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Perez Fobes, LL.D., of Raynham, a vice-president of Brown University. In 1801 Mr. Allen was settled over the P'irst Parish of Pembroke, Mass. He remained the minister of the Parish for nearly forty years. As a preacher he was noted for his brevity and originality. Soon after his settlement he opened a private school for boys which was largely attended. Finding, however, that the work of his school and Parish was a great tax upon his strength he was forced to abandoned the school. He *Hezekiah Allen was a non-graduate at Harvard University where he entered in 1796 and severed his connection Sept. 16, 1797. He was the son of Timothy and Rebecca (Eames) Allen and was born on the Pegan Hill Farm, December 12, 1775. He was descended in the sixth generation from James Allen. Hezekiah Allen was a farmer and inherited the home- stead. He was an assessor, and served on various town committees. He married Aug. 5, 1802, Julitta Whiting, and had six children. Near the close of his life he moved from Dover, and died in Orange, New Jersey^ November 18, 1858. next turned his attention to farming in order to increase his meagre income, his salary being only $475.00 a year. He became one of the most successful farmers in Plymouth County, adopting the plan of selecting different crops for different soils. He was •one of the founders and for many )ears President of the Plymouth County Agricultural Society, one of the oldest of its kind in the country. In 1849 he was elected a member of the Royal Agri- cultral Society of Turin, Italy, in recognition of the valuable pa- pers which he had contributed to the agricultural press. He commenced as early as 1834 to sow the seed of pine trees on bar- ren soil, and thus became a pioneer in the important work of clothing naked plains with valuable wood and timber, a work which he lived to see greatly extended, not only on Cape Cod, but on the prairies of the west. While a settled minister Mr. Allen never attended a town meeting or voted for an officer of the state or general government. After his retirement from the ministry he was elected for two terms to the Massachusetts Senate, of which body he was an efficient and honored member. He married May 14, 1801, Hannah Dean of Kaynham, and had ten children. He died in Pembroke, August 17, 1870. Thaddeus Allen, A. M., who graduated from Brown Uni- versity in 18 I 2, was a son of Timothy and Rebecca (Eames) Allen and was born on the Pegan Hill farm May 14, 1787. He was descended in the sixth generatioii from James Allen. He pre- pared for college with the Rev. Benjamin Caryl, and for several winters taught the district school. Later he was a copyist to Prof. ShurtlelT of Dartmouth College. He intended to follow the profession of medicine, but ill health compelled him to abandon his studies. He formed a partnership with his brother Timothy and they engaged in a wholesale produce business. The firm name read as follow.'^: "T. & T. Allen. T Wharf." In 1820 he opened a private school in Chauncy Street, Boston, which was a very popular institution for many years. Pie was a member of the General Court in 1857. and for several years a member of the Boston School Conunittee. He was the author of a work in three volumes entitled : ••In(|uiry into the views, services, and influence of the leading men in the organization of our Union, and in the formation and early administration of the government." This was a work of high merit and was especially esteemed by foreign- ers who wished to make a study of the principles of our gov^ern- ment. He married first Nov. 27, 18 14. Clarissa Bullard, who died j\Iar. 8. 1815: married second Jan. 2. 1816. Ann (Bullard) widow of Joseph Hunt, who died Apr. 15, 1830; married third May 3. 