■^ ^^sSSS^:^ fi$MM^ m C "t ^ S<^<^ci S' S- ^ «c: • c: ce c — ^m f-- cc f ^ t— cC ^^ - .' cc ccc <1 cO ClccT iS^ CC ccc CC.'/C, cc c c C^ c c CC "C cc c CC^ c cc c <: cc < ^c o: ^cc ^ •O; c ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ~EMV I ! ^^^'%q ! UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. led «=.: cc ^^ cc _cc :f ? CC CC ^^vc^: :. ^.^ CcC^. - <2::«c:: c c d ^ ^vt d ■ (-- ■•IT c< .d ^-e ^' d d' d o.-< d i'^7, Mr. John Bell, of Tennessee, appeared at a great Whig meeting in Faneuil Hall, Boston, and standing beside Daniel Webster, who presided in that meeting, Mr. Bfll exclaimed, " Tennessee is in princu'le WITH Massachusetts." The same men who stood by Mr. Webster to ratify that alliance, the John Davises, the Benja- min Russelis, the I. C. Bateses, and the Salton- stalls, are now his vouchers for the pledge at Alexandria. Who and where aie fAcy.? Daniel Webster was tlu? author of the Rock- ingliam Circular, adopted by a Convention of Federalists in New Hampshire, denouncing the war, from whicii he was transferred to Congress. Previous to this, in IdllU, he delivered an oration, tlie 4th of July, before '• Uic Federal, gentlemen " of Concord, N. H., in which lie inveiirhed against President Jellersoa, and denounced him for his love of peace and regard to economy. '^ Patriotism," said he, " has given place to the spiiit of economy, llegard to national honor is absorbed in a thirst for gain, and a desire to gave." In his pampiilet against the Embargo, Mr. Webster said of JelTerson — " When a man's pretensions are utterly inconsistent wilk his actions, his pretensions must be false. The motive assigned for laying the embargo, was never llie ti-ue motive. When we have a 15ritisli war, we of pourie [shall] have a French alliance, and surrender our lilierties and independence to llic protection of Bona- parte." In 1812, at a Federal Convention held in Brent- / wood, Mr. Webster reported resolutions justifying / the public enemy, and condemning his own. gov- \ ernment. ^ While in Congress, he opposed tlie war at everj' I step. Among volumes of speeches, denouncing I the war and flie adininistratic^n, he said — ^ " Utterly aslonislied at the declaration of war, I have been surprised at nothing since. I saw how it would be prosecuted, when 1 saw liow it was hegiin. There is an unchangeable rehilioii between rash councils ayd FEEBLE EXECUTION." "' They (the Federalists) know llie limit of ronslilii- lional opposition. Up to that limit they will walk, an delect and punish Irailors and spict ; .lanuary 21!, against a bill to ijniist troops during the war, in a ininorily of senn ; January 2r>, against en- forcing the noii-imporlution laws; February H, againbt raising five regimentH ; March 2:t, against rnlling mit d have hurled at the Palladium the keenest shahs their malice could command. But not intending to be browbeaten by them out of what we believed to be truth, we have persisted in llic truth of the statement, 'i'lie /I'.gis has pursued us with singular virulence, de- claring as follows : — " It is iai.se that ever a man of our population rejoiced thai the C;ipit(il liad lieen captnied, sacked, and hnrned;" and lli;it " there is no person, nenllenian, or of other de- sciiptioM, now resiase. perjidiuiis, cowardly, and a ''buffoon.'' ^ In 1816, the year after the war, the same Mr. ^ John Davis delivered an oration on the 4th of Ju- ly, before the Federalists of Worcester. We give a few extracts, to show the cliaracter of that oration. '• Could Federalists exult in the discharge of severe and ungrateful duty, iliey might look back with proud satisfaction on their career." " What i.s our remuneration for the toil, the labor, a-nd the peril of that season of calamity 1 [the war]. Arc the Canadas subdued ? Have we any safer passport on the highway of nations ? On these subjects the boasted treaty which was sealed with the blood of thou- sands, is silent. What then are the trophies of that ob- durate combat ? National glory ? And what is that national glory achieved by the blood of thousands ? Ask tliat blazing meteor which consumed Moscow, and, sliorn of its beams, has set in the Western Ocean ' [Napoleon.] •' Our lesson, though less disastrous, is not much less humiliating. " When the tax-gatherer knocks at your doors, re- member that the tribute he demands, is the purchase of national glory. " When the fishermen sees his occupation gone, let him remember that his government have made the sac- ritice for national glory, "When the merchant murmurs that he is shut out from the West India trade, let him remember it was abandoned in quest of national glory. " When in the disguise of double duties you pay an exorbitant tax on all foreign commodities, [the 'J'ariil',] let it not escape your minds that this too is a tribute for national glory. " When you see the page of history which record.s the sacking of Alexandria, and the destruction of the Capitol, remember that these were only piopitialory ofTerings on the altarof ambition, to secure the blessing's of mxtioual glory. " The Federalists are gratified that they have enW so little, that they have boldly confronted tlie menaces of pawer, the wiles of ajnbition, and in the darkest times advocated those great measures which were calculated Jo accelerate the prosperity, and promote the permanent mterests of the nation ; while they have strenuouslv op- posed that narrow, self-destroying policy, which iras founded in party animosity, adapted to a foreign climate, and drew after it porerty, war, and the loss of inval- uable national privileges." This is the eulogy which that inodern pretender to the Jefferson school, " honest " ("■ av, honest ") John Davis, pronounced on tiie administrations of Jefferson and Madison. In the same oraffon, he extolled " the heroes of Chippewa and J\/'cw Orleans, who had redeemed their country from infamy," while the only indi- rect allusion to Harrison, was as one of the actors '• m that storm of rapid proclamalions which howled along our JVorthern border." ^ Mr. Davis now holds the office of United States Senator, under the Mas.saclmsetts Federal Whigs, and is also their candidate for (ro^rernor. For several years he was their agent to collect the militia claims of Massachusetts for her share in achieving what Mr. Davis sneered at as the moonshine of national glory ! Take a hricf history of another of these " Whigs of the Jefferson school," who is associated with Mr. Webster in making General Harrison the bearer of their standard. IsA.