Copyrights?.. C43KRIGHT DEPOSffi Mrs. Clara Chamberlain McLean The Laws of Health and Prosperity AND How to Apply Them TWELVE LESSONS IN SPIRITUAL SCIENCE WITH TECHNIQUE BY CLARA CHAMBERLAIN McLEAN A BOOK FOR INDIVIDUAL USE ALSO FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS PUBLISHED BY THE ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., Inc. HOLYOKE, MASS. L. N. FOWLEB & CO. 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus Londok, E.C. 1917 ,\« COPYRIGHT, 1917 BY CLARA CHAMBERLAIN McLEAN /' *i t OCT -8 1917 ©GU473890 FOREWORD PIRITUAL SCIENCE is that of the Spirit, or Life of the Universe, demonstrating according to de- pendable Laws into various and multiple forms and expressions. It has to do with the kingdom of god, which we are told by Jesus to "seek first," and that by so doing, "all other things shall be added unto us." After twelve years of study of Psychology, Psychotherapy, Christian Science, so-called "Di- vine" Science, "Mental" Science, New Thought, The Emmanuel Movement, Theosophy, Vedanta Philosophy, Spiritualism, etc., etc., under a num- ber of the best teachers of these branches, and with supplementary reading along these lines, in- cluding Bibles and books on mysticism, by Hindus and other peoples; as well as an experience of about ten years, of teaching, hearing many Life Problems, complicated in the extreme; and having been privileged by seeing many wonderful results from the knowledge and faithful use of these laws, I feel that perhaps I have an individual word to add, for those who belong to "my chord" in the Symphony of Life; a different "angle" of 3 4 Foreword truth, from the many others who have helped me so wonderfully. I cannot close this introduction to my simple Lessons without a word of apprecia- tion of one who I realize was a great Soul, and to whom the world owes a deep debt of gratitude, from the fact that she brought about, through hours of meditation and study, the Rebirth, into this World, of the real christ religion, of HEALTH, HAPPINESS, AND SUCCESS, taught and lived by jesus of nazareth, but for many years lost, to a great extent, by his "so-called" followers. I refer to Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the founder of The Christian Science Church. The laws taught by her, and those who call themselves "Christian Scientists," are universal laws of god, the System which she evolved is hers, and the number of Churches, with the crowds of healthy, joyous people who are all over the World, attending them, in addition to the great number of individuals who have testified as to wonderful cures, Physically, Mentally, and Mor- ally, are proof that she had a wonderful conscious- ness of TRUTH. A number of those who were patients of Dr. P. P. Quimby about the same time that Mrs. Eddy was treated by him (one of whom was Julius A. Dresser, father of Horatio W. Dresser, who is a well-known writer and teacher along these lines) l 1<4 The True History of Mental Science," by Julius A. Dresser. Revised with notes and additions by his son, Horatio W. Dresser. Pub. by Geo. H. Ellis. Also "The Philosophy of P. P. Quimby," by A. G. Dresser. Pub. by Geo. H. Ellis, 1895. Foreword 5 and a few who began with her, but being Indi- vidualists, felt that they could not conform to so rigid a system, withdrew from the established Church, and evolved each an individual System, calling them by the various names before men- tioned. No one has, however, attempted to establish an institutional Church, as all seem to feel that these laws can and should be added to the Churches now existing, of which there are a great enough variety to satisfy the different tempera- ments. All Systems are good, in so far as they help their founders and others, to demonstrate more of Health, and Harmony, and the teaching of jesus, in everyday Life, and only when any person or organization says, "We have all of the truth and all others are WRONG," do they deny their own premise and prove their own limitation. Just as Electricity has always been in the Uni- verse, but it was necessary for Man to discover it, learn its laws, and, by working according to them, produce Light, Heat, Energy, etc., and as several different men have invented systems differing more or less from each other, and each individual in the world is free to choose which System he or she wishes to use — so these Spir- itual laws may be used through different systems, and individuals may select the technique that appeals to him or her. The study and use of these laws is not limited to any one Theological denom- ination or Medical Organization, nor are they antagonistic to either. An Episcopal clergyman of wide experience and high Ideals once said to me — "In the last analysis, each soul must find 6 Foreword its own idea of god and jesus, and no one can ever explain to any other, exactly what that conception or realization is; spiritual experiences cannot be fully expressed so that another soul really understands; only god, the whole, can so understand." Believing this to be true, I know that all argument along these lines is a waste of time and energy! I give out, in these Lessons, My Highest truth to-day, reserving the right which every soul must have, to keep always an open mind and a listening ear for the next new angle of truth, for without this attitude there can be no growth. Having tried out these laws of the spirit, "Pragmatically" (as Wm. James advises), and proved "By their fruits" their dependability, I send out my humble message, with its Technique, knowing that through the beautiful law of Attrac- tion, all those who are "Tuned to my key," and are ready for my word, will find it; and if they in turn read with an open mind, and try out my methods, herein given, I believe they will receive great Practical help in their life problems, along all lines, and by their acceptance of a few of my individual new thoughts, strengthen the chain of Love and understanding of which I am ONE LINK. With a message of Health, Harmony, and Peace to all. Clara Chamberlain McLean. CONTENTS LESSON PAGE I. Unity 9 II. The Action of the Objective and Subjective (or Subconscious) Sides of Mind 16 III. Hypnotism 25 IV. The Effect of the Emotions on the Body . . 34 V. Concentration 45 VI. The Author's Individual Attitude toward Doctors and Medicine 57 VII. Spirit and Matter as Considered by Many of the Scientists and Religionists today . 65 VIII. The Christ or Spiritual Consciousness: "Living THE Presence of God" 89 IX. Love, Marriage, and Divorce 100 X. Family Life and how to Teach the Laws op Life to Children 123 XL What is the Attitude of Spiritual Science toward Death 139 XIL Some Mystic Laws 147 Lesson I UNITY HEN we begin the study of any subject we must first find the principles upon which the theory is based; then, using these as our foundation, study the laws of these principles, and, trying them out individually, prove them to ourselves. Only in this way can we really know " Truth " and practically apply it in our daily lives. Mrs. Emma Curtis Hopkins says, "A prin- ciple is a comprehensive law or doctrine from which others are derived. That is, obedience is vested in the Supreme I am, or there could be no obedience in the dog or horse. Authority is resident in the King of Kings, or the General-in- Chief of an army could not command with suc- cess." The first principle of " Spiritual Science " (The Science of Spirit or Divine Mind) is that we are each in, and a part of, a " Universe," the 9 10 Laws of Health and Prosperity life or Essence of which is perfect; which is con- stantly expressing, in various and countless forms. In this life Essence is everything that ever has been or will be; it is the " AH Good or God." The Scientists of to-day call this "Es- sence/' which is back of everything, and may be called the "No Thing" — the "Ether of Space." (I will go more fully into this in my lesson on " Spirit and Matter/') Taking this as our conclusion, and starting with it as our premise, we realize the "Unity" of the Universe — that it is a " Living, pulsing, throbbing Cosmos," working according to exact laws, and therefore dependable. We then begin to realize how interesting must be the study of the laws of the numberless forms of expression of this Wonderful and Limitless Life-Force. Now going back in our thought to the " Fire Mist," the "Nebulae," we come down through the ages to the formation of Planets, Solar Sys- tems, demonstrating these perfect laws in perfect rhythm, not varying a part of a second, and we are awed by the enormity of it! Surely, think- ing, meditating along these lines, must give us "gFaith " in the " Power," or " Force," back of all this, and enable us to say, Yes: it is — "All Good or God." We next look out upon this particular Planet on which we live, called the Earth, and as this is our home at present, it seems sensible, in fact necessary, for us to study it along all lines and to become familiar with its laws as far as possible. We find through the study of the sciences that the Unity 11 One Life is expressing itself through mineral, vegetable, animal, up to man, which is the highest manifestation on this Planet; that these forms are composed of atoms, which are constantly changing, and, through the study of Evolution, that the law of change is from a lower to a higher; we then realize that the poet is right who says : — To change and change is Life, To move, and never rest — Not what we are but what we hope is best. And we conclude that man, being the highest manifestation of life on this Planet, should have dominion over all other life, but can do so only through the patient study of each manifestation, thereby learning its laws and applying them to his life. In this way is man a "Co-worker and Creator with God." We now come to the study of Spiritual Science and the use of its laws by man, in order that he may demonstrate more and more of the Perfect God Essence which he really is, thereby becoming more harmonious with his environment along all lines. One, if not the most important, implement re- quired in teaching anything new is the most simple and understandable verbiage. Away back in the history of man from the be- ginning of his first simple consciousness it became necessary for him to communicate with his "kind," and first with signs, then with sounds, those simple animal men arranged methods of communica- tion, and finally languages were established. Then 12 Laws of Health and Prosperity by certain signs words were written down, in order that knowledge and ideas might be pre- served and transferred to others. As a matter of course, as races grow and exchange old ideas for new, the meaning of words must change, and practically a new vocabulary is formed. Pro- fessor Richard Moulton says that the most diffi- cult thing to teach is to put new meaning into old words; that for this reason in teaching new ideas it is really better to coin new words. We find this true when we endeavor to give a name to any new idea or institution. I practically experienced this in trying to select a name for my class and we tried "Practical Christianity," "Modern Mental Science," "New Thought," with the following result. — The first name did not seem broad enough, as we really studied all Science and re- ligion. The second was misunderstood by many (particularly by Christian Scientists), because to them the word "Mind" means the Physical Brain, and they therefore thought the Science entirely Physical and Material. "New Thought" would arouse the statement," That is not new, it is the teaching we find all through the Bible." (And right here let me say that it is "New Thought" about "Old Truths" and the name is perfectly cor- rect.) But after all this experience I was meditat- ing one night on the subject, and decided that "Spiritual Science" was the best name I could give the Study, as I understood it. "Spirit" being the whole of Life, this name would be absolutely inclu- sive and nothing else was big enough for me. I have, therefore, adopted that name for my work. Unity 13 and a little later a "Spiritual Science Federation" was organized by the most prominent teachers and writers of these laws in New York City. Follow- ing along this same line, I wish to explain my per- sonal use of certain words, and names, which will necessarily be often used in these lessons, that there may be no confusion as to my meaning. I use "Spirit" as the name for the Perfect God Life of the "Cosmos" or Universe. That which is in and through all, therefore, is all in Essence. "Soul," as the name for the individual part of that "Life" which is the real Self or "I" of each human being; the one part of the "Whole Cosmos," which is to That, as one drop of water to the Ocean, having within it all the constituent elements, only differ- ing in quantity. A part of that "No Thing" that which "Is" has had no beginning and can have no end, a perfect circle. It can never be lost, but must exist eternally. The small "I" or "Ego" as the unfinished, im- perfect demonstration of each individual here and now. "Mind" as the intelligence within the Soul, that which is common to all life, in different degrees of manifestation, and therefore through which we touch and know God. "Brain" — the physical organ through which man and to some extent the higher animals come in contact with their environment, through the use of the five Senses. "Love" — the first and highest expression of the God Life. In fact "God is Love" and Love is God's first expression. (Think quietly and meditate on the meaning of these names.) 14 Laws of Health and Prosperity Technique If we wish to become proficient in anything from Golf or Foot-ball to bringing forth harmony on a musical instrument, we are obliged to study and master the Technique of that particular Game or Instrument. There is a "Technique" which must be acquired in order that we may learn to use the wonderful laws of Spiritual Science and thereby demonstrate harmony on all planes. In other words, that we may be Happy, Healthy, Successful beings and help others to the same conditions. In studying this lesson the Student should care- fully read it over several times. Then go alone — out of doors if possible and to some quiet place. The country is the ideal place, of course. If not convenient to do this, go to a window, look out at the sky, the trees — everything, and first quietly think how wonderful it is — this One Life is all, each one of us attached to it all; as you get quiet you will feel this Unity. Think of the air as the breath of Life. Take long breaths, slowly, at your window if you cannot always go outside, realizing that you are breathing in the God Life. At night look up to the stars and try to realize the distance those planets are from us, and the "Life" that they are — and that all are a part of us, we of them, nothing but this one Perfect Life — Force — God — "in which we live and move and have our being." As we ponder quietly on this great "Truth" we gradually realize the "Consciousness of the whole" or the "Cosmic Consciousness," of Unity 15 which the Scientists speak and which the reli- gionists call the "Christ Consciousness," because of all the Great Souls who have come into mani- festation on the Earth, Jesus the Christ we feel, taught and lived this consciousness of the God within Himself and all men the most completely. Students are advised to read carefully the Sermon on the Mount and all of the passages in the New Testament which are believed to have been the words of Jesus. Read also Walt Whitman, who had this consciousness to such a wonderful extent, — also "Emerson," who understood, taught, and lived it. This first lesson is the keynote, the most impor- tant one in the series because, in order to under- stand and use the laws that will follow, we must get at least a gleam of this Christ or Cosmic Con- sciousness and from that time on it is a steady growth limited only by the individual. Take the following statement as your watchword for this lesson. See it before you the first thing in the morning, through the day, and the last thing at night. "There is but one Life in the Universe. That Life is Perfect, I am a part of that Life and realize my Unity with every manifestation of it. 66 All is good or God and God is Love.' 9 At the end of a week, look back and think how much more this means to you than it did the first time you read it. In this way you will realize your growth in the Christ Consciousness. Lesson II THE ACTION OF THE OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE (OR SUBCONSCIOUS) SIDES OF MIND HE second principle in the Tech- nique of Spiritual Science is that of the two manifestations of the mind of man (and some of the higher animals): the objective and subjective (subconscious, or unconscious), for through the understanding of these two demonstrations can great wonders be accomplished. The objective action of the mind is through the personal will of man and the use of his five senses, thus coming into contact with his environment. With this mind he has differentiation, reasoning, discrimination, and choice. Whatever of "Free Will" he has, is through this action of the mind, and the "Brain" is the physical organ through which it acts. Therefore when the organ or brain is "out of tune" the mind, while it is not affected, cannot function properly because of the imper- fection of the instrument: just as musical har- mony cannot be produced through an instrument that is "out of tune." 16 Subconscious Sides of Mind 17 The subjective, subconscious or unconscious action of the mind is that which we have in com- mon with the whole Life of the Universe. It is the one which we say works according to the "Laws of Nature" or "mechanically": some call it the "Intuitive Mind." Through this part of the mind we know things beyond the five senses. It is the "Psychic Mind," the one through which we "Know God," the all Good, and have our "Spiritual Life." It is in each soul the part of the "God Mind" or "Whole." This part of the mind functions through what is called the "secondary nerve centers" and its action is like that of a Phonograph — every ex- perience or thought of each life is registered in the subconscious mind of that soul, and comes out in action, manifestation, so that each one is to-day in demonstration, or character, just the total re- sult of what has been taken in by the subcon- scious mind, good, bad, and indifferent; — like a store room into which has been thrown all the "odd things" collected through the years — all kinds, in all states and conditions. This mind is incap- able of inductive reasoning; every impression comes out in demonstration just as it went in — as a musician singing or playing to a "record for a phonograph"; if he strikes a false note it will always come out false when the record is played. We now begin to realize the wonderful possibili- ties for man through these two functions of the mind. As this part of the mind is that of the whole Universe, we can by quieting the objective side commune, get in touch with the all Good or 18 Laws of Health and Prosperity God. In answer to the question as to how a keener sense of the subjective side of the mind may be awakened, Judge Thomas T. Troward says, "Don't Try. Don't try to make things what they are not." Subjective Mind is sub- jective just because it lies below the threshold of consciousness. It is the Builder of the Body, but we can neither see, hear, nor feel it building. Just keep in your conscious mind a quiet, calm expectation that subjective mind is always at work in accordance with the habitual thought of your objective mind: keep that in a life-giving attitude and subjective mind will take care of itself. Then the question is, how to keep the conscious thought in a life-enjoying and life-giving current. My answer to this is very simple, though perhaps old-fashioned; it is, Keep looking at God. Don't trouble about theology, but try to realize the Universal Divine Spirit as perpetually flowing through all things, through insensible things, as atomic energy; through animals, as instinct; through man, as thought. If this be so, then your manifestation of God will correspond with your habitual thought of God. Quietly contemplate the Divine Spirit as a con- tinual flowing of Life, Light, Intelligence, Love, and Power and you will find this current flowing through you and manifesting in a hundred ways, both mentally and physically, and in your affairs. You do not make this current, but you prepare the conditions which will either cause it to trickle through thinly and weakly, or else flow through Subconscious Sides of Mind 19 strongly. You prepare the conditions on the in- terior side by a mental attitude of looking into the Light (God is Light) with the expectancy of thence receiving Life and Illumination, and on the ex- terior side by not denying in your work what you are trying to hold in your thought — for yourself the simple Law of Enjoyment of all that you can enjoy, ruled by moderation — and toward others the equally simple Law of Honesty and Kindness. I know you have heard these things ever since you were a child, but what all want is to realize their connection with the building power within. The connection is this : that the Spirit, as it flows through you, becomes you, and it becomes in you just what you take it for, just as water takes the shape of the pipe it flows through. It takes shape from your thought. It is exceedingly sensitive, — how much more then must the pure life Principle itself be sensitive? Think over this, and then, think. Think of it kindly, lovingly, trustfully, and as a welcome companion. It will respond exactly. Think of it as a living Light, continually flowing through you and vivifying you and it will respond exactly. If you ask why it does this, the answer is, be- cause it is the Infinite of Your Real Self. Let this answer suffice you. You will only darken the Light by trying to analyze the Divine Spirit. You cannot dissect God. This does not mean being impractical, but getting to the very root of the truly practical. We will have our ordinary business to do, but believe me, it is Scientific 20 Laws of Health and Prosperity Method to bring everything into the Divine Light, — then let your ideas desire to see it in the Divine Light, then let your ideas regarding it grow quietly of themselves, and you will see it in its proper and true light whatever the thing may be. Then when you have seen what the thing really is, go on and handle it in accordance with the four principles of Cheerfulness, Moderation, Honesty, and Kindness, Don't worry, Don't try to force things, — let them grow, because by recognizing or realizing the continual flow of the Spirit you are providing the conditions, for Life is Light which will make them grow the right way. Don't bother about subjective mind, or objec- tive mind, or theories of any sort or description, either mine or anyone else's, but just do what I have said and try it for six months and I think you will find you have got hold of the Power that Works, and after all that is what we want. It is all summed up in this : live naturally with the Spirit and don't worry. Remember, you and the Spirit are One, and it is all quite natural. You will perhaps say that this is too simple. Well, we don't want to introduce unnecessary compli- cations. Try the practice and leave the theory to take care of itself. Living Spirit is not to be found in a book. Thomson J. Hudson was the first writer to clearly define the two actions of the Mind, Judge Troward followed closely, and the late William James, and all the later psychologists, as well as physicians, among whom are Dr. Paul Dubois, Subconscious Sides of Mind 21 professor of neuropathology at the University of Berne, John Duncan Quackenbos A.M., M.D. of New York City and others. (Note the list of Books at the end of this Lesson.) Technique The Technique for the use of these principles in order that we may demonstrate more fully the Perfect Life which we really are follows: Terminology The Christian Scientists and Extreme Ideal- ists, who do not care to know or use the scientific terms, ignore all "matter," or form, "Deny" it, say there is "nothing but God, Spirit." And de- claring that, seeing nothing but that, they make wonderful demonstrations. In the last analysis (as the scientists say) they are right, even accord- ing to the latest physical science, as we shall see from the lesson on "Spirit and Matter." But for those who, like myself, are Practical Idealists and Individualists it is necessary to ex- plain the use of these laws in terms with which all are familiar, and to accept and include all forms or outward demonstrations of the Spirit, studying the laws of each on its plane of consciousness. "Denial" Personally I use very little "Denial," for I be- lieve that by denials we make more of an "Entity of Evil " (which to me is unfinished Good). When one is commencing this study I believe in one 22 Laws of Health and Prosperity "Grand Denial" to the Subconscious side of our Mind, as a house cleaning for the "storeroom." I will give this at the end of the lesson. "Thought" Only within the last few years have we com- menced to realize and to study the force of "Thought," and that, as Prentice Mulford tells us, "Thoughts are Things." In fact all demonstration comes first through Thought and the sequence, in order to bring forth into manifestation that which we desire is first, the "Ideal, or Vision," then the "Thought" about it, and through that the Action, followed by the Realization and Actualization. With our active, objective side of Mind and our Personal Will, we can control our thoughts and direct them to the Subconscious part of our mind and to that of others. This is called Suggestion. The conscious sending of thoughts to our own "Subconscious," is called "Auto Suggestion." Through the use of these laws, without regard to the name or system, or the name by which the person or persons is called, is all Treatment worked, and all healing accomplished, from that of Jesus the Christ, and all the Saints of History, to the drinking of certain waters, laying on of hands, etc., etc. Statement of Denial I now "deny out" all the old Fears, Supersti- tions, False Beliefs, wrong habits: Everything but "Truth" from my "Subconscious." It is Clean and clear. Subconscious Sides of Mind 23 Affirmation From this day I shall make it my business to consciously open to the Mind of God, and let it work through me, and express its Good, as far as possible, each day, and I shall, also, carefully watch, and endeavor to control thoughts and send only those to my " subconscious,' 5 which I desire shall appear in manifestation for myself and others. Treatment This may be used by auto-suggestion for self, or directed to others; Think or speak to the Subcon- scious: Have the patient sit or lie in a quiet, well-venti- lated room — Relax physically, feel heavy, and let the chair or bed hold the patient — no strain or tightening of the muscles. Feel the Unity, open the door of the mind to the Spirit, let it flow in quietly. Then say, "I feel the wonderful life force flowing into and through me, acting on all my organs, to enliven and purify them. I feel the Love of God, the pure essence flowing in and through me, vitalizing me. I am becoming saturated with this wonderful Love and I am so filled with it that I radiate and send it forth to all men and all things in the Universe. Nothing but Love can approach me, for I am Love." Then, commencing with the heart, praise each organ for the wonderful work it is doing. Liver, stomach, all — and thank each and all for its wonderful dependable action every moment in life. Tell each that you send love to it and will 24 Laws of Health and Prosperity help it to function more easily by trying to mani- fest more of the Great Spirit, God, each day of life. Then declare strongly, I am (or you are) a part of the Perfect Life of this Universe, God the all Good, and I am (or you are) demonstrating more and more of it each day and hour, in mind, body, and surroundings. I see you strong, courageous, wise, happy, filled with and radiating Love and Peace. "Peace — be still," all is god. List of Books recommended with Second Lesson, on Subconscious and Suggestion " Psychoanalysis i.e. Man's