J. J. SMART. MATT. PARROTT. J. L. GIRTON. WWMBV, mRM9¥V S # #., likiife |i|00l ^^|liiiii|kctitf erE Ana PuDliSliers Ol M IOWA STATE REPORTEE, Reporter Block, Sycamore Street, - - WATERLOO. IOWA. Book and Job Printing of every description neatly and promptly executed at reasonable price.s. Blank Books of all kinds made to order on short notice. Publishers of Wood's Justice Docket ; a copyrighted printed Docket lor Justices of the Peace; al'^o. Wood's Hand -Book for Jus- tices, Constables and Coroners, — a complete Form Book. Send tor circular containing- recommendations from Judges, County Officers, Attorneys, &c. A large stock of Legal Blanks and every description of Office Stationery always on liand. All orders by "mail will receive our best attention. We Make a Specialty of Coi'nty Work. Address correspondence to SMART, PARROTT & CO., Vfaterloo, Iowa. J. J. SMART, State Binder, Book__A^^__ lyZiUtArf , '«3aZtZZE^^ ,.J|*^<**'' SCHOOL LAWS OF-. IOWA, ^v. FROM THE CODE OF 1873 i m ; AS AIEIDEB BY THE FIFTEENTH &EIERAL ASSEMBLY, FORMS, NOTES AND DECISIONS, THE USE AND GOV. OL OFFIOEES. ALONZO ABERNETHY. STJPT. OF PUBLIC INSTKTJCTION. DES MOINES: B. P, CLAEKSON, STATE PEINTEE. 1874. « — ^ / PEEFAOE, The laws enacted by the Fifteenth General Assembly affecting the School I Laws are chapters 27, 57, 64, and 67 of the general and public acts. Chapter 27 amends sections 1721 and 1802 of the Code of 1873, by changing the time for the election of secretaries and treasurers of all school districts, from the third Monday in March to the third Monday in September ; and provides that the secretaries and treasurers elected on the third Monday in March, 1874, shall hold their offices until the third Monday in September, 1874, and until their successors are elected and qualified ; it also provides that the secretaries of school districts containing a population of less than five hundred may or may not be chosen from the board. Chapter 57 repeals section 1769 of the Code, and substitutes in lieu thereof a provision for holding annually in each county a teachers' normal institute under the direction of the county superintendent. Chapter 64 authorizes boards of directors and sub-directors to maintain industrial expositions in the public schools. Chapter 67 authorizes school districts formed from territory lying in adjoin- ing counties to vote and certify to the respective boards of supervisors the number of mills required to levy the necessary school taxes for their districts. With the exceptions above indicated, the law remains as found in the Code of 1873, and the sections of this edition of the School Laws are identical with those of the corresponding numbers of the Code. A few verbal errors in the printed copy of the Code are here corrected. Every school officer should study carefully the School Laws and the accom- panying notes to enable him to comply strictly with the law in the levy and disbursement of school funds, the care of school property, the employment of teachers, and the conduct of the schools. Under the judicious management of faithful officers, the condition and character of the public schools of Iowa ought constantly to improve. ALONZO ABEENETHY, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Des Moines, Iowa, July, 1874. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. FROM THE CODE AS AMENDED BY THE FIFTEENTH GENEEAL ASSEMBLY. SCHOOL DISTETCTS, Sectioist 1713. Each civil township now or hereafter or- School dis- ganized, and each independent school district organized as *^"^*^*'^- such prior to the taking effect of this code, is hereby de- clared a school district for all the purposes of this chapter, subject to the provisions hereinafter made. Sec. 1714. When an organized district has been left when no offi- without ofiicers, the township trustees shall give such notice pii|d.^°^ ^*^^ for a special election of directors, as is required in cases of regular district elections; and the persons elected shall con- tinue in office until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Sec. 1715. When changes in civil township boundaries Division of are made, or any district shall be divided into two or more porHoamen't entire townships for civil purposes, the existing board of qf assets and directors shall continue to act for both or all the new dis- ^^ ^ ^ ^^^" tricts, or parts of districts, until the next regular district election thereafter, at which time the new district townships Section 1713. The design of the law is that civil and district township boundaries shall coincide. When new civil townships are formed, the corresponding changes in district township bound- aries take effect at the sub-district election following the organi- zation of the civil townships. See sec. 1715 and 1796. Sec. 1714. In case the board is reduced below a quorum, by resignation or otherwise, the township trustees should call a special election to fill the vacancies. In independent districts five notices should be posted, as provided in sections 1742 and 1801 ; in district townships, three notices are required in each sub-dis- trict, as provided in section 1718. Sec. 1715. (a) New district townships are not organized until the first Monday in March, after the election of oflScers of the civil townships. (6) When sub-districts are divided by changes in civil town- ship boundaries, the old board should incorporate the several parts with other sub-districts, or otherwise provide for snch terri- tory, so that all electors may vote at the following sub-district SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. shall organize by the election of directors. The respective boards of directors shall, immediately after such organiza- tion, make an equitable division of the then existing assets and liabilities between the old and new districts; and in case of a failure to agree, the matter may be decided by arbitrators, chosen by the parties in interest. A similar di- vision shall be made in case of the formation or changes of boundaries of independent districts. election ; in the absence of such action, the territory properly belongs to the sub-district which it adjoins, and the electors are entitled to vote thei-ein. The boundaries of sub-districts lying wholly within the old or new districts, are not affected by the division of civil townships. (c) Five days before the time for the regular sub district elec- tion (tirst Monday in March) written notices should be posted in three public places in each sub-district, in both the old and new townships, by the resident sub-director ; in sub-districts where there is no sub-director, by the secretary. (d) Assets include school-houses, sites, and all other property and moneys belonging to the district. Liabilities include all debts for which the district in its corporate capacity is liable. In determining the assets, school property should be estimated at its present cash value. The last assessed value of the taxable property of the districts should form the basis of the division. See note (&), sec. 1820. Any equitable arrangement which will be mutually satisfactory to the parties in interest, will be in ac- cordance with the intent of the law. Any agreement that is entered into should be reduced to writing, and entered in the records of each of the districts interested. (e) "The districts, after the division, which do not receive their just proportion of school-house property, have a claim against those that do obtain more than their due share. The last named are indebted to the first in the difference." District Town- ship of Williams v. District Township of Jackson, Supreme Court Decisions, Dec. term, 1872. If money is received by one which belongs to another, the rule is a general one, that the lav/ implies a promise on the part of the receiver to pay it over. Based upon this implied promise an action may be maintained for its recovery. And this rule applies to corporations as to individuals. The District Township of Norway V. The District Township of Clear Lake, XI Iowa, 507. In this case, the district township of Clear Lake having been divided so as to form two district townships, the following spring it received all the funds apportioned by the clerk of the board of supervisors, and Norway brought suit and recovered a just portion of the same. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. Y Sec. 1716. Every school district which is now, or may Body corpo- hereafter be organized, is hereby made a body corporate by I'^^t^. the name of the "district township," or " independent dis- trict," (as the case may be,) of , in the county of , and in that name may hold proj^erty, be- come a party to suits and conti'acts, and do other corporate acts. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP MEETING. Sec. 17 17. Each district townshi]3 shall hold an annual Annual meet- meeting on the second Monday in March, and the electors ^"s- of the district, when legally assembled at such meeting, shall have the following powers: 1. To appoint a chairman and secretary in the absence of Powers. the regular officers; 2. To direct the sale or other disposition to be made of any school-house, or the site thereof, and of such other property, personal and real, as may belong to the district; to direct the manner in which the proceeds arising therefrom shall be applied; to determine what additional branches Sbc. 1716. In suits, contracts, and conveyances, the corporate name should be strictly observed. A sub-district is no;, a corpor- ation, and hence can neither hold property nor perfurm any cor- porate act. Sec 1717. (a) District townships are authorized to hold only one meeting in each year. The meeting cannot be adjourned to another day. There is no provision for special meetings. Ten days' previous notice of this meeting should be given by the dis- trict township secretary; sec. 1742 ; but as the law fixes ibe day of the meeting of the electors of the district township, and also of the sub-district, a failure to give full noiice, or any notice at all, though a viola ion of law, will not invalidate the proceedings of the meedng, if one be held at the usual time and place. Dishon "V. Smith, X Iowa, 217. (b) The president and secretary of the board are the regular officers of this meeting, and should act as such if present. Sees. 1739, 1741. (c) School-houses cannot legally be sold without a vote of the electors, (c?) All school-house taxes must be voted by the electors of" the sub-district, or district township; this power cannot be delegated to the board. The specific sum of money deemed necessary, and not a certain number of mills on the dollar, should be voted. The per centum necessary to raise this sum is determined by the board of supervisors. Sees. 1777, 1780. y SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. shall be taught in the schools of the district; or to delegate any of these powers to the board of directors; 3. To vote such tax, not exceeding ten mills on the dollar in any one year, on the taxable property of the district township, as the meeting shall deem sufficient for the pur- chase of grounds and the construction of the necessary ,«lf school-houses for the use of the district, and for the pay- .14' ment of any debts contracted for the erection of school- I ' houses, and for procuring district libraries. SIJB-DISTRICT MEETING. Election of Sec. 1718. The several sub-districts shall, annually, on sub-director. i\^q fi^.g^ Monday in March, hold a meeting for the election of a sub-director, five days' notice of which meeting shall be given by the then resident sub-director, or, if there is none, by the district secretary, posting a written notice in three public places therein, and such notice shall state the hour of meeting. Chairman and Sec. 1719. At the meeting of the sub-district, a chair- seci^etey ap- jj^an and secretary shall be appointed, who shall act as judges of the election, and give a certificate of election to the sub-director elect. The tax for procuring district libraries cannot be used to pur- chase text books for the use of pupils. The district township meeting can legally exercise only such powers as are specifically enumerated in the law, or such as are necessary to secure the ex- ercise of those granted. Sec 1718. (a) " No district township, or sub-district meeting shall organize earlier than 9 am , nor adjourn before 12 m." Sec. 1789. The meeting should not be called later than 6 p.m. (&.) No minor or non-resident can take part in a meeting of electors. To be entitled to the right of suffrage, a person must be a male citizen of the United States, twenty-one years of age, a resident of the state six months next preceding the election, and of the county sixty days. (Constitution, art. 2, sec. 1.) The election must be by ballot. (Constitution, art. 2, sec. 6.) The person who receives, on a formal ballot, the greatest num- ber of votes, is elected, even though he has not received a majority of all the votes cast. In a tie vote there is no election, and the old sub-director holds over. (c) The electors of a sub-district may, at their regular meeting in March, determine w^hat amount is required for the erection of a school-house in said sub-district. A sum, in the aggregate, should be voted, and the sub-director should certify the same to the next district township meeting held thereafter. See sec. 1778. Sec 1719. The chairman and secretary are not required to qualify. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 9 Sec. 1720. In all district townships comprising but one Number of sub-district, the board of directors shall consist of three howVhosen. ' sub-directors; and in all district townships comprising but two sub-districts it shall consist of one sub-director chosen from, each sub-district, and one from the district township at large, who shall in both cases be elected in the manner pro- . vided by law for the election of one sub-director from each sub-district. :The judges of the respective sub-district elec- tions shall canvass the votes for sub-director chosen from the district township at large, and shall issue a certificate of election to the person elected. BOARD OF DIEECTOES. Sec. 1721. (As amended by Chapt. 27, Laws Fifteenth sub-directors General Assembly.) The sub-directors of the several sub- ^oard of direc- districts shall constitute a board of directors for the district tors, township, and shall enter ujjon their duties upon the day when and fixed for the regular meeting of the board in March, at how the board which time they shall organize by electing from their own ized. ° number a president, who shall simply be entitled to a vote as a member of the board; and from the district township at large, at their regular meeting on the third Monday of September in each year, a secretary and 'treasurer, unless ■ there are at least five sub-directors in the district township, Sec. 1720. (a) The board of directors of a district township can never consist of less than three members. The sub-director from the district at large should be voted for at both sub-district meetings. To avoid confusion, the tickets should specify— /or sub-director, A. B. ; for sub-director at large, C. D. (6) Where there is but one sub-district in a district township, the sub-district meeting should be held at some central point, on the first Monday in March, f Dr the election of three sub-directors ; five days' notice of which should be given by the district secre- tary, as directed by section 1718 ; and another meeting will be held on the second Monday in March, as provided by section 1717; the powers and duties of the two meetings being entirely separate and distinct; the first being a sub- district, the second a district township meeting. Sec 1721. (a) " Secretaries and treasurers of school districts, elected on the third Monday of March, 1874, shall hold their ofiices until the third Monday of September, 1874, and until their successors are elected and qualified." Sec. 2, chapt. 