\c C. B.\TKS, one of the Harrison electors for Massachusetts, and a missionary of the Harris- burg Convention. July 14th, l!?12, this same Mr. Isaac C. Bates was secretary of the Federal Convention for Hamp- shire, Franklin, and Hampden, held at JNorthamp- ton, to denounce the war, every living man of which convention, save one, is now a Harrison Whig. Mr. Bates was chosen one of the Commit- tee of Safety, with Lyman, and Strong, and oth- ers, every living man of whom is now a high Whig, viz. Joseph Lyman, the Whig Sheriff of Northampton county, a surviving member of the Hartford C<;nventi*iv:<: — May the progress of llieir passengers lo the liairJMm Polls be onward, forward, and slraightward, liaiu! ni Irand, slioulder to shoulder, and llicir journey he crowned with such success, as will induce ail other Locos to join company, and unite cordially in the >hcM, "Gotiliead, — for we iww /enow the Wliigs arc rizht." Major Russell now hnmrs that tiie V.'liigs are right": he scents the black cockade of General chair. . « Our country, then prosperous, has been giievoiisltj oppressed bv ruinous eominercial restrictions, which for many y'ears liave been wanlonlij imposed by the tfoverninent of the United States ; and its measure^ f vtipr'ij is now filed up by a declaration o( war agai Gre, 18U.] "The fifth resolution (calling die Hartford Conven- tion) was debated through the day. It was supported by Nb'ssrs. Knapp, Milliard, Longfellow, Soil.oishdl, Itubbar.l, and others. It was opt>osed by Messrs. Webb, (Ireen, Wordiingtcm, Aiken, Klhs, ami Lincoln. The debate was able and spirited. Veas 2li0, nays HI).' Of the above who supported the convention, .h"l:;llt;L:!",,.r•r^ ,ir''o;'',i;:::i 3ri:;or.,nS.;=/o::;,;;^,»n,,.„.^^^ Deiiiorrats. January 27, 1815, Tieverett Saltonstnll voted to approve the doings of the Hartfortl Convention, and lo ai)point three cominissioners to apply to the United States government for the separation of Massachusetts from the States, in the defence of her territory. ■ iiurnose oi iMip.iiiiiig mi- .-.•■•.•■p.— — — • - ^.' It would be nlinosl as reasonable lo expect some (-.ulli- ver to swim over the British Channel, and bring H out of Plymouth in his fingers." IKrom Ihe Ccnlinel of March 30. 181G. -Extract from the "^ I'fderal Addret^s to the People.) " The mali'rnanl blasts oi Democracy have swept over us like a pestilence. Why sl.ould we vote for he Jejfer- sons the Mudiso,,^; the Monroes, aud iheir inocicrn satol- liies' who exlun^tcd our resources, nd„ed ourcommercj, and c/if/W ihe hie-blood of oar prospenlij by A W ICK- ED \V \R 10 gralilV a foreign niousler. Come lor- ward, ihcn, and bkand with infamy the prokh- GATE RlNliLEAUKRS OF DEMOCRACY. After the election of Governor Brooks over Saimiel Dexter, the Centiiiel of April 10 ex- claimed — '^ Dcnocntc'i is like the dump-footed cabbage. It sproLiu ill the wcl and shade, but uhcii the sun oj J'cd- endism .-hiiics. il decays and putrejtf.s." '• Mr. JeiVersoii, about this time, is repealing Ins ex- clamalioii, • The devil is still in Massachusetts!' Here is one of your modern Wliigs of" the Jef- fersi.ri school," and he says he knuicii the Whigs are j-i.i-.'.i in supporting Harrison. "vVe niiolit oive more full lengths of prominent H-.L-rison Jtandard-bearers of the blue-light school, but IhoY are so numerous we must group thorn. Of t!ie.se men, as above described by themselves, who wiil not say, •' Thev are wliere they ever have been and ever ni?a:i to be," — Federalists .' T'lS CONTEST BETWEEN JOHN ALJAMS AND THOMAS JEFFER- SON IN 1804. Where were the supporters of Harrison then .•" The Federalists of Massachusetts, then in power, were so eager to defeat Jetferson, that they violently changed the mode of choosing electors from districts to a general ticket. This roused the Republicans, and the whole electoral t'cket was carried by the people for Jefferson, by a majority of 3,5:53. It was the largest vote that h-id ever been given in Massachusetts, tlien in- cluding Maine. • ,. ^ , r>. Majir Be"JA'.un- Russet.i., editor of the Cen- tmol, tlie Federal organ, said — '• The state of our national affairs, and the activity of the partisans on'bolh sides, has given an exlraonhiiiiry aclSvity to the election; and in no instance, since the existence of the Slate, will be found so great a number of votes <^iven in. It has been, emphatic id bj, a struggle whether "^Massachusetts would consent to become a Colomj of Virsiiiia, or a free and independent Stale." At thit period, the supporters of Jefferson called their party llvpiihliran ; but they were universally nicknamed, by the Federalists, Demo- crats, as a term of reproach. The Centinel thus announced the result of the choice of the Jeifer- son electoral ticket : — " The wliole number of voles wa% 55,000. The hi-'he-^t on the Democa'ic list had 29,310 voles. The lowest on tlie Ftd^ral ticket, 25. 120. Tlie general result mav be thus slated: For the Federal ticket, 25.777 ; for the Dcmorralir ticket, 29,310 ; odds, 3,533." The f illowing extracts from the Boston Cen- tinel of that day' will show the lines between the two parties, aud the bitterness of the then Massa- chusetts Federalists (now Whigs) against Jeffer- son Deino'iracy and Virginia : — '• If IMassachusetts is doomed to liecomc a satellite of Virsjiiiia. no blame can rest on SuHolk." "Tlie result of the electoral choice in this State (for Jefferson) will not mnlerially lessen the faith of any genuine Federalist in the ultiinalc triumph of the prin- ciples of the Constitution as administered by Washing- ton and Adams. ' 'Tis not in mortals to command success ; They can deserve it.' " Before the election, the Centinel called for a rally of its party, under the name of "the true RepiihJlcan Federalists from 1788 to 1804." Of the Democratic electors chosen in Massa- chusetts, it said, " They are all pledged to vote for Jeflerson and Clinton," and added — "The iphile Virginians of the Norlli dare no more deviate tiom their piocige to vote for JelVrrMm ihan the black Virginians dare disobey the orders ol their drivers." Again, the Centinel said — "The Democrats continue to profane the revered name of Washington, by opposing it to that ot^ John Adams, and connecting il wilh that of JeJj'erso--i." The same paper gives a list of inenibers of Congress elected, and says, '• These in italics are Dcviorruts.