( I.ISS llodk I'KK.ShNTKI) IIY I THE AMERICAN FLOWER GARDEN DIRECTORY : CONTAINING PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR THE CULTURE OF PLANTS IN THE FLOWER GARDEN, HOT-HOUSE, GREEN-HOUSE, ROOMS, OR PARLOUR WINDOWS, FOR EVERY MONTH IN THE YEAR. WITH A Description of the Plants most desirable in each, the Nature of the Soil, and Situation best adapted to their Growth, the proper Season for Transplanting, &c. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ERECTING A HOT-HOUSE, GREEN-HOUSE, AND LAYING OUT A FLOWER GARDEN. ALSO, Table of Soils most congenial to the Plants contained in the Work. THE WHOLE ADAPTED To either Large or Small Gardens, with instructions for preparing the Soil, Propagating, Planting, Pruning, Training, and Fruiting the GRAPE VINE. With Descriptions of the best Sorts for cultivating in the open Air. NEW EDITION, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS. BY ROBERT BUIST, NURSERYMAN AND FLORIST. PHILADELPHIA : CAREY AND HART. 1841. Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1839, by Caket & Hart, in the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Gift Judg.* jnd Mrs. I R. HItt June ^'3 1-^36 / • / i:iO'-^'^ PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION This volume owes its existence principally to the repeated requests of a number of our fair patrons and amateur supporters, whose inquiries and wishes for a practical manual on Floriculture, at last in- duced us to prepare a work on the subject. That now offered is given unaffectedly and simply as a plain and easy treatise on this increasingly inte- resting subject. It will at once be perceived that there are no pretensions to literary claims — the di- rections are given in the simplest manner — the ar- rangement made as lucidly as was in our power — and the whole is presented with the single wish of its being practically useful. How far our object has been attained, of course our readers must judge. Nothing has been intentionally concealed ; and all that is asserted is the result of minute observation, close apphcation, and an extended continuous ex- perience from, childhood. We pretend not to in- fallibility, and are not so sanguine as to declare our views the most perfect that can be attained. But we can so far say, that the practice here recommend- ed has been found very successful. Some very probably may be disappointed in not having the means of propagating as clearly deli- IV PREFACE. neated as those of culture ; but to have entered into all the minutiae connected therewith, would have formed materials for two volumes larger than the present. We might have described that branch, as it has already been done in works published both on this continent and in Europe. In one of the former it is said, " You may now propagate many kinds (Exolic Plants) by suckers, cuttings, and lay- ers, which should be duly attended to, particularly such as are scarce and difficult to be obtained.-" And the directions given in one of the most extensive works in Europe on the propagation of an extensive genus, varied in character and constitution, run thus : *' Cuttings of most kinds will strike root. From the strongest growing kinds, take off large . cuttings at a joint, and plunge them in a pot of sand under a hand-glass in the bark bed. Of the smaller kinds take younger kinds, and put them under a bell-glass, also plunged in heat. The sooner the plants are potted off after they are rooted the better." Such instructions to the inexperienced are im- perfect and unavailing, which, we flatter ourselves, is not the character that will attach to the present Avork. We are well aware that there are persons who, to show their own superior abilities, may cavil and say that there is nothing new. To such critics it may bo answered, if arranging, simplifying, di- gesting, and rendering Floriculture attainable by the humblest capacity, with useful hsts and tables on a plan quite novel, as we believe — ofTer nothing new, it may at least be called an improvement. However, we submit all to a generous public, ta whom we are already under many obligations. HiBBERT & BUIST. Philadelphia, April l&th, 1832. INTRODUCTION In presenting to the lovers of Floriculture our second edition, we congratulate them on the on- ward and very prosperous condition of horticulture, since this work first appeared. We have no desire to take upon us to say how much ive have improved our time ; but merely state, that we have condensed the former edition as much as possible, and de- prived it of any matter that has not withstood the test, a few years more, of tried experience. We have also introduced many new and beautiful plants, and given minute instructions for their culture. The new descriptions of the rose and camelha alone exceed two hundred, and those of the most choice description, (of which we have any knowledge,) we have added their synonyms ; which, with other improvements, we cheerfully throw before the ge- nerous and discriminating lovers of Flora. We 1* \i INTRODUCTION. have also annexed a few brief directions for the cul- tivation of foreign grapes J a subject which now ab- sorbs the attention of all who have any taste or re- lish for fine fruits^ and described some of the most choice sorts for open air culture. In arrangement, a monthly calendar has its ob- jections ; but it must be conceded that it has fewer than any other that has as yet been adopted, and it is, at all times, more accessible to the uninitiated student. We also admit some verbal mistakes, which, no doubt, have occurred, for which we beg indulgence — confessing that our business has been more with the ralce and the spade^ the plant and the soil, than the composer's bureau. Our descriptions of plants have been conveyed more with the view of giving an idea of their character to the general reader, than an accurate botanical synopsis, which would have been known to the botanist alone. All that we have described and recommended, have, with few exceptions, passed under our own observa- tion, and are such as are worthy of cultivation, either for beauty of flower, foliage, or habit, together with those celebrated in arts and medicine. Many may possibly have passed unobserved, either from their being very generally known, or difficult to obtain ; but in no case has there been suppression from business prejudices. Where the words " our col- \ INTRODUCTION. VU lections " occur, it is meant for those of the coun- ty, generally. All our observations have been guided by dint of practice, and although others may differ, this is designedly and professedly given as the result of our own experience — the plan laid down is our own routine of culture; the soils are those which we adopt ; but, at the same time, conceding that every art and profession is subject to im- provement, and none more so than American hor- ticulture. The table of soils was originally con- structed at the expense of much investigation and labour, and has, also, in this Edition, undergone considerable improvement ; to every one that has but a single plant, it will be found invaluable. Although the publications in Europe, on Gar- dening and Floriculture, are profuse ; yet many of their directions, when practised in the United States, prove almost a dead letter — not so with their architectural and horticultural designs. The estates of the wealthy are susceptible of great im- provement ; they want more of the picturesque, and (to use the word of the veteran pioneer of horti- culture) gardenesque effect, to relieve their pre- mises from the monotonous erections and improve- ments which seem to govern all. On culture, a { Vlll INTRODUCTION. work adapted to the climate must (and no other can) be the guide in this country: on this ac- count, a work Hke the present has been a desi- deratum to aid the very rapid advancement of the culture of flowers among the intelligent of our flourishing republic. Philadelphia, March, 1839. AMERICAN FLOWER GARDEN DIRECTORY. ON LAYING OUT A FLOWER GARDEN. The Flower Garden is chiefly devoted to the cultivation of showy flowering plants, shrubs, and trees, either natives of this country or those of a foreign clime : it is a refined ap- pendage to a country-seat, " suburban " villa, or city resi- dence ; every age has had its principles of taste, and every country its system of gardening. Our limits do not permit us to enter minutely into the details of any of these systems, but a few hints may not be out of place to those whose de- sign is the laying out or improvement of the garden. The Italian style is characterized by broad terraces and parallele walks, having the delightful shade and agreeable fragrance of the orange and the myrtle. Terraces may be advantageous- ly adopted to surmount steep declivities; and, if judiciously laid out, would convert a steril bank into a beautiful pro- menade or choice flower garden. The French partially adopt the above system, interspersing it with parterres and figures of statuary work of every cha- racter and description. When such is well designed and neatly executed, it has a lively and interesting effect ; but now the refined taste says these vagaries are too fantastic, and entirely out of place. A late writer says of Dutch gar- 10 ON LAYING OUT dening, that it " is rectangular formality :" they take great pride in trimming their trees of yew, holly, and other ever- greens, into every variety of form, such as mops, moons, lialbcrds, chairs, &c. In such a system it is indispensable to order that the compartments correspond in formality, nothing being more offensive to the eye than incongruous mixtures of character. The beauty of English gardening consists in an artful imitation of nature, and is consequently much dependant on aspect and locality. It is a desideratum where wood and water can be combined with the flower garden, and the prac- tical eye can dispose of an object to advantage by inter- spersing shrubbery and walks, that the combined objects form an agreeable whole. They are not to be disposed with a view to their appearance in a picture, but to the use and enjoy- ment of them in real life. We will now endeavour to give an explicit exposition of a system adapted to our variable climate of extreme heat and excessive cold. Where choice of aspects can be ob- tained, preference should be given to a south-east or east ; but, if not, south or south-west, and, if possible, sheltered by rising ground or full-grown woods from the north-west and north. But to lay down directions for a flower gar- den is not a little difficult, seeing that there cannot be any given area or any description of local circumstances appli- cable to all situations. A good soil is the sure foundation on which to rear the grand floral superstructure, and the most genial is a sandy loam : I mean by sandy loam a soil which contains from one-sixth to one-tenth of sand ; and if on a gravelly or sandy bottom, so much the better. Where the general surface is gently undulating, it w^ill greatly add to the beauty of arrangement ; if access to a spring can be ob- tained, it will prove a desideratum in completing the whole : it can be available for a fish-pond or an aquarium, or can be converted into a swamp for the cultivation of many of our A FLOWER GARDEN. 11 most beautiful and interesting native plants, such as Haba- naria, Lilium, Sarracenia, Dionea, &c., and on the margin of which (if partially shaded) can be planted the beautiful vari- eties of Azaleas, and the splendid flowering Rhododendron, which, by the by, are alniost entirely neglected in all our floral decorations. With many, the arrangement of a flower garden is rather a matter for the exercise of fancy, than one calling for the application of refined taste : true, it may be said there is no mathematical law to guide the designer, so that if he avoid incongruity of arrangement the end is accom- plished. But, in commencing these operations, a design should be kept in view that will tend to expand, improve, and beautify the situation ; not, as we too frequently see it, the parterre and borders with narrow walks up to the very household entrance : such is decidedly bad taste, unless com- pelled for want of room. For perspicuity, admit that the area to be enclosed should be from one to three acres, a circumambient walk should be traced at some distance within the fence, by which the whole is enclosed ; the inferior walks should partly circumscribe and intersect the general surface in an easy serpentine and sweeping manner, and at such dis- tances as would allow an agreeable view of the flowers when walking for exercise. Walks may be in breadth from three to twenty feet, although from four to ten feet is generally adopted ; and, to have these dry and permanent, those that are to be much used should have six to eight inches of the bottom soil dug out in a concave manner, and in the centre of the concave dig out a trench of about nine inches square to form a drain, which may be made with brick or filled with rough stone, and the concave may be filled with re- fuse of buildings or broken stone to within three inches of the desired height, which should be covered with gravel, and then firmly rolled with a heavy roller. Where the gravel cannot be obtained sand may be used, mixed with a few small stones tobind it, but such needs very repeated rolling. Walks, / I 12 ON LAYING OUT sucli as described, when completely finished, will last for ages ; but many will not be disposed to go to such expense : to those we say use Tanner's bark, which is very cheap and accessible to all. The outer margin of the garden should be planted with the largest trees and shrubs : the interior ar- rangement may be in detached groups of shrubbery and par- terres. In order that the whole should not partake of an uni- form and graduated character, it should be broken and diver- sified by single trees planted in the turf, or arising in scattered groups from a base of shrubs. In some secluded spot rock- work or a fountain, or both, may be erected ; the foundation of the former should consist of mounds of earth, which will answer the purpose of more solid erections, and will make the stones go farther : rocks of the same kind and colour should be placed together, and the greatest possible variety of character, size, and form, should be studied, the whole showing an evident and well defined connexion. These erec- tions generally are stiff artificial disjointed masses, and often decorated with plants having no affinity to their arid location. The undertaking, wh^n well completed, will pre- sent a field of varied and interesting study, and more than compensate for the labour and expense bestowed upon it. If it is desired that the flower garden should be a botanical study, there should be some botanical arrangement adopted. The Linnean system is the most easily acquired. A small compartment laid out in beds might contain plants of all the twenty-four classes, and a few of all the hardy orders, which do not exceed one hundred. Or, to have their natural cha- racters more assimilated, the Jussieuean system could be car- ried into effect by laying down a grass plat to any extent above one quarter of an acre, and cut therein small figures to contain the natural families, which of hardy plants we do not suppose would exceed one hundred and fihy. The diflicullies of this arrangement are, that many of the charac- ters are imperfectly known even to the most scientific. {Pro- Jan.] A FLOWER GARDEN, 13 fessor Lindley has given addilional light on the subject by his last publication.) All the large divisions should be intersect- ed by small alleys, or paths, about one and a half or two feet wide. When there is not a green-house attached to the flower garden, there should be at least a few sashes of framing or a forcing pit to bring forward early annuals, &c,, for early blooming. These should be situate in some spot detached from the garden by a fence of Roses, trained to trellises, Chi- nese Arbour vitae, Privet, or even Madura makes excellent fences ; and, when properly trimmed, are very ornamental : they require to be neatly and carefully clipped with shears every September. In the southern states Noisette and China Roses, with a profusion of Sweetbrier, would make the mast beautiful of all fences, and could be very easily obtained ; a fence three hundred feet long would only cost about one hun- dred and twenty dollars. Frames forforcing should be made of plank two inches thick, and well put together ; the sash should be from five to seven feet long, and from three to four feet wide, and filled with six by eight glass. In the framing ground should be kept the various soils required for plants, and also various characters of manure at all times ready for use, the whole in regular heaps, and kept free from weeds. Having given these brief outlines of a flower garden, we now pro- ceed to give monthly directions for planting and keeping the same in order. JANUARY. If the covering of the beds of choice bulbs, herbaceous plants, or tender shrubs, has been neglected last month, let it be done forthwith. The season is now precarious and delays 2 14 FRAMING. [Jan. are dangerous. For particular directions, see December. Any bulbous roots that have been kept out of the ground should be planted immediately, according to directions in October. Some writers have recommended keeping some of the bulbs until this month, in order to have a continued succession. Experience will prove the inefficacy of the plan, and will satisfactorily show that the difference is almost im- perceptible, while the flowers are very inferior and much degenerated ; and in place of having " a long-continued suc- cession of bloom," there appear, along with your finest spe- cimens, very imperfect flowers, calculated to discourage the admirers of these " gaudy " decoralives of our flower gar- dens. Whereas, every art employed should be to the ad- vancement and perfection of nature. OF FRAMING, &c. The plants and roots that are in frames, should be pro- tected with straw mats and boards, and the frame surrounded •with litter, or leaves, or what is more advisable, banked with lurf — the former being a harbour for mice and other ver- min. For full directions, see December. Under this head the plants, such as Auriculas, Polyanthus, Daisies, Car- nations, Pinks, Pentstemons, Campanula pyramidalis. Double rocket. Double stock, or Stockgillys, Double Wall- Jloioer, Anemone, Ranunculus, &cc., as previously enume- rated as frame plants, will require very little water, and be sure to give none while they are in a frozen state. If snow should cover them, the plants will keep in a fine slate under it, so never remove snow from covering cold frames, even suppose it should lie for weeks, — nature will operate here herself. But when framing cannot be obtained, they will in this latitude keep tolerably, if gently covered with leaves or litter, using means to secure them from being blown over the garden. Jan.] OF PRUNING. 15 OF PRUNING. It is not advisable to carry on a general system of pruning in this month, in whatever state the weather may be. The severest frosts generally are yet to come, and too frequently what is done now in this operation has to be repeated in the spring, causing, at that time, work to a disadvantage; because, if pruning, when done just now is accomplished judiciously, whatever more is requisite to be done in the spring on the same bush, will be injudicious. Hence, it is far preferable to delay it till the frost is nearly over, when all can be done to advantage. There are, undoubtedly hardy trees and some shurbs, that may be pruned and thinned out any time from the first of November to the first of March ; such as Cra- toegus, Sorbus, Spirea, and even Althea, in the middle states ; (the Double white Althea is very tender and requires to be covered.) The tying together the loose branches of Juni- per, Cedar, and Arbour vitae should be particularly attended to, as heavy snow frequently destroys the shape of those handsome shrubs by breaking down the branches, &c. — When the snow is heavy, the precaution of shaking it off should be resorted to. In many seasons, the beginning of this month is open and admits of the operation of digging in open quarters, which if not done, as advised last month, ought not to be delayed. The fruits of it will appear in the mellowed state of your soil in spring. If there is any spare time, tallies, straight sticks or stakes, may be prepared for summer use. Tie them up in neat bun- dles, which will be of great service during the hurried period of the year. An opportunity of this kind should always be laid hold of; the beneficial results will in season be dis- played. 16 OF PRUNING, (kc. [Feb. FEBRUARY. When the borders and various compartments were dug in the autumn, and compost, or a thin coating of well decom- posed manure given, the advantage will now, in part, be ex- perienced. If the weather is open about the end of the montli, the pruning should be done with the utmost despatch, that all may be prepared for a general dressing next month, and let nothing be delayed which can now properly be ac- complished, under the idea that there is time enough. OF PRUNING, &c. Generally, about the end of the month, the very severe frosts are over, and when none need be apprehended tha» would materially injure hardy shrubs, they may be freely pruned, and the points cut of such shoots as may have been damaged by the winter. Most of shrubs require nothing more than to be thinned of straggling, irregular, and injured branches, or of suckers that rise round the root, observing, that they do not intermingle with each other. Never trim them up in a formal manner ; regular shearing of shrubs, and topiary work, have been expelled as unwortiiy a taste, the least improved by reflections on beauty, simplicity, and grandeur of nature. In fact, the pruning of deciduous hardy shrubs, should be done in such a manner as not to be observable when the plants are covered with verdure. It may frequently be ob- served in flower gardens, that roses and shrubs of every description are indiscriminately cut with the shears, the Amuj'phas, Viburnums^ and Altheas sharing the same fate. Feb.] OF PRUNING, &c. 17 Rohinias, Colilteas, Cyticus, Rhus, Genistas, with several of the Viburnums, and many others, bear their flowers on the wood of last year, and when thus sheared aflford no gratifica- tion in flowering. And those shrubs that thus flower on the shoots of last year are perhaps worse to keep in regular order, than those to which the knife can be freely applied ; but good management while young will ensure handsome free flower- ing plants. Climbing shrubs, and others that are trained against out- buildings, walls, or such as are sheltered thereby, and not now in danger of suff'ering by frost, may be pruned and dressed. These should be neatly trimmed, and the branches moderately thinned out, tying in all the shoots straight and regular. Avoid, at all times, the crossing of any shoots. There is not a shrub in the garden that agrees so well with close cutting, as the Althea, and all its varieties. These can be made either bushes or trees, and kept at any desired height. Wiiere the wood of last year is cut to about two or three inches from the vvood of the former year, the yotmg shoots of the coming season will produce the largest and finest flowers, and likewise more profusely. When they have attained the desired height, let them be kept in the most natural and handsome shape that the taste of the ope- rator can suggest. They will bear cutting to any degree. Honeysuckles of every description may, with all freedom, be trimmed, providing the frost is not very severe. These are very frequently allowed to become too crowded with wood, and then superficially sheared or cut. The flowers would be much finer, and the brush handsomer, if they were regularly thinned out, divesting them of all naked and super- fluous shoots. Of those that remain, shorten the shoots of last year. Where any of the honeysuckle kind has become naked at the bottom, and flowering only at the top of the trellis, or extremities of the shoots, one half of the bush should be cut to within four inches of the ground. It will 2* 18 OF PRUNING, &;c. [Feb. throw out plenty of fine young wood, which give room for, and train them straight, and to the full extent, during sum- mer. These shoots will flower profusely the following sea- son, and in like manner, when thought proper, the olher half can be cut. Roses of the hardy kinds (termed garden roses) that were not attended to in November, should, if the weather permit, be dressed and pruned forthwith. In small gardens, where these are generally attached to the walls and fences, neatness should be a very particular object. If any of such bushes have got strong and irregular, the most proper method to bring them to order, will be to cut down each alternate shoot of the bush to wuthin a few inches of the surface, thereby renovating it, and, in part, preserving the flowers. Those that are cut down will put out several luxuriant shoots, which must be regularly tacked in, spreading them in a fan shape. These, in another year, will flower well, when the others may go through the same operation. Thus, in two or three years, the bushes will have resumed a different, and more agreeable aspect. By the above treatment, these ornaments of the garden will always have a neat and healthful appear- ance, and the roses will be much finer. Where they are in- tended for the borders, they should never be allowed to get too high. In a border from four to six feet, they ought never to exceed four feet at the back of the border, and in front one foot, after being pruned ; they can be kept down by the above method. It is not advisable to cut down rose bushes all at once, unless no regard is paid to flowering. The roses that are in grass plats, and interspersed through the garden, would have a superior appearance in every respect, if they were kept and trimmed like small trees. They may be of different sizes and heights, according to the distance they are from the walk. A single stem may arise from six inches to six feet, with a head in proportion to the height of the stem, \^'here it is necessary to have them above two Feb.] OF PLANTING SHRUBS, &€, l9 feet, and likewise to carry a good head, inoculation must be resorted to, which, in the months of July and August, will be fully treated of. All under two feet (except the weak growing kinds) will do on their own stems, taking care not to allow shoots to arise from the bottom during the summer. For directions for pruning climbing roses, see March and April- OF PLANTING SHRUBS, &c. As soon as the frost is out of the ground, these should be planted if the soil is not loo wet. Where soil is binding, upon no consideration plant in it while wet, rather defer it until the end of March. Trees and shrubs, if they are well arranged, are the chief ornaments, give the m.ost pleasure, and afford the greatest de- light that we enjoy in our gardens. Although they give no sort of nourishment, nor produce any edible fruits, yet they are particularly grateful and conducive to our enjoyments. Our walks in summer would be oppressive, but for their agreeable shade ; in the fall and winter, we would be left ex- posed to the chilling winds, but for the shelter they afford. Likewise they produce a great variety of flowers, a varied foliage, and are standing ornaments that give no great trou- ble. In the character of screens they are particularly useful, whether to hide disagreeable objects, or as a guard against the weather; or, if they are planted in masses at a distance, they soon become agreeable objects, frequently very much improve the scenery of the place, become objects of utility as well as ornament, and, in such case, afford the highest sa- tisfaction. When formed so as to exclude offices from the view of the house, or for sheltering the latter, or for connect- ing the house with the garden, orchard, or any similar pur- pose, shrubs are both useful and interesting. Where many shrubs are to be planted, the disposing of 20 OF PLANTING SHRUBS, &C. [Feb. them properly is a matter of considerable importance to the future welfare of the whole ; and, whether deciduous or ever- greens be mixed or grouped, that is, indiscriminately planted together, or the evergreens planted by themselves, as is fre- quently done, a regular and natural arrangement is indispen- sable for establishing ornament. Arranging, no doubt, depends very much on fancy ; still, there ought always to be plenty of evergreens planted, that the whole may be more cheerful in winter. If shrubberies were made to a great extent, the scenery would be much more varied and characteristic by grouping judiciously than by indiscriminately planting. However, in small flower gardens and shrubberies, the latter has to be adopted. In such places, tall growing kinds should never be introduced, unless merely as a screen from some disagreeable object, for they crowd and confuse the whole. The dwarf and more bushy sorts should be placed nearest to the eye, in order that they may conceal the naked stems of the others. Generally when shrubs are planted, they are small ; therefore, to have a good effect from the be- ginning, they should be planted closer than they are intend- ed to stand. When they have grown a few years, and in- terfere with each other, they can be lifted, and such as have died, or become sickly, replaced, and the remainder can be planted in some other direction. Keep them always dis- tinct, one from another, in order that they may be the better shown oflf. But, if it is not desired that they should be thicker planted than it is intended to let them remain, the small growing kinds may be six or eight feet apart ; the larger, or taller sorts, ten to twenty feet, according to the condition of the soil. Thick masses of shrubbery, called thickets, are sometimes wanted. In these there should be plenty of evergreens. A mass of deciduous shrubs has no imposing effect during win- ter ; and, as this is not the proper season for planting ever- Feb.] OF PLANTING SHRUBS, &C. 2l greens, (April, and the end of September, or first of October being best,) small stakes can be placed in the destined spot. Planting in rows, or in any plan of a formal character, should at all times be avoided. In planting at this season, observe that the roots are not much exposed to the air, especially if the wind be high and sharp ; but it is always better, if possible, to defer the busi- ness until good, mild weather. According to directions in November, the ground will be well prepared, and only re- quires a hole dug for the reception of the roots, which must be considerably larger, that the roots may not be in the least confined. Break the earth well at bottom, put in as much as will receive the plant from one to two inches (according to its size) lower than it has previously been in the Nursery. If any of the roots are bruised or broken, cut them off; then place the plant in the centre of the hole, breaking fine all the soil that is put in, at the same time shaking the stem a little, that the earth may mix with the roots ; when full up, press all the soil down with the foot, that it may, in some degree, consolidate about the roots, and support the plant. Tall plants should have a good stake for support, and place a small bandage between the stake and stem of the shrub or tree, where the tie is made, to prevent the bark from suffering by friction. Observe, always, before planting, if the soil is not suitable, to supply that which is congenial to the nature of the intended plant. When shrubs or trees are to be carried to any distance, the roots should be carefully kept from air, by tying damp moss, straw or mats about them, as circum- stances will admit : the success, in part, depends on due at- tention being paid, to prevent the roots drying before plant- ing. Although we have given the above directions for planting, in this month, it will frequently occur, that they can only be put into practice during the next, as this month is often the severest of the season. 22 OF HYACINTH AND OTHER BULBS. [March. OF HYACINTH AND OTHER BULBS. Towards the end of the month, if the weather proves fa- vourable, the covering should be partially taken off from the Hyacinihs, Tulips, and other bulbous roots. It sometimes occurs, that, by careless planting in the autumn, they are thrown above ground by the frost, especially if the ground is inclined to moisture, and they not being deep enough planted : if such is the case, cover them with decayed leaves, old tan, or soil, whichever is most convenient ; if not done, the sun and air will overpower the bulbs, and, although the fibres have hold of the ground, the flowers will be miserably- weak. MARCH. As soon as the frost is entirely gone, uncover all plants or shrubs that have beeu protected, preserving carefully such of the materials as will answer the same purpose next season. Cut off all decayed shoots, or such as have been hurt by the frost. The Lagerstramias will flower in greater perfection, if they are pruned closely ; that is, cut the shoots of last year, to within two or three eyes of the wood of the previous year, at the same time, having regard to the regular and na- tural shape of the bush. Cut off the injured foliage of any of the evergreens that have suffered by the severity of the winter, but leave every green part which is essential to the support of these kind of plants. It is expected that all pruning of the shrubbery is finished ; if not, get all expedi- tiously done according to directions given in the preceding months. All work that can be done in this month, should March.] of framing. 23 not be delayed, such as hoeing, digging, raking, and clearing away all leaves and litter of every description that have been brought or blown into the garden during autumn or winter. OF FRAMING. Where it is desired to have the more showy annuals early in bloom, it is necessary to prepare a hot-bed frame, for the purpose of bringing them forward. It is time about the first of the month, to collect and prepare manure for the desired hot-bed ; and, as that operation, in many instances, is very imperfectly performed, a few observations on the subject may be useful. Take three parts of fresh hot stable manure, with one part of fresh oak leaves. Have a sufficient quantity to make the intended bed or beds from three to four feet high. Shake and mix up both together in a compact conical heap, in order to encourage fermentation. If the weather is cold and windy, cover it with straw or leaves and boards, which is necessary to produce the desired effect. If fermentation soon takes place, it will need to be thoroughly turned over in eight or ten days. If any of it has become dry and musty from ex- cessive heat, as you proceed, water the affected parts, pile all up neatly, and leave it protected in part as before. In five or six days more, it will have to be turned again, repeating it until the first extreme heat has been over. In neglect of this, the heat, after making up the bed, will be vehement for a week or two, frequently destroying the vegetative purity of the soil, and proving destructive to the seeds. Allowing the manure to come to a lively heat, having no unpleasant, rancid smell, proceed to mark off your intended bed, running it east and west as nearly as possible, measure your frame, and allow the site of the bed eight inches each way larger than the frame : at the corners, place a stick or 24 OP FRAMING. [March. rod perpendicularly. The ground ought to be higher than that around it, to prevent water from getting into the bed, which, if low, must be filled up ; or, if supposed that water may lodge there, a little brushwood might be put under the manure, which would keep it from being inundated. The manure must be built up square and level, shaking, mixing, and beating it regularly with the back of the fork. When you have it to the desired height, (from two to three feet will be sufficient for annuals,) leave the centre of the bed a little higher than the sides, thus allowing it more to subside. When finished, put on the frame and sash or sashes, keep them close until the heat arises, covering them at night with mats or shutters. As soon as you feel the heat increased, give air by tilting the sashes a few inches to let off the steam and stagnated air, observing to close in the afternoon, and cover at night. If the heat is violent, about half an inch of air might be left during the night. In about three days, if all has been properly attended to, the bed will be what is termed sweet. Then put in about six inches of fine garden soil; if heavy, mix a little sand with it. Spread it level, and, when the soil is heated through, sow in small drills from one eighth to an inch deep, according to the size of the seeds, cover with very fine sifted soil. Some very small kinds do best when sown upon the surface. When sown, give gentle sprinklings of water until they come up, when it will be necessary to give air freel}^ during the day to prevent them from being weak, or damping off, which many of them will do if they have not air regularly admitted. March.] list of choice annuals, &;c. 25 LIST OF CHOICE FLOWERING ANNUALS ADAPTED FOR SOWING ON A HOT-BED. Argeratum mexicana, blue flowered Argeratum. Asclepias curassavica, swallow wort, orange, and red flow- ered. Aster Chinensis, China Aster, or Queen Margarets, in great variety. The late imported German Asters are of ex- traordinary beauty. Balsamine hortensis, Balsam, commonly called Ladies Slip- per. Browallia alata, upright blue and white Browallia. Cacalia coccinea, scarlet Cacalia. Calandrinia grandiflora, rose-coloured Calandrin, discolor, rosy purple. Celosia cristata, Coxcomb, two varieties, red and yellow. Centaurea americana, American Sultan. suaveolens, yellow sweet Sultan. Clarkia elegans. elegant rose-coloured Clarkia. Dulchella, showy purple Clarkia. alba, white flowery Clarkia. Cleome-grandiflora, large lilac flowering spider plant. Clintonia elegans, elegant blue Clintonia. Collinsia bicolor, two-coloured Collinsia. heterophylla, lilac and white. Comraelina ccelestis, blue flowering Commelina. Dianthus chinensis, china pink, many fine double varieties, Gomphorina globosa, red and white Globe Amaranthus. Hibiscus raanihot, large yellow Hibiscus. africanus major, buff" with black centre. Helichrysum bracteatum } ZerantJiemum luccidum, ^ ^^^^^ everlasting. 3 26 LIST OF CHOICE ANNUALS, &C. [Ma7cJl. , , , ^ Rose-coloured flowers like Lopnospermum erubescens, , t^. • ,. r v i. ^ ^ , > the Digitalis, a fine climb- scandens, J er for arbours. Malope alba, white flowering Malope. grandiflora, large red flowering Malope. Mathiola annua, all the varieties of ten week stocks should be industriously cultivated, and seed sown also in April and May for autumn blooming. "] Climbing plants Maurandia Barclay ana, blue flowering, U^^ pillars trel- semperflorens, pink flowering, / jj^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ Mesembryanthemum glaciale, Frozen plant, crystallinum, Ice plant. Mimosa pudica, Sensitive plant. Mimulus Wheelerii, Monkey flower, yel- low and crimson. Smithii, Smith's yellow and red. v Will grow best Variegatus, variegated pink and j inwetplaces. white, cardinalis, scarlet, roseus, rose-coloured. Petunias of variety, a beautiful genus of plants of every va- riety of colour, from deep purple to pure white, blooming from June till frost; the seeds are .<:mall and require to be very lightly covered. Portulaca grandiflora, great flowered Purslane. Gilesii, rosy purple flowered Purslane. Salpiglossus picta, atropurpurea, &c., delight in a cool si- tuation. Schizanthus rctusus, orange-coloured ^ Schizanthus, Like a rich soil, and Scliizanthus pinnalus calico Schizan- \ a cool and parlial- ihus, I ly shaded situa- Schizanthus Hookcrii, and afew other | tion. varieties. J Shortia californica, yellow Shortia, very profuse flowering ]\[arcJl.] LIST OF CHOICE ANNUALS, &C. 27 Tao-etes, Mary-gold, the new varieties of the French are very pretty — they hke rich soil and plenty of moisture. Tropaeolum aduncum, Canary bird flower, a climber and a very scarce plant. Tropaeolum atrosanguineum, crimson Nastartium, -n Thumbergia alata, buff with black centre. > ^^ ^"^ alba or Fragrans, white flowered. ) P ' , Verbena aubletia, rose-coloured. bonariensis, blue. erinoides, liglit lilac A lovely family of pretty and ingplantsgene. rally of a pro. cumbent habit. Drummondii, rosy lilac. > P'°^f ^ ^°'^^^ pulchella, Procumbens, purple lilac. sabiniana. Vinca rosea, Madagascar Periwinkle. ^ Thrive best in a alba, white flowered Peri- ( warm, dry, silua- winkle. ) tion with rich soil. Zennia elegans, splendid Zennia. 1 -rr , , , 1 I Very showy plants, and coccinea, scarlet, i / , -^ , ,, , - 'i do best when thev alba, white. y v j 1 •a 1 I are well supphed with paucmora, yel- ^^ , 'i water, low. J Though the above will bloom much earlier by being sown on a hot-bed, yet where that convenience cannot be obtained they will all succeed treated as hardy annuals. After sowing, if the weather be clear, the sun acting on the glass, will produce a too rapid evaporation of the mois- ture of the soil, and may otherwise aff'ect seeds but thinly covered, which must be guarded against by shading with mats for a few hours during bright sunshine. In giving water it ought always to be about milk warm, and passed through a fine rose, to prevent the stems being broken or bruised. Weeds must be draw out as soon as they ap- pear. 28 HARDY ANNUALS. [Morch. HARDY ANNUALS. Many annual plants, though of short duration, are pos- sessed of much beauty of hue and elegance of form : they are farther valuable from their adaptation in filling up vacant spots through the flower garden or parterre. They are, be- sides, of easy culture, many requiring nothing more than to have the seeds sown in the spot where they are to grov/* The first sowing may take place about the end of the month' when the ground is prepared and the weather fine, but avoid it at all times when the ground will not pulverize properly. The neatest and most expeditious method is to take a rod about one foot long and one inch in diameter, rounding at the end, with which draw a circle from four to nine inches in diameter, and from one-eighth of an inch to an inch deep, according to the size of the seeds. Many very small seeds will grow best, if sown on the surface of fine mould. When sown, cover with fine mould, placing a small twig or tally, with the name in the centre of the circle to prevent mistakes, either in sowing, planting, or hoeing. When they have grown from one to two inches — the first moist day should be taken to remove such as are too crowded, which can be generally transplanted to some other situation, taking care to shade them, a few days, with flower pots, or some other substitute. A few kinds do best with removing, such as Balsams, China Asters, Mary-gold, 10 week stocks. Hibis- cus, Zennias, and several others, of a free growing, and strong-wooded nature. Annuals are such plants as grow from seed, flower, and perfect their productions, and then die within one year. The following sorts are well deserving of culture : Adonis miniata, Flos Adonis or Pheasant's eye, red. Amaranlhus caudatus, Love lies Bleeding, red and yellow variety. March.] hardy annuals. 29 Amaranthus hypocondriacus, Prince's Feather, red. tricolor, three-coloured Amaranthus should be sown on rather poor soil — on rich soil it has little beauty. Calendula hybrida, great Cape Mary-gold. Centaurea nioschata, purple sweet Sultan. Centaurea cretica, white sweet Saltan. Centaurea suaveolens, yellow sweet Sultan. Collinsia grandiflora, blue Collins' flower. Convolvulus purpureus, major of the gardens, dwarf blue Bindwed, and decidedly the most beautiful of the group. Calliopsis bicolor, formerly Coreopsis tinctoria or Fair Eye ; a very gay plant, and flowers best when sown in October. Calliopsis atrosanguinea, crimson Calliopsis. Delphinum ajacis, Rocket Larkspur, many varieties, all su- perb, and do best to be sown in rich mould in October. Delphinum consolida, branching Larkspur, various colours. Euphorbia variegata, variegated Euphorbia. Elscholtzia crocea Orange. (Now chryseis.) californica yellow, cristata, red, Gilia tricolor, three-coloured Gilia, ] capitata, blue-coloured. ^Blooms all summer, lacinata, pink-coloured. J Heliophila araboides, blue sun love, very pretty. Hunnemannia fumarifolia, yellow, blooms from June to October. Iberis amara, white Candytuft. umbellata, purple Candytuft, violacea, violet Candytuft. i odorata, white sweet-scented Candytuft, splendens, large purple, sweet-scented Candytuft. Ipomoea quamoclit, cypress vine, the seed will grov/ freely, if soaked two or three hours in hot water. 30 HARDY ANNUALS. [March, Ipomoea quamoclit, flore alba, a dull white, Lathyrus odoralus, sweet Pea of many varieties. Leptosiphon densiflorus, dense-flowered Leptosiphon. Loasa lateritia, orange-coloured Loasa, a clinibing plant. Lupinus, many varieties ; they require to be partially shaded from hot suns. Malope-trifida, scarlet Malope. Mirabilis jalapa, marvel of Peru, many varieties. If the roots of this plant are lifted in October, and placed in a dry cellar, free from frost, and planted out next April, they will bloom much finer. Nemophila insignis, or blue Grove Love, a pretty dwarf plant, requiring rich soil and a half shaded situa- tion. (Enoihera or tree Primrose ; many varieties of the annual species, produce their flowers in much greater perfection, if planted or sown in poor soil. To this ansiloba, sinuata, and tetraptera, are excep- tions, as they flower the finest in a rich light loam. Phlox Drummondi, rosy red, a superb article, and blooms from May till October. In dry situations it is apt to die off unless partially shaded. Reseda odorata. Mignonette ; to have it in perfection the whole season, there should be a sowing in May and July. It delights in a rich loamy soil, Silene elegans, elegant white Catch-fly. Silene picta painted. Viola tricolor, Pansy or Heart's-ease, require very rich soil, and should be shaded from hot sun ; if sown early in the season, they will flower profusely in the autumn. For other varieties of Annuals, see list adapted for hot-bed sowing. We have omitted many not agreeing with our cli- mate, or those very common for such, we refer our readers to the lists published, annually, by respectable seedsmen. March.] box edgings. 31 BOX EDGINGS. May be planted any time this month, or beginning of next, which in most seasons will be preferable. We will give a few simple directions how to accomplish the work. In the first place, dig over the ground deeply where the edging is intended to be planted, breaking the soil fine, and keeping it to a proper height, namely, about onejnch higher than the side of the walk ; but the taste of the operator will best de- cide, according to the situation. Rake the surface even, and tread it down with the feet, or beat it with the spade. Where it gives most, continue to add, keeping the surface at the de- sired height. If the edging is to be in a direct hne, either on a level or inclined plane, you may be correctly and sim- ply regulated by making the desired level at each end of the line. Take three rods about four feet long each, having a piece of one foot to cross at one end, two of these pieces painted black, the other white. Have a black one at each end of the line on the level, take the white one for the cen- tre, going along the line, and about every twenty feet, level a spot to the exact height, which will be seen by looking over the top of the rods from one end. Having found the level, drive in a peg to it, so that no mistake may occur ; beat and level between them, leaving a smooth surface. This being done, strain the line, and with the spade proceed to cut out the trench perpendicularly on the side next the walk, six, eight, ten, or twelve inches deep, according to the length of the plants. Afterwards take the plants, and cut the tops even, with the knife or shears, at the same time shortening the roots. Then with the left hand next the line, plant for- ward, keeping the tops of the plants level, and from one to two inches above ground, keeping the plants close according to the required thickness. Put in the earth as you proceed, and tread it firm, then rake the surface even, and with the spade beat it smooth. If the weather sets in very dry, the 32 HARDY BIENNIALS. [March. box will be the better of a few waterings. Sometimes box- wood is planted without roots, but it seldom gives satisfac- tion ; not growing equally. GRASS AND OTHER EDGINGS. Grass verges for walks and borders, although frequently- used, are, by no means, desirable, except where variety is required ; they are the most laborious to keep in order, and at best are inelegant, and the only object in their favour is, there being everywhere accessible. Iris humilis, Viola tricolor, thyme, Sea Pink, (Stattice Armeria,) Mignonette, Phlox subulata, and Phlox procumbens, all make tolerable edgings. In the southern states. Verbena Tweediana — v, alba, V, intermedia and other varieties, will make the most lovely edging for walks and borders that can be imagined, and will bloom profusely from May till November. HARDY BIENNIALS. Biennial plants are such as are of two years' duration. Being sown this year they flower, seed, or fruit next year, and soon after decay : the seeds should be sown about the end of this month or beginning of next, either in the spot where they are to remain or a compartment by themselves, regularly marked, and to be transplanted in May or September. When they appear above ground thin them out distinctly, that, when they are to be removed, a little earth may adhere to them ; and, if sown where they are to stand, leave only three or four plants in each patch. The following list are a few of the free-blooming and more elegant sorts : Agrostema coronaria, Rose Campion, blooms all summer. Althea rosea, Plollyhock, and all its varieties, very showy in July and August. When any very desirable variety is procured, it can be multiplied by dividing the root. Blooms in June and July. March.] hardy biennials, 33 Anterhinum majus, Snap-dragon, and its varieties, require to be protected during winter with a few leaves or litter. Cantua coronopifolia, flowers in August and September,beau- liful scarlet, delights in dry gravelly soil. Ipomopsis elegans. Campanula Siberia, Blue Siberian, Bell flower, flowers in July and August. Campanula media, dark blue Canterbury ' bell, Campanula media, semi-pleno, half dou- ble Canterbury bell, Campanula media, alba, white Canterbury bell, Campanula thyrsoides. Cheiranthuscheiri,Wall-flower,shouldbe protected by leaves or boards during winter. Digitalis purpurea, purple Fox glove. alba, white Fox glove, lutea, yellow Fox glove. Dianthus barbatus. Sweet William pink. coccineus crimson pink, fl. pi. double flowered ; the double sorts can be propagated by laying, same as carnations. Gerardia purpurea, purple Gerardia, "] Natives of flava, yellow Gerardia, ^this coun- quercifolia, spotted flowered Gerardia, J try. Hedysarum coronarium, red flowered French Honeysuckle, Humea elegans, scarlet Humea, flowers in June and Septem- ber. Lunaria biennis. Honesty, various colours, not beautiful, but curious in seed. Oenothera corymbosa, dwarf Evening Primrose, Papaver nudicaule, naked-stemmed yellow Poppy. 34 HARDY BIENNIALS — PERENNIALS. \March. Scabiosa alropurpurea, musk-scented Scabius. Silene multiflora, many-flowered Catch-fly. There might be many other beautiful biennial plants enu- merated, which arejustly considered worthy of attention; but most of them do not withstand the severity of our winters, ahhough very much prized in England. PERENNIALS. In every flower garden there ought to be a good selection of these plants. They are lasting ornaments ; and, when ju- diciously selected, will give yearly gratification. In making a choice, a view should be to have those that flower abundant- ly, are of free growth, beauty, and continuation of bloom. It would go beyond our limits to give an extensive descrip- tion of any, but a few remarks on some of the finest, with their names, are indispensable. Adonis verndlis, is a fine border flower, and will grow in any common soil ; flowers large, yellow rayed, having in the rays about twelve petals ; leaves much divided, blooms in April and May. Anemone, Wind-flower. Several fine species, with flowers from one to three inches in diameter. A. Halleri, blue ; A. pulsatilla,h\\ie pasque flower; A. alpina, large white. These are fine plants, and are now given to a genus called Pulsatil- la. A . palmatajlbre-pJeno, yellow ; A . stellata versicolor, va- rious coloured ; A. pavoninajldre-pleno, scarlet; A. narcissi- flora, white. Any of these are very desirable. Antirrhinums, Snap-dragon, All the varieties of A. majus arc esteemed in the flower borders ; the pure while, bright red, and variegated, are very showy. A few of the species, A. molle and A. siculum,\v\\eTQ there is variety required, de- serve a situation. The flowers are all large, and similar to the snout of an animal March.] perennials. 35 Anthericum lilidstrum, St. Burnos Lily, is an excellent lili- acous plant, with yellow flowers, blooming in June, July, and August, and will grow in any common garden soil. Asclepias. The finest of this genus are native plants, and are highly esteemed in Europe, but frequently rejected with us, because " they are wild plants." A. tuherbsa has beauti- ful orange flowers, and delights in dry situations. A. riihra, A. nivea, A. purpurdscens ; and A. incarndta, are the finest of the family. It is best to plant A. tuber osa in October. Aconitums, Wolfs'-bane, one hundred and twenty-eight distinct species, with several varieties. Many of them are of consequence and beauty ; the flower stems rise from one and a half to six feet upright, and strong, furnished with many palmate and digitate leaves, terminated by spikes of blue, yellow, or white flowers, similar to a hood ; hence the name of Monk's Hood is often applied to them. They are scarce in collections ; but, in a few years, we have no doubt but many of them will be plentiful. The finest species are A. speciosum, A . anthbrut A. neurbergensis, A. amcBnum, A. na- pellus, A.venustum,A. zooctonuniyA. pyramiddle,A. lycocto- num, A. album, A. versicolor, A. variegatum, and A. grandi- jiorum. They flower from May to September, and will grow in any common garden soil. The roots of A. napellus are like small turnips, and are said to be poisonous. They like a little shade and rich soil. Cdlthapalicstris flore-pleno is a good border plant, delights in moist situations, has large cordate, crenated leaves; flowers double yellow ; blooming from April till June ; and is a de- sirable plant. Bellis perennis horlensis,Daisy. We might almost say with another, " Every one knows the Daisy." It is named from be- ing pretty, and is perfectly hardy, though generally kept under cover. They delight to have a shaded situation during sum- mer, to protect themlrom the sun, which, as it were, scorches the roots. There are many double varieties in the gardens, which flower early. The one called Croicn, or Carnation S6 PERENNIALS. [March. Daisy, is twice the size of the common varieties, and has while and red petals alternately, and very double. Loamy soil, inclined to moisture, is best adapted to their growth. Campanula. This genus affords many very ornamental plants for the Flower garden and Shrubbery, and they flower superbly during the summer, agreeing better with our cli- mate than with that of Europe. Several have two succes- sions of flowers. C. persicifblia alba plena ; C. 'persicifblia cosridea pleno; C. urticifolia, white. Of this last there is also a double variety. C. speciosa ; C. glomcrata ; C. versicolor, with several others, are worthy of a situation in every gar- den. Their roots are strong, fleshy, and fibrous. They are easy of culture, and will retain their situation in the severest of our winters. C. grandifibra is now Wahlen- hergia grandiflbra. It has superb large blue flower, stems are slender, and should be supported as soon as they grow. Cheirdnthus Cheiri vulgaris is the common garden Wall- flower. There are about ten varieties of it, all admired for their various colours and agreeable odour. The common variety survives the mildest of our winters. The most esteemed variety is hoemdntJius, Double bloody. They should all be protected by a frame. C. mutdhilis is a beauti- ful species ; it has many shades of colour from lilac to dark purple. The flowers are on extending racemose spikes; blooming from April to June ; it requires a light rich soil ; is a half shrubby evergreen plant. Chelbne. This genus belongs entirely to this contineiif, and possesses many fine species. It is a matter of astonish- ment that they are not more cultivated and sought for in our collections. C. glabra; C.obUqua; C.harbuta; C.atropur- piirea ; C pulchella ; C. vemista ; and C. specibsa ; are all handsome, and flower from May to September; corolla large, ringent ; ventricose flowers in spikes or panicles. Chrysanthemums. There are few of this genus of any con- sequence as herbaceous plants, except the varieties of C. si- nense, of which there are about fifty, all desirable ; but in March.] perennials. 37 small gardens, where there is a deficiency in room, the fol- lowing are select in colour and quality : tubulosum album, quilled white ; superbum, superb white ; discolor, cream and orange •,fulvum, Spanish brown ; atropurpiireum, early crim- son; involutiim, curled lilac; fasculatum, superb cluster yel- low; seroimww, late pale purple; pape/^-aceww, paper while ; waraia^, yellow Waratah ; wersicoZor, two-coloured red; stel- latum, starry purple ; verecundum, early blush ; Wheeler ii, largi" purple; sariguinea, a beautiful crimson. To grow these in perfection, they require rich light soil ; and about the end \J of this month the roots should be lifted, divided, and planted into fresh soil, either by giving them a new situation, or changing the earth they were in. Two or three stems toge- ther are quite sufficient. The flowers, by the above treat- ment, will be much larger, more double, and finer in colour : where they are wanted to grow low and bushy, top them in June, but not later than the first of July. Where the soil is rich, and the plant having only one stem, by topping it, makes a beautiful bush. They are in flower from the first of October until severe frost ; thus beautifying our gardens at a season when they would be destitute of one single attrac- tion. If the season be dry, to water them with hquid ma- nure will add to their vigour. They are all natives of China, and greatly esteemed by the Chinese, who only allow a few blooms to come out on the top of each stem, thereby having the flowers much finer. Within these three years, hundreds of varieties of this win- ter flower have been produced from seed in Europe ; many of them very superb, and having more luxuriant foliage and greater diversity of colour. Clematis, Virgin's-bower. A few species are good herba- ceous plants, of upright growth, and blue flowers, C integri- fblia ; C, angustifblia ; and C erecta; they grow best in light soil. Coreopsis, chiefly native plants, and free-flowering; colour principally yellow; flowers rayed. C. enuifblia, C. verticilld- 4 88 PERENNIALS. [March. ta, C. discolor, and C. tripteris, are the finest of the genus, and will grow in any common garden soil, Delphinums. There are some showy border flowers of these, of strong growth. The leaves are much divided ; the flowers in terminale spikes ; colour blue, purple, pink, white, and yellow, with various shades. D. grandijlbrum, with its varieties, are the best of the genus, i). intermedium, and its varieties, D. datum, Bee Larkspur, from the ringent part of the flower being very like a bee, and D. mon^dnum, are good varieties, and easily cultivated. When the plants become large, they ought to be divided, and planted in fresh soil. They are in bloom from May to September. Didnthus. Some of the species of this genus are the most prominent of the flower garden, not only for their beauty, but also their fragrance, which is peculiarly grateful, espe- cially in the well known and celebrated Pink and Carnation, with the Sweet William, which was esteemed in the days of old " for its beauty to deck up the bosoms of the beautiful, and garlands and crowns for pleasure." The finest species are D. barbdtus and D barbdtus pleno, Sweet William ; D. discolor; D.chinensis; D.alpinus,D.superbus; D.caryophyl- lus, from which have originated the Picotee and the Carna- tion ; D. plumarius, from which originated the Double Pink ; D. frdgrans and D. superbus. Several of these, although ihey will stand the severest cold, have to be protected in frames during winter, to have them in the perfection of beau- ty. For the character of a Pink and Carnation, see Mat/. Dictdmnus. Two species of this genus, D.fraxinella and D. ulbus, have been cultivated and esteemed upwards of two hundred and forty years. A plant of the first of these spe- cies, when gently rubbed, emits an odour like that of lemon- peel ; and when bruised emits a balsamic scent, which is strongest in the pedicles of the flowers. They have glands of a rusty colour, that exude a viscid juice, or resin, which exhales in vapour, and in a dark place may be seen to take fire. Its flowers are red, those of the other white, in loose March.] perennials. 39 terminale spikes; the flower has five petals, clawed and un- equal, with glandular dots ; in bloom from May to July ; de- lights in sandy loam. Dodecatheon. This is a native genus, and commonly called American cowslip. The generic term, a name of the Ro- mans, signifying twelve gods or divinities, is applied with great absurdity to a plant, a native of a world the Romans never saw nor had any idea of; neither resembling, in any particular, the poetical fancy of their writers. The most admired species is D. media; the flowers are in umbels, on a pedicle, from six to twelve inches high ; the corolla is rotata reflexa, colour light purple, bottom of petals lake and yellow; blooming in May. The white variety is verymuchesleemed, and surpasses the preceding. The ground is pure white, the bottom of the petals the same as the other. There is also a spotted variety found on the banks of the Missouri. They delight in brown loam, a half shady situation, inclining to moisture. The foliage soon decays after flowering. Digitalis, Fox-glove, about forty species of annuals and herbaceous plants. A few are cultivated in the flower bor- ders, and are very showy. These are D. leucophcea, D.ferru- ginea,D. ochroleiica, large yellow; and D.purpurdscens ; and are good species. D. purpurea and D. alba are very conspi- cuous biennials ; the flowers are solitary, and in long spikes ; the corolla of D. purpurea is campanulate, ventricose, and ringent; the interior is spotted, and is considered the finest of the genus. Delights in poor soil, with a little shade. Dracocephalum, Dragon's Head, about twenty species, most- ly ornamental. D. virginicum is a profuse blooming plant, with bluish pink flowers, and grows about four feet high. D. argumense is a superb dwarf, with large dark blue flowers. Eupatoriums. These generally are native plants, not wor- thy of notice here, except for two species, E. ccelestinum has syngenesious flowers in flattened panicles, colour fine light blue, blooming from September to November, desirable 40 PERENNIALS. [March. for its beauty at that season. E. aromaticurn may be culti- vated for its spicy odour ; flowers white, in loose terminale panicles; bloomingfrom August to October. Either of theni will grow in common soil. Funkia, Japan Day Lily, three species, all beautiful. 7^. cceridea, with blue flowers. F.japdnica, pure white, and F. variegata, with striped flowers : the latter is yet very rare, and but recently introduced from Japan. This genus has been separated from Ilemerocnllis. Gentidnas, a genus of very showy plants, and flower in great abundance. The flowers are tubular and inflated ; co- lour generally blue. A few species are yellow, and some white ; flowers in whorls, terminale or solitary. They grow V best in a light rich soil. G. lutea, G. purpurea, G. septem- fida. G. acaulis is a pretty dwarf growing species, and of- ten used as edgings in flower compartments ; the flower dark and light blue; interior of the corolla spotted ; has a succes- sion of flower from April to June. We have no doubt of it succeeding in our gardens, but not being plentiful, it has not been perfectly tried. A few years will exhibit ii in abun- dance. G. imhricata and G. conferta. They are all fine exotics, but many of them may give place to our native spe- cies, such as G. Catesboei; G.ochroleuca; G.incarnata; with several others, and G. crinata, which is a biennial, and finely fringed ; colour light blue. Geum. There are only four species that are worth culti- vation, namely, G. qidllyon, once G. coccineum ,- G. splert- dens, G. Wicea, and G. hybridun. G. urhanum is some- times cultivated for its roots, which, when chewed, sweeten the breath. They are all of easy culture. G. quellyon and splendens flower from May to October, and are very de- sirable plants for the borders, and much esteemed in Eu- rope. HemerocdUis, Day Lily; two species, H.fulvaaj^d H. gra- minea, flower well, and are remarkable among the border flowers for their large yellow or copper-coloured coroUaSj March.] PERENNIALS. 41 some of them about six inches diameter ; bloom from May to July, and will grow in almost any soil. There is a plant known in our gardens as H. cosridea, which is Funkia ccerii- lea, and has a campanulate corolla, with a cylindrical tube ; flowers in spikes ; leaves ovate, accuminate. Hibiscus. There are several herbaceous species very showy and handsome, H.'palustris; H. rbseus; H. militaris; H. speciosus; H. grandifibrus ; and H. pungens. They grow best in moist situations, and where these are not to be had, give them plenty of water, and plant in sandy soil enriched with decayed leaves. The flowers are about six inches in diameter, flowering up the stem, either solitary or in small bunches. H. speciosus is the most splendid, and deserves a situation in every garden. The roots in winter ought to be covered by litter, tan, or saw-dust ; but a better method is to lift them, and put them in the cellar, covered with dry earth, and kept from the frost. All the above-mentioned species are improved by being protected during winter. Iris, Flower-de-luce, has many fine species of various shades and colours, /. suhiflorCy 1. nepalensis, I. Pallasii, I. pallida^ I. cristata, I. arena ria, I.furcata, I, germdnica, I. jioreniina, I.verna, and I. susidna. The last is the finest of the herbaceous species ; the flowers are very large and cu- riously spotted with brown ; but we are not certain if it will stand the severity of our winters. The roots of I.jlo- rentina is the orrice root of the druggists. They are all of easy culture in any loamy soil inclining to moisture. The bulbous species will be treated of in September or October. Corolla six-petalled, three erect and three reclined alternate- ly ; proceeding from spathes or sheaths with flowers in suc- cession. Liatris is a genus of native plants, containing several fine species, L. squa.rrdsa,]a\-ge purple heads of beautiful flowers; L. elegans; L.paniculdta. L. macrostachya, nowi. spicdta, is a fine large growing species. They have syngenesious purple flowers in long close spikes, diff'ering from other 4* 42 PERENNIALS, [March spiked flowering genera by blooming first at the extremity. They grow best in strong heavy soil. Lychnis. Three species are very desirable in the flower borders. L. chalcedonica has bright scarlet crowned flowers ; the double scarlet variety is splendid ; there is also a dou- ble white variety ; L.fiilgens Siud L.JIos-jovis. They ought to be frequently lifted, and planted afresh, or they will dwindle to nothing. The best time is when they begin to grow. There is a plant known in our collections as Lychnis flos-cucula, ragged Robbin or French Pink, which is now Agrostema fos-cumla ; it is a fine and showy border plant with double red flowers. They delight in a light sandy rich soil. Lythrums. A few species flower well, and have small pink blossoms in great profusion, L. alatum, L. virgatiim, L. diffilsum, and L. lanceolatum. They will grow in any com- mon garden soil if not too much shaded ; and flower from June to September. Mimidus, Monkey-flower. A few species may be culti- vated. They will grow in any soil or situation. M. luteus and M. rivularis are the best. M. moschdtus has a very strong musk scent, to many agreeable. The former two have large gaping flowers, of a gold yellow, and beautifully spotted with purple in the interior : they all grow in moist situations, Mondrdas, a fine native genus and showy. The foliage of several of the species is aromatic, and resembles mint. M. didyma has long scarlet ringlet flowers, in headed whorls ; M. kalmiana, flowers very long, and a beautiful crimson, with fragrant leaves. M. Russelliana has red and white flowers ; curious and handsome. M. punctata has yellow and red flowers ; they grow in any common soil. MatMola is the generic of the Stock-gilly. None of them will survive severe winters in this latitude ; yet many of them are indispensable in the flower garden. M. simplici- cdulis, Brompton-stock and its varieties ; with ]\[. incdna, Queen-stock, and its varieties, require the protection of a March.] PERENNIALS. ' 43 good frame in winter, and about the end of this month, or beginning of next, plant them in good light rich soil to flower, which they will do all summer, if attended to with frequent supplies of water. M. annua has about forty vari- eties, valuable for flowering the first year from seed, and are all annuals. They ought to be sown on a gentle hot-bed about the first of this month, and carefully pricked out so as they may be ready to transplant about the end of April or the first of May. Plant them in light rich soil, and they will flower profusely through the season ; if it is very dry, they must be watered to keep them growing. The scarlet, white, and purple varieties are the finest ; but there are many intermediate sorts, all handsome. M. glabra is the Wall- flower leaved stock, and requires the same treatment as the former two. There are about twenty varieties of this, all various in colour. In planting any of these into the open ground, choose cloudy weather, except they have been in pots ; in such case, plant at any time in beds, or detached groups, through the borders, keeping each kind separate. CEnotheras. The most of them are indigenous, and in Europe they afford a continual ornament to the flower gar- den from April to November, but in our gardens they are entirely neglected. By rejecting these and many others, our flower gardens are deprived both of much beauty and interest they might easily possess. The herbaceous plants delight in light rich soil. Oil. odorata, sweet-scented ; (E, macrocdrpa ; CE. media; CE. latiflora ; (E. Frazeri; QC. spe- cibsa ; and (E. pallida ; are all fine native herbaceous plants, mostly with large yellow four-petalled corollas ; in bloom from May to September. Phlox, another American genus, and one of the most hand- some in cultivation. It consists of elegant border flowers, valuable for flowering early, and during the whole season, even till frost. While the majority of plants blooming late in the season are generally syngenesious, with yellow flow- ers, these delight us with their lively colours of purple, red, 44 PERENNIALS. [Murch. and white. A collection of them properly attended to, would of themselves constitute a beautiful flower garden. It will be difficult to state which are the finest, but the following are se- lect varieties: V . 'paniculata ; F.accuminata; P . intermedia ; P. qdorata ; P. pyramidalis and var. alba ; P. corymbosa and its var. alba is perhaps the finest of all the whites. V.suaveohns;V.rejlexa; V . stolonifera ; V.pildsa;V.diva- ricata ; P. nivalis ; and P. subulata. In the spring of 1831, an eminent British collector* exclaimed, on seeing a patch of P. subulata in one of the pine barrens of New Jersey^ "The beauty of that alone is worth coming to America to see, it is so splendid." Most of the species delight in a rich light sandy loam. When the plants become large, they ought to be divided, and planted in fresh ground. Primulas, Primrose. To this genus belong the celebrated Cowslip, Oxslip, Primrose, and the esteemed Auricula. The double varieties of Primrose have originated from P. vulga- ris. These are such as carry their flowers on separate pedi- cles, rising from the root on a small stem. The double varieties are desirable for their beauty, but require the pro- tection of a frame during winter. They are in colour red, white, yellow, lilac, purple, and crimson. P. eldtior is the Oxslip, from which all the Polyanthuses have been grown. They are in variety innumerable, and arc those whose flow- ers are in umbels, on a scape or flower-stalk, rising from three to nine inches. Tlic rules for judging of their merits are wholly artificial, agreed on from time to time by florists. The one that is the leading beauty this year, would, in a few years, be far in the rear. The principal character is, that the corolla is not notched or fringed ; the colours pure and dis- tinct, not running into one another ; the tube small ; the eye round, and a little prominent. Being surrounded \vith white, and the ground purple, is a fine character. P. auricula. From this the highly esteemed varieties have originated. * Mr. Drummond. March.] perennials. 45 The cultivated auricula has many admirers, both for its ex- quisite beauty and fragrance. For the criterion of a fine flower, see April. There are several other species worthy of a situation, such asl*. cortusoides, P. dentiflbra,!