' \-'9?^o»*^ %lff //ll O '^,/> A \ xO°<. 1 V "i - .^ _.^^ ^0°-*. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/specialgeography03mont f^- -fl SPECIAL GEOGRAPHY OF ti i m^ %yXiwiwl i A SUPPLEMENT TO PoiYiijIl^s C©pp^il^JiiSi>/i Qioq^^^^pliY ■D M ■ ri/'v M "^^fJl/l'^A.S-^ ■Ot. A. S. BARNES & COMPANY, NEW YORK, CHICAGO, and NEW ORLEANS. Copyright, 1878, by fames Monteith. t^J V WlUiaikLB' \; \—™ CD "J ,' s»" M. -WilliamBT, ~ ^ ;f q'clUleiMt A'--- o.-/; MP? o Rowe ^OSACTUN / # tcpck _ _ r i^ "'VlWind Lan^sbrn'ough 3 .g,'' Dalton,^- ' E;%ind.JorV -"St — %■ H.Ashfip.l d. o ■y 'f^ \jt\jj_ nsdaleo \0WFre,, Perry's Rktw" A , -fSSf. .Ohathar.vmage Jf o Kiehmo.d7 J^t^t^^fSu- ' ^X "^"K-'^^^^^ «* ^^-^^SSf/ ^ *^ Lenox ) l5f^,,Vi, ; ,jidt'"^ k ^HaydenV.o •^•^. . 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Cay^' f n>t X 42i --J jnnsi>"de 30' AVesl fvom GivpnwUU A.M. 7; I 6 7 1 NANTUCKET I lantucfce, ^ ^ 30' EXPLAXATIPy Largest City as BOSTON Places 20,000 pop.i over as Do, 10,O0O-2O,OO0l_tYNN^ pop. as TAUNTON I Do, 5,000-10,000 pop, as _ Cities mS r Nkw BniTAix County Seats 1 Boroughs • Villages , I Town boundaries in blue lines ; Railroads in red a: r. ir'/>,(: n'l',,/ t,!<" e<,,i. co. A.M. 7:20 70 Comparative Timo - Noon at Londop, GEOGEAPHT OF CONNECTICUT. The Charier Oak. POSITION AND EXTENT.— Connecticut is the most southerly of the New England States, and is bounded on the north by Massachusetts, east by Ehode Island, south by Long Island Sound, and west by New York. The coast line is over 100 miles in extent, and deeply indented with numer- ous bays and inlets, which form fine harbors. The principal harbors are those of New London, New Haven, Stonington, Bridgeport, Saybrook. and Norwalk. Area. — Its area is 4,750 square miles, or a little more than half the size of New Hampshire. The greatest length from east to west is 91 miles ; the greatest breadth, 68 miles. Its population, in 1870, was 537,454. SUTRFACE. — Its Surface is broken by alternate valleys, rivers and low mountains, which extend north and south. The Housatonic range, a continuation of the Green Moun- tains, is in the western part. The Mt. Tom range and the Blue Hills are nearer the center of the State. Mt. Brace, Bear and Buck Mountains, in the north- western part of the State, are the highest peaks. Mt. Brace, the highest, has an elevation of 3,300 feet. RIVERS.— Parallel with the mountain ranges are the three principal rivers ; the Connecticut in the center, the Housatonic in the west, and the Thames in the eastern part. These rivers have broad fertile valleys. The Connecticut River, which rises among the highlands on the border between New Hampsnire and Canada, takes a gene- rally southerly course to Middletown, whence it flows in a south- easterly direction into Long Island Sound. It has numerous tributaries, the Farmington being the largest. It is navigable as far as Hartford. Its length is about 400 miles. It was called Quonektacat, by the Indians, signifying Long Bwer. The Housatonic River rises in the Hoosic Mountains, in the "Western Part of Massachusetts, and flows across the State of Connecticut into Long Island Sound. It is navigable to Derby. Its chief tributary is the Naugatuck. The Thames, formed by the union of the Quinebaug and Yantic Eivers, is navigable to Norwich, and has an excellent har- bor at its mouth. The Shetucket is the largest tributary of the Quinebaug. The Quinnipiack River flows into New Haven Harbor. The Scenery of the State is varied and pleasing ; toward the western and most mountainous part of the State the country is rugged and picturesque, and the scenery of the Connecticut and other river valleys is beautiful. The Climate is healthful. The winters are more severe in the northern sections than on the coast. The prevailing winds Vare westerly. SOUj. — The soil is especially fertile in the river valleys. The elevated lands in the eastern section are well adapted to pasturage. The bottom lands consist of a rich alluvial loam. Agriculture is the second industry in importance (manu- facturing being first). The principal productions are hay, Indian corn, oats, tobacco, rye, and potatoes. Dairy farming and cattle raising are the most profitable branches of agriculture. The value of its farms in 1870 was $124,241,382 ; farming implements and