Class F Book GoiMifilit N" ComiMr.llT llERlSfT Aidva^ ParK Souvenir. ^ % - °7~^ I OPYRIGHTED BY S. R. MORGAN. Water-front View of Park. LOCATION. MIDWAY PARK is located on the east side of the Wallkill River in Orange County. X. Y.. equidistant between the city of Middletown and the village of Goshen, one of the two shire towns of the county. HOW REACHED. The best and most comfortable way of reaching the park is by the cars of the Middletown-Goshen Traction Company, which leave Franklin Square in Middle- town, and the X. Y., L. E. & W. Railway station in Goshen, at frequent intervals throughout the day. After leaving the former city the road follows .1,, highway as far as Mechan- icstown, a distance of about two miles, at which point it enters a romantic glen, through which the passenger is carried for nearrj a mile, passing on the way the ruins of factories whose walls once resounded with the clatter of the loom as it united warp and woof in woolen fabric for the habiliments of man. On leaving the highway the road is joined by a merry stream, which blithely escorts it on its winding way through the glen, and thence to the river, by which From the Observatory Looking West. it » ruthlessly absorbed at the conclusion of its act of hospitality. On emerging from the glen the first glimpse of the river and park is caught, the former spanned by a substantial iron bridge, from which the passenger, in transitu, obtains a fine view of the river in either direction. The r„ute from < ioshen to the park affords the passenger a succession of beau- tiful views of a pastoral character, which will well repay one for the time involved in their enjoyment. wallkill river. The stream on which the park is situated takes its rise in the township of Sparta in Sussex « „.. X. J.. and fl ows thence jn a no „ |l „, ls , ( . | ., y ^^ ^ ^ dout.n Ulster County, where it empties into the Hudson River. The section of country through which the Wallkill .lows is rich in productiveness. This is es- pecially true o. : the County of Orange, which is aoted far and wide for its dairy From the Observatory Looking south. products, many thousands of fine cattle, the bulk of whose product in the shape of milk is daily shipped to the Xevv York market, finding rich pasturage within its borders. The Wallkill supplies water-power to a great number of mills and factories along its course, notably at Montgomery and Walden, where extensive knife and straw paper works give employment to many hundreds of operatives. Perhaps at no other point throughout its entire length are the natural features of the landscape so attractive as at this one chosen as the site for the park. A\IDW/YY PARK. The park embraces no acres, about forty of which, heavily timbered, borders on the river and constitutes the main part of the park proper. Among the more important of the natural features of the park is Hopper Hill, which rises to a height of 250 feet above the level of the river which flows immediately .it its base. On its summit, and reached by an inclined railway, stands a lofty observatory from which a wide and interesting view of the surrounding country is obtained. S-> From the Observatory Vertical View. THE OBSERVATORY. Looking westward one sees a portion of the thriving city of Middletown, with its numerous church spires, like inverted exclamation marks, pointing upward, and its tall chimneys marking the location of some of its more important manufacturing industries. Still further to the west and forming a dark-blue background to this urban picture, he tin- Shawangunk Mountains, their eastern slope, from base to summit, checkered with the alternating green and brown of cultivated fields. Turning to the east we see old Storm Kin- and Anthony's