* . suaveolens, P. decora, with P. scotica and V . farinbsa, both small neat species. A shady situation agrees best with them ; and they require loamy soil, free from any kind of manure, except it be fully decomposed. The leaves of P. veris have been re- commended for feeding silk worms, Potentillas are similar to the strawberry in habit and ap- pearance. P. nepalensis, or formosa, has rose-coloured flow- ers ; P. atropurpurea ; P. Russelliana, scarlet ; P. Hopwood- iana, rose and scarlet ; and P. splendens, yellow, with superb leaves. These are the finest of the genus, and flower from May to September. It will be well to protect them with a few leaves or litter during the severity of winter ; they de- light in light soil. Saponaria officinalis, and S. o. plena, are fine free-flower- ing dwarf plants ; the colour is pink in both double and sin- gle varieties. The roots run under ground, and care should be taken to keep them within bounds : they flower from June to October. iS. cosspitosa is a neat growing species, of a rose colour. They will grow in any soil. Silene. Several of this genus are popular annuals, but the herbaceous species are very indifferent. S. viscosa and S. viscosa fibre plena are frequently cultivated for their beauty ; they will grow well if not too much shaded. Saarifraga, above one hundred species. Many of them are beautiful plants for rock-work. They are regardless of cold, but will not generally withstand much moisture. A few of them are highly deserving a situation in any garden. S. hir- siitum and S. crassifblia are used in some countries for tan- ning. S. granulata multiplex has fine double-while flowers, and is desirable. S. umbrbsa, London-pride, makes a beau- tiful edging for a flower border ; the flowers are small, but on close examination its colours are unrivalled. It is some- 46 PERENNIALS. [March. times called " none so pretty." S. sarmentbsa is kept in the green-house, but is perfectly hardy, and makes a fine plant in a shaded situation, and will grow where grass and other plants generally die. We have no doubt but it would make a good fancy edging. S. pulchella and S . pyramidalis require protection ; these are all easily cultivated, and flower in spikes from May to July. S/nrcBas. A few species are showy plants, and continue flowering from May to September. »S. ulmaria multiplex, Meadow-sweet, has sweet-scented white flowers, in long dense spikes. S.fdipendula wzH/IipZea?, Drop- wort, double white. S. lohata is a native, and has fine rose-coloured flowers, and blooms in June and July ; these are the finest of the her- baceous species, and will grow in any common garden soil. Stdtice, Thrift. A genus containing many fine herba- ceous plants; only a few of them are common in collections. The finest of them are scarce, and said to be " bad to culti- vate." (S. vulgaris, once Armeria vulgaris, is a valuable plant for an edging, and does well in our climate, flowering in great profusion from May to July. When done flower- ing, the stems should be cut off*. The foilage is an agreea- ble evergreen ; the plant increases rapidly, and in a few years may be planted to a great extent. S. specibsa has red flow- ers, crowded in spreading panicles. >S. tatdrica has also very showy flowers, and is now given to the genus Taxdn- thema. S. latifblia and S. maritima are the finest. T. lati- fblia and T. conspicua deserve attention. They should be lifted every alternate year, and sunk deeper into the soil, be- cause they incline to grow out, and are sometimes during summer killed by the drought. Hence they are said to be "bad to cultivate." »S. aiborea is said to be a splendid plant, and is now (1838) selling in England at ten guineas, $50 each. Trbllius europcBus and T. asidticus are fine border plants, with large yellow semi-double flowers ; the petals are much cupped, which causes the flowers to have a globular appear- March.\ perennials. 47 ance. They are easily grown in any loamy soil, and flower from May to July. Few flowers have the curious globular character which these have. Veronica, Speed-well. This genus consists of about one hundred and twenty species of herbaceous plants, besides se- veral varieties. The flowers are in long close spikes, either white, flesh-coloured, or blue ; they are generally of the lat- ter colour. Above sixty species are equally fine, and being generally of the same character, the catalogue at the end of this work will contain the best selection that we can make. Very few of them are in the collections of the country, al- though they are very showy, and flower from May to Au- gust. They will grow in any soil, but will not flourish where they are much shaded. V. officinalis has been used in Germany and Sweden as a substitute for tea. Some pre- fer V. chanKRclrys for the same purpose. Valermnas. Several species are showy border plants, with small flowers in large close flattened panicles. V. dioi- ca is remarkable for having the stamens and pistils in sepa- rate flowers, situated on different plants ; the flowers are of a blush colour. F. phu, a large growing species with white flowers, and F. riihra, with its varieties, are the finest of the genus. They are now given to Centranthus. They are all of easy culture in common garden earth, but preferring moist shady situations. In flower from May to September. Viola, a genus consisting of upwards of eighty species, of low pretty plants, of great diversity of colour and foliage. Many of them are natives, and well worth a situation in our gardens. They mostly delight in sandy loam, and a little shade. A few of the species grown in moist situations. The most esteemed varieties for fragrance are, F. odorata purpurea plena, double purple, F. odorata alba plena, dou- ble white, and the double Napolitan, They flower very ear- ly, and make good edgings where they are kept in order ; flowering profusely from April to June, and flowering again in autumn. 4S PERENNIALS. [MarcJi. Yucca, Adam's-needle. This is a very showy and orna- mental genus ; their character forminga picturesque contrast in the flower garden ; foliage long, narrow, lanceolate, and stiff; with while campanulate flowers, about two inches in diameter, in conical spikes from two to four feet long, arising from the centre of the plant, containing frequently from two to four hundred florets. They are principally native plants. Y. stricta is the freest flowerer. Y. superba ; Y. aloifblia ; Y. angustifolia, Y. acuminata, Y. serrulata, and Y.JHameri' tbsa, are all fine species, and will grow in any common soil. When in flower, if protected from the sun by an awning, they will be of considerable duration. There are variegated varieties of stricta, aloifblia, and Jilamentbsa, which look very handsome in foliage, but are at present very rare, and it will be a number of years before they are plentiful. There ought, at least, to be one specimen of each in every garden. Having given the names and characters of a few herba- ceous plants, all or most of them easily obtained, many of ihem extremely handsome, and such as agree best with trans- planting at this season of the year ; for several others, such as Pcebnias, or any other strong tuberous or bulbous sorts, see October. Where they are in pots, they can be planted at any lime, the weather permitting, provided the ball of earth is not broken. But where they are only to be removed, the best time is just as vegetation commences. That herbacious plants may look to the best advantage, and flower well, they must not be allowed to get into large stools ; but as soon as tliey are above one foot in diameter, they should be divided. Very frequently those who perform this operation, take the spade, and cut a piece off all round, which, to a degree, improves the look of the plant ; but this is only half justice. It should be lifted entirely, fresh soil given, or removed a few feet, and planted a little deeper than it was before, as the plant tends apparently to grow out of the soil when al- lowed to stand long. If ihe weather becomes dry shortly after transplanting, give them a few waterings, until they March.] bulbous roots. 49 have taken fresh roots, which will be within two weeks. Colour should be diversified through the garden as much as practicable, and the highest growing sorts planted farthest from the walk, so as all may appear in view. At all times avoid crowding plants together. BULBOUS ROOTS.. About the middle of this month, let the covering of tan, saw-dast, or decayed leaves, be cleared from the beds of such as were directed to be covered in November ; afterwards carefully stirring the surface among them with a kind of wooden spatula, or wedge, breaking the surface fine ; then dress all the alleys smooth and neat with the hoe and rake, clearing away every particle of litter. When the leaves of Tulips are expanding, they frequently become entangled so much, that the force of growth breaks the foliage : if there are any appearance of this at any time, they should be set right with the hand. In early seasons these roots will be far advanced, and perhaps one night of frost, unexpectedly, might materially injure them. When there is any suspicion of cold weather, hoops should be spanned across the beds, so that the necessary mats or canvass could in a few minutes be placed over them, to ward off danger. Protect the finest sorts from heavy drenching rains, and give them small neat rods for support, as they grow up. If the rods and tyings are painted green, the effect will be improved. These di- rections equally apply to Narcissus, Johnquils, Iris, and all Holland Bulbs. CARNATIONS, PINKS, PRIMROSES, &c., Which have been protected by frames through the winter, must have at all favourable opportunities plenty of air ad- mitted to them by lifting the sashes, and in fine mild days and nights, the sashes may be taken entirely off. Divest 50 AURICULAS. [March. them of all decayed leaves, and stir up the earth on the sur- face of the pots ; those that are intended to be planted in the garden may be set to one side, while those that are to be kept in pots must be more strictly attended to. Of these the Pinks and Carnations should be repotted about the first of the month. Those that have been kept in four inch pots, should be put into pots of seven inches, and those that are in five inch pots- may be put into eight inch. Give a gentle watering after repotting. Pinks do not require the pots so large, but the same treatment in every other respect. Where the extremity of the leaves are decayed, cut them off, with any other decayed leaves : the pots must be well drained with shivers or fine gravel. Give them plenty of air, other- wise they will be weak in growth. Primroses and Daisies may be planted out in shady situa- tions ; the sun destroys them during summer if exposed. AURICULAS. These beautiful and highly interesting plants are, to a great degree, neglected in our collections. It cannot be from want of beauty or fragrance that they have not attracted our atten- tion, for they are exquisite in both. We are rather inclined to think that those who have them do not give them the treatment they require yearly to perfect their bloom. They should now have the surface earth taken off about half an inch down, and fresh soil added, which will cause them to put on fresh fibres about the upper part of the roots, and greatly increase their growth. The frame in which they are placed should now face the east, as the sun will be too strong for them ; and about the end of the month turn it to the north. The glass of the frame may be white-washed, which will partially shade them from the sun, that being their delight. Give them water sparingly until they begin to grow, and never water them over the foliage previous to flowering, as water injures that fine mealy-like substance found on many March.] ranunculus and anemone — roses. 51 of the sorts, and which so greatly improves their beauty. Defend them, therefore, from rain and high winds. To have them flower strongly, only one flower stem should be al- lowed to grow. The first one that shows is generally the best. At all events leave the strongest, and cut off all the others, or only nip off the flower pips, which answers the same end. Never keep the sash off during night, in case it rain before morning. RANUNCULUS AND ANEMONE. The frames of Ranunculus and Anemone must have plenty of air, and give frequent sprinklings of water. The sashes or shutters should be taken entirely off every mild day, and in fine nights leave them exposed to the dew. Stir the earth among them, breaking it fine and making all neat and clean. They require liberal supplies of water after they begin to grow. ROSES. This is the most favourable month for planting all kinds of garden roses, which musi be done as soon as the weather opens, and the ground in a proper state. The earlier they are planted the more perfect thsy will flower. Never de- lay planting when there is an opportunity ; for if delayed until the leaves are expanded, the bloom wiil be much weak- ened, and the probability is, there will be no flowers, and the plants meet with a premature death. It has been said, " there is a particular advantage in planting some every ten days, even to the middle of May ; for the flowering of them may be retarded in this way, and the bloom of these delight- ful shrubs continue for a much longer period." One mo- ment's reflection will convince us, that nature, while in her own element, will not be retarded, suppose there was no 52 ROSES. [March. danger of instantaneous death to the plants. The artificial means that might be judiciously adopted, with which we are acquainted, to keep back the blooming of hardy plants, is to lift them as soon in spring as is practicable, put ihem in boxes of earth, and then place them in the driest part of an ice-house, until the desired time of planting, which may be delayed as long as the required time of flowering. This will be found a true method of retarding the flowering of roses especially, and not going counter to the rules and principles of nature. There are many beautiful varieties of the garden rose in cultivation, the names of the finest of which we will give in the following catalogue : African black, very dark crimson, compact and very double. Agreeable violet, large purplish red, expanded and double fine. Arbre superb, bright rose-colour, large and extremely double. Aurora, bright pink, compact and double. Belle amabile, fine dark red, large and double. Belle hebe, large purplish red, cupped, double and fine. Belle rouennaise, a very superb rose, with red centre and blush edge. Baron de Stael, bright cherry colour, globular, large and double. Belle Africaine, same as Afi'ican block or African. Broomley rose, fine red with blush edge, very compact and double. Black tuscany, dark crimson, changeable, expanded and double. Belgic or Dutch Provins,red with very large flowers, cupped and extra double. Coronation, very brilliant, almost approaching a scarlet, large expanded and double. . N fine rose, very large, globular Cabbage Provins, or f „ j i j . i => ' > pendular, and e.xtremely Centifolia of the French, ) double March.] ROSES. 53 Cinder rose, large blush, with pink centre, expanded and double. Cleliee, rosy blush, expanded, very large and double. Delicious, rosy colour, large conapact and double. Dingy, clouded purple, reflexed, large and double. Eelemensi, rich rose-colour, fine bold petals, cupped and double. Edinberger, violet purple, very compact and most perfectly double. ft Flanders, vermilion colour, compact and double. Fairy parasol, changeable pink, globular and double superb Fanny parissot, pale blush, very compact and double. Grandis royal, deep pink, large, expanded, and double. Globe white hip, beautiful white, globular, and most perfect- ly double. Giant velvet, light crimson, large and double. Helen, light pink, very large cupped and fine. Harrisoni,* bright yellow, cupped, small and semi-double. Isabella, blush pink, very profuse, cupped and double. Imperial blush, delicate blush, expanded, large, and double. Juliana, delicate pink, compact and double. King of Rome, deep red, very large, compact, and exquisite- ly double. King of the reds, red, expanded and double. King of Mexico, reddish purple, imbricated and very double. Leonore, purplish red, very compact, imbricated, and double. La Belle Augusta, shaded blush and white, expanded and double. La folie de carse, red, robust habit, profuse flowering, imbri- cated and double. Madam Hardy, pure white, large, globular, and exquisitely double. Margin hip, white with red edge, expanded and semi-double. Monkwood, bright rose, imbricated and very double. * This Rose with a " Florist's privilege," has been Bold for the yellow sweethrier. It is also called Hogg's yellow Rose. 5* 54 ROSES. [March, Moss rose,* delicate rose, globular and perfectly double. blush, pale blush, globular and very double. white, old white pale flesh-colour, expanded and double. while bath, or Clifton, white moss, fine white cupped and double. crimson or Damask, very bright rose, expanded and double, and very mossy. ^ This is not properly a moss rose, crested moss or i but has a curiously mossy calyx crested Provins, f that envelopes the bud — blush, J globular and double. vieillard or ^ T 1 > red, compact, and double Luxemburg moss, j ' r ' Nonpareil, rosy red, compact and perfectly double. Negritina, pink, very compact, imbricated and double. Ombre superb, dark crimson, cupped and double. Provins cabbage, see Cabbage Provins. red, see red Provins. white, see ivhite Provins. Prince de Joinville, bright rose, large expanded, and finely double. Proserpine negro, dark red, globular, fine and double. Prolific blush, changeable blush, expanded and double. Queen of violets, violet colour, compact, cupped, and very double. Queen of Roses, beautiful rosy purple, imbricated and double. Queen Caroline, fine changeable red, cupped and double. Royal grandeur, fine dark crimson, expanded and double. Royal Portugal, fine pink, very compact, and exquisitely double. * It has been long questioned, whether the Moss Rose was a distinct spe- cies, or merely a seminal variety of the Provins Rose. I perfectly agree with the latter opinion — for in June, 1836, I saw in my nursery a plant &f the Moss Rose with a large shoot that had sported back to the Provins Rose, and entirely destitute of moss on cither shoots or buds. We have no faith in black, yellow, and striped Moss Roses ; all we have seen for such, have proven false to their character. March.] roses. 55 Royal virgin, blush, expanded, large, and double. Sanspareil, vermilion colour, compact, imbricated, and double. Swiss Rose, large pink, expanded, and profusely double, Tuscany, see Black Tuscany. Triomphe de Rennes, large crimson, expanded, and double. Unique or white Provins, pure white, very large globular, and double, superb. Unique striped, often is perfectly white, and merely a sport from the former. Violatum, violet purple, expanded and double. Vandal carmine, compact, imbricated, and double. White sweelbrier rose, white, large globular, and very double.* We have mentioned these as the finest we have seen ; but among two thousand cultivated varieties of the garden rose, there must be many of equal, if not surpassing beauty, of Rosa spinosissima, there are above five hundred varieties ; Rosa gallica, two hundred ; R. centifolia, one hundred and fifty ; R. damascene above one hundred ; R. alba, Mty ; R. ruhigi- ndsa, thirty ; and of various sorts above eleven hundred. In several individual collections of Europe, there are cultivated above fifteen hundred species, sub-species, and varieties. When planted, they are too frequently crowded indiscri- minately among other shrubs, which prevents them having the effect they would have if planted singly or grouped. They vary in size in different sorts from one to ten feet. When planted in the latter method, they should be assimi- lated in size of leaves and manner of growth, with the great- est variation of flower; or if planted in small patches, each distinct in colour, will have a very picturesque effect. Ano- ther desirable and fanciful method, is I'o plant them in * There is also a double red Sweetbrier ; but these two roses have very little affinity to the Sweetbrier or Eglantine. 56 ROSES. [March. figures, with edgings of wire, willow, or any other sub- sliiule, in imitation of basket work, which is called " bas- kets of roses ;" the ground enclosed in the basket margin to be made convex, which will present a greater surface to the eye ; the strong shoots to be layered, or kept down by pegs in the ground, having the points of the shoots only to appear above the soil, which should be covered with moss. With this treatment, in a few years the whole surface of the basket will be covered with rose buds and leaves, of one or various sorts. If two or three of the larger growing sorts are taken, such as Moss or Frovins, they may be trained so as to cover a surface of several square yards. A modern invention in the cultivation of the rose is, to grow them in shape of trees, by budding on strong growing kinds at different heights from the ground, according to lasle, and the purposes intended. If budded on Rosa Cdnina, or Dog Rose, they are much more valuable : it is a lasting and strong growing stock, and the worst of all stocks is the Bour- salt rose, and it is loo frequently resorted to, being easy of propagation. They will form in a few years handsome round heads, which will flower more freely than by layers, or trained on their own stalk. They are particularly desira- ble among low shrubs. When planted, they should be well supported by strong rods, to prevent the wind from de- stroying them. If any of the roots have been bruised in lifting, cut off the bruised part with the knife, and likewise shorten the young shoots ; breaking the earth well about their roots when planting. The rose has been an esteemed shrub among all civilized nations. The flowers are double, semi-double, and single ; the colours are pink, red, purple, white, yellow, and striped, with almost every shade and mixture ; the odour universally grateful. This plant is culti- vated in every garden, from the humblest cottager to the loftiest prince, and by commercial gardeners in Europe ex- tensively, for distilling rose water, and making the essential oil of roses. They delight in a rich loamy soil, and require March.] climbing roses, 57 plenty of moisture while in a growing state. Those sorts which throw up numerous suckers should be lifted every three or four years, reduced, and then transplanted. When thus removing them, avoid as much as possible exposing their roots ; and when newly planted, mulching is of consi- derable advantage ; that is, putting half rotten stable-manure on the surface of the ground round their roots, which pre- vents evaporation, and keeps up a constant moisture. If this were done in general to our roses in dry seasons, it would greatly improve their flowering. For Chinese and other roses, see next month. CLIMBING ROSES. This is the best time to prune ever-blooming climbing roses, such as Cha7npney, Noisette, &ic. Many of these, when allowed to grow year after year without pruning, become unsightly : they never bear flowers on the old wood, that is, wood of three or four years. Having a tendency to throw out young shoots from the bottom of the stem, the old wood should be cut out, thus encouraging the young wood, which the second year bears the most and finest flowers. In severe winters, the extremities of the shoots are frequently killed, and we have often seen all the wood black or brown, and apparently dead. When that is the case, it is best to leave it until they begin to grow, which will show what is dead or alive, when they can be pruned to better advantage. DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL FLOWERING SHRUBS. The earlier the planting of these shrubs is attended to in this month, the more will their growth and flowering be promoted, having all finished before the buds begin to ex- pand. (For kinds recommended, see list, end of the volume.) They should never be planted too thick, but leave space for 53 GRASS PLATS AND WALKS. \March. ihem to grow as they respectively require, and according as they are designed for open or close shrubberies, clumps, or thickets. Have all in readiness, that it may be done with as much expedition as possible, to prevent their roots from being dried by the sun and wind in time of planting. Make the holes intended for their reception round, capacious, and deep enough to hold their roots, without confining them in the least, and loosen well the bottom, putting new and fresh soil under their roots, breaking and pulverizing it during the operation, and frequently shaking the plant as you progress in filling up. When done, make all firm with the foot, leaving a circular cavity to hold the water they will require during dry weather. Give rods, and tie with bands all that need that support before they are left, lest they should be neglected. Cut off any of the bruised roots or irregular growths of the branches. GRASS PLATS AND WALKS. Rake and sweep off from these all litter and worm-cast earth, and give an occasional rolling to settle the ground, and render the surface smooth, where the scythe is to be used. The grass will likewise grow better by rolling it where the frost has partially thrown it out, and add greatly to its beauty. Cut the edgings with an edging iron or spade, so that the whole will have a finished appearance. If any new turf is required to be laid down, this is a very good lime to do it, before vegetation is strong ; as the turf that is now laid will have taken root before the dry season commences. Where a great extent is to be done, sowing might be adopted ; but it will not have the effect of turf under three years, and during that time must be carefully cut, after the first season, every three weeks, while growing, nor must it be too fre- quently walked upon. White clover and true perennial rye- grass are the seeds most proper for sowing. The ground must, in the first place, be all equally made up, and levelled March.] grass plats and walks. 59 with the spade and rake ; not " cart loads of soil laid down and levelled," which would finally become very uneven, and would need to be lifted and relaid next year. The best turf is that of a close-growing pasture or common, free from all kinds of weeds or strong roots, and the grass short. To cut it expeditiously, be provided with a turfing-iron ; but if that cannot be conveniently had, a spade may do very well. Strain a line tight, cutting the turf lengthwise, at equal dis- tances, from twelve to eighteen inches. Next draw the line across, cutting from one and a half to two feet ; then cut them up with the spade, about one and a half inch thick. In lay- ing, join them close and alternately : when done, beat them firm with a level wooden beater, and roll with a heavy roller. Grass walks, in the last century, were very popular ; but lime having put them to the test, they are found unfit for walking upon or using in any manner, almost for one-half of the year ; therefore not answering the purposes intended. They require great attention to keep them in order ; and if not always neat and clean, they are a disagreeable object in a garden ; but when they are well dressed, their effect is very enlivening. Where they are desired, prepare the ground as above directed ; making the walk a little higher than the ad- joining borders, to prevent the earth from being washed on it by the rain. Allowing the walks to be six feet wide, make the centre five inches higher than the sides, or about seven-eights of an inch to the foot whatever the breadth may be, which will form a gentle declivity to throw off the rain. When laid, beat and roll it well ; cutting the edge neat and even. Water frequently if the weather sets in dry. To keep grass walks or plats in order, they should be mown once every three or four weeks from May to September, and the grass each time swept clean off. When the grass is al- lowed to get long before being cut, the roots become tender ; and die when exposed to the sun ; at last the grass is all in spots, and in another year requires to be relaid. 60 GRAVEL WALKS. OF GRAFTING, [March, GRAVEL WALKS. A practice once existed of turning these into heaps or ridges during winter to destroy weeds, &;c. But this has ahnost been given up as unnecessary, unsightly, inconve- nient, and not doing any material service. Where the surface of these has become foul, irregular, or mossy, they had better be turned over four or five inches deep where the gravel will admit of it; but if not, hoe and rake them perfectly clean, give a new coat of gravel, and pick up any stones that youlhink too large ; then give them a good rolling, applying it frequently after showers of rain. When they are well attended to just now, they will look well all the season ; but if neglected, they take more labour, and are never in such good condition. Fancy edgings of Thyme, Thrift, Gentiana, Lavender, and Violets — {Daisies may be used if the situation is shaded.) The whole of these may be planted by the line with the dib- ber except Thyme, which lay'as directed for Box. See this month, under that head. Any time in this or beginning of next month will answer to make edgings of these ; and if dry weather occurs before they begin to grow after planting, they must have frequent waterings until ihey have taken fresh root. Thyme requires to be dressed twice during the season to keep it in order, OF GRAFTING. There are four methods of grafting. It can be applied to all kinds of shrubbery, choosing a common species from the same genus that the sort belongs to, which is intended to be multiplied. The one w^e will describe is wlap or tongue graftins:, which is the preferable and most expeditious plan with all deciduous shrubs or trees. The stock upon which it is performed must be slender, from two-thirds of an inch to April.] OF GRAFTING. 61 any diameter suitable to the thickness of the graft. Having headed the stock at a clear snnoolh part, slope it on one side with a sharp knife at a very acute angle, make a slit on the lower side of the slope about an inch downward, to receive the tongue or wedge of the graft or scion. Secondly, having the prepared scions cut into lengths of 3, 4, or 5 eyes, take one which matches the stock in size, and slope the bottom of it so as to fit the stock, that the rinds of both may correspond exactly, especially on one side and at bottom ; make also a slit upward in the graft, like that in the slope of the stock, so as the one may be inserted in the other as evenly and completely as possible. Let the graft be carefully held in its due position, while a bandage is applied. Take strands of Russian mat, and bind them in a neat manner several times round the stock and graft. Lastly, cover the joint with well-worked clay, coat from half an inch below the bottom of the graft to an inch above the top of the stock, and to the thickness of half an inch all round, finish it in an ob- long globular form, taking care to work it close, that no air may penetrate. If the clay is covered with moss, it will partially prevent it from cracking. The grafts will have taken when they begin to grow free- ly : then the clay may be broken off, and the bandage loosened, and put on again, but not so tight as formerly; give the grafts a stake for support, tying them thereto to prevent accidents from the wind. Allow no shoots to arise from the stock. APRIL. The ambition of every amateur and gardener during this month is, to be at the head of every department and over every spot. The operator's activity, in this month, almost regulates the whole season. Every weed ought to be cut 62 ANNUALS. [April. down as soon as it appears, and the proverbial saying will be realized, " A garden that is well kept is easily kept ;" one hour of laborious industry now will save two in the heat of summer. A wet day need cause no loss of lime : prepare rods, bands, and tallies, to be in readiness when required. Many in the height of bustle, never finish properly as they proceed, which is the worst of practices. Every operation ought to be completely and properly finished before another is taken in hand, which will ultimately prove the quickest and best method to work upon. Let digging, hoeing, and raking, be done as expeditiously as strength will allow, that the time may be devoted, for a few weeks, to the beautifying of the garden and parterre, by sowing and planting. ANNUALS. Those that are tender and were sown last month, accord- ing to directions, will be ready to prick out into another glass frame. Keep them a few inches apart to let the air circulate. Give them frequent sprinklings with water, and shade them with a mat for a few days until they have taken fresh root ; then give them plenty of air, and by the first of next month, expose them night and day, to harden the plants for the open ground. A few of the annual seeds of every description, and of every country and climate, may be sown any time after the middle of the month. If the season prove favourable, they will do well ; but reserving a part to sow about the 15th of May, will guard against every extreme. BIENNIALS AND PERENNIALS. Any biennials that are intended to be removed, and not done last month, must not be delayed longer. The roots of many of them will be very strong, and, if possible, a cloudy April.] HYBRID CHINESE ROSES. 63 day should be chosen for ihe operation. Give one or two copious waterings, and, if necessary, shade them from the sun till they begin to grow. Perennials. — For a limited description of several genera and species, see last month. Where dividing the root or replanting is required, let it be done forthwith. If the wea- ther is dry, they must be carefully watered and shaded for a few days. ROSES. The subject of garden Roses was touched upon last month, as far as our limits would admit. We will now give short descriptions of the other varieties of Roses that are of more delicate character — and, for distinction and perspicuity, we will give them under the various divisions to which they belong. HYBRID CHINESE ROSES. All the varieties of this fine division of Roses owe their origin to the Chinese tea-scented, Noisette and Bour- bon Roses impregnated with the French Provins, and other garden Roses. The seeds of such fertilized flowers pro- duce hybrid Chinese Roses. These have, in many instances, resulted from accident ; but latterly, from the regular impreg- nating process. The superb varieties of this fine division give a combination of all that is grand and beautiful in roses. Their flowers are of the most elegant forms and richest co- lours ; their foliage of great luxuriance, and their branches flexile and vigorous. They are of first rate importance for covering pillars and trellises, their shoots frequently grow- ing from six to ten feet in one season : these shoots may be thinned out year after year, but never shortened. They re- quire very rich soil, and do best on their own bottom, except elegans, Bezzare de le Chine, Wellington, and other dwarf growing sorts, which do well as standards. If they only 64 HYBRID cHiNEsii: ROSES. [April. possessed the property of ever-hlooming, they would be de- cidedly the finest division of the tribe ; however, their ge- neral beauty and richness of colour greatly make up for the deficiency. Many of them are also delightfully fragrant. The following are select sorts : Adele ancelin, delicate pink, perfect shape, and gobular form. Beauty of Billiard, or Docteur Billiard, of the French, nearly scarlet, glowing and beautiful, large, expanded and extremely double. Beaute ethereal, fine purple, margined with crimson, per- fectly imbricated, and a most beautiful rose ; it is also known as Bonne Genevieve. Bizzare de la Chine, brilliant crimson, superb form, profuse in flower, and perfectly double. Bouquet blanc, white expanded, large and very double. Brennus or Brutus, of some French collections, vivid red or nearly scarlet, and as a pillar rose is one of the fi.nest objects I have ever witnessed ; flowers ex- tremely large, and of the most exquisite form, cupped, and perfectly double. Catel, dark crimson, globular shape and very double. Duke of Devonshire, rosy lilac, faintly striped with white, imbricated and perfect in its shape. Due de Choiseul, pink, blush, and rose, perfect form, and makes a fine standard rose. Elegans, light red, of slender growth, globular, and very profuse of flower. Fulgens or Malton, unique in brilliancy, approaching bright scarlet, with large globular flowers, and of vigorous growth, and foliage finely tinted with red. General Lamarque, very dark crimson, of luxuriant growth, and very distinct. April.] HYBRID CHINESE ROSES. 65 George the Fourth (Riveis's,) most beautiful crimson, very- large and exquisitely double, and of globular form. If in good rich soil, the shoots will grow eight feet in one season ; foliage of a shining dark reddish green, and is unquestionably one of the finest of the family. Georgiana, deep pink, cupped, large and finely double, L' Astrolabe, pale rose, expanded, large, and profuse, in bloom. Lady Stuart, flesh colour, the form of the flowers before ex- pansion is perfectly spherical, and of exceeding beauty. La Grandeur, bright rose, exceedingly regular, and of very perfect form. Parny or La tourterelle, lilac or dove colour, cupped and very double, requires to grow to a large bush before its beauty of form and profusion of bloom can be seen. Princess, delicate rose, globular and perfectly double, and makes an excellent standard of itself, not being very subject to make shoots from the root. Pallagi, Ne plus ultra, or Gloire des hybrids, brilliant red, globular, showy, and perfectly double. Petales franges, dark crimson, with curiously fringed pe- tals. Rachel, rose and lilac, very large, superb and double. Triomphe de Laffay, rosy white, large and very beautiful. Violet Sans aiguillons, dark violet, large, very globular and of superb form. Watts' Celestial, Celestial, Wells' Cabbage China, Flora perfecta, &c., (it is known under all these names,) delicate rose, petals finely cupped, flower rather flat, is a free grower, and very profuse of bloom. Wellington, (Lee's,) rich purple crimson, flower beautifully formed, globular and very double. The first view of it is similar to Bizzare de la Chine ; but it is very distinct in growth, and the colour 66 HYBRID CHINESE ROSES. [April, fades much sooner than in the latter rose, and, indeed, is never so bright. William the Fourth, blush red, extremely large, very per- fect form, and is unquestionably a hybrid from the Cabbage Provins, and makes an excellent standard or tree rose. HYBRID ROSES THAT ARE STRIPED, SPOTTED, OR MARBLED; Abbe Berlese, beautiful crimson, spotted with violet, and of the most perfect form. Camaieu, delicate rose, with lilac stripes, large and double. Ehsa le mesle, white, faintly striped, expanded, and very double. Ijycons,quite wew, dark rose, beautifully spotted and pounced, large,, and of exquisite form. Madame Campan, delicate rose, with darker shades, very large, globular and double. Prince de Chimay, entirely new, crimson purple, beautiful marbled, with rose, large and very perfect ; it is at a very high price. Sandeur, Sandeur Panachee of the French, and King of Hy- brids of the English, bright rose-colour, beautifully spotted and striped with white, very double, and of perfect form — luxuriant in growth, and the shoots must never be shortened — we have seen it two years in perfect bloom. Village Maid, rose, striped with white, very compact and double, and makes a fine standard. This rose is a French hybrid of their Cent-feuilles ; but has been brought to notice under an English name, a system too much practised by the English growers, to keep from their brother-craft the original and genuine French name of the article ; and toe find that this system is occasionally attempted by our American brethren. Shame ! AjjriL] PERPETUAL ROSES. 67 PERPETUAL ROSES. This division of Roses has been brought to notice but very recently in this country, and even in Europe was not known till about 1817, except in the red and white four season's roses, which have, no doubt, contributed a large portion of their " Sweet assistance ;" for in many of them the powerful and agreeable fragrance of these two old roses is very evi- dent. Unfortunately, there are two-thirds of these roses received both from France and England under the head of Perpetuals, which only bloom once in our arid and hot cli- mate ; of course they will not make a second or third bloom- ing, unless they, at the same time, grow freely and make strong shoots ; consequently, they require very rich and deep soil strongly manured, and repeated manurings given every year, also, very frequent waterings during the summer sea- son with liquid manure : without such nourishment, the best of perpetual roses will only flower but once a year. It is a peculiar feature in this tribe of roses, that they are nearly all reluctant in rooting from layers, therefore, it will be difficult to procure them on their own bottoms. However, they grow admirably, grafted on, or budded into, any of our strong- growing native roses ; although the French Eglantine is most generally preferred. When grown in a luxuriant and well cultivated state, they require twice pruning. First, in No- vember, when the beds are dressed, cut off every shoot of the preceding summer's growth about two-thirds, and if they are crowded, displace some of them entirely. If this au- tumnal pruning be properly attended to, they will early in the following June throw out a great number of luxuriant shoots, each having one or more flowers. When a httle sa- crifice must be made to have a fine autumnal bloom, there- fore, leave only about half the number of shoots to bring forth flowers, the remainder shorten to less than half their lengths. Each shortened branch will soon put forth buds, 68 PERPETUAL ROSES. [April. and in July and August the plaats will again be covered with flowers. Our fine growing fall months will greatly assist the plants without farther aid in bringing forth their third blooming, which will be in September and October ; and Rose du Roi will even continue in mild seasons to bloom till November. It is necessary, at all times, as soon as the flower begins to fade, to cut it off, which greatly assists the vigour of the plants. Although in colour many of them approxi- mate each other, yet the following sorts will prove sufficient- ly distinct : Antinous, light crimson, beautifully formed, and perfectly double, scarce and valuable. Belle faber, dark rose, very large and double. Billiard, rose-colour, very neat form, exceedingly sweet and perfectly double. D' Angers, delicate rose, large size, compact and double. D'Esquermes, bright rose, globular shape and double. Du Roi, or Lees crimson pertetual, bright red, cupped shape, perfectly double, and exquisitely scented : in warm dry weather, this rose is apt to become much lighter in colour. It is still admitted by cultivators, that this rose is yet the king of perpetuals. I cut a bunch of beautiful flowers from it in the open ground, on the 5th of November. Gloire de France, De Neuilly, Neumann, Dauhreal, and Monthly Cabbage, fine bright rose, cupped, large and double. This rose attracts universal attention for its delicate and peculiarly grateful fragrance, and the immense clusters of its flowers. In June it does not bloom well, unless highly supplied with food ; but in the autumn it is most profusely covered with flow- ers ; the buds ought to be sheltered from heavy rains, as wetness causes them to decay before opening. It has considerable resemblance to the hybrid Bourbon roses, and, like many good roses, has too many names^. April.] GRAFTING ROSES. 69 Grande et Belle, or Monstreuse rose, very large, cupped, and perfectly double. Jean Hachette, (of the English,) delicate blush, extremely large, cupped, and extra double. Pulcherie, dark purple, compact and double — pretty. Panache de Girardon, or striped king qfperpetuals, fine rose, frequently striped with white, very unique ; but is certainly not a true perpetual. Queen of Perpetuals, or Palotte picotee, pale blush, cupped, and perfectly double. Stanwell, perpetual blush, expanded and very double ; it has much the habit of a Scotch Rose : when budded it is a constant and free bloomer. Four season's pale rose, cupped and double. White four seasons, nearly white, expanded and double ; but rarely blooms oftener than once in the season. Perpetual white moss, white, blooms in large clusters, and, when in bud, is very handsome ; but the flower of itself is miserably indifferent, and, moreover, it is not a true perpetual. It is one of those floricut- tural misno7ners expressing what the public would wish it to be, and not what it actually is. GRAFTING ROSES. The operation of grafting, from the pithy nature of the stems of the rose, is more troublesome and seldom succeeds so well as budding, though when the buds inserted the pre- vious summer fail., it is worth while to have recourse to graft- ing, which may succeed, and thus make up for the failure. The cleft grafting is much practised, especially on the conti- nent of Europe, and is the most successful method. It is ne- cessary that the scion, (or young shoot that is intended to be multiplied,) should be cut from the bush before vegetation commences, and placed in some shaded situation till the time 70 l'isle de bourbon roses. [April. of operation, which will be after the buds begin to swell on the stock, when the head of the stock may be cut horizon- tally to its desired height, and a slit made in its crown down- ward one and a half or two inches. The scion should be cut into lengths of two and a half or three inches, and then cut- ting its lower end into a wedge-like shape, inserting it into the slit of the stock, keeping the back of the stock and scion in contact, which must be held firmly and bound with liga- tures of soft bast-mat or worsted, and, in order to render it water-proof, cover it with a paste made of pitch and bees-wax, or clay mixed with old slacked lime ; if the latter is used, it will sometimes crack, which must be carefully filled up. In August or September the ligatures may be cut on one side, allowing the clay or wax to be displaced with the natural growth of the plant. Should the graft fail, you have still the resource of budding in August on the young shoots that will grow from the stock. It must be observed that grafting leaves a worse wound to heal over than budding, unless the stock and scion be nearly of the same size. Every bud which appears below the graft should be carefully rubbed off, except one or two nearest the crown, to encourage the sap upward to the grafts, and as soon as the latter begin to throw out leaves, the shoots from the stock should be shortened, and in one or two weeks more entirely taken off, if the scion has fairly grown. For whip grafting, see page 60. L'ISLE DE BOURBON ROSES. This group of Roses is decidedly the finest, and in a few years will be the most popular of the whole family of the " Queen of Flowers." They are generally perfectly hardy, of luxuriant growth, and will grow almost in any soil. They are profuse in blooming, and many of them delightful in fra- grance, from June to October. They are flowering orna- ments of the garden either as standards, climbers, or bashes ; April] ROSA iNDicA, &c. 71 their foilage is large, exuberant, and agreeable, and when the plants are established and well nurtured, they produce their flowers in immense clusters. As yet there are but few va- rieties ; but the talent and ingenuity of the French in rose culture and reproduction, will soon give the floral world a rich supply of some fine varieties, and Tazny finer names. I can cheerfully recommend the following sorts, which require pruning similar to hybrid Roses : Augustine Lelieur, bright rose, beautifully globular, and per- fectly double. Faustine, hlanc came, silvery blush, very perfect and double, does best as a standard. General Dubourg, pale rose, globular, large and very double. Hermosa, bright rose, most perfect cupped form, a profuse bloomer, and highly esteemed. During the sum- mer months it loses much of its colour ; but in autumn it is truly charming. Madame Desprez, dark rose, globular, and perfectly double, blooms in large clusters, and approaches more the Noisette tribe than any other of the Bourbon Roses. Marechal De Villars, bright purple, compact and perfectly double : it is a most beautiful variety. Philippar, bright rose, compact and perfectly double, of very luxuriant habit, and, when well established, a great bloomer. ROSA INDICA OR (BENGAL OF THE FRENCH) CHINESE EVER-BLOOMING ROSES. Perhaps no Rose has been so universally distributed and industriously cultivated as Rosa indica, (common Chinese or daily Rose,) and Rosa Seraperflorens, (crimson or sanguinea Rose.) It has been a favourite from the cottage to the man- sion, and is truly a floral pioneer. They will almost with- stand every vicissitude of treatment ; but will not well sur- 72 ROSA ismcA, &c. [April, vive the winters in the open air, north of this latitude, and even here they require some simple protection with straw, mats, litter, or other dry material during winter. The extensive demand for roses has induced many large importations, and sonr.e superb additions within these few ^ears ; and many of those thought fine in the first edition of this work, are now entirely discarded, giving place to others of surpassing beauty. The}^ require a very rich loamy soil, well pulverized, and from fifteen to twenty inches in depth. The best season of the year for pruning them is about the first of this month. In doing so it is not advisable to shorten any of the young shoots, except in cutting off the injured parts, that being the wood most productive of bloom ; but where there is old stinted wood, it should be cut out as close to the surface of the ground as the other parts of the bush will permit, with any other of the oldest wood that is too crowded. Dig every season in among their roots a good supply of v^ell decomposed manure, and stir and hoe them frequently during the summer. If I were to describe all I have seen of the China or Ben- gal Rose, half of this volume would not contain them, and three-fourths of them would not be worth a sight or even a name ; nevertheless, some of them are beautifully distinct and worthy of the utmost care. Such are Animated, fine blush, cupped and double, is of strong growth, and abundant in bloom, faintly scented. Arsenic delicate rose, of large size, perfectly double, a strong grower, and profuse bloomer. Bengal Triomphant, La Superbe, Grande et Belle. This like many fine roses, has its several names, but the former is the name under which I first knew it. It is a strong grower, with very large well-formed flowers of a rich purple crimson, which are extreme- ly double, and always open well. Beau carmine, dark crimson of a very distinct habit and co- lour, is an excellent bloomer and finely formed. April.] ROSA iNDicA, PURE YELLOW. Conquering King of Yellow, Golden Sovereign, Queen's Superba, Yellow Perfection, Topaz, (Girling's,) Yellow Turban. YELLOW OR BQFF SPOTTED, STRIPED, OR TIPPED. Beauty of Dulwich, Clio Perfecta, Cedo Nullii, Miss Alexander, Sulphurea Elegans, Reliance, (Widnall's,); Unique, (Ansell's,) Sunbury Hero. RED OR ROSY RED. Coriolanus, Red Rover, Perfection, (Mackenzie's,) Lady Webster. SCARLET. Countess of Liverpool, Countess of Morton, Glory, (Douglas',) Glory of the West, Henry Clay, Ovid, Rival Scarlet, Scarlet Perfection. ROSY CRIMSON. Countess of Sheffield, Grandis, Juhette, (Widnall's,) Marquis of Lothian, Royal Standard, Sir Henry Fletcher, Sir WilHam Wallace, Springfield Rival, Warminster Rival, Warrior. CRIMSON. Crimson Globe, Independent, Daidem of Flora, Mungo Park, Ne plus ultra, (Widnall's,) Nimrod, Rienzi, Rival Sussex, Springfield Major, Victory Knights. 116 ARRANGEMENT. [May. PURPLE. Conductor, (Widnall's,) Duke of Bedford, (Newby's,) Falconer's Purple, Grant Thorburn, Middlesex Rival, Napoleon, (Smith's,) Purple Perfection, (Squib's,) Vivid. DARK MAROON, AND VERY DARK. Addison, Beauty of LuUingston, Cheltenham Rival, Duke of Bedford,. Metropolitan Perfection, Robert le Diable, Suffolk Hero, Richard the Third. CRIMSON PERMANENTLY TIPPED WITH WHITE'. Osceolus, Star of Buckland. DISTINCTLY AND PERMANENTLY STRIPED. La Carnation, Lancashire Witch. The above are the choicest in cultivation at the present time, and for farther description in regard to colour, height, and price, we beg to refer our readers to the periodical cata- logues of our respectable nurserymen that are issued every spring, and contain many other sorts of eminence; and not a few equally desirable with the above, though the descrip- tions of some that are annually reeeived from England are more tempting than the article : whether there are some sorts that do produce more perfect and beautiful flowers in their humid climate than they do when transferred to ours, we cannot practically decide, but presume that it is the fact, for we are confident, and every season does more fully confirm it, that the seedlings grown in this country from seed sowed here do grow better, and flower finer, than the generality of those imported ; and, to prevent us adopting inferior sorts, and giving them das^m^ names, we subjoin the following rule s^ forjudging: May.] CHARACTER OF A FINE DAHLIA. 117 CHARACTER OF A FINE DAHLIA. *' The best judges distinguish Dahlias by the three crite- ria of form, colour, and size. 1. Form — The front view of the blossom should be per- fectly circular, without notches or inequalities, caused by the petals being pointed, and not as they should be, rounded, smooth at the edges, and slightly concave, but not so much as to show any of the back. One of the most perfect flowers, in this respect, is the Springfield Rival. When the petals are pointed, notched, fringed, piped, quilled, concave, con- vex, or flat, the perfectness of the circle is broken, and one indispensable beauty in the eye of the florist is deficient. When the eye or disc is shown in the full-blown flower, it is also a striking defect. The side view of a first rate flower should be that of a per- fect hemisphere. There is perhaps no example of this perfection of form without some slight deficiency. The Countess of Liverpool is one of the nearest to a perfect flower in this respect. 3. Colour. — This is looked upon by florists as an inferior consideration to form, though it is usually the first to attract the notice of common observers. In flowers of one colour, or selfs, the colour ought to be bright and distinct, without any breaking or blotching. When there are stripes, mottlings, shadings, or edgings, these should be clear and uniformly marked, the colours distinct without clouding or running. 3. Size — Although large flowers with superior form and clear distinct colours are esteemed superior to small flowers with the same properties, yet size alone is looked upon by florists as nothing when form and colour are defective." Particular care should be taken with seeds, especially such as are saved from fine sorts. If they are sown about the first of April, on a gentle hot-bed, or in a green-house in plots, 118 ANNUALS, HARDY AND TENDER. [May. filled with light rich earth, covering the seeds about three- eighths of an inch, and when they have made leaves, pot thenn off singly into small pots, till time for planting out, or where a quantity is grown, three plants may be put into one pot, and thus planted, and when they bloom the bad can be pulled up, leaving those of good character to stand for farther trial : none should be kept but such as come up to the above rules ; and if they do not do so the first year, there is little hope of their being more perfect the second. ANNUALS, HARDY AND TENDER. By the first of the month finish sowing all hardy Annuals and Biennials ; and about the middle of the month all those that are tropical. The weather being now warm, they will vegetate in a few days or weeks. Attend to thinning of those that are too thick, giving gentle waterings to such as are week in dry weather. Those that have been protected in frames should be fully exposed therein night and day ; lake the first opportunity of damp cloudy days to have them transplanted into the borders or beds, lifting them out of the frame with as much earth as will adhere to their roots. CARE OF HYACINTHS, TULIPS, &c. For the treatment of these, while in bloom, see last month. The best time to take them out of the ground, is about five weeks after they are done flowering, or when the stem ap- pears what may be termed half decayed. The best method to dry them is to place the roots in rows, with bulb to bulb, the stems lying north and south, or east and west. Give the bulbs a very thin covering of earth, merely to exclude the sun, so that they may not dry too rapidly, being thereby liable to become soft. When they have thoroughly dried it> this situation, which will be in eight or ten days in dry wea- May.] CARE OF HYACINTHS, TULIPS, &C. 119 ther, (and if it rains cover them with boards,) take them to an airy dry loft or shade, clearing off the fibres or stems, and in a few weeks put them in close drawers, or cover them with sand perfectly dry, until the time of planting, for which see October. It is not advisable to allow any of the bulbs of either Hy- acinths or Tulips to seed, as it retards their ripening and weakens the root, except where there are a few desired for new varieties. The small ofF-sets must be carefully kept in dry sand, or immediately planted. ANEMONES AND RANUNCULUS, These, while in bloom, should be carefully shaded from the sun by hoops and thin canvass, or an erect temporary awning; and as soon as they are done flowering, they must be fully exposed and the waterings given up. TUBEROSES AND AMARYLLIS, That are not planted, should now be done. For full di- rections, see last month. In many seasons, any time before the twelfth is quite soon enough ; but nothing ought to be delayed when the season will permit it to be done. It is necessary to have them properly labelled. AURICULAS, POLYANTHUS, AND PRIMROSES, Will now be done flowering, but still must be care- fully kept in a cool, shady situation, and all decayed leaves cut off as soon as they appear. Examine them care- fully and frequently, in case slugs of any description be preying upon them. A dusting of hot lime will kill them, or they may be otherwise destroyed. Some have recom- mended to repot and slip those plants when done flowering, " or they will contract a destructive disease;" which disease 120 DOUBLE WALL-FLOWERS. [Mat/. is a loss of verdure, and is induced by too much heat and drought, and a few other causes from inattention ; but if at- tended to as above, until September, when they should be fresh-potted, they will have time to be sufficiently established before winter, which is the most judicious time to take off slips, for two reasons, namely, they do not want so much nursing through the most precarious season of the year (sum- mer) for these plants, and they begin to grow, and will root afresh sooner. DOUBLE WALL-FLOWERS. As these are very seldom grown from seed, and are semi-bi- ennials, art has to be used to preserve or renew them. About the end of this month, take shoots of this year about three inches long, cutting them carefully off, and smoothing the cut end with a sharp knife : from this cut the lower leaves off about one inch and a half, and then put it in the ground ; choose a very shady spot, mi.xing the soil with a little sand and earth, or decayed leaves. Sprinkle them three times a day until they have taken root, which will be in a few weeks. Keep the cuttings about four inches apart. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. We do not consider that it is essential every month to re- peat the necessity of tying up plants, cutting down weeds, raking, &c., with many other similar observations. We have already been full on these subjects, and expect these to be remembered through the season. Particular care, how- ever, is required to carnations, pi?iks, or any plants that have heavy heads and slender stems. If carnations are desired to flower strongly, cut off all the buds except three, leaving the uppermost and any other two of the largest. All climbing plants should have timely support, and tied securely every week while they are growing. June and July.] Holland bulbs. 121 JUNE AND JDLY. HOLLAND BULBS. The lifting of these will be general in June. For direc- tions, see May. It is not advisable to take up Jonquils, Fritil- laria, Crocus, and Iris, oftenerthan every alternate year. Jon- quils may stand three years. Anemones and Ranunculus should be carefully lifted after their leaves begin to fade. Do not expose them to the sun, but cover slightly with earth or sand until they are perfectly dry, when they may be sifted out of the earth, and put into drawers carefully labelled. Some recommend to soak these roots in soap-suds, to de- stroy a worm with which they are frequently attacked. We know not how far this may be carried, nor the good or bad effects, never having practised it. AUTUMJN FLOWERING BULBS. These are AiJiaryllis lutea,novf csWed Sternbergia lutea ; A. Belladonna, now Belladonna purpurdscens ; Crocus sati- vus, C. Palldsii, C. serotinus, and C. nudiflbrus, and all the species of Colchicum, with species of several other genera not introduced into the country. They should all be lifted as soon as the foliage is decayed, and kept only a few weeks out of the ground, and then again replanted in fresh soil. The economy of the genus Colchicum in regard to its bulbs, flowers, and seeds, is altogether singular, and may be termed an anomaly of nature. In producing the new bulbs or off- sets, in a very curious manner the old one perishes. The flowers, which arise with long slender tubes from the root, die off in October, without leaving any external appearance of seeds. These lie buried all the winter within the bulb, 11 122 CARNATIONS AND PINKS. [Juuc and July. in spring they throw up a fruit stalk, and are ripe about the first of June. How beautiful and admirable is this provision ! The plant blooming so late in the year, would not have time to mature its seeds before winter ; and is, therefore, so con- trived that it may be performed out of the reach of the usual effects of frost, and they are brought above the surface when perfected, and at a proper season for sowing. CARNATIONS AND PINKS. In order to make the former flower well, if the weather 13 dry, give them frequent waterings at the root, and tie them up neatly to their rods. The criterion of a fine Carnation is — The stem strong and straight, from thirty to forty inches high, the corolla three inches in diameter, consisting of large, round, well formed petals, but not so many as to crowd it, nor so few as to make it appear thin or empty ; the outside petals should rise above the calyx about half an inch, and then turn off in a horizontal direction, to support the interior petals, they forming nearly a hemispherical corolla. The interior petals should decrease in size toward the centre, all regularly disposed on every side ; they should have a small degree of concavity at the lamina or broad end, the edges perfectly entire. The calyx above one inch in length, with strong broad points in a close and circular body. The co- lours must be perfectly distinct, disposed in regular long stripes, broadest at the edge of the lamina, and gradually be- coming narrower as they approach the unguis or base of the petal, there terminating in a fine point. Those that contain two colours upon a white ground are esteemed the finest. The criterion of a double pink — The stem about twelve inches, the calyx smaller, but similar to a carnation ; the flowers two inches and a half in diameter ; petals rose edges ; colour white and pure purple, or rich crimson ; the nearer it approaches to black the more is it esteemed ; proportions \ June and July ."l of laying carnations, &c. 123 equal as in carnation. Those that are very tasteful with these flowers are attentive to the manner of their opening. Where the calyx is deficient in regular expansion, to display the petals ; that is, where there is a tendency to burst open on one side more than on the other, the opposite side in two or three different indentations should be slit a little at several limes with the point of a small sharp knife, taking care not to cut the petals, and about the centre of the calyx tie a thread three or four times round to prevent any farther ir- regularity. Some florists and connoisseurs place cards on them. This is done when the calyx is small. Take a piece of thin pasteboard, about the size of a dollar, cut a small aperture in its centre to admit the bud to pass through. When on, tie it tight to the rod, to prevent the wind from blowing it about; and when the flower is expanded, draw up the card to about the middle of the calyx, and spread the petals one over the other regularly upon it. When these plants are in flower, their beauty may be prolonged by giving them a little shade from the mid-day sun by an awning of any simple description. Where they are in pots, they can be removed to a cool shady situation, (but not directly under trees.) OF LAYING CARNATIONS AND PINKS. This is a necessary and yearly operation to keep a supply of plants, and likewise to have them always in perfection. As the process of laying, though simple, may not be known to all who are desirous of cultivating these plants, we will give an outline of the mode of operation. Provide first a quantity of small hooked twigs, (pieces of Asparagus stems are very suitable,) about three inches long, for pegging the layers down in the earth. Select the outward, strongest, and lowest shoots that are round the plant ; trim off a few of the under leaves, and shorten the top ones even with the knife, and then ap- plying it at a joint about the middle of the under-side of the 124 OF BUDDING, &c. [Juue and JuIt/. shoot, cut about half through in a slanting direction, nnaking an upward slit toward the next joint, near an inch in extent ; and loosening the earth, make a small oblong cavity one or two inches deep, putting a little fresh lightearlh therein. Lay the stem part where the slit is made into the earth, keeping the cut part open, and the head of the layer upright one or two inches out of the earth ; and in that position peg down the layer with one of the hooked twigs, and cover the in- serted part to the depth of one inch with some of the fresh earth, pressing it gently down. In this manner proceed to lay all the proper shoots of each plant. Keep the earth a lit- tle full around the plant, to retain longer the water that may be applied. Give immediately a moderate watering with a rose watering-pot, and in dry weather give light waterings every evening. Choose a cloudy day for the above opera- tion. In about two months they will be well rooted. OF BUDDING OR INOCULATION OF ROSES. According to what we have previously hinted in regard to havingroses as standards, where such are desired, the months of July or August is a proper time for the operation of budding. The kinds to be taken for stocks should be of a strong free growth : such as Maiden'' s blush, Dutch tree, R.vildsa,R.ca- mna, and frequently iheFrench Eglantine are taken. Bepro- vided with a proper budding knife, which has a sharp, thin blade, adapted to prepare the bud, with a tapering ivory haft, made thin at the end, for raising the bark of the stock. For tyings, use bass strings from Russia mats, which should be soaked in water to make them more pliable. The height of the stock or stem at which the bud is to be inserted, is to be determined by the intended destination of the tree, (as it may be properly called.) Choose a smooth part of the stem, from one to three years old. Having marked the place, prune awav all the lateral shoots about and underneath it. With June and July.\ of budding, &c. 125 the knife directed horizontally, make an incision about half an inch long in the bark of the stock, cutting to the wood,, but not deeper ; then applying the point of the knife to the middle of this line, make a perpendicular incision under the first, extending from it between one and two inches. Having a healthy shoot of the growth of this year provided of the kind that is desired, begin at the lower end of this shoot, cut away all the leaves, leaving the footstalk of each. Being fixed on a promising bud, insert the knife about half an inch above the eye, slanting it downward, and about half through the shoot. Draw it out about an inch below the eye, so as to bring away the bud unimpaired with the bark, and part of the wood adhering to it ^ the wood now must be carefully detached from the bark. To do this, insert the point of the knife between the bark and wood at one end, and, holding the bark tenderly, strip off the woody part, which will readi- ly part from the bark, if the shoot from which the piece is taken has been properly imbued with sap.* Look at the inner rind of the separated bark, to see if that be entire : if there be a hole in it, the eye of the bud has been pulled away with the wood, rendering the bud useless, which throw away ; if there be no hole, return to the stock, and with the haft of the knife gently raise the bark on each side of the perpendicular incision, opening the lips wide enough to ad- mit the prepared slip with the eye. If the slip is longer than the upright incision in the stock, reduce the largest end. Stock and bub being ready, keep the latter in its natural po- sition ; introduce it between the bark and wood of the stocky pushing it gently downward until it reaches the bottom of the perpendicular incision. Let the eye of the bud project * We once budded three eyes of the white moss rose, after they had, by mistake, been carried in the pocket of a coat three days. The shoot was- soaked six hours in water, and two of the buds grew. From this we infer that shoots, if properly wrapped up, may be carried very great distances, and grow successfully. 11* 126 OF WATERING. [Jutie and Juh/. through the centre of the lips ; lay the slip with the bud as smooth as possible, and press down the raised bark of the stock. The bud being deposited, bind that part of the stock moderately tight with bass, beginning a little below the inci- sion, proceeding upward so as to keep the eye uncovered, finishing above the incision. In a month after the opera- tion, examine whether the bud has united with the stock. If it has succeeded, the bud will be full and fresh ; if not, it will be brown and contracted. When it has taken, unite the ban- dage, that the bud may swell, and in a few days afterward cut the head of the stock off about six inches above the inocu- lation, and prevent all shoots from growing by pinching them off. This will forward the bud, which will push and ripen wood this season ; but it must be carefully tied as it grows to the remaining head of the stock. Some do not head down the stock until the following spring, thereby not en- couraging the bud to grow, which, if winter sets in early, is the safest method. OF watering: If the season be dry, look over the lately planted shrubs, and give them frequent copious waterings; and a few of the finest annuals that are wanted to flower perfectly should be attended to. We do confess that we used to be advocates for giving plenty of water to the Dahlia, but the severe drought of 1838 put our science to the test, and the result was, that of about ©ne hundred plants of our most choice kinds, which we re* gularly watered three times a week, for nine weeks, during which period we had not a drop of rain ; the plants grew luxuriantly, but many of them never produced a perfect bloom ; and those that had no attention whatever paid to them, except a litttle manure or litter laid on the surface over lihe roots, flowered almost as well as in our more moist sea- August.] EVERGREEN HEDGfES. 127 sons. Hence we infer that an occasional watering may be of service, but continued and repeated artificial waterings are injurious. AUGUST. EVERGREEN HEDGES. These always make two growths in the season, and ths best time to perform the operation of clipping or dressing them is before the plants begin their second growth. Choose^ if possible, dull and cloudy days, as in such weather they will not be so liable to get brown or bruised by shearing. The general practice in forming these is to have the sides even and the top level, forming a right angle on each side. How- ever neat in appearance this may be considered, it certainly is stiff and formal. We never approve of clipping where it can be avoided, and, when adopted, nature ought to be imi- tated. Therefore, have all hedges and edgings tapering to- ward the top. • CARNATIONS AND PINKS, If laid about the end of June, and have been properly at- tended, will, by the end of this month, be well rotted and fit for transplanting. Clear away the earth lightly, and cut them clean oif from the parent plant, nearer the stool than the ori- ginal slit. Raise them neatly out of the earth, with as many of the root-fibres as possible ; cut off the naked part of the stem close to the fibrous roots, and trim away the straggling leaves. Plant the finest sorts in four-inch pots, and those more common, three plants in five-inch pots, in the form of 128 BULBOUS ROOTS. [AugUSf. a triangle, which can be separated in spring to plant in the garden. Any of the principal stools should be (if in the ground) lifted and put into seven-inch pots to be preserved ; the others may be allowed to stand through the winter, co- vering them with a few dry leaves. Keep them in the shade a few weeks, when they may be fully exposed. Give gen- tle and frequent sprinkhngs of water until they have taken fresh root ; or, if in want of pots, mark out a bed that can be covered with a frame, preparing the soil therein properly. Plant them from four to six inches apart. Shade them from the sun until they begin to grow, giving sprinklings of water over the foliage every evening. BULBOUS ROOTS. Look over the bulbs that are out of the ground, and exa- mine those that require planting. Of Fritillaria there are about twenty species, but few of them generally cultivated^ except F. imperialis, Crown Imperial, and F. persica. Of the former there are many very splendid varieties, such as Crown upon crown, Lutea maocima, Striped leaved, Double flowered, ^c. These will require planting, and ought not to be lifted oftener than every third year. They require a deep, rich, loamy soil, and, if in beds, plant them from five to seven inches deep, and one foot apart. They will grow under the shade of trees, or in any situation where the soil is adapted for them. No imbricated or scaly bulb ought to be retained long out of the ground. When any of these are lifted, and the young bulbs taken off, they should be planted at once. See particularly, on bulbous roots in general, next month. SOWING SEEDS OF BULBOUS ROOTS. Where any seeds of these are saved, with the intention of sowing, let it be done this month. Procure boxes about sevem September.] of dahlias. 129 inches deep, and, in size, proportioned to the quantity to be sown. Put five inches of hght sandy soil in the box, level it smoothly, and sow the seeds separately and thickly ; cover with half an inch of light sandy loam, with a portion of earth from the woods. Keep the box or boxes in a sheltered si- tuation, giving frequent sprinklings of water, to keep the earth damp, which must be protected with a frame, or co- vered with leaves during winter. The plants will appear in the spring, and must be watered and kept in the shade : when the leaves decay in June, put one inch more soil upon them, and the second year they can be planted with the small off- sets in the garden, and treated as other bulbs. They must be carefully marked every year. Tulips require several years of trial before their qualities are known ; and a poor soil is besl suited to produce their characters after the first bloom. SEPTEMBER. OF DAHLIAS. See that all these plants are supported with proper stakes^^ rods, &c., that the wind may have no effect in breaking down or otherwise destroying the flower stems. Strictly observe their respective heights and colours, that they may be duly disposed and interspersed next year, if not done so this. At- tend particularly to the merits of those grown from seed. GENERAL CARE OF PLANTS IN POTS. All the flowers that are in pots, and intended to be kept in frames during winter^ should have a top-dressing and a ge- neral preparation for their winter quarters, by tying up, &c. 130 PREPARE BEDS, 6cc. [September. The carnation and pink layers that were lifted and potted last month, must be brought from the shade as soon as they be- gin to grow , and those that are not lifted, have them done forthwith, that they may be rooted afresh before the frost sets in. All Wall-flowers and Stocks should be lifted about the end of this month, and planted in five to seven-inch pots, and treated as directed for carnation layers last month, until they begin to grow, when they must be fully exposed. PREPARE BEDS AND BORDERS FOR BULBOUS ROOTS. Bulbous roots of every character delight in deep free soil ; consequently, wherever they are desired to be planted, due attention must be paid to put the soil in proper order, to have them in perfection. Where there are a quantity intended to be planted, to have them in beds is the general and prefera- ble method. These ought to be dug from eighteen inches to two feet deep, at the bottom of which place three or four inches of decayed manure. Where the soil is poor it should be enriched with well decomposed manure and earth from the woods, incorporating both well with the soil, breaking it all fine. This being done, allow it to stand until the middle of next month, which see for farther directions. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Tie up carefully all the Chrysanthemums, Tuberoses, &c. Clear away the stems or haulm of any decayed annuals or herbaceous plants, that nothing unsightly may appear. Pro- pagate the Pansy by layers, &c. See page 102. SOWING AND SAVING SEEDS. About the end of this month or beginning of next is an ad- visable period to sow seed of Delphinium Ajdcis fibre plena^ October.] OF PLANTING, &c. 131 or Double Rocket Larkspur. This plant does not flower in perfection unless sown in autumn, and grown a little above ground before winter ; when a few leaves can be lightly thrown among them, but not to cover them entirely, or a few branches thickly laid on will answer as well. There are several other annuals that bloom more early and much finer by being sown about this period : such as Gilia, Coreopsis, Centaurea, Clarkia, Collinsia, <^c. Be attentive in collect- ing and saving all kinds of seeds, and have them correctly named, with the year in which they were grown. The finer kinds of Pansy seeds that may have been col- lected during the season, should now be sown in a rich, free, loamy soil, and in a situation where they can be covered during winter with a temporary frame of boards : although they are perfectly hardy, yet they will bloom earlier and more superb in the spring by having a slight protection. OCTOBER. OF PLANTING VARIOUS BULBOUS AND TUBEROUS ROOTS, From the first of October to the middle of November is the best period for a general planting of bulbs, corms, and tubers, which, if the ground has been prepared, as formerly directed, will now be in readiness. We will give the names and descriptions of a few of the leading sorts. Anemone hortensis. The cultivation of this tuber has been attended with less satisfaction than any other floral plant that has been introduced into this country. The general failure may, in part, be attributed to the very inferior roots annually sent from Holland, which rarely arrive in good order, and those that do grow, are very discouraging, never making a luber sufficient for another year's planting. Several hundred V3^ OF PLANTING, &c. \ October. varieties are cultivated in England with great care and com- plete success. They are planted in a deep rich soil, using a considerable portion of cow manure and decomposed leaves, covering the crowns of the roots about two inches. The tubes are flat, but the eye from whence the flower-stem arises is apparent on one of the sides, which must be laid uppermost. During the severity of winter, they should be protected by a frame, and have a sprinkling of very dry leaves strewn among them. Crocus. There are upward of one hundred varieties of this vernal flower in cultivation, attended with universal success. They delight in rich soils, and may either be plant- ed ill beds or rows, at least two inches deep, and six inches from row to row — they seldom require removal; every three or four years will be sufficient. They can be purchased at from seventy-five cents to two dollars per hundred, accord- ing to quality. When they are done blooming, the foliage should not be removed till perfectly decayed Fritillaria, or Crown Imperial. See last month. Hyacinths. The ground that was prepared for these last month, should be all divided into beds four feet wide, leaving between each alleys of twenty inches. Skim off four or five inches of the surface of the former into the latter, level the bed smoothly with the rake, and mark it off in rows eight inches apart. Plant the roots in the row eight inches asun- der. Thus they will be in squares, and by planting the dif- ferent colours, alternately, the bed will be beautifully diver- sified. Cover each bulb with sand, when it can be procured. Put about four inches of earth over the crowns, which will make the beds from two to three inches higher than the al- leys. The beds, before and after planting, should be gently rounded from the middle to each side, to let the rain pass off. Finish all by raking evenly, straighten the edgings with the line, and clear out the alleys or pathways. Wc have grown Hyacinths in great perfection — when, in addition to the above, we covered them with two to three October.] jonquils — lilium. 13;1 inches of cow manure. The Dutch florists name nearly two thousand varieties of this flower, and have large fields de- voted to their culture. When the double varieties were first brought into notice, they sold at from one to two thou- sand guilders a roof, (about from four to eight hundred dollars.) The finer kinds can be purchased at from two to four dollars per dozen. Iris, or Fleur de luce. The English and Persian irises are coming in repute as showy garden flowers. They will grow in any well prepared soil, and require to be planted in the same manner as the tulip. Jonquils. Double and single. Plant these in the same soil as Tulips, six inches apart, and cover three inches deep. They do not flower so well the first year as in the second and third, therefore should only be lifted every third year. Lilium. The family of Lilies are all splendid, very inte- resting, and easy of culture, requiring merely a good deep loamy soil — nowise inclined to moisture. They are all hardy, except L. japbnicum and L. longiflbrum, which we lift in November, and again plant them about the first of March, keeping them through the winter in dry sand, in a cellar free from frost. The hardy kinds, deserving most at- tention, are L. Cdndidum, (the double variety of it is not worth growing,) L. Chalcedonicum, and its varieties, L. Tigrinum, L. Concolor, and L. Mdrtagon ; these, with the species indigenous to this country, are all very beautiful. They should be planted from three to five inches deep, according to the size of the bulb, and need not be taken up oftener than once in every three or four years. None of the species can be transplanted after they have grown, without injuring their flowering. Narcissus require treatment similar to the Lily, except the soil, which must be richer, and even then they do not bloom so finely in a few years as they do when first imported ; but they are cheap, and can annually be procured. 12 134 p^oNiAS. [October. PcBonias are all magnificent in flower, and, for display, are not surpassed by any spring blooming plant; and we do cheerfully urge our readers to cultivate the choice sorts, which can scarcely be said to have a rival. Such are — P. Moutdn Bdnksii, common double blush, tree Paeonia. P. Moutdn papaverdcea, single while, tree Paeonia, with purple centre. P. Moutdn rosea, large rose, semi-double tree Pseonia. P.MoM^anoc/orafa, sweet-scented, rose-coloured tree Pseonia. P. Moutdn albida pleno, double white, tree Psonia. P. edulis albiflora, single white herbaceous Paeonia. P. edulis xvldtleji, superb double white herbaceous Pseonia. P. edulis Hiimei, very large double rose herbaceous Paeonia. P. edulis frdgrans, double red, sweet-scented herbaceous Pseonia. P. edulis Reevesiana, Chinese double crimson herbaceous Pseonia. P. officinalis rubra, common double herbaceous Paeonia. P. officinalis airopurpicrea, very dark crimson herbaceous Paeonia. P. officinalis dlbicans, changeable, white rose, or blush her- baceous Paeonia. There are several other splendid double varieties in some rare collections of Europe, which have not yet made their appearance in general culture. There are also a few very choice single kinds that are desirable for growing to raise new sorts from ; for it is from the single species that the Chinese have been so successful in procuring the magnificent double varieties, which are so anxiously and perseveringly sought for. The seeds mature well in this country, and should be sown as soon as ripe : they will vegetate the follow- ing spring, and in three years may be expected to bloom. The Pa^ony will grow in any rich loamy soil, which should be at least fifteen inches deep. An eastern situation or October.] tulips. 135 aspect is best adapted for them in this latitude ; but in the more southern states, they will display their flowers better on a northern aspect, or where they will be shaded from the sun, but not under the dripping of trees. The most suitable lime for planting them is in September, October, or Novem- ber. Spring-planted roots never succeed well the first year. Paeony moutan and its varieties are all of a shrubby nature, and will grow into large bushes, producing from fifty to one hundred blooms of not less than fifteen inches in circumfe- rence ; they can be propagated by division of the root, or by layers. Tulips. As this flower will soon be a decided favourite over this might country, we will give a minute description of the soil most genial to it, at the same time remarking that it will grow in almost any soil or situation, though less per- fect. Many of the kinds are of the most splendid colours and strong in growth, frequently growing over three feet in height, with cups sufficiently large to satisfy the greatest Bacchus. All writers agree that Tulip beds should be "four feet wide ;" though I think three and a half will be found more convenient, and, in length, according to the number of roots to be planted. The soil should consist of good, fresh loam, mixed with a small portion of well rotted stable ma- nure, at least two years old. The whole should be incor- porated together four months previous to using. The com- mon soil should be taken out sixteen inches deep, and filled with the above compost. Raise the beds nbt less than three inches above the paths at the outside, and about six or eight inches in the middle ; this convexity will assist in throwing off the water in times of heavy and continued rains. The bed thus formed, plant the bulbs in rows, lengthwise on the bed, about six inches from bulb to bulb, and seven inches from row to row. The bed may be marked out by straining a line very tight, lengthwise on the bed, and beating it with the back of the spade, leaving a lined groove along the ground. Then, with a lath four feet long, let the bed be marked across 136 PLANTING AND TRANSPLANTING. [Octoher. at six inches distance, so as to leave distinct impressions at each crossing of the ground lines ; for these will form 1 he spots where the bulbs are to be planted, by means of a dibber, made larger than the largest bulb, and flattened at the end. The holes are to be made four inches deep, and about half an inch of sharp sand ought to be dropped in each. The centre line ought to be planted with the tallest kinds, and the out- side of the bed wiih the lowest. In severe frosts they should be protected by boards or branches. Tulips have ever been held in the highest estimation. As early as 1637 history re- cords one hundred and twenty Tulips being sold at public auction for no less a sum than nine thousand guilders, equal to thirty-six hundred dollars ; and, in England, at the present day, a good collection is valued at five thousand dollars. Florists generally divide them into three classes, viz. : first, Byhloemens, such as have a white ground, variegated with purple, as jBzen/ati or Washington, &lc.\ secoudXy, Bizarres^ having a yellow ground, variegated with scarlet, purple, rose, or velvet, as Trafalgar, Due de Savoie, &c. ; and, thirdly, Roses with white ground, variegated with rose, scarlet, or crimson, as La Tendresse, Rose mignonne, &c. The superb kinds are often very expensive, even fifty pounds sterling is frequently given for a single bulb ; and we doubt much if these high-priced kinds are finer than Washington, Milo, or Trafalgar, which, with many others, can be procured for less than one dollar each. PLANTING AND TRANSPLANTING. This is a very proper period to plant the beautiful and early flowering Pyrws^opon/ca, now called Cydonia japoni- ca. The blossoms are of a rich scarlet colour. It is the earliest flowering shrub of the garden, and deciduous, though said by some to be '* an evergreen." The plant is bushy, and well adapted for single plants in grass plats, or forming low ornamental hedges. There is likewise C. j. alba, a fine October.] grass and gravel walks. 137 blush variety of the same habit, and both are of the hardiest nature. Double Primroses, Polyanthus, Daisies, &c. Any of these that were planted in shaded situations in spring, and have been preserved through the summer, should have for their farther protection a bed well sheltered from the north-west, in which they should be planted four inches apart. Give them a few sprinklings of water in the morning, and have a temporary frame of rough boards put together to place over them during the severity of winter. The frame may be co- vered with the same in place of glass, which must be kept over them while they are in a frozen state. Any other plants that are in the ground, which are intend- ed to be protected with frames through the winter, ought to be immediately lifted and potted, and treated as directed for all new-potted plants. GRASS AND GRAVEL WALKS. The former should be trimly cut and well rolled this month, ihat they may appear neat all winter. Never allow decayed leaves to lie any lime upon them, as they are apt to rot out the grass. The latter should be divested of every weed, and receive a firm rolling. Clear them at all times of leaves and other litter. These, if on a declivity, and have not a firm substantial bottom, will be subject to be cut up with every heavy rain. A break should be put in every twenty, forty, or eighty feet, to throw off the water. A strong plank will answer perfectly well, but in such situations we would pre- fer grass walks. PLANTING EVERGREENS. This month is the best period in autumn to plant these shrubs ; and where there is a great extent to be planted, it 12* 138 DAHLIAS. [November. would be advisable to do a part of it now ; but we give the preference to April, which see for directions. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. When the plantings of bulbs, &c., are finished, every part of the garden should have a thorough cleaning. All annual flowers will have passed tlic season of their beauty ; there- fore, remove the decayed flower stems or haulm, and trim off the borders. Dig all vacant ground, especially that in- tended to be planted with shrubs in the ensuing spring, which ought to be dug from one to two feet deep. NOVEMBER. DAHLIAS. It is not advisable to delay lifting the roots of the Dahlia after the first of the month, as frequently severe frosts set in about this period, and would totally destroy them. Choose a dry day for the purpose, and with a spade carefully lift every root, divesting it of any earth that may adhere thereto, but not to shake it ofl", as thereby the neck of the tubers would be bruised, and probably entirely destroy the vitality of the plant for the coming season. With us, the frost generally destroys the foliage and stems of the plants from about the middle of October to the beginning of the present month. The stems should then be cut to within a few inches of the ground : when the roots should be lifted directly thereafter, and the labels properly secured to them with metallic wire. Many opinions are given for the best method of securing November.] erythrinas. 139 them during winter from the effects of frost, which is their certain destruction. In this country, a dry close cellar, that will retain a temperature of not less than thirty-five degrees, and not over forty-five, will be the most proper place : if the tubers are small, they should be covered with dry sand or earth. The method we have adopted with our finest kinds, which has resulted in complete success, is, to lay dry boards on the cellar-floor, and place the roots closely thereon, co- vering them to the stem with dry sand, laying mats overall: in this manner they preserve till spring in the most perfect order. They can also be kept in a cool green-house ; but must be protected from drippings of water falling upon them. TUBEROSES, TIGRIDIAS, AND AMARYLLIS. These tubers and bulbs, as soon as the frost has partly in- jured the foliage, should be taken up, and dried thoroughly in the sun, taking care, at all times, to keep them clear from frost. When they are dry, divest them of their foliage and fibres, and pack them in boxes with dry sand or moss. Store these away for the winter, either in a room or a dry cellar, where they will, at all times, be exempt from frost, the least touch of which would destroy them. We have kept them completely secure in the cellar. ERYTHRINAS. Where there are any plants of E. herbdcea, E. laurifdha^and E. crista-gdlla, which are intended to be lifted, they should be carefully done and preserved in half dry earth, and kept beside the Dahlias. They are magnificent ornaments in the flower garden. PRIMROSES, POLYANTHUS, AND DAISIES, That were planted in a sheltered spot, as directed last month, should have a frame placed over them, and their co- 140 CHOICE CARNATIONS, &c. [NovemhcT, vering in readiness for the approach of winter ; giving the plants a light covering of leaves, which will preserve their foliage from the effects of frost. CHOICE CARNATIONS, PINKS, PANSIES, AND AURICULAS, That are in pots, should be placed in the franne intended for their abode during winter. If the pots are plunged to the rims in dry leaves or saw-dust, it will greatly protect their roots from the severe effects of frost. Where glass is used for these frames, they should have besides a covering of boards or straw mats ; those that are in beds may be co- vered as above directed for Primroses, &c, Thoy ought not to be uncovered while in a frozen state. It is not altogether the intensity of cold that destroys these plants so much as the alternate thawing and freezing. All half hardy plants, such as Wall-jloioer, German stocks, Sweet-bay, tender roses, with several others, should be pro- tected as above direcred for Carnations. Earth or tan should be put round the outside of these frames, which will be a partial shelter from the changing state of the atmosphere. Oak leaves answer the purpose very well, but they are a harbour for all kinds of vermin, especially rats and mice, which would destroy everything. It may be useful to say a few words on the nature of tan or tanner's bark. Many suppose that the smallest quantity will produce heat. If three or four cart loads of it are put into one heap, and pro- tected from the rain, it will ferment ; and when the first fer- mentation is abated, by mixing it with leaves, a substantial hot-bed made be made, or put it by itself into a pit ; and, when there is no pit, boards may be substituted to keep it together : either of these methods will produce a lasting heat. But in small quantities, and exposed to rain, &c., no heat will be produced, but rather the contrary. It is excellent, when dry, in keeping out frost from any plants ; being a body no5 November.] protection of seedling bulbs. 141 easily penetrated, similar to dry sand, saw-dust, or dry leaves. Frequently the same opinion is held in regard to stable ma- nure, small portions of which will never produce heat. OF PROTECTING PLANTS IN THE GARDEN. During this or next month, according to the stale of the season, protect all the plants that are in the ground, which are not completely hardy. The coverings may be straw, Russia mats, canvass, boxes, or barrels. The two latter must be perforated in the top, to let the damp air pass off, or the plant would become musty and decay. Those covered with straw or mats should have small stakes placed round the plants, and covering tied tliereto, and remain so until the month of March or first of April. Herbaceous plants that are tender, may be covered with three or four inches of tan, saw-dust, or half decayed leaves, which will tend greatly to preserve their roots. These coverings must be carefully re- moved on the first opening of spring. The shrubs that are otherwise covered would be greatly benefited by having their roots protected in a similar manner, as directed for her- baceous plants. PROTECTION OF SEEDLING BULBS. If any seeds of Hyacinths, Tulips, or Fritillara, were sown in pots or boxes, letthem be removed to a dry, sheltered situa- tion, and plunged level with the ground ; or fill the spaces between them with dry leaves or tanner's bark, and cover the whole with new-fallen leaves, laying over all a few boards to prevent the wind blowing them off. These form better coverings than straw or haulm, which is liable to become musty, and communicate the effect to the roots. The above covering is not required until the approach of severe frost. 142 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. [November. OF PLANTING DECIDUOUS TREES AND SHRUBS. It is not recommendable to make a general planting of these at this period of the year ; the success entirely depending on the nature of the season and the slate of the soil. If any are planted, let them be those of the hardiest nature, and in light and absorbent soil, not subject to be stagnated or over-flooded during winter. When this and next month are mild, autumn plantings are very frequently as sure as those of the spring. But the precarious state of the season is not to be depended upon, therefore avoid large plantings of any kind, and more especially of delicate roses, the roots of which are apt to rot off, except they have been previously grown in pots. No- thing can be more injurious to a plant, at this season particu- larly, than to bed its roots in mortar, by which the tender iibres either perish or are cramped ever afterward. The soil at the time of planting should be so friable as not to ad- here to the spade, which is a good rule in planting at any sea- son, or in any soil. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Carry out of the garden all decayed leaves and litter of every description, cutting down any weeds that remain. Col- lect all the stakes and rods that have been supporting plants, tie them up in bundles for the use of next year, and put them under cover. Look over every part of the garden, and see that nothing has been omitted in the way of covering or other protection. The sashes that are to be used on the frames should be perfectly whole, every interstice in the glass put- lied, and all ready for use when occasion may require. At- tend to all plants in pots, and give them gentle waterings as they stand in need ; but never during the time the soil is fro- zen about their roots. December.] general observations. 143 DECEMBER. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Having in the preceeding months under this head given de- tails for the protection of plants of a delicate nature, and the forwarding of necessary work, only a few remarks remain to be added. If there is any part therein described omitted, have it done forthwith : every day increases the danger of severe weather. If there are doubts of any plants or shrubs not standing without some light covering, it is best to err on the side of safety. Valuable plants on walls, and in danger of being destroyed, it is advisable to be at the expense of having a frame made to surround them, and cover the same with oil- <;loth. The frame thus covered, should be taken off in mild weather, and replaced again when necessary, causing very little trouble ; and, if properly taken care of, will last many years. Coverings of any construction, and of the same ma- terial, would answer for any part of the garden, and are the best in our opinion that could be adopted. THB AMERICAN FLOWER GARDEN DIRECTORY. HOT-HOUSE. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HOT-HOUSE. There have been many plans devised and visionary pro- jects offered to the pubUc as the best for a well-regulated hot house. As we intend forming one for practical purposes, we shall adopt a convenient size, have flews for the conveyance of heat, and coal or wood for fuel. Site and Aspect. — The house should stand on a situation naturally dry, and, if possible, sheltered from the north-west, and clear from all shade on the south, east, and west, so that the sun may at all times act effectually upon the house. The standard principle, as to aspect, is to set the front directly to the south. Any deviation from that point should incline to the east. Dimensions. — The length may be from ten feet upward ; but, if beyond forty feet, the number of fires and flues are multiplied. The medium width is from twelve to sixteen feet. Our directions will apply to the two extreme points, viz. : forty feet by sixteen, and in height, at back, from twelve to eighteen feet ; the height in front six feet, including about three feet in brick basement, to support the front glass, which will be two and a half feet, allowing six inches for frame-work. 13 146 HOT-HOUSE. Furnace and Flues. — It is of great importance to Iiave these erected in such a manner as will effectually heat the house. The greatest difficulty is to have the furnace to draw •well. As workmen are not generally conversant on the sub- ject, nor yet understand the effect or distribution of heat in these departments, we will give minute details on their con- struction. The furnace should be outside of the house, either at back or end ; the former is preferable, circumstances not always allowing it on the other plan. Dig out the furnace- hole, or what is termed stock-hole, about five feet deep. Let the door of the furnace be in the back wall of the house, thereby having all the heated building inside, that no heat may be lost. The brick-work round the fuinace should be nine inches thick, laying the inside with fire-brick. Around the outside leave a vacuum two or three inches wide, lo allow the heat to arise from around the furnace into the interior of the house, thereby saving the whole heat of the fuel. The furnace will require to be two and a half feet long, ten inches wide, and one foot high, before the spring of the arch and clear of the bars ; leave one foot for an ash-pit, ihcn lay the bars. They should be sixteen inches long, one inch broad on the upper side, two inches deep, and two-eighths broad on the lower side, and, with the door and frame, should be cast iron. Half an inch between each bar will be sufficient. The flue should rise from the furnace by a sleep declivity of from twenty inches to two feet, and pass the door of the house, (without a dip,) when it must be elevated above the level of the floor of the house along ihe front, and at the opposite end of the house must dip to pass the door. The dip must not be lower than the bottom of the flue at the neck of the furnace, and should be of a concave form, (avoiding acute angles.) Lead it along the back to enter the wall over the furnace. When thus taken round the house, the heat will be expanded before it enters the chimney. The inside of the flues should be from six to ten inches wide, and eight inches deep ; plas- ter the bottom of it, but no other part, as plaster is partially HOT-HOUSE. 147 a non-coi\ductor. The above description is for burning an- thracite coal; but where wood is to be the fuel, the furnace must be one-half larger. We have been particular in the de- scription of furnace bars, as those generally used are misera- ble substitute. Circumstances may cause the furnace to be placed at tlie end or fiont of the house. In either case the stock-hole will not require to be so deep ; or where there is only one door in the house, a siock-hole three and a half feet deep will be enougji, which should be built like a cellar, to keep out any under water. In all instances pass the first flue to the front of the house, over which have a close table, co- vered with two inches of sand, and, by keeping it moist, will atford a very congenial heal to young and valuable plants. Likewise over the furnace have a frame in the same manner, which will be found useful for propagating. Any part of the furnace or flue that is under the floor of the house, should have a vacuity on both sides to let the heat pass upward. Furnaces and flues on the above construction are the most simple in arrangement, and the easiest to manage at all times. But where capital, taste, and practical science can be united, a more elegant disposition of healing conveniences can be adopted : an excavation should be made for the flue to pass along under the pathway, which pathway may be a casting of iron, or wooden slats, fancifully put together, and at least six inches above the flue. In building the furnace, place thereon a boilorof cast-iron or copper, about two feet deep, two feet long, and four inches wide, with a zinc or copper lid : having it pre- pared to receive two pipes, one near the bottom and the other about four inches from the top : these pipes may be from four to six inches in diameter, and are to be taken along under the table in front of ihe house, in a level position, and, at the end of the house, joined together by a perpendicular pipe, or joint which should have an end about one foot higher than the highest part of the upper pipe. When all is properly fixed, fill the boiler with rain or river water, if possible : the air in the pipes will pass out at the perpendicular end, and, when all are 148 HOT-HOUSE. full, put a perforated cover on the end of the pipe. As soon as the water becomes heated, it will arise from the bottom of the boiler, and pass along the upper pipe, and return cool by the under one. Or, in place of the pipe returning again by the front, it can pass all round the house, only there must be apiece of perpendicular pipe to allow the air to get out — the consumption of water will not be over half a gallon in twenty- four hours. If the pipes require to be higher than the boiler, the boiler cover must be hermetically sealed, and the filling operation conducted by the upright tube or pipe, which must always be full of water. This we consider the most econo- mical method of heating by hot water, and it is by far the most simple — simple indeed in every part, though volumes have been written on the subject. Bark Pit. — We consider such an erection in the centre of a hot-house a nuisance, and prefer a stage, which may be constructed according to taste. It should be made of the best Carolina pine, leaving a passage all round, to cause a free circulation of air. The back and end paths may be about two feet wide, and the front three feet. The angle of the stage should be parallel with the glass, having the steps fron> six inches to one foot apart. Where there are some large plants, they may stand on the floor behind the stage, or on tressels, according to their height. Angle of the glazed Roof. — The pitch of the roof is usually varied to agree with the design of the house, and the size of the plants to be grown therein. Where pleasure and orna- ment are the principal objects, the angle should be about 43'^, but a few degrees of inclination either way is of minor im- portance. Materials f 07- glazed Sashes.— Carolina pine is the best ma- terial for the wood-work, as it is not so subject to decay from moisture and heat as the other kinds of pine wood. The frames or sashes can be of any convenient lengih, not exceed- ing ten feet, and about three and a half or four feet wide, and HOT-HOUSE. 149 made from plank two inches thick, divided so as ihey can be gla/.ed with glass six iiiciies wide. Of Glaztii^. — I'fie pieces of glass should not exceed six inciies by eighi, i hough six by six is preferable ; ihe lappings about one qu.irler of an inch. The fraines ought to have two coals of paint previous lo glazing, and the glass bedded in piiily. Some prefer llic lappings to be puttied also. If is our opinion '.hat in a hol-house these slioiild not be puttied, but, in the gieen-hoiise, the closer they can be made the bet- ter. Of Shutters. — These should be made of three quarters of an incii white pine, aii(i bound on botti ends and sides, having a cross piece m the middle of the same. They ought lo be painted ai least once in three years. HOT-HOUSE. JANUARY. At all limits he very careful of the tem[)eratnre of this de- pariinent, and more especially at tliis season of the year, as a ii'w ;iMnuies' neglect might materially injure many of the de- licate plants. The thermometer ought to range between .55^ and t\o^. In fine snnsliine days admit a little air by iiaving some of the lop siishes let down one, two, or three inches, according to the weather, and let it alvva^'^s be done from ele- V /n to o.ic o'l.lock ; but by no means in such a manner as to cause a drau<>lii m ilie interior of the house, which would 1)C vry prejiidici.d. Tlicrefore be always cautious during cold wedilh-r, 111 ad.Dinisteriiig that necessary element to vegeia- lii),), wiiifh IS so conducive to health. 13* 150 HOT-HOUSE. OF FIRING AND FUEL. The hot-house ought never to be left entirely to inexpe- rienced persons, because they are not aware of what might be •the result of inattention even for an hour. Attention to the following observations will obviate every difficulty : About this season of the year frost generally sets in very severe in the middle states. Suppose the day may have all the cle- mency of spring, the night may be directly the reverse. Every precaution is necessary to guard against extremes. The shutters are put on every night at sundown, and, in se- vere weather, as soon as the sun goes off the glass. If the shutters are omitted till late in severe frost, it will so reduce the heat of the house, that you cannot overcome it by fire until near midnight; and, when done, the fire or fires have been made more powerful than they ought to be, proving ungenial to the plants that are near the flues. The air, as above directed, having been taken ofi' the house at one o'clock, as soon as the mercury begins to fall in the thermometer, kindle the fire, and, supposing it is anthracite coal, in twenty minutes, with a good drawing furnace, the heat will operate in the house. If a coal fire, kindled about four o'clock, it will require an addition about six, and then may be made up again about nine or ten, which will suffice until morning. The quantity must be regulated by the weather. If the fuel is wood, it must be attended to three or four times during the evening ; and, when the mornings are intensely cold, a fire maybe requisite. When there are bad drawingfurnaces,^ the fires must be made much earlier, perhaps by two or three o'clock, which will be easily observed by the time the fire takes effect upon the air of the house. The temperature ought never to be under fifty degrees of Fahrenheit. HOT-HOUSE. 151 OF WATERING THE PLANTS. To do this judiciously, is so necessary to vegetation, and so requisite to understand, and yet tlie knowledge so difficult to convey to others, (being entirely acquired by practice,) that if the power were in man to impart to his fellow-men^ he would possess the power of perfecting a gardener by dic- tion. However, the hints on this important point of flori- culture will be as clear and expressive as can at present be elicited. All plants in this work that are aquatic shall be specified as such ; and those that are arid shall be duly men- tioned. All others will come in the medium. All the plants must be looked over every day, and those watered that appear to be getting dry on the top. It must be strictly observed not to give water to any but such as re- quire it, and let it be given moderately at this season. There is not so much liability to err, at present, in giving too little, as in administering too much. Vegetation among the stove or hot-house plants will soon begin to show,, and the soil will become sour if it is impregnated with stagnant mois- ture. Small plants should always be w^atered with a pot having what is termed a rose upon it. The surface of the rose, that is, where it is perforated with small apertures^ ought to be level, or a little concave, which would convey the water more to a centre, and make neater work,, by pre- venting any water from being unnecessarily spilt in the house. The size of the pot will be regulated by the person to suit the conveniences of the place. Water, when applied either to the roots or foliage of the plants, should be about the medium temperature of the house. Where there are no cisterns, a tank or barrel might be in the house, in which the water could stand for one night or more, as is most suitable. When water is given without being thus aired, it chills the roots, prevents a luxuriant growth, injures the fresh and 152 HOT-HOUSE. healthful appearance of the foliage, and too frequently gives lo all the plants a sickly hue. OF INSECTS, THEIR DESTRUCTION, &c . In this department insects begin to increase by hundreds, and too frequently their ravages are very obvious before their progress is arrested. We will treat of those which are most common, under their respective lieads, with their na lure and cure, as far as has come under our observation. Aphis roscB, of the natural order of Hemiptera, or what is commonly known by Green Fly, Green Lice, &c., infect plants in general, and are particularly destructive in the hot- house to Hibiscus rosa- sinensis, Ascleidas, Crdssula cocci/tea, Lantdna, &c., and many other plants of a free-growing nature. They attack the young and tender shoots at the point, leaving a dark filthy appearance on the foliage. Many remedies for their destruction have been offered to the public by various writers, each equally secure in his own opinion. Extensive practice alone can show the most easy and effectual cure. Fumigating with tobacco is decidedly the most efficacious, and in the power of any to perform. Take a small circular furnace, made of sheet iron, diameter at top twelve inches, and at bottom eight ; depth one foot, having a grating in it lo reach within three inches of the bottom, which will leave space for the air to pass, and where the ashes will fall and be kept in safety, having a handle like a pail to carry it with. This, or anything similar, being ready, put in it a few em- bers of charcoal, ignited to redness ; take it into the centre of the house, and put therein a quantity of moist tobacco. I f it attempts to blaze or flame, sprinkle a little water thereon ; and as it consumes, continue to add tobacco until the house is entirely full of smoke, observing always to do it in still, cloudy weather, or in the evening. If it is windy, the smoke is carried off without having half the effect, and requires Jan.] HOT-HOUSE. — INSECTS, (kc. 153 more tobacco. The house must be closely shut up. There are several plants whose foliage is of a soft downy nature, such as HelHropiums, Callacdrpus, Salvias, and many of the Lantanas, Vincas, with several others that cannot stand strong fumigation without danger. These should be put down in the house, or under the stage. These fumigations will have to be repeated frequently, the time for which will easily be perceived ; and, when required, ought not to be delayed. Several species and varieties of the same ge- nus. Aphis, can be destroyed in the like manner. Acaris tellurius, or red spider, is caused by a dry atmo- sphere, and its havoc generally is obvious before it is ar- rested. With its proboscis it wounds the fine capillary vessels of the leaves. If they progress in their destructive work, the leaves will prematurely decay. On this appear- ance, turn up the leaf, and you will see them running about with incredible swiftness. Their body is of a blood colour, and their feet light red. When very numerous, they work thick webs on the under side of the leaf, and frequently all over it, forming a mass of half dead plants, decayed leaves, and thousands of spiders. The most effectual remedy is a thorough syringing with water, and profusely under the fo- liage. This being done every evening, will subdue and eventually banish them. Had the house been syringed two or three times per week, these intruders would not have ap- peared. It is said by some writers, that watering only re- duces them to a temporary state of inaction, and will not destroy them. Laying aside the many prescribed nostrums, we assert that the pure element is the most effectual cure, as well as the most easy to be obtained.* Thrips, order Hemiptera, are insects so minute as scarcely to be preceptible to the naked eye. They generally lurk close to the veins of the leaves of plants, and frequently at- * Fumes of sulphur is instant death to them ; but it has to be used with great caution and experience. 154 HOT-HOUSE. — INSECTS, &c. [Jan. lack esculents. When viewed through a glass, they are seen, when touched, to skip with great agihty. The larva is of a high brown or reddish colour. The thrip has four wings, and walks with its body turned upward. It frequently at- tacks the extremities of tender shoots or young leaves, which become shrivelled, brown, and will rub to dust easily be- tween the thumb and finger, When any leaves or shoots are perceived to be so, if you do not observe the green fly, expect the thrips. They may be destroyed by a fumigation of tobacco, in the same manner as the green fly. By the simple and expeditious method of fumigation, these insects and several oihers may be destroyed effectually at any time they appear. Cocus hesperidus, or mealy bug, has appeared in the hot- houses about Philadelphia within these few years, and, if not instantly destroyed, increases rapidly. It is of a white dusty colour ; when broken, of a brownish red, generally covered with down, under which itdepositcs its eggs ; and ihey, in a few months, come forth in great numbers. The cocus gene- rally is of a dormant nature, but in warm weather they may be seen moving rapidly up the stems of the plants. Fumi- gating has no observable effect on these insects ; therefore, as soon as they appear, recourse must be had to other means. The liquid made from the following receipt is death to any of the Cocus tribe : Take two pounds of strong soap, one pound of flour of sulphur, one pound of leaf tobacco, one and a half ounce of nux vomica, with a table spoonful of turpentine, which boil in four gallons of river water to three ; then set aside to cool. When boiling, stir it well with a stick, con- tinuing to do so until it is reduced as above. In this liquor immerse the whole plant, drawing it to and fro genlly, that the liquor may penetrate everywhere. This done, lay the plant on its side, until it begins to dry, then syringe well with clean water, and put it in its respective station. Where a collection of plants is free from any insects of the kind, every plant that is introduced ought to be minutely scruti- Jan.] HOT. HOUSE. — INSECTS, &c. 155 nized, that the unclean may be kept from the clean : the above insect will feed almost on any plant, but indulges on Crdssulas, any of the bristly Cactus, Gardenias, and in fact whatever is in the way. Cocus , or brown scaly insect, is frequently found on many plants, but we never could perceive that it does any other material injury than soiling them. We have ahvays observed, that it is found in winter to abound in those situations which are most excluded from air ; there- fore is of less importance than the other species, which eat and corrode the leaves of tender plants, A washing with strong soap-suds will destroy them, or the above liquid will do it more effectually. Tie a piece of sponge on the end of a small slick, and scrub every leaf, stem, and crevice. Fu- migating destroys the larvje of this species. Cocus , or small white scaly insect, which gene- rally infests Cycas, Nerium, Oleas, and Acacias, &c., may be destroyed by washing as above with a sponge, and a strong decoction of tobacco, using the liquid about the warmth of 100°. Being thus heated, it irritates the insect, when, by easing itself from its bed, the fluid passes under it, and causes immediate death. If it is not thus irritated, it adheres so closely to the foliage, that it will keep you at defiance. The under, or dark side of the leaves is its residence ; and we have observed a plant in a house where there was only light on one side, with the dark side literally covered, while the light side was clean. So much for having houses with plenty of light. The effects of this insect are of a corroding nature, extracting all the juice from the leaf; and where they have got to the extremity, the foliage is completely yellow, and of a decayed appearance. Cocus , or turtle insect. We have never ob- served this insect arrive to any extent. It is the largest of any known among u?, and very like a turtle in miniature. On lifting it from the wood, to which it generally adheres, there appear to be hundreds of eggs under it, but fumigating 156 HOT-HOUSE. — OF CLEANSING, &C. [Jan. completely destroys the larvae. In our opinion, this turtle insect is no other than the old female of the brown scaly in- sect, which swells to a large size before depositing its eggs. We have frequently observed the insect dead in this en- larged state, and question if this be not the last stage of its transmigration. The male insect is winged, and very active in its movements. Where bulbous roots, such as Hyacinths, Jonquils^ Ixias, Lachenallas, &c., are required to be early in flower, they may, during this month, be put in the front of the hot-house and watered freely till they bloom, when they may be taken to the green-house or parlour. Azaleas Rhododendron Roses, and some other plants, do admirably to force, and where there is a large stock, a few should be brought into early bloom with the heat of this de- partment. OF CLEANSING PLANTS, HOUSE, &c. This subject ought to be kept constantly in view. How- ever correctly everyihing else may be executed, without that adorning beauty, cleanliness, all will appear only half done. Therefore let all the dead leaves be picked off every day, the dust and oilier litter swept out of the house, and, when necessary, the house washed, which will be at least once a week. Tliat the foliage of the plants may always appear fresh, syringe them every morning, when there is the appear- ance of sun. At present, this will in a great measure keep down the insects, and will prove a bane to the red spider. Tie up neatly with stakes and threads of Russia mat all ihe straggling growing plants ; let the stakes be proportion- ate to the plants, and never longer, except they are climbing sorts. Do not tie the branches in bundles, but singly and neatly, imitating nature as much as possible. If any of the plants are affected with the Cocus insect, let them be cleaned *i Feb.\ HOT-HOUSE. 157 according to the plan already mentioned, taking particular care also in washing the stakes to which they had been pre- viously tied, and burning all the old tyingg, which contain the larvae of the insect in many instances, especially of Cociis hesperidus. It is premised, when any of these things are done, that they will be well done, and not half doing, and al- ways doing. Cleanliness, in every respect, promotes a pure air, which is congenial to vegetation, and will, with other at- tentions, always ensure a healthful and vigorous appearance in the house. FEBRUARY. In the early part of this month the weather generally is very cold and changeable in the middle states, and strict at- tention, with the greatest caution, will require to be paid to the management of the hot-house. Most of the tropical plants commence an active state of vegetation; and, if checked, by temperature or otherwise, they will not recover until midsummer. The thermometer may be kept two or three degrees higher with fire heal than last month : the sun will be more powerful, and this will, in a great degree, increase the vigour of the plants. Air may be admitted when the thermometer rises to 75® or 80*^, not allowing it to rise higher than the latter. In giving air, let it be done by the top sashes. It is improper to give it in any way to cause a cur- rent, for the external air is yet very cold, although the sun is more powerful. An inch or two on a few of the sashes, as has been previously observed, will be eflfectual in keeping the temperature low enough. 14 158 HOT-HOUSE. — OF INSECTS. [Feb, With regard to firing, what was said last month may suffice for this. Always recollect that it is more preferable to keep out the cold than to put it out. It will frequently happen in the lime of intense frost, that the weather is dull. In such cases fire in a small degree is requisite all day. Heavy snows ought never to be allowed to remain on the shutters while they are on the house. If the snow lies on the sashes one day, the internal heat will dissolve some of it; night coming on, will freeze it to the wood-work, when it will become a solid mass, and frequently cannot be se- parated without much damage. If allowed to remain on for two days, the plants are very much weakened and the foli- age discoloured. Therefore, let the snow be cleared off in- stantly, that no inconvenience may take place. It will be observed that plants absorb more water this month than last. The quantity given will require to be in- creased, according to the increase of vegetation and the ad- vancement of the season ; but never give it until the aoil be- gins to dry, and then in such proportion as will reach the bottom of the pot. The best time to water is, after the sun has got on the house in the morning, observing all the direc- tions given in January. OF INSECTS, &c. Perhaps sufficient observations were given under this head last month ; but the importance of keeping these disagreea- ble visiters out of the house, constrains us to make a few more remarks, Man cannot be too frequently guarded against his foes, more especially when they are summoning all their forces, and no profession has more than that of the Horticulturist. Let a strict examination be made about the end of the month for the red spider ; they will be in opera- tion some weeks before their depredations are observed on the foliage. The under side of the leaf is their resort in the Feb.] HOT-HOUSE. — of potting plants. 159 first instance, and on such plants as have been already men- tioned. Observe daily the young shoots, in case the green fly be- comes numerous. They give the foliage a very disagreeable appearance, and it is too often intolerable, before their career is arrested. It also takes a stronger fumigation, which has frequently to be repeated the following day to the same de- gree, much to the injury of many of the plants, and adding to the disagreeableness of the continued vapour in the house. OF REPOTTING PLANTS. About the end of the month some of the plants of Curcu- ma, Amomum, KcBtnpferia, Aljnna, Phrynium, Cdnna, Zin- giber, Hedychium, and others that are on the dry shelf, will be oflfering to grow. Let them be taken out of their pots, some of their weakest shoots or tubers taken off, and the strong ones repotted : give gentle waterings until they grow freely, then give an abundance. (Soil No. 17.) Dioncea mucipula, or Venus fly-trap, grows best in the hot-house, and will, about the end of the month, stand in need of being repotted. This plant is very seldom grown in any degree of perfection, having been always considered a deli- cate plant in collections. Take it out of the pot just before beginning to grow afresh, and divested of all the soil, leaving only a few of the young roots, (it is a bulb, and will receive no injury by so doing,) put it in new soil ; when pot- ted, place the pot in a saucer with one inch of water in it, giving a fresh supply every other day ; this being repeated every year, it will grow, flower, and seed in perfection. (Soil No. 5.) Gesnerias, if in small pots, give larger as they advance in growth. This genus requires to have plenty of pot-room to make them flower well. G. bulbosa and G. Sellbwii ought to have a situation in every hot-house. They are remarkable 160 HOT-HOUSE. — OF CLEANSING PLANTS, &C. [Feb. for their many brilliant crimson flowers, and continue in flower for a length of time. When the bulbs begin to push, shake them out of the earth, and repot them into smaller pots ; and, as soon as the roots reach the side of the earth, which will be in about one month, put them in larger pots, and continue to do so until flowering, which will be about the first of June, observing always to keep the ball of earth entire. G. Douglctsii, G. rutilla, G. acaiilis, and some others, are all well worth attention. (Soil No. 11.) Gloriosas must be repotted in the beginning of this month; G. superba is the most beautiful and curious. The crown of the roots ought to be planted one and a half inch deep, taking care not to break ihem. Do not water much until they be- gin to grow. The earth must not have much water. As the plants grow, they will require a more liberal supply ; yet it is necessary, at all times, to be moderate in giving it. If well treated, the superb flowers will appear in June or July. (Soil No. 12.) Gloxinias are beautiful herbaceous plants, with large showy flowers, requiring soil and treatment similar to (Ges- neria.) G. speciosa, dark blue, G. speciosa pallida, pale lilac ; G. Candida, pure white, and G. grandijiora, very large light blue, are the finest, although several of the other species are very interesting, especially G. hirsilta. OF CLEANSING PLANTS, HOUSE, &c. With regard to cleaning the plants. Sprinkling or sy- ringing is at all times, to a greater or less degree, necessary. The plants will, in this compartment, be in their first stage of growth, and, if dust or foulness be permitted to lodge on their foliage, the pores will be obstructed, the plants will be- come unhealthy, and the growth of insects increased. Let all moss, litter, decayed leaves, or weeds, be cleared March] HOT-HOUSE, — of cleansing plants, &c. 161 out of the house, the earth in the pots stirred up with a round pointed stick, and fresh earth given where required, that the air may operate therein freely. The house ought always to be sprinkled before being swept, to prevent the dust rising. Attend to the bulbous roots as directed last month, such as Hyacinths, Narcissus, &c. MARCH. If this department has been regularly attended to, the plants will be in a fresh healthy state. Where there is any sickly appearance, heat has been deficient, or insects of a de- structive character are preying upon the plants. Too much water at the root frequently causes the foliage to become yel- low. Regular syringing must be continued in the morning, and it is highly necessary that the water that is used should be of the same temperature as the house; and at all times, what- ever water is given to the roots, the same must be observed. For airing, see last month, observing, as the season advances, to increase the quantity. Continue to fumigate when any of the Green-fly appears, (see January for directions,) and where there are any of the plants infected with the white scaly insect, clean them as there directed. If overlooked for a few months, they will be increased tenfold. Very frequently, where there are only a few, they are neglected until the plant is overrun with them, and then it may be said, it is impossible to dis- lodge them entirely. Clear off all decayed leaves from the plants which will have made fresh shoots, and the decayed leaves very much disfigure the whole collection. We would 14* 162 HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. [ApriL not have repeated this observation if it was not an essential point, and one which is so frequently neglected. OF REPOTTING PLANTS. Many of the young plants that are growing freely, and where they may be desired to grow to a large size, should be frequently repotted to encourage their growth. Gesneria, Gloxinia, and others previously mentioned, must have larger pots, as they require it. Flowering bulbs of Amaryllis may be brought into the heat to make them bloom early ; before they begin to grow, divest them of the old soil and put them into fresh : this is particularly necessary, when the bulbs are already in large pots. By thus renewing the soil, the pots can be used much smaller : they require plenty of drainage in the pot, and agree best with (soil No. 12.) Where plants of the dwarf Musas are intended to be grown for fruiting, they must have particular attention in repotting as they grow ; about the first of the month will be a proper time to begin : copious waterings are daily required when they are in a growing state. Their soil is No. 12, with one portion more manure. For farther detail, see May. APRIL. Where the hot-house has been properly conducted, the plants generally will have a vigorous and healthful aspect. An error frequently arises in the conducting of these depart- ments, by inexperienced operators being ambitious of out- stripping their competitors. They keep the house in a very April] ~ HOT-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. 163 high temperature, and admit little or no air. Where such a mode has been pursued, the plants will have got over their first growth, and the foliage looks yellow and decaying ; thus throwing the plants into a state of inactivity, when nature herself commences her most active movements. The tem- perature should not be under 55^ in the night, nor much above 75° during the day, without admitting a little air by the top lights. It will not do yet to give air by the front sashes, the wind being cool, and a current in the house would be hurtful. The sun is not so powerful but the heat can be kept down by the air given from above. Hot-house or tropical plants will not materially suffer with lOQQ of sun-heat, provided they are not very near the glass ; but such an extreme would be injurious to practice. REPOTTING. Where there is a general assortment of the Cacteae tribe> and kept in this department, now is the proper period to give them a general repotting. Of all the tropical floral pro- ductions, there is not a family more curious, grotesque, inte- resting, and beautiful than this : and, what still more enhances their real value, they are in this country of the easiest cul- ture ; it is with pleasure that we recommend a few of the grand and the novel, which are faithfully described in the general list given next month. The bottom of every pot must be covered with an inch of pot-shreds, or rough gravel for drainage. 164 HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &CC. [Mui/r MAY. Very few directions for this department remain to be given ; except for shifting plants, and a few observations on those that are most desirable for the hot-house ; which we will do in this month, considering May and June the best months of the year for that operation. The days and night will be very mild by this time, and the sashes in every favourable day should be opened, both in front and top, so that the plants may be enured to the open air, which they will be exposed to by the end of the month. Leave in the beginning of the month the top sashes a little open every mild night, and gradually, as the heat increases, leave the front sashes and doors open. Continue to syringe them at least every alternate night, and, if possible, every night ; and give them all, according to their respective wants, liberal supplies of water every day. Absorption among hot-house plants is as great during this month as in any pe- riod of the vear. OF REPOTTING PLANTS, &c. It is our candid opinion that this and next month are the best periods for shifting or repotting all or most of hot-house plants ; the end of August being the time always adopted around Philadelphia for that operation, (and then they are done indiscriminately.) We will assign a few reasons for our practice. First, that it is not congenial to the nature of these plants to have their roots surrounded with fresh soil when they are becoming inactive ; secondly, that there is not a suffi- ciency of heat naturally to quicken them to an active state May.] HOT-HOUSE. — of repotting, &c. 165 when they are encouraged ; and, thirdly, being thus in new soil while dormant, they have a yellow and sickly aspect un- til they begin to grow ; and the foliage, thus deprived of its natural vigour, will not appear so healthful again : whereas, if they are shifted or repotted in this or next month, at which season they are between two stages of growth, they immediately, on receiving fresh assistance, and by the in- creasing heat of the summer, make new growths, are perfect- ly ripened before the approach of winter, and never lose that vernal appearance they have attained. These are our reasons, acquired from a close practice and observation, and are not influenced by the doings of others which are so much aside. No practical operator especially, nor, in fact, any in- dividual, ought to be governed by custom in regard to the treatment of plants, without having an idea as to why and wherefore, founded on the principles of nature, and governed by her unerring results. As many are desirous of having a knowledge of plants be- fore they order them, and likewise which are the finest flowerers and their general character, especially those who are at a great distance, and seldom have the privilege of see- ing what is most desirable, our descriptions will be limited, but still will convey some accurate idea of the article de- scribed. Acacias. Several of these are desirable in the hot-house for the grandeur of their foliage, beauty of flower, and a few of them as specimens of valuable medicinal plants. A. Hous- toni, now Annesleia Honstoni, is one of the most magnificent of the Mimosa tribe, blooming from August to November in large terminale spikes, of a crimson colour, stamens very long and beautiful, leaves bipinnated in pairs. A. grandi- jibra, likewise given to Annesleia, and similar to the former in colour, has very large compound bipinnate leaves, with from twenty to forty pairs. A. Catechu, flowers yellow, wood spiny, leaves bipinnated, about ten pairs. The inner wood of this tree is of a brown colour, from which the Catechu 166 HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. [May. used in medicine is prepared. It is disputed whether A. vera or A. ardbica produces the gum Arabic, We are in^ clined to think it is the latter, which grows principally on the Atlas mountains. The gum exudes spontaneously from the bark of the tree in a soft half fluid state. There are many others of this genus belonging to the hot-house, but being shy in flowering, are not generally esteemed. Most of the flow- ers have the appearance of yellow balls of down, and are her- maphrodite. The pots should all be well drained. (Soil No. 1.)* Ardisias, about eighteen species. Plants highly esteemed for the beauty of their foliage, flowers, and berries. The most popular in our collections is A. crenuldta. It has rose- coloured star-like flowers, in terminale panicles, and produces beautiful small red berries, which continue until other ber- ries are produced the following year, and frequently there may be seen on one plant the berries of three successive years, thus being a very ornamental plant and very desirable. It is vulgarly called the dwarf ever-bearing cherry. It will keep in a good green-house, but not grow freely. A. soland- cea has large oblong leaves, narrowed at each end, and bears purple berries ; A. elegans has entire, oblong, shining leaves ; A. umbellata, once A. littoralis, is also a fine plant for an abundance of flower and beauty of foliage. The flowers are pink, in large decompound panicles. Areca, Cabbage-tree, ten species. They are a kind of palms, with large pinnated leaves, or properly fronds. In their indigenous state they are from six to forty feet high, but in the hot-house they seldom exceed twenty feet. A. catechu is used in medicine. A. olerdcea is cultivated exten- sively in the West Indies, and the tender part of the top is eaten by the natives. A montanu is most frequent in col- lections. There is no particular beauty in the flowers. They * These number* refer to the table of soils at the end of the work. May.] iroT-HousE. — of repotting, &c. let are all easily grown, if plenty of heat be given. (Soil No. 12.) Aristolochias, Birth-wort. There are several of these be- longing to the hot-house, but none of them deserving parti- cular observation, except A. labibsa and A. brasiliensis. The leaves are reniform, roundish, cordate, and amplexicaule ; the flower or corolla is of a curious construction, being in- curved, and at the base swelled or saccate, with a large lip, and all beautifully spotted ; colour greenish brown. They are climbing plants, and require a strong heat. (Soil No. 9.) AstrapcBas, three species. A. Wallichii is a celebrated plant in Europe, and is frequently met with in our collec- tions. It has a profusion of scarlet umbellated flowers, with an involucre ; has twenty-five stamens united into a tube, bearing the corolla with five petals ; leaves roundish, cordate, accuminate, very large, with persistent, ovate wavy stipules. The plant is of easy culture, and grows freely, wood very strong. (Soil No. 12.) Bambusas, Bamboo-cane, two species. Plants of very strong growth, and are used in the East Indies, where they are indigenous, for every purpose in the construction of huts, for furniture both domestic and rural, for fences, boats, boxes, paper, &c. It is frequently used as pipes to convey water. The species thus useful is B. arundindcea, which grows to a great height. We do not mention it as interesting in beau- ty, but as a valuable plant for the many useful purposes to which it is applied. It requires to be kept wet. (Soil No. 15.) Banisterias, a genus of about fourteen climbing evergreen plants. Three of them are esteemed, B.fulgens, yellow flowers in racemose spikes, leaves subovate and downy be- neath. B. chriso'phylla has beautiful foliage, as if covered with a shining gold-coloured dust; leaves large, oblong, acute. B. splende?ts, flowers in spikes of a yellow colour ; foliage large and silvery-like; the pots should be well drained. (Soil No. 9. 168 HOT-IIOUSE. — OF REPOfTING, &C. [^^01/. Barringtunias, two species. B. specibsa has produced a great excitement among cultivators, and is one of the hand- somest plants produced within the tropics. The leaves are large, oblong, acute, shining, with fleshy nerves, tinged with red ; the flowers are large, full of stamens with four petals, opens in the evening and fades at sunrise ; colour purple and white ; grows freely in strong heat. (Soil No. 9.) Beaumontias are strong growing climbing plants, w^ith large foliage. B. grandijlbra is said to have beautiful large white flowers approaching the Oleander. (Soil No. 12.) Bletias, a genus of about eight species, all beautiful flow- ering plants. B. TankervillicB is most superb, a small plant, now (Jan.) in bloom, has upward of fifty full-blown flow- ers, besides many buds — ihey are brown, white, and purple, and about two inches in diameter. When out of flower, and the roots become dormant, place the pots in a shady situa- tion ; allow the soil to become dry, until the roots begin to grow : as soon as this is observed, repot the plants and expose them fully to the sun, giving plenty of water while growing. B. >Sheppherdu IS a fine pink, and requires similar treatment. (Soil No. 13.) Brbwneas, five species of splendid plants, but scarce in collections. B. coccinea has scarlet flowers in pendulous bunches, corolla semi-double, foliage bipinnate, in three pairs. B. rbsa, mountain rose of Trinidad. B. grandiceps is the finest of the genus, leaves bipinnated ; leaflets cordate, accu- minate, downy, and pendulous ; flowers rose-colour, in large close heads. Drain the pots well. (Soil No. 12.) BruTifelsias, very fine, free flowering plants, with white, yellowish, or purple flowers. B. grandijlbra blooms freely, and is finely scented — a plant before me, now (28th of Jan.) only one foot high, has six full expanded flowers upon it, each fully two inches in diameter. (Soil No. 9.) Buonapartea juncea, a very curious low growing plant, with long narrow, recurved, round leaves ; with spikes of small blue flowers. There does appear to be three distinct May.] HOT-HOUSE. — of repotting, &c. 169 varieties in cultivation, but are rarely attainable. (Soil No. 12.) Buddlea madagascariensis blooms profusely durino- win- ter in spikes of orange-coloured flowers, of a kind of honey fragrance — the plant is strong growing, and of the easiest culture. (Soil No. 11.) Calathea zebrina, frequently known as mardnta zehrina ; it is a plant unique in appearance, having large elongated ovate leaves, beautifully striped with green and dark purple, and called the Zebra plant. It has light blue flowers in ovate spikes, about the size of large pine cones. It is an herbaceous plant; but in the warmest part of the hot-house retains its splendid foliage ; requires a very liberal supply of water, and ought to be in every collection. (Soil No. 11.) Cdnnas, about thirty species, several of them deservino- cultivation both for flower and foliage : they are principally natives of the West Indies, and might all be easily obtained. The finest are C. gigdntea, has large leaves and orange flow- ers ; C. Ihnbdta, flowers scarlet and yellow ; C. discolor, has large cordate, accuminate leaves of a crimson colour, the flowers are scarlet ; C. iridiflbra, has large crimson nodding flowers, very diflerent from any of the others, and the finest of the genus. They all, while in a growing state, require a liberal supply of water ; and, being herbaceous plants, water- ing ought to be given up about the first of November, and renewed in February, thus giving them a cessation which they require to flower freely ; but when water is constantly given, which is the general plan in our collections, they con- tinue to push weak shoots and few flowers. (Soil No. 12.) Cactus. This extensive genus is interesting, and varied in character and habit ; it is now divided into seven distinct gene- ra, according to their natural appearance and disposition. We will describe a few of each genus, none of which going under the name of Cactus, we will give them the six follow- ing, premising that the time is not far distant, when this fa- 15 170 HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, (kc. [Mat/. mily will be successfully cultivated in every parlour window^, and the whole tribe will be sought for with more avidity than any other class of plants that have ever been brought to notice, not even excepting the Rose. They require a dry heat, and will grow either in town or country, and are com- pletely adapted for the denizen amateur, and will afford more beauty and interesting display, than can be imagined, until witnessed. Mamillurias, above seventy species, and are those which are covered with roundish bearded tubercles, and with small red and white flowers. M. coccinea, M. simplex, M.pusilla, M.conica, M.stellata, and M. acanthophlegma, are good spe- cies, and will do well with water once a week during sum- mer. (Soil No. 15.) Melocdctus, seven species, and are those that are roundish with deep and many angles, with spines in clusters on the top of the angle. M. communis is the Turk's cap, named from having an ovate conate crown upon the top, from which proceed the small red flowers. M. macrunthus has large spines ; M. pyramiddlis is a conical growing species. These require the same treatment as the last, (Soil No. 15.) Echinocdtus, a great number of species ; are those that have many deep angles, and have a remarkable swelling, with each parcel of spines ; E.gihbosus, E.crispdtus, E.recurvus, P. roddntliia, and E. scopa, are curious in appearance, with small while and purple flowers. These three genera in most collections are not well known specifically, but it is easy lo discriminate with which genus they are connected. (Soil No. 15.) Cereus. This is the most magnificent genus with regard to the magnitude and beauty of the flowers, but not so closely allied in character. It takes in all those of a trailing or erect growing habit, having spines in clusters, solitary, or spine- less. C. senilis is the celebrated monkey cactus. C. pe- ruvianus and C. heplagbnus grow very erect, and to the height of thirty or forty feet in Peru and Mexico, where Mat/.\ HOT-HOUSE. OF REPOTTING, &C. 171 thev plant them close together as fences, and they are in a few years impenetrable. C. flagelliformus is a well known creeping free flowering species, has ten angles ; will keep in a good grsen-house, and produce in May and June a great number of blooms. The petals are of a fine pink and red colour ; the tube of the flower is long, and will stand a few days in perfection, when others come out successively for the space of two months, and during their continuance make a brilliant appearance. C. grandiflorus is the cele- brated " Night-blooming Cereus." The flowers are very large, beautiful, and sweet-scented. They begin to open about sun-down, and are fully expanded about eleven o'clock. The corolla, or rather calyx, is from seven to ten inches in diameter, the outside of which is a brown, and the inside a fine straw yellow colour ; the petals are of the purest white, with the stamens surrounding the stile in the centre of the flower, which add to its lustre, and make it appear like a bright star. Its scent is agreeable, and perfumes the air to a considerable distance ; but these beauties are of momentary duration. Ry sunrise they fade, and hang down quite de- cayed, and never open again.