27, General Laws, 1874. (6) The right or title to hold office cannot be determined by an appeal to the county superintendent. The proper remedy for any person aggrieved by the action of the board, relating thereto, 2 10 SCHOOL LA.WS OF IOWA. Secretary and ill wbich case they may be selected from the board; and treasurer, when elected. treasurer, _ gg^j([ secretary and treasurer thus elected shall qualify and Meetings of. Make con- tracts and purchases. enter upon tne duties of their respective ottices within ten days following the date of their election, if selected fram the district township at large, they shall have no vote in the proceedings of the board. Sec. 1722. The board of directors shall hold their regu- lar meetings on the thii-d Monday in March a,n'd (September of each year; and may hold sucix special meetings as occa- sion may requu-e, at the call of the president, or by request . of a majority of the board. Sec. 1723. They shall make all contracts, purchases, payments, and sales, necessary to carry out any vote of the district; but before erecting any scliool-house they shall, consult with the county superintendent as to the most ap- proved plan of such built^mg. And all school-houses erected or repaired at a cost exceeding three hundred dol- lars, shall be so erected ot repaired by contract, and no such contract for labor or materials shall be let until proposals for the same shall have been invited bv advertisement for is a petition to the circuit or district court, under the provisions of sections 3345-3352, Code. (cj All the members and officers of the board must reside in the district township. Tliey cannot reside in an independent district and remain memberd of ihe board. If a suu-dircctor removes from his sab-district, he tlit-reby vacates the unice. {d) Direciors continue in olhce until tne tiiird Monuay in Marchandua.il their successora are elected aiid quaiinod. A president whose term as director has expired, can tar^e iioxuither part in tlie proceedings of the board, even thougu ^ new presi- dent has not yet been chosen. ]No person can hold two ox the offices of the board at the same time. feEG. 1722. (a.) Sectijn 1738 provides that a majority oi the board snail constitute a quorum. Any duty iinpotiea upo^i the board as a budy must be periormed at a regular or opeci^a ijueoting, and made a matter of record. The coiiocnt of the ocrd lo any particular measure, obcainea of individual member^i Wiioa not in session, is not the* act of the board, and is not bindiug upon the district townsnip, {b) bpecial meetings should be convened by a writ. en call, signed either by the president or a majority of the inenioerri, and each member sliould oe duly iiLititied. bEC 1723. (a) It is the duty ol the 6oarc? of directam to make contracts for the erection of school-houses, when the meaiio have been j)iovided by the electors. If .he sub-director be appointed SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. XX four weeks in some newspaper published in the county Advertise for where the work is to be done, if there be one published P^'^posais. therein, if not, in the nearest newspaper in an adjoining a committee for this purpose, it should be with certain limita- tions: and the contract should be repotted to the board for ap- proval. Section 1 753. JSf o member has authority to make a con- tract in behalf of the district, except uuder specific iustructions of the board. Before making a contract, great pains should be taken to obtain the best possible plan for tne building. On this point the law requires consultation with the couuty superin- tendent. (6) Contracts for the erection or repairs of school-houses ex- ceeding $300, can not be entered into until proposals have been published at least twenty-eight days. Repairs include seats, desks, &c. Contracts made in violation of the terms of this section are illegal; the^r lulfillment may be prevented by injunction. " If an agent make a valid contract wituout authority, he is himself bound thereby." Andrews & Co. v. Tedford, Supreme Court Decisions, December term, 1873. (c) The board cannot be required to commence the construc- tion of a house until means to a reasonable extent have been provided. Boards should not involve the district in an indebted- ness for the erection of school-houses, by contracts, or the issue of orders to exceed the amount voted by the electors. {d) District townships have no authority to issue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness for the purpose of borrowing money. See opinion of Attorney-General /School Journal for April, 1868, p, 210. (e) No district can legally become indebted in any manner, or for any purpose, to an amount, in the aggregate, exceeding five per cent, on the value of its taxable- property. Constitution, Art. XI., sec. 3. Winspear Y- Dist. Twp. HoLman, Supreme Court De- cisions, December term, 1873. (/) Public school-houses are exempt from sale on execution. Code, sec. 3049. {g) A board of directors of a school district may bind a cor- poration by contracts entered into after the election of their suc- cessors and before their qualification. Dubuque Female College v. Jhe District Township City oj Dubuque, X^II. iowa, 555. While instanced may occur in which the interests of the district will be subserved by making contracts with teachers and others, which will not expire for months after a change of ofiicers, courtesy as well asjustice dictates the impropriety of making contracts whose J 2 SCHOOL LA-WS OF IOWA. county; and such contract shall be let to the lowest respon- sible bidder, and bonds with sufficient sureties for the faith- ful perfoiinance of the contract shall be required. Select sites for Sec. 1'724. They shall fix the site for each school-house, school-houses, taking into consideration the geographical position and con- venience of the people of each portion of the sub-district, and shall determine what number of schools shall be taught execution will embarrass successors in office. Ordinarily the new board should make contracts for the year during which they serve. A board of directors may ratify or adopt such acts of officers de facto as the law would permit officers de jure to perform. lb. {h) The force and effect of any motion adopted by the board of directors, does not terminate with a change of officers or mem- bers, but remains in force until repealed. Thompson v. Linn, Su- preme Court Decisions, December term, 1872. Sec 1724. {a) The power to locate sites for school-houses is vested, originally, exclusively in the board of directors. This au- thority should be exercised with great care, and without preju- dice; and the wishes of the people, for whom the house is designed, should be consulted as far as practicable, taking into account the prospective as well as the present convenience of the people of the sub-district. A site near the geographical center of the sub -district should be chosen, unless controlling circumstances indicate a different selection. If possible the site should be in the shelter of a grove, .and ought to contain not less than one acre of ground. (6) The power of the board of directors to " fix the site for a school-house," carries with it the power to relocate that site. The exercise of this power is a proper and necessary adjunct of the power to make alterations in the boundaries of ihe sub -districts. The extension of settlements frequently changes the centers of population and necessitates a change of sub- district boundaries, and the removal of school-houses to central localities in the new sub-districts. Vance v. District Township of WiUon, XXII Iowa, 408. (c) Every new site must be selected on some public highway, at least forty rods from any residence, the owner whereof objects to its being placed nearer, and not in any orchard, garden, or public park, except in incorporated towns or cities. Sec. 1826. Sites located prior to April, 26, 1870, when the provisions of this section took eff'ect, are not affected by its provisions ; the board may rebuild upon any such sites still in possession of the district. {d) A school-house site, located by the county superintendent. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 13 in each sub-district, and for what additional time beyond the period required by law they shall be continued during each year. Sec. 1725. They shall determine where pupils may Divide ciis- attend school, and for this purpose may divide their district minewhere' into such sub-districts as may by them be deemed neces- ^fP^^l ^^^^^ sary; provided, that no such sub-district shall be created for the accommodation of less than fifteen pupils, but the board of directors shall have power to rent a room and employ a teacher for the accommodation of five scholars. Sec. 1726. They may establish graded or union schools Graded or wherever they may be necessary, and may select a person ^^^^^'^ schools, who shall have the general supervision of the schools in their district, subject to the rules and regulations of the board. upon appeal, can not be legally changed by the board of directors, until the condition of the district is materially changed. (e) As regards the length of time during which schools are to be taught in each sub-district, twenty-four weeks is the mini- mum ; sec. 1727 ; the maximum is unlimited, except as provided by sec. 1780. Sec. 1725. (a) All changes in sub-district boundaries must be made in conformity with the provisions of sections 1738 and 1796. (6) The board cannot legally form a sub-district containing less than fifteen persons of school age, nor build a school-house for the benefit of a less number ; nor can they maintain a school for the accommodation of less than five scholars ; except in sub- districts formed prior to September 1, 1873, which are not aff"ected by the provisions of this section. The words "pupils" and "scholars," as used in this section, mean persons between the ages of five and twenty-one years. Sec 1726. The law does not prescrihe the branches that shall be taught in the public schools, further than to require all teachers to be qualified to teach certain branches enumerated in section 1766. Boards of directors are empowered by virtue of the authority to establish graded schools, and of the general super- visory and discretionary powers with which they are invested, to prescribe courses of study and branches to be taught in the schools of their district. A course of study should be prescribed by the board in every district, to which the electors may add additional branches. Section 1717. A graded school, open to the older and more advanced pupils from every sub-district, may be advantageously established at some central point in every dis- trict township. 14^ SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. Schools: time Sec. 1Y27. In each sub-district there shall he taught one ber^f. " ""°^ or more schoolsTor the instruction of the youth between the ages of five and twenty-one years, for at l east twenty-four' weeks, of five school days each, in each year, unless the coiinty superintendent shall be satisfied that there is good an(lsufiicient cause^ for failure so jto do. Any person who / was in the military service of the tJnited States during his minority shall be admitted into the schools in the sub-dis- trict in which he may reside, on the same terms on which youths between the ages of five and twenty-one are admitted, obangeof Sec. 1728. The board of directors of any district town- books. / gi^jp Qj. iii(Jependent district, shall not order, or direct, or j make any change in the school books or series of text-books, Sec. 1727. (a) The requirements of this section are imperafwe. A school shall be taught in each sub-district, but if the county superintendent is fully satisfied, after a careful investigation of the facts, that it is impracticable, he may release the board of directors from their obligation to establish one. The board of directors may establish more than one school in a sub-district if necessary for the accommodation of the children, subject to the limitations contained in sections 1725 and 1780. [h) Under section 1724 the board of directors have power to provide for a longer period of school than twenty-four weeks ; this increase of time must apply alike to all the sub-districts. (c) All the youth of the state from five to twenty-one years of age, irrespective of religion, race, or nationality, are entitled to the same school facilities. While schools may be graded according to the proficiency of pupils, no discrimination based on color, such for instance as requiring colored pupils to attend separate schools, can be enforced. Clarh v. The Independent Dis- trict of Muscatine, XXIV Iowa, 266. {d) Persons over twenty-one years of age are not entitled to the benefits of the public school, except as provided in the latter part of this section. If, however, the school is not full, they may be admitted, in the discretion of the board, upon such equitable terms as the board may prescribe. Children under five years of age will be more injured by the confinement, than benefitted by the instruction. They can not legally claim the advantages of the school, and should not be admitted. Sec. 1728. The board may change any text-book used in the schools of their district, which has not been introduced since July 4, 1872, when the provisions of this section took effect ; but no book can be adopted in the place of one introduced since that time, within less than three years after its introduction, without a vote of the electors. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 15 /Tised in any school under their superintendence, direction, ( or control, more than once in every period of three years, i except by a vote of the electors of the district township or independent district. Sec. 1 729. They may use any una,ppropriated contingent Contingent fund in the treasury to purchase records, dictionaries, maps, charts and apparatus for the use of the schools of their dis- trict, but shall contract no debts for this purpose. Sec. 1730. They shall appoint a temporary president and offlc|i°',''*^'^ secretary in case of the absence of the regular officers, and The change of any one book in the school does not prevent the board from changing any or all other bo®ks at a subsequent time. I^either the sub-director nor teacher has authority to change text-books. Sec. 1729. Purchases made under the provisions of this sec- tion, must be by order of the board when in session. The law does not authorize boards of directors to purchase text-bonks for the use of pupils, nor the electors to vote a tax for this purpose. Sec. 1730. (a) A vacancy can be created only by death, removal, resignation, or failuie to elect at the proper election, there being no incumbent to continue in office. — Code, sec. 781. A lailure to elect or qualify does not create a vacancy ; for the incumbent whether elected or appointed, continues in office "until his successor is elected and qualified." Neither does a change in the boundaries of sub-districts create a vacancy ; for the change does not take effect until the next sub-district elec- tion. If a sub-district be divided, so as to form a new one, the sub-director will contimae to act, as though no change had been made, until the expiration of his official term. Sec. 1796. proviso, and note (6), also sec 1721 and notes. (6) If a person without the requisite qualifications, is elected a member of the board and acts with the board, he being a mem- ber de /ocio, his acts will be valid; but when his disqualification becomes known, the board should declare the place vacant and elect his successor. (c) School directors may resign at any time. A verbal resig- nation may be tendered to the board when in session ; or a writ- ten resignation may be handed to some member of the board to present at a subsequent meeting, for the board's acceptance. When a director habitually neglects the duties of his office, he may be compelled by mandamus to perform them. (d) In case the board is reduced below a quorum by resigna- tion, or otherwise, the township trustees should call a special 16 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. Secretary to give bond. shall fill any vacancy that may occur in the office of presi- dent, secretary or treasurer or in the board of directors. Sec 1731. They shall require the secretary and treas- urer to give bonds to the district in such penalty and with such security as they may deem necessary to secure the district against loss, conditioned for the faithful performance of their official duties. The bonds shall be filed with the president, and in case of a breach of the conditions thereof, he shall bring suit thereon in the name of the district town- ship or independent district. Sec. 1732. They shall, from time to time, examine the accounts of the treasurer and make settlem.ent with him; and shall present, at each regular meeting of the electors of the district township, a full statement of the receipts and ex- penditures of the district township, and such other informa- tion as may be deemed important. Audit claims. Sec. 1733. They shall audit and allow all just claims against the district, and fix the compensation of the secretary Examine ac counts of treasurer. election to fill the vacancies as provided by section 1714 ; see also section 1738. (e) Boards of directors have no authority to remove any member or officer of the board. Sec. 1731. The law requires all official bonds to be secured by at least two sureties, who are freeholders, whose aggregate prop- erty is double the amount of the bond ; the oath of office to be subscribed on the back of the bond, or attached thereto, and the sureties vo make affidavit that they are worth the amount named in the bond. Code, sections 249, 250, 675, and 679. As the bonds of the secretary and treasurer must be approved by the board, no member shoidd become surety for these officers. Sec. 1732. This section contemplates that a fttll report of the affairs of the district shall be made by the board at each annual meeting of ttie electors. This work appropriately devolves upon the president, unless the board designates some other member. When practicable, the report should be published. Sec. 1733. (a) All demands, whether by contractor otherwise, must be approved by the board of directors when in session, before an. order can be drawn on the district treasury for them ; and no officer can draw an order on the treasury, unless he is authorized to do so by a vote of the board, at a regular or special meeting. It is the duty of the board to examine all contracts for the employment of teachers, and the construction of school- houses, or for any other purpose, and to see that the stipulations have been complied with, before they authorize the payment of monejf thereon. (6) School orders issued without a vote of the board of direc. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. ] 7 and treasxirer, and no order sball be drawn on the treasury until the claim for which it is drawn has been audited and allowed. Sec. 1734. They shall visit the schools in their district, ^^^^^^^^^f? ' and aid the teachers in establishing and enforcing the rules discharge for the government of the schools, and see that they keep a teachers, correct list of the pupils, embracing the periods of time during which they have attended school, the branches taught, and such other matters as may be required by the county superintendent. In case a teacher employed in any of the schools of the district township is found to be incom- petent, or is guilty of partiality or dereliction in the dis- charge of his duties, or for any other sufficient cause shown, the board of directors may, after a full and fair investiga- tion of the facts of the case, at a meeting convened for the jjurpose, at which the teacher shall be permitted to be pres- ent and make his defense, discharge him. Sec. 1735. The majority of the board in independent Pupils in m- districts shall have power, with the concurrence of the pres- dfsmcts dis- ident of the board of directors, to dismiss or suspend any mi'ised orsus- pujDils from the school in their district for gross immorality or for a persistent violation of the regulations or rules of the school, and to re-admit them if they deem proper so to do. tors, or otherwise illegally issued, although they may be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary, are not binding upon the district ; neither can they acquire validity by being transferred to third parties. If illegal when issued, they are illegal forever. XIX Iowa, 199 and 248. (c) The secretary and treasurer only can receive compensation for the discharge of duties required by law. Sec. 1738. Sec 1734. (a) Boards of directors have entire control of the public schools of their district and the teachers employed therein. The board may establish such rules and regulations for the gov- ernment of teachers and pupils, not inconsistent with law, as the interest of the schools require. The teacher is the agent of the board, and the rules made and enforced by the teacher with either the formal or tacit consent of the board, are in effect the rules of the board. It is the duty of the teacher, under the direction of the board, to determine what branches shall be pursued by each pupil. (6) "It is competent for boards of directors to provide by rules that pupils may be suspended from the schools in case they shall be absent or tardy, a certain number of times within a fixed period, except for sickness, or other unavoidable cause. "If the effects of acts done out of school-houses reach within the school room during school hours, and are detrimental to good order and the best interests of the pupils, it is evident that such 3 18 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. Cei'lificate of election of officers filed. Rules for gov- ernment of sub directors. Quorum. Sec. 1186. They shall at their regular meeting in March of each year, require the secretary, to file with the county superintendent, county auditor, and county treasurer, each, a certificate of the election, qualification, and post-office address of the president, treasurer and secretary of the dis- trict township, and to advise them from time to time of any changes made in said offices by appointment. Sec. 1737. They shall make such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the direction and restriction of sub-directors in the discharge of their official duties, and not inconsistent with law. Sec. 1738. A majority of the board of directors shall be a quorum to transact business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time, and no tax shall be levied by the board after the third Monday in May; nor shall the boundaries of sub-districts be changed except by a vote of the majority o± the board, nor shall the members of the acts may be forbidden." Burdich & Chandler v. Babcoch and oth- ers, XXXI Iowa, 562. (c) Boards of directors can legally dismiss teachers only for good cause shown. In cat^e the board pass an order to dismiss, the material reason therefor should be spread upon the record ; for, while in case of contest, these reasons would not be conclusive against the teacher, the board would be estopped from presenting other reasons than those named in the record. Neville v. School Directors, 36 111., 71. When a teacher is unjustly dismissed, an appeal may be taken from the action of the board in dismissing him ; but a suit at law must be brought, if he seeks to recover his pay upon the contract. The teacher can be paid only to the date of legal dismissal. Sec. 1736. It is very important that the secretary should file the certificate with the coumy ofiicers named, immediately after the regular meetings of the board in March and September, oth- erwise the moneys belonging to the district may be paid to per- sons not authorized to receive them. Whenever a change is made, the county officers should be noti- fied. See note (6) sec. 1745. Sec 1737. These rules should be carefully prepared and adopted by the board, and recorded ; and each sub-director should be furnished with a copy. Sec 1738. («) Any compensation paid to any other member of the board than the secretary and treasurer, for the perform- ance of official duties, is in direct opposition to the law, and an open violation of the oath of office. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. I9 board, except its secretary and treasurer, receive pay out of any school fiinds for services rendered under this chapter. ' PRESIDENT. Sec. 1Y39. The president shall preside at all meetings President to of the board of directors and of the district township; shall drafte,%gnor- draw all drafts on the county treasury for money apportioned 2, and 1803. For the organization of the board, see section 1802. (6) The organization of a district is not technically completed until its officers are elected, but in the formation of independent districts from the sub-districts of a township, if the meetings for the election of oflficers have been called by the board to be held on or before the first day of August, of the year such organiza- tions are attempted, failure to elect officers in one or more of the independent districts does not affect the validity of the action of the electors in determining the question of separate organiza- tions. When the electors fail to elect officers at the election g2 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. respective terras to be determined by lot, and but one director shall be chosen annually thereafter, who shall hold his office three years. _ Sec. 1818. At the meetings of the electors of each sub- Electors to de- district, as provided in the last section, they shall also deter- o/distrtct. "^ mine by ballot the name to be given to their district, and each district when so organized shall be a body corporate, and the name so chosen shall be its corporate name. The board of directors of any district organized under the pi-o- visions of this act may change its name if any other district in the township shall have chosen the same name. Sec. 1819. Districts organized under the provisions of i^XTe°adent the preceding four sections, shall be governed and treated districts. ^^ in every respect as provided by the law creating independent districts. Sec. 1820. When any district township is divided into Assetsandiia- independent districts under the provisions of the five pre- districts' ad- ceding sections, then the old board of directors of the district Jested. called by the board, it is the duty of the township trustees to call a special election for this purpose, as provided by sections 1714, and 1806. Sec. 1819. Upon the organization of all new districts the fol- lowing officers should, to enable the new districts to obtain funds from the county treasury, make reports promptly as fol- lows: 1. The secretary of the district-township should file with the county auditor and treasurer, a plat of the new districts formed. Note (6) Sec. 1796. 2. The secretary of each new board should report to the county superintendent, auditor, and treasurer, the name and address of each officer of the board. Note (a) Sec. 1802. 3. The county superintendent should file with the county auditor, a certificate showing the number of persons between the ages of five and twenty-one in each new district. Note (e) Sec. 1772. Sbc. 1820. (a) The division of assets and liabilities is made by the old board alone, immediately after the election of officers in the independent districts, and for this purpose, all school funds in the district treasury, and all property belonging to the district township, including school-houses, are subject to their order. They should first settle the liabilities of the district, as far asthe funds will permit. Until this division is made, the old board have atithority to perform all necessary acts relating to the affairs of the district township. {b The following plan for making the division is suggested : 1st. Let the board determine the present cash value of all the property of the district township. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. townshijj shall make such a division of assets and liabilities of such district township as is provided by section seventeen hundred and fifteen of this chapter. 2d. Let this be divided among the new districts in proportion to the assessed value of the property, real ami personal ; if, how- ever, the rate of school-house tax has not been uniform in the several sub-districts, this fact should be taken into consideration. School-houses will, usually, become the j)roperty of the district in which they are situated ; if iheir value exceeds the amount jus'ly due the district, any school-house fund on hand may be used to equalize the difference. See sec. 1715, note (d). The teachers' and contingent funds should not be used for such equalization, but should be divided, pro rata upon the basis men- tioned, subject to any other equities that may exist. Any portion of the teachers' fund derived from the semi annual appoition- ment, however, should be divided in proportion to the number of persons between the ages of five and twenty one years, in the respective independent districts. No conveyance of school-house property, from the dislrict township to the independent districts, is required ; the record of the proceedings being sufficient. (c) A simple and just method of disposing of unpaid and delinquent taxes, also of all the funds in the hands of the county treasurer, and not available, (see sec. 1785) is to direct the payment of such funds to the districts from the territory of which they were derived. (d) Upon the organization of independent districts from the sub-districts of a townsnip, the district township is fully super- seded and goes out of existence, except so far as its life may be prolonged for special purposes. This section specifies all of the duties which devolve upon the old board of directors, after the division of the township into independent districts. The clivision of the assets and liabilities being accomplished, the duties and functions of the old board cease, and the life of the corporation becomes extinct; all its powers are transferred to each independ- ent district, and all rights thus acquired may be enforced by each in its own name. District Township of Knoxville v. Independent Lislrict oj Liberty, tt al., Supreme Court Decisions, Dec. term, 1872. From the action of the board in making the division of assets and liabilities, no appeal can be taken to the county superin- tendent. (e) The district township records should be carefully preserved for future reference, and for this purpose they should be deposited in the office of the county superintendent. 54 SCHOOL LA.WS OF IOWA. MAY ISSUE BONDS. Power given to borrow money and issue bonds : limit. Question to be submitted to electors. Tax for, voted by directors if electors fj,il. Sec. 1821. Independent school districts shall have the power and authority to borrow money for the purpose of erecting and completing school-houses, by issuing nego- tiable bonds of the independent district, to run any period not exceeding ten years, drawing a rate of interest not to exceed ten per centum per annum, which interest may be paid semi-annually, which said indebtedness shall be bind- ing and obligatory on the independent district for the use of which said loan shall be made; but no district shall per- mit a greater outstanding indebtedness than an amount equal to five per centum of the last assessed value of the property of the district. Sec. 1822. The directors of the independent district may submit to the voters of their district at the annual or a special meeting the question of issuing bonds as contem- plated by the preceding section, giving the same notice of such meeting as is now required by law to be given for the election of officers of such districts, and the amount pro- posed to be raised by the sale of such bonds, which ques- tion shall be voted ujDon by the electors, and if a majority of all the votes cast on that question he in favor of such loan, then said board shall issue bonds to the amount voted in denominations of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor exceeding one thousand dollars, due not more than ten years after date, and payable at the pleasure of the district at any time before due, which said bonds shall be given in the name of the independent district issuing them, and shall be signed by the pi-esident of the board, and delivered to the treasurer, taking his I'eceipt therefor, who shall negotiate said bonds at not less than their par value, and countersign the same when negotiated. The treasurer shall stand charged upon his official bond with all bonds that may be delivered to him; but any bond or bonds not negotiated may be returned by him to the board. Sec. 1823. If the electors of an independent school dis- trict which has issued bonds shall, at the annual meeting in March for any year, fail to vote sufficient school-house tax to raise a sum equal to the interest on the outstanding bonds which will accrue during the then coming year, and such proportionate portion of the principal as will liquidate and pay oft" said bonds at maturity, then it shall be lawful for the board of such district to vote a sufficient rate on the taxable property of the district to pay such interest, and A certified copy of the proceedings of the old board, relating to the division of assets and liabilities, should be filled with the county treasurer, the county auditor, the county superintendent, and with the secretary of each newly formed independent district. