Glass f-/Q^ A CENSUS OF NEWINGTON, CONNECTICUT 1776 A CENSUS OF NEWINGTON CONNECTICUT Taken According to Households in I J J 6 by JOSIAH WlLLARD Together with some DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE PARISH Edited by Edwin Stanley Welles Member of the Conne&icut Historical Society -^r Published by FREDERIC B. HARTRANFT Hartford, Conn. 1909 V This edition is limited to 200 copies No. ^/ t fay' f T O M. D. W. ON HER BIRTHDAY THIS LITTLE WORK IS AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED BY HER SON TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Historical Preface 5 II. Census of Newington, 1776, by Josiah Willard n III. Private Record of Deaths, 1784-1795 . . 27 IV. Memoranda Relating to Newington, 1727- 1787, by Daniel Willard .... 27 V. Catalogue of the Children Attending the South School, 1766 .... 29 VI. Catalogue of the Children Attending the North School, 1768, 1769 .... 29 VII. A Minister and Society Rate for 1771 . 30 PREFACE The story of this parish census is interesting. Its inception really dates back to an act of the memorable Continental Con- gress. At a session held Tuesday, December 26, 1775, " The Congress took into consideration the report of the Committee on the State of the Treasury, and thereupon came to the following resolutions : " Whereas an estimate hath lately been formed of the public expence already arisen, and which may accrue in the defence of America, to the 10 day of June next, in pursuance whereof this Congress, on the 29 day of November, resolved that a farther sum of three millions of dollars be emitted in bills of credit, Resolved, Therefore that the thirteen United Colonies be pledged for the redemption of the bills of credit so directed to be emitted. That each colony provide ways and means to sink its pro- portion of the said bills, in such manner as may be most effectual, and best adapted to the condition, circumstances, and equal mode of levying taxes in each colony. That the proportion or quota of each respective colony be determined according to the number of inhabitants, of all ages, including negroes and mulattoes in each colony. That it be recommended to the several assemblies, conven- tions, or councils, or committees of safety of the respective colonies, to ascertain, by the most impartial and effectual means in their power, the number of inhabitants in each re- spective colony, taking care that the lists be authenticated by the oaths of the several persons who shall be entrusted with this service ; and that the said assemblies, conventions, coun- cils, and committees of safety, do respectively lay before this Congress a return of the number of inhabitants of their respec- tive colonies, as soon as the same shall be procured." 1 In response to this resolution the General Assembly of Con- necticut at its May session, 1776, enacted, " That the selectmen in the respective towns in this Colony, at or before the first day of September next, shall take and transmit to his Honor the Governor a particular and exact account of all the persons in, their respective towns in this Colony, as well negroes or slaves for life as white persons, distinguishing the number of those who are under the age of twenty years from those who are above that age, the sexes, or whether married or single, those in the militia, and all able bodied men who do not belong to the militia, also all those who are now in actual service, thereby to enable his Honor to prepare a compleat answer to a letter lately received from the Hon bIe John Hancock, Esq r , President of the Continental Congress 2 ; and that this act be forthwith printed, and dis- tributed by the Representatives in the present Assembly 3 ; and that the account or whole number of the persons in each town be attested on oath by the selectmen thereof, to have been faithfully and truly made and completed." 4 'Journals of the Continental Congress, Washington, 1905, Vol. Ill, 1775, pp. 457 and 458. 2 This letter cannot be found. The one sent to the General Court of Massa- chusetts reads as follows: " Philadelphia 2 d JanT 1776 Hon: ble Gentlemen I have the honor to transmit you several Resolutions pass'd in Congress, to which beg leave to refer you — The Money orderd in consequence of the Accounts you were pleased to transmit to your Delegates, sets off this day, of w:« h M r Gushing is so kind as to take charge. I hope it will arrive safe, and that the conduct of your Delegates in this instance will meet your Approbation — As I am now called upon to attend public bussiness, I beg leave to refer you to M r Cushing for further particulars — Wishing you the Compliments of the Season I have the honour to be. Gent: Your most obed:' Serv:u JOHN HANCOCK President" Hon. The Assembly 8 Mr. Bates, the librarian of the Connecticut Historical Society, has called my attention to the fact that the accounts of Ebenezer Watson of Hartford show that he printed for the Colony a " Resolve for numbering the people of this colony," and also " Additions to resolve for numbering " [the people of this colony], by the middle of June, 1776. * Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. XV, pp. 312 and 313. It was in pursuance of this resolution