Nose, Standing like grim and silent warders at the gateway to the Highlands of the Hudson, their feet •, the waters oi the "American Rhine "as it passes between them on its way to the sea. Moving our line of vision a little to the right we come to tin- Schunemunk Mountains, appro lescribed as "the high hills to the west of the Highlands." Still further to the right, and almost directly south of us. lie the Bellvale and A peep from the woods. the Warwick Mountains, with Mount Adam and Mount Eve, two isolated cones, in dark relief against the lighter blue of the latter range. About fifty miles to the north, a dash of pale blue tint on the verge of the horizon, lie the Catskills, famous as a summer resort, and as the scene of the won- derful and mysterious adventures of Rip Van Winkle. Looking directly downward, an enchanting scene is presented to the eye. The pavilion, with its kaleidoscopic throng: the river, with its glimmering sui face dotted with shuttling boats with their rhythmic dip of oar and flash of blade: the electric launch, laden with pleasure seekers and moved by its invisible and mysterious, but powerful propelling force: the moving car, idled with arriving or departing guests; the trees, with their exuberant mantle of emerald green; and the verdant meadows, with their grazing kine, combine to form a picture that will linger Ion- in the mem- ory of one who views it from this point of vantage. Just at the fool oi the hill on whi< h the observatory stands is a natural depres- sion measuring about 200 feel .11 ross, and resembling a caldron in shape. To this spot, so tradition runs, the Indians of early days were wont to repair on the ap- The Electric Fountain. proach of cold weather ; and here they would remain encamped until spring, com- pletely protected from the chilling blasts and storms of the winter months by the encircling hills, and doubtless planning future predatory excursions among the white settlers of the surrounding country. Among the more beautiful of the purely artificial attractions of the park is the ELECTRIC FOUNTAIN which is located not far from the pavilion. The play of multi-colored Lights on the water as it leaps into the air produces a charming and novel effect. The myriad drops, as the various colors are thrown upon them, seem like gently falling showers of precious stones scattered by some fairy hand— emeralds, sap- phires, nil lies and diamonds following each other in rapid succession. On the hill on which the observatory stands is located a large reservoir, from which water is distributed by pipes to .ill parts of the park. This water, which is of the purest quality, is supplied by a six-inch driven well win, h was Mink at great expense, and is sent up to th<- reservoir by electric power furnished from the power- house more than three miles away. Two Disciples of Old Isaak. DIVERSIONS. Boating.— Those who are fond of rowing will find here ample facilities for indulging in this pleasant and healthful exercise. Good boats are procurable at reasonable rates, and one may glide over a smooth stretch of water for a distance of half a mile on the north and one and a hall miles on the .south, the river mean- while describing many a graceful curve and affording the voyager a succession of beautiful views of varied characteristics. Should the visitor prefer, he may make the voyage in an elegant electric launch, and obviously with less fatigue than if he himself were the motive power. Fishing. The Wallkill has long been noted amon- the disciples of [saak Walton for the sport it affords in this line, man) of the food fishes frequenting inland waters being found therein. The patrician of the -roup is. of < ourse, the black bass {micropterui dolomieu), specimens of