aass_Jt_kl_l Rnok ' H ^1 HISTORY OF Its Settlement and Growth. A COMPREHENSIVE COMPILATION OF PROGRESSIVE EVENTS CONCERNING THE COUNTIES, CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES — BIOGRAPH- ICAL SKETCHES OP THE PIONEERS AND BUSI- NESS MEN, WITH AN AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. SIOUX CITY: Western Ppblishing Company. 1882. ttf-^ Daily Jovrnal Steam Print, Sioux City, Iowa. i^~ ,^^rr=£^SV- ^'^^^ PREFACE. (^Jjr'EW entorprisess are more liable to misiinderstancling than a work of this char el -jj^ acter. The main trouble arises from confounding it with books in general. '^'6'^ A large, elegantly-bound volume— maybe a History of the World, or of some particular Nation, or embracing a scope of interest to a very consideral>le portion of mankind, in the gathering of material for which the continuous time and labor of but one person have been employed, and the sale.s of which are equally extensive and continuous with the very^ general and comprehensive na- ture of the whole — such a volume, we say, finds purchasers at so low a price as to make that asked for a work of the kind herewith presented seem dispropor- tionately large. Perhaps it is a work of fiction that is offered the purchasing public. Very well; the "Novel" is sumptuously bound, artistically illustrated, and contains a great number of closely printed pages; yet its price per copy is even less than that for which the Publishers offer their History of Western Iowa. Hence, not infi-equently individuals leap unthinkingly to inadequate and necessarily hasty conclusions, such as, that the price asked is exorbitant, and so on, for quantity. Such a mode of overleaping reasonableness naturally leads to de- preciation of the enterprise, and per consequence, many highly creditable works, having begun their career with a "damning by faint praise," have ended it m unthinking condemnation. Now, it is not the intention to argue or philosophize. We herewith present the results of half a year's diligent labor, which has occupied the entire time and at- tention of a number of competent men — labor not of the most inviting kind, but of a sort akin to drudgery. . And not only time and work, but money also to a not inconsiderable amount, has been expended. The Publishers ask you to re- member that the History op Western Iowa has been compiled for i/ou; that its sales are limited almost wholly to that portion of country the facts concern- ing which it recounts ; that, were it possible to send the books broadcast over the country, and sell them in every city, village and hamlet, the selling price could, and would, be proportionately reduced. The work is intended mainly for home consumption; the expense is large, the sales disproportionately small. In presenting this work to the citizens of Western Iowa, we do so at the very low- est possible margin of profit, and that, even, problematic. With these remarks, we trust we have established relations of friendly un- derstanding with every candid patron. The nature and plan of the work were fully ex Gained in the Prospectus, to the promises of which we have endeav- ored strictly to adhere. There are errors, of course; no book was ever published 6 PREFACE, that did not contain errors. These are most likely, in this instance, to occur in the Biographical Departments of the work. The persons approached by a mem- ber of the Publishing Staff in many instances themselves unintentionally give incorrect information ; the historian has no other means of knowing,- and so, trusting to the accuracy of the informant — especially as the matter sought is of personal concern to the informant himself — he "makes a note" of it, and trans- cribes it for the History. Hence, patrons should judge leniently concerning such errors as may appear; for, in both the matter ot compiling'and printing, no pains have been spared to insure the strictest accuracy. It goes without the snying. that it is not to the interest of either the Pub- lishers or their employes to pervert the facts in any case to the help or hurt of any one. And so, asking only a recognition of the difficulties, risk and unavoidable obstacles in the way of such an undertaking, we launch the History op West- ern Iowa upon the sea of popular favor, confident that it will meet with a reception in some degree commensurate to its merits. Very Respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. March, 1882. CONTENTS. Wage. Early History op Iowa 9 Indian Wars 23 Indian Purchases, Reserves and Treaties 32 Territorial History 49 State Organization ^. . . 59 Agricultural College 66 State University 67 State Historical Society j72 Penal Institutions 73 Insane Asylum 74 Blind Asylums 75 Deaf and Dumb Institute 76 Soldiers' Orphans' Homes 77 State Normal School 78 Asylum for Feeble-Minded 79 Reform School 80 Fish Hatchery 81 Public Lands 82 School System 99 Political Record 104 War Record 110 Abstracts of Iowa Laws 117 Rules for Everyday Use 149 Population of Iowa 156 Population of United States 158 Geological and Physical Features . 