Class Book- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT WORKS BY WALTER DeVOE The Doors of Life (cloth) $1.08 The Doors of Life (ooze leather) 1.50 Healing Currents from the Battery of Life . . . 1.65 —— «Mystic Words of Mighty Power 2.00 Science of Regeneration 2.00 Secret of Concentration 25 Thought Forces 25 You Will Not Die 2s Immortal Truth 25 Healing at a Distance 12 Vitality 10 For Sale by VITA PUBLISHING^ COMPANY Station B Cleveland, O. HEALING CURRENTS FROM THE BATTERY OF LIFE Teaching the doctrines of the Positive and Negative Mind of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Mediator between the two states of Being; revealing how the Truth awakens the Soul to its natural inheritance as an immortal co-worker with God, giving it dominion over sin, sickness, poverty, and death. By WALTER DeVOE FOR SALE BY THE VITA PUBLISHING COMPANY STATION B., CLEVELAND, OHIO. J ^ Copyright, 1904, By Walter DeVoe. Revised and Enlarged Copyright, 1905, By Walter DeVoe. Revised and Copyrighted, 1915, By Walter DeVoe. 7th Thousand Entered at Stationer's Hall, London L. N. Fowler & Co., London Agents JUL 19 1915 ©GI.A406752 FOREWORD It as the purpose of this book to heal those who read and study its pages. The articles are gathered together with that object in view. Each one was written under the inspiration of a definite purpose — to heal, encourage, and enlighten whomsoever should read it — and the multitude of letters which have been received shows that the purpose has borne fruit, and causes me to rejoice in the knowledge that written truth can bear the balm of healing to suffering humanity. These lessons are the fruit of spiritual realiza- tion. The varying forms of expression were adapted to the various states of mind I desired to arouse. The energies of Omnipotence are latent within human minds, and there is no nobler task than speaking or writing words that will stir those energies and arouse them into activity for the healing of God's beloved humanity. As all forces, at the last analysis, are of the nature of mind, developed or undeveloped, then the forces of mind — thoughts — are the proper things wherewith to direct the living, healing dy- namics within the nature of man. Mystical words of mighty healing power have been revealed to me, and I have woven many of them into these lessons and affirmations. vi Foreword Where a truth is repeated, I have purposely al- lowed the repetition to stand, and I trust that this will cause the reader to remember that " Repeti- tion is the mother of learning." Remember that your ability to gain dominion over your physical body will develop as you cul- tivate thought power. By constant study of these lessons, and persistent use of the thoughts given in them, you will gain an ability to heal yourself and others, according to the degree of thought power you generate. I have known a pupil to take a single sentence and hold to it so persistently that in the space of one year she had transformed a gross, abnormal growth in the interior of the body, into normal, healthy substance. She had faith in the power of thought to transform the body and did not allow laziness of mind to stand in the way of its accomplishment. " There is no excellence without labor." It is not how much you read, or how much you know about mental processes that gives you mental power, but it is how much you incorporate of the positive thought and feeling of Truth into your mind and body. If you desire to progress in spiritual power you will be obliged to build a thought-body out of posi- tive thoughts of truth. These lessons will fur- nish you with the material for building your spiritual temple, through which the healing power will become manifest in your flesh, and as you put these truths into practice day after day and year after year, you will find all negative limitations Foreword vii vanishing and a positiveness of soul power devel- oping which will repay you most wonderfully for all your efforts toward the attainment of spiritual and physical dominion. Awake, and understand your divine possibilities as a soul formed in the image and character of the Almighty! Create into a powerful thought- or mind-body all the di- vine attributes that lie latent within your soul, awaiting your recognition and expression, and you will attain a consciousness of power that will grow and increase throughout all eternity. Walter DeVoe. ASPIRATION I pray to know the charm of mine own tran- scendant soul, that it may show forth greater power through my personality and enfold all mankind in the healing power that will soothe the aching hearts of the world. When the Master spoke, the charm of his soul was the Spirit of his words, and whoever was ready for truth, felt his spiritual power and fol- lowed him gladly. I pray that through the charm exerted by my own awakened soul, I may he able to arouse and awaken the slumbering soul which is the Self of every one. May I realize the power to help each Self to manifest its God-likeness in the flesh, and thus bring an immortal glory to this world. CONTENTS PAGE Foreword v Knowledge Is Power i Thought, the Supreme Remedy ........ 5 Effects of Mental States 12 We Grow Like That Which We Study 15 Man's Relation to the Universal Mind 20 You Are Power 25 Positive and Negative Mind 27 How to Practise Mental Healing . . ... . . 33 Scientific Confirmation of the Power of Mind ... 44 Thought Force as a Factor in Muscular Development 45 Concentration of Mind 46 How to Concentrate 49 Wonderful Possibilities 51 Mental Influence at a Distance 57 A Remarkable Cure by Suggestion ... . . . . . 59 I Am All Mind 64 A General Healing Treatment 68 Teach Your Body to Think 72 Use Your Will to Overcome Indigestion 78 The Subconscious Mind and Soul Consciousness . . . 8i Becoming Attuned to the Spirit . . 88 A Powerful Statement 95 The Mystery of Omnipotence 100 Cultivate Your Will 106 Building the Temple of Faith 108 Trust in God 112 The Word of Power 114 The Healing Power of Jesus Jehovah 123 Deny the Cause of Disease 125 Contents PAGE Deny the Imperfect: Affirm the Perfect .... 126 Insomnia 133 Exercise Your Imagination 136 Nervous Debility 139 Treatment for Depression 140 Treatment for Catarrh 143 Treatment for Vital Center 144 Treatment for Painful Swellings 145 Treatment for Constipation 146 Treatment for Appendicitis . . . . . . . . . 147 Treatment for Eyes .150 Treatment for Healing Peace 153 Mind Masters Matter 155 The Great Sympathetic 160 Let Your Soul Express 165 The True Way 169 Ye Are Slumbering Gods! 171 Awake, My Soul, Awake! 175 Soul Development . 178 The Globe of Glory 183 Thus Speaks the Living Soul 190 How to Realize God . . . . *• 191 Realization 199 Do Unto Others as You Would Be Done By ... 201 Organization 203 Pray Without Ceasing 210 A Healing Prayer 219 To Overcome Antagonism 221 Healing Love 222 O Thou Eternal Spirit of Wisdom 223 The Disciples' Prayer 224 Serenity 226 Trust 227 Gratitude 228 Peace 229 A Conception of God 230 The God-Man 239 HEALING CURRENTS KNOWLEDGE IS POWER The great prayer that is arising from souls in- carnate is the prayer for more vitality. It is the speechless prayer of the whole world; the un- uttered longing and desire of every heart for that which will enable it to overcome limitations and find satisfaction. Scientists of to-day are searching as tirelessly for a life-renewing elixir as did Ponce de Leon for the fountain of youth, but their stimulants, tonics, and serums, will not renew the creative impulse of vitality which produced the organism and which lies latent within, always ready to revi- talize, renew, and heal every part of the physical nature. It is not medication that will save the sick and suffering, but the opening of the human nature to this divine influx which is health compelling and harmony producing to every nature that finds it. Many are becoming conscious that a heavenly, healing vitality awaits them, and nothing can hin- der their search for the immortal vigor that will save their flesh from disease and pain and evolve a new type of humanity. They shall become fearless and dauntless, healthy and happy in the Healing Currents conscious possession and understanding of the vital principle within them, which is the manifes- tation of the God-life in humanity. Matter and flesh cannot create, because they are effects. They can only manifest the energy infused into them by their cause. Vitality is not a material force; it is spiritual force. Vitality is cause. Vitality is the creative energy of the love and intelligence of the God-mind which holds in its embrace every atom of sentient substance. It is the vitality of the infinite Mind that we see manifesting in bird and beast, r tree and flower, and this same vitality is at this moment giving you all the life that you have, and the infinite Mind can give you as much as you can individualize and express. Your lack of knowledge of the possibilities of your own nature keeps you from growing out of your weak or sickly condition. Knowledge is Power. All nature is enlivened by the omnipotent vi- tality of the infinite Mind, and the human mind must seek its vitality from this source, for vitality is a mental energy which can be appropriated to an unlimited degree. According as it is recognized and expressed will it overcome all diseased and depleted conditions of the body. New ideas entering the mind bring with them an influx of vitality. The thoughts in this book are overflowing with vitality and health, and the more you study them the closer your mind will get to the Fountain of Life, which will renew your body as your mind is renewed with living Healing Currents thoughts from the Divine Mind. Patients are often healed while studying writings which are filled with the healing inspiration. If you want to live and be healthy you must not think or talk about disease or death. Jesus thought and talked about life so much that He demonstrated the power to overcome death. There is a Source of unlimited vitality, strength, and energy which has been little looked to since the Great Physician walked this earth, and from lack of knowledge of this vital impulse the race has suffered much. This knowledge was crucified, or denied out of mortal understanding, but it is again being resurrected in the mind of the race. The souls of mortals " cannot live by bread alone " but must be fed on the manna of Heaven, the thoughts that flow out from the Mind of God, before there can be such a harmonious union of the human and the divine in man as will guarantee his health and happiness and prosperity while on the earth. You, no matter how poor or sick or miserable you may be, are living in the midst of Divine Forces which can generate a new health and strength in your body, weave prosperity and suc- cess into your destiny, and make your whole life divine and harmonjous. The forces that make for success are within reach of every mind, wait- ing to be polarized and individualized. Intelligent and powerful thought forces inter- penetrate space, even as magnetic and electric currents flow through space, and these potent Healing Currents forces can control intelligently all the operations of natural law; and, still more wonderful to know, these forces are obedient to the mind of man, ready and powerful to operate everything for his good if he will but recognize his God-given domin- ion, thinking the thoughts and speaking the words which embody his faith in the Almighty Presence and cause it to manifest for his benefit. Jesus spent much of his time in the wilderness on the bosom of God, polarizing by prayer and affirmation the power of the Father, which en- abled him to overcome mighty difficulties. Mir- acles have always followed him who has made his life a song of praise to the living God. We may have a wonderful mental power, and preach the highest truth, but the power that harmonizes and heals is ours only when our mind has entered the pure ocean of bliss and been magnetized by con- tact with the positive pole of Divinity. Then are we endowed for the time being with the power of the Cause of causes, and all causes obey the one who realizes this dominion. Again and again must one retire from the world and unite himself with the Source of power, for in overcoming the conflicting vibrations of the world-mind, the soul is constantly in need of the omnipotent Power that abides with the Father. THOUGHT THE SUPREME REMEDY Mental Science has been scorned and ridiculed by pulpit and press for many years, but it has pushed on in a victorious march against the solid mass of the world's ignorance, gaining adherents by demonstrating the power of thought to cure disease, until to-day it is accorded a place and a power in the land as a healing agency with even the seal of approval of the United States Supreme Court. The hundreds of thousands of " incurables " who have been cured by the application of the principles of Mental Science have had no weight as evidence with the scientific world, but the same Spirit of Truth that has inspired so many minds with the knowledge of the healing power of thought has been active in leading scientific inves- tigators to the same conclusions, from experimen- tal evidence, as the teachers of Mental Science reached through intuitive perception. Here are a few words from Prof. Elmer Gates, formerly of the Smithsonian Institution : " I have discovered that bad and unpleasant feelings create harmful products in the body, which are physically injurious. Good, pleasant, benevolent, and cheerful feelings create beneficial chemical products which are physically healthful. These products may be detected by chemical an- 5 Healing Currents alysis in the perspiration and secretions of the in- dividual. I have more than forty of the bad and as many of the good. It is found that for each bad emotion, there is a corresponding chemical change in the tissues of the body which is life-de- pressing and poisonous. Contrariwise, every good emotion makes a life-promoting change. A noble and generous action blesses the doer as well as the beneficiary. Every thought which enters the mind is registered in the brain by a change in the structure of its cells. The change is a phys- ical change, more or less permanent." Prof. Pawlow, of St. Petersburg, who is the greatest living authority on the stomach and its work, has demonstrated that mental states aid or stop digestion. His experiments with dogs prove that thought affects the digestive tract, and gives new weight to the words of Solomon: " Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, Than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." When some tempting dainty was held before a dog and he evinced the usual signs of pleasure in the expected treat, it was noted that at once the stomach juices sprang into play. On the other hand, if he was fed with something which he did not like there was no secretion of the gastric fluid. This, with further experiments of the same na- ture, proved conclusively that mere thought or favorable feelings of any sort concerning the food eaten, not only assisted the digestion but partly