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^-inch 9- nch 10- nch 12- inch 14- nch 15- inch 16- inch 18- inch 20- inch Total 9,466,143 feet Or over one thousand seven hundred and ninety=two miles, aggregating seventy=two thousand tons of this particular class of Pipe. A portion of this amount of Converse Joint Pipe has been used in the construction of several hundreds of water-works systems, either complete or in part, with the necessary fittings FACTS ABOUT PIPE. and appurtenances, among which may be mentioned the follow ing: Aberdeen, City of So. Dak. Adams, Mass. Adrian Water-Works, Adrian, . . Mich. Aetna Mining Co., Springfield Junction, Pa. Albuquerque Water Co. , Albuquerque, . N. Mex. Anaconda Commercial Co., Anaconda, . , Mont. Anacortes Water- Works, Anacortes, . . Wash. Ashland Water-Works, Ashland, . . Ore. Aspen Water- Works, Aspen, .... Colo. Athens Asylum for Insane, Athens, . . Ohio. Aqua Pura Company, Las Vegas, . . N. Mex. Baker City Water- Works, Baker City, . . Ore. B. & O. Railroad Company's Water System, Bessemer Water-Works, Bessemer, . . Mich. Benicia Arsenal, Benicia, ... Cal. Berkley (Alamedia Water Co.), Berkley, . Cal. Berkley (University of Cal.), Berkley, . Cal. Billings Water Power Co., Billings, . . Mont. Birmingham Water- Works, Birmingham, . Ala. Blair Water-Works, Blair, . . . Neb. Boise City Water-Works, Boise City, . . Idaho. Bozmau Water-Works, Bozman, . . Mont. Braddock, Pa. Brainard Water-Works, Brainard, . . Minn. Brigham City Water-Works, Brigham City, . Utah. Britton, So. Dak. Brookings, ... ... So. Dak. Brookville City Water Co., Brookville, . . Pa. Buena Vista, ...... Colo. Buffalo Water-Works, Buffalo, . Wyo. Butte City Water Company, Butte, . . Mont. Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., Lake Linden, . Mich. Castle Creek Water Co., Aspen, . . . Colo. Centralia, Wash. Central City, So. Dak. Chamberlain, City of, ... . . So. Dak. Chadron Water-Works, Chadron, . . Neb. Cheboygan, Mich. PARTIAL RECORD OF PIPE FURNISHED. Charlestown Water-Works, Charlestown, . W. Va. Chestertown, ....... Md. Chicopee Water Co. , Chicopee, . . Mass. Clebourne, ....... Tex. Clinton, ....... Mass. Colorado Springs, ...... Colo. Columbia Water Co. , Columbia, . Tenn. Columbia Water-Works, Astoria, . . Ore. Columbus Water- Works, Columbus, . Tex. Coronado Beach Company, San Diego, . Cal. Council Bluffs Water Co., Council Bluffs, . Iowa. Corvallis, ........ Ore. Crested-Butte Water & Lt. Co., Crested Butte, Colo. Crookston Water-Works, Crookston, . . . Minn. Deer Lodge Water Co., Deer Lodge, . . Mont. Defiance Water- Works, Defiance, . . . Ohio. Del Norte, Colo. Delta, ........ Colo. Dixon Water- Works, Dixon, .... Ills. Doland, ........ So. Dak. East Chicago, ...... Ills. East Dubuque Water-Works, East Dubuque, . Ills. East Greenwich Water Supply Co., East Green- wich, . . . . . . . R. I. East St. Louis Water Co., East St. Louis, Ills. Eau Claire, ....... Wis. Edge Hill Vineyard, Napa County, . Cal. Ellendale, N. Dak. El Paso de Robles, ..... Cal. El Paso Water Company, El Paso, . . Tex. Eureka, ........ Nev. Evanston Water- Works, Evanston, . . Wyo. Fairplay Water- Works, Fairplay, Faribault, ...... Fenton Water-Works, Fenton, . Fergus Falls Water- Works, Fergus Falls, Fort Benton Water- Works, Fort Benton, Fort Buford, ...... Fort Coeur d' Alene, .... Fort Collins Water-Works, Fort Collins, Colo. Minn. Mich. Minn. Mont. N. Dak. Idaho. Colo. 10 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Fort Gratiot Water- Works, Fort Gratiot, Fort Pembina, ..... Fort Sherman, ..... Fort Snelling, ... Fort Totton, Freeport, ... Fredericksburg, Fremont Center, . Fremont Water- Works, Fremont, Fresno Water-Works, Fresno, Fulton Water- Works, Fulton, Mich. N. Dak. Idaho. Minn. N. Dak. Ills. Va. Mich. Mich. Cal. Ills. Gardner Water-Works, Gardner, . . Mass. Geneseo, City of ... . . Ills. Georgetown, ..... Tex. Glamis Mining Co., Glamis, .... Cal. Glenwood Springs, ...... Colo. Glenwood, . . Minn. Golden, Colo. Gonzales Water- Works Co., Gonzales, . . Tex. Grafton, W. Va. Grand Forks Water-Works, Grand Forks, . N. Dak. Grand Haven Water- Works, Grand Haven, Mich. Grants Pass, . . . . . . Ore. Green Bay, '. • Wis. Greenville Water- Works, Greenville, . Ills. Gunnison Water- Works, Gunnison, . Colo. Haddonfield Water Co., Haddonfield, Hailey, ...... Hammond Water- Works, Hammond, Hancock Water- Works, Hancock, Hanford Water- Works, Hanford, Healdsburg Water Co., Petaluma, Helena Water Co., Helena, Hillsboro, ...... Houghton, ..... Honolulu Water- Works, Honolulu Huachuca Water Co. , Tombstone, Hurley, Water-Works, Hurley . Huron, City of ... N. J. Idaho. Ind. Mich. Cal. Cal. Mont. N. Mex. S. Dak. S. Isles. Ariz. Wis. S. Dak. PARTIAL RECORD OF PIPE FURNISHED. 11 Independence, ..... Ionia Water- Works, Ionia, Iowa Hospital for Insane, Independence, Iowa, ....... Ironwood Water- Works, Ironwood, Iowa. Mich. Iowa. Cal. Mich. Jamestown, N. Dak. Kansas City Water Co., Kansas City, . Mo. Kearney, ....... Neb. Kelseyville, . Cal Kewanee Water- Works, Kewanee, . Ills. Laconia Water-Works, Laconia, . N. H. Lake Linden, ...... Wash. Lake Valley, ...... . N. Mex Lake Village Water Co., Lake Village, N. H. Las Vegas, ...... . N. Mex La Peer Water- Works Co., La Peer, Mich. Laredo Water- Works, Laredo, Tex Leadville Water Co., Leadville, Colo. Logan, ........ Iowa. Longmont Water- Works, Longmont, Colo. Los Angeles, ....... Cal. Los Carrillos, ...... N. Mex Los Delicos, Sonora, ..... Mex. Luddington Water Supply Co., Luddington, . Mich. Luddington, . . . . . . Mich. Lynn Public Water Board, Lynn, Mass. Mamaroneck Water Co., Mamaroneck, . N. Y. Mandan, ....... . N. Dak Manistee, ....... Mich. Mankato, ....... . Minn. Marblehead Water Co., Marblehead, Mass. Marin County Water Co., San Rafael, . Cal. Marion, ........ Kan. Marshall, . Mo. McKeesport, ....... Pa. Menominee Mining Co., Iron Mountain, Mich. Merrill, Wis. Midland, Mich. Milford Water Co., Milford, . Mass. 12 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Minneapolis, ....... Minn. Mishawaka Water- Works, Mishawaka, . . Ind. Mission Water Co., Santa Barbara, . . Cal. Missoula Water-Works, Missoula, . . . Mont. Monroe Water Works Co., Monroe, . . La. Montevideo Water-Works, Montevideo, . Minn. Monticeto Valley Water Co., San Rafael, . Cal. Monticeto, ...... Cal. Montrose, ........ Colo. Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Mt. Vernon Water-Works, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Municipal Investment Co, Chicago, . Ills. Muskegon Water-Works, Muskegon, . . Mich. National City Water- Works, National City, Cal. New Haven Water Co., New Haven, . Conn. Newman Water- Works, Newman, . . Cal. Newton, Kan. Nevada, . Mo. Nevada City, Cal. North Platte Water- Works Co., North Platte, Neb. Old Tacoma, . Wash. Omaha, ....... Neb. Ord, Neb. Oregon City, . Ore. Oregon Pacific R. R. Co., Corvallis, . . Ore. Oscoda, Mich, Ottumwa Water- Works, Ottumwa, . Iowa. Ouray, Colo. Pacific Improvement Co., Santa Barbara, . Cal. Palo Alto, Cal. Paso Robles Water Co., Paso Robles, . Cal. Peerless Mining Co., .... Ariz. Pendleton, Ore. Pendleton, Wash. Perkins Water-Works Mfg. Co., Nevada, . Mo. Petaluma, Cal. Philadelphia, Pa. Phillipsburg, Mont. Phillipsburgh, Kan. Phoenix Water Co., Phcenix, .... Ariz. PARTIAL RECORD OF PIPE FURNISHED. 13 Pierre, ........ S. Dak. Pueblo, ........ Colo. Portland, ........ Ore. Quincy Water-Works, Quincy, . . . Mass. Rapid City Water-Works, Rapid City, ■■. S. Dak. Raton Water Co., Raton, .. . . . N. Mex. Red Bluff, Cal. Ripon, ........ Wis. Riverton, . . . . . . . . Neb. Roseberg, ... ... Ore Salem, ........ Ohio. Salida Water- Works, Salida, .... Colo. Sandwich Water- Works, Sandwich, . . . Ills. St. Claire, City of, . . . . . . Mich. St. Claire Water- Works, St. Claire, . Mich. St. Louis, ....... Mo. San Bernardino Water-Works, San Bernardino, . Cal. San Bruno, ....... Cal. San Diego & Coronado Water Co., San Diego, . Cal. San Diego Land & Town Co., San Diego, . Cal. San Francisco, ....... Cal. San Gabriel Water- Works Co., Georgetown, . Tex. San Pedro Water-Works, San Pedro, . . N. Mex. San Rafael, ........ Colo. Sandwich, City of, ..... . Ills. Santa Barbara, ...... Cal. Sauk Center Water-Works, Sauk Center, . Minn. Sault Ste Marie, Mich. Savanna Water-Works, Savanna, . . . Ills. Seattle, ........ Wash. Seneca Falls Water Co., Seneca Falls, . . N. Y. Sierra City, ....... N. Mex. Silverton, ...... Colo. Sioux Falls Water Co., Sioux Falls, . . S. Dak. Smith Center, ...... Kan. Snohomish, ....... Wash. Socorro, ....... N. Mex. Sonora, ........ Mex. Spearfish Water- Works, Spearfish, . . . S. Dak. 14 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Spokane Falls Water Co., Spokane Falls, . Wash. Springfield Water- Works, Springfield . . Ills. Spring Hill Water Co., Seattle, .... Wash. Sundance, ....... Wyo. Swampscott, ....... Mass. Tacoma, ... .... Wash. Tacoma, Old, ... . Wash. Templeton, ....... Cal. Texas Water & Gas Co., Terrill, . . Tex. Texas Water & Gas Co., Tyler, . Tex. Tombstone, ....... Ariz. Tunichi Valley Smelting Co., Gunnison, Colo. Turners Falls, ...... Mass. Tuscarora Water Co., Tuscarora, . . . Nev. Tyler, ........ Tex. Ukiah Water Co., Ukiah Cal. United States Wind, Engine & Pump Co., . Ills. University of California, Berkeley, . . Cal. Vallejo Water- Works, Vallejo, . . . Cal. Virginia & Gold Hill Water- Works, Virginia, . Nev. Wahpeton Water- Works, Wahpeton, . N. Dak. Walla Walla Water Co. , Walla Walla, . Wash. Ware Fire Department, Ware, . . Mass. Warm Springs, .... Cal. Walsenberg, ....... Colo. Washburn, ........ Minn. Wellington, ....... Kan. Waukesha Hygea Mineral Springs Co., Chicago, Ills. Wellsville Water Co., Wellsville, . . . N. Y. West Point Neb. Whitewood, S. Dak. Wichita Water Co. , Wichita, . . Kan. Wisconsin Construction Co., . . . Wis. Wisner, ........ Neb. Woolston, ....... Mass. Yaquina, Ore. PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY UNDER GREAT PRESSURE. 15 From the very large number of reports regarding our Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe for Water-Works uses, we submit the following exact copies : ABERDEEN, DAKOTA. Aberdeen, Dak., July ioth, 18S5. National Tube Works Co. In answer to your inquiry as to how your Kalainein water pipe, fitted with patent Converse Dock Joint, pleases us, would say that it gives us per- fect satisfaction. We have a constant pressure of from 165 to 250 lbs. per square inch, and we never have had a leak since the works were completed and tested. We have had occasion to examine the pipe when making connections for services, and have found the pipe in as good condition as when laid ; no signs whatever of corrosion or rust, which fact is highly satisfactory when you consider the fact that our soil is highly impregnated with alkali. With the thermometer 52 degrees below zero we have had no trouble with our pipes freezing. In conclusion we can say that your pipe has been all that you claimed for it, and fills the bill perfectly. (Signed) Jerome H. Schutt, Supt. of Water Works and Chief of Fire Department. ADRIAN, MICHIGAN. Adrian, Mich., April 4th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your favor of a recent date, I will say we have used a large quantity of your pipe on services and extensions and are well pleased and satisfied that it is all you have claimed for it. We shall use considerable of it this year. The Adrian, Mich., Water Works, (Signed) R. H. Baker, Supt. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. AebuoueRQUE, N. M., May 27th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. I beg leave to inform you that the Water Works at this place, con- structed by me, for which your Company furnished seven miles of 14-in., 10-in. and 5-in. pipe, are completed and have been accepted by the Water Company. Permit me to say a word regarding your Dap-welded Kalamein Converse Joint pipe. I find it much lighter, the joints (lengths) longer and more easily handled than cast-iron pipe. Where freights are an item, there is about one-half difference in favor of your pipe. It is more rapidly and cheaply laid, taking about one half the labor and lead — I can with the same men lay double the distance in a day. As to tensile strength, I tested the works here under two hundred (200) lbs. per square inch pressure, without a single leak, or developing any sort of weakness in the pipe. Our streams were fully satisfactory, reaching double the height required by my contract. 16 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. I can say from past experience with cast-iron pipe, that all conditions being equal, a stream will reach ten feet higher for each sixty pounds pres- sure, through your Lap-welded wrought-iron Converse Patent L,ock Joint pipe, than can be done through cast-iron pipe. I write this letter simply on account of the satisfaction your pipe has given me and the Water Company here. Hoping to do further business with you in the near future, permit me to remain, (Signed) George F. Woolston, Constructing Engineer Albuquerque Water Company. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Jan. 19th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. Replying to yours of the 16th, I would say that, prior to my taking charge of the works here, I was not disposed to regard wrought-iron pipe for distributing mains, favorably. After three years' experience with your Converse Joint Kalamein pipe, I have now no doubt in regard to its dura- bility in this soil, and, as the soil here is strongly impregnated with alkali and minerals in different forms, / would not hesitate to use it in any place. Having had occasion to lately cut into our old Converse Joint lines for the purpose of putting in branches, I found not the least corrosion and that the pipe was as clean inside as when first put in. In regard to the cheapness with which the pipe can be laid, I will say that the entire cost of laying 7,500 ft. of 5-in pipe, including lead, distribut- ing pipe, ditching and filling, drayage in moving from one part of town to another, making connections to old lines and setting 14 fire hydrants, was but 5 6-10 cents per foot. In one day four men put together, calked and laid 750 ft. (Signed) C. J. Stetson, Supt. Albuquerque, N. M., January 27th, 1890. F. C. Finkle, Esq., San Bernardino, Cat. Replying to yours of the 22d inst. , I wish to state that when our works were built we laid 6 l / 2 miles of the Converse Lock Joint Kalamein pipe and have lately laid 1 1 / 2 miles more of the same kind. A critical examination having failed to show any internal and external corrosion, I can say that, in our experience with it, it has given perfect satisfaction. (Signed) C. J. Stetson, Supt. Albuquerque Water Co. Albuquerque, N. M., October 25, 1889. f. R. Both well, Esq., Ogden, Utah. I have been requested by the National Tube Works Company to give you our opinion in regard to the Kalamein water pipe made by them. We laid 6y z miles of it in 1882, and this year laid lyi miles additional, which is sufficient to show that we have found the pipe entirely satisfactory. When we wish to lay any more we will certainly purchase the same kind. I am satisfied that on account of its smooth interior surface it certainly has a CLEAN AND GOOD AFTER TEN YEARS. 17 greater carrying capacity than cast-iron pipe, but we have never made any test whereby we could tell how much greater it is. What I consider the great feature of this pipe is the cheapness with which it can be laid and the safety from damage in shipping. In regard to its durability, I can say that I lately had occasion to cut into our mains for the purpose of putting in branches, and found absolutely no indication of corrosion, while black iron service pipes have been entirely destroyed in our soil in 6 months' time. (Signed) C. J. Stetson, Supt. Albuquerque Water Co. Office of Water Supply Company ) Albuquerque, N. M., Oct. iSth, 1892. f National Tube Works Co. Replying to your favor of 14th, will say the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein pipe is giving good satisfaction. It is carrying from 80 to 100 lbs. pressure. We have had only two leaks, and the cost of repairing them was small. The pipe is in good condition and does not cost much to lay it, there being quite a saving of lead and labor over cast iron. It is laid in both adobe and sandy soil. It is always clean inside and no bad taste of water after it is laid. It is far superior to cast-iron pipe. The water may stand in Kalamein pipe for weeks and will come out clear with a good taste, while if it stands in cast-iron pipe one day it comes out colored and with a taste of iron or rust. Water Supply Co., (Signed) B. F. Davis, Supt. AMERICAN WATER WORKS AND GUARANTEE CO., LIM. Pittsburgh, Pa., April 27th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. During a number of years I have been building water works, first in in- dividual partnership and subsequently as General Manager of the American Water Works and Guarantee Co., Dim , and during that time have directed the construction of over thirty water ivorks systems located at various points in the United States, many of which involve the expenditure of hundreds of thou- sands of dollars, and as the company of which I am General Manager owns and operates all of these different water works systems I have had quite an experience with Converse Patent Dock Joint Kalamein pipe, for during that time we have used in a number of places the Kalamein pipe and have found it very satisfactory indeed, having had ample opportunity of comparing its work with that of cast iron, which we have also used a great deal of. As to the Kalamein pipe, though, I would say that in some instances which I call to mind at this moment we have had this Kalamein pipe under high pressure for over five years and as far as I am able to learn at the present time, there is 710 complaint or fault to find with it in any way. I might say that the only weak point that I ever found in reference to it (and this has been remedied since the time it was called to my attention), was that the lead joint where the bell was leaded on to the pipe, at the works was sometimes not thoroughly calked, consequently would naturally allow water 18 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. to leak, as the lead was not driven home ; but, since the time we were troubled on account of this joint not being driven tight, we have always gone over each joint of pipe as we laid it in the ditch and driven the lead as tight as possible and since then we have had no trouble whatever. There are very great advantages in the use of this pipe ; usually the company making it are able to give very prompt and satisfactory deliveries of it and then the question of freight is a very important one, in which there is quite a saving in favor of Kalamein. Other than that mentioned, which was slight and not the fault of the pipe at all, I do not call to mind any weak points re- garding it. The points which have impressed themselves upon us favorably are that it has very great tensile strength and uniform thickness, which of course prevent it from breakiug or leaking through the pipe, as we so fre- quently have occur with cast-iron pipe, requiring expensive repairs from breaks after the line is under pressure. This is a thing that never happens with Kalamein pipe. Then, when properly coated with Kalamein and Asphalt treatment, I do not believe there is very much question as to its durability, for it seems, as I said, as far as we are able to judge, fully equal in life with cast-iron pipe. We have noticed that the length of each indi- vidual piece of pipe is so much greater than that of cast iron pipe, that there is a great saving in the number of lead joints, and of course a more effective service by less obstruction in the pipe and I am convinced it shows less friction than cast-iron pipe. We have used it both East and West and have seen no reason to change our good opinion regarding it. (Signed) W. S. Kuhn, Gen'l Manager, American Water Works and Guarantee Co., Limited. ANACONDA, MONTANA. Anaconda, Mont., October 26th, 1S90. J. R. Bothwell, Esq., Ogden, Utah. We understand that you are about to purchase considerable pipe, and have been asked to give you our experience with Kalamein pipe. We can say that after carefully investigating the matter we bought over 15 cars of Kalamein pipe for water works here, and it has proved very satis- factory. We have had no repairing to do, and with a pressure of 92 lbs. per square inch. The advantage it has over other pipe iu weight makes it much quicker laid and easier to handle, while its smooth interior makes much less friction than other pipe — a point often under estimated. This pipe we freely endorse, and think will warrant all that is claimed for it. Hoping that our word of endorsement may assist you in forming your opinion, as it is entirely disinterested and only given because we personally have had experience which justifies it, we remain, (Signed) Anaconda Commercial Company, F. E. MiEEER, Mgr. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chicago, October 19th, 1892. Superintendent Water Works, Ashland, Oregon. We take the liberty of asking you as to the satisfaction the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe, which we furnished some time since, is SPIRAL WELDED PIPE NOT SATISFACTORY. 19 giving and any other information you can give us, such as the amount of pressure it is carrying ? breaks, if any ? annual cost of repairs ? present condition of the pipe ? economy of lead and labor in laying ? internal condi- tion, with reference to cleanliness? effect, if any, on the water? We ask the above, as we have just learned that a person representing the makers of Spiral Welded Steel Pipe had said that the National Tube Works Pipe was a poor lot of stuff ; was not giving good satisfaction, and that on that account they had sold a large quantity of Spiral Welded Steel Pipe to your city. We are extremely anxious to get at the bottom facts regarding the matter and if you can consistently advise us as to the true state of affairs we shall be under obligation to you for so doing. Soliciting an early reply, we remain, National Tube Works Co. The reply is appended. It is evident the Superintendent does not care to state the actual condition of the '' Spiral Welded Steel Pipe " further than to suggest that — If we had used more of the Kalamein Pipe our City would have been better off. Ashland, Oregon, Oct. 29th, 1892. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your letter of the 19th, asking information in regard to the satisfaction of the Converse L-ock Joint Kalamein Pipe our city bought of your Company, I will answer your questions in their order : Amount of pressure ? 1 10 to 200. Breaks? None. Annual cost of repairs ? Nothing. Present condition of pipe ? Good. Economy of lead and labor ? Considerable. Internal condition ? It is very clean, and it has no effect on the water. If we had used more of the Kalamein pipe our City would have been better off. (Signed) Ira C. Dodge, Supt. Water Works. ASPEN, COLORADO. Castle Creek Water Co., j Aspen, Colo , October 25th, 1892. \ Natio?ial Tube Works Co. Your favor of October 19th is before me. In reply will state, in answer to your questions, that at present we carry a pressure ranging from 80 to 125 lbs., according to location of pipe ; this — following spring — will have a pressure of highest, 150 lbs. ; so far we have had but one break in pipe, occurring several years ago. The annual cost of repairs has been nothing at all, excepting the break mentioned before, which you paid for. The present condition of the pipe is excellent — just as good (as near as I can see) as the day it was placed in ground. The economy of lead and labor is very 20 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. great over cast iron, as the actual cost of laying \" Kalamein does not exceed 2 cents per foot for labor, while cast iron costs as high as 10 cents. The character of soil is rocky, loamy and about every character you can imagine, from going through solid rock, crossing mining streams of water, through marshy ground, sand, etc. The internal condition of the pipe is excellent ; the surface being smooth, it has no opportunity of collecting anything inside. Have had pipe in the ground since 1885, and so far have not found rust. In conclusion will state that we are very much pleased with your Kalamein pipe, and will not use any other. (Signed.) Harry G. Koch, Supt. Member American Water Works Association and New England Water Works Association. BAKER CITY, OREGON. Office; of Baker City Water Works, 1 Baker City, Oregon, Dec. 16th, 1892. / National Tube Works Co. Yours of Oct. 19th came to hand some time ago, and should have answered it before, but have been very busy. I have been at work for the city for the last two years, and have been in charge of the water system for several months. The Kalamein pipe has given good satisfaction, and we carry 72 pounds pressure, equal to 175 foot head. We have had some leaks at the joints, which, I think, were caused by not being properly calked when laid. The soil varies along the route of pipe, there being some gravel, loam, sand and black adobe. At present the mains are in good repair, and the internal condition of the pipe, I think, is good, judging from a section of the pipe that was washed out by high water last spring. As to economy of lead and labor in laying the pipe, I do not know, as I have not had the experience, this pipe being laid before I took charge of the works. The water in the Kalamein pipe is sweet at all times where it has a circulation, but as with other kinds of pipe it gets bad at the dead ends. We have no cast-iron pipe in use in our system. I do not know of anything more that I can say that would be of interest to you. (Signed.) L. A. Parker, Supt. benicia, california. Benicia Arsenal, } Benicia, Cae., December 4th, 1SS9. } National Ttibe Works Co. Replying to 3'our letter of the 3rd inst., I have the honor to state that the 6-inch Converse Wrought Iron Pipe, 2,700 feet in length, purchased from you in March, 1889, for use at this Arsenal, was laid above ground in June. EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION. 21 Water is pumped through it to a height of two hundred and three (203) feet ; the pressure has not caused any leaks. Slight leaks at the joints — probably caused by expansion and contraction, are easily repaired by hammering the lead packing. The pipe was readily laid by enlisted men, under the superintendence of one of our machinists. I consider the pipe satisfactory in every respect at this date. (Signed) John A. Kress, Major Ordnance Dept. U. S. Army. Saint Louis Powder Depot, 1 Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Oct. 25th, 1892. ) National Tube Works Co. Your letter inquiring about the use and wear of pipe which I purchased at Benicia Arsenal, I believe three years ago, was forwarded to me here. I left Benicia in September, 1890, and cannot make reply to any of your questions, but I will re-mail your letter to Lieut. -Colonel L. S. Babbitt, Ordnance Department, who now commands that arsenal, and request him to answer your queries, if possible, and not too inconvenient. I think he will give you all the information obtainable on the subject. (Signed) John A. Kress, Major Ord. Dept. U. S. Army, Comdg. Depot. Saint Louis Powder Depot, \ Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Oct. 26th, 1892. \ Respectfully transmitted to Lieut. -Col. L. S. Babbitt, commanding Benicia Arsenal, with recommendation that, if not too inconvenient, the desired information be given to the National Tube Works Company. John A. Kress, Major Ord. Dept., Comdg. Depot. Benicia Arsenae, ) California, Nov. 4, 1892. f Respectfully returned to National Tube Works, with replies annexed to questions. The Kalamein Pipe is laying on the surface of the ground, and is, of course, subjected to greater strains than to changes of temperature, which accounts for a leaky joint occasionally, but which declines to pull apart. No section having been taken up or replaced, nothing is known of the interior of the pipe. L. S. Babbitt, Lieut.-Col. Comdg. Ord. Amount of pressure it is carrying About 50 lbs. Breaks, if any No breaks. Annual cost of repairs Slight. Present condition of the pipe Re-calking some joints. Economy of lead and labor. . . Great saving in work. Character of soil in which it is laid .... It is laid on the surface. Effect, if any, on the water No material effect. How it compares with cast-iron pipe. . No cast-iron pipes with which to compare. 22 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. BEBEELEY, CALIFORNIA. Berkeley, Cae., March 15th, 1879. National Tube Works Co. The lap-welded wrought iron pipe, purchased of you about three years ago, upon your recommendation, has proven satifactory. We have had no occasion to regret its adoption over other pipe. Quality and price consid- ered, we believe it to be the cheapest and best pipe in the market. (Signed) Robt. E. C. Stearns, Secretary, University of California. Berkeley, Cae., Dec. 4th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. Your favor of yesterday requesting my opinion about your Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe was duly received, and in reply would say that for a number of years past our Company has used your pipe to a large extent, and has had a chance of giving it a thorough, practical lest. We have now from six to eight miles of it in our works, and I must say that it has given us perfect satisfaction and can recommend it for its light- ness, strength, durability and the cheap, expeditious mode of laying it. (Signed) L. Weeeendorf, Supt., The Alamedia Water Company. BESSEMER, MICHIGAN. BESSEMER, Mich., January 2d, 1893. National Tube Works Co. Yours of October 19th, to Mr. C. S. Bundy, has been referred to me for answer. In reply will say that the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe furnished by the N. T. W. Co., some years since is giving good satis- faction, and we don't wish for better. It is carrying a fire pressure of 167 pounds and 60 pounds domestic pressure. We had one joint leak under a pressure of 245 pounds, which cost us about $5 to repair. The present condition of the pipe is good. We cannot say as to the " economy of lead and labor in laying," as we only have the one kind of pipe. The soil is hard-pan, quick-sand and rock. Its "internal condition, with reference to cleanliness," clean. It has no effect on the water. We have no cast iron pipe in use. Please furnish me a catalogue of Kalamein goods. (Signed) GEO. T. Wieeiams, Supt. Water Works. BILLINGS, MONTANA. BiEEiNGS, MONT., January 19th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In regard to your inquiry about the Kalamein pipe furnished us in 1886 would say : We have about five and one-half miles of this pipe which is NO BREAKS OR LEAKS IN TEN YEARS. 23 laid in moist ground, strongly impregnated with alkali, and in which ordi- nary pipe will last but a short time. We have not found a place so far where this pipe has rusted a particle, nor have we had a single burst, al- though the pipe has been worked at times under very heavy pressure. 77 has given us entire satisfaction and we most heartily recommend it. (Signed) Billings Water-Power Co., H. W. Rowley, Secretary and Engineer. Billings, Mont., October 22d, 1S89. J. R. Bothwell, Esq., Ogden, Utah. We are requested by the National Tube Works Co. to give you our ex- perience with Kalamein pipe. We now have about 6 miles of the pipe, which has been in use for about 4 years, and it has given excellent satisfac- tion. The pipe is very strong ; we never have had a break although we have carried as high as 200 lbs. pressure. We have never found a place yet where the pipe showed a particle of rust, although the ground is wet and alkali, and common black pipe will rust entirely out in about 5 years. The pipe can be laid very quickly and uses only a small amount of lead. Owing to its smoothness and freedom from rust, we find that the pipe will carry fully 50 per cent, more water than some cast iron pipes of same size which we have in use, owing to the roughness of the cast iron and its becoming covered with bunches of rust on the inside, which makes the water-friction very great. This is a candid statement of our experience, and we ca?i heartily rec- ommend the Kalamein pipe. (Signed) Billings WaTer-Power Co. H. W. Rowley, Sec'y. Billings Water-Power Company, Billings, Montana, Oct. 21, 1892. National Tube Works Co. Your communication in regard to our experience with Kalamein Pipe is at hand. We have something over six miles of mains of your pipe which is used under a variable pressure up to 150 lbs. Most of this pipe was put in in the fall of 1886, and up to the present time we have never had a break or leak. The soil is very hard on pipe here, and common wrought iron pipe will rust out in four or five years, but as yet we have not dis- covered a place in the Kalamein Pipe which has given any sign of being affected. Internally the pipes are exceptionally clean, so far as I have been able to examine, and they have no effect on the water. (Signed) H. W. Rowley, Sec'y & Supt. BOSTON", MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON, March 13, 1885. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your inquiry concerning Wrought Iron Pipe for Water Mains, would say that in several most important respects I consider it far superior to any other kind of pipe in use at the present time. 24 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Its strength and semi-flexibility make it secure against fracture or rupture, either in handling, laying or service. Of the some 35 miles of it that I have laid I have not known of a single case of injury from either of the above causes, and have seen a recorded water hammer on it of 145 lbs. per square inch. My impression is that it is safe to use under very excessive pressures, even approximating 300 lbs. per square inch. Your Converse Patent Lock Joint makes an almost perfect continuity of the interior surface, which is very smooth and conducive to large carry- ing capacity for any given size. In my opinion your outside diameter wrought iron pipe with this joint, and its long lengths, will convey more water, under a given head, than the same size of internal diameter cast iron pipe, as usually made and laid. Early in 1883 I laid about 8 miles of this pipe, coated with asphalt ; the soil was a peculiar mixture of clay and gravel, quite moist. On account of a street being regraded, we were obliged to take up and relay about one- half mile of this in the fall of 1884, and it was found to be perfectly free from rust or corrosion of any kind. At many other points where it has been dug up for the purpose of making connections, etc., it has always been found in equal good condition. In the fall of 1883 and spring of 1884 I laid about 20 miles of this pipe having a metal coating (Kalameiu) and afterwards an asphaltum coating. This was laid through nearly every conceivable soil, from clean, dry sand to salt marsh, and as far as I know it is all in good condition to-day. Service pipes having been connected with it at different points over its entire length, we have had good opportunities to examine it, and have always found it perfect. Other pipes laid at various times have given equally good results. (Signed.) A. II. Howland. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. Birmingham, Ai^a., September 30, 1S82. National Tube Works Co. We have finished laying the 2,000 feet of Converse Lock Joint Pipe for the Birmingham Water Works, and as plumbers and fitters we would like to say what we think of it : It is only fun to lay this size. Four of us laid 900 feet in seven hours. We managed it in this way : one man looked after the melting of the lead ; two men coupled the pipe and prepared the joint ; one man followed and did the calking. Then we lifted the pipe off bricks that were under each joint and turned on the water. Every joint was perfectly light. The Superintendent was present, and all he said was, "Order some more;" and we did so. Over other pipe of the same size it has some merits, and among them the following : It is easily handled ; it does not require pits at the joints, as cast iron pipe ; it requires less lead and less calking, consequently costs less ; it will allow more water to pass, and with less friction to the amount passed. All pipe men who have seen it like it. (Signed) R. KnauFF & Co., Contractors. TIGHT UNDER 230 POUNDS PRESSURE. 25 BRAINBKD, MINNESOTA. Brainerd, February 8th, 1884. National Tube Works Co. At our test to-day of your Indestructible Kalamein Converse Joint Pipe, we put the pressure up to 230 pounds and held it there some time without a break anywhere in our ten miles of mains. Had the gauge been so gradu- ated we would have run the pressure up to 300 pounds, with the firm belief that the pipe would have stood that or any pressure it was possible to put on it. With 100 pounds we connected two two and one-half inch hose, 400 feet long, from one hydrant, and from one-inch nozzles threw two splendid streams 100 feet high. As we have refrained from comments heretofore, let us now say that the pipe has proved more satisfactory to us than you gave us reason to expect. The expense of freight, hauling, laying and the lead consumed in caulking, is much less than for cast iron pipe, and we cannot account for the use of any other pipe where this is known. In con- clusion let us say that the representatives of your Company leave with us and our people the impression that it is the determination of the National Tube Works Company to make their work first-class in every particular. (Signed) C. F. Kindred, President. E. E. WEBSTER, Treasurer. N. J. Sarviers, Secretary. THE WATER WORKS. A Final Successful Pipe Test — Every Expectation Met— Splendid Fire Service Shown. Chief Engineer Tom Sheltou, of the National Tube Works, accompanied by Mr. T. W. Brooks, witnessed a pipe test of the works yesterday and Thursday, which was done under Mr. Kindred's personal supervision. At the first test the pressure reached 180 pounds, when the trial was postponed to next day. At that pressure results were perfect. Streams from faucets where the water was not shut off, would knock a glass out of the hand. Yesterday the final test was made in the presence of all the officers of the Company. A pressure of over 225 pounds was secured— in fact was near to 230 as the register would indicate, with results all that could be desired. The Kalamein pipe was equal to every test. During the test Chief Farnham and Assistant Chief French, assisted by Al Hawks, foreman of No. 1, laid a line of hose from the Fifth and Laurel Street hydrant, and threw an inch and a half stream clear over the cross on the Catholic Church steeple. With a "Siamese connection" two splendid fire streams were served. — North- western Tribune, Brainerd, Febricary 9, 1884. BRIG-HAM CITY, UTAH. A TRIAL TEST. The Brigham City Water Works System Proves a Huge Success. A Powerful Stream of Water Thrown Clean Over a Six Story Building. The Pressure is Found to be Immense. The Pipe Used is the National Tube Works Company's Kalamein Pipe Fitted with the Converse Patent Lock Joint. The water was first turned into the Brigham City Water Works system Friday, July 9th. The following Tuesday, a thorough test was given of the 26 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. pressure and efficiency of the system in case of fire. The result of the test exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the advocates, the promoters and the constructors of the enterprise. Not a leak was found in the entire system of eight miles. The pressure was simply heavy and the propelling force great. The city council certainly deserve great credit for the unqualified success of the project ; and Supt. David James is to be congratulated for the ability he has shown in superintending the construction of the system. The laying of a system of the extent of this, free from flaws, leakages or breaks is something unprecedented. * * * Tuesday noon, Mayor Turner, Chief Rhodes, of the Fire Department, and the City Councilmen came up from Ogden, by invitation, to oversee the testing of the water works, just com- pleted, and were loud in their praises of the entire system which they unreservedly approved. * * * With all the lawn sprinklers turned off and all the taps closed, the water was turned into the hose and a great stream shot high into the air amid great shouts of delight and satisfaction from the expectant crowd and the booming of cannon. * * * An inch- and-a-quarter nozzle was used first. With this a powerful stream was thrown high over sixty-foot buildings. Then both that and an inch nozzle were used simultaneously, expelling two large streams some sixty-five to seventy-five feet into the air. A hearty shout of approbation went up from the assembled throng when a forcible stream from the inch nozzle was thrown clear over the highest building in town and then over the new Co-Op., which is a three story building and about sixty feet wide. For several minutes the stream was allowed to play in the air, at least twenty feet above the topmost point of the cornice of this high building, when the nozzle was turned to an angle of about fifty degrees, and over the stream went, scattering the unsuspecting on the opposite side of the building. This trial proved a satisfactory verifi- cation of Supt. James' prediction that the force would make this feat possi- ble. * * * As usual, people who had hitherto opposed the project, now came forward and lustily cheered the promoters of the enterprise, as the test entirely dissipated their apprehensions and incredulity. The friends and supporters of the enterprise are fast multiplying, to the utter dismay and chagrin of the few remaining, straggling oppositionists who we may expect to hold out until " Gabriel blows his horn." * * * The water works test was a grand success. The tremendous power as a fire ex- tinguisher ought to make the people sleep a whole lot easier nights ; let us be thankful ; a great burden has been lifted from our minds. — Brigham City Bugler, July 16, 1892. BRITTON, SOUTH DAKOTA. Office of E. A. Cooper, Supt. Water Works, BriTTon, So. Dak., October 26th, 1892. National Tube IVor/es Co. In reply to your several inquiries of 20th inst. , would say that the Con- verse Patent Dock Joint Kalamein Pipe which you furnished some time since is giving excellent satisfaction. The mains are under a pressure of 120 pounds per square inch. C. J. K. & A. CORDIALLY RECOMMENDED. 27 There has never been a break or leak in the entire system. The annual cost of repairs is nothing. The present condition of the pipe is good. The economy of lead and labor in laying is said to be great. Our soil is yellow clay and sand. The pipe is clean internally. It has no effect on the water, and we have no other kind of pipe in use in our water works system. (Signed) E. A. Cooper. BUENA VISTA, COLORADO. Mayor's Office, | Buena Vista, Col., November 28, 1883. \ To whom it may concern. The Colorado Machinery Company has just completed the construction of the Buena Vista Water Works, and in a very satisfactory and workman- like manner, and from the character of their work and straightforward manner of dealing, we take pleasure in stating that we consider the com- pany thoroughly reliable and entirely competent. We, therefore, cordially recommend them to any town needing similar work. (Signed) G. W. Alden, Mayor. K. F. Hanly, Clerk. F. J. Campbell, ) Members W. S. Spencer, \ of E- R. Emerson, ) Council. John O'Connor, City Engineer. THE WATER WORKS ACCEPTED. East Monday the town authorities, after testing the various hydrants and inspecting the reservoir, dam and other parts of the works, formally accepted them from the contractors, the Colorado Machinery Co., through their agent, D. H. Harris. The town of Buena Vista is to be congratulated on securing so faithful a performance of the contract, and also upon having so liberal and enter- prising people to deal with as the Colorado Machinery Company of Denver, and the National Tube Works of Chicago, whose wrought iron pipe was used. This company has put in water works at Fairplay, Durango, and several other points in the state, in every instance giving entire satisfaction. The Buena Vista system consists of a dam and reservoir in Cottonwood Creek, at a point about two miles above town, the total fall being 165 feet. The reservoir holds 10,000 gallons of water, the pipes 35,000, and the water collected behind the dam for a distance of 200 feet above the reservoir, is about 175,000 gallons. The pipe, which is wrought iron, is ten inches in diameter for the first 1,000 feet ; eight inches for 10,260 feet, six inches for 2,770 feet, and there are 670 feet of four-inch pipe. 28 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. This gives a uniform pressure of about seventy pounds to the square inch, and tests through ioo teet of two and a half inch hose with a three- quarter nozzle, threw a stream over eighty feet perpendicularly, and about 200 feet horizontally. Approximate estimates show that the quantity of water discharged is sufficient to give 150 gallons per day per capita for a city of 5,000 inhabitants. As Buena Vesta can only claim about 2,500, it will be readily seen that we shall not suffer from drouth for some years yet. The total cost of the water works has been, not including an extra contract amounting to about $1, 500 on Railroad Street, $27,100. Bonds of the town to the amount of $30,000 were voted something over a year ago, and were negotiated by Lamb and Carey, of the National Tube Works and Colorado Machinery Company, respectively in New York, at ninety-three cents, cash. Work was begun on the 25th of June, and after encountering many unexpected obstacles, in the way of water from the irrigating ditches, and immense boulders in the trenches, requiring much blasting, the original contract was completed in full aud turned over last Monday. Competent judges say that the water works cost fully $5,000 less than the same work could be done for again. We advise all towns desiring water works to consult the Colorado Machinery Company of Denver and the National Tube Works of Chicago. — Buena Vista Times. Buena Vista, Coi,., March 12, 1885. National Tube Works Co. Your letter inquiring how the Bueua Vista Water Works pipe system is working, was received. The system gives good, entire and complete satisfaction. No one has yet been able to find a single fault with it ; there was no break at any place of any kind of the material used. There were a few insignificant leaks, occurring soon after the works were completed, which were repaired by the Construction Company, and did not cost more than $25, due to carelessness in workmanship. The cost of repairing leaks and breaks is (to the town) 0000 ! The total cost of maintaining the system is the same, as the town marshal merely "looks after it." One man, twelve days in one year, could do all the work required to maintain it. Will be glad if you send me your catalogue, or anything describing your different kinds of materials which you supply, their cost, etc., as I am often asked questions about water works. If a railroad is built to Aspen (this State), this year there will be water works constructed there at once, and I can with confidence recommend the National Tube Works Company's Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe. The results of the system here far exceed the expectations of those who were most hopeful, and contradicts and disappoints those who " knew it " and were opposed to its introduction. There were four fires here, any one of which would have completely destroyed the town had not the water works been available — a fire can gain no headway after the moment water from these pipes touches it. A great advantage, and principal to be observed, is the uninterrupted and "smooth flow." (Signed) John O'Connor, City Engineer. CAST IRON PIPE DESTROYED IN TWO AND A HALF YEARS. 29 BuENA VlSTA, Coe., January 5th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. The material furnished by your company in 1883 has never shown the smallest defect as yet, consequently we can form an opinion of its present condition through tappiug for service pipes only. Having personally tapped some of the first, and all of the last, will say, I cannot detect any loss of metal or evidence of decay. Our pressure is 60 to 70 lbs. per square inch. (Signed) E. M. KembeE, Supt. Water Works. BUFFALO, WYOMING. Office of the Buffalo Miee Company, \ Buffalo, Wyo., Nov. 12th, 1892. \ National Tube Works Co. In answer to yours of Oct. 19th, 1892, in regard to the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe, would say : It is carrying 60 lbs. pressure constantly, and in case of fire and on other occasions it is carrying from no to 140 lbs. The pipe has been in use 3^ years. There has been but two leaky joints. Annual cost of repairs is too slight to mention. Present condition of pipe, good. Character of soil, alkali. Internal condition of the pipe, Number 1. No effect on the water. In comparison with cast iron pipe, would say that there is no compari- son, as we had some cost iron pipe laid at the same time zve laid the Kala- mein pipe and the cast pipe zuas completely destroyed by the zuater in 2 1-2 years. (Signed) E. H. Smock, Manager. BUTTE, MONTANA. Office of the Butte City Water Company, } Butte, Montana, Jan, 31st, 1892. f National Tube Works Co. According to promise I will let you know how I am getting along here with pipe laying for the new water-works. I reached Butte Nov. 2d, and on the following day commenced work, taking charge of pipe laying. Up to December 1st, I laid something over two miles of your Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Water Pipe, and then the ground froze up so that opening trenches became impracticable. All the pipe we laid was put in at the lower end of the city, and it has been a good test in every way to your pipe as well as to myself. Most of the pipe line is under a steady pressure of 180 pounds to the square inch, and, about twice a week (when they fill the " upper tank ") the pressure runs as high as 220 pounds per square inch, and we have not had a leak or break in the pipe lines. That you may know how great the pressure in reality was, I will 30 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. tell you what fun we had with an eight-inch Gate Valve, which blew off three times in succession. The valves were left on the end of a line which is to be continued next spring. The valve stayed on the pipe all right for about six weeks, when they commenced to pump water into the " upper tank," and the pressure went up to over 250 pounds per square inch, when the valve blew off. I put the valve on the pipe again and braced the valve with an 8 x 8 stick of timber, when it stayed on one week before it blew off again ; I replaced the valve the second time and put a length of pipe beyond the valve ; the third time the valve blew off I replaced it and put another piece of pipe behind it, and now I think it will stay all right for it has stood the high pressure (over 250 lbs.) four times. I like to lay your Converse Joint Kalamein Pipe ; it is easy work when compared with the other water pipe, and when a joint is once made the contractor does not have to take his job to bed with him every night. (Signed) Rudolph Probst. Butte City Water Company, 1 Butte, Montana, July 28th, 1892. j National Tube Works Co. In reply to your favor of 13th, will say that we have had occasion to take up some of the Converse Joint Kalamein Pipe which we purchased of you, and which was laid from four (4) to five (5) years ago. We took it up to relay in connection with our new water works system. We found this pipe in excellent condition in every way, with no appearance of rust or corrosion on the inside, and the coating is as good as new on the outside. I have never seen any kind of pipe show up better than this. (Signed) Eugene Carroi^i,, Supt. Improvements to the Works of the Butte City Water Co. By J. H. Harper, C. E. The Butte City Water Co. purchased the plant and good will of the old Silver Bow Water Co., together with the franchise and estate of the old Silver Bow Hydraulic Mining Co., something more than a year ago. The plans of the purchaser contemplated that an entirely new system of distri- bution should be placed upon the old plant, which rendered it possible to utilize about nine miles of pipe from the old system. The following is a statement of the size and number of feet of Kala- meined iron pipe, jointed with lead and calked in the usual manner, that has been laid during the past season : 4-inch 5,ooo feet. 16-iuch 1,600 feet. 5-inch 800 6-inch 58,500 8-inch 16,000 10-inch 14,000 12-inch 12,500 18-inch 1,700 " 20-inch 15,000 " Total 125,100 feet. In laying the above amount of pipe the company has set 296 two-nozzle and 36 three-nozzle fire hydrants. KALAMEIN PIPE PREFERRED. 31 One 20-inch pipe has been entirely used from the point where the line descends to cross the valley of Silver Bow Creek, where a maximum pressure of 450 feet with the reservoir empty is attained. * * * All work here has been done under the supervision of Mr. Eugene Carroll, and to his courtesy I am indebted for much of the information given. — Engi- neering News, January 5, 'pj. CHADEON, NEBRASKA. Chadron, Neb., Nov. 19, 1S91. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of 16th inst., would say that the contract for our extensions was let in a lump to Mr. E. A. Rudiger. No, there was no objection to the Converse Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe, neither could there be any, for that which we have had in use in the water works system for several years has given the very best satisfaction. We could only raise $ 20,000 with which to do all the work this season, and you are perhaps aware that all bids received at the first letting were rejected, because the totals exceeded our appropriation. We like your Kalamein pipe, and would have given it the preference, even at greater prices than for cast-iron pipe, if the whole work could have been done within the appropriation. The appropriation was twenty thousand dollars, and Rudiger's bid (with cast-iron pipe) was twenty thousand dollars. We could not raise any more money, so had to let him have the contract as stated. (Signed) J. Kass. CHAMBERLAIN, DAKOTA. Chamberlain, D. T., March 5, 1885. National Tube Works Co. Yours of February 20th received, and contents carefully noted. What leakage we had during the past year was uncalled for, as our pipe was poorly laid — the plumber did not understand his business. If the pipe had been properly laid there would not have been a dollar's worth of repairing during the past year. There are few water works that have the pressure on the pipe that our works have, as our reservoir is over 200 feet above the pumps. We have finally completed our works as they should have been laid in the first place, and there are no faults existing. All the trouble we have had was in not securing the proper engineer in the start, as the Council knew nothing of putting in works. (Signed) R. Sturgeon, Mayor. Chamberlain, Dakota, Dec. 31st, 1888. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your letter of recent date, I beg leave to say that our mains are still in good condition, and, as far as I can ascertain, they are giving good satisfaction. The hydrants are not giving as good satisfaction as might be desired, as two of them (there are fourteen of them in use) are not in good 32 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. working order, and have bothered us for a long time by leaking. The other 12 hydrants are thus far in good condition. (Signed) C. C. Morrow, Supt. Chamberlain Dak. Water Works. CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA. Charleston, Kanawha Co., W. Va. , Sept. 4, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. Water was turned into the lower half of the city, that is, from Capitol Street to Elk River, the 27th of August, and into the upper part of the city the 28th of August. Everything bears success upon its face. There were but few leaks, and they were of a very insignificant nature. On Monday they concluded to have the test of fire streams. Just think of it, water turned in on the 27th and test on the 30th ! I had planned for an air cushion over each bibb in each house, so that we would have through- out the system a large amount of elasticity — water, you know, cannot be compressed. Also, a large air cushion at the works, 14x20. No services were turned on, consequently we had no elasticity down town, and the large cushion was full of water (leaked at the top) so we had no protection what- ever. We bursted all the new nozzles (four), so the test is ended until they get some new nozzles to try it over again. None of the nozzles had handles on, so they could not hold them and had all kinds of accidents — broke plate glass, flooded stores, men got knocked around, ladies got wet. Oh ! it was a regular picnic ! You see it is a wonder we did not blow up the whole pipe system. But she stood it, and we only broke one tee, which was imperfect, in the pump house. We threw one stream, with hose leaking at the joints, through one of their old brass, battered-up nozzles, over the top of a flag-staff on the corner of the Capitol building, next to my house. I think it is 160 feet high. The works are probably as good as the best in the United States. We only got 185 pounds on when the tee in the pump house bursted — it was im- perfect. As soon as we get the new one we will test to 200 pounds. (Signed) E. R. Davenport, Engineer. Charleston, Kanawha Co., W. Va., Sept. 21, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. We have just completed a very satisfactory system of water works here, in this capital city of West Virginia. Ten and four-fifths (10 4-5) miles of mains were laid, of your Kalamein pipe, with the Converse Patent Lock Joint, and upon the completed system we have had a pressure of two hundred (200) pounds per square inch, with- out detriment to any part of the plant. Your claims of superiority of your Kalamein pipe over all other makes are well founded ; can be laid cheaper, takes less lead, no yarn, cracked and imperfect pipes are avoided, and, after water is turned in, you can rest assured that the power at the pump house is not sufficient to burst it. C. J. K. & A. SUPPLEMENTING CAST IRON. 33 I have laid Kalamein pipes in soil strongly impregnated with alkali (in Dakota Territory), and, from personal observations, find that water delivered through them is pure, and the pipes will last longer under such adverse con- ditions than any other make or kind of pipe. (Signed) E. R. Davenport, Water Works Builder. CHEBOYGAN", MICHIGAN. Cheboygan, Mich., Dec. 31st, 1S88. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your favor of the 27th inst., would say that the pipe fur- nished by your firm in 18S5, for our water works system has so far been sat- isfactory, and from present indications it appears to be as good as when laid. (Signed) J. W. McDonald, Chairman, Board Water Com'rs. CHICOPEE, MASSACHUSETTS. Chicopee, Mass., June 4th, 1883. National Tube Works Co. Yours of the 31st ult., at hand, and in reply would say that we have about 1,500 feet of 3, 4 and 6-inch laid and being laid, of the Converse Pat- ent Dock Joint Kalamein Wrought Iron Pipe. It has not been down but a few weeks and can say nothing as to its durability in this soil. I have looked into the matter very carefully and consider it the best pipe in the market, and will gladly say so to any one you may refer to nie. (Signed) A. H. Rowland, Engineer, Chicopee Water Co. Chicopee, Mass., May 23, 1887. National Tube Works Co. Enclosed find sketch of 3-inch Converse Joint Pipe and fittings, which you will please make and send as soon as possible. The pipe we had of you last year is very satisfactory, and would like to have as low a price on this as you gave before, as we are adopting your pipe in place of cast-iron. (Signed) Dwight Manufacturing Co., J. W. Cumnock, Agt. CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO. The following extract from Engineer John E. Earley's report to the Governor of Chihuahua on the projected water works for the City of Chihuahua will probably be of interest to you : CLASS OF PIPE RECOMMENDED. After careful consideration and comparison of the various kinds of pipe found in the market, I have decided to recommend a superior quality of wrought-iron pipe, known as the Converse Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe, man- ufactured by the National Tube Works Company of McKeesport, Pa. This pipe is made from an excellent quality of tough, fibrous iron, and is pro- tected from corrosion by salts (which may be carried in solution in the water or contained in the surrounding soil), by having incorporated in the surface of the pipe a non-corrosive metal alloy, composed largely of tin. 34 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The surface thus formed is extremely smooth, offering the minimum fac- tional resistance to flow, and has been shown by experience to be exception- ally proof against tuberculous incrustation. Every joint is tested at the factory by hydraulic press for a bursting pressure of 500 pounds per squre inch, and, being of wrought-iron and not liable to fractures from handling, it can be relied upon to contain no hidden defects (such as are common with cast-iron pipe) to be discovered after the pipe is laid and the water turned on. In one case in Mexico, which has recently come under my observation, where cast-iron pipes were employed, six per cent, of the total number of pipes were broken in transit, and, of the pipes that were laid, an additional five per cent., or one out of every twenty, failed under the pressure of the water, entailing great confusion and expense in replacing them. The alkalies in most soils in Mexico will attack and soon destroy the ordinary wrought-iron pipe ; while, with the Kalamein pipe, the tin alloy effectually prevents this action — a matter of great importance when dealing with waters and soils containing more or less alkali, as is the case in Chi- huahua. One of the most common causes of failure in water systems where cast- iron pipe is employed is the clogging of the pipes by tuberculous deposits forming on the inside, thereby reducing the diameter and increasing the co- efficient of friction. Although in pipes of large size, this reduction of diameter by accretions is of proportionately small value, yet in the case of the smaller sizes of pipes where the same thickness of incrustation occupies so much greater comparative area, the evil becomes of serious importance, wrought iron pipe generally is comparatively free from danger from this source, and the Kalamein pipe has been proven to be particularly exempt. It has been in consideration of this property of the Kalamein pipe that I have felt justified in recommending the use of pipes as small as four-inch for the distributing system. On account of the superior class of material used in the manufacture ol this pipe, and the improved design of joints and specials, the weights per lineal foot of the Kalamein pipe are very considerably less than for other classes. The following gives comparisons of the weights per foot of the various sizes of Kalamein, ordinary- wrought and cast-iron pipe. These weights include the weight of complete joints : TABTE II. SHOWING WEIGHTS PER FOOT OF VARIOUS SIZES. Weights in Pounds. Diameter in Inches. Kalamein. Wrought-iron. Cast-iron. 4 5.00 IO.66 18.13 5 7-15 14.50 21-53 6 8.60 18.76 32.82 8 I2.8o 28.18 45-51 10 16.60 40.06 70.06 12 24.50 49.OO 83.24 14 30.00 58.OO 116. 61 COMPARISON FAVORABLE TO C. J. K. &. A. 35 The comparative weights of the total bill of pipes of various sizes re- quired for the Chihuahua system (34,940 lineal feet, or 10,650 metres) is shown by TABLE III. SHOWING TOTAL WEIGHT OF PIPE REQUIRED. Class of Pipe. Weights Pounds. Tons. Kalamein, ....... Ordinary Wrought, .... Cast-Iron, 376,071 755-874 1,356,290 167.9 334-4 6055 It is evident from the above table that for the total length required, the weight of the Kalamein pipe would be but about one-half that of ordin- ary wrought iron and less than one-third that of cast-iron pipe. The price of this pipe per foot at the factory exceeds that of ordinary grades of wrought or cast-iron pipe ; but, in the present case, where the cost of transportation for the long haul from the factory to the site form such a large proportion of the total cost, the superior lightness of this pipe so reduces the transport charges as to enable it to compete in the matter of cost. Calculations based on the most recent quotation have proven that the Kalamein pipe can be delivered in Chihuahua for a sum but slightly in ex- cess of the cost of the ordinary grade of wrought-iron pipe, and on account of its several advantages and its peculiar adaptation for the work under con- sideration I recommend its adoption. CLEBURNE, TEXAS. Mr. A. M. Wheless, the Superintendent of the Dallas Water Works, was a -guest at the Cleburne House one day this week. The object of Mr. Wheless' visit to Cleburne was to investigate the Texas Water and Gas Company's Water Works. He expressed himself as well pleased. He says the system here is far superior to the works at Dallas. He was especially well pleased with the material of which the pipes are made — wrought iron. The pipes are made by the Kalamein process, a newly discovered compound metal, which, when applied to iron or steel, gives it an appearance similar to galvanizing, and at the same time renders it thoroughly non-corrosive and impervious to acid, moisture or atmospheric influences. The great difficulty with which galvanizers have to contend is the deteriorating effect of the molten zinc upon iron. To use an old galvanizer's phrase, it appears to " burn the very life out of it." The action of Kalamein is directly the reverse. It is said to soften and toughen the metal to which it is applied, and will unite with planished steel as readily as with the ordinary grades of iron. Another remarkable property of the metal is that it will withstand the effects of fire. Iron coated with it can be heated nearly red hot without injury to the coating. — Cleburne (Texas) Chronicle, March 28, 1884. 36 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. TIDE WATER PIPE LINE. This pipe line company, which is the great rival of the United Pipe lines, in transporting oil from the oil regions to the sea-board, has a trunk line of 6-inch lap-welded wrought iron pipe, mostly furnished by our company, running from the oil country to the sea-board, about 250 miles in length. This line has been in constant use for a number of years, and has given perfect satisfaction. We have the original of the following telegram in our pos- session : CoudersporT, Pa., May 30th, 1879. National Tube Works Co. We have practically demonstrated the success of the Tide Water line by pumping three hundred barrels per hour, and only one joint leaking in twenty-five miles of " National " pipe. (Signed) J. Salter field. COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE. We supplied Captain Travers Daniel, the contractor, with Converse Lock Joint Pipe for the system of the Columbia Water Company. After the works had been in operation about thirteen months the company voluntarily wrote us: " The pipe, so far, is first-class in every particular, and we have never had but one burst, which was about eighteen inches of six-inch pipe which had been imperfectly welded. There has been laid here over four miles of your pipe, in sizes from twelve to four inches, and not a scrap has been lost or left over. This could not be said of any cast iron job." On February 13, 1885, the company wrote us: " Your Kalamein pipe in use here under pressure from 132 pounds to 85 pounds per square inch, gives perfect satisfaction and looks as bright in the grouud as when put there over a year ago." Columbia, Tenn., February 25, 1885. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your favor making inquiry in regard to the cost of mainte- nance of wrought iron pipe, of which this water system is composed, we have had no break or rupture of any kind in this pipe (four and one-half miles), which has now been laid and in operation for fifteen months, under an average pressure of eighty-five pounds per square inch ; in some places 132 pounds per square inch, but nowhere, except near the reservoir, less than seventy-five pounds per square inch. It is a remarkable showing for the first year of a water works under such extraordinary pressures. The Kalamein coating of these pipes seems to be a perfect protection against WROUGHT IRON 4000 YEARS OLD. 37 rust. When we dig them up to make a tap, we invariably find them as bright and fresh looking as when first put in, and they give us perfect satis- faction. These pipes, when well laid and calked, will not cost a cent for maintenance, which is not the case with cast iron ; your pipe won't break, or rust, or form tubercles, and I don't see but what it will last as long, or longer than cast iron pipe. For durability, cheapness of transportation, great tensile strength, with no risk from breakage of transportation or heavy pressure, I should prefer them to any other pipes. (Signed) Travers Daniel, C. E. Columbia, Tenn., December 23d, 1885. National Tube Works Co. In our correspondence some months ago in regard to tubercles in cast- iron pipes, I referred to the trouble some years ago at Jersey City. In over- hauling some old papers last night I found the article alluded to, which I in- close, with the hope it may contribute something toward effective argument in favor of Kalamein pipe. I have never had any trouble with our Kalamein pipes here, of which the Columbia pipe system is completely composed. In making taps we find the pipes as bright as when put in the ground in the spring of 1883. (Signed) Travers Daniel. ANCIENT RECORDS. Iron used by the Ancients Still in Good Condition. At the morning session of the annual meeting of the Ameri- can Institute of Architects, held in New York, October 16th, 1894, Mr. W. L. B. Jenney, of Chicago, said he had seen steel in Rome 500 years old which showed no effect of rust, and that a bar of iron taken from the obelisk now in Central Park was found to be in good condition. Wrought Iron 4,000 Years Old. There is in the British Museum a piece of wrought-iron which is four thousand years old. It is a roughly fashioned sickle blade found by Belzona in Karnac, near Thebes. It was imbedded in the mortar under the base of a sphinx, and on that account it is known as the " Sickle of the Sphinx." It is in excellent state of preservation. As our cast-iron friends often ask for records, this authentic reference may be of possible interest under certain circumstances. 38 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. J. P. STREET. W. C. JONES, T. JONES, President- GenEral .Manager. Sec'y^'Treas. Cdlumbis Cottoq Mill Co., ShEEtings, $ Drillings, # SsamlEss # Bags, jrf sy'sZ-Z yp-cyfr^ ^^^ tZSsz* £?^Sh- ^^^ , A GOOD, SERVICEABLE PIPE. 39 [Reprint.] We want from 5 to 800 ft. i8 // Kalamein pipe — the thickest kind. Can you furnish it and at what price per ton or foot and how soon ? We once bought quite a lot of gas pipe from you and our Water Works at the start were commenced with Kalamein pipe, and most of it is as good to-day as when put in 10 years ago. Would prefer it flanged, but price both the flanged and that put together with lead. Yours very truly, ( Composed of Water Columbia Improvement Co., Gas & Electricity. ) By C. T. JONES, Prest. You will find our names 011 your books in 1890. P. S. — We want to extend our supply pipe higher up the river and want a good serviceable pipe that would answer, and this having done so well in the ground supposed it would answer in the water. Give us all information necessary and also state weight per foot. Yours truly, C. T. Jones, Prest. COLUMBUS, TEXAS. Coeumbus, Tex., June 19, 1889. National Tube Works Co. Yours of June 4th at hand. In reply will state that I have had in charge all work and repairs of the Columbus Water Works since they were com- 40 FACTS ABOUT PiPE. pleted in 1883; have made a great many taps and have had the pipe exposed in many places and can see no change of same since it was first laid in the trench; it looks as good as new. There has not been a single leak in joints and we have had as much as 175 lbs. pressure. (Signed) Jacob J. Dick, City Water Works Engineer. DEEE LODGE, MONTANA. Office of Defr Lodge Water Company, ) Deer Lodge, Mont., Nov. 6th, 1892. "Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 22, 18S6. J "A.J. Guilford, Chicago. " Dear Sir :— You may remember in Professor Thompson's report, he states burying some pieces of Kalameine pipe. I have had two of them dug up after a lapse of over two years. One of them does not appear as bad as I expected. The other one, which was near a gas pipe, is wasted much more. I would like to put that where it would do the most good. The present President is going to have a sample analyzed to see if there is any nickle in it. The Kalamein people discredited T's statements on account of his not finding any. I have not the least bit of sympathy with the cast-iron pipe nieu for not sending or allowing Carson to go to Boston, where, in the absence of any friends, he, myself, and Thompson were slaughtered. The expense of a trip would have been but little after the trouble we had been to, but I want to get even with the National Tube Works Company for their misrepresentations of myself. I think I shall put it on exhibition in some window in St. Louis or Chicago, where it will do the most good. What had I better do with it ? Respectfully, "J. G. Briggs." THE ALLEGED REPORT OF PROF. THOMPSON. 101 Now, gentlemen, what does the foregoing signify ? Does it not show to you, as business men, that the parties who have apparently taken such a deep interest in concocting deep laid schemes and getting them before the public under cover of an alleged chemical analysis, and (as both the Cincin- nati and Newport Iron and Pipe Company and the Addyston Pipe and Steel Company have stated and published in their books) that too in the face of a positive and official denial from the American Water Works Association, and by their unanimous vote — I ask you, does it not show that they fear the competition of the National Tube Works Company and their " Lusty Giant?" Is it not a truism that: "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad ?" Could any sane man, or men, put that pamphlet before the public and say that it, or its contents, are authority ? I will go further and ask you, could a corporation composed of sane men say, as do the Cincinnati and Newport Iron and Pipe Company and the Addyston Pipe and Steel Company, in their publications, that Professor Thompson did certain things for the American Water Works Association, and that, too, in the face of such a denial as the Association made about five years previous to the publication of the Addyston Pipe and Steel Company's book ? No, gentlemen, I think that you will agree with me when I say that such things smack very strongly of our " having them on the run." Does not their anxiety to get this work — anxiety so earnestly displayed — say to you in language more forcible than I can express that our goods are to be feared ? Does it not prove to you that our goods, to say the least, have, after all, some slight merit? A merit, too, that, should you adopt them at prices in excess of theirs, would belike putting another nail in their casket? We do not offer our goods at ridiculously low prices, as we have no doubt the other bidders' prices will show. No, gentlemen, the quality of our goods does not warrant us in doing that. We claim for our goods superiority over cast-iron ; that they are worth more money, size for size, and that our pipe will, under like conditions, carry at least 20 per cent, more water than cast-iron, and we can take 3-011 to places where you can see it done, should you doubt the statements of Trautwine, Haswell, and others. Haswell says 25 to 35 per cent., and, if it be true, should not the bid for your cast-iron pipe be at least 25 to 35 per cent, less than ours, in order to make their bid equal to ours — and that in the matter of capacity only ? That cannot be denied, notwithstanding the sneers, flings and insinuations from dark corners and behind doors, to say nothing of the attempts at sarcasm, which I have no doubt have convinced you that they are away up in this particular line, and certainly entitled to the palm. You have probably noticed that some of our competitors possess a genius which qualifies them immensely for enlarging upon matters which cut but a slight figure, and that, too, when very slight concernments have a wonderfully comprehensive meaning ; that is, according to their peculiar system of reasoning. Their simple averments that we have not done this, that or the other thing, are not, I think, likely to be considered as proofs, especially after the showing we have made of them, and that, too, by their own wit- nesses. Have we not proven our side, and proven it by the records, too, in each instance ? I made a statement when in your city last, made it in the presence of Mr. Kebler and Mr. Prentice, about what Mr. Prentice told me that Mr. Kebler had said to him in a certain town in Ohio, about six weeks 102 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. previously, the substance of it being that if the National Tube Works Com- pany could make their pipe fast enough and sell it at near cast-iron pipe prices, that cast-iron pipe would be a thing of the past. Kebler denied having made the statement. I gave him my authority, in your presence — Mr. Prentice — and Prentice did not deny it. The fact was that Mr. Prentice had been picked up and made to take water on so many statements he denied making that he thought he would keep quiet. I regret that I am compelled to take any notice whatever of their petty meanness— or perhaps jealousy w T ould be the better word — and the exhibition they have made of themselves in that regard, and also regret that I am compelled, on behalf of the com- pany I have the honor to represent, to even notice the remarks, both personal and otherwise, that have not only been made here, but that were made in other cities, and in connection with this work now under consider- ation. I am inclined to think, however, that the howl they have made will not be accepted as authority by the gentlemen composing this board of trustees. Their present attitude is in the same line of policy as heretofore, only more pronounced, as befits the necessity of the occasion, but their little arrows, barbed with envy and dipped in gall, may prove to be boom- erangs. Their reports about our goods are one and the same story, except, perhaps, when it becomes necessary to make certain changes in reports, such as those that originally described cement-lined pipe being changed to read " Kalamein pipe" or "Wrought Iron pipe." Referring once more to the quality of our goods. Why are they so solicitous about what they affect to despise ? Surely, if our goods be such as their fertile imagination have tempted them to describe, the game is not worth the powder required to kill it ! Do not their statements and actions carry with them the conviction that the element of truth is wanting ? It will be no wonder to me if the fact of their spleen becomes so patent to you and to the citizens as to make it impossible for them to secure this contract, even by offering to give you their goods. They insinuate that your proposed water works cannot be constructed this season, or before cold weather compels the work to stop, and they appear to be confident upon that matter. This may be, and no doubt is, true, so far as they are concerned, but we do not allow them to say that we cannot. We say that we can construct these works this season, and when we say that we will do it, we mean it, too, and in the language of Pooh-Bah in the Mikado, " the work is as good as done," for the National Tube Works Company "said it would be done ;" therefore " it must be done," and " if it be done, why not say so." Our proposal is a straightforward one, not full of technicalities, quibbles and ambiguous sentences, carefully worded, and so gotten up that it would require a man with a West Point education to tell you as to whether or not extra charges could not be made — yes, made and collected too. Our bond for the faithful performance of its terms will be at least a satisfactory one, should a bond be thought a necessary appendage to our contract. Permit me to suggest in this connection, however, that the National Tube Works Company are seldom asked to give a bond, let the amount of the contract be never so great. No, gentlemen, such a thing is seldom hinted. If awarded to us, we propose (notwithstanding the earnestness that has been exhibited by our competitors to keep us in the background) to do the work, all of it, and in such a manner as to not only reflect credit upon ourselves, but also CONVERSE JOINT PIPE ADOPTED. 103 upon the enterprising citizens who are endeavoring to niake this city beau- tiful, populous and healthy by the plentifulness of one of nature's best gifts — pure and wholesome water. I desire to thank you, gentlemen, for the attention you have given me, while I, by your courtesy, have been permitted to openly and publicly reply to the inuendoes and insinuations of some of our competitors, as well as to the petty personalities which they have seen fit to indulge in. Is it not a fact that they have employed every means possible to keep the " Lusty Giant" — Kalamein pipe — in the background ? Schemes of all kinds have been concocted for the purpose of gaining a point— a point never so slight. I mention these matters with the best intentions, believing that a glimpse of these fading memories will be a stimulant to our competitors' minds (now partially discouraged) and may bring back a touch of the fiery eloquence (?) which has characterized them in the past, and to which you have had — shall I call it the ' ' pleasure ' ' of listening ? Have they forgotten the assistance that was rendered them, as against the National Tube Works Company, by a certain party who is now present ? Have they forgotten how enthusiastic they were over the matter (?) contained in that pamphlet ? The record as against the pamphlet, and which they thought was dead and buried, has (alas ! for them) been only sleeping. We have not tried to belittle their goods, although there are present those who know that I could give you undoubted statistics on cast-iron pipe that would startle you. No, gentle- men, it is the policy of the National Tube Works Company to speak of the superior merits of their goods, and let the defamers of them, by their words and actions heap laurels upon us. It has been said that " comparisons are odious," and especially so sometimes to those who make or provoke thern. I will make but one, and that is — that, in this instance, the National Tube Works Company represent the " Limited " passing the office of the Dodge Manufacturing Company at the rate of fifty or sixty miles an hour. The cast-iron men (and their co-laborers) represent the mule on yonder crossing that would not get out of the way but made a desperate effort to kick the locomotive. The locomotive went right along ! I now leave the matter in your hands, and await with interest your decision as to whether this contract will be awarded to the National Tube Works Company, being assured, in my own mind, that, if so awarded, it will not be other than strictly upon the merits of our goods, for we believe that a good commodity will, with equitable dealing, find its way into some degree of favor. Gentlemen, I thank you. Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe Selected. The contract was promptly and unanimously awarded to Mr. Guilford, on behalf of the National Tube Works Company, by the Mishawaka Water Works Company, who thanked him for the fearless, complete and satisfactory manner in which he had presented the facts and information that had induced them to adopt Kalamein pipe in preference to cast-iron pipe without the least hesitation. 104 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. We made the first two shipments of Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe on November 17th and 22d, 1890, aggregating 22,870 feet; sizes, 4-in., 6-in., 8-in., 10-in. and 12-in., as follows: November 17th : 6-inch 5.3 2 5 feet. 8-iuch 4,610 feet. 10-inch 5,495 feet. 12-iiicli 1,090 feet. November 22c! : 4-inch 3,ioo feet. 6-inch 3, 150 feet. 8-iuch 100 feet. We have presented the foregoing voluminous report of the contest with the cast-iron fraternity at the Mishawaka letting, as it is of more recent date than some of the other battles of a sim- ilar nature which we have won with Converse Joint Pipe. The arguments and facts therein given will also obviate the necessity of our recording many of the details in separate chapters. Extract from the report of Jas. R. Maxwell, consulting en- gineer : Mishawaka, Ind., Nov. 10th, 1891. W. H. Dodge, President Mishawaka Water Works Co., Mishawaka, Ind. By your request I took charge of the water works plant at one o'clock Monday, November 9th, 1891, and conducted the test in the following manner : First. — While the firemen were connecting the hose and nozzles for exhibiting the fourteen streams to be thrown at one and the same time, the boilers were fired and the engines put to work with steam at 95 pounds and water pressure at i2opouuds. When the streams were all turned on the en- gines increased their speed up to about 95 feet per minute, maintaining very nearly uniform pressure throughout the trial. Some of the hose burst and allowed the speed to increase suddenly at times, but without any unusual occurrence or injm-y to the machinery ; the water and steam pressure beiug maintained with ease during the entire trial of one and one-half hours, prov- ing the machinery, boilers and pipes fully adapted for fire purposes. The ease with which the pressure and fire streams was maintained clearly dem- onstrates that the pipe system is of ample size and capacity to meet all your requirements if your city should double in size in the near future. At the end of the fire test, the hydrants were closed and the test of the pipe system was begun, with a pressure of one hundred and fifty pounds, which water pressure was maintained with great regularity for one hour, when a plug was forced out of the old cast-iron pipe line, allowing the pressure to drop to one hundred pounds, and the engines to increase their speed from eight revolu- tions to thirty-eight revolutions per minute, which condition was maintained THE WORKS ACCEPTED. 105 with ease for two hours. The valves were then closed to shut out the leak above mentioned and the pressure again raised to 150 pounds, and the en- gines changed their speed back again to S revolutions per minute, which speed and pressure was maintained with great regularity until midnight, a period of seven consecutive hours, which was deemed a sufficient proof that the machinery and pipe lines are strong enough for all that will ever be re- quired of them. The pipe used (except a few squares of cast iron pipe in the old system, in which the "plug " above referred to "blew out") is the Kalameined iron special water pipe fitted with the Converse Patent L,ock Joint. A careful and critical examination showed that there was not a leak existing in any part of the Kalamein pipe system under the test pressure of one hundred and fifty pounds per square inch, which speaks well for the Kalamein pipe used and the care and skill displayed in laying the same, there being about seven miles of the Kalamein pipe under this pressure. From the above excellent showing, I feel warranted in recommending the acceptance of the pipe system and hydrants by your company as complete in accordance with your specifications in every particular. * * Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Jas. R. Maxwew, Consulting Engineer. The test of the water works was completed at midnight, November 9th; Consulting Engineer's report of the " test" was submitted to the Board of Directors of the Water Works Com- pany, at their meeting November nth, at which time the follow- ing preamble and resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees, and a copy duly certified was ordered fur- nished the National Tube Works Company: MISHAWAKA, IND., NOV. Ilth, 189I. Whereas, The National Tube Works Co., did, on the 13th day of No- vember, 1890, enter into contract with the Mishawaka Water Works Co., of Mishawaka, Indiana, to furnish certain water pipe, special castings, gate valves and fire hydrants and lay the same in the streets at Mishawaka, In- diana, and, Whereas, Said National Tube Works Co., has fully performed all the requirements of their said contract, and the pipe distribution system has successfully withstood a test pressure of 150 pounds per square inch for a period of seven consecutive hours without developing any leaks or imper- fections ; therefore, be it Resolved, that the said pipe distribution system be and the same is hereby received and accepted. (Signed) Mishawaka, Water Works, Co., W. H. Dodge, Pres. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Mishawaka Water Works Co., at a meeting held November nth, 1891. (Signed) John J. SchindlER, Sec'y. [Seae] 106 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. MISSOULA, MONTANA. Missoula Water Works and Milling Company, > Missoula, Mont., Oct. 28th, 1892. ) National Tube Works Co. Yours of 20th, received yesterday, and in answer will state that your Kalameiii pipe is giving good satisfaction. The amount of pressure is about 55 pounds. Present condition of the pipe, good. In the past two years we have also examined the pipe that had been laid seven and eight years, and found it to be in good condition. Character of soil, gravelly with, in some places, alkali. Internal condition with reference to cleanliness, good. The water sup- ply is pure mountain water, and has no impurities, with the exception of leaves, in spring and fall. Effect, if any, on the water, none that we can discover. We have no cast-iron pipe in use. We have no fault to find with Kalamein pipe and can see no reason why this kind of pipe should not give good satisfaction. We would like to ask of you the favor to furnish us with advice regarding the following particulars. We have a pressure of about 60 pounds. We also have in the business part of our town seven elevators which are run by water from our system, and when all the elevators are in use the pressure at times runs down to thirty and thirty-five pounds, and when the draught is shut off the pressure jumps back to sixty pounds. Therefore we occasionally have a leak in the 10 and 12-inch pipe joints. Do you think that this jumping from 30 to 35 pounds back to 60 pounds has anything to do with the leaks ? For making joints we use (mostly) lead from the bullets abandoned from Fort Missoula. Some parties that profess to know, say our lead is too soft, and should be hardened by the addition of zinc. Others say that our lead is too hard, and that nothing but pure pig lead should be used. The writer of this who has managed the works for five years past, be- lieves that too much oakum packing was used when the pipe was first laid, and that the oakurn w r as not properly tamped. If you can give me any points in this matter they would be greatly appreciated by (Signed) Missoula Water Works & Milling Co., Alfred Cave, Sec. and Manager. MONROE, LOUISIANA. The Anonymous Circular Again Resurrected at Monroe, La. At the recent water works letting at Monroe, La., the town was flooded with the anonymous circular published in 1884, at Cincinnati, Ohio, the home of the Cincinnati and Newport Iron and Pipe Co., and their successors, the Addyston Pipe and Steel THE ANONYMOUS CIRCULAR AGAIN. 107 Co. As you will remember, this " anonymous circular " was designated by the American Water Works Association as a "forgery " " and the author of it a fraud," and, further, " that the whole matter is a fraud gotten up for the designed purpose of misleading the public in relation to the question of water pipe, and contained forged extracts from reports made by honored members of this Association." (See proceedings of A. M. W. W. Assn., 1885, pp. 233 and 234.) The result at Monroe, La., however, was quite satisfactory to us, as a special meeting of the City Council was called ; the ordinance previously adopted, specifying cast-iron pipe for the water works, was changed so that the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe could be used, and the contract for the entire pipe distribution system, consisting of 24,000 feet of 4-inch, 8,000 feet of 6-inch, 7,475 feet of 8-inch, 4,460 feet of 10-inch, and 350 feet of 12-inch Converse Joint Kalamein and Asphalted Pipe was awarded to the National Tube Works Co. The following extracts from the Telegraph- Bulletin., official paper of the City of Monroe, La., will be of interest: City Hall, Monroe, La., Nov. 21, 1892. A special meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held this day. Present — Hon. A. J. Herring, Mayor ; C. B. Johnston, C. H. Trousdale, E. Fudickar, E. H. Rills, W. A. O'Kelly, Sandy Bird and F. W. Barrington. The Mayor stated the object of the meeting was to consider an amend- ment to the electric light and water supply ordinance, and read as follows : Be it ordained, etc., by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Monroe, La., in special session convened, that the Monroe Water Works and Electric Light Company be, and it is hereby permitted, authorized and empowered to change the plans and specifications for its water works and electric light plant in this city, which have heretofore been accepted and approved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Monroe, La., in the following particulars and respects, and none other, to wit : 1st. That the smokestack of said plant may be constructed of iron or steel. 2nd. That the street mains of said water plant may be constructed with wrought-iron Kalamein pipe instead of cast-iron pipe. 3d. Whenever extensions in the water mains are required as provided for in Section 8 of Ordinance N, 703, adopted February 22, 1892, the city will place one fire hydrant to every 400 feet of such extension, to be paid for at the price named and stipulated in Section 7 of said Ordinance No. 703. 108 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. & # ^ § £ O ° o MONROE WELL PLEASED. 109 110 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. On motion the same was laid over for investigation, subject to call of the Mayor. Mr. Fudickar moved that the matter of locating street lights * * * On motion the council adjourned. A. J. HERRING, Mayor. M. L. Meredith, Secretary. Electric Lights and Water Works. As will be seen by reference to the City Council proceedings published elsewhere, permission has been granted the Water Works and Light Co., to make certain changes in the plans and specifications of the plant heretofore agreed upon. In the first place the company has been granted the right to build an iron or steel smoke-stack, and in the second, Kalamein pipe has been substituted for cast-iron pipe. * * * The Kalamein pipe is made of wrought-iron subjected to a bath in molten alloy which gives it a smooth inside finish. A better flow of water and higher pressure is the result, and for that reason it is said to be superior to cast-iron pipe. The new pipe is being extensively used and it costs more than the cast-iron. — Editorial com- ments, Telegraph-Bulletin. MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN. Muskegon, Mich., October 20, 1883. National Tube Works Co. Since the laying of the extensions to the water mains of this city, with Converse Indestructible Pipe manufactured by your company, I have wit- nessed several tests made to determine more particularly the decrease of friction from what would be encountered in cast-iron pipe, and the results of these tests, whether made with one-inch streams from hose, or by opening the hydrants at the butts, have invariably been that not only came stronger streams, and more of them being thrown from Converse Indestructible Pipe, but also that these same streams will be from twenty-five to thirty per cent, longer or higher. (Signed) H. Park, Thomas Munroe. Muskegon, Mich., October 27, 1883. National Tube Works Co. The undersigned were present at a test made in Muskegon when water was sent through a ten-inch cast-iron pipe tinder the same pressure and at the same time that it was sent through a ten-inch wrought-iron pipe, when the following results were obtained : The cast-iron pipe was only able to deliver one stream through fifty feet of hose and 1% inch nozzle, and throw it one hundred and thirty-five feet, whilst the wrought-iron pipe, under the same pressure and similar circum- stances, delivered one stream through fifty feet of hose and i 1 /. inch nozzle, and was able to throw the stream one hundred and eighty-five feet. (Signed) E. W. Thayer, Recorder. FRICTION— COMPARATIVE TEST. Ill Office of Board of Water Works, \ Muskegon, Mich., Sept. ist, 1885. j National Tube Works Co. In reply to your inquiry as to how we like your Kalamein water pipe, fitted with Converse Patent Lock Joints, would say that we laid during the summer of 1883 and 1884, a large amount, and can say that it has given us perfect satisfaction. We to-day dug down to, examined, and found it in as good condition as when laid. No signs of rust or corrosion of any kind. We believe it to be a superior quality of water pipe. We have not had to spend a dollar for re- pairs since the pipe was laid. We have never had a break in any of your pipe. (Signed) John KraTz, Superintendent. Muskegon, Mich., Sept. ist, 1885. National Tube Works Co. At request of your Mr. Keeler, would state that during the summer of 1883 and 1884, we laid a large amount of your Kalamein water pipe as extensions to our cast-iron distribution, and that an examination at the present time shows your pipe to be in as good condition as when laid. It has given us no trouble, and we are well satisfied with our investment. (Signed) E. W. Thayer, Secy. Board of Water Commissioners. We, the undersigned, were present at the test made in Muskegon, where water was sent through a ten-inch cast-iron pipe under the same pres- sure, and at the same time that it was sent through a ten-inch wrought-iron pipe, when the following results were obtained : The cast-iron pipe was only able to deliver two streams one hundred feet long, whilst the wrought-iron pipe under the same pressure, and similar circumstances, delivered three streams one hundred and fifty feet long. Another test that was made was to detach the hose from the hydrants and turn on the pressure the same as before, and the result obtained was a stream eight feet in length through the cast-iron pipe and fifteen through the wrought-iron, and showing that the friction in the wrought-iron was less than the cast-iron. Without the hose there being nearly 100 per cent, difference, and with the hose two streams thrown with cast-iron where three were thrown with wrought-iron, and there being 50 per cent, difference in the length of the streams in favor of the wrought-iron. (Signed) Peter Landstiff, Member of Board of Water Commissioners. John Kratz, Superintendent Water Works. Referring to the foregoing " Official Records" of the com- parative tests at Muskegon, Mich., between the cast-iron pipe system in one portion of the city, and the Converse Lock Joint Kalamein pipe system in another portion of the city, it will be 112 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. seen that the records of this test fully bear out the opinion of Prof. Haswell, as given in his telegram of December 18th, 1883, viz. : Difference in frictioual resistance to flow of water in a line of ordinary spigot and faucet jointed cast-iron pipe, and a line of seamless wrought-iron pipe, with flush surface at connections, alike to Converse design, is fully 25 per cent, in favor of the latter. Copy of the following deposition was voluntarily furnished our Chicago branch house: Deposition of John J. Howden, of lawful age, taken pursuant to the foregoing notice, before John W. Wilson, notary public, on oral interroga- tories and cross-interrogatories, H. E. Keeler appearing for the plaintiff, and no one for the defendant. John J. Howden, being duly sworn and examined, deposed as follows : Direct Examination. Question. "What is your name ? Answer. John J. Howden. Q. What is your age, residence and occupation ? A. Residence, Muskegon, Michigan ; age 43 ; occupation, plumber and gas fitter, and ex-Commissioner of Water Works. O. Are you familiar with the water pipe manufactured by the National Tube Works Company known as " Kalamein " pipe? A. Yes. O. State particularly what experience you have had with it ? A. Our department first commenced using Kalamein water pipe in 1883, and have made additional purchases of it every year since, including this year, all of which has been used for water works purposes in our city water works. 0. State, from your actual experience, what you know with respect to the quality and durability of such pipe fully ? A. From our experience in the use of Kalamein pipe since we com- menced using it, we find it first-class in quality, strength and durability. An examination shows it to be in first-class condition, and apparently as good as when first made and laid. It has been satisfactory in every respect to our department. (Signed) John J. Howden. 1, John W. Wilson, a notary public, in and for the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, duly commissioned, do hereby certify that on the 12th day of June, 1S89, at 10 o'clock A. M., pursuant to the foregoing notice, the deposition of John J. Howden was taken before me. That the foregoing is the deposition referred to and the whole thereof, and that the said witness, before testifying, was cautioned and sworn to testify the whole truth, and was carefully examined ; his testimony was reduced to writing by me, and after being reduced to writing, was carefully read over by me to the witness, and subscribed by him. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the 12th day of June, 1889. (Signed) John W. Wieson, Notary Public. KALAMEIN TESTED IN SALT BRINE. 113 Muskegon, Mich., Nov. 15th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. Yesterday Mr. Keeler brought two gentlemen from Ogden to see our saw mill, and finding out from them what they were after in this city, told them that I had something in the office that might interest them, and showed them a piece of your pipe, which I stated had been four years in salt brine. I confess at the time I thought that it was in a remarkable state of preservation, and this morning I made it my business to hunt in the cellar and see if I was right. I found there a two quart Mason fruit jar with a label which says, " Put in soak Nov. 13th, 1885." I send you the label and the piece of pipe. The brine was up to the part where the ring of matter is round it ; this formed a cake of such a size that I had to chip it partially off, so as to get the piece of pipe out of the jar, otherwise it is just as I found it. The brine that this was put in was taken by me from the Muskegon Well, and it was said to be the strongest that had been found on this shore. I think that the piece of pipe has stood the test very well, and do not think you need to be ashamed of it, and I think that what you now make ought to be better, seeing the amount of experience you have had since 1885. Personally, I was glad to get such good reports from our Water Supt. regarding the condition in which he found your pipe in our city, as you may recollect that I was on the Board when we first put it in, and had to stand all kinds of abuse and ridicule from other makers of other styles of pipe, not to speak of the local " croakers." (Signed) H. Park. Chemist's report on above-mentioned Kalamein pipe which had laid in salt brine from November 13th, 1885, to November 15th, 1889 — a period of four years : I duly received the sample of Kalamein pipe submitted by H. Park, accompanied with his letter, dated Muskegon, Mich., Nov. 16th, 1889, wherein he states " that the pipe had been submerged in a bath of the strongest brine which nature offered in that territory." The result of the test is highty complimentary to Kalamein pipe, from the fact that the test was very severe. Upon examination of the sample submitted, I notice the truth of Mr. Park's statements, and the " ring matter " to which he refers I find is com- posed chiefly of chloride of sodium, carbonate of magnesia and carbonate of lime. The latter two salts no doubt existed in the original brine solution as bi-carbonates, which materials, remaining hermetically sealed for five years, would liberate an equivalent of carbonic acid gas, and this reaction accounts for the fact that I find precipitate adhering to the iron in the form of carbonate of magnesia and lime. As a matter of further interest, I beg to remark that a brine composed of chloride of sodium, chloride of calcium and bi-carbonate of magnesia with lime will not corrode Kalamein pipe, although one might suppose that the liberated carbonic acid would show destructive effects upon plain iron, because the acid would impinge upon the iron for whatever period the test might be prolonged. In this case I am told the test lasted five years. 114 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. It is also a matter of fact that carbonic acid in the presence of moisture will attack plain iron surfaces very readily, but the case in point shows that Kalamein has resisted corrosion in a powerful manner. (Signed) C. B. Manby, Chemist. MT. PLEASANT, PENNSYLVANIA dard Mines and Coke "\ MT. Pleasant, Pa., August 3, 1883 Standard Mines and Coke Works, \ National Tube Works Co. About one year since we received from your establishment a large quantity of eight-inch aad four-inch Converse Patent Lock Joint coated pipe. The eight-inch we emplo3'ed to conduct water from our two Blake pumps to the reservoir on the hill overlooking our works, and the four-inch we used to distribute the water along our lines of coke ovens. We were obliged to introduce a large number of one-inch service pipes in the four- inch pipe, and found your service clamps very convenient for tapping. It is yet too soon for us to report the comparative durability of your pipe and cast-iron pipe ; but your pipe is much stronger than cast-iron, and we hope that its heavy outside and inside coatings make it equally or even more durable. Your pipe is easily laid, and your patent joint is very tight and strong. We notice that owing to the very smooth surface of the pipe it creates very little friction or other resistance to the water. The steam pipe leading from our battery of boilers to the pumps is fully fifteen hundred feet in length, and the pumps are what are called " Light Service," the steam being only two inches greater in diameter than the water cylin- ders. The discharge pipe is fourteen hundred feet in length, and rises seventy-five feet to the reservoir. Under these difficult conditions we rather feared the duty would be too severe for the pumps. But from the outs tart the pumps have worked smoothly, easily and at any desired rate of speed. This establishes the superiority and freedom from " back pressure " of the Blake steam pumps ; also the fact that in your new pipe friction is reduced to a minimum. Your pipe remains clean, free from the corrosion and "filling up'' which are characteristic of cast-iron pipe. (Signed) A. A. Hutchinson, By C. Cunningham, Superintendent. MT. VERNON, INDIANA. The following article from the Fire and Water of November 12, 1892, may be of interest to our readers: NOVEL ENGINEERING PLAN. By C. D. Barstow. The pump house of the Mt. Vernon, (Ind. ) water works is on the north bank of the Ohio River, 200 feet distant from low water line. There are two pumps, each taking water through a 12-inch (Kalamein) intake pipe which extends into the river 150 feet beyond low water line. At this dis- tance the water is 18 feet deep. The river bottom is gravel. The intakes CONVERSE JOINT FOR SUBMERGED LINES. 115 were made up of 18-feet lengths of Kalamein pipe. Special sleeves 14 inches long were used, making the joints in the usual way. On the outer end was a length of pipe with its end plugged and its upper half contain- ing 1,100 3^ -inch holes, to serve as a strainer. A wrought-iron collar was shrunk around the end of this strainer, from which projected two diverging legs which, resting on the bottom, held the strainer two feet above the bottom. In laying this intake the following method was pursued : Empty oil barrels were hired for the work at ten cents each. Three-eighths-inch rope was tied around each barrel one-fourth of the length of the barrel from each end. Two barrels were tied together side by side and twelve inches apart. Two pairs of barrels were placed in the water as near the shore as possible, and the strainer length of the pipe was laid between the barrels of each pair, so that one pair of floating barrels supported each end of the pipe. A second length of pipe was leaded into the end of the strainer, and a pair of barrels placed under its shore end, and the whole pushed out into the river until one end of the second pipe came as near to the water line as the barrel would float. A third pipe was leaded to the second and a pair of barrels placed under it, and the three pipes pushed out into the river. The work was continued in this way, doing all the work at the water's edge, until the strainer length first put on was 150 feet from shore. To guide the pipe as it was pushed out from shore, and to prevent its being carried down stream by the rapid current, two anchor rods of one-inch square iron were driven 100 feet up stream from where the intake was to lay, and at different distances from the shore. One end of a No. 10 wire was fast- ened into the top of each rod before driving, and the other end was tied to the pipe. Enough barrels were placed under the pipe to float it at the surface of the water. When it was over the position it was to occupy on the river bottom, the ropes on alternate pairs of barrels were cut by a chisel attached to the end of a twenty-foot pole, and as the barrels were released the pipe sank quietly to its position on the river bottom. An iron rod was then driven five feet into the gravel on the down-stream side of each length of pipe. The top of the rod was bent in a semicircular form, which, hooked over the pipe, prevented its rising or being carried down-stream. The two intake pipes were laid parallel to each other and six feet apart, and were completed by six men working fifteen hours. The extending of these pipes from low water line to the pumps, being in dry ground, was easily accomplished. NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA. San Diego Land and Town Co., ) National City, Cal., Oct. 29th, 1S92. \ National Tube Works Co. In reply to your letter of inquiry will say we have in use some 216,601 feet of your Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe, sizes as follows : 25,903 feet of 12-inch. 7,260 feet of 8-inch. 132,333 feet of 6-inch. 50,745 feet of 4-inch. 116 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. This pipe has given us good satisfaction in general and in detail. (A.) It is under a pressure varying from So pounds down. (B.) We are not troubled with leaks ; occasionally a joint leaks which only requires re-calking. (C.) We cannot give you cost of repairs, as we do not keep separate ac- counts with our different kinds of pipe. (D.) The present condition of the Kalamein pipe is good. We have taken up some of the pipe which was laid in the lowlands which are some- what marshy, and relaid it again with good results in the higher lands. (E.) We have been forcibly impressed with its economy in lead, labor, handling and laying. It gives us no trouble in relaying, as we have had oc- casion to take up and relay several miles of it of the different sizes. (F.) The soil in which it is laid is very diversified, varying from a cob- blestone gravel, down through a disintegrated granite loam to a marsh bot- tom land at high tide level. (G.) The internal surface throughout is decidedly good, and free from deposits. (H.) It has no effect on the water. I think we can send you a piece (sample) of the marsh bottom land pipe should you desire to see the excel- lent condition of it. Wherever we are laying a section of pipe to be especially durable we use the Kalamein pipe in preference to cast-iron pipes. (Signed) H. N. Savage, Hydraulic Engineer, San Diego Land and Town Company. San Diego Land and Town Company, ") National City, Cal., Nov. 29, 1892. ) National Tube Works Co. I inclose you condensed statement regarding dam, reservoir and distri- bution system, and will give you any further information you desire. (Signed) H. N. Savage, Hydraulic Engineer, San Diego Land and Town Company. Sweet- Water Dam : Built by the San Diego Land and Town Company across the Sweet-Water River to impound flood water from annual winter rains, for irrigating the Company's extensive lemon and orange lands and for municipal supply. Height of dam above sea level, 215 feet. Height of dam above foundation, 90 feet. Length of dam on top, 396 feet. Thickness of dam at bottom, 46 feet. Thickness of dam on top, 12 feet. Plan : Arched against the reservoir with a radius of 222 feet. Material : 20,507 cubic yards of masonry, composed of dark blue and gray metamorphic rock impregnated with iron and best Portland cement. Foundation : Continuous solid rock in ledge, making the structure a monolith. Construction was begun in 18S6 and completed in 188S. Cost : $234,000. Capacity: Of storage reservoir 6,000,000,000 gallons, which is equal to 18,000 acre irrigation feet of water, forming a lake 3^4 miles long and % mile wide, overflowing 700 acres of land. KALAMEIN PIPE CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDED. 117 Distribution Pipe System : Is under a head varying from 200 feet down and consists of one hundred miles of main pipes, from 36-inch diameter down. Outside of main conduit Kalamein tube pipe is used for all laterals wherever pressure requires thoroughly reliable pipe. (Signed) H. N. Savage, Hydraulic Engineer, San Diego Land and Town Company. San Diego Land and Town Company, \ National City, Cat., March 6th, 1893. j National Tube Works Co. I duly received yours of the 25th ult., with draft inclosed for 50 un- mounted photos and request for additional pipe data. Regarding our experience with Kalamein pipe will say it has given us good satisfaction in general and in detail, and although the soil in some places where we have the pipe laid is impregnated with alkali, the exterior of the pipe shows no effect of corrosion, or action of the soil except where it comes in contact with the blue (salt) marsh mud, in which soil it occasion- ally gives us a little trouble. H. N. Savage, Ilydraulic Engineer. NEVADA CITY/, CALIFORNIA. Nevada City, Cat., Dec. 14th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your favor about the Converse Dock Joint pipe, will say that our experience is very limited, having handled only one lot. That lot, how- ever, has done its work well and gives the very best satisfaction. The method of coupling is very simple and handy and can be put together much easier and quicker than the common screw joint. (Signed) Degg & Shaw. NEWMAN, CALIFORNIA. Newman, Cat., Dec. 4th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of 2d inst. The Converse Kalameined pipe which we purchased of you has given us excellent satisfaction, being easily laid and is very durable ; thus far no leaks or breaks have occurred. We can cheerfully recommend the pipe to all water companies laying new pipes. (Signed) Newman Water Co., E. S. WangEnhEim, Secretary. Newman, Cat., Oct. 20th, 1892. National Tube Works Co. In answer to yours of October 14th, briefly, I would state that our plant has been in operation four years, that there has not been a single leak or a 118 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. single expense to the Converse Tock Joint Kalamein pipes, and that in every possible feature it has given excellent satisfaction. (Signed) J. Wangenheim, Prest., Newman Water Works. OGDEN, UTAH. Ogden, Utah, December ist, 1889. To the Honorable the Mayor and City Council. I herewith submit a report of investigation made by myself, in connec- tion with J. U. Armstrong and John R. Bothwell, in regard to pipe for the Ogden city water system. The first place visited was the town of Savanna, in the State of Illinois, where the pipe known as "Kalamein pipe" is used exclusively. The Mayor of the city treated us with great courtes}-, and invited us to visit the water works and examine the system for ourselves. A trench was dug down and the pipe closely examined — some of the asphaltum coating being re- moved. We found the pipe as bright as when it left the foundry, there being no signs of rust or corrosion. The whole system had been subjected to a pressure of 230 pounds to the square inch without revealing any imper- fection either in the pipe or connections. The Mayor and many of the prominent citizens were enthusiastic in praise of their water system, and declared their unbounded confidence in the strength and durability of the Kalamein pipe. The next place visited was the city of Muskegon, Mich. This is one of the largest lumbering cities of the United States, and in places the streets are largely made of sawdust and refuse from the mills, the acids from which are very destructive to common iron, so much so that the Water Comniis siouers informed us that some of the common iron service pipe had entirely rusted away in less than three years, while the Kalamein pipe, which had been in the ground for eight 3 ears, showed no signs of rust or corrosion. A prominent gentleman of the city showed us a piece of Kalamein pipe which he assured us had laid in a salt brine for seven years, and yet there was no indication of rust. At Fort Gratiot, on the St. Clair river, in eastern Michigan, and also in the city of St. Clair, the pipes were examined with the same result. At the former place we were shown a section of pipe which had been cut off and taken up for the purpose of making a connection. This gave us an oppor- tunity for examining the inside of the pipe, which had laid in the ground for four years. We found the inside as clean and smooth as when first laid. It is claimed, and I think reasonably, that the Kalamein pipe will deliver from 20 to 25 per cent, more water under the same pressure than cast-iron pipe of the same size, on account of the greater smoothness of the inside surface. This is an important feature in favor of the Kalamein pipe. It is also less liable to hold accumulations of minerals contained in the water (if there should be any) than the rough surface of cast-iron pipe. We were shown a piece of cast-iron pipe taken up at Pittsburgh after being in the ground seventeen years, that was so coated with mineral, both inside and out, that it would hardly be recognized as a piece of pipe, the inside being filled up more than one-half. EVERY PIECE OF PIPE TESTED. 119 We then visited the foundry where the Kalarnein pipe is manufactured, which is situated fifteen miles east of Pittsburgh on the Monongahela river. The works cover between thirty and forty acres of ground, and a force of five thousand men is constantly employed manufacturing pipe from one-half inch to two feet in diameter. The output of these works is eight hundred tons daily. Here we were given an opportunity to see the whole process of making pipe from the time the pig-iron was put into the furnace, through all the various processes of refining the iron, until it came out finished pipe. Every piece of pipe, both large and small, is tested by hydraulic pressure. That offered for our water system will be tested to five hundred pounds to the square inch. After a thorough investigation of the matter, I am fully convinced of the strength and durability of the Kalarnein pipe. All of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed) S. M. Preshaw. PIPE CONTRACT. The Supervisor of Pipe Laying on the Water Works is Here. James Barnes, who is to supervise the work of laying the pipes for the Ogden distributive water system, arrived in this city yesterday morning, bringing with him a letter of introduction to Mr. Funge. He was taken from St. Louis works, now being reconstructed, and sent out here to meet the demand for immediate construction. A letter from the National Tube Works Company states they last week shipped a whole train of pipe and on the 29th they sent ten more carloads. Some of the pipe was expected in last night and on Monday Mr. Funge will be ready with a force of men and teams to begin the immediate distri- bution of the pipe. Mr. Barnes will have charge of the entire work of the Tube Works Company connected with the Bear River Canal Company. He is a man of exceptional ability, judging from his appearance and conversa- tion, and the large number of important works of which he has had charge. The workmen for laying the pipe have all been employed here and every- thing will run along smoothly and successfully. — Ogden {Utah) Standard, March 26, 1SS9. Ogden, Utah, Oct. 26th, 1890. National Tube Works Co. I desire to make the following general statement in regard to my work as expert in pipe laying and in charge of laying all of the water pipe in the new water works system recently constructed and completed by me in the City of Ogden, Utah. In regard to the amount of material placed in position in this water works will state that the same amounted to the following, the measurement, being after pipe had been laid : 92,000 feet of 6-inch pipe. 13,800 feet of 10-inch pipe. 16,000 feet of 12-inch pipe. 8,900 feet of 16-inch pipe. 8,150 feet of 18-iuch pipe. 120 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. 3,150 feet of 20-inch pipe. About 250 special castings in sizes ranging from 6 to 20 inches. 1 12-6 inch double gate Ludlow valves. 2-10 inch double gate Ludlow valves. 6-12 inch double gate Ludlow valves. 1-16 inch double gate Ludlow valve. 1-20 inch double gate Ludlow valve. 125 valve boxes. 77 double nozzle Ludlow hydrants. We commenced work on the 17th of June and completed the entire work in about 70 working days. The pipe was all of your Kalamein and Asphalted Converse Lock Joint Pipe, and the fittings were all Converse lock joint. To show you how fast we got the pipe in, when the conditions were favorable, I will say, that one day with 10 men all told we laid 3,850 feet of 6-inch, and we could have laid more that day but I was delayed by not having more pipe on the ground on that line. At another time I put in 759 feet of 6-inch and buckled the pipe into the crosses at the ends, and three calkers and two laborers did all the work in just 55 minutes. About the toughest part of the work was on the 20-inch line where the pipe had to be taken from near the side of the road and carried and rolled over and between the rocks and boulders, which was of itself a good deal of a job as you understand, but I laid all of the 20-inch (3,150 feet) in exactly two days and a half. The preliminary test after the works were finished, under a pressure of 100 pounds to the square inch, developed the fact that we had no leaky joints ; not a bad joint had been made in the entire pipe line. This I con- sider a very creditable showing, even if I do say it myself. We found six cracked bells on the six-inch mains, which were evidently cracked in trans- porting and were laid in the ditch without being discovered. We also blew out one 12-inch plug, and after replacing the bells and plug and again apply- ing the pressure, we found the entire system to be tight and ready for use. The City Council then made an official test of the system and it was with such satisfactory results that the works were officially accepted by the City Council at a special meeting called the next day after the test. It did not take us but four hours to make all of the repairs on the broken bells and replace the plugs. These four hours and expense of not exceeding $10, represent the entire cost of getting the system into complete working condition and ready for the final test after the preliminary test was made. As near as I could ascertain from the Chief Engineer in charge (I was not near the places when the gauges were on), the pressure on the final test was in the neighborhood of 260 pounds to the square inch. The works are, as you are aware, a gravity works, and the pressure is entirely due to the head of water as it comes from the Ogden Canon. I have laid many hundreds of miles of water and gas mains, and I never before have known or had in my experience such a thoroughly complete and perfect and tight line, and one that required so little attention. And when these works are all finished, it is my opinion as an expert, that the Ogden water works will be one of the most complete, well designed and thoroughly EXPOSED TO TIDE WATER FOR FIVE YEARS. 121 equipped water works in the United States, and one that Ogden should be proud of. The supply will be taken from the Ogden River at an average elevation above the center of the city of 350 feet, which represents the minimum head, which will be on the system at all times. As far as it goes, this report recites the facts, and may interest you. I presume, however, that you have been kept posted during the progress of the work. (Signed) J as. Barnes, Engineer in charge of pipe laying. Copy of circular letter dated, New York, Nov. 3d, 1890. No. 635. You will all be interested to know that the test has just taken place at Ogden, and under 100 pounds pressure only one plug and a few defective bells were developed. Clippings from the Ogden papers indicate that the test was a complete success, and that the works are popular with the owners, citizens and city officials. (Signed) E. C. Converse, General Manager. OLD TACOMA, WASHING-TON. Oed Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 10th, 1889. National Tube }} T orks Co. Your Converse Lock Joint Pipe has given entire satisfaction at this mill. Have found it the cheapest pipe to lay. Had occasion to take up a line of four-inch pipe last year that had been exposed to the action of tide water for five years. It was found as bright and black as new, and is again in use. This pipe is certainly perfection for water mains. (Signed) J. J. Hicks, Jr., Master Mechanic Tacoma Mills. Oregon City, Ore., December 5th, 1892. National Tube Works Co. As to the satisfaction the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Water Pipe is giving, and, further, in answer to your letter of October 20th, would say : We have 2 x / 2 miles of 4-inch to 10-inch Kalamein pipe in use. Amount of pressure it is carrying, 170 lbs. per square inch. Breaks, if any, none ; have had three or four leaks. Cost of repairs, perhaps $5 in all. Present condition of the pipe, good. Economy of lead and labor in laying, about one-half that of cast-iron pipe. Character of soil in which it is laid, sand. Internal condition, with reference to cleanliness, good. Effect, if any, on the water, none whatever. 122 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. How it compares with cast-iron pipe, about the same, but I prefer Kalamein pipe. (Signed) W. H. Howei,i„ Supt. Water Works, Oregon City, Ore. OTTUMWA, IOWA. Ottumwa, Iowa, April iSth, 1885. National Tube Works Co. Your favor duly received. We have used your light wrought pipe here in our extensions since the fall of 1878, and it has given satisfaction. We shall, during the present year, put in another line of it. (Signed) Ottumwa Water Works. OURAY, COLORADO. In answer to a letter addressed to the Water Works at this point, asking for an expression of their opinion of Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe as compared with other kinds, we received the following: Ouray, Colo., Nov. 25th, 189-2. National Tube Works Co. I will try to answer your questions on this paper as I will have more space. Amount of pressure, 125 pounds. Breaks, if any — during my time as superintendent, 2 years — 2 leaks. Annual cost of repairs, $4.00. Present condition of pipe, good. Economy of lead and labor in laying, one-half. Character of soil in which it is laid, gravel, with mineral hot water run- ning through it, which is very hard on pipe. Effect, if any, on the water, none. How it compares with cast-iron pipe, very favorably. (Signed) Finley McDonald, Supt. , Water Works. PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA. Palo Alto Ranch, Cai,., Feb. 10th, 1879. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your request regarding the lap-welded pipe, I would state that from my experience with other kinds which I have laid, I consider the one in question by far the best for water mains. It is the cheapest and the easiest and the quickest to lay down, and having no cut threads it can be handled and transported with less fear of injury. I have used consider- able of it for water mains here on Gov. Stanford's estate, tapping it where- ever I pleased, using a reducing saddle and branching off with smaller screw joint pipe. WROUGHT IRON PIPE BEST AND CHEAPEST. 123 I have never been troubled with leaks, and if it is well manufactured (as such sold by you to us is) and properly laid, I can recommend it most highly. (Signed) Ai,fre;d PoETT, C. E. PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA. Paso RobeES, Cae., Dec. 6th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of Dec. 2d, 1889, I am pleased to say the Converse Joint Pipe, which you shipped us, has given perfect satisfaction in every particular. The method of coupling is the most convenient of any coupling we have ever used. (Signed) Paso Robi.es Water Co. , J. W. Garren, Manager. PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA. PETAeuma, Cae., Feb. 21st, 1879. National Tube Works Co. In April, 1876, this Company conveyed water from Fitch Mountain to and through the principal streets of the City of Healdsburg, a distance of four miles, using your lap-welded pipe, from six to three inches in diameter. The water has a fall of 132 feet and, up to this time (a period of nearly three years), not a single joint has leaked, nor have we expended a dollar, or an hour's labor in keeping the pipes in perfect order. From our experience we are convinced that your lap-welded pipe is the best and cheapest that can be used by water companies. (Signed) F. T. Maynard, Healdsburg Water Co. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. The following is a copy of a letter from R. G. Chase & Company, of Philadelphia, who have given us an order for pipe coated with Maltha, for the conveyance of pure water for drink- ing purposes, after having thoroughly investigated the same. PhieadEEPHIA, Pa., June 14th, 1893. National Tube Works Co. Our Mr. H. A. Chase on his return last evening from Chicago, found your favor of the 12th awaiting him. Also yours of the 8th enclosing Mr. Lamb's letter of the 6th is at hand this morning, via Chicago, having been forwarded to Mr. Chase there, but he had left before it was received. Mr. Chase made a very careful examination of the water as delivered at the Fair Grounds, and also at the Wabash Avenue office, above iSth Street, and finds that the Maltha coated pipe does not impart any taste to the water, consequently he telegraphed you and wrote you from Chicage to fill our order. At the Wabash Avenue distributing room he found that there seems 124 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. to be considerable of the coating" scaling from the pipe, but he is not satisfied in his mind that this is any fault of the coating or of the manner in which it is applied. Anyway we are satisfied to risk it, and you are at liberty to refer any " Doubting Thomas " to us. (Signed) R. G. Chase & Co. PHOENIX, ARIZONA. Phcenix, Ariz., Dec. ist, 1889. Natio?ial Tube Works Co. Your favor of November 26th, containing inquiry in regard to our opin- ion of the relative worth of Converse Joint Pipe as compared with others, received, and would say in reply that we think your Kalamein pipe the best pipe in the market. In putting in this plant we saved some $ 16,000.00 in freight alone, by using Converse Joint, to say nothing of the saving of labor in handling, thus insuring greater speed of laying. In our case the entire pipe plant was laid at an expense for labor of about 1%. cents per foot. The pipe is con- stantly put to a test pressure of 150 lbs. and over, with very satisfactory re- sults. (Signed) Phcenix Water Works Co. Per]. M. Gardiner, Supt. The Phcenix Water Company. ) Phcenix, Arizona, Nov. 5th, 1892. \ National Tube Works Co. I beg leave to submit the following in answer to your circular letter of inquiry of Oct. 14th : Mains carry pressure of 43 pounds. Have had four or five leaks in the past two years. Annual cost of repairs is not much, as the above will show. The pipe seems to be in very good condition at present both oiitside and in. Cannot say anything as to the economy in lead and laying as the pipe was not laid by this company, and I know nothing about the construction. The soil is principally sand and loam, with occasional patches of adobe. It does not seem to have any effect on the water. We have no cast-iron pipe in the city. Only your pipe and a riveted steel pipe. I hope this will cover the ground fully, in answer to your inquiries. (Signed) H. F. Robinson, Acting Secretary. PIERRE, DAKOTA. Pierre, Dak., Jan. 8th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In regard to whether Kalamein pipe has given satisfaction at this place, would say that it has given entire satisfaction. We have had nearly 6 miles of 12, 10, 8 and 6-inch pipe in use since KALAMEIN PIPE REQUIRED FOR SERVICES. 125 Aug. 1885, and that in that length of time has not given any signs of corro- sion, either internally or externally, but presents the same appearance as when first put in use. An internal examination shows no accumulations of any kind, and that the water takes no color from it. And also that the per- centage of leaks at joints are very small, as the Converse lock makes a very rigid and almost impossible joint to pull apart. And we also find that in putting in extra specials it can be very quickly done, and the laying of this pipe is not nearly so expensive as cast-iron. We have had a stated pressure of 1 io_^ lbs. At a recent fire my pressure on the gauges suddenly went to 60 lbs. and as quickly went to 245, caused by my suddenly opening several hydrants. I, of course, expected to find several bad leaks after such a water hammer, but have yet developed none. We require that either lead or Kalamein pipe be used from our mains to curb. I mail you to-day some soil, which appears to have an acid, or some substance that soon eats up common pipe, but has no effect on Kalamein. I had some plain pipe taken up after being in only six months, which was entirely rotten, while the Kalamein was perfectly sound. If above is of any benefit to you, you are at perfect liberty to use it. (Signed) J. W. Gray, Supt. Water Works. Pierre, S. d., Oct. 25th, 1889. J. R. Bothwell, Esq., Ogden, Utah. I am in receipt of a letter from Mr. H. E. Keeler, of the National Tube Works Co., requesting me to write you my experience with Kalamein water pipe, and write you as follows : That we have the pipe in use in our system here and found it to give entire satisfaction in every way, especially as to its large carrying capacity, owing to its smooth interior, as the Converse Iyock Joint leaves the pipe at the joints perfectly parallel with each other and it is much more easily laid than cast pipe, and also that in a great many cases I can avoid the use of specials, and after some very severe tests for durability have found it all that it is represented. As to strength, would say that I have had a pressure of 300 pounds, and found no defects or leaks either in the body of pipe or joints when properly calked. At our works here we have a constant pressure of 115 pounds, and it gives us no trouble. I have used the pipe in several works in which I have charge of con- struction and found all the pipe of uniform strength and quality and have never found it necessary to have it inspected at mill as is the case with most other pipes, and that iu shipping long distances there are no breakages and a very large saving in freight bills. I would be pleased to give you any information in regard to the pipe or other matters you may wish. (Signed) J. W. Troy, Supt. Pierre Water Works Co. QUIJOTEA DISTRICT, ARIZONA. Peerless Mining Co. On February 3d, 1885, we were visited here at the mill by Mr. W. H. Patton, Superintendent of the various mines on the Comstock lode, and the General Manager of Flood & Mackey's 126 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. new mines in the Quijotea District of Arizona. Mr. Patton wanted to select the best pipe for a water line, and, after various tests, among others of which were the proving of a four-inch special light pipe to 1,200 pounds pressure per square inch, and the testing of a four-inch Converse Lock Joint pipe to 1,000 pounds pressure per square inch pulling strain, he adopted and ordered the shipment of about five miles of Lock Joint pipe, which has since given the best of satisfaction. QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS. Ouincy, Mass., March 10th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. We have connected with our works twenty-three niiles of wrought-iron Converse Joint Kalamein pipe of all diameters from four to sixteen inches, and it has been in practical operation since March 1, 1884. But two cases of defective pipe have been discovered, both of them being repaired at a nominal cost without taking out the pipe. Tapping for services is easily and quickly done with your service clamp ; at present there are no indica- tions of rust or tubercular formation in the pipe. Thus far the general results are entirely satisfactory. (Signed) F. E. Haix, Superintendent Ouincy Water Company. Boston, Mass., March 13th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. Early in 1883 I laid about eight miles of Converse Joint pipe, Kala- meined and coated with asphaltum. The soil was a peculiar mixture of clay and gravel, and quite moist. On account of the street being graded, we were obliged to take up and re-lay about one-half mile of this in the fall of 1884, and it was found to be perfectly free from rust or corrosion of any kind. At many other points where it had been dug up for the purpose of making connections, etc., it has always been found in equally as good con- dition. In the fall of 1883 and spring of 1884 I laid about twenty miles of this pipe ; this was laid through nearly every conceivable soil, from clean dry soil to salt marsh, and, as far as known, it is all in good condition to-day. Service pipe having been connected with it at different points over its entire length, we have had good opportunity to examine it, and have always found it perfect. (Signed) A. H. Howi^and, Engineer. Quincy, Mass., March 17th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of nth inst. The long lengths of your pipe require less number of joints per mile than other kinds of pipe, and reduce the THE QUINCY CASE. 127 expense of laying ; also the liability of leaky joints from poor work. The smoothness of the inside of this pipe and the close fitting joint allows a greater discharge than any other kind of pipe of corresponding size, (Signed) F. E. Hall, Superintendent Water Co. Ouincy, Mass., March 23rd, 1886. F. L. Elms, Esq., Charlotte, Mich. My attention has been recently called to statements made relating to the wrought-iron Kalamein pipe in use here, to this effect, that it has been imposssible to make tight joints ; that much of the pipe had to be re-laid three and some of it four times before it would hold, on account of its being so thin it would crush in when the joints were calked, and finally that it rusts badly. Now, I have had the direct care of this pipe since it was laid — about two years — and can say there has been no special trouble with leaking at the joints, no more than would be with any other kind of pipe ; that none of the pipe has been re-laid by reason of any defects in the original pipe ; that we have never had a case where the pipe crushed by the calking of joints ; and for rust, examination at several points late in 1885 showed the interior of the pipe to be as clean, clear and free from rust as when first laid ; further, that this pipe has thus far proved satisfactory in every particular. To commence with, our company laid twenty-two and a half miles, of all sizes, from 4 to 16 inch inclusive. Last year we made an extension of about half a mile of this kind of pipe, and what extensions may be made this year will be of the same. This fact alone is conclusive evidence of the good results thus far. (Signed) F. E. Hall, Supt. Boston, March 24th, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. My attention has been called to advices that the Kalamein pipe of National Tube Works used in Ouincy was not satisfactory in this particular ; that the joints could not be made tight ; that the pipe crushed at the joints in calking, and rusted badly. In reply, have to say that the joints are tight ; the trouble experienced applied to a section laid in severe winter weather, which has been remedied, and is now perfectly satisfactory. Our Superintendent, a gentleman who has had extensive experience with cast-iron pipes, assures me that the pipe had no more trouble from this cause than if cast-iron pipes should have been used. The pipe has not crushed at the joints. In regard to rust, have to say that the pipe has been laid now for over two years, and when it has been laid open for examination, it has been found to be in the very best of condition, and I do not hesitate to recommend it from this experi- ence made at Ouincy. Allow me to say that no pipe has ever been re-laid. The pressure upon the pipes is nearly no pounds to the square inch, a pressure not exceeded in more than one or two places in New England. The only pipes that have not stood well is a certain part of a 20-inch main of cast-iron. Your company not making any larger than 16-inch main at 128 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the time, we were obliged to use the cast-iron for our 20-inch force main. Trusting that this will meet any objection raised because of criticism on the Ouincy system of water supply, and being very happy to tell the truth in the matter. (Signed) Chas. H. Poster, President Ouincy Water Co. Boston, Mass., March 25th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your inquiries regarding the wrought-iron Kalamein pipe laid in Ouincy, Mass., would say that of the 20 miles laid we have had no trouble with the joints, neither has there any sign of rust appeared. In December of 1884 we laid a part of one street when the mercury was at zero ; of course it was too cold to pour lead for good service, and some leaks followed, but in the spring we re-calked it some, and the joint has been perfect from that time. I have laid a large portion of the Chicopee, Mass., Converse Joint water mains with the same success ; also in Sharon and Framingham. At the same price per foot, I should greatly prefer your pipe to any cast-iron pipe. Yours truly, W. C. McClaixan, Builder of Water and Gas Works. On April 30, 1892, the City of Quincy took title to property, franchise, etc., of the Ouincy Water Company. A Commission, appointed by the Supreme Court, fixed the price at $515,640.07, after a long and exhaustive investigation of everything bearing upon the question. The movement for a municipal works began early in 1891, when a plan was submitted to the authorities for the construc- tion by the city of a system in opposition to the Quincy Water Company, which has been supplying the city since 1884. Al- though the franchise under which this private company oper- ated reserved to the city the right to acquire the plant under certain conditions, and in a certain way, the promoters of the proposed new system contemplated totally ignoring the old company and paralleling its mains. In their efforts to carry their scheme through, a desperate and merciless attack was made upon the entire equipment, source of supply, and every- thing connected with the old company, the heat of battle and severest attack being, next to the source of supply, concentrated upon the distributing mains, which are almost entirely composed of Converse Lock Joint Pipe, the exception being a short line of 12-inch cast-iron pipe, and a few scattering unimportant extensions. THE QUINCY CASE. 129 Experts (?), either in the employ or in the interest of cast- iron pipe foundries, were brought to testify against Converse Joint Pipe, and everything that an evil mind could contrive was done to create the belief in the minds of the citizens, the council- men, and the Commission that was afterwards appointed to take testimony in the matter, that our pipe was little better than no pipe at all. But we will not enlarge upon the subject. We will give you an exact copy of the entire testimony referring to the pipe, both pro and con, and you will see what a bitter and unscrupulous attack was made, and how utterly the schemers failed of their purpose. Notwithstanding the fact that the pipe had for eight years been delivering water, which at times carried large quantities of decomposed vegetable matter, the very life and body of tuber- cles and fungus growth, samples of the pipe taken up and examinations made at different points were visible, and incontro- vertible evidence that the pipe was clean and smooth, and in as good condition as when first put down. We need say nothing further than to invite your careful attention to the award of the Commission, copy of which follows the appended extracts. We do not print the complete testimony, as it is very volumi- nous, covering more than 1,000 pages of closely type-written manuscript. Should the good faith of these extracts at any time be called in question, however, we will be pleased to send you copy of the complete testimony, that any one who may desire so to do may convince himself of their integrity. The early part of the investigation was heard before the State Board of Health in Boston ; then there were special meet- ings of Council at Quincy, and later a Commission was appointed by the Supreme Court to determine the value of the franchise, corporate property, etc., the Commissioners appointed being Hon. John Lowell, Hon. E. H. Bennett, and Charles Clifford, Esq. The extracts follow: Hearing Before State Board of Health, ) 20 Beacon St., Boston, Feb. 3, 1891. J Remarks of Dr. Gordon. We built our water works in the very best manner that water works could be built from the knowledge that we had. We put in 21 miles of main. We increased these 21 miles of main to 35 miles, and we have two miles of main we are going to put down. We drew our water from a well, as you know. 130 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Green Room, State House, ) Boston, April 8, 1891. j Testimony of Percy M. Beake. O. {By IV. G. A. Paltee.) Have you made any examination of the pipes used by the present company ? A. I have made no examination of those pipes, for the very reason they are buried up, but the material of which those pipes are made is not at all unknown. It is very well understood what those pipes are and what the ma- terial is. I can only say — perhaps it would be in a general way, but it must be regarded as of some value — that the material of which those pipes are made has been the subject of so much doubt and so much skepticism on the part of those who have the ordering and designing of works of this kind, that I may safely say, there are no cities or towns in New England that I am aware of, with the exception of Ouincy and South Framingham, which works were built under the same management, and by the same con- tracting firm as Ouincy, and one or two small towns where a small quantity was used, mainly because it could be used cheaper than cast-iron pipe, there are no towns or cities w T here it has been used, and I have never known of an instance in Massachusetts where specifications prepared for work of this kind by reputable engineers, who were not interested perhaps, in some speculative scheme, where the specification has called for the use of ma- terial of this kind. It has found its sale in the West, where freights consti- tute such a large item that they can afford to introduce new pipes every twenty years, rather than pay the freight on the ordinary cast-iron pipe. O. What is the kind of pipe now used by the Ouincy Water Company? A. It is a superior quality, a first-class quality of wrought-iron pipe. There is no question as to the quality of the wrought iron. It is as good as the best wrought iron, and is made in the very best way by the most perfect process employed by the manufacturers of pipes of that kind. It, however, depends solely for its durability upon a certain coating, a coating which is made from a formula which is not public. But a wrought iron pipe, as is well known, is the most treacherous material which can be put in the ground or subjected to the action of water, that is, unprotected wrought-iron. Wherever it is used, even for small pipes, for service pipes, it is protected by some coating, and it is never used for important cases. The best authorities always recommend and use standard cast-iron pipe. There is no question about the strength of this pipe. The tensile strength of the metal is easily tested, and is all right, but the question of durability is one in which the chances are so great against the use of this material that it has not been gen- erally adopted. Q. Mr. Blake, concerning the joining of the present pipes, such as you speak of, as used by the present water company there, do you know how the joints are made tight ? A. Well, you mean the joints by which the mains are put together. I have no particular experience with those joints, but they are made by a mechanical contrivance, which, I think, if properly and honestly put to- gether, ought to be reasonably durable. It is a straight, ordinary driven lead joint, made in a cast-iron joint. Q. Do you know whether, when they tap one of their mains, they have to put a band around or not, in order to enable them to tap it ? THE QUINCY CASE. 131 A. I am told that bands are required ; yes, sir. There certainly is not thickness enough of metal to hold a screw. O. What is the thickness of the pipes, if you know ? A. The thickness will vary perhaps from 2/i6ths to 5 or 6/32ds, the metal is very thin. It is thick enough to stand the pressure provided it does not become impaired by rust and the pipe is properly made. There is no question about the strength. O. {By the Committee.) How thin is the coating that is on there ? A. I have examined the coating on some pipes of this sort, picked it off and hammered it off. It is on extremely thin. I doubt whether it is more than i/6oth or i/8oth or i/iooth of an inch. In samples, where it is thoroughly applied, the fibrous structure of the iron will show through. It is a thin coating very thoroughly applied, so far as the application goes. O. {By Mr. Pattee.) As to the expense of this pipe, are you familiar with that ? A. Well, at the time this pipe came out and its adoption was urged, I was besieged, as I presume other engineers were, by agents, and I was given to understand that the cost of that pipe laid at that time— cast-iron pipe then being worth about $32 per ton — was about two-thirds that of cast-iron. Whether or not that was fixed as the intrinsic value of the material or not, or whether it was a price offered to secure introduction, I am unable to say. I am inclined to think it was a little of both. I think the pipe must cer- tainly be made very cheaply, and, at the same time, but with cast-iron pipe at the present prices, I should say this could be furnished a little less than cast-iron ; but, at the time it was put in, in this particular case, it was put in from two-thirds to three quarters of the cost of standard cast-iron pipe in use at that time. O. That {referring to list of stockholders) is for the year 1S90 ? A. This is for the year 1889. Nothing has been filed for 1890. I was told that it had not been thought desirable to inflate the capital any further until this matter was settled. But on the 15th of November, 1889, the assets were as follows: Real estate, 112,134.32; buildings, $6,000 ; machinery, $25,000 ; cash and debts receivable, $47.46 ; water mains and easements, $464,762.69, which is supposed to cover everything except pumping station and real estate ; and, if out of that is taken the property which is assessed in Braintree at $75,000, the cost of the remaining laud, the piping and hydrants becomes about $390,000. In comparison with that particular item, the total cost of piping the system complete of the new plant, using standard cast-iron pipes, paying the old market price for them, or $2 a ton more than they now can be obtained for, 37 miles, the piping alone would be $291,000, a difference of about $roo,ooo for the pipe alone. And, it is safe to assume that the original piping of the company cost considerably less than the standard cast-iron pipes at the same time. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) Have you examined any of this pipe that has been in use for any length of time in Ouiucy to see whether it has become impaired ? A. I have not seen any of the Ouincy pipe. O. Now, I do not understand that. Do you know anything about these samples yourself? A. Not about these samples. My samples are in my office. Q. So you do not testify anything about that. 132 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Green Room, State House, ) Boston, April 15, 1891. f Cross-Examination of J. Edwards. O. (By the Chairman.) You stated that you believed that the city should own its own system of water supply. Do you believe that the city should put in an independent water supply, entirely independent of the water supply which is now furnished — entirely independent of those works ? A. Well, if those could be utilized to carry the water through the pipes 1 should be willing to pay a fair price. T have no antipathy against the water company at all, but what I would like is a good system of good water; and if the water pipes could be used, could be utilized, I would be perfectly willing that the city should buy and pay a fair price for it. O. That is, if the works of the present company could be used you would be willing to do that ? A. Yes, sir ; I should be willing. I should be more than willing. I should be willing to pay 50$ more than they are worth, because there are some of the water companies that I have great respect for. I shouldn't like to see them lose a dollar in money. And others I have no respect for whatever. O. (By Mr. Go ul ding.) Speaking of the desirability of having the city own the water works, you do not regard it as a good thing for the City of Ouiucy to have two independent companies there digging up their streets and putting down pipes ? A. I care nothing about digging up streets. I would like to have the city have good water. O. Well, you think they ought to have it by taking these works, do you not, at what they are worth ? A. No, sir. The pipe I would be very glad, and like to have them take, but all the extra expense they have put there I shouldn't want the cuVy to pay for. In Committee on Water Suppey, ) Green Room, State House, [• Boston, April 23, 1891. ) Testimony of Lucien A. Tayeor. O. (By Mr. Colliding.) Now, with regard to the kind of pipe they use — this wrought-iron pipe ; are you familiar with that ? A. I am familiar with it in this way : I have not used it myself; I have seen samples of it, and certainly I cannot perceive, personally, any objection to it. It is certainly very strong, and although most engineers use cast-iron pipes, perhaps, still cast-iron pipe is not by any means perfect ; it has to be renewed the same as other kinds. And I should feel perfectly safe in using that kind of pipe, if there was any particular object in doing so. Q. Have you examined the question of the sufficiency of the distribu- tion pipes for the town ? A. I have ; yes, sir. O. What do you say about that ? THE QJJINCY CASE. 133 A. I know this, that for the present time it is ample. I know this, that in the extensions, with the superintendent I have looked over the plans and maps to see how in the future extensions would be provided to the districts they were supposed to supply, would supply, and the pipes would be propor- tioned to the areas they were to cover. And it has also been the plan, I believe, at some future time, when necessary, to erect a stand-pipe at Wollas- ton. I think that has been in contemplation whenever the necessity of the case required it. O. (By Mr. Pattee. ) Now, Mr. Taylor, in regard to the sufficiency of the distributing pipes, did you ever have brought to your attention the ques- tion about the extension of the pipes to Cuiincy Neck ? A. No, sir ; I don't think I have ever known anything about that. O. Are you aware of the fact that the present water company refused to extend their pipes because the distributing pipes of that town were too small for them to guarantee the extension ? A. I don't know now about that, though that might very well be and still the system might be properly carried out. O. There would be a case, if the water company had refused to extend their pipes to Ouincy Point because the supplying main at the nearest point was not large enough ? A. Well, in my experience that thing has happened a very great many times in the City of Worcester. O. There would be a case where the distributing system was defective ? A. I should not say so at all, not at all. O. Why not? A. Because it would be proposed to take the main supply, when exten- sions were made, from another direction, from a shorter distance, or a more feasible source, a more feasible distance, or something of that nature. O. But if they refused to extend their pipes because the supplying pipe at the nearest main was too small, you would say it was defective in that particular place, would you not ? A. Well, I should look at it, it might be defective at that particular point ? O. Yes. A. No, I should not say it was defective, not necessarily : it might or might not be. O. Mr. Taylor, concerning the quality of the pipe, if you had a system of water works to put in, with your experience, and left entirely to your own judgment as to the kind of pipe to be put in, if the matter was left entirely to your own judgment, would you put in the kind that has been used in the Ouincy system ? A. That would depend on the expense. O. Well, I say if it was left entirely to your judgment, no question of limiting you by expense, or anything else, but left entirely to your judg- ment? A. I think I should put in cast-iron. O. Put in such as in Ouincy, do you mean ? A. That is not cast-iron except the force main. I suppose the force main is. Q. Then you would not put in the kind that is used in Quincy ? 134 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. Not as a rule, unless there was some special O. Unless there was some special circumstance ? A. If the pipe was cheap enough Q. I am supposing that it was left entirely to your judgment and you were not limited in any way, shape or manner? A. Well, no. So far as the quality of the pipe is concerned, I think it is perfectly good. I know this, that people like a thing best they know most about ; in some cases they do not. Q. Yes, that is a very fair answer. A. But so far as the quality of the pipe is concerned, I would never condemn it because it had not been used, but I have not had experience my- self. I have known this pipe. O. As a matter of fact, it has not been very largely used, has it ? A. Not East, not in this section of the country. O. And I suppose the soil, especially through Ouincy, is more or less affected by the salt from the sea ? A. I don't know. I suppose in some sections it might be. I don't know however. I suppose, as far as that is concerned, that the feeder would be the same down there as the main pipe, that is, it is put in the same man- ner on the outside. O. Well, your experience — I suppose you have had some experience in the West, have you not ? A. No, sir. O. Have not? A. No, sir : no experience in the West. Testimony of Frank E. Hai.1,. O. {By Mr. Goidding.) Mr. Frank E. Hall? A. Yes, sir. Q. You are superintendent of these works ? A. Yes, sir. O. How long have you been there ? A. Since 1884. Q. Won't you state as to the extent of your distributing system and how far you have extended it during the past few years ; make a brief state- ment of facts about it. A. The present system of distribution consists of 33}^ miles of pipe, ranging from 4 to 20 inches in diameter, covering most of the thickly settled portions of Ouincy. On those 33^ miles of pipe the town or city of Quincy has placed at different times 101 hydrants. There are also 18 hydrants that are paid for by private parties. Q. {By Mr. Robinson.) Besides the 101 ? A. Besides the 101. One hundred and one hydrants by the city, 17 are paid for by private parties and one that is not paid for by any one. The pumping plant consists of two pumps of 2,000,000 gallons daily capacity each, run by four horizontal steam boilers. That, in brief, is a general description of the system. Q. (By Mr. Goidding.) How much within the past three years have you extended your system ? A. In the year 1890 something more than 3^ miles of main was laid ; THE QUINCY CASE. 135 iu the year 1889 about two miles ; the year previous there was between one and two miles. The original contract, or as the works were left in the summer of 1884, contained about 21 miles of distribution, possibly 2iJ^. It has been increased every year, until the present time, until we have 2>2> l A miles ; that has been the increase in the last six years. In Committee on Water Supply, ) Green Room, State House. [- Boston, April 23, 1891, 2 P. M. ) Testimony oe James H. Seade. A. Now, there have been a great many statements made by those representing the town of Quincy. In the first place, the pipe which has been used by this company has been criticised as sheet-iron, as worthless ; and I have found among the people in my district that a great many persons think this pipe is exceedingly flimsy, that it is liable to burst, that it will not be durable ; and when I, who have known something about iron and known something about pipe long before these works were built, have explained to them the nature and character of the pipe, I have found that their opposition disappeared. Testimony oe Peter W. French. * O. (By Mr. Gouldiug.) What is your full name ? A. Peter W. French. O. What is your business ? A. Secretary of the National Tube Works Company. O. Where is that company's plant located ? A. McKeesport, Pa., near Pittsburg, about ten miles from there. O. Do you manufacture pipe such as that used by the Ouincy Water Works ? A. Yes, sir. O. How many men do you employ ? A. About 6,000 at the present time. O. Where is that pipe used ? A. I think we have 150 works in now, all over the country, mostly west. O. How is that pipe treated as to covering? Is this a specimen of the covering (showing a specimen of pipe) ? A. Yes, sir. O. What is that covering ? Won't you explain it briefly to the Com- mittee ? A. It is what we call Kalamein. It is an English patent. We started our business in 1869. We tried for ten years to find some pipe that would not rust, and we got hold of this English patent, and we got the right to use it for pipe alone. It is an alloy. The pipe, after it is made - the raw pipe — iron pipe, is put into a tub with this alloy, and the pipe is heated to a point of heat, and this alloy seems to go into the iron and form a part of the iron. Galvanized pipe, you flatten it down like that, and the galvanizing material will all fly off. O. How has the sample been treated ? A. It has been hammered down so as to show that. O. For the purpose of what ? 136 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. To show it would not flake off. O. Is that the way it results in the foundry where you hammer it down? A. Oh, yes. You cannot start it at all. O. How long has this been used — in actual use ? A. I think in about 1882 we commenced to make it, and we have made about 2,000 miles of it at the present time. O. So that it has been laid in the ground a great many years ? A. Well, about eight or nine years. Q. Have you examined any specimens that have laid in the ground ? A. Yes, sir. O. What is the result of use ? A. I find that it is not affected at all. O. Have you had any examination made of it by experts? A. Yes, sir. O. With a view to ascertaining how long it would last ? A. Yes, sir. O. By whom ? A. By Prof. Mowbray, of North Adams. O. Have }'Ou his report there ? A. Yes, sir. I will read part of it. It is very short. (Reading.) North Adams, Massachusetts, September 30th, 1885. To the National Tube Company, McKccsport, Allegheny Co., Pa. J. C. Converse, PresH : — The American Zylonite Company duly received the three-inch Kalameiu pipe, and it is now fixed in two of their artesian wells. I notice the weld of this pipe is superior to that of any iron pipe we have used hitherto, whilst the smoothness of the bore is remarkable, and greatly increases the delivery. For our product it is necessary that there shall not be the slightest stain of iron, and heretofore we have used stout copper pipe to secure us from this evil ; now, the Kalamein alloy relieves us from this very serious expense, and we find the water passing through same as free from iron as that arriving through the copper tubing. Owing to the smoothness of this pipe it presents so much less surface for corrosion than cast-iron, that the water conveyed equal distances not only delivers increased volume, but there is so much less action on the metal that where cast-iron would be inadmissible on account of stain to our delicate converted fibre, which acts like a mordant with water containing traces of iron, your pipe delivers the very pure water from our artesian wells without a trace of iron stain. Our material furnished a very severe test for iron corrosion, and the result is a practical demonstration of the value of the Kalamein pipe for conveying water in paper mills, etc. The following experiment, lasting over a year, may interest you, as proving its resistance to corrosive acids : A piece of i^-inch Kalamein-coated wrought-iron pipe accurately weighed was found to balance 25.5245 grammes ; this was immersed in a mixture consisting of sulphuric acid sp. gr. 1.825 five parts, and nitric acid sp. gr. 1.390 two parts. THE QUINCY CASE. 137 Augvist 25, 1884. Original weight 2. Loss in gm. Grammes, 25 5245. Sept. 13. Grammes, 25. 4S50 ; loss after 19 days' immersion, . . 0.0395 18S5. Men. 7. Grammes, 25.4740; loss during 175 da}'s' immersion, . . 0.0110 Aug. 1. " 25.4150 ; loss during 177 " " . . 00590 Loss during 371 " . . 0.1095 So that 394 grains lost in one year less than one and two-thirds of a grain, or one ton of metal would lose 9.61 lbs. in one year's exposure to these corrosive acids ; if rolled into plate, such as you use for pipe, of 1%- inch diameter, at this rate it would take 200 years to consume such a quantity of metal. For perfection of manufacture, smoothness of bore and excellent metal, your iron pipe leads other manufacturers. The protection furnished by the alloy you term Kalamein has enabled this company to dispense with the costly copper tube in conveying water without iron stain ; a very important gain. Paper manufacturers will appreciate these advantages. Very faithfully, (Signed) George M. Mowbray, Operative Chemist. I will say we did not ask for this ; he sent it to us of his own free will and accord. O. If there is anything else you want to say about this pipe as to the relative expensiveness over cast-iron pipe, you may do so. A. I was going to say that we furnished this pipe to the Ouincy Water Company rather cheaper than they could have bought cast-iron pipe for at that time, which was about $39 a ton ; but now, cast-iron pipe being about $28 or $30, our pipe costs more than cast-iron pipe. O. Is there anything you can state about this pipe ? A. I would say that the Republic Iron Works of Pittsburg bought the right to use it on sheet iron ; that is, for roofs of cars, etc., and they make a very large amount of it. O. Is that piece of pipe by your side a section of pipe that your com- pany manufactures ? A. I should say it was. Mr. G oid ding : That is a piece which has been in six years? Mr. Hall: That was laid either in the fall of 1883 or spring of 1884. The Witness: It (the report) goes on to say that Mr. Addicks, Presi- dent of the Boston Gas Light Company, who has been trying all kinds of pipe since he has been connected with the company, in the last year has used, I think, 100,000 feet of it, and we have now an order for 25,000 feet, which he gave but yesterday. He says it is the best pipe he can find. O. {By Mr. Robinson.) You look at that piece on the floor, which has been in six or seven years and taken out to be tested ; look at it and see if it is all right, Mr. French ? A. I should say it was. Cross-Examination : O. {By Mr. Bailee.) Mr. French, have these pipes been used here in the East very much ? 138 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. Not a great deal. As I said before, the reason they do not use them is because they cost more than cast-iron. O. And you sa3^ that one advantage is that they do not rust ? A. Yes, sir. O. Even when submerged in water ? A. Yes, sir. O. (Producing a piece of pipe.) Is that a piece of the pipe ? A. It looks like it. We have a man here, an expert from the mill, who will explain all that to you. Q. And you have no reason to believe but what that is a piece of your pipe? A. It looks like it. Mr. Pattee : It has simply been subjected to the test of being set in water. O. (By the Chairman!) (Referring to a piece of pipe.) That is a piece of your pipe covered with that solution ? A. Yes, sir. Testimony oe George N. Riley. O. (By Mr: Goulding.) What is your full name ? A. George N. Riley. O. Where do you live, sir ? A. I live in Pennsylvania. Q. What is your business ? A. My business is that of a mechanical engineer. O. Are you connected in any way with whatever company it is that Mr. French is connected with ? A. I am employed by the National Tube Works Company ; yes, sir. O. In what capacity ? A. Well, my principal business is to look after water pipe, gas lines, oil lines, and so forth, boiler tubes, and then I am often consulted in manufacturing pipe, and all such like work, as a consulting engineer, I would say. O. Are you familiar with this pipe such as is used by the city of Ouiucy ? A. Oh, yes ; yes, sir. O. Is that manufactured under your supervision or do you have the oversight over it ? A. Well, it is under my supervision as far as anything that goes wrong about it, then my attention is called to it. As long as it runs along all right, I pay little attention to it. Of course, I have my inspectors there. O. What do you say with regard to that pipe for the purpose of dis- tributing water ? A. Oh, it is first-class pipe for that purpose, there is no question about it. It is the best pipe in the market to day, I suppose, for water works or oil line, or anything of that sort, gas lines and so forth. O. For what reason ? A. Well, in the first place, it is stronger pipe, and therefore it will stand a higher pressure. It is made from a very superior quality of wrought- iron, about 55,000 tensile strength, made of the same material and in the THE QUINCY CASE. 139 same manner that we make a Mississippi river boiler tube. Every engineer knows and all steam users are familiar with the fact that Mississippi river steam boilers carry the highest pressure of steam in the world. So this pipe is made in the same way. Then it is fitted with a patent joint, known as the Converse Patent Lock Joint, which is leaded down, and it has stood the highest pressure of any joint that has ever been invented. We have had as high as 800 pounds hydraulic pressure on without showing a sign of a leak, and we have had 1,500 pounds pressure on without showing sign of any movement in the lead at all. So that so far as the strength of the pipe is concerned, I do not see there can be any question about the pipe at all. About the durability, that is another question. It is treated with this alloy or Kalamein that Mr. French makes mention of. It is made of a very fine quality of tin, properly mixed with lead and other metals, and it is then incorporated into the body of the iron. After the pipe is made, the pipe is then immersed into this alloy, which is heated up to a very high degree of heat and it is allowed to remain there until it assumes the same temperature as the alloy ; and consequently the pores of the iron open up, this alloy enters the pores and becomes amalgamated with it and consequently becomes part of the pipe. The alloy is perfectly pure. Tliere is no water on the top of the earth that will dissolve it, consequently the water cannot become mixed with it ; there is no salt water or alkali that will affect it. We have had it laid in the soils of Colorado and New Mexico, where water works are out of the question, where they could not use cast-iron pipe ; but this pipe we have had in there for between nine and ten years and we have uncovered it regularly and find it in as good state to-day as ever. Then we can pass more water throught it on account of its smooth surface on the inside and smooth flattened joint. Consequently, engineers all know, as you reduce the friction you increase the delivery. Then it will stand water hammer, that is a very sudden pressure being brought to bear upon the pipe, that no other pipe will stand like that, it being elastic. Water hammer is brought on by changes in the amount of air and water being introduced, opening and closing the valves suddenly, which very often causes pipe to fracture which would not otherwise do so with the ordinary pressure. O. Will you look at that pipe which is said to have lain in the earth for six or seven years in Quincy, and say whether it shows any signs of cor- rosion, any signs of wear ? A. This large piece ? O. The large piece ? A. Yes, sir ; that is a piece of our manufacture. Q. What do you say as to the condition of it ? A. First-class, as good as it was the day it was laid. No signs of any corrosion there. Q. There is a piece of smaller pipe that Mr. Pattee handed to Mr. French. I wish you would examine that and see what you have to sav about that ? A. That is a piece of our pipe. Q. Is that covered with Kalamein ? A. I will say there is no water in the State of Massachusetts that will do that to that pipe. That has been into acid or something else. It is on the outside, you can see and shows traces of acid there on top. I will leave 140 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. it to any chemist, and he will say it has been in acid. It is all right here, you can see. The Kalatnein is still there. It has just commenced to dis- solve it from the iron. You will find the Kalatnein is all right inside there, it is not affected at all, but it has commenced on the end, upon the cut, to dissolve it ; the acid ran in there. It has been cut off. You see that is not a water color. O. You say the surface of the pipe is not corroded ? A. No, sir. I leave it to your examination. You can see the corrosion has taken place on the ends, and that is the rust which has run back on the pipe. It is all right. O. The corrosion conies from the end ? A. On the end of the pipe where it has been cut. It is protected on this end. That has been cut off and the corrosion has taken place on the end and run back over the pipe. It is all right over the surface of the pipe. It takes a very strong acid to dissolve that. Nitric acid will affect it in time. We have never had a joint of that pipe that has refused to perform the duty which has been assigned to it, never had a joint brought back for corrosion. The record is good everywhere. We have got about 11,000,000 feet, or in the neighborhood of 2,000 miles of it in the ground to-day, all guaranteed — and that is something unusual in the water works business ; no other manu- facturer will guarantee pipe, they cannot do it. O. I don't know but you have already testified as to whether the de- mand for this pipe has increased or diminished ? A. Oh, yes, sir ; we do not have to canvass for it now as we did. It has a record now and takes a place in the market, and people who have used it will not use any other. O. What sizes do you make of it ? A. We make it in sizes all the way from two inches to 24 inches ; that is the largest pipe made in the world, the largest wrought-iron pipe. Cross-Examination. Q. (By Mr. Pattee.) Do you know whether the Quiucy Water Com- pany is using it now or whether they have adopted some other kind of pipe ? A. I understand they are using it right along, but Mr. French could answer that, because he makes the sales to these people. I understand they have adopted it. Q. Although they are using other kinds of pipe also ? A. No, not to my knowledge. They may have other pipe in there. O. Haven't you heard that fact ? A. No, sir. Well, I did hear — I was out there the day that this com- mittee visited there, and they did say they had a piece of cast-iron pipe from the reservoir down to the well. (Is that right Mr. Hall ?) They were in a hurry for it at the time, and he said we could not furnish it. Q. How about the pipe they have laid recently, within a year ? A. At the Ouincy Water Works ? O. Yes. A. I have not heard of any complaint, if there had been any it would have come to me. O. Do you know whether they are using other kinds of pipe than this ? A. I don't know that they are. THE QUINCY CASE. 141 O. You don't know one way or the other ? A. No, sir ; I am not familiar with their business there. I know we enjoy most of their orders right along. O. I suppose we could get other dealers to come in and recommend their pipe and condemn yours ? A. Well, that is human nature. People do that, you know, right along. Testimony of Frank B. Hall, recalled. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) Won't you, in just a moment, tell us what the fact is about the use of any other kind of pipe ? A. Only in two cases has the company used anything but this Kala- mein pipe ; one was in running a pipe from the reservoir to the pumping station, a distance of about 6,400 feet. We were anxious to finish the work that fall, in 1888, and we found we could get cast-iron pipe very much quicker than the National Tube Works could furnish the Kalamein pipe, and we also found we could get it at 22 cents a foot less than the Kalamein was going to cost. Those two reasons decided us to lay the cast-iron pipe. The other case was for a distance of [,000 feet, where we put in cement lined pipe in place of Kalamein pipe. Those are the only two exceptions. O. What was the reason for putting in the cement lined pipe ? A. Well, it was a matter of experiment. Q. How large a pipe is that ? A. That is 6-inch. Cross-Examination. O. {By Mr. Pattee.) You use Kalamein pipe on Washington Street entirely ? A. Entirely, the whole length. The whole of the three miles laid last year was Kalamein pipe. O. Yes, and before last year ? A. Everything. O. All the pipe on Washington Street then is this Kalamein pipe ? A. Kalamein pipe ; yes, sir. Testimony of John O. Holden. O. (By Mr. Pattee.) Your name is John O. Holden ? A. Yes, sir. O. You were one of the original incorporators of this company ? A. Yes, sir. O. There is a piece of pipe there ; will you state whether that was in your possession and what has been done with it ? A. Well, at the time I had curiosity to know what the pipe was, and to know as thoroughly about the thing as possible, and, as I do now, and I asked some gentleman connected with the company, I don't remember whom, I cannot now state who, perhaps Dr. Paxon, to bring me a little piece of the pipe. That was the piece. O. Was that submerged in water ? A. I took a can of some kind, I don't remember, it might have been one of these cans they put sealed goods into, filled it with water and set this in. It stood there through the winter in my place of business, and I filled 142 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. it up occasionally as I found the water evaporated, and set it away in the shed, and it has been there ever since, and I have not thought of it at all until this investigation commenced. And seeing it all rusted so, I felt some curiosity to know why it was rusty and where that rust came from. I think the explanation of the engineer is satisfactory to me, that it came from the end of the pipe. O. Is there anything further you desire to say ? A. No, nothing more than I was not aware I was to be called here to-day. I simply attended here to get all of the facts. Being a member of the city council, I wished to be fully posted on the matter, so I have been here every day. Cross-Examination. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) That was a fresh cut off piece of pipe ? A. It was a fresh cut off piece of pipe that I think was given to me ; I know was given to me by some gentleman. O. Do you know what kind of a vessel you put it into ? A. I put it into a can, one of these sealed goods cans, perhaps a tomato can that I brought from my house. O. And you put it in on which end ? A. This end that is rusty, that was the end that was put in. Q. That came in contact with the metal of the bottom of the can ? A. It stood in the can up two-thirds of the distance or half way. O. What was the condition of the tin can it was in ? A. It was a perfectly clean can. O. Was it rusty ? A. No, a perfectly clean can. O. Do you mean a bright tin can ? A. Yes, sir. O. Do you know how old it was, how long it had been opened. A. No. A can we had used at the house, brought from the house, pro- bably opened only a few days before and the contents taken out, because we do not keep them about the house a great while. O. Did you inspect that can particularly to see whether the tin was on the can at the time you put it in ? A. The tin was on the can, because the can was not rusty when I took this out. O. When did you say you put this piece of pipe in that can ? A. That I could not say. Do you mean how long ago ? O. How long ago ? A. Well, it is a piece put in at the time the water company put in their pipes, and I put it into the water about that time and kept it there. O. A number of years ago? A. Yes, sir. O. How many years ago ? A. Well, when the pipes were put in. O. Away back in 1883 or 1884 ? A. Yes, sir. O. How long did you keep it in the water ? A. I kept it there, perhaps, through one year, or through the summer ; perhaps we will say six months. THE QUINCY CASE. 143 O. What became of it then ? A. I then took it out. I got tired of filling the can with water, and I set it back in the shed, and never thought of it until this matter came up. O. You set the can in the back shed ? A. No, I took it out of the can. O. Where did you put the pipe ? A. The pipe has been sitting in the shed back of my store. Q. When did you deliver it to these parties ? A. Well, there was some conversation one evening at city hall in regard to the quality of it. I said, as this investigation was coming up, I would like to be thoroughly informed in regard to it. There was a great deal said about the pipes. I didn't think of saving it, only I wanted a sample of this pipe, and wanted to know why that pipe came so. O. You are satisfied now it came from the end of the pipe ? A. I am now, sir, because I see the other end ; directly on the end is not rusted at all. Green Room, State House, Boston, April 24, 1891. Re-direct Examination of Mayor Fairbanks. O. {By the Chairman.) Have you implicit confidence in the report of your engineer, Mr. Blake ? A. I know nothing about pipes. I know nothing about the building of works, the dam. I know nothing about it. I know my own business. I do want to get pure water for the city of Ouincy, and as a public servant I would like to have the system cost the citizens of Quincy as small a sum as possible. O. Mr. Mayor, have you implicit confidence in the report of Mr. Blake your consulting engineer? A. I have stated I would like a more thorough investigation and report to me as to the actual cost before I could make my answer as to that report. O. You decline to answer that question ? A. It is only a partial report in my opinion. O. Only a partial report ? A. That is my opinion. O. Then you think it is not a complete report? A. No, sir, because I stated I should need more investigation. O. Did you hear the evidence as given by Mr. Blake ? A. I have heard nearly all the evidence, sir. O. Do you think from his evidence it is a partial report ? A. In my conversation with him, I find it is. O. From the evidence given before the Committee would you under- stand that it w T as a partial report or a complete report ? A. I don't think, sir, that on his testimony before the Committee it would be a complete report ; I think he says that additional reports must be made on certain matters. Q. Do you think from the evidence given by Mr. Blake that any other engineer in the United States could give a more complete report than he did? A. If he had more money at his disposal and more time, I think it 144 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. would cost a great deal more money to complete the investigation than I would personally ask for. O. Do you think that any other man could make a more complete re- port than he gave to the Committee ? A. Not for the time at his disposal, and for the amount of money he had to use. The Council was hampered very much. The second year, when I was President of the Council, we passed an order that the Commit- tee on Sewers and Drains were authorized to employ Mr. Blake to go on with the investigations. Owing to certain acts of the government I think it was nearly three to four months before the Committee on Sewers and Drains could get the gentleman to act. Closing Argument by Hon. George D. Robinson. There are two other important points to which your committee have given careful consideration. The first is the stability of the plant of the water company ; the second, the quantity and quality of their water supply. As to the first, it is some- what difficult to arrive at a correct conclusion. The description of pipes laid by the Quincy Water Company has been in use for this purpose for so short a time that it is impossible to get any reliable evidence as to the length of time it may be expected to wear. The company uncovered their pipes in several places, giving members of the committee and their engineer an opportunity to examine them, both on the outer and inner side, and though in two locations the pipes had lain for several years in salt mud, they as yet appear to be in good condition. A portion of the pipes was laid in inclement weather, and for a time there was serious trouble from leak- age ; but that difficulty seems to have been overcome. * * * * Consider the stories that have been started. Bad pipe — gingerbread pipe. Well, you have seen it. Now, go home and tell the boys about the gingerbread pipe down in Ouincy. You saw some of it which was produced here yesterday which has been under the ground for about eight years, and you saw it was a perfect specimen, untouched by any corrosion. You have had it all confirmed ; no rust on it, not even on the specimen that Mr. Holdeu produced here, except that which came from the cut edge — the raw edge of the iron — a perfect demonstration of the character of the pipe. And even Mr. Blake saj^s that he cannot say anything about it, that he does not know anything about it, that is, that he has not thoroughly tried it. The fact that other people put in cast-iron pipe, because they know nothing about it, does not determine this question. On the pipe question there has been a complete failure, gentlemen. Atlantic, March 29, 1892. Remarks oe Mr. John Shaw. As I said, they put in cheap pipes. Those pipes are thin, and it is with- out dispute that they will last only a short time. Mr. Cavanaugh : I would like to ask the gentleman if he knows the market price of those pipes to-day ? Mr. Sham : To-day ? Mr. Cavanaugh : Yes. Mr. Shaw : I do not ; no, sir. And it went along until 1888, when THE QUINCY CASE. 145 the town appointed a committee of nine gentlemen, three selectmen and six civilians, one from each part of the town, and that committee had $300 at their disposal to spend for the employment of scientific investigation of the pipes and the quality of the water, and so on. Eight of those gentle- men made a majority report, saying, in short, "Gentlemen, don't buy it ; have nothing to do with it." But one gentleman, Mr. Chairman, the Wol- laston member, made a minority report, you remember, and he said, " Buy it at once, now is your time, buy it right away." REMARKS OE Mr. Eederhen. Now, the pipes that are in the city are wrought-irou pipes, thin, but, so far as I know, the strength of them will compare favorably with cast- iron pipes. As to whether, with the preparation which is upon them, they will last as long as a good cast-iron pipe, I am unable to say ; but, I under- stand, though I do not vouch for it, that the life of the pipe is somewhere from fifteen to twenty years. The plant has now been in since — that is, it was started to be put in in 1883, and now it is 1892, so that you are asked to buy a plant which is in the neighborhood of eight or nine years old. * * * * Now, we have on this line of pipe in the neighborhood, and I can give only in round numbers, in the neighborhood of 100 hydrants. There is the reservoir, you know the style of the pipe, and I understand by the report of the engineer employed by the city that only about ten per cent, of the whole length of their pipes, of some thirty miles, are over twelve inches in size ; that a very large proportion of them are four inches in size. And when you are considering the question as to whether you desire to purchase this plant or not, you must consider this, as to whether there is now in the ground that size of pipe, that quality of pipe, which will last the city for a sufficient time to make it reasonable for the city to purchase it. City Council Chamber, City Hall, Ouincy, Wednesday, March 30, 1892. Remarks oe Ex-Mayor Porter. A great deal has been said about the Ouincy Water Company, its works, its pipes, and all that sort of thing. I heard stated on the floor of this room last Wednesday night a proposition that these pipes which the Ouincy Water Company is using for the distribution of water were flimsy concerns, would last but fifteen years ; that they were rotten, good for nothing in every respect ; which statement, Mr. Chairman, I characterize as absolutely untrue. A section of that pipe may be laid in this hall, a section of cast-iron pipe may be laid right by the side of it, its diameter shall be the same, and the pipe which the Ouincy Water Company uses as its distributing main to-day will withstand a stated water pressure of double, mark you, of double the pressure which the cast-iron pipe will stand. In other words, every foot of pipe which is in the City of Ouincy has been tested to a pressure of 500 pounds to the square inch, while the cast-iron pipe which is put in and used in many places is only tested to a pressure of 200 or 250 pounds to the square inch. You have all heard of hydraulic mining ; 3 t ou all know what it is — the dis- charging of vast bodies of water against hills, and washing the material 146 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. down for the purpose of getting the ore from the hill. The water is dis- charged through large pipes, and the mouth-piece of the pipe itself— the nozzle, as the phrase is used — is only four inches in diameter, affixed to the main which delivers this water against this bank. That water is delivered at a pressure averaging from 400 to 600 pounds to the square inch in the pipe against this bank. Now, every foot of pipe of that kind that is used is precisely the same kind of pipe, made at precisely the same State, in precisely the same town, and precisely the same place as this Quincy Water Company's pipes are made and shipped from ; in other words, fellow citizens, the McKeesport factory of the National Tube Works manu- facture these mains. They are long wrought iron, if you please of rolled wrought iron, and treated with a preparation which is like the antimony or plating you put upon a fork and call it a silver fork or a silver-plated fork, Now, if a cast-iron pipe in its natural state represents 100 per cent, of duty • that is to say, if it is called a perfect pipe, a wrought-iron pipe not treated represents of itself 99 per cent ; so that you see there is a loss of only one per cent, in the use of these pipes. But it is plain that these pipes, by reason of having this plating or Kalameiuing, so-called, added to them, produce a pipe which is stronger, better and more lasting than the cast- iron pipe which represents 100 ; it has only got to gain one per cent, in order to be equal with it. Those pipes have been in Quincy ten years. The only pipe that has ever burst in the City of Quincy, from any cause what- ever, has been their 20-inch cast-iron main. Mark that, gentlemen. That pipe broke in 1887. It came near where it crosses, where the Old Colony Railway passes over the pipe which is the main which supplies the other mains up and down Franklin street. Whether that pipe was broken or cracked in being put in, or whether the pressure was so great, or whether there was some sand flaw in the casting of it, I do not know ; that pipe, however, has been taken out and replaced by another cast-iron main of equal size, because at that time when that was done the National Tube Works were not turning out from their works any pipe greater than sixteen inches in diameter. The pipe which was mentioned as that which was rotten and good for nothing, which would burst and was thrown out at Tynn, Gloucester and other towns and cities, is not this kind of pipe at all ; it is what is known as cement-lined pipe. In other words, a mould is made, a 6-inch sheet iron pipe is laid in this mould, and around it, both inside and outside is put cement. Now, then, those pipes have been used in Lynn, and they have been used in other places ; they are in use in Dedham to-day. It is by no means sure that that pipe is not a good pipe. Mr. Wiuslow Warren, ,1 gentlemen whom you know and have heard of a great deal, is President of the Dedham Water Company, and Mr. Warren told me that in his judgment there was no pipe equal to the cement-lined pipe. Mr. Dwinell, who is the Chairman of the Water Commissioners of the town of Win- chester, is of the opinion that cement-lined pipe is the best pipe to use. Now, I cannot agree with him, because it is true that the City of Lynn has been troubled with its pipes, with its cement-lined pipes, and there have been many breakages in them, and when they replace a cement-lined pipe, as they do each year, they replace it with cast-iron pipe. It is also equally true that they do have some wrought-iron pipe like that which is in use in THE QUINCY CASE. 147 Ouincy; and if you will allow me, I will read from the report of the engineer of the City of Lynn. That city has been the test place for this pipe around New England. He says, " In 1883 the City of Lynn laid about 4,500 feet of wrought-iron pipe " — probably similar to the pipe laid in Ouincy; the description was similar. Mr. Peter French informed me in conversation (and he lives in Weymouth — a man known undoubtedly to many of you) that it is the same practically as that laid in Quincy. " We have had no trouble with the pipe, and where it has been exposed it has been found to be in good condition. I cannot send sample," he says, " because I have not taken any out." He goes on and says, "There has been no special appropriation to re-lay pipe, but each )'ear we are taking out the cement lined pipes and replacing them with the larger cast-iron mains to such an amount as the Water Board may determine. I will send you," he says, " a sample of the cement-lined pipe." It is a very common pipe, and everybody knows what it is. Remarks of ex-Councilman Shaw. It would seem proper, Mr. Chairman, that I should say a few words in answer to the gentleman by way of an explanation of his statements. The gentleman charges me with saying some things I did not say. He says that I stated that the pipes had been thrown out at Gloucester. A small matter, but I did not say that. I quoted from the Mayor's address, the Mayor of Gloucester. In his inaugural some three years ago, which I read from, the Mayor of Gloucester says, " Water and sewerage should be introduced to- gether. The Mayor does not believe in purchasing the present private plant because the pipe used in it is not good for more than ten years." He also stated he was informed by a gentleman, an official in this city, a short time ago, about three weeks ago, that that gentleman had changed over. I wrote to the Mayor of Gloucester, and here is a letter in which he reiterates the same opinion that he had then in regard to the quality of wrought-iron pipes. Fearing that I might do an injustice to somebody in my remarks of last Wednesday night, when I stated that at Lynn they were having great trouble with pipes, as I got that information through hearsay, I, yesterday morning, at a sacrifice as a business man, went to Lynn. They said, " Oh, yes, we have your letter seeking a sample of pipe." But I said, " I guess that is for the other fellow, not for me." They said that they had about 3,000 feet — Mr. Porter says 4,500 feet, and I allow that is right perhaps ; the gentleman told me 3,000 feet, but it is immaterial — they had 3,000 feet of pipe such as the Quiiicy Water Company claims to have in part in their system here. I understand the city of Ouincy to have three kinds of pipe : cast-iron, plain wrought-iron and this wrought-iron, which is Kalameined. Kalamein on iron, as I understand it by the testimony before the Committee on Water Suppl}' last winter at the State House, consists of an alloy. Kala- mein alloy is made of lead and zinc, and that is applied to the pipe mechan- ically through heat, with a little flux. I here learned by inquiring around, gentlemen, not only to-day but in years gone by, I have learned from good authority that iron pipes going into the ground with an alloy, whether it be straight zinc or copper, or an alloy of zinc and lead, were not fit to go into the ground, because wherever the moisture attacked it the film or silver plating, as the National Tube Company are pleased to call it by way of trade 148 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. mark, and also they call it Kalamein, the moisture gets underneath the flake and throws it off. It is positively a mechanical defect, and for that very reason it is not used scarcely any. I think there is not another concern in the country that makes that kind of pipe, for the reason that the people, the manufacturers of it, understand that it is a mechanical, it is not a perfectly mechanical matter to put it in pipes. They put pipes in the ground cov- ered with adamantha or varnish, asphalt varnish. But as a fact, or as a matter of economy, people use cast-iron pipe in place of these wrought-iron pipes because cast-iron pipes will wear so much longer than the wrought- iron pipes. Now, to go back to Lynn for a moment, they told me they had over ioo miles of pipe in the street and only some 3,000 feet of this pipe put in, sold them by the National Tube Company as a sample lot. In 187 1 and 1872 the Water Commissioners of the city of Lynn put in their water works. They got permission from Mr. Norman, late of Newport, R. I., who was quite a large water works contractor, and they fitted up a line which is of wrought-iron with cement, they also covered that wrought-iron pipe outside with cement, three-quarters of an inch to an inch thick. A gentleman told me when I described it to him, " We have had this kind of pipe here," and he said it was not worth putting into the ground. Then the engineer stated this : That in 1871 and '72 they were told that the pipes they were putting in, the wrought-iron pipes, would have a life of about twelve or fifteen years ; and they have found that to be practically true. As they have been taking out pipes throughout the city of Lynn during the last three or four years, it has been perfectly honeycombed, and if it were not for the outside covering of cement, they would have had serious trouble. In regard to the special appropriation for pipe, they never had any special appropriation of money, that is, never had any special loan ; they never asked a loan specially for putting in pipe to replace the burst pipe or the corroded or honeycombed pipe. And another plea : Before the committee, the Water Committee, at the State House, they appeared, the Mayor of Lynn and the City Engineer of Lynn, appeared there with samples of wrought- iron pipe, such pipe as is used by the Ouincy Water Company, except the Ouincy Water Company pipe is Kalarneined, that is, it has got this little thin coating of zinc and lead, and the Mayor and the City Engineer of Lynn showed this honeycombed condition of their water pipes in Lynn ; and, basing their plea upon the ground that they were in great danger of these pipes bursting and they must be taken out, that was one of the pleas for asking that they might have authority to issue bonds. I think they had authority to issue some $300,000 in 1888, and I believe voted $150,000 last year for the purpose of the extension of their water mains, and doing this, that and the other. While we are talking about this Kalarneined pipe, I might say that while it is claimed by the people who manufacture the pipe, and who have been a long time at the head of the National Tube Company, who started business in 1867 — I am quite sure they were a small concern in East Boston, and thej' started in 1867, and there is nobody outside of the National Tube Com- pany of Pittsburg, Penn., I think, that makes this pipe ; I do not think they make it at all, because it is not a practical, not a commercial article mechanically, chemically it is a very harmful matter, such pipe as your THE QUINCY CASE. 149 physician would tell you — your physician will tell you that if a lead and zinc alloy that is coated on the interior of a pipe gets into the water it is carried along in a flocculent, scaly condition in the water into your house, into your pitcher, into your tumbler and into your stomach. Now, what is it doing in your stomach ? The acid of the stomach, as your physician will tell you, is working upon it, getting it into solution and throwing it into your system, a solution of lead and a solution of zinc. So that from a chemical point of view it is not a fit thing to use in water works, whether it is in Ouiucy or Amsterdam. Ex-Mayor Porter said, in describing cast-iron pipe and wrought-iron pipe, place a line of wrought-iron pipe — he takes a line of wrought-iron pipe, and on the other side a line of cast-iron pipe, and he gives you the tensile strength of that pipe ; he did not show you or say a word in regard to the rusting capacity resistance. Now, let me tell you of the fatal error of laying these wrought-iron pipes in cities and towns. If you put in wrought-iron pipes, the moisture will attack them. The pipes are very thin, and all these wrought pipes are not more than one-eighth of an inch thick. Gentlemen, you can imagine, gentlemen who wield the mason's chisel have to handle good old Ouincy stone, will know how soon iron will rust when it is laid off from use or exposed to moisture. In the case of cast- iron, instead of rusting away there is quite an accumulation, an actual coat- ing taking place ; the coating is getting thicker both outside and inside, and if the pipe is not weakened by jars and cracks it will last a very long time. And that is why our esteemed neighbor and friend here, Mr. French, who is the city representative of the National Tube Company, who gave you this book to read, that is the reason why he, though he is a resident of Weymouth, could not sell his townsmen such pipe as the Quincy Water Company bought. No, they preferred to buy cast-iron pipe, and used cast-iron pipe in their water works in Weymouth. They also use cast-iron pipes in Braintree, and they use cast-iron pipes every- where in this part of the country. Of course, if you are going up in the mountains to bring water down from the summit, then you want long, light-weight pipes ; there they are used, and you can afford to use them. * * * * While I was in Lynn a gentlemen, to show me practically in re- gard to the rust on wrought-iron, gave me this piece of pipe (producing a section of pipe), which shows how moisture will attack wrought-iron. It has thinned it from one-eighth of an inch down to the thickness of a wafer, showing the action of moisture upon that pipe. I would be pleased to pass this along to the gentlemen in the audience. Remarks of George F. Pinkham. I tell you, gentlemen, the sooner we buy the water works the better, whether the water pipe that we have there is such a poor thing as they tell us or not. You will remember that soon after — many of the pipes were put in in the winter, you will remember, and it was said then, " Why, it won't last five years." Nine years have gone by, and whenever you excavate, whenever you dig up a piece of pipe, they tell you it looks exactly as well as it did when it was put down. We have been told that fifteen years was the extent of the life of some pipe. We have had cement pipe. Before coming to Ouiucy I lived in Cambridge. Cambridge supplies itself with water through cement-lined pipe. The most of them have been taken out. 150 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The Lynn pipe and the other pipe that was told about, I know nothing about. The gentleman last up undertook to tell us about the Lynn pipe. Did he do it ? He gave me no information whatever, except that they had 3,000 feet of pipe only of a kind similar, as was supposed, to what is laid in the city of Ouincy. Whether that pipe was good, bad or indifferent, if my ears are good, the gentleman failed to tell us. He did say they did have 3,000 feet of that kind of pipe. Now, I don't know anything about it. As has been said, as was said at the time when the pipe was put in, there had not been much of the pipe put in in this part of the country. I said to Mr. Howland, the engineer, I think it was five or six years ago, " Howland, tell me please, why you put in the pipe in Ouincy which you did put in ? Give me a reason?" " Well," said he, " I had nothing to do with the Ouincy water works." " I know that, but you are an engineer, just give me, a citi- zen of Quincy, a reason." The answer I got was very simple indeed. " We put it in because we thought it was the best we could put in. We paid a higher price for it than we should have paid for the best cast-iron pipe, and we put it in." That is the reason they put it in — simply and solely because they considered it the best kind of pipe. Now, then, when doctors disagree, who shall decide ? I believe we have got a good system of water works. Remarks of F. A. Ceafein. This reminds me of an old-fashioned town meeting when we used to thresh every question that came before us and get out of it all the wisdom that it contained. The points made against the purchase of the water works appear to have dwindled down to about one. In the estimation of Mr. Shaw, the pipes are poor, they are of a poor quality. I have heard that ever since the water company began operations. I have always heard that the practical mechan- ical work was going to show up very badly indeed. That has been the old croaking thing that has been said every year, year after year, and has been proved to be false by demonstration and experience. When I used to hear the wise prophets of that day tell us about the tissue paper pipes that were being put in, the mean, flimsy, make-believe mock work that was being put in, I expected to see cradle holes and ditches and the usual evidences outflowing all over Ouincy ; that we were going to see these terrible burstings of the pipes, and we were going to be flooded from the flimsy, make-believe works that the water company put in. That was the old croaking story told them, that is the old croaking story that has been told ever since, that is the old croaking idea that has got into the brains of some of our fellow citizens, most estimable gentlemen, and that is the objec- tion that is urged here to-night, that the pipes are very poor indeed ; and that if we should go to the Supreme Court to have a commission appointed to determine how much we should pay for these works, they would not see any imperfection in the machinery or the mechanical part, they would advise us to buy at a ridiculous figure, and we would get a thing that would be very worthless and victimized on a large scale. That is the story that is told here by the most eminent representative of the opposition. Remarks of George A. Litchfield. I think all this talk about what Lynn has done or is doing, or what a dozen other places in the Commonwealth are doing or have done, has nothing THE QUINCY CASE. 151 whatever to do with the merits of this case. I think the question whether the pipes that this water company have put into our streets are good for any- thing or not has nothing whatever to do with the merits of this case. I am certain that a board of reference selected by the Supreme Court of Massa- chusetts will go into the question whether the pipes are good for anything. Why, gentlemen, you are basing your arguments against this proposition on the supposition that three asses are to be appointed to adjudicate upon this case and not three gentlemen of good, fair, sound common sense. (Applause.) Now, that is an old story, what does all that amount to, whether the pipes are good, bad or indifferent, whether they are put in well, badly or indifferently ? The question is, what will three men, disinterested, appointed by the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, say these water works are worth and that the city of Quiucy ought to pay for them ? They are just as likely to adjudge a price that will seem unfair to the water company as to adjudge a price that will seem unfair to the city of Quincy. It certainly seems to me so. Quincy Water Co. j B]3FORE HoN j OHN t^oweel, HoN- ^ H Bennett City of Quincy. j and Charles Clifford, Eso. Geo. D. Robinson, Esq., ] Frank P. Goulding, Esq., \ for the Company. J. H. Flint, Esq., J Hon. R. M. Morse, \ J. E. Cotter, Esq., [for the City. J. W. McAnarney, Esq., j First Hearing, \ Monday, February 20th, 1S93. j The Commissioners met in the Equity Court Room, in the old Court House, Boston, at 11 o'clock A. M. Mr. Goulding proceeded to open the case on behalf of the Quincy Water Company, speaking as follows : * * * They put these works in on a scale that was calculated to meet the growth of the city. There was nothing niggardly, or cheap, or shoddy about any part of the construction. It was all well done ; done so as not to require to be done over again ; done thoroughly as far as they went. Whether they made any mistakes or not I am not able to say. If they were human they probably made some errors. But the design and purpose and scale— the plan on which the works were constructed — was to furnish a permanent and suitable and complete and ample water supply for Quincy as far as they went. * * * A word with regard to the dis- tributing system. The City of Quincy, of course, is in some respects like a country town. That is to say, it is spread out over a wide area, and there are intervals between the differeut villages that are not thickly inhabited, and the distributing system has to be widely extended in proportion to the service that is rendered. That is becoming, of course, less and less so as the City of Quincy grows. There is Quincy proper, South Quincy, West Quincy, Wollaston and Hough's Neck. We think the water has not yet been extended to Hough's Neck. We had on the 30th of April, at the time of this taking, about 35 miles of pipe laid. I have a book here that shows 152 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the exact amount and the exact sizes of the pipe, but, of course, it is not necessary in the opening statement to any more than refer to it. The total amount of 20 r/ Pipe was , 2,679 feet. 16" " " 5,582 " 12" " " 16,122 " 10" " " 6,879 " 8" " " 18,040 " 7" " " 994 " 6" " " 42,038 " 5" " " 943 " 4" " " 64,689 " 2" " " 26,846 " With regard to this distributing system, all I need to say in the opening is that it will be shown, I think, that it is a good distributing system for the town. Your Honors perhaps observed that there is a large amount of 4-inch pipe, but our evidence will show that there is a good fire service in all parts of the town, and that with a small expenditure in completing the circuits and in a like kind of treatment, where there is a dead end, com- pleting the circuit so as to increase the supply without re-laying the pipe, an excellent fire service in all quarters, and a service of all other kinds, can be furnished, and is furnished, as a matter of fact, except, perhaps, there may be instances where it requires this completion of circuits in order to make it perfectly what it should be. I stated before that the company had a contract with the town at $35 a hydrant for ten years from 1883, I think, with the right in the town to extend it fifteen years longer. The quality of the pipe which has been laid in the streets is a subject on which we shall introduce evidence. The pipe is not a cast-iron pipe ; it is a pipe furnished by the National Tube Works Co. , and is a wrought-iron pipe. This pipe is thinner than the cast-iron pipe. It has, several believe, great advantages over the cast-iron pipe. It is manufactured and treated with some kind of a material that is wrought into it — asphalt coating, or some other material, which will be described by the parties who make it and the parties who have examined it. I think there are two different kinds of coating, and I am not at this moment informed as to what is the prevailing kind that is used on the pipe at Quincy, but it is a substance that gives it a smoothness and prevents its destruction by rust, and prevents any deleterious matter getting into the water. This pipe has been laid now for ten years in some parts of the town. We shall show you specimens of it, and show you how well it is preserved in the ground, and we believe that no successful attack can be made upon its durability and its service- ability in all respects. Boston, February 22d, 1S92. John A. Gordon, Sworn. O. (By Mr. Goulding.) Did you have anything to do about this mat- ter of the kind of pipe that should be used ? A. At the time that the works were being considered the various kinds of pipe in the market were discussed, both the cast-iron, the iron Kalainein THE QUINCY CASE. 153 that we put in, and the other different kinds of pipe that are used for water pipes, that is the cement-lined pipe, and so on. There were a good many reasons for selecting Kalamein pipe, which is a wrought-iron pipe protected on the inside and the out by an insoluble coating, which will be shown to you, and that by a coating of asphalt. To my mind it seemed to have many advantages over the cast-iron pipe, and also over the cement-lined pipe ; over the cement-lined pipe particularly because we knew it would be more lasting ; over the cast-iron pipe on account of the closeness of the joints, and for other reasons. The difference will be shown you between a joint of the Kalamein pipe and the cast-iron pipe. There are some things that have intrinsic merit which presents itself to one's mind without having tested it by time, and to my mind this was one of those things. The pipe seemed in itself so well adapted for water purposes that I had no hesitation at all in assenting to its use, and I have not beeu able to change my mind since. O. When the works were completed by Mr. McClallau under his con- tract, the pipe line was how long ? A. 21 y 2 miles long, or about 21^-21 and a fraction of a mile. O. In round numbers, how much have you put in after that ? A. Put in 14 miles since that time. O. The hydrants at the time they took it were in number — A. ior, I think ; about that number; 101, I think ; that is what I have in my memory. Cross-Examination. O. (By Mr. Morse.) Who prescribed the size of the pipes for the differ- ent streets as they were put into the contract ? A. The engineer who built the works. O. Who was that ? A. Mr. Howland. O. And who employed Mr. Howland ? A. The contractor, Mr. McClallan. O. Mr. McClallan? A. Yes, sir. O. Then you had no independent engineer at that time who advised you on the subject ? A. Well, I will not say about that. At that time I was not so familiar with this part of the work as I became since, and my memory does not hold good with regard to those points. O. Who first suggested the idea of wrought-iron pipes ? A. That I cannot say. I think that the different kinds of pipes were presented to us at our meetings, for consideration, and I cannot say who suggested the wrought-iron. O. Well, who advised your taking them ? A. Well, that I cannot say. I can say this— that we unanimously con- sented to adopt the wrought-iron after considerable investigation and talk on the matter. O. Please state, Dr. Gordon, what personal investigation you made in regard to the pipes ? A. Well, I did not make any investigation outside of Ouincy- I made some inquiries with regard to the wrought-iron pipe, and with regard to 154 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. their manufacture directly through one of the men who was interested, who had charge of the testing department of the pipe where they were manufac- tured. He was interested in the testing department, and when these pipes were being considered, I inquired of him in regard to the quality and man- ufacture of the pipe and that is all the inquiry I made about pipe. O. Well, if I understand you correctly, the only investigation that you personally made was to inquire of a person who tested the pipes at the place they were made ? A. Yes, sir. O. Did you know at that time that those pipes were a new thing? A. I knew that they were comparatively new. O. Did you know that they were not the kind of pipes usually laid for water pipes ? A. Yes, sir. O. Were you referred to any place in New England in which that kind of pipe had been laid ? A. I have forgotten. I do not remember. O. At all events, you did not in fact visit any place in which that kind of pipe was laid to investigate it ? A. No, I did not. O. Where were they made ? A. They were made at McKeesport, Pa. O. You did not go there, of course ? A. No, sir ; I did not. O. Where was it you talked with this tester ? A. In Ouincy. O. In Ouincy ? He came there then ? A. Not in Ouincy, but I talked with him in Prince Edward's Island ; he was down there, and I was there at the same time. O. You did not go down there on purpose ? That was accidental, I suppose ? A. That was accidental. O. When was it that you were down there ? A. I have forgotten ; I was there in that summer. O. Before or after this contract was made ? A. It was about the time that we were talking this matter over ; I have forgotten the exact date. O. How long were you down there ? A. About ten days, I think. O. Do you remember whether it was before or after the contract was made? A. I do not remember particularly, but it was at that time when the contract was up in my mind. Q. Then it comes down to this — that your personal inquiry was the result of an accidental meeting with the man down in Prince Edward's Island ? A. Yes. O. Had you ever known him before ? A. Yes, sir. O. What was his name ? THE QUINCY CASE. 155 A. James Campbell. O. Had you ever known him before ? A. Yes, sir. O. Where is this place, what part of Pennsylvania, where they are made ? A. Well, I cannot say. I have never been at the works myself. O. Have you ever seen those pipes since laid in any other place than Ouincy ? A. No. I have seen the pipes in different places to be laid, or expect- ing to be laid. O. No, I do not ask you where they were expecting to be laid, but have you ever made an examination of pipes in the ground in any other place than Ouincy ? A. No, sir. O. Was the question submitted to Mr. Ball of using these pipes ? A. I am not aware of that. I cannot answer that. O. Then in regard to the different sizes which should be used in the different streets, was that question submitted to Mr. Ball, do you know ? A. I cannot say. O. Did you know at that time, Dr. Gordon, that Mr. McClellan had the controlling interest in those pipes in New England ? A. I did not quite catch your remark. Q. Did you know at the time that this contract was made that Mr. McClallan had the controlling interest in those pipes in New England ? A. I did not. Q. Did you know that he had a large interest in them ? A. I did not. O. Or that he had any interest ? A. I did not. Q. Did you know that he was the New England agent at that time for the sale of those pipes ? A. No, I did not. O. Do you remember, Dr. Gordon, where the pipe laying began ? A. Not exactly. I think, as near as I can remember, in October, 1883. Q. Yes, but where it began— in what streets ? A. As near as I can remember, the first pipe was laid on Penn Street, from the pumping station down to Water Street, and then continued up to the stand pipe. I may be mistaken, but that is my nearest recollection. Q. Can you indicate it on the map ? A. I am under the impression that the first pipe was laid from the pumping station which is here, down in this directiou to Water Street, and then carried across here to Franklin Street, and then carried up along here to the water tower, which is up in this direction. I may be mistaken about that being the very first, but I am under the impression that that was the first pipe that was laid. It is difficult to remember such a long time just the Q. Of course, I only want to get your best recollection. Do you know whether there was a record kept by the company showing the order in which the pipes were laid and the dates at which the different pipes were laid? 156 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. I am not certain about that. O. Can you tell me where the first of the small pipes were laid ? The Chairman : 4-inch ? Mr. Morse : 4-inch pipe. A. I think the first 4-inch pipe was laid on Chestnut Street. O. Where is Chestnut Street ? A. Chestnut Street is a short street in the centre of the town, which runs across from two other streets — I think I can show it to you down here. Yes, this is Chestnut Street down here. O. Do you remember at what season that was laid ? A. No. O. Whether it was before or after the winter of 1883-4, or during the winter ? A. I think it was before the frost set in. I will not be able to give an exact answer to that. O. Is there any one connected with the company who would be likely to be better informed than yourself on that point ? A. I think Dr. Faxon would be able to give all those points ; I think he would. He followed it much more closely at that time than I did. O. What is the smallest pipe that you laid ? A. The smallest pipe that was laid for a permanent pipe was 4-inch pipe — some laid on short streets like that ; but there were some smaller pipes, some 2-inch, that were laid where we found it very necessary to supply house- hold service immediately and before we could get large pipe, and for other reasons — expense. Q. There was a considerable amount of 2-inch pipe laid, was there not ? A. Well, not a very large amount in comparison with the whole amount of pipe put down. O. Did this round sum, $237, 000, include the charge of rock ex- cavation ? A. Yes, sir. O. Do you know whether there was much blasting? A. There was considerable. O. Do you remember whether the pipes, as originally laid, were of the same character, in regard to their coating, as the pipes that were laid last by the company ? A. I know of no change, no alterations in the character of the coating. O. What is the precise technical name, as you understand it, of the pipes which w T ere laid ? A. They call them the Kalamein pipe. O. And that is so called from the lining ? A. I don't know from what the name originated. I think it is made up from different words ; the company adopted a name to distinguish it from other pipes. O. Is it a patent pipe ? A. I judge so ? Q. Mr. Goulding suggests that one of the words in the combination is the Greek word kalos, beautiful. Is that the fact ? A. I would accept that. O. It is a patent covered pipe, isn't it ? THE QUINCY CASE. 157 A. I atti not aware about the patent ; I supposed it was so. O. Was there any difference in the thickness of the pipes between those laid in the beginning and those laid in the end of your work ? A. Not that I am aware of ; I think not. O. You think, then, that they were of the same description exactly in the beginning as they were in the end ? A. I always thought so. I have no reason to change my mind or to think differently. O. Was there anybody employed by the company to examine the pipes as they were delivered and before they were laid ? A. I think not. O. Will you indicate West Ouincy on that map, Dr. Gordon ? A. This is the section called West Quincy. O. When were the pipes laid there ? A. I think in the autumn, in the early part of the construction. I cannot say positively. O. Aren't you mistaken about that ? A. I may be entirely mistaken about it ; I have forgotten. I think I am mistaken now that I come to think about it. I think it was in the latter part of the construction. Yes, I think it was, now that I think of it. O. And do you mean by that, after you had finished the original 21^ miles ? A. No, sir. O. It was included in the 21 y 2 miles, was it ? A. Yes, sir. O. That is the place which you referred to as having the worst sanitary condition, is it not ? A. Yes, that was a part of the place ; the worst sanitary condition ex- tended through that valley generally to West Ouincy and South Ouincy. RE Cross Examination. O. When and where were pipes of the company taken up ? A, Well, that I will not be able to answer. I certainly would refer that to the engineer or superintendent. O. Do you know whether any record has been kept of what pipes were taken up and when ? A. I think there is a record ; I am quite certain that the superintend- ent will be able to tell exactly where and when. O. Do y ou remember when you were personally present at any taking up of pipes ? A. No, I do not. I only remember that in my driving about in Ouincy from one place to another, when I saw a pipe being taken up or pipe being exposed, I used to stop and look at it. A. Was any pipe ever taken up in your presence for the purpose of ex- amining it and testing it to see how it had stood or laid ? A. No, sir, not in my presence. O. Then these examinations which you made were casual ones, as you happened to see them ? A. Yes, sir. O. And the pipes which were taken up at those times were not taken 158 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. up for the purpose of being tested, but they were exposed in some new work that was to be done ? A. Yes. Yes, I think that would cover the ground. O. Can you now recall any particular pipe or place where you saw it ? A. Well, I cannot point out the exact location. I remember seeing a pipe on Water street exposed, and I remember seeing a pipe on Cross street exposed. I remember seeing pipes on Canal street, and down through the marsh land there, and I remember seeing pipes in Atlantic several times, ex- posed. The times in which I have seen them are innumerable. I have seen them a great many times. And I saw a great many pieces of pipe that had been taken up and carried to the office and exhibited so that we could see them. O. Take any one of the pipes that you have referred to which you saw exposed ; can you identify that particular pipe so as to state when it was laid, if you know, or what the size of that pipe was? A. No, I cannot say, but I can say this, that if the superintendent will say that such a piece of pipe was taken up from a certain street, I can tell pretty near what time that pipe bad been laid, and he can tell when he took it up, of course, I can tell the difference. But I cannot identify the partic- ular piece myself, as I may not have seen it when it was put down. O. How can you tell how long that pipe had been down ? A. I can tell when certain pipes were laid in certain streets and that they had not been taken up and removed or replaced from that time. I think it is quite obvious that I would be correct. O. But you kept no memorandum or record of when the pipes were laid in the different streets? A. We know that the twenty-one and one-half miles of pipe were laid between September, 1883, and June, 1884, and when a pipe was taken up from any such street subsequently, we could easily estimate how long it had been underground, withiu a few months. O. Are there specimens at your office of pipes which have been taken up ? A. There are specimens that the company have charge of. O. Well, are they something which the company hold now, or were they turned over to the city at the time the property was turned over? A. I am not quite certain about that. I think the company have some pieces. O. Some that they kept ? A. Yes, I think so. I am not certain whether the company have really kept them. They can be had, at all events. I am not so certain about that. O. Well, have you seen anything since the city took possession ; have you seen any specimens of the pipes that have been taken up ? A. Yes, I did. I saw one piece, I think, that was taken up since the city took possession. O. When and where was that taken up ? A. I cannot say now exactly just where it was taken up. It was taken up in the autumn. O. This last autumn ? A. Yes, this last autumn — November, or sometime. THE QUINCY CASE. 159 O. Do you remember who took it up ? A. Well, as near as I can remember, it was taken up by Mr. Gleason, who has charge, I think, of the pipes for the city. I cannot say posi- tively. That was my impression at the time, that it was taken up by Mr. Gleason. O. Do you remember any other instance ? A. No, I do not just now. Q. What became of this piece of pipe that you refer to ? A. I don't know. O. Where did you see it ? A. I saw it in the present office of the Ouincy Water Company. O. Who else were there at the time ? A. Mr. Hall, the superintendent. O. Anybody else ? A. Well, I don't remember anyone else just at the time I looked at it. There were others in and out. O. How long a piece of pipe ? A. Two or three feet. O. What size ? A. I think that would be eight-inch, as near as I can remember — seven or eight or nine inches. O. What was its appearance ? A. Its appearance was good. O. Do you know why it was taken up ? A. I don't know just now, I was told at the time, but it has escaped me. O. And you don't know what has become of the pipe ? A. No, I don't. Q. Do you know of any other piece of pipe except that which has been taken up and been preserved ? A. I do not at present. Q. This piece of pipe, you understand, was being examined and pre- served with reference to this hearing ? A. It was recommended to keep that for this hearing. Q. And who recommended that ? A. I think I recommended it myself. I may not have been the originator of the recommendation, but we all agreed it would be a good piece of pipe to show the character of the pipe at the present time. O. You thought that would be a good specimen ? A. Yes, sir. Q. You haven't any pieces of the two -inch pipe that have been taken up ? A. I am not aware of any pieces of two-inch pipe having been taken up since the works were turned over to the city, but there may be, and I may have seen them. I do not recall any pieces. Mr. Morse : That is all, Doctor. Q- {By Judge Bennett.) Dr. Gordon, can you give the Commissioners any light upon the alleged or supposed advantages of the wrought-iron pipe over the cast-iron pipe which led you to adopt that instead of the other ? A. Well, one thing that influenced me very largely at that time was 160 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. this, and if you will allow me I will describe in detail what influenced me. At the time that this subject came up for consideration, they were holding in Loudon an international sanitary convention, and I happened to see some reports that were made by London engineers rather objecting to the use of the cast-iron pipe on account of the packing, which they thought might be a means of giving the germs that were usually found in water an opportunity for developing and ultimately being thrown into the water supply. O. Where the joints are made ? A. Where the joints are made ; the joints are put together and it is packed with oakum, and then the lead is run in and tamped home, and some of the sanitarians in that convention rather thought that these joints with oakum packing at frequent intervals might give an opportunity for these germs to develop and be thrown into the water supply. Finding that this pipe that we had had a close joint without any such packing influenced me very considerably in agreeing to that form of pipe. That is the principal point that I had in mind. And then it was smooth ; the inside of the pipe is perfectly smooth ; where the. joints come together there is no rough place, and that presented to my mind a good idea, as there would be very little obstruction to the flow of water. And then the nature of the coating, which was described to us more or less in detail, indicated to my mind that it would be a pipe that would not be apt to rust as readily as the other pipes. Then they were easier to handle, being very much lighter than the cast-iron pipes. These are the four principal things that influenced me in agreeing to the adoption of these pipes. Q. What was, approximately, the relative cost of the wrought and the cast-iron at this time ? A. I think that the first cost of those pipes at that time was even greater than the cast-iron pipe, but I think that was not an element that would influence us one way or another. They are higher now, very much higher. O. Can you give us approximately the difference between the two at that time ? A. No, I cannot. O. Do you know whether those pipes are used elsewhere than in Ouincy — the wrought- irou ? A. The pipes are used almost universally in the West, very largely at all events, and I might say almost universally in the West. There are places in the East where they are used ; I cannot mention the places at present, but in a little time, by to-morrow or next day, I can find out the places in which these pipes are used by looking over the records of the different water companies. O. How do they compare in weight, doctor ? I do not mean to an exact pound, but relatively ; the weight of the wrought-iron and the weight of the cast-iron ? A. I think the pipe would be less than half the weight of cast-iron pipe. O. I do not quite understand you, doctor? A. I beg your pardon. O. I asked you how the weight of the wrought-iron compared with the weight of the cast-iron of the same length? THE QUINCY CASE. 161 A. The weight of the wrought-iron would be less than half the weight of the cast-iron pipes. O. I thought you said price ? A. No. The price, I think, is a little higher. Wixuam Iv. Faxon, Sworn. O. (By Mr. Goitlding.) The works were completed, and you began to distribute the water. Now, what do you know about the pipe — the kind of pipe that you adopted ; what did you do about it ? A. Well, it was a question what kind of pipe. Mr. Howland, the engineer, said he was thoroughly familiar with this pipe, and he considered it the best pipe in the market. At that time they were laying or relaying a good deal of pipe in Boston — cast-iron pipe — and I took occasion to see what it was, and a good deal of it was filled up with tubercules, and in a very bad shape, and I thought there must be something better than that. O. Have you a statement of the maintenance account? I will ask you if that is a statement of the maintenance account from year to year? A. Yes, sir ; that is a statement as drawn from the books. O. What is it. Read it. A. Maintenance for the first six months from March, 1884, to Septem- ber, 1884, $1,786.60; from September, 1884, to September, 1885, $5,068. iS. O. What is that in addition? A. Yes, each year ; this is made up in years. From September, 18S5, to September, 1886, $5,089.92, being an increase of $21.84 ; from September, 1886, to September, 1887, $5,268.41 ; from September, 1S87, to September, 1888, $5,902.37 ; from September, 1888, to September, 1889, $4,817.67 ; from September, 1889, to September, 1890, $5,533.35 ; from September, 1S90, to September, 1S91, $5,537-77 ; and from September, 1891, to April 30, 1892, $5,322.10. O. (By Mr. Clifford.) Does that maintenance include all the money paid by the company, except the construction account ? That is, does the construction account and maintenance account include all the money that has ever been spent by the company ? A. Interest. The maintenance account is what we call purely operat- ing expenses. There is nothing of construction at all in that, simply to keep the works in order, and to pay for the engineer, and for the coal and repairs. O. With regard to this pipe you selected, this wrought-iron pipe, did you make any investigation of it personally ? A. Well, I wrote to the Standard Oil Company about it ; I wrote out to several places in the West where they had it. The National Tube Works Company issued a book in which they stated where this pipe had been used, and I wrote to quite a number of towns where they had had it, and they expressed themselves as thoroughly satisfied with it. The one who had had it the longest, or the community which had had it the longest, was Virginia City, Montana, and I think they wrote to me that they had had it in from 8 to 10 years, and it was as good then as it was the day it was put in. Then a friend of mine, Mr. Potter, who was afterwards the builder and superinten- dent of the vSouth Chicago Rolling Mill, and a graduate from a special course at the Institute of Technology, and who was a visitor at the house a good 162 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. deal, told me that unquestionably it was the best pipe in the world in his opinion, and he was glad we were willing to put it in in place of cast-iron. And Mr. Potter has a reputation as an iron man which is certainly a very good one. 0. Have you stated all the investigation you made about it ? A. We didn't make any ; I looked at cast-iron and I saw that that filled up very fast and didn't last a long time, and so I thought if it was possible to get anything any better, we should be glad to do so. O. Did you examine any specimen that had been laid ? A. Of this kind of pipe ? O. Yes. A. Before we put it in, no. O. Since you put it in, have you ? A. I have seen it whenever it has been dug up. O. What is the condition of it ? A. It is in good order ; in as good order, practically, as it was the day it was put down. Third Hearing. Boston, Thursday, Feb. 23, 1893. The Commissioners met at the Equity Court Room, in the Old Court House, at ten o'clock A. M. Re-Cross-ExaminaTion oe William L. Faxon. O. {By Mr. Morse.) There is another matter I forgot to ask you about, and that is with regard to the laying of pipes ; I intended to ask you when I asked Dr. Gordon. Did }^ou personally see to the laying of the pipes, do you say ? A. No, I didn't see to the laying of the pipes ; no sir. O. I mean they were laid under your supervision ; you testified this morning, did you not, that you observed them as closely and more closely than an engineer would? A. Yes, I observed them, but they were not laid under my super- vision. I think I spent more time on the works than an engineer would. O. I mean you knew where the pipes were laid ? A. Yes. O. Will you state to the Commissioners where the pipe-laying began, in what streets, and give us the sizes of the pipes in the different streets? A. I can't do it. O. Tell us where the pipe-laying began ? A. I can't tell whether it was on the 20-inch pipe— they laid a piece of the 20-inch pipe from the station, and they laid it on different streets where they were to be laid, as the pipe was delivered. O. I want to get the exact order, as near as you can recall it ? A. I couldn't tell you the exact order. Q. But Dr. Gordon said yesterday, as I understood it, we could get this information from you, and therefore I waived the question to him. A. I couldn't tell you the exact order. Q. As nearly as you can ? A. Well, I don't know. I should not pretend to tell you the exact THE QUINCY CASE. 163 order in which they were laid ; but I can tell you this, that the 20-inch pipe was laid before frost. O. Where was that laid ? A. That was laid from the pumping station to Franklin street ; and some of the pipe down towards the Point. Q. In what streets ? A. That would be Elm and Union and Washington streets. Q. What size of pipe ? A. There is a 10-inch pipe in Elm and Union, I think. Q. How about Washington street ? A. I think 8, 6, 5 and 4, down to the Point. I can't make a statement about it. Q. Have you any memorandum about it which will help you ? A. It is on the book. Q. That doesn't show about the order in which the pipes were laid ? A. No. Q. That is what I am trying to get at now, the order in which the pipes were laid ? A. That would be absurd ; I couldn't think of remembering the streets one after the other. Q. There was no account kept by anybody showing that ? A. I think Mr. Howland may have kept it. Q. Do you know he did ? A. I don't know. If he had an 18-inch pipe to lay in Water street, and laid it, there would be no use in keeping a memorandum of it. O. Before the frost came the first year, can you tell us what pipes were laid? A. I think the greater part of all the pipe in the centre, the main pipe in the centre, and towards the Point, audi think a portion on Water street, before frost. The 12-iuch pipe laid through Elm street down to Beal street ; the trench was dug, but the pipe was delayed, so we had to lay it after the ground was frozen. I think the trench was dug before the ground was frozen, but the trench was open from the corner of School and Elm, I think, to at least Standish avenue. That would be before the winter ; might have been in November when it was laid— November or December. It was laid simply because the trench was open, and we had to keep it open two or three weeks waiting for the pipe. Q. What were the pipes which you recollect were laid in the spring of 1884? A. All the Atlantic system and a part of the Wollaston, if not all the Wollaston. I should think all the Wollaston and Atlantic, and some in the west, I think. Q. Were the pipes which were first laid of the same kind as those which were subsequently laid ? A. I think so. I know no reason why the pipe is not exactly the same. Q. I mean by that the same coating ? A. I suppose it is the same coating ; it was bought for Kalamein pipe. Q. Did you, at any time, make any specifications for a different or better kind of pipe from that originally laid ? 