and all other acc.tt that is due to or from this Town Joseph Gliddon John Hedge and Samuel Nickels chosen a committee to Look out and Provid a good sound minister to come and preach the Gos- pell amouiigst us on probation for Settlement and il they hire some Good minister to oome and preach amongst, till such time as they can find one that is willing to settle in this Town and preach the gosple amongst us Thomas Kennedy and Spencer Bennet Ohosen Tythingmen Hugh Homes John Ward Samuel Watters Natb.l Roulingi Ohoaen Wai den KInaliam Winslow William Cnning- ham Jamea CargiU Eben.r Olark Jacob CJreoIy chosen feild Drivers and fence Vewers Satunei Niokela Daved Hopkins Jacob Greely Thomas Huinplnis OlKistifer Hjpkinj Josepli Taylor Jonathon Jones Ohosen SnrveyerH of higlnvnys Simaul Walters and Jaiues Oargill Chosen fljh keepera. Carnaloua Jones Chneen Deer teeper Kiusley Joaes Arohsibiid RDbiasou James Oargill 8a.iinf 1 Waiters Wil- liam Ouuiugham Chosen HOf;? oousta- bles Joseph Jones William Cnnlngham Simuel Wattera Richard Bowers ohosen Surveyors of Lumber Voted that owner of any Stallion that Shall be found aroiof! at large on the common in this town tnis preaaent year above one year old Bhall pay a fine of forty glullings the one half to him or tliem that Shall Sew for and recover and the other half to the Vie of the Town Voted that the owner of any Kam that Shall be found going at Iiarge upon the Common within this Town this piea-aut year from the flrat of agnst to the twentith of Nov.r Shall pay a fine of twenty shillingB and for- fit the Ram said fine to the same UfO as that of Stalions Voted to let the Swine go at Large they being yoaktd and Ringed aoooid- ing to Law Voted to give twenty Shillings lor Every grown Wolf that shall be Oatohedand killed within this town this Preaaent year Voted to Rais Twenty pounds to be worlied out on the highways at the same Rate that it was worked out Last year Voted to Rais Sixty pounds to be to Pay the Nesserej Charges arising with, in this Town this preasent year Voted to Rais thirty pounds for the Support of a town School or Schools Alex.r Robonson chosen Sealer of Leather the Whole of the above being Red It is Voted to Reecord them as they now Stand Spencer Bennet Moderator 8a Nickeh town Clark New Csptle Marchjye lath 1771 ThPBK are to warn and grive Notice to all the freeholders and other inhab- tents of this Town or De.Urict of New- castle Qnalified by Law to vote in Town meetings that f hey Asemble and meettogather at the Mee'iiit; house on the westerly aid of s»id Town on friday the Twenteth Day of this In- stant Septemb r at Three of the clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Perticulars Viz Ist To chuse a moderator to Regu- late said Meetlujt 2J To Vote for a C'onuty rreapnrer 8d To Ese what further sum of mouBj I be Town will vote to raise to Defey neasessety Charges of this Town this pr?eant jear 4lh To see what the Town will Do about Laving out a road from the County road near Dameiiaoo ta Mills round the southwest end of Vaughns Pond 80 called and up the westerly side of said Pon to the Northeast Bounds of this Town 5- To see wiiat the Town will Do about clearing and bti.igiug shid road Provided it ia Laid out Newcastle Sept ye 6t 1771 By order of tlie Selectmen John Ward Sam Nickels David Hopkins selectmen. Sa Nickels Town Olr Agreeable to the foregoing Notifica- tion the freeholders sud luhatjetents mett toarather at the time and place meotiened Voted and agreed as fol- lows- 1 Mr Nath.l Bryant chosen mod- erator 2d Voted for a County Treasurer 3d Voted not to rais any further sum of money to Defrey the Town Charge at preasant 4'h Voted to Lay out the aforesaid road Jooathan Jones Joseph Qlidden HUd BdujimiQ Woodbridge chosen a Committee for that Purpose the above Votes being Read in the meeting is voted to record them as tliey now Stand Nath Bryant Moder.t Sa Nickels Town Clr, Newcastle Sep.t ye 20th 1771 These are to warn and give Not'ce to all the freeholders and other Inhab- eteuts of the Town or Destrict of New- castle Qualified by Law to vote in Town meetings that they asemhle and meet togather at the Meeting honso on the Easterly side of this Town or De«riot on Wed.s Day the fourth Day of March cixt then and there to act on the following Perticulars Viz t Ist To chuse a Moderator to Regu- late Maid meetlLg 2d To chnse Town Clark and all other Town officers as ihe Law Defects to sarve the year ensuing 3d To ohuseaCom tt of tbree men to Look oat and proyij a good Bound Minister to come into this Town and preac'j the Qospell ainonugst us. and Provided no lilinlster appears that is sutable Whither the Town will vote to send one of said Oom.tt in quest after one untill he can find a good minister that ia willing to come into this town and Preaoh the aospell amoungst ua on probation for settlement 4th To chuse a Com.tt of three men to settle With the Town Treasurer and aU other acs.tt that is due to or from thos town 5th y To see what sum of money the Inhabetents of this Town will Vote to rai«ie to defrey the nesesery charges of this preasant Year 6tly To gee what snme of money the Town will Vote to raise for the su Import of 11 Town Sobool or Schools 7th To see what sum of money the Town will Vote to raise to be worked out on the highways this year insuing and at what rate gl^h To see whrit time and how long the Rims shall be kept from going at Large and what for the owner and how Dif- posed of. 9th To see whither the Town will have Stallions kept from going at Large and what fine for the owner of snob aB shall he fjnnd going at Large and how said fine shall be Desposed of 10 To see whilher the Town will Vote fo Let the Swine go at Large being yoaked and Ringed according to Law 11th To see what the Town will Give for WoivHri that shall be catohed and killed witliiu this Town this year insuing lath To see what the town willj^Do about meeting houses, whither they will agree to build one meeting house near the mid'llo where it will be most oonveniant for the whole Town 13th To see >vhither the Town will Vote to Lay out a Road from the County Road near Dameriscota Mills where it is most conveuiaut to the North Corner of this Town- New Castle Feb.ry I8th 1772 John Ward David Hopkins Selectmen Sam Nickels By order of the Selectmen Sam Nickels Town Clr. Agreeable to the foregoing warrant Delivered to me by the selectmen of said Town I have Notified said inhabe- tents to meet at the time and place mentioned Sa Nickels Town Clr. Agreeable to the foregoing warrant the freeholders and other Inhabetents met togather at the time and place mentioned and Voted and agreed as follows Ist Mr Richard Bowers chosen Moderator. 2d Saml Nickels Chosen Town Clark Jonc Ward David Hopkins and Sam 1 Nickels Chosen Selectmen Benjimin Woodbridge and Benja- Jones Ohosen Constables Ssmnle Hylton and Kinalem Wins- low Tyhing men and sworn Samuel Kennedy bamuel Walters Thomas Kennedy and Nath.l ReuUngs Ohosen Wardens Samuel Palmer William Cuniogham James Cargill Ebenez Clark and Christifer Hopkins chosen fence Vewers and Feild Drivers Ddvid Mnry Sam.l Nickels Joseph Glidden Lemuel Perkins Jona.th Jones jn.r Juna.th Laiten and Mark Person chosen Surveyors of highways Jnoiee Oargill anci Samuel Watters chosen Fish Rsves Cornealos Jones and Peter Paterson Oboseu Deer Keepers Divid Murey James Sheepberd Chriatifer Hopkins chosen Hogg Con- stables Stewart Hunt Sam 1 Watters William Cnningham Elisha Clark Joseph Jones and John Ward chosen surveyors of Lumber David Murey chosen Tythingman 3d Samuel Watters David Hopkins and Joseph Olidden Chosen a Comm.tt to look out and provide a good gonnd Minister to preach the Gospell amounget ui in this Town this preeant year Voted that in case no sutable apears one of said Oom-tt may go on quest after a Minister and take the best advice he can get of Ministers and other good men untell he can get a Sutable minister to come into this Town and preache the Oospel amonnget us on probation for settle- ment Voted the iald Parson shall go on or before the first Day of April nizt or not go atall 4th Robert Hodge jur James Oar- gill and Kath.l Bryant chose i. a Oom.tt to settle Acc.tts with the Town Treasurer and all other aoc.tt that is due to or from this Town 6t Voted to raise eighty pounds to Defrey the neeesary charges of this Town this presant year 6 Voted to raise fifty pouads this year to be worked ont on the high ways Voted to give four shillings pr Day for a man two shillings for a yoak of nine pence for a Cart and three shil- lings for a Plow pr Day 7 Voted that the Owner of any Ram that shall be found going at Large from the First of August to the tweuteth of Nov.r Shall pay a fine of forty shillings the one half to him or them, that shall sew for and recover the same and the other halt to the use of the Town also the Ram Voted to let the Swine go at Large they being Yoaked and Ringed accord- ing to Law Voted that the owner of any stallion that shall be found going upon the Common above one year old shall pay a fine of twenty shillingg to be recov- ered and Disposed of in the same man- ner as that of the rams Voted to give twenty shillings for every grown wolf that ehall be catohed and killed in this Town this year iu- Bttin^ Mr Beajamiu Woodbridge Mr John Ward and Mr Jona.th Jones jui chosen a Committee to Lay ont a Road from the County Road near Dameriscotta Mills where it is most conveclant to the northeast corner of this Town Voted cot to huve anythicg done to the Meetinghouses as they now stand- Voted to build one meeting bouse near the middle of the Town where it will be most convenient to the whole Town Voted that Thomas Rice Esq.r John Stinson Efq.r and James Mckobb Etq.r be a Comsiii.tt to pick upou the eputt for said Meetinghouie to stand where they think it will be most convenisnt for the Whole Town to meet Voted that Samuel ISickels wait upon said Oom.tt and when they have agree. d on a time to meet on said business in this Town he is to give Pnblick notice of said time to the Town The above Votes being read over in the meeting it is voted to record said votes a3 they now stand New Castle March y.e 4th 1773 Richard Bowers Moderator Sa. Nickels Town Cla.r These are to warn and give nofice to all the freeholders and other Inhabe- tents of this Town or District of Now Castlo Qualified by Law to Vote in Townmeetings that they Assemble and meet togalher at the meeting house on the Westerly side of said Town on munday the twenty first Day of Sept.r instanc at two of the Clock in the afternoon then and ttiere to act on the following peniculars Viz t Ist To Chuse a Moderator to Regu- late said meeting 2d To Chuse a Com.ttman for acc.tts & Pown keeper in the Room of Mr. Bryant Lately Deeeaed 3d To Chuse a Burveyor of High- ways ia the Room of Mr Jonathon Laiten lately Deiesed 4 To see whither this Town will Accept of a report made by a Ccmm.tt Chosen by this Town to lay out a Spott of Grown for a Meeting house to stand on — 5fc And provided the Town Do accept of said spott To see what Method will take to build said Meet- ing hons, whither they will Agree to remove the meeting house on the East side of tbis Town and enlarge it or agreo to build an entire new Meeting house. 