machinery, $3,246,599. Tobacco is extensively raised in the valley of the Connecticut Eiver. The apples and pears are of fine flavor. Cherries, plums, quinces, and grapes abound, and the smaller fruits are in great variety. Strawberries are extensively cultivated for market. Garden seeds are an important production. The forest trees are varied, and comprise the oak, chest- nut, walnut, butternut, birch, beech, ash, elm, maple, poplar and cedar. FISH. — The propagation of fish has received great attention. The rivers are stocked with shad, black bass, tautog, blue fish and salmon. The cod, mackerel and seal fisheries are important. MINERALS. — The mineral productions are iron, sandstone or freestone, limestone, marble, slate, copper, lead, clay, cobalt and feldspar. The chief mineral springs are at Stafford. MANUFACTURES.— The manufactures are in greater variety than in any other State. They comprise woolen and cotton goods, hardware, India rubber goods, carriages, wagons, paper, clothing, plated ware, iron castings, flour products, hats, caps, sewing-machines, machinery, silk goods, cutlery and edged tools, boots, shoes, clocks, carpets and firearms. Besides these, the manufactures include leather, drugs and chemicals, saddles and harness, combs, buttons, brass wire, wooden ware, hosiery, pow- der, soap and candles. Connecticut ranks as the first State in clocks, sewing machines, India rubber and elastic goods, hardware and plated ware ; second, in silk goods ; third, in woolen goods, hats, caps and edge tools ; fifth, in cotton goods ; and eighth, in the total value of all manufactured products. Connecticut manufactures nearly all the clocks made in the United States ; also, one-half the India rubber goods, and more than one-half the hardware. Value of manufactures for 1870, $161,065,474. Ship building is an important branch of trade. COMMERCE. — The commerce of Connecticut is greatly increased by the extensive sea-coast and fine harbors. The coasting trade is chiefly with New York. The foreign commerce is prin- cipally with the West Indies. The principal railroads are the New York, New Haven and Hartford ; Hartford, Providence and Pishkill ; Housatonic ; New London Northern ; New Haven and Northampton ; New York and New England ; Boston and New York Air Line ; Naugatuck; Connecticut "Western ; and the Connecticut Valley. GOVERNMENT.— The legislative power is vested in a general assembly, which at present consists of a senate of 21 members and a house of representatives of 346 members. The senators are chosen by the people for two years, the represent- atives for one year. GEOGRAPHY OF CONNECTICUT. 5 Putnam ieaving his oxen yoked in the fteld^ started /or Cambridge — April iqth, I775' The executive department comprises a governor, lien- tenant-governor, secretary of state, treasurer and comptroller, elected every two years. The judicial power includes a supreme court of errors, with a chief Justice and four judges ; a superior court, also pre- sided over by the judges of the supreme court and six other judges ; courts of common pleas, probate and inferior courts. The judges of the supreme and superior courts are chosen by the general assembly for eight years, but are disqualified for service at the age of seventy. The right to vote is given to every male citizen over '21 years old, who has resided in the State one year, and in the town in which he desires to vote, six months. He must also be able to read " any article of the constitution." The divisions of the State consist of eight counties ; these contain towns which include cities, boroughs and ^^llages. There are four Congressional Districts in the State. In Congress, Connecticut has 3 senators and 4 representa- tives ; and in the Electoral College, 6 votes. The Counties, according to population, are New Haven, Hartford, Fair- field, New London, Litchfield, Windliani, Middlesex, and Tolland. The first Congressional District comprises Hartford and Tolland counties ; the second. New Haven and Middlesex ; the third, New Lon- don and Windham ; and the fourth, Fairfield and Litchfield. EDUCATION. — Education receives great attention ; a fine system of public school instruction is established. The schools are under the control of a board of education, consisting of the governor, lieutenant