164 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. No. Q. Was it always A. Better pipe? No, uo better pipe. O. Always described in the same way, Kalamein pipe ? A. Kalamein pipe, so described. We buy it ourselves ; after the first the company has bought it all ; we have bought it from the National Tube Works ourselves. Q. Do you know, as a matter of fact, from any examination made by yourself, that the pipe which you bought subsequently was the same as that which was laid originally by the contractor ? A. No, sir. I should depend upon the reputation and honesty of the National Tube Works Compauy, that they gave us the same pipe. That is the pipe they have advertised, and that is what we have bought. O. Was any pipe laid with a tar lining ? A. What do you mean, a tar lining? O. An inside lining ? A. I don't think so. O. Are you sure about that ? A. I should be quite sure ; I don't remember of any, I don't know we have bought any. Oh, I beg your pardon. There is a small piece, I think about 400 feet, on Garfield street, that is a cement-lined pipe. We couldn't get the other at the time, and they wanted water, and we put in cement- lined pipe. O. When was that laid ? A. I don't know, the books will tell you. O. What sized pipe was that ? A. I think it is 6-inch. The books will tell that, too. Q. Was that under the original contract ? A. No, sir. O. Something the company laid subsequently ? A. Something that the compauy laid ; we tried to get the other pipe and couldn't get it, and we didn't want to put in cast-iron and so we put in that. O. Has there been any discussion in your company as to double- coated Kalamein ? A. No. O. At no time ? A. Not that I know of; not in my presence, surely. O. (By Judge Bennett.) I want to ask you a question or two with re- gard to Mr. Whitman's book. Can you tell us briefly what Mr. Whitman did, if anything, to ascertain whether the McClellau contract had been faithfully carried out ? A. My impression is, Judge, that he was given the list of the streets to measure for such pipe, to see if they had been laid from such a point to such a point, and then that was compared with the list in the contract. Mr. Whitman, I suppose, could not know what the size of the pipe was under the ground, but wherever it shows in the company's plan that a certain size of pipe is laid, there is no question but what the pipe is there. I can swear to that, that the pipe is there according to that size and for the length as specified. And this was simply to show that the length of pipe put in from THE QUINCY CASE. 165 such a point to such a point was as Mr. McClellan had agreed to lay, the company believing and knowing that the size of pipe was there, but not be- ing certain as to the exact number of feet. Boston, April 10, 1893. Frank E. Hall, Sworn. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) Did you know anything about this pipe that was used there before you went to Ouincy ? A. No, sir ? didn't know anything about it until I saw it there. Q. You saw it there and it has been put down since that under your direction ? A. Yes, been laid ever since. Q. Have you specimens of it that have laid underground any length of time ? A. I have some, but they are not here at present. O. Well, for what length of time have those specimens laid under- ground ? A. Those that I have from four to six years, I should say. O. What is your opinion in regard to this pipe, in regard to its dura- bility and strength ? A. Judging from nine years' experience, I should consider the pipe in good condition to-day and consider it a durable pipe. Q. What estimate do you place upon it as compared with other pipe that is used — cast-iron pipe ? A. I cannot give a comparison. I cannot state from knowledge of this as I can from cast-iron pipe, because I don't know that it has been used so long it has not been tised as long — but from present indications with the pipe in Ouincy I see no objection to using it as a permanent pipe. O. Have you seen it manufactured ? A. I have. O. Been to the works ? A. Been to the works. Q. Where are they located ? A. McKeesport, Pa. Q. Could you describe the process of manufacture in a general way ? A. It is rolled and welded — I can have that described better by some one else later on ; but the process of treating the pipe is that the pipe is thoroughly cleaned of all cinder and scale, dirt, then it is dipped into a hot bath of alloy and then treated with coating of asphaltuin, or a mixture of asphaltum and other ingredients, which makes an outside coating, Kalamein. O. Well, we would like to have them here to show to the commission. Now, won't you, in a general way, describe where the different sized pipes are laid in the city ? I don't expect you to go through each street and give us the size of the pipe, because the details are given in the lists that we put in, but tell us as to the main pipes, and as to where the large pipes and the small pipes are laid ? A. I will give it as near as I can. O. As you recollect it. A. Starting at the pumping station, a 20-inch pipe goes through— do you care for the names of the streets ? 166 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. Yes, sir ; the names, you might name them. A. A 20-inch pipe in Penn, Liberty and Water Streets to Franklin Street, a 16-inch pipe from Water Street up Franklin, to the stand-pipe located there, then a 16-inch from Water Street to School, through School to Hancock, a 12-inch running through Hancock to Beal Street, supplying Wollaston with an 8-inch, then a 10-inch from Beal to Squautum Street, 8-inch from Squautum Street to near the railroad bridge, with a 4-inch leading around Squautum Street, through Squautum Street and these various streets, and connecting again at Hancock Street, at that point, and a 6-inch pipe from the railroad bridge to Atlantic Street, 4-inch beyond there to Newbury Street, then there is a 2-inch laid down to the river. This section, Wollaston Park, has a 6 and 4-inch pipe through Elm Avenue, con- necting with a 6-inch in East Elm Avenue, making a circuit around through Beach Street to Hancock Street, again of 6-inch, with a four and 6-inch in some of the other streets. From junction of Franklin and Water Streets an 8-inch pipe, through Water Street to Ouincy Avenue. There is also an 8- inch pipe in Elm Street from Hancock, corner of School Street, coming through Elm, Morton, Union, Washington Street, 8-iuch to Sumner Street, 7-inch from there to about North Street, and then reducing to 6, 5 and 4- inch to the bridge. West Ouincy a 10-inch pipe, starting from the 20-inch at the corner of Water Street as far as the corner of Granite Street, 8-inch through Copeland Street, then 6 and 4-inch to Williard Street, with a 6-inch to Cross Street aud those points. Then there is a 2-inch through Hall Place, with a 6-inch laid up through Rogers Street and in that vicinity, and that takes the municipal limits. O. Is all the pipe of the distributing system this same pipe — this National Tube Works pipe ? A. It is, all excepting the 20-inch, and the 2-inch pipe in use is of galvanized iron. O. Well, where is the 20-inch ? A. 20-inch from the pumping station to the corner of Franklin and Water Streets. O. What is that ? A. That is cast-iron. O. And the 2-inch galvanized ? A. The 2-iuch is galvanized iron. O. Now, Mr. Hall, what do you say in general about this distributing- system, as to — it is suggested to me that there is some pipe you haven't spoken of, cement-line pipe. Is there any ? A. There is ; yes, sir. It is in Garfield Street ; in Kidder Street and Garfield Street there is some cement-lined pipe, I think, about 1,300 feet. O. Was that put in after you went there ? A. Yes, sir. O. What is the size of that pipe ? A. 4 and 6-inch. There is 300 feet of 4-inch, I find. Well, there is some few hundred feet of 6-inch. Q. I was going to ask you, Mr. Hall, as a person skilled in such matters, what your opinion is of this distributing system as a permanent distributing system, so far as it extends, for the City of Ouincy — as to whether it is sufficient in the size of the pipes and in other respects, capable THE QUINCY CASE. 167 of extension to meet all the wants of the town or city as a distributing system for the water. What is yonr opinion ? A. The general layout I consider sufficient for the requirements of the city for a number of years. There are some places, a number of streets, where there is 4-inch pipe. That eventually will be connected at both ends, and so supplied that but very little of this pipe would have to be taken up to make a system that would give a sufficient quantity of water. I don't now include the 2-inch— what is put down as 2-inch. That has always been considered as temporary pipe. It is put in to supply domestic service, where the company didn't have money — means to lay pipe that would be of sufficient size to furnish fire protection, put in, as a rule, where there- would be only one or two houses to supply at that time. Extensions afterwards have been made from time to time in many localities, as called for. O. Well, that would hav2 to be taken up ? A. That undoubtedly will have to be taken up. O. Well, with that exception, will there be any necessity for any large removal of pipe to complete the system ? A. Not any large extent ; some changes might be necessary, but not much. O. What do you say about the fire service which the system furnishes ? A. It furnishes good fire service ; that is, considering the number of hydrants that are in use. There are not as many hydrants as there should be to give an efficient fire service. Q. Is there any want of water where there are hydrants ? A. No. Q. Have you observed it practically in use ? A. I have. O. In instances, I suppose, of fire there ? A. Yes. Q. And there has been no instance of any want of water ? A. No. There is only one case where there has ever been any com- plaint of want of water. That was in West Ouincy at the time the school- house was burned ; but the pressure at the works at the office was all right ; and I considered that it was more in the application, the way it was applied, than it was lack of service. Recess to 2:15 P. M. Afternoon Session. Frank E. Haee resumed. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) The photographs and specimens of pipe you will have here to-morrow ? A. Yes. I expected to have the photographs here this afternoon. I have sent for them, but I have not got them. They will be here before four o'clock if they come. O. Have you known of the city of Ouincy taking out any of these pipes recently ? A. There was a piece taken up last week. O. More than one piece ? 168 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. No, sir ; one piece. O. Taken up for the purpose of use here, as you understand ? A. I understood so ; yes, sir. O. Do you know under what circumstances it was taken up, as to whether a selection was made of the pipe ? A. No. O. Taken up at random ? A. Taken out at random. It was in charge— the City Solicitor had charge of it, and was at liberty to make selection anywhere he chose, the City Solicitor and Mr. Blake together. O. Now, in taking out this one piece, was more than one place opened, or was the pipe examined in more than one place ? A. There was external examination in six other places, I believe. Q. Six other places ? A. Yes, sir. O. And at this one place they took out a piece ? A. In one place a piece was removed. Cross-Examination. O. (By Judge Bennett.) Mr. Hall, is there any way of ascertaining approximately how much was lost by discarded service pipe, which has gone into the Construction Account, in figures ? A. I think I can. O. Any appreciable amount, any important amount I mean ? A. No, sir. As I remember it it was in the vicinity of 15, might have been one or two more or less. O. I didn't mean the main pipes ; the service pipes ? A. The service pipes I refer to, only 15. It would be a small amount. O. [By Mr. Goulding.) With regard to this 2-inch pipe, you say may ultimately have to be taken up, whether that is at present and has been in the past paying for itself from the takers, from the amounts received for the sale of water ? A. It has. It has, and is doing it to-day. Q. When the increase in takers on those lines is such as to surpass its capacity, you will have to substitute something else for it ? A. It will have to be replaced then by something larger. O. (By Mr. Morse?) How much of this tar-lined pipe altogether has been laid ? A. Perhaps 200 services, more or less. Boston, April 11, 1893. Leonard F. Kennicut re-cai^ed. Q. (By Mr. Goulding .) Have you made any examination of this pipe of this distributing system ? A. I have. O. What examination have you made of that ? A. I first determined what the alloy was which covered the pipe, and also the effect of acids by allowing these specimens of pipe to remain in acids and alkalies for a certain length of time to ascertain the effect they had THE QUINCY CASE. 169 upon the pipes themselves. I have here specimens. I also tried the effect of hammering the pipe to see how firmly attached was this alloy. Here is a piece of pipe which was hammered until it was perfectly flat, andtheallo)^ clings very tenaciously to the pipe, it shows no signs of falling off whatso- ever ; different entirely in that way from galvanized iron pipe. You take a piece of galvanized iron pipe and hammer it in this way, and the galvan- izing is apt to crack and split off, Then I have also here other specimens which have been treated for a month with sulphuric acid — the strength of the solution was one part of acid to'forty of water — with hydro-chloric acid, with nitric acid, and with caustic potash, allowing it to remain in water in my laboratory, for 40 days, or as long as I had time. All these specimens show that the only acid which has effect upon the pipe is nitric acid ; that does act upon this alloy. I also, if you wish, took the weight of the pipe, taken before placing it in the various acids, and then the weight after tak- ing it out. O. I wish to put that in please. If you will, state all the experiments you have made upon this pipe, and what the result was of each ? A. I found that the alloy is composed of tin, antimony and lead. I placed five sections in the following solutions : Sulphuric acid, one part of acid to forty of water ; hydro-chloric acid, one part of acid to forty of water; nitric acid, one part of acid to forty of water ; nitrate of sodium, one part of salt to forty parts of water ; caustic soda, one part of alkali to forty parts of water. Then 1 also placed one section in sewage water containing a large amount of iron salts. They remained there one month and taken and re- weighed. I found that 153^ grams of pipe in the sulphuric acid, after stay- ing one mouth, only lost in weight .05 of one gram ; that 153^ grams of pipe in hydro-chloric acid lost only .07 of one gram ; that 148 grams of pipe in caustic soda did not lose at all in weight ; that 159 grams of pipe in sew- age water increased a little in weight owing to a slight deposit of iron oxide on the surface of the pipe, very slight ; that 159 grams of pipe in nitric acid lost 3.6 grams ; that 149 grams of pipe in sodium nitrate lost .1 of a gram in weight; practically that the only substance that had any effect upon the pipe was nitric acid. Of course, the solutions used were comparatively strong. O. And the time to which they were exposed was one month ? A. One mouth ; yes, sir. Cross-Examination. O. {By Mr. Morse.) Dr. Keunicut, from whom did you obtain the pieces of pipe which you have used in these experiments ? A. These pieces of pipe were sent to me by express, I suppose by Mr. Hall, in sections. I received them by express. Q. When did you receive them from him ? A. Some of the specimens — I have not the date here — some the first part of February, and other specimens the last part of February. I mean the first part of February and the last part of February. O. This last February? A. This last February. Q, About how many altogether have you had from him ? A. I think that I had six or seven sections first, then I had ten sections afterwards, I think ; some are still at the laboratory which I have not used. 170 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Q. How large pieces were sent you ? A. They were sections of that shape, sir, which I have here. These are the sections. Q. When they came to you were they represented to be new pipe or old pipe ? A. They were all new pipe. O. New pipe ? A. Yes, sir. O. Not pipe that had been laid ? A. No, sir, not pipe that had been laid. O. Had you before that time been familiar with pipe of that character? A. I had never seen any of this Kalamein pipe before ; no, sir. O. Have you any piece here in the condition in which you received it from Mr. Hall ? A. Well ; no, sir. That piece has been in water, but it is in very much the same condition ; you could not tell, except for that little mite of rust on the bottom the difference between it and what I received. That has been in water, that is all. O. That looks substantially like that you received ? A. Except for the slight discoloration ; yes, sir. O. Have you not then been asked to examine any of the pipe which has been taken up ? A. No, sir. O. Did you make an analysis of the coating of the pipe ? A. I made an analysis of the alloy that was sent to me. They sent me a piece of alloy at the same time they sent the pipe. I also dissolved some of this off of the pipe and tested it to see they were the same. O. Have you that analysis here ? A. It is only qualitative. I did not determine any amount, I deter- mined what it was made of, lead, tin and antimony. The alloy is made of lead, tin and antimony. Q. In what percentage ? A. I did not determine the quality; sir. O. Were those edges of the pipe protected when you received them ? A. Yes, sir. O. How were they protected ? A. They were about as you see here. The whole pipe was coated over with alloy, both the sections and where it had been cut off, the end had also been protected by the same alloy as the pipe. The whole thing was protected. Q. This is a piece that you say looks like what you received ? A. Yes, sir ; it looks very much like it. Those three specimens you could not tell from the original pipe, except for the slight discoloration. That hammered piece there has only been hammered. Q. You have no knowledge as to where they came from, of course, except they were received by you from Mr. Hall ? A. That is all I have. Mr. Morse : I think it would be well to have those marked in some way, those three, that is, by numbers i, 2, 3, 4 — all those there. (The specimens were marked 1, J. L. ; 2, J. L,.; 3, J. L. ; 4, J. L.) THE QJJINCY CASE. 171 Frank E. Hah, recalled. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) Now, I will come to the pipe. Where do you say those came from that were sent to him ? A. Those were received by express from the National Tube Works Company's works, and afterwards sent by express to Mr. Kennicutt, one lot. He afterwerds wanted some more, and those were sent, as I understand, direct from the manufactory to Prof. Kennicutt, without going through my hands at all ; I didn't see them at all. O. Did you examine those that went through your hands particularly yourself? A. No, sir. O. So that you could not testify to those specimens that are produced here? A. I could not, though I have a sample that I retained just similar to these as they were sent. They were sent to him. Cross-Examination. O. {By Mr. Morse.) When did you send for these samples of pipe ? A. I could not tell you. It was after I received word from Prof. Kennicutt that he would like some more sent. Q. Within the last few weeks, do you mean ? A. No, sir. Q. About how long ago ? A. I should say the last of January or first of February. O. Did you order those samples personally or by letter? A. Personally. O. Whom did you see ? A. Mr. French, the Secretary of the National Tube Works Company. O. In Boston ? A. Yes. O. Did you tell him for what purpose you wanted them ? A. I told him Prof. Kennicutt would like a few more samples. O. No, but I am asking about the first lot that you sent to Professor Kennicutt. A. Beg pardon. O. I am asking about the first lot that you sent to Prof. Kennicutt. A. The Tube Works Company did not know those were to be used for inspection. O. That I did not ask you in that form. We will go back. When did you first get this first lot that you sent to Prof. Kennicutt ? A. Those were sent to me, I think, in December. O. Did you order those personally ? A. I did. O. Of Mr. French ? A. No. Those I ordered at the works. O. Where ? A. In McKeesport. O. You went down there for the purpose of getting them, did you ? A. No, sir. I went on there to see the process of manufacturing the pipe. 172 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Q. Why were you interested in that then ? A. I wanted to see the manufacture. O. But you were not proposing to go into that business at that time ? A. No, sir. Q. Did you go on with reference to preparing to testify in this case ? A. Well, not wholly. O. What other object did you have ? A. I went because the engineers, some of the engineers, with whom I am engaged thought it would be well to see the process of manufacturing. I never had seen the pipe made, and after consulting with them it was decided I would go with them. Q. Who paid the expenses of that trip ? A. The Quincy Water Co. Q. Didn't the National Tube Works understand the object of the trip ? A. They understood the object of the visit. O. And you obtained those samples from whom there ? A. I don't know the name of the man I ordered them from. We saw some pipe made, and some samples were cut from the pipe which we saw treated, and we gave them directions to have those sent by express and also to have samples of small size. I think this size was mentioned. O. Well, Mr. Hall, it was understood during that visit, was it not, that the question of the value and character of this pipe was to be tested in this case ? A. It was understood. O. It was spoken between you and the officers and representatives of the company there, so that when these samples were taken by you it was understood by them, was it not, that they were to be used in connection with this case ? A. That they might be. O. You had no personal knowledge as to whether the processes used at that time were the same as those used at the time that the pipe was made which 3'ou laid down in Ouincy ? A. I have not. O. This was the first experience with the process ? A. Yes, sir. O. Then when you gave the second order, you gave it to Mr. French personally, as I understand ? A. The second order, yes. O. And you explained to him that those samples were required by Prof. Kennicutt for further analysis ? A. I did. O. Did you have in your possession any of the pipe originally delivered to the Ouincy Water Company which had not been laid ? A. Not that I am aware of. I think not. O. One question I ought to have asked you yesterday : Wheu you gave the dimensions of the pipes that were laid in Ouincy, did you mean by the diameters as given by the diameter inside the pipe or the outside diameter ? A. The cast-iron pipe I intended to give the inside diameter, the wrought-iron diameter is given from the outside. THE QUINCY CASE. 173 RE-Direct Examination. O. {By Mr. Colliding.) Mr. Hall, one question I had forgotten. That is, you were to bring in samples of pipe taken up from the ground. Have you got them here to-day ? A. I think they are here, some of them at least. Q. Will you produce such as you have ? A. Yes, sir. Mr. Goulding : There is no reason why they should not be put in and marked. (Witness produced four samples of pipe). O. How many samples have you of pipe taken up ? A. Four, I think it is. O, What is the large pipe, io-inch or 12-inch, or what is it — up there A. That is 12-inch. Q. Where was that taken from ? A. That was laid on Hancock street, in April, 1884. O. When was it taken up ? A. In September, 1890. Mr. Goulding : I would like to offer that as an exhibit. (Sample of 12-inch pipe, marked Exhibit 37, J. L., April 11, 1893. O. {By Mr. Morse. ) Will you state whereabouts on Hancock street, Mr. Hall ? A. On Hancock street, opposite Elm avenue. That piece was taken out at the time connection was made with Hancock street, to lay pipe from Elm avenue to Wollastou Park. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) What is the next piece ? A. This piece was laid in Ouincy avenue in 1883. O. What is that you now have in your hand ? What is that specimen? What is it, 3-inch ? A. Four-inch. O. A piece of 4-inch pipe? A. A piece of 4-inch pipe laid in Ouincy avenue, in 1883. O. Taken up when ? A. In 1892. Mr. Goulding : That I will offer as Exhibit 38. (Sample of pipe above described, marked Exhibit 38, J. L,., April nth, 1893-) O. Now, the third piece. Describe it so it will appear on the record. What is it ? A. There is a piece of 6-inch pipe that was laid on Miller street; the date of laying is torn off here. I can furnish that later. It was taken up in 1892. O. Do you know about how long it had laid there, about what the date of laying was? A. Probably about 1889. Mr. Goulding : I offer that as an exhibit. (Specimen of pipe, marked Exhibit 39, J. L,-, April n, 1S93). Q. Now, your remaining piece is described how? A. This is a piece of 4-inch pipe laid in Crescent street in April, 1890, taken up December, 1891. 174 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Mr. Goulding : That I will offer as Exhibit 40. (Specimen of pipe, marked Exhibit 40, J. L., April 11, 1893). Re-Cross-Examination. O. {By Mr. Morse.) Were any of these pipes taken up with ref- erence to this case, or were they taken up in the course of work of the company ? A. Taken up in course of work. The piece of 12-inch I think I explained about. The piece of 4-inch on Ouincy avenue was taken up to make connection with the new engine house which was being built. The piece from Miller street was taken up to make connection for the new school house. O. Was there a memorandum made at the time they were taken as to where they came from ? A. It was very soon after. O. Why was that done ? A. I don't know as it was made soon afterwards. The first attention that was given to it was when some of these samples were put on exhibition in a window there. I looked up this report of the man who took them out, and traced them out, and then they were labelled. Q. Is there a memorandum on that large pipe that it was taken out in 1890? A. Yes, sir. O. Is it 18S9 or 1890 ? A. Taken up in September, 1890. O. When was that memorandum put on ? A. Probably in the spring of 1892. O. You put on the memorandum, did you not? A. I did ; I think I did. O. What time in the spring of 1892 ? A. Or it might have been in the winter. O. It might have been in the winter ? A. Yes. Well, the first time they were labelled at all was when they were in Durgin's window. O. When was that ? A. I cannot tell what month that was ; probably in January, possibly. O. Were they all labelled at the same time ? A. As near as I can remember. Previous to that time they had been laying out-doors, kicking around, or in the scrap bag. O. Did you have in your possession at the time you labelled them any memorandum which showed where they were taken from ? A. I had the reports of the man who did the work ; that gave me the dates, and he identified the pieces as being taken out. I think the piece that was taken out on Ouincy avenue was brought direct to me at the time. O. Are these all the pieces of pipe in your possession which were taken up by the company ? A. I think so ; all that were taken up while the company had charge ; all that have been saved, anyway. I have one piece that was taken out since the city took the works. THE QUINCY CASE. 175 O. Why were they kept by you ? A. I don't know of any special reason until they commenced to talk about the pipe. They were not taken out for purpose of exhibition. O. No, but were they kept for that purpose ? A. Not until something over a year ago. O. Has not there been more pipe than this taken up, Mr. Hall, since it was originally laid? A. Oh, there have been more pieces cut out. O. What has become of these ? A. Well, I could not tell ; they have been in the — I presume they have gone for scrap. There may be some pieces in the yard now. O. Why was that long piece of pipe taken out, the pipe on Crescent Street ? A. I think that was a hydrant pipe ; I think there was a hydrant changed, and that was a portion of the pipe, but I am not sure about that. O. You have no personal knowledge in regard to any of these pipes as to where they came from ? A. Yes. With that exception I was not present. I was present when the 12-iuch pipe was taken up, that piece of 12-inch. The other two I was not present at the immediate time the work was done, but the work was turned over to me very soon after it was done. Q. I understood you to say that the foreman identified the piece of 12- inch pipe ? A. I was there at the time it was taken out. Yes, I intended to identify the 12-inch pipe. O. I understood you to say that the foreman identified that ? A. Some of the others I intended to say. O. and that you referred especially to the 12-inch ? A. It was not my intention. O. Who was the foreman ? A. Mr. Gleason. Re-Direct Examination. O. (By Mr. Goulding.) Mr. Hall, do I understand these pieces of pipe you now produce were taken out for the purpose of inspection or not ? A. No, sir ; they were taken out in the course of work on the system. O. What was done with them in the first place ? A. They were put out-doors in what we call the scrap heap. Q. When was your attention first called to the fact that any question was to be raised about this pipe, any criticism of it ? A. Well, the first idea of ever preserving or taking these for samples, there was a druggist there in the city who wanted to know if I had some samples of pipe that he could put in a window for exhibition, and these were taken out of that scrap heap, excepting the one that was taken out in 1892. O. Now, whether before the Legislative Committee, on the question whether Ouincy should be granted the right to suppfy itself with an inde- pendent supply, the question of the quality of the pipe was brought up ? A. It was. Q. And that was in the year 1891 ? 176 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. Yes, 1891. O. Was that the first time that any public attention had been called to it? A. It was. O. Since that time, I suppose, you have taken pains to preserve these specimens ? A. These have been saved since that time, some of them. Charges A. Allen, Sworn. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) Do I understand that in your opinion the system as it is laid down there is a good one for a permanent distributing system with such reinforcement as can be given to it without taking up any considerable portion of the pipe that is laid ? A. I think so, yes, sir. As I say, there are some places where a small amount of pipe would have to be taken up and replaced by larger pipe, but that is a very inconsiderable amount. Of course, the 2-inch pipe I except from that. O. Now, have you made any examination of this pipe itself? A. I have examined the pipe, that is, I have examined the samples of pipe that have been taken up, I have inquired into the manufacture of the pipe, seen the pipe made, and have seen it tested in various ways. O. What opinion, if any, have you formed in regard to the quality, durability and value of this pipe ? A. Well, I can see no reason why the pipe should not be durable pipe, should not be one which would be satisfactory and give good service, judging entirely, of course, from my studies made and observations made recently. O. What experiments with or what examinations have you made of the pipe, if you will give us a little of the detailed account of that, Mr. Allen ? A. Well, I went to McKeesport for the purpose of seeing how the pipe was made with Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Hall and Mr. Gray. We saw the pipe manufactured, and we selected samples of the pipe from their storehouse which contained hundreds of tons, various sizes, had them tested as to strength, and as far as anyone can judge the pipe is a very satisfactory pipe for the purpose. O. Have you the samples that you selected and treated ? A. I have them here in my bag. O. You will produce them and explain them ? A. I will. (Witness produces samples.) These are samples of the small size pipe, but they are made in exactly the same way, by the same process in every way as the larger ones. O. Explain what they are. A. This section was cut from a pipe that we selected at random from their storehouse, and it was cut in three pieces, as you see here. There was some question in my mind as to whether or not the preparation with which the pipe is coated would stand any handling, whether upon receiving a blow or by rough handling it would act in the same way that galvanizing does, and so we had this put under a triphammer to see whether the kalameining would start or not — show any signs of rupture. I will hand these to the Commission. They did not ; there was no indication that it started off at all. Now, with a galvanized pipe, one blow of the triphammer would nip- THE QUINCY CASE. 177 ture the galvanizing, and it wonld be apt to scale off, very likely would scale off. I might say that the pipes are riveted, they are heated red-hot, after being bent into practically a cylindrical shape form, and then most of the pipes are — they are not lap-welded, they are simply butt-welded, done by running through rolls— and inside of the pipe is a cone of the exact diameter of the inside of the pipe. There are some more samples that were taken at the same time, that I did not have with me, of the larger pipe. O. What is that done with ? A. That is done with a triphammer. There is a section (exhibiting sample) about the same height as that one (exhibiting another sample), pounded down to that shape. Here is another one pounded down to that shape. Q. {By Mr. Robinson.) You don't mean the same size? A. I said the same height of section ; I was not speaking of the dia- meter, I was speaking of the length of the section. Q. {By Mr. Gould ing.) From this experiment and your examination of this thing, what do you say with regard to the comparative durability of this pipe, as compared with the cast-iron pipe ? A. Well, all I can say is that I can see no reason why the pipe should not be as durable as cast iron. It depends altogether upon the adaptability of this coating, upon whether it is suitable to protect it from the action of the acids and dampness in the soil. If it is, it certainly will last as long as cast iron, and the life of that is unknown practically; and I have every reason to suppose it is. O. Have you examined these specimens which have been taken out of the ground, which Mr. Hall has produced? A. I think I have seen most of those, all of them, in fact. O. What is there about them to indicate how this material resists the action of whatever there may be in the water or in the earth ? A. I can see nothing about this pipe, that is, I can see no indication of any corrosion at all. The asphalt covering has been scraped off, re- moved, but the Kalameining, so far as I can judge, is perfect; I can see no indication of corrosion. O. {By Judge Bennett.) Can you tell us what this coating is ? A. I cannot, except that the basis is tin instead of zinc ; that is, I say instead of zinc, the basis of galvanizing is zinc, and this is tin. The formula I don't know, they didn't give that to us ; it is a secret, I presume. O. Do you know any that has been used any length of time ? A. I do not. I understand it is used extensively in the West, but I have no knowledge of that. O. {By Mr. Clifford. ) What is the cause of the discoloration inside (referring to one of the samples) ? A. There was one sample, and I think that is the one, which was taken from pipe which was lying outside, and probably it had oxidized a little. O. You said it was taken from the warehouse ? A. Part of it was covered and part was not ; they called it a storehouse. It scrapes right off and still shows the Kalameining inside. Mr. Goulding : I have reached a point in Mr. Allen's examina- tion where I desire to enter upon a new subject, and since he has gone on the stand, a short witness, with regard to the value of the real estate, 178 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. has come into Court, who would like to get away, and I would like to put him on to-night if the Court is willing, and with the consent of the other side and of the Court I would like to suspend Mr. Allen's examination. David Franklin Badger, Sworn. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) It was during the building of these works and putting in the distributing system ? A. Yes. Q. Did you keep an account of any part on the distributing system of pipes that were laid ? A. Well, not myself, but for him, in his own books ; at least I don't remember whether I did anything of that kind under Mr. Howland or not. O. I have a book here which purports to be an account of the pipe laid in the streets. Is any part of it in your handwriting ? A. Yes, sir. O. What part of it is in your handwriting ? A. From page 30 to 42 inclusive. Mr. Goulding : This is Exhibit 21. It has been put in, the book has, and I called the witness to verify the entries. O. Now, from 31 to 42, you say, the entries were kept by you ? A. From 30 to 42. O. What is it ? What does it purport to be ? A. Well, this is notes on the water pipe, that is, to show where it is laid. O. It shows the size that is laid and the length ? A. I don't know anything aboiit one size, that is to say, now. Possi- bly there may be a note made here of the different sizes. O. What does the book show ? A. I simply recorded these lines and figures as they are taken for measurement. O. Well, the lines show what ? A. Those lines show just simph' to represent the pipe line. Of course, it is necessary to make a line on the book to work from. O. Does it show the street ? A. Yes, sir. Now, for instance, excuse me, here is West Street. I find I made a note here the distance from different points from one place to another, and made a note of the Ys and Ts and so forth. O. But you don't know the size of the pipe, do you? A. Well, I find here in one place on Copeland Street, between Miller Street and Common Street, a reduction in the size of pipe ; that is to say, it is reduced from 8 inches to 6 inches. And I think very likely there are other places just the same recorded here. O. That shows the number of Ys and the number of Ts ; does it show the length of the pipe ? A. It does. Q. But does not show its size, only as you say, by the note ? A. Well, it says, now here I have an 8-inch gate, here is a T and a Y ; yes, it shows all the different sizes of the pipe. Q. How, is that a correct record as the pipe was laid down as far as kept by you ? THE QLHNCY CASE. 179 A. To the best of my knowledge. O. You were there to keep a record at the time ? A. Yes. Mr. Morse : Did Mr. Badger have anything to do with making those measurements ? The Witness : I did them myself ; all that I made note of I did myself. O. So far as the book, as you have stated, is made by you, it is a cor- rect record of what was put down ? A. Yes, sir ; so far as rny figures and writing are concerned here, they are correct to the best of my knowledge. Cross-Examination. O. {By Mr. Morse.') Do I understand Mr. Badger, that you were con- nected with the laying of the pipe ? Did you superintend that ? A. That depends on what you mean. Q. Well, did you have anything to do with the laying of the pipes ? A. I had no charge of any laying of it. O. Were these measurements made after the pipe was laid ? A. I could not say, but I should think they were. O. Do you remember certainly about that ? A. Yes, sir. Q. You seemed to have some doubt a moment ago as to whether the measurements were made before or after the pipe was laid ? A. Well, now, of course there were— the ground was gone over sev- eral times, I should say, at least twice any way, but those measurements were taken, if I remember rightly, after the pipe was laid. O. Did anybody assist you in taking the measurements ? A. Most certainly. O. Do you remember who ? A, I could not tell you now. Boston, April 12, 1893. George N. Riley, sworn. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) What is your full name, Mr. Riley? A. George N. Riley. O. Where do you reside ? A. I reside in Braddock, Pennsylvania. O. What is your occupation ? A. My occupation is a mechanical engineer. O. In what branch of mechanics are you engaged? A. Well, I am now engaged in pipe manufacturing. Q. For what concern ? A. The National Tube Works Company. O. That is the concern that made this pipe used in the Quincy Water Works ? A. Yes, sir. O. What is your relation to that business ? A. Well, I have been consulting engineer for those people in that particular line of business ever since they introduced this pipe for water 180 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. works purposes, sometimes putting in water works plants and giving such information as would be needed for building water works, and general in- formation in that line ; also in the manufacture of it and preparing it for use. O. Were you connected with the company when the works were put in at Ouincy? A. Oh, yes, sir ; yes, sir ; I was connected with the — I have been with them for 18 years. O. Eighteen years ? A. I have been with our people for 18 years, yes, sir. O. How long has this pipe been manufactured ? A. This particular kind of pipe? O. Yes, this particular kind of pipe in use at Ouincy. A. I think it was in 1882 that we introduced this for water works pur- poses, that is, with this Kalamein process of protection or coating. O. Won't you in a general way describe the process of the manufacture of this Kalamein pipe ? A. The pipe is made from wrought iron, the plate is first prepared, rolled out to a proper thickness, and then scarfed and bevelled up and welded. After it has been welded and tested for the purpose it is going to be used for it is then taken and cleansed from all foreign substances, such as grease, or anything of that kind, and it is then put into this alloy — that is a patent process, called Kalamein, which is heated to a temperature of about 600 degrees. The pipe is plunged into that and remains until it becomes of the same temperature as the alloy ; consequently the pores of the pipe open up, of the iron pipe, and the alloy becomes incorporated into the body of the pipe, becoming a part of the same. It is then taken out, and it is then ready for use. O. You say you began using it in 1882 for water works purposes ? A. Yes, sir ; I think along about that time, to the best of my knowl- edge. I have not looked at our records ; I just came here hurriedly. O. To what extent is it in use now ? A. Well, we have now in use a little over 2,000 miles now for water works purposes. O. Whereabouts ? A. All over the country ; parts of Mexico, Gautemala, South America. It is used where other pipe is out of the question, where the soils contain elements such as alkali which dissolve any material which is not protected. The pipe is used principally for that purpose, and it stands a very high pressure and high duty. Q. What is the effect on it of soil and water ? A. Well, we have never encountered anything in the way of soil or water that would corrode it or affect it. We have had it down for years and taken it up and found it just as good as the day it was laid. O. How many years have you known it to be down and examined it after it was taken up ? A. Well, I would judge that this was one of the first works that we put in. The first works we put in in 1882, to my knowledge, in Salida, Colorado. I uncovered a piece of that pipe myself last summer in an alkali bed, and it was good then. I thought I would just like to see how the pipe looked, and I uncovered it. THE QUINCY CASE. 181 O. How does it compare in strength with cast-iron? A. Oh, it is a great deal stronger, a great deal stronger. It is a very elastic metal, wrought iron, and it will stand a very high pressure. Q. What is the fact about this Kalatnein coming offunder hard usage, as hammering? A. Oh, it cannot come off; it is not a coating ; it is incorporated into the body of the iron ; it becomes a part of the metal. You cannot start it off; you cannot knock it off; you cannot beat it off with a hammer or any- thing of that kind. O. (Referring to the four samples of pipe produced by Mr. Hall as having been taken up at Ouincy.) There is a piece of pipe that Mr. Hall produces which is No. i of the pipe taken out at Ouincy. What do you say about the effect of the earth on that and water? A. That seems all right. Q. Does it produce any effect upon it to destroy it or damage it ? A. I don't see any spots on that ; no, sir. I should not want any better evidence than that. O. What is the effect of your scraping ; how do you find the coating to be? A. Oh, it looks excellent ; it looks as good as the day it was put down. It has not been affected ; in fact, the outside part has not been affected on that — the asphaltum. Were these taken out ? O. Yes, sir ; these four specimens were taken out of the ground at Quincy. A. As perfect as can be, right about where if there was any trouble it would show, right there. Mr. Robinson : Show the Commissioners what you show by scraping that off. The Witness: If there was any defect at all it would show there. Here is where the first evidence would appear, right where it comes in con- tact with the steel caulking tool, and that looks as good now Q. {By Mr. Bennett ) When you cut through it does it show the same all the way through ? A. All the way through ? Oh, no. No, it does not go through the pores of the iron, we could not drive it through it, you know, it goes in as far as it expands, it is a very fine alloy. That is one reason why they won't flake. O. {By Mr. Robinson.) Here is another one you didn't look at. See if that is in the same condition. A. That is all right when you get down to it. Q. After you get through the asphaltum ? A. Yes, it is all right, sir. There is something a person might think appeared to be rust, but it runs from some rust, but the body of the pipe is not injured. O. {By Mr. Gould ing.) Now, having examined those four pieces of pipe taken from the ground at Ouincy, do you find any evidence, if so, what are the facts, showing any deterioration in the pipe. If you do state what it is. Or, do you find it all right? A. Well, I pronounce that pipe all right, sir. 182 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. Won't you show the Commission how this pipe is jointed together, how the sections are jointed together? A. Well, it is joined together with a patent joint that is known as the "Converse Patent Lock Joint." After the pipe has been taken from the bath I have described, this joint is then put on afterwards, and one end is leaded on the piece of pipe, that is, one joint on each piece. Then when it is taken into the field it is put in and turned and locked, and you see that makes it perfectly safe against any strain that may come on it in the way of the settling of the ground, it will not slip, or anything of that sort. It holds up against the shoulder on the inside and makes a perfectly flush joint, reducing friction, which is quite an item in water works engineering. After that, this is run full of lead, and then caulked ; it is then ready for the water. We have tested those joints I think up to 800 pounds pressure for natural gas purposes. It is the only joint which has been used success- fully up in Pennsylvania for natural gas. O. Now, how does this pipe compare with the cast-iron pipe for water purposes, in your opinion ? A. In what particular ? O. In any particular, referring to its advantages over cast iron, or its disadvantages, whatever they may be. How does it compare with cast iron, as a pipe for the distribution of water in a water system, and the reasons for your opinion, if you have any opinion upon it ? A. Well, our reason for introducing it was that it was better adapted for that purpose. In the first place, it is a pipe that will not corrode. If you are passing water through a pipe that will not corrode, you are getting nothing impure in the water from the fact of its passing through the pipe, the water is just as pure as when it was first introduced. If you have a pipe that is con- tinually being corroded, the corrosion from that pipe passes into the water, and the water becomes impregnated with it. Well, we know this pipe will not corrode, and consequently we can get a better quality of water. We can pass more water through the same size of pipe on account of its being- smoother on the inside. There is no danger of cracks or breaks in it, as you can flatten that down like a sheet of paper and still not fracture it. It is handled easier, made cheaper; and it has been used and introduced into the mountain districts of Colorado where it was impossible to take any other kind of pipe and lay up between the mountains there. It will stand a higher pressure than any other pipe which has been introduced for water works purposes. O. What is its cost compared with cast-iron ? A. Well, it is a little more expensive. It costs more to make it, in the first place, than cast-iron pipe ; it is better material. Q. (By Mr. Bennett.) How much more, approximately ? A. Oh, I should suppose, approximately — I suppose 20 per cent. Q. (By Mr. Goulding.) How much of this pipe are you making ? A. Well, we are — oh, we have it in — we are getting it out every day. We have about 2,000 miles of it in use now. We are running it out all the time. Q. What is your daily or annual outgo ? A. Well, it is not regular, sir. The contracts come in, sometimes you THE QUINCY CASE. 183 may have two or three large contracts at one time, and other times we will have very little of it on hand ; it is not regular, like other articles. O. How large are your works, how many men do you employ ? A. We employ a little over 7,000 men — make all our own material. O. Where are your works located ? A. Located at McKeesport, Pennsylvania. O. (By Mr. Bennett.) In what part of Pennsylvania is that ? A. Well, that is the western part, sir ; it is about 15 miles southeast of Pittsburg, on the Monongahela River. O. (By Mr. Goulding.) These 2,000 miles you say you have in use, is that confined to water works ? A. Yes, sir ; pretty much all ; pretty much all for water works. Some has been used for oil, some for illuminating gas. It is a very good pipe for illuminating gas. O. You mean 2,000 miles you have in use for all purposes ? A. Oh, no ; of this particular kind of pipe. Oh, no ; I cannot tell how much. We make about 4S cars of iron pipe a day that goes out of our works, and make all the materials. That makes our product cover about 50 carloads a day. O. This kind of pipe is only a portion of the pipe you make ? A. Oh, it is only a portion. I suppose we make 100 different kinds of pipe for different purposes. O. (By Mr. Robinson. ) All iron pipe? A. All wrought-iron pipe, yes, sir ; wrought-iron aud steel. O. (By Mr. Goulding.) Do you make any other kind of pipe for water distribution ? A. No. There is no other kind, this is all. Cross-Examination. O (By Mr. Morse.) Mr. Riley, I understand you to say that your cor- poration began the manufacture of this kind or pipe in 1882 ? A. Yes, sir ; along about that time. O. And that the first of the pipe laid was at a place in Colorado, which you mentioned ? A. Yes, sir, O. Do you remember whether after that any other pipe was laid before the Ouincy pipe, any of this Kalamein pipe? A. Yes, sir ; I think we put in works at Fair Play, Colorado, and Buena Vista, Colorado ; I think they were both put in prior to these pipes. O. What was the special reason which led to that pipe being used in Colorado, if there was any ? A. On account of the alkali soil ; they were obliged to lay the pipe through the alkali in the soil. O. Had it anything to do with the cost of the transportation ? A. Oh, yes, the freight was less ; that is, it is lighter. We would put more pipe on a car of this kind, than you would of cast-iron, that is more miles, more feet, you might say, and the risk is less. Q. What was the pipe called at its first introduction ? A. What was it called ? O. Yes. 184 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. It was called Kalamein pipe, fitted with Converse L,ock Joint; that was the way it was known in the trade. O. Was it ever called metaline ? A. Not that I know of; no, sir. O. Was it a patent pipe ? A. The process was patented ; yes, sir ; the alloy is patented, produced in England. O. Has a patent been taken out in this country on it ? A. Oh, yes ; we have the exclusive right to it. O. In whose name ? A. National Tube Works Company. O. When was that taken out ? A. That was taken, I think, in 1881, in 1880 or 1881. I am not sure about the name. It may have been taken out in the name of Mr. E. C. Converse. Mr. French could inform you probably better about that. O. But it was taken out for the benefit of the Tube Works Company ? A. Yes, sir, for our benefit. O. Was the pipe ever known as Silvertin pipe ? A. I was just going to say I had heard it called Silvertin. O. What is the process as described in the patent ? A. Well, the alloy, it was a secret to ourselves, the mixture is. Q. I thought you said it was covered by a patent ? A. So it is, yes, sir. O. What does the patent cover? A. It covers the alloy. O. Very well, the patent cannot be secret? A. The proportions are, sir. O. Whatever is described in a patent is public, of course ? A. Sir? O. I say whatever is described in a patent is public and not secret? A. Oh, yes, but not the proportions. O. Just state to me what the patent describes , if you have a copy of it ? A. I have not a copy of it here ; no, sir, I could not describe it. O. Can you state in substance what it is? A. I don't know as I could, that is, just as the patent reads. O. Can't you state it substantially ? A. No, sir, I don't think I could. O. Can you give me the number of the patent or the date of it ? A. No, sir. O. And you are not sure about the person whose name it is taken out in? A. No, sir. It was taken out for the benefit of the National Tube Works. It may have been taken out in Mr. Converse's name, who was one of the officers of the company. O. And you say that patent does not describe the component parts or proportions of the alloy ? A. I said I didn't think it did, I said that the proportions were secret to ourselves. O. Very well. Who invented that proportion ? THE OJJINCY CASE. 185 A. It was invented in England, sir ; we brought an expert over here to introduce it for us. O. When did he come over ? A. He came over along about 1881, I think, at the time we took out the patent. O. Doesn't lead form the largest part of the alloy ? A. No, sir ; it forms one of the parts but not the largest part. O. Are you willing to state what the different elements are in the alloy ? A. No, sir, I don't care about stating. O. I won't ask you to if you object to it. This alloy has been analyzed has it not ? A. Oh, yes, sir. Q. Have you any objection to stating what has been published as the A. I don't think it has been published, I don't know, it may have been, but not to my knowledge. O. Do you object to stating the different parts in it as well as to stating the proportions ? A. Well, the principal parts are zinc, lead and tin, the principal metals which form this alloy. O. Is there any nickel in it ? A. No, sir, I don't think there is. O. Any antimony ? A. A little. O. I understand you to say that the process in general is in heating the iron, after the pipe has been formed, to an intense heat and then soaking it in this alloy ? A. No, I don't think I explained it that way, sir. I said we heated the alloy, and put the pipe into it and allowed it to remain there until it became the same temperature as the alloy. O. And you spoke about the alloy penetrating the pores of the iron ? A. Yes, sir. Q. Now, are there pores in wrought-iron ? A. Oh, yes, sir. Q. Is that a correct expression, to speak of pores in wrought-iron ? A. Well, it is a common term used among iron manufacturers. Q. Isn't wrought-iron laminated ? A. Yes, sir. Q. Isn't it in layers ? A. Yes, sir. O. Don't you speak of pores more correctly as applied to cast-iron ? A. Well, some may call it grain, some call it a fibre, some call it a pore. Q. Take that largest pipe before you, if you please, what is the actual thickness of the metal in that largest pipe ? A. It has been burred up, so it may appear thicker than what it actu- ally is. Mr. Robinson : And it is cut on a bevel. 186 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The Witness: Yes; it is misleading ; it looks thicker. That pipe is No. 8 gauge. Q. What does that mean ? A. No. 8 Birmingham wire gauge. O. What is the actual thickness of the metal there ? A. There is no figure giving the size of a Birmingham wire gauge. O. Can't you tell me how thick that is through, about how thick ? A. Well, that is about three-sixteenths of an inch, about that. This is the Birmingham gauge ; all the pipe is made from gauges. O. What is the diameter of the pipe ? A. I think it is 12 inches, sir. O. And is that thickness, three-sixteenths, or whatever it may be, the same thickness that it was when the pipe was first made, or is it different ? A. Yes, sir. Q. It is the same ? A. Yes, sir ; it is all there. O. To what extent in your judgment has this coating, this alloy, pene- trated the surface of that metal ? A. Well, it would be pretty hard to measure that, sir. O. What is your judgment about it ? A. Well, you might — it is pretty hard to tell. O. Would a section of that cut off show it ? A. It would under a powerful glass, I should judge ; not by the naked eye. O. Have you examined any of your pipe to see ? A. I have never examined it any more than the same as I have exam- ined these here to-day. O. Then you have never tried a powerful glass upon it ? A. No, sir ; but I judge that would be the way to determine it. O. If you wanted to find out just exactly how far in a given piece of pipe this alloy went, that would be the proper way of testing it, I suppose ? A. Yes, if I was interested that way, but I think if you make a surface examination it would satisfy. O. But isn't that a very important examination to make? A. I don't think it is, sir. You can take galvanized pipe and take an in- strument the same as I have used here this morning, and you can flake it right off. O. I understand you to claim it as one of the great merits of this pro- cess, that it is not merely a coating that can not be broken and knocked off, but it is something which penetrates the material itself? A. Yes, sir, it does. Q. Then the extent to which it penetrates is a matter of some import- ance, isn't it ? A. I don't think so. O. At all events you have never tested it in any other way than you have stated ? A. No, sir, I never have. Q. Did I understand you to say that after the pipe had been dipped in this bath of alloy that then it was covered with asphaltum ? A. Yes, sir. THE QJJINCY CASE. 187 Q. How is that applied ? A. That is put on hot, sir. Q. What is the object of that ? A. Well, it is another protection in addition to the Kalamein. O. A protection against what ? A. Well, against corrosion or the soils. Q. Is it put on to prevent the Kalamein from being knocked or washed off? A. Oh, no, sir. O. Or taken off? A. No, sir, not at all. Q. Have you always put that on ? A. We have ; yes, sir. Not with the first ; I think the first two works we put in we didn't use this. O. That is the Colorado place ? A. Yes, sir, the Salida Works. O. Was the Ouincy place the first in which the asphaltum preparation was used? A. Now, I couldn't say. I was travelling about the country a good deal at that time and there are pipe sometimes shipped away I don't know about. O. Do you know whether it was used on all the pipe which were laid in Ouincy, or not ? A. No, I don't ; I don't know whether it was. It kind of runs in my mind that it was not. I think the first pipe shipped there was coated this way, but I am not sure ; that is my impression. I suppose Mr. Hall could tell you about that. O. Why do you use the asphaltum now ? A. Well, we use it as another protection. O. Do I understand you to say that this alloy is a complete protection against rust ? A. Well, it is, as far as it is practical to do anything in the way of manufacturing pipe. O. What chances are there that it may not be complete? A. Oh, there may be some things arise — some unforeseen thing in the soil or water. We have never found it, but we do that as a matter of better protection. Q. Is this coating with asphaltum any part of the secret process ? A. No, sir. O. Was that adopted at your works of your own notion, or at the suggestion of someone else outside? A. We used that prior to introducing the Kalamein. O. Was it suggested to you with reference to any of this Ouincy pipe ? A. Oh, no, sir ; I don't think it was. O. Is the asphaltum liable to come off? A. Yes, sir, it is liable to come off O. What would be likely to take it off? A. Well, it can be beaten off with an instrument, with a hammer, or it may be rubbed off. O. When the pipe is lying on the ground is it liable to come off? FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. Well, no, sir, it is not liable to coine off. It will come off, but it is reckoned a very good protection. O. It comes off of cast-iron pipe, doesn't it ? A. Well, when it comes off of a pipe that the rust has created under- neath it, it brings rust and coating all off with it ; it flakes off, shells off. O. But if it protects against the rust, how can it rust? A. Well, the rust, when the rust is created before it is painted or dipped, I don't know what process they use, or whether they brush it on. Q. If it does come off, of course that leaves the pipe liable to the dangers you intend to prevent by the use of the asphaltum ? A. What is that, sir ? O. I say, if the asphaltum should come off, then the pipe is left liable to be injured by the causes which you endeavored to prevent by the use of the asphaltum ? A. You mean cast-iron pipe ? O. Any pipe, this pipe. A. Well, if it is nothing but asphaltum there and the asphaltum came off, of course it is ready then to corrode. O. Do I understand, Mr. Riley, you do not feel sufficient confidence in the sufficiency of this alloy to leave the pipe with the coating alone, so you put the asphaltum over it ? A. Well, we feel sure enough to have laid a great many miles of it, and it has proved very satisfactory. O. Without the asphaltum ? A. Without the asphaltum ; very satisfactory indeed, sir. O. That was in the very beginning, wasn't it? A. Yes, sir. O. You haven't for the last ten years laid any, have you, without the asphaltum coating ? A. No, sir, no ; it is another protective agent. Q. When did you first undertake to introduce this pipe, or when did the National Tube Works first undertake to introduce it, in New England ? A. Well, I couldn't say. Mr. French, who has charge of that business here, probably could answer that question for you. Q. Did you have any agent or representative in New England ? A. Our people have an office here ; yes, sir. Q. Who was your representative in New England? A. Mr. French is the representative here, that is, in what we call our sales department. O. I am not referring to the present condition, but I mean before the introduction of the water pipes into Quincy, who was your representa- tive here ? A. Do you mean the special agent for this pipe ? O. Yes. A. I don't know they had any. O. Was Mr. McClallan ? A. He may have been ; not to my knowledge, though. O. Don't you know he was ? A. I know of Mr. McClallan ; I never met him, sir. THE QUINCY CASE. 189 O. Did you not know that Mr. McClallan advertised as the New England agent of the National Tube Works ? A. Not that I know of ; not to my knowledge. He may have done so. O. You never saw the letter heads ? A. I never did ; no sir. I know he was connected with these works— that is, by hearsay. I heard of Mr. McClallan being the engineer that put the works into Ouinc}^. Q. Do you know of his having any connection with the National Tube Works ? A. Not that I know of ; no, sir ; any more than any purchaser of our goods. Q. Do you remember whether the Tube Works did have any business office in 1883 in Boston ? A. A business office ; the National Tube Works Company ? O. Yes. A. I think so ; yes, sir. Their main office is here, sir. The first works was built here in one of your suburbs over across the river — East Boston, I think. O. Didn't they have somebody especially representing them on this pipe for New England ? A. Not that I know of, sir ; not to my knowledge. Q. To go back for one moment to your measurement ; when you gave that diameter of 12 inches, was that the inside or outside measure- ment ? A. Outside, sir ; outside diameter. O. And when you speak of 12-inch pipe, you mean the outside ? A. We mean outside on this pipe ; yes, sir. O. In speaking of cast-iron pipe— a 12-inch cast-iron pipe— you mean the inside, wouldn't you ? A. Yes, they do measure from the inside. O. So that a 12-inch pipe — a wrought-iron pipe like this — will not deliver as much water as a 12-inch cast-iron pipe ? A. It will deliver a great deal more, sir. O. You refer now to the effect of the coating ? A. No, sir ; I mean the smooth surface of the material. Q. Very well, the smooth surface ; but the actual interior diameter is less, of course? A. Yes, sir, it is less ; oh, yes. Q. Suppose that a new cast-iron pipe is coated with asphaltum, it is as smooth, is it not, as one of these pipes coated with asphaltum ? A. No, sir ; it has the impression of the sand core on the inside ; a rough sanded wall, or something of that kind. Q. That is scraped, isn't it? A. Not on the inside ; they have never introduced that anywhere that I have heard of. O. Has this pipe been used anywhere else in New England except in Ouincy ? A. No, I couldn't answer that, sir. Q. Or anywhere in the East, in New York or Pennsylvania, for water pipe ? 190 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. It lias been used in several places in New York, I can't just recall ; it was quite a little while ago. O. Have you sought to introduce it in New England ? A. Well, the same as we introduce any of our goods, we are ready. O. How can you account for the fact, Mr. Riley, that if some of this was laid in 1883 in Quincy, and you have been manufacturing it since, none of it has been used in New England since that time ? A. Well, I couldn't say, sir, unless it is too high in price for people here. O. How much difference is there in price ? A. About 20 per cent., I think, or 30 ; probably Mr. French will be able to tell you that better, his business is in that line more. I don't know the price of cast-iron pipe here to-day. O. Wasn't cast-iron pipe worth more four or five years ago than wrought-iron pipe ? A. No, sir ; not that I know of. O. Foot for foot, wasn't it worth more ? A. Oh, no ; I don't think so. I don't think they would have ever laid a joint of it around our country if we hadn't been all the time fighting with them. O. In 1883, wasn't cast-iron pipe costing more than wrought-iron? A. No, sir. That has been our strongest competitor in the trade. O. Wasn't it costing more than this pipe at that time ? A. No, sir. O. Do you feel sure about that ? A. I feel sure, unless there was some special price made for this pipe, or some arrangement made to introduce it. We have done that ; we have put this pipe in at cost, I think, in one or two instances, to introduce it. O. I infer from what you say that there is a gentleman here who will give us the actual cost of this pipe ? A. Yes, sir ; Mr. French will tell about that. Mr. Morse : Very well. I shan't trouble you about that then. That is all I care to ask. O. (By Judge Bennett.) Was there any circumstance or occasion which led to your using asphaltum after having used the pipe more or less without the asphaltum ? A. We haven't heard of any. There was none of it destroyed, it was all in good preservation when we introduced that. O. It was not put on, then, from any complaint ? A. No, sir ; not from any complaint. Q. (By Mr. Gonlding.) Any suggestion that it would sell better if it was a darker color ? A. Well, I don't know as it had any effect on the sale of it, the appear- ance of it. Peter W. French, Sworn. O. (By Mr. Gonlding.) Your full name, Mr. French? A. Peter W. Q. What is your business ? A. vSecretary of the National Tube Works Company. THE QJJINCY CASE. 191 O. Do you live in Boston ? A. I live in Weymouth. O. Have an office in Boston ? A. Yes, sir, 70 Federal street. O. Do you know how much of this pipe is manufactured by the com- pany for water works ? A. You mean the Kalamein pipe ? O. Kalamein pipe for water works companies ? A. I should say between two and three thousand miles. Q. Between two and three thousand miles in all ? A. Yes, sir. O, Do you know how much is produced a year of it ? A. No, I couldn't tell ; we make 600 tons every 24 hours of all kinds of pipe and tubes, and I couldn't tell. Q. What is the cost of this pipe compared with cast-iron pipe ? A. I should say it cost about 20 per cent, more than cast iron pipe. Of course, sometimes there might not be so much difference as that, and now cast iron is very cheap. O. Did you sell personally this pipe to the Ouincy company originally? A. No, sir. Our General Manager now, Mr. Converse, sold it, I think. Mr. E. C. Converse. He is the General Manager now, and he had at that time charge of the Sales Department. I think he sold the pipe to Mr. Howland, who made the contract for McClallan. Q. I don't know that you know practically about the mechanical part of the making of this pipe ? A. No, sir, I do not. I know how it is made, that is the pipe, but about the coating, I don't know how it is put on exactly. O. What does it cost actually, what are the prices of it ? A. We have a list price, and give a discount on the list. Mr. Morse : You mean the present price ? O. The price last year, April ? A. Yes, sir ; if I have got a list here I can tell you. What size do you mean, any size in particular? O. I mean the sizes as are used there, from 12 to 4 inches ? A. Four-inch pipe on the list is 85 cents a foot ; 5-inch, $r. 10 ; 6-inch, $ J -35 ; 7- ni ch, $1.75 ; 8-inch, $2 ; 10-inch, $2.90 ; 12-inch, $3.75 ; 14-inch, $5 a foot — 60 per cent discount off. They sell iron pipe 75 off now, regidar iron pipe. I have known them to sell iron fittings at 80.2. O. Do you know where it is used now, actually used, this Kalamein pipe, for water works ? A. I guess there must be two or three hundred places ; we can give you the names, if you want them, of the whole of them. O. Where are they situated ? A. All through the country, of course, more west than east, because in the West we get the benefit from the freight. In the East we can't compete with the cast-iron on account of the price of cast-iron being so low, but in the West, we get in there, for one reason, on account of the freight, lighter pipe. O. Is it used in any other place in the East except Ouincy ? A. Oh, yes. There are some down at Swampscott, I think, some at 192 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Sharon, and I think there is some up in Chicopee. But most of it has been large contracts in the West ; and, of course in Pennsylvania we have sold considerable. Cross-Examination. O. {By Mr. Morse. ) Was this pipe bought of you, this Ouincy pipe ? A. No, sir, I think not. Q. Was it bought through the office here in Boston ? A. I couldn't say, sure ; I think Mr. Converse might have come on. I think Mr. Rowland made the trade with Mr. Converse for the pipe if I rec- ollect right. O. Doesn't the sale appear on your books in Boston ? A. It was charged up here, yes, sir. O. Have you a transcript of that account ? A. No, sir. O. Can you furnish it ? A. Yes, sir. O. Will you do so ? A. If you want it, if there is no objection. O. We should like it. Will you furnish it to us ? A. I don't want to give oue side any more benefit than the other. Mr. Morse : I thought you were looking at the Governor, and the Governor seemed unwilling to indicate what he would let you do. Mr. Robinson : Perhaps I am minding my own business. O. Is there any objection, Mr. French, to furnishing that? A. I don't think there is. O. Then I will ask you to have made up a copy of that account, if you please, sir, if there is any expense we shall be very glad to pay it, a copy of the account between the National Tube Works and Mr. McClallan, showing all the pipe that was bought by him for use in Ouincy, and giving the full price and all the discounts ? A. I don't know whether I can or not ; I don't know where our books are. I can't say whether we can go into the whole detail or not. We can give the ledger account, I don't know whether we can give the shipments from the mill ; those come on sketches, on sheets of paper, and then we bill them right from there. I don't know whether we have got them as far back as that. Q. I won't ask you to do anything at present except what your books here show, if you will please to furnish that? A. I think I can find the ledger, where the ledger charge is ; I don't know whether I can find the detailed account. Q. Have you looked up with reference to this trial any memorandum or books with regard to the quantity of pipe or the prices ? A. No, sir. O. You haven't been asked to do that before with reference to this hearing? A. I think Mr. Howland wrote to Mr. Converse to give him some statements, and I think he gave them to him ; I don't know. Q. I mean you have not been asked by the gentlemen on the other side for anything of the sort ? THE QUINCY CASE. 193 A. No, sir. O. You are not able to state now, then anything with regard to what the prices were which were paid ? A. At that time ? Q. Yes ? A. No, sir. O. Or the amount of the discount ? A. Well, I think, I wouldn't say sure, I think the prices were made net prices per foot, without discount ; we have sold that way, and sometimes with a discount. O. Was Mr. McClallan at that time the agent of the National Tube Works ? A. I didn't know he was. O. Didn't you know he advertised as such ? A. No, sir ; I did not. O. Didn't you know he advertised as their representative with refer- ence to this very pipe ? A. I didn't know it. I know if anybody had come in and wanted to buy pipe I should have sold it to them. O. 1 don't ask whether he had any exclusive agency, but whether he didn't have some relation to the National Tube Works ? A. A relation as a customer, that is all I know. O. Didn't he have some understanding with them about commissions ? A. Not that I know of. O. Or any compensation ? A. No, sir. O. Did you not know in fact that his letter heads indicated that ? A. I did not. Q. These places you have mentioned, aside from Ouincy, in which these pipes were laid, Swampscott, Sharon and Chicopee, are all places in which Mr. McClallan laid the pipe, are they not ? A. I don't know. O. Didn't you sell the pipe in all instances to Mr. McClallan, or to companies he represented ? A. I couldn't say. I think we furnished some for Lynn, I am not sure, I couldn't say. O. Can you now recall any contractor who used these pipes in New England except Mr. McClallan ? A. I think we sold some to the city of Lynn. O. Do you remember when ? A. Well, I guess it was after the Ouincy ; two or three years, I should say, after the Quincy ; I can't say sure. O. Had Mr. McClallan anything to do with that ? A. No, I don't think he did. Then we have sold some around for different purposes, not for water works exactly, but for parties, private parties, corporations, etc., that have used it. O. How did the price of these pipes, as )'OU were selling them in 1883, compare with the price of cast-iron pipes in the market ? A. Well, I don't think there was a great deal of difference. O. The difference was in favor of these pipes, was it not ? 194 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. I think not ; I guess there wasn't much difference, for I think it was the next year Mr. McClallan put in works, I think, in Weymouth, and we couldn't sell him pipe because he could buy cast-iron cheaper. We tried our best to do it, but we couldn't get it down. Q. Isn't it your recollection that there was a time when it cost less to lay these pipes than to lay the others ? A. Oh, yes ; you can lay them a good deal cheaper than the others. O. When I use the term laying, I mean taking the cost of the pipes themselves and the cost of the laying ; wasn't there a saving in expense in laying these pipes rather than in laying cast-iron pipes ? A. I don't think there was much difference ever, but for the last six or eight years it has cost a great deal more to lay wrought-iron. Q. Were you selling cast-iron pipes at all ? A. No, sir ; not to any amount ; we make nothing but wrought-iron pipe and boiler tubes. O. Do you know what the price of cast-iron pipes was in the market in 1883 ? A. No, sir ; I do not. O. Do you think you can make a comparison yourself between the market prices in 1883 of cast-iron pipe and this pipe ? A. I could not without investigating. O. Did you ever see a letter-head of Mr. McClaKan of the kind which I show you ? A. (Paper handed witness.) I don't remember it. I don't think he had any authority for that so far as I know. O. Do you recognize any part of the letter-head as having been seen by you before ? A. No. O. Didn't you ever see any advertisement in any form of Mr. McClallan like this: " W. C. McClallan, Contractor for Water and Gas Works. Eastern Selling Agent for the National Tube Works Company's indestruc- tible, seamless, wrought-iron pipe for water and gas mains." A. I don't remember of ever seeing that until now. I don't remember ever seeing it before. O Doesn't it strike you as something rather extraordinary that Mr. McClallan should be advertising as the eastern agent for the National Tube Works Co., and you not know it ? A. I should say it was ; I don't think he had any authority for it. O. You never heard of it before ? A. No, sir. Mr. Morse : I should like to have this marked for identification. I do not offer it now with reference to the contents of the letter at all ; simply the heading. Mr. Robinson : It is not in at present, Mr. Morse. Mr. Morse : No, not put in ; simply marked for identification. 71ie Witness: You spoke about the different places where we have put in our pipe for water works. I can give you about 200 from this book. Q. Have you the dates when they were put in ? A. No, sir ; I can get them for you. O. Can you state any places in which the pipes were laid in 1883 or 1884? THE QUINCY CASE. 195 A, I cannot from this book here, but I can get that for you if you want it. O. I had rather take it in that form, and if when you send up the copy of the account you would send a memorandum in years of the places in which the pipes were laid, we would like it. A. The whole number of them ? O. We would like the whole story, yes ; and could you add the prices at which the pipes were sold in those places ? A. I guess you would have to adjourn over for about six months. There are 200 places here. O. Do you remember where there was any special discount on these pipes for Ouincy ? A. I guess we gave them a pretty low price. O. Anything more than the regular 60 per cent, discount ? A. I think it was a little better than 60, I don't know, I haven't figured it, I don't know. O. Do you remember the price at which you sold this pipe to other parties in 1883? A. No, sir. O. Have you any schedule which you can refer to ? A. I don't know whether we have or not. O. Have you anything on your books to indicate ? A. If I can find those books that have got the Ouincy company it will tell. Q. Will you be kind enough when you look up your books, to look not simply at the prices at which you sold for the Ouincy Company, but for other places at that time ? A. Yes, sir. O. {By Mr. Goulding. ) As to this price list, whether that is the com- mon way with manufacturers of pipes and machinery and various things, to have a price list which they strike off from ? A. We have one price for our boiler tubes, different kinds, and they are sold so much a foot. O. Whether it is a common way of doing with all dealers ? A. Yes ; there is one standard list in the United States for all regular sizes pipes and boiler tubes. Of course, nobody else makes these, but we have a list of our own. O. Whether it is a common way with all mauufactvirers to have a price list which is subject to discount ? A. Every standard manufacturer in the United States, they all have the same list ; yes, sir. Charges A. Allen, Resumed. O. ( By Mr. Goulding. ) Are you prepared to give an opinion as to the value of this plant of the Ouincy Water Company in April, 1892 ? A. I am. O. I will ask you what your opinion is ? A. My opinion is that the plant in 1892 was worth $810,000. Q. Now you can give any reasons you see fit for the conclusions you come to as to its value, in your own way, if there is no objection. 196 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. * * * Xhe next item is the piping system, and in the item of the piping system the first amount I give is simply for the piping itself, that is, it does not include the valves, it does not include the hydrants, but it does include, of course, the special castings or the specials that are necessary ; and that I estimate at 1158,662.24. Q. (By Judge Bennett.) What do you say the $ 25,000 includes ? A. That includes interest. O. Interest on what ? A. On the cost of the plant — that is, the dam and the pumping station and piping, etc. O. (By Mr. Morse.) Interest on the 1328,000, I take it. A. Yes, interest on the $328,000. It also includes a contribution to the sinking fund of $800 a year, which would be necessary to renew the plant. It amounts to about 66 years, but in taking the items I have taken the life of the different things at different periods and put them all together. For instance, the life of the boilers would be comparatively short. The life of the piping system would, in my judgment, cover a good many years, and it is regulated in that way ; but the sum which would have to be set aside annually to meet that would be $800. Cross-Examination. A. I estimate the pipe on what it would cost to replace the pipe with cast-iron, because that is the cheapest material, and, of course, it is per- fectly good material ; that we have in this vicinity. O. (By Mr. Morse.) How much depreciation should you say there was, in fact, from a new plant ; in the condition in which this was in 1892? A. There ought not to be any appreciable depreciation in the piping, for instance ; I refer now to the main piping. O. Pipes that have been laid eight years ? A. Pipes that have been laid eight years. There would be some depreciation in the boilers, for instance ; there would be some O. What do you mean by " appreciable " depreciation ? A. Well, in my judgment this pipe zvill last without renewal — that is, I am speaking now on the supposition, of course, that none would have to be taken up because they were too small, or anything of that kind ; I mean if they are large enough for the purpose, and would deliver water enough, they ought to last, probably, in the vicinity of 70 years, I should say. It is hard to place the life, but they would last a great many years. O. Even on that basis, eight years is an appreciable part of the seventy ? A. Yes, but I meant it is a very small amount, and I have allowed that in the $8,000 which I have credited. Q. I understood you to say that the $158,000 represents the cost of new piping at that time ? A. It does, but later on, when I make up my whole sum, I take out $8,000. O. I am confining you for the present to the $328,000, so we will take out the $8,000 now, if you please, from that. Does the $8,000 include more than the depreciation on the piping ? THE QJJINCY CASE. 197 A. Yes. O. What does it include ? A. It includes depreciation— I can give you the list right here, if you will pardon me a moment. O. If you please. A. It includes depreciation on certain items connected with the reser- voir dam, for instance, which I will give you. O. Give them, if you please. A. It includes depreciation on the gates. O. Give each item as you have it there. A. Yes, one 6-inch gate, one 12-inch gate and one 20-inch gate, or rather three 20-inch gates, and on the gate-house and its appurtenances O. Have you carried out items, the allowance, against each one of those ? A. No, not in detail. For instance, the gates would last say 60 years, and some things would last 40 years, and so on. O. Give it in your own way, just as you have it there. A. And the bridge at the gate-house, and the waste-way. Those are the items at the dam that I thought would have to be renewed at some time possibly. Then at the pumping station there are the buildings and the boilers and the pumps, the engines, the foundations and connections, and the pump-wells at the pumping stations and the standpipe. And then, with the pipe line, there was all of the pipe, the service pipe and the service boxes, and the valves, hydrants and gate boxes. O. All those are items which you think will have to be renewed ? A. Yes. And those amount in round numbers to about $250,000, the items which would have to be renewed. Now, for instance, the gates, I should say, would last 60 years, and the bridge at the gate-house, the waste- way and the gate-house itself with its appurtenances, perhaps 40 years, and the pumping station 40 years, boilers 15 years, pumps and engines 40 years, foundations under the engines and the connections 40 years, and the piping I have set at 75 years. O. And you mean for those years to run from 1892, do you, or 1884? A. They run from 1884, but I have made an allowance, that is, it was taken from 8 years previous to the time of taking, which would be in 1884. Now, in taking the works I have said that the Company should allow you a sum equal to what that contribution would be for eight years in order to bring it up to the time that you took the works, and then from then on of course you would have to contribute about $1,000 a year, taking on that and on what would have to be put in in the future. Charges A. Ai^en resumed. Q. {By Mr. Morse. ) Mr. Allen, you were about stating the items mak- ing up your estimate of the cost of the piping system. Will you proceed with those ? A. I will. 2,679 feet of 20-inch pipe $8,974.65. O. Is this wrought-iron pipe you are estimating on ? A. As I stated in the opening, all these estimates are based on the price of cast-iron pipe, what it would cost to replace the plant with cast-iron in my judgment. 198 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. How much per foot is that ? A. I have not figured it that way for this reason, that I have figured in the rock and all the items of that kind in each street where it was given to me. I did not figure by the foot, I simply figured the different items by yards, and so forth. It is a simple matter to reduce it, but I don't have it. O. Give the items as you have them here ? A. I have it here, 2,679 f eet of 20-inch pipe, $8,974.65 ; 5,582 feet of 16- inch pipe, $13,955 ; 16,422 feet of 12-inch pipe, $27,096.30 ; 6,879 f eet °f IO " inch pipe, $10,261.66 ; 18,040 feet of 8-inch pipe, $23,493.30 : 994 feet of 7. inch pipe, $894.60 ; 42,038 feet of 6-inch pipe, $38,276 45 ; 948 feet of 5-inch pipe, $688.65 ; 64,689 feet of 4-inch pipe, $35,578.95 ; 26,846 feet of 2-inch pipe for which one-fourth value is allowed. That gives a total of $161,417.66. And from that I take $2,755.42, as being the value of pipe that would be taken up in making some reinforcement, which leaves a net value of $158,- 662.24. O. Won't you give now the items of the other estimates that you have figured — oh, what are the weights of these different pipe, the weight per foot - A. I haven't them here, but they were all heavy weights. Q. What do you mean by heavy weights ? A. I mean that they were pipe that would be suitable to withstand a pressure of from 250 — about 250 pounds to the inch ; because I never in my practice put in light weight pipes any way. I always put in heavy weight pipe. Q. Did you include 4-inch pipe in your estimate there ? A. Yes. O. Are those approved by engineers as proper pipe to lay ? A. It depends upon the location and what they are for. Q. Are they not generally condemned as a matter of water supply ? A. No, I don't think so. In my own practice I should not use a great amount of 4-inch pipe. O. Are they sufficient for fire service? A. Under a pressure of — I am speaking now in general terms — under a pressure of from 60 pounds upward — they would give from 1 to 2 fire streams ; it depends upon the circumstances. They are not as a general thing considered suitable to cover large areas with, large districts or any- thing of that kind. O. Can you get a pressure of 60 pounds and upwards on these pipes where they are laid ? A. You can if you get the head. The pressure is entirely dependent upon the head ; the effective pressure is dependent, of course, upon the fric- tion and all that sort of thing, governed by the length of pipe and so forth, and draughts from other directions. Q. Have you made any examination to see whether or not sufficient pressure can be obtained on those pipes as they are laid, so as to make them sufficient for hydrant service with the head they have? A. Well, they have all the head that they can get, as far as head goes, or static pressure. Of course there are some sections of pipe where no mat- ter what the size of the pipe would be you would not get much pressure. O. Taking these pipes as they were laid, was it proper judgment, in your opinion, to lay 4-in. pipes where they were laid ? THE QUINCY CASE. 199 A. Well, as I stated in the first place, I think there are some sections where they ought to be reinforced to give an efficient fire service, and that I have allowed. O. What sections have you in mind? A. Have you got that tracing, Mr. Hall ? O. If you can, describe by streets and by sections. A. Well, I wanted to refresh my memory by looking at this, Mr. Morse, that is all. Well, I notice what is marked here as the Wollaston dis- trict. I think there should be a larger main through Warren avenue to feed in from that direction, for one thing, and I think there should be a main on Newbury avenue, at what is marked Atlantic, a larger main ; and then, I think, that at Quincy Centre there should be a reinforcement from Elm street toward Chestnut. Then I don't think that the service on Wash- ington street down here would perhaps be what it ought to be without put- ting in other pipe. O. Ouincy Point ? A. Yes, Ouincy Point. But those things can be rectified at compara- tively small expense. O. Do you know how much there is of this 4-in. pipe in the whole city ? A. I have the amount given me here. O. What is the amount, if you have it there ? A. 64,689 feet. O. How many miles is that, or about how many ? A. Well, 12 miles, or something like that. O. Do you lay any 4-in. pipe yourself now in putting in your water systems in large towns ? A. Well, I should lay 4-in. pipe only in streets that were not — small, short streets that were not to dead ends. I think that is the more modern practice. I think it is the best practice. O. I n't a more modern practice still to lay no 4-in. pipe in large towns and cities ? A. Well, that is a matter of judgment, of course. The larger you get your pipe the better it is for everything. If you will allow me to illustrate. I built some works last year at North Brookfield for the Bachelder shoe fac- tory there — the largest shoe factory there is in the world. The works were built entirely for fire service, and I located and constructed a reservoir on a hill above the town, so they get 190 feet head in the centre of the town. I put in a 16-in. main, and the smallest pipe I have got in the town, although, of course, the supply pipes on the side streets have not been put in, around the centre of the town is 12 inches. Now, that was done because they wanted to be absolutely sure they could flood the factory with water. We can put on 20 fire streams in that mill if it is necessary. But that, of course, is a very exceptional case. I do not think there is any particular rule about the practice. O. Did I understand you to say, Mr. Allen, that you could express an opinion whether under the conditions under which this 4 "-pipe is laid you could get a pressure of 60 pounds and upwards ? A. Oh, I don't say that, because there are locations in the town where the elevation is so great you could not get 60 pounds any way. 200 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. Then you could not get your one or two fire streams that you spoke of? A. No ; there are sections in the town where you could not under any circumstances get two fire streams. When I say fire streams I mean a stream that will discharge 200 gallons per minute. O. That is a small fire stream ? A. No, it is not a small fire stream, it is an ordinary fire stream, from 200 to 250 gallons, but I say 200, because that is the limit I should go on that side. O. Have you ever used any of these Kalamein pipes? A. No, sir. Q. When did you first know of them ? A. Well, it is difficult to say when I first knew of them. The first that I have known of their being used in this vicinity was here at Ouincy. Of course I had heard of Kalamein pipe. O. Did you know about them at the time they were being laid ? A, No. O. You mean that since your attention has been called to this matter ? A. Yes. O. And that was last year or this year ? A. That was last July, I should say. O. Until that time had you ever seen any of these pipes ? A. I don't think I ever had, no, sir. O. Had you heard of them ? A. I had heard of them, just the same as I have heard of lots of pipe. Just when I had heard and under what circumstances I cannot now say. I had never seen them in use. O. Then they had not so far approved themselves down to 1892 as to have supplanted cast-iron pipe ? A. Oh, no, they have not supplanted cast-iron pipe. O. How can you account for the fact that you had been planning or constructing waterworks and had never heard of these Kalamein pipes until last summer, when your attention was calleu to this Ouincy system? A. Oh, I didn't say that, Mr. Morse. (Mr. Robinson.) He didn't say that. Q. Well, you never saw thern until then. A. Well, one reason, the probable reason, that is, it might be the probable reason why I didn't hear of them, is because the price is prohibitory. O. In the beginning the price was at least as low as cast-iron, wasn't it? A. Well, I cannot say as to that. In 1882, '83 and '84 cast-iron pipe was $35 and $36 a ton ; to-day you can buy the same pipe for $24 or $25 a ton. Whether there was any change in the price of Kalamein pipe in that time I do not know. I know it is a good deal higher now. O. Assuming that there was no difference in the cost of one pipe and the other, in view of what you know now about the price, should you lay these pipes in preference to cast-iron ? A. I don't think I should lay them in preference to cast-iron. No, sir. O. Why not ? A. Well, for the simple reason that I have not had experience with THE QUINCY CASE. 201 them ; I should have to rely entirely on my own judgment in relation to them, based upon what I have learned in this case, what would look to me to be reasons after seeing the pipe laid. I should not want to say, I would not dare to say, I would use them in preference to cast-iron. O. So that- notwithstanding all the light you have got on this case, you would go on using cast-iron pipes if you were constructing a new system to-day ? A. Well, under ordinary circumstances I should. O. Even at a higher cost ? A. No, I don't say that ; you said at the same price. O. Well, supposing the cost was higher ? A. Of cast-iron ? O. Yes. A. Well, I don't think I should hesitate to use Kalamein pipe if common cast-iron were higher. O. Should you consider that there was a danger of the zinc and lead affecting the water ? A. Well, I don't know about that. I am not a chemist. I know that the action of water on pipe is entirely different in different localities, and so forth ; for instance, as I said in the opening examination to Mr. Goulding, a cast-iron pipe is not a perfect pipe by any means — not as perfect as we wish it were ; and there are some waters it is very difficult to keep the pipe free from corrosion. I don't know what the effect of different waters would be on this pipe ; I am not an expert in that line. I do not wish to testify in that way, because I don't know. O. No, but still your attention has been largely given to designing and constructing systems of water works? A. Yes. O. In which, of course, you have had occasion to consider all the different materials to be used ? A. Well, I have already told 3 ou about my experience with these pipes, Mr. Morse. O. Well, would you not say to-day that it is still experimental, the use of these pipes ? A. Well, I don't know as I would want to say that. It would be experimental as far as my own practice is concerned, my own judgment ; but I don't know as it can be considered experimental in the sense of being a new pipe ; in fact, I am very sure it is not. O. You are one of the gentlemen who went on to McKeesport to see the process of manufacture ? A. Yes, I did. Q. Did you satisfy yourself then, or have you at any time as to how far this alloy penetrates into the metal ? A. No, sir. We were told — the same statement was made to us there that was made here this morning, and I have taken sections of pipe and tried to scrape it off, and to file it off. I suppose I could file it off if I went deep enough, but it is evidently more than a veneering. O. You were not informed, of course, of the secret process? A. Not at all. We were simply told the base of the thing was tin instead of zinc ; that is all the explanation that was made. 202 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. Have you any belief as to whether there is more tin than lead in it? A. No, sir, I have no idea about it ; I have never seen the alloy made ; do not know the first thing about it. We saw the pipe treated after the preparation had been melted in the bath, and so forth, but it was impossible to tell what it was made of. Boston, April 13, 1893. Marshai.Iv M. Tidd, Resumed. O. {By Mr. Morse.) Will you give me the items of that estimate ? O. {By Mr. Bennett.) Not including real estate ? A. Not including real estate. I didn't include it in any of my esti- mates, O. {By Mr. Robinson.) Or personal property? A. Or personal property at all. You want the details, the pipe line— Mr.. Morse : I want the details which make up that total of $336,583.45. The Chairman : Does that include engines and pumps ? Mr. JMorse : He is going to give that now. The Witness: 2,679 feet of 20-iuch pipe, laid, at $3 per foot $8,037 00 5,582 feet of 16-inch pipe, at $2.10 11,722 20 16,122 feet of 12-inch pipe, at $1.40 22,570 So 6,879 f eet °f 10-inch pipe, at $1.10 7>566 90 17,055 feet of 8-inch pipe, at 90 cents x 5!349 5° 994 feet of 7-inch pipe, at 80 cents 795 20 42,038 feet of 6-inch pipe, at 65 cents 27,324 70 948 feet of 5-inch pipe, at 60 cents 568 80 64,689 feet of 4 inch pipe, at 50 cents 32,344 50 26,846 feet of 2-iuch pipe 10,738 40 100 tons of special castings O. It was suggested to me that you didn't give the price per foot, but I suppose that is a matter of computation ? A. I thought I did. On which one ? O. The 2-iuch pipe. A. 26,846 feet of 2-inch pipe, at 40 cents $10,738 40 100 tons of special castings at $60 6,000 00 The whole amounting to $143,018 00 O. That is the whole piping system ? A. That is the pipe line. O. Now, begin at the beginning and state to the Board just where you started, and give us all the steps which lead up to this result ? A. Well, just as I gave it to you yesterday. O. Very well. If necessary, repeat. A. The net income in 1892 was $21,100. O. Where did you get that from ? A. Got it from the compan3 T 's statement. I have no other means. I don't know any other means of getting at it. THE QUINCY CASE. 203 O. I only wanted to know where you got it from ? A. Sinking fund forrenewal of works in 60 years, $1,772. O. Where did you get that from ? A. That would be the amount to be deposited. O. Why did you assume that sum ? A. Because that would be the sum which kept up at that, and com- pounded each six months would amount to that. O. Would amount to what ? A. To the valuation of the works. O. Where did you get the amount that is necessary for the renewal ? A. I estimate the works to be worth $560,000, or at least the cost of the works, I take the cost of the works for that, to renew them at that time. I put in here another item which I think by that time would be required, which is the improvement of the works, when they have to increase its ca- pacity, as the demand will grow upon it, which is $177,300. O. What items does that amount include, — the $177,300 ? A. I have it here. O. If you please ? A. That would' be for adding 5,850 feet of 16-inch pipe, at $2.10 laid $12,285 00 800 feet 14-inch pipe, at $1.70 1,360 00 15,000 feet of 12-inch pipe, at $1.40 21,000 00 9,500 feet of 10-inch pipe, at $1.10 10,450 00 28,150 feet of 8-inch pipe, at 90 cents 25,325 00 5,050 feet of 6-inch pipe, at 65 cents 3,282 50 6 16-inch gates, at #75 450 00 1 14-inch gate 55 00 10 12-inch gates, at $45 450 00 6 10-inch gates, at $32 192 00 33 8-inch gates, at $21 693 00 12 6-inch gates, at $15 180 00 40 tons of specials at $60 2,400 00 1,000 cubic yards of rock, at $4 4,000 00 68 gate boxes, at $5 340 00 Then I have put in an item to replace the 2-inch pipe with 6-inch, 26,846 feet of 6-inch pipe, at 65 cents I 7A49 9° 93 6-inch gates, at $r5 i,395 00 Standpipe on the third hill, for Wollaston, 50 x 60 feet 13,660 00 Foundations for the same 2,500 00 Cost of the dam No. 2, to make another reservoir on the north side of the present one 30,409 00 Canal froiu the present reservoir to the last mentioned one, which I have called No. 2 6,275 00 A total of $154,161 40 15 percent, for contingencies 23,124 21 Total cost $177,285 61 O. Have you examined the system of distribution, Mr. Tidd ? 204 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. On their plans I did. O. Well, you know the size of the pipes as they have laid them ? A. As they gave them to me, yes. O. Do you consider those sizes as they have laid them are suitable and proper sizes ? A. Well, some of them are smaller than I should like. O. Taking into account the character of that city and its population, do you think it was good judgment to lay 2-inch pipe as they did ? A. No, I do not want to say that I do. Q. Do you think it was good judgment to lay 4-inch pipe ? A. Well, that is a matter of opinion among engineers. O. What is your opinion about it ? A. I should rather have six. O. Do you think 4-inch pipe should have been laid ? A. There may have been some places where it might have been admis- sible, but I do not think so much of it ought to have been laid. O. Do you think any of it ought to have been laid ? A. Well, I would not like to say there is no place there where some of it might not have been used. O. Do you think any 4-iuch pipe should be laid in a town or city in a public street ? A. Well, it depends entirely. If I had two large mains running parallel with each other, I might use a 4-inch for cross connection. O. Would you use a 4-inch pipe anywhere in a public street ? A. Well, if I could have my choice I would not have anything less than 12-inch, which is a little absurd, perhaps. O. But confining yourself to 4-inch pipe, would you consider it a proper judicious or economical thing to do to lay 4-inch pipes in a city street? A. Well, I say if I had two large parallel mains, and a short street between the two, I don't know why a 4-inch pipe would not be admissible. O. Do you think there is any condition under which you would think it proper to lay 4-inch pipes ? A. Under such conditions as that, I might do it. O. Not what you might do, but whether as an engineer you would think it was fit and proper to lay a 4-inch pipe in a city street ? A. Yes. If I had two large mains running parallel with each other which were not more than four or five hundred feet apart, and the street between was to be furnished for domestic supply, I think it would be proper. O. Well, haven't you expressed the opinion that it is not wise ever to lay 4-inch pipes ? A. Well, I should rather have larger pipes. I think I have. I think I have even gone further than that and said I wished there was a law to forbid their use, and then there would be no argument as to whether it was proper or not. O. Haven't you taken the ground that 4-iuch pipe immediately deteri- orates ? A. Not that I know of. O. Haven't you taken the ground that if there is an)' 4-inch main laid in a public street it ought to be removed ? A. Well, it depends on the conditions. THE QUINCY CASE. 205 O. No, but without reference to conditions? , A. I don't like to give an opinion without reference to conditions. O. Do you remember of testifying in a proceeding in Syracuse ? A. Yes. O. In reference to certain water property there? A. Yes. O. And your opinion being asked on the questiou of 4-inch pipe ? A. Yes, I remember it distinctly. O. Do you remember of saying this : " My experience has been pipe like that (that is, 4-inch pipe) is poor enough. I always object to its being put in at all. It immediately deteriorates from the word 'go'; from the time it starts, deterioration commences " ? A. Yes. O. "I should say 4-inch pipe ought never to be laid in any system unless it may be a piece of blow-off, or some service pipe?" A. Well, it would be service pipe passing between two parallel streets, as I have quoted there. O. And that is your opinion now, isn't it ? A. It is, certainly. O. You don't change your opinion from what you gave here ? A. No, sir. The case there T think was, they had cement-lined pipe, and they had miles of it. O. I had not quite finished reading. You further say : " In the last live or six water works I have built, I have protested against the use of it " ? A. That is true ; I had. O. Then if your judgment had been asked in regard to laying this large quantity of 4-inch pipe in Ouincy, you would have advised against it, would you not ? A. I certainly should. O. And you still think it was poor judgment to lay it there ? A. Yes. Q. In your estimate of the expenses, probable expenses of renewal, have you allowed for taking up the 4-inch pipe ? A. I am not quite sure. I have allowed for taking up all the 2-inch. O. Should not you allow for taking up all the 4-inch pipe ? A. Well, I don't know whether I would take it all up ; I think much of it might be taken up. O. There is a large quantity of 4-iuch pipe ? A, Yes. O. Do you remember what the figures are ? 64,000 feet ? A. Yes, 64,000 feet. O. About twelve miles ? A. Twelve miles. O. A little over twelve miles ? A. Yes. Q. Have you allowed for taking up any of this 12 miles of pipe? Mr. Bennett: You mean in the $ 177,000 ? Mr. Morse: Yes. A. I am not quite sure. O. Please look and see. I 206 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. It says here, " Replacing 2-inch pipe." I don't see anything about 4-inch pipe. Q. Well, you ought, then, to allow for the necessary cost of taking that up, ought you not? A. Well, perhaps up to that time, that would be far ahead. Q. And of replacing it ? A. Yes. O. What would that be ? A. I don't know ; it would depend on what you would replace it with. O. What should you ? A. I could not tell without going all over it ; I might replace it with 6-inch or 12-inch. O. It would be at least with 6-inch ? A. Yes, if I replaced it with anything it could not be less than that. O. Six inch pipe would be how much ? A. About 70 cents per foot. O. That would make an item of about $44,000, would it not ? A. Four-inch pipe was 50 cents per foot. O. Well, 6-inch pipe would be how much ? A. Six-inch pipe is 65 cents. O. Well, that is about $40,000 that would have to be spent? A. Yes, about that, if you took it all up. I am not sure I O. Let me read to you further from this examination : ' ' What should you say was the value of the 4-inch pipe in a street of that character ? A. It is of no value; if they were my own works I would pull it out to-morrow." A. That was the fact on account of their works. O. Don't you say it is a fact about Ouincy? A. Yes. That was a street built up as thick as Washington Street, a long line of it ; it never ought to have been there. That street ought to have had at least 10-inch pipe. That was in reference to one particular case there. Q. What were the last five works you had built before your testimony in the Syracuse case ? A. I don't think I have built any since then. Q. No, before. I mean the five works you referred to when you said you hadn't used any 4-inch pipe in those five works. A. I think one of them was in Gardiner, Maine ; another one was in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ; another one was in Reading, Mass- achusetts ; I think one was in Rochester, New Hampshire. That, however, was before the time you speak of, and I think in Phoenix, Arizona. Q. Were any of those places you have named larger than Ouincy ? A. No. O. And you had not vised any 4-inch pipe in any of those places ? A. No. I might have used one or two lengths in some place, as I say. O. But you protested against it ? A. Well, I always protested against it, but in blow-offs and things of that sort it is as good as anything. O. You would have protested a good deal more vigorously, I take it, if you had been asked to supervise this laying of pipes in Ouincy ? A. I was not asked to. THE QUINCY CASE. 207 Q. If you had been and they had proposed to 3^ou to lay 12 miles of 4-inch pipe in those streets where it had been laid, you would have protested vigorously against it, wouldn't you? A. Well, I don't know what I should have done. O. You know you would ? A. No, I am not quite sure of it. It would depend on the circum- stances. Sometimes the commissioners relieve me of all responsibility in those things. O. Well, I am assuming that the responsibility was upon you, Mr. Tidd, you would not have advised or permitted 4-inch pipes to be laid here ? A. I should not, unless in such a case as I have explained about. As I said before, if there were two large parallel lines of pipe within four hundred or five hundred feet of each other, or perhaps six hundred feet, and there were cross streets between, it might be well enough to let them answer as service pipes, but not for fire supply. O. Do you know of any such conditions in Ouincy as would justify the laying of 4-inch pipe as it has been laid ? A. Well, I could not tell you hardly. I might look it over and find some places. O. You testified in Syracuse, in another place, did you not, " I think I would eliminate the whole of the 4-inch pipe " ? A. That is what I told you. I have said many times I wished there was a law against it. Mr. Clifford : What is the date of that ? Mr. Morse : September, 189 r. Q. Again, in another part, Mr. Tidd — I have not quite finished reading — " A 4-inch pipe does not afford fire service, hence I have never used it." A. Well, I don't intend O. But you say there you never have ? A. Well, I cannot help it if the commissioners O. Well, why did you say you never used it ? A. Because I don't if I can help it. O. Then this question, the next question, " A single engine will suck it dry " ? A. That depends O. " A. No, sir ; it will not furnish a single engine." A. That depends on the head. O. You said that it won't furnish an engine, without any reference to the head. A. Well, that was their case ; they had no head. O. Was not the head there as big as it is in Ouincy ? A. No. They were very small pipes ; you could not get water enough down through there to hardly fill a 4-inch pipe ; it is a different case entirely. Q. But you made no qualification in your testimony. A. I know, but we were talking all this time about this Syracuse matter. O. I beg your pardon. When you said you never used it, you were not referring to Syracuse alone. You had had nothing to do with Syracuse ? A. Not in that particular expression. 208 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Q. You say, " I never use it." A. I say now I would not use it if I could help it. I want to qualify that by saying I have to use it sometimes by being overruled by the Com- missioners. O. You didn't put that qualification in before ? A. That was very well understood there among us when I was testify- ing. If I had 16-inch pipes running through two parallel streets 400 feet apart, and had 250 feet of head on both of them, I think I could fill in a 4-inch pipe. Q. One other question and answer — you have already covered it by 3*our statement — "What do you say with reference to 4-inch pipe?'' "I have often wished it might be legislated against." A. I wish to-day it was. That is just what I have said here. Lucian A. Taylor, Sworn. Q. (By Mr. Colliding. ) I shall not go into the details of these several branches of the subject ; if the other side want to they can. Have you made any estimate of the cost of building the plant ? A. I have. O. Including pipe lines and everything in connection with it ? A. As they now exist. O. What is that, the cost of building it in 1S92 ? What is that estimate? A. You mean what is that in detail ? O. Yes. A. I have first estimated the cost of the piping system : 2,679 f ee t of 20-inch pipe at $3.20 $ 8,572 80 5,5S2 feet of 16-inch pipe at $2.13 11,889 66 16,422 feet of 12-inch pipe at $1.56 25,618 32 6,879 f eet of 10-inch pipe at $1.24 8,529 96 18,040 feet of 8-inch pipe at 93 cents 16,777 2 ° 994 feet of 7-inch pipe at 83 cents 825 02 42,038 feet of 6-inch pipe at 73 cents 30,687 74 948 feet of 5-inch pipe at 62 cents. 587 71 64,689 feet of 4-inch pipe at 52 cents 33,638 28 26,846 feet of 2-inch pipe at 30 cents, from which I deduct one- half — 15 cents 4,026 90 Special castings 7,000 00 121 hydrants at $35 4,235 00 4 20-inch gates at $120.50 each 482 00 6 16-inch gates at $82 each 492 00 17 12-iuch gates at $49 each 833 00 5 10-inch gates at $39 each 195 00 30 8-inch gates at $28 each 840 00 1 7-inch gate at $22 22 00 64 6-inch gates at $18.75 each ... 1,200 00 128 4-inch gates at $13.60 each 1,740 80 93 2-inch gates at $9.35 each S69 55 Rock work extra 8,500 00 1,455 services at $11.50 each 16,732 50 Engineering and contingencies. 27,644 32 That item which I have added is 15$, which makes a total of $211,939 81 THE QUINCY CASE. 209 O. (By Mr. Robinson.) That is the total of what you have been giving? A. That is the total cost of the piping system. In that estimated cost of gates I have included the cost of setting and gate boxes ; in the service pipe I include all the expenses connected with them, including stop boxes, and so forth. Samuel M. Gray, Sworn. O. (By Mr. Gould ing.) You have not dug up the pipes to look at them, I suppose ? A. No, sir. O. Now, the distributing system, you have considered the streets where the different sizes of pipe were laid with reference to the purpose it is designed for, have you ? A. Yes, sir. O. What is your opinion with regard to that distributing system as a sufficient, permanent distributing system for Ouincy ? Have you anything to say about it, any criticism of it ? A. I think in the main it is good. I should recommend making some few changes, taking up some of the pipe and snbstituting it with other of larger size, but in the main it is good. O. With regard to the 4-iiich pipe, there is considerable of that, what do you say with reference to that pipe ? A. I should take up some of it, but not a large portion by any means. O. Have you examined this National Tube Works pipe that they use there, this Kalamein pipe ? A. I examined samples of it which Mr. Hall informed me had been taken out of the streets during the making of connections, etc., in the city of Ouincy, and I was also present with the gentlemen who visited McKees- port and saw the pipe made, and the various experiments that were made on it. O. What do you say with regard to its desirability as a pipe for dis- tributing pipe for a domestic supply in a city like Ouincy ? A. I don't see why it should not be a good pipe. O. How does it compare with cast-iron pipe, in your opinion ? A. It has some qualities, I think, superior to cast-iron. For instance, I am told, and I knew that was the custom generally, they test every piece of pipe before it leaves the works under hydraulic pressure. That is not always done with cast-iron pipe, and even if it were done the cast-iron pipe is easily cracked if one piece rolls against another, particularly the larger sizes, and those cracks are not always sufficient to show themselves before it is laid. Sometimes pipes slightly cracked, not perceptibly, are laid, and when the water pressure comes to them afterwards they are apt to burst. I have known of many such cases. But with this pipe there is no such danger. Then, again, one, to my mind, great superiority in the pipe is in the joints, in the difficulty of its ever pulling apart. Particularly in the con- struction of sewers, where the sewer pipe is, perhaps, 4 to 6 feet from the w r ater pipe, and from 12 to 15 or 20 below the surface of the street, I have seen a great many, and some serious, accidents occur from leaks in water pipes caused by the settling away while digging the sewer trench, the joints 210 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. pulling out. It is almost impossible to keep them from not pulling out. But with this pipe it would be almost impossible to pull them out, and to my mind that would be a great value. Furthermore, while I am not acquainted with the pipe, you might say, have not used any, I certainly can see no outs to it to compare with cast-iron. Cross-examination. Q. {By Mr. Morse.) In this allowance for the pipe lines of $150,000 have you figured on cast-iron or wrought-iron ? A. I figure on cast-iron. O. You have never used this Kalamein pipe, have you ? A. No, sir. O. Why not ? A. Well, I haven't known much about it, and if I had the price is too high. O. Is the price any higher than the intrinsic value of the pipe calls for ? A. No, I don't believe it is. O. Have you ever recommended its use ? A. No, sir. O. Did you ever hear of it before last year ? A. Oh, I presume I have ; I think I must ; but I don't remember if I have. O. Did you ever see any before you went out to McKeesport ? A. If I have I have forgotten it. O. And since you came back you haven't recommended it anywhere, have you ? A. No, sir, because I have had no occasion to ; that is one reason. O. You have been constructing water works since then, have you not ? A. I have not started any for which we had not already bought all the pipe. O. Do you think you will recommend it ? A. Yes, sir. O. And when did you come to that conclusion ? A Every investigation I make of it, the more I see of it, the more favorably I think of it. I have come to that conclusion since last September. O. You do not know of its being used anywhere in this section, except in Quincy, do you ? A. I don't know anything about it. O. What would be the effect, Mr. Gray, of leaving wrought-iron pipe in the ground, supposing there wasn't any coating upon it? A. It would depend, of course upon the nature of the ground a great deal. In some cases it would corrode, and probably in most cases, and in some it might not. O. Speaking generally, the pipe would corrode, would it not ? A. I think so. O. So it would be impossible to use it to advantage ? A. I should not recommend using it without being coated. O. How long would it probably last ? A. It depends entirely upon the nature of the groimd in which it was laid, and also on the water which was in it. I have been told of cases where THE QUINCY CASE. 211 it has lasted in the ground apparently as good as when it was laid fifty years, and I have been told of cases where it had not lasted ten. O. Has not one of the objections to the use of wrought-iron pipe been that it would not last ? A.. Certainly. O. And the object of this coating is to preserve the pipe from decay, is it not ? A. I should suppose that was one object. O. Do you think that there has been sufficient trial to determine whether or not it is a permanent protection ? A. I think this trial at Ouincy is a very thorough and convincing one. O. But most of those pieces have been down only a few years, have they not ? A. Well, cast-iron pipe that had been down eight years would not have been in such good condition as they are here. O. How many of those pieces do you understand have been down eight years ? A. I don't know ; I understood one or two of them had, and I see no difference between those which have been down a longer or shorter time. O. Isn't the fact about cast-iron that the corrosion is likely to appear within the first few years, and after that there is nothing further ? A. Not that exactly. It is apt to appear in the first few years full as much, perhaps, as in later years, but it continues on, it does not always stop, That will depend, too, upon the nature of the water within it. O. Where do you know of any instance of cast-iron giving out by reason of corrosion ? A. I don't know that I can mention any now. I have seen cast-iron pipe a great many times that has been taken up with a great many tuber- cles inside interfering with the flow of the water, sometimes projecting an inch and more, too. O. Those appear early, do they not, soon after the pipe is laid ? A. Not to that extent. O. Alter the tubercles get to be an inch in diameter, do they grow ? A. I don't think they do so very much. Boston, May 16, 1893. Petitioner's Case. — Opening Statement by J. E. Cotter, Esq. Determine that. What deduction shall you make by reason of wear and tear, by reason of imperfect pipes, by reason of having so large a quantity of pipe that is of no value whatever; pipes that Mr. Tidd would not recommend, and pipes as Mr. Tidd said in the Syracuse case — and I don't know that he contradicts his testimony — such as he had not put in for the last five or six years, and that he regarded them as of little value from the word go ? A. H. HOWEAND, SWORN. O. {By Mr. Cotter.) Now, I should like to have you state to the Commissioners the result of your study, what you found, giving a full description of the works. 212 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. The pipe leading from the reservoir dam to the pumping station is 12 inches in diameter. I have made tests of the capacity of that pipe with a reservoir full, and with the reservoir at different elevations below the point of full — below the overflow ; I have tested it in various ways, and am led to infer that there are some imperfections in that pipe, inasmuch as it does not deliver its theoretical capacity at the pumping station under different conditions into about 18 per cent. From its action in delivering water, I infer that the defects, if any, consist in summits in the pipe where air may, and possibly does, collect, thus diminishing the area of the pipe itself. I have attempted to ascertain whether that is the case or not, but do not know it definitely, but that is my inference. O. You may explain what you mean by summits? A. A point where the pipe, instead of having a continuous level or down grade, has a rising grade from the reservoir to the pumping station. It may rise and then down again, and if it rises at one point higher than any other point back of it, and higher than any other point below it, air may collect there, and I am afraid it may collect in those points. At any rate, it has not its full theoretical capacity into about 18 per cent. The capacity of the conduit line is also insufficient to supply the pumping machinery that is now there. O. (By Mr. Goulding .) Is this the same pipe we were talking about before ? A. Yes, the conduit pipe from the reservoir to the pumping station. The pipe itself is of cast-iron. As far as the pipe and its connections are concerned, they are all right, with the exception of being, in my opinion, small for the present purposes and future of the water company. I find that by gravity alone the present conduit pipe will not supply one pump into 18 per cent, of the capacity of that pump when moving at a rate of ioo feet piston speed per minute. Wednesday, May 17, 1893. Herbert T. Whitman, Recalled. O. (By Mr. Cotter.) How much 4-inch pipe did you put in last year, or has been put in since the city took possession ? A. We laid 774 feet of 4-inch pipe last season. O. When was that laid ? A. That was laid between June 1st and December 31st, 1S92. O. (By Mr. Clifford.) What kind of pipe ? A. Cast-iron pipe. O. (By Mr. Cotter.) How did that happen to be laid, the 4-inch pipe, during that period ? A. A portion of that pipe was used to connect the hydrants with the mains ; a portion of the pipe was laid in short streets where we had a large supply pipe running across the ends of those streets. O. What kind of pipe was that ? A. That was cast-iron pipe, standard pipe. Mr. Cotter : That is all. THE QUINCY CASE. 213 Arthur H. Howund, Resumed. Q. {By Mr. Clifford.) What was Mr. McClellan's connection during that time with the National Tube Works Co. ? A. He was a purchaser of material of them, and prior to that time, when the National Tube Works Company had an office in Pemberton Square, and before Mr. McClellan had his office in Boston, an arrangement was made between Mr. Eaton and Mr. McClellan, to which I was a party, but not ad- vising, by which the National Tube Work Company agreed to turn over to Mr. McClellan all trade which they might have in New England for Kala- mein wrought-iron water pipe. It was not at that time called Kalamein coated ; that is, when the first trade was made ; it was called I. M. pipe, or indestructible metallic pipe, which was the same thing, afterwards termed Silvertin, and afterwards Kalamein. In return for that Mr. McClellan was to use that pipe in all works that he was interested in provided he could. Of course if other parties were interested and insisted on something else, of course he could not otherwise do it. O. Do you know whether he advertised as the eastern selling agent of that company ? A. I believe so : yes, sir, and so stated on letter heads and some circu- lars which he had. Mr. Cotter : I am calling attention to Exhibit 38, gentlemen, as one to which allusion has been made. Q. Is that one of the letter heads he used at that time ? A. Yes, sir. Mr. Cotter: That is Exhibit 38, which is already in. Mr. Robinson : Let me ask whether it has any date ? Mr. Cotter : Sept. 14, 1883 ; and it is a letter which was put in evidence before, put in for the purpose of identification, and is a letter from Mr. McClellan to Mr. Howland. Mr. Robinson : Is that marked as an exhibit ? Mr. Cotter: Yes. The Witness : I do not want to be understood, in relation to Mr. McClellan's relation to the National Tube Works Co., as perhaps might be understood from my former statement, that in turning over all the work of this kind of pipe that the National Tube Works Co. might have to Mr. McClellan, that all pipe which they might sell he should have a commission upon, but if they had any inquiries from any parties who contemplated put- ting in water works or were interested in water works, they would refer them to Mr. McClellan, and he would then attempt to get a contract to do the work and furnish the pipe ; a sort of mutual arrangement between them to introduce that pipe. The prices were to be made specifically upon every piece of contract as it came up. O. In the estimate which you have given us of the expense or cost of the McClellan contract, you gave an estimate for the cost of the pipe, where did you obtain the data to determine the cost of the pipe ? A. It was based upon the contract price between Mr. McClellan and the National Tube Works Co., for furnishing that pipe delivered at Quincy. O. And those were the prices that you took down at that time ? A. Yes, sir, from my original memoranda. 214 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Cross-Examination. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) Did you design the distributing system ? A. As originally laid out I did ; yes, sir. O. You designed it to the best of your ability, I suppose? A. At that time ; yes, sir. Q. In these cases where you find that a few of your sections fell a certain percentage short of performing up to the highest standard or up to the standard which you adopted, have you considered the remedies that might be applied ? A. Yes, sir. Q. You say in getting at the cost of this pipe in 1883 you referred to your original figures ? A. Yes, sir ; and I further said that I didn't have them with me, but I find since, in looking for something else, that I have my original details in making up the cost of that pipe system, the whole system. O. You have them now ? A. I have them right here on the table ; yes, sir. O. Well, you also verified them by correspondence with the company, didn't you, in a full letter, which stated in detail all about them? A. You refer to the National Tube Works Co. ? O. The National Tube Works ; yes, sir. A. I did ; yes, sir . I wrote asking them for a transcript and they sent me one. Q. Have you got those letters here ? A. I have, sir. O. Will you produce them ? A. All of them ? There was considerable correspondence back and forth. O. Well, I should like to have you produce the letters of Nov. 5, 10 and n, 1892, if you will? A. Yes, sir. Mr. Morse : Well, I am free to say that Mr. French, if I recollect correctly, never furnished what I asked him on the stand to furnish — copies from their books of their accounts with Mr. McClallan, in connection with furnishing the pipe. Perhaps he will do so. These may cover the same ground. The Witness : You refer to the letters to me of those dates ? O. {By Mr. Goulding) The letters to you of those dates. A. November 5, November 10 and November 11 — here they are. Mr. Goulding : I would like to put in this letter of November 5 Mr. Morse : It is very evident that this is a communication from the National Tube Works to Mr. Howland, and putting it in does not furnish evidence of the truth of the statements contained. Mr. Goulding : I should not think these letters would be in and of themselves evidence, but he says he verified his own figures by this means. The Witness: If I said "verification" I meant comparison. I don't think I said verification. Mr. Morse : There is no objection to their going on in that way, but it may turn out that there are some errors about them. THE QUINCY CASE. 215 Mr. Goulding : They are communications to the witness and have some bearing as to the basis of his calculation and figuring. Mr. Morse : He has not stated that they form a basis — that is just the point — he has not stated that he based his calculations upon these. Mr. Goulding : He has stated that he made these inquiries by cor- respondence and got these answers. Mr. Morse : As a matter of comparison. Mr. Goulding : I think if the witness states that he made the inquiries the other side has the right to cross-examine in regard to the matter, and to bring out certain things in connection with them. Mr. Morse : My brother has drawn out the fact that the witness made the inquiries. We did not put it in. The witness testified that from the estimates made by him at the time in regard to the quantities, etc., he fig- ured the cost of the material. It seems that since he has had correspondence with the Tube Works and has undertaken to compare those memoranda given him with his own. It may turn out that there is no material difference be- tween us and that it is hardly worth while to discuss the matter, but I simply suggest that at present these be admitted de bene, giving us a chance to examine into the matter. (The letter of Nov. 5, 1892, from W. Miller Stewart, of the National Tube Works, to the witness was marked "J. L- 67.") Mr. Goulding : Mr. Howland calls my attention to the fact, which I state, that the present prices of the specials are given. The Witness : The only prices given are in reference to the pipes, the past and present prices. I would like to explain that the ink and pencil figures on those letters are mine and are not contained in the original letters. Mr. Goulding next introduced the letters from Mr. Stewart of the National Tube Works to Mr. Howland of November 10th and nth, 1892, and they were marked "J. L. 68 " and "J. L. 69," respectively. Q. {By Mr. Goulding.) Did I understand you to say that it was through you that this arrangement that existed between Mr. McClallan and the National Tube Works was made ? A. No, sir ; I did not so state. O. I was under that impression. A. I stated that I was present, or knowing to the arrangement at that time. I think I said I was a party to it, not in the sense that I was partici- pating in it, but as advising Mr. McClallan and being with him in his con- ference with Mr. Eaton, the treasurer. O. As I understand the substance of that arrangement, if anybody wanted this pipe, and wanted to get it of the National Tube Works, the arrangement with Mr. McClallan was that the person would be turned over to him and he would be given an opportunity to get the job if he could ? A. That was as far as the National Tube Works Co.'s side of it was concerned. O. Then there was an arrangement between him and the company in regard to prices, or was there not ? A. No ; prices were to be quoted on each special job, taking into con- sideration the location, quantity and sizes. O. There was no stipulation to furnish to him at any particular price ? A. No, sir ; the stipulation was that they would not sell to others with- 216 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. out giving him an opportunity to see if he could first sell and do the work, and make him a price and he might get what he wanted out of it. O. In this way he was given the opportunity to get the job ? A. To get the work ; yes, sir. O. And in that way they probably intended to increase their sales ? A. I presume that was their object. O. There was no partnership between them in any way ? A. Oh, no ; not the slightest. O. And he was in no other sense their agent, selling agent, that you know of? A. No, sir. He was authorized and warranted in advertising to be the agent to sell that pipe, because they were not to make prices to others, but were to refer everybody to him. He was to make his own prices. O. How long were you with Mr. McClellan in the capacity in which you served him at Ouincy ? A. About three years, I believe ; maybe four. Q. Was he extensively engaged in putting in water works at that time ? A. Not when I went with him ; no, sir. It was a branch of business that we built up together. O. Well, when did you go with him ? A. I think it was the early part of 1882 — it might have been the latter part of 1 88 1. Q. 1882, you mean? A. Yes, sir ; or it might have been the latter part of 1881. Q. {By Mr. Cotter.) 1881 ? A. Yes, sir ; excuse me ; the early part of 1882 or the latter part of 1881 — I don't know exactly. Q. {By Mr. Goulding.) And you continued with him three years? A. Until the late fall of 1885, which would be a little more than three years. O. You say when he began it was a business which you built up together ? A. I said this water works business that he did while I was with him was not his regular business before, but it was built up while I was with him. 0. Did it become quite an extensive business before you left him? A. It did ; yes, sir. O. Are you still interested in that business ? A. Yes, sir. O. And have been ever since ? A. Yes, sir. Q. You are, I think, a considerable owner in some water works similar to these ? A. I am, sir. Q. In that they are water works for domestic supply ? A. In that they are water works. O. I don't mean similar in quality, but similar in introducing a supply of water for domestic use ? A. Yes, sir ; private water companies. O. And quite a large owner? A. Yes, somewhat so. THE QJJ1NCY CASE. 217 O. Won't you state in general what you include as property in your valuation of f 300,000 of this company ? A. I include the real estate and all the material, property that is either visible — that I have seen — or that has been included in the testimony of the company's experts of what they had. O. And that includes personal property ? A. Personal property, real estate, machinery, buildings, pipes, gates, hydrants, stand pipe, dam, gate-houses, conduit line, etc. O. I understand you to testify that similar pipe would in 1892 cost more than in 1883? A. Yes, sir. O. And the difference was about $10,000 ? A. $10,900 and something. O. $11,000? A. That includes the pipe laid. O. What is that, sir ? A. That is the pipe system, as a whole, laid. O. There is a little misunderstanding among counsel. I understand that you make no mistake when you say that the pipe in 1892, similar pipe laid, would cost $10,900 more than it would cost in 18S3 ? A. Well, as long as the question is raised, I will look and be sure. My statement was that to lay the existing pipe system of the Ouincy Water Company, as it existed in June, 1892, according to the prices in 1883, would cost $10,941.39 less than the prices in 1S92, to lay the same pipe. Q. Less? A. Yes ; that is, the prices in 1892 were more than in 1883 for the pipe laid. Recess taken until 2:15 P. M. Afternoon Session. Re-direct-Examination ok Arthur H. Howxand Resumed. O. {By Mr. Cotter.) Mr. Howland, you have stated that the cost of this pipe, the pipe that was actually used, was between $10,000 and $11,000 greater in 1892 than in 1883 ? A. Just the other way. O. Well, the other way ? A. We will have to look and see about it. The cost in 1883 was so much less than it would have been if the works hod been built in 1892. O. That is my understanding of i+ ? A. 1 think I stated so at the time. Mr. Cotter : Our friends on the other side thought it was the other way. Q. Would there be that difference in the event of cast-iron pipe being used ? A. There would be a larger difference in the event of cast-iron pipe being nsed. O. Sure of that? I will put a question : Supposing cast-iron pipe were used in 1892 in duplicating the works, how would that cost compare ? A. To lay with cast-iron pipe in 1892 rather than to lay with wrought- iron pipe in 1892 would cost $26,234.13 less. 218 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. (By Mr. Bennett.) Wrouglit-iron A. These wrought-iron pipes if they had been laid in 1892 would cost so much more than if they had used cast-iron. O. (By Mr. Cotter.) You alluded in cross-examination to the remedies that might be applied to supply defects in the distribution system ? A. Yes. O. What remedies did you have reference to ? A. To the proper increase of the distribution pipe system from time to to time as public necessity and demand required, which if it had been made, the defects that now exist would not exist. O. Defects such as what? A. Such as insufficient capacity at certain points. If the pipe system had been extended in the past according to the original plan and according to the demands of the citizens, I do not think there would be any defective portion in the pipe system to-day. O. You mean to say that the system, the distribution system, had not been so extended ? A. I do not think it had ; no, sir. O. In that respect had it not been ? A. In the West Ouincy section, which is at the upper end of the map, when the pipes were first laid a 10-inch pipe was contemplated to Water Street. It was calculated at that time that in the extension of the pipe system a pipe 10 inches in diameter should be laid up there to this point, also that this pipe on Garfield Street should be extended, this pipe down here to Town Brook would be extended. These gaps have never been fdled. Pipe has been laid up through here, but not quite completed, so that we have not these feeders to reinforce. Again, the 10-inch pipe on Water Street would not in itself be sufficient for the development and growth of West Ouincy. I stated to the company that within five or six years a new line would be needed which would then be laid through what is called the Plains, and so come out on Copeland Street, and the two sections of pipe together, by the time the West Ouincy section had grown, would be suffi- cient to supply it. That has not been done by the company, but has been done to a large extent by the city, and when completed will satisfactorily reinforce the West Ouincy section of the city. O. Is West Ouincy an important section of the city ? A. It is quite so. This portion I called the Plains is to the south, about in this direction southwest. Q. Whether that section through which the pipe extends is more free from ledge or rock in the street than the other street ? A. You mean where the pipe was originally laid ? O. Yes ? A. No, sir. I think Water and Copeland Streets were the hardest streets to lay their pipe in in that direction that the Water Company found. And Water Street at Copeland Street was a made street, filled up above the level of the swamp with the debris from the stone quarries, and it was a very rough and difficult thing to get through. Q. I am comparing that street through which the main was laid with the other streets in West Quincy ? THE QUINCY CASE. 219 A. Oh, a large amount of the pipes in the streets in West Ouincy are laid in pretty nearly all ledge. O. But this particular pipe here through (Maiden ?) Street, that was not as ledgy as some of these other streets in West Ouincy ? A. Not all ledge, but it is pretty nearly all ledge stone and small stones. The other reenforcement was a 16 inch pipe around up somewhere in here, with a view to continuing it up through there, and so on around here, as it was contemplated by myself. I judge within five or six years they will have to lay that pipe. The company did nothing there, but the city is extending this pipe, and when finished it will reenforce West Quincy. This street here has no name. There is a 6-inch there, Rogers Street has a 6-inch pipe. I find on examining the record the city has located hydrants up here where the company laid a 2-inch pipe across between 6-inch pipes ; that is not what I call a proper extension. At Quincy Point is another place. The original plan contemplated was a pipe line which was to start out from the main in this direction, and was to go down Quincy Avenue through South Street, and so on to Ouincy Point to another pipe line. It was to be done whenever the growth of the city demanded it. I don't know as the growth has any more than reached that point, but I think at the present time that pipe should be laid ; when laid it will give sufficient pressure to Ouincy Point. The other section in this portion of Atlantic in which I think a 6- inch pipe should be laid is Old Colony Street. I left a branch in the main at that point for it, but that has never been laid. If laid, that will reenforce this point. Those are the only three points I find defective for present wants. Desmond Fitzgerald, Sworn. O. {By Mr. Cotter.') That includes what ? A. That includes simply the piping, the specials, and the rock excava- tion, and it allows for 10 per cent, depreciation, which I think is a very small estimate. In my opinion that pipe is worth a good deal less than 10 per cent, of what the cost of cast-iron pipe would be. O. You mean to say this pipe is not as valuable as the cast-iron pipe ? A. No, sir ; not in my opinion, it is not. Thursday, May 18, 1893. Direct Examination of Desmond Fitzgeraed Resumed. Q. {By Mr. Robinsoti :) No meters ? A. Well, I say no meters. I have not been informed that there are any meters of any account, any material number, any large number of meters. Then I think the pipes, the size of the pipes, is a deficiency in the system, and I am certainly of the opinion that the material of which the pipes are made is a very great deficiency. I consider that a very seriotis menace on the system. O. What examination did you make in reference to the pipe ? In that connection you may state that fact. A. Well, of course in regard to this pipe I have had no actual experi- ence in the laying of it. It is a comparatively new thing. But my opinion is — and this opinion is largely influenced by experiments I know have been 220 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. made upon the pipe — that it is not, that it may not be a long lived pipe, certainly not as long-lived pipe as cast-iron pipe, and next that it is more difficult to make service connections with it. That, I think, is a very serious evil, the fact that you have got to clamp on to this pipe a large piece of iron, to surround the pipe with a wrought-iron strap to hold that in place, with a gasket to make the joint, in other words, that you have got to add material to the pipe in order to bore into it to make connections is a matter of serious defect compared with cast-iron pipe. And then I think there is a liability to chemical action in that pipe. I should judge that there might be a liability to chemical action from what I know in regard to such matters of that kind, and it is corroborated by some experiments made by Prof. Nichols a few years ago on this very pipe. Mr. Goulding : Is that exactly evidence, what Prof. Nichols found ? O. ( By Mr. Morse. ) Have you his report there ? A. I have, yes, sir. Mr. Morse : If necessary, we can call him. The Witness : Mr. Nichols now is no more Mr. Morse : We won't call him, then. Mr. Robinson : You can call him if you want to. The Witness : I am sorry to say O. {By Mr. Cotter.) Who was Prof. Nichols? A. Well, Prof. Nichols was a man I knew very well, indeed. He was concerned with us on the Boston water works in a great many experi- ments. He was a chemist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — a chemist of great ability and a great loss to the country. O. Do you know anyone who assisted Prof. Nichols in making experi- ments about the time that report was made ? A. No, I do not ; unless possibly Prof. Norton, and he is dead now. I don't know who there is. O. Well, then, without reference to Prof. Nichols' report, you may proceed. A. I think I have already referred to the galvanized iron pipe. That I know, it is a matter of common knowledge ; I think it has also been a matter of experiment, that the zinc is slowly absorbed in galvanized iron pipe. O. What effect does that have upon the pipe, upon the iron ? A. Well, of course, as soon as your coating is gone the iron is liable to go. But worse than that, I think it is an absolute danger to health. I should not be willing to drink water out of a galvanized-iron pipe on any account. O. You may state the difference between cast-iron pipe and wrought- iron pipe ? A. Well, of course, cast-iron pipe has been used for many, many years. We do not know what the life really is of cast-iron pipe, but we know it must be more than a certain number of years. There is no doubt it is more than seventy years — the fair life of cast-iron pipe, I mean on the average ; and almost all these other pipes are experimental in their nature. Q. How about wrought-iron pipe? A. Well, the wrought-iron pipe, of course, does not last unless it is coated with something. THE QJJINCY CASE. 221 Mr. Robinson : We do not hear you over here. The Witness: Wrought-iron pipe, unless it is coated or protected, has a very short life generally. I think, too, the fact that it is so thin and has so little substance is against it. O. That is the wrought-iron pipe ? A. Yes. Although I will say this, that it is — the tensile strength, of course, is far greater, and if you could protect it without danger it would be — the whole nature of the pipe, I think, my view of it, I think would be altered as a material. O. If exposed to water will it deteriorate before cast-iron pipe? A. Oh, yes. Cast-iron pipe is a long-lived pipe, and a safe pipe to use. O. You were speaking of the chemical action at Quincy on Kalamein pipe. A. Well, that result of the chemical action ; my opinion about that is founded upon these experiments by Prof. Nichols. If you exclude those experiments I cannot speak about the effect of that chemical action. Q. Have you an opinion on the subject ? A. Well, my opinion is founded largely on that subject on these experiments. O. No matter what it is founded upon ; state if you have. Mr. Goulding : It is well for the witness to state what his opinion is founded upon, and it seems to be founded on something that is incompetent. Mr. Cotter: I suppose the ground of the opinion would come later. O. From your experience, from your study of the subject as a pipe system for a water supply, have you formed an opinion as to the effect of chemical action upon Kalamein pipe ? A. I have. The Chairman : Any question before us ? Mr. Cotter: Yes ; I asked whether he had formed an opinion in regard to chemical action upon this pipe, this Kalamein pipe, upon his experience and study upon this subject. I have not asked him the ground of his opinion. And I understand my brother on the other side to object. The Chairman : He can give his opinion. A scientific man can give his opinion. Mr. Cotter : I propose, then, to ask him the grounds. O. Have you an opinion ? A. I have. O. What is your opinion on that subject ? Mr. Goulding : Undoubtedly Mr. Fitzgerald is a competent hydraulic engineer, but we do not understand that he pretends to be a chemist. The Chairman : How far he has chemical experience, you may exam- ine him upon that. Mr. Goulding : I have not understood that he claimed himself to have been a chemist or to have treated this pipe chemically in any way, but that, owing to certain reports made by a gentleman some years ago, he had some opinions. The last question, I am perfectly well aware, which refers to his knowledge of the subject, would seem, if he had an opinion, to make it competent. The Chairman : Yes. The weight would be quite another matter. FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. I should like to have you state to the Commissioners what atten- tion you have given to pipe, to water pipe, what experience you have had with it, and if you have studied the effect of pipe being exposed to water, to chemical action, you may state that ? A. Well, I have studied the subject just as hydraulic engineers do study the subject, Mr. Cotter. O. For how long a time ? A. Well, for a number of years past. But I do not now know whether you refer to the chemical side of it exactly, the results of the chemical action I have examined. O. Have you had occasion to observe the results of chemical action ? A. Oh, yes ; all action of water on the inside of an iron pipe is chemi- cal action, and I have had occasion to observe the tubercles and study them for years on our system and elsewhere, wherever I have seen them. Q. Whether or not the durability of pipe is one of the important things that you have occasion to pass upon, and have had for years? A. Well, it is a subject that I have not had to pass upon so much as to examine and know about. I have had occasion to order large quantities of pipe and recommend them, and I have always recommended cast-iron pipe. Q. Is that on account of chemical action upon it ? A. Well, it is — well, because I think it is much the best pipe now in the market for ordinary purposes of water supply. Mr. Colliding : I should like to ask one question merely. O. (By Mr. Goulding.) As to whether from any experiments of your own on this Kalameiu pipe or any observation of the effect of water on it made by yourself you have formed an opinion as to the chemical effects of the water upon the pipe. A. Not from experiments made by myself. Q. Or observations made by yourself? A. Well, from observations made by myself I have formed an opinion, Mr. Goulding. Q. As to the effect of chemical action upon it ? A. Yes. O. What were those observations ? A. Well, I have examined the pipes as they lay in a pile there at Ouincy, and I thought — O. I do not ask what you thought, but what examination you made. A. I was going to state that my opinion was — O. I do not ask for your opinion, but simply the means you have had for forming an opinion. A. Well, when you say chemical action, of course, the ordinary rust on the pipe is chemical action. The action that Prof. Nichols refers to is — O. I have not asked you anything about what Prof. Nichols refers to, but the extent of your experience and observation upon this class of pipe. A. Well, sir, from what I have seen of that pipe I should not be willing to trust it against rusting for any term of years. O. I did not ask you what your opinion was, but merely what means you had of forming any opinion at all of what the chemical action of water is upon this pipe treated and manufactured in the way this is ; not what your opinion is, but what examination you have made of it. THE QUINCY CASE. 223 A. Well, I could not speak from my own experience, sir, of the chem- ical action beyond that of rust. O. On your own experiments, then, you would say you had not formed an opinion from your own experiments or observation as to the effect of water, the chemical effect of water upon the pipe ? A. No. O. Would you ? A. No. Mr. Goulding : Your opinion is formed from other things. Mr. Cotter : I will now put the question. O. {By Mr. Cotter.) What is your opinion as to the effect of chemical action upon this Kalamein pipe ? Mr. Goulding: We submit that the witness is not qualified to give an opinion upon that subject. He says he has no opinion about it from any experience of his own or observations of his own. He is merely importing into the case what he has read in another science. It may be something very nearly related to his own, but not his own. The Chairman : We think it is admissible. The weight of the evi- dence is reserved. Mr. Cotter : Your own opinion, Mr. Fitzgerald, is what we are calling for. The Chairman : Yes, your own opinion, not how it is formed. The Witness : Well, my own opinion is that there is liability to chem. ical action on that pipe other than that of rust, which if carried on for a suf. ficient time would lead to the destruction of the pipe. O. What is the nature of that? A. Well, the nature of that action is one by which the lead and the tin are absorbed by the water. And if you — if this is correct — and I am of opin- ion that there is great danger of it, the life of the pipe would be seriously en- dangered ; and also it is a menace, I think, in some conditions it is a men- ace to health. O. Assuming, Mr. Fitzgerald, that the coating of the pipe has been re- moved, from whatever cause, what, in your opinion, would be the durability of the pipe in the system ? A. I think it would be comparatively short compared with cast-iron pipe. O. Have you an opinion as to the number of years ? A. No, I have not any definite opinion as to the number of years, be- cause that varies so much under different circumstances. Q. Well, you say, " short as compared with cast-iron pipe." What do you mean ? Can you speak more fully ? A. Well, I should mean on general principles. You mean if the coat- ing is lost ? O. Yes. A. I should say on general principles about one-fifth, perhaps. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) One-fifth? A. Well, yes, I should say so. Of course, that is a very approximate figure. 224 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Cross-Kxamikation. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) I should like to have you state exactly again what personal experience and observation you have niade of this Kalamein pipe, with a view of seeing what chemical effect water would have upon it ? A. Well, I think I already answered that question pretty fully, Mr. Goulding. O. Perhaps you will oblige me by answering it again ? A. Certainly, O. I want you to separate in your answer all knowledge derived from the opinions and experiments of others ? A. I told you, Mr. Goulding, distinctly that I answered "no" to your question when you excluded the experience and experiments of others. O. Well, then, independently of the opinion and experiments of others, which you did not personally witness, you have no opinion upon that sub- ject, have you? A. Upon what subject? O. Upon the subject of the effect of water upon this particular kind of pipe ? A. No — you said the chemical action of water. Q. I mean the chemical action — I intended to put that in — the chem- ical action of water on this particular class of pipe, the Kalamein pipe independently of the opinions and experiments of others which you did not witness. Have you any opinion ? A. Oh, I have a strong opinion, but that opinion is founded almost altogether upon those experiments of others. Q. Well, isn't it founded altogether on the experiments and opinions of others, as to the precise question of the chemical effect of water on this particular kind of pipe ? A. Well, as far as actual experience is concerned, I answer your ques- tion, yes. That is, the answer which I gave before, "no," would cor- respond to an answer "yes," now. O. You have no opinion derived from your own experience ? A. No. O. {By Bennett, J.) The effect would depend on the character of the water that goes through the pipes ? A. I think it would, your Honor. O. Do you know what the character of the Quincy water is ? A. Well, not so far as the acids in the water are concerned, which, I think, would have a large effect upon it. I do not know the chemical constituents of the water, as far as the acids are concerned, sufficiently to form an opinion ; and even if I knew that I should want to experiment, too. O. {By Mr. Gonldijig.) Your cast-iron water pipe is also coated, isn't it? A. Yes. O. That wouldn't last if you took the coating off— that would not last very long, would it ? A. Oh, yes. Q. It would ? A. About as lonsr as with it. THE QUINCY CASE. 225 O. Then you think the coating wouldn't make much difference ? A. No, I don't think it would make much difference except in the first ten years, or perhaps even longer. I think that it does add in that way to the total life of the pipe, while we don't know what that is, but it is so great that it is a very small addition. I know that men who have had the longest service — the man who has had the longest service with cast-iron pipe in this country that I know of is decidedly of that opinion, that it doesn't add very much to the total life of the pipe. O. Then you would think that cast-iron pipe, without any coating, would be a pipe permissible to use for water supply ? A. Oh, yes ; in some places I should say decidedly yes. O. And you would specify it, perhaps, for work ? A. No, no ; I don't think I should specify it, because the coating, as I said before, for the first few years is an advantage, and doesn't add very much to the cost, and we always put it in. I have seen and known water in some places which actually coats the pipe, and cast-iron pipe is almost as clean at the end of twenty or thirty years as it was when it was put in where there is lime in the water. O. I think you said that owing to the tensile strength of this iron — this wrought-iron — if it w T as coated with something that would stay you would regard it as a valuable pipe, as good as cast-iron ? A. Oh, I didn't say as good as cast-iron, but I said my judgment of the value of that pipe would be very materially altered if I knew that it could be coated by a material, which would not only stay, but which would not be injurious. O. So far as its superior tensile strength is concerned, that is an advantage, isn't it ? A. Yes. Q. So far as its lightness is concerned, if it was combined with equal strength and durability that would be an advantage, wouldn't it? A. Yes. O. You spoke of the effect of water on galvanized iron pipe — that you wouldn't want to drink water out of galvanized iron pipe — is there any galvanized iron pipe dowm there ? A. Well, I understood that this 2-inch pipe was, that a certain portion of it was galvanized iron pipe. O. And it was with reference to that that you made your remark ? A. Yes. Q. That you would remove altogether ? A. I would, yes. O. Didn't put any estimate of value upon it ? A. I think not. Q. (By Mr. Robinson.) Excluded it, didn't you ? A. Yes, excluded all the 2-inch pipe. Re-Direct Examination. Q. (By Mr. Cotter.) Now, you stated something in regard to the clamping of the pipe ; can you illustrate what you mean by that from any piece of pipe here ? A. I see a piece of pipe here ; not the one I brought here, but, how- 226 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ever, it will do equally well for that purpose. That is one of the clamps put on the service pipe connections, I presume. It is not the piece of pipe I brought here, but it will do equally well to illustrate what I said in regard to the service pipe connections. Of course, in a cast-iron pipe the connec- tions are simply screwed right into it at once ; in this it is necessary to put on this piece and put this clamp around the pipe and clamp it down on to this, and then to bore a hole through. That adds to the cost, also these pieces which go around the pipe are liable to go more rapidly than a piece of cast iron. O. You said something about the difficulty in tapping the pipe ? A. Well, that was exactly what I alluded to, what I have illustrated. Re-cross Examination. Q. [By Mr. Clifford.) Mr. Fitzgerald, I want to understand the exact extent of your testimony. I understand you to state that in your opinion both from the character of the water and from the chemical effect produced by passing the water through this pipe, it is dangerous to public health ? A. Pardon me, your Honor. I stated that I considered the passage of the water through the galvanized iron pipe absolutely deleterious and dan- gerous to health and I considered that there was a possible danger in the Kalamein pipe itself on that score. O. Did I misunderstand you to say that in your opinion this water as it was furnished to-day to the citizens of Ouincy was dangerous to public health ? A. No, sir ; I did not state that I know it to be dangerous to health, no, sir. I do not consider that it is as free from danger as a cast-iron pipe. O. I wasn't referring to the relative, I was referring to the absolute — ■ I understood you to say before, on both those grounds, that you understood it to be dangerous to public health ? A. No. Mr. Clifford : I misunderstood you. Boston, May 19, 1893. N. Henry Crafts, Sworn. A. * * * * The examination of the system of piping, the dis- tribution system, shows some very glaring defects, that is, defects according to my judgment, in the large amount of small size pipe, and in the matter of what I call side connections, that is, circuits, although a great part of that would be remedied in the future. There is a large amount of 2-inch pipe, and I made an estimate that to make the substitution necessary for the 2-inch pipe, some of it to 4 and some to 6, would involve a cost of about 113,917. Cross Examination. Q. (By Mr. Goulding.) You are familiar with all kinds of pipe which are used in this country for water supplies in the distributing system ? A. I am more familiar with cast-iron pipe than any other. I know something in regard to wrought-iron and cement, but I have had no experi- ence practically myself with anything but cast-iron. THE QLMNCY CASE. 227 Hiram Nevons, Sworn. Q. ( By Mr. Cotter . ) Have you had to do with the pipes for water supply, laying them? A. Yes, sir. O. Have j r ou examined this system as shown on that map ? A. I have partially. O. What do you say as to the sufficient size of the pipe as shown there for a city with a population of about 18,000? A. I should think there was a large amount of small pipe there, too small. Q. Too small ? A. Yes, when you take into consideration fire protection. I believe that is the next important thing to a good domestic supply — fire protection. O. What is the trouble or difficulty with that as a fire supply ? A. Well, looking at it in my casual way that I have, looking over the size of the pipes there, I should think there was a large amount of pipe it would be almost entirely useless to put a hydrant on to, especially on the 2- inch. O. What do you say as to the 4-iuch ? A. Well, it might do in short residential sections, I mean where there are no manufactories, and where they were connected up at the ends by larger mains, say anywhere from four to five hundred feet. O. But take the longer streets, whether that would afford sufficient fire protection ? A. Well, I should be afraid of it. I should want to understand the conditions perfectly with regard to pressure, and also how it was backed by cross sections running in. In our own city we have discarded it entirely and are taking up — we have somewhere about 22 miles of pipe to take up, and most of this amount we are taking up on account of the insufficiency for fire supply, fire protection. Q. Four-inch pipe ? A. Yes, sir ; three and four. O. Do you know anything about the Kalamein pipe manufactured by the National Tube Works Company ? A. Well, I never have had anything to do with laying it. I have seen the pipe and know of it by its reputation ; and in looking up statistics with regard to water works I took pains to see how universally it was being used, and whether cities were using it or not that went in for permanent work. O. Where is the pipe used? A. Well, the largest amount of it is mostly used out on the Pacific coast. And I assume it is used out there on account Q. (By Mr. Colliding.) Are you testifying from observation, having been out there and seen it and know anything about it, or simply what you have heard ? A. That is what I have read. Mr. Cotter : If you object to that I shall not press it. O. (By Mr. Cotter.) You have seen the pipe, however? A. Yes, sir. 228 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. What do you say as to the quality of that pipe as compared with cast-iron pipe ? Mr. Robinson : I don't understand he is quite competent. He has not used it. Mr. Cotter : He has seen it and examined it, and he is a man who is familiar with water supplies and has been superintendent of the public works of the City of Cambridge for 15 years. O. To what extent have you studied the piping of water systems ? A. Well, I have made it a constant study for the last 16 years. O. And have you had to do with the water supply of other cities and towns other than Cambridge ? A. Yes, sir. O. Have you testified as an expert in cases ? A. I have ; yes, sir. O. In what cases ? A. I testified in the Haverhill case last year. O. And have you studied the quality of pipes for water piping ? A. Yes, sir. O. And their sufficiency for fire protection ? A. Yes, sir. O. How long have you pursued such studies ? A. Well, I have devoted my whole attention ever since I have been in the position. O. And different kinds of pipes ? A. Yes, sir. O. Now, I will ask you to state your opinion as to the sufficiency and as to the value of this Kalamein pipe, and compare it with cast-iron pipe. Mr. Goulding : I submit he has hardly qualified himself for that. He is a practical superintendent of water works, but I do not understand — it has not appeared as yet that he is an educated hydraulic engineer, or that he has studied the principles according to which this pipe is made, or knows anything about the manufacture of it, or has had any practical experience with it. He has testified in some case, but whether he testified to some fact he knew or — he certainly did not testify about Kalamein pipe, as I understand it. He can give his experience as to cast-iron pipe and such pipe as he used. There was none of this pipe, I take it, at Haverhill. Mr. Cotter : Whether he has seen this particular pipe or not, on account of giving so much attention and study to pipe, to the character and quality of pipe necessary for such use, he is entitled to express some opinion. The weight of that opinion we concede is for the Com- missioners. Mr. Goulding : I suppose, in the first instance, he has got to be com- petent ; and we claim the trouble is, he has not studied this pipe. Mr. Cotter: I don't know that anybody has, because it is unknown- He sa}'s he has examined the pipe, however. Judge Lowell : He may answer the question. A. I base my opinion in regard to this pipe upon the cement-lined pipe. This pipe, I notice, is a little thicker ; and about the preparation of THE QUINCY CASE. 229 it — with all the information I can get it is an experiment. This pipe has only been used since, I think, 1882, and as we usually judge of things by the way they are used and as they are sold in the market, and in looking up in regard to this, I find that there is only small towns and corporations putting in small works, who have used this pipe — I find out of 42 or 43 at the close of the year Q. I don't think that is quite responsive. What is your opinion as to the value of this pipe ? A. What do you mean ; as compared with cast-iron ? O. Whether you would recommend the use of this pipe ? A. I certainly should not. I have had my fingers burned too much with similar pipe. O. Why not ? A. Well, in the first place, take it in New England ; we have got to go uphill and down, and it is a rigid pipe when it is laid ; my objections would be — that would be one of my main objections to it, it is a rigid pipe, and in making deflections you must have specials, and that adds to the cost of it. And then the method of tapping is another expense and disadvantage that I should not like. And I assume that the corporation cock that is inserted in that would clog up, as it does on cement lined pipe. It is a very common thing for the valves, when they are soldered on to cement lined pipe for the cocks to close up. 1 never saw that in a cast-iron pipe, but it is a very common thing in cement lined pipe for it to almost entirely stop up. O. What do you say with regard to making connections with this pipe ? A. What do you mean, the supply connection ? O. Yes. A. That is what I have been describing now. I shouldn't like that method. O. Why not ? A. Well, you have got to use that band, and in the cast-iron you can put your machine on and tap directly into the main. As I say, my experi- ence has been that the screw cock, where it comes in contact with the sheet iron is apt to corrode, there is a sort of chemical process that goes on that closes it up. You have a great deal of trouble of that kind. O. Can you illustrate from that what you mean by that clogging ? (Exhibit handed witness.) A. Yes, sir. That is a pretty good sample, too. Where this is inserted in the main there is some kind of chemical action takes place ; I am no chemist, but I know some action takes place there whereby it will close up ; and I have seen it also where the galvanized pipe has been connected on this side, showing that there is a difference between the sheet-iron and the cast-iron with regard to this corrosion that takes place inside of the cock. O. What effect does the con-osion have upon a wrought-iron pipe ? A. Well, generally on our cement lined pipe it eats it away ; there is a rust starts right around it and eats it away. Q. Whether in making a connection with pipe of this kind, this lined pipe, there is any likelihood of the lining being disturbed in making con- nections and putting the bend on which you have described ? A. I shouldn't hardly think there would be. 230 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Cross-Examination. O. {By Mr. Colliding.) Did you ever use a foot of this Kalamein pipe ? A. No, sir. O. Did you ever have charge of auy works where it was used ? A. No, sir. O. Did you ever see it manufactured ? A. No, sir. O. Have you ever studied the process of manufacture ? A. Well, not this pipe especially. Q. I am talking about this pipe especially ? A. No, sir ; I never did. O. Do you know anything about how many cities and towns use it, except what you have read in books, newspapers, articles, something of that sort ? A. No, sir. O. What do you mean by a rigid pipe, that this is a rigid pipe ? Is it more rigid than cast-iron ? A. It is when it is laid. Cast-iron the joints are flexible, we can swing a length of cast-iron pipe anywhere from three to six inches, deflect it. O. The method of joining the lengths is such? A. Yes, sir. O. Do you know whether you can in this pipe ? A. Well, from w T hat I have seen and its illustrations, I should say it could not be done. O. Will you say you can't deflect it at all ? A. I understand you can't deflect it at all. You might get some spring, perhaps, out of it with several lengths put together. O. Now, do you know that the tapping of this pipe results in clogging up at that point ? Do you know from any observation or experience with this pipe that at the point where it is tapped it clogs up? A. Not this pipe, no, sir. O. You compare it with cement-lined pipe ? A. Yes, sir ; it is only slightly different. O. Do you know anything as to the comparative tensile strength of this pipe and cement-lined pipe ? A. Well, I should say it was Q. Do you know anything about it? For we don't want you to say anything you don't know. A. I know T the tensile strain of this pipe is very large, and I know that even take a stove-pipe it will stand enormous pressure, and I should say this was increased according to the thickness over the other pipe. O. It would be less liable to break under shocks and rams, as you call it, would it not ? A. Well, I think likely that would be a fact, yes. Q. When were you first requested to come here and testify ? A. I think it was some time in the early part of last winter or last fall. Q, I understand that this opinion you have given with regard to this distributing system is upon a casual examination of the map ? THE QUINCY CASE. 231 A. Yes, sir, it is. O. You have made no figures nor calculations about it, have you ? A. No, sir. O. Have you been out to Ouincy to look at the works ? A. No, sir. O. You spoke about the 4-inch pipe that is being taken up in Cam- bridge ; it was put down, then, some time ; when was it put down ? A. Well, most of it was put down in 1868 to 1870. O. There is considerable of it to your knowledge around in different towns and cities ? A. Yes, sir ; they made a woeful mistake. O. And it is thought now they had better substitute something else for it ? A. Well, it is a pretty well known fact, I think, that there is a great stress laid now on fire protection. O. Have you made any calculations or considered with any reflection in particular, taken any pains to find out, what remedies could be applied to the defects of this distributing system ? A. No, sir, I have not. Boston, July 11, 1893. JEDEDIAH F. Gl,EASON, SWORN. O. {By Mr. Cotter). What is your full name ? A. Jedediah F. Gleason. O. You live in Ouincy ? A. I do ; yes, sir. O. You have been in the employ of the water company ? A. I have been in the employ of the water company since March, 1884. O. Under Mr. Hall ? A. Yes. O. In what capacity ? A. I have been there as foreman. O. You were foreman before the city took possession ? A. I was ; yes, sir. O. Did you retain your position ? A. I did ; yes, sir. O. And Mr. Hall remains as superintendent ? A. Yes, sir. O. Have you had to do with the laying of the pipes and water mains ? A. I have had charge of laying the water mains and services. O. Beginning at what time ? A. Beginning — what do you mean ? O. When did you begin to have charge of the water mains and laying the services ? A. Well, I think it was somewhere about September or October, 1884. Q. 1884 ? A. Yes. Q. You have been in the service ever since ? 232 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. Yes, sir. O. Have you had occasion to replace some of the pipes laid ? A. I have not ; no, sir. O. Did you see any replaced ? A. Of the Ouincy Water Company's ? Q. Did you see any replaced for any cause ? A. Only for freeze-ups. O. Only for what ? A. Only for freeze-ups. O. State just what you mean by that? A. Well, there is one place where the city dug down a street and left the pipe exposed and it froze up in one very cold spell. O. Do you have occasion to expose any of the pipe that was put down as early as 1884 or since ? A. Yes, sir ; I have had occasion to expose it every day. O. Do you mean to say that none of the pipe that was put down during that time was taken up and replaced by other pipe ? A. No, sir, never. O. Did you notice anything about the pipes, rust or any corrosion ? (Objected to as leading. ) O. Did you notice anything about the pipes ? A. I had noticed it from the time I commenced to work on it, noticed it very closely. O. What had you noticed about it ? A. Well, I had noticed some places there had been a little rust, but never no rust to eat into the pipe. That rust would wipe off very easily and you could take a cold chisel and come right down to the Kalamein, I be- lieve they call it (I am not posted on these names of these things) but we always call it the Kalamein Pipe, or the Converse Lock Joint, that is the technical term we have for using amongst ourselves, I don't know whether it is correct or not. Q Whether in connection with the joints, where you noticed the rust or in connection with the joints particularly, did you notice any corrosion or rnst ? A. I never have noticed any corrosion to amount to anything that I should notice at all. Q. I will ask you whether you noticed any, and we will let the Com- missioners determine what it will amount to ; did you notice any? A. I can't say I have. O. In what parts of the pipe ? A. You can dig up the pipes in any part of the town, and in any place there will be rust in the dirt that lays next to the pipe ; and when you come to shovel the dirt off, the pipe will be as bright as it was the day it was put into the ground. Q. Did you notice any rust about the joints ? A. No, sir. These joints are cast-iron joints, and there is where you will see the rust, on the cast-iron, if any place. O. Did you notice any other difficulty with the pipe ? A. No, sir. THE QJJINCY CASE. 233 Q. Do you know anything about the patching of the pipe ? A. About the patching of the pipe ? Q. Yes ; do you know anything about patching the pipe or any part of it? A. I have patched one or two places, yes, sir. O. Where are those places ? A. I decline to answer that question. Q. Why do you decline to answer it? A. For my own benefit. O. What do you mean by that ? A. I mean I may want to use it some time. O. For what purpose ? A. That I refuse to answer. Q. When was the pipe patched ? A. I don't remember just the time. O. Did you call Mr. Hall's attention to that fact? A. I don't know as I did. O. Do you know whether you did or not ? A. I probably made a report ; I probably reported it on my daily report. O. Did you then state where it was ? A. I did. O. (By Mr. Goulding. ) Was the daily report in writing or a verbal report ? A. I have what they call a daily report from the foreman that they make out every day and pass into the office. O. ( By Mr. Cotter. ) A written report ? A. Yes, sir ; a written report. O. When was that report made ? A. I can't say as to that. O. Can't you give some idea of that ? Was it this month ? A. I don't believe I could. O. Was it within a month ? A. No, sir. Q. What year was it ? A. I don't think I could tell you what year it was. It was before the city took possession of the plant. O, What was the nature of the patching ? A. I don't know, but I should decline to answer that question. That is a matter of my own business, patching that pipe. O. Who did the patching ? A. I did it myself. Q. Under whose direction ? A. Under my own directions. Q. Who assisted you ? A. I don't know as I could tell you ; we have so many Italians to work there I don't know any of their names. O. Were they Italians who helped you ? A. Yes, sir. O. Nobody else ? A. No, sir. 234 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. Do you mean to say you can't tell the Commission who helped you ? A. I can't tell them who helped me, they may be in New York differ- ent times. O. Have you tried to ascertain ? A. I have not. O. Do you now try to refresh your recollection on that subject ? A. I do not. O. You do not try to refresh your recollection ? A. No, sir. It would be useless, because our men are mostly Italians ; go by numbers. Q. Do you not mean to say, Mr. Gleason, that you do not desire to tell us or give us any information on that subject ? Isn't that your position ? A. I do not — those questions I have declined to answer as a matter of my own business, that I got from my own experience, and I don't propose to give it to the public. O. What use do you propose to make of it ? A. I propose — they are all the capital I have to work upon. O. Capital ? A. Yes, sir ; I should consider them capital, as good as capital to me. O. For what use, for what purpose ? A. To make a living from. O. How is it capital to you ? A. As an expert workman. O. To make a living by ? A. Yes, sir. O. What income are you deriving from that capital ? A. I may derive some income in the years to come. O. Have you heretofore ? A. I have derived $3 a day, what rny salary has been, that is all. O. Are you willing to state the number of instances of patching ? A. I don't think I could ; perhaps two or three instances. O. When were you subpoenaed, when were you summoned to come here ? A. Dast night. O. Did you object to coming? A. No, sir ; not a bit. Q. What did you do with the money which was handed to you ? A. I threw it on the floor. O. Threw it down ? A. Yes, sir. Q. Whom did you consult before coming here ? A. I have consulted no one. Q. Have a conference with Mr. Hall ? A. I did not. O. Didn't talk with him about coming ? A. I talked with Mr. Hall this morning and told him J was coming. O. Did you have a conference with Dr. Gordon ? A. I haven't spoke to Dr. Gordon for more than a month. O. Since you were summoned, I mean ? A. I have not. THE QUINCY CASE. 235 J. Herbert Shedd, Sworn. O. (By Mr. Morse.) This includes new pipes from the reservoir down to the pumping station ? A. That does not include that. I added that in another estimate which I made of what I considered necessary to do to the works to put them into a first rate condition. O. Then the figures which you have given up to the present time do not include any allowance for putting in the larger pipe down to the pumping station ? A. It does not. O. What would that cost ? A. $24,192. That had not been done by the Company, therefore, I did not include it. O. (By Mr. Clifford.) The substitution of all this pipe which you consider necessary had not been done ? A. It had not been done, but because I was going to estimate the value of this water to the Company to sell and put a price to it, I thought the works with the present length of distribution pipes should be put into a proper condition to sell that water. O. (By Mr. Cotter.) Do you deem it necessary to put in such a pipe, an additional pipe ? A. I do consider it necessary to put a conduit line from the reservoir to the pumps. O. Why so ? A. Because the present pipe is not sufficient to supply the pipes under probable contingencies in the city. The city is not supplied by a reservoir system so as to have a storage of water to be used in case of fire. To run the pumps day and night would be rather an expensive thing, to run it as a direct supply system, and under those circumstances the reservoir is likely to be drawn pretty low when the pumps are not running, and the contin- gency of a fire under such circumstances, when the present leading main would not supply those pipes with fire service, would be inadequate, and you might wipe out in a few hours all it would cost to build the whole of the works. Q. Did you estimate the expense of such a line of pipe? A. Yes, I gave that. O. (Referring to a paper. ) Was that prepared by you ? A. It was prepared under my direction. O. Will you state what it is ? A. That is a statement of what it seems to me necessary to do in the distribution, giving each street by itself, with the lengths, in order to put the works into proper condition to furnish a fire supply to the present vil- lages, to the present territory now occupied by pipes for fire service. Q. You may state what ought to be done, in your opinion ? A. Certain of the small pipes should be removed and larger sizes and additional pipes should be added. O. In what streets ? A. Shall I read the names? Q. Yes, and give the lengths in each street, A. (The witness read the following. ) 236 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. SCHEDULE OF CHANGES PROPOSED TO OBTAIN AN EFFICIENT SYSTEM FOR FIRE SERVICE. Pipes to be Removed Pipes to be Added. Street. 2" Lengths. 4" Lengths. 6" Lengths. 6" Lengths. 8" Lengths. 10" Lengths. Hancock j 550 650 800 600 800 I.300 I50 1,500 800 1,000 350 700 750 400 400 350 650 Walnut 400 Myrtle 1 800 Chestnut ' 400 I50 Appleton , 1,500 Squantum 300 600 1,700 North j 350 Atlantic 700 350 400 Atlantic Avenue St. near R. R Old Colony 1.. I,IOO 1,500 Newbury Avenue .... 400 700 700 750 600 300 750 Birch Central Avenue 1,750 3,250 900 3,500 2,000 800 650 500 750 Highland 650 550 Newport Avenue Standish Avenue West Elm Kemper 6co 200 1,250 1,850 75o 700 Gould Franklin Wollaston Avenue.. . 450 300 1,600 Chester Hobart 550 1,000 450 550 500 1,000 1,100 55o 1,050 550 1,200 650 1,300 350 Fayette Safford 400 Taylor Lincoln Avenue Warren Avenue 650 Wiuthrop Avenue .... 1,300 Park 300 250 Summit Avenue I50 8,950 1,900 Copeland Q. What is the occasion of the changes proposed in that table ? A. It is to furnish to the various villages which are now supplied with water, suitable fire service. The cost of this is estimated as a separate item which has not been given to you at all. THE QU1NCY CASE. 237 SCHEDULE OF CHANGES PROPOSED TO OBTAIN AN EFFICIENT SYSTEM FOR FIRE SERVICE. Pipes to be Removed. Pipes to be Added. .Street. 2" Lengths. 4" Lengths. 6" Lengths. 6" Lengths. 8" Lengths. 10" Lengths. Hall Place 850 2,6oo 3,950 I,IOO 600 650 I,IOO 5°0 400 2,300 1,300 900 Common Square— Common .... No. i 900 650 650 500 400 No. 2 I, IOO Greenleaf Linden Court St. next Court Valley Coddington Faxon Place 900 Saville 500 700 700 Dimmock Alleyne 250 1,000 700 800 500 1,200 1,000 1,900 250 2,650 IJOO 650 2,350 Bracket Field Bracket Place Flm Place 500 Pond Newcomb Place I,00O South Walnut Bet. So. Wal. & Main Sumner 1,500 1,200 95o 2,100 2,500 South 6,800 Ouincy Avenue 1,600 Granite and Pleasant. 500 I.750 3,200 Payne President Avenue .... 1,750 1,200 600 1,700 700 700 500 300 1,000 High Curtis Avenue 300 Baxter Charles Washington Court . . . Maple Place 500 300 Summer 1,000 New Road 1,200 250 Water Elmwood 1,900 Foster 1,100 I,IOJ Harvard 800 Adams 900 1,300 500 I,6oo Bridge 700 Beal I,6oo O. At the time the city voted to purchase, in April, 1892, in your opinion was it necessary to make the changes described and indicated in this schedule ? A. I think it was necessary in order to give a suitable fire service ; and I have called a suitable fire service a general country service ; not a high city service. 288 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. What do you mean by that ? A. Well, a stream that will rise 70 feet above the ground and discharge about 200 gallons a minute ; and that there should be in all cases at least an ability to play two streams, and in a good many places an ability to play four streams, and in the middle of the city au ability to play eight streams, and that is indicated upon the maps which I have here, where the two streams, four streams and eight streams are ; in one or two places I thought that six streams would be sufficient. (The schedule above referred to was marked Exhibit 81. — G. C. B.) O. This is a schedule of pipes to be removed and laid ? A. That might be fairly called extensions ; work to be done between now and 1910. O. (Referring to certain maps.) Were these maps prepared under your direction ? A. They were. O. Was this map prepared by you ? A. Under my direction, and on the plans are the streets and sizes of pipe as I have given them to you in that table. Mr. Cotter : " Ouincy Water Works. Proposed addition to Distribution system to secure efficient fire service. July, 1893." The Witness : The map shows additions and changes, and shows what the works will be after the changes are made. Mr. Cotter : We will offer that as Exhibit 82. (Map marked Exhibit 82.— G. C. B.) Adjourned to Wednesday, July 12, at 9.30 A. M. Boston, July 12, 1893. Percy M. Blake, Sworn. 77;,? Witness : This is the estimate of the cost of the work, using the quantities paid for under the McClallan contract of 18S3, using the cost of iron pipes and the prices which prevailed in that year for materials of that kind. This is the detail of the first estimate of $ 160,000. Mr. Cotter : You may proceed. The Witness : Read this in detail, shall I ? Mr. Cotter: Yes. The Witness : The first estimate is that of the piping furnished under the McClallan contract : 2,673 't- 20-inch pipe, 200 lbs. per ft 534,600 lbs. 5,410 " 16-inch " 130 " " 703,300 " 9,367 " 12-inch " S5 " " 796,195 " 6,879 " 10-inch " 65 " " 447,135 " 14,656" 8-inch " 45 " " 659,520 " 994" 7-inch " 38 " " 37, 772 " 2 °,576 " 6-inch " 30 " " 617,280 " 948 " 5-inch " 26 " " 24,648 " 48,587 " 4-inch " 20 " " • 971,740 " Total length of pipe, 110,090 ft. Total weight of the iron 4,792,190 lbs. THE QUINCY CASE. 239 which is equal to 2,139 tons, with an allowance for waste, etc., making the total amount, as I call it, 2,145 tons at $34 per ton delivered in Ouincy, mak- ing a total of 172,930 for cast-iron pipes. Then there are 40 tons of special castings at $66 per ton, making $2,640 ; which added to the amount of the cost of the pipe makes $75,570.00. The cost of laying these pipes is : 2,673 ft- °f 20-inch at 80 cts. per foot $2,138 40 " 3,246 00 " 4,215 15 " 2 , 75 1 60 " 5,129 60 " 328 02 " 6,172 80 " 255 96 " 12,146 75 5,410 ' 16 " 60 " 9,367 " 12 " 45 " 6,879 ' 10 " 40 " 14,656 ' 8 " 35 " 994 ' 7 " 33 " 20,576 ' 6 " 30 " 948 ' 5 " 27 " 48,587 ' 4 " 25 " Making a total cost for laying $36,384 28 To that amount I have added for rock excavation in the streets through which pipes were laid in 1883-4 7, 500 00 Then the three items of the cost of laying the pipes, of this rock excavation, and the cost of the iron pipes and special cast- ings together aggregate 1 19,454 78 Then to that I have added valves and hydrants, with cast-iron boxes, set in the street on the mains : 20-inch gates, at $125 each 72 " 4 20- 6 16 17 12 5 10 25 8 1 7 20 6 84 4 42 33 26 $ 500 00 432 00 714 00 165 00 650 00 23 00 380 00 1,092 00 19 •■•■ 13 " Making the total cost of the gates or valves $3,956 00 Then there were 70 hydrants of the ordinary pattern set at $35 each $2,450 00 14 hydrants, with an additional outlet, at $38 532 00 And 1 large hydrant 44 00 Making the cost of the Itydrants §3,026 00 Total cost of valves and hydrants 6,982 00 Which, added to $119,454.78, makes a total cost, including rock excavation of all the piping, valves and hydrants on the mains laid in 1S83-4 $126,436 28 That is the principal item in the estimate. The pumping station — that is, the building and the sheds. . . . $10,500 00 The pumping machinery, boilers and foundations for the same. 19,000 00 The pipe connections, valves, drains, etc., in and about the pumping station 2,100 00 External grading and finishing around the pumping station. . . 600 00 That makes a total for the pumping station and plant of $32,200 00 240 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The next item is the well, which I call Well No. i, constructed under the McClellan contract, 30 ft. by 27 $4,500 00 And the filter gallery, which was abandoned 1,500 00 Q. (By Mr. Morse.) When was that abandoned, Mr. Blake, do you know? A. Before it was used I was told : The standpipe with its foundations and connections $9,000 00 That makes a sum total thus far of $173,636 28 Now, I have added to that the land purchased for the pumping station 5, 000 00 And for the standpipe lot, some 30,000 feet 800 00 Then I have also allowed for the 370 service pipes which were laid during this period of construction, the work ending in 1884, 370 service pipes, assuming them to cost $10 each. . . . 3,700 00 These were the pipes laid during the year 1884. Then I have allowed for engineering and superintendence and incidentals up to and including the year 1884 8,000 00 Making a total of $*9i> 136 20 There is deducted next from this amount the cost of the filter gallery which was abandoned 1,500 00 Making a total of. $190,636 20 Then I have allowed a constant depreciation of 2 per cent. annually for the 8 years from 18S4 to 1892, 16 per cent. ; this amounts to 30,501 79 Deducting that from the amount given before it, makes the present value of the work done under the McClellan con- tract of 1883-4 $160,134 41 The next item which I have is the one amounting to $59,000. O. (By Mr. Clifford.) One moment. You gave the grand total as $191,136.28, and then you subtracted $1,500 ? A. Yes, sir. I see the typewriter has made a mistake of 8 cents. O. No, but the thousands. If you have 191,136 and deduct 1,500, it don't give 190,636. O. (By Mr. Morse.) It should be 189,000, should it not ? A. It is a mistake probably in the typewriting ; it should be 189,000. Mr. Clifford : That would change the 160 to 159. The Witness : It was so in the original, 159,134.41. Pipes Laid Since 1884. The next estimate is that of the cost of pipes laid since 1884 : 172 ft. of 16-inch at 130 lbs. per ft 22,360 lbs. 355 " "12 " " 85 " " 30,175 " 3,384" " 8 " " 45 " « 152,280 " 21,462 " " 6 " " 30 " " 643,860 " 16,102 " " 4 " " 20 " " 322,040 " 26,846 " " 2 " wrought-iron pipe. That is estimated at 33 cts. per foot laid complete. Making a total of 68,321 ft. in length, and in weight 1,170,715 lbs. THE QUINCY CASE. 241 Kqual to 523 tons, calling it 525 tons, at $32, which was the average price prevailing since 1884 of iron, would amount to $i6,Soo 00 11 tons special castings, at $56 616 00 Making the total cost of pipes and castings $17,416 00 And the cost of laying these pipes is as follows : 172 ft. of 16-inch at 50 cts. per ft $86 00 355 " " 12 " " 40 " " 142 00 3,384 " " 8 " " 30 " " . 1,015 20 21,462 " " 6 " " 25 " " 5,365 50 16,102 " " 4 " " 20 " " 3,220 40 26,846 " " 2 " wrought-iron at 33 cts 8,859 18 Making a total of $i8,6S8 28 I have added to that for rock excavation $2,500 00 And those three items of the cost of laying the pipe, rock exca- vation and the cost of the materials aggregate 38,604 28 Then there are set with cast-iron boxes : 5 8-inch gates, at $26 each $130 00 446 " " 19 " 83600 44 4 " " 13 " 57200 And 93 2 inch valves, at $6 558 00 Making the cost of the gates or valves " $2,096 00 36 hydrants, at $35 1 , 260 00 Then I have added 1,065 service pipes, which was the balance of the service pipes laid up to 1892, at $10 each 10,850 00 And the cost of the second well, abandoned 5, 000 00 And the cost of the 12-inch conduit line from the dam to the pumping st ation 9,890,00 That brings us to a total of $67, 700 28 I have added to that for superintendence and incidentals 2,000 00 That makes a footing of $69,700 28 I deduct the cost of the abandoned well 5, 000 00 Which makes another total of $64,700 28 Then I deduct for depreciation, at the same rate as named before, 2 per cent, annually for four years, or half the time 5,176 02 Making the present value of the work done since 1884, not in- cluding the Braintree dam and reservoir $59,524 26 Going back to the correct amount of 159, 134 41 I add this 59,524 26 Which gives us a total of. $218,658 67 I add to that the cost of the Braintree dam and reservoir 68,539 5 2 Which gives us a total of $287, 198 19 The next estimate is one showing the cost of construction of entirely new works in 1892, using the same quantities and the same capacities, same 242 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. dimensions right through which we find in the works as they now exist. Shall I read this in detail ? Mr. Cotter : You may. The Witness : I think I can give these aggregates without going through this whole list. 2,672 feet of 20-inch pipe. Afr. Goulding : This is cast-iron pipe ? The Witness : This is cast-iron. All these estimates are based upon cast-iron. 9,722 feet of 12-inch pipe. 6,875 feet of 10-inch pipe. 18,040 feet of 8-inch pipe. 904 feet of 7-inch pipe. 42,038 feet of 6-inch pipe. 94S feet of 5-i 64,689 feet of 4-i 26,846 feet of 2-inch pipe. (The latter wrought-iron, galvanized or coated.) The total weight of the cast-iron pipe is 2,662 tons. The weights per foot are the same as those used in the previous estimate. I have allowed for waste enough to make a total amount of — 2,670 tons at $27 50, delivered in Ouincy $73,425 00 51 tons of special castings at $54 per ton 2,754 °° The cost of laying these pipes is 49, 177 59 To which I have added for rock excavation the same amount as before 10,000 00 nch pipe, nch pipe. And the three items of laying, rock excavation and cost of materials aggregate $135,356 59 The number of gates included in the estimate are the same as those quoted in the other two estimates. Q. {By Mr. Goulding.) How much was that rock? A. $10,000, the same amount as allowed in the other two estimates. Q. I thought it was $7,500 before. A. In one, and $2,500 in the other. The gates are the same in number, and the hydrants are 121 in number. The gates and hydrants together cost $10,287 00 Making the cost of the piping, including valves and hydrants and the rock excavation, quantities being the same as in l8 92 $145,543 59 The pumping station, building and sheds, same as before $10,500 00 The pumping machinery, boilers and foundations for same 19,000 00 The pipe connections, valves, drains, etc., in and about the pumping station 2, 100 00 Grading and other finishings externally 600 00 The pumping plant then stands at 32,200 00 which is the sum of the items just quoted. THE QUINCY CASE. 243 Well No. i 4,500 00 Well No. 2, with its connections (abandoned) 5, 000 00 The filter gallery (abandoned) 1,500 00 The standpipe, foundations and connections 9,000 00 Making a further amount of 20,000 00 to be added to the aggregate. Then 1,455 service pipes at $10 00 14,550 00 The dam and reservoir as before 68,539 52 The 12" conduit line from the dam to the pumping station 9,890 00 Making a total of $290,823 1 1 I have added to that for engineering and contingencies 10,000 00 Making a total of. $300,823 1 1 I have deducted from that the cost of the abandoned well and filter gallery 6, 500 00 Making the net cost $294,323 n Those are the estimates which I first quoted. Q. {By Mr. Cotter.') Did you give attention to the piping system and the quality of the pipes used ? A. Yes, sir; I examined that. Q. What have you to say on that subject ? A. I find the piping to consist of a kind which is open to much doubt as to its durability. Q. Why so ? What knowledge have you of that pipe ? What attention have you given it ? A. I first became acquainted with these pipes in 1883. These pipes were offered — if this is competent — I should begin, perhaps, in this way : in 1883 I was constructing engineer of the Wakefield Water Works, works be- ing built to supply the Towns of Wakefield and Stoneham with water, and specifications were prepared and bids were invited for the distribution piping for those works. The specifications were such that any kind of material could be offered. Mr. Cyrus Wakefield was President of the Water Com- pany. Bids were received at my office there from a number of parties for several kinds of piping. We had cast-iron pipes from the different manu- facturers ; we had wooden pipes offered us from Michigan ; we had three kinds of cement lined pipes offered us, and as another choice we had metal- lically protected pipes offered. They at that time were not called Kalamein pipes, but they were supposed to have been tin coated. Mr. Goulding : I do not see how this is quite competent. O. Your study of this pipe — if you will confine yourself to that and state only what has a bearing on this pipe. State what opportunities you have had to study this pipe and what you know about it ? A. I was instructed to examine into the value of the materials offered. That included an examination into the merits of this pipe. Q. You may state what examination you made and the result of your examination ? A. I was inclined favorably to look into it, for the reason that it was offered us a little less than cast-iron that year. Samples were sent to my office, and they were the usual samples, samples in the usual form, highly 244 FACTS ABOUT PiPE. polished and coated ; and a scraping of these samples showed that there were two coatings upon the pipe. I made no further examination of the pipes at that time than to remove the several coatings from the pipe and make a measurement, so far as I could, of the thickness of those coatings and the elements of which they were made or the constituents of those coatings. The pipes were thrown out of consideration and were left, I think, in the pumping station yard ; at any rate, they were thrown away and I never saw them but once afterwards, and when I did the pipes were covered completely with rust ; they had been lying out on the grass, and the conclusion which I formed then was that in rejecting those pipes we were justified by the results which we observed four or five weeks after we had received them and thrown them out in that way. That was the first experience I had with them. Then, in 1888, in constructing the water works for the City of Dover, N. H., we had occasion to replace, or rather to run across, and we did replace in some cases, some old pipes, pipes of old water companies which had been surren- dered to the city and came into our possession. In replacing those pipes and running across the pipes of the old companies, we found some compara- tively new pipe, which, as far as we could learn, had been laid about four years. That would have been in 1884 or 1885, possibly. Those pipes were of this kind, and when taken out were full of incrustations, and the structure of the pipes — the effect of the rolling, which is visible in all wrought-iron, seamless or tubular pipes, or pipes made in that way — were so marked that striations or rustings had worked in parallel lines, parallel to the axis of the pipes, and it appeared that with a little internal pressure the pipes might be split open like a pea-pod. I endeavored to learn the history of those partic- ular pipes, but there was no responsibility attached to anybody at that time and we never could trace them nor trace their connection, but they were pipes which bore every evidence of being pipes of this description, and I think were furnished from the Boston office of the tube works. O. Did you have any further experience ? Did you notice the pipes at Quincy ? Did you have any further experience with them ? A. I came across these same pipes again in another instance before I examiued them in Ouincy. That was in the town of Ware, and it was simply an incidental examination. I was visiting the pumping station of the Ware Water Works O. Ware, Massachusetts ? A. Ware, Massachusetts ; and I learned that the town four or five years before had put in a line of pipe of this kind and they had been aband- oned when the new works were built. Portions of the pipe were lying at the pumping station. As I remember, I found one piece leaded into a com- mon cast-iron bell, which was evidently done for the purpose of connecting it with a cast-iron section, and that pipe was to all appearances in the same condition that any plain, unprotected, wrought iron pipe would be in. Q. What was that ? Describe the condition ? A. Well, it was rusted entirely on the outside ; rusted with lines of cor- rosion running parallel to the pipe. O. Did you examine the pipe at Ouincy — give any attention to that ? A. I have seen the pipes — a few pieces of the pipes there. I have examined the samples which have been brought in here, and I have seen the pipes in five or six places in the streets of Quincy. THE QUINCY CASE. 245 O. From your examination and knowledge of the pipe, what do you say as to the practicability of using it ? A. It is my opinion that there are so many uncertainties connected with the durability of that pipe that it would not be prudent for an engineer to use it. O. Now, I will ask you to describe the piping system. That would involve the size of the pipe, and whether the piping system as a whole is suitable. A. I find that 15$ of the total mileage of the pipes in Quincy are 2" pipes, which is a size altogether too small to furnish water for any purpose other than that for a limited domestic use. I find further that some 35 or 36$ additional consists of 4" pipes. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) How much? A. About 36 per cent, in the total mileage consists of 4-inch pipes and those pipes are competent to furnish water for all ordinary domestic pur- poses, but entirely incompetent to furnish a proper supply for fire protection in thickly settled or moderately settled territory. It is impossible to obtain from a 4-inch pipe, unless the head is very extreme, more than one compe- tent fire stream. Q. {By Judge Bennett. ) The percentage of 2-inch pipe was 15 ? A. 15 ; yes, sir, and 4-inch, 36, making 51 per cent., or a little more than half. I find that this pipe is so arranged that three of the most im- portant sections of the town are practically without adequate fire protection, and the sections I refer to are, first, the Wollaston section, which takes all of its water through an 8-inch main ; West Ouincy, which is the crookedest part of the town so far as the streets go, and the difficulty of extinguishing fires is concerned, is also without what I should term even an ordinary fire protection, by reason of the fact that it receives all its water through an 8- inch main ; that the easterly section, or Ouincy Point, is also dependent upon 8-inch main for all of its water. These are the conditions which pre- vailed in 1S92. If pipes have been laid since, they perhaps affect that criticism ; but I take the plan as I find it in 1892, as I found it at the time I made my examination O. In regard to the 2-inch pipe and the 4-inch pipe what do you say as to the advisability of using it for fire or domestic purposes ? A. The 2-inch pipe, so long as it remains free from incrustation and corrosion inside will supply a limited number of houses or buildings with water for domestic purposes ; it will not furnish pressure enough for ele- vator service nor pressure enough for ordinary lawn sprinkling. The 2-inch pipe used is of a kind whose life is limited to 10 years or to 12 years at the outside ; it is a class of material which corrodes very rapidly on the inside and is of so small diameter that very little corrosion affects its discharge ex- ceedingly, so much indeed that with a length of 1,000 feet it would be practically impossible to get much of a stream ; I doubt whether through the 2-inch pipe, 1,000 feet, water enough would be delivered to throw a stream 40 feet after the corrosion had begun. The 4-inch pipes are much too small in their capacity for hydrant service and wherever 4-inch pipes exist or are laid there is not a hydrant on those that will furnish two streams of water. There is not a section in Ouincy furnished with 4-inch pipes which will furnish two fire streams or more than two fire streams at the moderate 246 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. height of 60 or 70 feet ; beyond, on Wollaston Hill, which is very elevated, it is impossible to throw water to the ridge poles of ordinary houses. Q. From the 4-inch pipes ? A. From the 4-inch pipes. Q. Now, in replacing some of this, you said you replaced it with cast- iron pipe? A. I should certainly do so, if it were at my option. Q. Why so ? A. Because cast-iron pipe is regarded as the standard material. I should increase the size, use cast-iron pipe made specially for the purpose, and carefully inspected before accepted. Q. Is the expense of cast-iron greater or less ? A. Than what? O. Than the Kalemein pipe ? A. To-day it is less than the Kalameiu pipe. Q. How was it in 1892 ? A. Yes, I think the cast-iron pipe was much less in 1892. Q. Is there anything further you desire to say in reference to the pipes ? A. Unless a comment upon the leading main from the Braintree reser- voir is in order. Q. Yes. A. That is in one sense a pipe, although no water is drawn from it by water takers, but that leading main is the main artery of the Ouincy water supply. Q. That is from A. From the reservoir to the pumping station. Practically all the water which is supplied to Ouincy now comes through that pipe. The capacity of the well is so small that on many occasions the water is not drawn from that at all. This pipe is large enough to deliver only the amount of water which the pumping engine will take away when run at a very moderate rate of speed. While the pumping engine can be arranged to exert a vacuum to increase the head or increase the delivery, still when that is done the engine becomes almost uncontrollable, and a very objection- able class of machinery. In this case the capacity of the 12-inch main limits the capacity of the entire system of supply there, for I do not take the storage capacity into but very little account when it comes to meeting the strain of maximum demands, which are liable to arise, and which do arise, as the records show. This pipe is laid in a peculiar way. It is not a grade conduit, as I infer from going over the ground, unless appearances are extremely deceitful, and it terminates in such a way at the pumping station that a good deal of the vis inertice of the water before it reaches the pump- ing station is lost. There are a great many things that make it awkward to operate that pipe. The connections at the other end are also somewhat awkward, so that the pipe, even small as it is, is not arranged to do what it would if laid properly. It is far too small, and is not capable of being made any more serviceable except at the expense of the action of the pumping engine, and that only to a limited degree. Q. What would you recommend in place of that ? A. There should be, of course, a duplicate main laid. I have not made an estimate of the cost of doing that, but a main which would deliver THE QUINCY CASE. 247 twice as much as the maximum demand would ever amount to, estimating that to be the storage capacity below the pumping station, would be the smallest size it would be proper to use. A main 20 inches in diameter would be a proper and suitable size. I have not estimated the cost of that main, because that would not increase the capacity of the source — the primary source — although it would help out the pumping machinery and increase the delivering capacity of the mechanical part of the system. It would add nothing to the income of the plant. Now, the pumping station — shall I go on? Cross-Examination. O. Can you tell what you said ? A. Yes, I think 1 criticised the size of the pipe. O. I mean as to material ? A. I think further that I compared that particular pipe with standard cast-iron. I have no doubt I said it was first-rate wrought-iron pipe. It is as good as can be bought, and I have no doubt I had that in view when I said that. O. Have you made any special investigation as to that pipe since that hearing ? A. I have ; yes, sir ; I have investigated the record of that pipe throughout the country at large since that hearing. O. Have you made any examination of the pipe ? A. I have ; yes, sir. O. Have ? A. Yes, sir. O. Since that hearing ? A. Yes, sir. Q. Where ? A. Ouincy, on the 3d of April, 1893. O. This last April ? A. Yes. Q. What examination did you make of the pipe in 1893 in April ? A. Well, I found the pipe exposed ; it was exposed at my request at five or six different places. I examined it in detail ; got down in the trench and scraped it. O. Have you given any description in your direct examination of this examination ? A. Nothing more than a reference to it. O. I mean in your direct examination this morning? A. Nothing more than a reference to it ; I have no description of it ; I referred to it. Q. You haven't described what you found ? A. No, sir ; I am ready to, though. Q. You have described two or three instances where you have seen some wrought-iron pipe and given a description of what you saw. One was at Wakefield. When was that ? A. In 1883. Q. How long a piece of pipe was that ? A. I think the samples were about 8 or 10 inches long. 248 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Q. How large was the pipe ? A. I think they had five or six samples which ran from 4 to 10 inches. O. How many samples of wronght-iron pipe did you have at Wake- field ? A. I don't know ; not less than four ; I should say not less than four or more than six. O. Was that pipe made by the National Tube Works Company ? A. Yes. O, You think there were from four to six specimens ? A. Yes, sir. Q. You have described what you did with them, then you threw them out in the grass ? A. Yes. Q. Did you examine them after you had thrown them out in the grass ? A. Yes. O. What examination did you make ? A. Simply rolled them over with my foot and noticed they were cov- ered with rust. O. Noticed they were covered with rust ? A. Yes. Q. Did you examine the rust to see what it was that was on the pipe r A. I think not particularly in that case. O. You then spoke about some pipe which you saw at Dover, New Hampshire ? A. Yes. O. When was that ? A. That was in about midsummer in 1888. O. Do you know of your own knowledge who made that pipe you saw in Dover ? A. No, I do not. O. Do you know anything as to how it was made except that it was wrought-iron ? A. Well, it was some such pipe, and it had a coating ; it appeared different from the ordinary wrought-iron pipe, though what attracted my attention to it was the quality of coating on it. O. What the coating was, you did not know ? A. I did not. Q. And others did not know ? A. No, except it was black and smooth in places. O. Black and smooth coating ? A. Yes. O. How much of the pipe did you see ? A. Well, we crossed it with our trenches, not over 15, 18 or 20 feet in all was uncovered. Q. Did you take the pipe out ? A. Yes, the pieces were cut and taken up ; we cut a piece out, passed it with our new pipe and laid it on the bank. Q. Did you take it out for the purpose of examination ? A. No ; because it was in the way. Q. Did you make any examination ? THE QUINCY CASE. 249 A. I did ; yes, sir. Q. With a view to determining its quality ? A. With a view to determining its condition rather, yes. O. You make a distinction between its condition and quality ? A. Yes, I want to know the condition first, then I can tell the quality. Q. What did you find its condition to be ? A. Well, badly rusted on the outside and covered with tubercles on the inside. O. Where did you make that examination ? A. Right in the trench. O. What became of it ? A. I don't know ; it was carted off with the other refuse. Q. How long were you inspecting its condition ? A. That particular piece ? O. Yes, if you have a particular piece in mind. A. Well, perhaps three minutes. O. Three minutes' inspection. Did you inspect any other piece ? A. This second piece. These pieces were in two different locations. O. How long after you inspected the first did you inspect the second piece? A. Ten minutes. O. How long did you devote to that ? A. Two or three minutes. Q. Was it carried off with the rest ? A. I suppose so ; yes, sir. O. Did you make any other inspection ? A. Of that piece ? I made two inspections only. One of each piece. Q. Then you made no further inspection? A. No, sir. O. And you have given the inspection ? You didn't know who made that pipe, where it came from, except that it was wrought-iron pipe, with a black and smooth coating? A. Yes, and a tin covering under it — a bright covering under it. O. Bright covering under it ? A. Yes. O. You saw that yourself? A. Yes. Q. A bright covering and a black covering all over this pipe ? A. No. Where I didn't discover rust I discovered the covering, but rust had taken it off. Q. How many places did you examine on this pipe to see whether there was a bright covering under the black covering in those two minutes or three minutes ? A. I will tell you what I did, and you can judge. I took my knife and scraped it back and forth in two or three places, perhaps ten or twelve inches long — scraped it to get down to the metal. Q. Anybody with you when you did that ? A. Yes ; I think the superintendent of the works. Q. Was he an expert in the matter ? 250 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. Not the superintendent, but I should say foreman — contracter. Yes, he had experience, and he has handled a great deal of pipe. O. He was there ? A. Yes. Q. What is his name ? A. Doherty, I think. Q. Where is Doherty now ? A. In State Prison. Q. I thought so. The third specimen was at Ware, Mass.? A. Yes. O. When was that examination ? A. Well, I think in 1891 — '90 or '91. Q. Do you know of your own knowledge who made that pipe that you saw at Ware ? A. I do not ; no, sir. Q. Whereabouts exactly did you see it ? A. It was on the pumping station grounds somewhere with a lot of other pipes, O. In the ground ? A. No, lying in a heap. O. How much of this wrought-iron pipe was there there ? A. Well, I think this was a short piece stuck into a cast-iron sleeve. It attracted my attention because it looked like an odd thing they had pulled up somewhere. It might have been a foot long. Q. You found a piece of wrought-iron pipe in a cast-iron sleeve ? A. Yes. Q. You say it was welded in ? A. No ; leaded in. This was after it had been taken out. O. Where it came from, who made it, what it was designed for, you didn't know ? A. I understood it came from a main which the town had laid to furnish water to its fire engines before the water works were built, a sort of a leading main or suction main. Q. This was on a junk heap ? A. Yes; part of the pipe was bad, and it was not all junk ; it was a scrap heap. Q. How long did you inspect it ? A. Enough to turn it over and look at it. O. How much time did you devote to it ? A. Perhaps 30 seconds. O. Did you cut into it ? A. No, sir. Q. That was the Ware inspection ? A. That was Ware, yes — an accidental inspection. Q. As far as any inspection of the pipe is concerned, these three in- stances together with what you say you saw at Quincy in April constitute your experience in the matter, don't they, as far as any actual inspection of pipe is concerned ? A. Except what little I have done in my office. I have some samples in my office which I scrape occasionally to see if they are right. THE QUINCY CASE. 251 Q. How often do you scrape those ? A. When I happen to think of it. One I use for a paper weight, and it is pretty well scraped. I do not attach much importance to that. O. The scraping in your office you do not attach much importance to ? A. No, sir. Re-Direct Examination. Q. ( By Mr. Cotter. ) Do you know of any other company or concern manufacturing or furnishing this Kalamein pipe other than the National Tube Works ? A. I do not ; no, sir. Afternoon Session. J. Herbert Shedd, Resumed. Q. (By Mr. Cotter.) One question which I understand was forgotten or omitted, and Mr. Goulding says this may be as convenient time as any to put it. I did not ask you in regard to the pipes, I am so informed, of the distribution system, the pipes which you found in Ouincy. A. The quality of the pipes? Q. Yes, the quality of the pipes, and your opinion of them. Is the pipe suitable for the system, this Kalamein pipe ? I should like to have you state your views in regard to that pipe. A. I am not very familiar with that pipe. I have seen it laid some- what. It was laid in Wilkesbarre, Penn., where I saw it. But I regard it as a suspicious pipe. If the coating could be insured to be complete, I suppose it would be a good pipe, but wrought-iron pipe unprotected would be entirely unfit, and the question would be solely upon the character of the protection. What I have seen of the pipe leads me to suppose — I have seen pipes that the coating had disappeared in small areas from, from the surface, and it is liable to do so, I think, for a considerable extent. So far as the coating disappears, then the wrought-iron is liable to be attacked very rapidly, more rapidly in certain cases than in others. Certain kinds of water will have a much more rapid effect in destroying wrought-iron pipe than other waters. I have known wrought-iron pipe put in new, where moderately warm water was used through it, to be entirely destroyed within a year. On the other hand I have known it to last several years without protection. This, it seems to me, is liable to fail — last for quite a little time, and then perhaps fail. Q. Is it a pipe that you would recommend? A. From my present knowledge it is not a pipe that I would use. Cross-ExaminaTion. Q. (By Mr. Goulding.) Do you undertake to say that you know that there is no process of coating wrought-iron pipe so that it will be as good as cast-iron pipe ? A. I don't know that I got your question. If it is whether I do know of a process of coating so that it will be as good as cast-iron pipe, I will say I don't know. 252 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. O. I did not ask you that question. A. Then I misunderstood. O. I don't want you to tell what you don't know. I ask you if you say that you know that there is no process of coating wrought-iron pipe so that it shall be as safe and as good in every respect as cast-iron pipe? A. I will say that I do not know that that is so. O. Do you know anything about the process used by the National Tube Works in coating this pipe ? A. Not by personal investigation. O. You have never seen it done ? A. Not at the works. I have seen the pipes made at the works, and Mr. — not Coolidge, but the man who used to be a dry goods dealer here, who was manager, explained to me how it was done. O. {By Mr. Cotter.) Mr. Converse, was it? A. Mr. Converse. O. {By Mr. Goulding.) Where was it where you say you saw a pipe where the coating had disappeared in small areas ? A. One of your specimens that you brought here showed tubercles on the inside of the pipe. O. Whereabouts ? A. One of the 4-inch pipes that you brought in here. Tubercles were shown. O. Where did you see it — since this hearing began ? A. Yes ; in the other room. O. Do you know which specimen it was ? A. It was one that was 4-inch in diameter ; that is the one. Then there were some at the yards which showed in a small way. Q. When did you see that in the yard ? A. This last fall ; in the yard in Ouincy. O. Do you remember any particular piece that you can describe ? A. No, I don't think 1 could describe any particular piece. O. How large an area was it in which the coating had disappeared ? A. Oh, the areas were not large ; as I remember, from half an inch to an inch in diameter. O. Could you tell what had caused it to disappear ? A. No, I could only tell that the building up of tubercles there was the same as would be built upon uncovered pipe. Q. The building up of tubercles ? A. On the surface of the pipe. Q. Well, I don't know but that answers indirectly my inquiry. Could you tell what the cause was of the removal of that small area of coating? A. I have an opinion about it, but I don't know that I know what caused it. O. Half an inch in diameter, did you say ? A. The smallest I should say might be a half inch in diameter. Q. What is the largest ? A. About an inch ; perhaps several of them. O. How many areas did you see of an inch in diameter ? A. Well, not many ; a few ; perhaps three or four. THE QUINCY CASE. 253 Judge Bennett : Was the sample in court that he referred to ? Mr. Goulding : No, sir ; I have not seen it yet myself. The Witness : In that particular sample the areas, I think, were rather small. They might have been about half an inch. O. That is, the one that was in court ? A. Yes, the 4-inch. I think there was in that pipe — as I remember it now, I should think there might have been three or four spots in that pipe. O. In the inside ? A. On the outside. O. How near to the ends ? A. Well, one of them, perhaps, within a few inches of the end, and the others farther in. I should saj- the pipe was two feet long ; perhaps a little more. I don't remember that there was another 4-inch sample that you brought in. July 18, 1883. Closing Argument of Hon. George D. Robinson. May it please the Commissioners : Prior to April 30, 1892, the City of Quincy owned no. property of the character we are to consider ; on that date the city became the holder and the owners of a large amount of property of considerable value. Then we come to the question of the pipes iu general. There is a pipe system, it has been laid now, largely, nine years, been put under pressure, used for fire service, and it has a record already made in these ten years. The company not only investigated the matter at the outset, as is told us in the evidence of gentlemen who are compentent, such men as Mr Gray, Mr. Allen, Mr. Hall and Mr. Taylor— I think they all went to McKeesport to examine the manufacture of the pipe, and they came here and told you all about it, and we have brought here not only their testimony, but that of those who manufacture the pipe to tell you all about its introduction in dif- ferent parts of the country, the use which has been made of it, the purposes it has been used for ; and if there is any weakness that is disclosed beyond that of the merest suspicion founded on nothing, I must say that I have yet to hear it. One thing is certain, that it has a complete record and stands well to this hour. Another thing is certain, that if there were any defici- encies, any imperfections or anything serious the matter with that pipe, this city has had over a year to find it out and to report it to you. Have they shown you anything ? Samples have been brought here, and when subjected to examination and test, they failed utterly to discredit the pipe. They al- lude darkly to what Mr. Gleason, a witness whom they brought here and who is now in the employ of the city, might say if he wanted to, but Mr. Gleason said he had nothing to say. I hope there is no assumption that the Water Company have anything to do with Mr. Gleason. Then there is an- other point that is worthy of great attention, and that is that in this alloy which is used to coat this pipe, there is certainly nothing deleterious to public health. If the searching analysis of a chemist would have disclosed anything about that pipe indicating poison or danger to the human system, 254 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. this city, with all its alertness and vigor, would have produced it before you. So that we have a pipe there which is put in, put in all said, at more cost than cast-iron now, of greater value, have had an experience there of nine years, and in other parts of the country tested and proved by the test of use, we have a pipe here against which nothing whatever can be said except that these eminent gentlemen don't know about it. It is not used here, but a man as frank as Mr. Gray says, ' ' I am satisfied from my examination of it that it ought to be used, and I purpose to use it." My friend who made the argu- ment in favor of the city, said that this pipe was called Kalamein pipe be- cause a Greek word was in it. It was so long ago I learned anything about Greek it has passed out of my mind, but I believe it comes from the Greek word kelos, which means beautiful, and I am under great obligation to my most excellent friend in this case for supplying the root of the word. "Beautiful," says my brother Morse; " durable," says brother Gouldiug. And it does come — I recall it now, and so will my friend, from the other Greek word that means to remain and to endure. So that the word is well chosen, as its history shows ; it is beautiful to look at, it is as durable as the granite of Quincy. Mr. Morse : It is capital, it was well chosen to advertise the pipe. Mr. Robinson : And the preamble is abundantly sustained by what fol. lows ; it not only promises good work in its youth, but in the vortex of mis- representation it is brighter, better, more beautiful, more permanent, and long after we are defunct the people of Quincy will bless somebody for put- ting it in there. * * * Now, there is depreciation, and these estimates also vary by the differ- ent gentlemen in different amounts. Some of them would discard the whole of the 2-inch pipe ; some others would discard as well all the 4-inch pipe. But the 2-inch pipe will pay for itself before it will be necessary to remove it. As the fire part of the system, the 4-inch pipe is not disapproved by the city, because it has repeated it. The value for putting in the work as in contemplation, the cast-iron pipe ; and Mr. Howland says that that would cost 126,234.13 less in 1892 than the Kalamein pipe. Now, that is an item to be considered, because the Kalamein pipe is there, without any dis- credit upon it, and the company justly claims what belongs to them. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, \ Norfolk ss. Supreme Judicial Court. \ City of Quincy Ptr. \ vs. > Quincy Water Company. ) Award of Commissioners. We, the undersigned Commissioners appointed by this Honorable Court in the above-entitled cause, to determine the compensation to be paid by the said City of Quincy to the said Quincy Water Company, for the franchise, corporate property and all the rights and privileges of said corporation, as by the warrant of this Honorable Court, herewith returned will appear have met and viewed the premises, and heard the parties and their counsel and THE QUINCY CASE. 255 witnesses, on sundry days between December 3, 1892, and July 18, 1893, and have duly considered the proofs and arguments, and we do award and finally determine, concerning all the matters submitted to tis that the compensa- tion to be paid by said city to said corporation, for said franchise, corporate property and rights and privileges is the sum of five hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and forty dollars and seven cents ($515,640.07) with interest from April 30th, 1892. Said sum is the amount of our valuation, to wit : $525,427.60 after adding the sum of $1,121.69 collected by said city for account of corporation, and deducting the sum of $10,909.22 collected by said corporation for account of said city, as requested and agreed to by the parties. It appeared in evi- dence before us that said property of said corporation is subject to a mortgage to secure bonds amounting to $250,000, and this award contemplates the giving of a clear title to said franchise, corporate property and rights and privileges, free of all incumbrances, liens and charges. The fees and expenses of the Commissioners are thirty-eight hundred and fifty dollars ($3,850). The Commissioners award that this sum be paid by the said City of Quincy, the parties having left this subject to our decision. (Signed) John Lowell, Edmund H. Bennett, Charles W. Clifford. THE QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS, WATER COMPANY SELLS ITS PLANT TO THE CITY OF QUINCY FOR $515,000. The Ouincy Water Company, of Ouincy, Massachusetts, has received an award of $515,000 for their property and plant from the city of Ouincy. The commissioners appointed by the court to make the award are the first of the kind ever appointed in the State of Massachusetts. We believe this plan is a better one than to bring the issue before the court direct. * * * * It is stated that the Water Company had been in possession of its prop- erty but eight years when the city of Quincy asked that the works be turned over to them, the charter under which the company did business giving the right to the city to purchase and assume possession at any time. The city authorities are said to be satisfied with the terms of purchase. That being the case it ends all controversy. — Fire and Water, September 2, 1893- RED BLUFF, CALIFORNIA. Red Bluff, Cal., Feb. 27th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. Having used a large amount of lap-welded water pipe in our works at this place and in Chico, for the past two years, we take pleasure in testify- ing to our entire satisfaction with this pipe. We have had no trouble with our water mains where this pipe was used, and everything up to this date is in good order. (Signed) Sierra Flume Lumber Co., Per Lyon. 256 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. Mr. Robert Cartwright, Engineer of the Rochester, (N. Y.,) Super-Heated Water Company, voluntarily wrote us on January 18th, "89, in answer to a letter sending him illustrations of the Converse Patent Lock Joint, as follows: / am much pleased with the Converse Joint and after an experience in building in various cities and towns some thirty-four gas and water works, requiring uiany hundreds of miles of mains, I frankly say / think you have the best joint I ever saw. You have reduced laying to the minimum, and in a simple mechanical manner, still retaining the best joint that can be laid, viz : a lead joint. Mr. Cartwright further wrote us from Rochester, N. Y., October 31st, '89, as follows: Since writing you in relation to the 4-foot steel pipe required by the West Jersey Water Company, the City of Newark, N. J., sent Mr. Jacobson, their City Engineer, up here to examine and report upon the 36 inch wrought-iron (riveted) main, thirteen miles in length ; laid by our works fifteen years ago, ( 1874. ) I went with him over the line, with the men hav- ing charge of it. We uncovered the pipe where it had been covered when laid and found it as perfectly protected as when put down. It is covered with Dr. Smith's asphalt preparation. The main is 5-16 inch thick. Mr. Herschel has proposed the steel welded main and this visit was made to satisfy the Mayor of Newark, who was not altogether convinced as to the advisability of using anything but cast-iron. Mr. Herschel, the Engineer of the West Jersey Water Com- pany, is a firm believer in wrought-iron and steel and has recom- mended their use by the city of Newark, N. J. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. San Bernardino, Cal. , January 22nd, 1890. Albuquerque Water Company, Albuquerque, N.M. : How have you been pleased with the Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe used in your water system ? Did you use any of the pipe with a Kalamein coat? If so, how does Kalamein pipe, from your experience with it, with- stand the action of alkali and other salts contained in your soil ? (Signed) F. C. Finkxe, Engineer and Supt. City Water Works. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., January 27th, 1890. F. C. Finkle, Esq., San Bernardino, Cat. Replying to yours of the 22d inst , I wish to state that when our works were built we laid 6}4, miles of the Converse Lock Joint Kalamein pipe and have lately laid \yi miles more of the same kind. A critical examination having failed to show any internal and external corrosion, I can say that, in our experience with it, it has given perfect satisfaction. (Signed) C. J. Stetson, Supt. Albuquerque Water Co. KALAMEIN PIPE SUPERIOR TO CAST-IRON. 257 San Bernardino, Cae., July nth, 1890. Geo. F. Wool stem, Esq., City Engineer, Helena, Mont. Will you please give me your opinion of Kalamein pipe, based upon your experience with sanie. Does it, in your estimation, compare favorably with first-class cast-iron pipe ? Trusting to hear from you at your earliest convenience, I remain, (Signed) Jas. B. Pope, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. Helena, Mont., August 25th, 1S90. J. B. Pope, C. and H. E., San Bernardino, Cat. Your favor of July nth just reached me on my return from New York. In answer to your inquiry, I will say I have used a large amount of Kala- mein pipe. I have also used a considerable amount of cast pipe. The Kalamein is more easily handled, less liable to break in handling, more cheaply laid, requires less lead, and will deliver about 10 per cent, more water under a given pressure and same conditions than cast pipe, on account of the smooth interior surface of the former. It will stand much more tensile strength. I had on the test at my works here seven bursts of cast pipe under a pressure of 207 pounds. I replaced five of them with Kalamein pipe of the ordinary thickness and did not have a burst. As to its durability, which is really the only point to be considered, as in all other points, Kalamein is superior, I have never known of its rusting out. I have used it in all kinds of soil and material. I have take it out where common wrought pipe was eaten through, and found it clean and bright. W. A Clarke, of Butte, Mont. , took some out that had been laid some six years, and it was perfect, while ordinary pipe was eaten through. The soil around Butte is strongly impregnated with acids, which are great enemies to pipe. Taking it all in all, I am well pleased with Kalamein pipe, and can recom- mend it. (Signed) Geo. F. Wooeston, C. E. Food for Reflection. In every community there are plenty of fossilized kickers, who, by their talk and actions, hold down progress and prevent improvement. These chronic old cranks (they are not all old either) never had the satisfac- tion of taking part in the administration of public affairs, and hence realize nothing of the perplexities which attend the honor of official life. Their sole appreciation of public affairs is to sit around and kick. If they can't find a reason for kicking, they work up their dilapidated old brains and stretch their imaginations up to a fanciful condition of evil belief, and then tell their plaintive story of heavy taxation and wilful extravagance of public funds, and so create a dissatisfaction. This applies generally, not locally in particular, for of late the enterprising citizens of San Bernardino have sat down upon these cranks and allowed the spirit of progress to have full sway. But there are a few left, and just now, while the work of improvement is going ahead, we want to give them a little rub and show that in one instance they have been so badly " off " that their grumblings will in the future be listened to with disdain. 258 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Since the work of building a water system has been going on, not a few of these growling grumblers have had too much to say, attacking by inu- endo the Trustees, City Engineer, contractors, manufacturers and everybody else who has had anything to do with the system. The Courier has always stood up for the system being put in here, and believed from what we could see and learn that the Trustees had adopted the best system to be had. Such has been our conviction, and we are honest in stating that we believe the Trustees have been right throughout, as facts and figures bear us out. There has been more or less talk about the use of Kalamein pipe, objections being offered by parties as to its durability, resistance, manufacture, etc., and we take great pleasure in publishing the following extract regarding it from the report of James D. Schuyler, the well-known engineer, made to the Council of San Diego, which city is about to vote $400,000 bonds for water works, or rather for piping the place. There will be over 60 miles of pipe line and something over 40 miles will be the Kalamein, the balance being of sheet steel, the same as our conduit. Of the Kalamein, he says : "Air the remaining pipe is designed to be of the class known as the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein pipe, which is a wrought-iron lap- welded pipe, coated with an alloy of non-corrosive metals — lead, tin and nickel. This pipe is rapidly coming into public favor, even in the East, where its cost is greater, as a competitor of cast-iron pipe, because of its greater strength, ability to withstand the sudden shock of water-hammer without bursting, to withstand settlement without leaking, as well as on account of its greater carrying capacity. The smoothness of its interior finish presents less friction, and this smoothness is always maintained, how- ever long it may be used, whereas cast-iron is subject to interior corrosion that greatly reduces its diameter, the velocity of flow and consequent capacity. On this coast this grade of pipe is considerably cheaper than cast-iron on account of freight, although its first cost in the East is greater." Mr. Schuyler is one of the ablest engineers on the coast, and in his report throughout he recommends just such a system as we are now building in San Bernardino. Such an endorsement should be highly satisfactory to the citizens of this place and settle any dissatisfaction which may have been created. San Bernardino will have one of the best water systems on the Pacific slope, and the general opinion of the taxpayers is one of confidence. We are glad to publish Mr. Schuyler's endorsement, because he is an authority in such matters, and the Courier hopes to see the people all satisfied with their investments in the water system. — Editorial, San Bernardino Courier, Aug list 24, 1890. San Bernardino, Cal., February 18th, 1891. T. W. Brooks, Esq., Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co., San Francisco, Cat. I have felt that it was my duty ever since I completed and tested the water works for the City of San Bernardino, to let you know something about what the result has been, and it was through yourself, acting as the representative of the above firm, that we purchased the Kalamein pipe of which the street mains were laid. When the whole pressure was turned on at the test last October there was only one leak discovered on the whole 20 FRICTION— HYDRANT TEST. 259 miles of Kalamein mains, and that was so slight that one tap of the hammer stopped it ; and up to this date there has not been another leak discovered. At the test, four streams were thrown simultaneously from two hy- drants, both hydrants being on the same main, within 300 feet of each other, and by a transit observation I determined that the streams were all ascend- ing at the same time no feet vertically into the air. The pressure, which was 100 pounds before the streams were turned on, almost remained sta- tionary while the streams were playing for half an hour to the height of no feet perpendicularly into the air, not sinking lower than 94^ pounds at any time during the time which the streams were being thrown. A horizontal test was then made with the four streams from the same hydrants as above and the water was thrown 200 feet down the street from the end of the nozzles. The nozzles used were all iVjMnch. It is certain that a finer display never was made by any water works in Southern California, and I doubt if on the Pacific coast. F. A. Harnden, Surveyor of the Pacific Insurance Union, for whose benefit the same test was made afterwards, said that it beat any- thing he had seen in the water works line in California. I must admit that I was surprised to obtain better results from Kalamein pipe, which is made with outside diameters, than I had ever obtained from cast-iron pipe of the same size under like conditions, when the cast pipe had a net inside diameter equal to the outside diameter of the Kalamein pipe. The only way in which I can explain this fact is on the ground that the Kalamein pipe is so much smoother than cast pipe and presents less frictional resistance to the water passing through it. I do not notice any tendency in our mains towards tuberculation and I think that your system of Kalameining, which does not allow the pipe to rust like the bare iron coated with coal tar varnish, is going to overcome this universal cause of complaint against wrought-iron pipes. We have done considerable tapping the last four or five months, and have not had any trouble with leaky taps at all. I make a practice of using sheet lead under the service clamp and leaving it extending out about 1% inches around the clamp when screwing it up. After the clamp is tightened I calk this lead up with a thin tool all around the clamp. I had occasion to put on a tap for a sprinkling hydrant to load water- carts, into a 4-inch main, and although the tap was \ l / z inches I had no trouble with it, and it did not appear to weaken the 4-inch main in the least. The people here are more than satisfied with the works, and I can also say that the works are performing better than I had expected or predicted to the City Council. (Signed) F. C. Finkxe. Chief Engineer of Water Works. SAN BRUNO, CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Cai,., March 3d, 1879. National Tube Works Co. In answer to your inquiries as to my opinion of your lap-welded pipe t I have to say that I have a couple of miles of 6, 5 and 4-inch pipe in use at my Jersey Farm Dairy, San Bruno, at a pressure of from three to four hun- dred feet, for the past few years, and is now in good and substantial order, having withstood the heat and cold of that climate, together with the ex- 260 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. treme pressure, remarkably well. The small expense incidental to laying it is much in its favor. The Sierra Flume & Lumber Co., at Red Bluff and Chico, Cal., used a large quantity, at my suggestion, as being superior in points of cost and durability, and I know that it has given that company entire satisfaction. (Signed) R. G. Sneath. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Cai v ., Feb. 21st, 1879. National Tube Works Co. I have been using the lap-welded pipe I purchased of you for water mains for the past six months, and it has given me perfect satisfaction in every respect. I find that two men can lay one thousand feet per day with ease, and it can be tapped with very little trouble and joints and connections quickly made. I have no hesitation in sayiug that for conveying water it is the best pipe I have ever used, and cheerfully recommend it to any one needing a really good article of pipe. (Signed) W. B. Broadbury. San Francisco, Cai,., Dec. 3rd, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In relation to the 4000 and odd feet of 4-inch and 5 inch Converse Joint Pipe laid at Jersey Farm this season, I have to say that I am much pleased with it, on account of its prospective durability, and ease, perfection and economy in laying it with ordinary farm laborers. I found it preferable to lead and calk the joints on the surface of the field, and then bend it to suit the conformation of the land and dig the trench for it alongside and drop in the pipe as the work progressed ; by which means it does not require much calculation as to the extent the pipe will bend without fracture. (Signed) R. G. Sneath, City Manager, San Bruno, Cal. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 3rd, 1889. National Tube Works Co. Referring to your inquiries in regard to the Converse Joint Pipe, we are pleased to report that it has given perfect satisfaction and we have used it for the last five years, never having had any trouble with it. (Signed) Dynde & Hough. We quote the following extract from a letter written by T. W. Brooks, water works engineer in the employ of the Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co., San Francisco, Cal. : During the last three months I have visited every town and city of importance in Oregon, Washington and the west coast of British Columbia, and wherever I found Converse Joint Pipe in use I have taken particular pains to learn what service and satisfaction it has been giving. I was very anxious to learn the condition of the pipe, so that I could make truthful CONVERSE JOINT PIPE ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY. 261 assertions when urging the use of the pipe and talk with confidence when battling with competitors. In every case that I have investigated I find that where the pipe is Kalameiued and asphalted, it is in the best condition and good repute with individual companies and municipalities using it. San Francisco, Cae., Dec. 4th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. We are exceedingly well pleased with the Converse Lock Joint Pipe. The ease of laying, economy of labor and lead make it preferable to cast- iron pipe. We shall give it the preference every time, and think others will when once tried. (Signed) Alameda Sugar Co., E. C. Burr, Prest. San Francisco, Cae., December 6th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. Referring to yours of the 4th inst., I will say that we are using your Converse Joint Pipe at our different mines in California, Arizona and Mexico, and in every case it has given us splendid satisfaction, being easily and readily laid, and not requiring any further attention after being once in place. For permanent use in conducting water, or for standing a heavy pressure, I prefer it to any other pipe in use. (Signed) T. Gilson, Manager. San Francisco, Cai,., Dec. 14th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. The Converse Lock Joint pipe purchased of your firm several months ago is being used as a pump line for salt water. The method of joining was found convenient and satisfactory. The pipe so far shows no signs of corrosion, and we are very well pleased with it. (Signed) The California Powder Works. San Francisco, Cae., December 1SU1, 1889. National Tube Works Co. It affords me great pleasure to state, in answer to your favor of the 2nd inst., that the Converse Joint Pipe, several thousand feet of which were ordered by me some years ago, for the Edge Hill Vineyard in Napa County, has given entire satisfaction. (Signed) WlEElAM SCHEFFLER. San Francisco, Cae. , Dec, 19th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your inquiry of the 3rd inst., regarding the Converse Joint Pipe you supplied us with some five years ago, we beg to say that it has given us excellent satisfaction, and we doubt if there is anything better in the market, for the purpose we have put it to. (Signed) Thos. A. MiEEER, Sec'y Starr & Co. 262 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. SALIDA, COLORADO. SAiyiDA, Colorado, July 14th, 1883. National Tube Works Co. The wrought-iron pipes, fitted with the Converse Patent Lock Joint, used for mains in 1882, sold by you through Messrs. Russell & Alexander, contractors, have given perfect satisfaction. We have not had one leak in the pipe from the pressure, although it is a high pressure, and in answer to your letter as to the pipe, I cheerfully say that I am satisfied this is the best pipe and joint manufactured, so far as my experience extends. (Signed) S. C. WESTEREIELD, Mayor of Salida, Col. To-day in company with Mr. J. E. Ford, the gentlemanly superintendent of construction of our water works, we visited the head of the works on a tour of inspection, and found that everything had been done in first-class style and workmanlike manner. * * * The water was turned on last Saturday and a thorough test made when it was shown that the pipes and joints were all solid and not a leak could be found. The fire company attached the hose and made a test of the pressure, and found that with a nozzle i^-inch they could throw a stream 65 feet high. The work has given great satisfaction, and Messrs. Russell & Alexander, our city fathers, and especially Mr. J. E. Ford, the genial superintendent, deserve the praise of our entire people for the complete success they made of our water works. — From the Daily Sentinel, Salida, Col., September 19, 1882. It gives the "Montana Mail " much pleasure to announce that Salida's water works are now in running order. On Saturday last the work of lay- ing the pipe was completed and the water turned in. The preliminary test made at the time satisfied the contractors that everything would be all right. Monday afternoon arrangements were made for a test in the presence of the Mayor and the Town Board. The hose was attached to the hydrants and the water turned on. Under the contract entered into by Russell & Alex- ander they agreed to throw two streams of water forty-five feet high from nozzles three-fourths of an inch in diameter. At the test two streams were thrown from nozzles seven- eighths of an inch in diameter, and thrown thirty feet higher than the contract called for. This, together with the fact that not a leaky joint had been discovered along the entire line since the water was turned in, is sufficient proof that the contractors, Messrs. Russell & Alexander, have done their work well. * * * The pipe used in the construction of these works is the special lap- welded wrought-iron pipe, manufactured by the National Tube Works Com- pany, of McKeesport, Pa., and fitted with the Converse Patent Lock Joint. The pipe is coated inside and out with asphalt and is far superior to cast-iron for strength and durability. The Converse Joint makes the inside of the pipe flush, thus insuring the delivery of much greater percentage of water than can be delivered with the same size of any other kinds of pipe. That the work is well done is due in no small degree to their watchfulness and C. J. TESTED WHILE COVERED WITH WATER. 263 earnest desire to give the people of Salida a perfect system of works. — From The Montana Mail, of September ig, 1882, Salida, Col. Salida, Colo., October 4th, 1882. National Tube Works Co. Under our contract with the city we agreed that the streams to be thrown should be 45 feet high through two j^-inch nozzles. This we did and more too through larger nozzles, the streams thrown through ?/% inch nozzles reached a height of 75 feet before it commenced to spray, and through 1^ inch nozzles the stream — solid stream — reached a height of 65 feet. The solid streams thrown exceeded our calculations by 10 or 12 feet, which you can place to the credit of your Kalamein pipe. We think there is a great difference in favor of your Kalamein pipe over cast-iron in respect to friction. Just how much we are not prepared to say. Russell & Alexander. SALT LAKE, UTAH. Greenville, Pa., June 7th, 1895. E. C. Converse, V. P. & G. M. National Tube Works Co., New York.. Early in the present year I was engaged by the Salt Lake & Ogden Gas & Electric Company of Salt Take City, Utah, to superintend the laying of a 6-inch steel line from the New American Gas Company's wells at Take Shore to Salt Lake City, a distance of thirteen miles. On arrival I found the pipe to be laid was " Converse Joint," and, knowing you will be interested in the results attained, I take the liberty of submitting the following : This line is laid in the old bed of the great Salt Lake ; consequently, when trench was dug, it at once filled with water. We had this amount of water over fifty per cent, of the thirteen miles, with a great deal of soft loamy ground and quicksand, so much so that I found it necessary to lay planks lengthwise of trench in order to get a foundation firm enough to support the pipe ; in fact the whole line is blocked to obviate any danger of the pipe settling, which would cause it to leak. The first test was made when 10,000 feet was laid. It was tested with natural gas at a pressure of 200 lbs. to the square inch, and was witnessed by the general manager, Mr. Hay ward, and the general superintendent, Mr. Kemph. This amount of pipe was practically all covered with water, and was, therefore, a very sharp or rigid test, and proved perfectly tight under above conditions. Manager Hayward, as well as Superintendent Kemph, were highly delighted with the test, having anticipated much trouble in being able to build a line over ground that contained so much water, soft loam and quicksand. They very kindly expressed their pleasure at having overcome that difficult)-, and truthfully remarked that it was a much more perfect line than could be made of screwed joint. Necessity compelled me to coincide in their opinion when I considered this work had all been done by men that never had any knowledge of this kind of work. 264 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Where trench contained no water, we found no trouble in laying 1,000 feet per hour, having laid in nine hours 10,500 feet. Any lines of this C. J. pipe that I found leaked at all, I could easily trace it to one of the following mechanical faults : 1st, to not being properly blocked to avoid its settling ; 2d, to the joint not being fully locked ; 3d, the joint not being made by one pouring of lead ; 4th, the joint having been calked before the pipe had been weighed with sufficient earth ; 5th and last, to imperfect calking. By following these directions, it is very easy to make a perfect line with your C. J. in all kinds of soil. (Signed) T. L. Garvin, Constructing Engineer. SANDWICH, ILLINOIS. Sandwich, III., May 12th, 1884. Natio7ial Tube Works Co. Your inquiry as to how we liked the Kalamein water pipe fitted with the Converse Lock Joint, furnished by you last year, is received. In answer we can say we are well pleased and perfectly satisfied and can recommend its use to any one desiring to put in a perfect water pipe. We have had on as high a pressure as 200 pounds to the square inch, and with no injury whatever to the pipe or specials. We had no difficulty in laying the pipe, and it was done at a very slight expense. We had no difficulty whatever in negotiating the sale of our 6 per cent, bonds to pay for our water works system, and the bonds sold at par. We are contemplating making some extensions this year and shall need more Kalamein pipe. (Signed) W. L. Simmons, Mayor. L. D. Woodruff, Chairman Water Committee. Sandwich, III., June 19th, 18S5. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of the 6th, will say that we extended our mains a little more than two miles last summer ; used the same pipe as before (Kalamein). Owing to the smooth surface inside, compared: with cast-iron, I think as good results, or perhaps better, are obtained from a five-inch Converse Patent Lock Joint pipe, than from a six-inch cast-iron. It is handled and put down in ditch much cheaper than the other, as it takes only about two- fifths as much lead. We have used 300 pounds pressure, and have never burst or injured a pipe. As to its effects on water, I have never heard a word said against it, and many are using the water constantly. My own opinion would be that cast- iron would be more apt to give the water an " irony" taste than Kalamein, as the inside of the latter is the same as the outside, and would give the water no more taste than new tin. I am satisfied it is stronger and will stand more pressure than cast-iron pipe. Now, as to durability. That is the only question in my mind. It is a KALAMEIN NOT AFFECTED BY ACID. 265 comparatively new pipe. We had a physician here try both with strong acid, and while it would affect the cast-iron, it would not the Kalamein. I am of opinion that Kalamein Pipe is all right. (Signed) W. L. Simmons, Mayor. Office of City Clerk, \ Sandwich, III., June 19th, 1885. ( National Tube Works Co. Replying to your favor of the 18th, will say that so far as we have tested the mains furnished us by the National Tube Works Co., we are entirely satisfied with them. Before laying them we subjected sections to the severest tests that we could devise, including salt and acid tests, and they withstood them all perfectly. They are lighter and cheaper than cast-iron, easier to lay, being smoother, will carry more water, and we consider them superior in all respects to cast-iron. The Mayor of this City, who is a practical mechanic, says he has no hesitation in recommending these mains as first-class in every respect, (Signed) C. C. Jones, Clerk. The following letters show the false and futile attempts of the cast-iron fraternity to injure the reputation of Converse Joint Pipe at Sandwich, 111. Sandwich, III., June 20th, 1885. A. White, Esq., Geneseo, lit. Dear Sir — In reply to yours of the 19th, will say that we extended our mains a little more than two miles last Summer, and used the same pipe as before (Kalamein). Owing to the smooth surface inside, compared with cast-iron, I think as good results, or perhaps better, are obtained from a 5-inch Converse Joint pipe than from a 6-inch cast-iron pipe. It is handled and put down in ditch much cheaper than the other, as it takes only about two-fifths as much lead. We have used 300 pounds pressure and have never bursted or injured the pipe. As to its effects on water, I have never heard a word said against it, and many are using the water constantly. My own opionion would be that cast- iron would be more apt to give the water an " irony " taste than Kalamein, as the inside of the latter is the same as the outside and would give water no more taste than new tin. I am satisfied that it is stronger and will stand more pressure than cast-iron pipe. Now, as to durability, that is the only question in my mind. It is a comparatively new thing, and no one can say positively which will last the longest under ground. We had a physician here try both with strong acids and while it would affect the cast-iron it would not affect the Kalamein. I am of the opinion Kalamein is all right. (Signed) W. Iv. Simmons, Mayor. 266 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Office of City Clerk, Sandwich, III., June 20th, 1885. /. H. Mitchell, Mayor, Geneseo, III. Dear Sir — Replying to your favor of the 18th, will say that so far as we have tested the mains furnished us by the National Tube Works Com- pany, we are entirely satisfied with them. Before laying them we subjected sections to the severest test that we could devise, including salt and acid tests and they withstood them all perfectly. They are lighter and cheaper than cast-iron, easier to lay, being smoother, will carry more water and we consider them superior in all respects to cast-iron. I have just consulted the Mayor of this city, who is a practical mechanic and he says he has no hesitation in recommending these mains as first-class in every respect. Any other information that we can give you at any time regarding our system will be gladly furnished. (Signed) C. C. Jones, Clerk. Sandwich, III., December 24th, 18S9. National Tube Works Co. Gentlemen — I have yours of December 20th, the contents of which are considerable of a surprise to me, and I am at a loss to know how such a statement in regard to the pipe of our city, furnished by your company, ever got out, as it is as far from the truth as it can well get. Most of the pipe in our city, as you know, has been down about six years, and, as you know, we have had some trouble with it in the last year or two, the cause of which I am settled in my mind was that we got originally a few lengths of pipe which were imperfect, and which were not thoroughly Kalameined. To the best of my knowledge, we have never had any breaks except in about a dozen lengths of pipe. These lengths that have slightly leaked in several instances have been plugged up, so that we have not as yet taken up more than two or three lengths of pipe and replaced same with new, which were furnished by your company free of charge. Had we put in new lengths of pipe for those in which holes came — replaced with new lengths — I don't think we would have had but very little trouble, and I think one dozen lengths would replace every length of pipe that has had a leak in it. I don't know just how many miles of your mains we have in our city, but presume you can tell by referring to your books ; however, 12 lengths is so small a proportion of the whole that it is not worth mentioning. We have every confidence in your pipe. If we had not we certainly should not have put in 83 rods more of it this fall. We understand that the pipe laid in our city was the first you made, and there is nothing very strange that there should have been a few poor lengths, and, so far as our observation has gone, everything goes to show that what little trouble we have had has come from a very few lengths of pipe which seem to have been improperly Kalameined. I still think your pipe is the best pipe made for water mains. Our people here all over the city are using the water to drink, and it is as pure and free from foreign substances at the end of the longest mains as when it comes from the well. I have been in the City Council for the past four GOOD AFTER THIRTEEN YEARS' SERVICE. 267 years, and have been in a position to know just what is going on in regard to the city water mains. Hoping this may assist you to correct the erroneous statements that have been made to you, I remain, (Signed) E. W. Graves, Chairman Fire and Water Committee. The following letter is ample reply to some defamatory- rumors that have recently been circulated by certain parties relating to the Converse Lock Joint pipe that has been in use at Sandwich since 1883, to wli - : City of Sandwich, Mayor's Office, \ Sandwich, III., Oct. 17, 1894. / National Tube Works Company, or whom it may concern. Some eight or ten years ago this city contracted with the National Tube Works Company direct for a system of its Converse Joint Wrought Iron pipe, treated by the Kalamein protective process. The object of this letter is to state the exact facts in the case and pre- vent any injustice being done by falsehoods and rumors started and Tittered by designing and interested competitors. While it is true that a portion of the pipe, though inconsiderable in amount, was not up to the high standard of quality we were led to expect, the National Tube Works Company has, at its own expense, replaced such pipe as proved below such standard ; and it gives me pleasure, as the Mayor of Sandwich, and one thoroughly acquainted with the whole history of the case, to state officially that the system as it exists to-day is unquestionably equal, if not superior, to any system of water works in the country. (Signed) E. W. Graves, Mayor. Attest, E. F. Eedoyt, Clerk. SAN PEDRO, NEW MEXICO. San Pedro, N. M., March 16th, 1S93. E. C. Converse, Esq., Nezv York City, N. Y. I am about to make an offer for the purchase of the pipe in the water works system at San Pedro. If I consummate the deal I will take the pipe up and ship it to some points wheie I can use it for water works purposes again. What will be your price for Specials fitted with your Converse Lock Joint ? Personally, you may not be aware of some of the details concerning this particular line of pipe, but I will state that this pipe is good, and its general appearance is as good as when it was put in the ground in 1S80- 1881. Its coating was simply asphaltum, and it was fitted with the Wiley hub, the pipe coming through, and was flanged into the interior of the bell, the pipe being expanded back of the bell, the latter being similar to a cast- iron pipe bell. The flanging thinned the pipe on the edges, and the 268 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. expanding also weakened the iron. The expanding back of the bell was necessary to prevent the bell from slipping back. I see no mention of the San Pedro pipe in your book, and presume it was omitted for the reason that it was not fitted with the Converse Lock Joint. Mr. Wiley was the engineer who laid the pipe. I was on the ground when the pipe was laid, and am, therefore, familiar with it. The water is alkali, strongly so. I know that when I went there I was taken most terribly sick from drinking the water, and I thought my head would go to pieces before I found out what the trouble was. To anybody who is not accustomed to that water it will pretty near kill them. That I am anxious to purchase this pipe, take it up and re-lay it at other points, substituting the Converse Lock Joints for the Wiley hubs, is, I believe, sufficient proof to you that I am entirely satisfied with the present condition of the pipe, although it has been conveying water strongly im- pregnated with alkali for some nine or ten years. Please make me your lowest price on cars at McKeesport, or Pittsburg, for your Special castings fitted with Converse Patent Lock Joint, and also your Converse Lock Joint Hubs, the sizes ranging from 4 to 15-inch inclu- sive. (Signed.) R. J. Renwod. P. S. — I shall be at Denver, Colo., about May 1st, and will ask you to address me there, say up to May 10th. R. J. R. Omaha, April 18th, 1893. E. C. Converse, Gen, Mgr. Natl. Tube Works, New York. Your favor of 4th inst. is before me, and will say briefly that the enter- prise I have in hand is one that will yield good returns. It is this : I can purchase at a very low price the entire pipe line at San Pedro, N. M., and can take it up at a very low cost and by knocking off the bells can ship it cheap to some place where it can be used for the same water works purposes. The pipe is as good as when I first laid it in the ground about ten years ago. Other parties who know what the pipe is, are after it. Let me hear from you. (Signed) S. L. Wil,EY. The Municipal Investment Company. | Chicago, 2d, May, 1893. f National Tube Works Co. We have recently purchased at a decided bargain 19^ miles of steel pipe now in the ground at San Pedro, New Mexico. It has been lying in the ground at San Pedro some nine years, but thorough inspection made by Mr. J. M. Howells, C. E-, showed it to be in a remarkable state of preservation. He states it is as good as new. It is very strong pipe made for use in hydraulic mining. Has over-lapping telescope ends bound with collar and sleeve and was, we believe, manufactured by your company. We have use for some six miles of this pipe at Santa Fe and for from one to four miles of it at Fresno, California, and we may be able to use much more of it at our GOOD AFTER THIRTEEN YEARS' SERVICE. 269 other plants. It was, of course, undesirable to us to be compelled to buy the whole of it, but we could not get any part without taking it all and paying immediate cash for it which we have done. The remainder of the pipe, nearly 13 miles, we have at present no immediate use for, and it has suggested itself to us that you might make some use of it, or a part of it at least at Las Vegas, or if not there at some other points in the West which could be easily reached by shipment from San Pedro. The sizes vary from 8 to 15 inches, but what we would care to sell is, say, 4 miles of 12-inch, and 9^ miles of 10 and 11 -inch. This pipe we can, of course, afford to sell at a great bargain, but we cannot name a definite price at the moment or until Mr Howells goes out to Santa Fe again, which will be next week, because we cannot tell what it costs to get it up out of the ground and loading it on the cars, nor what the freight would be to any point where you might desire to use it. We simply beg to say that we would supply the pipe at a great reduc- tion below the cost of new pipe, and if you can make profitable use of it either at Las Vegas or elsewhere, we would be glad to have you communicate with us. (Signed) C. H. Coffin, Vice-Pres't. Thf Municipal Investment Company. Chicago, 10th May, 189 National Tube Works Co. We have yours of May 9th referring to the San Pedro pipe. This pipe is all in the ground and most of it will probably remain there until we sell it. We are taking up six miles of it at this time for use in our plants. It is reported to be about as perfect as when it left the factory, showing little or no signs of wear. We were unable to obtain exact particulars as to the respective amounts of 10 and 11-inch pipe except that there was 10 miles of both sizes. We cannot inform you whether the water conveyed through it was im- pregnated with alkali or not, but we imagine it was from its location. We introduced to you in our office Mr. J. M. Howells, whom we deem the most skillful water works engineer in this country. He stated to you, in his opinion, the pipe was as good as new. He dug out and inspected it at many points. We would be pleased to receive a bid from you for any amount of it you may desire to use, delivered at San Pedro or any railroad point you may desire ; or if you will give us the name of the place at which you would intend to use it, we will write out and procure estimates of cost of delivery and freight and submit a proposition to you. We are not anxious to sell all of it, as we shall, no doubt, eventually use a great deal of it in our Western plants. We are so situated as to be able to take satisfactory water works bonds in payment for any amount of it we may sell. (Signed) C. H. Coffin, Vice-Pres't. Some of this pipe was re-shipped to and laid at Fresno, Cal. See reference under that heading, page 50. 270 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. SAN" RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA. San RakaeIv, Cae., December 4th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your favor of the 2d inst. , I beg to state that a little over six years ago we were induced to try some of the Converse Pipe, and we liked it so much that since then we have laid about eleven miles of it, in sizes from 12 to 5 inches, and have found it a very satisfactory pipe and quite up to the high standard which was claimed for it. Of its lasting qualities I cannot yet speak, not having had it long enough in use. (Signed) Robert Walker, President Marin County Water Company. Marin County Water Company, ) San Rafael, Cae., October 21, 1892. f National Tube Works Co. Yours of October 14th, making inquiry as to the satisfaction the Con- verse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein pipe is giving, which you furnished our company some time since, is received, and in reply will say, we have over 11 miles in use ranging from 5 to 12 inches. It is giving good satisfaction. Usual pressure 80 lbs.; sometimes increased to 150 lbs. Number of breaks : One caused by frost. Number of leaks : None. Annual cost of repairs : Nothing. Present condition of the pipe : Good. Economy of lead and labor in laying : Very considerable. Character of soil : All sand and alkali. Internal condition with reference to cleanliness : Good. Effect, if any, on water : None whatever. Have not had the pipe long enough to make comparisons with cast-iron as to durability. (Signed) R. Walker, Prest. SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA. Santa Barbara, Cae., June 18th, 1887. National Tube Works Co. The Mission Water Company have 8,ooo feet of 6 inch riveted sheet- iron pipe ; 3,000 ft. of 5-inch ditto ; 8,000 ft. of 2-inch gas pipe ; 1,500 ft. 4-inch lap-welded screw-joint pipe, and 1,000 ft. of 3-inch ditto. The 5 and 6-inch pipe has been in use about ten years ; the 3 and 4-inch lap-welded pipe has been in use eight years, and the 2-inch pipe is of all ages from ten years down to a few days. All this pipe was coated inside and outside with asphaltum. It has cost very little for repairs, the lap- welded and gas pipe almost nothing, and all of it appears to be in good order now. (Signed) R. B. CanPie^d, Prest. Mission Water Co. of Santa Barbara. NO BREAKS UNDER 200 FEET HEAD. 271 Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. nth, 1889. National Tube Works Co. Our experience with the Converse pipe -which you ask about in your letter of Dec. 3rd has not been exhaustive, but as far as it goes it is favorable. When the water was first turned on to the completed line several small holes were found. At these places the pipe had to be cut and bells put in. This indicates, of course, that the pipes were not made of even thickness. Since the first experience, however, we have had no break in the pipe at all. Our greatest pressure head is a little less than 200 feet ; this the pipe seems to stand without any trouble. (Signed) G. H. Gould, Prest. MonTECITO VALLEY WATER Co. Santa Barbara, Cal., Nov. 5th, 1892. National Tube Works Co. On my return from an extended absence, I find your letter of Oct. 14th, with queries concerning Converse Lock Joint Pipe, which I answer in order : Greatest pressure, — -Head 200 feet. Number of breaks, — None. Cost of repairs, — Slight. Present condition of pipe, — Good. Economy in laying, — Calculations are not at hand. Character of soil, — Clay and gravelly. No frost. Shallow trenches. Have not examined internal condition with care. No noticeable effect on the water. Have no cast-iron pipe in system. (Signed) G. M. Gould, Prest. MonteciTO Valley Water Co. Santa Barbara Water Co., \ Santa Barbara, Cal., Oct. 21st, 1892. \ National Tube Works Co. In reference to your questions of 14th inst. , concerning the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe which you furnished some time ago, would say that : Amount of pressure carrying ? Up to 90 lbs. per square inch. Breaks, if any? None. Annual cost of repairs ? Nothing. Present condition of the pipe ? Perfect. Economy of lead and labor in laying ? Considerable. Internal condition as to cleanliness ? Clean and smooth. Effect, if any, on the water? None whatever. How it compares with cast-iron pipe ? Don't know, as we have no cast- iron pipe in our works. (Signed) H. C. Thompson, Sec'y. 272 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A. C. Cooper, Civil Engineer, { Santa Barbara, Cae., Nov. 2d, 1892. ) National Tube Works Co. In answer to your inquiry as to pipe furnished the Pacific Improvement Company ; the pipe was laid in the steep canons of the Santa Ynez Moun- tains and had to be carried to place of use over rough and precipitous trails. This was accomplished by placing two mules tandem and loading a pipe on each side of them attached to a pack-saddle like a Spanish Palanquin. The mules misbehaved at first, but after coming to grief several times, such as rolling down the mountains, they accepted the situation and did well. By using your " Bending Machine," the pipe after completion fitted the mountains like an immense lead pipe. In some pipes compound bends were made so that they would fit the rocks. The cost of repairs has been nothing since the pipe was laid (except where immense slides from the mountain side has broken it. ) The Converse Lock Joint Kalamein pipe has the following advantages over wrought-iron pipe screwed together with a sleeve coupling. When locked and leaded the Converse Joint pipe cannot be pulled apart like wrought-iron pipe when screwed together ; it has no weak point near the sleeve coupling as in the screw pipe, which, when screwed together nearly always leaves several threads exposed, making a weak point in the pipe. The Converse Lock Joint permits both ends of the pipes to come to- gether, thus avoiding the eddy which occurs between the ends of both screw pipe and cast-iron pipe. The Converse Joint Kalamein Pipe can be bent so as to accommodate it- self to bends up to twenty-five degrees, and compound bends can be made in the pipe, a great desideratum when laying pipe over very rough ground. Besides possessing some of the above-named advantages, it also has the following over cast-iron pipe : It is not as liable to be broken by rough usage ; it is stronger ; it is lighter and can therefore be transported with greater ease to points of use. The Kalamein affords great protection against corrosion. The asphaltum coating looks like an enamel ; is ductile ; tena- cious and adheres well to the pipe. The " black dip " on wrought-iron pipe is worthless, being little or no protection to wrought-iron pipe. I would not put such pipe in the ground. (Signed) A. S. Cooper. SAUK CENTSB, MINN. } Sauk Centre Water Co., Sauk Centre, Minn., Nov. i8th, 1884. National Tube Works Co. Having just finished laying your Indestructible Converse Joint Kala- mein Pipe and tested to 1S0 pounds to the square inch, we find it perfect in every respect. Every joint was and is perfectly tight ; after having a pressure for the last two weeks. It is easy to lay, easily handled, requires less lead, less calking, and will pass more water with less friction than any pipe we ever handled. Have repeatedly tested your pipe to 280 pounds in nine miles of mains and found it most truly satisfactory. (Signed) Sauk Centre Water Co., N. J. Smith, Pres. *>./■■■-&" ' ': - , ■-? S. D., Oct. 28, 1892. National Tube Works Co. y Your letter of 20th, asking as to the satisfaction the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe is giving is received, and in reply will say that the amount of domestic pressure is 65 lbs., and the fire pressure is 120 lbs: We have but few leaks in the pipe, all of them being in the join£sr^nd are accounted for by not having been driven up properly. The pipe'has been in the ground about eight years and is in good condition. There is a great saving in lead and labor, over cast-iron pipe. Our soil is principally °clay. The inside of the Kalamein pipe is smooth and clean after eight years of use and we do not hesitate to recommend its use as it compares favorably with cast-iron pipe. Y ( Si § ued ) R. W Ns Barnes, Supt. SNOHOMISH, WASHINGTON". AT r i r 1 nr i. ^ Snohomish, Wash., Oct. 29, 1892. National Tube Works Co. y Replying to your inquiries of October 20th— The Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe which you furnished some time since is giving cx 00 d satisfaction. Amount of pressure it is carrying, 80 lbs. to sq. inch. Breaks, if any — Never had any. Annual cost of repairs — Never made any repairs. Present condition of the pipe — Good. Economy of lead and labor in laying— Economical. Character of soil in which it is laid— Loam. Internal condition with reference to cleanliness— Good. Effect, if any, on the water— It has no effect on water. How it compares with cast-iron pipe— No C. I. Pipe here. ( Si S ned ) F. V. Foss, Sup't. Waterworks. SOCOEEO, N. M. National Tube Works Co. S ° C °^°' N ' M " M&y 23rd ' l89 °- I have deferred writing you because the City Fathers did not know, nor had they concluded, what to do. They have finally arrived at the conclusion to repair their old wood pipe line (from springs to reservoir) this season with the view of combining this year's appropriation with next year's and buying a good article next season, the fund appropriated for present year being in- sufficient. This I regret, for I am satisfied that your Kalamein pipe would 284 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. have been used and ought to have been used for the purpose intended. This makes three years since your pipe was laid and it is eminently fitted for our purpose. (Signed) A. T. Harrison. SPOKANE FALLS, WASHINGTON. Spokane Fai^s, Wash., Oct. 27th, 1884. National Tube Works Co. As far as I can judge the pipe for Spokane Falls has been very well laid and everything satisfactory. (Signed) Philip Buehner. ST. CLAIR, MICHIGAN. St. Cxair, Mich., June 14th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. The water works system here consists of your Kalamein Converse Joint wrought-iron pipe. I was superintendent of the water works from the Spring of 'S5 until the spring of '88. I laid the pipe in the spring of '85. After it was laid we tested it to 250 lbs. water pressure and it showed no de- fects. It has been in the ground now since '85, and an examination at the present time shows it to be in the same condition as when laid. There have been no breaks in the pipe since laid. I consider it equal if not superior to any water pipe manufactured. The City is using additional lots of Kalamein pipe from year to year, and is well pleased with it in every respect. (Signed) W. B. MORSE. The following affidavit was voluntarily sent to our Chicago Branch House : Deposition of Wm. B. Morse, of lawful age, taken pursuant to the fore- going notice, before T. D. Barron, Notary Public, on oral interrogatories and cross interrogatories. H. E. Keeler appearing for the plaintiff and no one for the defendant. Wm. B. Morse, being duly sworn, was examined, and deposed as follows: Direct Examination. O. What is your name, age, residence and occupation? A. William B. Morse; fifty -two ; residence, St. Clair, St. Clair County, Michigan ; occupation, Justice of the Peace. O. Were you ever connected or interested in the water works at St. Clair, Mich. , and in what capacity ? A. Yes ; as superintendent, from the Spring of 1885 to the Spring of 1888. Q. Are you familiar with the water pipe manufactured by the National Tube Works Company, known as " Kalamein " pipe? A. Yes. CONVERSE JOINT GIVES ENTIRE SATISFACTION. 285 0. State particularly what experience you have had with it ? A. The experience of laying and using it in the City of St. Clair, Mich- igan, from the spring of 1885 till the present time. Q. State from actual experience what you know with respect to the quality and durability of said pipe, fully. A. In the Spring of 1886, after pipe was laid, it was tested at two hun- dred and fifty pounds water pressure and showed no defects. It has been laid in the ground since 1885, and an examination at the present time shows it to be in the same condition as when laid. There have been no breaks in the pipe since laid. I consider it equal if not superior to any water pipe manufactured. The City of St. Clair, Michigan, continues to use the said pipe, additional pipe being ordered from year to year. (Signed) W. B. Morse. 1, T. D. Barron, a Notary Public, in and for St. Clair County, State of Michigan, duly commissioned, do hereby certify that on the 14th of June, 1889, at ten o'clock A. M., pursuant to the foregoing notice, the deposition of William B Morse was taken before me; that the foregoing is the deposition referred to and the whole thereof, and that the said witness before testifying was cautioned and sworn to testify the whole truth and was carefully ex- amined. His testimony was reduced to writing by me and after being re- duced to writing was carefully read over by me to the witness, and subscribed by him. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the 14th day of June, 1889. (Signed) T. D. Barron, Notary Public. ST. Clair, Mich., October 17th, 1892. National Tube Works Co. Please ship St. Clair water works 2,000 feet of two (2) inch pipe and 500 feet of four (4) inch pipe. We want the Kalamein & Asphalted Converse Lock Joint pipe, the same that we have previously had from you. We have purchased all of our pipe from you since 1885, and there has never been a break or an instance of leakage. (Signed) Water Works Comr. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. Tacoma, Washington, Dec. 5, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your favor of the 2d inst., relative to the Converse Joint pipe we purchased from you some four years ago. It has given us entire satisfaction, and we are now considering the advisability of making use of this pipe in the construction of a new conduit twelve or thirteen miles in length. The writer is somewhat familiar with this pipe, having laid at least fifty miles of it for use in the natural gas districts of Pennsylvania, and he will probably call upon you about the 13th inst. for information relative to present prices. (Signed) Chas. B. Hurley, General Superintendent, Tacoma Light & Water Company. 286 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. Huachuca Water Company, } Tombstone, Arizona, June 23, 1883. J National Tube Works Co. In answer to yours of June 7th, we will state that we have in use about 25 miles of 7-inch wrought-iron pipe, from Huachuca Mountains to our city, and, in addition, all our streets, mains and service pipes. We use wrought- iron pipes for strength, as our pressure is from 140 to 160 pounds to the square inch. We have had them in use about a year only, and the nature of the soil is strongly alkaline, and, from the short time it has been in use, cannot state as to the effect on the iron. Our climate is hot and dry, and our pipes are at present as good and sound as new, as frequent tappings prove to us. (Signed) J. W. Clark, General Agent. TTJSCARORA, NEVADA. Mr. Herman Schussler, the Consulting Engineer of the Tuscarora Water Works Company, is one of the most prominent water works engineers on the Pacific coast ; he is also General Engineer of the Spring Valley Water Company. TEST: Each piece of the 10-gauge pipe to be tested by hydraulic pressure, with positive mercury gauge, to 500 pounds to the square inch. When this pipe was first brought to Mr. Schussler's attention, he did not think it would carry out all of the requirements. Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Company plainly set forth that this pipe would fill the bill of the excessive pressure and to that end agreed with Mr. Schussler upon a practical test, which was made at San Francisco. By taking from stock two pieces of this Converse Joint K. & A. ordinary water weights, a joint was made. On the male end was put a cap, but on the female end was put a plug; the two extreme ends were braced by two ^-inch rods; 1,000 pounds pressure was then put on, without the shadow of a leak of any kind, name or nature. When the pressure exceeded 1,000 pounds, the pipe burst wide open, but the joint remained intact, perfectly sound and tight, in all respects, not the slightest leak in the joint having taken place. Mr. Schussler was naturally electrified and thoroughly convinced of the merits of this pipe. San Francisco, Cai,., Dec. 12th, 1888. National Tube Works Co. I received your favor of the~ioth ult. on my arrival here about ten days ago. I presume you have heard from the Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden FIVE SMALL LEAKS IN TWELVE MILES. 287 Company ere this of the very successful completion of the Tuscarora job. Every person interested was pleased. Mr. Schussler has complimented us more than once since the line was completed ; it was a success in every particular. In a distance of 12 miles and 3,000 feet (one-third of which is under a working pressure of 306 lbs. to the square inch), there was not $ 5 worth of repairs ; the repairs, such as they were, amounted to this : One man walked over the line and back in one day ; he found five joints that were merely dropping, and only required a few taps of a calking tool to stop them. I went over the line with the man ; we walked over and returned the same day. From this you will see that we were not detained long to do any work. In the entire distance of 66,360 feet there were but five feet of wasted pipe ; four feet of this was damaged in transportation; the other foot was loss from two defective ends, which necessitated cutting six inches from the end of each. This great saving was very pleasing to Mr. Schussler. Considering the long haul by rail, and hauling sixty miles by team, it is a remarkable record. We also made a record of laying that, I think, will hold good for some time. I will send you a more complete report in a few days. In the meantime you can tell my fellow-craftsmen that in one day of ten hours we laid three hundred and five (305) joints of 8- inch Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe, equivalent to 5,490 feet, or one mile and 210 feet ! This was done by one (1) gang of men. If at any time you wish to refer to this line you can do so with the positive assurance that it is the " Banner Tine " of the coast. (Signed) Thos. W. Brooks, Field Engineer. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 30, 1893. Mr. E. C. Converse, Genl. Mgr. N. T. IV. Co.. New York, N. Y. While perusing your latest edition of " Facts About Pipe " to-day, I note that I stated that I would in a few days send you a more complete report in re Tuscarora, Nevada, job. I failed to find in your book the report referred to and it occurred to me that I either failed to send it, or, that it miscarried. I had occasion to look this matter up a few days ago and have made a copy of the report taken from notes jotted down at the time I was looking after the laying of the pipe. You can take the inclosed report as being correct. Eight-Inch Pipe Link Converse Patent Lock Joint. Total amount of pipe in feet 66.440 Total number of days laying pipe 33 Greatest number of feet laid in a day of 10 hours . . 5.520 Greatest number of feet laid in 8)4 hours 4-93 2 Average number of feet laid per day 2. 013 Number of feet lost on the entire line 4 This pipe was transported by rail 2,265 miles to Elko, Nevada, then 60 miles over mountain roads by teams ; about two-thirds of the line is laid over very mountainous country. For a distance of three miles across the Independence Valley the pipe is under a head of 855 feet and has a working FACTS ABOUT PIPE. pressure of 306 lbs. per square inch ; under these pressures the pipe is made of No. 9 and No. 10 iron. The pipe was only covered in centres when laid, leaving joints exposed that they could be thoroughly examined. Two men sent over the line the second day after the water was turned on found five leaks at the joints and they were so small it only required a few blows of the hammer to stop them. The line was completed October 21st, 1888. (Signed) Thos. W. Brooks. TYLER, TEXAS. Tyi^r, Texas, Oct. 20, 1884. National Tube Works Co. In regard to the light-weight wrought-iron water pipe manufactured by the National Tube Works Company, I would say that in all points but one it is superior to cast-iron or any other kind of water pipe known to me. The one point upon which there can be any possibility of doubt is its com- parative durability. Will it last ? is a question often asked ; as yet we have not had enough of experience to say decidedly yes. I have no doubt my- self that it will prove to be as enduring as cast iron in ordinary soils, and that it will last longer in the alkali sections. Ordinarily it is cheaper than cast-iron except along the eastern sea coast. Freight charges are less, so is handling and hauling and laying in the trenches. Less lead is required to each joint, and fewer joints to the mile. Caulkers do better work than they can possibly do on cast-iron pipe, although no hemp packing is used in the joints (a matter of some import- ance as regards cleanliness and health). I find that the Converse Patent Lock Joint gives very satisfactory results. This pipe being very smooth and even on the surface, and the joints presenting little or no obstructions, the loss from friction is very much reduced when compared with other kinds of pipe in use. On the 10th inst., the works just completed at Georgetown, Texas, by the Texas Water and Gas Company, were tested. The pipe used is the McKeesport pipe (National Tube Works Company). During the fire stream display, the gauge several times showed 216 pounds pressure, while the general pressure ranged from 180 to 190 pounds to the square inch. During this time four fire streams 80 feet high from one-inch nozzles were thrown, and at the finish a stream one hundred feet high w-as thrown from an inch nozzle. The water first passed through a mile of 10-inch pipe, then through a mile of 6-inch pipe, which had almost a dead end, and then through 600 feet of 2_^-inch rubber hose. There is no doubt that the smoothness of this pipe had much to do in producing these results. Although the pressure at times was excessive during the testing, we did not have a single leak or break to repair. This will show what may be expected of this pipe when the work in laying is not slighted or " skimped " by the caulkers. (Signed) G. C. Heron, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. C. J. IN SERVICE UNDER i 75 LBS. PRESSURE. 289 The Tyler Water Co., } Tyler, Tex., Oct. 16th, 1802 \ National Tube Works Co. We used last season uearly four miles of the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe. This pipe was laid over a hilly country, and in straight line. We had two joints leak the first part of the season on account of settling. We have been carrying 150 to 175 lbs. on the pipe, and see no giving away on account of pressure. In putting down the pipe fully half of the labor was saved, and half as much lead as cast-iron pipe would use was saved. The inside of the pipe keeps clean, and does not affect the water. We have about sixteen miles of cast-iron pipe and about four miles of your Kalamein, and can see no great difference in them except that the repairs on the Lock Joint Pipe have been very small so far when compared with the cast-iron pipe. (Signed) Tyler Water Co. B. W. Rowland, Secy, and Supt. TJKIAH, CALIFORNIA. Uriah, Cal., Dec. 10, 1S89 National Tube Works Co. Referring to the Converse Lock Joint Pipe which we purchased of you last April, we cheerfully recommend it as being superior to any that we have ever used. ( si £ ned ) T. H. Jamison, President Ukiah Water Company. VALLEJO, CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Cal., Jul v 31st, 1893. E. C. Converse, Gen. Man. National Tube Works Co., New York. Although the order for the Vallejo, Cal., water works was'taken last spring, and the pipe has all been shipped, the particulars, or some of them, may even at this late date be interesting to you. The specifications called for the following quantities and sizes of pipe, the right to vary the quantities being reserved : 11,463 ft. S-iuch pipe. 43,000 ft. io.inch pipe. 20,000 ft. 12-inch pipe. The sizes and quantities finally adopted, were : 28,440 ft. 8-inch pipe. 11,550 ft. 10-inch pipe. We took the order for pipe and connections after one of the hardest fights and the severest competition we have yet encountered. The job is a very important one and will no doubt form a valuable reference. Vallejo is located within a short distance (about 30 miles up the bay) from San Francisco, and has attained considerable prominence. Bids were received March 29th, opened March 30th, tabulated by the engineer, March 290 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. 31st, and then made public, at which time the Matheson Joint people discov- ered that they were not the lowest bidders, notwithstanding the fact that, as their bid disclosed, their basis was actual cost, it being clearly shown that in order to secure a foothold on the Pacific Coast, they preferred to put the Matheson Joint Pipe in at cost. The greed and anxiety of the Matheson people to secure this order excelled anything that has come under our notice. They have no line of pipe on this coast that they can refer to, and, to secure this one would in every way have been a good card for them, as, to defeat us in competition would have been one victory, and to have a Matheson Joint Pipe line near San Francisco — to refer to — would have been another. Many water works contractors asked for our prices of pipe to figure on in connection with pipe laying, and we gave them the same prices as bid di- rectly by ourselves. The Matheson Joint Pipe people also submitted a sepa- rate bid for pipe laying, and contractors said the Matheson bid for laying pipe was near cost as could be figured — in fact, everything went to show, that the Matheson people were making a desperate effort to secure the entire con- tract. By comparing their bid with ours it appeared that they were about $1,700 under us, and then there was general rejoicing and hand-shaking in the " Matheson Joint " corner. It was not until the engineer had tabulated the bids, however, and taken the work by divisions (which bids were covered in blanket form) that the Matheson Pipe representatives were aware that they were not the lowest bidders as a whole, and when the engineer recom- mended that the before mentioned amount of lap-welded pipe be used, this portion of the work by divisions made us $1,200 under the Matheson Joint. The Matheson representatives then awakened the sleeping joker which they had inserted in their bid, viz.: " that if permitted to bring their pipe by steamer they would make a reduction equal to the difference between the then rail freight and the steamer rate they could get." Of course, we fought this proposition, and won. They then asked for a postponement of the award from Saturday until Monday night, so that they could get testimonials, which they assured the Council, would be so satisfactory that the Council would be justified in pay- ing them $1,200 more on this contract. Feeling confident that there were no testimonials to fear, we made no objection to the extension asked for. We left the Matheson Joint Pipe representatives to search the country for testimonials and we sent out telegrams to a few of our customers who had used the Converse Joint Pipe. Perhaps you can imagine our surprise, when, on Monday evening the Board met and asked the representatives of the Matheson Joint Pipe "to proceed with their arguments and submit the testimonials which the Matheson people claimed would sweep the Converse Joint Pipe off the face of the earth." The Matheson orator stated " that there was no difference between the two pipes — they were both good as they were both made by the largest manufacturers of that class of goods in the world, etc., etc." The Council then insisted that the Matheson Joint Pipe representatives should produce the many testimonials which they had prom- ised to produce, but the Matheson representatives could not even state a point on the Pacific Coast where their pipe was in use, and as they failed to make good their claims, for which they had asked and received a two days' extension of time, they were beaten. 291 292 293 ' 294 '' J MATHESON JOINT UNABLE TO GIVE RECORDS. 295 The freight "Joker " was then resurrected for the third time and put on exhibition again by the Matheson Pipe representatives, but to no purpose. The telegrams we had received were submitted, but the Council had but one of them (that from Tuscarora) read. The question of awarding contract was then put and every member of the Council voted to award the contract to Riffle & Hinkle, engineers and contractors, of Portland, Oregon, they to use the National Tube Works Company's Lap-Welded Pipe fitted with Con- verse Patent Lock Joint, to the amount herein named. Bedlam reigned supreme in. the Matheson Pipe Joint corner ; their representatives were frantic with rage ; one of them, with fists clenched and waving wildly in the air, informed the Board that they would compel the Board to give them the contract if they had to take the case to the highest Court in the United States, and then, sank gently into his chair — apparently exhausted. Thus closed one of the hardest fought battles for supremacy on the Pacific Coast. 'Tis the old, old story — that (even in business matters) truth is mighty and will prevail. The telegrams which our Mr. Thomas W. Brooks sent out — above referred to, were as follows — Please wire T. W. Brooks, Vallejo, Cal., before five P. M., at our ex- pense, total amount Converse Pipe in your system and cost if any of repairs since completed. (Signed) Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Company. The same message was sent to each of the following people, and the replies were respectively as follows — Santa Rosa, Cal., April 3d, 1893. T. W. Brooks, Vallejo, Cal. — Used 26,000 feet Converse Pipe at Ukiah, no repairs since completion. (Signed) J. H. Brush. Tuscarora, Nev., April 3d, 1893. T. IV. Brooks, \ T allejo, Cal. — Laid 13 miles 8-inch Converse Joint Pipe during fall of 1888 — Highest pressure in Independence Valley of 360 lbs. per square inch — Cost of repairs to date $78.00. (Signed) H. W. Coffin, Supt. Water Company. . San Bernardino, Cal., April 3d, 1893. T. IV. Brooks, Vallejo, Cal. — Nineteen % Miles Converse Pipe in this city in use about three years — Pressure from 75 to no lbs. — Cost of repairs less than $10.00 per year — Pipe shows no sign of rust. (Signed) George M. CoouEy. San Diego, Cae., April 3d, 1S93. T. IV. Brooks, Vallejo, Cal. — Have 20 Miles Converse Pipe in our sys- tem — Most of it under pressure of 160 lbs. — Some under pressure of 240 lbs. Cost of repairing joints has not exceeded $20.00 in five years. (Signed) E. Winsby, Supt. San Diego Water Company. (Signed) Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Company. 296 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. San Francisco, Nov. 21st, 1S94. Mr. E. C. Converse, G. M. & V. P. National Tube Works Co. By to-day's mail we send you twelve photographs, eleven taken during the construction of the 8" and 10" Converse Joint Pipe line for the Vallejo City Water Works, and one showing 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe stored in our warehouse in this city; we trust you will find them of interest. We have also forwarded the same number to our New York office. We enclose you a copy of the specifications we submitted at Vallejo. (Signed) Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co. per Thos. W. Brooks. Vaeeejo Specification. 1 — All lap-welded pipe herein specified to be manufactured of wrought- iron or steel plate. 2 — All iron or steel plate to be of uniform thickness and free from scale, rust, flaws, splits and other defects. 3 — If pipe is made from wrought-iron plate the iron must be tough and pliable and have a tensile strength of not less than 45,000 lbs. per square inch, and not more than 50,000 lbs. per square inch, and to have an elastic limit of at least 40$ of the tensile strength of the material, and to permit of cold scarfing and bending without cracking. 4 — If pipe is made from steel plate the steel must be mild, soft steel homogeneous and uniform in structure, pliable in character throughout the plate of which it is made, and to have a tensile strength of not less than 50,000 lbs., nor more than 65,000 lbs. per square inch, and to have an elastic limit of at least 30,000 lbs. per square inch; to permit of cold scarfing at the edges and doubling back to close contact by hammering without crack- ing, all plate before being manufactured into pipe to be free from rust, scale or surface defects. 5 — All pipe shall be lap-welded in same manner as lap-welded boiler tubes, which is known as the roller process of welding. 6 — After pipes are welded the ends shall be turned or otherwise made true, that they will butt together perfectly in the joint. 7 — After being welded each end and every length of pipe shall be tested to a hydraulic pressure per square inch as follows : 8 and 10-inch pipe, 400 lbs. ; 12-inch, 300 lbs. 8 — All diameters to be 8 inch, 10-inch and 12-inch, and to be inside or outside at your option, as per prices submitted on bid form. 9 — The guages used in pipe, whether made of steel or iron, shall be as follows : 8-inch o. d., No. 10^ 8-inch i. d. , No. 10^ 10-inch " No. 10 10-inch " No. 10 12-inch " No. 8 12-inch " No. 8 All guages to be Birmingham Wire Guage, and to be as accurate as good mill practice will permit. 10 — All pipe to be provided with a Converse Lock Joint ; to be lock- leaded and calked to one end of pipe, and the other end of pipe shall have two good strong rivets on each side of the pipe to fit the Converse Lock Joint. 1 1 — After the Converse Lock Joint has been locked and leaded to the 297 ■ '^M-mM M 2!>s ^W >' - - 1 • .'-.V'- >'" ' ' ' V^-; > r ^''V Z ' ' u 299 Vallejo, Cal.— Laying 10-Inch Converse Lock Joint Pipe. 300 ♦* \ • .-',»•■. Vallejo, Cal.— 10-Inch Converse Joint Pipe Line, Laid without the Use of Specials. 301 .•/* Vallejo, Cal.— 10-Inch Converse Joint Pipe Line, Laid without the Use of Specials. 302 303 : 304 CONDEMNED FOR BEING TOO GOOD ! 305 pipe, the pipe and the cast-iron hub forming the joint will be immersed in best mixtures of coal tar and asphaltum or asphaltum and crude oil, the mixture and the coating to be to the entire satisfaction of the Chief Engineer in charge of the Vallejo Water Works, the pipe to remain in the mixture sufficiently long to insure the coating adhering closely to the material, the coating composition to be carefully heated to temperature of not less than 300 degrees F. The pipe must remain in the mixture for such length of time as experience may determine to be necessary. All pipe to be delivered f. o. b., cars in good condition, at such points on line of railway at Vallejo or Cordelia, or such intermediate railway sta- tions as may be desired. VENEZUELA. There was an inquiry not long since for 12 miles of 24-inch pipe for the government. Through our friends Scholtz, Sanchez & Company, we bid on Converse Joint Pipe, and we referred to the rising mains by us at Guatemala and other South American jobs. We finally concluded to send a joint to the government, which we did. Now the report comes back that they don't want that kind of pipe at all; that it is the best pipe and joint that was ever submitted, and would practically last forever, which would not be prudent, because they want something that will play out every two or three years — hence the decision to use Belgium riveted pipe. The report from Venezuela is as follows: New York, Oct. 10, 1S93. E. C. Converse, Gen. Man. National Tube Works Co., New York. Our bid on the 12 miles of 24-inch pipe has been rejected, and the reason for this is unique. Scholtz, Sanchez & Company have a letter from Venezuela, stating that our pipe and joint is the best they have ever seen ; that it would practically last forever, but that it was too good for their use there ; that they wanted something that would burst and wear out after a few years' service ; and that, therefore, they are going to replace the pre- sent worn-out riveted mains, which came from Belgium, with the same kind of pipe made in that country. (Signed) National Tube Works Co. To have our pipe rejected on such ground is the highest compliment which could possibly have been paid us, and it is worthy of mention. Every new set of officials have to make money, and one can readily understand why our pipe, fitted with the Converse Lock Joint, is not suitable for that sort of figuring. VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA. One of the most interesting records of the durability, ser- viceability, minimum friction and cleanliness of wrought-iron 306 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. pipe is the case of the seven miles of ten-inch pipe, bringing water from Marlette Lake and Dalls Creek, in the Sierra Mountains, to Virginia City. This feat of engineering was so daring and successful as to form the subject of several articles in the engineering papers published at the time of its conception and accomplishment. On page 489 of Fanning's " Treatise on Hydraulics and Water Supply Engineering," we find the following reference to this line of pipe: Some of these wrought-iron pipes, in siphons, are subject to great pres- sure, as, for instance, in the Virginia City, Nevada, supply main leading from Marlette Lake. This main is eleven and one-half inches in diameter [Mr. Fanning is mistaken on this point ; it is ten and three-fourth inches outside diameter], and 37,100 feet in length, and crosses a deep valley between the lake upon one mountain and Virginia City upon another. The inlet, where the pipe receives the water of the lake, is 2,098 feet above the lowest depression of the pipe in the valley, where it passes under the Virginia & Truckee Railroad, and the delivery end is 1,528 feet above the same depression. A portion of the pipe is subject to a steady static strain of 750 pounds per square inch. Deeming that a record of this line of pipe would be valuable, we wrote the Superintendent of the Virginia & Gold Hill Water Company, Mr. J. B. Overton, to know about its durability, its serviceability, its cost of maintenance, and whether or not it showed any signs of tubercular incrustation, or other formations on the inside. We herewith reproduce Mr. Overton's answer covering these points. Mr. Overton is so well known as an efficient and con- scientious engineer as to render a record from his pen a complete answer to any and all inquiries on these subjects: The Virginia and Goi,d Hii,e Water Company, \ Virginia City, Nev., March 17, 1885. } National Tube Works Co. In answer to your inquiries of February 24th, I have to say that the ten-inch lap-welded pipe furnished by you appears to be as good to-day as it was when put down in 1875. The inside is as free from incrustation and as smooth as the day it was first in use. Except in the repairing of several breaks that were occasioned by the mismanagement of an employe, there has not been $10 expended on that pipe since the laying of it was completed. The light eighteen-iuch pipe which I bought of your company in 1876 has been in constant use, and has not been looked at, and has given no trouble, nor has it cost a cent since laying. (Signed) J. B. Overton, Supt. FRICTION— COMPARATIVE TEST. 307 Difference in Friction between Converse Joint Lap- Welded Pipe and Riveted Pipe. The two parallel lines of water mains conveying water from Dall's Creek, up in the Sierra Mountains, near Lake Tahoe, to Virginia City, Nev. , form a practicable demonstration of the difference in friction between lap-welded pipe and riveted pipe. One line is 12-inch riveted pipe, the other line is our 10-inch lap-welded pipe. The distance is about seven miles. After the completion of the 10-inch lap-welded line, its capacity was tested as compared with the original 12-inch riv- eted pipe, and the lap-welded line was found to deliver nearly 2,500,000 gallons per day, while the riveted pipe delivered only 2,000,000 gallons in the same time, under the same head and precisely the same conditions in every respect. The success of this style of pipe, in such a case as that just cited, ought to satisfy the most skeptical of its entire practica- bility, as well as its vast superiority over any other style. WAHPETON, DAKOTA. Wahpeton, Dakota, Sept. 24, 1885. National Tube Works Co. I turned the water into these mains on Saturday last, and, in the after- noon of Sunday, after we had excluded all the air, put on a pressure of 120 pounds per square inch, which broke one service clamp on an 8-inch line (very defective casting) and developed a small leak about the size of a lead pencil point on a 6-inch line. Since then have carried about 80 to 100 pounds in day time and 40 to 50 at night to see if we had any more open- ings, but have none ; can run up the pressure, lock it in, and it will lay there solid. To-day we had our test ; threw five streams of water at one time about 120 to 130 feet in height, varying on account of the wind. So tight are our mains that we can do this with one pump. We had quite a number of visitors, including Mr. C. E. Gray, Sr., and Mr. H. C. Johnson, Manager for Worthington Company. I believe that the two streams thrown over our Court House were over 140 feet high. Mr. Johnson ran our pumps up to 140 pounds and threw streams at 120 to 130 pounds all this afternoon. He will probably be in Chicago Monday, and I would like to have you get his description of this plant. Four miles or more of Kalamein pipe and only two leaks. What does that mean anyhow ? I can scarcely realize it, sup- plying the city to-night with our boiler feeder pump ; can do so both night and day, except in case of fire. Our pump station is very neatly papered, with deep gold border and gilt center pieces, being grained now in light and dark ash. The pumps are SOS FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ornamented by handsome scroll work and high colors on green bronze and Indian red background. This ornamentation, together with our nickel plated injector, gauges and engine registers, presents a handsome appearance. Our pipe is painted black, the fittings blue and bluff, and all the valve-bodies vermillion. " She's a daisy " and no mistake. (Signed) E. R. Davenport, Contractor and Builder of Gas and Water Works. Office of Wahpeton Water Works, City of Wahpeton, Lessee. Wahpeton, North Dakota, Dec. 4th, 1892. National Tube Works Co. I will let you know about the Kalamein pipe. It is carrying from 40 to 60 pounds pressure and 100 pounds fire pressure. The annual cost of repairs is about $0.15. The condition of the pipe is good, and its internal condition as clean as a silver dollar. It has no effect on the water. The cost of lead and labor in laying it is about one-half, when com- pared with cast-iron pipe. It is laid in alkali soil. I think it is the cleanest pipe I ever saw in water works, and think there should be no other used for that purpose. (Signed) T. F. Doyle, Chief Engineer and Plumber for the last 4 years. Walla Walla Water Company, Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 29th, 1892. National Tube Works Co. Yours of the 20th at hand and contents noted. My experience with your Kalamein pipe has been very satisfactory. True, we have not used it any length of time (about four years), but it has given entire satisfaction. We carry 30 pounds pressure. No breaks. Repairs : None. Condition : Good. Saving in lead and labor over cast-iron : One-half. Character of soil : Gravel, Alkali and Clay. As to the internal condition — can't say, but dare say it is as good as new, as the water we use is very pure. Have no cast-iron pipe in use — it is too expensive. Hoping this will be satisfactory, I remain, (Signed) J. F. Bowman, Supt. WARM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA. Warm Springs, Alameda County, Cal., Dec. 12th, 1889. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your letter of Dec. 2d in regard to the Converse Joint Pipe I purchased from you some time ago, I would say that the pipe has been in THE WORLD'S FAIR LINE. 309 use about three years and is in good condition. I found it very easy to put together and it is satisfactory in every respect. (Signed) Josiah Stanford. Warm Springs, Cal., Oct. 31st, 1S92. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your letter of the 14th, I would say that the Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalaniein Pipe which I purchased in 1887 from your agents, Messrs Dunham, Carrigan &;Co., has given entire satisfaction. It is laid in adobe soil in some places and in lime rock and sand in other sections, and the pipe is free from rust both inside and outside and is in perfect condition. I consider it the best pipe I have ever used, being easily laid and lasting well, besides allowing the water to pass the joints without friction. (Signed) J. W. Stanford. WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN. Of course you visited the World's Fair, at Chicago, in 1893, and it necessarily followed that you indulged more or less in the delightful water brought from the Waukesha Springs in Wisconsin, a distance of 104 miles. You are further familiar with the fact that we furnished the pipe that received the water at the springs and delivered it at the Fair grounds in its original purity. Read what John W. Alvord, Chief Engineer, says of the pipe : Office of D. H. Burnham, Director of Works, World's Columbian Exposition, Jackson Park, Chicago, III., October 27th, 1893. National Tube Works Co. In answer to your inquiry as to our experience in constructing and operating the Waukesha Pipe Line for the purpose of conveying spring water from Waukesha County to Chicago and the World's Fair, I would say : That after a most searching and careful investigation of the various kinds of pipe, covering a period of over six months, and the expenditure of several thousands of dollars, we decided to place the order for the entire one hundred and four miles of pipe with you, selecting your lap-welded wrought- iron pipes, tested at your mills to a pressure of seven hundred pounds per square inch, which pipe we had tested and inspected, as shipped by our own inspectors, with the result that, we think (and our operation of the finished line confirms our opinion), that we have as near a perfect line as it is possible to secure. All the pipe was coated inside and out with Maltha, which has proven that it did not in the slighest degree affect the water, and was a certain and sure protection to the pipe as against rust or corrosion. The pipe to-day being, as far as we can judge, entirely unaffected, and in as good condition as when laid. Our line was tested to a pressure of three hundred pounds, and is operated under a maximum hydrostatic pressure of two hundred and fifty pounds per square inch, and is 6^5 inches in diameter. 310 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. We desire to express to you our full appreciation of the manner and promptness with which the order was executed. We receiving the whole of the one hundred and four miles in about seventy working days, and lay- ing it in about the same length of time. We have never had any breaks or leaks due in any way to defects on the pipe. No leaks of any consequence have been developed since the line was completed and placed in operation. (Signed) John W. Alvord, Chief Engineer Hygeia Company. McElroy Tai^ks at Length on Hygeia Company's Water. James E. EcElroy General Manager, had a great deal to say yesterday about the Hygeia Water Company. It was the first time that Mr. McElroy had consented to talk freely on this subject. He had entered into extensive explanation of many things that have been charged against his enterprise. * * * "When I proposed to give the World's Fair people a bond of one hundred thousand dollars to furnish pure mineral water, I meant just what I said. * * * The water comes from Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, and is the equal of any water that can be found in the village of Waukesha As an evidence of my good intentions in the matter, I wrote a letter to the Fair officials to-day requesting them to appoint a chemist to test this water as it comes from our pipes on the Fair grounds as often as once in every two weeks and publish the results. If any competent analysis fails to show that it is better than any water shipped to Chicago, then I will quit the business. I am satisfied now that there is no water so chemi- cally pure or free from organic or other objectionable matter as the water coining through our pipe line. " Right here I want to correct a statement published some time ago to the effect that our pipes are lined with lead. That is not true. On the other hand, they are lined with California Maltha. * * * I spent $8,000 experimenting before I got hold of the material finally adopted and used, and it is probably the most expensive material ever put into pipes." * * * Mr. McElroy declared that the Hygeia Company's trouble could all be traced to Andrew Frame, a Waukesha banker, who, he exclaimed, " attempted to force me to buy the Waukesha water works, * * * but I soon discovered, through an investigation, that the water works were not what they had been represented to be, * * * Had it not been for the determination to make us purchase the water works, there would never have been any pipe line litigation." Mr. Butler, of the Ways and Means Committee, made a brief statement to the effect that the Hygeia Company had kept faith with the Exposition. — Chicago Tribune, May 9, 1S93. Waukesha Hygeia Mineral Springs Company, ) Chicago, Iu,., Oct. 25, 1894. \ W. R. Oakes, Esq., Sabula, Iozva. Understanding that you are contemplating the construction of a water works system, and that vou are considering the use of a portion of the steel TESTED TO 700 POUNDS PRESSURE. 311 pipe that was made for us by the National Tube Works Co. , and at their request we write you in regard to the same. When we determined to construct the pipe line to convey water from Waukesha to Chicago, we employed the best engineering talent that we could find to determine the very best material to use in order to make a model line. The distance between the two points was about one hundred miles, and the pressure under which the line would have to operate was closely approximating 240 lbs. to the sqare inch. This necessitated a strong pipe. We were also interested in securing a pipe that would give us the greatest carrying capacity for the size used. We had our engineer thoroughly and carefully investigate all styles of pipe that were used for conveying water ; also the different kinds of coating used with a view of securing that which would not affect the water passing through the pipe, and at the same time secure perfect protection against corrosion. The result of our investigations was that we placed an order with the National people for 102 miles of steel pipe fitted with patent recessed coup- lings, and coated with Maltha. Our contract required that all this pipe be tested in the presence of our own experts to a hydrostatic pressure of 700 lbs. per square inch. Every length was so tested, and the result has been that we have an eminently satisfactory line in every way. We found that we had ordered more pipe than was required to complete our line, and the excess is now in the hands of the National people, and, if you secure a portion of it for your line, we feel sure that you will be as well satisfied as we, and will have a pipe far superior to that ordinarily put out for this purpose. If we can give you any further information in regard to this material we should be glad to do so. Waukesha Hygeia M. S. Co., By C. C. PREST, Asst. G. Mg'r. WELLSVILLE, NEW YORK. WEI,LSVIU,E, N. Y., March 12, 1S85. National Tube Works Co. We are in receipt of your favor asking us about our pipe system, which was laid with your Converse Lock Joint Kalamein and Asphalted wrought- iron pipe, both as to the satisfaction it gave on the original tests, as well as subsequently ; also the cost of maintenance. In reply, we beg to state that our system consists of five miles of your pipe, from ten inches down to four inches — gravitation. Maximum pres- sure, eighty pounds. At the public test the system was found to be perfectly tight. It was also noticed that the fire streams were more powerful than we had estimated. We attribute this to the minimum friction of your pipe. As to the cost of maintenance, I am pleased to note that during the time we have operated these works — about eighteen months — -there has been no break or leak of any description, and the cost of maintenance is simply nothing. We do not see how it could be less. 312 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. We think we have one of the finest works in New York State. The local papers, as well as the local opinions, confirm our belief in this respect. We might further add, as a matter of interest, that the pipe shows no sign of incrustation or deterioration of any kind whatever, and seems in as good condition as when it was first laid. (Signed) WeeesvieeE Water Company, Per W. S. Kuhn, Treas. Wehsvieee, New York, March n, 1885. National Tube Works Co. With regard to the working of our pipe system, which, as you are aware, is your lap-welded wrought-iron Converse Lock Joint Kalamein pipe, Kalamein and asphalted, I would say that thus far, since the completion of our works fifteen months ago, it has given good satisfaction. We have not as yet been able to discover a cracked or bursted pipe in our whole system, which certainly seems to be strong evidence of the strength and quality of your pipe. Wherever uncovered the pipes showed a fresh appearance, and the coating on them well preserved. With the short experience we have had with your pipe, we feel that we can safely say that it is fully equal, if not superior, to cast-iron pipe for water. Any further information in regard to our pipe system that you may desire we shall be pleased to give you. (Signed) John McInTyre, Supt. Wellsville Water Co. WeelsvieeE, New York, Jan. 29th, 1890. National Tube Works Co. Your letter of the 27th inst. is at hand. I found from two years trial in Florida that the soil rusts cast-iron more quickly than wrought-iron. I found that the artesian water furnishes a black coating on inside wrought- iron pipes, through which it flows at a modorate rate, which practically arrests and prevents rusting on the inside of the pipe. I found that the best black coated cast-iron pipe I could get — inside and out — was quickly brought under the influence of the artesian water to such an extent as to remove the coating, scale it off and show rust inside of two years and also show rust- colored spots from the soil's action on the outside. After fully satisfying myself that wrought-iron was much the better, I so advised and have furnished for the St. Augustine (Fla.) Water Works, its entire system, with line pipe of standard weight. I have also provided a paint which is put on the pipe, couplings and fittings, after laid in line with all joints made up — on skids over trench — then lowered in after drying, and finally covered. The wrought-iron pipe in this way looks as bright — i. e., the paint — after five years, as when new, but the cast-iron fittings show rust spots through this paint after twelve months in ground. I have, therefore, sold nothing in the South Atlantic States but wrought-iron line pipe and drive pipe — for water works and Artesian wells. I understand you are now making some 10-in., 12-in. and 15-in. drive pipe to fill an order I lately placed with your New York house. KALAME1N UNAFFECTED— CAST-IRON DESTROYED. 313 I am getting ready to go South, have written very hurriedly and not to my satisfaction. If you desire any further information ; analysis of the Artesian water or otherwise, please address me at St. Augustine, Fla., box 431, and I shall be pleased to give you what further information I can. (Signed) C. L. Parker, C. E. WHITEWOOD, SOUTH DAKOTA. Office of Northwestern Transfer Company, { Whitewood, S. D. , October 31st, 1892. ) National Tube Works Co. Answering yours of 20th inst., would say that your Converse Patent Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe has given good satisfaction— -remarkably so — ■ when compared with cast-iron pipe. Our water has an unusual effect on iron pipe, corroding cast-iron pipe to a very considerable extent, but with your Kalamein pipe it is to-day as clean and in as good condition, both inside and out, as when put in the ground two years ago. We had occasion to take out a length of Kalamein pipe a few weeks ago to insert a valve and we found the Kalamein pipe — as described above — perfectly clean and free from rust. The character of the soil is red gypsum. We have not had a break or repair of any kind in the Kalamein pipe service, though, of course, the pressure is not very great — about 40 to 55 lbs. , the difference being accounted for by the grade of our streets. Any other information will be furnished, if required, for we are so satisfied with your Kalamein pipe ourselves that we can conscientiously recommend it. (Signed) H. T. Cooper, Superintendent, Whitewood Water Works Co. YAQUIJKTA, OEEGOU. Oregon Pacific Railroad Co., ) Corv ai,i,is, Oregon, Dec. 24th, 1889. f National Tube Works Co. Your favor of 3d inst., referring to Converse pipe, referred to Mr. A. A. Scheuck, Div. Eng., who replies this date : " I had not much faith in the pipe until I saw it tested under 140 feet head ; I now think well of it. (Signed) Arch. A. Schenck, Div. Engineer." Mr. Schenck had charge of laying this pipe at Yaquina. (Signed) C. C. HoguE, Auditor. Corvalus, Oregon, Oct. 20th, 1892. Mr. A. J. Guilford, National Tube Works Co. I am in receipt of a letter addressed to the Divisional Engineer of the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company propounding certain questions as to the satisfaction of the Converse Lock Joint Kalamein Pipe, etc., which we pur- chased from Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Company, San Francisco, Cal. 314 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The pipe referred to was laid at our terminal works at Yaquina under the supervision of the Master Mechanic, and I have referred your letter to him, and I presume he will reply to same. His address is, Mr. I. Hulme, M.M., Yaquina, Benton Co., Oregon. (Signed) Wm. M. Hoag, Manager. Yaouina, Oregon, Oct. 226., 1892. National Tube Works Co. Your letter of the 14th inst. to the division engineer of this company was referred to me by our general manager, Mr. Wm. M. Hoag. I shall reply to same with pleasure. I had charge of laying the 4 and 6-inch Con- verse Patent Tock Joint Kalamein Pipe at this point three years ago, and up to the present time it has given entire satisfaction. I cannot say as to the internal condition of the pipe, but should judge it good, as the water leaves it in the same condition as it enters. The pipe is laid in loose sand- stone and on trestle work. We carry 60 pounds pressure. Up to date the pipe has not cost one cent for repairs. Trusting this will be of service to you, I am, (Signed) I. Hueme, Master Mechanic, Oregon Pacific Raieroad, Yaquina, Oregon. BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 315 BURST CAST-IRON WATER MAINS. Many volumes would be required to give even a digest of the accidents that for years — ever since cast-iron pipe was first used for water mains — have been of almost daily occurrence. We simply quote a few of the more serious cases. The first item we will mention is from the " Engineering News " (page 217) of Sept. 8, 1892. Breaks in Water Mains or accidents to pumping machinery affecting to a greater or less degree the water supplies furnished by five different water- works to seven cities and towns, all east of the Mississippi River, occurred during the five days, Aug. 27, to 31, inclusive. Perhaps the most serious break was in connection with the works at Newport, Ky., which also supply Belleview and Dayton, Ky., where early in the morning of Aug. 29, or on the previous night the supply main broke about two miles from the city, cutting off the entire supply from the town for about 36 hours. Fortunately no fire occurred while the water was cut off, but it appears that the people had to shift for water for ordinary purposes as best they could, while some of the factories shut down. About 500,000 gallons of water Avas stored in 20 cisterns throughout the city, but these would afford only a slight fire protection for a city of more than 25,000 inhabitants. A connection with the Covington Water Works had been sug- gested some time ago for use in just such an accident as this. At Wilmington, Del., on Aug. 30, a schooner grounded on a 20-inch main laid beneath a creek to supply South Wilmington. For an hour the waste into the creek lowered the pressure in the main part of the city, but the shutting of a gate cut off the water from the break and restored the pressure in the larger part of the city. A small temporary pipe was at once proposed to furnish some water to South Wilmington and steps are being taken to repair the break. At Atlantic City, N. J., on Aug. 31, the supply main from the main-land crippled the service of the Atlantic City Water Company, but it had a stand- pipe full of water which gave a partial supply until the break could be tem- porarily repaired. In addition the Consumers' Water Company also sup- plies water in Atlantic City * * * A moral to all the above tales is obvious, and, also the remedy for such difficulties, which has been pointed out in these columns in times past * * * Fortunately no fires occurred in any of the communities mentioned above, but it was only by chance that they did not. 516 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ALLEGHENY", PENNSYLVANIA. Will Pay Damage Claims. The Water Committee of Allegheny, met last evening and approved the report of the sub-committee appointed to pass upon the claims of persons whose property was damaged by the bursting of the 30-inch water main on Howard Street. The report was referred to the Finance Committee of the Council. — Pittsburgh Dispatch, September 5, 1893. AUBURN, MAINE. Cast-iron Pipe Cannot Be Depended Upon. Foss, Packard & Co., of Auburn, Me., will build a reservoir 011 top of their factory for the storage of water for use in case of a break in the water mains or a lack of water from any other cause. A similar provision has been made at the Munroe, Packard & Linscott Factory. — Fire and Water, January 21, iSg3. BATH, MAINE. Nearly a Dozen Business Buildings Destroyed at a Loss of $400,000. Bath, Me., Jan. 28. — Fire in this city to-day swept away much of the business part of the city, building after building succumbing to the flames. Some of the largest stores in the city were burned and their valuable stock destroyed. The fire started in a stable in the rear of the Sagadahoc build- ing. The Fire Department responded promptly, but the water works system was useless, a big break in the main line having occurred last night. When the alarm was given at the City Hall the water pressure in the street mains was only fourteen pounds. A second alarm was turned out, summoning three steamers, which were set at work at the river. Meanwhile the lire had made rapid progress and was spreading on all sides. Mayor Shaw sent for aid — Brunswick, Portland and Lewiston responding. The engines on arriving were placed at the river. It was nearly six hours before the fire was under control. The militia were called out to protect the property removed from the buildings. The fire swept away Sagadahoc building, containing the largest hotel in the city, the Sagadahoc Bank, Marine Bank and several stores and offices, including the granite building occupied by the largest dry goods house in the city, the Savings Bank building, the Bath Times editorial rooms, the Union building, Fuller's Central building, and a large tenement house occupied by six families. The total loss is estimated at $400,000. — New York Sun, January 29, 1894. Bath Me., Water Supply. — The 12-inch water main across the river at Bath, Me., recentty separated or " pulled apart " at one of the joints, cut- ting off the water supply from the city. Temporary repairs afforded a partial supply and measures will be taken, as soon as the season permits, for still BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 317 further repairs so that the city may have its full supply again as soon as possible. — The Engineering Record, February 18, /Sgj. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Ali, Traffic Stopped. That immense fountain in the Frog Pond, in Boston Common, which, in the summer time, belches forth with an angry snort, sending a powerful column of water high into the air, whence it returns to the pond again in a sparkling spray, had a rival the other day. This zealous rival was not situ- ated in the midst of a pretty pond surrounded with a beautiful park, but in the middle of one of Boston's most frequently traversed thoroughfares. A break in a 36-inch water main, which lies buried under the entire length of Tremont Street, caused the trouble and stopped all traffic. Several of the gates in the neighborhood were closed and a large hole dug with the intention of repairing the break. Two men were in the hole, which was a large one and several feet deep, when suddenly and with an angry roar the water rushed in upon them quickly, filling the cavity and completely burying the men in a furious boil- ing whirlpool. They were rescued from their perilous position in a half drowned and frozen condition, and, after they had partaken of hot drinks and had a change of clothing, they were sent home more fully to recover from the ill effects of their adventure. At times during the afternoon the water spurted up in an immense column to a great height and threatened disaster to the whole neighborhood. All the gates in the neighborhood were shut, and still the water rushed forth. Tater it was found that a gate had also broken down.— Fire and Water, February 10, 1&94. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. The following refers to "the new 48-inch cast iron water main (now complete)," at Brooklyn, New York: Each main being 12. 2 long and two inches thick. This cast- iron main not being in service one year at the time of its burst- ing. This new cast-iron main, as will be noticed, burst in four different places. Before giving an account of the bursting of this new 48-inch cast-iron water main, we quote from the annual report of the Department of City Works for the year 1891, made to the Com- mon Council of the City of Brooklyn, February 1, 1892. Authorized bond issue. New48-iuch main, $700,000.00. * * * The break in the old conduit occurred. * * * In a few hours the entire water supply of Brooklyn was cut off. The break occurred on Saturday, Novem- ber 21st. Seventy-eight thousand feet of new pipe had been laid by the contractors along side of the old conduit, and but 1,000 feet remained to be laid to complete the entire relief conduit when the accident took place. 318 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Immediately on notice being received of this disaster, this bureau as- sumed charge of the work of removing the superincumbent earth and open- ing the conduit; by constant and untiring labor, day and night, through storm and cold. What seemed a superhuman task was accomplished, and on Monday evening the conduit was cleared and the water passed through, thus re-establishing the supply. * * * A Board of Experts having been appointed by the Honorable Commissioner of City Works, to report this break, I do not deem it proper to discuss it here. * * * Many leaks had existed at this location for years, which, while not dangerous, required careful watching and allowed much loss of waters. * * * This was successfully done by laying a double line of 48-inch pipe through which the entire water supply of the city was led. * * * The water extension. This work has progressed rapidly and well. The entire extension will be completed this year. Contracts were let in May to the Warren Foundry and Machine Com- pany, the Reading Foundry Company, and the Camden Iron Works for fur- nishing the pipe and specials for the new 48-inch water main and connec- tions, and most of the pipe has been delivered. * * * Please bear in mind that there may be a clear understand- ing of the case, that the breaks mentioned occurred in the new 48-inch cast-iron water pipe. We also invite attention to the fact that the 48-inch pipe was furnished by some of the oldest manufacturers of cast-iron pipe, viz. : Warren Foundry and Machine Company, Reading Foundry Company and the Camden Iron Works, A break in a force main connected with the Brooklyn water works ex- tension occurred a few days ago entirely cutting off the supply from that section of the gathering grounds of the works. * * * The break in the force main on the extension threw the drain entirely on the old watershed for a time. * * * The main which broke extends around the Baldwin storage reservoir. — The Engineering News, January igth, 1893. TO PATCH THE BROKEN PIPES WITH IRON BANDS. Engineer Clapp Thinks He Will be Able to Repair Brooklyn's Water Main by To-Night. — Very Peculiar Fractures. — Prob- ably Due, it is Thought, to some Defect in the Metal. — Hard Work to Reach the Main and Ease the Inconvenience of Brooklyn. If the expectations of Contractor Edward Freel and the hopes of En- gineer J. Russell Clapp, as expressed to me yesterday at Millburn, L. I., are realized , the four breaks at that point in the great 48-inch main of the Brooklyn water system should be repaired by to-night, and by to-morrow morning the drought-stricken community should be able to slake its thirst and take its bath as often as ever. The contractors and engineers are always sanguine. To the eye of a person unpracticed in digging down for and patching up broken water pipes BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 319 the situation at Millburn yesterday looked anything but promisiug for the relief of Brooklyn before Monday next at the earliest. It seemed more likely that the work would take until the middle of next week. There is no question that Freel and Clapp have been pushing the work to their utmost. Gangs of Italian laborers under five foremen, personally directed by Freel's son, have been at work night and day attacking the small mountain of frozen earth and gravel under which the 48-inch main first elected to crack. Bad Pi,ace eor a Break. It was the very worst spot that could have been picked out for such an accident. The bank of gravel, nearly forty feet high, is just west of the new 400,000,000 gallon reservoir to be finished in the spring. UNEARTHING THE BROKEN PIPE. It stretches from the curve or elbow, where the main turns north from its general direction of west, almost to the valve chamber of gate house, where it turns westward again. The first and largest break in the main is just north of the first curve. In the two lengths of pipe next to the north breaks Nos. 2 and 3 were discovered. Break No. 4, which was not reported until Thursday last, is in the third length north of No. 3, and is almost as serious as the first break. Working with one hundred and eleven men in the day time, and ninety-eight at night, by the light of gasoline torches, contractor Freel had, up to yesterday afternoon, removed that part of the forty -foot mound directly over the first break in the main, which was nine feet below the level. Tike a Mining Camp. As far as break No. 4, the upper part of the mound, which was frozen as hard as a rock, had been pierced by crowbars after being warmed by bonfires kindled on the surface. 820 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Then the frozen crust was shattered by charges of dynamite, and huge hunks as solid as blocks of stone were dragged away by horses, the softer earth being taken out in wheelbarrows. Altogether the place looked like a mining camp in miniature. Contractor Freel's son assured me that the work of digging down to the pipes would be completed by last night. Engineer Clapp described the way in which he proposed to repair the breaks, and he said it ought not to take more than one day. The breaks were the most peculiar ones in his experience with water mains. Each length of the main is 12.2 long, of iron two inches thick. The breaks occurred in the rim end of each length, where there is a shoulder three inches thick. This, Mr. Clapp said, was something he had never known to happen before. He was at a loss to explain it, except on the supposition that there was some defect in the iron. Breaks Nos. 1 and 4 are nearly seven feet long, and as wide as one's hand. The others are mere cracks. The Repairs. Mr. Clapp's plan, instead of putting in new joints of pipe, is to bind up the fractured ones with heavy bands of iron three inches wide, drawing the sutures tightly together. The full water pressure, he thinks, can then be turned on. When the weather becomes milder the fractured pipe will be taken up and new put down. While the iron bands are being adjusted the water will be turned off, but Mr. Clapp said this would not materially affect the supply in Brooklyn. The situation there yesterday was slightly better than on Thursday. The supply of water pumped was 79,164,341 gallons, and the consumption 76,856,010 gallons. City Works Commissioner Adams said, that with care by the citizens not to waste water, there need be no suffering. — New York Herald, January 21, 1S93. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. A CHANCE MEETING Between Interesting News Items and Reporters for " The Sunday Times."— A Strong Suspicion that Rotten Water Mains have been Laid in the City — Worthless Mains. — Indications that the City has again been Swindled. Complaint of an unofficial character has recently been made respecting the character and quality of some of the cast-iron water mains now being laid by the city, and with some facts in his possession a representative of The Times made a partial examination of the matter on yesterday. It appears that in May last the city authorities advertised forbids, and accepted the offer of the Cincinnati and Newport Iron and Pipe Company to furnish 1,453 tons of iron pipe of various sizes, at the rate of $23. 10 a ton, considered at the time to be a very low figure. The contract stipulated that the pipes should be of uniform thickness, good quality, and such as would cut and drill well. It was further conditioned that the pipe should be capable of BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 321 standing a severe water power test. The corporation has very nearly com- pleted its contract, and a great many of the pipes have been laid down in various portions of the city. It is claimed that this has been done in the face of the fact that a large number of the pipes have succumbed to the water pressure, and that in nearly every instance the iron has shown very many defects whenever the surface has been broken, and an opportunity given to examine its true character. Some pieces of broken pipe were secured on yesterday which showed that the iron was very thoroughly honey-combed, and there were other evidences showing that it was brittle and liable to split in all directions whenever an attempt was made to enter it with a drill. These specimens are not hard to find, as somewhat more than one hundred pipes lie at the yards, near the Chicago Avenue bridge, which have been broken in handling and by the water test. The same con- dition of affairs is also to be found at the Twenty-second Street yards. The parties who have had charge of laying the pipes on various streets also complain that a large number of the pipes have been broken in handling, after having withstood the water pressure, and in nearly every instance have disclosed the same deplorable condition of affairs, all going to show that the material used is very generally bad. It is claimed, by those who are supposed to know, that, in a recent test at the Twenty-second Street yards, five pieces out of seventeen of the six- teen-inch pipe proved to be worthless, and nearly all demonstrated the fact that the iron was honey-combed and had no grain in it. The only solution of the matter given is that the iron itself is bad, and that good iron cannot be furnished at the figures mentioned in the bid. The use of this character of iron, it can very readily be seen, is liable to cause great expense to the city by the bursting of mains after the}' have been placed in the ground, and annoyance to property-owners in the tearing up of pavements conse- quent upon the condition of affairs. A reporter for the Times called upon City Engineer Stanton on yesterday afternoon to consult him respecting some of the matters mentioned. The gentleman said that all pipes were put to a severe water test before being used, and were also tested in other ways, and where any imperfections were discovered the pipes were thrown out. He claimed that no special complaint had been made to him respecting the character and quality of these particular pipes, and he had no personal knowledge of the disastrous result of the test made at the Twenty-second Street yards. If he had known of any such condition of affairs he would have condemned the entire lot. He claimed that imperfections were dis- covered in all kinds of cast-iron pipe, and that the very best of fouudrymen would fail at times in making perfect pipe. If there was any general defect in the pipe now being used by the city, he was not aware of it, and said that if any such condition of affairs existed as is indicated above, he would at once proceed to condemn it. Notwithstanding this fact, there are plenty of monuments of broken iron at each of the city yards to vouch for all that has been stated, and to an unprofessional mind it would appear that where so much had proven worthless, the entire batch could not be of a very high standard, or nearly up to what is called for by the contract. — Chicago Times, September 21, i8yg. 322 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. A WATER MAIN BURSTS. There was a break in a big 36-inch cast-iron water main on Chicago Ave- nue, near Dearborn Street, yesterday morning, and as the water was forced out through the earth the pavement rose and fell like the waves on the lake. A hundred different streams started all around the vicinity of the break, and the water poured into the neighboring basements. Word was sent to the police, a guard was put around to keep children from the dan- gerous locality, and the water department was notified. The latter's offi- cials readily comprehended that a main had burst, but as there are two there, one a 24 and the other a 36-inch, there was some doubt as to which of these it was. Finally the men concluded to ascertain by shutting off the flow from the 24-inch pipe. This is necessarily very slow work, and after two hours had been spent it was ascertained that the water still poured from the leak. Then work was commenced on the 36-inch main, and by 2.30 o'clock the work was completed and the water ceased to flow. Word had not been sent to the pumping works, however, and the engines still continued to work, with a result that the other mains were unable to receive all the water. The pressure went up and up, and would have soon resulted in another burst elsewhere had it not been observed and two of the engines stopped. " The work of repairing the big main will go on at once," said Chief Engineer Gerecke, " but it will necessarily take about three days to mend the break. It is hard to tell what caused it — perhaps a sinking of the ground, or the main may have worn out. The main is plugged now at a distance east and west of the break, but as there is a net-work of pipes con- necting and re-connecting, the water will continue to pass through the broken main a distance beyond the plugs. Thus there will be water for all, only it will have less force and will not be furnished in the same quantity as before. The district around where the break occurred may be cut off for three days but not longer. — Chicago Into -Ocean, Sunday, January 2-/, 1S89. A BURST WATER PIPE AT LAKE. The city engineering department was in a quandary this morning. A 16-inch cast-iron water main had burst at 67th street and the Fort Wayne railroad tracks. It is the town of Take's pipe connected with Hyde Park. The city could not find a stop cock in the vicinity to shut off the water, nor could any one be found who knew how these pipes were laid. In the mean- time the water kept on flowing and the ground getting softer. All that could be found out was that this was the first pipe run into Lake from Hyde Park, but where the gates were in the pipes no records in possession of the city would show. The result was a decision to shut down the works until the leak could be repaired, which would take several hours. — Chicago Even- ing News, September 75, i8go. The Water Shut Off Suddenly. The Mains on the World's Fair Grounds Emptied Without Warning. The water was turned off the mains at Sixty-fourth street which supply the World's Fair grounds, yesterday, and no notice was given to the man- agers. Supt. Besley's first intimation of the fact was the almost simultan- BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 323 eous complaint from all over the ground that there was no water. He could ascertain nothing definite. The engines were set to work and the mains inside the in closure filled from the lagoons. In speaking of the matter Mr. Besley said that if a fire had broken out before the stoppage of the water was discovered half the buildings in course of construction might have been de- stroyed. It was discovered later in the day that one of the large cast-iron mains was broken and that the water had been shut off in order to have re- pairs made. — Chicago Tribune, Friday, November 6, iSgi. ROOKERY IS FLOODED. The Great Building Crippled by the Bursting oe a Main.— An Ocean in the Basement. — Boieer Explosion Narrowly Averted. —Eight and Power Plants Disabled. — Relief Slow in Coming. The sixteen-inch water main at the corner of Adams and La Salle streets burst at three o'clock this morning, and for nearly seven hours a roaring torrent of muddy water poured into the basements of the Rookery and Lakeside buildings. The fires in the engine rooms were extinguished, and for a long time no elevators could be run. No steam heat or electric light could be obtained all day, and office holders who had no gas fixtures were obliged to resort to candles and kerosene lamps for light. Fifteen inches of water stood in the basement of the Rookery building at n o'clock, and several stocks of electrical appliances which were badly damaged. The employees of the water office, in their anxiety to shut off the main and stop the roaring flood which was tearing up the street like a plowshare, cut off all the pipes and shut off the supply of water from the boilers in the vicinity. It was a miracle that there were no boiler explosions. The engineer at the Chicago Edison Company averted such a disaster by drawing the fire in the furnace in the nick of time. Narrow Escape of Workmen. James Graham, Superintendent of water pipe extension, arrived at 8.30 to shut off the water, and with a gang of men to repair the break. Two of the workmen were overcome with gas while trying to adjust the turncock, and narrowly escaped asphyxiation. The men had entered the mauhole, and had been under ground but a moment, when Supt. Graham saw them fall to the ground unconscious. Graham and another employe ran hastily and brought the two men to the surface, where the fresh air and some strong coffee revived them so that they could proceed with the work. Help from the City Delayed. The watchman went to the City Hall, but the night operators in the fire alarm office were the only persons in the building, and all they could do was to make a memorandum of the trouble and promise to notify the water office when the officials of that department arrived. At eight o'clock no word had been received from the City Hall, and the water was still gaining on the force of men who, with brooms and mops, were trying to turn the flood into the sewer. Finally John F. Gilchrist, of the Chicago Edison Company, made a personal visit to the water office, but could find no one who could or would take some action towards shutting off the 324 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. water. At 8.30 James Graham, Superintendent of water pipe extension, reached the scene with a force of men, but it was 10 o'clock before they could locate the break and shut off the main. Au, the Elevators Stopped. Meanwhile, 3,000 tenants of the Rookery were in a pretty stew. Between 8 and 9 o'clock, when the biggest rush occurs in the building, all of the twelve elevators were at a standstill, for the reason that the furnace fires stopped the pumps that run the elevators. The elevator conductors that stood before their empty cars had a busy time explaining to the fast increas- ing crowd what had happened. Those that wanted to reach their offices im- mediately walked up stairs to the eighth or eleventh story, as the case might be, but most every one joined the crowed that gathered around the spouting pipe on the corner. There was no steam heat or electric light in the offices. In the big building there was no light but that furnished by gas, kerosene or tallow caudles. Offices Left in Darkness. The offices on the ground floor w T ere in the worst predicament. The rooms are naturally dark, shut in by big buildings on all sides and few were provided with gas fixtures. The Illinois Trust and Savings Bank fortunately had gas jets above most of their desks, but in the vaults and over the patrons' desks, tallow dips sputtered out a poor light. In Rea, Mendel & Co.'s real estate office, on the first floor, there was nothing to substitute for the electric light that failed. The clerks did not have to climb any stairs to reach their office on account of the accident, but they found them- selves groping around in the dark after unlocking the door. They were compelled to invest in candles and dispose them about the office where they were needed. In the offices of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com- pany, Mexican National Railroad Company, Western Union Telegraph, Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad Company, Central Grain Stock Ex- change Company, American Credit Indemnity Company, and the Pond En- gineering Company, candles were the only lights had, and business was con- ducted under a great disadvantage. And it was chilly, too, without any steam heat. The typewriter girls clicked away on their machines still wearing their cloaks, and the clerks in the Illinois Steel Company's offices on the tenth floor, wore mufflers about their necks. Many business men made no attempt to do any business. Those having offices on the east and west sides of the building were well enough off for light, but the sunshine didn't furnish much warmth. Said City Engineer Clarke : "I was not told of the accident until 8:30 this morning, and the first intimation anybody in the department had of the break was at 6:30, when the police notified Mr Graham at Douglas Park. Why nobody was told sooner I don't know." " Has the engineering department no provision for turning off the water promptly in such emergencies ? " " It has none that is likely to be effective unless the department is in- formed of accidents. I don't wonder that nobody in the department was informed of the break at 3 o'clock in the morning, for we don't have men on duty all night waiting for pipes to burst. (Queer remark for the City BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 325 Engineer to make.) I don't think any body in the City Hall was to blame for the delay, at least nobody in the engineer's department." Supt. Moody said that he could not tell how long it would take to repair the break, and it was not possible to tell the extent of the damage. The break might be in the 36-inch main or the 16-inch pipe beside it. It could not even be determined whether the main had burst or pulled away at the joint. If it is a burst, Mr. Moody said, two days will be required to repair it. If the pipe has come apart, a few hours' work would restore it to its original condition. — Chicago Evening Post, November zq, iSq?. How Water Hammer Affects Cast-Iron Pipes. Water hammer in steam pipes has been a source of a great deal of annoyance, and many accidents have occurred from this cause. * * * The effect, when it occurs with any degree of intensity, is usually disastrous to cast-iron pipe, as the tendency of the cast-iron is not sufficient to with- stand the sudden blow. * * * Numerous accidents have occurred from the effects of water hammer, and it is only a short time since a 10-inch cast- iron pipe burst from this cause, and the strangest part of it is that the pipe broke in two places, but then that is accounted for because there was a bend in the pipe near the point at which one of the breaks occurred. A recent accident, due to water hammer, occurred to a boiler in an establishment near Pittsburgh, where one boiler of the battery was cut out by drawing the fire and shutting off the feed, the steam connection being left open, as was customary, although a dangerous and uneconomical prac- tice, * * * with the result that the boiler began jumping on its founda- tion and the pipes were so badly shaken as to leak at nearly every joint. Other damages occurred, which go to show that the force was considerable, as the effect was felt in nearly all parts of the battery of boilers and the attachments. What damage was done to the boilers is not stated, but it would be inferred that it was considerable.— The Manufacturer and Builder, November, iSg?. Basements Feooded with Water. A 4-inch gas main and a 4-inch water main were crushed in the alley from Clark to La Salle Streets, between Madison and Monroe Streets early yesterday morning, causing much inconvenience to the surrounding build- ings and flooding the basement to the new Y. M. C. A. building with five feet of water all day. The main is connected with 36-inch mains on both Ta Salle and Clark Streets. When the break was discovered early in the day, an effort was made to have the city shut off the water. This request was refused on the grounds that it would affect the entire district surrounding that district for several blocks. At 11 A. M. and at 3 P. M. a notice was served on all engineers that the water would be shut off at 5 o'clock. This was done and a city engine has been pumping the water out of the excavation all night. The Republic life building, immediately south, suffered the most. The broken gas main prevented the use of gas, and the building was in darkness except for a few electric lights. The basement was partially flooded with water and the water supply had been completely shut off. Several 326 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. other buildings in the vicinity were sufferers. Enough water was secured, however, to run the elevators up to 6 o'clock, but steam heat was an impos- sibility. — Chicago Tribune, December 8, i8g2. Sixty-Eighth Street Pumping Works Bursts Another 36-inch Cross. During the testing of the new machinery at the 68th Street Pumpiug Station to-day another large 36-inch cast-iron cross was broken, causing a shutting down and stoppage of the test until another cross had been placed in position in the main. This is the second break of the kind that has taken place at the 68th Street Station within the past four months. Nearly the whole centre of the casting was blown out of its top as it lay in the ground. These two crosses were about two inches in thickness and just why they should break is a mystery unless it be that the metal of which they were made was entirely unfitted for the purpose. The engineers having the test in charge, say : " There was scarcely forty pounds pressure to the square inch on either of the crosses when they burst. — The Evening News, Chicago, December 10, 1SQ2. The following rather lengthy article from the Chicago Eve- ning Post of December 12th, 1892, in connection with the com- ments of Mr. Guilford, will be particularly interesting, inasmuch as some of the officials seem to take considerable pains to attract attention away from the real cause of the accident — the inherent weakness and treachery of the material of which the pipe was composed. DELUGED BY WATER. Main Bursts on Fifth Avenue, Flooding Numerous Buildings. — Damages at Least Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars. — Severae People Have Very Narrow Escapes From Drowning. — Poor Families Driven Out. — Basements Submerged and Streets Turned Into Rivers. — Big Loss to Business Houses. A bursted water main caused a flood in the downtown district today which destroyed many thousand dollars' worth of property and endangered several lives. The break occurred before the city was fairly awake, and so quickly did the water do its work that several people were rescued from their sleep just in time to escape drowning. The main is three feet in diameter and burst at the northwest corner of Fifth avenue and Charles place at 7 o'clock, and flooded the basements of all business houses and dwellings within a radius of three blocks. Water stands in some buildings as deep as nine feet, and for six hours Fifth avenue from Van Buren to Harrison streets was transformed into a swiftly running stream two feet in depth, which tore up the pavements as easily as though it was so much sand, and flowed into bindings on both sides of the street. The main burst about ten feet from I. N. W. Sherman's big carriage factory, and as the powerful stream of water forced itself to the surface it flowed BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 327 like an artesian well in all directions. Many business houses have ware- houses and stables in the district and will suffer heavy losses. Counting in the damaged streets, electric wire conduits, water pipes and flooded build- ings, the loss will not fall below $75,000. The water department displayed the same lack of energy in fixing the break as when the Rookery was flooded recently, and it was after 10.30 before the torrent which rushed out of the ground showed any signs of failing pressure. Bitter complaints were heard on all sides from citizens who had tried to notify the department at 7.30 and S o'clock and could get no help. What Caused the Break. The flooded district lies between the boundaries of Franklin and Sher- man streets on the west and east, and Van Bur en and Harrison on the north and south. The water in the streets ran as far south as Polk street, but was not in sufficient quantity down there to do any damage other than to traffic, which was hard and disagreeable. To furnish the west side with water an unusual supply had to pass through the Fifth avenue main, which proved unequal to the strain. Mr. Graham said he was notified of the break at 8 o'clock, and had been trying to stop the flow ever since, but as the water had risen above the valves it was difficult to reach them. Farweli, Company a Heavy Loser. Probably the heaviest loser will be the John V. Farwell Company, which has a warehouse nearly opposite to where the break occurred. Thousands of dollars worth of goods were stored in the basement, where the water has risen to the height of three feet. The contents of the big packing boxes nearest the floor are soaked through and through, and the loss on the prints and woolen goods will be very great. No time was given to save anything, as the flood extinguished the fires in the boilers, and the elevators were powerless to hoist the goods to a place of safety. The Dixon Transfer Company will also lose heavily, and the Godfrey & Clarke Company, paper dealers, count their loss at $10,000. Other big losers are John A. Tomax, Crew, Levick & Co., lubricating oils, I. N. W. Sherman & Co., and Val Schmitt. Eye Witnesses of the bursting of the main say that the water seemed to lift the street and make the ground quiver as with an earthquake. For several yards on both sides of the break the pavement over the water main was thrown up in a great mound several feet above the level of the street. On either side of this mound the water ran in the street, from a few inches to over two feet in depth, as the point of breakage was neared. Fieeed up Many Basements. The water filled the sewers, and then began overflowing into basements. The nearest building is occupied by W. G. Kreutz, the basement of which is his residence. The family were at breakfast, when, without any warning, the water began pouring in in great streams. Before they realized the trouble, the water began to pour in, and soon surrounded the cook -stove in 328 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. which there was a hot fire. An explosion followed, and the family hurried from the basement, leaving their effects to the mercy of the water. Just south of this place, at 330 Fifth Avenue, is the Chicago Stock Yards Market Company. There was six feet of water in the basement here, and 300 barrels of beef were soon floating around in the flood. The damage will be considerable. Charles Place, a thoroughfare extending from Fifth Avenue to Franklin Street, was transformed into a miniature river, down which floated side- walks, paving blocks, and other debris. A lot at the southeast corner of Franklin and Charles Place, walled in by the street embankment, was com- pletely submerged. On each side of the street are many dwellings of poor people, who received the first intimation of the danger to their homes from the torrent of water that poured over the curbing and into their basements. These unfortunates lost most of their possessions by the flood. The rise of water was so rapid that many of them were forced to flee for their lives, and leave behind them their clothing and household utensils. Narrow Escapes on Chari.es Peace. Bedridden invalids were rescued from death by drowning by the timely assistance of the police and their more fortunate neighbors. Many of the victims of the flood are left penniless and without homes to shelter them until the water subsides. Women with babies in their arms stood all the forenoon at a safe distance from the flood and wept bitterly as they saw their homes filled with water and their scanty belongings destroyed. Mrs. Mary Bray was sitting at the bedside of a sick child in her base- ment when the water poured down upon her. With her sick child in her arms and the other children following behind her she rushed up the stairs barely in time to escape being hemmed in by the waters. All her bedding and furniture was destroyed. Samuel Flood had left home a short time before the flood came and his wife and children were assisted in their escape by the employees of John A. Lomax. Mrs. Geo. Dorn was also one of the victims and like her neigh- bors, lost all her effects. Joseph Ritter has a tenant named Martin who lives on the first floor of a two-story house in the rear of the lot. Martin is sick and saw the water, luckily, when it first began to enter the house. He yelled for help and neighbors carried him to Ritter's house. When they returned the flood had risen on a level with his bed. C. Mulvey's iron shop was filled with water to a depth of several feet and the engine and boiler submerged. Chied and Woman Aemost Drowned. The Arlington Hotel, 339 Fifth Avenue, is kept by W. Riley. The basement being occupied by his ramily for living rooms. They had just arisen from bed when the water came rushing in. A great part of their household goods are ruined. While carrying things out, Willie, the two- year-old son of the proprietor, followed his father into the basement. The child fell into the water there' and would have been drowned had not his father looked around and seen him struggling in the flood. Mrs. Mary Everett, who is dying with consumption, awoke at 7.30 and found the water surrounding her bed. Her little boy was in the bed with BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 329 her. The water was nearly to the edge of the bed and rising. She was too weak to call for help and had for weeks been unable to get her feet on the floor. A colored man named Johnson who lived in the front room, thought of the sick woman and knocked on her door. Hearing no sound, he believed the mother and child were at a neighbor's and was about to return when the boy's call reached his ear. Johnson broke open the door, picked the woman up in his arms and carried her to the floor above and placed her in care of Mrs. Roy. The ambulance was called and the unfortunate woman taken to the County Hospital. The boy will be placed at the Home of the Friendless. The Streets Become Rivers. As the flood softened the ground the torrent broke through in several places and increased the volume of the streams that flowed steadily both ways on Fifth avenue and West on Charles Place and Harrison street. The current was swiftest on Fifth avenue, at the corner of Charles Place where the break occurred and along the side-walk close under the windows of the I. N. W. Sherman Company's place, the stream flowed a foot deep, necessi- tating a long wade for any one who approached the factory. Cedar blocks, torn from their fastenings in the pavement went bobbing down this river until caught by some way-farer who wanted them to make a bridge across. By 9 o'clock the waters had got so deep that no teams were allowed south of Vanburen street on Fifth avenue. Fix-Alderman, Arthur Dixon was in a panic of anxiety. The water stood nine feet deep in his stables and his men had barely time to lead out 20 horses before they drowned. A car load of oats and a great quantity of feed that was stored in the building were totally ruined and his blacksmith's shop and wagonmaker's shops were filled with water. Liquors Much Diluted. The dealers along Fifth Avenue lost heavily, their supplies stored in the basements being totally submerged. Diquors being stored in the basements the owners could get no nearer to them than the stairs, from which point they gazed sadly at the floating barrels, kegs and wine cases. They place their damage at $15,000. The flood attracted a great crowd and every train which drew into the Grand Central Depot swelled the multitude. There was lots of sport for the curious assemblage. The ridge in the middle of the street thrown up by the surging stream was as slippery as ice, as the water had frozen in the early hours. Fvery driver of a wagon who attempted to navigate the street directed his horse to this ridge, as it was the only portion of the thorough- fare visable. In many cases the horses were unable to hold their footing and fell h eavily. The water was so deep that the crowd standing on the sidewalks did not care to go to the rescue of the poor beasts and they floundered around until it often seemed they would be seriously injured. One of the Twelfth street cars was passing along Fifth avenue when the pavement behind it suddenly heaved up, raising the back end of the car with it. The passengers were thrown into a panic and got out of the car with the greatest haste, thinking they had got off the crater of a volcano or that a boiler had exploded beneath them. That was the last car that passed over the tracks. 330 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Damage to Business Houses. I. N. W. Sherman whose wagon manufacturing establishment is at the corner of Fifth avenue and Charles Place, was one of the heaviest losers by the flood. His entire basement 107 by 122 feet, was filled with water. He claims that $10,000 will not cover his loss. Three engines and two dynamos were completely destroyed and lumber and other property was damaged by the water. Besides this loss, he fears that the foundation of his building has been impaired. Webster & Wiley has placed his insurance, but he does not know whether or not he is protected by loss in such a case as this. The rising waters soon put out the fires in the engines which supplied power for the plant, and all employees were forced to suspend work. These men will be out of employment until the engines can be replaced with new ones. The basement of John A. Lomax's soda water establishment at 14, 16 and 18 Charles Place, which extends back to Jackson Street, was completely submerged. Plere more than $6,000 worth of bottles were stored. If the water should freeze, this stock will be destroyed. Within two hours after the bursting of the main, the water in this basement had risen to the height of four feet. Beneath the main floor of the building at northeast corner of Franklin Street and Charles Place, the Crew, Levick Company had 200 barrels of lub- ricating oils stored, and the w T ater poured in upon them until they were submerged. It is feared that the barrels will burst and the entire stock destroyed. Fears are entertained that the foundations of the building, a five story brick, have been injured. The oil contained in the barrels is worth $2,000. The Godfrey & Clark Paper Company, at 312 and 314 Fifth Avenue, was a heavy loser by the water. In the basement $8,000 worth of fine rope paper is stored, and the water destroyed it all. The employes of the company sought to save a portion of the property, but the rise of the water was too rapid, and they received only a thorough wetting for their efforts. Felix Labriolos' stock of paper was soaked with water at 26 and 28 Charles Place. J. V. Farwell & Co. 's and F. E. Coyne's stables at 312 Fifth Avenue and 319 Franklin Streets were damaged somewhat. Danger of Faleing Wales. Michael Simon, at 358 F'ifth Avenue, estimated his loss on furniture, etc., at $1,500, and was most disturbed by the fear that the wall on the north side of the building would fall. Such was the case with many of the brick walls in the vicinity. The fire-wall between Val Schmitts and John Keller's building, at Harrison Street, bulged to a startling degree at 9 o'clock and caused much alarm. " I was sitting at breakfast when the break occurred," said Schmitt, " and first knew of it when I felt that my feet were wet. I looked on the floor and saw the water creeping higher and higher, and we got out in a hurry and left the dishes on the table. I locked the door so that the furniture would not float away. ' ' All that J. W. Padrick got from his basement at 312 Fifth Avenue was his white bull dog. Pie heard the dog howl early this morning and went BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 331 below to find him standing in six inches of water. Padrick's loss will reach $500. The United States Express Company has its stables at Fifth Avenue and Harrison Streets. When the water backed up it flowed into the base- ment, and several teams had to be stabled up-stairs. Dixon Claims Riparian Rights. " At last we have the lake front right at our doors," said ex-Alderman Arthur Dixon, as he viewed the flood of waters in front of his numerous buildings on Fifth avenue. "Our claim to all the riparian rights cannot be denied. If the water remains here until after the World's Fair closes, I will have a fleet of gondolas sailing upon the water for a convenience and enjoyment of our visitors. I was standing in front of my barns when the water main burst. A Twelfth street car filled with passengers was passing ; the ground began to swell as if an earthquake was about to take place ; the driver of the car and the passengers were greatly frightened. Alongside of the car tracks for a distance of several hundred feet the pavement was raised and split open by the force of the water underneath. The driver of the car lashed his horses into a gallop, and the passengers escaped uninjured. No one could imagine the cause of the sudden upheaval of the pavement until the water burst forth from the ground." Samuel G. ARTINGSTATX, ex-City Engineer and ex-Engineer for the Drainage Board, viewed the havoc made by the water. Said he : "I can see no reason for the bursting of the main. This main is thirty-six inches in diameter, and connects the North Side water works with the Twenty-second street pumping station. It was laid in 1868." Query : How could the main have been laid in 1868, when the letters and figures cast in raised Roman letters and figures on the pipe itself, viz. : "D. L. & CO. 73- 1879." two inches long, appear on the pipe on the side opposite the break, and one foot eight and one-half inches from the spigot end of the pipe to the bottom of the figures 1879, which shows that the pipe could not have been laid in the year 1868, as claimed by Mr. Artingstall. Further, the Chicago specifications for cast-iron water pipe provide as follows: Each pipe shall have cast on exterior surface of socket ' C. C. W. W.' in raised Roman letters, one and one-half (ij^) inches long, and shall be further marked in like manner with letters and figures to designate the maker of the pipe and the year. The raised Roman letters and figures cast on this piece of pipe indicate that it was made by "D"ennis "L"ong "&" "Company. 332 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The figures " 73 " indicates the number of the size of pipe cast on that contract or order, and the figures "1879" indicates the year in which it was cast. Thus, this pipe was cast by Dennis Long & Company; it was the 73d 36-inch pipe cast on that contract, and it was cast in the year 1879. Granting that it was laid in the ground the same year it was cast (1879), and that it burst on the 12th day of December, 1892, it could not have been in the ground more than 13 years, the length of time which it was in the ground before being in service for carrying water, not being taken into account in considering the length of time that the pipe was in actual service. — A. J. G. Contractor George W. Jackson, who stood by, said it would cost $8,000 to pave the streets damaged by water. Big Buildings Short of Water. Between 9 and 11 o'clock the people in and about the tall buildings about the Board of Trade district felt the results of the flood. The Grand Pacific Hotel, in the center of the district also felt the wave. The water was partially turned off, but after the hour of noon the flow increased a little and relieved the temporary embarrassment. Said "Sam. Parker," of the Grand Pacific Hotel, "We were not hosing the streets or flushing the city sewers with our water supply for any purely philanthropic purpose. We had water enough to supply our guests with all they required, and to make a cup of coffee or two for luncheon. We did not have a lavish supply. We are husbanding the supply at whatever points we can. I presume the damage will be repaired before night, and then we will be able to resume the full flow. Our tanks were well filled and that helped us out." At the Edison Electric plant, on Adams street, where the boiler capac- ity is enormous, the lack of water was severely felt. All the buildings that subscribe for electric light in this concern were affected, and for over two hours the bulb lights glowed red and dark rather than white and bright. Under Control at i o'clock. The Harrison street pumps were still shut down and Mr. Clarke said they would remain so until night. "We have not yet discovered what caused the break," said Mr. Clarke, "but it will probably require several hours to repair it." The Harrison street pumps being stopped, a large dis- district on the West Side will be short of water. The pumps at Fourteenth street were running this afternoon, the third pump was started this morn- ing, only two having been run yesterday. City Engineer Clarke said, " The starting of the third pump could not have caused the break, as the accident occurred before the pump was started." West Side Afeected. The district affected by the break is a large one. Being all of the South Side west of La Salle street and north of Taylor street, and almost the whole BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 333 of the West Side. To shut off the water and stop the flood from the broken main it was necessary to close twenty-five valves scattered thoughout the district described above. In the mean time the West Side pumping works closed down, and man- ufacturing plants had to cease operations for lack of water for steam. The Canal street district suffered severely. Warren Springer's plant was the first to feel the effects. It was impossible to fill the battery of twenty boilers and the fires were extingushed. West of Canal street the residence district had but little water during the day and wash-day operations was suspended. From the thirty-six inch main at Canal Street, eight-inch pipes extend westward along the main streets, feeding a large district. The early stop- page of the West-side pumps left families in this section without water enough to make coffee for breakfast. Doesn't Know what Caused it. We don't know what caused the break, and will not be able to deter- mine until we have examined the main (said City Engineer Clarke). He denied that increased pressure from the new tunnel could have caused the accident. " It is absurd," said he, " to think that the addition of 24,000,000 gallons per day to the general water supply could increase the pressure sufficiently to break a main. The increased pressure on that Congress Street main could not have been more than one pound to the square inch. It does not connect with the Fourteenth Street station and the new tunnel directly. Nobody knows yet what caused the break, but the theory of increased pres- sure is absurd." Superintendent Moody said the broken main is twenty-five years old, and has probably been weakened by long service. Granting that the main was really twenty-five years old, as stated by Mr. Moody, the water works distribution system of the City of Chicago must really be in a deplorable condition, that is, when its cast-iron water mains an inch and a quarter in thickness burst under a pressure not exceeding thirty-five pounds per square inch. Mr. Moody was certainly laboring under a misapprehension, for the irascible evidence of the age of the pipe, "in raised Roman letters cast upon the pipe when it was made," show that it was made in 1879, which would make the age of the pipe thirteen years instead of twenty-five, as Mr. Moody stated. WATER TURNED ON AGAIN. The Fifth Avenue Break Repaired and Harrison Street Pumps Started. A report was made to City Engineer Clarke that the broken section of pipe at Fifth Avenue and Charles Place had been repaired. A force of men were sent out to open the valves and that work occupied the forenoon. * * 334 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. No traces of a flaw are visible at the fracture and the only plausible explanation is that the iron crystalized by long use and gave way under the strain. Street Supt. Burke sent a gang of pavers to work on the pavements washed out by the floods. The question as to who shall pay the damage done to business houses remains to be settled. Although the Edison Company ran a conduit through the street, its men worked on the opposite side of the street, and it cannot be held liable. — The Chicago Evening Post, Tuesday, December 13, 1892. WATER IN THE BROKEN MAIN. Unaccountable Cause of the Accident. Where Chance Put the Weak Spot. Water was turned into the broken main yesterday morning and the people south of Adams Street had a supply after being without for twenty- four hours. The cause of the break has not been determined and probably will never be explained. In the city engineer's office it is spoken of as one of those unaccountable accidents. The main runs the pumping works at twenty-second street and Ashland Avenue to the Chicago Avenue Pumping Station, and it is connected with smaller mains at nearly all the street connections. It passes under the centre of the business district down past the City Hall and under the Chicago River through the I,a Salle Street Tunnel. Chance put the weak spot at Congress Street and Fifth Avenue, instead of the tunnel or in some place where the damage might have been ten times what it is Fifth Avenue is still impassable for teams or street cars. The broken joint of pipe has been replaced by a new one, but the hole has not been filled, neither have the pavements been replaced where they were washed out by the rush of waters. It will take several days to get the street in shape. In the city engineer's office the statement was made that the pressure on the main at the time of its breaking was only thirty pounds. The automatic register in the fire alarm office, which is connected with this thirty-six-inch main, showed a pressure of only thirty pounds from 5 o'clock Monday morning until the time of the break at 7 o'clock, when it fell immediately to seven and one-half pounds. — The Tribune, Chicago, December 14, 1892. Mr. Artingstall is Ex-City Engineer. Mr. Moody is Supt. of Water Pipe Extensions. Mr. Graham is Foreman of Water Pipe Extensions; and Mr. Clarke was City Engineer at the time the break occur- red, but has since resigned. Our Mr. Guilford heard of the break at 7.30 A. M. , and at BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 335 8 o'clock was on the ground and remained in the vicinity of the break until 4.15 P. M. Finding that he was unknown to the city employes who were on the ground, he made many inquiries of the workmen during the day, as to the cause of the break ; amount of supposed pressure on the pipe at the time of its burst- ing ; maker of the pipe, etc., etc. Many reasons were given by Mr. Graham and also by the foreman of the " street gang." Mr. Graham, stating that " the break was caused by the increased pressure from the new four- mile tunnel. The street foreman also gave the same reason, and this excuse appeared to be " a good enough morgan," as many believed that the city would now be able to supply water in third and fourth stories on account of this " increased pressure from the new four mile-tunnel." (The center of the " new four-mile tunnel " is about ninety feet below this burst thirty-six-inch pipe.) Graham said that " he did not think there was a break, but that a joint had blown out." The foreman said "there must have been 300 or 400 pounds pressure on the pipe," "but," said he, "just think, that new tunnel is eight feet in diameter and this is a three-foot pipe. The new tunnel puts 400 pounds pressure on this pipe." Later in the day they gave another excuse, viz.: "That all the water works pumps on the north and west sides and the new pumps on the south side were pumping into this pipe, and no wonder it broke." Also, " The pipe was one of the best ever made; was made by one of the best pipe makers in the world; was made in Pittsburgh 25 years ago, and has stood the pressure ever since it was made." He persisted in asking questions, many of which no doubt seemed to be trifling to them, and, when the water was going down and about an inch of the bell of the pipe was out of water, the foreman asked, "Who in h — 1 are you that's asking so many d — m fool questions, anyway?" "I know enough to know that that burst pipe was not made in Pittsburgh, but that it was made at Louisville, Kentucky," Mr. Guilford replied. Then there was a great laugh at his expense, because, as they said, " He knows too d — m much, he knows who made the pipe and he hasn't seen the pipe yet." Mr. Guilford told them that when they took the pipe out of the ditch they would find the in- itials of the maker cast on it in large letters, and they would find the initials to be " D. L. & Co.," and would also find cast upon 336 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the pipe the year that it was made. He then took a stick and marked in the mud the shape of the bell of the pipe as they would find it to be when the water had subsided sufficiently. When he told them that there could not have been to exceed forty pounds pressure on the main when it burst, a howl went up from the workmen and from others also. The foreman said, " Oh, get out, you don't know what you're talking about. I've worked around this pipe for more'n twenty years, and I know there was 300 or 400 pounds pressure on it — the new tunnel pressure broke the pipe. Whom Shall we Believe ? Mr. Artingstall ; Mr. Graham ; Mr. Moody; The Street Foreman; City Engineer Clarke; or The Automatic Register in the Fire Alarm Office? Let's see what each says regarding the Burst Cast-iron 36-inch pipe. Mr. Artingstall says: I can see no reason for the bursting of the main. This main is 36 inches in diameter and connects the North Side Water- Works with the Twenty- second street Pumping Station. It was laid in 1868. This morning's acci- dent may have happened without any one being responsible therefor. (How could this pipe have been laid " in 1S68 " when the figures cast on the pipe when it was made show that the pipe was made in the year 1879?) Mr. Moody says that the broken main is 25 years old and has been weakened by long service, and again, in his opinion a joint of the pipe had blown out, or the joint may have been blown out. (How could this pipe be 25 years old and be wea- kened by long service when it was made in 1879?) Mr. Graham says: The break was caused by the increased pressure from the new four-mile tunnel I do not think there is a break but that a joint has blown out. The Street Foreman says: There must have been 300 or 400 lbs. pressure on this pipe, for the rea- son that the new four-mile tunnel is eight feet in diameter while this pipe is but three feet in diameter, and [while the new tunnel is at least ninety feet lower than the burst pipe. — A. J. G.] the tunnel exerts a pressure of from 300 to 400 lbs. on this pipe ; also, that this bursted pipe was made at Pittsburgh 25 years ago. City Engineer Clarke said: It is all nonsense to ascribe the accident to the increased pressure from the Fourteenth street station. The water from that station is being sent BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 337 southward through the mains running down Calumet avenue and southwest to the stock yards. The Fourteenth street works are connected with the Harrison street works by a laud tunnel and that tunnel is not being used. The gates connecting it with the four-mile tunuel have not been opened and, if they were, I am sure our mains would withstand the pressure. It is absurd, the increased pressure on that main could not have been more than one pound to the square inch. It does not connect with the Fourteenth street station and the new tunnel. The main from the Fourteenth street stations goes south and directly west Nobody knows what caused the break, but the theory of increased pressure is absurd. So far only two of the purnps at the Fourteenth street station had been called into requisition; A third was scheduled to begin work yesterday morning, and so confident was I that the accident was not caused by increased pressure from this source that I allowed the third pump to be started after I had received notice of the accident. No traces of a flaw are visible at the fracture, and the only plaus- ible explanation is that the iron crystalized by long use and finally gave way under the strain. What are the facts about this pipe ? Simply, that when this burst cast-iron pipe was taken out of the trench the following letters and figures were found (cast) on the pipe: " D. L. & Co. 73 1S79." The bottom of the figures 1879 being one foot, eight and one-half inches from the spigot end of the pipe, the letters and figures being cast around (not lengthwise) of the pipe, and were on the side of the pipe opposite the break. The extreme end of the break was two feet, four and one-half inches from the spigot end of the pipe. (See photographs.) As the figures cast on the pipe show that the pipe was made in "1879," it could not have been "laid in 1868" (as stated by ex-City Engineer Artingstall), neither could it have "been in use 25 years" (as stated by Mr. Moody, Superintendent of Water Pipe Extensions). As the pipe burst December 12th, 1892, it could not have been in use to exceed 13 years at the utmost, and if it is true that in 13 years "cast-iron pipe becomes crystalized sufficiently to burst or give way under 30 pounds pressure," what fire pro- tection has the City of Chicago that can be relied upon ? Again, "In the City Engineer's office it is spoken of as one of those unaccountable accidents." Again, "In the City Engineer's office the statement was made that the pressure on the main at the time of the break was only 30 pounds, while the pipe had been tested to withstand 300 pounds. " 338 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. What does " The Automatic Register " say ? " The Automatic Register in the fire-alarm office, which is connected with the 36-inch main, showed a pressure of only 30 pounds from 5 o'clock Monday morning until the time of the break at 7 o'clock, when it fell immediately to 7^ pounds." The Automatic Register did not guess at its notations, but recorded the actual "facts about this pipe" just as they took place at the time. Perhaps some manufacturer of cast-iron pipe could be in- duced to make a statement as to what the future effect would be on a 36-inch cast-iron water pipe, if, immediately after casting, and after the pipe had been " stripped " and was left standing in the pit, the workmen should, in order to hurry their work along, " turn the hose on the pipe." Would or would not the water so turned on the pipe strike the pipe at just about where this pipe broke — near the spigot end ? And if the water was left to run on the pipe any length of time, would not the water follow down the pipe in just about the lines where this pipe burst ? We here reproduce two photographs of the broken pipe: View No. 1, looking south, shows the burst 36-inch pipe and one piece where the workmen left it on the sidewalk after taking it from the trench. The other piece is on the east side of Fifth avenue, and is not shown in the photograph. View No. 2, looking north, shows the burst 36-inch cast- iron and one piece laying on the sidewalk, the pipe being turned over so as to show the break; the position of the pipe being about the way it was laying in the trench when it burst. FLOODED D. W. IRWIN'S BUILDING. A Four-Inch Main Bursts and Fr,ows for Several Hours. — FiNAiyEY Shut Off. D. W. Irwin stayed up to midnight and watched for his property to float down Wabash avenue. Mr. Irwin owns the big building at Wabash avenue and Harrison street. Last evening a four-inch water niain burst and flooded the building. The water had been flowing but a short time when dis- covered by an officer, but the two watchmen Mr. Irwin employs could not be found. As a last resource the owner of the structure was notified to come down town if he didn't want to occasion another scandal in the water office. He did not arrive until the doors of the building had been broken in and the police and fire department were at work trying to stop the water. The water had filled the basement to a depth of two feet when the owner of the property arrived. When the firemen, who had been wading BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 389 about in the icy water, told him the break was beyond the meter, Mr. Irwin heaved a sigh of relief. The supply to the main pipes had to be shut off while the leak was repaired. There was no merchandise in the base- ment of the flooded building. — Chicago News Record, Friday, December 23d, 1892. BASEMENT FLOODED BY A BROKEN MAIN. Water Pours into the Hartford Building Undermining Adjacent Waees. The water main leading to the air chamber on Dearborn street, opposite the new Hartford Building, burst last night and flooded the basement of that structure with water. Oscar Halberg, night watchman of that building, discovered the break at ten o'clock, when he found a torrent of water pour- ing from under the sidewalk into the basement. He sent to the City Hall for a man to turn off the water. One of the employes came promptly, but he could not find the valve, the tube having been clogged up with mud and stones. He then returned to the City Hall and started a patrol wagon after Inspector Graham, in charge of the first district, who lives out near Douglas Park. Meanwhile the flood in the Hartford Building was steadily rising. * * * The abutting walls are undermined and are yet, in places, sup- ported by jack-screws. * * * It was 12:30 o'clock when Inspector Gra- ham arrived with a wagon and a number of workmen. Finding that he could not reach the valve he at once set about shutting off the water in the main. Valves had to be closed in a half a dozen localities for blocks around.— The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, December 30, 1892. Water. Chicago finds herself rather abruptly confronted by a new element of danger, namely, the water mains. Three times very recently a main has suddenly gone wrong, turning greater or less portion of the surrounding ter- ritory into a large sink and entailing considerable damage. It seems probable either that a good many of the pipes are getting old or that the incessant stirring, tinkering and re-arranging has injuriously af- fected them. In view of these circumstances, it would seem a wise thing for the Water Department to wind up its flaccid nerves to that degree of tension where it will be able not only to take prompt notice of a burst main, but to shut off the water before it sets the whole neighborhood swimming — that is, within two or three hours, say. — Editorial, Chicago Evening News, Friday, December 30,1892. Damaged by a Broken Main. About 11 o'clock last night a water main in the cellar of Mainrath Bros., commission merchants at 43 River street, burst, flooding the cellar and the adjoining one under the office building The San Diego. The water ran into the engine room of the office building, and the engineer telephoned to the water department, but receiving no reply, he called up Foreman Gra- ham at his residence. The foreman hurried down town in a buggy, and 340 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. found it necessary to turn off the water in the whole block. On entering the building over three feet of water was found in the basement. The water was let off through the sewer, but not until fruit had been injured to the amount of $300 to $500. — The Chicago Mail, Monday. Jan- nary 23, 1893. A BIG MAIN IN THE FOURTEENTH STREET STATION BURSTS. The main leading from one of the two big pumping engines snapped in two without a moment's warning, and before the engine could be stopped the building was flooded. The break did not cause a flood in the street as the luain broke where it passes under the wall of the station. The main is a new one and is five feet below the surface of the street. * * * The accident occurred yesterday morning and the engine with which the main is connected has been shut down ever since. " The break occurred in the worst possible place, right under the wall of the building," said City Engineer Geraldine, "but a force of men was at once put to work removing the broken section." * * * " We have been speeding the other engine to make up as far as possible for the loss of the one which we were compelled to shut down." — The Chicago Evening Post, Monday, February 6, 1893. Damage by Bursting oe a Cast-iron Water Main. For the bursting of a water main in their wholesale store on Fifth Av- enue. * * * John V. Farwell & Co., seek to recover $25,000 damages from the City of Chicago. A suit for that amount was begun in the Super- ior Court yesterday. The plaintiffs claim that their basement floor was badly flooded and they declare that the city is responsible for the damage done to their goods. — Chicago Tribune of Friday, July 21st, 1893. INJURED BY FALL. OF AN ELEVATOR. ACCIDENT IN MARSHALL FIELD & CO.'S NEW BUILDING CAUSES CONFUSION. Elevator No. 3 of the battery in the northwestern part of Marshall Field & Co.'s new store on Wabash Avenue fell four stories a few minutes after one o'clock yesterday afternoon. There were eleven passengers in the car. Those persons whose injuries were of any consequence were : THE INJURED. Price, Mrs. V. C, Waukegan, limbs bruised. Strong, Mrs. J. W., Evanston, great toe on right foot broken. Unknown man, left leg broken. Unknown woman, injured internally. The elevator had been run to the fourth floor, which is as high as it goes. A party of women, who had been taking luncheon in the tea room, were waiting to go down. They got aboard and the elevator started down. As the cage reached the landing on the third floor George Smith, the eleva- tor man pulled the rope to stop, as several persons were waiting to go BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 341 down. For an instant the cage slowed up and then shot downward. Some of the women shrieked, but the time was too short to allow of more than one cry before the cage struck the bottom of the building. A stream of water poured over the passengers when the cage struck the ground. The eleva- tor man quickly opened the cage door and the passengers scrambled out with more haste than dignity. The experience, however, was too much for the nerve of one woman, who was found in a faint in the cage. Dr. Homer Thomas, who has an office in the building, was hastily summoned. Carriages were then secured, and the injured sent home. The store was filled with customers at the time, and the accident caused con- siderable excitement. The elevator that fell was built by the Crane Elevator Company, and worked by hydraulic power. It was put in about four months ago, and is similar to the four others that compose the battery. The accident was caused by the pipe through which the pressure is supplied giving way near the first floor. There was evidently some flaw in the iron, which rendered it weak and unable to withstand the pressure. The pipe was ten inches on the outside, and had an inside diameter of four inches. This pipe broke squarely around. The fact that the water could escape but slowly, and that the elevator was furnished with an air-cushion, prevented the accident proving more serious. — The Chicago Sunday Tribune, December ij, S893. MANHOLES BLOWN UP. Explosions Startle the; Passengers at Clark and Washington Streets. Two loud explosions and two deadly manhole covers sailing skyward amid a shower of mud, startled pedestrians and street car passengers at the corner of Clark and Washington Streets this morning. — Daily News, Chicago, December 15th, 1S93. Water Main Bursts.— Pumping Station at Sixty-Eighth Street Made Useless. — Land in the Vicinity of the Break in the Big Pipe is Flooded.— Supply of the Entire District South of Thirty-Ninth Street is Cut Off.— Great Fears for Possi- bility of Fire. — Chemical Engines Sent in Numbers into the Hyde Park District. The big thirty-six inch main through which the Sixty-eighth Street pumping station sends the water which supplies all Chicago south of Thirty- ninth Street, broke at eight o'clock last night, and for several hours that part of the city was without water. The break occurred within three blocks of the Lake shore, and in twenty-five minutes the surrounding country was like an Arkansas swamp — without trees. * * A perfect geyser, anywhere from ten to thirty feet high, was in active operation, and the surrounding ground was soon nothing but a recollection. In fifteen minutes, before the engines could be stopped, a hole fifty feet square and six feet deep had been made by the escaping water. * * General Superintendent Hawkins was notified, and he and Superintendent Reynolds called in all the men who lived in the neighborhood. They were dispatched over the towns of Hyde 342 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Park and Lake to shut off the water gates. * * The part of the city most affected was the old Hyde Park territory, lying south of Thirty-ninth Street and east of State. The northern section of this territory was supplied for a time from the Fourteenth Street mains, but this provision could not be made for South Chicago, Pullman, Kensington, and Grand Crossing. The town of Lake was slightly affected. " x " * At the Sixty-eight Street station the usual pressure is from forty-eight to fifty pounds. Last night, after the break, it was reduced to ten pounds, water being forced through an old main. * * The City Engineering Department took immediate precautions to guard against fire, by connecting the town of Lake mains with those of the Fourteenth Street station. But for this that portion of the city south of Thirty-ninth Street, including South Chicago, Pullman, and Kensington, would have been entirely without water, and the only hope of the depart- ment in case of fire would have been the chemicals. * * As far as the supply of water is concerned, which was furnished by the Fourteenth Street pumping station, fire engines and hose would have been worthless in Grand Crossing, South Chicago, Pullman, and Kensington last night. In Hyde Park, at ten o'clock, there was a five pound pressure. Working on the Repairs. Superintendent Reynolds thought the pipe was broken. "It looks to me as if it was a similar one to the one that occurred sometime ago on Harrison Street," he said. " Of course, we can't tell definitely how long it will take until to-morrow." " How long will be required to make the necessary repairs?" "That will depend on circumstances. We may be able to have the break repaired by to-morrow noon; and then, again, it may take until evening." Men worked all night on the main. They will be relieved early this morning. — The Tribune, Chicago, December 22, 1893. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 36-lNCH Cast-Iron Pipe Pueeed Apart under Light Pressure at Ceeveeand, Ohio. Supt. Kingsley, of Cleveland, O., has found that the break in the 36-inch water pipe on Division street Friday night was caused by the pressure of the water forcing one joint of pipe away from the one to which it was joined. This made an opening the full circumference of the big pipe into which a man's finger could be inserted. — Fire and Water, January 20th, /S94. NOTE. — While such accidents — if they may be called accidents — are by no means a rare occurrence with cast-iron water pipe joints, it w T ould be utterly impossible for a Converse Lock Joint to be torn asunder by any pressure that could be put upon a water works distribution system by any pumping machinery in operation in any water works plant in the country. BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 343 HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Burst Cast-Iron Pipes. — Terrible Accident in an Engine Room. By the courtesy of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn., we reproduce an article from their organ Locomotive, for April, 1892, which will prove interesting to our readers, and illustrate the dangers attending the use of cast iron pipes : "A short time ago a serious accident occurred in the engine room of a New England mill, which was instructive enough to merit wider publicity than it has yet had. The engine is a 1,200 horse-power Corliss, and is An Accident in an Engine-Room. supplied with steam by a 14-inch cast-iron main which enters the room about nine feet above the floor, passing horizontally along the wall for about eight feet, and then turning downward and connecting with a pipe under the floor that supplies the engine from beneath. The pipe is fed by smaller ones running into it from each of the ten boilers in the boiler room, and it is provided with a main stop-valve which is just outside and above the engine room door, shown in the cut. "The engineer was just starting the engine up in the morning, when, without warning, the eight-foot section of cast-iron pipe running along the wall (indicated by the dotted lines) burst with a noise like a cannon, and steam at a hundred pounds pressure rushed into the engine room with frightful velocity. The engineer was at the throttle-valve between the two cylinders (to the right of the one shown in the cut), and the powerful 344 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. current of steam that rushed against him bore him helplessly across the engine room to a door that our artist has not shown. He struck the casing of the door, and succeeded in gaining sufficient footing to jump out, instead of being blown out. The ground is more than twenty feet below the door-sill, and the engineer says it seemed fully a minute before he landed. His right knee was badly sprained by the fall, but he hobbled around to the boiler-room, and, with the assistance of two firemen, tried to close the main stop-valve. This was a difficult thing to do in the blinding blast of steam that issued from the engine room, and the effort proved fruitless. The valve failed to work, and the smaller stop-valves on the individual boilers had to be closed before the draught of steam could be checked. When the engine-room could be entered it was found that the large cast- iron pipe had burst. The bursted pipe was found to be split in halves, leugthwise, and fragments of the bursted pipe lay about the floor. An examination revealed the cause of the accident. On either side of this bursted pipe the casting was defective, and for perhaps four feet on both sides of the bursted pipe the metal was hollowed and full of blow-holes so that there was no union whatever, the casting being held together by a scale of iron hardly a sixteenth of an inch thick in places, and hardly an eighth of an inch thick in most of its length. The pipe that run down through the floor was blown over about six feet so that the joints and valves under the floor were badly twisted and bent. Fragments of the bursted pipes struck and ruined the valve oiler on the cylinder, and a Locke damper regulator on the wall ; the weights belonging to it being strewn all over the engine-room floor, and one weight belonging to it, weighing about ten pounds, was driven across the engine-room and embedded in the wall, making a hole a foot in diameter. The engineer was carried to his home after the accident, and it was found that his injuries, although serious and painful, were not fatal. The moral of this accident is, that cast-iron pipe ought not to be used for mains carrying heavy pressures. Certainly cast-iron pipes ought not to be used unless sure and certain that they have been tested hydrostatically and with the hammer ; and our opinion is that wrought-iron pipes are always much safer and better. The failure of this cast-iron pipe was due to its inherent weakness, but accidents of a similar nature often occur. Cast-iron pipes should receive the most careful attention, especially if the pipe is a long one, as they are exposed to great variations in temperature, and the consequent expansion and contraction is very great and needs to be properly provided for. — Industrial World, May 12, 1S92. KANSAS CITY, MlSSOimi. NOTE OF ALARM SOUNDED. Chief Hale Says the Purchase of Fire Steamers is Imperative. — The Only Way in His Opinion to Head Off a Widespread Conflagration.— He Scores the Present Water Pressure. Chief Hale, of the fire department, yesterday delivered a straight-frorn- the-shoulder blow at the Water Works Company, when he filed with the BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 345 Board of Public Works a communication in which he complains vigorously of the water pressure afforded by the company, which he declared not only to be dangerous, but placed the city at the mercy of the flames whenever a fire broke out. He cited four instances wherein the water mains had burst at a critical time, and declared that if the city did not take precau- tionary methods a disastrous and destructive conflagration would visit the city, entailing incalculable loss upon the owners of property. The com- munication is, in full, as follows : Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 30, 1S92. To the Honorable Board of Public Works : I wish to call your attention to the extremely dangerous condition of the water works system of this city, and, in my judgment, if your honorable body and the City Council fail to take some immediate steps towards fur- nishing a better and safer water supply for fire protection, this city will be wiped out by a general conflagration. I have repeatedly called the atten- tion of the Mayor and Council to the existing dangers of a water main bursting during the progress of a fire, and during the past two or three years there have been four cases of bursted water mains and in either case the business portion of the city was left entirely unprotected against fire for three or four hours, and had a fire started in any of our bad risks the fire department would have been powerless to render any service in subduing it for the lack of water. The following list will show the breaks which have occurred on one line of 30-inch main pipe running east on Seventeenth Street. On February 17th, 1S89, a fire occurred in Landis' livery stable at the southwest corner of Tenth and Troost Streets, at 10.45 P- M. This fire was practically under control, when the pipe burst, leaving the department with no water for protection ; the building and contents were entirely consumed, with a loss of 145,250. On November 19th, 1891, a fire alarm was turned in to the department at 3.15 A. M. for a fire at Nos. 504 and 506 East Fifteenth. The depart- ment responded to this fire, laid a line of hose from fire hydrant at the corner of Fifteenth and Locust, and when the pipe was called for the hy- drant was opened and found perfectly dry, with no water in the pipes. * * The mains were without any water in them in the business portion of the city for about three hours, and had it not been for the public fire cistern at the corner of Fifteenth and Grant, which contains the only supply of water anywhere in that neighborhood from which an engine could work, there would have been hundreds of buildings swept away by the fire, which was well under way. On November 8th, 1892, at 3 P. M., a break occurred in the 30-inch water main at Seventeenth and Harrison, which left the whole business portion of the city without water for a period of three hours. On December 23d, 1S92, an alarm was received by the Department at 10.50 P. M., for the Atlas Carriage Works at Nos. 308 and 310 Broadway. The companies responding were Nos. 6, 2, 4, 3, 11 and 5, all of which laid out different lines of hose from different hydrants in that vicinity, and after working on the fire about twenty minutes the 30-inch main burst near Seventeenth and Walnut, and deprived us of any water pressure whatever. I then ordered the hydrants closed in order to save what water was stored 846 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. in the pipes, and set two steamers to work from the hydrants on Broadway, near the fire. On starting the two steamers to work, I found that the No. 3 steamer, located at Fourth and Broadway, was taking all the water from No. 2 steamer, which was located one block farther down the hill, at Third and Broadway. I then ordered the No. 2 steamer to take up and go to the fire cistern at Fourth and Delaware, which is five blocks from the fire. It was necessary to lay out 1,400 feet of hose, and by the time the steamer began to play on the fire the water had given out in the pipes, leaving Steamer No. 3 practically out of service. But soon the water was turned back into the pipes, and we were able to throw, from the water pipes, a very feeble stream. It required the services of the fire department nearly all the remaining part of the night to keep the fire from spreading to ad- joining property. Now, under the present condition of the system, which has been wholly depended upon for fire protection, and when, as it has been proved beyond a doubt, that it cannot be relied upon at all times, I deem it the duty of the Board of Public Works and the City Council to furnish to the fire depart- ment at least four additional steam fire engines, properly manned and equipped, to be placed in service at as early a day as possible ; and to also begin the construction of a system of public fire cisterns, beginning at the business center of the city and extending the system as fast as the city can find the means to do so, until a sufficient quantity of water is permanently stored under the public streets to protect the city against such accidents as above mentioned. In my opinion, the time has arrived for your honorable body to take some action in this matter. It seems like criminal carelessness upon the part of the taxpayers of this city to remain so poorly protected against the ravages of a great conflagration, which, in my judgment, is sure to visit this city before long if the above recommendations are not carried out. G. C. Haee, Chief Fire Department. Editorial Comments. The Board placed the communication on file, and will prepare an ordinance to be presented to the Council covering the question. They are unanimously of the opinion, and expressed themselves to that effect, that something must be done, and that the recommendations of the Chief of the Fire Department are excellent and ought to be adopted if the city had avail- able funds with which to carry them out. Another important and significant communication bearing on the fire pressure was received from Mr. W. I. Fetter, secretary of the Kansas City underwriters, and which admonished the Board that if something was not done to secure better fire protection, the insurance men would demand a higher rate of insurance. Mr. Fetter says that the scheme of the Chief of the Fire Department for additional fire steamers and public cisterns is a good one, and that it has been conclusively shown that the principal pipes of the water works com- pany cannot be depended upon in event of necessity. Mr. Fetter says that he does not wish to be understood as threatening the city with an increase of insurance rates, but simply states that as a fact. He has talked with a large number of the local insurance men, and they BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 347 have been unanimous in the opinion that, unless something is done to give better protection, their companies will insist upon a higher rate for future writing. — Kansas City Journal, December 31, i8g2. MAJOR JONES HAS HIS SAY. The Water Works Superintendent Repeies to Chief Haee. — He Declares it wiee be Copied and that the Resuet wiee not be Favorabee to Kansas City.— Biees of the Company wiee not be Paid. Major B. F. Jones, Superintendent of the National Water Works Com- pany, expresses the opinion that the recent communication of Chief Hale, of the Fire Department, to the Board of Public Works, will re-act unfavor- ably upon Kansas City. * * * The following is Major Jones' letter : I have read attentively in both morning papers the report of Chief Hale to the Board of Public Works, calling attention to the condition of the water works system of this city, which is well calculated to create much apprehension, especially among the underwriters * * * Mr. Hale's report will be copied in all the fire and water journals in the country, others of the press will comment unfavorably, and thus Kansas City will get another black eye. As a matter of precaution against the bursting of a main, which may and does occur in other cities as well as this, it is perfectly proper that the sug- gestions of Mr. Hale should be heeded. * * * the machinery, pipes and everything connected with the sys- tem is of the best material and construction obtainable * * * * We have no apprehension upon the subject of future breaks or lack of pressure. We are endeavoring to account for preceding breaks and to guard against repetition. We believe that there is no better water works system in the country, nor any better or more faithful or efficient fire department. B. F. Jones, Superintendent National Waterworks Company. EDITORIAL COMMENTS. In Hard Dines. Biees of the Company are Refused Approval at Every Turn. The National Water Works Company is having a hard row to hoe to get its money from the city. Yesterday the bill of the company for water furnished the city since July 1, 1892, was filed with the City Comptroller. It was then sent to the water committee of the two houses, consisting of Messrs. Spengler, Dahl and Butler of the upper house and Pendergast, Regan and Foley of the lower house. Here the bill was refused certification on the ground that the Com- pany was not fulfilling its contract with the city, and the bill was sent to the auditing committee, composed of Auditor Heny, Crawford and Aldermen Muehlschuster and Hayes. The committee refused to audit an uncertified bill, and there the matter rests. 348 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The amount of the bill is $37,980, and with the unpaid bills for the first six months of 1S92, makes about $76,000, now claimed by the water works company against the city. As the matter now stands, this last bill cannot get before the Council in any shape or form. Chief Clerk John Shannon of the Comptroller's Office said yesterday: ' 'As a matter of eiistom these water works bills have been sent here for years to be taken before the proper commiitee. I did this to-day when the bill came in and the house committee refused to certify to it. I then sent the bill down to the Auditor's office aud the auditing committee refused to affix their signatures to it because it had not been certified to." There is no doubt that the service rendered by the waterworks company is inadequate ; accord- ing to their account, the city now owes the water works company about $76,000, or pay for the whole of the year 1892. There is no telling the outcome of the present contest, as the council- men say they are determined that the city's money shall not be paid out for a water service that they consider inadequate and not up to the contract. — A'ansas City Times, January 1, 1893. Kansas City had a narrow escape on Monday, through fire, which broke out in the Atlas Carriage Works. After thirty minutes of work, the depart- ment had the fire nearly under control, when a 24-iuch water main burst at Seventeenth and Walnut streets. The bursting of the main caused the water supply to be shut off and Chief Hale sent for two steam fire engines. With the streams thrown by the steamers he was enabled to keep the fire within the building. * * * If the fire had been in any other part of the city, Chief Hale said that it would have been impossible to have controlled it. He spoke very bitterly of the water pressure, and said that he had notified the Mayor in regard to it. — From Fire and Water, New York, December 31, lS 9 2 - . Kansas City Jottings. — From Our Regular Correspondent. The National Water Works Company of Kansas City, has put a wagon and tools, together with a driver, in the Fire Department of No. 5 house, the purpose being to anticipate and promptly valve off all bursted water mains. — Fire and Water, January 21, 1893. Kansas City Jottings.