6t And Provided they Do agree to build said meeting bouse. To Chuee a Comm.tt to carrey on sHid work. 7 To Bee what sum of money the Town will vote to raise to oarey oa the building said Meeting btnse — tth To see what the Town will do about a Minister. Whither they will agree to Chase a new Comm.tt for that Purpose or invest the Comm.tt allready ohc tei with larger P:wer 9th And provided the Town Do not accept of said spott as Lnid out;, to see whether the town will agree on anv other spott either by Voting or other wk;. s hs I be Town shall think fit Newcastle Sept.r 4th 1772 By order of t''e selectmen John WB-d David Uopkiua sekctmen Sam Nickels Sa Nickels Town CIr. Agreeable to the fore going warrant the freeholder? and other inhabetents met togatber at the time and place above mentioned itnd voted and agreed as foilows- 1 Mr Samuel OaUey Chosen Tvlodera- tor 2 Mr Samuel Galley Chosen a Comm ttmaii for acc.tts in the Room of Nathel. Bryant Decesed Mr Solo- mon Dunbar Chosen Powr.keeper in the Room of Mr Kath.l Bryant Decesed 3 Voted not to sccppt of the Spott Laid for a Meeting house 4 Voted not to Chuse any other Comm.tt to Look out tor a Minister to CO L'e into this Town and preach the Gospell amoungst us 5 Voted that the Comm.tt already chosen in our Last annual meeting to provide a Minister to preach the Gos- pel! amounsBl us btsve no more Power granted them, then tney had granted in said Meeting 6 Voted not to agree on any other Spott for a Meeting hous to stand oa at presant- Sam.l Callev Moderator Sum Nickels Town Clr. Lincoln ss. These are to warn and give Notice to all the freeholders and other Inhab- etents cf the Town or Destrlct of Newoa!-t!e qufilificdby Law to vote in Townmeeting that they assemble and meet togather. at the old Meeting house on the West side of this Town, on tharsday the eleventh Day of March nixt at ten of the clock in the fore- noon then and there to act on the Perticnlarg Viz.t 1 To chuse a Moderator to Regu- late said Meeting 8d To Choose a Town Clark 3d To Ohoose three Selectmen and all other necessrey Tov n Officers 4th To Chuse a Comm.tt of three men. to look ont and Provld a good sound Orthod. x Biinister to come into this Town Hcd preach the Gospell amourgst us on Probation for Settle- ment. And 1 rrvided no Minister ap- pears that if likely to settle here, whither the Town will Vote to send one of said C ic.tt in quest after a Minister at the Towns Espenoe: and let him take the Best advice he can till he can find a good Minister that will be likely to settle here, and to invest said Oomm.ttman with luoh fnr(her Power «b Town shall tliiok proper 6thy To Ohuse a Coiutt of three men to Settle aco.tts with the Town Treasurer and all other Demands that i8 Due to or from this Town 6t Whereas it was Voted in our Last ancnal Meeting to have but one Meotinghouee where it would be most oonveniant for the whole Town to meet: and a Oom.tt was chosen to find a spott for laid meeting House to stand on: and again on the twenty first of September Last It was Voted not to accept of the spott Laid out by said Oom.tt to eee therefore what Method the Town will think proper to take to find a Spott that will be agree- able to the Mejority of this Town for said Meeting honse to stand on as aforesBid 7thly To see what snm of money the Town will think proper to raise to Defrey the necessery Charges arit- ing within the same this preasent 8th To see what snm of money this Town will Vote to Raise to be worked out on the Highways this preasent year and what the Town will Vote to give pr. Day for a man. what for a yoak of Ozen and what for a Oatt or Plow- 9th To see what time and how Long the Town will 7ote to have the Rams kept from the Sheep and what fine the Owner cf fuch as shall be found going at Large shall pay. Dnr- iug saiil Term 10th To eee whither the Town will Vote to have Stalions kept from going at Large and what fine to be Paid by the owner of such as shall be found going at Large: and How said fine shall be Disposed of- 11th To see if the Town will Vote to let the Swine go at Large they being Yoaked and Ringed as the Law De- rects- 13th To see what the Town will Voie to Qiye for Wolves that to be Catched and killed, in this town this preasent Year- 13th To see what the Town will Do about a Town School Uth To see if the Town will arant a request made by the Inhabetents of this Town on the upper end of Biers Neck so called Vizt to see if the Town will Vote to sett of to them a parcel of land on said KeoR bounded sontheily by Jacob Greelvs Lott easterly on Diers River westerly on Sheepscut River and Northerly on the North Bonndery Line of this Town- 15th To see if the Town will Ohoose a Oom.tt to Lay out a Pnblick Landing place at the head of the Tide on Sheepsout River Dated a,t Newcastle Febry aad 1?78 John Ward David Hopkin Selectmen Samuel Nickels by order of the selectmen Sam 11 Nickels Town Clark Agreeable to the for going Warrant 1 have Notified the freeholders and other Inhabetents to meet at the time and place within mentioned Samuel Nickels Town Clr Agreeable to the for going Warrant the freeholders and other Inhabetents met to Gather at the time and place above mentioned and agreed as follows Viz.t Ist Mr Benjamin Woodbridge Oiiosen Modeiator 2 Samuel Nickels chosen Town Clark 3d Benjamin Woodbridge John Ward and Sauiuol Walters chosen Selectmen Samnel Nickels chosen Town Treasurer. Jacob Qreely chosen Constable Benjamin Woodbridge jnr agrees with said Qreely to take his place and the Town Voted to accept of said Woodbridge in the room of said Greely for Constable and is sworn into said Office Eben.r Clark chosen Constable and sworn Samnel Kennedy David Heynes John Plumer Joseph Jones and Jacob Greely chosen Wardens and Sworn Joseph Jones Samuel Kennedy Samuel Walters Daniel Scott and George BestowtChosenJbuiveyors of Lumber and Sworn David Given Benjamin Gleden Samuel Calley and Samnel Anderson Chosen Tythiug men Thomas Humpbris Samuel Hylton Ezektl Laiteu Christifer Hopkins David Mnrey James Cargill and Jouathon Jones chosen Surveyors of Highways and Bworu- Danial McQuigg John Dodge Ebenr Hall James Oargill Jacob Greely: Benjamin GledJen. and David Hop- kins chosen Hogg Constables, fence Veweres and field drivers and sworn Pater Paterson and Philip Cooper chosen Deer keepers James Cargill snj David Hopkins chosen fish Rives and sworn Aiezr Robinson Danial McQnigg James Shepherd chosen Sealers of Leather and Sworn- John Cuniugham and Solomon Dan- bar chosen Pown keepers 4 Voted not to raise any money for a Town Stock at Present James Oargill Thomas Hnmphris and Alexr Robinson chosen a Oom.tt Look out and provid a good sound Minibter to preach the Gospell amonngst ns this preasant year Voted that Capt James Cargill Be the parson out of said Com.tt to go in quest after a Minister, and him to take the advioe of his brethren the Com tt and set out on his journey at the time when, and go as they shall think proper, also on his journey to take the best advice he can get of Ministers and othsr good men. so that be may if Possabie find a grod minister to come into this To%vu and Preach the Gospell amouDgst us on Probation for Settle- ment here. Voted also that said Oar- gill make return of his Doings herein to this Town on or before the first Day of June next and that the said Cargill be paid out of the Town stock for hi« time aud Reaeonable Expence- 5 Voted that Jonathan Jones. Sam- uel Calley. and Robert Hodge be a Com.tt to settle with the Town Treas- urer and all other Demands that is Due to or from this Town 6 Agreed not to act on the i-ixth artikle 8 Voted to Raise the sum of sixty pounds to be worked out on the High way this present year Voted that the Highway Rate be Laid on according to the Last Years Inveijtery Voted to give four shillings pr Day for a man. two shillings for a Toak of Ozen two Do for a Plow and one for a Cart Voted that all those that work on the Highways shall begin their Days work at seven a clock in the morning and end at six in the evening, slowing one hour only for relreshment Voted that each Surveyor of High- ways shall give the men named in the list Due Notice of the time and place, to attend: either b,' themselves or some meet Parson in their Room, and those that do not attend as aforesaid and work out his Rate, the surveyor shall make return: of eaob Delinquent parson with the exact that he has not worked oat. to the Town Clark on or before the first Day cf October nizt and the Town Clark shall give said aco.tt to the Selectmen, and the Selectm.en shall add the sum that each man has not worked to hii nizt Town Rate, and the Surveyor shall hire men where he can: and work out the gum that is returned by him to the Town Clark and to Draw said sum out of the Town stock to Pay the men so hired 9 Voted that the Owner of any Ram that shall be found going at Large from the first of Angnst to the twen- tieth of November, shall pay a fine twenty shillings the one halt to the informer, and the other half to the use of the poor of the Town 10th Voted that no Stallion shall go at Large this present year and the owner of any such as shall be found going at Large shall pay a fine of twenty shillings, to be recovered and Disposed of in the same manner as that of Rams 11 Voted to let the Swine go at Large they being yoaked and Ringed as the Law Derects 18th Voted to give twenty shilllnge for every grown Wolf that shall be catched and killed in this Town this present year 13 Voted not to act anything about a Town School 14 Voted not ^o (irant the Request of the people at the head of Diers Neok 15th John Plnmer Mark Pareong and Samuel Watters chosen to Lay out a Publiok Landing at the bead of the tide on Sheepacut RiTer. and aUo a Boad from Bald landing to the Town Road where it is most couveniant New Castle March ye Uth 1773 Sa Nickels Town Olr New Oastle May ye 6e 1773 These are to warn aud give Notice to all the freeholders and other