1836. Sophia B. Frothingham. He had five children, Mr. Allen died in Boston, Apr. 18, 1883 in the 97th year of his age. Hezekiah Battelle. A. M., who graduated from Brown Uni- versity in 1816, was the son of Hezekiah and Mary ( Mansell ) Bat- telle. He was born May 2, 1790, on the Hezekiah Battelle home- stead on Centre Street, which was long since abandoned. He was descended in the sixth generation from Thomas Battelle, the progenitor of the family in America, who was an early settler in Dedham and lived at one time on the Clay Brook road. He fitted for college at the Academy in Woodstock, Conn. He read law with Hercules Cushman of Freetown, Mass., and after his admit- tance at the bar was associated with him for several years in the practice of law. He then took up his residence in Swanzey where he lived until 1827 when he moved to Fall River. Taking up his res- idence in that city in the vigor of his manhood, with a reputation for ability and fidelity already established, he rapidly built up a large practice, and for more than thirty years was regarded as one of the ablest lawyers in southeastern Massachusetts. In 1834 when a vacancy occurred in the judgeship of the IVobate Court in Bristol County, he was prominently mentioned for the oftice. Mr. Battelle took a deep interest in the moral and religious welfare of the com- munity, as well as in its educational and business interests. He served on the Fall River School Committee and was a member of the General Court in 1838-39 and 1848-49. He married in 1822 Mary Hathaway of Dighton, and had several ■ children. He ex- erted an infiuence which made men better and children happier. During the last few years of his life he paid but little attention to aw, spending most of his time in the stud\- of classic (ireek and theolog)', being deeply interested in liberal Chrislianit\-. He died Jan, 22, 187 I. Nathaniel liattelle, A. M., was the tirst person in the .Spring- field parish of Dedhain to receive a college education. He was graduated from Harvard University in 1765. The same year he received the honorary degree of A. B. from Yale, and later the de- gree of A. M. was conferred upon him by Harvard. He was the son of Nathaniel and Tabetha (Morse) Battelle, and was born Aug. 24, 1740, on the Battelle homestead. He was descended in the fourth generation from Thomas Battelle. After graduation Mr. Battelle purchased his father's farm and continued to live there until 1779- His father having died, he moved to South Natick, where he inherited considerable landed property. He devoted his life chiefly to agriculture. He returned to Dover later in life and lived in a house which was originally the home of David Wight. It stood on the farm of the late Cornelius Sullivan on Dedham Street. He had a wife Mary, whose family name is un- known and a numerous family of children. Two of his sons be- came successful merchants in Savannah, Georgia. He died in Maiden, April 5, 18 16. George Caryl, A. B., M. D., who graduated from Harvard University in 1788, was the son of the Rev. Benjamin (Harvard University 1761) and Sarah (Messenger) Caryl. He was born April I, 1767, in a small house near the parsonage, which was built by his father in 1777 and which is still standing (1905). He studied medicine with Dr. Samuel Willard of Uxbridge. a distinguished physician of his time. Dr. Caryl commenced the practice of medicine in Dover in 1790, and in a period of time covering more than a century, he was the only resident physician Avhich the town ever had. Previous to commencing practice here he was in Boston for two years, where it is assumed he was study- ing rather than practicing medicine. Dr. Caryl was a successful physician and had a large practice in this and adjoining towns. Although a well read physician for his time, yet he knew little of children's diseases. When called to a sick child he always rec- ommended the calling in of a mother who had brought up a fam- ily and thus learned from experience how to treat children. He was a very jovial man and had many friends. He married Nov. II, 1790, Pamelia, daughter of Dr. Nathaniel Martyn of Ux- bridge, Mas-s., and had nine children. He lived in the parson- age, where he died Augut 9, 1822. Jabez Chickeriug, A. M., who graduated from Harvard Uni- versity in 1774, was the son of Joseph and Rebecca (Newell) Chickenng. He was born November 4, 1753, on his father's farm on Haven Street, now owned by John Glassett. This farm was a part of the original Chickering homestead which was settled by Nathaniel Chickering, his paternal great grandfather, previous to 1690. He studied theology with the Rev. Iknjamin Caryl. He was the second minister of the Norwood Congregational Church, being the successor of the Rev. Thomas Balch, a chap- lain at the siege of Louisburg in 1745. He was