Unconscious Conflict," by Wilfred Lay, Ph.D. " The Neurotic Constitution," by Dr. Alfred Adler. "The Law of Mental Medicine" and "Law of Psychic Phenomena," by Thomson J. Hudson. " The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science." " The Dore Lectures." "The Creative Process in the Individual" and "Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning," by Thomas T. Troward. "The Psychic Treatment of Nervous Disorders," by Dr. Paul Dubois. "Hypnotic Therapeutics in Theory and Practice," by John Duncan Quackenbos, A.M., M.D. "Suggestion not Hypnotism," by Henry Harrison Brown. Books on Physical Exercise and Relaxation "Power through Repose." "The Freedom of Life." "How to Live quietly." "Nerves and Common Sense," by Annie Payson Call. " New Nerves for Old," by Arthur A. Carey (Waltham,Mass.) . "The Technique of Rest," by Anna C. Brackett. "The Emerson System of Physical Culture." Boston, Mass. (Emily Bishop.) "Exercises," by Susanna Cocroft, Michigan Ave., Chicago, HI. Lesson III HYPNOTISM HERE has been much exaggera- tion and misunderstanding in re- gard to Hypnotism, because very few people until the last several years have understood it. Hypnotism is the "stilling' 5 or quieting of the objective side of the mind in order to suggest more directly and strongly to the subconscious. This may be accomplished in many and diverse ways. We hypnotize our- selves and others many times when we do not realize that we are so doing; when a mother or nurse lulls a babe to sleep she is hypnotizing to a certain extent the little one. She uses a steady soft little lullaby, or just a little monotonous "hum" that quiets and hushes the objective mind and baby "goes to sleep." The usual method, used by physicians and psy- chologists as well as spiritual and mental healers, is to have the patient lie down or recline in a com- fortable chair or couch, to tell them to "let go" physically and mentally; to relax, as completely 25 26 Laws of Health and Prosperity as possible, — sometimes the eyes are to be closed. Others treat by looking one steadily but quietly in the eye. The healer then perhaps talks a little quietly, "suggesting" certain Truths such as "You are a child of God, a perfect expression of the Divine Life, You are therefore perfect and can- not be sick, you are quiet, happy, peaceful" — gradually speaking lower and more quietly till there is silence. (Sometimes in case of a very nervous patient the hand is held, but in most cases it is believed better not to touch the patient.) Then the healer sends strong "suggestions" with the "Thought" to the subconscious side of the patient. In case of drug or liquor habit, "You do not like the taste of , it nauseates you — you dislike it very much — you will not want it again — you are free from it. Your organs are working perfectly now. You are breathing in the "Life" of the Universe, the "All Good" You are quiet, happy, strong, well, peaceful; All — is — Good. Then the patient is allowed to lie quietly for a time, the Healer sitting near, and when the patient is awakened it must be done very gently, calling by name quietly and perhaps strok- ing the head a little, so as to have no start or shock. Hypnotism should not be used excepting in chronic or extreme cases, and then only by a phy- sician, who understands the action of the heart, etc. Dr. Paul Dubois of Berne, Dr. John D. Quack- enbos of New York City, and many others of note, have made wonderful cures of the drug and alco- hol habit in this way, but even they, use hypno- tism only in extreme cases. Hypnotism 27 There has been much unnecessary fear in regard to Hypnotism. While no one should allow another to take control of their objective mind excepting for treatment, and then only with the certainty that the healer is a physician in good standing (and even so, some member of the family or trusted friend should be present or near at hand), I be- lieve it is acknowledged by psychologists that it is impossible to hypnotize any one without their consent unless the brain is out of order, or they are under the influence of alcohol or some drug. In ordinary cases results fully as satisfactory may be accomplished when the patient is in a natural sleep. The latter method is wonderful for curing children of unpleasant and harmful habits, and of treating them for health and har- mony. Mothers and nurses when putting their little ones in bed at night may use these laws with won- derful results : — For instance, tell them a happy, sweet little story, nothing exciting. Then teach them a statement, such as "I am God's little child — God is love, so / am Love. I send that love and blessing to " (mentioning all the dear ones) and to every one. As my little grandson said when only four years old, "God bless every one I know, and every one I don't know." This gives the child the Universal or Cosmic Idea when so young that it grows up in that consciousness naturally and easily. Then, after the child is asleep, sit beside it and suggest strong thoughts of Perfection, Health, Sweetness, Happiness, Joy, Strength, Peace, dwel- 28 Laws of Health and Prosperity ling most strongly on the attributes, or conditions which each child is most lacking, in order to bring them into demonstration. They can by using this method accomplish wonders! In fact there is no limit to the results that can be obtained, because they are using the perfect laws of God, the All Good. When the manifestation does not come quickly one must persevere, steadily, quietly but firmly, and work to realize more and more of the "One Life" in one's own Soul, so that one may be the avenue through which it flows more fully. Of course this same method works with adults and I believe the most satisfactory results come through treat- ing while the patient is in natural sleep. Telepathy This term is derived from two Greek words signifying "afar oft to suffer or feel." A brief definition of the word is "Communion between minds outside the recognized channels of sensa- tion." (Sheldon Leavitt, M.D.) "Telepathy or Thought Transference is one of the 'New Thoughts' about old Truths." We have all experienced it in one way or another, but not understanding it, have called its demonstra- tions "peculiar coincidences." For instance, when we think "I will call such a person up on phone" and going to do so, find that friend at the phone calling us, or after writing a letter to a friend re- ceive one from that friend, showing that both were written about the same time and probably at least mentioning the same subject. We have while Hypnotism 29 quietly thinking a question, had a person answer it verbally, etc., etc. To the Society for Psychical Research organized a few years ago do we owe the fact that to-day "Telepathy" is known to be a perfectly respectable Scientific Truth. It is now acknowledged by Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Crookes, Dr. A. R. Wallace, and most of, if not all, the reliable scientists of to-day. It is interesting to note in a little book on "Absent Treatment of Disease," with particular reference to Telepathy, written and published in 1906 by Sheldon Leavitt M. D., the following: — "Mr. Gladstone not long before his death addressed the following words to the Secretary of the Society for Psychical Re- search: 'You are engaged in the most important work in the world, — by far the most important. I am a member of the Society and I do not simply believe in Telepathy — I know it exists. I think that I am not wrong in saying that this opinion is also held by such eminent men as Professor William James, Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, Dr. A. R. Wallace, and many other men equally dis- tinguished in Scientific Research. It seems to me that The Society for Psychical Research has scientifically demonstrated beyond doubt the ex- istence of Telepathy." This prophecy made by the Great Man, Gladstone a number of years ago has been actually fulfilled beyond a doubt. It is now open for study and experiment, much of which has been and still is being done, and even with the slight knowledge we have to-day wonderful demon- strations have been made along many lines. 30 Laws of Health and Prosperity Absent Treatment After reflecting on the actions of the individual will in control of the Objective Side of the Mind and therefore the power to "Suggest" to the Sub- conscious, following with the fact that " Thoughts " are dynamic, and lastly the great Truth of the law of Telepathy or Thought Transference, what a marvelous field of possibilities opens before us! One of the most important is the fact that "Ab- sent Treatment' 9 for disease and all Inharmony may be given. Now going back to the First Lesson on Unity (as we should often do) we realize that as there is but one "Life," one "Mind" in the Universe, through the use of "Telepathy" we may come into touch with any part, and with All of that "Mind." In fact, we may open to the All Good, from "All" of it, receiving limitless good, and we may by simply willing to do so send our thoughts out to each and all parts of it, affecting all, if ever so little, for good or ill. (In another lesson I will speak of "Evil" and the result of negative Thoughts, and how to prevent their entrance into the subconscious.) This brings us to the technique for Absent Treat- ment. This work, like all suggestion, is largely an individual question. Each Healer works out a system, pragmatically, and that is the only way the work can be successfully done. These are general laws which each must study and experi- ment with and in that way build up the individual system — I will give a few of the various details Hypnotism 31 which I have tried, successfully. It is much more satisfactory when treating or sending any message by Thought to have an arrangement for a certain hour. — Then the patient or receiver will con- sciously open the subconscious to the Suggestion and cooperate with the Sender of the message. If this cannot be arranged and even when treat- ment is given in this way, it is well to treat when the patient is likely to be asleep late at night, in addition to the other; at that time the objective minds of the majority of people on this side of the planet are quiet, and the Thoughts can go more directly to the one to whom they are sent. When preparing to treat at a distance, it is best to go into a quiet room alone, take a comfortable chair, relax, close the eyes. There is an old law that is taught in all the ancient books on mys- ticism, that of "calling the name." I have tried this and believe it "works." I would, therefore, call the full name of the patient, speak it aloud if possible, if not, think it strongly. That, I believe, awakens the subconscious, also attracts the ob- jective and helps to "open the station to secure the message." Then form a "mental picture" of the patient, seeing him with the highest demon- stration, mentally, physically, and spiritually, that you can imagine, feeling a great Universal Love toward him. Then send the affirmative sugges- tions of his Real Life being the "One Life of God, the All Good/ 9 etc., —treating in the same way as though the patient were beside you, physically. When the Healer has never seen the patient it is well to obtain a photograph, or in any case to ask 32 Laws of Health and Prosperity for description of the patient as to temperament, etc., and as much of a history as possible. These will greatly assist the Healer. When treating at a distance it is a great assistance to both to have the patient write regularly to the Healer, keeping him or her informed of the condition, noting changes and impressions. The replies written to the patient are strong Treatments, and should be treated as such. In his book on "The Absent Treatment of Disease," Dr. Sheldon Leavitt says: "The Healer should either keep up a regular cor- respondence with his patients at a distance or he should place his reliance for supplementary aid on printed or typewritten lessons carefully pre- pared," and follows with, "I beg you not to be startled by my confession of a belief that the letters passing between people are charged with the thought energy of those who write them. If this is true, then the peculiar value of such means of communication between patient and healer at once becomes evident." Says Professor John William Draper: "Upon the walls of our most private apartments, where we think the eye of intrusion is altogether shut out and our retire- ment can never be profaned, there exists the ves- tiges of all our acts, silhouettes of whatever we have done." "He might have added (says Dr. Leavitt) they also bear the record of our Thoughts." Admitting the truth of this we cannot escape the conviction that things we handle and wear take on from us deep impressions. We have realized for some time that we individually have Hypnotism 33 an "atmosphere" ("Aura" the Hindu calls it) which we take with us always and which affects all others with whom we come in contact, either pleasantly or unpleasantly. If, in addition to this, even our clothes, our rooms, and everything belong- ing to us carries our personality with them, we can no longer to any extent disguise our real demonstration or character. It is therefore im- portant that we live and think each moment that which we wish to radiate to others. A few of the simplest, and yet very instructive, books on Telepathy, Hypnotism, etc., are: "The Absent Treatment of Disease," by Sheldon Leavitt M.D. "The Mind Telegraph," by Jones Barton Stay. "Not Hypnotism but Suggestion," by Henry Harrison Brown. For more scientific books, in addition to the names mentioned in former lessons, see those by Boris Sidis, Professor Sigmund Freud, L.L.D., Hugo Miinsterberg, Jung and others. Lesson IV TEE EFFECT OF THE EMOTIONS ON TEE BODY E have always known that emo- tions of fright, fear, anger, etc., would affect one's body; for instance that sudden fright or sadness would make one's face blanch, often make one feel faint, nauseated, etc., but these facts like many others were taken as matters of course. A few years ago Professor Elmer Gates of Wash- ington, D.C., commenced to experiment also along these lines. In a little book, "The Mind and the Brain," he explains how he worked on "Mind Building" through brain cells, experimenting with animals (not through vivisection), then apply- ing the results to the education of children, showing wonderful possibilities. He says : — "In 1879 I published a report of experiments showing that when the breath of a patient was passed through a tube cooled with ice so as to condense the volitile qualities of the respiration, the iodide of rhodopsin, mingled with these con- 34 Effect of the Emotions on the Body 35 densed products, produced no observable pre- cipitate. But within five minutes after the patient became angry there appeared a brownish precipitate, which indicates the presence of a chemical compound produced by the emotion. This compound, extracted and administered to men and animals, caused stimulation and excite- ment. Extreme sorrow, such as mourning for the loss of a child recently deceased, produced a gray precipitate; remorse, a pink precipitate, etc. My experiments show that irascible, malevolent, and depressing emotions generate in the system in- jurious compounds, some of which are extremely poisonous: also that agreeable, happy emotions generate chemical compounds of nutritious value, which stimulate the cells to manufacture energy. "I have succeeded in entirely eliminating vicious propensities from children with dispositions toward cruelty, stealing, or anger. In curing a bad habit I would for every evil tendency, image, or craving existing in the same parts of the brain create a greater number of the opposite kind of memories and keep them active a greater number of times each day, until the old structures had disappeared and new ones had been formed. This process does not require the assent of the patient any further than to take the course of studies. He may even not desire to abandon a certain practice or habit, but may wish to continue his evil course; yet, by the force of brain building, that motive can be eliminated. "This system of development can be applied to regulate the assimilative processes, the diseases 36 Laws of Health and Prosperity of which are dyspepsia, alcoholism, etc. A woman unable to eat fatty or greasy substances, even in the smallest portions, was by this system trained to take them in normal quantities. The alcohol habit, when not engendered by habitual and ex- cessive use of liquors, can originate through a cer- tain derangement of the stomach and the brain cells that govern it. Indigestion, accompanied by fermentation of sweets, creates a small amount of alcohol in the stomach. This alcohol produces a stimulating effect which the patient misses when the fermentation is arrested by the alcohol itself or by a change in the food. The first step toward curing this habit consists in forming another series of brain structures of the different stages relating to previous experiences, not merely with intoxi- cants but with foods in general. The creation of at least a hundred times as many morally-function- ing cells as there had been immorally-functioning cells will cause the craving for stimulants to dis- appear. It is possible in three months' time to develop brain structures which will cause a patient to feel disgust for what he had previously relished and desired." Another and more recent writer along these lines is Walter Cannon, professor of physiology in Harvard University, who, in his book "Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear, and Rage," ex- plains in scientific detail the effect of the emotions on digestion, the muscles, nerves, etc., etc. These two books should be read by all teachers and seri- ous students. I will endeavor to put into simple language some of the technique to be applied so Effect of the Emotions on the Body 37 that these laws may be used intelligently, in order to demonstrate Happiness, Health, and Success. The emotions are largely subconscious; they may and should, however, be controlled by the objective or active side of mind. We speak of some people as being "emotional"; we mean that they are highly sensitive in their nervous organization and that they have not learned to control their emo- tions, so that to a greater extent than is normal their emotions act subconsciously, without control by the active or objective side. Children and individuals and races who are in the childish stage are to a great extent governed by their subcon- scious side, and the first and most important step in education (the word educate means to educe from within, to instruct, to develop, to train) is the training of the objective side, so that it will "suggest" to the subconscious that which we wish it to demonstrate. The objective or reasoning side of mind should always be in control. When it is not we say people are "not sane " (or insane), and this is a truth. When we feel an emotion we should at once think "Is this good for me?" Having been told by scientists that thoughts of anger, fear, worry, irritation, affect the blood so as to really poison it, we naturally decide that we must learn to elimi- nate these emotions as far as possible. Treatment for Fear First one strong "denial" — i.e. There is nothing to Fear in the Universe. — I have no fear. There is nothing but God the All Good. Nothing 38 Laws of Health and Prosperity can hurt nor touch me unless I allow it. I refuse to admit anything but God the All Good: I open to that now. The wonderful love of God, the Life of All, and of myself, is flowing into me and through me now. I am that life and in that Life "I live and move and have my being." — I am a Sun of Love, attached to the Great God or whole that is constantly radiating love. I, as a part of that whole, radiate Love, therefore nothing but Love can touch me. All is Love. (Use this every day — every night before going to sleep, meditate on it, think what it means, and you will get the realiza- tion of it.) Treatment for Anger " I am not angry. I refuse to be angry — I know that anger is a negative force for evil, or inhar- mony, and that 'as I give, I shall receive.' If I send forth angry, irritable thoughts, or allow them to come into action, they will not only go out into the ether and affect all other negative souls to some extent, but they will return to me with compound interest, and bring back inharmony, pain, etc. I, therefore, will not be angry — I refuse to admit any irritable or unkind thoughts — I drive them out! I am Love, a part of the God Life of the Universe. All is Good — all is Love. I am quiet, peaceful, loving. I am demonstrating the Love and Peace which I really am. I have the Christ Ideal. I am in the Christ Consciousness now. I believe and know that the laws He taught and lived are scientific and will demonstrate harmony. I am realizing those laws of love and nonresist- Effect of the Emotions on the Body 39 ance now. I am happy, quiet, calm, peaceful, and I radiate these qualities to every one and every- thing in the Universe." (Sit quietly with eyes closed and simply feel the Love life flowing through; send love out to the whole Universe.) Treatment when One Feels Anger or Hurt from or Toward Another Soul Every night before going to sleep, honestly ex- amine yourself, and see if you have one thought of inharmony toward any person in the world. If you have, See that person at his or her best self, then say in thought or spoken word — You, your true self are a part of the God Life of the Uni- verse, the same life that I am; I see that Real You, now. I have not liked some of your demon- stration, but I, myself, although I really desire to demonstrate harmony at all times, am not always able to do so, on account of ignorance and lack of control of my personal self. I therefore have no right to Judge any other Soul, at any time. I know the law that Christ gave, "Judge not lest Ye be Judged, etc." I know that in the last analysis each Soul demonstrates at a given mo- ment just the best it can, considering everything. I know I do this, and therefore I must acknowl- edge that all others do. I therefore have no con- demnation for any Soul. I realize that the God Life is working through each Soul to express all that is possible, considering everything. That I (being finite) do not know what experiences are best for my own Soul, therefore certainly not for that of any one else. I believe that, according 40 Laws of Health and Prosperity to the Law of attraction, each Soul attracts every experience it needs at just the moment it needs that experience, be it a person, a book, or a problem. I therefore have no criticism for any other Soul — I send love to one and all in the Universe, and free them to attract their next problem, learn their next lesson. As Robert Louis Stevenson so beautifully said — "Some people think it is my duty to make my neighbor good. One person only am I to make good — Myself — my duty to my neighbor is more surely expressed by saying: I am to make him happy — if I may." When some one has said or done something which "hurts your feelings," as we express it, think quickly to the subjective: "Lord, forgive them; they know not what they do." — That will free you at once. Then keep saying quietly, within, Peace, Quiet, Love. When the first opportunity comes for being alone, sit quietly and see that person, his or her best self, a part of the God Life, the same Life that you are, and say, I forgive you — "I give /or" that thoughtless "hurt" you gave me — Love and Peace and Understanding. You would not have said or done that to me, had you really known how much it would hurt me. Either you did not think when you said it, or you are so different in temperamant that you cannot understand how it hurt me; therefore I cannot hold you responsible to my capacity for feeling and suffering. — I send you Love and that dissolves all inharmony. I am quiet, peaceful, loving. Effect of the Emotions on the Body 41 Treatment for Worry Worry is the most subtile of all negative emo- tions or conditions. It is the "worm at the root," hidden often, but getting in its deadly work. We really know that worry never helps any one at any time, and scientists tell us that every moment we worry our blood is being poisoned and of course the poison flowing through our body will produce inharmony or disease of some kind, — it may be headache, or sore throat, neuralgia; different emotions express differently in each individual. We may worry even while we are asleep — because we will understand, if we stop to think it out, that, if "worry" is in our subconscious, when we go to sleep with the active side, the subjective gets in its work, as it never slumbers nor sleeps. Often the subconscious will waken us suddenly in the night; we feel as though we had been called (some- times we have been): when this occurs, listen, inwardly — note the first thought that came into your mind upon waking. — It will either be a per- son or a problem. — If the former, send him a treatment, of Health, Courage, Strength, Love, Peace. Then go to sleep, trusting the God of the Universe to work. If however it is a problem that has been worrying you, open to it and you will probably get a clearer vision on it. Then decide what you are going to do about it (quietly, with- out anxiety). If you cannot see the answer, clearly, throw off the responsibility: say, "I cannot solve this problem. I put the responsibility out into the Universe for God to solve. Say, "I let go 42 Laws of Health and Prosperity of it," and know that in some way the God of the Universe will work. (Each one should use the name for " God " which seems best to him or her — "Father," "God" — "The All Good" — etc., or the name which "Moses" used and that the Hin- dus and Mystics use — "7 AM THAT I AM. ") Often insomnia is caused first by some worry in the subconscious, thereby waking several times at the same hour, a habit or groove is formed in the subconscious, and it is difficult to overcome it. But it can be done by using this treatment. We exaggerate our need of sleep; it is generally ac- knowledged by reliable physicians that the average normal adult does not need more than six hours' sleep out of twenty-four, and can live for a long time with less. We are learning that "rest" is not necessarily "sleep," nor "doing nothing," but the changing of occupation — using different nerve cells, thus "resting" the ones we have perhaps used too steadily. The fear of staying awake, keeps one more wakeful. After sending the message or solving the prob- lem (if only by giving it up to God), lie quietly, think how wonderful and peaceful the world is, so many sleeping quietly — feel that you are in the "Arms of God" — relax — think Rest — Peace — Love — out to all the Universe. Say, "I am awake for some good. I send strong thoughts of Peace to All; All is Good, All is Peace." You will learn by using this treatment to go to sleep and in this way, with perseverance Insomnia can be cured. The treatment for "Worry" through the active mind is as in all cases of negative Thoughts — first Effect of the Emotions on the Body 43 Denial, i.e. "There is no cause for "Worry"; I am part of the All Good. There is nothing (in reality) but the All Good or God, so nothing can really hurt me nor any one else. That which may seem harmful may prove to be a real blessing — I refuse to see the wrong demonstration; I see only the Per- fect Life — which is All that is real. God's laws are working now; working to will and to do That which is best for me and all Souls. I trust the God of All, and rest in His Love. Now when we have any inharmony in our body or our environment, instead of looking for the cause in something we have "eaten" or sometimes our "feet" have been damp, or we have sat in a "draught" — let us think back and be honest with ourselves and remember when we have been angry, irritable, frightened, worried, or have said or thought unkind things toward some one — criti- cized some one adversely — (perhaps only in thought) and finding the cause (for we will find it) deny out the negative thought, condition or emo- tion and use the Treatments heretofore given. There is no limit to the results that may be obtain- able by persevering in the use of these laws; be- cause they are the laws of God the All Good and limited only by our individual ignorance or neg- lect of their use. Books recommended along these lines are: — "Lessons in Truth,' ' by Emily Cady. "Why Worry?'' and "Those Nerves," by George L. Walton, M.D. "The Will to be Well," by Charles B. Patterson. "The Mind and the Brain," by Elmer Gates. 