that Josiah Willard (Aug. 9, 1739 — April 1, 1818), a member of one of the oldest and most influential families in Newington, took the census of the parish. A few years ago, the original manuscript containing the census from which my father, the late Roger Welles, tran- scribed the copy here printed, was in the possession of Mr. William A. Willard of Hartford, but is now unfortunately missing. One or two other facts however in regard to taking the census in Connecticut, we do know. The original resolution presented to the Lower House, with the exception of the precise date and the last clause which were added in the Upper House, was " Submitted by us your Honor's Humble Sev ts ." "Jed h Elderkin Daniel Sherman Marshf d . Parsons Oliver Stanley " r Comm ee Of this Committee Jedidiah Elderkin, Deputy for Wind- ham, was also a Member of the Council of Safety, Daniel Sherman was Deputy for Woodbury, Marshfield Parsons, Deputy for Lyme and Oliver Stanley, Deputy for Wallingford. The scheme according to which the census should be taken, is outlined in Document no, Volume IV, entitled Revolu- tionary War, in the Archives at the State Library, Hartford. As some may be curious to know what it was, an exact copy is here given : — Males under ten Years Females under ten Years — V. Males between ten & twenty Married or Single Females between ten & twenty Married or Single oj Males between twenty & Seventy Married or Single females between twenty & Seventy Married or Single 03 03 Males Above Seventy Married or Single females Above Seventy Married or Single >— c 51 o' Officers & Soldiers in Malitia Rolls Able Bodied Men between 16. & 45 — not in Malitia Rolls o •-i Men in the Continental Army CK) O 5' Men Raised for defence of y e Colony & now in y e Colony Negro Males under Twenty Negro females under Twenty Negro Males above Twenty Negro females Above Twenty On the back of this document are these endorsements: In the Lower House This plan accepted and Approved and Ordered that the Numbers of the Inhabitants of this Colony be taken Accordingly Test TITUS HOSMER Clerk In the upper House Concurrd with this addition viz — these words, " included in the foregoing Numbers " — as noted in the pi. Test GEORGE WYLLYS Secrety Concurred in the Lower House Test Titus Hosmer Clerk How faithfully Josiah Willard performed his task can be seen by turning to his census. The missing dates supplied by me and printed in italics, are to be found, unless otherwise stated, in the Wethersfield Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths. A few other facts have been inserted which, it is believed, will enhance the value of the census to the genealogist and local historian. E. S. W. The Brick House, Newington Conn., August 31, 1908 Our ancestors, by a wise attention to the home government for nearly two hundred years, came to be the best prepared people there were in the world for self-government. — Presi- dent Taft at the Norwich Celebration, July 5, 1909. II A CENSUS OF NEWINGTON August A. D. 1776. Record of all the persons living - in Newington, taken by families or households, in 1776 by Josiah Willard. I Born Joshua Andrus Dec. 11 1707 2 Sybil {Stoddard) Andrus Nov. 4 1705 3 Fitch Andrus Oct. 12 1739 4 William Andrus May 24 17 10 5 Lois {Whaples, Stephens) Andrus 1 6 Sylvia Andrus Apr. 17 1762 7 Cynthe Andrus Oct. 15 1765 8 Rhoda Andrus Oct. 14 1768 9 Lemuel Andrus Nov. 15 1771 Naomi Andrus (added later) bapt. Sept. 22, 1/82 2 10 Mary (Gillett) Andrus 3 Nov. 2 1699 11 Eli Andrus Jan. 8 1737 12 Clement Andrus Oct. 31 1739 13 Abel Andrus May 6 1735 14 Eunice (Stoddard) Andrus [Aug. 22\ Sept. 1745 (according to Andrews Memorial, p. 95) IS Amos Andrus Mar. 17 1765 16 Ruth Andrus Oct. 9 1766 17 Jared Andrus Apr. 10 1769 18 Hannah Andrus Feb. 1 1774 Lydia Andrus (added later) bapt. May 20, i/8i* 19 Sarah (Welles) Andrus widoiv of Joseph Sept. 1716 20 Elias Andrus Feb. 16 1753 21 Phinehas Andrus May 26 1712 1 Lois, widow of Darius Stephens, dau. of Jacob Whaples, who married William Andrus, March 15, 1759, Andrews Memorial, p. 90; and died Sept. 19, 1825, aged 95. Annals of Newington, pp. 107 and 171. a Annals of Newington, p. 97. 8 Widow of Caleb Andrus, who died Nov. 24, 1775. She died January 1, 1786. See Andrews Memorial, pp. 70 and 71. * Annals of Newington, p. 96. 12 Born 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Lois (Williams) Andrus July 1723 Appleton Andrus Aug. 8 1757 Phinehas Andrus July 19 1763 Allies Andrus May 22 1735 Phebe (Hurlbut) Andrus 1 Miles Andrus July 7 1759 Irene Andrus Jan. 17 1761 Phebe Andrus Apr. 25 1762 Jason Andrus Feb. 21 1768 Benajah Andrus Nov. 13 1769 Titus Andrus May 2, 1775 2 Joseph Andrus Ap. 13 1743 Asenath (Whaplcs) Andrus Mar. 13 1742 Ruth Andrus Jan. 27 1763 Mary Andrus Jan. 8 1770 Roxalana Andrus Dec. 4 1 77 1 Elisha Andrus Oct. 11 1773 Bille Andrus Nov. 16 1775 Sarah Andrus (added later) Sept. 13 1777 Kata Andrus May 1779 Asenath Andrus 3 " Asa Andrus Apr. 10, 1746 Chloe (Andrus) Andrus Mar. 3 1748 Frederic Andrus July 24 1768 Lyman Andrus July 1 1772 Chloe Andrus Feb. 3 1775 Asa Andrus (added later) Sarah Andrus Silas Andrus Ap. 23 1750 Oliver Atwood Mar. 1 1716 Dorothy (Curtis) Atwood Levi Atwood May 10 1752 John Atwood Apr. 16 1755 Asher Atwood Dec. 27 1729 45 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 Mary (Mitchclson) Atwood Died Mar. 27, 18 16, aged 88 x 53 Bette Atwood Feb. 5 1759 54 Mary Atwood Dec. 12 1762 55 Ezekiel Atwood Aug. 19 1764 1 Daughter of Joseph Hurlbut of Goshen. Andrews Memorial, p. 143. 