ordained and settled over the Parish July 3, 1776, the day before the declara tion of independence. He remained the minister of the Parish until his death M.irch 12, rSi2. It is recorded of him that he was remarkably fond of children. As a preacher he is said to have had" a beauty of sentiment and expression seldom equal- ed." Frequently during the last years of his life he expended the whole of his salary, in relieving objects of distress in the vicinity, and in contributing money for religious and literary pur- po:;23. He was one of the originators in 1790, and the first bene- factor, of what is now the Norwood Public Library, which is so beautifully housed in the Morrill Memorial Building. He bequeath- ed S200 00. in 18 12, to the parish library, the income of which is now annually paid to the trustees of the Public Library for the pur- chase of children's books. He married April 22, 1777. Hannah, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Balch. and had six children. Jesse Chickering, A. M., M. L).. who graduated from Har- vard University in 18 18, was a son of Jesse and Dorcas (Smith) Chickering. He was born in the Nathaniel Chickering home- stead on Haven Street, August 31, 1797- He was descended in the fifth generation from Nathaniel Chickering the emigrant, who settled in Dedham about 1668. He entered Framingham Acad- emy in 18 1 2, and commenced the study of Latin. He left after a few months and continued his classical studies during the winter •• under Thaddeus Allen at the district school in Dover." He attended the village school again the following winter, and com- pleted his preparatory studies with the Rev. Ralph Sanger, I). D. He entered the Harvard University Divinity School in 1818 and graduated in 1821. In 1821 he was licensed to preach by the Boston Association of; Congregational Ministers. He preached for several years but was never settled. In 1829 he conmienced the study of medicine and graduated from Harxard Medica^ School in 1833. He practiced medicine in Boston for some fif- teen years, and resided at 491 Washington Street. In 1849 he retired to Jamaica Plain and devoted himself to the study of sta- tistics for which he had great aptness. He contributed many articles to magazines and other periodicals. In 1846 he publish- ed his elaborate work " 'I'he Population of Massachusetts front 1765 to 1840." His valuable book on " Immigration into the United States " appeared in 1848. His reports on the "Census of Boston ■' were published in 1851. He rendered essential ser- vice to the Senate Committee that arranged the details of the United States Census of 1850. He was for several years a confi- dential correspondent of Daniel Webster, John Davis and other leading statesmen. The celebrated Marshall Hall of London, referred to one of his articles as an " admirable paper. " His last published work was " A letter addressed to the President of the United States on Slavery, considered in relation to the Con- stitutional Principles of Government in Creat Britian and in the United States." This paper Dr. Joseph Palmer said ranked Dr- Chickering " among the profound thinkers and writers on the slavery question.'' His last work was a lengtliv letter written to Dr. Marshall Hall, whom he conceived had misunderstood an ar- ticle of his which appeared in DeBow's Review^ for August, 1853. He married Nov. 18, 1838, Caroline Reaney. Dr. Chickering died May 29, 1855, survived by a daughter. William Draper, A. B., who graduated from Harvard Uni- versity in the class of 1803, was a son of James and Lois (Adams) Draper. He was born on the Draper homestead on Farm street, near Springdale avenue, Feb. 12, 1780. He was descended in the sixth generation from James Draper, who took up his residence in what is now Dover in 1656. He read law- with John L. Tuttle in Concord, Mass., and was admitted at the Middlesex County bar, of which he was president for ten years. He first lived at Marlboro, Mass., and from 1832 to 1833 at Nashua, X. H. In 1833 he was admilted at the Michigan bar and settled at Pontiac in diat state, where he practiced his pro- fession for twenty-five years and w'as the president of the bar of Oakland County for twenty years. He was a thoroughly equipped lawyer and at once entered into an extensive practice. At the time