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 55 such proportionate portion of the principal as will pay said bonds in full by the time of their maturity, and shall cause the same to be certified and collected the same as other school taxes. Sec. 1824. All school orders shall draw lawful interest orders to bear after having been presented to the treasurer of the district, j^awtuiinter- and not paid for want of funds, which fact shall be endorsed upon tlie order by the treasurer. OF SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES. Sec. 1825. It shall be lawful for any district township Districts may or independent district to take and hold under the provis- t^-'^e '•eai ^ ..... , , , ^ estate tor. ions contained in tins chapter, so much real estate as may be necessary for the location and construction of a school- house and convenient use of the school; ^^rof it/ec/, that the real estate so taken, otherwise than by the consent of the owner or owners, shall not exceed one acre. Sec. 1826. The site so taken must be on some public site of. highway, at least forty rods from any residence, the owner whereof objects to its being placed nearer, and not in any orchard, garden, or public j)ark. But this section shall not aj)ply to any incorporated town. Sec. 1827. If ttie^owner of any such real estate refuse May Con- or neglect to grant the site on his premises, or if such owner demu. cannot be found, the county .superintendent of the county in which said real estate may be situated, shall, upon ap- County super- plication of either party, appoint three disinterested per- awoint^ap-'* sons of said county, unless a smaller number is agreed upon praisers. Sec. 1824. The board may authorize the payment of interest not exceeding ten per cent. If no rate id specihed in the order, it will draw six pt-r cent. Interest can be paid on an order only from the date of its presentation, whether the rate is specified in the order or not. Sec. 1826. {a) AH sites, except in incorporated towns, must be located on a public road, and at least forty rods from any resi- dence, the owner wliereof objects to its being j)lact'd nearer, whether obtained by purchase or under the provisions of section 1827. (6) Property encumbered, occupied as a homestead, or belong- ing to minor heirs, or the public domain, may be taken under tlie provisions of this section. Sec. 1727. [a) If personal service can not be made, as pro- vided bjf sections 2601-2610, Code, tlie notice must be pub- — lislied four consecutive weeks, previous to the appraisement, in a newspaper, sections 2618-2620, Co le. (5) The appraisers are entitled to two dollars for each day's service, and ten cents per mile from their residence to the loca- tion of the property appraised. Sections 3811-3813, Code. 56 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. Oath of. To assess alan^ages. Notice to owner. Deposit of fcum assessed. Appeal. Costs. For school purposes only: when title reverts. Timber on. by the parties, who shall, after taking an oath to faithfully and impartially discharge the duties imposed on them by this chapter, inspect said real estate and assess the damages which said owner will sustain by appropriation of his land for the use of said house and school, said county superin- tendent giving to the owner of such real estate the same notice as is required for the commencement of a suit at law in the district court, of the time of such assessment of dam- age, and make a report in writing to the county superintend- ent of said county, giving the amount of damages, descrip- tion of land, and exact location, who shall file and preserve the same in his office. If said board shall, at any time before they enter upon said land, for the purpose of build- ing said house, deposit with the county treasurer for the use of said owner, the sum so assessed as aforesaid, they shall be thereby authorized to build said house, and maintain the right to said premises; 2:>rovided^ that either party may have the right to appeal from such assessment of damages to the circuit court of the county where such real estate is situated within twenty days after receiving notice that such assessment is made, M'hich appeal shall be final; but such appeal shall not delay the prosecution of work upon said house, if said board shall pay, or deposit with the county treasurer, the amount so assessed by such appraisers, and in no case shall said board be liable for costs on appeal, unless the owner of said real estate shall be adjudged a greater amount of damages than was awarded by said appraisers. The board shall in all cases pay costs of the first assess- ment. Sec. 1828. The title acquired by said school districts in and to said real property, shall be for school purposes only, and, in case the same should cease to be used for said pur- pose for the space of two years, then the title shall revert to the owner of the fee, upon the repayment by him of the principal amount paid for said land by said districts without interest, together with the value of any improvements thereon erected by said districts; provided^ that during the time said site is used for school purposes, the owners of the fee shall not injure or remove the timber standing and srrowins: thereon. (c) The county superintendent should, upon receipt of the report of appraisement, send certified cojiies of the same to the board of directors and lo the owner of the land. Sec. 1828. No deed or other instrument from the owrier is re- quired to authorize the district to occupy the land for school pur- poses. The proceedings should be recorded in full by the district secretary. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 57 OF APPEALS. Sbction 1829. Any person aggrieved by any decision or To county su- order of the district board of directors, in matter of law or p®^^^*®^ ®"*- of fact, may, within thirty days after the rendition of such decision, or the making of such order, appeal therefrom to the county superintendent of the proper county. Sec. 1830. The basis of the proceeding shall be an affi- Basis of. davit, filed by the party aggrieved with the county superin- tendent, within the time for taking the appeal. Sec. 1831. The affidavit shall set forth the errors com- Errors stated. plained of in a plain and concise manner. Sec. 1832. The county superintendent shall, within five Sec. 1829. (a) The right to appeal is limited to persons " ag- grieved " or injuriously affected by the decision or order com- plained of. (6) After the expiration of thirty days the county superintend- ent cannot entertain an appeal. (c) All the decisions or orders of the board of directors are subject to revision on appeal; when the act complained of is of a discretionary character, the action of the board should be sustained, unless it is clearly shown that the board violated law, abused its discretion, or acted with manifest injustice. {Edwards v. The District TovmsMp of West Point. School Law Decisions, 1872, page 69). Sec. 1830. An affidavit is a written declaration under oath, made without notice to the adverse party. Sec. 3689, Code. It must be sworn to before some officer authorized to administer oaths. A county superintendent can have no jurisdiction of an appeal case until such affidavit has been filed. A notice of inten- tion to file an affidavit, a verbal complaint, or a petition, is not sufficient to give the county superintendent jurisdiction in appeal Sbc. 1831. (a) The affidavit should contain, first, a statement of the decision complained of, and its date ; second, a statement of the facts showing that the appellant has an interest in the decision and is injuriously affected by it ; third, the assignment of errors. This affidavit being the first paper filed, care should be taken that the case therein be properly entitled ; this title should be preserved throughout the further progress of the appeal. (&) The date of filing should be indorsed upon the affidavit by he superintendent. Sec. 1832. (a) The notice should describe the decision or 53 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. Superintend- days after the filing of such affidavit in his office, notify the secretary o/ secretary of the proper district, in writing, of the taking of district: duty g^ch appeal. And the latter shall, within ten days after being thus notified, file in the office of the county superin- tendent a complete transcript of the record and proceedings i-elating to the decision complained of, which transcript shall be certified to be correct by the secretary. Parties noti- Sec. 1833. After the filing of the transcript aforesaid in fi^'^- his office, he shall notify in writing all persons adversely interested of the time and place where the matter of the appeal will be heard by him. Hearing take ISec. 1834. At the time thus fixed for hearing, he shall administer i^QSiT testimony for either party, and for that purpose may oatiis. order appealed froDi, so that it may be identified, and should require the district secretary to file the transcript with tlie super- intendent within the time specified. The notice may be served personally, or sent by mail. (6) The secretary shall make and forward a transcript or copy of the record of all actions of the board relating to the decision or order appealed from, also of all petitions, remonstrances, plats, and papers pertaining thereto. The original papers must be pre- served with the district records. Sec. 1833. Notice of the time and place of hearing should be given to the appellant, to the secretary of the board, and all other persons known to be interested. Tiie notices may be served personally or sent by mail. Sec. 1834. (a) County superintendents, in entertaining and determining cases appealed from boards of school directors, are not invested with judicial powers. The District Ihwnship of Sioux City V. Fratt, XVII Iowa, 16. While, according to this decision, the superintendent is not a court in the strict sense of the term, he is required to administer oaths, to hear evidence on both sides, and to render a just and equitable decision. And while mere technicalities should not be permitted to prevent the attain- ment of justice, it is not inappropriate that tlie superintendent should be governed by the same rules, as to evidence and prac- tice which ordinarily obtain in courts. (&) The docket or minutes of the superintendent should com- mence by noting the filing of the appellant's afiidavit. He will afterwards, as the acts transpire, note the sendiug of the notice of appeal to the district secretary, the filing of the transcript, the sending of notices of the hearing, and any adjournment of the case that may be granted. At the trial he will carefully note down the names of all parties appearing and their post-office address, and whether they appear for or against the appeal ; also SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 59 administer oaths if necessary, and he shall make such decis- ion as may be just and equitable, which shall be final, unless appealed from as hereinafter provided. Sec. 1835. An appeal may be taken from the decision Appeaito su- of the county superintendent, to the superintendent of pub- perintendent T • i ^- • xi -J J • ..1 • 7 of public m- lic mstruction m the same manner as provided m this chap- struction, ter for taking appeals from the district board to the county ^^^^^^ °^- superintendent, as nearly as applicable, except that he shall the filing of all papers and names of witnesses, and in whose behalf such papers or witnesses are introduced. The decision of the superintendent will form an appropriate close of his min- utes, (c) All testimony must be given under oath, and the substance reduced to writing at the time, by the county superintendent. It is of the first importance that the record of the testimony be full and accurate, as the decision of the county superintendent, also of the superintendent of public instruction, in case the appeal is carried up, must be based upon the record of evidence intro- duced. This testimony should be preserved with the other papers of the case. Sec. 1835. (a) Appeals to the superintendent of public in- struction are conducted in the same manner, and governed by the same rules, so far as applicable, as appeals to county superintend- ents. The basis of the appeal must be an afiidavit filed in the office of the superintendent of public instruction, within thirty days from the date of the decision appealed from. For form and contents of the affidavit, see notes to section 1830-1. Upon the filing of such an affidavit the superintendent of pub- lic instruction will notify the county superintendent to forward a transcript of the papers in the case within thirty days. The original papers must be preserved upon file in the county super- intendent's office. Upon the filing of the transcript, thirty days' notice of the time set for hearing will be given to all parties interested. (6) At the hearing, parties interested may appear personally or by attorney, and argue their cases orally, if they desire ; or they may send written arguments. The records of the case in the county superintendent's office will furnish the data required for these arguments. The records of cases in the offices of county superintendents, which are public records, and should be open as such to examination by all parties interested, will furnish all needed data where access to the transcript sent up is incon- venient. Tne superintendent of public instruction will not hear original testimony in the cases submitted to him. 60 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. No money judgment rendered: postage. give thirty days' notice of the appeal to the county super- intendent, and the like notice shall be given the adverse party. And the decision when made shall be final. Sec. 1836. Nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to authorize either the county or state superintendent to render a judgment for money, neither shall they be allowed any other compensation than is now allowed by law. All necessary postage must first be paid by the party aggrieved. CHAPTER LXIV. Laws of the Fijteenth General Assembly. INDUSTEIAL EXPOSITIONS IN SCHOOLS. School-direct- ors may es - tHblish under direction of county su- perintendent. To consist of articles made, invented, or grown by pupils. Pupils to ex- plain. AN ACT to Establish and Maintain Industrial Expositions in Public Schools of the State. Section 1. Ue it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of loioa, That it shall be the duty of the board of directors of independent school districts, and the sub-director of each sub-district, if they should deem it expe- dient, under the direction of the county superintendent, to introduce and maintain an industrial exposition in connec- tion with each school under their control within this state. Sec. 2. That these expositions shall consist of useful articles made by the pupils, such as samples of sewing, and cooking of all kinds, knitting, crocheting, and drawing, iron and wood-work of all kinds, from a plain box or horse- ( shoe to a house or steam-engine in miniature ; also, all other useful articles known to the industrial world, or that I may be invented by the pupils, in connection with farm / or garden products in their season, that are the results of ( their own toil. 1 Sec. 3. That the pupils be required to explain the use ) and method of their work, and kind and process of culture y of farm and garden products. (c) Any person aggrieved by an action of the county superin- tendent in refusing to grant a certificate or in revoking the same, may apply to him for a re-hearing ; the proceedings to correspond as nearly as possible to the proceedings in the case of an appeal from a board of directors. If any party is aggrieved by the result of this investigation, an appeal may be taken therefrom to the superintendent of public instruction. See opinion of Attor- ney-General, School Journal for June, 1867, also, Dougherty v. Tracy^ — School Law Decisions, 1872, 56. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. Ql Sec. 4. That the parents and friends of pupils be allowed Presence of and requested to be present at said expositions. Friends! ^^'^ Sec. 5. That ornamental work shall be encouraged when ornamental accompanied by something useful made by the same pupil, work. Sec. 6. That these expositions be held in the school- To be held in room upon a school day as often as once a term, and not how often."