44 Laws of Health and Prosperity "Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear, and Rage," by Walter B. Cannon. "The Renewal of the Body," by Annie Rix Militz. "Direct Healing" and "Health and Power through Crea- tion," by Paul Ellsworth. "The Untroubled Mind," by Herbert J. Hall, M.D. "The White Cross Library," "Your Forces and how to Use Them," by Prentice Mulford. "Voices of Freedom," "Living by the Spirit," and others by Horatio W. Dresser, Ph.D. Also books and "Nautilus" magazine, by Elizabeth Towne, Holyoke, Mass. "Unity" magazine and literature by the Unity Society, 913 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Lesson V CONCENTRATION F all the Laws of Spiritual Science this one of Concentration has prob- ably been most misunderstood. Many of the first teachers, not thoroughly understanding the Law themselves, naturally gave con- fused and impractical directions. For instance, "Go alone in a room, sit in a chair, look at any one object (a clock or a spot on the wall), and put everything out of your mind, hav- ing it void; think of nothing but the spot." Now of course after trying to do this, these teachers found it an absolute impossibility, and then changed their instruction. To Anita Trueman (now Mrs. Harold Pickett) do I owe my first and best knowl- edge of concentration, and the technique for it, and through her instruction she spiritualized every article of furniture and ornament in my house and made it possible for me to perform my every- day duties as housekeeper in Pittsburgh, the center of Coal Soot, and, looking beyond the very negative and discouraging side, see the wonder and beauty back of it all. Following her came Dr. 45 46 Laws of Health and Prosperity Julia Seton, with her keen, brilliant insight and wonderful consciousness. I wish to give both these women thanks and appreciation for the great understanding they have, and were able to give to me. Concentration is an act of the personal will, directing the " Objective," and we learn it only by constant, conscious, and patient training. Technique Go alone in a room, sit in a restful, quiet, relaxed position. Take an article of furniture (bureau, desk) ; give your interested attention to it. Notice the kind of wood of which it is made, think where the wood grew, — if mahogany, see the trees in a large forest, the wind blowing through them, hear the little quiet rustle that one hears always in a forest, feel how quiet and restful it is, the sun shin- ing through, and the shadows. Then one day men came along and chopped several trees down, tied chains to them: Oxen probably hauled them to a railroad station — thence they went to some port, were loaded on a ship, brought north, transferred to a lumber yard, taken to a mill, then bought by a cabinet maker. Then think of and note the "design" of the article and every part of it, each line and ornament — the nails, screws, knobs, — everything the result of thought, a vision of the God mind, working through the brain of some man or woman! Think of the number of minds that have worked on that one piece of furni- ture before it came to you! Use this method every day, even for one half hour, taking a differ- Concentration 47 ent object, — when washing dishes or dusting a room. We can learn by this training to concentrate on any one subject so that we may be occupied with something that is monotonous and distaste- ful, yet, in this way, it may be made most inter- esting and instructive. Through this technique do we learn to control and direct our Thoughts, thereby becoming masters of ourselves and, to a great extent, of our lives, because it is a Truth that it is not Heredity, Environment, nor Experiences that count most, but our attitude toward one and all of them. Concentration for Definite Results Please realize that the same technique or method is used when treating oneself or others for Health, Happiness, Success, Supply. In other words, in order to realize and demonstrate or bring into outward manifestation a greater supply of the "All Good," in any particular way desired at a given time. The sequence follows: First, the "Vision," the picture — see that as you desire it — your highest ideal. Then see it for the one whom you are treating. If for Supply, see them prosperous, money coming in to them, see them happy, spend- ing money for the good of others, using it with discrimination, living useful lives, etc. Then ex- plain to the patient these laws and the technique and hold the thought with them. One thing we as teachers should impress upon all patients and students — i.e. that these are Spiritual Laws and must be used Spiritually, otherwise they will 48 Laws of Health and Prosperity react, and cause great disaster. If, for example, one should concentrate for money selfishly, want it at any cost, etc., the law would work possibly, but the price paid would be very great and no doubt the money prove a curse. These laws are those of the Christ Consciousness and must be used from and with that understanding and on that plane only. We should first be sure, in at least a general way, of what we really "Desire" with our whole "Heart," — our "First cause" to which we must always be "loyal," as Josiah Royce the great philosopher says. Probably if we sit down quietly and are honest with ourselves we will realize that it is Harmony, Happiness, Peace, for until we reach this consciousness we are on the material plane of self-consciousness and still looking for pleasure, excitement, from life, and have the "earth drowse," as Emma Curtis Hopkins says. After this it is a question for each individual, every day and hour, as to how he or she may demon- strate this "Harmony" for him or her self, and those with whom they come in contact. This is the "Art of Life" and while most complex it is intensely interesting. The second step is to really decide each day what we feel the need of. Walter De Voe says, " Write down your needs, read them over, see the words; that will help you to be sure that you know or at least believe that you know, what you really do need or truly desire." Other teachers have suggested putting this written request under your pillow at night — so that it works through the Subconscious, while the Active Concentration 49 Side is asleep. — Each one may try these differ- ent methods and find the one that works best for him or her self. " Concentration/ ' in order that we may bring into demonstration, on the physical plane, some- thing which we desire, is the (to the Western World) "New Thought" of Prayer. If we read carefully the words spoken by Jesus, we will see that this was His teaching in regard to prayer. "Beloved Ye have these things before Ye ask." The Hindus and other peoples of the "Far East' 9 have, of course, used these methods for ages, and through them wrought marvelously. With this understanding we can feel the wonder- ful "Lord's Prayer," "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, through what we call Evo- lution — or Nature, but in the "Heaven State," or Christ Consciousness, the laws transcend those of the "Earth or Self-conscious State": now the prayer is, that "We may know and use these higher laws ON EARTH in our everyday life." Note Jesus the Christ's last prayer — "If possible let this cup pass from me, nevertheless THY WILL not Mine be done," showing that even Jesus with his wonderful consciousness of God, the Father within him, realized that he did not have it per- fectly, nor wholly, so threw himself out to the God of the Universe, knowing that only HIS WILL could really be trusted. Because this is a "Truth to me," I cannot practice nor teach that it is right to "Concentrate" on anything, to bring it into Demonstration, by my own will, or that of any person or persons, but must always finish 50 Laws of Health and Prosperity with — "THOU GREAT I AM THAT I AM, I call on "Thee" to bring into Demonstration, that which is best for this Soul, now! THY WILL be done/' Not with a weak Submission but with a STRONG TRUST. That which we see most or on which we concentrate, most often, we will of course be most likely to bring forth, for, "As a man thinketh in his Heart, so is he," and we attract to ourselves constantly from our own consciousness (or char- acter as we express it) just what we need, in order to take the next step. When we Realize this we will not be antagonistic to any experi- ence that comes to us; but face it, study it, and try to learn the lesson for which we attracted it, as quickly and harmoniously as possible. There is an old saying which has come down with many laws from the Eastern Mystics, "That Thou seest — that Thou Beest," i.e. : For that Thou seest man, That too become Thou must, God if Thou seest God Dust if Thou seest Dust. This law is true and works; therefore let us watch ! Stop ! Look and listen ! and find out what we are seeing most. This law of "Visioning" has been understood and used for ages by the Eastern Mystics. I wish to impress right here, particularly on Teachers and Healers, one truth which I feel is most important. We should look at the negative or weak side only long enough to learn a lesson and avoid disaster. Concentration 51 There are times when it is necessary to /abnegation in order to overcome it. One of the weakest atti- tudes, in my estimation, of many Spiritual Healers, is that if they are not able to demonstrate Health or Prosperity for themselves or others, to say that there was so much "adverse thought'' among unbelievers in the family or from friends that they could not save the life, or bring the desired mani- festation. Now if this is true, we have a worse and far more dangerous "Devil" than the one we have just thrown out. If "negative" thought is stronger than affirmative there is no hope for us — because at this time there are only a small minority on this Earth Planet who have the Cosmic or Christ Consciousness to any extent — NO! this is not the Law! — One affirmative person is stronger than thousands of negative — "God and one are a majority." Note the story of "David and Goliath." Let us not try to excuse ourselves or the law in this weak way, which is both untrue and unscientific. Let us acknowledge, as all Good Physicians do — The law did not work for some unknown reason, which we cannot explain as we do not claim to be "Infinite," but are only finite be- ings, studying, working, listening, experimenting, in order that we may have a higher and fuller con- sciousness. We have used these laws and proved them enough to know that they are laws, and that they work; when they do not demonstrate as we ex- pect, we realize that something in regard to the machinery or technique was out of order, or that a Higher Law worked to transcend this, just as having once talked over a telephone and heard the 52 Laws of Health and Prosperity voice of a friend, we know the law is, and when we cannot demonstrate, cannot hear or understand, we know that the instrument or lines are out of order and we send for some one who understands the technique, or we work with it ourselves until we find the trouble and rectify it. There is this difference with regard to the Spiritual Laws; we are just beginning to understand them, therefore the work is largely experimental or pragmatic. When we are not successful according to our ideas and are not able to demonstrate Harmony, let us use the two laws we do know, i.e. Love and nonresistance. We never accomplished anything Spiritually, by Force. Let go! Stop working, probably we are trying too hard in our way. Let go! and realize the God working through each Soul, using the method most needed by that Soul. After we have done all we can — we should detach ourselves from the patients and simply "Love" them, and Trust the God of the Universe to work through them, demonstrating what is best for them. Our responsibility ends there and we should not try to take it nor to explain "When Knowledge fails, we must Trust." God's vision and plan is Infinite. We cannot in this stage of development understand perfectly. For this reason let us be moderate in our "claims"; not limit ourselves, but on the other hand not make claims that we "can cure all diseases" nor make every one, includ- ing ourselves, "perfectly happy" at all times, nor bring millions of money in by simply sitting and "thinking" money, etc., etc. These rash extreme statements have antagonized many sane, sensible Concentration 53 people and retarded the growth of Christ Con- sciousness. Let us rather keep the attitude of Jesus the Christ, "It is not me, but the "Father within me 9 ' — He is Infinite, knows all. We are finite, while in essence we are a part of the God Life, The All Good; we have as yet brought out in mani- festation only a tiny speck of this wonderful Life, but we are working, asking, for Wisdom, lovingly, humbly, but strongly and with Faith and Trust, thereby growing steadily and surely, more fully into the Great Christ, or Cosmic Consciousness, or knowledge of the "Whole." Meditation — "Going into the Silence " Meditation is the opposite of Concentration. — It is a letting go of the Personal Will and opening to the "God Mind" or Subconscious of the Uni- verse in order to receive new light, wisdom, power, from the Source, from each and every part of the Mind of the Universe, for they are all one and are attached. Concentration and Meditation should be used alternately. The Western World has used the former to the extreme and neglected the latter, while the Eastern World has emphasized the latter and neglected the former, and both have paid the price accordingly. Since the meeting of the World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago at the time of the World's Fair, when Swami Vivekananda, the Great Hindu Teacher, came with his message, the Eastern and Western Worlds have been getting nearer and nearer together and, as he prophesied, each is helping the other and together we shall accomplish Great work along all lines. 54 Laws of Health and Prosperity Technique Go alone — sit quietly in comfortable position — relax — at first direct the objective mind and concentrate on the "Unity" of the Universe, God the All Good (according to suggestions in first lesson) . Then open the mind and let it go out into the Universe. Think of the enormity of it — the immeasurable Space between the Earth Planet and the Sun, also the many, many Planets, Solar Systems; try to realize, as far as as your mind will go, the wonder of it all! And back of all the "One Life," working according to exact Laws, this immeasurable, living, pulsing "Cosmos." Ideas will flow into and through your brain; let them come easily, quietly. If you find your mind wandering to material things, listen a moment; it may be some message, some problem not solved, something forgotten, that you wish to do — if so, write down a memorandum of it. That will clear the Subconscious. Then direct the mind again to God — Look up ! with the inner sense — the inner eye, God says, through a prophet, "Look unto me and be thou saved" This attitude will help to keep the mind open to the Spirit. Then just let it flow in. Feel the wonderful Life flow- ing in and quieting you; let the ideas and thoughts flow in — feel that God is talking to you through the minds of friends who love you, and are anxious to help you. Then, as these friends come into your consciousness (those who are still in this life and those who have gone on to another), Concentration 55 listen ! You will get thought messages, accept them. Send Love to them (for the law of this, read Lesson on Telepathy), commune with all of them. Then think of Jesus, the wonderful Master, the one who had such an intense Consciousness of The God within all — who taught and lived "Love" — of Buddha, who to the people of the Eastern World was their Highest and fullest demonstration of the all good. Then realize that these and all other Souls are still in existence somewhere in the Uni- verse and that we can receive help from them at any time we so wish. After meditating in this way quietly for as long a time as you wish send thoughts of "Love" out to all the Universe, and then send thoughts of Health, Strength, Happi- ness, Success, Wisdom, to all whom you are help- ing. Then declare the same for yourself — and finish with Peace, Be still! Peace, Peace — This "Meditation" is my method for "Going into the Silence." During this hour it is well to close the eyes for a part of the time, and if so you will notice the light you see changing color. At first it will be dark, then probably red — as you become quiet and as the Spirit flows through into you, the light will change to pink or violet, which are the most Spiritual Colors. Now while these are the methods I have gathered in part from many teachers, applied to myself, and used successfully, I give them out to others as suggestions only, for each individual Soul must find its own path eventually and prove it. After using this or any technique for sometime 56 Laws of Health and Prosperity you will find that you can concentrate and medi- tate while in a street car, on a train, motoring, (particularly in the country), even in the midst of a crowd! No matter how disagreeable the sur- roundings may be, you will learn that in this way you can create your own world and live in it at will. Books on Concentration " Just How to Concentrate,' ' by Elizabeth Towne. "Concentration the Law of Success," by Henry Harrison Brown. "Concentration — Why and How to Concentrate," by Julia Seton, M.D. "First Steps in Concentration," by Frederick Keeler. There are of course many others, but these are not expensive, are small, clear and concise. Lesson VI THE AUTHORS INDIVIDUAL ATTITUDE TOWARD DOCTORS AND MEDICINE ANY Teachers and Healers, call- ing themselves by different names, take a very negative attitude toward all Doctors and Medicine. I personally feel that by so doing they deny their first conclusion and the Premise upon which they build, in order to explain and use the laws which they teach. After thinking and studying the laws of' the Universe, the latest Science and Religion, we con- cluded that (as the leaders along both these lines agree to-day) we are living in and are a part of a "Universe" which is a living, pulsing, throbbing "Cosmos," the Life Essence of which is ONE AND THE SAME in and through all. This Life Essence is the "NO THING" the so-called "Ether of Space," the inside and the outside, that in which every- thing "lives and moves and has its being." Now the first law of this life (Henry Bergson the French Philosopher says) is to express, and 57 * 58 Laws of Health and Prosperity all forms are the different, more or less imperfect, unfinished expressions of this Life. While these forms are constantly changing, the life is always the same. It cannot be hurt nor lost (as we learn in a later lesson on Spirit and Matter). As Emma Curtis Hopkins says, "A principle is a comprehensive law or doctrine from which others are derived." That is, everything that ever was or ever will come into manifestation must be in this Life Essence. Now we have concluded after our study that in the last analysis this "Life Force," "Eternal Energy," is "good"; "per- fect." It is called by Religionists "The All Good" (in Twenty -three languages), "God," "The Father," "The Great i am that i am." Different peoples in various localities have given it these different names, but all agree that it is "each soul's highest conception of all that is Good and Beautiful, Powerful, Wise, and Loving." Now all metaphysical Teachers and Healers start with this conclusion — that "ALL the Essence of Life" is Good. There is no entity in so-called "Evil " ; as darkness is the absence of light, so evil is the absence of, or unfinished, good in Demonstra- tion. But there can be no all bad, after once hav- ing started with the conclusion and premise that "All is Good." For example, a green apple on a tree is not bad, but green, — unfinished; given time and proper conditions it will manifest ripe- ness, and very nearly perfection. Now after arriving at this point in our study can we say that Doctors, or Medicine, in fact anything in the Universe is Bad? not to be recog- Attitude Toward Doctors and Medicine 59 nized? I say no! We must stand by our con- clusion and make the reversed statement that "Everything, even in demonstration, is good in its time and place, and in proper proportion/' That even that which in demonstration may seem un- pleasant to us we must recognize as "Good in the making," have no condemnation, and, unless we can help it to a better expression, pass on. Among the New Thoughts, or Theories, advanced by Scientists to-day, is this one, —that "everything in the Universe is in a State of vibration"; there is nothing (in the last analysis, as they say) abso- lutely still, quiet, nor solid. Everything is vibrat- ing, and there are different rates of this vibration. They say "mind" is of a higher vibration than Body, and Soul or Spirit of course the Highest of all; because it is the original essence, the Store House, or "Motor," vibrating the Whole. This being true, the Spirit, or individual part of Spirit which I call the Soul, should control all lower vibrations. It is on this law that all Spiritual, Mental, Divine, Faith Healing is founded. When we have this realization that because we are each a "Soul," which is part of this "God Spirit," and our body is a demonstration of this same Spirit at a lower vibration, we understand that — if we knew the law of connection perfectly, we should be able always to keep the Spirit or Soul in control of the Body, and all other lower vibrations. In that case we would always be well, happy, successful, contented — "in Harmony," — in other words in the "Heaven" State. Now as a matter of fact / have never met one, nor 60 Laws of Health and Prosperity have I heard any one claim that they have known one Soul who has demonstrated this perfect con- trol in this life. We have read in history of many Saints who have had wonderful realizations, and lived almost perfect lives, showing that their Soul, or Spirit, controlled their bodies to a wonderful extent. Yet there were times when, if we can believe history at all, they lost Faith and "let go," and as we express it, showed the "human" or im- perfect, material side in control. Even as Jesus on the Cross is said to have called out "Father, if it be possible let this cup pass from me" — -then quickly regaining the Spiritual Control, "never- theless not my will but Thine be done." Now I believe with even the Extremest Idealist in all these laws because we cannot limit the Power of God the All Good. I believe in "hitching my wagon to a star," as Emerson says, but as Jacob Jastrow says, I believe in "using horses here and now." For example, supposing we have electric light in our house, the wire and attachments are all put in, according to the best system known. Some night we are suddenly left in darkness — what do we do? I speak for myself; I, of course, try to get some one who understands the laws of this science, as quickly as possible. I know the "Law" is still there, and will work if we find the trouble with the connection and readjust it, but I do not sit in the dark if I can light gas, an oil lamp, or even a candle. For I prefer a little light to none, and believe in using the lower law, even if less com- fortable, rather than wait in the dark until the Attitude Toward Doctors and Medicine 61 higher law can be made to work. I feel that the same ideas work along all lines. If I want to go from one place to another quickly, I naturally in these days try to get an automobile or go on a train, but if I cannot get one of these, I would take the next best way available at the time. I understand this Planet called the "Earth" to be one of the marvelous "Expressions" of the "all good," "spirit," "God," of the Universe — everything on it from the tiniest bit of stone or rock to the highest evolution of man and woman, expressions of the Same Life, Spirit. Each mani- festation working according to its own laws. Man (meaning of course man or woman), being the highest manifestation and having evolved a "Brain" through which he can study these laws, may "have dominion" over all other manifesta- tions, as he learns the laws of each and uses them accordingly. This being true, is there any more important or interesting study than the "Body" of man or woman, this being the "Temple," the Home of the "Soul" (or a part of the Spirit of God)? And with this study, as with that of everything, should be acquired the knowledge of the way in which to repair it when it is out of order. The study of this "Human Machine" has evolved two branches, that of so-called "Materia Medica," or Medicine, the giving internally of differently prepared solids, liquids, or plants, and Surgery. No physician or surgeon of any reputation claims that either of these systems is infallible, or an exact Science. The leaders along these lines, as 62 Laws of Health and Prosperity with all others, are continually experimenting, finding new and better systems, and this is the only way of progress. I feel that a man or woman who makes his or her life work the Study of the Human Body or any part of it, in order to demon- strate for as many as possible Health, — freedom from suffering, and pain, — thereby making a larger pro- portion of Happiness in this world, has chosen the highest, most practical, and most spiritual work to be done in this life without regard to the System they may choose, from Spiritual Science to the giving of Medicine, and Surgery. While I per- sonally, as I have said earlier in this lesson, believe that "if" we knew how to use the laws of Spirit perfectly we could keep well, and while I know from many experiences, with myself and many others, that by using "Spiritual Science" (the laws by which we may use "Spirit" in order to control matter, "Soul" to demonstrate over Body), wonderful cures have been made, I acknowledge that I am not always able to demonstrate these laws. There are times when for reasons for which I cannot account they do not work satisfactorily. When this occurs I use, and advise all who come to me to do the same, the next laws I know, and send for a Doctor, Surgeon, or Dentist (according to the needs) , but I send for the one in whom I have the greatest confidence, in every way. Then I use my thought and the laws of the Spirit to help him, and every good physician, surgeon and dentist knows and admits that this attitude on the part of the patient and nurse assists greatly toward the recovery of the patient. It is a truth to me Attitude Toward Doctors and Medicine 63 that what the world needs most at this time is moderation, and discrimination. This is the age of specialization, and the danger lies in over- specializing — i.e., seeing "The Truth" from one angle only. We must learn to be openminded and inclusive, to endeavor to see everything from as many different angles as possible, for in that way do we see the greatest truth. When we act separately we fail — "All working together for Good" is God's Law. Let us keep this ever in our minds. I feel from personal experience that the German Scientists and those of other countries who have spent weary hours studying out combinations of "Matter" that can be given as "anaesthetics," thereby relieving human beings from pain during operations, and making marvelous work through surgery possible; those who, after years of hard and patient study and self-denial, have discovered cures for tuberculosis and other heretofore sup- posedly incurable diseases, are giving as wonder- ful and important expressions of the "All Good Life" of the Universe as any so-called Teacher or Healer of Spiritual or Christian Science, or as any Priest or Religious Teacher. "ALL GOOD" manifestation along all lines is necessary; "Unity" of Life, Diversity of Expression. I will say in closing this lesson that I feel the Ideals of one who chooses the