Souvenir of. ...LEBANON, Pa -i^M^ PHOTO-GRAVURES From Photos by L. C. H ARPEL. PUBLISHED AND COPYRIGHTED. I90S, BY L. G. H ARPEL, kodaks, camera supplies. PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES. 8th & Willow Sts — 38 & 40 No. 8th St.. Lebanon, P.4. 1-2 iyu5 <^ XXc, MO! ' City Hall Interioi' ■.-■ , CATnr>T.ic Cnui'cii. i\^:-i: BuiLD;/ir;. 8th and Cumberland Streets, looku-jg North. Cumberland Streei', west from 8th Street. Schools. . ...#- ^ Lebanon National Bank. ilaole rrrEi.. 9th and Cumberland Streets, looking East. Good Samaritan Hospital. ^Ui Residences. St. Luke's P. E. Church and Rectory. Churches. ( -/. ^ Churches. Oldest Tunnel in the United States, Built 1822-3 for Union Canal — 739 Feet Long. Churches. Nutting Building. Krause Buildings. 8th Street Market House. Central Works. East Works. West Works. American Iron and Steel Mfg. Go's Plant. PE.>4NA.STEE.1- Co. N 1_E.SAN01M FuRN^vCES. • PR 12 ^905 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 365 203 8