caused it. Professor Pawlow, who made the ex- periments, thinks this, at least partly, explains Healing Currents why men of letters are often dyspeptic. Their minds are busy with things far removed from their food when they are eating. The connection between the nerve which sends the important mes- sage down to the digestive machinery below for more oil, and the patient engineer of nutrition, is cut off. So when unexpected orders for diges- tion come piling in upon them they are not ready and the work is bungled. One who considers the matter thoughtfully will soon realize that thought or feeling has the power to cause and also to cure disease. All the secre- tions and activities in the body are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, and the quality of the feelings that circulate over these nerve wires affects every cell in the body. Grief or anger will stop the flow of gastric fluid. The thought of eating will start the saliva to flowing. Lustful thoughts affect the vital or- gans in the same way, and when they are habitu- ally prevalent in the mind they undermine the very foundation of health and happiness. All the investigations of the world's wisest physicians have not brought to light any truth of greater import to the race or of any greater phys- iological value than that contained in these words of Paul: " To be carnally minded is death ; But to be spiritually minded is life and peace. ,, The race is in bondage to lustful thoughts and passions, and the feverish fires of false desires burn so fiercely in the natures of so many that the 8 Healing Currents spring of heredity is polluted at its source, and children are born into the world with carnal pro- pensities predominant, unfitted for a healthy, moral manhood by a mental and physical nature predisposed to all the diseases which spring from a scrofulous taint. Lust is the root cause of dis- ease and pain in the world, but anger, hatred, re- venge, cruelty, and jealousy may be named as do- ing very much to create a hell for humanity on the earth. Any healing science that does not strive to eliminate these forces from the human nature or to transform them into divine forces, is incom- plete and unsuccessful as a healing agent, because these are mental causes of pain and disease, and unless they be eradicated, disease cannot be en- tirely overcome. Dr. W. B. Cannon, of Harvard Medical School, has made a long series of interesting ob- servations on the relations beween mental states and certain bodily functions. Observations of the activities of the muscles of the stomach and alimentary tract in general were made with the aid of the X-ray. It was found that when a cat was frightened or enraged by the proximity of a dog, the activities of the muscles of the alimentary tract, upon which the function of digestion so largely depends, were se- riously interfered with. The secretion of the di- gestive juices was similarly retarded. " Thus it is shown," says Dr. Cannon, " how profoundly the mental state may affect, favorably or unfavorably, the secretions of the stomach, and how quickly and directly the mental state may en- Healing Currents tirely check the onward movement of the food. So an emotional disturbance affecting the alimen- tary canal is capable of starting a vicious circle; the stagnant food, unprotected by abundant gas- tric juice, naturally undergoes bacterial fermen- tation, with the formation of gases and irritant decomposition products. These, in turn, may produce mild inflammation or be absorbed as sub- stances disturbing to metabolism, and thus affect the mental state. And the depressed mental state that accompanies ' indigestion ' may still further prolong the indigestion." These experiments demonstrate the importance of avoiding the initial states of worry and anxiety, and of not permitting grief, anger and other vio- lent emotions to prevail. Any one who has been in the habit of eating meals with the mind concentrated on business schemes, or in a state of worry, care, or anger, will now understand a possible cause for indiges- tion. Bright thoughts and harmonious feelings are essential to physical health. The pleasurable and vigorous activity of all functions and faculties of the nature will attune the nature to a realization of health that will be positive protection against all contagious and infectious diseases. The body is a mental organism for the produc- tion of the force of thought and feeling, and a cer- tain amount of this force is necessary to insure the proper action of its organs. The experi- ments of Prof. Pawlow prove that thoughtful at- tention will aid nature in her processes. io Healing Currents Nostalgia, or homesickness, was a frequent cause of death among the American soldiers in the war with Spain. Young men longed for home until their thoughts lived among their friends in their distant homes, and in consequence, they became sick; all their mental organizing power was projected away from the body until there remained not enough force to keep the body alive. There is a power that is ever ready to save hu- man kind from the sins and sufferings of igno- rance. Divine Thought is the power which will heal and harmonize every mind and body that comes entirely under its sway and dominion. We teach of the Thought of God, which is bringing so much happiness and health to the sinful and suffering at the present time, and it is our constant experience that pure, loving thoughts are charged with the healing, invigorating potency of the Spirit of God. Every one who will educate his mind to conform to divine purity and truth will find the power of God which makes for health and happi- ness. Those who have not seen some wonderful dem- onstration in their own lives, or in the life of some one very close to them, are liable to become discouraged if immediate results do not manifest. Remember that all the force of your past thought is against your new faith, and that you are just beginning to tear down a mental force which runs back through heredity for ages, and although the Thought of God is all-powerful, your understand- ing and exercise of it are to be compared to the Healing Currents 1 1 efforts of the little child just learning to walk. The obstacles the child meets seem as insurmount- able to him as yours do to you, but with the same persistent effort you will gain control of the powers that are latent in your will and thought, and will walk upright in dominion as a conquering Soul of God. \ EFFECTS OF MENTAL STATES We are mental creatures, and our life is in our mind. Our happiness depends upon our state of mind. Our physical conditions exhibit our frame of mind, and we can progress in life and create a proper destiny only as we cultivate the think- ing which is common to the Mind of God. Mind is positive and negative. Mortal mind is negative — undeveloped. The God Mind is positive — developed in wisdom. Whatever thoughts we listen to or speak, or whatever thoughts we allow to remain in our minds, will bear fruit. Condemnation, envy, prejudice, and all the thoughts and words of mortal mind, are nega- tive. They are nothing and lead to nothing, which is dissolution. The words of truth will gain the mastery over all the beliefs and expres- sions of error, for these are negative conditions which the positive thoughts of truth overcome. Beliefs of sin, sickness, and death are also nega- tive. We can free ourselves from these thoughts by denial of them, and we can place our minds in unity with the positive pole of life and peace by the affirmation of truth. We are one with the almighty goodness of God, now. Our minds live in and draw their life from the Mind of God, and we can and will grow out 12 Healing Currents 13 of our negative beliefs and conditions by the rec- ognition that we are manifestations of the God- life. We can think the thoughts of God, and thus grow into a conscious knowledge and reali- zation of his Presence and Power. While we are thinking the thoughts of the world, we are living in mental and spiritual dark- ness, and in this state of mind we cannot hope to enjoy life or peace or prosperity from God, for all real enjoyment is in the Light of Truth. An abiding satisfaction flows into our minds as we charge them with thoughts based on the truth of infinite goodness and love. We have no power or substance or intelligence but God the Good, and this is true of all beings and all things. This is the saving truth that frees and heals. All life is good and full of heal- ing power. All intelligence is good, and can manifest per- fection. All substances are good, and will reveal more and more that they are intelligent as the truth about them is recognized. Energize these thoughts in your mind by repetition : I am living the life of eternal peace, for my life is one with the life of God, which is peace. I desire to think only the thoughts that tend to life and peace, thus uniting myself with the divine Source of all wisdom and love. I know that I am the Mind of Truth express- ing, and I think and feel that Almighty Goodness now dominates all my world. 14 Healing Currents The Spirit of Goodness is omnipresent. It in- cludes all that I need or want. I do not place any thoughts or conditions be- tween myself and God. Every claim that I make which is opposite to the Spirit of Goodness is a negation of my eternal life with God, and hides God from me. God can do all things for me if I am true to his thoughts and have his faith. His faith is the affirmation of the Power of the All-Good. I am Life. I am Health. I am Joy. I am Prosperity. My love is of God and for the truth, and I constantly fill my mind with positive thoughts of truth, which create good and har- monious conditions for me. There is only One Mind, the Mind of God, full of divine life and intelligence for all, overflowing with healing love and uplifting light. I lift my mind from all appearances of limita- tion to the consciousness of the one Omnipotent Power, and affirm that I am the recipient of all its goodness and love. I negate from my being all the feelings and thoughts of the world, and individualize the thoughts based on my unity with God the Good, for I am the spoken word of Almighty God, and I manifest his intelligent goodness, now and for- ever. WE GROW LIKE THAT WHICH WE STUDY Noted throat specialists have died of ailments of the throat, insanity experts have become as mad as their patients, and students of tuberculosis have often succumbed to this dread disease. He who studies the power of disease will find disease and death creeping over his whole organism, and he who gives his attention to the power of life will find the Power that can transform him into health and perfection. We are all mind. We live in an ocean of Mind, and we are each a polarizing center cap- able of drawing into our being any quality of mind we may desire to incorporate. Looking at the universe from the physical standpoint, it is a vast ocean of matter or negative mind. This ocean of living force is constantly in flux, like the water that is part of a whirlpool one minute and the next minute has gone to form a gigantic wave. So the atoms of negative mind are building up one body to-day, which to-morrow will have disintegrated and those same atoms will have gone to form another body. The planet is one center of force, and the trees and animals and our bodies are still other centers organized for the time being from the substance of the universe. But if all this force is constantly in flux and not bound by any ties other than the attraction of the 15 1 6 Healing Currents moment, what is it that holds our bodies and the bodies of all things in the forms in which they ap- pear? It is positive, invisible mind. Here we see the power of the invisible cause, the attrac- tiveness of that positive center of mind that draws around itself a body of physical atoms. We see that the positive, invisible pole of being has power over the world of visible effects. The organized form of positive mind is the positive pole of attraction. The positive mind of the plant has learned to polarize atoms into the beautiful forms of verdure. The mind of the plant is organized from the universal Mind. It has dominion over the atoms of negative sub- stance, and it is developing a still stronger power by this process of organizing a form, so that after it has accomplished all that it can with one form, it will have gained the power to organize a still higher and more complex, form of life. We are polarizing as much of life as we understand, and as we understand more we will use our powers of mind to organize into form the deeper realities of the Spirit of Truth. The complexity of the form will depend upon the power of the mind within the form which is holding it in organization. Its quality will also be determined by the quality of the mind that does the polarizing. This is illustrated by the fact that no two persons get the same benefit from the same foods. What is nourishment for one man is often poison for another. You may feed two persons the same quantity of meat per meal; one will grow fat while the other remains as thin Healing Currents 17 as a greyhound. One has attributes of mind which find and attract to themselves correspond- ing chemicals in the meat; and the other, not hav- ing the mental qualities that are nourished by a meat diet, will not build up on that substance. It has been noted that those who study the heavens live to a goodly age. The mind of the astronomer opens up to the unfolding spaces of infinitude, with their teeming world systems, and in searching out the meaning of it all he inbreathes some of the Spirit of Truth. Minds centered upon the cares of the world and busy with the small duties of life, need to be opened by study and contemplation to the gran- deur of the great God whose marvelous Presence is manifest in all the laws and forms of the uni- verse. Students should seek that instruction which opens the mind to the mighty Spirit of Life. This is necessary, that the mind may re- ceive new life and the power to manifest life in endless abundance. Says the voice of Truth: " I am come that ye might have life, And have it more abundantly." The Truth reveals the life which was always here but which we did not recognize. And our recog- nition opens up our minds to receive of its bless- ings. Recognition grows into faith, and faith builds up the mental forces that polarize life. As we walk through the park or in the woods, we should know that the contact of our feet with the ground is giving us of the magnetic vitality 1 8 Healing Currents of Mother Nature. The air is filled with invig- orating vitality, the sun is pouring its mighty life into our being, and the beauty and grace of God manifest in all outdoors are giving us a magnetic, mental, and soul treatment that tunes our minds to infinite life and health. We are healed be- cause it is the Presence of God that we recognize. Let us contemplate the beauty and power of the God-Presence that is all and in all, and we will be harmonized by its mighty harmonies and feel the thrill of the divine