159 Woodbury County 175 Sioux City 181 Sloan 214 Sioux City Biographies 217 Sloan Biographies 241 Monona County 243 Onawa 248 Mapleton 252 Whiting 255 Page. Onawa Biographies 255 Mapleton Biographies 257 Whiting Biographies 259 Cherokee County .260 Cherokee 267 Marcus 274 Cherokee Biographies 276 Marcus Biographies 283 Harrison County 285 Mondamin 290 River Sioux 293 Woodbine 295 Modale 298 Dunlap 301 Little Sioux 306 Missouri Valley Logan 814 Couiity Details 319 Missouri Valley Biographies. 322 Logan Biographies 328 Mondamin Biographies 337 Modale Biographies 339 Little Sioux Biographies 340 Woodbine Biographies 343 Dunlap Biographies 347 Magnolia Biographies 354 River Sioux Biographies 355 O'Brien County 356 Primghar 357 Sheldon 359 Sanborn 363 Hartley 365 Sheldon Biogi-apliies 366 Primghar Biographies 369 Hartley Biographies 372 Sanborn Biographies 373 8 CONTENTS. Page Osceola County 377 Sibley 378 Ashton 382 Sibley Biographies 382 Plymouth County 387 LeMars 388 LeMars Biographies 395 Shelby County 403 Hai-lan 405 Harlan Biographies 414 Clay County 430 Spencer 431 Spencer Biographies 436 BuENA Vista County 440 Storm Lake 442 Sioux Rapids 448 Alta 450 Newell 452 Storm Lake Biographies .... 454 Alta Biographies 460 Newell Biographies 461 Crawford County 465 Denison 470 Vail 476 West Side 480 Dow City 483 Page Denison Biogi-aphies 487 Vail Biographies 492 West Side Biographies 496 Dow City Biographies 497 Carroll County 499 CaiToll City 503 Arcadia 508 Glidden 512 Canoll City Biographies 514 Arcadia Biographies 518 Glidden Biographies 519 Sac County 522 Sac City 628 Odebolt 531 WaU Lake 534 Fletcher 536 Sac City Biographies 538 Odebolt Biographies 547 Wall Lake Biographies 553 Fletcher Biographies 555 1 DA County" 557 Ida Grove 558 Battle Creek 563 Ida Grove Biographies 565 Battle Creek Biographies . . . 568 History of Iowa, DISCOVERY AND OCCUPATION. The name Iowa is said to signify " The Beautiful Land," and was applied to this magnificent and fruitful region by its ancient owners, to express their appreciation of its superiority of climate, soil and location. Prior to 1803, the Mississippi River was the extreme western boundary of the United States. All the great empire lying west of the " Father of Waters," from the Gulf of Mexico on the south to British America on the north, and west- ward to the Pacific Ocean, was a Spanish province. A brief historical sketch of the discovery and occupation of tliis great empire by the Spanish and French governments will be a fitting introduction to the history of the young and thriving State of Iowa, which, until the commencement of the present century, was a part of the Spanish possessions in America. Early in the Spring of 1542, Ferdinand DeSoto discovered the mouth of the Mississippi River at the mouth of the Washita. After the sudden death of DeSoto, in May of the same year, his followers built a small vessel, and in July, 1543, descended the great river to the Gulf of Mexico. In accordance with the usage of nations, under which title to the soil was claimed by right of discovery, Spain, having con- quered Florida and discovered the Mississippi, claimed all the territory bordering on that river and the Gulf of Mexico. But it was also held by the European nations that, while discovery gave title, that title must be perfected by actual possession and occupation. Although Spain claimed the territory by right of first discovery, she made no effort to occupy it; by no permanent settlement had she perfected and held her title, and therefore had forfeited it when, at a later period, the Lower Mississippi Valley was re- discovered and occupied by France. The labors of the zealous French Jesuits of Canada in penetrat- ing the unknown region of the West, commencing in 1611, form a history of no ordinary interest, but have no particular connec- tion with the scope of the present work, until in the Fall of 1665. Pierre Claude Aliouez, who had entered Lake Superior in Septem- ber, and sailed along the southern coast in search of copper, had arrived at the great village of the Chippewas at Chegoincegon. Here a grand council of some ten or twelve of the principal Indian nations was held. The Pottawatomies of Lake Michigan, the Sacs and Foxes of the West, the Hurons fron the North, the 10 HISTORY OF IOWA. Illinois from the South, and the Sioux from the land of the prairie and wild rice, were all assembled there. The Illinois told the story of their ancient glory and about the noble river on the banks of which they dwelt. The Sioux also told their white brother of the same great river, and Allouez promised to the assembled tribes the protection of the French nation against all their enemies, native or foreign. The purpose of discovering the great river about which the Indian nations had given such glowing accounts, appears to have originated with Marquette, in 1669. In the year previous, he and Claude Dablon had established the Mission of St. Mary's, the oldest V^white settlement within the present limits of the State of Michigan. Marquette was delayed in the execution of his great undertaking, and spent the interval in studying the language and habits of the Illinois Indians, among whom he expected to travel. About this time the French Government had determined to extend the Dominion of France to the extreme western borders of Canada. Nicholas Perrot was sent as the agent of the govern- ment, to propose a grand council of