2 Andrews Memorial, p. 143. 8 The Wethersfield Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths give the birth of Asenath Andrus as May 22, 1779, and omit the name of Kata from the family record. * Annals of Newington, p. 169. She was from Simsbury. 13 56 57 58 59 6o 6i 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 7 6 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9i Daniel Atwood Rev. Mr. Joshua Belden Honor {Goodrich, Whiting) Belden 1 Mary Belden Sarah Belden Anna Belden Martha Belden Octavia Belden Rhoda Belden Joshua Belden Hezekiah Belden (added later) Enos Blakesly Jonathan Blinn Sarah Blinn Sarah Blinn Jonathan Blinn Lucy Blinn James Blinn Lois (Wolcott) Blinn Lois Blinn James Blinn Elisha Blinn Unni Blinn Abigail Blinn (added later) Nancy Blinn Rhoda Blinn 2 Israel Bordman Rebekah (Meekins) Bordman Died Dec. Elijah Bordman Samuel Bordman Rebekah Bordman George Bradley Peletiah Buck Jemima Buck Anne Buck Hannah Butler Israel Jennings Lydia Butler Charles Churchell Born July 1724 Feb. 22, 1731-2 Dec. 9 1755 Sept. 29 1757 July 6 1759 July 24 1 76 1 Oct. 27 1763 May 29 1766 Mar. 29 1768 Feb. 17 1778 Oct. 1 171 1 Oct. 5 1727 Jan. 31 1759 Sept. 28 1762 Jan. 8 1766 Dec. 11 1730 July 1742 Mar. 17 1757 May 14 1760 Mar. 26 1763 Mar. 25 1765 March 1777 Oct. 1778 Jan. 17, 1756 Sept. 18 1721 9, 18 1 4, aged 9 i 3 Mar. 31, 17 52 Jan. 24, 1755 June 3 1759 Sept. 2 1698 Oct. 2 1705 Apr. 26 1747 Apr. 12, 1748 Apr. 12, 1748 Dec. 31, 1723^ 1 Daughter of Hezekiah Goodrich of Wethersfield and widow of Capt. Charles Whiting of Norwich. Annals of Newington, p. 122. a She was the daughter of Mary Hurlbut and " of .James Blinn as she saith": and married Joseph North, June 2, i?77- Annals of Newington, p. 109. •Annals of Newington, p. 169. *The Churchill Family in America, p. 33°. H 92 Lydia (Belden) Churchell ( Sept. 6, IJ25 93 Charles Churchell May 3 1755 94 Samuel Churchell Apr. 5, 1757 95 Hannah Churchell Dec. 27 1758 96 Solomon Churchell July 29 1764 97 Silas Churchell Apr. 1769 98 Levi Churchell May 28 1752 99 Elizabeth (Hurlbut) Churchell Dec. 28, 1748 100 Elizabeth Churchell Jan. 20 1773 10 1 Lydia Churchell Nov. 6 1775 Noble Churchell (added later) Nov. 11 1778 102 Joseph Churchell 103 Nathaniel Churchell 104 Martha Cole dau. of Phinchas Cole, bapt. Aug. 19, 1750 1 105 John Camp Dec. 25 171 1 106 Penelope (Deming) Camp Nov. 17 1717 107 Joseph Camp July 1744 108 Anne (Kellogg) Camp Apr. 16 1749 109 Anne Camp Apr. 8 1773 1 10 Ellener Camp. July 17, 1775 Sarah Camp (added later) June 6 1778 Joseph Camp " " Mar. 26, 1781 in James Camp Nov. 30, 1746 112 Elizabeth (Kilboum) Camp 2 113 John Camp Apr. 6 1770 114 Samuel Camp Aug. 25 1772 115 Abigail Camp Oct. 30 1774 Moses Camp (Added later) Apr. 15 1777 Mary Camp " " Oct. 14, W^ 116 Tonathan Curtiss Dec. 26, 171 4 117 Hannah Curtiss 3 Mar. 1720 118 Joseph Curtiss June 1756 119 Hannah Curtiss Mar. 15 1758 120 Polly Cooley 121 Janna Deming Nov. 2 1718 122 Anna (Kilboum) Deming [June 20, 1728] June 1729 123 Elias Deming Apr. 11 1752 124 Thomas Deming Oct. 27 1755 125 Anne Deming Mar. 5 1758 1 Annals of Newington, p. 88. 2 Elizabeth Kilboum, who married (i) James Camp, Dec. 4. 1769; married (2) Zadock Hinsdale, Jan. 28, 1787, and died Feb. 28, 1814. Annals of Newington, pp. 108 and in, and Hinsdale Genealogy, p. 81. » Widow of Reuben Whaples, who died Oct. 22, 1748. She married Jonathan Curtiss, March 27, 1755. Annals of Newington, pp. 106 and 113, and Wethers- field Land Records, Vol. XIII, p. 15. *5 Born 126 Eunice Deming Apr. 6 1760 127 John Deming May 6 1762 128 Chloe Deming Apr. 25 1765 129 Honor Deming May 4 1767 130 Gad Deming June 19 1770 131 Levi Deming Aug. 27 1772 132 Stephen Deming Aug. 25 1723 133 Hannah (Goodrich) Deming May 15, 1725 134 Rosanna Deming Dec. 3 1750 135 Sylvia Deming July 5 l 7S9 136 Leonard Deming Sept. 7 1763 137 Hannah (Lusk) Deming 2 138 Ephraim Deming Feb. 25 1761 139 140 141 142 H3 144 145 Frederic Deming May 17 1765 Lucretia Deming Mar. 19 1767 Selah Deming Mar. 6 1769 Roger Deming July 19 W 1 Francis Deming J an - l 739 Mary (Camp) Deming Dec. 21 1740 Nancy Deming Dec. 11 1762 146 Robert Deming Dec. 26 1763 147 Barzilla Deming Mar. 21 1766 148 Joseph Deming July 23 1769 149 Mary Deming Oct. 15, 1770 150 Jedidiah Deming Apr. 15 171 3 151 Rebekah Deming Nov. 10, 1754* 152 Elizur Deming Feb. 3 1751 153 Lucina (Francis) Deming Apr. 7 1753 154 James Deming July 29, 1776 Anne Deming (Added later) Oct. 19, i7°o 155 Ebenezer Dickinson Dec. 1733 156 Mabel Dickinson Apr. 25 1737 157 Waitstill Dickinson July 2 1758 158 Hannah Dickinson Oct. 9 1761 159 Oren Dickinson Sept. 20 1766 160 Ebenezer Dickinson June 11 I77 1 Oren Dickinson (added later) June 10 1779 161 Samuel Davis 162 Anne Davis 1 Deming Genealogy, p. 67. ' Hannah (Lusk) Deming was the widow of Waitstill Deming. who died March 10, 1776. Deming Genealogy, p. 68. • The correct