LIBBAEY OF THE COLUMBIAN COLLEGE, D. C. ^J jfo.../dr3.2?^,...£yS. ^ J- \ I Dono dedit XQ^a^Q^gQsosgassgpgaosggggi LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. Shelf UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. j* ! ft Jr.cJa*&+> ' -/ v ^J , OBJECTIONS TO A B APTI ST VERSION OF THE ■i NEW TESTAMENT; BV WILLIAM T*BRANTLY, D. D. WITH ADDITIONAL REASONS FOR FKfiFEKRlNG THE ENGLISH BIBLE AS IT IS, OCTAVIUS WINSLOW, A. M. M Systems, schemes and hypotheses, all bred of heat in the warm region of controversy, shall, like meteors in a troubled skie, each have its turn to blaze and die away ; but the Bible is eternal, like the Sun ; the never failing source of light and heat." Bishop Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses. PUBLISHED BY J. P CALIE5DEH MDCCCXXXVIL U PREFACE. For religious controversy, we have but little taste, less incli- nation, and still less time. Nor do we regard it as the most healthy region for a Christian, especially for a Christian Minis- ter. For although it may occasionally develop and expand the passive graces of the Spirit, we yet believe that, more frequently, it is productive of the less amiable and lovely feelings of our un- sanctified natures. There are occasions however, when we are urged to it by the solemn and imperious call of duty. When the glory of God, and a tender solicitude for the true interests of the Church, demand a surrender of our love of ease, and a more pub- lic defence of the ' old paths' of truth and righteousness. In the discussion which occupies the ensuing pages, the wri- ters have not been insensible of the peculiar embarrassments with which it has been attended. From the subject itself, they have not been conscious of any perplexity. They are more than con- vinced that the views they have honestly advocated, are the pro- per views. The only hesitation they have felt, has arisen from the suggestion of their own minds, whether it were expedient to discuss the subject at the present moment, and thus give to it a publicity and importance which otherwise it probably would not receive, and did not merit, or allow it to remain in its obscurity, leaving the public mind unenlightened and unbiassed. After re- flection and prayer, however, it was decided, that as the subject had been occasionally agitated in several religious Journals, and impressions prejudicial to the interests and honour of the de- nomination had floated abroad, a regard for the welfare of the body to which they were strongly attached, demanded that the subject should stand before the Christian community placed upon its proper merits. It is proper to state, that the leading article in this work, ori- ginally appeared in the " Christian Review" for March 1837, for which valuable periodical it was especially written. The au- thor has however interwoven a few additional thoughts, which suggested themselves to his mind since its appearance in the iv PREFACE. ' Review.' The second Essay on the character of the English translation, with additional reasons for dissenting from an amen- ded version, appear for the first time in their present form. It is always painful to our feelings to differ in religious opinion from Christian brethren, especially when bearing with us the same name, and maintaining ably and successfully, the same distinc- tive sentiments. No consideration whatever, but a keen sense of duty, would compel us thus publicly to avow and advocate opposing views. We have endeavoured to speak the truth in love* conscious of no feelings towards those who differ from us on this question, but those of fraternal kindness. We de- precate their measures, but would favourably interpret their mo- tives, and love their persons. Should God condescend to sanc- tion with His blessing this little work, to Him, as unto the Triune Jbhovah, shall be the praise and the glory* OBJECTIONS BAPTIST VERSION NEW TESTAMENT. We are not able to say, positively, that the ques- tion, Whether the present authorized version of the New Testament be sufficiently explicit as to the mode and subject of baptism, has been agitated to any great extent ; nor can we point directly to the quar- ter whence it has proceeded, not having noticed any discussions respecting it, except cursory ones in some religious periodicals. But it is enough to know, that such a question has been more than once moved, and that a proposal for a modified version of the present text has obtained a favorable hearing in sundry places. Nor is this all ; for it is under- stood, that those who disallow the proposal, and who consider it most consonant with safety and in- tegrity to retain unmutilated the established trans- lation, are regarded as very lukewarm advocates of the denominational faith, and as the authors of a policy at once temporizing and spiritless. So they have occasion not only to defend their position, but to repel the missiles which are likely to be thrown a 2 by such as have entrenched themselves in a new location. We do not profess to stand between these two parties ; for if we should be so imprudent, we might, — to