which, weighing from one to t! pounds an- n, quentl) < aptured. A peep at the River, below the Park. THE PAVILION. Only a few steps from the railway station and immediately on the hank of the river stands the pavilion, a beautiful structure 232 feet in length, built in the Queen Anne style of architecture. In the north end of the building is a space set apart for dancing, in which twelve sets can be accommodated witli ease. In the south end. which is connected with the former by a spacious promenade, is located a commodious and well-appointed restaurant under competent manage- ment, where all seasonable viands are served in the best style of the restaurateur. Only the milder potables are furnished, no intoxicating liquors of any kind being sold within the precincts of the park. The pavilion affords a pleasing outlook on the river, and here one may sit and enjoy at leisure the ever-changing panorama, as the boats pass to and fro before him over the pla< id water. When illuminated at night with its hundreds of electric lights the pavilion presents a charming picture from the river, which will well repay the visitor for delaying his departure to see. The Boat Landing. CONCLUSION. With its many attractive features, both natural and artificial, Midway Park will be found to be a pleasant spot in which to pass an idle day, and especially suitable for pumics, family gatherings, etc., for which ample table and seating accommoda- tions arc provided. Parties from abroad wishing to visit the park in any considerable numbers may obtam transportation at reduced rates over any of the railroads leading into Mid- dletown or < Joshen« The managers have adopted effective measures for keeping the park free from a,lob * ctionable Matures; and ladies without escort, equally with those of the sterner sex, may visit it with the full assurance that they will fin, re , ht to offend the mosl delii ate taste. The Observatory Hurry and Worry Hustle and Bustle Bolt your Food Rush for a Car and get I dyspepsia. Take McMonagle *S: Rogers' PEPSIN ESSENCE for Indigestion and get well again. When you take the Trolley Cars at Midway Park, ask the Conductor to let you off at McMONAGLE & ROGERS' DRUG STORE 30 North St., for A GLASS OF ICE CREAM SODA. People who can't sec how we furnish such Ice Cream Soda for 5 cents are invited to call :\nd see how we d»> it. h\ >nis! Fully guaranteed 30f#/8b :is ""' '"' si in raff/ •US ' ,u ' v ll:iv '' ""' I Jffln lni "' £^\ Middle tow n, \. y. For TABLE BUTTER CANNED GOODS TEAS and COFFEES T n OSBURN & BROWN, 1- x "" 1 ' S| - Grocers. The "BEE HIVE" JS^^^TheTentemeii" UMBRELLA COVERS put on while you wait. "Her Majesty's" Corset Beadquartersfor The only place in Middletown for the above. Jackets, CapeS, DreSS GOOCJS Tit us and join the happy multitude. WELLER & DEMEREST, 3 Wes1 Main St.. .Middletown. We are Headquarters for F i .\ E AH tine r^ I )ress-making I )epartment I fp-stairs. FRANK CRAWFORD IS W. "lain St. JAMES T. KING Druggisl and Pharmacisl i nr. w . Main and Soul h Sts. i Frank I in Sq ua re l Middletown, New York. J. B. SWALM, Dealer in Crockery, Glassware and Groceries. Pure drugs and medicines guar- FINE TEAS \\n COFFEES anteed. and careful attention a specialty, given to compounding prescrip- tions. /VO. 12 EAST MAIN ST. J. ERSKINE .WILLS, DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST, Empire Block, North St. 25 YEARS of business in one place Justifies Che belief t hat ons- lomers are fairly deall with; and they show their m and satisfaction by continued patron- Thanking you fur your valued favors, I will aim in th 11 the past, iii LMai Ify and si ■•in. cians' prescriptions are carefully Blled at Big 5 Thea-Nectar A & P Baking Powder 8 o'clock Breakfast Coffee A & P