^' Alden Bradford, the Federal historian of Massachusetts, says of the success of the Jeffer- son electoral ticket, in 1804 — "The Democratic partij triumphed, much to the disappoiutnicnt and mortification of the Federalists." When Sullivan was elected Governor, the same writer says — "For the first lime after the Federal Government was established, all branches of the Government in JMassachusctts, in 1807, were Democratic, and again in isiOand 11." This is pretty conclusive as to what was meant by Federalist and Di.mocrat in those days. Let us see, then, where the leaders are now. ftlr. Alden Bradford is now a very stienuous Harrison man. He was Governor Strong's secretary in the war. In 1804, Massachusetts, including Maine, gave 19 electoral votes. Where were tlie men who were identified in that contest between Adams and Jefti-rson, thirty- six years ago? and where are the survivors no70? C»f the Democratic ticket of electors, headed by .James SaUivan and ElbrUlge Gerry, not one is living. Like the immortal signers of the Declaration, all have gone to llieir long homes. Of the Federal John Adams ticket, headed by David Cobb ftlie avowed wonarckist of the reign of terror) and Oliver Wendell, but two are known to be now livins, viz. I-'benkzer Mattoon, of Amherst, and Samuel S. VVii.de, of Hallowell. Where are these men now? and where have they always been.' . It was esnltingly announced, in the Whig papers, that, at the celebration of tho last 4th of July in Barre, where Daniel Webster was the Whig orator, the veteran General Kbenezcr Mat- toou^a. Revolutionary soldier, was present, and gave his voice in favor of Harrison ! And who is Ebenezer Mattoon, whom the Whigs so exultingly parade in their Log Cabin processions ? He is the same vimi who, in 1804, was run as a John Adams elector again.st Thomas Jefferson, and was defeated by the Democrats of Massa- chusetts. He is the very smne man who, in lcl],wa8 removed from the olfiee of Sheriff of Hampshire by Governor Gerry, afterwards Vice President with James Madison. He was then taken up by the Federalists, and elected a member of the Letrislature. And, further, this General Mattoon, whos«. support of Harrison is exultingly proclaimed by the =' Harrison Democrats,'' as they style them- selves, was a I-'ederal member of the Massachu- setts Legislature in 1812, and rated far all tlu Hartford Convention measures, and signed the violent protest to Congress denouncing James Madison's war. In 1814, he was appointed one of Governor Strong's prnrc Major (ienerals, lo prevent tlie Massachusetts troops doing any fighting ! Such was and is tliis '■^Harrison Dcmocrtit," General Mattoon, a John Adams eleetor in 1HI4, a Hartford Convention Fe^Jsiralist in J81'2, a "peace party " General in lb]4, wid a hard cider Whig in J840. Verily, he is " where he ever has been and ever means to be." Tlie otiier survivor of the John Adams electoral ticket of Jc-^04 is Hon. Sa.muel S. Wilde. We speak only of his political life. As ^ man and a Judge, he is learned and venerable. Wiiere has he been? In 1814, he was one of Governor Caleb Strong's Council, and sanctioned the re- fusal of that enemy of the Union to call out the militia as required by the President. The 18th of October, 1814, he was cliosen a member of the Har/ford Convention, and sat in secret conclave in that treasonable council. He was subsequently appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts by Governor Strong, and in 1811) was chosen, by the Federal Legislature of that State, to vote against Monroe for President, and for Kiifiis King, the very man who proposed, on the floor of Congress, to furnish James Madison with a halter ! He is now a Judge of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, and a Whig, or " Harrison Demo- crat" — one of Mr. \Vebster's associates under "the significant banner!" He, too, is "where he ever has been and ever nieans to be." TiTis was the beginning of the two parties. Federal a,nd Democratic. Let us look a little farther. The War of 1812, and the Hartforu Con- vention OK 1814, were decisive tests of the two parties. How many who bore up tlie standard of rebellion in those days are now .-nlisted with Daniel Webster, John Davis, and their associates, in making General Harrison their " standard- bearer ! " June 10, 1813, a majority of the Committee of Foreign Ptelations in tlie House, in Congress, to whom Mr. Madison's message was referred, reported a manifesto as the basis of a declaration of war. The men who made that report were John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, Felix Guundy, of Tennessee, EnF.NKZER Seavek, of Massa- chu.setts, John Sinilic, of Pennsylvania, John A. Harper, of New Hampshire, and Joseph Desha, of Kentflcky. The three f^rst named still survive. Need we ask where arc they? Two of them are distin- guished Senators, supjjorting the Democratic Administration of Martin Van Buren. The third resides in Roxbury, Massachusetts, e.vcluded from public life by Federal malignity, ever since he voted for the war, but uniformly Democratic. At the recent celebration of the 4th of July, he wrote a sound Democratic letter to the Demo- crats of Medfii'ld, full of the ])ure doctiine. Wi/.i.iAM Si'i.i.ivAN, of lloston, auotiier of Mr. Webster's associates, who died within a year, in the full faith of British Whiggery, (and who, were he now living, would rally around liie Federal standard-bearer, G(;n<'ral Harrison,) held up ihi'sc men to scorn, in his Familiar Letters, publish<-d in 18^54. Mr. Sullivan was the a, n hti ssnilor oi' the Hart- ford Convention, sent to VVasliino;ti)n in |HI4, to demand of I'residcnl Madison liie separation of New iMigland from the Union, in earryintf on the war. He was an active partisan Whig, to the time of bis decease, and noin^ better under- stood till" n)otto of that part}', borne on its signili- cant banner at Baltimore, " We arc ichcrc loc tvcr hacc been and ever mean te be." Mr. Sullivan thug ideniifies the Federalists of 181:^ and the Whigs of 1834. He says — "■ VVlicu iMr. Jladison came to ihe Presideiii-v, the oppoiiejil party were llie Federalists. The oi^pouci-j parly at this day (1834) are citizens knoicn />i/ som,. oilier name, biU they are men of the .same pkin cifi.es." — Familiar Letters, p. 282. . Again, he says, (p. 3G6,) in mourning over the disbanding of tlie Federal party by tlie second election of Jefferson — ' ^ "Tlie name (Federalist) became so