Life of a physician, surgeon or healer of any kind, should be very high. There is no position in life, I believe, where there is as great an opportunity for demonstrat- ing the strongest character attainable as in this 64 Laws of Health and Prosperity field. A physician enters into the sacred precincts of family and individual life and should have the highest sense of honor and a very inclusive Spiri- tual Consciousness. If he begins his career with those ideals there is no work in this life, I believe, that will give him a greater number of opportuni- ties to grow spiritually than in this wonderful one of relieving pain and suffering. Good, honest, conscientious, faithful, noncom- mercial Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, Spiritual Science, Christian Science, Healers, are needed. They should all work together for Good; and then, as "Mr. Dooley" says, "it doesn't make much difference which we have if we have a Good Nurse." In my former lessons I have mentioned, among other physicians, who have demonstrated won- derfully through suggestion, etc., Dr. John D. Quackenbos, M.D. He has just published a book, "Body and Spirit," an inquiry into the sub- conscious. I strongly advise all students and Teachers to read this, as it is one of the most clear, concise, and practical books that has ever been published. He gives the names of several physicians who have worked sucessfully along these lines. Among these are Dr. C. C. Wholey of Pittsburgh, Pa., whom I know personally and for whom I have the greatest respect and in whom I have much confidence, and Professor Henry Upson of Cleveland, Ohio, whom I know by repu- tation. I believe that there are many others who have accepted the newer and higher standard and by so doing will add greatly to the efficiency of physicians and surgeons. Lesson VII SPIRIT AND MATTER, AS CONSIDERED BY MANY OF THE SCIENTISTS AND RELIGIONISTS TO-DAY F we are really Truth Seekers, we take as our premise the state- ment that "there is nothing higher or greater than Truth." When we realize the "Unity" of the Universe, we have the con- ception of "God" as the Perfect, Divine Life Principle of the Universe, rather than the old childish conception of some kind of a person outside, at a distance, — we believe and know certain things in a mystic or psychic way. We say we feel, we know them intuitively. We have experiences which, while real to us, would not be so to others, and which we could not prove to them, because they can understand only on what we call the "Material Plane," or through the five senses. We learn from reading the history of the ages past that there have always been souls who saw 65 66 Laws of Health and Prosperity away ahead of their time, who had these mystic experiences. William James, in his wonderful book, "Varieties of Religious Experience," gives many examples of this kind, and Dr. Bucke, in his book, " Cosmic Consciousness," gives the results of his research and study of such phenomena, comparing the experiences of many souls who have had great spiritual experiences, conversions, new births, "illuminations." We who have studied and realized along these lines may be interested to take a glance at the point of view to-day taken by so-called material scientists and orthodox theologians. I have therefore gathered from several of the greatest minds of this time their arrival in regard to the Unity of the Universe, and find as a result of this study that Science, Philosophy, Religion, and spiritual Realization are united at last; there is no longer any warfare. "Spirit and Matter before the Bar of Modern Science" — In his latest book with this title, I. W. Heysinger, M.A., M.D., of Philadelphia, begins with chapter first as follows; "If the time was ever to come in the religious history of the human race when what may be called God's Science of Man was to supersede Theology, which is Man's Science of God, that time is already here." This is the attitude of all serious investigators along different lines to-day. Psychologists are realizing and demonstrating more and more won- derful phenomena in regard to the action of the mind, conscious and sub- or unconscious, its Spirit and Matter 67 effect on the body, etc. Biologists are tracing all human, animal, and vegetable life back to "pro- toplasm," the same "Life or Germ." Mineralo- gists and geologists have arrived at the atomic theory that the Universe including all so-called dead matter, stones, rocks, etc., is composed of more or less minute atoms, all of which are vi- brating at different rates of speed, constantly changing, rearranging themselves, and thus pro- ducing different metals and solids. A. Dastre, Professor of the Sarbonne, Paris, in an article published in the Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, 1902, says, "Everything is at work; everything in nature toils and strives at every stage and every degree." Immobility, repose, are usually in natural things merely a false appearance. The seeming quietude of matter is caused by our inability to appreciate its interior agitation. Because of their minute- ness we do not perceive the swarming particles that compose it and under which the impassable surface of bodies, oscillate, displace each other, — move to and fro and group themselves into forms and positions adapted to the conditions of the environment. In comparison with these microscopic elements we are like the Giant of Swift in the midst of the people of Lilliput. And this is far below the actual fact. It was Lord Kelvin who first spoke of the "fatigue of metals, or the fatigue of elas- ticity," and since then Bose showed for these same bodies the fatigue of electric touch. All processes of making steel, glass, brass, and everything that 68 Laws of Health and Prosperity is manufactured are simply the readjustment and rearranging by different methods, of the atoms or molecules. Man, the highest manifestation of the one Divine Perfect Life, is learning the laws of the lower vibrations and working according to these laws to produce different effects. As Sir Oliver Lodge says, "We ourselves may become creators, not by working outside laws, but by learning the laws of God and working in harmony with them. 9 ' This acceptance and realization of the One Life in, and through all, gives us the newer and higher Idea of God, or the "All Good," as the Perfect, Divine Principle, the "Spirit," that which we can- not see, feel, hear or smell, but only "know," and we go back to the old definition in the Bible, "God is Spirit," but we now feel we have a much better understanding of what that means. To continue along scientific lines still farther, we find Robert Kennedy Duncan, F.C.S., one of the greatest chemists of the day (who passed on in 1914) commencing his new book, " The New Knowledge," thus, — "When a man begins to think seriously of the world, or worlds, around about him, he is at first dazed by the seeming complexity of it all. Thousands of phenomena confront him, inextric- ably tangled, and there seems to be no simple way of coordinating them. That the Universe must be harmonious is a fundamental demand of our human nature. Nor is this faith misplaced. Just as soon as we actually begin to sort things out, matters proceed with gratifying smoothness, and Spirit and Matter 69 it soon becomes apparent that one may place all he knows of this Universe of space and time into just exactly three compartments. These com- partments we shall label, — 1. Matter, 2. Ether, 3. Energy. These are three physical entities out- side of which, so far as we understand the physical Universe, there is nothing, and into which the universal content of the mind of man, so far as it concerns things outside of itself, may be stored away." Mr. Duncan then proceeds to define "Matter," and says that we may distinguish it from the other two compartments by saying that "Matter is that which occupies space and possesses weight." Using these two properties, it is readily possible to sift out matter from all the heterogeneous phe- nomena that present themselves to the senses. Thus wood, water, copper, oil, and air are forms of matter. But light, heat, electricity, and magnet- ism, we cannot consider to fill so many quarts or weigh so many pounds. They are therefore forms of non-matter. In like manner things such as grace, mercy, justice, and truth, while they are existing entities as much as matter, are unquestionably non-matter. "Now, governing matter in all its varied forms," says Mr. Duncan, "there is one great fundamental law which up to this time has been iron-clad in its character. This law, known as the law of the conservation of mass, states that no particle of matter, however small, may be created or destroyed. All the king's horses and all the king's men cannot de- stroy a pin's head. We may smash that pin's 70 Laws of Health and Prosperity head, dissolve it in acid, burn it up in an electric furnace, employ in a word every annihilating agency, and yet that pin's head persists in being. "Again, it is as uncreatable as it is indestruct- ible. In other words, we cannot create something out of nothing. The material must be furnished for every existent article. In the foregoing state- ments we have used the conceptions of the older science — but to say that throughout all time we never should be able to destroy or create matter, or to say indeed, that matter is not to some extent being created and destroyed to-day, would be to run the risk of profound error. All we can say to-day is, that we cannot do it. If creation or annihilation is going on, we are mere spectators, and stand in no causal relation." Mr. Duncan then takes up "Ether," as follows: "Any discussion of ether leads out upon the highroad to incredibility. A thing must be de- fined by its properties, and the properties of ether are for the most part negative; so negative indeed are they, that when one says boldly that we cannot see ether, hear it, taste it, smell it, exhaust it, weigh it, or measure it, one feels timid that sane- minded people will meet those negative qualities of our ether by a decided negation of belief in its existence. But the fact of the matter is, that if this thing Ether, is not visible to the eye of sense, it is visible to the eye of the mind, which is much less liable to err." Mr. Duncan then explains the little instrument called the radiometer, and that as the light strikes this, it causes a little aluminum mill-wheel to re- Spirit and Matter 71 volve at such a velocity that one cannot distin- guish the separate vanes, proving that there are "waves of light"; and he proceeds, "Once con- vinced that light consists of waves, the mind in- sists that these waves shall inhere in something. The ocean waves are made of water, sound waves of air, light waves of, we must say, something. This something cannot be air or water, or any form of matter, as we know it, for throughout that great reach of 93,000,000 of miles between the sun and us there exists but empty space. Filled this empty space is, however, and to the brim. There is no such thing as emptiness. From corner to corner of the Universe, wherever a star shines, or light darts, there broods this vast circumam- bient medium — the ' Ether,' not only through interstellar spaces, but through the world also, in all its manifold complexity, through our own bodies; all lie, not only encompassed by it, but soaking in it, as a sponge lies soaked in water. How much we ourselves are ' matter,' and how much 'Ether' is in these days a very meet ques- tion." Now to define "Energy." (I still quote from Mr. Duncan's book.) "Just as there is no such thing as emptiness, so there is no such thing as 'rest.' It is doubtful that there is such a thing as rest, even in a relative sense. The very par- ticles that constitute the materials of our so- solid seeming earth, that seem so fixed and at rest relatively to one another, are in a state of per- petual unremitting quiver — what we call tem- perature; and that quivering, had we eyes big 72 Laws of Health and Prosperity enough to see it, is very far indeed removed from rest. "Now, this motion is continually changing from one velocity to another, and the same kind of reasoning that led us to believe in the Ether leads us to believe that a body can go faster or slower only because of some sense. This cause, or this power to change the state of motion of a body, is energy. "Just as matter may exist in so many different forms, so may energy, — a list of forms of which we append : — 1. Kinetic Energy. 2. Gravitation Energy. 3. Energy of Elasticity. 4. Heat. 5. Cohesion Energy. 6. Chemical Energy. 7. Electrical Energy. 8. Magnetic Energy. 9. Radiant Energy. "This list comprises 'forms' of energy and not * different energies,' for the reason that they are one and all intervertible. Energy is protean in its nature, for it may be converted directly or in- directly into any other form. They are, therefore, different phases of one thing, not different things. For example, the energy of the burning coal is converted consecutively into heat, into mechanical energy, into electrical energy, and finally, in some far-away street, into the radiant energy of the arc lamp. It is possible even, that these very 'forms' Spirit and Matter 73 may not be distinct from one another, actually, but are simply so many different varieties of motion. "However that may be, energy is not only transformable, but transferable. In a word we may transfer energy from one body to another indefinitely. We may load the energy from a waterfall into a dynamo, and from the dynamo into a sewing machine. Matter is but a stepping- stone to energy, here and away, through one form to another, and from one body to another, in- finitely restless, constant only in one thing, its total quantity. However much energy may be transformed or transferred, when any quantity of one form disappears, a precisely equal quantity simultaneously appears, in some other form or forms. Just as with matter, you cannot create or destroy any quantity of energy however small, and since energy is the great worker of the Uni- verse, you cannot get something for nothing. No machine can make energy, and it is curious that this fact is so little understood of men that, accord- ing to rumor, the Patent Office finds it necessary to employ a special clerk to deal with persons who believe in perpetual motion. It will readily be seen, then, that since energy may be transformed from one form into another, since it may equally well be transferred from one body to another, and since, moreover, it cannot be created or destroyed, we have precisely the same grounds for believing in its existence as an actual entity as we had for believing in the existence of matter. It is proper for us to hold as reasonable the view that energy 74 Laws of Health and Prosperity is an existing "thing. 5 Concerning the dictum of current science, that it is impossible to create or destroy it, we ought to make the same pro- vision as we did with matter, that while it may not be forever and forever indestructible and un- creatable, and while it may be even now suffering annihilation, we have no control over it. The doctrine of the conservation of energy is receiv- ing some hard knocks nowadays, and whether or not it is weakening will be for the future to determine. "We have, thus, reduced the Universe to three terms — Matter, Ether, and Energy, and we ought now to consider whether this triune conception may be capable of deeper synthesis. We have all, I imagine, a deep-seated conviction of the essen- tial 'oneness' of the Universe, and to justify it, we must assume, either that these three things are after all but ' forms' or phases of an under- lying and unknowable reality, or that, separate and distinct as they appear, they are themselves one in some mysterious way, altogether beyond the power of human reason to grasp." Atoms "We have said that when a molecule of common salt is broken down, there results a particle of sodium and a particle of chlorine. These particles, the constituents of molecules, are the atom of matter. Instead, therefore, of defining a compound as a substance composed of elements, we may say that a compound is a substance the molecules of which are made up of the atoms of the element. Spirit and Matter 75 There are, of course, as many different atoms as there are elements. When atoms of like kind unite together, we have the elements of matter: — when of unlike kind, the compounds of matter. Now, since there are some seventy elements, there are some seventy kinds of atoms, and when we think of the varied number of combinations and permutations, so to speak, that may be brought about by tying together different numbers, and different kinds of, say, seventy odd marbles, it is no matter for wonder that there are some two hundred and fifty thousand molecules. A sub- stance is ex-molecules, and a molecule is a little building, of which the atoms are the bricks. We may now re-define our definitions. "A molecule is the smallest particle of a sub- stance that can exist in a free state, containing the same composition as any larger mass of the substance. "An atom is the smallest particle of an element that exists in any molecule. "A compound is a substance whose molecule contains two or more kinds of atom. "An element is a substance whose molecule contains only one kind of atom." Mr. Duncan then proceeds to explain Radio Ac- tivity, Periodic Law, Corpuscles, Different Rays, Radium; in fact, all the latest wonderful dis- coveries and ideas along these lines. This "Unity" of the Universe is realized by the most profound thinkers of philosophy and the- ology. Professor George Burman Poster of the University of Chicago, in liis book, "The Function 76 Laws of Health and Prosperity of Religion in Man's Struggle for Existence," after speaking of organism, says: — "Now what is true with reference to organism in general holds good of the soul. In this regard, the soul is a being of the same kind as the body, that is, it is a system striving for its own preser- vation, only not through externally visible and tangible, but solely through inwardly experienced, formations and functions. This was the view even of Spinoza, and more recently of Fechner. That the preservation was maintained, by conflict with what was given an external phenomena, as 4 outside world,' is an insight whose general recog- nition is traceable to the influence of Charles Darwin: and the part played in psychic world- being, by the living out and working out psychic energies and endowments is at bottom an opinion as old as Aristotle. If, to-day, we could inwardly unify these relevant factors from Spinoza and Fechner, from Aristotle and Darwin, we should gain a general view of the soul, that would bring our thought into harmony once more with the basic concepts of our scientific knowledge. At all events, the point which we have now reached is that the soul is not a static entity with attri- butes and properties, as it was according to the belief of the first era of which I have spoken, nor is it a system of ideas like the atoms of the physi- cal science of the sixteenth and seventeenth centu- ries. The association-psychology was of a piece with that whole mechanical way of looking at reality. To-day the psychologists think of the soul as a psychic-physiological organism. I have Spirit and Matter 77 the impression that when the collective con- sciousness becomes thoroughly habituated to Mod- ern Science, our words, 'Soul and Body,' as well as * Matter and Spirit/ will drop out of our language; much, as I shall continue to use them in this ad- dress, quite as we speak of the rising and setting of the sun. (There is no such thing as a self-depend- ent soul, freely active or interactive within an or- ganism which we call the body, just as similarly there is no self-dependent Deity freely active or interactive within that larger body which we call Cosmos.) "All this is a survival of primitive animism, which populated the whole world with spirits, demons, hobgoblins; in short, with soul-like beings which were related to things much as we think the soul is connected with the body, or God with the Universe. I mean that soul and body are not two beings confronting each other as inde- pendent and interoperative; but that they are one being giving account of itself in a twofold manner. "As it exhibits itself as unspatial, ceaselessly changing, and yet in many ways identical, syn- thesis of sense impressions, thoughts, feelings, wishes, ideals, endeavors, we call it Soul: but as it is something extended, pliable, convoluted, cellular, fibrous, we call it brain and nervous system, as if there were two separate entities, ex- ternally encountering each other in interaction. They are only one reality, but at one time such as known of itself immediately, and is for itself, at another time such as exhibits itself to others, similar realities. 78 Laws of Health and Prosperity "I am trying to indicate that the immanence of a free or unfree soul entity in a body is quite as unintelligible to psychology as the immanence of a free or unfree god entity in the Cosmos is unintel- ligible to philosophical reflection. To repeat, it is a Psycho-physiological organism with whose self- preservation and self -completion we have to do. "Now, in order to preserve itself in conflict with the ' outside world,' this organism requires orientation concerning this world. In the im- pressions evoked by outside influence it gains the material for the effectuation of its peculiarity. This psychic organism inwardly produces mani- fold activities of connecting concentrating con- structive character, and the results thereof appear ultimately again in visible motions of the external organs. Briefly summarized, these are impres- sions springing from the processes of the ' outside world"; the inner psychic elaborations of these impressions, the reactions consequent and appro- priate thereto. I am indicating that, for purposes of its self-preservation and its self-consumma- tion, the soul generates organs and functions. For example, do you need to be informed con- cerning the 'outside world' so that you can move around in it without breaking your neck? You receive this needed orientation concerning the * outside world' through sensation mediated by sense organs, through colors and sounds and smells and a number of other sensations. Again, is your instruction concerning the 'outside world' through sensation inadequate for the needs of the organism? Do you need to know something of Spirit and Matter 79 the past and future, and what exists hidden be- hind the hill? The soul generates ideas which will extend your mastery beyond the here and the now. In this way you can see things with your eyes closed, and hear things with your ears stopped. You are not fastened down absolutely to the material present of things with which you have to do. You can bear about with you the pos- sibility of a certain realization of the peculiarities and processes of things that are absent or remote. "Still again, what attitude shall you assume toward objects with which you become acquainted by a sensation and idea? Are the things in the world contributing to the weal or to the woe of the psycho-physiological organism? For purposes of its welfare, the soul has generated with feelings of pleasure and pain, evaluating the impressions which orient it concerning the 'outside world.' The soul must know how to employ objective things for its battle of self-preservation. Thus it equips itself with pleasure, pain feelings, by which it determines whether or not its situation is beneficial or injurious to its life, or whether it needs to take some new task as it battles with the winds and waves of existence." To return to I. W. Heysinger's book, previously referred to, we have from a noted physician and surgeon, also a student of psychic phenomena, spiritualism, telepathy, and all the latest thought along all lines, the following : — quoting Romanes, who said, "God is, till grudged his own Universe." He then gives — "The Psychism of the Universe." as follows; 80 Laws of Health and Prosperity "The whole history of the race demonstrates, by an accumulation of evidence perfectly irresist- ible to those who care for evidence, that the psychical, the spiritual, both in man, and extra to the man, have been the great interacting and con- trolling factors of human advancement. "And these conceded factors, constituting the universal consensus of all mankind, through all ages of mankind, have been absolutely identical, and are to-day precisely what they have always been hitherto, and everywhere, in the past. "These fundamental propositions, apparently inherent in, or else revealed to the human race, and universally employed as the only basis of ethics, as well as of religion, and as well of spiritual- ism, are as follows : — "1. A transcendental, spiritual, intelligent power, universal in scope, in space and time, and in potency, which power is the formative pre- servative and restorative agency of nature. " 2. Direct and recognized action of this power upon and through similar, but less extensive, spirituality of man, to mold, to control, and to preserve and protect the human organism and its energies. "3. The persistence of this spiritual individu- ality of man after death. "4. Intercommunion between the human spiri- tual personality and the like spiritualities of de- parted human beings, under various conditions, at particular times, and for special purposes. This superhuman consciousness, which constitutes the basis of all religion, ever present and ever Spirit and Matter 81 acting, is the same consciousness which consti- tutes the basis of modern spiritualism: there is no difference in kind at all, and only slight differences in degree; and these differences constantly and imperceptibly shade into each other, so that no line of demarcation can anywhere be drawn between modern spiritualism and the universal psychical or religious knowledge of all past ages and all peoples. "In all history the fact stands out undisputed that the great principles of modern spiritualism have never been denied among mankind, save by a few modern teachers whose inquiries have been purposely confined, by deliberate choice or narrowness of vision, to the gross material plane alone, and a multitude of their ignorant followers who, believing that they have accepted the hy- pothesis of these philosophers, have, in fact, gar- bled them beyond recognition. Besides these, the boasted doctrine of negation or agnosticism has only included the lower animals, and not, it is probable, even all classes of these. "Modern Spiritualism is thus not a new thing — its denial is the new thing, and it ought not logically to stand at the bar of science to establish its facts: they have been already established, for it has more and more been proven, and is now firmly established, that no belief universal in scope and in time has ever been without a foun- dation of truth for its basis. It is upon and by means of these very truths that science itself has been established and developed. "But spiritualism gladly accepts the challenge, 82 Laws of Health and Prosperity for it clearly recognizes that only in the continuance and multiplicity of obvious spiritual phenomena can the truth of a future life be made universally manifest. The fountain must continue to flow in order to prove that it has ever flowed, for the forces and mechanism are, and must be, the same yesterday, to-day, and forever." Mr. Heysinger continues to bring out the "Unity of Spirit and Matter," and has several interesting chapters of authentic records of psychic phenomena of different kinds, and arrives through these studies of the spiritual and psychic at the same conclusion as that of Mr. Duncan and other scientists, and Mr. Foster and other theologians. I feel that I can give no better last word than the final chapter of the "New Knowledge." "We began our present work by attempting to show the need felt by men of science of reducing the physical Universe to a condition of ' Oneness ' — of finding some One Thing out of whose qualities or properties all is that is. We have not done this, quite. By means of theoretical speculations based upon scientific experimenta- tions, we