consciousness pervading our natures. We will grow like that which we study. It has been discovered that the perfume and color of roses will soothe the nerves and often cure a headache. To concentrate the mind upon one of these forms of nature's beauty and grace, brings our nature into unity with the Spirit of universal Nature, which is the Presence of God. Each one of Nature's forms is a key to the king- dom of life, of beauty, and of endless wisdom. All forms are but the physical manifestations of spiritual entities, and these spiritual entities, or minds, are drawing their intelligence and power from the infinite Source. They are the one in- finite Intelligence made manifest, so we can say that Nature, as a whole, is a form of God. If we will examine any form of life, we will come in touch with a wisdom and skill so profound that our deepest thinking cannot compass it. And we, as organized beings, stand at the head of all Na- ture's manifestations. We already have domin- ion over the negative mind of Nature. The fact that our spiritual nature has organized this form Healing Currents 19 and has the power to hold it in life and to give activity to all its functions, proves that we are endowed with dominion. Now we are coming to the consciousness that our thought has built the character that is the invisible pattern upon which our flesh is woven, and that our thought, rightly cultivated, can increase our organizing power. Our thought can make for us a body of health or a body of pain. Let us study the mighty Life within and all about us, that our thoughts may be filled with the breath of the divine Spirit, and our bodies renewed and reformed into living images of health and perfection. Thousands of chronic ailments have been healed in those who desired health and knew that they could get it through study of vital, healing literature. The desire for healing and the con- stant study of the healing words, opened their na- tures to the omnipotent Life that is always seek- ing to image forth its own likeness of infinite health and perfection. The Holy Spirit of God never ceases its healing ministrations. If we do not know of its goodness and mercy, we cannot have faith in its operation; without knowledge of the transforming power, we cannot be receptive to its influx, because it flows through our knowledge or faith into our bodies. The more knowledge we have of spiritual realities, the more vibrant our minds become with the living Breath of Heaven, and joyous vitality from the streams of eternal Life bubbles up within us and fills us with the consciousness of unity with the Father, so that we rejoice perpetually in the knowledge of the Presence and Power of our God. MAN'S RELATION TO THE UNIVERSAL MIND The universe is one vast Mind, expressing itself in all the manifold forms of vitality and intel- ligence. There are two poles of this great Mind — positive and negative — for it is a mighty magnet of living, attractive force. And . if we gain a comprehension of the law of attraction that radiates out from the positive pole of life, holding suns and systems of suns as well as man and every atom of created life in obedience to its one law; if we understand this law of life, we shall know how to fulfil the law in order to pro- gress to the highest attainments, how to overcome every obstacle to the success of our endeavors. The sun of our solar system is the positive pole of attraction, which holds the negative planetary spheres subject to its controlling influence, and radiates to all planets the vibrations which we sense as light and heat. The sun in turn is nega- tive and obedient to the influence of some more positive sun of magnetic force, a mightier center which regulates the movement of solar systems. And yet this vast physical universe of created worlds and suns is, as a whole, but the negative pole of the Mind of God. It is the lowest degree of expression of that Great Mind. It is the most inert or negative condition of mind possible. 20 Healing Currents 21 The name matter should not be applied to this universal physical substance, because the word is used to express the idea of deadness or absence of life, and there is not an atom in all the universe utterly devoid of vitality or intelligence. All is Mind, an intelligent Mind evolving and express- ing more and more of its dormant energy in all substance. Progression is natural to all life. We have grown to our present state of positive intelligence through long, hard experience, so that it is well for us now to acquaint ourselves with the aspect of the positive pole of Mind, the source of all happiness, health, and prosperity. Therefore we turn our attention from the plane of forget- fulness to the plane of endless consciousness. The positive pole of Mind is the individualiza- tion and revelation of all the qualities and attri- butes of the Eternal Being. It is the Great I AM, the unceasing affirmation and expression of all the love, wisdom and power of the Infinite Unknown. It is the Great Sun of God, forever radiating in- telligence and life to all planes of Mind, to all worlds and all beings. These radiations of mental energy from the Sun of God fill the objective heavenly realms with the Glory of divine Love and Wisdom, flowing out through all states of the universal Mind until they reach the limit of the orbit of evolution, when they commence to individualize, evolve and progress back to their source through crystal, vegetable, animal and human forms, until the hu- man mind and the Divine Mind blend in conscious unity, and the mortal realizes the immortality of 22 Healing Currents the Sons of God. So we see that the origin of all is God, and that all forms and minds are manifes- tations of God, evolving slowly but surely the lat- ent possibilities of vitality and intelligence within them, until they become gods, with the conscious ability to mold their lives and destinies as they will, thus manifesting the will of God. Now for the practical application of these thoughts. We are compelled to progress from negative to positive, continually, through the ex- perience we gain in the battle for existence, but if we are willing to learn the laws of Mind and apply them constantly in working life's problems, we shall develop more rapidly in intelligence and we shall realize the happiness and success that come from fulfilling the divine laws. The positive pole of the thinking individual is that controlling power of the mind which affirms, I Am, I Will. This is the magnetic core to which everything in the nature responds. Man is a magnet, an epitome of the Great Magnet, and through his positive pole he can ap- propriate and individualize somewhat of all the qualities and powers of the Whole, for this power of affirmation unites him to the positive pole of the Divine Mind and enables him to draw from this Radiant Center everything that he may need for the expansion and growth of his own nature. There is no limit to the supply. It is equal to the demand, and manifests for man's use when he understands how to appropriate through the exer- cise of the magnetic power of his mind. He must know that the positive pole of All-Being is the Healing Currents 23 real center of his own being, the Image into whose Likeness he is gradually growing. By identify- ing himself with the qualities which radiate from this mighty Center, and affirming them for his own being, as the qualities that belong to all in- telligence, latent or developed, he will build up the positive forces of his mind which will overcome every negative condition of body or affairs. Failure, sickness, and misery are not real forces; they are not positive elements, but the lack of such; they are the result of negative conditions of the mind, and are indications of a lack of vi- tality or knowledge. The intelligence in the nature strives of itself to overcome diseased conditions, to remove irri- tating obstructions, and to eliminate poisons from the system. This is recognized by those physi- cians who give remedies merely to aid nature in her work. If the intelligence in the nature can produce health, then when this bodily intelligence is inten- sified, greater healing powers will result. The mind can polarize the needed vitality and intelli- gence and draw it into bodily expression from the radiations that fill the Mind of the world, by the mental affirmation: I am Intelligence. I am filled with the Healing Power of the Mind of God. The clouds of misery, fear, and discouragement can likewise be dissolved from the mind by lifting it from these negative thought currents into the positive currents of joyous life, strength, and un- faltering courage, through affirming: 24 Healing Currents I Am, I know I Am, and there is nothing greater than I Am. My mind is filled with the light and happiness of true thinking, and I inspire faith and courage with every breath I breathe. The mind may in this way be educated to a strong and substantial faith in its own powers; it will realize that success is a positive attribute of intelligence, and it should work and study unceas- ingly to individualize intelligence by this mental culture until the whole character is changed. Then it will feel the strength and power to suc- cessfully execute all its designs. Prosperity will attend the mind that realizes that all material things are subject to its influence when it lives up to this truth. This will be dem- onstrated as the mind casts out all beliefs of lack or want, and is trained to know that: I am Success. I am Prosperity. I am a mighty magnet for money. I draw to myself everything that I desire to make my life comfortable and complete. I will manifest the vitality and intelligence of God, and enjoy health, happiness, and prosperity in all my ways. YOU ARE POWER Tremendous energy and power are stored in your soul, more than enough for every physical need. By continuous affirmation you can bring this power into manifestation. The patient af- firmation of truth, continued with persistence — with conviction that all you desire will be accom- plished — is the power of faith to bring about all good. Here are some rousing statements: I am a soul organized of the potencies of the living, eternal God. I call all my soul power into action to quicken all my organs, and reorganize my body into an image of health and perfection. God is the power that works through my soul to quicken and purify and spiritualize my flesh. My soul is the power that polarizes the atoms and holds my body in form according to the men- tal pattern. I am not bound by any mortal or spiritual limitations. I do not condemn myself to grossness. The race beliefs of the deadness and grossness of matter and flesh are dissolved from my mind. There is no deadness or slug- gishness in my flesh. It is alive throughout every organ and atom with mental energy and intelli- gence. I will arouse the dormant powers of my soul and so infuse my body with new life and intelli- 25 26 Healing Currents gence that every particle will tingle and thrill with the vitality and health of Almighty God. I am all mind. My body responds to every thought and feeling centered in it. I will cultivate the force and negative intelligence in my flesh until it becomes responsive and active, until it becomes living thought energy, and obeys the will of my soul. I will infuse all the life and power of my im- mortal soul into my flesh. I must be quick- ened and spiritualized. I must vibrate with life. The intelligence latent in every organ must be aroused to operate in divine harmony for the health of the whole body. I bless every internal organ with the cleansing activity of the Spirit of God, which flows through my soul into my mind and fills the blood with the cleansing waters of life. Read the foregoing statements over a number of times daily, and pick out some one for special emphasis. The mighty power of God is in and all around you awaiting your word of appropria- tion. You can speak words of truth until verily your whole nature will be the vibrating Word of Power manifesting. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE MIND The mental healer works upon the theory that All is Mind; that every object in existence is an individualized form of the universal Mind in one degree or another of development or evolution; that the human mind is the highest type of evolved intelligence, and that it can express more and more of health and perfection through appropria- tion of the qualities of the Divine Mind, of which it is a self-conscious expression. He is consistent with this premise in regard- ing the body as mind also, negative mind to be sure, but a substance potential with vitality and intelligence, every cell of which is capable of manifesting perfection and of acting in harmony with every other cell for the healing and perfect- ing of the whole. This places the human being in the aspect of a living battery of mental energy, the thought power being the positive pole and the flesh the negative pole; and through the constant action of thought power the individual is polarizing the thought substance from the universal Mind, and the body responds to the thought power and or- ganizes the cells to conform to the characteristics of the mental qualities individualized. In other words, the character of the individual is expressed in every cell of his nature, because the character of mind polarizes and qualifies the bodily cells. 