^' oftener than once a month. Approved March 21st, 1874. CHAPTER LXVII. Laws of the Fifteenth General Assembly, VOTING OF SCHOOL TAXES. AN ACT Allowing School Districts lying in two adjoining Coun- ties the right to vote Mills, instead of specific Sums, for School Purposes. Section 1. £e it Enacted by the General Assembly o/" Districts in the State of Iowa, That all school districts lying in two two counties adjoining counties shall have the right to vote mills, instead miiisfor^ of specific sums, for school purposes. purposes Approved March 21st, 18Y4. BLAl^K FOEMS. NUMBER 1. Form for Proceedings of District Totvnsliip Meeting. [See section 1717.] March 187... The electors of the district township of in the county of. and state of Iowa, assembled at pursuant to previous notice. The meeting was called to order by the presideiit at o'clock m. The sec- retary being absent, was appointed secretary. The order of business was stated by the president. On motion of Mr , a tax of. dollars was voted for school-house purposes. Mr moved that a tax of eight hundred dollars be voted for the purpose of erecting a school-house in sub-district No Mr moved to amend by striking out " eight hundred dollars" and inserting " one thousand dollars," which motion was agreed to and the motion as amended was decided in the affirmative. Mr moved that the various powers conferred by law on the district meeting, which maybe delegated to the board of directors, be and the same are hereby so delegated. After discussion the vote was taken and the motion was adopted. On motion of Mr , the meeting adjourned. Chairman. Secretary. Note. — It is essential that the secretary make a full and accurate record of the proceedings of the district township meeting, which should be submitted to the president for his approval at the close of the meeting, and afterwards recorded in the district records, or otherwise preserved. These records, together with all certificates of the action of any sub district in relation to voting school-house taxes, must be submitted by the secretary, who is the proper custodian of the records, to the board of directors, at the meeting held on the following Monday, to form the basis of their action in apportioning and certifying school-house taxes to the board of supervisors. 64 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 2. Form of Notice of Annual Meeting in Sub -Districts. [See section 1718.] Notice is hereby given, that a meeting of the qualified electors of sub- district, No , of the district township of , in the county of and state of Iowa, will be held at on the first Monday in March, 187 at o'clock, for the election of one sub-director, and the trans- action of such other business as may legally come before it. Dated 187... Suh-Dirtctor of sub-district No. Note (a) In case there is no sub-director, the above notice must be given by the secretary of the district township. It must be posted five days previous to the meeting, in at least three public places in the sub-district. The notice should designate the hour of meeting, which cannot be earlier than 9 o'clock, A. M. Sec. 1789. (6) When an organized district township is left without officers, or without a quorum, the above notice for a special election, should be posted by the township trustees, in at least three public places in each sub-district, changing the lime of holding the election to suit the circumstances of the case. Sec. 1714. NUMBER 3. Form of Proceedings of Annual Sub-JDistrict Meeting. [See sections;i718, 1719, 1720.] March 187... The electors of sub-district No , of the district township of , in the county of , and state of Iowa, met pursuant to previous notice. was appointed chairman, and sei^retary of the meeting. On motion of Mr , the meeting proceeded to an informal ballot for sub-director. The chairman announced the result to be as follows : votes were cast for , and votes for , and votes for BLANK FORMS. 65 On motion of Mr ,the meeting proceeded to the election by ballot of one sub-director. The chairman announced the result of the ballot to be as follows : 20 votes were cast for A. B.; 15 votes for C. D.; and 10 votes for E. F.; upon which A B. was declared duly elected sub-director for the ensuing year. Mr moved that a tax of. dollars be voted for the erection of a school-house in this sub-district. The motion was lost. On motion of Mr , the meeting adjourned. Chairman. Secretary. Note. — The amount voted by the sub-district must be certified to the next regular district township meeting. NUMBER 4. Form of Certificate of Election of Sub-Director. [See section 1719.] We hereby certify that, at the annual meeting of sub-district No of the district township of. , in the county of. , and state of Iowa, held on the first Monday in March, 187..., was duly electea sub-director for said sub-district. Chairman. Secretary. Note.— This certificate slightly varied, will answer in case of the election of a sub-director at a special meeting called by the township trustees. In both cases, it should be presented by the sub-director elect, to the board of directors of the district township, and filed with the president of said district. QQ BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 5. Form of Certificate of Tax voted by Sub-District Meeting. [See section 1778.1 To. Secretary of the board of directors of the district township of. I hereby certify that the electors of sub-district No , of tlie district township of. , in the county of , and state of low^a, at the annual meeting, held on the first Monday in March, 187..., voted a tax of dollars for the erection of a school-house in said sub-district. Sub-Director. Note. — This certificate may be made either by the sub-director or by the chairman and secretary of the sub-district meeting. NUMBER 6. Proposals for the Erection {or Repair) of a School-House. [See section 1723.] Notice is hereby given that proposals for the erection [or repair'] of a school-house in sub-district No , in the district township of , in the county of. , will be received by the undersigned, at his office in (where plans and specifications may be seen,) until 1 o'clock, p. m., 187..., at which time the contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Secretary of the Board of Directors. BLANK FORMS. g7 NUMBER 7. Form of Contract for Building a School-House. [See section 1723.] Contract made and entered into between , of the county of. , and state of Iowa, and in behalf of the district township of. in the county of. and state of Iowa, and his successors in office. In consideration of the sum of. dollars, to be paid as hereinafter specified, the said , hereby agrees to build a school-house, and to furnish the material therefor, according to the plans and specifications for the erection of said house hereto appended, at in said district township. The said house is to be built of the best material, in a substantial, workmanlike manner, and is to be completed and delivered to the said , or his successors in office, free from any lien for work done or material furnished, on or before the day of ,187.. ; and in case the said house is not finished by the time herein specified, the said shall forfeit and pay to the said , or his successors in office, for the use of said district township, the sum of. dollars, and shall also be liable for all damages that may result to said district township in consequence of such failure. The said , or his successors in office, in behalf of said district township, hereby agrees to pay the said , the sum of dollars when the foundation of said house is finished ; and the further sum of. dollars when the walls are up and ready for the roof; and the remaining sum of. dollars when the said house is finished and delivered as herein stipulated. It is further agreed that this contract shall not be sub-let, transferred, or assigned without the consent of both parties. Witness our hands this day of. , 187.. Contractor. President. This is to certify that the foregoing contract was approved by the board of directors of the district township of. , in the county of , of the state of Iowa, this day of. , 187.. President. Secretary. Note. — The law requires the board to make all contracts necessary to carry gg BLANK FORMS. out any vote of the district, and the president of the district to sign all con- tracts made by the board. Sec. 1739. Contracts must, in all cases, be made according fo the instructions and directions of the board, and after being made they should be approved by the board before any work is done. In building a school-house, it is important to secure plans of the building, with full specifications as to its dimensions, style of architecture, number and size of windows and doors, quality of materials to be used, what kind of roof, number of coats of paint, of what material the foundation shall be constructed, its depth below and its height above the surface of the ground, the number and style of chimneys and flues, the provisions for ventilation, the number of coats of plastering and style of finish, and all other items in detail that may be deemed necessary. The plans and specifications should be attached to the contract, and the whole filed with the secretary of the district township. NUMBER 8. Form of Bond for Performance of Contract. [See section 1723.] Knotu all Men by these Presents: That we, as principal , and as sureties of the county of. and state of Iowa, are held and firmly bound unto the district township of , in the county of. and state of Iowa, in the penal sum of dollars, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, adminis- trators and assigns, jointly, severally and firmly, by these presents. The condition of the above obligation is such that, whereas the said has this day entered into a written contract with as president of the board of directors of the district township of in the county of , and state of Iowa, and his successors in office, for the erection and completion of a school-house in said sub-district, by the day of , 187..., according to the plans and specifications for the construction of said house appended to said contract. Now, therefore, if the said shall faithfully and fully comply with all the stipulations of said contract, then this obligation shall be void ; otherwise remain in full force and virtue in law. I In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this day of , 187... Principal. Sureties. BLANK FORMS. gg NUMBER 9. Form for Certificate of Appointment of School Officers. [See section 1730.] ., 187... To : You are hereby notified/that at a meeting of the board of directors of the district township of , in the county of , and state of Iowa, held on the day o^ , 187..., you were duly appointed (here name the office,) in and for said district township, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the (here state the cause of the vacancy) of. Secretary of the Board of Directors. Note. — For the appointment of sub-director, insert in the above form the words " sub-district number of" immediately after the word " for." NUMBER 10. Form of Bond of Secretary or Treasurer. [See section 1731.] KnowallMenhy these Presents; That I, and of the district township of. , in the county of , and state of Iowa, are held and firmly bound unto the district township of. , in the said county and state, in the penal sum of..... dollars lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said district township of. , for which payment well and truly to be made, I bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these pres- ents. Dated this day of. , A. D, 187... The condi'-ion of the above obligation is such that if the above bounden shall well and truly fulfill the duties of secretary (or treasurer) in the district township of and county of and state of Iowa, to the best of his ability, according to law, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and action in law. Principal. Sureties. ^Q BLANK FORMS. State of Iowa, ) County. P^- I, ' , do solemnly swear [or affirm] that I will sup- port the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the state of Iowa, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of secretary [or treasurer] of the district township of in the county of and state of Iowa, according to law and to the hest of my abilities. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of A. D., 187... Notary Public. \ SEAL. >- State of Iowa, \ County. Z^^- I, , being duly sworn, depose and say that I am a resident freeholder of the state of Iowa, and am worth the sum of dollars beyond the sum of my debts, and have property liable to execution in this state equal to the sum above named. Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above named this day of A. D., 187... In testimony whereof witness my hand and official seal. , , — ' — ^ ^ Notary Public. \ SEAL. \ Note. — See Section 1731, note. NUMBER 11. Form of Certificate of Election of the Officers of the Board, to the County Superin- tendent, Auditor, and Treasurer. [See section 1736.] I hereby certify that, at a meeting of the board of directors of the district township of ,held on the day of 187..., the following named officers were elected and have duly qualified according to law : , to the office of P. 0. Address, , to the office of P. 0. Address, Dated at , 187... Secretary. BLANK FORMS. f^i NUMBER 12. Form of Draft on the County Treasury. [See sections 1739, 1785.] To , County Treasurer : Pay to.... , treasurer of the district township of. in the county of..... , and state of Iowa, dollars school-house fund, dollars contingent fund and.; dollars teachers' fund, being the amount of taxes collected and due this district, for the quarter ending on the first Monday of , as shown by your notice of ., 187... Fresident. Secretary. Note, — Whenever a draft is drawn on the county treasury, it is the duty of the secretary to charge the district treasurer with the amount named in the draft, keeping a separate account with each fund. Sec. 1782, NUMBER 13. Form of Order on District Ti^easury. [See section 1739.] 187 To ..., Treasurer of the district townshipof. : Pay to , or order, the sum of dollars from the [here state the fund] fund for ^here state the object for which drawn.} No • Fresident. Secretary. N(;te.— " No order shall be drawn on the district treasury, until the claim for which it is drawn has been audited and allowed." Sec. 1733. All orders drawn on the district treasury should be registered by the secre- tary as per form No. 16. 72 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 14. Form of Lease. [See section 1739.] Know all men by these presents: That of the county of ., andstate of Iowa, for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, does hereby lease unto , president of the board of directors of the district township of , in the county of , a-nd state of Iowa, or his successors in office, for the use of said district township for scliool purposes, the following de- scribed premises, situate in the county and state aforesaid, to-wit: {Here describe the house and lot or parcel of ground,) together with all the privileges thereto belonging, for the term of months from the day of .,187... The said , president as aforesaid, or his successors in office, hereby agrees to pay the said for the use of said premises the monthly rate of dollars to be paid at the expiration of this lease. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names this day of , 187... Signed in duplicate. President. Note. — As a matter of safety, the above lease should be executed in dupli- cate, one to be held by the secretary of the board and the other by the lessor. The lease should be approved by the board of directors, as in case of a con- tract, and should be filed with the secretary. NUMBER 15. Form of Deed, [See section 1739.] Know all raen by these presents: That we, ..................... and ...... .............. , his wife, of the county of ., andstate of Iowa, in consideration of the sum of dollars in hand paid, do hereby sell and convey unto the district township of in the county of and state of Iowa, the following described premises situate in the county and state aforesaid, to-wit: {Here describe the premises.) And we do hereby covenant with the said district township that we are BLANK FORMS. 73 lawfully seized of said premises ; that they are free from encumbrance ; that we have good right and lawful authority to sell the same ; and we do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the title to the said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Signed this '. day of , 187... State ■ op Iowa, County .