— From Our Own Correspondent. Kansas City, Mo., has been recently visited by fire, serious fires coming one on top of the other, and aggregating a loss of almost $400,000. All of these fires come in the night time, when the water pressure is, of course, at its best, and yet the pressure was so poor as to be directly attributable as one of the causes of the amount of the loss. The citizens cried out in alarm at perceiving the incipidity of the pressure and the tireless exertions of the fire- men vainly trying to quench the flames with miserable streams that were mocked at by the flames with aggravating impunity, only tended more to excite the citizens' indignation. That the fire was confined to the building in which it caught was looked upon by all as superbly proving the splendid efficiency of our Fire Department, and full encomiums were showered upon the firemen from grateful lips, representing all classes of our commonwealth. BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 349 The physical exhibitions of weak fire protection from the water mains, as shown by the streams at these fires, have awakened anew the tangle be- tween the City and the National Water Works Company. * * * The controversy is decidedly unprofitable to the water company, and not fully creditable to the city since the city has used the company's water from its fire hydrants now for a year, and has not paid for the same, although it has the money in its vaults to do so. * * * The entanglement has reached the solemnity of a labyrinth. * * * About the only positive information that can be given on the subject is, that the city is getting poor fire protec- tion and the water company is getting no pay for its water. * * * Major Jones has been pelting paper pellets at Chief Hale. The sub- stance of which are enigmatical to all, and comes as a complete surprise to the Chief, who has held aloof from all this water works embroilment. But the Chief gallantly responded to the Major, and now Jones wished he had not meddled with the argumentative end of the wasp, as its replies are both pointed and stinging. — Fire and Water, February 7, /Sgj. It will be noticed by Major Jones' letter published in the Kansas City Times of January 1st, 1893, that he says, when refer- ring to the water works plant of this company : Its machinery, pipes and everything connected with the system is of the best material and construction obtainable. For the sake of argument, only, we will admit that it is as the Major states, except, in the matter of pipe distribution sys- tem. There is no doubt but that the National Water Works Company, of Kansas City, has the very best cast-iron pipe obtain- able, but a weak point regarding the best material obtainable is, That this company has provided a wagon and tools, together with a driver, in the fire department of No. 5 house, the purpose being to antici- pate and promptly valve off all bursted water mains. And that, in a city where the pressure on the main is so slight that — The miserable streams were mocked at by the flames with aggravating impunity, and which made the citizens cry out with alarm at perceiving the incipidity of the pressure, and the physical exhibitions of weak fire pro- tection from the water mains as shown by the streams at these fires. Is further comment upon the utter unreliability of cast-iron water pipe necessary ? If so, we would refer to the recent break- ing of a 36-inch cast-iron water pipe 13^-inch thick, at Chicago, Ills., December 12th, 1892, the pressure gauge showing that there was only thirty pounds pressure on the pipe when it burst. Also, the other breaks in the great forty-eight-inch cast- 350 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. iron water mains at Brooklyn, New York, which were perfectly new pipe, two inches thick in the shell of the pipe and three inches thick in the bell ends of all four pipes that burst under reservoir pressure, the bursts being pieces as wide as two hands and eight feet in length and clear through the bell ends of the pipe. LAKE VIEW, ILLINOIS. Take View, Ills., is now getting 125,000 gallons of water a day; the pressure of 48 pounds to the square inch burst three of the cast-iron water mains yesterday. — Extract from the Chicago Evening Journal of August 19th, 1892. LAWBENCEVILLE. Bursted Cast-Iron Water Mains. The recent accident to the water main at M orningside Station affords an apt illustration of the dependence of a highly organized community upon the proper and uninterrupted performance by the municipal government, of its every function, and of the importance of making ample provision against even unlikely accidents. A thirty-six inch water main burst without any assignable cause and left entire Lawrenceville and lower part of city without a water supply, beside the great inconvenience. This produced an almost general prostration of business and manufacture in that section. Mills and factories were closed, elevators could not be operated and steam heating systems were useless. The blame for this accident can be laid to no particular person. Its occurrence, however, shows the folly of depending for a water supply of a large manu- facturing and dwelling district, upon a single water main. A reserve emergency pipe is necessary beyond a question. — Fire and Water, March 10, 1S94. LONDON, ENGLAND. Bursting of Water Pipes. Writing on the "Bursting of Cast-iron Water Pipes" Dr. Tyudall states, in his early days he was accustomed to give expression to the paradox " that there was no such thing as real uniformity in nature." In regard to cast-iron water pipes considered " almost uniform," the slightest accident, says Tyndall, on the interior surface, a speck of dirt, for example, will lodge at one point rather than at another. Specks of dirt will cause some portions of a cast-iron water pipe to be filled by a solid plug, while other portions continue to be filled with water. Now and then there will be spaces of liquid between the plugs which would require a considerable force to push them longitudinally through the pipe. The resistance to longitudinal motion may be so great that the pipe will be torn asunder while under ordinary pressure, across the line of least resistance. Such accidents to water pipes usually occur when the pipe is needed most to supply the BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 351 quantity of water required for fire purposes. — Invention, London {Eng.), May ig, i8g2. AMERICAN" WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION. Repairing Leaks and Breaks in Cast-Iron Water Pipe. The following extracts from the published proceedings of the American Water Works Association of 1892 (pp. 120 to 126), will be of interest as showing to a certain extent the expense attending the repairing of leaks and breaks in cast-iron pipe. Mr. Alexander (who closed the debate) refers to wrought-iron pipe, and his remarks imply that the trouble, enormous expense and the danger of being deprived of the water supply for an indefinite period, would, to a certain extent, have been avoided were wrought-iron pipe (instead of cast-iron) used for the purposes mentioned. Mr. Benzenberg is City Engineer and Prest. of the Board of Public Works of the City of Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Garner is Supt. Water Works at New Orleans, Ea. Mr. Babcock is Chief Eng. of Water Works at Little Falls, N. Y. Mr. Brush, is Chief Eng, and Supt. Water Works at Hoboken, N. J. Mr. Alexander is Supt. of the Pennsylvania Water Company at Wilkins- burg, Pa. Mr. Gardner: Mr. Benzenberg has stated that he tests his pipe once a year. I would like to ask how he does it. Mr. Benzenberg : We have a valve at each end of the main rising from the river bottom. Connecting therewith, between the valves on each side, we have a connection to which we can attach a force pump and a pres- sure gauge. We also have manhole connections on the down grade side of gate, so as to enter the pipe. The pipe is emptied by a waste-way near the water line. The gates are closed, the manholes are opened, and it is observed whether there is any leakage through the valve. Then on either side we fill up the main again, and put on an additional pressure of about fifty pounds, and by the pressure gauge attached determine if there is any leak, and to what extent. * * That is our method of testing. We do that on all our mains for self-protection. We have mains crossing the rivers at different points, and occasionally find that they need repairing at differ- ent points. East year we had two mains broken in our river. Mr. Babcock : How do you locate these leaks under water ? Mr. Benzenberg : We engage a diver, and have him follow up the pipe joint by joint. It cannot, however, always be located. We had a leak on a thirty-six inch main that bothered us considerably. The leak was not a very large one, but still it was a leak. We tried to locate it for nearly a week, but the diver could not place it at all. We let the matter go, and finally tried it on again, eight or nine months afterwards, and found that the leak had increased. We sent the diver down again, and he ex- amined every joint. He went over the bottom of the river, and found no 353 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. indication of water coming from a leak. It could not be discovered any- where at the joints. Mr. Babcock : Was not that an expensive operation ? Mr. Benzenberg : Well, it was. We let the matter go until the fall, and then the leak indicated itself upon the surface, and, in making an examination, it was found to be on the bottom of the pipe, and had gradu- ally worn through the thirty-six inch pipe. It had cut a groove as large, and like the shape of a finger. The reason it had not been discovered before was because the leak was on the bottom of the pipe. Mr. Babcock : How did you repair that leak ? Mr. Benzenberg: In that case I had two half sleeves cast that took in the entire part of the pipe that had been grooved out by the force of the water, thus reenforcing the pipe and making a sealed connection. The connection consists of, you might call it, two hubs as half sleeves with the joint run over the entire lead space in the hub beforehand, then the sleeves were parted, and with a small lead joint in the sleeve horizontally joined them by bolts securely around the pipe. The lead was quite soft, and pressed down on the pipe. We had two such experiences. About a year ago the water was quite low, being carried out by the west wind, and one of the Lehigh Line of steamers grounded on one of our pipes and broke a section nine feet in length. By shutting off this section we found that the break was at this particular point. We have had no trouble with it since, and in a similar way repaired a small break in the middle of a pipe line at another point crossing the same river. Mr. Babcock : You used divers in making these examinations. It is expensive, is it not ? Mr. Benzenberg : The repairing of this break caused by the Lehigh steamer cost us between $r,ioo and $1,150. That included the expense of lowering the main, cost of special casting and of making the repairs. Mr. Babcock : It is a good deal of money to spend to repair a break. Mr. Benzenberg : That is true. Mr. Brush : As I understand, Mr. Benzenberg, it is this, that in order to repair breaks under the river an ordinary cast sleeve is run with soft lead, cold, so as to make as near a perfect fit as possible, and then bolted on over a leak or joint, and can be screwed tight, and can be got so as to make a practically tight joint on large pipes — say thirty-inch pipes. Mr. Benzenberg : Yes, sir ; that has been done. Mr. Brush : When a break is repaired in this way you test the main, and I suppose you find the main is reasonably tight? Mr. Benzenberg : There may possibly be a sweating or seepage through the joint. The test would indicate this in the course of time on the pressure gauge ; but we do not take any account of this. Our mains are subjected to from fifty -five to fifty-eight pounds pressure. Mr. Brush : In connection with this question of repairing mains under water, we have had some experience on our works. We use the Ward joint. It works very satisfactory ; so satisfactory, in fact, that we did not go to the expense that Mr. Benzenberg very wisely incurred in examining every year the mains. Suddenly we found that we were without water. The result of the examination showed that the river had scoured so that the main hung as a chain at a given point in the channel. After the main BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 353 had settled till iron met iron, it suddenly parted. Since that time we began to use the method our friend has recommended. The only remedy is to do as Mr. Benzenberg does — that is, send a diver down and examine every pipe crossing at least once each year. Mr. Espy : I desire to add a word to what has already been said on the paper now before us for discussion. The compairy I represent (The Wilkesbarre Water Co., of Wilkesbarre, Pa.) laid two 1 8-inch pipes across the Susquehanna River, at a point near our city. The pipes were used only in extreme dry weather to pump from large wells into the main supply pipe. About two years ago it became necessary to use them, when it was discovered that one of the lengths of pipe had been broken, evidently by the ice. Mr. Alexander : When we laid our construction lines in the Allegheny River about three years ago, we had probably six all told. Two weeks after we laid the pipe, we had occasion to look for it, and found that some other fellow had laid a pipe across ours, and in another month another pipe was laid, and then another, so that they riprapped our pipe with pipe. This pipe is all wrought-iron, and it is rare to see a leak in the pipe under the river. There are as man}' pipes in the river as in the streets. They are screwed up and dropped into the river — gas, water, oil and everything com- bined — and you have got to mark your pipe to know it when you want it. The President announced the next order of business. Note. — Mr. Alexander's remarks were to the point. Cast- iron pipe must have a sure and permanent foundation to rest upon in order to avoid breaks and leaks, but Mr. Alexander's experience is that wrought-iron pipes are dropped into the Allegheny River upon and across each other, and in such num- bers, that they must be marked in some manner in order that they may be known — gas pipes, water pipes, oil pipes "and everything combined." It can be readily surmised the length of time that a cast-iron pipe would be serviceable under like cir- cumstances. Do not the foregoing quotations suggest the total unrelia- bility of cast-iron pipe for water works systems? Do they not show that it cannot be depended upon — that it must undergo a searching and expensive examination "at least once each year"? Suppose (in Mr. Espy's case) a fire had broken out and it had become necessary to draw on his " large wells " in order to obtain a sufficient supply, of what benefit would that supply have been ? What would the taxpayers have said, and what would their feelings have been when they, as well as their sup- erintendent, found " that when it became necessary to use them it was discovered that one of the lengths of pipe had been broken " ? 354 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. McKEESPORT, PENNSYLVANIA. The cast-iron water pipe in front of Carl Hitzrot's store burst to-day and filled his cellar full of water. — McKeesport Times, May u, 1883. This morning at 1 130 o'clock Officer Cusminger noticed the water flowing from the ground at Donovan's corner in volumes like a water spout, and at once saw that the cast-iron water main at the corner had burst. The cause of the main bursting, we learn from the superintendent, is on account of the defective piece of the cast-iron pipe, which was much thinner on one side than on the other. Our reporter was informed that this was an import- ant drawback to the use of cast-iron pipe, and for this reason cast-iron pipe has to be made very heavy, as in its manufacture it is very apt to be defec- tive on account of the variation in the thickness of the iron. — McKeesport Times, May 21, 1883. The cast-iron water main on Locust street burst Tuesday. port Paragon, October ij, /8Sj. -McKees- BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 355 The accompanying illustration shows a piece of new cast- iron pipe which stood the foundry test all right, but broke in two when being lowered into the trench. The ends of the pipe were of uniform section, and the thin place could not be detected until it broke, by not much more than its own weight. McKkesport, Pa., November 27th, 1894. E. C. Converse, V. P. & G. M.\ National Tube Works Co., New York. I send you by express to-day a short piece of cast-iron pipe. This is from a piece of city main furnished McKeesport. I think it is some they are laying at the present time. I got a piece about a foot long. I sent one piece to Mr. Lamb, this one goes to you, and I keep the other in the oftice. (Signed) J. H. PIERCE. McKEESPORT, Pa., December 12th, 1894. E. C. Converse, V. P. & G. M., National Tube Works Co., New York. Answering your letter of December 5th regarding short piece of cast- iron pipe which I sent you some days ago. I find it was manufactured by the Addyston Pipe & Steel Co., whose general office is at Cincinnati, and whose works are on the opposite side of the river at Newport, Kentucky. (Signed) J. H. Pierce. NEW YORK CITY. GEYSER IN THIRD AVENUE. Water from a Broken Cast-Iron Main Rises Above an Elevated Station. — A big Crowd Amused and a big Policeman Tanta- lized by Two Street Arabs who Stripped and Enjoyed the Shower Bath. Sleepers in the neighborhood of Third avenue and Twenty-third street were awakened at 5 A. M. yesterday by a fierce roar, which quickly sub- sided into the rush and swish of a small cataract. People who stuck their heads out of the windows — and there were several hundred of them — saw a beautiful sight. The water pipe under the elevated railroad station on the west side of the avenue had burst and was sending a big stream high into the air. Half of the column struck the station. The other half rose above it, attaining a height of thirty or forty feet. As it fell back it broke on the roof, enveloping the station in clouds of spray that flashed rainbow- like in the rays of the rising sun. The accidental geyser spouted away for half an hour, flooding the street from curb to curb. The splash of water against the station, audible for two or three blocks, drew spectators from a distance until a crowd of several hundred late home-seekers and early risers had gathered. Two street arabs watched the cooling column rise and then one of them said, " Chimmie, le's try de shower bath." For answer, " Chimmie " slid out of his tattered clothes, and in a moment both looked like cupids caught in a waterspout. A policeman came up, and for ten minutes frisked around the edge of the 356 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. water trying to catch the urchins, but they went in close to the opening, and the officer, mindful of his Sunday uniform, postponed the capture until the boys stood shivering and pleading for their clothes. — New York Sun, August j, 1892. BURST CAST-IRON WATER MAIN. Bottom Falls Out of Broadway. — Water Main Leak Causes a Cave-in. — Great Hole at Broadway and Tenth Street From that Cause. New York, March 10. — (Special.) — A big hole on Broadway at the northeast corner of Tenth Street attracted much attention to-day. The swampy space covered by actual measurement eighteen feet wide and fifteen feet in depth. It was caused by a defect in the Tenth Street Croton water main, which for some time permitted water to disintegrate the loamy soil. The brick sewer four feet high by 2 feet 8 inches wide, which runs west through Tenth Street had been broken by the weight of the water-soaked earth and opened a channel through which the bottom soil was carried away, thus permitting the street surface overhead to crumble in. The big Tenth Street sewer leading west had its beginning only a few feet east of Broadway, and in consequence the break in the main did not cause an overflow of sewage, and the water from the defective main, flowing into the gap in the sewer effectually carried off loamy soil above. As soon as the cave-in occurred the broken water main was repaired. — Chicago Inter-Ocean, March n, 1894. IT FLOODED HARLEM. Two Million Gallons from a Broken Croton Main Fills Streets and Cellars. — Brave Janitor McDowell. — Barefooted in an Ashpit, He Draws Burning Coals from a Threatened Furnace. — Young Mr. Roberts' Danger.— Knocked Senseless in a Flooded Cellar While Turning Off Electricity. A Croton water main burst yesterday afternoon at 125th Street and Lexington Avenue, with a deafening report that was heard half a mile away. All the streets and cellars in the neighborhood were flooded. The water issued in a large volume from the broken pipe at the rate of 38,000 gallons a minute, and when shut off, fifty minutes later, nearly two million gallons of Croton had been thrown into the street. Two twenty-inch water mains pass through the street, and connecting with these at Lexington Avenue there is a twelve-inch pipe that distributes Croton to the houses north of 125th Street to the Harlem River in Lexington Avenue. It was this pipe that burst yesterday. Watchman Yale was standing at the temporary wooden bridge over the excavation at one o'clock when he was startled by a shock under him that knocked him three feet in the air. The twelve-inch pipe had burst near its junction with the twenty-inch main. There being no factories running to consume the water, the pressure was unusually high. Frightened almost out of his wits, Yale, when he recovered his feet, sought refuge in a house a block away. The water poured out of the pipe BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 357 and, forcing its way through the planks of the bridge, ascended twenty-five feet in the air in sprays that made a beautiful fountain effect. The bod)- of the water finding a larger exit to the east of the bridge, surged upon the sidewalk in a volume of sufficient strength to knock half a hundred men down. It rushed down 125th Street with the force of a small Niagara, spreading devastation everywhere. Pedestrians became panic- Where the Main Burst. stricken before the advancing stream and ran into stores and took asylum in open vestibules. Women screamed, and with then - skirts suspended paddled through the water to places of safety. The deluge extended to the north cable track in the street, filling the conduit with water. At Third Avenue intense excitement prevailed among the men, women and children waiting there for cars. The flood rushed down on the crowd, dispersing it in all directions, and swinging around the northwest corner continued up the sidewalk and gutter to 129th Street, where it emptied into a sewer basin. All the cellars along the avenue, as well as those in 125th Street, were flooded two or three feet deep. Small boys only appreciated the situation. They disencumbered them- selves of their shoes, removed their stockings, and rolling up their trousers waded into the water in the conventional Coney Island style. They pro- cured boxes and endeavored to stand in them, but the force of the water was too great, and the boxes were washed from under the feet of the urchins, who were precipitated iuto the swiftly moving stream. A well-dressed woman, carrying a pug dog, jumped on a box, which was swept from under her with such suddenness that she was thrown headlong into the water with her pug. The woman, greatly embarrassed, finally effected her escape. 358 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. There was dire trouble in the Twelfth Ward Bank, which occupies an eight-story building on the northeast corner of Lexington Avenue. Post Office Station " L " is located on the ground floor, in which there were a number of letter carriers at work at the time. Janitor McDowell was eating his dinner, when he heard a rushing sound in the dynamo room, which is at the extreme east of the building under the 125th Street sidewalk. Investi- gation revealed water pouring through the brick wall, and while he was looking at it it began to force its way up through the cement flooring in small streams, which increased in size every minute. Soon water was rush- ing into the room from every direction, and quickly pulling off his shoes and stockings McDowell waded forward with a handful of waste cotton and huge iron weights, with which he stopped two drains through which water was pouring in heavy volumes. There was then fully two feet of water on the floor, and it had reached the dynamo, destroying part of the costly machinery. Brave Janitor McDowell. Then, remembering the boiler room, McDowell abandoned the dynamo and pushed his way there through two feet of water. There was fire in but one of the two boilers, which are located under the Lexington Avenue side of the building. Forty pounds of steam were registered, and the water which was pouring into the room through two side walls as well as through the cement flooring, was within a foot of the boiler door. Realizing the danger of an explosion and a catastrophe, McDowell be- gan to bale the water out with a bucket, but for every one bucket that he removed twenty came in, and he determined to adopt the only alternative left and started to draw the fire. In his bare feet he jumped down into the overflowing ash pit, and with huge poker in hand, vigorously pulled the glowing coals out into the water, which became so warm that the brave janitor screamed with pain. It was life or death with him, and although burned by the coals until the blood oozed from his wounds, he never relinquished his self-elected task until the source of danger had been removed. Then he scramble d out of the pit and waded back to the main part of the cellar, where a similarly bad condition of affairs prevailed. Although suffering excruciating pain he explored the remainder of the cellar, and erected an extempore bridge of planks and boxes that extended to the vault under the corner sidewalk. This was directly behind the broken pipe, and the water penetrated the solid brick walls with greater force than at any other place. This state of affairs lasted for three hours or more, and then steam pumps were put to work to remove the water, which, however, oozed through the walls and ceiling until a late hour last night. In D. M. Williams & Co's dry goods store, at 125th Street and Third Avenue, the entire cellar was flooded, and nineteen year old Thomas Roberts sustained an electric shock that nearly killed him. The water poured into two electric converters in the basement, and being an excellent conductor the electricity was communicated through the water to all parts of the cellar. Senseeess From Shock. Watchman Isaacs became frightened, and summoned Roberts, who possesses some knowledge of electricity. He undertook to turn the lever o BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 359 the converters and received a shock that knocked him into the water sense- less. Isaacs picked him up and carried him to another part of the cellar, where he finally revived. All efforts to check the influx of water proved futile, and in half an hour empty boxes, hats and other material stored in the cellar were floating about the place. In Third avenue the water rushed into the cellar of Thornton's restau- rant through three large openings in front. Mrs. Thornton, who heard the shock of the bursting main, vainly endeavored to prevent the place being flooded by blocking the holes with boards, which, however, were quickly washed away. Barrels of cabbages, tomatoes and other material were soon swimming around the cellar. All the storekeepers along the avenue fared similarly. Another stream of almost as large volume as that which swept down 125th Street rushed up Lexington Avenue to 128th Street and through the intersecting streets. The flood was so great that the residents inside the boundary could not leave their homes. Brandes Brothers' store, on the corner opposite the Twelfth Ward Bank, was filled with three feet of water. Superintendent Kennedy, of the Harlem district, was notified of the break and sent a gang of men up to make repairs. Meanwhile the water was shut off in the main, leaving the residents in the neighborhood without Croton. — New York Herald, August 2j, 189^. ORANGE, NEW JERSEY. Millions of Gallons of Water Believed to have been Lost. Orange, N. J., Oct. 15. — The water in the reservoir which supplies the city of Orange was found to be growing continuously lower on Saturday. To-day it was discovered that a six- inch main on Argyle Avenue, in the very highest part of the city, had burst, and from the break the water had been steadily flowing, undermining the streets, and finally finding its way to the tidal chamber at Belleville. It is estimated that the water was being forced through the break under an eighty or ninety pound pressure. Alderman John P. Dexheimer, Chairman of the Water Committee of the Common Council, says that millions of gallons were lost. Men are now at work re- pairing the break. — New York Sun, October 16, 1894. PEORIA, ILLINOIS. Supply of the Entire City Shut Off for Twenty-Four Hours. Peoria, III., Aug. 24. — The citizens of Peoria suffered all last night and all day to-day from a scarcity of water. The break in the main sup- ply pipe of the Peoria Water Company was even more serious than was at first supposed, and it was not until six o'clock to-night that the damage was repaired and the water again turned on. Nearly three hours more were required to fill the pipes. The hotels suffered most severely, for it was almost an impossibility to obtain a supply of water. A number of accidents 360 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. occurred to elevators throughout the city. As soon as the water gave out many elevators dropped to the basements, and, while no serious mishaps occurred, many people were bruised and badly frightened. The Fort Clark Electric Railway had men hauling water all night long to fill its boilers, and many industries had to do likewise. Work on the streets was to-day sus- pended from lack of water, and many were the hardships reported. For- tunately there were no fires, though extra precautions had been taken by the Fire Department. philadelphia, pennsylvania. Burst Cast-Iron Pipes — Water Suppey Items. Tate one night last week a sleeve on the large thirty-inch water main leading from the Shawmont pumping station to the Roxborough reservoir, near Philadelphia, Pa., was forced from its position by the pressure. The break caused a report like the explosion of a steam boiler, and a column of water shot up into the air fifty feet. The high wind at the time threw the water over 200 feet, falling over the Reading railroad station, and deluging the engine house and boiler rooms of the pumping station. Portions of the embankment next to the Reading railroad and the roadway around the station were badly washed, and two sections of the stone wall were carried away. When the rushing water forced its way into the boiler and engine rooms of the pumping station the employes fled for their lives. Engineer Joshua C. Bartlett, while trying to escape from the main entrance of the building, was caught in the flood and carried down to the Schuylkill River. Policeman James Fullerton, at the risk of his own life, rushed into the water and rescued Bartlett just as he was being swept into the river. The water subsided after all had run out of the two mains from the reservoir and work- men began to make a new connection. * * * East evening the piston of Engine No. 3 broke, crushing the cylinder head and completely disabling the pump and engine. Several days will elapse before repairs can be com- pleted. — Fire and Water, May 13, 1893. PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA. Now, as in the case of Philadelphia, the cast-iron syndicate and individual foundrymen have referred to Pittsburgh as com- manding the best engineering talent in connection with its water supply. Under the head of "Philadelphia" we give expression to the published utterances of Supt. Ludlow, and in another Chapter will be found a letter from Supt. Browne, of the Pittsburgh water works, which will be particularly interesting, inasmuch as the cast-iron men refer to him as an expert, and to the Pittsburgh system as being the best in use. From what we know of Mr. Browne, we concur with the cast-iron men BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 361 that he is amply qualified to judge of all classes of pipe, and to tell which is the best. In 1883 this system consisted of in miles of cast-iron pipe. During the year 1883 there were reported 182 leaks in the mains, and 2,861 feet were taken up and replaced with new pipe. The cost of the "Maintenance of Pipe Lines" for 1883 was $18,122.78. We copy a few clippings from the Pittsburgh papers, men- tioning the troubles which have occurred from the use of cast- iron pipe, and a perusal of them will show how extremely dam- aging it is to health and property, as well as expensive to the city : BREAKS IN WATER MAINS. Some; of the; Broken Pipes Found to be Merely Sheees. "There is nothing new in the Water Department," said Superintendent Browne yesterday, " except the numerous serious breaks." "Are the breaks caused by the usual head of water?" " Not altogether. While the frost is in the ground the earth acts as a support to the pipes, but it is now thawing and the weak pipes are unprotected. In all the breaks that have occurred the cast-iron pipes have been found " honeycombed " and corroded to such an extent that they were mere shells. Some of the samples taken from the broken main on Third Avenue show the pipe to be very unsafe. We can't tell where a break may occur during a ground thaw, but will be required to keep on the alert so as to limit the damage as much as possible. The break on Fourth Avenue to-day, between Wood and Smithfield Streets, did not do any serious damage, and will be repaired to-night." — Pittsburgh Dispatch, April 2d, 18S3. The water was turned on in the new 12-inch cast-iron main on Mary street, at Eighteenth, yesterday. The pressure was so great that a number of breaks occurred in the old lateral mains, cutting the supply off in many places. The breaks are being repaired to-day. — Pittsburgh Telegraph, July 28, 1883. The large cast-iron water main at the corner of Wylie avenue and Elm street burst last evening. Considerable damage was done to the street before it could be shut off. — Pittsburgh Evening Chronicle, August 27, 1883. The cast-iron water pipe leading to the basin above the Union Depot has been leaking badly for the past few days, and yet the water is scarce in the lower part of the city. — Pittsburgh Leader, September 28, 1883. Second avenue was trying yesterday to monopolize the sensations of the city. In addition to the Boyd's Hill avalanche, the alarm of fire at the Kensington rolling mills, the cast-iron water main burst at a point near the Second avenue school-house, and tore up the street to such an extent 362 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. that the drivers of the Ormsby and Second avenue cars were obliged to unhitch their teams and shove the cars over the break. — Pittsburgh Dis- patch, September 28, 1883. Many Burst Cast-Iron Water Pipes. There is much profanity being indulged in to-day by residents of the Hill over the many burst cast-iron water mains. The worst break noticed was on Wylie avenue, above Fulton street, where the street is badly flooded. — Pittsburgh Leader, January 21, 18S3. The Coed Snapping the Cast-Iron Water Pipes. The continued cold spell is beginning to have an apparent effect upon the cast-iron water mains in the different portions of the city. Last night there was a bad break near Schuetzen Park. On Roberts street consider- able damage was done by the break. The street was made almost im- passible and the cellars badly flooded, in some instances to a depth of five feet. — Pittsburgh Chronicle, February 23, 1885. PAYING THE PIPER. The Water Department to Take Up Large Cast-Iron Mains. Superintendent Browne, of the water works, has just completed his estimates for the replacement of the old and worn-out cast-iron water pipes under the principal streets of the old section of the city. These will be submitted to the Pipe Committee at their meeting next Monday. The amount to be expended in this way will foot up in the neighborhood of $50,000. — Pittsburgh Dispatch, March /j, sSSj. A CRY OF WATER. " More Water," Arises from ale along the Line. — Big Miees Ceosing Down. — Peopee in the Heart of the City with Hardey a Drop to Drink. — The Heaeth Physician Predicts a Heavier Death Rate than any in the History oe Pittsburgh. — Fears of a Great Conflagration. A city without water, and water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. The limpid Allegheny comes stealing from its far northern home and winds past this city without one thought of its parched, dusty, dry condition. The cool Monongahela, fresh from its beautiful Virginia sources, rolls quietly by, while Pittsburgh, like the rich man, stretches forth its hands and pleads, to heedless ears, for but one drop of water to cool its parched tongue. A no more inopportune time could have been selected in the whole year for such a drought than yesterday. With the Brooks law in full sway, the heated political situation, the favorite baseball clubs losing, and the mercury fairly stewing in its bulb, and jumping about from 92 to 95 as if the glass were too hot to stand on in any one place, all these complications and more caused perspiring, sweltering, palpitating Pittsburgh to sit down in sheer misery and fan itself, and growl and swear. BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 363 Unwilling men, who had never before taken a drink of beer, drank a glass yesterday to save their lives, and said it was bad, and took another and said it was worse, and then nearly fainted when a wild rumor spread about late in the afternoon that the breweries were obliged to shut down on account of the scarcity of water. Mills were shut down for the same cause, factories ceased work, elevators stopped running, and an overheated world toiled up-stairs and toiled down again. One paramount fear swayed all, and the uppermost thought in the minds of the business, the insurance and the mercantile world was, ' ' What if there should be a fire ? What if a spark, for the want of a drop of water, should kindle into a blaze, the blaze into a conflagration, and the conflagra- tion turn into a sweeping holocaust ? ' ' The very thought of which caused many to turn pale with apprehension. Outside of this fear of fire, another, and as grave a complication, was freely talked of. The almost entire absence of water right in the heart of this big city caused the most serious complaints and fears as to the health of the thousands of people crowded together in such torrid, unhealthy, mid- summer weather. When all of these dangers arise from the bursting of the gate-valve in one single 36-inch water main, too close an investigation cannot be made, and for this reason there are given below both sides of the question ; also, interviews with the prominent sufferers in all parts of the city, and with the officials of the city, of the water department, and some interesting figures from the Hiland reservoir. The accident to the main occurred at the corner of Butler and Forty- Fourth Streets, and from that point westward, the liquid famine existed. * * * The Allegheny County Tight Company, whose plant is located on Virgin Alley, uses probably more steam, and a consequent quantity of water, than any down-town place. To operate the many engines there requires ten boilers ranged in five batteries. Only several are worked fully during the day, but all are taxed to their utmost capacity during the night. The engineer said: " The short supply during the day has caused us much inconvenience, but, if it keeps as it is, we may be able to continue in operation. If it gets lower, however, we will have to shut down." * * * Dr. W. Snivel}-, Physician of the Board of Health, said that any thinking person would, of course, see that depriving the citizens of water at this season of the year is one of the greatest calamities that could befall the population. The result will clearly make itself manifest in the increased death rate that is sure to follow. * * * The leading insurance men of this city were seen late yesterday after- noon in regard to the shut-off of water, and the general feeling among them was one of apprehension and uneasiness, though, as a body, they had taken no action in the matter, and did not know that they should. All agreed that the situation was a serious one, and many thought the city would be liable in damages to any who should lose by a fire which could not be extinguished for want of an adequate water supply. Mr. Fleming, of Morris & Fleming, said the situation was alarming, yet not so bad at this time of year as it would be in winter, when there were fires kept 364 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. up in nearly every room, as the danger of fires starting was much less in summer. * * * A reporter last evening visited the mills along the Allegheny River, to ascertain what effect the scarcity of water had upon them. Zug & Co., Shoenberger & Co., Brown & Co., Carnegie, Phipps & Co.'s Upper Union Mills, Parke Bros. & Co., and William Clarke & Co., all draw their supply of water directly from their own river pumps, and hence were able to run without the city water. At the works of the Standard Underground Cable Company the pres- sure had been very poor all day. The pressure was not sufficient to throw the water from the hose as high as the fourth story. At Charles & Co.'s nut works they had to close down yesterday morning, and will not start until this morning. About thirty-five men were out of work one day. Uast night there was enough water to fill the boilers, but not enough for the machines. They expect to go to work this morning. The pressure at Hussey, Howe & Co.'s mills was very weak during the day, as it was also at the lower mills of Carnegie, Phipps & Co. At the latter place it was feared at one time that they would have to shut down. The Union Storage Company have a water elevator at their warehouse on Twenty-fifth Street, which ordinarily will raise 3,200 pounds, but yesterday it was hard work to elevate 200 pounds on it. Consternation seized the mill men when it was reported that the main had broken again, and the outlook worse than ever. * * * In Municipal Hall the elevator had to be stopped because the water pressure was gone. Only the city offices on the ground floor had water in their hydrants. All upstairs offices were dry, and with no elevator accom- modations ; the higher up the worse the humor of the officials. It may be consolation to the public at large to know that the Bureau of Water is located on one of the topmost floors, and the Bureau had no water. All other elevators in town, with direct water pressure, were shut down. These are mainly in business buildings, the hotels having different arrange- ments for their elevators. Barber shops and restaurants afforded many laughable scenes as a result of the scarcity of water. * * * When the break at Forty-fourth Street had been finally repaired in the afternoon and the full head of water was again passing through the main, fresh trouble arose. The pipe burst in three places along Butler Street, viz. : Fortieth Street, Thirty-third Street and Exchange alley. This continued and rather increased the shortage of water in the lower part of town, and as the valve in the pipe also refused to work, the following w r as authorized by the authorities : "The water department requests that all citizens will be economical in the use of water to-day, as a valve in the main line has dropped and it will take until evening to remedy the matter. There will be more water to-day than yesterday, but there will not be a full supply." Superintendent Browne was not in his office all afternoon, but was out to the scene of the damage. His clerk could give no cause for the breaks. — Pittsburgh Dispatch, June 21, 1S8S. BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 365 WHAT WATER IS WORTH. The People of Pittsburgh Found that out Yesterday. Distress in the Hill District. Back to First Principles, the pump and the Pail. The Cause of the Drouth. When the Dauphiness Marie Antoinette was told the people were cry- ing for bread, she innocently asked why they did not eat cakes. Were she a resident of the Eleventh Ward of Pittsburgh yesterday she would probably inquire why the people did not drink Apollinaris, or wash in Eau de Co- logne, for water, measured by its scarcity, was a decided luxury there, as it was all over the city from 9 P. M. for an hour. Even the supply of beer in second hands, as the commercial people would say, was short, as the brew- eries had been restricted the day before, and if the famine had lasted an- other day, the milk manufacturers would have no resource but the shelter of the bankruptcy act. " Say, Mr. Waterman, I want to know how it is that we taxpayers were compelled to wash ourselves in sewer water this morning," exclaimed an indignant Hill resident, as he mopped the perspiration from his brow and glaringly confronted Clerk Denniston, of the Water Committee. The clerk went into a detailed explanation, and after satisfying the Hill man, who departed in a better humor than he entered, the clerksank wearily back into a seat and sighed as though he was weary of life. " It never rains but itipours, except when the weather man predicts rain," said he, " now that Butler Street main couldn't burst in a worse time than just in the midst of a hot spell, when all the water that could be pumped was needed. Yesterday we thought it was all fixed at 1 o'clock. The repairs had been made, when we suddenly had three more breaks. The result is, we have got to root the whole business out. Yesterday the downtown people were growling, and to- day the Hill people are doing the kicking. * * * Work will be commenced in a few days on the removing of old and the re-laying of new water pipe on Railroad and adjacent streets, and in all probability will be the means of increasing the city's revenue a neat amount. The pipe in question is a ten-inch pipe, and will be laid on Rail- road street, from Eighteenth street to Thirty-third street, the old pipe having worn out. New pipes will also be put in on a number of side streets, and considerable of the territory occupied by the mills along the Allegheny River will be touched. — Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette. In connection with the foregoing facts regarding burst cast-iron pipe, and consequent great inconvenience and damage, old, worn-out, tuberculated and unserviceable cast-iron pipes, replacements, etc., we clip a few items from the voluminous official advertisements, as follows: Office of City Controller, \ Pittsburgh, April 23, 1887. j Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Wednesday, May 4th, 1887, at 12 o'clock M. for re-laying new water pipe and removing old on the following streets : 550 feet 6-inch, Chatham street, Fountain street to Wylie avenue. 1,650 feet 4-inch, Cherry alley. 366 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. 350 feet 4-inch, Dante alley, Sixth avenue to Tunnel street. 1,600 feet 6-inch, Etna street, Eleventh to Fifteenth street. 800 feet 6-inch, Fayette street, Ninth to Tenth street. 1,200 feet 6-inch, Ferry street, Water to Liberty street. 450 feet 6-inch, Fort street, Penn avenue to Duquesne way. 1,300 feet 6-inch, Fourth avenue, Liberty avenue to Wood street. 830 feet 6-inch, Tunnel street, Fountain street to Fifth avenue. 300 feet 6-inch, Eleventh street, Pike street to Etna street. 800 feet 6-inch, Fourteenth street, Liberty street to Etna street. T,28o feet 10-iuch, Franklin street, Washington street to Fulton street. 2,050 feet 6-inch, Fifth Avenue, Magee Street to Ross Street. 1,000 feet 12-inch, Liberty Avenue, near Fourth Avenue to Sixth Street. 1,200 feet 10-inch, Liberty Avenue, Water to near Fourth Avenue. 160 feet 6-inch, Eighth Street, Exchange Alley to Liberty Street. 2,750 feet 10-inch, Smithfield Street, Liberty to Water Street. 400 feet 6-inch, Hazel Street, Elm to Fulton Street. 1,000 feet 10-inch, Penn. Ave. and Water to Third Street. 11,500 feet 12-inch, Penn. Avenue, Third to Thirtieth Street. 1,600 feet 8 inch, Ross Street, Second Avenue to Water Street. 4,450 feet 6-inch, Second Avenue, Stnithfield Street to Birmingham Bridge. 1,000 feet 6-inch, Sixth Avenue, Grant Avenue to Fifth Avenue, etc. etc., etc. (Signed) E. S. Morrow, Controller. Department oe Public Works, \ Pittsburgh, Pa., July 13, 1888. / Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Controller until Tuesday, the 24th day of July, A. D, 1888, at 2 A. M., for removing and relaying new water pipes on the following streets as specified : 13,850 feet of 4, 6, 8 and 12-inch pipe. For laying new pipe on the following streets as specified : 29,487 feet of 4, 6, 8 and 12-inch pipe, etc., etc. For specifications, blanks on which bids must be made, and all other information, apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Supply and Distribution. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond in double the amount of proposal, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any and all bids. (Signed) E. M. BiGEEOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. BURST CAST-IRON WATER MAIN. Caused a Water Famine. — Earth Breaks a Main at the Basin. — The Lawrencevieee Section was in a Miserable Plight dur- ing the Greater Part of the Day. Serious inconvenience to a large section of the city was caused by a break in a 36-inch water main at the Highland reservoir early yesterday morning. BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 367 Thousands of Families were without Water for several hours. There was a great scarcity all day in the whole of the Lawrenceville, Perm Avenue and down-town districts. The break occurred shortly after 4 o'clock. The point where the main gave way is on the hill- side in Highland Park, about 300 yards from the reservoir toward the Allegheny River. The break was discovered, it is believed, a few minutes after it occurred, by night-watchman Thomas McClelland, who was going in the direction of his home and heard it roaring. He hastened to the house of M. Bailey, who had charge of the basin in the day time, and the latter came and closed the gates through which the water passes from the reservoir into this pipe. The length of time the water was escaping was not more than half an hour, but it caused a fall in the basins — which have a combined surface of twenty acres — of about four inches. The force with which the water escaped from the broken section of pipe is described as something fearful. A great volume of earth was torn out of the terrace, and the water spurting across the roadway which lay below, washed into a small stream that ran in a ravine below. Its volume, for a time, was such as to uproot a number of trees which lined the side of the ravine. The water followed the course of this stream down to the Allegheny River, washing a considerable mass of debris upon the tracks of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, afterward causing delay in the running of trains. The trouble resulting to many thousands of people from the breaking of this main began almost as soon as they got up. The pipe being full of water up to the base of the reservoir, those dependent on it had a little water until it was all drained. Most of the people through the L,awrenceville district say they had no water after 7 o'clock until noon. At most of the down-town business offices the water was all gone when the occupants for the day arrived. A second 36-inch main comes in Penn Avenue, connecting with the basin on the opposite side from the Butler Street pipe, the one which broke. The supply was turned into the Butler Street pipe at the forks of the road, but the high parts of Lawrenceville were yesterday afternoon still without water. A large force of men was put to work to repair the break early yester- day. The water bureau had about 15 of its own men available, and 25 or 30 more were obtained from the Park laborers. They worked energetically digging up the broken pipe. At supper time a new force was put on, with the intention of keeping at it all night. The depth at which the pipe was covered made the work of excavation for new connections and the removal of the broken pipe very great. When a Dispatch reporter visited the place yesterday afternoon the men had just gotten the broken section uncovered. The pipe is of cast- iron, about two inches thick, and a twelve foot joint had been broken into small pieces. It was split from end to end. It was not certain at the time whether more than one new joint of pipe would be needed or not, and three had been brought to be ready for any necessity. Superintendent Sheppard, of the Water Department, will uncover the main for about 100 feet near the break, and see that the ends and beds of the other joints are all right. FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Of the troubles arising out of the broken main, and the lack of water, those of the Valley Railroad were the most serious. Their tracks for several hundred feet were covered with mud, and the engine of a passenger train coining into the city at 6:45 A. M. was derailed. None of the trains got in until 8 o'clock, at which hour the wrecking crew had the tracks cleared of the landslide caused by the water. The cars of the Citizens' Traction Company had to stop during the fore- noon on account of no water to run the engines. This trouble was remedied by getting fire engines and pumping water from fire plugs. At some of the mills along Penn Avenue, particularly the Crescent Steel Works, Iron City Tool Works, and Carbon Iron Works, total suspensions took place after an hour or two's work in the morning. The Twenty-ninth and Thirty-third Street works of the Carnegie Steel Company and the Black Diamond Steel Works had no trouble, as they operate their own water works. . At numerous down-town business houses there was trouble on account of lack of light and heat, the places being heated by steam and making their own electricity. The big hotels experienced some inconvenience, too, and numerous elevators would not run, among them those in the City Hall and Government Building. This was lucky for water officials, as everybody who called to kick had to climb to the fourth floor, and they did not all do it. School was suspended in some of the buildings where the water famine extended. Where steam was used for heating, it was of course impossible to keep warm. Among them was the Sisters of Mercy's school on Webster Street and the McCandless school in the Eighteenth Ward. But probably all the trouble to big business men and others with large responsibilities was not greater in the aggregate than that of the thousands of housewives in the L,awrenceville district who intended to wash clothes yesterday. They got started bright and early, but soon the water gave out, and they had to give it up. They had also lots of trouble getting water for cooking and toilet purposes, but between using a number of pumps for the one, and melting snow for the other, they managed to make out, and finally decided to bear the cross with resignation, until the morning, when they are confident there will be water in plenty. — Pittsburgh Dispatch, February ij, /Sp-/. The Business Portion of Pittsburgh, Pa., is Suffering from a Serious Water Famine. Should a fire occur in this portion of the city the result can only be sur- mised. On Wednesday morning the 36-inch main, the largest in the city, and through which Dawrenceville and the entire downtown districts are sup- plied with water, broke near the reservoir. When the break occurred a huge volume of water poured down the heavy grade, carrying everything before it with such force that the tracks of the Allegheny Valley Railroad near Morn- ingside station, were completely blocked with debris. An accommodation train ran into the slide, but beyond derailing the engine no serious damage was done. The large stores, clubs, hotels, mills, newspaper offices, etc., were greatly inconvenienced, while the' Penn Avenue and Wylie Avenue cable lines were stopped. — Fire and Water, Feb. 17, 1S9./. BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 369 Another Break in a 36-iNCH Main. A break in the 36-inch main between the Pennsylvania Railroad and Center Avenue, Pittsburgh, Saturday of last week, Nov. 17, caused much inconvenience to people in that section. As soon as the break was discov- ered a force of men was put to work to repair it. They worked all through Saturday night and all next day and night, but owing to the ponderous character of the break it is doubtful if it will be completed by 9 o'clock this morning. The men expected to get through during the night, but there was little hope that they would succeed. The effect of the water famine will be very bad from a sanitary point of view, and the physicians are much alarmed for fear it may cause an epidemic, short as the time may be during which the supply is cut off. Nearly all the houses in the district affected depend entirely for sanitation on the sewer system, but it is worth- less without a water supply. Fortunately the Herron Hill Reservoir supply was accessible to a number of districts near those which were shut off, so that by carrying water most people were able to get sufficient for domestic purposes. It was common yesterday to see men and women on the streets carrying water from the houses of distant neighbors. The springs that are still flowing here and there, particularly in the Twenty-Second Ward hills, were patronized to the limit of their capacity. — Fire and Water, November 24, 1894. FONCA, NEBRASKA. The Ponca, Nebraska, water works have been a source of considerable annoyance to both the contractors and citizens. When first put in operation it was found that almost every joint of the piping leaked and would have to be re-caulked. — Fire and Water, Saturday, Dec. 31, 1892. PO UGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORE. Extract from the "Nineteenth Annual Report" of the Water Commissioners, City of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , pp. 13, 14, and 18. 1 LEAKS. A serious leak occurred in the six-inch main at the foot of Main Street, on August 15th. A leak of considerable magnitude was discovered in the four-inch pipe extending from Pine Street through Prospect Street to the Vassar Hospital, on December 2nd * * The water had flowed from the leak into the trench without coming to the surface and was only discovered by special examin- ation when the unusual volume of water pumped in November was known. The leak was caused by a longitudinal crack in the pipe. Two leaks have occurred on the force main, caused by the starting of the lead at the joints. The water system comprises to date, 24-inch, 18-inch, 16-inch, 12-inch, 2-inch, 6-inch, 4-inch cast-iron pipe — Total 97,164 feet. ChareES E. PowEER, Superintendent. 370 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. PORTLAND, CONNECTICUT. A break occurred in the water main at Portland, Conn., and this town is without water except that supplied by cisterns, mills, etc. All the quar- ries, factories and other business places requiring water were shut down. A gang of men was immediately put to work by day and by night, and the repairs completed by Tuesday night. In the meantime business was at a standstill. — Fire and Water of June 24th, /Spj. PORTLAND, OREGON. Defective Water Mains Create Something Akin to a Famine. In many places on the East Side the water mains of the city water works are placed under the elevated roadwa}^ * * * Saturday night the pipe burst in a number of places * * * As a result, water was wanted all over East Portland. The pumps were only able to keep up a small pressure in the lower mains during the day. A force of men were put to work to discover the leaks and make repairs. — Morning Oregonian, Portland, Oregon, December 26, 1892. Water and Light. The mains of the East Side Water Works have been thoroughly over- hauled and repaired, and the pressure is now up to 90 pounds at the fire hydrants. A good many links of cast-iron pipe were found split and leaking badly. These were replaced with new pipes. — Morning Oregonian, Portland, Ore- gon, January 3, /8pj. RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY. Water Pipes Burst. — A Serious Fire Results at Rahway. — The Gordon Opera House and Several Large Buildings Totally Destroyed. — Aid from New York City. Rahway, N. J., April 29. — A fire broke out early this morning in J. L. Freeman's large carriage factory and soon got beyond the control of the firemen. When the Gordon Opera House was seen to be in danger, assist- ance was telegraphed for to New York and Jersey City. The flames soon spread to the Opera House, and before assistance arrived both were in ruins. When the help telegraphed for arrived it was put to work to try and save the surrounding buildings. Most of the property would have been saved but for the bursting of the cast-iron water mains, which prevented the fire- men from doing effective work. The principal losses are the Opera House, scenery, piano, etc., belonging to the estate of Gordon, the printing press manufacturer, about $40,000 ; John Freeman's building and machinery, $20,000, and carriages $10,000. About $10,000 worth of finished stock was saved. John Helm's dwelling was burned, loss $3,500. — Pittsburgh Chron- icle Telegraph, April 29, 1885. BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 371 SIOUX CITY", IOWA. A serious break in the old cast-iron water main near the pumping sta- tion occurred yesterday afternoon about 4:30. The joint at the bend of the main on the corner of West Sixth and Main Streets gave way, and earth and water were soon flying in all directions. Main street was flooded to a depth of three or four feet before the pumps were shut off. Luckily the reservoir contained about seven feet of water, and another fortunate circumstance was that it was Saturday night and an hour when water for power purposes would not be needed. As soon as the water settled the employees of the department began digging for the break, which was at a depth of twenty feet. The main will be repaired to-day. — From the Sioux City, la., Journal, November 10, 1S89. SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. Extract from the twenty-first annual report of the Water Commissioners of the City of Springfield, Ills., page 18: The breaking of the main pipe on Ninth and Clay was caused by defects in the castings. We have also repaired fourteen leaks on main pipes. * * * Total amount of cast-iron main pipes, 27 miles and 2,000 feet. Respect- fully submitted, Pp:ter Berriman, Superintendent. STEUBENVILLE, OHIO. A burst water main in Steubenville, Ohio, did $20,000 worth of damage one day last week. — Fire and Water, February 6th, 1892, page 68. ST. JOHNS, NEW BBUNSWICK. Teaks in old cast-iron water pipes have been giving considerable trouble in St. Johns, N. B., recently, and the Engineering Record states that the first of any importance was a 4-inch main laid in muddy soil. Some air cells were found in the body of the metal, but these apparently did no harm so long as the outside covering or skin retained its normal density. But this underwent a softening process, as had happened in other cases under similar conditions, and finally a piece was blown from the side of the pipe following the course of the air cells. The film of metal covering these air and sand holes was about one-eighth of an inch thick, and could be cut easily with an ordinary knife. The pipe had been in use about thirty -three years, and its interior diameter was reduced about half an inch by deposits. Another instance of this kind of failure occurred with a six- inch main. * * * It was one of the first pipes cast in the neighborhood, and was so badly "sided" that when the cracked piece was cut out the metal was found to be three-fourths of an inch thick at one place, while diametrically opposite it was but one-fourth. The pipe was laid in soft, 372 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. slatey rock, and the nature of the material had been changed in some way so that the outer surface was soft and sectile like plumbago, showing a bright, smooth surface when cut. — St. Louis Globe-Democrat of August 20th, iSpj. TORONTO, CANADA. A Broken Intake Pipe. In July, 1889, it was decided to extend the intake of the Toronto, Ont., water works about 350 feet beyond the existing intake. * * * Plans for the work were prepared by Walter C. Brough, at that time Engineer of the Water Works Department, and the contract was awarded to Wm. H. Law, of Peterboro, for supplying the 72-inch steel pipe at $15.98 per lineal foot. Late in July, 1890, a year later, divers began removing stones from the old crib. * * * Owing to delays of various kinds the first length of pipe was not launched until August 21, and it was found impossible to make the connection that season. The next year's work began in the middle of May, * * * and the first seven pipes were connected by June 16. * * * Then an examination of the work was made and the first joint was found to be broken, which delayed the work of completion until July 9, 1891, two years after it was ordered. * * * The new intake had not been down very long before it rolled off its supports, the joints broke open and the pipe par- tially filled with sand. The pipe was, of course, useless and is now being re- placed. — Engineering Record, of August 26th, 1S93. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Under the heading of "Specifications," on pp. 102, 103, and 104 of The Tec/inic, the annual of the Engineering Society of the University of Michigan, for 1890, will be found the follow- ing: In connection with specifications for water works construction many engineers are accustomed to provide for an elaborate inspection of the pipe as it is delivei - ed from the carriers, by "ringing" with a hammer and various other means. It has been our observations that this process usually costs more than it comes to. The proper test of the ability of a cast-iron water pipe to do its duty is to make it do that duty. * * * While it is not infrequently the case that we find broken pipe, indeed sometimes pipe broken in two, it does not ordinarily occur except where there is a defect in the iron. Owing to the mode of casting usually adopted, with the bell up, the most defective part will usually be found in the bell, caused by the impurities rising to that place. The difficulty with a spongy bell is not so much that it will let water through, as that it may split in calking, and the only way to tell whether it will split is to calk it. * * * We have known apparently sound bells to split, the fracture revealing a streak of hard iron or giving evidence of abnormal strains in cooling. It is unnecessary to state that any BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 373 amount of "ringing" would fail to detect such defects. A point that is often chosen as a weak one is the neck of the bell, where it joins the straight pipe. This, owing to a slight displacement of the core, is often found to be thin, and a spike is driven through it and the pipe is condemned. * * * jt j s a i so f the utmost importance that the pipe be tested as it is laid, before the trench is filled. Some contractors claim that it is unneces- sary, as they say a leak will be certain to show itself at the surface in time. No greater fallacy than this was ever taught. It is true that a large leak will come to the surface sometime, but it may be many feet from the loca- tion of the defect, and many weeks after its breaking out. It will be far more apt to show itself, if in damp ground, than in dry. To give an idea as to how long it may take a leak to become manifest, even in case of a large one, the following incident from the writer's own experience may be in- teresting : A line of pipe was laid in November and duly tested, but, owing to the cold and the danger of freezing, the test could not with safety be prolonged to as full an extent of time as desired. The soil was a dr}% yellow sand. Tate in the following May a slight dampness was discovered above the place of one of the tees leading to the hydrant. The water was shut off from the line, and an investigation commenced, when it was found that through a sand hole in the bottom side of the tee a jet of water was issuing fully three-eighths of an inch in diameter, and had worn out a hole in the sand underneath sufficiently large, that, when the water and loose sand were dipped out of it, there was room to work a ratchet and tap out the hole for a cast iron plug. The pressure carried was between 50 and 60 pounds per square inch, so that at the time of discovery about 16 gallons of water were going to waste per minute. A test made with a small feed-pump on about three miles of line by the writer during the past summer revealed the fact that not less than 30 gallons of water per minute were being wasted, and in two months not one of the leaks had come to the surface. * * * In the Pennsylvania oil and gas regions it is customary to test with air, and the joints are previously daubed with soap and water, which shows bubbles if there is the slightest leak. The contractor's trick there is to get some lime into the water. " * * Under the head of " Pipe Laying," on pp. 106, 107, we find the following : During the past summer no less than three miles of pipe was uncovered under our direction in the City of Owosso, Mich. This pipe had been in the ground from one to three months, had been laid with a guarantee that the joints should staud 200 lbs. pressure per square inch, much of it, with a test in the open trench known to be imminent, had been calked by experienced calkers who had been following the trade for several years, and yet, under 100 pounds pressure on the 12-inch line forty-three out of forty-seven con- secutive joints were found to leak ; on the ten-inch an entire block did not have a sound joint in it ; on the eight-inch about sixty per cent, of the joints leaked, while on six and four-inch the percentage of leaking joints got down as low as thirty to forty. * * * 374 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. On pages 108, 109, under the head of " Calking Lead Joints : " The lead joint, when properly made, is considered by all authorities to be the best yet devised for water, gas and oil pipes. * * * The writer was informed by one of the skilled laborers employed on a line where both the screw and lead joint were used that in a test of about 200 pieces each — the only test made on the entire line — it was found that So joints of the screw pipe leaked while not a leak was developed in the lead.* * * If the joint is very cold or damp at all it is always a good plan, and sometimes a very necessary one, to pour in a little oil. The heavier the oil the better. This prevents the lead chilling too soon and also prevents it spattering into the face of the men pouring. * * * The use of the joints will be found quite economical as it saves the services of the boy who makes the rolls, and a joint having been run with a jointer requires less time to calk than one where the roll is used. * * * A good calker will always calk the bottom of the joints first, because it is more difficult to do a good job there and if the top is calked last, the spigot is forced down against the lead at the bottom, so tightening the joints there. In nearly twenty miles of pipe where this rule was followed, although leaks were occasionally found on the top and upper sides, not one was found on the bottom. If the joint leaks on top it is very easy matter to drive the lead a little more and usually to close it up, but a leak at the bottom is much more difficult to get at. This is one of the best tests we know of of the ability and experience of a calker. Another good test is to have a man acknowl- edge that he cannot tell by looking at a joint whether it will hold or not. If a man says he can it can generally be relied upon that he has not seen a great deal of work tested. And on pp. 112, 113 and 114 — "A Peculiar Leak: " During the construction of a system of water works for the city of Greenville, Mich., a 12-inch main was laid across Flat River and through the lowlands adjacent on the North side it ran mostly in quicksand. 18 lengths of pipe were lowered at once by means of jack-screws and as it was anticipated that there might be a tendency to spring in the joints, only a very light strand of yarn was used and the bell was run full of lead and thoroughly calked. After the pipe had been under pressure varying from 40 to 160 pounds for about two months, a leak was discovered near the North bank of the river by the bubbles of water arising there. As it did not appear to be a large leak and its repair would involve quite an expen- diture and at a season when time was very precious, it was decided to let it go till a more convenient opportunity for repairing. For about two weeks there was no apparent change in the quantity of water being lost, but sud- denly one morning it began to boil up furiously and with a noise that could be heard for twenty rods. The effect was noticeable at the pumps and many were the conjectures as to what had happened. As soon as possible a gang of men were set to work to repair it. On getting down to the pipe a stream of water was flowing out from the lip of the bell and through a hole half an inch in diameter just to one side of the top of the pipe, and gallons of water were going to waste every minute. An examination developed that the BURST CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 375 water had first worked its way through a series of blow-holes in the interior of the bell — which on the examination was apparently perfectly sound — to the outer edge and was there deflected by the lip of the bell so as to impinge upon the spigot about half an inch from the face of the bell. The jet of sand and water which became mingled had cut the outer hole in what appeared to be perfectly sound iron about half an inch thick and so had caused the leak which had created such an uproar. The path of the first jet along the spigot was marked by a groove about 2^ inches long and }+ wide, the hole being in the center. The edges of the hole were as sharp as they could be imagined to be. WEST SUPERIOR. The cast-iron water main broke loose in front of the Chicago store this morning and tore up the pavement. — West Superior, (Wis.,) Call, April 21, 1890. 376 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. CORRODED, INCRUSTATED AND TUBERCU- LATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. The incrustation of cast-iron pipe is so sure that to reject it after it takes place is as much a part of the cast-iron pipe busi- ness as it is to produce the clean pipe in the first place. A paper on this subject was read by R. T. Swallow, before the North of England Institute of Mining Mechanical Engineers. Below is an extract from this paper, with the same head- lines adopted by the author. We must again call attention to the fact that durability and serviceability are synonymous terms, and that cast-iron pipe once tuberculated, is not only foul and unwholesome but the initial service is seriously impaired. E. T. SWALLOW. INCRUSTATIONS IN CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. A Method of Removing Deposits from the Inside oe Cast-iron Rising-main Water Pipes in Shafts.— Abstract of a Paper Read Before the North of England Institute of Mining Mechanical Engineers. By Mr. R. T. Swallow. A vertical range consisting of 118 cast-iron pipes is used as the rising- main, or delivery from a two-ram forcing pump of the A. Pitt, Hebburn, Colliery. They are each 9 feet long and 12 inches in diameter. The internal diameter of the horizontal range of pipes from the forcing pipes to the stand- pipe, and of the lowermost pipe in the shaft, being 9 inches ; while those of the others in the shaft are 9X inches ; 9^ inches ; 9^ inches ; 10 inches and \o}i inches, respectively, increasing toward the surface, the thickness of metal varying from lyi inch underground, ^th inch at bank. The velocity of the water in the 9-inch pipes is about 203 feet per minute. It was found that a large quantity of deposit had accumulated in the pipes, and as a large number of their joints had failed, the forcing pumps were laid off and the horizontal pipes cleaned in the usual manner. This, how- ever, did not have the desired effect. Our attention was then directed to the vertical pipes, as it was evident that they had become corroded to such an extent as to be unfit for work. At this time a pipe was found to be split down the side, and upon its being removed the exact state of the pipe was recognized. The water-way was found reduced from nine inches to six and one-half inches, and from an area of sixty -three to thirty -three square inches, which would have the effect of increasing the speed of the water from 203 feet to 389 feet per minute. This broken pipe was said to have been tested TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 377 to a pressure of 715 pounds per square inch before leaving the foundry. It is believed that but for the additional pressure arising from diminution of the water-way this pipe would have remained intact. The broken cast-iron pipe having been replaced by a new pipe, and the idea of employing a small winding-engine for the purpose of cleaning the pipes as they stood in posi- tion in the shaft, having occurred, they were cleaned in the following manner : Two small rope sheaves were fixed upon pulley frames to lead the rope from the drum of the engine into such a position so as to hang in the center of the pipes. At the end of this rope a specially designed cutter was hung, and below it a piece of chain, 40 feet in length and weighing 448 lbs., was attached to add weight to the cutter. The cutter consisted of a piece of horizontal bar-iron fitted with steel springs on each of the sides and each car- rying two knives, The first horizontal pipe at the bottom of the shaft hav- ing been removed, the cutter and chain were introduced at the top of the pipes, through which a current of water was passed from a hose. The cutter was then lowered as far as it would go, and then chopped up and down until it gradually reached the bottom. This was effected in 19^ hours. The cut- ter was then withdrawn and the knives set out to the full diameter required. The engine was set away as before, so as to work the cutter up and down the full lengths of the pipes, and after running for the further space of two hours, the water ceased to indicate the presence of sediment to any great degree. Altogether the cutter was iu use 21 y 2 hours. The persons re- quired in carrying out this cleaning process were, one at the engine, four to watch the work, two at the bank, and two underground. Five tons of deposit were removed from the pipes which had been in use but five years. THOMAS BOX. We select the following extracts from the 5th edition, 1879. (37.) Effect of corrosion or rust in pipes. — The rules and tables for calculating the discharge of pipes are adapted only to clean and even surfaces, such as are commonly met with in new cast-iron pipes. But some soft waters contain a great deal of oxygen, which rapidly decomposes iron, forming rust, which is deposited not in an even layer but iu nodules or carbuncles. These retard the flow not so much by the reduction of diameter as by the alteration of the character of the surface. A notable case of this kind occurred at Torquay, where a main about 14 miles long, composed of 14,267 yards of 10-inch, 10,085 yards of 9-inch and 170 yards of 8-inch pipe, delivered only 317 gallons per minute, with 465 feet head. We may calculate the discharge by the method explained in 13 ; * * * equals 595 gallons, but by Prony's rule the discharge comes out 616 gallons. The experimen- tal discharge was therefore only f^ths, equals '51 or "51 per cent, of the theoretical, or, in round numbers, the discharge was that due to ^th of the head, so that ^ths of the head was lost in undue friction. An ingenious scraper, suggested by the late Mr. Appold, worked by the pressure of the water, was passed through the entire length of the pipes ; and, subse- 378 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. quently an improved one by W. Froude, Esq., was used with remarkable results, the discharge being increased to 564 gallons, which is 18 gallons, or 3 per cent, more than the theoretical quantity. CINCINNATI & NEWPORT IRON & PIPE CO. What a Prominent Cast-Iron Foundry Admits. While the facts pertaining to the imperfections and disad- vantages of cast-iron pipe presented in this volume are incon- trovertible, admissions of the truth from a cast-iron pipe foundry are certainly unlooked for. We quote the following from the trade catalogue of the Cin- cinnati and Newport Iron and Pipe Company, Newport, Ky. , edition of 1885 : Sea water corrodes cast-iron, if unprotected, rather more rapidly than wrought. Cast-iron cannon taken from vessels sunk in salt water were found to have become soft, and in some cases resembled plumbago. We copy from General Parley's report of ships Royal George and Edgar : The unprotected parts of the sea-gates of the Caledonian canal were converted into a soft plumbaginous substance to a depth of three- fourths of an inch in four years. Some cast-iron water pipes were laid near the Liverpool docks, and at the end of twenty years were soft enough to be cut with a knife. Fresh water which contains much lime forms deposits and tubercles in cast-iron pipes, seriously impeding the flow of water in them. GEORGE A. ELLIS. An incrustation of a quarter of an inch does not materially affect the pressure of a 12-inch pipe discharging 200 gallons per minute, but the same depth of incrustation is as likely to form on a 3-inch pipe in the same length of time, and would then make a very great difference in the pressure maintained or the quantity discharged. * * * Attention is again called to the very great increase of loss from friction in small pipes over larger ones, discharging equal quantities of water, or the same number of gallons per minute, as when called on for fire jets ; the loss being approximately 30 times more for a 6-inch than for a 12-inch main, 200 times more for a 4-inch than for a 12-inch main, 800 times more for a 3-inch than for a 12-inch main, A ratio of loss that must not be ignored. Strength of thick pipes. — The strength of pipes to resist an internal pressure is not simply proportional to the thickness of metal. The material stretches or extends under a tensile strain, and the result of extension is, that the inside metal is more strained than that of the outside, and that thick pipes are weaker in proportion to their thickness than thin ones. TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 379 Again, although great care is taken to keep the core central, it is seldom perfectly so ; a pipe intended to be one-half inch thick is frequently three- eighths at one side and five-eighths at the other, and of course the least thickness governs the strength of the pipe. J. T. FA.NNING-, C. E. In the treatise on Hydraulic and Water Supply Engineering edited by J. T. Fanning, under the head of "Flow of Water Through Pipes," we copy the following : A fair sample of ordinary cast-iron pipe is termed smooth pipe, but a good magnifying lens reveals upon its surface innumerable cavities and pro- jections. The molecules of water are so minute that many thousands of them might be projected against and react from a single one of those in- numerable projections, even though it was inappreciable to the touch or invisible to the naked eye. A series of continual reactions and deflections, originated by the roughness of the pipe, act upon the individual molecules, as they are impelled forward by gravity, and materially retard their flow. Mr. Fanning then gives certain tables of experimental co- efficients of flow of water in cast-iron pipes under pressure, and, although his tables are computed by various authorities, they mention the condition of cast-iron pipe in each and every case. For instance, the experiments by H. Darcy, given in table No. 52, were made with "Clean" cast-iron pipes; the experiments of the same engineer, given in table No. 59, were made with "Foul" cast-iron pipe ; the experiments made by Gen. George S. Greene, C.E., table No. 60, were made with "Tuberculated" cast-iron mains, and the experiment of George H. Bailey, C.E., was made upon a Jersey City cast-iron main Other experiments by Mr. Bailey were made upon "Old" cast-iron pipes, eight years in use. The author then goes on to explain the " peculiarities of the co-efficient of flow." He writes : We have, then, a large range of co-efficients applicable to clean, smooth and straight pores in the cast-iron pipes. When the pores are of coarse grain, or are slightly tuberculated, the range is still greater, and the values of co-efficients of the smaller diameters quite sensibly affected ; and if the pores are very rough, or tuberculated, the value of co-efficient for the small diameters and low velocities are much augmented. Mr. Fanning sums up as follows : Effects of Tubercles. — These effects in tuberculated cast-iron pipes, as compared with clean pipes, are illustrated in the following approximate table, which we have endeavored to adjust to a common velocity of three 380 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. feet per second for all the diameters. The data for very foul cast-iron pipes is, however, scanty, though sufficient to show that the co-efficients do, in extreme cases, exceed the limits given Tor the small diameters, and that conditions from " Clean " to " Foul " may occur with the several diameters that shall cover their range from minimum to maximum co-efficients, and calling for a careful exercise of judgment founded upon experience. Before cast-iron pipes had been long in use in the early part of the present century, in those European towns and cities supplied with salt water, it was discovered that tubercular accretions had formed so fairly upon their interiors as to seriously diminish the flow of water through the cast-iron pipes of 3 inch, 4-inch and 6-inch diameters. The difficulty, which was so serious as to necessitate the laying of larger distribution pipes than would otherwise have been necessar}', engaged the attention of British and Continental engineers and chemists from time to time. Many experimental coatings were applied and cast-iron pipes were subjected to baths of hot oil under pressure with the hope of fully remedying the difficulty. A commit- tee of the British Society also inquired into the matter in connection with the subject of the preservation of iron ships, and instituted valuable experi- ments, which are described in two reports of Robert Mallet to the society. The same effect was experienced in the cast-iron pipes first laid in Philadel- phia and New York. In the report of the City Engineer of Boston, January 18, 1852, mention is made of cast-iron pipes taken at the South Boston Draw Bridge, which had been exposed to flow of Cochituate water for nine years. He remarks that some of the pipes were covered internally with tubercles which measured about two inches in area on the surface by about three- fourths of an inch in height, while others had scarcely a lump raised in them. Those that were covered with tubercles were corroded to a depth of about one-sixteenth of an inch, and the iron to that depth cut with a knife very much like plumbago. Mr. Slade, the engineer, expressed the opinion, in comparing the condition of these pipes to that of pipes examined in 1852, that the corrosion was very energetic at first. Page 129. Art. 112. Vegetable Organisms in Water Pipes. — A species of confervae has been found growing and multiplying rapidly within water- pipes, having taken root in the fine organic sediment deposited * * * These microscopic plants, after maturing in abundance are detached by the current, decompose, and impart an appreciable amount of odor and taste to the water, reduce its transparency and give a slight tinge of color * * * We cite these authorities to show, first, that the friction be- tween new and presumably clean cast-iron pipe and our lap- welded wrought-iron pipe is very much greater in the cast-iron mains, and that the friction is constantly increasing as the pipe becomes older, and consequently passes through the different stages, as mentioned by Fanning: From ' ' Clean " to " Old, " From " Old " to " Slightly Tuberculated," From " Slightly Tuberculated " to " Tuberculated," From ' ' Tuberculated " to " Foul. ' ' TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 381 Mr. Fanning, under the head of "Classification of Cast- iron Pipes and their Mean Co-efficients," divides them into three main classes for simplicity. He writes, under this head : Page 227. Art. 253. Co-efficients of Efflux from Pipes. — We will assume the pipe to be one foot in diameter, of clean cast-iron, when the coefficients determined experimentally have mean values about as follows : In ordinary calculations, the mean coefficient for medium diameters aud velocities may be taken for clean cast-iron pipes, as .00644 ; for rough or slightly tuberculated cast-iron pipes as .0082, and very rough or very foul cast-iron pipes as .012. TEAUTWINE. In the 1882 edition of the Civil Engineer s Pocket Book, edited by John C. Trautwine, C. E., and under the head of " The Flow of Water Through Pipes," may be found the following: Inasmuch as experiments, on which the following rules are based, were made with cast-iron pipes, carefully laid in straight lines and perfectly free from all obstructions to the flow of water, some allowance must, in practice, be made for this circumstance. Workmen do not lay long lines of pipes in perfectly straight lines ; the soil itself, in which the pipes are imbedded, especially when in embankments, will settle unequally, especially in streets liable to heavy traffic, which not only frequently deranges, but occasionally breaks cast-iron water pipes whose tops are three or four feet below the surface, and the material used for calking the joints may be carelessly left protruding into the interior, and thus cause obstructions, and the water is frequently muddy, or is impregnated with certain salts or gases, which form deposits, or incrustations, which materially impede the flow of water in cast- iron mains. Moreover, the pipes themselves are not cast perfectly straight or smooth, or of uniform diameter ; and irregular swellings, by producing eddies, retard the flow, as well as contractions ; and accumulations of air do the same, Under the most favorable circumstances, therefore, it is expedient to make the diameters of cast-iron pipes, even for temporary purposes, sufficiently large to discharge at least 20 per cent, more than the quantity actually needed ; and if there is occasion to anticipate deposits, or incrustations, a still larger allowance should be made in permanent pipes, especially in those of small diameters, because in them the same thickness of incrustation occupies the greater comparative portion of the area. Perhaps it would be best to allow an equal increase of say one-half to one aud one-half inch to each diameter, whether great or small, inasmuch as the thickness of incrusta- tions will be the same for all diameters, or nearly so. EDWARD ATKINSON". Extracts from the Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. Special Circular No. 41. Relating to the flow of water 382 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. in cast-iron pipes. Prepared by Mr. Edward Atkinson, Presi- dent of the company : For the purpose of testing the amount of water required in actual prac- tice with cast iron pipe that had been in the ground for some years, experi- ments were made at various mill yards in Lowell, Mass., last Autumn by Col. James Francis, C. E. Agent of the Locks and Canals at Lowell, and Vice President C. J. H. Woodbury of this company. The temperature of water was 66 degrees in each case. The old cast-iron water pipes in some of the mill yards have been found obstructed by long continued corrosion, and pipe regarded as ample to fur- nish good hydrant streams years ago has been found too small. In order that this work might be intelligently laid out and directed Mr. F. F. Forbes, engineer of the water works at Brookline, Mass., who had for many months been measuring the friction of water in the pipe service in the town of Brookline, and whose main attention had been given to public water works has been lately engaged in the conduct of experiments upon friction on the existing system. His results so fully sustain the deductions from the work which has been done under our own supervision as well as those derived from the experiments of Messrs. R. D. Wood & Company (manufacturers of cast-iron water pipe) as to make it expedient to add them to this circular. By consent of the Selectmen of Brookline I am permitted to do so. The following tables give in column 5 the amount of head in feet actu- ally required to overcome the friction of the water at the different velocities given in column 3 in the force mains of the Brookline water works. Column 6 shows the amount of head which would be required for the same purpose if the main was a new, smooth pipe. By a comparison of these two columns the fact is at once emphasized that cast-iron pipes should be put in not only large enough for present use, but also large enough to allow for the decreasing efficiency of future years caused by corrosion. The experiments show that after the lapse of several years it may require upwards of fifty per cent, more power to force the water through the mains. Diam of force Frictional head as calculated main from Eng. house to Stand- Length of Velocity Gallons per 24 Actual Fric. Main. per Second. Hours. Head. by Pipe. tanning's Formula. 16-in. 2,900 I-I5 1,043,820 IO.42 7.12 16-in. 2,900 1.40 1,264,205 16.71 IO.92 16-in. 2,900 1.70 1,532,045 24.30 1459 16-in. 2,900 1.97 1,773,457 33o 5 20.89 16-in. I3.350 LIS 1,043,820 6.13 4-79 16-in. 13.350 I.40 1,264,205 9-52 7.01 16-in. I3.350 I.70 1,532,045 I3-50 10.18 16-in. I3.350 I.97 1,773,457 19.22 13-53 The tests which were begun by Col. Francis may be continued at a future date, and it may then become expedient to print a scientific statement TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 383 of all the results. For the immediate purpose of emphasizing the necessity of laying down larger cast-iron pipes, this circular may suffice. In it the writer has endeavored to put the mysteries of mathematics of the engineer into very plain terms. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Edward Atkinson, President. Boston, Feb. 9, 1892. From the above tables it will be noticed that the loss in head occasioned by corrosion of the cast-iron water pipe (they call it friction in the tables, but in the written portion of the circular it is designated "long continued corrosion," a "de- creasing efficiency caused by corrosion " ) is, viz. : 1 st table 3-20$ 5. 79^ 9. 71^ and 12.16$ 2d table i-34# 2.51$ 3.32$ and 5.69$ also, that after the lapse of several years it may require upwards of fifty per cent, more power to force the water through the mains. Thus proving what has so often been demonstrated that the so-called life of a cast-iron water pipe depends entirely upon the length of time it is capable of delivering the quantity of water for which its internal diameter is calculated, before corrosion has set in. TRAVERS DANIEL, C. E. National Tube Works Co. Columbia, Tenn., February 16, 1885. Yours of the 12th inst., giving the extraordinary condition of affairs at the Allegheny (Pa.) water works, has interested me greatly, and, while the narrative almost surpasses belief, I do not doubt the literal truth of the fact stated, from my own observations in other cities, that there is no remedy when tuberculation commences in cast-iron pipes but to dig them up and replace them with new pipes. After tubercles form and break they are no longer fit to convey potable waters (and the word ' ' potable ' ' can, without fair challenge, be changed to "poisonous "). Indeed, there seems to be some chem- cal affinity in the tuberculous matter, or attraction, that causes organic mat- ter before in suspension to be deposited in the cast-iron pipes, and these de- posits and aggregations around the tubercles are so very nasty ( that is the best word that I can find) and foul smelling when disturbed, that ordinary words can hardly convey the full measure of intensity to those who have not seen and sampled its bouquet. Some kind of waters attack cast-iron pipes with greater vigor than others, and the only pipe I have yet seen that I think can safely defy tubercles is the wrought-iron Kalamein pipe made by you ; that I feel sure will stand anywhere. To prove what I have said about tuberculated cast-iron pipes, take one up and heat it to a dull red heat, then jar it with a hammer, when its unfit- ness for further service will be fully demonstrated. (Signed) Travers Daniel. 384 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. JAMBS DUANB. At the meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers, February i, the second paper was by James Duane, on The Effect of Tubercueation on the Deeivery of a 48-inch Main. In 1880-S1 the writer laid a 48-inch main in 10th Avenue and 85th Street, New York, for the purpose of diverting a part of the flow of the aqueduct into the old receiving reservoir in Central Park. This line started from 93d vStreet, and ended at the gate-house in 85th Street, near Sth Avenue. In 1871-74, the old aqueduct in 10th Avenue, between 93d and 113th Streets, was replaced with six lines of 48-inch pipe. These mains were all laid true to grade, and with 50 feet radius. * * " x " The writer, in making connection of the line laid in 1881, with one of the old mains at 93d Street, found the latter to be tuberculated to a surprising extent. These tubercles were all of the same general shape — that of roughly-formed frustra of cones, with a diameter of base of two or three times their height. The largest, which were two to three inches in diameter and one inch high, were, as a rule, found near the bottom of the pipe, but the interior was nearly covered by them. Bench marks were established on the cover of each manhole, and joined carefully by levels, so that direct measurements could be made to the surface of the water, and thus establish its level above datum. * * * The observed loss of head in a length of 5,992 feet was 3.39 feet, giving " C " the remarkably low value of 96, or about 30 per cent, less than that assigned to it in modern practice. After connections were made between the most westerly of the old pipe and the new pipe laid in 1S81, there was a continuous line of 48-inch pipe, of which 5,306 feet were tuberculated and 4,123 feet were clean. The observed loss of head in the first ( old) was 1.88 feet, and in the second (new) 0.74 feet ; in other words, the value of the first was .00035 against .00018 in the second, or about double. * * * The conclusions are, that Croton water will cause bad tuberculation in seven years, and that a loss of 30 per cent, in discharging capacity is occasioned. — Engineering News, New York, February 2, 1893. * * * TUBERCUEATION OF WATER MAINS. Tuberculation of water mains has been repeatedly discussed before engineering societies and in technical papers, but accurate measurements of the effect of tuberculation on the delivery of mains have not been described very often ; if, indeed, more than a few such examinations have been made. Results of measurements made on a 48-inch (cast-iron) main in New York City were described last year before the American Society of Civil Engineers by James Duane, and his paper, with the discussion on it, forms a valuable contribution to the literature of hydraulic engineering. The (48-inch) mains were laid in 1871-1874 to true line and grade on good foundations ; the bends were accurately formed to curves of 50 feet radius, and the junctions of the ends of the pipe lines with the masonry TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 385 structures were formed by converging mouth pieces. In short, it is said that the requirements of the best engineering practice in pipe-laying were complied with. * * * Seven years later it was observed in making some connections that the interior surface of one of the mains was so badly tuberculated that it was decided to make an examination of the loss of head due to this cause. All the tubercles were of the same general shape, roughly formed frusta of cones with bases two or three times their altitude, looking not unlike the mud-wasps' nests seen in the angles of old country buildings. As a general statement the largest of these tubercles occurred on the bottom of the pipe, and decreased in size with some show of uniformity until they attained a minimum at the top. They studded the interior surface at intervals, nearly covering the pipe. The largest were two or three inches in diameter at their base and one inch high, while the smallest were about one-fourth of the size. The amount of water flowing through the aqueduct proper, from which the 4S-inch mains were supplied, has been determined with consid- erable accuracy, and Mr. Duane states that the amount of water delivered into the 48-inch main which was examined amounted very nearly to 18,500,000 gallons a day. Using the amount, the co-efficient in the formula is found to be 96, with an observed loss of head of 3.39 feet in a length of 5,792 feet. This is about thirty per cent, less than the value assigned in ordinary practice. A comparison of the loss of head in a tuberculated pipe with that in a clean one was made on a 48-inch main 9,429 feet long, of which 5,306 feet were covered with the tubercles. The observed loss of head was 1.86 feet. With the data thus obtained the flow through this section would be about 14,500,000 gallons a day. Using this discharge, the value for this new main is found to be 134, which accords well with the value generally accepted. Examinations on other mains, both coated and uncoated, have led Mr. Duane to draw the following conclusions : A main conveying water of the general chemical composition of the Croton will become badty tuberculated in seven years, and probably less. In a 4S-inch main the discharging capacity is reduced about 30 per cent. The pipes were laid on good foundations, and a sewer built below for most of the distance. If there had been much leakage the sewers would probably have intercepted some of it, but frequent measurements showed that the flow was always only the regular normal amount. The discussion brought out by the paper and contributed later after its publication is a very interesting one. Mr. William Barclay Parsons said that the loss of flow is not due to the diminished diameter of the pipes, but to the eddies that are formed by the particles of water impinging against the projections, and thus being deflected into the main stream and disturbing the even, direct flow of other particles at a considerable distance from the sides. This tendency to eddy is far greater than one would suppose, unless attention had been called to it by actual experience. * * * It does frequently happen that an engineer is called upon to deal with lines of old pipe, and then, unless he bears in mind the effect of tuberculatiou, he will be seriously disappointed in delivery. As a case in point, he was recently called in to extend a small water works system, built but a few years previous. The force main was a three-inch 386 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. pipe. He found that the frictional resistance, as shown by the pressure gauge on the pump, was 41 pounds, while, according to the formula for clean pipes, it should have been 14 pounds. The loss due to tuberculation was, therefore, 27 pounds, or nearly 200 per cent, of that due to ordinary condition. He had an opportunity some few years ago to examine a cast-iron main, and the coating inside of it was apparently perfect. The coating was smooth, clean and unbroken, and the pipe has seen continuous service. In response to a query as to the cause of tuberculation, Mr. Brush said that he believed it to be a deposit from the water. The rusting forms a nucleus, and then the deposit forms around it. " :< " * * The sediment in the water, as soon as the rust commences, begins to form around the rusty places, and it is surprising how soon a pipe will close entirely. Mr. William R. Hutton said that tubercles are formed almost entirely by chemical action, although in some of the European water pipes calcareous tubercles are found. The effect of tubercles in diminishing the discharge is owing not so much to the reduction in the size of the pipe as to resistance of flow caused by the roughening of the surface, and the percentage of loss will vary with the degree of roughness. Darcy's experiments upon the pipes of Paris and Dijon led him to conclude that, in a general way, the loss is about 33 per cent. Mr. L. L. Tribus said that he had had an opportunity for observing this tuberculation during the recent removal. These tubercles were in appear- ance, as Mr. Duane described, from one-half to three-quarter inch in diameter at their bases, from one-quarter to one-half inch in height, and shaped like a hollow cone, or mud wasp nest. Detach the tubercles and a pitted condition of the iron underneath clearly shows a chemical action rather than a sedimentary deposit from the w T ater. Mr. Desmond Fitzgerald said that the subject of a proper lining for a cast-iron main is a most important one, when we consider the mileage of cast-iron pipes in use for various purposes. It is well known that as far as the water supply question is concerned, there is a vast deal of difference in the action of different waters in producing tuberculation. Some waters have practically no effect on cast-iron pipe, whether it be coated or uncoated. The Boston water, which is very similar to the Croton, has a decided effect on cast-iron pipe, although, happily, the tubercles, after a certain lapse of time, do not increase, as stated in the second proposition at the end of Mr. Duane's paper. The third and fourth propositions should, he said, be received with caution, if not suspicion. Certainly such propositions cannot apply to the Boston water. He has found tubercles in a tar coated pipe at the end of one year after laying. Sometimes, after removing a tubercle which is just beginning to grow, the lining will be found to be intact under- neath, as far as the eye can see ; probably some microscopical hole may exist. Mr. Dexter Bracket said that all of the pipes laid in Boston from 1848 to 1868 with the exception of a few hundred feet were uncoated, and the entire inner surface of these pipes is covered with tubercles from one-fourth to one inch in thickness. As early as 1852, only four years after the completion of the works, the late Mr. E. S. Chesbrough, M. Am. Soc. C. E. , then city engineer, reported that " All the large pipes that have been examined have been partially or entirely covered on their inner surfaces, some with detached TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 387 tubercles, varying from one-half to two and one-half inches base, with a depth of thickness in the middle of from one-fourth to three-fourths inch ; and some entirely to an average depth of one-half inch with a rough coating as if the tubercles had crowded together." * * * In 1866, Mr. Bracket made some experiments to determine the effect upon the discharging capacity of 4 and 6 inch pipes of removing the growth of tubercles by means of a mechanical scraper. The discharge of the pipes, both before and after cleaning was measured by means of a Deacon meter. The friction head was determined from readings of Bourdon gauges attached to the fire hydrants. Very great accuracy was aimed at in these experi- ments, and they are given to show, in a general way, the great loss in dis- charging capacity, caused by the coating of tubercles. The accompanying tables show the results of the experiments : Tubercueated Pipe, Length 525 Feet — Original Diameter 6 Inches. Observed Head, Feet per 1,000 Velocity, Feet per Second. Observed Dis- charge. Gallons per Minute. Calculated Discharge of Clean Cast-iron Pipe Under Same Head, Darcy's Formula. I.30 O.38 33-3 I20. 2.50 0.57 50.O 165 6.90 0.95 83-3 275 14 40 '■13 IOO. O 395 19.20 1.32 116. 6 455 25.40 i-5i 133-3 525 33 80 1 .70 150.0 600 The Same Pipe After Cleaning. Observed Head, Feet per 1.000 Velocity, Feet per Minute. Observed Dis- charge, Gallons per Minute. Calculated Discharge of Clean Cast-iron Pipe Under Same Head, Darcy's Formula. 2.70 O.76 66.6 170. I.50 0.95 83-3 125- 2.50 1-13 100.0 125. 3.80 1 .51 133-3 205. 4.20 1 .70 150.0 215- 6.50 2.08 183.3 265. 9.40 2.46 216.6 320. TUBERCULATED PIPE, LENGTH 890 FEET— ORIGINAL DIAMETER 4 INCHES. Observed Head, Feet per i,ooo. , f , •. t?„„» Observed Dis- per Second ^^ Gallons per becona. per Minute Calculated discharge of Clean Cast-iron Pipe Under Same Head. Darcy's Formula. 22.9 33 5 36.1 50.1 0.47 O.81 1.66 I.23 18.3 31-7 41.7 48.3 *75- 211. 2r8. 258. 388 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. It will be noticed that the discharge of the six-inch tuberculated pipe was from 25 to 35 per cent, of the quantity which a clean coated cast-iron pipe might be expected to deliver under the same head, and that the dis- charging capacity of the pipe was more than doubled by the removal of the tubercles. The four-inch pipes show an even greater resistance to flow, and a head of 25 feet was required to deliver the same quantity of water that a clean pipe would deliver under one foot head. By means of the scrapers above mentioned the tubercles were removed from 58,000 feet of six-inch pipe at a cost of 14 cents per foot, and from 20,300 feet of 12-inch pipe at a cost of 20 6-10 cents per foot. His observations of the coated cast-iron pipes, in connection with the works in Boston and other cities in Massachusetts, lead him to question Mr. Duane's conclusions, that "A properly applied tar coating is an absolute protection against tuberculation." Coated pipes in this vicinity are gen- erally pitted to a greater or less extent with tubercles. The first coated pipes used in Boston were of Scotch manufacture, and a few hundred feet were laid to determine the value of Dr. Angus Smith's coating, in 1866. After eight years' use, this pipe was reported "to be as free from rust as when first laid." But on a second examination, in 1873, it was found that tubercles had formed "about half the size of an English walnut and very evenly distributed, averaging about 20 to the foot." — Engineering Record, Augusts, 1893. EDWARD M. EATON, C. E. In a paper on the Sheffield, England, water works, read a short time ago before the British Institute of Mechanical En- gineers, Edward M. Eaton, the chief engineer of the works, stated that he had been troubled by the formation, on the inte- rior of the pipes, with tubercles, the origin of which was obscure. CHARLES KING, C. E. Writing to Engineering on this subject, Charles King, of Winterthur, Switzerland, says : Speaking before the Institute of German Engineers in Berlin, Herr Oesten, the chief engineer of the water works of that city, referred to the same matter, and put forth the following theory in explanation of the same : " The knotty substances are built up in layers, and in every case the outer- most layer is the hardest and strongest, while those toward the inside are much softer, and the interior is generally filled with a pasty mass. By tak- ing up oxygen from the water the inside skin of the pipe increases in volume and forms into buckles in order to make room for the increased area, and the outer layer is that which is most highly oxidized. This layer takes up, then, primarily, the oxygen, but because behind it there are layers not so fully oxidized, the latter again extract the oxygen from the former, so that the oxygen gradually travels from the outside to the inside of the tubercles. TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 389 For this reason the outer layer is compelled to remain at a lower grade of oxidization than those on the inside, and so it comes to pass that the rust on a fresh cut-out piece of pipe has always on the exterior a brackish and never a red-brown color, which latter, however, it assumes after exposure to the atmosphere when the process of oxidization completes itself." JAMES H. HARLOW. We herewith reproduce portions of an interesting paper, en- titled, " A Specimen of Cast-Iron Pipe," which was read by Mr. James H. Harlow, at the October 21st, 1884, meeting of the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania : My attention was first directed to the sample of pipe before you by my friend, Mr. H. C. Dickinson, member of this society. The sample shown is from Fall River, Mass., and was laid in 1875, and at the time it was taken up had been in use eight years. HISTORY. The water works of Fall River, Mass., were built in 187 1-5, and take water from Watuppa Take. This lake covers a surface of about five and one- half square miles. Professor J. H. Appleton in his report on the water of the lake, says, that a careful analysis of a sample of the water from North Watuppa Pond showed but 1.80 grains of solid matter per gallon, and that the purity of the water, its freedom from objectionable salts, and remarkable softness, render it eminently suitable for the various purposes of a water supply. The chief engineer of the work was George A. Briggs, with William Rotch, as assistant engineer, and James P. Kirkwood as consulting engineer. The sample here exhibited was a part of an order filled by the Warren Foundry and Machine Compaq', Phillipsburg, N. J., and consisted of about 800 pieces of six inch, Class D pipe, five-eighths inch, having an average weight of 514 pounds each. The following extracts from the specifications are given to show the quality of pipe the engineer intended to have : QUALITY OF METAL. The metal shall be strong, tough and close-grained, with the carbon combined and not in the form of graphite, and as hard as the case will admit, but not too hard to be readily cut and drilled, and shall be remelted from pigs of gray iron in a cupola or air furnace, without any admixture of cinder iron or other inferior metal, and shall have a tensile strength of at least 16,000 pounds per square inch. DEFECTS AND FORMS OF CASTINGS. The pipes shall be free from scoria, sand-holes, air bubbles, cold-short cracks and all other defects or imperfections ; they shall be truly cylindrical in the bore, straight in the axis of the straight pipes ; and true to the required curvature or form in the axis of the other pipes ; they shall be internally of the full specified diameter and shall have their inner and outer surfaces concentric, so as to make the thickness of the shell uniform throughout. The castiugs must be smooth and true, and shall be perfectly cleaned from earth, sand or dust, which adheres to the iron in the moulds. No lumps or rough places shall be left on the inside of the pipes or sockets, nor on the outer surface of the spigot ends. No plugging or filling will be allowed. 390 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The defective piece was discovered by the pressure bursting the pipe and causing a leak. On uncovering the pipe it was found that six lengths, or seventy-two feet, were in the same condition as the sample. The six lengths were con- tinuous, and at each end the pipe was still in good condition. The material through which these six lengths were laid was rolling-mill cinder, a sample of which is shown. You will notice that the inside coating of the pipe is still bright, except at one place, which was probably the underside, and on which a little sediment has settled, and also shows a spot of rust. The out- side coating is still on the pipe, but not in so perfect condition. Section of Cast-iron Water Pipe from Fall River. Diameter, 6 Ins. IN USE 8 YEARS; 1875 TO 1883. The Shaded Portion Represents Iron ; The Heavy Shaded Portion Represents Oxide : The White Portion Represents Silicate and Graphite. The inner part is still cast-iron, and appears to be of good quality. The outer line of the iron is very irregular, and at one point reaches nearly to the outside. Along the outside edge of the iron is a streak of red oxide, and beyond this is the silicated oxide of iron. I make the specific gravity of the sample 4358. The sample contains 20.45 cubic inches. The weight is 3.25 pounds. The weight should be 5.33 pounds. TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 391 A sample has been submitted to Messrs. Hunt & Clapp, chemists, and they have given me the following reports : Analyses. Pittsburg, Pa , Oct. 20, 1884. Analysis of water pipe. Sample marked " Cuttings Through Pipe." Received from James H. Harlow, Pittsburg, Pa. Received at Laboratory, September 26, 1884. Remarks : Pipe laid at Fall River, Mass. Silicious Residue 14 .63 Oxides of Iron : 76.84 Alumnia , 7 Moisture o Sulphate of Liine o Sulphate of Magnesia o 99 [Note. — Specific gravity, 4358.] Pittsburg, Pa., Oct 20, 1884. Analysis of water pipe. Sample marked "Outer Surface of Pipe." Received from James H. Harlow, Pittsburg, Pa. Received at Laboratory, September 26, 1884. Remarks : Pipe laid at Fall River, Mass. Silicious Residue 25 . 18 Oxides of Iron 63 70 Alumnia 9.70 Moisture 0.49 Sulphate of Lime 0.19 Sulphate of Magnesia 0.10 99 -3 6 [Note. — Specific gravity, 4358.] This has been brought to your notice, in order that we might, by dis- cussion, learn something as to the cause of the change in the iron, and possibly prevent similar accident in the future. For information given in relation to this sample, I desire to thank Mr. H. C. Dickinson for calling my attention to the subject, Mr. William B. Durfee, Jr., Superintendent of the Fall River Gas Works, for information in relation to its history, and Messrs. Hunt & Clapp for the chemical analyses. Discussion. After Mr. Harlow had given the history of the piece of pipe which was handed around for inspection, the following dis- cussion took place: Mr. Hunt : I can hardly say much more than what the analyses show, other than this, that from the analysis I am quite confident that the outer coating is not the slag that would go with iron in its casting. It is not either a form of lime, or of the bedding which would have been around the iron, or could have accidentally gotten with it in casting. Again, all the circumstances of the case, after the careful testing the material had, would seem to indicate as well that this outer coating is some- thing foreign — or something not contained with the material when it was made into the pipe. It seems to me, but I only put this out as a supposition, that the material shows what in mineralogy is called a metamorphosis of the material. The iron is oxydized, made oxide of iron, due to the laying in the cinder 392 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. bank and being covered with the salt water. And the oxide of iron was afterwards changed, metamorphosed with the clay, forming silicious clay. That the pipe now is of regular form, first of metallic iron, then of the oxide of iron that encrusted it, and is now a metamorphosed material, a changed material from the oxide of iron to silicated clay. That is only a supposition, and the only remark I wish to make on the subject is to state that that is my idea of the change, and what is the cause of it. Mr. Phillips : Was any carbon found in that residue at all ? Mr. Hunt: Carbon? We did not test the metallic iron for carbon, but there was none in the material as we took it. The material, as we took it for analysis, could be easily whittled — was easily whittled, and could easily be pulverized between the hands, and there was no carbon. The carbon must have been entirely taken out of it. The loss on ignition was only .47 of one per cent. The material has a brown color, as it looks on the surface of the pipe, and is that way when in powder, but when ignited turns to a black color and looks like the magnetic oxide of iron. The black portion of the material is magnetic. I think they are small particles of regular metallic iron. One other point, I do not hardly dare to mention, is that this is metallic aluminum. The specific gravity would indicate that there was something in that line. I would rather ask for further information before I would say positively there was metallic alumi- num there, but there is certainly about nine per cent, of the oxide of aluminum, and perhaps some of the oxide is in a metallic state. Mr. Lowry : Did I understand it to be said that the pipe was buried where salt water, the tide, could reach it ? Mr. Harlow : Yes, sir ; about seventy -two feet of this pipe was so exposed ; but this entire section was affected like the sample. Mr. Lowry : Miles and miles of cast-iron pipe in the Jersey City water works system have been destroyed by the action of salt water. The water was absorbed by the earth. Miles had to be taken up and replaced with other pipe ; some, where salt water never reached, but was absorbed by the earth and so carried. JOHN R. FREEMAN. Extract from a paper read by John R. Freeman, C. E., be- fore the New England Water Works Association (see Fire and Water of August 20th, 1892) on "The Arrangement of Hydrants and Water Pipes for the Protection of a City against Fire." It should be clearly understood that starting with, say, seventy-five pounds, a line of four-inch cast-iron pipe one-half mile long, so soon as it becomes old and roughened by rust, can only deliver water enough for a single 100 gallon fire stream 3^-inch in diameter, which is too small to ex- tinguish anything more than a dwelling-house fire, or often can do no more than protect the neighbors while the original fire is left to burn itself out. In patching up an old water pipe system to make it serve the modern re- quirements, the old four-inch cast-iron pipe can often be allowed to remain TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 393 by feeding it at both ends, or at frequent intervals by a large cross section. * * * A quarter-inch thickness of deposit gathers just as quickly in a four-inch cast-iron pipe as it does in a six-inch cast-iron pipe, and the de- posit reduces the water carrying capacity in a far greater proportion on the four-inch than on the six-inch pipe. Within a crowded and valuable metro- politan district, a cast-iron pipe of a diameter of 8 inches is perhaps the smallest that can be recommended for the general net-work (or "gridiron " ) of intersecting pipes, having in view the deterioration in water carrying capacity, which occurs in time in cast-iron pipes with nearly all waters. INSTITUTE OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Corrosion and Furring up of Mains.— Means and Apparatus for Removing Accumulations.— Abstracts from Minutes of Pro- ceedings of Institute of Civil Engineers. —Vol. XVII. The nature of the water with reference to its powers of causing oxidation, incrustation, or otherwise injuriously affecting the mains, is a subject of great importance. It appears from chemical analysis that the slightly alka- line and aerated waters are most fatal to cast-iron, and that which is known as the grey cast-iron is most easily acted upon by them. Oxidation, once having set in, goes on with great rapidity, commencing with tubercular formations on the surface, consisting chiefly of oxide of iron, often with extraneous matters of organic character. These tubercules break out, as it were, closer and closer to each other, and ultimately combine to form a thick coating over the surface of the pipe, which not only discolors the water but impedes its passage through the pipes, and seriously diminishes their deliver}'. * * * The effect of some waters upon cast-iron pipes is to soften them to such an extent that they may be easily cut with a knife. At Whitehaven ( Mr. Rawlinson says :) the water acted on the cast-iron pipes, and in a very few years those of smaller diameters were all tubercu- lated, corroded, crusted up, and filled with oxidized matter. Soft water is excessively destructive to pipes. Conglomerated masses of peat and oxide are formed frequently at the joints. * * * In hard water the lime is often as great an impediment in the form of deposit, but it has not the destructive action on the iron, for it often happens that a coating of carbonate, or sulphate of lime and magnesia is formed on the inside of the pipe before there has been sufficient time to allow of it being seriously affected by rust. But the remedy, if such it can be called, is as bad as the disease, since it diminishes the diameter of the pipe, and continues to accumulate around its sides. With very soft and alkaline waters, as much as half an inch in diameter is often allowed for oxidation. In Yorkshire the diameters of the pipes are materially diminished with great rapidity. The waters of Bath — a deposit was found in the mains of that city — have all the consistency of limestone, leaving in some sections, as shown by section b. and c, Fig. 166, openings of only i% inch diameter in what was once a 6-inch pipe. The diagram a. has a somewhat larger opening, being about 2% inches in width, by i^ 394 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. inches in height. Fig. 167 is taken froni a photograph of which a, Fig. 166, is a reduction. The waters do not contain anything that is actually un- wholesome. A very great deal in the prevention of oxidation depends upon the quality of the iron. According to the experiments of Mr. Mallet, iron of inferior quality may be converted into plumbago if exposed fig. iss. to the action of foul, or sea water. Fifty years ago it was discovered that this effect could be pro- duced by soaking irou in acidulated water. To avoid oxidation of any kind as far as possible, the metal should be selected uniformly homogeneous in its surface. Impure, soft foundry iron rapidly corrodes. Various expedients have been tried from time to time with a view of preventing the corrosive or otherwise injurious effects of water upon the metal of pipes. A coating of Portland cement has been tried with no lasting success, the oxidation taking place either from the moisture of the cement or from the water penetrating behind and peeling it off, thus leaving the surface exposed to its deleterious action. The water coming from coal seams is frequently charged with free TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 395 sulphuric acid, the result of the oxidation of pyrites. To protect the pipes which bring the water to the surface of the mine Koenigsgruhe from corro- sion they were coated as follows : They were first for three hours exposed in a bath of hydrochloric acid, then brushed with water ; they afterward received a coating consisting of 34 parts of silica, 15 of borax, and 2 of soda, and were then exposed for ten minutes in a retort to a dull red heat ; after this another coat was put over the inner surface, and the pipes exposed to a white heat for twenty minutes. An enamel was thus formed, uniting well with the iron. This second coating was formed of 34 parts of feldspar, 19 of silica, 24 of borax, 16 of oxide of tin, 4 of fluorspar, 9 of soda, and 3 of salt- peter, melted to a mass in a crucible, and ground to a fine paste with a little water. Before the pipes were quite cool, the outside coat was painted with coal-tar. The pipes which were laid down at Tourquay, appear to have undergone most rapidly the action of oxidation, thus reducing very considerably the supply ; but after having undergone the process of scraping by means of a machine the delivery was increased fifty-six per cent., and by yearly scrap- ings has been doubled, but after such scrapings it declines rapidly ten per cent. , and in a year 25 per cent. * * * In 1871, Mr. Mackinson, the manager of the Dundee Water Works, cleaned out no less than 31,551 feet of pipe. They were so corroded that in many places it was impossible even to see through them, and in most cases there was not sufficient space left to insert the forefinger. Pipes laid down of the proper capacity became utterly inadequate in their supply, and in case of fire the pressure was found to be quite inefficient. To remed}^ these in- creasing evils, Mr. Mackinson suggested cleaning and scraping the pipes. The whole six miles of the operation was achieved at a cost of $645. A great difficulty was experienced by incrustation in the pipe of the old Dublin water works (which were all coated inside). Calcareous deposit, composed of lime, earth and oxide of iron frequently reduced the bore of the pipes to one-third of their original size. No thickness of pipe is a guar- antee of its security if its material is liable to be changed by chemical action to a nature unable to resist the pressure required. In some cases the tuber- cles of rust have been found to be larger and closer together where the pipe has been under pressure. A good cast-iron pipe should be straight, true in cross-section, square on the ends and in the sockets, and the metal of equal thickness all around, with a smooth surface and free from air bubbles, scoria or core nails. A careful examination of the sockets of pipe is needed to detect honeycomb, for after the main is laid and jointed, serious leakages may occur through honeycombed sockets. The factor of safety assumed by Professor Rankine for cast-iron water pipes is, that the bursting pressure shall be five times the greatest working pressure. JERSEY" CITY, NEW JERSEY. Another great job is being undertaken at the expense of the tax-payers of Jersey City by the Board of Public Works, The Committee on Pumping and Reservoirs advertised for pro- 396 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. posals for building a 36-inch conduit from a point near the west bank of the Hackensack River to the receiving reservoir at Belleville, a distance of 22,300 feet, traversing the swamp known as the Hackensack Meadows. At the meeting of the Board of Public Works, the committee reported in favor of the adoption of an iron and cement pipe, and recommended that the contract be awarded to the American Water and Gas Pipe Company. After a brief discussion the Board confirmed the report of the committee, and awarded the contract for $363,303. This bid was lower than that of the cast-iron pipe company by $130,000. The committee in their report set forth the following reasons for their recommendation, in addition to the comparative cheap- ness of the iron and cememt pipe: The action of Passaic water on cast-iron, as shown in existing conduits and distribution pipes, develops the formation of accretions, sometimes des- ignated tubercles. These in their early stage are small in size and hemis- pherical in shape. The}' are covered with a thin scale, and filled with a substance resembling black mould, slightly moist and of an offensive odor. They appear to increase rapidly in bulk and numbers, until the entire inner surface of the pipe is covered with them. Their growth not only diminishes the diameter of the pipe, but affects its stability, as they destroy the metal beneath them, changing its characteristics and tending to render it unequal to the strain of even light hydraulic pressures. They also taint the water, imparting to it a discernible flavor. The oxidation of the outer surface of cast-iron pipes reduces its strength, and experience teaches that coal tar var- nish, as applied to cast-iron, while a protection, is not a certain preventive against rust, as cast-iron pipes constantly deteriorate. That "Moss-Covered" Cast-Iron Water Pipe. There is a serious condition of affairs at the Belleville, (N. J.) pumping station and the High Service reservoirs at Jersey City. The street and water commissioners fear a water famine. The pending difficulty is attributed to the failure of the old mains across the Hackensack meadows to conduct a sufficient supply of water. The oldest main has a fall of thirty feet from Belleville to High Service, but the inside of the pipes are so thickly covered with moss that the carrying capacity of the pipe is diminished fully one- half. The street and water commissioners on Monday ordered the flood- gates at High Service shut halfway down, but an investigation showed that the supply in the reservoirs had not gained a quarter of an inch. Tuesday morning Acting Mayor Simpson, Financial Commissioners Detwiller and Hilyer, accompanied by Chief Engineer De Varuna, of Brooklyn, and Engineer Ruggles, of Jersey City, inspected the water works and mains for the purpose of devising some means to prevent the famine. It is highly probable that the officials will take advantage of an act of the last Legislature authorizing the construction of a new main across the Hackensack meadows, not to cost more than $600,000. — Fire and Water, August 1 2th, /8gj. TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 397 BAYONWE, NEW JERSEY. In November next the contract of Baj-onne with Jersey City to supply this city with the foul fluid, expires, after which we trust our citizens will have an abundant supply of pure water. In the meantime we advise all our citizens to drink very sparingly of the present contaminated water — indeed, to avoid its use altogether for drinking or culinary purposes wherever it is possible to do so. That it is polluted and its use dangerous to the public health is indisputable. The history of the Jersey City, N. J. , cast-iron pipe water works system is too well known to need further comment. — The Bayonne (N. J .) Times. ALBANY, NEW YORK. Cast-Iron Water Pipe Weakened by Rust and Accretions. — To Put on a Pressure to Create Greater Force Woued Cause the Pipes to Burst. — Puny Streams from Hose Nozzees. There is much trouble at Albany, New York. The local papers are taking the subject up, and the Albany Evening Journal says editorially: "The city of Albany is threatened with a calamity whose proportions are almost too threatening to consider without arousing widespread alarm. Regarding the fire at Broadway and Division Street, the Albany Morn- ing Express says : ' ' After a line of hose had been laid and connection made, there issued from the nozzle a puny stream about half an inch in diameter, rising to a height of about ten feet. The crowd cheered and hooted while the firemen turned this stream in the direction of the fire, which was merely blazing 30 to 40 feet above." Other extracts from the Express are as follows: "The Commissioners now claim that the mains conveying the water from the pumping station to the reservoir are so weakened by rust that almost numberless breaks have occurred, and that to put up extra pumps creating a greater force would cause the pipes to burst." — Fire and Water, March j, 1894. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. The Tabernacle burned down on Sunday, May 13, 1894. Much more property was also destroyed. * * * Even then the flames should not have spread to the adjacent hotel. They spread there because there was a delay to sound the alarm, hence the department was not quickly on hand, and because the water mains had corroded from an intended six-inch cir- cumference to less than a four-inch circumference, and through that reduced channel four engines were not enough to send a single stream sixt3^-five feet high. — Brooklyn Eagle. J. JOHNSTONE Writing to the London Engineer on electric light cables, Mr. J. Johnstone, of Edinburgh, mentions the action set up between the metallic bases of earths and metals. He says : 398 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Attention was first drawn to the subject upwards of forty years ago, when I saw a cast-iron water main lifted out of a street in Greenock, where it had lain in a small bed of sand crossing the line of the street. At this part the outside of the pipe was covered with nodules, which were conglom- erates of sand and oxide of iron. Inside the pipe, opposite to each of the exterior nodules, was a corresponding nodule of oxide of iron. These in- terior nodules were shaped like those found in cavities of hematite. samuel Mcelroy, c. e„ The American Contract Journal, issue of July 5, 1884, reviews a paper read by Mr. Samuel McElroy entitled "Corro- sion of Cast Iron Pipes." We herewith reproduce the review : Mr. Samuel McElroy, while handling the above-named subject in a paper read by him before the Western Society of Engineers, claimed that a likely cause of corrosion in cast-iron pipe was to be traced to the class of raw material employed, with the defective system of manufacture pursued in the ordinary foundries greatly aggravating the original trouble arising from the use of inferior pig. In the first place, a cheap and easily melted pig is selected — specifica- tions and the inspection of quality and mixture not being strict — and the casting (for convenience of handling) is generally made in green sand moulds laid at a slope of about ten degrees from the horizontal. Impure metal is, therefore, run in a way that aggravates its defects. The core bars are coated with loam more or less soft and wet, sprinkled with sand. If not very carefully wedged, these bars will rise and they are seldom stiff enough to resist the upward pressure of molten metal. The usual spring at the center of the core of an eight inch pipe is one-sixteenth or one-eighth inch; or as much as three-sixteenths inch with a six inch pipe. The metal poured in from the upper end, first fills the lower section of the mould and as it rises round the core to fill the upper section, its weight springs the bar upward to the extent indicated, making the casting thicker at the lower, and thinner at the upper side. The denser, hotter and purer metal fills the lower portion, the impurities naturally floating upward to settle in the thinner metal as it cools. Here gather portions of the sand coating of the mould, while the bubbles of the metal, caused by the development of gas from the vegetable matter of the loam, and from its dampness, tend to perpetuate themselves in blisters and air cells. The usual defects in these cheap castings are, therefore, inequality in thickness, air cells and blisters, sand holes, cold chutes from chilled metal, and mixtures of sand and iron. Such pipes are also frequently out of line, from the effects of unequal contraction. Pipes of this description are pecul- iarly liable to corrosion containing, as they do, mixtures of metal of differ- ent densities, together with much graphite. The duration of such pipes in the ground is largely affected by the amount of disttirbance they receive. If well laid at a good depth, and throroughly packed they may continue serviceable for many 3-ears, but their defects are likely to become suddenly prominent upon comparatively slight external interference. In favorable TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 399 circumstances they may last more than thirty years, but the majority, if tested after less use, will show flaws that would have insured their rejection if detected when new. DURHAM SYSTEM OF HOUSE DRAINAGE. You have doubtless all heard of the Durham Patent System of House Drainage. There are two companies doing business under this system. One is called " The House Drainage Com- pany of New York," and the second is called "The House Drainage Corporation, Limited, of London." The trustees and officers of the American Society are: Joseph P. Davis, Director Am. Soc, C. E. (formerly City Engineer of Boston); Rudolph Hering, M. Am. Soc. C. E. ; C. Fayette Taylor, M. D. ; Wm. H. Boardman, Manager Railway Gazette; Henry G. Peout, M. Am. Soc, C. E. ; C. W. Durham, M. Am. Soc. C. E. ; Charles P. Whitney, Steven Vail. The Directors of the London Company are : The Honorable W. F. B. Massey, Mainwaring; The Hon- orable Frederick Lawless ; Col. the Honorable W. P. Talbert. We take the following extracts from the publication of this company : Previous to the introduction of the Durham System of construction of house drains, in 1879, there had been no organized endeavor to improve the character of plumbing work. The new system is an entire departure from plumbing practices, employing new materials and new methods, and has elevated the trade of plumbing to the dignity of an engineering business. W. K. Burton, Civil Engineer to the London Sanitary Protective As- sociation, writing for the Sanitary Record, of March 15, 1882, when speak- ing of the cast-iron drain pipes of London houses, says that " practically every house in London should have its drain unreservedly condemned, or a certain small amount of danger nmst be allowed to pass. Plumbers' cast- iron soil pipe is brittle, open to defects from sand holes and uneven casting, and the thickness of the iron in the bell of the hub does not admit of the proper calking of the lead, which makes the joint." Col. Waring, of great experience in the Eastern cities, when speaking of the cast-iron soil pipes, says: " Until quite recently I should have said that the cast-iron soil pipe, jointed with calked lead, was one of the most com- plete elements of satisfactory house drainage. Recent experiments in test- ing such pipe by closing their outlets and filling them with water, has led to the conclusion that of all the lead joined cast-iron soil pipe now in exist- ence in American houses, not one in one hundred would fail to leak under test. " I have recently had occasion to test the cast-iron soil pipe of a large house of the best class, where the greatest effort was made to secure tight work, where the joints were so exposed that there was no difficulty in calk- ing them thoroughly, and where there was every reason to suppose that 400 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. every joint was absolutely tight. On closing the outlets and filling the pipes with water the whole system leaked like a sieve. My assistant in charge of the examination reports with regard to the upper section, that a joint that does not leak is an exception." Dr. Frank H. Hamilton, the eminent surgeon, in his paper on " Sewer Gas," in the Popular Science Monthly for November, 1882, says : "Lead and cast-iron pipes are subject to corrosive action of the gas and various re-agents. They are, also, like the traps, liable to be broken by the settling of walls, floors and fixtures, and they are occasionally broken by their own weight." Dr. Billings says : " There is more danger from pin holes in cast-iron pipes than from the traps." rir. Charles F. Wingate, Sanitary Engineer, says : " Even the best plumbing will not last forever, but needs attention. Teaks may occur to permit the admission of sewer gas from drain pipes, due to defective cast- ings." Plumbers' cast-iron soil pipe is made in five feet lengths. Two qualities are manufactured ; " regular " and " extra heavy." The " regular " pipe is considered absolutely worthless by the best plumbers, and about thirty per cent, of the " extra heavy" fails under test. Quite commonly all the metal will be found on one side of the pipe, leaving only a film on the other. We have brought forward enough arguments to convince every fair mind that proper mechanical construction must be the condition of every good system of drainage. To secure this only suitable materials must be used. It might be possible to construct a heavy boiler out of cast-iron, but all engineers select wrought-iron in preference. It might be possible to erect a vertical line of cast-iron soil pipe, which would not leak if tested, but we are not informed of this feat ever having been accomplished. In the Durham System all the vertical waste and soil pipes are wrought- iron steam pipe, coated with asphaltum and screwed together. This pipe is one-fourth inch thick, in lengths of twenty feet, perfect in every particular, and tested to a pressure of 500 pounds per square inch of surface. These pipes stand upright from the drain and are independent of the building for support. This method of construction makes the drainage system invulner- able and the joints perfectly tight. By the use of wrought-iron pipes and screw joints we construct a drain- age apparatus within the building which is gas and water tight, as regards the joints ; rigid, yet elastic ; entirely independent of the walls and floor for support, aud absolutely invulnerable. The wrought-iron soil pipes are screwed into elbow fittings. As a struc- ture, our system of wrought-iron pipes will last as long as airy building will stand, without any outlay for repairs. W. S. McHARG, C. E. In the early part of this century it was found in England that certain potable waters were having a disastrous effect on the cast-iron pipes used in the water-systems of various towns. Red rust formed in the pipe in tuber- TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 401 cles and contracted the area of the pipe so as to cripple the water-service, in some instances closing the pipe. The cost of cleaning by scrapers was large, and became a serious item in the cost of maintenance. I have for about ten years used wrought-iron pipe for soil and waste pipe, and coal tar varnish applied to heated pipe I have found a perfect pro- tection. It does not blister or scale from heat in cutting in a machine as the heavier asphalt coatings do, and in pipe examined after being in use some eight years the coating is intact. Some fifteen hundred water-closets in the town of Pullman drain through three-inch coated wrought-iron soil pipe which I put in, and from the thou- sands of feet used there for six or seven years I have no complaint. They are still putting in the same work. — Sanitary News. PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA. A SILENT WITNESS. Under this expressive heading, the Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, in its issue of July 7th, 1887, published the important item which appears below: A Silent Witness. — A Speecheess Witness Against the Monon- gaheea Water Company. A silent witness in the form of a section of 6 inch water pipe will be brought before the South Side Water Investigation Committee to-night at City Hall. The Monongahela Water Company disputed the claim that their supply is reduced on occasions by the pipes being choked up by slime, mud and corrosion, and the citizens who are fighting them propose to prove by the pipe that the company has failed to fulfill its contract. The pipe is so much corroded that its diameter is very much decreased. For some time the Monongahela Water Company and the citizens have had a controversy regarding the purity of the water and the efficiency of the service. The main complaint of the people on the South Side of Pittsburgh has been that the cast- iron pipes in many streets have become so choked up with tuber- cular accretions and filth, as to render their service impaired and the quality of the water deteriorated. In this connection it is quite important to note what Mr. Harry Oliver, of the well-known firm of Messrs. Oliver Bros. & Phillips, told our Mr. E. C. Converse. Mr. Oliver stated that he had been obliged to make extensive arrangements at his Tenth Street mill for an ample supply of water as a protection against fire, the reason being that the Water Company's pipes leading to his mill were almost completely choked up with rust and filth. 402 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. We are creditably informed that much of the cast-iron pipe in the South Side system is in the same deplorable condition that exists in the Allegheny City and Pittsburgh systems, causing constant replacements with new pipe, and great danger from in- efficient service. So great has been the complaint on the South Side that an Investigation Committee was appointed a short time since, and last night the citizens produced before the Investigation Com- mittee a section of water pipe which had been dug up, and which was "The Silent Witness" referred to in the article above copied. Like all of the miles of pipe which are now being taken up in Pittsburgh and Allegheny, for replacement with new pipe, it was choked up with slime, mud and corrosion. So great is this trouble that we reproduce other items which have appeared from time to time in the public press : The South Side Water Supply. A special meeting of the Committee of City Councils on the South Side •water supply will be held this evening. About 150 witnesses have been summoned to appear. The clerk's office is piled full of sections of broken pipes, pipes eaten through by rust, pipes that are hardly pipes, but solid pieces of iron rust and fungus growth. All these will be put in evidence as testimony on the questions that will come up before the committee — Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. Monongaheu Water. A late chemical analysis and report on the water supply from the Monongahela River shows that, as compared with the terribly bad Pitts- burgh supply, it contains 100 per cent, more total solids, fixed solids, organic matter, free ammonia, albuminoid ammonia, chlorine, nitric and nitrous acids, and 600 per cent, more sulphuric acid. Since January 1, 18S7, there have been reported 2,037 cases of typhoid fever, 66 per cent, of this being charged to the South Side, which gets its water from the Monon- gahela. — The Sanitary Era, March 1, 1890. WAILING FOR WATER. A Council Committee Listens to the Complaints of Residents oe the South Side Hilltops.— Very Filthy and Little of it. — The Monongahela Company Officials say they are Working Hard To Provide a Remedy. — Talk of Forming a Bucket Bri- gade.— A visit of Inspection to be paid to the South Side Water Works. The Monongahela Water Company's capacity for supplying the South Side with enough water which shall not contain the germs of typhoid fever or other diseases is to be investigated by a special committee of councils on Friday afternoon. The committee held a meeting in Select Council Chambers yesterday TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 403 afternoon, at which Hon. A. C. Robertson presided. The dissatisfied citizens of the South Side had been requested to attend, as were the officials of the water company. There were not many of the former present, and those who were there came from the thirty-fifth ward. Mr. G. L. Holliday, President of Common Council, opened the proceed- ings by stating that the citizens of the thirty-fifth ward had held two meet- ings, and had appointed a committee of six gentlemen to state their grievances to this committee. Mr. Reitz presented the statements of twenty-five South Side residents and patrons of the Monongahela Water Company living in different portions of the hill district. Mr. Robertson read the statements, which disclosed a terrible state of affairs. The more striking complaints, with the names of the complainants, are as follows : * * * After some further desultory discussion, the committee adjourned to meet Friday afternoon, when the water works will be visited and inspected. — Pittsburgh Dispatch, August 12, i8go. ALLEGHENY CITY, PENNSYLVANIA. The following extracts from the local city papers, together with a perusal of the special report of W. B. Houghton, will serve to show the tuberculated condition of the smaller cast-iron pipes in the city of Allegheny; During the conversation, Chief Crow, of the Fire Department, was an interested listener. At the close he said he had something to say concerning the scanty water supply and the way in which it affected the fire department. Said he : " In the fourth ward, from Ohio street down as low as South Canal Street, and from Cedar Avenue to Chestnut Street, the supply was very meagre. The cast-iron pipes have all been laid a number of years. The largest is six inches in diameter, and these are sometimes so stopped up as to leave an opening of only one and one-half-inches." — Pittsburgh Telegraph, April 16, 1883. The citizens of Allegheny City are again making long and loud com- plaints about impure water. In a conversation with Chief Crow it was stated that in some of the lower wards the cast-iron pipes that were laid about twenty years ago are filled with animal matter, from which the stench is unbearable when the water is turned on. Superintendent Armstrong, who was also near, took occasion to dissent from this opinion, holding as he did that water purifies itself by not remaining in the pipe long enough to become contaminated. — Pittsburgh Leader, February 11, 1885. The Allegheny water committee, Mr. Browne, chairman, met last night and instructed Superintendent Armstrong to prepare an estimate of the cost of placing additional pumping machinery in the Howard street works. The Controller was directed to advertise for bids for supplies needed during the year. Superintendent Armstrong and Chief Crow will consult about placing additional fire plugs in various parts of the city. Superintendent Armstrong made a statement about the alleged impure water in the city. He said that 404 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the cast-iron pipes were old, corroded, full of filth, and there are more germs of cholera in one foot of the old pipes than in the entire Allegheny river. The committee ordered the superintendent to open all the plugs some day in the near future and place all the engines in operation, running to their full capacity. This will have the effect of cleaning out the pipes, and will also clean the streets. — Pittsburgh Telegraph , January 20, 1885. W. B. HOUGHTON'S SPECIAL EEPOET. Allegheny City, Pa., March 18, 1885. In accordance with your request I have called upon the Water Works Superintendents and others, in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and have elicited the following information in relation of the serviceability of cast-iron pipe for conveying water, its tendency to tuberculate, and be- come filthy, unhealthy, etc. ; also, such facts as I could gather in relation to the merits or demerits of wrought-iron pipe for water-carrying purposes, its lasting qualities underground, etc. : Pittsburgh, Pa. — This system consists of 140 miles of cast-iron pipe. Some of it has been in the ground forty years. How long it has been service- able and fit to carry drinking water is a puzzle, but as often as funds and time permit, replacements are made. Then the real facts come to light. Incrustation and tuberculation present a sight unpleasant to witness, espe- cially to those who have been drinking water from these same pipes. Replacements. — Fifty thousand dollars worth of replacements are to be made the coming summer. " The replacements will not be made any too soon," was the remark of Superintendent George H. Browne. "Why," said he, ' ' I can smash all the pipe in this city ranging from four to eight inches in diameter with a pressure of eighty pounds to the square inch," and further remarked that he had taken up four and five-inch cast-iron pipe almost closed up with tuberculation. He had also taken up twelve-inch cast-iron pipe having been in the ground only twelve years, which had tubercles an inch thick around the inner surface of the pipe. He showed me a four-inch cast-iron valve taken out of the ground after a four weeks' service, plainly showing the tubercle formation. Small pimples of rust had already made their appearance all through the inside, ranging from, say, one-sixteenth to one-quarter of an inch in diameter, and projecting fully one-sixteenth of an inch. At this rate of filling, trouble might be looked for in a very few years. Mr. Browne further said that all the old pipe from four to eight inches in diameter now doing service in the city ought to be taken up, because it is in a tuberculated and unsafe condition, entirely un- fit to stand a pressure usually expected of such sizes, besides being in con- stant fear of bursts and washouts, and, in case of fire, unreliable for needed supply. Superintendent Browne hopes the day is not far off when the public will be supplied with a pipe having a clean and smooth inner surface that will remain in this condition during the life of pipe, capable of deliver- ing water as pure and clean as when it leaves the reservoir. Mr. Thomas McNeil, of McNeil Brothers, boiler makers in this city, says, when the City of Pittsburgh began what is known as the new extension TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 405 water-works, tests were made to determine whether wrought-iron or cast- iron pipes should be used for the rising mains running from the pumping station to Brilliant Hill. The test was decidedly in favor of wrought-iron pipe. After submitting the same to councils it was adopted. One great argument offered at this time in favor of wrought-iron pipe was the exhibi- tion of a wrought-iron clamp around a piece of cast-iron pipe which had remained in the ground forty-two years. The cast iron had crumbled, and would powder between the hands, while the wrought-iron clamp was perfect in all respects, except a little corrosion on the corners. The clamp w y as then cut in two in the middle. The clean cut surface proved to be bright and perfect, showing no signs of rust or decay. These rising mains are forty- two inches in diameter, four thousand feet long, and weigh eight hundred tons, and have been in constant service eleven years, standing under a pressure of 165 pounds to the square inch. When put in position they were treated to a coat of paint, but as a portion of them were exposed to the weather, the paint was soon worn off, leaving the bare iron to resist storms, sun, etc. McNeil, who made a part of these rising mains, asserts that they are now to all appearances in as perfect condition as when they left his shop fourteen years ago. As soon as practicable after these mains had been laid (new extension) the pressure was raised to sixty pounds to the square inch in a line running near McNeil's boiler shop. No sooner had the pressure been increased than six lengths of six-inch cast-iron pipe burst and had to be taken out of the ground. This line, as near as McNeil can remember, had been in the ground ten years. Another line of eight-inch cast-iron pipe was taken up in this same locality which had been in the ground a little over eight years. McNeil examined it and gave it as his opinion that it would not stand a pressure of twenty-five pounds to the square inch, and further said that the life of cast-iron pipe in his neighborhood is not over sixteen years. McNeil is an old resident, has been in his present place of business twenty years, is thoroughly acquainted with both wrought iron and cast iron, and knows whereof he speaks. Unclean Cast Iron Pipes. The cast-iron pipes conveying water through the greater part of this city are undoubtedly in a filthy and tuberculated condition. Many citizens have entered complaints, others have become indignant, while some say the water is impure where it is taken from the river and pumped into the reservoir. While the latter may or may not be true, it is certain that no improvement can be expected, whatever the condition of the water at the river, by carry- ing it through filthy pipes. In conversation with Superintendent Edward Armstrong, he told me that all the old pipes in the First, Second, Third and Fourth wards were to a greater or less extent filled up (tuberculated would be the proper term). He (Armstrong) has taken up four inch cast-iron pipes filled up to within the space of two fingers, and six inch cast-iron pipes hav- ing less than a two and one-half inch space for the flow of water. Mr. Arm- strong is removing these tuberculated pipes when funds and time permit of so doing. His experience has been almost entirely with cast-iron pipe, but believes if wrought-iron pipe could be coated so as to resist the action of made ground, such as coal ashes, etc., it would last indefinitely, and in virgin soil feels certain that the bare wrought-iron pipe would last as long as any pipe 406 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. yet produced. Mr. Armstrong said he had heard of a short line of bare wrought-iron pipe, laid in Pittsburgh, which had been in the ground thirty- two years ; when taken up it was to all appearances as perfect as when put down. Chief Crow, of the Allegheny Fire Department, says all the cast-iron pipe in the First, Second, Third and Fourth wards should be removed without delay. They are filthy, tuberculated, dangerous and unhealthy, and unfit to carry water for house and drinking purposes. Besides being unhealthy, these tuberculations lessen the water space, thereby rendering the pipes less efficient in case of fire. Complaints of the above nature having been made, it was decided to take up some of the pipe for examin- ation, and, upon inspection, the Chief's assertions were fully verified. For instance, cast-iron pipe five inches in diameter was found to have less than a two-inch space for the flow of water. This is but one of many and similar instances The Chief was present when a lot of five-inch cast-iron pipe was taken out of the ground in Robinson street. It was almost filled, and the stench produced by it was so great that the Chief was obliged to turn his back to get a breath of pure air, and declared, if compelled to do either, he would rather have belonged to a gang of scavengers removing night soil than to have assisted in removing these filthy pipes ; and further remarked that the Board of Health might make themselves useful by investigating this matter, unclean water pipes, exercising their powers for the good of the community, and, in his opinion, if pushed to the proper solution, would lessen the death rate of the City of Allegheny. In conclusion I would say that I have covered all the ground in and about Pittsburgh, having obtained data from those public officials whose duty calls them to know about and have experience with both wrought-iron and cast-iron pipe. My instructions were to get facts fairly and equitably, and avoid ex parte statements, and I have done .so. (Signed) W. B. Houghton. This morning word was telephoned the Allegheny Mayor's office that the main cast-iron water pipe on Strawberry Lane had burst, and was overflowing everything. Word was immediately sent to the Water Depart- ment and a force of men sent to repair the damage. It is feared it may shut off the water supply from the Ninth Ward for a few days. — Pittsburgh Leader, January 25, 1S85. At the meeting of the Allegheny Water Committee on Monday evening, Superintendent Armstrong will make an important suggestion, which will probably be acted upon. The Superintendent has hit on a plan to improve the quality of the water which he believes will be attended with beneficial results. He proposes to run a pipe from the mains in the streets into the sewer drops and allow the water to run continually all summer. This, he believes, will prevent filth from accumulating in the cast-iron pipes and destroying the purity of the water. The capacity of the new water works engines is more than equal to the proposed waste. — Pittsburgh Dispatch, February 6th, 1885. TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PlPE. 40? Cleaning The Pipes. — Superintendent Armstrong, of the Allegheny Water Works, yesterday blew out the pipes in the Fifth Ward. Twelve men were engaged in the work. There has been considerable complaint in that end of the city of the impurity of the water. — Pittsburgh Dispatch, Februaiy ioth, 188j. DRIVE THEM TO DRINK Something Else than Water— The Water Pipes of Allegheny Said to be in a Horrible State with Sediment and Filth — Chief Crow Wants Them Taken Up. Chief Crow, Major Hunker of the Poor Board, President Hunter of Common Councils, Superintendent Armstrong of the Water Works, and James S. Young, Esq., were individually either bracing themselves against the wall or hanging on the baluster at the top of the stair in City Hall, Alle- gheny, last evening, as the reporter mounted the stair. Leveling the conversation at the interloper, Chief Crow said : " Something ought to be written about the filth that is collected in some of the cast-irou water mains. Some of them contain filth so putrid that if they were taken up you could not stand the stench. You should have seen one on Robinson street which was taken up recently. The dirt was several inches thick all around the pipe and the stench was intolerable. Some of the mains in the city have been down for twenty and others for twenty-five years, and have during all that time been collecting a sediment or deposit, which is in a continual state of the rankest decomposition. " O, it's no worse than an old country well, full of dead cats, and toads, and old shoes," continued Mr. Young, thoughtfully. " Water purifies itself, observed Superintendent Armstrong, and I don't think the water is in the pipes long enough to be contaminated by the filth in them, and besides, if the filth had not bien deposited in the pipes it would have been consumed with the water. The sediment solidifies, and the part next the pipe is almost as solid as stone." " Yes, but how about the rest ?" said the Chief. " Well the late deposit is soft and plastic," added Mr. Armstrong. " And fragrant," observed Mr. Hunter. " We are in no worse condition than other cities where cast-iron mains are used," said Mr. Armstrong. " It is a matter that cannot be helped. I blow the pipe out frequently by opening the fire plugs, but this doesn't ef- fect an entire remedy. There are two men employed by me for this purpose alone and they are busy continually. The pipes used now do not collect the dirt, however, like the ones used for mains twenty years ago. They were very rough inside, but now they are more smooth and are greased and oiled inside so that the sediment does not get so much of a chance to collect." "This old pipe ought to come up," said Chief Crow. " It may cost a big sum of money, but it ought to be done. It's simply a question of ex- pense of drinking water that flows over a bed of terrible corruption." — ■ Pittsburgh Times, February u, iS8j. 408 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. GEORGE H. BROWNE, C. E. Supt. Browne, of the Pittsburgh water works, told General Manager Converse on Saturday, June 6, 1885, that tubercles would form in cast-iron pipe, whether coated or not; that the most improved process of coating cast-iron pipe only helped the outside ; that he had lately taken up a line, which it was necessary to move, and which had only been laid two years; that the pipe was new, and was coated with Dr. Angus Smith's patent process; that the inside of the pipe was rusted and tubercled. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. This is the city to which all the cast-iron manufacturers, or foundrymen, refer as model works; they refer to Philadelphia in their circulars and in their speeches. In one of the pamphlets issued by the cast-iron syndicates they use this language: It is fair to suppose that the cities of New York, Philadelphia and Pitts- burgh command the best engineering talent in connection with their water supply, and in no one of these cities has a foot of any substitute for cast-iron pipe been laid. It is a conclusive fact that the use of substitutes for cast- iron has been confined to small towns, and has never been recommended by any one of our important hydraulic engineers. We will now review the pipe system of Philadelphia, since it is mentioned by the cast-iron men as their model of excellence. In the annual report of the City Engineer of the Water Depart- ment of the City of Philadelphia, for the year 1881, we find the following items, under the head of "Maintenance of Pipes." You will notice a gradual increase of expenses, which may be attributed to the increased age of the pipe: 1855 .... $ 8,780 37 1869 .... $27,997 13 1856 12,282 14 1870 27,157 95 1857 .... 17,49! 62 i«7i • • • • 27,9s 1 8 7 1858 12,249 56 1872 27,990 80 1859 .... 8,357 42 1873 .... 32,000 00 i860 8,628 S3 l8 74 43, 99 8 33 1861 .... 7,968 89 1875 .... 46,996 21 1862 8,147 3° 1876 49,988 51 1863 .... 9,053 57 1877 .... 24,998 68 1864 17,346 79 1878 24,791 02 1865 .... 17,002 38 1879 .... 24,843 43 1866 !7,363 77 1880 24,489 81 1867 .... 20,787 28 1881 .... 24,931 16 1868 22, 149 69 TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 409 The total cost of the repairs to the cast-iron mains alone, not including any other part of the system, but simply and solely the cast-iron mains during the period of twenty-seven years, from 1855 to 1881, was $595,744.01. During this same period, be- sides the enormous amounts of money necessary to keep the pipe in repair, there was taken up and abandoned 95,794 f eet 0l cast- iron pipe, or nearly twenty miles. In 1855 the system of the Philadelphia water works con- sisted of 220 miles. To this system new cast-iron pipe was con- stantly added, from year to year, until we find the record of 1881, which is the report from which we are quoting, sums up 700 miles. In the same report, in speaking of the different shops which the department have organized for repairs, the Chief Engineer says: The Cherry street shop should be removed to the neighborhood of the Spring Garden works, a locality central to all the pumping stations, with railroad facilities to each of them, and it should be enlarged and better tools and facilities provided for the constantly increasing demands made upon it to keep in repair and maintain in good order the pipes under the care of the department. During the year 1881 there were reported 1,070 breaks and leaks. In the report for the year 1882 the Chief Engineer again calls the attention of the Committee of Water Works to the "constantly increasing demand made upon the shops to keep in repair the pipes under the care of the department." In the report of the Board of Experts to the Select and Common Councils, made October 14, 1882, special mention is made that accidents occur from breakage of the cast-iron mains. On the thirteenth of January, 1883, one of our officers called on Mr. John L. Ogden, Assistant Engineer in charge of the dis- tribution system of the Philadelphia water works, and had a long and pleasant talk with him. In answer to our question as to the present general condition of the cast-iron mains in the city of Philadelphia, Mr. Ogden's reply was, that as a rule, the condi- tion of the mains larger than six inches was good, but the con- dition of the mains below six inches was very bad. Upon being asked the principal reason for the large amount of cast-iron pipe which had been taken up, Mr. Ogden replied, "principally be- cause of tuberculation." Referring to the report of the Chief Engineer for the year 410 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. 1883, we gather the following valuable information, which we herewith reproduce: Experience has shown, that under ordinary circumstances, cast-iron pipes become to a considerable extent obstructed by the accumulation of rust and sediment in the interior, and that in a period of from ten to twenty years, this obstruction will become so serious as to nearly or entirely close the pipes. This, as a matter of fact, is known to be the case with by far the larger portion of pipes now in service less than six inches in diameter, and the accompanying drawing is intended to illustrate the interior condition of the pipe and the extent to which the obstruction prevails. The department has a number of striking examples of this fact, and the drawing was made from a longitudinal section of a two inch cast-iron pipe, which had been in the ground for about twenty-four years ; the opening available for the pas- sage of water would not admit the tip of the little finger. It is manifest that pipes in this condition are almost useless, and in particular, for fire pur- poses are of no value whatever. Complaints are almost daily received of the quality of the water, short supply or leaks. These are immediately placed in the hands of competent parties for investigation, and, where possible, remedy is applied. Cast-iron service pipes, after a few years, become more or less closed with rust or sediment. The small cast-iron service pipes laid in this city are as follows : 2-inch 6,317 feet. 3 " 226,171 " 4 " 583417 " Or a total of over 154 miles, all of which were laid previous to 1876, and in time became filled with rust and sediment. Again, in summing up for estimates of the Philadelphia Water Department for the year 1884, which was presented by the Chief Engineer to the City Controller, August 24, 1883, the following item, marked No. 4, was submitted: Another very important matter has not hitherto received the attention which it demands. In the earlier days it was the custom to put down small cast-iron pipes in small streets. So far as it is known, these small distrib- uting pipes less than six inches in diameter now in service are as follows : 2-inch, 6,317 feet ; 3-inch, 226,171 feet; 4-inch, 583,417 feet, making a total of 815,905 feet, or very nearly 155 miles of small cast-iron pipe, some of which has been in the ground a long time. When these cast-iron pipes were new and clean, and the demand for water was limited almost entirely to household uses, this system answered its purpose, but in time the pipes became filled with rust and sediment, which in some instances entirely stopped or perforated them. The annoyance and disadvantage due to the existence and condition of these small cast-iron pipes, in connection with the leaking of distributing mains, have become intolerable, and the manu- facturing interests of the city, as well as its protection from fire, require that new and larger pipes shall be substituted for them. This warning would seem almost a prophecy. You are doubtless all familiar with the terrible and disastrous fire at the TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 411 Almshouse, which resulted in the destruction of the Insane Asylum building and the loss of twenty and more lives. From the above warning of the Chief Engineer, it would seem that some disaster of this kind was apprehended, because of the tuberculated and filthy condition of the smaller sizes of cast-iron pipe throughout the water works system. The following report of the fire at the Almshouse is copied from the Philadelphia Public Ledger, February 13th, 1885. After rehearsing the par- ticulars of the fire, the Ledger reports : The firemen complained much about the lack of water. At times they could not throw a stream to the second story. Poor Guardian McAleer and other officials say the mains were too small ; that they were laid many years go, and even at that time were practically inadequate to the needs of the case, in case of fire. Overseer Snyder said that the entire water supply of the institution came through two cast-iron mains, one six inches in diameter and the other originally four inches, which had its diameter reduced by incrustation and other means to about one inch. The former comes down Thirty-sixth street directly alongside the Insane Department, and was laid but recently ; the old four-inch cast-iron main, which was put in a long time ago, passes along Forty-fourth street as far as Spruce, and enters the Almshouse ground at the northeast corner, traversing the prem- ises diagonally ; both are supplied from the Bellemont basin. We present herewith a drawing of the end view of a piece of this tuberculated cast-iron pipe, which was taken up from the Philadelphia system, abandoned by reason of tuberculation ; it is a sample of the condition of the 155 miles referred to by the Chief Engineer. It will be seen that the carrying capacity of the pipe is almost entirely destroyed by the accumulation of tubercles. The space which is left is zig-zag, and at some points almost entirely closed. In one or two places in the pipe from which this sample is taken the formation of tubercles in the inside have broken from the body of the pipe and fallen inside. Following up the same subject, comes another warning; this time in the shape of a long article published in the Philadelphia Press, Saturday morning, February 28th, 1885. One article is headed "Danger From Fire," from which we quote the fol- lowing: Fire in Philadelphia in two weeks gone by has swept the city w r ith disasters, and cost 26 lives and millions of dollars worth of property. No such feeling of insecurity and alarm has prevailed in Philadelphia for many years. Insurance companies have been driven to a state of anxiety bordering upon panic, and it is not strange that the inadequacy of the 412 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. protection against fire has become, for the time, the topic paramount in the public mind. Statistics have been compiled which clearly indicate that something in the protective service was fatally lacking. During the year 1884 there were in this city 881 fires, entailing a total loss of $2,254,412, and an average loss of $2,558. Accompanying this article, and taking up nearly one-half of the first page of this issue of the Press, is a plan taken from Hexamer's Insurance Map, and headed, " At the Mercy of the Flames; Diagram from Hexamer's Insurance Map, Showing the Present Defective Water Supply in the Commercial District." We again quote from the article headed, " Danger from Fire ": The accompanying plan, taken from Hexamer's Insurance Maps, is a more eloquent illustration of the lamentable condition of the system of water distribution that is found throughout the old city than can be conveyed by volumes of description. * * * In the whole section shown in the map, the one feeder that is of modern date and efficiency is the 20-inch main laid on Market Street in 1882. None of the plugs on Market Street have direct connection with this main, and nearly all of them are attached to parallel 6-inch mains laid 63 years ago. * * * The two 10- inch mains under Chestnut Street are 62 and 64 years old, respec- tively, while the great values that line both sides of Walnut Street are mainly dependent on a single six-inch pipe that has been under ground many years. * * * With the exception of Dock Street, which has mains of compara- tively modern date, the narrow cross streets, such as Bank, Strawberry, Exchange Place, Church and Lodge Streets, all of which environ property of enormous value, are furnished with three and four-inch cast-iron pipes of such remote date that Chief Engineer Ludlow admits their absolute use- lessness as a source of water supply in case of fire. Nor is this all. The Press evidently intends to make a clean exhibition, and adds to the above another article on the first page headed, "The Defective Water Supply; the Old Mains and Fire Plugs Inadequate in Case of Fire." * * * "This is the old text," said Col. Ludlow yesterday, "but perhaps a new sermon from an old text will, just at the present time prove effective. Let us take Mr. Blodget's figures as a basis. The total value of perishable property exposed to danger of fire within the limits of the old city is approx- imately $250,000,000. Now, let us see what means are available in the Water Department for the protection of these great values. There are within these limits 490,000 feet of cast-iron water pipe. More than thirty per cent, of this pipe is less than six inches in diameter, and ninety per cent, has been in the ground some thirty years. Now, experience has shown that three or four-inch cast-iron mains, after remaining in service for ten or tzvelve years, are reduced to one-fourth their original capacity by reason of rust and sedimentary accumulations, and half the six or eight-inch cast-iron -mains become practically useless after thirty or forty years of continual ser- TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 413 vice. * * * Last fall, when I had occcasion to open the twenty-inch main of Broad Street, I found a solidly imbedded deposit five inches thick, and that in addition to the heavy incrustation of rust which accumulates invariably. * * * As for the three and four-inch cast-iron mains that were laid thirty or forty years ago, they are absolutely useless as a source of supply in case of fire, and the engine that tries to get a stream from one of these cast-iron mains will be about as effective as a good sized syringe." The above from the lips of Col. Ludlow, Chief Engineer of the Water Department, is well worth knowing, especially as it refers to the city to which the cast-iron men point as a reference. We also take the following from the Evening Telegram, of Philadelphia, February 18, 1884 : The efforts of the firemen, too, were greatly retarded by the insufficient water supply, as well as the iuconvenience caused by the crowds who choked up every avenue. At times it was impossible to get water enough to throw a stream to the second story. The attention of Councils was only recently directed by the Poor authorities and Chief Engineer Ludlow, of the Water Department, to the meagre water supply at the Almshouse, and the necessity of providing against the very contingency which arose last night. The entire water supply for the institution goes through two cast-iron mains ; one six inches in diameter, and the other originally four inches, but which has had its diameter reduced by incrustation and other means to one inch. ROCHESTER. Extracts from the fifteenth annual report of the Executive Board of the City of Rochester, N. Y., in charge of the Water Works, Fire and Highway Departments, and of Street Improve- ments, for the year ending April 6th, 1891. This report is very exhaustive and covers 223 pages of printed matter. The extracts given below refer to the condition of the conduits of both wrought-iron and cast-iron. The annual report, as a whole, is made up of reports of the Committee on Permanent Water Supply, and the following named well known civil and hydraulic engineers. The pipe used in the construction of these conduits consists of 15,723 lineal feet of 24-inch wrought-iron, and 35,772 lineal feet of 36-inch cast-iron and in the distribution system in the City of Rochester there is 48,089 and 42, 100 lineal feet of wrought- iron pipe in use. Water Works Office, \ Rochester, N. Y., April 6th, 1891. f To the Honorable the Executive Board. Genteemen : — In submitting the following report, the undersigned solicits your kind indulgence for presenting only such departmental matters 414 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. as have occurred during his incumbency of office inasmuch as circumstances have hitherto prevented him from making a close study of occurrences earlier in the fiscal year. * * * The Conduit. On entering upon the duties the writer was confronted with a variety of statements representing the condition and integrity of the twenty miles of conduit from Hemlock Lake to Rush Reservoir. A close examination of the route of the pipe disclosed no leaks of appreciable magnitude, and soon afterwards it was rendered practically staunch throughout its whole extent. Inquiry from Messrs. Oviatt and Crennell, who have been in charge of the two sections of the conduit between the points named continuously for many years past, elicited the facts that no noticeable deformation of the wrought-iron pipe existed in any locality, and that the asphalt coating of the pipe was still in excellent order wherever it had been exposed. These statements were, moreover, fully corroborated by the workmen who have been employed, and also by a number of laud-owners through whose prem- ises the pipe is laid. So far as the integrity of the conduit is concerned, therefore, there appears to be no reason whatever for anticipating any danger of failing in any portion of the line. * * * From the foregoing considerations the conclusion is therefore warranted that the conduit line is still in good order, so far as the physical condition of the iron at any point is concerned. The Original Discharging Capacity oe the Conduit. The conduit line was practically completed, and water from Hemlock Lake was first delivered into Rush Reservoir on January 22d, 1876, and into Mount Hope Reservoir on the day following. Gaugings of the capacity of the conduit were undertaken soon afterwards by the late L. L. Nichols, C. E., who was one of the assistant engineers employed upon the construction of the works, and who had for many years made the subject of theoretical hydraulics a special study. [Note.— Here follows a statement of the gaug- iugs, etc., taken by Mr. L. L. Nichols.] * * * The conclusions now seem thoroughly justifiable that the conduit did originally have a discharg- ing capacity of about 9,000,000 gallons per day. [The gaugings above referred to were taken January 27th, 28th, 31st, and on February 2d and 7th, 1876.] The Present Discharging Capacity of the Conduit. In the early part of the summer of 1890, about fourteen and one-half years after the completion of the conduit, suspicion was first aroused that its delivery was not as large as formerly. Gaugings of the flow into Rush Reservoir were accordingly made during the nights of June 18th and 22d by Mr. Rafter, and during the daytime of July 5th by Messrs. Tubbs & Rafter, from which it was estimated that such flow did not exceed the rate of 6,731,000 gallons in twenty -four hours (a loss in flow of not less than 2,269,000.) Other and similar measurements were made on the following dates : October 10th, 189T, showing a discharge of 6,928,030 gallons. October nth, 1891, showing a discharge of 7,185,000 gallons. TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 415 March 8th, 1892, showing a discharge of 7,133,940 gallons. March 22d, 1892, showing a discharge of 7,141,901 gallons. The difference depending npon the height of the water in the lake. The foregoing figures are subject to slight alteration on revising the computations, but it is believed that they are not affected with any substan- tial error. It may also be remarked that the delivery of the conduit depends upon the height of the water in both the reservoir and the lake, and that a somewhat greater flow will occur when the reservoir is in a low stage than when it is nearly full. Without attempting to institute any comparison between these recent gaugings, it may be stated that under ordinary circum- stances the net capacity of the conduit from Hemlock Lake to Rush Reser- voir can fairly be considered as being about 7,000,000 gallons per day. Diminution of the Discharging Capacity of the Conduit. It is evident from the foregoing that a considerable reduction in the delivery of the conduit has taken place during the past fifteen years. What the cause of this diminvition is, cannot be definitely stated at present, owing to the inexpediency of emptying the conduit and examining the condition of its inner surface. * * * The only clue thus far obtained consists in the dis- covery of an extensive growth of spougilla on the interior surface of the twen- ty-four-inch cast-iron effluent pipe from Rush Reservoir on each side of the stop gate in the gate-house. This gate has long been out of order, and it was repaired on Sept. 19, 1890, the mouth of the pipe in the screening well of the reservoir being temporarily closed for this purpose by a plank shutter, whereupon the dome or the gate could be unbolted and removed. An opportunity w r as thus afforded to examine the interior of the pipe for a short distance on each side of the opening, and it was found that the top aud sides of the pipe as far as arm could reach, as well as the inside of the gate castings, were entirely covered with a dense growth of short, interwoven filaments. The mass was light brown in color, possessed considerable coherence and was detached in large fragments from the surface of the cast-iron. In appearance the substance resembled a cocoa fibre door-mat, although much softer to the touch, and its thickness was about an inch. Its odor was that of spongilla, and microscopic examination revealed the characteristic spores and spicules of that organism in great abundance. Several bucketfuls of this growth were within reach and duly removed. A significant circumstance was that the pitch coating of the cast-iron pipe peeled off along with the foreign matter and remained adhering to the roots of the latter. Considerable cor- rosion was also noticed on the inner surface of the gate castings. This stop gate is located about 130 feet from the mouth of the effluent pipe and the water pressure here is from six to nine pounds per square inch, depending on the depth maintained. Beyond the gate the pipe continues for about nine miles to Mt. Hope Reservoir. The foregoing details are submitted for the information of naturalists aud others who may be interested in the matter. The occurrence of such growths in cast-iron water mains is not unusual. In a paper on the subject which was read before the American Society of Civil Engineers on Oct. 15, 18S4, by Mr. Desmond Fitzgerald, resident engineer on the Boston Water Works, the author states that he has seen large cast-iron mains under a pressure of 100 feet, where the entire surface, as far as examined, was filled with a mass of sponge closely packed between 416 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. and around the tubercles (or accretions of rust.) He has also seen them in all stages of growth. Within a few days a break in a 48-inch main, gave an opportunity to examine the sponge in company with Prof. Hyatt, who rec- ognized the young sponge as spongilla lacustris. Variety, flexis pina. Flushing will not remove this growth. Some form of scraper or wire brush is necessary. Similar experiences have also been recorded by engineers in other cities, and it hardly seems necessary to enlarge further upon this subject. Another common source of reduction of discharging capacity of cast-iron pipe is the development of the rust on the inner surface. It is generally as- sumed that the coal-tar pitch coating applied almost universally to cast-iron water pipes, is a permanent protection against corrosion, but experience has demonstrated that such is not the fact. Owing to the complex nature of the compound and the necessity for heating it to a high temperature, it seems to be extremely difficult for pipe manufacturers to maintain the coating mixture at a uniform standard ; and hence it is found that some pipes will exhibit corrosion much sooner than others which are made by the same men and processes at the same foundry. Ample evidence of this fact is afforded in our own city. The twenty miles of 24-inch cast-iron pipes laid in the conduit from Mt. Hope reservoir to a point about three miles south of the village of Honeoye Falls, were made in 1874 and 1875, contemporaneously at the same establishments that furnished over fifty miles of similar distributing pipes laid in our streets. Recently short portions of some of these later pipes belonging to the Hem- lock water system were cut out for the purpose of inserting new branches, whereupon it was seen that in some instances the interior was badly cor- roded, tubercles one-half inch thick and of large size covering almost the entire surface. If the conduit pipes are in a similar condition, the diminu- tion of flow can be easily explained. * * * From the foregoing it is evident that the reduction of discharging capacity of the conduit is attributable to some deterioration of its inner surface, either by the growth of spongilla or other organisms, or by the formation of rust, or by a combination of both. * * * But in order to afford conclusive evidence on this point, the examination of the water should be made frequently during the period when these organisms are in a state of decay. So far as can be learned, no systematic investigation of the water has been made during the past season, nor is much knowledge available regarding the rate at which the dead tissue is cast off to mix with the water, hence a satisfactory inference as to the extent of such growths cannot now be drawn. In like manner, the absence of rust in the conduit is not demon- stratable from casual examinations of the water distributed in the city, since this substance adheres altogether too strongly to be washed away by the current, and seems to develop much more rapidly in running than in stagnant water. Repairs to the Conduit. In connection with the subject of the " conduit " it may be of interest to submit here the following tabular statements of the number of leaks repaired during every month on the two divisions of about ten miles length each, between Rush Reservoir and Hemlock L,ake. These statistics have TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 417 been compiled from memoranda remaining in the possession of Messrs. Selden H. Oviatt and Robert Crennell, who have had direct charge of the pipe line for many years past, the former from the lake to the locality known as " Peck's Comers," and the latter from that point to the storage reservoir in Rush. It may be mentioned that Mr. Oviatt assumed his duties on Dec. ioth, 1877, * * * while Mr. Crennell took charge of his division in Jan., 1876. * * * Leaks in the conduit are of three kinds, the First being from defective lead joints ; the Second is due to defective calking in the riveted seams of the 36 and 24-inch wrought-iron pipe ; and the Third arises from breakage of the cast-iron hubs riveted to the 36-inch wrought-iron pipe. The first class of leaks occur constantly, and are chiefly due to the changes of length and diameter from variations of temperature, whereby the lead becomes displaced to some extent. If found before the displacement has progressed far, such leaks are quickly and easily stopped by carefully driving the lead back into place. In the second class the loss of water is relatively slight, and the pipe is made staunch by calking or upsetting the edge of the sheet at the point where the escape takes place. Since the final completion of the work in 1876 very few such leaks have occurred. When broken hubs are found, however, repairs of this class are both tedious and difficult. It should also be stated that none of the wrought-iron pipes have ever been taken out and replaced by others, or have been broken by the water pressure, or become deformed by collapse or the weight of the earth back filling since he has had charge of his division. Mr. Crennell also gives the same account of the behavior of the 24-inch wrought-iron pipe under his supervision, but mentions that four of the cast-iron pipes broke from some unknown cause and were replaced by new ones. In 1876 the greater number of leaks that were found and stopped occurred in the riveted seams, since which time this kind of leakage has been comparatively rare. Statement A — Showing approximate number of leaks repaired each year and month, from Dec. 10, 1877, to Jan. 1, 1891, by Supt. Selden H. Oviatt, on the 50,776 lin. ft. (9.617 miles) of 36-inch wrought-iron conduit, from gate house to Hemlock Take to beginning of 24-inch pipe. Year. Jan . Feb. Mai . Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. TOT'L 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1S90 3 I 4 1 6 1 IO 4 9 3 1 1 4 3 2 '. 6 1 14 8 IO 8 3 4 4 9 2 3 3 6 3 17 5 5 9 3 4 12 3 12 9 6 1 12 10 14 3 2 3 2 8 3 9 18 14 26 3 6 8 1 6 10 2 6 12 1 6 2 8 II 6 4 3 2 12 1 11 9 3 18 3 1 7 2 4 15 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 I 3 1 2 I I I I I 87 49 43 32 33 33 25 42 40 26 57 36 54 Tot' Is • < !■ 5 / 44 77 98 112 7i 84 39 13 4 558 418 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Note. — As above noted, these repairs were made under the direction of Mr. Oviatt on the 36-inch wrought-iron riveted pipe, the leaks being occasioned by "defective joints" and "defective caulking in the riveted seams of the pipe." STATEMENT B — Showing approximate number and kind of leaks repaired each year and month from Jan. 1, 1880, to Jan. 1, 1891, by Supt. Robert Crennell, on the ten miles of 24-inch conduit embracing 15,723 lin. ft. (2.978 miles) of wrought-iron riveted pipe, and 35,772 lin. ft. (6.775 miles) of cast-iron pipe from end of 36-inch pipe to Rush reservoir. Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Tot'ls. J s J S J s J s J s J s J s J s J s| J s J s J s J S 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 I ■■ I I I 2 I I I 2 I 3 2 I I I I I I 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 7 2 4 4 1 5 1 7 4 1 1 1 1 8 7 2 7 2 3 6 1 4 1 1 4 3 1 3 2 1 2 IO 2 I 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 I I 2 2 I I I 2 I I 20 28 14 6 24 8 18 20 15 12 16 2 2 2 I I Totals . 8 4 6.. 9 20 2 28 2 40 2 16 23 2 ri 6 " 7 181 8 Note. — " J " shows the number of lead joints repaired in ten years on 6^ miles of 36-inch cast-iron pipe, viz., 178 joints. "S" shows number of leaks repaired on riveted seams on 2^ miles of 24-inch wrought-iron riveted pipe in ten years, viz., joints. The repairs on the conduit line for the past year as copied from the re- port, are as follows : Repairing leak at Slab City $628.16 Material and labor of Repair Force 7,431.66 (Other items charged up to) Repairs of Conduit Line 3, 294. 68 Total cost of "Repairs to Conduit Line " for the year $11,354.50 From the foregoing tabular statements it will be observed that by far the greater number of leaks in the conduit occur during the summer months, and that more than twice as many occur per year on the 36-inch pipe than on the 24-inch pipe. The cause of this latter circumstance is probably due in some measure to the fact that the 36-inch pipe is laid through a much more uneven territory than the 24-inch pipe, whereby the tendency of TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 419 changes in length by variations of temperature in the individual pipes to ag- gregate at some single weak joint is greatly favored ; also to the fact that the rate of expansion and contraction by heat and cold is somewhat greater for wrought than cast-iron, and that on account of their greater individual length, which ranges from about 28 to 80 feet, the number of lead joints in the 36-inch conduit is much smaller than in the case of the 24-inch pipe. Another element may also be the inability to calk the lead very heavily in the 36-inch pipe joints on account of the lack of the necessary stiffness of the relatively thin spigot ends of plate-iron. * * * Experience with the 36-inch conduit, has, however, amply demonstrated that by exercising rea- sonable care the lead joints can be kept secure and staunch. Report of the Committee on Additional Water Supply. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1890. To the Hon. the Common Council. Gentlemen: — Your committee on the matter of obtaining an addi- tional supply of potable water has made an exhaustive examination of the subject, and deems that such a supply is necessary and should be provided as soon as possible, for the following reasons : First. — The existing conduit from Hemlock Lake has proved to be in- adequate during the past three years to meet the demands for water during the extreme hot and cold seasons, without resorting to restrictive measures which entail not only large outlays for the inspection of water pipes. * * * Second. — Recent gaugings of the discharge of the present conduit from Hemlock Lake have shown that its greatest available flow is only about 7,000,000 gallons per day * * * (whereas " the conduit did origi- nally have a discharging capacity of 9,000,000 gallons per day "). Exper- ience has, however, demonstrated that this supply must occasionally be interrupted for a period of from one to two days in order to make necessary repairs to defective joints and fixtures. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) S. D. W. Cleveland, T. McMillan, J. Miller Kelly, Wm. H. Sullivan. Dec. 15th, 1890. We have to say that we concur in the recommendations of the report as read in our hearing. (Signed) W. H. Gorseline, Clinton Rogers, Wm. S. Kimball, James G. Cutler, J. E. Booth. The foregoing report was unanimously adopted. 420 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Report on an Additional Water Supply by the Chief Engineer of the Water Works. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1890. To the Committee of the Common Council on increasing the City's Water Supply. Gentlemen : — In response to your request to submit estimates, * * * the undersigned begs leave to submit herewith the following outlines of his investigations : * * * Furthermore, it must be remembered that any material increase of the discharging capacity of the existing conduit from Hemlock Lake is highly improbable, and that, as the population increases, the available supply will become proportionately less. For these reasons, therefore, it is manifestly expedient to undertake the construction of a new conduit as soon as possible. * * * With these elements, and a delivery of 15,000,000 gallons per day, with the same coefficient of hydraulic friction that has been shown by recent observations to exist in the present 24-inch conduit, after fifteen years of uninterrupted use, the following diameters are computed : Hemlock Lake Line, 35.30 inches ; Conesus Lake Line, 37.43 inches. If the pipes could always be maintained in their original, new and smooth condition inside, then the diameters would become respectively, Hemlock Lake Line, 33.76 inches ; Conesus Lake Line, 35 90 inches, by the old standard formula of Darcey, respectively, Hemlock Lake Line, 31.68 inches ; Conesus Lake Line, 33.65 inches by the new formula of Lampe. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) E. Kuichling, Chief Engineer of Water Works. Supplementary Report of the Committee on Additional Water Supply. Rochester, N. Y. , Dec. 30, 1890. To the Hon. the Common Council. Your Special Committee on additional water supply beg leave to report: Your committee feel that these momentous questions should be carefulty considered by every member of the Common Council, and to that end re- commend that the matter be postponed until next Tuesday evening, to which time the ^present meeting should be adjourned. Respectfully sub- mitted, (Signed) S. D. W. Cleveland, J. Miller Kelly, T. McMillan, Wm. H. Sullivan, D. W. Selye, Committee. Supplementary Report on an Additional Water Supply by Chief Engineer of the Water Works. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1890. To the. Committee of the Common Council on Additional Water Supply. Gentlemen : — In response to your request to submit estimates * * * the undersigned begs leave to submit the following. * * * All of the TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 421 available maps, plans, data and calculations were accordingly laid before Mr. Fteley by the Committee on January 16, 1891, and were left in his pos- session until the completion of his report, which is herewith submitted. Report of A. Fteley, Consulting Engineer on the Estimates for an Additional Water Supply, prepared by the Chief Engin- eer of the Rochester Water Works in December, 1890. 213 Stewart Building, \ New York, Jan. 26, 1S91. J S. D. IF. Cleveland, Esq., Chairman Water Committee, Rochester, N. Y. After my interview with your committe on i6thinst., I had a long con- ference with your Chief Engineer, Mr. Kuichling. * * * I find that several new propositions have been introduced into the question at issue. Mr. Kuichling, from investigations made himself, states that he has dis- covered that a growth of living matter, which appears to be a fresh water sponge, is found in parts of the conduit system, and he infers that it may be the cause of the small volume delivered by the present pipe. Cast-irou pipes, when properly manufactured, coated and laid, should be maintained in a proper condition of cleanliness, especially when, as in your case, the velocity of water through them is considerable ; but there are instances of such growths as Mr. Kuichling describes, due to local circum- stances. If such is the case, it is wise to make allowance for it in determin- ing the size of the pipes, and I agree with him that it should be done. Yours respectfully, (Signed) A. FTELEY, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. Note. — The above report, together with an additional report of the Committee on Additional Water Supply was submitted to The Hon. The Common Council of the City of Rochester, N. Y., on January 30, 1891. (Signed) S. D. W. Cleveland, j. Miller Kelly, Wm. H. Sullivan, T. McMillan, Committee. In relation to the matter of an additional distributing reservoir the un- dersigned desires to express here his conviction that such a structure is emi- nently desirable and that its construction should not be deferred. No ma- terial repairs to Mt. Hope reservoir can be made without the risk of being deprived of the supply for domestic purposes for a period of at least eighteen hours, which would be the case if a break should occur in the cast-iron pipe conduit. Possibly th : s risk is very remote, but it exists nevertheless, since it is impossible to foresee when such a pipe may burst, even though it has been apparently sound and serviceable for years. Respectfully submitted. (Signed) E. Kuichling, Chief Engineer of Water Works. 422 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Extracts from the Report of the "Superintendent of Repairs." Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1891. Work done for contractors and others, repairing mains broken while making excavations $629.41 Wrought-iron pipe laid in distribution system from April 7th, 1890, to April 6th, 1891 (of all sizes) .... 44,676.19 ft. Totae Cost of Construction of Water Works to Date. Total $9,366,388.62 Less amount paid by Executive Board to the City Treasurer for the interest on water bonds, out of the surplus earnings of the Water Works Department, including the credit in tax levies of $500,000 for water for public purposes $1,620,000.00 Less amount received for rent, sale of property and interest 12,172.95 1 , 632 , 1 72. 95 $7,734,2i5-67 ST. JOHNS, NEW BRUNSWICK. Notes on Leakage. — Tuberculous Growths in Pipes, etc., etc. The annual report of Gilbert Murdoch, C. E., Engineer and Superin- tendent sewage and w T ater works of St. Johns, N. B., for the year 1892, contains the following interesting reference to leakage and the life of water mains : While there is nothing worthy of special notice in that part of the above which relates to service pipes, yet a few condensed notes on some of that which occurred on mains, touching causes of failure, as well as age and appearance of pipe on which it took place, may be worthy of consider- ation from the bearing they have on the probable duration of what is technically called the "life of cast-iron pipe," conditioned as ours is in respect to soil, etc. The first of the year's leakages deserving of notice is one that was reported in April from the 4-inch main laid on Gilbert's lane. This leak was disclosed by a loss in pressure, and was not easily placed, as the water found a ready outlet through an old and unknown drain in the immediate vicinity. It was found, when reached, that its outside had undergone a softening process, as had happened in other cases under similar con- ditions. Some air cells were also discovered in the body of the metal. So soon, however, as this became unable to resist the daily pressure of 60 to 65 pounds, a piece, following generally the course of the air cells, was blown from the side of the pipe. The film of metal that covered these air and sand holes was about one-eighth of an inch thick, and could be cut easily by an ordinary knife. * * * But the internal diameter was reduced about one-half of an inch by tuberculation. TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 423 The next in point of date was a 2-inch pipe * * * in St. Andrew Street. Here, too, the trouble was caused by air cells. Thickness of metal on each side of cells about one-sixteenth of an inch. * * * Soil in which it was laid, brick clay. Diameter of pipe reduced by incrustation one inch, or one-half of what it was originally, and area to about one-fourth. Another instance of softening was found in September on the 6-inch pipe, Germain and King Streets, Hall's corner. This was a pipe of domestic make. * " ;; " * And when uncovered a rent was found in its side about eight inches long, and when this was cut out it was found also that the metal on one side was fully three-quarters of an inch thick ; on the other side it was barely one-quarter of an inch. This pipe was laid in soft, slatey rock, and the nature of the metal had been changed or softened by some occult agency, as its outer surface was soft and cutable as plumbago, and showed when cut a bright, smooth surface. The softening extended to the northward, north and south of the piece cut out, but how far could have been ascertained by trial pits only, and rush of work and lateness of the season prevented this from being done. The rent was on the thin side of the pipe. * * * Along the ragged edges of the rent the sound metal was not more than one-sixteenth of an inch thick at some points. On the western side of the harbor the heaviest leakage of the year was on the cement-lined pipe on Front Row and Winslow Street. In the first case there was a rent in the cement pipe about 15 inches long by one-quarter inch wide, and the water that flowed from this into an old sewer above it reduced the pressure on the low service area about 19 pounds. * * * The next on the same line of pipe was between Guilford and Winslow Streets, and also arose from inherent weakness, a large piece having been blown from the side when pressure was let on for fire on board the steam tug " Maggie M." The failure in Winslow Street took place under ordinary circumstances, and was, therefore, the result of decay. These and other experiences with this cement-lined pipe show that the time is not far distant when the greater part, if not the whole, will have to be renewed. I had hoped, when the year closed without serious accident to either of our leading mains, that this pleasing state of affairs would continue. But in this I have been disappointed by the bursting of the old 24-inch mains on the morning of February 16th, 1893. The pipe that caused this trouble was one of the first lines of 24-inch mains. * * * The ground in which it lay was gravelly brick clay, common to our city and neighborhood, and its drainage was good. The cause of rupture was not so apparent as in some former instances. It was found to be, when cut and examined, what is technically called "sided," the metal being of unequal thickness, that on the one side being barely three-quarters of an inch, while the other or opposite one was fully one and one-quarter inch. The rend was irregular, about seven feet long, and on the thin side of the pipe. A close inspection of the metal showed what seemed to be numerous minute air cells and a general want of homo- geneity in the metal. There were no large " blown " spots in any part of the pipe, but there were indications of " cold short " at several points. Whatever had been the cause, it had operated slowly, as the pipe was not in a position to be subject to " hammer " strains, and had been in daily 424 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. use for 36 years. The outside surface of the pipe was free from decay. On the inner surface, however, between the accretions and the iron, there was a thin coating of what looked like black vegetable matter, and remained after the tubercles had been removed. Below this the iron was as bright and fresh as when first cast. How much of this was at the expense of the pipe could only be known by analysis, but it had a close resemblance to the exterior of pipes on which the softening process was distinctly marked. * * * This pipe was made in Glasgow, Scotland. * * * The tuberculous growths were pretty well distributed all around the interior of the pipe, and when a difference did exist, the under-sides had the greatest number. The largest had a base of about 1% inch and a heighth of about five-eighths of an inch. By this instance, as well as by many previous observations, five- eighths to three-quarters of an inch appears to be our maximum, or what is equivalent to a reduction in diameter of 1% to i)A inch. * * * The break began to manifest itself in the city about 7.30 A. M. by a loss of pressure at the office gauge and the loss of water on the summits. But the trouble was located by 9 A. M. * * * The broken pipe was isolated from the general supply and the pressure restored to within seven feet of what it was before the accident happened. The day was intensely cold and the ground frozen to a depth of about three feet, but by 10 P.M. the old pipe was cut out and a new piece inserted. — Water and Gas Review, August, 1893. TUBERCULATED AND LEAKY CAST-IRON WATER PIPES. Leaks in cast-iron mains have occurred during the past year in St. Johns, N. B., and Supt. Gilbert Murdock, M. Am. Soc. C E., states that the first of any importance was in a 4-inch main. Some air cells were found in the body of the metal, but these apparently did no harm so long as the outside covering or skin retained its normal density. But this underwent a soften- ing process as had happened in other cases, and finally a piece was blown from the side of the pipe, following the course of the air cells. The film of metal covering these air and sand holes was about one-eighth of an inch thick and could be cut easily by an ordinary knife. Its interior diameter was reduced about half an inch by tuberculation. Another instance of this kind of failure occurred with a six-inch main and was so badly sided that when the cracked piece was cut out the metal on one side was found to be three-fourths of an inch thick, while diametrically opposite, it was but one-fourth. The nature of the metal had been changed in some way so that the outer surface was soft and sectile like plumbago, showing a bright, smooth surface when cut. Another pipe which burst, was a 24-inch main. — Engineering Record, August 12th, fSpj. salem, massachusetts. Cast-Iron Pipe System Not To Be Depended Upon. The Legislative Committee on water has granted the request of Salem, Mass., to lay a new water main from the reservoir, through Beverly and TUBERCULATED CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 425 across Bass River to North Salem, and issue water bonds to the amount of $150,000. Salem is willing that Beverly should have a separate main, pro- vided that the}' pay their proportionate part of the expense that was en- tailed in raising the shores of the lake. Whatever Beverly may do, Salem must have a new main, as the old cast-iron one is not to be depended upon, and its carrying capacity has been so much reduced by accretions to the inside of the pipe. — Salem {Mass.) Engineering News. syracuse, new york. The Syracuse Water Works Question. This case is an object lesson to water companies in several prominent phases. * * * The cement pipe in the present system may have done faithful work, but no engineer of experience would recommend its use in new construc- tion. According to the testimony in this case upon this much discussed question, it is proved that if this pipe is used as a part of a distribution sys- tem, liable to be disturbed by tapping and excavations, it has no place in modern water works. As to the phase of deterioration of cast-iron water pipe, it cuts no figure in this case for the simple reason that the deposits on the interior surface of the cast-iron pipes proved to be a protection as against any tubercular action or oxidization. — Fire and Water, Sept. 26th, 1S92. It appears that the writer of the above article would have water works companies and others interested in the man- agement of water works plants, believe that corrosions and de- posits of a like nature are a benefit rather than an injury to cast- iron water pipe. Following the above we give an extract from the same jour- nal, Fire and Water, and under the same date, Sept. 26th, 1891, referring " To the recent fire at Quebec, where some 200 persons were made homeless:" QUEBEC. If the newspaper reports of the recent fire at Quebec, by which some- thing like 200 persons were made homeless, is to be believed, there would seem to be great need of a prompt overhauling of the distribution system of the city. We are informed that the streams from the engines reached hardly ten feet from the nozzles, the explanation being that on Champlain Street there is a six-inch cast-iron pipe, and for seven hundred feet, one of four inches in diameter. Moreover, it is stated that these pipes are so cor- roded that there is hardly any passage left for water. It is not so very sur- prising that, even with Quebec's willing and well-officered fire department at hand, the flames swept away thirty buildings before they could be checked. 426 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Apparatus and men are of but little use in stopping a fire without water. The citizens of Quebec have had many warnings of the danger that they are in by reason of the insufficient fire protection of the city. If they continue to let them go unheeded they need not be surprised at any day to find this city the scene of a disastrous conflagration. — Extract from the "Fire and Water" of Sept. 26th, iSgi. Condensing the above, we have a true explanation in their own words, " That these cast-iron pipes are so corroded that there is hardly any passage left for water, and, on account of the corrosions, that they could not furnish enough water to enable the engines to get up a pressure sufficient to throw the water ten feet from the nozzles." From this stand-point does the writer of the article on " The Syracuse Water Works Ques- tion " believe that deposits are a benefit rather than an injury to cast-iron water pipe ? One important fact is proved, that the superiority of a baked clay pipe, properly vitri6ed and glazed, is established over that of a cast-iron pipe in point of maintaining its interior surface free from the agencies that attack iron pipes and impair the velocity of the flow of water, as well as seriously affecting the cross section of area by accretions of surface deposits. — Fire and Water, Sept. 24, 1S92. MAINTENANCE OF CAST-IRON PIPE. 427 MAINTENANCE OF CAST-IRON PIPE. ALBANY, NEW YORK. This system consists of 76^ miles of cast-iron pipe ; sizes from 36 inches to 4 inches. During the year 1883 there were 16 breaks and 21 leaks on the sizes running from 30 inches to 4 inches. The following is copied from official report of leaks and breaks in the city mains since 1872 : Year. Breaks. Leaks. 1873 12 16 1874 8 14 1875 24 13 1876 8 15 1877 II 32 1878 8 44 1879 4 26 1880 19 27 1881 21 55 1882 17 37 1883 16 21 Total 148 300 Of the above leaks, from 1877 to 1883, inclusive, 68 were upon the 30- inch pumping main ; many of the leaks and breaks are upon the old water works mains, which are very thin, brittle, and easily broken. During 1883 the sum expended for labor in repairs was $1,570.59, of which $705.02, or 45 per cent., was expended for repairs to mains. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. In this city the system consists of 316 miles of cast-iron pipe. The official report of December 31, 1884, mentions 421 leaks and breaks reported during the year on the cast-iron pipe, ranging in size from 2 to 40 inches. The 4-inch main in Bank Lane, between Calvert and Charles Streets, has given evidence on several occasions of its defective condition. It was, therefore, thought best to substitute a 6-inch pipe and take up this defective line of 4-inch cast-iron pipe. We obtain the above information from the official record. 428 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. The system of the Eastern Division contains 377.86 miles of cast-iron pipe. The number of breaks and leaks in the mains since 1870, as per official reports, is as follows: 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 157 1878 IS5 1879 188 1880 153 1881 434 1882 203 1883 214 109 213 211 135 145 I70 171 Total 2,688 Mains taken up and abandoned (sizes ranging from 4 inches to 24 inches, all cast-iron) : 1S79 3,36i feet 1880 1,882 ,: 1881 569 " 1882 8,311 '• 1883 10,341 " chicago, illinois. Cast-Iron Water Pipe Taken Up or Abandoned by the City of Chicago. Upon examination of the " Annual Reports of the Commis- sioners of Public Works of the City of Chicago," we find that the following quantities of cast-iron water pipe have been " taken up or abandoned " : Report e'd'gDc.31 3" Feet. 4" Feet. 6" Feet. 8" Feet. 12" Feet. 14" Feet. 16" Feet. Com'r's Rep't Pages. 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1884 1885 1889 1S90 189] 1892 470 450 297 3,996 734 2,128 648 1,264 3,170 5,852 8,322 13,139 17,705 27,040 3,347 r,oi4 920 13,963 3,626 550 980 6,670 6,645 732 3,026 9,329 300 649 1,568 250 705 1,241 335 7,950 2,531 8,633 65, 91 58,89 49, 55 120, 148 54,8i 99, 116, 167 137, 192 169, 250 86, no 85 21, 96 To'l feet 8,723 95,736 31,558 4,713 335 7,950 11,164 MAINTENANCE OF CAST-IRON PIPE. 429 The following also appears on pages 332 and ^^^ of the seventeenth annual report of the Department of Public Works for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1892: Department of Public Works — Bookkeeper's Statement. Acc't Water Works Repairs. Paid for — Pipes and castings $71832 77 Lead 1 ,919 69 Coal 176 65 Gaskets 19 09 Repaying 710 18 Sundries 548 85 Damages 340 64 Charged Water Fund $11, 547 87 (The items for Lumber, Cartage and Labor is not included.) On page 41 of the Commissioner's report of 1878 we find the following: In June last one of the 36-inch mains leading from this engine was cracked about three-fourths of its circumference. The break occurred in- side the building. Respectfully, DeWiTT C. Creiger, Engineer North Pumping Works. CINCINNATI, OHIO. System of 209 miles of cast-iron pipe. Superintendent A. G. Moore, in December, 1880, stated that: In 1880 there were 150 breaks and 409 leaks in the mains, and the cost of repairs was $2,893.88 and $2,014.42, respectively, and that "the princi- pal break occurred on Thanksgiving evening, when the 20-mch main at the intersection of Wade Street and Central Avenue burst, the fracture in the pipe being six feet long by one-third of its circumference. A piece of the fractured part was tested and the tensile strength found to be 18,485 pounds to the square inch with a factor of safety of 32." In his report of 1883, he states that: For 1883 the number of breaks in mains was 305, and of leaks 321, and the cost for repairing the same was $2,343.93 for the 305 breaks, and $1,308.45 for the 321 leaks. Amount of pipe relaid and abandoned. In 1878 7,286 feet. In 1879 1,674 " In 1880 1,161 " In 1883 3,638 " [No records for 1881 and 1882.] 430 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. DAYTON, OHIO. This system contains 36 miles of cast-iron pipe. The original works were built in 1869, since which time they have been largely extended and now consist of the amount of pipe above mentioned. The following is copied from the official report, showing the leaks and breaks in the street mains since 1870, as well as a memorandum of the cast-iron pipe necessary to be taken up and replaced : Year. Breaks. Leaks. 1970 7 5 1871 1872 3 5 1873 3 IO 1874 5 9 1875 101 20 1876 5 9 1877 10 11 1878 3 11 1879 17 18 1880 2 9 1881 39 26 1882 1 9 1883 1 6 Total 197 148 The pipe taken up for the same period amounts to 3,099 feet. MILWAUKEE, WI SCON SIN". This system contains 99 miles of cast-iron pipe. The main works were constructed in 1872. During 1883 the record of splits, leaks and broken pipes is : 6 inch mains. 6 8 " " 2 20 " " 2 30 " " 3 3 6 " " 1 Total 14 From the Annual Report of the Board of Water Commis- sioners of the City of Minneapolis, Minn., ending March 1st, 1883: Main Repairs. Repairing breaks Sept. 13th, 1882, Oct. 6th, 1882, Nov. 4th, 1882, March 2d, 1883, $216.45. LEAKY CAST-IRON WATER PIPE. 431 MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN". Chas. J. Trapschuh, Superintendent of distribution, reports the following leaks repaired in distributing mains for 1881 : 11 leaks on 6-inch mains. 8 leaks on 8-inch mains. 4 leaks on 30-inch mains. 1 leak on 36-iuch force main. 1 hydrant pipe split. Also see Report of Board of Public Works for 1882, pages 194— 195— 197 and 202. Summary of Leaks Repaired. 27 leaks on 6 inch pipe. 12 leaks on 8-inch pipe. 1 leak on 12-inch pipe. 2 leaks on 30-inch pipe. 1 leak on 36-inch pipe. MONTREAL, CANADA. This system has 137 miles of cast-iron pipe. The official report of December 31, 1883, states: The last alteration to the distribution mains of the city were accom- plished. Replacing of the 6-inch main pipe on Dorchester Street by a 10- inch pipe extending from Beaver Hall to Monique and a 12-inch from Moni- que to Fort Street. There has also been laid a 10-inch pipe on Bousicours Street from Notre Dame to Commissioners Street, and another 10-inch main was laid in Panet Street from Dorchester to Commissioners Street, in place of the old main which had, from rust and deposit, become too small to afford proper protection against fire. Another old main which is often breaking is the 4-iuch of Juror Street from Ragonde Street to St. Lawrence. It should be replaced this year by a 6-inch. In this way these old pipes will gradually disappear without the expense being felt too much by the city. The following is a report of repairs done to mains dnring the year 1883 ; also, repairs to distribution pipes, which, for the year just ended, have been more numerous than the 6 or 7 years previous, as the following will show : A great number of the leaks on main water pipes occurring last winter gave considerable trouble in tracing where the leak existed. For instance, at the corner of Craig and St. Gabriel Streets, where the pipe was found to be very thin on one side and corroded through, and which took the labor of 4 men for 3 days each, also a valveman, to find and repair the leak ; at the corner of Cote and Craig Streets, the 3-inch main pipe was cracked all around, and it took a pipe-layer and the labor of 3 men for four days to find out and repair it. Grey Nun, near Common Street, took a pipe-layer and 4 laborers 2 days each to find and repair the leak, the 4-inch main being 432 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. split about 24 inches long, Hulton's Avenue, off Sherbrooke Street, the 4- inch main pipe was found broken all around, and it took a pipe-layer and 3 laborers 2 days each to trace the leak and repair it. This pipe was found too large for the purpose required, and was taken up and replaced by a $- inch lead pipe. On Notre Dame Street West, 8 laborers were 4 days each, also a pipe-layer the same time, to dig and repair a leak on a 10-inch main water pipe, which was split from end to end, and a piece blown out of the bottom pipe, which measured 10 inches long and about 5 inches wide, and the pipe was found to be very thin on one side. On St. Martin Street 3 laborers and a pipe-layer were for 5 days each digging an excavation about 100 feet long (where the McAdam was very thick and, of course, hard frozen) to find a leak in the main pipe, and the appearance of the leak proved to be about 100 feet from where the leak really was, and then the main pipe was found to be broken across. On Common, west of King Street, there was a pipe-layer and 4 laborers for 6 days each searching for a leak on the main pipe, which was most difficult to trace, as the gushing sound of the water escaping was heard a good distance away from where the leak was found, and which proved to be a split in the pipe about 4 feet long ; also, a piece about 12 inches long blown out of the bottom. On Mayor Street, corner of Bleury, there was a pipe-layer and 5 men for 4 days each looking for a leak, which was on account of the 4-inch main pipe feeding Mayor Street breaking at each edge of the excavation, which was made for drain. I only mention here the leaks which caused the whole trouble to trace, as the time taken made it very expensive to repair them. But I could mention a great many more cases of serious leaks, such as the leak on the 30-inch main pipe on Sherbrooke, corner of Shuter Street, which took a pipe-layer and 13 men 4 days each to trace and repair it ; also, a serious leak on St. Denis, near Ontario Street, on the 10-inch main, and another on Bousicours Street, corner of St. Louis Street, where the 10-inch pipe was badly broken. There were, during the year, 22 joints blown out on the 12-inch main on Welling- ton Street, between St. Etienne and the Grand Trunk Crossing. I need not mention the cause of those leaks, as that was fully explained in my report for the year 1882. During the year 10 joints were blown out on the 12-iuch main on McCord Street, and on Dorchester Street the 10-inch main from Beaver Hall Eastward, there were 12 joints re-calked. These joints all leaked principally on account of their not having lead enough in them when first laid. Altogether during the year we repaired one break on the 30-inch main, 4 on the 10-iuch main, 1 on the 8-inch main, 9 breaks on the 6-inch main, 23 breaks on the 4 inch main, making a total of 38 broken main pipes, and the number of joints re-calked were as follows : On the 12-inch main, 32 ; on the 10-inch main, 16 ; on the 6-inch main, 20 ; and 17 on the 4-inch main. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. The water works at this point contains a system of 144 miles of cast-iron pipe. The official report for the year ending November 30, 1883, shows "repairs to street mains, $1,100.69." LEAKY CAST-iRON WATER PIPE. 433 Of all the breaks that have occurred during the year, special mention may be made of one that occurred in the beginning of July, on the supply main No. i, laid in 1869, near the receiving reservoir at Belleville. The pipe lying very deep and near the ledge of rock, it took considerable time and labor to locate the break, which was found to be a split pipe, which was cut out and another one put in its place. NEW YORK CITY. This system contains 547 miles of cast-iron pipe. The yearly appropriation for the repairing and renewal of pipes, stop cocks, etc , with wages, is $170,000. In 1883 the official report shows that $197,065.30 were spent to repair 1,498 leaks and other defects in the pipe system, and for the nine months ending September 30, 1884, there was spent $165,885.26 for repairing 1.077 defects and leaks in the pipe system. The leaks and de- fects in the pipe system are, of course, greater in winter than in summer; the average is about 360 every quarter, and there is an average force of 80 mechanics and laborers and 9 carts con- stantly employed under the direction of the Water Purveyor in making repairs to the pipe system. NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY. System of 20 miles cast-iron pipe, ranging from 16 inches to 4 inches; originally built in 1881. During the year 1883 there were: 3 leaks in the 16-inch pumping main. 2 leaks in the 12 inch pumping main. 7 breaks in the street mains. 9 leaks in the street mains. 17 leaks in the 4-inch main on the railroad bridge. Out of the item of $1,256.83, total cost of annual repairs, $281.48, or 22.7 per cent., was for repairs to street mains. NEWTON, MASSACHUSETTS. The water works system at this point consists of 67.6 miles of cast-iron pipe. The works were constructed in 1876. 434 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Repairs to breaks and leaks in the mains have cost the following money for the years named: 1SS0 $292 45 1SS1 936 26 1882 434 54 1883 577 4o ST. JOHN AND PORTLAND, NEW BRUNSWICK. System of 67^ miles of cast-iron pipe. The official report of December 31, 1883, states: Repairs to mains 35 Length of digging 813 feet Mains frozen .... 