have shown how it may be true that all bodily existence is but the manifestation of units of negative electricity, lying embossed in an omnipresent ether of which these units are, probably, a conditional part. Matter has dis- appeared as a fundamental existence, or at any rate it is explained as a manifestation of elec- tricity. Mass, a supposedly indestructible thing, has disappeared with matter, and comes into ex- istence only as the negative electron, assuming Spirit and Matter 83 motion, carries with it a bound portion of the ether in which it is bathed; and furthermore this mass which we thought so invariable depends solely upon the velocity with which the negative unit moves. "Our negative unit on receiving mass becomes a ' corpuscle' endowed with the primary qualities of matter, superimposed upon those of electricity. Corpuscles congregating into groups or various configurations constitute essentially the atoms of the chemical elements, locking up in these con- figurations superterrific energies and leaving 'a slight residual effect/ as chemical affinity or gravitation, with which we attempt to carry on the work of the world. These atoms, congregating in their turn as nebulae, and under the slight residual force of gravitation, condense into blazing suns. The suns decay in their temperature, and become ever more and more complex in their constitution as the atoms lock themselves into multiple forms. We then see these multiple atoms developing into the molecules of matter to form a world. We see the molecules growing ever more and more complex as the world grows colder, until we attain to organic compounds. We see these organic compounds united to form living beings, and we see these living beings de- veloping into countless forms, and, after seons of time, evolving into a dominant race which is us. "Of this attempt on the part of science to unify physical nature, the Hon. A. J. Balfour said in his Presidential address, before the British Asso- ciation: 'It excited feelings of the most acute 84 Laws of Health and Prosperity intellectual gratification. The satisfaction it gives is almost aesthetic in its intensity and quality. We feel the same melancholy past, we first see far below us the sudden glory of plain, river, and mountain.' "There is no criterion of absolute truth; there is no way of attaining to absolute truth, and we may as well acknowledge it. Should we therefore abandon the world riddle? Assuredly not. If we may never know a system to be true, we may believe it to be true. We may not have a knowledge of truth, but we may have a recognition of it. This recognition of truth depends, seemingly, on psychological considerations. If we have a beau- tiful building of systematized perceptions and conceptions, all dovetailing into one another, into the complete expression of an idea, we say the idea is true, because we see in it a perfect harmony, and this harmony pleases us and gives us a feeling of the recognition of truth. But the statement: 'This scheme is faultless in its con- sistency, and is therefore true/ is not logic; it is an act of pure faith. This unlogical faith which permeates science is very plain to see. Why should there be a system at all? Why should we feel that the Universe must be a perfect har- mony? Why should there not be seventy or eighty elements as well as only one? The answer is not forthcoming. It is a matter of faith bred in the bone of science. The little systems have their day, one after another, and cease to be. {But out of each system rises another, not as a revolution, but as an evolution.) Spirit and Matter 85 "The second system takes in all the * facts' of the first, accounts for all its inconsistencies, and embraces a wider scope. The third bears a similar relation to the second. Hence the evolution of systems is like a series of concentric, ever-widen- ing circles, covering ever larger areas of knowledge, and we believe purely as an act of Faith, and not at all of Logic, that the Universe is eventually determinable, thousands of years hence, into some one system which will account for every- thing and which will be the truth. "Meanwhile, this system of the New Knowl- edge, as we have attempted to outline it, is simply the outermost circle covering the greatest area of knowledge, and while its diameter is by no means infinite, it is the truest expression of the Truth at- tainable at this time, and as such is vastly useful. "Its utility in the evolution of knowledge is its sole apology for existence. Outside, however, of the theoretical interpretations of the new knowl- edge, there is a great body of newly perceived phenomena, called 'facts. 5 These 'facts/ inde- pendent of any theory connecting them, are also useful, so useful indeed that they will never be forgotten nor neglected so long as thought en- dures. Such are the ascertained facts and measurements of radio-activity, of new physics, the new chemistry, and the new astronomy — new pawns on the chessboards of man's struggle with nature and forever useful. "In addition there are certain new conceptions which while we can hardly say they are ascertained truths, shadow themselves as such. 86 Laws of Health and Prosperity "It is in the realization of two of these con- ceptions that during the next two hundred years the great work of the world will lie. "The first is the transmutability of the elements. Our reason bids us assent to its actual accomplish- ment, not with our aid, but in spite of it, in the case of the heavy elements. Our hopes lead us to feel that we may aspire to accomplish it for ourselves. In this connection Sir William Ram- say's speech at the Waldorf Astoria banquet is significant. "' Experiments are in progress with radio-active substances the results of which seem to show that we are on the brink of discovering the synthesis of atoms. This may lead us to the discovery of the ordinary elements/ A record of his experi- ment certainly confirms his hopeful attitude. Having accomplished atomic synthesis, we shall then strive to subordinate it to our needs, and having done this, we shall be well on our way to a transformed world. "Still another conception of the new knowledge is that of the vast stores of interelemental energy of which we live but on the fringe — a store so great that every breath we draw has within it sufficient power to drive the workshops of the world. Man will tap this energy some day some- how. "Of course, we do not know this, but we believe it. We believe it because we believe that Creation means something and means it intensely. We have not come up through Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic times for nothing. If all the an- Spirit and Matter 87 guish of all the lives of all past were to find one common vocal expression, what a cry to God there would be. Are we to believe that the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick-maker, to say- nothing of the great masses of men beneath them, are worth all that? No. It is all a promise. There must be a result in the world that is worth all the world. It has been impossible in the past to even glimpse this result. It was an action of pure faith to believe in it. But now that we know, or think we know, of this infinite Treasure House of interelemental energy lying latent for the hand of future man to use, it is neither difficult nor fanatical to believe that 'beings who are now latent in our thoughts and hidden in our loins shall stand upon this earth as one stands upon a footstool, and shall laugh and reach out their hands amidst the stars.' "Meanwhile, we feel that we know this: 'In the beginning God Created,' and in the midst of his Creation, He set down man with a little spark of the Godhead in him to make him strive to know, — and in striving, to grow and progress to some great worthy, unknown end in the world. He gave him hands to do, a will to drive, and senses to apprehend, — just a working equipment: and so he has won his way, — so far, out of the horrible conditions of pre-history. "To Know is to work and to do, — and a new thing Done is forever a rung in the ladder by which man climbs, — necessary and good for all generations, until the summit is attained and the ladder can be cast aside." 88 Laws of Health and Prosperity I extend thanks to Professor Wm. James, I. W. Heysinger, M.D., Robert Kennedy Duncan, and George Burman Foster for the great help I have found in their books and recommend them to all those who are interested in the Science and Re- ligion of to-day. This lesson is a very deep one, and requires many readings and much meditation. It is one that each student and teacher should read at least once every month. By doing this they will find that at each reading they will realize some- thing not understood before. This is true of all studies along these lines; in fact it is a great "Truth" that we read from every book; and see in every picture just what we are capable of under- standing or seeing at that moment. Thus we realize that we continually grow in consciousness. Treatment for this Lesson / am Spirit, in my Soul and Body — The perfect Divine Life or God, the All Good. The Spirit of my Soul is vibrating at a more rapid speed, is therefore of finer quality. The greater includes the lesser, the finer should control the coarser, the higher the lower. My "Sour' is demonstrat- ing now its mastery over my Body. The "Great Spirit" of the "whole" is flowing into my indi- vidual soul through all the organs of my body, purifying and strengthening them. All is Good or God and God is love. Meditate on this state- ment morning and night, and as often as possible through the day. Lesson VIII THE CHRIST OR SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS |pIP====SiS HE word "consciousness" is one Jj^ ^^^^^ ljjj into which a new and much more inclusive meaning is being recog- nized by all students of psy- chology as well as of metaphysics. Webster gives the definition as, "Having the faculty of knowing" -"To be aware of" — "Cognizant" — "etc." There are, of course, different kinds and degrees of consciousness. Away back through the ages, scientists tell us, there was an animal "man" born with a higher consciousness of "self" than had been given to any living creature up to that time. This new animal called "man" was the first one who could say, "7 am different from other forms which I see" — This was the first Birth into "Simple Self -consciousness," and from that time this "man creature," has, through great strife, struggles, and suffering, with here and there a little gleam of joy, and light, to urge him on, evolved to the man of to-day who 89 90 Laws of Health and Prosperity is bringing into manifestation miracles along all lines. While this evolution has been going on according to law, from lower to higher, there has been evolved, at different times during the ages, one at a time, a Soul, different from others, "ahead of its type," as it were; one with a larger "vision" — a deeper "knowing," or as we now express it a "greater consciousness." Among these were Buddha, Zoroaster, Laotzse, Confucius, Jesus, called the Christ, and all later Prophets, Poets, Inventors; those born with a vision or a special message in advance of the majority of their age. When we read the history of these Souls we find that at some time in their lives each had a "Sudden Illumination," a "Rebirth" as it has been named by some; a time when there came a larger "Knowing," through some kind of a vision, and "understanding," after which the world, their life, everything and every experience, was different, larger; and of course from that time on, during their lives these men were leaders. (Many illustrations of these prophets and seers are given in "Cosmic Consciousness," by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke, in "Varieties of Religious Experiences," by the late Wm. James, and in "Cosmic Consciousness," by Ali Nomad.) During the last comparatively few years, science and religion have from different angles reached the same conclusion in regard to the Universe, i.e., — that it is one of absolute dependable law and order, the "Life Essence" (by whatever name we may call it, the "Ether of Space" the "First The Christ or Spiritual Consciousness 91 Cause," "The Force of Life/' "The Eternal Energy," "The All Good or God") of which is one and the same. This life manifesting in almost innumerable forms with different degrees of consciousness. From the fact that the world leaders in science and religion have reached this conclusion as to the "Unity" of the Universe, comes the realiza- tion that many souls have to-day been born into a higher and more inclusive consciousness. As is always the case, and necessarily so, the material scientists have their name for this, and after call- ing the Universe a "Cosmos" they explain the understanding of this as "Cosmic Consciousness," while Religionists, calling the one Life of the Universe "Spirit," name this new realization "Spiritual Consciousness." Many Religionists of the Western World call it the "Christ Conscious- ness," and it is that which Jesus the Christ had, and manifested to such a wonderful extent that many people of his time and later have believed that he was All of God, unique, unattainable. The understanding of Cosmic or Spiritual Con- sciousness explains Him, and all these wonderful souls, and does so by referring to his own words. While simple or Self Consciousness is experienced through the senses, Cosmic Consciousness is only known through our inner sense, a something we might call a "feel within." Leaders along these lines of thought are calling it the "Sixth Sense," or "Fourth Dimension," and it must of course come through a heretofore undeveloped sense, which now that it is needed will come forth and 92 Laws of Health and Prosperity we shall by recognizing and experimenting with it, learn its laws and use them more practically. This "inner knowing," has been called by Scientists the psychic sense" — "Intuition," etc., and works to a great extent through the subcon- scious side of the Mind, and through this sense has been and always will be all religious or spiritual experience. After studying the evolution of Self Conscious- ness and the New Birth into Cosmic or Spiritual Consciousness, we realize that continual evolution must come through the study and understanding of the Laws of the latter, or "Spiritual Science." This Science being that of the life of the Universe, includes all; so-called Material Science, all Re- ligion, everything. It is absolutely "inclusive" What a vast and wonderfully interesting study we have before us! There is no environment nor experience in which it cannot be used and by learning its laws, because they are the laws of the "All Good," or "God," "Spirit," we may demonstrate harmony along all lines. The first step towards this wonderful and im- measurable study is the realization of the "Unity" of the Universe. When we stand on a hill or a mountain looking out over a beautiful scene there wells up within us that consciousness of the One Life, pulsing, beating through it all and we feel a "part of it all"; we have the same "feel" when looking out over a large body of water, or at the wonderful Falls of Niagara, or at night at the stars, trying to realize the unthinkable distance between them and ourselves, the perfect "Law" The Christ or Spiritual Consciousness 93 which controls the planets, which look so tiny to us. As we go along and meditate on this "Unity " we will grow in the consciousness of it, and then, by consciously experimenting in our daily lives, we will demonstrate more and more of "Truth" to ourselves and others. The attitude of the past toward Religion has been too much theory and very little practice — People have dwelt upon the letter of the law and have overlooked the Spirit or Real Life back of it, thereby denying in practice the very Truths which Jesus, the one whom they worship as "The Christ," came to teach and tried so faithfully to instil into his Disciples and others. Religion has been treated as though it were something "outside" of Life, to be put on with our Sunday clothes and used while in church, and then put aside until the next Sunday. The atti- tude of most religionists toward Sunday has been contrary to the teaching and example of Jesus. When asked regarding this he said, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." In the first place, specializing upon one day as "God's day" has hidden the Truth that all days are "God's days," and that we need this "Great Presence" of the "All Good" every day and hour of our lives in all of our demonstration. Then if we set aside one day out of seven in which to specialize, to honor, worship, revere, meditate, and give thanks to the Great, Wonderful, God of Love, how shall we know what kind of demon- stration will be most acceptable to God, the All Good? Taking Jesus again as our interpreter, 94 Laws of Health and Prosperity read carefully the statements said to have been made by Him. If we can believe anything related in the New Testament, we can certainly believe the general attitude toward God which he taught. He spoke of God as a "Loving Father" — one who was always ready and anxious to forgive His children for mistakes. He told his hearers not to "beg nor plead for mercy," nor to make, "long prayers, using many words," but said, "Behold ye have all these things before ye ask them," trying to explain to them that the same God, Father, Holy Spirit was within each one and that all they had to do was to recognize "it," and thus call "it" forth into manifestation. If you will read "The Sermon on the Mount," and all other words of Jesus, with this understanding you will get a much fuller realization of the "Con- sciousness" he had, and which He said we might have, if we would believe his words and act accord- ingly. With this conception of God, we know at once that he wants us to be "Happy"! The Ideal of the Universe is Harmony! When we are "happy," we are expressing most of the God Life, which we really are. This is the "Answer," and it is an individual one always. No one can judge happiness for another, therefore each one must find his or her own path to this goal, and lovingly "let go" of every other soul to do the same. This being true, on Sunday or the Sabbath, the Seventh day, set aside (and there is a practical scientific necessity for this) for rest, change of occupation, " re-creation/ 9 and through these, time The Christ or Spiritual Consciousness 95 to think and express more of the God Life, each Soul should be free to decide every separate Sunday the way in which he or she can most fully relax, rest, in fact realize the "God of Love, and Life of All," thereby becoming "re-created and inspired, in order to demonstrate Harmony or Happiness. " In other words, when we are happy we are ex- pressing God's laws most fully; therefore our demonstration is right for us without regard to the opinion of any other soul, or the conventions, laws, or theological framework of any denomi- nation, in this or any other country, for we cannot be happy if we are really interfering with the rights of another. Children if reared with this idea will grow up loving Sunday and wishing it to come, instead of (as was my own experience and that of the ma- jority of children in the past) dreading it and hating the day, because we could not do anything we wished to. It was "wrong" to play with toys, to go driving, to boat ride (and all these were questions largely of locality), and the reason given was because it was "God's day." What a denial of the "God" of the "Christ Conscious- ness"! — He who said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven" (on earth as well as in Life Hereafter). What demonstration could be more pleasing to the "God" of whom we can have a conception to- day than a "happy little child"? And read what Jesus said should be the consequence to one who offended the "least of these" and yet in this sup- posedly civilized, not to mention Christian, age 96 Laws of Health and Prosperity many adult men and women asleep, tied to a conception of God and Jesus which belongs to the childish, even animal stage of centuries past, dwell upon the outgrown Theological Technique which, while the best they knew or were able to conceive of in those days, with their belief in a God of fear, wrath, and vengeance, is certainly out of date to-day, and cannot be retained. We hold now a higher conception, our birth into the Christ Consciousness. We still hear (and I often think how immeasur- able, infinite, God's patience is) seemingly intelli- gent, thoughtful, supposedly educated men and women discussing this question of "keeping the Sabbath Day" — One thinks (and I was one of these only a few years ago) "it is perfectly right to drive a horse on that day, but wrong to go boat riding; another that motoring, using a chauffeur is right, but wrong to play golf, etc., etc., etc., trying to settle all these details for all times, to arrange a religion or plan of life which can be used by all, with established definitions or for- mulas for right and wrong which can be committed to memory and used as we would the multiplica- tion table, which is of course impossible "For there is nothing (as Dr. Minot Savage says) we can think of that would not under some conditions be right to do, and under some conditions be wrong." What again would be more pleasing to God than a man, woman, or child expressing Happiness and Love in "Spirit," through a Healthy Body which is the Temple of the Soul or Spirit. And if we The Christ or Spiritual Consciousness 97 stop to think and ask, seriously, surely the inner voice, and our reason, will tell us that any occupa- tion or recreation which helps us to be Happy and Healthy must be "right for us," whether it is playing golf, motoring, boat riding, going to church, or anything else we may choose, and that this is true on Sunday as well as any other day. Now that we are commencing to understand that negative thoughts of anger, irritation, adverse criticism, worry, fear, etc., affect our bodies and bring on diseases as well as make others uncom- fortable and unhappy, I trust that a greater num- ber of people will realize that it is a sin to allow ourselves to get into these conditions, and that this is also true on Sunday as well as any other day. Then we shall all devote more time and attention to keeping our thought atmosphere right, than as to whether it is right to "dance" or "play cards," or "go to the theater" on a week day or play golf, motor, etc., on Sunday; and will more and more get the realization that everything is right in its time and place, in moderation. As Lawrence Hope says — " Men should be judged, not by their tint of skin, The Gods they serve, the vintage that they drink, Nor by the way they fight, or love, or sin, But by the quality of Thoughts they think" Some one has said that after every "Thou shalt not" there should be a "why?" and each indi- vidual must find his or her answer in every case. We must get away from the little conception of Life up into the Higher Christ or Cosmic Con- sciousness and think on a larger plane, deal with 98 Laws of Health and Prosperity principles, adjust our religion {which is our idea of God) to this Twentieth Century of aeroplanes, limousine automobiles, electricity, and the pos- sibilities of radium; only by so doing can we be properly equipped to live our own lives in this new age, to say nothing of attempting to lead and inspire the young of this generation who are being born into this Consciousness, at their physical birth. After I had written this I read "Child and Coun- try,' 5 by Will Levington Comfort, and must quote the following: — "The greatest wrong that has been done by past generations is the detachment of work and religion, setting off the Sabbath as the day for expressing the Angel in us and mark- ing six days for the progress of the animal." I heartily recommend this book, which I consider one of the best of the day. "Midstream," the book written before this by the same author, is also very fine. When we get even a gleam of this higher realiza- tion we find that we can and should "live the presence of god," not one day out of seven but every day, every hour, every moment. There is a little booklet printed giving the soul history of a monk who was called "Brother Lawrence." His work in the monastery was the most menial; washing dishes, scrubbing, etc., yet, right there, in that environment, he was born into the Christ Consciousness, through an "Illumination," and learned "The Practice of the Presence of God." For the Technique to be used in order to acquire this, I refer you to Lesson Five on "Concen- The Christ or Spiritual Consciousness 99 tration and Meditation.' ' Every morning upon awakening turn your thoughts to the God of the Universe; Thank Him for the rest which the Body has had and the re-creation therefrom; take some favorite quotation, or bit of poetry, thought, or affirmation, such as "I am a part of the Divine Life, the All Good," "I am Love, I radiate Love!" Throughout this coming day I shall endeavor to realize more and more of God's Presence in everything, and to express more and more of it my- self — I feel this Presence: It is a warm, loving, essence in which I live and move and have my being. It is within and without, everywhere, in fact it is "All there is"; by and through it I am protected: I have a greater consciousness of "it" than ever before. All my work and every ex- perience of the day shall be Spiritualized by the realization of God's Presence. Only that which my soul attracts can come to me, and by con- sciously using this wonderful "Love Presence" even that which may seem at first to be in- harmonious may be dissolved, assimilated, and brought into Harmony: which is the Law of god realized and expressed, and should therefore be the answer to all our problems. ALL IS GOOD OR "GOD" AND "GOD IS LOVE." Lesson IX LOVE, MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE N starting to write this lesson I feel like the boy who when asked to write a composition took for his subject, "The Universe" and then found he was limited to one thousand words. Following the sequence I have suggested in the former lessons, I will take my "Ideal," my "Vision," from "The Princess" by Alfred Tennyson and would ask all who read this to get this beautiful poem and read it. I quote his Ideal of Man and Woman because he expresses so beautifully my own : — Blame not Thyself too much, I said, nor blame Too much the sons of men and barbarous Laws: These were the rough ways of the world till now. Henceforth Thou hast a helper, me, that know The woman's cause is man's : they rise or sink Together dwarf 'd or godlike, bond or free: For she that out of Lethe scales with man The shining steps of Nature, shares with man His nights, his days, moves with him to one goal; Stays all the fair young planet in her hands — If she be small, slight-natured, miserable, 100 Love, Marriage and Divorce 101 How shall men grow? But work no more alone! Our place is much: as far as in us lies, We two will serve them both in aiding her — Will clear away the parasitic forms That seem to keep her up, but drag her down — Will leave her space to burgeon out of all Within her — let her make herself her own, To give or keep, to live and learn and be All that not harms distinctive Womanhood; For woman is not undeveloped man But diverse: could we make her as the man Sweet love were slain : his dearest bond is this, Not like to like, but like in difference. Yet in the long years liker must they grow; The man be more of woman, she of man; He gain in sweetness and in moral height, Nor lose the wrestling thews that throw the world; She mental breadth, nor fail in childhood care, Nor lose the childlike in the larger mind; Till at the last she set herself to man Like perfect music unto noble words : And so these twain upon the skirts of Time, Sit side by side, full summ'd in all their powers, Dispensing harvest, sowing the To-Be, Self-reverent each, and reverencing each, Distinct in individualities, But like each other ev'n as those who love. Then comes the Statelier Eden back to men; There reign the world's great bridal, chaste and calm; Then springs the crowning race of