* One of these ought to be in every collection, and, if trained up a naked wall, will not oc- cupy much room, and grow and flower profusely. C. mdl- lisoni and C, scottii are the same, and have beautiful scarlet flowers : it has been gratuitously (to say the least of it) called " The Scarlet Night-blooming Cereus." C. speciosissimus has most beautiful large flowers, about six inches in diame- ter ; the outside petals are a bright scarlet, those of the inside a fine light purple. One flower lasts a few days, and a large plant will produce every year from ten to twenty flowers, blooming from May to August. It has flowered in some of * They may be preserved if cut off when in perfection, and put in spirits of wine, in a glass vase, made air tight. A plant flowered in our collec- tion in May, 1830, at 13 o'clock at noon — the only instance of the kind wq ever heard of. 172 HOT-HOUSE. OF REPOTTING, &C. [May. our coUeciions, and is highly esteemed. C. triangularis has the largest flower of the Cactece family ; the bloom is of a cream colour, and about one foot in diameter. In its indi- genous state it produces a fine fruit called " Strawberry Pear," and is much esteemed in the West Indies as being slightly acid, and, at the same time, sweet, pleasant, and cool- ing. Epiphyllums are those species of the Cactea} family which have flat shoots, or leaves without spines ; from the edges of those leaves the flowers are produced. They are extensively cultivated for their profusion of bloom, and are frequently grafted on Cereus triangularis and Pereskia, which greatly promotes their growth, and prevents them from so easily damping off" by over watering. The original species are E. specibsmn, pink ; E. phylanthoides, or Hooke- rii, white ; E. alatum, white ; E. iruncatum, scarlet ; flowers tubular, from two to three inches in diameter. The plant is of a very dwarf growth, and much branched ; when in bloom, it is quite a picture, and rendered more beautiful when graft- ed. There is also a variety of it called E. trunatum, Alten- sieinii, the flower of which is rather larger, and is more rosy coloured. E. Russellidnum is quite a new species, but has not yet bloomed in our collections ; it is represented as being a beautiful large crimson, and of the truncata habits. E. Ackerrnania has a magnificent large crimson flower. Be- sides these, there are many superb hybrid varieties, vying with any of the originals. Among them are the following : E. Hihbertii, E. Hoodii, E. Boydii, E. De vduxii, E. quil- lardittii, E. Feastii, E. Vdndesii, and E. Naiperii, and no doubt many other varieties and sub-varieties will be conti- nually making their appearance. All the Epiphyllum tribe require a very rich open soil, not of too sandy a nature, as they thereby grow to wood, and bloom but sparingly — give plenty of drainage. (Soil No. 18.) Opuntias, upward of fifty species, and are those whose branches are in thick joints, flat, oblong, or ovate ; spines May.] HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. 173 solitary or in clusters. Some of the plants are very desi- rable for their singular appearance, and some of them, par- ticularly 0. cochinillifera, are valuable for feeding the Co- chineal insect. O. microddsys, 0. ferobx, O. lacte-spina, O. sericed, and some others, are beautiful plants, and will grow in any kind of soil, but No. 2 will suit them best. Pereskias. About four species, and those that are of a shrubby nature, producing leaves ; P. aculeata bears a fruit called " Barbadoes-gooseberry." The flowers are very small and simple, spines about half an inch long, leaves fleshy and elliptical. (Soil No. 2.) The whole of the plants in the family of Cactece require very little water in winter, and delight in a dry, warm situa- tion. They do not agree with veryfrequent repotting ; once a year to young plants, and in two or three to those that are established, with the exception of the large, free flowering species, which should be repotted once in two years, and never be allowed to shrink for want of moisture. The operation of grafting is very simple, merely requiring an incision to be made, and fitting in it a fresh cutting of another kind, holding the cutting stationary in the incision half a minute, till the juices of the two adhere together, when it may be said the union is effected, and, in a few weeks, the new branches will grow freely. We have seen the Mammil- laria tribe growing neatly upon the triangularis, and other species of the cereus. Carissa, a genus of pretty little plants, particularly C. spi- ndrum, which bears a profusion of white flowers like a jas- mine. (Soil No. 4.) Ceropegia elegdns is the only species of any merit : it is a thin growing, climbing plant, producing a great profusion of very curious flowers of a greenish colour, spotted with brown; the interior and tips of the corolla are set with hairs — it is of very easy culture. (Soil No. 7.) Carolineas. About six species of tender plants, with large digitate leaves, and of handsome growth. The flowers 15* 174 HOT-IIOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. [Mat/. have numerous filaments, and are large and singular. C. m- signis has the largest and most compact blossoms; C. alba is the only one of the genus that has white flowers, all the others being red ; C princeps and C. robusta are noble-look- ing species, and are much esteemed. They require a good heat, with which they will grow freely. (Soil No. 12.) Carybta. A genus of palms. C. urens is an admired spe- cies, produces flowers in long pendulous spikes, whicii are succeeded by strings of succulent globular berries. In its native state it produces a sweet liquor in large quantities, and no stronger than water. (Soil No. 12.) Caryophyllus aromdticus is the clove tree of commerce. The whole plant is aromatic, and closely allied to Myrtus ; the flowers are in loose panicles, the leaves oblong, accumi- nate, entire. It is a fine evergreen. Pots must be well drained. (Soil No. 9.) Cerberus. About twelve species of strong growing trees, full of poisonous juice. C. theveiia is an elegant plant, with accuminate leaves, and large, nodding, yellow, solitary, fra- grant flowers, proceeding from the axil ; C. ohouai produces a nut which is deadly poison. C. odallam, once C. manghas, has large star-like flowers, white, shaded with red. 'J'hey are principally East India plants, and require great heat. (Soil No. 17.) Clerodcndrum. This genus contains some very beautiful and fragrant plants ; C. fra grans Jlore pleno has a very beau- tiful head of double white sweet-scented flowers, and does tolerably well as a green-house plant; C.squamdtum has very showy scarlet flowers. C. speciosissimum, the plant so glaringly figured in some of the English periodicals, is the same as C. squamdtum, a plant which has been grown in this vicinity fifteen or twenty years. (Soil No. 2.) Coffea Ardbica. It produces the celebrated coffee, and is a plant universally known in our collections, and of easy cul- ture. The leaves are opposite, oblong, wavy, and shining, May.] HOT-HOITSE.— OF REPOTTING, &C. 175 the flowers while, of a grateful odour, but of a short duration. (Soil No. 17.) Comhretums . Nine species of beautiful flowering climb- ing plants, standing in very high estimation. The leaves of the principal part of them are ovate, acute, flowers small, but on large branches, the flowers all coming out on one side of the branch. They have a magnificent effect. C. elegans^ red; C. f or mosum, red and yellow; C. pulchellum, scarlet; C. combsum, have crimson flowers in tufts; C . purpureum is the most splendid of the genus. It was first cultivated in 1818^ and so much admired that the whole of the species, as soon as introduced, was extravagantly bought up; and none of them has retained their character, except C. purpureum, which is now called Poivrea coccinea. The flowers are bright scar- let, in large branches, blooming profusely from April to Sep- tember, and flower best in a pot. When planted in the ground, it grows too much to wood, carrying few flowers. This plant ought to be in every hot-house. (Soil No. 13.) Coryplias, (Large fan Palm,) five species of the most noble and magnificent of palms. C. amhraculifera, the fronds or leaves are palmate. In Ceylon, where the tree is indigenous, they are frequently found fifteen feet wide and twenty feet long. Knox says they will cover from fifteen to twenty men, and, when dried, will fold up in the shape of a rod, and can be easily carried about, and serve to protect them from the scorching sun. C. taliera, now Taliera hengalensis, being stronger, is of great utility for covering houses. They do not grow to such immense extent in artificial cultivation, but require large houses to grow them. (Soil No. 12.) Crinu??is, about one hundred species, chiefly stove bulbs, many of them beautiful. Those that are of great celebrity are C. erubescens, pink; C scubrum, crimson and white; C. amabile, purple and white ; the neck of the bulb of the lat- ter is long, is easily distinguished by its purplish colour, and is unquestionably the finest of the genus. Several spe- cimens of it are in our collections. Their flowers are in 176 HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. [May, umbels, on a stalk about three feet high ; coralla funnel- shaped ; petals recurved ; nearly fifty flowers on each stem, and a good plant will produce tiiree stems in one year. They require large pots to make them flower well, and, when growing, should be liberally supplied with water. (Soil No. 12.) Crotons. About twenty-eight species, few of them de- serving cultivation ; but the genus is celebrated for its beau- tiful C. pictus, leaves oblong-lanceolate, variegated with yel- low, and stained with red, flowers small green, or axillary spikes. C. variagatus, variety latifulia, is finer than the ori- ginal variagatus ; the nerves in the leaves are yellow, and the leaves lanceolate, entire, and smooth. To make them grow freely, give them the warmest part of the hot-house, and drain the pots well. (Soil No. 13.) Cycas, four species, generally called Sago -palm, as an English name. The plant from which Sago is extracted be- longs to another genus, (see Sagus.) C. revolitta is a well known palm, and will keep perfectly well in the green-house. We have seen a beautiful specimen of it which is kept every winter in the cellar ; but those that are kept so cool in winter only grow every alternate year, while those that are kept in the hot-house grow every year, which shows that heat is their element. C. circinalis is a large growing species ; the fronds are much longer, but not so close and thick. C. glauca is a fine species ; tlie foliage is slightly glaucous. They re- quire plenty of pot room, are much infested with the small white scaly insect, and ought to be frequently examined and carefully washed as prescribed in January. (Soil No. 12.) Cypripedium insigne is a very beautiful nepal species of this curious Ladies^ slipper plant. The flowers have a waxy ap- parance, and very much in shape of an Indian shoe ; the co- lours are green and purple : it likes a moist, half shaded si- tuation. (Soil No. 16.) Dillenias, three species of fine plants, with beautiful foli- age. D. speciosa has produced considerable excitement in our collections. The leaves are elliptic, oblong, simply ser- May.] HOT-HOUSE. — of repotting, &c. 177 rated, nerves deep; the flower is white, with five bold petals, centre filled with barren anthers ; D. scdndens has ovate, simply serrated leaves, but is not known as to flower ; it is a fine climber. (Soil No. 2.) Draecenas, Dragon-tree, about twelve species of Asiatic plants, varied in character. D. Ferrea is plentiful in our collections, and will keep in the green-house ; but the foliage is not so well retained as when kept in the hot-house : the leaves are lanceolate, acute, of a dark crimson colour. D. ter- mindlis, striped leaved ; D. fragrans, when in bloom, will scent the air for a considerable distance, leaves green and lanceolate. D. margindta is rare, yet it is to be seen in a few of our collections. /). stricta is now Charhoobdia* stricta, flowers blush, and in loose panicles. D. Draco is admired, and the most conspicuous of the genus. (Soil No. 11.) Erdnthemums, about ten species, E. pulcJiellum and E. hicolor are the finest of the genus ; the former is in our col- lections. Plenty of heat is indispensable to make it flower in perfection ; therefore it should have the warmest part of the house, and it will produce flowers of a fine blue colour from December to April. The flowers of the latter are white and dark purple, with a few brown spots in the white ; blooms from April to August, Drain the pots well, and give the plants little sun during summer. (Soil No. 11.) Eugenias, about thirty species, esteemed for their hand- some evergreen foliage. This genus once contained a few celebrated species, which have been divided. {SeeJambosa.) The Allspice tree, known as Myrtus Pimenta, is now E. Pi~ menta ; the leaves are ovate, lanceolate, and, when broken, have an agreeable scent. There are several varieties, all of the same spicy fragrance. The plant is in very few of our collections. E. fragrans is sweet-scented ; the flowers are on axillary peduncles; leaves ovate, obtuse. (Soil No. 11.) * In honour of Mr. Charlwood, an extensive seedsman of London, who has made several botanical excursions on this continent. 178 HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. [May. Eiqjhorbia, (spurg,) a genus of plants disseminated over every quarter of the globe ; a few are beautiful, many gro- tesque, and several the most worthless weeds on the earth. There are about two hundred species, and from ail of them, when probed, a thick milky fluid exudes. Those of the tropics are the mostcurious, and very similar in appearance to CdctuSy but easily detected by the above perforation. There is a magnificent species in our collections, which was lately intro- duced from Mexico — (see Poinsettia.) E. splendens, fiov/ers freely from December to May, and is of easy culture. E. fulgens, same a.s jaquiniifldra, is a plant of a slender willow- looking habit, but produces a profusion of flowers from the axil of each leaf, which renders it very showy and rather graceful. The flowers of the whole genus are apetalous, and the beauty of those described is in a brilliant scarlet bractea, which is very persistant. They must have plenty of pot- room. (Soil No. 9.) Erythrinas, (Coral tree,) a genus containing about thirty species of leguminose, scarlet-flowering plants. Several .spe- cies are greatly esteemed for their beauty and profusion of flowers, which, in well established plants, are produced in long spikes. E. corallodendrum blooms magnificently in the West Indies, but in our collections has never flowered. Perhaps if it were kept dry during its dormant season, which is from November to January, and when growing greatly encouraged, it might produce flowers. E. specibsa is a splen- did flowerer, leaves large, ternatcd, and prickly beneath; stem prickly. E.pubescens is valued for its large peculiar brown pubescent leaves. E . princeps is quite a new species, and is represented as being the finest of all the Erythrinas, and exhi- bits its rich crimson flowers in great profusion ; to make them grow well and bloom freely, they require plenty of pot-room ; indeed, while in agrowing state, they should be repotted every month. In regard to E. herbacea, which is a native of the Ca- rolinas, and frequently treated as a hot-house plant, it is cur May.] HOT-HOUSE. OF REPOTTING, &C. 179 opinion that it would be more perfectly grown if planted about the first of the month in the garden ; and, when growing, if well supplied with water, it would flower from July to Sep- tember. About the first of November lift the roots and pre- serve them in half dry earth. E. laurijblia and E. crista- gdlli are likewise often treated as hot-house plants, and m such situations th-ey cast prematurely their first flowers by the confined state of the air. They will keep in perfect pre- servation during winter in a dry cellar, half covered with earth, or entirely covered with half dry earth ; consequently, the best and easiest method of treatment is, to plant them in the garden about the first of May, and, when growing, if the ground becomes dry, give them frequent waterings. They will flower profusely three or four times in the course of the summer. We freely recommend the last species to all our patrons, confident that it will give ample satisfaction, both in profu- sion of flower and beauty of colour. The soil they are to be planted into should be rich and well pulverized ; or, if they are kept in pots, they must be enlarged three or four times, when they are in a growing state, to make them flower per- fectly ; otherwise they will be diminutive. (Soil No. 13.) Ficus, Fig-tree, a genus containing above fifty hot-house species, besides several that belong to the green-house : great- ly admired for the beauty of their foliage. A few of them are deciduous, and all of the easiest culture. We have seen plants of F. eldstica hung in the back of the hot-house, with- out the smallest particle of earth, their only support being sprinklings of water every day. F. hrdssii and F. macro- yhylla are the finest-looking species that have come under our observation ; the leaves of both are very large and shading, occupying considerable space. In small collections F. indica and F. nitida are desirable ; F. repens is a climbing plant. (Soil No. 13.) Gardenias, a genus containing about seventeen species, several of them very popular in our collections, going under 180 UOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. [May. the name of Cape Jasmine, which do well in the green- house, (see May.) The species requiring this department, and deserving attention, are G. campanulata, of a soft woody nature, with ovate, accuminate leaves ; fiowers of a straw co- lour, and solitary ; G. amcena, the flowers are white, tinged with crimson, lerminale and solitary, but seldom blooms ; G. costata, admired for its beautiful ribbed foliage ; G. lucida has a handsome, ovate, accuminate, shining foliage, flowers white and solitary : ihey require to have the pots well drained. (Soil No. 13.) Geissomeria longiflbra. This is a new genus, and closely allied to Ruellia. The species alluded to, is a free flowerer, blooming from January to May, in close spikes of a scarlet colour ; leaves opposite, ovale, elongate, and shining ; the plants must be well drained, and in summer kept from the direct influence of the sun. (Soil No. 2.) Heliconia Iraziliensis. This very splendid plant is nearly related to Strelitzia, and in splendour surpasses it. The brilliant scarlet sheath that envelops the flowers, contrasts most admirably with its rich green leaves. Give plenty of drainage to the pots, and, when the plants are growing, give a liberal supply of water. (Soil No. 17.) Helitropiums, about twelve species, of little merit, except H.peruvumum, H.corymb6sum,a.nd H. grandiflorwn ; these are all very agreeably scented, especially the former, which is a universal favourite. (Soil No. 3.) Heritihra littoralis, looking-glass plant. This plant is uni- sexual, has beautiful large, ovate, veiny leaves ; the flowers are small, red, with male and female on the same plant, but different flowers. It requires a strong heat and plenty of pot room. How the English name becomes applicable to it, we are not acquainted. Hibiscus. This genus aff'ords many iine species and va- rieties of plants for the hot-house, besides others for every department of the garden. The most popular in our collec- May.] HOT-HOUSE. — of repotting, &c. 181 tions of the hot-house, is H.rbsa sinensis, with its varieties, which are magnificent, and flower profusely from February to September. The single or original species is also beauti- ful ; the varieties are H. rosa sinensis I'itbro pUnus, double red ; H. r. s. cdrnea plenus, double salmon ; H. r. s. varie- gatus, double striped ; striped on the back of the outside pe- tals; H.r.s.jidva-plenus,orcarnea,do\\h\e,h\]i^; H. r. s. lutea plenus, double yellow, or rather sulphur. The plants grow freely, and produce their flowers three or four inches in di- ameter, from the young wood ; the leaves are ovate, accumi- nate, smooth, entire at the base, and coarsely teethed at the end. All the varieties are of the same character, and highly deserving of a situation in every collection. There is said to be a double white variety, which we doubt. H. mutubilis fibre plena is a splendid plant, of strong growth, and will, when well established, flower abundantly, if the wood of last year is cut to within a few eyes of the wood of the previous year ; the flowers are produced on the young wood, and come out a pale colour, and change to bright red, and about the size of a garden Provins rose ; leaves downy, cordate, angu- lar, five-lohed, accuminate, and slightly indented. H. lillii- fibrus is a new highly esteemed species ; the flowers are various in colour, being pink, blush, red, and purple. The leaves vary in character, but are generally cordate, crenate, accuminate ; the petioles are brown, and the whole slightly hirsute ; is deciduous, and requires to be kept in the warm- est part of the house. Hoyas, wax-plant, seven species. All of them are climb- ing succulents, requiring plenty of heat and little water. H. carnbsa is the finest flowering species of the genus, and known in our collections as the wax-plant ; the leaves are green and fleshy; the flowers are mellifluous, five-parted, and in pendulous bunches, slightly bearded, and have every ap- pearance of a composition of the finest wax ; of a blush colour. H. crassifblia has the best-looking foliage, and the flowers 16 182 HOT-HOUSE. OF REPOTTING, &C. [Mai/, are white. The former will keep in the green-house, but will not flower so profusely. Ipo7ncBs, a genus of tropical clinnbing plants, nearly allied to Convolvulus, but of greater beauty. Z. paniculata has large purple flowers in panicles, with large palmated smooth leaves, I. Jdlapa is the true jalap of the druggists, but not worthy of any other remark. /. grandiflbra, large white flowers, with acute petals ; leaves large, cordate, ovale. I. pulchella has flowers of a handsome violet colour. /. hors- fdllia has brilliant rosy crimson flowers, which it is almost entirely covered with from December to May. /. ruhra- carulea has large blue flowers, and striped with red while in bud. They are all easily cultivated. It is said that /. tube' rbsa is much used in the West Indies to cover arbours, and will grow three hundred feet in one season : the flowers are purple striped with yellow, leaves palmated. We are not certain but the roots of this kind may be kept, like the sweet potato, and become a useful ornament to our gardens. (Soil No. 13.) Isrnene arndncaes, or Pancrdtium amdncaes. This pro- fuse yellow flowering bulb is richly deserving of cultivation, and should be kept in the house all summer, repotting it as often as the roots touch the interior side of the pot, giving it pleniy of water when in a growing state ; but when dor- mant, it must be kept dry till it offers to grow : when well treated, it will bloom repeatedly during summer. (Soil No. 12.) Ixoras, a genus of fine flowering plants, and does extreme- ly well in our collections in comparison to the state they are grown in England. The genus specifically is much con- fused among us, eitlier from error originating with those who packed them for this country, or after they have ar- rived. I. purpurea, leaves oblong, ovate, blunt ; flowers crimson ; it is now called /. ohovdta. I. crocdta, leaves oval, lanceolate, narrowing toward the stem, smooth underside May.] HOT-HOUSE. — of repotting, &c. 183 of the leaf ihe nerves are very perceptible ; flowers saffron- coloured, and very profuse. /. 7-dsea, leaves large, regular, oblong, a little acute, very distant on the wood, central nerve strong ; flowers rose-coloured in large corymbs, branching finely : /. handhuca, leaves very close to the stem, ovate, accu- minate ; nerves straight, middle nerve stronger ihan any other of the genus ; flowers scarlet. I. bldnda, leaves small, lanceolate, ovate ; flowers blush, cymes branching in three. /. (lichofhna, leaves largest of the genus, ovate, accuminate, undulate footstalk three-eighths of an inch long ; whereas, none of the leaves of the other species have footstalks of any length ; it is now called 7. undulcUa, flowers are white. I. grandifldra, leaves ovate, elongate, sessile ; flowers scarlet, in crowded round corymbs ; is called I. coccinea in the Bo- tanical Magazine, by which it is known in our collections, and we think is the same as /. stricta. I.Jldmmea and /. speciosa. I.fulgens, same as I. longifolia and /. lanceolata ; foliage glossy ; flowers scarlet. I. Pavetta, ih e flowers are white and sweet-scented, the leaves of all the species are op- posite ; there are a few other species that we are not tho- roughly acquainted with, but have been thus explicit to pre- vent error as far as possible in this beautiful genus. They are all evergreen, low growing shrubs ; the plants grow best in Jersey black sandy earth, but flower most abundantly with (Soil No. 10.) Jacardndas, a genus of beautiful shrubs, containing five species, with Bignbnia-\\ke blue or purple flowers. /. mi- inbsifolia and J.fdicifblia are the finest. The former has blue, and the latter purple flowers ; in loose branching pani- cles. Theyareevergreens, and easy of culture. (SoilNo.9.) Jambosas, about twelve species, which have been princi- pally taken from Eugenia, and contain its finest plants, and is a splendid genus of evergreen shrubs. E. Jdmbos is now Jambosa vulgaris, which flowers and fruits freely in our hot-houses. The fruit is about an inch in diameter, eatable, and smelling like a rose, hence called " Rose Apple." Tho J 84 HOT-HOUSE. OF REPOTTING, &C. [May. petals of all the species are simple, and may rather be consi- dered the calyx ; the beauty of the flowers is in the many erect spreading stamens, either straw, white, rose, or green colour. /. malaccensis, Malay Apple, is greatly esteemed for the delightful fragrance of its fruit. We frequently see /. purpurdscenSy which is a native of the West Indies, going under /. m., which is an Asiatic species, with white flowers and entire oblong leaves ; whereas, the leaves of J. p. are small, ovate, accuminate, the young shoots and leaves are purple. J. macrophylla, white, and /. amplcxicaulis, green, have very large oblong, lanceolate leaves, and are of a strong woody habit. They are all easy of culture. (Soil No. 11.) Jasminion, Jasmine, is a favourite genus of shrubs, for the exquisite fragrance of its flowers, of which none are more delightful than J. samhac or Arabian Jasmine. There are two other varieties of it, /. s. multiplex, perfectly double ; and /. s. trifoliatum, double Tuscan Jasmine. The latter re- quires a great heat to make it grow and flower freely. There is also a semi-double variety in cultivation. J. hirsutum has cordate downy leaves; flowers many, in terminale, sessile umbels. J. j^dnaculatuin, white, flowering in terminale pa- nicles from March to November ; leaves smooth, oval, ob- tusely accuminate; plant scarce. J. simplicijblium is in our collections under the name of J.lucidum ; plant spreading; leaves oblong and shining. /. muUiJlorwn is a profusely flow- ering and beautiful species. There are several others, all with white flowers, and generally easy of culture. (Soil No. II.) Jdtropha, Physic-nut, is a genus of six strong growing shrubs, natives of the West Indies. J. multiJiJa and J.pan- durcBfolia have the handsomest foliage, and both have scarlet flowers : the appearance of the foliage of this genus is the only object; the flowers are small, in coarse disfigured pani- cles, and several of the species have not been known to flow- er in artificial cultivation. The seeds of J. curcas are often received from the West Indies ; the leaves are cordate, angu- May.] HOT-HOUSE. — of repotting, &c. 185 lar, and smooth. /. manihot, now Manihot cannabina, is the Cassada root, the juice of which, when expressed, is a strong poison. They are all easy of culture : want of strong heat in winter will make them cast their leaves, but does them no other injury. (Soil No. 17.) Justicia. A few species of this genus are fine showy hot- house plants. /. coccinea has large terminale spikes of scar- let flowers, blooming from December to March, and is a very desirable plant, of easy culture, and should be in every col- lection ; it is apt to grow spindley, if not kept near the glass. /. picta, with its varieties, /. lucida and /. calycotricha, are fine shrubby species. /. specibsa is a beautiful profuse pur- ple flowering plant. (Soil No. 11.) Kcernpferia, an Asiatic genus of tuberose rooted plants ; none of them in our collections, except K. rotunda ; the flow- ers come up a few inches above the pot, without the leaves, in April and May, and frequently sooner ; they are purple and light blue, partially streaked and spotted ; leaves large, oblong, purplish-coloured beneath. The roots, when dormant, ought to be kept in the pot without watering, otherwise they will not flower freely. No bulbs nor strong tuberose rooted plants will flower in perfection if kept moist when they are not growing, (Soil No. 17.) Lantana, a genus of twenty species, all free-flowering shrubs ; the flowers are small, in round heads blooming from the axils, in yellow, orange, pink, white, and changeable co- lours ; principally of a rough straggling growth, and are not esteemed. However, L. sellbi, light purple ; L. mutdbilis, yellow, orange, and pink ; L. hicolor, white and pink, and L. fucdta, (or Dougldsii of some,) lilac and white. These are very handsome growing plants, and will even keep in a good green-house ; but in such case will only bloom in summer. They will not bear a strong fumigation : therefore, when the hot-house is under that operation, they must be set down in the pathway, or other low part in the house. (Soil No. 9.) Latdnias, This genus contains three species of handsome 16* 186 iioT-HousE. — OF REPOTTING, &c. [May, palms. L. harhbnica is one of the finest of the Palmce, not growing to great magnitude ; the leaves or fronds are plaited flabelliform, leaflets smooth at the edge, footstalk spiny, and the plant spreading. L. rubra, fronds same as the former, but leaflets more divided and serrulate ; footstalk unarmed > foliage reddish. L. glaiicophylla, sa.mG as L. rubra, only the foliage glaucous. They are all valuable plants, and are ob- tained by seed from the East Indies. They require plenty of pot room. (Soil No. 12.) Laurus. This genus, though of no beauty in flower, is generally admired in collections for its fine evergreen foliage, and aromatic or spicy flavour, and several trees are impor- tant in medicine. The most esteemed are given to a genus named Cinnamomum, as has been observed in the green- house, (see March.) L. Chloroxylon is the Cogwood of Ja- maica. L.persca is now Persea gratissima, Alligator- pear, a fruit about the size of a large pear, and greatly esteemed in the West Indies ; the plant is generally known in our col- lections. C. verum is the true Cinnamon of commerce. The part taken is the inside of the bark when the tree is from five to eighteen years old. The leaves are three-nerved, ovate, oblong ; nerves vanishing toward the point, bright green above, pale beneath, with whitish veins. This plant ought to be kept in the warmest part of the hot-house. C. cassia is frequently given under the former name, but, when compared, may be easily detected by the leaves being more lanceolate and a little pubescent. They both make hand- some plants, but require great heat. Drain the pots well of the delicate sorts. (Soil No. 13.) Mognifera, Mango tree. There are two species. M. in- dica is in our collections, and bears a fruit which is so highly esteemed in the East Indies, as to be considered preferable to any other except very fine pine apples. The leaves are lanceolate, and from six to eight inches long, and two or more broad. The flowers are produced in loose bunches at the end of the branches, but of no beauty, and have to be ar- May.] HOT-HOUSE. — op repotting, &c. 187 tificially impregnated, or it will scarcely produce fruit. The shell is kidney-shaped, and of a leathery, crustaceous sub- stance. They contain one seed, and in their indigenous stale are more juicy than an apple. Drain the pots well, as the roots are apt to get sodden from moisture. The other species goes under the name oi oppositifblia, but we question if it is not only a variety, for it has every character of the one just described. (Soil No. 11.) Malpighia, (Barbadoes-cherry,) about eighteen species, all beautiful evergreen trees or shrubs. They are easily distin- guished by having bristles on the underside of the leaves. These bristles are fixed by the centre, so that either end of it will sting. We are not aware of any other plant being defended in this manner. M. urens has oblong, ovate leaves, with decumbent stiff bristles; flowers pink. M. aquifblia has lanceolate, stiff, spiny leaves, and we think the most beautiful foliage of the genus. M.fucata has elliptical shining leaves, with lilac flowers. M. glabra, leaves ovate, entire, smooth ; flowers purple. They all have five rounded clawed petals. The last species is cultivated in the West Indies for its fruit. The pots must be well drained. (Soil No. 17.) Mdrica, a genus of hot-house plants, closely allied to Iris, between which there is no distinction in the leaves. The flowers of M. coendea are beautifully spotted with light and dark blue, the scape many-flowered. M. Sabini has flowers similar, but not so dark in colour. iM. Northiana has splen- did white and brown spotted flowers, spathe two-flowered. These plants, when growing, require a liberal supply of water, and should be greatly encouraged by frequent potting, to flower well. (Soil No. 12.) Melastoma was once an extensive genus, on which the na- tural order MelastomacecB is founded ; but is now much di- vided into other genera contained in the natural tribe Mi- comece. There about thirteen species remaining in the genus. They now display great unity of character, and many of them may be considered very ornamental. The finest are M.he- 188 HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. [Ma^. teromalla, bluish purple, and an abundant bloomer; M.mala- bdthrica, rose-coloured ; M. sanguinea, lilac; M. decemfida, purple; M. pulverulcnta, red; a.nd M.aspera, rose. There is a plant in several of our collections known as M. purpurea and M. tetraguna, which is Ossaa purpurdscens ; leaves ovate, lanceolate, accuniinate, five-nerved, pilose ; the foot- stalk and nerves underside of the leaf covered with brown hairs ; stem four-sided ; flowers purple. All the species are easy of culture. M. nepalensis is a green-house plant. (Soil No. 1.) ilfwsa, (Plantain tree,) contains eight species, and is greatly esteemed in the East and West Indies for the luscious sweet flavour of its fruit, which can be converted into every deli- cacy in the domestic cookery of the country. M. paradi- sicea is the true plantain tree, has a soft herbaceous stalk, fif- teen or twenty feet high, with leaves from five to seven feet long, and about two feet wide. M. sapientum is the true Banana tree ; habit and character same as the former, except it has a spotted stem, and the male flowers are deciduous. The pulp of the fruit is softer, and the taste more luscious. M. rosacea, M. coccinea, and M. chinensis, are more es- teemed in artificial cultivation for their flowers, and for being smaller in growth. AI. Cavendishii produces immense clusters of ripe and well-flavoured fruit, plants only four feet and a half high ; will yearly produce about eighty pounds. M. ddcca is another dwarf species, and in 1838 ripened a cluster of fruit in the Royal Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh, which weighed fifty pounds. These dwarf Bananas are now being cultivated in Europe expressly for their fruit, which is very delicious when perfectly ripened. They are Chi- nese plants, and will soon be introduced into the West In- dia Islands, where they will entirely supplant the large va- rieties. Myrtus Pimento, or, more properly, Pimcnta Vulgaris, is the Jamaica pepper or allspice ; there is no beauty in the May.] HOT-HOUSE. — of repotting, &c. 189 flowers — the leaves are highly aromatic, and it is a handsome evergreen. (.Soil No. 9.) Nepenthes, (Pitcher-plant.) There are two species of this plant. N. distillatbria is an esteemed and valuable plant in European collections, and we are not aware of there being any in this country, except in Philadelphia. The leaves are lanceolate and sessile ; from their extremity there is a spiral, attached to which are long inflated appendages that are ge- nerally half full of water, which appears to be confined with- in them by a lid with which the appendages are surmounted; hence the name of pitcher plant. We have never observed the lids close again when once open. Writers have called it an herbaceous plant, but it is properly a climbing shrub. The pot in which it grows should be covered with moss, and the roots liberally supplied with water every day. It de- lights to be in a moist state. The flowers are small, and in long spikes. The plant is of easy culture, and even rapid in growth : a plant with us, only nineteen months old, is now five feet high. (Soil No. 5.) Pancratiu7n is a genus of hot-house bulbs, and now only contains five species. They are all free-flowering. Several of them are handsome and fragrant. P. maritimwn and P. verecundum are the finest; the flowers are white, in large umbels ; petals long, recurved, and undulate. P. littoralis, P. sjpecibsum, and P. carihcRum, are now given to the genus Hymenocdllis, and are fine flowering species. Care must be taken not to give them water while dormant. The soil ought at that time to be in a half dry state. They are in flower from May to August. (Soil No. 12.) Panddnus, Screw Pine. There are above twenty species in this genus, several of them very interesting, but none so greatiyadmhed as 'P.odoratissimiis. Theleaves in established plants are from four to six feet long, on the back and edges spiny ; are spreading, imbricated, and embracing the stem, and placed in three spiral rows upon it. The top soon be- comes heavy when the plant throws out prongs one, two, or 19\) HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING. [Mat/. three feet up the stem in an oblique descending direction, which take root in the ground, and thus become perfectly supported. Itiscultivated in Japan for its delightful fragrance, and it is said, " of all the perfumes, it is by far the richest and, most powerful." ^.titilis, red spined. We question this species, and are inclined to believe that it is the former, only when the plants are newly raised from seed, the spines and leaves are red, changing to green as they become ad- vanced in age. The plants are easy of culture, and will grow almost in any soil. (Soil No. 12.) Passifiora, *' Passion-Flower, so named on account of its being supposed to represent in the appendages of its flower the Passion of Jesus Christ." There are about fifty species, all climbing plants, that belong to the hot-house. Many are of no ordinary beauty ; a few species are odoriferous; others bear edible fruits, though not rich in flavour. P. (data is in our collections, and greatly admired ; the flowers are red, blue, and white, beautifully contrasted, and flower profusely in pots. P. racemosa, red flower. P. ccerideo-racemosa, pur- ple. P. quadrangalaris has beautiful red and white flowers. The plant is in several collections, but has seldom flowered; it requires to be planted in the ground to make it flower freely, and it will also produce fruit. V . picturata is a scarce and beautiful various-coloured species. P. kermbsine, bright rosy crimson, and, beyond all question, the most profuse flowering species now in cultivation, and will do well in a good green-house. P. Z,owrfo;jn, bright crimson ; V. ediilis is cultivated for its fruit. There are many other fine species, but these are the most esteemed sorts ; and, when well esta- blished, will flower profusely from May to August. They are desirable in every collection, and will take only a small space to hold them, by training the vines up the rafters of the hot-house. (Soil No. 13.) P/io?m,r, Date-palm, about eight species, principally Asiatic plants. The foliage is not so attractive as many others of the palm family, but it is rendered interesting by producing a Muy.] HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. IQl well known fruit called Date. P. dactyl'ifera will do very well in a comnrion green-house. Jn Arabia, Upper Egypt, and Barbary, it is much used in domestic economy. P. pa- ludosa has the most beautiful foliage, and the best habit. The flowers are dioecious. (Soil No. 12.) Plurnhdgo rosea is a pretty free-blooming plant, with con- tinued profusion of red flowers ; it requires plenty of heat and a good drainage. (Soil No. 11.) Plumerias, above twenty species. Plants of a slow growth, robust nature, and are deciduous. The foliage is greatly ad- mired. The plants are shy to flower, but are brilliant in co- lour. P. acuminata has lanceolate, acute leaves, flowers corymbose and terminale. P. tricolor has oblong, acute, veiny leaves ; corolla red, yellow, and white. This and P. rilhra are the finest of the genus. They ought not to get any water while not in a growing state. (Soil No. 11.) Poinsettia* pulcherrlma. When well cultivated, this is truly the most magnificent of all the tropical plants we have ever seen ; from December to April it is crowned with flow- ers, surrounding which, are bright scarlet whorls of bracteas, frequently measuring twenty-two inches in diameter. To grow it to such perfection, we treat it as follows : In April we cut the young wood down to within two inches of the wood of the preceding year, and reduce the ball of earth, putting it into a smaller pot. About the end of May we plant it in the open ground, in light rich soil, giving it one or two waterings after planting. During summer it will grow three or four feet ; about the end of September, it is carefully lifted and potted into a large-sized pot, and put into the hot-house, carefully shading it for a few days — when it * Named by Professor Graham, of Edinburgh, in compliment to the Hon. J. R. Poinsette, (now secretary of war,) who introduced the plant in 1S28 to this country from Mexico, while he was Minister Plenipotentiary to that Republic. He also, at the same time, introduced a rich and valuable col- lection of Cactsea. 192 HOT HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. [M«y. requires no more attention except a regular supply of water, and to be kept in a temperature of from 55° to 75^. There is also a pale yellow bracteced variety ; but we are not aware of it being for sale in this country. When the plant is grown in pots during summer, it must be repotted every month to encourage its rapid growth. (Soil No. 18.) Polyspbra axillaris, once called Camellia axillaris, though in appearance it has no characteristic of a Camellia, and has been frequently killed in the green-house by being too cold for its nature ; leaves oblong, obovate, toward the extremity serrulate. The leaves on the young wood are entire. Flowers ■white ; petals a little notched. It is worthy of a situation in every collection. (Soil No. 11.) Pterospermum, five species of plants that have very curi- ously constructed flowers, of a white colour, and fragrant ; the foliage is of a brown rusty nature, and, before expansion, silvery-like. P. suberifolium is in several of our collections, and esteemed. V .semisagittatum has fringed braclaea; leaves oblong, accuminate, entire, sagittate on one side. (Soil No. 11.) Rhapis, a genus of palms that will grow very freely with heat and room at the roots. R. jlabelliformis is an erect growing palm, with a spreading head. It is a native of China. (Soil No. 12.) RondeUtia speciosa is a new and rare plant, in every re- spect equal, if not superior, to Ixora cuccinea; its large co- rymbs of orange red flowers have a very striking appearance, and it is easily cultivated in (soil No. 1.) It should have frequent repottings when growing. Roscoeo, a genus of about five species, all pretty, but not much known. R. purpvrea has been introduced into our collections, and is the finest of the genus. The flowers are light purple, large, and in terminale sheaths at the top of the stem. R. spicafa and R. capitata are both fine species, with blue flowers. They are all herbaceous, with strong half tu- Mai/.] HOT-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING, &C. 193 berous roots, requiring little waler while dormant, and a liberal supply when growing, (Soil No, 17.) Ruellia. There are a few species, very pretty free-flow- ering plants, of easy culture. R.formdsa, flowers long, of a fine scarlet colour ; plant half shrubby. R.fulgida has bright scarlet flowers on axillary long stalked fascicles. R.persici- fblia, with unequal leaves and light blue flowers, is now called R. anisophylla. (Soil No. 10.) Ricsselia juncea, a slender plant of an upright habit, pro- ducing, when well grown, a profusion of scarlet tubular flow- ers, about one inch long each : it is of the easiest culture in soil No. 19. Sagus, Sago-palm. We are of opinion that the true palm from which the sago of the shops is produced, has not be in- troduced into our collections. It is very rare in the most exten- sive collections of Europe, but it is not so fine a plant as the one we have under the Sago, which is placed in the natural order of Cycadea ; and Sagus is in that of PalmcE. The finest of this genus is S. vinifera and 5'. Rumpliii. They grow to a great height ; even in artificial cultivation they may be seen from ten to twenty-five feet. We have not intro- duced them here for their beauty, but to prevent error (Soil No. \-Z.) Soldndra, a genus of four species, remarkable for the ex- traordinary size of their flowers, and are considered beauti- ful. 5^. grandiflbra and S. viridiflbra are the best two. The plants will bloom well if they are restricted in pot room, and are only introduced as being worthy of cultivation. If they are repotted once in two or three years, it is sufficient, except where the plants are small and want encouragement (Soil No. 13.) Strelitzia, a splendid genus of noble-looking plants, aU of which do perfectly well in the green-house, except S. au- gusta, the flowers of which are pure white ; the leaves are very large, being nearly six feet long and eighteen inches 17 194 HOT-HOUSE. — OF HEPOTTiNG, (Sec. [May. wide, and assume the appearance of the Banana tree : it re- quires great, space for its roots, (Soil No, 12.) Strophanthus, a snnall genus of beautiful tropical shrubs. The segments of the corolla are curiously twisted before ex- pansion. S. divergens is a neat spreading shrub, with yellow flowers, a little tinged with red ; the petals are about four inches long, undulate, lanceolate, S. dichotomus is rose-co- loured, corolla funnel-shaped. The plants will flower freely in a strong moist heat. Drain the pots well. (Soil No. 1 3.) Sivietenia, (Mahogany tree,) the wood of which is cele- brated in cabinet-work. S. mahogoni, common. This tree varies much in general appearance according to soil and si- tuation. The leaves are pinnated in four pairs ; leaflets ovate, lanceolate ; flowers small, white, in axillary panicles. S.fu- hrifuga, leaves pinnated, in four pairs ; leaflets elliptical ; flowers white, in terminale panicles. The wood of the last is the most durable of any in the East Indies. They are fine plants, and require heat and pot room to produce flow- ers. (Soil No. 15.) TaberncEmontana, a genus of little beauty, except for one or two species. A plant known in some collections as Ne- rium coronarium, is now, and properly, T. coronaria. The y^xiQiy, fibre pleno, is the one most deserving of culture, and will flower profusely from May to August ; the flowers are double white, fragrant, and divaricating. The plant will lose its foliage if not kept in a strong heat ; iherefore place it in the warmest part of the hot-house. T. densifibra is a fine species, but very rare. Drain all the plants well, and keep them in the shade during summer. Tecbma, a genus of plants closely allied to Bignbnia, and are free-flowering ; several of them much esteemed. T. mol- lis, T. digitata, and T. siylendida, are the most beautiful of those that belong to the hot-house. They have large orange- coloured, tubular, inflated, ringent flowers, in loose panicles. There is a plant known in our collections as Bignbnia stdns. May.] HOT-HOUSE. — of repotting, &c. 195 which is now T. stans ; has pinnated leaves, with oblong, lan- ceolate, serrated leaflets; flowers in simple ternninale, raceme, and of a yellow colour, and sometimes known by Ash-leaved Bignbnia. It will always have a sickly aspect, if not well encouraged in light rich soil. Drain the pots well, as much moisture disfigures the foliage. (Soil No. 10.) Thrinax parvijibra is a fine dwarf palm of the West In- dies, with palmated fronds, plaited with stiff, lanceolate seg ments. The plant is of easy cultivation, and will grow in any soil. (Soil No. 12.) T/mrj&er^za, a genus containing six climbing plants of a half shrubby nature. Some of them have a fragrant odour. T. cocdwea, red ; T. grandiflbr a, h\ne; T./rao^rans, white sweet- scented ; T. aldta has pretty buff and purple flowers, which are in great profusion. The latter makes a very pretty an- nual in the flower garden, with its beautiful white variety, forming an elegant contrast. If sown in May, they will bloom from July until killed be frost. (Soil No. 13.) Tradescdntia discolor. Purple-leaved spider wort. This is an herbaceous plant, and is only cultivated for its beautiful purple foliage. It has curious small white flowers. (Soil No. 10.) Urania speciosa, a gigantic-looking plant closely connect- ed to Musa, from which it differs in habit by the large leaves being more erect : to grow it luxuriantly, give it plenty of heat, water, and pot room. (Soil No. 12.) Zdmia, a genus of plants in the natural order of CycadecE. Several species of them are admired. Z. media, Z.furfurdcea, Z. tenuis, Z. integrifblia, are the most showy that belong to the hot-house. The whole genus is frequently kept in this department. They are all plants of a slow growth, and the beauty is entirely in the pinnated fronds, with from ten to forty pairs of leaflets. The pois must be well drained. (Soil No. 11.) Those genera of plants which we have enumerated under the head of repotting in this or next month, are composed oC 196 HOT-HOUSE. OF REPOTTING, &C. [May. the finest hot-house plants that have come under our obser- vation. There are perhaps a few of them that are not to be found in the United States, or even on our continent ; but the great object, in a choice collection of plants, is to have the finest from all parts of the known world. There are many plants whose nature does not require much support from soil, which is frequently observed in those that are men- tioned. And there are many hundreds of plants desirable for beauty, ornament, and curiosity, which would take vo- lumes to specify and describe. In fact, every year brings many new things, and frequently both new and splendid, either in flower, fruit, or foliage. We have previously observed, that plants ought not to be flooded with water when newly potted, as it saturates the soil before the roots have taken hold of it ; and that the best draining for pots is small gravel or pot-shreds broken fine. We wish it to be understood that, when plants are repotted, any irregular branch or shoot should be lopped off that can- not be tied to advantage. And repotting may take place either before or after the plc^nts are exposed to the open air, according to convenience, OF BRINGING OUT THE HOT-HOUSE PLANTS. Where the hot-house is very crowded with plants, the best method to have them exposed without danger is, to take out those of the hardiest nature first, that have no tender shoots upon them, thereby thinning the house gradually. This may be done from the sixteenth to the twentieth of the month, which will admit of a free circulation of air among those that remain. All may bo exposed from the twenty-fourth to the twenty-eighth of the month. This is a general rule, though in some seasons there may be exceptions. Having previously given all the air possible to the house, that no sudden transition take place, which would make the foliage jl/at/.] HOT-HOUSE. OF REPOTTING, &C. 197 brown, and otherwise materially injure the plants, choose calm days for the removing of them. There are few plants while in pots that agree with the full sun upon them ; or, if the plants receive the sun, the pots and roots ought not. The best situation for them is on the north side of a fence, wall, house, or other building, where they are excluded from the mid-day sun, and they should stand on boards or gravel, with the tallest at the back, firmly tied to a rail or some other security, to prevent them from being over- turned by high winds. Make a fanciful bed, and cover it with sand or coal ashes, for the reception of the smaller plants, and set ihemthinly and regularly thereon, is preferable to crowding them with the taller sorts. And it may be desired to have some of the plants plunged in the garden through the flower borders. Of those that are so treated, the pots must be plunged to the brim, and regularly turned round every two weeks, to prevent the roots from running into the earth. If the roots were allowed to do so, it might for the present strengthen the plant, but ultimately would prove injurious. Where a sufficiency of shade cannot be obtained, it would be advisable logo to the expenseof a very thin awning, that would not exclude the light, but merely the powerful rays of the sun, attending to roll it up every evening. Plants will keep in beautiful order by the above method, which amply repays for the trouble or expense. Avoid putting plants under trees ; comparatively few thrive in such situations. When they are thus exposed to the open air, it will be very little trouble to give them a gentle syringing every evening when there is no rain, and continue your usual ex- aminations for insects : when they appear, resort to the pre- scribed remedies. Green-jiy will not affect them, but the thrips may. Give regular supplies of water every evening, and again in the morning to all that require it, carefully ex amining those that are in small pots. 17* 198 HOT-HOUSE. — OP REPOTTING, 6cc. [June and July. SUCCULENTS, OR THE CACT^A TRIBE. The Cereus Mammallaria, and Opuntia. Divisions of this family are, in iheir indigenous state, exposed on rocks, hilly lands, and arid situations, being at all times fully exposed to the sun : still, with us, we find that they thrive best with a partial shade, though we have frequently seen them doing well when fully exposed to the influence of the sun ; but where they are to be kept out of doors all the season, be care- ful in choosing for them an airy situation, and never allow the pots to become saturated with moisture. The habits of the Epiphyllum tribe are entirely different j they are generally parasites, growing on the branches and about the roots of decayed trees ; consequently, they are often much shaded, and they evidently show it, for they still de- light to be shaded from the direct rays of a noon-day sun. If they are kept in the house through the summer months, take some whiting, and make a thin white-wash, and put it on the inside of the glass, which will be found an agreeable and ef- fectual shade ; but where time and means are at hand, a thin awning, of gauze or muslin, is preferable, provided it is regu- larly rolled up when the sun is not pow^erful. JUNE AND JULY. As the plants of the hot-house are all exposed to the open air, the directions will include both months. If the repotting is over, as recommended last month, all the attention they will require until the end of August is, the administering of water at the roots, and by the syringe overhead. It will be impossible to say how great are their wants, these depending August.] HOT-HOUSE. OF REPOTTING, &C. 199 entirely upon the nature of the plant, the situation, and the season; but never neglect to look over them every evening, and after dry nights they will need a fresh supply in the morning, observing lo give to none except they are be- coming a little dry. Make weekly examinations for insects of any description, and, when they appear, have them instant- ly destroyed. Always after heavy rains look over the pots, in case water should be standing in them, which would injure the roots. Where any is found, turn the pot on its side, and, in a few hours, examine the draining which is defective; small pots in continued rains should be turned likewise. Tie up all plants and shoots lo prevent them from being destroyed by the wind, and be attentive to pick all weeds from the pots. Turn round all the plants occasionally, to prevent them from being drawn to one side by the sun or light. AUGUST. The plants of the hot-house that were repotted in May and June, according to the directions therein given, will, at present, be in an excellent state of health, provided they have got, at all times, the requisite supplies of watering. And as we already have been very explicit on that subject, more remarks now would be merely repetition. REPOTTING. If any of the repottings were neglected during May or June, let it be done about the first of this month. Let young plants that are growing freely, where the roots have filled the pots, and the plants required to grow, have pots one size larger. In turning out the ball of earth, keep it entire, not disturbing any of the roots. 200 HOT-HOUSE. — DRESSING THE PLANTS. [Sept OF PAINTING, REPAIRING, AND CLEANSING THE HOUSE. The necessary repairs of the hot-house are too often put off to the last day or week; and then with hurry are super- ficially attended to. Previous to the first of September, have all the wood-work painted, (which ought to have one coat every two years,) and the glass all neatly repaired. Have the flues and furnace examined ; plaster over all rents and make good every deficiency. Give the flue a thick coat of lime white-wash. Have the walls, shelves, and staging properly painted. If there is a tan-bed, have that renewed; take out what is most decayed, using two-thirds new tan, which must be dried at least three days in the sun before it is housed, and carefully protect it from rains. SEPTEMBER. DRESSING THE PLANTS. Having last month put the house in complete order, all that remains necessary to be attended to, is the state of the plants and pots, which should be regularly examined, and of those where the roots fill the soil, a little may be taken off the top, supplying its place with fresh earth, thereby giving what is called a top-dressing. Give each that requires it a sufficient rod, tying the plant neatly thereto ; minutely scrutinize each for insects, and where they are detected, have them eradicated. Finally, wash all contracted foulness from off the pots, at the same time pick off any decayed leaves ; thus all will be in perfect order to take into the house. If any plants have been kept in the hot-house during summer, they must like- wise go through the same operation. Sept.] HOT-HOUSE. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 201 OF TAKING IN THE PLANTS. From the 16th to the 24th, according to the season, is the proper time to take in the hot-house plants. It is preferable to have them what might be deemed a few days too early, than have them in the slighest degree affected by cold. Commence by housing the largest first, and those that stand farthest in the house, observing to place the most ten- der sorts nearest the heat or warmest part of the house. For observations on them, see May : in regard to arrangement, that must be according to the taste of the operator. We may observe, that in a small collection it is better to have them in a regular than in a picturesque form. A dry shelf is indis- pensable in this department for placing on it all herbaceous plants, such as Cdnna, Hedychium, Zingiber, KcEmjjferia, &c., the watering of which from this time should be gradu- ally suspended, that they may have their required cessation to make them flower well. This shelf may be in any situa- tion ; one in darkness, where other plants will not grow, will answer perfectly well. If there is a bark bed, do not, until the end of December, plunge, any of the pots therein. If any plants of the Poinsettia are in the ground, have them carefully lifted and shaded from the sun. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. The plants being now all under protection, they must have as much air as possible admitted to them every day, by opening the doors, front and top sashes, closing only at night. The syringings'must be continued, and care taken that plants of a deciduous or herbaceous nature are not over-watered. The tuberous species might be kept almost dry. Some practical men of sound science repot these plants in this month into fresh soil, and allow them to stand till January almost without water. We have never adopted this method 202 HOT-HOUSE. [Oct. with any description of plants, but do not doubt of its suc- cess with that genus. See that the ropes and pulleys of the sashes are in good order, and fit to stand all winter. OCTOBER. Very few directions remain to be given to the department of the hot-house. The supplies of water for this and the two succeeding months are, according to the state and nature of tropical plants, more limited than at any other period of the year. This is the first month of what may be called their dormant state. Observe the herbaceous plants, that they are set aside as soon as their foliage decays, in case of being to liberally supplied with water. Airing is highly essential about this period, that the plants may be gradually hardened ; but guard against injuring them. The temperature should never be under fifty degrees ; when the days are cool and the wind chilling, airing is not necessary : and, when air is admitted, always close up early in the afternoon, while the atmosphere is warm, to supersede the necessity of fire as long as possible. If, at any time, you have recourse to it in this month, use it with great caution. Examine all the shutters and fastenings, and see that they are in good substantial order, and, where deficient, repair them instantly, that they may be in readiness. Remove all leaves, and give syringings in the morning of sunshine days, twice a week. Clear off, sweep out, and wash clean, that every part may be in the neatest order. The succulent tribe will not require water more than once a week, or once in two weeks. If any of them have ripened seeds during summer, wash such carefully from the pulp, and lay them past till the first of January, when they may be Nov.] HOT-HOUSE. — OP A CISTERN, &iC. 203- sown on the surface of sandy soil, and gently pressed down. Water them very carefully as they require ; cover the pot with a piece or pane of glass, which will greatly assist their vegetating. In a few weeks they will make their appear- ance ; and, when they are one quarter of an inch high, plant them out into other pots and fresh soil. In a few months they will make wonderful progress in growth, and, in the following year, will require to be potted singly, and treated as recommended for established plants. NOVEMBER. The essential points to be attended to in the hot-house during this month are, Jire, air, and water. The former must be applied according to the weather, observing not to allow the temperature to be under fifty degrees, and it ought not to continue long at that degree ; fifty-two degrees being preferable. The shutters should be on every night when there is any appearance of frost, and taken off early in the morning. Admit air in small portions every day that the sun has any effect and the atmosphere mild, observing that the temperature of the house be above sixty degrees previous to admission. Shut all close early in the afternoon, or when any sudden changes occur. OF A CISTERN AND WATER. In watering, it is important to have the v^rater of the same temperature in this department as the roots of the plants. To have this, there are two kinds of cisterns or tanks that might be adopted ; one may be sunk in the house under ground, either closely plastered, or lined with lead, and neatily covered up, having a small perpendicular pump there- 204 HOT-HOUSE. — OF WATER. [DeC. in, or placed so that the water could be lifted by hand. The other might, where convenience will admit, be placed over the furnace, either in the back shed, or inside of the house, and the water could be drawn oflfthis by a slop-cock. These can be supplied, in part, with rain water, by having spouts round the house to lead into the cisterns, supplying any de- ficiency from the pump. Thus water of a congenial tem- perature maybe always at hand, which is of great importance to the healthful constitution of the plants. The water must now be given in moderate portions, examining the plants every day. Be careful in watering bulbs, as the smallest supply is sufficient for them at present. Succulents will re- quire a little every two weeks, except they are over the flues, when they may have some every week. Constantly clear off all decayed leaves, and carry them out of the house, which sweep and wash clean, and keep all in the neatest order. DECEMBER. The uncertainty of the weather in this month requires the operator to be constantly on guard, to ward off danger, either from frost, snow, or cutting winds. The temperature observed last month must be continued, but not exceeded, which would cause premature vegetation, of which the re- sult and effects have already been observed. Always kindle the fires in time, to prevent the heat from being lower than what has been mentioned, lest a severe frost should take place, as then a considerable lapse ensues before the fire has any effect ; and if the wind blows high, the result might be injurious, unless the house be very close. Dec] HOT-HOUSE. OF SHUTTERS. 205 OF SHUTTERS. The benefit of these in severe weather is of material ser- vice, for the preservation of an even temperature in the house during the night, when changes are not observed ; but they ought never to remain on through the day, when the fire can be properly attended to. If the front and the lowest sash of the roof are covered with these, it is generally sufficient. They should be made of three-quarter inch boards, closely- grooved together, having a cross bar in the centre, and one at each end and each side, which will make them substantial. If they are frequently painted with care, they will last many years. Snow ought not to be allowed to lay on these while they are on the glass, for reasons that we have assigned. See January and February. Some adopt double panes of glass to supersede the use of shutters, which they think are attended with considerable labour, (at the most only fifteen minutes a day, while in use.) The sash frame is made a little deeper, so as to allow half an inch between the panes of glass. The one is glazed from the out and the other from the inside. It appears to answer the purpose tolerably well, but the glass must be both fine and even in the surface, lest a lens should be produced, which would scourge the plants. We are almost confident that we have seen this effect in some instances. There must be a small hole about an eighth of an inch in both ends of each row of glass, to allow a current to dry up the moisture that may arise. Double sashes during the severe months are frequently used ; but shutters are preferable to either. OF PLACING BULBS, &c., IN THE HOT-HOUSE. If any Hyacinths or other Dutch roots are wanted to flow- er early, a few of them may be put in the hot-house near the front glass, which will greatly tend to forward their time of 18 206 HOT-HOUSE. — GENERAL OBSERVATiONS. [DeC, flowering. By having some brought in every two weeks, a continued succession of bloom will be kept up. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. If there is a tan-bed in the house, and it was renewed in September, the pots should now be half plunged therein. The violent heat will partly be over, and the plants are not soli- able to suffer at root in this as last month. It will in part prevent the plants from being affected by sudden changes of temperature. Be attentive in keeping all insects completely under. This is the period that these are most neglected, but by attending to the modes of their destruction, as already given, no species of them will either be hurtful or unsightly. Syringe the plants about twice a week, and always remember that decayed leaves or litter, of any description, do not beau- tify healthy plants, neither do they form a part of a well kept hot-house. ORCHIDEOUS EPIPHYTES OR AIR PLANTS. Before we close the hot-house subject, it may be interest- ing to some of our readers to know the nature and character of a few of the most desirable of those tropical parasites, that have within these few years caused so much excitement in Europe. In several instances, houses upward of two hun- dred feet long have been erected for their exclusive culture, and unless they do thus have an apartment adapted to their nature, no success will attend their cultivation. They grow only in a very humid atmosphere, kept at a temperature of from 70*^ to 100^, and also in a partially shaded situation : it is only under such treatment that we have had any prosperi- ty in blooming these peculiarly beautiful and interesting plants. Annexed are the names of a few that are of the easiest culture and most profuse of flower : Dec.] HOT-HOUSE. — AIR PLANTS. 207 Brdssia maculata, greenish yellow, spotted with purple. Catasetum trifidhn, greenish yellow, spotted with dark brown. Cdttleya crispa, white and purple, and is considered a superb plant. Cdttleya labidta, rose and rich purple, striped and spotted with carmine. Cdttleya Forbesii, yellow, white, green and rose-coloured,^/2e, Dendrbhium cuculldtum, rose and pale yellow. Dendrdbium speciosiim, pale yellow flowers, in great pro- fusion. Epidendrum cucuUdtmn, dark brown with yellow, is a very constant bloomer. Gongora atropurpurea, dark purple ; the plant must be sus- pended in a pot or small box. Gongora speciosa, yellow with black spots. Maxilldria Loddgesii, orange flowers in long racemes. Maxilldria picta, yellow, beautifully spotted with red and crimson ; it is in the mornings only delightfi^Viy fragrant. Oncidium crispum, brownish copper colour, sTid profuse flowering. Oncidium papilio, bright yellow, spotted with rich brown. Oncidium luridum, flowers of a brownish green, Rendnthera coccinea, a very superb scarlet flowering plant, but does not bloom very freely; it grows in moss and must be suspended in a pot or tied to a piece of stick. Stanhbpia grandijlbra has delicate white sweet-scented flowers. Stanhbpia insignis, yellow and white, spotted with purple > and delightfully fragrant. Vdnda Roxburghii, flowers pale yellow. Zygopetalums, all very beautiful flowering, generally of a yellowish green colour, spotted with brown. They require to be kept in a hot dry atmo- sphere. 208 HOT-HOUSE. AIR PLANTS. [DeC. Orchideous epiphytes, generally grow upon trees, in the recesses of damp tropical forests, establishing themselves in the forks of the branches, and even upon rocks, stones, or decayed trees. Shade, therefore, is essential to their wel- fare ; consequently, never permit them to be exposed to vio- lent sunshine. They require but little water at the roots, provided the atmosphere they grow in is very humid. The best soil for them is a sandy, turfy peat, containing a large portion of fibrous matter ; mix with this pieces of pot-shreds or cork, and be careful not to place the plant deep in the pot, or they will grow on sticks of wood. Although we use and prefer small boxes (about six inches square) made of cork, in which they grow finely and bloom profusely. With some of the strong-growing kinds, we use, in addition to the above soil, a little leaf-mould, using always plenty of drainage. The house we cultivate them in has an eastern aspect. Shade can easily be given to them by having creepers trained up the rafters of the house, or an occasional large plant, placed in such a situation as will afford most shade during mid-day ; and it must be observed, that, although the plants are fond of moisture, they never thrive, except the water has a free passage from their roots. THE AMERICAN FLOWER GARDEN DIRECTORY. GREEN-HOUSE. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GREEN-HOUSE. In many respects, the construction of the Green-house will be the sanne as the Hot-house, but might be made much more an ornamental object, and could be erected contiguous to the mansion-house, with large folding-doors to open at pleasure, and be connected with the drawing-room or par- lour. The extent may vary according to the collection to be cultivated. Ii was formerly the practice to build these houses with glass only in front, and even to introduce between the win- dows strong piers of brick or stone; but this is now abolished, and has given way to a more light and ornamental style, by which cheerfulness and the desired utility are better con- sulted. There should be conveniences for the admission of air in the highest part of the house, that a free current may be obtained whenever desired, which is an essential point. 18* 210 GREEN-HOUSE. [/c/7. GREEN-HOUSE. JANUARY. This compartment requires particular attention, in order to preserve the plants in good health, and carry them through this precarious season of the year. A little air must be ad- mitted at all convenient times. An hour or two at mid-day will be of the utmost importance in drying up damp and clearing off stagnated air, which is a harbour for every cor- ruption. The top sashes being let down or turned a few inches, in mild days (that is, Avhen it is not high and cutting winds) from ten or eleven o'clock to two or three, according to the intensity of the frost, will renovate the interior air of the house and harden the plants. When the weather will permit, let the front sashes be opened about one inch or more. An assiduous, experienced hand will never omit an oppor- tunity. With regard to fire heat, the temperature must be regu- lated to suit the nature of the plants in a general sense ; so let the mercury, or spirits of wine, of Fahrenheit's tliermo- meter, be from 35° to 50 ; if it begins to fall, give a little fire heat. No doubt we have seen the thermometer much lower in the green-house than the above, even as low as 24°, with- out any immediate injury; but it was in an extensive collec- tion, where the most hardy of the plants were selected into one house. Many boast how little fire they give their green- house, and how cold it is kept, not observing the miserable slate of their plants — inexperience causing them to think that the least fire heat will make them grow, and would ra- ther look on naked stems than healthy plants. The above temperature will not, in exotics, cause premature vegetation, but will cause the plants to retain the foliage requisite to ve- getative nature. A high temperature is not necessary for' Jan.] GREEN-HOUSE, — OF WATERING. 