147 One case was the bursting of one of the old 24-inch mains on the Marsh Road, about 11 :30 P. M. on Sunday, July 22. This pipe had been in use since 1857, and, excepting a few small air cells in the body of the metal at one point, there was no other apparent cause of weakness. The iron was of uni- form thickness, and the rent along its whole length manifested a clean, fresh surface, as if newly made. There was nothing in the appearance of the iron to indicate that it differed in quality from other parts of the line, and there had been no disturbance of stop cocks to interfere with the nor- mal currents of the mains. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. The following items appear in the Third and Fourth Annual Reports of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, Minn., under the bead of Disbursements. Repair xAccount. (1883. ) Page 7. Mains. Tabor $708.80 Material. ... 19.10 #727.90 Page 9. Mains. Tabor #1,995-3° Material. . .. 60.71 #2,056.01 #2,783.91 for 1883 Repair Account. Page 11. Mains. Tabor $3>5 OI -99 Material. . .. 199.97 fo.70i.96 Page 12. Mains. Tabor #5,497.29 Material .... 260.68 $5,757-97 #9,459.93 for 1885. Repairs of cast-iron mains for two years $12,243.84 CAST-IRON PIPE SCRAP. 435 CAST-IRON PIPE SCRAP. Cast-iron pipe scrap is a prominent commodity in the iron market; wrought-iron pipe scrap is a thing unheard of. Cast-iron pipe scrap, or junk, finds its way into the mar- ket by the thousands of tons and every pound of it means a loss to the purchaser of cast-iron pipe, either from the cracked, broken and imperfect pipe received, or when the pipe proves unfit for service. When the continued serviceability of wrought-iron pipe is mentioned, it is a favorite argument of the cast-iron pipe manu- facturers to claim that when cast-iron pipe has outlived its use- fulness, or proved inadequate for service required, it can be taken up and sold for " junk," thus netting a handsome percentage of the original cost. There is nothing in this theory, and if you will figure care- fully you will soon conclude that it cannot be/substantiated. In the first place, cast-iron pipe scrap never brings the same price as first-class cast scrap and sells according to condition, for from one-third to one-half less than good cast scrap. Now, estimate the cost of trench (which is very expensive) and the labor of unjointing this pipe, lifting it to side of trench; then carting it to shipping stations, and you will find it would not pay to disturb a line of cast-iron pipe after it had been once laid. The contrary can be said of Converse Joint wrought-iron pipe. We will simply give two illustrations: The old Bridge- water Gas Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., sold over $100,000 worth of Converse Joint wrought-iron pipe, the territory giving out and the lines being no longer in use. The pipe was readily saleable and the work of taking it up and disposing of it was com- paratively a simple matter. Another case was that of an hydraulic mining company in New Mexico that had several miles of Con- verse Joint Pipe in use; the mines giving out, the pipe was taken up, after having done seven or eight years' service, and resold at prices which netted about 80 per cent, of the original cost. Owing to the foul and tuberculated condition of their cast- iron system, Pittsburgh has glutted the scrap dealers of that city 436 CAST-IRON PIPE SCRAP. 437 with cast-iron pipe junk, since the Fall of 1884, hundreds and hundreds of tons having been taken up. The " Cast-Iron Pipe Scrap" matter is a very delicate one with cast-iron pipe manufacturers and they never discuss it vol- untarily. Regarding the real value, etc., of this class of material, we submit copy of a letter received from Horace Crosby, Esq., Manager of the Republic Iron Works, of Pittsburgh, Pa: Republic Iron Works, 1 Pittsburgh, Pa., June 1, 1893. ( National Tube Works Co. I am in receipt of your favor of 27th ult, on the subject of Cast-iron Scrap Water Pipe. This material is one of the regular commodities in our scrap-iron market, and sells for about $9 00 per gross ton. It is used by some foundries who make cheap castings, such as sash weights, etc., and in a limited way by some of our rolling mills in their puddling furnaces. It is only used for puddling, however, to a limited extent, as both quality and price operate against it, in comparison with new material. Its quality is inferior, owing to the fact that the pipe when originally made is from the cheapest grade of pig iron, and the length of time it has usually remained buried in the ground so tuberculates it that the dirt penetrates it as water does a sponge. In consequence of this it must be puddled, or worked, until the dirt is re- moved ; this takes more time than the same process with good iron would require. Consequently the percentage of loss in the furnace is very large as compared with it. It is very irregular in quality also, as it comes from so many different foundries originally, and this fault cuts a very important figure in rolling mills where uniform quality of product is important. It has been seven or eight years since we have used any of this mate- rial in our mills. At that time the city of Pittsburgh had a large quantity of it to sell, and I experimented with it in a great many ways before buyin°- a round lot. I had great opposition on the subject from all the practical men in the works, as they claimed such material was so poor as to be nearly worthless for our use. However, the results were fairly satisfactory, and we worked considerable of it at that time, as we were able to get it at a remark- ably low price at a time when pig iron was selling at a good figure. We have worked none of it since then, as the price of pig iron has gradually fallen in the market, while the scrap iron has not proportionately decreased in value. Pig iron is now selling at $12.00 per gross ton, and the cast iron pipe scrap at f 9.00 per gross ton. On the former we lose two per cent, in working and on the latter twenty per cent. You can therefore see that with so little difference in the price between the two articles, it is no object for us to work the scrap iron and take our chances for irregular results in product. The latter, however, is a staple article in the market for mill and foundry use, and if the price of pig iron 488 wwm^^ ~ *M CAST-IRON PIPE SCRAP. 439 should advance without a proportional increase in the value of scrap iron, we should very likely commence to use the latter in limited quantities. (Signed) Horace Crosby. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Cast-iron pipe scrap is by no means confined to second-hand pipe — that is, pipe that has been in service. On the contrary a large proportion of the cast-iron pipe scrap is new, sometimes being removed directly from the cars or the testing yards to the scrap pile. Some of this loss, of course, may be borne by the manufacturer, but a large part of the burden falls upon the municipality, inasmuch as they are unable to examine the pipe until they shall have receipted to the railroad company for the pipe "In good condition." Another large proportion is new pipe cut out of the line, and removed from the trenches, as a great many of the cracks and splits do not develope until the test is applied. The following illustrated letter regarding the 1893 scrap auction at Chicago will be particularly interesting: Chicago, Ile., June 22d, 1893. E. C. Converse, Gen. Man. National Tube Works Co., New York. I send you by express to-day four photographs [hereinafter reproduced. — E. C. C. ,] showing a portion of the " Cast-iron Scrap Water Pipe" in the Ashland Avenue Pipe Yards, Chicago, which has been advertised for sale for the past three months in the Chicago Mail, the official paper of the City of Chicago (see advertisement herewith), and for which proposals were received by H. J. Jones, Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Chicago, on the 15th inst. You will notice that the advertisement is over the name of " E. Louis Kuhns, Commissioner of Public Works." Mr. Kuhns was Commissioner under the administration of Mayor Washburn, but when Carter H. Harri- son, the present Mayor, took charge of affairs he appointed Mr. Jones Com- missioner of Public Works, and the advertisement of Commissioner Kuhns was permitted to stand. As to why this advertisement was permitted to run for 90 days I cannot say, unless it was to be certain of catching the eye of a possible purchaser that would pay the very highest price for the stuff. I know that when I was with Dennis, Long & Company they had large quantities of scrap water pipe to sell from the Chicago Pipe Yards, and it was difficult to get what might be called a fair price for their scrap pipe (cut ends, split pieces, etc.,) and I could seldom induce a fouiidryman to purchase the second time, for the reason (as they stated) that cast-iron pipe scrap interfered with their regular work, and the castings made with a mixture in which there was a quantity of cast-iron pipe scrap were very unsatisfactory. 440 CAST-IRON PIPE SCRAP. 441 Here is the advertisement as it appeared in The Chicago Mail, Thurs- day, April 6, 1S93 : Scrap, Wrought, and Cast Iron, Brass, Etc. FOR SALE. Sealed proposals will be received by the commis- sioners of public works of the city of Chicago until 11 o'clock a.m. Thursday, June 15, 1893, for the pur- chase of scrap, wrought and cast iron, brass bor- ings, brass castings, lead dross, and sheet steel, approximately the following amounts : AT NORTH PUMPING STATION. 1,500 lbs. lead dross. 2,000 lbs. wrought scrap iron 30,000 lbs. cast scrap iron. 2,000 lbs. old grate bars. 5 000 lbs. brass borings. 1,000 lbs. brass castings. AT LA SALLE AND RIVER. 6 tons wrought scrap iron. 1 second-hand boiler. AT ASHLAND AVENUE PIPE YARDS. 100 tons scrap cast water pipe. AT CHICAGO AVENUE PIPE YARDS. 50 tons scrap cast water pipe. AT FIFTY-FIRST STREET AND STEWART AVENUE PIPE YARD. 50 tons scrap cast water pipe. AT PARK ROW. 14 tons scrap sheet steel. 50 tons cast scrap iron at the various city bridges. Said material must be removed by purchaser with- in five days from the date of acceptance by the city of such proposal, and sufficient bond filed for the faithful performance of contract. The weight must be determined by the certificate of the city weigher, upon which cash payment must be made by the purchaser. The weighing of such material must be at the expense of the purchaser. Proposals must be made out upon blanks fur- nished at said office and be addressed to said de- partment, indorsed " Proposals for the Purchase of Wrought and Cast Scrap Iron," and be accompanied with $1,000 in money or a certified check for the same amount on some responsible bank doing busi- ness in the city of Chicago, and made payable to the order of the commissioner of public works. The commissioner of public works reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Proposals will not be received after the hour above named. E. LOUIS KUHNS, Commissioner of Public Works. The photographs herewith were taken by Alex. J. W. Copeland, Chicago, the day before the scrap was sold. No. x. — View taken from the top of pile of scrap cast-iron water pipe shown in No. 3 and only shows a portion of the pipe in the pile. The artist then put a ladder against the carpenter shop and got on the top of the build- ing shown in the background, for the purpose of taking a view of the south end of this pile, as it was composed largely of cast-iron pipe of the larger sizes (24-inch and 36-inch) and also the piece of 36-inch cast-iron water pipe 442 CAST-IRON PIPE SCRAP. 443 that burst at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Charles Place, Chicago, December I2th, 1892, causing damage estimated at from 190,000 to $150,000. [Full particulars of the break, and the damage done, will be found on page 326-E. C. C] No. 2. — The piece of burst 36-inch cast-iron water pipe will be noticed at the right of the illustration, broken side uppermost, lying back near the large pile of pipe, the spigot end being shown fully, the break following on towards the right. Please compare it with the large photo of the burst 36- iuch pipe, which was taken while the burst 36-inch pipe was lying on Fifth Avenue in December last. While the artist was getting on the roof, the workmen were wheeling shavings out of the carpenter shop and piling them close to the big pipe, and, before he could get the negative showing the south end of the scrap pile, the shavings were ignited, and a view from that quarter had to be abandoned. I then took position behind the scrap heap in the foreground, and the artist did the rest. No. 3. — Shows the pile of cast pipe scrap at the south end of the pumping station, which is piled up carefully and very closely, there being a few pieces of hydrant " well-covers " on the top and at the side of the pile. No. 4. — vShows a pile of condemned pipe (142 pieces). While examining this pile of pipe Wednesday morning, June 14th, 1893, the foreman of the Ashland Avenue Pipe Yard said to me : This pipe is all condemned ; it is all split and broken, as you see. It is all Dennis, Long's 6 and 8-inch pipe, and many pieces of it burst in the testing machine before it had the full pressure on and before it was struck with the hammer. This pipe has all accu- mulated within the last five or six weeks, and we haven't had time to cut it yet. You would be surprised to see this pipe give out in the testing machine — one piece after another right along without stopping — as many as 25 or 26 pieces giving out one after another before a piece would stand the test, and we are not testing it up to 250 pounds, either. We notified Long of the way his pipe was going, and one of their men came here and watched the test for two or three days, but we kept right on testing while he was here just the same as we do right along, and he said our test was a fair one, and that he would so inform Mr. Long. All the scrap pipe in this yard has accumulated within a year. The letters " D. D. & Co." and "C. C. W. W." can be plainly seen on the hub ends of the condemned pipe in view No. 4. By reference to the advertisement it will be seen that there were two other lots of scrap cast water pipe for sale. One lot of 50 tons at Chicago Avenue pipe yards and another lot of 50 tons at Fifty-first Street and Stewart Avenue pipe yards. I did not get photographs of these two lots. I was present at the office of the Commissioner of Public Works when the bids were opened at 11 130 A. M., June 15th, for the 100 tons of cast scrap water pipe at Ashland Avenue pipe yards ; 50 tons of cast scrap water pipe at Chicago Avenue pipe yards, and 50 tons of cast scrap water pipe at Fifty- first Street and Stewart Avenue pipe yards. The following bids for the scrap w T ere received and opened by Commissioner Jones : 1st Lot. 2d Dot. 3d Dot. Swarts Iron & Metal Works $9 10 $9 10 $8 60 S. Morris & Co 9 35 9 35 9 35 All per ton of 2,000 lbs. at yards. The scrap was sold to S. Morris & Co. at $9.35 per net ton. 444 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Much of this scrap consisted of cut ends of new pipe right from the foundrv, the pipe having been broken in transit and in the testing machines in the city yard, and should, therefore, have commanded a fair price, but by reason of its inferior quality was sold for but $9.35 per net ton. Cast-iron pipe scrap is always sold at the very lowest price, as there is a tremendous amount of dirt, cinder and other undesirable substances in it. It is a regular article of merchandise, and what comes out of the ground is full of tubercu- latum and other conditions of unserviceability. From statistics before me, I find that the National Tube Works Co., in its rolling mill departments, have purchased hundreds and thousands of tons of cast-iron pipe scrap to be used (a little at a time, by reason of its inferior quality) in the manufacture of common muck bar, and I have no doubt but that other mills throughout the country have done the same. "Why is it that the engineering journals of the country barely notice the matter of breaks or bursts in a cast-iron pipe distributing system ? Is it because such things are expected of cast-iron pipe ? Take, for instance — I will mention but two of the most important breaks that have occurred within the last ten months — the 36-inch cast-iron water main that burst at Fifth Avenue and Charles Place in Chicago, December 12th, 1892, under a pressure of 30 pounds per square inch, causing thousands upon thousands of dollars' worth of damage ; the other the "four breaks in the great 48-inch cast-iron water main of the Brooklyn water system," as described and illus- trated in the New York Herald of January 21st, 1893. Tittle or no attention was paid to them by the journals devoted almost entirely to water works matters. The Engineering News did mention the former in an article con- sisting of three lines in the issue of December 22d, 1S92, viz.: A 36-in. water main burst recently in Chicago, flooding cellars and doing considerable damage. No satisfactory explanation of the cause of the break is given. But three lines in the item concerning a burst cast-iron water main that did damage variously estimated at from $100,000 to $120,000. But if one foot of wrought-iron pipe was lifted from the ground and replaced by reason of corrosion or any defect, there would be a hue and cry throughout the entire United States by reason thereof ; but there are tons upon tons upon tons upon tons of cast-iron pipe sold regularly for junk, month after month and year after year, published in the newspapers and flaunted under the noses of anxious couucilmen, without anything being thought of the case. (Signed) A. J. Guilford. CAST-IRON PIPE WEIGHTS. 445 CAST-IRON PIPE WEIGHTS. With a view to obtaining correct data regarding the weights of a few sizes of cast-iron pipe, which would be considered reasonably safe when subjected to a minimum pressure of 200 pounds per square inch, our Chicago branch house made a few inquiries, with the following result: National Tube Works Co. The following weights of pipe I deem sufficiently strong for a working pressure of 200 pounds : 10-inch pipe 800 pounds to the length. 8-inch pipe 650 pounds to the length. 6-inch pipe 450 pounds to the length. 4-inch pipe 300 pounds to the length. (Signed) A. M. Studer, Supt. Peoria (111. ) Water Works. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of the 21st inst., I would say that the tenacity of iron pipe castings is so variable, ranging from 16,000 to 29,000 pounds per square inch, that I feel somewhat diffident in replying to your interrogatory. How- ever, I should not feel safe in recommending pipes to withstand a pressure of 200 pounds of less weight than the following : 4-inch pipe 25 pounds per foot. 6-inch pipe 50 pounds per foot. 8-inch pipe 70 pounds per foot. 12-inch pipe 1 10 pounds per foot. These weights would be more than sufficient to withstand the static pressure. But we have to provide for occasional water hammer. Hence I prefer the foregoing. Our highest pressure is 160 pounds, and our 4-inch pipe is 22 pounds ; our 6-inch, 38 pounds ; oar 8-inch, 48 pounds, and our 12-inch, 85 pounds. (Signed) W. C. Stripe, Secy, and Engr., Keokuk, 111. National Tube Works Co. In answer to yours of the 21st inst., would say that cast-iron water pipe, in my judgment, to stand the pressure you name — 200 pounds — should not be less than : 446 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. 4-inch pipe 31 pounds per foot. 6-inch pipe 42^ pounds per foot. 8-inch pipe 68 pounds per foot. 12-inch pipe ... 117 pounds per foot. (Signed) Charles Hood, Supt. and Engr., Burlington, la. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your inquiry as to what I consider safe weights for cast-iron pipe which is to be used under a working pressure of 200 pounds per square inch, would say that after a great many years experience, the following would be my judgment as the weights proper to use. 12-inch pipe 90 pounds per foot. 6-inch pipe 38 pounds per foot. 8-inch pipe 50 pounds per foot. 4-inch pipe 25 pounds per foot. Would say that in our City of Minneapolis, where we work with the direct pressure system for fire service, they are using as near as possible to these weights. (Signed) G. E. Beach, H. E., Gen'l Manager N. W. Water and Gas Supply Co., Minneapolis, Minu. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your inquiry in regard to 4-inch, 6-iuch, S-inch and 12-inch pipe : It will require St. Louis " Standard B " pipe to stand a pressure of 200 pounds constant pressure per square inch. The weights per foot are as follows : 4-inch pipe 25^ pounds. 8-inch pipe 54 pounds. 6-inch pipe 38 pounds. 12-inch pipe 95 pounds. (Signed) John W. Harrison, Sec'y, Shickle, Harrison and Howard Iron Company, St. Louis, Mo. National Tube Works Co. In my opinion, based on experience, I would not recommend cast-iron pipe of less weight per foot than the following, for water works use : 4-inch pipe 24 pounds. 8-inch pipe 57 pounds. 6-inch pipe 36 pounds. 10-inch pipe 70 pounds. 12-inch pipe 85 pounds. I think these weights are safe at 200 pounds pressure. (Signed) Geo. H. Chandler, Eng'r. and Sup't. Kalamazoo, Mich. CAST-IRON PIPE WEIGHTS. 447 WEIGHTS, BREAKS, AND TUBERCULATION OF CAST-IRON WATER PIPES. New England Water Works Association. The New England Water Works Association held an adjourned meeting at Young's Hotel, Boston, on Friday afternoon, February 16, with President George E. Batchelder, of Worcester, Mass., in the chair; R. C. P. Cogge- shall, of New Bedford, Mass., Secretary, and a large and enthusiastic attend- ance numbering nearly ioo members and visitors. After enjoying the usual dinner, the members were called together for a business meeting at 2:30. Albert F. Noyes, Assistant Chief Engineer Massachusetts State Board of Health, gave an account of tests that had been made in 1884, to deter- mine the strength of water pipes of different makes and different weights, and of further tests conducted by himself in 1885, from which tables had been prepared, showing weights, thickness, etc., of cast-iron pipes. These weights varied considerably, as shown by the following figures : 6-iuch pipe varied from 2S to 48 pounds per foot. 8-inch pipe varied from 42 to 63 pounds per foot. 10-inch pipe varied from 56 to 79 pounds per foot. 12 inch pipe varied from 75 to 109 pounds per foot. 36-inch pipe varied from 465 to 492 pounds per foot. The table shows great variations in weights of pipes of the same diameters. In the tests referred to as having been made in 1885, 6 lengths of 6-inch pipe, and 6 lengths of S-inch cast iron pipe were used, and these pipes had been cast at different foundries, and under contracts made at different times, so that they represented, as far as possible, a fair average run of such pipes. The tests, which were to determine bursting strength, were made at Watertown, Mass., and the pipes were designated by numbers. Before being tested the pipe was prepared, or dressed, but the bursting strength of the pipe was not affected by this dressing. The lines of the breaks in the different pipes varied somewhat, but while the 6-inch pipe broke by a simple rupture, in the case of the 8-inch pipe pieces actually flew out from the break. The fractures showed granular, granular with blow- holes, and in certain cases a spongy texture. The thickness to withstand pressures was determined by the Shedd formula, and the range of thickness was from .58 to .62 inch. The theoretical factor of safety is 15 to 18, and it is a question whether the weights of pipes in the various water works can be safely reduced. TUBERCULATION. Speaking of water pipe, Mr. Noyes referred to a large cast-iron pipe which had been broken and disclosed a large amount of tuberculation, and he exhibited samples of these tubercles. In the case of this special pipe — which had been in use but ten years — these tubercles showed a thickness of five-eighths inch. As this formation of tubercles greatly reduces the capacity of the pipe, the need is shown of figuring the diameter of cast-iron water pipe for actual service much larger than would otherwise be necessary. 448 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. In answer to a question, Mr. Noyes stated that the theoretical weights of the pipes tested for bursting strength were : 6-inch pipe, 428 pounds for 12 feet. 8-inch pipe, 623 pounds for 12 feet. In the tests, diameters of the pipes were measured by calipers and the pressure by pounds per square inch. How far tuberculation may take place in the different grades of iron has not yet been determined, that is, it is not known whether or not hard and soft iron will be affected to the same extent by this corrosion. — Engineering Record, February 24, iSgj. COST OF LAYING CAST-IRON PIPE. 449 COST OF LAYING CAST-IRON PIPE. In connection with other data already given covering Wrought-Iron Pipe vs. Cast-iron Pipe, the following authentic facts from the Superintendent of the Pittsburgh Water Works Department will be useful, especially those relating to the cost of laying cast-iron pipe. The following are exact copies : Office; of Supt. of Water Works, ) Pittsburgh, Pa., May 15th, '88. j National Tube Works Co. In reply to your inquiries relative to the amount of cast-iron pipe re- newed in this city within the past three years, I would state that we have renewed as follows : 69 tons 4 in. 484 270 197 755 98 6 in. 8 in. 10 in. 12 in. 14 in. There still remains about 600 tons of various sizes which must be re- newed in the near future. If you desire I can send you the cost of lead and laying. (Signed) Yours respectfully, Geo. H. Browne, Supt. Office of Supt. of Water Works, \ Pittsburgh, Pa., May 18th, '88. \ National Tube Works Co. The enclosed schedule gives you all the information in my possession in regard to pipe-laying : In averaging the amount of lead used, per joint, for all sizes, divide the length by 12 and add 10 per cent. ; the quotient will be the number of joints, which, divided into the number of pounds of lead, will give the average for each joint. Where calking was performed \>y contract I have given you price, and where performed by days' labor I have given you time and cost per diem. If you desire further information and I can give it to you, you shall have the same at as early a date as possible. The following schedule shows cost of laying cast-iron water pipe : 450 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Davis Street. — Paved with cobble. 299 ft. of 4-in. 26 days labor, at $1 50 — $39 00 2 days foreman, at 2 50 — 5 00 299 feet calking, at 02 — 5 98 Total.. Lead used, 330 lbs. This equals 13 lbs. per joint. Trent Street. — Unpaved. 619 ft. of 4-in. 39 days labor, at $1 50— $58 50 3 days foreman, at 2 50 — 7 50 619 feet calking, at 02 — 12 38 Total $78 38 Lead used, 660 lbs. This equals 12)4 lbs. per joint. Chauucey Street. — Unpaved. 248 ft. of 4-in. 27 days labor, at $1 50 — $40 50 2 days foreman , at 2 50 — 5 00 248 feet calking, at 02 — 4 96 Total $50 46 Lead used, 330 lbs. This equals 16 lbs. per joint. Herbert Alley. — Unpaved. 492 ft. of 4 in. 28 days labor, at $1 50 — $42 00 2 days foreman, at 2 50 — 5 00 492 feet calking, at 02 — 9 84 Total $56 84 Lead used, 440 lbs. This equals 11 lbs. per joint. High Street. — Removing old pipe and relaying new ; paved. 719 ft. of 6 in. 96 days labor, at $1 50 — $144 00 6 days foreman, at 2 50 — 15 00 6 days calking, at 2 00 — ■ 12 00 Total $171 00 Lead used, 1,290 lbs. This equals 21 }4 lbs. per joint. COST OF LAYING CAST-IRON PIPE. 451 Second Avenue. — Paved with cobble. 334 ft. of 6 in. 44 days labor, at $1 50 — $66 00 3 days foreman, at. . 2 50— 7 50 3 days calking, at 2 00 — 6 00 Total $79 50 Lead used, 530 lbs. This equals 19 lbs. per joint. Ferry Street. — Paved with cobble ; removing old pipe and relaying new. 1 179 ft. of 6 in. 130 days labor, at $1 50 — $195 00 5 days foreman, at 2 50 — 12 50 5 days calking, at 2 00 — 10 00 Total $217 50 Lead used, 1580 lbs. This equals 16^ lbs. per joint. Diamond Street. — Paved with cobble ; removing old pipe and relaying new. 279 ft. of 6-in. 26 days labor, at $1 50 — $39 00 3 days foreman, at 2 50 — 7 50 3 days calking, at 2 00— 6 00 Total $52 50 Lead used, 330 lbs. This equals 14^3 lbs. per joint. Fourth Avenue.— Paved with cobble. Removing old pipe and relaying new. 706 ft. 6 in. of 6-in. 71 days labor, at $1 50 — $106 50 3 days foreman, at 2 50 — 7 50 3 days calking, at 2 00 — 6 00 Total $120 00 Lead used, 1180 lbs. This equals 20 lbs. per joint. Keating's Alley. — Paved with cobble. 216 ft. of 4-in. 24 days labor, at $1 50 — $36 00 2 days foreman, at 2 50 — 5 00 216 feet calking, at 02 — 4 32 Total $45 32 Lead used, 220 lbs. This equals 12^ lbs. per joint. 452 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Ross Street. — Paved with cobble. Removing old pipe and relaying new. 1,473 ft. 6 in. of 8-in. 190 days labor, at $1 50 — $285 00 8 days foreman, at 2 50 — 20 00 8 days calking, at 2 00 — 16 00 Total $321 00 Lead used, 3080 lbs. This equals 25 lbs. per joint. Franklin Street. — Paved with cobble. Removing old and re-laying new. 1639 ft. of 10-in. 256 days labor, at . $1 50 — $384 00 13 days foreman, at 2 50 — ■ 32 50 13 days calking, at 2 00 — 26 00 Total $442 50 Lead used, 4820 lbs. This equals 35 # lbs. per joint. Smithfield Street. — Paved with block stone. Removing old and re-lay- ing new. 2924 ft. of 10-in. 697 days labor, at $1 50 — $1,045 5° 32 days foreman, at 2 50— 80 00 2924 feet calking, at 03 — 87 72 Total $i, 2I 3 22 Lead used, 10,270 lbs. This equals 42 lbs. per joint. Penn Avenue. — Paved with cobble. Removing old pipe and re-laying new. 11,699 ft. of 12-in. 2,297 days labor, at $1 50 — $3,445 50 73 days foreman, at 2 50 — 182 50 11,699 f eet calking, at 03 — 350 97 Total $3,978 97 Lead used, 36,815 lbs. This equals 37^ lbs. per joint. (Signed) &oaj$ COST OF LAYING CAST-IRON PIPE. 453 The catalogues of the cast-iron foundries — take, for instance, the 1885 edition of the Cincinnati and Newport Iron and Pipe Company, Newport, Ky. — give the weights of lead and yarn per joint, as follows: 4 in 6.32 lbs. 6 in 8.68 lbs. 8 in 11.03 lbs. 10 in 13. 53 lbs. 12 in 15-88 lbs. Now, theoretically these weights might do, but here we have a record officially, from the City of Pittsburgh, giving the facts and showing the enormous differences between the published and the actual amounts of lead and yarn required to make cast-iron joints. Of course allowance must be made for wastage, but the vast difference and the large amount of lead and yarn required in actual practice to make a cast-iron joint is due to the size and construction of the cast-iron bell and the frequency with which the lead runs past the yarn and into the pipe. This great difference between theory and practice cannot all be wastage; practice has demonstrated that it is not. Quantities of lead run inside the cast-iron pipes, so that in addition to the data covering friction, this lead inside the pipe at joints causes just that much more of an obstruction. Take these official figures from Pittsburgh and consider the actual cost per mile — -440 joints of cast-iron pipe per mile— for lead and yarn, and notice the saving in favor of Converse Joint Pipe. In addition to the above figures on this matter of lead, we have secured the following facts as to the amounts of lead used in laying cast-iron pipe in and about Pittsburgh. Sizes: 14-inch, 16-inch, 24-inch, 30-inch. Published Weights. Actual Weights. 14 in . . 18.67 lbs. . . 40 lbs. 16 in . . 21.03 ^s. . . 60 lbs. 24 in . . 31.04 lbs. . . no lbs. 30 in . . 38.17 lbs. . . 150 lbs. These latter comparative weights were furnished us from carefully kept records of work done. 454 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Chicago, Ili^., September ist, 1S93. E. C. Converse, V. P. and G. M. National Tube Works Co., New York. I have Benjamin C. Smith's catalogue No. 6, of March i, 1893, and his letter of August 26th, 1S93, the former giving description and illustra- tion of "D. W. French's Patent Pipe Cutting Machine," and the latter the prices of the different sized machines. This machine has been very Cut Showing No. 1 Machine Attached to 8-Inch Cast-Iron Water Main Pipe. extensively advertised in the engineering journals the past season, and it is claimed that it will accomplish " a revolution in the ctitting of cast- iron pipe for water and gas." That the loss to the city, town or other consumer by reason of cracked, broken, or burst cast-iron pipe is very great, is again evidenced by this, "the latest pipe cutting machine " placed on the market. It seems to be the "very latest device " for the purpose. COST OF LAYING CAST-IRON PIPE. 455 Users of cast-iron pipe will certify that there is always more or less cast-iron pipe received with every shipment that is either split or broken in two or more pieces ; that much of the loss on account of such defects has to be borne by themselves, for the reason that the transportation companies refuse to permit the pipe to be unloaded and inspected until the consignee has given a receipt for the pipe as being ' in good order and condition," thus precluding the validity of claims against the transportation company for damages ; also the laying of cracked pipe in the trenches, especially where the pipe has been laying in the sun along the streets where the trenches are to be opened ; the cracks being covered by the melted tar- coating ; the laying and connecting of the split pipe in the trenches, not- withstanding the failure to discover the cracks, and then, when the mains are filled with water, and the pressure applied, leaks appear, in many cases to such an extent that it requires days, and sometimes weeks (the latter can be cited), to make the necessary repairs. Notwithstanding the great care exercised by some of the manufacturers of cast-iron pipe, in loading their shipments, a great deal of cast-iron pipe is received in a damaged condition at destination, and how to save as much of such pipe as possible has been the great desire of engineer, contractor, and consumer. Many methods have been employed, and many machines designed and constructed with this end in view, and this " latest " (French's) machine will, it is claimed, accomplish the great "revolution." The following is a copy of the letter above referred to : New York City, Aug 26, 1893. Mr. A.J. Guilford, c/o National Tube Works Co. I can supply you No. o, Divided French Pipe Cutter for 4 and 6-inch pipe % 150 co No. 1, No. 2, " No. 3, No. 4, " No. 5, Discount to you, 20 per cent. " 4, 6, and 8-inch pipe 17500 " 10, 12, 14, 16-inch pipe 250 00 " 18, 20, 22, and 24-inch pipe 750 00 " 30 and 36-inch pipe i.oco 00 " 40, 42, and 48-inch pipe 1,30000 Yours, &c, (Signed) Bent. C. Smith. It will be seen that the total cost of the six machines necessary to cut the different sizes of pipe, aggregates $3,625, or a discount of 20 % would make the net cost $2,900. Is not the above a strong argument in favor of the cheapness ( ?) of cast-iron pipe ? That there is so much cast-iron pipe cracked and broken, that before it can be made use of it must be cut and trimmed, and that it is economy for the contractor or consumer to purchase expensive machines for cutting the pipe, machines that will cost $2,900 (I give the lowest cost), and this, it is claimed by, or in the circular, will insure a saving in the cost of cutting but one piece each of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 24-inch cast-iron pipe (14 men at 25 cents per hour) $4.10, besides "the actual saving on cracked pipe of $17.45." I fear that the maker of the machine, or the author of the catalogue, is inexperienced in the matter of cutting cast iron pipe, for he says on the third page of the catalogue : To cut off a cracked pipe, move the machine along to the point where the crack ceases, and not a foot behind the crack, as per old method • by so doing the cost of 1 foot of pipe is saved every time a cracked pipe is cut, which on large pipe is an important item. 456 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Practical experience has demonstrated that " the point where the crack ceases " in a cast-iron pipe cannot be determined with sufficient accuracy to insure safety in cutting the cast-iron pipe at a " point where the end of the crack can be seen," hence, to be certain that the pipe will not have to be cut a second and perhaps a third time after it has been laid in the trench, and then, in many cases, thrown away entirely and another pipe used in its place, it is advisable to cut the pipe at least " a foot behind the crack, as per the old method." I send you one of the catalogues descriptive of this, " A Revolution in the Cutting of Cast-iron Pipe for Water and Gas." A. J. Guilford. SPECIFICATIONS FOR CAST-IRON COATED WATER PIPE. 457 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CAST-IRON COATED WATER PIPE. By THOMAS W. YARDEY, Chicago, Ii*. A Paper Read at the Washington Meeting of American Institute of Mining Engineers, February, 1890. In many years experience as a maker and purchaser of cast-iron coated pipe, I have never met with any standard form of specifications for such. Each water works company employing a hydraulic engineer has, under his direction, prepared complete specifications for the particular conditions required, but I cannot find that any two are alike, and each foundry, in bidding for the supply of such pipe, makes the price to cover the conditions required. I therefore have the honor of offering to the Institute a form of specifications for cast-iron coated water pipe that will be found useful to water works companies and others requiring pipe of this kind. The con- ditions are all reasonable, and can be carried out by makers without additional cost, and with advantage to purchasers. Section 1 gives the kind of pipe, with its general characteristics. Section 2 specifies that neutral pig-iron shall be used, since such iron possesses the strength required, and is uniform in shrinkage. Section 5, requiring makers to give the brands of pig iron used in the cupola, is intended to guard against the use of cinder- iron. The character- istics of the ores used in blast furnaces give to each its reputation, and the furnaces using cinder are all well known. Section 7, providing that the shell of each pipe shall be measured for thickness throughout its entire length, enables the inspector to determine whether there are thin places near the middle of the pipe, where such imperfections are most likely to occur. An inexpensive instrument adapted to such measurement has been devised. Section 8 provides for a test bar from which to determine the transverse strength of the iron. This bar is convenient in form, can be made with very little cost to the maker, and will give the most satisfactory test of the strength of the iron under the conditions to which the pipe will be sub- jected in service. Section 11, requiring that all pipe shall be stripped immediately, if taken from the pit before cooling, is very important, for the reason that when pipes are taken from the pit hot a deposit of loam is frequently left in spots on the outside, and wherever this occurs the cooling is irregular and the shrinking strains are unequal. The weakness thus produced may not 458 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. show under the subsequent hydraulic test, but may be developed after the pipe has been subjected to rough treatment in railroad and other transpor- tation into the trenches, Specifications for Cast-Iron Coated Water Pipe, Section i. The pipe shall be of the usual kind known as "Hub and Spigot ; " each pipe shall be twelve (12) feet in length from the bottom of the hub to the end of the spigot ; the form and dimensions of hub and spigot-ends shall be as marked on and shown by drawings, to be furnished or approved by purchaser. Section 2. The metal shall be of the best quality for the purpose, made from what is commercially known as "Neutral " pig-iron, which shall have been made from iron-ores without the admixture of cinder, and when cast into pipe the metal shall be tough, and of such density and texture as will permit its being easily cut and drilled by hand. Section 3. Each pipe shall have cast on the exterior surface of hub in raised Roman letters, one and one-half (i}&) inches long, and shall be further marked in like manner with letters and figures to designate the maker of the pipe, and the year ; also serial numbers shall be cast on each pipe, commencing with a number to be designated by the pur- chaser. Section 4. The pipe shall be cast in dry sand moulds, or flasks, placed vertically, and shall be of the several diameters named in the contract. The shell shall be of uniform thickness of metal, smooth and sound, without cold-shuts, lumps, swells, scales, blisters, sand-holes, or other imperfections ; truly cylindrical ; of full diameters ; and with interior and exterior surfaces concentric. Section 5. Chemical analysis of the iron used shall be given whenever asked for, and a written daily report shall be furnished to the inspector, giving the brands of pig-iron used in each day's melting. Section 6. Each ladle of iron from which the pipes are poured shall be designated by a consecutive number, beginning with each day's work. A daily record of pipes cast shall be kept and furnished to the inspector, and must record the number of the ladle from which each pipe was poured, as well as the number on the pipe. Section 7. The shell shall be of uniform thickness throughout its en- tire length. Should the inspector find in any one place a variation in thick- ness of more than ten (10) per cent, less than that specified in the contract, such pipe shall be rejected. Section 8. From each ladle of melted iron there shall be cast one test-bar, not less than twenty-six (26) inches long, two (2) inches wide, and one (1) inch thick. This bar shall be tested for transverse strength when loaded in the centre, twenty-four (24) inches between supports (narrow sides vertical), and shall carry a centre breaking-load of not less than two thou- sand (2,000) pounds, and show a deflection of not less than 3-10 inches before breaking. This bar shall be cast as near as possible to the specified dimen- SPECIFICATIONS FOR CAST-IRON COATED WATER PIPE. 459 sions without finishing up ; but correction shall be made for variation of width and thickness ; and the corrected result must conform to the above requirements. Section 9. If any test-bar shows a breaking strain or deflection less than the above requirements, all pipe made from the corresponding iron shall be rejected. Section 10. The maker shall furnish to the Inspector in charge two wrought-iron rings (male and female templates), the one showing the out- side diameter of the spigot-end, and the other the inside diameter of the hub-end of each size of pipe ; and the said pipe shall conform in diameters to the respective templates. Section ii. The pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned, both inside and outside, without the use of acid or other liquid. If the pipe is stripped while above a dark blue heat, all sand must be removed from the outside immediately. Section 12. When the pipe is so cleaned, it shall be heated to 300 degrees Fahrenheit, and immersed in a bath of coal pitch varnish of an equal temperature. When the pipe is removed from the bath, this coating shall fume freely, and set perfectly hard within one hour from the time of removal. No pipe shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure until the varnish has become hard. Section 13. When coated, the pipe shall be subjected to a test by hydrostatic pressure of not less than four hundred and fifty (450) pounds per square inch for 6-inch and S-inch ; four hundred (400) pounds for 10-inch and 12-inch ; three hundred and fifty (350) pounds for 16-inch and 20-inch ; three hundrsd (300) pounds for 24-inch and 30-inch, and two hundred and fifty (250) pounds for 36-inch diameter and upwards; and while under such pressure the pipe shall be subjected to an additional test by a series of smart blows at various points throughout its entire length with a three (3) pound hammer, attached to a handle sixteen (16) inches long. If any failure is shown in the pipe during this test, it shall be rejected. Section 14. The weight of each pipe must correspond as nearly as possible to the standard named. Any pipe which may fall short over five (5) per cent, of the standard weight shall be rejected, and no weight shall be allowed or paid for any pipe that shall exceed two (2) per cent, of the standard weight. These requirements shall be determined by the weight of each pipe separately. Section 15. All special castings, such as ''Ells," "Tees," " Ys," bends, crosses, etc., shall be made from the same mixture of pig-iron as has been approved for pipe ; and all such castings shall be submitted to the same care in cleaning and heating, and the bath shall be used under the same conditions as for straight pipe. Section 16. All appliances necessary for the Inspector to carry out the requirements of these specifications shall be furnished by the maker free of cost to the purchaser. 460 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Note.- — -The specifications proper, as appear in the report of the committee appointed by the American Water Works Association, are the specifications prepared and submitted by Mr. T. W. Yardley at the Washington Meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, February, 1890. The discussion on the specifications at the Washington Meeting above-mentioned, developed the fact that, notwithstanding the rigid requirements of Mr. Yardley, the specifications were very weak in many points. Washington Meeting, February, 1890. discussion. J. C. Bayles, East Orange, N. J. (Communication to Secretary) : As a purchaser or user of cast-iron pipe, or any other kind of pipe, I should not be satisfied with so much of Mr. Yardley's specifications as relates to coating and testing. I should, in every case, demand that the pipe be tested before it is coated. This is especially true of cast-iron. Any form of coating suit- able for a pipe which is to be shipped and handled will conceal a multitude of defects in casting, such as blow-holes, sand-holes and even small shrink- age-cracks. In 1887 the Commissioners of the Health Department of New York City found it necessary, in the discharge of their responsibilities relative to the plumbing of new buildings, to amend the plumbing code by insertion of a clause forbidding the use of dipped, varnished or painted pipes. The reason for this action was the discovery that even a thin coating of very little value as protection for the iron could be made to conceal so many foundry defects, and permitted so much carelessness on the part of the makers that sound pipes were the exception rather than the rule. The value of such a coating in enabling pipes to pass a test is shown in much of the riveted pipe in the market. I have seen a pipe put together with small cold rivets, headed by pressure which, after coating with cold tar and asphalt, has shown in the testing machine a capacity to carry without leaks a test pressure much higher than Mr. Yardley prescribes for the strongest and heaviest cast-iron pipe he mentions. Before coating the seam would have shown a continuous leak from end to end. The fact that a coated pipe will hold water under a considerable pressure in the testing machine seems to me to speak more for the coating than for the pipe. A cork inserted in the end of a gun barrel will usually be found in place when the explosion of the charge has burst the barrel. Experiments show that a plug of mud, or even snow, will do the same. As a manufacturer of pipes, I should be very much pleased to have consumers specify that none should be tested until they had been coated. For cast-iron pipes the test pressures prescribed by Mr. Yardley seem to me much higher than is necessary. The calked joint is not adapted SPECIFICATIONS FOR CAST-IRON COATED WATER PIPE. 461 for high pressures and cast-iron pipe is seldom employed under pressure greater than a lead calking will stand. It is not unusual in water-works practice for the lead to blow out of pipe joints at pressures much below those which the pipe will carry safely and comfortably. * * * The strength of the pipe cannot be greater than the strength of the joints, and with the hub and spigot connection the usefulness of cast-iron pipe as a pressure-conduit has well-defined limitations. In buying it for any purpose for which that kind of pipe is adapted, I should be content with half the test pressure prescribed by Mr. Yardley, but should insist on having the test made before the pipe was dipped, and, for that matter, I should require a very much better coating, after testing, than a coal-pitch varnish applied at 300 degrees F. An extract from the published proceedings of the American Water Works Association of April 14th, 15th and 16th, 1891, held at Philadelphia, Pa., may be of interest as showing the cause of bursting of cast-iron pipe previously tested at the foundry to a heavy pressure. We submit the extract mentioned, and on page 457 you will find the specifications entire. Col. Thos. Yardley, who prepared the specifications, was for a number of years the General Superintendent of one of (at the time) the largest manufactories of cast-iron pipe in this country, viz., the Gaylord Iron and Pipe Company, of Newport, Ky. , and of late years one of the principals of The Robert W. Hunt & Co., Bureau of Inspection Tests and Consultation, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and New York City: The President : I would like to inquire of Mr. Thomas Yardley if the report of the Committee on Specifications for Cast-iron Pipe is ready ? Mr. Yardley: Yes, sir. The President : This report is the next order of business. Mb. Yardeey's Report. At the last meeting of the American Water Works Association, held in Chicago, in May, 1890, the Chairman of this Committee was invited to read a paper entitled "Specifications for Cast-iron Coated Water Pipe ;" which paper was prepared by him for the Institution of Mining Engineers, and read at their Washington meeting the previous February. The motion of Mr. J. Nelson Tubbs, " that a committee be appointed by this Association, of which the gentleman who read the paper just now shall be the chairman, to report to the next meeting of this Association specifi- cations for cast-iron pipe for the consideration of this Convention," was adopted. Your Committee now have the honor to report the result of their inves- 462 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. tigations and conclusions, and respectfully submit the same for the consid- eration of this Convention. It has been the desire and aim of your Committee to deal justly with both the manufacturers and the purchasers of pipe ; asking nothing of the former that cannot be performed, nor requiring of the inspector any duty to which he cannot give his personal attention. Cast-iron pipe which appears to the eye to be sound, and of the proper form, may have one or more of the following imperfections, viz.: First. — A poor quality of iron. Second.— Shrinkage in the metal, due either to improper molding, vary- ing thickness of the shell, or to the too rapid cooling of the melted iron. Third. — Want of uniformity in the thickness of the shell, which is usually due to a want of care, or skill, in molding. An inferior quality of iron will result in losses from breakage in trans- portation and handling, difficulty in cutting the pipe without getting split ends, or irregular breaks, and in failure of the pipe when subjected to a heavy water ram, which tests the toughness of the iron, as well as its tensile strength. When the pipe is under hydrostatic pressure at the works, there can be no water ram, and the water is practically free of air. Neither of these conditions exist in practice ; the water is not free of air in service, and the sudden closing of a valve will certainly produce a water- ram, and these blows will be repeated with greater frequency as water motors come into more general use. There is no way provided to anticipate the call for an excess of water, and the sudden closing of a valve will most certainly endanger the pipe. As this cannot be guarded against, all we can do is to secure the best quality, and thereby reduce the chances of burst pipe to the minimum. The second trouble, shrinkage strains, deserves to bear by far the burden of the largest share of bad names which cast iron has received as a structural material. This fault is inexcusable, and it will only be remedied when the consumer, by rigid inspection, insists that the metal receive the proper treatment from the time it enters the flask until it is coated and tested. A custom has grown among pipe-makers during the past few years of removing pipe from the pit before it is sufficiently cool. This is very bad foundry practice and should not be permitted. Pipe should not be stripped and taken from the pit while showing color of heat, for the reason that, when hot pipe is exposed to a sudden chill from cold air, the shrinkage of the outer surface will induce internal strains, and pipe in such condition will be liable to give way in the trenches. Too great stress cannot be laid on this matter of cooling down. It is a waste of money to buy good iron, if it is not treated with the greatest care while cooling down from the melted state. The hydraulic test under a high pressure, supplemented by the hammer test, is a detector of shrinkage strains, but it is a matter of record that water pipe has been made from a superior quality of tested iron ; tested by the hammer under heavy hydrostatic pressure ; laid in the trenches, and again tested ; only to burst several months later under a pressure much less than that of either test, with no evidence of any water-ram, and no flaws to be found in the break. That pipe must have been unfairly treated in the foundry. SPECIFICATIONS FOR CAST-IRON COATED WATER PIPE. 463 The President : You have heard this report, gentlemen, what will you do with it ; it is open for discussion. The Secretary : Mr. President, as there seems to be no discussion on this report, I offer the following resolution : Resolved: That it is the sense of this convention that the form of specifications for cast- iron pipe reported by this committee is the proper and correct form to use in all proposals for cast-iron water pipe. The resolution was seconded and adopted unanimously. The report and specifications will be found on pages 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the proceedings above mentioned. The specifications have already appeared herein, on page 457. 464 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ARTIFICIAL GAS. ADRIAN GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Adrian, Mich., Sept. 4th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Yours of Aug. 31st at hand. We have used wrought-iron pipe for mains and find it in very good condition. I believe, from what I have learned, that the per centage of leakage must be very much less, as well as the cost of handling, laying and tapping wrought, than cast-iron pipe, but have not used enough cast-iron pipe to be able to give such information as might be of value. (Signed) C. H. Raynor, Supt. Adrian Gas Light Company. APPLETON GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Appleton, Wis., Sept. 5th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. I have used wrought-iron (and to-day will use no other) coated. The same is placed below action of frost, and the pipe has been in use for months, and drips are as free from water as the day they were put in posi- tion. (Signed) Wm. B. Miller, Supt. Appleton Gas Light Company. ATHOL GAS WORKS. Athol, Mass., April 6th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. I send you by mail to-day a piece of your tin-coated pipe which Mr. S. L. Wiley left here for me to test, by placing it in our purifiers at Gas Works, which is the best place in the world to rust anything of that kind, but it will not strike through that coating, severe as the test is. I left it in the puri- fier over six months, and gave it a good trial. (Signed) F. R. Davis, Supt. ATLANTIC GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Atlantic, Iowa, Sept. nth, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. Replying to yours of Aug. 31. The wrought-iron pipe we bought from you in 1883, and used for street mains has given us the fullest satisfaction. We put in expansion joints, one about every block, and find our mains WROUGHT-IRON GAS MAINS. 465 stand cold weather remarkably well, and think our loss from leakage as near nothing as gas companies ever get, and perhaps a little nearer. Our soil is mostly a yellow clay, and mains appear to be in as good con- dition as when laid. (Signed) Atlantic Gas Light Company. BEATRICE GAS COMPANY. BEATRICE, NEB., Sept. 9th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of Aug. 31st, I would say that the wrought-iron pipe purchased from you in 1885 was used in our streets for mains, and has given the best of satisfaction. We now have about four miles of wrought-iron pipe in our mains and expect to lay about one mile more this fall. The pipe is 111 as good shape as when laid. All our joints are in good shape and tight. Wrought-iron pipe, as compared with cast-iron, is much better to handle and can be laid at a much less cost in the saving of labor and expense in making joints. We have tapped your wrought-iron pipe in all kinds of weather and always with good success. (Signed) Ed. P. Maxwell, Sec. and Treas. Beatrice Gas Company. BRADDOCK GAS AND LIGHT COMPANY. Braddock:, Pa., Mar. 27th, 18S9. National Tube Works Co. As time substantiates your claims for strength, durability and servicea- bility of your Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe, I write to tell you that the pipe of this class which we purchased of you in July, 1883, for our entire system, has given and is still giving perfect satisfaction. It is in as good practical condition as when laid, and our leakage is minimum compared with cast-iron systems. We use your pipe for all of our extensions and I am glad that your Con- verse Pipe has been so very successful ; it has all the merit and is entitled to all the praise. For artificial and natural gases, Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe alone should be used. (Signed) W. W. McCleary, Supt. Braddock Gas and Light Company. Following is a copy of a telegram sent by W. W. McCleary, Superintendent of the Braddock Gas & Light Co., to Eugene Printz, Zanesville, Ohio, May 15, 1890: Braddock, Pa., May 15th, 1890. Eugene Printz, Supt. Gas Works, Zanesville, O. Our whole gas system is composed of Converse Light Lock Joint pipe ; is giving perfect satisfaction ; less than one per cent, leakage. (Signed) W. W. McCleary, Supt. 466 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Office Braddock Gas & Light Company, ) Braddock, Pa., July 5, 1893. ) George N. Riley, National Tube Works Co., McKeesport, Pa. In reply to your inquiry of the 1st inst., to the durability and lasting qualities of the Converse Lock Joint pipe laid by this company in 1885, we will briefly state to you the following facts : We have had occasion from time to time to uncover our mains to make divers connections, and in making inspections of said pipe, have found it in perfect state of preservation, and from appearances is in as good a con- dition as the day we received it from your company. Converse Lock Joint pipe is the best joint in the market to-day for our use, as we consider it reliable and safe, and would be pleased to give you any other information in the future that we can in regard to the same. Braddock Gas & Light Co. , By W. W. McClEary, Supt. in charge. PEOPLE'S GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Canton, III., Sept. 13th, 1S86. National Tube Works Co. In answers to yours of the 31st ult., will say that the wrought-iron pipe bought of you is in good shape, and from all appearances as good as when laid. The joints, as far as we know, are tight. In regard to leakage we have been bothered very little with this pipe. We think a better joint can be made with wrought-iron pipe than cast. The cost of laying wrought is about one-half that of cast-iron pipe. (Signed) People's Gas Light Company, L. A. Drake, Supt. CHARLOTTE GAS COMPANY. Charlotte, Mich., Sept. 7th, 1886. National Tube IVorks Co. Your letter of August 31st is at hand. We have between four and five miles of wrought-iron pipe, and no leaks of any consequence. We are not in the habit of tapping where it can be avoided. We lay a good many tees with the mains, and in putting in services use them if it does take a little more pipe for the service. (Signed) F. A. Hooker, Sec. and Treas Charlotte Gas Company. DIXON GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY. Dixon, III., Sept. 6th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your letter of 31st ult., would state that the wrought-iron pipe purchased of you is as good as when laid. (Signed) George Steel, Sec. and Treas. Dixon Gas and Electric Light Company. WROUGHT-IRON GAS MAINS. 467 EAU CLAIRE GAS COMPANY. Eau Claire, Wis., Sept. 8th, i836. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your favor of 31st ult., respecting the durability of 3'our wrought-iron pipe in use by this Company, would say that, in 1S84, we were obliged to take up and re-locate a considerable portion of six-inch wrought- iron gas main, which had been down for six years, and it seemed to be in every respect as good as new. We acted on this theory at least, and re-laid it. Have also had occasion to examine wrought-iron gas pipe more recently laid, which was furnished us by you, and it was found to be as good as when laid. Our foreman, who is by trade a blacksmith, gives it as his opinion that, if wrought-iron pipe is properly put together when laid, a better joint can be made, so far as protecting against gas leaks, than with cast-iron. It, unquestionably, costs less to lay wrought-iron gas pipe than it would to lay cast-iron pipes and make tight joints. We think this would also be the case in regard to tapping the same. (Signed) M. Griffin, President Eau Claire Gas Company. Eau Claire, Wis., July 3d, 1893. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your letter of 24th ult., would say, after talking with men who have been connected with the Gas Company for a much longer time than I was, and who are familiar with the condition of the pipe, that such of the pipe as has been taken up and relaid was found to be substantially in as good condition as it was when first laid. The only difficulty with screw jointed wrought-iron pipe as developed here arose in consequence of the poor work done in laying it. The joints were found to be good in all cases where it was put together right, and leaks occurred where it was barely screwed on far enough to merely make the connection without regard to making the joint substantial and per- manent. Our experience here was that if wrought-iron pipe is properly laid, and the joints are screwed together for the proper distance, it compares favorably with lead jointed cast-iron pipe, both as to durability and on the question of leakage. So far as the cost of labor is concerned the advantage is de- cidedly with the wrought-iron pipe. This information is based upon the views of men who have had prac- tical experience in handling the pipe, re-laying it, looking after leaks, etc., and might be elaborated upon in case of necessity. Trusting this information may answer your porpose, I remain, (Signed) M. Griffin. EUREKA GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Eureka, Cae., Feb. ilth, 1879. National Tube Works Co. Having used several thousand feet of your wrought-iron lap-welded pipe, we find it to be the best and cheapest pipe that we have ever used. 468 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Reasons for its Preference : ist. It is a great deal the cheapest, comparatively. 2d. It costs at least 50 per cent, less to lay it ready for use than cast- iron pipe. 3d. It is a great deal more convenient for tapping for service pipes, as it requires no extra connections, or tees, and it can also be tapped without turning either gas or water off and without a particle of loss. 4th. The pores of the iron being perfectly tight there is no possible chance for leakage. 5th. For cheapness and durability it is not excelled. (Signed) Eureka Gas Light Company, C. Rose, Supt. FAIRFIELD GAS WORKS. Fairfield, Iowa, Sept. 8th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of Aug. 31st, would say, write the Gas Tight Com- pany at Washington, Iowa ; the parties who built Washington plant are not here. We are using wrought-iron mains here, and I would put my leakage account against any in the State. (Signed F. E. McMiEUN, Supt. Fairfield Gas Works. GREENVILLE GAS WORKS. Geeenvii/lE, Mich., Jan. 16th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your inquiry I have to say that we have here in our gas works four miles of wood-pipe mains, sizes, three-inch, four-inch and six-inch. It has proven a costly investment, as we are now obliged to replace our mains. We use wrought-iron service pipe. Our works were built in May, 1875. We make from 16,000 to 18,000 cubic feet of gas daily, and our leakage is fully thirty-five per cent. At times it has gone as high as forty-five per cent. We have investigated your Kalamein pipe, fitted with the Converse Lock Joint, and are so well pleased that we shall adopt it and relay our mains with it. Any other facts we have that you desire we shall be pleased to furnish. We make coal gas. (Signed) Henry M. Fui/ler, Owner of Greenville Gas Works. GUNNISON GAS AND WATER COMPANY. Gunnison, Coi,., Sept. 13th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of 31st ult., would say : The pipe purchased of your Company in 1882, has been as satisfactory as we expected. The six-inch WROUGHT-IRON GAS MAINS. 469 and three-inch shipped us in May, r8S6, was very satisfactory. The Kala- mein was well incorporated into the body of the iron, and the asphaltum on top of that made the metal as perfectly impervious to the action of the weather and soil as it seems possible to make it. The Converse Joint, as now made, forms one of the most perfect lead joints I have examined. I apprehend no trouble from this pipe whatever. In our lines, laid by inexpe- rienced help entirely, only one imperfect joint was found, when tested under ioo pounds pressure, before covering the pipe. (Signed)) The Gunnison Gas and Water Co., D. J. McCanne, Supt. J. D. PATTON". HicksvilIvE, Ohio, Sept. 13, 1SS6, National Tube Works Co. In reply to your favor of the 7th inst., just received, I can say that since commencing the vise of wrought iron street mains for gas I have entirety ceased using cast-iron for that purpose. I can see nothing in the condition of mains laid in 1877-78 and later to indicate any material deterioration in them. I find that leakage from wrought-iron mains to be but a small frac- tion of that from cast-iron ones. In one case several careful tests showed the leakage from two and one- half miles of wrought-iron mains to be only four cubic feet per hour, in the day time, with full pressure 011, and two years after the mains were laid. When once laid and made tight the wrought-iron joints always remain so, while the cast-iron joint is always liable to start a leak unless laid entirely below the reach of frost and out of the way of concussion and jars. (Signed) J. D. PaTTOn. MACOMB GAS WORKS. Macomb, III;., Sept. 4th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. The wrought-iron pipe we purchased of you in 1881, ranging in sizes one and one-half to five inches, was used for mains. We have never had any trouble from leakage. The joins are apparently as good as when made. If we were going to build new gas works we should use nothing but your wrought-iron pipe. (Signed) J. M. Hume, Tessee of Gas Works. McKEESPORT GAS COMPANY. McKeesport, Pa., Oct. 15th, 1887. National Tube Works Co. I have given your Supt. Patterson a section of four-inch O. D. line of your special wrought-iron gas pipe, which was laid by me in 1875. We took it up in September, 1887, and found it in as perfectly serviceable a condition 470 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. as when it was put in the ground. I must say that I was somewhat stir- prised to find it so perfect. Cast-iron pipe could not have made such a record under similar circumstances. I have taken up cast-iron pipe from the same soil here, which had not been buried for nearly so long a time and the result has been just the reverse of this. Our soil is a very severe one, and the showing in this case proves the durability of your wrought-iron pipe. (Signed) Wm. C. Neemes, Supt. McKeesport Gas Company. McKeesport, Pa., Oct. 15th, 1SS7. E. C. Converse, Assistant General Manager. I have just received a section of a line of our light wrought-iron pipe, which was furnished to the McKeesport Gas Company in 1875 and which I think is an admirable argument in favor of the durability of wrought iron pipe. I was present when the pipe was laid and have had the section which I saw taken up, cut into short pieces, marked : " Laid in 1875, taken up in 1887." You will notice that there is hardly a trace of rust and that the in- side diameter of the pipe is as smooth as when first laid. I herewith quote the original order, which appears in your Shipping Order Book " C," page 184, order, No. 4,942: "McKeesport, Pa., Saturday, Nov. 13th, 1875. Mc- Keesport Gas Company, McKeesport, Pa. 1,100 feet four-inch. O. D. Special Gas Pipe ; enamelled ; with pin and socket joint ; No. 12 gauge." This section of pipe had to be taken up and the course of the line changed to make room for additional mains running along Fifth Street, near R. G. Wood's residence. As several experienced pipe layers agreed, when this section of pipe was taken up, it is as virtually as good as when first buried. Our clay soil in this city is very severe and rapidly attacks cast-iron pipe, and in this con- nection it may be appropriate to note that I have seen cast-iron pipe, which has been buried on Walnut Street, in the same kind of soil, for much shorter periods of time, rendered completely unserviceable, by reason of the vigorous attacks of rust and tuberculation. Supt. Neemes of the Gas Works Company has consequently been obliged to take up quantities of it and replace with good pipe. This four-inch O. D. pipe of which I speak was originally coated with what we then called our " enamel mixture," which was not so tough and tenacious as our present mixture of "special asphaltum," and, as these samples show, it became rubbed off in handling, soThat the pipe was, to a great extent, plain unprotected wrought-iron. The samples in question are conclusive evidence in my mind of the durability of wrought-iron pipe and its superiority to cast-iron. (Signed) Peter Patterson, Superintendent. WROUGHT-IRON GAS MAINS. 471 MICHIGAN CITY GAS COMPANY. Michigan City, Ind., Sept. 9th, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your inquiry about wrought-iron pipe, purchased from you two years ago, I would say that so far as known the pipe appears to be in as serviceable condition as when laid. No trouble has been experienced from leakage at joints, and in this respect we have experienced less trouble than with cast-iron pipe. (Signed) Michigan City Gas Co., Wiuiam Blinks, President. MINNEAPOLIS GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 4th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Replying to yours of 31st ult., would say we lay all pipe of sizes under six inches of wrought-iron. Our soil here is such that it will not eat out like cast-iron. The cost averages from five to ten cents per lineal foot more than with cast-iron, but the pipe is better, tighter and stronger, and particularly so with us, as small cast-iron mains trouble us much in breakage and leakage by reason of service and water pipe excavations under us. (Signed) H. W. Brown, President Minneapolis Gas Light Co. Minneapolis Gas Light Company. \ Minneapolis, Minn, June 30, 1893. ) National Tube Works Co. Dear Sirs: — In repty to your favor of the 24th iust., this company lays all mains of 3-inch and 4-inch di. of wrought-iron or steel pipe. "We have laid some 6-inch wrought-iron pipe and have had no trouble from it, but we lately have laid cast-iron mains for 6-inch and above. I would say that the soil of Minneapolis seems to rust wrought-iron pipe less than in most cities. Our leakage is lower than the average I believe, and we attri- bute it in some measure to the use of wrought-iron pipe. Another advantage we derive from the use of pipe with screwed joints, is that they can be taken up and relaid at little cost. Much of the 3-inch and 4-inch pipe we consider as "Pioneer" pipe. It fills the immediate requirements of new districts, and later on may be replaced with pipe of larger diameter if the demand for gas should require it. (Signed) Yours truly, D. Douglas, Supt. MODESTO GAS WORKS. Modesto, Cal., Feb. 9th, 1879. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your recent inquiry relative to the merits of the lap-welded pipe, now in use by us, both for water and gas, I take pleasure in saying 472 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. that it gives us entire satisfaction. Our water mains are in a state of perfect tightness, and it is a remarkable fact that our total leakage of gas is only one per cent. It is true we have only had it in use now nearly two years, but the merits claimed for it having come up to our expectations in every respect, we take pleasure in recommending it to the use of water and gas companies throughout the world. (Signed) L. C. Branct, Proprietor, Modesto Gas Works. MUTUAL GAS LIGHT CO. It may not be uninteresting to learn that Mr. E. S. T. Ken- nedy, son of the President of the Mutual Gas Light Co., of New York City, told the author early in January, 1890, that he esti- mated the average leakage of cast-iron mains of the illuminating gas companies of the city at an average of slightly over ten per cent, and that the cost of distribution, which included this leakage, formed quite an item in the operations of the gas company. MUSCATINE GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Chicago, Iu,., Aug. 31st, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Pipe gave perfect satisfaction, and we consider our leakage less than on the cast-iron pipe. (Signed) Thomas Cowexi,, Sec. and Treas. Muscatine Gas Light Company, of Muscatine, Iowa. NEENAH AND MENASHA GAS COMPANY". NEISNAH, Wis., Oct. 1st, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your letter of inquiry of Aug. 31st, will say the wrought-iron pipe bought of your company during the past eight years for this place and Ripon was used for street gas mains, and same has given best of satisfaction. Although our soil is of a heavy clay, containing properties injurious to iron pipe, the pipe is still in good condition that was laid eight years since. The joints are perfectly tight, and we have no such thing as leakage from our mains. (Signed) Thos. Higgins, Sec. and Treas. Neenah and Menasha Gas Company. WROUGHT-IRON GAS MAINS. 473 NEW YORK STEAM COMPANY. New York, May ist, 1889. National Tube Works Co. I am in receipt of your's of the 27th ult., expressing your satisfaction at the superb record the N. Y. Steam Co. have made with wrought-iron pipes, and asking whether or not you are correct in understanding that the result of our wrought-iron system has been fully equal to our expectations. In response, I take pleasure in stating that the wrought-iron pipes used by the New York Steam Company were satisfactory in every respect. While I would recommend in future the use of a heavier pipe from the fact that such pipe can now be procured and has been used in large quantities in connection with the conduction of natural gas, still the experience of the New York Steam Co. shows that tight joints can be made permanently with a lighter pipe. Some leaks which occurred in work constructed awhile after the opera- tions were started were not due to the system, but to errors of judgment outside of the engineering force, in endeavoring to cheapen the work, whereby the foundations were not perfect. The pipe first laid and that laid toward the end have never given any trouble, and that laid at the intermediate stage is now practically tight. (Signed) Chas. E. Emery, C. E. OTTAWA GAS LIGHT & COKE CO. Ottawa, III., Sept. 3rd, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of 31st ult., will say : The wrought-iron pipe in ques- tion was used in fitting up artesian wells, not for gas; but we have considera- ble mains of wrought-iron in the ground and consider it good. We have no way of comparing the leakage, but consider it greatly in favor of wrought-iron. (Signed) N. C. Perkins, Sec. of Ottawa Gas Light & Coke Co. PALESTINE LIGHT, HEATING AND FUEL CO. Palestine, Texas, Sept. 8th, 1S84. National Tube Works Co. We are now ready to commence laying gas pipe and should be pleased to receive your best cash prices. We have low bids on cast-iron but the writer being with Mr. C. E. Gray during the construction of both Fergus Falls and Duluth works became attached to your pipes and especially so for gas— prefers it to any other — and hopes you can give us figures to justify our buying it. (Signed) W. H. FriTCHMAN, Sec. and Treas. Palestine Light, Heating and Fuel Co. 474 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. PABIS, FEANCE. Since the foundation of the Societe des Tuyaux Chameroy in 1838, this company alone has furnished, from time to time, its products of wrought-iron pipe for water and gas mains to the value of 80,000,000 francs, or $16,000,000. The immense out- put of wrought-iron pipe comprises 10,000,000 meters, equal to 39,370,000 feet, equal in turn to 6,213 3~4 m des. This wrought-iron pipe has been furnished to some of the largest gas companies in all France, there being over 100 miles of it in the city of Paris alone, as will be seen from the following schedule: To the Parisian Gas Company : 1,800,000 meters — equal to 5,905,500 feet ; or 118 4-5 miles. To the Central Gas Company, "] To the European Gas Company, I 8,200,000 meters — To the Marseilles Gas Company, and \ equal to 26,902,833 feet. To other Gas Companies, BACINE AND OSHKOSH GAS COMPANIES, Racine, Wis., Sept. 4th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Yours of the 31st ult., to hand. As regards the durability of the coated pipe you furnished us for this place and Oshkosh in '82, 'S3, '84, &c, it is to all appearance as good now as when it was laid. I should say it was good for the next twenty years at least. As to tightness of joints, there is very little, if any leakage ; it does not exceed two per cent. You can without doubt make a great deal tighter joint with wrought-iron than you can with cast-iron. You can lay a mile of wrought-iron pipe in about half the time, with the same number of men, that you can lay a mile of cast-iron, besides the savings of fuel and pig lead for jointing. (Signed) John Rodgers, Manager Racine and Oshkosh Gas Companies. BED OAK GAS LIGHT COMPANY. RED Oak, Iowa, Sept. nth, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Reply to your inquiry in regard to wrought-iron pipe bought of you for gas mains in 1882. We take pleasure in stating that we have found our mains, when we un- cover them to put in services, in very nearly the same condition as when put in — generally clean and apparently sound as when laid. We have had very little trouble from leakage, and as you know some mighty cold winters. Our soil is a black gumbo. (Signed) Red Oak Gas Light Co. WROUGHT-IRON GAS MAINS. 475 RIPON LIGHTING COMPANY. Ripon, Wis., July 3d, 1S93. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your favor of June 24th, asking us to advise you as to the satisfaction the wrought-irou gas mains are giving which have been laid in our city in the past, and which your company furnished us, would say that they have done nicely for us, and now in eight years we hear of no leaks. Our soil is a sandy loam. Ripon Lighting Company. Cody. EOCKFOED, ILLINOIS. Rockford, III., Nov. 14th, 1882. National Tube Works Co. In reply to yours of the 9th, inquiring about the lasting qualities of wrought-iron pipe for gas mains, I would say our soil is gravelly, wet and mixed with clay in places. We put in some wrought-iron mains in 1858. Before laying it we coated it with tar, and let it dry in the sun. We used tar on the threads and couplings, freely mixed with clean sand. In 1874 we had some of the same mains taken out, being too small to supply the con- sumption. In all cases the pipe was sound, and the threads clean. All we had to do was to clean and re-tar it and relay it on other streets where it was large enough. We now have in use over eight miles of wrought-iron pipe from one and one-half to four inches, and all of it giving the best of satisfaction. Our leakage account will compare more than favorably with any other works, and we claim that wrought-iron pipe is the cause of it. (Signed) Thos. Butterworth. SALT LAKE CITY GAS COMPANY. Salt Lake City, Utah, Mar. 17th, 1887. National Tube Works Co. I am about to have our service pipe people get some of your Kalamein pipe, or send for it ourselves, having no doubt that it will be all right. Some ten years ago I placed a short piece of one and one-half inch gal- vanized-iron pipe in some of our American liquor from the Scrubber. In about a month, more or less, I lifted it out. It was only about three inches long, set on end, half in the liquor and half out. When I lifted it out the zinc dropped off and stayed mostly in the liquor, not even rising to the surface — about like a piece of bark. I tried your Kalamein pipe ; it rusted just a little — a mere trace, but no deterioration whatever. Now, I would like to learn whether it will harden water by going through it, or setting in a vessel of it, like water is when run through gal- vanized pipe. As it is patented, I would like to know whether it has any zinc in it, as it would be cheaper than lead pipe for services. (Signed) T. W. Ellebeck, Supt. Salt Lake City Gas Co. 476 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. SOUTH BEND GAS LIGHT COMPANY. South Bend, Ind., Sept. ioth, 1886. National Tube Works Co. In answer to your favor of the 31st ult., would say that the Converse Lock Joint pipe bought of you was laid to conduct steam to our new gas holder. As regards leakage, I do not think it leaks, as we have not had any surface indications. As to condition of pipe, can not say, as it has never been exposed since it was laid, but will advise you should it be. We have every confidence in it. (Signed) B. W. Perkins, Supt. South Bend Gas Tight Co. STANDARD GAS COMPANY. Mr. H. B. Benchley, of the Pacific Iron Works, of San Fran- cisco, was appointed a Committee to come to New York and investigate the respective merits of wrought and cast-iron pipe for manufactured gas mains, in view of the operations of the proposed new gas company in San Francisco. Mr. Benchley informed the author while in New York on January ioth, 1890, that the General Manager of the Standard Gas Company, of this city (which company has screw joint wrought-iron mains), in- formed him that their leakage was less than one per cent. (Copy of Telegram.) New York City, N. Y., Feb 25th, 1890. Emerson McMillan, President Laclede Gas Co., St. Louis, Mo. We find wrought-iron gas mains practically stop all leakage. Only leaks we have are on cast-iron crosses and sleeves. Leakage in cast-iron lines in this city average fourteen per cent. Ours does not exceed one per cent. (Signed) O. P. Shaffer, Treasurer, Standard Gas Light Company. STILLWATER GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Stiee water, Minn., Sept. 4th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Your letter of 31st ult. at hand. Regarding the condition of the two- inch, three-inch and four-inch pipe, bought of you, would say that it is in as good condition now as when bought of you — but as it has only been down a few years, we could not assert positively as to its durability, but we have no apprehension on that score. WROUGHT-IRON GAS MAINS. 477 The joints are as tight to-day as when put in, and the per cent, of leak- age is nothing, and there need be none if joints are properly put together. In regard to cast-iron pipe, we have not used any, and do not intend to, as we consider your pipe the best for our use. Our superintendent thinks there is a great saving in this pipe over cast- iron, but is not prepared to say how much. (Signed) Matt. Clark, Sec. and Treas. The Stillwater Gas Light Co. STREATOR GAS WORKS. StreaTor, Ii,i,., Sept. 3d, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Replying to your letter of August 31st. Of the wrought-iron pipe I put down here, one lot I laid on East Main Street in this city, and, as it chanced, the Water Works Company, in laying their mains this season, excavated by side and under almost the entire length of it. We found it in tip-top shape, and without a leak or rust to injure it the least. Wrought-iron pipe can be put down three times as fast as cast-iron pipe, is much less liable to leak, is more flexible, and as easy to tap. Last year I had occasion to take up 200 feet of pipe (wrought of course) which had been in the ground for nine years and found it good ; in fact, but little injured, and laid it in again further along in my extension. (Signed) W. H. Lukins, Lessee and Manager of the Streator Gas Works. TONA WANDA GAS WORKS. Buffalo, N. Y., March 16, 1885. National Tube Works Co. Within the last thirty days we have completed the gas works at Tona- wanda, this State. We laid during November and December five miles of your Converse Lock Joint Pipe, eight-inch, six-inch, four-inch, and three- inch. We had four bridges to cross, none of which are very substantially built ; three of them vibrate to a great extent when teams cross. This we of course expected would cause some trouble, but, to our surprise, when we turned the gas into the mains there was not a leak in the entire line. Your service clamps are perfect. We have put in a great many services, and are putting in more every day, and up to this time we have not had one leaky joint. The Converse Lock Joint Pipe can be laid much faster than cast-iron pipe, and we consider it better in all respects. Wherever we build gas works in future shall recommend the use of your pipe. (Signed) R. A. Stranahan, W. C. Parsons, Contractors, Tonawanda Gas Works. 478 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. WALLINGFORD, CONN. In 1883 we furnished the contractor, W. C. McClallan, Converse Lock Joint pipe for the construction of the system of the Wallingford Gas Company, (Egerton process). In September, 1884, the chief engineer of the Philadelphia Gas Works dropped down in Wallingford and at once endeav- ored to create dissatisfaction among the citizens, both as to quality of the gas and character of the pipe system A meeting of the citizens was held and it was then asserted that the killing of trees in the park was the result of escaping gas from leaky mains. E. M. Judd of the Gas Company notified the contractor, McClallan, on September 15th, of the above-men- tioned circumstances. Mr. Judd informed Mr. McClallan that the meeting was "a severe attack upon the pipe and reported to be pronounced entirely unfit for this kind of gas by the Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Gas Works. They are to make full written report on the 24th, and it is the Company's wish that you come and meet them and ask the makers of the pipe to send a man thoroughly posted, to defend their interest." We sent one of our engineers to co-operate with Mr. Mc- Clallan and probe into the facts of the case. Our engineer wrote us the following report on the 25th : We have met the enemy and they are ours. When the meeting opened in the evening we were ready to meet any points in the report of the com- mittee tending to place any trouble at our door. The information received by the Chairman of the Committee had. been entirely obtained from the Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Gas Works, a man who was working solely in the interest of cast-iron pipe ! The points we were enabled to obtain re- garding this man's reputation as a gas engineer, were such as to effectually dispose of his evidence. To be brief, the whole question was settled to the perfect satisfaction of all parties. The Converse Lock Joint system of pipe here was conceded to be the best in this locality, so far as the important question of leakage was concerned. Mr. Egerton, of Philadelphia, made a speech strongly in favor of wrought-iron mains for gas. He stated the fact that the city of Paris, France, used wrought-iron mains entirely, having 2,500 miles of wrought-iron pipe in the system, and not one single foot of cast-iron pipe. Concerning this abortive attempt of the cast-iron people to create dissatisfaction among the citizens of Wallingford, the con- tractor, Mr. McClallan wrote us September 25th : The result was a success for us. Contrary to intention, the public in- vestigation resulted in an endorsement of the Wallingford system. WROUGHT-IRON GAS MAINS. 479 WATERLOO GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Waterloo, Iowa., Sept. nth, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Replying to yours, I don't know where the original mains for these works were bought, but they are all wrought-iron threaded pipe, and all our extensions have been the same, and much of it bought from vou. By use of an occasional expansion joint, we find wrought-threaded pipe to stand the cold weather well. Very few leaks and easily repaired. Our soil is black loam and sand, and the pipe keeps bright and clean and seems as good as new. Wouldn't use cast-iron pipe at half price. (Signed) C. D. Jones, Sec. Waterloo Gas Light Co. 480 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. Density and strength of material, minimum leakage, also minimum friction and cost of maintenance, in connection with the other superior qualifications which we have already proven for wrought-iron pipe in the preceding pages, have gradually brought the Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe before gas pro- ducers and consumers with most flattering and successful results so far as its adoption and indorsement are concerned. In the preceding chapter we have given the testimony of a few of those engineers who are experienced in the use of wrought- iron and steel gas mains, and without exception the verdict is unreservedly in favor of their superiority over cast-iron pipe. Additional names could be given, but space will not permit Contrast these facts with the following records — contrast the security and safety of wrought-iron and steel mains, with the insecurity and danger of cast-iron conduits. SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. The following article — copied from the Springfield Republican appears in the Chicago Daily News of January 2d, 1894. Leaks from Gas Mains. Leaks of various kinds are, of course, a source of trouble to gasmen. It is necessary always to allow for a certain amount of leaking. Cast-iron pipes are very apt to leak a little. A joint may allow an al- most imperceptible amount to escape, and it is estimated this necessary leakage amounts to one hundred thousand cubic feet in one year to each mile of main pipe. The accidents from leaks are costly and sometimes troublesome. If a leak occurs in a house or block it is soon noticed by the occupants and does not prove difficult to locate, but when it happens to be in one of the main pipes, that is quite another matter. These are discovered, sometimes, by the passers-by on the street, who smell the gas, and sometimes by means of pressure gauges. When a leak or break is suspected ou any line of pipes, a man takes a long iron bar and goes along the ground, over the pipe, making a deep hole every few steps, and then testing for gas. * * * Sometimes a leak is discovered by some one noticing that the trees and grass in a certain locality are dying. An investigation into the cause follows and escaping gas proves to be the cause. BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 481 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. Numerous instances can be cited where gas leaks have killed block after block of trees and shrubbery inside the curb walls and sidewalks, and upon beautiful lawns that skirt the streets wherein cast-iron gas pipes were laid. Among the cities thus despoiled of its trees and shrubbery, may be mentioned, Louis- ville, Ky., where great damage was done and many suits against the gas company were threatened. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Asphyxiated. — John Cooney's Ten Children Were Overcome by Gas. — There was a Big Leak in the Main. Owing to a leak in a gas main, a whole family, consisting of ten per- sons, were almost asphyxiated this morning, They were discovered in time to save their lives, but are at home still sick from the effects of the gas, and it will be some days before they are fully recovered. The family live at 40 Veranda Place, near Clinton Street, and consists of John Cooney, a copyist in the Register's office, and his ten children. About 6 o'clock this morning William awoke with a splitting headache. He went to his sister Mary's room, and found she had not gotten up to cook breakfast. He awoke her, but she made some remark about being sick, and fell back again in bed, to sleep, he thought, but she was really unconscious from the gas. William was dazed, and did not know what he was doing, and started back to bed again. Just at this time Mr. Cooney returned home. As he opened the front door he was almost overcome by the strong smell of gas. He left the door open and went into the house. He met William, who told him Mary was sick, and that he felt sick. Suspecting the gas had something to do with it, Mr. Cooney quickly threw open the windows and made a tour of the house. He found all his children in bed, almost asphyxiated from the gas. He roused them all, but could not wake Mary and Walter. He tried to bring them to, but could not, and sent John for Dr. Brown, of 278 Clinton Street, who, after some trouble, brought the two around. They are still in bed, not yet having re- covered from the effects of the gas. The gas that nearly killed the whole family escaped from the main that leads into the house. It was discovered, and the Citizens' Gaslight Com- pany was notified. They sent men to the house, who repaired the leak. — Brooklyn Standard-Union, December 31, 1894. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Caused by Gas Leaks —Frequency of Manhole Explosions. Within a year manhole explosions have caused two deaths in Chicago, and have been frequent enough to cause many more. A manhole at the 482 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. northeast corner of Washington Street and Fifth Avenue, which is the Conduit Company's system, has an especial fondness for whirling its cap in the air as if in a wild hurrah, and several times it has nearly unroofed the heads of pedestrians in its mad descent. The latest freak of this hole in the ground was to break loose Wednesday night. It had been raining some- time before the explosion, and as this fact had been noticed in connection with the other explosions, to the technically informed it signified something. % Employes of an electric light company made an examination yesterday and reported that the eruption was caused by a leaky gas main. " We have notified the gas company of our discovery and informed it that we will not be responsible for any resulting damages," said an official of the Conduit Company, yesterday. "We have been aware of the frequent trouble at this point and have carefully applied every known remedy to prevent it. Once before we notified the gas company of the cause. The company has paid no attention to it. Now we have established the fact that there is a leaky gas main near the conduit, and it is its duty to rem- edy it." Said John P. Barrett, the City Electrician : "Ordinarily these manhole explosions result from bad ventilation. The city has done a great deal of work in the matter of ventilating these manholes. All the electric and tel- ephone companies have experimented in the same direction. On the West Side, a trap connecting with the city sewers is employed to ventilate the conduit. Here at the City Hall they are attached to the smokestack, but the objection to this plan is that property owners object to connection being made with their chimneys, on the theory that there is a probability of explosion by which their property may be injured, and they do not propose to take any chances. The ventilation of a manhole by having a few holes drilled in the cap is of very little use. The gas mains are responsible for the trouble. When the pressure is put on to force the gas to Lake View, the pipes will not stand it and the escape from the mains into the conduits causes all of our troubles. Remedy the gas mains and the electric conduit system will remedy itself. Take the Washington Street and Fifth Avenue manhole as an example," said an electrician, " and you will find that the whole matter results from the gas mains. The gas company finds it much cheaper to let the gas escape than to put in new mains. The gas in the conduit cannot force itself out and an explosion follows. It has been demonstrated that the conduit ventilation is sufficient ordinarily to take care of the escaping gas and its own accumulations, but with a rain laden atmosphere it cannot do it." Killed by The Manhoee Cover. Of the manhole accidents the most distressing was that at Wabash Avenue and Jackson Street a year ago. A woman was on her way home early one afternoon when the cap of a manhole was thrown into the air and descended upon her head, killing her instantly. Not long since the manhole fronting the Board of Trade on La Salle Street exploded with terrific force, breaking the heavy plate glass of the adjacent windows and narrowly missing two pedestrians. This manhole has frequently exploded. Wednesday night at about 6:30 o'clock, when many persons were passing BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 483 Washington Street and Fifth Avenue on their way home, the usual explosion occurred. At another time recently it exploded about 10 o'clock P. M. One wheel of a cab was upon the cap at the time and the cab was overturned, the horse being more or less injured. Fortunately the driver was not on the box — Chicago Herald, September 9, 1892. Another Manhole Explosion. The cover of an Arc Tight and Power Company manhole at the corner of Dearborn and Madison Streets was blown into the air last evening. With it went officer Michael J. Donahue, of the Central detail. When the explosion occurred the officer was standing on the cover guarding pedestrians from the danger of passing street cars and wagons. He remained in this position until he was four feet up in the air. The cover shot upward past him to a height of twenty feet and, falling, was shattered. No one was injured although officer Donahue narrowly escaped.— Chicago Inter-Ocean, September II, lSQ2. Many Lives in Danger.— Violent Explosion of Gas in a Wash- ington Street Conduit.— This Dangerous Manhole used Jointly by the Aac Light and Telephone Companies.— Has Exploded Nine Times Within a Few Weeks.— Supt. Burke will Investi- gate and Compel the Companies to Take Steps to Prevent the Explosions which Menace Human Life. The manhole stationed at the center of Fifth Avenue and Washington Streets blew up again yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock with terrific force and caused consternation among the several hundred pedestrians in the im- mediate vicinity. The explosion was like the roar of a cannon, and as the heavy iron cover went heavenward, a wild rush was made for places of safety. Women shrieked and collapsed in hallways, while gripmen ducked their heads to avoid being crushed. The heavy manhole cover after evolut- ing in the air for a brief interval fell to the street. All escaped injury, but the opinion expressed by those present was, that the officers of the company or companies responsible for the accident should be dealt with summarily. This manhole has blown up on nine different occasions within the last few weeks aud the escapes many people have had from being killed outright or maimed for life by this implement border on miraculous. People familiar with the circumstances wisely refrain from traveling in the neighborhood. Teamsters and traffickers in general do not cross this prominent thoroughfare for obvious reasons, and life insurance companies are reluctant to write policies for those who work in the neighborhood. The niggardly policy pursued by the Light Company is responsible for this condition of things. Grasping this octopus by the neck has not had the de- sired effect. A vigorous wringing, however, may cause it to realize that the public still has some rights, and to-day the initial work of reform will be begun when superintendent of Streets, Burke, interviews the managers in his private office. The Fifth Avenue and Washington Street manhole has a solid iron cov- 484 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ering, and in the trench are the wires of the Telephone and the Arc Light Companies. Close by is a gas main which leaks more or less all the time, and into the trench the gas flows. The arc -light wires are bare in spots, and owing to the bad conductor the electric fluid jumps and forms what is technically known as an arc. This generates a spark and the gas is ignited. An explosion follows as a matter of course, and the manhole goes into the air. * * * Superintendent of Streets, Burke, was seen last night and placed all the responsibility for the accidents on the shoulders of the Arc Company. A meeting was held yesterday afternoon in the office of Mr. Kuhns of the Street Department, for the purpose of devising some means for doing away with similar accidents in the future. Mr. Wilson of the Telephone Company said that the manholes of his company, 722 in number, are harmless. * * * Mr. Williams, of the Arc Light Company, admits that their conduits are not in such good shape, but he declared that every possible effort was being made to ventilate the conduits. The vent-pipe system he suggested is in use on two or three corners, and gives good satisfaction. It is said that gas escapes from the vent in such quantities that it is possible to light and maintain a steady flame at the pipe's mouth. * * * "We have not been able to reach any definite plan," said Mr. Kuhns, after the conference, " but I think we have made good progress. The matter is an important one, and should be given immediate attention. I shall discuss the matter with Supt. Barrett to-morrow and learn how far the city is interested in a plan of ventilation." — Chicago Times, October 28, i8g2. SHATTERED BY GAS. Explosions Break $20,000 Worth of Window Glass. — Two Men Injured. — Force Expended on Michigan Avenue and Monroe. — Flames from the Street. — Nearly every Window for a Block Blown to Pieces. — Buildings Tremble and Shake. Three simultaneous explosions occurred in the big thirty -inch main of the Economic Gas Company, which runs along the south side of Monroe Street, from Michigan Avenue to Dearborn Street, at 11 o'clock last night, one at Michigan Avenue and Monroe, another at Dearborn and Monroe, and the other at the entrance to the alley between Michigan and Wabash Avenues. The explosion at the corner of Michigan Avenue broke all the window glass for a block in either direction, doing damage to the amount of $ 20,000. So great was the shock that buildings for two blocks trembled and shook as though from an earthquake. Two Men Hurt. The explosion is believed to have been caused by gas from mains filling the big mains for the Chicago Economic Fuel Gas Co. This main was open at Michigan Avenue and Dearborn Street ends last night, and men were working at the Dearborn Street excavation, making connections for the gas to be turned on to-day. Thomas Ayers, of Ontario and Market Streets, and Frank Bassy, No. 126 Pacific Avenue, were two of the laborers. They were both injured, and were taken to their homes in the police ambulance. BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 485 There was a lantern at the Michigan Avenue end of the main, placed there as a danger signal on account of the excavation, and, it is believed, the escaping gas ignited from it. The lantern was blown to pieces. The air was filled with dust, smoke, and splinters of glass, and some of the pieces that were sent up highest didn't come down until the policeman on the beat reached the scene. Sidewalks Strewn with Glass. A moment after the explosion the officer on duty at the central detail, less than a block from the corner of Michigan Avenue and Monroe, rushed out and found the sidewalks for a block in each direction from the corner of Monroe and Michigan, covered with small pieces of glass. There was not a piece much larger than a postage stamp, and the layer in places was more than two inches thick. At the southwest corner of Monroe and Michigan Avenue, in front of Heing's tailoring establishment, the layer of glass was thickest, and every window in the building was gone. Along Michigan Avenue windows were nearly all blown out from Monroe south, to the office of the Economic Fuel Gas Company, No. 148, and two hundred feet from Monroe north, on Michigan Avenue, the windows are all broken for half a block. Nearly all the glass on the Monroe Street side of the tall Powers Block, at the northwest corner of Monroe and Michigan Avenue, is gone, and the streets are covered with powdered glass on all sides. There was a sprinkle of pieces of glass at the Palmer House, and on the walk in front of the Chi- cago Club, and up and down Wabash Avenue, from Madison to Adams, the particles of glass were glistening in the electric light like a sprinkle of snow- flakes. At the corner of Madison and Michigan Avenue there was a shower of glass, and the pieces fell thick for nearly a block in all directions. The only man struck by the shower of glass was an old man who was watching the pipes and tools at the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Monroe Street. He had a fire there near Battery D. , and was sitting near it when the explosion occurred. The big cast-iron main (30-inch) in which the explosion occurred is completed from Michigan Avenue to Dearborn Street, but work has been done at both ends, and also in the alley 011 the south side of Monroe Street between Michigan and Wabash Avenues. Flames Twenty-Five Feet High. There was an instantaneous explosion which sent a shaft of fire twenty- five feet high, making the earth tremble. The workman who was moving the lamp was thrown ten feet, however, landing in the soft earth thrown out, while the lamp was blown to pieces. Fvery one of the workmen was thrown from his feet. On Monroe Street, just east of Dearborn, the explosion was violent enough to startle the neighborhood, and hundreds ran towards the place. Suddenly a huge flame burst from the open end of the pipe in the open trench at that point, and then there was a scattering of people. This flame lasted but a moment or two. 486 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The gas in the main was forced through the pipe by the force of the explosion and escaped at the excavations in the alley between Dearborn and Monroe, where it was set fire by the lamps of the workmen. Patrolman Naughton was at Michigan and Adams when the explosion occurred, and was thrown down by the force of the explosion. He describes the flames as going twenty-five feet high. A car on Michigan Avenue had every pane of glass broken by the explosion. It was not Natural Gas. The idea that seemed to prevail among spectators that the explosion was caused by gas from the Indiana fields is all wrong, as not a foot of that gas has been turned on said H. H. Chichester, Superintendent of the Chicago Contract and Construction Company, who is laying the mains for the Economic Company. Manufactured gas from mains of the old company had leaked into our thirty-inch main on Monroe Street, and this mixed with air was what caused the explosion. An opening was left at Dearborn and Monroe Streets three weeks ago owing to obstructions preventing the making of a connection with the Dearborn Street main. Men were at work remov- ing this obstruction to-night, and some of them, I understand, brought a light near enough to our thirty -inch main to ignite the gas. I was in the Palmer House at the time of the explosion. It shook the building percep- tibly. At the office of the Chicago Economic Fuel Gas Company it was stated that not a foot of natural gas had been turned into the mains on Monroe Street, that the main was wide open at both ends, and, if it was responsible for the explosion, the gas must have reached it from the old company's mains. The men at the Economic Company's office didn't know who would have to pay the damage. The plate-glass, it was understood, was mostly insured against break- age. — Extract from Chicago Tribune, November n, 1892. Hold Corporations Responsible. The gravity of the explosion on Michigan Avenue should arouse the authorities to action. Doss of property is bad, but loss of life is worse, and the frequency of explosions in gas mains cannot be much further increased without probability of loss of life. The loss of property by the explosion in a main of the Economic Gas Company is estimated at $20,000. It is only by a miracle of good fortune that it was not attended by loss of life. The disaster was caused and was due to the shameful carelessness of a corporation that obtained its charter under circumstances that indicated wholesale corruption of civic authorities. The Assistant Superintendent of the Economic Gas Company, said, in rela- tion to the terrific explosion on Michigan Avenue, that gas had got into the pipe of his company from the leaky mains of other companies, and so produced the explosion. We do not regard this explanation as satisfactory, BURST AND LEAKY CAST-iRON GAS MAINS. 48? though we agree with the Assistant Superintendent that "the ground is full of gas." The plain truth is, that little or no attention seems to have been given by city authorities, neither by those now in office nor by any of their predecessors, to enforcing the law against corporations. It has been left op- tional with the gas companies to leave their mains in a leaky condition or to make them vapor proof ; generally speaking, they have thought leakage cheaper than repair. Corporations are by law held responsible if they perform any act or as- sume any powers not specially conveyed to them by the people in their char- ters or franchises. They are held responsible, also, for failure to do any- thing required of them by the charter or franchise from which they derive their existence. Were the laws governing corporations rigidly enforced against them there would be little or no complaint by the people of the abuse of corporate power. But it is notorious that the laws are not enforced against them. A corporation acquires from the people, through the Board of Aldermen or the State Legislature, a right to lay tracks, to excavate gas mains, to put electric wires overhead or underground, or to do something requisite for the completion of a purpose for which its charter or franchise was granted. But the right to do such thing is accompanied by the restriction that no public right shall be lessened by the act of the corporation. If it lay its tracks it must not endanger life or limb of the people. If it tear up the street it must relay the pavement in as good form as it found it ; it it excavate a main and lay gas pipes it must make its pipes tight, must wall its mains securely, must, in short, subject the persons and the property of the people to no danger. It, unfortunately, is notorious that these provisions of the law are seldom enforced. The streets are torn up by car companies, by electric conduit companies, by gas companies, by any one of the many corporations upon which our Board of Aldermen have conferred franchises in return for certain considerations, but the pavement very rarely is replaced in good order. There are streets on which it is absolutely dangerous to drivers of vehicles 011 account of the non-enforcement of the law against corporations who have torn up the pavements and have not properly replaced them. The tax upon citizens for repavement of streets that have been damaged by the criminal negligence of corporations runs into the tens of thousands of dollars yearly. It is time the city authorities laid the hand of the law upon corporations. — Editorial, Chicago Inter-Ocean, November 12, 1S92. The last cast-iron gas pipe explosion noted was that which occurred Thursday night, Nov. 10, 1892. Three days later, and but two blocks distant from the scene of the former explosion, was another gas blow-up, the account of which is given in the Chicago papers. We copy extracts from the article appearing in The Tribune, Monday, November 14th, )2 488 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ONE MORE EXPLOSION. A Gas Blow-up at Adams and La Salle Streets. — A Fiery Tongue Shoots Twenty-five Feet into the Air after Four Sharp Reports. — Big Buildings Tremble. — Employes of the Chicago Edison Company Hurled along the Trenches they are Dig- ging. — The Gas and Electric Companies Blame Each Other. — Other Street Troubles. There was another big gas explosion in the street yesterday morning resembling the one on Michigan Avenue a few nights ago, but not so destructive to plate-glass windows. People of sensitive nerves and timid disposition say they are beginning to regard excavations in the streets as liable to eruptions at any moment, like volcanoes on a small scale. The explosion yesterday morning was at La Salle and Adams Streets and the irrepressible manhole cover came in as a part of the performance. It took a flight through the upper air. One of the men engaged on the work had a blow-lamp soldering the joint. Suddenly there came a small explosion, then a second, next a third and finally a fourth one of such tremendous force as to shake the massive surrounding structures. Flames Leaped into the Air. A column of blue flame, with top fiery red, shot twenty-five feet up into the air, and the cover of the manhole in the middle of one of the street car tracks and some of the granite pavement-blocks went up with it. The men in the pit were hurled some distance along the net-work of gas and electric pipes. A citizen whose name could not be learned, who was looking on, was lifted from his feet and tossed to the curbstone on the north side of Adams Street (about fifty feet from the excavation), and showers of dirt fell around and struck the bystanders. There was a panicky rush from the spot and a counter rush of the curious from all directions in the neighbor- hood. What the Officials Say. The Edison superintendent claimed that the cast-iron gas pipes were rotten with age and rust, and were continually leaking. A City Hall em- ploye who was making an investigation said, "The company ought to be compelled to remove pipes like those where the explosion occurred when- ever the streets are open and replace them with new ones. After the explosion all work stopped. The men in charge were afraid to resume operations in the pit. The odor of the gas in the neighborhood was strong, showing that it was escaping in considerable quantities, and the use of the blow-lamp in the pit under the circumstances was considered risky, to say the least. TWO MORE MEN OVERCOME BY GAS. The Leak in the Main at Dearborn and Madison Streets Finally Stopped. All night Monday and until a late hour yesterday afternoon fumes of gas escaped from the great hole that the Chicago Gas Light and Coke Com- BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 489 pany had dug at Monroe and Dearborn Streets. So strong were these fumes during the morning that many in the crowds which passed the corner were seized with sudden faintness and were forced to hurry along at the top of their speed to avoid being overcome. Two laborers were rendered tempor- arily unconscious while working to stop the leak yesterday morning. James Roberts and five other workmen were overcome by the rush of gas Friday evening. * * * The foreman in charge of the gang of work- men ordered the hole to be filled with earth. Twenty men shovelled the dirt into the excavation, and in an hour it was filled level with the street, smothering the escaping gas and allowing a portion of it to flow on through the leaky main. Gradually, however, the gas escaped upward through the loose dirt, and by midnight the condition of the surrounding atmosphere was such that a lighted match would have probably produced an explosion. At 4 o'clock A. M. men were set to work to renew the excavation. They worked without lanterns or light of any kind except that furnished by the electric lamps on the streets. About 4:30 o'clock two Italian laborers were overcome and rendered unconscious by the fumes. They were laid out on the sidewalk and restored to their normal condition only after a hard struggle. At 8 o'clock when the clerks in neighboring business houses began to come down to their work the odor was awful. W. B. Emery, an order clerk with the banking firm of E. L. Brewster & Co. , Monroe and Dearborn Streets, was almost overcome and felt the results all day. In R. Wo-slikck's restaurant, beneath the Stock Exchange Building, the fumes were very dense during the morning, but no one was overcome. Gradually toward evening, after the break had been closed, the gas fumes ceased to fill the neighborhood.- — Chicago Tribune, November 30, iSg2. WATCHING FOR AN EXPLOSION. Leak in a Gas Main Makes Business Men Apprehensive. — Persons Made Sick. Within a radius of seventy-five feet on the west side of State Street there are eleven manholes. They cover conduits of all sizes and shapes which literally honeycomb the streets. At the present time the business men and their employes of that vicinity are in a state of terror, because they are daily expecting an explosion. For some days past Monroe Street from State to Michigan Avenue has been so filled with the odor of escaping gas that persons passing along have been made deathly sick. Business houses and residences have been filled from their basements to their roofs, and young women have been forced to give up their positions because they could not stand the stifling atmosphere. There is evidently a bad leak somewhere, but it has not been located. In fact, no one but the business men have endeavored to locate it. A short time ago Monroe Street, on the south side, was torn up from State Street to AVabash Avenue, for the purpose of making repairs. It is thought that the workmen might have broken a gas main or knocked off a connection and covered it up without repairing it. The gas has got into the conduits and passed to the manholes mentioned, as it is at this corner that the odor is most pronounced. 490 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The officers on the corner have been complained to, and they say that they have in turn notified the gas company and health department, but as yet nothing has been done. — Chicago News Record, December 10, 1892. Measure Recommended to Compel Gas Companies to Guard Against Explosions. Mayor Washburn sent in a message calling attention to recent gas explosions, and suggested that a proposed ordinance be passed. * * * The Mayor says action is imperative. The Fire Marshal sent in a recom- mendation on the same subject. — Chicago Times, January 17th, 1893. SIXTEEN OVERCOME BY GAS. Strange Happening in Several Houses on Milwaukee Avenue Discovered this Morning. — Two of the Victims are Likely to Die.— Defective Pipes cause the Sickness of Whole Families. — Mystery about the Affair. Sixteen people were found overcome by gas at an early hour this morn- ing in a row of buildings at 1608 to 1614 Milwaukee Avenue. Two of the victims, a mother and her child, have been taken to the county hospital, and will probably die. The others will, it is believed, live. It was about 10:30 last night when the odor of gas was first detected in the building at 1608 Milwaukee Avenue. Some of the tenants in that and in other buildings in the vicinity were confident that gas was coming in, but they could not tell how or where. An hour or so later a Mr. Caffery was found lying on the floor insensible. He had been overcome by the fumes of gas which completely filled the room. An officer was called and he quickly went through the adjoining buildings and found the inmates completely stupefied by the noxious vapors. Most of them were unconscious and lay as though struck down by some strange, deadly disease. Speedy action was necessary, and the officer hastened and secured the services of two physicians. Many of the victims were in convulsions, and the doctors had a hard time of it. In all but two cases, however, the safety of the patients is believed to be assured. As soon as daylight came the gas company was notified, and workmen were dispatched to the scene to determine the cause of the strange affair. About all they could say was, that there was a bad leak somewhere in the pipes. They could not tell just where the leakage was occurring, and at once set to work excavating in order to reach and repair the break. — Chicago Evening News, January 19, 1893. Another Manhole Explosion. A small panic was created at 5 o'clock last evening at the corner of Randolph and La Salle Streets by the explosion of a manhole. Randolph Street car No. 860 was approaching from the west, and the horses had just reached the manhole when the explosion occurred. The horses, frightened by the noise, jumped to one side, dragging the car with them off the track and down La Salle Street. Officer Mathews seized the animals in time to BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 491 prevent a runaway. The manhole cover was blown twenty-five feet into the air. It fell without doing any injury beyond a broken flange on a street car wheel. — Chicago Daily Globe, January 2jth, 1S93. Gas Main Explosion. — The New Appraisers Warehouse on Market Street Had a narrow escape from destruction Saturday night, and, but for the promptness of Capt. Cook, the watchman, the warehouse and its valuable contents might to-day have been a total loss. The building had been closed for the night, the sole occupant being Capt. Cook. Suddenly the lights went out as the result of the breaking of a three-inch gas main. The Captain hurriedly went below, and, after throwing up the windows in the basement, called a fireman and policeman to assist him. Had the gas reached the fires in the boilers, the result would have been disastrous to life and property. — Chicago Mail, Monday, January 3°, 1893. ARK IN A STATE OF CHRONIC ERUPTION. Four Manholes that Make Life at Jackson and Clark Streets a Burden. Four manholes at Jackson and Clark Streets are making things inter- esting for the [public these days. Two of them confine their operations to hoisting unsuspecting citizens skyward by spasmodic explosions, while the other two keep steadily at work breaking wagons and carriages. On the east side of the street is a manhole owned, but not controlled, by the Arc Light and Power Company. It has been quite restless lately. Yesterday, John Casey, one of the company's workmen, undertook to fix it. Fifteen minutes later kindly bystanders raised a man with a badly burned face, who said his name was Casey, and that he needed a rest. Just to show what it could do, the manhole on the west corner, owned by the same company, exploded with a noise like a howitzer and 300 people dodged the falling cover. — Chicago Tribune, February 14, 1893. To Prevent Manhole Explosions. Permits have been issued to the Sectional Underground Company allow- ing it to excavate the streets early in the Spring for the purpose of fitting manholes with ventilating devices. Commissioner Kuhns experimented with several systems last fall and adopted an arrangement providing for pipe connection with the open air at the curb line. Mr. Kuhns hopes the arrange- ment when once completed will remove the danger of explosion. — The Chi- cago Times, Thursday, February 16, 1893. Query: — Will putting vent pipes at the curb line prevent the leakage of gas from the cast-iron mains, or will it simply prevent the blowing up of manholes ? Why not compel the gas com- panies to lay gas mains that will not leak ? 492 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The following editorial in the Fire and Water of Feb. n, is submitted as bearing directly upon the subject: Water works superintendents and engineers cannot be too particular in the matter of thorough inspection of cast-iron pipe. It is not always their fault, as sometimes other people besides the water board make the appoint- ment of an inspector at the foundry— someone with a pull, and generally a political pull. It would be cheaper to let political parties create an in- firmary for housing this class of men and pay their expenses than it is to have them occupy positions which enable them to pass upon work bad in construction, and which when in place fails of its purpose, often doing dam- age that costs thousands of dollars to make good, besides inconveniencing an entire community. Not a great while ago an accident happened to a water main which cost a town a great deal of money. An examination of the fractured pipe led to an investigation, which evidenced the fact that the particular pipe which caused so much damage, although numbered and marked and checked in the daily report as inspected under test, had never had any test in presence of the inspector, in fact, the inspector was not very far away, but was engaged in playing a game of dominos. Now, if the inspector had been a thoroughbred politician we could overlook that, but to be one and not an inspector that knew his duty, is downright malfeasance. If politicians must be appointed, let it be understood that they must know and attend to their business. The marked progress and practicable development of wrought-iron and steel in the arts, its gradual cheapening in price as a product of improved methods of manufacture, its strength and durability, and its lightness in weight compared with cast-iron, brings it before the engineer and mechanic as a powerful competitor of cast-iron. It looks as though steel pipe will soon be made of any size in diameter and length of one piece with equal integrity of strength and durability in every part. Its weight, compared with cast-iron, and of equal strength, will form hereafter an important fac- tor of calculation in the matter of cost of transportation, all other things being equal. — Fire and Water, Neiv York, February u, i8gj. The above editorials, from a " thoroughbred-cast-iron- water-pipe-editor," are, to our minds, very significant. The references made to the methods of the cast-iron pipe manufacturers to have their pipe accepted without first being properly inspected and tested, would indicate that it is their habit to put poor iron in their castings, notwithstanding the offers made in their proposals and their agreements, both in the contract and under the specifications, which, as a rule provide that the metal entering into the manufacture of the pipe shall be of the best quality for the purpose. Have a Close Call. Scores of people who stood about the corners of Madison and Dearborn Streets last night had a narrow escape. BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 493 At eight o'clock two manholes blew up, the explosions being simul- taneous. The covers were blown thirty or forty feet into the air and were both shattered. For a time there was great excitement, and people fled in fear of another explosion. That no one was injured seems miraculous, since some of the bystanders were almost on the covers. Several were struck by pieces of dirt, but fortunately the fragments of the broken castings fell without doing any damage. — Chicago Tribune, February 21, iSgj. TWO MANHOLES BLOW UP. The La Salle Street Cover Makes its Twelfth Journey Skyward. Two manholes situated within a block of each other exploded a few minutes before one o'clock this afternoon. The cover of the manhole at Washington and La Salle Streets, which never misses shooting up into the air : with painful regularity, was the first to begin an ascent toward the sky. It had hardly secured a good start on its upward journey, when the cover at the entrance at Washington and Clark Streets flew skyward. Many pedestrians were in the vicinity, and they lost no time in dis- appearing, while the irons played tag with each other near the housetops. This makes the twelfth journey the cover at Washington and La Salle Streets has made toward the sky, and its next outing is looked forward to with no little apprehension by the policeman who perambulates about the crossing and others who are in the habit of walking in that vicinity. — Chi- cago Mail, April 20, /Sgj. Manhole Cover Blows up. Pedestrians near Clark and Jackson Streets, at noon to-day, were sud- denly started by a loud explosion. The manhole at the corner had blown up with a loud noise and knocked the iron cover several feet in the air. The affair was caused by the underground wires. No one was injured. — Chicago Mail, December 22a 1 , iSgj. Explosions of Gas in a Manhole — Many Persons Shocked. The manhole at the northeast corner of Washington street and Fifth ave- nue blew up shortly after 7 o'clock last night. Many persons were in the vicinity at the time, and several were struck by pieces of stone but not seri- ously injured. The stone paving for several yards around was upheaved. The explosion was the result of Frank Hunt's experimenting with the gase- ous odor he noticed in the vicinity. Some time ago a standpipe ventilator was placed at the edge of the sidewalk to allow the escape of gas in the man- hole. Considerable gas was escaping through this ventilation when Hunt came along and started to investigate. He finally located the gas in the standpipe. "Just to see what the thing would do," he struck a match and applied it at the top. The result exceeded his expectations. The explosion which followed threw him off his feet and dazed him for several minutes. A 494 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. horse belonging to O. N. Loar, which was standing close by, was lifted sev- eral feet in the air. In a few minutes a large crowd was gathered. When Frank Hunt had been restored to consciousness a central station officer ap- peared and placed him under arrest. — Chicago Tribune, January 5th, /8g4. Five Manhole Covers Blow Up. Five manhole covers, two of them on Jackson Street and the other three on Dearborn Street, between Jackson and Adams Streets, blew out about 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, causing a great deal of excitement among the pedestrians but fortunately hurting no one. The cover located at Adams and Dearborn Streets was on tighter than the others and was hurled about fifty feet skyward. In its descent it narrowly missed an Adams Street horse-car which was going east at the time. These coverings are placed over openings in an electric wire conduit owned by the Edison Company, The explosions are caused by the ignition of sewer and illuminating gases which accumulate in the conduit, and are fired off by the leakage of the electric light wires. — Inter-Ocean, February 3, 1894- Series of Manhole Explosions. There was another series of manhole explosions in the down-town district last night. The first iron cover to go skyward was near the corner of Jackson and Clark Streets, and following in quick succession were explosions at Jackson and Dearborn, Ouincy and Dearborn and at Adams and Dearborn. The streets were crowded at the time, but no one was reported injured. Some of the iron covers went into the air as high as fifteen feet. The recent damp weather is said to be the cause of the explosions. — Chicago Record, February 6th, 1894. Big Verdict in Favor op a Boy. Stanislaus Jeschke, 7 years old, was given a verdict for $15,000 j^ester- day against the city of Chicago and the People's Gas Eight and Coke Com- pany in Judge Blanke's court. The suit was for damages for personal injuries. In June, 1889, Jeschke was walking on Dixon Street, near Black- hawk, when an explosion occurred in a manhole. The boy was badly in- jured. The jury first found damages against the People's Gas Eight and Coke Company for $13,000 and the city for $2,000. The court instructed the jury that they could not return such a verdict, and sent them back to the jury-room. They then returned a verdict of $15,000 against both defend- ants. — Chicago Herald, February 7, 1894. Injured by a Manhole Explosion. E. A. Bixby, of Hammond, was passing the corner of Madison and Clark Streets at 9.30 o'clock yesterday morning when the cover of the manhole was thrown into the air by a gas explosion. It was broken in pieces, and one of the fragments struck Bixby on the right leg. He is a BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 495 postal clerk employed in the service between Chicago and Duluth. — Chicago Daily News, Feb. 13, 1894. Manhole Covers have no Respect for City Father. An alderman was passing the corner of Clark and Adams Streets when a manhole explosion occurred, and the heavy cover in its flight through the air just grazed the alderman, knocking him into the mud. Although some- what stunned, Mr. O'Neill escaped with no more injur)' than a bruised leg and a mudbespattered suit of clothes. — Chicago Daily Nezvs, March 10, ^94- Two Terrieic Explosions. Two terrific explosions startled the pedestrians in the neighborhood of Clark and Jackson Streets at eleven o'clock this morniug. Officer Jacob Brown, who does duty on that corner, was lifted off his feet ; the drivers of several teams which were passing at the time had a hard time in holding their horses in check, and in a few seconds hundreds of people had gathered around. The two manholes had exploded. The iron plate covering one of them, belonging to the Western Union Telegraph Company, was thrown five feet in the air, and was broken in two pieces, one-half falling back into the hole. No one was injured. — Chicago Daily News, April jo, 1894. DENVER, COLORADO. Sickened by Escaping Water Gas. — Denver People Suffering from its Effects. Denver, Jan. 7. — Sickness has been caused in this city by escaping gas. * * * Gas has escaped and found its way through leaky joints into cellars and store rooms and private residences, causing sickness. Complaint has been made to the health department, investigation instituted and the above facts substantiated. In several cases women have fainted in dry goods stores from the effects of the odor. When the stores are opened in the morning it is almost impossible to enter them, so full of the gas are they. The officers of the company claim this will cease in time, but the inspectors cannot see it that way. A more thorough and searching inves- tigation has been ordered. — Chicago Herald, January Slh, 1893. DAVENPORT, IOWA. GASES THAT KILL. Two Deaths in Davenport, Iowa, from Asphyxiation.— The Gas Escaped from a Broken Main. Davenport, Ia., Jan. 30. — (Special.) — The death of two well-known citizens by asphyxiation, the narrow escape of four others, and an explosion in the largest store in town have failed of a satisfactory explanation. The cause is under consideration of a coroner's jury. 496 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. This morning a working girl found her store, No. 211 Main St., closed, and while looking for the cause, went up-stairs. There she found Mrs. Phil. Damn, the proprietor, two children and a domestic stupefied in their beds. They were taken out into the fresh air, and are now beyond danger, except the two children. Two hours later it was learned that the occupants of an adjoining room had not been seen. The door was forced. On the bed was one lifeless body and on the floor another, partially dressed. The former was Louis Franklin. He lived in Davenport, and was a travelling salesman for Hart & Co. The latter was Charles C. Rapp, now a clerk in a local store. Rapp and Franklin were great friends, and the latter had invited the former to spend the night at his apartments. There was a strong smell of illuminating gas in the building, and as there are no gas pipes, it is held that a leaky gas main must have done the work. The sewer on Main Street was examined to-day and was found to be full of illuminating gas, and it is asserted that there was enough illumin- ating gas in the sewer to cause an explosion if a lighted match had been dropped. * It is feared that a main has burst, and that the deadly gas is finding its way to the surface, where the resistance from frost is least. Stores and offices a block away from the scene of the deaths were charged with gas early this morning. — Chicago Tribune, January 31, 1893. NEW YOEK CITY. SMALL EARTHQUAKE. Three Subway Explosions at Broadway and Twenty-Third Street. — Paving Stones in the Air.— Hundreds of Excited Pedestri- ans Rush eor Safety. Three explosions took place in the Electrical Subway at twenty minutes before noon to day ; two of them at the corner of Twenty-third Street and Broadway, and the third in front of the entrance to the Fifth Avenue Hotel. In the Air. Policeman Ray nor, of the Broadway squad, was standing on the cross- walk near the northwest corner, within a few feet of the big iron cover of the subway manhole, when suddenly there came a loud explosion. A section of the street in front of hira seemed to rise up in the air as high as the electric lamp post on the corner. It was a mass of dirt and granite street blocks, in which could be seen the great iron plate and frame, weigh- ing about 2,000 pounds. There was an immediate scattering of the passers-by in every direction. Men yelled, women screamed, and horses attached to passing vehicles became so unmanageable that it was with great difficulty the drivers pre- vented them from running away. Another Explosion. In another moment came the sound of a second explosion, and another column of dirt, paving stones, and manhole plate rose in the air. This was BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 497 from the subway manhole on the opposite side of Twenty-third Street. This was not so violent as the first, but it added to the terror of those in the vicinity. A number of persons were thrown to the ground, and one man had two fingers of his right hand broken. Policeman Raynor was struck with a paving stone, but he was only slightly bruised. A carnage belonging to Mason's livery stable, standing near the curb, was badly damaged by the flying stones. The occupant of the carriage, Mrs. Richenstein, of No. 39 East Seventy-fifth Street, fainted away, and was taken home suffering severely from shock. Superintendent Hart was communicative. Pie said it was like other similar explosions, undoubtedly caused by the gas which had found its way into the conduit. The Same Old Story. Subway Commissioner Hess was found in front of the Fifth Avenue Hotel examining the manhole of the subway at that point. There had been a slight explosion there, which had dislodged a number of paving stones and nearly upset a cab which stood over it. "It is the same old story of gas in the subway," said the Commis- sioner. " I mean illuminating gas, which has leaked from adjoining cast- iron mains. The whole street is saturated with this gas, and the open space of our manholes acts as a receiving vault for it." Mr. Hess said that every manhole was pumped clear of gas two or three times a w r eek. Smelled oe Gas. Detective Pryor, of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, said that last night there was such a smell of gas in the hotel that the gasman made an investiga- tion, but could find no leak in the house pipes. — New York Evening Tele- gram, March 23, iSSg. SLEEPING VOLCANOES. Dangerous Conditions Under our Streets. — The Expert Under Whose Charge the Subway Conduits Were Built, Says They are Liable to Explode with Terrible Force and Disastrous Results at Any Moment. " I would not be surprised to hear at any time that a half-dozen or a dozen of people were blown into eternity by just such an explosion as that which occurred in front of the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday. In fact, I am surprised that these explosions have not caused loss of life long ago." These startling words came from the lips of Engineer Wheeler, the ex- pert of the Subway Commission which controls the conduits in which the explosions occurred. ' ' It was only by sheer good luck that the people walking near the Fifth Avenue Hotel were not killed," he continued. "The explosions were sufficiently violent to cause loss of life, but, by a miraculous dispensation of 498 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Providence, the people who were in the vicinity at the time were not over the centre of the explosion. The force of the explosion may be judged from the fact that the covering of a manhole, weighing many hundred pounds, was thrown ten feet into the air and the pavements shaken as if by an earthquake. And the worst of it is that a similar explosion, or even a more violent one, may occur any day in the year and in any of the many streets where the subway has been constructed. As these streets cover the most frequented parts of the city, the consequences may be very disastrous. " To what cause do I attribute the explosion ? Well, I have investigated other explosions in the last few months, those on Park Row, on Bowling Green and at the corner of Maiden Lane and Pearl Street, and all who have looked into the matter agree with me that the cause was the leakage of gas from the mains into the subway. " The gas companies — especially the Consolidated Company — are re- sponsible for these dangerous explosions. They use such bad pipes that the ground within several feet of them is thoroughly saturated with gas. I have made experiments, and I know. I have dug into the earth over the pipes only two feet and found the gas so dense that I could light it and it would burn several minutes, notwithstanding the pressure of the fresh air. This indicates the enormous quantity of gas which pours from the pipes ready at any moment to explode. Slumbering Volcanoes in the Streets. " Why is it that such quantities of gas escape? Simply because some companies use inferior pipe, pipe filled with sandholes. It may surprise the public, but it is a fact that 25 or 30 per cent, of the gas which goes through the pipes escapes through these holes, saturates the ground and leaves the people standing on a sort of volcano which may pour forth at any time and cause loss of life. " Supposing that gas is the principal cause of the explosion, what do you think causes the explosive action of the gas?" " That is just the point that we are trying to determine. Only one thing is certain, and that is that the action is spontaneous. The top of the manholes are so secured that no extraneous object can bring about an ex- plosion. Even water cannot penetrate them. We are now experimenting on these gases. They are closed up in bottles, and we are awaiting to find out how they can explode without coming into contact with fire. ' ' " What do you think of the theory that the ventilating apparatus of the subway pressed the gases to a certain point and caused the trouble ?' ' " That is nonsense. Blowing air into the subway cannot concentrate gas at a certain point. Every scientific man knows that." The Remedy. " What, then, would you suggest as a remedy for the danger that threatens the city?" " A perfect remedy would be to induce the gas companies to use good pipe. They should subject it before using it to hydraulic pressure, as they do in Boston and other cities. The pipe that can bear the pressure is sure BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 499 to be without sandholes. The trouble is that the gas companies buy up in- ferior pipe on account of its cheapness and endanger the lives of the people in order to make a little more money. I should think it would be to the interest of the companies to avoid the loss of 25 or 30 per cent, of their gas ; but they seem to think differently. Gas is very cheap for the producers, and they think the loss is more than compensated for by the saving in the pipes. If these were good pipes, I am sure two-thirds of the gas now escaping into the subways could be retained in the pipes." The gas companies of this city are the Consolidated, which has gobbled up the Municipal and the Manhattan; the Mutual and the Standard. All the companies are said to have adopted the same methods, except in the use of water-gas. Commissioner Daniel L. Gibbens agrees with Mr. Wheeler that the ex- plosion yesterday was caused by the leakage of gas, and was in no way at- tributable to. the electric light and telegraph wires in the subway. The Board has decided that, until the companies mend their pipes, the only way to cope with the gas is to force into the inside of the manholes a sufficient quantity of air to resist the pressure of gas from the outside. The Dangerous Manholes. The manhole accidents have been many. Last year two workmen were found nearly dead in one of them on Sixth avenue. One of the men died a few hours later. The coroner's verdict was death by asphyxiation. On Park Row, last fall, three men were blown out of a manhole One of them was seriously injured. The explosion was caused by a lighted match which was dropped into the manhole. Other explosions on Nassau street, the Bowery and Pearl street, caused damage — and all were caused, the experts say, by leakage of gas. The manholes and pavements in front of the Fifth Avenue Hotel are all right to-day. No signs of the explosion are apparent. Mayor Grant Aeive to the Danger. Mayor Grant was asked today what he thought about Mr. Wheeler's idea of the explosion, and what should be done to prevent similar occur- rences in future. He said : "I agree with Mr. Wheeler about the danger. An explosion which might occur at any time might cause loss of life and damage to property. This thing cannot be allowed to go on. There have been enough explosions within a year to give warning. The danger must be obviated, but just how I cannot say on the spur of the moment. From all that I can learn, the trouble comes from a leakage of the gas pipes ; so it seems that reform must begin here. Such leakages and possible accidents arising therefrom should have been considered before the subways were started ; but, as these things were overlooked and the subways are so near completion, the matter re- quires careful consideration before acting. When the Board of Electrical Control hears from the gas companies, a plan of action can be determined upon. Anyhow, one thing is certain, namely, that the cause of the danger must go. M — New York Commercial Advertiser, March 26, 1889. 500 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. MORE PERILS UNDERGROUND. Senator Erwin's Committee Hears About Leaky Gas Mains. — Our Soie Permeated with Gas, Lowber Smith Says, and Health and Life Endangered.— Gen. Sickles' Experience Running Gas Works and Getting Biles for Gas He Didn't Burn. — Remedies Proposed. Senator George Z. Erwin, who has been investigating the underground system in New York, has come to the conclusion that it is safer to live in St. Lawrence County and burn oil than to run the risk of being blown up by subway explosions or poisoned by gas in New York City. The Senate Com- mittee on General Laws, of which he is the Chairman, and which has been trying to find out whether a State Board of Supervision should be established to have authority over all the underground systems, met yesterday at the Hotel Metropole. The members present were Senators Erwin, Coggeshall, Vedder, Brown, Van Gorder and Chase. General Daniel E. Sickles, who was the first witness called by the com- mittee 3?esterday, told about the waste of gas from excessive pressure on the mains and from imperfect pipes and fixtures. This leakage was not only dangerous to health, but costly to consumers, as General Sickles knew from personal experience. " The companies make the consumer pay for the waste," he said. "What remedy would you propose for these existing evils?" asked Senator Erwin. General Sickles said that one solution of the difficulty was public owner- ship of the gas works, as in France, Germany and England. "Another evil," General Sickles continued, " is the high pressure which forces the gas into the soil. A large proportion of sickness in this city is due to the amount of gas that escapes from the soil wherever it is opened. There is a lack of supervision in these matters. The inspector of gas meters is paid by the companies, and has neither the experience nor the facilities necessary to protect the consumers." In answer to Senator Erwin's questions, General Sickles said that we need a Gas Commission appointed by the Governor, which should have control of the whole subject, with scientific experts in its employ. This commission should have the courage to look a gas company in the face, and the power to investigate and correct these evils. D. Lowber Smith, ex-Commissioner of Public Works, said that the escape of gas in the city was so great that in some places enough gas could be found by driving a crowbar down through the pavement to make a con- siderable blaze. On Madison Avenue, between Twenty-third and Thirty- fourth vStreets, where asphalt pavement is used, there is no way for the gas to escape through the streets. Consequently a great deal of it forces its way under the curbs into the basements and cellars on either side of the street. The Department of Public Works had received a large number of complaints from people living in that part of the city about escaping gas. There are four distinct gas mains in that part of Madison Avenue. " What remedy woidd you propose?" asked Senator Erwin. ' ' The gas system of this city would be greatly improved by consoli- dation," answered Mr. Smith. "There are too many mains in the same BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 501 streets. If the city furnished the gas, or in any way the number of mains could be reduced, it would greatly decrease the leakage. The city has now no authority over the gas companies. I think that the Department of Public Works should have authority to appoint an efficient inspector to correct many of these abuses. ' ' Mr. Smith said that he thought the gas leakage in this city amounted to fifteen per cent. Horace Loomis, engineer of the Department of Public Works, believed that there was urgent need of supervision on the part of the city of the gas companies. George W. Birdsall, Chief Engineer of the Croton Aqueduct, said that the lower part of the city was gridironed with pipes of one sort and anothei - , and many of them were in a dangerous condition. When there was a leak it was impossible to tell at once which pipe was in need of repairs. Mr. Birdsall thought that it would hardly be practicable to put all the gas mains in one conduit. In his opinion all the underground pipes should be run through vaults where they could be examined every day without tearing up the streets. Mr. Birdsall said that he had seen some pipes so badly corroded that it was possible to break them with the hand. Some of the mains were simple holes in the ground, surrounded bj^ rust. Mr. Birdsall also thought that the Commissioner of Public Works should have jurisdiction over the gas companies, and should have the power to make the necessary repairs if the companies refused to do it. Leonard F. Beckwith, Chief Engineer of the Consolidated Telegraph and Electrical Subway Company, alarmed Senator Erwin with his account of the dangers of subway explosions. The gas that escaped, he said, nat- urally filled up the manholes and formed a dangerous mixture with the air. The subway company had been trying to expel gas from the subwavs. This danger in New York was such a threatening one that a double set of covers was provided for each manhole. Mr. Beckwith said that in one city pro- vided with subways and leaking gas a fire engine struck one of the caps of a manhole and at the same time a burning coal fell into the manhole. An explosion followed which threw the fire engine over on its side. Mr. Beck- with estimated the gas leakage in the lower part of the city at about twenty per cent., and in the upper part of the city at about twelve per cent. This leakage, he thought, could be reduced to three or four per cent. In Paris wrought-iron pipes wrapped in asphalt were used, and the saving in leakage paid for the extra expense of the pipes. Joseph Flannery, Chief Engineer of the Standard Gas Company, said that if Mr. Beckwith's estimates of the gas leakage were correct it would be impossible to live in New York. There was annually forced into the gas mains in this city 10,000,000 cubic feet of gas a mile. He thought a State Commission would place an intelligent medium between the gas companies and the people. The committee adjourned the investigation at this point until next Saturday, and spent the evening dodging manholes and breathing through their handkerchiefs to escape gas poisoning. — -New York World. 502 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. THE LEAKING GAS MAINS. Testimony Before the General Taws Committee. — General Sickles Relates an Experience. — Opinions of Expert Wit- nesses on the Gas Companies. Messrs. Erwin, Vedder, Coggeshall, Van Gorder and Chase, of the State Senate Committee on General Laws, resumed the investigation, at the Hotel Metropole in this city yesterday, of the alleged injury to citizens from the leaking gas mains and steam pipes and electric wires in the streets. The first witness was Sheriff Daniel E. Sickles, who related an experi- ence he had with a gas company about 1882. He then lived at No. 14 Fifth Avenue. There was some trouble about gas bills in the house, some of the persons being away a good deal, but getting their gas bills all the same. General Sickles wrote the company a letter on the subject. A month or two later he went to Europe, first instructing the janitor of the apartment where he lived to turn off the gas at the meter and use none during his absence. On his return, after several mouths, he received bills for gas for all the time he was away, while the gas was turned off. He refused to pay the bills and the company took steps to shut off his gas supply. He ob- tained an injunction to prevent this, and invited the company to sue him for the gas he did not use. The result was a good deal of litigation, but he had never paid for the gas. General Sickles added that he had observed the smell of leaking gas in the streets for years and it constituted a nuisance injurious to health. The remedy was to hold any company with leaking gas mains responsible for committing a nuisance, just as a private individual would be held. If the law did not afford a good remedy it should be amended. He thought gas companies should be under the supervision of proper State officers. The companies consolidate until they become very formidable. The stock pays such high dividends that the figures startle people; then the capital stock is increased. In England and Germany the gas service is owned by the munic- palities, and the gas is of better quality and much cheaper than in this city. " When I was in command of Charlestown, S. C. , in 1865-67," General Sickles said, " it became my duty to take charge of the gas works, because the company had confiscated the stock of the loyal Northern owners and turned the proceeds into the Confederate Treasury. 1 appointed Edward M. Dickerson, of New York, Commissioner to have charge of the works. The quality of gas then furnished was poor aud the price high. Dickerson investigated the business and reported that the quality could be improved fifty per cent, and the price reduced. This was done, and though there was a great howl at the seizure of the works, the result was very pleasing to the people. I conducted the gas works some time through Mr. Dickerson, and then transferred them back to the company with the understanding that the quality of gas should be maintained and the price should not be raised. The result of my management showed a handsome profit in the business." General Sickles said that in his opinion $1.25 was too high a price for New York to pay for gas. The companies were not interested in preventing leakages. The price was so much above the cost that they were willing to have gas escape and charge the loss up to the consumers. The present State BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 503 inspection of meters, he said, was a mere sham. He thought there should be a State Commission to supervise the companies, but it should be com- posed of men of attainments and rectitude, who would stand up and look the gas companies in the face and not swerve from duty. Adolphus A. Knudson, an electrical expert of Brooklyn, testified briefly concerning the safety of the trolley system of street-car propulsion. The electrical current used, he said, had never caused the death of a person, though many men had been shocked. D. Lowber Smith, ex-Commissioner of Public Works, testified that the Public Works Department had no control over the laying of gas mains. There was no supervisory power over the companies. Mr. Smith gave instances from his experience as Water Purveyor to show how badly the gas mains leaked. The pavements in some parts of the city could not be dis- turbed without a very strong smell of escaping gas. In some places, when a crow-bar was driven into the street and removed, gas would rush out that could be ignited and would burn with a bright blaze. In Madison Avenue, between Twenty-third and Thirty-Seventh Streets, which was paved with asphaltum a few years ago, he understood the residents were complaining a great deal of escaping gas in their cellars. The gas leaking from the mains could not get through the asphaltum pavements, so it spread out and fol- lowed the service pipes into the house. As to a remedy, Mr. Smith suggested that the city should furnish gas, just as it furnishes water. If that were not practicable, and Mr. Smith did not know whether it was or not, the Department of Public Works should have charge of laying the gas mains. He did not know but there should be a State commission to supervise, but it should operate through the local authorities. Mr. Smith estimated the leakage of gas at 15 per cent. Mr. Horace Loomis, engineer in charge of the sewers of the city and ex- Commissioner of Street Cleaning, testified that excavations could hardly be made in the lower part of the city without encountering escaping gas. The leakage, he thought, was mostly from the joints in the mains and the points where the service pipes entered the mains. Some authority should have power to prescribe the quality of gas pipe and the manner of laying it. Mr. George W. Birdsall, chief engineer of the Croton Aqueduct, in his testimony dwelt on the injury from the great number of pipes in the streets, many of which were in bad condition. The great trouble with the gas com- panies was that they left their pipes in the ground too long. The pipes become coated with rust, and the least disturbance to them would cause a leak. The only absolute remedy for the leakage of the mains was to put them all in a vault where they could be inspected every day and any leak be at once detected and stopped. Mr. Leonard T. Beckwith, chief engineer of the Electrical Subway Company, testified that much difficulty was experienced from escaping gas getting in the subways. It was necessary to expel the gas before men could enter the manholes, and ten stations had been established for pumping in air. Witness said that in some cases the gas mains were in such rotten con- dition that if a workman touched them with his boot he would knock a hole in them. Joseph Flannery, chief engineer of the Standard Gas Light Company, declared that this was a progressive age and that his company had just put 504 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. down eighty-five miles of new wrought-iron gas mains, so protected as to make them more desirable than cast-iron mains. The joints were screwed together instead of being soldered with lead. The companies, he said, gave great attention to leakages, and tried to stop them. He was sure the average leakage could not be above i per cent. There would be great trouble if it were. No less than 10,000,000 cubic feet of gas per mile per annum was used in this city. The way to prevent gas from getting in the subways was to fill the cavities. Mr. Flannery favored a State commission. William Webb, Superintendent of Sewers in the Department of Public Works, told the committee that gas often escaped into the sewers, and in half a dozen cases explosions had occurred when men went into the sewers with lights. Some of the explosions were very severe and destructive. The gas came from the pipes. He had seen a service pipe in such a condition that he could crush it with his hand. The earth is not everywhere filled with gas, only where there were leaks. The laying of mains should be under some supervision. Mr. Webb favored taking steam-heating pipes out of the streets entirely. John B. Strong of Brooklyn produced a triune polar instrument which anmsed the committee for a time. Then adjournment was taken to next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. The investigation will then be closed. — N. Y. Times. THE GAS PIPES ARE ROTTEN. Was this the Cause of the Explosion at Twenty-Third Street? Subway Commissioners say that Millions of Feet of Gas Escape into the Ground, Creating an Ever-Present Source of Danger.— The Mayor Calls for A Conference with Gas Companies. The narrow escape from death of many people in the upheaval of the street near Fifth Avenue Hotel, Tuesday, awakened a very general desire to know the exact cause of the explosion. A more populous and fashionable corner than Fifth Avenue and Twenty-third Street could not be found, and the fact that nobody was killed in Tuesday's upheaval was not entirely re- assuring for the future. Of course, it has been known in a general way that the explosion resulted from an accumulation of illuminating gas in the new electrical subway, but where it came from or how it got there remains a puzzle. The Board of Electrical Control took steps to investigate the trouble by requesting the several gas companies to examine their mains in that vicinity for the purpose of discovering all possible leaks. Since then the corner of Fifth Avenue and Twenty-Third Street has been the point of operations for a great number of human moles employed by the gas companies to burrow under the ground along the gas mains. There was nothing to show that the gas had not entered the subway miles from the scene of the explosion, but for several days prior to that event a strong smell of gas had filled the base- ment of the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The suspicion that a big leak would be discovered close by proved correct, and, according to Electrical Subway Commissioner Gibbens, the exact cause of the explosion was ascertained. BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 505 The junction of the Standard Gas Company's main down Broadway with the crosstown main in Twenty-Third Street, instead of being made with a closely jointed elbow, is made at right angles, the protruding end of the crosstown main being stopped with a wooden plug. It was here, accord- ing to Commissioner Gibbens, that the enormous escape of gas occurred, and the Standard Company admits the discovery of such a leak. Another leak, though less serious, was discovered by the Equitable Gaslight Company near by. These leaks have been repaired, but the possibility of similar ex- plosions in other parts of the city still remains. Commissioners Hess and Gibbens differ materially in their views. It seems to be Mr. Hess's idea that instead of endeavoring to make the subway manholes gas-tight they should be left conveniently open for the reception of gas, which might be carried away by the construction of powerful blowers. " I always supposed," said Commissioner Gibbens, " if a man amused himself by keeping a wild animal, that it was his duty to see that the beast should not harm his neighbors ; not that they were obliged to furnish pasturage for it. The gas companies, through negligence, are maintaining a wild animal below the surface of the streets. They ought to be made to chain it up, for it is liable to break out at any time. We will try to make the subway gas-tight, but how will that prevent explosions ? They will take place in cellars, basements, and wherever gas enters. It would be absurd to blame a house-owner for damage done in his house by burglars, but you might as well expect men to build burglar-proof residences as to expect them to construct their basements so that gas, which is flooding the earth all over New York, cannot enter. It is a matter for the gas companies alone to remedy. A commission ought to be appointed to see that they lay their pipes in a proper manner and keep them in repair." " I am not so much surprised that an explosion occurred in the streets," said Henry S. Kearny, Engineer of the Board of Electrical Control, "as I am that more have not occurred, for the gas-pipes under the streets are in a deplorable condition. It is claimed that ordinary gas will not explode spontaneously, and as no fire could have been introduced directly into the manholes, the fire must have originated elsewhere, and followed a leak to a point where enough gas had accumulated to cause an explosion. As to the gas-pipes, as found while building underground conduits, many of the mains were so rotten that they could not be moved. Some of the iron pipe in which gas is conveyed was laid thirty years ago, and it has so rusted and decayed that it crumbles to pieces when exposed to the air. I am informed that one-third of the gas manufactured is accounted for by the companies on the ground of leakage — that millions of cubic feet are absorbed by the earth daily, and any person who has been in a newly dug trench can realize the possibility of this being true. This leaking gas penetrates the sewers, basements, and, in a good many instances, the upper floors of buildings, and we are breathing poisoned air continually. Unless radical steps are taken the evil will grow more rapidly as the pipes decay. We will, how- ever, doubtless be able to devise a plan to prevent subway explosions." Mayor Grant has called a meeting of the Board of Electrical Control for noon Monday, and has invited the presidents and engineers of the several gas companies to be present to discuss the means of preventing the accumulation of gas in subways. — New York World, March 29, 1889. 506 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. THOSE DANGEROUS SUBWAYS. The Electric Board Seeks a Way to Prevent Explosions. Mayor Grant is anxious to find some means whereby further explosions of gas in the subways may be averted, and to that end he called a special meeting of the Board of Electrical Control in his office yesterday. All the representatives of the leading gas and electric lighting companies wer e invited, and among those who attended were President John P. Kennedy, of the Mutual Gas Company ; General F. B. Spinola, of the Standard ; Vice-President Zolikoffer, of the Consolidated ; Edward Lauterbach, of the Consolidated Telegraph and Electrical Subway Construction Company, and about fifty other gentlemen interested in illuminating matters. The full Board of Electrical Control was on hand, and D. Lowber Smith, Com- missioner of Public Works, occupied a seat on the right hand side of the Mayor. President Lauterbach, of the Subway Company, was the first speaker. He reviewed the causes that led to the explosions, and said that illuminating gas had frequently exploded in sewer manholes long before the trouble showed itself in the subways. It was noticeable that the explosion at Broad- way and Twenty-third Street took place while there was no electrical current or spark in the subway. It was impossible to prevent the permeation of gas into vacuums. When his company built its subways the gas mains were taken down and repaired whenever it was found necessary. Mr. Lauterbach then read a long report on the subject of explosions, which was prepared by Engineer L. F. Beekwith of the Subway Company. The report, dated February 25, 1889, on the subject of ventilation in the subways, set forth that it was impossible to make a construction that would prevent infiltration. When the proportion of gas present is twelve per cent, then the danger is greatest. The oldest parts of the city where the mains were buried longest was where the most danger lies. A tap of a pick or a crowbar, or even the stamp of a boot heel, was in some cases sufficient to crush the pipe. In these oldest parts of the city twenty per cent, of the gas was estimated to be lost by leakage. The Standard Gas Company, which was doing the best it could, by the introduction of wrought-iron pipe, suffered least from leakage, although a ten-inch main of that company, in an uptown street, had a plug loosened some time ago and created a considerable leak. The Mayor's Queries. Mayor Grant interrupted Mr. Lauterbach to ask him what he meant by saying that the Standard Company was doing its best, and still had a loose plug on a ten-inch main. " I meant it had the best appliances," answered Mr. Lauterbach. "Then you think the old companies are the worst?" persisted the mayor. " Yes, sir," answered Mr. Lauterbach. " This last explosion came from carelessness." The president of the subway company then read from the supplementary report of Mr. Beekwith touching the recent explosions. The theory advanced as to the accident in front of the Fifth Avenue Hotel was that the infiltrating gas made its way from the subway through a duct leading to the BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 507 basement of the Novelty Company's store in the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The strong odor of gas which permeated the hotel led the porters to make a search for the leak They found gas coming from the basement of the Novelty Company. On a workbench in the basement there was a gas jet for heating a glue pot. In lighting the jet it is thought the escaping gas in the duct already mentioned was ignited and the flame rapidly communicated itself through the duct and into the manholes, where the accumulated gas exploded. The remedy for the gas in manholes and elsewhere lay in the use of blowers. These had been used in various instances and had been found effective. Mr. Lauterbach also said that much trouble was caused in the lower part of the city by the mains of the steam heating company. In some instances the temperature in the manholes was 200 degrees. Unless the cables were covered with lead casings they were useless. Mr. Kennedy's Views. President John P. Kennedy, of the Mutual Company, objected to the statements contained in the report read by Mr. Lauterbach. Mr. Kennedy denied that the gas pipes were laid carelessly, that they were of poor material and rotten in many cases. These pipes when cast are submitted to a pressure of 300 pounds to the square inch. It was impossible to prevent leakage of cast-iron pipes. The estimated loss from leaks was five per cent. Mr. Kennedy thought that ventilation of the manholes was the only remedy. Mayor Grant : If the leaks in the manholes are dangerous why should not cellars and vaults be also dangerous? Mr. Kennedy : Because escaping gas ascends perpendicularly and does not permeate laterally. At this point Mr. Kennedy's declaration was jumped on by Commis- sioner Smith, Engineer Beckwith and Engineer Kearney, of the Board of Electrical Control, who agreed the gas was not so modest that it could not get anywhere — into sewers, cellars, vaults and other places. Mr. Kennedy suggested that the manholes be ventilated by two pipes — one to convey the fresh air from a point just behind the curb-stone and another pipe to convey the gas back to the curbstone. The pure air, which was heavier, would drive the gas out. Engineer Beckwith objected to this on account of its danger, and said that a man throwing away a lighted cigar might ignite the escaping gas and blow up the manhole. Mr. E. J. Enfers, Superintendent of the Equitable Gas Eight Company, said the leakage had increased since the subways had been built. This was due to improperly filling in the ground under the gas mains. The hearing will be resumed at one o'clock to-day. — New York Herald, April 2d, 1889. 508 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. PERIL FROM TEAKY MAINS. Why the; Subways Blow Up Now and Then. — It is Gas Which Ex- plodes, but How it Ignites is a Mystery. — Teaks Cheaper than Repairs. There is reason to believe that the gas leak at Fifth Avenue and Twenty-third Street, which was the indirect cause of the three electrical subway manhole explosions on Monday noon, is one of the many in the city due to faulty construction or defects in the mains. Apart from the dan- ger of subterranean accumulations of illumiuating gas, the subject is of public interest because the gas consumers have to pay for the gas that is wasted as well as for the gas that is used. This will not be admitted by the old gas company men, who argue very ingeniously that it is for their interest to minimize the leakage. In spite of their best efforts, however, they admit that fully one-third of the total out- put is lost by leakage. They claim that they can stand this loss better than the greater expense of searching for leaks and repairing them. One of the new companies has manifested a better regard for the public by an import- ant improvement in its mains. The old companies use cast-iron pipe and make plug and solder joints, while the new company has adopted wrought- iron pipe with screw joints. The improved method is more expensive than the old style of construction, but the difference, it is said, is more than made up by the saving in gas. Even this company's pipes are not perfect, and the screw joints are affected by heat and cold. During the last two years there were about a dozen mysterious explo- sions of gas in the manholes of the Subway Construction Company. There have been several since January r. All were similar in their general feat- ures, and, in all, nobody seemed able to tell how the gas was ignited. These underground reservoirs seem to ignite without the slightest provocation. They are supposed to be built air-tight and water-tight for protection to the electrical conductors, but they explode before the wires are charged. It would seem to be an impossibility to ignite the gas from the street. One of the first eruptions of the year was at Pine and Nassau Streets, about noon on January 20. The heavy lid and cap of the subway manhole were blown off, and the thick asphalt pavement for a space of 10 feet square was torn up. The smooth roadway is used by foot passengers about as much as the sidewalk at this point, and several persons walked over the dangerous spot only a minute before the eruption. The manhole was the end of the Nassau Street extension built last summer, and the subway was unused and empty, except for an accumulation of sewer gas and illuminating gas — a mixture which, according to some wise men of Gotham, will produce spon- taneous combustion. The report in the Times of the accident contained this significant sentence : ' ' There was a strong odor of illuminating gas for many minutes after the explosion, but Superintendent Riley of the Consolidated Gas Company said no leak could be found in the pipes." On February 11 there was an explosion in the electrical subway in front of 142 Pearl Street. The pavement was torn up for a radius of 12 feet. Belgian blocks were hurled in the air and fell back harmless, because, fortunately, no person was passing the spot. There is a manhole at that BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 509 point and a gas pipe crosses it. In the record of that event appears this statement : " A strong odor of gas was noticed several hours after the explosion. * * * No leak was discovered. ' ' When the attention of Editor Stone of the Journal of Commerce was called to the accident, he wrote an article for his paper showing that a leak in the Pearl Street gas main had existed for 40 years to his personal know- ledge. In that long period he had made repeated complaints about it to those concerned, and had received many promises that the leak would be hunted up and mended. The pipe belonged to the New York Gas Light Company, which was absorbed by the Consolidated. Here was strong evidence that one company at least had neglected an apparent duty, probably because of the heavy expense involved in the work. In contrast, the same company, within a week of the Pearl Street explosion, displayed extraordinary activity when a leak was reported in the East Seventy-Fifth Street main. The gas sought and found an outlet in this case along the service pipe of a flat house in which 37 occupants were sleep- ing, unconscious of danger. Nearly all the inmates were affected, and the two women were removed to the hospital for treatment. An entire family in the basement escaped suffocation by the distressed cries of a pet cat. This was a case where the gas company was forced to repair the leak promptly. There are 1,180 miles of gas mains in this city, of which 1,080 miles are planted in the soil of Manhattan Island. This is the result of many years' work, and, up to date, the companies are not bound by any restrictions as to material used or the method of laying the pipes or making the joints. After a company gets a charter or franchise and a permit to open the streets from the chief engineer, it is free to act. As a matter of fact, engineers hold that the entire underground system of pipes should be consolidated in a subway s} 7 stem, accessible at frequent points and properly ventilated. It is the opinion of street contractors that many of the old gas mains in this city are rust-eaten to the point of uselessness. When John D. Crim- mins was working a gang of men on the electrical subways in Sixth avenue, about every foot of soil overturned yielded offensive odors of gas. It escaped from defective joints and worn cast-iron pipes, and had saturated every inch of earth. Mains were exposed which had evidently been buried over a quar- ter of a century, and accidental blows by the pick and shovel gang broke the iron like pie-crust. Many sections of the old mains broken in this way had to be replaced at the contractor's expense, It is the opinion of the Superintendent of Lamps and Gas in the De- partment of Public Works, that the companies are not so much to blame for leaks in their mains as those who make subsequent street improvements on the same territoiy. The gas mains are owned as follows: Consolidated, 754 miles : New York Mutual, 122 miles ; Equitable, 172 miles ; Standard, 91 miles ; Central, 53 miles ; Northern, 33 miles ; Yonkers, 13 miles. The giant interest is the Consolidated, with half a dozen branches, capital amounting to $39,070,000, and a capacity of 28,000,000 cubic feet per day. It embraces the old plants of the New York, Manhattan, Municipal, Metro- politan, Knickerbocker and Harlem companies. Its pipes cover practically the whole island. The New York Mutual has mains in various streets, or 510 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. parts of streets, between Battery Place and Sixty fifth street, and a capacity of 4,000,000 cubic feet per day. The daily capacity of the Equitable is 6,000, 000 cubic feet, which is distributed between Division and Seventy-fourth streets. The Standard Company obtained its franchise to lay mains, not from the Board of Aldermen, as is usual, but direct from the State Legislature. It now has wrought-iron mains in various streets between Fourteenth street and One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street and between Avenue C and Eighth ave- nue. The Yonkers Company was compelled to dig for a leak not long ago by reason of a disastrous gas explosion in the largest dry goods store in the place. It was found that the main was broken near the service connection and the gas had followed the pipe line into the cellar. The Board of Electrical Control is deeply concerned about the flow of gas into the subways, and will probably take some official action at an early date. Expert Wheeler said yesterday when asked if he knew what exploded the street mines : " That is the question. I would give a thousand dollars to know that. It is the deepest problem I ever encountered. All the electricians are puz- zled. The responsibility for these explosions undoubtedly rests on the gas companies. Until we put a blower in operation on the Broadway subway line, it was impossible to enter a manhole until it had been pumped out by hand. The gas was so heavy that it fairly clung to the bottom and sides of the pit. The blower is operated at the Hotel Marlborough, and after it is used the air in the subway becomes so sweet that the men can work without any difficulty. This blower was an experiment with us, and it has been such a success that three more have been ordered. " It is doubtful if there would have been an explosion at Fifth Avenue and Twenty-third Street Monday, but for the circumstance that the clean- ing gang opened the manhole in front of the Fifth Avenue Hotel a few hours before the explosion below that point, and thus made an outlet for the fresh air pumped into the subway. The gases which accumulated south of that point were not disturbed in consequence, and when the mine went off the concussion extended to the hole that had been cleaned. The con- cussion also drove the smoke through the pipe connecting the subways with the store of the American Specialty Company, in the hotel building. Em- ployes in the hotel detected an odor of gas in the basement the day before the explosion, but the leak could not be discovered." — New York Times, April 7 th, 1889. STANDARD GAS LIGHT COMPANY. It will be interesting, at this point, to reproduce copy of the original telegram which we have in our possession, from the Treasurer of the Standard Gas Light Company, which is one of the very largest gas companies in this country : New York, February 25th, 1890. Emerson McMillan, President Laclede Gas Company, St. Louis, Mo. We find wrought-iron gas mains practically stop all leakage. Only leaks we have are on cast-iron crosses and sleeves. Leakage in cast-iron BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 511 lines in this city averages fourteen per cent. Ours does not exceed one per cent. (Signed) O. P. Shaffer, Treasurer Standard Gas Light Company. Circular-Letter No. 591, ) New York, April 22, 1890. j To Branch House Managers. This is now getting to be a pretty serious matter for New York City ; it has been brought to the attention of the State Senate and a committee appointed, and this committee has begun to stir things up in quite a lively manner. On Monday of this week a seance was held at the Hotel Metro-, pole, and testimony taken from engineering experts. A report appeared in Monday evening's Commercial Advertiser, which report 1 attach hereto and make a part of this letter, having eliminated the extraneous portions of the article, such as suggestions, etc., as to the best means of securing a Sena- torial Commission to control all gas mains in the streets of New York, etc. , for the sake of brevity : ESCAPING GAS. Dangerous Leaks from Improperly Constructed Mains. — Subway Engineer Kearney Testifies before the Senate Committee to the Rotten Condition of the City's Gas Conduits.— In Sixth Avenue they Fell to Pieces when Disturbed. Senator George Zerubbabel Erwin presided to-day at the continuation of the investigation into the operations underground of electric, gas and subway companies in this city by the Senate Committee on General Laws. Henry S. Kearney, Engineer of the Board of Electrical Control, was the first witness to-day, being recalled. He had, he testified, been engaged for about four years in superintending the construction of the electric subways. He had thus had opportunity to observe the condition of the system of gas pipes supplying the city. Asked by Chairman Erwin as to the number of gas pipes in general throughout the city, the witness said that the various gas companies had gridironed the city with gas pipes. Each company, as organized, had established a new plant. The result was that in many districts the same street or avenue contained several parallel lines of gas mains. Thus, on Sixth Avenue, for instance, from Fourteenth Street north, there were four lines of gas mains on each side of the street. On all the avenues from Third to Eighth Avenue there were at least two or three lines of mains varying from four to twenty inches in diameter. Few streets, also, from Fourteenth to Fiftieth Street, had less than two lines of main. The pipe ordinarily in use was a poor quality of cast-iron. These became cor- roded in the course of a few years, and in many cases after the length of time most of the present pipes had been in the ground — ten, twenty and thirty years — they were rusted through, so that when lifted they fell to pieces from their own weight. The average life of these cast-iron gas mains in the soil of the city was about twenty years. The subway company, in the course of the construction of its system, had been obliged to re-lay a great deal of gas pipe which their excavations had disturbed, and whose condition was so bad as to be easily injured in the process of excavation. In the witness's opinion 90 per cent, of the territory of the city in 512 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. which the streets had been opened by the subway company showed evi- dence of leakage. Almost all the pipes exposed leaked more or less. The effect of this leakage was that the escaping gas penetrated through the soil and got into the subways. It was the exception below Forty-second Street to dig a hole and not find the evidence of escaping gas. In the case of the older class of pipes, which had been laid twenty years, the pipes were badly corroded, and in some cases entirely rusted out. An additional danger existed from the leakage of gas into the sewers, where, in such case, explosions were likely to occur, either by ignition or by a mysterious combustion. Mr. Kearney thought that some supervising local power was sorely wanted to have control of the cast-iron gas mains. (Signed) F. C. CONVERSE, General Manager. by J. W. Downer, Jr. ClRCULAR-LETTER NO. 6oi. ) New York, June 13, 1890. j To Branch House Managers. The following newspaper clipping gives a very true pen-picture of what actually happened on Broadway, at the corner of Fulton Street, yesterday morning, and is an interesting sequel to that part of circular-letter No. 591, reporting the Senatorial investigation of the condition of New York's cast-iron gas mains. Having seen the volume of flame issuing from the hole in the street, Ave can vouch for the general accuracy of the paper report. The only won- der in the minds of those who are familiar with the condition of the various cast-iron gas mains in this city and the quantity of gas that gets into the streets below the surface of the earth by exosmose, is that such accidents as here reported are not of more frequent occurrence. The Standard Gas Light Company, the only gas company having a wrought-iron distributing system in the streets of New York, never has had any trouble of this kind ; the street mains of the two companies respon- sible for this accident, to wit, the Consolidated and the Mutual, are cast- iron throughout. (Signed) F. C. Converse, General Manager. by J. W. Downer, Jr. DROP A MATCH AND SFE US GO UP. New York on a Big Torpedo, Fed by the Gas Companies Through Leaky Pipes, and Ready to Blaze Away at a Moment's Notice —Bang ! Bang ! And Away Goes Broadway's Pave. — Two Man- holes in Front oe the Herald Office Shoot Cobblestones into the Air, and a Pillar of Fire Rises up as a Warning. — A Man from the Steam Heating Company Touched it off by Falling Over a Lantern.— They make a Long Job of Plugging the Pipe.— Meanwhile a Flood of Humanity is Turned Aside and Impeded and in Every Way Discommoded, while Odors of an Abominable Nature Fill the Air. — Fixing the Responsi- bility Amid Conflicting Stories. New York City rests upon a volcano. It is not extinct, but though not incessantly in action, its eruptions are of sufficient frequency and power to BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 513 warn the people of the wrath to come. Of this there is no possible probable shadow of doubt. This volcanic force is none of nature's making, but is fed, through the negligence of the municipal authorities, by three grasping corporations. To some people this statement might seem to be a trifle extravagant, but not to those who had occasion to visit lower Broadway yesterday and watch the young Vesuvius shoot its rockets from its hiding place beneath the busiest thoroughfare in the country, while every now and then a rumb- ling noise that awakened recollections of a mild mannered earthquake came up from the ground. A gang of men employed by the New York Steam Heating Company were busily engaged in filling in a trench running across Broadway at Fulton Street at three o'clock yesterday morning. The men had been engaged in repairing the pipes for about a week and had about completed their work. It was a most disagreeable task, as the soil was impregnated with gas and the atmosphere redolent with noxious odors. " Our Pipes Leak? never." Where the gas came from could not be definitely ascertained, as the large mains of both the Consolidated and Mutual Gas Companies occupy this part of Broadway, and each company has also maintained that the poisonous odors that freighted the atmosphere were due to leaks in the other company's pipes. The pipes of the Mutual Gas Company were hermetically sealed. The pipes of the Consolidated were sealed hermetically. At least that is what both of these model companies would have the public believe. The truth of the matter is that the pipes of both of these giant corpora- tions were in a shockingly bad condition, as a person with half an eye and scarcely any nose at all could discover yesterday. The accidental fall of a workman and the breaking of his lantern brought matters to a climax. The gaseous matter in the soil ignited immediately. The flames, at first a sickly pale green, glided over the soil in the trench with the same steady movement that oil assumes w T hen poured upon water. It seemed to be looking for an outlet. Its movement was as fantastic as the steps of a new polka, and was in the direction of the manhole of the subway through which the two gas mains of the above named companies run. The manhole is located on the north- east corner of Broadway and Fulton Street, and is connected with the man- hole on the opposite side of the street. A Flame that Wouldn't Go Out. The steady movement of the flame for a second seemed to paralyze the laborers, and they rushed from their work as if pursued by a legion of demons. A minute later they returned and began to dump bucket after bucket of water into the trench, accompanied by shovels of dirt, hoping to both drown and smother the miniature conflagration. The work was futile. The great flame was a veritable will-o'-the-wisp. Cover it in one place and it bobbed up in another, and always with increasing force. Gradually 514 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the sickly green that gave character to the flame lost itself in a bright red. At the same moment it appeared to have found its way into the subway and ran like a streak of lightning through the passage connecting the manholes. The manhole on the northwest corner of the street was loaded to the muzzle and was just in that ripe condition when a good line of fire would be given a regular old time Fourth of July reception. There was no mistaking the character of the patriotism of the fluid that was secreted in this partic- ular subway. It went off with a bang and a sizzle that discounted the report of a cannon. At the same instant the cobblestones surrounding the top of the man- hole were shot into the air a distance of ten feet, and the curbstone skirting a part of the sidewalk in front of St. Paul's Church was pulled up and hurled one side as easily as a feather is lifted from the ground by a gust of wind. The manhole itself was choked with the ruins. Not Easily Overlooked. If this particular subway explosion was like any of the others that have heretofore startled newspapers it would have ended here, and would have gone into history as another case of narrow escape. Subway Commissioner Jake Hess would blandly have come to the front and explained that the affair was a trifling one, his side partner, Mr. Moss, would say ditto, Mayor write a n indig- a n d the affair ten. The pale ever, had other Returning inal passage t o the northeast cor- it started a flame tious size. It around in the hole until it ap- nothing but a ball course was now downward, and despite all the do, seemed to add Tittle by little the south side of the wall Grant would nant letter or two would be forgot- green flame, how- business on hand, through the orig- the subway o n ner of the street of more preten- rolled and rolled brick-lined man- peared to be of red fire. Its upward, now each revolution, workmen could more zest to its satanic fury seemed to expand and then contract. Bach movement was accompanied by a noise that sounded like the creaking timbers of a vessel on the rocks. The heat that rose from the pavement around the manhole was intense, and the men who had been watching the progress of the fire now became thoroughly frightened and fell back. It was well for them that they did, for at that moment the flame burst from its prison, scattering fragments of ma- sonry in all directions. A Pillar of Fire. This explosion was louder even than the other, shaking several of the adjacent buildings. A bright red flame shot straight into the air rising a dis- tance of fully thirty feet. There could be no doubt as to where this fire re- ceived its fuel. The sixteen-inch main of the Consolidated Company had Burning Gas Main on Broadway. BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 515 given away and the gas for which the company tax the people of New York at the rate of $1.25 per 1,000 feet was being consumed in an extravagant manner. It is estimated by experts that during the first hour of the fire 1,500,000 feet of gas was consumed. The smaller main of the Mutual Gas Company subsequently burst and added a new vigor to the now very picturesque flame. At about this time it began to rain quite heavily, but no amount of water seemed to have any ef- fect upon the curling fire. This continued all day, the flame gradually diminishing in size. It was not, however, until a quarter of nine o'clock in the evening that the fire en- tirely died away and gave the small army of men, who had been making a scientific fight for many hours, a chance to survey their work and contem- plate the damage done. Instructive at Least. It was not an unprofitable study. As soon as it became apparent that the fire in the manhole had come to stay, Police Captain Carpenter took a squad of thirty men and posted them along Broadway between Fulton street and the Hera Id office. It was a wise precaution. Tower Broadway from early in the morning until dusk always presents a scene of moving humanity. From 6 to 7 o'clock working men are hurry- ing to their work in the factories in the lower part of the town. The sight of a stream of fire pouring out of the pavement caused many of them to halt and ask questions, From 7 to 8 o'clock the thousands of business and professional men, with the small army of clerks that are employed in work down town, pressed the guard line of the police pretty hard. Blockades. In the meantime the great tide of traffic was turned in West Broadway on the west and Nassau street on the east. The Broadway cars were not permitted to pass and by ten o'clock the street between Fulton street and the Herald office was tolerably clear of people and the numerous gangs of workingmen who had been called into service by Commissioner Gilroy and the two gas companies, were given an ample opportunity to put in some good work, and it is fair to say that, acting under the instructions they received, the men did all that could be expected of them. The swinging of the immense traffic that ordinarily passes up and down Broadway into the two adjoining thoroughfares had the effect of creating a blockade on both streets and causing an immense amount of swearing among the drivers of the various trucks that were hemmed in like so many sardines in a box. The method employed in checking the fire in the subway was decidedly slow. To turn off the gas at the central office of either company would take about a minute. But then the water that would be necessary to finish the flames would be disastrous to the cheap cast-iron pipes used by both of the companies. In almost any other city in the country stop cocks are put on the gas mains at short intervals, and it requires no effort to shut the gas off at 516 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. almost any point. The New York gas companies, judging from yesterday's experience, are not up in modern improvement. Holes in the Ground. They had a way of their own of getting at the fire. True, it is a some- what ancient custom, but it has one advantage — it is delightfully cheap. The men set about digging for a suitable place to stick a plug. The idea of this was to cut off the flow of gas into the mains upon all pipes leading into the burning subway. The men went to work with a will, and before night- fall there were a dozen excavations made, extending from the Herald office around the corner of Fulton Street. In each of these excavations the pipe was tapped and a rubber bag in- serted into the main. The bag was then inflated, either by means of an air pump or by the pouring in of water, and thus the flow of gas was shut off. But the gas already in the big mains, between the places where the plug was inserted and the scene of the fire, seemed to take its own time about burning. This was not, however, the worst thing that could happen, as it gave those who cared to investigate the matter an opportunity to listen to stories covering every phase of the case, and from all the parties concerned. The conflicting stories told by the heads of the various companies, all in some measure responsible for the accident, were amusing, if not creditable, to the people engaged in the controversy. I heard a mass of conflicting testimony and made an investigation of my own, and my conclusion is in accordance with the report received by Public Works Commissioner Thomas F. Gilroy from his engineer, General Roy Stone. This is Why. The pipes of both the gas companies are made of cast-iron. The gas that accumulated with such effect in the subway was caused by the excessive leakage in the two big cast-iron gas-pipes. Superintendent F. H. Prentiss, of the steam heating company, said that he was not aware that the fire was ignited by one of his own men fall- ing and breaking a lantern. The reason why Mr. Prentiss did not know this fact is that the man, whose name is Morris Starsbrum, was so severely burned about the face and neck that he had to be taken to the Chambers Street Hospital. Mr. Prentiss thought the fire might have been occasioned by a spark of electricity, or it might have been ignited by the stump of a cigar, as the pipes of the company were rotten, and very leaky. Mr. Prentiss said the gas mains were a menace to the subway, and all other pipes laid in the vicinity. Looked at Another Way. W. H. Bradley, Superintendent of the Consolidated Gas Company, said the explosion was due to the steam heating company. He admitted that the gas mains leaked, but said that gas-pipes always leaked somewhat, but were not dangerous unless ignited. Mr. Bradley insisted that the pipes were in good condition. Subway Commissioner Ridgway said that the subway company could not be held responsible for the explosion. If gas pipes were going to leak and steam heating men were tumbling around with lighted lanterns something BURST AND LEAKY CAST-IRON GAS MAINS. 517 serious of course would happen. Mr. Ridgway said there was no doubt about the gas leaking, as Superintendent Reed of the Standard Underground Cable Compan}-, was present at the time of the accident and saw the steam heating company's man fall. Commissioner Gilroy says he is satisfied that the blame lies with one of the two gas companies or the steam heating company, but before he takes any official action he will await the report from his engineer. Mayor Grant and Subway Engineer Kearney visited the scene of the explosion and made a superficial examination. The mayor said he did not care to say anything about the matter until he had received full reports from the city engineers. How much of the cable running through the subway was destroyed could not be ascertained yesterday, as there was no way of learning how far the fire extended underground. The cables running through Broadway are owned by the United States Illuminating Company and the Mount Morris Company and make two circuits. They are valued at $75,000, but it is not probable that they were damaged to any very great extent. GAS SHATTERS THE NEW MAIN, An Upheaval in Columbus Avenue that Wrecked $1,500 worth oe Window Panes. — Very Expensive " Blowout." — Fragments of the Iron Pipe Titter the " L " Road and Cause Havoc. — Four Laborers Overcome. A twenty-inch gas main in Columbus Avenue, between Ninety-fourth and Ninety- fifth streets exploded at a quarter past six o'clock last evening, and the flying fragments smashed nearly every pane of glass in the buildings on the west side of the b!ock and several across the street, littered the " L" tracks, and narrowly missed several pedestrians. No one was seriously hurt, but one man was cut by flying glass, and four laborers were overcome by the gas in trying to shut it off after the explosion. A section of the heavy iron pipe, ten feet long, was shattered to frag- ments and the pieces sent flying through the windows opposite and into the stores and apartments. Spectators say the sound of the explosion was similar to a heavy blast, and that a heavy sheet of flame arose several feet. The rumble was heard as far up town as the Harlem River. — New York Herald, Saturday, May 25, iSgs. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. ALL CAUSED BY ESCAPING GAS. Illness, an Explosion and an Arrest Result from a Leak. Albert Koenig, an ex-policeman, living at No. 545 Fifteenth Avenue, Newark, was annoyed, about a week ago, by the odor of gas in and around his house, which grew gradually worse. He found that his neighbors, George Jacobs, Thomas Monahan, Mrs. Stahlin and H. Miller, living at Nos. 450 and 452, and in the rear of 450 Fifteenth Avenue, were troubled by the same odor, which was all the time becoming more unbearable. Members of each family became ill. 518 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Explosion of the Columbus Avenue Gas Main. (Page 517.) While explorations were being made in the cellar of George Jacobs' saloon, with a lighted candle, there was an explosion, but no damage was done. A break in the main in Fifteenth Avenue was finally discovered, and it was found that the gas had escaped through a hole about six inches square and made its way through the earth into cellars of the houses. Mrs. Miller was ill from typhoid fever, and has been made so much worse by the gas that she is not expected to live. While tearing up the sidewalk in front of his house to locate the trouble Jacobs got into an altercation with a gas inspector, and last night had to give bail on a charge of assault and battery. — New York Herald, January 16, 18%. GAS LEAKAGE. 519 GAS LEAKAGE. In addition to the facts which we have hereinbefore recorded in relation to the tightness and security of Converse Lock Joint Pipe, we will now present a part of the voluminous data which we have in our possession, showing the great losses gas compa- nies having cast-iron pipe systems throughout, are continually sustaining. The item of leakage is one of such vital importance to gas companies that from our investigation of the subject we should think that cast-iron pipe would be expensive material for mains if it was furnished for nothing, providing that a class of pipe could be procured at a reasonable price, which would reduce the item of leakage to an insignificant amount. We submit the names of some cities containing gas works, all of which are supplied with cast-iron mains and have an aver- age leakage of over ten per cent. This seems incredible, but we have the written authority for the appended list in each and every instance. This information should, of course, be treated as con- fidential: Location. Adrian Mich Albany N. Y Albion N. Y Allentowu Pa Amsterdam N. Y Annapolis Md Athens O Auburn N. Y Augusta Me Aurora Ind Barnesville O Barrie Can Bay City Mich Bellaire O Bordentown N. J Bridgeport Conn Bristol R. I Brockton Mass .... Brownsville Pa Cairo Ill Class of Mains. Average Leakage. Cast-Iron . . . 10 per cent. " 10 per cent. " 10 to 12 per cent. " . ... .15 per cent. f< 10 per cent. " 15 per cent. " 10 to 18 percent. " 10 per cent. " 25 per cent. " 14 per cent. " 15 per cent. " 20 per cent. " ... .19 per cent. " 12 per cent. " 14 per cent. " 10 per cent. " 13 per cent. " 10 per cent. " 30 per cent. " 11 per cent. 520 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Gallopolis O Cambridge Mass. . Canton O Charlotte N. C. Charlottsville Va . . . Chelsea Mass . Circleville O Columbia Tenn . Columbus Miss. Concord N. H.. Cooperstown N. Y. . Cortland N. Y. . Covington Ky Cumberland Md. . . . Dan vers Mass. Danville Ill Des Moines Iowa . Dover Del . . . East St. Louis .111... . Elgin 111.... Evansville Ind. . . Fitchburg Mass. . Fulton N. Y. Hyde Park 111.. . . Georgetown D. C. . Grand Rapids Mich . Guuison Col.. , . Hagerstown . . Md . . Hallowell Me... . Hamsburg Pa. . . . Hannibal Mo . . . Hanover Pa Hempstead Plains N. Y . . Hillsboro O .... Honesdale . . . Pa . . . Houston Texas Jackson Mich. Janesville Wis. . . Jefferson Mo . . . Jeffersonville Ind. . . Kansas City Mo . . . Keokuk Iowa. . Lafayette Ind . . Lawrence Kan . . Lawrence Mass . . Lexington Ky. . . Logan O Macon Ga Madison Ind Mansfield O . Cast- Iron 20 per cent. ' 12 per cent. ' 20 per cent. ! 10 per cent. ' 10 per cent. ' 11 per cent. ' 16 per cent. ' 12 per cent. ' 20 per cent. ' 12 to 15 per cent. ' 10 per cent. ' 10 to 12 per cent. ' 18 per cent. ....... .10 per cent. ' 30 per cent. ' 12 per cent. ' 10 per cent. ' 12 per cent. ' 13 per cent. ' 12 per cent. ' 14 per cent. ' 10 per cent. ' 20 per cent. ' 20 per cent. ' 10 per cent. 10 per cent. ' 12^ per cent. ' 20 to 25 per cent. ' 20 per cent. ' 33 per cent. ' 10 per cent. ' 15 per cent. ' 13 per cent. ' 15 per cent. ' 10 per cent. ' 12 per cent. ' 10 to 13 per cent. ' 11 per cent. ' 15 per cent. ' 12 per cent. ' 10 per cent. ' 11 to 12 per cent. ' .12 per cent. ' 13 per cent. ' 10 per cent. 1 10 to 20 per cent. ' 20 per cent. 18 per cent. 1 16 per cent. ' 18 per cent. GAS LEAKAGE. 521 Marshall Mich Martinsburg W. Va. . . . Mechanicsburg Pa Milford Del.. ..... Milton Pa Montreal Can Nebraska City Neb Newburyport Mass New Rochelle N. Y. . . ... . Newton Mass Norristown Pa North Adams Mass Ottawa Ont Owego N. Y Pawtucket R. I Pittsfield Mass .... Philadelphia Pa Phillipsburg N. J Pittson Pa Plainfield N. J Portland . Oregon Portsmouth Va Quebec Can Richmond Ky Rockville Conn Rochester N. Y Salem Mass Sedalia Mo Sewickley Pa Sharon Pa Sharpsburg Pa Springfield Ill St. Louis Mo St. Paul Minn St. Thomas Ont Topeka Kan Troy N. Y Union Gas Light Co N. Y Virginia Nev Warren Pa West Troy N. Y Winchester Va Youngstown O Ypsilanti Mich . Cast Iron . j Wrought " Cast-iron. .10 per cent. .18 per cent. .20 per cent. .25 per cent. . 10 per cent. 18 per cent. .15 per cent. .10 per cent. .10 per cent. .10 per cent. .About 20 per cent. . 10 per cent. .12 per cent. .25 per cent. . 10 per cent. . 10 per cent. . 15 per cent. . 10 per cent. . to per cent. .15 per cent. .10 per cent. .10 per cent. .12^4 per cent. , 10 to 15 per cent. .10 to 15 per cent. .15 per cent. .Over 12 per cent. . 10 per cent. .20 per cent. .20 per cent. .15 to 40 per cent. .12 per cent. . 15 per cent. . 12 per cent. .12 per cent. . 10 per cent. .10 to 12 per cent. . i6j^ per cent. . 4 per cent. • 9/1 per cent. .12 per cent. . Over 20 per cent. . 15 per cent. . 14 per cent. .20 per cent. Take the gas works at Montreal, Canada, for instance. Their annual production of gas is over 180,000,000 cubic feet ; the price is $2.00 per thousand. The loss by leakage, on the 522 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. average, is 18 per cent., or 32,400,000 cubic feet. At $2.00 per thousand feet, the annual loss from leakage of this gas works company is $64,000 — certainly a very considerable item. This would go a great ways toward building a gas works. The im- portant factor of leakage can easily be computed at any of the other points by taking the annual production and the price. It is safe to say that the general use of wrought-iron pipe would reduce leakage, on the average, to at least one-fourth of what it now is in cast-iron systems, and the saving in coal, oil and other materials in the course of a year would certainly ag- gregate an enormous amount — enough to build many gas works. Mr. H. F. Coggshall, Superintendent of the Fitchburg Gas Company (Mass.), writes: "Both classes of pipe have their advantages; cast iron costs less, wrought iron has less leakage." Mr. Coggshall has been manager of the Fitchburg Gas Company for thirty-one years, and writes feelingly on the subject. At Mattoon, 111., a line of wrought-iron pipe has been in use twelve years, and there is no sign of corrosion, nor has there ever been any repairs. Mr. S. P. Thomas, of the gas works at Ellsworth, Me., prefers wrought-iron pipe, on account of the playful manner in which frost breaks cast-iron mains. Mr. N. N. Johnston, Superintendent of the Stillwater (Minn.) gas works, prefers wrought iron, his company having used both kinds. Mr. A. Seifert, Superintendent of the Mechanicsburg (Pa.) gas works, prefers wrought iron after having experience with both kinds. We attach no particular importance to an opinion in favor of either one or the other from anybody who has not used both. Mr. Edward C. Jones, Assistant Superintendent and Secretary of the South Boston Gas Works Company (Mass.) prefers wrought iron, providing it is properly coated. The Superintendent of the Albion (N. Y.) Gas Company agrees with Mr. Coggshall in his comparison, preferring wrought iron on account of its minimum leakage, but calling attention to the difference in expense between it and cast iron. Wm. Stofer, General Manager and Secretary of the Mt. Sterling (Ky.) gas works, gives wrought-iron pipe, galvanized, as the best, in his opinion. Mr. George S. Harris, Superintendent of the Mans- field (Ohio) gas works, is of the same opinion, and says that that is the kind of pipe he would use were he the proprietor and builder of a works. S. M. Simpler, Superintendent of the Mil- ford (Del.) Gas Company, thinks wrought-iron pipe is decidedly the best for his town. GAS LEAKAGE. 523 Mr. L. L. Kellogg, Treasurer and Superintendent of the Nebraska City (Neb.) gas works, in writing about his cast-iron mains, says that he has never replaced any, but that he has had a large number of breaks from contraction, which adds greatly to the leakage. D. Moore, Treasurer of the Salem (Mass.) gas works, in speaking of his cast-iron mains, says that they cor- rode fast where the salt water penetrates the earth. W. P. Denny, Secretary and Treasurer of the Georgetown (Col.) gas works, on being asked if he had used both kinds, and in that event which he would recommend, says positively that he would use " wrought-iron by all means. " J. M. Hume, Superintendent of the Macomb (111.) gas works, makes the same recommendation, as also does R. C. Humphrey, Superintendent of the Ashtabula (Ohio) gas works. On being asked the condition of his cast-iron mains, Mr. Elbert, Superintendent of the Jackson gas works, Jackson, Mich , re- plied that corrosion had reduced some, of his mains to a mere shell. J. S. Kaneen, Superintendent of the Virginia Gas Com- pany, Virginia, Nev. , prefers wrought iron for mains, and it is no wonder, considering the difference in leakage, as you will ob- serve from the list. He has both kinds in his system, and is, therefore, well qualified to judge. Some few years ago at Co- lumbia, Tenn., the leakage of the cast-iron pipe system, put in at that point, was found to be 20 per cent., and not until they discovered a large sand hole, through which a great volume of gas was escaping, did they reduce this to about the average of all cast-iron gas systems. Few people appreciate the extent of leakage of gas from cast-iron mains, but it is an encouraging sign of the times that advanced engineers are giving the question much careful study. Heretofore the greater first cost of wrought-iron and steel pipe for gas mains has enabled the cast-iron pipe makers to occupy the field almost exclusively ; but the question of leakage has grown to such important dimensions that the first, or tem- porary, cost of wrought-iron mains dwarfs into insignificance compared with the second, or perennial, cost of cast-iron mains. Each year the number of advocates of wrought-iron systems is greatly augmented. I do not know that I can give you a better illustration of the difference between the leakage of a cast-iron pipe system and that of a wrought-iron pipe system than to reproduce in par- 524 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. allel lines copies of two or three letters taken at random from among the users of the respective classes. CAST-IRON SYSTEMS. Nantucket Gas Light Co., I Nantucket, Mass., Aug. 14, 1893. f National Tube Works Co. Gentlemen : — Yours of the 2d at hand. Our mains are of cast-iron. We attribute our loss of gas to general leakage. (Signed) Nantucket Gas Lt. Co. per Macmunn. [This company's "unaccounted for gas" for the year ending June 30, 1893, was 17.64 per cent, of entire product.] Waltham Gas Light Co , I Waltham, Mass., Aug. 1, 1893. f National Tube Works Co. Gentlemen : — Our great loss of gas is caused by the putting in of the sewer system our city has been engaged in for two or three years, breaking of mains, and settling of earth over and about our pipes. We expect it to continue for some time to come. The length of time the mains have been down does not seem to enter into the trouble, as some of the most recently laid pipe gives way. The pipes here are of cast-iron. (Signed) G. A. Stearns, Treasurer. [This company's "unaccounted for gas" for year ending June 30, 1893, was 3,904,600, being 11.94 P er cent, of entire product.] Adams, Mass., Sept. 23, 1893. National Tube Works Co. Loss of gas mainly is in the breaking of the cast-iron pipes. In the winter some of our pipes were very much injured. The water mains were laid over our pipes, allowing them to settle and occasioning the breaking. (Signed) Daniel Upton, Pres. WROUGHT-IRON SYSTEMS. Cottage City Gas & Elec Lt. Co.. \ Cottage City, Mass., Aug. 12, 1893. J National Tube Works Co. Gentlemen : — The loss of gas is probably the amount used by the office, works, and some free consumers. The loss by leakage is less than one foot per hour. The mains are wrought-iron. (Signed) Lewis Bartlett, Agt. Cottage City Gas & Elec. Lt. Co. Standard Gas Light Co., I New York, Feb. 25, 1890. | Emerson McMillan, Prest. Laclede Gas Co., St. Louis, Mo. We find wrought-iron gas mains prac- tically stop all leakage. Only leaks we have are on cast-iron crosses and sleeves. Leakage on cast-iron lines in this city average 14 per cent. Ours (wrought-iron) does not exceed 1 per cent. (Signed) O. P. Shaffer, Treas'r, Standard Gas Light Co. The City Gas Company, \ London, Canada, July 17, 1894. J National Tube Works Co. * * * I have laid this spring some 65,000 feet of 4-inch wrought-steel pipe in the renewal spoken of, and I know that every foot is gas tight and will remain so permanently, being entirely different to a cast-iron main system in this respect. * * * I would wager that wrought-iron pipe treated in this manner will last one hundred years. * * * I would not go back to cast-iron pipe for gas mains, es- pecially of the smaller sizes, under any consideration. (Signed) William Duffield, President. These are not isolated cases. There are many other com- parisons that could be made. In this connection a study of the tables published in the annual reports of the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, published annually since 1888 as Public Document No. 35, impresses one with the enormous loss from this cause. The documents give a number of tables of great interest; but the ones to which I would call your particular attention, and ask your special examination, are those which give the total "gas GAS LEAKAGE. 525 unaccounted for," and also the " gas unaccounted for per mile of It was not until last year that one of these reports fell into my hands, and in looking over the "gas unaccounted for," I felt that there must be some mistake about the percentages, or else there was some exceptional reason for the great loss in the year ending June 30, 1892; so I sent to Forest E. Barker. Sec- retary of the Commission, and obtained a complete set of the reports, an examination of which shows that 1892 was no ex- ception, but that the great loss has not only been going on for years, but is gradually increasing year after year as the pipe becomes older. A glance at the following table, comprising but 20 of the works reported upon by the Commission, shows that during the year ending June 30, 1893, these companies lost the enor- mous sum of $191,340. 18. Name of Company. Adams Arlington Attleborough . Boston Brockton .... Brookline Clinton Cambridge . . . Charlestown . . Dedliam Lowell Lynn Maiden New Bedford. Newton North Adams . Salem Springfield . . . Taunton Waltham Feet of Gas Uuaccounted For. Price per 1,000 Feet. 1,196,400 $2.41 1,437,420 2.75 1,007,700 2.00 22,914,491 1 .20 5,334.900 2.06 9,794,288 1 .92 1,941,135 2.07 11,954,422 i-57 7,002.555 1.69 1,420,400 1-93 15,699,100 1. 10 7,432,300 1.5S 3,748,200 1. 91 3,816,503 1-59 7,083,200 1-95 3,934,000 1.74 5,549,139 1.76 3,503,980 1 .69 2,156,600 1.47 3,216,300 1.89 I^oss on Account of Gas Unaccounted For. 120,143,033 I-59X $2,883.32 3,952. 91 2,015.40 27,497-39 10,989.39 18,805.03 4,018.15 18,768.44 11,834-32 2,741-37 17,269.01 ii,743-03 7,159.06 6,068.24 13,812.24 6,845.16 9,766.46 5,9 2I -73 3,170.20 6,078.81 $191,340. iS The next is a comparative table, showing the production of gas and its consumption for the years 1891 and 1892. Note well the gas unaccounted for per mile of main. ^ g °* n ^ S l 08 p-3 1 O m LO PI CO ON PI VO m CO ON ON COCO CO CO cOVO O VO CO O OW h ^-n NOW -tN -rtCO VO ■* -+VO 10 ^f ■^1-vO W ^O O h ONVO O^ £J onco" 10 pr co r^ pi~ co i>- pi~ on r-^ pi co o' - U ^ 3 * a OOOOOOOmQCOPIlOmmOOloOOO 00«OOa>0(JiOconioffirtOCOrooOO Tt"VO MOt-^r«Ot^"T)-<^CN^lOi-iT lo m' 10 of o" Jj ONCO co ^t" O VO i^h tOOMOO OOO -^- ON Tt" CO CO PI £ m Th -^- m O VO N O rO N Ol O iflrttsH ON !>. LO -3" IH M MM OllOC^Mt^lOMMMM M 1 10 LO NVO VO PI w ^±CC NOhI t^rOMONMMO^^DUOMlo ' •* ON t-» co ONVO VO O CO N ■* CO 1 co" 0~ co m~ 4" m~ t-T r>I r? co cOVO | .COONlOOImOPI'^-lomO ■ OlMMM M M M 01 M PI PIOlOOOOOOMVOCOO cOOmOOOOOVO LOCO O m ^o CO ON -*CO !>. 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C-^ co Tt-vo NcoO covO .vO CN ONCNCO O ■* t]- i-i ©"cn'cO-^O NO CN ■* M rj- M LO CN M M o o o o o c O m o o o o ON COCO -3- CO tt" O O O O O O O O O O o o o o O ■* lo O^ m^ On 0_ CO* co cn" cn" m" m" o"vo" cn VO ■* O" N O Tl" ON CO CO O CN ^f CTVCO VO CN LO O LO-!; LOrf'^cJ-^l-VO O lO'tCNLO CNh ^t^ LO rj CO cTco" O" CN O CN^-H t^CO O M VO •* N ONCO ■* CN CO LO O M O O CNMO LO NCO "=ct- cn" cn"vo •* LO ONVO -n)-;! CNO NCO :ti l •■ ! W) i'O tuOO 1 CS ret u cO ra "i-i «th nj cd g- 2 O CD O t2 "aj o 000 42,000 29,000 22,000 21,000 20,000 In the matter of minimum friction the results attained by Converse Joint pipe have been most satisfactory. While it is true, on general principles, that the larger the pipe the better the natural gas service, there is, of course, a point beyond which size and consequently increased price, is an additional and unnecessary expense. As the Converse Joint produces an absolutely smooth interior, reducing friction to a minimum, the increased flow and delivery of gas will be readily appreciated. By referring to Prof. John C. Trautwine's opinion on " Flow " you will notice he uses the following language in reference to cast-iron pipe : " * * * moreover, the pipes themselves are not cast perfectly straight, or smooth, or of uniform diameter and irregular swellings pro- duce eddies and retard the flow ; accumulations of air do the same. Under the most favorable circumstances, therefore, it is expedient to make the diameters of cast-iron pipe even for temporary purposes, sufficient to discharge at least 20 per cent, more than the quantity actually wanted. * * * and still larger allowance should be made in permanent pipes." This celebrated authority therefore recommends an allowance of 20 per cent, over normal capacity, for a temporary line only, and recommends a still greater allowance for permanent lines. Natural and manufactured gas mains are usually for permanent lines. Then bear in mind the opinion given by Prof. Haswell, quoted elsewhere in full, that "the difference in friction between a line of ordinary spigot and faucet jointed cast-iron pipe and a line of seamless wrought-iron pipe with flush connection alike to the Converse Joint, would be fully 25 per cent, to 35 per cent." This startling statement can be easily verified. In the first place, NATURAL GAS. 547 the surface of cast-iron pipe is not absolutely smooth ; it is rough. Again, comes the " V-shaped " depression at every joint —every 12 feet. Cast-iron pipes are rougher inside than out, as the inside is made from a rough dry core, while the outside is made from a carefully prepared mould. The mechanical construction of the Converse Joint shows that the friction on our pipe is at its minimum. To give an ocular demonstration of this fact, draw a sectional view of a Converse Joint, which is practi- cally a straight line ; then draw a sectional view of a cast-iron joint and you will find a " V-shaped " depression which will cre- ate an eddy equal to double its depth and materially lessen the flow. There is not the least question, in considering the two classes of pipe — Converse Joint and cast-iron — that the former will de- liver just as much more gas than the latter as is the difference in friction. Then consider the very important matter of leakage and also that of capacity in pressure. It is a fact that cast-iron pipe cannot be safely operated on any pressure over 150 lbs., while the pressure we can put on our pipe is limited only by the rock pressure of territory. A large percentage of cast-iron pipe joints will leak. The testimonv produced before the Mayor in New York City, when the investigation was made of the numer- ous explosions, both at the Fifth Avenue Hotel and down-town, elicited the sworn statements that there was not a gas company in the City of New York employing cast-iron mains, which had a leakage of less than twelve per cert. Imagine the danger therefore, especially with natural gas, to say nothing of loss of capacity. We quote from Judge Ewing's official opinion from the Bench, in Pittsburgh, after several disastrous accidents result- ing from the use of some cast-iron mains : So far as I am concerned no pressure is low enough for me in the use of cast-iron mains and for my part I insist upon the use of wrought-iron pipe. The Philadelphia Company were involved in very serious trouble a short time ago because of a fire in a coal mine back of Wilkinsburg, Pa. Upon investigation a crack was found in one of the cast-iron mains, which measured about 18 inches long and three-eighths of an inch wide ; the escaping gas entered the coal mine and ignited ; the crack was probably there when the pipe was laid, but did not show under the air test ; it developed, how- ever, with this serious result, and it can be said without fear of 548 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. contradiction that with the use of cast-iron pipe you are never safe. The Insurance Association of Allegheny County, Pennsyl- vania, being so largely interested in the adoption of natural gas with the utmost safety, made thorough examination into the methods to be employed in its transportation. They accordingly issued an official notification, under the title of " Memorandum of Conditions for the Introduction and use of Natural Gas," article 4th of which reads : The character of all pipes to be first quality, standard wrought-iron, with perfect threads and fittings ; and in screwing pipes together, care must be taken to see that they butt. The official document was dated Pittsburgh, Pa., Angust iSth, 1884, and signed by J. B. McFadden, Secretary. We will first give some of the many favorable records we have of the superiority of our Converse Joint wrought-iron and Steel Pipe in use for natural gas and follow them by reference to a few of the cases where loss of life and property attended the use of cast-iron gas mains. ALLEGHENY HEATING COMPANY. ALLEGHENY, Pa., Jan. 20th, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. I have pleasure in stating that the twelve thousand feet this company has laid of your 16-inch wrought-iron Converse Lock Joint Pipe for conduct- ing natural gas under high pressure has given entire satisfaction. (Signed) John Young, Supt. Allegheny Heating Company. SOUTH-EASTERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY. Cambridge, Ohio, Sept. 15th, 1888. National Tube Works Co. I have this day made certificate of acceptance for entire Cambridge plant, built by your National Tube Works Company. I can cheerfully say that it is the most complete, yet simple working gas distributing plant I have ever seen. We are now using the gas in Cambridge, and can readily observe how essential it is to have combined the very best pipe, fittings, etc., with good construction. I am well pleased with the plant in every particular, and do NATURAL GAS. 549 not hesitate to say that it has no superior in any respect, the construction guaranteeing easy supply to a city of 20,000 inhabitants. At an early date I hope to confer with you, with a view to building a line to Zanesville. (Signed) WiXXlAM M. Carr, Manager The South-Eastern Natural Gas Company. McKeesport, Pa., June 20th, 1895. J. W. Downer, Jr., National Tube Works Co., New York. I enclose you a letter from Mr. Bishop, which makes an interesti no- record of the longevity and good condition of wrought-iron. (Signed) E. C. Converse, Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Mgr. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 19th, 1895. E. C. Converse, V. P. & G. M., McKeesport, Pa. It may be interesting to you to know that the pipe we furnished for the gas plant at Cambridge, O. ( 12" Converse joint and 8" and 6 // screw joint). about 7 years ago, and laid by Mr. Galvin, has been taken up, and turns out " as good as new ; " the party who bought the pipe says he would not give 2 cents a foot to have new pipe. (Signed) H. W. Bishop, Local Manager. CHARTIERS VALLEY; GAS CO. In presenting the following letters from the engineers who have been engaged on the lines of the Chartiers Valley Gas Co., we also give some views, reproductions of photographs, taken along the main line of 20-inch Converse Lock Joint Pipe. Your attention will be attracted by the rugged character of the topography, and the facility with which the pipe adapts itself to the varying conditions without the use of expensive special fittings. Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 16th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. According to promise I herewith send you a report of test of our 10-inch Converse Joint pipe laid on a branch line towards McKee's Rocks. We tested one section over a half mile in length with fifty -seven pounds gas pressure, equal to (4) four times that pressure by hydraulic or steam. There was only one leak in the joints, and some two or three sand-holes in the castings ; these were so small that the gas issuing therefrom would not ignite when a lighted match was presented to it. I am perfectly satisfied in my own mind that it is by all odds the best joint put on the market up to the present time, and from my experience with cast-iron pipes at very low pressures, and the difficulty experienced in NATURAL GAS. 551 making tight joints, and getting tight pipes at even low pressures, that wrought-iron lap-welded pipes are the only proper and safe pipes for the conveyance of natural gas. (Signed) Thos, J. Bray, Supt. The Chartiers Valley Gas Company. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 3d, 1886. National Tube Works Co. I send you herewith a profile of our main line of pipe extending from the city line above Thirty-fourth Street on the South Side, to Murrysville, a distance of seventeen miles. This line is sixteen inches in diameter and is fitted with the Converse Patent Lock Joint. The land over which this line is laid is, as you will see, very broken and is I believe the roughest piece of ground a pipe line for the conveyance of natural gas was ever laid over. A great many of our curves were made by deflecting short pieces of the straight pipe at the joints ; others were made by means of special elbows from ten degrees to thirty degrees of curvature. The pipe is all laid five and one-half feet deep. The greatest pressure we have put on the line was 243 pounds. The pressure at present carried is about 120 pounds and the maximum we expect to carry will be from 200 to 210 pounds. (Signed) Wilxiam J. Hartupee, Manager The Chartiers Valley Gas Company. Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 15th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Mr. Gormly will commence to lay our ten-inch line to McKee's Rocks to-morrow. I am interested in the success of the Converse Joint, and want to make it a decided success. I consider it the only joint as yet invented to meet the demands of natural gas. (Signed) Thos. Bray, Supt. Chartiers Valley Gas Co. MunroeviIvI^e, Pa., June 19th, 1887. National Tube }] r orks Co. It may be of interest to your Company to learn of some splendid work accomplished by a section of your Converse Patent Pock Joint Pipe under the most severe and trying circumstances. The facts are as follows : Our Company (the Chartiers Valley Gas Company) have a 16-inch trunk line (among others of various sizes) of your Converse Patent Pock Joint Pipe, which runs from the Murrysville district to the South Side, Pitts- burgh, carrying natural gas under high pressures. During the heavy rains we had in March, a big slide occurred above our pipe line, between Homestead and Pittsburgh, forcing the line com- pletely out of its bed and moving the pipe and one of the 16-inch Converse hubs at least 20 inches out of line on a deflection, causing only a very slight Chartiers Valley Gas Co.— View of Cut Averaging 20 Feet at Negley's Run 20-Inch converse joint pipe NATURAL GAS. 553 leak, and permitting us to still carry a pressure of 90 pounds per square inch on the line during the balance of the week, after which time we straight- ened up the landslide and brought the pipe back to its original position. Together with other practical engineers I am and have been very en- thusiastic over the advantages of Converse Lock Joint Pipe over all others, for ease and rapidity in laying, strength of material, durability, minimum friction, and tightness of joint. I have, as you know, had long experience in laying all kinds and classes of pipe, but prefer Converse Joint pipe to them all. I fully agree with the opinion expressed by our best gas experts that the Converse Lock Joint is the best joint ever invented for the conveyance of natural gas. For natural gas it is the pipe, and when a pipe and joint is a perfect natural gas carrier, it is of course the best for water, artificial gas, oil, etc. The deflection the joints are capable of saves time and money. I thought the splendid work this 16-inch pipe accomplished in this case would be of interest to you, as it exceeds anything, by long odds, that I have ever known any other pipe to do, and, based upon my long experience with all classes of pipe, I can state positively that cast-iron pipe under the same circumstances would have torn apart and caused us thousands of dol- lars of damage — not that cast-iron ever would be used in this or any other line requiring great strength either in the body of the pipe or at the joint, for no sensible man or skillful engineer would accept such material for such purposes at any price — in fact no lead joint in connection with either cast or wrought-iron pipe unless it embodied your patent lock, which is one of the strong features of the Converse device, would have stood this strain fifteen minutes. The locking device and general construction of the Converse Joint per- formed all that has ever been claimed for it ; it kept the pipe from pulling apart, and at the same time yielded enough to let the pipe find its easiest bearing under sudden strain, thus preventing a disaster, without for one mo- ment stopping the gas supply. It has been argued by a few persons that the lock is unnecessary. To be sure it is often unnecessary in straight lines where there is not the least danger of washouts, or upheavals by frost, or depression by settlings, but here is a case where its use saved our Company and its customers thousands of dollars, and we appreciate it. (Signed) T. h. Garvin. Supt. Murrysville Div., Chartiers Valley Gas Company. P. S. — I am now busily engaged superintending the laying of our new lines of 16-inch and 20-inch Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe, which we recently purchased from your Company. We have every reason to believe that they will be the best natural gas trunk line in this district. (vSigned) T. L. G. Braddock, Pa., Aug. 2d, 1887. National Tube Works Co. We tested two more miles of the Chartiers Valley Gas Company's 16- inch line to-day. We put the pressure up to 300 pounds to the square inch. After getting the pressure up, Mr. Hartupee, General Manager, Mr. Tate, CHARTIERS VALLEY GAS CO.~V.EW OF 34 FEET CUT AT NEGLEY'S P.UN-20-lNCH Converse Joint Pipe. NATURAL GAS. 555 General Superintendent, Mr. Galvin, Superintendent of the Murrysville Division, and Mr. Patrick Foley, the contractor, and myself walked over and inspected the line carefully, and all pronounced it the best piece of work they had ever seen. We have commenced laying the 20-inch ; it looks splendid in the ditch, and it has all the appearance of making a first-class job. (Signed) GEORGE N. RlEEY, Inspecting Engineer. Pittsburgh, West End, Pa., October 10th, 1887. National Tube Works Co. It gives me great pleasure to voluntarily add ;my testimony to that of other contracting engineers in the matter of your Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe, especially for natural gas uses. I recently completed the laying of ten (10) miles of your Converse Patent Lock Joint pipe in the Murrysville district for the Chartiers Valley Gas Company. The final tests (five) of two mile sections, proved the excellence of the pipe and joint ; it cost me comparatively nothing for re-calking joints (which had been hurried by careless workmen), and the line showed not the slightest leak under the very severe pressures put upon it. The great advantages this pipe possesses for conveying natural gas, also places it above all others for manufactured gas, water, etc. The construction of the Converse hub is simple and effective ; it can be laid more rapidly, makes a tighter and more flexible joint, and by reason of the flush inside surfaces cannot but deliver more gas, comparatively, by reason of the decreased friction. I notice you have splendid records around this natural gas territory with this pipe. I took advantage of the deflection this joint is capable of in many cases, and also used short lengths to great advantage. Of course, we all know that cast-iron pipe is out of the question for conveying natural gas, by reason of its porous and brittle nature. If the few ill-advised lines of cast-iron pipe had not been laid when Pittsburgh first commenced to use natural gas, much loss of life and property would have been avoided, as you know. Please excuse the length of these remarks, but I am so much pleased with your Converse Patent Lock Joint pipe, w T ith its strong fibrous iron, smooth surfaces, lead spaces, locking spaces, etc., etc., that I feel like thus expressing myself. (Signed) Patrick FoeEY, General Contractor. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 22nd, 1S89. National Tube Works Co. Answering your favor of the 18th inst., I can only recount my experi- ence as manager of the Chartiers Valley Gas Co., of Pittsburgh, where we laid some twenty-five miles of wrought-iron pipe for natural gas ; sizes, twelve-inch, sixteen-inch and twenty-inch, and for all of which the Converse Joint was selected, on account of the general security of the joint and the '-.:..'•"" V " > NATURAL GAS. 557 cheapness with which it could be successfully laid. We also used in our system some fifty miles of wrought-iron screw-joint pipe. On the question of durability, if properly painted, I should not hesitate to adopt wrought-iron in place of cast-iron, and would decidedly prefer it as largely reducing friction and leakage, which are of great importance in gas business calculations. In addition to this, we avoid by wrought iron the danger of cracking by means of extreme contraction, and by uneven settling or cutting away of line and trench by washouts or springs. I shall be pleased to give you any detailed particulars you may desire, covering my favorable experience with your pipe. (Signed) R. B. Tate, Contracting Engineer. MANUFACTURERS' GAS COMPANY. The Intelligencer, Wheeling, W. Va., in its issue of Tuesday morning, Aug. 31, 1886, states under the head line : HEAVEN AFLAME. The following telegram was received last evening : McKeesport, Pa., Aug. 30th, 1SS6. Manufacturers' Gas Company, Wheeling. We extremely regret the inability of our executive officers to be present this evening to participate in the celebration of the introduction of natural gas into the city of Wheel- ing. We congratulate the citizens of Wheeling at large, and, more particularly, the manufacturers, on the advent of the fuel of to-day. The plate iron composing the pipe we furnished you for gas mains, was all heated by natural gas, and the pipe will in turn, conduct the gas to Wheeling's furnaces and firesides. We wish success to all concerned. (Signed) E. C. Converse, National Tube Works Co. The first car of pipe for the main line from the station at Ebbert's farm, which will be known as Station A — for the officers of the company modestly discountenance any effort to fasten their personality on the country by adopting such names as " Flinn City," " Gillespieville " or "Williams- port " — was shipped on May 21. From that date until August 18, when the last was shipped, there was received over 300 car loads of pipe. Credit for the wonderful rapidity with which this pipe was made and shipped along the line is due to the National Tube Works Company, of McKeesport, who made all the pipe used in the main line, tested it to 750 pounds to the square inch, and not a length had to be rejected after it was in the trench. Of the line itself, it may be said that the first ten miles of it is ten-inch screw and socket joint, and the balance of the line, twenty-three miles in length, is known as the Converse Eock Joint pipe, so named for the genial assistant manager of the Tube Works, under whose patent the joint is manufactured. ffc'? ■ : - Bird's-eye View of Main line of chartiers Valley Gas Co., negley's Run— 20-Inch Converse Joint Pipe. NATURAL GAS. 559 MONOKGAHELA NATURAL GAS COMPANY. MONONGAHELA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 23d, 1889. National Tube Works Co. As per request, we advise you that our experience has been that the Converse Joint pipe of the National Tube Works Company is the best pipe that is made for natural gas purposes ; in fact, for any other work where a good tight joint and strong pipe is required. We have about nineteen miles of sixteen-inch, and three miles of twenty-inch in use, in which the pressure varies from twenty to two hun- dred pounds. In this whole line I don't believe there is a single leak. We had it all tested before it was covered in, at 200 pounds pressure, and there was not a leak in the entire line. We recommend it as an article which will give good results in gas, water, etc. , where high and steady pressure is required. Monongaheu Natural Gas Company, ) Monongaheu Construction Company, f (Signed) James B. Oliver, President. NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. National Tube Works Co. In testing the N. T. W. Co.'s eight-inch gas line just completed, we find the one and one-half miles of Lock Joint pipe stood the test splendidly. There were about three leaks in this entire mile and a half, and none of these amounted to anything. This pipe can be laid much cheaper than screw joint pipe, and, in my opinion, it is not so likely to leak. It is worthy of notice that this mile and a half of your Lock Joint pipe, which forms a part of the main line, is all laid in a very rough part of the country, with some very short bends and curves. We did not have one important leak on the whole line from the well to the mill ; the leaks that did occur were very slight, and it would have been perfectly safe to have covered up the pipe without any test. I am now carrying 125 pounds of gas at the well, which gives us a pressure of 60 pounds at the mill, except when the works are all on full ; the consumption runs the pressure down to 40 pounds at the mill. The exact length of the line from the well to the mill is 47,734 feet. (Signed) GEORGE N. RiLEY, Engineer in Charge. OIL CITY FUEL SUPPLY COMPANY. Oil, City, Pa., May 9th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. You have asked me several times as to the satisfaction the Converse Lock Joint Kalamein pipe gave to our company, and I have as often replied to you, in general terms, that it gave good satisfaction. jtf*^totfW* ■•■■■ «>* ■■--,■:> NATURAL GAS. 561 The conditions of the market under which the line of ten-inch pipe was purchased were such as to effect this company a very great saving. Our pipe system throughout the city has now been down for about eighteen months, and we have had ample opportunity to judge of the merits of the pipe and the joint. Regarding this pipe system, which is composed of seventeen miles of Converse Tock Joint Kalamein pipe, ranging in size from four-inch to ten- inch, several hundreds of ells, tees, angle-bends, and other special fittings, together with nearly two thousand service connections, made by means of the National Service Clamps and Tapping Machine, I would state that for ease in handling and facility in connections, together with a security of joint, this class of pipe appears to meet a long felt want. We consider the joint, practically speaking, a perfect gas joint, and, when you consider the character of natural gas, you will be convinced how perfect the pipe and joint must have been to be perfectly tight and secure in so large a system as the one we control. Regarding the last line of six miles of ten-inch pipe, which we are using for a high pressure line, conducting gas from the accumulation of sixteen large gas wells to the city of Oil City, we can heartily recommend its use for similar purposes. If you will enquire from the various natural gas companies throughout Western Pennsylvania as to the trouble they have with many of the makes of screw joint goods, constant breaks in high pre- sure lines, you will appreciate the facts, which not only permit of me, but give me pleasure, in thus voluntarily expressing to you the gratification of our company and stockholders at having adopted this style of pipe for our high pressure mains. We consider this ten-inch line one of the best'high pressure gas trunk lines now in use, and consider it practically perfect. It was tested and found tight at one hundred pounds natural gas accumulative pressure, and it is now working perfectly under a regular working pressure of sixty pounds. (Signed) Oil City Fuel Supply Co., E. Strong, President. PHILADELPHIA COMPANY". Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 21st, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. In relation to question asked me some days ago, viz. : Points of differ- ence between 16-inch with Converse Patent Hubs and 10-inch with Screw Joints, would say : The 16-inch line between Gilmore and Telford has been in daily use for some time, and is the best line the Philadelphia Company has. As to the lead joints and pipe, they are gas proof. The io-inch line (not furnished by your Company), laid by the Com- pany, from Telford to Sandy Creek, is screw joints, and while it was not under my charge yet have seen so much of it to be satisfied that were it put to the same test the 16-inch Converse Joint has been subjected to, — a dead pressure test, — it would lose in one hour 60 per cent. I do not lay this to defective material but to the following reasons : The Screw Joints, in the 562 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. first place, are badly strained while pipes are being placed in ditch ; then again, poor calking ; lastly, there is no allowance made for expansion or contraction. As to the Converse Patent hub on the 1 6-inch pipe, a poor workman can hardly make a bad job calking them, and the allowance for expansion and contraction absolutely prevent all danger from leakage in joints. I also know that in case the pipe should settle the Converse Hub will not leak, if it has been properly run ; the screw joint will, no matter how well calked in joint when laid. In the line between Telford and Niblocks, I have made one change, i. e., placing your patent sleeves on top of hills and in ravines, butting pipe closely together on summits and allowing three inches space in ravines between ends of pipe ; while the pipe may never creep down hill, yet it can do no harm ; then again, if pipes are properly tamped, the projecting faces of hubs afford a brace to prevent creeping, making the Converse Hub especially valuable over screw joints in rough country. One 16-inch Converse Joint line laid will, in cost of repairs, not cost one-hundredth part of the sum of two io-inch lines in one year. (Signed) Jno. R. BiTNER, Engineer in charge 16-iuch Line, Philadelphia Co. Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 25th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. Your favor of the 23rd inst. received. We have completed the sixteen- inch Converse Joint line, and now have the gas passing through it. We tested the line to three hundred pounds pressure and found it first-class in every respect. We laid it with great care and feel that we have a good piece of work. On some bright and beautiful cold morning, with the thermometer ranging from ten to twenty degrees below zero, I will give it a test and advise you of the result. At present the line is doing but little, as we haven't much use for it and are holding it in reserve. (Signed) T. A. Gillespie, Gen. Supt. Philadelphia Company. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 22nd, 1889. National Tube Works Co. We have used, perhaps, seventy-five miles of the Converse Joint pipe, made by the National Tube Works Co., of McKeesport, Pa., and have found it first-class pipe in every respect. The joint is a good one — very simple, and easily put together, and after the line is connected, the pipe is tight under a pressure of 250 pounds to the square inch. We do not carry this pressure, however, on our line in actual use, but test it up this high. We have just taken up considerable of this pipe from a field abandoned, and re-laid it in a new field, and find it is just as good as the day we put it down and as easily put together. In short, we take pleasure in saying the Converse pipe is all it is claimed for it by the makers. (Signed) T. A. GiLLESPiE, Gen. Supt. Philadelphia Company. NATURAL GAS. 563 PITTSBURGH NATURAL, GAS COMPANY - . Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 27th, 1888. National Tube Works Co. It is a pleasure to report that the Pittsburgh Natural Gas Company's lines are highly satisfactory and good to refer to. The line stood the gas test for twenty-four hours, the gauge running down one-half pound. This is the Parke Bros. & Co. twelve-inch and sixteen-inch Converse Joint line. (Signed) H. W. Bishop. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 22nd, 1889. National Tube Works Co. In reply to your inquiry as to our experience with your twelve-inch Converse Joint pipe, would say, since we laid our line with it, one year ago, we have put into it the full pressure of our wells. The pipe has withstood the pressure without a single instance of failure, while the joints appear to be perfectly tight. Most of the gas lines running near ours have caused, by leakage, con- siderable damage to the farms through which they pass, but the surface of the country through which ours runs is uninjured, and there is no evi- dence whatever of leakage. We are well pleased with your pipe in every respect. (Signed) The Pittsburgh Natural Gas Co., W. G. Park, President. SHENANGO NATURAL GAS COMPANY. New Castle, Pa., Oct. 2nd, 1885. National Tube Works Co. We have to-day made a test of about two miles of our ten-inch line to a pressure of 175 pounds. We have found it very satisfactory indeed ; we believe only one leak in the calking, three in welds and two or three from sand holes in the hubs. These leaks are all very trifling. We consider we have a very tight little gas line, and if the ditchers will keep out of our way we will put it down in a very short time. (Signed) H. E. Picket, Manager Shenango Natural Gas Company. New Castle, Pa., Oct. 20th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. I send you by express a map and profile of a short section of our ten- inch line, covering a rather difficult piece of ground at the crossing of a large stream. The line at this point, as you will see, declines pretty rapidly in quite a short distance, to get under the creek and then raises again to about the same elevation, and at the same time there is quite a lateral curve 564 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. or angle to be made on the down slope, as shown by the map under the profile. These curves were all made with the straight pipe, using short pieces in the shortest curves, and I thought it might be interesting and perhaps profitable to you to see just what had been done with the pipe in a difficult place. These joints have all proven tight upon test of 200 pounds to the square inch. You are at liberty to make such use of the map and profile as you may see fit, but I will feel obliged if you will kindly return it to me when you have finished with it. (Signed) II. E. Picket, Manager Shenango Natural Gas Company. New CasteE, Pa., Nov. 12th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. We tested to-day, four thousand feet of ten-inch pipe ; found all per- fectly tight ; did not have to put a tool on one of the joints and there was not one defective weld or pin-hole in the pipe. We also laid 125 joints of ten-inch pipe in eight hours to-day. We could finish the entire line in ten good working days if the pipe was on the ground. (Signed ) GEORGE N. RiEEY, Inspecting Engineer. New CasteE, Pa, Sept. 28th, 1S86. National Tube Works Co. This company has in use in its main gas line from Butler county to this city, eight miles of eight-inch and twelve miles of ten-inch O. D. Converse Patent Lock Joint wrought-iron pipe furnished by the National Tube Works Company. This line has now been in use over nine months, supplying gas to our customers in this city. It has stood the test of the various seasons, including the settling of the ground in the spring, admirably, and is at this time in first class condition and performing its functions in a way that is entirely satisfactory to us ; in fact, our leakage is at the very minimum and we feel satisfied that our loss by friction is very low on account of the light resistance offered to the flow of gas by the smooth and regular interior surface of the pipe. The pipe is laid in a trench four and a half feet deep, so that the changes of temperature have affected it but little and the work and expense of repairs have been almost nominal. All things considered, I do not know of a better gas line than this in the State. (Signed) H. E. Picket, Manager. Shenango Natural Gas Company. New CasTeE, Pa., Dec. 27th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. We connected our new line, consisting of twelve miles of Converse pipe and five miles of screw pipe on the evening of the 25th inst., and NATURAL GAS. 565 immediately commenced to carry gas through the same and found it to be in good working condition from the very start. We laid the first of the Converse pipe Nov. 22nd, so that you see we were less than thirty days (excluding time stopped by storm) in laying the twelve miles. Our record, of over 100 joints per day to a gang, average 107, in, 152, 156, 167 and 185. This is all laid in a four and one-half foot trench; the pipe thoroughly tamped and filled on centres and calked. I pass this in for the " boss " record and when it is beaten I will try again. (Signed) H. E. Picket, Manager Shenango Natural Gas Company. WESTMORELAND AND CAMBRIA NATURAL GAS CO. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 27th, 1S86. National Tube Works Co. I have been in the oil and natural gas business for the past twenty years, and in that time handled hundreds of miles of pipe made by different manu- facturers. The pipe you furnished for the Westmoreland and Cambria Natural Gas Co. , twelve and sixteen-inch pipe fitted with the Converse Lock Joint, which I superintended the laying of personally, I consider and know it to be the best pipe and joint ever made for natural gas mains, and would advise the use of it above any other pipe made to-day for natural gas mains. (Signed) Jno. H. Gaeey, Gen. Supt. Westmoreland and Cambria Natural Gas Co. WEST VIRGINIA NATURAL GAS COMPANY. Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 30th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. One gang of pipe layers on the West Virginia Natural Gas Co. 's line laid seventy-five pieces of twelve-inch Converse Joint pipe last Saturday in seven hours. The Wheeling Natural Gas Company while testing with gas last week had but one leak in seven miles twelve-inch Converse Joint pipe. (Signed) George N. Riley, Inspecting Engineer. WHEELING NATURAL GAS COMPANY. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. nth, 18S6. National Tube Works Co. We take pleasure in informing you that we have finished our line to Wheeling. We desire to say that the twelve miles of ten-inch pipe and twenty-two miles of twelve-inch pipe (Converse Patent Lock Joint), fur- nished by you, has given us entire satisfaction, particularly the twelve-inch pipe. We first tested the twelve-inch pipe and calked it up to one hundred pounds gas pressure ; after leaving the gas at this pressure for twenty-four 566 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. hours, we then increased the pressure to 150 pounds, when we found but oue defective pipe. We left the gas entirely out of the line and replaced this pipe ; we then put on 250 pounds of gas pressure and examined the joints for a distance of ten miles ; the joints for that distance being uncov- ered, we were expecting to find at least a dozen defective pipes and as many defective joints, but were agreeably surprised to find that the entire line, pipe and joints, stood the severe test first-class. We tested the ten-inch up to 360 pounds gas pressure, and did not find a single defective pipe. I feel that the only mistake we made was that we did not use more twelve-inch pipe and less ten inch pipe, which would have very materially increased the quantity of gas delivered to us. We think it remarkable that of the thirty-four miles of Converse Patent Lock Joint pipe delivered us from your works that we only found one defective pipe in the entire line. (Signed) Wm. Feynn, President, The Wheeling Natural Gas Company. Wrought and Cast-Iron Pipes. Mr. Callahan, who is in the city representing a Louisville firm in their contract with the City of Pittsburgh for a quantity of cast-iron pipe, was interviewed yesterday afternoon by a representative of this paper, for points on the relative value of wrought-iron and cast-iron pipes for use in gas and water mains. He was, of course, enthusiastic in his praises for cast-iron pipe. As to its use for natural gas, he said that the firm he represented has furnished Wellsville, O., with cast-iron pipes for natural gas mains, and that they had proven very satisfactory. The other side of the story was obtained from an old oil operator, and one who has tried every kind of pipe in the market for both oil and gas pipe lines. He said : "Cast-iron may be cheaper, but it won't answer the purpose. Wrought-iron will ex- pand and contract. There are always put in the line, small bends, so that expansion will not strain the pipes. Now, cast-iron will break. For gas it would not hold the fluid, and natural gas would require a pipe of iron or steel, something with the pores as fine, at least, as to keep down leakage." — From the Pittsburgh Dispatch, December 2j, 1884. The following appeared in the editorial columns of the Pittsburgh Sunday Dispatch, December 28, 1884 : Cast-iron pipes for natural gas mains are about as useful as they would be for railroad tracks. The Danger and Inefficiency oe Cast-Iron Mains. At noon yesterday while testing the cast-iron main from the Kittauing well the pipe burst in two places, in front of the residence of Oscar Porter. The pressure at the time was only 80 pounds. The pipe was a twelve-inch cast-iron main, supposed to be one-half inch thick. — Pittsburgh Leader, December 15, 1884. NATURAL GAS. 567 Cast-Iron for Gas Mains. A well-known attorney who has given the question of natural gas con_ siderable thought, holds that the idea that it is so much more dangerous under a high pressure than a low pressure, is a mistaken one. When spoken to this morning, the gentleman first reached for a Leader and read from the telegraphic columns an account of the explosion at a house where the gas main was laid over forty feet distant. "There," said he, " is a case where the gas travelled through whatever there was of porous rock or earth until it finally reached the cellar of the house destroyed. " After explaining that he was not an expert, and for that reason did not wish to be quoted, he said : "The nature of the gas is such that it will penetrate cast-iron metal pipes, if conducted through them, and hence can only be carried safely in the less porous wrought-iron tube." Concerning the possibility of safely piping the gas, he expressed the belief that all that was necessary is to use wrought-iron pipe and make perfectly tight joints. — Pittsburgh Leader, December 26, iSSj. Cast-Iron Pipe; Won't Carry Natural Gas. It would seem that the attempt of the Westinghouse Company to use cast-iron pipe for natural gas mains is likely to prove a costly experiment to either the gas company or the firm that furnished the pipe. Many hun- dreds of tons of twelve-inch pipe were cast by a Philadelphia firm and for- warded, a large force of men was at once employed to lay the mains, and it was only after an extensive portion of the mains was laid that a test of 52 pounds pressure showed that the experiment was a failure. The person giving this information stated that the gas at the pressure named burst the cast-iron pipe as though they were smoke pipe-stems. Just who is to pay for this costly experiment is not known. — Pittsburgh Leader, December 27, 1884. OIL CITY FUEL SUPPLY COMPANY. Among the first extensive Converse Patent Lock Joint natural gas lines was that furnished to the Oil City Fuel Supply Company for its system at Oil City and South Oil City, Pa. We supplied them with over 79,443 feet of this pipe during the fall of 1883 and spring of 18S4. In 1883 they purchased sizes ranging from 4 inches to 8 inches, inclusive, in diameter, and during the spring of 1884 31,680 feet of 10-inch for their high pressure main, by reason of the perfect satisfaction given by the smaller sizes. The company carefully considered the purchase of cast-iron pipe, and, although they could have pur- chased such pipe very cheaply at the time, they decided that its use for natural gas was dangerous and " out of the question." Upon the completion of the Converse Lock Joint pipe system the company's seventeen wells were turned in and the line 568 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. found perfectly tight at ioo pounds pressure. The flattering testimonial from the President of the Oil City Fuel Supply Company, which appears on page 104, is sufficient proof of the entire satisfaction the line has since given. The success of this complete system became noised around and attracted the attention of all those engaged in the natural gas business. When the papers last winter were finding fault with the pipe lines of the Pittsburgh companies the Pittsburgh Leader sent its most able reporter to visit and inspect the various natural gas plants in operation, with a view of finding the most perfect system and writing it up. In its issue of January 1, 1S85, the Leader published the following interesting and instructive article, based upon the investigation of its reporter. Oil City, supplied with Converse Lock Joint pipe, Kalamein, was selected as the model plant : Why the; Oil, Country is not Being Bl,own Up by Natural, Gas as we are. In view of the damage that has already resulted from the introduction of natural gas in this city and that yet threatening, the public has many times asked the question, " How is it that the element is so successfully used in the oil country?" It was for the purpose of determining this matter that a representative of the Leader visited the principal sections where the gas is in use, the past few days. In the outset it might be stated that a careful examination of every detail would seem to confirm the opinion held by oil country people that the troubles that have so beset Pittsburgh are entirely due to a total disregard of consequences on the part of the various companies in laying pipe. Natural gas is being used most exten- sively at Bradford, Olean and Oil City. It is the latter point, however, that by far the most valuable and carefully managed plant is to be found, and for that reason only the latter will be treated in detail at this time. Messrs. Strong and Porterfield comprise what is known as the Oil City Fuel Supply Company, the charter for which was secured over three years ago, and it is now about two years since the gas was first introduced in the city. At the office of the company Mr. Porterfield was encountered, and after making known the object of his visit, that official accompanied the scribe to the company's shops, where more than an hour was spent in explaining the de- tails attending the laying of mains and the manner of making joints and connections. The result of this investigation, as far as it wotdd be of in- terest to Pittsburgers, is as follows : The source of supply is at a point a little more than eleven miles east of the city. This is in the shape of several strong gas wells, that were some years since abandoned as a fruitless search for oil, and consequently with their deluge of gas were deserted as worthless, until the idea of utilizing the gas for fuel was conceived. Commencing at the wells two, five and five- eighths inch casing are laid for a distance of two miles. These are connected with a ten-inch Converse Lock Joint Kalamein wrought-iron pipe covering NATURAL GAS. 569 the remaining six miles to the city line. Once in the city is used exclu- sively what is known as Converse Lock Joint Kalamein pipe. This is manu- factured from an admixture of white metal and iron, and when worked into pipe is to all appearances the exact counterpart of a galvanized pipe. Upon bringing a chisel to bear on it, however, the composition is found to be the same all through, which is not the case with the former, where only the surface is galvanized. The composition is not porous, as is the case with cast-iron pipe, neither will it corrode or rust by contact with earth sub- stances, whether it be laid in ashes or garbage, so damaging to pipe not so manufactured. As stated, none other is used for the mains throughout the city, and the sizes range from three to ten inches, the former for low and the latter for high pressure, which ranges in the latter from forty to fifty pounds to the square inch. From the high-pressure pipe only mills and factories where a large quantity of gas is required, are supplied, while for generel use or private consumption, the gas is secured from the stnaller pipe, where it is confined at a pressure equal to five ounces water pressure, or a little less than six ounces. This pressure is maintained by the use of gasometers through which the gas is distributed from the high-pressure mains. These are composed of sheet-iron tanks, the lower of about one hundred barrel capacity, and the other sufficiently less to be inverted, where it is suspended by a chain passing over pulleys to a lever regulating the flow of gas from the high-pressure main by the use of a valve. Six of these are used at different points throughout the city for the purpose of fresh- ening the pressure, and in this way the pressure varies scarcely half an ounce. For the purpose of avoiding the deleterious effect of the atmosphere or frost, all mains and connections as far as practicable are laid at a uniform depth of four and one-half feet from the surface. What is considered the most important feature in pipe laying at Oil City is tight joints. These, Mr. Porterfield stated, are made with the greatest care that can be exercised, with the aid of the appliance constructed to suit the Kalamein pipe. Near the end, and on the outside of every pipe, is a teat for effecting the lock joint ; over the ends is placed a cast-iron coupling with grooves or slots in each end, into which the projections on the ends of the pipe are placed, after which a perfect lock is effected by simply turning the pipe in opposite directions. The entire joint is then filled with molten lead, which must be poured while showing a blue flame, to be of any con- sistency to be effectual. When the lead has cooled sufficiently, men who have become experts at the work go over the line with calking chisels and so pack the lead to a bearing against the inner surface as to make a leak im- possible under any circumstances. It was stated that so carefully was this done that not a leak was discovered in all lines since being laid. So also was the same care exercised in making connections, only with a different appliance. This is called a " saddle," and consists of a cast-iron band about three inches wide at the top and about half that width at the bottom, and provided with screw fastenings. It is also much thicker at the top where it is tapped to suit the size of connection to be made. In all cases a " gasket," consisting of a sheet of lead, is placed on the surface to be tapped. The connection is then made by screwing the end of the pipe into the saddle, allowing it to pass through the gasket and main, instead of simply screwing it into the 570 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. shell of the main pipe, as is done in this city, in this manner connections are made on all sizes of pipe, whether large, high-pressnre or otherwise. Before entering a house, a cut-off valve is placed near the curb, to be operated by a key such as is used by the water company. For this a screw curb-box, so called because of the peculiar manufacture to suit whatever depth the pipe may be laid. This precaution is taken so that the gas can be shut off promptly in case of fire from any cause. Once in the premises, there is introduced a little device called the " meter." This is an egg-shaped cast- iron device with a thread on one end, where it is attached to the supply pipe, and in the other an aperture varying in size from three to five thirty-seconds, according to the amount of gas required and to be paid for. The meter is also provided with six openings near the point of supply for the purpose of allowing air to enter with the gas and thus effect a complete combustion. The next feature examined was the expansion joints on the main pipe, some distance from the city, and used only wherever it was necessary to lay the pipe on the surface. These consist of a connection made by placing loosely fitting cast-iron sleeves over the point where the pipes meet and securely calked or packed with hemp. This, it is held, is the only kind of a joint that will allow for expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and it might also be stated that Mr. Porterfield and others, who spoke from experience, stated that neither lead nor screw joints would be impervious to frost at a less depth than four and one-half feet from the surface. To this, as well as bad workmanship, was the trouble now being experienced in this city attributed. Mr. J. V. Collins, who lays claim to being the first to utilize natural gas while a driller 'way back in '62, was next encountered. When questioned, he said : "Why, if the authorities want Pittsburgh blown to atoms just introduce a cast-iron pipe system." He then explained that a well-known eastern professor long since demonstrated that natural gas, while not an explosive in its pure state, is more dangerous than dynamite when adulterated with oxygen to the extent of, say, three-fourths of the latter and one-fourth of the former. While operating in the field he said he found that the moment air was admitted into a pipe containing natural gas, and which was burning, the flame follows the pipe instantly. In this way he knew of gas tanks to be exploded fifty to sixty feet away from where the flame was ignited. It has been held by some Pittsburgh experts that the gas secured in this section is what is known as fire-damp and much harder to handle than that secured in the oil country, as being more dangerous. This is not credited by the oil country experts. That our gas is odorless, while in the upper country it smells strongly of oil, is said to be due to the fact that it comes from the vicinity of petroleum deposits. In other respects it differs only in making a better illuminant than Pittsburgh gas, which is due to our excess of carbon. How the insurance fraternity regard the extra hazard may best be ap- preciated when it is stated that all the insurance men visited at Oil City stated that they granted the privilege to use the gas without extra charge, and were glad to do this, since the new fuel as handled there is considered much safer than coal. " The most serious results of its use," said one of these, ' ' is the manner in which it is lengthening the visages of the few coal dealers left in this section." NATURAL GAS. 571 It might be stated in this connection that a New Yorker named Biglow, who claims to have perfected a process for rendering the natural gas suit- able for illuminating purposes, is now constructing a works for the Oil City Supply Company. It is therefore expected that within the space of a few moons gas coal will become a thing of the past in that city. So far but one serious explosion occurred in that section from natural gas, and that was entirely due to the negligence of the inevitable plumber in making a con- nection. This article was published by the Leader, as above stated, by its own free will and without any compensation, hints or sug- gestions from us whatsoever. The article received widespread attention. The following is clipped from the Pittsburgh Chronicle Tel- egraph, February 24, 1885. It is in reference to the terrible nat- ural gas explosion, which took place at Wellsburg, W. Va., on February 21, causing the loss of property and several lives: THE WELLSBURG EXPLOSION. Smaee Boys Amuse Themselves by Striking Matches Above the Gas Mains. Weeesburg, W. Va., February 24, 1885. — There are various opinions expressed here as to the cause of the explosion of last Saturday. The mains are cast-iron bowl pipe, used for water generally, but in this case it is under- stood that the gas company were advised by supposed experts that lead joints would hold all the pressure that could be brought upon them, and being much cheaper they were adopted, and ever since the gas was turned in, the small bo}' has amused himself by punching holes over the pipe and lighting the escaping gas, which in some places would burn to the height of two feet or more. At the Helsley building the inmates had for two days noticed a strong smell of gas, and on the night of the explosion had retired in darkness, being afraid to have a light, and it will never be known how if was ignited. Many of our citizens have gone back to the use of coal, fearing to use the gas. There can be no safety while the mains are in the street, until the ground is thawed sufficiently to allow the escape of the gas upward. In the cellar of the wrecked building the gas is still burning in sufficient quantity to supply heat for a dozen houses. The escape from death of the neighbors was almost a miracle. The house of Josiah Wynne, adjoining, was mashed almost flat, and himself and wife and four children escaped without a bruise, and immediately opposite, Mr. George Davidson's residence was completely wrecked, though no one was hurt, and the same can be said of all in the immediate vicinity. Davidson loses almost everything, having no insurance. Nearly all the tall houses had the glass shattered on the side next the ruin. In Brilliant, across the river, windows were broken and doors blown open, and people on the street were knocked off their feet. 572 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Desiring the plain facts in the case, we sent a man to exam- ine into the matter and report. On February 27, 1885, he re- ported as follows : Noticing the above in the Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph of February 24, I went to Wellsburg yesterday to ascertain the facts concerning the re- cent explosion, and, if possible, induce the Wellsburg Gas Company to re- place the defective pipe with our wrought-iron line pipe. I found that the system was laid with ordinary cast-iron pipe (leaded joint) such as is common with this class of pipe, was leaking over nearly the entire line. The line includes about seven (7) miles of mains. The condition of the mains in the town can be judged from the following state- ment which was made to the writer by a reputable citizen of Wellsburg. This gentleman said that the boys of the town often amused themselves by punching holes in the frozen surface of the ground over the pipes and ignit- ing the escaping gas. The citizen assured me that he had seen the gas from as many as twenty (20) of these vents burning at the same time on one block. Another gentleman informed me that he had tried the same experiment on his property near which one of the mains run, with a like result, show- ing that in frosty weather the leaking gas percolates through the earth for some distance from the pipe, under the surface. The people are very much excited over the situation, and the Council is now considering ordinances which may force the company to relay the entire System, or give up the franchise. The company is working to have the ordinances already passed, and those pending, so modified as to allow them to continue, but in no event to extend their system with any class of pipe other than wrought-iron. Judge Stowe's Gas Decision Cited. BuTEER, Pa., February 24, 1885. — Judge Hazen has refused to grant a special preliminary injunction against the use of natural gas. The applica- tion was made by the Town Council and argued at New Castle several weeks ago. The Judge cited the recent decision of Judge Stowe as a precedent. The cast-iron gas mains are leaking badly, endangering life and property, and a majority of the citizens are indignant because the injunction was not granted. — Special telegram to the Pittsburgh Dispatch, February 27, 1885. This afternoon at about half-past one four men employed on the gas line, low pressure (natural gas), at Sharpsburg, were the victims of a singular accident. A test was being made of the cast-iron pipe by forcing air through the two-inch main by means of a couple of Westinghouse air pumps, and the men were in the ditch at the corner of Bridge and South Main streets examining the joints, when one of the cast-iron pipes burst, and the men were blown clear out of the trench. All four of them were badly cut about the head and face, besides being considerably bruised about the body. — Pittsburgh Leader, March 5, /88j. NATURAL GAS. 573 Cast-Iron Condemned. A corps of engineers in the employ of the Penn Fuel and Fuel Gas companies are locating lines along the river banks within the city limits for large high-pressure wrought-iron mains, which the corporations intend to lay as soon as the weather permits. All present high-pressure pipes will be made low pressure when the new line is completed. The company intends to dispense with the use of all cast-iron pipes and connections, and will use forged conveyors and connections. It has been proven that natural gas penetrates cast-iron pipes. The fact is substantiated by Prof. Siemens, the famous gas expert, who stated positively that cast-iron pipes should not be used to convey natural gas. — Pittsburgh Telegraph, March ij, /88j. EXPLOSION OF NATURAL GAS. Two Men Kieeed Outright and Three Others Fataeey Injured. Pittsburgh, August 9,1889. — The South Side was the scene of a terrible accident at about six this evening. At that time, just as a gang of Booth & Flinn's men were about to quit work, a terrific explosion occurred, which shook the buildings around for many squares, and did deadly work among the workmen and bystanders. The men were engaged in laying the cast-iron pipe for the Monongahela Gas Company at the corner of Eighth and Bingham Streets. They adjusted a dead-line in the pipe to leave their work over night secure, and the usual test was to be made of it by a pressure of seventy-five pounds of compressed air, but before more than sixty pounds had been applied the explosion occurred. When the bystanders, who were not injured, collected their wits they discovered that three persons had been killed and nine others seriously wounded, a number of them undoubtedly fatally. John Miller, a } r ouug man of 17, who was employed in a mill near by, and who was watching the test, was hurled across the street and against a wall, breaking his neck and dying in about five minutes. John O'Connor, another bystander, was picked up dead, with his jaw broken and his skull fractured. William Showalter had one leg broken in three places and received other injuries which will result fatally. Others seriously injured were : John Greener, married, terribly cut and bruised, injured internally, will die; Henry Reich, a boy, skull fractured and injured internally, will die ; John Braney, millwright, internally injured and head cut ; William Green, badly cut and bruised, and thought to have received internal injuries ; James Hendrick, of St. Louis, both legs broken. All the wounded were removed to South Side Hospital, and a number of physicians summoned to attend them. It is stated positively that the pipe which was being used was defective throughout, and that some of it had been condemned. — A T ezv York Sun, August loth, I8S9. Not Ready to Testify. Coroner McDowell yesterday morning held an inquest into the cause of Friday evening's terrible explosion on the South Side. Those who were near the ditch at the time were not forthcoming, and very little evidence 574 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. was elicited, so the inquest had to be adjourned till August 20, at 11 A. M. Emanuel Jackson, undertaker, of Carson Street, said he was sitting outside his place of business about six o'clock, when he heard a noise like that of a cannon shot. He ran down to the ditch, and found the results of the explo- sion precisely as published in the Dispatch yesterday. — From the Pittsburgh Dispatch, August 12, 1889. Pat Ryan, of 282 Second avenue, foreman for Booth & Flinn, deposed that the line had been inspected Friday afternoon and stood 60 pounds pressure all right. It was noticed that the dead-cap was leaking but no or- ders to tighten the bolts were given. O'Connor, however, went down, and was about to tighten them, when an explosion took place. Ryan himself was then struck with a heap of stones, and thrown quite a distance. After that he became insensible. Neither John Miller, nor John Greener was in Booth & Flinn's employ. O'Connor, the other man killed, was the only man in the gang. Pat Garvey and Philip Shea, said they always considered the dead-cap safe. It had been used with a 75-pound pressure. All those wounded stand a fair chance of recovery, with the exception of Harry Reich, the 14-year-old boy whose skull was fractured, and whose condition is precarious. Not much could be done at the point where the explosion took place, as the dead-cap was whirled up Bingham street, struck the water main where it joins a fire plug near South Eighth street, and! the water filled the trench. — Pittsburgh Dispatch, August 12, 1S89. MONONGAHELA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. We think that the foregoing references to the South Side, Pittsburgh, cast-iron pipe explosion, sufficient evidence of the disaster resulting from its use at that point. The searching in- vestigation of the casualty was harrowing in its details of the " Death in the Ditch," as the Pittsburgh newspapers termed it, and the use of cast-iron pipe for the conveyance of natural gas was again condemned. The cast-iron pipe in question comprised only a short sec- tion of the line of the Monongahela Construction Company at the Pittsburgh terminus. The balance of the line was composed of our Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe, which has given per- fect satisfaction, as will be noted from the testimonial which ap- pears on page 559, from President James B. Oliver. We furnished this Company with the following Converse Patent Lock Joint -Pipe, shipments commencing July 15th and ending September 28th, 1889 : 12 inch 4,250 feet 16 inch 100,685 feet 20 inch 15,736 feet NATURAL GAS. 575 JAMES 'WILLIAMS, C. E. Johnstown, Pa., September 30th, 1886. National Tube Works Co. By invitation of your Mr. Riley, I visited the pipe line of the Westmore- land and Cambria Natural Gas Company, near this place, and inspected the Converse Patent Lock Joint. During an experience of forty years laying pipe, I have never seen a joint equal to it, both for expediency in laying and completeness of joint. In fact, I consider it the perfect joint. (Signed) James Wh,uams, Supt. Johnstown Water Company. PEOF. SIEMENS. This famous gas expert stated positively that cast-iron pipe should not be used to convey natural gas, on account of the porous nature of the iron and the penetrating quality of the gas. Prof. Siemens' opinion, based on the result of his knowledge and research, has been substantiated in the operations of the Penn Fuel and Fuel Gas Companies, where it has been proven that natural gas penetrated cast-iron pipes. OPINION OF JUDGE EWING. Judge Ewing, before whom application was made for an injunction against the Tube Works Company, praying for a decree to restrain the Com- pany from laying pipe and conveying natural gas through the same, took occasion to remark when the attorney for the plaintiff attempted to impress his Honor with the safety of cast-iron pipe at low pressure, that, so far as he was concerned, no pressure could be low enough for him in the use of cast-iron mains, and for his part he would insist upon the use of wrought- iron pipe. — The McKeesport Times. 576 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. DELIVERING CAPACITY OF WROUGHT-IRON PIPE. The following table of the gas-delivering capacity of different sized wrought-iron Standard and Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe was compiled by the well-known gas expert, William J. Hartupee, of Pittsburgh, after months of research, based upon actual results, intricate calculations and at great expense. It has been found to be very accurate when compared with actual results attained, and of the utmost value in making up estimates for projected lines. Among other things it has clearly proven our claims of mini- mum friction and maximum delivery for Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe. We have the testimony of such eminent authority as Haswell, that the difference in frictional resistance to flow between ordinary cast-iron pipe and the Converse Lock Joint, wrought- iron and steel pipe is about 30 per cent. Trautwine, Fanning and others are all of one opinion that the most conservative formulas on friction accord to cast-iron pipe, and other conduits where there is a break in the continuity of the inner surface, a capacity much in excess of practical results. This difference in capacity, therefore, should not be overlooked in any comparison between Converse Lock Joint wrought-iron and steel pipe and other classes of conduits, inasmuch as, size for size, the latter are much inferior. This table, as already stated, is the result of elaborate special calculations made by Mr. William J. Hartupee, and proven by exhaustive experiments and close observation of the practical operations of the lines of Converse Joint wrought-iron pipe of various sizes and mileage, in the system of the Philadelphia Company, which were under his immediate supervision, and therefore they are free from the suspicion inseparable from results obtained by the use of formulas ordinarily employed. The stated deliveries of the various sizes, for the given distance, apply to artificial gas as well as to natural gas. DELIVERING CAPACITY OF WROUGHT-IRON PIPE. 577 Gas Delivering Capacity of Different Sized Dines and of Different Lengths, but With the Same Initial and Terminal Pressures, in Cubic Feet per Hour. Inside Diameter. < w W U) &S Lbs. Terminal Pressure. 2 Miles. 4 Miles. 162,150 6 Miles. S Miles. 10 Miles. 12 Miles. tf, 5^ in. 200 5 231,150 131,100 117,30c 100,050 93,150 B in. 200 5 538,200 379,500 310,500 269,100 241,500 220,800 r 6 in. 200 5 634,800 445,050 365,700 317,400 282,900 258,750 k a in. 200 5 1,300,650 917,700 748,650 648,600 583,050 527,850 s IO . 12 in. 200 5 2,273,550 1,607,700 I,3II,OO0. 1,135,050 1,014,300 924,600 55 in. 200 5 3,584,550 2,535,750 2,o66,55o | 1,790,550 1,600,800 1,462,800 U 7/2 in. 200 5 1,104,000 783,150 638,250! 552,000 496, 800 451,930 &, 9>2 in. 200 5 C997,550 1,411,050 1,152,300 1,000,500 893,550 814,200 ■g ny 2 in. 200 5 3,222,300 2,277,000 1,859,550 1,611,150 1,442,100 1,314,450 S *5/ in. 200 5 6,527,400 4,612,650 3,767,400 3,263,700 2,918,700 2,663,400 I 17/ in. 200 5 8,880,300 6,279,000 5,126,700 4,440,150 3,970,950 3,625,950 u V 19/4 in. 200 5 11,685,150 8,262,750 6,744,75Qj 5,840,850 5,223,300 4,771,350 > a 21/ in. 200 5 14,959,200, 10,577,700 8,635,350 7,479.600 6,689,550 6,106,500 3 .23/ in. 200 5 18,730,050 ] 13,244,550 10,812,300 9,366,750 8,376,600 7,645,200 Note. — The above calculations are based on a straight line of pipe, no allowance being made for loss by friction owing to bends and contour of ground. Gas Delivering Capacity of Different Sized Lines and of Different Lengths, but With the Same Initial and Terminal Pressures, in Cubic Feet per Hour. Inside Diameter. w < ■ H & £ W H (A W 14 Miles. 16 Miles. 18 Miles. 20 Miles. 25 Miles. 30 Miles. p, 4 in. 200 5 86, 250 82,800 75,900 72,450 65,550 5S,6 5 o Ph 5 5 A m. 200 5 203,550 189,750 179,400 169,050 155,250 138,000 -a 6 in. 200 5 238,050 224,250; 210,450 200,100 179,400 162,150 h 8 in. 200 5 493,35o 855,600 458,850 427,800 410,550 365,700 334,650 s 10 m. 200 5 803,850, 755,550 717,600 641,700 53L300 si 12 111. 200 5 i,375,85o 1,266,150 1,193,700 1,131,600 1,014,300 924,600 ft ' 1% in. 200 5 4i7,45o 393,300 369,150 348,450 313,950 286,350 Ph 9% in. 200 5 755,550 770,250, 669,300 631,350 558,900 514,050 +j 11K in. 200 5 1,217,850 1,141,950, 1,072,950 1,017,750 910,800 S3 1, 45o •3, V 15/ 111. 200 5 2,466,750 2,308,050 2,176,950 2,063,100 1,845,750 1,683,600 17/ in. 200 5 3,356,850 3, T 39, 5°o 2,960,100 2,808,300 2,511,600 2,290,800 1-. 19/ 111. 200 5 4,416,000 4,129,650 3,895,050 3,694,950 3,301,650 3,015,300 a 21/ in. 200 5 5,654,55o 5,288,850 4,985,250 4,729,950 4,229,700 3,860,550 tj .23/" m. 200 5 6,079,400 6,620,550, 6,241,050 5,923,650 5,295,750 4,836,900 Note. — The above calculations are based on a straight line of pipe, no allowance being made for loss by friction owing to bends and contour of ground. 578 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. While on this subject, in this chapter, we will furnish further practical data covering details of pipe-laying in all its important particulars, such as trenching, back-filling, laying the pipe, calking, labor, etc.; in fact, complete specifications from start to finish in the construction of lines, based upon actual practice. We will also add authentic figures relating to the cost of laying cast-iron pipe, which will enable you to make comparisons with wrought-iron pipe under the same conditions. TRENCHING. Width and depth of trench generally adopted in the Pitts- burgh gas district : Size of Pipe. Width at Top of Trench. Width at Bottom of Trench. 6-in. 12-in. S-in. 14-in. io-in. 16-in. 12-in. 20-in. 16-in 25-in. 20-in. 30-in. 24-in 36-in. pth— A 4 foot cover for all sizes. 9" in. 1 1- 111. J 3" in. 16- in. 20- in. 2 5- in. 30-in. COST OF TRENCHING AND BACK-FILLING. Average cost in the Pittsburgh gas district furnished by different contractors : Size of Pipe. Country. Village or Town. City. 6-in. 6c. per ft. 8c. per ft. 14c. per ft. 8-in. 7c. QC. " 15c. ( io-in. 8c. I IC. " 1 8c. ' 12-in. ioc. " 13c. " 2ic. ' 16-in. 13c. 17c. K 26c. ' 20-in. 17c. " 2ic. " 31c. 24-in. 22c. " 27c. a 39C < Cost is based on width and depth of trenching given above. These figures are said to be the exact cost to contractors. COST OF PIPE LAYING. Safe average number of Converse Pipe joints laid and calked by a gang of men in 10 hours. A gang of men con- sists of : DELIVERING CAPACITY OF WROUGHT-IRON PIPE. 579 i Foreman $ 2 50 — Pittsburg wages. 7 Pipe Layers, at $1.75 12 25 " 6 Calkers, at $2.00 1 2 00 " Total cost Av $26 7S for 10 hours. erage number of Cost of Laying and Size of Pipe. Joints Laid in 10 hours. Calking per foot. 6-in. 150 Joints. ic. per ft. S-in. 1 10 a i#c « 10 in. 100 " iy 2 c " 12-in. 90 u i^c " 16-in. 60 " 2^C. " 20-111. 5° " 2y 2 c " 24-m. 40 " 3C The above show very low averages of joints laid and calked in 10 hours. One record shows that as many as 200 joints of 12-in. Converse Pipe were laid and calked in 10 hours by one gang of men. Another record shows that 305 joints of 8-in. Converse Pipe were laid and calked in 10 hours by one gang of men. SPECIFICATIONS For Hauung 12-iN. and 16-iN. Pipe, Digging Trench, Laying Pipe and Re-Fieeing Trench for Pipe Line from Murrysvieee to Pittsburgh. These specifications were compiled by the well known expert, Engineer Hartupee, for the construction of the Park Brothers & Company, Limited — Pittsburgh Natural Gas Com- pany — extensive natural gas system. The details contained in these carefully studied specifica- tions are the result of research and practical experience, and you will find them of value in cases where you have dealings on this subject. ROUTE. The line will start at a point about two and a-half miles northeast of the town of Murrysville, aud continue in an almost straight line to the Franks- town road at a point near Hebron Church ; thence following the general direction of said Frankstown road to Penn Avenue ; thence to Centre Avenue ; thence to Liberty Avenue ; thence to Thirty-second Street ; thence to Park Brothers & Company's mill ; thence by either Smallman Street or Spruce alley to Solar Iron Works. 580 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. pipe;. The first eight miles, more or less, of pipe from the gas field toward the city is to be 12 inches, wrought-iron, Converse Patent Joint pipe, weighing about 40 pounds per foot. At the end of the 12-inch, a 16-inch cast iron line of pipe will be laid, extending into the city, a distance of seven miles, more or less. The weight of the cast-iron pipe will be about 115 pounds per foot. TRENCH. The depth of the trench shall not be less than \Y 2 feet for the 12-inch and s% f ee t for the 16-inch pipe, exclusive of the bell holes ; but at such points as grade figures are given on the pins, the trench shall be dug to correspond to said grade figures, irrespective of the ordinary depth as called for above. The trench shall be of such width as proper construction of the line may require. CAVING DITCH. The second party is to keep the ditch in good condition until the pipe is laid and tested, and no claim is to be made on first party by reason of the ditch caving in before pipe is laid. CREEK CROSSING. Where line crosses creeks or small streams of water, the trench shall be dug full depth, and the pipe, after being laid and tested, shall be encased in a box made of two-inch plank, and extending twenty feet beyond the banks on each side of the water, if in the judgment of the engineer it is necessary to be extended that far. The box shall be of such inside measurement that there will be a clear space of two inches all around the body of the pipe as well as around the hub, which space shall be run solid with cement for the full length of the box ; it being the intention of this clause to protect the pipe from the action of any injurious substances that may be in the water. It is therefore understood that the second party make the coating around the pipe at these stream crossings absolutely water-proof. CINDER. Where ditch runs through cinder, loam shall be placed and tamped in for a depth of 12 inches on both sides and bottom of pipe, and after broken stone and tar paper have been placed on top of pipe, 12 inches of loam shall be placed in and tamped before other material is placed in ditch. DRAINS. Where ditch crosses drains the same shall be put in as good condition as they were before the ditch was dug, and any damages sustained by laud- owners or tenants by reason of damaged drains shall be paid for by second party. FURNISHING LABOR, TOOLS, SUPPLIES, ETC. Second party is to furnish, at its own cost, all the labor and tools neces- sary for digging trenches, laying and testing pipe, in the manner and within the time herein specified ; to furnish labor for putting in ventilating posts or escapes, sleeves, gates and fittings, and to furnish all lead used in calking, lumber to brace trench, build bridges or barricades, all broken stone, all tar paper and all appliances for testing the pipe, and all other material or DELIVERING CAPACITY OF WROUGHT- 1 RON PIPE. 581 supplies necessary for the performance of the work, excepting the pipe, sleeves, valves, fittings, gate boxes and covers, and lamp posts and covers, which will be furnished by the said first party. FENCES. All fences taken down by second party, for whatsoever purpose, shall be replaced by them and left in as good condition as they were previous to the line being commenced, and any fence damaged or destroyed shall be re- placed or paid for by said second party, it being distinctly understood that all damage sustained by reason of the digging of the trench, laying of the pipe, re-filling the ditch or hauling the pipe, except such as are covered by the right-of-way taken by the first party, shall be settled by the second party. LAYING THE 12-INCH PIPE. The pipe, which is to be 12 in. in diameter, and fitted with the Converse Patent Joint, shall be laid in a first-class manner in every respect, every joint shall be thoroughly locked, and the joint run with but one pouring of lead. After the joint is run the socket on both sides is to be thoroughly calked and made perfectly tight under a gas pressure of 250 pounds to the square inch. The manner of locking the joints, and the position of the locks in rela- tion to pipe, shall be done under the direction of the first party's engineer. LAYING THE 16-INCH PIPE. The pipe inside the city limits shall occupy such position on the streets as may be designated by the City Engineer, and beyond the city limits its location shall be designated by the engineer of the first party. The depth of the pipe inside the city limits shall be determined by the City Ordinance regulating the manner of laying pipes. After the pipe is placed in ditch and blocked as hereinafter described, the joint shall be made with double refined lead, and but one pouring of lead must be made to each joint. No oakum or other material than lead shall be used in the joint. The joint must be calked so that it is perfectly tight, and satisfactory to the engineer of the first party or his representatives. BLOCKING. Each joint of pipe shall be thoroughly blocked, so that it will have a firm, rigid foundation, each length of pipe being blocked in at least four dif- ferent points, and at more points if the ground is not perfectly solid, the number of blocking under each length of pipe to be decided by engineer of the first party. No block shall be used that is less than 24 inches long, or less than 16 inches wide, for the 24-inch pipe, or less than 16 inches long and 12 inches wide for the 12-inch pipe. TESTING. The 12-inch pipe shall be tested with gas to 250 lbs. to the sq. in., and the 16-inch pipe beyond the city limits to 150 lbs. per sq. in. with gas, and inside the city limits with 70 lbs. air pressure, and the time of making these tests, and the manner of making them, shall be decided upon by the engin- eer of the first party. 582 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. TAMPING AND FILLING DITCH OUTSIDE OF CITY. When the pipe is laid, and before being calked, the distance between the joints to be thoroughly rammed underneath and around the sides of and on top of the pipe for a distance of at least one foot above the top of the Pipe- When the joints are calked and the line tested and found tight, the earth to be thoroughly tamped underneath and on sides of the joint, and also on top, so as not to give the pipe any chance to settle caused by weight of the earth on top of the pipe. After the ditch has been tamped in the above manner to the satisfaction of the engineer of the first party, the ditch shall be filled in, and all the material taken out of the ditch shall be either placed in or on the ditch. All road crossings are to be tamped within 12 inches of surface of ground, and then 18 inch of broken stone placed in and on the ditch, the tampers to be made of an iron blade 7 inches long, 5 inches wide and one-half inch thick, having an iron handle attached thereto at least 4 feet long, the blade to be slightly curved. TAMPING AND FILLING DITCH INSIDE THE CITY. After the broken stone system is put in as hereinafter described the ditch shall be filled in and thoroughly tamped, the streets shall be re-paved, curb stones set and pavements re-laid. Any paving blocks for streets that are needed, or demanded by city engineers must be furnished by the second party. BROKEN STONE ESCAPE SYSTEM. After the 16-inch line is laid and tested inside the city limits, the ditch shall be filled to the center of the pipe with clay. This clay shall be thor- oughly tamped around and under the pipe, then the ditch shall be filled with broken stone that will pass through a 4-inch ring to a height of 6 inches above the top of the pipe at the center and six inches above the bowl. This broken stone shall then be covered with a layer of heavy tar paper, the ditch shall then be filled in with clay and thoroughly tamped. In tamping ditch in city there shall be four men tamping to each man shovelling in dirt. At every hundred feet a lamp-post shall be placed at the curb and the bottom of this lamp-post shall be connected by a ditch at least 15 inches wide with the stone on pipe. This ditch shall be filled in with broken stone for a height of 15 inches and covered with tar paper. After the work is finished the lamp-posts shall all be painted by the second party and neatly paved about where they are placed upon brick pavements. PROTECTING DITCH. All roads or streets that are crossed or run along are to be so protected as not to be dangerous to travel, and the second party is to become responsi- ble for any accident that may occur by reason of said ditch not being pro- tected by barricades, lanterns, etc., or by reason of the existence of said ditch. All road and street crossings are to be bridged after being opened, and in no case is any road or street to be so obstructed as to entirely prevent travel. DELIVERING CAPACITY OF WROUGHT-IRON PIPE. 583 FITTINGS, VALVES, ETC. Fittings and valves shall be placed in the line at such points as the first party's engineer may direct, and after the line is tested, boxes shall be placed over each valve of such size and character as the engineer of first party may direct, and no extra charge shall be made for the extra digging required to put said fittings, valves and boxes in line, and at such places as boxes are put over valves the surplus earth shall be hauled away. UNLOADING AND HAULING PIPE. The first party will deliver the pipe and fittings on board cars at the end of Plum Creek branch of the A. V. R. R. or at such other stations on the A. V. R. R. or P. R. R. as maybe more convenient to said second party. But the said second party shall unload the cars and haul pipe and fittings and all material along the ditch where they may be required. All rights of way not covered by the first party's right of way agreements to be settled for by the said second party. INJURY TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY. Iii no case is the party of the first part to be held liable for any injury done to person or property by reason of said work, and the second party hereby agrees to become responsible for all claims for damages, of whatsoever char- acter, done or occasioned by reason of the construction of this line. CROSS LINES, FITTINGS, ESCAPES, ETC. All cross lines to gate valves are to be dug, and connections made, and gates put in, and gate boxes and lamp posts placed in position without extra charge of cost to said first party. If for any reason it may be necessary to lay pipe deeper than the City Ordinance requires it, it shall be done without extra cost or charge to the party of the first part. APPROVAL OF WORK. All the work is to conform to the requirements of the City Ordinance regulating the laying of natural gas pipes, and to be done in a manner satis- factory to the city engineer and to the engineer of the said first party ; the work shall not be considered finished, or any money due thereon until fully approved and certified to by said engineer. SUPERINTENDING OF WORK. All the above work shall be done to the satisfaction of the Engineer of first party, and under his direction, and he shall have the right under this contract, in case the second party delays or refuses to do work which under this contract it is his duty to do, to have the said work done at the expense of second party. FORFEITURE. The second party further agrees that the Engineer of the first party shall be the sole judge as to the satisfactory fulfillment of the provisions of this contract by the second party, and the second party further agrees to forfeit this contract on five days' notice from said Engineer that the work is not satisfactory or is delayed, and agrees to allow the first party, in case they forfeit the contract, to finish the work themselves or re-let it, and 5S4 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. agrees to pay to the first party the difference between the price at which he agreed to do the work and the actual cost to the first party of finishing the work by reason of the said forfeiture. CHANGE OF ROUTE;. It is also agreed between the parties hereto that the said Engineer of the first party may change the direction of the trench as at present located, if he thinks proper to do so. MEASUREMENTS AND PAYMENTS. The pipe shall be measured when laid and paid for at a specified price per running foot. When laid no measurement will be taken across ditch for tees, valves, crosses, etc., unless same extends ten feet beyond centre line of pipe, in which case the second party will be paid for the excess over ten feet at the same rate per foot as the main line is paid for. Estimates will be made on the first of each month of the amount of finished work done by the second party, and 80 percentum of the contract price paid on it before the 10th of the month, and the remaining 20 percentum shall be re- tained by the first party uutil the work is finished and certified to as satis- factory by the engineer of the said first party, and such certificate shall not be issued until the said second parties shall present releases from all parties who by law have any claims against said second party on account of con- structing said line. LAYING CONVERSE JOINT PIPE. In addition to the records already given, we will add the following experiences of practical men in laying our pipe. We quote from a letter received from a prominent con- tractor : We believe we can put it in the ground (Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe) about five times as rapidly as cast-iron pipe, and with about one-third the amount of lead. The ditches, also, can be very much narrower at the bottom, thereby saving the contractors considerable digging. Another contractor writes us : It is only fun to lay this size — 4 inch. We managed it in this way : One man looked after the melting of the lead ; two men coupled the pipe and prepared the joint ; one man followed and did the calking ; then we lifted the pipe off the bricks that were under each joint and turned on the water. Every joint was perfectly tight. It is easily handled and does not require pits at the joints, as does cast-iron pipe. Facts in detail : Thinking it may be of interest, I beg to submit the following data, based on actual experience, covering the matter of laying your Converse Patent Lock Joint pipe : DELIVERING CAPACITY OF WROUGHT-IRON PIPE. 585 Sixteen-Inch Converse Lock Joint Pipe. The pipe being strung along the ditch ready for dropping in, a gang of men, viz. : one foreman and seven men will lower the pipe into the ditch, lock the joints, melt the lead and pour the joints of, on an average (one day with another), sixty (60) joints of your pipe of this size, equivalent to 1,000 feet. It will require six men additional to calk these joints, each man calking ten joints per day. While laying the Westmoreland and Cambria Natural Gas Company's line, one gang of men laid ninety (90) joints of 16-inch Converse Lock Joint Pipe in ten hours. Twelve-Inch Converse Lock Joint Pipe. The same gang of men will lay ninety (90) joints of this size of your pipe, under the same conditions, which is equivalent to 1,000 feet per day. While laying the United Gas Fuel Company's line, from Cannonsburg to Pittsburg, Pa., one gang of men on one of the days laid one hundred and fifty-five ( 155) joints of 12-inch Converse Lock Joint Pipe in eight hours. While laying the West Virginia Natural Gas Company's line from the Washington field in Pennsylvania to Wheeling, W. Va., one gang of men on one of the days laid one hundred and seventy-five (175) joints of 12-inch Converse Lock Joint Pipe in seven hours. Ten-inch Converse Lock Joint Pipe. The same men, under the same conditions, will lay one hundred (100) joints of this size of your pipe, which is equivalent to 1,800 feet per day. On another occasion, while laying the Shenango Natural Gas Company's line from Butler County to New Castle, Pa., one gang of men laid twenty- five (25) joints of 10-inch Converse Lock Joint pipe, in thirty minutes. Eight-inch Converse Lock Joint Pipe. The same gang of men, under the same conditions, will lay one hundred and ten (no) joints of this size of your Converse Lock Joint pipe, which is equivalent to 2,000 feet per day. Miscellaneous. These records are based upon the most careful work. For example : While laying the 16-inch line of Converse Lock Joint pipe for the Philadel- phia Natural Gas Company, of Pittsburgh, from Murrysville to Pittsburgh, the line was tested, after completion, with a natural gas pressure of 300 pounds to the square inch. During the test, three-mile sections were put under the pressure at the time. Not a single leak was shown up in the section of the entire line, after the rigid examination was made by the natural gas inspec- tors detailed for that purpose. While constructing the Longmont Water Works, Longmont, Colorado, which is made up of different sizes of your Converse Lock Joint pipe, from 3-inch to io-inch, and of which there were 14 miles, the work was com- pleted, the hydrants set and water turned into the mains in forty -two work- ing days. This work was done with labor which had never laid a foot of pipe previously. While laying the Converse Lock Joint pipe for the waterworks at Corsi- 586 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. catma, Texas, made up also of sizes from 3-inch to 10-inch pipe, five miles in length, the work was completed in thirteen working days, and was also laid by a lot of men, most of whom were negroes, who had never laid a foot of this class of pipe previously. I can give a great many more facts and figures on this subject, the result of my experience in superintending the laying of Converse Lock Joint pipe (of which I have laid over 200 miles), confirming and in addition to the above ; but deem the above a fair aver- age, the labor for the most part never having had previous experience with your pipe. With labor having short experience with it, even better results could be attained, which is perfectly natural, but owing to the extreme sim- plicity of your system, men can be readily broken in to handle it rapidly. In conclusion, I would state that from my extended experience in laying pipe of all classes, I can say for your Converse Patent L,ock Joint pipe what I cannot for any other class, and that is, that I have never yet heard of a line of it, either for water, artificial gas, oil or natural gas, part- ing at the joint from either expansion or contraction, settliug of the ground, or other causes ; and I can certify from actual experience that I have been perfectly successful with this pipe and joint in attaining the most satis- factory results in the matters of strength of material, simplicity, rapidity of laying, durability, etc. In fact, I consider your Converse Joint pipe system excels all others, and that it is practically perfect. (Signed) George N. Riley, Constructing Engineer. PAINTING JOINTS. T. W. Brooks, water works engineer for the Dunham, Car- rigan & Hayden Company, makes a suggestion on contract work which is valuable and should be carried out. It refers to the damage done to the asphalt coating on pipe by the pipe-layers, which damage should be properly off-set by the application of either asphalt or paint : I have observed that no matter how careful a calker may be, there is sure to be more or less abrasion on the surface of the pipe coming in con- tact with the calking-tool when calking the joints, resulting in the disturb- ance of the coating. Wherever this occurs corrosion will follow, unless the damage is repaired at once by the application of paint or asphalt. I always make doubly sure to have joints thoroughly asphalted or painted, as the case may be, after the joints have been calked. It frequently occurs that owners and builders of works object to the expense involved in repainting the pipe near the hub, to off-set this damage. I presume your field men meet with similar opposition when ordering the use of asphalt or paint. I assure you that it will be of great value to instruct your field men that, after calking joints on Converse Joint asphalted, and even K. & A. pipe, it should be painted all around at joint and for a distance from the bell of not less than three inches. DELIVERING CAPACITY OF WROUGHT-IRON PIPE. 5S7 CONVEYING GAS. Mr. George R. Stewart, in his paper on the " Conveyance of Natural Gas," read before a meeting of the Western Pennsyl- vania Engineers' Society, in speaking of the relative value of cast-iron and wrought-iron pipes, said wrought-iron pipe was preferable. He said : The wrought-iron tubes are connected by sleeves, cut with eight threads to the inch. Before laying they are tested up to a pressure of 500 pounds to the square inch. The advantages they possess are their strength to resist pressure, density of material, and facility of laying them. He further stated that all pipes should be sunk below the frost line, so as to keep them at as even a temperature as possible, and that the carrying of gas entirely by low pressure mains was impracticable. Of all the means proposed for conveying gas, Mr. Stewart considered the possible objections best met by sur- rounding the joints with sleeves large enough to gather up the waste and carry it off to a place of safety. CAST-IRON FITTINGS. In his testimony before the Natural Gas Commission, C. T. L. Wood stated on March 5th: The greatest trouble experienced by the Penu Fuel Company had been with cast-iron valves and fittings. There was alwa3 T s a tendency to leak from poor packings, and in quite a number of instances it had been discovered that the cast-iron valves and fittings were porous and that the gas forced it- self right through the cast-iron. The castings in the line between Thirty- fourth street and the heart of the city were similar to the one that occasioned the explosion at the above-named thoroughfare. It is further proved by our own experiences. On fittings the gas came through the apparently solid casting in such quanti- ties that it was lighted and burned steadily on the outside of the fitting. It was further proved by our own experiences on some fittings at our boilers. The natural gas penetrated through the cast-iron and was lighted on the outside, where it burned steadily after being ignited ; the pressure of gas was four ounces ; the pressure of gas on our wrought-iron main line, which penetrated the fittings as above explained, was sixty pounds. 588 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. COMPRESSED AIR. YELLOW JACKET SILVER MINING CO. Gold Hill, Nev., June ist, 1882. National Tube Works Co. Your favor of the 25th ult., duly received. Messrs. Dunham, Carrigan & Co., of San Francisco, furnished us with your lap-welded pipe for our pumps (14-inch in diameter), and we use it for 250 feet lifts, or head ; also the 8-inch pipe which we use for compressed air at a pressure of about 80 pounds. I take pleasure in stating that we never had a defective length of either size and were more than pleased with it, as some of the mines had defective pump columns of another make, which caused them much delay and expense. (.Signed) Yellow Jacket Silver Mining Co., Thos. G. Taylor, Supt. THE WESTING-HOUSE AIR BRAKE CO. Pittsbugh, Pa., May 4th, 1884. National Tube Works Co. I beg to state that I have just made a test of the Converse Patent Lock Joint with an air pressure of 100 pounds per square inch. I found it perfectly tight and have no doubt it would be equally tight with any pressure that could be put on it. (Signed) The; Westinghouse Air Brake Co. T. W. WELSH, Superintendent. PRESCOTT, SCOTT & CO. San Francisco, Cal., June 2, 1882. National Tube Works Co. We own your favor of May 25th, and in reply would state that we have bought (through Messrs. Dunham, Carrigan & Co.) considerable of your light wrought-iron pipe for different mining companies for carrying com- pressed air and have never had a complaint. Of course you can easily tell, knowing the pressure required. (Signed) PrESCOXT, Scott & Co. CHAS. i'ORMAN. Virginia, Nev. , June, ist, 1882. National Tube Works Co. We have had your No. 8 gauge, lap-welded pipe (six-inch) in use for several years, for carrying compressed air down our shafts, and it has given perfect satisfaction. We usually carry from 75 to 90 pounds pressure to the square inch, and have frequently had the pressure run up to 120 pounds, and never have had a pipe burst or split. (Signed) Chas. Forman, Supt. REPORTS OF CHEMISTS AND ENGINEERS. 589 REPORTS OF CHEMISTS AND ENGINEERS. A. VAN SCHULZ. Denver, Coi,., April 17, 1S84. National Tube Works Co. In regard to three samples of Kalameined iron, Galvanized iron and ordinary Sheet iron, which you submitted to me for examination as to their usefulness for different purposes, I would say that as far as their behavior towards acidulated water is concerned, I would rank them in the following- order : 1, Kalamein ; 2, Sheet Iron ; 3, Galvanized Iron. With the Kalamein in an acidulated water of ten per cent, sulphuric acid, it shows a loss of only fifteen one-hundredths of one per cent. The ordinary sheet-iron suffered one of 3.01 of one per cent, and the galvanized iron, as was to be expected, one of seventy one-hundredths of one per cent., after an exposure of only twenty minutes. In an acidulated water of only two one-hundredths of one per cent, strength in sulphuric acid, the losses in weight after an exposure of eighteen hours, were as follows : Kalamein... 12 one-hundredths of one per cent. .Sheet Iron ....2 and 20 " " Galvanized 2 and 51 " " Thus showing that the Kalamein is much superior to the galvanized iron in resisting the action of acids. By bending and re -bending a sheet of galvanized iron it shows a tendency to scale off, thus exposing the surface of the iron underneath. When once this exposure has taken place, a galvanic action sets in and destruction of the whole sheet follows very rapidly. The Kalamein, on the other hand, does not show the least sign of any scaling off after repeated doubling up and forward and backward bending. This seems to prove that in Kalamein the coating is more thoroughly united with the underlying sheet iron, forming seemingly a superficial alloy with it. The superiority of Kalamein for roofing purposes, for the manufacture of water pipes, kitchen utensils, etc., etc., seems to be obvious on account of the qualities shown above and to place it far above the galvanized iron, painted sheet iron or any other similar material coated with the substances now in use. Its lesser weight in comparison to an equal superficial surface of 590 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. galvanized or ordinary sheet iron and its lesser cost are a further recom- mendation for its introduction in commerce. (Signed) 1* but not mentioned by Prof. Thompson. In conclusion, I wish to further state that, of course, I have made no analysis of the particular sample analyzed by Prof. Thompson, but my report is based upon the alleged publication of such report of his, but not upon his original report, which I, of course, have never seen, and I there- fore know that a correct analysis of the genuine metal could not have shown such result. (Signed) C. E. Manby, Chemist. The proceedings continue : Mr. Holden : I will state that Mr. Carson sent me samples, which I have here, and I will read the report of the committee : CAST-IRON SYNDICATE. 643 To the President and Members of the American Water JVorks Association ; Gentlemen : — Your committee to whom was assigned the duty of having a test made of a new material known as " Kalamein," and claiming a place among other materials as a durable and permanent water carrier for water works purposes, would respectfully report, that after a careful test by elementary exposures, under the personal direction of an expert chemist who was employed by us to conduct same, and that depending chiefly on the data thus obtained, which is hereby made a part of this report. Your committee would express grave doubts as to its fitness for the purposes for which it claims a place in the construction of permanent water works. Some of the specimens have been preserved, and are herewith presented in corroboration of Prof. Thompson's report. Very respectfully, John M. Carson, Chni., ) „ Frank Shefold, ) LO ■ Have taken samples of the pipe, exposed them to the air, water and ground, and found in each case a large deterioration in the material of pipe in less than one year's time ; would not like to use same for water mains. F. S. Mr. Holden : I will state that I have not signed this report. I have made all enquiries that I can or could, concerning that pipe and I find that there are parties here who have been using it — manufacturing it — and I understand that there are some chemical tests that have been made which will be reported here. For that reason I refrain from signing this report until I could hear the other side of the question. Mr. Howland : In relation to this subject of wrought-iron pipe I am especially interested, having used in the last two years 40 or 50 miles of it in various places and under a great variety of conditions. And while not being able to-day to go into any scientific or chemical analysis of the question involved, I would like to state my experience with it. About two years ago (26 months I think it was) I had this first called to my attention. At that time its manufacture was just begun. I had been looking around for a suitable pipe, or perhaps better pipe than that which we had been using, and my attention was directed to wrought-iron pipe. The great strides that had been made in the process of its manufacture had, at this time, reduced its cost so that it was not so much in excess of the cost of cast-iron pipe, but that we could consider it. I therefore spent some days or weeks in corre- spondence, in visiting and examining wrought-iron pipe manufactories. I made up my mind that in all particulars but one it was superior to any- thing we then had in use ; as far as strength was concerned it was better able to resist ill-usage in transportation, water-hammer and the other external and internal pressures to which pipes are subject. It was smooth, comparatively on the inside, and friction must be less than in most other pipes. It was made in long lengths, and the joints would be one-third less per mile than in cast-iron pipes, and the joints that were made were much better than the ordinary form of cast-iron pipe joints. It was, practically, a continuous pipe through the joint and therefore there was but little friction to be allowed for in the joint. The question in relation to external and internal pressure you all know. The internal is the "water hammer," and it is needless for me to go further on the matter. As far as the external pressure goes, the pipe, as you all know, has to carry not only its own weight, but the earth upon it. My attention has been called to a pipe that has been laid in the extension in Washington Street in this city. The extension was made through an old portion of the city and in tearing down the buildings they did not remove the sub-founda- 644 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. tions, and filled in between them with almost anything that would come handy. The pipe was then laid, and the one I had my attention particularly called to was a pipe that rested on an old brick cellar, or basement wall. The old basement had been filled in with this miscellaneous matter. When the street was graded (perfect or not) it had begun, of course, to gradually settle, and the result was the pipe had deflected in the center some 15 inches, and naturally the result of that was breaks (three in all), and finally after having spent a large amount of money, the owners, the Boston Gas Light Co., concluded that the better way would be to tear out the walls and lay new pipes. Such use, or misuse, as that to which pipes are liable at times to be subjected is something that would not affect wrought-iron pipes as disas- trously as cast-iron. Of wrought-iron the smaller sizes, four to eight inches in diameter, readily bend to correspond to the degree of curve or deflection required. The question now comes up : How can you protect it from cor- rosion or rust ? Some people say cast-iron will last .forever ; some say wrought iron will ; some say that in 5, 7, 10 or 20 years cast-iron will rust out, and others, that wrought-iron will rust out in a few months. To all such statements I say that it all depends upon the conditions. I know of wrought-iron pipe 1% inches in diameter, lined with cement on the inside, laid near a salt marsh below the level of the tide, and that pipe was eaten through in 18 months, from the outside ; and therefore when a man tells me that a wrought-iron pipe will last forever, I tell him it de- pends upon circumstances and conditions. I have known it to be rusted out in 3 or 4 years, and I have known it in other conditions to last for 25 years. I have here a piece of cast-iron pipe 10 inches in diameter ; it had been used on the supply main between the reservoir, supplying a mill village. The force pumps every morning pumped the canal water, which had received the washings and refuse matter and contaminations one way and another and of one kind and another from the various mills on the streams above, as well as the sewage of a large number of villages, and it wasn't the best water that could be obtained, probably, but those pumps forced the water through these pipes and it was drawn back again to be used through the mills. The pipe had been in 30 years, I think, and the pressure at the point where this pipe had been laid was 30 lbs. per inch. At the time I took this pipe up in 1875, the works of this corporation had been connected with the works of the City of Springfield. Their new supply in passing through this village (Indian Orchard,) had been connected with the mill pipes in order to give the mills an increased pressure to be used in case of fire ; there was a gate put in between the two systems and when turned on (this pressure — 76 lbs. more than double the original pressure), several of the pipes burst. This was one of them. This piece was laid on top. The surface of the pipe had not been corroded to any appreciable extent. The piece of pipe was taken out in 1875 and was kicked around for months in my office and finally was packed up with other things and I but accidentally came across it a few days ago. There are two things connected with it that are of interest ; one is the non-corrosion of its surfaces, both that which was exposed to the water which was pumped back and forth through it, and the most perfect resist- ance to the outside corroding influence of the soil. The soil at that point was gravel. And another thing is the broken end, which I hadn't noticed until my attention was called to it to-day. I was told that it had been broken CAST-IRON SYNDICATE. 645 recently and I said, " no, sir." I looked at it ; apparently the fracture had been made to-day, although it had been exposed to the air in my office for the last ten years, there is hardly a speck of rust on the fractured end. It is a circumstance merely. In my experience I have cast-iron pipes, uncoated, for 6 or 7 years completely filled up, and I again repeat that cast-iron pipes may or may not last ; all depends upon the circumstances and we are not warranted in depending upon either. We have got to look upon exterior protection to prevent the commencing of the corroding action. The ques- tion then comes : What shall we use ? On cast-iron pipe we had about decided that the Dr. Angus Smith's process of coating the pipe is about as good as anything. I have seen pipes, I should say, to be within bounds, that have been in use fifteen years, that are in good condition. I have seen others in use five or seven years in horrible condi- tion. The inference is that the fault lies not in the principle, but in its faulty application. Therefore, I say in relation to that coating that in my opinion a perfect coating for cast-iron to prevent oxidation can be obtained. It all depends upon the requirements of the engineers — the backbone they use in making the manufacturers live up to their requirements — and the honesty of the manufacturers. You have all had experience in that line. Some do good and some poor work. And here we come to the question of wrought-iron pipe. And I thought, why couldn't that same coating be applied ? In looking into the matter I thought there might be some greater difficulties in applying it to wrought-iron than cast-iron pipe. Wrought- iron as it comes from the rolls in its naked state, as it might be called, has scales more or less upon it ; the scales may be fixed firmly to it, and it would require considerable effort to remove them. If the asphaltum, or coal tar, or " Smith process," or a similar mixture applied to it without re- moving the scales, I should not cousider it as being the best method to pur- sue. I think the pipe should be cleaned, and I suggested to the manufact- urers that they should remove the scales by acids or in any other way, and by the removal of these scales they then remove one of the greatest objec- tions to applying the process to wrought-iron pipe. The next question came, whether the mixture would penetrate and take hold on the iron in such a degree that it would become part of the surface of the iron and not be a superficial coating like a rubber band, which the slightest jar would flake off, but take hold and penetrate. At my request experiments were made on that, and we found that by changing the mixture, putting in more asphalt, using boiled linseed oil and using higher heat, we obtained a coat- ing that has been effective. I have seen some of this pipe, having laid some iS or 20 miles I think, and I have never known that coating to be abraided by shock or jar, only by very rough usage, and then only on the outside and in spots. I think that pipe was laid, most of it, two years ago this June. Since that time the process of manufacture has been so improved that now we should not find even that objection. There is now another coating called ' ' The Indestructible Metallic Coating. ' ' I asked the makers to send me samples. They came and I im- mersed some of them in water, some of them in dilute solutions of acids of various kinds and put some in old privy vaults. They remained there from a few days to a mouth, when taking them out — especially the one from the privy vault — I found that the coating had been dulled a little ; points scat- 646 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. tered about on the surface had commenced to rust. I wrote them about it and as near as I could infer from the ensuing correspondence the fault lay in the cleaning of the iron before it was put in the bath. This mixture which they used to give it a protective coating had an affinity for and would alloy with iron and nothing else. It wouldn't alloy with sand or any of the impurities which more or less find their way into the mixture of the metal. And although they used as they thought extreme care in the cleaning, both by scraping the pipe and washing with various acids, yet there was liable to be left a little spot uncovered, and they afterwards adopted, after the first, the method of cleaning and dipping, of examining and re-cleaning and again dipping the pipe, the object being to detect these points that were not covered and cover them with the second bath, and as far as my examinations go at the present time I find them perfect. They have succeeded in the second bath in covering these spots. The first of this pipe I ever used was in the town of Chicopee. It was a single-coated Kalamein pipe without any other protection. The soil is clay. We laid that pipe in July, 1883, and about three weeks ago I had it dug up, and as far as I could discern in examining it, after cleaning off the dirt, mud and clay upon it by splashing water upon it, there was not a speck of rust upon it. From my experiments with the single-coated samples I expected to find some rust upon this pipe, but didn't find any. When we built the Ouincy works in 1883, the question of pipes came up, and I had so much faith in this Kalamein pipe that I advocated its use. The first appearance of this pipe to some of our Directors led them to think there was lead in the coating. We have no authentic record of lead poisoning from the use of lead for service pipes, but there is a prejudice in the minds of many that lead may not be the best thing for conducting water. To do away with that prejudice we decided to lay the Kalamein pipe coated with asphalt in addition. We found that in the Kalamein pipe the pores had been so filled that the asphalt wouldn't adhere or take hold as well as it would of the naked pipe, therefore in laying it, whenever it came in sudden contact with stone or in unloading it from cars, etc., the asphalt was more or less abraided, so that it was quite "speckled " when it got to its. In examining the pipes, in no instance did I find any fault or failing of the coating to adhere to the inside. We therefore had the wrought-iron pipe coated with Kalamein, and lined perfectly 011 the inside with asphalt, where it was applied for the purpose of doing away with the prejudice of the public against lead. I have in my hand a piece of this pipe which was laid in the town of Ouincy, which Mr. Hall, the Superin- tendent, sent me. In the various processes of handling, cutting, putting in and taking out of the vise, etc., pretty much all of the asphalt on the outside is gone. How much was gone before he took it up I could not say, but I presume not much of it. I don't find a speck of rust on it. The gloss is gone, but the Kalamein remains below. On the inside the asphalt is perfect except a few flakes at the end. On what was the lower side of the pipe, as it lay, there is a trifle of discoloration from the asphalt coating, but there is not a speck of rust in that. Now, in relation to wrought-iron pipe with asphalt coating only, I will say that last fall we had occasion to take up a half- mile of six-inch pipes to transfer them. We took it apart as«well as we could and CAST-IRON SYNDICATE. 647 as carefully.and we transported it about a mile and relaid it. Before it was cov- ered I examined it and I didn't think the asphalt coating had been hurt suffi- ciently to go to the expense of recoatiug it. It was practically perfect. Mr. Lane, Superintendent of the Gas Works, tells me that in examining them whenever he has occasion to make connections, etc., he has never yet found a place where the asphalt was abraided or found symptoms of rust on the outside. These are my experiences with wrought-iron pipe coated with asphalt, with wrought-iron Kalameined pipe and with the same with asphalt on top of it. This wrought-iron pipe is very good for suction pipe. We have one line 2,400 feet in length, with a lift approximating 23 feet. That pipe is laid along the highway and through fields, and in order to keep below the hydraulic grade we went to a depth of 18 feet. That pipe was laid two or three years ago, and I haven't heard any complaint of it since. In the same town is laid a line of pipe with not quite so long or high a lift ; it is made of cast-iron, has been tried and it is found impossible to keep it tight for any length of time. It has ordinary lead joints. In reference to these samples which Mr. Holden has presented for in- spection, I observe that all of them have cut ends, that is, they were cut out of a longer length of pipe, and the cut or unprotected ends were submitted to the same test or experiment as the remaining portions of the pipe. That is of course hardly a fair manner of test. It is well known that between un- protected iron and zinc immersed in water galvanic action will take place, and as there is zinc in this Kalamein coating, it is no wonder that the sur- face of the pipe has been in some places destroyed ; the only wonder is that it was not more badly injured. One of these samples, the one which was immersed in sulphuric acid, you will observe was cut from the end of a piece of pipe ; one end of this sample was unprotected while the other end was protected the same as the outer or inner surfaces of the pipe. On this cut end the sulphuric acid has eaten into and destroyed the structure of the iron, while the other end is hardly affected, there being but one or two minute pin holes. This test I should say was a most valuable one to prove the efficiency of this Kalamein coating in protecting wrought-iron pipe. On the cut end you see the de- structive effects of the acid upon unprotected iron, while on the other end you see an almost perfect protection. In examining the analysis made by Professor Thompson, I notice that he finds 110 nickel in the mixture, whereas it is a fact that can be substantiated that this Kalamein coating as manufactured by the National Tube Works Company, is composed of four metals, lead, tin, zinc and nickel ; the latter does not lose its identity, I am informed by chemists, in the mixture, and it should be found by even the most superficial chemical analysis. I do not detract from Prof. Thompson's reputation as a man or as a chemist. I have known him many years, he being the President of the Worcester County Institute of Technology, which is located in my native city, and he there earned the respect and confidence of all who knew him. From there he was called to Terre Haute to take and fill a most importation position, which he occupied till the time of his death, a few weeks ago. I think he must have labored under some mis- understanding of the circumstances and conditions or claims of and concern- ing this Kalamein pipe in making the tests and experiments referred to by 648 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the committee. And as it seems lie made these tests with samples having unprotected ends, and in his analysis failed to find a most important and valuable metal contained in this Kalamein mixture, I think I am warranted in drawing the conclusion that his tests and the results derived therefrom were made upon the strength of false representations, and the analysis, I presume, was made 03^ some of his assistants rather than by him, which would account for its glaring inaccuracy. Considering these conditions and the remarkably good state in which these samples — most of them — are, I think that the Kalamein pipe has passed through the ordeal of a partisan criticism in a remarkably good manner. Mr. Payne : I would like to ask for information as to the best manner of connecting service pipes with this Kalamein pipe. We have a little over two miles of this pipe. The superintendent preceding me put in "T's," and we find it necessary to make connections between joints, but inconvenient to dig the whole length of the street to find the "T." We have tried several ways. We have put in wrought-iron bands, with a hole in the band, but we had several cases where, after a little over two years, the thread on the bolt had rusted off and loosened up the band, and I found a bad leak between the saddle of the band and the pipe. I made cast-iron clamps and made connections in the same way, but for a large-sized pipe it would not be suitable, being too clumsy and heavy. I would like to know the best means of making permanent connections. Mr. Howland : In reply, I would state that I do not know as I can say just what is the best. I have used two different methods ; one is the insertion of a nipple having expanded studs in the inside, and then screwing down against the gasket a check nut, but on the smaller sizes of pipe it is objectionable, as it forms a projection for floating particles to lodge against. It is the nucleus of an obstruction. Its advantage, however, is that it pro- tects almost entirely the hole through the side of the pipe from the direct action of the water. The other method is a clamp or saddle, of which the main body is cast-iron, fastened wdth a flat strap of wrought iron. I have never yet had any trouble with those, and they have now been in use two years. Mr. Payne : Wrought-iron in our soil rusts out very quickly, but our main trouble has been bolting the clamps together, because the threads rust off the bolt. After a few remarks as to bolt connections, Mr. E. C. Converse, Assist- ant General Manager of the National Tube Works Company, spoke as follows : Mr. Converse: Gentlemen — Representing the National Tube Works Company, a few remarks as to the mode of manufacturing Kalamein pipe may not be inappropriate or uninteresting. As the name is in no wise indicative of the material, a great many peo- ple who have never seen this pipe or know the details of its manufacture may possibly have imagined that it was composed of some newly discovered metal. As a matter of fact it has for a basis wrought-iron. I do not think it will be necessary to go into a long dissertation on the subject of wrought-iron pipe ; you all know what it is and most of you have used it. The National Tube Works Company have been manufacturing CAST-IRON SYNDICATE. 649 wrought-iron pipe for about sixteen years, first in East Boston, Mass., and since 1872 at McKeesport, Pa. The McKeesport works cover over thirty acres of ground and employ 3,000 men. Up to 1875 and 1876 we had never made any special class of wrought-iron pipe for water works purposes ; up to that time the class of wrought-iron pipe which had been used for water and gas works had been what is called Standard Steam, Gas and Water pipe ; it is doubtless well known to all present ; the mode of connection is a screw and socket joint. Various means have been taken to protect the iron from the influence of corrosion, among which may be mentioned tar and asphalt coating, galvanizing, enamel and rubber coating. Our attention had long been drawn to the immense quantity of cast-iron pipe used in the construc- tion of water and gas works. The reason why wrought-iron pipe had not been used more extensively for these purposes was because of its first cost. We had supplied large quantities of wrought-iron pipe for water lines at various points on the Pacific coast and to the various mining districts throughout the West. The enormous cost of transportation rendered it in- cumbent upon the buyer to select the highest class of pipe which would meet his requirements. We then determined to enlarge our field of opex _ a- tions by designing a joint which would maintain the full strength of the iron in the body of the pipe. It is well known that a portion of the ordi- nary screw joint pipe is cut away in forming the thread, and that for this reason a heavier pipe than is otherwise necessary is made to provide for the weakening in cutting this thread. We knew that if a Joint could be de- signed that would not detract from the original strength of the iron an arti- cle would thus be brought into the market which for great strength and reliability would attract the attention of all progressive engineers. After many experiments and numberless models, our present Converse Lock Joint was invented and wrought-iron pipe then entered the field fully equipped in first cost and adaptability. The protection to the cast-iron at first employed was a mixture of asphalt, coal tar, etc., the pipe being heated and immersed therein. It w T as generally the custom to ship a barrel or two of this mixture to the contractor, and after the pipe had been laid, to "slush" it with this liquid mixture, which would re-coat any portions of the iron which were exposed. We were constantly on the alert to get a better means of preventing corrosion, if such existed. My personal attention was called to this Kalameiu process some years ago. It was being put on shingles for roofing purposes both here and in England. In talking with the owner of the process I could obtain no par- ticulars, although I was invited to see the process in operation. I accepted the invitation and visited his shop and was at once convinced that the pro- cess was very different from galvanizing, which it somewhat resembled. The owner would give no particulars, as the process was not then patented, and as he asked a fabulous price I paid no more attention to the matter until about three years afterwards. My attention was then called to the exten- sive use of Kalamein sheet-iron both in this country and abroad. I then succeeded in obtaining a schedule of the ingredients, wdiich I found were lead, tin, nickel and zinc, the latter used in small quantities. The well known non-corrosive characteristics of lead and its heavy body made that metal the basis of the alloy, although by no means predominant ; the admixture of tin made it more fluid and detracted from any of the peculiarities of lead as a 650 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. single metal. Zinc was added to harden and nickel as a "binder." These four metals compounded in a certain manner, placed in contact with the iron pipe under certain conditions, became a distinctive metal, and a thorough alloy to and with the iron pipe. This we thoroughly demonstrated after a long series of tests in our laboratory, and after having submitted the matter to other competent chemists. Shortly afterwards we commenced operations and became more familiar and skillful in the manipulation of this process, we reached our present high standard of excellence by the elimination of all zinc and the substitu- tion therefor of two other non-corrosive metals of great purity. When Mr. Rowland heard of the new process we had obtained for the protection of the pipe from the influences of corrosion he made inquiries and asked for samples ; he has so fully explained his experience with Kalamein pipe that it is not necessary for me to say more than that he took the greatest interest in our success. He visited our works, saw the process and critically exam- ined every part of it ; it was after his valuable suggestion that we submitted all water and gas pipe to a double treatment ; that is, we put it all through the same process twice. A brief summary of the Kalamein process is as follows : The necessary metals are first compounded in a laboratory ; although the process is pateuted you are well aware that there are many points connected with the patent, covering an admixture of metals, which it is absolutely necessary to keep from prying eyes, to prevent attempted imitation. The necessary metals are compounded and run into ingots ; these are melted in a large bath and kept in a molten state at a degree of heat approximating 725 degrees. The iron to be treated is first immersed in a cleansing bath, heated with steam. This removes the surplus loose scale, as well as the dirt, grease and other foreign substances. The iron is then thoroughly washed and allowed to remain in running water for 24 hours. It is then scraped and examined, when it is ready for the neutralizing or preparing bath. When taken there- from the iron is in proper condition to come in contact with the molten alloy in the large bath, for which at this time it has an affinity. It is then immersed into the molten alloy, which immediately sinks into the body of the iron and becomes a part of it. It is a matter of fact that the alloy, com- posed of the non-corrosive metals, and the iron, become so thoroughly amalgamated as to render it impossible to again separate them, except partially so at a degree of heat equal to that at which they were united. The pipe is then immersed in another large tank, containing a mixture of pure Trinidad asphalt, tar, etc., in which it is allowed to remain until it is brought up to the proper heat — about 300 degrees — at which time it is taken from the bath and allowed to drip and then placed on the platform ready for shipping. I have now described Kalamein pipe, and we would be much pleased to give an ocular demonstration to any of your engineers who desire to see the process. A few remarks now regarding the report of part of your committee, embodying therein the results of the test by Prof. Thompson. Where Prof. Thompson obtained samples on which he operated I do not know. He never applied to us for them. The first we knew of any committee having been appointed by this Association to report on Kalamein pipe, was certain CAST-IRON SYNDICATE. 651 rumors in the market that something had been said at your last meeting. Upon making inquiries we found that your late president had made a few remarks and had appointed a committee to report at your meeting to-day. Shortly afterwards we wrote to your late president, Mr. Briggs, who made the remarks at your previous meeting, stating in effect that we would like him to appoint a time and place at which we could be on hand with our experts, and at which time we could, in connection with the committee, make a series of comparative tests. The reply was a decided refusal to our request. Afterwards we heard that Prof. Thompson had made some certain experi- ments and we wrote to our various houses to know if they had given him any samples, and if so, which ones. In reply we heard from our Chicago office that they had given Mr. Briggs some samples, which had been made soon after we first commenced to use this process ; they were single-treated. I afterwards applied to Mr. Briggs through one of our travelling men for a copy of the Thompson report, which I had been informed had been embodied in a pamphlet issued by a cast-iron syndicate for advertising pur- poses. It is needless to say that I could not obtain a copy from this source. I had heard that it had been embodied in a pamphlet with other alleged quotations from water works reports. After finally obtaining one of these pamphlets I discovered that many of the quotations were garbled and al- tered to suit the purposes of the anonymous authors. Now, to return to Professor Thompson's report : It is not for me to throw any discredit upon its motives, since the Professor is debarred oppor- tunity to reply ; it stands for itself. I simply w r ant to call your attention to one or two matters, and they can have such weight as you choose to give them. Professor Thompson distinctly states that Kalamein pipe rusted slightly at the fresh cut ends. Why should they not, let me ask ? If the fresh cut end rusted slightly in fresh water it was because they were simply unprotected iron. Now, I state distinctly, that it is the custom of chemists when treating samples of iron pipe for its inner and outer surfaces, to wax and thus protect the fresh cut ends. We have conducted hundreds of ex- periments with cast-iron and wrought-iron pipe, and we have seen many other such experiments conducted. It is always customary to wax the fresh cut ends and thus confine the action of the acids or waters to the surfaces of the pipe, which will be the ones exposed in actual use. People do not lay pipe with fresh cut ends, nor is any test so made a fair one in any sense of the word. In so testing the samples, Professor Thompson has not given them fair play. Again, he makes some remarks about lead being poisonous. He says something like this : " That lead is poisonous is a fact (see such and such Massachusetts records) ; and that zinc may poison is well known (see some other records). ' ' Well, we may all be struck by lightning ; it is possible, but not probable ; and the idea of lead and zinc poison is thoroughly exploded. There are thousands upon thousands of tons of pure lead pipe which are and have been conveying drinking waters to the public all over the United States and the world for years. Now, we have had numerous tests made by chemists of equal responsibility, and they are as well known as Pro- fessor Thompson, and in no one case have we found the presence of lead in the water, even after the pipe has been immersed therein for over a year. 652 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. We had a warranty upon that point before we touched this process, and we made and conducted our own experiments in substantiation thereof. I pre- sume that the samples that the late Professor Thompson operated upon were those obtained from Mr. Briggs. As he shows zinc in the analyses they were of necessity made when we first commenced to use the process. As zinc has been entirely eliminated, the comparison with our present pro- ducts falls flat. Now, if those samples were obtained from Mr. Briggs in the manner hereinbefore mentioned, and if they were bona fide Kalamein samples, they contained nickel in sufficient quantities to have been found in the analysis. Nickel has always been found in all the analyses which have been made to determine the ingredients of the alloy. Why did not the late Professor Thompson find it? It was there. Mr. Howland has referred to "pocket samples." I do not take much stock in pocket samples. If it comes to an exhibition of " pocket samples," I have in my trunk up stairs a great curiosity in the way of cast-iron pipe, which is so filled with tubercular incrustations that the point of the little finger can scarcely be inserted in the original bore ; and yet it is no more indicative of what such first-class new goods are than the worst pocket sample that is alleged to be Kalamein pipe. I do not want to be understood as casting any slur upon any one class of merchandise because some one individual sample is not quite right. " Pocket samples " are curiosities and should be generally so considered. This point should be firmly borne in mind. Now, with reference to all these chemical analyses, they can only serve as indicators. It is very easy to destroy cast-iron pipe with acid solutions, but since a chemical analysis, made unfairly, as I have shown, forms the basis of a report of a part of your committee, I will read you a chemist's report, so that it can be placed side by side with the one you have heard read by Mr. Holden, but who refused to sign it. The President : As it is one o'clock, I think you had better postpone the reading until the afternoon session. Adjourned. Second Day, Afternoon Session, Aprill 22, 1885. Called to order by Mr. George A. Ellis. Mr. Converse: As the proceedings of the Association are rather behind time, I will save you the infliction of any long speech and draw my remarks to a close. I will now read you the report of Prof. Wuth, an analytical chemist of Pittsburgh, Pa. He is consulted by all the firms in that part of the country and his reputation is second to no chemist in the United States. His report is made after a series of some six months testing and may therefore be looked upon, I think, with more importance than that which has been submitted by a part of your committee : Pittsburgh, Pa., March 30th, 1885. E. C. Converse, Esq., National Tube Works Co., McKeesport, Pa. Dear Sir : At your request I have made exhaustive experiments in regard to the stability of your Kalamein-Silvertin pipes to resist the destructive influences of acids, salt water and alkalies and found that diluted sulphuric acid, after several weeks of treatment, did not have any perceptible effect on the coating, and this is really the only acid to be CAST-IRON SYNDICATE. 653 considered. Very dilute hydrochloric acid did but slightly attack it ; it resisted the action of salt water very well, also of alkaline solutions. Care, of course, should be taken to have the coating perfect, as, on account of galvanic action, wherever the coating should be re- moved from the iron the action of acids or salt water would be more destructive than on plain unprotected iron. The double coating with Kalamein-Silvertin and asphaltum will undoubtedly make the action of alkalies and acids an absolute impossibility, unless by mechanical means the coating should be removed and the iron uncovered. (Signed) Otto Wdth. Pittsburgh, Pa., April ist, 1885. E. C. Converse, Esq., National Tube Works, Co., McKeesport, Pa. Dear Sir: — Supplementary to my report of March 30th, as to the results of the ex- haustive experiments which I had made in regard to the stability of your water pipe treated by the Kalamein-Silvertin and asphaltum processes, I would state that I consider your pipe, when properly treated, practically impervious to the action of corrosion when laid in the ground. Further, the result of my research enables me to conclude that your water and gas pipe as above described is superior in point of duration and serviceability combined, to cast-iron pipe ordinarily sold for such purposes. (Signed) Otto Wdth. I will now read the report of a prominent western chemist, who was not employed by us, but by some capitalists out in Denver, for their own inter- ests, to decide the merits of our Kalamein pipe, and unbeknown to us. We did not know of this report until some weeks after it had been given. The chemist's name is A. Von Shultz, and he is employed mostly by the mining interests. Denver, Col., April 17th, 1884. Gentlemen: — In regard to the three samples of Kalameined, galvanized and ordinary sheet-iron, which you submitted to me for examination as to their usefulness for different purposes, I would rank them in the following order : ist, Kalamein ; 2nd, sheet-iron ; 3rd, galvanized iron. With the Kalamein in an acidulated water of ten per cent, sulphuric acid, shows a loss of only fifteen one-hundredths of one percent. The ordinary sheet-iron suffered one of 3.01 of one per cent, and the galvanized iron, as was to be expected, one of seventy-one one-hundredths of one per cent., after an expos- ure of only twenty minutes. In an acidulated water of only two one-hundredths of one per cent, sulphuric acid, the losses in weight after an exposure of eighteen hours, were as follows : Kalamein, twelve one-hundredths of one per cent. Sheet-iron, two and twenty one-hundredths of one per cent. Galvanized iron, two and fifty-one one-hundredths of one per cent. Thus showing that the Kalamein is much superior to the galvanized iron in resisting action of acids. In bending and rebending a sheet of galvanized iron it shows a tendency to scale off, thus exposing the surface of the iron underneath. When once this exposure has taken place a galvanic action sets in and destruction of the whole sheet follows very rapidly. The Kalamein, on the other hand, does not show the least sign of scaling off, after repeated doubling up and backward and forward bending. This seems to prove that in Kalamein the coating is more thoroughly united with the underlaying sheet-iron, form- ing seemingly a superficial alloy with it. The superiority of Kalamein for roofing pur- poses, for the manufacture of water pipes, kitchen utensils, etc., etc., seems to be obvious on account of the qualities shown above, and to place it far above the galvanized iron, painted sheet iron, or any other similar material coated with substances now in use. Its lesser weight in comparison to an equal superficial surface of galvanized or ordinary sheet- iron, and its lesser cost, are a further recommendation for its introduction in commerce. (Signed) A. Von Shultz. To conclude, I want to refer to the class of iron forming the body of Kalamein pipe. Before coming on here I took some pieces of the pipe and sent them to the Pittsburgh, Pa., testing laboratory, where they were tested, with the following result : The first piece pulled 56,920 ; the second piece pulled 55,980 ; the third piece pulled 57,440. 654 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. You are doubtless aware that Trautwine gives the tensile or cohesive strength of wrought iron, ordinary average, 44,800 ; wrought iron, good average, 50,400 ; and it will therefore be seen that the pipe from which our water and gas Kalamein pipe is manufactured shows an average of 6,000 pounds more tensile strength than is a good average. In the same way we have endeavored in our water works supplies to obtain the very best of the different classes of material. Our castings con- tain iron of a superior quality. We compared a coupon cut from one of our fittings with a coupon cut from a piece of cast-iron pipe obtained from the City of McKessport. These coupons were tested at the Pittsburgh testing laboratory, February 13th, 1885, and with the following result as per their certificate : Our cast-iron fittings, 26,110 lbs. ; cast-iron pipe, 15,760 lbs. There are large quantities of Kalamein pipe in use. I would here state that in Oil City, Pa., alone there is a system of 22 miles of it used for con- ducting natural gas. You all know the character of natural gas ; that it will explode when mixed with air iu certain proportions, and that it will hang like a cloud around the point of escape, and not rise and be borne away, as is the case with manufactured gas. The Oil City works have been in operation for two years ; they consist of a trunk line of our Converse Lock Joint Kalamein pipe, taking natural gas from 17 wells to Oil City. This line was tested under a pressure of 100 pounds to the square inch, and is still working at a regular pressure of 60 pounds. This may not seem a large pressure for manufactured gas, but for natural gas it requires good material and workmanship to prevent leakage. Notwithstanding this large system of 22 miles, with the 2,500 service connections and the high pressure, there has not been the least accident. At Ouincy, Mass., there are 22 miles in use, and anybody can go up there and see the pipe who is interested enough to take the short trip. The Columbia (Tenn.) works and the Wells- ville (N. Y.) works are all laid with Kalamein pipe. I could read you for hoursdetters of recommendation from those who have used this Kalamein pipe, letters universally flattering in their character. Mr. Fitzgerald : Has there been any tensile strength of the pipe after the process has been applied ? Mr. Howland : I have taken, I think, a six-inch pipe (it may have been a four-inch) with Converse lock joints, made in the usual manner, and subjected to a pressure of 1,000 pounds to the square inch without any frac- ture of the metal or leakage through the joints. Mr. Randall ; I would like to ask about what percentage for addi- tional cost upon the raw piping does this double treatment exact, if it can be answered ? Mr. Converse : I will have to answer that in general terms. It costs according to the thickness of the iron, because the process, like galvaniz- ing, is charged so much per pound on the finished weights. In regard to the tensile strength, I would state that this process has an annealing and softening effect, and testing at the laboratory for comparative tensile strength before and after treatment shows scarcely any perceptible difference. Mr. How/and : I desire to call the attention of the Convention to a pamphlet, which I hold in my hand, bearing the title on the outer cover of "Information and Results of Experiments on Various Metals used for CAST-IRON SYNDICATE. 655 Water Pipes." On the title page the same statement is repeated, with the additional one of " Containing a Report of the American Water Works Association on Kalamein Pipe," etc. This pamphlet bears no name of authorship, or any trace by which its origin can be surmised, except the imprint of a firm of printers in Cincinnati, which is, " Cincinnati, Robert Clark & Co., 1884." In reply to an inquiry sent these parties, they say, under date of April 2d, 1885 : The pamphlet you mention we do not know, and regret to say that we are unable to find any trace of the same whatsoever ; it must have been issued in some other city. Yours truly, Robert Clark & Co. The pamphlet, therefore, may be considered as an entirely anonymous and unverified one, and the animus which caused its publication can only be inferred by the matter contained therein. The first few pages are devoted to a screed against all pipes excepting cast-iron, and in garbled quotations and unsubstantialized statements regarding other pipes. Next appears, under a heading in large capitals, "The Report of the Committee of the American Water Works Association on Kalamein Pipe," which is substanti- ally as read by Mr. Holden, and, as far as the report of Prof. Thompson is concerned, is absolutely the same, word for word. After this there appears what purports to be extracts from reports in relation to the water works of the cities of Lowell, New Bedford, Worcester, Salem and Hartford. These statements are erroneous, having been changed from the authorized reports as published by these various cities in six different places to read " wronght- iron pipe " or " wrought pipe " in place of cement-lined pipe, as it appears in the original reports. In substantiation that these changes were made and that these extracts are forgeries, I have here the annual reports of the cities in question, and also personal letters from Mr. Holden, Superintendent of Lowell, and Mr. Hall, now of Quiuc)- and formerly of Worcester, in which they say that their reports are entirely different from that given in this pamphlet, and Mr. Holden says in his that " the person who published that statement is evidently a fraud." I first saw this pamphlet in Chicago in December, 1884, four months ago, and four months before our committee had reported. The whole matter is a fraud gotten up for the designed pur- pose of misleading the public in relation to the question of water pipe, and to give it the color of truth and importance they had stolen from some one a report of the committee of this association, which report has just been presented, and have printed forged extracts from reports made by honored members of this association. 77/i? Secretary : As this pamphlet has been issued without the knowl- edge or consent of this Association or its executive committee, yet claiming indirectly to have been, it is but proper that some notice be taken of it ; I will therefore move : That this association totally disclaim any part in it or knowledge of its publication. Unanimously adopted. TEAVERS DANIEL, C, E. Columbia, Tenn., February 27th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. Yours of 20th received. To prove what I have said about tuberculated cast-iron pipes, take one up and heat it to a dull red and jar it with a ham- 656 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. mer, when its unfitness for further service will be fully demonstrated. The question was first brought to notice some years ago by pipes conveying Pas- saic River water, which was a bad case. Columbia, Tenn., May 4th, 1885. National Tube Works Co. I notice in the Engineering News of May 2d, a report of the meeting of the American Water Works Association, held at Boston, at which you were present. We have had your pipe in the ground here about 18 months. We have never had a leaky pipe, or a broken or cracked one. It ran to this date un- der a very heavy pressure ; whenever we have had to uncover the pipe to make a tap, we find the surface just as fresh "as the day we received it from your works. It looks as if its life would be on the Methuselah order. We would not hesitate to recommend its use under a'ny trying service. Mr. J. M. Carson, one of the Committee on Kalamein pipe, is and has long been an employee of Dennis, Long & Company. I know him well. The point of the cast-iron pipe people is to try and discredit investment in water works bonds where Kalamein is used, and every available means will be taken by them to give you trouble. I trust I will get your dispatch to-morrow giving me prices of pipe as requested. (Signed) Travers Daniel. THOMAS J. BELL. This gentleman, who used to be Superintendent of the Cin- cinnati Water Works, called upon us April 28th, 1885, on busi- ness. In mentioning to him the fact of the quotation of a private letter written by him, having been used in the cast-iron pam- phlet, Mr. Bell stated that the letter was written long ago, re- ferred to wrought-iron pipe, unprotected, as a class, and should in no way be mixed up as reflecting any discredit upon the dur- ability of our piping being furnished for water and gas ; that the language of his letter was improperly used and that he would cheerfully make this statement at any time. REGARDING J. G. BRIGGS, OF TERRE HAUTE, IND. We will conclude this chapter by reproducing two letters which were shown us in Mr. Briggs' own handwriting, one of which we had photo-engraved and which is therefore an exact fac-simile. They are self-explanatory. The first one shows his close relations with the Cast-Iron Syndicate ; the second his confusion, disappointment and defeat. At the time the latter was written, Mr. Guilford was the Contracting Agent of the CAST-IRON SYNDICATE. 657 cast-iron pipe manufacturers, Dennis, Long & Company, with headquarters at Chicago. The samples which Mr. Briggs speaks of burying in the worst places he could, were the ones given Prof. Thompson. It will also be noticed, that it was decided to again make an analysis for nickel, so as to, if possible, contra- dict Mr. Converse's statement at the Boston convention ; as nothing ever came of it, the second attempt must have brought out the nickel. It will also be observed that one piece was not half as bad as he thought it would be ; that he wanted to put the samples where they '' wou'd do the most good," and then that he had no patience with the cast-iron people for not sending more representatives to Boston to debate the question with Mr. Converse : and the amusing part of his letter is where he testi- fies to Mr. Guilford that " he (myself and Thompson) were slaughtered." In answer to this letter of Mr. Briggs, Mr. Guil- ford replied from Chicago, under the date of December 24th, expressing regret that Thompson's report was altered and made public before it reached the American Water Works Association, and advising Briggs not to think of exhibiting the samples. As Mr. Briggs was one of a committee appointed to report as to the merits of Kalamein pipe, and is proven to have been in league with the Cast-Iron Syndicate at the time, this fac-simile letter seems to be the only remaining link that it is necessary for us to add to the strong chain of evidence against the methods pursued by the Cast-Iron Syndicate, their hirelings and parti- sans. Office of Terre Haute Water Works Company, J. G. Briggs, Superintendent, Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 5th, 1884. Dennis, Long & Company, Louisville, Ky. At the last meeting of the American Water Works Association, I had a committee apppointed to test Kalamein pipe ; J. M. Carson, Chairman. At his request, I put the matter in the hands of Prof. Thompson, of our Poly- technic. He has just returned a five page report, with thirteen samples, two of which are in glass jars. He condemns it. Mr. Davis, of the Newport Pipe Company, said he would be responsible for the amount to be paid experts. I propose to Mr. Carson that he comes here on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week ; that one of your folks and Mr. Davis meet him. I would like to have you all see the stuff as it is, as the jars cannot be shipped. Respectfully, (Signed) J. G. Briggs. P. S. — We have been at considerable trouble about this pipe on our own and your (Cast-iron Syndicate's) account, and I would like to have you help us out on the best means of making it of value. (Signed) B. 658 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. CAST-IRON SYNDICATE. 659 v \S $s A 4 'l^i ^O 660 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. RETRACTION. As a fitting postscript to the foregoing chapter, we will lay before you the correspondence that recently passed between the author and President Matthew Addy, in which the latter made full retraction of the libelous utterances and official writings of Mr. E. A. Kebler, Contracting Agent, after a thorough investi- gation of the facts in the case. Taken in connection with the exposure made by Mr. Guilford at Mishavvaka, which we have published at length, beginning on page 80, this case will be read with interest, and will stand as a monument of the underhanded, libelous and dishonorable methods pursued by certain of the cast-iron pipe makers. It has been our experience that the more prominent the cast-iron maker, and the better reputation he has enjoyed in the mer- cantile world, the more outrageously dishonest have been his methods when competing with wrought-iron pipe. There are exceptions, of course. There can be no question respecting the high standing of the Addy concern in the mer- cantile world, yet look at this case in its entirety. By reading the correspondence carefully you will see that old gentleman Addy did everything in the world to avoid being pinned down to any responsibility. The excuse that such a salesman unauthoritatively pursued unfair tactics is no excuse at all other than a mere subterfuge. The manager of a concern knows perfectly well what methods are pursued by the salemen, as a rule. There may be isolated cases which are exceptions, but this man Kebler has pursued these tactics over and over again, and he simply was caught by accident. Take R. D. Wood & Co. Their tactics have been quite similar to those of Matthew Addy's people. A notable exception is the Warren Foundry and Machine Co., owned by the Runkles, to whom we refer all customers de- siring to purchase cast-iron pipe. RETRACTION. 661 There may be, and probably are, cast-iron concerns who are perfectly honorable and upright in their competition against wrought-iron, but in all of our business experience we have never run across such tactics as these cast-iron men have con- stantly employed in endeavoring to retain the prestige they are rapidly losing. Had it not been for this class of competition the writer never would have spent the time and expense of compiling Facts About Pipe. We have run across anonymous circulars and anonymous letters, samples subjected to acids, and every conceivable trick and fraud that the devil himself could invent during our fifteen years' campaign. Even the records of the American Water Works Association have been mutilated and "doctored" in the attack upon our goods. Anonymous letters with forged imprints make their periodical appearance — sometimes preceding, sometimes follow- ing the presence of representatives of certain manufacturers. The appearance of the anonymous letter is so peculiarly coinci- dent with the movements of certain people, that we can now pretty well know when and where to expect it by simply keep- ing an eye upon the hotel register. The exposure made by Mr. Guilford at Mishawaka was not based upon any new departure at that town. A perusal of it will show that it was all written out before the meeting in the Council Chamber, and a careful study of how completely Mr. Guilford anticipated their methods and out-generaled them, will show with what regularity they ply their nefarious practice. In the sale of our specialties for gas and water pipe sys- tems it must be borne in mind that before we took hold of this matter the use of wrought-iron pipe for gas and water distribut- ing mains in this country was unheard of, and we were forced to occupy the unpleasant position of pioneers. Notwithstand- ing the hard work which this has entailed, the very opposition that we have met has spurred us on to renewed efforts, and we have made very much better showing by means of this extra- ordinary competition than we otherwise could possibly have done. In the Converse Joint department we have been, and still are, under high pressure, and that is the proper way to run it. The correspondence follows, the Kebler and Addy letters being reproduced in fac simile. 662 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. a 1 oH o X i— i ■! > H H] (S) o Z >-, o Z I— 1 TD III a u S3 nz? n < CJ E— I to en CO H H P< < 2 2 i—i U 2 u H < Z u « M . Q H □ a a Dl , President , Vice-Presi , Sec'v and W fed K d z" o h >-< W H o 13 a pi B -a ■d 3 3 U g > z z POO O CO >< P a •d Q "1 h < g 5 * z 5 u ~ < w 1 oT 5 s £ £ 3 3 Eh i. « Q Ul Q w in 2 < * S . Vi < z 01 J » CD u u €> © >> H T$ C •H 0) •P o o ■p to o H Cd >P 03 o U P* o o >» p. o o > O o © -p £ CO P. » Pi CD RETRACTION. 663 CD P« A CU > 43 o •H o 4-> u co PU 4-3 CO u •H CD CO a 43 u CD 4-3 •H £ CD 43 £4 CO cd o u o CD o cd H pi CD 4-3 o 4-3 CD to CD o cd rH CD ±? •H CO CO CO 43 X3 $3 cd to CD P. •H P* CD fefl CD (4 cd m a o 43 4J P o \4 CO JS CD cd s H C) o 3 •B ch CD •d h CD o CD CO A P> cd $ c o -H 4-3 CO cd o CO cd c o » CO •H 4-3 cd CO g >» 4-> CO pi u 4-3 cd CD Pi o •H b bO CD u a CO P* o >» 4-3 cd CD 4J O CD rH 2 O >> CO < & •H P. co •H 43 4J O CO o o 43 u g •H cd co CO B cd CD u >» H <*H O CO cd bO CD 43 -P •H CD q cd 4* s $3 •H 43 4J 43 o >> u CD > CO •H CD Ps •H ft d •H CD 6 cd H cd o 4-3 cd 43 s o CD CD CO CO O •H 4-3 cd W) •H 4-3 CO CD > g co 4-3 u CD O CD cd CD CD P< •H P4 J3 o U 4-3 43 >> CD 43 4-3 to cd CD H 43 •H +3 O P$ 4-3 CO (D 4-3 O J3 •H 4-3 CO o o 4^ 4-3 CO 43 4J CO 4-3 J3 •H o P4 CO p$ o •H cd > 4J cd cd rH O 664 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. - >» 1 4-» a H |i CO 03 1 0) H u s H •H cd Cd ,£! as CD JO cd 4-3 o cd ■d £ P. 4-> cd | CD •H 5m 03 PJ ^ *H o +3 +> ^ £ jcJ 4J •H cd O P* cd • +j CD to +3 CD & c u CD o CJ cd > y Pi C 4-3 « 2 g £ -H CD 60 •H CD » -Cf q^ cd 4-3 4-3 •H § B •4 2 cd CD -P B O 2 ft $ +s 4-3 +> 4-> 03 >» P« 4-3 g A CD CD T3 CD CD •H 4-» CO CD & k X! -H U XJ P. Pi cd O CD Eh tj cd 4J CD CD H a S ■P 4-3 ft 6 CD ca P? c 4^> +3 ^ PS & 4-3 X 4H £j •H • •rH P« 4-S CO 4J o cd (a D CD ^3 pi 03 PS ■p a O >» ft CO rH ^ +3 •H H •H cd •» PJ o 03 T3 C CD CD 4-3 4J P{ 1 cd •a > O CD 03 » CD ft tH CD o •H 4 +3 03 »■> >> Cj-i ^5 .a »H <3 43 • 03 CD »CJ CO o ft 4-3 £ CD •CJ k U Jh o a O 4J ft 03 to 03 ti 6 cd +3 o •H 03 +3 CD P. 13 CO ■P i CD PI Pi H > •P C 4-3 PJ p 03 ft CD 3 cd S cd •H cd 03 ¥ •H CD 4-> O ^ •H rH CD u ft > X •H 03 Vi ft &Q o cd CD » •H id P t~\ CD •9 fi CD CD 09 ft O ^ ?h pi cd ^4 A to M .3 C •H EH rH 4-> 4-3 •H P, o •P •H o CD cd o •H •H > x; ^ H > r« P. 4-3 ^ f (0 c P P cd Pi o M •H o CD O «H *_, > O 03 w o ^ •H CD a J^ c ^-< 4J 4-3 c 4J •H 2 CD P. o -p O o CtJ CD o P. o 8 cd «H cd p. P s >> cd fcs ra £5 O CO >» rH X* cd .a CQ o •H f a o CD 4^> O cd O 6 CD U fi CD CD ,a •a cd o •H O T3 CD CQ cd .a o p. t»o ♦H CD ,a o C CO •H CD ♦H CD ■P CD Jh CD 4-> CQ cd W CD ,C CO CD o CO H P o 4-> o o C M (Q O •H § CD -P CD U O cd P * -p CD o c o H r-\ cd o rH O >» co u 4-> CD 666 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Telegram. New York, May 18, 1893. American Water Works and Guarantee Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Have copy of letter before rne written by the Addyston Pipe and Steel Company of Cin- cinnati to a contracting engineer, making following allegation : Quotation— Take for instance the American Water Works, who have plants scattered all over the country, and who number among their largest stockholders those largely interested in the National Tube Works, manufacturers of this pipe. They made a trial of the Kalamein pipe at Rock- ford, Illinois, and, as it did not give satisfaction, they have not used it anywhere else, but are putting in cast-iron for their extensions at Rockford. End of quotations— Is not this statement unqualifiedly false ? (Signed) E. C. Converse. « u © H d bl H Id ; y* , J 1 t" 1 GQ I w <' ti sO RETRACTION. 667 New York, June 5, 1893. Matthew Addy, Esq , President The Addyston Pipe & Steel Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dear Sir: — We have before us a press copy of a typewritten letter, dated April 21st, and addressed to Jolm H. Warder — signed by your company, by E. A. Kebler ; and also your catalogue issued in 1S90. We have taken the suggestion contained in your letter, to wit : " Carefully read what is said in our (your) book on this pipe," to wit : Kalamein pipe. Aside frorn the false conclusions and insinuations covered by the text of your catalogue, we will at this time confine ourselves to the specific statements you have seen fit to make in your letter to Mr. Warder respecting the goods of our production, the good name and reputation of which is very valuable to us, and which we intend to defend. Your company is responsible for the action of its authorized agents and employes, and the name of the writer of this official letter to which we have referred— E). A. Kebler— ap- pears on the original letter-head as the Contracting Agent. In the first place, you know that the allegations contained in that letter (which was written to the engineer of a prosperous customer) are either true or false. We say " you know," because your letter states, "we are certain from our investigations," etc., etc. If your statements are true, you can prove them. If false, you cannot prove them, and must stand in the position of libelers. Your letter contains statements which are utterly false, and, therefore, libelous. For instance : you refer to our pipe as " Calamein pipe." We do not manufacture "Calamein pipe." That is the first false and malicious statement. We do make what we call and what is knowu to the trade as Kalamein pipe, and your own catalogue proves that you are aware of a distinction, although the formula of our alloy, which is put on and incorporated into the body of the wrought-irou or steel is not set forth in any patent, nor does it appear in your book, nor is it known to you or anybody else, other than the inventors and owners. You then say, " As you will see from it that Calamein pipe is very much thinner than either cast or even wrought-iron pipe." As this is a reference to our pipe, although you misquote the name by which it is known, we pronounce the statement absolutely untrue, insofar as it refers to wrought-iron pipe. By inference you then again falsify when you refer to our pipe being taken up because it " did not last well." If you argue that one or more pieces of pipe, removed for unserviceability, stamps the class and kind as undesirable for the uses for which it was originally sold, we call your attention to the fact that cast-iron pipe, removed for undesirability, is an article of common merchandise, offered by scrap dealers, and in this connection refer you to a daily advertise- ment appearing in the Chicago Mail, the official paper of the city of Chicago, offering 150 tons of such cast-iron pipe scrap for sale. You then make a reckless and absolutely unwarranted statement, to wit : " Take for instance the American Water Works, who have plants scattered all over the country, and who number among their stockholders those largely interested in the National Tube Works, manufacturers of this pipe." (This phraseology fixes the reference.) We resume quota- tions : "They made a trial of the Calamein pipe at Rockford, 111., and as it did not give satisfaction they have not used it anywhere else, but are putting in cast-iron for their ex- tensions at Rockford." The writer is Vice-President of the water works company to which you refer, and pro- nounces the above statements bare-faced untruths. The water works company to which you refer, and in which the writer and others of the National Tube Works people are interested, has used a great deal of Kalamein pipe, and all of it is giving satisfactory service. The balance of your letter is on a parity with the first part. We address this letter to you, the President of the Addyston Pipe and Steel Company, because we have no knowledge whether you are aware of the methods resorted to by your " Contracting Agents." If you are aware of them, you are assumed to approve of them, because you do not discountenance them. If, on the other hand, you are not aware of them, we believe you will take the only course open for an honorable merchant, to wit : that you will make, or cause to be made for your company, an immediate, full and complete retrac- tion of the libelous statements which have been made of our good name, good will and the character of the products of our manufacture. This retraction we now demand. We further demand that you forthwith eliminate from your catalogue all similarly false and libelous statements regarding our products. If you choose to adopt this course, we will let the case drop without further action, and before taking any further steps in the matter by placing the case in the hands of our attor- neys, Sullivan & Cromwell, we shall wait a reasonable time for your reply. Yours truly, (Signed) E. C. Converse, General Manager. 668 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. <7> ft C O o c b CD 4-> S >» cd *CJ U 0> •P to CD >» S3 6 •O CD A O cd CD Sh • ■P r. to u « C CD >» •H ta +» a •H .C fl O •P M IP a CD iH o X •» >»• •P c to CD to p* fe • V. cr « o (0 o > w PQ cd #» • o CO • s. u PL« 1 3 CD • • o > u >H C •H o CO o • &j • CD « Q RETRACTION. 669 CD ,c 4-> U o CD • ti *-t <*-* 4J £ •» c o & G cd &Q G) •H *» a fl > -p cd u o •H cd CD S CD •H C & ^ CD 4-3 4-3 CD U 4-3 cd > o >> Q) &Q CD 4-> s M H •H •» 4-> (0 CO fl >> & CO •H %* o Jh CD ^ CD ft o O > +3 T* 2 4-3 >» £ ^ O •H >» o >> cd C 4-3 'd «H •H •a •H CD cd CQ o > CD •H CD 3 •H Jm 4-3 13 O CD 4-3 cd Crt u jG •H +3 CQ •» g o 4-3 CQ Sh CQ ^3 O o 3 c > CD O O 8 U o 5 » <1> u rH > CD >» -P •H +3 >> rH C3 cd O e>x> CD • cd 2 4-3 s 4-3 H H S U (0 CD ft H 4-3 4-3 •a > fi 3 CQ CD CD cd O » rCl CD H ,d o jd Sh 4-3 n H « 4-3 CD ft 3 4J > a & 'O 3 cd § •H o *, fl o & tUO o CO cd >» 4J o >» £ O 6 cd V o CD 4-> cd Ti CD 4J ft u O 4-5 Pi HH A CD CD rC o o CD > +3 c >» +3 o o •H hi CD CD ^ • «fH £ 4-3 > (0 U o n Cti CO CD a CJ £ £ 4-3 CD r-« CD 4-> CD 4-3 O O ,£} •H HH ^ cd C $H +J ?s o 6 CD W) «-l CO rH o P cd & 1-4. 670 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. o O to 05 d co , ( u CJ H <£> CD a a Hi i-h CM \ i Pk CD CO < oH 3 o £ •-3 o£3 j u s D [i. •A a H ft n < • r— 1 □ < S H Z 2 w £ i — i z O rt r> oH Z o III 1—4 o -i — > h Hi GO o £ £="-» OS p 1— 1 ^3 ^3 o < w CD E-h « & £ S 3 S 5 13 & 5 < Q w K O CO Q H o B S ££ » ~ < *« ™ 9-i M CO 0] ■a •a >< CO «■. ^ *J $H Jh o o & >H CD £ ,Q CD 3 !3 EH H to ca t- C IX) o to •H +J X cd o S CQ ' «s • • • o a* Jh • CO fctQ Pm W «N S CD • CO H *-t C CD CD > C5 S o o •H CO CD Q bO a •H T=J J- o 4-» o cd o ,£ ctf 4-> • >» 4-3 CJ CO CO £ •H o 4-3 ^ 4-5 to lO CD XI u o M CO »» U e pj 4-3 o CO >> G •H o 4^ rC 4-> b£3 a> C -H CD •d ,£ £ 4J o » » pq B £ •H CD T3 cd S pj cd > ^ fi ,3 cd p a £ p. CD CO P CD •H u CD •H CQ P H o +3 ^ rH cd CQ «d P! P P CD P. CD M O bQ ,0 O ,£> >> CD P >» CQ •H H d CO cd ■P fciO H PS P? p ► U >» CQ ps O P o cd •H •d H cd •H 'S •H PS H &Q G P< £ •d o O cd cd CD 4h W3 p. P P. d p >» CD •P CQ cd CD Jh H o P o H p 6 cd .a •d p P cd pj CQ CQ p= p CD •H CQ •H •H 'd t-i CO H -d CD 9 &B P. CD cd •H P. P. ^ H CD £ k o p s V P H ^1 & p CQ a ^| CD H M > CQ ^3 A PS PJ P 4h 1. CQ CD o • CD CD O CD >» • P •H H P >» H cd CQ •H CQ cd P O 4-3 ,P £ »d L CQ •H •H r-i Pi CD rH o p CD P L, P 6 •H « cd o p, Pi P p< CD •H cd Pi P. cd ♦H Tl «H £ CD CD c x* T3 O cd P, ft ■H CQ CD H PS O •H > cd Pi ,CJ •H CD 9S ♦H * O -P P £ CQ CQ T* 4 O rH 0) o CD •d g c cd >» o o P C & cd o c H c cd to CD o c •H •H CD cd •H to fl +3 S *- U d. X to Cd o ..-^ d o CD H to m c £ +3 to rH •H >» cd £ to r» CD ca CJ H CO CD cd 3 u X >» cd ft »H O to c ft X £3 u d «H cd S CD $H cd p» q-i O n ft o CD o V, P S o s P »— i >> CD CD o •H -P CD k o CD CD * fl X CD • X X rH *s o O X ^H to -P O •H ft rH •H Pi CD 3 CD CD CD X tjQ a X P h > to +3 c -P ft o O a >> •H CO o to S x S to CI •H CO ^d CD bO Xi cd © CD x B P •H 4J 'd X o 5o CO 4-5 o P •H cd o >> d «p B XI rH •» Cd CG to ^ >» cd fc to to cd 3 C -»-> 0) rH to cd cd •P M •r-i CO P C ft o -P P 73 >-• P o S CD Q c: O •H o >» H CD CD 'd +3 o H • XJ -p £ cc C CD d 40 u o cd J-. o CD CD ^_; +j >> X P CD CD (D CD Jh S •H #» o X ft O •H d P >> cd +3 •H ft ft » <^ o o e cd -p d CH a J- ft CD CD O o >» to £ !U Sm c H H — o cd CD CD •H P CD U o O •H X cd o J- CD P to Jm •p S CD CD H 9} P » v-> CO .=5 » H o a CD O •H O c H •H o •s •r-i 2 a 5"3~ rj P CO +J -7j o ^ £ co ^ ^"3" J > y id 2*5 e a to ph U rj 01 O-B-B Cd V« rt y o a -B fii?« ""B y S "»h o ~ o3 CO OJ -£ y "o 5" a 3 o •£ o ; - 4 - 1 43 >> rH «^ £ cd SS5 5 5P .n a »o •2 'I I £ >> o rt *■»-« t/3 b'S ^3 ,S f« S°,a .. £ a rj T-^ri.S JB .Si n _ y n +-> y 12 a y **-* a ft s S 5 so. -r W MS ^ o wo y .oJ o> c £ -3 O ■&. ., y oj 2 *> g £ VB rrj $ "+-< > .a y i «, o ° ^.2-s^x ° $2,a j3^ ^ o a .2 £ g £? a & fe » a ft ^ ° a f S og £ £ >*~> rH a ^ ^ i> S o o .J3 Ed ^ S -y a^ a Q 2 •-> a.^ a ? v- h £ 2 1« 2 ii -a" « md .a oj irrj a a m ^ > y rt (U. ^) .5 "r: s a "u o H J r-H y ^ J- t/1 +J f^H ^ o w>: oi * y £ -g « Sh +j CO y .ii T3 y en cd )_, a .5 ij li ,ft y •» y ^ c to +j en ■•h cd B co B ^ y O cd w *- ^11 p, ^ > a M S a2 a K 3 a* S? JJ „, -j d y a A "§ ^ 6 "§ ■" 'cd rj t^ d to <+h "T! 7: cu y o ^-1 |||^§ " ;- u cd y o r O cd y - J n3 .2*5 ^ ^ 2 a . 3 rt aU = a x bo cd D cd ~.CJ _g « bo bo b ■§ ^,2 a S iS.-a" bo y ?ca 674 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The following copies of letters from the Addyston Pipe & Steel Company will explain themselves, and, taken in connec- tion with the foregoing correspondence, are very suggestive : Cincinnati, July 17, 1893. W. A. Roosevelt Company, La Crosse, Wis. Gentlemen : — We regret to say that the last edition of our regular catalogue is exhausted, and we cannot send you one as you request. We take pleasure in sending you, under a separate cover, two pamphlets describing cast-iron culvert pipe, as well as cast-iron water and gas pipe. We trust they will furnish you all the information you desire. Hoping that whenever you are in the market you will ask us for prices, we remain, Truly yours, (Signed) The Addyston Pipe & STEEL Co. L. F. Huntington. Cincinnati, July 17, 1893. Mr. A. D. Cunningham, Clinton, Iowa. Dear Sir : — We regret to say that the last edition of our regular cata- logue has been exhausted, and we cannot send you one as you request. We take pleasure, however, in sending you, under a separate cover, a pamphlet describing cast-iron culvert pipe. And this also includes a list of cast-iron water and gas pipe. We trust it will furnish you all the information you desire. Hoping that whenever you are in the market for prices on pipe 3'ou will call upon us, we remain, Truly yours, (Signed) The Addyston Pipe & Steel Co. L. F. Huntington. Cincinnati, July 17, 1893. Messrs. Robt. Lietch & Sons, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen : — As the last edition of our regular catalogue has been exhausted, we regret that we cannot send you one, as requested, but we take pleasure in sending you, under another cover, a pamphlet describing cast-iron culvert pipe. This also includes cast-iron water and gas pipe, and trust it will furnish you all the information you desire. As there is no regular price list on cast-iron pipe, we cannot offer you any jobbers' discount ; but whenever you have an inquiry for a quantity of pipe, and will refer the matter to us, we will take pleasure in giving you our lowest quotation and allow a liberal discount. Truly yours, (Signed) The Addyston Pipe & Steel Co. L. F. Huntington. We have also received the following : Rock Island, Illinois, July 18, 1893. Harry Raymond, Chicago, III. Dear Sir :— We have just received a letter from Addyston saying that the last edition of their catalogue has been exhausted, so they could not send us one. We are sorry. Yours truly, (Signed) Davis Co. Perl. B. Davis. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 675 THEORY AND PRACTICE. The facts herein contained prove the great progress made by the successful practical introduction of wrought-iron pipe and its absolute superiority over other classes of pipe, the prom- inent considerations in its favor being durability, service- ability, strength of material, minimum friction, minimum leak- age, minimum cost of maintenance, the impossibility of tuber- cular formations, economy in freight, handling, laying, lead, etc. In this wonderful age of progression, when primitive ideas and methods have been, and are being, filed away in the archives of the past, and the result of experiment, ingenuity and energy replacing former customs in mechanical science, the improve- ments in conduits for waters, gases, oils, etc., have undergone a marked revision within the past few years, and with such a result as to produce almost incalculable benefits to the engineer and to the public at large alike. Improvements have been made in materials composing the wrought-iron tubular goods required for these purposes, the sizes, thicknesses, methods of manufacture, making the neces- sary connections with such devices as to overcome possible difficulties, protecting the plain wrought-iron against the attacks of corrosion, thereby assuring serviceability, reducing friction in flow to the minimum, providing greater strength in material, reducing first cost of material and labor, and a thousand minor details in the manipulation of the appurtenances, all contributing to the attainment of the most satisfactory results. Of course, engineering experts have been, and naturally always will be to a certain extent, divided in their opinions as to the merits of materials and methods ; some engineers are progressive, others are not ; some are fearless after making thorough research, others satisfied with what was first suggested to them, and not inclined to take up anything " new," no matter how great its merit. But, again, referring to the great advancement made during late years in wrought-iron for water and gas works purposes, it is plainly apparent that its growth into popular favor, by the positive reasons of its comparative superiority, has been, and is, very noticeable. Of the various classes of pipes to be selected from at the present time, lap-welded wrought-iron pipe and cast-iron pipe 676 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. virtually have the entire call, for water and gas works systems ; — cast-iron, by those who are "penny wise and pound foolish," when the first cost is less, and who feel that as others have used it and because its introduction antedates most other conduits, and wrought-iron by those, who, having acquainted themselves with its advantages, know that it will give the most satisfactory results. The extensive and perfected manufacture of wrought-iron pipe has not been known to the engineering world for as long a period as cast-iron ; hence it is but natural that the latter should have had an extensive sale ; but the foothold which wrought-iron has obtained of late years has been steadily in- creasing and is permanent. When a purchase of wrought-iron pipe was formerly con- templated in competition with cast-iron pipe (keeping in mind the fact, of course, that wrought-iron pipe has been used for a long period, but not so much in competition as for purposes where cast-iron pipe would have been out of the question), the party who might have known cast-iron pipe for a long time and not been acquainted with the details concerning wrought-iron, inquired first, as to the ability of wrought-iron to withstand the action of acids and alkalies found in nature. He may not have known that wrought-iron had been brought into active compe- tition with cast iron for mains within the past few years only ; he may have thought that the length of time cast-iron pipe had been sold, represented its life when laid ; he may not have been con- versant with the relative natures of the two finished metals ; he may not have known that cast-iron becomes filthy when wrought-iron remains clean ; he may not have known of the hundreds of thousands of tons of cast-iron pipe which are being constantly taken up, nor of the stench which arises from the water carrier when it is lifted ; he may never have seen these tuberculated masses of cast-iron pipe, so filled with incrusta- tions as to greatly decrease their inside diameters and diminish the supply accordingly ; he could never have seen or heard of these things, else his decision would be prompt in favor of wrought-iron pipe, properly protected. It is, of course, clearly understood that neither cast nor wrought-iron are ever considered perfection as carriers of waters or gases in their plain state — protection is always specified for both ; consequently we have not before us the question of the relative lasting qualities of either plain cast-iron or plain wrought-iron pipe. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 677 It is important at this point, however, to state that for gas cast-iron pipe has to be furnished in its plain state, unprotected, for the reason that the gases take up and entirely destroy their tar or so-called "asphalt" coatings; hence all cast-iron pipe makers have to sell their gas pipe unprotected, while we have the Kalamein incorporation process for protection, which the gases do not and cannot destroy. Another point which must in equity be taken into con- sideration, is the nature of the soils in which either cast-iron or wrought-iron pipes are buried; the reason for this consideration, comparatively speaking, in forming an opinion, is apparent ; consequently, the life of any class of iron unquestionably de- pends upon the nature and conditions of the soil and, beyond this, the protection afforded against the influences of corrosion. Taking, therefore, fair comparisons, the fact must not be lost sight of, that properly protected wrought-iron pipe has not been in use long enough to reach the age of some cast-iron, but the class of goods with which we have to deal now — i. e., wrought- iron Converse Patent Lock Joint — shows records far ahead, under the same conditions, of anything ever accomplished by cast-iron. We cannot point to a single case where plain unprotected cast-iron pipe, for water, has been laid, but there are thousands of miles of plain unprotected wrought iron pipes in the oil country and extending to the great cities and also on the Pacific Coast, which have been in active use under high pressure for years, and that when lines are changed and wells abandoned the wrought-iron goods are "pulled" and re-sold by second-hand dealers for piping purposes. We can also point to cities and towns which have had plain unprotected wrought-iron in use for upwards of thirty years and still in perfectly serviceable condition ; we can also show cases where both cast and wrought-iron, protected, have not stood so long by reason of existing circumstances herein- before referred to. We are often asked the question : " How long has any of your pipe been in use ? " The object of such question is to form an idea of the durability of wrought-iron pipe when buried in the ground. As we did not commence the manufacture of wrought-iron pipe until 1867, we cannot point to any wrought-iron pipe of our own particular make, of a greater age than 28 or 29 years. In considering this question, therefore, it is well to take up 678 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the records of the two classes of pipe, viz. : Wrought and Cast, without regard to the individual manufacturers or foundrymen. The life of iron pipe unquestionably depends upon the nature of the soil in which it is buried and its protection from the influences of corrosion. Again, the life of any iron pipe is, or should be, limited to its period of serviceability. If pipe becomes " foul " and " tuber- culated " in the course of ten years, such length of time is its serviceability. If such pipe is left in the ground in an impure and unsafe condition for years afterwards, getting fouler and more intensely fragrant, should the time after it ceases to be healthful and serviceable be credited to its durability ? We think not. In any comparisons between the life or durability of the two classes of pipe, wrought and cast-iron, we think that this point of serviceability should not be lost sight of. If the mere fact of the existence of the semblance of the original is to be credited to the lasting qualities of either kind of pipe, then to whichever class of pipe was first made belongs the palm of victory, so far as age goes. Wrought-iron, water and gas mains have not been more ex- tensively used in this country, because of the excess of first cost over that of the baser and cheaper form of the metal. Until lately, that is within the past n or 12 years, wrought- iron pipe making has been somewhat of a specialty. The capital required to erect works and the skill and further capital required to operate them, have confined the business of wrought-iron pipe making to a few concerns, comparatively. Unlike the English manufacturers, the Americans have made but one class of pipe, which they have called and still call, the " Standard." It is called steam, gas and water pipe, and is fitted with a screw and socket joint. The fluctuations in price of this class of pipe have been much greater than any fluctuations which have taken place in the price of cast-iron pipe. The reasons are too obvious to need rehearsal. In prosperous times, the difference in the price between the corresponding sizes of cast-iron and lap-welded standard mer- chant wrought-iron pipe is often as great as eighty per cent.; in depressed times the difference is not so wide, but is still consid- erable — enough to make the first cost of wrought-iron pipe sys- tem of gas or water works very much greater than where cast- iron pipe is used. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 679 The wrought-iron pipe manufacturers accepted the situation and we are not aware of any attempts upon their part to com- pete with cast-iron pipe until the National Tube Works Com- pany devoted much attention to the subject. Besides the difference of the first cost of the pipe, the fit- tings commonly used with wrought-iron pipe were very much more expensive than the cast-iron fittings, and were not espe- cially adapted for water and gas systems. It was for the National Tube Works Company to first make a specialty of the class of pipe specially adapted for this style of work, by first inventing a joint, which was more flexible than the screw and socket joint and consequently the better adapted for the rapid and often (alas!) unskillful laying in uneven, crooked ditches ; designing and making special patterns, l's, t's, y's, crotches, crosses, reducers, plugs, caps and other fittings, as well as all the necessary tools and appurtenances for a skillfully planned and complete system. Then followed an effective treatment of the body of the pipe to prevent corrosion, and for the first time in the history of water and gas works in this country wrought-iron pipe entered the field, fully equipped in first cost and adaptability. These are the reasons why wrought-iron pipe has not heretofore been more extensively used for water and gas works mains. As near as we can ascertain from inquiry and research, cast- iron water pipes were first used in this country, as an experiment, in the year 1804, previous to which time wooden logs had been in use. It is needless to say there were no manfacturers of wrought-iron pipe in the United States at that time, and no man- ufacturers of any of the larger sizes of wrought-iron pipe, for years afterwards. The introduction of iron pipes, which necessarily were of cast-iron, in 1804, does not appear to have been attended with good results, since they did not come into general use until 1819. We find records of cast-iron water pipes having been made ex- perimentally in 181 7, so it would seem that for a period of from ten to fifteen years they were considered an experiment, but as time wore on, they gradually replaced wooden logs. How much of the cast-iron pipe laid at that time is now in use and serviceable? As we look at this matter, the item of ser- viceability is inseparable with that of durability. Take some of the larger cities, for instance, to which the cast-iron men particu- larly refer, and consider the condition of the old cast-iron pipe. This old cast-iron pipe can be found in all the large cities of 630 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the country. Philadelphia, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Allegheny City, Pa., present striking evidences of the wretched condition of old cast-iron pipe mains, and we herein set forth some of the facts pertaining thereto. In the case of Philadelphia the records show that over 150 miles of the old cast-iron pipe are tuberculated and must be taken up. The Almshouse holocaust there, brought about by the choked-up condition of the cast-iron pipe, caused the public to demand a knowledge of the condition of the fire service. Now, to be sure, some of this cast-iron pipe is very old — but, is it serviceable ? No ! It is worse than no pipe at all, be- cause if there was no pipe where this worn out and tuberculated pipe now is the city would at once lay pipe which is serviceable and the public property would be protected. The same state of affairs has existed in the city of Allegheny, Pa. The news- papers there have been continually clamoring, the citizens com- plaining and the Superintendent of the Fire Department doing all he can to clean the pipe and warning the public that the tuberculation and incrustation in the cast-iron mains prevent him getting the proper fire service. It is the same thing there ; although the cast-iron pipe shows age, it does not show age and serviceability. The following extract is taken from the Pittsburgh Dispatch, issue of March 13th, 1S85 : Superintendent Browne, of the water works department, has just com- pleted his estimates for the replacing of the old and worn-out cast-iron water pipes under the principal streets of the old section of the city. This will be submitted to the Pipe Committee at their next meeting. The amount to be expended in the old city line, in this way, will foot up in the neighborhood of $50,000. ' 'These replacements will not be made any too soon, ' ' was the remark of Superintendent Browne. New pipes will be laid during the coming summer ; they will enable the department to give better water pressure in the lower end of the city, without causing the bursting of pipe, a most desirable end to the business men, especially those who want water in the upper stories of buildings. Now, this pipe which was taken up was in its present bad condition for many years ; the water pressure has been growing less and less, by reason of tuberculation, and the consequent retarding of the flow. It would seem as if the life of cast-iron pipe, so far as ser- viceability is concerned, is pretty clearly marked out, and it is by no means so great as the cast-iron men claim. On the other hand, the life of unprotected wrought-iron pipe is by no means THEORY AND PRACTICE. 681 so limited as is claimed by the cast iron men. Serviceability is what we want to see, combined with age. There are in the oil country thousands of tons of wrought- iron tubing and casing, which have been buried in the ground for upwards of twenty years. There is a regular trade carried on by the men who " pull " this secondhand wrought-iron material, re-cut the threads and re-sell it for future use. The oil country is interlaced with wrought-iron pipe, of which there is a perfect net-work. Consider the system of 7,000 miles owned by the United Pipe Lines, most of which has been in active and severe service for years, and which is still sound and serviceable. As we will hereafter show, this mileage was given to the public by Mr. W. T. Schneider, Superintendent of the United Pipe Lines on February 25th, 1885. Since that time the extensive wrought-iron lines which have been added will amount to several thousand more miles. Take the City of Montreal, for instance, the gas works of that city have plain, unprotected wrought-iron pipe, which has been in the ground forty years, and which is still in good condi- tion. At Cumberland, Md., there is plain wrought-iron pipe which has been in the ground thirty years, and which is still in good condition. At Fall River, Mass., we have a record of thirty-eight years, and so on, bearing in mind that ten years have elapsed since these reports were made. At Muncie, Ind., the entire gas works system is laid with wrought-iron pipe, furnished by the National Tube Works Company. The mains are the regular standard screw joint mains ; the service pipe is the ordinary black pipe. All of this pipe is unprotected — just the plain iron — and it has been in constant service for sixteen years. We were informed, a short time ago, that the condition of all the pipe, both mains and services, was as good as new. How long will this pipe last? The presumption is that it will be good when all the readers of this little book of statistics will have but little interest in its condition. In order to bring to your notice a few more indisputable records, by giving exact localities and dates, we herewith sub- mit the names of a few cities in which wrought-iron pipe has been in use for different periods. We have selected different ages in order to the better compare the serviceability of the pipe. The list we submit is by no means a complete one, but it is authentic, and we have the proper vouchers to substantiate its correctness. The information was received by us in the fall of 1885, so that the intervening time should be added to the various periods stated. 682 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Location. Annapolis Albion Amsterdam . . . Augusta Athens Attica Aurora Anderson Adrian. Appleton ....'. Albany Aurora Ashtabula Butler Bucyrus Belfast Ballston Barrie ........ Bridgeport. . . . Brooklyn Brooklyn Batavia Bridgeton Boston Bellaire Beaver Falls. . Bath Binghampton . Bristol Bellefontaine. . Buffalo Bay City Birmingham . . Burlington. . . . Brownsville. . . Bordentown. . . Cumberland . . Cortland Charlotte Chatham Cairo Clinton Calais Council Bluffs. Canandaigua". . Cedar Rapids. Cambridge. . . . Cooperstown . . Crawfordsville Covington Cadiz Chattanooga . . Charlottsville . Carthage Corning Canton Concord Md.... N. Y... N. Y... Me Ga N. Y... Ind. . . . Ind. . . . Mich . . Wis . . . N. Y.. ' Ind. . . . Class of Wrought Iron. Galvanized . Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain O Plain. Age of Oldest. Pa ... O Me N. Y... Can . . . Conn. . N. Y... N. Y... N. Y.. N.J... Mass... O Pa ... . Me. ... N. Y... R. I... Plain. . Plain . Plain.. Plain . . Tarred. Plain . . Plain.. Plain . . Plain . . Plain. . Plain . . Plain . . Plain. . Plain . . Plain . . Plain . . O Plain N. Y... Mich... Conn. . Iowa . . Pa N.J... Md.... N. Y... N. C... Can . . . Ill Iowa . I Me.... Iowa . . N. Y... Iowa . . Mass... Ga Ind. . . . Ky.... O Tenn. . Va . . . . Mo.... N. Y... O N. H.. Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Galvanized. Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain 27 years 30 " 25 " 30 " 30 " 5 " 27 " 10 " 28 " 8 " 25 " 17 " 11 " 10 " 24 " 27 " 20 " 7 " 30 " 6 " 25 " 29 y 2 " 27 " 20 " 14 " 12 " 32 " 31 " 30 " 11 " 36 " 16 " 13 " 25 " 25 " 33 " 30 " 23 " 27 " 13 " 20 " 15 " 24 " 32 " 12 " 15 " 24 " 10 " 30 " 13 " 13 " 30 " 26 " 29 " 32 " Present Condition. Very good. Good. Good. Fair. Good as new. Good. Good. Fair. Fair. Good. Fair. Good. Good. Very good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Fair. Good as new. Fairly good. Fair. Fair. Good. Good. Good. Fair. Fair. Good. Good. Good. Fair. Good. Pretty good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Fair. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Fair. Good. Fair. Good. Good. Verv good. Good. Good. Good. Good. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 683 Location. Class of Wrought Iron. Age of Oldest. Present Condition. N. H... Mass N. Y.... Del Me Ind Wis .... Ill Ill Ind Mich. . . Mass . . . Dak .... Mass . . . N. Y... Ind Iowa . . . Ill Ill Col N. J.... Mich . . . Tenu . . . Me.. .. Ind Pa N. Y. .. Ky DC... Mass . . . N. Y... Pa Me Pa Md Pa Wis .... N. Y . . . N.J.... Pa O Pa Mass . . . O Ind Ind Ky Ky Ill Pa Mass . . . Vt Pa Ill Mass. . . Plain 30 years 24 " 18 " 25 " 28 " 30 " 8 " 10 " 15 " 14 " 15 " 33 " i/ 2 " 31 " 27 " 30 " 20 " 5 " 30 " 20 " 3 " 10 28 " 4 " 24 " 9 " 27 " 35 " 10 " 30 " 25 " 25 " 15 " 10 " 30 " 9M" 28 " 13 " 10 " 27 " 17 " 35 " 3 " 3 " 11 " 6 " 22 " 32 " 3i " 6 " 12 " 25 " 31 " 29 " 17 " 11 " 30 " Good. Plain Very good. Fair. Good. Dover Painted Plain Plain Good. Evansville Plain Good. Eau Claire Plain Plain Plain Good. East St. Louis Elgin Good. Very good. Very good. Goo'd. Elkhart Plain Flint Plain Fall River Plain Plain Good. Fargo Good as new. Fitchburg Plain Good. Fredonia Plain Good. Plain Fair. Fremont Painted Plain Good. Good. Galena Plain . , Plain Galvanized.. . . Plain Ouite good. Good. Galesburg Gloucester Good. Fair. Grand Rapids Painted. Plain Fair. Good as new. Gardner Plain Good. Plain Good. Greensburg Plain Good. Glen Falls . . Plain Good. Georgetown Plain Plain Plain Good. Georgetown Fair. Greenfield Good. Hempstead Plains .... Plain Good. Plain Fair. Hallowell Hamsburgf Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Fair. Good. Hillsboro Good. Good. Good. Jamesville Johustown Galvanized . . . Plain Good as new. Good. Lancaster Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Fair. Good. Logan Good as new. Latrobe Leominster Good as new. Good. Lebanon Good. Logausport Good. La Fayette Good. Lexington Good. Plain Good. Plain Good. Meadville . . Plain Good. Middleboro Plain Good. Montpelier Plain Plain Plain Plain Very good. Moline Good. Good. Marblehead Good. 684 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Location. Montreal Manchester. . . Mt. Pleasant. . Monmouth. . . . Marshall Mauch Chunk Mt. Sterling . . Meriden. Milford Muncie Medina Mansfield Milford Minneapolis . . Morris Newburg Natches Newton New Bedford. Niagara Falls. Newark Niles Newark New Britain . . Nashua Norristown . . . Nebraska City. New Albany . . Natick North Adams. Oswego Oskaloosa. Pittstou Poughkeepsie. Portsmouth . . . Plainfield Plattsburg Plymouth. . . . Plymouth. . . . Paterson Portland Paris Portsmouth . . . Pawtucket Pittsburgh Phillipsburg . . Portland Paris Penn Yann. . . Quebec Racine Richmond Rome Rock Island . . Rushville Roxbury Rochester Can. . N. H. Iowa . 111. . . . Mich. Pa ... Ky... Conn. Del. . . Ind... N. Y. O .... Mass. Minu. 111. . . . N. Y. Miss.. Mass . Mass . N. Y. N.J.. Mich. O .... Conn. N. H. Pa. . . . Neb.. Ind. . . Mass . Mass . N. Y. Iowa . Pa. . . N. Y. Va. .. N.J.. N. Y. Mass . Pa . N.J Me. 111.. O .. R. I Pa.. N.J Oreg Ky N. Y Can Wis Ky. Ga. 111.. Ind. Mass . N.J.. .in Class of Wrought Iron. Age of Oldest. Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain and Gal Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain . . : Plain and Gal Plain Plain Tarred Tarred Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Painted Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Painted Plain Plain Plain and Gal Plain Plain Plain Painted Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain 40 years 33 " 13 " 7 " 12 29 " 13 " 20 " 9 " 6 " 13 " 28 " 30 " 15 " 9 " 6 " 26 •' 22 33 " 25 " 20 " 20 " 22 27 " 3i " 33 " 14 " 33 " 10 " 20 29 " 12 " Unkn'n 9^ y'rs 10 " 20 15 " 30 " 11 " 30 " 35 " 11 20 " 30 " 10 " 25 " 25 " 18 " 24 " 30 " 15 " 12 " 32 " 30 " 7 " 30 " 4 " Present Condition. Good. Good. Good. Fair. Very good. Good. Good. Good. Good. All good. Good. Fair. Very good. Good. Good. Good as new. Fair. Fair. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Very fair. Good. Fair. Good. Good. Good. Good. Fair. Good. Good. Good. Very good. Good. Good. Very good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Fair. Pretty good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Fair. Fair. Very good. Fair. Good. Fair. Good. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 685 Location. Class of Wrought Iron. Age of Oldest. Present Condition. Rockville Sag Harbor Stillwater.. . O N. Y . . . Conn . . . N. Y . . . Minn . . . Vt Iowa . . . Ind .... Mass . . . Minn . . . Mo O Mo Mo Pa Mo 111. ... Ontario. Cal Ind Ind ... . Nev .... Pa Man Ontario. Can Pa Wis Mass . . . Mass . . Minn . . . O Ind N. Y... O Tex O O O Plain 25 years 32 " 20 " 25 " 10 " 25 " 10 10 " 33 " 23 " 9 11 " 12 10 11 " 18 " 8 " 3° " 12 7 " 5 " 23 " 12 '" 2 9 " 7 " 29 " 30 " 29 " 36 " 14 " 10 " 7 " 11 " 24 " 10 " 11 18 " 36 " Pretty good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Plain Plain Plain Plain St Albans Plain Fair. Sioux City Shelby ville South Boston St. Paul Plain Good. Plain Painted Plain Plain Plain Plain Good. Fair. Good. Springfield Sidney Good. Good. Good. St. Joseph Sewickley Plain Good. Plain Good. Plain Fair. Sterling Plain Plain Very good. Very good. Santa Rosa Vincennes Valparaiso Plain Plain Plain Plain Very good. Good. Very good. Good. Plain Very good. Winnipeg Plain . . Good. Plain Good. Windsor Plain Plain Plain Good as new. Wilkesbarre Good. Fair. Plain Good. Plain Fair. Winona Washington Plain Plain Good. Good. Plain Good. Plain Good. Plain Good. Waco Plain Plain Good. Wellsville . . Good. Plain Good as new. Plain Good. Trautwine gives the tensile or cohesive strength of: Wrought Iron Ordinary Average 44,800 pounds. Wrought Iron Good Average 5°»4oo Wrought Iron Superior 60,000 We took from three pieces of our Converse Lock Joint pipe three coupons which we had tested at the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, on February 13th, 1885, and they showed the following tensile strength to the square inch : First Piece 56,920 pounds. Second Piece 55,9 8 ° Third Piece 57,44° By this it will be seen that the iron composing our pipe is between the good average and the superior. 686 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. We cut a coupon from a piece of cast-iron pipe for the pur- pose of obtaining its tensile strength and comparing it with what we knew to be first-class cast-iron. In order to make this comparison we cast a section at our foundry from the regular run of metal used in our castings ; just such metal as goes into all the special castings we furnish for water and gas works. We had these coupons tested at the Pittsburgh testing laboratory on February 13th, 1885, and with the following result, as per their certificate : Cast-iron pipe 15,760 pounds. Our cast-iron fittings from good metal 29,110 " From this you will observe that the tensile strength of our castings is nearly double that of the iron composing cast-iron pipe. This question of tensile strength is an important matter. When taken in consideration with the elasticity of metal, it shows the comparative powers to withstand any sudden shock or " water hammer." Mr. N. Henry Crafts, Consulting Engineer, commented on this important question to the Committee of Water Supply of the town of Watertown, Mass., as follows : Having satisfactorily shown the measure of this objection (inadapt- ability to withstand shocks and high strains), as applied to cast-iron pipes, and finding the results not compatible with true economy, it may be well to inquire whether, if wrought iron were to be used and a certain and infal- lible protection of the metal from corrosion were possible without too great cost, the same results would ensue. The use of cast-iron for water pipes, so far as adaptability of material to the strains and shocks which such pipes are subjected to, is not warrant- able where it is possible to make use of wrought iron, properly protected from corrosion, at the same cost, or even at a moderately increased cost, for it is well known that, as regards tensile strength, capacity of resistance to sudden and unusual strains, shocks and blows, either from extraordinary pressures, water rams and pulsations, or from carelessness in handling, wrought iron is much superior to cast-iron, as the quality of toughness and elasticity is superior to brittleness, under the same circumstances. In the case of cast-iron pipes, allowances are made for the ram or wave, for unavoidable irregularities in the thickness of the castings and for safety in handling. The large allowance made for the first is in part owing to the nature of the strain, which corresponds to a blow or shock from a solid body, but is mainly called for from the brittleness, comparatively speaking, of the material in use. If 2 was found to be a proper co-efficient of pressure to guard against the effects of the ram in cast-iron, we need make no allowance in wrought- THEORY AND PRACTICE. 687 iron beyond that provided in the factor of safety. For other contingencies, irregularities of thickness and safety in handling, it is evident no allowance is needed in wrought-iron. I have long regarded the use of cast-iron for water and gas pipes as but an extravagant and most wasteful application of the most valuable metal in the world. I have given }'OU all the facts in my possession, and have presented my discussion on the several topics which have any bearing upon the question under consideration, in full, that you may the better judge of the correct- ness of my conclusions on each particular topic and upon this, the final de- cision, on the two main questions : First. — What kind of pipe shall be used ? Second. — What effect will increased pressure, under the Holly system, have upon the cost of piping ? To the first question my decision has already been given, and the answer is, use the lap-welded pipe by all means, both for street mains and for service pipes. To the second question, the answer depends upon the reply made to the first, and, accepting my reply to the first as correct and judicious, the answer will be, " The increase of pressure incident to the Holly system will have no effect upon the cost of pipe either for street mains, service or house pipes." Under the subject of " Hydrostatics," Trautwine has the following to say regarding the thickness of pipe to withstand sudden pressures : Cast-iron city water pipes require a greater thickness than that given by the rule to enable those of small bore to endure the necessary handling, and to provide against irregular castings, and the air bubbles or voids, to which all castings are more or less liable. In the writer's opinion, experience has shown that if we employ one- eighth of the ultimate cohesion of the iron, in using the rule, and then add three-tenths inch to every resulting thickness, we shall obtain satisfactory practical thickness. Double-riveted pipes, Fairbairn says, are about 1.25 times as strong as single-riveted. Hence they may be one-fifth part thinner. Lap-welded ones are nearly 1.8 times as strong as single-riveted. Many continuous miles of double-riveted wrought-iron pipes in Califor- nia have been in use for years, with safeties of but 2 to 2.6. In one case the head is 1,720 feet, or a pressure of 746 pounds per square inch. In July, 1883, one of the largest cast-iron mains of the water works of McKeesport burst, causing a great deal of damage. We took one of the fragments of the broken pipe, which had been completly demolished, and sent it to our laboratory for analysis, and to ascertain the class of iron which the manufac- turers of cast-iron piping were using. The following is the report of our chemist : FACTS ABOUT PIPE. With regard to the pieces of cast-iron pipe given rne for analysis, I find the iron high in phosphorus : 0.95. This amount would cause great weak- ness of strength of metal, particularly if the casting was in the least im- perfect from the sand. The fracture was fair, though in some places I could see that the metal had not been properly mixed and the grain showed a bluish tinge. I am still making further tests for silicon ; the sulphur is about the usual amount and rather low for foundry iron. On further examination of the broken cast-iron pipe, I form the same conclusion as my previous report, and that is that phosphorus is the sole mischief of bad metal in this cast-iron pipe. The usual amount of phos- phorus in good quality of foundry iron averages 0.3 per cent, while that found in the cast-iron pipe was 0.95. For comparison I submit the fol- lowing : Hot Blast— Good Quality Bboken Pipe. of No. 3. Phosphorus 095 Phosphorus 0.3 Sulphur 0.04 Sulphur 0.03 Silicon 2.25 Silicon 2.25 Graphite 3.10 Graphite 300" UNITED PIPE LINES. In connection with wrought-iron pipe it is interesting to note that the various pipe line companies in this country, which have been absorbed and are now operated under the name of the " United Pipe Lines," had in February, 1885, 7,000 miles of wrought-iron pipe in active use. A number of these lines are laid right on top of the ground, exposed to the weather and are working and have been worked for years, to convey oil at pres- sures ranging from 750 to 1,500 pounds. The following article is clipped from the Pittsburg Leader, February 25, 1885 : Seven Thousand Miees of Pipe Line. W. T. Schneider, Superintendent of the United Pipe Lines, states that there are now in use by the National Transit and United Pipe Lines over 7,000 miles of pipe. One line runs from the oil country to Cleveland, an- other to New York, another to Philadelphia and to Baltimore, and one to Buffalo. Again, there is the Bradford line direct, and the Warner and Forest County lines. Another line traverses the lower country, or that region below Oil City. Another line runs from Macksburg, O. , each di- vision having its own superintendent. There are at present seventeen super- intendents and four foremen. The present one is the first one that has been laid in this city. Yesterday afternoon they visited the National Tube Works in a body, for the purpose of witnessing the process for the manufacture of the pipe used so extensively by the companies they represent. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 689 MESSRS. DUNCAN BROTHERS, Engineers. MILD STEEL PIPE. (Homogeneous Iron.) Through the courtesy of Messrs. Duncan Brothers, the re- nowned engineers of London, England, we have been favored with the following data, for our confidential use, covering mild steel pipe which has been so successfully introduced through- out England and Scotland in competition with and replacing cast-iron pipe. In late years steel lias been applied for the making of boilers, for build- ing ships, constructing bridges, and for other purposes where iron was previously employed. One of the most recent adaptations of this metal has been for the making of water, gas, and sewage mains, and one of the more conspicuous examples of this adaptation in this country is the new water mains now being carried across the Tay Bridge to supply the suburb of New- port with water from the Dundee reservoirs. The mild steel utilized for such work is refined wrought-iron, being almost pure metallic iron. It is four times as strong as cast-iron, and this consideration enables the pipes to be made both much lighter and much stronger than when they are of cast- iron. The pipes now being fitted upon the Tay Bridge are only quarter of an inch thick, yet they are equal to a working pressure of 4S7 pounds per square inch. Had they been of cast-iron they would have been three- quarters of an inch thick, and with that extra weight they would only have been equal to a working pressure of 290 pounds. The total weight of the steel pipe in the bridge will be but 120 tons, whereas a three-quarter-inch thick cast-iron pipe of similar diameter would have weighed 350 tons. These figures show how economical is steel as contrasted with cast-iron in the matter of weight and of strength. The pipes are nine inches in diameter, and are made in lengths of 18 feet. The steel is manufactured at Newton by the Steel Company of Scot- land, Limited ; made into plain lap welded tubes by Messrs. A. & J Stewart, Limited, Coatbridge ; and delivered at the Steel Company's Works at Blochairn, where the pipes are fitted with sockets and tested ; the whole operations being supervised by Mr. D. J. Russell Duncan, A. M. I. C. E., of the firm of Duncan Brothers, engineers, London, by whom steel pipes are being introduced. As Dundee will shortly have to spend from ^"50,000 to ^100,000 in laying a new main through Strathtnore, some particulars of this new development of water pipe engineering will not ba uninteresting. The steel plates of which the pipes are formed are carefully beveled at the edges. They are then, whilst hot, bent by machinery into cylindrical tubes, are welded to- gether (the beveled edges allowing the weld to run obliquely through the metal) by being passed through rollers under strong pressure. A patent socket or collar, also of steel is afterwards shrunk upon one end of each pipe, and is fixed in a fashion which renders it part of the cylinder. At intervals of about 350 feet an expansion joint is fitted, formed of cast-iron double col- lar joint with rubber rings placed on the ends of the steel pipes, the pipes in this case being well mouthed — i. e. , slightly flanged — in order to retain the rings in position. 690 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The system now introduced is a new departure in Scotland in the con- struction of water maius. Lap welded pipes of small size made of wrought- iron are commonly used for service pipes for water, but the development of lap-welded pipes made of steel into water mains with socket and spigot joints is a great advance upon anything of the kind hitherto attempted in this country. Wrought-iron pipes are very largely used in the United States, many thousands of miles being now employed in carrying water, natural gas, oil, &c. Only manufacturers in America can, as yet, turn out lap-welded iron pipes up to 24 inches diameter, the plant being employed being larger than any available in this country. In all likelihood, however, a demand will arise for these pipes, which manufacturers will prepare themselves to meet. The pipe now being laid on the Tay Viaduct proves that piping of homo- geneous material of much greater strength than cast-iron can be manufac- ured within commercial limits, and the use of mild steel will likely become general for the construction of water mains, especially where the pressure put upon them is high and burst frequent. The test pressure put upon the Tay Bridge pipes is 600 pounds per square inch, or more than five times their actual working pressure. Several of the pipes have been tested to 1,300 pounds per square inch, or more than ten times the maximum pressure which can ever be put upon them when working. Considering that the thickness of the metal is only one-fourth of an inch, the withstanding of this enormous pressure indicates how great is its strength. The question has been raised as to the durability of steel as compared with cast-iron under the action of water. Dr. Dupre, of London, examined several plates of steel, wrought-iron and cast-iron, and his report goes to prove that the action of Lintrathen water upon steel is almost the same as on cast-iron. Care has been taken in coating the Tay Viaduct pipe with a thick covering of a composition specially prepared to resist the action of water. This composition is of a resinous nature, and each pipe as it ar- rives at the Tay Bridge is dipped into a large tank containing the molten material. On emerging from the bath, the pipe is found to be coated, in- side and out, with a tough, smooth, glassy covering, which effectually pre- serves it from contact with water. The specifications prepared by Mr, James Watson, M. Inst. C. E. , Water Engineer, Dundee, who is Engineer for the Works, is the first com- plete specification yet drawn out for this description of water mains, and the Tay Viaduct line is the first of its kind in Britain. Messrs. Duncan Bros., engineers, London, are the contractors. Mild Steel Mains, for Gas, Water, &c. In olden times, before the processes for refining iron were known, it was customary to make all large engineering structures of common cast- iron ; steam boilers, bridges, roofing frames, columns, girders and pipes of large diameter, as well as many other articles, all being made of this material. When malleable iron rolled into plates and bars became a commercial commodity, it was applied to the construction of steam boilers, bridges, girders and other structures ; and scientific investigation proved that in ad- dition to being more ductile, it had greater tensile strength than cast-iron, THEORY AND PRACTICE. 691 the relative tensile strengths of cast-iron and wrought-iron being, approxi ■ mately, i and 2.7. Mild steel is refined wrought-iron, being nearly pure metallic iron, and when rolled into plates its strength compared to cast- iron is as 4 to 1. In consequence of its strength and ductility it is eminently adapted for all purposes to which cast-iron has been formerly applied, and in many in- stances, as in naval architecture, it takes the place of timber. Having now been used for several years for building ships and construct- ing steam boilers, girders, columns, and many kinds of engineering works> in which timber and cast-iron have been discarded, it seems reasonable to suppose that in time it will take its place as the proper material from which to construct pipes and mains for water, sewage and gas. With regard to strength, the ultimate tensile strength usually mentioned in specifications for cast-iron pipes is 18,000 pounds per square inch ; mild steel, however, is now made with an ultimate tensile strength of 72,000 pounds per square inch. It follows, therefore, that if pipes are made of steel plates of the same thickness as would be employed iu cast-iron, they are approximately four times as strong. The actual strength is not exactly four times, because it is not customary to calculate resistance to internal pressures with the same co-efficient or factor of safety for both materials. The factor of safety usually employed for cast-iron is 10, that is to say, the working strength of the material is taken as only one-tenth of the actual strength, which, in the case of pipes, means that if the internal working pressure is to be 100 pounds per square inch, the strength of the pipes is calculated to resist 1,000 pounds per square inch. For wrought-iron the factor is 6, and for mild steel 5. The reason for the differences in the factor of safety is because iron and mild steel are more homogeneous and thus more reliable than cast-iron. The impurities which are present in cast-iron are of less specific gravity than metallic iron, and consequently the specific gravity of the mixture called cast-iron is less than that of pure metallic iron. Mild steel is the nearest approach to pure metallic iron, which commerce and science com- bined have yet produced on an extensive working scale. The average weights per cubic foot of the metals are : Cast Iron. Wrought Iron. Mild Steel. 450 lbs. 4S0 lbs. 489.6 lbs. The average weight of water is 62.5 pounds per cubic foot ; therefore the specific gravities average : Water. Cast Iron Wrought Iron. Mild Steel 1 7.20 7.6S 7.83 Table No. i. — Relative Thickness for Equal Strength. Cast Iron. Wrought Iron. Mild Steel. Weight of plate in lbs. per sq. ft. 1 in. thick 37.5 40 40.8 Tenacity per sq. in iS.ooo 48,600 72,000 Relative strength for equal thickness ... 1 2.7 4 Factor of safety 10 6 5 Relative strength due to factor of safety. 1 4.5 Reduction in strength due to riveted joints 2,0% 3°?° Relative strength after reduction for riveted joints 1 3.15 5-6 Relative thickness for plates of equal strength 1 0.3174 0.1786 693 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Table No. 2. — Relative; Weight for Equal Strength. Thickness of plates in inches, 40 lbs. weight per square ft 1.066 1.00 0.9S04 Relative strength for equal weight 1 2.533 3- 6 7 8 " " due to factor of safety. 1 4.22 7-356 " " after reduction for riveted joints 1 2.955 5-H9 Relative weight of plain cylinders of equal strength 1 0.3384 0.1942 Increase in weight of pipes due to joints 5-S# I5# 15^ Relative weight of pipes of equal strength 1 0.3678 0.211 The relative thicknesses for plates of equal strength for materials of the ultimate tenacity under consideration are given on the last line of table of No. 1. In the next table the results obtained show the relative weights of pipes of equal strength, having socket and spigot joints made from materials of the ultimate tensile strengths specified. Applying these results to an ideal case, we find that if it is specified that cast-iron pipe to stand 300 ft. working head of pressure, and 24 in. internal diameter are to be }i in. = (.875) thick, then wrought-iron pipes of the same diameter would be .875X.3174 = .2778 in thick, and mild steel pipes would be .875 X.17S6 = .1573 in. thick, or say : % in. /a in. and g% in. thick respectively, for equal internal pressures. Then again, if one mile of 24 in. cast-iron pipes J4 inch thick made up of pipes in 12 ft. lengths weighing 24.8 cwt., each length weighs 545.6 tons, the corresponding weight of one mile of wrought-iron pipes will be 545.6 x 0.3678 = 200.6 tons. And one mile of mild steel — 545.6 XO.2111 = 115. 2 tons. These results show that for equal diameters 24 inches, equal working pressures of 300 feet, and equal lengths of one mile, the weights are re- spectively : Cast-iron. Wrought-iron. Mild Steel. 545.6 200.6 115. 2 tons. It must be remembered, however, that these results are conditional upon the materials having the ultimate tensile strengths before stated. The great reduction in weight effected by the use of mild steel is pro- ductive of considerable economy in the cost of the pipes at the maker's works. The price per ton of mild steel pipes averages about /\% times the current price of cast-iron pipes ; as the relative weights for equal strengths are as 1 :.2in, it is, therefore, apparent that the relative costs for a given length are as 1 : 0.90, or, in other words, length for length, at a cost of 10 per cent, less than cast-iron pipes. With regard to carriage, the rate per ton by rail is the same for either cast-iron or mild steel pipes, and as the saving is in the direct ratio of dead weight, for a given length, the cost of railway carriage is 78 per cent, less than on cast-iron pipes, and a like saving can be effected in handling the pipes at the site of the track in which they are to be laid. The next point to which attention is directed is the jointing. As mild steel pipes are so much lighter than cast-iron pipes, it is clear that they may THEORY AND PRACTICE. 693 be conveniently handled in longer lengths. The system of construction also favors this, and in fact the pipes may be made in one continuous length, built up at the site, if it is desired. The customary methods are to make them in lengths of 24 ft., this being twice the usual length of cast-iron pipes, and consequently having only half the number of joints. Taking the 24-in. pipes before mentioned the lengths and weights would be : Cast-iron. Mild Steel. Diameter 24 in. 24 in. length each pipe 12 ft. 24 ft. Weight " 24.8cwt. 10.47 cwt. Relative weights per pipe 1 0.42 " lengths " 1 2 Again, taking the case of one mile in length, 440 pipes would be re- quired in cast-iron, and only 220 in mild steel, consequently there is a saving of 50 per cent, in the labor and cost of jointing a given length. Then with regard to each joint, the mean circumference of the space for lead in an ordinary cast-iron socket joint is greater than in mild steel pipe, in conse- quence of the greater thickness of cast-iron. The reduction in the circum- ference of mild steel socket is equal to a saving of 9% per cent, upon the weight of lead required for a 24-in. cast-iron pipe socket ; assuming that the depth of lead is the same in each case, the total saving in lead is therefore 59X per cent. To show the final economical result in the case of one mile of 24-inch pipes previously mentioned, the several relative costs are : Cast-Iron. Mild-Steel. Saving. Internal diameter (inches) 24 24 — percent. Length (mile) 1.0 Number of pipes 440 Weight of each pipe (cwts.) 24.8 " one mile (tons) 545-6 Relative cost per ton " " of carriage per ton " " " on total " " of laying per yard " number of joints " weight of lead each joint " " " " mile " cost of making each joint " " of jointing one mile " " total for one mile " " of pipes and carriage " " " carriage and laying Relative cost of pipes, carriage, laying and joint- ing one mile 24 — 1.0 — 220 — IO47 — 115. 2 — 4-25 — 1.0 — 0.2III 73 0.7 30 o-5 5° 0.905 9/2 0405 59^ 0.8 20 0.40 60 0.9 10 0.84 16 o 834 16.6 The saving actually effected in the total outlay for one mile of 24-inch pipes is therefore : Cost of Pipes. Cost of Carriage. Cost of Laying. Cost of Jointing. IO# 6% 0.6^ 4.6$ 21.2%. If the difference between the total cost of a line of cast-iron and mild- steel mains, viz., 21.2$, as shown above, is invested at 4 per cent, compound interest, it will accumulate in 3^ years to the amount of the original out- lay for the steel main, and thus provide for its renewal ; for example, if the cost of laying a cast-iron main is ,£"10,000, the corresponding cost of a mild 694 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. steel main would be ^"7,880, showing a saving of ^"2,120. This sum laid out at 4 per cent, compound interest would amount to ,^7,887 in 3^ years, and would pay for a new line of mild-steel pipes. Many cases have to be dealt with in which the practical difficulties of using cast-iron are easily overcome by the use of .mild-steel. For example, when sewage pipes have to be laid over soft marshy ground for conveying sewage out to sea, the difficulties with which engineers have to deal are chiefly the instability of the ground and the great weight of cast-iron pipes ; there is also considerable trouble in handling and laying the pipes, some- times two or more lines of cast-iron pipes have to be laid side by side because the heavy weights which one Hue of sufficiently large diameter involve can- not be conveniently carried over and laid upon marshy ground. Mild steel pipes being so much lighter than cast-iron, and, moreover j being in very long lengths, do not impose so much weight upon soft ground ; the weight is also better distributed in consequence of the rigidity due to the reduction in number of lengths, each length of pipe being a very strong built up structure of 20, 30 or 40 feet, as the case may be. There is also the advantage that the diameter of mild steel pipes is not limited as in cast-iron, and pipes may be made of any diameter. If, for example, it was necessary to construct sewage mains of 2S feet area to be laid over soft ground, discharging into the sea beyond low-water mark, it would be necessary to use three lines of cast-iron pipes, each 3 feet 6 inches diameter, or four lines each 3 feet diameter ; whereas, if the main was made of mild steel, one line 6 feet diameter would do all the work. Assuming that these mains were all constructed for a working pressure of 100 feet head, the relative weights would be : 4 lines Cast-iron, 3 lines Cast-iron, 1 line Mild Steel, each 36 in. dia. each 42 in. dia. 72in.dia. Relative working strength 1 1 1 " total sectional area 1 1 1 " total weight 1 1.021 0.226 The cheapest system of construction recommended for mild steel pipes is to make the main body of the pipe after the manner of a horizontal steam boiler ; a number of plates being joined together by circular lap- joints single riveted, each plate forming a ring, being in one piece only double riveted on the longitudinal lap joint. Each plate is bent in the direction of its length, the greatest dimension of the plate being used for the circumference of the pipe whenever the circumference exceeds the limit of width of plate. The plates are preferably used as wide as the steel manufacturers can roll them, to reduce the number of circumferential seams. The plates form- ing the main body of the pipe are specially selected of a very high quality of mild steel, and although most suitable for being drilled or punched and riveted, are not so soft as to be capable of welding ; the reason for this selec- tion of plates being that welded circumferential and longitudinal seams in long pipes of large diameter are more expensive than riveted joints, and be- cause plates which can be welded are of much lower tensile strength than the plates selected, consequently, for equal strength welded plates would have to be about 20 per cent, thicker than those recommended. With regard to the ends of the pipes, it is desirable to have truly THEORY AND PRACTICE. 695 formed ends, either rolled from a solid piece of steel, from a ring or cylinder plate, or stamped from flat plates. The latter system is the best, because plates of a welding quality and known strength can be used, and simply pressed to form sockets and spigots, whereas, if rolled from a solid piece of steel the large diameter, in proportion to the thickness of metal, allows the piece being rolled to cool down, as there is not metal enough to retain the heat, and the unequal cooling and contraction produce inferior work. In order to maintain the full strength of the pipes at the joint, sockets and spigots are made of proportionately thicker plates, the additional weight being added just where required, no excess of weight along the bod}' of the pipe being thereby wasted, as must be the case when pipes are welded throughout their entire length and expanded at the ends to form joints. In dealing with external pressure upon cast-iron pipes, the length must be taken as the distance between the joints, usually 12 feet in large pipes, but in mild steel pipes the calculations are based upon the length between supports, or the distance between the circular seams of plates. Experience in America has proved that when laid to a depth of about three times the internal diameter of the pipe, the earth being well rammed all around and over the pipe, the effect of external loads is not appreciable, and no dam- age results to the pipe, no matter how heavy the surface load may be ; a load carried on a wagon can only impose about one-fourth of the gross weight on one point at a time. Assuming that the fore or rear wheels go over a street in such a way that two wheels would at the same time be bearing on one pipe, the load would of course be borne at two points, the pitch of the wheels apart, proba- bly five feet. The resistance of pipes of uniform thickness to collapse under external pressure varies inversely as the length, according to Fairbairu & Unwin's experiments, but these experiments have all been made on the flues of Lancashire or Cornish steam boilers, and consequently do not apply to a length of pipe laid underground ; and the expression of length in the latter case means the distance between the centres of the rivets *of the circular seams. Accordingly if a pipe should collapse under a given pressure _i", it woidd require a pressure of ix to have the same effect if the circular seams were only half the distance apart ; also, if the length and thickness are the same, the collapsing pressure varies inversely as the diameter. Arrangements have been made in this country for laying down some steel pipes under a street where there is considerable heavy traffic, and observations will be made from time to time to ascertain the behavior of the pipes, under the severe conditions to which they will be subjected. The subject of resistance to external pressure is one requiring very great attention ; very little is yet known as to the effect of heavy street traffic over pipes laid underground ; consequently in drawing out specifications for mild steel pipes it is most necessary to provide means for stiffening those portions of the pipes which may be subjected to external pressure. The calculations for resistance to collapse being entirely different from those for resistance to internal pressure, it does not follow that a pipe of mild steel and one of cast-iron, having equal strength to resist bursting, shall have the same equality in resisting collapse. The ease with which mild steel pipes can be repaired is a great point in 696 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. their favor ; they do not fracture like cast-iron, and consequently are not liable to sudden bursts. Pipes which are exposed are liable to be injured from external violence, such as being cut by heavy pieces of hard rock falling upon them ; leakages have occurred in America from this cause, and repairs are effected either by riveting on a patch, or when it is not practicable to cut off the water, the leakage is stopped by a flat steel baud put around the pipe and tightened up with wedges of steel or compressed wood. Such bands are usually drawn together with lugs and steel keys, and absolutely prevent further leakage. Some hydraulic tests were recently made by Mr. James Watson, M. Inst. C. E. Corporation Water Works Engineer, Dundee, to ascertain the strength of mild steel pipes. A pipe 10 ft. 6 in. long, 12 inches internal diameter, made of steel having an ultimate tensile strength of 24 tons, the plates being .125 inch thick, and the riveted seams as follows : Diameter of rivets 5-16 in. Length of rivets 5-8 " Pitch for single riveting 1 " for double " 1 1-2 " Lap for single riveted seam 1 1-16 " " double " " 21-8 " The pressures calculated for this pipe are as follows : Pounds. Feet Head. Working pressure 152.4 35° Test pressure 266.7 612.5 Bursting pressure 762 1750 This pipe was subjected to a compression between the discs of the prov- ing machine of 56. S tons, or of a hydraulic pressure of 500 lbs. per square inch acting on a ram of 18 inches diameter ; but this gross pressure was counteracted by an internal resistance of 300 lbs. per square inch acting upon the discs of the machine at the socket end of the pipe, the internal diameter of the socket at its extreme end being 12^ inches; the net load upon the end of the socket to cause compression was, therefore, 56.8 tons — 16.4 tons— 40.4. The socket was made from a plain cylinder of welded steel 12 inches internal diameter, 12^ inches external diameter before rolling, expanded at its widest part to 13 inches internal diameter, the reduction in the thickness of the plate at the expanded portion was from .125 in. to .1156 in. = 7.5 per cent., the net load of tons imposed by the ram of the proving machine, therefore, acted upon a welded cylinder .1156 inches thick having a mean diameter of 13.1156 inches, and a total sectional area of 4,761 in., the net compressive strain therefore being 8.506 tons per square inch. Another pipe tested was 8 ft. 7 in. long, made of one steel plate y% in. thick, having a double riveted longitudinal lap joint iY% in. wide, riveted together by % in rivets at iyi in. pitch ; the pipe having angle iron flanges fitted at the ends, each flange being 7.)/ z in. X 2j4 in. X ]i ln - This pipe is one of a number which have been constructed for hydraulic ram work in Spain, and each pipe had been previously tested to the test pressure men- tioned in the works' specification, the pressure for which the pipes were designed being as follows : THEORY AND PRACTICE. 697 Pounds. Feet Head. Working pressure 112. 