lohabi tants of thia Town Qualified hy Law to Vote in Town Meeticgs to Aeemble and Meet togather at the meeting house on the Easterly side of this Town on Thursday the thirteenth Day of this Instant at three of thp clock in the afternoon, then and there to acton the following Viz t let To Vote orohuse a Moderator te Regulate said Meeting 2d Then and there to E'eet uud Depute a Sutable and proper Person, (being a Freeholder and Resident in said Town) to aarv for, and Represent theoi in a great and General Court or Assembly appointed to be oonventd, held and Kept, for his Majesties Sarves. at the Town House in Eoston opon Wednesday the twenty sixt Day of May iustaut at nine a Clock in the morning and so De Die In Diem Dur- ing the Session and Sessions By order of the selectmen Sam Nickels Town Clr. Benjamin Woodbridge John Ward Selec'.men Samuel Waters Newcastle May the sixtteenth 1773 Agreeable to the foregoing warrant the freeholders aud other Inhabetents met togather at the time and place mentioned and Voted andagree.dai follows Viz.t 1st Benjamin Woodbridge Chosen Moderator 2d Samuel Oally Chosen Clark for gaid Meeting the Town Clark not be- ing present- 3d Voted that the Town are nnder auch Snrcomstanoee that they are not able to send any parson to represent this Town at the General Court this Year aud Pray they may be excused 4 Chose Jnreyman to sarve on the Grand and Pitet Jury and the Meet- ing is Dismissed Sauin'l Oally Clark of s.d Meeting A true Ooppy euter.d by me Sam NickeJs Tok n Clark Lincoln ss. to the Constable or either of them in tlie Town or Deslric: of New Castle Greeting. In his 51sJ88tieB UKme > on are Re- quired forthwith to SnmuKunlt the treeho'deis mid ut-^er I l.Kbetents of thia Town or Destriot qualified by Law to Vote in Town Meetings, to Assemble and Meett topjather at trie New Meet- ing house in said New Castle on Mun- day the thrrteenth Day of Septem.r nixt Eiuniijg the Date hTreof at ten of the (dock in the forenoon then aud tliere to not on the followine; Attiokles herein mention" d 1st to choose f\ Modf Titor to Regu- IfttB gaii MeftiEg 2d )'o act and Vote on the followlDg par:icn:i;rs. Requnst. d io be incerted by teu treelioldeFK Isihabcteuts of Town cr Dsbtrio!. to see whither ttie luhabetenta of this Town or Oesttiot. will vote that the new meeting house on tho Easterly side of tbis Town or Destriot be finished as sof n as PD?ab!e in the foliowina luaiiuer Viz to finish Clabordiiig the outside and What oUo is nooceasarv. and to fioih Ihe inside in manner foliowing. Viz.t to buiid as many Pews on the float of said Meet- ing house as can be conveniently built Leaving Rootu for A leys and to built four looi.- sebtd on the east side of tiie front Alley towsirts the Pulpit for men ai d Women to set in and what further is i-ece^-hBry at the Cost of the Town, aud that a com.tt of three men be oliose aud irapovTfrred to Buy Stoff and hire men Co boUd said Pews aud Seats Olabordiug &o as above men- tioned aud to D aw on the Town Treasurer of tliis Town or Desttict for what said Siuff and work comes too. or whither tfce I itiabefents of (his Town or Destriot will vote two or three Sufficient men in thi« Town or Dcstrict that Dss appear aud (jffer to fiuith gaid Mtetitg house aa above mentioned aud give i^eoujity to the Town to Pre- form the same sliall have full Power of themselves to si'll said Pews to the Inliabeteuta of this Town or Destriot at the Price said Pews Cost in building, tiiey b?ing alow.d what is Roasonable and hansom ff>r lime and trouble in getting fa'd Pews built aud what alow d for thosa persons for their time and trouble to te put on the price of said Pews before said Pews are Sold. or for the Inhabalents of this Town or Destriot to Act aud Vote in any other Method ei! her to have Alesser number of Pews and more Seats, or aa above mentioiiod so that said Meeting house May befli.ishs3. 3dly To see wither the Town will Vote that sis pounds therteen shil- lings and four ponce be laid out on the old meeting Siouse on the Westerly side of this Town or Destriot in Re- pairi-ig the same in the following manner Viz.t to make the plank seats. m6r:d the wiudowe Doors &b so f arr as the above sum will Doe. to make said meeting hous more decent to meet in then it is at preasent ard that a Oom.tt of men l;e chose aud Vote to Lay cut said money on said house to the best advantage and when said work is den. the Com.tt to have an order from the Selectmen for their Pay. 4th To see whither the Inhabetents of this Town or Destriot will Vote Mr Jeate Reed that Preaches the Gospel in this place as hs proposes to go to the westward this fall, shall have proposal made to hiai that may En- coarage him to Retourn aoon after he gos up. and preach the Gofpeil in this Town or Destrict in older for settle- ment here in the Miuistrey order, and what yearly Sallery and Settloment. the Inhabetents will vote to give pro- vided he Dos settle and Preach the Gospel! in this Town or District 5t to Uhute and Vote a Oomm.t oft tluee men to Lav out a road from the County Road to the Northernmost Bounds of this Town or District and for said Oommittea to make an Altra- tion in some part of the Town Road Leading towards Daraariscotly Mills gos over a Ridgs of Rooks down to side of the Hill aud some way till it comes Into the;,Town Road again so as to make it better Treaveling then where the Town Road i« now Laid 6t To Act aud Do anything further that appears necessery end for the benefit of of the Inhabetents of this Town or Destrict Hereof fail not and make Return of this warrant with your doings therein to some one of the Seelectmen in Sea- son Before said Town or Destrict meet- ing begins. Given under our hands thia tweaty- geventh Day of August 1775 Benjamin Woodbridge John Ward Selectmen Sam. II Waters Agreeable to the above Warrant to me committed I have Notified the freeholders and other Inhabitanta to meet an time and place above Mentioned aooordingas the Law Dericts New Oa«tle Sept.r I3th 1773 Benjamin Woodbridge for Constable Sam 11 Mickels Town Clr. New Castle Sept.r 13th 1773. According to the above Warrant to me oommitted I have Warned the Inhabitants accordiog to Law. Newoaatle Ootober 28. 1773 BeojamiD Woodbridge Constable Recorded pr Sam I Nickels Town Olr New Oaetle Ootober 28 1773 Agreeable to the foregoing Warrant the treeholders and other Inhabitants met togather at the time and place mentioned and Voted and agreed a« follows Vizt Ist David Hopkins Obosen Modera- tor 3d Vote to give Mr. Jesae Reed a Call to Settle and preach the Gospell in this Town, 3 Alexr Robinson, Thomas Hum- phries and Robert Hodges jur chosen a Commit, to present said Call to satd Mr. Reed and Receive bis answer 4 Voted to give Mr. Beed the Sum of one hundred pound Settlement and the Sum of eighty pounds yearly Ballary provided he accepts said Call and Settles in the Ministry in this Town 5t Voted to Reconsider a vote pased in this Town in March 1772 to have but one Meetinghouse in this Town 6 Voted not to add any more meB to the Oommtt. for finishing the new Meeting house 7 Voted to build a Meetinghouse on the westerly side of this town on the Ministerial Lottnear the Town Road 8 Noted to Raise the sum of one hundred pounds to Defrey the Charges arising within this Town this present year Voted to Carrey on the Building said Meetinghouse as mentioned in the Warrant 9 David Murey Jonathan Jones David Murey Samuel Nickels and Robert Hodge J n.r Chosen a Com.tt the Building of said Meetinghouse 10 Samuel Hylton Samuel Watters and John Plumer chosen a Committee to alter the Town Road on Diers Neck BO that it may be more oonveniant then where it is now. also to Lay out a Road from the Town on said Neck to the Northerly bounds of this Town Toted to Record the above Votes as they now stand David Hopkins Moderator Recorded pr Sam 1 Nickels Town Clr Lincoln Ss: To the Constables or either of them in the Town or District of Newcastle Greeting- In his Majesties you are Required forthwith to Summon and warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town or District qualified by Law to Vote in Town or District Meetings to Asemble and meet togaiher as 'h<> Meetinghouse on the ei ete ly .i^eof this Town or Distrlot on Moi da> !:f fourteenth Dav of March nixt ensuing the Date hereof at ten of the clock in the forenoon then and thereto act on the following Perticnlars Vizt. 1st To Vote and chuse a Moderator to Regulate said Meeticg 2d To Vote and chuse a Town Clark 8d To Vote and ohuge a Town Treasurer and all other Town Officers 4th To Vote and chuse three men to settle Bcoltg. and to settle with the Town Treasurer as a Comiuittee for the Town, and to have an acompt. Drawd and Read in the Annal Meeting that the luhabitants may know how the money expended which the In- habitants havs Voted to be Raised in this Town or District 5 To Vote for Ccnniy TroBfurer- 6 To See wbitlicr tlie Town will accept the Report of a Commtt. who were chose to alter and Lay cut a road or Roads on Diers Neck lo called for conveniancy of the Inhabitants 7tb To see whether ihe Town will Vote tor a lauding place where the Committee have Laid out. nsar Benja- min Stiokneyg where the Committee have laid out a Road which Comes to Sheepecot River what the Town will alow for the Landing place being abont one Acre of Land- 8t)i Where (aid Landing place is Laid near suid Stickuevs there is a oonveniant place to build a Bridge over said River, which will greatly ac- comodate the Inbabitdnis, and is much wanted and will be a Pnbliok bennefit. Wliither the Town will vote to build one half of said Bridge, and what manner they will Vote it shall be Don 9,h To see if the Town will Vote to allow What has been Don on the Meeting house on the easterly side of this Town as there was a Ccmtt and voted some time past to finish said Meeting house 10 To see if the Town will Vote to Disannll that Committee and Vote and Chuse anoti.er Committee of threa men on (lie easterly side of this Town or District to carrey en and ficish said Meeting houee either by building Pews and Seats or any other way. that the Town shall vote, in order to pay the charge of finishing said Meeting house 11th Wheras there was a Vote passed at a Legal Meeting In this Town or Dtstriot in the mouth of Ootober last past to build a Meeting house on the westerly part of this Town or District and a Committee Voted and ohose by the Inbabetants of Town or District for that Purpose and as there i» unttiing api ears that the Coiumictee has Don Muy ihicg so much as to get a ffaiiu towards bnildiug said Meeting hcufie >A hither the Inhabetants will V I'' . D s n" Si'' C! en LinooU t"-, Acco dlit to ihe within warranf io me rcii miitd I ii-i' <• «» n- ed the laiiBbi t^< i..eet at li"- 'i "' »>'d pine- and for me purposes within m 'U'loned accodmg to Law New Castle Septr the 22d 1774 New Castle Sep'. 