IV! &t!Ms EISA IPOKI. (lass GV 15' Book GojpghtN ( oi'YRK.IIT DEPOSIT. MANUAL OF DANCING STEPS. MANUAL OF DANCING STEPS WITH A COMPILED LIST OF TECHNIQUE EXERCISES (RUSSIAN SCHOOL OF DANCING) AND 39 ORIGINAL LINE DRAWINGS BY ELSA POHL PHYSICAL DIRECTOR OF SOLDAN HIGH SCHOOL. ST. LOUIS. MO. GRADUATE NEW HAVEN NORMAL SCHOOL OF GYMASTICS. GRADUATE HARVARD UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL: GRADUATE CHALIF NORMAL SCHOOL OF DANCING. C. WITTER, PUBLISHER. ST. LOUIS, MO. 1914. G^V COPYRIGHT 1914. BY ELSA POHL. JON II i3l4 374392 $00/ Author's Note. This little book is the outcome of numberless inquiries from students in my classes for an authentic and com- prehensive text-book on the Theory and Technique of Dancing. Each step has been considered from four im- portant aspects: definition, time, execution and purpose. These have been arranged in a particularly useable and attractive form, that should recommend this volume to teachers as a practical reference book. E. P. Saint Louis, May, 1914. ALPHABETICAL INDEX 3 ii - 12 - 21 " 36 " 38 " IQ - 9 - 33 - 22 - 4 - 21 - 37 - 4 - 6 Page Part I Group 1 Arabesque - - Assemble - - Attitude ("5 Positions") - Balance- - - Changement de Pied - - - Chasse - - - Ciseaux - - - Coupe - - - Degager - - Demi Pas de Basque - - Ecarte - - - El ever - - - Entrechat Fouette - - - Frappe - - - Glisse - - - Glissade - - ■ 23 Grand Battemant 8 Grand Tour Jete - 17 Jete 15 Movements - - 3 Pas 26 Pas Ballonne - -21 Pas Boiteux - - 27 Pas de Basque - 3 1 Pas de Bourree - 28 Pas de Chat - - 30 Pas Marche - - 27 Pas Sissonne - - 39 Petit Battement - 6 Petit Battement avec Port de Bras - 7 Petit Battement sur leCoudePied - 26 Petite Rond de Jambe - - - 19 Plier- - - - - 5 Pirouette (French and Italian)- - 35 Page Part I Group 1 Con't. Rond de Jambe - 20 Saute - - - - 14 Step ----- 4 TerreaTerre - - 29 Three-Step-Turn - 1 3 Tortiller - - - 18 Tour de Basque - 34 Tour Jete - - - 17 Tour Saute - - 15 Group 2 Polish Chasse - Polish Echappe Polish Holupiez Polish Pas Marche - - Polish Tortiller Group 3 Port de Bras - Group 4 Mazurka Step - Minuet Pas Marche - - Polka Mazurka Polka Redowa Polka Step - - Schottische Step Waltz Step - - 42 43 41 40 43 45 54 53 55 55 53 53 56 Part II Technique Exer- cises (graded) - 59 Key to Signs ^ — left foot. 6? — right foot. Prep . — preparation. Meas. — measures (of music). PART I Group 1 DANCING STEPS ATTITUDES ("5 POSITIONS") Definition. An attitude is a posture executed with both feet on the floor. There are 5 standard attitudes, commonly called, "the 5 positions" , The 1st, 3rd and 5th are known as "closed positions", because the feet are together; the 2nd and 4th "open positions", because the feet are apart. All positions are named from the front, and when the foot is placed in a corresponding position in rear, the word "behind" is added, thus: left foot in 3rd position as opposed to: left foot in 3rd position behind. The 3rd and 4th positions follow the law of opposition, which means that the hand opposite to the foot in front is high. (See drawings of above positions.) The so-called "stationary position", or lower 1 st position, is used as a starting position for the 5 attitudes. Music : 2/4 time. Stand with feet together; arms down in front, palms facing body. STATlONMVf Pos. i st Position »*• Pos. Stand with feet together ; arms move slowly upward till they are in line with the waist line, palms down till the movement is almost completed, when hands are turned, so that palms face each other. Arms are kept well away from the body and a perfectly natural position of the hands is maintained thruout this and all other attitudes. i st position denotes attention. }** Pos. 2nd Position Right (left) foot slides to the side, toe well pointed ; arms move slowly to side, palms up. When finished, palms may remain up or be turned down. 2nd position denotes strength. 3rd Position Right (left) foot draws in till the heel touches the instep of stationary foot; left (right) arm moves slowly upward and in front of head, so that palm can be looked into easily; body bends to right (left). W» x*i Po*t) 3rd position denotes dignity. 4th Position Right (left) foot slides forward, foot resting — 2 — (Opfre»Vhiv\ ofr Rrm *«i Foot J Definition. on the four little toes ; right (left) arm moves slowly down to ist position; body bends to right (left.) 4th position denotes haughtiness. 5 th Position Right (left) foot draws back till the heel touches the toe of the stationary foot; right •left) arm moves slowly upward thru ist position to position above and in front of the head; body straightens. jth position denotes beauty. ARABESQUE An arabesque is a posture executed with one foot on the floor. MOVEMENTS Definition. A movement may mean first, an activity of the body from a resting position, or second, a change from one activity to another. There are q standard movements in dancing : i — droit — to swing the foot forward and backward. 