27 28 Healing Currents It is the constant action of the mental forces of the human magnet that produces all the in- voluntary actions of digestion, breathing, heart- pumping, etc., and holds the nature in active or- ganization. When either pole of the battery is injured the whole being suffers in consequence. The mental healer understands that diseased conditions of the patient are often visible expres- sions of discordant mental action, the embodied effect of some of the patient's thoughts and feel- ings, and through his thought power — which is transferable from one battery to another, as elec- tric impulses are sent through space without wires : — the healer seeks to inspire the patient's mind with thoughts that will counteract the effect al- ready produced and cause a new physical effect of a more perfect character. All so-called matter is a storehouse of potential life and energy; it is the intelligence and power of the universal Mind crystallized and at rest; it is the embodiment of the mighty forces and energies of the God Mind; it is the negative pole of the battery of life, and every power and quality of the Divine Mind will be found expressed in some degree in this visible nature of God. All is Mind, and all thoughts seek embodi- ment in organized form. Disease germs are at most but negative forms of unconscious or unde- veloped mind, and they can be entirely overcome by the positive thought of the mind that recog- nizes its own power. All the remedies used by physicians are forms of mental energy, and their quality is more posi- Healing Currents 29 tive than the diseased conditions they counteract or suppress. The mental healer applies a positive thought force to the mind of the patient, and through the mind this force acts on the mind's organization; while the physician applies a drug, a negative form of thought, to the body, from which it reacts on the mind. One works on the positive pole and the other on the negative pole of the individual, and both get results equal to the intelligence of their efforts. Natural and spiritual methods both are good and serviceable in the development of the indi- vidual. The best results will not be accomplished by flying to the one extreme of looking to the Spirit and ignoring the needs of the body, entirely, nor by going to the other extreme of applying the natural physical elements needful toward the heal- ing, without recognizing the mind which organ- izes these elements and produces the perfect re- sult. By natural elements I do not mean drastic or destructive drugs or serums, but only those ele- ments which are found in the physical composi- tion of the body. Man is a composite entity, being a body, mind, and soul related to the Body, Mind, and Spirit of the Universe of God, and he must use discrimi- native knowledge if he would keep himself bal- anced and in harmony with the Whole. When the human mind is consciously in unity with the Mind of God, and illumined by the prin- ciples of divine knowledge, every fact that has ever been discovered will glorify God and reveal 30 Healing Currents the action of the Mind of God in every sphere of existence, and in every atom of so-called matter. When viewed from the exalted standpoint of the One Great Mind, all the facts which the scientific investigators have discovered will coincide and agree with all the revelations that have dawned upon the intuitive perception of man. Man will evolve to that condition of mastery over his physical nature where he will escape all the ills of the flesh and many other ills beside, when he gains the knowledge of his unity with the Divine Mind, and realizes that he can individ- ualize these potent qualities of mind which image forth the likeness of the Divine Being; that he can have perfect health and perfect happiness only by having a perfect character. Man must understand that the currents of his thinking qualify the blood and nerve currents, which control and feed every organ, muscle, and fiber of his complex physical organism, and that there lies within his mental grasp the power to control every action of his nature. Through the wonderful action and reaction of his positive and negative mind, backed by the universal Intelli- gence, the processes of life have been going on unconsciously, and the human mind has not real- ized that it was the cause of discordant condi- tions, and could just as easily cause harmonious conditions. The body, the negative pole of the human bat- tery, is responding every instant to the thoughts and feelings that are generated by the positive pole, and as the mind becomes more intelligent Healing Currents 31 and more conscious of its power, it will grow more positive and infuse the flesh with its positive in- telligence, giving it vitality and strength to over- come every diseased condition. Man is not only ignorant of his unity with the universal Mind, but he is also busily engaged in thinking thoughts that do not conform to divine ideas, nor express the qualities which characterize the Thoughts that emanate from the positive pole of the divine Mind; he is generating thoughts and feelings of lust, hatred, condemnation, fear, mal- ice, selfishness, revenge, cruelty, jealousy, and envy, which come into physical expression as a host of abnormal bodily conditions. All such thoughts and feelings are mortal, and tend toward disease and the disintegration of the human mag- net. They produce currents which cross with the currents of life and health and destroy the human organism, while the thoughts of the divine Mind — purity, love, praise, courage, power, joy, free- dom, success, and goodwill — are immortal and! filled with the Life eternal; they are most positive and have the power to convert, transform, and reorganize all the mortal and negative thoughts and their resultant conditions into health, har- mony, and happiness. As all space is filled with electricity, which be- comes manifest only through the dynamo that generates it, so in like manner, the whole of Im- mensity is irradiant with the beneficent healing Thought of the Divine Mind — the Holy Spirit — which will come into action by being polarized to the positive pole of the human magnet. 32 Healing Currents This mighty Mind of God is manifesting its love, wisdom, and power throughout the whole of its vast creation; it is individualizing its thought wherever there is form or life, and inspiring all creatures with the great vital impulse which causes them to progress in the onward and up- ward movement of evolution, from the negative pole of undeveloped Mind to the positive pole of conscious life and intelligence. HOW TO PRACTISE MENTAL HEALING The central attraction of the New Thought has been the great fact of its healing power. Into the mind of the race has come a mighty wave of New Thought, bringing with it a merciful vitality for the strengthening of the weak, the healing of the sick and the soothing of all pain. The Angel of Goodness is stirring the pool of life and all who will may have health and peace in overflow- ing abundance. If you are seeking health — physical, mental, or spiritual — it is essential first of all that you thoroughly grasp this fact: You are all mind, through and through, from soul to physical atoms. You believe that you are part mind and part mat- ter; that part of your nature is intelligent and the rest is inert and unresponsive, except to powerful drugs and stimulants. But the fact of the mat- ter is, every nerve and muscle and atom is re- sponsive to the action of your mind. You are or- ganized intelligence. YOU ARE ALL MIND. You have been in the habit of thinking that all the mind you have is situated in your brain. To be sure, your brain is the most positive center of mental action, and from its substance you 'generate the conscious thought that inspires and affects every negative center in your body. If you but 33 34 Healing Currents stop to think, you will acknowledge that there is an instinctive intelligence operative in the involun- tary action of your heart and lungs, and in every organ of your body. There is wisdom expressed in the adaptation of every bone and muscle and organ to its proper uses. And this wisdom is a creative intelligence constantly operative in your physical organization. You know your will has dominion over matter, for your will, operating through your arm, can move an inert object. Now that same mental force which acts through your will to lift a heavy weight into the air, or walk your one or two hundred pounds of flesh the distance of a mile or more, is the same mind that is organizing and reorganizing every part of your body, and it is this mental force that can be edu- cated to heal your body and keep you in health. You have misdirected this wonderful force and it has caused you sickness- and pain. If you have been fearful of God, or man, or the devil, you have congealed the secretions and by your thoughts of fear retarded the action of some physical function. You should learn of the Love that overcomes all fear. Heavy charges of electricity will burn out the wires and connections in an electric battery, and if you consider that your organization is a mental battery, you will not be surprised that heavy charges of anger paralyze the delicate nerve wires and burn out brain cells in such abundance that mental action is no longer possible. Passion will poison the blood and de- stroy digestion. Fright has been known to turn the hair white in a single night, and excessive joy Healing Currents 35 has so affected the whole organism as to cause sudden death. Woven into your mind are all the false beliefs and feelings of the race, which are the basic causes for all mental and physical tribulations. The true philosophy of life will correct these causes and unite you to the fountain of everlast- ing life and love from which will bubble forth a joyous life and strength sufficient for every need. The second point of importance for you to un- derstand is the marvelous fact that thoughts are forces, endowed with an intelligence which en- ables them to be directed to accomplish what you will, in your body or in the body of a friend. As angels of mercy and love are sent out from the Almighty Presence to carry blessings to humanity, so from your mind are sent out thoughts endowed with your quality of intelligence, which go forth to cause peace or pain wherever they may be sent. You have probably not realized the importance of the truth that God gave man dominion over everything less positive than himself. " Ye are gods," said David and Jesus. You have been endowed by the Almighty with dominion over every negative state of your body-mind. The will power which you have received from your Father is creative in potency, and you can create health and happiness by working in unity with the love and wisdom of Elohim. Disease and pain are the results of a lack of strength or intelligence in the inharmonious or- gan. You can consciously increase the force and intelligence in every organ of your body by think- 36 Healing Currents ing of the organ as an intelligent thing and bless- ing it with your power of thought. Take the heart, for instance. You know that mental ex- citement or fear will increase or disturb the heart's action. If the heart is weak in action, speak strength to it in this way: (It is not nec- essary to repeat the words aloud.) I am strong and courageous, and I fill you with my strength and courage. You are organized life and intelligence. You are active with the life of God, and there is nothing to limit your strength and power. Repeating such words constantly will develop strength in the weakest heart and cause it to do its duty without a murmur. The bodily organs are like children or animals; they appreciate love and attention. We are thinking so much of ex- ternal things that all our thought force is spent outside of the body, and when we do think of any particular organ it is with a fear that it will not do its duty. Such thoughts go into the organ thought of and work to limit its action. Every time we think or speak of our weakness, or limit in thought the action of any bodily function, we are actually tearing down the strength and power of our organism. We must understand that as children of the Almighty we are endowed with all power and intelligence, and that we limit or ex- pand our powers by the action of our own minds. If we build a mind of faith in the Presence and Power of God in our midst, our faith lays hold of and brings into operation his divine life and in- telligence. And likewise, if we place any limit Healing Currents 37 upon our own abilities, whether in the ability to manifest health or success in any department of life, just in that degree do we limit the action of the Almighty in our behalf. God is glorified in glorifying his children; in making of them gods in his own image and likeness of health, perfec- tion and success. " Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect," is the command. The mind can construct or destroy. Good, harmonious thoughts full of love and praise are constructive. Vindictive, pessimistic, angry and critical thoughts are destructive. Prof. Elmer Gates, then of the Washington Smithsonian In- stitution, constructed a breath-condenser which will reveal poison in the exhalations from the lungs of an angry person. It is known to the medical profession that mothers have poisoned their babies and caused them to die in convulsions by nursing them after a fit of anger. This destructive power of the mind can be used consciously to dissolve abnormal growths from the body. I defy any false growth to withstand the dissolving thought focused upon it by a per- sistent mind. Say to any such growth as often as possible: My body is the temple of the living God, and you have no right to destroy this tem- ple or to create imperfection. I dissolve you by the potency of my concentrated will. An organ in pain can be soothed as you would comfort and harmonize an unhappy child. Do not forget that the organ is as intelligent as any animal, and as responsive to a harsh or pleasant word. / bless you with the love of my soul. 38 Healing Currents which harmonizes all your nerves and atoms. Such blessings will create harmonious conditions. If your blood is impure, think in this manner : / am a pure spring flowing from the Fountain of Divine Life. My blood is cleansed and purified by the Holy Spirit that glorifies all my life. My heart is cleansed of all impure thoughts and feelings, and I am at peace. Dormant activities can be aroused by persist- ently thinking toward the organ or organs : You are the Spirit of Life in action. You are filled with joyous , active life, and you love to fulfill the will of my soul in making life manifest. Many have overcome indigestion of long stand- ing by repeating over and over: / have within me the power from God which is able to digest and assimilate anything that I may choose to put into my stomach. My stomach is a living dynamo of life and energy capable of doing its perfect duty. My stomach enjoys its work and loves to as- similate the good life in all things. These are but a few of the many processes that may be used. Each case requires thoughtful at- tention and much confidence on the part of the one using the healing thought. If confidence is not aroused after a few trials, you should not lose faith in the methods, but should seek a teacher who can help you to that state of confidence in your own powers which is but latent and inactive from lack of recognition and exercise. Healing Currents 39 That part of mental or spiritual healing which seerns to border on the realm of the miraculous is the power of one mind over another mind and body situated at a distance. This is based upon the truth that minds are not distinct or separate, but are surrounded by and united in One Uni- versal Mind, of which each one is an organized part. We are living in an invisible ocean of Mind, and through this ocean our thought waves proceed to the one to whom they are directed, just as the Hertzian waves vibrate out from the transmitter of a Marconi instrument to the re- ceiver situated at a distance of thousands of miles. As it is possible to send impulses through space without wires, so may we send the more highly refined thought impulses from one human battery to another, no matter how far apart they may be. In treating patients living at a distance, the same process may be used as in treating one- self, except that the name of the patient should be repeated mentally about seven times before talk- ing to the part of the body to be healed. It should be remembered that the physical body is organized by the constructive force of thought and feeling. Our invisible character is a real form of force independent of its physical