22d 1774 Agrfe- ftble to the foregoing Warrant the freeholders and other Inhabitants Met topather at th" time and placemen- tioned pud Votfd ai.d at,'reed as follows Vizt.- Ist David Hopkins chosen Moder. ator 2d V )ted to Raise fourtv poucds to Defrey the Neoessery Charges areing In s«id Town- Sd Voted th«t '^'essi-s JamesCar- gill David Hopkins hud Biujimln Woodbridge a Coiutt: to Lay out a Road from the Town Road near Ben- JKmin (Gleddecs t.> the Ncttli. r most Bounds of this Towu so as to aonomo- date the People of Balls Town so called 4th Voted that Jacob (ireely be a Oouimlttee man in the Room of Mr Alexr Robinson Latl> removed cut of this Town for supplying this Town or District with a Minister to preach the ftospel amongst us- the above Votes being pnbliokly it is Voted to Record thum as they now now sta d David Hopkins Moderator S„M, \ Nu-k-lR Town dr Lincoln Ss: To the Constable or either of them in this Town or Dis- trict of New Castle Greeting In his Majesties name you are Re- quired forthwith to Notify acd warn, the freeholders, and other Inhabitants of this Town or District of New Castle Qnalifled by Law to vote in Town Meetings to Assemble and meet to- gather at the old Meeting on the westerly side of this Town or District on Tuesday the fourteenth Day of March nixt at tr-n of the Clock in the forenoon then and there to act on tbe following Pertcnlnrs Viz.t Ist to chuEe a Moderator to Regu- late taid meeting 2d to cliuse a Town Clark and all other necessary Town Officers as the Law Dereots to saive for the Year insniog 3J Toohusea Committee to Settle Acctts with the Town Treasurer and all other Demand that is Due to or from this Town 4th To Vote for a County Treasurer 5th Tochueea Committee of three men, and iuipower said Committee to agree with Mr. Urquhart to preach the Gospel amungs na on probation for Settlement, and in Case Mr. Urquhart should not incline to preach ou proba- tion for Settlement. pell amoDgst U8 tbe Insuing Winter on probation fer Hettlement Sam 1 Caller Olerk Saiu 1 Nickels Town Clr Linooln 8B To the OonstabUs or either of tbem In this Town or District of New Castle Greeting- Ton are hereby required forthwith to warn all the freeholders and othpr Inhabitants of this Town qnaliGed to Vote Id Town meetings, to Assemble togather at the old Meetinghoose on the Westerly side of this Town on thnrsday the eleyentb day of this in- stant Jann.r at ten of tbe clock in tbe forenoon, then and there to act on the followimg Articles Viz t- 1st To obuse a Moderator to Regu- late said Meeting 3d To see if the Town will Vote to send for Corn so as tbe Inhabitants may be supplied 3d if tbe Town should Vote to send for Corn to see what Method they will take in order to procure It Hereof fail not and uiaice return of this Warrant with your Doings to tbe Town Clerk on or bofore tbe time nbove mentioned- New Castle January ye 6 1776 Sam 1 Waters I g^, „j^„„ Robert Hodge jurP^'"''™^^ According to the within warrant to me Derected I have Warned the Free- holders and other Inhabitants to Meet at time and place and for the purposes within Mentioned New Castle January ye 10th 1776 Benj.n Woodbridge Constable Agreeable to the foregoing Warrant the freeholders and other Inhablttnts Met at the time and place mentioned and Voted and agreed as followo Ist Jacob Qreelv chosen Moderator 2d the Town Clerk not being present, Benjamin Woodbiidge jar is chosen Clerk for the Day 8d Voted not to send for any Corn Jacob (ireeley Moderator Linooln ss: To the Constable or either of tbem of the Town or District of New Castle Qreeting- You are hereby required forthwith to warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of this Town QualiBed to Vote in Town meetings to Asiemble and meet togather at the new Meetui; house on the easterly side of this Town on thursday the fourteenth Duy of March nixt iosuing the Date ht-reof at ten of the clook in the forenoon then and there to Act on the following articles Viz.t l9 to chnsf a Moderator to Regu- late 8>iid Meeting 2d to chure a Town Clark and all other Town Officers as the Law De- reots tosarvo the Insniug Year. 8 Tochuse a Com.tt to Settle with the Town Treiturer and all other De- mands that is Due to or from this Town 4!h To vote for a OouiHy Treaenrer 6 To Vote for r Oonnty Register 6t To see if the Town will Vote to give Mr Tmstlng Whiting, w ho is now preaching on probation, tor settlement in this Town a Gall to settle in this Town in Oospell Ministry 7th If the Town should Vote to give Mr Whiting a Call to see what Settlement and what Sallery they will give him 8 If the Town should Vote to give Mr Whiting a Gall to 868 if the Town will ohnse a Com.tt to present said Vote to Mr Whiting and Receive his answer- 9tb To see if the To wr> will chuse a Comm.tt to supply tbe Town with a Minister provided Mr Whiting should not Tarrey with us 10th To see what sum of Money the Town will Vote to be Raised to Defray the necessray cnareta arising in this Town this Prea^^ant year. Ilth To eee what sum of monev the Town will Vote to be woiked r>at on the H'gbway ibis presant Year and what thev will Alow for a mnn a Days work and what for oxen Osrts and Ploughs. &o 13 To sceiftiey will Vote to send for sum Powder and what Method they will take to get it- 13 To fee what time and how long the Rams shall be kept from going at Larg with tbe Sheep, and wlmt fine for the Owner of such as shall be found going at Large Dnriug said Term 14 To see what flue for the Owner of any Stalion that shall he found this present year above one year old 15th To see if the Town Will Vote to Let the Swine ^o at Larre they be- ing Yottked and Ringed as the Law Desects 17th To see what the Town Will Vote to give for Wolves that shall be oatched and Killed in this Town this present Year 18th To see if the Town will Vote to Build a pown on Diers Neck to called near Sam 1 Hyltons- 19th To sea if the Town will Accept of a Road Laid out from the Town line near Jon. th Jones ju rs Down to the County Road al-o an Alteration by Bli«ha Clarks under the Hill by a Com tt Cbcsen for that Purpose 20 To see It (he Town will Accept of a Rnad Laid out from the Town Road near Benjamin Hlt-dens to the Town Line likewise to t-ee if the Town Accept of a Road L«ld out from the Road near Peter Pat- rsnne so Down to the Town line near Robert Cochrens. by a Oommittfe Chosen for that Purpope- 21 To see if the Town Will Vote to Lay out a Road from Damnriscotta Pond. Down to the Sail Bay and to lay out a lauding place i liere Where it will most oonreniaot for the Inabitauis- Hereof feil not and make Retnrn of this Warrant witu your Doings there- in one hour before the Time that said Meeting befiins Newcastle Feb r 27th 1776 Sam 1 Waters Rohert HodL-e Selectmen Jon th Jone»i ja, Accord'ng to the Within Warrant to me ;:!ommitrei1 I have warned the free- holders and other Inhabitants to meet at time aud i lace and for the Purpose at)Ove mentioned as the Law Directs New Castle March ye 14th 1766 Benjamin Woodbridge Constable Agreeable to the foregoing Warrant the Freeholderi and other Inhabitants met togather at the time aud place meuiioued acd Voted and agree d as follows Ist Benjamin Woodbridge Esq.r Chosen Ml derator 3 ham 1 Nickels Chosen Town Clark D.vid Hopkins Samuel Waters and Jame*' Little chosen Selec'men James Oargtll Robert Hodge Ju.r and John Farley chosen a Committee to Settle Accompts with tbe Town Treasurer and all other Demands to or from this town Samuel Waters & Job Day chosen Ooostshles Samuel Waters agreed witli Benjamin Woodbridge ju.r to sarve in his Room and the Town Voted to accept said Wondb'idge as Consta- ble Sam 1 Nickels Chosen Town Treas- urer Sam I Hylton Samuel Kennedy Thomis Kennedy Eben r Clark Chosen Wardens Benjimin Jones Samuel Anderson and Neam. a Turner chosen Tythipgmen Samuel Waters James Oarr Ro')ert Simpson James Oargill Archa'i. Robinson Cbristpher Bben.r Clark cbo^en Surveyors of high ways and sworn Samuel Hylton Samuel Waters chosen Fish keepers David Heyues Joseph Taylor and John MoNear jar chosen Ifence Vewers- David Hopkins Neam.i Turner David Somes Kinsley Jones Benjamin Jones and Tobies Uledden Chosen field Drivers David Hopkins Samuel Waters and Joseph Jones chosen Surveyer^i of Lamber Samuel Waters William Ken- nedy Benjamin Jones Arch Robinson chosen Hogg Reeves 3 James Oargill John Farley and Robert Hodge ju.r chosen a Committsy to settle Aco.tts with tbe Town Treas- urer aod all other Demands to or from this TowD 4 Voted for a Ocnnty Treaeurer 5 Voted for a County Regegter 6 Voted UnanimonBly to pive Mr Trnating WbftiDg a Call to Settle in the eoepel Miniatry in this Tovd 7 Voted to QiTe Mr. TrnBting Whiting the Bwu of one hnndred ponnds for Settlement, and the Snm of eighty ponnde for a Yearly Sallary 8 David Hopkins Samuel Nickels and Thomas Kennedy chosen a Com- mittee to present SHid Call to Mr Whiting and Receive bis answer 8 Voted to Raise the sam of one hundred ponnds to Defrey the neces- ■ary charges arising in this Town pro- Tided Ur Whiting accepts said Call and provided Mr Whitiog Dos not ao> oept said Call this Vote to be Null and Void 10 Voted to Rait e the Sum of Sixty pounds to be worked oat on the High- ways this presant year, and also Voted to alow the same pr Day for a man. a Yoak of oxen, a Cart and Plow as was alow.d Last Year and those that Do not work their Rate, tber rate to be Ooleoted as atal. and the Surveycrs to make their Return as nsal 11 Voted to alow the Selectmen to provid Powder for a Town stock Voted that the Owner of Gny Ram that shall be fonnd going at Large from the first of angnst to the twenteth of Nov.r nixt shall Pay a fine of five shil- liugi the one half to the Use of this Town and the other half to him or them that iball sew for and Recover the same 13 Voted that the Owner of any Stallion that ahall be found going at Large in this Town above one Tear old ■hall pay a fine twenty shillings, to be recovered and converted to the same nse as that of the Rams 13 Voted to give the snm of twenty Btalliings for every Grown Wolf that shall be oatched and Killed in Town this present year 14 Voted to Buld a pown on Dyers Neck near Samuel Hyltons 15th Voted to accept of a Return of ■ Road Laid out by Jonath Jones Jar Eb«nr Clark and Benjamin Woodbridge jur 16 Peter Paterson