5 260 Test pressure 197.0 455 Bursting pressure 562.9 1300 This pipe, when in the proving machine, was subjected to a pressure of 760 lbs. per square inch, or 1,775 f ee t head, and with the exception of a slight leak at one of the rivets, and a portion of the calking having slightly yielded, and created what is known as a " weeping joint," no sign of total destruction was evident at the above pressure. The result of this test proved that the formulae used for calculating the strength of steel pipes is to be thoroughly relied upon, and that the calculating working test and bursting pressures are within exceeding safe limits. It is very bad practice in designing any engineering work, such as water mains, to have portions of the structure of unequal strength, and by the construction recommended, the body and ends of the pipe have uniform strength to resist internal pressures. There are very many forms of sockets and spigots, and by means of specially designed tools for rolling or stamping them, such forms can be given as may be desired by the engineer. After the sockets and spigots are rolled they are riveted to the body of the pipe with circumferential riveted seams, similar to those joining the several plates which make up the pipe. In designing water mains very great attention must be given to the details of riveting, because unless the riveted joint is made in the strongest possible manner there may be very great waste of material. The weight in tons of plates bearing a very large ratio to the amount of work put upon them, it is clear that the resistance of the riveted joint to bursting should be as nearly the strength of the solid plate as possible. This is best ex- plained by the following figures : Suppose a riveted joint whose strength is only 52^ per cent, of the solid plate, a line of pipes 10 miles long, 30 in. diameter, for a working pressure of 300 feet head, would require to be made of plates .276 inch thick, and the total weight would be 2,412 tons. Again, if the joint was made up to 70 per cent, of the strength of the solid plate, the thickness of the plate would be .2073 iuch, and the total weight would be 1,788 tons, the plates in both cases being mild steel of 30 tons ultimate tensile strength, but being built up into pipes by different systems of riveting. The difference in weight is 624 tons, equal to 34.91 per cent, waste of material over what is required for properly designed pipes. From this it will be seen that too great attention cannot be given to the system of mak- ing the riveted joints. With a view to obtain the greatest possible efficiency at the least cost, it is expedient to design the riveted joints on one or other of the following principles, the determining conditions being the pressure, the diameter, and the thickness of plate which can be most conveniently adopted. No. 1, for the maximum strength which can be obtained from a double riveted joint calculated to 70 per cent, of the strength of the solid plate, used for thin pipes at very high pressures. No. 2, for medium strength of joint calculated for 57^ per cent, of the strength of the solid plate, used for moderately thick pipes in proportion to the working pressure. 698 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. No. 3, for joints which only require to be tight at low pressure, calcu- lated to 45 per cent, of the strength of the solid plates employed, for pipes made of thick plates which are not subjected to much pressure. For convenience in punching, multiple punching machines are em- ployed on the longitudinal seams, and on the end seams a single punching machine is used, with a specially arranged circumferential dividing appara- tus, such that the inner and over laps of plates are punched in nearly radial lines. This system of punching is absolutely necessary to ensure good work, as the difference between the inner and outer [circumferences of the two plates forming the joint causes a radial variation in the axles of the rivets. In some cases the circular over-laps are expanded sufficiently to admit the inner-lap, and thus make a smooth internal cylindrical surface for the pipe. The longitudinal seams are also in some cases arranged in a similar manner. Each pipe is built up usually with four rings of plates, one socket, and one spigot, into one length of about 24 feet. Regarding the jointing of one pipe with another, mild steel pipes offer many advantages over cast-iron pipes, and there is no limit to the variety of socket and spigot which can be formed in mild steel. Ordinary cast-iron turned and bored joints require lead packing when subjected to high pressure, and numerous instances have been known where the rigidity of a turned and bored joint in cast-iron pipes has caused frac- tures during the laying of the pipes, because of the instability of the ground in which the pipes were being laid. If a pipe 12 feet long fits tightly into its fellow, and is not supported rigidly in a true straight line with it, both in vertical and horizontal planes, any angular deviation of the pipe, or overhang from the joint, will most probably cause the joint to break, and when the water is turned on a leaky joint is the result. The design of joint recommended for mild steel pipes is one based on the principles of the ordinary cup and ball joint, but with a projecting parallel or taper socket on one end to receive lead or other packing after the pipes are laid during the laying the cup and ball principle permits of angular deviation, either vertically or horizontally up to certain limits, with- out causing any strain upon the joint, and at the same time preserving close contact of the ends of the pipes. Pipes made of mild steel may be made to taper from the inlet to the outlet without materially adding to the cost, whereas it is not convenient nor economical to make cast-iron pipes taper throughout the length of main. It is well known that the discharge of water is much greater from a properly designed taper pipe than from a parallel one. A few years ago there was laid in the United States of Columbia a tapered pipe, beginning with a diameter of 60 inches, and terminating with two outlets of 11 }4 inches each, the length in all being 19,082 feet. Starting at the inlet end with a diameter of 60 inches, the pipe is con- tinued to a distance of 837 feet, it is then reduced to a diameter of 18 inches, at which it goes on to a further distance of 6,628 feet, when it comes down to 17 inches diameter, and goes on at that for a further distance of 6,440 feet, it then comes down to 16 inches diameter, where is situated a dis- tributor. Two pipes of n)4 inches diameter deliver the water from the THEORY AND PRACTICE. 699 distributor. The pipes from the distributor have a number of bends, and in some places have to rise over small elevations, and for this reason have been specified n}4 inches in diameter. This pipe delivers 96 cubic feet of water per second, under a pressure due to a head of 650 feet ; it was designed and calculated from formulas proved in actual practice by Mr. W. S. Wei ton, Assoc. M. Inst. C. I3-, and was most successfully laid under his supervision. With regard to the life of wrought-iron mains, the best experience of thin plate pipes is that obtained in America, where they have been used for over thirty years. The pipes are in some cases laid without coating of any kind, and do not deteriorate rapidly. They are generally, however, thickly coated with natural asphaltum, and it has been proved after many years' experience that this coating, when properly applied, keeps the pipes per- fectly free from the action of water or moist air. Too great attention cannot be given to the subject of coating. Having tried many different kinds of composition, success has been obtained in perfecting the process of coating pipes, both internally and externally (or externally only in the case of pipes for gas), with a thick covering of com- position, which is not affected by water or air. The composition is applied hot, and when cold presents a smooth, dry and hard, but not brittle, surface. With the object of obtaining scientific evidence as to the applicabil- ity of mild steel for the construction of mains for gas, sewage and water, several experts have been consulted, whose reports are subjoined. REPORT BY W. J. RUSSETL, Ph. D., F. R. S. Chemical Laboratory, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, E. C. June 18th, 1SS6. To answer the question whether mild steel was likely to be more or less acted on by sewage than cast-iron, I have made the following ex- periments, and they certainly indicate that the steel is less attacked than cast-iron is. I received from you four samples of steel, labeled " No. 1, ship quality ;" " No. 2, ship quality ;" No. 4, boiler quality;" " No. 5, boiler quality ;" and some samples of cast iron. Samples Nos. 2 and 5, and one piece of the cast-iron, after well scouring with sand and water, were partly immersed in the sewage you sent me, for a week. Rusting took place at the line of the surface of the fluid in each of these cases, and black sulphide of iron was formed on each sample. The rusting of the cast-iron was visibly more rapidly effected than that of either sample of steel. Samples 1 and 4, and another piece of the cast-iron, were also well scoured, and then subjected to the action of hydrochloric acid of different strengths. The amount of iron dissolved in each case was determined analy- tically, and the results show that in all cases the cast-iron was more rapidly 700 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. attacked, corroded and dissolved than the steel. The following are the numbers obtained for equal areas, very nearly 20 square inches, in each case : Grammes of Iron dissolved. Cast-Iron No. 1 No. 2. With 10 per cent Hhdr. Chi. Acid Do. do. 3 19 8.69 9.19 1.S7 2.15 0-39 1.24 0.30 With 3 per cent. do. These figures show that in every case the iron was considerably more attacked than the steel, and that the most dilute acid which attacked and dissolved so large an amount of the cast-iron had hardly any action on the steel. The same three plates used in the above experiments were again thoroughly scoured with sand and water, and then were immersed com- pletely in separate vessels of ordinary London water. In two to three days rusting took place in each case, but perceptibly more rust was formed with the cast-iron than with the samples of steel. These observations and experiments lead to the conclusion (as far as they can be trusted as indications obtained in the short time at my disposal), that pipes made of cast-iron and used for the conveyance of sewage, would corrode and rust, more especially at the level of the surface of the liquid passing through them, more rapidly than similar pipes made of steel, such as you submitted to me. REPORT BY AUG. DUPRF, Ph. D., F. R. S., F. C. S. London, August 9th, 1886. In accordance with your request I have made two series of careful ob- servations of the action of two samples of Dundee water on four samples of metal, viz.: cast-iron, wrought-iron, and two samples of steel. The experiments were made by your instructions after the removal of the films of oxide encrusting the surfaces of the metal plates. In the first set of observations, the plates were kept entirely submerged under water in a closed vessel, the water being aerated once in every 24 hours. In the second set the plates were similarly submerged, but the water was kept fully aerated by a constant stream of air during the last three days of the experiment. The first experiment occupied seven days, and the second one six days. The detailed results of these observations, as well as the analytical data of a partial examination of the two waters, are given iii the annexed tables. I regret that the time at my disposal has prevented my extending these ob- servations. As far as the experiments have gone, they show that the waters as such have little or no action on any of the metals submitted to me for examina- tion. What action there is, is due practically entirely to the oxygen dis- THEORY AND PRACTICE. 701 solved in the water. This is clearly shown in series one, in which the action is extremely slight, the differences between the several results being but lit- tle more than that due to the unavoidable error of experiment. In series two, the actual differences found between the various metals are but slight, but the cast-iron appears on the whole to be acted on least ; then come, in order of least action, steel 4, wrought- iron XX, and steel X. Thus, calling the loss in weight suffered by a given surface of cast-iron one, the loss from the same surface in the case of the other metals would be : Cast-iron 1 Steel 4 1.020 Wrought-iron XX 1 .046 Steel X 1.09S The periods in which equal amounts of metal would be removed from the surface would of course stand in the inverse ratio ; for example, steel X, the most acted upon, would lose in about ten years as much as the cast-iron, the least acted upon, would lose in eleven years. It is to be noted that these results were obtained in the second series, in which the conditions were of an exceptionally severe nature, for the pur- pose of obtaining a definite result in a limited period ; it is also only fair to call attention to the fact, that the experiments were made on the brightened surfaces of the metals. In the case of the steel, the effect of this would be to enhance the chemical action of aerial oxygen dissolved in the water, as the process of rolling through which the steel passes in its manufacture induces a more or less protective coating of a similar nature to that obtained by the Barff's process. Observations oe the Action of Two Samples oe Dundee Water on Steee, Wrought-Iron and Cast-Iron. First Series. Time occupied, seven days. Metals kept entirely submerged under water in a closed vessel ; water aerated once every 24 hours. Loss calcu- lated on a surface of 24 square inches. Thickness of Plate. Mark on Plate. Weight of Plate. Monikie. Lintrathen. Metal. Doss of weight, Water I. L,oss of weight, Water II. Steel 1 in. 8 1 " 1 " 8 6 " TTX 4 X XX Grammes. 173.88 150-55 190.06 Grammes. 0.025 0.035 O.OIO 0.000 Grammes. Wrought-Iron 0.005 0.013 Second Series. Time occupied six days, three days without and three days with aeration of the water. Metals kept entirely submerged, and water fully aerated during the last three days by a constant stream of air. Loss calculated on a surface of 24 square inches. 702 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Metal. Mark. Loss in Water I. Loss in Water II. Mean. Steel 4 X XX Grammes. 0.310 0-305 0.310 0.294 Grammes. 0.280 0330 0.295 0.285 Grammes. 0.295 0.3175 0.3025 0.2890 Partial Analysis of Two Samples of Dundee Water. Sample No. 1. Grains per Gallon. Sample No. 2. Grains per Gallon. 7-5o 5-o 5-o 1.274 Trace 0.0056 0.27 cubic in. 3-36 3 3-o 0.504 Hardness before boiling 0.0017 0.27 cubic in. REPORT BY WILLIAM WALLACE, F. R. S. E., F. C. S , F. I. C. City Analyst's Laboratory, ) 138 Bath Street, Glasgow, [• August 17 th, 1886. ) At the request of Messrs. Duncan Bros., Engineers, 32 Oueen Victoria Street, London, E. C. , I have made a series of tests with a view of ascertain- ing the comparative resisting power of cast-iron, malleable iron, and mild steel to the action of — ■ 1st. — The Loch Katrine water as used in Glasgow. 2d. — The Tay water as supplied in Perth. 3rd. — Dilute hydrochloric acid (1 per cent.). I have also tried the action of dilute hydrochloric acid (3 per cent.) on plates of cast-iron, malleable iron, and mild steel, which had been coated with Smith's composition, and with an improved composition, obtained by mixing Smith's liquid with 20 per cent, of finely pulverized chalk. The de- tailed results are given in the accompanying tables. The plates were all of the same dimensions, 6 in. x 2 in., and each plate was immersed in two litres of water or dilute acid. The figures show the amount of metallic iron dissolved per litre of water or acid, or in parts per 1,000 of the liquid. The hydrochloric acid employed contained 40.6 per cent, of real acid. As regards the comparative action of the water supplies of Glasgow and Perth, both waters of remarkable softness and purity, there is at first THEORY AND PRACTICE. 703 little difference between the two, but after a time the Perth water appears to act more upon the malleable iron and steel plates than the Glasgow sup- ply, and slightly less than upon the cast-iron. As regards the dilute acid, it was practically saturated with iron in little more than a week, and the liquid began to deposit peroxide of iron. Comparing the action of the waters upon the metals, there is all through less action upon the cast-iron plate than upon the others ; while there is no practicable difference between the malleable iron and steel. In the dilute acid the cast-iron dissolves the most rapidly at first, but after six days it dis- solves less rapidly than the others. The coated plates show apparently anomalous results, but these are no doubt due to imperfections in the coating. There can be no doubt, how- ever, of the superior protection afforded by the improved composition, arising, I believe, from the greater thickness of material the plates are able to retain. In the second column of Table 2, the steel plate comes out best all through, and at the end of the experiment leaves the liquid decidedly acid, while in the others the acid is all taken up. It is therefore evident that steel plates or pipes, properly coated, will stand at least as well as cast or malleable iron. Table i. Showing the amount of iron dissolved by Loch Katrine water, Perth water, and dilute hydrochloric acid (1 per cent.) per litre of liquid. The plates were 6x2 inches, and were immersed in two litres of liquid, in vessels covered but not air tight. Loch Katrine Perth Dilute Water. Water. Acid ) Cast-iron 0024 .0025 After 1 day ,-Malleable Iron 005 .0045 J Steel 0048 .005 ) Cast-Iron After 2 days > Malleable Iron. Steel 85 ~) Cast-Iron 009 .0086 3 After 4 days [-Malleable Iron on .022 3 J Steel 017 .024 3. ) Cast-Iron 013 .011 3 After 6 da3'S V Malleable Iron 032 .035 4 ) Steel 021 .04 4 ) Cast-Iron 025 .025 3 After 8 days '-Malleable Iron. 042 .055 4 ) Steel 035 .055 4. ~) Cast-iron 027 .03 3 After n days r Malleable Iron 046 .09 4 j Steel 04S .085 4 1 Cast-iron 063 .043 4 After 15 da3'S ^Malleable Iron 065 .110 4 J Steel 073 .110 4 Table 2. Showing the action of dilute hydrochloric acid (3 per cent.) 011 plates of cast-iron, malleable iron, and mild steel, coated with Smith's composition, containing 20 per cent of ground chalk. The figures show the amount of iron in grammes, dissolved per litre of liquid or parts per 1,000. 704 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Smith's Improved Composition. Composition. ") Cast-Iron 6.0 2.1 After 2 davs > Malleable Iron 2.5 2.7 J Steel 6.5 1.0 ) Cast-Iron. 9.0 4.5 After 4 davs > Malleable Iron 6.0 50 J Steel. 76 2.0 "1 Cast-Iron 9.0 7.0 After 6 days V Malleable Iron 7.0 S.2 j Steel 90 2.5 ) Cast-Iron 9.0 9.0 After 9 days > Malleable Iron 9.0 8.6 (Steel 9.0 4.0 ~) Cast-Iron 10.0 10.6 After 1 1 day-s ;- Malleable Iron 9.6 9.6 J Steel 11.0 5.5 "(Cast-Iron 10. o 10.6 After 13 days >-Malleable Iron 10.6 106 J Steel 12.4 8.3 On Wrought-Iron and Steel Pipes for the Conveyance of Water and Gas. By W. S. WEI/TON, Assoc. M. Inst., C. E. Wrought-iron pipes have been extensively used in California and South America for over thirty years, for the conveyance of the large vol- umes of water required in what is known as the " hydraulic process " of mining, and for the water supply of towns. The ordinary diameter of these pipes is from 10 to 30 inches, and the thickness of iron plate em- ployed, except in particular cases, is hardly ever over No. 10 B. W. G., or less than No. 16 B. W. G., according to the head of water or static pressure to be sustained by the pipes. An 1 8 inch diameter pipe of No. 10 B. W. G. iron with J^-inch rivets, laid down by the writer in January, 1885, has been sustaining a working pressure of 162 pounds to the square inch since then, and is perfectly tight and gives every satisfaction to the owners. This forms a portion of a pipe 19,000 feet long, and was made in Scotland. The first pipes of this kind, laid by the writer about twenty years ago, were obtained from San Francisco, and were of the ordinary kind used in the hydraulic mines of California, diameters 15 and 18 inches of Nos. 14 and 15 B. W. G. iron. These conduct soft water ; they are still in good working order and show no signs of decay from rust, although the3^ have never had a coating of paint or asphaltum. The pipes are made in sections of about 2 feet 6 inches long, double or single riveted at the ends ; ten of these sections form a single pipe termi- nating in a taper piece at each end for forming a sleeve joint of six inches in length ; the pipes are connected together by simply driving one into the other. In California, the pipes after being made are coated with a compo- sition of asphaltum or mineral tar, by being dipped in a trough of this composition maintained at a high temperature by means of a furnace placed beneath. In America it is customary for the manufacturer to cut the plates of iron to size, punch the rivet holes along the sides and roll them ; the plates are then nested and bundled for sending to the mines. This allows of great saving in freight and cost of handling in transit to the mines. Each joint is made taper, to drive into the next joint about 1% inches. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 705 As the taper upon each length of pipe, of plate of the thickness of No. 16 and No. 10 B. W. G. iron is very slight, it is very difficult to obtain this pre- cisely in punching the side rivet holes, and in joining together the sections. The smaller end has frequently to be expanded by hammering, or it is driven a considerable distance into the next pipe before a tight fit can be obtained ; this is apparently the reason why it is found best in California to punch the end holes at the mine or where the pipe is made. At the mines the pipe is roughly made, and a large amount of leakage takes place when the water is first turned into a new line of pipes, and sawdust or chopped hay has to be thrown into the water passing through the pipe to assist to form tight joints. With this application, after a few days of constant running the leakage is very small. In pipes laid by the writer the leakage amounted to about 4% of the quantity of water flowing through the pipe at a velocity of 30 ft. per second and might have been entirely prevented if there had been any neces- sity for so doing. Pipes for mining operations are generally laid upon the surface of the ground, and can be taken apart almost instantly and removed to some other section of the mine. They follow the undulations of the surface, excepting where a narrow high ridge is met with or a deep ravine has to be crossed. In such cases a cutting or level is made, or the pipe is carried upon high trestle work of slight construction and nailed together. In California it is customary to draw the pipes into each other to form the joints by means of blocks or screw jacks ; the writer, however, has found a small battering-ram, consisting of a piece of timber 8 inches in diameter, and from four to five feet long, swung by four men, to be much more convenient and effective, as the pipe has frequently to pass places where there would be no means of fixing jacks, and it is found that the solid blow of the ram drives the pipe a greater distance than blocks will take it, and makes a much tighter joint. Again, in California the small end of the pipe forming the joint is placed down stream ; this produces leaky joints, as there is a tendency for the water to draw in air at these joints, and suck out any dirt which would assist in making a tighter joint. The writer always places the taper end up stream, and in this way the water is continually beating on the packing and carrying sand into the joint, and so stops any leak which may occur. Pipes put together on this system become perfectly tight, and it is most difficult to take them apart again, such is the wedging up which takes place from the pressure of the water within the pipe. The pipe made for the writer in Scotland was cut and punched on sides and ends as for straight joints without any taper, and then one end was passed through rolls and expanded so as just to take in the un- expanded end of the next joint ; one joint was then riveted up the side, and four other joints were curled up and nested inside of this for shipment to South America. These pipes were riveted and put together by natives who had never done such work before (a much less intelligent class of men than the California miner, who is generally his own smith and carpenter), and turned out to be quite tight, and required very little drifting to get all the end rivet holes to correspond. This form of joint the writer considers very superior to the joint used in California, and cost less, as the whole of the rivet holes are punched by machinery, and the plates do not require to 706 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. be marked for punching ; one edge is punched at one blow, the plate is then turned over, and the other side punched in a similar manner, and thus a perfect correspondence of holes is obtained. The Cherokee pipe, California, diameter 30 inches, is made in straight joints, put together in the same manner as a cylindrical steam boiler. The sides are double-riveted, ends single-riveted, rivets one inch apart. The plate of which it is constructed is of inferior quality, and the rivets are too close together. The writer has found \ x / 2 inches distance apart for side rivets, and 2 inches apart for end rivets to give tight joints, and not weaken the iron. The Cherokee pipe is riveted from end to end, and in ordinary mine pipes it was formerly a custom in California to rivet lugs or hooks upon the ends of each pipe, and bind these together with strong wire after the pipes had been driven into each other The writer has found that with a working pressure of water of 160 lbs. to the inch, it is quite unnecessary to secure the pipes together in any other way than by merely driving one into the other about six inches, and that this allows for all alterations produced by expansion and contraction from changes of temperature. The Cherokee pipe, laid down about sixteen years ago, is in perfect order yet, and shows no signs of decay. The greater por- tion of this pipe is laid in a trench cut to receive it. The pipes laid by the writer have been mostly laid upon the surface, or suspended from ledges of rock cliffs, and are for the greater portion of their length quite exposed to the atmosphere ; these show no signs of deterioration from rust. The variation of temperature was 40 ° F., and no expansion joints were required, although the pipe, 19,000 feet in length, was fully exposed. In England, on account of the extreme cold, a pipe of this kind would have to be placed a certain depth in the ground, and with such thin material it might be supposed that the pipe would crush. As an instance of the strength of these pipes to withstand a crushing pressure, one pipe of No. 14 B. W. G iron of 2 ft. in diameter, laid by the writer, passed through a cut- ting 30 ft. deep, cut in sand then filled in again ; this shows no signs of crushing or flattening. A similar pipe of No. 14 B. W. G. iron, 4 ft. in diameter, placed upon the surface head of water 12 ft., showed a slight tendency to flatten, but upon placing logs of wood under each side, this pipe is found to answer perfectly. A good deal of this stiffness is probably due to the pipes being constructed in short lengths, and to the horizontal seams being placed to break joint. At every 2 ft. 6 in. length there is a double thickness of metal from 1 }i to 2 inches wide, firmly riveted together. In laying pipes underground there is a far better opportunity of sup- porting them than when laid upon the surface, and the writer is of opinion that a 3 ft. diameter pipe of No. 12 B. W. G. iron, with the earth properly packed underneath, would withstand the pressure of any depth of cutting, provided the cutting wts not excessively wide, as his experience in under- ground work and deep cuttings is that, however deep the filled-iu cutting may be, the pressure upon the timbers supporting the roof of the gallery below is not more than equal to the depth of filling 3 % times the width of the cutting ; when the filling is of ordinary earth well rammed in with rock- filling the pressure would be less, and with wet sand more. From the long experience of the writer in laying and using pipes of thin wrought-iron plates, he is of opinion that these are eminently adapted THEORY AND PRACTICE. 707 for gas pipes and water mains for the supply of towns, and that they possess many advantages over pipes of cast-iron. In the operation of laying, the lightness of the pipes makes them so easy to handle that no heavy machinery is required for lowering them into place, and the laying can be quickly and cheaply performed. There is no danger of any defective pipes being laid, as any defects in the material of their construction would be discovered in the manufacture ; mild steel pipes possess homogeneity, strength and elasticity, and these are pre-eminently the qualities required in pipes for water mains, which are liable to be sub- jected to sudden excessive strains. In pipes for supplying water to mines a certain amount of leakage at the connecting joints is of no consequence, but in water mains and gas pipes this would be objectionable. The difficulty has been completely got over by Mr. D. J. Russell Duncan, Assoc. M. Inst. C. E-, who has devised and pat- ented a form of joint for connection of steel and wrought-iron pipes which combines all the essential points of the ordinary connections made use of by the makers of cast-iron pipes. This connection consists in expanding one end of the pipe, and the other end is also turned up. It will be seen that the cost of laying light steel or wrought-iron pipes would be less than that of laying the usual heavy cast-iron pipes, but this is not the only saving. The steel pipes themselves can now be supplied, di- ameter for diameter, at a considerable less price than cast-iron pipes. We are also indebted to Messrs. Duncan Brothers for the following copy of their argument presented to the Dundee Water Commissioners, proving the superior advantages of their pipe over cast-iron pipe. DUNDEE WATER WORKS. LlNTRATHEN SUPPIyY. 1887. To the Dundee Water Commissioners. Gentlemen: — Specifications having been issued by your Engineer for the pipes required in making and completing the new water mains from Lintrathen to Shanzie, and from Shanzie to Pitnappie Reservoir, a conven- ient opportunity is afforded for considering the advantages which mild steel posseses over cast-iron as a material for the construction of water mains. As you are already aware, a mild steel water main is laid on the Tay Viaduct, and is the first of its kind in Scotland. This main is 9 inches internal diameter, made of steel plates % i nc h thick, in lengths of 18 feet, the joints being formed on a patented principle by sockets stamped from solid steel, which fit over the spigot ends of the pipes, and are made water- tight in the usual manner, with yarn and lead. These pipes are also coated by an improved patented process, whereby a thick and durable composition is deposited over the whole internal and external surfaces. The whole work was carried out to the entire satisfaction of your 708 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. engineer, and the fact that the Tay Viaduct main, throughout its whole length of about two miles, is a great success, and a novel and thoroughly good piece of engineering work can be demonstrated by actual observations on the viaduct. The pipes required for the Tintrathen mains are the following, all 27 inches diameter : Section A. — Tintrathen to Shanzie. 360 yards, 1% inches thick, weighing 166 tons. 145 " 1 inch " " 60 " 3,280 " % inch " ' 1,14s " 3,785 1,374 " Cast Iron. or, 3,785 yards, Ys inch thick, weighing 580 " Mild Steel. Section B— Shanzie to Pitnappie Reservoir. 3,652 yards, 1^8 inches thick, weighing 2,454 tons. 2,512 " 1Y2 " " " i,55i " 3,4oo " 1% " " " 1,908 " 1,060 " i« " " " 539 " 216 " iVb " " " 99 " 1,740 " 1 718 » 12,580 'J or, 7,269 " Cast Iron. 3,652 yards y% inch thick, weighii g 945 tons. 5,9i 2 " % " " " 1,221 •' 3,016 " T6 " " " 54i " 12,580 2,707 " Mild Steel. The total weights for the two Sections : — Section A, 1,374 B, 7,269 8,643 tons Cast Iron. A, 580 B, 2,707 3,287 tons Mild Steel Showing a reduction in weight in favor of Steel of - - - 5,356 tons. In making the above comparison, the bends and specials are not in- cluded. The weight required for them is \62yi, tons cast-iron, or about 70 tons mild steel. It is unnecessary to go fully into an investigation of these special pipes, as they form but a small item in the work ; accordingly in discussing the subject of water mains they will be omitted. Referring again to the straight mains, a reduction in weight by the use of steel from 8,643 to 2,287 tons is 5,350 dead-weight saved, and is equal to 62 per cent, of the original weight of cast-iron. The advantage of this great reduction will at once be evident, as it means 62 per cent, of the cost of carriage saved, and the same amount of saving in cost of handling the pipes during the process of laying. There are yet other great advantages which must be mentioned, viz., the economy effected in the construction of bridges which do not have such THEORY AND PRACTICE. 709 heavy loads to carry ; also, wherever the track is laid in soft ground there is less liability, on account of the smaller weight, for steel pipes to sink or otherwise follow the undulations due to movable soil. This latter advantage mainly affects the jointing and the maintenance of the pipe line. Frequent cases of leakage at the joints of water mains have arisen in consequence of the pipes being laid in soft and shifting ground, causing the pipes to deviate from the line of level in which they were originally laid, as cast-iron is rigid and brittle, quite incapable of bending, and, unlike steel in this respect, the result has been in such cases a fractured joint. Steel, on the other hand, being lighter, has not so much tendency to displace soft soil ; it is malleable, ductile, and having great elasticity compared with cast-iron, does not break or fracture under such circumstances. As there is no part of the Iyintrathen pipe track subject to undue ex- ternal loads, it is needless to discuss the comparative strengths of steel and cast-iron pipes under such circumstances ; the only point worthy of note is this, that whereas cast-iron will fracture, steel will only bend under external pressure ; in the former case the pipe leaks, in the latter it remains per- fectly water-tight. The resistances to internal pressure are set forth in Table No. i. Cast-iron has an ultimate tensile strength of 18,000 lbs. per square inch, whereas the mild steel, of which these pipes would be made, has an ultimate tensile strength not exceeding 62,720 lbs., but not less than 53,760 lbs. per square inch. The pressures given are calculated by the usual formulae, and the ad- vantage in the strength of steel as compared with cast-iron can at once be seen on the line indicating the relative working pressures. Table No. i. cast IRON. Thickness of Metal, inches. Working Pressure, feet.... T-Yi 1% 1% I« i/s I 500.4 461.9 423-4 3S49 346.4 307 9 269.4 MILD STEEL. Va V, % 7 Iff 7 lis y& 1149.4 919-6 919.6 804.6 804.6 689.6 Thickness of Metal, inches. Working Pressure, feet Strength of Cast Iron Pipe, of Mild Steel " . I 2.297 I 1.991 I 2.172 I 2.091 I 2.323 I 2.240 2.560 If Steel Pipes were designed to be of equal strength to pipes of Cast Iron, the thickness would become : — Thickness of Metal, inches " nearest fraction Thickness proposed Margin .2721 .2511 .2302 .2093 .1884 .1674 9 32 % V* 7 32 3 32" % V* % 7 T8" yi 1 1 3^ % u 7 T3" y 7 3 2" .1464 5 32" % 710 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. From the above table it will be seen that the mild steel pipes proposed are capable of standing on an average two and a quarter times the pressure in ordinary working for which the cast-iron pipes are designed. The last line, entitled "Margin," indicates the excess of metal in the steel pipes over that required to give strength equal to cast-iron — this excess amounting to a quarter of an inch, will allow most amply for any corrosion which might take place in the pipes, although corrosion is hardly possible, as the pipes would be thoroughly protected with the patent composition as used on the Tay Viaduct main. While on the subject of pressure and relative strength of the pipes, it should be noted that the test pressure for steel pipes as given in Table No. 2 are much higher than those employed for cast-iron. The figures prove that, so far as safety is concerned, steel pipes are infinitely superior to cast-iron. Tabu; No. 2. cast iron. I,0O0 900 1% 800 750 1% 650 1 600 n 550 MII,D STEEL. H 1,750 % 1,750 % 1,500 7 T6 1,500 7 TS" 1,500 1,500 1,500 With regard to jointing, the number of yarn and lead joints for steel pipes is reduced by 33 per cent, on the corresponding number for cast-iron pipes. In the one case the pipes have an effective length of iS ft. and in the other 12 ft. The safety of the whole line of mains is more efficiently secured by re- ducing the number of joints, as the risks of leakage are lessened. This advantage is an important factor, both in cost of laying and in maintain- ance ; about 10 per cent, of lead is saved in each joint, as the circumference of the pocket for lead in the steel pipe is smaller than in the cast-iron pipe. The total saving of lead in making joints amounts to 42 per cent. There is also a proportionate saving in labor. The sockets are formed on the steel pipes by rolling and expanding the plates after they have been lap-welded. When the socket has been properly formed by the rolling machine, a mas- sive mild steel hoop is shrunk on, and the extremity of the socket turned over and bell-mouthed, by which process it becomes practically impossible for the hoop to come off. The cavity or pocket for lead is deeper at the bottom of the socket than at its mouth, consequently after the molten lead has set and is thoroughly calked all around, a very strong dove-tailed joint is formed, which cannot fracture. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 711 Table No. 3. Section A.— Cast-Iron. Length in Yards. Number of Pipes. Length each Pipe. Thickness of Metal. 360 145 3,280 90 36 820 12 ft. 5 in. 12 ft. 5 in. 12 ft. 5 in. t-Vz in. 1 in. V& in. 3,785 946 MILD STEEL. 3.7S5 631 18 ft. 5 in. Section B.— Cast-Iron. 3,652 913 12 ft. 5 in. i s A in. 2,512 628 12 ft. 5 in. 1% in. 3,400 850 12 ft. 5 in. 1% in. 1, 060 265 12 ft. 5 in. 1% in. 216 4 12 ft. 5 in. i}i in. 1,740 435 12 ft. 5 in. 1 in. 12,580 3,145 MILD STEEL. 3,652 609 iS ft. 5 in. V& in. 5912 986 18 ft. 5 in. ^ in. 3,016 503 18 ft. 5 in. Tc in - 12,580 2,098 Total number of joints — cast iron, MILD STEEL, Reduction in number of joints, 4,091 2,729 1,362 The question of durability is often raised by gentlemen to whom the subject of mild steel is introduced for the first time. There is a general opinion on the part of those who have not gone closely into the question that mild steel corrodes more rapidly than cast-iron, and that because pipes made of steel are thinner than those made of cast-iron, they must necessarily be weaker and more liable to the corrosive action of soft water or the moisture of the atmosphere. Numerous tests have been made, under varying conditions, by leading scientific men, but the results in no way prejudice the introduction of mild steel for all purposes as well as for pipes. 712 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Cast-iron is liable to serious adulteration with carbon, either iu a com- bined form or graphitic, as well as with silicon-phosphorus and other impu- rities, the result of which is that corrosion frequently occurs throughout the mass of metal, in consequence of galvanic action set up by the graphitic carbon — at first on the surface, but in many cases (aggravated by the poros- ity of the metal) it extends to a considerable depth, and finally decomposes the iron. All castings, wherever the metal is thick, such as pipes of i% inch metal, are more porous, and have a larger percentage of air holes and other defects than thinner castings. Experience has proved that the thicker the casting the more unsound it becomes. Mild steel plates are nearly pure metallic iron. All the impurities are eliminated, and the metal — rolled under great pressure — is quite homogeneous. There is no evidence to show that mild steel will not last as long as cast- iron, and its constant use in these days for structures — such as the Forth Bridge and other large undertakings — as well as for water mains, is conclu- sive evidence that engineers and scientific men familiar with the material do not hesitate to employ it on every possible opportunity. As the process of manufacturing mild steel plates on the Siemens-Martin principle has not been many years before the public, and it is only recently that mild steel has become a commercial commodity, it cannot be said that the experience of half a century, or even of five and tv/enty years, can be obtained as evidence of its durability. There is abundant testimony, however, to the long life of wrought-iron pipes — as used in America — many lines of pipes not exceeding ]/% inch thick having been at work over thirty years, and still working in perfect condition, without any trace of corrosion. To meet the prejudices against the use of mild steel, it was necessary to employ a protective covering or coating for steel pipes, and, after great trouble, a composition was found and patented, which has since been ex- tensively applied. This composition can be put on to any desired thickness, and is very adhesive to the metal, pliable, yet not soft, and without effect in flavoring the water. It is not acted upon by water or air, and, so far as is yet known, is practically imperishable. As this composition completely covers the whole of the metallic sur- faces, there is no opportunity for oxygen, either in air or water, to attack the steel plates ; hence the probability of extensive corrosion setting in is extremely remote. By the addition of a small quantity of chalk or lime to the coating composition, a skin can be formed on the surface of the pipe, which has an affinity for the lime in the water, and by this means, instead of corrosion or oxidation taking place, a crust of lime will in time be formed on the inside of the pipe, which will still add to the protective covering. The external surfaces of the pipes are sometimes— after being coated, and while still hot — sprinkled with clean, sharp sand, and by this process are asphalted on the outside in such a manner as to be perfectly protected. The approximate weight of composition which would be used upon the steel pipes is 55 tons. In conclusion, it may be stated that many corporations and private firms are becoming keenly alive to the advantages of mild steel pipes. The Imperial Government of Japan is about to lay a large quantity of mild steel pipes, 33 inches internal diameter, made of plates only ^\ in. thick. The THEORY AND PRACTICE. 713 Vancouver Water Works Company have decided to lay a great many miles of wrought-iron or mild steel pipes, 16-in. and 22-in. diameter, made of plates Y% in. thick. The Bournemouth Commissioners recently contracted for a storm out- fall, 36 inches diameter, to be laid in the sea, over 2,000 feet in length, all made of mild-steel plate % in. thick ; and one of the largest municipal corporations in England is at the present time negotiating for a mild-steel main, 42 inches diameter, to be made of plates % in. thick, about two miles long. Many other cases could be cited, but these facts are sufficient to prove that mild-steel pipes will take the place of cast-iron mains, and prove to be stronger, more durable and more economical. The financial aspect of the question has not been fully discussed in this paper, as the tenders submitted for your consideration will speak for them- selves. It is only necessary to point out here that, for equal strength, mild- steel mains are less expensive than cast-iron mains, and that steel of 2% times the strength required for cast-iron cannot be produced at the same price. In all cases where steel takes the place of cast-iron for large water mains, there must always be a substantial reduction in the cost of laying and jointing. Having created a special line of business in this branch of engineering, and been encouraged in its development by the enterprising spirit which your able engineer displayed when he recommended the adoption of mild- steel mains for the Tay Viaduct, as well as by the support which you have already given to this new industry, we recommend this paper to your favor- able consideration. We have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your obedient servants, Duncan Bros. London, September 29th, 1887. 714 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. CEMENT LINED PIPE. Chicago, Ills., June ist, 1893. E. C. Converse, Genl. Mgr. National Tube Works Co., New York. I have before me the Annual Reports of fifteen cities who have had Wrought-Iron Cement Lined Water Pipe in use, and I submit a few extracts from the reports. I regret that I have not time to submit extracts more in detail. In order that the data may be verified, if necessary, I give the dates of the several reports, and the pages on which the data may be found. Baltimore, Md., December 31, 1887. There were 410 leaks on main pipes, of sizes from 2 to 40 inches. Baltimore, Md., December 31, li There were 482 leaks on main pipes, of sizes from 1% to 40 inches. Burlington, Vt., December 31, 1886. pp. 4. Replacing cement pipe. Pipe $1,21396 Labor 1,109 67 Lead, Packing and Wood 183 06 $2,506 69 pp. 6. The cement pipe in the following streets has been replaced this season with cast-iron pipe. 4-inch : Elm St., from Spruce to Adams 635 ft. 6-inch : Spruce St. , from St. Paul to Union 930 ft. 6-inch : St. Paul St., from Spruce, southerly 536 ft pp. 7. 6 inch : William St., between College and Pearl 100 ft. 10-inch : Pearl, from Champlain to Church 1163 ft. 10-inch : Pine Street 42 ft. 10-iuch : St. Paul Street 42 ft. 10-inch : Elmwood Avenue 24 ft. 4-iuch : George Street 24 ft. Total length of Pipe replaced 3496 ft. pp. 9. The repairs made during the year have been as follows : On Cement Pipe 16 Breaks. On Cement Pipe 11 Leaks. On Cement Pipe 2 Pick holes. On Iron Pipe 3 Breaks. On Iron Pipe 12 Leaks. pp. 10. RECOMMENDATIONS. Although the number of breaks has been less than the previous year, I would recommend that the appropriation for replacing cement pipe be increased. Respectfully submitted, F. H. Parker, Superintendent. Burlington, Vt., December, 31, 1887. Replacing Cement Pipe. Cast -Iron Pipe $1,568 19 Labor 592 47 Packing and Lead 201 66 $2,362 32 CEMENT LINED PIPE. 715 Until such time as the Cement Pipes in those streets is replaced by Iron Pipe, when permanent connections will be made. The cement pipe in the following streets has been replaced this season, with cast-iron Pipe : 4-inch : Church Street, northerly from Adams 430 ft. 4-inch : Maple Street, westerly from Elm 180 ft. 6-inch : Champlain Street, from Pearl to Peru 803 ft. 6-inch : Smith's Lane 65 ft. 4-inch: Peru Street 36 ft. 4-iuch: Monroe Street 63 ft. Total length of Cement Pipe replaced 1577 ft. Burlington, Vt., December 31, 1888. pp. 5. Replacing Cement Pipe, Cast Iron Pipe $2,06940 Labor 912 93 Packing, Lead, Stops . 460 46 $3-442 79 pp. 10. The Buel street pipe is connected with the South Willard street pipe, the Hickok street with the North Union street pipe, and the Haswell street with the North Avenue pipe by small pipes, until such times as the cement pipe of those streets shall be replaced by iron pipes, when permanent connections will be made. The Cement Pipe in the following streets has beeu replaced with cast iron pipe this season : 4-inch : Decatur Street, from North Winooski Avenue 549 ft- 4-inch : Elm Street, from Maple to Adams 540 ft. 6-inch : Champlain to North 690 ft. 6-inch : Battery Street, from Bank to Pearl 830 ft. 10-inch : Battery, from Pearl to Battery Place 630 ft. pp. 11. 4-inch: Bank 43 ft. 4-inch : Cherry Street 62 ft. Total length of Cement Pipe replaced 3,344 ft. pp. 12. The repairs since April 25th, have been : On cement pipe 6 Breaks. On cement pipe 6 Leaks. On cement pipe 2 Pick holes. On Iron Pipe 3 Leaks. Burlington, Vt., December 31, 1S90. pp. 11. The Cement Pipe in North Street, between Front Street and North Avenue, has been replaced with 10-inch cast iron pipe a distance of 420 ft. pp. 12. The repairs for the year have been : On Cement Pipe 10 Breaks. On Cast Iron Pipe 2 Split Pipes. On Cast Iron Pipe 3 Joint Leaks. pp. 14. THE SEASON'S WORK. At the opening of the season advantage was taken of the opportunity afforded to replace the cement pipe remaining in North Street between the 10-inch iron pipe laid last season, and North Avenue. A short piece of cement pipe * * * has been replaced with iron pipe * * * and the weak pipe relieved of the heavy pressure which for years it has been declaring its inability to stand. Since the above repairs were effected there have been no breaks reported from the North yard, which, considering the fact that heretofore about one-half of all the breaks occurring on Cement Pipe happened on that line, it is very noticeable as well as gratifying alteration of circumstances. 716 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. 15. Owing to the large amount of work, in the line of general repairs, demand- ing attention, the department was unable to lay all the cast-iron pipe procured for the purpose of replacing cement. Chelsea, Mass. Year ending 1890. pp. 16. The Cement Pipe originally laid, has been to a large extent replaced by iron pipe. REPORT OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. Another official year has closed, and it is with considerable satisfaction and not a little pride, that your Commissioners are enabled to present so favorable a record of substantial work accomplished ; more especially in the removal of the old cement-lined pipe, which has entailed large expense and no end of trouble in the matter of breakage and leakage. The Commissioners hesitate somewhat in the matter of recommending further outlays in continuing the good work so suc- cessfully commenced, solely on account of the city finances and the great demands which will doubtless be made upon the treasury the ensuing year ; but they nevertheless fully believe that it will be economy to continue the work, and that there is no better or more auspicious a time to do necessary work in the water de- partment than when it is absolutely needed to perfect the system. * * * Your Commissioners feel safe in predicting that with the completion of the replacement hoped for in the near future, that Chelsea will have a water system second to no other in the Commonwealth. pp. 102. CEMENT-LINED PIPE RHXAID WITH CAST-IRON PIPE- In Everett Avenue 1682 ft. 6-inch. In Broadway 1183 ft. 10-inch. In Walnut street 2259 ft. 8-iuch. In Orange street 510 ft. 6-inch. In Addison street 518 ft. 6-inch. In Grove street 2012 ft. 6-inch. In Bellingham street 852 ft. 6-inch. In Spruce street 57 2 ft- 10-inch. In Cottage street 500 ft. 6-iuch. In Division street 3 2 7 ft- 6-inch. Total 10.414 ft. 6-inch. 47 Breaks have occurred on the distribution pipes : 6 on the 3-iuch. 24 on the 4-inch. 14 on the 6-inch. 2 on the 8-inch. 1 on the 10-inch. 47 pp. 103. The water has been shut off and let on for leaks and repairs 227 times. Concord, N. H., December 31, 1890. pp. 9-10. EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. pp. 10. In Ferry Street, East from Main street, 425 feet 4-inch cement-lined pipe has been replaced with 4-inch iron pipe. pp. 13. The Board are not prepared at this time to recommend a plan for overcom- ing the weakness of our present system. DEDHAM WATER COMPANY. Dedham, Mass., January 12, 1891. (Extracts from the address of the President, Winslow Warren, to the stock- holders). CEMENT LINED PIPE. 717 pp. 3. But one leak has developed upon the main line, a defective joint repaired at a cost of $6. 06 * * * In this connection, I would state the remarkable fact that pp. 4. in Plymouth last season a section of three hundred feet of cement-lined pipe laid in 1857 was taken up on account of some alteration of the street, and found in such perfect condition that it was relaid, a thing never before done with any kind of pipe. * * * [Note. — "A thing never before done with any kind of pipe." No doubt President Warren was sincere in his statement to the stockholders of his water company, but the statement indicates that his knowledge of water-works appliances is confined to what he has learned by experience at Dedham, or to what somebody at Plymouth has told him. If the latter, if Mr. Warren could but induce this one of Ply- mouth's 7239 to remove to Dedham (thus increasing Dedham's pop- ulation to 6642) Mr. Warren might possibly get some more " Facts " from him.] Hartford, Conn, March 1, 1S76. pp. 5. There has been expended for repairs on hydrants, gates, main and service pipes and general repairs, the sum of $25,592 30. pp. 6. There is included in the above amount, charged to repairs, the sum of $12, 007. So, the same being the cost of taking up and replacing with iron pipe 2544 feet of 20-inch cement main on Farmington Avenue. These two items taken into account we are sure the financial showing is as good or better than for any previous year. pp. 9. REPAIRS. Repairs on Main Pipe $4 490 12 Taking up and replacing with iron pipe 2544 feet of 20-inch main 12,007 So pp. 10. The 20-inch main on the south side of Farmington Avenue 350 feet in length has been taken up and relaid [Note.— This happened fifteen years before Prest. Warren of Dedham made the statement, "A thing never before done with any kind of pipe."], also repairs made to the same, opposite Sisson Avenue, at a cost of $604.51. pp. 14. NEW TWENTY-INCH MAIN. This work, completed at the date of our last report with the exception of the connection at Gillett Street, was finished early in April, and the balance of the main between Gillett and Broad Streets gradually put under pressure, but before getting the full head, a break occurred in front of the residence of Charles F. Howard, about one o'clock in the morning of April 12th. This break was undoubtedly caused by this length of pipe having been slightly cracked near the centre in transportation, and not being discovered at the time of laying it. When placed under pressure it was opened about eight feet in length. [Note. — This happened to the " new 20-inch cast iron main."] During the past season that portion of the old 20-inch cement main on Farm- ington Avenue, between the residence of B. F. Cooley and Laurel Street, 1776 feet in length, has been taken up and relaid with iron pipe, at a cost of 17,748.77. This we are sure has resulted in greatly reducing the waste of water, to say nothing of the constant annoyance and expense of digging for, and mending of, joints, which has been necessary in this section of pipe for we know not how long. pp. 15. Also 22S feet of this same 20 inch main, extending westerly from Bleeker St., has been taken up and replaced with iron pipe at a cost of $1,132.16. This dis- poses of the last piece of Cement Pipe in this old main conduit east of this point. It will thus be seen that this department have expended, the past year, the sum of $12,007.80 in taking up 2544 feet of the old 20-inch cement main conduit, and replacing it with iron pipe ; and believing it the true policy not to increase the construction account, for the sake of making a show on paper, of receipts over and above interest and expenses, this amount has been charged where, in our judgment, it properly belongs— to repairs of main pipe. 718 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. WROUGHT IRON AND CEMENT PIPE. As this department frequently receives letters from other towns and cities, asking with reference to the comparative merits of the Cast Iron and Wrought Iron and Cement Pipe in use in this city, perhaps it will not be out of place to give a few facts relating to them, and as to the condition of the pipe taken up the past season, pp. 16. The major part of the wrought iron and cement pipe in use by this depart, ment has been laid from six to ten years, the greater portion of it, as we are informed, having been laid by contract and the remainder by the department itself, under its own immediate supervision. The 2544 feet of 20-inch main taken up the past season embraced both a por- tion of that laid by contract and that laid by the department itself, and we were unable to see any difference in the condition of either. The outer covering of cement on at least five-sixths of the pipe was loosened, or to a certain extent de- tached from the iron shell, aud the intervening space being filled with water- oxidation of the iron to a greater or less extent has been going on, and in a few places the rust had extended itself completely through the iron ; very few, if any, lengths of pipe were found to be entirely free from rust. Such being the facts, it certainly seems to us to be only a question of time as to the final destruction of the iron and consequent failure of any line of pipe laid with like material and the same kind of workmanship as was here employed. The main trouble, and the cause for taking up this main at this time was the constant leakage of the joints. This leakage at the joints and occasional bursting of the sleeves in the larger sizes of this kind of pipe (16 and 20"), has been the principal source of an- noyance and expense to this department. The smaller sizes have as yet given us very little trouble, but in one or two instances, the past season, leaks have been repaired in the six-inch pipe caused by the rusting through of the iron shell ; and generally in tapping the pipe the iron is found to be more or less oxidized, and in some cases nearly rusted through, showing conclusively that the same destruc- tive element is at work in the small as in the larger sizes of the pipe. This we believe to be a fair representation of the present condition of the Wrought Iron and Cement Pipe in use in this city. Hartford, Conn., March 1st, 188S. pp. 8. Repairs on main pipe $2,714.13 pp. 9. WATER MAINS. There have been laid, during the past season 15,733 feet of cast-iron mains (see appendix), including 5,311 feet to replace cement-lined sheet iron pipes ; and at a cost of $16,839.83. pp. 12. It will be seen that we have paid all the ordinary expenses ; have expended $16,839.83 in laying new cast-iron pipes and replacing cement pipes with iron. pp. 15. APPENDIX. Cement Lined Pipe Replaced With Iron Pipe. Avon, from Windsor to front 410 ft. 6", cost , $538.73 East, from Belden, north, 207 ft. 6", cost 276.16 Wethersfield, from Alden, south, 5104 ft. 6" 5,122.53 $5,937-42 Hartford, Conn., March 2d, 1891. pp. 5. Repairs on main pipe $1,060.93 pp. 6. WATER MAINS. There has been laid the past season 29,218 feet of iron mains (see appendix), including 5,505 feet to replace cement-lined pipes, the new main costing $9,539.45, and those replacing cement pipes $6,379.19 ; in all $15,918.64. CEMENT LINED PIPE. 719 pp. 13. APPENDIX. Cement Lined Pipe Replaced With Iron Pipe. Main, from Suffield to brickyard 3,665 feet 8", cost $4,705.62 North, from Avon to Front, 763 feet 6", cost 779-33 Woodland, from Albany, south, 1,077 feet 6", cost 894,24 $6,379.17 Lowell, Mass, for 1890. pp. 77. LEAKS. Very few leaks have occurred in the mains during the past year. In November a break occurred at the Corner of .Suffolk and Moody Streets, when a 6-inch pipe broke entirely off, caused, probably, by the settling of the earth of the sewer ditch. Iu December a leak was found in the 24-inch force main at the entrance to the reservoir, and excavation was made to the depth of 17 feet, when it was found that all it needed was about two minutes work at driving up the joint. A leak has been known to exist in the 20-inch pipe, just before crossing the canal on Cabot Street, for a long period of years. After digging for eighteen hours to the depth of 21 feet the pipe was reached, and the leak repaired with very little trouble, after which the gate connecting the corporation line of 20-inch pipe with Merrimack Street was opened, and left so for the first time since it was put in place. Manchester, N. H., December 31, 1887. pp. 8. THE FORCE BAND SUPPLY MAIN. The force main burst close to the reservoir bank and 14 feet of cast-iron pipe was laid in its place, making a connection with the iron pipe laid in the embank- ment. There have been twenty-two bursts where we have taken out cement pipe and put in cast iron. There have been three places where water has run into the cellars from bursts in the cement pipe, and where the owners of the houses claim damages. Two of these claims have not been adjusted. Manchester, N. H., December 31, 1889. pp. 4. From year to year, small amounts of wrought-iron and cement pipe have been replaced with cast iron in places where the former had failed by reason of poor workmanship. Realizing that this process must continue, and in order to take advantage of the exceptionally low price of iron, your commissioners purchased a large supply of water pipe, most of which is now on hand. A few small leaks in the cast-iron pipe on Valley Street were all there were on the supply main. pp. 9 . DISTRIBUTION PIPE. Water pipes have been extended 10,183 feet— nearly two miles. pp. 9. Twenty-four streets at an expense of $7- 2 53 The pipe was taken up and laid over, beside that which was repaired : 466 feet on Winter Street. 1017 feet 011 Merrimack from Pine to Beach. 375 feet on Hollis Street. 416 feet on Birch Street. 242 feet on Washington Street 148 feet on Church Street. 2664 feet : The pipe 011 these streets had caused the most trouble for the last two years, and it was thought best to relay it. Three hundred and twenty-four feet of 10-inch cast-iron pipe were relaid at the eddy in Amoskeag. The pipe had settled and the lead had started at the joints so that they leaked badly and had to be repaired quite often. It was feared that it might break some night and wash out the roadway and deprive Amoskeag of water till the break could be repaired. It was therefore thought best to lay it over. The pipe line under the water across the Merrimack river has been used but twice this season ; that was when repairs were being made on the other line. 720 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. It seems in good condition, Dut as we have said in former reports, a small leak would soon cut a large hole in the pipe, and it was necessary to keep water on this line only when actually needed, pp. 16. The following places are where cement-lined pipe was taken up and cast- iron laid : [Note.]— The table gives the location upon 24 streets, the totals being as follows : 396 feet of 4-inch pipe. 1863 feet of 6-:nch pipe. 355 feet of 8-inch pipe. 16 feet of io-inch pipe. Total, 2830 feet. Manchester, N. H., December 31, 1890. The force and supply main had about the usual number of leaks. DISTRIBUTION PIPES. The greater part of the old cement pipe is found to be in bad condition. But there are some sections of 50 to 100 feet in length where the cement pipe is per- lectly sound, pp. 10. The cement pipe has been taken out where it was considered the poorest. It will be noticed that the pipes relaid, excepting 430 feet of 10-inch, are the smaller sized, mostly 8, 6 and 4-inch. Next year we shall have to buy a large amount of pipe if we are to continue to re-lay and make extensions, as has been done the past season. As a whole, the water works have run with as little trouble the past season as any. We have had about the same number of leaks and washouts. All claims presented for damages on this account have been adjusted, pp. 10. The following places are where cement lined pipe was taken up and cast-iron laid: Barr street 232 ft. 4 inch. Chestnut street 275 ft. 4 inch. Walnut street 260 ft. 4 inch. Vine street 30 ft. 4 inch. 797 ft- 4 inch. Auburn street 426 ft. 6 inch. Bowman street 810 ft. 6 inch. Central street 40 ft. 6 inch. Douglas street. .. 124 ft. 6 inch. Granite street 355 ft. 6 inch. Laurel street 40 ft. 6 inch. Mast road 461ft. 6 inch. Pearl street . . 32 ft. 6 inch. Pine street. S ft. 6 inch. Second street 48S ft. 6 inch. ■ 2,684 ft. 6 inch. Auburn street 995 ft. 8 inch. Cedar street 993 ft. 8 inch. Concord street 940 ft. 8 inch. Hanover street 929 ft. S inch. Manchester street 570 ft. 8 inch. Merrimack street 985 ft. 8 inch. Pearl street 920 ft. 8 inch. Pipe street 330 ft. 8 inch. Pine street .. 750 ft. 8 inch. Spruce street 640 ft. 8 inch. 8,052 ft. 8 inch. Main street 430 ft, 10 inch. 430 ft. 10 inch. Total 12,063 ft. CEMENT LINED PIPE. 721 Melrose, Mass., December 31. 1889. pp. 4 to 15. QUALITY OF PIPE. At the last annual Town Meeting it was voted : " That the Water Commis- sioners be requested to seriously consider the question of the merits of iron as compared with cement-lined pipe ; the relative cost of the same ; the relative cost of repairing, and all collateral expenses. And if it should be found that the cement-lined pipe is no better or cheaper than the iron pipe, then the manufac- ture of cement-lined pipe be discontinued." In complying with the foregoing request, the Board have found themselves confronted with so much conflicting testimony, and so little really definite infor- mation, that exact data upon which to base an opinion has not been attainable, and they are consequently not prepared to make an absolute statement, preferring rather to submit such facts as they have acquired and leave the decision with the town. Melrose has a good plant, with all necessary apparatus for making cement- lined pipe. She has also workmen skilled in its manufacture and experienced in laying and caring for it. In this respect we possess advantages, both for the prac- tice of economy and in securing perfect work over most of the towns with whom correspondence has been had. A recognition of these facts and a careful com- parison of prices paid by other towns, as well as our own, induces the belief that cement-lined pipe can be produced and laid at an average cost of some ten to fifteen per cent, less than iron pipe. The relative cost of repairing and other collateral expenses can only be given approximately, as we have no record of tests to the two kinds of pipe made under exactly similar conditions. The weight of evidence, however, appears to be that while the expense of repairing a given quantity of iron pipe might be greater than for the same amount of cement, the iron is, on the whole, considered safer and more reliable, and consequently the aggregate cost of its maintenance would be no greater than for cement. A satisfactory comparison of the two kinds of pipe as to durability cannot be made, inasmuch as sufficient time has not elapsed to demonstrate fully the endur- ing qualities of either. Plymouth has cement pipe thirty-eight years old and still in use, while Boston has iron pipe forty-three years in service. See report about badly corroded and tuberculated cast-iron pipe in Boston, under head of Tuberculations, Incrustations, etc., and still claimed to be in good condition. Yes, in "good condition," but its capacity decreased on account of tuberculations, incrustations, furring-up, etc., etc., thus proving that its "serviceability " is lessen- ing from year to year as the pipe grows older. Query — would the Water Commissioners of the Town of Melrose say, that a water main was in " good condition " if, after 43 years service, it was found that the discharging capacity of the pipe — on account of tuberculations, etc. — was 25 or even 10 per cent, less than when first put in service ? These figures, however, are exceptional, and, after a careful examination of all the evidence at hand, the board are inclined to regard a fair average of the life of both iron and cement pipe to be some twenty to thirty-five years, both being, of course, greatly influenced by the existing conditions. While each kind of pipe has its merits and each its defenders, it is at the same time true that neither has as yet fully established its claim to superiority. This fact however, must be admitted : that no instance has come to the knowledge of the board where cement pipe has been substituted for iron, whereas it is known that in many cases cement has been abandoned and iron put in its place. Under all the circumstances, therefore, and in view of the fact that Melrose is consider- ing the question of substituting iron for cement pipe, the board call attention to the following points as deserving consideration : A.— The fact heretofore mentioned, that the town has a full equipment for manufacturing and laying cement pipe, and if iron is substituted new apparatus will be required. 722 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. B. — Experience has proved that the chemical action of Spot Pond water on iron pipes is such as to cause rapid deterioration. This peculiarity as compared with other waters which has been examined is decidedly marked, and, involving as it does the question of cost for future maintenance, ought not to be overlooked. C— Melrose has a system of cement lined pipe, and it is an open question whether a combination of the two is desirable. Experts as a rule' do not approve such a union. The judgment of the Board is, that the difference in cost is not sufficient to be made a factor in deciding between the two kinds of pipe ; it is purely a question of superiority. The following letters have been courteously furnished by the gentlemen whose names are signed to them, and are entitled to respectful consideration, expressing as they do the opinions of men of high authority in the matters of which they write. Goodhue & Birney, Water Works Contractors. Springfield, Mass., Jan. 20, 1890. W. D. Fiske, Esq. Replying to yours of the 16th, would say that on the 4, 6 and 8-inch pipe, sizes that you would naturally use for extensions, there should be a saving of about 10 per cent, in cost of cement over cast-iron at present prices. As I understand you make and line your own pipe, you can judge if you are able to get some work done on the making of pipe at odd spells, when men to whom you give steady employ- ment would have nothing else to do. Regarding the relative life of the two kinds of pipe, if each is properly made and laid, I think the cement would last much the longest. If the work on Cement Pipe is carelessly done, the life of the pipe will be shorter. The chances for a town obtaining poor or imperfect work on Cement Pipe if done by contract are a little more than on cast iron. If you do your own work there can be no excuse for poor work. Plymouth, Mass., has several miles of cement pipe which has been in use thirty-eight years. There is virtue in each kind, with chances for better water from the cement. You are at liberty to call upon me for any further information that I can give you. C. L. Goodhue. Boston Water Works, Office Supt. Eastern Division. ) Boston, Mass., Jan. 25, 1890. J Wm. H. Miller, Esq.. Melrose Water Board. In reply to yours of the 24th iust., asking for my opinion in regard to the com- parative merits of Cast-Iron and Cement-Lined Water Pipes, I will say that I should not recommend the use of the Cement-Lined Pipes, and my reasons for that opinion are based upon my experience with both classes of pipe on the Boston works and upon my general knowledge of the experience of neighboring cities and towns which have used the Cement-Lined Pipes. The Mystic Works, constructed iii 1864 for the supply of Charlestown, were furnished with Wrought Iron Cement-Lined Pipes, and in 1876, twelve years after the pipes were laid, the number of breaks in the mains were one for each 0.45 (about %) mile of pipe, while on the Cochituate works, laid with cast-iron pipe, the number of breaks were one for every 24.4 miles. We have been obliged to replace the entire distribution of Charlestown with cast-iron pipes. The cement-lined pipe was used in Somerville and Chelsea, and in both of those cities the pipes are now giving a great amount of trouble, and they are replacing the wrought-iron cement-lined pipes with coated cast-iron. As to the life of a cast-iron pipe, I can only say that the pipes laid in Boston in 1848 are to-day (1889) in service, and to all appearances nearly as good as when first laid. When laid in marsh mud the cast-iron pipes decay rapidly ; but 111 good earth they will last at least fifty years, and I see no reason why not one hundred. As to the comparative cost, I have not had any experience. Dexter Brackett, Supt. Eastern Division. Office of Superintendent of Hingham Water Works, j Hingham, Feb. 3d, 1890. j" John R. Norton, Clerk of IVater Board, Melrose, Mass : Dear Sir : — As we are a private company and have no Commissioners, I take the liberty of answering your note. We have some 40 miles of cement pipe CEMENT LINED PIPE. 723 from 14 to 3 in., most of it laid in 1879 and 1880. Thus far we have had very little trouble from breaks and our water is very clear. Our pressure is about fifty pounds and we have a gravity supply. For a low pressure like ours I think cement pipe if honestly made and laid, is all right. Would not use it for a pump- ing system or where the pressure was over fifty or sixty pounds. There is very little difference in first cost or in repairs between cast-iron and cement pipe, when the latter is first-class. The extra care necessary in handling and laying cement pipe where it is carefully done, as it must be to insure good work, will offset the difference in cost of materials. So that the only recommen- dation for cement pipe is in its absolute freedom from corrosion and consequent purity of the water. This is the vital point in all water works, and with water that will readily attack iron there is no question of the superiority of cement lined pipe. Otherwise, and with high gravity or pumping pressure, I should say cast- iron every time. C. W. S. Seymour, Superintendent. Concord Water-works, Superintendent's Office. I Concord, N. H., February 3d, j8go, ( John R. Norton, Esq., Clerk of Water Board, Melrose, Mass. Dear Sir : I have your favor ot February 1st. Our works were built in 1872 with cement-lined pipe, and we have but little trouble with it. Of late, we have used cast-iron for extensions. Were we to build our works anew now, I should use cast-iron. The difference in the price is not large. The iron costs more than the cement-lined, but I cannot give you the exact figures. Iron pipe has ad- vanced about $3.00 per ton, and cement-lined would advance some. Mr. C. L. Goodhue, of Springfield, Mass., will give you the figures lor cement-lined. John Kimball, President. Note. — Now refer to the report of Concord. Office of Percy M. Blake, Civil Engineer. ) Hyde Park, Mass., Dec. 5th, 1889. j Major IT. D. Fiske, Boston, Mass. I have been too busy to attend to that matter of comparative cost of piping about which you spoke to me. Let me know, if it is not too late, and I will try to have it looked up for you. I should say, to express it in a general way, that with the present price of cast-iron, the laying and furnishing of 4, 6 and 8-inch wrought- iron and cement-lined and covered pipe, and the furnishing and laying of the same size of cast-iron pipe, standard weight, could be contracted for at the same price. If, however, you are well equipped for the manufacture and laying of the cement- lined pipe, it is probable that this kind would cost ten and possibly fifteen per cent, less than standard cast-iron. Percy M. Blake. Manchester Water Works, Superintendent's Office. ) Manchester, N. H., Feb. 3, 1890. f Melrose Water Commissioners, Melrose, Mass. We have laid no cement pipe for thirteen years. We have laid over with cast- iron pipe this year about half a mile. Now we find in taking up the cement-lined that some portion of it is just as sound as it was sixteen years ago when it was laid. Other parts, the iron is all rusted out. This shows that it could be laid so as to last a long time. We have got to take ours out, that is, a large portion of it, on account of poor work, and we shall lay cast-iron in place of the cement. The cost of cement-lined I do not know about. The repairs on cast-iron are easier made, and it does not cost so much to repair it. I have always understood that you are satisfied with cement, and if so, why change it? Chas. K. Walker. Office of Watertown Water Supply Company, \ Watertown, Mass., Feb. 3, 1890. \ John R. Norton, Esq., Clerk of Water Board, Melrose, Mass. Your favor of the 1st received this forenoon. In reply would sa}\ regarding the merits of cement-lined pipe, there is no doubt in my mind but it is the best 724 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. conductor of water ; the only trouble seems in getting a thorough job. "We have had a very favorable experience ; in fact, our mains have given us no trouble at all. Cast-iron will stand rough handling, and I do not think there is much differ- ence in cost at the present time. J. H. Perkins, Superintendent. Plymouth Water-Works, ) Plymouth, Mass., February 6th, 1890. / Board of Water Commissioners, Melrose, Mass. We can give you very little information in regard to cast-iron pipe, as since 1854 we have used cement-lined wrought-iron almost exclusively. Our water is particularly destructive to cast-iron, and so use the other, as it has proved entirely satisfactory. Some four-inch cast-iron that we laid for a corporation a few years ago was taken up last year, and its capacity was reduced to a two-inch by the for- mation of rust inside. We have not dared to try the dipped cast-iron in any of our mains, although, no doubt, it would last longer than the undipped ; but how much, only time will tell. We laid quite a large quantity of cement pipe three years ago, when we put in another main from the pond to the town, and the prices were as follows, includ- ing pipe, trenching, back-filling, keeping road-bed in repair for a year, and set- ting gates and branches— gates to be supplied by the town. Per running foot : 4-inch, .52. 12-inch, $1.35. 6-inch, .72. 14-inch, 1.70. 10-inch, $1.05. 16-inch, 1.90. In laying our own pipe, with higher labor the expense is a few cents per foot more. I suppose that you know that we are one of the few towns in this State which clings exclusively to cement, but our experience justifies it. Our works were originally laid in 1854, and that pipe is in use to-day, and when taken up is gen- erally in as good condition as when laid. When we laid the new main three years ago, we made two services— a high and a low, and the greater part of the old pipe was thrown on the high service. Of course, for a short time we had quite a number of leaks, as any weak places were shown at once, but the cost of repairing them is small and easily done. The average cost of repairing a leak for the last three years has been as follows : 4-inch $ 6 53 6-inch 12 07 10-inch 12 74 and this is higher than the average cost for a series of years would be, as it includes the time when the high service was put in. The cost of repairs to our street mains since 1882 has been as follows : This also includes removing obstruc- tions, of which there have been quite a number, as we have considerable two-inch pipe which was laid in the early history of the works. A large part of the leaks have occurred in the smaller pipe, as it is harder to make well than the larger sizes : 1882 $159 00 1883 16000 1S84 2 4 2 °° 1885 174 00 18S6 232 00 1887 3S5 00 1888 592 00 1889 261 00 Total $2,20500 In our opinion the whole question is whether the pipe is well made and well laid in the beginning. If it is, the pipe is cheap and durable and as cheap a pipe as can be put down and no danger of the full diameter being decreased by rust, etc. If the pipe is not well made, it is not worth a cent. This is the trouble with pipe laid in various places in Massachusetts. We have constant supervision of the making and laying of the pipe, and the result is satisfactory. CEMENT LINED PIPE. 725 The above cost of repairs is from all causes. For instance, one year we had quite a length of pipe struck by lightning, and we have one or two places which are swampy and the pipe settles, but which will probably be remedied this year by laying the pipe around the swamp. Any further information that we can furnish * * * Charles S. Davis, Chairman. Natick:, Feb. 6, 1890. To Water Commissioners of Town of Melrose. Your letter of February 1 to Natick Water Board was handed to me for my opinion in regard to cement-lined mains. We have about twenty-five miles of that kind of pipe, from 4 to 12-inch, some of which has been laid 16 years. We have not had much trouble so far. As far as I can judge it is in good condition. Now and then we have a few joint leaks, and sometimes a burst or rotten pipe (perhaps two or three a year). This does not result through any fault of the pipe, but from careless work which can be remedied if you can secure honest workmen to take an interest in the work. Poor work will eventually tell, whether in cast- iron or cement-lined. No doubt the risk is greater in cement, as in making joints there is more chance for poor work. There is no doubt about the purity of cement pipe. It is always clean and the same size, without any obstruction. The reason why cement pipe is being discarded for iron pipe is not from any fault of the pipe, but in the workmanship ; not enough cement to light iron. In closing, I would say there is and always has been a doubt in my mind as to how large a pipe that is cement-lined can be laid with good results. Hoping you will give me your opinion in return about pipe, I remain, T. W. Morse, Superintendent. Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 6, 1890. Melrose Water Commissioners : Yours of Feb. 1st came to hand yesterday In answer to your questions, would say, that there are merits in the cement-lined water pipes. It is our judgment, however, that cast-iron pipe is most reliable, and in the long run the most economical. The first cost is in favor of the cement pipe, but in a very few years the difference of maintenance in favor of cast-iron will more than offset it. Water Commissioners, O. Lombard, Clerk. New Bedford, Mass., December 31, 1SS1. pp. 5. As the wrought-iron cement-lined main in Acushnet Avenue, from Union to Walnut Streets, is in a weak condition, it may be considered judicious to replace it with cast-iron pipe at an early day. pp. 9. Repairs to mains and services $1,549-65 pp. 23. Your attention is again called to the weak condition of the wrought-iron cement-lined main on Acushnet Avenue from Union to Walnut. The removal of this section should be included in the work of the coming year. Eight-inch cast- iron pipe should be laid in its place. New Bedford, Mass., December 31, 1887. pp. 20. There is now in use upwards of g l / 3 miles of wrought-iron cement-lined pipe, all of which has now been in use for 18 years. Probably a large portion is still in good condition, but as it has been found very defective in many places it is fair to presume that there is a large number of weak spots not known, and from which a break may occur at almost any time. Unfortunately it is impossible to separate the location of the good from the bad. I would strongly urge that the condition of this pipe be taken under advisement and that steps be soon taken with the view of ultimately replacing all this pipe with that of cast-iron. pp. 41. TAKFN UP. 4-inch Pipe 730 feet. 6-inch Pipe 2,139 f eet. Total length removed in 1S87 2,869 feet - Cement Lined. 112 feet of Cast Iron Pipe. 726 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. New Bedford, Mass., December 29, 1889. pp. 4. 12,715 feet of main distribution pipe has been laid and 4,902 feet of that prev- iously laid has been removed, pp. 42. TAKEN UP. 821 feet of 4-inch Cast Iron Pipe. 2,161 feet of 6-inch Cast Iron Pipe. 1,294 feet of 4-inch Cement Lined Pipe, and 625 feet of 6-inch Cement Lined Pipe. 4,901 feet — removed in 1890. Salem, Mass., December 20th, 1880. pp. 10. We have had but few bad breaks or leaks the past year. The worst was upon the twelve-inch pipe on North Street, and was caused by opening a hydrant on Dearborn Street, and one on Webb Street near Essex, caused by rust on the ten- inch pipe near the sewer, pp. 13. DISTRIBUTION PIPE. There has been some trouble with the pipe the past year, principally from rust and letting the water on to the hydrants at fires. In all cases of breaks the pipe has been found badly rusted, and there are doubtless many small leaks that have not shown on the surface as yet, but will if they get larger. There have been 29 leaks on the distribution pipe during the year, all of which have been promptly repaired pp. 20-21. LEAKS IN DISTRIBUTION REPAIRED. 4-inch Pipe 3 pick-holes ; wound. 4-inch Pipe 3 lengths rusted out ; new length. 4-inch Joints 1 new length ; 1 wound. 4-inch Plugs 1 blown out ; new one. 4-inch Pipe 3 burst at fires ; new lengths. 6-inch Pipe 6 joints rusted out ; wound. 6-inch Pipe 8 lengths rusted out ; new lengths. 6-inch Pipe 3 bursts at fires ; new lengths. 6-inch Plugs . . 1 blown out ; new one. lo-inch Pipe 1 rusted out ; new length. 12-inch Pipe 1 burst ; new length. Salem, Mass., December 19, 1890. pp. 3. Replacing cement pipe with iron pipes in East Gardner Street. 38, 130 00 Palmer Street 1,870 00 $10,000 00 pp. 4. Weak points along the line of distribution pipes are showing up almost daily, and a renewal of our recommendation for ten thousand dollars per year, for cast- iron pipes in place of cement, in sections of the city requiring same, should be carefully considered by the city council, pp. 12. 446 feet of 6-inch cast iron pipe has been laid to take the place of cement pipe, and also 397 feet of 6-inch. Leaks on cement pipe have been more numerous than during previous years, increasing the maintenance according^'. pp. 17. LEAKS IN DISTRIBUTION, REPAIRED. 4-inch pipe 14 bursts ; new lengths. 4-inch pipe , 2 rust holes ; wound. 4-inch pipe 5 joints ; Wound. 4-inch pipe 1 plug blew off ; new one. 6-inch pipe n bursts ; new lengths. 6-inch pipe 1 rust hole ; wound. 6-inch pipe 6 joints ; wound. 6-inch pipe 1 split ; wound. 8-inch pipe 2 joints ; wound. 10-inch pipe 2 bursts ; new lengths 10-inch pipe 2 joints ; wound. 12-iuch pipe". 4 joints ; wound. 16-inch pipe 1 joint ; wound. CEMENT LINED PIPE. 727 Waterbury, Conn., December 31, 1886. pp. 7. Three breaks have occurred on the main line, which were promptly repaired, although at the cost of some inconvenience to the citizens. pp. j 2 . MAIN PIPE TAKEN UP AND DISCONTINUED. 12-inch cement-lined pipe 1 i,443 feet. 6-inch cement-lined pipe 163% " 4-inch cement-lined pipe 2,i22ji " 3-inch cement-lined pipe 7 1 1 ^4-inch cement-lined pipe 488 6-inch cast-iron pipe 45 Total 4,333% feet. pp. 28. The following is the vote passed by the Court of the Common Council : " Voted, That the sum of $37,500x0 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the relaying of the water main from William Street to Beaver Pond Brook, and the Finance Committee is hereby empowered to make a loan for the above purpose • upon such terms as they shall deem most advantageous to the city." PP- 33- i° pieces of 6" cement-lined pipe taken up, imperfect. 150 pieces of 4" cement-lined pipe taken up, imperfect. Waterbury, Conn., December 31, 1890. pp. 6. Altogether about i 1 / miles of the old Cement Lined Pipes have been taken up and replaced with Cast Iron Pipes, leaving about 10% miles now in use. pp. 7. There have been thirty-three breaks on the Cement Lined Pipes, and six on the Cast Iron Pipes. One of these was caused by a stroke of lightning, which shattered the pipe for a distance of nearly five hundred feet. pp. I0 . MAIN PIPES TAKEN UP AND DISCONTINUED. 4-inch Cement Lined Pipe 4,767% feet. 6-inch Cement Lined Pipe 1,678% feet. 4-inch Cast Iron Pipe 15% feet. Total 6,461% feet. pp. 28. The pumping was continued until October 14, when there were two breaks in the main pipe near Silver Street. During the repair of these breaks the whole supply of the city was from the Cooke Street Reservoir. pp. 32. The reason for recommending an issue of bonds for an amount in excess of the estimated cost of the reservoir and connections, is that there is now in use in the city over seventy thousand feet of Cement Lined Pipes, most of which have been in use for nearly twenty years, and must be replaced sooner or later. Some of this must be done the next season, and in all cases where the pipe will be sub- jected to higher pressure it must be done before making the connection. * * * PP- 45- 9 pieces Cement Lined Pipe taken up, imperfect. 3-inch. 136 pieces Cement Lined Pipe taken up, imperfect. 4-inch. According to the foregoing reports no less than $126,038.31 has been expended for taking out and replacing cement-lined pipe. This amount is made up from the items specified in the various reports, and, as will be noticed, but few of the reports specify the amounts expended, but simply give the number of feet of pipe taken up and replaced by other pipe. I will not attempt to recapitulate the number of bursts, leaks, etc., that have occurred, as they are too numerous. You will notice that in the City of Baltimore alone there was 410 leaks on main pipes in 1S87 and 482 leaks on main pipes in 1890. A. J. Guilford. 728 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Worcester, Mass., Abandons Cement-Lined Pipe. City of Worcester, Mass. — Annual report Water and Sewer Depart- ments. The present revenue of the department will, for the next four years, be entirely absorbed by the replacing of cement-lined pipe with cast-iron, and also the interest and sinking fund account. Condition of Cement Pipe. The twelve-inch low-service main line is in poor condition ; also the twenty-inch, eighteen-inch and sixteen-inch cement pipe between Hunt Reservoir and Montague street, a part of which should be abandoned and a line of twenty-inch cast-iron substituted therefor. The length of pipe laid during the past year in place of cement is 5 6/10 miles. The following recommendations are made : 1. That a line of twenty -inch cast-iron pipe be laid in Leicester street, instead of the present low-service cement-lined pipe ; and 2. That the policy of taking out the cement-lined pipe and replacing it with cast-iron pipe be continued until all is removed. — Fire and Water, January /j, 1894. The following is an extract from the report of W. H. Jack, Receiver of the Oak Grove & Sierra Verde Cattle Company : Silver City, N. M., January 5, 1893. National Tube Works Co. This ranch is supplied with water from Cherry Creek by 2-inch wrought- iron pipe, a distance of about two miles to head of Oak Grove canon. With this part of the line there is no trouble, but this connects at this point with a 2-inch cement-lined pipe, which is worse than worthless. I have had to uncover the cement-lined pipe about 1^ miles, tie it up with cloth and white lead, but it leaks so much that we are only able to water a few old cows and the horses. We had no water at the ranch for cooking purposes for two weeks by reason thereof. This is most unfortunate. (Signed) W. H. Jack, Receiver. The town of Beverly, Mass., will probably ask the State to assume its debt of $1,000,000, and this will create considerable discussion. The town some years ago laid out an extensive system of water works, the pipes of which consisted of iron, cement-lined. The outer covering of iron has rusted away in many places, so that the pipes are in need of constant re- pair. A part of the debt is the result of this water system. — Fire and Water, December 24th, 1892. The Abandonment of Cement Pipe for Water Mains, and the Durative Period of the Life of Cast-Iron Pipe so far as its Integrity as a Pipe is Concerned. The passing of cement pipe for water mains use seems to have been inaugurated by our New England water works officials. The annual re- ports of the water departments of Worcester, Mass., and Keene, N. H., CEMENT LINED PIPE. 729 show that the time has arrived in the judgment of their officials for the sub- stitution of cast-iron pipe in place of the sheet-iron cement-lined pipe, which perhaps has been more extensively used in water works construction in the New England States than in any other section of our country. It is well to be conservative and fair in our expressions of opinion concerning this class of pipe. * * * Its structural characteristics, however, are such as to forbid its employment for water main distribution requirements without impairing its life. * * * It obtained a strong foothold and came into general use during war times, when the price of iron practically pro- hibited the u°e of cast-iron pipe in many places. * * There are many lines of iron cement-lined pipe in use for conduit purposes and have been for many years, and their discharging capacities have in no sense, upon ex- amination, been discovered as impaired by accretions of any character. This cannot be said of cast-iron pipes used simply as conduits. The time may come in the experience of water works engineers and officials when more consideration will be paid to this important question of preserving the original cross-section of conduit and trunk mains. It is a vexed question to determine accurately how much loss of head is due to draught and to the yearly diminishing area of cross-section of water mains. We are now con- fronted with these problems, as evidenced by recent reports, prominent among them that of the Rochester water works. Its experience with cast- iron conduits proved conclusively a marked deterioration of delivering capacity in a few years, and to such an extent as to occasion serious concern to the chief engineer of the works. The durative period of the life of cast- iron pipe, so far as its integrity as a pipe is concerned, is not yet deter- mined. In so far as its delivering capacity is concerned from year to year, it is quite apparent that a marked deterioration does occur in the way of added accretions yearly. * * * English practice shows that methods adopted for clearing pipes of accretions have not proved satisfactory or permanent in character. The indifferent manner of coating the interior surface of pipes no doubt hastens the accumulations of tubercular de- posits.— Extracts from Editorial, Fire and Water, January /j, 1894. 730 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. RIVETED PIPE. Extracts from a paper read by D. J. Russell Duncan, Assoc. M. Inst., C. E., M. Inst. M. E. Managing Director, of the Steel Pipe Company, Limited, Scotland, at the eleventh annual Convention of the American Water Works Association, Phila- delphia, April 14-17, l8 9 x - Riveted Steel Pipe. The application of steel in the construction of water pipes is of com- paratively recent date in Great Britain, and has developed a new and important industry, which seriously enters into competition with the old established methods of pipe founding. The old custom of employing cast-iron prevails to a great extent in Great Britain ; while America has for mau}^ years built pipes of wrought- iron and is now making occasional use of steel. * "* * Cast-iron pipes maintained their supremacy in Great Britain, because of the plentiful supply of metal, the simplicity of construction and the accessibility of the foundries. As each country naturally preferred the cheapest article the habit of specifying wrought-iron pipes in America and cast-iron pipes in Britain became general. The introduction of ' ' mild steel ' ' several years ago brought about a great change in the British iron trades resulting in the erection of several large works for its production. * * * Hydraulic engineers were, before the days of steel, in many cases io-norant of the strength of wrought-iron, and could not realize that a thin pipe of comparatively pure metal could be as strong and as durable as a thick pipe of cast-iron— an impure metal. Therefore, with prejudice and cost against the adoption of wrought-iron pipes in Britain, the old system of using cast-iron still prevailed, but in America financial considerations overruled prejudices and wrought-iron pipe was adopted. The example shown by America in the extensive use of wrought-iron pipes induced the writer, some ten years ago, to investigate the cause of the difference between American and British practice, and, believing that if pipes made of wrought-iron or steel could be produced in Britain at a less cost per unit of length than cast-iron pipes, the prejudice against such pipes could be overcome, careful study was given the subject and plans matured for pro- ducing plate pipes of large diameter with less riveting than in American practice. As this could only be effected by the strictest economy in weight of materials and labor, it became necessary to employ open hearth mill steel of the highest possible tensile strength. * * * Questions regarding resist- ance to collapse from external pressure sometimes arise. It, therefore, becomes important when laying down plans for water supply to know the depth at which the pipes will be laid, otherwise, large pipes, whether earthen- ware, cast-iron or steel, are liable — the two former — to fracture, the latter to collapse by bending, wherever the depth of the pipes under road level is insufficient to prevent the weight of heavy wagons bearing upou them. RIVETED PIPE. 731 Whenever external pressure has to be considered, the best forms of steel pipes are short cylinders of welded pipes riveted together with butt joint and external cover strips, such strips occurring at intervals of 4 to 6 feet apart. The frequency of these cover strips adds considerably to the strength of the pipes, as the strips act as stiffening beams in resisting external pressure. Pipes laid at a depth of four diameters are not affected by surface loads, and the question of collapse need not, in such cases, be considered. This fact should be borne in mind. Generally, it may be taken as certain that wherever a cast-iron pipe one inch thick is safe, a steel pipe one-quarter of an inch thick is safer. In the one case the cast-iron will break and leak, but in the other only flattening or bending, without leakage occurs. Calculations for resistance to collapse are entirely different from those for resistance to internal pressures. No reliable formulas have yet been introduced for such calculations. The nearest approximation for general purposes is : Resistance to internal pressure equals 1.0 ; resistance to exter- nal pressure equals 0.4. Different Styles of Pipe Joints. The Converse Lock Joint is an excellent form, made of cast-iron collar with lead space at both ends, the collar having recesses into which project- ing rivet heads fixed on the ends of the pipes are inserted, and locked by moving the pipe through a small part of its circumference. * * * Numer- ous other forms of joints are necessary, according to circumstances. * * * The simplicity of all the joints referred to is an important matter in their favor. They can all be made by men ordinarily accustomed to laying cast- iron pipes, and are more easily handled, no complication of any kind, either regarding yarn packing, lead packing, leveling, calking, or finishing, ever being met with. The saving in cost of lead, laying, time and labor by using these joints, as compared with joints of cast-iron pipes, must be noted. If riveted steel pipes are used in twenty-four foot lengths, instead of cast-iron pipes in twelve foot lengths, it is obvious that there are only one-half the number of joints to make, and each joint uses only about 75 per cent, of the lead required for a cast-iron pipe joint. The mean diameter of the annular space for the lead is smaller than in cast-iron pipes, because the thickness of the steel in the pipe is less than the thickness of metal in the cast-iron pipes. * * * The risk of leakage is also reduced in consequence of the reduced number of joints. * * * The superiority of the coating for steel pipes — its smooth and glossy surface — increases the discharge of water, through welded, as compared with cast-iron pipes, because the friction is very greatly reduced ; but no advantage can be claimed for increased discharge through pipes which are riveted together with rivets whose heads project inside the pipes. The projecting heads obstruct the flow, even though carefully coated, and the advantage of smooth bore can only be claimed for welded pipes. * * * In laying pipe special attention should be given to leveling the spigot ends, because it saves a very great deal of time, and there is less risk of fracture or leakage ; whereas, when laying cast-iron pipes the greatest possible care must be taken to fit the pipes together in perfectly true lines, 732 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. otherwise the strains set up in the joints by the leverage, due to the length of, or more pipes hanging upon the joint, frequently causes fracture at the joint. San Francisco, Cae., September 26th, 1892. National Tube Works Co. There is a great amount of preliminary work being done on large irri- gating schemes in all parts of California, almost every county having some project in view to develop the water supply or to lay out an irrigation dis- trict. For the conveying of large quantities of water, ditches and flumes are mostly adopted, but as previously stated for conveying the water to the sub-divisions of land, riveted pipe is sometimes used. This class of pipe, however, as now made and laid under fierce competition is not entirely satis- factory. Only yesterday, the writer saw several truck loads of 12-inch riveted pipe returned to one of the best manufacturers on this coast. The pipe was put in a system near this city, and leaked so badly that they could not get it tight. The company had men working on it for weeks trying to stop the leaks which were so bad that the ditch would fill completely with water during the night. This pipe has been taken up and returned to the manu- facturer, and at present writing, there is a force of men at work on it with steel brushes cleaning off the mud that it may be re-dipped and re-placed in the ditch, but you can readily understand what a delicate factor of safety there remains to depend upon to prevent leakage. This is the second contract with which the company has already expe- rienced similar trouble. The above is a detailed explanation of a case well known to us, and we give it in substantiation of our claim that riveted pipe as now made under close competition is not satisfactory. (Signed) Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co. Leaks in Cast and Wrought-Iron Riveted pipe Conduits. Records of leaks in the long conduit of the water works of Rochester, N. Y., have been kept for many years and are summarized by months in the last annual report of Chief Engineer Kuichling, Mem. Am. Soc. C. E. This conduit leads from Hemlock Lake to the Rush reservoir and has a total length of 19.4 miles. The number of leaks by months for the periods named below are as follows, the record on the first part of the conduit being for a longer period than the last part : In 2.978 Miles (15,723 Ft.) of Wrought-Iron Riveted, and 6.775 Miees (35,372 Ft.) of Cast-Iron Conduit. Months. a 03 1—1 J3 V 0! a 6 < 9 9 ai a 3 30 4 34 1—1 bo 3 < 16 6 22 ■*-j tJ O > O H O Jan. 1, '80, to Jan. i, '91 Jan. 1, '91, to Jan. 1, '92 8 1 4 2 22 2 24 42 10 25 O 25 II II 6 6 7 1 8 186 26 Total 9 6 6 52 212 RIVETED PIPE. 733 In 9.617 Miles (50,776 Ft.) of 36-lNCH Wrought-Iron Conduit. Months. S3 1—1 ,0 V u ctf 0) a >— > >> 1—1 3 0. t/5 O >* u Q en O Dec. 10, '77to Jan. 1, '91 Jan. 1, '91, to Jan. 1, '92 4 5 7 7 1 8 44 11 77 5 S2 98 17 "5 112 21 133 71 6 77 84 7 9i 39 9 48 13 9 4 9 13 55S 97 Total 4 55 22 655 The flow of water through the conduit during the year remained quite constantly at about 7,000,000 gallons per day. The conduit was put in operation about the date of the first records of leak, or at least within a year of that date.— Engineering News, December 1, /8g2. Total number of leaks recorded in this conduit composed of 66,499 feet of wrought-iron riveted pipe and 35,372 feet of cast- iron pipe appears to be eight hundred and sixty-seven. We leave the reader to draw his own conclusions as to whether or not the wrought-iron riveted pipe is what its manufacturers would have you believe it to be. Burst Riveted Steee Water Mains. The failure of a riveted steel water main is described in the annual re- port of the "Steam Users' Association," of Manchester, England. The pipe was twenty-six inches in diameter, and made of ^-inch plate, riveted in 10-foot lengths with a straight longitudinal butt joint having an external strap. The rivets were i T 8 g-inch in diameter and pitched 1% inches. The bursting pressure was calculated at 1,200 pounds, but several of the lengths gave way at 70 pounds or less. When the fracture took place, the rent started at the rivet holes on one side then sprang across to the rivet holes on the other side, and so on, running from side to side until it extended the entire length of the pipe. The Chief Engineer of the Association states that the fracture was due to the use of flat steel rolled bars for butt-straps, in which the rivet holes had been punched instead of drilled. The straps were 4>2 inches wide and f\ inch thick. The punching injured their strength and caused several small flaws or cracks, some of which were detected after the accident. Moreover, some of the straps were hard and brittle, and it was found that they had been improperly annealed. — En- gineering Record, August 19th, i8gj. RIVETED WATER PIPE IN THE UNITED STATES. By Haroed Jeans, A. R. S. M., Boston, Mass. (Bessemer Medallist of the Royal School of Mines.) Among the many new uses that are now being found for steel as a material of construction, its employment in the United States for water dis- tribution in the form of riveted pipe promised to be of no inconsiderable 734 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. iinportauce, not however from the mere tonnage of soft steel plates con- sumed, but as marking a new epoch in that important part of municipal engineering dealing Avith water supply. The word "new" is used relatively, because riveted pipe for water mains is by no means a new thing ; it has been very largely used for irriga- tion purposes in the Western States, and also to some extent in town supply, for force mains and other purposes, but its use has increased so largely of late in municipal work that we are probably justified in regarding it as more or less of a new departure. Cast-iron is one of the most unsatisfactory materials for the engineer to employ, when he can economically and satisfactorily avoid it, and as a natural consequence it has gradually given place to steel. It has, however, pretty well held its ground for water pipe, not because it is peculiarly adapted for use in that form, but because of a doubt in the minds of many engineers as to the advantages of steel for replacing it. The experience gained with wrought-iron pipe for irrigation purposes in the West practically affords no criterion of its value in town water supply : the conditions are almost entirely different, for not only has it been laid on top of the ground, making it accessible for painting and inspection, but it has no external pressures to stand, and is, moreover, generally made of very thin steel plate. The old custom, therefore, of employing cast-iron water pipe has continued to find favor both in England and America, but to an even greater extent in the former country than in the latter. At present, how- ever, matters are changing in America. The price of steel has reached such an unprecedently low level, that great economies can be effected in its use in the place of cast-iron pipe, and this fact, combined with a better knowledge of the properties of steel among city engineers, has paved the way to its more general introduction. These are, however, not the only reasons for the change, nor do 'they entirely explain why it has come to pass that during the past few months a number of cities and towns have called for tenders on, and have contracted to use riveted steel pipe. The fact is that a combination of causes has assisted to bring riveted pipe to the front, and it will probably be of some interest to examine them. The wrought-iron pipe so largely used in America has been generally built of a number of small plates in one course, requiring a number of riveted and^ calked seams and a consequent difficulty of securing a water- tight line. The later use of mild steel has permitted the use of larger plates, so that now a piece of pipe will be made of but one plate, and requir- ing only one longitudinal seam. The great obstacles of the number of seams and the cost of making them being done away with by the use of steel, the next trouble to be encountered was a doubt as to the durability of the pipe, and it may here be remarked that no doubts ever existed as to the reliability or strength of the steel itself. Mild or soft steel received from American engineers a tolerably early recognition of its merits, as compared with wrought-iron, which in the lapse of time has been more than justified. The doubt as to the durability was not therefore upon this score, but upon the probability of rapid corrosion. Steel corrodes less rapidly than cast-iron, but a steel pipe is less than one-quarter the thickness of a cast-iron pipe of the same strength. It is therefore desirable, indeed essential, to the success- ful use of steel pipe that some preservative coating of unquestioned merit RIVETED PIPE. 735 shall be applied. Galvanized pipe has been used, but asphalt or tar coatings are most common. All have proved, however, more or less unsatis- factory. The newest preservative, and one that, promises to settle this difficult question, is a japan, or baked coating, to which reference will be made later. Another advantage of the use of steel pipe is in the smooth and glassy nature of the coating, which increases the dis- charge of water. No advantage in this respect can be claimed for riveted pipe, as the rivet heads form an obstruction of a countervailing charac- ter, but in welded pipes the advantage is well marked. As regards the resistance to collapse from external pressure, it must be remembered that at a depth of four diameters, the pipe ceases to be affected by sur- face loads, so that this question is not all-important. Should, however, the depth be such that heavily laden wagons bear upon the pipe, fracture may occur in the case of cast-iron, while, in the case of steel, merely a flattening or bending without leakage occurs. Again, the form of the steel pipe can be easily adapted to stand pressure when necessary, by using butt joints, with circular cover strips, instead of the usual lap tele- scopic joint. The cover strips act as stiffeners, and by using a short length of pipe a greatly increased resistance can be obtained. Cast-iron is at the best a fragile material to handle and offers many difficulties in transporta- tion, besides which the greatest care has to be taken to fit it together in perfectly true lines, otherwise the stresses induced by leverage at the joints are apt to cause fracture. It is also likely to vary considerably in thickness in the barrel, and may not be in the form of a true cylinder. These diffi- culties are not met with in steel pipe, and no complication arises in laying it. The simplicity of the field joints cannot be excelled, in addition to which there are less of them, as riveted pipe can be made in lengths up to 40 ft., against say 12-ft. lengths in cast-iron. As to the proper quality of the steel for use in riveted pipe, there are naturally some slight differences of opinion. It is better, however, to use the softest grade obtainable. The steel used has varied anywhere from 52,000 to 75,000 lbs per square in. tensile strength ; but as pipe work, in the same way as boiler work, requires the steel to stand a good deal of rough treatment, and, as the rivet holes are invariably punched, it is un- doubtedly better to use a soft grade of steel with a low phosphorus content. A good chemical limitation is 0.6 per cent, of phosphorus and 0.5 per cent, of sulphur, with physical requirements of say 52,000 to to 60,000 lbs. per square in. tensile strength, an elastic limit per square in. of 30,000 lbs., with an elongation of 25 per cent, in 8 ins. The factor of safety used has been in some cases notoriously small. Cases are on record where the factor of safety has been as low as two, but this has generally occurred on pipe used for irrigation purposes. The usual practice has allowed a factor of safety of about five. Frequently, however, the mere water pressure is not the only item in calculating the thickness of the plates to be used. Questions of external pressures arise, and often the thickness must be increased to resist corrosion and to provide stability. — The Engineering Review, Lon- don, May 20th, i8gj. 736 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. SPIRAL-WELD PIPE. San Francisco, Cai,., Jan. 14th, 1892. E. C. Converse, Gen. Mgr., National Tube Works Co., New York, N. Y. The spiral-weld people have been making strenuous efforts to invade this territory with their pipe. In the many instances in which we have encountered them, however, there has been only two cases in which we have failed to drive them from the field. These are Ashland and Seattle. The Ashland, Oregon, failure was due to disloyalty of John Barrett Co. The writer went over the ground with Mr. O'Connor, Engineer and Repre- sentative of the John Barrett Co., and Mr. O'Connor fully agreed with the writer that the funds voted were sufficient to permit of a system of Converse Joint Pipe. In making out his specification, however, he specified spiral- weld for a large portion, and made the excuses that the funds were not sufficient for Converse Joint Pipe. 3,600 feet of spiral-weld was laid, but on September nth Mr. Eddings, Hardware Merchant at Ashland, in a good position to know what had been done, stated to Mr. Brooks that after the water was turned on it was found necessary to dig down to every joint of the spiral -weld pipe and calk it with cold lead. He also stated that the John Barrett Company withheld $1,600 from the agents of the spiral-weld pipe for repairs to leaks. Mr. Brooks went over the ground at Ashland again after the works were in operation and saw pieces of spiral weld which had burst open at the weld. These pieces had the appearance of having been braized to remedy original imperfect welding. We also notice that in order to keep down the cost of material, they are obliged to adhere to very thin gauge. This not only renders it impossible to make satisfactory service connections, but it also renders it impossible to calk the joints with lead. The method of joining lengths with special castings appears to be very unsatisfactory. Owing to the thinness of the metal they are unable to calk under the casting. At Seattle, Wash., they resorted to an ancient joint known as the rust- joint. This, as you are aware, is formed by a chemical process, Cast-iron borings are mixed into a paste with a solution of salammoniac, and this paste is inserted around the joints and quickly forms a rust. This joint, of course, is primitive and unsatisfactory. The rust is soft, and where accessi- ble, it can easily be removed with an ordinary penknife. We should judge that this joint would not withstand much pressure. You can also readily understand that if it becomes necessary to cut a length of the pipe, it is a difficult and inconvenient joint to apply. As previously reported, the weld- ing of this pipe (from the samples in our office) is evidently very imperfect. It is true these people claim that they have since greatly improved in this respect, but of the validity of this claim we have serious doubts ; also, that the pipe is so frail that it is liable to injury in transportation ; the weight of the top layers is apt to crush in the lower layers of pipe, and where the hubs SPIRAL-WELD PIPE. 737 have chafed against adjacent lengths of pipe, they frequently cut clean through the pipe. The spiral weld pipe is so devoid of practical merit that it will not bear careful investigation, and we have no fear that it will at any time receive consideration in competition with Converse Joint Pipe, except in cases of poverty. It is even then usually easy to show that the use of the spiral weld pipe is false economy, but of course, where the funds are lacking, this argument may perhaps not receive proper consideration. This is the only basis, in our opinion, on which spiral weld pipe can give us any trouble whatever. We have no definite knowledge of the prices of this pipe, but so far as we can learn, we believe it to be higher per pound than the Converse Joint Kalamein Pipe, and it is, therefore, cheaper per foot onty by reason of its flimsy character. Your instructions as to Seattle practically bound us hand and foot, and we, therefore, had nothing to do but to look on and see the Spiral Weld people get in their pipe. Order No. i, for 1891, for 3,200 feet of 5-inch and 4,000 feet of 3-inch Converse Joint Pipe was taken as against spiral weld. The spiral weld people had the field all to themselves at the time we first heard of this en- terprise ; however, we had samples of the spiral weld pipe in our office, and the people interested called and examined the two classes of pipe side by side, and no argument was necessary to convince them of the superiority of the Converse Joint Pipe. We learn that the prices quoted on the 6-inch spiral weld in this case was fifty cents per foot laid down in San Francisco. They, however, make different weights — standard, heavy and extra heavy. But we were unable to learn the weight of the pipe on which they quoted. Should anything further come up we will report to you. (Signed) Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co. per B. See letter on page 19, from Ashland, Oregon, of October 29th, 1892, in reply to our letter of October 19th, 1892, wherein Ira C. Dodge, Supt. Water Works, says : " If we had used more of the Kalamein pipe our city would have been better off." Anaconda, Mont., March 16th, 1892. National Tube Works Co. In regard to the spiral weld steel pipe furnished for the Anaconda Montana, water works, I would report that a careful examination of this case by myself, and interview with the Superintendent and managers of the water department at Anaconda, reveals the following facts : That in the first plant supplied by us there was used a 6-inch Converse Joint supply pipe leading from the reservoir to the city, through which the entire city supply had to come. In the course of a few years the capacity of this pipe became too small, and it became necessary to lay a new line. We were asked to make price on a 10-inch line, which we did, but owing to the extreme cheap price made by the Spiral Weld Pipe Company, the order was placed with them, and the pipe delivered and placed in position. The Superintendent of the works informs me that it has cost, and did cost, 738 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. more to get the spiral weld pipe line tight so that it could be used at all than the entire first cost of laying and connecting the same. In other words, after the spiral weld pipe was laid in position, and supposed to be in condition to operate, it was found that it leaked, and had bursted so badly that in order to repair it and put it in operating condition the expense incurred was greater than the original cost. I was shown samples of this spiral weld pipe which, apparently, had been soldered together at points where the weld had been found to be defective. This method of repairing was used by the manufacturers of the pipe, and when the pressure was let into the line these places simply opened up and the pipe rendered useless, and those places necessarily had to be cut out and replaced with new pipe. I was informed by the authorities that they had had a very sad experi- ence with the spiral weld pipe, and would not use any more of it. They have found it very difficult to calk the joints on account of the extreme thinness of the shell, the slightest extra calking denting and crushing the pipe in so badly that it is next to impossible to make it tight. (Signed) H. F. KEENER. St. Louis, Mo., April 14th, 1892. Chas. A. Lamb, Esq., New York. I have your telegram of this date asking for information about spiral welded pipe, and, in accordance with your request, I beg to submit the fol- lowing facts : April 1st, 1889, I became associated with W. R. Hart & Co., Philadel- phia. Shortly thereafter that firm made an arrangement with the Spiral Weld Tube Co. to represent their product in the territory west of the Missouri River. From the very out-start the business was exceedingly unsatisfactory, for the following reasons : First. — Their inability, owing to slow and uncertain process of man- ufacture, to turn out any considerable quantity within a reasonable time. I do not recollect a single instance where a promise for delivery was fulfilled, and in one or two cases the delay in delivery was the cause of such serious damage to our customers that law suits for heavy damages were threatened, and I had the greatest difficulty in settling same. In other words, I found that no dependence whatever could be placed on contracts as to time of delivery. Second. — In every instance where I sold pipe it proved unsatisfactory, owing to alleged defects, large claims ensuing. I do not recollect of a single bill of any considerable amount having been settled on its original face. For instance, I sold a considerable quantity for Anacortes, Wash. ( Oregon Improvement Co.) There was a delay in delivery of the pipe beyond the time promised on the part of the Spiral Weld Tube Co. of over six months, and when the pipe was finally delivered and laid in the trenches and water turned on, some eighty-five per cent, of the joints leaked at the hub or spigot ends, clearly a defect in the manufacture, as the hub and spigot ends were attached at the mill before shipment. Then, too, there was consider- able trouble owing to defective welds. SPIRAL-WELD PIPE. 739 Ashland, Oregon, was another point. The delay in delivery of this pipe was something like six months beyond the delivery promised, and the result after the pipe was delivered and laid in the trenches was about the same as at Anacortes. McMinnisville, Oregon, was another point where the same results were experienced as in the two foregoing cases, except, perhaps, more trouble was experienced in defective welding, the welds opening under a pressure of seventy-five pounds. A considerable quantity was also supplied the City of Seattle, where the delivery was a little more prompt, with a result which I can best describe by giving you an extract from General Manager Converse's circular-letter No. 676, dated June nth, 1891, Seattle, Wash. Since some of the spiral welded pipe was put in, owing to low first cost, we have secured numerous small orders, mostly for 4-inch Converse pipe in quantities ranging from 1,500 to 5,000 feet. The Seattle water works people are having lots of trouble with the spiral weld pipe. In order to draw out an unbiased opinion on this subject, a friend of ours at Walla Walla tel- egraphed to Superintendent W. T. Chalk, of the Seattle Water Co., and the latter wired back as follows : To G. H. Sutherland, Walla Walla, Wash.: We use it 011 the water front under the dock. Have put some under the ground. Gives us trouble all the time. The principle is good if properly welded. Could not recommend it unless of equal weight of Kalamein, galvanized and dipped. If you are buying any quantity, it will pay you to come here and see the whole thing and different pipe and tests. (Signed; W. T. Chalk. In the early part of 1890, 1 sold to a firm in San Francisco two car-loads of assorted sizes of Spiral Weld Pipe. I learned from one of them a few days ago that they still have this pipe on hand, despite their most active efforts to sell it, and I know they are hustlers from the word go, and sold for me the pipe for the places named in this letter. Port Angeles, Wash., is another place, I happen to recollect, where con- siderable quantity was sold, which proved, as in the other instances, emi- nently unsatisfactory to the buyers. Considerable quantities were disposed of in a small way with varying results, but I cannot recollect of a single instance where a party ordered a second time. To conclude, the business was so unsatisfactory, causing an endless amount of vexation and trouble, both to customers and myself, that I sur- rendered the agreement in September, 1890, and abandoned the business. I cannot inform you as to the price the S. W. T. Co. would now ask for 90 miles of 8-inch. It would grieve me exceedingly to have any friends of mine buy this pipe for a water-works plant, as I know it would be the cause of endless vexation and trouble. On the other hand, I think, perhaps, I would recom- mend its use to a bitter enemy. Trusting this communication may be of service to you, I am, (Signed) Edward W. CoiT. 740 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. St. Louis, Mo., April 15th, 1892. Oias. A. Lamb, Esq., New York. Following rny letter of yesterday, in regard to Spiral Weld Pipe : The Company makes four grades known as "Light Spiral Welded Pipe," " Standard Spiral Welded Pipe," " Heavy Spiral Welded Pipe," and " Extra Heavy Spiral Welded Pipe." " Standard Spiral Welded Pipe " is the only product I ever handled. They do not make light spiral welded pipe of less diameter than 12 inch. The Self-Locking Sleeve Socket is a new device, and I am not familiar with it. When I handled the product hub and spigot ends was the only practical joint they had for connecting the pipe together where used for water conveyance. If I were asked for a professional opinion in regard to the merits of spiral weld pipe I should unhesitatingly say that for use in conveyance of water under pressure, or for use as distributing mains for water through the streets of cities, I consider it absolutely worthless. At the same time it might answer a very good purpose for the conveyance of water under little or no pressure. The material from which it is made is steel (which, I believe, is sup- plied by the Riverside Iron Works). The nature of this material, together with its uncertain process of manufacture, in my opinion, makes sound welding very uncertain. The pipe may last for a time, but sooner or later, where there is any considerable pressure, the welds will be sure to open in one place or another. (Signed) Edward W. CoiT. Notwithstanding the following flattering announcement of the failure of the Spiral Weld Tube Co. we predict that the company will not resume business, and that it is not at all probable that a reorganization will be effected. An earnest effort will, however, very likely be made by the stockholders in that direction. The ingenuity and real mechanical excellence of the product will not warrant the investment of further capi- tal in the enterprise. Parties looking for an investment will, no doubt, be pleased to note that the company's assets are ample to meet its liabilities, and the only losers will be the stockholders. The announcement that the Spiral Weld Tube Co. has been placed in the hands of receivers will be received with general regret, since the process developed by the Company was one of such ingenuity and real mechanical excellence that those who invested in the company deserved to reap a fair return. It is not the first enterprise of merit, however, which has not re- warded its owners at first. The reason for the company's failure are : First, the great amount of capital which has been sunk in experimental work and in developing the plant and process to its present stage. Secondly. — The sending out of some imperfect pipe in the early history SPIRAL-WELD PIPE. 741 of the company, the defects of which have injured the reputation of the pipe in the West, where the principal market for it was found. Thirdly. — The great reduction in the price of cast-iron pipe which, four years ago, was selling at $30 to $35 per ton, and can now be bought at $20 to $25 per ton, or even less. The company's assets are ample to meet its liabilities, and the only losers will be the stockholders. It is probable that a reorganization will be effected and that the company will resume business on a more solid financial basis. It is to be hoped that this may be the case, for it would be a pity to have an industry, on the perfection of which so much time and money have been spent, totally abandoned. — Engineering News and American Railway Journal, May 19, 1892. New York, June 13, 1892. National Tube Works Co. When in England I learned that agents or representatives of this com- pany were endeavoring to get English capital as a basis of reorganization, and while at Messrs. L,loyd & Lloyd's, Birmingham, I saw a sample of spiral weld pipe which had been sent there to be electrically heated and welded in- asmuch as it was very defective. I also learned that application had been made for the United States rights for the Bunardo's process for electric heating and welding. I also saw a letter which was written by the gentleman who succeeded Mr. J. C. Bayles, president. It will not be proper for you to make any use of this confidence imposed in me, but for your eyes only I desire to say that this letter was the greatest production I have ever seen. It reported the collapse of the Spiral Weld Company, and gave the reasons for it. The gentleman touched upon mismanagement which had occurred before he took hold, and stated that immediately after he assumed charge the Board of Directors made the discovery that it was not prudent to ship any more pipe unless it was good pipe. In other words, the letter indicated that they had shipped everything which had gone through the machine, irrespective of quality. Since my return to New York, I have been informed that it is under- stood that the Spiral Weld Company has succumbed to the inevitable. In this connection I will state, in reference to the complaints of the Waukesha Hygeia Mineral Springs Company, who put some of the conduit in a line to pipe their water to Chicago, that, thinking we did not care to bid on the pipe line, the parties in charge of this matter went East to get their con- tracts all signed up with the Spiral Weld Company. Bonds were prepared, and everything was in shape. 20 miles of pipe were purchased, and most of it had been shipped before I arrived in New York. Subsequently, tests were made of this pipe, and it was found that it was not up to the perfection and conditions guaranteed in the contract, and the entire lot of pipe was conse- quently rejected. This circumstance, which proved the unreliability of spiral weld pipe as a factor in engineering plans of importance, doubtless precipitated the failure of the Spiral Weld Company. (Signed) E. C. Converse, General Manager. 742 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. The predictions we have made from time to time that the spiral welded steel pipe has not the least merit, and that its manufacturers would soon succumb, are fully verified by the following advertisement, which appeared in the Engineering News and American Railway Journal of November 17th, 1892 : PIPE FACTORY FOR SALE. A Rare Business Opportunity. Under an order of the Court of Chancer}', of the State of New Jersey, dated the 14th day of June, 1892, the undersigned offer for sale all the real and personal property of the Spiral Weld Tube Company, now in their hands, as Receivers, comprising : Six acres of valuable land on the line of the Montclair Branch of D., L. & W. R. R., near Roseville Station, in the township of Fast Orange ; the modern brick and frame mill and office buildings, gas plant, track and switches on said land, together with a complete equipment of machinery, shafting, engines, gas compressors, blowers and shop tools, all in good working order. The personal property consists of spirally-welded steel pressure tubes of various sizes, steel skelp, cast scrap and new shop and mill supplies. In addition to the above, will be sold all the right, title and interest of the Spiral Weld Tube Company in and to the several patents covering the manufacture and sale of spirally-welded tubes and fittings. The property may be inspected at any time during working hours. Full particulars upon application. James L. Hays, ) Receivers Thos. M. Williamson, \ Kecelvers - East Orange, N. J. The concern went into the hands of Receivers about May, 1892, and, finding there was no market for the goods, the plant was offered for sale. WOOD PIPE. 743 WOOD PIPE. The very inconsiderable amount of wood pipe which is now in use renders it unnecessary for us to give information covering its weaknesses, for it is now seldom, if ever, encountered in com- petition, and these same remarks also apply to cement-lined pipe. We simply reproduce the following illustration and report, as a matter of interest : In a recent report on the destruction of pine staves in the clear water pipe of the Ottawa water works system, and of oak slats in a rack through which the water passes before entering the turbines, James Fletcher gives the following particulars : The condition of these specimens is, briefly, as follows , The wood of the pipe staves is almost uniformly one inch and a half in thickness, in a few places possibly one-eighth of an inch less, and perhaps a little thicker where knots occur. At the original point of contact, where the staves touched on each side those next to them, the edges, particularly of the inner surface of the pipe (but also to a much less extent of the outside as well), are much eroded between the staves for some distance towards the exterior of the pipe, causing a deep groove, varying between one quarter and three-quarters of an inch across at its greatest width. In depth, this groove varies in most places between one-quarter of an inch and one inch ; but at many points it has extended right through the wood to the outside, causing large holes from four to six inches in length, by one wide, thus entirely defeating the ends for which this pipe was originally intended. If these staves were, as stated, two inches in thickness when put down it is evident that by some means about half an inch of the wood has been removed during the fifteen years which have elapsed since the pipe was laid down in the aqueduct. In answer to your inquiry as to the probable cause of this diminution in the substance of the pipe and the probability of its being due to the op- erations of aquatic insects, I take the liberty of drawing your attention to the following points : The condition of the wood of the staves is as follows : The wood itself below the surface and between the staves where these were in close con- tact, is perfectly sound, of good color, and not injured in any way. On the other hand, all surfaces which have been exposed to the action of the water, whether inside or outside the pipe or in the grooves eroded between the staves, are discolored and in a semi decayed condition — i. e., the wood is so soft and rotten that it can be easily removed with the finger nail to a depth of at least one-sixteenth of an inch. In and upon this thin layer of half decayed wood the larva? of various kinds of aquatic insects have taken up their abode, and some have made use of it as food, as is plainly seen by the 744 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. numerous tracks which have been eaten out all over the surface. These tracks are irregular and winding in their course, going in all directions, as often across the grain of the wood as with it. They do not penetrate the solid wood, but frequently reach down to it and run along on the surface. The same track sometimes runs in one direction and then doubles back on itself and runs the other way, a fact which entirely disproves the sugges- tions which have been offered by some that the whole of the injuries to the pipe, as well as these tracks, are the effects of friction, current or suction. One particular track was observed to start on the inside of the water pipe OTTAWA WA TE/i WORKS SKETCH SMOW/A/G DETECTS IN WOOD STAVES OF CL£Afi WAT£fi ?/P£ ELEVATIOM Of STAVE ^7- oAouAs tracts nimUttg auer £ke sitr/acr- of wood 'art ctcltud '/mint o/eix>sion /UcUn& <*Uc £> W'frr a^Mor, Wood Stave Pipe. and work its way through one of the large holes out on to the outside sur- face. It is a notable fact that these tracks run over the whole surface of the wood, even to the bottom of every little depression. I believe that the soft- ened condition of the surface of the wood is due to the action of the river water, and I find that in some places, where the eroded groove stretches out in points from the inside towards the outer surface of the pipe, there is gen- erally a discoloration of the wood beyond the point where the surface is actually eaten away, as if decay had already begun, although the tissues of the wood are still unbroken, but showing plainly that the water had effected an entrance between these discolored surfaces. It is generally perceptible that there is in such spots a slight inequality of the exposed surfaces of the two contiguous staves, which may have been caused either by some slight uneveuness in the planing of the wood at the time of building the pipe, WOOD PIPE. 745 or possibly from the wood having swollen unequally when it was placed in the water. I am informed that at the time the pipe was constructed the edges of the staves were flush, both inside and outside this pipe, which was built like a barrel, with the staves slightly beveled at the edges, so as to procure the tubular shape, and that the whole was held together by strong iron hoops. This being the case I can only suggest as a reason for the eroded groove being so much wider and deeper on the inside of the pipe, that unless the angle of the beveling were perfectly true, the outer edges of the staves would be much tighter clamped together by reason of the iron hoops outside. I would suggest, then, as the cause of the destruction of the clear w r ater pipe — first of all — the decaying of a very thin layer of the surface of the wood through the chemical action of the river water ; and secondly, the breaking up and removal of this decayed surface by aquatic insects, so as to constantly expose a new surface of the wood to the action of the water. I am aware that it is held by many that sound pine wood kept constantly submerged beneath the surface of water is practically indestructible, and I have no doubt that under some circumstances, and for some purposes, this might be the case. It must, however, be remembered that more or less air, varying with the circumstances, is always dissolved in water. I am under the impression that water containing a large quantity of air, as the water of the Ottawa River necessarily does, after passing down the Deschenes Rapids, would be more destructive to wood submerged in it than water containing less oxygen. With regard to the insects found upon the staves submitted to me, they were, for the most part, predaceous larvae of beetles and dragon flies or allied insects. ' I might mention that none of these insects have ever been known to bore into sound wood, but feed exclusively upon decaying vegetable tissues in water, and their occurring in large numbers upon the clear water pipe may possibly be due to the unusual quantity of decaying bark, which, I am informed, lies in the Ottawa River, near the inlet of this pipe, and which would attract these insects as a suitable breeding ground. They are in no way related to the ordinary timber-boring beetles which are so destructive to standing timber and manufactured lumber in all parts of the world. The oak slat taken from the rack near the pump-house, and which had only been in the rack for ten years, was proportionately much more de- stroyed than the pine staves. The slats were half an inch in thickness by four inches in width when put in the rack ; but many of them are now so seriously injured that it is necessary to replace them. In most of the slats the greater part of the wood has been entirely consumed.— Engineering and Building Record, Sept. 20, 1889. Wooden Water-Supply Conduits. The company referred to is the Citizens' Water Co., of Denver, Colo., now developing a gravity supply, in connection with which several miles of wooden conduits will be used. The parts of the report referring to wooden pipe are as follows : 746 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. I think the construction of 17 miles of wooden conduit a great mistake, and one which will entail great financial loss to investors, because it is short-lived, leaky and in a year or two foul and contaminating to the water. The pipe is very short-lived when buried under ground. The rapid and enormous growth of fungi in these wooden pipes whenever for any cause the pipe is emptied for a few days, is so rapid that the friction would be greatly increased in the pipe 24 hours after emptying. This defect is also the cause of contamination in the water supply. Although the comparative merits of wooden and iron pipes have been pretty thoroughly discussed in these columns and elsewhere, it may be that additional light can be thrown upon the question by some of our readers. If so, we shall be pleased to hear from them. — Engineering News, July 23d, i8gi. Wooden Pipe Water.— It is nothing but a Fever Breeder. It has been a well-established fact for years that wooden pipes poison water and render it dangerous to health. The Citizens' Water Company brings its water to the city entirely through wooden pipes. It was rumored yesterday that in addition to a free gift of its poisoned water, it will also furnish free of charge a specialist upon typhoid fever to its customers. The Denver Water Company furnishes the only pure water brought to the city. — Denver Republican, 3 fay 3d, 1892. Another Denver paper states : " 'The Fever Breeder Wooden Pipe Water Company ' are supplying its consumers free of charge for six months in order to induce consumers to take their water." The Artesian Hot and Coed Water Company, Limited, \ Boise City, Idaho, Nov. 23d, 1894. J National Tube Works Co. Will you please give us estimate on the cost of about 3,000 feet of 10- inch pressure pipe for water having a uniform temperature of 171 degrees Fahr? We shall probably require some expansion joints and would like to have you give us the cost of them also. Our water is conducted from the wells to town through wooden-pipe. The wooden-pipe has rotted until it is useless. Any information you will give us will be appreciated. State, also, if you please, how long you would need to fill the order should the Company decide to do this work at once. B. S. Howe, Secretary. LEAD POISONING. Lead Poisoning. — L,ead pipe has been traditionally injurious to health from the time of Vitruvius, 2,000 years ago, to the present day. In spite of this tradition, millions of people have been drinking water through it from that day to the present time, and it seems to be doubtful if one well authenticated case of lead-poisoning by the use of lead pipes can be found. — Industrial World, October 26th, 1893. THE MATHESON JOINT. 747 THE MATHESON JOINT. The successful introduction of any new, useful and econom- ical mechanical device naturally induces imitation or competi- tion, as the case may be. The Converse Patent Lock Joint has been no exception to the rule. The attempts which have been made by manufacturers of wrought-iron pipe at home and abroad to provide themselves with a joint to compete with the Converse Joint are almost numberless. Up to the present date these efforts have resulted in total failure. The only concern which has so far succeeded as to actually place a joint of this nature before the public and present any- thing like a claim of merit for it, has been the American Tube and Iron Company. This company introduced a joint during the fall of 1888, which they termed the " Matheson " Joint, for which they claimed all of the superior merits enjoyed by the Converse joint, and entered the field in competition with the latter. In place of recounting the many failures of this joint, we will simply confine ourselves to some of the weaknesses in its construction and one or two expert opinions regarding it, based upon actual experience. Circular Letter No. 374. \ McKeesport, Pa., January 21st, 1888. f The objections to the American Tube and Iron Company's new joint, are as follows : 1st — The ends of the 'pipe are grooved, as described, thus weakening the iron by the amount cut away. 2d — When " field " joints are required, no grooves can be cut without special machinery. As grooves are an objection, this may be considered in the light of an advantage. 3d — The sockets taper to^the centre, requiring great care in inserting and loss of time in properly centering pipe. 4th — To make a tight joint, the ends of the pipe must be carefully trimmed square and the ends butted closely. 5th — Unless the greatest care is taken to properly centre and butt the ends, the lead will run through into the pipe. 6th — As the joints require to be thoroughly centered and ends butted, there is no allowance for expansion and contraction, and when this occurs 748 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the grooves will move the lead, and everybody knows that lead is not elastic and will not, therefore, resume its original form. 7th — If you will notice the size of the inside diameter of the joint, as compared with the oiitside of the pipe, you will see that it would take but little pressure to slip the joint right along over the pipe, thus leaving the point of contact unprotected. 8th — There is no new feature in this joint that we can see, other than the tapering of the casting to a centre. "When taking out our patents for locks, we thought of these grooves, but abandoned the idea, because we consider such device detrimental to the strength of the pipe and ineffective of purpose ; in fact, an objection instead of an advantage. If the " xAmerican " propose to use this joint for water purposes with light-weight shells, you can see at a glance that little or no groove could be cut without going through the body of pipe. For gas weights, it is absolutely necessary to have the full strength of the shell— any groove weakens it. You now have before you the great " American " Joint, with a specifica- tion of its weak points. E. C. CONVERSE, Ass't General Manager. Circular Letter No. 1,513- I McKEESPORT, Pa., November i6th, 1888. ) Those who are old employes of this company will at once recognize that this is a resurrected Slip-Joint pipe. In the " 70's " we manufactured a Slip-Joint pipe, which was nothing more nor less than a joint exactly like the cut hereinafter set forth, with two exceptions only : THE MATHESON JOINT. 749 ist — The joint we made had no slot, or groove, cut in the male end. 2d — The flare of the female end was of ordinary bell-shape, and did not contain the rounded knee shown in the sketch at the point " D." We predict another failure for the " American " in the use of this " res- urrected slip-joint." ist — The groove in the male end of the pipe, as you will see from the drawing, cuts away nearly one-half of the iron, and must, of necessity, weaken the pipe 50 per cent, at that point, and it cannot, therefore, be used on special light pipe. 2d — The expanding of the female end to the extent shown, and to the extent sufficient to provide for the lead packing, disintegrates the molecules of iron, weakens the fibre and renders the shrinking on of the band " A " an absolute necessity in order to withstand the calking and prevent splitting at the first strain. 3d — The shrinking on of the band "A," although a necessity to keep the female end from splitting at the edge, does not re-inforce the strained fibres of the iron at the point opposite the letter " D." Without the band "A," this joint would be entirely useless, because the body of the pipe must necessarily be very thin after the joint is formed by expanding, so that if, from any cause, a ring should slip from its position (and this is very apt to occur), that joint will be sure to leak. 4th — The over-lapping of the male pipe at the point marked " X " will create an enormous amount of friction, and will serve to lessen the carrying capacity of the pipe. You are probably aware that when gas, water, or whatever fluid or vapor is being carried through a pipe, strikes an obstacle like a lap, or obstruction, shown in the "American" joint at the letter "X," it creates an eddy, or riffle, which retards the flow and chokes the pipe at the point of contact. 5th — No provision is made for longitudinal strains. 6th — No provision whatever is made for expansion or contraction. 750 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. 7th — The joint is perfectly rigid and cannot be deflected. 8th — Taking the measurements, based on the scale of sketch hereinafter given (and it is an exact copy of an original issued by the " American "), this joint will require more lead at the one end than both ends of our Con- verse Joint, and it has no positive lock, like the latter joint. 9th — Sooner or later, I predict that this joint will be discarded for simi- lar reasons that led to our discarding the old Slip-Joint pipe in the '7o's. Get the above points well in your mind ; study the drawing so that at any time you can readily sketch it and explain it to a customer, and when you meet this make-shift affair in competition, do not hesitate to attack the mechanical construction and its general inefficiency in the most savage and relentless manner. E. C. Converse, Ass't General Manager. THREE MONTHS LATER. Please refer to McKeesport circular-letter No. 15 13, dated November 16, 1888, on the subject of the latest " Matheson Joint." We therein explained its construction fully, showing that it was almost an exact counterpart of the slip-joint made by us in the '70's. Note also the following quotation from said circular-letter : " We predict another failure for the 'American ' in the use of this resurrected slip-joint." By referring to McKeesport circular No. 374, dated January 21st, 1888, you will find it refers to a joint put on the market about that time by the American Tube and Iron Company to compete with the " Converse." We called attention to its weak points and predicted failure, which was subsequently verified, so when we predicted another failure in circular-letter No. 1,513, this circular No. 374 was in our minds, and in consequence we referred to it then. Since the time that No. 1,513 was issued, but three months have elapsed, and it is now our intention to demonstrate that this new joint is a positive failure. When circular No. 1,513 was issued, this great " Matheson " joint was untried, as far as we knew, and while at that time it was as carefully considered as it has been now, from a mechani- cal standpoint, and while we were then just as thoroughly con- vinced of its ultimate failure as we are now, yet had the Amer- ican Tube and Iron Company been aware of our arguments, the answer to same would have been to the effect that the ; ' National" people, having never tried this joint, what they say is simply " theory," with a little "jealousy" thrown in. It is not to be supposed for one instant, that we would put on the market a THE MATHESON JOINT. 751 joint of this kind without first trying it and proving its superiority. The situation is now entirely changed. An argument of this kind would not be considered by an unprejudiced person, conversant with the facts. The question of ''theory" is one of the past, for this joint, while not having been weighed in the balance, has been tried in a "practical" manner and found wanting in many important essentials. The Tiffin (Ohio) Natural Gas Line, recently laid was fur- nished with this joint on their pipe. The fact that there was grave trouble with the line came to our notice, and we deter- mined on a quiet investigation, which has been made by a man thoroughly versed as to the manufacturing of pipe, laying of lines, etc., so that his report is beyond dispute. Briefly, it is as follows : The City Superintendent, for some " unknown " reason, was prejudiced in favor of this joint, but admitted that it failed to come up to his expectations, and that if he ever had any more pipe to buy, he would, if necessary, pay a higher price for a better make, and to use his own words : " No more Matheson Joint " for him. The " contractor " stated that, speaking as a contractor, he might prefer laying pipe with the Matheson Joint, but as a citi- zen and taxpayer he would certainly prefer some other make, as the pipe was very weak wherever it was expanded, and much more on the subject, but simply bearing us out in our claims as made in this circular letter. The Superintendent of the Com- pany condemned it in the strongest possible language, and stated that he would advise any one asking him about the joint to have nothing to do with it. Our representative then investigated the line personally, and in a length of a little over two miles counted one hundred leaks, nearly one half of which were in the pipe. The men working on the line volunteered the information that had the ground not been frozen "a great deal more could have been seen." The place that appears to have given away is where the pipe is belled and nearly always in the seam, and it follows around where the ring is shrunk on. The illustration demon- strates these points plainly. A number of the lengths will have to be taken up and re- placed with others, some having burst, and it is proposed that clamps be put on many more of them. 752 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Our representative goes on to state that from his own per- sonal observation on this line, and also on another where similar pipe was used, that this joint is not reliable, its only merit being the apparent cheapness. Hearing that the line had not been accepted by the Council, our representative pursued his investigations still further. The contractor stated that this was a fact, but he was all right, as the city authorities had been using gas for two weeks. The City Commissioner holds the same view ; he says the City com- mitted an error in using any of the gas, and thinks it will have to accept the line. It would appear as if those interested were trying to make the best of a very bad job. A few extracts from reports of some of the meetings of the City Council, when this matter was under discussion, copied from the local press, may not be uninteresting reading : Under date of January 9th we find : A sensation was caused in the City Council Monday night by Gas Super- intendent Keppel charging Lewis Shoulder, a Councilman, and J. D. Welsh, contractor, for the laying of the pipe line from Wood County, with conspir- ing to defraud the City by covering the pipe in the trench before the joints were properly secured. As the line has cost nearly $100,000 the Council at once appointed a committee to investigate. The joints were found to be very bad, and over two hundred leaks were discovered. Under date of January 10th, giving report of a Council meeting, we find that the question of defects on the line was considered, and a heated argument was the result. A commit- tee of five was finally appointed to go out on the line and make a careful investigation of the charges, which not only covered defects in the pipe but intimations of corruption. Under date of January 17th, we find : The report of the select committee to examine the pipe line being called for, Mr. Holmes gave a detailed report of the trip made by the com- mittee on Tuesday of last week. He stated that a number of leaks were found near the regulator, west of Fostoria, and from thirty to forty from that place to the village, some of them trivial and others of a dangerous character. Some of the most serious leaks were due to defects in the pipe. The committee found no part of the line completed as the contract was understood. Mr. Holmes' report was a verbal one, consequently it seems to us advisable to repeat a few extracts from same, copied from another newspaper : Several of the leaks were really dangerous. The worst leaks were caused by defects in the pipe. After the caulkers had passed the leaks were THE MATHESON JOINT. 753 very numerous, as they had only gone over the line once. In Fostoria were found a number of leaks, many of which were due to defects in the pipe, and some of them should be repaired at once. Some of the bad leaks caused by defects could be stopped by putting a collar on the pipe over the leaks. There were a number of places where it was thought it might be necessary to take out defective joints. Contract had not been complied with. Did not know about pipe lines, but the contract called for tight line, and this was not such an one. Let us now consider this joint solely from a mechanical standpoint. Economy is the first great advantage claimed for it, as compared with any other, and to use the manufacturer's own words, " the surplus thickness of metal required for screwed joint being unnecessary." In the face of this the American Tube and Iron Company have recently furnished a line of pipe 5/16 inch thick for Car- negie Brothers & Company, taken at an extremely low price, where specification was for pipe y^ inch thick. It is evident that there must have been some very im- portant reason for this expensive substitution, and it is undoubt- edly this : The extra thickness is absolutely necessary to allow for the expanding of the lead space, which thins the iron very materially, as does also the cutting of the so-called locks. Again, before we leave this subject of " economy," a further quotation from the manufacturers' circular will be of interest : As all other lead or screw and socket joints have a double connection, and the Matheson a single one at each joint, a saving of 50 per cent, in this respect is made, and also a corresponding one in maintenance. This is a very broad statement, but at the same time a fal- lacious one. Observe the facts : There is a saving of 50 per cent, in lead — but to the pipe manufacturer, not to the pipe buyer, for the reason that this one joint requires as much lead as both ends of the Converse Lock Joint. As the manufacturer has no lead to furnish, the buyer is of necessity compelled to do it, and it matters not whether he pays for half of the lead when he purchases the pipe and the balance when it is laid, or pays for the whole of it when it is laid. The saving of lead to the manufacturers is one of the reasons which enables them to offer pipe with this joint at such low prices. There will not only be no saving in cost of maintenance, but a large increase in same, for two reasons : 754 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ist — All expansion and contraction in each length of pipe will come on this one joint, while in the Converse Joint it is di- vided on both ends. 2d — The less movement there is in the joints of this class, the fewer leaks there will be, and that there must of necessity be twice the movement in this joint that there is in the Con- verse Joint is an assertion which is absolutely undeniable. Simplicity in construction is another claim made by the manufacturers. This simplicity we will admit, but in an en- tirely different sense. There is too much simplicity about the joint, for lead, being of such a soft nature, will not form a re- liable lock, consequently it is not a lock joint. Reliability is another prominent claim made for it. To any one familiar with the method of manufacturing lap-weld pipe, it must be apparent that the expanding, or belling, of the end of the pipe to form this joint, must necessarily be a very severe strain on the weld, consequently the joint must always be weak at this point when under high pressure. This expanding is also a severe strain on the iron itself, as regular pipe iron will not stand any such manipulation, the result being a weakening and opening up of the fibres. If the iron was strictly homogeneous, the result would be very different, but the use of such iron is an impossibility, on account of its being so very expensive. It is perfectly safe to assume that this expansion weakens the iron thirty (30) per cent. For example : A pipe ^3-inch thick, expanded sufficiently to make the "Matheson " joint, would not stand as much pressure immediately back of the rings where the small fractures occur, as a pipe j^-inch thick which has not been expanded and fitted with the Converse Joint. Further, should a small leak occur where the pipe has been expanded, it would be almost impossible to repair by clamping, on account of the uneven surface of the pipe, caused by the ex- pansion. In such a case there is but one remedy, and that is to take out the entire length of pipe. The iron must also be much thinner at the lock recess to obtain the necessary lead space. Having shown three glaring mechanical errors : ist, the straining of the weld ; 2d, the opening of the fibers of the iron, and 3d, the thinning of the pipe, it is now proper to ask, Where is the reliability ? The claim that this joint is practically flush and smooth on the inside, reducing friction very materially, should be carefully considered. A glance at the illustration shows a projection at every joint, THE MATHESON JOINT. 755 equal to the thickness of the iron, consequently the inside of said joints cannot be flush and there must necessarily be a large amount of friction at every joint. At the time of making our investigation on the Tiffin line, putting clamps on many of the leaks was in contemplation, but when the operation is tried, it will then be found to be a very difficult one, and that the trouble cannot be overcome in that manner, for reasons already given. We now think that we have demonstrated fully the com- plete and miserable failure of the great " Matheson " Joint. You will please note how conclusively the practical use of this joint confirms our assertions from a mechanical standpoint. In closing, we repeat with emphasis an extract from cir- cular-letter No. 15 13 : Whenever you meet this make-shift affair in competition, you need have no hesitancy in attacking the mechanical construction and its general inefficiency in the most savage and relentless manner. SUPERINTENDENT R. B. TATE'S EXPERIENCE. Pittsburgh, Pa., July, 1890. E. C. Converse, Gen. Man. National Tube Works Co. Having been requested by your Mr. George N. Riley, to give my views as an expert, on the merits of your Converse Lock Joint pipe, as a carrier of high -pressure gas, etc., I take much pleasure in availing myself of this op- portunity to give my opinion, founded on several years actual experience in the use of the Converse Lock Joint pipe, and pipe made by other makers. For several years I occupied the position of General Superintendent for the Chartiers Natural Gas Company of this city, and only ceased my con- nection with that company when it amalgamated with the Philadelphia Gas Company and under the latter Company I was Superintendent of the largest division in their system, viz., the South Side division of Pittsburgh, and which comprised more mills and house services than any other in their entire plant. During the time that I held these positions, there was laid by me, and under my direction, several hundreds of miles of pipe of various sizes and makes for gas-carrying purposes. Previous to this time I had been engaged as superintendent of one of the mills in Allegheny City, whose sole output was wrought-iron pipe. I have also been consulting engineer for several gas companies in Ohio and Indiana, and of late have been engaged as a contractor to lay several miles of 12-inch, 16-inch and 20-inch pipe for the Carnegie Gas Company from their Vanceville and Amity wells into their works at Homestead, and I think that I know whereof I speak, when I claim to understand the merits of any class of wrought-iron pipe for any and all purposes, for which such pipe can be used. 756 FACTS ABOUT PIPE As I understand the request of Mr. Riley, it is that I shall confine myself to the relative merits of the different makes of wrought-iron pipe, which make their joints with lead, and as there are but two firms in the business, which make a specialty of this class of joint, viz. : your company with the Converse Lock Joint, and the American Tube and Iron Company with the Matheson Joint, I will in my remarks confine myself to a criticism of these two only. Some years ago the Chartiers Gas Company had one of their many lines laid along the sloping side of a hill. On this hill occurred what is known as a landslide, or breaking away of the ground, whereby a large body of earth was carried down against our pipe for a distance of nearly 500 feet, bending the line for that length almost in the form of a bow. This line was made of your 16-inch Converse Lock Joint pipe, and it was truly a lock joint, for the pipe held together for almost an entire week against this terrible strain of thousands of tons bearing against it, until the suc- ceeding Sunday, thus preventing a gas-stoppage at the many mills and houses in Pittsburgh which were dependent upon it for their gas supply. Had this line been made with the joint of the American Tube and Iron Company (which is claimed to be a lock joint, but is not, as it is merely one end of a pipe entered in to the expanded end of another pipe, similar to a cast-iron pipe joint) the line for this entire distance would have been broken, and a loss entailed on the company and its customers of many thousands of dollars. I mention this as one of many occurrences of a like nature which have happened within my knowledge, wherein your Converse Lock Joint has suc- cessfully withstood such strains while carrying gas and water ; and I have also known where landslides have occurred (and they are frequent in this hilly country of Western Pennsylvania) that pipe made with joints other than your lock joint, have been broken, and caused damages not easily re- paired ; but within my knowledge I have never known this to occur where your Converse Lock Joint pipe has been used. As I mentioned in another part of this letter, I am at present engaged in laying a line for the Carnegie Gas Company. This line is about 33 miles long, about 25 miles of it being of 16-inch and 20-inch diameter, made by your company, with your lock joint, and eight miles of it, of 12-inch pipe, made by the American Tube and Iron Company with their (so-called) lock joint. Being engaged in the laying of both of these joints at the same time, I can, of course, form an accurate and just opinion of their respective merits. Speaking first of your lock joint pipe (which in my judgment stands ahead of all other joints, and is superior to any class of joint made for gas- carrying purposes), I will say that its great merit with me lies in the fact that where the joint is made, that part of the pipe is strengthened by the addition of a large band of metal designated a hub, wherein are located the locking chambers, into which the rivets used for that purpose enter, and it is thus securely held, after being locked. Another feature of this metal band that merits my approval, is the fact that this locking device is so scientifically constructed that it permits of the joint being deflected, so that the line can be laid to conform the config- uration of the ground without injuring or weakening the joint a particle. THE MATHESON JOINT. 757 There are other points that can be mentioned in favor of your Converse Lock Joint, an important one of which is, that the amount of lead that is required to make a joint in your 16-inch pipe is less than is used to make a joint in the 12-inch pipe of other makes. In laying the pipe made by the American Tube and Iron Company, I find that while it is easy to put the one end of a pipe into the expanded end of another one, and this is likely to be favored by contractors, as there is no locking chamber to be entered, yet my experience other than a con- tractor compels me to say that this very fact weakens the joint, as no one knows, or can be sure, that the pipe is entered into the expanded chamber as far as it is meant to be, or if entered, that it will stay there, there being nothing to hold it in its place. This is a very bad feature in this joint in a level country, and much more so in such a broken country as this is where we are now laying this line. Another thing that is noticeable, is, that the Converse Lock Joint pipe is held in its place securely by the rivets in the locking chambers in laying down a hillside, and cannot by any possibility move from its position after being so locked. The American Tube and Iron Company's pipe having no such fastening, is liable to move in every joint, and it takes a great deal of extra attention and labor on the part of the men engaged in laying this pipe, to try and prevent this slipping, and after all of this extra care, no person can be sure that it has not so slipped, more or less. Another thing in connection with this joint that any experienced person must notice at a first glance, is that where the end of the pipe is expanded to form the chamber into which the other pipe is entered, this expansion is done at the expense of the strength of the iron, as in the expansion the iron is perceptibly thinned and the fibers of the iron weakened at the very point where the pipe should be the strongest. Contrasted with the Converse Lock Joint, this weakness becomes very apparent, the one being strengthened by a heavy band of metal, and the other end perceptibly thinner than is the body of the pipe. There are other points which I could enumerate, in contrasting these two joints, but this letter being already so much longer than I originally de- signed it to be, I will refrain from so doing, and will say in conclusion, that with my knowledge of pipe-making and pipe-laying, if I were about to put down a line of my own, for gas, oil or water carrying purposes, I most certainly would not use any other class of pipe if I could procure the Con- verse Lock Joint pipe. (Signed) R. B. Tate. SUPERINTENDENT F. A. HOFFMAN'S EXPERIENCE. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 1st. 1890. E. C. Converse, Esq., Ge?i. Man. National Tube Works Company. In answer to the inquiry of your engineer, Mr. George N. Riley, as to whether I " would be willing to give an opinion (based upon my knowledge of both classes of pipe) relative to the merits of the Converse Lock Joint pipe, manufactured by the National Tube Works Company and that of the Mathe- son Joint pipe, made by the American Tube and Iron Company, both of them being of wrought-iron, with lead joints," I would say : 758 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. I have been for nearly twenty years engaged in the oil and gas business in various capacities, and for the past four years have been General Super- intendent of the Carnegie Gas Company, one of the largest firms in the country engaged in the pipeage of gas, they having laid to their wells in the Murrysville and Grapeville fields in Westmoreland County an aggregate of over 45 miles of pipe, and they are now laying 34 miles of pipe to their wells located in the Vanceville and Amity fields in Washington County. Our first line to the Grapeville field was a screw joint, 10 inches diam- eter. This was soon found to be too small to supply the works at Braddock and Homestead, and it was determined to put in a larger pipe alongside this one, and here commenced my acquaintance with the " Matheson " joint, the Carnegie Gas Company having decided to put in a line of that make of pipe, 12 inches in diameter. This joint, as I suppose you are aware, is made by expanding one end of the pipe by hydraulic pressure to a shape somewhat similar to the old cast-iron bell mouth, and in so doing the iron is very perceptibly thinned out in the very place where it is absolutely necessary for gas-carrying pur- poses that the pipe should be the strongest. To remedy this glaring defect, there is a rough iron ring shrunk over the expanded end, but, as every engineer knows, this rough ring put on another rough surface cannot by any possibility close up the pores in the iron, opened by the enormous force required to expand this bell opening. There is a so-called locking device on this joint, which is made on the other end of the pipe, which is inserted in the bell by cutting a ring or groove in the pipe about }( of an inch from the end, % inch wide and from ]/% to 3-16 inch deep. This device, in my opinion, is far from being a lock, as, in case of there being any movement of the pipe, it will, and does, carry the lead along with it. Contrasted with this, your Converse Lock Joint pipe, which we are now laying for our Amity line, is a perfect lock. The rivets and the recess in your hubs are so situated that it is an impossibility to make the lock unless the pipe is abutting the ring in the hub made for that purpose. Not so with the Matheson joint. After it is entered, there is no way whereby any one knows whether it will stay where it is first placed or move half out again. Another point is that, in passing over a hilly and broken country, such as we have in Western Pennsylvania, it is possible with your Converse Lock Joint pipe to lay forty or fifty miles, or as much more as desired, without having one piece of bent pipe in the line. Your locking device acts as a hinge, whereby the joint can be deflected so that the line will conform to the contour of the ground without any pos- sibility of moving the pipe from the position it is placed in, the rivets securely holding it in its place. Again, in coming with your pipe down a hill, which in this country we have to do very frequently, it being up hill and down again almost all the time, we know that the rivets, when entered in your locking recess in the hub, will firmly hold the pipe where it belongs, abutting the ring in the hub, and the lead can be poured therein with an assurance of making a perfect joint. THE MATHESON JOINT. 759 Not so with the Matheson Joint in going down hill. The pipe, after being entered, has got to be held in place by bars, and there is no assurance after the lead is poured that the pipe has not dropped out from the place it was first placed in. Again, I consider that aside from the relative merits of the two joints, the fact of the one being strengthened by a heavy metal hub, while the other is weakened by expansion, and then attempted to be strengthened by shrinking a ring over the weak part, is enough to make me favor the Con- verse Lock Joint, which is easily and quickly laid, is virtually, and, in fact, is one unbroken pipe, the surface of both ends abutting against a ring in the hub, and which has no protruding ends or surfaces to retard the flow of the gas in any manner. I could go on at further length, and on other points, but it might be considered that I was becoming invidious, whereas, the fact is that these joints being both made with lead (which, in my opinion, is the best way of making a joint for gas-carrying purposes), a comparison between both of these joints could not be avoided. I have seen and known of several hundred miles of the Converse Lock Joint pipe, which have been used in and around this part of the country, and I have always heard it highly spoken of, and from my own knowledge I can, and do cheerfully say, that this class of pipe is all that it is claimed to be by its makers, and that for easy, quick, and secure laying in this broken country it cannot be equalled. (Signed) F. A. Hoffman, General Superintendent Carnegie Gas Company. PREDICTIONS SUBSTANTIATED. During the latter part of September, 1891, General Manager Converse had a conversation with Mr. F. A. Hoffman, Super- intendent of the Carnegie Natural Gas Company, in which he (Hoffman) informed him that a line of the American Tube and Iron Company's " Matheson " Joint pipe, which had been in use but little over a year, had become so leaky and impaired that he feared it would be necessary for him to have the entire line taken up, and the Matheson joints cut off and replaced with Converse joints. Shortly after this conversation — about October 10th — Super- intendent Hoffman informed our Traveling Engineer, Mr. George N. Riley, that he had sent us his order for a sufficient number of Converse Joint hubs to refit a mile of the Matheson Joint pipe which had supplied one of their most important mills with natural gas, it being so unreliable that he was not warranted in taking the chances of its giving out entirely and causing the suspension of operations in important departments. In this connection a perusal of Mr. T. W. Brooks' letter relating to Vallejo, Cal., will be of interest. You will find it on page 2S9. 760 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. PENNSYLVANIA TUBE WORKS LEAD LOCK JOINT. Here is given an illustration of the Cast-Iron Lead Lock Joint adopted by the Pennsylvania Tube Works Co. for plain end pipe, in competition with same class of goods made by us, fitted with the Converse Patent Lock Joint. Our criticism of the Matheson Joint in circular letter 374, issued January 1st, 1888, very thoroughly covers what should be said about the physical defects in this Pennsylvania joint by reason of the sim- ilarity of design. Of the two, the Matheson Joint is the better, but neither of them are founded on correct principles. I do not consider this Pennsylvania design a joint or coupling for it is nothing more or less than an old-fashioned sleeve, which has long been used for repair work. Like the American, the Penn- sylvania cuts a groove in the ends of the pipe for a lock. The lead space is entirely out of proportion, being 3^ inches broad and only ^f of an inch thick, rendering it an impossibility to pour the lead properly without first heating the casting. It will be very difficult to pour the lead, even in an unsatisfactory way, if workmen are subjected to wet ditch or cold water. In order to fill the space provided for the lead it is necessary for parts of the metal to run to the back of the space to a fine feather edge. Before reaching such point the lead will cer- PENNSYLVANIA TUBE WORKS LEAD LOCK JOINT. 761 tainly chill, leaving a cavity for the water or gas to get back of, and force the joint out under reasonably high pressure. The lead space is so broad that it will be impossible to prop- erly upset the metal by calking. We have repeatedly tested the upsetting of lead in order to get the exact proportions for our Converse Joint, and these experiments have taught us that when the lead space is too deep the blows of the hammer or the calk- ing tool simply batters up the outside, leaving the inner portion of the lead, where the work should be thoroughly done, totally undisturbed, and consequently in an ineffective state. It is a well-known fact, based upon actual practice, that lead in a joint will not be upset deeper than J/% of an inch. The selection of a broader space in the Pennsylvania Joint shows conclusively that the designers are absolutely ignorant of these circumstances. The groove in the pipe is a serious detriment to the joint. If it was possible to calk the joint up tight (which it is not), the least movement in the joint by expansion, contraction or in- ternal strains, would destroy any proper calking which had been done at the face of the joint. The old-fashioned straight sleeve with a properly designed lead space would be a better device than what the Pennsylvania people have adopted. As the lead space is only % of an inch thick at the face there is no margin whatever for deflection. There are very few pipe lines laid to-day, unless possibly, in large cities, where the joints are all straight work and deflection unnecessary. It would be a mechanical impossibility to lay a line of the Pennsylvania joint pipe over a topography showing sharp broken lines. In laying a pipe line, if it is not absolutely straight it shows more or less deflection at every joint, either by reason of broken to- pography or by the pipe being the least bit out of round, which very often occurs, especially on large sizes and in connection with light gauges. The author asked our Superintendent, Mr. Patterson, what he thought of the Pennsylvania joint, and re- ceived the following reply : In the first place, there is no inner ring for the pipe to butt against, so the hubs are liable to come loose in transportation. In the second place, there is no lock, as the little recess does not amount to anything. In the third place, there can be no deflection in the joint. In the fourth place, the lead space is neither large enough nor of the right shape for tight calking. In cold weather it would be impossible to get the lead to run in full, as we know from past experience with the Converse joint. We also know from experience that in calking the shape of the lead space as designed in the Pennsylvania joint will not permit of proper 762 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. upsetting. You will also notice the small recess in the hub. What little calking may be done on the joint will not compress the lead into this recess, but rather pull it away, leaving a vacant space in the recess. In fact, there will be a vacant space in this joint from this recess to the end of the pipe, as the lead cannot be calked at the lower end of the lead space. This will leave about Y% of an inch of lead in which to get the joint tight. I would suggest to you to be very careful not to let the Pennsylvania people get hold of your criticisms, because the weak points of the joint, which are now unknown to them, would be made clear and lead them to seek an improvement. As the joint is now, it will soon kill itself, and the Pennsylvania people may never know the reason why it died. From the above you will observe that the word " lock," used in connection with either the Pennsylvania or American, is a misnomer pure and simple, and a mere attempt to keep the word in connection with the metal lock employed in the joint invented by the author. The shape of the lead space has a great deal to do with the success of lead calking. A true lead space should be in the shape of a bent knee, or just such as is employed in the Converse joint. Like the shape, the propor- tions are also important. The above drawing shows the kind of connection that would be made if careless or "green" workmen should not centre the ends of the pipe exactly in the middle of the hub when making the joint. There is no way of knowing whether the pipe is properly centered or not, unless great care and time are taken to measure each length and make a mark the requisite distance from the end of the pipe, and even then it is very easy to slip the hub a little too far. In this joint, owing to the great length and shallowness of the space, the lead would probably chill before reaching the PENNSYLVANIA TUBE WORKS LEAD LOCK JOINT. 763 opening in the middle of the hub, especially where the defect was not quite so pronounced as in the drawing, and you will readily appreciate what would happen at such a joint when the pressure was put on the line. In the fall of 1893 the Pennsylvania Tube Company, through reciprocity trade relations, secured part of the order of the Carnegie National Gas Company, for 16-inch gas line pipe — about 4^ miles. I have just received a record of the official test of the line. There were 167 leaks, 29 of them being sand holes in the castings. Three joints had to be taken out because of insuffi- cient lead space — a horrible result notwithstanding the greatest care on behalf of the superintendent and engineers of the Carnegie line in inspection and laying. At the same time that the ^/z miles of 16-inch pipe was pur- chased from the Pennsylvania Tube Works, a like amount, or A^/z miles, of our 16-inch pipe, fitted with the Converse Lock Joint was ordered of us. The two lots of 4^ miles each, furnished by these two com- panies were laid in separate portions of the line; and, in contradistinction to the record of the Pennsylvania Pipe, which is herein above given, there were no leaks whatever in the 4^4 miles furnished by us. Our pipe gave perfect satisfaction and required no relaying or alteration of any nature. I have been informed that the lack of any lock in the Pennsylvania Joint necessitated the taking off of a number of the Pennsylvnaia Joints and the substituting of Converse Lock Joints. The Carnegie Natural Gas Company ordered a large lot of 16-inch Converse Joints from us, which were used for this pur- pose. Certain portions of the line were on straight, level ground, and the pipe answered the purpose fairly well without a lock ; but it was found impossible to deflect this joint, and, in many places where deflection was required, owing to the change of direction, or to conform to the contour of the ground, the Con- verse Joint was found to be an absolute necessity ; and, owing to our friendly relations with the Carnegie people, we permitted them to substitute our joint for the Pennsylvania to help them out of their scrape. The two lots of 4^ miles, furnished by the Pennsylvania and National Companies, were laid at the same time, though in separate portions of the line, by the same contractors, and were subject to the inspection of the same expert, Mr. John Sweeny, who occupied the position of Chief Inspector. 764 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ELECTROLYSIS. The wholesale destruction of water and gas mains by the escaping electric fluid employed in the trolley systems through- out the country has been the subject of much examination and study by the prominent engineers and engineering societies, not only of the United States but also of Europe. While all of the experts are of one opinion on the question of fact, no satis- factory remedy has yet been discovered. The trouble is in its infancy, so to speak, and I do not doubt but that sooner or later some engineer will arise to the occasion with proper means to protect the subterranean conduits from this growing enemy. In the meantime, it is gratifying to note that such comparative tests as have been made between wrought-iron or steel and cast- iron conduits, have shown that the effects of electrolysis on the latter are always more rapid and more destructive than on the others. For months the engineering journals have been teeming with articles touching upon the subject, and numerous instances have been cited where entire pipe systems have been almost wholly destroyed. It is not my purpose to herein refer to individual cases where the water and gas mains have been affected by electrolysis, but to reproduce a few papers and some data prepared by the leading electrical engineers, covering the result of their experi- ence, tests, observation and study, as giving the best light yet thrown upon the subject. Abstract of a Paper by H. A. Aelyn, Cambridge, Mass., Read Be- fore the New England Association of Gas Engineers.— Effects of the Troleey System on Gas and Water Pipes. The action of the trolley system on underground metallic work was first called to the notice of Charles H. Morse, Superintendent of Wires, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, by a complaint from the New England Tele- phone Company during the spring of 1892. * * * But a simple experi- ment seemed to fasten the responsibility on the trolley system. It was suggested that the railroad company substitnte for the copper wires under the rails, some of much larger size. The suggestion was adopted. In Cambridge, wires of about five-eights inch diameter were employed, while in Boston the whole distance covered by the conduits was protected by a wire nearly an inch in diameter. * * * Now, under certain conditions, ELECTROLYSIS. 765 the current, in its endeavors to return to the power station, is liable to leave its proper road, and run ' ' cross-lots ' ' by any by-paths that may present themselves. The paths most easy of access are, of course, the gas and water pipes, and these the current appropriates to its purpose without regard to consequences. The action on the pipes which ensues is very similar to that in an ordinary cell of a voltaic battery. Anyone who has been uufortunate enough to have the care of many of these cells, must be aware that in the zinc or negative pole a constant wearing away is taking place, necessitating frequent renewals. So with the pipes over which the current happens to pass. No damage results where the current passes on to the pipes ; when it leaves them serious results may follow. * * During the autumn of last year many reports of leaking pipes were received at the water office. * * * As the reports became more frequent the superintendent became convinced that some influence other than the ordinary oxidation was affect- ing the mains. The Water Board requested Mr. Morse to investigate the matter, and in a series of experiments he found currents of electricity flow- ing over the gas and water pipes in all parts of the city, though more 'par- ticularly near the power station. * * * The trouble increased ; some of the pipes were renewed ; galvanized, tar-coated pipes were each tried in turn, but all were about equally affected. In some cases new pipes were destroyed in a month's time. * * * In laying a 12-inch main, the pack- ing yarn, while being driven, took fire. The joint-maker received some severe shocks, and was obliged to drive his yarns with wood. In a building located on a corner, two water supplies were connected by a copper wire, sufficient current was passing over the wire to heat it too hot to be held in the hand. Mr. Morse requested the railroad company to connect the mains at fre- quent intervals with copper wires, more especially at the "dead-ends" of pipes. For a time it was thought this remedy might result in "robbing Peter to pay Paul," or, in other words, while the change would prove bene- ficial to the water pipes, it would throw an additional burden upon the gas pipes. Mr. Morse therefore suggested that the gas and water pipes be con- nected by stout copper wires at numerous localities over the city. * The railroad companies expressed a willingness to comply with this sug- gestion, and were preparing to do so. * * * In a word, the whole ques- tion is of such recent origin and presents so many different phases that it seems to me the problem is far from being solved. I mention that but one instance had come to our notice where the action of the electric current could be clearly connected with damage to our pipes. This pipe was an iX-i ncn galvanized pipe. After leaving the main it passed under the tele- phone conduit, then across the street, under two tracks. It was between these tracks that the break occurred. The pipe remained perfectly sound, except at each side of the coupling, where it was eaten through. — Engineering Record, March iS, 1893. ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER PIPES. Paper Read by C. H. Morse, of Cambridge, Mass., before the New England Water-Works Association. Part 1. — When my friend Mr. Nevons about two years and a half ago came to me in the corridors of the city hall and said, ' ' Mr. Morse, what 766 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. effect is the connecting of these wires to our water pipes going to have ? " I remember of saying to him at the time, "The effect will be something very slight. I anticipate no trouble from it ; you will probably be in your grave before any water pipes are injured by electricity." And then, again, about two mouths and a half ago, when Mr. Nevons again came to me and said, " Mr. Morse, do you suppose that this electric business is having any effect on our pipes ? " and I answered him in an entirely different way, saying, "Most certainly ; I haven't the slightest doubt but what it is having an effect," he gave me a look, as much as to say, "Why, Mr. Morse, you never think twice alike, do you? " (daughter.) And it did seem so, really. And I remember he rather brought me to an account for that, and when he said, " You have changed your mind, haven't 3^011? " I gave him some such reply as this : that in electric matters two years and a half certainly do not make ancient history. And I think that is particularly so in regard to develop- ment of the transmission of power by electric energy. We have had many changes in the department of science within that time. I think I can illus- trate it no better than to say that the generators which were developing power for the West End Railway Company two years aud a half ago are now obsolete ; that the motors which were under the cars two years and a half ago would not be tolerated now by the company ; new motors have been placed in service, larger ones, water-proof motors, gearless motors which make less noise, motors which are made dust-proof by iron cases ; and there ! are the single reduction motors, the gears of which run in oil, making the operation exceedingly quiet. So I feel justified in saying that the last two years and a half in some departments of electrical work have made ancient history. Electrolytic action is not a new thing. In the year 1300 note was made of this action. Although the Faradic battery was not discovered till 1799, yet electrolytic action has been known for 500 years at least. Iron tools of miners working in copper mines were found corroded with a Uiin coating of copper caused by electrolytic action. So you see it is really nothing new which we are discussing to-day ; it is merely a new application of the subject. In order that you may understand the whys and wherefores of this, you will excuse me if I make comparisons, and go back a little into the theory of hydraulics and electricity, comparing the flow of the electric current with the water works system. And this is why it gives me pleasure to speak to men of your business, you will so quickly grasp the situation. I think, sometimes, when these comparisons are made the speaker does not get quite far enough back. All power emanates, of course, from the sun's heat. We should start from our water works when we speak about the pressure and fall of potential at the source of supply — the sea. The heat of the sun evaporates the water, taking up only the pure water and leaving the salt ; the air becomes saturated with this moisture, and it flows back steadily into the interior, where it meets colder streams of air, if you please to call them streams or currents, and condensation takes place. Thus we have our highest potential in a water works system in the cloud. The condensation goes on till the drops of water are formed. The highest part of a water works system is in the cloud. The drops fall to the ELECTROLYSIS. 767 earth and a part of our energy is lost, but the power is not noticed, as it is distributed over such a vast area that the heat effects developed are hardly apparent. The water falls back into the water basin and runs back into the store-house, as we might call it, the reservoir, and here we generally begin when we compare hydraulics and electricity. Then we have our large mains leading to all parts of our cities and towns, gradually growing smaller and smaller until you get to the faucets in the houses. Now, if we could derive only power from our water pressure, and use it merely through water motors, the ideal place to put the motor, of course, would be the sea level, then we should get our maximum potential. If we had our mains big enough we should get our full potential at the water wheel — we should get the full head, so to speak. In ideal electrical power system should be built on exactly the same principles. We have in the city of Boston, in the West End Railway sys- tem three separate power houses, one at East Cambridge, one on Albany street and one in Allston, not very far from Cambridge. These power houses are the reservoirs. We could, if we chose, go back of this reservoir to the sun's heat again and think of the coal being formed, the trees growing centuries ago in the tropical regions, storing up this im- mense amount of potential energy ; this coal then placed under the boilers and producing steam ; that steam transformed into mechanical energy in the steam engine and the steam engine giving up its power to the dynamo, which sends out in the form of electricity ninety-five per cent, of the power given to it. Now, in our electrical plant we really get our highest potential at what we call the positive pole of the dynamo. The current of electricity flows out from the positive pole of the generators. These generators are coupled together, say, in multiple — that is— all the positive poles together. As two or three steam fire engines may all throw their water into one line of hose, so all the generators throw all their energy from the positive side of the dynamo onto the feed wires. These feed wires relate to all parts of the system. From the East Cambridge power house, for instance, they ex- tend to Arlington, all parts of Cambridge, some parts to Boston, to Everett, Charlestown and Somerville. Now, then, we have these immense main feeders radiating out from the station, upon which the current flows. They should be of sufficient capacity to carry the current without a fall of pres- sure, the same as with our water mains, when we draw all that the generators are capable of developing with safety at the end of our lines. Now, if I may refer to a water works system again, every part of cur- rent which leaves these feeders and goes through the cars must return to the negative pole of the dynamo, as in the water works system every particle of water which runs out of the faucets must find its way back to the sea level. In the same way the electric current comes back. We lose in our water works system a large amount of our power in consequence of dis- tributing the water at a higher level than the sea level ; in the electric system this should not be necessary. The current goes through the feeders to the trolley wires, through the trolley down the pole to the car, through a concealed wire through the motor under the car. This motor should con- sume all the energy, and when the current leaves and goes into the rail it should have an easy path upon which it can return, so easy that there will be no loss of pressure noticeable on the return. When electric cars were 763 FACTS ABOUT PIPE first put in operation in Cambridge they depended upon mother earth, the water pipes, the gas pipes, and anything over which the current could flow, to convey to the station or act as a sewer. No thought was given to the loss which would result to the company from doing this, to say nothing about the effect upon our pipes. I can illustrate this loss by saying that three months ago in parts of Cambridge the loss of pressure due to the power which was required to force this current back over this uncertain path was 20 per cent. Now, when I tell you that the central stations of the West End Railroad Company have a maximum capacity of 12,000 horse power, which would give sufficient current for 24,000 arc lamps, the same as are used in our streets, or 120,000 incandescent lamps, such as we have in this building, you can get an idea of the power which is being sent out. When you think of that current returning, as it has been obliged to return, you can see that there must be an immense amount transmitted over our pipes. The effect of this was called to my attention by the Superintendent of the Cambridge Water Works, who is ever viligant in these directions, and a series of tests were made to ascertain the quantity, and a little reasoning was done to determine the consequences. Electric currents have nearly the same laws as hydraulics. You take a two-inch pipe and a four-inch pipe, not counting in friction, the four-inch pipe will carry four times as much water as the two-inch, the amount varying directly as the square of the di- ameters. The current of electricity which will flow through two wires side by side is in the same proportion, the larger the wires the larger the current, varying as the squares of the diamaters of the wires. We use a little different form from what you do, and instead of speaking of diameters we speak of wires now as of so many circular mills. This gives us im- mediately the amount of current which will pass over these wires. It is simply the diameter in the thousandths of an inch squared. Part 2. Now, when we come to the word "resistance," I want you to bear in mind this : The resistance is the same as it is in a water pipe in one sense ; you get small resistance through a large pipe, and the smaller the resistance the more water will flow. The same rule holds with the wire ; the smaller the resistance the more electricity will flow through it. If several paths are open we say the current divides inversely as the resist- ance. If the fractional effect or resistance of the wire is small large amounts will flow. If we have two water pipes side by side running from the same reservoir, and we are drafting from the same point, if the pipes are the same fractional effect, we shall have the same current of water flow- ing through the two pipes. Now, if we have two wires side by side at- tached to the same machine, the current will divide and will flow through those wires inversely, according to the resistance. The larger the wire the less the resistance, and the more the flowage, provided they are of the same metal. When the railroad company put in their power plant they ran large numbers of feeders, and one wire between the rails, and attached the two rails to this return wire, so that the current will go through the car, through the motor to the wheels, to the rails, and get along as best as it can to the station. This became, very soon, an uncertain path, as it was found that electrolytic action took place upon the wire, and it disappeared in places. They thought at first that it was due to something in the soil. But it was ELECTROLYSIS. 769 very soon traced to the same enemy which you have to contend with — electrolytic action. I remember the practical experience we had with these dead rails, as we call them. When this wire was eaten off and a car came on to that sec- tion, if by any chance you placed one foot upon the rail and another upon the ground near it, shocks could be obtained. That happened simply in this way. The current must get back to the station, and it would take to the rail, which was not well grounded, would go up the leg of the man who stood on the rail and down the other to the earth, especially if the earth was a little moist, dividing again inversely according to the resistance. The effect was so great that the West End Railroad Company made a complete change and reversed the conditions. It would be as if you started with your water works system by pumping the water from the sea into the sewers, forcing it up out of the sewer pipes and back through the faucets and through the mains to the reservoir. That is, they attached the other pole to the earth to remedy this difficulty, and instead of sending the cur- rent out over the feeders, they commenced about a year and a half ago to force it out through the ground, have it go up through the cars and back through the feeders. When I heard of this I immediately concluded we should have trouble from it, and that is why I told my friend Nevons so decidedly I had no doubt it would have an effect ; and now I will state some of the effects that I have noticed in Cambridge. Mr. Nevons and I went to some of the places where we had traced these difficulties, or where they had been called to our attention, rather, and found that lead pipes had disappeared in a short space of time, some even in six or eight weeks. Iron pipes had been tried with the same re- sult, also galvanized iron. Brass pipe had been put in, and deterioration was noticed at once. " Rustless iron " was tried, and it did rust decidedly. (Laughter.) Well, it was not the work of any mysterious agent, but was the result of what almost all of you have seen in school experiments — that is, the decomposition of water. The current left the West End power house at East Cambridge ; it flowed through the ground, and, of course, divided ac- cording to the resistance, and took to whatever conductor came in its waj^. It took to the rails, the water pipes and the gas pipes. Now, we get no ac- tion except at what we call the positive pole ; that is, where the current is flowing out of the pipes ; where it takes to the pipe there is no action. The current flowed along on the pipes, and in this particular case it got down on to Bridge Street, which is near Charles River, and flowed along our sup- ply pipes on the wharves, and here it had to get across the river to propel the cars in Boston. Where it left those pipes action took place. Well, the remedy, the quick remedy for that, of course, was very apparent, that is, to reverse the current. So the officials of the West End Rail- road Company were invited to a conference with the Water Board and myself, and I am pleased to say the company were willing and anxious to do anything in their power to obviate this difficulty. A certain amount of credit belongs to them for that, although, of course, they had a reason for wanting to do it themselves. They were losing anywhere from five to twenty per cent, of their power in this return : and when you reckon the loss on 12,000 horse power it is quite an item. If they could save five per cent, of that by the 770 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. investment of a large amount of money it was very desirable for them to do it. They were consequently perfectly willing to take hold of this matter. It was suggested at that time that a reversal of the current might be a good thing. Now, I can illustrate to you in a moment why that would have an effect. The current was reversed, and now takes to our water pipes in just the same places that it left them before. As I told you before, there is no action at the point of contact, where it goes into the pipe ; it is only where it leaves it. Therefore you would expect a very rapid deterioration where it left the pipes near the power- house to go into the machines there. Of course, we had to fix the pipes so the current would not leave them through the earth. The leaving through the earth would have this effect : A difference of potential of two volts — our system of pressure ; you call it pounds — in a current flowing from one piece of metal to another through moisture causes the decomposition of water, and water forms into the two gasses, oxygen and hydrogen, at this place. Now, we speak of the oxidation of an iron pipe due to the attacking of the pipe by this gas. If it were pure oxygen there you can see we should have a very rapid attacking of the pipe. Then we must find some means b)* which we can get the current off the pipe without having it go from the pipe to the earth, and we do it by soldering very heavy copper wires to the pipes in various places and carrying these copper wires into the power-house and attaching them to the negative poles of the machines, so the current has an easy path over which to leave the pipe. Of course, the result is we get no electrolytic action because we don't have the current leaving the pipe through the earth connection but through a solid metal connection. Observations were made by several of the water works employees unintentionally. Some of the other gentlemen present could tell you about those, perhaps, better than I. Such an immense amount of current was flowing over the pipes that upon attempting to make a joint by putting oakum around the pipe, it was found that the electric arc was often sufficient to set fire to the oakum, frightening the men con- siderably, I imagine. This, of course, would not necessarily indicate a very high potential, but proved the presence of a very large quantity of current in the earth. Tests were made in different parts of the city by means of instruments adapted for the purpose, and we found between North Cambridge, Harvard Square, Central Square and East Cambridge a fall of potential all the way from 25 to 45 volts. Now, you can reckon the percentage as well as I. There should be no fall of potential, but there was a loss, as I said, from 25 to 45 volts, from 500 volts, which is the maximum pressure, making more loss than can be allowed with economy. When we attached to the negative pole of the machine and made our tests from Harvard Square, we found a loss of 100 volts, or 20 per cent, of the pressure. You can now see, as I said before, why the company was very ready to take hold of this matter. Part 3. — How are we to remedy the difficulty? I know of no way by which we can use the single trolley wire system and overcome this difficulty without putting up an immense amount of overhead returns, through which the resistance will be reduced to almost nothing. How far the company will be willing to go in this I cannot say. Their spirit has been so admirable ELECTROLYSIS. 771 in the past I have no right to suppose but what they are willing to carry it to that extent. Certainly the city will require it carried to such an extent that the pipes will be in perfect safety. The maximum amount of current which can be allowed to go over them I am unable to tell you at present, but a series of experiments are being conducted now at my house to deter- mine this. I have some pipes buried in the earth, the current flowing over them, and I am watching carefully the deterioration daily. I am in hopes to make a report soon to the Water Board upon the maximum amount which can be allowed to flow upon iron pipes from which we will have no effect. By doing what we did do, reversing the current and attaching our water pipes to the negative pole of the dynamo, we hurt one of our old friends seriously — that is, the gas company. You see the effect. The current will flow on the water pipes, and it has an easy chance to leave them through their connection with the negative pole of the dynamo. Now it flows along on a gas pipe, and as soon as it can it will leave the gas pipe to take to the water pipe. I felt it my duty to make this clear to the President of the gas company, and called his attention to it, saying that something ought to be done to protect him, and a conference was had between the railroad people and the gas company, and I was invited to be present. At that time we made an arrangement with the company which will help it somewhat in that direction, and will help us as well as them. We propose now to connect the gas pipes and water pipes together in all parts of the city. It will be done in buildings. A man from the West End Company has been appointed who goes as a gas man to the different stores and factories, in those places he will solder a wire to the gas pipe and also to the water pipe. This can do no injury to either, but will decidedly help both companies. You will be a little interested, perhaps, to know of one or two experi- ments which we have tried in East Cambridge when investigating this sub- ject. Mr. Nevons will be perfectly familiar with the new engine house at East Cambridge. It is not yet occupied. There is an old supply which comes in from one street that connected with the old house, and a new sup- ply comes in from Otis street, I believe. The mains are connected together at the corner of Third and Otis streets, and this engine house is on the cor- ner. Now, there is sufficient difference in potential between these two pipes so that if they are connected together by a medium sized copper wire, about a No. 1 8, it will heat the wire so hot you can't bear your hand upon it. There is sufficient power to run a good sized motor, and I suggested to the engineer that he put a motor on there and run a planing mill and a few other little industries* to help out that section of the city. It is a matter of fact that if we could save all the energy which is being thrown away, we could run a large factory. In fact, if we run a copper wire from East Cambridge to Harvard Square I think there would be no difficulty in running the whole university press by this wasted power. It was a little surprise to me the way th ey attempted at first to return the current. Iron carries a current of electricity not as readily as copper. It has seven times the resistance. Now, there are girder rails that have, we will say, ten square inches. Some of them have as high as fourteen square inches, sectional area. That would have a carrying capacity equal to a piece of copper two inches square. And yet these rails are bonded by a No. 4 772 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. copper wire, a wire smaller than a lead peneil. It seems quite ridiculous that they should ask this little bit of fine copper wire to carry as much cur- rent as a big rail, where they could have a piece of copper wire, as I said be- fore, for these big rails, of at least two square inches sectional area. There is another remedy also which we hope to carry out early in the spring, and that is to abolish completely this return wire between the rails, by cutting it into sections of about 400 feet, and connect each of these sections with return wires. Most of the current will then return by these copper wires. Of course some of it, as I said before, will flow over the water pipes. That cannot be helped as long as one side of the machine is connected with the earth. Another remedy which is to be adopted is a special line of feeders, attached only to the water pipes, that is, a feeder will be run from the central power house to the different parts of the city, which will not be connected with the machines at all, but will be connected with the water pipes at the central power house and with the pipes in all sections of the city. This will materially reduce the electrolytic action. Mr. Hazen : I would like to ask if the destruction of the pipes is en- tirely from the outside, or whether it is from the inside as well ? Mr. Morse : It is entirely from the outside, where the current leaves the pipe. We should have almost the same effect if there was no water in it. Where the current leaves the pipe, it makes little pit holes in it as big as the end of your finger or thumb, a little crevice which will work clear through the pipes. Mr. Hazen : Is the feric oxide left there ? Mr. Morse : You would be surprised to see how much is carried away, and just what becomes of it, I haven't been able to determine yet. Mr. Holden : Does it affect one kind of pipe more than another ? Mr. Morse : Any kind of metal pipe would be affected. A remedy has been tried that I think will be successful in some sections ; that is, the placing of the pipe in cracked stone. I think this has a decided effect. And, also, the placing of the pipe in cement, where the supplies go through muddy places, would be desirable. Mr. Holden : Wouldn't a cement covering answer ? Mr. Morse : Yes, sir ; but let me explain that we should get the flow of the current through a cement lined pipe, and, if the supplies were not covered, we should get the action on the supplies. Mr. Tidd : I should like to ask if those spots you speak of are rust spots, or holes apparently drilled into the pipe ? Mr. Morse : I think it is probably due, in iron pipes, to a very rapid oxidation of the pipe. It is quite difficult to make a deposit of iron, al- though it has been done repeatedly and is being done in some instances commercially. The effect is, however, I think, undoubtedly rapid rusting due to the formation of oxygen and hydrogen at the positive pole. Mr. Gardner: Do I understand that the return wire between the rails has suffered this deterioration so it has been eaten all away ? Mr. Morse : Yes, I have seen that in several instances. Three years ago, complaints came to me that in a certain section of the city, if a horse stepped on a rail he would be knocked down. I investigated, and found that the wire was reduced to almost nothing, leaving what we call a ELECTROLYSIS. 773 dead rail. You can see the effect at once. If a car came in on that section, the current had to get back through the ground, and it would go up through a horse's forward legs, pass through his body, and down through his hind feet, and the result was a severe shock. Mr. Gardner : Was this a small wire ? Mr. Morse : About as large as a lead pencil. Mr. Gardner : If that wire had been large, do you think the action would have been the same, or was it due to the incapacity of the wire to conduct the current ? In other words, had the wire been large enough to conduct the current readily, would there have been this disintegration ? Mr. Morse : No, I think there would not. If the current could flow back over the rail and wire very easily, much easier than it could leave it and take to the water pipe, the amount of the electrical action would be so small it would have been years before we discovered it. Several months ago we were unable to locate grounds on our fire alarm system, and I wrote to the West End Company complaining of the size of their return wires, and last April they commenced running a return wire just to overcome that difficulty. Mr. Gardner : Wouldn't the remedy be to have a very large return ? Mr. Morse : Yes, that is it exactly, to have the return so large that there can be almost no resistance to it. The question we are considering now is how much current we can allow with safety on our water pipes. It is not possible under the present system to make it so that there will be absolutely no flow, and the question is, how much we can allow with safety ? Prof. Brown : I would like to ask Mr. Morse if it were possible to cover the pipes completely with a non-conducting coating, heavily coated with asphalt, whether there would be any deterioration ? Mr. Morse : If the pipes could be insulated from the soil there could be no action. — Fire and Water, April sg, i8pj. The Electrolysis of Gas Pipes. The effect of electric currents on gas and water pipe is attracting at- tention in Europe as well as America. In our issues of March iSth and April 8th were described some phenomena noted at Boston, Mass., and Indianoplis, Ind., iu connection with the gas pipes of those cities, and we give below an extract of a paper by M. P. Jousselin on the same subject as it has been developed in Paiis. The abstract is taken from a full translation of the paper which appeared in the Western Electrician under the title of " Dangers from Gas in Electrically Lighted Cities." Perforations of gas pipes by electrolysis have been extremely frequent in the last few years. They are numbered by the hundreds, and are pro- duced most frequently in lead pipes, though they are met with in cast- iron pipes. . As the leaks occur upon the public streets, the employees of the gas company hasten to the spot and investigate. When the pipes are uncovered holes are at once noted on their surface, through which the gas is escaping. * * * A workman looking for leaks while digging with a pick frequently notices that the ground liberates a certain 774 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. amount of heat, and that the service pipe is affected electrically even up to the meter. At the instant that a loss of electricity occurs in the cable, the current takes the path of the gas system in the vicinity. The carbonates, or sulphates of lime, as the case may be, are decomposed by reason of a considerable rise of temperature, and carbonic acid or sulphuric acid is carried to the pipes. When this occurs in calcareous earths it is found that the lead at the edges of the holes is covered with carbonate of lead hydrate mixed with oxide of lead. The carbonate of lead causes thin- ning of the metal and finally produces perforation. When the ground contains plaster or sulphates of lime, it is noticed that in consequence of the more immediate action of sulphuric acid, the perforated hole is cleaner and presents a crater form. The edges are covered with a brownish powder, which analysis proves to be sulphate or sulphuret of lead. These effects are noticed in the cast-iron pipes, even of large di- ameters, and the periphery of the punctures is covered with a greenish com- pound which, in accordance with analysis, is ferrous sulphate, ferric sulphate and hydrate of ferric oxide. The reactions which cause the perforations are due to electricity, and are electrolytic phenomena. The action takes place as if in an electrolytic bath, in which one electrode is the gas pipe, the other the cable, and the electrolyte the soil impregnated with water fre- quently acidulated. The Edison Company, in whose district most of the trouble has occurred, placed its cables in Doulton's system of flat boxes with a tile cover. This arrangement seemed to possess every advantage, both because it was air- tight and it facilitated inspection. This conduit, built under the sidewalks in earth sufficiently dry, and with a slight grade, so that the water leaking in could run off, seemed excellent at first. The cables were kept in a good state of preservation and no damage to the neighboring gas mains was noticed. After a time, however, the joints sealed with cement became dis- placed. The cement cracked and water entered the conduit. There were then many contacts with the earth at the joints, and consequently losses of current ensued, from which the gas pipes suffered. The Edison Company did not hesitate to discard the Doulton system in favor of a cement conduit designed by M. Clerc, one of its engineers, and the system has been em- ployed with success on the Boulevards. These conduits, which resemble those used by the Electrical Transmission Company, are very small. The work of substitution, which has involved an expense of eighty thousand dollars, is now completed, and to-day, accidents caused by the distributing system are scarcely spoken of. The gas leaks caused by electrolytic phenomena have caused harm. * * * One case occurred on the night of June 15, 1892, when there were three explosions in quick succession in two Edison manholes, located in Rue Notre Dame de Lorette, at the corner of Rue Breda ; the first occurred at 10.50 P. M. The two manhole covers were thrown into the air, greatly frightening passers by. One woman was thrown to the ground. The covers were replaced about 11 o'clock, and half an hour later a second explosion occurred, again throwing the covers into the air. Then at 6 o'clock in the morning a third explosion occurred. It was doubtless gas that caused the explosion, for when excavations were made it was seen that the pipes had been punctured in proximity to the manholes. The gas escaped from the ELECTROLYSIS. 