odious that it was abandoned. It ouglit ever to have been the most hoiioruble that any citizen could assume." In this we may see a shadowing forth of the second election of Van Buren, and the fate tiiat awaits the various names of -'Harrison Demo- crats," '-Log Cabin Whigs," and '-Hard Cider Kej)ublicans." At that period the Federalists were exulting in the blind hope of deli^ating Mr. Van Buren s lirst election, just as they are now of preventing his second choice by the people. Mr. Sullivan tallied then, just as the hard cider boasters do now. I'eax him. "Are the people of the United Slates so Tar gone in despotism that they must submit ? or can they in ai;y way wrest their personal freedom, tlieir constitution, tiiiMr honorable lame, the last hope ol cjvil liberty, Imm ibo grasp of usurpers ? ■' I'iiey have a formidable adversary' to conlcnd wiih. There is the President, (Andrew Jackson ) wnli a head and heart not better than 21wmas JeJ/'erfon, but Irced from the inconvenience of that gentleman's ccnsiiiiun.iial timidity," &c. ■' But diere are encouraging indications of lalo. There is a hope that the real sovereigns of the land are opening their eyes and their ears to realities. The day is near at hand when the people can save theniseives and their Constitution, at its last gasp." " liut that which is astonishing and ludicrous is, tiiat thi.^ armtj of patriots [the otlicc-holders, &c.] announce and maintain thai the people know, understand, and approve of all their doings ! " " There is not the least doubt that a large majorily of the American jieople are disgusted aud astonished by the usurpations of Andrew Jackson." Judge Hopkinson, of Pennsylvania, aiioiher veteran Federalist and modern Whig, who is now associated with Mr. Webster in supporting the Federal -'standard-bearer,'' exultingly exclaimed, in the I'ennsylvania Convention, Dec. 23, 1837, when the Bank suspensions had given new hojies to the opposition — " Nolwilhstanding all the calumnies that have been uttered against the Federal party, yet they are always at their post in the hour of danger. Their principle's are always iiivokcd to rescue the country from difli- cullit;s it "is phriiged in by the rashness of their oppo- nents. Thus in times of dijji cully they triumph, and THEV are now again "co.ming into I'owER. 1 sec some honest faces present who arc not ashamed io avow themsilres Federalists." Such is the identity of the old " Federal Re- pubiiean," and the new '- Whig Republican," or '• Deiuoeratic Whig"' parly, lint let us return to the war a:id the Hartford Convention, and see where the jircsi-nt associates of Mr. Webster, in holding up their '•standard-bearer" Harrison, ihe/i were. The war was d.cland June ]8, 1812. We all know whfie Daniki. Wkhstfr was then, and his motto says, "1 am when- 1 ever have been and ever mean to be." How was the declaration received in Massa- chusetts, and where are the men now ? Hon. Samuf.i. Pitnam, of Salem, then a mem- ber of the Massanhusells llouse, offend a resolve, (June 2, 1812, before war was deelired.) depre- cating the measure, and reported. a slioug Memo- rial to Congress against it, whicli passed, 4viG to 249. The Memorial was disclaiiiied by tiie Re- publicans of that day, as humiliating to us, and meanly submissive to Great Britain. Of'tli'Me who voted/or this Federal protest, we have ascertained that thirtij-ninc are now living, and of lliese all but one man, are active, decided Whigs, associates of Mr. Webster in supporting Harrison, as the " standard-bearer " of Federalism ! We \vill give the names of the most prominent. Samuel. Putnam, of Boston, now a Judge of the Supreme Court, appointed by Gov. Strong in li?14. David lyUder, now the Treasurer of the Com- nionwealtli, elected by Wliigs. Joniithun Jluniuwell, an e.v-Senator of Suffolk, and now a modern Whig. Benjamin Kusseil, the old editor of the Federal Centinel, and a toaster of Harrison at the last 4th of July dinner in South Boston. Visited the British fleet gisla- turo in ]8.'54, and father-in-law of Richard S. Fny, who wrote the infamous Circular to the Demo- cratic v.'orkmen in the Sandwich Glass Company. John' Pickering, (son of Timothy Pickering.) and now Whig City Solicitor of Boston. Thomas Greenleaf, of Quincy, a modern Whig liard cider Harrisonite. Mijiot Titaijer, of Braintree, Whig member of the Legislature, Harrison runner, and getter up of hard cider carousals. Signed the Federal Whig protest against the admirable Address of Governor Morton. How this modern Whig stood in the v>'ar, will best be shown by the following pithy extract from the old Republican Patriot and Chronicle, which we hope to quote again, next November, when a true Democrat shall be cliosen in place of this " headlong Federalist." [From the Chronicle of M.iy ]3, \.-n.] "In Braintree, a Republican Representative has been choson, by a very handsome majority, in the place of MiNOT Thayer, a thorough-going,' headlong Federalist." He, too, is " where he ever has been and ever means to be." Barnnhas Hedge, of Plymouth, a prominent Whig, just deceastjd. J\iihum Mitchell, Stf^te Treasurer and Senator under Governor Strong, and a member of his Council; a Federal Judge, and now a Whig member of the legislature from Boston ; signed the protest against Governor Morton. William Baylies, of Bridgewater, ex-member of Congress, I'rom the district now represented by the talented Henry Williams; voted against the removal of the deposits. Mr. Baylies tried once to be a Jackson man, but it was in vain he washed his old Federalism and cried, " Out, danmed spot." He went back again, and is now very active in the Log Cabin campaign; promised, it is said, to be elected TJ. S. Senator in place of John Davis, if he gets in Governor. Samuel Crocker, of Taunton, holding a State office under Governor Everett, and member of a corporation which threatens to turn out all opera tives that won't vote for Harrison. Horatio Leonard, of Raynham, now the Whig Sheriff of Bristol county, an active Whig partisan. James CroweU, of Yarmouth, holding a State office, and an active Federal agent, now and for- ever, of Mr. John Reed, the life member of Con- gress. Josejih Bdicman, of Nev; Braintree, a Whig ex Counsellor of Governor Lincoln in ld33. Edmund Dwight, now of Boston, Whig mem- ber of the Senate, and Director in the Western Railroad. Ebvnczcr MattiKin, of Amherst, recently exhibit- ed, at a Log Cabin gathering in Hampshire, as