and Philip Cooper chosen Deer keepers 17 Thomas Bomphris Thomas Ken- nedy Samuel Nickels Robert Hodge jar and James Oarr chosen to act as a Oomtt of inspection, correspondence and Safty for this Town agreeable to the Dereotion of the General Court of this Colony 18 Vote to Lay out » Road from Damiscotta Pond to the Salt Bay and to Lay oat a conveulant Landing ther tor the use of th« Inhabitants 19 Voted to Record the following Returns of hi:.h Ways the above Votes being Pnbliokly Read in Town meeting the Town Voted to Record them as they now Stand Bei'ju: Woorlbridge Modetator Sam I Nickels Town Clerk We the Subscriber being appointed a Committee to Lay out a Road from the North Bounds of this Town down the West side of DamerECOtta Pond to the Oonnty Road also to alter the Road by the side of the Hill near Elielia Clitrks field feuoe so onlled- Hdve Don as lollows: Viz:tB(gan at at a LHrg white Oak True ou the North Side of a Large Gnlley at or ntrar said Towu Liue Running xcross said Gulley aboat S: W" Down to Joua th Jones jar field fence and along said fence, through a Lain by bis Barn and over the end of the Bill and by his Honee from theoce Down to King- lesy Jones field takicg about one Rode within said fence, from thence about WestSiW: as the Trees are marked half a mile, thence S: W: to Ebeu r Clarks Barn, also Down Round to the eastward near as the old Road goes Down to the Joanty Road about half a Mi He from the Mills to the Eastward on said County Road, to an Oake and Bnroh Tree Marked- Also altered the Road under the Hill by Eliaha Olarks as above (aid about eight Rods to the eastward of where said Road was Laid cut before Ne« Castle June ye 17 1774 Benj.n Wocdbridge | Eb en r Clark i Commtt Jon lb Jones Jun r | A Return of a Road We the Snbccriberi being a Com.tt chosen and appointed By the Town to Lay ont > Road in the S:W: part of this Town, have Laid out said Ruad as follows- Beginning at the sooth side of Mr Peter Patereons field fence thence Runing Northerly by marked trees to Thomas Clarks clear Land so called thence to said Clarks Landing so called, thince along the old Road to Henry Hoge's Place, within a few Rods of Said Hodges fence, thence along the old Rohd to the South Line of this Town near Robett Cocherns Dwelling House- New Castle July 3d 1775 Robert Hodge Th.o Humphris Committee Tngh Holmas March ye 14th 1776 the above Retaru being Publish in Town meeting it was accepted and Voted to be Recorded Sam 1 Nickels Town Olr. A Return of a Road We the subscribers being appointed to Lay out a Highway from the Town Road near Benjamin Oleddens to the Head Line of this Town, h&velaidit out as follows, Begining at the end of the County Road at the Head of this Town and Runing nearly South S: E: By marked trees about sixty Rods thence nearly S: E: about twenty Rods thence ^ear:y 8: 8: E: by marked Trees about eighty Rods thence nearly S: by marked Trees about Nearly S: S: E: by marked Trees about Sixty Rods to a Redoake Tree marked on four sides thence Nearly east S: E. by marked Trees abont fourty Rods to a' old Road thence nearly 8, S. E. by marked Trees, aboat eighty Rods, to a Rt-d oak Stump marked on four sides, thence nearly S: by E: by marked Trees about forty two Bods, nntill it comes to ttie Liue be twixt the Lotts of John PInmer and Benjamin Gled- dens thence S: W: as (aid Line Runs about one hundred and sixty four Rods to a White oake Tree Matked on four sides, tbecce thirty Rods East, about fourty Rods to a stake and stones at the Town Road and <»e also alow that from the County Road to the Red oake stump abi^ve mentioned the Road to be six Rods wide and the Remainder of said Road to be but 'our Rods wide New Castle the tenth Day of March 1776 James Cargill David Hopkins Banjamin Woodbridge Comm.tt chosen by the Town to lay out said Road March the 14th the foregoing Return was accepted in Public Townmeeting by Vote and ordered to be Recorded Sam I Nickels Town Clr, Lincoln ss: To the Constable or Constables of the Town or District of New Castle Greeting- Yoa are hereby required forthwith to warn all the freeholders and other Inhabitants of this Town that they meet and assemble togatber at the old Meeting house on the Westerly side of this Town on thirsday the ninth Day of May nixt ineniug. at two of the Clock in the afternoon, then and there to aot on the following Artickl Viz.t 1 To cbuse a Moderator to Regulate said Meeting. 3dly T(i see what method or on what Platform the Town will Vote to settle Mr. Tharsten Whiting on pro- vided he accepts the Call to settle in this Town In the Ministry of the Oos- pell. whither in the Presbiterial or Congregational Platform or Govern* ment 3d To see if the Town will Chase a Committee or what Method they will take, if Mr Whiting should accept the Call to provid for his Odenatlon, and when it shall be and all other things that the Town shall think necessary to act in order for the settlement of the Govpell. 4tb To see if the Town will Vote that all Persons that were Rated to the Highways Last year and Did not nork oat their Respective rams which they were assessed, it it shall be added to this years High way Bate 6tly To see If the Town will Vote that all Persons that shall neglect to work oat their highway Rate this year. they being Daly notified by the Sar< Teyors whither their DefiSsiaooy Shall be added to their nixt Town Rate and that they be made to Pay the money and the Sarveyor have Liberty eo hire men to work ont their Rates on the Boads. Hearof fail not and make Return of this Warrant with your Doing to the Town Olerk on or before the time above Mentioned New Oastle Apr.l ye asd 1778 David Hopkins I a„,„„, „„ Samuel Waters | Selectmen Linoolo ss: According to the within Warrant to me Oomiuitted I have Warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants at the Time and Place a jd for the Porposes within mtntioned- Beoj^min Woodbridge Constable New Oastle May the 9th 1776 According to to the foregoing War- rant the Freeholders and other lobab- Hants met togather at the time and place mentioned and Voted and agreed as follows Viz t- Ist Mr James Carglll cbosen Mod- erator 8d Voted to give Mr Thnrsting Whiting his choice whither to settle in the presbiterial or Oongregational Platform. Mr. Whiting came into the meeting and Refused to ohnse a Oh iroh Hoyernment as his own private Senti- ment, then it was Voted to Settle Mr Tharstlng Whiting on the Congrega- tional Platform. Mr. Whiting then Delivered bis answer to the Com tt appointed by the Town to Receive it and it being Read in Public, the Town Voted to Record it on the Town Book Voted that those Persons that Did Dot work out their High way Rate (The above two lines are cancelled) Mr. David Hopkins Majer John Far- ley and Mr Samuel Nickels be a Oom- miitee to Invite the Ministers that this Town shall nominate and their Re- ■peotive Charches Voted that the R.d Mr Ezekiel M Bmerson of George Town the Rev.d Mr Samnel Baton of t .e Harpswel the Ber.d Mr Orestian Gillman of North Yarmoath the Be.d Mr. Alexander MoClsln of Bristol the Rev d Mr Thomas Moer of Pownalbero and the Revd Mr Mr Frances Winter of the North Perish of Qeorgetown be the Ministers apointed to ordain Mr Thnrst- ing Wbltiag to the Pastoreal Charge of the Oharoh In New Castle Voted that the said ordination shall be on the Seoond Wednesday of Jnly ntxt, and that the said David Hopkins Samnel Nickels and John Farley shall make provetlon for said Ministers and their Delllgates entertainment Voted That all those Persons which did not work ont their highway Bate Last Tear, their Lant years highway Bate or sncb part of it as they have not worked shall be aded to tbeir this years highway Rate and the Highway Surveyors shall cause them to work it out on the Highways Voted That all those Persons that shall neglect to wotk out their High way Rite this year they heing Duly notified their highway Rate or euoti part of it as they Do not t^ork out shall be aded to ti eir tiixt Tonu Rate and that the Surveyors ghnll have Power to hire men to work it ont iu their Room- the above Votes being Read in Pub- liok the Town Voted to Record Tl.cm as the now stand James Cargill Moderator Sam 1 Niokles Town Olr. Mr Whitings Answer to the Call of This Town To the Committee in New Oastle, who presented me a Call to SeUle in the in the Ministry in said Town- Qentlemen. the Call you presented me in behalf of the Town of New Oastle, bas been under my Serious considera- tion- I have Laboured to Qnd ont what the Glory of God and the spiritual Intrest of this People Dictated as my Duty in the Answer I i-honid mpke to your invitation- I have consulted my friends and Kev. Father in th? Minis- try on this iiuportant Aflfalr. I have made Repeated Appllcntiotis to the God of all Grace and Wisdom for De- recMon. The Result of my Deliberations upon the matter. I would now Dis- close to yon— I was some time held in Suspeuce and Doubtful of the Clear- ness of my Call to Settle with vou, by reason of some unhapy Difficultiea which I feared might Increase and Eventually prove an objection to my usefulness in this plaoc — Confcious of my own weakness and two great want of wisdom and prudence. I Dreading taking charge of a People among whom a party Spirit prevailed. Least it might lend to Coosiquences unhappy lor me and prejudicial to your well fare But the Dlsoouragr-ments arising from this Cjnarter have in great measure been over Ruled by the pacific and Condi- sending Disposition which I have Latly had the Pleasure to observe in the generality of this People — this Consideration, togatber with the con- tinuance of the Attachmeut of thi.