2 — overt — to swing the foot from right to left. 3 — glisse — to slide. 4 — tourne — to turn. 5 — tor tiller — to twist. 6 — battu — to beat. 7 — saute — to hop. 8 — jete — to leap, q — coupe — to cut. "3— Definition. p v Definition. Definition. Execution. Prep. Step right - foot Prep. A STEP A step means a placing of the foot in any direction and transferring the weight onto it. Thus : forward (a) sideward right (b) backward (c) diagonally forward right (d) diagonally backward right (e) across in front (f) across behind (g) The left foot follows a corresponding series. FRAPPE Frappe to stamp. May be executed with one or both feet, beginning from toes. Note. In practise, when in ballet slippers, care must be taken to only feign the stamping, so as not to jar the nerves of the spinal column. ELEVER Elever — to rise on the toes. May be executed in each of the 5 positions, but in the 2nd position and 4th position both heels are flat on the floor at the start. The arm movement follows the "law of opposition." Music: 3/4 time. Elever in 1st position f Stand with feet in 1st position. \Arms in 2nd position. Rise on toes. Arms move thru 1st to 5th position. (Lower heels, \ Arms move to 2nd position. Elever in 2nd position. 'Stand with feet in 2nd position (both heels I on floor). Arms in 2nd position. "4— Prep. Prep. Prep. Purpose. Definition. Rise on toes. Arms move to ist position. Lower heels, Arms move to 2nd position. Elever in 3rd position. Stand with right (left) foot in 3rd posi- tion, Arms in 2nd position. Rise on toes, Arms move thru ist to 3rd left (right). Lower heels. Arms move to 2nd position. Elever in 4th position Stand with right (left) foot in 4th posi- tion, Cboth heels flat on floor.) Arms in 2nd position. (Rise on toes, J Arms move thru ist to 4th left (right). Lower heels, Arms move to 2nd position. Elever in 5th position. Stand with right (left) foot in 5th posi- tion. Arms in 2nd position. Rise on toes, I Arms move thru ist to 5th position. I Lower heels, Arms move to 2nd position. Elever develops balance. PLIER Plier — to bend the knees. May be executed in each of the 5 positions, also on one or both feet. —5— Purpose. Music: 2/4 or 4/4 time. Rise on toes count 1 Bend knees sideward count 2 Straighten knees count 3 Lower heels count 4 Pliers develop suppleness and balance and are valuable for toe dancing Definition. GLISSE Glisse — to slide. May be executed in all directions. PETIT BATTEMENT Definition. Petit Battement — low beating. May be executed from any closed position, but 3rd and 5th positions are preferable. Music : 2/4 time. Execution. Petit Battement in 2nd position. p f Stand with left foot in 3rd position, hrep. ^\ rms j n 2nd thruout exercise. f Slide right foot to 2nd position. J Draw right foot in to 3rd position. j Slide left foot to 2nd position. [Draw left foot in to 3rd position. Continue for 16 measures, moving forward; this leaves the left foot in 3rd position. Commence moving backward by sliding left foot to 2nd position and drawing in to 3rd position behind; repeat with right foot and continue 16 measures in all. —6- Petit Battement in 2nd and 4th positions. p /Stand with left foot in 3rd position, "' \Arms in 2nd position thruout exercise. Slide right foot to 2nd position. I Draw right foot in to 3rd position. I Slide right foot to 4th position. Draw right foot in to 3rd position. 'Slide left foot to 2nd position. Draw left foot in to 3rd position. Slide left foot to 4th position, Draw left foot in to 3rd position. Continue for 16 measures, moving forward; this leaves the left foot in 3rd position. Commence moving backward, thus: 'Slide left foot to 2nd position, Draw left foot in to 3rd position behind. Slide left foot to 4th position behind. Draw left foot in to 3rd position behind. Repeat with right foot and continue 16 measures in all. Petit Battement in 2nd and 4th positions, avec Port de Bras. Execution. Same exercise as above with the following arm movements inserted between the change from foot to foot: When the right foot has completed the series, it is held in 3rd position, while arms move thru 1st to 4th position opposition (left arm high) and again to 2nd position; the body bends naturally away from the high arm and straightens again as arms move to 2nd position. Purpose. Definition. GRAND BM+EWENT Execution. The left foot then executes the beatings, is held in 3rd position at finish, while arms are moved, this time right arm is high. Petit battement develops leg and foot extension and promotes good bodily carriage. GRAND BATTEMENT Grand Battement — high beating. Executed from 1st position when on place, from 3rd (or 5th) position when moving forward or backward. The knee is kept straight in all beatings except backward, when it is slightly bent and the direction of the entire leg is inward. The toes must be well stretched, they are the last to leave the floor and the first to regain it. The body is held upright and still during entire exercise. Music: 2/4 time. Grand Battement (on place). Prep /Stand with feet in 1st position, \Arms in 2nd position thruout exercise. (Raise right leg sideward, ■I Close right leg in 1st position. [Repeat. Same with left leg. 