the Indian nations, at St. Mary's. W hen Perrot reached Green Bay, he ex^nded the invitation far and near; and, escorted by Pottawatomies, repaired on a mission of peace and friendship to the Miamis, who occupied the region about the present location of Chicago. In May 1671, a great council of Indians gathered at the Falls of St. Mary, from all parts of the northwest, from the headwaters of the St. Lawrence, from the valley of the Mississippi and from the Red River of the North. Perrot met with them, and after grave consultation, formally announced to the assembled nations that their good French Father felt an abiding interest in their welfare, and had placed them all under the powerful protection of the French Government. Marquette, during that same year, had gathered at Point St. Ignace the remnants of one branch of the Hurons. This station, for a long series of years, was considered the key to the unknown West. The time was now auspicious for the consummation of Mar- quette's grand project. The successful termination of Perrot's mission, and the general friendliness of the native tribes, rendered the contemplated expedition much less perilous. But it was not until 1673 that the intrepid and enthusiastic priest was finally ready to depart on his daring and perilous journey to lands never trod by white men. Having implored the blessing of God upon his undertaking, on the 13th day of May, 1673, with Joliet and five Canadian-French voyageurs, or boatmen, he left the mission on his daring journey. Ascending Green Bay and Fox River, these bold and enthusiastic pioneers of religion and^ discovery pro- ceeded until they reached a Miami and Kickapoo village, where Marquette was delighted to find " a beautiful cross planted in the HISTORY OF IOWA. 11 middle of the town, ornamented with white skins, red girdles and bows and arrows, which these good people had offered to the Great Manitou, or God, to thank Him for the pity He had bestowed on them during the winter,in having given them abundant chase." This was the extreme point beyond which the explorations of the French missionaries had not then extended. He called together the principal men of the village, and informed them that his com- panion, Joiiet, had been sent by the French Governor of Canada to discover new countries, to be added to the dominion of France; but that he, himself, had been sent by the Most High God, to carry the glorious religion of the Cross; and assured his wondering hearers that on this mission he had no fear of death, to which he knew he would be exposed on his perilous journeys. Obtaining the services of two Miami gu ides, to conduct his little band to the Wisconsin River, he left the hospitable Indians on the 10th of June. Conducting them across the portage, their Indian guides returned to their village, and tlie little party descended the Wisconsin, to the great river which had so long been so anxiously looked for, and boldly floated down its unknown waters. On the 25th of June, the explorers discovered indications of Indians on the west bank of the river, and lauded a little above the mouth of the river now known as Des Moines, and for the first time Europeans trod the soil of Iowa. Leaving the Canadians to guard the canoes, Marquette and Joiiet boldly followed the trail into the interior for fourteen miles (some authorities say six), to an Indian village situated on the banks of a river, and discovered two other villages, on the rising ground about half a league dis- tant. Their visit, while it created much astonishment, did not seem to be entirely unexpected, for there was a tradition or prophecy among the Indians that white visitors were to come to them. They were, therefore, received with great respect and hospitality, and were cordially tendered the calumet or pipe of peace. They were informed that this band was a part of the Illini nation, and that their village was called Monin-gou-ma or Moingona, which was the name of the river on which it stood. This, from its similarity of sound, Marquette corrupted into Des Moines (Monk's River), its present name. Here the voyagers remained six days, learning much of the manners and customs of their new friends. The new religion they boldly preached, and the authority of the King of France they proclaimed were received without hostility or remonstrance by their savage entertainers. On their departure, they were accompanied to their canoes by the chiefs and hundreds of warriors. Mar- quette received from them the sacred calumet, the emblem of peace and safeguard among the nations, and re-embarked for the rest of his journey. In 1682, LaSalle descended the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico and in the name of the King of France took formal possession. 