211 the generality of green-house plants ; on the contrary, it might very much injure them. OF WATERING. In this month very little is requisite, and must be given with great caution. Few plants will require much, and some hardly any; but all must be attended to, and have their wants supplied. Some will need it twice, some once a week, and some in two weeks, according to their shrubby and woody nature. Herbaceous and deciduous plants will seldom need water. Perhaps, from the shedding of the foliage to the commencement of vegetation, three or four times will be suf- ficient. Particular attention should be paid to the state of health and of growth, in which the plants respectively are, in the application of water ; otherwise much mischief may be done, and many entirely ruined. Green-house plants being now in an absolutely inactive - state, require little more water than merely to keep the earth about their roots from becoming perfectly dry, by occasion- ally applying a very small quantity at the root ; and, if done with a watering-pot, as described under this head in the hot- house of this month, very little will be spilt in the house to increase dampness, which, if it does appear, by any of the leaves of the plants becoming musty, they must be instantly picked off; and, if it increases, give a little fire and air. Suc- culent plants will not need any water during this month, un- less omitted in December. CAMELLIA JAPONICA. This magnificent and attractive flower, with all its splen- did varieties, will, about this lime, begin to open its beauti- ful flowers. But for this admired genus of plants, our green- houses, at this season, would be void of allurement. It is, 212 GREEN-HOUSE. — OF ORANGES, &C. [Jan. in this country, subject to red spider, and nriore especially in the city, which appears to be from the nature of the air. The effects of the spider on these plants, if not prevented, would prove fatal ; as, from appearance, many have died by it in several collections. If it has reached a great extent, the leaves are brownish, having the appearance of being de- cayed, or scorched with the sun. In taking hold of ihe leaf, it feels soft, and altogether seems to have lost its nutritive substance ; and, when the young foliage expands, it becomes covered with dark brown spots, and finally very much dis- figured ; and, when in this stale, the red spider is severe, and, ultimately, death ensues. If any of the plants are affected as above described, lake a sponge, and wash every leaf minutely with soft water, and syringe them with water three or four times a week, which will clean ihem. All the young foliage will be healthy, and that which has been affected will fall off. However, preven- tion is better than cure ; and if the Camellias are properly syringed every evening during summer, and once or twice a week during winter, they will never be subject lo the ra- vages of that destructful insect. Tie up any of the flowers that are expanded to stakes, in case of accident ; and, in syringing, observe not to let any water fall on the flowers, as it causes premature decay and change of colour. OF ORANGES, LEMONS, &c. As there will perhaps be more leisure in the green-house this month than in any other during the winter, it is pre- sumed that there will not be a moment lost. If any of the trees are infested with insects, these, being now in their inactive slate, may be more easily destroyed than at any other time. It is the brown scaly insect that generally in- fests them. For treatment, see Hot-house, January. The plant or tree, after being washed, before it becomes dry, will Jan.] GREEN-HOUSE. OF CAPE BULBS, 6CC. 213 require to be syringed with water, otherwise the dust will adhere to the glutinous particles of the soap. Set the plant in an airy situation to dry, in case of damp. There are se- veral others subject to this insect, such as Myrtles, Oleas, Oleanders, &c., which treat in the same manner. Be careful that these trees are not over-watered ; if the soil is moist, it is sufficient. OF CAPE BULBS, &c. If there are any out of the ground, it is time that the whole were potted, such as Lachenalia, Wachendorfia, Eiicomis, Ixia, Gladiolus, with several others. Keep them in the shade until they begin to grow ; then put them on shelves near the light. Those that are growing must be kept in front of the house, to prevent them being weak. Wachen- dorfia has a beautiful large red tuberous root, and requires a pot about six or seven inches deep. OF HYACINTHS AND OTHER BULBOUS ROOTS. All these roots must be carefully examined. In case slugs or snails are preying upon the embryo of the flower, some of those that are farthest advanced maybe put for a few weeks in the hot-house. It will greatly accelerate their flowering, but they must be brought out again before the florets expand, and carefully tied up, leaving room for the increase and ex- tension of the flower stem. Give them plenty of water, and if saucers can be placed under them to retain it, it will be of advantage. Change the water every week on those that are in glasses, and keep all the growing bulbs near the light. Narcissus, Jonquils, &c., may be similarly treated. 214 GREEN-HOUSE. — ORANGES, &C. [Feb. FEBRUARY. The directions given last month respecting the airing and temperature of the house may still be followed, differing only in admitting air more freely as the season advances, and according to the power the sun has on the glass, which now begins to be considerable. If the weather is tolerably mild, air may be admitted in time of sunshine, so as to keep the mercury as low as 50^, but be cautious in cold, cloudy, frosty weather. It is a prac- tice with many in such weather to keep the shutters on the house night and day, for the space of a week, and sometimes more, never entering it ; and, when the weather has induced them to look in, they find that the frost and damp have made many lifeless subjects ; whereas, had the house and plants been attended to, in taking off the shutters, and giving a lit- tle fire when requisite, all would have been in safety, and many plants that cannot be replaced still in the collection. When watering, strictly adhere to the directions of last month, except with Geraniums, and other soft wooded plants, which require a little more water toward the end of the month. If the days are mild and sunny about eight or nine o'clock in the morning, all the plants would be benefited by a gentle syringing, which retards the progress of insects, and accelerates vegetation. Succulents, such as Cactus, Mesemhrydnthemum, Aloes, Furcrceds, Crussulas, Cotyledons, cj-c, will very seldom need water, at the same time keep them from getting as dry as powder. OF ORANGES, LEMONS, &c. Similar treatment to that recommended last month will do for this. Where the soil in the tubs or pots requires to be enriched, take of bone-dust or shavings, and fresh sheepdung, Feb.] GREEN-HOUSE. CAPE BULBS, &CC. 215 equal quantities ; put the mixture into a large tub or barrel, until one-third full ; and fill it up with water. Stir it well two or three times every day till it ferments, then give each tree one good watering with the compound. Continue to mix up afresh, and let it stand another week, and so on until all the trees requiring it are watered. This watering will greatly enrich the soil and invigorate the roots. OF CAPE BULBS, &c. The bulbs of Ferraria undulata, and F. antherosa, that were taken out of the pots in October, will now require to be planted. Five-inch pots will be large enough for good roots. The grand criterion for planting bulbs is when there is a protuberant appearance about the bottom, or root part of the bulb, showing, by a principle of nature, the true time for transplanting. When bulbous roots of any description ap- pear above ground, they ought to be placed in an airy situa- tion. They are very frequently placed under other plants, by the inexperienced, until they show their flowers, and then brought to the light, having weak flowers, and comparative- ly of momentary existence. Hyacinths, Narcissus, Gladiolus, Ixia, &c., having flower stems, ought to have support, to prevent accident, especially the two former ; keep them nigh the glass, and water freely. Change the water regularly once or twice a week in the bulb glasses, observing that their roots are never allowed to become matted with fetid water. Any of the above plants that are in flower might, if desired, be taken into the draw- ing-room or parlour, washing the pots clean, and putting saucers under them, keeping therein a little water. Twice a week the decayed ones can be taken out, and supplanted with those that are coming into bloom. 216 GREEN-HOUSE. — CAMELLIA JAPONICA. [Feb. CAMELLIA JAPONICA Will, in this month, show a profusion of flowers ; and, where there is a variety, they have truly a magnificent ap- pearance. From a good selection, endless varieties, by seed, of exquisite beauty, might be obtained by attention to the fol- lowing rule : The best to select for bearing seed are Single white, Atoniana, Grandiflbra, Waratali, Carnation Waratah, Rubricaulis, Donkelarif and, in many instances, the pistil, or pistillum of Variegata, Pompone, Pceoniflora, Intermedia, and Hosackia, are perfect, with several others. When any of the above are newly expanded, ( Waratali is most perfect about one day before full expansion,) take a fine camel hair- pencil, and put it gently on the farina or pollen, from the double sorts, which is a yellow substance on the anthers, and, when ripe, appears in thousands of small particles. Then, with this on the pencil, dust it lightly on the stile of those intended to carry seed. Between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon is the most proper time for the ope- ration ; the seed will be ripe in September or October, which will be taken notice of, and directions given. For other par- ticulars on cleaning and syringing, see January under this head. OF SHIFTING, &c. The best time to repot Camellias is just when they are done flowering, which will be before they begin to grow. There are, though not frequently, some flowers after the young foilage begins to appear, and probably it would be better to discriminate the time by the buds offering to push, which will answer to those that have no flowers as well as those that have. The most general time in shifting Camel- lias is in August and September, indiscriminately with other plants ; and, if then not very gently handled, bad roots even- tually are produced. Frequently very fine plants have been Feb.] GREEN-HOUSE. OF CLEANING, &C. 217 killed by probing, and breaking the young fibrous roots, thus causing mortification. In the process do not, by any means, break or bruis« any of the roots ; and do not give large pots, with the idea of making them grow fast : it acts on most plants diametri- cally opposite to what is intended. A pot one or two inches wider and deeper than the one they have been in pre- viously, is sufficient. Healthy plants, under five feet, will not require shifting oftener than once in two years ; from five feet upward, in three or four years, according to the health of the plants. This treatment, in the opinion of some, will ap- pear insufficient for their support : it will be found enough with a top-dressing every year to keep them in a healthy flow- ering condition, the soil being according to our description. On turning the plant out of the pot, it may easily be ob- served if the soil has, in any degree, been congenial to it ; for, if so, the roots will be growing all round the ball ; if otherwise, no roots will appear. Therefore, with a blunt pointed stick, probe away all the bad earth, until you come to the roots ; then put the plant in a pot about one inch in diameter larger than the combined roots, previously putting a few small pieces of broken pots, or clean gravel, to drain off the superabundant moisture, and give light waterings, as the roots in this case will grow but slowly. Top-dress all that requires shifting, probe out the soil down to the roots, and by the side of the pot, taking care not to break the fibres; then fill up with fresh earth, watering gently with a rose on the watering-pot to settle it. OF CLEANING, &c. If any of the plants require cleaning, either by fumigation or otherwise, let it be done before the young foliage appears, according to the directions heretofore given. Likewise tie neatly all that require it, clean and top-dress those that will 19 218 GREEN-HOUSE. — OF WATERING. [Mafck. not be shifted, having every plant, and all in the green-house, in perfect order before the throng of spring commences. The weather will now admit, in very fine mornings, of the plants being syringed, which may be done between seven and eight o'clock ; and the path or pavement should be washed out once a week, which is a great improvement to the appearance of the whole interior. In winter, when any glass is broken, it should be immedi- ately mended. Broken glass in cold nights causes a very destructive current of air. It should always be made water tight, for if the drops fall into the pots upon the roots, they will frequently prove fatal to the plants ; therefore care ought to be taken during rain to remove those that stand in any manner exposed. MARCH. The plants in this compartment will begin to assume a dif- ferent aspect, and air must be admilled every day if practi- cable, giving large portions in sunshine by the sashes regu- larly over all the house, opening those of the front a little, and hkewise the doors in fine mild days. To perform this judiciously, give a little about eight or nine o'clock, more at ten, and the whole from eleven till twelve o'clock, shutting again by degrees. Fire heat will now be dispensed with, but in frosty nights have the shutters on about sundown. The sun is now pow- erful, and the house can be early shut up in the afternoon, and will gain as much natural heal as will keep up the re- quired temperature, viz., 36° lo 45°. Perhaps there maybe uncommonly cold vi'calher: at such limes be attentive toward off danger by applying artificial heat. March.] green-house. — of watering. 219 OF WATERING. Look over the pots and tubs at least every alternate day, to see where water is wanted. In watering, too much cau- tion cannot be used, especially during winter and the com- mencement of spring. It was observed last month what would be the effect of too much water. It may be remarked, that if the exterior of the pot is very damp, the soil inside is too wet, and, in that state, is uncongenial to vegetation, which now begins to start, and ought, by all possible means, to be encouraged. People may be frequently observed watering all plants indiscriminately, not taking the trouble to look into or feel the state of the soil in the pots or tubs, and thus, by going over them three or four times in this manner, will be sufficient to put the plants in such a state, that they will not be recruited for some months. Hence the reason of so many sickly plants. Camellias, where there are collections, will continue to flower. Treat them according to the directions given last month. OF ORANGES, LEMONS, &c. Be sure they are not too wet, as too much humidity as well as aridity causes their foliage to have a yellow appear- ance, with this difference, that in the former case the foliage is the same to the touch as when green ; but in the latter, it is soft and dry. We have observed trees in tubs and half barrels, with holes all round their sides. This is a ludicrous idea, having the appearance of keeping the water from reach- ing the bottom of the tub or barrel. For the best kind of tub for large trees, see August under this head. If any of the trees have stunted, straggling, or irregular heads about the end of this month or beginning of next, head or cut them down to the shape desired. The old wood will push fresh 220 GREEN-HOUSE. — MYHTLES, &c. [March. shoots. You may cut close, or shorten less or more, accord- ing as you desire young shoots to arise; at the same time observe that you do not cut below the graft or inoculation. Trees thus headed down should be kept until May, and then planted in the garden, (see May,) or, if that cannot be done, turn it out, and reduce the ball of earth by probing with a pointed stick all round the sides and bottom of the ball, cut- ting off" any very matted roots. If any of the roots are de- cayed, cut them into the sound wood. By being thus re- duced, it will go into the same pot or tub, if not a less one. Having a good supply of fresh earth ready, put a few inches in the bottom of the pot or tub, place the tree therein, and fill all around, at the same time pressing it down with the hand or a stick. Give very little v^rater until there are signs of vegetation. MYRTLES, OLEANDERS, &c. These, with similar exotics, may be treated as above. If any of them have been infected with the scaly insect, after heading down, &c., scrub the remaining stems with a strong decoction of tobacco, heated to about 100°. Afterward clean with soap and water. GERANIUMS. These will be growing freely. Keep them in airy situa- tions, so that they may not grow too weak, and flower im- perfectly. To flower these plants strong and of good colour, they must not be crowded together, neither far from the light, and have plenty of air admitted to them when the weather is favourable. Keep them free from the green-fly, by fumigating frequently. March.] green-house. — herbaceous plants. 221 HERBACEOUS PLANTS. Plants of this character will, by the first of the month, be- gin to grow. The best time to divide and fresh-pot them is when the young shoots are about one inch above ground. See under the head Shifting in this month. OF GAPE BULBS, &c. Cape Bulbs, such as Lachenalias, Oxalis, Ixias, Gladio- lus, Watsbnias, Bahianas, ^c, will, in many of the species, be showing flower. Keep all of them near the glass, to pre- vent them from being weak and unsightly. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, c^c. Those that have been kept in the green-house during winter will be in great per- fection. Have all the flower stems tied up neatly to small stakes, (which, if painted green, will look much better,) and keep them from the direct rays of the sun. The front of the house, perhaps, will be the best situation. They must be freely watered while in flower. Where there is convenience, it will be essential to keep the pots in saucers containing wa- ter : it will strengthen both stems and flowers, and likewise preserve them longer in perfection. Those that are bloom- ing should be put aside, and watered sparingly, until the fo- liage begins to decay, when the pots may be laid on their sides to ripen the bulbs. REPOTTING. We have aUvays considered that this month is the best pe- riod for repotting the generality of Cape and New Holland plants, and more especially those that you are desirous of en- couraging. Large plants of the Citrus, Myrtus, and Olean- der tribes may be deferred till August : these are of a strong, robust habit, and will not be affected at that period ; and they 19* 222 GREEN-HOUSE. REPOTTING. [MarcJt. will then be out of doors, and more room can be had for the operation, but by no means defer repotting your Acacias, Erias, Leptospermum, Epucris, <^c.; and, for the guidance of our more inexperienced friends, we give a descriptive list of many of the finest, with a faint outline of their characters and general trealment, which will prove a desideratum for those who are inexperienced, and strangers to the beau- ties, pleasures, and arts of exotic flora culture. Therefore, if you have any of the following plants that you are de- sirous of encouraging, they should be repotted this or next month at the latest. Large plants will not require it, if they were done in August. Pots one size larger than those that they are in, are sufficient. Acacias and Mimosas being now united into one genus, there are above two hundred species. About one hun- dred and thirty belong to the green-house. Among such a beautiful family, both for elegance of flower and beauty of foliage, it will be difficult to specify the most handsome and desirable for this department. A. dealhata, A. glauce- scens, A. verticilata, A. Jlorabimda, A. diffusa, A. arma- hia, A. decipiens, A.fragrans, A.jmlchella, A. lophantha, A. ta, A. verniciflita, A. decurrens, A. jmbescens, A. leucolb- myrtifblia, A. conspicua, A. linearis, <^c. These will afford a great variety of foliage, and are very desirable, flowering principally in winter, or early in spring. The flowers of those belonging to the green-house are of a yellow or straw colour ; the most of those that are red or purple, with the ce- lebrated medicinal species, belong to the hot-house, for which see May. There are some of the species very subject to the white scaly insect, which must be attended to, that they may not get to any extent. (Soil No. 1.) Agapdntlms, three species. A. umhellatus, with bright blue flowers, is very celebrated, and well known in the col- lections of the country. There is a variegated variety of it highly desirable, the foliage being while striped, and fre- quently the flower stem and the flower A. dlhidus has pale March.] green-house. — repotting. 223 whiteflowers, and asyet ratherscarce. They have very strong roots, and require plenty of freedom. Plants are always large before they flower, and when the pots, by frequent shifting, become inconvenient, the plant should be divested of all the earth, and, if too large, divide it, cutting off the strongest of the fibres ; then they will admit of being put into smaller pots. If the above operation is performed in August or September, it will not retard their flowering, which, when well grown, is very handsome, the flower stem arising about three feet, and crowned with twenty or thirty blossoms, continuing to bloom successively. (Soil No. 12.) Aloe. Nearly a hundred species of grotesque-looking suc- culent plants, and are principally natives of the Cape of Good Hope, and, consequently, will do well in the warmest part of the green-house, although, when convenient, they fre- quently get a situation in the hot-house. A. vulgaris, known as A.barbadensis, has orange yellow flowers; A. obliqiia, now called Gasteria obliqua ; A. dichotoma ; and A. variegata, which is perhaps the finest of the genus : the leaves are beau- tifully striped, and commonly known as the partridge-breast Aloe ; flowers scarlet and green. They ought to have very little water, once a month is sufficient. They would grow without it, and several of them would also grow by being sus- pended in the house, without earth or any substitute about their roots, by being frequently sprinkled with water. Few of them are admired for the beauty of their flowers, but the whole are considered curious- They flower from May to September. (Soil No. 9.) Alonsoas, five species, all soft-wooded, small, shrubby plants, with scarlet flowers. A. incisifolia is known among us under the name of Hemimeris urticifolia, and A. linearis as H. linearis. If well treated, they form very handsome plants, and flower freely. They will not bear strong fumi- gation ; and, when the house is under that operation, they must be put on the floor of the green-house, where they will 224 GREEN-nousE. — REPOTTING. [March. not be so much affected. They flower from April to Au- gust. (Soil No. 9.) Aloysa citriodbra, known in our collections as vey'hena triphyUa. The flowers are small, in long spikes of a pale lilac colour : the celebrity of the plant is in the delightful odour of its foliage, which is linear, lanceolate, and ternate. It is of very easy culture, and has been known to survive the winter in the open air in Philadelphia. Where large plants are desired, they should be planted in the ground during summer and lifted in November, and put in a dry cellar or under the stage in the green-house. Before they begin to grow in the spring, trim the plants into a neat shape. (Soil No. 9.) Alstrczmerias, about sixteen species, all exceedingly desi- rable, and many of them particularly beautiful ; such are — A.durea, golden flowered ; A. acwft/oZia, scarlet; A.Hookerii, rose-coloured; il. p^Zfo^reria, elegantly spotted; A.pulchella, red flowered, and will grow six feet high, having its shoots crowned with a profusion of flowers ; A. psittacina, red, yel- low, and green ; A. tricolor, black, white, and yellow ; very beautiful. They have, generally, tuberous roots, and should be potted into fresh soil as soon as they show symptoms of growth, and they will require repotting about every month previous to flowering, taking care never to break the ball of earth while they are in a growing stale. (Soil No. 10.) AmarijUis. This is a genus of splendid flowering bulbs, containing about eighty species and one hundred and forty varieties. They are natives of South America, but more than one-half of them are hybrids grown from seed by culti- vators. They are generally kept in the hot-house, but in our climate will do perfectly well in the green-house ; and we have no doubt that in a few years many of them will be so acclimated, as to keep as garden bulbs, planting about the end of April, and lifting them in October. As the beauty of these plants is in the flowers, it will be proper to give a small description of a few of them. A. striatifblia has a stripe in March.] green-house. — REPOXTrNC. 225 the centre of each leaf, the flowers are purple and white, an esteemed species, A. Johnsdni, the flowers are a deep scar- let, with a white streak in the centre of each petal, four bloom on a stem of about two feet, each flower about six inches in diameter : a bulb well established has two stems, ^l. regina, Mexican Lily, has large scarlet pendent flowers, tube of the flower fringed-like, with three or four on the stem. A. vit- tata is an admired species with scarlet flowers, striped with pure white : there are two or three varieties of it ; corolla campanulate, three or four on the stem, about three inches in diameter; petals a little undulate. A.fidgida, flower scar- let, large, tube striped, petals acute, two flowers on the stem. A. ciulica is one of the most magnificent, has from two to four flowers about seven inches in diameter, erect on a stem about two and a half feet high ; six petals, strongly united to the capsule, bottom of the petals green, connected with spots of dark crimson, which spread into fine transparent red, co- vered with rich tints, nerves very perceptible, anthers bold ; it is called Crowned Amaryllis. A. psittdcina, Parrot Ama- ryllis, is scarlet striped with green, two or more flowers on the stem, each about five inches in diameter. There are se- veral varieties of it; the best that we have seen are cowhergia and pulverulenta. A bulb known in our collections as A. purpurea is now Vallotta purpurea, has beautiful erect scarlet flowers, three or four on the stem, each about four inches in diameter. There are three varieties of it, differing only in habit. A. longifblia is now Crlnum capense, and is perfect- ly hardy; flowers pink, inclining to white, in large umbels, leaves long, glaucous, and is a desirable garden bulb. A. longifibra striata has pure white flowers with bright pink stripes, and each flower is about seven inches long; it was introduced from South America by Mrs. R. Alsop, and is a most superb flowermg bulb. A. solandrijlbra, large red ; A. Augusta, buff" and orange ; A. eUgdns, red and green, and many other superb kinds, especially the hybrid sorts ; from Johnsbni there are above twenty cultivated varieties ; from 226 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March formbsa above twelve ; and from Griffini about ten, all of ihenn esteemed. Where they have been kept in the earth in which they were grown last year, the ball ought at this repotting to be reduced ; when the bulbs are in a growing stale, they ought to have plenty of water, and be fully ex- posed to the sun, so that the foliage may have its full influ- ence, and as the roots grow to the outside of the earth, give them another and larger pot. They must have plenty of drainage, and be kept from heavy rains. We prefer grow- ing them in the green-house all summer, or into frames under glass : about the end of October the watering must be gradually withheld, and by the middle of November put the bulbs where they will be kept dry till February or March next, when they must be again potted (in soil No. 12.) Andersbnia sprengelioides is the only species, and closely allied to Epdcris, flowers small, and of a pale yellow colour. Drain the pots well ; flowers from March to August. (Soil No. 6.) Anagyris, three species, evergreen, pea-flowered shrubs, flowers yellow, nothing very attractive in either of the spe- cies. A.fcetida is found in many collections, and we have no doubt but it may prove, in this country, a hardy shrub. Abius, two species, both fine leguminose plants. A.villbsa is a native of Van Dieman's Land, and A. virgata is from New Holland. The former is preferable. Both have yel- low flowers, and are small evergreen shrubs. (Soil No. 1.) Araucaria. This noble genus contains four species, which are without exception the most noble plants we are acquaint- ed with, for the beauty of their foliage and symmetry of their growth, that belong to the green-house. A. excelsa, Norfolk Island Pine, has leaves closely imbricated as if with a coat of mail, and are imperishable. A. imhricata, Chile Pine, is one of the grandest of trees, and is the hardiest of the genus; the leaves are also closely imbricated. The other two species are rarely seen even in European collections. Tlie foliage of either of the species will adhere to the wood March.] green-house. — repotting. 227 many years after the plant is dead. They are all highly va- lued : the pots must be well drained ; for if the plants get much water while dormant, the foliage becomes yellow, and never attains its beautiful green colour again ; otherwise they are easily grown. (Soil No. 11.) Arbutus, ten exotic species and six varieties. They are generally hardy in England ; but we question if they stand out in the middle states. A. unido riihra has the finest crimson flowers ; A. serratifolia, the largest panicles ; and A. Andrdchne, the finest foliage, and very profuse of bloom. They flower in nodding panicles ; A. candriensis has very neat pink flowers. They bear a pretty fruit similar to a strawberry, ; hence it is called strawberry tree, and the fruit will remain on the bush a long time. They are very fine evergreens, and if any of them become acclimated, they will be a great acquisition to our gardens. In the southern states they make lovely evergreen shrubs. (Soil No. 9.) Aster argophyllus, or musk plant, has no beauty in its flow- ers, but is esteemed by some for its musky flavour when the leaves are gently rubbed. Leaves ovate, lanceolate, and silky beneath : the plant is of strong growth. (Soil No. 9.) Aucuba japonica is the only species. The flowers are small and almost insignificant, colour purple ; but the foliage is a desirable object, being yellow spotted, or blotched. It is tolerably hardy, and withstands our winters. It prefers shade, and, if the situation were such when planted out, it would grow more freely. The hot rays of the sun are very prejudical to its growth. It is an evergreen shrub, and very desirable. (Soil No. 2.) Azaleas. The Chinese varieties of Azalea indica are al- most without an end : we might properly say that they are without end ; but the finest we have seen are those we shall enumerate. The one that has been longest known in the collections of this country is A. indica, a most splendid shrub, with red flowers and dark spots. A. indica alba, flowers of the purest white, rather larger than the former. 228 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. A. indica purpurea pleno, double purple. This variety is not so fine as many of ihe others. Properly it is not purple, or, if it may be termed so, the colour is very light, and the flower irregular. A. indica plioenicea, rich purple and a free grower. A . indica smithii, of the French, and A. indica pur- purea of the English, are alike, pale lilac and very profuse of flower. A. indica coccinea, bright scarlet, a superb variety, and extremely abundant of bloom. A. indica fiore variegata is very subject to sport, having flowers pure white, salmon, and occasionally striped. A. indica dlha fibre pleno, double white. A. indica cdrnea, delicate flesh colour. A. indica nova blanc, while with a greenish yellow spot on the upper petals. A. indica elegdns, bright rosy purple, a very pro- fuse flowerer and of a neat habit. A. indica Gillinghamia, very large lilac, and of a strong habit. There are several others which stand in high repute, which we have not seen — these are latteritia, macrdntha, amdhile, &c. Azalea sinen- sis does not belong to the indica tribe ; it is of a hard woody nature, flowers of a golden yellow, in large clus- ters ; it no doubt will prove a hardy species. The varie- ties and sub-varieties of indica will, in a few years, be so numerous, that the greatest difticully will be to keep clear of those that are not decidedly distinct : to obtain this object our own feeble exertions will be industriously applied. We might have named a few other varieties, but they so nearly approach some of the above, that it is better to avoid them. A choice selection of the Chinese Azalea ought to be in eve- ry green-house; they are all easy of culture, and bloom freely from February to May. The pots must be well drained and shaded from the sun during summer, though the tops of the plants do best to have the full rays, to which we have them fully exposed, and find ihot by such treatment they are eve- ry year completely covered with their flowers, and grow more stifi" in habit than when the whole plant is shaded. They should be repotted as soon as done flowering in soil March.] green-house. — repotting. 229 No. 6, when ihey are flowering plants, and in soil No. 5, when young plants. Bdnksias. There are about thirty-two species, all curious in flower, and handsome and various in foliage ; flowers in large heads of cone shape, anthers mostly green, and con- tinue a considerable time in flower ; produces a cone in shape of a pine, but not imbricate. The substance is as hard as bone, and contains many seeds. A cone of B. grdndis in our possession weighs one pound twelve ounces, and contains about one hundred and seven seeds. Those most admired for the foliage are, B.dentdta, B. cemula, B. serrata, B. latifolia, B. grdndis, which is the largest. B. specibsa has the longest foliage. B. Cunninghdmii, B.spinulose, B.jJaUuddsa, and B. repens, these will afl'ord a good variety. B. ■veriicilldta is entirely difl'erent in appearance from the others. They must be well drained, and placed in an airy part of the green-house. Great care should be taken that they do not get too dry, for they seldom recover if allowed to flag for want of water. This genus is named in honour of Sir Joseph Banks, a distinguished promoter of the study of natural his- tory. (Soil No. ().) Backias, above twelve species, of health-like appearance, and, except for variety, are not otherwise desirable. B. cam- pliordta is camphor-scented; B.pulcMlla is very neat; and i?.i;M-o-ato flowers freely. Pots should be well drained. The flowers of all the genus are white. (Soil No. 6.) Barosjnas, above ten species of pretty plants, separated from Dibsma. B. serratifblia, white ; B. pulchella, purple ; B. foetidtssima, blush ; B. odordta, while ; and B. dioica, pink, are the finest. (Soil No. 8.) Beaufortias, only two species. B. decussdta is splendid ; the flowers come out of the wood with stamens in fine par- cels, colour bright scarlet, foliage decussate, oval, and many- nerved, bloom persistant, and much esteemed. B. spdrsa, in flower similar to the other ; colour light pink, foliage scat- 20 230 GREEN-HOUSE. REPOTTING. [Mai'ch, tered, both of easy culture, and flower abundantly. (Soil No. 8.) Begonias, a few species, are desirable for the green-house especially. B. incarnuta, flesh colour, and bloonns during winter ; B. insignis, profuse flowering pink ; ihey are of a soft woody nature, and should be kept in the warmest part of the green-house. (Soil No. 9.) Benthamia fragifera. This beautiful new plant will make a splendid hardy evergreen for the southern states, where it will produce its pale white flowers in July, and an abundance of fruit very much like strawberries, of a slight acid taste : but we are doubtful if it will fruit in our green-houses, unless greatly encouraged. (Soil No. 9.) Billardieras, about five species, are desirable as climbers, being of rapid growth, and abundant of flower. B. longijibra, fruits freely, and has fine blue berries, which look handsome. B. mutdhilis is changeable from purple to scarlet. The fruit of B. scandens is covered with down, flowers straw-coloured. B. fusifurmis diff'ers in colour from the others, the flowers being blue. They require to be well drained. (Soil No. 6.) Bletia hyacinthina is the only species belonging to the green-house, once known as Cymhidium hyacintJunum. It is herbaceous, and before it begins to grow, divide the root, putting the best into six-inch pots. The spike of flowers are hyacinth-like, and of a beautiful purple, flowering from April to July. (Soil No. 9.) Bouvdrdias, two species. B. fripJiylla is well known among us, has brilliant scarlet flowers, and, when well grown, will flower beautifully from May till September. To keep the plants, they should be frequently renewed ; other- wise they are liable to grow straggling, and become subject to the small white scaly insect. B. jacquince. we suspect has got confounded with the former, being very little difierenl, except the foliage, which is more pointed. They flower from the young wood, and throw their foliage in winter. (Soil No. 3.) March.] green-house. — repotting. 231 Borbnia is a beautiful genus of New Holland plants, con- tains about nine species ; most of them have been universal- ly admired ; the flowers are star-like, rose-coloured, and some of them sweet-scented. B. pinnata grows and flowers freely. B. serruldta, foliage serrated and very crowded, bearing the flowers on the extremity of the shoot, and does extremely well in this country ; the flowers are bright rose, and sweet-scented. B. alata has a fine appearance, and grows handsomely. The foliage is winged and pinnate, strong- scented ; of a hardy nature, and easy culture. They are in flower about April and May, and continue a considerable time ; are subject to mildew if not frequently syringed : drain the pots well. (Soil No. 8.) Bosea yervamora, Golden rod tree, leaves large, alternate, ovate, acute, with purple veins and nerves, flowers brown, in axillary dense panicles, grows strong and freely. (Soil No. 6.) Brachysemas, two species, both evergreen climbers. B. latifblium has the best foliage, and large purple leguminose flowers. B. undulatum, flowers yellow, and more plentiful than the former, continuing in long successions. The pots require to be well drained ; very few plants of either in the country. (Soil No. 6.) Brugmdnsias, two species of strong, coarse-growing plants, requiring great nourishment toflower them well. B. suaveo- lens has very large white flowers, about five inches in dia- meter, and sweet-scented. B. sangumea has flowers with a green thorax, the brim of the corolla is of a dark orange co- lour. If this plant is kept in the hot-house, it will drop its flower buds. They must have very frequent repottings, and be liberally supplied with water while growing. (Soil No. 18.) Brunias, about ten species, have heath-hke foliage, very fine, generally, on close observation, found to be three cor- nered. The flowers are white and globular, the plants, when young, are very handsome ; the finest are, B. nodiflbra, B. 232 GREEN-HOUSE. REPOTTING. [Murck. lanuginosa, B. comosa, B. ahrotanoides, and B.formbsa. They require an airy situation, and, in summer, to be pro- tected from the powerful rays of the sun. Drain the pots well. (Soil No. 6.) Brunsvigias are all large bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope, and will keep in the green-house during winter, but are better where they can obtain a situation in the hot-house. It is a splendid genus, containing about ten species. Some of the bulbs grow to an enormous size, and all of them, while growing, require a liberal supply of water; but, when dor- mant, it must be wholly withheld, and they should have large pots, to make them grow and flower in perfection. B. multijibra, flowers scarlet and green ; the leaves lay on the surface of the pot. B. laticoma, flowers pale purple. B. Jo- sephincB has splendid rose-coloured flowers, and the most ad- mired species of the genus ; the foliage spreading, half erect, and glacous ; flowers numerous, and in large umbels, on a stem two feet high, blooming successively : there is a varie- ty that has striped flowers. Several other species have been given to different genera. B.falcata is now Ammocharis falcata ; B. margindta, now Jmhofia ; and B. cillioris is now Buphone cilliaris. They all flower in umbels, on stems from si.x inches to two feet; flowers lily-like, with six petals. (Soil No. 12.) Burchellias, two species. B. ccq)cnsis is a beautiful dwarf evergreen shrub, with tubular orange-coloured flowers, in large terminale clusters ; when well treated, grows and flow- ers freely, and highlydeservingof attention. B .pariiijlbra A\i- fersfrom the above in theflowers, being smaller and paler, and ihe foliage more pointed. (Soil No. 10.) Cactus : for descriptions of, see hot-house in May. Calceolaria. This genus of plants has undergone a com- plete revolution. Within these few years hundreds of su- perb hybrid varieties have been brought to notice, many of them truly splendid. With us the herbaceous kinds are very deUcate during summer ; they are generally all cut off March.] GREEN-IIOUSE, REPOTTING. 233 by our intense heat, or severe droughts. The shrubby varie- ties appear to withstand the vicissitudes of our climate bet- ter, though, as yet, we confess we are not even altogether successful in their summer culture. However, a few of them have done well, and are C. angustifblia, bright yellow, and in great profusion ; C. hicblor, pale yellow, and while ; C Jupiter, brown and yellow ; C. marjoridna superba, nearly scarlet, and very beautiful ; C. smithii, red and yellow ; C brutus, dark biown ; C. gem, beautiful red, edged with yel- low. There are many others of very great merit of the shrub- by kinds cultivated in Europe, such as whites of different shades, dark crimsons, with while capes, and others blending into almost every description of colour and character. Any quantity of new sorts may be obtained by cross impregna- tion between any two of very different colours : the seeds will ripen in July, when they may be sown on light soil, and they will flower the following season. Flowering plants require to be greatly encouraged, and must be shaded during summer from the violent noon-day sun. (Soil No. 10.) Calothdmnus, four species. This genus is named in allu- sion to the splendid appearance of the branches, covered with scarlet flowers of curious construction, which come out of the old Wood. Ail ihe species are of easy culture, and very like dwarf pines. C. quadnffida has the largest flowers ; C. cla- vdta the most abundant. They are all evergreens, and flow- er from April to November, and are very desirable in a col- lection. (Soil No. 6.) Callicoma serratifblia,i\\e only species, and remarkable for tufted yellow heads of flowers, which come out at the axils, and continue from May to July. The foliage is ovate, lance- olate, deeply serrated and opposite. (Soil No. 6.) Camellias. There are about eight distinct species of this plant, known in our collections ; and the varieties oijaponica approach to one thousand, to which many are yearly added ; but, unfortunately, their merits are not fully scrutinized be- fore they are sent forth to the floral world, under names re- 20* 834 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [MCT cJl. presenting and expressing every quality that is grand or beautiful in floral imagination. Such has been the rapid in- crease of varieties in Europe, and even in this country, that, in many instances, three or four distinct plants have come out under the same name ; consequently, a great confusion of names has been the result, which has caused much difficulty in attaining the best of the names. The collections of this country were kept comparalivelypwre till within the last few years, that the anxiety of our cultivators to obtain variety, caused them to import from the French and German markets, which has thrown the nomenclature into an almost impene- trable chaos. But still we can unite in saying, " What spe- cies of plant is there which better merits the intelligent and vigilant care of the amateur and horticulturist ?" The ele- gance of its form, the beautiful verdure of its foliage, and the pure and brilliant colours of the large and elegant flowers, suf- ficiently justify the admiration of all. In fact, we may say, there is not a green-house in which this lovely plant has not found a place, where it stands in the first rank of floral population. To give a full description of all the varieties we know would occupy this volume. However, we will give lucid details of nearly one hundred of the finest we have seen in cultivation. But, in regard to the shades and spots of colour, we must throw ourselves on the charity of our readers; for many sorts are very capricious in that particular^ though styled self-coloured, may come spotted, and even those that are generally spotted sometimes show themselves of one colour. Camellia euryoides, flowers small, single white, and a little fragrant ; plant of a slender growth. C. oleiferia is cultivated principally in China for the oil which is expressed from its seeds, which is much used in the domestic cookery of the country ; flower single white. C. Sescinqua, Lady Banks's. The foliage of this species is very small, and paler, and the green not so fine as any of the others. It seeds freely, and is often used as the female pa- March.] green-house. — repotting. 235 rent in producing new varieties ; flowers small, white, and single, with many anthers. There are a semi-double and double variety of it of the same colour. C. sesdnqua rosea, or mallifldra of some, double pink, small flowers, but in very great profusion ; the plant is of a free, upright growth. The flowers are of about four weeks' dura- ration : it is very much esteemed. C. kissii. Small single while : the only species that is a native of Nepaul. C. reticulata was brought from China by Capt. Rawes in 1822. The foliage is very characteristic, being stiff and flat, distinctly serrated, nerves deeply sunken ; flowers bright rose, of a loose form, and above six inches in diameter, semi- double. From present appearance, it will never be so plenty as many of the others, being tardy of propagation ; only a few eyes on the extremity of each shoot make young wood, and, if these are cut off, the plant does not seem to push afresh. Magnificent. C. japonica, small, single, red. It is supposed that this is the type of all the garden cultivated varieties of the Ca- mellia, though some are inclined to think that it is a varie- gated or striped species, not yet introduced, that has been the origin of so many beautiful Chinese sorts. The following are supposed to be its varieties : C. aitbnia. This variety is a beautiful specimen of a sin- gle flower, affording a developement of the organ of fructifi- cation ; the petals are delicately pencilled, and the anthers very bold, colour pink, and the flower very large ; grows freely, and, in our opinion, is surpassed by none of the single sorts for raising fine new varieties, if impregnated with the pollen from double flowers. Good. C. alba-plena, common double white, is admired by the most casual observer, and is generally considered a very su- perior flower, from the purity of its whiteness and the abun- dance of its large flowers, which are closely and regularly 236 OREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [Morch. set with round petals. The foliage is large, and the plant grows freely ; we have seen one shoot grow two feet in one summer. It was imported into Europe from China, among the first of the varieties, about eighty years ago. Magnifi- cent. C. semplex* alba, single white. It is mentioned some- where as being very sweet-scented, though not very percep- tible to us. The foliage and wood are very strong, the fine- striped sorts have been raised from it; consequently, it is par- ticularly desirable as a stock to grow new varieties from. Its flowers are large and abundant. Good. C. alth(BJlbra, hollyhock flowered, is a great beauty, with large double dark red flowers, the veins are very prominent, petals frequently irregular ; foliage large, smooth, and very dark green, and is much esteemed. Fine. C. anemonejlbra, or Waratah (from the central petals, having the appearance of the Waratah plant, Telopia specio- sissima.) This variety is very characteristic, both in flow- er and foliage. The flower is dark crimson, with five regular large outside petals ; those of the centre are very small, and neatly plaited, with the stile (female organ) pro- minent; the foliage is large and oblong, nerves very smooth, and the wood strong, bark light. Had this kind not been found, we would have been deprived of many most splendid varieties which have originated from it, and we have no doubt they may become as diversified as the roses of the garden ; this variety, in a collection, for that alone is invalua- ble. It seeds freely, and the pollen of any of the others ap- plied to the style of this, will produce a new variety, which seldom fails of being double, provided the pollen is from a double variety. It must be applied the first day that the * We have now, 1839, in flower, a single white, very similar to this, which we have raised from the seod of Dahliajlora, a good double red variety ; it, therefore, appears impossible to predict their character from the parent that produced the seed. March.] green-house. — repotting. 237 flower is expanded, for the bloom is only of a few days' du- ration. Those that are not acquainted with the buds of this Camellia, will take them to be dead, because, before expan- sion, they are very dark brown, and have a dried appearance. Superb. C. anernonejibra alba. Those that have seen the common anemoneflora will be disappointed in the appearance of this, not being pure white, neither properly anemone-flowered, though a very superb flower, and very distinct from any other ; the petals are irregular in the centre, shape resembling pompojie ; flower very large. Superb. C. ayieinonejibre rosea, fine rose, the exterior petals are large and well rounded, the interior very full of small short petals, flower very persistant — foliage large, cordate, accu- minate. Superb. C. amabile. This exceedingly perfect flower was raised from seed by J. B. Smith, Esq., of this city ; it is regularly imbricated, the extreme petals are bright rose, shading to de- licate pink, and then again shading in the centre to light red. The plant is full of foliage and of excellent habit, flower about three and a half inches in diameter. Magnificent. C. atrorube7is, Loddiges' red, is a good variety ; co- lour dark red, outside petals large, inside small and irregu- lar, forming a very distinct character ; foliage stiff ; grows freely and flowers well ; and of long duration. We have seen a flower stand fresh on the plant two months; however, that cannot be a rule, as it depends on the situation. Good. C. aucubafblia, bright rose, perfectly double, three and a half inches in diameter, a free bloomer — foliage large, cor- date, pale green, and sometimes spotted like Aucuba japoni- ca. Good. C. augiista, cherry red, large, finely double, centre petals rather irregular — foliage dark green. Good. C. Camjjbelli, very large flowers, pale white, striped, and spotted with red, very regular in form, and considered an 238 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. elegant striped variety, is of free growth and fine habit. Magnificent. C. candidissima, purest white flowers, very large, four inches or more in diameter, full and most regularly imbri- cated, and resemble very much the old double white, though more perfect in form — leaves rather small, of an elongated form, smooth and pale green, often spotted with yellow. The plant is of vigorous growth, and a Japan variety. Mag- nificent. C. cdrnea, frequently known as Middlemist's blush. Double pink, one of the original varieties, and frequently produces seeds, from which many very fine varieties have been obtained ; grows freely. Good. C chandilerii, or versicolor, perfectly double, colour vivid red, with occasional splashes of pure white ; the flowers vary, and are often only red — they are of long duration, from six to eight weeks ; foliage large and dark glossy green. Magni- Jicent. C. clivedna, large, irregular, double flower, of a bright cherry red colour : plant of rather slow growth, but a profuse bloomer. Superb. C. coccinea, deep cherry red, a double flower of about three inches in diameter ; plant of a very neat growth, and a most profuse bloomer ; it frequently produces seed. Good. C. Colvillea, pale blush, with rose spots and pink stripes, is partially anemone formed ; but very compact and of free growth ; leaves cordate. Superb. C. conchiflora, flower bright cherry red, with splashes of white, three inches in diameter; the petals are bold and erect; the plant of a good habit, and an excellent bloomer. Very good. C. concinna, deep cherry red, a very perfectly imbricated double flower, about three and a half inches in diameter ; fo- liage generally a little undulated, wood slender. Superb. C. conspicua, (Loddigies,) a shrub of strong handsome March.] green house. — repotting. 23^ growth, with large dark green foliage ; flower very dou- ble, five inches in diameter ; bright orange red, hemispheri- cal shape ; petals erect, and appear as if three or four flowers were united ; it is profuse of bloom and very conspicuous. Magnificent. C. corallina, coral-flowered, a deep scarlet double flower ; but shows a number of stamens — the centre petals are oc- casionally spotted with white. Good. C. coro7iata, shrub of stiff growth ; foliage pale green ; flower large, irregular, and double, of a clear pink colour ; four inches in diameter. Very good. C. crassinervis, a good improvement on the original ane- Tnoneflbra or Waratah, and has much the same habit. Superb. C. curvatifblia, leaves narrow and pointed ; plant of good habit ; flower pure white ; regular and very double, petals disposed in a regular rosette, about three and a half inches in diameter. Superb. C. decora, pale rose, flower perfectly double, four and a half inches in diameter, three rows of exterior petals, those of the centre short and thick, containing a few concealed stamens — foliage large glossy green. Magnificent. C. Derbyana, very bright dark red, flower finely double cup-shaped, petals bold and broad spoon-shaped : a striking flower, often over four inches in diameter — foliage of a very beautiful green. Superb. C. Donkelari, bright red, variegated and sprinkled with pure white, three rows of large petals about one inch broad and two inches long : centre full of slamens, flower fully four inches in diameter ; leaves about two inches broad and four inches long ; this will be an elegant variety to seed from, and is of Chinese origin. Magnificent. C. delectissima, white, profusely striped with rose, exterior petals large and round ; those of the interior are closely set ; flower nearly four inches in diameter ; leaves very large, ovate, accuminate. Superb. C, dorsettia or parthoniana, of the Belgians ; leaves flat 240 GREEN-HOUSE, REPOTTING, [Ma7'ch. and closely set, of a dark shining green, flower very large, nearly five inches in diameter, of a pale red, mixed with rose and white, petals closely imbricated, irregular, and nume- rous; those of the centre small. Mag?iificent. C. eclipse or Pressi, of the English, or imjjerialis of the French ; flower pure white, with rose stripes, four inches in diameter ; irregular, full, and double, with a few stamens ap- pearing among the petals ; the whole flower forms an arched centre, almost hemispherical ; leaves long and pointed, of a clear rich green : we have seen flowers of this plant entirely rose. Magnificent. C. elegans, (Chandler's,) flower rosy red, fading to nearly white in the centre ; three and a half inches in diameter, ex- terior petals large and rounded ; those of the interior very numerous, and beautifully harmonize ; forming, as it were, a depressed sphere ; a profuse bloomer, and of a neat habit. Magnificent. C. eldta, violet crimson, spotted with white, flower three and a half inches in diameter, perfectly imbricated to the very centre, and of the most perfect double, foliage dark green, plant of a good habit. Magnificent. C. elphingstonia, red spotted with white, frequently four inches in diameter, exterior petals very large, regularly gra- duating to the centre, which cover a few hidden stamens, foliage dark green ; plant of a fine habit. Magnificent. C. Estherii* foliage nearly three inches wide and five inches long, finely serrated — nerves prominent, flower, when well grown, is five inches in diameter ; colour pure white, spotted, and striped with rose and pink, petals broad, bold, erect, and closely set; the bloom, when fully expanded, forms a perfect hemisphere, and contains a few hidden stamina ; it is the finest and largest of all the striped varieties, and is a profuse bloomer. Magnificent. * Grown by J. B. Smith, Esq., of this city, who is a very successful ama- teur cultivator, and has raised some of the finest seedling Camellias that are «t present known. March.] green-house. — repotting. 241 C excelsa, pure white, shape and size of C conchiflora, is a plant of fine habit, a good grower, and profuse bloomer. Good, Cea?m7'a,( Chandler's,) flowers bright crinnson, four inches in diareieter, of a perfect double imbricated form, foliage light green and deeply serrated, nerves smooth ; it is of free growth, but with us does not bloom freely. Magnificent. C. Fdirlea : foliage large, ovate, acuminate ; of a smooth shining dark green ; flowers nearly four inches in diameter, of a rich crimson, marked with pure white, very double. Superb. C.firnhriata: fringed white. The size, shape, and set of the flower same as alba-jylena, and the white as pure, with the edges of the petals deeply serrated, or rather fringed ; is equally as free in flowering, though not so strong in growth. It is universally admired, and in great demand. Magmfice?it. C.fiavescens, or incarnata. Lady Hume's blush, and by some called huff. It is a very double flower, beautifully re- gular, and imbricated, and frequently hexangular, or star- like ; the bottom of the petals are most delicately tinged with blush ; on looking into it, it shovv^s more like a blush vapour than nature, and is a great favourite, and deservedly so: flow- ers and grows freely ; foliage rhomboid, elongate, nerves very visible, surface smooth and pale green, distinctly serrate, growth strong and erect. Magnificent. C. fiorida. Flower clear cherry red, large, frequently above four inches in diameter ; very persistant ; exterior pe- tals large and well rounded ; the interior small and closely- set, rising in the centre : it is a profuse bloomer ; foliage dark green. The plant is of a neat and regular habit. Magnifi- cent. C. Floyii, one of the most noble of the Camellias, both in flower and foliage ; leaves three inches wide, and nearly five long ; smooth dark green, plant of strong growth ; flower five inches in diameter, of a perfectly double form, the extremity is cherry red, diverging to a pale rose ia the centre ; the ex- 21 242 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March, terior petals are bold, round, and elegant, of a cup shape when newly opened. It is frequently sold in Europe under the inn posing name of Frederic the Great, though grown frons seed by Mr. Floy, of New York, who has been very success- ful in producing several other esteenned sorts. Magnificent. C. Fordii, a free-growing plant, with lively green foliage and graceful habit ; flower dark rose, three inches and a iialf in diameter, perfectly double, and regularly imbricated, forming a symmetrical bloom. Magnificent. C. formosa, foliage very dark green : flower fully four inches in diameter, of a dark rose colour, regularly double, petals large and erect; interior shortened, covering a few stamens. Superb. C . frankof or tends, or Wellingtoni, a plant of a very com- pact habit ; flower three inches and a half in diameter, beau- tiful rose, occasionally spotted with white. Magnificent. C.fulgens, flower three inches and a half in diameter, and very bright double crimson, appi caching to C. atro-rubens, but more brilliant ; petals regularly decreasing to the centre ; foliage a lucid green, very smooth, young wood and wood buds have a red appearance. We have no doubt but it will occasionally seed ; if so, it will be a first-rate breeder. Superb. C. gdusonia, bright pink, flowers nearly four inches in di- ameter : guard petals bold and expanding, interior petals short and closely set, covering a few stamens, plant of a com- pact habit, foliage a fine dark green. Good. C. Gilesii, or Nancy Dawson. The leaves are large, ovate, oblong, and pointed; flowers above four inches in diameter, of a fine dark red colour, often striped with white, and is "dis- tinguished for fragrance as well as beauty." Magnificent. C. grunella, foliage oval and acute, of a deep glossy green, flower while, three inches and a half; rather irregular, but perfectly double, a profuse bloomer, and of good habit. Su- perb. C. Hendersbni, raised by the celebrated camellia grower. March.] green-house. — repotting. 243 Mr. Henderson of Woodhall, Scotland. It is a large flower, four incliesand a half in diameter, beautifully iinhricaied and perfectly double, of a bright rose colour, foliage round, ovate, and distinctly serrated. Magnificent. C. Hosackia, large dark crimson, nearly five inches in di- ameter; flower rather flat, petals numerous, regularly de- creasing to the centre, w'hich has an occasional speck of white. It does seed, and will prove a first-rate variety for that purpose ; foliage long and pointed, rather drooping; is of a free growth and bloom. Superb. C. imbricata, foliage very large, three inches wide and four and a half long, of a pale green, often marked with while ; flowers rich crimson, almost invariably marked more or less with white ; they are full four inches in diameter ; the petals are round, and regularly disposed, and imbricated on each other; gradually decreasing to the centre, forming a most perfect flower. The plant grows freely, and blooms pro- fusely; no collection can be perfect without it. Magnificent, C. ignescens, flowers rich crimson, about three inches in diameter; petals, though few, are regular: it is a profuse blooming variety ; this season, 18.S9, it has flowered, spotted with white ; plant of rather a stiff* habit. Good. ' C intermedia is a sport from C. poioniflbra ; it is a very large blush, beautifully sufl'used with rose. Magnificent. C. invincible, or punctata, flower three inches and a half in diameter,rose ground, marked and striped with cherry red ; the circumference petals are broad and convex, those of the centre small and erect. This Camellia sometimes produces flowers entirely red or rose-coloured ; it is of free growth, leaves round, acuminate, and of a dark green. Superb. C. Julianii, pure while, with an occasional stripe of red ; flower three inches and a half in diameter, with five rows of regularly imbricated petals, rather thinly set together, but of a very neat form ; foliage rather undulating, and of a lively green. Superb. C. kermosine, leaves long and narrow, strongly nerved, of 244 GREEN-HOUSE. REPOTTING. [Maj'ck. a pale green, bud depressed at tlic extremity, flower cherry red, double, petals rather numerous, among which are a few stamens. Veiy Good. C. Idctea, pink, marked with white, flower about three inches and a half in diameter, irregular, two rows of large petals in the circumference, the centre well filled with large and small petals indiscriminately. Superb. There is a semi- double white flower, of the same name. C. Landrethia, or Jacksonia, very beautiful pink, fading to ihe centre, a perfectly double and finely imbricated flower, about four inches in diameter, a free bloomer, and a plant of good habit; leaves ovate, acuminate, pale green. We have seen the flower profusely spotted with white. This elegant Camellia was grown from seed by D. and C. Landreth, and bloomed first in the spring of 1829. Magnificent. C. latifolia, leaves three inches wide and four inches and a half long, point recurved, a fine glossy green ; flower cherry red, cup form, interior petals irregular, festooned and curled, those of the exterior bold and round, about three inches and a half in diameter. Superb. C. minuta, plant vigorous, leaves nearly orbicular, and three inches and a half long, very shining and nerved flow- er three inches in diameter, of a beautiful cherry red, petals regularly imbricated, and arranged into a vase form ; the centre is of a vivid red. Superb. C.mutubilistraversii, foliage very large and almost cordate, plant of an elegant and free growth, leaves rather reflexed and of a lively green, nerves very conspicuous, flower four inches and a half in diameter, regular, and very double: it opens a delicate rose, and soon changes to a violet purple, shaded with a faint line of white, an unique plant and flower. Magriificent. C. myrlifblia, known in some collections as involuta. There are two varieties of it, major and minor ; the former is cer- tainly the best, and has a very handsome, large, and regular red flower ; the centre frequently is pink and purple ; it is Alarch.] GREEN-HOUSE. REPOTTING. 245 much the shape of double white, only the petals are more cup- ped. The flower is of considerable duration. The foli;icre. though small, is much larger than that of any of our common myrtles, which might make many mistake its character ; and another prominent feature is, the leaves are much recurved and shining; plant pendulous, of a pale green. Maynifi- cent. C. nivalis, flower large white, very pure, having three rows of large round exterior petals, the centre irregularly filled with small petals, showing a considerable quantity of stamens, foliage very dark green, plant of a good habit, and will make an excellent variety for producing new sorts. Superb. C. pmonijibra : bright pink, large flower, fully four inches in diameter, two rows of circumference petals; those of the centre numerous, very close, erect, and in the form of a sphere ; plant of slender growth ; leaves two inches broad and three inches long, of a delicate green. Superb. C. Palmeria alba : leaves two inches broad and three long, rather reflexed, of a very dark green— -is a plant of neat habit, and profuse in blooming — flowers finely dou- ble, clear white, about three and a half inches in diameter; petals bold and round — regularly imbricated, though not closely set ; is a very graceful flower, and has been sold in England as C. Candidissima, which is a superior article, and even figured in the Florist's Magazine as such. There is also another flower by this name, but very inferior, being only semi-double. Superb. Pdrksii, or Park's rose striped ; pale rose marked with white; flower about four inches in diameter ; petals large, round, and irregular; centre showing a few stamens. This floweris tosome sweet-scented — leaves two and a halfinches wide and three and a half inches long; roundish, oval, and slightly acimiinate — deeply serrated ; plant of a stiff growth. Sujjerb. (There is a French Parksii : single cri7ns on.) C. Parmenteria, (Smith's,) bright red flower, perfectly 21* 246 GREEN-HOUSE. REPOTTING. [March, double ; three and a half inches in diameter ; petals very ir- regular and compactly set; is very persistant; foliage pale green, leaves two and a half inches broad and three and a half inches long ; plant similar in habit to the old double red, on which it is an improvement. Superb. C. Philadelphica, (Smith's,) flowers four and a half to five inches in diameter; the circumference petals large and round ; those of the interior smaller, with a little convexity, per- fectly double, colour changeable, bright crimson, spotted with white ; dark rose, fading to the centre, or all crimson : even the same plant producing all the variety ; plant of an upright branching habit; leaves ovate, acuminate, of medium size, and a very dark dull green ; bloomed first in 1834, when only two years from the seed, and the flower was then four and three quarter inches in diameter. Magnificent. C.picturata : leaves three and a half inches wide and four and a half inches long, of a bright green ; flower four inches in diameter ; spherical and extremely double ; petals of the centre irregular and closely folded ; those of the periphery or circumference, round and entire, of a pure white, occa- sionally striped with red — a few hidden stamens — plant of an elegant habit. Magnificent. C. pomponia, or Kew blush, flowers over four inches in diameter; white, with a tinge of blush at the bottom of the petals, which has a good effect in setting off the flower. They frequently bloom all blush, having one or two rows of guard or outside petals ; those of the inside are short, stubby, and generally irregular, continues long in flower, yellow an- thers among the short petals, and seeds when the female organ is perfect ; foliage similar to pcBoniflbra, a very fast grower, and flowers freely. Svpei-h. C. P)-atiii ;* flower bright rose, full four inches in diame- ter, frequently every petal having a white stripe from the * In compliment to our late and esteemed patron, H. Pratt, Esq., of Le- mon Hill. March.] green-house. — repotting. 247 apex to the base, very closely and regularly imbricated to the very centre : in every respect equally as well formed as C. imhricata ; leaves two and a half inches wide and four inches long, of a rich smooth green — is a plant of free growth and profuse flowermg ; bloomed first in 1836. With plea- sure we say, it is our first seedling of merit. Magnificent. C. Punctata, see Invincible. C. Reevesit, foliage rather thin ; leaves two inches broad and four inches long, of a very pale green ; plant of a loose habit ; flowers three inches in diameter, of a bright pink, pe- tals short and irregular, but very double ; is a fine bloomer. Very good. C. rosa-mundi, Gray^s Venus, punctata major, Venus ta, and a labyrinth of other names ; leaves three inches wide and four inches long, of a shining green ; plant of a vigorous habit ; flower light rose, four inches in diameter, striped willi red and spotted with white, circumference petals large and rounding ; those of the interior, short, close set, and erect, forming a large tuft, enclosing a few stamens. Superb. C. rosa sinensis, a large double flower, four inches in di- ameter ; colour bright rosy pink, petals long and full, closely imbricated to the centre : a very distinct variety, with beau- tiful dark green shining foliage, two inches wide and three and a half long ; grows and flowers freely. Magnificent. C. rosea, {China,) petals regularly and perfectly imbri- cated, flower frequently star-shaped, like Harness blush, about three inches in diameter ; colour bright rose, changing to rosy purple ; foliage pale green; leaves one and a half inches wide and three inches long ; plant of slender habit, though well formed, and a profuse bloomer. Magnificent. C. rubricdulis, Lady Campbell's, colour very rich dark crimson, with spots of pure white, beautifully contrasted ; three inches in diameter; petals round, stiff, erect, and thinly set, showing a considerable quantity of anthers, and does fre- quently produce fine seed ; foliage dark shining green, plant of an excellent habit. Good. 248 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. C. rubra-pleno, or Greavill's double red, is a strong grow- ing and free flowering variety. The flowers are large, ir- regular, and very double, and are of long duration ; foliage of a yellowish green, leaves two inches wide and three inches long ; plant of a stiff habit. Superb. C. Rossii; buds very pointed; flower four inches in diantie- ter; petals of the periphery large, graduating smaller to the centre, though a little irregular, perfectly double, colour red, with an occasional tinge of white ; foliage dull green, ovate, acuminate, pointed, and pendent ; plant of a good habit and free of bloom. Superb, C. Sdbiyii: plantof good habit; leaves two inches wide and three inches long, of a pale green ; flower white, with an oc- casional dash of pink ; petals not numerous ; round and erect, of a rosette form. Good. C. sesanqua rosea. See among the species. C. speciosa is a most splendid variety, has been called Chinese striped Warat.ah. The guard petals are large, round, and bold ; colour crimson with stripes of white; the centre is full of irregular small petals, and spotted ; the foliage three inches wide and four inches long, and more heart-shaped than any of the others ; grows freely, flower persistant, four inches in diameter, and highly esteemed, and considered one of the finest of the coloured Camellias. Magnificent. C. spicatum ; foliage very dark shining green ; leaves two and a half inches wide and four inches long, very pointed ; flower bright red, nearly four inches in diameter ; circumfe- rence petals large and round, gradually diminishing to the centre, and concealing a few stamens : the plant grows and flowers freely, and is of an upright branching habit. Su- perb. C. splendens; rosy red, flower full and bold, nearly four inches in diameter; petals few, but very large and round, lying gently over each other, showing a few stamens in the centre — is very attractive and conspicuous in a collection ; foliage dark green, ovate, acuminate. Superb. March.] green-house. — repotting. 249 C. spoforthiana ; foliage deepplain green, acutely serrated, plant handsome and vigorous ; flower three and a half inches in diameter, of a pure white, with an occasional red stripe ; petals rather irregular, full and double, though showing a few stamens. Superb. C. spoffbrthiana cdrnea ; flower larger than the former, otherwise very similar. Superb. C. sweetia vera ; leaves three inches long and four inches wide, distinctly serrate, of a fine shining green, plant of an upright free-growing habit ; flower nearly four inches in di- ameter, with three rows of circumference petals — rose white, sprinkled with bright red ; those of the centre small and erect, concealing a few sieril stamens. Magnificent. There is a spurious plant out under this name, which is very infe- rior, C. tricolor ; foliage pale green, two inches wide and three and a half inches long, distinctly serrated, with the nerves very prominent ; flower full four inches in diameter — semi- double ; petals large and round — very beautifully set ; colour white, shaded with various shades of red, rose, &c. It is very rare, and will be a superb variety to produce seeds, having the female organ very perfect, and was introduced from China by Dr. Siebold. Superb. C. triiXmphans ; foliage dark green : leaves roundish oval, slightly pointed with nerves and serratures very distinct ; flower nearly four inches in diameter, of a bright cherry red, shaded with rose; petals regular, round, and large, a little re- curved at the extremity, and gracefully imbricated to the centre, which is occasionally striped with white : the plant is of a good habit and free growth. Magnificent. C. Vdndesia ; foliage dark green, ovate, lanceolate, and occasionally undulated ; flower very dark red, four inches in diameter, with large round petals, rather loosely set together, centre exhibiting a number of stamens. Good. C. variabilis : this is a sportive variety of C paoniflbrd, with flower and foliage of same character ; frequently bloom- 250 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. ing rose-striped, or marked with pink, blush, &c. Magnifi- cent. C. variagata is one of the old standard varieties, and very much esteemed. It is striped with red and while ; some- times the ground is red, with while streaks or blotches, and vice versa ; nearly four inches in diameter, petals large and round, rather loose, centre showing a number of stamens ; foliage very fine dark green, three inches wide and four inches long. We have had seed from it. Plant of a good habit and a profuse bloomer. Superb. C. Walbdnkiana ; foliage pale green, two inches broad and nearly four inches long; plant of rather loose habit ; flower greenish white, full four incites in diameter ; petals large and oval, irregularly tufted, showing a number of stamens, though very double. We are inclined to believe that this is the liitea alba of some catalogues. Superb. C. Wdrdii; very dark green foliage; leaves rather cordate and undulate, of acoriaceous texture; plantof a branching stiff habit ; flower full three inches in diameter, very persistant — circumference petals large and round; those of the interior small, round, and closely set, rather flattened, colour vivid crimson. Tliis fine variety is another by Mr. Floy, of New York. Superb. C. Woodsii ; foliage light green ; leaves two inches wide and four inches long ; plant of a rapid growth and regular shape ; flower four and a half inches in diameter, of a bright rose-colour; petals large and rounding in the periphery; those of the centre rather irregular — perfectly double, and blooms with ditHculty. We have observed it to bloom finest when a gentle heat was applied, or when the plant flowered in March or April. Magnificent. (Soil No. 11 for the whole family.) There is another Camellia named Woodiana, with foliage very similar to the former, but the flower is cherry red and only semi-double. We beg to observe that, in giving de- scriptions of the camellia, we have invariably, as far as March.] green-house. — repotting. 