'Raise right leg forward, - Close right leg in 1st position. Repeat. Same with left leg. [Raise right leg backward. \ Close right leg in 1st position. [Repeat. Same with left leg. Repeat the sideward exercies with right and left legs to finish strain of music. -8— Purpose. Definition. Grand Battement (moving forward). p f Stand with left foot in 3rd position, re P' \Arms in 2nd position thruout exercise. Raise right leg backward and close in 3rd position behind. Raise right leg sideward and close in 3rd position. Raise right leg forward and close in 3rd position. Repeat forward raising once. Same with left leg. Continue alternately right and left any number of times. Grand Battement (moving backward). Preo /Stand with left foot in 3rd position. \Arms in 2nd position thruout exercise. Raise left leg forward and close in 3rd position, Raise left leg sideward and close in 3rd position behind. Raise left leg backward and close in 3rd position behind. ^Repeat backward raising once. Same with, right leg. Continue alternately left and right any number of times. Grand Battement gives strength and vigor and develops high extensions, large steps and leaps. DEGAGER Degager — to transfer, to sway. May be executed in 2nd position; 2nd and 4th position; 2nd and 4th position behind. Music: 3/4 time. Note— Each change is made by rising on the toes of both feet. — 9" Execution. Degager in 2nd position. <£■ K Ptep. u\ ») to Prep. /Stand with right foot in 2nd position. \Arms in 2nd position. Rise on toes (of both feet) and transfer weight to right foot, Arms lateral to left; head turned to right. Rise on toes again, Extend right arm forward and to 2nd posi- tion. Transfer weight to left foot. Arms lateral to right; head turned to left. Degager in 2nd and 4th positions. p f Stand with right foot in 2nd position. P* \Arms in 2nd position. f Rise on toes (of both feet) and trans- I fer weight to right foot. I Arms lateral to left; head turned to 'A" [ right. Rise on toes and sway back onto left foot, draw right foot to 1st position. Arms move to 2nd position. Slide right foot forward and transfer weight to it, ] Arms move to 5 th position, body bends *B" [ to left. Rise on toes and sway back onto left foot; draw right foot to 1st position. Arms move to 2nd position; body straightens. -10- Purpose. Definition. Execution. Repeat, commencing to left side. Degager in 2nd and 4th positions behind. p f Stand with right foot in 2nd position. \Arms in 2nd position. Repeat "A" of above exercise. Rise on toes and slide right foot to 4th behind and transfer weight to it; Arms lateral to right; body bends to right. Rise on toes and draw right foot to 1st position, Arms move to 2nd position and body straightens. Degager develops poise, balance, grace, co-ordination. ASSEMBLE Assemble — to bring the feet together. Executed from an open to a closed position (1st, 3rd, 5th). Music: 6/8 time. Assemble (moving forward). Prep /S tanc * witn ri § nt f° ot in 3 rc * position. ^* \Arms in 2nd position. /Slide right foot to 2nd position, \ Arms move to 1st position. Close right foot in 3rd position. Arms move to 3rd position left; body bends to right. (Slide left foot to 2nd position, \ Arms move thru 2nd to 1st position. Close left foot in 3rd position. Arms move to 3rd position right; body bends to left. -i 1 Purpose. Definition. Continue as often as desired. Assemble (moving backward). Prep /Stand with right foot in 3rd position. p ' |Arms in 2nd position. ("Slide right foot to 2nd position. \ Arms move to 1st position. Close right foot in 3rd position behind. Arms move to 3rd position right; body bends to left. fSlide left foot to 2nd position. \ Arms move thru 2nd to 1st position. 'Close left foot in 3rd position behind. Arms move to 3rd position left; body bends to right. Continue as often as desired. Assemble develops decision and finish. BALANCE Balance — a combination of a slide (glisse), a closing of feet and rising on the toes (as- semble et elever) and a lowering of heels (retomber) . May be executed sideward, forward and backward. Music: 3/4 time. Execution. Balance (sideward). Prep /Stand with feet in 1st position. \Left arm at waist, right arm hanging at side. Slide right foot to side, Close left foot in 1st position and rise on toes (of both feet). Lower heels. -12- Purpose. Definition. Return to starting position by repeating balance-step commencing with left foot. Right arm swings easily to ist position and