governor, and four other members ; the secretary of the board of education acts as the State superin- tendent of schools. There are in the State about 1,700 public schools, with 2,600 teachers, and 135,000 pupils. The State Normal School is at New Britain. The colleges are Yale College, New Haven ; Trinity College, Hartford; and Wesleyan University, Middletown. There arc also one law, and one medical and three theological schools in the State. Connected with Yale College are the School of Fine Arts, and the Sheffield Scientific School. Yale College has also a fine library of 90,000 volumes. CITIES. — The cities are New Haven, Hartford, Bridgeport, Norwich, Waterbury, Meriden, New London, Middletown, New Britain and South Norwalk. There are also 17 boroughs and 167 towns. The chief officers of a County are commissioners, clerk. State attorney, and sheriff ; of a City, the mayor, aldermen, and common coun- cil ; of a Town, selectmen, town clerk, and treasurer ; of a Borough, the warden and burgesses. New Haven (pop. 55,657)*, a port of entry and the largest city in the State, is situated at the head of New Haven Bay. Two wharves, one 1,500 feet and the other 3,500 feet long, extend into the bay. The city is built on a wide plain, and is surrounded by picturesque hills. U£[^ It is called the " city of elms," because of the magnificent old elm trees which border the avenues and streets. Yale College, one of tlie oldest universities in the United States, consists of several Ituildings, in the center of the city, northwest of the public sijuaro or " Oreen." The City Hall, State House, Custom House and Court House are the chief public buildings. The manufactures are very extensive and in- clude <'l()cks, carriages, iron products. India rubber goods, hay-cutters, scales, boilers, firearms, brassware, buttons, cars and numerous other articles. New Haven is a railroad center. I'lic coasting trade is hirge ,_ and the commerce ^vith the West Indies is important. Hartford (pop. 50,941)*, the capital of the State, on the west bank of the Connecticut River, is the second city in importance. It is con- nected with East Hartford by a long bridge. Park Kiver, which inter- sects the city, is crossed by eleven bridges. There are numerous handsome buildings ; the principal are the new State House, City Hall, Post Office and United States Courts Building, the Charter Oak and Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Buildings, and the Wadsworth Athen;eum. It is the seat of Trinity College and a Theological Seminarj-, besides numerous fine public and private schools. The Hartford Grammar School is the oldest educational institution in the State. Book publishing is an important branch of trade. Hartford has, in proportion to its size, the most extensive insur- ance business in the United States. Its manufactures comprise firearms, silk goods and sewing silk, iron and brass foundry products, steam-engines, boilers, hardware, sewing-machines, files, water-wheels, armory and machin- ists' tools. There are also lumber and flour mills and carriage factories. Bridgeport (pop. 25,000)* has a fine harbor on Long Island Sound, fronting which is its delightful Seaside Park. It is beautifully situated on a plain, beyond which is a high plateau, commanding fine views. It is a railroad center, and has a large foreign and coasting trade. The city is cele- brated for the manufacture of sewing-machines and cartridges. Its other manufactures comprise carriages, iron, brass, steel, locks, saddles, harness, carriage-springs and coach-lace, leather, buttons, corsets, cutlery, engines, steam-boilers.and hardware. It is also remarkable for its rapid increase in man- ufactures and population. It is a port of entry and one of the county-seats. Norwich (pop, 16,653), a city in the town of Norwich, at the head of the Thames River, fifteen miles from Long Island Sound, has a good harbor. The principal manufactures include machinery, rolling mill products, print- ing presses, firearms, type, paper, cotton and woolen goods. The trade in lumber, West India goods, groceries and drugs is important. Waterbury (pop. 10,826), on the east bank of the Xaugatuck River, is a handsome city encircled by hills. It is the center for brass and copper manufactures, which include lirass and copper \vire, buttons, tubing, Ger- man silver, plate brass, hooks and eyes, and pins. There are also clock, suspender, and webbing factories, and machine shops. Meriden (pop. 10,495l, a city of New Haven county, in the town of Meriden, is noted for its extensive manufactories of iron, steel, brass, bronze and tin products, woolen goods, carriages, cement pipe, britannia and electro- plated silverware. The State Reform School is located here. New London (pop. 9,576), a port of entry on the west bank of the Thames River, has one of the best harbors in the United States. It is irregularly built on rising ground, and contains a fine Custom House, Court House, and city building which includes the Post-OiEce. New London ranks next to New Bedford, Mass.. in the extent and importance of the whale fishery. Seal fishing on Alaska Islands is an increasing and jirofitablr branch of trade. The cod and mackerel fisheries are also extensive. The cliief manu- factures are hardware, brass and iron wares, tackle blocks, steam-engines and boilers, machinery, woolen goods, crackers and leather. A Navy Yard has been established by the United States Government three miles above the city. The harbor is defended by Fort Trumbull. Middletown (pop. 6,923), a city in the town of Middletown, on the right bank of the Connecticut River, is a port of entry and a railroad center. • These numbers mth asterisks (♦) show population In lff!8: others in 1870. 6 GEOGRAPHY OF CONNECTICUT. It contains the Wesleyan University, the Berkeley Divinity School, an Indus- trial School for Girls, and the State Insane Asylum. The manufactures are numerous, and include cotton, foundry products, hardware, britannia and silver-plated ware, rules, chisels, sewing-machines, pumps, etc. The sur- rounding country is rich in mineral products. New Britain (pop. of city and town 9,480), in the town of New Britain, has extensive manufactures of iron, brass and bronze castings, builders' hardware, hosiery, cutlery, jewelry, cabinet hardware and trimmings. It is the seat of the State Normal School. South Norwalk (pop. 5,000) is situated on the Norwalk River which flows into Long Island Sound. It is a railroad terminus. The chief manu- factures are hats, straw goods, machinery, steam-engines and locks. Ship- building is an important industry. TOWNS AND BOROUGHS besides those already mentioned. Norwalk (pop. 13,119 including the city of South Norwalk and the borough of Norwalk), a town of Fairfield county, has a good harbor on Long Island Sound. The principal manufactures are shirts, felt, cassimere, iron, lawn mowers, straw goods, and pottery. The oyster trade is extensive. Stamford (pop. 12,000),* in the western part of Fairfield county, is one of the wealthiest towns of Connecticut. The borough of Stamford is beauti- fully situated and has many handsome houses ; some of which are the resi- dences of prominent business-men in the city of New York. Its channiug scenery, healthful situation, its boating, fishing, fine drives, with easy communication with New York City have made it a most delightful summer resort. A railroad runs from Stamford to New Canaan. The chief manu- factures are woolen goods and yarn, locks, iron, stoves and heaters, billiard tables, carriages, post-ofBce fittings, shoes, sashes, blinds, camphor, wax, dye and licorice. Danbury (pop. 10,000) * includes the borough of Danbury, which is one of the county seats of Fairfield county. In the manufacture of hats, Dan- bury excels every other place in the United States. It contains, besides, manufactories of shirts, boots, shoes, machinery, and tools, and those for getting off fur from skins. Its Public Library is one of the finest in the State. Its scenery, drives, and shade trees are remarkable for their beauty. Danbury was burned by the British in 1777, and its beautiful cemetery con- tains a fine monument to Gen. David Wooster, who died here from wounds received in a skirmish between American and British troops. Derby (pop. 8,020), at the junction of the Housatonic with the Nauga- tuck River, contains the manufacturing boroughs of Birmingham and An- sonia, and the village of Derby. The principal manufactures are brass and iron products, clocks, hardware and woolen goods. There are several rolling- mills. The first pin factory in the United States was