date of birth, if, as probable, this Rebecca was the daughter ■of Gamaliel Deming, who married Joseph Curtis, Dec. IS, 1778. Deming Genealogy, P- 7>- i6 Born 163 Anne Davis ( Nov. 10 1767 164 Samuel Davis Nov. 5 1772 165 Mary Davis Apr. 6 1775 Bille Davis (added later) Jan. 1778 166 William Dunston 167 168 Elizabeth Dunston 169 170 Lydia Fox June 1735 171 Sarah Francis probably widow of Sergt. Thomas Apr. 1716 172 Josiah Francis Sept. 18 1722 173 Melliscent (Stoddard) Francis Jan. 29 1729 174 James Francis Dec. 4 1755 175 Asa Francis Nov. 8 1757 176 Allein Francis Oct. 23 1760 177 Roger Francis Apr. 29 1763 178 Sarah Francis Apr. 1769 179 Elias Francis Apr. 30 1748 180 Thankful (Hunn) Francis June 17 1749 181 Rachel Francis June 18 1772 182 Seth Hun Francis Nov. 13 1774 Levi Francis (added later) probably bapt. Nov. 10, 1776 1 183 Justus Francis Nov. 8 1750 184 Keturah (Andrus) Francis Nov. 14, 1752 Appleton Andrus Francis (added later) Aug. 9 1778 185 Hezekiah Francis Mar. 11 1738 186 Deborah Francis 2 187 Rosewell Francis Dec. 27 1762 188 Hosea Francis Oct. 14 1764 189 Thomas Francis Aug. 10 1766 190 Selah Francis Aug. 10 1766 191 Adonijah Francis bapt. Aug 9, 1772* 192 Hannah Francis bapt. June 12, 1774* 193 Manda Francis Aug. 31 1769 194 Hezekiah Francis bapt. Feb. 16, 1777* Adonijah Francis (added later) June 28, 1778 195 Olive Frazier 5 Apr. 2 1753 196 Irene Fuller Nov. 14 1757 1 Annals of Newington, p. 95. 2 Said to have been Deborah Blinn. Stiles' Ancient Wethersfield, Vol. II, p. 340. 8 Annals of Newington, p. 94. 4 Annals of Newington, p. 95. 6 Olive, daughter of Charles Frazier, married January 22, 1778, Phineas Kelogg, who was born June 7, 1756. The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New, Vol. I, p. 214. 17 Born 197 Justus Francis 2d Jan. 25, 1762 1 198 Benjamin Goodrich July 21 1717 199 Sarah (Dcivey) Goodrich Aug. 2, 1712* 200 Rhoda Goodrich Mar. 23, 1750 201 David Goodrich Mar. 16, 1757 202 John Goodrich 3 Aug. 21 , 1754 203 Abigail Price 204 Mary Goodrich 205 Elizur Goodrich 206 Hannah Goodrich 207 208 John Graham 209 Hannah (Hunn) Graham April Josiah Wolcott June 21 1771 45b Sion Wentworth 4 1754 430 431 432 433 434 435 1 Whittlesey Genealogy, p. 70. Chauncey Whittlesey removed to Lenox, Mass. 2 If, as probable, he was the son of Dan and Lois (Curtiss) Winchell of Farmin'gton. See Winchell Genealogy, p. s 2 - s The Wolcott Memorial, p. 127. *Sion Wenthvvorth, b. , 1754, d. April 18, 1323; m. (1) Anna Stoddard, b. Jan. 11, 1760, d. Aug. 2, 1780; (2) May 11, 1789, Rebecca, dan. of Israel and Rebecca (Meekins) Boardman, b. June 3, 1759; d. March 21, 1814- See Board- man Genealogy, p. 670. 25 Born 451 Caleb Wolcott Dec. 19, 1728 1 452 Jerusha {Price) Wolcott 2 453 Eunice Wolcott bapt. Feb. 23, 1755 3 454 Elizur Wolcott May 12 1754 455 Esther (Andrus) Wright widow of Thomas Wright Died Dec. 10, 1811, aged /p 4 456 John Wright Jan. 13 1762 457 Michael Wright Jan. 19 1765 458 Sarah Wright Oct. 30, 1767 459 Esther Wright Apr. 1771 460 Lydia Wright May 1773 Colored Servants. 461 Guinea Belonged to Deacon Josiah Willard Annals of Newington, p. 145 462 Prince* 463 Step " Negro of Lieut. [Martin] Kellogg " Ibid, p. 95 464 Pomp Owned by Deacon John Camp Ibid, p. 14S 465 Mingo Dec. 26 1763 466 Katern Belonged to Lieut. Martin Kellogg 467 Pegg Daughter of Step and Katern bapt. May 2, 1773 Ibid, pp. 95 and 145 Recapitulation — Whites 460 Colored 7 Total = 467. Families formed or come into the Society since Aug, 1776. James Mitchell Mar. 2, 1732-3 Hannah {Warner) Mitchell Oct 3, 1744 James Mitchell Jun r Jan. 25, 1774 William Mitchell [July 28] July 30 1779 Pelatiah Haydon June 1768 Lemuel Churchell Mar. 14 1766 Martha Churchell Oct. 1769 1 The Wolcott Memorial, p. 127. 2 She was from Glastonbury. 3 Annals of Newington, p. 90. * Wethersfield Inscriptions, p. 155. * Stephen Kellogg deeds land to Prince, negro servant, to Mr. Phinehas An- drus, Dec. 31, 1759, at a place called the Half Moon in the Society of Newington. Wethersfield Land Records, Vol. XI, p. 112. 26 Born. Ethan Lusk , Oct. 2 1770 Ezekiel Deming Apr. 1763 Samuel Churchcll April 5, 1757 l Mercv {Boardman) Churchell Aug. 2, 1757 1 Chisleu Churchell Dec. 4, 1779 1 Joseph Churchell Died April 26, 1812, aged 62 Rhoda {Goodrich) Churchell Mar. 23, 1750 Nathaniel Churchell Eunice Churchell Joseph Curtiss June 1756 Rebecca {Deming) Curtiss Nov. 10, 1754 2 Elias Deming April 11, 1752 Martha {Welles) Deming Oct. 27, 1749 John Hurlbut Apr. 10 1751 Phebe Hurlbut 3 Lucy Hurlbut Jan. 23 1778 Mary Hurlbut Jan. 29 1782 Jedicliah Smith Elizabeth {Kellogg) Smith Benajah Bordman May 14, 1749 Martha {Churchill) Bordman Oct. 5, 1751 Mekins Bordman May 17, 1773* Edward Howard 5 July 6 1763 Amos Buck Abigail {Stoddard) Buck Dorothy Buck Ashbel Seymour Jan. 25, 1748 Abigail {Welles) Seymour April 6, 1749 Ashbel Seymour Dec. 6 1777 Erastus Seymour July 2 1779 Elias Deming April 11, 1752 Martha {Welles) Deming Oct. 27, 1749 Enos Deming Aug. 20 1779 William Deming Oct. 13, 1782 1 Stiles' Ancient Wethersfield, Vol. II, p. 226. 2 Deming Genealogy, p. 71. 