down, swinging higher with each repetition until 5th position is reached. Repeat all commencing with left foot to left side; Arms reversed. Balance (forward and back). p f Stand with feet in ist position, \Arms in 2nd position. Slide right foot to 4th position, Close left foot in 3rd behind and rise on toes (of both feet). Lower heels. Arms move thru ist to 5th position, Body bends to left. Slide left foot to 4th position behind. Close right foot in ist position and rise on toes (of both feet), Lower heels. Arms move to 2nd position. Repeat whole, commencing forward with right foot. Balance-step develops poise, control, co- ordination, grace. THREE-STEP TURN Three-Step Turn — a complete turn, either right or left, executed by taking three steps. Music: 4/4 time. -13- Execution. Purpose. Definition. Wt<£ Three-step Turn. p [Stand with feet in ist position, "" \Arms in 2nd position. Step sideward with right foot Arms in 2nd position count 1 Turn one-half way round to right and Step sideward on left foot. Arms thru ist to 5th position count 2 Complete turn right and Step sideward on right foot, Arms move to 2nd position count 3 ) ,) Purpose. Definition. Prep. /Stand with right foot in 3rd position. (Arms in 3rd position right thruout exercise. Hop on left foot and raise right leg diagonally forward (knee slightly bent). Step onto right foot. Step onto left foot in 3rd position behind. Note — The arms do not follow law of opposition. Pas Ballonne is an aerial exercise and develops lightness and grace. ECARTE Ecarte — to jump from a closed position, open the feet in the air, and land in a closed position. -ii- May be executed in ist, 3rd or 5th position. Music: 2/4 time. Ecarte in 3rd position. Prep /Stand with right foot in 3rd position, \Arms hang loosely at sides. Begin with a tiny bend and Jump upward. Separate feet sideward (or forward and back) in the air. Purpose. ! [Land with right foot in 3rd position and i-j knees slightly bent, o [Straighten immediately. Ecarte is an aerial exercise and develops lightness and precision. Definition. Execution. GLISSADE Glissade — is a combination of 3 movements : 1. Elever (to rise on the toes), 2. Glisse (to slide), 3. Assemble (to close the feet). May be executed in all directions, in moving forward or backward the arms are in 2nd or 5th position; in moving sideward arms are in 3rd position. Feet may be in 5th or 3rd position, the former is preferable for stage work. Music: 2/4 or 6/8 time. Glissades are of 2 kinds: Simple — when the foot closes in the same pos- ition each time ; -23— Change — when the foot changes from back to front or vice versa. ,4 Glissade (Simple) to right. V \ P P Prep. /Stand with left foot in 3rd position, \Arms in 3rd position right thruout exercise. '1. Rise on the toes and slide right foot sideward, 2. Close left foot in 5th position behind and lower heels. Continue any number of times. Same may be executed with foot closing in front each time. V * 5> 4t*Y+ t»«m+ »• tMUifr X, In moving sideward left, the arms will be reversed. —24— Glissade (change) to right. A Sterol •. -A> A Prep. /Stand with left foot in 3rd position, \Arms in 3rd position right. 1 . Rise on toes and slide Right foot sideward; Arms move to 2nd position. 2. Close left foot in 5 th position behind, and lower heels; Arms move to 3rd position left. '1. Rise on toes and slide Right foot sideward; Arms move to 2nd position. 1. Close left foot in 5th position and lower heels ; Arms move to 3rd position right. Continue any number of times. Note — T'he arms move directly to 3rd from 2nd position, which allows of greater smoothness. Purpose. Glissades (especially change) develop grace, co-ordination and poise. -25- Definition. Execution. PETIT BATTEMENT sur le cou-de-pied Petit Battement sur le cou-de-pied — small beatings around the neck of the foot (i. e. ankle). Music: 2/4 time. Petit Battement sur le cou-de-pied. Prep. /Stand with right foot in 3rd position raised, [Arms in 2nd position. Extend right leg sideward (in air). Bring right foot to 3rd position raised behind, Bring right foot to 3rd position raised. Extend right leg forward (in air), Bring right foot to 3rd position raised. Close right foot in 1st position. Purpose. Commence with right foot in 5 th position raised behind and substitute backward ex- tension for forward. Repeat entire series with left leg. Note — The greater the dexterity, the greater number of beatings can be executed. Petit Battement sur le cou-de-pied develops balance, precision and skill. Definition. PAS Pas — a step. The term is not used by itself, but in connection with other move- -26— Definition. Purpose. Definition. ments, as: Pas ballonne, Pas de basque, Pas de bourree, etc., etc. Pas may also indicate an entire dance, as: Pas de Fleur (Flower Dance). PAS MARCHE Pas Marche — a marching step consisting of 4 movements : Step, swing, step, close. May be executed in all directions. Music: 4/4 time. A preparatory and better form of the above is: Step, close, step, swing (known as the Hungarian Pas Marche). If a pointing is used as a finish, it must be so designated, thus : Pas marche and point (in 2nd or 4th posi- tion). Pas Marche develops good bodily carriage and precision. PAS BOITEUX Pas Boiteux — a limping step consisting of 3 movements: 1 . Hop on right foot and raise left leg forward (straight knee). 