established at Bir- mingham. Greenwich (pop. 7,644) is the most southwestern town of Connecticut. The borough of Greenwich has a large summer population of the people of New York. It is the site of General Putnam's celebrated ride down the stone stairs in 1779. Vernon (pop. 6,500),* a town in Tolland county, contains the vUlage of Rockville (pop. 5,446), which is situated on the Hockanum River at the ter- minus of the Rockville Railroad and of the Connecticut Central Railroad. Rockville has excellent water-power for its woolen and cotton mills and its manufactories of cotton - warps, sewing-silk, stockinet, envelopes, and ginghams. Enfield (pop. 6,322), in the northern part of Hartford county, includes the villages of Thompsonville and Hazardville. Thompsouville is largely engaged in the manufacture of carpets. It has also shirt and hosiery fac- tories. Hazardville contains extensive powder mills. A canal has been constructed around the falls of the Connecticut River. Chief manufactures of the town are ploughs, carriages, sashes, blinds, harness and hats. Stonington (pop. 6,313), in New London county, is the most south- eastern town in the State. The borough of Stonington (pop. 1,600) is a port of entry on Long Island Sound. Numerous vessels are sent yearly from this port to the seal fisheries. The manufactures are cotton and woolen goods. It has also a foundry and machine shop. It is a favorite summer resort, and is connected by steamboats with New York City. Winchester (pop. 6,000).* The town of Winchester contains the thriving and picturesque boroiigh of Winsted (pop. 5000), which is situated at the junction of the Naugatuck and Connecticut Western Railroads. Winsted has excellent water-power, and manufactures scythes, clocks, book-leather, colEn-trimmings, carriage axles, springs and bolts, pins, cutlery, planters' hoes, and sewing-silk. The borough consists of the villages of Winsted and West M^insted, each having a business center, churches, banks, post-office, etc. Killingly (pop. 5,712), a town in Windham county, includes several manufacturing villages and the borough of Danielsonville, which contains cotton mills and shoe factories. Fairfield (pop. 5,643), situated on Long Island Sound, is one of the most beautiful towns in the State. It has a good coasting trade. There are several manufacturing villages. Southport has a print establishment and a factory for making paper goods. Windham (pop. 5,412), comprises the village of Windham and the large and thriving borough of WUlimantic (pop. 5,000). Willimantic is a railroad center, and has extensive cotton, silk and cotton-thread mills, Groton (pop. 5,124), opposite the city of New London, has a coasting and fishing trade, and is largely interested in ship-building. It contains brass and iron foundries, cotton mills, britannia ware and carriage factories. Portland (pop. 4,693), on the Connecticut River opposite Middletown, is celebrated for its large quarries of Portland sandstone or brownstone, which is extensively used for building. Plainfield (pop. 4,531) is a railroad center. It contains several villages. The chief manufacture is cotton goods. Sonthington (pop. 4,314), which includes the village of Southington, j has a puddling furnace and manufactures tinsmith's machines, carriage and I general hardware, cutlery, eyelets and paper bags. Manchester (pop. 4,333), a town in Hartford county, has extensive silk factories and paper mills, and manufactures cotton and woolen goods, stockinet and needles. Putnam (pop. 4,192), a town in Windham county, contains several cotton and woolen mills, shoe factories and machine shops. Thomaston (pop. 4,000),* fohned from a portion of Plymouth, is in Litchfield county. It contains clock and knife factories and granite works. New Milford (pop. 4,000), situated in Litchfield county, manufactures ivory (vegetable) buttons, and has the largest tobacco packing house in New England. Thompson (pop. 3,804), in the northeast corner of the State, includes a number of tillages which manufacture tools and woolen goods. Bristol (pop. 3,788), a town in Hartford county, contains a copper mine. The principal manufacturing establishments are foundries, machine shops, stocking mills and clock factories. Newtown (pop. 3,681), in Fairfield county, manufactures hats and