envel- ope. The character is the positive organizing mind, the body is the negative mind, obedient and responsive to the action of the more positive en- tity. It is through your character that all life and action express in your physical body, and your character determines the quantity and quality of your life, also how successful you will be. Char- 40 Healing Currents acter forms or limits life. So the real basis of all true mental or physical healing is character build- ing. Now this invisible character — this invis- ible part of you — which is so potent in weaving physical substance into grotesque or beautiful physical forms, into diseased or healthy forms of life, is a bundle of thoughts and feelings crystal- lized. As you have organized your character by your constant thinking, and thus created the cause for your present physical condition, so by your thinking you can recreate and transform your character and change all the expressions of your body into new and more beautiful texture. If you have piled false thoughts and impure desires one upon the other to cause an unhealthy mind and body, you can begin now to use your thoughts to dissolve the mental building of the past, and work your mind just as persistently to form a character that will be composed of pure emotions and true, generous thoughts. A mind that is in the consciousness of the Almighty Goodness and Love of the Father, having naught but blessings for every soul of God, feeling only kindness and goodwill toward even the meanest criminal, will glorify its earthly temple with the very Spirit of God, and be transfigured into the image of the divine Perfection, as was Jesus the God-Man. And we all, with perception open to the living Truth, beholding the divine Love, may be trans- formed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. We must open our eyes to see that the physical universe is the body of the infinite and eternal Healing Currents 41 God, and if we comprehend how our mind per- vades and affects every part of our body, we will grasp the truth that the omnipotent Mind of God is present in every part of his Grand Body. • We are surrounded and pervaded by his loving Presence, which is eternal life to all who awake to this fact. We cannot escape from God. We are organized from his Mind and Substance, and as quickly as we recognize that we can have all of the Good we can accept and make manifest, we will begin to draw upon the inexhaustible Source for all the life, health, prosperity, and satisfac- tion we need. We should build our faith strong in the truth that the Almighty is for us, and noth- ing of evil can overcome us or make us forget that there is only omnipotent Goodness in us and all about us. It is in those who are apparently evil, but they have not been taught of the divine presence, and the condemnations of mortals help to keep hidden the germ of divinity that slumbers within them. They are misdirecting the good life and energy with which the Father so bounti- fully supplies them, because they lack knowledge of how to use and apply their forces, and nothing will save them from their ignorance and sin but the knowledge of the truth of their own unity with the Father. It is very important for us to know that we grow like that which we study. If we keep be- fore our minds the beauty and perfection of the character of Jesus Christ, we will find our souls attracted more and more to that divine ideal, until the same love which he had and has at the present 42 Healing Currents ■ ■!■■■■ !■ II I — - — ■■■ ■■ ! — , ! , M , ^ time for humanity, will be kindled within us, and we shall know that we all are of one kindred and have but one Father, even God. The most per- fect and permanent healing is attained only by the perception of this grand truth and the awakening of the soul to the realization of the mighty love of God. This Christ-love must endow us with a feeling of universal fellowship with all souls as children of the one Father; we must feel toward) all just as Christ felt, if we would be healed by his transforming love. The Christ Spirit yearns to heal and prosper all souls, but unless it can find entrance and expression through our souls as love, its power is limited so far as we are concerned. I have studied all the modern theories promul- gated for the healing of the sick, and for years I have taught and practised the healing Truth, and! I wish to give as a word of guidance to all who may be seeking for the healmg power, either for self-benefit or for the healing of others, that the living personal Christ is the repository' of all wis- dom and all healing love; and the one who will look to Him constantly and draw upon Him con- tinually for the healing influx, will find an exal- tation of the spiritual nature and an indwelling, heavenly bliss which will bring a culmination of all desires and satisfy the mind with the conscious- ness of an immortal heritage that even death can- not overcome. Study the New Thought and expand your mind with its healing, freeing truth, for it will free you from many misconceptions about God and man ; it will bring you up to date in your thought, Healing Currents 43 for when rightly taught it unites the latest revela- tions of religion and the latest discoveries of sci- ence into one glorious truth. But while you are educating your head in this religious truth, keep your heart very close to the loving Heart of God, the personified Presence of the Father from whom streams the healing love and life, without which you are never any more than a mortal, but living and expressing which you are a healthy, radiant Soul of God. SCIENTIFIC CONFIRMATION OF THE POWER OF MIND That thought controls the blood current has been given startling scientific confirmation by Dr. W. G. Anderson, of the Yale University gymnasium. He has a subject lie on a very delicate machine called a " muscle bed," and the body is so ad- justed on the bed that it is perfectly balanced as long as the mind of the subject is indifferent and passive. But let the subject try to solve a mental problem and immediately there is a flow of blood to the head, which causes the " muscle bed " to tip toward the head. The mere imagination of walking or running causes- the blood to flow to- ward the feet, and the machine to tip in that direc- tion. Numerous experiments with this machine have proved that the blood responds to the action of thought and feeling. As the blood is the fluid which takes up all fatigue and destructive poisons from the tissues, and that also carries all the nec- essary reconstructive elements; and as it can be directed consciously to carry nourishing, healing elements to any part of the body, then the power of mind which controls it is the greatest healing force known to man. The following words of Louis R. Muller, whose photograph shows that he has attained a 44 Healing Currents 45 splendid physical development, coupled with the statements of Eugene Sandow, one of the strong- est men in the world, are also interesting evidence of the practical way in which the power of mind may be exercised in physical development. THOUGHT FORCE AS A FACTOR IN MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT " In the development of a more perfect physique there are quite a number of things to take into consideration. A great many enthusiastic begin- ners think that the word ' exercise ' covers the whole field. So it does, but not bodily exercise. Exercise of the functions of the brain is equally if not more important. Concentrating the thought force along certain lines gives us a controlling power to overcome unhygienic habits that tend to retard the growth of muscular tissue. Mere bod- ily exercise, even if performed at haphazard, will in time produce some good results. Tissue-build- ing is a natural consequence of following certain well-defined laws. In order to obtain the most rapid development we must make a scientific study of those laws. " We must exercise the muscles, use proper diet at the proper time, be thoroughly hygienic in our habits — and when I say hygienic I mean it in a broad sense. One must abstain from tobacco and liquor in every form, and allow himself enough time for sleep. His moral habits must be above reproach. All these things tend to put the mind in condition, that we may gain the power of con- centration, and concentration of the mind is the fundamental law that governs the growth of tis- sue. 4-6 Healing Currents " It is no theory, but a well-defined law, that the more we concentrate, the better our results. We must know the muscles we wish to develop, and by concentrating all our thought force in their di- rection, the dead cells are more quickly removed, and new ones added in greater quantities, owing to the increased nervous activity of the parts. We must practice concentration of the mind in its highest degree, hand in hand with physical exercise, if we wish to obtain the most perfect results. " Diet has a great deal to do with our power of concentration. Concentration in a greater or less degree is the cause of all muscular develop- ment. It is unconscious in some, but it can be developed in all. It is the most important part in scientific physical culture. To be able to focus all one's energy on a certain muscle, and to accom- plish this with ease, is a faculty well worth de- veloping. One can almost seem to see a muscle grow. I would advise one who is ambitious to try this for awhile, to see how quickly he will no- tice the improvement. First, cultivate proper hab- its of diet, hygiene, and purity of thought; then try exercising one muscle at a time, till it is thor- oughly tired, concentrating all your thought on that one muscle. Let your mind be perfectly pas- sive, and for the time being hold to the thought of the one muscle you wish to develop. " Louis R. Muller." CONCENTRATION OF MIND " So far as heredity is concerned I had nothing to be especially thankful for, since while still a mere lad my father's friend advised him to direct Healing Currents 47 my studies toward the ministry, as he explained, 1 Your son will be hardly fit for any more stren- uous occupation.' Later our family physician in Konigsberg, near the Russian frontier, told my fa- ther that if he would not take me to Italy for the winter I would never survive it, such a weakling I was as a child. Well, I went to Italy, and there my eyes were opened. The Greek and Roman statues I saw there inspired me to lift from myself the stigma of weakness, for I felt somehow that even in our time the weak man is despised. I went at the labor of revitalization with energy and per- sistence. You perceive I have somewhat suc- ceeded, and let me tell you I am still at it. I maintain that it is possible for a man to emulate my example, even as I emulated that of the Greeks and Romans of old. " It is the mind — all a matter of the mind. The muscles really have a secondary place. If you lift a pair of dumb-bells a hundred times a day with your fixed attention on some object away over in Cambridge, it will do you very little good. If, however, you concentrate your mind upon a single muscle or set of muscles for three minutes each day, and say, ' Do thus and so,' and they re- spond, there will be immediate development. The more you waste the more you make. A man with strong concentration of mind will develop quicker in the quality of his muscles than he who cannot concentrate his mind upon the matter. The whole secret of my system lies in the knowl- edge of human anatomy — in knowing just where one is weak, and going straight to work bringing that part up to the standard of one's best feature — for there is a best feature in every man, as there is also a worst. The secret is to ' know 48 Healing Currents thyself,' as Pope says, and, knowing one's weak- ness, to concentrate the mind and energies upon that weakness with a view to correcting it. " Eugene Sandow." HOW TO CONCENTRATE You must build up a spiritual body of thought for yourself, by thinking truths over and over un- til they become part of your mind. You will be- come so positive in truth by this method that you will feel the vibrations of truth, and nothing else. But this is a practice that must be made the work of a lifetime. The fruitage from it will be a spiritual body that shall grow and develop in power and dominion throughout all the progres- sions of spiritual life. The way to overcome outside thoughts is to cul- tivate your own thinking power by systematic ef- fort. Have some special studies in Truth that are interesting to you, carry them with you, and use them as a means of concentration for the de- velopment of your mental power. The Spirit flows into the body only through the channels of one's thoughts and feelings. In the thought or feeling of God there is unlimited heal- ing and transforming power, and as the mind is exalted to feel and think as God thinks and feels, the thought power which creates perfection be- comes the inspiration of the body, and the nega- tive mind of the body evolves into an image of its peace and perfection, making visible the God- idea. The mind lives in and senses through every 49 50 Healing Currents nerve of the body. The will of the mind is done, consciously or unconsciously, in every particle of physical substance; thus you see your body is re- sponsive to mental force. And as your mind is attuned to the Mind which prevails in the order and harmony of the universe, the atoms of your nature will obey the infinite Law which planets and suns obey, and will manifest the harmony and health which is the natural expression of God's perfect life. There is life in unlimited abun- dance. There is intelligence and power sufficient for every need, and you are given the free will to use and organize all the potencies of the Di- vine Mind in the building of a temple of health that shall fulfill your ideal and make your under- standing of the goodness and power of Elohim visible to mortals. WONDERFUL POSSIBILITIES The transcendent force called thought links the human organism to the inmost source of power, and endows man with the ability to overcome the limitations of matter. And whence the birth of this wonderful force of thought? It is born in matter. We gain a new conception of the latent God power crystallized in matter when we realize the fact that matter is the mother of thought. The forces of Mind become involved in matter before matter evolves thought. Matter is the mother, Spirit is the father of thought. Mother Nature gives birth to intelligence, the seed of which is from God. (Read the third paragraph on page 28). In the history of the evolution of the world we read that the nebulous fire-mist crystallized into a planet of solid rock. Through the eons of time the solid rock evolved from its substance all the forms of life and all the forms of intelligence with which the planet is graced at the present time. Think of it ! from the rock man's form has come. All the glory and beauty in the world were stored as a possibility in that ancient granite sphere. Does it not awaken within us a new sense of the presence of power — of Omnipo- tence — to think of the vast possibilities of life 51 £2 Healing Currents stored within the simplest lump of clay? We call it dirt. We tread under foot with the feeling of repugnance the mother of our physical forces and faculties, and do not recognize her unlimited pos- sibilities as the negative nature of Omnipotence, of God. Truly we are waking to a wonderful vision of the presence of God, as all and in all. Even ma- terialistic science has begun to recognize that what was believed to be dead, inert matter, crystal or metal, has the attribute of sensation. So the truth long promulgated by Mental Science, that All is Mind, is now being demonstrated as fact by conservative, materialistic science. Thought is matter in motion. Thought is the most refined, the most potent activity of matter. The organism of man is the product of the pro- gressive evolution of matter, inspired by the brooding Presence of the Infinite Spirit; from this most complex organization of man is born the sublime product called thought, that imponder- able spiritual power which transcends the laws of negative existence. In man matter becomes self-conscious and in- telligent. Omnipotence has evolved itself to self- conscious manhood. The utmost capacity of mortal, understanding cannot comprehend what the deific principle, omniactive, has already accom- plished. How shall we grasp the wonders that lie before us in the unfolding future? We now know that matter is undeveloped mind; that the attributes and potencies of God slumber in mat- ter. Healing Currents 53 Through the ages of evolution every type of animal has added a little more development to the brain substance; we are gradually increasing our thought-producing capacity. The brain is of finer texture and the nervous system is more com- plex in the human than in the animal form. The force generated in the brain and present in all the nerves is the thinker and the doer — the per- sonality. Every active creature is a demonstration of the power of mind over matter. The lifting of the hand is the revelation of the power of thought over matter. We have been exercising dominion over our flesh without being conscious of the fact and without realizing the possibilities of con- scious control in that very dominion. The body is an electro-magnetic battery for the generation of mental energy. The seminal fluid is the essence of all the chemical elements in the food. From it develop brain and nerve cells ; from it are also generated by the mysterious alchemy of life the most spiritual and refined pow- ers of mind. Animals and men have progressed with the development of the brain, and the brain has developed from the conserved vital fluid, which has served as a basis for new mental struc- ture and a greater capacity for thought. Having come to the recognition of the truth that I am all mind, that every cell of my body has the capacity for intelligent action and is re- sponsive to my will, I desire to cultivate this latent mind of my flesh so that my will shall be done throughout my whole mental organization. How shall I proceed? 54 Healing Currents It is essential, first of all, that there be no waste of the seminal fluid, for this is the matter from which thought force is generated. A man or woman lacking vital force cannot be strong in mind. As his inheritance from the lower ani- mal species man has received strong sexual pro- pensities. With animals preying upon each other, and man warring against man, nature expended her force in the perpetuation of species and de- veloped the sexual instinct to that end. Now, with the highest type evolved and an era of uni- versal peace at hand, the force heretofore ex- pended in the generation of children, or for mere sensual gratification, can be conserved for the higher development of individuality. The animal is an undeveloped and transitional form of man. Now that we have attained to man- hood, with self-conscious understanding of our possibilities as mental creatures, let us lay aside the propensities and the selfish habits of animals for the full enjoyment and expansion of our men- tal powers. Until man has gained conscious do- minion over the animal propensities and turned all the sexual force into mental power obedient to his will, he has not become initiated into the real enjoyment of life nor made conditions for the permanent health of his body. Perfect health of body, as well as the continual regeneration of the tissues, to the elimination of old age, is possible for all by the application of this principle of the conservation of vital energy along with the con- scious control of the organs by the will. The brain is not limited to the cavity in the Healing Currents 55 skull. It extends the ramifications of its struc- ture through the whole organism. Wherever there is need of more intelligent action in the body the nerves have formed into small brain cen- ters. The blind grow brain cells in the tips of the fingers, and through these new centers of sen- sation are able to distinguish colors. The vari- ous plexuses are at about the stage of develop- ment of the animal brain — subconscious or instinctively conscious. As the mind of an ani- mal may be developed in intelligence, so may these centers of mental energy within the body be developed to a degree of intelligence equal to the main center in the head. We can direct the in- telligent force of our thought to any organ in the body and cooperate with the intelligence in the organ to its renewal in strength and restoration to health. A little personal experience may help to make this clearer. I was awakened during the night by an intense neuralgic pain in the nerves of my teeth. It called for immediate relief. Just as soon as I be- came fully conscious I felt that I had dominion over those nerves and could relieve them by thought alone. They were merely demanding their proper nourishment. I turned the full in- tensity of my thought to supplying the nerves with healing substance, and in a few minutes they were satisfied and at peace. In treating patients, whether present or ab- sent, I have found that many disturbed and dis- eased conditions have their cause in a depleted condition of one of the sub-brains in the body. 56 Healing Currents It is enough to focus the thought power upon the weakened center, infusing it with new life and strength, to heal and harmonize the diseased con- dition. We have the directing of an intelligent force which is capable of reorganizing the substance and structure of the flesh; we can so infuse the body with thought force that its latent intelligence will be developed, and with the awakening of new in- telligence in our flesh will come new vitality and new power, until the will has the myriads of its cells so responsively obedient that it is almighty in its organism, and discord and disease can no longer enter. Every center will be sensitive to thought, and will generate sufficient thought to carry on the work of its department perfectly. All the senses will be attuned to a new octave of vibration, giv- ing birth to clairvoyance, clairaudience, and psy- chometry; and so spiritual will the whole mind be- come that the intuition of man will be able to partake of all the wisdom stored in the omniscient Mind. MENTAL INFLUENCE AT A DISTANCE That each individual is a mental dynamo, con- stantly generating a radiant force by his thoughts and feelings, is not so hard to believe since the discovery of wireless telegraphy. When we understand how a wireless transmit- ter can radiate Hertzian waves for thousands of miles, and how the same waves can be " sensed " by delicately attuned instruments so far away, it is not hard to see that the spirit of man can be affected by the spiritual vibrations of another spirit with whom he is in sympathetic relationship though separated by a great distance, physically. The ability of organized forms to exert an in- fluence at a distance, whether magnetic or tele- pathic, is beautifully illustrated by the following experiments of a noted scientist. " This professor had two ailanthus trees in his yard and these suggested the idea to him of ob- taining from Japan some eggs of the ailanthus silk worm. He got a few, hatched the larvae and watched anxiously for the appearance of the first moths from the cocoons. He put one of the moths in a wicker cage and hung it on one of the ailanthus trees. This was a female moth. " On the same evening he took a male moth to a cemetery, a mile and a half away, and let 57 $$ Healing Currents him loose, having previously marked him by tying a silken cord about his abdomen, so as to be able to identify him. The idea was to find out if the two moths would come together for the purpose of mating, these two being the only ones of their species within a distance of a hundred miles. In the morning the two moths were found to be in the same cage, the female having been able to attract her mate from a distance of a mile and a half." — Searchlight. The Rev. Isaac K. Funk, LL.D., gives the fol- lowing illustration of thought transference: " By an arrangement with Dr. M. A. Vreeder, of Lyons, N. Y., a medical scientist of wide repute, I in Brooklyn drew the figure of a fish and then pointed to the zenith. Sensitives whom Dr. Vreeder had at his office told him at that moment that I drew a fish and pointed to the zenith. No one but myself, 400 miles distant, could have known either fact by any scientifically recognized method of communication. This seems to point to long distance telepathy. Similar facts are oc- curring in many places. Will not the press be hospitable to them and closely verify and report them minutely? Nature in this way may be whis- pering to our dull senses of forces and laws, more subtle and vastly more important than those that gave us wireless telegraphy." A REMARKABLE CURE BY SUGGESTION The following copy of a letter sent to Bishop Fallows by Mrs. Marion Foster Washburn con- tains a valuable lesson in the use of audible sug- gestion. It opens to mothers a new field of in- fluence, showing how children can be healed by suggestions given during sleep. Suggestions tend- ing to correct bad habits and strengthen the char- acter may be made in the same way. Wonderful possibilities in child culture are contained in this method of suggestion. The account of the cure is especially valuable in showing the far reaching effects of " suggestion " in the changing of phys- ical tissues. In the voluminous literature relating to men- tal therapeutics, there can be found no stronger testimony than this given by Mrs. Washburn. Mrs. Marion Foster Washburn is the wife of a prominent physician, and has been both corre- sponding secretary and president of the Indiana State Federation of Women's Clubs. Elkhart, Ind., November 23, 1904. t] My Dear Bishop Fallows: I hardly know how to tell you about John's cure, it is such a long story. The newspaper ac- count was far from accurate. The whole thing 59 60 Healing Currents took place over three years ago, but I suppose the fact that John has stayed well so long, and not only stayed well but got quite appallingly strong, is only added proof to the thoroughness of the cure. He was hurt by falling downstairs and striking the base of his brain when he was only three years old. He was paralyzed on one side — the left — so that he could only walk a few steps without falling. His left eye rolled in under his nose. His tongue and throat were paralyzed so that his speech was very thick, and swallowing so difficult that it often produced vomiting. We suppose that a blood clot was formed and pressed upon the pneumogastric center in the brain, because he had a terrible cough, like whooping cough, often protracted until he vomited blood or blood spurted from his nose. His breathing was bad at all times — that is, irregular and difficult, but very much worse at night when it was stertorous, like that of a person in apoplexy. It could be heard down two nights of stairs. At night, also, his throat had a trick of contracting spasmodically after every third or fourth breath, and then he would struggle frightfully for air. As the newspaper account says, we called in the best counsel obtainable. We had Drs. Bill- ings, Brower, Lyman, King, Patrick and others, including oculists like Allport and Fuller. All of them — except Dr. Fuller, who saw him after he was on the road to recovery — said he could not live a year. Some called it tuberculosis of the brain; others a brain tumor, but all said he must die. My own father prognosed a spread of the difficulty, brought about by the enlargement of the tumor or clot, which was evidently involving Healing Currents 61 greater and greater areas. In that case I had to expect blindness, deafness and finally feeble- mindedness and death. One night, in utter despair, after helping the poor boy to fight for his breath hour after hour, I just prayed the Lord hard that John might die; the torture was too terrible. I suppose the dear Lord knew what I meant, that I wanted relief for the child so intensely that I was willing to give him up that he might find rest; and so He answered what I meant instead of what I said. For immediately after praying I fell into a deep sleep — even John must have slept, for I was not roused, and his slightest stir always roused me. And when I awakened in the morning the whole plan of treatment was clear as crystal in my mind. The elements of the idea had been there all the time, because I had read with my husband, and had seen him do wonderful things with suggestion. But the notion of applying it to a case of mechanical injury to the brain, like John's, had never occurred to either of us. Now, however, I remembered an article by Prof. Elmer Gates, who* said that under suggestion he had known sound brain and nerve cells to move over and take the place of injured ones. I began with John's breathing, because that dis- tressed him the most, and threatened many times a night to end his life by suffocation. So I made him look at a silver dollar, so held that it reflected the light of a candle straight into his eyes. Then I kept repeating: " Now you are going to sleep, but no matter how sound asleep you are, you will hear mamma and do as she tells you." This was when he went to sleep at night. During the day I had explained to him that he had two brains, 62 Healing Currents an upper and a lower, that the lower one was sick, but the upper one was all right, and that I was going to teach the upper side to take care of the lower one while he was asleep just as I took care of him while he slept. He agreed heartily and was eager for the new performance. Well, he soon went to sleep, of course, and then I put my mouth to his ear and ordered him to breathe just as I breathed. When he got out of time with me, I roused him by tapping him sharply on the shoulder. " You are forgetting," I said, sternly. " You are to mind mamma, no matter how sound asleep you are. Breathe now." He was not used to sharp speech, and some- times he would murmur : " Are you speaking cross to me, mamma? " " No, dear," I would answer. " Not to you, just to