2. Step forward on left foot. 3. Step forward on right foot. May also be executed turning. Music: 2/4 time. -27- PAS DE BOURREE Definition. Pas de Bourree — sometimes called "stuffing step" consists of 3 little steps (not slides), executed on ball of foot. Name derived from an old French dance, "La Bourree." May be executed in all directions. Music : 6/8 time preferable for practise, but 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 may be used in dances. Pas de Bourrees are of 2 kinds: Simple — when foot closes in the same position each time. Change — when the foot changes from back to front, or vice versa. Execution. Pas de Bourree simple. V tfwtr. 'i t«* stef • * i«* SUf « Sfcp. Prep. /Stand with left foot in 3rd position. \Arms in 2nd position. Step left foot to 5th position behind. Step right foot to side. Step left foot to 5th position behind. Arms move 1st to 2nd position. -28- Continue right and left alternately. Same may be executed with foot closing in front each time. Pas de Bourree change. V £ KO Prep. /Stand with left foot in 3rd position. \Arms in 2nd position. [Step left foot to 5th position, behind, Step right foot to side, [Step left foot to 5th position. Note — A pointing in 2nd position is some- times added as a finish, but must not be considered part of the bourree. When a pointing is used, the arms move from lateral to 2nd position to lateral. Purpose. P as de Bourree develops technique and dexterity. TERRE A TERRE Definition. Terre a Terre — a series of pas de bourrees simple (not less than 4 steps). This step is often used as an entrance. — 2Q— PAS DE CHAT Definition. Pas de Chat — or "cat step" consisting of 4 movements: leap, slide, step, step. Executed sideward. Music: 3/4 time. Execution. Pas de Chat to right. ♦14*. t, *£«**•** \P *v*a- Sfcf It ft. (ft) ^•pt.H. ft) Prep. /Stand with right foot in 3rd position. \Arms in 2nd position. Count 1 Count 2 Count 3 Purpose. Leap sideward onto right foot, Arms in 2nd position, and immediately Slide left foot across in front, Arms move to 1st position. Step right foot to side. Step left foot to 3rd or 5th position behind. Arms move slowly to 4th position left. Note — Pas de Chat ends with arms in 4th position. Repeat several times moving to right side. Repeat to left side, arms reversed. Pas de Chat develops smoothness, co- ordination and grace. -30— PAS DE BASQUE Definition. Execution. Pas de Basque — named after the Province of Basque in France. The step consists of 3 movements : 1. Demi rond de jambe, jete (describe one-half circle in air with leg, leap), 2. Glisse (slide), 3. Coupe (cut). May be executed forward, backward, side- ward (called "lateral"), and with complete turn ("tour de basque"). Music: 2/4 or 3/4 time. Pas de Basques are of 3 kinds : French, 2/4 time; Russian, 2/4 time with leaping; Spanish, 3/4 time. Forward Pas de Basque. •£ Mart. **^f R. SiU*w^a ^l) Prep. Stand with right foot in 3rd position. Arms in 2nd position. -31— CO 3 Count 1 Count 2 Count 3 Count 2 'Demi Rond de Jambe with right foot and' Leap sideward onto right foot, Arms in 2nd position. 1- Count i 'Slide left foot thru ist to 4th position. Left arm moves to ist position. Cut left foot to 4th position raised, \ Arms in 4th position right. J Repeat commencing with left foot. Note — If a single pas de basque is executed, the finish is an assemble in 3rd position behind; if a series, then each step ends in a coupe. to if". rf 3 Execution. Backward Pas de Basque. Ltap K SiAewttd M »»* (X) CO *>. r-f 3' ft Prep /Stand with right foot in 3rd position, (Arms in 2nd position. (Demi rond de jambe with right foot and" Count 1 i Leap sideward onto right foot, Arms lateral to right. /Slide left foot thru ist to 4th position \ behind. jCut left foot to 4th position raised behind,! \ Left arm leads to 2nd position. / Count 2 Count 3 ' Count 1 Count 2 3 —32— Lateral Pas de Basque (cut, slide, cut). Prep. /Stand with right foot in 2nd position raised. \Arms hang loosely at sides. ("Cut left foot to 2nd position raised, I Slide jgf t foot to 2nd position, j Cut left foot to 2nd position raised, [ Arms swing easily from side to side. Note — The opposite leg is raised sideward in preparation. Definition. Demi Pas de Basque. Demi Pas de Basque — a half or incomplete pas de basque. Execution. Demi Pas de Basque right. K S1UU. L.f*. "*W I** Vv H* \P P P+ep. Prep. /Stand with right foot in 3rd position. \Arms in 2nd position. Count 1 Count 2, 3 Demi rond de jambe with right foot and Leap sideward onto right foot, Arms in 2nd position. Slide left foot thru 1st to 4th position and transfer weight to it, Arms move to 3rd position open right. —33— Repeat to left side. Purpose. Pas de Basques develop grace and co- ordination. TOUR DE BASQUE Tour de Basque — also called "pirouette de basque," a basque turn. Execution. Tour de Basque right. CCT~^ s+«.p X.fh, po.