}' On this day of , A. D. 187..., before me, a notary public in and for said county, personally came and his wife, personally to me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above deed as grantors, and acknowl- edged the same to be their voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein expressed. iSl Witness my hand and notarial seal this. of ,187... .day Notary Public. Note. — In purchasing the grounds for school-house purposes, the president should examine the title carefully, and be satisfied that it is not defective, and that the property is free from encumbrance. Let the property in all cases be conveyed to the district in its corporate name. The deed should be filed with the president. NUMBER 16. Form of Order Register of Secretary and Treasurer. 6 DATE. IN WHOSE FAVOR DRAWN. FOE WHAT PURPOSE. ^ PI § s ^ 2 _P "o p 0) 6 2; 'o o xi 03 m _P © o P e3 P a> t^ > .P P O 3 QJ P .2 ■p'ft -►^ p ^ p^ >=2 o H S P o E£| O P 50 O Eh O hH 03 P OQ Cfi a a; 03 CO Is a 05 a CD a5 a 0) p o o > ■. o w p — — * ■X- — — — Totals... * * BRANCHES AND TEXT-BOOKS. STATISTICS OF BLIND AND DEAF AND DUMB. BRANCHES TAUGHT. TEXT-BOOKS USED. NAME. AGE. NATURE OF DEFECT. P. 0. AD- DRESS. Orthography Reading Writing Arithmetic Geograohv English ©ram mar Phvsiologv History U. S * Average for District. BLANK FORMS. 11 NUMBER 19— Continued. .County, Iowa, for the Year ending September 15th, 187... FINANCES. SCHOOL-HOUSE FUND. Amount on hand at last report Amount received from district I>r. Amount paid for school-houses and sites Cr. tax , Amount paid for library and apparatus Amount received from other sources Amount paid on bonds and in- terest Amount on hand, to balance... Total Total CONTINGENT FUND. Amount on hand at last report Amount received from district tax Amount received from other sources Total Dr. Amount paid for rent of school- houses Amount paid for repairing school-houses Amount paid for fuel Amount paid secretary .. Amount paid treasurer Amount paid for other pur- poses Amount on hand, to balance... Total , Cr. TEACHERS FUND. Amount on hand at last report Amount received from district tax Amount received from semi- annual apportionment Amount received from other sources Total Dr. Amount paid teachers since last report Amount on hand, to balance... Total Cr. 78 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 20. Form of Contract between Sub-Director \^or Secretary,'] and Teacher. [See sections 1753, 1757, 1758.] This contract, between , of county^ Iowa, and , sub-director of sub-district No. of the district township of , in the county of and state of Iowa, witnesseth : That the said agrees to teach the pubUc school in said sub-district for the term of weeks, commencing on the day of , 187..., and well and faithfully to perform the duties of teacher in said school, according to law, and the rules legally established for the government thereof. In consideration of said services, the said ,as sub-director aforesaid, in behalf of said district township, agrees to pay the said the sum of dollars per school month, at the end of , and to perform all the duties required by law as such sub-director. Witness our hands this day of , A. D.,'187... Teacher. Sub-director. The within contract is hereby approved this day of , 187... President. Note. — With a little variation the above form will also answer for indepen- dent districts. The sub-director should file the contract with the president and secure his approval before the teacher enters upon his duties. BLANK FOEMS. 79 NUMBER 21. Form for List of Heads of Families and Children, to be kept by Sub-Director. [See section 1754.] PARENTS OR GUARDIANS. NAMES OP CHILDREN. SEX. AGE. John Smith Peter Smith Male 12 years. Eliza Smith , Female Male 10 years. James Jones William Jones..... 15 years. 13 years. 10 years. Charles Peters, (ward.)... James Byron Male Anna Byron...... Male Note. — The above list should be recorded in a book, and carefully preserved with the records of the sub-district ; from this record the sub-director can make his annual report to the district secretary, as required by section 1755. 80 BLANK FORMS. ^ ^ « ^ n w >5 o cq ■^ ^ c^ p '^ t^ a; •i^ p 00 - s .a s ^ 8 I s ,_H m ,a O n OJ oi ^ i* H JO o •ifao'jsiH -S Tl * 1 1 1* 1 1 1 ■j^Soiois^qd 1* 1 1*1*1 •JBluraBJQ 1* 1 1*1 1 •Xqd'Bv[go8£) * 1* 1 1 1 1 •0^ 1* •oiiaramiav l«luajv[ * M ' 1*1*1*1* •Su^UA^ * I- - 1* |« 1* 1* •SnipBay * 1* 1*1*1*1*1 •iSqd'BjSoqiJO * 1- ' 1*1*1*1*1 • •sjC'BP ni eoa'Bpng'j'j'B i^iox 00 1> 05 o lO (M H J?; 1-5 W o a o < n •^.rBin -rang Xi5[a8_^ U5 LO lO lO lO IC •51 '"J 1 1 •IT '"qx i •01 '-AV •6''X 1 1 1 1 •8 '"W 1 1 •X.nera -rang ^iiiaaAv IC CO lO lO IfS (M •e'-ji X •f '-qx 1 X •8'"^ X x •z''x l'^ 1 1 1 l> 1 1 •I '•w t- ' 1 -rang iC[jfa9^ 1 ^ 3 1 < lo lo CO < ■65 "jl ^ W a 1-5 i 1 ^ |C. |co 1 ^ 1 lO 1 CD BLANK FORMS. 81 Note, — The board should supply each school room in the district with a bound cop3' of school register. In the above form E indicates the date of the pupil's entrance; /, absence in the forenoon ; \, absence in the afternoon ; 20, twenty minutes late fore- noon , lOe, ten minutes late afternoon, excused. The absence of marks indi- cates that the pupil was present the entire day. Absence at roll-call is indi- cated by a dot, which is afterwards changed to figures, or a diagonal mark, as the circumstances require ; *,indicates branch studied. NUMBER 23. Frn^m for Teacher's Term Report to District Secretary. Teacher's report to the district secretary of the school taught in sub-dis- trict No of the district township of , county, Iowa, for the term commencing 187.., and ending 187.. 00 fil m hJ P4 < Hi < s B4 a fe Whole number of pupils enrolled Average number belonging Total attendance in days Average daily attendance Total number of days absent Number of cases of tardiness Number neither absent nor tardy Number of pupils studying orthography Number of pupils studying reading Number of pupils studying writing Number of pupils studying arithmetic Number of pupils studying geography Number of pupils studying grammar Number of pupils studying physiology Number of pupils studying United States history. Whole number of days taught Compensation of teacher per month , Average cost of tuition per month, for each pupil. I hereby certify that the above report is correct. Teacher. Note (a).— The number belonging on any day is equal to the number enrolled less the number who have been absent more than three consecutive whole days. To obtain the average number belonging for the term — divide the sum of the numbers belonging for each day by the number of days the school has been taught. 11 32 BLANK FORMS. (ft). — To find the average daily attendance — divide the total attendance in days, by the number of days the school has been taught. (c). — To find the average cost of tuition for each pupil per month — divide the amount paid the teacher per month by the average daily attendance for the term. The above form will also serve for a monthly report to the county superin- tendent, in case he requests it. NUMBER 24. Form of Teacher's Certificate. [See sections 1766, 1767.] TEACHER'S CLASS CERTIFICATE. Office op County Superintendent, County, 187... This certifies that has passed an examination, as required by law, with the results hereto appended, and being satisfied that possesses a good moral character, aptness to teach and ability to govern, I hereby authorize to teach in the public schools of. county, for a period of months from the date of this certificate. Per cent. Per cent. Orthography Grammar Reading Physiologj'^ Writing U. S. History ....,„ Arithmetic Theory and practice of teach- Geography ing ■. No County Superintendent. Note. — County superintendents are supplied with blank certificates at the expense of the state, upon application to the department of public instruc- tion. A certificate is valid only in the county where granted. BLANK FORMS. 83 NUMBER 25. Form of Application for Teachers* Normal Institute. [See section 1769, also 1584, Code.] Office of County Superintendent, , County, , 187... To the Superintendent of Public Instruction : From satisfactory evidence on file in this office, I hereby certify that not less than twenty teachers desire to assemble at , in county, Iowa, on the day of , 187..., for the purpose of holding a Teachers' Normal lostitute, to remain in session for a period of weeks. I have appointed, subject to your approval, conductor and , , , assistants, and hereby request your concurrence in said appointments. County Superintendent. NUMBER 26. Form of Order on Institute Fund. [See section 1769.] Office of County Superintendent, $ , , County, 187... 2b Treasurer of County : Pay to -. or order, dollars out of the institute fund, for as per bill No , approved this day, as required by law, and on file in my office. No County Superintendent. Note. — The county superintendent must pay to the county treasurer all moneys received for the institute fund, including the warrant for the state appropriation. He should not issue warrants for a greater amount than the funds in the hands of the county treasurer will pay ofi" and satisfy. 84 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 27. Form for Revocation of Teacher^s Certificate. [See section 1771.] Office of County Superintendent, , o county, 187... To the Boards of School Directors in thecounty of and state of Iowa: Whereas, On the day of , 187..., a certificate was issued authorizing to teach in the pubhc schools of this county ; and. Whereas, Upon due examination of which the said received personal notice, and was permitted to be present and make defense, it appeared that the said in consequence of (hei-e state the offense — gross immorality , foi^ example), is unworthy longer to retain the same. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions of section 1771 of the school laws of the state of Iowa, the said certificate is hereby revoked, to take efl'ect from and after the date hereof. County Superintendent. Note. — A copy of the above revocation should be transmitted to the secre- tary of each district, and the secretary should immediately notify each sub- director in his district of the fact. The teacher should also be served with a copy. NUMBER 28. Form for Certificate to the Board of Supervisors of Tax Determined by the Board of Directors. [See section 1777.] To the Board of Supervisors of. Ccunty, Iowa: I hereby certify that a tax of dollars was this day determined by the board of directors of the district township of ,in the BLANK FORMS. 35 county of. and state of Iowa, for the teachers' fund, and dollars for the contingent fund, as provided in section 1777 of the Code. Secretary. Dated at ,187... NUMBER 29. Form of Certificate to the Board of Supervisors of Tax Voted hy the District Township. [See sections 1777, and 1778.] ,187... To the Board of Supervisors of. County, Iowa : I hereby certify that at a meeting of the electors of che district township of , in the county of. and state of Iowa, held on the second Monday in March, 187..., a tax of dollars was voted for -school-house purposes: and that this tax has been apportioned by the board of directors among the sub-districts as follows : Upon sub-district No. 1, , dollars. Upon sub-district No. 2, dollars. Upon sub-district No. 3, dollars. Upon sub-district No. 4, dollars. Upon sub-district No. 5, dollars. Secretary. Note. — All school-house taxes voted by the district township electors, must be apportioned among the sub -districts. Section 1778. NUMBER 30. Form of Certificate of Tax Voted hy a Sub-District, and not Granted by the District Township Electors. [See section 1778.] I hereby certify that the electors of sub-district No , in the district township of , at the last annual meeting, voted to raise 86 BLANK FOEMS. the sum of dollars, for school-house purposes, more than was granted by the electors of said district township. Dated at • , 187... Secretary. Note. — The sub-district electors may vote a tax for school-house purposes and certify the same to the district township meeting. (See form No. 5.) "Whatever portion of this sum the township electors neglect or refuse to grant, must be certified to the board of supervisors to be levied directly upon the sub-district making the request. Sec. 1778. NUMBER 31. Form for Notice from the County Auditor of Amount of Semi--Annual Appor- tionment. [See section 1782.] Office of County Auditor, ...., County, 187... To President of the District Township of Sir: — 'You are hereby notified that according to the semi-annual appor- tionment made this day, as provided by section 1781, Code, the sum of dollars is due the district township of ..,in the county of ,.. and state of Iowa, for which I hand you here- with my warrant on the county treasurer. County Auditor. Note. — This warrant must be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary of the board, to authorize payment of the amount named therein upon presentation by the district treasurer. NUMBER 32. Form of Certificate of Flection of County Superintendent. fSej section 1783.] Office of County Auditor, , County 187... I hereby certify that, was.elected to the office of BLANK FORMS. 87 county superintendent, for the term commencing January 187... His post-office address is Iowa. Auditor. Note. — This certificate should be forwarded to the superintendent of public instruction immediately after the result of the election is officially deter- mined. NUMBER 33. Form of Certificate of Qualification of County Superintendent. [See section 1783.] Office of County Auditor, County, 187... I hereby certify that, has duly qualified for the office of county superintendent, as required by sections 675 and 678, Code, for the term commencing January 187... His post-office address is , Iowa. County Auditor. Note.— This certificate should be forwarded to the superintendent of public instruction as soon as the qualification and bond is filed in the office of the county auditor. NUMBER 34. Form of Notice from County Treasurer of School Tax Collected. [See section 1785.] Office op County Treasurer, , county, , 187... To , President of the Board of Directors of the District ToumsMp of. : You are hereby notified that the amount now collected and due the district township of. in county, Iowa, is : $ school-house fund. $ contingent fund. $.. teachers' fund. County Treasurer. 88 BLANK FOEMS. Note. — It is the duty of the county treasurer to notify the president of the hoard of each district, quarterly, of the amount collected for each school fund and pay it to the district treasurers on the warrant of the president, counter- signed by the secretary. On the first Monday in April of each year the county treasurer also renders a statement of the amount of taxes uncollected in each district township. Section 1784. The treasurer is required to pay over the amount of each fund collected, monthly, to independent districts, on the order of the board. NUMBER 35. Form of Notice Permitting the Attendance of Pupils from adjoining Districts. [See section 1793.] To , Secretary of the Board of Directors of the District Township of. „ : Notice is hereby given that , , and , pupils residing in the district township of , have been granted permission to attend school in sub-district No , in the district township of , com- mencing on the day of , 187.... Dated at , , 187 Secretary. NUMBER 36. Form of Application for Appointment of Appraisers of School-House Site. [See section 1827.] To , Superintendent of. county, Iowa: In accordance with the action of the board of directors of the district town- ship of , you are hereby requested to appoint three disinterested persons to inspect, and assess the damages which the owner will sustain by appropriating for school purposes, the following described real estate, viz : BLANK FORMS. gg Dated at ,187. President, > Secretary. NUMBEE 37. Form for Appointment of Ajjpraisers of [Site for School-House. [See section 1827.] To , and : You are hereby appointed and constituted a board of appraisers, under the provisions of section 1827 of the Code of Iowa, to assess the damages which the owner will sustain by the appropriation for school purposes, of the following described real estate, viz. : in sub-district No , of the district township of , in the county of , and state of Iowa, containing acre of land. You will, therefore, on the '. day of , 187..., at o'clock M., proceed to examine the real estate above described, and assess, under oath, the cash damages which the owner will sustain by the appropriation of said land for school purposes, and immedi- ately thereafter report to me in writing, the amount of said damages. Dated at , , ,187... County Superintendent. Oath of Appraisers. We, , and , do solemnly swear that we will well and truly, and to the best of our ability, perform all of the duties imposed upon us by the foregoing commission. Subscribed and sworn to before me by , and , this day of , 187.... 