when Mr. Draper settled in Michigan the question of its ad- mission as a state was being agitated. Congress was in favor of releasing a part of the southern boundary of Michigan to Ohio^ and giving to Michigan the upper Peninsula in lieu of such terri- tory. Mr. Draper took an active part in the opposition to sur- rendering any territory to Ohio. When the convention was called to meet at Ann Harbor to approve the schenie of Congress, Mr. Draper was elected a delegate from Oakland County and was chosen the presiding officer of the convention. Mr. Draper was a quaint, peculiar man, who had his own notion of legal ethics. He was a great lover of nature and took his recreation for many years with his rod and gun. He was called ''Father Draper" by almost all of his brethren. He married Oct. 22, 1809, Harriet E. Payne, daughter of Phineas Payne of Concord and had three sons. He died Aug. 9, 1858, belored by all who knew him. Jesse Fisher, A. B., who graduated from Harvard University in 1803, was the son of Jesse and Hannah (Battelle) Fisher. He was born in Princeton April 24. 1778. He was descended in the sixth generation from Anthony Fisher, who came to New England in 1637 and settled in Dedham. While his father lived in Wendell, Mass., he made his home in Dover with his grandfather Ebenezer Battelle, who lived on Main Street, corner of Haven Street. He pursued a course in theology with the Rev. Dr. Lath- rop of West Springfield, Mass., and was licensed to preach in 1806 He was settled over the Congregational Church at Scotland, Conn, in 181 1. He received the honorary degree of A. M. from \'a!e in. 181 5. As a preacher he exhibited manly strength of intellect, a good judgment and a warm heart. In the more private relation of father, husband, neighbor and friend, those who knew him best bore testimony to his worth. He married May 25, 1813, Rebecca Dana of Xatick; married 2nd in 1819, Laura Paine of Canter- bury, Conn, He had eight children. He remained as the minister 8 of the Scotland Church until his death Sept. 29, 1837 in the 60th year of his age. Mason Fisher, A. B., who graduated from Harvard Univer- sity in 1813, was a son of Samuel and Abigail (Mason) Fisher. He was born Aug. 23, 1793, on the Powisset farm. He was de- scended in the seventh generation from Anthony Fisher, who set- tled in Dedham in 1637. He was a member of the Hasty Pud- ding Club in 181 1. He died unmarried June 24. 1816, only three years after his graduation. Samuel Fisher. A. M., who graduated from Harvard Uni- versity in 181 1, was a son of Samuel and Abigail (Mason) Fish- er. He was born Dec. 12, 1783, on his father's farm at Powis- set. He was descended in the seventh generation from Anthony Fisher. He was a member of the Hasty Pudding Club in 1808. In September. 1813, he was admitted to the Suffolk bar and had an office in Hostoii. He was an eloquent advocate and his elo- quence in discussing affairs in Dover town meetings was re- called and often referred toby the men of the preceding genera- tion. He died unmarried May 8, 1826. Fisher Ames Harding, A. B., who graduated at Harvard University in 1833 was a son of John and Julia (Battelle) Hard- ing, and was born on the Ebenezer Battelle homestead on Main Street, Jan. 23, 181 1. He was descended in the seventh genera- tion from Abraham Harding of Braintree. He fitted for college with the Rev. Dr. Ralph Sanger. He was a roommate of Fletcher Webster and read law in the office of Daniel Webster. In 1835 he w'ent to Chicago and in 1837 settled in Detroit. He was a young lawyer of great promise and had a large clientage when cut off by typhoid fever. A biographer said of him : "A lawyer and editor of rare ability and promise whose death was deeply and ex- tensively lamented." He died unmarried Aug. 4, 1844. John HaNLii. A. B. M. D., who graduated at Har\ard I'ni- versity in 1776. was a son of Dea. Joseph and Miriam i liayley) Haven. He was born June 18, 1753, and li\ed on his father's farm on Haven Street. He was descended in the fifth generation from Richard Haven who settled in I,\nn in 1644. He studied medicine and was a ship surgeon. He was lost at sea early in life. Joseph Haven, A. M., who graduated from Harvard Universi- ty in 1774 was a son of Dea. Joseph and Miriam (Bayley) Haven He was born in Hopkinton May 