rub- ber goods. Wallingford (pop. 3,676), a town of New Haven county, has button, plated and German silver- ware factories, a book-making establishment and a machine shop. It contains the borough of Wallingford. Glastonbury (pop. 3,560), on the Connecticut River, is an agricultural district. The chief manufactures are cotton and woolen goods, firearms and soap. Sprague (pop. 3,463), a town in New London county, contains cotton, woolen and paper mills. Stafford (pop. 3,405) includes the borough of Stafford Springs, and several villages which manufacture cotton and woolen goods. Stafford Springs is a summer resort for invalids. Milford (pop. 3,405), situated on Long Island Sound, is extensively engaged in the manufacture of straw goods. It has quarries of fine green marble. Colchester (pop. 3,383) contains the borough of Colchester, which is the seat of Bacon Academy. The principal manufactures are India rubber goods and paper. Westport (pop. 8,361), in Fairfield county, is situated on Long Island Sound. Its manufactures comprise cotton goods, morocco leather, axes and stoves. Salisbury (pop. 3,303), in the northwestern part of the State, is one of the most picturesque towns. It contains iron mines, and manufactures car- wheels, hardware, woolen goods and machinery. There are also blast fur- naces and foundries. Suffield (pop. 3,377) is the center of a rich agricultural country. Tobacco is the chief manufacture. It contains a fine literary institute. Litchfield (pop. 3,113) contains pleasant summer resorts. Its manufac- tures comprise pocket cutlery, shears, cotton yarn, paper,aud oil. Litchfield, GEOGRAPHY OF CONNECTICUT. its largest village, is the county -seat of Litcli field county ; liere was estab- lished the first law school in the country. Nickel ore is found in the town. New Hartford (pop. 3,078), in Litchfield county, manufactures machin- ery and cotton goods. Stratford (pop. 3,032), at the mouth of the Housatonic River, is one of the oldest towns in the State. It contains the borough of West Stratford. Hamden (pop. 3,028) is in New Haven county ; its manufactures com- prise brass and iron wares, cotton goods and firearms. East Hartford (pop. 3,007) is connected with Hartford by a bridge. Its chief manufacture is paper. Woodstock (pop. 3,000) manufactures twine, yarn, shoes, and carriages. East Windsor (pop. 3,000). Its staple crop is tobacco, and its manu- factures comprise silk and woolen goods and tin. East Haddam (pop. 2,951) manufactures cotton goods and britannia ware. Naugatuck (pop. 2,830), New Haven county, manufactures India rubber and woolen goods, farming implements and iron castings. Windsor (pop. 3,784) raises tobacco, and manufactures paper and woolen goods. Chatham (pop. 2,771), Middlesex county, is celebrated for cobalt mines. The chief manufacture is sleigh-bells. East Haven (pop. 2,714) has copper smelting works. Large quantities of ice are cut on Salstonstall Lake for shipment. Torrington (pop. 2,893), Litchfield county, is crossed by the Naugatuck River and railroad, on which is the village of Wolcottville (pop. 2,200). Its manufactures include brass, musical instruments, carriages, and skates. Canton (pop. 3,700) manufactures axes, plows, and knives. Tobacco is largely raised. Orange (pop. 3,633), on the Sound, is one of the handsomest towns in the State. Its scenery and villa sites are very beautiful. It contains the thriv- ing borough of West Haven. Farmington (pop. 3,617) has grist and saw mills, and manufactures paper, nails, bolts, and furniture. Griswold (pop. 3,576) manufactures cotton. Guilford (pop. 2,576), a town including the borough of Guilford, is on Long Island Sound. The principal occupations are agriculture and fishing. The leading manufactures of Montville are cotton and woolen goods, rope, paper, and twine ; of Mansfield, silk and twist ; of Brooklyn, gold pens, watch-cases, serving-silk, cotton goods, and bricks ; of Cheshire, buttons, worsted braid, edged tools, and hair-pins ; of New Canaan, boots, shoes, clothing, perfumery, etc. ; and of Bethel, hats. Wethersfleld is noted for garden seeds and tobacco. Branford, on Long Island Sound, is a pleasant summer resort, and has a good harbor, foundry, and several manufactories. OBJECTS OF INTEREST TO TOURISTS.