^t.Vj ^iVet+i^ +»»«Ae. r*'..J *™-> •■■*+■ *v»»TC,1ot A,Wno*f 4» *. had Prep. /Stand with feet in ist position, \Arms in 2nd position. Demi rond de jambe with right foot and Step right foot to side (pointing directly to side,} Arms in 2nd position; Cross left foot over right, toe almost to right heel. Arms move to ist position; Rise on toes of both feet and turn com- pletely around to right. Arms move to 5th position; Finish with right foot in 3rd position and lower heels. Arms move to 2nd position. Repeat several times to right. -34" Purpose. Note — Arms may move: From 2nd (thru 1 st to 5th) to 2nd; from 2nd (thru 1 st) to 2nd; from 2nd (to thighs) to 2nd. Tour de Basques develop balance, poise and technique. Definition. PIROUETTE Pirouette — an artistic turn executed on one foot. The raised leg is held in what is known as a flowing position and may be high or low, in front or behind. The preparation may be done in any number of counts, the pirouette itself is executed in one count. Execution. Pirouettes are of 2 kinds : French or outward pirouette — Stand on right foot and turn to right side, or Stand on left foot and turn to left side. Italian or inward Pirouette — Stand on right foot and turn to left side, or Stand on left foot and turn to right side. -35— Purpose. Definition. There are three different and equally good positions for the arms : i. Hands at thigh. 2. Hands at chest. 3. Arms in 5th position. Note — A pirouette is essentially a man's exercise, the woman doing a tour de basque instead. Pirouettes develop poise, balance and skill. CHASSE Chasse — a "chasing step," consisting of 3 movements : Execution. i. Slide (glisse). 2. Cut (coupe). 3. Slide (glisse). Begins in an open position and finishes in an open position (2 transfers of weight). May be executed in all directions. Chasse is derived from the galop step and the two-step is probably derived from the Chasse ; the waltz also embraces 2 parts of the Chasse (glisse and coupe). Music: 2/4 or 4/4 time. Chasse (forward). /Stand with right foot in 4th position, (Hold skirt. ["Slide right foot forward, Prep. < Q_j t r ight foot to 4th position. Slide right foot forward. -36- Note — In moving forward finish with weight on rear foot. Chasse (backward). Stand with right foot in 4th position behind and execute slide, cut, slide backward. Note — In moving backward finish with weight on front foot. Purpose. Chasse (sideward). Stand with right foot in 2nd position and execute slide, cut, slide to right side. Note — In moving sideward finish with weight on same foot that commenced the step. Chasse develops lightness and grace. Definition. Execution. Prep. FOUETTE Fouette — a swinging of the leg. May be executed forward (thru 5 th position raised,) or backward (thru 5th position raised behind), or sideward. Music: 6/8 time. Note — Fouette is generally accompanied by one hop on the opposite foot. Fouette forward (with hop). 'Stand with right foot in 5th position raised behind. Arms lateral to the left. —37" fHop on left foot and at same time J Bring right foot to 5th position raised and Swing it forward. Arms thru 1st to 3rd position right. Note — When fouette is taken backward prepare with foot in 5th position raised. Purpose. Fouette develops balance, lightness and dexterity. Definition. CISEAUX Ciseaux — known as the "scissors step," consists of a point and swing with one foot, while hopping twice on the other. The pointing may occur in 3rd or 5th position, preferably the latter. Music: 2/4 time. Execution. Ciseaux. Prep. ("Stand with right foot in 3rd position, \Arms in 2nd position. Hop on left foot and point right foot in 5th (or 3rd) position. Hop again on left foot and swing right leg diagonally forward. Arms move thru 1st to 2nd position. Purpose. Ciseaux develops lightness and grace. -38- PAS SISSONNE Definition. Pas Sissonne — derived from an old French dance of the 16th Century, "Sissonne." May be executed in all directions from 3rd or 5th position. Music: 6/8 time. Execution. Pas Sissonne to right. Prep /Stand with right foot in 3rd position, \Arms in 1st position. 