14, 1747 and came to Dover when two years old. He lived with his father on Haven Street, in the old house still standing which has sent four boys to college. He was descended in the fifth generation from Richard Haven. He studied theology with his kinsman, the Rev. Jason Haven of Ded- ham. The church at Rochester, N. H., extended a call to him in 1775. He was ordained as the minister of the Rochester church Jan. 10, 1776, and continued for nearly fifty years as its pastor. The present Congregational Church at Rochester now somewhat -enlarged and improved, was built at his earnest solicitation in .1780. He was a man of devout spirit, originality and humor. He was a leader in public thought and sentiment in the communi- ty in which he lived, not hesitating to speak his opinion plainly and forcibly on all important questions. He was a man of great native independence of mind and thought ; a true patriot, who knew what American independence cost, having lost a brother, Elias Haven, who was the only minute man from Dedham killed at Lexington alarm Apr. 19, 1775. Mr. Haven was a man of great benevolence of feeling, a friend of the sick and the poor, who knew human ailments equal to a physician. He was a great student and often arose to study by morning candle light. As a preacher he took but little pleasure in doctrinal discussion, being a man of great wisdom and shrewd common sense. The author of the history of Rochester says of him: "No history of this toAvn could be regarded as approximately complete without a per- manent record of the life and service of the Rev. Joseph Haven, who for many years was the only religious instructor in Rochester Farmington and Milton.'' He married Feb. 15, 1776, Mary Fisher, daughter of Nathaniel Fisher of Needham, "and had many children." He died Januar)- 27, 1825, in the fiftieth year of his ministr\-. Joseph Haven, A. M., who graduated at Harvard University in 1810, was a son of Noah and Olive (Kingsbury) Haven. He ■was born June 19, 1786, in the homestead on Haven .Street. He was dcscendetl in the sixth generation from Richard Haven. He studied theology, and was ordained and settled over the Congre- ga^tional Church at Dennis, Mass., July 27, 18 14. He retained his connection with the parish until May 12, 1826. when he was dismissed at his own request. He was installed as the minister of the Evangelical Congregational Church in Billerica, Mass., .ia 1836, and was dismissed in 1840. A woman who remembei's Mr- Haven says: " ( )ne felt strongly in his presence the gracious dignity of goodness. It made him great." He had a fine sense of humor as well as a deep, earnest nature. He was a man of tender heart, devoted to duty, and one whcj did his own thinking' on theological subjects. He undertook the education of his son,, and taught him Latin when he was scarcely more than a baby. When the child was eight years old he wcndd take his \irgi! down to the beach, throw himself upon the sand and read it as eagerlr as the child of to-day reads his fairy tales. He married Septem- ber 4, 1814, Elizabeth Sparrow of North Dennis, and had two children, one of whom a daughter, died in infancy. His son, the Rev. Dr. Joseph Hav-en, LL. !)., was an eminent divine, and learned professor. He died Oct. 5, 1851, at the home of his son in Amherst, Mass. Simon Greenleaf Sanger, A. B., who graduated from Har- vard I'niversity in 1848, was the son of the Rev. Dr. Ralph ( Har- vard University 1808), and Charlotte (Kingman) Sanger. He was- born March 9, 1827, in the parsonage on Centre street, which stood on the site of Allen F. Smith's house. He is descended in the seventh generation from Richard Sanger, who was of Hing- ham in 1836. He fitted for college under the instruction of his father. He has devoted his life largely to leaching, attaining- eminence as a Professor of Latin and Mathematics both at the North and in the South. He was a successful teacher for many years in C'hicago, where he founded a school for boys. He mar- ried in i85c^ Julia Penlield of Kalamazoo, Mich., who died in 1876. He has lu) children. Mr. Sanger now lives at Orange, N. J. George Partridge Sanger, A. ^L, LL. K. who graduated from Harvard lfni\ersity in 1840, as his father and grandfather had done before him, and his children and his children's child- ren