^ People to me as their Minister baa Determined me to to comply with your Request— I wonld hope and tru«t yon have been Devinely Dereoted in yoar Late proceedings with Reference to the settlement of Gtospell among yen. and that the answer I now make to you meets with the Approbation of the Great Head of the Ohuroh- You aquent me Gentlemen that the Vote for inviting me to the Pastoral Offlco in this Town unanimous — this must be Acknowledged fundamental to all probable Hopes of sicoess in my Labours amoungst yon and as this has the greatest influence in indnoing my compliance with your Call, so yon must be sensible of the importance of the cDiitiDUHtirn of Union Religious IntrtBii. of the S ciety in this Town shoild a closer oonneotion between tha' HI d me roil mance — I trust there- for** It will be BV r our endeavours in future to miuu''-n cultivate and im- pn ve a mutu^tl S -ction towards each other— if my publick preformanoes have a« yet b3en satisfactory and ed- ifying to >ou I ' ejoice in it aud Disire to B'ess Goc* therefor— And it is my constant an! fervent Prayer that so long as Provi lence continues me amOiing't y >n la the Ministerial capac- ity, 1 mny be OerHcredand enabled to feed you with wholesom and sound Dooterine, end if yon should please the father of mercies by his Blessing to cause the G'orions Lospell of his Son with all the Disadvantages that attend it froiu my unskilful Lips to meet with en affectionate welcom frcm you mv h'g lost ambition will be gratified- I hartily thank you, Gentlemen, for your bind wishes for my porsonal well- fnir and your prayers for the prosper- ity of m> Miaistrv amouost you and hive iioihirg further to add but to request a coutinuanoe of the same- I am Gentlemen yours and the Town of New Odrtles Cordial Friend and Sar I in Christ Jesns, Thurston Whiting May ye 9ch 1776 Sam i Nickels Town Olr. Linoolu ss: To the Constable or Con- stables of the Town of New Castle Greetings You are Hereby rtqnired In the name of the OoV' romeot of Massachusetts Bay, forthwith to warn all the Free- hulders and other Inhabitants of this Town Qaa.iflcd to Vote in Town meet- ings, that they assemble and meet to- gather at the new Meeting house on the easterly side of this Town on tuesday the tvtenty eitbeth Day of this instant May at two of the cloak in the afteruoon then and there to act on the fol owing Artickles Vizt Ist To see If the Town will Vote to send a Representative to the Great and General Court of this Provlnoe- 3dly If thii Town shonld vote to Kieot and Depute a man to go and set In that Assembly to aae what agree- ment the Town will make with him or what Terms ihey will send him on- 3Jly To see il the Town will gree, that if tbe Honerable CoBgreBB sliould for the safty ot the sala Colonies Declare thtm independent of the Kingdom of great Britain whither they will goloinnly iugage with their Lives and fortain* to support them in the Measnrg Hear of fail not and make Return of thi« warrant on or before the time of eaid meeting to Town Clr. Sam I Waters I gelectnien Dfivid .jopkins | Newcastle may ye 28th 1776 A.ocordiiig to ihe foregoing Warrent I have warned the Freeholders and oher luhabitftut? to meet 6t the time ,. d ple.ce ani tbe purposes therein mentioned KeniMmin Woodbridge Oon.ble Agreeab e to Ihe foiegoing Warrant the Freeholders and other Inhabitants met at the time and piaoe and Acted as folloWB- 1st Votednot to send a Representa tive to the General Court ai.d the Meeting was Dlsmitsed Sam 1 Niokols Town Olr. Lncolass: To Bdoiamin Woodbridge Oouttabie These are to Require yon fortliwilh Thoiuas Killpauick to Depart cut of this To-vn with his Famiily imsdiaJy Likewise Peter huntoon and fumilly 88 we ol'jeot ngainpt their becoming Chargable to this Town here of fuil not & make Return of this Warrent with yonr Doings lo the Town Oir. New Castle May Slsc 1776 ?^°'',«"T* ISelecimen David Hopkins | Lincoln Bs: According to the Above warrent to me Uerecteil I have warneil the within named Killpatiick and Hiintooo and their FamilU's to De- part out of ttiis Town torihwii h New Castle June ye I't 1776 Benjamin Woodbridge Con ble Lincoln se: To the Constable or Constables of the Town of New Castle You are Required in the Name of tlie People to warn all tlie Inliabitants of this Town quallifled by Law to vote in Town iLeel lugs to assemble and meet togat her at the old meeting Houpe on the westerly side of this Town on mnuday the twentyfourth dny of June ins:ai;t at two o'clock in the afternoon then and there to act on tbe followinet Pertioulars Viz t Ist To ohuse a moderator to regu- late said Meeting 2d To see If the Town will agree, that if the Hon:ble Congress Bhould for the safty of the Colonies Declare themselves independent of the King- dom of Great Britain, whether they will Solemnly ingage to supoort them in the ujeasnie with their Lives and fortunes 3d To see where the Town will agree to have mr Writing ordained 4th To see what the Town will Do about providing for the Minlefers and their Delegates, whom they have in- vited to assist in ordaination 6 To see if the Town will chnee a Com.ttmin in the room of Cap Charles Gladden Deceased to Priz a spot of Land Laid out at the head of the Tide for a Landing place and Road hereof fail not and make return of this warrant t J our Town Clark on or before the Time of Kaid Meeting New Castle June y 1776 D vid Hoiikins / <-,„, ,„,„ I T .n selectmen James Little | New Castle June the 24th 1776 Agreeable to the forgoing warrant I have warned the freeholders and other iahablrauts to meet nt tlie time and plane end for the purposes above mentioced- Beu: Woodbr'dge Constable New Cas le June ye 24th 1776 agreeable to the foregoing warrant the freeholders and other Inhabitants met totrather at the time and place mentioned and Voted aud agreed as foilowt Vizt- Ist Je.mes Caigil! chosen Vodars- tor 3d "^oted that if the Hononrabl« Ooutinen'al Congrees f-hsU .:n<^gp it necessary for the Safty of the Colonies to Declare themfcelves indejiend nt of the Kiuglom of Grmt Brit.'iin that they will support them iu the mea'-ure witli their Lives and lortunes 34 Voted that Mr Thurston whiting b« ordniiied in mr Saiu.l N'oksi's Harix 4 Vo«ed to Leave providing for the Ministers Hnd thfir DeleRates with the Com tt cB Votid iu our former meet- ings Voted that Oapt Daniel Scott be a Com.tt miiu ill the Room of O.ipt Cnarles Gledden Deceased to priz a Spot of Land at the he«.d of the Tide Laid out for a Landing place nnd Road Tbe atjove Votes beiui; puldickly Read the Town Voied to Record them as the now stand James Cir^ill Moderator dam 1 JNickels Town Clr Liuocln es: To the Conslbble or either of f. em of the Town of New Castle Greeting- Yon are hereby required in the name of the State of tte M.fssacbnse'ts Bay forthwith to warn all the freeholders and other iuhabitKnts of this Town to Meet and assemble tcgHther at Capt Sam:l Nickels's Batn on Tuesday the twenty fourth Day of Deeember instant at one of the Clock in the afternoon then and there to Act on the following articles- Ist To Chueo a Moderator to regi- late shid Meeting 2d To see if this Town will faise the hen that is now sent for by a Rate Selectmen or by Snbsoription- 3d If the Town should Vote to Raiee tbe Men by a Rate to see when the Rate shall be made: and whither tbe Rate shall be made by the Last years In- ventery Hereof fail not and Make return o^ this Warrant to the Town Clerk on or before the above mentioned Decern r 24th 1776 Saiu I Waters David HopkiBD New Castle Decem r 24th one of the Clock 1776 Astreeable to tbe foregoing warrant the freeholders and other Inhabitants Met togather at the time and place mentioned & Voted and agreed as foilowB- l8t James Curgilt Chosen Moder- ator & the Acts of the Qtneral Court were Publickly Read. 3 Voted to hire the Men that De- manded to go iu the Army by a Rate- 31 Voted to give twenty Dolars bonutv to each man that ^ball Volau- teryly inlisl. March aLd cuntinne in tue Sarvioe three mouths 4sh Voted that tlie stiid sums shall be Aetefsed in five Days from this Dale and Collected Uve Days from that time 5 Voted to make the above Rf.te by the La-t \earg Inventery James e.rgill JUoderator aam I Nicki'ls Town Olr. Lincoln .'S To tl e Coll^tHble or either ot th'mcfibis Towu of New C.istle GreetiLg- You are hfrtby Ri quirt d in the name ot tlie S ate of Alaesechnsette Bi) : forihwi li to warn all the free- holders Hnd oiher InhaljU tnie of thU Towu Qualliflt-d l)y Law to Vote in Town meetii.gM that tliey meet and A-igemo:e ti goiher at (he new meeting- house on tho easteriy sit!.- of this Town. on Tl.irsday tl'.e twei.fy s'xth Day (if this Moulh at one of the clock in the ntterncou then and ilieie to Act on the following Articles Vizt 1st I'o Chuue u Moderator to R*gn. late laid Meeting 2 To nee whft money the'Town wHl Vote to Rais^ to- Delre> the necccsary ctiari-eB arisii g within the tnme- 8d To see if the Town will Do any tlilnffabcu, tetileng the Towi. Line between New Oastls and Edge comb as t!,ey h ive Lfisputed our Bounds- 4!;n if tbe Town will Vote to Settle the bounds between New Castle aild Edgeoomb. to see if the'Tovtrl' Wiil Leave it to a Committee Nomin'atedlfy the Self clmen of each Town and that Committee to iay wh^te the bounds shall be or any other way- the Town shall think best- Hereof fail not and Make Retnrn of this Warrant with your Doing^t on or Before on or Defore the t'me above Mentioned Newcastle Deoem r lOlh 17T6 New Castle Deoiu:r a6t 1776 Agreeable to tbe foregoing War- rant the freeholders and other Inhabi- tants met togather at tbe time and plaoe Mentioued and Voted and agree.d as follows let Mr. Dftvid Hopkins choiea Moderator. 2 Voted to Raise fifty ponods law- fnl OBsidee what was Voted to be Raised in our Last Anuaal Meeting 3 Voted not to Do anything abont the Line between Edgeoi.mb and New Castle Sam 1 Niokles Town Olr. Lincolu 88: To the ConBtnble or either of them of the Town of New Castle Greetingg- You are hereby Required in the aamj of the State of the Missa- chu3«et69 Bay forthwith to w tru all the freeholders aod all the InhabitaDts of this Towu Quilifled by Liw to Vote in Townmeeticgs, that they Meet and Assemble togather at the old Meetint; hoaae on tha westerly side ot this Town Tneaday the thirty first Day of this lostant December at ten of the ClocK ia .the forenoon then and there toast on the followiug Articles Viz.t- IsC To Ohase a Moderator to Rega- a?3 said VI eating 8d To See if the Town will Confirm the Vote pis^d ou the twenty fourth of this instant, to m ik<) a Rate to oolleot tnoney forthwith for a Bouaty for twenty men thnt will Inlest to sarve in the Coatimeotal Sarvioe or any oShor way that the, Shall thiuk best- Hereof fail not and make Return of this Warrant with yoar IVoing to the Town Olerk on or before tbe time above Mentioned Sam I Waters David Hopkins Lincoln ss According to tbe within Warrant to uie committed I have warned the freeholders and other In- habitants to Meet at time and place and for the parpose therin mentioned New Oastle Deoem r 31 1776 Beujtmin Woodbrldge Oon-bl Ne" Castle Deo. Slst 1776 Agreeable to the forgoing Warrant the freeholders and other Inhabitants met togather at the time and place mentioned & Voted ^nd agreed as follows- Ist Benjamin Woodbrldge Esq.r is chosen Moderator. 