a Revolutionary veteran, in favor of the hero of Tippecanoe. Described before as a John Adams elector. His son, Ebenezer Mattoon, Jr., is ono of the signers of the protest against Governor Morton. E/ihraim Hastings, of Heath, an ex-Whig Senator, and the defeated Harrison candidate in Franklin county, at the last election. Thomas Lovi'lcy^ of Hawley, a Federal Senator in 18'.;4, and voted against Seth Spragiie's motion to expunge the infamous resolution of J. Quincy," passed in 181o, that it was immoral and irreligious to rejoice at the victories of our country ! Also deletratc to a Whig convention that nominated Webster or Harrison in 1836, pledged to either oc both. Mr. Longley was the man who attemptetl to carry the Antimasons of Massachusetts for Harrison or Webster, and ftiled in his plot. He was a Harrison elector in 183(>. There are others of lesser note, but these will Bulnce as a sample of the whole. Not a man who signed this anti-war protest, except one, is now living, who ever voted any thing but the modern W'hig ticket. How well they fulfil the meaning of the motto of " the sig- nificant banner " of the Boston Delegation at Baltimore, ^ " We are where 2cc ever hare been and ever mean \ to he!" ' Of the protest against the war, (in Congress,) which these men approved, Wii. mam Sti.i-iv.vN, the .Embassador of the rebel Hartford Convention, says in Ills Familiar Letters, p. 318, it is much su- perior to the Declaration of Indrprudenre ! This protest was drawn up by Josiah Quincy. The ■ snrvivimf Massachusetts members of Congress, whri signed it, are Josiah Qiilncy, of Cambridge, and J.,ai)an Wheaton, of Norton, Whigs. It was also signed by Mr. Heed, father of John Heed, now Whig member of Congress, who voted against every measure to Bustain the country during the 8 war, and by Thomas Wilson, a brother of General James Wilson, of New Hampshire, the Federal jliiieraiit lecturer in Massacliusetts. This was jusi before the war. Now let us go into the war. WHO WERE THE MEN THAT OP- P0.SJ:D the WAR! WHERE ARE THE SURVIVOR.S NOW J Governor Strong sent a message to the Massa- cliusctts Legislature, June'23d, \ti\2, annouticimr and denouncing tlie war. It was referred to a committee. The only survivor of that eommit- tee is Charles Jackson, of iioston,tiie Webster and Harrison elector in l.S:?2. He reported an Address to the people, bitterly denouncing" Mad- ison's war," which passed, ICio to 56. A coimniltee was forthwith ajjpointed to report a fast "on account of the unexpected and calam- itous declaration of war." The only survivor of that committee is Ed- mund Dwiii/it, now a Whig Seii:itor for WuHolk. Skth Si'KAGUF., of Duxbury, (now a veteran Democrat, who sent a letter in support of tlie In- dependent Treasury to the Democratic celebra- tion of the last 4th of July in that place, and was the Democratic candidate for Senator last fall.) was a State Senator in lfc'l3. and, on his motion, Jan. 2t>, tiie Senate, then Democratic, (with Mar- cus Morton, now Governor, its clerk,) voted to build, provision and equip a 74 ^un siiip, to be called the Massachusetts, and present it to the United States Govi'rnment, to be employed by President Madison, during the war. This order was reported ii14, when the convention was formed. Mr. Allen declined voting on the first motion for the. Hart- ford' Convention. Neither can we positively speak as to Mr. Lathrop, who has taken no part in politics for some time. All the rest are earnest supporters of Harrison. They are " Where they ever have heeii and ever mean to be." SURVIVING BIEMBERS OF THE HOUSE. It is a difficult task to obtain a full list from so numerous a body. In what^we have got, we have taken great ptiins, and carefully studied ac- curacy. If there is any error, it is inadvertent, and we beg it may be pointed out. In the Hou.se the yeas were 2(J0, nays JtO ; — for Maine, 41 yeas, 21 na3's ; fiar Massachusetts Proper, 219 yeas. 6'J nays. Tliose belonging to Massachusetts, who voted for the convention, iind are ascertained to be now living, are as fol- lows, ['.s accurately as we can learn. We attach the Whig odices they novv- hold. Boston. — Jonatlian Hunnevvcll, (an ex-Whig Senator.) Stephen Codnum, (of the Quorum,) Ben- jamin Russell, (a Justice, ex-Editor of tlie Boston Centinel, toaster of Harrison the last 4th of .(uiy, ox-me;nber of Governor Everett's Council, iS-c. &c.,) Benjamin Whitman, (ex-Judge of Po- lice under Governors Lincoln and Davis; of the Quirum.) William H. Sumner, (now of Rox- bury, ex-Adjutant-General, and Justice of the Qfj-iruai,) Benjamin Weld, (now of Maine,) Oli- ver Keating, of Chelsea, Daniel Messinger and Wiiliam Harris, (who were on the Committee that gave a pretended Mechanics' Dinner to Daniel Webster, Prentiss, of Missouri, and Menifee, of Kentucky, in Faneuil Hall, July, 1838; both have been menibers of the House,) George G. Lee, (formerly of the Essex Junto,) Lynde Wal- ter, (Justice Peace.) Lemuel Shaw, (Chief Jus- tice of Supreme Court, appointed by Governor Lincoln.) Thomas Barry, Richard Sullivan, (holds a State o'.tice,) Benjamin Gorliam, (ex-Whig mem- ber of Congress,) William Sturgis, (recently of] the Senate and House; made a speech in the 10 cent rebellion in I\ineuil Hall, May, 1837; said to the enraged assembly that Amos Kendall would be eaten vp, if he was present.) Essex Countv. Salem. — Dudley L. Pickman, (member of House in 1634, voted to denounce Jackson for veto of the Bank.) Benjamin Hawkes, Elislia Mack, (Judge of Police Court.) John Glen Kinff, (of the Quorum,) and Lkverett Saltonstai.i,, (Whig member of Congress, of the Harrison Ex- ecutive Committee, defender of the (Hartford Convention) faith in Congress, restorer of patriot Presidents; described by John Quincy Adams as "just such a monarchist as Jonathan Jackson, one of the Essex Junto, was!" delegate to the " Rebel Convention," with Timothy Pickering, in ]81'2; master of ceremonies to receive John Bell, when ho laid Tennessee at the feet of Webster, in 1837, &c. &c.) [Mr. Saltonstall must still be a Federalist, or a very had man, for he says, " A Federalist turned Dejnocrat is the wor.st of all politicians."] Robert Emery, another Salem member, is now of Springfield. E. H. Derby is also living. Danvrrs. — Nathan Felton, Sylvester Oshorn. Ipswich. — Joseph Farley, (Justice of Peace.) i Becerly. — Robert Rantoul, Nathaniel Goodwin, (Ca^sliier of Plymouth Bank.) Gloucester. — James Appleton, Jonathan Kim- ball, (nou- of Salem.) Rowleij. — Thomas Gage,jr , (now senior; Whig meinber of the House in 1833, a Justice.) JWicbury. — Josiali Little. JS'ewburifjjort. — Jonathan Gage, (Justice of the Peace,) Isaac Adams, (now of Methuen,) Samuel Newman, (now of Andover.) Boxford. — Parker Spoftord. Andover. — Timothy Osgood. Hacerhill. — Dav'id Howe, (Justice.) MlDDLESE.