human-kind, May these things be! Sighing she spoke, "I fear They will not." Dear, but let us type them now In our own lives, and this proud watchword rest Of equal; seeing either sex alone Is half itself, and in true marriage lies Nor equal, nor unequal : each fulfils Defect in each, and always thought in thought, Purpose in purpose, will in will, they grow, 102 Laws of Health and Prosperity The single pure and perfect animal, The two-ceird heart, beating with one full stroke, Life. And again sighing she spoke: "A dream That once was mine! What woman taught you this?" Alone, I said, from earlier than I know Immersed in rich f oreshadowings of the world I loved the woman; he that does not, lives A drowning life, besotted in sweet self, Or pines in sad experience worse than death, Or keeps his wing'd affections dipt with crime: Yet was there one thro' whom I loved her, one Not learned, save in gracious household ways. Not perfect, nay, but full of tender wants, No angel, but a dearer being, all dipt In angel instincts, breathing Paradise, Interpreter between the Gods and men, Who look'd all native to her place, and yet On tiptoe seemed to touch upon a sphere Too gross to tread, and all male minds perforce Sway'd to her from their orbits as they moved And girdled her with music. Happy he With such a mother! faith in womankind Beats with his blood, and trust in all things high Comes easy to him, and tho' he trip and fall, He shall not blind his soul with clay. What a wonderful Ideal for man and woman, and through these of true marriage; what a beauti- ful tribute to a Mother! After studying the laws of Spiritual Science for about three years, reading books, taking lessons, hearing lectures, meditating, teaching, and treat- ing, I came to this conclusion — that back of every case of nervous inharmony, by whatever name it might be called, and back of all so-called "diseases of women," is some kind of inharmony in their sex or family life. I have made this state- Love, Marriage and Divorce 103 ment to several physicians and science Healers, and they have agreed with me from a much wider experience than mine. Back of all this, as the first cause, is a wrong attitude toward sex, caused by ignorance. Scientists who have delved into the life of the Universe find everywhere the two demonstrations, masculine and feminine. This combination forms the Universe, It is this attraction expressing that controls the "ALL" and yet, poor blind men and women in their ignorance have condemned it, because through sex came inharmony, and they were not able to understand that it was not the thing itself, but the wrong use of it that caused the disaster. In fact only within the last comparatively few years have a few men and women awakened, and commenced the study of these laws, and by so doing found the reasons for much of the inharmony along these lines. As is always the case, first came the Poets, Prophets, the Transcendentalists and Dramatists, with their necessary tearing down of the old, and Ideals for the new regime. Among the greatest of these are Emerson, Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Tennyson, Mr. and Mrs. Browning, Shelley, Ibsen, Hauptmann, Sudermann, Bernard Shaw, Ellen Key, Olive Schreiner, Edward Car- penter, Havelock Ellis, Edward Howard Griggs, and Charles Zeublin. Each of these and many others has in his or her individual way brought to light the flaws in the old and pointed to possi- bilities for the new dispensation, in regard to the strongest and most important laws of the Universe 104 Laws of Health and Prosperity and the conventions for controlling them in order that this world shall demonstrate greater harmony. Sex attraction is the first and most powerful expression of "Love/' which is God therefore it must be Good, always, in its self, for it is God ex- pressing. Because it is the most Powerful Force in the Universe, it is capable of demonstrating the greatest, most complete harmony (or Heaven State) if used according to its own laws, and of creating the deepest, blackest, and most destructive of inharmonies, (or Hell States), if used (no matter how innocently through ignorance) outside or in opposition to its own laws. Man (meaning man and woman) has, with this Law as with all others experimented, worked, thought, lived, suffered, rotated between Heaven and Hell, trying with all the light he could get at a given time to solve this problem. He has made many mistakes, blundered along, but we must not condemn, for he has always done (and is still doing) the best he could with the Light he had. We of this century, with our knowledge through Science, Religion, and miraculous advance along all lines, must rouse ourselves from our "Earth Drowse' 5 and be in reality "Truth Seekers"; then, as Jesus the Great Master said, "we shall find: 9 We have said that the "Love" of two beings, man and woman (each being in reality only half) is the Highest Ideal of the expression of Love of God; after this comes "The Desire to repro- duce its kind," then "Motherhood" and "Father- hood," then extending out, in circles one after Love, Marriage and Divorce 105 another, those souls whom we attract, until we have a gleam of "The Brotherhood of Man" which is the "birth" into Cosmic Consciousness. After this, of course, each soul unfolds more and more, gaining through experience, thought, medi- tation, all the avenues open to it, a fuller and broader understanding of "Life" (Lawrence Hope has written a wonderful poem, which ex- presses the "New Thought," and higher Ideal of Love. The title is, "Love is the Symbol of a Sacred Thing"; it is in her book "Stars of the Desert.") Our capacity for loving "God" is governed by our capacity for loving some human being, for as Jesus said, "If ye love not your brother whom you have seen, how can you Love God whom you have not seen?" My ideal of a "Great Love" is first an attrac- tion, which I would call "Psychic," of the souls of a man and woman, then, through acquaintance, a Friendship, the exchanging of ideas on the deepest things in life, God, Love, Marriage, etc., with the result that in general in regard to the most important vital questions there is an agree- ment; a similarity of tastes in regard to recreations and amusements, a harmonious mental arrival, so that it would be possible for each to under- stand the other, and then an unselfish Love, each feeling that to make the other "happy," to serve the other, to be to that one all that he or she most desires in life, is their greatest happiness: When each one has this love, surely it is a real Marriage, and may safely be followed by a civil contract in 106 Laws of Health and Prosperity order that children and property be arranged for. And the statutes should include a law that would quickly free the couple from civil contract if the real marriage should at any time prove to be ended. With such a love the sex life would be a beauti- ful and sacred experience, the Highest conceivable in this life, and while such a love continued there would be no necessity for "laws to bind the two souls," nor to protect either from any other soul. But even when this Love is realized we should remember that it has to be retained; we do not expect to live without food for our physical body; why should we think that Love once won can continue to exist and thrive without nourishment? This mistaken attitude is at the root of the majority of unhappy marriages and consequently of ill health of thousands of women and many men. Love must not only be "won" but fed and nur- tured tenderly, in order that it may continue and increase, for nothing stands still; it either grows or dies, changes form. As expression is the first law of God, and God is Love, we understand that in order to grow, Love must express and the fuller the ex- pression the greater will be the return, for, with this as with everything, we receive as we give. We must study expression: Try to discover new and ever more ways in which to express our love, using words, actions, studying the temperament, each one of the other, trying to give happiness or pleas- ure in the way they want it, not in our own way. If the mothers and fathers of to-day would take this attitude toward each other, live it and teach Love, Marriage and Divorce 107 their boys as well as girls these ideals of Love and Life, we would have the "Super Man and Woman" and the new "Eden" of which Tennyson speaks in the next generation. Some writer has said that every soul must see "God walk beside it in human form," and this is true. Love itself then is always and ever Good — when it seems to bring inharmony we must know that there is something wrong about the machinery, or our use of it, just as when we hear of an explo- sion from natural gas, or fire from electrical wires, etc., etc., we know the laws of those demonstra- tions have been disobeyed in some way, and in order to avoid those catastrophes we start people to investigate, try to find out the cause; in what way they were misused, or abused; in order that we may avoid another disastrous manifestation. We should follow the same system with regard to all the various and complex inharmonies caused by the misuse and abuse of this Great Wonderful Universal Power of "Love." From the fact that a larger number of thinking men and women are working on these problems to-day we may expect great advancement, Higher Ideals Realized, and better systems in the not distant future. Each case of "Love" between man and woman is an individual one, and must be treated so by the two individuals: considering all the compli- cations. " In the beginning of Creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his Father and Mother and cleave to his 108 Laws of Health and Prosperity wife and they twain shall be made one flesh; so then they are no more twain but one flesh; what then God hath joined together let not man put asunder." (Mark 10: 6-9.) This is the real marriage, a Great Love between a man and a woman, and it is the only reason for a civil law or contract of any kind following. These of course differ in various localities. Bernard Shaw says that he receives thousands of letters, asking "if he believes in marriage?" He says he asks, "What kind of marriage do you mean?" For there are many varieties in different countries. Marriage being a "Spiritual Union' 9 between two souls, God joined, cannot by man be put asunder, except in appearance, but only by one or both of the two souls. And when this is done neither man nor angels can preserve the real marriage. Believing this, I feel that the Churches (both Catholic and Protestant) have made several grave mistakes in their treatment of love and marriage. The first one, the supposition that for each man and woman there is but one love in this life and that once having found this (or believing they have) they must continue to live together in the married state according to the civil law of the particular locality in which they happen to live until "death does them part." This attitude, taken by the Churches and naturally followed by conventional Society, has brought about the con- ditions existing to-day. The fact that the Church, the Civil Law, and Public Opinion cling to the outer framework, the letter of the law, and set it up in advance of the real spirit of marriage has Love, Marriage and Divorce 109 emphasized the unreal outer form, losing sight of the real or Spirit. Edward Howard Griggs said several years ago, in a lecture on "The Ethics of Personal Life": "Many people are to-day very much frightened by the statistics on divorce; the fact that the number is increasing rapidly; and they fear the world is getting very 'bad/ the moral standard weakening, etc. They are entirely wrong in their diagnosis; it is because the world is getting better, more Spiritual, a greater number of men and women are realizing that A Great Love is the only excuse for a man and a woman being legally tied and when for any reason that love has changed, the greatest sin to the souls of both is to continue the married or sexual relation." This is the higher, more spiritual conception of the Prophets, Poets, Scientists, and advanced Religionists of to-day, names of whom I have given earlier in this lesson, and I trust every one who reads this will get the works of Ellen Key, Olive Schreiner, Edward Carpenter, and Havelock Ellis and learn from them the great truths known to-day along these lines, for through the knowl- edge of these is coming great advancement, which will bring forth a Wonderful Spiritual Race, the "Super-Man and Woman." The very attitude of the narrow conventional (probably middle-class majority) toward these "New Thoughts" is a terrible criticism on the existing conditions. They say, "But if you make divorce easy, aren't you afraid that Home Life will be broken up, etc., etc.?" Surely they put a 110 Laws of Health and Prosperity low estimate on the number of "Real Marriages" now realized, do they not? Let us be honest; if there are so many cases where one or both of those living in the married state according to law are doing so for other reasons than love, would it not be much better for all the individuals and the race, to remove the dead skeleton, the Technique of the law, and free the Real Spirit in order that it may live its best life, which is an expression of God the all Good? / still believe that, notwith- standing the many mismated couples, and where one or the other has outgrown the supposed mate, or for different reasons they do not love each other as they should in order to continue the marriage relations, that there are many men and women living in this world who have found their mates who still love with the real Spiritual attachment, which is the most beautiful realiza- tion in this life, and who, if all the marriage laws were declared void to-day, would from choice remain together. In other words being "God joined" they could not be "put asunder." Then comes the question — what of the chil- dren? My answer is: The birthright of every child is to be born into this world as the result of a perfect Union of two Souls, a Great love. The question as to whether these souls are civilly or lawfully married has nothing to do with the real love, nor the child. (This is another place where the churches are responsible for a criminal atti- tude toward an innocent child! an expression of God according to His Own Law: and they have in their pitiful mistaken ignorance put their "man- Love, Marriage and Divorce 111 made laws" ahead of this Strongest law of God's Universe, thereby casting a slur on Motherhood and condemning thousands of God's children to suffering and heartache! From this attitude of churches and Religionists of the past — which they, no doubt, established hoping through "Fear" to prevent sexual relations between un- married people and the birth of children to them, — has come such a strong public sentiment in regard to this that one can hardly look at a newspaper to-day without reading of a murder or suicide which had as its cause some complication of this kind, showing that many poor souls have a greater Fear of man's judgment and "Public Opinion" than of that of the God of Universe! Truly we can only refrain from condemning those who are responsible for this attitude by saying, "Lord, forgive them, they knew not what they did." The majority of Americans (both men and women) live along in a self-satisfied attitude, thinking and talking of "our wonderful republic," but are really ignorant of the Laws and conditions of this wonderful country and of how far behind it is in many ways. For instance, in several countries all children are legitimatized, as soon as born, and if the parents cannot take care of them they are the property of the State, and are cared for and educated by it. Yet our America, a so-called "Christian Country," has no such law! A child from out side of "wed-Zoc&" (using the ancient term) is outside the law; condemned for something over which it had no control and which occurred according to the strongest and most 112 Laws of Health and Prosperity beautiful law of the Universe, The Life Principle! I will say right here that my strongest reason for believing in suffrage for woman is that the laws affecting women and children may be changed and evolved by women, for surely they can better understand both, and this is surely a women's domain. Men are so busy, and naturally, making laws for the transaction of business, that they cannot study these conditions and make the best laws for them. Referring to the beautiful poem with which I began this lesson, I feel as Tennyson expresses it — "The woman's cause is man's," and again — "Let her make herself her own, to give or keep, to live and learn and be all that not harms distinctive womanhood; for woman is not undeveloped man, but diverse." Both the masculine and feminine are needed in everything; nothing is complete without both, and there is no necessity for one interfering with the other; in fact when this appears there is some- thing wrong with the system. They should be always side by side, working together for the good of all. Now as to the environment of the child, — just because the atmosphere surrounding two souls that are really united in A Great Love (whether they live in one room, or in a palace) is the most complete demonstration of the "Heaven State" that we can vision, the atmosphere of the reverse condition is oftentimes the Blackest Hell of our imagination! I can think of no more unhealthy soil in which to rear a child than an unhappy "Home." Many men and women living to-day Love, Marriage and Divorce 113 can testify to this and I am sure will agree with me. Now that we know the action of the environ- ment and the objective mind on the Subconscious, through "Suggestion," we realize what a great effect on the character of man and woman the environment of childhood has. Therefore, "For the sake of the child," if the parents cannot manifest harmony let them separate, arranging in the best possible way for the child's greatest good. Of course each case is an individual one, to be studied and treated by the two souls whose attraction for each other put into action the greatest laws of the Universe, the results of which must be carefully considered. If both have a Spiritual Consciousness (and I have known cases where even one had this and the arrangements were made without inharmony) there is no reason why two that have lived together in marriage cannot separate without any bitterness or ill feeling — and in many cases be friends for life; in this way each keeping the respect and love of the children, if there should be any. In fact, this last will be accomplished much more easily if the parents are separated than when living together out of harmony. Another cause for much unhappiness through marriage is the present system, the lack of real and right preparation, which should be explanation of Life and its meaning by Mothers to their children, from babyhood up. Then when they are about to make the Great Experiment (for it is always that) they should prepare themselves by studying under the care of a trustworthy 114 Laws of Health and Prosperity physician, who is also a friend (if possible) the laws of their own body and those through which they may best, after marriage, preserve health and happiness and bring forth children with this birthright. Then, instead of an elaborate trous- seau, the round of gayeties, entertainments, etc., all of which exhaust the poor girl and annoy the man; finishing with a large wedding, scores of presents which will be a care and an expense for years to come and probably prove a great burden — instead of this pagan system, let us hold the higher ideal of a quiet, simple wedding at home, with only those who really love them present, no gifts but the Good Thoughts, wishes, and smiles of their real friends. When this sane system is inaugurated, as it must be before many years (the present one having reached its extreme, I believe), one great cause of ill health and unhappiness in married life will be removed. I have heard a number of times the criticism (of course from those who know nothing about it) that New Thought mental and spiritual scientists believe in "Free Love," have "no moral standard whatever." Of course we cannot answer such statements when they are made (as they usually are) in a crowd, at a social gathering — we can only say mentally, " Lord forgive them, they know not what they say." They do not understand their own words! Can love ever be anything except free? I can but give my own highest Truth — i.e., Returning to our conclusion that "love being the God Essence of Life, the sex attraction, masculine Love, Marriage and Divorce 115 and feminine, for each other, its first expression in the Universe, that attraction which sustains the order of everything from the planets in their courses to the tiniest insect and bit of proto- plasm or atom, must therefore always be Good in itself. How shall we explain our understand- ing of those who misuse and abuse this wonderful attraction? In regard to this, as every demonstration in life, my answer is "Evolution" of the soul, through some kind of "Reincarnation" (lives before this one as well as after); and of the Body through inherited tendencies and environment during this life as well as through the Soul's action on it. These are the only answers that explain to me the differences in the character, consciousness of souls in this world; the fact that we find even those of the same family, brothers and sisters, totally different in their consciousness, their thoughts, ideas, etc. The only way in which I can find Justice in this world and have a conception of a God that is All Good, loving, tender, wise, and just, is to believe that every soul must go through the same experiences sometime somewhere. Each incarnation, whether it be on this planet or some other, is like a "Room" at school, where there are several classes. Every soul attracts just the environment (by first selecting its Mother) which it needs in order to learn its next lesson. Every lesson has to be conquered, and, as one after another, this is accomplished the soul ceases to attract the problems through which these lessons were learned. It then attracts different 116 Laws of Health and Prosperity experiences; every person, book, picture, problem of any kind, which comes into our lives is attracted by the Soul or Real Self in order that we may learn through each a needed lesson. When we realize this we will, instead of being antagonistic toward experiences which seem unpleasant, face and study them, and try to quickly understand the lesson for which we have attracted them, work lovingly and faithfully to learn it, and then we will "overcome," and find that by so doing we have gained another step in Consciousness. Souls that are young upon entering this life come with a greater number of animal tendencies; therefore they use the sex attraction more nearly as animals do. The older Souls, having passed through a greater number of lives, thereby gain- ing through larger experiences, come into this one with a larger understanding and a realization that mind and spirit are higher than Body, and should control it; that while animal tendencies may still be in the Subconscious they should be controlled by the spirit or God within each soul. With this ideal have the older Souls of the past (with the best judgment they had at a given time) established codes of Ethics (or morality), rules for behavior. This of course was right and necessary, the wrong being that those who es- tablished these rules did not realize that the world was growing, and that one of the laws of the Universe is to change the form, constantly and forever, and that the Souls of later generations would need different codes. The Old Prophets and Seers, those evolved ahead of the majority, Love, Marriage and Divorce 117 were leading a very childish people! Young souls with only a gleam of even simple self con- sciousness. And in order to emphasize their ideas and establish rules for life they had to work upon the most susceptible emotion of which the majority were capable, i.e., Fear. And as their conception of God was at that time one of "Wrath'' they naturally Feared Him, as the something which they realized was greater than themselves. Under- standing this, as the Prophet had an inspiration that was new, he, realizing that it came from the higher power in some way, and wishing to give it to the masses, would do so by prefixing all such messages with — "And God said unto me." This would attract the attention and impress upon the people the "Truth" which the leader wished to teach them. When we look through the records of the past we realize that codes of rules for morality have changed as people grew and had a higher concep- tion of God and man, and that they must con- tinue to change for the same reason. Our standard must always be — "What is the best for the majority at a given time, considering every- thing?" There will always be the few who are in advance, have a greater consciousness, and who must be the "Leaders"; then the majority, the middle mass, and of those always a few laggers, who are the last to come up. We cannot, under- standing life in this way, hold any people or in- dividuals to our Standard of Morality — Each soul is responsible only as far as it knows. There are souls in this world who are unmoral as well as 118 Laws of Health and Prosperity those who are immoral. And quoting Sir Oliver Lodge, "Sin is a reversal to a lower, after knowl- edge of a higher." Jesus came into the world to bring a higher code of morality than the ones in vogue before his time, and his was a code of "Lave" and non- resistance; of the Spirit, instead of the letter of the Law, and one of his greatest and strongest commands was — "Judge not lest ye be Judged." The Spirit of the teachings of Jesus called the Christ is a practical working code of Ethics for the world to-day, and many souls are now realizing His Consciousness. With this attitude should each individual meet the "love" experiences of this life; without fear, realizing that the experience may be a beautiful one if it is accepted and treated in the right way; the question being always the same, does it bring Harmony, or discord, into the life? If the latter we should "stop, look and listen" to the "Inner Voice," and when we cannot accept or keep a love and arrange our lives so as to demonstrate har- mony, the answer must be to lovingly "let it go," keeping the beauty of it, and all that we have learned through it, but, like the "Nautilus," close up the room, moving on into a new and larger one, keeping all the past loves and friendships as beautiful experiences never to be forgotten, because from each have we learned something which has enlarged our consciousness and given us a better Understanding of Life. In this way we realize that we can never lose a love or friend- ship, even though we may find it best to separate Love, Marriage and Divorce 119 in this life for a time; sometime somewhere we shall meet again. As I said earlier in this lesson, we are just now in this country going through a transition stage in regard to our moral and con- ventional codes. Many men and women realize that we have outgrown the old conventions and have confused them with our morals, until we really do not know "which is which/' This condition makes life very complex! Many who are advanced in Thought and Consciousness want to live their higher ideals here and now — but the majority are still bound to the past, have not yet realized the Christ or Cosmic Con- sciousness, when they can think and reason for themselves, and they are either timid and fearful of the "New Thoughts" and ideas, or they are antagonistic toward them. Those in advance should always bear in mind that if they believe they have a new Truth, which is a higher and ad- vanced one, the best way to win others to believe in it is to live it. ("By their fruits ye shall know them.") There are, however, laws and conven- tions in regard to love, marriage, and the Social Life that while not perfect are still the best we now know for the majority, and no one who has really been born into the Cosmic or Christ Conscious- ness will tear down or violate these, unnecessarily. Freedom comes not in this way, for where any man or woman acts openly and aggressively in opposi- tion to the accepted conventions of the time, he or she attracts the negative attention of the majority, and is thereby fettered and bound. In other words, we can have freedom of thought, a 120 Laws of Health and Prosperity little freedom of speech, but when it comes to action we should remember that we must consider "The greatest good to the greatest number." We are all parts of a "perfect whole"; therefore we are attached to the whole and there is no possibility of entire individualism. Slowly, but surely, are a greater number of souls awakening into the Cosmic Consciousness, and as the number increases will they, having a higher vision, lovingly lead those who are a little behind and gradually through thought, meditation, and experiment, will the code of laws, conventions and morals be adjusted to this higher consciousness. We will some day have demonstrated, here on Earth, many, many Real Marriages founded on a "Great Love"; Ideal Friendships; and the "Brotherhood of Man," really lived and proved to be a practical working principle. (This will indeed be the King- dom of Heaven on Earth.) Before closing this lesson, which is necessarily long because it deals with the most vital subjects in Life, I wish to make the statement that I have met many Teachers, Healers and Students of New Thought, Mental, Divine, Spiritual and Christian Science, and I have never found one who did not have a very Spiritual Ideal of Love and Marriage and the Ethics of personal life. When, therefore, the Statement is made that we believe in "Free Love," we can say "Yes!" But that does not mean promiscuous loves, nor loves of the animal plane; and while, if we know that it must and will be "Free" in its attraction, we also know that it must be controlled by each Love, Marriage and Divorce 121 individual Soul, and according to the laws of the land, or it will demonstrate great inharmony. Students, Teachers, and Healers should realize that there is a connection between all these lessons. No one can be thoroughly understood without all the others. Beginning with "The Unity of the Universe," they lead on through this life and its problems and experiences up to the time of "pas- sing on" to another life. In whatever way I call attention to negative conditions, I do so only in order that I may point out the way of "Highest Truth To Me" for their elimination, or correction, as I am convinced, through the consciousness given me by life experiences, that "All is Good" ("in the last analysis") and that all pain, suffer- ing, agony of soul and body, comes to us because we are ignorant of so many of God's laws; that even all the inharmonies of the past have been necessary, and we may still say, "All has been Good," because through the prodding and pain have we evolved until now; when many have awakened into the Cosmic or Christ Conscious- ness, where we shall learn laws, conventions, and codes which will transcend the old dispensation, so that in the future, beginning right here and now, we may live and grow, demonstrating Health and Harmony of Soul and Body. Let each one who reads this and the next lesson reread them many times, and quietly, bravely face his or her own life, asking for Wisdom from the "Voice within," to see the reasons back of some wrong belief or attitude of mind, thought, or action for every inharmony in body or environment. 