Spices A & P Condensed Jlilk THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. No. 2 Rmpire Block. The largesl importers, coffee roasters, manufacturers in the world, of Teas, Coffees, Baking Powder, Spices, Con- densed M ilk. and Sugars. BRINK & CLARK I [eadquarters t'< >r Hardware, Stoves and House-Furnishing Goods Shoes fi 'i Service St \ le Warmth ( i imfort to keep your feet dry foi fine materials The Genuine and Only DOCKASH RANGE. Over II i»i sold t>y us in the lasl Every range warranted. and g I workmanship, at prices to suit the iimi-s a, J. G. HARDING'S 28 North St. 7 King St. 2 5 West Main St. LJOrl I leave the city without looking over the large and complete line of FINE FOOTWEAR for Men, Women and Children. C. D. HARFORD, 43 North St. Prdees Reasonable. A. J. HORNBECK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Imported and Domestic Cigars Fancy Chewing, Smoking and Plug Tobaccos. 32 NORTH ST. THE MASCOT for Bair Cutting and Shaving 1 . Iseman Building, James St. Take your Boots and Shoes for Repair SMOKE KLEINFELD'S ELi ARISTOCRATO and "' GREAT LiEADER Cigars. WILLIAM H. LOUDEN, The Best 10 and 5 mty. THE BLUE LABEL CIGAR STORE. \ ,. 9 Wes1 Main Street, upstairs. RQBT KLEINPELD Propr DR. F. N. FRIEND, DENTIST. Administers rSjU,y '• ,894 ' $>.509,000 surplus, - 102,000 We pay interesl January and Julv ';" "':"";>■ thai has remained on ,l, 'l , " s " «w the previous three or six monl hs. All the earnings belong U? and : ""'' ,H ' 1 ' 1 ror the benefil of the de- li' »sitors. Rodgers Ladies' SKE... Fine Shoes Saver's Cigar Emporium ™S Everything First-class. Men Boys' Youths' Fine Shoes S< »FT SH< >ES I '• ir tender feet. 13 West Main St. Cigars by the Box A Specialty. Ho. 12 North St. J. II. CONKLING Tin Roofing and General Jobbing Agenl for The Lehigh Furnace and Range. 9 Depot st. B. F. GORDON, practical Watchmaker Jeweler and Engraver. Dealer in WATi :HES DIAMi INDS FINE JEWELRY and ARTIS 1 1' I Jl GLASS. 55 North St. G. W. CLARK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in OYSTERS, CliAIWS, FRESH FISH I .. ibsters, Terrapin, Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, Pork, &c POULTRY of all kinds constantly on hand. alive and dressed to order. 19 South St. for. ine Choice Groceries (,o I'd R. H. Ayres 4 West Main St. SPEi 1 \l.TI ES r< i . ( i ffees, and Fine Butter. M ). P. (larks and Notions (' binn ( ro< Kvr\ ( i lass\, are Uamp ■ i i' * 19 West Main St. Are You Married ? If so, call "ii S. V McCarterS Son, for your Furniture, Crockery, Glass and Tinware. I'r I plnilstcrin^ and Ete- pairing a Specialty. 104 North St. 27 James Street, opp. ( 'asino. TRY Sure Thing For Headache S. T. Clineman & Co. City Pharmacy. Cor. North and Cortland Streets. THE PHOPLE GO T< I Ogden's W den they Qeed Harness Blankets Whips Horse Boots i ir ;i n\ i hing in t in- Saddlery Line. ;i nd i hey find t hem ! 40 W. Main St. Are You Hungry ? 1 1 so, you may be well fed by GEO. E. GILiLiEN, I >i-;ili-r in Fine Groceries 121 North Street. O Inez's Draas Noted for purity and reliabilil v. >l"-ci;i] attention given 4 EASt A\2vil? 5t. to prescriptions. MIDDLETOWN ICE CO. ^r'^'f"' i ICE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. R. L FORTHOFFER Manufacturer of and Dealer in The Finest Brands of Cigars Tobaccos and Smokers' Supplies 2? West Main St., Bull's Opera House. T. BRIDGER Chemist and Druggist 72 Easl Main Street, Middletown, N. Y Y< mi need nol Buffer from 1 he c< »ld 6 »r D/^v/^ir^^ J^r C~^ r\ will furnish LEHIGH Lllld DUUlllC Cx K-jU, you with Free Burning Coals. S. //. Bodine Office and Yard, 15 Depot St. Slllithill" < )oal '"j'.'n. Wood Telephone Call J5. and Charcoal. reeth Extracted The Best ( trades of Withoul Pain witD Hupodontine The I '■' \ n:i- i ln-1 Lc known. Flour, Hay, Grain and Mill Feed. I sen* only by C. J. Everson, Dr. A. \V. Sweezy, 16 North St. Successor to Geo. L. Evi rsi »n, 4 and 6 King Street. American Wrinerer Co. II JAMES STI liace Curtains.Cloeks,Wringers. Lamps Silvei w i • Albums, bles, l alv pel I. S. ODELL, flaiia A GOOD CYCLOPAEDIA i - an a bsi ilute necessity in an intelligent family. Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia is the Latest and Best. S. K. M< >RGAN, Agent, Times Office. Bryant Brothers \toh\p\oQ ;lle Headquarters ytJIilbltJb f or Hiu-h Grade C Goods No Trash. All goods warranted as represented. Repairing Paiotirj? 2vr>mp1 A 1 1 . i Reasonable Rates Eled ric < 'a rs pass i he door. BREWSTER'S 113 North St. Cor. Railroad Ave. \ ITKK viewing the beauties of •■ M I |i\\ \ Y " call al the Carpet Emporium of Matthews & Co. and ■■ ■■■-■■ i in Carpets Rugs, CQats, mattings, Trunks and Traveling Bags ( HI. O 'Ills \M> I IV >l EUM the million. 79. 81. 83 NORTH ST. The PLACE to buy Pianos and Organs . . is at . . VAN FLEET'S, 65 North St. SPOONER & AYRES Orange County Trust and Safe Deposit Go. I (ealers in Hardware, - Stoves zvncj Tinware. SI ERLING SK»\ IS a Specialt) . 40 North Street. lonumenl Square, Cur. North anil Orchard Streets. Capital Surplus and Profit $100,000.(10 39,564.27 Receives deposits subject to check ;it sight; issues drafts and certificates: pays interest from date of deposit on moneys left for that purpose : ;u-h as executor of will-, and as guar- dian, t rustee, etc. Safe Deposil I '•• ixes f< »r r ANDREW BROWN, \\ holesale and Retail Dealer in Meats, Fish, Oysters, Clams Fruits and Vegetables. 82 NORTH ST. B.S.SMITH, CRANE & SWAYZE, BOOKS, - STATIONERY Wholesale ail H.S.JOHNSON, JVlillinery Picture Frames. 58 NORTH ST. 35 NORTH ST. Degnan & Co. Plumbers Steam and Gas Fitters 38 West Main St. Lumber. Coal. cm. Etc. Sashj Doors and Blinds a Specialty. 12 HENRY ST. 1 )c> your c< >i iking \\ it li PITTSTON OR LEHIGH COAb fri 'in 1 he i ";il Yard i tt JOHN A. WALLACE 14 Railroad Ave. I '•; ( 'huivi >;il for Hroiling. Cumberland i < >a 1 E< >r Black- Smi1 liiii< r . Men's Shoes 95 cts. and up JOHN BRADLEY'S, 57 North St. First National Bank. CAPITAL $100,000. C. Macardell, President. Selah R Corwln, Vlce-Pres't mouT DeWitt, < !ashier. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. Money left on certificates of deposil months will draw Interest al 1 in- rate of :t per cent, per annum. I * Special facilities tor collections. The place to buy Pure Candy, Nuts, Etc :i t the l< >\\ es1 price in 1 he city, is CARPENTER'S. I make a specia it y <>t" Ice Crearp and Ice Crezvrr) Soclzv. Come once and you ■w ill come again. At 0. 0. CARPENTER'S, Central building. io9 north st. Lindsey & Company, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Fine Hard-wood f^&otels, Tiling, Grates evpd Fender? Interior Woodwork a Specialty. FACTORY UNION STREET. GO TO EVANS BR05. I'OK Brick Ice Cream and Fine Confectionery 31 NORTH STREET. Drs. T. C. & F. C. Royce, Deptist5. Office over National Express Co., MIDDLETOWN, N. Y. Nitrous < >\iili' i ras administered, <>r Local anaesthet- ics used for j>:i Iiil»-—~ -— extraction. When in Middletown st;>p ;il the Whv not trv some of Aadfeon Hoase. ROYCE'SCOAL? Free Bus to and titan all trains. One block from the Erie Depot. ONLY 'fill': BEST LEHIGH AND PITTSTON. Eandled and thoroughly cleaned before delivery. All coal carried by tin' bag system. Absolutely no dirl or 'lust. Once tried you will have your coal carried in do other way. Dentistry in all it> branches. See the Park AM> THEN Dr. W. B. Robinson Dayton & Son's Novelty Store FOR SOUVENIRS. B. S. DAYTON & SON, Co) . King Street. Odontunder Dental Parlors, •man Building, n and 16 James St. 22 North Street, < lei yi mr ( Clothes made by Chas. II. Emde, City Tailor '. th St. WILMoT DURYEA, I. B. A. TAYhOR & CO. Practical COAb iitti by the Pocket System. Dealers In Fine Groceries. Besl Quality oi Hay always on hand. • th>' celebrated "Adamant Wall Plaster." 