\ CoUiNTy. C'harlestown — Joseph Hurd, (now of Stone- ham,) John Soley, (of the Quorum.) Cambridge. — William Hilliard, (member of the House in 1833, recently deceased.) Ptoyal ISrakepeace, (Stock Agent of the Canton Co. at Baltimore.) Medford. — Dndley Hall, (of the Quorum.) Weston. — Isaac Fiske, (Register of Probate.) Framingham. — Abner Wheeler, (of the Quo- rum, County Commissioner, and a Whig candi- date for Senator.) Reading.- Timothy Wakefield, (Justice of the Peace.) Grcton. — Luther Lawrence, (very recently de- ceased ; Whig Mayor of Lowell.) Norfolk County. Qui?icij. — Thomas Greenleaf, (Secretary of the Federal Convention that nominated John'Brooks for Governor, in lS-J-:>, and now a Justice for the Commonwealth. He is the only survivor of the seven out of all Kepublican Norfolk, who voted for the Hartford Convention.) Plymouth County. Plymouth. — Barnabas Hedge, (just deceased, a Justice.) Benjamin Bramhall, (now of Quincy,) Nath.4n1£l M. Davis, (now a Whig Counsellor, elected by a Whig Legislature to advise Governor i\Iorton, member of the Harrisburg Convention.) Bristol County. Taunton. — Jonathan Ingalls. Baynham. — John Gilmore, (Justice Peace.) Morton. — Isaac Hodges. ■Somerset. — David Anthony, (Justice.) Berkley. — Apollos Toby, (now of New Bedford, a Justice of the Quorum.) 7Vo(/, (now Fall River.) — Joseph E. Reed, (a big Whig, member of Bristol County Whig Convention.) Westpnrt. — Abner Brownell, (of the Quorum.) J^'exo Bedford. — Jireh Swift, (then Juii.,) J. Williams. Barnstablk Cou.n'tv. Yarmouth. — James Crovvell, (Justtce and Com- missioner.) Welljleet. Josiali Whitman, (Justice and ex- Postmaster, a Whig.) [Nantucket a.nd Ddkes County sent no member.] Worcester County. Spencer. — James Draper. ('abridge. — Daniel Carpenter, Samuel Read, (of the Legislature in 1837.) Grafton. — Jonathan Wheelef. fjanca.^tcr. — William Cleaveland. Bolton. — Stephen P. Gardner, (of the Quorum.) Sterling. — Samuel Sawyer, Thomas PI. Blood. Paxton. — David Davis, (then Jun.) Kcw Brtkinlree. — Joseph Bowman, (then Jun., member of John Davis's Council in 1834,) Justice. i2 Hampshire CouNxr. Soiitlimnpton. — As-a.ht:l Birge, (Justice.) MUldifJieid. — iohn Dixon, (Justice.) Giuuh:i. — David Smith, (Justice.) Jiiiilia'>t. — '6\M■U,sevcun.enoi^^^^o6i, Webster, (of d.ct.oiiury tame, an a dent \^hs,n .^^ Mass.cliusetts, who are principal Connecticut.) [Not one JYmj in all Hampshac] Hampues County. LonT meadow. — Calvin Buit. PaUitcr. — Alpheus Converse. B tinford. — Alanson Knox. Ckeiter. — Asahel Wright. Frakkli.v Cockty. Sfec?i«rH«.— William Wells, (Justice.) HtfM/ci/.— Thomas Longley, (before described.) Ashjield. — Enos Smith, (jiow of Granby.) Berkshire County. Lanrshorou^h. — Henry Hubbard, (Counsellor of Governor Lincoln in lc^:3;3, Whig member of the House, 1836, and of tlie Quorum.) [Jj' Elirlily-Jivc members of th voted for^the H.irtfoid Convention (except three just deceased ;) and of nearly all in iVlass:icliusetts, wlio are principal advisers and actors in the eitorts to restore the days of the black cocliade, and in the language of their expounder, Mr. Webster, " liace made IVil- liam 11. llairinon the bearer oft/tdr standard! " Who can doubt tiie cliaracter of that flag, when these are the men wlio rally under it ? Wlio can deny the aptness of tiie mo'tto on "the significant banner .' " " /Fc are where, we ever have been and ever mean to be ! " Trace it still farther. Mr. Otis, in his defence of that convention, (whlcli Mr. Saltonstall, as one of tiie Harrison Executive Committee, declares was a patriotic body,) remarks that tlie actors in that convention have continued to receive in Mas- TT^nc^ who sachusetts ample testimonials of public coniidence. „ "f ,'■ ," ^J'iiis is true. In fact, the principal oftices in • A 1 ^ I l-v! I nil hnt the Slate are now held by them ; and of tliose (except three just deceased ;) and of tntse all but ^^^^^^^ _^^^^^^^^ ^^^ .^^^^^^ _^^ ^,^j^ jj^^^ nincKj-tico TWO are known members of the present \Mii„ „„,,. ji(,id ot^pes of Whig appointment, party, and supporters of harnson. ,p^ ^^^^^.^ ^^^^ prominent Whig counsellora Adding Ihe eleven survivmg Senators and the Massachusetts. General Wilson says, is owing six surviving members of the Hartford Conven tion, who were not of the Legislature in 1814, and of tills aggregate of lunettj-niiir, survivors, all but three are°iiiodern Wliigs and Jlarrisonites ! Of tlie sixty-nine Massachusetts members wlio voted amdiik the Hartford Convention, but ttcclce survive. Of these, eight are still Demo- crats, one unknown, and but three are Harrison \Viiigs, viz. Lincoln, of Worcester, Gurney, of Boston, and Fish, of Falmouth. SURVIVING MEMBERS OF THE HARTFORD CONVENTION. The Massachusetts Legislature clioso tl>^se del- • ^^ b^p., confirmed in Boston egates to tiie convention, in convention, October •' ,„ji„„ ^^^ ^ ^,^^^ of tlianks I 18, 1814. The Federalists cast 21.") votes, — the Republicans all refusing to act in this treasonable proceeding. The survivors of the Massachusetts delegates are, Hon. >>. S. H'ildc, (Judge of the Supreme Court;) Harrison Gray Oti.'>, (a member of Con- gress in 1801), and voted for .iuron Burr against Jefferson;) WilU.ain Prcsr.ott, (an e.-;- Judge and Justice for tiie commonwealth;) Undijah IhnjJirs, (Judge of I'robate till 18:54 ;) Daide' Waldo, (S.\i-a- tice of tiie Quorum ;) Siiphcu Longj'dlow, of I'ort- land; Joseph Lyman, (Sheriff of Hampshire, and commissioner to qualify olficers ;) and Thomis II. Perkins, (one of tlie com;nissi<,ners to treat with the I'resideiit; signed tlie Whig handbill, in 18:W, that I'eiiiisylvania iiad gone against Jackson.) Of (Jov.inor Strongs Coniicil, who advised the . ' . ,. ;f Hartford Convention, two only survive, and both ^""'J^-P ' ,■ T „,. i ;., iKelf hirhlv arc Wliig,., viz. Naiuim Mitcliell, memb.