12 90 BLANK FORMS. Note. — Sufficient time must be allowed between the appointment of this commission and the time set for appraising the damages, to give the owner legal notice thereof. See note (a), section 1827. NUMBER 38. Form of Notice to Owner of Real Estate of Appointment of Appraisers. [See section 1827.] To : You are hereby notified that I have this day appointed appraisers to assess the damages which the owner will sustain by the appropriation, for school purposes, of the following described real estate, viz Said appraisers will meet at the above described real estate, on the day of , 167 , at o'clock ... m., and assess said damages as provided by section 1827, of the Code of Iowa. Dated at , , 187... County Superintendent. NUMBER 39. Form of Report of Appraisement of Property for School Purposes. [See section 1827.] To ..., Superintendent of County, Iowa : We, the undersigned, having been appointed to appraise the damages which the owner will sustain by the appropriation, for school purposes, of the fO'llowing described real estate, viz do hereby report, that we have on this day of , 187..., carefully examined said described real estate, and have appraised the damages at dollars. Dated at , , 187... V Appraisers. BLANK FORMS. 9^ NUMBER 40. Form of Notice of Assessment of Damages. [See section 1827.] You are hereby notified that appraisers were appointed to assess the dam- ages which the owner would sustain by the appropriation for school pur- poses, of the following described real estate, viz: and that said appraisers met at said premises on the day of. , 187.., and assessed said damages at dollars, as shown by their report on file in my office. Dated at , ,187.. County Superintendent,, NUMBER 41. Form of Affidavit of Appeal. [See section 1830.] STATE OF IOWA, \ County./''^' V. District Township of. I> •• • being duly sworn, on oath say: that on the day of , A. D., 187... the board of directors of said district township rendered a decision [or made an order'] whereby [here state facts showing affiant's interest in the decision, and the injury to that interest] ; that said board in rendering the decision [or making the order] aforesaid, com- mitted errors as follows : [Here state the errors charged.] Subscribed and sworn to, by before me, this. day of. , A. D., 187.. 92 BLANK FOEMS. NUMBEK 42. Form of Notice of Appeal. [See section 1832.] STATE OF IOWA, \ County. / ss. V. District Township op To , Secretary of the Board of Directors of the District Toimship of. , You are hereby notified that has filed in my office an affidavit alleging that said board of directors, on the ......day of A. D., 187.., made a decision [or orderl whereby [here describe the decision or or- der so that the secretary may identify it,'] and claiming an appeal therefrom. You are therefore required within ten days after receiving this notice, to file in my office at , in said county, a complete transcript of the record of the proceedings of the board relating to said order, together with copies of all papers filed with you, pertaining to feaid action appealed from. Dated at , 187.. County Sxqoerintendent. NUMBER 43. Form of Certificate to District Secretary's Transcript. [See section 1832.] I , secretary of the board of directors of the district township of. , in the county of. , Iowa, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct and complete transcript of the record of all proceedings of the board and of all papers filed relating to the case ^ • Dated at , , 187... J Secretary. BLANK FORMS. 93 Note. — The secretary's transcript will contain, 1st. A. copy of all that portion of the records of the proceedings of the meeting, relating to the action appealed from, with the date of the meeting. 2d. A copy of each petition, remonstrance, plat, or other paper relating to said action, submitted to the board ; to which will be annexed the above certificate. NUMBER 44. Form of Notice of Hearing of Appeal. [See section 1833.] State of Iowa, "I „„ .County. ;•; [ District Township op ) To : You are hereby notified that there is on file in this ofiice a transcript of the proceedings of the board of directors of the district township of. , at a meeting held on the day of. , 187..., in relation to {^here describe the decision or order appealed from,'] from which appeal has been taken ; and that the said appeal will be heard before me at , in said county, on the day of , 187..., at o'clock m. Dated at , , 187... County Superintendent. Note. — The appellant, the president and secretary of the board, and other parties known to be interested, should receive a copy of this notice. 94 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 45. Form of Certificate to the County Superintendent's Transcript. [See sections 1832, 1835.] I, , Superintendent of county, Iowa, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct and complete tran- script of the records of all proceedings had, evidence given, and papers filed at my of&ce, and my rulings thereon ; also of my decision in the case V. Dated at , , 187... County Superintendent,. Note. — The date of filing every paper, should be endorsed thereon ; also in the case of motions, all orders and rulings of the county superintendent. All oral motions and evidence should be reduced to writing. The transcrij)t of the county superintendent will consist of a literal copy of every paper filed and all endorsements thereon, together with a copy of all evidence given ; the whole arranged in chronological order, and closing with the decision of the county superintendent in full, with the above certificate annexed. INDEX. Sec. Page. APPEALS— Who may take, and when taken 1829 57 Affidavit, basis of, 1830 57 Affidavit shall set forth errors 1831 57 County superintendent to notify secretary 1831 57 Secretary to send up transcript 1832 57 Interested parties to be notified 1833 58 Testimony heard and decision rendered 1834 58 To the superintendent of public instruction 1835 59 Judgment for money not to be rendered 1836 60 BOAED OF DIRECTORS— Continue to act when district is divided 1715 5 Divide assets and liabilities 1715 5 Choose arbitrators in case of disagreement 1715 5 Consists of three sub-directors, when 1720 9 Enter upon duties at regular meeting in March 1721 9 Organize by electing president from their own number 1721 9 Elect secretary and treasurer at September meeting 1721 9 Secretary and treasurer chosen ovitside board, when 1721 9 Secretary and treasurer have no vote unless elected from board. ...r 1721 9 Hold regular meetings 3d Monday in March and September.... 1722 10 Hold special meetings by call of president, or request of ma- jority 1722 10 Make contracts, purchases and payments to execute vote of district 1723 10 Consult superintendent before erecting school-houses 1723 10 Make contract if cost or repairs of school-house exceeds $300.. 1723 10 Invite proposals to build school-house by advertisement 1723 10 Require bond for performance of contract 1723 10 Fix site for school-hoiase 1724 12 Determine number of schools and duration, beyond legal period 1724 12 Create no sub-district for less than fifteen pupils 1725 13 May rent room and employ teacher for five pupils 1725 13 May establish graded schools 1726 13 96 INDEX BOARD OF DIRECTORS— Continued— May select superintendent of schools of district 1726 13 One or more schools taught in each sub-district 1727 14 Duration of schools 1727 14 County superintendent may release from obligation to have school taught 1727 14 Kot to change text-books oftener than once in three years 1728 14 Electors may vote to change text-books 1728 14 May use unappropriated contingent fund to purchase appa- ratus 1729 15 Contract no debts for apparatus , 1729 15 Appoint temporary president and secretary 1730 15 Fill any vacancy in the board, or its officers 1730 15 Require secretary and treasurer to give bond 1731 16 Bonds to be filed with presdent 1731 16 Examine accounts of treasurer and make settlement with 1732 16 Present statement to district township meeting 1732 16 Audit and allow just claims 1733 16 Fix compensation of secretary and treasurer 1733 16 Draw no order until claim is audited and allowed 1733 16 Visit schools of their district 1734 17 May discharge teacher, after investigation 1734 17 Require secretary to reportschool officers 1736 18 Make rules to govern sub-directors 1737 18 Majority a quorum... 1738 18 Certify no tax after third Monday in May 1738 18 Vote ofmajority required to change boundaries of sub-districts 1738 18 Receive no pay for services 1738 18 May employ counsel 1740 19 Proceedings of, to be recorded 1741 19 Audit accounts, presented by secretary 1743 20 May require statement from treasurer 1751 24 Prescribe rules and restrictions to govern sub-director 1753 25 County superintendent not to be a member of. 1765 29 Estimate amount for teachers' and contingent funds 1777 35 Apportion school-house tax 1778 36 Satisfy judgment with order..., 1787 39 Membek or member elect may administer official oath 1790 40 Qualify on or before the third Monday in March 1790 40 May admit pupils from adjoining districts 1793 40 Notify board of adjoining district, when 1793 40 Fix terms of tuition, when 1794 41 Divide district into sub 'districts, and change boundaries 1796 42 Cause description of sub-districts to be recorded 1796 42 May consent to attach territory to adjoining township 1797 43 May restore territory 1798 43 TO SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 97 Sec. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS— County superintendent not to be a member of. 1765 29 Provide place for examination of teachers 1766 29 May appropriate sum for normal institute 1769 30 Levy taxes for school funds 1777 35 Levy tax on sub-district, when 1778 36 Levy county tax of from one to three mills 1779 37 Limits of taxes for school purposes 1780 37 Levy tax to pay money borrowed from school fund 1788 39 Shall not divide school district, when 1799 43 BONDS— Secretary and treasurer to give 1731 16 Filed with president 1731 16 Independent districts may issue, for erection of school-house.. 182 L 54 Rate of interest on 1821 54 Electors to vote on question of issue 1822 54 Denomination and time 1822 54 Treasurer to negotiate, at par 1822 54 Principal and interest, how paid 1823 54 CONTRACTS— Board to make, to execute vote of district 1723 10 Sub-director to make, under rules and restrictions 1753 25 When made by sub-director, must be approved by president... 1753 25 Teachers', must be in writing 1757 26 Secretary or sub-director, and teacher to sign 1757 26 Approved by and filed with the president 1757 26 COUNTY AUDITOR— Superintendent to file statement with, of time employed 1776 34 Make semi-annual apportionment 1781 37 Notify presidents of apportionment ; issue warrants for same... 1782 38 Certify to election and qualification of county superintendent. 1783 38 Report to auditor of state 1783 38 Deduct cost of tuition from semi-annual apportionment, when. 1793 40 Record plat of districts 1796 42 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT— Recommend plans for school-houses 1723 10 May release boards from obligation to have schools taught 1727 14 May require teacher to recoi'd matters designated 1734 17 Notified when schools begin 1744 20 Receive annual report from secretaries 1745 21 Grant certificate to teach German when required 1763 28 Not to be a member or oflScer of board of directors 1765 29 Not to be a member or officer of board of supervisors 1765 29 Examine teachers last Saturday of each month 1766 29 13 98 INDEX COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT— Continued— ^''' ^°^" Branches in which examination is made, specified 1766 29 May have assistant examiners 1766 29 Give certificate, not exceeding one year, if examination is sat- isfactory , 1767 30 Examinations must be public 1768 30 Keep record of examinations 1768 30 Hold normal institute annually 1769 30 Procure assistance with concurrence of superintendent of public instruction ,... 1769 30 Eequire fee for each certificate issued 1769 30 Require registration fee 1769 30 Transmit moneys to county treasurer 1769 30 Make report to county treasurer 1769 30 Issue orders upon institute fund 1769 30 Deputy may be appointed 1770 32 Cannot visit schools or try appeals 1770 32 May revoke certificate of teachers.... 1771 33 Give personal notice of investigation 1771 33 Make annual report to superintendent of public instruction.. 1772 33 File statement of number of youth with county auditor 1772 33 Penalty for failure to file reports 1773 34 Conform to instructions of superintendent of public instruc- tion 1774 34 Visit schools at least once in each term 1774 34 Report the blind, and deaf and dumb 1775 34 Compensation of. 1776 34 To file statement of time employed 1776 34 Attach territory to another township, when 1797 34 Appoint appraisers and give notice to owner of land 1827 55 Noiify secretary to file transcript 1833 57 Notify interested parties 1833 58 Hear testimony and decide appeal 1834 68 COUNTY TREASURER— Disburse institute fund on order of county superintendent... 1769 30 Pay over all taxes collected, on first Monday in April 1784 38 Render statement of taxes uncollected 1784 38 Pay over taxes quarterly 1784 38 Keep school-house tax separate for sub-district, when 1784 38 Keep separate account with independent districts 1784 38 Pay taxes collected, to independent districts monthly 1784 38 Notify presidents quarterly, of tax collected for each fund 1785 39 Pay taxes to district treasurers on warrants 1785 39 TO SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 99 See. Page. DISTEICT TOWNSHIPS— Each civil township, and independent district, a school dis- trict 1713 5 When left without officers, how supplied 1714 5 When divided, board to continue to act until next election 1715 5 Respective boarf]s divide assets ,.,, .• 1715 5 Arbitrators chosen in case of disagreement 1715 5 Division of assets made when independent districts are formed 1715 5 Corporate name of school districts 1716 7 Hold annual meeting 1717 7 Suit to be brought in name of. 1731 16 Claims against, audited by board 1733 16 Bring suit if secretary fails to make annual report 1746 21 Liable for tuition in certain cases 1793 40 DISTRICT TOWNSHIP MEETING— Held annually on the second Monday in March 1717 7 Electors may appoint chairman and secretary 1717 7 Direct gale of district property 1717 7 Determine additional branches 1717 7 Delegate foregoing powers 1717 7 Vote tax for school-houses, sites, and library 1717 7 Vote of, executed by board 1723 10 May vote to change text-books 1728 14 Statement to be presented at, by board 1732 16 Five notices, stating hour, posted by secretary 1742 20 Copy of notice furnished to teachers 1742 20 May vote concerning control of school-house 1753 25 May vote that German be taught 1763 28 Vote tax to pay judgment and other liabilities 1787 39 Not to organize before 9, a. m. nor adjourn before 12, M 1789 39 FINES AND PENALTIES— Of district secretary, for failure to report 1746 21 Of county superintendent, for failure to report 1773 34 To whom they shall inure 1786 39 Suit— brought in name of district township, when 1786 39 Brought in name of county, when 1786 39 District attorney to bring, when 1786 39 Added to fund next used 1786 39 For misapplication of money, etc 1791 40 Of director, for failure to make statement 1813 49 FOEMS— No. Page, Proceedings of district township meeting 1 63 Notice of annual meetings in sub-districts 2 64 Proceedings of annual sub-district meetings 3 64 100 INDEX No. Page. FORMS— Continued — Certificate of election of sub-director , 4 65 Certificate of tax voted by sub-district meeting 5 66 Proposals for the erection (or repair) of school-house 6 66 Contract for building school-house 7 67 Bond for performance of contract 8 68 Certificate of appointment of school officers 9 69 Bond of secretary or treasurer 10 69 Certificate of the election of the officers of the board 11 70 Draft on county treasury 12 71 Order on district treasury 13 71 Lease 14 72 Deed 15 72 Order register of secretary and treasurer 16 73 Notice of district township meeting , 17 74 Treasurer's account with teachers' fund 18 75 Report of secretary , 19 76 Contract between sub-director and teacher 20 78 List of heads of families and children to be kept by sub- director 21 79 Teacher's daily register of attendance 22 80 Teacher's term report to district secretary 23 81 Teacher's certificate 24 82 Application for teachers' normal institute 25 83 Order on institute fund 26 83 Revocation of teai'her's certificate 27 84 Certificate to the board of supervisors of tax determined by the board of directors 28 84 Certificate to board of supervisors of tax voted by the district township 29 85 Certificate of tax voted by a sub-district and not granted by the district township electors 30 85 Notice from the county auditor of amount of semi-annual apportionment 31 86 Certificate of election of county superintendent 32 86 Certificate of qualification of county superintendent.... 