50 North St. 80 West Main St. Plurob^r, Gas Fitter F. H. SCHOONMAKE^ Suc< .i-in.I. B. SCHOONMAKEE & SON, JOBBER OF Tobaeeo, Cigars, Cigarettes, and Smokers' Articles. 39 James Street, mar Erie Depot. - E. A. BROWN & SON. J. H. CLEARWATER PRACTICAL GUNSMITH 50 JAHES ST., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition, Bicycles, and all kinds o\ Sporting I roods. BICYCLE SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. I'r .loiilMNC Neatly an. I Promptly Executed. Established 1872. A. V. BOAK Real Estate Broker FOR SALE The Hulse Farm, directly op- posite Midway Park. 168 acres. Price 880 per acre. May be subdivided and sold ;ii large profit. 5200 per acre already offered for ;t portion, but "In- clined. F. M. PRONK Druggist Corner Main and North Streets MIDDLETOWN, N. V. Also ;i 1'ull Line i >f Drugs, Proprietary Articles and Toilel Requisites. The Middletown Board of Trade invites corresp< ndence fr< m | arties cont< mplating :i change of residence, or establishing man- ufacturing indusl ries. \v j, place of residence Middletown possesses many advantages, among which are com- plete Water and Sewer Sj stems, i .;i- and Electric Lights, Electric Railway, <'t<-.. rt<-.. while its schools are among the besl in the State. Special induct ments are offered i<> manufacturing industries to 1> k-:i t •• in the city. The Board \\ ill cheerfully answer inquiries on the above points. *5 North S A. V. BOAK, President. NOTICE Call in and see our New and Nobby Line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing. You will be surprised a1 the Quality, Kit and Prices of our goods. We refund your money if you return our goods. A. J. CAHILL, Ooe-Prk* Clothier, - 34 Nortb St. i = Agent for Wannamaker & Brown's Fine Custom ttlopk. HORSES kick; DOGS bite; GUNS "go off;" CARS jump the track, and people SUFFER in consequence. Arc vnii insured against accidenl '.' If not. call on S. R. MORGAN, at Times Office. You Are Hot Sure of another year, another month, another week, another day. or even a not her hour, in this life; and if your Life is not insured for t he he lie tit of your family yOU should attend to the matter at onee. (all at the Times office and have S. R. MORGAN obtain you a policy in the great Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. GEO. W. YOUNG, The Leading H&tter, Clotbl^r and Geotleroei/s Furpisber. {Merchant Tailoring a Specialty. 16 and 18 East Main St. Everybody Reads the It Leads in Circulation. MlDDLETCNVN DAILYTDIES. 30 cts. per month. The Orange- 5 ¥ ^CovxtyTdies. Semi Weekly, $1.50 per year. B >k and Job Printing of all kinds. I his Souvenir is from our press. I • - • H J- L) o I I \ fc r v . Midway Park is midway between two large furniture houses of the C. E. Crawford Furniture Co. — one at Middletown, the other at Goshen. This firm also has three other house-furnishing es- tablishments — one at Port Jervis, one at Newburgh, and one at Matteawan, which makes them the largest house-furnishers in the State. They manufacture Parlor Suits, Lounges and Mattresses, and handle goods in carload lots. If you need anything in the line of Furniture, Carpets, Crockery, Lamps, Silver-plated Ware, Cutlery, or anything to furnish your home, you can find a large assortment and save money by buying of the C. E. Crawford Furniture Co Middletown or Goshen. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS nHffli LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 224 076 2 % . I ' i ■ * *