3 Evidently an error. John Ilurlburt married, Jan. 12, 1778, Judith Horner, sister of Phebe Horner, who was born April 28, 1757. Annals of Newington, p. no. * Boardman Genealogy, p. 672. B He married Anne Stoddard, Nov. 13, 1783. Annals of Newington, p. in. V Samuel Pratt Born Hannah {Wolcott) Pratt Huldah Pratt Apr. 14 1779 Lydia Pratt [Jan. 18] Jan. 13 1780 PRIVATE RECORD OF DEATHS 1784-1795 The "Annals of Newington " show that the deaths entered on the records of the Congregational Church there, are miss- ing from August 31, 1772, to November 23, 1804. A private record of deaths during that interval in the posses- sion of M. Lewis Stoddard of Newington, is hereunder given : it is unfortunate that the list is so meagre: — Seth Kilborn's wife died Feb. 22, 1784 1 Penelope Camp died April 15, 1784 Jonathan Curtis died June 5, 1784 Eunice Andrus died Jan'y 23, 1785 Mary Francis died the night after the 4th of March, 1785 Sybil Andrus died May 30, 1785 Appleton Wells died July 29, 1785 Gideon Hun died August 29, 1785 Oliver Atwood died Sept. 26, 1785 Lemuel Whittlesey Ju r died Oct. 8, 1785 Prudence Kilburn died Oct. 21, 1785 Widdow Mary Andrus died Jan'y 1, 1786 Obediah Smith died Jan'y 28 or 29, 1786 Capt. Robert Wells died Feb. 3, 1786 Dea. Joshua Andrus died April 25, 1786. Zebulon Goodrich died April 6, 1787 Charles Holabud died June 14, 1787 Jane Lusk died the night after the 5th of February, 1789 Rachel Coslet died the night after the 7th of April, 1790 Stephen Deming died April 24, 1790 Widdow Sarah Francis died May 19, 1790 Elisha Stoddard died July 2, 1790 George Woolcut's wife died April 18, 1795 Abigail Woolcut died April 20, 1795 MEMORANDA RELATING TO NEWINGTON 1727-1787 The following memoranda were jotted down by Daniel Willard (July 31, 1 710 — June 1, 1800), and are copied from the original manuscript in the possession of Dr. De Forest Willard of Philadelphia. July 2nd. 1741 There was atached our muster role for to be ready at one hour's warning by Name as foloweth 1 She was Lois, daughter of James and Lois (Wolcott) Blinn, born March 17, 1757, and married Seth Kilbourn, April 19, 1781. See page 13 and Annals of Newington, p. no. 28 Ensign Robert Wells Sar nt Caleb Andrus Daniel Willard, Abraham Waren ^ Sar nt Samuel Churchill Nathanel Churchill Elisha Deming Drumer David Wright William Andrus Janna Deming Cor pl Jonathan Whapls Judah Wright Benjamin Goodrich Corporal Zebulin RobinsHenry Kirkham Jonathan Elin Samuel Hun Joseph Andrus Martain Kellogg Jonathan Denorah Jedidiah Atwod David Colman Thomas Stodor Steadman Younge Thomas Robins Zebulin Stodor Elijah Andrus Charls Holebut Josiah Whitellsey In August 1739 was the war proclaimed betwen England and Spain November ye 9 1738 I married to my wife Dorothy upon august 14 1739 my wife taken sick of the intermiting fever for wich I pray god to restore her again to health my son Josiah Born upon august ye 9: 1739 about three of the Clock in the afternoon September 9 1787 Died my Beloved Wife in ye 71 year of Her Age September 4 1776 Died William Willard at East Chester near New York aged 25 years 9 months and 12 days. October 21 1740 Died my Negro boy called Bristo aged nine year April 29 1 741 Died my sister Mary Griswould 1 September 26 1741 Was born my daughter Dorrothy September 20 1742 Died Jabez Whetelsey junior 1732-1733 John Willard, living in Newington; Ephraim Whaples; Mr. Beckus. 1727 John Willard, Simon Willard deceased, Josiah Willard administrator ; Doc. Joseph Andrus; 1727 Josiah Willard; Nov. 14th. 1742, died Ephraim Deming, father of Mrs. Willard. 1743, died Elizabeth Buck, July 20th. March 15th. 1744, Chloe [Willard] born 1745, War was proclaimed between France and England. May 2d. 1745, Stephen Deming enlisted for war, Cape Breton Feb. 2nd. 1746, died, the Rev. Mr. Simon Beckus, pastor of this church at Cape Breton ; Feb. 4th. 1747, died Captain John Camp; 1 Wife of Jonathan Griswold. 2 9 Nov. 5th. 1746, Honour [Willard] born Nov. nth. 1747, Rev. Mr. Joshua Belding, ordained; Sept. 2nd. 1748, died [Elizabeth] child of Josiah Wright; Sept. 5th. 1748, died Amos Andrus; Sept. 15th. 1748, died Hannah Andrus; Oct. 22nd. 1748, died Ruben W[h]aples; Dec. 2 1 st. 1748, born Hannah Willard; Nov. 23rd, 1750, born William Willard; Dec. 2nd, 1750, died James Patterson; July 10th. 1752 died [Prudence] wife of Mr. Josiah Deming; — *yApr. 7th. 1753, born Daniel Willard about one-half past six / o'clock in the afternoon. May 25th. 1757, born Lydia Willard; May 31st. 1759, died, Mary Willard; March 30th. 1763, died Chloe Willard; March 30th. 1766, died Ephraim Willard, my brother; 1739, living in Newington, Samuel Hun; Daniel Hooker; 1735, living in Newington, David Curtis, 1 741. " " John Welles; 1739 " " Martin Kellog; 1 74 1 " " John Camp; 1740 " " Elisha Williams. *A CATALOGUE OF THE CHILDREN THAT CAME TO ME TO SCHOOL AT THE SOUTH SCHOOL IN NEWINGTON IN DECEMBER 1766. Levi Churchel Sarah Deming Charles Churchel Martin Deming Samuel Churchel Chloe Kirkum Hannah Churchel Samuel Kirkum Elias Deming John Kirkum Daniel Deming Lois Squire Thomas Deming Elizur Woolcot Anne Deming Abijah Wright Eunice Deming Asa Wright v John Deming *A CATALOGUE OF THE CHILDREN THAT CAME TO THE NORTH SCHOOL IN NEWINGTON IN THE WINTER OF THE YEAR 1768. Elias Andrus Phinehas Andrus Silas Andrus Sylvia Andrus Appleton Andrus John Atwood * From a manuscript in the possession of Dr. De Forest Willard of Philadelphia. 