your brain." Sometimes he would slip from my control and I have had to dash water in his face to rouse him, and then use my silver dollar and put him to sleep all over again. It seemed to be just natural sleep, sometimes very profound, but just sleep, with fixed attention. He was never cataleptic at these times, though once, in the daytime, I in- duced this state. But I did not want it. My idea was to utilize natural sleep, to keep every- thing as near normal as possible. As you see, I discontinued the treatment, simple as it was, as soon as I could with safety and comfort. Along the line of that attention I believed the nervous energy flowed, and where it went cell growth and proliferation were increased and new tissues built. From eight at night till two in the morning — at which hour he always grew quieter — I regu- Healing Currents 63 lated his breathing like this, kneeling beside him, my mouth at his ear. I kept this up for two months. At the end of that time he was so far cured as to be perfectly comfortable, though his left side was still weaker than his right, his eyes were a little crossed, and he still had spells of terrible headache, relieved by a nose-bleed. From that on we just built up his general health with no more special treatments, and our moving here into the country finished up the cure. Now at ten years of age he is as strong as a young ox on both sides, and weighs 118 pounds. His eyes are perfectly straight, but he wears glasses for school-work, as the oculist says his eyes did not develop during the time he was so ill — nearly three years altogether — but that he will catch up by the time he is grown and have as good eyes as any one. As for his mind he is unusually bright and competent. But then he always had a superior brain. That is why I could manage him so well. My love to Mrs. Fallows, and believe me faith- fully yours, Marion Foster Washburne. I AM ALL MIND CONSIDER THIS TRUTH, FOR IT IS THE KEY TO DOMINION The body is held in active organization by the mind. The mind is the positive pole and the body is the negative pole of the human battery. The food elements taken into the body are of the negative mind of the Whole, the substance of the negative pole of the universal Mind, and the in- dividual mind assimilates from the food taken into the body and from the atmosphere elements like unto itself, which it organizes into the visible expression of itself. The negative pole of the hu- man battery is just as important as the positive pole, and must be cared for and supplied with the proper elements in order to form a perfect bat- tery for the production of thought power, just as the battery which produces electric force must be fed with proper chemical elements to insure a cur- rent. It must be borne in mind that the positive mind is the organizing power, and every cell in the body is a particle of mind substance, held in obe- dience to the polarizing power of that positive mind. The cells that compose the flesh are bodies of thoughts. Every cell of the body is thought incarnated, and the organs, which are made up of 64 Healing Currents 65 great multitudes of cells, can be educated by the positive mind of the individual; they can be in- fused with positive thoughts, so that the cells and organs will progress in the degrees of intelli- gence and manifest more of life, health, and per- fection, as the mind becomes more and more con- scious of its wonderful organizing power. The progress of the individual toward domin- ion is real only in the degree that he brings his negative mind into his higher realization of Con- sciousness, and causes each particle of his phys- ical cosmos to evolve and show forth the divine intelligence which he has appropriated and indi- vidualized around his positive I AM center. Lustful thoughts and desires fill the nature with a consuming fire, which poisons the blood and burns out the nerve centers, causing disease and pain in the body and weakness and discourage- ment to the mind, hindering the human being from enjoying the peaceful, vitalizing influx which flows in from the soul life. Joy and satisfaction are at- tributes of the God-mind, and the soul as an in- dividualized expression of the Over-Soul contains all the essentials of happiness within itself, and can impart the only true happiness to its human mind and body in the degree that it can gain full and free expression through the positive and nega- tive poles of mind which it has organized. Through pure and righteous thinking, or knowl- edge of the All-Good, the mind becomes the con- scious thinking instrument of the soul, the thoughts are filled with the positive light and joy of the soul; and in this way the soul, through edu- 66 Healing Currents cation, gains dominion over the various faculties of the mind and inspires the will to hold the lower realms of the body consciousness in subjection un- til all thoughts and desires are educated and trans- muted into positive, pure intelligence, like unto the wisdom of God. When the soul has gained the balance of power over the instincts and desires of the lower con- sciousness, then its love and wisdom create in the physical nature a perfect equipoise of the magnetic and electric energies, which is health and happi- ness to the whole being. Through lack of knowl- edge of this wonderful power of soul adjustment and expression as the secret of physical and men- tal peace, mortals place themselves on the plane of animal experience, and seek for happiness through sexual indulgence. The magnetic man seeks sat- isfaction from the electric woman, and vice versa, but there is no lasting happiness attained there- by; only a momentary gratification, which depletes their systems and weakens their minds, in that carnal desires grow stronger by being gratified and gain dominion over the will and reason. The negative pole of the human battery is exerting its power over the positive pole, so that there is a reversal of all the currents in the nature. Individuality is weakened also, because, when the character of the male is the more positive, the female will gradually lose her positiveness, and begin to feel that she is an inferior creature to the male. If the female is the positive ele- ment, the male will lose self-respect and power to express his individuality. Even the cells of the Healing Currents 67 body will become polarized to the will of the one who has the strongest mind. So it is evident that sexual intercourse is conducive neither to real health nor happiness. The electric and magnetic forces are not balanced and conserved for the generation of the inner body of spiritual power, but are expended to no purpose. All physical and mental forces find their balance and adjustment in the individual soul in the same way that the mag- netic and electric forces, as well as the mental pow- ers of the universe, are controlled and balanced by the Soul of the Whole. A GENERAL HEALING TREATMENT Retire by yourself, and study and meditate upon these thoughts. When the mind is filled with them, lie down and relax the body and mind, that the healing power may operate freely. Practise daily an hour or more. Thou omnipresent Master of all forms of life, I am one with Thee; I am Thee embodied and expressed, and Thee I praise for my life and all of life's blessings. My soul is a living, radiant form of life; a glorious, intelligent individualization of the uni- versal Life and Spirit of God. My soul, my real, everlasting self, is alive in God, and every cell and organ and function of my body is infused with the living, intelligent power of my soul. I am alive with the life of God. 1 am filled with the invigorating vitality of everlasting Life. I am an expression of the most positive heal- ing Potency in existence, and my recognition that I am life itself thrills my whole nature with the divine healing energy. I am invigorated and healed by the everlasting Presence of the living God. Pain cannot exist in any part of my nature, be- cause the merciful, soothing power of life is now satisfying every cell with the oil of joy. The joy- 68 Healing Currents 69 ous sunshine of life penetrates into every part of my being, and with glad understanding I affirm : I am life, joyous life; I am peaceful, perfect life. I feel that I am united to the universal life and power of God, and all his joyous strength is fo- cused in my nature, making me so positive with his perfect energy that all disease and pain are overcome and transformed into harmony and per- fection. I am in tune with infinite life and peace. My brain polarizes the intelligence and wisdom of life. All the faculties of my soul find free ex- pression through the sensitive substance of my brain. My sex nature is pure, holy life, free from all condemnations of sin or impurity. These organs generate unlimited vitality and strength, sufficient for all my needs. They generate the fluids which build me a strong, positive brain and vital nervous system. I am divine creative energy. My heart is filled with the peace and love of the Christ life, and I am satisfied. My heart cannot be overcome by fear or any oppressive feel- ing, for it is strong with the love of life. My blood is enriched and vitalized with the goodness and purity of life. All is Life. There is no lack of happy, healing life. I inspire life with every breath, and my lungs appropriate the ozone of life, which feeds my blood with the exhilarating manna of the sun- blessed atmosphere. My stomach is a battery of digestive force and 70 Healing Currents energy, constantly assimilating food; it rejoices in the task, for it is an intelligent digestive mag- net for all the elements that the body requires. I am the digestive energy of almighty Life. I recognize that all my organs are infused with my soul intelligence, and all are conscious of their duties and work together for the health and har- mony of my organism. The free, cleansing Spirit of life flows freely through my bowels, and their operations are not hindered by any conservative thoughts, for I do not withhold the free mercy of God from any creature. My liver is the activity of life energized with positive, active intelligence. I recognize that every atom of my spleen is intelligent, living substance, obeying the soul's purpose in my physical economy. I praise the power of endless life and activity in my kidneys, and know that they are the peace- ful, perfect substance of life, ever active in cleans- ing my nature of all impurities. I can outgrow and overcome every weakness, for I am a magnet for the vitality that fills all space. I am constantly drawing in the vitality from the all-pervading life of God in nature. I praise Thee, O Thou all-wise and all-loving Pres- ence, that Thou art imparting to me the power of thy mighty Life which enables me to outgrow every defective and inharmonious condition, and I realize the dominion and happiness imparted from thy indwelling Presence in my soul. Glory to God for the healing, perfecting power of Life. All is life. Healing Currents 71 These words may not seem true when they are first read, but by constant repetition they will cre- ate a strong faith in the power and presence of life, which will allow the Spirit of Life to come into expression. " My words are Spirit and they are Life," says the Spirit of life in Christ, and, " if a man keep my words he shall never see death." Faith can be created by the wonderful power of the word of truth, and through faith the healing power of God can come into manifestation. TEACH YOUR BODY TO THINK! Mental activity in animal and human organisms develops brain centers. The more intelligent the animal or man, the more highly developed are the brain centers. It is a common notion that the brain is limited to the head, but this is not true. Wherever in the body there is need of mental ac- tion, there the nerve substance develops a brain center, a sub-brain. There is much more intelligent activity going on in the body than we are conscious of. All the subconscious or involuntary actions of mind, like the action of the heart or the breathing of the lungs during sleep, are carried cp by the instinctive operation of the mind active in the various sub- brains or nerve plexuses located in differents parts of the body. A vast amount of intelligence is active through these little brains. All hereditary thoughts and feelings, and all the old thought of {he past which seems to be outgrown, are stored in the subjective chambers of thought, and through these sub-cen- ters influence the formation of the atoms in health or disease. The hypnotist gets control over the intelligence of the subjective mind active through these centers and performs wonders of healing, because this subjective intelligence is the organizing power of the flesh. 72 Healing Currents 73 We can gain control of all these subconscious centers of mental activity, and thus gain dominion over the whole body. For instance, the heart is controlled by a sub-brain or plexus. This plexus may be influenced by conscious thought. We can will that strength shall be developed in the heart, and the message will travel through the nerves and take up its abode in the heart center, and from there influence the heart's development in strength. So with every center. Man is superior to the animal in intelligence be- cause his long evolution has developed the activ- ities in the head-brain to the degree of conscious thought. How wonderful will be the man of the future who will so develop the activity of every brain center in his body, that he will be able to think consciously in every center. He will think in every part of his body. He will have full con- trol over every function in his body. He will be able to do consciously whatever is now done by the hypnotized subject, and more. The hypno- tized subject, in whom the subjective mind is obedient to the will of the operator, becomes clair- voyant. He can see what is happening at a dis- tance; or see all the activities in his own body or the body of another person, and diagnose diseased conditions. He can travel in thought to any part of the world and feel and hear anything, any- where; is clairaudient and practically omniscient. He can read the thoughts of others and communi- cate with departed spirits; in fact, seems in touch with all minds in the whole mental universe. Not all hypnotized subjects can do all these things, 74 Healing Currents but according to their mental development they can see or feel or hear sup ernatur ally, that is, be- yond the limitations of the natural senses. Jesus, and the masters and adepts of India and other countries, the saints of ancient and modern religions, and the mediums and psychics of the present time all reveal the possibilities that await the development of the whole mind of man. The brain centers must be purified of all the limiting beliefs of the race mind, in order that a new life may flow through them to the manifes- tation of perfect health. We cannot do what we do not believe possible, so faith in our unlimited possibilities must be developed. We must free the mind, conscious and subconscious, from