-r of tlie "The resolve ""^ ';';;'^ "V.f;'' f„ ,.k Is ^(coSl House, :md Benjamin F.ckn.an, the son of a dU- ^--^^li^Jl^f' ^,';^^:::,>'"^,i^t^^ lo 'the tinguished Tory of the re v.,lul,on, "'ember o the '^lj;f^ „,- „,, ,,J. Essex Junto, and one of the eomm.ttee to cele- H survivors who brate, in lJost..n, tlie restoration of the Bourbons. Ihi.s passeu, >o ''? °U". ^^, Thor.ns H Per- The only known survivors out of that conven- yoted>. U we le •'''«''''' Q''"^>;, ;;'''',;;, ..j a lion, out of Massachusetts, are correctly ascer- k-ns, S^nnuel I'u nam, S. ,is ''^r'^"' ''^"- '! ^„ tain d to be Calvin Goddard, an.l Roger M^ ^'. "!'"'«■ ^ ' ,^"""' »: ,n a .-i f > SiM.rman, of Connecticut, Benjamin Hazard, of ^V'f ''r ^,"''' ,> ''' .n ni e n I irr^^^^ Rhode bland and Josiali Dunham, a supernu- ^^^.J^^^C^^'J^::^::'^]^. merary from Vermont, now in Lexmgton, ken- all now i ommg >y m^ ^ >. . tucky' They are all Harrison Whigs. '*^;|Jff.? M^^Jhis^l's'^nate continued in Federal Here are one handled and fire of the direct * ,\'„' , „ iV//;,rm Fa'itis Secretary original Harlf.ird Convention school flow prom- hands till ^- '' ^J'^" (^^i^'^'J,^^^^^^^^^ inent Whigs, and Deviocrals, {>) as is pretended, of of War under Madison during the war, )^as eieciea in Massachusetts, General Wilson says, is owing tlie nomination of General Harrison ! Massaciiu- setts did it, and if the Whig party of Massachusetts directed the movement, who doubts that it is what Judge Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, described, viz., the old Federal party striving again to get into power .'' J03IAH QUI-VCY'S RESOLVE. As another test of identity, we will trace tlie resolve offered by Josiah Quincy, and adopted by tlie Federal Senate of Massachusetts, just 11 days alter the gallant Lawrence was killed on board the Cliesapeake, tlie news of which had just been confirmed in Boston. A resolve was pending for a vote of tlianks to Captain James Lawrence for the capture of the Peacock by the Hornet. Instead of adopting that resolution, it was voted, on Josiah Quincy s motion, ' Januarv, 15, 1813, " That in a war like the present, waited wrihout jiistiliable cause, it is not beco.mi.ng KAL AM) UKI.lfilOUS PEOPLE TO EXPRlCSS ANY APPliORATlON OF MILITAUY OR NAVAL EXPLOITS, WUltH AKK NOT IM.MWHATELY CONNECTEl) WITH HE DKFI.NCE OK OUK SEA-COAST AND SOIL.' 'I'lie Jndcx of the old Senate Journal describes this resolve thus — " Declaring it unbecoming a nuinil and re'igLjas people to express approbation of sur.ee.^.'i in sach a war. It was passed without the yeas and nays. Feb- ruary 1-2, a motion to trtise it from the journal was reported against by a commiitee who s;iy in i; Democratic Governor of Massachusetts, and Marcus Morton, Licuteiiant-Goveincr. iittli S[,rugue, now a Democrat, wlio had voted atrainst the^Quincy resolution in 1:^14, was a nicmber again in 18:24. On his motion, it was resolved, 22 to 15, Jaiuiary 17, ISil, -'That ihe resolve of llie ISih of June, lol3, aiidtlie proanible \\\cxco\', he, and the same are hereby EXFUNGED/rum the journals of tin senate." 'I'he survivors who voted against expunging, arc Thoinas H. Perkins, and Peter C. Brooks, of Boston, (tather-in-law of Governor Everett,) S. P. Gardner, of Bolton ; Thomas liongley, of Hawley, (who, in April 14, ISUd, supported in the Massachusetts Legislature a law to bo passed by Congress requiring iwentij-one years' residence in the Tjnited States' of all" foreigners before they shall be allowed to vote !) Aaron Tufts, of Dud- ley, (committee to receive John Bell ;) Benjanun Gorli.un, (afterwards sent to Congress;) Lewis Stronn-, and Joseph Strong, Jun. (now Whigs in New V'ork. Lewis Strong is a son of Governor Strong ,) Nathaniel P. Denny, and Samuel Hub- bard, of Boston. Ten out of the fifteen are now living, all Whigs, and each of them holding an office from a Whig governor ! Of the twenty-two who voted for expuugino-, thirteen survive, of whom nine are Democrats and tour Whigs. The names of the fourteen survivors in Massa- chusetls who voted against the Hartford Conven- tion, are, Eleazer C. Richardson, of Lynn ; John Wade, of Woburn ; Erastus Worlhington and Abner Ellis, of Dedham ; Gad Warriner, of West Springfield, (a revolutionary pensioner;) William P. Walker, of Lenox ; Phineas Allen, of Pittsfield ; Aaron Hobart, Jr. of Hanover; William P. Rider and John Spurr, of Charlton, (Mr. Spurr was the Democratic candidate for Senator last year ;) Christopher Webb, of Weymouth ; Nathan Gur- nev, Jr , of Abingt m, (now a Whig Alderman of Boston ;) Thonuis Fisii, of Falmouth ; and Levi Lincoln, of Worcester. Of these fiReen, there are but/o«;- Harrison men, including Mr. Webb, of Weymouth, who has long been enfeebled. The rest continue Democrats. OFFICES HELD BY HARTFORD f CONVENTION MEN. Of the survivors of the Federal party, who voted for the Hartford Convention, or against the war, in the Massachusetts Legislature, and were in that convention, siXTV-ErcHT now hold civil offices under Whig appointments. Among them are iwentij-nine of the most important offices in the state, viz. 1 Chief Justice of Supreme Court, 2 Judges of Supreme Court, 1 Judge of Common Pleas, Ji Judges of Police, 5 Judges of Probate, 1 Treasurer of the Commonwealth, 1 Member of Congress, 2 Registers of Probate, 1 Counsellor of State, '2 Commissioners, 1 City Solicitor, 2 Sheriffs,! President of Harvard College, 1 Agent of Militia Claims, and 6 Members of the Legisla- ture, all modern Whigs. Verily are these men made judges and rulers over us ! THE HARRISON ELECTORS AND HARTFORD CONVENTION. Of the fourteen candidates now in nomination for Harrison electors in Massachusetts, all but two apostates are old Federalists, viz. Isaac C. Bates, Secretary of the Hampshire, Hampden, and Franklin Rebellion Convention to resist the war, July, 1312, and orator of the Wash- inirton Benevolent Society, and one of the Federal Committee of Safety, to oppose the Government during tli,e war, &c. &c. [Mr. Bates continues his warlike propensities against his own govern- ment. At a recent Whig gathering at Greenfield, he advised the Whigs, if they could obtain redress in no other manner, to take down their muskets, and pick their flints !] John B. Thomas, another Harrison elector, is a Federal sen of Joshua Tlioinas, a. member of the Hartford Convention. Robert G. Shaw, another, was a member of the Washington Benevolent Society in 1813, '14, or- ganized asT'ederal clubs to oppose the war. [See Stebbins's Directory of 1HK5.] Gkohg E Gri N N Ei.L, another elector, was a mem- ber of the same Federal conspiracy, and one of the Commiltee of Safety! appointed in 1812, by the Hampshire and Franklin Fedtral