have since, was the son of Rev. Dr. Ralph (Harvard Univer- sity 1808) and Charlotte (Kingman) Sanger. He was born in the parsonage on Centre street Nov. 37, 18 19, and was descended in the seventh generation from Richard Sanger. He fitted for college under his father and at the academy at Bridgewater. After graduating from college he taught for two years in a private school in Portsmouth, X. H. In 1S43 he was appointed a tutor at Harvard which position he filled until 1846 when he graduated from the Law School. The same year he was admitted at the Suffolk bar. In 1849 he was an assistant to the Hon. George Lunt, who was at that time attorney for the United States in the district of Massachusetts. He was a member of Gov. Clifford's staff and in 1853 was appointed by him district attorney for the Suffolk district of Massachusetts. In 1854 he was appointed a judge of the court of common pleas. \\'hen that court was abol- ished in 1859 he resumed practice in Boston, but was again ap- pointed district attorney for Suffolk in 1861 and held that posi- tion until 1869. In 1873 he was appointed the attorney of the United States for the district of Massachusetts and in that ofiice he remained for thirteen years. At one time he was president of the John Han- cock Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston. He was in the city government of both Charlestown and Boston and represented Cambridge in the (General Court in 1873. He was for many years a counsellor in every work of education or philanthropy. He took an interest in the affairs of the militia, and was a commander of a militia company in Charlestown. In 1853 he was the comman- der of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, and later an officer in the Independent Corps of Cadets. He was an accu- rate student and for twelve years editor of the American Almanac, and for a time of the Law Reports. He edited the statutes at large of the United States from 1855 to 1873. He was appointed with Judge Richardson to superintend the publication of the Gen- eral Statutes of Massachusetts in i860, and they were the com- missioners who prepared the annual supplement for twenty-one years. The Rev. Dr. Edward Everett Hale said of him at the time of his death : "Judge Sanger was one of those men of whom every community is proud, and without whom no American community- can prosper. In the midst of his work in the most responsible position in the public service, he has always attended to the pub- lic and private duties of a good citizen. He was one of those reliable men who are always found in their place. He was always ready to take responsibility, was utterly indifferent whether peo- ple knew that he did all the work, or did not, and quite careless whether he was praised, or not praised before the public. He was willing to serve in little things, as in things which call for public attention. He was accurate in his business habits, and obtained that confidence which only a man of the strictest integrity and the purest personal character either deserves or finds. In Charles- town, in Boston, and in Cambridge, where he has lived, hehasbeen one of the men thought of where there has been a public duty of intricacy or delicacy to discharge, especially if it was one which nobody was to pay for and which carried no honor with it." He was married Sept. 14, 1846, in Portsmouth, N. H., to Elizabeth Sherburne, daughter of Capt. William Whipple and Eleanor Sher- burne (Blunt) Thompson, and had four sons. He died July 3. 1890. Daniel \^'hiting. A. M., who graduated at Brown University in 1812, was a son of Aaron and Mehitable (Smith) Whiting. He was born on the Whiting homestead on Springdale Avenue, Dec. 23, 1786, and was descended in the fifth generation from Nathaniel Whiting, who settled in Lynn in 1638 and soon after took up his residence in Dedham. He read law and practiced his profession in New York where he died unmarried in 1833. iot 29 \- i *^ .*" . . K- '•-^^>* ■<-<;' v-^. W^ ^^ .0* > V -Jy^ ..J^^^.;, \^^^- "-<..s^^ V * %.^^ '■ '<^'\ J^tf"- ,G *, .-^ ■4* ,v u** .-.^V,^:. %./ J ■ ^^-^c^ .0 ■/r?r' -- \ < o -^'^" .^ V , "^^^ C-./ /.'l, „ <>_ " " " ^ '^O "oV 0° >' . ^"-^^ > O N O . .^ /^fe^-. ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiiiiiiiiiiiii'iliriillliiiilll 014 077 519 8