all ideas of bondage and limitation. For instance, the sex center is limited in its expression of life by the condemnation of millions of minds. All the life flowing into that center is stamped as im- pure. Therefore the thought of impurity must be denied out of the mind and the sexual plexus must be freed from the belief that its life is im- pure. Its life is of God, born of his pure Spirit. If we believe that any organ is impure or limited in its operation, we turn the intelligence in that organ to creating impurity and to limiting the flow of life. There is a hint here which applies to all departments of thought. Especial attention should be given to healing, harmonizing and increasing the power of the solar plexus or abdominal brain. This center controls the digestion and assimilation of food. When it becomes disturbed, the whole body suffers. The Healing Currents j$ solar plexus is most often weakened by sexual in- dulgence. It depends upon the conserved vital essences for its strength and power, and when these are deficient it loses the power to supply all other centers with proper nourishment. To try to restore the deficiency by overeating only in- creases its burden, causing it to draw for strength upon the brain, heart, and other centers. Neu- ralgia, headache, nervous heart trouble and many other painful symptoms are due to weakness of the solar plexus. In blessing or centering the thought upon any part of the body, there is an increased power given to the part by placing the hands, or the tips of the fingers, over the part treated. When treat- ing the solar plexus, place the tips of the fingers over the stomach. The following affirmations will suggest others : My solar plexus is alive with omnipotent Life. My solar plexus is alive with soul power from God. A living, glowing sun of vital power is situated in my solar plexus, filling my digestive organs with unlimited strength and power. Unlimited life, strength, and power flow into this center, enabling the organs to carry on the digestion and assimilation of food without any distress. This center is storing up power to distribute to all the other nerve centers. This center is a living dynamo of vital force, radiating its intelligent force to every part of the body. 76 Healing Currents I am now generating unlimited healing vitality in my solar plexus. Six of the brain centers are called sacred cen- ters, because in them the soul of man functions. The six sacred centers are the front brain, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the rectal plexus and the sexual plexus. Bless all these centers with love and wisdom, for they are the centers through which the soul, an intelligence su- perior to both the subconscious and conscious minds, comes into conscious expression. Until the soul attains some conscious power in the or- ganism its main center is the solar plexus. The solar plexus is a ganglia of nerves located back of the stomach, radiating, like a sun, out to the various organs. Think of the soul as a globule of light and power situated in the center of the body. As the six centers are infused with thought force the intelligence in them increases, and as they be- come more positive the soul gains power to ex- press through them. Then the real regeneration of the flesh begins, to be carried on to the end of this present existence, and continued, in the spir- itual form, on into the world celestial. Our development is more a matter of ages than of years. The soul is an organization of the wisdom and love of God — his Glory — and it has within its memory all its past accumulated wis- dom and experience; but the personality, under the most perfect conditions on this plane, can ex- press only a small part of the wisdom and power Healing Currents J J stored in the soul, because of the limited and nega- tive degree of mind in this world. So we con- tinue to live to the highest while here, knowing that when the real race is begun in the spiritual spheres we shall be stronger for having worn the weights of limitation in this practice sphere of ex- perience. Let us not be troubled by time. Let us each day be filled with the peace and joy that comes from doing the best that can be done under the circumstances. USE YOUR WILL TO OVERCOME INDIGESTION If your food distresses you, hold the following in mind very positively: I know that what I have eaten will not up- set or distress my stomach. I know that food is an exceedingly negative thing in comparison with my will, and I deny that it has any power to dis- turb me. My will is one with the will of God, whose mighty will, focused in my will, gives me the power to overcome. I am more positive than any food, and food must and does serve me. I will not, and hence do not, serve it. I am mas- ter of all things, and I will -demonstrate this fact and prove my true position amidst my surround- ings. I will rise to meet any distressing symptoms with all the assertive power of my individuality, and I resolve not to have pain or distress in head or stomach. Nothing can compel me, the master, to submit to such a negative cause. God has given me dominion over all things. I know this ! I will be free. My understanding and my will power now combine to bring this result. The understanding and the will power must work together; neither can get the result alone, for understanding is the implement with which the will works. The will is the master ; both are 78 Healing Currents 79 essential to complete execution. First the under- standing of the goodness and power of God in everything, and second the constantly increasing will and determination to make his goodness and power manifest in all ways. Understanding will avail nothing if you have not the will to execute. All should apply themselves to the study which begets understanding of truth, as it is needed for mental building material. As you get understanding, cultivate a strong, positive determination to use this wonderful ma- terial in building a firm foundation on which you can erect a grand and beautiful life structure for yourself. Never let anything stand in your way; keep on trying in the face of every obstacle; and let nothing make you yield. With such de- termination as this, as you continue to add to your understanding, you can overcome every obstacle. You can face every force in your world : — it mat- ters not how powerful it is — and it will, in the proper time and place, become subservient to your mastership. You are a divine organization of intelligence and love and will combined, and as you keep on striving and aggregating strength to the strength you have by this time acquired through the force of your determination, all things, by a God-given law, will give way. But remember, subservient things acknowledge you only in proportion as you assert your Self. All things are bound, through this positive assertion, to acknowledge your mastership. You can do all you will to do ; this is dominion. Bless all the sick and ailing ones, for they do 80 Healing Currents not understand the power vested in them. We tell them all that they need not lack health, for health and strength are organized in them; such is the law of life. These beliefs that they mani- fest are not absolute truth; they are negative be- liefs. They can be overcome by positive beliefs, founded on living Truth. Life and Health are two great realities that have always existed and will continue to exist forever. THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND AND SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS The nature of man consists of three states of consciousness — physical, mental, and soul con- sciousness. The deductions of scientific minds embrace the explored field of the conscious mind, and the but partially explored field of the sub- conscious mind, but do not take into consideration that mystical but most potent field of soul con- sciousness. To them the mind is the soul. We know from the development of our own soul perception that the soul is a deific individual de- scended from the inner sphere of Omniscience to the outer sphere of mortal consciousness; that it is a Seed of Divinity planted in the earth-mind. Its roots are in the earth, but its life and powers are from the God-Sun of heaven, and in heaven will its fruits be gathered for the Father's use. The soul is a Word of eternal wisdom, life, and love, that shall increase in creative potency throughout eternity. The conscious and subcon- scious degrees of mind constitute the personality, but the soul is the real individual. When the awakened soul speaks, it is the voice of God. Minds of materialistic tendency are apt to be- come as deeply engrossed in the phenomena of the subsconcious mind, or " subliminal conscious- ness," as scientists have been in the phenomena of the material realm, and it is in accord with the 81 82 Healing Currents process of mental evolution that it should be so; but those who want to know God and who desire to find the inspiration and healing of his divine life and power, must look to the eternal Princi- ple of Truth — to God Himself — though they have only intuition as a guide. Intuition, which reveals the eternal principles of the divine na- ture, will demonstrate that it is the supreme au- thority for truth. If intuition is followed the soul will be recognized and fertilized by recognition and devoted love until it becomes a dominant power, healing and spiritualizing both the con- scious and subconscious states of mind and pre- paring them for the grandest and mightiest exhi- bition of spiritual power. The subconscious mind is an organization of all the thoughts and feelings, of all the mental ac- tivities of the mind from earliest infancy. In or- der to rightly comprehend the subconscious mind, it must be clearly understood that mental forces organize into concrete form in the mental plane in the same way that physical forces aggregate themselves into material forms in the physical world. The mind, then, is a mental body gen- erated from the forces of thought and feeling. It is a spiritual entity. It is the formed character of the person, and just as soon as it becomes a positive character it changes the hereditary form of the flesh to express its own development. Negative characters have not the mental power to transform the flesh, therefore it is the first duty of mental instruction to develop a more positive character-body by strong affirmation. Healing Currents 83 When a thought seems to have been forgotten it still exists in the subconscious state of the mind. Persons and things long forgotten will reappear during the dream activity of the subconscious mind; faces will appear as fresh as when seen years before. The phenomena of hypnotism open up wonderful facts in regard to- the possibil- ities and powers of the subconscious realm. The whole mind of man may be compared to a circle through which a line is drawn, making a division of 1-100 and 99-100. The small seg- ment of the circle represents as much of all the thought activities of the personality as the brain is conscious of; the 99-100 represent the subcon- scious storehouse of mental activity. The planet, as a whole, has a mind — a sub- conscious mental realm in which thought activities and mind-bodies have their existence. As there is a universal space which provides the elements for our physical bodies and their development, so there is a universal Mind in which the mental or- ganization has its life and expression — a realm in which the mind-body or spiritual body exists after its physical counterpart dies. It is a realm full of mysteries to the seeker after the phe- nomena of the subconscious, full of paradoxes, in- congruities, and deceptions to those who do not accept the spiritualists' explanation of evil or un- developed spirits. What a pleasure it is to some mischievous spirit to play pranks upon some very learned man who, in earnest search for knowl- edge, has tapped the wires of the " subliminal con- sciousness " through his hypnotized subject. He 84 Healing Currents does not see the quality or character of the spirit personality that responds to him from the invisible realm of mind, and he is very likely to come to the conclusion, as some scientists already have, that the subliminal consciousness is a grand de- ceiver. Now in this subconscious side of the mind we find the intelligent force which must be properly trained and developed toward the healing of the body. There are two general methods in use, and they are both good. One is the method called " suggestion," whereby the subconscious mind is educated to turn its wonderful power to the healing of the diseased parts of the body. This method, persistently applied, will bring very beneficial results. The second method consists in thinking and speaking absolute truth. The suggestionist does not believe that there is any- thing deeper than the subconscious mind, and therefore he claims that so-called statements of truth are useful to those who imagine a soul, be- cause they work according to the law of sugges- tion. Our position is this: The conscious and sub- conscious degrees of man's mind are evolutions from matter; they are highly refined matter, or negative and undeveloped mind. The nature of God is eternal and omnipotent power, the source of all life and being. The soul of man is from above the mortal sphere of mind; it is an indi- vidualization of deific consciousness and partakes of the power of Deity; it is the image and like- ness of God in man. The soul, then, is the key Healing Currents 85 to immortal life and power. It must be recog- nized and awakened. And to awaken and mani- fest this divine power in us we affirm its being as a living truth. We take it as the foundation of our being, and upon it we build our mental habita- tion. It is the keynote of the mind, and if we sound this keynote, all the mind, conscious and subconscious, will come into harmony. We affirm: I Am Life; because the soul is eternal Life. We affirm: I am Health and Peace and Perfection; because the true I, the real individual, the soul, IS potentially the Health, Peace, and Perfection of God. We affirm: I am the Wisdom of God; because the soul is an organism vibrant with the light of the infinite Con- sciousness. The soul must be awakened by living the life of truth, expressing the thoughts and feelings of truth throughout every part of the mind and body, in order that the divine image of perfec- tion may transform the whole mind into a heav- enly, harmonious character. Then will the Spirit of God speak in the soul, giving angelic wisdom, and the soul will know the way of Life eternal and walk therein. Too many minds are passive recipients of im- pressions which come as suggestions from other minds, either incarnate or decarnate. Remember that every mind is sending out mental messages, and these messages enter and impress themselves upon negative minds. They may be good sugges- tions or they may be harmful. Many a negative mind has suddenly been inspired to commit a mur- 86 Healing Currents ■ H I I ■ ■■■■■ I ■ — ' ■ I I I I ■■ I I N I I III—