30 Hezekiah Atwood Enos Blakesley Samuel Boardman Samuel Buck Charles Churchell Samuel Churchell Joseph Curtiss Miles Curtiss John Chambers Titus Deming Wait Dickinson Hannah Dickinson James Francis Asa Francis — Allein Francis Roger Francis Rosewell Francis Gad Fullar Eli Hurlbut / Chester Kellogg Stephen Kellogg Simeon Kellogg William Richards Peletiah Richards Lucretia Richards Seth Richards Samuel Stoddard Esther Stoddard Mabel Stoddard Elizab th Stoddard Anne Stoddard Simon Welles Appleton Welles Robert Welles Daniel Willard David Webster James, Negro. The following names not on the above list " Catalogue " of those attending the North winter of 1769: — Anne Andrus Betty Atwood Johnson Andrus Ezekiel Atwood Miles Andrus Mary Atwood Pamela Andrus Hosea Francis appear in School in the the *A MINISTER AND SOCIETY RATE FOR THE YEAR 1771. Made by us this 21 day of Feb. 1772. Gideon Hun Charles Churchell l-Committee Elisha Stoddard J Andrus Caleb Andrus Joshua D n Andrus Joseph Andrus Phinehas Andrus William Andrus Elijah Andrus Miles Andrus Asa Andrus Joseph J r Atwood Oliver Atwood Asher Andrus Abel Original in the possession of Dr. De Forest Willard of Philadelphia. 3i Andrus Eli Andrus Clement Buck Peletiah Blin Jonathan Blin James Boardman Israel Boardman Sherman Churchel Charles Cap 1 Camp John D n Camp Joseph Curtis Jonathan Churchel Joseph Deming Janna Deming Jedidiah Deming Stephen Deming Waitstil Deming Gamaliel Deming Francis Dickinson Ebenezer 1/ Davis Samuel Francis Thomas Francis Josiah Francis Elias Francis Hezekiah Goodrich Benjamin Goodrich Ebenezer Hurlbut Charles Hurlbut Joseph Hurlbut Fitch Hurlbut Amos Hurlbut Christopher Hurlbut Levi Hurlbut Elias Hun Gideon Kellogg Martin Kellogg Elizabeth Kilborn Timothy Kirkum Henry Kilborn Eunice Lusk John Lusk James Lowrey David Latimer Luther Lee Josiah D n Lee Stephen Robbins Uni Seymour Bavil & Ashbel Stoddard Thomas Stoddard Solomon Stoddard Jonathan Stoddard Eli Stoddard Enock Stoddard Joseph Stoddard David Seymour Elias Squire John Stedman Elisha Welles Robert Cap 1 Welles William Welles Robert jr Wolcott David Wolcott George Wolcott Caleb Wolcott George jr Whaples Ephriam Whaples Ephraim junr Whaples Elisha Whaples Daniel Whaples Eli Whitelsey Lemuel Wright Thomas Willard Daniel Willard Elizabeth Webster Samuel Webster Medad Andrus Epaphras Andrus Fitch Andrus Samuel Atwood Hezekiah Boardman Benajah Grayham John Richards Samuel D r Richards Joseph Kelsey John Kilborn Eunice jr Judd James Steel James junr Try on Aaron Catlin Mary Holtom Abigail Merrel Mary Goodrich Zebelon Goodrich Zebclon junr In the old Society Chester John Col. Dickinson Thomas Deming Elisha Francis Robert U0 Mitchel James Standish Hannah Standish James Welles Thomas Cap 1 Welles Solomon Esq Welles Hezekiah Wolcott Samuel Goodrich David In the Beckleys part Andrus Daniel 32 Deming Jacob Celsey Charles 122 Kelsey Enock Steel Samuel Sum total 5788-2-6 Four folds White Thomas Hooker Elijah Waters Benjamin Standish Hannah Standish James Crane Lydia Whitelsey Lemuel Hnnn Gideon Total — 317-4-0 INDEX Andrus, Abel, n, 30 Amos, 11, 29 Anne, 22, 30 Appleton, 12, 29 Asa, 12, 30 Asa, Jr., 12 Asenath, 12 Asenath (Whaples), Mrs. Joseph, 12 Benajah, 12 Bille, 12 Caleb, 30 Caleb, Serg't, 28 Chloe, 12 Chloe (Andrus), Mrs. Asa, 12 Clement, 11, 31 Cynthe, 11 Daniel, ^2 Eli, 11, 31 Elias, 11, 29 Elijah, 28, 30 Elisha, 12 Epaphras, 31 Esther, 25 Eunice (Stoddard), Mrs. Abel, 11, 27 Fitch, 11, 31 Frederic, 12 Hannah, 11, 29 Irene, 12 Jared, 11 Jason, 12 Johnson, 30 Joseph, 12, 28, 30 Joseph Doc, 28 Joseph, Jr., 30 Joshua, 11 Joshua, Dea., 27, 30 Kata, 12 Keturah, 16 Lemuel, 11 Lois (Whaples, Stephens), Mrs. William, 11 Lois (Williams), Mrs. Phine- has, 12 Lydia, 11 Andrus, Lyman, 12 Mary, 12 Mary (Gillett), widow of Caleb, 11, 27 Miles, 12, 30 Miles, Jr., 12 Naomi, 11 Pamela, 30 Phebe, 12 Phebe (Hurlbut), Mrs. Miles, 12 Phinehas, 11, 29, 30 Phinehas, Jr., 12 Rhoda, 11 Roxalana, 12 Ruth, 11, 12 Sahara, 22 Samuel, 31 Sarah, 12, 20 Sarah (Welles), widow of Jo- seph, 11 Silas, 12, 29 Sybil (Stoddard), Mrs. Joshua, 11, 27 Sylvia, 11, 29 Titus, 12 William, 11, 28, 30 Atwood, Abigail, 22 Asher, 12, 30 Daniel, 13 Dorothy (Curtis), Mrs. Oliver, 12 Elizabeth, (Betty), 12, 30 Ezekiel, 12, 30 Hezekiah, 30, 31 Jedidiah, 28 John, 12, 29 Levi, 12 Mary, 12, 30 Mary (Mitchelson), Mrs. Asher, 12 Oliver, 12, 27, 30 B Backus, Mr., 28 Simon, Rev., 28 Baxter, Elizabeth, 22 34 Belden, Abigail, 20 Anna, 13 Hezekiah, 13 Honor (Goodrich, Whiting), Mrs. Joshua, 13 Joshua, Jr., 13 Joshua, Rev., 13, 29 Lydia, 14 Martha, 13 Mary, 13 Octavia, 13 Rhoda, 13 Sarah, 13 Blakesly, Enos, 13, 30 Blinn, Abigail, 13 Elisha, 13 James, 13, 31 James, Jr., 13 Jonathan, 13, 28, 31 Jonathan, Jr., 13 Lois, 13 Lois (Wolcott), Mrs. James, 13 Lucy, 13 Nancy, 13 Patience, 18 Rhoda, 13. See also Hurlbut Rozetta, 21 Sarah, 13 Sarah, Mrs. Jonathan, 13 Unni, 13 Boardman, Bordman, Benajah, 26, 31 Elijah, 13 Israel, 13, 31 Martha (Churchill), Mrs. Be- najah, 26 Mary, 18 Meekins, 26 Mercy, 26 Rebecca, 13 Rebecca (Meekins), Mrs. Israel, 13 Samuel, 13, 30 Sherman, 31 Bradley, George, 13 Bristo, [Negro], 28 Buck, Abigail (Stoddard), Mrs. Amos, 26 Amos, 26 Anne, 13 Dorothy, 26 Buck, Elizabeth, 28 Jemima, Mrs. Pelatiah, 13 Pelatiah, 13, 31 Samuel, 30 Burnham, Abigail, 23 Butler, Hannah, 13 Lydia, 13 Camp, Abigail, 14 Anne, 14 Anne (Kellogg), Mrs. Joseph, 14 Eleanor, (Ellener), 14 Elizabeth (Kilbourn), Mrs. James, 14 James, 14 John, 14, 29 John, Capt., 28 John, Dea., 31 Joseph, 14, 31 Joseph, Jr., 14 Mary, 14, 15 Moses, 14 Penelope (Deming), Mrs. John, 14. 