251 known, described the best variety, where there were several varieties under one name ; and, when at the task, we were under the impression that we would be able to give a de- scription of the beautiful Chinese variety, called Leana su- perba, very lately introduced to the continent ; but, to our great morlificaiion, the plant proved to be only a poor sin- gle red, which we were nursing with extra care : whereas, the true sort is said to be a superb marbled doubled flower. This is only one instance of disappointment ; but we could quote twenty such, that we have felt as importers, within four years on the article of Camellia alone. Ca.rmichceha australis, the only species, has very curious foliage, which the lilac leguminose flowers come out of, and continue from April to June. (Soil No. 6.) Ceanothus azureus is the only species of the genus worth cultivating ; ii blooms profusely from May to July, and has considerable attraction with its brilliant blue spikes of small flowers. (Soil No. 6.) Chorizemas, about ten species, foliage very variable; flow- ers small and papilionaceous, often very profuse ; colour red and yellow ; though small, they are very neat. C. nana and C. ilicifblia are pretty ; but nothing of the kind can exceed C. ovata and C. henchmunnii, with their beautiful scarlet blossoms, which are in great profusion ; if grown from seed, they will flower freely the second year ; drain the pots well. (Soil No. 6.) Cinerarias, Cape aster, about twelve belong to the green- house. They are herbaceous, or half shrubby, soft wooded plants. C.specidsa, C. omelloides, {now caWed Agathceacceles- tus,) C. purpiirea, and C. lanata, are among the finest of the species ; flowers blue or yellow ; the latter is considered the handsomest of the genus. The exterior petals are bright purple, and the interior ones white, and, with A. ccelestus, flowers most of the year ; flowers syngenesious and star-like. The herbaceous species must be treated as previously men- 252 GREEN HOUSE. — REPOTTING, \March. tioned for that kind of plant. The new hybrids of this ge- nus are rivalHng the species, both for beauty of colour and size of flower; among these are, C hendersonia, C. router' housia, and C. grandiflura. (Soil No. 12.) Cinnamomum camphora is the camphor tree of commerce ; it is an excellent evergreen, but has no beauty in its flower. The foliage, when bruised, has a camphorated odour. (Soil No. 10.) Cistus, or Rock rose. There are above thirty species, principally natives of Europe, consequently hardy there, and form a great ornament to their gardens, being very abundant and various in flower ; but with us they will not stand the rigour of winter. We have no doubt, however, but, through time, some kinds may be grown that will withstand the greatest cold of the middle states ; they are low shrubby plants, of easy cultivation. C. ladamferus, C. sdlignus, C.po- polif alius, C.undulatus,3ind C.formbsus.are perhaps the best; the flowers are of short duration, frequently only for one day ; but the quantity makes up this deficiency, being con- stantly in flower in May and June, and sometimes flower again in autumn. C. creticus is most productive of the gum laudanum, which is secreted about its leaves and branches. The flowers are generally five-petaled, and some of them large and showy ; centre full of stamens. (Soil No. 3.) Citrus. This genus contains the most grand and noble of fruit-bearing trees : Loudon says, " the golden apples of the heathens, and forbidden fruit of the Jews, are supposed to allude to this family." They are all handsome evergreen shrubs or trees, bearing highly odoriferous flowers and beau- tiful golden fruit. In cultivation, the orange fruit is dry and more insipid than in the tropics, but the lemon is far superior in its quality. The varieties of orange are extensive, nearly eighty kinds being cultivated in Italy ; but, with us, the sweet, sour, and rough-skinned are the principal sorts, and more recently we cultivate the mandarin and other beauti- ful dwarf Chinese varieties ; also, the striped-leaved varieties March.] green-house. — repotting. 258 of Bergamotte. The lemon are nearly as numerous, though not so apparently distinct ; it is very valuable as a culti- vated fruit, and should be in every green-house or conserva- tory. The lime and the shaddock should not be overlooked, as they are very ornamental, especially the latter when it arrives at a fruit-bearing state. (Soil No. 18, when young plants, and when fruit-bearing keep from it the portion of sand.) Clematis, Virgin's Bower. There are only six of these belonging to the green-house, all climbing plants. C arista- ta and C. hrachiata are the best ; flowers in racemose clus- ters, pure white ; foliage small ; and natives of the Cape of Good Hope. The foliage of C. aristata is cordate and blotched. Some of the hardy species and varieties make beautiful plants for the green-house, such as C. jibrida, C. sieboldi, and C. cmrulea; they are profuse bloomers and free growers. (Soil No. 3.) Clerodendronfrdgrans multiplex, frequently known under the name of Volkamenia japonica, which is a very different plant, and not supposed to be in this country. It keeps in a good green-house, and flowers well, frequently blooming during winter, and, if planted in the garden during summer, will flower superbly. The flowers have a delicious fra- grance ; if the foliage is rubbed with the hand, the smell is not so pleasant. The leaves are large, round, ovate, and to- raentose ; flowers corymbose, compact, and terminale. (Soil No. 12.) Clethra arborea and C. arhorea variegata are both fine shrubs ; the latter is preferable ; leaves are oblong, acumi- nate, and serrated, having a gold-coloured edge; flowers white, downy, in large branching racemose spikes, and sweet scent- ed; grows freely. (Soil No. 2.) Clidnthus punicens,* or Glory flower. This magnificent * A plant five feet high, and only eighteen months old, now in the beauti- ful conservatory of Gen. R. Patterson, of this city, has upward of fifty 22 254 GREEN-HOUSE, — REPOTTING. [March, plant a few years ago produced great excitement among Eu- ropean cultivators, which consequently reached this country. The plant sold at extravagant prices, and cost the writer up- ward of fifty dollars to introduce a livingplant of it,which was done three years ago. The plant has been cultivated in pots, and has not yet given general satisfaction; the leaves are smooth, pinnated, of a delicate green, consisting of eight pairs and an odd one; ihe stem is of a soft woody nature; the splendid large scarlet, leguminose, pea-like flowers grow in clusters, hanging down from the axils of the leaves on the lateral branches ; each flower is about two inches long. To have it in perfec- tion, it must be grown in large pots, or planted in the ground in the conservatory oi green-house, or even a good pit would do ; it is a native of New Zealand, and is tolerably hardy in the south ; it makes a magnificent hardy shrub. (Soil No. 10.) Clivea nuhilis, a tuberous herbaceous plant, closely allied to Brunsvigia. The flowers are said to be very splendid ; colour scarlet and green : although it has been in the country several years, we are not aware of its ever having bloomed. (Soil No. 11.) Cohcca scdndens, the only species. It is a climber of very rapid growth, has been known to grow above two hundred feet in one summer; large bell-shaped flowers; when they are newly expanded, they are of a pale green colour, and change to dark purple : will grow in the garden during sum- mer, bearing a continual profusion of flowers, but will not stand frost. When this plant becomes too large in the house, do not cut it close to the root, except there is a young shoot arising to carry ofl" the superabundant sap, for the old wood will not push, which will soon cause a mortification. The best method to adopt in such a case is, to turn back a racemes or clusters of flowers, rarying from five to nine on a raceme, and will be in full bloom in a few weeks ; this is the finest specimen we have heard of in this country. I March.] green-house. — repotting. 255 shoot, and lay it in the ground to root, when it will become a young plant, which should always be done as soon as it appears unsightly. It does best to be planted in the ground, but will not give any satisfaction as to flowering in a pot. It will flower as an annual if sown in pots this month, and placed in a warm room or hot-bed, and planted into the gar- den about the middle of May ; it seeds freely. (Soil No. 11.) Cobkia punctata, Wampee tree, of China, named in honour of the celebrated Capt. Cook. The fruit is much esteemed in China, where it grows to about the size of a walnut, in bunches; leaves pinnate, ovate, lanceolate, acuminate; when rubbed, have a strong odour; flower small white, in race- mose spikes; of slow growth. (Soil No. 11.) Coronilla, a very few are fine species in the green-house. C. glauca is a celebrated plant among us, as a free and early flowering shrub. C. valentiana and C. imnindlis are equally so, flower from April to June, colour yellow; papilionaceous flowers in clusters ; agree best in summer with partial shade. Drain the pots well. (Soil No. 12.) Correa, five species, all very pretty dwarf shrubs, and flower profusely ; foliage ovate, cordate, and either rusty or downy beneath. C. alba and C. rufa have both white flow- ers a little tubular. C. pulchella is a very handsome, erect growing plant ; flowers large and tubular, of a bright orange colour, and grows freely. C. specibsa has been long admired as a splendid free-flowering plant ; flowers same shape as C 'pulcMlla, but more elongated ; colour red and yellowish green. C. virens is a very free grower, flowers same shape as the last two, colour entirely green. The last three men- tioned are abundant flowerers, when the plants are well es- tablished ; having a continued succession from November to June, possessing the valuable requisite of flowering through the winter, and ought to be in every collection. They re- quire an airy situation and the pots to be well drained. The plants in summer must not be fully exposed to the sun. (Soil No. 6.) 256 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. Crassula. This genus has no plant now in it attractive in beauty. Several beautiful plants in our collections belong to Rochea and Kalosdnlhus. There is a strong growing suc- culent plant, known in our collections as C.falcata, which is R.falcata. It seldom flowers ; the minor variety blooms profusely every year from May to August, and has showy scarlet flowers m terminale panicles. The plants known as C. coccinea and C. versicolor are now given to the genus Ka- losdnthus. The flowers of the former are scarlet, wax- like, terminale, and sessile ; those of the latter are rose and white, also wax-like, and are both desirable plants, requiring very little water during winter. (Soil No. 18.) Cratdg^us. There are none of these belonging to the green-house ; but there is a plant in the collections, known as C. glabra, which is Pliotinia serruldta, a native of China, and is a very handsome plant, has long foliage, deeply ser- rated, very shining. P. arbutifblia, a native of California, and is the finest of the genus ; flowers in large dense pani- cles, foliage larger than the former, and not so deeply ser- rated ; they are both comparatively hardy, and we soon expect to see them acclimated. (Soil No. 11.) Crtnum, several species do well in the green-house, espe- cially C. Mexicdnum, C. capense, and C. ascotica : they re- quire considerable pot room to make them do well. (Soil No, 12.) Crbwea saltgni is among one of the finest plants of New South Wales. It flowers at the axils of the leaves, colour pink, with five petals, connected by entangled hairs ; in flower from April to December, and frequently through the winter ; foliage lanceolate, and a fine green. The plant grows neat, and requires an airy situation : drain the pots well. (Soil No. 1.) Cunonia capnesis, the only species, and a handsome shrub, with large pinnated shining leaves, beautifully contrasted by numerous dense elongated branches of small white flowers, March.] GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. 257 and twigs of a red colour, having more the habit of a tropi- cal than of a Cape of Good Hope plant. (Soil No. 2.) Cupressus may be desired in collections, as erect and handsome growing evergreen shrubs. C. lusitdnica the famed cedar of Goa; Cpendulad^^ndi C.juniperoides a.ve the most desirable; the flowers are insignificant and yellowish; we have no doubt they may prove hardy. C. lusitdnica is the handsomest tree of the genus. Its abundant, very long di- chotomous branchlets distinguish it from all the evergreens of the conoferious tribe. (Soil No. 11.) Cyrtanthus, a genus of Cape bulbs, containing nine species, and will do very well in the green-house, but we find the assistance of the hot-house a great advantage. They are closely allied to Crinum. The tubes of the flowers are long and round, with various shades of orange, yellow, red, and green. C. odbrus, C.stridtus, C. obliquus, and C.vittdtus, are the finest. When the bulbs are dormant, which will be from October to January, they should not get any water ; be- fore they begin to grow, turn the bulbs out of the old earth, repotting it immediately. At this time they should be potted with the balls of earth entire, which will cause them to flow- er stronger. (Soil No. 12.) Dampieras, four species. The genus is named in honour of Captain W. Dampier, a famous voyager, has Lobelia-like flowers, either blue or purple. C. purpiirea, C. imduldta, and C. stricta, are the finest; the former two are shrubby; the latter is herbaceous ; they all flower freely. (Soil No. 6.) Daviesias, above ten species, principally natives of New South Wales, all yellow papilionaceous flowers. D. ulicina, D. latifblia, D. aciculdris, and D. incrassdta, are very fine species, flower and grow freely, and require to be well drained ; bloom from April to August. (Soil No. 6.) Dillwynias, above twelve species, and plants very little known. D. cinerescens, D. Jlorihunda, D. teretifblia, and D. phylicoides, are desirable plants; flowers small, papiliona- ceous, and colour yellow and red. They are very liable to 22* 258 OREEN-iiousE. — REPOTTING. \Marc7i. suffer from too much wet ; while dormant, therefore, the pots must he effectually drained. (Soil No. 6.) Diosmas. This pretty genus of heath-looking plants has recently been very much divided by botanical professors. The generas that they have been given to are Adenundra, Acmadenia, Agathosma, and Barosma. However, we in- cline to adhere to the original name, and recommend D. ca- intdta, D. oppositifdlia, J), rubra, D. alba, D.fragrdns, D. unijlora, D. serratifblia, I), speciosa, and D. pulchella. They arc all profuse blooming plants, with generally small flowers of a while lilac or pink colour. It is supposed that the dried leaves of pulchella is used by the Hottentots as powder to mix with the grease with which they anoint their bodies. Some travellers assert that it gives them so rank an odour, that they sometimes could not bear the smell of those who were their guides. In fact, the foliage of all, if rubbed by the hand while on the plant, has a very strong smell, some of them very agreeable, others disagreeable. They are all evergreen small neat growii)g shrubs. They re({uire, while growing luxuriantly, to have their young shoots topped to make them bushy ; drain all the pots well, and keep them in airy situations, and not crowded with other plants, or they will become slender and unsightly. (Soil No. 6.) Dipldcus puniceus. Thiss hrubby {mimulus) plant was introduced by Mr. Nultall from California, by seeds, in 1830, and sent by us to England in 1837. The flowers are of a scarlet orange, about one inch and a half long, and pro- duced in pairs; from the axils of the leaves, on young wood, the plant requires considerable nourishment ; for the more rapid it grows, the more profuse are its flowers, which bloom from May to September, and are rather showy. In the southern states it will prove a hardy shrub, blooming nearly the whole year. (Soil No. 12.) Dracosna, or Dragon tree. The D. ausiralis and D.fer- rea will keep in the green-house, and arc attractive plants lor their foliage, especially the latter, which is of a purple Marcfl.] GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. 259 crimson and very unique ; the flowers are on large terminal spikes. (Soil No. 11.) Doryanthus cxcclsa, a Yucca looking plant belonging to the natural order of Amaryllidca ; the leaves arise from the root, and are about three inches wide and three feet long ; the flowers are bright crimson, surmounted on a stem about twenty feet high. The plant does not bloom till it is of con- siderable size. (Soil No. 10.) Drymulras. This genus is closely allied in character and habits to Bdnksia, and contains above sixteen species. /). ni- vea has most beautiful foliage, very long and deeply indented. D.formusa, has a scent like the fruit of an apricot. D. ner- vuso, D.jloribtmda, D. armata, I), plumusa, D. Baxteriy D. nervosa, and D.falcata, are the most conspicuous, and all highly desirable plants in collections. They are very deli- cate of importation ; flowers are straw and orange-coloured, and thistle-like. Seeds in small cones. Treat them the same as direcled for Bdnksias. (Soil No. 6.) Dycklas, two species of very curious growing plants, of a dwarf habit with bright orange flowers ; they may be culti- vated with the aloe tribe, to which they have a similarity. D. rarijlura and D. ramotijlbra, the latter is in the country. (Soil No. 18.) Echeveria, a genus of succulent plants chiefly from Mexi- co and California. E. grandijlbra, flowers green and red. E. pulverulenta, flowers red. The foliage of this species is delicately covered with powder, which gives it a very beau- tiful appearance. E. hicolor is also a pretty species : they require to be kept very dry during winter. (Soil No. 10.) Edwdrdsias, about four species, very beautiful foliaged plants, and have very curious yellow flowers, but do not flower until the plant becomes large. E. grandijlbra, E. chrysbphylla, and E. micrbphylla, are the best, and are tole- rably hardy, though doubtful of ever being acclimated. The flowers are leguminose, foliage ovate, pinnate, from eight to forty on one footstalk, and appears to be covered with gold 260 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. dust. The hardier they are grown, the more visible it will appear. (Soil No. 11.) Elichrysums. This genus is now extinct, and two splen- did species of it given to others. E. proViferum is now Phos nacoma jJroUfera, and has beautiful purple rayed flowers, and highly esteemed : the foliage small, round, ovate, smooth, and closely imbricated. E. spectdhile is now Aphelexis hu- milis, has pine-like foliage, and large light purple flowers ; care must be taken that they are not over-watered ; drain the pots well. (Soil No. 6.) Enkidnthus, only two species, both very fine. E. quin- queflbrus has large, ovate, acuminate foliage, flowers pink and pendulous ; very handsome. E. reticuldtus, the foliage is netted, and the flowers blush : they are liable, when dormant, to suffer from wet. Be sure to drain the pots well, and be sparing in water while in that state. (Soil No. 11.) Epdcris, above twelve species, and all very ornamental. E.grcmdiflora has been celebrated ever since it was known ; the foliage is small, flat, and acuminate ; flowers tubular and pendulous, bright crimson, with a tinge of white, and very abundant, in flower from January to June. E. pulchella is likewise a most beautiful plant ; foliage very small and close- ly set, flowers pure white, and in long spikes, sweet-scented. E. impressa, foliage impressed, and flowers of a rose colour. E. paludosa, flowers white, grows and flowers very hand- somely, and is very fragrant. E. purpurdscens rubra is a variety, with good bright red flowers. E. hetero7iema, deli- cate white. They are mostly erect growing plants ; flower from January till August, and a rough, turfy, sandy soil is found most congenial. They are natives of the mountainous districts of New South Wales. The pots must be well drained ; the roots will run with avidity among the pot- shreds. (Soil No. 6.) Ericas, heath. There are in cultivation in Europe above five hundred and fifty species and varieties of this magnifi- cent genus. About sixty years ago it consisted only of a few humble British plants, with the heath of Spain, E. Medi- March.] green-house. — repotting. 261 terranea, which is at present most common in our collec- tions, though in a few years we may expect to see it sup- planted by others more splendid. In their native countries they are adapted to a great many useful purposes. In the north of Britain the poorer inhabi- tants cover their cabins or huts with heath, and build the walls with alternate layers of it and a kind of cement made with straw and clay. They likewise brew ale and distil spirits from the tender shoots ; and it has been known to be used in dying, tanning, and many oilier useful domestic purposes. Encomium on their beauty is not requisite ; they are almost as diversified in colour as colour itself. Many are graceful and elegant ; hundreds are pretty ; a few noble and splendid ; others grotesque, curious, and odorife- rous. To cultivate and propagate them is considered one of the most delicate branches of floriculture. Nevertheless, it has been said by a scientific writer, that " those who com- plain of the difficulty of growing the heath are ignorant peo- ple, who have never had a heath to grow." The most splen- did collection in Europe is under the care of Mr. M'Nab, of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, where there are two large houses devoted to their culture ; and through the v/hole year a continued profusion of bloom is kept up. Some of the plants are eight feet in diameter and fourteen feet high. The soil used is a coarse sandy peat. Pots drained with potshreds, and pieces of freestone are put down the sides of the large pots and tubs : where these can be had they are'es- sential to the culture of mountainous plants, preventing them from being saturated with moisture, or from becoming dry, thus keeping the roots in a medium state ; for if once the roots are allowed to get thoroughly dried, no art of the gar- dener can recover them. This may be the true reason why they are said to be difficult of cultivation. In the summer season the pots must be kept out of the vi- olent sun, for in a few hours the pot would become heated, dry the roots, and cause death, or a brownness of foliage 262 GREEN-HOUSE — REPOTTING. [March. which would never again become natural. In winter too much fire heat will also hurt them. They only require to be keptfree from frost, need a great deal of air, and plenty of light ; consequently, should be placed near the glass, that they may have the benefit of all the air that is admitted. Their flowers are as varied in shape as variety or colour, but they all par- take of a wax-like nature, and are very persistant. (Soil No. 5 for young plants : when older. No. 6 will do better.) The finest and most select varieties that appear to with- stand the severity of the summer, are the following : WHITE FLOWERS. SCARLET FLOWERS. PURPLE FLOWERS. Arborea, Bowieana^ Cuffra, Conferta, Jesminafibra, Margaritdcea, Odordta, Pellucida, Phylicuides. YELLOW FLOWERS Capitdta, Epistoma, Grandijibra. Ardens, Coccinea, " grandiflbra, Vernlx coccinea, Vesiita coccinea. RED FLOWERS. Bella, Canalicidatay Curvijlbra rubra, Gracilis, Igndscens, Plukenetii, Pinea, Mediterrdnea. Amosna, Deniiculdta, Fascicularis, Hispidula, Mammosa, Pubescens, Tenella. VARIOUS COLOURS. Abetina, Bdccans, Cerinthbides, Criienta superba, Riibida, Tubiflbra, Ventricbsa superba. Eriabbtrya japonica, Loquat, ot Mespilus japonica, is afine plant, with large lanceolate, distantly serrated leaves, white underneath ; small white flowers on a racemose spike, and produces a fruit about the size of a walnut, of a fine yellow blush colour, and of tartish flavour. If it flowers in the au- tumn, it will require the heat of a hot-house to ripen the fruit, Mat'Ch.] GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. 263 It is of very easy culture, and its noble aspect is never passed unobserved. It is perfectly hardy in the southern states, and fornfjs a handsonae evergreen. (Soil No. 11.) Erodiums, Heron's bill. There are about thirty species, all of a geranium character, and there are among them some very pretty flowering, soft wooded, shrubby, herbaceous, and annual plants. Only a few of them belong to the green- house, of which E. incarnatum, E. crassifdlium, and E. laci- niatum, are the finest ; culture similar to Geranium. The flowers of these are scarlet, pentapetalous, and veiny. (Soil No. 10.) Erythlina cristagdlli, or Coral plant. If this magnificent scarlet flowering plant is desired to be kept in a pot or tub, it must have a repotting every month till September : to keep it in fine blooming condition, it is worthy of extra care, as it will bloom three times during the season, if well treated. (Soil No. 18.) For other methods, see Flower Garden for April, May, and November. EscaUdnia,SL shrubby genus, of about ten species, of rather neat blooming plants, of a strong shrubby habit. They re- quire great encouragement to flower them well, if kept in pots : the best mode of treatment would be to plant them in pits with other half hardy shrubs. E. rubra, red flowering ; E. glandulosa, white ; and E. bifida, pink, are the finest. (Soil No. 12.) They are perfectly hardy south of Virginia, and we are not certain but they may become acclimated here. Eucalyptus, above fifty species of them, and the tallest growing trees of New Holland ; foliage very diversified, ge- nerally of a hard glaucous texture. From their rapid growth, they soon grow higher than the loftiest house. The most conspicuous are, E. cordata, E. rostrata, E. radiata, E. pidvi- gera, E.glbbifera, E.pulverulenta, and E. resinefera. In Van Dieman's Land a manufactory has been established, where a tannin is extracted from many of the species. The last- mentioned produces gum like that which the druggists call 264 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. Kino. They ought not to be too much fostered, as it would in some degree retard their growth. They are of a very hardy nature. When large, the plants will flower freely, and are similar in flower to Myrtle ; many stamina, proceeding from a hard nut-like capsule. (Soil No. 6.) Euchilus ohcordatvs is the only species. Flowers similar to Eutaxia ; foliage almost unique, being inverse, cordate : time of flowering from March to June. (Soil No. 6.) Euonymus, one or two of this genus have been recently in- troduced from China, and are found to be very ornamental in having beautifully variegated, or rather marginated foliage. E.japbnicus aureus has golden-edged leaves, and E.japbni- cus argenteus* has silvery-edged foliage ; the flowers have no beauty ; the leaves are ovate, acuminate, about one inch and a half broad and two inches and a half long. (Soil No. 11.) Eupatbrium. There is only one species deserving of cul- tivation in the green-house ; flowers syngenesious, white, and in large flattened panicles ; very sweet-scented. The plant, when growing freely, in the beginning of summer, should be topped, which would make it more bushy ; if not, it is apt to grow straggling. Known, in our collections, as E. elegdns. (Soil No. 3.) Eutdxias, two species. E. myrtifblia is a most beautiful free-flowering evergreen shrub ; foliage small, but very neat ; flowers leguminose, small, and very many; colour yellow and red ; grows freely. The young plants should be frequently lopped, or they will grow naked and unsightly. E. piingens, similar to the other except in foliage. They flower from March to June, and ought to have a place in every green- house. Culture very easy. (Soil No. 6.) Ficus, a few species, are good plants for this department, especially F.e/asfeca; leaves smooth, shining green, frequent- ly six inches wide and twelve long : this is the plant that * This plant is in some collections as a variegated leaved camellia. March.] green-house. — repotting. 265 produces the gum elastic, or Indian rubber. F. australis is also an excellent evergreen, with elliptic dull green foliage ; very rusty underneath ; they grow almost too freely. (Soil No. 11.) Fuchsia, or Ladies' Ear-drop. There are an endless va- riety of this lovely genus of deciduous small shrubs now cul- tivated, but there are only a few, very few, to surpass the common and celebrated Coccinea: true, many have been, and are, represented as far surpassing it, but, when brought to the test, they are, in some particular, found wanting. However, among the many, F.glohosa, F. elegcms, and F. Groomianaoxe profuse and beautiful bloomers. F.fulgens is a superb and distinct species ; the foliage is very different from any other sort^ leaves of a well-grown plant are four inches wide and five inches and a half long : the flowers are from two inches and a half to three inches long, of a pink and scarlet colour, and the plant is nearly tuberous : it, when in bloom, is very superb. F. virgata, F. thomsbnia, conica, &c., might be added to the list. We would recommend our readers to grow them from seeds when obtained : it is well known they will produce variety, and it is even supposed by some that the seeds of F. coccinea have produced by hybridizing nearly all the varieties of the present day, which approach one hun- dred ; most of the flowers are a bright scarlet, the stamens are encircled with a petal of bright purple, and are of very cu- rious construction ; they bear a dark purple berry, and are of the easiest cultivation ; but during summer the pots must be carefully kept from the sun, although the plants will not be affected by it. If the plants are young and growing free- ly, we find that a deluge of rain, and afterward a hot day, is their instant death. Some of them do tolerably well when planted in the flower-garden early in May. (Soil No. 10 or 13.) GarJoquia Hookeri, a very pretty dwarf plant — native of iheFloridas: it blooms profusely from June to October; flowers are about one inch and a half long, of a tubular labiat form, of 23 266 GREEN-HOUSE. REPOTTING. [Murck. a bright orange colour ; it is easy of culture in (soil No. 1.) Gelsemium nitidum, Carolina jasmine, a most beautiful climbing evergreen, flowering shrub. In the months of April and May it produces many large yellow trumpet-like blossoms of delicious fragrance. If much encouraged in growth, it will not flower so freely. (Soil No, 6.) Genista : a few of these are very pretty free-flowering shrubs. G. rambsus, G. canaiiensis, G. tricuspiddta, G. cuspidbsa, and G. umhelldta. are the finest green-house spe- cies. All of them have yellow legurninose flowers in great abundance ; leaves small, lanceolate. (Soil No. 1,) Gnaphdlium, everlasting. There are above ten species, most of ihem very splendid, persistant flowers, G. eximia has brilliant red flowers, G. spiralis, G. speciosissima, G. frnticans, G. oriantdlum, and G. imhricdtum, are all very fine ; pots must be well drained, (Soil No. 8.) Gnidias, about ten species of pretty green-house shrubs. G. simplex, G. sericea, G. imherhis, and G.pinifolia, flower the most freely; flowers straw colour, tubular, and corymbose. G. simplex is sweet-scented, leaves small ; the pots must be well drained, and care taken that they do not get either too wet or too dry, for the roots are very delicate. The plants must be kept near the glass, or they will be drawn weak. (Soil No. 6.) Gompholbbiums, a genus of very pretty delicate plants, all papilionaceous ; flowers generally yellow with a little red ; foliage very variable. G. barbigerum, G. polijn6rfu?n, G. latifblium, G. grandifiornm, and G. venustum, are fine : the pots must be well drained, and care taken that they are not over-watered; they grow freely. (Soil No. ti,) Goodenia, a genus of about twelve species, with cordate, serrate, alternate foliage. G. stelligera and G. sudveolens arc sweet-scented ; G. ovata and G. grandijlbra are the best. They are principally small shrubs, with terminale or axillary flowers, and flower during summer. (Soil No, 6.) March.] green-house. — repotting. 267 Gorteria persondta is the only species that belongs to this genus, and is an annual. There are several plants in our collections known as Gorterias, but which properly are Ga- zania, of which there are five species. G. ringens, when the flowers are fully expanded, (which will only be while exposed to the sun, closing at night and opening again with the influence of the sun's rays,) is a great beauty. The rays of the flowers are bright orange, and the centre dark purple. G. pavonia has handsome foliage ; flower similar to G. rin- gens, except the centre of the flower being spotted, and is thought to be the finest, but does not flower so freely. G. hetero])hyUa is of the same character, except the foliage, which is variable, the colour orange and vermilion. They are dwarf-growing plants, and during the months of July, August, and September, are liable to damp off* at the surface of the earth, from the action of heat and too much water. Pots must be well drained, and the plants kept partially in the shade. Their flowers are syngenesious, and about two inches in diameter. (Soil No. 9.) Grevilleas, about thirty species, A few of them very handsome in flower and foliage, among which are G.^nmi- cea ; G. acanthifolia, (beautiful foliage ;) G. concinna, very pretty straw and rose-coloured flowers ; G. juniperina, gxeea and straw-coloured; G. lijiearis, white flowers. The flow- ers of the whole are curious, though not very attractive. Some carry their flowers in racemose spikes, others on flow- ering branches, which are recurved ; the petals are very small and rugged ; the stile longer than the appendage. They grow freely, flower and ripen seeds; all evergreen dwarf shrubs. (Soil No. 1.) Habrdnthus, about ten species of small South American bulbs, nearly allied to Amaryllis. H. Andersbnii, H. versi- color^ H. Candida, and H. robusta, are fine ; they are in colour yellow, blue, white, and lilac. We have very little doubt but these bulbs will do to plant out in the garden in April, 268 GREEN-HOUSE. REPOTTING. [March. and be lifted in October. Keep theni from frost. Thus treated, they are very desirable. (Soil No. 12.) Hakeas, about forty species, not generally so interesting or attractive as the last genus ; floAvers all white ; construction similar to Grevillea, but the foliage more varied. H. gibho- sa, H. nitida, H. saligna, H. suaveolens, sweet-scented, H. conculata, and H. lamberti, are the best, and afford a curious variety of foliage ; flower in June. Drain the pots vyell. (Soil No. 1.) Helychrysums, above forty species, chiefly belonging to the green-hoiise, all everlasting flowers. H. grandifibnim, H. arbor eum, H. fragrans, H. adoratissimmn, H.fruticanSf and H.fulgidum, are all very esteemed species, mostly with soft downy foliage. The pots should be well drained, and the plants kept in an airy situation, as they suffer from the least damp. If the flowers are cut off before they fade, they will retain for many years all the splendour of their beauty ; but if allowed to decay on the plant, they will soon become musty, and all their colour, fade. (Soil No. 6.) Hibbertias, about ten species. Three of them are known to be fine climbing evergreen shrubs, namely, i/. glossularice- folia ; H. dentata ; H. volubilis, if closely approached, has a disagreeable smell ; H. fascicidntn, H. saligna, and H. pe- dunculata, are evergreen shrubs ; they have pure yellow flowers of five petals, blooming from May to September. (Soil No. 12.) Hoveas, about eight species, pretty plants of New South Wales, blue pea-flowering evergreen shrubs ; the finest are H. panbsa, H. atropurpurea, H. linearis, H. rosynarinijbliay H' longifblia, and H. Celsii, which is the most superb, and flowers in abundance. They grow and flower freely ; the pots should be drained. (Soil No. 6.) Hypericums, St. John's wort, about twenty species. A few of them are very showy, and, with few exceptions, have yellow flowers. //. monogymmi, H. balearicum H.floribun- i March.] green-house. — repotting. 269 dum, H. canariense, H. cBgyptiacum, and H. cochinchinense, which has scarlet flowers, are among the best, and all of them flower freely ; five petals, filaments many in three or five parcels. They are all of very easy cultivation, and bloom generally from April to September. (Soil No. 11.) Hydrangea hortensis is a well known plant, and much esteemed for its great profusion of very elegant, though monstrous, flowers. They are naturally of a pink colour, but under certain circumstances of culture they become blue. If grown in brown loam with a little sand, they will pre- serve their original colour ; but if grown in swamp earth with a little mould of decayed leaves, they will become blue.* The swamp earth and vegetable mould being more combined with aluminous salt than brown loam, is the cause of the change : and, when first found out, (which was merely by chance,) was thought a great wonder. It must have a very plentiful supply of water when in flower, which is produced on the shoots of the previous year. They will neither grow nor flower well if they are not kept constantly in the shade. When kept in the sun, the foilage is very brown ; and by being neglected in watering, we have seen the flowers com- pletely scourged. Being tolerably hardy, when the winters are mild, by a little protection in the open air, they will flower profusely ; the flowers will be very large, and in bloom from June to October. They are deciduous, soft-wooded shrubs. Eex, Holly, of 7. aquifblium. There are above one hun dred of them in cultivation in Europe, difl'ering in variega lion, margin, shape, and size of the leaves ; some are only prickly on the margin of the foilage, others prickly over all the surface. In Europe they are all hardy, but with us few or none of the varieties are so. If they become acclimated, they will be a great ornament to our gardens, being all low * Mix the iron sparks, from the blacksmith's shop, with any kind of soil, and they will be a beautiful blue. One and a half quarts to a bushel will do, 23* 270 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [Morch. evergreen shrubs. The most common and conspicuous va- rieties are the hedge-hog, stripedhedge-liog,iohiteed^ed, gold edged, and painted ; the flowers are white and small, berries yellow or red ; they do not agree with exposure to the sun. J. Cassine and /. vomitbria have very bitter leaves, and, though natives of Carolina, we have to give them the pro- lection of a green-house. It is said that at certain seasons of the year the Indians make a strong decoction of the leaves, which makes them vomit freely, and after drinking and vo- miting for a few days, they consider themselves sufficiently purified. (Soil No. 15.) lUiciums, Aniseseed tree, three species. I.foridanum has very sweet-scented, double purple flowers, and the plant grows freely and systematically if properly treated, and de- serves particular attention. /. 'parviflbrum has small yellow flowers ; /. anisatzim is so very like I. parvifiorum in every respect, as to make us conclude they are the same, were /. anisdtmn not a native of China, and the other two natives of Florida. When the leaves and capsules of either of them are rubbed, they have a very strong smell of anise ; they grow very freely. (Soil No. 1.) Indigofera ; Indigo tree, about twenty species, belong to the green-house, and are chiefly pretty free-flowering shrubs. /. denuddta, I. amcena, I. austrdlis, I. angulata, I. cdndicans, and I.jilifblia, are very fine ; flowers papilionaceous, in long panicles ; colour various, red, blue, yellow, and pink. (Sail No. G.) Isopbgons, about ten species of Pro^ea-like plants, all na- tives of New Holland. They are very stiff" shrubs, with leaves very much divided, and cone-like flowers at the ex- tremity of the shoots. I. formosus, I. anemonifblius, I.at- ienuatis, ^ndi I. poli/cephalis,are the finest; flowers are straw, lilac, white, and yellow coloured ; the pots must be well drained, and the plants not over-crowded. (Soil No. 9.) Jacksonias, a genus consisting of five species. The fo- liage is varied, and all natives of New South Wales. /. sco- March.] green-house. — repotting. 271 paria, J. horrida, and /, reticulata, are the finest ; the small flowers come out of the young shoots, are yellow and papi- lionaceous ; the pots should be well drained. (Soil No. 6.) Jambbsa vulgaris, or Eugenia jnmbos, is a splendid ever- green tree, producing a fruit of an agreeable odour and called rose apple. /. australis has a very neat habit, and produces purple fruit ; they are of the earliest culture in (soil No, 12.) Jasminum, Jasmine. A few species of this genus are celebrated either for the green-house or rooms. /. odora- tissimutn, Azorian, has very sweet-scented yellow flowers, blooming from April to November. /. revolutum is the earliest flowering one, and of the same colour ; it is apt to grow straggling, and should be close pruned as soon as done blooming, which will be in May. /. pubigerum is also yellow. /. grandifibrum is frequently called Catalonian, and should be pruned early in spring to make it bloom well, especially old plants. These plants are all perfectly hardy in the southern states. /. officinale is a hardy climbing plant for arbours, walls, &c. There are several varieties of it. (Soil No. 3.) Justicias. Only a few of these belong to the green-house, and are very simple-looking flowers. (The most beautiful of them belong to the hot-house. J. nigricans, small striped flower ; /. orchioides and /. Adhdtoda, Malanut, are the only ones that are worth observation, and are very easily cultivated in any soil. Kennedias, about twelve species, all beautiful evergreen climbers, of the easiest culture, and flower abundantly. K. monophylla, blue-flowered, and K. rubicunda, crimson- flowered, are common in our collections. K. prostrdta, one-flowered scarlet, and K. coccinea, many-flowered scar- let, are very pretty. K. Comptonidna has splendid purple flowers, K. nigricans, black flowers, and K. splendens and K. marrydtta are thought the most superb. They have bright crimson flowers, and are yet rare in our collections. The pots should be well drained ; flowers are either in race- 272 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [Marchr inose spikes, or solitary, which is rather too much distinc- tion for the same genus. (Soil No. 6.) Lachnaas, about five species, remarkable for their downy heads of while flowers ; leaves small, ovate, lanceolate. L. glaiica, L. conglomerata and L. eriocephala are the best species. The pots must be well drained, and in summer the plants protected from the sun. (Soil No. 6.) Lambertias, four species of very fine plants, natives of New Holland. L.formosa is the finest of the genus that we have seen ; flowers large and of a splendid rose colour. L. echinata is said to be finer, but has not flowered in culti- vation. L. uniflbra has single red flowers, and L. inermis orange-coloured. They are rare plants in the collections on this side of the Atlantic. Drain the pots well ; the foliage is narrow, and of a hard dry nature. (Soil No. 1.) Lasiopetalums, only two species. There were a few more, but they are now Thomasias, plants of no merit what- ever in regard to flower ; foliage three-lobed, small, rough, and rusty-like. Thomasia solandcea and T. quercifblia are the best species ; foliage of the former is large, cordate, and deeply indented ; they are all of the easiest culture. {Soil No. 1.) Laurus. A few species are green-house plants. This genus has been divided to Cinnambmum ; still, there are a few celebrated plants in the original. L. nbhilis, sweet bay, though hardy, is kept under protection. It will bear the winter with a little straw covering; notwithstanding, there should be a plant kept in the house in case of accident by frost or otherwise ; there is a variegated variety of it. L. in- dica, royal bay, L.foetena, L. aggregata, and L. glduca, are favourites. There is a species known in our collections as L. scdhra. The Camphor tree, known as L. camphbra, is Cinnamomum campliora ; the wood, leaves, and roots of this tree have a very strong odour of camphor. It is ob- tained by distillation from the roots and small branches, which are cut into chips, and put into a net suspended with- ^1 March.] green-house. — repotting. 273 in an iron pot, the bottom of which is covered with water, having an earthen head fitted in it ; heat is then appHed, and the steam of the boiling water acting upon the contents of the net, elevates the camphor into the capital, where it con- cretes on the straws, with which this part of the apparatus is lined. They are all fine evergreens, (which the name de- notes,) and easily cultivated. (Soil No. 10.) Lavdndulas, Lavender, about seven species belong to the green-house, and a few of them very pretty soft-wooded, half shrubby plants, and, if touched, are highly scented. L. dentata has narrow serrated foliage, very neat; L.formbsa and L. pinnata are desirable ; blue flowers on a long spike ; should be kept near the glass : they are of the easiest culture. (Soil No. 7.) Lechenaultia ; two species of pretty dwarf-blooming plants. L.formosa is almost always a picture with its bright scarlet flowers and heath-like foliage, and ought to be in every col- lection ; it must have an airy situation and near the front glass ; otherwise, it will be weak and spindling, and without bloom. (Soil No. 19.) Leonbtis, Lion's-ear, four species. They have very fine scarlet tubular flowers, orifice-toothed. They come out in large whorls, and look elegant ; but neither plant nor foliage has an agreeable appearance. They are of the easiest cul- ture. L. intermedia and L. Leoniirus are the best flow- ering species. (Soil No. 7.) Leptospermums, about thirty species, all pretty New Hol- land evergreen dwarf shrubs, with small white flowers. L. baccatum, L. pendulum, L. juntperinum, L. ovcitum, L. stellatum, L. grandiflorum, and L. scopdrium, are the best of the species. The latter was used as tea by the crew of Captain Cook's ship. It is an agreeable bitter, with a plea- sant flavour, when fresh. When young plants are growing, they ought to be frequently topped to make them bushy, and kept m an airy situation, or they will be drawn and un- sightly. They are of very easy culture. (Soil No. 1.) 274 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. Leucadendrons, Silver tree, above forty species, all na- tives of the Cape of Good Hope. They are evergreens, with handsome silvery-like foliage. L. argenteum (once Prbtas argentea) is a great beauty ; foliage white, lanceolate, and silky. It is a plant that has been long in cultivation, greatly admired, and much sought for, and is the finest of the genus. L. squarrosum, L. stellatum, (once Prbtea stellaris,) L, tortum, L. serviceum, L. marginatum, and L. plumbsum, (once P . parvi flora,) are all fine species. The pots must be well drained and the plants never over-watered. They are very desirable in collections for their beauty of foliage. (Soil No. 9.) Leucospermums, about eighteen species, of Proteacous plants, chiefly low growing, and are mostly downy or hairy ; flowers yellow, in terminal heads. L.form6suin,L.gran' diflbrmn, L. tomentosum, and L. candicans, rose-scented. These are fine species. For treatment, see Proteas. (Soil No. 9.) Llnums, flax, two or three species are very fine, and flow- er freely. L. trigynum has large yellow flowers in clusters, and L. ascyrifblium, whose flowers are large, blue, and white, and in long spikes. They bloom in February ; the shape of them is very like the flower vulgarly called Morn- ing-glory. (Soil No. 4.) Liparias, about five species, much esteemed for their beauty of foliage ; leaves ovate, lanceolate, downy or woolly ; flowers yellow, leguminose, and capitate. L. sphcBrica, L. tomentosa, L. villosa, and L. sericea, are the finest. L. vistita and L. villbsa are the same, although put in many catalogues as diff"erent species. None of them ought to be much watered over the foliage, as it adheres to the down, and causes the young shoots to damp off". Drain the pots well, and keep the plants in an airy situation. (Soil No. 6.) Lobelias. Several of them, when well treated, form pret- ty flowering plants ; they are principally herbaceous. The genus consists of about eighty species ; seventy of them are March.] green-house. — repotting. 275 exotics ; many of them natives of the Cape of Good Hope, with httle flowers of brilliant colours. L. ccerulea, L. Thun- hergii, L. coryvihbsa, L. pyramiddlis, L. erines,dLnd L. illici- folia, are very fine species, of week growth, but flower freely. (Soil No. 4.) Lomatias, about six species ; flowers are white or straw colour, and similar to Grevillea, but the foliage more hand- some. L. silaifblia has leaves bipinnatifid and smooth, seg- ments wedge-shaped and cut. L. dentata and L. illicifblia are the finest ; the pots should be drained. (Soil No. 6.) Lonicera japonica. There is a plant in our collections known by that name, which is now Nintooa longiflbra; flow- ers of a straw colour, but come out white. It has been known to withstand the winter, but does not flower, and is frequently killed entirely. (Soil No. 3.) LophosjJermum scandens. This is a magnificent climb- ing soft-wooded shrub, with rosy purple, campanulate flow- ers, which are produced from the axils on the young wood ; they bloom from May to September ; leaves large, cordate, and tomentose ; grows rapidly, and flowers abundantly, (Soil No. 3.) Lychnis coronata is an esteemed Chinese plant ; flowers in abundance, pentapelatous, large, and a little indented at the edges ; colour a red-like orange ; flowers terminale and axillary. A good method of treatment is to divide the roots, and plant some of them in the garden ; they will flower well, and could be lifted in the fall, and put under protection. If not done so, plant them in four-inch pots, and repot them into those of six-inch in May. Do not expose them while in flower to the mid-day sun, for it will deteriorate the fine orange colour. (Soil No. 9.) Lysinhnas, four species, closely allied to Epdcris. In every respect treatment the same. L. pentapitalum, L. con- spicum, and L. rbseum, are the best ; the flowers of the former two are white. (Soil No. 6.) 276 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [Murch. Magnblais, There are four species that require the pro- tection of our green-houses ; all the others are hardy. M. fuscata and M. annoncefblia are very similar in foliage and flower: the young branches and leaves oi M. fuscata is co- vered with a brown, rusty-like down ; the other by some is considered merely a variety ; flowers small, brown, and very sweet-scented. M. piimila is very dwarf-growing ; leaves large and netted ; flowers semi-double, white, pendent, and exceedingly fragrant. They are natives of China. We have several others from the east, but being deciduous are perfectly hardy. AI. odoratissima, now Talauma Condolii, is a native of the Island of Java, and considered odorife- rous, but it is very rare even in Europe ; said to have a straw- coloured flower. (Soil No. 9.) Manettia ; a genus of pretty climbing plants producing a profusion of scarlet flowers, especially C. glabra, (of Don,) or cordifdlia, (of Paxton.) which is a complete mass of flow- ers from July to October, and is a lovely object when turned into the borders during summer. There is now a distinct plant from the above, lately introduced by Mr. Hogg, which is said to be the true cordifdlia ; but it has not yet flowered in the country. (Soil No. 17.) Melaleucas, above thirty^pecies, and a beautiful genus of New Holland plants, of easy culture ; flowers come out of the wood-like fringes. M. elliptica, M.fidgens, scarlet, M. de- cussata, M. Jnjpericifdlia, M. squarrbsa, M. linarifdlia, M. incdna, M. tetragonia, M. thymifblia, are all very fine spe- cies, and flower freely if they have been grown from cut- tings ; the singularity of flower and diversity of foliage make them generally admired. (Soil No. 1.) Meldstoma nepalensis is a good green-house species, flow- ering freely during winter, of a pale blush colour, and is of the easiest culture. As soon as done blooming, the plant should be well cut in to keep it into shape. (Soil No. 1.) ■ Mehziesia is a family of pretty dwarf British plants, very March.'] green-house. — repotting. 277 similar lo the Erica in flower, and requfring the same mode of treatment : they bloom in July and August. (Soil No. 6.) Mespilus. See Eryabotrya. Metrosideros, about fifteen species. Many have been add- ed to Callistemon. M.jibrida, M. umhellata, and M. angus- tifblia, are the best species, C. salignum, C. lanceolutum, C. semper flor ens, C.glaucum, once M. speciosa, and C.for- mbsum; these are all beautiful plants, with scarlet flowers. Other two beautiful species with white flowers have been given to Angophora. A. cordifblia, once M. Mspida, and A. lanceolata, once M. costata ; these genera are very easily dis- tinguished from any other Australasian shrubs, by the pecu- liar character of having both sides of the leaves alike. The flowers consist of stamens, stiles, and anthers, coming in hundreds out of the young wood for the length of three or four inches, forming a dense cone crowned with a small twig, hence frequently called " bottle brush plant ;" leaving capsules in the wood, which will keep their seeds perfect for a great number of years. They grow freely, and the pots should be well drained. (Soil No. 1.) Myrsines, Cape Myrtle, dwarf cape evergreen shrubs co- vered with snaall flowers from March to May. M. retiisa has purple flowers; M. rotundifblia, flowers white and purple. They will grow in any situation, and are of easy culture. (Soil No. 1.) Myrtus, Myrtle, is a well known and popular shrub, espe- cially the common varieties, and was a great favourite (even to adoration) among the ancients. It was the mark of au- thority for Athenian rulers, and is among the moderns an emblem of pre-eminence. They are elegant evergreen shrubs, with an agreeable odour. M. communis multiplex, double flowering, is a very neat shrub, and flowers abun- dantly. M. comnnmis leucocdrpa, white-fruited myrtle. M. itdlica varieguta, striped leaved ; M. itdlica maculdta^ blotch leaved, are very fine shrubs ; and M. tomentbsa, Chi- nese myrtle, is a magnificent erect growing shrub, with a 24 278 GREEN-HOUSE, — REPOTTING. [Murck, white down over the foliage ; the flowers are the largest of the genus. When they first expand they are purple, and afterward change to white, so that there are beautiful flow- ers of several shades of colour on the plant. We have not the smallest doubt but this species will become, in many in- stances, as plentiful as the common myrtle. It is more easi- ly grown, but cannot stand much exposure to the sun in summer. M. tenuifblia is a very fine plant, and a native of New South Wales. Myrtles in general should be sprinkled with water in the evenings, to keep off" the red spider, (Soil No, 11,) Nandina domestica, the only species, and a popular shrub in the gardens of Japan, where it is called Nandin. It has supra-decompound leaves, with entire lanceolate leaflets, a kind of foliage that is very rare ; the flowers are small, whitish green, in panicles, succeeded by berries of the size of a pea ; drain the pots well. (Soil No. 1.) Nerium (Oleander) is a genus of beautiful erect growing evergreen shrubs, of the easiest culture, and abundant in flower, N. oleander is the common rose-coloured single flowering species, from which many varieties have origi- nated. At present the most popular is N. oleander splen- dens, which has a double rose-coloured flower, N. a. striata, jl. pi., has double striped flowers. N. macrbphyUum has very large double pink flowers, N. lacteolum has very pale flowers. There is one that has got into our collections as double while, which is only semi-double. We have seen a white variety as double as N. o. splendeyis, but it is yet very rare. N. oleander elegantissimwn, a most beautiful plant, with deep silver-edged foliage ; and the young wood is striped white and green. We are not positive in respect to the beauiy of its flowers, but it has a high character. There are likewise single yellow, single white, and single blotched va- rieties of N. oleander. They are subject to the small white scaly insect, and should be frequently washed, as has been directed, to keep it off". (Soil No. 1 2.) March.] green-house — repotting. 279 Okas, Olive, about twelve species and varieties. 0. Eu- ropcea longifblia is the species that is cultivated to such an extent in the south of France, and Italy. O. Europcaa la- tifolia is chiefly cultivated in Spain. The fruit is larger than that of Italy, but the oil is not so pleasant, which is ob- tained by crushing the fruit to a paste, and pressing it through a woollen bag, adding hot water as long as any oil is yielded. The oil is then skimmed off the water, and put into barrels, bottles, &c., for use. The tree seldom exceeds thirty feet, and is a branchy glaucous evergreen, and said to be of great longevity. Some plantations at Turin, in Italy, are sup- posed to have existed from the time of Pliny. It frequently flowers in our collections, but seldom carries fruit; flowers white, in small racemose axillary spikes. O capensis has thick large oblong foliage ; flowers white, in large terminale panicles. O. verrucosa, foliage flat, lanceolate, and while beneath, branches curiously warted. O.fragrans blooms in winter ; foliage and blossoms are both highly odoriferous ; the plant is much esteemed in China, and is said to be used to adulterate and flavour teas. Leaves are elliptic, lanceo- late, and a little serrated ; flowers white in lateral bunches. It is subject to the small, white scaly insect, and ought to be carefully kept from them by washing. O. rosea has pink flowers. O. paniculata is also a fine species. They are all very easily cultivated. (Soil No. 11.) Oxylbhiums, seven species, plants very similar to Callista- chys, with ovate, cordate, light-coloured, pubescent foliage, with papilionaceous flowers. O. ohtus'ifbUum has scarlet flowers ; O. retusum, orange flowers ; and O. ellipticum, yel- low flowers. They grow freely, and should be well drained ; flower from May to August. (Soil No. 6.) Passiflora ; a celebrated genus of climbing plants, called in common " Passion Vine." Those belonging to the green- house flower during summer. Several of them are both beautiful and profuse in bloom, especially P. Kermbsine, P. 280 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. princepSf P. hybrida, and are three very distinct species; the former is of a beautiful rosy crimson colour, (Soil No. 13.) Pelargoniums, Stork's Bill. This genus, so universally known among us as Geranium, from which it was sepa- rated many years ago, is a family of great extent and variety, for which we are principally indebted to the Cape of Good Hope. There are many hundred species, with upward of eight hundred beautiful and well-marked varieties, which have been obtained from seed. They are of every charac- ter, colour, and shade, of the most vivid description. The easy cultivation of the Pelargonium tribe, or Geraniums, as they are commonly called, has rendered them very popu- lar ; also the agreeableness of scent and fragrance, of which many of them are possessed, makes them favourites. Their flowering season is also of considerable duration, especially the bright scarlet and crimson varieties, which bloom from March till August, which renders them quite indispensable in collections. Some growers complain of their straggling habits ; but it is only those that do not know how to prune them : even some of the choice kinds of the present day could not be made to grow irregularly — such AS Perfection, Rose-mimdi, Gem, Hector, and olhers; indeed, within these few years, the habits and beauties of the plant are improved a hundred-fold, and those who are only ac- quainted with the old sorts would be transported with a view of the dazzling and beauteous colony of the new sorts that have been procured by hybridizing those of good habit and character. The best method to adopt in impregnating these is, to choose the female, one that has large flowers, of easy cultiva- tion, and as nearly allied in character and other habits as possible. When a flower of the intended female is newly expanded, take a pair of very fine-pointed scissors, and cutoff the anthers before the pollen expands ; then, as soon as the March.] green-house. — repotting. 281 summit of the stile divides, apply the pollen taken from the anthers of the intended male plant on a very fine camel hair- pencil, or cut out the stigma entirely, and place the anther on the summit of the stile, which, if correctly done, will have the desired effect. As soon as the seed is ripe, sow it in light sandy soil; and when it has come up, take care not to over-water the soil, which would cause them to damp off. When they are about one inch high, put them into small pots, and treat as the other varieties. Have them all dis tinctly marked until they flower, which will be in the se- cond year from the time of sowing. The tuberous and fleshy stemmed species are very inte- resting to the discriminating inquirer. Their habit and constitution are so peculiar, that we have frequently won- dered that they have not been separated into distinct genera. The cultivation of them is more difficult, water being very prejudicial to them when they are inactive. If they are well managed, they flower beautifully, and the colours are very superior and peculiar, having frequently bright green and purple in the same flower. The following list comprehends the most desirable varie- ties that we have seen : PURE WHITE, Micans, Modestnm, MARKED OR STRIPED, WITH Pictum. RED, PURPLE, OR CRIMSON. Ada, BLUSH, Adelina, Alba multiflora, marked or striped with Americanum, red, &c. Bella Donna, Admiral Codrington, Bellissima, Albidum, Duchess of Clarence, new, Amelia, Imogene, Captain Cook, Macranthum superbum, Celestia, 24* 282 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. Diversum, Maid of Athens, F. LILAC, OF DIFFERENT SHADES. Don Quixote, Lauretta, Lilac perfection, Navarino, R., Obovatum. Francesca, Gazelle, Georginia, Gem, Phoenix, Pulcherrima, Rosinante, Rosette, Rosa mundi, Sir John Broughton, Statira, Tam O'Shanter, Wheelerii. PINK. Adansoni, Britannia, Decora, new,^ Fair Maria, B., Incarnatum superbutn, Lovely Anne, Maid of Athens, Miss Annesly, Miss Webster, B.^ Ontario, Queen of Beauties, ra^'e. ROSE, WITH DARK LINES OR SPOTS, Adelina, Amabile superb, Conqueror, B., Diomede, Dulcinea, new. RED OR SCARLET, SHADED WITH ORANGE, CRIM- SON, OR PURPLE. Aladdin, Etna, Filigree, Ne-plus-ultra, Perfectum, R., Queen Adelaide, Red Rover. BRIGHT SCARLET, WITH BLACK LINES OR SPOTS. Adonis, Bellianum, King of Scarlets. Lucifer, Macbeth, March.] green-house. — REPOTTiNtt. 283 Meteor, Phoebus, LARGE CRIMSON, Rough et Noir, Wellington. with very dark shades. Belvidere, FINE LARGE RED, Black Rover, Cicero, WITH BLACK LINES OR SPOTS. Lord Dcnman, Maria Louisa, Admiral Nelson, Superbissimum. Admiral Napier, Agrippina, Bancho, LARGE CRIMSON Beauty of Philadelphia, B., PURPLE, Concessum, good, but slender, Dictator, with scarlet or black Emperor of the west, marks. Flagrans or Lord Yarboro, Hector, Black Prince, Hercules, Conspicuum, Paragon, very rare, Don Juan, Perfection, Dennis\ General Washington, Queen of Scots, General Washington, Bolls. Victory, Hericartianum, Triumph. Humea grandiflora, Purpurea coerulea. Queen Adelaide, S. BRIGHT PURPLE, with dark lines. CLOUDED or OBSCURED, Albion, WITH dark purple. Capitatum superbum, Lydia, African, Purple Perfection. Champion of Devon, 284 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. DARK RED. Augustissimun, Grandissima, Pavoninum maximum, Servicia. Densa, Heroine, Marginatum, Obscurum grandiflorum. Speculum mundi, Yeatmaniana. ROSE RED. VARIOUS, CURIOUS, AND FINE Glaucopis, SORTS. Hero, Bipinatifidum, Lord Hill, Comptonianum, Lord Munster, Echinatum, Roseland, Maculatum, Van Huysen. Sanguineum, Tricolor, Tricolor major. There are several others very recently introduced, which have not bloomed so as to allow us to judge of their merits; but their foreign characters are highly flattering. The re- potting of the geranium tribe should be done as early in the month as possible, or even about the end of last month would be advisable in some seasons. (Soil No. 12, with a little more manure.) Persoonias, about sixteen species of dwarf evergreen shrubs ; leaves oblong or lanceolate, hairy or downy ; flow- ers axillary and solitary ; the pots should be well drained, and the plants in summer protected from the sun. P. hirsii- ta, P. mollis, P. territifblia, and P. lucida, are the most dis- tinct, and grow freely. (Soil No. 6.) Phormium tenax, New Zealand flax lily, the only species ; foliage resembhng an Iris, and very thready. In New Zea- land and Norfolk Island the natives manufacture from this plant a kind of stuff like coarse linen, cordage, &c. ; the plant is very hardy, and we would be nowise surprised to see it stand the severity of our winters. It bears exposure to the March.] green-house. — repotting. 285 open air in Europe in the fifty-sixth degree of north latitude. The flowers are said to be yellow and lily-like ; of the easi- est culture. (Soil No. 7.) Phylicas, above twenty-five species. Several of them are very pretty growing evergreen shrubs, and of easy culture. P. horizontdlis, P. squarrosa, P. imbricdta,P . myrtifblia, P. callbsa, P. bicolor, and P. ericoides, are all neat growing ; flowers small white, in heads : drain the pots well, and keep them in an airy situation. The foliage of several of the spe- cies is downy. (Soil No. 6.) Phaseolus caracdlla, or snail-flower, is a very curious blooming plant, with flowers of a greenish yellow, all spirally twisted, in great profusion when the plant is well grown. (Soil No. 12.) PhcBnix dactylifera, common date palm ; a plant that at- tains a large size, and of rather a rugged appearance ; its fruit is the common well known dale. (Soil No. 12.) Pimeleas, about fourteen species. Most of them are high- ly esteemed, and are not often seen in our collections. P. decussdta is the finest of the genus, both in foliage and flow- ers, which are red, and in large terminal clusters; P. hispiduy P. rosea, P. linifblia, P. spicdta, and P. drwpdcea, are all fine species. The latter has the largest foliage, which is ovate and acuminate ; berry-bearing. They should be well drained. They are very small evergreen shrubs, with white, red, or pink flowers. (Soil No. 6.) Pistdcias, seven species of trees, principally of the south of Europe. There is nothing particular in their appearance, except their productions in their native country. P. tere- binthus is deciduous, and produces the Cyprus turpentine. P. lentiscus is the true mastich tree, which is obtained by cutting transverse incisions in the bark. P. vera and P. re- ticulata are good species; leaves pinnated; leaflets ovate, lan- ceolate ; easily cultivated. (Soil No. 2.) Pittosporums, about nine species, with handsome foliage, and small white flowers in clusters, which are fragrant. P. 286 GREEN-HOUSE. REPOTTING. [MarcJl. tohira is a native of China, and nearly hardy ; leaves lucid, obovate, obtuse, and smooth : there is a beautiful variegated variety of it. P. undulatum, P. cnriaccum, P. revoliitum, P.fidvum, and P. fcrrugineum, are very ornanneiital ever- greens, and will grow with the nnost simple treatment. (Soil No. 13.) Plati/lohiums, Flat Pea, four species of fine free-flowering plants ; flowers leguminose ; colour yellow. P.formbsum, P. ovatum, and P. triangulare, are the best ; the foliage of the former two is cordate, ovate ; the latter hastate, with spiny angles. (Soil No. 6.) Plumbagos, Lead-wort. There are only two species of any consequence belonging to the green-house, P. tristis and P. capensis. The former is a shy flowerer, but the latter flowers freely ; colour beautiful light blue, and flowers in spikes ; foliage oblong, entire, and a little glaucous ; of very easy culture, and continues in bloom a considerable time. (Soil No. 1.) Podahjrias, about fourteen species of pretty Cape shrubs; foliage oblong, obovate, and silky-like ; the flowers legumi- nose ; colour blue or pink. P. sericea, P. styracifdlia, P. cortiscans, P. argcntea, P. liparioides, and P. subhiforo, are the finest and most distinct species, and flower abundantly. (Soil No. 6.) Proteus, about forty-four species. The foliage of this ge- nus is very diversified ; flowers very large, terminal ; sta- mens protected by an involucrum ; many-leaved and imbri- cated ; which is very persistent. P. cynnroides has the largest flower, which is purple, green, and red. P. speciosa, P. umbonulis, once P. longijlolia, P. melaleilca, P. grandijib- ra, P. coccinea, P. cenocarpa, P. pdllens, P.formbsa, P. magmfica, P. speciosa rubra, and P. mellifcra, will afi"ord a very good variety. Tt is almost impossible to describe their true colour, it being so various ; red, white, straw, brown, green, and purple, are most predominant, and frequently to be seen in the same flower. The plants must be well drained; March.] OREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. 287 and during warm weather be careful that they are not ne- glected in water, for if they are suffered to droop, they sel- dom recover. For this reason the pots ought not to stand in the strong sun ; the plants can bear it, but to the roots it is injurious. (Soil No. 9.) Fultenceas, aho\it forty species, pretty little dwarf grow- ing shrubs of New South Wales ; flowers small, leguminose, all yellow, with a little red outside of the petals. P. suhum- helluta, P. villbsa, P. ohcordata, P. argentea, P. plumbsa, P. jlexilis, shining leaved, fragrant; P. Candida, and P. stricta, are all fine species, and esteemed in collections. The leaves are all small ; they require an airy exposure, and the pots drained. (Soil No. 6.) Rliodochiton voluhile, or Lophospemum rhodochiton: this is a very fine climbing plant, with large tubular dark brown flowers, blooming from July to October ; it is of rapid growth, and may yet prove to be an excellent plant for the flower- garden. The plant must have frequent repottings to make it grow rapidly, for the finer it grows the more profuse will it flower. (Soil No. 12.) Rhododendrons, (Rose tree,) a magnificent genus, and contains some of the most superb and gigantic plants that adorn the green-house. At present the most admired is R. arboreum with its varieties. It has deep crimson flowers, with dark spots and flakes can)panulated, and in large clusters ; leaves lanceolate, acute, rough, and silvery beneath. R. arboreum album is very rare. R. arboreum superbum, flowers same shape as arboreum, colour bright rosy scarlet ; foliage one-third larger, but not silvery beneath ; grows freely, and generally thought the finest variety. R. arbbrea dlte-Cldrence is also very superb. R. arbor ea Rus- selidnum, pictum, venusium, guttdtum, tigrinum, are all very distinct ; but there are so many other varieties from seed that they will soon be so much amalgamated, that the named sorts will not be distinguished. A green-house without some of the choice varieties of this plant, is deficient of a flower 288 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. whose beauty and grandeur is beyond the highest imagina- tion. It is a native of Nepaul in India, and, when found by Dr. Wallach, awakened the ambition of every cuhivator and connoisseur in Europe.* There are several other species lately brought from that country, which are highly valued : the species are, R.campanulatum,R. anthopbgon, and R.cin- nmnomum. They are rarely seen in oiir collections, but a few years will make them more plentiful. Their beauty of flower is beyond description. The pots should be well drained, and if they are large, put several pieces of sandy stones or poishreds around the side, for the fine fibres delight to twine about such, being mountainous plants. When growing, give copious waterings at the root. For young plants, (Soil No. 6.) And for blooming plants use one por- tion of leaf mould. RoeUas, pretty leafy shrubs, with blue terminals funnel- shaped flowers, lip-spreading ; R. cilHata, R. spicata, and R. pedvnculata, are the finest of the genus. The pots must be well drained, and care taken that they are not over-watered. (Soil No. 6.) Salvia (Sage) is an extensive genus of soft-wooded, shrubby, or herbaceous plants ; very few of them do well in the green-house, and many of them are very trifling, having no other attraction than the flower ; and those of the tender species, when compared with S.fulgens, S. splendens, S. cmidea, and 5'. involucrata, (which in artificial climates con- stitute the standard of the genus.) are not worth cultivation. The best method to adopt with the summer flowering kinds is, to plant them in the garden in May : they will grow strong and flower abundantly, and in the fall they can be lifted, and preserved during winter in pots. They neither grow nor flower so well as when plaiUed out, and even a slip planted in the ground in moist weather will root in a few days, grow, ♦ Mr. Hogg, the eminent horticulturist of New Yorit, raised the first plant of arboreum from seed in England. March.] green-house. — repotting. 