Convention, to oppose the war. VVjr.KEs Woon, another elector, voted for the Hartford Convention measures, in the Massachu- setts Senate ; voted to ai)i>rove the acts of that convention ; voted against a vote of thanks to Andrew Jackson for the battle of New Orleans; voted against admitting Louisiana into the Union ; voted not to procide for the U. S. direct tax to sustain the war in 1314 ; &c. &c. &c. ^VHIG OFFICE-HOLDERS. Every one of these candidates for electors is a Whig ofpce-hcldcr, viz. Mr. Bates, Agent of Mi- litia Claims ; Mr. i7(«;c. Commissioner for building the Custom-house, President of a Board and Di- rector of Railroad ; Mr. Phiilips, Mayor of Salem ; Mr. Sprague, Justice of the Quorum ; Mr. Wil- lard, a State Senator ; Mr. Barton, Judge of Pro- bate ; Mr. Wood, Judge of Probate; Mr. GrinncU, Master in Chancerv ; Mr. Pomrroy, Justice of the Quorum ; Mr. MiJtcr. Justice for the Conmion- wealth ; Mr. fVfHf/f, Justice of the Quorum ; Mr. Tripp, the same ; and Mr. Thomas, Clerk of the Courts. Mr. Longley is only a Justice of Peace. This may serve as a specimen of the sincerity of the Whig horror o( ojjice-holders. FEDERAL ELECTORS WHO VOTED AGAINST MONROE. The Massachusetts Legislature chose twenty- two electors, Nov. 1810, to vote for Rufus King, the Federal candidate for President, against James Monroe. They had 193 votes in the Legislature, which then contained but 4G Democrats, who re- fused to vote. Of those electors, seven are now living, all Har- rison men, viz. Benjamin Pickman, Samuel S. Wilde, Daniel A. White, Thos. H. Perkins, and Stephen Longfellow, already described m the fore- going list. Also, Joseph Locke, Judge of Police in Lowell, and Jonas Kendall, of Leommster. Rev. Henry Colman, now Whig Commissioner on Agricultural Survey, appointed by Governor Everett, was the Messenger to carry the votes to Washington. OLD FEDERALISTS NOW IN CON- GRESS FROM MASS. In the present Massachusetts delegation, there are, Daniel Webster, the bitter opposer of the war from the beginning, and John Davis, the author of the Worcester 4th of July Oration in 181(5 ; Leverett Saltonstall, who supported the Hartford Convention in the House ; .'Ibhott iMicrence, a member of the " Washington Benevolent Society" to resist the war ; [see Stebbins's Directory, 1813 ;] John Reed, elected to Congress in 1813, over ) 14 I. L. Greene, who had voted for the war. Mr, Roed was a member of the Barnstable Federal Rebellion Convention to denounce the war, of which " Squire David Scudder" was President. While in Con- gress, he voted against every possible measure to sustain the war, and virulently denounced Madison "and Jefferson, miliam S. Hastings, a uniform Federalist, is the son of Seth Haslinlrs, a 1' ederal member of Congress in 1801 , who voted for Burr against Jefferson. Wm. B. Cafhuim, always a federalist and U. S. Bank man, supported the ten million Bank in Massachusetts. Jolin Quhtai JMams need only be named. Led Lincoln is an apostate republican, now actincr ^vith the men who opposed his father, Levi Lmcohi, from 1800 to his death, and the son till his desertion in 1826. Mr. Bnggs, we believe, is also an apostate. Cush- tiig is too young to have acted in the war, but has since been plated alf over with the Silver Greiis and petted by the Essex Junto. Wii.LiA.M Parmk.ntkr, who now '"supports Mr. V an Buren, was Secretary of a Republican Mid- dlesex Convention, to nominate officers in 1814 and a uniform war Democrat. ' MASS. REPRESENTATIVES YS CO\- GRESS DURING THE WAR. Of these, every living man then from Massa- chH.sett.s but one who opposed the war in Con-.TCss, IS now a Uanisun man, viz. Solinmm stiuni-i2. It has uniformly been under the control of the Boston Federalists, and outstripped all others in abuse of Jackson, V.an Buren. and Mor- ton, and in supporting Hartford Convention men and the United Statues Bank. The Federalists of Boston make it their principal Harrison organ. Throughout Massaclmselts there is not now a paper which opposed the war, that is not a sun- I)orter of General Harrison. The Worcester Spy, now one of the most viru- lent Harrison papers, is also the oldest Federal press in Massachusetts. In 1814 it was edited hy John Daris, who is now the Whiir candxiate for governor against Marcus IMorton. "I'he loliewin-.- extracts from Mr. Davis's editoriah;. in the inidsl of the war, just after he had exulted at the burn- ing of the Capitol, the 24th of August, I8i4, will show where he (^ver has been and ever menus to be. ( THE OLD FEDERAL NEWSPAPERS OK MAS.SACIIUSETTS. These are all now supporters of Harrison viz. : ' The Boston Daily Jidvertiser, Repertory, Centi- nel, Palladigm, and Gazette, united as the Ad- vertiser, edited by Kalhan Hale, one of the stand- ing committee of the Washington Benevolent Society during the war. One extract from his paper will show where he ever has been and ever means to be. " My ])lan is to withhold our money and make a sep- arate peace with England." [Boston Daily Advertiser 1814.] ' The Boston Evening Gazette, a Harrison paper M conducted by W. W. Clapp, who was jirinter of the Daily Advertiser, and a member of the Washington Benevolent Society during the war. The Transcript, another Harrison jiress, is edit- ed by a son of a member of the above society, who voted for the Hartford Convention. The Courier, auotlier Harrison pa|)er, is edited by Jo.seph T. Bu(kiii r^ 3i> ^ > If . :3> :3> ' ;>;w*lJ'".! 3 :> :>" X^:> /> .^ :di»?e»>'" »> " > > .>" •SJsr ;>■ -=< j>-;;ja)s ■■»!>•' > ^ :» .jf>-- 5 -' .-^ _!>■>';» ~>>i > '":^ ^ ■ 7S»'^ -^ ~Z>iS**>~^ > z>j> :j>-.; .> z>^ ;»*■■■ "> > _>>)> :s>>.? -<; JZ>i^"j''- " . r» 'I3B' .X»'-> .^ ^^.■> 3» IDS''' t> V5 ^■J> i:s>» ":> !!I3K* ^/:> - /.J> .j::i3*.>^ z> '^^^ -^S>>» Z^^ "2» j3b> '^ i J^ j233fej(i i>- "II3B> :■>■■> ~S(> ;3a.»» ^ ■138* •2>'7> 1^ • .53SS* ^:» > jjfi> ^^^L!. ^ J^^ :33B> ~^J^ - i^3fe* ^■^ - -^2 :^r:8>>>^ . jJ^ .\_JkS> :^:> ' "^2 • ::s»»^ 3^ ► il> ' ~jj^ ■.::3?>' \ j^i> ;^^J& . ^" ■-^^m 2^. ^m 5^ If Km ) ) > »» :> ) ^S> JO ~ - > :> I?? 3r> :>::> :>i^ ::>i> :>^^:> ^^ z> ^ T>'^> " '^Zy "^ 3^ 3>:> z> ■!:> ^r> I^ )ji^ 03> » > v> "i'^ ^o ni^ s^T^^ y^ Z2^ '' ""^^^ >:> ^^ ' ^"^^^ ^^^ !Z^ ' ^z^> ^> !>► '''^!3^ :>> :> ^'-^ o> :» • ^^::^ >i » 3~^ 31^ V :> _^J ► :)j P^' ^ ^ "3 ► » B^ ^ ^~7^ ► 3> » ^^ ^^3 :>> ^ ^ > ' to :>^ ■::> ^z> %% ^^ ?;^ > > >' r> ^1> ^f^ 3:>.. •:^i^ >^-« -^:> ■';:>> _.^:> >-^ 3^,,^. 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