'Make a tiny bend, Jump upward, keeping feet together, until just before landing, then Extend left leg sideward (in air). Land on right foot and immediately Close left foot in 5th position behind. Arms move from 1st to 2nd position. Note — The leg extension occurs with the opposite leg and in a direction opposite to the space covered. In moving sideward the foot in front indicates the direction (right or left). Purpose, Pas Sissonne develops lightness, balance, strength, precision and courage. — 39— GROUP 2 Characteristic Polish Steps Description. Execution. POLISH PAS MARCHE Polish Pas Marche — consists of 3 move- ments: leap, slide, step. May be executed diagonally forward and backward. Music: 3/4 mazurka time. Polish Pas Marche. Prep. /Stand with right foot in 3rd position. IHold skirt. Count 1 Count 2 i Count 3 'Demi rond de jambe with right leg and Leap sideward onto right foot. Slide left foot across in front (transferring weight). Step right foot forward. — 40- Description. Execution. Same may be executed moving backward. POLISH HOLUPIEZ Polish Holupiez — consists of the following movements : i. Hop, extend opposite leg sideward and strike heels. 2. Slide (to side). 3. Close (in 1st position). May be executed sideward right and left. Arms do not follow law of opposition. Music: 3/4 mazurka time. Holupiez (sideward right). $lUc Cu^. Preo /Stand with feet in ist position, \Hands support. Execution. Definition. 'Hop on left foot. Slide right foot to side, Cut right foot to 2nd position raised, Leap onto right foot, left foot in 5th position raised behind. Repeat alternately left and right sideward. MAZURKA Mazurka — derived from "Mazur," meaning peasant. The step consists of: 1 — Slide. 2 — Cut, 3 — Hop. Music: 3/4 mazurka time. Mazurka Step (sideward right). T>T«.P. CvCV. («caA fearul off We) -54" Prep /Stand with feet in ist position, \Hands support. Execution. f Slide ri S ht foot t0 side < Cut right foot to 2nd position raised. Hop on left foot and bend right knee side- ward, right foot in 5 th position raised behind. Repeat to same side as often as desired. POLKA REDOWA Execution. Polka Redowa — : (Slide right foot to side, \ Cut right foot to 2nd position raised, [Leap onto left foot. Music: 3/4 mazurka time. POLKA MAZURKA Polka Mazurka — a combination of 1 ma- zurka step and 1 Polka Redowa Step, ori- ginated by a Russian Princess. Music: 3/4 mazurka time. Execution. Polka Mazurka to right. 'Slide right foot to side. Cut right foot to 2nd position raised, k Hop on right foot. —55— Execution. 'Slide right foot to side, • Cut right foot to 2nd position raised, Leap onto left foot. WALTZ Waltz — originated in 161 7, probably in Germany, tho Austria also claims it. Music: 3/4 time. Accent on first beat of music; two measures (6 counts) needed for one complete turn. The waltz was originally danced with partners side by side, facing and holding hands. The "dancing position" came into vogue about 1830 or 1840. Waltz Preparation. (Class arranged in lines, all facing forward) %p 'Step forward on right foot Step forward on left foot Close right foot in 1st position count 1 count 2 count 3 fStep back on left foot Step back on right foot [Close left foot in 1st position count 1 count 2 count 3 -56- Then: Execution. 'Leap forward on right foot, Slide left foot thru ist to 2nd position, Close right foot in ist position. \W 'Leap backward on left foot, • Slide right foot thru ist to 2nd position, Close left foot in ist position. Right Square. Same as above, describing turning right at each corner, slide. Left Square. Reverse of above. a square by Turn on the Leap (jete). Slide (glisse), Cut (coupe), Waltz Step. Note — In practice the "cut" is pronounced, but later is modified until it is executed without lifting the foot. —57- Execution. Circle Formation. (All facing centre). "i waltz step forward with right foot, i waltz step backward with left foot, Repeat, Hands joined. | Drop hands, \ i waltz square I 8 right, measures in all. Circle Formation. (All facing right, one behind the other.) Same series as above. Girl's Part (entire class). 'i waltz step forward with right foot, i waltz step forward with left foot, i waltz turn to right (2 measures), 4 measures in all. Boys' Part (entire class). '1 waltz step backward with left foot, 1 1 waltz step backward with right foot, 1 1 waltz turn right (2 measures), 4 measures in all. -58- PART 2 TECHNIQUE EXERCISES (As taught by Louis H. Chalif) i — "5 positions," 2/4 time. 2 — Elever, 3/4 time. 3 — Plier, 2/4 time. 4 — Degager in 2nd position, 3/4 time. 5 — Degager in 4th position, 3/4 time. 6 — Petit battement in 2nd position, 2/4 time. 7 — Coupe to 2nd position, 6/8 time. 8 — Coupe to 4th position, 6/8 time. q — Petite rond de jambe, 4/4 time. 10 — Saute, 2/4 time. 1 1 — Petit battement in 2nd and 4th position, 2/4 time. 12 — Same as above with port de bras, 2/4 time. 13 — Grand battement, 2/4 time. 14 — Glisse, saute, change, 4/4 time. 15 — Jete, 6/8 time. 16 — Tour jete, 6/8 time. 1 7 — 2 coupe, saute, 1 tour jete, 6/8 time. 18 — Rond de jambe, 2/4 time, iq — Degager in 2nd and 4th position, 3/4 time. 20 — Degager in 2nd and 4th