289 and flower in a few weeks. S. spUndens is the best to se- lect for the purpose. Colour red or blue in spiked whorls. All will grow easily wiih encouragement. (Soil No. 12.) Scbilias,\\\Tee. species of valuable plants; S . de,ntata,W\i\x rosyleguminose blossoms; leaves opposite, ovate, acuminate, serrate ; .S. angustifblia has brown flowers; S. trapeziformus, leaves ovate, acute, serrulate. We do not know the colour of Its flowers ; the pots must be well drained, and the plants kept in the warmest part of the green-house, and near the light. (Soil No. 6.) Senecios. Some species of this genus are pestiferous weeds all over the world. They are even found near the limits of perpetual snow, where neither tree nor shrub is able to rear its head, and yet there are a few species that are neat lutle plants, and are worthy of a situation, namely — S. grandijlbius, S. v enus ties, Sii)d S. cinerdscens,\\hh the double while, purple, and red variety of »b\ elegans. The last three varieties are free flowering, but if allowed to grow several years, they become unsightly. Being very easily propa- gated, a few cuttings of them should be put in, in September, and in two weeks they will strike root, when they may be put in pots to keep through the winter, and then planted in the garden, continuing to renew them. The other men- tioned species should be frequently done the same way. Do not keep them damp during winter, or they will rot off. Give iliem an airy exposure. (Soil No. 12.) oullya heterophyUa : a good climbing plant with bright blue clusters of drooping flowers ; it is a native of California, and will prove a hardy plant south of latitude 36". (Soil No. 4.) S/ arrmdnnias are strong-growing green-house shrubs. S. africdna is a plant very common in our collections, with large iliree-lobed cordate leaves, hairs on both sides ; flowers from March to July. S. rugosa. The leaves are rugged; flowers of both are white, in a kind of corymb, supported by a long footstalk ; buds drooping, flowers erect. There is ^ 25 290 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [Mttfch. plant known in our collections as the free-flowering Sparr^ mdnniay (which is Entelia arborescens,) and is easily distin- guished from Sparrmdnnia by the leaves being cordaiC; acuminate, and otherwise, by all its filaments being fertile, and the flowers more branching, and blooming from No- vember to June, profusely ; very easily cultivated, and desi- rable. (Soil No. 12.) Sphceroldbiums, only two species of leafless plants, with yellow and red leguminose flowers, which proceed from the young shoots. 6'. vimineum and S. medium. They flower freely, and are easily cultivated. The old wood should be frequently cut out where it is practicable. Drain the pots. (Soil No.b.) Sprengelia incarndta,\he only species, a very prelty plant, allied to Epacris; foliage acuminate, embracing the siem ; flowers small pink, bearded, and in close spikes ; grows free- ly. The pots must be well drained, and the plants, when dormant, watered sparingly ; for if they get sodden about the roots, they very seldom recover. (Soil No. 6.) Strelitzia, or queen plant : a genus of fine plants belonging to the natural order of Musacea. S. regince, S. ovdta, and S. humilis, are the most free and beautiful flowering species, and are very similar, except in habit. The flower stalk is from one to two feet long, producing about five flowers of a bright yellow, having a large blue stigma, which forms a distinct contrast. S.juncea and S.parvijlbra are also desi- rable species, but are more rare than ihe former, which ought to be in every green-house. (Soil No. 19.) Streptocarpus rhexii, a free-blooming dwarf plant, of easy culture in soil No. 4. Styliaiu?n, six species of pretty htlle plants, with small linear leaves, and remarkable for the singidar elasticity of the style or column, which, when the flower is newly ex- panded, lays to one side, and, on being touched with a pin, stalls with violence to the opposite side. S.grarii 171 /folium. S.fruticdsu7n, S. laricifblium, and S. adndt.um, arc all free- I March.] green-house. — repotting. 291 flowering; flowers in spii^es, very small ; colour light and dark pink ; blooms from April to July. S. adnatum is half herbaceous, and should, when growing, be kept nigh the glass, or it will be drawn, and the flowers become of a pale colour. They are all of easy cultivation. Soil No. 10.) Styphelias, seven species of very showy flowers, with mu- cronate leaves; corolla in long tubular form, having several bundles of hairs in it ; segments reflex and bearded. »S. tuhi- jlbra, crimson, S.tnjlora, crimson and green, S.adscendenst and S. longijlbra, are beautiful species. They grow freely and should be well drained, as too much water is very hurt- ful to them. In summer they ought not to be much exposed to the hot sun, or the foliage will become brown. (Soil No. 6.) Sutherlandiafrutescens, very similar to Sioansbnia ; flow- ers fine scarlet. (Soil No. 2.) Swainsbnas, four species of free-flowering, soft-wooded shrubs, natives of New South Wales. S , galigifblia, S. co- ronillcefblia, and and deposited in the store for domestic use or exportation. "The different sorts of black and green arise not merely from soil, situation, or the age of the leaf; but after winnow- ing the tea, the leaves are taken up in succession as they fall; those nearest the machine, being the heaviest, are the gun- powder tea ; the light dust the worst, being chiefly used by the lower classes. That which is brought down to Canton then undergoes a second roasting, winnowing, packing, &c., and many hundred women are employed for these purposes.'* Kaempfer asserts that a species of Camellia as well as Olea Frdgrans is used to give it a high flavour. Tascbnia pinnatistipula, a plant much resembling aPas- siflora, both in flower and habits. When planted into the ground, and trained up the rafters of the green-house, it makes a pretty appearance with its profusion of rosy blush-coloured flowers. (Soil No. 13.) Tropceolum, a genus of generally delicate growing plants, principally from South America. They require nicety of treatment to bloom them well, unless a large bulb can be procured, when it may be planted in a seven-inch pot, and will then flower without farther care by training their deli- March.] green-house. — repotting. 295 cate shoots on a wire trellis, or small twigs of branches stuck in the pots. T. U'icolorum, T tricolbrum superbu7n, and T. pentapJiyllum, have beautiful scarlet flowers marked with yellow and black, and are superb and lovely when in bloom. T. brachysares and T. tuberosum have yellow flowers ; the roots of the latter are considered a good vegetable. (Soil No. 10.) Trevirania coccinea has a scaly tuberous root, and re- quires the pots to be kept entirely dry during winter : in this month they should be taken from the old soil and planted into fresh, giving gentle waterings till they begin to grow. The flowers are bright scarlet, blooming freely from July to October. (Soil No. 10.) Verbena. The beauty of the green-house in spring, and the flower-garden in summer, is greatly augmented by the late introduction of this lovely family of perpetual flowering plants. There are among them every shade of colour, from the richest scarlet to the purest white, and, in addition to the beauty and profusion of iheir flowers, several of them are exquisitely scented. V. chamcedryfdlia, or melindres, was the first scarlet species introduced, and it is yet pretty. V. Tweediana, bright crimson. V. incesa, rose. V. Eyreixna, bright pink. V. alba, white sweet-scented. V. arraniana, bright bluish purple. V. intermedia, rosy crimson with lilac centre. V. grandijlbra, bright red. V. sulpliurea, sulphur yellow. These varieties and species require very little water during winter, and should be kept on a dry airy shelf till February, when the pots may be enlarged, except those intended for the garden, which can be planted out about the middle of April. Cuttings of the young shoots, placed in sandy soil and covered with a glass, will root in a few weeks. The whole family should be industriously collected and cultivated ; for truly we are not acquainted with a tribe of plants that will give as much satisfaction with as little cost and trouble : they naturally grow on hills and elevated plains, so that they must not be kept wet. (Soil No. 9.) 296 GREEN HOUSE. — REPOTTING. \Maich. Viminaria denudata, the only species. This plant i* remarkable for its twiggy appearance, but it has no foliage, except when growing from seed. It has at the extreniiiy of the twigs or shoots an ovate, lanceolate leaf, disappearing when the plant grows old; the flowers are small, yellow, coming out of the young shoots, to the astonishment of the beholder. It grows freely. (Soil No, 6.) Viburnums. A few of these are very ornamental ever- green shrubs, and almost hardy, V. tinus is tlie well known Laurestine, (or what is commonly called Laureslinus,) is of the easiest culture; flowers small white, and in large flattened panicles ; blooming from February to May, and universally esteemed. It will stand the winter by a little protection, but the flower buds being formed in the fall, the intense frost destroys them ; consequently, it will not flower finely, except it be protected from severe frost. F. lucidum is a good species, and superior in flower and foliage to the former, but does not flower so freely when the plants are small. When they grow large, they flower profusely. There is a desirable variegated variety. V. odoratissimum has smooth, evergreen, oblong, elliptic, distantly toothed leaves, and frequently a stripe in them, is sweet-scented, but not a free floweier. V. liirsutum has flowers similar to the above ; foliage ovate, with rough brown hairs on both sides, and very characteristic. V. strictum variagatiim is a very fine variety, and upright growing. These plants are all very desirable, blooming early in spring, and continuing for seve- ral tiionihs; all easily cultivated, (Soil No, 17,) Westringias, a genus of four species, very like the com- mon Rosemary. W. rosmarimfbrmis, leaves lanceolate, and silvery beneath ; W. longifbJia is similar ; both have small silvery white flowers, and are easily cultivated, (Soil No, 2,) WitshniaSy four species. W. corymhbsa is a plant that has stood in high estimation ever since it was known, but, unfortunately, there is a very inferior plant. Aristea cy- March.] green-house. — repotting. 297 aneo, got into our collections under that name. The pani- cles of W. corymbbsa is quite smooth ; those of Aristea are hairy, which is itself sufficient to detect thenn ; but otherwise the appearance of W. corymbosa is much stronger and more erect growing, not inclining to push at the roots so much as Aristea. The foliage is lanceolate and araplexicaule, the leaves having much the nature and appearance of Iris. The plant is of easy culture, and blooms from July to November; colour fine blue. W. rambsa is a very fine species, similar to ihe above; flowers yellow and blue; plant branching. (Soil No. 8.) Yiicca aloefolia and its beautiful variety varieguta are de- sirable plants. They do not bloom till they have grown to considerable size ; but still they make a decided contrast among other plants ; the flowers are white and produced on terminal spikes. (Soil No. 11.) Zamias, about twenty species, eight of which belong to this compartment. The foliage is greatly admired, and is in large fronds, with oblique, lanceolate leaflets. Several of them glaucous. They bear headsof flowers of a brown colour in the centre of the plants, very like large pine cones. Z. liorrida, the finest, Z.pungens, Z. spiralis, and Z.latifblia, are the most conspicuous. They must be kept in the warm- est part of the green-house ; and give them large well-drained pots, watering sparingly during winter. They are imported from the Cape of Good Hope. (Soil No. 11.) All the plants herein named requiring to be drained, in preparing the pots, place first a piece of broken pot, oyster-shell, or any similar substitute, with the convex side on the hole of the pot, and then put in a few, or a handful, (according to the size of the pot,) of shivers of broken pots, or round gra- vel about the size of garden beans. Those that we have mentioned in this Repotting, as to be done in this or begin- ning of next month, is not intended to apply to plants in ge- neral, large and small, but to those that are young, and re- quire encouragement, or to those that were not shifted last 298 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [March. autumn. The rools must not be diaturbed, but llie ball turned out entire ; and put as much earth as will raise the ball within about half an inch of the rim of the pot. Press the earth down around it with a thin narrow piece of wood, called a potting stick, frequently shaking it that no vacancy may be left. If the roots are rotten, or otherwise injured, take all such off. If this be the case, the plant will be sick- ly. Give it a new pot of a smaller size, administering water moderately until there are visible signs of fresh growth. The plants must not be disturbed while flowering; let ihe repotting be done afterward. Plants are, at certain stages, if in good health, in a state that no one can err in shiftmg them when desirous to hasten their growth. Those plants that make two or more growths during the summer may be repotted in the interim of any of these growths, and all others just before they begin to push in the spring ; that is, when the wood buds are perceptibly swelled. Never satu- rate with water fresh-potted plants. There are many kinds that, without injury, can be repotted when growing. When done potting, tie all up neatly with stakes rather higher than the plant, that the new shoots may be tied thereto during the summer, to prevent them from being destroyed by the wind. There may be many that do not require re- potting, but would be benefited by a lop-dressing. This should be done by probing off all the surface earth down to the roots, replacing it with fresh compost, suitable to the nature of the plant. When the above is done, arrange all the plants in proper order, and syringe them clean ; but if there are any of the green-fly, they must be fumigated previous to syringing. The pavement of the house should be cleanly and neatly swept every day, and washed at least once a week. Thus, every part of the house will be in order before the hurry of the garden commences. March.] green-house. — of enarching, &c. 299 OF ENARCHING OR GRAFTING BY APPROACH. In this method of grafting the scion is not separated from the parent plant until it is firmly united with the stock; con- sequenily, they must stand contiguously. We intend the following method to apply directly to Camellias, as they are the principal plants in the green-house that are thus worked. The criterion for the operation is about the first of March or June. Place the stock contiguous to the plant where the graft or enarch is to taken from. If the branches, where the intended union is to take place, do not grow at equal heights, a slight stage may be erected to elevate the lower pot. Take the branch that is to be enarched, (the wood of last year is the most proper,) and bring it in contact with the stock; mark the parts where they are to unite, so as to form a pointed arch. In that part of the branch which is to rest against the stock, pare off the bark and part of the wood to about two or three inches in length, and in the side of the slock wliich is to receive the graft do the same, that the in- side rind of each may be exactly opposite, which is the first part where a union will take place. Bind them firmly and neatly together with strands of Russia malting, and protect the joint from the air by a coat of close composition; clay of the consistency of thick paint, turpentine, or wax, will equal- ly answer. Fuiish by fastening the grafted branch to the head of ihe slock or a rod. Many practitioners make a slit or tongue into the enarch and stock, but we find it unneces- sary, more tedious, and likewise more danger in breaking. Camellias are also grafted and budded, but these two opera- tions require great experience and continued attention, and seldom prove so successful as enarching. When they have perfectly taken, which will be in from three to four months, begin to separate them by cutting the scion a little at three different periods, about a week apart, separating it at the third time. If the head is intended to be taken off the stock, 300 GREEN HOUSE. — WATERING. [April. do it in like manner. By the above method, many kinds can be grown on the same stock. The same plan applies to all evergreens. APRIL. Regarding the shifting or repotting of plants, the direc- tions given last month may be followed. If the plants that require it are not shifted, get them done as soon as possible, Those that were repotted last month will have taken fresh root in the new soil, and the advantage will soon be percep- tible. In order to strengthen the plants, and keep them from becoming drawn and spindly, admit large portions of air every mild day. Indeed there will be very few days in this month that a little air may not be given, always ob- serving to divide the quantity regularly over the house, in cool nights closing in time. About the end of the month an abundance of air is indispensable, leaving the sashes and doors open every mild night, that the plants may be inured to the open exposure they will have in a few weeks. WATERING. As the season advances and vegetation increases, the wa- terings will require to be more copious and more frequent. Look over all plants minutely every day, and with judicious care supply their wants. Those that arc of a soft shrubby nature, and in a free-growing state, will require a larger por- tion at one time than those of a hard texture, which may only want it every two or three days. The weather and situation, in some instances, may require a modification of these directions. Plants in general will not suffer so soon from being a little dry as from being over-watered. The April.] GREEN-HOUSE. ORANGES, &C. 30l health and beauty of the foliage of the plants may be much improved by syringing them freely three evenings in the week, except in moist weather, when it ought not to be done. The ravages of many insects also will be retarded, especially mildew and red spider, which will be entirely destroyed. If the red spider is on any of the plants particularly, take them aside evening and morning, and give them a good dashing with water through the syringe. Where there is mildew, after syringing the plant, dust it on the affected parts with flour of sulphur, and set them for a few days where they will be sheltered from the wind, after which wash off the sulphur. If the cure is not complete, renew the dose. Always sweep out and dry up the water in the house when any is spilt. The succulent plants will be in want of a little water about once a week, but do not overwater them, as there is not heat enough to absorb much moisture. If the soil is damp, it is quite sufficient. ORANGES, LEMONS, &c., Will, in many instances, about the end of this month, be showing flowers or flower buds. They must, under these circumstances, have plenty of air to prevent them from fall- ing off when entirely exposed. The reason that we see so much fine blossom falling to the ground where the trees are brought out of the house in May, is from the confinement ihey have had. Where there is a convenience of giving air from the back of the green-house, il should always be given in mild days, especially in those houses that have a recess back from the top of the sashes, for even if the sashes are let down every day, still the house will not be properly venti- lated. Any plants that are sickly and intended to be planted in the garden next month to renovate their growth, may be cut back (if not already done) as far as is required to give the tree a handsome form, taking care not to cut below the 26 302 GREEN-HOUSE. — MYRTLES, &C. [April. graft or inoculation. Let the operation be done with a fine saw and .sharp knife, smoothing the amputations that are made by the saw ; and if they are large, put a little well- made clay over the wound, to prevent the air from injuring it. Bees'-wax and turpentine is preferable to clay, not being subject to crack or fall off by the vv'eather. If there are any Lag erstrcemias, Pome granule, or Hydran- geas in the cellar, they should be brought out about the first of the month, and planted in their respective situations. Give the Hydiansea a very shady spot. It does not require much sun, provided it has plenty of air, and do not plant it into soil that has been lately manured. A large plant must have great supplies of water in dry weather. If the plant is very thick, the oldest branches may be thinned out, but do not cut out any of the young shoots, as they contain the embryo of the flower. Lagerstrcemias will flower abundantly without pruning, but, to have fine large spikes of flowers, cut in the wood of last year to about three eyes from the wood of the preceding year : by this they will be much finer. Pomegranates will only require a little of the superfluous wood cut out. Perhaps some of them may be desired to flower in pot or tubs during summer: the balls will admit of being much reduced, and by this a pot or tub very little larger will do for them. Do not give much water until they begin to grow. MYRTLES AND OLEANDERS. If any of these have grown irregularly, and are not head- ed down or otherwise pruned, as directed last monlli, it should now be done. Oleanders are very subject to the while scaly insect, and, before the heal of summer begins, they should be completely cleansed. This insect is likewise found on Myrtles, which are worse to clean, and ought to be minutely examined twice every year. We have observed the red spider on these shrubs, which makes the foliage brown April.] GREEN-IIOUSE. — GERANIUMS. 303 and unsightly. If it is detected in time, syringing is an ef- fectual remedy. GERANIUMS. These will now begin to flower, and the sun will greatly deteriorate their rich colours where they are near the glass with a southern aspect. The glass should be white-washed, or covered with thin muslin, which will cast a light shade over them, and prolong the duration of the bloom ; but if they are above five feet from the glass, shading is not requisite. The strong kinds will be growing very luxuriantly, and require liberal supplies of water. When syringing, do not sprinkle the flowers, as it would make the colours intermingle with each other, and cause them to decay prematurely. If they have been properly attended to in that respect, it may be dispensed with after they have come in flower. Cape Bulbs. Those that flowered late in autumn, as soon, as the foliage begins to decay, may be set aside, and the wa- ter withheld by degrees. When the foliage is entirely gone, and the roots dry, clear them from the earth, and after lay- ing exposed in the shade for a few days to dry, pack them up in dry moss, with tlieir respective names attached, until August, when they may be again potted. Treat those that are in flower the same as directed in last month. Dutch Roots. All the species and varieties of these that have been kept in the green-house during the winter, will now be done flowering ; the water should be withdrawn gradually from them ; and then the pots turned on their sides to ripen the bulbs. Or, a superior method is, where there is the con- venience of a garden, to select a bed not much exposed. Turn the balls out of the pots and plant them ; the roots will ripen better this way than any other. Have them correctly marked, that no error may take place. They can be lifted with the other garden bulbs. 304 GREEN-HOUSE. — INSECTS. [Api'll. FLOWERING PLANTS. The best situation for most plants while in flower is, where they are shaded from the sun and fully exposed to the air. Primroses, both European and Chinese, flower best, and the colours are finest, when the plants are in the front of the house, and entirely shaded. The Chinese Azaleas and Rho- dodendrons require, while in flower, a similar situation. Have all the shoots tied naturally to neat rods, and keep them clear from others by elevating them on empty pots, or any other subtitute. See that there are no insects upon them ; W they make a miserable contrast with flowers. The CaLla (Bthiopica should stand in water when in bloom, and even before flowering they will be much strengthened by it. INSECTS. Insects will, on some plants, be very perplexing. The weather may admit of those that are infected to be taken out of doors, and put into a frame in any way that is most con- venient. Fumigating them about fifteen minutes, if the day is calm, will be sufficient; but if windy, they will take half an hour. When done, syringe them wel 1, and put them in their respective situations. By the above method, the house will not be made disagreeable with the fumes of tobacco. Tie up neatly all the climbing plants. Keep those that are running up the rafters of the house close to the longitu- dinal wires. As previously observed, running plants should not be taken across the house, except in some instances where it can be done over the pathway, otherwise it shades the house to much. Clear off" all decayed leaves and all contracted foulness, that the house and plants may in this month have an enlivening aspect, as it is undoubtedly one of the most interesting seasons of the year in the green-house. May.] GREEN-HOUSE. FLOWERING PLANTS. 305 FLOWERING STOCKS. Those that have been kept in the green-house, or in frames, should be planted into beds or the borders, where they will seed belter than if kept in the pots. The method generally adopted is, to select the plants that are intended for seed ; plant the different kinds distinctly and separately ; then take a few double flowering plants of each kind, which plant round their respective single varieties that are to be kept for seed. Whenever any of the colours sport, that is, become spotted or striped with other colours, plant such by them- selves, for ihey will soon degenerate the whole, and ought never to be seen in collections that have any pretensions to purity. Many have been the plans recommended as the best for saving and growing from seed the double varieties of German slock. In every method we have tried we have been successful and unsuccessful ; although we generally practise planting the double kinds beside the single, where ihey are intended for seed. We have no scientific reason for it ; not seeing what influence these monsters of flowers can have over a flower where the male and female organs are perfect ; which in these are wanting. Some say that the semi-double sorts are best : we have likewise found ihena both abortive and fruitful in the desired results. MAY. About the first of the month all the small half hardy plants may be taken out of the green-house, and those that are left will be more benefited by a freer circulation of air, which will enure them to exposure. The Geraniums ought to 26* 306 GREEN-HOUSE. — WATERING, &.C, [May- Stand perfectly clear of other plants, while in flower and growing, or they will be much drawn and spindly. WATERING. We have advanced so much on this subject, another ob- servation is not necessary; except as to succulents, which are frequently over-watered about this period. Before they be- gin to grow, once a week is sufficient. OF BRINGING OUT THE GREEN-HOUSE PLANTS. Those trees or plants of Orange, Lemon, Myrtle, Neriiim, &c., that were headed down with the intention of planting them into the garden, to renovate their growth, should be brought out and planted in the situations intended for them. A good light rich soil will do for either, and the balls of earth might be a little reduced, that, when they are lifted, they might go into the same pot or tub, or perhaps a less one. This being done, the plants, generally in a calm day from the 12th to the 18th of the month, should be taken out, carrying them directly to a situation partially shaded from the sun, and protected from the wind. Jn regard to a situation best adapted for them during summer, see hot-house this month, which will equally apply to green-house plants. All Prim- roses and Polyanthus delight in shade. The reason of so many plants of the D. odbra* dying, is from the effects of the sun and water. We keep them always in the green-house. ♦ On examining these plants, when the first appearance of decay affected them, the decayed part was without exception at the surface of the soil, which was completely mortified, while the lop and roots were apparently fresh. This led us to conclude that the cause was the effect of sun and water on the stem. We have since kept the earth in a conical form round the stem, thereby throwing the water to the sides of the pot, and kept them in the shade. Previously to doing this, great numbers perished every year, and now no plants thus treated die with us. May.] GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING PLANTS. 307 The large trees may be fancifully set either in a spot for the purpose, or through the garden. Put bricks or pieces of wood under the tubs to prevent thenn from rotting, and strew a Httle litter of any description over the surface of the soil to prevent evaporation, or about one inch of well decayed manure, which will, from the waterings, help to enrich the soil. A liberal supply of water twice or three times a week is sufficient. A large tree will take at one time from two to four gallons. We make this observation, for many trees evidently have too limited a supply. Continue to syringe the plants through the dry season every evening, or at least three times per week. All the tall plants must be tied to some firm support, because the squalls of wind frequently overturn them, and do much harm by breaking, &c. Keep those that are in flower as much in the shade as will pre- serve them from the direst influence of the sun. REPOTTING PLANTS. After the following-mentioned plants, or any assimilated to them, are brought out of the house, and before they are put in their respective stations, repot them where they are required to grow well. Aloes. These plants, so varied in character, have been divided into several genera. These are, Gasteria, Pachidendron, Riphidodendron, Hoiodrthia, and Apicra : of these there are about two hundred species and varieties ; to enter into any specific detail would be beyond our limits, especially with a tribe of plants that as yet have but a few patrons. (Soil No. 10.) ChamcErops. There are about seven species of these palms : four of them belong to this department, and are the finest of those that will keep in the green-house. They all Have large palmaled fronds, and require large pots or tubs to make them grow freely, and are tenacious of life if kept from frost. 308 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING PLANTS. [Mui/, Gardenia. This is an esteemed genus of plants, especially for the double flowering varieties, which are highly odori- ferous, and have an evergreen shining foliage. G, jibrida fibre pleno, Cape Jasmine, is a plant universally known in our collections, and trees of it arc frequently seen above se- ven feet high, and five feet in diameter, blooming from June to October. G. rddicans, dwari Cape Jasmine, G. longifblia, G. multifibra, and G. latifblia, are also in several collections, but not so generally known ; the flowers are double, and all' equally fragrant. We are inclined to think they are only varieties of G. flbrida, of which multifibra is one of the finest. Any of the above will keep in the coldest part of the green-house, and even under the front of the stage is a good situation for them, where the house is otherwise crowd- ed during winter. They must be sparingly watered from November to March. Much water, while they are dormant, gives the foliage a sickly tinge, a state in which they are too frequently seen. G. rothmannia and G. Thunbergia are fine plants, but seldom flower ; the flowers of the former are spotted, and are most fragrant during night. (Soil No. 10.) Mesemhryanthcmum, a very extensive genus, containing upward of four hundred and fifty species and varieties, with few exceptions, natives of the Cape of Good Hope. They are all singular, many of them beautiful, and some splendid ; yet they have never been popular plants in our collections. The leaves are almost of every shape and form ; their habits vary in appearance. Some of them are straggling, others insignificant, and a few grotesque. When they are well grown, they flower in great profusion ; the colours are bril- liant and of every shade ; yellow and white are most preva- lent. Each species continues a considerable time in flower. The flowers are either solitary, axillary, extra axillary, but most frequently terminal ; leaves mostly opposite, thick, or succulent, and of various forms. They are sometimes kept in the hot-house, but undoubtedly the green-house is the best situation for them. They must not get water above June and July .'I green-house. — camellias. 309 twice a month during winter, but while they are in flower, and through the summer, they require a more liberal supply, and they seldom need to be repotted ; once a year is suffi- cient. (Soil No. 18.) CAMELLIAS. These plants, when they are brought from the green- house, (which should be about the end of June,) ought to be set in a situation by themselves, that they may be the more strictly attended to in watering and syringing. An airy situation, where the sun has little effect upon them, is the best. They should be syringed every evening when there has been no rain through the day. After heavy rains examine the pots, and where water is found, turn the plant on its side for a few hours to let the water pass off, and then examine the draining in the bottom of the pots, which must be defective. CAPE BULBS. As soon as these are done flowering, and the foliage be- gins to decay, cease watering, and turn the pots on their sides, until the soil is perfectly dry ; then take out the bulbs, and preserve them dry until the time of planting, which will be about the end of August or first of September. JUNE AND JULY. The plants being out of the house, there need be little added under this head. Their treatment is in the general, and the required attention is in giving water according to their different constitutions and habits. Where there is no rain nor river water, it should stand at least one day in butts 310 GREEN-HOUSE. — REPOTTING. [AugUSt. or cisterns, to take the chilly air from it, and become soft- ened by the surrounding atmosphere. This is more essen- tial to the health of the plants than is generally supposed. The small plants in dry weather will need water evening and morning. Continue regular syringings as directed last month. There are frequently rains continuing for several days, which will materially injure many plants if they are not turned on their sides, or defended by sash or shutters, until the rain is over, especially small plants. The sy- ringings should never be done till after the waterings at the roots, and they should never be more seldom than every al- ternate evening. Turn all the plants frequently, to prevent them from being drawn to one side by the sun or light. Carefully look over them at these turnings, to detect any in- sects ; and observe that the tuberose-rooted or deciduo>is geraniums, such as Ardens, Bicblor, Comptonia, Echinatum, Tristum, &c., are not getting too much water, they being now dormant. AUGUST. Any of the Myrtles, Oranges, Lemons, Oleanders, &c., that were headed down in April or May, will be pushing many young shoots. The plant must be carefully examined, to observe which of the shoots ought to be left to form the tree. Having determined on this, cut out all the others close to the stem with a small sharp knife ; and if the re- maining shoots are above one foot long, pinch off the tops to make them branch out. The trees that were entirely headed down should not have above six shoots left, which will, by being topped, make a sufficient quantity to form the bush or tree. August.] GREEN-HOUSE. — GERANIUMS, &C. 311 GERANIUMS. These plants, about the first of the month, require a com- plete dressing. In the first place collect them all together, and, with a sharp knife, cut off the wood of this year to with- in a few eyes of the wood of last year. Citriodorum and its varieties do not need pruning. The plants grown from cut- lings during the season, that have flowered, cut them to about three inches from the pot. Tliis being done, have the earth all prepared, and potsherds or fine gravel at hand, for draining the delicate kinds. Choose a cloudy day for the operation, and turn the plants progressively out of the pots they are in, reducing the balls of earth so that the same pots may contain them again, and allow from half an inch to two inches, according to the size of the pot, of fresh soil around the ball, carefully pressing it with the potling-stick. Finish by levelling all neatly with the hand. Give very gentle waterings from a pot with a rose mouth, for a few weeks, until they have begun to grow. The tuberous-rooted and deciduous species must be very moderately supplied. Be careful, when watering, that the new soil does not become saturated with water, for, though allowed to dry again, it will not be so pure. When they grow afresh, expose them fully to the sun, turn them regularly every two weeks, to prevent them growing to one side. ORANGES, LEMONS, &c. As it is frequently very inconvenient to shift these trees into larger tubs in the months of March and April, this month is a period that is suitable, both from the growth of the trees and their being in the open air. It would be im- proper to state the day or the week, that depending entirely on the season. The criterion is easily observed, which is when the first growth is over, these trees making another 312 GREEN-HOUSE. — ORANGES, 6CC. [AugUSt. growth in autumn. When they are large, they require great exertion, and are frequently attended with inconvenience to get them shifted. Where there is a quantity of ihem, the best plan that we have tried or seen adopted is as follows : Have a strong double and a single block trimmed with a sufficiency of rope ; make it fast to the limb of a large tree, or anything that projecis and will bear the weight, and as high as will admit of the plant being raised a few feet under it. Take a soft bandage and put around the stem, to pre- vent the bark from being bruised ; make a rope fast to it, in which hook the single block. Raise the plant the height of the tub, put a spar across the tub, and strike on the spar with a mallet, which will separate the tub from the ball. Then with a strong pointed stick probe a little of the earth from among the roots, observing to cut away any that are affect- ed by dry rot, damp, or mildew, with any very matted roots. Having all dressed, place a potsherds over the hole or holes in the bottom of the tub ; measure exactly the depth of the ball that remains around the plant, and fill up with earth, pressing it well with the hand, until it will hold the ball one inch under the edge of the tub. If there is from two to four inches of earth under it, it is quite enough. Fill all around the ball, and press it down with a stick, finishing neatly off with the hand. Observe that the stem of the tree is exactly in the centre. This being done, carry the tree to where it is intented to stand, and give it water with a rose on the pot. The earth will subside about two inches, thus leaving three inches, which will, at any time, hold enough of water for the tree. Trees thus treated will not require to be shifted again within four or five years, having in the interim got a few rich top-dressings. Frequently, in attempting to take out of the tubs those that are in a sickly state, all the soil falls from their roots, havino- no fibres attached. When there are any such, after replanting, put them in the green-house, and shut it almost close up, there give shade to the tree, and frequent sprin- August.] GREEN-HOUSE. — OF PRUNING, &C. 313 klings of water, until it begins to grow, when admit more air gradually until it becomes hardened. Sickly trees should be put in very small tubs, and a little sand added to the soil. Give very moderate supplies of water, merely keeping the soil moist. Tubs generally give way at the bottom when they begin to decay, and in the usual method of coopering after this failure they are useless, the ledging being rotten, and M'ill not admit of another bottom. The staves should be made without any groove, and have four brackets nailed on the inside, having the bottom in a piece by itself, that it can be placed on these brackets, and there is no necessity of it being water-tight. Then when it fails, it can be replaced again at a trifling expense. A tub made this way will last out ihree or four bottoms, and is in every respect the cheap- est, and should be more wide than deep. When made in this manner they are easier shifted ; you have only to set the tub on a high block of wood, and drive the tub off with a mallet, when the tree can be easily replaced into another tub. Large Myrtles and Oleanders may be treated in the same manner as directed for the above. OF PRUNING ORANGES, LEMONS, &c. These trees will grow very irregularly, especially the Lemon, if not frequently dressed or pruned. Any time this month look over them all minutely, and cut away any of the small naked wood where it is too crowded, and cut all young strong straggling shoots to the bounds of the tree, giving it a round regular head. It is sometimes necessary to cut out a small limb, but large amputations should be avoided. Cover all large wounds with clay, turpentine, or bees'-wax, to prevent the bad eflfects of the air. 27 314 GREEN-HOOSE. — BEPOTTING, &C. [AugUSt, OF REPOTTING PLANTS. Any of the plants enumerated in March under this head, may be now done according to directions therein given, and which apply to all sizes. This is the proper period for re- potting the following : Cdlla, a genus of four species. None of them in our col- lections, and in fact not worth cultivation, except C.cethiopi' CO, Ethiopian Lily, which is admired for the puiiiy and singularity of its large white flowers, or rather spaiha, which is cucuUate, leaves sagittate. It is now called Richurdia cethiopica. The roots, which are tubers, should be entirely dive.sted of the soil they have been grown in, breaking off any small off-sets, and potting them wholly in fresh earth. When growing, they cannot get too much water. The plant will grow in a pond of water, and withstand our severest winters, provided the rools are kept at the bottom of the water. Cyclamen. There are eight species and six varieties of this genus, which consists of humble plants with very beau- tiful flowers. The bulbs are round, flattened, and solid, and arc peculiarly adapted for pots and the decorating of rooms. C. cbum, leaves almost round ; flowers light red ; in bloom from January to April. C. persicum, with its four varieties, flower from January to April; colour while, and some wliite and purple. C. Itcderctfbli u?n,lv y -]ca\od ; colour lilac ; there is a white variety ; flowers from September to December. O. EuropcEum, colour lilac, in bloom from August lo Octo- ber. C neapolita>n/?n, flowers red, in bloom from Jidy to September. These are all desirable plants. When the fo- liage begins to decay, withhold the accustomed supplies of water, keeping them in a half dry slate ; and, when growing, they must not be over-watered, as they are apt to rot from moisture. Keep them during the summer monilis in partial shade. The best time for potting either of the sorts is when the crown of the bulb begins to protrude. If the pels are August.] GREEN-HOUSE. OP REPOTTING, &C. 315 becoming large, every alternate year they may be cleared front! the old soil, and put in smaller pots with the crown entirely above the ground. When the flowers fade, the pe- dicles twist up like a screw, enclosing the germen in the centre, lying close to the ground until the seeds ripen, from which plants can be grown, and will flower the third year. Lachendlia, a genus of about forty species of bulbs, all na- tives of the Cape of Good Hope, and grow well in our col- lections. The most common is L. tricolor. L. quadricolor and its varieties are all fine ; the colours yellow, scarlet, orange, and green, very pure and distinct ; L. ruhida, L. punctata, L. orchoides, and L. nervosa, are all fine species. The flowers are on a stem from a half to one foot high, and much in the character of a hyacinth. The end of the month is about the time of planting. Five-inch pots are large enough, and they must get very little water till they begin to grow. Oxdlis, above one hundred species of Cape bulbs, and, like all other bulbs of that country, they do exceedingly well in our collections, in which there are only comparatively a few species, not exceeding twenty. O. hirta, branching, of a vermilion colour; O.Jiahifblia, yellow ; O. elongata striped ; and O. amcB7ia, are those that require potting this month. The first of September is the most proper period for the others. (Soil No. 11.) This genus of plants is so varied in the construction of its roots, that the same treatment will not do for all. The root is commonly bulbous, and these will keep a few weeks or months out of the soil, according to their size. Several are only thick and fleshy : these ought not to be taken out of the pots, but kept in them, while dormant ; and about the end of this month give them gentle waterings. When they begin to grow, take the earth from the roots, and put them in fresh soil. In a few months the bulbs are curiously produced, the original bulb near the surface striking a radical fibre down 316 GREEN-HOUSE. OBSERVATIONS. [AugUSt. right from its base, at the extremity of which is produced a new bulb for the next year's plant, the old one perishing. Ornithogalwn, Star of Bethlehem, about sixty species of bulbs, principally from the Cape of Good Hope. Many of them have but little attraction. The most beautiful that we have seen are, 0. lacteum, which has a spike about one foot long, of fine white flowers ; O. 'peruviana, blue flowered, and O. aureuvi. flowers of a golden colour, in contracted racemose corymbs. These three are magnificent. O. ma- ritimu7n is the officinale squill. The bulb is frequently as large as a human head, pear-shaped, and tunicated like the onion. From the centre of the root arise several shining glaucous leaves a foot long, two inches broad at base, and narrowing to a point. They are green during winter, and decay in the spring; then the flower-stalk comes out, rising two feet, naked half-way, and terminated by a pyramidal ihyrse of white flowers. The bulb ought to be kept dry from the end of June till now, or it will not flower freely. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Watering, and other practical care of the plants, to be done as heretofore described. Frequently the weather at the end of this month becomes cool and heavy. Dew fall- ing through the night will, in part, supply the syringing operation, but it must not be suspended altogether. Once or twice a week will suffice. Any of the plants that are plunged should -be turned every week. In wet weather observe that none are suff'ering from moisture. Sept.] GREEN-HOUSE. OF WATERING. 317 SEPTEMBER. During this month every part of the green-house should have a thorough cleansing, which is too frequently neglected, and many hundreds of insects left unmolested. Topreserve the wood-work in good order, give it one coat of paint every year. Repair all broken glass, white-wash the whole interior, giving the flues two or three coats, and cover the stages with hot lime, white-wash, or oil-paint; examine ropes, pulleys, and weights, finishing by washing the pavement, perfectly clean. If there have been any plants in the house during summer, be sure after this cleansing that they are clean also, before they are returned to their respective situations. OF WATERING. The intensity of the heat being over for the season, the heavy dews during night will pervent so much absorption among the plants. They will, in general, especially by the end of the month, require limited supplies of water compara- tively to their wants in the summer months. Be careful among the Geraniums that were repotted in August, not to water them until the new soil about their roots is becoming dry. Syringing in this naonlh may be suspended in time of heavy dews, but in dry nights resort to it again. The herbaceous plants and those of a succulent nature must be sparingly supplied. The large trees that were put in new earth will require a supply only once a week, but in such quantity as will go to the bottom of the tubs. 27* 318 GREEN-HOUSE. STOCKS, &C. [Sept. PREPARING FOR TAKING IN THE PLANTS. About the end of the month all the plants should be ex- amined and cleaned in like manner as directed for those of the hot-house last month, which see. From the first to the eighth of October is the most proper time to take them into the gre6n-house, except those of a half hardy nature, which may stand out till the appearance of frost. Always endea- vour to have Geranium plants short and bushy, for they are unsightly otherwise, except where a few very large speci- mens are desired for show. All Myrtles and Oleanders that were headed down, if the young shoots are too crowded, con- tinue to thin them out, and give regular turnings, that all the heads may grow regularly. STOCKS AND WALL-PLOWERS, That are wanted to flower in the green-house, (where they do remarkably well,) and are in the ground, have them care- fully lifted before the end of the month, and planted in six or seven-inch pots, with light loamy soil. Place them in the shade till they take fresh root, and give them frequent sprin- klings of water. As soon as the foliagebecomes erect, expose them to the full sun, and treat as green-house plants. CHRYSANTHEMUMS. These very ornamental plants blooming so late, and at a period when there are few others in flower, one of each va- riety (or two ot some of the finest) should be lifted and put in eight-inch pots, in light loamy soil, and treated as above directed for stocks, &c. These will flower beautifully from October to December ; and, when done blooming, the pots Sept.] GREEN-IIOUSE. CAPE AND HOLLAND BULBS. 319 may be plunged in ihe garden, or covered with any kind of litter^ until spring, when they can be divided and planted out. CAPE AND HOLLAND BULBS. About the end of this month is the period for all of these that are intended for the green-house to be potted We spe- cified some of the former last month, and will here enume- rate a few others. Bablana, a genus of small bulbs, with pretty blue, white, and yellow flowers. B. distica, pale blue flowers in two ranks. B. stricta, flowers blue and white. B. tuhiflbra is beautiful^ colour white and pale red. B. plicdta has sweet-scented pale blue flowers. There are about twenty species of them, and they grow from six to twelve inches high. Four-inch pots are suflicient for them. (Soil No. 11,) Gladiolus, Corn-flag, a genus of above fifty species. There are several very showy plants among them, and a few very superb. G.fiorihundus, large pink and white flowers. G. cardindlis, flowers superb scarlet, spotted with white. 6?. hyzanthius, large purple flowers. G. hldndus, flowers of a blush rose colour, and handsome. G. cuspiddtus, flowers white and purple. G. racemo^ws, flowers rose and white. G. psittdcinus is very magnificent, both in size and beauty of flower ; the flowers are striped with green, yellow, and scar- let, about four inches in diameter, in great profusion, on a stem about two feet high, and, though rare in Europe, may be seen in some collections in this country. The beauty of this genus is all centred in the flowers. (Soil No. 10.) Ixia, a genus containing about twenty-five species of very free-flowering bulbs. I.monadelpha, flowers blush and green. /. leucdntha, flowers large white. /. capatdta, flowers in heads, of a white and almost black colour. /. conica, flow- ers orange and velvet. /. columeldris is a beautiful shaded rosy purple. I. kermosina, a fine vermilion colour. /. rii- 320 GREEN-IIOUSE. — CAPE AND HOLLAND BULBS. [Sept. bra cydnea, profuse flowering, red and blue. The flower stems are from six to twenty-four inches high. (Soil No. Lilium. The Chinese species of this emblem of purity is everywhere esteemed, and the fine Chinese sorts are very splendid, such as L. longiflbra, L. longiflora suaveolens, and L. j'lponicum, are all pure white ; L. specibsum L. lancifb- lium, and L. venustimi, are coloured and spotted with rose, red, white, and crimson, but as yet are extremely rare : fif- teen dollars are asked for a small root. They should be pot- ted in seven or eight-inch pots, and kept in a cool part of the green-house ; give the pots at least one inch of drainage. (Soil No. 11.) Oxdlis. AH the varieties and species may now be potted ; the whole are pretty spring flowers, requiring to be kept near the glass : among the many the following are very deserving of attention : O. laxulus, or rosacea, bright rose. O. Bbwii, bright rosy red, a large and profuse bloomer, and one of the finest. O. inuUiflbra and Jlorabunda are aHke ; it is a pretty free-flowering tuberous species. O. laxida alba, beautiful pure white. O. versicolor, striped. O. dippii, lilac, which blooms in summer. O. caparina, yellow ; there is also a double yellow variety, though not pretty ; for a few others see last month. There should be three or four bulbs planted in a five-inch pot, giving very little water till they begin to grow. They will all keep in good pits, as well as in the green-house. (Soil No. 11.) Spa7-dxis ; we are enraptured with this beautiful genus of small bulbs, closely allied to Lria, but more varied in co- lour. S. grandiflbra striata is striped with purple and while, »S. versicolor, colours crimson, dark purple, and yellow. S. tricolor, yellow, black, and scarlet. S- albida, large white, with black spots. S. ccelestis, bluish purple. >S'. sulphurea, yellow, S . 2)iirpu?-escens, purple. Treat as Oxdlis. (Soil No. 11.) Tritbnia, a genus of about twenty-five species. Few of Sept.] GREEN-HOUSE. HOLLAND BULBS. 321 ihem deserve culture in regard to their beauty. T. crocata is in our collections as I. d'otata, which is among the finest, and T. zanthospila has white flowers, curiously spotted with yellow. (Soil No. 11.) Watsonia, a genus containing several species of showy flowers, several of which are in our collections under the genus Gladiolus, but the most of the species may be dis- tinguished from it by their flat shell-formed bulbs. W. iri- dijblia is the largest of the genus, and has flowers of a flesh colour. W. rosea is large growing, the flowers are pink, and on the stem in a pyramidal form. W. humilis is a pretty red flowering species. W.falgida, once Antholyzafidgens, has fine bright scarlet flowers. V^. riibens is an esteemed red flowering species, but scarce. (Soil No. 11.) These genera of bulbous plants are in general cultivation. There are, nodoubt, some splendid species that have notcome under our observation, and others which may be obtained from the Cape of Good Hope and China that are not known in any collection. There are hundreds of superb bulbs indi- genous to these countries, and of the same nature and habit as the above, that have not been seen in collections. Bulbs generally require very little water until they begin to grow; then supply moderately, and keep them near the light. Of the Holland or Dutch bulbs, the Hyacinth is the favourite to bloom in the green-house. A few of the Tulip, Narcissus, Iris, and Crocus, may, for variety, be also planted with any other that curiosity may dictate. When these are grown in pots, the soil should be four-eighths loam, two-eighths leaf mould, one-eighth decomposed manure, one-eighth sand, well compounded ; plant in pots from five to seven inches, keep the crown of the bulb above the surface of the soil, except of the tulip, which should be covered two inches. When these roots are potted, plunge them in the garden about three inches under ground ; mark out a space sufficient to contain them ; throw out the earth about four inches deep, place the pots therein, covering them with earth to the above depth, making 322 GREEN-HOUSE. — OF TAKING IN, &C, [Oct. it in the form of a bed. Leave a trench all round to carry off the rain. By so doing, the bulbs will root strongly, the soil will be kept in a congenial state about then), and they will prove far superior than if done in the common method. Lift them from this bed on the approach of frost, or not later than the second week of December ; wash the pots and lake them into the green-house. OCTOBER. OF TAKING IN AND ARRANGING THE PLANTS. As observed in the previous month, let the housing of green-house plants now be attended to. Have all in before the eighth of the month, except a few of the half hardy sorts, which may stand until convenient. Begin by taking in all the tallest first, such as Oranges, Lemons, Myrtles, Oleanders, &CC. Limes ought to be kept in the warmest part of the house, otherwise they will throw their foliage. In arrange- ment, order is necessary to have a good effect ; and in small houses it ought to be neat and regular, placing the tallest be- hind, and according to their size graduating the others down to the lowest in front. Dispose the different sorts in varied order over the house, making the contrast as striking as pos- sible. Having the surface of the whole as even as practica- ble, with a few of the most conspicuous for shape and beauty protruding above the mass, which will much improve the ge- neral appearance, and greatly add to the effect. All succu- lents should be put together. In winter they will do in a dark part of the house, where other plants will not grow, studying to have the most tender kinds in the warmest part, and giving gentle waterings every three or four weeks. When Oct.\ GREEN-HOUSE. — OF TAKING IN, &C, 323 all are arranged give them a proper syringing, after which wipe clean all ihe siages, benches, &c., sweeping out all litter, and wash clean ihe pavement, which will give to all a neat and becoming appearance. Let the waterings now be done in the mornings, as often and in such quantities as will supply their respective wants, examining the plants everyday. During the continuance of mild weather, the circulation of air must be as free as possible, opening the doors and front and top sashes regularly over the house. But observe in frosty nights to keep all close shut. Be attentive in clear- ing off decayed leaves and insects. Any plants oiLogerstrcBmiu, Sierculia, Hydrangea, Pome- granate, and others equally hardy, that are deciduous, may be kept perfectly in a dry, light, airy cellar : give frequent admissions of air, and one or two waterings during winter. OF REPOTTING. Anemones. Where A. nemorosa Jlbre pleno Viud A. tJialic'- trbides fibre pleno are kept in pots in the green-house, tl)ey should be turned out of the old earlli, and planted in fresh soil. They are both pretty, low growing, double white flowering plants, and require a shaded situation. The latter is now called Thallctrum anemonoides. (Soil No. ] 1.) Daphne is a genus of diminutive shrubs, mostly evergreens, of great beauty and fragrance. Very few species of them are in our collections. D. odbra, frequently called D.indica, is an esteemed plant for the delightful odour of its flowers, and valuable for the period of its flowering, being from De- cember to March, according to the situation ; leaves scattered, oblong, lanceolate, smooth ; flowers small white in many flowered terminal heads : there is a variety equally as fine with marginated foliage. D. hybrida is a species in high es- timation at present in Europe, but little known here, being 324 GREEN-HOUSE. — OF REPOTTING. [Oct, only in a few collections ; flowers rosy purple, in terminal heads, and lateral bunches in great profusion, and very simi- lar to the former in habit and shape of flower; blooms from January to May, and is of a pecuhar fragrance, D. oleoides is what may be termed " ever-blooming :" flowers of a lilac colour ; leaves elliptic, lanceolate, smooth. D. laureola, Spurge laurel; D.pontua, D. alpina, and D. Cneorum, are all fine species, and in Europe are esteemed ornaments in the shrubbery, but they are not hardy in our vicinity. (Soil No. 15.) Primula. There are a few fine species and varieties in this genus, adapted either for the green-house or rooms. All the species and varieties will keep perfectly well in a frame, ex- cept the China sorts. Having previously observed a few of the other species and varieties, we will observe the treatment of these. P. sinensis, now prcenitens, known commonly as China Primrose ; flowers pink, and in large proliferous um- bels, flowering almost through the whole year, but most pro- fusely from January to May — there is said to be a double variety of it. Keep them in the shade, and be careful that they are not over-watered during summer. As the stems of the plant become naked, at this repotting a few inches should be taken off" the bottom of the ball, and placing them in a larger pot, will allow the stem.* to be covered up to the leaves. P. p. alhijldra, colour pure white and beautiful. P. p. denit- jlbra. There is also a white variety of this, both similar to the former two, only the flower indented or fringed. All these re- quire the same treatment. As they only live a few years, many individuals, to propagate them, divide the stems, which, in most cases, will utterly destroy them. The best, and we may say the only metliod to increase them is, from seed, whicli they produce in abundance every year. (Soil No. 2.) P(2onia moutdn: this magnificent plantand its varieties are quite hardy with us, but most of them require the green- house in northern latitudes. These are P. moutdn, Tree Paeony ; the flower is about five inches in diameter, of a Oct.] GREEN-HOUSE. — CAMELLIAS. 325 blush colour, and semi-double. P. M. Banksii is the com- mon Tree Paeony, and called in our collection P. Moutan ; it has a very large double blush flower, and is much ad- mired. P. M. papaveracea is a most magnificent variety; has large single while flowers, with purple centres. P. M. rosea is a splendid rose-coloured double variety, and is scarce ; there is also in China several other varieties, such as pur- ple, scarlet, and crimson, which we have not seen in cultiva- tion. These plants ought not to be exposed to the sun while in flower, as the colours become degenerated, and premature decay follows. If the Dutch bulbs intended for flowering during winter are not potted, have them all done as soon as possible, ac- cording to directions given last month. CAMELLIAS. These plants ought to have a thorough examination, and those that were omitted in repotting before they commenced growing, may be done in the early part of this month ; but it is not advisable, except the roots are all round the ball of earth, which should be turned out entire. Examine all the pols, stir up the surface of the earth, and take it out to the roots, supplying its place with fresh soil. Destroy any worms that may be in the pols, as they are very destructive to the fibres. Look over the foliage, and, with a sponge and water, clear it of all dust, &c. Frequently the buds are too crowded on these plants, especially the Double white and Variegated. In such case pick off" the weakest, and where there are two together, be careful in cutting, so that the re- maining bud may not be injured. This is the beat period of the year to make selections of these, as they now can be transported hundreds of miles with- out any material injury, if ihey are judiciously packed inclose boxes. In making a choice of these, keep in view to have distinctly marked varieties, including a few of those that are esteemed as stocks for producing new kinds, which are un- 38 326 GREEN-HOUSE. — CAMELLIA SEED. \ Oct, doubledly indispensable, and will reward the cultivator in a few years with new sorts. Besides, it will afford unbounded gratification to behold any of these universally admired or- naments of the green-house improving by our assistance and under our immediate observation. There is nothing to pre- vent any individual from producing splendid varieties in a few years. Mr. Hogg correctly observes, " It is very pro- bable in a few years we shall have as great a variety of Ca- mellias as there are of Tulips, Hyacinlhs, Carnations, Auri- culas, &c." This shrewd remark is likely to be verified much earlier than we anticipated. It has been often said that these plants are difficult of cul- tivation. This is unfounded ; indeed they are the reverse if put in a soil congenial to their nature. When highly ma- nured soils are given, which are poisonous to the plants, sickness or death will inevitably ensue ; but this cannot be attributed to the delicacy of their nature. We can unhesi- tatingly say, there is no green-house plant more hardy or easier of cultivation, provided they are kept at an even tem- perature, say from 40^^ to 45" during night, and 45" to 50" during day, and they are equally so in the parlour, if not kept confined in a room where there is a continuance of dry- ing fire heat, their constitution not agreeing with an arid at- mosphere. SOWING CAMELLIA SEED. These seeds ripen generally during September and Octo- ber, and must be sown as soon as ripe ; plant them about one inch under ground into pots filled with leaf mould, loam, and white sand, in equal portions ; if the pols after sowing can be placed into a hot-house, they will vegetate in about six weeks, and be ready to pot into single pots in February. Many of them will bloom in the second year ; but if heat is not accessible, keep the pots in the warmest part of the green-house, and give an occasional watering, and the plants Nov.] GREEN-HOUSE. OF AIR, (fec. 827 will appear some time in May and June : they will be ready to pot into single pots in September, and after doing so put them into a close frame, and shade from the sun for a few weeks ; use at this potting only about one-fifth of sand. NOVEMBER. OF AIR AND WATER. Airing the house should be strictly attended to. Every day that there is no frost it may be admitted largely, and in time of slight frosts in smaller portions, never keeping it al- together close when the sun has any effect on the interior temperature of the house, which should not be allowed to be higher than fifty degrees. Water must be given in a very sparing manner. None of the plants are in an active state of vegetation, consequent- ly it will be found that looking over them thrice a week and supplying their wants will be sufficient. Succulents will need a little once in three weeks or a month. Give very moderate supplies to the Amaryllis that are dormant, and keep all these bulbs in the warmest part of the house. OF TENDER BULBS. Where there are tropical bulbs in the collection, and there is not the convenience of a hot-house, they may be very well preserved by shaking them clear of the soil. Dry them properly, and place them in a box of very dry sand or moss, and put them in a situation near the furnace, where they will be free from damp. These can be potted about the first of April. Give no water till they begin to grow, then plant them in the garden about the middle of May, where they will flower during the summer season, if they are mature. 328 GREEN-HOUSE OBSERVATIONS. [DeC. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. If there are any of the half hardy plants exposed, have them taken into the house, or under the requisite protection, in frames, pits, cellars, &;c. The autumn flowering Cape bulbs should be placed near the glass, and free from the shade of other plants. Cleanliness through the whole house and among the plants ought at all times to be attended to. DECEMBER. The weather may probably be now severe, and it is" at al? times advisable to keep the temperature as steady and regu- lar as possible. The thermometer should be kept in the centre of the house, and free from the effects of reflection. As noticed last month, sun heat may be as high as 50° in the house, and would not be hurtful, but it should not continue so for any considerable time without admission of air. The fire heat should not exceed 45^, and never below 35^. It ought not to continue at that point — 36*^ is the lowest for a continuation that with safety can be practised, and where a collection of Cactii are kept, 40*^ should be the lowest. So that no error may occur, the temperature ought to be known in the coolest and warmest parts of the house, and the varia- tion remembered ; then whatever part of the house the ther- mometer is placed, a true calculation of the heat of the whole interior can be made. We would recommend to the inex- perienced to keep the thermometer in the coldest part of the house, A green-house compactly and closely built, and the lowest row of top sash all covered with shutters, (which no house ought to be constructed without,) will seldom require artificial heat ; but by being long kept close, the damp will Dec] GREEN-HOUSE. BULBOUS ROOTS. 329 increase. In such case give a little fire heat, and adnnit air to purify the house. In fresh mild weather give liberal portions of air all over the house; and though there is a little frost, while mild, and the sun shining, the plants will be be- nefited by a small portion of air for the space of an hour, or even for half of that time. Whatever state the weather may be through the winter,, never keep the house long shut up. Thirty-six hours should be the longest time at once ; rather give a little fire heat. We are no advocates for keeping plants in the dark, and never think that our plants are receiving justice if kept longer in darkness than one night. BULBOUS ROOTS. Those that were plunged in the garden, if not lifted and brought under cover, this should now be done without delay. Clean the pots, and stir up the surface of the soil. Hyacinths grow neatest by being kept very close to the top glass ; the flower stems are thereby stronger and shorter. Water mo- derately until they begin to grow freely. 28* THE AMERICAN FLOWER GARDEN DIRECTORY. ROOMS PLANTS IN ROOMS. To treat on llie proper management of plants in windows is a subject of considerable difficulty : every genus requiring some variation both in soil, water, and general treatment. However, a great part of the labour will be abridged by re- ferring to these subjects in the green-house culture, which is quite apphcable to the parlour, green-room, or veranda. If the room where the plants are kept is dark and close, but few will ever thrive ; if, on the contrary, it is light and airy, with the windows in a suitable aspect to receive the sun, plants will do nearly as well, and, in some instances, better^ than in a green-house. This is a well known fact, and may be observed every day. We have seen as fine plants of Cactus, Daphne, Roses, Geraniums, Callas, Laureslinus, Car- nations, Azaleas, and ]\Iyrtles, grown in a window from year to year, as ever could be grown in a green-house. Indeed, when there is a failure, it can be traced to one of the follow- ing three causes : 1st. Want of proper light and pure air — is, perhaps, the most essential point of any to be considered ; for, however ■well all other re:juisites are attended to, a deficiency in either ROOMS. PLANTS IN ROOMS. 