775 pipes, passed through the Edison tile conduits into the manholes, where three differeu t times it formed with the air, an explosive mixture. — Engin- eering News, April 2Q, i8gj. The electrolysis of gas and water pipes has been investigated by a joint committee of the British Parliament, which recommends that in all fran- chises authorizing the use of heavy electric currents for other than lighting purposes, a clause be inserted requiring the use of insulated returns or uninsulated returns of low resistance. The committee further recommends that the matter be placed in the hands of the Board of Trade, which is to have the authority to inflict fines not exceeding $50, and a further penalty not exceeding $25 a day for a continued offence. — Engineering Record, August 12, zSyj. Report of Board of Water Commissioners, City of Saginaw, Mich., for Year 1892. One of the most serious problems that confronts this department at the present time is the protection of service water pipes from escaping elec- tricity along the line of the Saginaw Street Railway Company tracks. That the lead service pipes are affected by the electricity is proven by the report of E. Speidel, analytical chemist, to whom we referred our difficulty for solution. His report is as follows : The lead in the pipes, as you know from my report of June 4, was pure commercial lead, thus causing me to investigate the soil to get at the trouble. I have tested the submitted soils and found them to contain chloride of lead, showing that chlorides are acting on the lead. Where should the chloride come from ? I found considerable calcium and magnesium chloride, but no sulphate, no common salt, and but very little nitrogenous material — not enough to cause any decomposition from the chlorides. I had to give up looking for direct chemical causes. Lead is not affected by dilute hydrochloric acid and magnesium, and calcium chlorides do not touch it. I took your suggestion on the electric point, and following it up, I came to the solution of the problem, which I will try to demonstrate on the fol- lowing page. I have consulted the best electricians in Chicago, and I know I am right. " D " is the dynamo in the power house. The positive current runs through the trolley wire, through the car motor, through the track, back to the dynamo. In electrical work the ground connection is usually made by attaching the ground wires to the water pipes (main), so the lead service pipe is connected indirectly with the power house. Now, if the joints are not well made (between the rails) the electric current leaks out and takes the easiest path to the dynamo, which in this case is the lead ser- vice pipe. When the spark enters the pipe it strikes the lead like a small or a number of small lightnings, causing the lead to oxidize, which at the same time combining with chlorine liberated by the electrically-decomposed chloride, forms chloride of lead. This action, corroding the lead pipe, is strongest where the pipe runs parallel to the car track ; at right angles the chances are not so numerous for the spark to catch the pipe. 776 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. There are two remedies for this trouble. One would be that the car people should look into these points and not lose so much electricity, and the second one is to coat your lead pipe with some non-conducting sub- stance—that is, paint them over with tar, asphaltum, or something of that nature. ELECTROLYSIS. A Volunteer Paper Read by Peter Milne, Hydraulic Engineer, . at the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the American Water Works Association, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 5, 1893. In a general sense this word is compound ; it means the decomposition of metals by the action of electricity. It is a word used also to express the action or process of the oxidation of metals by natural law. * *- * Since the introduction of the telegraph and telephone systems of transmission by electricity, electrolysis is the primary element used to furnish the energy to produce the power required. The process of electrolysis is either produced by acid batteries or friction dynamos. * * * Electrolysis as a principal or agent did not begin to act to the detriment of commercial or financial success until the introduction of electricity for lighting purposes. Experi- mentally it was found that the potential or power generated at the station, if in excess of what was required for the transmission and light, would de- compose, burn up or destroy the agents of conductivity, or else seek its affinity some other way in order to balance the excess of energy generated at the dynamo station. * * * Coming now to the question of electrolysis of submerged iron, gas and water mains, we will admit the process of elec- trolysis by natural law, as found in the gradual deterioration of metal in the earth under the action of the magnetic elements contained therein, and found in the gas that passes through the gas main, and also found in the water that passes through the water main. * * * It certainly never was intended that gas and water mains should be used for any such purpose. * * It is the experience of .water works companies in quite a number of places that, since the introduction of electric power upon street railways, electrolysis prevails to an extent more or less damaging, according to struc- tural conditions in lead and iron water pipes (known as service pipes). * * * I have as yet to learn of anything being done by electricians in the way of avoiding the trouble. I do not believe that electricians are ignoring the question. I do believe it is possible and practical to largely, if not alto- gether, overcome the difficulty. As herein mentioned, we know the perish- able nature of metals buried in the earth, and are familiar with dame nature's method of reducing, by natural chemical equivalents stored in her laboratory, all things to their original state. It would seem, in view of these facts, and with the experience and knowledge of water works men before their observations, that electricians would cease using iron and brass pipe conduits, creosote plank boxes, lined inside and outside with all man- ner of perishable and expensive ingredients, and resort to an earthenware conduit, properly glazed and jointed, made sectional, lengthwise for positive and negative wires, insulated and isolated. I know of nothing that will compare for durability with a vitrified salt glazed conduit. * * * I have ELECTROLYSIS. 777 not heard that electrolysis may effect it, or that it is an electrode or elec- trolyte. * * * The report of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saginaw, Mich. , contains an interesting report upon ' ' Electrolysis of Lead Service Pipes," by Ernest Spiedel, analytical chemist of Chicago. His observations and investigations, however, lead us to conclude that the electric traction railways have no underground wnre between their tracks, the result being that the rail tracks are used exclusively for conductivity, and when they are charged in excess of their ability to perform the work of returning the cur- rent to the power station, the surplus takes to the earth, using the iron water mains, thence the lead service pipes attached thereto as conductors. The subject was briefly considered by the Editor of Fire and Water, in a paper read at the American Water Works Convention held in Milwaukee. We are of the opinion that municipal legislation, similar to what has recently been desired by the London Board of Trade and a Committee of Parliament, will be necessary in order to afford proper protection to gas and water mains and their connections where electric railways are in opera- tion. Economic considerations may deter electric railway plants from properly securing the property of others from the action of electrolysis. The time, however, is at hand when they must show, without regard to the expense involved, that they are willing to make liberal use of the means at hand, even though it is not all that is desirable, in order to preserve water mains and water services intact from the influences of the electric current. — Fire and Water, October 14, 1893. Return Circuits and Electrolysis. The matter of the electrolysis of pipes and cables by the return cur- rents of electrical railways is probably destined to play such an important role within a few years, if steps to prevent it are not taken, that an outline of our definite knowledge on the subject is given in another column. The whole question is, of course, dependent on the return circuits of the elec- tric railways, for if these are of such conductivity that the current will return through them to the power station, then there will be no wandering electricity to get into the pipes of the water works or gas plant and give the unfortunate manager several uneasy hours of investigation. If the electric railway managers can be convinced that the remedy for this electrolysis lies in their power and will actually be to their advantage to apply, then the matter will be in a fair process of solution. * * * The conclusions reached by The Engineering Record some time ago are given in another column. From these it will be seen that railways on a large scale are now in operation which are provided with return circuits such as we believe will largely reduce electrolysis, and the much better return circuits of such roads was provided at a less cost than the hitherto adopted practice. It is now the general custom to connect the ends of rails with bonds and to con- nect the rails with a wire or wires running back to or nearly to the power station and placed between each pair of rails. Theoretically, the current is supposed to return through these wires and bonded rails, but, practically, 778 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the resistance of the metal circuit is so much less than the resistance of the earth, that as soon as the earth becomes a trifle damp the electricity deserts the roadway and passes through the earth to the excellent circuit provided by the water and gas mains or the lead covering of the telophone cables ; traveling along these conductors until there is a better conductor elsewhere, when it goes to that conductor and leaves as a mark of its presence a little pit in the metal at the point of departure. The trouble is that the return circuit through the track does not have the conductivity of the earth and pipe circuits. The return circuit can be given an excellent conducting capacity, however, if the method now followed on the Atlantic Avenue Railway in Brooklyn is adopted. Here, special advantage of the conduc- tivity of the rails is taken by the Engineer, Thomas J. McTighe. A 70- pound rail is used, so that the area of the four rails in the track is prac- tically 28 square inches, which has the conductivity of 4% square inches of copper. Track with such rails and under similar conditions of usage has generally been laid with No. 4 copper bonds and two No. 2 copper sup- plementary wires. On the Atlantic Avenue Railway this construction has been abandoned, and a return circuit of 4^2 times the conductivity obtained at one-fifth the cost by using No. o bonds and no supplementary wires. That is to say, the destructive electric return current has four and one- half times the facilities to return in a proper manner provided at one-fifth the cost of the old ineffectual method, and if the improved conductivity is not enough it can be greatly increased at a comparatively small expense, making the total cost less than the method of supplementary wires. In a future Lssue will be given an abstract of a valuable paper on this subject, going more fully into details. — Engineering Record, October ij, 1893. RUIN TO ALU PIPES. Trolley Dangerous Underground. — Escaping Currents found to be Speedily Destructive to Metal Gas and Water Mains. — Inspector McDevitt of Philadelphia Investigates the Cause. A new danger threatening Philadelphia and every other city in the Union in which trolley cars are run is just now occupying the attention of local engineers. It is claimed that the effect of the trolley on the streets will be the speedy destruction of all underground metal pipes, imperiling the water and gas systems and causing enormous expense to the taxpayers. William McDevitt is electrical engineer and inspector of the Philadelphia Fire Underwriters and for the Philadelphia Fire Patrol. As a practical expert in electrical work he is regarded as one of the best. He has studied the various systems in use in this country and abroad, and in pursuing his investigations he has visited every large city in America and Europe. Upon Mr. McDevitt's return from his last trip, he made a careful report of his observations of underground electrical currents upon gas and water systems. According to his report, the great network of under- ground pipes upon which every town depends for its water was threatened with destruction by subterranean electricity. In explaining the escape of electric currents from the trolley rails, Mr. ELECTROLYSIS. 779 McDevitt said : " The wires by which the trolley cars are run are charged by electricity of 500 volts. That is what is termed high tension, 150 volts being low tension, and the strength of the current used varying between these two extremes. If you will notice the laying of tracks you will see that where the rails are joined they are riveted with iron plates, and after that they are wired together. Notwithstanding these double precautions, however, it is not long before the expansion and contraction impair the connection between the rails, and a portion of the electricity escapes into the ground. The ground is a very good conductor, and the electric current that escapes into it is, therefore, carried along. Wet ground is a better conductor than dry. The current will run along one stratum of made ground until it nears a stratum of earth that is more dry, when it will turn from it and jump into the underground pipes used to convey our supply of water and gas. Now, what is called "electrolysis" takes place. This action is similar to corrosion, but more speedy in its action, and it is only a question of time when the pipes must go. The time it takes to eat up and destroy the pipes varies, of course, but a year is sufficient to do the damage. I found such to be the case in Boston. You will see the same result in Philadelphia, for the pipes will invariably give way, entailing enormous expense in continuous repairs." — Chicago Herald, Febntaiy 19, 1894. UNDERGROUND CURRENTS. A SUBJECT WITH WHICH THE ELECTRIC LINES WILL HAVE TO GRAPPLE — ACTION OF STREE7T RAILWAY CURRENTS ON GAS AND WATER PIPES — A QUESTION OF GENERAL INTEREST DISCUSSED BEFORE THE ELECTRIC CLUB. Electrolysis was the subject of a very interesting paper read before the Electric Club Saturday night by H. H. Humphrey. The word means liter- ally the separation of a liquid into its elements by the passage of an elec- tric current. For instance, acidulated water is separated into oxygen and hydrogen by a current passed through it between platinum electrodes. The oxygen collects at the positive, the hydrogen at the negative pole. Sus- pend copper plates in a solution of copper sulphate and pass a current be- tween them, and the copper is dissolved from the positive and added to the negative pole. In general all liquids which conduct, except the molten metals, are electrolyzed by the passage of a current sufficiently strong. Mr. Humphrey began by saying these fundamental principles have been so well understood that they have been overlooked in street railway work. He proposed to discuss the electrolytic action of the street railway currents upon gas and water pipes. Almost the first electric railroad of any magnitude had brought in ques- tion the popular belief that the earth, which with the rails was used as a re- turn circuit, had practically no resistance. The famous Richmond road proved that the earth had considerable resistance when subjected to the heavy currents of street railway work. The next step toward improving the circuit was by bonding the rails, sometimes with iron bonds, sometimes by 780 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. copper connected to the rails by driving an iron channel pin by the side of the bond wire. This often proved unsatisfactory, and an iron copper sup- plementary wire was laid by the side of the rail to assist in carrying the cur- rent. This improved the bonding and carried the current past any bad breaks or loose joints in the track circuit without materially increasing its conductivity. With au electric return circuit constructed in this way par- alleling water mains and gas mains lying only a few feet apart, and separ- ated by earth containing more or less moisture, of comparatively low resist- ance, is it any wonder that the pipes carried a great share of the current ? Electricity always divides through different circuits inversely as their resistance. Admitting that the pipes will get their share of the current, what will be the effect on them ? Where the current enters the pipe no action can be detected, and through the body of the pipe, if the joints are tight, there is no apparent action. Where the current leaves the pipe to reach the station, or the negative pole of the generator, the electric action is apparent. The metal is dissolved or eaten away. The pipes are the posi- tive poles of the electrolytic cell, the moisture of the earth electrolite and the negative pole is at the station where the generator is grounded. Certain acids in the soil increase electrolytic action. Chlorides from salt works and salt used in melting snow, sulphuric acid and also the pres- ence of illuminating gas greatly facilitate this action. The destruction of the pipes is caused partly by the metal being dis- solved and partly by the formation of oxygen and oxone at the positive pole by the decomposition of water, which rusts and corrodes the metal badly. This electrolytic action has become quite serious in Boston and other large cities. The courts have not yet been called upon to decide whether the street railway companies have a right to use the gas and water pipes in this way, and by using them use them up. Turning his attention to a remedy for the evil, Mr. Humphrey declares that it is not practicable to insulate either the rails in surface roads or the gas or water pipes. The latter has been tried in Los Angeles by laying the pipes in conduits of sawdust. Since electrolysis takes effect only when the current leaves the pipe, why not make a connection from your dynamo to the gas and water mains and also from the track at frequent intervals to the gas and water mains ? This might remedy the evil entirely, provided the joints were tight and the pipes followed the railway tracks. But with gas pipes it is said to be prac- tically impossible to preserve perfect joints. With loose ones the electric current would soon play speedy havoc. In cases of excessive moisture, with the main pipes at some distance from the path of the current, there would be a tendency for the current to leave the pipes and re-enter them again, setting up the destructive action at the point of leaving. The use of supplementary wires, except in the light of additional bond- ing, seems to be a mistaken idea. A double track of 50-pound rails equals in conductivity y/ 2 square inches of copper. A double track of 90-pound rails is equal to 6 square inches of copper. Such being the case, it would be ridiculous to run with them medium -sized supplementary wires for the pur- pose of increasing their conductivity. Let us take a system with the rails ELECTROLYSIS. 781 bonded with medium-sized wires with a system of deep ground plates. The return current will divide itself between the rails, the ground and the pipes, inversely as their resistance. The rails will probably carry the most current. Tests made at Chester, Pennsylvania, show that the track and supplementary wire carried 2S5.5 amperes ; city water mains, 12.8 amperes, and the ground plate, 5-ioths amperes. These results show effectively the insufficiency of ground plates and the important part played by the track circuit in returning to the station the enormous current which propels the cars. Let us suppose we have the rails thoroughly bonded, with rail bonds equal in conductivity to the rails them- selves, and suppose we have these rails welded into one continuous length. This conductivity would equal an amount of copper greater than is em- ployed in any overhead circuit in this city. This conductivity ought to provide a sufficient return to protect the pipes, but the main question is, will it fully prevent their deterioration ? Authorities agree that very little current will, after a time, produce very marked electrolytic effect, To come back to the law that electricity will divide through different currents in proportion to their conductivity. A. 6-inch water and gas pipe, omitting poor joints, about equals a 56-pound rail in conductivity. A 12-inch water pipe and a 12-inch gas pipe running parallel to a double track of 70-pound rails will carry half the current if the earth between offers no resistance. But the earth does offer resistance, especially in dry or frozen weather. It has been suggested that the three-wire system for street railways would solve this problem. In the case of large, double track roads, the method looks feasible, by using the trolley over each track as an outside wire, and making the tracks the neutral wire, thus getting a working poten- tial of a 1,000 volts for distribution. There are some mechanical difficulties in the way of such system. Besides, it would not entirely eliminate the rails and earth from the return circuit. The fact that the traffic is nearly all one way in the morning and nearly all the other way in the evening, would throw such a system badly out of balance. In each case the flow would be continuous in one direction long enough to produce severe electrolytic action which the reversal of the current would not correct. The next best system would be the insulated track feeders laid either underground or overhead, designed to carry the entire current, the rail being used from one feeder to the next. This has been tried with some success. It is very expensive, however. In this system the only place wdiere the current has a tendency to take to the ground is between the junction points of the feeders with the tracks. It escapes again at the feeder intersections, where electrolysis doubtless takes place, but in a modified form. These track feeders should be run from the station to the rails at prede- termined points, and each feeder calculated to give a specified drop with the load the}^ expect to carry. The generator is not grounded. If the negative pole of the generator is also grounded at the station, it will result in wasting the effect of the track feeders and call upon the rails and the earth to carry their share of the current, which they would do by shunting the circuit around the track feeders. The use of an alternating current on a single trolley system with rail 782 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. return might be mentioned. This has not been introduced, principally because of the defects in alternating motors, but with the present prospects of development it is not too much to predict that alternating currents will yet be used. The paper went on to say that the writer, after considerable research, had come to the conclusion that the only complete solution of the problem was the rejection of the rail and ground as a part of the return circuit. The double overhead trolley system will entirely obviate the electrolysis of gas and water pipes. The double underground trolley which is in operation in Chicago, is a similar and equally good solution of the problem. The underground system is destined, the writer thinks, to become more popular. It will be looked upon with more interest by street railway people as soon as their overhead structures begin to deteriorate sufficiently to require their renewal. No less an authority than Prof. W. H. Preece says that the future working must be metallic circuits and underground conduits. The Fire and Water, of March, 1894, prints the following letter from John M. Goodell, of Worcester, Mass. : In the interesting description of the Marseilles and St. Louis Electric Railway, Dr. Preller mentions the danger of electrically corroding under- ground pipes and cables by driving the current through the rails, wheels, car-wiring, trolley connections and overhead wire, rather than in the more used overhead wire to rail order. We have an experience with such a method of operation in Cambridge, Mass., one of the suburbs of Boston. There the wire, pipes, and house connections in the earth disappeared in a remarkably short time, and the tramway company was forced to reverse the direction of its currents in consequence. Even when the current is sent out from the power stations through the overhead wires, we are having considerable difficulty with electrolysis. In Boston and Brooklyn the trouble has generally been with the lead covering of the telephone wires, although in the latter city the water pipes are also affected. In Trenton, N. J., Columbus, O., Saginaw and Sault Ste. Marie, Mich , Milwaukee, Wis., Los Angeles, Cal., and Hamilton, Ont., electrolysis of water pipes, both lead and iron, has been observed, and in most of the cities the officers of the water department or of the railway have kindly sent me careful descriptions of the corroded pipe, and such local conditions as enable an opinion to be formed as to the nature of the corrosion. It seems perfectly certain to me that Electrolysis Occurs as Follows : The return current through the rails and supplementary wires, if the latter are employed, reaches some point where the earth and the pipes em- bedded in it have less resistance than the metal circuit. Consequently the electricity follows along the pipe until the rails again offer a better path, when it returns to its theoretical path. From correspondence and personal observation of the effect of this fickle behavior of the return circuit, I am pretty certain that the electrolysis occurs at the points where the current ELECTROLYSIS. 783 leaves the pipes to return to the rail circuit, as might naturally be expected. The effect of the current is, first to eat a series of little cavities in the sur- face of the pipe, which gradually enlarge until the metal maybe completely destroyed around the entire circumference. A remedy that I have known to be applied successfully in a number of cases was to connect the pipes where corrosion was noticed with the rails of the tramway, so as to have a complete metal circuit. The leading remedy is one which the railways are slowly adopting as a matter of economy. Without any reference to the wants of the water works, telephone or gas engineer, viz., the better bond" ing of the rails. The connection illustrated by Dr. Preller on page 499 is not considered the best practice in this country to-day, although it was two years ago, when good bonding was not regarded as so important as now. In the single track illustrated, the cross section of the two rails is about 10.S square inches, which is equivalent in conductivity to 1.6 square inches of copper, speaking approximately. To bond this single track, there are two copper and two iron wires, each 7 millimeters in diameter, which have a total conductivity of about 0.14 square inch of copper. That is to say, the conductivity of the bond is only about a tenth of that of the rails. In this country we are now making the bonds heavier; and thus try to prevent the watts from straggling on their return home. John. M. Goodell. Gas Men on Electrolysis. At a meeting of the Western Gas Association, held last month at Cleve- land, Ohio, the Committee on Electrolysis made a lengthy report, and summarized its findings as follows : First. — Electrolysis, from the grounded currents of electric currents of electric roads, is rapidly injuring gas and water pipes, and it is admitted by street railway people that the injury does proceed from their operations. Second. — Complete relief from its action cannot be reached by any device applicable by those injured, but is attainable by certain changes in the electric railways. Third. — The gas and water interest should unite in demands for remedial measures which shall secure the adoption of systems undoubtedly effective, and which will thereby avoid a revival of the question a few years hence. Fourth. — Pending the discussion or completion of the relieving systems, the pipes should be protected at exposed points, at which the policy of increasing the resistance by insulation should be followed, rather than of increasing the conductivity by wiring. — Industrial World, June 14, 1894. Electrolysis in France. A foreign contemporary, says Mr. Claude, has prepared an extended article, which has been published in the Industrie Electrique, on the cor- rosion of gas and water pipes by the action of electric current. The holes produced are sometimes more than 0.4 inch in length, being chinks lying 784 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. lengthwise along the pipes ; and at the same time the cables are surrounded by a quantity of potash and soda salts weighing several pounds, and the cables themselves are also attacked. This phenomenon is now familiar all over Paris. In an iron main of 8 inches diameter, there were, for instance, a dozen holes from 0.24 inch to 0.32 inch deep by 0.04 inch to 0.12 inch in diameter, in a length of 16 inches of pipe. Water pipes, have as yet, been less attacked, mainly because they are better protected. The pipes are often attacked where an earth current comes across them, though they may be far from the cables themselves. After the explosion in the Rue Notre - Dame-de-Lorette, it was found that 52 service pipes had been perforated in this way. It appears that the insulation, if not scrupulously attended to, goes on deteriorating, if the cable be bare, or if its coating is any respect de- fective. The small quantities of alkaline matters, produced by electrolysis, get at the core of the cable, and a local couple is set up, while the insulation thereafter goes rapidly on from bad to worse. The voltage of that couple is about one volt. Then the clay pipes, under the continuous passage of a small current, become decomposed ; alkaline matters pass through them, and they become more conductive, while they become filled with alkaline material. The cable is then strongly affected, and the current goes up even as high as 13 to 15 amperes, while the ground becomes hot for some distance round, and may even smoke. The alkaline material is found to contain soda, carbonate of soda, potash, carbonate of potash, and lead, with a considerable quantity of copper, lime and alumina, and traces of iron and silica. The alkalies come from the earth, aided by the salt charged water percolating from the surface ; the alumina, lime and silica from the earth ; the lead, or, in par- ticular instances, instead of lead, the iron, has traveled with the current from the pipes attacked. All the phenomena observed have been artificially reproduced, while in the experiments sparks have been observed in the alkaline deposit, possibly due to the combustion of sodium electrolytically separated by the current. It appears that when any common salt, say, is decomposed by the current, the chlorine liberated attacks the lead to which it travels, and forms chloride of lead ; that this chloride of lead is thereupon decomposed by the current, and the lead, set free, travels with the current toward the cable, while the chlorine again attacks the lead pipe, there being thus only a small quantity of lead chloride round the pipe at one time. This can be imitated by electrolyzing salt water with a lead positive electrode and a very slow current. The evil would be greatly obviated by bringing the gas pipes to the same high potential as the negative cable, by establish- ing a good metallic connection through a high resistance. Any corrosion would then take place in the positive cables ; but this would be due to defective insulation of that cable, which would be the electrician's lookout ; while, if that did occur, the gas pipes would then have the alkaline deposits round them, which would not do as much harm as nascent chlorine, Alternating currents do not work this electrolytic mischief. — Fire and Water, March 17, /S94. ELECTROLYSIS. 785 THE RETURN CIRCUIT OF AN ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY. A Paper Read Before the Wisconsin Eeectric Ceub, by O. M. Rau, Eeectricae Engineer, Miewaukee Street Railway Company. The subject of a return circuit for an electric railway system has been the cause of much discussion, both in journals and lectures. The prevail- ing opinion formed from these discussions, is that the return circuit is insuf- ficient, and that innumerable troubles can be avoided by increasing the return circuit. Hence, the question arises, will this ever be made large enough? The main object of ground return is to have as small a loss as possible, so as to avoid the troubles which are attributed to this part of a railway system. An excessive drop of potential in the return circuit, not only gives poor results in the operation of cars, but greatly facilitates the electrolytic action on surrounding metallic bodies, which has given much anxiety to both electricians and city engineers. The ground has been relied on as a conductor, but to what extent or percentage this medium acted as such has until lately not been considered ; and even at this late date it is proposed to use the earth through the medium of ground plates, placed at regular intervals along the track, and sunk into the earth to a depth where permanent dampness can be found. To demonstrate the usefulness of these plates, an incident connected with the railway system in this city will afford a good example. The bridge cable became parted by accident, caus- ing the current to the bridge to be cut off. To avoid delay it was proposed to sink a ground connection at the edge of the river, and another at the bridge, and derive a current in this way to operate the cars and bridge motor. Car wheels, to which were attached a oooo copper wire, were sunk to the bottom of the river, at a distance of 150 feet from each other, but it was found that a current not exceeding 20 amperes was all that could be obtained through the circuit. Hence, that amount being barely sufficient to operate the draw-bridge motor, the project had to be abandoned and a temporary metallic conductor laid until the cable was repaired. Considering these conditions, where every possible advantage for a ground connection was at hand, it is very evident that the ground plates add very little to the return circuit of a street railway system. To increase the return circuit, so that the loss would be very small, would considerably increase the cost of construc- tion, and it is here where the great trouble lies. It must be admitted that the cost of a good return is certainly very great in the construction of a railway plant, but it is, however, only a simple matter to calculate how long the plant will be in operation before the ground return circuit will pay for itself in the saving it has made. This fact is often lost sight of, while it should be the primary consideration for constructing engineers. In some of the earliest electric roads the ground was omitted entirely as a conducting medium, and a return circuit was calculated for a certain drop and the conductor laid accordingly. In the electrical equipment of one of those roads, each length of track was connected to this conductor (which was of copper) and the bonding, which was not very thoroughly carried out, was only relied on as a substi- tute. This, although a very expensive construction, proves that the ground return was considered as important, by early electricians, as any other parts of the system. It is only through the saving in the cost of construction that FACTS ABOUT PIPE. this part of the system has brought itself so conspicuously before the public. With the supply feeder it is a simple question of how much drop to allow for, and calculate the size of the conductors accordingly, and the amount allowable for this drop is readily ascertained by comparing the amount to be used in this part of the system, and the amount the system, while operat- ing, can afford to lose, which is directly dependent on the cost of generat- ing power, but we have a basis upon which accurate figures can be made and we can determine what is going on in this part of the system. In the ground return it is an entirely approximate figure, and in but few roads is it taken into consideration at all ; it being simply stated that there is no drop in the return circuit. Since it is a very complicated and difficult matter to arrive at accurately, either by calculation or test, this statement is generally accepted. The return circuit being in the ground escapes the usual inspection which the other parts of the system are subjected to, and any defects which otherwise would be noticed are left to take care of themselves, except when complaints are received from drivers of vehicles whose horses have received shocks ; a broken bond or a defect in the return circuit would not be discovered and would receive no attention. During the winter the defective spots on the return circuit are quite easily located, when a faulty rail bond will keep the snow and ice from forming around the joint and a damp spot will there be found while the earth will be frozen around it. A system of bonding where the bond will have the same conducting area as the rail is suffi- cient with the present heavy rail construction. In a system, however, where a number of independent lines are constructed, radiating from one or two main lines this is not advisable, even if the rail bonds and rails have capac- ity enough to carry the current with a low percentage of loss. Tracks have to be torn up and repaired and in some cases left out for a length of time. To have the return entirely dependent on them would cause inconvenience to the repair work as well as an occasional stop on the system. This, of course, could be avoided if care is taken and the tracks cross-bonded with the up and down tracks, as both are rarely disturbed at one time. If, however, repairing is done near the power house, where the ground connection is made with the station generators, it is a question whether the carrying capacity of the undisturbed rails is large enough. When such condi- tions arise, the advantage of return feeders laid to different distributing centers can hardly be discarded. A system thus constructed will not be subject to the criticism of the daily papers, by their reports of runaways caused by a charged rail, and it would assuredly be a great friend to the horses. This has been very forcibly brought to my notice in this city, where we have both systems of ground return. When out driving the horse will cross the return feeder system track very gently, but when he comes to the tracks dependent alone on the bonding for return, he will try to avoid stepping on them, or race across at a Maud S. pace. Whether the horse is an expert on bonding I do not know, but it is evi- dent that he does not desire to be the medium for increasing the return. Where a return feeder is used, it is almost impossible to shock a horse while crossing the tracks, as they are fed two ways. A broken bond will not open the circuit. The size or amount of these return feeders is an approximate calcula- tion at best, but by using good judgment for their distributing centers, and ELECTROLYSIS. 787 considering the number of cars liable to be in the vicinity of these centers at one time, a fairly accurate size can be determined on. By allowing a drop of 25 per cent, in these feeders (not including the rail), a very efficient return circuit is obtained if the track is carefully bonded. Although, as I have already shown, the return feeder will be very expensive as an outlay at first, yet I have no hesitation in saying that it will more than pay for itself in the saving in the coal pile, besides giving satisfactory results in the opera- tion of the road. The deterioration of the ground feeder, or supplementary wire, as it is sometimes called, is brought in as an argument against them, but if properly laid, there is no reason for any anxiety from this cause. A very durable plan for laying these feeders is to lay the bare copper wire in a piece of grooved lumber, the groove being considerably larger than the wire. The end of the lumber should be cut at a sharp angle, so the joints will overlap and allow for a nail to be driven in them to hold them firmly. The groove is then filled with a mixture of tar and pitch, at a ratio of eight barrels of pitch to one of tar. This mixture is pliable, and expands and con- tracts enough with the changes of the atmosphere and prevents dampness from the copper wire. A wood cover is nailed over the top of the groove after being filled. The trench in which the return feeder is laid is about one foot deep, and is run near the inside rail. The distribution of the return current is also much more complete by a system of this kind. The track near the power house is as little overloaded as that a mile away, as the current is taken from the track by the feeders and returned through them to the station. The street railway in this city has the advan- tage of an excellent return feeder, that is giving very satisfactory results, notwithstanding the difficulties encountered in the opening of streets and constructing of sewers through the lines of the railway, besides having numer- ous draw-bridges and the power house located some distance from any of its lines. The tracks are mostly heavy girder rails, which are securely bonded with bonds of 5-16 inch iron wire. This plan of bonding was specified in the construction contract and carried out accordinglv. The bond used in this construction is perhaps worthy of a little explanation. It consists of a piece of iron wire, bent at right angles at each end. The length of the bond head is sufficient to allow for a washer, with a groove on one side to fit the main part of the bond, and to go through the web of the rail. The washer lies against the rail, forming a shoulder, so that when the bond is riveted to the rail, it makes a solid joint. Although the bond consists of three pieces, electrically it is only one. These bonds are at every fourth joint cross-bonded to the four rails of a double track road. The cross-con- nections consist of y% inch iron cable. The system of bonding is carried out throughout the entire system. The tracks nearest to the front of the station are connected to the ground bus bar in the power house with a 500,000 circular mil cable, and those near- est the rear of the station with a cable of the same area, which crosses the river. Besides these there are six return feeders of 0000 copper wire also connected to this bus bar. There feeders extend to six different centers of distribution, where they are connected at intervals of 200 feet to the track which they are intended to feed. By this means there are eight independent returns to the station. The most important part of the ground return sys- 788 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. tern is the manner of making connections to water mains, and it is to this important feature of this system that this paper was first intended. Electrolysis has caused a great deal of trouble between city engineers and electric railways on account of the injury done to city water mains, and as city engineers have placed the responsibility on the railway company, it is apparent that some- thing should be done to avoid this action. Here comes the question : Can enough ground return be laid so as to avoid this action ? I have a few photographs of pipes taken out from the city water mains. Number i was taken from a point in the street about 200 feet from the power house. The railway near which this pipe was had been in operation four years before the pipe was taken out. The rails were bonded Number 4 copper wire, and a Number o copper supplemental wire was laid between the rails, and not being protected in any way it became so badly corroded as to render it almost useless. Number 2 shows where a connec- tion was made to the water main with a piece of copper wire. Between this wire and the pipe a wedge was driven to tighten the wire to the pipe, then on raising the wire a distance from the pipe, on one side the action took place between the wire and the pipe, thus eating it away as shown. It is apparent that as long as there is a con- ducting medium in close proximity to the track, which is of a comparative resistance to that of the track or return circuit, a portion of the current in the track w T ill flow into this conductor unless it is insulated from the return circuit ; and as this is impossible, the portion of current carried by this conductor is in proportion as the combined resist- ance of the connecting medium and conductor is to the return circuit. Although it is almost impossible to measure these quantities, we can for example take a track having a resistance of 10 ohms and the water pipe which is at an approximate figure of 10 ohms; slip the eloctrolyte or conducting medium between the track and pipes at 190 ohms and the current carried by the pipe will be as 10 is to 200 or 1-20, and if the current is 100 amperes the pipe will carry 5. The electrolytic action of 5 amperes of cur- rent on an iron pipe in favorable soil is considerable, and this is not an extreme case. That the resistance from the track to the water pipe in some cases is very low is undoubtable, and as it is not an equal resistance through its entire length is the detrimental point. If there were a leakage from the Electrolysis at Milwaukee. ELECTROLYSIS. 789 rail to the pipe on its entire length we would not hear from this trouble for years to come : but as it is accruing in one place more than another, it decomposes the iron at that point more rapidly. It is apparent that the place where the current leaves the track to go to the water pipe will show no signs of electrolytic action, but as the pipe has the current it will leave it at some distant point and it is at this point that the pipe is affected. This is generally near the power house or where the least resistance is offered to the passage of the current in the pipe to the ground bus at the station. To overcome this it is necessary to insulate the pipe from all possible grounds which are apt to form an approximate low resistance, so as to have a universal leakage from the track to the water pipe, or connect the water pipe to the track so as to have no difference of resistance between them, or the ground bus at the station. By this latter means the current will form no electrolytic action at any one place more than another, nor in fact at any place at all. The current will be conducted to and from the pipe through conductors and not through an electrolyte, thus avoiding all possible decom- position by the current. This plan is at present in vogue on the railway system in this city and it met the approval of the city engineers after much investigation, careful research and consideration. A very careful record is being kept to prove the success of this system. To the forty miles of road there are sixty water main connections made with iron clamps thoroughly cleaned inside and the pipe is filed smoothly where the clamp comes in con- tact with it. Bolted to the clamp is a lug to which is soldered the connecting cable which runs to the four tracks. The clamp and pipe are thoroughly painted with a water proof paint to prevent corroding. This joint after being laid one year has proven to be as good as when first made. To insure a perfect connection to the ground bus in the station a 500,000 circular mil cable is connected to the large 10-inch water main in front of the station and a similar cable crosses the river and is connected to a 12-inch main on the opposite side of the river. In experimenting before the water pipe connections were made I found that a wire connected from the water pipe in the station to the ground bus gave quite a spark, and on applying an ammeter it registered from 3 to 6 per cent of the total load of the station on a dry day, and on a wet day as high as 10 per cent. This plan of connecting the water pipe throughout the city with the tracks, and having a good return connection from them to the station bus bar, not only insures the city against any deterioration of the water pipes, but increases the ground return very materially, and in tests made on the railway plant in this city I find that 28 per cent, of the total output is returned by the water mains, and this percentage remains constant during damp and dry weather, which proves that there is no leak of the current to the pipe through the improved conductivity of the earth. This increase in the return circuit represents an investment of$S, 000.00 on return feeders and increase in the return of 28 per cent., which is a very important factor in the operating expenses of an electric railway, and as far as present indications show avoids any further electrolytic action. — Street Railway Review, Dec, 'pj. 790 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Following is a paper presented at the 86th meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York, April 18th, and at Chicago, April 25th, 1894 : DESTRUCTIVE EFEECT OF ELECTRICAL CURRENTS ON SUBTERRANEAN METAL PIPES. BY ISAIAH H. FARNHAM. For the past year or more there have been read before water, gas and electrical engineering societies all over this country papers on the subject of electrolytic corrosion of water pipes, gas pipes and lead cables. In fact, a meeting of such societies is incomplete to-day without some discussion on this subject. It was, therefore, with hesitation and misgivings that I con- sidered the written invitation from the officers of the Institute to prepare a paper on the " Electrolytic effect of currents on subterranean gas and water pipes." A prominent officer of the Institute urged that as I was undoubt- edly the first to discover and satisfactorily prove that this action was destroying cables, I ought to give the society an account of my investi- gations and the results. On this suggestion the promise was made to lay before you such facts as opportunity would allow. If sufficient data may be presented to form a nucleus for the evening's discussion, it will, I am sure, be of some practical value. Early in the summer of 1891 some lead-covered telephone cable removed from wooden ducts in Boston showed some very marked, yet local spots of ELECTROLYSIS. 191 corrosion. The cause of the corrosion was generally attributed to acetic acid contained in the wooden conduit, which had years before caused cor- rosion on a few cables in certain sections of the city. In the case just mentioned the corrosion was so severe, and located in spots only, that it led me to attribute the cause to electrolytic action from the railway currents, and a letter was written to my company to that effect. A few months later the lead covering of a cable (No. 208) resting upon the ground in manhole chamber No. 76, located at the corner of Berkeley and Newbury streets, was found eaten entirely through at the point of con- tact with the earth. I then felt certain the cable had been destroyed by the action of the current. With Mr. W. I. Towne, my assistant, I proceeded to prove the theory. We took measurements between the cable and the earth, the cable having been repaired and raised from the ground, and found 1.5 to 2 volts difference of potential, the cable being positive to the earth. A barrel of earth was procured from an excavation in the street, a metal plate placed beneath the earth in the barrel, and two short pieces of lead cable placed side by side on top of the earth. The plate in the bottom of the barrel was then connected to the negative side of a storage battery, giving 4 volts po- tential, and one piece of the cable ly- ing on the earth was connected with the positive pole of the storage battery. The second piece of cable in the bar- rel was left without electrical con- nections. The earth was then satu- rated with water and the circuit was closed, allowing the current to pass from battery to cable, to earth, to plate and to battery, for seven consecutive days. The pieces of cable were then removed and the piece which had been connected with the battery was badly pitted, closely resembling the cable which had been destroyed, while the second piece of cable showed no corrosion whatever, proving conclusively that a current such as was found in the manhole was sufficient to cause the damage that had been found, and that the corrosion was not, in the case of the experiment at least, due to any acid or salts in the earth. Fig. 1 shows the barrel experiment, and Fig. 2 is a photograph of the cable No. 20S, which has been described as found resting on the earth in the manhole chamber and corroded through ; also the pieces experimented upon in the barrel. That shown in the centre of the photograph is cable No. 208. In addition to the experiment just mentioned we placed in the bottom of manhole chamber No. 76, two short pieces of cable, one of which we connected by a wire to cable No. 208, which had been damaged by electro- lysis. (It should be understood that the damaged cable had been repaired and removed from the bottom of the chamber. ) Fig. 3 shows the arrange- 792 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ment of this experiment. At the end of six weeks the pieces of cable were removed and examined. The one which had been connected with cable No. 208 was deeply pitted, while the other piece was free from corrosion. as shown in in Fig. 4, which is from a photograph of them. These experiments, with several others of minor importance, satisfied all who were interested, that electrolytic action was destroying cables, and probably gas and water pipes. It next became necessary to prove to the electrician of the railway company, that the current causing electrolysis was from the railway system, and not from a leak in the Edison or some other electric lighting system. Bradlty j Pontes, Engr's, N.Y. Measurements were made between the cables in all manholes and the earth near the cables, for voltage and direction of current. It was found that within a radius of about 2,000 feet from the Albany Street power-house, cables were negative to the earth, ranging from zero to 2 volts, and that outside of this neutral line, they were positive to the earth from zero to 12 volts. This condition prevailed until a point was reached near the East Cambridge power-house, when they again passed a neutral line and became more and more negative as that power-house was approached. The same conditions were found as the Allston railway power-house was approached. On obtaining sufficient data, maps were drawn, showing voltage between cables and earth, throughout all sections of the city. This is shown in map, Fig- 5- ELECTROLYSIS. 793 In addition to the figures placed beside the several routes of cable con- duits, showing the direction of current and its pressure, we have colored red such portion of the map where at that time we found the cables positive to the earth. We may call the red portion of the map the danger territorv. These potential measurements, though taken for other purposes, incidentally furnished all the proof needed to convince one that the railway power was the source of the troublesome currents. At the time the map was made, and previously, the railway was operat- ing with the negative pole of the dynamo to the trolley, the positive side being to the rails. Fig. 6 is intended to illustrate this condition. It shows the passage of current from the dynamo to the rails, and the passage of a portion of the current from the rails to the cables within the neutral or zero line, and from cables to rails outside of this zero line. The danger of electrolysis is only where the current is leaving the cable or pipe through the moist earth, hence the dangerous district was at this time outside of the zero, or neutral line, as shown both on the map (Fig. 5) and in this Fig. 6. Having outlined our early experience in running down this new trouble, we will next mention some of the proposed and applied remedies. Several conferences were held for the purpose of suggesting and discussing means for preventing the destruction of the cables, at which the officers and experts of both the railway and telephone companies were present, and it should be said, that the railway company in Boston has shown a disposition to adopt any promising plan for overcoming the evil, save, perhaps, the abandonment of the rails and earth as a part of the circuit. First. — It was proposed to remove all cables from the wet bottom and sides of the so-called manholes. It was found very difficult to place and re- tain cables free from the wet sides, and even could this have been accom- plished, the action at the mouth of the ducts, and within them would still have continued. They were, however, all removed from the bottom of the manhole. FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Fig. 5.— Showing where Corrosion was Going On when First Brought to Notice. The shaded portions of the map are referred to in the paper as colored red. ELECTROLYSIS. 795 Second. — It was suggested that the cable might be connected to ground plates in the manholes, and so transfer the electrolytic action to these plates, and thus save the cables. This experiment was tried on an extended scale, but though many ground plates having a surface of several square feet each were connected with the cables over a large portion of the city, it was found that volt-meter readings taken between the cables and a point on the earth a short distance removed from the ground plate in any manhole, gave nearly the same pressure as before the ground plates we're connected. In some cases, the voltage between the cables and the earth was reduced 25% ; in many others, no noticeable reduction was made. The ground plates were constructed from pieces of old lead cable, 6 to 10 feet in length and embedded in the wet earth at the bottom of the manholes. It was evident from this test, that ordinary ground plates would not prove of material ad- vantage for protecting the cables. Third.— Prof. Elihu Thomson suggested, among other possible reme- dies, the placing of motor generators at different points along the railway line, wherever the cables and pipes are found to be in danger, the motor generators to be operated by the railway power current ; the secondary cur- rent developed by these generators to be utilized to lower the potential in 796 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the cables and pipes to zero, with respect to the surrounding earth or rails. The suggestion included means for automatically starting and stop- ping the generators, as cables might become positive or negative to the rails. The motor generators would, so to speak, pump the current out of the cables and force it into the rails whenever the potential of the former should rise above zero. Fig. 7 illustrates this suggestion. This plan has not yet been put into operation, so far as I am aware. Fourth. — Insulating the cables and pipes from the earth was proposed. As some of the worst cases of corrosion of cables by electrolysis occurred where they were painted with asphalt, taped, painted again, and finally covered again with a heavy braiding also saturated with asphalt, it was appar- ent that to insulate cables sufficiently to protect them would be difficult and expensive, if indeed practically possible. Figures 8 and 9 show specimens of corrosion of cables which had been treated with asphalt, tape and braid- ing. To protect water and gas pipes by a sufficient insulating jacket was seen at once to be impracticable. Fifth. — Breaking the metallic continuity of the cable sheath and pipes was proposed. From the fact that severe action is frequently found in com- paratively isolated spots, where cables and pipes cross each other or pass near or cross the rails, it follows that any system of breaking the metallic continuity would have to be studied with reference to the entire complicated system of pipes, cables and rails ramifying through the streets of a city. There would also be a difference of potential between the several sections of cable or pipe, severed metallically, tending to cause electrolysis at one end of each section, as illustrated in Fig. 10. In case of water pipes treated in this manner, the action might be expected on the interior as well as on the exterior. ELECTROLYSIS. 797 There appears to be some evidence of such an action as this in gas and water pipes where the electrical continuity is partially broken by leaded joints. Fig. n shows an iron service pipe from the Cambridge gas system- It will be noticed that the action is most severe at points immediately on either side of the coupling. The reason the corrosion appears on both sides of the coupling in this case is not clear ; it may be due to reversal of cur- rent on the railway system. We have observed other specimens similar to i\i i : on \ \ % %zgf# this, which may tend to show that, for currents of low pressure, the resistance of joints materially affects the results. I will again refer to this question in connection with potential differences in water mains. Sixth. — My assistant, Mr. Towne, suggested that the railway current might be so frequently alternated as possibly to prevent serious action on the pipes and cables. The theory was that, before the oxygen gas, liberated by the current, should have time to attack the metal, the reversal of the current would disperse it. A careful experiment was conducted, extending over a period of ten days, employing a pressure of current from three to seven volts, and alternating its direction at regular periods of one minute, by specially devised apparatus. No material change had taken place in either plate during this period of time. We then considered the practica- bility of reversing the railway current frequently. It seemed possible to reverse it once each 24 hours, at a given time in the night when the load is r9S FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Fig. 12.— Condition after Current was Reversed by West End Co. The shaded portions of the map are referred to in the paper as colored red. ELECTROLYSIS. 799 comparatively light. To do this in a large system involving several power stations would require either a loss of current for a few minutes in order to guard against one station reversing before some other had opened or re- versed its current, or would require some electrical system connecting the several stations together and operating the reversing apparatus simultane- ously. We concluded it would be very difficult, if indeed at all practicable, to reverse such heavy currents during regular traffic. We then renewed the reversing experiment, giving 24 hour periods between each alternation, but found at the end of two weeks, to our sorrow, that the plates subjected to the action of the current were seriously electrolyzed. It seemed useless to pursue this line of work further at that time. When alternating current motors become practicable for use on street cars, advantage may be taken of the fact that such currents appear not to cause electrolysis to the extent of injuring pipes and cables exposed to them. Seventh. — At about this stage in the study of the problem, Mr. Fred S. Pearson, then engineer of the West End Street Railway Co., made two sug- LEAD CABLE gestions which, though separate in themselves, and presented at different dates, yet carried out in conjunction, have proved exceedingly helpful in overcoming the difficulty, at least so far as relates to telephone cables. It occurred to Mr. Pearson first, that if the railway current should be reversed so that the positive pole would be connected with the trolley, the danger of electrolysis would be removed from the greater and more scattered portion of the city, and be brought near the power stations where it possibly could be more easily dealt with. This reversal was made and the expected poten- tial changes between cables and earth followed. Fig. 12 is a map of Boston showing the condition after the reversal of current. The red or dangerous portions in this map, correspond to the white or safe districts in the map, shown in the first of this paper (Fig. 5), the only variation being, that by the reversal, the neutral or zero line was thrown out a little further from the Albany Street power-house than it was located before. It was also noted that the cables near the power-housewhich had been from one to two volts negative to earth before the change of current, were now one to nine volts positive to earth ; that is, they were raised higher above zero than they had been below zero prior to the reversal. Fig. 13 is a typical representation of the current flowing throngh trolley, car, rails, and cables at this time. It 800 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. will be readily understood that with the conditions as illustrated in this figure, the electrolytic action would be confined to the territory compar- atively near the power stations where the current is leaving the cables to reach the negative or rail side of the dynamo. Mr. Pearson next suggested the plan of running out large copper con- WATER PlPt ductors from the negative side of the dynamo and extending them through the dangerous district, connecting them at frequent intervals to the cables. Fig. 14 diagrammatically illustrates this plan. On the principle involved in Prof. Thompson's motor generators, this low resistance conductor connected directly to the dynamo, was to pump the current from the cables and so prevent its passage into or through the moist earth. Some of us were skeptical as to the completeness of this proposed remedy. It seemed possi- ble that even with such a good return conductor, some of the current might still pass into, and through the earth. Voltage measurements, however, at once dispelled the doubts, for we found that the cables measuring 9 volts positive to earth, gave a reading of 22 positive to the return conductor ; that is, the return wire as relating to the cables, was at all points more negative than the earth (if we may be allowed the expression). The return con- ductors were made up of a large number of No. 18 copper wires formed into cables about one inch in diameter, known as conductors of 500,000 circular mils. These conductors were extended in each direction from Albany street power-house entirely through this dangerous district, its longest section being about 4,300 feet. The cables in every manhole within the district were connected by several No. 12 copper wires to the return conductor and soldered. On first connecting the cables to the return conductor, which took place Dec. 24, 1892, the current was sufficient to melt several strands of No. 12 wire. A measurement for current flowing in the main return con- ductor which was used for relieving the cables only, gave about 500 amperes. It may be interesting here to note comparative voltages in the district near the power-house, as given in the accompanying table. ELECTROLYSIS. 801 ! Between Cables After Reversal Between Cable and Earth after First Measure- of Railway Current. and Return Return Con- Manhole No. ment to earth. Conductor. ductor was con- nected to Cables. 263 1-5+ o-3- 22+ 4 5— 264 15 + 2. + 22 + 4-5— 26S 05+ 0.5+ 22 + 266 0.5+ 2.8+ 22 + 0.8 — 267 268 4-8+ 22 + I. — - 5- + 22 + 2. — 310 269 270 271 272 273 274 1.5- 3-5+ 22 + 1-5— 4. + 22 + 6.5+ 22 + 2. — 6.5+ 22 + 1-5— 6.5+ 22 + o-5— 9- + 22 + 1. — 1.5— 9 ' t 22 + 2.8 — 276 0.5+ 7- + 22 + 2. — 277 278 2. + 22 + 2- + 0.5+ 22 + 5- — 279 280 1. — 22 + 7-5— 3- + 2. — 2 2 + 7 5— 305 306 1. + 0.5+ o-3— 0.5+ 22 + 22 + 3-S— 3-8- 3°7 0.5+ 2.5+ 22 + 308 309 0.5— 1. — 4- ^ 4. + 22+ 2 2 + 3- — 3" 12 1. — 2.5+ 22 + 2. — 2.5+ 22 + 3i3 3H 1 . — 3.0+ 25+ 22 + 22 + 0.5— 2 5— Fig. 15 is from a photograph taken in one of the manholes showing the connection of the cables to the return conductor ; the limited size of the manhole prevented my obtaining a view of all the cables. The map, Fig. 16, illustrates the condition after the installation of the return conductor at the Albany Street station. The red patch which existed in that locality is now removed, and the cables are all negative to earth. The remaining red patches or dangerous sections were corrected by taking similar means of reaching the East Cambridge power-house. In treating this latter case, many measurements were made to determine whether or not the railway return wires put up to take the current in a measure from the tracks, would answer for a return for the cables instead of using a special return conductor as had been employed at the Albany Street district. It was found that they would not answer, since the potential of these track return wires varied constantly and was frequently above that of the earth. The cables on the Boston side of the draw of West Boston bridge proved to be positive to both the rail and the water, while on the other side of that narrow draw the opposite condition existed, showing at once that it was unsafe to assume any neutral lines or potential difference without making measurements to determine the absolute facts. So far this paper has dealt particularly with the subject of protection of lead-covered cables. It might be inferred that water and gas pipes can 802 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. be treated in precisely the same manner with the same results, or as water pipes have a much greater sectional area of metal, it might be presumed that simply a connection of such pipes to the dynamo at the power station would be sufficient to bring their potential down to zero throughout the dan- gerous district. The facts so far coming to our notice would materially modify such inferences, and therefore should find a place here. That iron pipes are as truly subjected to the corrosion as lead, need not be stated to the members of this society, but for the benefit of city officials and others who may read the paper, it should be plainly stated that they are ELECTROLYSIS. 803 Fig. 16. — Conditions Jan. 4, after Connecting West End Ground Wire to Cables near Power Station. . - The shaded portions of the map are referred to in the paper as colored re*- 804 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. quite as readily destroyed by electrolysis. Fig. 17 is from a photograph of an iron gas pipe taken from Brooklyn, N. Y. The city engineer of Milwaukee, Mr, G. H. Benzenberg, has kindly sent me a photograph of a six-inch iron water main, badly corroded. It is the best specimen of cast-iron pipe I have been able to obtain, although not the most serious case of corrosion. Fig. 18 is from the Milwaukee specimen. Mr. Benzenberg writes that the trouble in that city was chiefly noticed upon the six-inch water main extending 100 feet on each side of a point opposite the railway power station. Services entering this main were also destroyed, and all were renewed three times during the past two years. He states further, and I quote his own words, "at other points where power houses were established thereafter, the mains were immediately connected by extra heavy copper wires with the gen- erator ; we have had no trouble with them so far." Mr. O. H. Tripp, engineer at Rock- land, Me., recently furnished me with a specimen of wrought-iron pipe de- stroyed in five months ; the fact is of special interest, as it comes fromacity having but a small railway system. In Boston there have been water as well as gas service pipes corroded through by electrolysis. I have not learned of any mains having burst from this cause. Measurements of water pipes in the city indicate they are still in danger, notwithstanding several thoroughly made connections with the pipes at the power station ; the same is true in Cambridge, Mass. This leads me to call attention to an F,G 18 - interesting series of inquiries. The engineer of the Water Board at Rochester, N. Y., suggested to me, a short time ago, while looking into the question of electrolytic action upon the pipes in that city, that possibly there might be sufficient resistance in the joints of the water mains to cause an action upon the lead ring which forms the connection between sections of pipe. He stated that not in- frequently there is found a film of moisture between the pipe and this lead ring, and as the pipes are coated with a preparation of tar or asphalt on both the inner and outer surfaces before they are laid, there might be a poor electrical connection. Without having made any inquiries or tests upon this point, it seems to me probable that the careful calking which is given these lead rings would form, in some portion of each joint, a good electrical connection, that is, one of very low resistance. Recent measurements how- ever made in Boston, and others made in Albany during the latter part of March this year, convince me that there is a very appreciable resistance in such joints. ELECTROLYSIS. 805 Fig. 19 will illustrate the conditions at Albany. We found the negative side of the dynamo to be connected with the rails, and with ground plates in old wells ; no connection had been made with water or other pipes. Directly in front of the power station the voltmeter indicated a pressure of =A= WATER PIPE TROLLEY WIRE -1200-FEET 20 f 18 7 fs- - 300-F-T- 4 ~ -H- - -300-PT- ~A 7 POWER STATION -^- GROUND Fig. 19. 20 volts between water pipe (an 8-inch cast-iron pipe) and the rail, the pipe being positive. A reading taken about 300 feet in either direction, up or down the street, indicated about 18 volts. At a point 1,200 feet north, the reading was lowered to 12 volts. We then connected the rail side of the dynamo to the street hydrant and took new readings, finding 1 volt at the station, 7 volts at 300 feet distant, the same south, and 8 volts at a point 1,200 feet north. These measurements, with similar indications in Boston, show plainly that there is a very appreciable resistance in the water main joints. At the same time the measurements give fair evidence that the difference of volt- age between any two sections of water pipe is very small. The inteiested parties at Albany have kindly consented to allow any facts or figures obtained there in reference to this subject to be placed in this paper. Fig. 20 is from a photograph of a piece of service pipe at Albany. A few measurements made through the danger district will be of inter- est. The station is situated near the southern extremity of the city. The danger district extends north about one mile, and over this portion of the district the following figures were obtained. They were taken at nearly uniform distances of about 500 feet, beginning at the station. MEASUREMENTS IN THE DANGER DISTRICTS. At Station Cable to Earth. " " Rail... " " Water " " 500 Ft. North. ...Cable " Earth " " Track. " •' Water " " .Positive, 12 volts. 806 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. « 1. ,1 ., Track « 18 11 11 Water " Cable " 11 11 1,500 " Earth » 6 " " ' ' Rail " 18 II II Water " Cable " ». 11 t8 2,000 " Earth " 8 " " " Rail 16 2,500 " Water " Earth Rail '-' 6 13 8 3,000 " Cable " Earth ' Rail .. 4 11 3,500 " Water " ; Earth ' Rail " 3 12 7 4,000 " .Cable " ■ Earth Rail 11 3 8 4 500 " ., ' Earth ■ Rail .1 1 1 11 Water ' " 5,000 " Cable ' ' Earth k Rail It is proposed at Albany to extend large wires (0000) through the dan- gerous district, one wire for each system of pipes, connecting the pipes to them at frequent intervals. It is probable that the remedy which has been applied to telephone ca- bles in some cities, has been the more positive from the very failure so far to thoroughly protect the other systems of pipes against electrolytic action. Fig. 14 (already shown) may assist to a clear understanding of this. The cables are here shown connected by a large wire to the dynamo, while water pipes are not so treated. Therefore, the current which enters the water pipes at points outside the danger district passes to the neighborhood of the power station, and, in leaving them there, raises the potential of the earth about the cables. In other words, the current flows from the water pipes to the ground and thence to the cables in order to reach the dynamo. Connecting any one system of pipes to the dynamo, will, in a measure, protect other systems of pipes, but connecting all systems reduces the cer- tainty or margin of certainty of protection to any one system. This will be apparent from a little study of Figure 14 just referred to. When all cables and pipes in the danger district are connected by suffi- ciently large conductors to drain them, a carefnl adjustment in resistance in these several conductors may be found necessary in order to insure a bal- ance between the several systems of pipes. It may lead to the necessity of reducing the carrying capacity of the conductor returning to the dynamo from the rails themselves. The question has already arisen, and it doubtless will be repeated here — " How small a difference of potential between pipe and earth will cause elec- trolytic action ?" In reply to this, it may be stated that some of the worst cases of corrosion in Boston have occurred where the difference was but one and one-half volts. Mr. A. T. Wells, of Chicago, in describing to me an ex- amination of some of the first cases in Cincinnati, states that the "differ- ence of potential between the cables and the rail, was never more than one- half, and usually less than one-quarter volt. ' ' Such a difference between ELECTROLYSIS. 807 cable and rail would mean a much less difference between cable and earth, where electrolysis takes place. Mr. John C. Lee, of Boston, has experimen- tally caused the corrosion on lead and iron by a difference of potential °f tott volt. These facts certainly indicate that but a very small pressure is necessary to produce the action, and should dispel the numerous statements that well- bonded rails or a large amount of rail return wires will alone overcome the trouble. In some cities, where electrolysis is in progress to-day, the return copper nearly equals that of the trolley and feed-wire system. We cannot force the current to take one path exclusively when others are open to it. The facts given above, with others similar, though not enumerated, lead me to these conclusions : ist. All single trolley railways employing the rails as a portion of the circuit cause electrolytic action and consequent corrosion of pipes in their immediate vicinity, unless special provision is made to prevent it. 2nd. A fraction of a volt difference of potential between pipes and the damp earth surrounding them, is sufficient to induce the action. 3rd. Bonding of rails, or providing a metallic return conductor equal in sectional area and conductivity to the outgoing wires, is insufficient to wholly prevent damage to pipes. 4th. Insulating pipes sufficiently to prevent the trouble is imprac- ticable. 5th. Breaking the metallic continuity of pipes at sufficiently frequent intervals is impracticable. 6th. It is advisable to connect the positive pole of the dynamo to the trolley lines. 7th. A large conductor extending from the grounded side of the dvnamo, entirely through the danger territory and connected at every few- hundred feet to such pipes as are in danger, will usually ensure their pro- tection. 8th. It is better to use a separate conductor for each set of pipes to be protected. 9th. Connection only at the power station to water or gas pipes will not ensure their safety. 10th. Connection between the pipes and rail, or rail return wires, out- side of the danger district, should be carefully avoided. nth. Frequent voltage measurements between pipes and earth should SOS FACTS ABOUT PIPE. be obtained, and such changes in return conductors made as the measure- ments indicate. In closing this somewhat rambling paper, I can do no better than use words which will remind you of Patrick Henry, " eternal vigilance " will be the "price" of pipes and cables where conditions favorable to elec- trolysis exist. Boston, March 30, 1S94. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ELECTROLYSIS. Read at Meeting Western Gas Association, Cleveland, Ohio, May 17, 1894. Your committee, to whom was referred the matter of electrolytic corro sion of gas and water pipes by the return currents of electrical street rail- ways, submit the following report as the result of their investigations : A thorough appreciation of the principles of electrolysis being necessary to the proper explanation of the effects observed, your committee may be pardoned for repeating some details which may be already familiar. Practical employment of the phenomenon of electrolysis is made in electroplating, in the Edison electric meter, in the reduction of aluminum and other metals from their oxides, in the purification of sewage, etc., but the condition of its application most similar to that which we are now considering is exhibited in the well-known laboratory experiment of analyzing water by the passage of an electric current between poles immersed in the acidulated liquid, for electrolysis literally means a loosening or dissolving by electricity. These poles are called electrodes, the positive pole being the anode and the negative the cathode, while the liquid is termed the electrolyte. In the instance cited, if the object of the experiment were the production of hydrogen and oxygen, platinum poles would be employed ; but if a more easily oxidizable substance were used for the electrodes, the conditions present in the analogous system of electroplating would be produced — that is, there would be a perceptible wasting away of the substance of the positive pole, and a gradual accretion at the cathode or negative terminal. The electrolyte must be a compound substance, and in a liquid state, either by solution or fusion. When a salt is electrolyzed, the acid always appears at the positive pole and the base at the negative. In the case of water, the collection of the hydrogen at the negative pole is but another instance of its metallic behavior, and the oxygen always collects at the positive pole. Turning now to the phase of electrolysis which we have to consider, we may briefly summarize its history by remarking that telegraphic practice had led electricians to think the earth's resistance practically nothing ; hence in the earlier electric traction installations, no special attempts were made to provide for returning the currents to the power-houses. But the necessity for such provisions was soon apparent, and a form of bond-wire for connec- tion at rail-joints was introduced, the tracks being relied upon as return conductors. The use of a supplementary wire between the tracks, larger bond wires, and more attention towards securing electric contact, followed, but with increased experience in electric railway work, came the realization ELECTROLYSIS. 809 that these attempts had been little better than make-shifts, and that owing to imperfections and consequent resistance, a large proportion of the cur- rent was seeking other avenues of return, and was causing injuries by so doing. The realization of this condition by no means came all at once, for rail- way managers were at first loath to believe the operation of their dynamos responsible for the reported damages to the telephone cables and gas and water pipes, but ascribed the corrosion to chemicals in the soil or other causes, and doubtless looked upon the loss of their current as a necessary evil attendant upon the method of propulsion employed. Some of the earliest experiments to locate the source of this corrosion were those of Mr. I. H. Farnham, of the New England Telegraph & Telephone Company, Boston, who exposed short lengths of cable to all the conditions affecting the cor- roded cable except that of connection with the system of wires, and found them unaffected after an exposure during which the neighboring connected cables were badly injured. Many other tests have been made, and there is now a full agreement by both the owners of the buried pipe and wire systems and the street railway people as to the cause of the trouble, all uniting in ascribing it to the earth returns of the enormous currents used in electric traction. Having agreed that the grounded current is responsible for the injuries we have observed, let us see the manner in which it acts. No effect is pro- duced where the current reaches the pipes, for this is a negative electrode, and would be receiving a deposit from the rails and bond-wires, if any action was apparent. Neither is there likely to be any damage in the body of the pipe, unless a small connecting line should be encountered whose greater resistance would cause heating, or the presence of joints of higher resistance (due to leaks, or the use of cement) should force the current out, to return a few inches further on. But the injurious action occurs at the point where the current leaves the pipe to enter same conductor offering an easier path. This will usually take place opposite the power-house — where the current is also greatest in quantity owing to the accumulated returns from the entire line — and at points where pipes cross beneath the tracks, the current returning to the rails with especial readiness if the direction of the pipes no longer coincides with that of the railway. Here the conditions of our laboratory experiment are reproduced. Of two points where rails and pipes are equally distant, the greater flow of current will take place where the greater moisture exists. This moist earth then is our electrolyte, made specially effective by the gas, ammonia from animal refuse, salt from melting snow, or other chemicals present in the ground ; the pipe is our anode ; and the rail or other objective point of the current the cathode. The metal of the anode or positive pole is gradually carried in the direction of flow of the current ; and the electrolysis once begun, the oxygen and ozone of the electrolyzed moisture collect at the positive pole and aid iu attacking the pipe. The rapidity of its destruction depends on the quantity of the current passing rather than upon its voltage ; and instances are on record aud in the knowledge of your committee where a single month sufficed to destroy new service pipes. Verbal expressions from several sources, as well as certain published discussions, seem to indicate that the full extent and effect of this electro- 810 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. lytic trouble is but vaguely realized by many of us. Some of us may think that, not having found any ill effects ourselves, the question, though an interesting one, deals with a matter that does not touch us directly. Your committee would emphasize this statement, that no city in which an electric road is operating with any part of the return through the ground, has its gas and water pipes wholly free from electrolytic action ; the fancied im- munity is the security of incomplete information. To draw attention to the wide-spread nature of the trouble, a portion of the appendix accompanying this report is devoted to published accounts of damaged pipes. The greater riumber of complaints come from the water interests, for two reasons — first, greater conductivity, for the water mains range greater in size than gas mains, the absence of cement joints decreases their resistance, and the con- tained water may add to the conductivity ; and, second, the greater pressure carried more quickly occasions a break. But the gas mains are beginning to indicate the action upon them, and will do so more and more unless effective remedies are soon applied. When we realize not alone the immense capital buried in our water and gas distributing systems, but the fact that street improvements have made repairs to our pipes additionally expensive, we may begin to appreciate the serious character of a condition which divides by 5, 10, 50 and even 100, the life of a pipe, and which, until the cause be removed, may repeat the operation on the replaced line in an equally short time, or accomplish a similar injury at another point where its action will be less readily located. Coming now to a consideration of the remedies, we will first notice those which have been suggested for adoption by the gas and water companies. Probably the earliest of these was that of coating the pipes with non-con- ducting paint or a covering of a similar purpose. A parallel of this is the use of drain pipes of slightly greater diameter than the metal ones, slipped over the latter and cemented at the joints and at ends. These have been adopted with especial convenience for service pipes crossing under the rails, but their value is dependent upon the local circumstances. If the corrosion at such a place is caused by the current flowing downward through the earth and so entering and leaving the service at about the same points — placing it in an electric bath, as it were — such a covering should prove a true protection. But if the current had reached the line through some imperfection at a point farther away, and caused the corrosion by leaving the pipe to return to the rail, any insulation, if locally effective, would cause the current to seek a different avenue of exit, and so merely transfer the point of corrosion. A determination at such places of the direction of the current, whether from or to the rail, would show whether or not a non- conducting covering would be effective. Incidentally, the adoption of in- sulation at the current's points of departure would increase the resistance of the mains and so decrease the proportion of current carried, but com- plete relief by the plan suggested would require encasing of the entire dis- tributing system, and as a final curative it may be dismissed as impractic- able. The same reasoning applies to the method adopted on certain lines of water pipe in Los Angeles, which were laid in conduits filled with sawdust, and also to the use which has elsewhere been made of a covering of pitch, kept in place by boxing of convenient form. All these protectives are too ELECTROLYSIS. 811 costly for general adoption, and no partial installation of any of them would wholly cure the trouble. A similar statement may be made regarding the device of winding or protecting the pipes with copper wires attached to plates buried below. This was tried in Cambridge, Mass., but relinquished because of the rapid de- struction of the copper ground-plates. The paralleling of gas mains on each side of streets occupied by electric roads, that there may be no crossing service pipes, has been suggested ; and in Aurora, 111., circumstances have left the Gas Light Company with their mains thus duplicated, and hitherto no trouble from electricity has been experienced. But it would seem that while crossing mains at intersecting streets could be insulated, some electric leakage or induction must occur from the long parallel lines of uninsulated conductors, rails and pipes, thus placed comparatively close together. The British Committee on the electro- lytic subject seems to regard the interposition of six feet of dry earth as a sufficient shield, but under the conditions existing in most cities the ab- sence of moisture would be difficult to guarantee ; and the great cost of such a method of protection, even if effective, would put it out of the ques- tion. The use of cement joints for gas mains is in a measure an advantage as a protection, for any tendency to increase the resistance of our pipes is help- ful so far as it goes. This remedy, though, does not apply to the water mains, and should the pipes have been connected to the dynamos or cross- bonded to the rails, as will be described later, the presence of cement joints would be a positive source of danger. It is plainly apparent from a consideration of the foregoing devices and the conditions which limit them, that no remedy can be applied by the gas and water interests which will be wholly effective. We now come to consider the preventives whose adoption devolves upon the railway com- panies. In the earlier days of the " broomstick trains," the practice as tocurrent direction was not as uniform as it generally is now, for in some plants the dynamos were run with the positive pole to the trolley wire, and some with the negative. In the latter cases, electrolytic effects were produced along the entire line wherever the current would find a ready path from pipes to rails, so that locating the injuries was a much more difficult task. As the car motors take current either way, however, reversing the current's direc- tion was an easy matter — especially in places where but one electric road is operating, and has been generally done. The liability to corrosion is thus brought to within a narrow range, and largely localized in the neighborhood of the power houses. Most prominent in point of numbers among the remedial devices adopted by the railway companies are those for securing additional electrical contact at the bonds, and obtaining a bond conductivity approximately equal to that of the rail itself. The necessity of greater attention to this latter point is shown in the tables which have been published of relative conduc- tive area of the several sizes of rails and bonds in use ; it has been custo- mary to bond 56-lb. rails, for instance, with No. o B. W. G. copper wire, whose relative conductivity is but one-twentieth as great. The use of the customary sizes of supplementary wires between the rails is by this compar- 812 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ison shown to be equalty ridiculous and ineffective ; one writer remarks that it is "laying a twelve-inch water main and then putting a one-half inch pipe alongside to help it out ; " and it has been well said that the weight of copper now used in supplementary ground wires would be much better employed in the form of heavier bonds. A contributor to The Engineering Record states that "a section H, 6o-lb. Tewis & Fowler box rail has about the same resistance as a copper wire one and one-eighth inches in diameter. No such amounts of copper have yet been used to make bonds, and until they have, the possibilities of rail returns have not been exhausted." The same writer refers to some experiments by Messrs. Warner & Thayer on track resistances, which showed that the resistance of the rail section was so slight that the calculated resistance of the bonds accounted for nearly all of that observed. In order to decrease the cost of bond wires it has been suggested to make them twelve inches long instead of thirty inches, as is usually done, which would also reduce the bond resistance, and to use rails sixty or one hundred feet long instead of thirty feet, The suggested use of bonds of equal conductivity with the body of the rail and of greater rail lengths is still a step short of welded joints and continuous tracks, which have been adopted on several lines. The principal objection to the use of continuous rails has been the fear that changes in temperature would induce alterations in their length previously allowed for by spacing between abutting joints, and that buckling or deflection of the tracks would thereby ensue. But careful tests on a practical scale seems to have shown that in a well laid track of this character linear expansion may be disregarded, and that changes in temperature produce their effects " in a minute enlargement and reduction of the sectional area of the rail." Such a line of double track, three and one-half miles long, is now being laid on the North Broadway extension in St. Louis, the object of its introduction being the desire to decrease the jolting of cars by doing away with the rail joints ; but the man- ager of the roads has remarked that an incidental advantage is expected from a more efficient return of the current. The use of the "three wire system" on electric roads have been advocated by Mr. W. Nelson Smith as a deterrent of electrolytic corrosion, and has been in operation in Portland, Ore., for the past two years with reported success. In its application for this purpose on a double track road, the trolley wire above one track serves as the positive, the other as the negative, and the rails and earth as the neutral wire. There may be a potential difference from earth of 500 volts to each trolley wire, and of 1,000 volts between them. The rails or neutral wire merely carry the current required by the difference in load on the two sides of the line, which is only considerable when cars are starting out or going in, and in the morning and evening business and home travel, or in cases of "bunching." The diffi- culties in overhead construction and insulation are increased, but it is said that only one-fourth to one-half the overhead copper is required as for a two wire all copper system, such as the double trolley. A common practice is to bury, at certain points on the car line, old car- wheels, rails, or other forms of plates to collect the ground currents con- nected by supplementary wires 10 the power stations. But instances are known where such supplementaries have been used of so great length and ELECTROLYSIS. 813 consequent resistance, that, instead of carrying the current back to the dynamos, they were found by test to be actually positive to the earth. Their insufficiency is more explicitly shown in the experiments of Mr. J. D. Ras- tron, Chief Engineer Union Railway Company, Chester, Pa., whose tests showed in one instance that the track and ground supplementary wires were carrying 235.5 amperes of current, the city water mains 12. 8 amperes, and the plates, though connected with an unquestionably thorough ground in a creek, but 0.5 amperes. This was doubtless a case with exceptionally un- favorable conditions ; but even under propitious circumstances no great proportion of the current could be expected to reach the isolated ground plates, of relatively small earth contact, as compared with the quantity following the long and heavy lines of pipe so widely to be encountered by earth currents. Recognizing that the currents must follow the main pipes to some extent under existing conditions of railway practice, and that the injurious effects are produced at their points of leaving, the Water Department in Cambridge, Mass., has had heavy copper wires attached to the water mains and carried to the negative generator terminals of the electric roads, that the currents collected by the mains might lead them by a metallic circuit. The water pipes were also connected to the rails, and the water and gas services wired together within the cellars along the route of the road ; intentional use thus being made of the pipes as conductors. In Milwaukee, the railway company conuected their rails to the fire hydrants, but provided no means for the departure of the current until prevailed upon to supply an attachment near the power station. Elsewhere it has been proposed to run feeders to the power house from the mains in various sections of the city, but not to connect the mains directly to the rails ; in other words, to employ the mains, but only as a huge system of collecting ground plates. Of the three grades of this arrangement, the last is preferable, but even that is by no means desirable, for it serves to increase the conductive power of the pipes, and so invites the ajjproach of currents ; and while no especial harm might be done to a perfectly tight water main so wired, a pipe having leaks or loose joints, or a gas main with cemented bells, would be speedily affected injuriously. Nor should the suggested attachment to water mains alone be permitted without protest by gas companies, for if the water mains be made better conductors than before, more tendency will be manifested by such vagrant currents as may have reached the gas pipes to leave them and enter the water mains, so spreading the likelihood and locality of elec- trolyzation. Mr. I. H. Farnham, in a recent paper before the Institute of Electrical Engineers, gives the following description of still another plan : ' ' Prof. Elihu Thomson suggested placing motor-generators along the railway line wherever the cables and pipes are found to be in danger, to be operated by the railway power current ; the secondary current developed by these generators to be utilized to lower the potential in the cables and pipes to zero with respect to the surrounding earth or rails. The suggestion in- cluded means for automatically starting and stopping the generators, as cables might become positive or negative to the rails. The motor-genera- tors would, so to speak, pump the current out of the cables and force it into 814 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. the rails whenever the potential of the former should rise above zero. This plan has not yet been put into operation so far as I am aware." Among the devices described in the foregoing" paragraphs are most of those which have been adopted to any extent by the railways as preventives of electrolytic action. As deterrents or diminishers, many of them assist, but not one fulfills the requirement of complete protection, nor can any sys- tem do so which uses the rails to an}' appreciable degree as conductors. On many of the lines of electric railways — perhaps on most of those within the cities — the rails lie parallel for long distances with lines of gas and water mains, much better conductors than equal columns of earth, and in cases of poor bonding often exceeding in conductivity even the rails themselves. Separated from the latter only by a strip of earth, more or less moist, the capacity of the rails to conduct all the current is subject to the conduc- tive law of inverse resistances, for so long as the rails oifer any resistance at all, some current will also follow the lines of higher resistance. The pipes will be called upon to bear a portion of the current under the most favorable circumstances, and so doing, will be injured, for it has been shown by experiment under conditions identical with those existing in practice, that electrolytic action may occur with differences of potential of 0.5 volt. It has been claimed that the perfection of the alternating current motor in its application to street railway work, would solve the problem of elec- trolj'sis ; and the advantages of this system for long distance power trans- mission have caused it to be considered for adoption on the Erie Canal trolley line. But though faith in the inability of alternating currents to exert electrolytic effects is not universal, we need not consider the pros and cons, for the motor in satisfactory form is not yet on the market, and the immediate solution of the question before us must be sought apart from its improvement. A system which many large roads are now adopting as a means of decreasing their current leakage is that of using insulated track feeders designed to carry the entire current, joined to the rails at short intervals, each 400 or 500 feet, for instance. The rails are thus employed as conduc- tors only between the feeder junctions, and the liability of leaking currents is very much reduced. The system is certainly a step in advance of any- thing we have }'et considered ; and having been adopted in Boston, Brooklyn, Cleveland, etc., we should soon hear if by its use destruction of the pipes is wholly avoided. A series of well-planned and exhaustive tests of storage batteries, con- ducted upon a specially equipped road in Washington, showed that no successful accumulator had yet appeared for railway work. Other sug- gestions have been considered, and as the insulation of the rails themselves may be at once dismissed as impracticable, the absolute and complete pre- vention of electrolytic corrosion thus narrows to the use of such a system as shall convey the current without the use of the rails or earth for any portion of the distance. Of this character are the double trolley lines, of overhead construction, like those in Cincinnati, etc., or underground, like the conduit systems in Washington and Chicago. Either plan offers full and complete immunity from electrolysis, at a cost for copper no greater than that of a single trolley system with all-copper return. The ELECTROLYSIS. 815 double overhead design was one of the earliest forms employed, but was generally abandoned for the simpler single trolley on account of the diffi- culties of construction and insulation. That it is not impracticable is evidenced by its extensive employment in Cincinnati ; and were the value of the destroyed pipes added to the costs of single-trolley operation very little argument might be needed to convince railway managers of the superior advantages of the isolated metallic return. As to the double underground trolley, or conduit system, invention has been rife in its direction, and many designs are offered, though but few have received practical test. The Love conduit system at Washington and Chi- cago appears to be operating satisfactorily, and doubtless a number of others of the plans proposed also possess the elements of success. With the saving of ten to twenty-five per cent, in the cost for current— which we are assured would follow the introduction of an all copper circuit — the probable deteri- oration of overhead work, relief from the liability for damages to pipes, and the fact that the trolley lines cannot long escape attention in the clamor for putting the wires underground, the prospects for the extension of conduit installations seem favorable. Another class of injuries from the same general source as the electrolytic has been brought to the attention of your committee, namely, arc effects caused by short interruptions in the continuity of the metallic lines made to serve as conductors. Of this character were the cases in Boston, where the yarn was ignited in the bells of pipes which were being laid, and in Indian- apolis, where the leaking current followed down a trolley pole and burned a hole in the natural gas main close by, the escaping gas from which returned through the hollow pole and was lit at its top, destroying a considerable extent of the neighboring overhead wires. There the railway's system was the greater sufferer ; but such poetic justice as this seldom follows. The solution of the electrolytic question, however, will largely carry with it the prevention of this class of effects, so that they need not be specially considered. In detailing the several plans which have been tried or suggested for the abatement of the troubles which we are considering, your committee have endeavored to show warrant for their belief that the full remedy for the diffi- culty cannot be applied by those who are suffering frcm its effects, but is at- tainable by the railway companies, and must of necessity rest with them. That they will endeavor, if assuming the cost of the work, to adopt the cheapest method which offers a measure of protection to the pipes, is of course to be expected. But their responsibility and liability once fixed, we may insist upon their adoption of an absolute preventive, or their rendering of adequate indemnity for all electrolytic injuries to our systems. The regulations adopted by the special joint committee of the two Eng- lish houses of Parliament, to be applied to electric traction companies instal- ling their systems under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trade are much more stringent than any which have been proposed in this country. Our object is to secure the proper protection from injury by systems already in operation, of a quasi-public nature and occupying the streets like ourselves, whose ex- tension we would not seek to hinder or whose methods to question except as they entail danger or expense upon us in our exercise of rights and duties equally important with theirs, and materially antedating them in introduc- tion. 816 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Mr. H. H. Humphreys, in his paper on this subject before: the Electric Club of St. Louis, remarks : "The courts have decided, in numerous telephone cases, that the street railways have a right to the use of the earth as well as other people ; but the question whether they would allow the railroad companies to use the gas and water pipes, and by using them, use them up, has never been decided that I know of." The Supreme Court of Tennessee has held, however, in an issue on behalf of a telephone company whose operation was affected by induction at the ad- vent of electric traction, that it was not the legal duty of the telephone com- pany to protect itself, but that it devolved upon the railway company to re- frain from causing injury. In several places where the water supply is conducted by a department of the municipal corporation, the commissioners have notified the railway man- agers that their companies would be held accountable for damages to pipes, and that the supply of water to their power stations was liable to interrup- tions unless the source of danger was removed. With the realization of the actuality and extent of the danger, water companies and departments all over the country are taking steps toward obtaining an understanding with the railways causing the trouble ; and especially in the cases of such cities as include water supply as a function of the municipality, the gas companies cannot do better than co-operate with them for mutual protection. If per- sonal and corporate interviews and correspondence with the railway people fail of their object, the courts may be appealed to for restraining orders. Application for a stay of the injunction would doubtless be made on behalf of the railway, and the equity of the question would then be brought to a hearing. But meantime the deterioration of the pipes would be progressing, and even with the installation of a double trolley system decided upon by the railways, some time would elapse before it would be completed. Your committee would then recommend the insulation of all renewed pipes in places found to be injured — the drain tile casing being probably the best for services and small mains and boxing filled with pitch for larger mains — and the use of cement joints in any new main being laid. The detection of leaks and the determination of unaccounted-for output are so much easier to gas than to water companies that any marked losses on the gas pipe lines at least are likely to be signalized in some manner readily recognized. In justice to the railway companies it must be said that they are fully alive to the serious character of the problem which confronts them, and are equally anxious with ourselves to remedy and avert the trouble. They have a vital interest in the matter apart from the liability under which they rest for damages to other underground metallic systems, for the solution of the electrolytic question means to them a marked reduction in operating expen- ses, greater efficiency of the motors, and relief from the menace of inter- rupted water supply. But they naturally hesitate to accede immediately to demands which would involve the reconstruction of so considerable a portion of their plants ; and as one of the electrical journals states, while the double trolley would remove all cause for complaint, the railway companies will exhaust every other means before going to the expense which that remedy would involve. But with recognition of the justice of claims for indemnity for injuries to our distributing lines, and a clear demonstration — such as is ELECTROLYSIS. 817 now being afforded in several directions — of the futility of any halfway measures, we think that the street railway world will eventually concede the superiority of the double trolley and its kindred systems. Your committee then summarize their findings as follows : First. — Electrolysis from the grounded currents of electric roads is rap- idly injuring gas and water pipes, and it is admitted bystreet railway people that the injury does proceed from their operations. Second.— Complete relief from its action cannot be reached by any de- vice applicable by those injured, but is attainable by certain changes in the electric railways. Third. — The gas and water interest should unite in demands for reme- dial measures which shall secure the adoption of systems undoubtedly effec- tive, and which will thereby avoid a revival of the question a few years hence. Fourth. — Pending the discussion or completion of the relieving systems, the pipes should be protected at exposed points, at which the policy of in- creasing the resistance by insulation should be followed rather than that of increasing the conductivity by wiring. Respectfully submitted. Geo, T. Thompson, ) Alten S. Miller, - Committee. Jas. Somerville, ) Chicago, III., May 8, 1895. E. C. Converse, V.-P. & G. M. National Tube Works Co., New York, N. Y. I have received a latter from Mess. Hoge & Swift under date of April 25th, which contains some information that may be of value to you. Mr. Swift was at Seattle and aided Mr. Brooks all he could to obtain the contract at Ballard. Although they were not successful there they think they have gained Seattle. I have been having some correspondence with Mess. Hoge & Swift and with the different local managers of the National Tube Works Co., as well as yourself, in regard to the comparative action of electricity on Kalamein pipe vs. cast-iron, and in this letter Mr. Swift says : The experience of the City of Seattle with the two types of pipe shows up favorably to Kalamein. AlineofS-inch Kalamein pipe laid in Pike Street, Seattle, about twelve years ago and subjected to electrical action for seven or eight years, while affected at one point was only eaten through in spots ; whereas a line of 16-inch cast-iron pipe in Rainier Street, Seattle, exposed for only twelve to thirteen months, was eaten along the entire length of the pipe to a depth of 20 to 25 per cent, of its thickness. While we are, of course, glad to have this testimony of experience, we do not purpose making use of the circumstance further than to combat any statements unfavorable to Kalamein pipe which may be made by our cast-iron friends on this score. In other words we shall ignore the whole question of elec- trolysis unless compelled to defend ourselves, which we judge it to be entirely proper to do to the extent of the statement of the above facts. His latter remark is occasioned by a previous letter of mine to him stating it was not advisable to advocate Kalamein pipe as being impervious to the action of electricity ; that that matter had better be dropped out of all arguments. (Signed) Chas. A. Lamb, Local Manager. 818 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. ELECTROLYSIS IN BROOKLYN, N. Y. Reports of the Board of Commissioners of Eeectricae Subways. One of the inconveniences incident to the introduction of the electric railway system was briefly referred to in the report of the Board for 1892, as of uncertain character and extent, says the Water and Gas Review, March, 1895. It has proven to be of a very serious nature. This is the corrosion of gas pipes, water pipes, and the lead covering of telephone cables. Wherever the destructive action has caused a leak, either of water or gas, the fact has been discovered and the injured section removed. These discoveries have of late been so numerous that there seems no escape from the conclusion that metal pipes of all kinds extending below the surface along the routes of the trolley cars are being in many places destroyed. The cause of the difficulty is now well determined. In many other cities a similar experience has been recorded. The electrical experts are in accord regarding the origin of the injury. The electric current which pro- pels the cars is discharged through the wheels to the rails. If the latter were continuous conductors the corrosion difficulty would not exist. But the imperfect contacts at the rail joints, even with the best devices for pro- viding a path for the current around the joint, impairs the conductivity to such an extent that the earth in the vicinity becomes charged with the cur- rent which was designed for the rails, and plays to considerable extent the part of a return wire. Iron or lead pipes extending along the route below the surface become charged with the current. This condition involves a discharge at some point, and here the electrolytic action is established which, bit by bit, carries away the metal, or rather converts it into a compound which in the moist earth is readily detached. When this action is confined to a limited area, as at an abrupt bend in the pipes, the corrosion is rapid, but when it is distributed along a stretch of several hundred feet, as in the case of a Court street telephone cable recently ruined by this means, the de- structive action is slower but is, nevertheless, constant and sure. A section of iron water pipe recently brought to the office of this Board exhibits a complete perforation which was caused in four weeks. It had been part of a service pipe lying four feet below the trolley track. It is evi- dent that better means must be provided for the conduction of the return current of the trolley system. In a few cases, where a rapid corrosive ac- tion has been discovered, the expedient of making a copper connection be- tween the corroding surface and the return conductor between the rails, has been successfully tried. A more comprehensive plan is in progress of trial on one or two of the electric railways in New England. It consists in welding the rails to con- tinuous length of two thousand or more feet. The success of this experi- ment is not yet fully assured. It should be said in behalf of the electricians of the trolley companies that there has been no lack of vigilance in aiding to discover the locations of injurious electrical action, or in applying the proper remedy. In view of the fact that the problem of preventing electrical corrosion to service pipes underlying the trolley tracks is not yet satisfactorily solved, the proposed extension of electric system under a lately granted franchise may be regarded by the city engineers with some anxiety, as a portion of the si!) ELECTROLYSIS. 821 route lies along the line of one of the largest water mains. Not only should absolute protection from electric corrosion be guaranteed by the Trolley Company, but constant watchfulness should be maintained without expense to the city. A special report on the injury to telephone cables may be found in the appendix. (Appendix.) The New York & New Jersey Telephone Co., ) General Superintendent's Office, 16 Smith Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., December 13th, 1893. J Hon. Board of Electrical Subways, Brooklyn, N. V. Gentlemen: — In response to inquiry regarding the action of the escaping trolley cur- rent upon the lead covering of our underground cables, I beg to say that five cables have been damaged so seriously, as to cause failure and their removal from the underground conduits on Court street and on Flatbush avenue. Investigation shows that cables on At- lantic avenue, Third avenue, Court street, Flatbush avenue and Manhattan avenue are also affected, but not j-et seriously. The destructive action is due to electrolysis of the lead cover of the cable, caused by the current which reaches the cable covering through the earth on its way back to the dynamo, leaving the cable at points where the cable is posi- tive to the earth. We have been able in some cases to reduce the trouble by connecting the cables to the return wire of the trolley road, on poles and underground between the tracks^ but as the trolley system is being rapidly extended, and the location of the source of powei and the direction of the current both subject to change, we have had much difficulty in se curing tests upon which reliable action can be taken. Along Fulton street, where the ele- vated railroad is used as part of the return circuit for the trolley current, we have so far suffered no injury, and it is probable that safety can be secured along other routes only by the use on the part of the trolle}' roads of copper returns supplementary to the rails of the track, and of sufficient size to carry the current which now leaks from the rails through the earth to all other metal conductors ; much has been done in this direction by the sev- eral roads. Our experience would indicate that the safety of metal rjipes of all kinds, placed in the earth, as well as economy of operation, requires that the return system should be complete. Respectfully yours, J. C. Reilly, General Superintendent. Special Report. Brooklyn, Jan. 29, 1894. Hon. Charles A. Schieren, Mayor of Brooklyn. Dear Sir : — The Board of Commissioners of Electrical Subways beg leave to submit the following report as an appendix to the annual report submitted December 15th, 1893. It relates to a single subject, viz.; the cor- rosion of water pipes, gas pipes and telephone cables by the return current of the trolley electric system. The following report would have formed a part of the earlier communi- cation, but the materials for it were not then obtainable. The injury briefly referred to in the previous report can now be more completely specified and described by aid of the diagrams submitted here- with. No. 1. The lead covering of a telephone cable in a conduit near corner of Court street and Fourth place. The cable laid in pitch on the bottom of the duct. The pitch proved no protection. No. 2. The covering of a telephonic cable In a conduit on Court street, between First place and Fourth place. No. 3. Another portion of same cable as shown in No. 2. No. 4. The covering of a cable in a manhole at corner of Atlantic ave 822 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. nue and Smith street. The failure of the cable afforded the first intimation of the injury. A heavy trolley current had apparently followed the cable and left for the ground at this point. No. 5. From a cable under the rail of the Fifth avenue trolley line near Flatbush avenue. The same cable was also badly corroded at Bergen street. No. 6. From a cable between Carroll and President streets in Court street. No. 7. An iron water pipe which had been in the ground under the trolley track in Second avenue for about a year. No. 8. An iron pipe used to replace No. 7, which had been destroyed by corrosion. The indentation and perforation which may be seen near left hand end of the pipe, were produced in thirty days. No. 9. A lead water pipe taken from four feet below the surface on Second avenue near Fifty fourth street. The experience of Brooklyn is not notably different from that of Boston and Cambridge, Mass., Milwaukee, Wis., Columbus, Ohio, Indianapolis, Ind., and Hamilton, Ont. In each of these cities similar corrosions have been detected, and in none is there any doubt as to the cause. It is known to be due to the imperfections of the means provided by the Trolley Com- panies for the conveyance of the electrical current back to the generator. It was at first supposed that the rails would be sufficient, but the current de- clines to take that route exclusively. The remedy for the evil will have been applied when the Trolley Com- panies shall have provided an adequate route for the electric current now discharged into the rails. It was at first reasonably supposed that the rails would afford a sufficient path. Upon the failure of this plan, a copper con- nection to carry the current by the joint was tried. In most cases this expe- dient failed of complete success, except where the copper bond had unusual dimensions. An account of some experiments published in the Electrical Engineer may be profitably quoted here. ' ' The resistance per mile of double track road was found to be 0.7675 ohm in dry earth without bonds connecting the rails. Where the rails were bonded with iron wire of No. 3 gauge and cross connected without a continuous return wire the re- sistance was 0.0797 ohms with dry and 0.0717 ohms with wet earth. Where the track was formed with No. 3 copper wire bonds riveted to the rails, each bond soldered to a continuous copper wire of the same gauge, and the rails cross-connected every 200 feet, the resistance was 0.0207 ohm with wet earth. When the track was made in the same way as in the last example, but further improved by soldering the riveted bonds to the rails and spacing the cross-connections closer together, the resistance when earth was dry amounted to 0.0254 ohm. Track bonded with No. 4 galvanized iron wires without a continuous return wire had a resistance of 0.0577 ohm when the earth was dry. These figures show that some bond is necessary, and, furthermore, that the resistance of the rail section is so slight that the calculated resistance of the bonds accounts for nearly all of that observed. This suggests a practical point, namely, the desirability of making the bonds larger than is now the usual practice and omitting the return wire. The effect of this wire has long been generally acknowledged to be small, and its value to be chiefly as 823 824 ELECTROLYSIS. 825 a supplement to the bonds. There is a strong tendency now to do away with it entirely. It increases the conductivity of the return circuit some- what, but probably not as much as if the metal in it were used to make larger bonds. A Johnson section 80, No. 254, girder rail, for example, weighing 80 pounds per yard, has about the same conductivity as a copper wire \% inches in diameter, while a section H, 60-pound Lewis & Fowler box rail, has about the same resistance as a copper wire 1% inches in diameter. No such amounts of copper have yet been used to make bonds, and until they have the possibilities of rail returns have not been exhausted. If the copper in the return wire in the third kind of track mentioned in the last paragraph were placed in the bonds, the latter would be over an inch in diameter instead of 0.23 inch, and the actual conductivity of the return over thirteen fold greater. This shows that water, gas and telephone mains can be protected by better track construction, which will prove as advantageous to the railway company as to the other interests. This is one of the means of protecting mains from electrolysis, and suggests the following as a second method, which in most cases can probably be applied without much trouble. This second method is merely the connection by metal circuits of the water mains, gas pipes and telephone cables, to which some electricity will probably always pass, with the generators at the points where there is the least resistance to return currents. These are not necessarily the points where the distance between the pipes and the generators is the shortest, for it is possible to have this shortest line through dry sand, and a line nearly a few hundred feet longer through moist earth with less resistance. The electricity of the return current would be apt to leave the pipes at the moist places under such conditions, and it is possible that the return metal circuit should be located here, although somewhat longer than at another point. Old rails, heavily bonded, have been suggested for such a use, and would probably prove satisfactory. It should be said in regard to this second method, that in making con- nections with the underground system of pipes and cables that the points of such connections would require frequent examination. A copper connection with an iron pipe underground would not long remain a reliable conductor unless special care and watchfulness were given to it. A better way to insure the conduction of the current is doubtless to make the car rail continuous by welding. This method will be employed on the new trolley line soon to be built in the southern part of the city. The most complete solution of the problem is afforded by the double trolley, by which the current is provided for by an overhead wire similar to the one for the outgoing current. But it is to be hoped that it will not be necessary to resort to this method. Some notes of experiments obtained through the kindness of Mr. I. H. Farnham, Electrician, of the N. E. Telephone Co., and relating to the early experience in Boston, are here given. When the action of the current was first noticed, the experiment of grounding the cables to lead plates buried in manholes, was tried on quite an extensive scale, but was soon abandoned as being impracticable. The quantity of electricity to be dealt with was so enormous that the buried plates offered no appreciable protection to the cables. If such a system 826 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. were feasible, the expense for the constant renewal of plates would be very- large. The severity of the action may be diminished, to a certain limited extent, by so arranging the direction of the current used for the street rail- ways, as to make it pass out over the trolley wires, and back through the ground. In this way the direction of the current would be quite generally from the earth to the cables, thus diminishing in certain places the corrosive action. This method would not be a complete protection from the corrosive action, as there would be places where the current would still flow from the cables. Even though the current is uniformly to the earth from the cables, there is the possibility of an action caused by alkaline substances formed about a cable, due to the decomposition by the current from the street cars of the soluble salts contained in the surrounding earth. These alkaline substances are capable, under certain conditions, of dissolving the lead, when the currents are shut off or much reduced, as would be the case at night. As there has been some misunderstanding in regard to the potential measurements made in connection with the numerous corrosion investiga- tions, it should, perhaps, be impressed upon those who are about to carry on similar investigation, that the potential measurements between the cables or pipes, and the material surrounding them should, in the majority of cases, only be looked upon as indicating the direction in which the cur- rent tends to flow. To say that the pipes and cables are even practically safe frorn corrosion, when the measurements are below a specified figure, would be extremely misleading. These measurements are, in a certain sense, like the measure- ments which might be made in an electrolytic cell, between one of the electrodes and various portions of the electrolyte, so that it is possible to conceive of almost zero potentials in the immediate vicinity of the most violent electrolytic corrosive actions. The fact should be closely borne in mind that whenever we have a current passing from an easily oxidizable metal to the liquid such as would be encountered in the earth, corrosion is bound to occur. A large number of electrolytic experiments have been carried out, showing the extremely low potentials (measurements between the electrodes) at which corrosion is found to take place. In many cases iron and lead were destroyed under the conditions encountered in the underground systems at potentials considerably under .5 volt. The conclusions fairly drawn from these notes and from our own experi- ence is that considerable injury is being done to underground pipes and cables, and that it will continue along the lines of the trolley roads (except where the elevated railway extends above them) until better methods of returning the current to a generator are put in practice. The electricians of the several trolley roads are fully aware of the situa- tion and have speedily applied means of prevention in localities where the corrosion had been detected. But it is doubtful if the method of final cure of the difficulty has yet passed the experimental stage. Respectfully submitted, Geo. W. Peympton, Fred. R. LEE, Commissioners. 827 "', ■y% 1 ' :".-t) RUSTING OF IRON. 829 RUSTING OF IRON. CHEMICAL PROCESSES INVOLVED IN THE RUSTING OF IRON. By Professor A. Crum Brown, F. R. SS. L. and E., Edinburgh. In this short paper there is, so far as I know, no new fact described. I believe everything, or nearly everything, in it is to be found in the records of chemical research ; but as I find that the process involved in the rusting of iron is often misunderstood, I have thought it might be worth while to put together the known facts in their connection. My attention was first called to the subject by observing what happens when a drop of rain falls on a clean, bright surface of iron. At first, for a short time, the drop remains clear, and the bright surface of the iron is seen through it ; but soon a greenish precipitate forms in the drop, and this rapidly becomes reddish- brown. The brown precipitate does not adhere to the iron, but is suspended in the water, and becomes a loosely adherent coating only when the water has evaporated. I may premise that, in speaking of rusting, I mean the formation of rust on the surface of metallic iron, exposed to ordinary atmospheric con- ditions. I do not intend to treat of the corrosion of iron, by substances such as sulphuric or sulphurous acid, hydrochloric acid, or any other occasional impurities which may be present in the air. It has been conclusively shown, that the necessary conditions for the production of rust are, ist, metallic iron ; 2nd, liquid water ; 3rd, oxygen ; and 4th, carbonic acid, both the latter being dissolved in the liquid water. Iron remains quite free from rust in an atmosphere containing oxygen, carbonic acid and water vapor, so long as the water vapor does not condense as liquid water on the surface of the iron. Let us consider now the action on iron of the three substances, liquid water, oxygen and carbonic acid, first singly, and then two and two. Liquid water, quite free from dissolved gases, does not act on iron at ordinary temperatures. At high temperatures, very rapidly at a red heat, iron is oxidised by water or water vapor, and is converted into the magnetic oxide of iron. This magnetic oxide is formed on the surface of the iron as an adherent coating, and only when it is detached can the water gain access to lower layers of the iron. Oxygen gas alone does not act at ordinary temperatures on iron. At high temperatures it also converts the iron into the magnetic oxide, which forms an adherent coating. The same is the case with carbonic acid gas, acting alone. At ordinary temperatures it is without action. At high temperatures the carbonic acid is reduced to carbonic oxide, and the iron is oxidised to magnetic oxide, which forms an adherent coating. Liquid water with oxygen dissolved in it does not act at ordinary tern- 830 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. peratures on iron. This is shown by the fact that ordinary water, exposed to the air, does not rust iron if the water contains a substance, such as lime or caustic alkali, capable of combining with carbonic acid, and itself with- out action on iron. As long as the lime or caustic alkali is there, no rusting occurs. When the lime or caustic alkali has been converted by the carbonic acid of the air into carbonate, then, and not till then, can the carbonic acid of the air dissolve, as such, in the water, and then and not till then, does rusting begin. Water, containing carbonic acid dissolved in it, acts on iron at ordinary temperatures, forming ferrous carbonate, which dissolves in the carbonic acid water, forming, no doubt, ferrous bicarbonate. In this way artificial chalybeate water has been prepared by shaking up finely divided iron with carbonic acid water. In this action, hydrogen gas is given off. Solutions have thus been prepared containing nearly one tenth per cent, of iron. If oxygen is present dissolved in the water, it will unite with the nascent hy- drogen ; and if we have sufficient water, iron, and carbonic acid, the whole of the dissolved oxygen will be thus consumed. The presence of dissolved oxygen quickens the solution of the iron, the tendency of the oxygen to combine with the nascent hydrogen supplying an additional motive to to action. Probably in ordinary rusting no hydrogen actually becomes free, as under ordinary conditions there will always be enough dissolved oxygen to convert all the nascent hydrogen into water. When a solution of ferrous bicarbonate is exposed to an atmosphere con- taining neither free oxygen nor carbonic acid, it loses carbonic acid, and in- soluble ferrous carbonate is precipitated. If free oxygen is present in the atmosphere to which it is exposed, the ferrous carbonate is oxidized to ferric hydrate, carbonic acid being given off. This, if the water is not already saturated with carbonic acid, dissolves in the water. We can now follow the whole process of rusting, and divide it into stages — these stages being really separable, if we take proper precautions, but, in the usual case, overlapping one another. We have, ist, the formation of ferrous soluble bicarbonate ; 2nd, the con- version of ferrous bicarbonate into ferric hydrate, the white ferrous carbonate passing through green and black intermediate substances into the reddish, brown ferric hydrate, i. e. rust. We have to note that the carbonic acid dissolved in the liquid water, which is necessary for the process of rusting, is not used up in the process. It is given off during the oxidation of the ferrous bicarbonate to ferric hy- drate, and is thus ready to act on the new surface of the metallic iron. The continuation of the process of rusting is not, therefore, dependent on new carbonic acid absorbed from the air, but the original carbonic acid, if not removed, can carry on the process indefinite^, as long as liquid water is present, and oxygen is supplied from the air. Once the process is started, it goes on more rapidly, because the porous rust not only does not protect the iron, but favors by its hygroscopic character, the condensation of water vapor from the air as liquid water. Apiece of iron, therefore, which has begun to rust, will continue rusting in an atmosphere not saturated with water vapor, an atmosphere in which a piece of clean iron will not rust, because liquid water will condense from such an atmosphere on the hygro- scopic rust, but not on the bright iron. RUSTING OF IRON. s:il DISCUSSION. Mr. Jeremiah Head said that the paper was of special interest to him , because it contained the statement that water containing lime would not rust bright iron. About ten or twelve years ago he heard Mr. T. Hawksley, the well-known hydraulic engineer, say that a bright needle put into pure distilled water, in a vessel from which all air was carefully excluded, would not rust. He went home and tried the experiment. He took three or four ordinary test tubes, and filled them with water that had been twice or thrice distilled. In each test-tube, whilst the water was still boiling, he placed a large, new and bright needle, and carefully corked the tube in such a way that no air was included. The tubes were then turned upside down, and kept in a cabinet. Not the smallest globule of air or gas was at first visible. At the same time he put a similar needle into a similar test-tube filled with pure lime-water, that was to say, trebly-distilled water which had been al- lowed to dissolve a little quicklime. He had examined the specimens from year to year down to the present time. Those that were put in distilled water had all rusted, and about a third of the water had disappeared, gas, which he supposed to be hydrogen, occupying its place. The needle how- ever, which he put into lime was as bright to-day as it was twelve years ago. Sir Uowthiau Bell, F. R. S., said there appeared to be an easy explana- tion of Mr. Head's experiment. It was clear that the water could not possibly get out of the tube without some gas, probably atmospheric air, containing, as it always did, some carbonic acid, entering from the outside. There were, then, the conditions present in Mr. Head's experiments referred to in the paper, namely, water and carbonic acid gas. M. Gautier asked if the author could explain the presence of ammonia in the rust of iron ? It was general^ understood that the water was decom- posed, that the oxygen was in combination with the iron, and that hydrogen was combining with the nitrogen of the air to make ammonia. He did not see in the paper any reference to the presence of ammonia, which was cer- tainly to be found in rust. Mr. Snelus, F. R. S., wished to remind the Institute of an instance in which the rust of iron had been going on for a great many years in some boilers. The explanation given was rather a remarkable one, and the rust- ing was cured by a knowledge of the facts which had just been disclosed in the paper, namely, that water, especially soft water, containing oxygen, was capable of rusting iron. When he first went to Dowlas, Mr. Menelaus called his attention to some boiler where the water sludge came away almost blood-red from the rust. His predecessor had investigated the case, and had found copper in the residue, and he had assumed that the water which was corroding the boilers contained a copper salt. He knew something about the puddling of the iron of which the boilers were made, and he traced the copper, not to the water going into the boilers, but to the blue billy used in the puddling. The copper had got into the metal, and was found in the residue ; it came from the iron, and not from the water. That had led him to conclude that the rusting had not occurred because there was a copper salt in the water, but because they were using peaty water, which was very pure and soft, and contained a large quantity dissolved of carbonic acid. He then recommended that some lime should be put in the reservoirs ; that was 832 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. done and immediately the whole thing was cured, and there had not been the least trouble since. Of course that was simply an illustration of what had been stated in the paper, and agreed with Mr. Head's observation. With soft water, the oxygen and carbonic acid dissolved in it attacked the iron, and rusting went on more rapidly than with hard water. He had applied lime in this way many times, and always found the same result. Mr. Turner (Mason College, Birmingham), said that four years ago he hermetically sealed some bright iron in a tube filled with distilled water, and when he looked at the specimen a month or two ago, it was still per- fectly bright. There was, however, a very small quantity of what was prob- ably ferrous hydrate, a light green precipitate, at the bottom of the tube. It was stated in the paper that rusting went on more rapidly when a certain amount of rust was present on the surface. Of course they were familiar with that, but he thought that in his account of the causes of rust the author had omitted the electrical side of the question. Some interesting experi- ments had been performed three or four years ago by Dr. Tilden and were published in the journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, in connection with the pitting of boiler tubes made of yellow metal, which tubes were apt to suffer from the formation of little pit holes. A number of explanations were given. It was supposed that the metal was not homogenous in charac- ter, and other causes were suggested ; but Dr. Tilden showed that the holes were usually produced by small particles of dirt, which acted electrically, becoming negative when in contact with the yellow metal and immersed salt water ; then a film of oxide would be formed, and this oxide would again be negative to the metal underneath, and there would be electrical action, so that the part covered with dirt or particles of iron rust, or even a small quantity of oxide of the metal itself, would be perforated as with a small drill. Now, what was true of yellow metal was no doubt true of iron rust, so that if the}' wanted to protect the surface either of yellow metal or of iron from corrosion, cleanliness was one of the most important things to be observed. Removing the rust prevented this electrical action, and protected the metal. The importance of this electrical action was illustrated in the difference of the behavior between tin plates on the one hand, and galvan- ized iron on the other. In the first case when the coating of tin was once perforated, since tin is negative to iron, the metal underneath rusted more readily owing to the presence of the tin ; while in galvanized iron, when the coating of zinc was perforated, since zinc if positive to iron, the zinc which still remained protects the adjacent iron from rust. A member said that the paper was very interesting to all users of boilers. He wished to say a few words arising out of the statement made by the previous speaker. About seven years ago he erected several steel boilers for generating steam, and alongside them some small heaters for heating the water. The water was heated by the waste heat of low-heating furnaces. It was a case in which the heat was not sufficiently hot to generate steam direct, and therefore low-heating furnaces were used for heating the water, and high-heating furnaces for generating steam. He also erected an iron heater alongside a steel heater. The heaters were 5 feet in diameter, with a tube of 30 inches through them, and five Galloway tubes inside. After working nearly two years, the inspector condemned the steel heater as being unfit for use on account of pitting ; while the iron heater ( made of an RUSTING OF IRON. 833 old boiler) was not acted upon to anything like the same extent. On close examination, he found that corrosion was going on from the water upon the tubes of the iron hea f er, but they were more in the nature of patches than of deep-seated cankering ; while upon the steel heater the pitting was of a most serious character. He had the water analyzed, but there was no evidence of the cause. After trying every method he could think of, he, one day, noticed that from one of the wheel pits there was an escape of oil from the reservoir, which mixed the water in such small proportions that it was scarcely discernible when analyzed. He diverted it from the stream, and the pitting ceased. The boiler, which was condemned two years ago, was now at work, and was reported to be a better heater than it was previously. He did not profess to know anything about the matter chemically, but he was speaking of what had passed under his own observation. It might be of some interest to those acquainted with the chemistry of the question to study the causes that had led up to the facts which had been stated. Mr. Bauerman wished, in reference to the author's statement as to the porosity of rust, to call attention to the great increase of volume accompany- ing the change of iron into rust, which might not be generally known. From determinations made some years since by the late Mr. W. J. Ward and him- self, in Dr. Percy's laboratory, it appeared that a unit of malleable iron pro- duced ten times its volume of rust. Dr. Gibson, in the absence of Dr. Crum Brown, said that the author's desire had been to call attention to the essential features of the process of rusting under ordinary atmospheric conditions. Of course, he w T as well aware that different conditions would modify the process, but the main essential conditions were not always clearly understood. In reading some of the principal text-books on the subject, he (Dr. Gibson) had noticed that, though the influence of carbonic acid in quickening the process was re- marked upon, no explanation was given of the order or sequence of events. The question as to the influence of the electrical difference between rust and iron was undoubtedly important, but was sometimes made to do service in explanation of the whole process of rusting. It had been suggested that the process of rusting consisted— first, simply in direct oxidation of the iron, and that the reason why the rusting proceeded more rapidly, once a coating of rust had been formed, was that an electrical couple was set up between the metallic iron and the rust ; then portions of the rust nearest the iron were supposed to give up oxygen to the iron immediately below, and to take up oxygen from the air, so that the rust acted as a sort of carrier of the oxygen to the iron. In this view, the real influence of the rust in causing a more rapid oxidation by reason of its porous nature and its hygroscopic character, which caused the water to condense on the surface of the iron, was altogether overlooked. Of course, the formation of ammonia was a very important accompaniment of the process of rusting under certain con- ditions. He believed that the essential features of the process of rusting had not been brought forward before in their true connection ; at least, he had not been able to find them. He was quite sure that Professor Crum Brown would be very much pleased with the disussion which had arisen from his short paper. The President proposed a vote of thanks to Professor Crum Brown for his interesting paper, and also to Dr. Gibson for his explanation of it. 834 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. CORROSION OF IEOI AND STEEL. Mr. P. H. Williams gives the results of comparative corrosion tests of a plate of iron and a similar plate of steel, placed in a mixture of yellow loam and sand to which various alkali salts and magnesium chloride were added. The following were the results : LOSS PER CENT. After 33 days. After 61 days. Iron 084 0.72 2 06 Steel 1.79 PREVENTION OF RUST. A. Biicker states that the formation of rust on articles made of iron or steel may be prevented by the use of the following solution : ij{ pint distilled water, 50 grains of tartaric acid, 150 grains of stannous chloride, 30 grains of mercuric chloride and 750 grains of indigo solution with 100 times its volume of water. — The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, Vol. if, i8gi, pa%e j 19. MISCELLANEOUS. 835 MISCELLANEOUS. NEW YORK " HERALD " BUILDING. New York, June 27th, 1895. National Tube Works Co. While passing the old Herald Building at the corner of Broadway and Ann Street to-day, my attention was attracted by the fine appearance of some 4-inch unprotected wrought-iron water pipe, which the men engaged in razing the structure were taking out of the masonry of the walls. When the piece of wrought iron pipe was thrown on to the truck, I had an oppor- tune of examining it carefully, both inside and out, and it was remarkable for its perfect state of preservation on both surfaces. A close observation of the interior failed to reveal the slightest evidence of corrosion or roughness of any kind, while the outside of the pipe had no more serious defects than mortar stains, and a very light coat of fine powdery oxide, which was easily brushed off by the hand. As the Herald Building was erected along about 1867, this piece of wrought-iron water pipe had therefore been in service for about twenty-eight years. (Signed) J. W. Downer, Jr. SENECA PALLS WATER CO. On July 7th, 1895, we furnished the Seneca Falls Water Company with a line of 10-inch Converse Joint K. & A. Pipe, in substitution for a line of cast-iron pipe, removed for cause. KALAMEIN SHEET IRON. Monongaheu Furnaces, \ McKeesporT, Pa., Aug. 14th, 1894. 1 National Tube Works Co : Kaeameined Iron : — We use this material for the roofs of our cast- ing houses. Our No. 1 furnace was blown in December 1st, 1890, and has been in continuous blast ever since. Our No. 2 furnace was blown in June 1st, 1891, and has been in continuous blast up to the present time. So far as we can determine, the material is just as good to-day as the day it was put on. We have kept our roofs well painted ; that is to say, have painted them about once in twelve months, and with the exception of the scaling off of the paint, occasioned by the intense heat, there is no evidence of wear and tear. I should say that this is about as severe a test as roofing 836 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. material can be subjected to, as the fumes and gasses from blast furnaces are extremely destructive. Common black corrugated iron will not with- stand these more than two or at the utmost three years. I am satisfied, from the present appearance of our roofs, that they are good for, at least, three years more, and possibly five. W. B. SchiuES, Manager. KALAMEIN BOILER TUBES. an Bros. Boiler 1 St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 29th, 1892 Rohan Bros. Boiler M'f'g Co., \ National Tube Works Co., City . In answer to your inquiry about Kalameined tubes. I have been using your Kalameined tubes in my heaters and purifiers for the last three years and have not heard of one single instance of the tubes leaking or corroding. We had occasion to do some repairs on a heater that had been in use for two years, the shell, T \ thick, was pitted clean through, while the Kalameined tubes in this heater and under the same conditions did not show a single pit- mark. I consider them as good for the purpose, and almost as lasting as copper or brass. (Signed) Phie. Rohan. Mr. Rohan is the senior partner of Rohan Brothers Boiler Manufacturing Company, and is also President of the Boiler Makers' Association. CONVERSE PIPE-CAR LOADS. The following table will be found convenient in determining the number of lengths and number of feet of the respective sizes of Converse Joint Pipe which can be loaded in a car of 40,000 pounds capacity. Size. Pieces in Car. Feet in Car. Size. Pieces in Car. Feet in Car 2 1 nch 640 8,832 10 inch 55 I,000 31 nch 400 6,500 12 inch 33 728 41 nch 225 5,000 14 inch 30 6l2 5 nch 171 3,024 15 inch 26 460 6 nch 129 2,444 16 inch 21 394 7 nch 110 1,900 18 inch 15 280 8 nch 95 1,562 20 inch 12 233 9 nch 65 1,150 24 inch 10 190 THE BALLARD CASE. In the spring of 1895, the city of Ballard (Washington), had a letting for a water works system. The specifications provided for bids on cast-iron pipe and on Converse Lock Joint. In giv- MISCELLANEOUS. 837 ing the specifications for the cast-iron pipe the City Engineers stipulated certain weights, which they thought necessary to with- stand the pressure and the service. In stipulating the specifica- tions of Converse Lock Joint pipe our official list was copied. We were represented at this letting by Messrs. Dunham, Car- rigan & Hayden Co., of San Francisco, and Hoge & Swift, of Portland, Oregon. I am informed that the representative of the Anniston Pipe & Foundry Co., of Anniston, Ala., made an argument before the City Engineer, that the stipulated weights of cast-iron pipe were all right for ordinary cast-iron pipe, but that the Anniston Pipe & Foundry Co. used pig-iron smelted from superior ores, produc- ing a product of cast-iron pipe high in tensile strength. In fact so high that he could guarantee to deliver cast-iron pipe of that particular make which would show a T. S. of not less than 27,- 000 lbs to the square inch. I am informed that the specifications of cast-iron pipe were amended to suit this high class material. In short, a lighter class of cast-iron pipe was contracted for under this guarantee. Had it not been for this flank movement on the part of the Anniston representative the order would have come to us. When this matter was reported to the author he at once took steps to verify the truth of the alleged assertions, knowing from his experience that a large portion of charcoal foundry iron must be employed to produce such remarkable results. He has in his own hands the following documents, which bear upon this case. The bill of the Anniston Pipe & Foundry Co., dated June 7th, 1895, in black ink, and June 12th, 1895, by red stamp, made out against the Millner & Kettig Co., of Birmingham, Ala., show- ing shipment of one piece of 6-inch cast-iron pipe weighing 390 lbs., at $18.00, amounting to $3.50 for the piece, on order No. 1397, car No. 70546, with P. R. R. initial. In lead pencil the bill is marked " For the National Tube Works, ship to them, see or- der." This memorandum was made by Millner & Kettig Co. Next document is the shipping receipt of the Millner & Ket- tig Co., dated June 12th, 1895, for one piece of pipe weighing 390 lbs., at 17c. per hundred, consigned to the National Tube Works Co., at St. Louis, Mo. Next document is the freight bill of the Louisville, Evans- ville & St. Louis Consolidated R. R., dated East St. Louis, June 22d, made out to the National Tube Works Co., for one piece of iron pipe, weight 390 lbs., freight charges 66c. 838 FACTS ABOUT PIPE. Next document is the bill of Miller & Brockman, owners of a machine shop at St. Louis. Bill is dated June 24th, and is to cover the expense of 5 cuts of 6-inch cast-iron pipe. Then follows the express receipt from the National Tube Works Company to Assistant General Manager Horace Crosby, at McKeesport, covering the 4 pes. of cast-iron pipe. Then follows the official report of the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, Limited, of the testing of these four pieces of pipe. The records being as follows : Laboratory Number. Original Mark. Original. Maximum Load Pounds. Tensile Strength lbs. Dimensions. Area. per sq. in. 9323 9324 9325 9326 I 2 3 4 .997 X .485 I- x .554 I. x .490 .996 x .525 .484 • 554 .490 •523 8,000 10,000 8,000 8,IOO 16,330 18,050 16,330 I5>49° Next document is a letter from Local Manager Coit, of the St. Louis house, stating : In accordance with request conveyed by Vice-President Converse's let- ter of May 31st, attached hereto, I send you to-day by express, four pieces of 6-inch cast-iron pipe, each 12 inches long. That the pipe may be identified, I enclose you original bill of the Anniston Pipe & Foundry Co., for the length from which these pieces were cut. Then follows a letter from the McKeesport offices of the National Tube Works Co., as follows : We enclose herewith correspondence relating to cast-iron pipe, for which the Anniston Pipe & Foundry Co. has contracted to supply the town of Ballard, on the Pacific Coast. In accordance with your instructions, we had the samples tested by the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, Pittsburgh, Pa., the results being described fully in their report also enclosed. As a matter of interest, we also had our chemist make an analysis of the material, which you will find attached to the correspondence. The next document is the report of the National Tube Works Co.'s chemist, reading as follows : MISCELLANEOUS. 839 Laboratory of National Tube Works Co. McKeesport, Pa., 7-3-'95. Analysis of 6-inch cast-iron pipe, Anniston Pipe & Fdy. Co. : Per Cent. Silicon 2.42 Sulphur 052 Phosphorus 700 Manganese 18 Carbon, comb 61 Graphite 3.15 A. K. Church. Chemist. From the study of this case you will observe that from one piece of pipe the tensile strength varies over 1500 lbs., showing inequality of material. The author has tested the tensile strength of cast-iron pipe a good many times during the past few years, and it is his experience that this pipe is top-notch. We have no fault to find with the quality of this cast-iron pipe. It seems to be superior, but in so far as it will show 27,000 T. S. or anything over 20,000 T. S. the records speak for themselves. If we are not misinformed regarding the conditions of this case, the Anniston people are in a bad box, for they cannot pro- duce an article of cast-iron pipe that will stand 27,000 T. S. from any scrap or pig iron usually employed in foundry work. A foot-note on the bill of the Anniston Pipe & Foundry Co., is a very good evidence of their admission of the treacherous character of cast-iron pipe as a material — the foot-note reads "Do not receipt for pipe broken, or damaged in transit, but notify us at once." From this you will observe that broken and dam- aged pipe by simple handling must be a matter of trade recog- nition and must be provided for by this trade law. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. 841 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Transporting Converse Joint Pipe over Mountain Trails 272 Vallejo, Cal. — Profile of 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe Line 291 Vallejo, Cal. — Camp Converse 292 Vallejo, Cal. — Camp Converse 293 Vallejo, Cal. — Laying 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe 294 Vallejo, Cal. — Laying 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe 297 Vallejo, Cal. — Laying 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe 298 Vallejo, Cal. — Laying 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe 299 Vallejo, Cal. — 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe laid without the use of Specials 300 Vallejo, Cal. — 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe laid without the use ot Specials 301 Vallejo, Cal. — 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe laid without the use of Specials 302 Vallejo, Cal. — 10" Converse Lock Joint Pipe laid without the use of Specials 303 Converse Lock Joint Pipe Stored in Warehouse at San Francisco, Cal 304 Unearthing the Broken Pipe, Brooklyn. .. 319 Burst Cast Iron Pipe which cost Chicago about $150,000, View r 338 Burst Cast Iron Pipe which cost Chicago about $150,000, View 2 339 An Accident in an Engine Room 343 Defective new Cast Iron Pipe, McKeesport, Pa 354 Where the Main Burst — New York 357 Section of Cast Iron Water Pipe from Fall River, Mass 390 Tuberculated Cast Iron Pipe — Yorkshire 394 Tuberculated Cast Iron Pipe — Philadelphia 410 Tuberculated Cast Iron Pipe— Philadelphia 411 Cast Iron Pipe Condemned at Chicago and Sold as Scrap, View No. 1 436 Cast Iron Pipe Condemned at Chicago and Sold as Scrap, View No. 2 438 Cast Iron Pipe Condemned at Chicago and Sold as Scrap, View No. 3 440 Cast Iron Pipe Condemned at Chicago and Sold as Scrap, View No. 4 442 Machine for Cutting off Injured Ends of Cast Iron Pipe 454 Burning Gas Main on Broadway 514 Explosion of the Columbus Avenue Gas Main 518 Chartiers Valley Gas Company — Profile of 20'' C. J. Pipe Line 550 Chartiers Valley Gas Company— Negley's Run. View of cut averaging 20 feet 552 Chartiers Valley Gas Company — 20" C. J. Pipe. View of cut averaging 34 feet 554 Chartiers Valley Gas Company — View of Iron Bridge at Negley's Run — 20" C. J. Pipe. . 556 Chartiers Valley Gas Company — Bird's-eye View of Main Line, Negley's Run — 20" C. J. 558 Chartiers Valley Gas Company— Reducing Station— 20" C. J. Pipe 560 Wood Stave Pipe 744 Matheson Joint 748 Matheson Joint 749 Pennsylvania Tube Works Lead Joint 760 Pennsylvania Tube Works Lead Joint 762 Electrolysis at Milwaukee 788 Electrolysis — Faruham — Figure 1 790 Electrolysis — Farnham — Figure 2 791 Electrolysis — Farnham— Figure 3. 792 Electrolysis — Farnham — Figure 4 793 Electrolysis — Farnham — Figure 5 794 Electrolysis— Farnham— Figure 6 799 Electrolysis — Farnham — Figure 7 , 795 Electrolysis — Farnham — Figure 8 796 Electrolysis — Farnham— Figure 9 796 Electrolysis— Farnham — Figure 10 797 Electrolysis— Farnham — Figure 11 797 Electrolysis — Farnham— Figure 12 798 Electrolysis— Farnham— Figure 13 795 Electrolysis — Farnham — Figure 14 800 Electrolysis— Farnham— Figure 15 802 Electrolysis — Farnham— Figure 16 803 Electrolysis— Farnham— Figure 17 802 Electrolysis— Farnham — Figure 18 804 Electrolysis— Farnham — Figure 19 805 Electrolysis— Farnham — Figure 20 807 Electrolysis in Brooklyn— Figure 1 819 Electrolysis in Brooklyn — Figure 2 820 Electrolysis in Brooklyn — Figures 3, 4 823 Electrolysis in Brooklyn — Figures 5, 6 S24 Electrolysis in Brooklyn — Figures 7, S 827 Electrolysis in Brooklyn— Figure 9 828 842 INDEX TO FAC-SIMILES AND SUBJECTS. INDEX TO FAC-SIMILES. Addy, Matthew— fetter, June 9, 1893 668 Addy, Matthew— Letter, June 26, 1893 670 Addyston Pipe & Steel Company— E. A. Kebler Letter, April 21, 1893 662 Briggs, J. G.— Letter to A. J. Guilford 98 Briggs, J. G.— Letter, December 22, 1886 658 Brown, Geo. H.— Signature 452, 615 Columbia Cotton Mill Company Letter 38 Haswell, Charles H. — Signature 603 Kedzie, R. C— Signature 591 Kuhn, W. S., Gen. Mgr.— Telegram, May 19, 1893 , 666 Littleton, A. W. — Signature 619 Manby, C. E.— Signature 596 Monroe Water Works & Electric Light Co.— Letter 108 Mowbray, George M. — Signature 598 Van Schulz, A. — Signature 590 Wuth, Otto— Signature 599 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Artificial Gas 465 Burst and Leaky Cast Iron Gas Mains 480 Burst Cast Iron Water Mains 315 Cast Iron Pipe Scrap , 435 Cast Iron Pipe Weights 445 Cast Iron Syndicate 635 Cement Lined Pipe 714 Compressed Air 588 Converse Lock Joint Water System 7 Corroded, Incrustated and Tuberculated Cast Iron Pipe 376 Cost of Laying Cast Iron Pipe 449 Delivering Capacity of Wrought Iron Pipe 576 Early Water Works 5 Electrolysis 764 Gas Leakage 519 Maintenance of Cast Iron Pipe 427 Matheson Joint 747 Miscellaneous 835 Natural Gas 545 Pennsylvania Tube Works Lead Joint 760 Reports of Chemists and Engineers 589 Retraction 660 Riveted Pipe 730 Rusting of Iron . . , 829 Specifications for Cast Iron Water Pipe 457 Spiral Weld Pipe 736 Theory and Practice 675 Wood Pipe 743 Wrought Iron, Cast Iron or Steel ? , , , 619 INDEX TO CONVERSE JOINT SYSTEM. 843 CLASSIFIED INDEX. CONVERSE JOINT SYSTEM. A Aberdeen, Dakota 15, 64 Addyston P. & S. Co.. 81 , 83, 84, 88, 89, 106 Adrian, Michigan 15 Alameda Sugar Company 261 Alamedia Water Works Co 22 Albany, N. Y 427 Albuquerque, N. M 15 Albuquerque Water Co 256 Alcott, E. E 76 Alden, G. W 27 Allen, Charles A 176, 195 Altimas Water Company 58 Alvord, John W 309 American Institute of Architects 37 American Water Works Ass' n. ..82, 84, 89, 107 American W. W. & Guarantee Co., tim. 17, 66 American Zylonite Company 136 Amsterdam 149 Anaconda Commercial Company 18 Anaconda, Montana 18 Ancient Use of Iron 37 Ancient Use of Steel 37 Andover 64 Anonymous Circular 106 Anonymous Pamphlet 96 Aqua Pura Company 70 Armstrong, J. U 118 Ashland, Oregon 18 Aspen, Colorado 19, 28, 54 Atkinson, O'Brien J 47 Atlanta 83 B Babbitt, Lieut.-Col. L. S 21 Badger, David Franklin 178 Baker City Water Works 20 Baker, R. H 15 Ball, Mr.. .. 155 Ballard, Wash 278, 836 Baltimore, Md 427 Barb, Alderman 72 Barker, W. H 281 Barnes, James 119, 121 Barnes, R. W 2S3 Barrington, F. W 107 Barron, T. D 284 Barstow, C. D 114 Bear River Canal Company 119 Beasley, Alderman of I/mgmont 72 Belzona 37 Benicia Arsenal 20 Bennett, Hon. E- H 129, 151 Berkeley, Cal 22 Bessemer, Mich 22 Bethlehem, Pa 5 Billings, Montana 22 Billings Water Power Company 23 Bird, Sandy 107 Birmingham Water Works 24 Blaisdell, H. W 54 Blake, Percy M 61, 129, 238 Bliss, George F 44 Boiler Makers' Ass'n 836 Bothwell, J. R 16, 18, 23, 59, Ii8, 125, 275 Boston, Mass 23, 428 Bowman, J. F. . . . 308 Box 82, 84, 89 Brach, H. D 64 Brainerd, Minn 25 Brandonville, Pa 279 Briggs, J. G 90 Brigham City, Utah 26 Brigham City Water Works 25 British Museum 37 Britton. South Dakota 26, 64 Broadbury , W. B 260 Brooklyn 83 Brooks, T. W 25, 51, 260 Brown, George W 74 Brush, J. H 295 Buehner, Philip 284 Bueua Vista Water Works 27 Buffalo Mill Company 29 Buffalo, N. Y 83 Buffalo, Wyoming 29 Bundy, C. S 22 Burnham, D. H 3°9 Burr, E. C 261 Butler, Alderman of Lougmont 72 Butler, A. W 44 Butler, Mr.— W. & M. Com.— World's Fair 310 Butte City Water Works 29 c California Power Works 261 Calumet & Hecla Mining Company.. 67 Cambridge, Mass 149 Cameron, C. H 65 Campbell, F. J 27 Campbell, James 155 Canfield, R. B 270 Cannon City 72 Carey, H 77 Carloads— C. J. Pipe 836 Carroll, Eugene 3° Carson, J. M 90 Cartwright, Robert 256 Cary, John S 41 Cast Iron Pipe 118 Cast Iron Pipe Destroyed 29, 58 Cast Iron Pipe Replaced 71 Cast Iron Syndicate 51, 80, 265 Castle Creek Water Company 19 Cave, Alfred 106 Cavenaugh, Mr 144 Cement Joined Pipe 97, H9 Chadron, Nebraska — 3 1 Chamberlain, Dakota 31 Charleston, W. Va 32 Chase, R. G. & Co 123 Cheboygan, Mich 33 Chemist's Report 113, 136 Chester Town Water Works 51 Chicago, 111 428 844 INDEX TO CONVERSE JOINT SYSTEM. Chicago Tribune— Waukesha Line 310 Chicopee, Mass 33i 128 Chihuahua, Mexico 33 Christiansen, Hans Christoper 5 Cincinnati 83, 429 Cincinnati & Newport I. & P. Co., 82, 88, 106, 282 City Gas Co. , London, Canada 71 Claflin, F. A 150 Clark, Ellis 67 Clark, J. W 286 Clark, Robert, & Co 96 Clark, Lieut. S. E 46 Clayburne, Tex 35 Cleveland 83 Clifford, Charles, Esq 129, 151 Coe, L. E 273 Coffin Bros 57 Coffin, C. H 269 Coffin, E. C 57 Coffin, W. H 295 Coit, E. W 838 Colorado Machinery Co 27 Columbia Cotton Mill Company 38 Columbia Water Co 36 Columbus, Ohio 83 Columbus Water Company 39 Commercial Gazette, Pittsburg 78 Comstock Lode 125 Cook, J. D 82, 84, 89 Cooley , George M 295 Cooper, A. C 272 Cooper, E. A 26 Cooper, H. T 313 Consumers' Gas, Fuel & Light Co 43 Consumers' Gas Company, Chicago, 111.. . 42 Converse Joint Pipe, Carloads 836 Corvallis, Oregon 313 Cotter, J. E 151, 211 Crafts, N. Henry— Testimony of 226 Craven, A. W 83 Creiger, Dewitt C 429 Cress, Major John A 21 Crosby, Horace, Asst. Gen. Mgr 838 Cumnock, J. W 33 Cunningham, C 114 Daily Times, Laredo 68 Daniel, Capt. Travers 36 Davenport, E. R 32, 308 Davis, Mr., of C. & N. Iron & Pipe Co.. 100, 282 Davis, B. F.j Albuquerque, N. M 17 Dayton, Ohio 430 Dayton, Wash 57 Deer Lodge Water Company 40 Denver, Colorado 40 Dewey, Frank S 40 Dick, Jacob J 40 Dickson, L- H., Mayor of Longmont 72 Dodge, Ira C 19 Dodge Manufacturing Co 86 Dodge, Mr 86 Dodge, W. H 104 Dolaud 64 Dormer, J. J 49 Downer, J. W., Jr 835 Doyle T. F 308 Duffield, William 71 Duluth Gas and Water Works 41 Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Company. 837 Durability — Aberdeen 15 Durability— Albuquerque, N. M 16, 17, 256 Durability— American W. W. & G. Co. .. 17 Durability — Ashland Oregon 19 Durability — Aspen, Col 19 Durability — Baker City 20 Durability — Benicia Arsenal 21 Durability— Berkeley, Cal , 22 Durability— Bessemer, Mich 22 Durability— Billings, Mont 23 Durability — Britton 27 Durability — Buena Vista 29 Durability — Buffalo, Wyoming 29 Durability — Butte, Montana 30 Durability — Chamberlain, Dakota 31 Durability — Charleston, W. Va 33 Durability — Cheboygan, Mich 33 Durability — Colorado Machinery Co 40 Durability— Columbia. Teun 36, 3S Durability — Columbus, Texas 40 Durability— Deer Lodge 40 Durability — Durango 27 Durability— El Paso de Robles 44 Durability— Evanston, Wyoming 44 Durability — Fenton, Mich 44 Durability— Fergus Falls, Minn 45 Durability— Fitchburg, Mass 45 Durability — Fort Collins, Colorado 46 Durability— Fort Gratiot, Mich 46, 47 Durability — Fort Pembina. N. Dakota 49 Durability — Fort Sherman, Idaho 50 Durability— Fremont, Mich 50 Durability— Fresno, Cal 51 Durability— Fulton, 111 51 Durability— Geneseo, 111 52 Durability— Georgetown, Texas 52 Durability — Glenwood Springs 54 Durability — Gonzales, Texas 54 Durability — Gunnison Col 57 Durability— Hancock. Mich 58 Durability — Helena, Montana 60, 257 Durability— Hillsboro, N. M 62 Durability — Holland. Mich 63 Durability — Howland, A. H 24 Durabil ity — Huron, Dakota 64 Durability — Kelse3'ville, Cal 67 Durability — Lake Linden 67 Durability— Laredo, Texas 69 Durability — London, Canada 71 Durability — Longmont 74 Durability — Los Delicios, Mexico 76 Durability— McKeesport, Pa 78 Durability-Mt. Pleasant. Pa 1 14 Durability — Mandan, Dakota 77 Durability— Mamaroneck, N. Y .. 76 Durability — Missoula, Mont 106 Durability— Monongahela Furnaces 835 Durability — Muskegon, Mich in, 113 Durability — National City 116 Durability — Newman. Cal 117 Durability— New York Herald Building.. 835 Durability— Ogden, Utah 118 Durability— Old Tacoma, Wash 121 Durability— Ouray, Col 122 Durability— Parker, C. L 312 Durability — Phoenix, Ariz 124 Durability— Pierre, Dakota 125 Durability — Quincy, Mass 126 Durability— St. Claire, Mich 284 Durability — San Bernardino, Cal 259 Durability— San Francisco, Cal 260 Durability— San Rafael, Cal 270 Durability — Santa Barbara 271 Durability— Seattle, Wash 276 Durability — Shanley, Hon. Walter 62 Durability— Sioux Falls 283 Durability— Snohomish, Wash 283 Durability— Tide Water Pipe Line 36 Durability — Tombstone, Ariz 286 Durability— Virginia City, Nevada 306 Durability— Wahpeton, Dakota 308 Durability— Walla Walla, Wash 308 Durabilitv— Warm Springs, Cal 309 Durability— Waukesha World's Fair Line 309 Durability— Wellsville, N. Y 312 Durability— Whitewood, S. Dak. Dwight Manufacturing Company ...... 33 INDEX TO CONVERSE JOINT SYSTEM. 845 Carley, John E 33 L* Early Water Works 5 Eatou, Fred 75 Economy of L and L.— Albuquerque.. .15, 16 Economy of L. and E.— Am.W. W.&G. Co. 18 Economy of E and L. — Ashland, Oregon. 19 Economy of I,. and L. — Aspen, Col. 19 Economy of L. and L. — Beuicia Arsenal. . 21 Economy of L. and E — Berkeley, Cal 22 Economy of L. and E — Bessemer, Mich. . 22 Economy of L. and L. — Birmingham, Ala. 24 Economy of L. and I,. — Brainerd, Minn. . . 25 Economy of L. and L — Britton 27 Economy of L. and L.— Cartwright .256 Economy of L. and L. — Charleston, W.Va. 32 Economy of L. and L.— ColoradoMach.Co. 40 Economy of L. and L.— Eureka, Nevada. 44 Economy of L. and L. — Ft. Pembina, N.D. 49 Economy of L. and E. — Ft. Sherman, Id. . 50 Economy of E and E— Fairplay, Colo 40 Economy of E. and E. — Fenton, Mich 44 Economy of E and L. — Fergus Falls, Min. 45 Economy of E and E. — Georgetown, Tex. 52 Economy of E and E — GlenwoodSpgsCol 54 Economy of L. and E. — Gonzales, Texas.. 55 Economy of E. and L. — Gunnison 57 Economy of E. and L —Harper, J. H. .. . 30 Economy of E and L. — Helena 59, 60, 257 Economy of E and E— Huron, Dakota. . 64 Economy of E. and E.— Inman, George B. 282 Economy of E. and L. — Kelseyville, Cal.. 67 Economy of E and L —Leadville 70 Economy of E. and E— London, Canada. 71 Economy of E. and E — Eongmont 73 Economy of E and L.— Los Angeles, Cal. 75 Economy of E and E. - LosDelicios, Mex. 76 Economy of E. and E.—Mt. Pleasant, Pa. 114 Economy of E. and L. — Mamaroueck 76 Economy of E and L. — NationalCity. Cal. 116 Economy of E. and L.— Newman, Cal 117 Economy of L. and L.—Ogden. Utah.. .. 120 Economy of E and L.-Old Tacoma.Was. 121 Economy of L. and L. — Ouray, Colo 122 Economy of E and E.— Palo Alto, Cal 122 Economy of E. and E— Phoenix, Ariz 124 Economy of E. and E.— Quincy, Mass 126 Economy of L. and L.— Salt Lake, Utah. . 264 Economy of L. and L-— San Francisco 260 Economy of L. and L. — San Rafael 270 Economy of L. and L.— Santa Ynez Mts.. 272 Economy of L. and E.— Shanley, Hon. W. 63 Economy of E. and E.— Sioux Falls 283 Economy of L. and L.— Snohomish, Wash 283 Economy ofL. and E.— Tuscarora, Nev.. . 287 Economy of L. and E.— Tyler, Texas. . Economy of E and L.— Wahpeton. Dak Economy of L. and L.— Walla Walla . . . Edge Hill Vineyard Edwards, J Eldridge, T. A Ellis, G. A 8 Elms, F. L .' 127 El Paso de Robles, Cal 44 Emerson, E. R 27 Evanston. Wyoming 44 Engineering News 87 Ft. Coeur d'Alene. Idaho 45 Ft. Collins, Colorado 46 Ft. Gratiot, Mich .46, 118 Ft. Pembina, North Dakota 49 Ft. Sherman, Idaho 49 Fairbanks, Mayor— Testimony of. 143 Fairplay, Col 27, 40 Fanning 82, 84, 89, 306 Faxon, Wm. E 156, 161 308 308 261 132 64 Federhen, Mr I44 Fenton, Mich 44 Fergus Falls Water Company 45 Finkle, F. C 16, 256, 259 Fire and Water 80, 114, 255 First Shipments 7 Fitchburg, Mass 4= Fitts, J. H i ..; 2 8i Fitzgerald, Desmond— Testimony of 210 Flint, J H ISI Flood & Mack " ^c Ford,J. E 262 Foss, F. V.. 2S3 Fowle, Otto ...!.!! 273 Frame, Andrew 3 I0 Fraser, J. K , . \ 67 Fredericksburg, Va 5I Fremont, Michigan 50 French. P. W.— Testimony of 135 190 Fresno, Cal 50', 268 Friction— Birmingham, Ala 24 Friction— Brainerd, Minn 25 Friction— Brigharu City ..'..'. 26 Friction— Buena Vista 28 Friction— Fremont, Mich 50 Friction— Haswell 95 Friction— Helena, Mont .'.'.". . 59, 257 Friction— Howland, A. H 24 Friction— Huron, Dakota 64 Friction— Leadville . . 70 Friction— Eongmont 74 Friction— Mt. Pleasant, Pa 114 Friction— Muskegon, Mich no Friction— Ogden "Utah n8 Friction— Salida, Col 263 Friction— Sandwich, 111 264 Friction— Seattle, Wash 276 Friction — Tyler, Texas 288 Friction— Virginia City, Nev 307 Friction— Warm Springs. Cal 309 Friction— Wellsville, N. Y 311 Fudickar, E 107 Fuller, G. N .,,) 62 Fulton, 111 5I Funge, Mr II9 G Gallagher, E. F 280 Galvin, T. L 264 Gardiner, J. M 124 Garrian, J. W 44 Geneseo, Illinois 42, 51, 64 Geneva, N. Y 6 Georgetown, Texas 52,288 Gerber, Andrew. 50 Gibson, Mr 2S0 Gilson, L 261 Glamis, Cal 53 Gleason, Mr 159 Gleason, Jedidiah F.— Testimony of 231 Glenwood, Minn 54 Glen wood Springs, Col 54 Glenwood Water & Light Co 54 Golding, Mr 131 Golding, Frederick P 151 Gonzales, Texas 54 Gordon, Dr 129 Gordon, J. A.— Testimony of 152 Gould, G. H 271 Grand Forks, Dakota 55 Grand Forks, Michigan 56 Grand Haven Water Works 56 Grand Trunk Railway Co 47 Graves, E. N 267 Gray, Carroll E 41 Gray, C. E., Sr 307 Gray, J. W 125 Gray, Samuel M. — Testimony of. 208 846 INDEX TO CONVERSE JOINT SYSTEM. Griffith, W. C 275 Guilford, A. J 81 Gunnison Gas & Water Co 5 6 Gurren, J. W 123 II H ailey, Idaho 57 Hale, R. S 60 Hall, F. E 126, 133, 141, 165 Hancock, Mich 5 8 Handy, H. P 46, 72 Hanly, E. F 27 Hanford, Cal 58 Hanford, Sentinel 58 Harnden, F. A 259 Harrington, R 43 Harrington, R. T 52 Harris, D.H 27 Harrison, A. T 284 Harper, J. H 3° Hartford 9 6 Haswell, Charles H 82, 84, 95 Haynes, M. B 77 Hayward, Mr 263 Heldsburg, Cal 123 Helena Consolidated Water Co 60 Helena, Mont 59 Heron, G. C 288 Herring, A. J 107 Herschel 256 Hicks, J. J., Jr 121 Hicks, Mr 277 Highlands 67 Hill, F. C. 95 Hill, John W 82, 84, 87, 89 Hill, W. R 274 Hills, F. C 281 Hillsboro Hydraulic Mining Co 62 Hoag, Wm. M 314 Hodge, Charles J 63 Hoge and Swift 277, 837 Hogue, C. C 3 [ 3 Holden, H. G 9°. 96 Holden, J. O 141 Holland, Michigan 63 Hoosic Tunnel 62 Houghton, Mich 63 Howden, John J 112 Howell, W. H 122 Howells, J. M 268 Howland, A. H. 24,33,82,84,89,96,126,211, 213 Huachuca Water Company 286 Hulnie, I 3 T 4 Humber., 82, 89 Huntington 87 Hurley, Charles B 285 Huron, Dakota 64 Hutchinson, A. A 114 Hydrant Test— Albuquerque, N. M 15, 16 Hydrant Test— Brainerd, Minn , 25 Hydrant Test— Brighain City 26 Hydrant Test— Buena Vista 28 Hydrant Test— Charleston, W. Va 32 Hydrant Test— Holland, Mich 135 Hydrant Test— Mishawaka, Ind 105 Hydrant Test— Muskegon, Mich no Hydrant Test— Salida, Col 262 Hydrant Test— San Bernardino, Cal 259 Hydrant Test— Sault Ste Marie 273 Hydrant Test— Tyler, Texas 288 Hydrant Test— Wahpeton 307 Hydrant Test— Wellsville, N. Y 311 Hygeia Water Company 310 T nman, George B 282 1 Institute of Technology 161 Iowa Hill, Cal 66 Iron used by the Ancients 37 Iron 4,000 years old 37 J Jackson, E. H > 280 J Jacobson 256 James, David 26 Jamison, T. H 289 Jeanesville Iron Works 279 Jefferson Barracks, Mo 21 Jenney, W. I,. B 37 Johnson, H. C 307 Johnston, C. B 107 Jones, C. A 66 Jones, C. C 265 Jones, C. F 38 Jones, W. C 38 Jones & Jacobs 60 Johns, Z. D. & Co 58 Judson, C. E 42 K Kalamein Boiler Tubes 836 Kalamein Pipe Replacing Cast Iron. 54 Kalamein Sheet Iron 835 Kansas City Water Co 66 Kass, J 31 Kearney, Nebraska 66 Kebler, E. A 84 Keeler, H. E 47, 82 Kelley, M. P 53 Kelseyville, Cal 67 Kemble, E. M 29 Kemph, Mr 263 Kennicutt, Leonard — Testimony of 171 Kindred, C. F 25 Kinney, K. J 54 Knauff, R. & Co 24 Koch, Harry G 2 Kratz, John in Kuhn, W. S 18, 66, 312 I* Lake Linden, Mich 67 Lake Union, Wash 279 Lake Valley, N. M 67 Lamb, F. H 43 Landstiff, Peter ill Laredo Water Works Co 68 Las Vegas, N. M 70, 269 Lead Pipe Mains 6 Leadville Water Co 7° Ledoit, E- F , 267 Legg&Shaw 117 Lieberknecht, J. F 52 Litchfield, George A 150 Littlejohn, E. N 45 London Bridge Water Works 5 London, Canada 71 Longmont, Colorado 72 Longmoiit Daily Tribune 72 Longmont Ledger 72 Longmont Press 72 Loornis, Abner 72 Los Angeles, Cal 75 Los Delicios, Sonora, Mex 76 Louisville, Ky 83 Lovell, Thomas C 45 Lowell, Mass 96 Lowell, Hon. John 129, 151 Ludington Water Supply Co 70 Lynde & Hough 260 Lynn, Mass 147 Lyon, Mr 255 INDEX TO CONVERSE JOINT SYSTEM. 847 M AAcAnarney, J. W., Esq 151 *" McCanne, D. J 56 McClelland, W. C 128 McDonald, Finley 122 McDonald, J. W 33 McElroy James E 310 Mcintosh, Alex 65 Mclntyre, John 312 McKee, J. H 72 McKeesport, Pa 77 McKeesport Times 80 McLaue, A. L 68 McMartin, J. A 47 McWilliams, H. H 276 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 114 Mt. Vernon, Indiana 114 Maintenance — Albuquerque, N. M 17 Maintenance — Ashland, Oregon 19 Maintenance — Aspen, Col 19 Maintenance — American W. W. & G. Co. 18 Maintenance — Benicia Arsenal 21 Maintenance — Britton 27 Maintenance — Buena Vista 28 Maintenance — Buffalo, Wyoming 29 Maintenance— Cast Iron Pipe 427 Maintenance— Columbia 36 Maintenance— Deer Lodge 40 Maintenance — El Paso de Robles, Cal. . . . 44 Maintenance — Evanston, Wyoming 44 Maintenance — Ft. Sherman, Idaho 50 Maintenance — Fenton, Midi 44 Maintenance — Fergus Falls, Minn 45 Maintenance — Fulton, 111 51 Maintenance — Glamis 54 Maintenance — Glenwood, Minn 54 Maintenance — Gonzales, Texas 55 Maintenance — Gunnison 57 Maintenance — Hancock, Michigan 58 Maintenance — Lake Linden 67 Maintenance — Laredo, Texas 68 Maintenance — Longmont 74, 75 Maintenance — Los Delicios, Mexico 76 Maintenance — Mandan, Dakota 77 Maintenance— National City 116 Maintenance— Old Tacoma, Wash 121 Maintenance — Ouray, Col 122 Maintenance — Phoenix, Arizona 124 Maintenance — St. Claire 285 Maintenance — San Rafael 270 Maintenance— Santa Barbara 271 Maintenance— Snohomish, Wash 283 Maintenance — Tuscarora, Nevada 287 Maintenance— Virginia City, Nevada 306 Maintenance — Wahpeton, Dakota 308 Maintenance — Walla Walla, Wash 308 Maintenance — Waukesha, Wis 310 Maintenance — Wellsville, N. Y 311 Maintenance — Whitewood, S.Dakota.... 313 Maintenance — World's Fair Line 310 Maintenance — Yaquina, Oregon 314 Mamaroneck Water Works Co 76 Manby, C. E 114 Mandan, Dakota 77 Manistee, Michigan 77 Mankato, Minn 77 Marin County Water Co 270 Massachusetts Board of Health Report ... 84 Mather, Mason W 54 Matheson Joint— Vallejo, Cal 290 Maurice, Peter 5 Mayuard, F. T 123 Maxwell, James R 81, 104 Meacham, George F , 278 Memphis 83 Miller & Brockman 838 Miller, S. Dakota 64 Miller, F. E 18 Miller, Thos. A 261 Millner & Kettig Company 837 Milwaukee, Wis 83, 430, 431 Minneapolis, Minn 430 Mishawaka, Ind 80 Mishawaka Water Works Co 86, 103 Mission Water Company 270 Missoula Water Works & Milling Co 106 Molesworth 82, 84, 89 Monongahela Furnaces 835 Monroe, La 106 Monroe, Thomas no Monroe Telegraph Bulletin 107, no Monroe W. W. & Electric Light Co 107 Montecito Valley Water Co 271 Montreal, Canada 431 Moore, A. G 429 Morristown, N. J 6 Morrow, C. C 32 Morse, Honorable R. M 151 Morse, W. B 284 Mowbray, George M 137 Municipal Investment Co 51, 268 Muskegon, Mich 54, no, 118 Myrick, J. W 66 N Nash, S. C. 64 National City, Cal 115 Nevada City, Cal 117 Nevons, Hirman 227 New American Gas Co 263 Newark, N. J 432 New Bedford, Mass , 96 New Brunswick, N. J 433 New Castle, Colorado 54 New Laredo, Texas 68 Newman Water Company 117 New Orleans 83 Newton, Mass 433 New York 83, 433 New York Herald Building 835 Nichols, Professor 220 Nicholl, T. J 64 Northwestern Transfer Company 313 Norman 148 Norton, Professor 220 o Oakes, W. R 310 Obelisk— Iron taken from 37 O'Connor, John 27 Ogden Standard 119 Ogden, Utah 118 O'Kelly, W. A 107 Old Tacoma, Wash 121 Oldest Water Works in the U. S 5 Oregon Pacific Railroad Co 3T3 Ottawa, Canada 62 Ottumwa Water Works 122 Ouray, Colorado 122 Overton, J. B 306 Pacific Improvement Company 272 Pacific Insurance Union 259 Palo Alto, Cal 122 Park, H no, 113 Parker, C. L 313 Parker, La 20 Parnell, James 51 Paso Robles Water Co 123 Pattee, W. G. A 130 Patton, W. H 125 Paymaster Mining Company 54 Peabody, Mass 6 Peerless Mining Co 125 Petaluma, Cal 123 INDEX TO CONVERSE JOINT SYSTEM. Peters, R. G 77 Phoenix, Arizona 124 Philadelphia, Pa 83, 123 Pierce, F. H 70 Pierre, Dakota 124 Pierre Water Works 125 Pinkham, George F 149 Pittsburg Commercial Gazette 78 Pittsburg, Pa 83, 118 Pittsburg Post 79 Pittsburg Testing Laboratory 838 Poett, Alfred 123 Pope, James B 257 Porter, Charles H 128 Porter. Ex-Mayor 144 Portland, N. B 434 Portsmouth, N. H 6 Potter, Mr 161 Powell, William E 281 Power Furnishing Company 55 Prentice, Allen T 81, 87 Preshaw, S. M 119 Pressure— Ashland, Oregon 19 Pressure — Aspen, Col 19 Pressure — Benicia, Cal 21 Pressure— Buena Vista 28 Pressure — Fremont, Mich 50 Pressure — Ft. Sherman, Idaho 50 Pressure — Hancock, Mich 58 Pressure — Helena, Mont 257 Pressure — Longmont 75 Pressure — Mishawaka, Ind 103 Pressure— National City 116 Pressure— Ogden, Utah 121 Pressure — Phoenix, Arizona 124 Pressure — Sioux Falls 283 Pressure— Strange, B. A 53 Pressure— Wellsville, N. Y 311 Pressure— Wyoming 29 Pressure— Yaquina, Oregon 313 Pressure — 175 feet head — Baker City 20 Pressure — 200 feet head — Chamberlain, D. 31 Pressure — 200 feet head — Santa Barbara. . 271 Fressure— 326 feet head Los Delicios 75 Pressure — 55 pounds — Missoula, Mont.... 106 Pressure — 60 pounds — Deer Lodge 40 Pressure— 80 pounds — El Paso de Robles. 44 Pressure— 80 pounds — Evanston, Wyo 44 Pressure — 80 Pounds — Snohomish, Wash. 283 Pressure— loo pounds— Fulton, 111 51 Pressure — no pounds — Fenton, Mich 44 Pressure — no pounds — FergusFalls.Minn. 45 Pressure — 1 10 pounds— Glen wood Springs. 54 Pressure— 120 pounds— Britton, S. D 26 Pressure — 120 pounds— Wahpeton, Dakota 307 Pressure— 125 pounds — Ouray, Col 122 Pressure — 132 pounds— Columbia 36 Pressure — 135 pounds — Gonzales, Texas.. 55 Pressure — 150 pounds— Grand Forks, Dak. 55 Pressure — 150 pounds — San Rafael 270 Pressure — 150 pounds — Sault Ste Marie. . . 273 Pressure — 160 pounds — Tombstone, Ariz.. 286 Pressure — 167 pounds — Bessemer, Mich. . . 22 Pressure — 170 pounds — OldTacoma.Wash. 121 Pressure — 175 pounds— Columbus, Texas. 40 Pressure — 200 pounds — Albuquerque 15 Pressure — 200 pounds— Charleston, W. Va 23 Pressure— 200 pounds— Georgetown, Tex. 52 Pressure — 200 pounds — Salt Lake, Utah. . . 263 Pressure— 216 pounds— Tyler, Texas 288 Pressure— 230 pounds — Brainerd, Minn... 25 Pressure — 230 pounds — Ogden, Utah 118 Pressure— 250 pounds— Aberdeen 15 Pressure — 250 pounds— Butte, Mont 30 Pressure — 250 pounds — Ft. Gratiot, Mich. 47 Pressure— 250 pounds— Gunnison, Col 56 Pressure — 250 pounds — St. Claire, Mich . . . 284 Pressure — 250 pounds — World's Fair Line. 309 Pressure —280 pounds — Sauk Centre, Minn 272 Pressure— 300 pounds Pressure— 300 pounds Pressure — 300 pounds Pressure — 300 pounds Pressure— 300 pounds- Pressure— 306 pounds - Pressure — 315 pounds- Pressure — 900 pounds- Pressure — 1,000 pounds- Pressure— 1,100 pounds Pressure — 1,200 pounds Prest. C. C , Priddy, C. N Probst, Rudolph Providence, R.I , Ft. Collins, Col 46 Howland, A. H... 24 Pierre, Dak 125 Sandwich, 111 264 Sierra City, N. M. 280 Tuscarora, Nev. . . 287 Lake Linden 67 Test 281 Test by Schussler 286 Glamis, Cal 53 Ouijotea District, 126 3H 70 3°, 277 6 Q Quijotea District, Ariz 125 _ Ouincy, Mass 97, 126 Ouincy, Award of Commissioners 254 Ouincy Water Company 126 R Red Bluff, Cal 255 Renwod, R. J 268 Rice, E. C 77 Rice, H. J 64 Richardson, W. D 69 Riffle & Hinkle 295 Riley, Geo. N 138, 179 Rills, E. H 107 Riveted Pipe 41, 57, 279, 307 Roberts, W. W 50 Robinson, Hon. Geo. D 134, 144, 151, 253 Robinson, H. F 124 Rochester, N. Y 256 Rohan Bros. Boiler Manufacturing Co... 836 Rohan, Phil S36 Root Special Riveted Pipe 57 Roster ... 147 Rowland, B. W 289 Rowley, H. W 23 Ruddiger, E. A 31 Russell, W. S 55 Russell & Alexander 262, 263 Rutherford, John W 82, 84, 89 St. Augustine Water Works 312 St. Claire, Mich 118, 284 St. Helena Gold Mine 75 St. Johns, N. B ... 434 St. Louis 83 St. Louis Power Depot 21 St. Paul, Minn 434 Salem, Mass 6, 96 Salida, Col 72, 262 Salida Daily Sentinel 262 Salida Montana Mail 262 Saltenfield, J 36 Salt Lake & Odgen Gas & Elec. Light Co. 263 San Bernardino, Cal 256 San Bernardino Courier 258 San Bruno, Cal 259 San Diego Land & Town Co 115 San Diego Water Company 295 Sandwich, Illinois 264 San Francisco, Cal 260 San Gabriel Water Works Co 52 San Pedro, N. M 51, 267 San Rafael, Cal 270 Santa Barbara 270 Santa Ynez Mountains 272 Sarviers, N. J . . 25 Sauk Centre Tribune 273 Sauk Centre Water Co 272 Sault Ste Marie, Mich 273 Savage, H. M 116 INDEX TO CONVERSE JOINT SYSTEM. 849 Savannah, 111 275 Schenck, A. A 313 Schiller, W. B S36 Schindler, John J 105 Scholtz, Sanchez & Co 305 Schussler, Herman 2S6 Schutt, Jerome H 15 Schwabacher Bros. & Co 276, 277 Scott, A. J 58 Seattle, Wash 275 Seneca Falls Water Co 835 Shanley, Honorable Walter 62 Shaw, Ex-Councilman 147 Shaw, John 144 Shaw, John C 274 Shedd, J. Herbert 235, 251 Sheffler, William 261 Shefold, Frank 90 Shelton, Thomas 25, 76 Shenandoah, Pa 279 Shenandoah Evening Herald 2S0 Shickle, Harrison & Howard Iron Co 56 " Sickle of the Sphinx " 37 Sierra Apache Mining Co 280 Sierra Bella Mining Co 280 Sierra City, N. M 2S0 Sierra Flume Lumber Co 255, 260 Sierra Grand Mining Co 2S0 Sierra Plata Mining Co . . 280 Silver Bow Hydraulic Mining Co 30 Silver Bow Water Company 30 Silver Mining Co., The 67 Simmons, W. L 264 Sioux City, Iowa 280 Sioux City Daily Journal 281, 283 Sioux Fails Water Co 283 Slade, James H. — Testimony of 135 Smith, J. W 52 Smith, N. J 272 Smock, E. H 29 Sneath, R. G 260 Snohomish, Wash 283 Snyder 85 Socorro, N. M 2S3 South Chicago Rolling Mill 161 South Framingham, Mass 130 Spencer, W. S 27 Spiral Riveted Pipe 57 Spiral Weld Pipe 19, 41, 276 Spokane Falls, Wash 284 Spring Valley Water Co 286 .Standard Mines & Coke Works 114 Stanford, Governor 122 Stanford, Josiah 309 Starr & Company 261 State Board of Health, Mass 129 Stearns, R. E- C, University of California 22 Steel used by the Ancients 37 Stetson, C. J 16 Stever, F. J 60 Street, J. P 38 Sturgeon, R 31 Sweet- Water Dam 116 Syracuse, N. Y 274 T Tacoma Light & Water Co 285 Taylor, F. M 274 Taylor, Lucian A 132, 208 Taylor, W. W 51 Terre Haute Water Works Co ico Texas Water & Gas Company 35, 288 Thayer, E. W no Thompson, Prof. Charles 84, 89, 90, 96 Thompson, H. C 271 Thompson, R. H 277 279 Tidd, Marshall N .' 202 Tide Water Pipe Line ?6 Toledo 83 Tombstone, Arizona 2S6 Trapschuh, Chas. J 4 ? i Trautwine 82,84,89,04, oc Trousdale, C. H 107 Troy, J. W I2 ' 5 Tubercles— Cast Iron Pipe 37, 43 Tuscarora Water Works Company .' 286 Tyler Water Company 289 U [ Ikiah Water Company 289 ^ United Pipe Line . 36 United States Government 45 \/allejo, Cal 2 8 9 v Van Patten, George 5 6 Van Wert, Ohio 87 Varney, N. E 73, 74 Venezuela 305 Virginia City, Mont 161 Virginia Citv. Nevada 305 Virginia & Gold Hill Water Co 106 w Wahpeton, Dak Walker, M Walker, Robert Walker, T. S Walla Walla Water Co., Washington Wangenhein, E. S Warm Springs, Cal. Water Supply Co., Albuquerque, N. M. . Watrous, W. F Waukesha, Wis Waukesha Hygeia Mineral Springs Co. . . Webster, E. E Welleudorf, L. . . Wellsville, N. Y Wellsville Water Co Werkman, R. E Westerfield, S. C West Jerse}' Water Company Weymouth Wheless, A. M. . Whitewood, S. Dak Whiting, F. B Whitman, Herbert T.— Testimons' of. Wiley, S. L Williams, George T Wilson, John W Wing. C. G Winsby, E Wollaslon Womelsdorf. Engineer Wood. R. D. Wood, R. D., & Co Wood Pipe 5, 47, Woodruff, L. F Woolstou, George F 59, Worcester, Mass 6, 96, Works, William Mc Adams Worthiugton Compam- 307 45 270 54 308 117 3°9 310 25 22 3ii 312 63 262 256 147 35 313 67 212 26S 295 133 279 81 S7 7i 264 257 133 279 307 Vaquina, Oregon. 313 850 INDEX TO BURST CAST IRON WATER MAINS. BURST CAST IRON WATER MAINS. A A ddyston Pipe & Steel Company 365 ii Alexander, Superintendent 351 Allegheny, Pa 316 American Water Works Association 351 Artingstall, Samuel G 331 Atlantic City Water Company 315 Auburn, Maine 316 Babcock, Chief Engineer 351 Bartlett, Joshua C 360 Bath, Maine . .. 316 Belleview, Kentucky 315 Benzenberg, City Engineer 351 Berriman, Peter 371 Besley, Supt 322 Boston, Mass 316 Brooklyn, N. Y 317 Browne, Supt., Pittsburg, Pa 360 Brunswick, Maine 316 Brush, Chief Engineer 351 Burke, Supt 334 Camden Iron Works 318 Chicago, Illinois 320 Chicago Edison Company 323 Chicago Evening Journal 350 Chicago Evening News 322, 325 Chicago Evening Post 325, 326, 334, 340 Chicago Interocean 322, 356 Chicago Mail 340 Chicago News 339, 341 Chicago News Record 339 Chicago Times 321 Chicago Tribune.323, 325, 334, 339, 340, 341, 342 Cincinnati & Newport Iron & Pipe Co 320 Clapp, J. Russell 318 Clarke, City Engineer 324 Cleveland, Ohio 342 Consumers Water Co., Atlantic City, N. J. 315 Covington Water Works 315 Crane Elevator Company 341 Cusminger, Officer 354 D pvayton, Kentucky 315 L^ Dennis Long & Co 331 Dennistou, Clerk, 365 Dexheimer, John P 359 E Engineering News 315, 318 Engineering Record 316, 371, 372 Espy, Mr 352 F Cetter, W. 1 346 Fire & Water \ 27l < 3l6 ' 3I7 ' 342 ' 348 Fire & water -j ^ ^ ^ ^ 3?0 Foss, Packard & Co 316 Fowler, Charles E 369 Freel, Edward 318 G Garner, Supt 351 Gerrecke, Chief Engineer — Chicago. 322 Gilchrist, John F 323 Greenville, Mich 374 Graham, James 323 Graham, Inspector 339 I! LI alberg, Oscar 339 n Hale, Chief G. C 344 Hartford, Conn 343 Hartford Steam Boiler Insp. & Ins. Co 343 Hawkins, Gen. Supt 341 [ ndustrial World 344 L Invention— London 350 Jackson, G. W 332 J Jeraldine, City Engineer 340 Jones, B. F 347 K Kansas City, Mo 344 Kansas City Journal 347 Kansas City Times 348 Kingsley, Supt 342 Lake, 111 322 Lakeview, 111 350 Law, William H 372 Lawrenceville 350 Lewiston, Maine 316 Locomotive 343 London, Eng 350 Ludlow, Supt 360 M McKeesport, Pa 354 McKeesport, Paragon 354 McKeesport Times 354 Manufacturer & Builder 325 Marshall, Field & Co 340 Monroe Packard & Linscott 316 Moody, Supt 325 Morrow, E. S 366 N National Water Works Co 347 Newport, Kentucky 315 New York, N. Y 355 New York Herald 320, 359 New York Sun 316, 356, 359 o grange, New Jersey. Peoria, Illinois 359 Philadelphia, Pa 360 Pierce, J. H 355 Pittsburg, Pa 360 Pittsburg Chronicle 362, 370 Pittsburg Commercial Gazette 365 Pittsburg Dispatch 316, 361, 362, 364, 368 Pittsburg Evening Chronicle 361 Pittsburg Leader 361, 362 Pittsburg Telegraph 361 Ponca, Nebraska 369 Portland, Conn 370 Portland, Maine 316 Portland, Oregon 370 Portland Morning Oregonian 370 Poughkeepsie, New York 369 INDEX TO BURST CAST IRON WATER MAINS. 851 R D ahway, New Jersey 370 !*• Reading Foundry Company 318 Reynolds, Supt 341 s St. Johns, N. B 371 St. Louis Globe Democrat 372 Shannon, John 348 Shaw, Mayor of Bath 316 Sioux City, Iowa 371 Sioux City Journal 371 South Wilmington, Delaware 315 Springfield, Illinois 371 Stanton, City Engineer, Chicago 321 Steubenville, Ohio 371 T TheTechnic 372 Toronto, Canada 372 Tyndall, Doctor 350 U I T niversity of Michigan , 372 w Warren Foundry & Machine Company. 318 West Superior, Wisconsin 375 West Superior Call 375 Wilmington, Delaware 315 CORRODED, 1NCRUSTATED AND TUBERCULATED CAST IRON WATER PIPE. A Albany, N. Y 397 ^* Albany Evening Journal 397 Albany Morning Express 397 Allegheny City, Pa 403 American Contract Journal 398 American Society of Civil Engineers. .384, 415 Appleton, J. H 389 Armstrong, Superintendent 403,405. 407 Atkinson, Edward 381 B Dailey, Geo. H 379 D Bayonne, N. J 397 Bayonne Times 397 Billings, Dr 400 Boardman, Wm.H 399 Booth, J. E 419 Box, Thomas 376 Bracket, Dexter , 386 Briggs, George A 3S9 British Institute of Mechanical Engineers, 388 Brooklyn, N. Y 397 Brooklyn Eagle 397 Browne 403, 404, 408 Brush, Mr 386 Burton, W. K 399 c Chesbrough, E. S 386 Cincinnati & Newport I. and P. Co. . 378 Civil Engineers' Pocketbook 381 Cleveland, S. D. W 419, 420, 421 Crennell. Mr 414, 417 Crow, Chief 403, 406, 407 Cutler, James G 419 D Daniels, Travers 3S3 Darcy 386 Davis, Joseph P 399 Detwiller, Financial Commissioner 396 De Varuna, Chief Engineer 396 Dickinson, H. C. 398 Duane, James 384 Dundee Water Works 395 Durfee, W., Jr 391 Durham System of House Drainage 399 Durham, C. W 399 Eaton, Edw. M 388 Ellis, G. A 378 Engineering 388 Engineering News 384 Engineering Record 388, 424 Engineers' Society of Western Penn 3S9 Evening Telegram Philadelphia 413 Fall River Gas Works — 391 Fall River, Mass., Water Works 389 Fanning, J. T 379 Fire & Water 392, 396, 397, 425. 426 Fitzgerald, Desmond 3S6, 415 Forbes, F. F 382 Francis, Col. James 382 Freeman, J. R 39 2 Froude, W 378 Fteley, Mr. A 421 Greene, George S . . Grosleine, W. H. 379 419 852 CORRODED, 1NCRUSTED, TUBERCULATED CAST IRON PiPE. Hamilton, Dr. F. H 4°° Harlow, James H 389 H. M. S. " Edgar " 378 H. M.S." Royal George " 378 Herring, Rudolph 399 Hexammcr's Insurance Map 412 Hilyer, Fin. Commissioner 396 Holliday, G. L ^°3 Houghton, W. B 403, 4°4 House Drainage Company 396 House Drainage Corporation Ltd 399 Hunker, Major 4°7 Hunt 391 Hunt & Clapp 39 - Hunter, Pres. Com. Council, Allegheny.. 407 Hutton, William 386 Hyatt, Professor 4 l6 Institute of Civil Engineers 393 J J ersey City 395 J Johnstone, J 397 K 1/elly, J. Miller 419, 420, 421 r\ Kimball, W. S 419 King, Charles 388 Kirkwood, James P 389 Kuitchliug, E 420, 421 Lawless, Hon. Frederick 399 London Engineer 397 Loudon Sanitary Protective Assn 399 Lowry 39 2 M McAleer, Poor Guardian 411 McElroy, Samuel 398 McHarg, T 400 McMillan. T 421 McNeil, Thomas 404 Mackinson, Mr 395 Mallet, Robert 380, 394 Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Ins. Co 381 Massey, W. F. B. Hon 399 Monongahela Water Company 401 Murdock, Gilbert 422 New England Water Works Assn 392 Nichols, L. L 414 North of England Institute of Mining Mechanical Engineers 376 o r~)gden, John L 4°9 ^ Oliver, Harry 401 Oviatt, Mr 414, 417 parley, General 378 ' Parson, Win. Barclay 385 Peout, Henry G 399 Philadelphia, Pa 408 Philadelphia Press 411 Philadelphia Public Ledger 411 Phillips 392 Pittsburg, Pa 401 Pittsburg Commercial Gazette 401 Pittsburg Dispatch 403, 406, 407 Pittsburg Leader 403, 406 Pittsburg Telegraph 403, 404 Pittsburg Times 407 Popular Science Monthly 400 Q r~\uebec 425 R Rafter 414 Ratch, William 389 Rawlinson, Mr 393 Reitz, Mr 403 Robertson, Hon. A. C 403 Rochester, 413 Rogers, Clinton 419 Ruggles, Engineer 396 s St. Johns, N. B 422 Salem, Mass 424 Salem Engineering News 425 Sanitary Era 402 Sanitary News 401 Sanitary Record 399 Selye, D. W 420 Simpson, Acting Mayor of Jersey City.. . . 396 Slade, Mr 380 Snyder, Overseer 411 Sullivan, Wm. H 419, 420, 421 Swallow, R. T 376 Syracuse, N. Y 425 T Talbert, Col. The Hon. W. P 399 1 Taylor, C. Fayette 399 Torquay 395 Trautwine, John C 381 Tribus, L. L 386 Tubbs & Rafter 414 V Wail, Steven 399 w Waring, Col 399 Warren Foundry & Machine Co.. . . 389 Water & Gas Review 424 Western Society of Engineers 398 Whitney, Charles P 399 Wingate, Charles F 399 Wood, R. D 382 Woodbury, C. J. H 382 Y Voung, James S 4°7 CLASSIFIED INDEX. 853 CAST IRON PIPE SCRAP. B Dridgewater Gas Company 435 c Cast Iron Pipe Scrap 435 Chicago, Illinois 439 Chicago Mail 439 Crosby, Horace 437 D P\ennis, Long & Company 439 E engineering News. /^uilford, A. J 444 J [ones, Commissioner of Public Works 439 K 1/ tihns E. Louis 439 M \Jl orris, S. & Company. .-. 443 N View York Herald 444 R D epublic Iron Works 437 s C chwartz Iron & Metal Works 443 CAST IRON PIPE WEIGHTS. B Batchelder, Geo. E 447 Beach, G. E 446 Burlington, Iowa 446 Cast Iron Pipe Weights 445 Chandler, Geo. H 446 Coggeshall, R. C. P 447 E engineering Record. M Harrison, John W. Hood, Charles. 448 446 446 K K alamazoo, Mich 446 Keokuk, Illinois 445 M M assachusetts State Board of Health 447 Minneapolis, Minn 446 N New England Water Works Assn 447 Northwestern Water & Gas SupplyCo 446 Noyes, Albert F 447 )eoria Water Works 445 Shickle, Harrison & Howard Iron Co... 446 Stripe, W. C - 445 Studer, A. M 445 w w atertown. Mass 447 Worcester, Mass 447 COST OF LAYING CAST IRON PIPE. B Drown, Geo. H 449, 452 c /Cincinnati & Newport Iron & Pipe Co. . 453 F French, D. W. Patent Pipe Cutting Ma- chine 454 G f uilford, A. J 456 I aying Cast Iron Pipe 449 Oittsburg, Pa. •449. 453 C mith, Benjamin C. 854 INDEX TO ARTIFICIAL GAS. ARTIFICIAL GAS. Adrian Gaslight Company 464 Appleton Gaslight Company 464 Athol Gas Works 464 Atlantic Gaslight Company 464 Beatrice Gas Company 465 Benchley, H. B 476 Blinks, William 471 Braddock Gas & Light Company 465 Branct, L. C 472 Brown, H. W 471 Butterworth,;, Thomas 475 Charlotte Gas Company 466 Clark, Matt 477 Cody 475 Cowell, Thomas 472 D Davis, F. R 464 Dickson Gas & Electric Light Co 466 Douglas, D 471 Drake, L. A 466 Duluth 473 B Eau Claire Gas Company 467 Edgerton, Mr 478 Ellebeck, T. W 475 Emery, Charles E . . 472 Eureka Gas Company 467 Cairfield Gas Works 468 ' Fergus Falls 473 Fritchman, W. H 473 Fuller, Henry M 468 & n ray, C. E 473 ^-J Greenville Gas Works 468 Griffin, M 467 Gunnison Gas & Water Co 468 H LJicksville 469 1 * Higgins, Thos 472 Hooker, F. A 466 Hume, J. M 469 I ones, C. D 479 J Judge, E. M 478 K 1/ ennedy, E. S. T 472 Laclede Gas Company 476 Lukens, W. H 477 M McCanne, D. J 469 McCleary, W. W 465 McClellan, W. C 478 McKeesport Gas Company 469 McMillan, Emerson 476 McMillin, F. E 468 Macomb Gas Works 469 Maxwell, Ed. P ... 465 Michigan City Gas Company 471 Miller, W. B 464 Minneapolis Gaslight Company 471 Modesto Gas Works 471 Muscatine Gaslight Co 472 Mutual Gaslight Company 472 N Neemes, W. C 470 Neenah & Menesha Gas Company. . 472 New York Steam Company 473 o Oshkosh Gas Company 474 Ottawa Gas, Light & Coke Co 473 P Pacific Iron Works 476 Palestine Light, Heating & Fuel Co. . 473 Peris, France 474 Parisian Gas Co 474 Parsons, W. C 477 Patterson, P 469 Patton, D. J 469 Peoples Gaslight Co 466 Perkins, B. W 476 Perkins, N. C 473 Philadelphia Gas Works 478 Prints, Eugene 465 R Racine & Oshkosh Gas Co. 474 Raynor, C. H 464 Red Oak Gaslight Co 474 Ripou 472 Ripon Lighting Co 475 Rochford, Illinois 475 Rodgers, John 474 Rose, C 468 s Salt Lake City Gas Co 475 Shaffer, O. P 476 Societe des Tuyaux Chameroy 474 South Bend Gaslight Company 476 Standard Gas Company 476 Standard Gaslight Company 476 Steel, George 466 Stillwater Gaslight Company 476 Stranahan, R. A 477 Streator Gas Works 477 T Tonawanda Gas Works 477 W Wallingford, Conn 478 Washington, Iowa 468 Waterloo Gaslight Co 479 Wiley, S. L 464 INDEX TO BURST AND LEAKY CAST IRON GAS MAINS. 855 BURST AND LEAKY CAST IRON GAS MAINS. A A re Light Company 484 B Barrett, John P 482 Beckwith, Leonard F 501, 503, 506 Birdsall, George W 501, 503 Board of Electrical Control 504, 506, 511 Bradley, W. H 516 Brooklyn, N. Y 481 Brooklyn Standard Union 481 Brown, Senator 500 Burst and Leaky Cast Iron Pipe 480 c Charlestown, S. C 502 Chase, Senator 500, 502 Chicago, Illinois 481 Chicago Contract & Construction Co 486 Chicago Daily Globe 491 Chicago Daily News 480, 495 Chicago Economic Fuel Gas Co 484 Chicago Evening News 490 Chicago Herald 483, 494, 495 Chicago Inter-Ocean 483, 487, 494 Chicago Mail 491, 493 Chicago News Record 490 Chicago Record 494 Chicago Times 483, 490, 491 Chicago Tribune, 486, 487, 489, 491, 493, 494, 496 Chichester, H. H 486 Coggeshall, Senator 500, 502 Commercial Advertiser 511 Consolidated Gas Company. .498, 508, 509, 513 Con. Telegraph & Elect. Subway Co. .501, 506 Converse, E. C 512 Crimmins, John D 509 D Davenport, Iowa 495 Denver, Colorado 495 Dickerson, Edward M 502 Downer, J. W., Jr 512 E Economic Gas Company 484 Edison Company, Chicago 4S8 Electrical Subway Company 503 Enters, E. J 5°7 Equitable Gaslight Co 507, 509 Erwin, Senator Geo. Z 500, 502, 511 F Fire & Water 49 2 Flannery, Joseph 501, 503 G General Laws Committee 502 Gibbens, Daniel L 499, 504 Gilroy, Commissioner 517 Grant, Hugh J 499, 505, 506, 514 H Harlem Gas Co 5°9 Hess, Jacob, Commissioner 505, 514 J I ournal of Commerce J09 K Kearney, Henry S 505. 5" Knickerbocker Gaslight Co 509 Knudson, Adolphus A 503 Kuhns, E. Louis 49 1 Laclede Gas Company 510 Lauterbach, Edward 506 Loomis, Horace 501, 503 Louisville, Kentucky 481 M Manhattan Gaslight Company 509 McMillan, Emerson 510 Metropolitan Gaslight Co 509 Moss, Mr 514 Municipal Gaslight Company. 509 Mutual Gaslight Company 499, 506, 513 N Newark, N. J 517 New York City 49 6 New York Commercial Advertiser 499 New York Evening Telegram 497 New York Gaslight Company 5°9 New York Herald 507, 515, 518 New York Mutual Gaslight Co 5°9 New York Steam Heating Co 513 New York Times 5° 8 > 51° New York World 501. 5°5 Northern Gaslight Co 5°9 Peoples Gaslight & Coke Co 494 1 Prentiss, F. H 516 R Ridgway, Subway Commissioner 516 Riley, Supt. Con. Gas Co 5°8 s Senate Committee 5 11 Shaffer, O. P 5" Sickles, Gen. Daniel E 5°c, 5 02 Smith, D. Lowber 5°3, 5°6 Spinola, F. B 5°6 Springfield, Mass 4 8 ° Springfield Republican 4 8 ° Standard Gaslight Company 499> 503. 505, 506, 5°9i 5!°. 512 State Senate Committee 502 Stone, Editor 5°9 Strong, John B 5°4 Subway Commissioners 5°4 Subway Construction Co — 5° 8 V Van Gorder, Senator. 500. 5°2 Vedder, Senator 5°2 Verdict for §15,000.— Damages 494 w Washburn, Mavor 49° Webb, William 5°4 Wheeler, Engineer 497. 51° Williams 4 8 4 Wilson 484 Y yonkers Gaslight Co 5°9 z Volikoffer, Vice-Prest 5°6 856 INDEX TO GAS LEAKAGE. GAS LEAKAGE. A Adams, Mass 525, 526, 528, 541 Adams Gaslight Company 530 Addicks, W. R .. 531 Adrian, Mich 519 Albany, N. Y. 519 Albion, N. Y 519 Albion Gas Company . 522 Allen, I. B 539 Allentowii, Pa 519 Allyu, H. A 534 American Gaslight Assn 543 Amesbury 526, 528 Amherst 527 Amsterdam. N. Y 519 Annapolis, Md 519 Arlington 525, 526, 528 Ashtabula Gas Works 523 Athens, Ohio 519 Athol 526. 528 Attleborough 526, 528, 541 Attleborough Gaslight Co 531 Auburn, N. Y 519 B Baker, Edwin H 540 Barker, Forest E 525 Barnesville, Ohio 519 Barrie. Can 519 Bartlett, Lewis 524, 533 Bay City, Mich 519 Bay State (Boston) 526, 528, 531, 541 Bellaire, Ohio 519 Beverly 526, 528 Bigelow. H.N 533 Board of Gas & Electric Light Commis- sioners, (Mass.) 524 Bordentown, N. J 519 Boston 525, 526, 528, 531, 541 Boynton. D 532 Bristol, Conn 519 Brockton, Mass 519, 525, 526, 528, 541 Brockton Gaslight Co 53T Brookline 525, 526, 528 Brownsville, Pa 519 c Cairo, 111 519 Cambridge 520, 525, 526, 528, 541 Cambridge Gaslight Co 534 Caneen, J. S 523 Canton, Ohio 52a Charlestown 52=;, 526, 528 Charlotte, B. C 520 Charlottesville, Va 520 Chelsea, Mass ,520, 526, 528 Chicopee 526, 528, 541 Chicopee Falls 527 Chicopee Gaslight Co 532 Circleville, Ohio 520 Citizens ( Wakefield) 526, 528 Citizens (Ouincy) 526, 528 City Gas Co., London, Can 524 Clinton 525, 526, 528, 541 Clinton Gaslight Co 533 Coggeshall, H. F 522, 535 Columbia, Tetm 520, 523 Columbus, Miss 520 Concord, N. H 520 Cooperstown , N. Y 520 Cortland. N. Y 520 Cottage City 526, 528 Cottage Cily & Electric Light Co 524, 533 Covington, Ky 520 Cumberland, Md 520 D Danvers, Mass 520, 526, 528, 541 Danvers Gaslight Co 534 Danville, 111 520 Deadham 525, 526, 528 Denny, W. P 523 Des Moines, Iowa 520 Dickinson, Geo. P .... 538 Dorchester 526, 528, 531 Dover, Del 521 Duffield, William 524 E East Boston 526, 528 East End Gas Company 542 Easthampton 526, 528, 541 Easthampton Gas Company 535 East St. Louis, 111 520 Ellsworth, Maine 522 Elvert, Supt 523 Evansville, Ind 520 Call River 526, 528 1 Fitchburg, Mass 520,526,528, 541 Fitchburg Gas Co 522 Fitchburg Gas & Electric Co 535 Framingham 526, 528 Fulton, NY 520 G Gallipolis, Ohio . 520 Gas Leakage 519 Georgetown, Col., Gas "Works 523 Georgetown, D. C 520 Gilcreast, J. Supt 540 Gloucester 526, 528 Grand Raoids, Mich 520 Greenfield 526, 528 Gunison, Col 520 II Hagerstown, Md 520 Hallowell, Maine 520 Hamsburg, Pa 520 Hannibal, Mo 520 Hanover, Pa 520 Harris, Geo. S 522 Haverhill 526, 528 Hempstead Plains, N. Y 520 Hillsboro, Ohio 520 Holyoke 526, 528 Honesdale, Pa 520 Houston, Texas 520 Hume, J. M 523 Humphrey, R. C 523 Hyde Park, 111 520 I pswich , 527 Jackson, Mich 520 Jackson, Mich. Gas Works 523 Jamaica Plain 526, 528 Janesville, Wis 520 Jefferson, Mo 520 Jeffersonville. Ind 520 Johnston, N. M 522 Jones, Edw. C 522, 543 INDEX TO GAS LEAKAGE. 857 K Kansas City, Mo 5 2 ° Kellogg, L. L 523 Keokuk, Iowa 520 I aclede Gas Co. 524 L< Lane, H. M 536 Lawrence 526 Lafayette, Ind 520 Lawrence, Kan 520, 52S Leach, Henry B 539 Leakage— Gas 5!9 Leominster 54 1 , 5 2 7 Leominster Gas Co 53 6 Lexington, Ky 5 2 °» 5 2 7 Logan, Ohio 520 Lowell 525> 526, 528 Lynn 525, 527, 528, 541 Lynn Gas & Electric Co 536 M McMunn, Mr 534> 537 McMillan, Emerson 5 2 4 Mt. Sterling Gas Works 5 22 Macomb, 111 5 2 3 Macon, Ga 520 Madison, Ind 520 Maiden 5 2 5, 527, 5 2 8 Maiden & Melrose Gaslight Co 536 Manchester, George L 535 Mansfield, Ohio 5 20 Manufacturers' (Fall River) 527. 5 2 8 Marblehead 527, 528 Marlborough 527, 5 28 Marshall, Mich , 521 Martinsburg, W. Va 521 Mattoon, 111 5 22 Mechanicsburg, Pa 5 21 Mechanicsburg Gas Works 522 Middleborough 5 2 7 Milford, Del 5 2I > 5 2 8, 54* Milford, Del., Gas Company 522 Milford Gaslight Co 537 Milford, Mass 5 2 7 Millers River 5 2 8 Milton, Pa 5 21 Montreal, Can 521 Mooney, E. D 53 2 Moore, D 5 2 3 N Nantucket 5 2 7, 5 2 8, 541 Nantucket Gaslight Company. . .524, 537 Natick 5 2 7i 5 2 8 Nebraska City, Neb 521 Nebraska City Gas Works 523 New Bedford 5 2 5. 5 2 7. 528, 541 New Bedford Gas & Edison Light Co 537 Newburyport, Mass 521, 527, 528, 541 Newburyport Gas & Electric Co 537 New Rochelle, N. Y 5 2 i Newton, Mass 521 Newton 5 2 5. 5 2 7, 528, 541 Newton Gas Company 538 Norristown, Pa 5 21 North Adams, Mass 521, 527, 528 Northampton 5 2 7. 5 2 8, 541 Northampton Gaslight Co 538 North Attleborough 5 2 7, 5 2 8 Norwood 527, 528 Nutter, J. J 537 o Otis Company 539. 54i O'Neill, D. J 534 Ottawa, Ont 5 2 * Owego, N. Y 521 P Pawtucket, R. 1 521 Philadelphia, Pa 521 Philipsburg, N.J 521 Pittsfield, Mass 521,527,52s, 541 Pittsfield Gas Company 538 Pittston, Pa 521 Plainfield, N. J 521 Plymouth 527, 528 Portland, Oregon 521 Portsmouth , Va 521 Price, Charles R 537 Pritchard, C. F 536 Q Quebec, Can 521 R Richmond, Ky 521 Rochester, N. Y 521 Rockville, Conn 521 Roxbury 527, 528, 531, 541 s St. Louis. Mo 521 St. Paul, Minn 521 St. Thomas, Ontario 521 Salem, Mass 521, 525, 527, 528 Salem, Mass. Gas Works 523 Sedalia, Mo 521 Seif ert, A 522 Sewickley, Pa 521 Shaffer, O. P 524 Sharon, Pa 521 Sharon Gas Works 542 Sharpsburg, Pa 521 South Boston 527, 52S, 531, 541 South Boston Gas Works Co 522 Southbridge 527 Spencer 527, 528 Springfield, Mass 521, 525, 527, 528, 541 Standard Gaslight Co 524, 539 Stearns, G. A 524, 539 Stillwater Gas Works 522 Stofer, William 522 Stoughton 527 T Taunton 525, 527, 528, 541 Taunton Gaslight Co 539 Thomas, S. P 538 Tilton, D. D 538 Topeka, Kansas 521 Troy, New York 521 Tucker, George E 54° u Union Gaslight Co., N. Y 521 Upton, Daniel 524, 531 Virginia, Nev 521 Virginia, Nev. Gas Co 523 w Waltham 525, 527, 52S, 541 Waltham Gaslight Co 524, 539 Ware 527. 52S, 541 Warren, Pa 521 Webster 527, 5 2 8 Westfield 5 2 7, 5 2 8 West Troy, N. Y 5 2 i Williamstown ... 527 Winchester, Va 521 Woburn 5 2 7. 528, 541 Woburn Gaslight Co 540 Worcester 527, 5 2 8 Y Voungstown, Ohio 521 I Ypsilanti, Mich 521 858 CLASSIFIED INDEX. NATURAL GAS. A llegheny Heating Company 548 B Dishop, H. W .549, 563 LJ Bitner, John R 562 Booth & Flynn 573 Bray, Thomas J 551 Bridgewater Gas Company , 545 /^allahan, Mi 566 ^— ' Carnegie Natural Gas Co 546 Chartiers Valley Gas Co 545, 549, 551, 555 Collins, J. V 570 Columbia Gaslight Co 546 Converse, 15. C 557 jgwing, Judge 547, 575 K Clynn , William 566 * Foley, Patrick , , 555 G /""aley,, John H 565 r^u G£ ^ lvi S £ L 553, 555 Gillespie, T. A 562 II H artupee, W. J.. . Has well, Prof. •551, 553 546 Insurance Association of Allegheny Co. . 548 J ohnstown Water Company. , 575 M McDowell, Coroner cv? McFadden, J. B 54S McKeesport Times 575 Manufacturers' Natural Gas Co 546, 557 Monongahela Construction Company, 559, 574 Monongahela Natural Gas Co 559, 573 N National Transportation Company. .546, 559 Natural Gas 545 New York Sun 573 North Side Gas Company 546 o il City Fuel Supply Co 559, 567 Oliver, James B 559, 574 o Oark, W. G 563 * Park Bros. & Company 563 Penn. Fuel & Fuel Gas Companies. ... 573, 575 Pennsylvania Gas Company 546 Philadelphia Company . .... 546, 547, 561, 562 Picket, H. F 563, 564 Pine Run Gas Company 546 Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph 571 Pittsburg Dispatch 566, 572 Pittsburg Leader 567, 572 Pittsburg Nat. Gas Co 563 Pittsburg Telegraph 573 piley, George N 555, 559, 564, 565 Shenango Nat. Gas Company 545, 563, 564 Siemens, Prof 575 Southeast Natural Gas Co 546 Southeastern Natural Gas Co 548 Southwest Natural Gas Company 546 Springfield Gaslight Company 539 Stowe, Judge 572 Strong, F 561 X Tate, Gen. Superintendent 553, 557 Trautwine, J. C 546 w ■\A/estmoreland & Cambria Natural Gas VV . Co . 546,565,575 West Virginia Natural Gas Co 565 Wheeling Intelligencer 557 Wheeling Natural Gas Company 546, 565 William, James 575 Vo.mg, John. 548 DELIVERING CAPACITY, WROUGHT IRON PIPE. Drooks, T. W 5 86 D r\unham, Carrigan & Hayden Company 586 F panning 57 6 II Uartupee, W. J 576 1 » Haswell C76 N "KJatural Gas Conditions 587 Denn. Fuel Company 587 R D iley, George N 586 s C tewart, George R 587 X Trautwine 576 w Western Penn. Engineers' Society 587 Wood, C. T. X, 587 CLASSIFIED INDEX. 859 COMPRESSED AIR. i> Pjunham, Carrigan & Hayden Company 588 F porman, Charles 588 prescott, Scott & Company. -payl X or, Thomas G w Welsh, T. W Westinghouse Air Brake Company. Yellow Jacket Silver Mining Co. REPORTS OF CHEMISTS AND ENGINEERS. Acme Gas Company 618 American Society of Civil Engineers 512 Aston, England 610 B D ailey , William and Son 601 D Battin, I, 60S Bolton, George 606, 618 Bolton & Doubleday 606 Booth & Flynn 606 Boston, Mass 610 Boston "Water Board 611 Boyd, H. E 592 Burlingame, E. E 601 Brooks, T. W 594, 607, 612 Browne, George H 612, 615 Church. A. K 839 Contra Costa "Water Company 610 Craft, Mr 602 Croes, J. James R 605 D Dame, A. A 617 Dempster, A 600 Doubleday, John W 606, 618 Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co 597 E ■engineering News 604 Canning, J. T 605 1 Finkle, F. C 615 Fitts, D. W., Councilman 603 Frankford, T. C 616 o Galvin, T. X, Graham, J. M. Gwinner, Fred. 618 594 607 H Halifax, N. S 611 Haswell, Charles H 603, 608 Helena, Mont 610 Horsley Fields Chemical Works 601 Heald, Mr 617 Howard, John L, 596 Howland, A. H 617 larboe, Walter S 605 J Johnson, C. 597 Jones, E. W. T 600 K Kalamein — meaning of 616 Kedzie, R. C 590, 591 Keating, Mr 612 Manby, C. E. Manufacti M „ .• 591, 594, 596 Manufacturer & Builder 616 Marre, Mr 597 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. . . 610 Michigan State Agricultural College 590 Mowbray, George M 597, 598 K 610 XJichols, William Ripley o /^\regon Improvement Company 597 Pacific Coast Railway Company 597 Park, H 596 Patterson, Peter. 617 Public Analyst laboratory— Wolver- hampton 600 R River Pollution Commission of Massa- chusetts 61 1 Russell & Alexander 602 s Salida, Col 602 San Diego Flume Company 594 Schussler, Herman 602 Spring Valley Water Works 602 'Trautwine, John C 604, 608, 610 V Wan Schulz, A 589, 590 w Western Gas Association 608 Whitney, Henry W 618 Wuth, Otto , 599 860 CLASSIFIED INDEX. WROUGHT IRON, A Alliance Gaslight Company American Gas Journal American Water Works Association B Dayles, James C D Butterworth, Thomas c /^antine, Mr D Deutscher Verein von Gas und Wasser- f achmanner E Economic Gas Fuel Company Egner, Mr Engineering Record F Forbes, Mr., English Electrician Frankfurt-on-the-Main, Germany. . . . G /"• illespie, T. A II LJ aswell I Iron & Steel Institute, England CAST IRON OR STEEL? 621 627 631 631 62.1 633 634 627 631 633 634 626 627 62s Laclede Gaslight Company 626, 627 Lauffen, Germany 634 Littleton, A. W 619 ML A/T cCleary, W. W 624 J'l McKeesport Gas Company 624 Manby, C. E 624 Manufacturer 631 N eemes, W. C 624 N o Oechelheuser, V 633 Overton, J. B 623 P Philadelphia Natural Gas Company 626 * Printz, Eugene 619, 627 s Chaffer, O. P 624 *J Smith, Hamilton, Jr 628,632 Standard Gaslight Company 524, 627 T Thomas, Joseph R 627 Trautwine, J. C 626 w \X/estern Gas Association 619 z 7anesville Gaslight Company 619 CAST IRON A American Water Works Assn...636, 639, 656 Anonymous Circular 655 B Bell, Thos. J 656 Boston Gaslight Company 644 Briggs, Mr 639 Briggs, J. G 640, 656, 659 Buena Vista, Colorado 636 c C arsons, J. M 636, 640 Cast Iron Syndicate Pamphlet 635 Cincinnati Water Works 656 Clark, Robert & Co 655 Columbia, Tenn 636, 654 Converse, E. C 64S Cox, Louis J 642 Craven, A. W 635 Croton Aqueduct Department. ....... 635 SYNDICATE. D Daniel, Travers 655 Dennis, Long & Co 656 Dunham, Mr 640 E Ellis, G. A 652 Engineering News 656 F Fitch, A. B 642 Fitzgerald, Mr 654 o /^ardner, Mr 639 H Hartford 638 Holden, Horace G 638, 640 Howland, A. H , 642 INDEX.— CAST IRON SYNDICATE. 861 ndian Orchard 644 1 ane, Mr 647 OT \J[ cKeesport 654 iV» Manby, C. E 642 Monroe, La 107 N National Galvanizing Works 642 New Bedford 638 o /^jilCity, Pa.. Parker, J. A.. Payne, Mr. 654 642 Q r^uincy, Mass 636 654 R Randell, Mr 654 Retraction 660 s Salem 638 Shefold, Frank 640 Sioux Falls Water Works 636 Springfield 644 T Terra Haute Water Works 640 Thompson, Prof. Chas. O, 637, 640 V Won Shultz, A 653 W Wellsville, N. Y 636, 654 Worcester 63S Worcester County Institute of Technology 647 Wuth, Otto 653 RETRACTION. A ddy, Matthew 660, 667, 668, 670, 673 **■ Addy, Matthew & Company 668 Addyston P. & S. Co.. 662, 666, 667, 670, 673, 674 American Water Works Association 661 American W. W. & Guar. Co 664, 666, 667 Anderson, W. P 662, 670 B D ig Rapids, Michigan 664 c Chicago Mail 667 Converse, E. C 666, 667, 673 Cunningham, A. D 674 D Davis, W. h 662, 670, 673 Davis, T. B 674 Davis Company •••• 674 Domhoff, C. H 668 G p uilford, A. J 660 II 662, 670 .... 674 JToughton, B. F n Huntington, L. F I Illinois Electric Forging Company 662 K Kebler, E. A 66o, 662, 667, 670, 673 Kiihn. W. S 666 Kuhn, W. S 674 I ietch, Robert & Son R Raymond, Harry 674 Rockford, Illinois 664, 666, 667 Roosevelt Company, W. A 674 Runkle, William 660 w Warder, John H 662, 667, 673 Warren Foundry & Machine Co 660 Wood, R. D. & Company 660 862 INDEX TO THEORY AND PRACTICE. THEORY AND PRACTICE. Adrian, Michigan 682 Albany, N. Y °° 2 Albion, N. Y °°2 Allegheny, Pa °°° Amsterdam, NY °° 2 Anderson, Indiana °° 2 Annapolis, Md °° 2 Appleton, Wis °° 2 Ashtabula, Ohio °° 2 Athens, Ga • • • °J> 2 Attica, N. Y °J 2 Augusta, Maine °£ 2 Aurora, Indiana 6 ° 2 B Ballston, N. Y Barrie, Canada Batavia, N. Y Bath, Maine Bay City, Mich Beaver Falls, Pa Belfast, Maine Bellaire, Ohio Bellefontaine, Ohio , Binghamton, N. Y Birmingham, Conn Bordentown, N. J Boston, Mass Bournemouth, England. Bridgeport, Conn Bridgeton, N. J Bristol, R. I Brooklyn, N. Y Browne, George H Brownsville, Pa Bucyrus, O Buffalo, N. Y Burlington, Ohio Butler, Pa c Cadiz, Ohio Cairo, Illinois Calais, Maine Cambridge, Mass Canandaigua, N. Y. Canton, Ohio... . . Carthage, Mo Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Charlotte, N. C Charlottesville, Va . . Chatham, Canada. . . Chattanooga, Tenn. Clinton. Iowa Concord, N. H Cooperstown, Ga Corning, N. Y Cortland, N. Y Council Bluffs, Iowa. Covington, Ky Crafts, N. Henry Crawfordsville, Ind. Cumberland, Md 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 713 682 682 682 682 680 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 686 682 682 D Danvers, Mass Dover, Del Dover, N. H Duncan, D. J. Russell. Duncan Bros Dunkirk, N. Y Dupre, Dr., London .. 683 690 E East St. Louis, 111 683 Eau Claire, Wis 683 Elgin, 111 683 Elkhart, Indiana 683 Ellsworth, Me 683 Evansville, Ind 683 F Ft. Wayne, Indiana . 683 Fairbane & Unwin 695 Fairfield, Iowa 683 Fall River, Mass 681, 683 Fargo, Dakota 683 Fitchburg, Mass 683 Flint Mich . . 683 Fredonia, N. Y 683 Fremont, Ohio , 683 Galena, Illinois 683 Galesburg, Illinois 683 Gardner, Maine 683 Gallatin, Texas 683 Georgetown, D. C 683 Georgetown, Kentucky 683 Glen Falls, N. Y 683 Gloucester, N. J. 683 Grand Rapids, Mich 683 Greenfield, Mass 683 Greensburg, Ind 683 Greensburg, Pa 683 Gunnison, Colo 683 II Hagerstown, Md 683 Hallowell, Me 683 Hamsburg, Pa 683 Hanover, Pa 683 Hempstead Plains, N. Y 683 Hillsboro, Ohio 683 Indiana, Pa. Iamesville, Wis , Johnstown, N. Y. 683 I afayette, Ind 683 L* Lancaster, Pa 683 Latrobe, Pa 683 Lebanon, Ky 683 Lebanon, Ohio 683 Leominster, Mass 683 Lexington, Ky 683 Lincoln, Illinois 683 Logan, Ohio 683 Logansport, Indiana 683 Long Branch, N. J 683 M AAcKeesport, Pa. JV1 Mt. Pleas Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Mt. Sterling, Ky Manchester, N. H 687 INDEX TO THEORY AND PRACTICE. 863 Mansfield, Ohio 684 Marblehead, Mass 683 Marshall, Mich 684 Mauch Chunk, Pa , 684 Meadville, Pa 683 Mechanicsburg, Pa 683 Medina, New York 684 Meriden, Conn 684 Middlesboro, Mass 683 Milford, Del 684 Milford, Mass 684 Minneapolis, Minn 684 Moline, Illinois 683 Monmouth, Illinois 684 Montpelier, Vermont 683 Montreal, Canada 681, 684 Morris, Illinois 684 Muncie, Indiana 681, 684 N Nashua, N. H 684 Natchez, Miss 684 Natick, Mass 684 National Transit Company 68S Nebraska City, Neb 684 New Albany, Indiana 684 Newark, N. J 6S4 Newark, Ohio 684 New Bedford, Mass 684 New Britain, Conn 684 Newburg, N. Y 684 Newton, Mass 684 Newton, Scotland „ 689 Niagara Falls, N. Y 684 Niles, Mich 684 Norristown, Pa 684 North Adams, Mass . . 684 o Oskaloosa, Iowa 684 Oswego, N. Y 684 P Paris, Illinois 684 Paris, Kentucky 684 Paterson, N. J 684 Pawtucket, R. 1 684 Penn Yann, N. Y 684 Philadelphia, Pa 680 Phillipsburg, N. J 684 Pittsburg, Pa 680, 684 Pittsburg Dispatch 680 Pittsburg Leader 688 Pittsburg Testing Laboratory 686 Pittston, Pa 6S4 Plainfield, N. J 684 Plattsburg, N. Y 684 Plymouth, Mass 684 Plymouth, Pa 684 Portland, Maine .... 684 Portland, Oregon 6S4 Portsmouth, Ohio 684 Portsmouth, Va 6S4 Poughkeepsie, N. Y 684 Q Quebec, Canada 684 R Racine, Illinois 684 Richmond, Kentucky 684 Ripley, Ohio 6S5 Riveted Pipe .'. 687 Rochester, N. J 684 Rock Island, Illinois 684 Rockville, Conn .. 68s Rome, Ga '.'.'.'..'.'.'. 6U Rome, N. Y 6 8s Roxbury, Mass . .' .. 684 Rushville, Iud 68/l Russeii, w.j ;;;;;;; 6gg - s C t. Albans, Vermont 6Ss <-> St. Bartholomew's Hospital ...... 600 St. Catherines, Ontario 6Ss St. Joseph, Mo ..".; 68 5 St. Louis, Mo 68s St. Paul, Minn 6 8s Sag Harbor, N. Y '//// 68s Santa Rosa, Cal " ' 68s Schneider, W. T .'.681! 688 Sedalia, Mo 68s Sewickley, Pa g8s Shelbyville, Ind ...!'!! 68s Sidney, Ohio !""!'.! 68s Sioux City, Iowa ..'......' 68s South Boston, Mass '...'.'. 68s Springfield, Mo .' .' 68s Steel Co. of Scotland, Ltd '.'.'.'.'.'. 68q Sterling, Illinois 68s Stewart, A. & J., Limited ......'. 680 Stillwater, Minn \'" 685 X 'Trautwine 68s 1 Tay Bridge .','"_[ 68g Tay Viaduct 6 go U I InitedPipe Lines 681, 688 ^ Unwin ,. 6 95 V Walparaiso, Ind 685 V Vancouver Water Works Co 713 Vincennes, Ind 685 Virginia, Nevada 685 w Waco, Texas 68s Wallace, William 70 2 Warren, Ohio 685 Warren, Pa \\ 685 Washington, Ind 685 Washington, Ohio . 6S5 Watertown, Mass , 686 Watertown, Wis 6gc Watson, James 690 Waverly, N. Y 685 Wellsville, Ohio 68s Welton, W. S 699, 704 Wilkesbarre, Pa 6S5 Windsor, Canada 685 Winnipeg, Man 685 Winona, Minn 685 Woburn, Mass 6S5 Woodstock, Ont 6S5 Worcester, Mass 6S5 Y Voungstown, Ohio 685 z Vanesville, Ohio 685 CLASSIFIED INDEX. CEMENT LINED PIPE. B Baltimore, Maryland 714,727 Beverly, Mass 728 Blake, Percy M 723 Boston Water Works 722 Brackett, Dexter 722 Burlington, Vt 714 Charlestown 722 Chelsea, Mass 716,725 Concord, N. H 714 Concord Water Works 723 B Davis, Charles S 725 Dedham Water Company 714 Cire & Water 728, r Fiske, W. D 722, o Goodhue, C. L. - 722,723 Goodhue & Birney 722 Guilford, A. J 727 II Hartford, Conn 714 Hingham Waterworks 722 J lack, W. H 728 Keene, N. H Kimball. J K 728 Kimball, John 723 I ombard, 725 L" Lowell, Mass 719 M Manchester, N. H 719 Manchester Water Works 723 Melrose, Mass 721, 722, 723 Miller, W. H 722 Morse, T. W 725 !N Natick 725 New Bedford, Mass 725 Norton, John R 722, 723 o ak Grove & Sierra Verde Cattle Co 728 Parker, F. H 714 Perkins, J. H 724 Plymouth Water Works 724 R D ochester Water Works 729 s Seymour, C. W. S 723 Springfield, Mass 722 w Walker, Charles K 723 Warren, Prest. Dedham Water Co. 717 Waterbury, Conn 727 Watertown Water Supply Company 723 Worcester, Mass 728 SPIRAL A Anaconda, Montana Anacortes, Wash Ashland, Oregon 736, B Barrett, John & Company Bayles, J. C Brooks, T, W c phalk, W. T ^-« Coit, E. W 739, Converse, IS. C B Pvodge, Ira C *-* Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co E Cddings, Mr *-* Fngineer'gNews&Am.Ry Journal 741, II Hart, W. R. & Co Hayes, James X, WELD PIPE. 736 742 I/eeler, H. E. K 738 I loyd & Lloyd H \Jf cMinnisville, Oregon 739 Dt. Angeles, Wash. o erne: /"V Connor, Mr 736 *— ' Oregon Improvement Company 738 739 R D iverside Iron Works 740 s Ceattle, Wash 736 *-> Spiral Weld Tube Co. . ..738, 740, 741, 742 Sutherland, G. H 739 w Walla Walla, Wash 739 Waukesha Hygeia Mineral Spgs Co. 741 Williamson, Thomas M 742 CLASSIFIED INDEX. 865 RIVETED PIPE. A merican Water Works Association 730 D Duncan, D. J. Russell 730 Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co.... 732 Engineering News 733 Engineering Record 733 Engineering Review — London 735 laenes, Harold 733 K 1/ uichling, Chief Engineer 732 R D ochester, N. Y , 732 s Steam Users' Assn. — Manchester, Eng.. 733 Steel Pipe Company, Ltd 730 WOOD PIPE. A rtesian Hot & Cold Water Co., Ltd 746 B Doise City, Idaho , 746 c /^itizens Water Co., Denver, Col 745, 746 D Denver Republican 746 Denver Water Company 746 B Engineering & Building Record 745 Engineering News 746 II II owe, B. S. 746 fndustrial World 746 T ead Poisoning 746 o o ttawa Water Works 743 MATHESON JOINT. merican T. & I. Co 747, 750, 753, 756, 757 B rooks, T. W. 759 Carnegie Bros. & Company 753 Carnegie Gas Company 755, 758 Chartiers Natural Gas Company. .... .755, 756 Converse, E. C 748, 75° II 757, 759 Holmes, Committeeman 752 Hoffman, F.A.... Holmes. Comn K I/eppel, Superintendent Gas. 752 M VAatheson Joint. 760 R Riley , George N 755, 757, 759 ' houlder, Louis 752 "Tate, R. B 755 I Tiffin Natural Gas Company 751 w Welsh, J, D 752 CLASSIFIED INDEX. PENNSYLVANIA TUBE WORKS LEAD JOINT. /^"arnegie Natural Gas Company 763 M \A atheson Joint 760 Pennsylvania Tube Company. s C weeny , John 763 763 ELECTROLYSIS. A lbany, NY 804 t* Allyn, H. A 764 Amer. Institute of Electrical Engineers. . 790 American Water Works Association 776 Atlantic Avenue Railway 778 Aurora 111 811 Benzenberg, G. H 804 Boston. Mass 764, 790 British Committee 811 British Parliament 775 Brooklyn, N. Y 778, 804, 818 Brooks, T. W 817 Brown, Professor 773 /Cambridge, Mass 764, 782, 804, 811 v- 1 Cambridge Water Works 768 Chester, Pa 781, 813 Chicago, 111 782, 814 Chicago Herald 779 Cincinnati, O 806, 814 Claude. Mr 783 Clerc, M 774 Columbus, O 782 E Edison Company 774 Electric Club 779 Electrical Engineer 822 Electrical Transmission Co 774 Engineering News 775 Engineering Record 765, 775, 777, 812 F Farnham, Isaiah H 790, 809 Fire & Water 773, 777, 782, 784 Prance 783 G Gardner, Mr 772 Goodell, John M 782 II Hamilton, Ont 782 Hazen, Mr 772 Hoge & Swift 817 Holden, Mr 772 Humphreys, H. H 779, 816 I Industrial World 783 » Industrie Electrique 783 Institute of Electrical Engineers 813 J jousselm, M. P 773 J amb, C. A 817 L Lee, Fred R , 826 Lee, John C 807 Lewis & Fowler 812 Los Angeles 782 M McDevitt, William 778 McTighe, Thomas J 778 Marseilles & St. Louis Electric Railway. . 782 Miller, A. S 817 Milne, Peter 776 Milwaukee 782, 804 Milwaukee Street Railway Company. . . . 785 Morse, Charles H 764, 765 N Nevons, Mr 765 New England Assn. of Gas Engineers 764 New England Teleg. & Telephone Co . . . 809 New England Telephone Company 764 New England Water Works Association. 765 New York & New Jersey Telephone Co. . . 821 P Pearson, Fred S 799 Philadelphia Fire Patrol 778 Philadelphia Fire Underwriters 778 Plympton, George W 826 Portland, Oregon 812 Preece, W. H 782 Preller, Dr 782 INDEX TO ELECTROLYSIS. 867 R Rastron, J. D 813 Rau, O. N ...785 Reilly, J. C 821 Rochester, N. Y 804 Rockland, Maine 804 s St. Louis Electric Railway . 782 Saginaw, Mich 775, 777, 782 Saginaw Street Railway Company 775 Sault Ste Marie 782 Schieren, Charles A 821 Smith, W. Nelson 812 Speidel, E 775. 777 Street Railway Review 789 Suinrnerville, James 817 Supreme Court of Tennessee 816 Swift, Mr 817 X T haver 812 Thomson, Elihu, Prof 795, 813 Thomson, George T 817 Tidd, Mr 772 Towne, W. 1 791 Trenton, N. J , 782 Tripp, O. H S04 U j I nion Railway Company 81S w Warner & Thayer 812 Washington 814 Water & Gas Review 818 Wells, A. T S06 West End Railway Company 766, 799 Western Electrician 773 Western Gas Association 783, 808 Wisconsin Electric Club 785 RUSTING OF IRON. 1$ Uauerman, Mr... 833 Bell, Sir Lowthian Brown, A. Crum, Prof. Gautier, M 831 Gibson, Dr II S33 831 Hawksley, T. Head, Jeremiah 831 M Aylason College— Birmingham 832 )revention of Rust. S34 Snelus, Mr 831 Society of Chemical Industry S32 T Tilden, Dr 832 Turner, Mr 832 w Ward, W. J VV willian Williams, F. H 833 S34 MISCELLANEOUS. American Institute of Mining Engineers 457 American Water Works Association. 461 Dayles, J. C. B G f aylord Iron & Pipe Co 461 if Health Department— New York City... 460 Hunt, Robert W. & Co 461 Institute of Mining Engineers. 461 painting Joints 586 s C pecifications for cast-iron coated water- ^ pipe 457 "Tubbs, J. Nelson 461 Vardley, Thos. W 457, 461 ^ -^ < * • ■ * * \* s , . T ' *> S' %, * * ..%* %, ■ <• \ 0o „ A>' ^ ^ "% *%