2 Voted to Confirm the Votes that wore passed in a Town Meeting in this Town on the twenty forth of this Instant December Benjamin Woodbrldge Moderator Sam 1 Nickels Town Clerk Selectmen Linooln as To the Constables or Constables of the Town of New Castle Greeting- In the Name of tbe State of the Maseachaeetts Bay these are to will and require yon forthwith to Warn all the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants in this Town Qaalifled by Law to Vote in town meeting that they meet and Asuembel togeatfaer at the Old Meet- ing house o the Westerly Side of this town on Monday the Seventeenth Day of this Instant March at ten O'clock io the forenoon then and there to Act on the following Articles- 1st To Ohuse a Moderator to Regu- late Said Meeting 3 To Chase a town Clerk & all other town Offl:er8 as Law Directs to Serve the Eusaing Year 3 Ta Ohuse a Committee to Settle with the town Treasurer aud all other Demands that is Due to or from tbe towu 4 To Vote (or a County Treasurer 5 To See what Sum of Money the the tov7n will Vote to Raee to Defray ye Neocessary Charges arising in ye Same 6 To see what Sum of Money the town will Vote to be workt out on the high ways this Present Year & how uiuob a Mans Days work and how much for Oxen Cart & plow 7 To hee if high way Rate Shsll be made by last Tesrs Inventary 8 To See if the town will Vote that any Person or Persons Duly Notified by ye Serveyor cf high vsays & ISball Refuse or Neglect to work there Rate aud there Deficiency Shall be aded to there Next town Rate !) To See if tae town will Bnild or Repare the pounds by the hish way Rate or an- Other Way 10 To See what time & how lone Rams Shall be kept from going at large with the Sheep & what fine for tbe owner of Such as Shall be found going at large During Said term 11 To Vote what fine Shall be paid by the owner of Stallions that may be found going at large above one year old in Town this Present Year 12 To See what the town will do abont a town School Master 13 To See if the town will let the Swine go at large being Yoakt and RIng.d as ye Law Directs 14 To see what the town will Vote to give for WoolvB that Shall beketoht and .killed in this town this Present Year- 15 To;i"8ee if the town will give David Somes leave to keep op Gates or Bars on the Rode that leads to ye head ofjlong Reach Hereof fail not and make Return of this Warrant with your Doings to ye town;Clerk on or before ye time here- in Mentioned New Oastle March 8rd 1777 David Hopkins | James Little I Selectmen Samuel Water* I Linooln ssNew Oastle March 17th 1717 According to the within Warrant to me OoiumittedJ I have Waro.d the freeholders and Other Inhabitants to Meet at time and place and for the Purpose within Mentioned Benj m Woodridge j.r Constable New Castle March ye 17th 1777- Aocording to the foregoing Warrant the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants met togeat her and Voted and Agread as follows lit Ool.n James Cargell Chosen Moderator 3ly Beujimia Woodbrldge Jnn.r Chosen Town Olerk Sly Maje John Farley Chosen town Treasurer 4 Chosen Samuel Waters James Little and David Hopkins Select Mec- 5 Chosen James Carr, Jacob Gree- ley, Ool.n James Oargill, Maj.r John Ftrley, aud William Nickels a Com- mittee of Safety Correspondence, and Inspection. 6 Cijosen Samuel Nickels Consta- ble aud agreed witu David Murrey to Serve in his Room and the Town Voted to Except Said Murrey as Con- stable 7 John Jones Chosen Constable the East Side the Town 8 Chosen Thomas Kanady Beoja- min Jones Samuel Kenady Samuel Waters Wardeans 9 Bbenezar Cl-irk Thomas Hump- hris James Cooper Nehomiah Turner Chosen TythligMeo James Litae Christopher Hopkins. Ebtntzer Clark. Peter Patterson Samuel Anderson. Col n James Cargill, Jacob Greley. James Oarr, Chosen Serveyers of high ways James Carr aud Jacob Oreley Chosen Fish Keepers- David Hopkins Samuel Kannady Joseph Jones Samuel Waters Chosen Serveyers of Lumber Daved Somes, Thomas Gillpatrlck Samuel waters. Archabel Roberson Jonathan Jones Jon r Chosen Hog Rlfs fence Vewers and Field Drivers- Samuel Hilton, John Cuninghim, Solomon Dunbar, Chosen Pound Keecers Peter Huntoon Joseph Taylor Ohosen Sealers of Leather Philip Cooper & Robert Hodge Chosen Deer Keepers Samel Nickels Robert Hodge Jun.r & David Hanes Chosen to Settle Accts with the Town Treasurer and all Other Aootts Due to or from the Town Voted to Rase forty Pounds to De- fray the Charges of ye Town this Present Year- Voted to Base fifty Pounds to b» work* ont on the hi^h ways this Presint Ye vr and the wagers to be as l«flt Year Voted that the Rste shaU be made by iBHt Years luventary Voteathat any Pergon bfiug Dn\y wsru.d and don work ont his Rate that it Shal' be aded to his Next Years Rate and that the Surveyets hire nien to work it out- vote to Baild and Repare the Pound* by ye h'ghwftv Rate Voted to keep the Rams from the Sheep or from noi^g af large from the QiBtdav of AajfUBt to the twentieth Dayof Novem.br anJ that any Ram that Shall be fonud koIdk at large within said titue shall be forfeted to the florter Voted to do nothing about t'i:e Stallions Voted that the Hogs go at large being Yo^kt and Rt'g.d Voted to give a Boanty of Forty Shillings for eaoli Woolf thttt Sha'l be ketolit and kill.il iu this Town this Year Voted that D*vid SouieB has Liberty lo ke^p np a Gate or Boib on the Koad that lends to long Rtach- Voted that this M^olinirbe ajorne.d till the 20th Duv of tuie I s.t Match to this Same place utt two O clock in ya AiteroooD and VH Town Clerk get the town Recoids & ye Aot of Indeiien- dsLce to hii»t tl.em at Said Meeiitij; laHgujach as they are not here also all \eAciadnd Laws ibat belocg to this Town March 20tb 1777 The Town melt Ac- cording to AdioriiUit-nt and Voted to ReoouBidor tie Votes for the Oou mit teas of Safety ConefpOLdenre end In spection- Vcted to Reconsider the Vote for Ibe Oomiuittee to Settle with the Town Treasurer Buda'l other Town Acctts- Voted to brii^g in boath by wiiiteu Votes Voted (hat Col.n James CargU, Maj.r John Farley, Jacob Grelev nna Willittui Nickels be a Oominittee of Correspondence Safety and Inspection- Voted and Ohose BecJHmin Vvcod- bridge Efq.r David HaiieH and James Oarr a Oommlttee to Settel with the Town TreHsiirer and al' other Town Accttn in the Room of ihem that were Chosen the 17th Inst The aboTe Votes bei« g Rfad the Town Voted that they Should be Re- corded as they now Stand- Jameg Carptll Mcderator Ben jamiu Woodbiidge Jnu r Town Olerk lilncoln S9 To John Dodge Constable of the Town of New Oastle yon are hereby Required forthwith to warn Heujiuiin Day and his Wife and Family to Depart ont of this Town on or before je Twentieth Day of this month 88 we Object against their be- coming any Charge to this Town Hereof fale not and make Return ol this Warrent to the town Clerk New Cas'le Jaf nars 7 h, 1777 Sainn,! Waters | selectmen D-ivld Hnpkins | Agreeable to the above Wnrrentl have Warn.d the Said Benj n Day with his Family toD pirt forthwith out this Town John Dodge. | Oonstable Liucolu 3k; To the Oonstable or Constables of the Town of New Oastle Greeting- In the Name of the Govern meut and People of the Massachusetts Bay-yon art hereby Required forth- with to warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitunts of this Town and of the Uuinoorporated Plantations that pays Stale Taxes to this town snd are Qualified by Law to Vote iu Said Mweting that ihey meet, and Afseiuble togeather at tae New Mee'.ing hiuse on the Eisterlv Side of tliis town on Mondi\ the tweuty httli Day of this Inst Ja'.y att oue O'Olock in the after- noon to See if tUt y will Vote to Elect a ad Depute one or more Persons to Serve for and Represent them In a Great auil Geii»rMl Ooart or Asrembly Appointed to be Convened held and kept for tiie Governments Service att the Siale house iu Boetoti In the Ooumy of SnffolK n()c>n Wednesday the twenty Eiiiht Day of May and so ou Daring there Session or Sessioua &o,- Also to See if the Towu will Ohnse a Moderator for to Regulate Said Meet- uutill Some Vote he PhB»ed L-t To See what the Town ^ill abjut the Moiie; that Betj n Wood- biidgo Esqr. Received above four Shillings pr Day that Year he was Bepreten ative whether he shall Re- fund it Back according to ProiuiSB or whether they will give it to him aiy ToSpi it the Town will Vote to do anything to the Meeting house on the Westerly Side of tnis Town- Sly If the Towu Should Vote to do anything to the Meeting bouse to See what Method they will take and to Aot as they Shall think best- 4!y To See if the Town will tyhnse a Committee to La} out a Rode from Daiuastootte poud lu the Salt Bay tird a Landing place a)>rteable to a Voie past in 1776 Sly To See if the Town will Chute a Constable for the East Side of the Town- Hereot fail not and make Return of this Warrent with your Doings to the towu Clerk on or Before the time above Mentioned New Oastle July 4 Ji 1777. David Hopkins Sam. I \\ aierd Select Men Lincoln Sa. July 3l8t 1776. By Vertnre of t'le foregoing Warning I have Notifyed the Inhabitants of this Towu and of Adjarent Inhabitants of the time and place of S.d Meeting ao* cording to Law David Murrey Oonstable New Oastle July Slst 1777 According to the Foregoing Warn- ing Che Freeholders and other Inhabi- tants have Mett att time aud place and Acted as follows- Vizt- Voted not to Send a Repre8eDtit''Te- 1st Chosen Ool n James OHrgiil Moderator - 2ly Eaahutmously Voted upon the brsr ArtioU that Benj'.u Woodbridge have the whole of what Money be R^ceiv.d Sly Voted not to do anything to the Meeting liouBe 4ly Voted not to do anything about the Rode at Dam^isootte pond Sly Chor^en John Jones Constable for Easterly side cf the Town- Tbe Town Voied to Record ye above Votes RB they now Stand. James {'argill Moderator Benj a Woodbrsdge Town Cletk Lincoln Sb To the Constable or OoQstubles of the Town of New Oaitle- You are hereby Required in the Name of the GLivernineiit of fha people of the State if the MtssbOhngetts Bay foithwithto Warn ail the Freeholders & Cher Iiihnbi ants of the Town Qmlitied to Vote iu town Meetings that tliey Meet and a'^semble togeather ate the old Meeting bouse on the Westerly side of this Town on Monday the tenth Day of November Next att one O'Olock in the Afternoon then and there to Act ou the following Ai tides Vizt- 1st To0^use a Moderator to Reg- U'ate Said Meeting 2ly To See if the Town will Vote tJ give the Rev.d Mr Thirsting Whiting a Deed > f tiie Ministerial Lott of Land so Oalled iu lue of his Settlement Money providing he will allow the Town the Meeting house privilidge upon it- Sly To See if the Town will Vote that the Money whii^h the Select men of this towu Reo iv ii for the five Men Gone into the Oo-i'iu' utal Army more then Oar proportiouable part, Shall be paid to the to.