122 Laws of Health and Prosperity Each soul that honestly does this will find the cause. Then, by using the technique I have given in the earlier lessons, there is no limit to the wonders that may be accomplished ! In my next lesson I shall give some of the wrong attitudes in the past toward Family Life, which have been the cause of inharmony and thereby of diseases of different kinds; and the new and advanced ideas which will correct these negative conditions. Also my ideal of Motherhood and Fatherhood and some Suggestions as to the Method of Teaching children the laws of Life. The books I particularly recommend with this lesson are: — "Love and Marriage," by Ellen Key. "Woman and Labor," by Olive Schreiner. " The Dawn of Love and Death" and all others by Edward Carpenter. All books by Havelock Ellis, who is an authority on the subject of "sex" and who has the highest and most beauti- ful Ideals. "Marriage," "Man and Super Man," by Bernard Shaw. "Damaged Goods" and two other plays by Brieux. "The Mother as a World Power," by James Henry Larson, Ph.D., with the Prenatal Culture Method of Mrs. Kate Livingstone. "How to Train Children and Parents," by Elizabeth Towne. "Education in New Thought for Children," with Bibli- ography, by Helen Rhodes- Wallace. Lesson X FAMILY LIFE AND HOW TO TEACH THE LAWS OF LIFE TO CHILDREN MOTHERHOOD and Fatherhood ■ls» are the most important, responsi- sible, and sacred experiences in this life, and may if rightly under- stood be the happiest; but as | |^%^^^^| r with all great Laws and experi- i ^ 1 r == ^ ences, if not understood and therefore not properly lived, the results are great inharmony and the "Hell" State. I shall first bring out a number of reasons, on account of wrong ideas of the past in regard to "God," Life, and its meaning, for the many inharmonies in family life existing to-day. One of the greatest of these is the idea that children were "owned" by their parents; that the latter had the right to rule and control them even after they were grown men and women; that they were personally responsible for them to a God of Wrath and Vengeance. This later belief has been at the root of the other attitude, and was if true really logical. We have all no doubt, known cases 123 124 Laws of Health and Prosperity where the old idea of the obligation of child to parent has extended into mature years, usually with one member of a family, a daughter perhaps, of whom a selfish mother or sister demands con- stant attention and self-sacrifice. I have known several cases where a mother would not give her consent to the marriage of a daughter when love came into her life, simply because she was selfish, and did not want to give up the indi- vidual attention she had received from this child for so long that she felt it necessary — Yes ! there have been many selfish Mothers who have tried to believe, and have others do so, that their de- pendence on their child was from love, when in Truth it has been selfishness. Of course, each case, as in all problems between two or more souls, is an individual one, and no one outside can ever give definite advice. But we can tell them the laws, and one of those is the necessity for each soul to decide all such questions by calling to and asking of the "God within" (Holy Spirit), by whatever name they call it — and having received the answer abide by it, and never regret, knowing that the decision having been made, after asking for wisdom, must have been right. And even if it seems to bring inharmony for a time, the Souls concerned must have needed even that. There are times when it is right and necessary to use the Surgeon's knife and hurt people, for a principle. When we get the first gleam of the larger Cosmic or Christ Consciousness that each soul is an expression of the God essence, who has come into How to Teach the Laws of Life 125 this world in order that it may learn certain lessons, etc., we realize that each child is a soul which attracts, and is attracted to, a certain environ- ment, and that this soul is simply loaned to its parents, that they may love, teach, and prepare it to become free and independent of them; and through this experience grow in knowledge and greater consciousness of themselves. As I have said in former lessons, our ideas of God carry through and affect all of our ideas of life's rela- tions. When man believed in a God who was a stern Father, one who demanded "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth/' who would punish, even to eternity, of course his conception of earthly Fatherhood was along the same lines, and children were brought up with the great "Fear" of their Father; this to such an extent that the church felt the necessity for some softer, more loving conception, and commenced to idealize "Mary," the Mother of Jesus, and to worship her, this bringing forth the love attitude, desire for which had awakened in many souls; while this adoration of "Mary" has been carried to extreme, we can (as with each step in the evolution of man), upon looking back through the ages, realize that each "New Thought" has been an advance and a necessary step in the evolution of the Race and the World. The Law seems always to be a swinging of the pendulum from one extreme to the other, then gradually slowing down to balance and rhythm. During the past generation with a higher ideal of God, the Christ Ideal of a loving Father, with the attributes of the mother included, 126 Laws of Health and Prosperity has come the change of attitude in the home. Instead of control by "Fear," punishment, and reward, has come the "Love" attitude which Jesus tried to teach, but which it has taken nineteen hundred years for man to really under- stand as a practical working system of life, and even now it is realized by only a few, and with them is still in its infancy. We are to-day going through a transition stage, in regard to family life, as with everything else. In some cases, where the father and mother still have the Puritan orthodox ideas and cling to their "authority" — or perhaps have outgrown the "letter," but still have the spirit, they feel that their children, having been lovingly and carefully reared until the time for going out into the world to gain experience in different ways, should con- tinue to think and act according to the ideas which the parents had for them, and when they dare to have "New Thoughts," different ideas, to try new paths, the parents are either frightened or hurt, or both — forgetting that had this not been done generation after generation there would have been no evolution of either body or soul. Now starting with our higher conception, the child comes into this world attached to and by its Mother and Father, for some special reasons: they, accepting it as an expression of the Divine God Life loaned to them to care for through its period of helplessness, coming in answer to the call of "A Great Love," consecrate their lives to it, and realize that to care for it, day by day, watching it unfold, studying each little gleam of How to Teach the Laws of Life 127 consciousness, as well as physical growth, will be their greatest duty and pleasure, as well as to add to their own understanding of Life. In thinking over the problems of life from my own experience and that of others, I believe that the most important laws to teach a child are the following (please note sequence) : 1. Good habits, of cleanliness, and courtesy, respect for self, and of all others, because each is a part of the God Life. These will later in life act subconsciously, or become a part of the char- acter of the child. 2. Self-Control. 3. Cause and effect — compensation — "As it gives, so will it receive," in every way. 4. Unselfishness, as differenciated from general self-sacrifice, or weak giving up for peace. Each of these laws should be explained clearly; the reasons why they are necessary and will be needed all through life. The teaching of these laws can begin immediately after birth, as all nurses now understand, habits can be immediately formed which will either make the arrival of the babe a blessing or — at least a great care, and almost take away the comfort and happiness of the entire family. As soon as the child is old enough to ask the first "why?' 9 it should be answered honestly as far as the parents know, and if they do not know, let them honestly say so, and that they will help the child find the answer. One of the first things a child to-day will ask is, "Where do kittens and doggies, chickens, and 128 Laws of Health and Prosperity then, babies, come from? " Instead of telling them the old stories of the stork, etc., which the children of to-day will not believe, tell of the One God life in everything; show them the birds and tell them about their nests, the Mother staying on the eggs and having patience to sit quietly and keep them warm, while the Father goes out to get food for both; study the life of plants and flowers, bees, etc., and tell them about each, — that there is the "Mother and Father" in everything, that the Earth is the Mother and the Sun the Father of all this planet. If this teaching is commenced when the child first asks, say between two and three years of age, it will be prepared for everything, as it grows in consciousness and there will never be any shock when the time comes to apply this knowledge to itself. If a Mother keeps close to her child she will know with her intuitive mind just the moment when it is ready to hear of its own birth — of how she, its Mother, carried it under her heart for months, and felt its little life, and then how, through pain and suffering, it was born into this world, the greatest of all miracles. I know from experience that children thus taught are spared suffering, hours of wondering, then probably wrong instruction, which has in many cases impaired health through the entire life ! Dr. G. Stanley Hall said in a lecture I heard him give on "Eugenics," "The greatest drawback we meet in trying to teach this new Science is the false modesty of Mothers." They say, "I cannot talk to my child on such subjects." All this is How to Teach the Laws of Life 129 of course the result (as I said in the last lesson) of wrong attitude toward the Sex question. Dr. Hall added, "What we need are women who understand these laws and can explain to Mothers, and tell them why and how to teach the laws of Life to their children, for only by so doing can we protect and preserve the race." We must learn that ignorance is not innocence; that if we wish to keep our children innocent we must inform them as to all the laws of Life as far as it is in our power. We would not send them out into the world without telling them of other dangers, and yet in the past parents have allowed their children to go into the world, to meet the most dangerous con- ditions, in absolute ignorance as to their existence. The consequences have of course been terrible in many cases. We owe devout thanks to men like Ibsen, Hauptmann, Brieux, Bernard Shaw, Havelock Ellis, Edward Carpenter, and others, and women such as Ellen Key, Olive Schreiner, Florence Kingsley, Margaret Morely, and many others who have dared not only to think but to speak out the Truth on these subjects. Again — I would say to all Mothers and Fathers, keep your children near you in Soul as well as Body, Keep their confidence by loving them and being true and honest with them. They are "little men and women"; treat them as such. Appeal to the Good, the God which they really are, and so that will come forth! Teach them to respect themselves as a part of the "God Life" and also to respect others for the same reason. Give them high Ideals! Teach them that there is a 130 Laws of Health and Prosperity reason for their being here; that it is to unfold and express the God essence which they really are. Teach them the Laws of Life and sex, as the highest expression of God in this Life, that a woman or any animal that is carrying young is sacred; and that they should always protect all such in every way possible — that they have no right to kill or take the life of anything unneces- sarily, nor to cause any of the manifestations of God's Life to suffer. There is a tendency to-day, particularly in the United States, for the Mothers to have entire charge of the children; the Fathers, being so taken up with their business, earning the money to supply the physical needs, find it difficult to have time and opportunity to really know their own children. This is all the result of a wrong social system, and both the children and the Fathers miss much that is beautiful and educational, through this lack of companionship. The Father's point of view (if he is a Real Father with the at- titude of interest and love for his child) is needed, with both boys and girls, and where he has not included himself there is a great lack, to him and the child. As the children grow gradually into maturity there should be a "letting go," by both parents, allowing each child to express him or herself as far as possible, in speech and also in action. The parents should be able to discuss all subjects freely with them, each respecting the others opinion. Often the parents can tell the children of personal experiences through which they have How to Teach the Laws of Life 131 learned certain lessons, etc., and advise them lovingly to avoid certain actions that they may not be obliged to suffer as the result of more mistaken demonstration. Then comes the test of the really Great Father and Mother! When, even though all this has been demonstrated, they have unselfishly lived for their children, have put their interests first at all times, have spent hours with them, talking, advising, etc., the Father has worked to get the money to clothe, educate and give them comforts and luxuries, and after all this, the girl perhaps insists upon marrying the one man of whom the parents do not approve, and the boy goes out into the world, and does some, perhaps all of the things of which he has been told and warned! Just this experience is the crucifixion which has come to so many parents and through which they have been obliged to find higher laws and a greater consciousness; when this is the result , they can indeed be thankful for the experience and say "All is Good," and those who have or do not learn in this way must suffer more until they also learn the higher Truth. Those of us who are born into the Cosmic or Christ Consciousness realize that each soul must attract every experience it needs in order to learn its lessons in this life; therefore — when the parents have done every- thing they know to do, with all the light they can get, and the children do not demonstrate accord- ing to their ideas, they should realize that they cannot, simply because they have been their physical children, know just what each soul needs, 132 Laws of Health and Prosperity therefore they must "let go," love them, use the technique given in the earlier lessons; declare their real life to be a part of the God Essence and that it must and will demonstrate what is best for them, and then Trust the God of the Universe, realizing that the same God Life which is within the parent is within the child and can be trusted (must be) to work in just the right way in order to demonstrate harmony to the soul. Right here in these intricate, complex problems of Family Life are the higher laws of Spiritual Science most valuable! In fact I often wonder how parents and children live, continue to exist, through them without the knowledge of these laws; I am often amazed that there are not many, many more suicides ! To go farther into the problem of Family Life I will take the other side of the question, that of the Child; when a boy or girl has been reared in a home where the parents have been kind, loving, and generous, have lived up to these high ideals to a great extent, they naturally have a love and respect for both parents, or the one who has so demonstrated. But the tendency to-day is to make the children selfish by too much of everything, from attention to things and pleasures of all kinds, and in many cases the children are reared to be self -centered and selfish without the realization of either parent or child, until they are grown men and women and it is most difficult for them to teach themselves unselfishness, particularly toward the parents. We find upon quietly studying these problems, looking at our own experiences, in How to Teach the Laws of Life 133 the light of all science, etc., which we have gathered, that human "Life" is a continual adjust- ment of the soul to its environment, the "inner to the outer," and this attempt at adjustment is the Greatest of all Arts. Just because there is the "Unity of Life" and wondrous diversity of expres- sion, it is most complex, and there can never be any absolute freedom of action by extreme individualism: for each is a part of the whole and affects the whole at all times for good or ill. For the same reason there can never be a permanent code of Ethics or behavior along any line, because all outer forms are constantly changing and what might be right at one time, under certain conditions could be very wrong at another time, considering all conditions. Thus complex problems are constantly changing in each one's experience; and in family life, be- cause the relations are more intimate, the souls are more closely united by love, common interest, etc., they are much more intricate and difficult to solve. In these relations there Is vicarious suffering! If each soul in a family had the Christ Conscious- ness, to the extent that Jesus had it, there would not be this pain, but each is in a different stage of development or unfoldment, and therefore can- not quite understand any of the others. There- fore when one of the family acts in a manner that some other one, or perhaps all the others, feel is a wrong demonstration and will bring inharmony and suffering to the one they love, and vicariously to themselves, a difficult problem has arisen ! How shall it be solved? At this point we have what 134 Laws of Health and Prosperity Will Levington Comfort calls, "that Will o' the Wisp Free Will." Each is free to choose his or her line of action, and to pay the price for it! We read in every newspaper we unfold the results of selfish (so-called free) actions of members of fami- lies, along all lines — tragedies of every description; often, perhaps in most cases, each has acted with the best intentions — but because their conscious- ness was not great enough to include the other souls, a mistaken attitude was taken by one or more, which involved itself and all the others in great inharmony. Let us look at an imaginary case from the dif- ferent angles of each member of the family, pre- supposing they were in the Christ Consciousness. The attitude of each one would then be that because of their great love for Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, or child they would never, except for a principle^ or to preserve their own soul, hurt one of their near and dear ones, and if, through thought- lessness, ignorance, or misunderstanding, they had done so, would be quick to ask forgiveness and of course it would be granted! Now, supposing one soul in the family felt it right to take the initiative and follow a certain line of conduct of which the other members disapproved; before acting, even though he or she might believe it perfectly right individually, taken alone; careful thought would be given as to whether the action or line of conduct would really bring enough satisfaction of any kind to make it worth while, considering the consequent inharmony and unhappiness re- sulting from the suffering to loved ones, and the How to Teach the Laws of Life 135 necessary and inevitable reflex pain and sorrow to self. I do not mean by this that any harmless pleasure or desire should be given up by one member of the family in order to cater to the " whim" or selfish pleasure of another, nor that a principle should ever be sacrificed, but if each one would, through honest self-examination, be sure that their desires or demonstrations were not selfish, and if each really loved with an unsel- fish love the other members of the family, the problems could be solved with very little inharmony. This "vision" I have given is of an Ideal Family, where all have been born into the Christ Consciousness, but I have never personally known such a family. I have, however, known several where one or two are in the consciousness but the others are still unawakened, living under the old dispensation — now we know that the Greater includes the lesser, and the one who has the larger consciousness must demonstrate accordingly; as Ibsen says in the "Master Builder," "We must climb as high as we build"', each is responsible only as far as he or she knows, and again, quoting Sir Oliver Lodge — ■ "Sin is a reversal to a lower after knowledge of a higher." One Soul in a family can by studying and using the laws of Spiritual Science (which Jesus the Christ taught and lived) be the "Yeast" to leaven the whole and bring into Realization Harmony out of great Chaos — The Heaven State out of Hell. The same laws which apply to family life are just as efficient in regard to all other social adjustments, 136 Laws of Health and Prosperity in fact, our relations in life are to me like a stone thrown into the water; it makes a small circle very close, then another a little farther out, and so on to the outermost ripple, and so each in- dividual soul has first the one nearest and dearest, then the "Family," then perhaps the " Church " or some ethical organization, or philanthrophy, business, etc., and in our dealings with other souls along all these lines the same laws may be used effectively. Susan Blow, the great Kindergarten Teacher, an interpreter of "Froebel," who has lately "passed on," said that if we really loved our Brother, our "neighbor as ourself," the rules laid down by Jesus would be a perfectly natural and easy code. For if a loved child, or mother, father, sister, or brother asked for our coat, we would not only give it our cloak but also anything else they desired, and it would be no sacrifice nor hardship. If we study our own thoughts and actions, examine ourselves occa- sionally as to our motives, we will learn to demon- strate greater harmony, and as Luther Burbank is doing with vegetation, gain years in our own evolution. For the technique : Go alone to the place where you feel the Unity to the greatest extent, get quiet by treating yourself, then "see" the soul you wish to influence, as perfect, its best self. Declare strongly (after calling it by its name) that it is a part of the Divine God Life, that it is demon- strating more and more of the Perfect Life which it really is, that it can not and will not, continue to demonstrate inharmoniously, that it is awaken- How to Teach the Laws of Life 137 ing now, and will see the Light and learn the higher Truth. Keep this up, every day, always before going to sleep at night and whenever you think of this soul. Do not force or strain, but after treating in this way, say, "I call upon Thee, Thou Great I Am That I Am to work in this soul: and I ask in the name of Jesus the Christ! Thy Will be Done!' 9 Do all this in a loving, strong, trustful attitude. Then Trust the God of the Universe and know that all things will work to- gether for the Good of the Soul you are treating, and for all. Go alone and read this lesson every time a family complication arises and then use the Treatment. Then do not limit God as to time nor any details; just ^ Trust and rest and know." Books I recommend in addition to those mentioned in previous lessons are : — "Man, Woman and Child, " by Minot J. Savage. "Essays," by Robert Ingersoll. "The Century of the Child," by Ellen Key. "The Child and the Book," by Gerald Stanley Hall. "The Montessori Method," by Madame Montessori. "A Montessori Mother," by Dorothy Canfield. Works of Froebel. Works of Susan Blow. "Adolescence," by Dr. G. Stanley Hall (most important). "Education," by Herbert Spencer. "The Life of the Bee" and "The Blue Bird," by Maurice Maeterlinck. "The Song of Life" and "Life and Love," by Margaret Morley. " Bible Stories Retold," by Hiram W. Hayes. " Child's Christ Tales," by Andrea Hoper Proudfoot. Books by Thornton W. Burgess and Howard H. Garis. 138 Laws of Health and Prosperity These latter authors write most interesting stories of animals, making them seem like human beings, and teach the habits, etc., in a way that will be retained by the child throughout life and will greatly assist it to realize the same life within all. Lesson XI WHAT IS THE ATTITUDE OF SPIRITUAL SCIENCE TOWARD DEATH What is Death? 