27 Samuel, 14 Sarah, 14 Catlin, Mary, 31 Chambers, John, 30 Chester, John, Col., 32 Churchill, Churchell, Charles, 13, 30 Charles, Capt., 31 Charles, Jr., 14, 29, 30 Chislieu, 26 Elizabeth, 14 Elizabeth (Hurlbut), Mrs. Levi, T 4 Eunice, Mrs. Nathaniel, 26 Hannah, 14, 29 Joseph, 14, 26, 31 Lemuel, 25 Levi, 14, 29 Lydia, 14 Lydia (Belden), Mrs. Charles, 14 Martha, 25, 26 Mercy (Boardman), Mrs. Sam- uel, 26 Nathaniel, 14, 26, 28 Noble, 14 Olive, 21 35 Churchill, Churchell, Rhoda (Goodrich), Mrs. Joseph, 26 Samuel, 14, 26, 29, 30 Samuel, Serg't, 28 Silas, 14 Solomon, 14 Cole, Lucy, 19 Martha, 14 Coleman, David, 28 Cooley, Mary, (Polly), 14 Coslet, Rachel, 27 Crane, Lydia, 32 Curtiss, David, 29 Dorothy, 12 Hannah, 14 Hannah, Mrs. Jonathan, 14 Jonathan, 14, 27, 31 Joseph, 14, 26, 30 Miles, 30 Rebecca (Deming), Mrs. Joseph, 26 D Davis, Anne, 16 Anne, Mrs. Samuel, 15 Bille, 16 Mary, 16 - Samuel, 15, 31 Samuel, Jr., 16 Deming, Anna (Kilbourn), Mrs. Janna, 14 Anne, 14, 15, 29 Barzilla, 15 Chloe, 15 Daniel, 29 Dorothy, 24 Elias, 14, 26, 29 Elisha, 28, 32 Elizur, 15 Enos, 26 Ephraim, 15, 28 Eunice, 15, 29 Ezekiel, 26 Francis, 15, 31 Frederic, 15 Gad, 15 Gamaliel, 31 Hannah (Lusk), widow of Waitstill, 15 Deming, Hannah (Goodrich), Mrs. Stephen, 15 Honor, 15 Jacob, 32 James, 15 Janna, 14, 28, 31 Jedidiah, 15, 31 John, 15, 29 Joseph, 15 Josiah, 29 Leonard, 15 Levi, 15 Lucina (Francis), Mrs.Elizur, IS. Lucretia, 15 Martha (Welles), Mrs. Elias, 26 Martin, 29 Mary 15, 19 Mary (Camp), Mrs. Francis, 15 Nancy, 15 Penelope, 14 Prudence, 19 Prudence, Mrs. Josiah, 29 Rebecca, 15, 26 Robert, 15 Roger, 15 Rosanna, 15 Sarah, 29 Selah, 15 Stephen, 15, 27, 28, 31 Sylvia, 15 Thomas, 14, 29 Titus, 30 Waitstill, 31 William, 26 Denorah, Jonathan, 28 Dewey, Sarah, 17 Dickinson, Ebenezer, 15, 31 Ebenezer, Jr., 15 Hannah, 15, 30 Mabel, Mrs. Ebenezer, 15 Oren, 15 Thomas, 32 Waitstill, 15, 30 Dunston, Elizabeth, 16 William, 16 Foster, Elizabeth, 23 Fox, Lydia, 16 36 Francis, Adonijah, 16 Allein, 16, 30 Amanda, (Manda), 16 Applcton Andrus, 16 Asa, 16, 30 Deborah, Mrs. Hezekiah, 16 Elias, 16, 31 Hannah, 16 Hezekiah, 16, 31 Hezekiah, Jr., 16 Hosea, 16, 30 James, 16, 30 Josiah, 16, 31 Justus, 16 Justus, 2d, 17 Keturah (Andrus), Mrs. Justus, 16 Levi, 16 Lucina, 15 Mary, 27 Milliscent (Stoddard), Mrs. Josiah, 16 Rachel, 16 Robert, 32 Roger, 16, 30 Rosewell, 16, 30 Sarah, 16 Sarah, widow of Thomas, t6, 27 Selah, 16 Seth Hunn, 16 Thankful (Hunn), Mrs. Elias, 16 Thomas, 16, 31 Frazier, Olive, 16 Fuller, Dinah, 22 Gad, 30 Irene, 16 Mary, 22 Gillett, Mary, 11 Goodrich, Benjamin, 17, 28, 31 David, 17, 32 Ebenezer, 31 Elizur, 17 Hannah, 15, 17 Honor, 13 John, 17 Mary, 17 Rhoda, 17, 26 Sarah, 17 Zebulon, 27, 31 Zebulon, Jr., 32 Graham, Clara, 17 Graham, Hannah, 17 Hannah (Hunn), Mrs. John, 17 John 1 , 17, 31 Love, 20 Mary, 17 Samuel, 17 Sarah, 17 Griswold, Josiah, 17 Mary, wife of Jonathan, 28 Guinea, [Negro], 25 H Hayden, Pelatiah, 25 Holabud, Charles, 27. See also Hurlbut Holebut, Charles, 28. See also Hurlbut Holtom, Abigail, 31 Hooker, Daniel, 29 Elijah, 32 Howard, Edward, 26 Hunn, David, 17 Elisheba, 17 Enos, 17 Esther (Smith), Mrs. Enos, 17 Eunice, 17 Gideon, 17, 27, 30, 31, 32 Hannah, 17 Jemima, 18 Rebecca, 17 Rebecca, Mrs. Gideon, 17 Samuel, 28, 29 Thankful, 16 Hurlbut, Holabud, Holebut, Abi- gail, 23 Absalom, 18 Amos, 17, 31 Charles, 17, 27, 2S, 31 Christopher, 31 Eleanor, (Ellener), 18 Eli, 30 Elias, 17, 31 Elizabeth, 14 Fitch, 18, 31 Hannah, 18 Jemima, 18 Jemima (Hunn), Mrs. Fitch, 18 Jerusha, 17 37 Hurlbut, John, 17, 26 John, 17, 26 Joseph, 31 Lemuel, 18 Levi, 18, 31 Lucy, 26 Martha, 18 Martha, Mrs. Charles, 17 Martha (Hurlbut), Mrs. Levi, t8 Mary, 19, 26 Mehitable, 18 Patience (Blinn), Mrs. Ehas, 18 Phebe, 12, 18 Phebe, Mrs. John, 26 Rhoda, 13. See also Blinn Roger, 18 Sarah (Latimer), Mrs. Amos, 17 Seth, 18 Sybil, 18 Tabitha (Nott), Mrs. Lemuel, James, [Negro], 30 Jennings, Israel, 13 Kilbourn, Abigail, 19 Anna, 14 Elizabeth, 14 Eunice, 18, 31 Eunice, Jr., 31 Happy, 19 Lois (Blinn), wife of Seth, 27 Mary (Deming), Mrs. Timothy, Jr., 19 Prudence (Deming), Mrs. Tim- othy, 19, 27 Seth, 19 Simon, 19 Timothy, 18, 31 Timothy, Jr., 19 Kirkham, Abigail, 19 Chloe, 29 Eunice, 19 Henry 19, 28, 31 John, 19, 29 Mary (Hurlbut), Mrs. Henry, 19 Roze'tta (Blinn), 21 Samuel, 19, 29 Samuel, Jr., 19 Sarah, 19 Judd, James, 31 K Katern, [Negro], 25 Kellogg, Anne, 14 Chester, 30 Cynthia, 18 Eleanor (Ellener), 18 Elizabeth, 26, 31 , , Elizabeth (Russell), widow of Stephen C, 18 Hannah, 18 Hannah (Robbins), Mrs. Mar- tin, Jr., 18 Jemima, 18 Martin, 18, 28, 29, 31 Martin, Jr., 18 Mary, 18, 20 Mary (Boardman), Mrs. Mar- tin, 18 Phineas, 18 Sarah, 23 Simeon, 30 Stephen, 30 Kelsey, Charles, 32 Enoch, 32 John, 31 Mary, 