«n Treasurer of this Tnwn- 4ly Tost-eifthrt Town will Vote to do any thing to tbe Meeting house frame on the Weat' rly Side of this Town and what they will do and so to Aot as they Shall think best- Sly To See if tbe town will Rese the Bounty on Woolves thut Shall be Oatched and killed in tbig Town Hereof fale not and make Return of this Warrent with your Doings to the town Clerk on or Before the time Above MeDtioned- New Castle October 25. 1777 Sam 1 Waters^ | Select David Hopkiag | Men Lincoln S«, Nov.r 1777 By Vertue of this Warrent I have Notified the Freeholders & Inhabitants of thia town of the time and place of Meeting by posting np Notifyctaions of the Con- tents AcoordiDg to Law- David Mnrrey Oonstable AcoordiDg to the foregoing Yarrent the Freeholders and olber Inhabitants hav« Mett att time aod place and Acted as follows- Ist Benjatuia Woodbridge Esq Chosen Moderator- Sly Voted not to act anr thing upon the second Article at this Meeting Sly Voted not to put the Soldiers money that is in the Select mpo- hand* into the town Treasnrers har d9 4ly Voted not to do auy lliiig abonte Meeting honse frame 5ly Voted to give four pounds for Each Woolf that Shall be ketcht and kill. din (his Town New Caetle Nov r 10th 1777 Benjumin Woodbridge Moderator Benj n Woodbridge j.r iown Clerk Lincoln 8n To Che Constable er Constables of ye Town of New Castle lirceting In the Name of the Government of the People of je State of the Massa- chusetts Bay- these are to require yon forthwith to Warn ail the freeholders and Other Inhabitants of this Town Quaiitied by Law to Vote in Tovrn Meetings that they meet and Assemble togeatber at the New Meeting honse on the Easterly Side of this Town on Monday tbe twenty Secona Day of December Inst Ht twelve O'Oiock in the Day tbeu and tber to Act on v DuTid Murrey Oone t New Castle March ye 16 h 1778 Aooording to the foregoing warrant the Freeholders and other inhabitants Met t02ath»-r at the time and place uientioned a>id Voted and agreed as follows VIzt. lat Benjamin Woodbr dg Esq.r cboseu Modera'ur a Sam.l Nloke « chosen Town Clerk Benjamin Woodbridge Esq.r Arobabild Robinson and Jniues Carr chosen Selectmen Majer John Farley chosi^n Town Treasurer James Oargili Jacob Qreeley and H^nry Little choten a oommittee of ioipeotiou, oorref pondence and Safety Benjamin Gledden and Jamej Little ohoieu OjUdtables James O •.rgill William Nickels and Moses Laitin chosen a Cominittee to Settle with tli3 Town Treasurer and all other Deiuaodi Dne to or from this Town William Rise David Given ai d Tobias Glt^ddec chosen TytDingii.t^u Jonn P.amer and Kiualiiii Wiuslow chosen Waidena John P.omer Ezlekel L8it> on the West side of this Town on Wednesday the twentyninth of this Instant .April at two of the Clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Perticnlars Viz c 1 To Ob use a M- derator to Regn late said Meetiut; 3d To see if the Town will Send a Sutable person to Represent them in the Great and General C ort ot this Mate 3rd To see if the Town will Vote to Oill Mr Sum 1 Waters M.r D.>vid Hopkii.B and Mr J-imea Lliile t > Ace tt with the Town this present Meeting for the five huolred Dolara which was laid from the Town of Sallzberrey, to them or their orders as tieleotmtn of this Town of New Oastle and to Render an aco.tt at said at said Meet- ing what they have Don with said Money, who they have paid any part of said Money too, and how maoh, and then see if the Town will Alow tha', then see wh^.t part of the five hundred Dolars Remains in their hands, and the Town at this Meeting to make a Demand of that part of the money to be paid Down when paid put into the Town Treasurers band to be laid out Directly for Oorn end pork where it can be got, that the Selectmen may know where to Draw for it to SnpUy the Soldiers famillya belonging to tbia Town, who are Snfifering for want of it, the over pins is much wanted if the above named Gentlemen dont accompt at this Meeting to their Satisfaction then if the Town will Authorise some proper Person to Recover the same for the use above n entioned 4'h To See if the Town will Re- ceive and Qratt a Request from a unmber of Fret holders Liveing at the Northermoat part of this Town to be get oS. from this Town they baveing a prospect of Jojning the North Parish in PownaUiorroagb wnich will be mnch more conveniant for them to attend public Worship 5 To See if ttie Town willchuse a Oouimittee to alter the Town Road on Diers Neck from Kzeklel Laitens Land |0 Samnel Waters Land agreeable to a Request given in by a number of freeholders for that Pnrpoce to be a Bridle Road- 6tly To see what t-nm of money the Town will Vote to Raise to support the Soldiers Famllyes belonging to this Town they being in a Suffering con- dition- 7tb To see if the Town will Recon- sider anv Vote passed the Last Town Meeting or act or transact euy thing further that may appear to be for the Beunc fit of the Town Ja;ro«r^°''"'"'*1 selectmen Newcastle April ye 29 h 1778 I have warned said Inhabitants of this Town agreeable to a Warrant to me oom- mltted - Banjamin Gledden Con table New Oastle April ye 29 1778 Agreeable to the foregoing warrant the freehi/lder and other Inhabitants met togather at the time and place mentioned and agreed as follows Viz t Ist Benjamin Woodbiidge Esq.r Cboseu Moderator. 2d Voted to adjorn the Meeting to Oapt Robert Hodges 8d Voted not to send a Representa live to the Great and General Court of this State this Year- 4'h Voted to call the former Select- men Vizt Mr David Hopkins Mr Samnel Waters and Mr James Little to an accompt for the five hundred Dolars they Received from the Town of Salsberry 6 Voted not to Alow Mr James Little Aco.tt of fifty four pounds ten shillings wbioh he paid away of the money he Received of the Town of Salsberrey 6 Voted not to alow Mr Samuel Waters aoo tt he has paid the Soldiers Wives to be any part of the Money he Received of the Town of Salsberrey 7 Voted to make a Demand cf the flTe hundred Dolars nhiob eaid Select- men Viz.t Mesas David Hopkins Samule Waters and James Little Re- ceived of (he eaid Town of Salsberrey 8 Voted that said five hundred Dolars Received by onr sair* foriuer Selectmen Shall be paid Into the Town Treasurer of this Town, to be Draw.d out by onr Selectmen for the use of the Soldiers wives in this Town Qch Voted not to grant a teqaest made by the Inhabitants of the north- wet's part of this Town: for seting oS from bis Town 10th Voted thai Samuel Waters Bzekiel Laiten and John Harley be a Committee to Lay out a Road from Mr Ezekiel Laitens north Line to Mr Samuel Waters that it may be good Bridle Road 11th Voted not to raise any money at present to snpport the Soldiers wives 13 Voted not to act any thing further at present and tho meeting is Diemieed San 1 Nickels Town Clerk State of the Massachnsatts Bay These are to warn and give Notice to all the freeholders and other [nbabi tants of this Town of twenty one years of age and also all the male Inbabi tanta of the adjacent Places Paying Bates and twentv one years of age Qualified as the Law Derects to Vote In Town meeting To assemble and meet at the Meeting house on the Easterly side of this Town on Thurs- day the twenty eighth Day of this In stant May at ten of the clock in the forenoon on s.d Day then and there to Act on the following pertioulars Viz.t 1st Tocbuiea Moderator to Resu- late said Meeting 3ad To see if the Town will ac- oept ihe Plan of Qoverment formed by the general Court for this State- 3 To see what the Town will Vote as to Raising the clothing for the seventh part of our Male Inhabitants as the General Court has ordred whither by volantary snbsoriptioD or a Town Tax- 4 To see wither th* Town will re- ceive a Request from a number of freeeholders Liveing at the norther- wessermost part of the Town and 0rant it or what other way the Town will Act and to satisfy those agrieved Freeholders 6( To see if the Town will recon- sider a Vote past Last March Meeting ooDcirning our Miui-ter Mr Thorton Whiting and gee what they will Vote to give him more than his Stated Sal- larey as at present Vlzt from Joty 1777 to July 1778 for his Snpport 6 To see what the Town will allow the Selotmen that sarved Last year pr Dav 7 To see what snm of money this Town will Vote for the Soldiers fam- illys that belong to this Town Snrport they being in a Suffering condition 8 To see whither tho Town will Re- ceive a request from the Coiumittee of Walpole and Act upon it 9 To see wtiiiher the Town will Vote that those Town ofBcers thst were Voted to sarve this Town for this year and not Sworn shall be voted in again and sworn at this Meeting- 10 To see if the Town will Vote to choose a Committee to settle with Mr David Hopkins Mr Sauj 1 Walters and Mr James Little for the five hundired Dolars they or their order received hs Selectmen of this Town nnd pay the Money into the Town Treasurer 11 To see if the Town will r' con. aider a Vote Relative to the Town Line below Mr Robert Coohereus and what metht d they will Take in order to settle SHid Line 13 To see whither the Town will Vote money for the Selectmen to snp- port the Soldiers faiuillies who are suffering for want and threaten to send to the (jeueral Court 13 To see whither th- Town will Vote another Hogg constable Qiven under our hands nnd Seals this fourteenth Day of luuy Auno: Dom: 1778 Bfuj'im n Woodbridge and (seal) Jaiues Carr and (eeaU Archabild Robininson and (seal) Selectmen According to the foregoing warrant the freeholders and other Inhabitants of this Town met Togatber at the time and place mentioned and Voted and agreed as follows 1 Benjamin Woodbridge Esqr. chosen modirator 3d Voted not to act any thing at present on the plan of Govermeut for this state of the Massachusetts Buy 8d Voted to give Mr Thurstiu Whit- ing the sum of two hundred and twenty pounds besides his Stated Snllarey as at present, in oousideration of his Labours from July the ten th 1777 to July ye 10th 1778 4th Voted to give our Last years Selectmen Vlzt Mr David Hopkins Mr Sam 1 Waters and Mr James Little the sum of ten shillings pr. Day every Day they were Necessarily Detained in the Sarvice of this Town During the Term which they acted in the office of Select- wen 5 Voted to Raite fifty pounds for the support of llin Soldiers Wives which are in this Town 6 Voted to R i-B I he Cloathing for the seventh p»rt (.f • ur male Inhabi- tants now in the 0. i:% " conc:^,'"^ °o 6^ v3^ •<>..■> A ^ V"^ ^^^ ; #» c^'^^. « .,;^^. ^ •5 -^^^^ ^^ . ^oV ,« °^ *'••>' a"' '^^i. <> *'7VT' .tf ,* J' % -: ^ .<., '^_ cO\*i>5%C' °v^ .,3* •^?s^:L', •^^. C" /i-,^-, o _,