331 of these will cause the plants to grow weak, yellow, and sickly. Therefore, have them always placed as near the light as possible, and receive as much air as can be admitted, when the weather will allow, and, occasionally, in fine days, carry them out of doors and give them a sprinkling of water all over. 2d. Injurious watering — does more injury to plants in rooms than many persons imagine ; and it is very often to be observed, that some individuals destroy all with too much,, and others kill all with too little of that nourisher of health. To prevent the soil ever having a dry appearance, is an ob- ject of great importance in the estimation of many : they, therefore, water to such an excess, that the soil becomes sod- den, and the roots consequently perish. Others, as we have said, run lo the opposite extreme, and do not give sufficient to sustain life, and this is a more common practice than that of too much. The best plan is, always to allow the mould in the pot to have the appearance of dryness, but never suf- ficient to make the plant droop before a supply of water is given, which should then be copious and thoroughly going to the bottom of the pot ; but always empty it out of the saucer or pan in which the pot stands: the water used should always be about the same temperature as that in which the plants grow ; avoid using it fresh from the pump. 3d. Being over-potted in unsuitable soil. This is also a crying evil, and large pots invariably given to weak plants, with the view of causing them to grow ; but such practition- ers are like the unskilful physician who gluts the weakly stomach of his patient, only hastening on what they are try- ing to prevent. With weak plants the very reverse should be practised, giving small pots to encourage their roots out- ward : whereas, the earth in a large pot to a small plant, with frequent waterings, soon becomes sour and stagnated, and utterly obnoxious to the roots of even the strongest growing plants. If the directions and table of soils, in this work, are 332 ROOMS. — PLANTS IN ROOMS. [Jan. properly followed up, unsuitable soils will rarely occur^ especially when each genus is separately treated. In fact, we have yet lobe convinced why all plants, with the exception of a few tropical, and those belonging to EricecB and Epacridece, will not grow and bloom well in rooms and windows. With the following monthly instruclions, and executing them properly, failure will seldom occur ; but where failure should occur, we would call particular atten- tion to the tribe of Cactii, which are varied, beautiful, and truly interesting, and grow admirably in dry rooms, with or without full exposure to the sun, and in any temperature from 45c> to 85^, requiring only small portions of water once a week in winter, and twice or thrice a week during sum- mer : they also only require fresh soil once a year, or even once in two years, for large plants, will be found sufficient. The variety now cultivated is truly astonishing, and we doubt not but, in a few years, large horticultural buildings will be erected for their express culture ; and, to the inexpe- rienced amateur, there is not a family of plants that will give more satisfaction, or, when properly studied, will afford great- er interest and amusement. JANUARY. Plants that are kept in rooms generally are such as re- quire a medium temperature, say from 40" to 60°. Sitting- rooms or parlours, about this season, are, for the most part, heated from 60° to 70", and very seldom has the air any ad- mittance into these apartments ; thus keeping the tempera- ture from 10° to 150 higher than the nature of the plants re- quire, and excluding that fresh air which is requisite to support a vegetative principle. Therefore, as far as pracli- Jan.] ROOMS. — WATERING, &ic. 333 cable, let the plants be kept in a roonri adjoining to one where there is fire heat, and the intervening door can be opened when desirable. They will admit sometimes of be- ing as low as 38°. If they be constantly kept where there is fire, let the win- dow be open some inches, once a day. for a few minutes, thereby making the air of the apartment more congenial, both for animal and vegetable nature. WATERING, &c. All that is necessary is merely to keep the soil in a moist state, that is, do not let it get so dry that you can divide the particles of earth, nor so wet that they could be beat to clay. The frequency of watering can be best regulated by the per- son doing it, as it depends entirely upon the size of the pot or jar in proportion to the plant, whether it is too small or too large, and the situation it stands in, whether moist or arid. Never allow any quantity of water to stand in the flats or saucers. This is too frequently practised with plants in general. Such as Cdlla JEthibpica, or African Lily, will do well, as water is its element; {\\\keSagittaria in this coun- try ;) the Hydrangea and Hyacinths, when in a growing state, will do admirably under such treatment. Many plants may do well for some time, but it being so contrary to their nature, causes premature decay; a fetid stagnation takes place at the root, the foliage becomes yellow, the plant stunted,, and death follows. OF CAMELLIA JAPONICA. In rooms, the buds of Camellias will be well swelled, and on the double white and double variegated sorts perhaps they will be full-blown. While in that state the temperature should not be below 40^; if lower, they will not expand so well, and the expanded petals will soon become yellow and 334 ROOMS. — OF INSECTS, &c. [Jan. decay. If they are where there is fire heat, they must have plenty of air admitted to them every favourable opportunity, and water freely given, or the consequence will be, that all the buds will turn dark brown, and fall off. It is generally the case, in the treatment of these beautiful plants in rooms, that, through too much intended care, they are entirely de- stroyed. They do not agree with confined air, and to sponge frequently will greatly promote the health of the plants and add to the beauty of their foliage, as it prevents the attacks of the red spider. When the flowers are expanded, and droop, tie them up neatly, so that the flower may be shown to every advantage. OF INSECTS, &c. Insects of various kinds will be appearing on your plants. For method of destruction, see Hot-house, January. It will not be agreeable to fumigate the room or rooms, or even to have the smell of tobacco near the house from this cause. Take a tub of soft water, (if the day is frosty, it had bet- ter be done m the house,) invert the plant, holding the hand, or tying a piece of cloth, or anything of the kind, over the soil in the pot, put all the branches in the water, keeping the pot in the hand, drawing it to and fro a few times ; take it out and shake it. If any insects remain, take a small fine brush, and brush them off, giving another dip, which will clean them for the present. As soon as they appear again, repeat the process — for nothing that we have found out, or heard of, can totally extirpate them. OE BULBOUS ROOTS IN GENERAL. If you have retained any of the Cape bulbs from the last planting, let them be put in, in the early part of the month. For method, see September. Those that are growing must Feb.] ROOMS. OF BULBOUS ROOTS, &c. 335 be kept very near the light, that is, close to the window, or they will not flourish to your satisfaction. The fall-flower- ing oxalis may be kept on the stage, or any other place, to give room to those that are to flower. Hyacinths, Jonquils, Narcissus, Tulips, &c., will keep very well in a room where fire heat is constantly kept, pro- vided that they are close to the window. A succession of these, as before observed, may beautify the drawing-room from February to April, by having a reserved stock, in a cold situation, and taking a few of them every week into the warmest apartment. Wherever any of the bulbs are growing, and in the inte- rior of the room, remove them close to the light, observing to turn the pots or glasses frequently to prevent them from growing to one side, and giving them support as soon as the stems droop, or the head becomes pendent. The saucers under the Hyacinth and Narcissus may stand with water, and observe to change the water in the glasses once or twice a week. Every one that has any taste or refinement in their floral undertakings, will delight in seeing the plants in perfection : to have them so, they must be divested of every leaf that has the appearance of decaying — let this always be attend- ed to. FEBRUARY. At this season the plants cail for the most assiduous at- tention. If the stage has been made according to our de- scription in September, in very cold night it should be drawn to the centre of the room, or at least withdrawn from the window, observing every night to close the window dght by shutters, or some substitute equally as good. And, 336 ROOMS. — CAMELLIAS. [Feb. if the temperature begins to fall below 40^, means should be adopieil 10 prevent it from lowering, either by putting a fire in the room, or opening anv adjoining apartment where fire is constantly kept. This latter method is the best where it is practicable, and ought to be studied to be made so. Some very injudiciously, in extreme frosls, put into the room, where there is no chimney, among the plants, a furnace of charcoal, in order to heat the room. The effect is, that the foliage becomes dark brown and hardened like, and many of the planis die, the rest not recovering until summer. Watering may be attended to according to the directions of January, only observing that those that begin to grow will absorb a little more than those that are dormant. Roses, especially the daily, if kept in the house, will begin to show flower. Use means to kill the green-fly that may attack them. Hyacinths and other bulbs must have regular attendance in tying up, &:c. Take care not to tie iheiii too tishily, leaving sulBciency of space for the stem to expand. Give those in the glasses their necessary supplies, and keepthem all near ihe light. Never keep bulbous roots, while growing, under the shade of any other plant. Camellias, whh all their varied beauties, will, in this month, make a splendid show. Adhere to the directions given in the previous month, and so that new varieties may be ob- tained, (see green-house, February, under the head of Ca- mellia, )\\\\\c\\ directions are equally applicable here. When the flowers are full-blown, and kepi in a temperature between 40° and 50°, they will be perfect for the space of four, five, and frequently six weeks, and a good selection of healthy plants will continue to flower from December to Afiril. Be sure that there is a little air admitted al all favourable opportunities. March.] kooms. — repotting. 337 MARCH. If the plants in these situations have been properly at- tended to by admitting air at all favourable limes, and when the apartment was below 40^*, a little fire heat applied to counteract the cold, keeping the heat above that degree, your attention will be rewarded by the healthy appearance of your plants. The weather by this time has generally be- come milder, so that air may be more freely admitted, espe- cially from ten to three o'clock. They will require a more liberal supply of water, but always avoid keeping them wet. Pick off all decayed leaves, and tie up any straggling shoots; give the pots a top-dressing with fresh soil, which will great- ly invigorate the plants, and will allow the fresh air to act upon the roots, which is one of the principal assistants in ve- getation. For those that require shifting or repotting, see {green-house, March ;) the plants enumerated there equally apply here, if they are in the collection, with this difference, that well-kept rooms are about two or three weeks earlier than the green-house. After the end of this month, where there is a convenience, plants will do better in windows thai look to the east, in which the direct rays of a hot sun are prevented from falling upon them, and the morning sun is more congenial for plants in this country than the afternoon sun. Where there is any dust on the leaves of any of them, lake a sponge and water, and make the whole clean; likewise divest them of all insects. The green-fly is perhaps on the roses ; if there are no conveniences for fumigating, wash them off as previously directed. Where there are only a few plants, these pests could be very easily kept off by examining the plants every day. For the scaly insect, see January. If they have not been cleared off, get it done directly ; for by the heat of the weather they will increase tenfold. 29 338 R00M8. — FLOWERING PLANTS. [March. FLOWERING PLANTS. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Jonquils, and Crocus, will be generally in flower. The former require plenty of wa- ter, and the saucers under the pots should be constantly full until they are done blooming. The others need only be li- berally supplied at the surface of the pot. Give them neat green painted rods to support their flower stems, and keep ihem all near the light. The spring flowering Oxalis will not open except it is exposed to the full rays of the sun. The Lachenalia is greatly improved in colour with exposure to the sun, though, when in flower, its beauties are preserved by keeping it a little in the shade. Primulas, or Primrose, both Chinese and European, de- light in an airy exposure ; but the sun destroys the beauty of their flowers by making the colours fade. Camellias. Many of ihem will be in perfection. See green-house this month for a description of the finest varie- ties. Do not let the sun shine upon the blooms. Those that are done flowering will, in small pots, require to be re- potted. The Hyacinths that are in glasses must be regularly sup- plied with water. The roots will be very much reduced by this method ; therefore, when the bloom is over, if possible, plant them in the garden, or bury them in pots of earth, to ripen and strengthen the bulbs. They cannot satisfactorily be again flowered in glasses, and, properly, they ought not to be allowed to bloom in the garden next year. Those that are done flowering in pots can be set aside, and the usual water- ings gradually withdrawn. Treat all other Dutch bulbs in a similar manner. , ROOMS. DIRECTIONS, &C. 339 APRIL, We remarked last month that, about this season, where it is convenient, an eastern window is more congenial to plants than a southern. The sun becomes too powerful, and the morning sun is preferable to that of the afternoon. West is also preferable to south. Some keep their flowering plants in excellent order at a north window. But the weather is so mild after this, that there is no difficulty in protecting and growing plants in rooms. They generally suffer most from want of air and water; the window must be up a few inches, or altogether, according to the mildness of the day. And as plants are liable to get covered with dust in these apartments, and not so convenient to be syringed or otherwise cleaned, take the first opportunity of a mild day to carry them to a shady situation, and syringe well with water such as are not in flower ; or, for want of a syringe, take a watering-pot with a rose upon it ; allowing them to stand until they drip, when they may be put into their respective situations ; or ex- pose them to a shower of rain, but avoid allowing them to be deluged, which would be very injurious. DIRECTIONS FOR PLANTS BROUGHT FROM THE GREEN- ; HOUSE. Any plants that are brought from the green-house during Ahe spring months ought to be as little exposed to the direct rays of the sun as possible. Keep them in airy situations, with plenty of light, giving frequent and liberal supplies of water. Plants may be often observed through our city .during this month fully exposed in the outside of a south window, with the blaze of a mid-day sun upon them, and 340 ROOMS. — FLOWERING PLANTS. [Ap-ll. these, too, just come from the temperate and damp atmo- sphere of a well-regulated green-house. Being thus placed in an arid situation, scorched between the glass and the sun, whose heat is too powerful for them to withstand, the transi- tion is so sudden, that, however great their beauties may have appeared, they in a few days become brown, the flow- ers tarnish or decay, and the failure is generally attributed to individuals not at all concerned. From this and similar causes many have drawn the unjust conclusion, viz., that " plants from green-houses are of too delicate a nature to be exposed in rooms or windows at this early season." But every year gives more and more proof to the contrary. There are ladies in Philadelphia, and those not a few, whose rooms and windows at this period vie with the finest of our green- houses, with respect to the health, beauty, and order of their plants, and we might almost say in variety. Some of them have got above twenty kinds of Camellias in their collec- tions, which afford a continual beauty through the winter, with many other desirable and equally valuable plants.* The plants generally are now growing pretty freely, and are not so liable to suffer from liberal supplies of water, observing never to give it until the soil in the pot is inclining to be- come dry, and administering it in the evenings or morn- ings. FLOWERING PLANTS. Our directions last month under this head will equally apply now. The Chinese 7-oses and geraniums that are now coming plentifully into flower should be kept near the light, and in airy exposures, to brighten their colours, otherwise they will be very pale and sickly. * We know a gentleman in Washington city who cultivates, in great per- fection, about one hundred varieties of ihe japonica, and that, too, in a room with only one window. I May,'] ROOMS. — bringing plants out, &c. 341 BRINGING PLANTS GUT OF THE CELLAR, &c. All or most of the plants that have been in the cellar during winter, such as Pomegranates, Lagerstrcemias, Hy- drangeas, Oleanders, Sweet-bay, will be requisite to give them air during the mild part of the day. There are several Camellias not proper for room cul- ture ; those which have dry brown scaly buds are to be avoided, such as anemoneflora, egertonia, cleviana, fulgens, atroruhens ; also avoid ivoodsii, chandile?-n, and dorsetia, as being difficult of expanding — they are so very full of petals. Those most proper for room culture are, double white, con- chijlora, eclipse, Jimbriata, Jlorida, imbricata, malijlwa, pceo- niJlora,punctata, Colvillii,rossii, speciosa, variegata, and in- carnata. Such will be found to bloom freely and fully : many others might be added, but these will give an idea of those sorts that agree best with room culture. We cannot conclude our subject without giving our readers some hints on the eff'ect of plants in household apartments. It has been proven that the leaves of plants absorb carbonic acid gas by iheir upper surfaces, and give out oxygen by their under ones, thereby tending to purify the air in as far as animal life is concerned, because carbonic acid gas is pernicious to animals, and oxygen is what that life requires. It is in the light, how- ever, that these operations are carried on, for in the dark, plants give out carbonic, it does not appear that any of the Dec] ROOMS. — CAMELLIAS, 351 scentless products given out by plants are injurious to hun:ian beings.because those who live among accumulated plants are not less healthy than others, but rather enjoy more unin- terrupted health, which, of itself, is a sufficient recommenda- lion for all to spend their leisure moments in so healthful and raUonal an enjploym^nL THE AMERICAN FLOWER GARDEN DIRECTORY. ON THE CULTURE OF THE GRAPE. We are not aware of any vegetable production that is more conducive to the luxurious gratifications and pleasures of man than the vine. In fact, there is no fruit so delicious appli- cable to so many purposes, nor any that is so agreeable to all palates : from the remotest ages the vine has been cele- brated as the emblem of plenty and the " symbol of happi- ness." Its quickness of growth, its great fertility, and asto- nishing vegetative powers, with its unknown age, has rendered it one of the most fruitful blessings bestowed by Providence; a blessing which almost every inhabitant of this union may en- joy, and we see no occasion to doubt but that thousands of acres of our fertile uplands will be converted into vineyards, pro- ducing the finest fruits and richest wines in the world. In- deed, with very little care and attention, our unsightly post and rail fences may be converted into grape espaliers, and fine wines produced at as little cost as spruce beer ; every square foot of surface might be made to produce a pound of grapes, and every post, at least, round our gardens afford am- ple space for one vine, which would yearly produce from three to nine pounds of fruit, fit either for the table or the wine-press. But the small space allotted in this volume wili ASPECT. 353 not allow us to dilate on this fruitful subject. Our object is to give a few hints on the aspect, soil, propagation, and cul- ture of the vine, so as to produce an extra crop in the small- est given space. We will then consider, first, the ASPECT. As our climate gives us plenty of heat for the maturation of the vine, we have, therefore, more scope in aspect than any other country. However, the most preferable is one from south to east, or west. Shelter from high and often recurring winds is a prime consideration. Our western and south-western gusts of wind are very destructive to the vine when it is in the full vigour of growth : it dissipates all the accumulated secretions of the foliage, and closes its pores, thereby totally deranging the vital functions of the plant, which (although in the height of the growing season) has been known to be suspended for weeks. There are frequently many local circumstances affecting the shelter of walls and other buildings, which, where they exist, must determine the best aspect for trainingt he vine. But if there be no such local circumstances, we have no hesitation in stating that an eastern aspect is the best. On such the sun shines with full force during the morning, at which time there is something highly favourable to vegetation in his rays, which seems to stimulate the energies of plants in an extraordinary degree, and to excite them to a vigorous exertion of all the functions appertaining to vegetable life. ON SOIL. The soil most genial to the growth of the vine and the maturity of its fruit is a rich, sandy, turfy loam, about two feet deep, on a dry, gravelly, rocky, or sandy bottom ; the roots run with avidity into such sub-soils, lying secure from 30* 354 ON SOIL. the excess of moisture, which always accumulates in clayey or compact soils. The excrementitious matter discharged from the roots of a vine is very great, and if this be given out in close and retentive soils, they quickly become delete- rious, and a languid and diseased vegetation ensues : this is the great reason that so many failures exist. It may hence be inferred that vines will not thrive in a cold wet soil, nor one composed of stiff clay, which is easily accounted for from the fact that they delight only in soils easily rendered dry by evaporation, and free from excess of moisture, and are al- ways more warm, which is so genial to the growth of this plant. To elucidate this, we can record an instance that oc- curred a few years ago in this vicinity : — A vine border was dug out to the depth of three feet and a half, in a cold reten- tive clay soil, twenty inches of stone, brick, and lime rub- bish were put in the bottom, and the remainder filled up with good compost for the vines, in which they were planted, and grew well for two years, and produced some fruit ; finally, they languished, and almost died, and it was at once pro- nounced that fine foreign grapes would not do in this coun- try. But, on examining the roots of the plants, it was disco- vered that they were rotten from the excess of moisture which was retained in this pit ; for though it had been par- tially filled with a dry bottom, no provision was made to carry off the water, therefore it proved to be a complete wa- ter pail : a drain was necessarily dug to the full depth to carry off the water, and the soil generally renewed ; the vines were cut to within two feet of the ground ; they now (four years after the operation) grow luxuriantly, and produce abundant crops every year. Tlierefore, if the sub-soil is not naturally dry, it must be made so by draining, which is the basis of the work, filling up the bottom with a sufficient quan- tity of dry materials, such as stones broken moderately small, brick-bats, lumps of lime rubbish, oyster-shells, &c., which will keep them dry and warm by the free admission of air and solar heat, and to admit of heavy rains passing quickly ON SOIL. 355 through without being retained sufficiently long to saturate the roots or injure the tender extremities ; having thus fur- nished a dry bottom, cover to the desired height with turf taken about three inches deep from a rich pasture ; and to every four loads of turf add one load of thoroughly decom- posed manure, at least one year old, interspersing it with bones of any description, oyster-shells, or any other enrich- ing material that undergoes slow decomposition : the whole must be repeatedly turned, and allowed to settle before the vines are planted. Extreme caution has to be exercised in administering bone-dust, slaughter-house offal, and other over-rich manures, especially if the vines are to be plant- ed the same or even the following season. Soils glutted with instant enriching manures are destructive to the vine. The surface of the border should have a gentle descent from the wall or fence : never crop your vine borders, and be care- ful of treading much upon them ; a board trellis should be laid for walking upon when the operation of pruning, tying, &c., takes place, which is almost daily during summer. The border, after it has been once made, ought never to be stirred, except at intervals, to keep it from becoming hard and im- pervious to heat or moisture ; and, when necessary, it should only be forked up about two inches deep, at all times taking care not to injure the roots. In dry sandy soils all that is wanted for the full perfec- tion of the grape is, to take out about one foot of the poor- est of the ground, and replace it by turf from a meadow, adding thereto aportion of well decomposed manure. Sweep- ings from turnpike .roads, where there is much travel, is an excellent article for incorporating with such soils ; it is of an enriching quality, its component parts consisting chiefly of sand, pulverized stones, dung, and urine, which is of a more lasting nature than can be found in almost any other compost ; it ought to be thoroughly incorporated with the other soil soon after it has been collected from the road, as all its valuable qualities will then be entirely preserved. 356 ON SOIL. The foregoing remarks in the preparation of soil, if followed, will ensure the luxuriant growth of vines and the yearly production of fine crops of grapes, and, when circumstances will permit, should be practically adopted at all times. But it must not be supposed that vines will not grow and mature fine crops unless thus encouraged in extra prepared soils. Such is not the fact, for vines will do well in any soil that is not adhesive, and has a dry bottom ; but they grow finer and bear greater crops of fruit within a given space of time, when planted in ground that has been properly prepared for their reception. For instance, if two cuttings be planted, the one in a soil fully prepared, and the other in that of the lat- ter description, it will be found at the end of three years that the vine in the former soil is double the size of the latter ; consequently, the strong vine will produce two-thirds more fruit, and of a better quality, than the weak vine. This difference occurring every year, and even greater as the age increases, is sufficient to amply repay for all the trouble and expense incurred in luaking a suitable compost. However, the disadvantage of a poor soil may in part be com- pensated for by planting the vines closer together. If, indeed, vines could not be planted with any prospect of success, ex- cept in borders purposely prepared, only a very small quan lity of grapes would be grown, compared with what this rich and fertile country is capable of producing. Many instances occur in towns and cities, around dwell- ings and otherdescriptions of brick and stone erections, which present very favourable situations for the training of vines, but which, nevertheless, are so situated as to admit of little or no soil being placed at their roots. In such cases, if an opening can be made, twenty inches deep, and as many wide, it will be sufficient to admit of the roots of a young vine, which will support it till its rambling roots have found their way under the pavement, or along the walls to some more distant nou- rishment ; if a wider space can be made, it will, of course, be better : loosen the sides and bottom as much as possible, and ON THE PROPAGATION OF VINES. 357 fill up with compost, as previously directed, and therein plant the vine. The surface covering, whether of brick or stone, may be replaced after the soil has fully settled, leaving a hole about six inches square to allow the stem of the plant to swell in its future growth. The roots soon find their way under the paving or along the foundation walls, and, indeed, in'every direction in search after food, and will extract nou- rishment from sources apparently barren. The fact is, that the roots of the vine possess an astonishing power of adapt- ing themselves to any situation in which they may be planted, provided it be a dry one. ON THE PROPAGATION OF VINES. Vines are generally propagated in the open ground by cut- tings and layers. By cuttings. At the general pruning provide cuttings of the preceding summer's growth; choose such as are of a me- dium size, well ripened, and short-jointed, cut them into lengths of about eighteen inches each, leaving at the ends not less than two inches of wood to protect the eye, place these temporary cuttings about three-fourths of their length in the ground, in a warm and sheltered situ ation, where they can be protected with a little litter from the severity of frost during winter. The best time for planting them is about the 25th of March in this latitude, earlier or later if more south or north : if intended to plant the cutting where the plant is to remain, which is the most preferable method, prepare them in the following manner : By cutting them into lengths of tree buds each, and let the uppermost bud have an inch of blank wood remaining to protect it, the extremity of which must be cut in a slanting manner, and the slanting side opposite to the buds, to throw off the moisture : the end that is to be inserted in the ground cut transversely just under the bud, and the cutting will 358 ON THE PROPAGA.TION OF VINES. be complete ; the cuttings being thus prepared, plant them forthwith ; if intended to reuiain, place two in each space, inserting them in the ground so as the second eye may be about half an inch under the soil, which must be pressed close, when it will, most frequently, be found that the eye thus placed will grow first and strongest, when the upper eye can be displaced ; if both the cuttings grow, cut off the weakest. During May, June, and July, care must betaken to keep the cuttings constantly moist ; soap-suds or drainings of the dung-hill can be used for the purpose once a week, but not oftener, using rain or river water for general waterings. If the soil should sink down and leave the buds higher than abovementioned, more must be added to keep them as di- rected. To prevent the ground from becoming hard by re- peated waterings, and also to retain a regular moisture about the cutting, cover the soil with shells, litter, or any such substitute, which will greatly promote the vegetating pow- ers of the scion. As soon as they have made shoots six inches long, water may be more sparingly applied, and the shoots must be carefully tied to some support, and their tendrils and lateral shoots should be cut off, the latter to ■within one eye of the main stem : about the first of Novem- ber cut every plant down to within two eyes of the cutting. But if the plants are intended to be removed, they should be planted in such a situation as to be shaded from the mid- day sun ; from four to six hours a day of sun is quite suffi- cient. A spot sheltered from severe winds is also most desirable. When transplanted, be careful of their small roots, and choose a mild day, about the first of April, (or earlier, is a good season,) for the operation. By layers. This is a very expeditious mode of growing young vines, provided the shoots be laid in pots ; but vines raised from shoots, laid down in the open ground, should be avoided as the worst of all plants : they make but few roots, and, when removed, these nearly all die off from being cut at the extremities in lifting, and the second year of such a ON THE PROPAGATION OF VINES. 359 plant is not much in advance of a good cutting. To grow vines by laying the shoots in pots, the following directions, if followed, will ensure success : For each intended layer pro- cure a seven-inch pot, or a small box of a similar, or even larger size, prepare some fine rich sandy mould, containing a great portion of decayed leaves, then take the shoot and run it through the hole in the bottom of the pot till you come to the last three buds ; close up the aperture round the shoot with moss, cotton, or any elastic substance, and then fill up the pot or box to within half an inch of the top with the prepared soil, having previously secured it in a safe and level position ; and, where it can be conveniently watered during the season, this must be attended to at least once a day, Wl)en there is not time for this attendance, the pot or box should be plunged under ground, and the layer placed there- on, and firmly secured, so that its own force will not raise it^ up, then cover up the shoots at least three inches, leaving space for occasionally holding some liquid nourishment. Shoots may be thus laid any time from the first of March to the first of April. It must be clearly understood that the suc- cess of the operation depends entirely on keeping the mould in the pots moist, treating it as directed for watering cuttings. The plant may be separated from the vine about the first of September, and instantly planted into its desired locality, or put into a larger vessel, and there remain till planting season ; the following year displace the tendrils and laterals as di- rected for cuttings, and in pruning cut it down to within three eyes of the ground. We may safely assert, that it is a species of strangling to a vine in the first three years of its growth, to be sparing of the knife, allowing, at once, small weak shoots to be laid in to form in a day (comparatively) a plant that is expected to withstand the vicissitude of ages, and produce yearly its quantum of fruit ; but more of this when treating of pruning. By eyes. This is our most favourite method of propa- gating plants of this most valuable fruit. Early in the month 360 ON ERECTIONS, &C. of March we cut the shoots into eyes, leaving about an inch of wood on each extremity, and plant those with their eyes uppermost into pots, and place them in a hot or cold frame, prepared for the purpose ; plant? from a single eye may easily be made to grow six feet in one season, by con- stant repotting and nourishing. The plants thus growing are decidedly the best rooted, forming more capillary fibres, consequently more nutritious support to the vine is absorbed in the same given period of time ; they also form shorter joints, and are capable of producing more fruit on a plant of the same size. We are aware that some start at this idea, and say that in a few years it is not observed. It reminds us very much of the son of the " Isle of the Ocean," when asked how old his brother was, replied, he was so much, but in two years he would be " the same age." Nevertheless, this method of propagating may not be generally accessible, the former two plans being at the command of every one. ON ERECTIONS FOR THE SUPPORT AND PROTECTION OF THE VINE IN OUT-DOOR CULTURE. To limit the proper height for training grapes would be a preposterous idea, for they can be perfectly cultivated in this country on any height from four to forty feet : indeed, on a wall of the former, we have thirty sorts of grapes growing luxuriantly, and fruiting in the most profuse manner. Some of the vines, four years old, which have produced from six to nine bunches of fine fruit, which only occupy, after pruning, a space of about eighteen inches square. Walls of brick are decidedly the most preferable for the perfection of the grape ; and if they be built for the express purpose, the most judicious distribution of materials would be in the erection of several low walls, not more than seven feet high. For the purpose of pruning, training, &c., walls of this height are far preferable than those of a greater. ON ERECTIONS, &C. 361 and if built to run directly south or north, the entire surface of both sides may be judiciously covered. The eastern aspect would render a sure and abundant early crop : those on the western side would not be so productive, and more liable to be affected by our frequent severe westerly gales. When in bloom, or when the fruit is ripening, would be the period that they would be most liable to suffer. However, as they would frequently produce a full crop, an astonishing quantity of fruit may be produced on a very small space of ground by erecting walls of this description, built parallel to, and not far distant from, each other — say, at the nearest, from twenty to twenty-five feet. If from local causes bricks can- not be had, a good substitute will be found in strong ranges of plank fencing made of well-seasoned wood, and closely jointed, having three or four good coats of oil paint : grapes raised in this way will be nowise inferior to those pro- duced on walls : indeed we would prefer such to any wall of stone that could be erected, it being of a more even surface and more convenient for training, and not giving harbour for insects, &c. A very great advantage will be derived by having a coping on the wall or fence, projecting eight or ten inches, turning on a pivot, so as it can be used in time of heavy dashing rains while the vines are in bloom, or when the fruit is ripening, which are the only periods that it will be of actual service, for all dews and light rains are indispen- sable to the health and maturity of the vine ; and if the fence is north and south, the light and heat excluded by it would be a serious draw-back on the ripening of the fruit. We say, therefore, if it is not on a pivot, the plants will be better without it, unless it have only one or two inches of a projection, the dripping from the coping will fall on the fo- liage, and that will carry it entirely free from the fruit ; but we urge the great utility and even necessity for moveable coping. Espaliers or trellises are in common use for the training of the vine, also arbours : the former suits admi- rably in small gardens where it is not desirable to go to ex- 31 262 ON TRANSPLANTING THE VINE. pense, but the latter should be avoided as the worst possible construction for growing grapes; the interior is always filled with a current of cold air highly prejudicial to the nnaturi- ty of fine fruits ; but for coarse grapes it is a matter of little consequence, as they are at best only fit for producing shade. Upright trellises in city gardens may be made eight feet high, with the spars not more than six inches apart, and these should be make of the very best materials, and sup- ported every three feet by uprights : strong wire makes an elegant substitute for the cross slats, which, if kept well painted, will not suffer by corrosion. We have seen an ele- gant new erection by a tasteful grape amateur, and think it will answer a very good purpose : it consists of an upright double trellis, about one foot wide at the bottom, tapering to one bar at the top, running north and south, which is about eifht feet high ; from which, on each side, there is fixed a small projecting sash at an angle about 48^^, which keeps the vines perfectly secure from deluging rains, and even con- centrates more solar heat for their maturity. The whole has a light and rather imposing effect ; its practical utility re- mains to be tried, as it is but lately finished : there is no ap- parent doubt but it will prove very beneficial in its results. ON TRANSPLANTING THE VINE. The best period of the year for transplanting is during the months of October or March. The longer its removal is postponed after these periods, the more injurious will be the effects of transplanting. Admitting the ground has been pre- pared according to directions formerly given, dig a hole about twenty inches deep, and as wide as will admit of the roots, if possible, to their full extension, without crippling in any manner. If any of them are injured in lifting, they must be cut back to soundness : fill up the hole to within twelve inches of the top, set the vine in the hole thus made, with ON PRUNING. 363 its stem about six inches from the wall or fence, and let the plant be cut even with the ground, or, where there is plenty of space, and the plant two or more feet long, plant the root at a distance from where the stem of the vine is desired, and then disbud the young shoot, except the uppermost three, lay it down its full length, bringing the terminal buds to where the plant is wanted ; by this method the whole extent of the shoot will make roots, and be of infinite service for the far- ther growth and support of the plant. When the eyes thus left grow, displace the weakest two, leaving the strongest for the permanent plant. We have seen old vines laid down in this manner for the distance of thirty feet, and, in two years, formed plants of most astonishing vigour and production. If the vine has been grown in a pot, shake the ball of earth from the roots, among which place, with care, new and fresh soil, taking the plant and giving it several shakes to settle it well about the roots, which will encourage the plant to put forth new roots for its farther support. Transplanting should always be done in dry and mild weather, and when the soil is mellow and free. During the removal the roots must be carefully kept from exposure ; the atmosphere would dry up their tender extremities, and cause much injury ; and, when vines are brought from a distance, this precaution ought to be carefully put in practice. Its first season's growth should be confined to one stem only, carefully cutting off all lateral shoots within one eye of the main shoot, as directed on the subject of propagation. ON PRUNING. The first year's growth of a transplanted vine should, in November, be cut down within four inches of the ground, and, on the appearance, cover the plant with about three inches of stable litter, allowing it to remain in this state till the middle of March. The plant will now push strongly, 364 ON PRUNING. and two of the best shoots should be trained their full length during summer, carefully nipping off tendrils and laterals, and, at all times, securing the shoots from the effects of high winds. If walls are used for training, there should be slats fixed about one inch from the wall to tie the shoots thereto, using soft material for the purpose of tying : if the vines should show fruit, cut it off. Having the previous season retained two well-grown shoots from near the surface of the ground, you will now, in No- vember, tie these in a horizontal position, about six or eight inches above the surface, cutting them at nearly two feet dis- tance from the main stem. In the following month, February, when the weather is mild, displace every alternate bud, ob- serving that it is those on the under side of the shoot. If everything has been attended to in soil, planting, and pruning that we have advanced, there may be expected to arise four shoots from each of these horizontal branches, which, if any show fruit, it must be cut off : these young shoots must be trained upright during summer, being careful to displace every other as they appear. Some approve of training these young upright shoots in a serpentine form, which, in our opi- nion at present, is of little consequence ; but top them about the end of August, or earlier if they are to the desired height. In November of the third summer's growth, you may now prune for fruit as above stated. Your horizontal branches will have fully matured four luxuriant upright shoots. Cut two of these alternately within one eye of the horizontal shoot, which will produce wood to be fruited the following year, and lay in the other two, in a serpentine form for fruit, to about three feet in length. The vine has now assumed the form in which it is permanently to remain, and it may be con- sidered as the foundation of a system of alternately fruiting four shoots, and training four out their full length every year, which method maybe continued every year without any alteration. After several years, if it is thought proper, the arms may be lengthened by the training in of a shoot at their ON PRUNING. 365 extremities, and managing it in the same manner as when the arms were first formed ; but it is not advisable that the branches should be far extended, which would ultimately prove injurious to those branches arising from the bosom of the vine. This system of pruning and training the vine we do not advocate as something new or original, but one which we have seen in full and successful practice twenty years ago. By procuring well-grown plants in pots, one year may be gained on the above calculation ; for you can prune, and at once take two shoots to prepare for laying the foundation of your future plant ; but more than this cannot be accom- plished. We are aware that many of our readers are already startled at this tedious method of fruiting vines, and have al- most concluded to have fruit the first year or none. Such are too frequently the conclusions of many ; but, as sure as they practice it, they as invariably meet with a failure, and that in avery few years. The practiceof training vines to getthem up to the top of arbours, &c., cannot be done with fine vines with- out risk. As we have already said, it may and will do with our native kinds, but no other. The general system of spur- pruning has many advantages in in-door culture, but does not at all agree with growing grapes in the open air. Our limits do not admit of giving in detail our reasons for so saying, but those who doubt may go on in the old way, giving the sys- tem herein advised a trial with one plant only, and we gua- ranty that in less than five years their old vines are headed down to the stump, to begin on a system that yearly renews itself, and can be perpetuated for ages on the same vine, which may be said to " renew its youth every year." In fact, it recommends itself by simplicity— by the small num- ber of wounds annually made— by the clear and handsome appearance of the vine, and by the great ease with which it is managed— its occupying but a small space. We therefore conclude this subject with the following few general rules : Use a knife of the best description, and let it be perfectly ' 31* 366 ON MANURE. sharp ; cut always upward and in a sloping direction, al- ways leave about an inch of blank wood beyond a ternoi- nal bud, and let the cut be on the opposite side of the bud. In pruning out an old branch, cut it even with the parent limb, that the wound may quickly heal. Never prune in frosty weather, nor in the months of March, April, or May. Let the general fall pruning take place about the end of Oc- tober or first of November ; after which, stir up the ground, and let a good coaling of fresh stable manure be laid thereon, which will both protect the roots that are near the surface, and also enrich the soil ; but if stable manure cannot be pro- cured, leaves from the woods are an excellent substitute, which, after decomposition, form a vegetable manure very enriching, and one very congenial to the vine ; this being done, nothing more is required till the first of March, when the roughest must be removed, and the decomposed particles forked into the borders. It may be proper to state, that in more northern latitudes and greater altitudes than Philadel- phia, it will be necessary to lay down the vines after pruning, during winter, and give them a light covering of litter, straw, leaves, or mats, which will completely protect them from the severest frost ; although it is not altogether the severity that destroys, but the alternate frost and sun acting on the plant every twenty-four hours, which overcomes the vitality of the plant ; and another fell-destroyer is, when we have a mild February and a severe March. When such occurs, which is but rarely, the vines must all be protected by mats while there is danger. ON MANURE. This subject has been very recently indulged in to a de- structive extent. We could record instances of soils strong- ly impregnated with very enriching manures, being almost death to the plant ; very rich soils are adhesive and reten- tive of moisture, which is destruction to the roots of the vine. ON MANURE. 367 The celebrated Brassin, conductor of the royal vinery of France, used to practise enriching his vine borders with ex- citing manures: he now finds that cleansing of ditches, grass- turf, and road sweepings, mixed well together and allowed to ferment for a year, is far preferable. He now uses it en- tirely as an annual dressing ; but, in our opinion, this cannot be continued for any length of time, unless the border is also yearly reduced ; consequently, manures that are of slow de- composition are preferable, and nothing that we are acquaint- ed with excels bones of every description ; but these are not always at hand in quantity. When to be obtained, they should always be put to a good purpose — an annual winter top-dressing of manure of a few inches, and the roughest re- moved in the spring, digging in the remainder not over four inches deep, which will encourage the roots to the surface, where they will be greatly benefited by solar heat and air. Liquid manures are highly valuable where immediate effect is required : they contain all the soluble parts of manure in such a state as to admit of being taken up by the plant as soon as applied. These are urine, which may be used pure any time from the first of November to February when the ground is not frozen ; but if used at any other period, must be diluted with its equal quantity of water. Drainings of manure-heaps and soap-suds can be used at all times, but not loo frequently. Soot dissolved in water, in the propor- tion of one to twelve, is an exceedingly strong manure, and very stimulating ; but all these exciting manures must be cautiously applied, as excess is very injurious to the fertility of the vine ; and although one of the grossest feeders in na- ture, even possessing the appetite of a glutton, it can be satiated and destroyed. 368 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE, &C. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF GRAPES MOST SUITABLE. FOR OPEN AIR CULTURE. Golden Chasselas, Chasselas de Fontainhleau, D'Arhoyce or Royal Muscadine. Bunches medium size, with very small- shoulders, berries of a moderate size, round, when ripe, turn- ing to a bright amber colour, having a thin skin, a soft flesh, and a rich juice. This is an exceedingly fine grape, a free bearer, is very hardy, and ripens early ; it may be considered one of the best white grapes for out-door culture. White chasselas or white muscadine. Bunches medium size, shouldered, and well formed. Berries round and of a good size, juicy, rich, and well flavoured ; it ripens about the middle or toward the end of September, and is an excellent hardy grape, and fully equal to the former. We consider this grape the same as the Malmsey Muscadine. White sweet water, (early.) Bunches rather large ; berries of a good size, round, of a white colour, and, when perfectly ripe, especially when exposed, they are shaded with a light russet colour ; they grow close on the bunches, and when de- sired to have large berries, the bunches must be well thinned^ juice very saccharine and luscious. We consider this the very best white grape for walls ; it is an excellent bearer, makes good short-jointed wood, and is very early. We have had it perfectly ripe on a south wall the first day of September. White Muscat of Alexandria, Jerusalem Muscat, Malaga. Bunches large, but short and well shouldered ; berries large, oval, and, when perfectly ripe, (which will not be till Octo- ber,) are of a pale amber colour, often without stones, skirt rather thick, the flesh firm, juice not plentiful, but of a sweet, highly musky, delicious, and peculiar flavour. It is an extra fine grape, and requires a warm situation. It does not bear so freely as the former two. White Frontignac or Frontignan. Bunches long and nar- DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE, &C. 369 row, without shoulders, rather closely set, of a dull white or greenish yellow, and covered with a powdering bloonn, juice very sugary and rich, with a delightful spicy flavour. It ripens in September, and delights in a dry soil. White Hamburg, White Lisbon, White Poj'tugal. Bunches very large, short, and loosely formed : berries large and oval, skin thick, of a greenish white colour, flesh firm, juice sweet, slightly mixed with acid, one of our latest white grapes. The plans is of a strong robust habit, and an excellent bearer. Austrian Muscat. Bunches large and tapering : berries round, of a russet white colour, skin thin, juice rich and musky, and of excellent flavour. It ripens about the second week of September, and is an excellent bearer. Black Frontignac, Violet Frontignac, Muscat Noir. Bunches small and short : berries round, and grow close in bunches, skin black, covered with a fine light bloom, flesh lender and juicy, of a rich vinous spicy flavour. Black Hamburg. Bunches tolerably large, with short compact shoulders, tapering to a point : berries large, of an oval form, skin rather thick, very nearly black, and covered with a blue bloom ; flesh tender, sweet, and of a rich vinous flavour : ripens about the first of October, but will hang on the vine till frost. This is, in every respect, one of the finest black grapes that can be grown in the open air : it is also a constant bearer. The leaves in the fall are mottled with green and yellow. Black Prince. Bunches rather long and generally shoul- dered : berries oval, and of a good size ; skin rather thick, of a dark purple, and covered with a thick bloom ; flesh white, sweet, juicy, and well flavoured : ripe about the first of Oc- tober. Black Lombardy, West's St. Peter''s. Bunches long and well shouldered : berries large, round, and of a regular size ; skin thin and very black, juice plentiful and of a very high 370 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE, &C. flavour ; is perfectly ripe about the middle of October, and will keep on the vines till frost. Black Muscadine, Black Chasselas, Violet Chasselas Bunches about the size and shape of the Golden Chasselas: berries perfectly round and covered with a blue bloom: flesh juicy and of a very rich flavour : ripens about the first of Oc- tober. Frankendale. Bunches large, with small shoulders, and rather longer than the Black Hamburg : berries round and closely set ; skin deep purple, approaching to black, covered with a thin blue bloom ; flesh tender, sweet, rich, and of a luscious flavour : it is a great bearer, and fully ripe about the end of September or first of October. Grizzly Frontignac, Muscat Gris. Bunches of a medium size, with small shoulders : berries round, of a light brown colour, intermixed with red and yellow; \he juice is exceed- ingly rich, and possesses a high spicy flavour : it ripens about the middle of September. Hansteretto. Bunches large and well formed: berries also large and perfectly round, of a jet black colour when per- fectly ripe ; flesh rather juicy and of a rich flavour ; leaves deeply lobed and a little downy underneath. An excellent hardy grape, but inferior in quality to the Black Hamburg : ripe about the first of October. GENERAL INDEX. Acacia, 165, 222. Acmadenia, 258. Aconitum, 35. Adam's Needle, 48. Adanandra, 258. Adonis, 34. Agapanthus, 222. Agathea, 251. Agattiosma, ?.58. Air plants, 206. Alligator Pear, 186. Allspice tree, 177, 198. Aloe, 223, 307. Alonsoa, 223. Aloysia, 224. Alpina, 159. Alstroemeria, 224. Althaea, 16, 17. Amaryllis, 104, 119, 121, 139, 224. American cowslip, 39. Amomum, 159. Amocharis, 232. Araorpha, 16. Ampelopsis, 93. Anagyris, 226. Anemone, 14,34, 51, 131,323. Aniseseed tree, 270. Annesl^ia, 165. Annuals, 62, 118, 130. " for hot-bed, 25. " hardy, 28. Antbericum, 35. Antirrhinum, 34. Apicra, 307, April Flower-garden, 61. " green-house, 300, " hot-house, 162. " rooms, 339. Araucaria, 226. Arborvitse, 106. Arbutus, or strawberry tree, 227. Ardisia, 166. Areca, 166. Arislea, 296.' Aristolochia, 90, 167. Armeria, 46. Ascldpias, 35. Aster, 227. Astraphjea, 167. AtragSne, 90. Aiicuba, 227. August Flower-garden, 127. " green-house 310. « hot-house, 199, " rooms, 344. Auricula, 14, 44, 50, 119, 140. " character of a fine, 99. Autumn blooming bulbs, 121. Azalea, 11, 227, Babiana, 319. Bffickia, 229. Bamboo cane, 167. Bambiisa, 167. Banana tree, 188. BanistSria, 167. Banksia, 229. Barbadoes cherry, 187. Bark pit, 148. 372 INDEX. Barosma, 229, 258. Barringtonia, 168. Beaumontia, 168. Beaufortia, 229. Bee larkspur, 38. Begonia, 230. Bellis, 35. Belladonna, 121. Benthamia, 230. Biennials, 32, 62. Bignonia, 92, 194, 291. Billardifira, 230. Bithwort, 90, 167. Bletia, 168, 230. Boronia, 331. Bosea, 231. Bouvardia, 230, Box edgings, how to make, 31, 107. Brachysema, 231. Bramble rose, 347. Brassia, 207. Brompton stock, 42. Brownia, 168. Brunfelsia, 168. Brugmansia, 231. Brunia, 231. Brunsvigia, 232. Budding roses, 124. Buddlea, 169. Bulbous roots, 49, 96. " preparing ground for, 130. " planting, 131. " autumn blooming, 121. Buonapartoa, 168. Buphone, 232. Burchellia, 232. Cactus, 169. Cabbage tree, 166. Calathea, 169. Calceolaria, 232. Calla, 314. Callistemon, 277. Callicoma, 233. Ciltha, 35. Cape bulbs, 213, 215, 221, 303. '« myrtle, 277. Caprifojium, 93. Carissa, 173. Catasetum, 207. Carolinia 173. Carolina jasmine, 266. Caryota, 174. Cattleya, 207. Calothamnus, 233. Carmichfelia, 251. Camellia, 192,211, 325. " seed, 326. Camellia described, 233, " for seed, 216. " repotting, 216, Campdnuia, 14, .36. Camphor tree, 272. Canna, 159, 169. Carnations, 14, 49, 127, 140. " on laying, 123. " character of a fine, 122, Ceanothus, 251. Centranthus, 47. (^erbera, 174. Cereus, 170, 198. Cerop^gia, 173. Chamaerops, 307. Chelone, 36. Cherianthus, 36. Choriz^ma, 251. Chrysanthemum, 36, 318. Chinese hybrid roses, 63. Cineraria, 251. Cinnamomum, 186, 252. Cistern, of a water, 203. Cistus, 252, Citrus, 252. clematis, 37, 90, 253. C'erodendrum, 174, 253. Clethera, 253. Clianthus, 253. climbing plants described, 90. Clivia, 254. Cobosa, 254. Coffea, 174, Coffee tree, 174. Colchicum, 121. Colutea, 17. Combretum, 175. Convolvulus, 182. Cookia, 255. Coreopsis, 37. Corn flag, 319. Coronilla, 255. Coral plant, 178. Corrda, 255. Corypha, 175. Cowslip, 44. Crassuia, 256. Cralfpgus, 256. Crinum, 175, 256. Crocus, 121, 132. Croton, 176. Crowea, 256. Crown imperial, 128. Cunonia, 256. Cupressus, 257. CurcOima, 159. Cycas, 176. INDEX. 373 Cyclamen, 314. Cydonia, 136. Cymbidium, 230. Cypripedium, 176. Cyrtanthus, 257. Cylisus, 17. Dahlia, arrangement of the, 112. " character of a fine, 117. " introduction of the, 109. " lifting of the, 138. " names of the choice, 114. " propagation of the, 110. Daisy, 14, 35. Dampiera, 257. Daphne, 323. Daphne odora, death of, 306. Dale palm, 190, 285. Daviesia, 257. Day lily, 40. December flower garden, 143. " green-house, 328. " hot-house, 204. " rooms, 348. Delphinium, 38. Dendrobium, 207. Dianthus, 38. Dictamnus, 38. Digitalis, 39. DilRnia, 176. Dillwynia, 257. Dionsea, 11, 159. Diosma, 258. Diplacus, 258. Dodecatheon, 39. Double rocket, 14. Doryanthus, 259. Dracffina, 177, 258. Dracocephalum, 39. Dragon's head, 39. Dragon's tree, 177, 258. Dry.andra, 259. Dutchman's pipe, 90. Dutch roots, 303. Dyckia, 259. Echeveria, 259. Echinacactus, 170. Edgings of bo.T, 107. " of various plants, 33. Edwardsia, 259. Elephant's foot, 292. Eiichrysum, 260. Erabothrium, 292. Enarching, 299. Enkianthus, 260. Entelea, 290. Epacris, 260. 32 Epidendrum. 207. Epiphyllum, 172, 198. Epiphytes, 206. Eranthemum, 177. Erica, 260, 262. Eriobotrya, 262. Erodium, 263. Erythrina, 139, 178, 263. Escallonia, 263. Eucalyptus, 263. Euchilus, 264. Eucomis, 213. Eugenia, 177, 183, 271. Eupatorium, 39, 264. Euphorbia, 178. Eutaxia, 264. Evergreen hedges, 106, 127. " planting, 21, 94. Fan palm, 175. February flower garden, 1'6. " green-house, 215. " hot-house, 157. " rooms, 335. Ferraria, 215. Ficus, 179, 264. Fig tree. 179. Firing, 150. Flower garden, on laying out, 9. Flower de luce, 41, 133. Flowering stocks, 305. Flues, on constructing, 146. Fox glove, 39. Fritiliaria, 128. Fiichsia, 265. Fuel, 150. Funkia, 40. Furnace, on constructing, 146. Gardenia, 179, 308. Garden, on laying out a flower, 9. Garddquia, 265. Gasteria, 223, 307. Geissom^ria, 180. Gels^mium, 266. Genista, 17, 266. Geraniums, 303, 310, 311. Gesndria, 159. Geum, 40. Gladiolus, 103, 213, 215, 319. Glazing, 149. Gloriosa, 160. Gloxinia, 169. Glycine, 91. Gnaphalium, 266. Gnidia, 266. Gongora, 207. Gompholobium, 266. 374 INDEX. Gooddnia, 266. Gorteria, 267. Grafting, 60. Grape vine, aspect for the, 353. « culture of the, 352. '* erections for the, 360. •' list of the best, 368. " manuring the, 366. " propagating the, 357. " on pruning the, 363. " soil for the, 360. " transplanting the, 362 Grass plats and walks, 58. Gravel walks, 60. Green-house, on erecting a, 209. Green-house plants, on bringing out, 306. the, Green-house plants, on taking in 322. Grevillea, 267. Gum elastic tree, 265. Habeniiria, 11. Habranthus, 267. Hiikea, 268. Heartsease, culture of, 101. Hcdera, 92. Hedges, 106. Hedychium, 159. Helic(ma, 180. Helichrysum, 268. Helitrupium, 180. Hemerociilis, 40. Hemimeris, 223. Herbaceous plants, descriptions of, 34. Heritifira, 180. Heron's bill, 263. Hibbertia, 268. Hibiscus, 41, 180. Holland bulbs, 121. Holly, 269. Honeysuckle, 17. Hot-bed, framing, how to prepare, 23 " how to sow seed in a, 24. Hot-house, on the erection of a, 145. " on repairing the, 200. Hottentot's bread, 292. Hot water, heating by, 147, Hovea, 268. Howarthia, 307. Hoya, 181. Hyacinth, character of a fine, 87. Hyacinths, effects of careless plant ing, 22. " on lifting the, 118. '• on planting the, 132. Hybrid roses, list of, 64. Hydrangea, 269, 302, 323. Hypericum, 268. Ilex, 269. Indigofera, 270. Indigo tree, 270. Insects, 158, 304. " their destruction, 152. Imhofia, 232. Ipomsea, 182. Iris, 41, 133. Irish ivy, 92. Ismene, 182. Isopogon, 270. Ixia, 213, 215, 319. Ix(>ra, 182. Jacarandia, 183. Jacksonia, 270. JacobiEa lily, 104. Jambosa, 183, 271. January flower garden, 13. " green-house, 210. " hot-house, 149. " rooms, 332. Jasmine, 93. 184, 271. Jasminum, 93, 184, 271. Jatropha, 184. Johnquil, 133. June and July flower garden, 121. " green-house, 309. " hot-house, 198, " rooms, 243. Justicia, 185,271. Kalosanthus, 256. KennMia, 271. Kosmpffiria, 159. Lachenalia, 213, 305. Ladies' ear-drop, 265. Ladies' slipper, 176. Lachna3a, 272. Lagerstrocmia, 22, 302, 323. Lamb6rtia, 272. Lantana, 185. Lasiopetalum, 272. Lantania, 185. Laiirus, 186, 272. Lavandula, 273. Lechenaiiltia, 273. Leadwort, 286. Lemon tree, 212, 219, 311, 313, Leonotis, 273. Leptospcrmum, 273. Leucadendron, 274. Liatris, 41. Lilium, 11, 133, 320. Lily, 133, 320. INDEX. 375 Linum, 274. Lion's ear, 273. Liparia, 274. Lobelia, 274. Lomatia, 275. Looking-glass plant, 180. Lonicera, 93. Lophospermum, 275, 287. Loquat, 262. Lychnis, 42, 275. LysinSma, 275. Lythrum, 42. Mangifera, 186. Magnolia, 276. Mahogany tree, 194. Malpigia, 187. Mammillaria, 170, 198. Manettia, 276. Mango tree, 186. Mar nta, 169. Marica, 187. March flower garden, 22. " green-house, 218. •' hot-house, 161. " rooms, 337. Mathiola, 42. May flower garden, 109. " green-house, 305. " hot-house, 164. " rooms, 341. Maxill^ria, 207. Melaleuca, 276. Mealstoma, 187, 276. Melocactus, 170. Menzie.sia, 276. Mesembryanthemum, 308. Mespilus, 262. Metrosideros, 277. Mignonette, sow for winter, 344. Mimosa, 165, 222. Mimulus, 42. Monardia, 42. Monk's hood, 35. Monkey flower, 42. Musa, 162, 188. Myrsine, 277. Myrtus, 188, 277. Myrtle, 220, 277, 302. Nandina, 278. Napolitan violet, 47. Narcissus, 133. Nepenthes, 189. N^rium, 278. New Zealand flax, 284. Night blooming cereus, 171. Norfolk Island pine, 226. November flower garden, 183, " green-house, 327. " hot-house, 203. " rooms, 347. October flower garden, 131. " green-hoase, 322. " hot-house, 203. " rooms, 346. CEnothdra, 43. Olea, 279. Oleander, 220, 278, 302. Olive, 279. Oncidium, 207. Opuntia, 172, 198. Orange trees, 212, 219, 311, 313. Orchideous plants, 206. Ornithogalum, 316. Oxalis, 315, 320. Oxslip, 44. Oxylobium, 279. Pachidendron, 307. Paeonia, 134, 324. Paeony, 134, 324. Palm, 175. Pancratium, 182, 189, Pandanus, 189. Pansy, culture of the, 101. Passifldra, 94, 190, 279. Passion vine, 94, 190, 279. Pelargonium, 280. " list of, 281. Pentst^mon, 14. Perennials, 34. Pereskia, 173, Periploca, 92. Persoonia, 284. Phlox, 43. Photinia, 256. Phylica, 285. Physic nut, 184. Phoenix, 190, 285. Phormium, 284. Phrynium, 159. Pimelea 285. Pimenta. 188. Pinks, 14, 127, 140. " on laying, 123. Pink, character of a fine, 100. Pistacia, 285. Pitcher plant, 189. Pittosporum, 285. Plantain tree, 188. Planting evergreens, 137. " roses, 51. 376 INDEX. Planting shrubs, 19, 57, 142. Plants, of bringing out the hot-house, 196. " taking in hot-house, 201. Platylobiuin, 286. Plumbago, 191, 286. Plum^ria, 191. Podalyria, 286. Poinsettia, 178, 191. Poivrea, 175. Polianthus, 100, Pomegranate, 302, 323. Polyanthus, 14, 119, 139. " character of a fine, 100. Polyspora, 192. Pjotentilla, 45. Primrose, 44, 49, 119, 139. Primula, 44, 324. Protea, 286. Protecting plants in the garden, 141. " seedling bulbs, 141. " plants on walls, 143. Pruning, 15, 16. Pterospermum, 192. Pultenoea, 287. Pyrus, 136. Queen stock, 42. Ranunculus, 14, 51. " character of a fine, 98. Renanthdra, 207. Repotting green-house plants, 221, 307, 314, 323, " hot-house plants^ 159, 163, 164. 199. Rhododendron, 11, 287. Rhodochiton, 287. Rhus, 17. Richardia, 314. RiphidodendroD, 307. Robinia, 17. Rochea, 2.56. ; Rock-work, 12. Rock rose, 252. Roella, 288. Rondelitia, 192. Rooms, treatment of plants in, 330. Roscoea, 192. Rose apple, 183. " tree, 287. Rosemary, 29G. Roses, planting a fence of, 13. « budding, 124. '« Chinese ever-blooming, 71. " climbing, 57, 83, 84. " of grafting, 69, *' hardy garden, list of, 52. Roses, hybrid, list of, 64. " I'islede bourbon, 70, 71. «' microphylla, 87. '' musk-scented, 82 '' noisette, 79, 80. '' odorata, or tea, 76, 77. «' perpetual, 67, 68. '' planting of, 51, 89. Riibus, 347. Ruellia, 193. Russ^lia, 193. Sage, 288. Sago palm, 176, 193. Sdgus, 193. Salvia, 288. Saponaria, 45. Sarrac^nia, 11. Sashes, materials for, 148. Saxifraga, 45. Scottia, 289. Screw pine, 189. Senecio, 289. September flower garden, 129. " greenhouse, 317. " hot-house, 200. ♦' rooms, 345. Shrubs, deciduous, 94. " planting, 57. " evergreen, 21, 94. Shutters of, 149, 205. Silene, 45. Silk vine, 92. Silver tree, 274. Snail flower, 285. Sollya, 289. Solandra, 193. Sowing seeds of bulbs, 128. Snapdragon, 34. Sparrrainnia, 289. Spardxis, 320. Sphaerolobium, 290. Spiraea, 46. SpreiktMia, 104. Sprengelia, 290. Stanhopia, 207. Star of Bethlehem, 316. St. Barnos lily, 35. St. Johnswort, 268. Stutice, 46. Stage for windows, 345, Sterciilia, 323. Sterenbergia, 121. Stock jelly. 14, 42. Stork's bill, 280. Strelitzia, 193, 290. Streptocarpus, 290. INDEX. 377 Strophanthus, 194. Sutherlandia, 291. Stylidium, 290. Styphelia, 291. Swainsona, 291. Sweet William, 38. Swiet^nia, 194. Sword lily, 103. TabernsBmont^na, 194. Tacsonia, 294. Tanner'3 bark, 140. Taxanthema, 46. Tea plant, 292. Tecdma, 92, 194, 291. Telopea, 292. Templetonia, 291. Testudinaria, 292. Thalictrum, 323. Th^a, 292. Thrift, 46. Thrinax, 195. Thija, 106. Thunbergia, 195. Tiger flower, 105. Tigridia, 105. Trad esc antia, 195. Trevirania, 295. Tritonia, 320. Trollius, 46. Tropoeolum, 294. Tub for orange trees, &c., 312. Tube rose, 100, 119, 139. Tulip, character of a fine, 97. Tulip, lifting, 118. " planting, 136. " soil for the, 135. Urania, 195. Valeriana, 47. Vanda, 207. Verbena, 224, 295. Veronica, 47. Viburnum, 16, 17, 296. Viminaria, 296. Viola, 47, 101. Virgin's bower, 37, 90, 253. Volkameria, 253. Wachendorfia, 213. Walks, 105, 137. " how to make, 11. Wall-flower, 14, 36, 120. Wampee tree, 255. Watering the dahlia, 126. " planU, 151, 211, 219, 300. Watsonia, 321. Wax plant, 181. Westringia, 296. Wind flower, 34. Windows, culture of plants in, 349. Wistdria, 91. Witsenia, 296. Wolf's-bane, 35. Yucca, 48, 297. Zamia, 195, 297. Zingiber, 159. Zygopetalum, 207. 32* LIST OF HARDY SHRUBS, SEE PAGE 57. Those marked thus *, require protection in winter, and those marked thus t, shade in summer. Amorpha, Bastard indigo. HlB^lSCUS, Althaea. fruiticosa, shrubby. syriacus. Althsea frutax. Amy'gdalus, Almond. var. var. nana, dwarf. Hydr'angea, pumila, double-flowering. all the varieties. aersica, peach-leared. t* hortensis, garden. Andromeda, 'Ilex, Holly. all the species. var. var. Az'alea, American honey- Jasm^inum, Jasmine. suckle. fruticans. shrubby. all the hardy species. officinale. climbing white^ Aucu'ba, Gold tree. Junip'erus, Juniper. + japonica, Japan. suecica, Swedish. B'erberis, virginicus, Virginian. all the species. Ka'lmia, American laurel. Bu'xus, Box tree. glauca, glaucous. two species. latifolia, broad- leaved. Calyc'anthus, Sweet-scented La^urus, Laurel. shrub. * nobilis, sweet-bay. floridus, purple-flowered. var. var. precox, Lavend'ula, Lavender. var. var. early. spica, spike-flowered. Casti'nea, Chestnut-tree. Magn^olia. pumila, dwarf. purpiirea, purple. Ce'rcis, Judas tree. Kobus, slender. canadensis. gracilis. Chiona'nthds. Fringe tree. grandiflora. large-flowered. virginica, common. var. var. Cle'thra, Thomsoniana, hybrid. all the hardy species. conspicua, zoulan. CoRNCS, Dogwood. soulangeana, hybrid. florida. large-flowered. Philad'elphus, mock-orange. sangiiinea. bloody. grandiflora. large-flowered. Crataegus, mana, dwarf. several species variegatus, variegated. Cotoneaster, P^mus, Pine or Fir tree. all are fine. balsamea. balm of Gilead. Cy'tisus, Pinckne'ya, Georgia bark tree all the species. pubens, downy. Da'phne. Pru'nus, Cherry. mezerium, red. * lusitanica, Portugal laurel. var. var. white-flowering. * lauroc^rasus, English laurel. fine. P'yrus, Dutzia scabra, red, white, and pur- all are very fine. ple. Rhododendron. Rose-bay. GORD'ONIA, Franklinia. catawbi^nse, Catawba. pubdscens, downy. LIST OF HARDY SHRUBS, &C. 379 daiiricum, var. var. ponticum, var. var. maximum. Rh^us, cotinus, Ri'bes. aureum, sanguineum, ROBINIA, hispida, SoRBUS. h^ybrida, Spir^^a. tomenfosa, bella, fnitex, &c. daurian. pink. common. Sumach, mist tree. fragrant, bloody. Locust tree, rose-acacia. mountain-ash — a beautiful shrub. tomentose. red -flowered, showy. Symph'ora, racem^osa, glomerata, Syr^inga, all the species. Ta'xus, baccata. hibernica, Thu'ja. occidentalis, orient'alis, Ti'llia, parvif'olia, coccinea, Viburnum. opulus, var. rosea, Snow-berry, white-berried, red-berried. Lilac. Yew. a handsome, erect growing evergreen, arbor-vitae. American. Chinese. [tree. Lime or Linden small-leaved, scarlet. guelder-rose. rose-coloured. LIST OF VERONICAS. SEE PAGE 47. Veronica. Sweed-well. incarnata, officinalis, officinal. carnea. cham'agdrys, Germander. leucantha, media, long-spiked. bellidioides, incana. hoary. verna. 6legans, elegant. am'osna, spicata, spiked. pulchella. grandis, large white. flesh-coloured. pale red. white-flowered. daisy-leaved. vernal. fine-blue. neat. TABLE OF SOILS. The following compound of soils are adapted to the nature of the Plant* contained in this work : Number. Savanna Loam. Leaf. Sand. Manure 1 2 - 1 - . _ . _ 2 _ . 3 2 - _ . _ 3 - . 4 - - i . 1 4 _ . 2 1 . - _ 6 all . - _ . _ . _ 6 3 . 1 _ . _ . _ 7 _ . 3 1 . . _ 8 4 . I - . . _ 9 _ . 2 2 . . _ 10 1 . 1 1 . . _ 11 _ . 3 2 - . _ 12 _ . 3 1 . . 1 13 2 . 2 1 . . 1 14 - - 4 - . - _ 15 _ . 4 2 . . _ 16 4 . - 1 . . _ 17 - - 5 1 - . 1 18 _ . 1 1 - . 1 19 1 - 1 - - - - - REMARKS ON THE NATURE OF SOILS USED IN THE ABOVE TABLE. Peat or Savanna sail — is of a dark colour, with a large portion of wrhite sand incorporated with it, and is found frequently in New Jersey. A mixture of two-thirds black earth from the woods and one-third of pure white sand will be similar to it, and may be used as a substitute, but is not ex- actly of the same nature. Loam — is of a light brown colour, and is that from the top of old pastures or commons, which should lie one year, and be frequently turned before using. It ought not to be from a clay bottom, and merely three inches of the turf taken. Leaf mould — is that which is to be found on the surface of the ground in woods, and is the decomposed leaves. It may be termed nearly of first rate importance in vegetation. Sand — is a substance that is generally known, and that which is found on the surface is decidedly the best. If il is from a pit, it must be spread out, and frequently turned, that it may assimulate with the atmosphere be- fore using ; four months will be sufficient. Manure — before using, must be decomposed to very fine particles. It will require two years, during which time it must be often turned, and the longer it lays it will be the finer and more congenial. ROBERT BUIST, NURSERYMAN AND FLORIST. City establishmenl, No.liO South Twelfth-street, Philadelphia. Particular attention is paid to the most valued stock of Camellias, Pelargoniums, Roses, and Dahlias ; the different varieties of which, from his extended personal acquaintance in Europe, he is enabled always to receive by the earliest opportunity. Also, choice fruits, such as Apricots, Peaches, and Nectarines on Plum stocks. Pears, Cherries, Grape vines, &c. He returns his very sincere acknowledgments to his friends for their kind and extensive patronage, and trusts that, by pursuing the path of moderation and integrity, he will be able to retain and extend their custom. To ffive his distant friends an idea of the extent of his green-house department, he assures them that he has up- ward of 12,000 square feet of glass occupied in his city gar- den and nursery, which enables him to fulfil the most ex- tensive orders. CHOICE PI-OWER SEEDS AND DAHLLIA ROOTS ; HYACINTHS, TULIPS, AND OTHER DUTCH BULBS. N, B, — A.11 orders must be accompained with cash or re- sponsibility. — Cash discount, 10 per cent. Plants carefully packed and shipped to any port of North or South America. WORKS ON GARDENING, AGRICULTURE, 6cc., FOR SALE BY E. L. CAREY & A. HART. LOUDON'S ENCYCLOPiEDIA OF PLANTS; Comprising the Description, Specific, Character. Culture, History, Appli- cation in the Arts, and every other desirable Particular, respecting all the Plants Indigenous to, Cultivated in, or Introduced into, Britian. With nearly 10,000 Engravings on Wood. Second Edition, corrected. One large vol. 8vo., boards. The most useful and popular botanical work that has ever appeared in the English language. — Jameson's Philosophical Jonrnal. LOUDON, J. C. Encyclopsedia of Agriculture ; comprising the Theory and Practice of the Valuation, Transfer, Laying out. Improvement, and Management of Landed Property ; and the Cultivation and Economy of the Animal and Vegetable Productions of Agriculture ; including the latest Improvements ; a General History of Agriculture in all Countries ; and a Statistical View of its Present State ; with Suggestions for its Future Progress. One large vol. 8vo. With nearly 1,300 Engravings on Wood. 3d edition. LOUDON, J. C. An Encylopaedia of Gardening ; comprising the Theory and practice of Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, and Landscape Gardening ; including all the latest Improvements ; a General History of Gardening in all Countries ; and a Statistical View of its Present State ; with Suggestions for its Future Progress in the British Isles. New edi- tion, greatly enlarged and improved ; with nearly 1,000 Engravings on Wood. 1 vol. 8vo. LOUDON, J. C. Hortus Britannicus ; a Catalogue of all the Plants Indi- genous to, Cultivated in, or Introduced into, Britain. Part 1. — The Lin- naean Arrangement, in which nearly 30,000 Species are enumerated, &c. ; preceded by an Introduction to the Linnaean System. Part 2. — The Jus- sieuean Arrangement of nearly 4,000 Genera ; with an Introduction to the Natural History System, and a Description of each order. 8vo., cloth. LOUDON, J. C. Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum ; or, the Trees and Shrubs of Great Britain, Native and Foreign, Pictorially and Bota- nically delineated, and Scientifically and Popularly described ; with their ( 3 ) Propagation, Culture, Management and Uses in liie Arts, in Useful and Ornamental Plantations, and in Landscape Gardening. Preceded by a Historical and Geographical Outline of the Trees and Shrubs of Tempe- rate Climates throughout the World. Eight thick volumes, 8vo., (four of Letter-press and four of Plates,) consisting of above 3,000 Pages of Letter-press, above 400 Octavo Plates of Trees, and upward of 2500 Wood-cuts of Trees and Shrubs. LOUDON, J. C. The Suburban Gardener and Villa Companion ; adapted for Grounds from one perch to fifty acres and upward in extent, and in- tended for the instruction of those who know little of gardening and rural affairs. By J. C. Loudon, F. L. S., H. S., &c. 1 vol. 8vo., cloth, let- tered. LOW, DAVID. Elements of Practical Agriculture ; comprehending the Cultivation of Plants, the Husbandry of Domestic Animals, and the Eco- nomy of the Farm. 1 vol. 8vo., 2d edition, with Alterations and Addi- tions, and above 200 Wood-cuts, cloth, lettered. SIR H. DAVY'S Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. 6th edition. HORTUS WOBURNENSIS. The Flower and Fruit Gardens Pleasure Grounds, &c., &c. At Woburn Abbey, the Seat of the Duke of Bedford. By James Forbes, A. L. S. C. M. H. S., &c., Principal Gardener at Woburn Abbey. Illustrated by numerous Views, Plans, &c. One Vol. SINCLAIR'S HORTUS GRAMINEUS WOBURNENSIS. ,To which will be added, for the first time, "The Weeds of Agriculture." 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