use a figure of the Greek historian, — be cut to pieces by both. And though we should es- cape injurious force from either side, still, accord- ing to the laws of perspective, we should appear to each adverse party to stand nearest his opponent ; since an object midway between two stations, when viewed from either, will appear most remote from that at which the observation is made ; and will, consequently, seem to be nearest to the opposite point. We shall rid ourselves of the suspicion of designing to occupy any middle ground, by pro- claiming, in limine, our sincere and unchanged attachment to the good old English version made by the order of king James I. It is our heart's de- sire and prayer to God, that this venerable monu- ment of learning, of truth, of piety and of unequalled purity of style and diction, maybe perpetuated to the end of time, just as we now have it. Let no daring genius meditate either change or amendment in its structure and composition ; neither let any learned impertinence presume to disturb the happy confidence of the tens of thousands who noW regard it as, — next to the original languages, — the purest vehicle through which the mind of the Holy Spirit was ever conveyed to mortals. Under God, and with God, we feel prepared to stand or fall with this consecrated instrument, known, and quoted, and familiarized, as the common standard version. Its errors and defects, — fewer than those of any trans- lation ever yet made, — we impute to human imper- fection. Its unrivalled excellence and accuracy we ascribe to the care and direction of divine provi- dence. We are not anxious to divest ourselves of the idea, that the translators, whatever their cha- racter anjl motives may have been, w r ere under the promptings and counsels of the Holy Spirit, in achieving the work which they gave to the world. By this, we mean not to intimate, that the gift of inspiration, in any peculiar sense, was their's ; nor yet that they were so directed in choosing a form of words, as that the only expressive and suitable ones were in every case suggested ; but this we do mean and insist upon, namely, that they were eminently fitted and qualified, by the unction of the divine Spirit, for the performance of a work destined to exert a mightier influence over rational nature, than was ever before exerted by any human composition. We trust, that its destiny is only yet in the incipi- ency of development, — that its past successes and beneficial results are but the earnest of that widely diffused blessing which mankind are yet to receive through the medium of its luminous pages. Of late, the complaint has been loud and strong, that a certain word, with its cognations and deriva- tives, had not been translated, instead of being 8 transplanted into the common version. And it is more than insinuated, that much injustice is done to us as a denomination, by the fault of the translation. It is contended, that if, instead of baptize and baptism, immerse and immersion, or some equiva- lent words, were substituted in the standard text of the New Testament, a more faithful and consistent sense would be secured, while w r e, as Baptists, would enjoy an ampler vindication of our views and senti- ments, when appealing to scripture authority. It is accordingly projected, as we learn, that the one transplanted word above named, with its deriva- tives, be rooted out of our version, and a new term of tantamount signification inserted in its place ; and that this amended version shall be for the use of the Baptist denomination. And what then ? The amended version cannot make us stronger Baptists than we now are ; it will therefore be a work of supererogation amongst ourselves ; and when offered to those whom we may wish to convert to our views, it will be promptly rejected as a mutilated instru- ment. Thus we shall have a version needless at home and powerless abroad, Our zealous study of exactness and precision will defeat itself. But why should the stem of a Greek root, trans- ferred to the English soil of our vulgar tongue, and there left standing and growing until it becomes naturalized, be offensive to us in these times ? Had our predecessors, who first met this exotic upon holy ground, almost two hundred years ago, then objected, and demanded its eradication, it would have appeared in them proper and reasonable, be- cause they might have urged that it was not indige- nous. They, however, so far as we know, made no objections, but began to preach, and quote, and expound the king's version. Now, when baptism and baptize have acquired an appropriate use, and have obtained a fixed and definite meaning in our language, and have a sacred and honorable enrol- ment on the records of history, it is proposed to have them superseded by other and less pregnant terms ! We do object to this, with all the earnest- ness of deprecation. We hope to show, first, that the untranslated word baptism and its derivatives have a fixed and deter- minate sense in the history of the Christian church, and therefore need no alteration. And, Secondly, That the