— Rocky Hill, near Hartford, which is of peculiar geological formation. Near Meriden is Cat Hollow, in which is a natural icehouse. The Chalybeate Springs at Stafford. The lake and mountain scenery of the northwestern part of Connecticut is exceedingly picturesque. Near Norwich is a beautiful waterfall. "Gen. Putnam's Hill" in Greenwich. Hanging Hills near Wallingford. "Steep Rock " and ' ' The Pinnacle " in the town of Washington. From Wadsworth's Tower on Talcott Mountain, near Hartford, is one of the finest views in Con- necticut. East and West Rocks, near New Haven. I^ISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, CONNECTICUT is supposed to have been risited by the Dutch as early as 1614. They were the first to navigate the Con- necticut Kiver. In 1633, a fort was established at Hartford, by the Dutch from New Amsterdam. In bhe same year, the first English house was transported from Massachusetts to Windsor, at the mouth of the Parmington River. The first permanent settlement was made at Wethers- field in 1634 ; and, within two years, eolouists from Boston had begun the towns of Wethersfleld, Windsor and Hartford. The war against the Pequots (1(;:S7 result defeat of the Indians and tlie final e.xtermiiialion of the i In 1638, a settlement was made at New^ Haven ; tl. several other towns, afterward constituted the New Haven » The first code of civil government in America formed in Connecticut lU3y, and was the nucleus of the Cone tion of the United States. In 1663, Charles II granted a charter to Connecticut, and 1665, the colony of New Haven united with them under th charter, with the title of the Connecticut Colony. Sir Edmund Andros was sent over from England as gov- ernor-general. He arrived at Hartford in 1687, and deniaiided the surrender of the charter of 1662. The Assembly con- vened, but during the meeting the charter was stolen, and secreted until the accession of William and Mary to the throne of England in 1689, when the government was restored and the original charter remained without change until the new constitu- tion was formed, in 1818. In 1698, the General Assembly, which had consisted of one House, was divided into a Senate and House of Representa- tives ; and in 1701, Hartford and New Haven were made the capitals. Hartford was made the sole capital in 1874. Yale College was founded in 1700, and removed from Say- brook to New Haven, in 1716. During the French Canadian War (1709), the first paper money was issued. The iron mines were opened in 1750, and much of the iron used in the Revolutionary War was supplied from the mines of Connecticut. The first newspaper was the Hartford Courant, published in 1764. The first law school in the United States was established in Litchfield, in 1784. Among its scholars were Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun. This State was noted for the patriotism of the people, and was foremost in furnishing men and money in the war of the Revolution. Connecticut was one of the thirteen original States, and the fifth to adopt the Federal Constitution (in 1788). The first material change in the old constitution of 1639 was made in 1818, w-hen slavery and a State Church were abolished. Other amendments have been made since. This State sent over 54,000 soldiers to the war of the Rebellion. DISTINGUISHED PERSONS OF CONNECTICUT. The Teacher may here require the pupils to wiite compoBitions about these persone, stating where and when they were bom, and for what they were distinguished. Roger Wolcott, Jonathan Edwards, Jonathan Trumbull, David Brainerd, Roger Sherman, William S. Johnson, Ethan Allen, Titus Hosmer, John Fitch, Oliver Ellsworth, Oliver Wolcott, Tappan Reeve, Timothy Dwight, David Humphrey, Jpdediah Morse, Noah Webster, Benjamin Silliman, Fitzgreenp Halleck, Mrs. L. H. H. Sigourney, Samuel G. Goodrich, Charles Morris, James G, Percival, Lyman Beecher, Cliarles Goodyear, Theodore D. Woolsey, Leonard Bacon, Horace Bushnell, Elihu Burritt, Noah Porter, Joel Barlow, Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Benjamin Silliman, Jr., John F. Kensett, Frederic E. Church. William A Buckingham, Truman Smith, H. Clay Trumbull, Joseph R. Hawley, Marshall Jewell. Cl^' ^^ PD 18 t jy » " • A ^ ^ OOBBSBROS. '^. . ->"' LIBRARY BINDING ^ * A ST. AUGUSTINE Oo ° -'"^^M^^^ ' j jfei% FLA. * '^W^ „ N^ '=^ ' '^HiVVs=- ^ »