'Tis but a changing Through the Eternal God's arranging, Of a coarser to a finer, From a lower to a higher As we journey on. Thus the Trees and Flowers Every year their leaves exchanging Grow each season to a beauty more amazing, Proving we may Trust the Great Refiner, Him who's the Ideal Designer; The One who can the finished picture look upon If He so clothe the Fields And of each Birdling's song He notes the raising. If in each man there is this "craving," If in all Matter there's Divine Desire, And nothing can be lost, not e'en by Fire Surely, Man's Soul must go forever on. |WAY back through the ages if we search and study the history of Man we find that one of primitive man's first impulses was to try to get into right relation with the "Power" of the Universe, which he recognized as greater than is still attempting this and always 139 himself. 140 Laws of Health and Prosperity will, for this Power is his God, and his belief about God will always govern his actions toward God. The second impulse seems to have been the desire to live after Death. The Egyptians treated the bodies of their friends after death in such a way that they were preserved for many years, because they believed literally that the same body was resurrected. In the Bible we find in "Job," one of the oldest books, the question, "If a man die shall he live again?" This question has been in the minds of all souls since the first man evolved to simple Self Consciousness, and is there to-day. I shall not try to prove mathematically that there is life beyond Death, but simply call your atten- tion to certain Truths and laws which, it seems to me (and many of our most noted scientists take this attitude) make such a belief logical and more than probable. Let us begin with "Unity," the law of our First Lesson: The Universe a living, beating, pulsing Cosmos, the life of which is one and the same in and through all; nothing can be added to, nor taken from, this Life Essence; it is. Its first law is to express, and it does so constantly, in different forms; these latter are constantly chang- ing, but the life is the same. Read Lesson VII, in which I quote scientists, in regard to these laws. One says, "You cannot destroy the head of a pin." Now think quietly about this. If everything (as Science now says) in the Universe is composed of Atoms, which are vibrating at different rates of speed, Spirit, being the original Life Essence, must be the highest vibration, and we cannot of What is the Attitude of Spiritual Science 141 course "see it nor feel it" with our five senses. Spirit and Spiritual Truths must be understood through our finer senses, an inner knowing, a higher consciousness. Jesus the Christ came into this world to prove to those who were near enough to him Spiritually and with Love and so could understand, that Souls having passed through the change called Death did live again. If we can believe the record of his resurrection, only those who in life had been near to him and loved him saw him after the crucifixion and those who did not see him did not believe. It is always so with Spiritual Truths and experiences; the deepest and most wonderful in life; those who have not awakened to the Spiritual, Cosmic or Christ Consciousness cannot see, hear, nor under- stand these experiences and to them, they do not exist, while those who are in this higher conscious- ness "know," and all the denial of the whole world can not take away their knowledge ! The "Spiritualists" of the past and those of the Modern times, Theosophists and many others, have studied, meditated, and experimented with these laws and experiences. Several years ago a number of scientists abroad and in America organized a Society for Psychical Research. This organization has received many, many records of experiences along psychic lines and they have investigated all very carefully and kept records of those which seemed worth while. Since this Society was organized several of its original and most active and interested members have "passed on" to another life; among those are Frederick 142 Laws of Health and Prosperity Meyers, William James, and William T. Stead. These men were among those who when in this life made compacts with the other members that the ones who "passed on" first should try in every way to make themselves known, and those in this life were to expect them and be ready to receive messages. A number of reputable scien- tists feel that they have had messages. In the Unpopular Review, October to December, 1915, is an article entitled "Some Heteromatic Writing," which gives the theories of different scientists as to the way in which this writing is done and messages given. The unknown writer of this article says, "Our own humble guess is that all Souls are but manifestations of a Cosmic Soul, just as all forms are shifting portions of Cosmic Matter and all motions manifestations of the Cosmic Energy. The portions of Cosmic Soul vary here and now with different bodies; but as they are all parts of the same Soul, their mani- festations, like those of the Cosmic Energy, shade into each other. This guess is on a subject as yet very vague, and will justly strike you as very vague, even in its language. In a sense nobody knows what Heteromatic Writing is. But in that sense, nobody knows what anything is; for there are apparently unending depths of Mystery under all our knowledge; it consists of surface appear- ances but they grow deeper every day." Then follow some very interesting experiences with this writing. Many instances of communi- cation between souls who have "passed on" to another life and those remaining in this world What is the Attitude of Spiritual Science 143 are described fully in the Journal of Psychical Research and in books by authors, a list of whom I will give at the end of this Lesson. One very interesting one may be found in the Unpopular Review, July-September, 1916. This one is sup- posed to be from Mr. Edwin Friend, who was drowned on the Lusitania. Mr. Friend had assisted Dr. Hyslop in conducting the Journal of the American Society of Psychical Research, and Mr. Friend is believed to have appeared to his wife and Dr. Hyslop several times. The article is very convincing. Personally I have since childhood been interested in the subject of Life beyond Death — have always subconsciously be- lieved it, but within the last few years it has become a part of my consciousness. I feel just as sure of it as that I am living now in this world ! This is a Truth to me. My first realization came to me when sitting beside one I loved, holding her hand, waiting for the "Life to go out." All was quiet — then one instant the hand that had been warm commenced to stiffen, the whole body changed. — Life had gone! Then came the thought to me — If this Life could go out right before my eyes, and all my physical senses alert! and I neither see nor hear it, why could it not be with me, come back at other times in the same vehicle or substance in which it left the Body? Why not? Since that time I have been with several who have "passed on" and it is to me as simple as the Locust that sheds its coarser shell and has a body exactly like the coarser, but of finer fiber, finer vibrations. The cocoon and the 144 Laws of Health and Prosperity butterfly is another illustration — the same life, changing form. I have had experiences of dear ones who have "passed on," coming to me and giving me Thoughts of Help, Strength, and Love that were as real to me as any visit of a friend in their physical Body, and there are many scientists, practical men and women, who have had these same experiences. Psychologists are experiment- ing to-day with children, and are developing a keener hearing through the ear, and eyesight that sees new colors. These scientists believe that we will evolve other senses than the five we now have. Many sane scientific men and women believe that those who are being born into Cosmic Consciousness have developed to a greater or less extent a "Sixth Sense," what we have called a "psychic" sense, or intuition. Many of us know that we have it and that through this we have our Spiritual Experiences. In an earlier lesson I have quoted from Emma Curtis Hopkins that "A principle is a comprehensive law or doctrine from which others are derived." This being true, the idea of Life after death within the mind of one Soul really proves it! Does it not? The life of the Cosmos, one Life, in that everything that ever has been or will be in Essence, there is nothing and no idea except it comes from that God Essence, therefore men cannot have an idea of anything that is not in that God Essence of All. And there we have the law that every Desire of the Soul predicts its fulfilment. Now that scientists like Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, Alfred Russell Wallace, Dr. Hyslop, and What is the Attitude of Spiritual Science 145 others have publicly affirmed that they have demonstrated enough to make them believe in Telepathy, Life beyond Death, etc., it will not be long until it will be proven to all. One great assistance in this realization is that Life is Eternal, meaning before this life as well as after. We have not understood the words we have used — "Eternal" and "Everlasting," means circle, no be- ginning, no end. Simply Life expressing! chang- ing form, from time to time, but always the same individual Life, each individual needed in order to complete the whole, — now, of course, we can only meditate, use our individual experiences and those of others, and theorize as to the details. I feel that the Theosophists have a great many "Truths" and yet I have some individual ideas. Suppose that each soul comes back to this Earth Planet as long as it needs the Lessons to be learned only here; after that, why should it not go to another Planet, in a body suited to the Life and environment on that one, and so on forever and ever, unfolding the God Life which it really is? Do we not read that "One star differeth from another star in Glory" and that "In my Father's house are many mansions"? Life after Death seems to me much more believable than the " War " that is now in progress, or than the building and use of aeroplanes, submarines, the Marconi, all these so-called Facts of to-day. And are not the dreams of one generation the facts of the next? After considering carefully all the Wonders that have materialized, the Scientific Arrival of to-day along all lines, I am sure we may say with 146 Laws of Health and Prosperity the late Phillips Brooks, one of the great Souls and Prophets who has "passed on," that "There is no death, what seems so is transition," and with Ella Wheeler Wilcox, in her beautiful poem — "There is no Death, There are no Dead." List of Books and Authors. American Institute for Scientific Research, "Section B." Physical Research " Journal' ' sent monthly 44 East 23d St., New York City, N.Y. "Borderland of Psychical Research." "Empire of Psychical Research." "Science and a Future Life." "Psychical Research and the Resurrection." "Problems of Philosophy," by James H. Hyslop, Ph.D., L.L.D. "Mysterious Psychic Forces," by Camille Flammarion. "The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism" and "The Cosmic Science, " by Hereward Carrington. " Proofs of Life after Death," by Robert J. Thompson. "After Death — What? " by Cesare Lombroso. "Spirit and Matter before the Bar of Modern Science," by I. W. Heysinger. "Life beyond Death." "Can Telepathy Explain," by Minot J. Savage. "On the Cosmic Relations," by Henry Holt. "Letters from a Living Dead Man," by Elsa Barker. "Raymond, " by Sir Oliver Lodge. Lesson XII SOME MYSTIC LAWS ^HOSE who have studied ancient Mythology, Religion, and Mys- ticism have found that always as man has been "Inspired" has he given out higher Spiritual Truths. Long before there was any kind of writing, these statements were given out through "Symbols," pictures as it were, and each soul who believed himself inspired beyond the majority became a leader and gave out Edicts which were believed to have come directly from the God or Gods in whom they at that time believed. Comparing these "Sacred Books" or Bibles, we find in all the same general ideas, though they are expressed differently in each according to the customs of the people and country. While in all these books there are mis- takes in science, etc., and they cannot be taken literally, there are Spiritual Laws back of all the Symbols and those who are awakened to the Spiritual Consciousness can find in each and all the same underlying principles. Mrs. Emma Curtis Hopkins says, "A clearly unified instruc- 147 148 Laws of Health and Prosperity tion runs in almost verbatim language through all the sacred or charmed books of the world." "It is the foot-path of the immortals!" "It concerns that swift subtle faculty possessed by us all whereby we look whithersoever we will; to Deity, ever beholding us, or to the dust be- neath, without the aid of our physical eyes." "Thou canst not behold me with thy two outer eyes; I have given thee an eye divine" (Upani- shads) . This subtle sense or inner eye is the psychic or Sixth Sense, which becomes more and more de- veloped as we grow in Cosmic Consciousness. With this " eye " or sense we can obey the command or invitation which the Old Prophets and Seers give out as from God — "Look unto me and be Thou saved," and the acceptance of this invitation by man is his way of returning to the "Source" from which he came, — "The Light," The Sun which is always shining through him and of which he is one "ray." This is the Path of Light — The "Tao." " Make use of the Light, returning again to its source; Thy body shall be free from Calamity's course, And Thou shalt train with the Eternal at Length." — (Tao-Teh-King) "Man alone of all the animals goes in quest of his origin, and perceiving that the highest good is to be sought by him in the highest place, looks to his maker." — (Lactantius) This faculty is older than "mind" and it is what we most "see" rather than what we think, that is back of our actions. "It is not possible for any thing to take place save in connection with Some Mystic Laws 149 an onlooker." (This is from an old Vedic Hymn.) We become sad and depressed if we look upon faces that are sad, while if we see others smiling we feel like doing so ourselves. " For that thou seest man, That too become thou must, God if thou seest God Dust if thou seest Dust." "To look upward with the mystic eye is to start on the Saving Tao" — (Emma Curtis Hop- kins). "Look unto me and be ye saved," — "I will turn away your captivity from before your eyes when ye turn unto me seeking my face," wrote the two great Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah. "The Highest and Inmost are one," said two great mystics, Behmen and Hugo of St. Victor. " Look up my comrade; When on the glances of the upturned eye The plumed thoughts take travel, and ascend Through the unfathomable purple mansions Threading the golden fires, and ever climbing As if 'twere homewards winging — at such times, The native Soul, distrammeled of dim Earth, Doth know herself immortal, and sits light Upon each temporal place." — (Violenzia) Looking up, with the inner eye Changes everything seen with the outer physical eyes, opens a window So that we see a new world; With this inner, sense is all "matter" "Spiritualized." In heaven there is a pattern which he who chooses may behold, and beholding, set his own house in order. — (Plato) 150 Laws of Health and Prosperity So eagerly did the untaught seers of the past long for this faculty that they practiced self-efface- ment, self-denial, in every way in order to gain it. But it asks no such methods, only the simple looking upward with the inner Sense or eye, and seeing, and thereby knowing, the "God of Love" who is always smiling and looking at man. If we read the history of all saints and seers we find that all those who kept their "vision" high be- came strong and calm and gained the Cosmic or Christ Consciousness. Jesus said to the blind man, "Look up!" To all people in times of calamity, he said "Look up! for your redemption moveth toward you." Jacob was turned from destruction when reasonable terrors shook him all night long by the Jabbok Brook, by seeing "God face to face." Job, when suffering from boils and miserable in every way, was healed and lifted unto a higher consciousness and said, "My witness is in heaven and my record is on high." "Thou canst upraise thyself by thyself, and rouse thyself by thyself; for self is the Lord of self, self is the refuge of self" (the Bhikshu). When we meditate upon this law, "That thou seest, that thou beest," we realize how important it is that we should carefully select that which we "see" in order to become that which we wish. The first Mystic Law, then, we find, is the "Looking up with the inner eyes unto the God of the Universe, who is always looking down in Love." The second law is that of "Remission" through Some Mystic Laws 151 this upward looking. By looking unto God the Father with this inner sense, did Jesus become so charged with the Divine Life that he could heal the sick. Buddha, Confucius, Zoroaster, the Great Prophets and Seers and Poets have to a greater or less extent realized this law, and as they have experienced it their "Sins have been re- mitted"; that is they have been freed from the material laws of compensation, etc. Those who daily and hourly look unto God will more and more become like Him and will rise above the old dis- pensation and live in the higher Cosmic or Christ Consciousness. Paul, in his address on Mars Hill, declared, "The Unknown, who giveth life and Spirit;" He could not describe Him but called Him the "I am that I am." Jesus said, "My Father is greater than I," and as he constantly kept his "eye" on God The Father, he received strength, health, power, through the Cosmic Consciousness of God as all; those born into this higher vibration find laws which transcend those of the lower self-consciousness and the five senses. The transcending of these laws is expressed in old Psalms, as given by Emma Curtis Hopkins : Steadfastly facing Thee, there is no evil. Steadfastly facing Thee, there is no matter and its laws. Steadfastly facing Thee, there is no loss, no lack, no ab- sence, no deprivation. Steadfastly facing Thee, there is nothing to Fear, for there shall be no power to hurt. Steadfastly facing Thee, there is neither sin nor sickness nor death. The way of Life is above to the wise that he may depart from Hell beneath. 152 Laws of Health and Prosperity We must awaken from our "Earth Drowse " and look up! We shall then see that there is only "one," the great I am that I am. After we get even a slight gleam of the Cosmic or Christ Consciousness we can read the Sacred Books of the World with inner "Knowing" and understand them as never before. This is true of the Book of Revelations. John says here, " With the sounding of the first Angel there fall hail and fire mingled with blood," all strain and force ceases, the "Thou shalt not" is eliminated and the sweetness and calm of the "Love" Conscious- ness is acquired and demonstrated. This is "forgiveness and those who reach this realization are kindled with a new fire," and their Aura or atmosphere is felt wherever they go. With this stage of attainment comes the relief from personal responsibility, the knowledge and consciousness that "All is Good" or God and God is Love; therefore there is nothing to Fear, for ourselves nor anyone else. We then realize that "Steadfastly facing the great I am that I am we have all Power and all Wisdom." "The Third face is the Lion," writes Ezekiel. The Lion is the emblem of strength, sovereignty, and princely achievement. The third stone John describes in Revelations: it is copper-emerald and sky tinted opal, emblem of everlasting Life. Micah, filled with this strength, exclaims, "Therefore I will look unto the Lord. Rejoice not against me O! mine enemy! When I fall I shall rise again." We become like that which we most often see and associate with; our minds follow the vision, and action follows the Some Mystic Laws 153 mind. When we see God the All Good, the great I am that I am, we become strengthened! This is "given-for" our weakness. In this third stage we realize that our individual "will" is often wrong and we say with this realiza- tion, Not mine but Thy will be done. An old Hindu Hymn says: — "Bow down to me and thou shalt come even to me. Take sanctuary with ME above. I shall liberate Thee from all Sins by the resplendent Lamp of Wisdom." Milton wrote so beautifully with this idea: What in me is dark Illumine, what is low raise and support, That to the height of this great argument I may assert Eternal Providence And justify the ways of God to men. With this third Angel of understanding do we consciously and freely give ourselves back to our Source — acknowledging that only through this gate may we actualize the Divine which we really are; as the drop of water, while having within itself all the elements of the whole Ocean, cannot have the depth, beauty, or strength of it all until it is attached to it (the whole Ocean) . We therefore look unto God and give ourselves consciously to Him, to work, and to do with us, what he alone knows is best for us. With the fourth stage, or, as the Mystics speak, "With the Smiting of the Fourth Angel," comes the fourth perception, transcending the common law, and is believed to be the Fourth Dimension in space. When this dimension is sensed it gives 154 Laws of Health and Prosperity the realization that there are higher laws than those of the five senses and their dimensions. Those who reach this stage of consciousness are the "Geniuses" of the World, the Seers, Saints, Prophets. When Jacob had this realization his name was changed to Israel; instead of a cringing Soul he became the Prince whom even God Served. At this fourth perception David became strong and said, "Thy gentleness has made me great." Jesus said, "It is not me but the Father within me." The Seers and Mystics of the World have all realized that by becoming meek, plastic, receptive, to the All Good and looking up with the inner eye they gained strength, courage, and power beyond that of their own knowledge. The following old song shows this : — " Cease your fretful prayers, Your winnings and your tame petitions; The Gods love courage armed with confidence And prayers fit to pull them down; Weak tears they sit and smile at." Jesus, realizing this law, said to his Disciples, "After this manner speak Ye: 'Thy Kingdom Come! Thy Will be done! Deliver me from Evil! 5 " Job is quoted as saying "I will demand of thee, and answer thou me,' 5 and of saying it over and over. Jacob is said to have "wrestled with God," saying, "Z will not let thee go except thou bless Me," and he later said, "I have seen God face to face." Showing that he had received an answer. Moses Some Mystic Laws 155 was noted for his learning, and yet at forty years of age he fled at the threats of two Israelites. But after going alone into the Mountains of Midian and communing with God, for forty days, he came out strong with a Higher strength, and at the age of eighty commanded and was obeyed implicitly by two million Israelites. "Let the Lord be thy confidence, he will not suffer thy feet to be taken." This fourth "Angel" or stage of consciousness is "Faith/ 9 the letting go of our own personal Ego or Will, looking up unto the Great I am that I am and knowing that through Him all things will come to pass. The fifth stage is "Works" — We must use our Faith in our work, our lives. It is not what happens to us that makes us healthy, happy, help- ful; it is what we see and thereby harmonize with. We become that which we see, think, and speak of most. "Tis the set of the Soul That decides the Goal And not the storms of Life." Therefore, by denying the reality of evil or in- harmony and declaring our Divinity, our Godhood, the real "I" of which we are a part, we are able to live and act in a higher (Cosmic or Christ) con- sciousness and use the Laws which transcend those of simple or self consciousness. The sign of Six is in the Mystic Science of num- bers the highest manifestation possible on the sense plane, and is called the badge of "Sin." The ancient Seers taught that at the Sixth Angel's call the Soul had reached its climax in earthly 156 Laws of Health and Prosperity experience or the lower plane, and could then have a vision of the Spiritual or Cosmic Consciousness. Through experience only, can the Soul realize that the supposed pleasures of the senses cannot bring real Harmony. Solomon, renowned for his Wisdom, through experience said, "For the way of Life is above to the Wise, that he may depart from the Hell beneath." The Mystic realizes that the one who is demon- strating inharmony, going to extremes in what the world calls "Sin," is simply using force in the wrong way according to lower sense laws, and that all that Soul has to do in order to become a great force for Good is to "turn unto God, Look up!" and "be saved," transformed, redeemed. The seventh Angel proclaims the realization! The Truth that Jesus the Christ came to preach and to live, and because he did live, demonstrate, in a human body, he is still living ever present in the Universe (as are all Souls), and we can call upon him, learn through him, and thereby grow in the same consciousness, which he not only had, but was. He was so saturated with the "God Life," so highly charged, his body was vibrating at such a high rate that those who even touched the hem of his garment were healed. The con- sciousness of this is to me the "second Coming of Christ." There are many other wonderful Mystic Laws and of these few I have been able only to give a hint. One other law will I mention, that of "The Calling out of names." The study of names as well as of numbers is being revived, and Some Mystic Laws 157 it is well that this is so, for back of these ancient sciences great truths will be revealed ! Metaphysical healers have learned that when treating patients they can reach their subcon- scious side by calling them by their first name, or even using the whole name. The ancient Mystics called out the names of their Gods and repeated them over and over. Now we know that through the laws of "vibration" this can be scientific. We know that playing on one note of a violin or musical instrument for a long time will shake the foundation of a large house; that men marching are compelled to break step when cross- ing a bridge, etc., etc. Moses said to call on God, saying, "Thou great I am that I am!" and Jesus the in- spired, spiritualized, etherialized demonstration of this "I am" said, "Ask in my name:" knowing this law of the calling of names, he realized that to call with his name would aid the soul to realize his consciousness to a greater extent and more quickly. There is, therefore, a scientific reason for the prayers said in Churches, ending with, "We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ" The Jews in ancient times called on their God using Jehovah! Jehovah! And through these calls received their answer. These laws like all others I have suggested in these lessons must be experimented with by each individual and proved pragmatically. Many souls have done so and as Jesus the Great Master and Mystic said, "He who hath ears to hear, let him hear" 158 Laws of Health and Prosperity I wish to acknowledge with heartiest gratitude my great indebtedness to Mrs. Emma Curtis Hopkins for the consciousness she has given me, as well as some knowledge of these wonderful ancient laws, and I recommend to all students her "Lessons in Mysticism." For other reading see all Bibles and sacred writings of all peoples. Books on Mysticism, Ancient Laws of Numbers, Names, etc. NEW THOUGHT BOOKS By WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON YOUR MIND AND HOW TO USE IT. Cloth bound. Price, $1.10, postpaid. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SALESMANSHIP. Cloth bound, 210 pages. Price, $1.10, postpaid. HOW TO BEAD HUMAN NATURE: ITS INNER STATES AND OUTER FORMS. Cloth bound, 210 pages. Price, $1.10, postpaid. NEW THOUGHT: ITS HISTORY AND PRINCIPLES. Paper covers, 36 pages. Price, 25 cents, postpaid. By ELIZABETH TOWNE HOW TO USE NEW THOUGHT IN HOME LIFE. 189 pages, cloth. 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