substitution of other w r ords in lieu of these, would be a weak and pernicious ex- pedient. Thirdly, That our opponents on the baptismal question would have reason to congratulate them- selves, in the event of such an innovation. Fourthly, We should thereby deprive ourselves of a very powerful argument in the baptismal con- troversy. Whilst, lastly, we might be in danger of laying too much stress upon an external rite. 10 First* It may be useful, to advert to one source of misconception in regard to such words as are transferred and not translated, in our version of the Scriptures. It is usual to speak of such words, and especially of baptism and its kindred terms, as if they were, in fact, unintelligible Greek, in Roman letters. The idea is, that there is nothing English in them, except the alphabetic character, and that, in other respects, they are little better than a barba- rous jargon. This notion, we judge, has been pro- ductive of much discontent amongst us, and has generated an importunate demand for new versions and adequate translations. But it is evident, that this demand is based upon misunderstanding. Are we to be told, that a word which has been incorporated into the English language from the earliest times,— which has had a fixed and full import,— which was sounded forth in direct con- nexion with Christian worship for ten centuries, with a sense free from all ambiguity, is now to be thrust aside, for the sake of introducing a so called translation ? As well might we expel from their ancient places the amen and halleluia of prayer and praise, and even the blessed name of Christ, upon the plea, that they need an English rendering. We meet the language of the common Bible just as we meet old friends. Their looks, their gestures, their open bearing, their guileless simplicity, all please and edify us. The pragmatic diligence which 11 would displace them and foist in strangers upon us would not entitle itself to our thanks. For our part, we are free to confess, that we should not feel quite at home, were we to meet in the study of the sacred word, immersion, plunging, dippings or any other expression, in place of baptism. We should feel that we were in strange company, and should begin to inquire for the rightful tenants of the habitation. The words sanctification and redemption, in theo- logy, are technical terms, and are transferred from the Vulgate to our version ; but does any one object to these words on account of their Latinity ? Their meaning is admitted by general consent ; and all persons using them are mutually intelligible. The transplantations from Latin into our language have added materially to its copiousness and beauty, if not to its expressiveness. Still more material to the advancement of science and art, have been the im- portations from the Greek, Is it just, to censure the words, either of a Greek or Latin original, pro- vided they be faithful representatives of the things which they promise to represent ? We shall prove, in the sequel, that the word to baptize has become truly and philologically an English word, and that it has faithfully discharged the important trust com- mitted to it. It has been asked, why a word capable of a pro- per translation should be retained in our version of the New Testament ; and it has been suggested, that 12 there would be the same reason for declining a ver- sion of any other prominent word in the original text, as of baptism. To which it may be replied: Any language, in treating of matters and things which may have originated with the people using it, will contain words and forms of speech incapable of a full translation to any other language. All who have had any experience in the business of translation, will be able at once to appreciate this remark. It would be difficult to read a page of any author in a foreign or dead language, without meeting words or phrases, which have nothing in exact correspondence with them in our own language. This is especially the case in all descriptions of religious ceremony, in which rites and observances are to be exhibited and explained. We are, consequently, of opinion, that the idea contained in the word baptism^ as used in the New Testament, cannot be adequately expressed by any other single word in our language. It means more than immersion. It contains the idea of im- mersion, and, at the same time, gives a character to that idea, stamps a sacredness upon it, confers a re- ligiousness upon its import. And we are now pre- pared to show, that all the versions in languages using the Roman character or alphabet, were made with the express understanding, that paicTt^m was trans- ferred and not translated, because there did not ap- pear to be, in those languages, words of an import fully equivalent. 13 The Latin Vulgate, revised and published by Je- rome towards the close of the fourth century, is the oldest version of the New Testament in existence. When, or by whom it was made, is not known. But as Jerome found it in being in his time, it must have been made some time prior to him. In this translation, P