20 Landers, Landres, Benjamin, 19 Hannah, 19 Lemuel, 19 Samuel, 19 Samuel, Jr., 19 Sarah, 19 Sarah, Mrs. Samuel, 19 Vannaras, 19 Latimer, Dorothy (Smith), Mrs. Luther, 19 Esther, 19 Lois, 19 Luther, 19, 31 Olive, 19 Rhoda, 20 Sarah, 17, 19 Uzziel, 19 Lee, Josiah, Dea., 31 Stephen, 31 Loomis, Abigail, 24 Lowrey, David, 19, 31 Lucy, 19 Lucy (Cole), Mrs. David, 19 38 Lowrey, Mary, 19 Lusk, Abigail Belden, 20 Abigail (Belden), Mrs. James, 20 Elijab, 20 Ethan, 26 Hannah, 15 James, 20, 31 Jane, Mrs. John, 19, 27 John, 19, 31 Levi, 20 Love (Graham), Mrs. James, 20 Mary, 20 M Marks, Abisha, 20 Asahel, 20 Bildad, 20 Rhoda (Latimer), Mrs. Abisha, 20 Meekins, Rebecca, 13 Merrel, Mary, 31 Mills, Elizabeth, (Betsey), 20 Jedidiah, 20 Julia, 20 Sarah, (Sally), 20 Sarah (Andrus), Mrs. Jedidiah, 20 Mingo, [Negro], 25 Mitchell, Hannah (Warner), Mrs. James, 25 James, 25. 32 James, Jr., 25 William, 25 Mitchelson, Mary, 12 Morris, , 20 Munsell, Hannah, 24 Mygatt, Zebulon, 20 N Nott, Elizabeth, 24 Tabitha, 18 Patterson, James, 29 Pegg, [Negro], 25 Pomp, [Negro], 25 Pratt, Hannah (Wolcott), Mrs. Samuel, 27 Huklah, 27 Lydia, 27 Samuel, 27 Price, Abigail. 17 Jerusha, 25 Prince, [Negro], 25 R Richards, Janna, 20 Joseph, 20, 31 Joseph, Jr., 20 Lucretia, 20, 30 Lydia, Mrs. Samuel, 20 Mary (Kelsey), Airs. Joseph, 20 Oliver, 20 Pelatiah, 20, 30 Samuel, 20 Samuel, Dr., 31 Selah, 20 Seth, 20, 30 Thomas, 20 William, 20, 30 Robbins, Abigail, 21 Hannah, 18 Martin, 21 Mary (Kellogg), Mrs. Unni, 20 Prudence, 21 Thomas, 28 Unni, 20, 31 Unni, Jr., 21 Zebulon, Corporal, 28 Russell, David, 21 Elizabeth, 18 Seymour, Abel, 21 Abigail (Welles), Mrs. Ashbel, 26 Ashbel, 21. 26, 31 Ashbel, Jr., 26 Bavil, 31 David, 21 Elias, 21, 31 Elizabeth, 21 Elizabeth (Wolcott), Mrs. Elias, 21 Erastus, 26 Eunice, 21 George, 21 Jerusha, 21 39 Seymour, Lois, 21 Nancy, 21 Thankful, 21 Theodore, 21 Smith, Dorothy, 19 Elizabeth (Kellogg), Mrs. Jedi- diah, 26 Esther, 17 Jedidiah, 26 Luscinda, 21 Obadiah, 27 Squire, Squier, John, 21, 31 John, Jr., 21 Lois, 21, 29 Lucy, 21 Rhoda, 21 Rozetta, 21 Rozetta (Blinn, Kirkham), Mrs. John, 21 Standish, Hannah, 32 James, 32 Stedman, Elisha, 31 Steel, James, Jr., 31 Joseph, 21 Olive (Churchill), Mrs. Joseph, 21 Samuel, 32 Step, [Negro], 25 Stephens, Lois (Whaples), 11 Stoddard, Abigail, 22, 26 Abigail (Atwood), Mrs. Eh, 22 Anne, 22, 30 Anne (Andrus), Mrs. Solomon, 22 Benjamin, 22 Candace, 22 Chloe, 21 David, 22, 31 Dinah (Fuller), Mrs. Enoch, 22 Dorothy (Willard), Mrs. Elisha, 21 Eli, 22, 31 Elisha, 21, 27, 30 Elisha, Jr., 21 Elizabeth, 30 Enoch, 22, 31 Esther, 30 Eunice, 1 1 Honor, 22 Stoddard, Jehiel, 22 Jennet, 22 Jesse, 22 Jonathan, 22, 31 Jonathan, Jr., 22 Joseph, 22, 31 Joseph, Jr., 22 Levi, 22 Mabel, 30 Mary, 22 Mary (Fuller), Mrs. Joseph, 22 Melliscent, 16 Olive, 22 Percy, 22 Rhoda, 22 Roxalana, 22 Sahara, 22 Sahara (Andrus), Mrs. Jona- than, 22 Samuel, 30 Simeon, 21 Solomon, 22, 31 Sybil, 11 Thomas, 28, 31 Zebulon, 22, 28 Tryon, Aaron, 31 W Warner, Daniel, 23 Hannah, 25 Warren, Abraham, 28 Waters, Benjamin, 32 Weaver, Edward, 23 Hannah, 23 Mary, 23 Webster, David, 30 Medad, 31 Samuel, 31 Welles, Wells, Abigail, 23, 26 Abigail (Burnham), Mrs. Rob- ert, 23 Abigail (Hurlbut), Mrs. Robert, Jr., 23 Absalom, 23 Alma, 23 Appleton, 23, 27, 30 Austin, 24 Beulah, 24 Chester, 23 40 Welles, Clara, 23 Elijah, 23 Hannah, 23, 24 Hezekiah, 32 James, 23 James, Jr., 23 John, 29 Levi, 23 Lucy, 23 Lucy (Welles), Mrs. James, 23 Martha, 26 Martha, Mrs. William, 23 Rhoda, 23 Robert, 23, 30 Robert, Capt, 23. 27, 31 Robert, Ensign, 28 Robert, Jr., 23, 31 Sarah 11, 23 Sarah (Kellogg), Mrs. Elijah, 23 Simon, 30 Solomon, 32 Thomas, Capt., 2,2 William, 23, 31 Wentworth, Wintworth, Sion, 24 Whaples, Abigail, 23 Asenath, 12 Daniel, 31 Eli, 23, 31 Elisha, 22, 23, 31 Elizabeth (Baxter), Mrs. Eph- raim, 22 Elizabeth (Foster), Mrs. Eli, 23 Ephraim, 22, 28, 31 Ephraim, Jr., 22, 31 Hannah, 22 Honour, 23 Huldah, 22 Jonathan, Corporal, 28 Lois, 11 Phebe, 23 Reuben, 23, 29 Samuel, 22, Sarah, 23 White, Thomas, 2- Whiting, Honor (Goodrich), 13 Whittlesey, Chauncey, 24 Dorothy, 24 Hannah, 24 Hannah (Welles), Mrs. Lemuel, 24 Whittlesey, Jabez, Jr., 28 Jpsiah, 28 Lemuel, 24, 31, 32 Lemuel, Jr., 24, 27 Roger, 24 Willard, Chloe, 28, 29 Daniel, 24, 28, 29, 31 Daniel, Jr., 24, 30 Dorothy, 21, 28 Dorothy (Deming), Mrs. Daniel, 24, 28 Elizabeth, 24, 31 Ephraim, 29 Hannah, 24, 29 Honour, 24, 29 John, 28 Josiah, 11, 24, 28 Lydia, 24, 29 Mary, 29 Mrs., 28 Simon, 28 William, 24, 28, 29 Williams, Elisha, 29 Lois, 12 Winchell, Ezekiel, 24 Abigail, 2y Wolcott, Woolcott, Abigail, 27 Abigail (Loomis), Mrs. David, 24 Caleb. 25, 31 David, 24, 31 David, Jr., 24 Elizabeth, (Betsey), 24 Elizabeth (Nott), Mrs. George, 24, 27 F.Hzur, 25, 29 Eunice, 24, 25 George, 24, 27, 31 George, Jr., 24, 31 Hannah, 24, 27 Hannah (Munsell), Mrs. David. Jr., 24 Jerusha (Price), Mrs. Caleb, 25 Josiah, 24 Lois, 13 Lydia, 24 Samuel, 32 Sarah, (Sally), 24 William, 24 Wright, Abijah, 29 Asa, 29 41 Wright, David, (Drummer), 28 Wright, Lydia, 25 Elizabeth, 29 Michael, 25 Esther, 25 Sarah, 25 Esther (Andrus), widow of Thomas, 31 Thomas, 25 John, 25 Y Josiah, 29 Judah, 28 Young, Steadman, 28 A Census of Newington, Connecticut 1776 X CSff*