position behind, 3/4 time. 21 — Tortiller, 4/4 time. 22 — Pas de bourree (simple), 6/8 time. 23 — Pas de bourree change, 6/8 time. 24 — Pas ballonne, 4/4 time. -59— 25 — Pas de basque (forward,) 3/4 time. 26 — Pas de basque (backward), 3/4 time. 27 — Lateral pas de basque, 3/4 time. 28 — Three-step turn, 4/4 time. 29 — Tour de basque, 4/4 time. 30 — 1 ballonne, 1 pas de basque, 3/4 time. 31 — 1 pas de basque, 1 tour de basque, 3/4 time. 32 — Glissades (simple), 6/8 time. 33 — Glissades change, 6/8 time. 34— L Assemble, 6/8 time. 35 — 2 pas de basques, 1 tour de basque, 1 pas de bourree and point, 3/4 time. 36 — 1 ballonne, 1 pas de basque, 1 tour de basque and hold, 3/4 time. 37 — 1 Jete, fouette, saute (moving forward), 6/8 time. 38 — Same exercise moving backward. 6/8 time. 39 — 1 pas de bourree simple, 1 pas de bourree change, 1 pas de bourree change with half turn, 1 pas de bourree simple com- pleting turn; called the "dancing pro- lem." 6/8 time. 40 — Holupiez and assemble in 1st position, with 2 frappes. 3/4 mazurka time. 41 — 1 Jete, fouette, saute (on right), same on left, 1 jete, saute, forward and back, 4 pas de basques forward, repeat, executing pas de basques backward (instead of forward), 3-4 time. Called the "step swing" series. 42 — Polish chasse (moving forward), 3/4 mazurka time. 43 — Polish tortiller (moving backward). 3-4 mazurka time. 44 — 1 holupiez, 1 Polish chasse. 3-4 mazurka time. —60— 45 — Glissades and assemble in ist position, 6/8 time. 46 — 2 tortiller, 2 changements, 4/4 time. 47 — 1 jete, fouette (saute), 1 pas de bourree change, 4/4 time. 48 — 1 ballonne, 1 pas de basque, 2 tour de basques, 3/4 time. 49 — Petit battement sur le cou-de-pied, 2/4 time. 50 — Polish eschappe in 4th and 2nd position (moving forward) . 2-4 time 51 — Glissades, 1 jete and assemble in 5th position, 6/8 time. 52 — 4 glissades, 1 jete, assemble, 2 change- ments, 3/4 time. 53 — 1 pas de basque, glisse, coupe (forward), 3/4 mazurka time. 54 — Polish pas marche, 4/4 time. 55 — 1 ballonne, rond de jambe, 1 pas de bourree change, 3/4 time. 56 — 1 ballonne, 1 demi pas de basque, 1 jete and assemble, 3/4 time. 57 — 1 jete, 1 pas de bourree change (moving sideward), 6/8 time. 58 — Simple chasse (moving forward), 4/4 time. 59 — 1 simple chasse, 1 jete and assemble (moving forward), 4/4 time. 60 — Same moving backward, 4/4 time. 61 — 1 jete 1 pas de bourree change, 1 tour de basque (all same direction), 6/8 time. 62 — 1 chasse, 1 jete and assemble, 2 change- ments, 1 jete and assemble (moving forward), 2/4 time. 63 — Same moving backward, 2/4 time. 64 — 2 ballonnes, 1 pas de basque, 1 tour de basque, 3/4 time. 65 — 2 pas de basques, 1 tour de basque, 1 slow glissade (foot in front), 3/4 time- —61 — 66 — Glisse, saute (diagonally forward on right foot), glisse, saute (back on left foot), rond de jambe pas de bourree change (to left), 2 glissades (to left), 1 tour de basque (to left), 3/4 time. 67 — 4 pas de basques forward, 2 pas de basques backward, 1 tour jete (right), 3/4 time. 68 — 4 pas de basques forward, rond de jambe (with right leg), 1 pas de bourree change (to left), rond de jambe (with left leg), coupe, glisse, coupe (backward), 2 tour de basques (to right), 3/4 time. 69 — Coupe, saute (backward and forward), 1 tour de basque, 1 slow pas de basque (opposite direction), 3/4 time. 70 — 1 simple chasse (forward), 1 jete, as- semble, 4 glissades (to right, finish with left foot in 3rd position), 2/4 time. 71 — 1 jete (to right), 2 pas de bourrees change (right to left), 6/8 time. 72 — Jete, fouette, saute (right and left), balance forward and back, 4 pas de basques forward, jete, fouette saute (right and left), balance forward and back, 2 pas de basques backward, 1 tour jete (to right), 3/4 time. 73 — Ciseaux, 2/4 time. 74 — 1 ciseaux, 1 pas de bourree change, 2/4 time. 7 5 — Sissonne, 6/8 time. 76 — Pas de chat, 3/4 time. j7 — 1 sissonne, 1 pas de bourree change (sideward), 6/8 time. 78 — 1 glissade, 1 jete (same direction), 6/8 time. 79 — 1 jete, 1 pas de bourree change, 1 tour de basque (all same direction), 6/8 time. —62— 8o — 4 pas de basques forward, rond de jambe (with right), i pas de bourree change (to left), rond de jambe (with left), coupe, glisse coupe (backward), i pas de basque backward, i tour de basque, 3/4 time. 81 — 1 pas de basque, 1 glissade (opposite direction and foot in front), 3/4 time. 82 — 1 simple chasse backward (with left), 1 jete and assemble, 4 glissades (to right), 4/4 time. 83 — 1 sissonne, 1 pas de bourree change (forward), 6/8 time. 84 — Grand tour jete (backward), 6/8 time. 85 — 2 jetes, 1 pas de bourree change, 1 tour de basque, 1 slow glissade (foot in front), 6/8 time. 86 — 1 pas de basque (with right), 1 glissade to left (foot in front), 1 tour de basque right, 3/4 time. 87 — 1 pas de basque, 1 glissade (foot behind), 1 tour de basque, 3/4 time. -63-