33 87 Notice from county treasurer of school tax collected 34 87 Notice permittintr the attendance of pupils from adjoining districts „ 35 88 Application for appointment of appraisers of school-house site. 36 88 Appointment of appraisers of school-house site 37 89 Notice to owner of real estate of appointment of appraisers... 38 90 Report of appraisment of property for school -house purposes.. 39 90 Notice of assessment of damages 40 91 Affidavit of appeal 41 91 TO SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. JQl No. Page. FORMS— Continued— Notice of appeal 42 92 Certificate to district secretary's transcript 43 92 Notice of hearing of appeaL. 44 93 Certificate to the county superintendent's transcript,, 45 94 FUNDS— Sec. Page. School-house, contingent, and teachers', defined 1748 22 Separate acoouui; with each, to be kept by treasurer..... 1748 22 Fund and object must be specified in order 1748 22 Teachers, and contingent, amount for, estimated by board 1777 35 Amount levied for school-house fund not to exceed ten mills.. 1780 37 Amount for contingent fund, not to exceed f5 per scholar 1780 37 Amount for teachers' fund, not to exceed |15 per scholar 1780 37 $75 may be levied for contingent fund, for each sub-district.... 1780 37 $270 may be levied for teachers' fund, for each sub-district J780 37 Permanent, interest on, apportioned 1781 37 Secretary to keep separate account with each 1782 38 GENERAL PROVISIONS— School month defined 1761 28 Schools closed during teachers' institute 1762 28 Electors may vote that German be taught 1763 28 Schools must be taught in English 1763 28 Bible not to be excluded from schools 1764 29 Pupils not required to read Bible contrary to wish of parents.. 1764 29 INDEPENDENT DISTRICTS— Organized prior to September 1st, 1873, to continue 1713 5 Assets and liabilities divided when boundaries are changed... 1715 5 Corporate name of 1716 7 Tax for, county treasurer to pay over monthly 1784 38 Polls to remain open from 9, a. m. to 4, p. m., when 1789 39 City or town containing 300 inhabitants may organize 1800 44 Directors of district township to establish boundaries. 1801 44 Electors to vote for or against separate organiza.tion — 1801 44 Term of office of directors, determined by lot 1802 45 Board to elect president 1802 45 Board to elect secretary and treasurer in September 1802 45 Board to consist of three members, when 1802 45 Must be completely organized before the first of August 1804 46 Taxes levied by district township to be void 1804 46 Board to levy taxes, when 1804 46 When formed from two or more townships, who give notice... 1805 46 Governed by same laws as district townships 1806 47 Electors may vote tax for erection of school-house, &c 1807 47 Annual meeting of 1808 47 102 INDEX INDEPENDENT DISTRICTS— Continued— Election of officers 1808 47 Who are judges of election 1808 ■ 47 Boundaries may be changed, how 1809 47 Board of, to set off territory, when 1810 48 May consolidate 1811 48 Former district may be reorganized 1812 48 Statement— of receipts and disbursements 1813 49 Penalty for failure to make 1813 49 District township may become independent 1814 50 Sub-districts may be constituted 1815 50 Election to be called 1816 50 Meetings called in sub -districts to elect directors 1817 51 Name of, how determined and how changed 1818 52 Governed by laws for independent districts 1819 52 Old board to divide assets and liabilities 1820 52 May borrow money by issuing bonds 1821 54 Board to submit question of issuing bonds to electors.. 1822 64 Board to issue bonds in accordance with vote of electors 1822 54 Denomination and time of bonds i 1822 54 Board vote tax to pay bonds if electors neglect 1823 54 Orders draw legal interest after presentation 1824 55 INDUSTRIAL EXPOS[TIONS-(Chapter 64, laws 1874.) Maintained in each school if deemed expedient 1 60 Consist of what 2 60 Pupil to explain mode of manufacture or culture..... 3 60 Parents and friends may attend 4 61 Ornamental work encouraged 5 61 When and where held 6 61 MISCELLANEOUS— Fines and penalties, disposition of 1786 39 Judgment, how satisfied 17i)7 39 Districu township meeting vote tax to pay judgment 1787 39 Money borrowed from school fund, how paid 1788 39 School meeting cannot organize before 9, a. m., nor adjourn before 12, m 1789 39 Polls remain open from 9, a. m. to 4, p. m., when....... 1789 39 Director, or director elect, authorized to administer official oath 1790 40 Penalty for misapplication of money, etc 1791 40 District township board iiave not jurisdiction in independent districts 1792 40 Children may attend school in adjoining district, when.. 1793 40 Board to fix terms of attendance, when 1794 41 TO SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 103 Sec. Page. MISCELLANEOUS -Continued— Pupils may attend school in another sub-district 1795 42 Board— divide district into sub 'districts 1796 42 Change sub -district boundaries and record same 1796 42 Sub 'district boundaries conform to congressional lines 1796 42 Changes in boundaries, take effect, when 1796 42 County Superintendent may attach territory to another town- ship, when 1797 43 Territory may be restored, how 1798 43 School district not to be divided, when 1799 43 PRESIDENT— Chosen from the sub-directors 1721 9 Call special meetings of board 1722 10 Temporary, may be appointed 1730 16 Vacancy in office of, filled by board 1730 15 To file bonds of secretary and treasurer 1731 16 Bring suit on bond of secretary or treasurer, when 1731 16 .Concur with majority in expelling pupils 1735 17 Preside at meetings of board and of district township 1739 19 Draw drafts on county treasury 1739 19 Sign orders on district treasury , 1739 . 19 Sign ail contracts made by board 1739 19 Appear for district in suiiS ., 1740 19 Secretary appear, when 1740 19 Couiisei may be employed 1740 19 Approve contracts of sub-directors 1753 25 Concur with sub-director in dismissing pupil 1756 26 Approve and file teachers' contracts 1757 26 Sign Warrant for semi-annual apportionment. 1782 38 Certify to account for tuition filed with auditor 1793 40 Sign district bonds 1822 54 PUPILS— Attend school where determined by board 1725 13 Fifteen, required for creation of subs-district 1725 13 Teacher may be employed to teach five 1725 13 Legal cge of 1727 14 EnuLuera.tid by sub-director 1755 26 Dismissed by sub-director and president 1756 26 May be readmitted 1756 26 Eegioter of attendance, etc., when kept separate 1759 28 Not required to read Bible contrary to wish of parent 1764 29 Atteiiu school in adjoining district, when 1793 40 Temporarily sojourning, may attend school 1794 41 Boaid to fix terms of attendance, when 1794 41 May attend school in another sub-district 1 795 42 104 INDEX Sec. Page. EEPORTS— Copies of, to be preserved by secretary 1741 19 Secretary to make annually 1745 21 Sub-director to make to secretary 1755 26 CouisTTY SuPEEiNTENDENT — to make to Superintendent of public instruction 1772 33 To make of blind, and deaf and dumb 1775 34 Of interest on permanent school fund 1786 39 SCHOOLS— Number of, determined by board 1724 12 Duration of, beyond legal period , 1724 12 Graded, may be established 1726 13 One or more taught in each sub-district 1727 14 Duration of 1727 14 Superintendent may release boaid from obligation to have taught 1727 14 Visited by board of directors 1734 17 Pupils may be expelled from 1735 17 Sub-director shall visit twice during each term 1756 26 Teacher of, must have certificate 1758 27 School month defined 1761 28 Bible not to be excluded from 1764 29 Visited by county superintendent 1774 34 May be attended by pupil from adjoining district, when 1793 40 SCHOOL-HOUSES— Plans for, recommended by county superintendent 1723 10 Built or repaired by contract if cost exceed $300 1723 10 Proposals to build, invited by advertisement 1723 10 Contracts let to the lowest responsible bidder 1723 10 Site of, fixed by board 1724 12 Sub-Director— make contracts for repairs etc 1753 25 Have control of, unless otherwise directed by district township meeting 1753 25 SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES— Lawful for district to take 1825 55 Not to exceed one acre without consent of owner , 1825 55 Must be on highway 1826 55 Not within forty rods of residence without consent of owner... 1826 55 County superintendent to appoint appraisers 1827 55 County sujjerintendent to give notice to owner 1827 55 Appraisers to assess damages and make report 1827 55 Board to deposit money with the county treasurer 1827 55 Either party may appeal to circuit court 1827 55 Title acquired for school purposes only.. 1828 56 TO SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 105 Sec. Page. SCHOOL ORDERS— Not drawn until claim is audited 1733 16 Signed by president 1739 19 Fund and object must be specified in 1739 19 Secretary to countersign and register 1741 19 Transcript of, must be furnished to treasurer 1741 19 Must specify fund and purpose 1748 22 Treasurer to register 1750 23 Given to satisfy judgment 1787 39 Draw lawful interest after presentation 1824 55 SECRETARY— Give notice of sub-district election, when 1718 8 Elected on third Monday in September 1721 9 Qualify and enter on duty within ten days 1721 9 Chosen from township at large, when 1721 9 Have no vote unless member of board 1721 9 Temporary, may be appointed 1730 15 Vacancy in the office of, filled by board 1730 15 Give bond 1731 16 Compensation of, fixed by board 1733 16 Report school officers : 1736 18 Appear in suits, when 1740 18 Record all proceedings of board 1741 19 Preserve copies of all reports 1741 i9 File all official papers „. 1741 19 Countersign and register drafts and orders 1741 19 Furnish district treasurer with transcript of orders 1741 19 Post five notices of district township meeting 1742 20 Notices to state hour of meeting 1742 20 Present accounts to board to be audited 1743 20 Notify superintendent when each school in his district begins 1744 20 Make annual report to county superintendent 1745 21 Penalty of, for failure to report 1746 21 Certify amounts for school funds 1777 35 Countersign warrants for semi-annual apportionment 1782 38 Debit and credit treasurer 1782 38 File account of tuition, when 1793 40 Deliver plat to county treasurer and auditor 1796 42 Record order of county superintendent and correct plat, when 1797 43 Of Independent Districts — chosen outside the board, when.. 1802 45 Act as judge of annual election.. 1808 47 Post notice of election 1811 47 Send up transcript 1832 57 SUB-DIRECTOR— Special election of ,.,.,.. 1714 5 14 ■j^Qg INDEX Sec. Page. SUB-DIEECTOK— Continued— Elected annually first Monday in March in each sub-district.. 1718 8 Give notice of sub-district election 1718 8 One, elected from the district at large, when 1720 9 Vacancy in office of, filled by board 1730 15 Governed by rules made by board 1737 18 Take oath 1752 25 Office vacant in case of failure to qualify 1752 25 Make contracts under restrictions of board 1753 25 Have control of school-house 1753 25 Contracts must be approved by president.. 1753 25 Take enumeration of children 1754 26 Make annual report to secretary 1755 26 May dismiss pupils with concurrence of president 1756 26 Shall visit schools twice during each term 1756 26 Authorized to administer official oath 1790 40 Qualify on or before third Monday in March 1790 40 "When superseded deliver up books, etc 1791 40 Penalty for misapplication of money, etc 1791 40 May give consent that pupil may attend school in another sub-district • 1795 42 Elected for new sub-district, when ., 1796 42 SUB-DISTRICTS— Embracing whole district elect three sub-directors 1720 9 One sub-director chosen from each sub district and one at large if but two sub-districts in township 1720 9 Board determine number of schools taught in each 1724 12 One or more schools taught in each 1727 14 Rate of taxation on, for school -house purposes 1778 36 Pupils may attend in another 1795 42 Plat of, to be made • 1796 42 May be constituted independent districts 1815 50 SUB-DISTRICT BOUNDARIES- Vote of majority of board required to change 1738 18 Established and changed by board 1796 42 Conform to congressional lines 1796 42 Changes in, to take effect, when... 1796 42 SUB-DISTRICT MEETING— Held annually first Monday in March 1718 8 Five days' notice of, given by sub -director 1718 8 Three notices stating hour posted 1718 8 Chairman and secretary act as judges of election 1719 8 Three sub-directors elected, when 1720 9 One sub-director chosen in each sub-district and one at large, when 1720 9 TO THE SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. IQ^ Sec. Page. SUB-DISTRICT MEETING— Continued— Judges of election canvass votes for sub-director at large 1720 9 Not to organize before 9, a. m., nor adjourn before 12, m 1789 39 TAXES— Board not to certify after third Monday in May 1738 18 For teachers' and contingent funds determined by board 1777 35 Certified by secretary to board of supervisors 1777 35 Board of supervisors to levy for school funds, 1777 35 School-house, to be apportioned 1778 36 Excess levied upon sub-district, wheii 1778 36 Fifteen mills may be levied, when 1778 36 One to three mills county tax to be levied 1779 37 Receivable only in cash I779 37 Limitsof, for school purposes 1780 37 Paid to district township treasurer quarterly 1784 38 Paid to independent districts monthly 178-1 38 Are void, when 1804 46 All taxes determined by board of directors, when, 1804 46 Determined before third Monday in August, when 1804 46 Certified before first Monday in September, when 1804 46 Board of supervisors levy for independent districts 1804 46 Of mills voted, when (Chapter 67, Laws 1874) 1 61 TEACHERS— Keep list of pupils showing attendance, etc. 1734 17 Maybe expelled by board I734 17 Contracts— with, made by sub-director or secretary 1753 25 Must be in writing I757 26 Signed by secretary or sub-director and teacher 1757 26 Approved by and filed with the president 1757 26 Not to be employed without certificate 1758 27 Keep daily register I759 28 Keep separate register fornon-resident pupils 1759 28 File certified copy of register with secretary 1760 28 Regular examination of, last Saturday in each month 1766 29 Satisfy county superintendent regarding moral character 1767 30 Certificate cannot exceed one year 1767 30 Examination of, to be public 1768 30 Pay fee on receiving certificate 1769 30 Pay registration fee 1769 30 Cerdficate of, may be revoked 1771 33 Shall have personal notice of charges preferred 1771 33 TEACHERS' NORMAL INSTITUTE— Shall be held annually in each county 1769 30 108 INDEX Sec. TREASURER— Chosen outside board, when 1721 9 Have no vote unless member of board 1721 9 Vacancy in office of, filled by board.... 1730 15 Give bond 1731 16 Accounts of, examined by board 1732 16 Compensation of, fixed by board 1733 16 Holdallmoneys belonging to the district 1747 22 Pay out funds upon order of president, countersigned by sec- retary 1747 22 Keep account of moneys received and paid out 1747 22 Keep separate account with each fund........ 1748 ' 22 Pay no order which does not specify fund and object 1748 22 Make partial payments on orders 1748 22 Receive money apportioned to district 1749 23 Receive district school tax 1749 23 Register orders..'. 1790 23 Render statement of finances 1751 24 Draw semi-annual apportionment on warrant. 1782 38 Receive moneys for district township quarterly 1784 38 Receive moneys for independent district monthly 1784 38 Of independent districts chosen outside board, when 1802 45 Negotiate bonds.. 1822 54 Countersign bonds when negotiated 1822 54 Charged with bonds, delivered to him 1822 54 C: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 312 035 7 lllllMIMJIIUlliniUi" llliUHilipiPiSii .illl^lllilldllUllUl . tflllljIlJdlilUiltllll ^iiiiiiBlii;: II iniiUii.) (11 ! ! iiliMiiMni'iiIni IIJlllllllllllMIII n.iuuinuuiKi'i lllMlllltllllllll 11 11 iiiiuiluiiiii.iiiii M.!