12 HISTORY CF IOWA. of all the immense region watered by the great river and its tributaries from its source to its mouth, and named it Louisiana, in honor of his master, Louis XIV. At the close of the seven- teenth century, France claimed, by right of discovery and occu- pancy, the whole valley of the Mississippi and its tributaries, in- cluding Texas, as far as the Rio del Norte. In 1719, Phillipe Francis Renault arrived in Illinois with two hundred miners and artisans. The war between France and Spain at this time rendered it extremely probable that the Mississippi Valley might become the theater of Spanish hostilities against the French settlements; to prevent this, as well as to extend French claims, a chain of forts was begun, to keep open the connection between the mouth and the sources of the Mississippi. Fort Or- leans, high up the Mississippi River, was erected as an outpost in 1720. The Mississippi scheme was at the zenith of its power and glory in January, 1720, but the gigantic bubble collapsed more suddenly than it had been inflated, and the Company was declared hopelessly bankrupt in May following. France was impoverished by it, both private and public credit were overthrown, capitalists suddenly found themselves paupers, and labor was left without employment. The effect on the colony of Louisiana was disastrous. While this was going on in Lower Louisiana the region about the lakes was the theaterof Indian hostilities,rendering the passage from Canada to Louisiana extremely dangerous for many years. The Englishhad not only extended their Indian trade into the vicinity of the French settlements, but through their friends, the Iroquois, had gained a marked ascendancy over the Foxes, a fierce and powerful tribe, of Iroquois descent, whom they incited to hostilities against the French. The Foxes began their hostilities with the siege of Detroit in 1712, a siege which continued for nineteen consecutive days, and although the expedition resulted in diminishing their num- bers and humbling their pride, yet it was not until after several suc- cessive campaigns, embodying the best military resources of New France, had been dii*ected against them, that they were finally de- feated at the great battles of Butte desMorts, and on the Wiscon- sin River, and driven west in 1746, The Company, having found that the cost of defending Louisi- ana exceeded the returns from its commerce, solicited leave to sur- render the Mississippi wilderness to the home government. Ac- cordingly, on the 10th of April, 1732, the jurisdiction and control over the commerce reverted to the Crown of France. The Com- pany had held possession of Louisiana fourteen years. In 1735, Bienville returned to assume command for the King. A glance at a few of the old French settlements will show the progress made in portions of Louisiana during the early part of the eighteenth century. As early as 1705, traders and hunters had penetrated the fertile regions of the Wabash, and from this region, HISTORY OF IOWA. 13 at that early date, fifteen thousand hides and skins had been col- lected and sent to IVIobile for the European market. In the year 1716, the French population on the Wabash kept up a lucrative commerce with Mobile by means of traders and voyag- eurs. The Ohio river was comparatively unknown. In 1716, agriculture on the Wabash had attained to greater pros- perity than in any of the French settlements besides, and in that year six hundred barrels of flour were manufactured and shipped to New Orleans, together with considerable quantities of hide, peltry, tallow and beeswax. In the Illinois country, also, considerable settlements had been ymade, so that, in 1730, they embraced one hundred and forty French ^ families, about six hundred "converted Indians," and many trad- ers and voyageurs. In 1753, the first actual conflict arose between Louisiana and the Atlantic colonies. From the earliest advent of the Jesuit fathers, up to the period of which we speak, the great ambition of the French had been, not alone to preserve their possessions in the West, but by every possible means to prevent the slightest attempt of the English, east of the mountains, to extend their settlements toward the Mississippi. France was resolved on retaining posses- sion of the great territory which her missionaries had discovered and revealed to the world. French commandants had avowed their intention of seizing every Englishman within the Ohio Valley, The colonies of Pennsylvania, New York and Virginia were most affected by the encroachments of France in the extension of her dominion; and particularly in the great scheme of uniting Canada with Louisiana. To carry out this purpose the French had taken possession of a tract of country claimed by Virginia, and had com- menced a line of forts extending from the lakes to the Ohio River. Virginia was not only alive to her own interests, but attentive to the vast importance of an immediate and efl'ectual resistance on the part of all the English colonies to the actual and contemplatad en- croachments of the French. In 1753, Governor Dinwiddie, of Virginia, sent George Wash- ington, then a young man just twenty-one, to demand of the French commandant "a reason for invading British dominions while a solid peace subsisted." Washington met the French commandant, Gardeur de St. Pierre, on the head waters of the Alleghany, and having communicated to him the object of his journey, received the insolent answer that the French would not discuss the matter of right, but would make prisoners of every Englishman found trading on the Ohio and its waters. The country, he said belonged to the French, by virtue of the discoveries of La Salle, and they Avould not withdraw from it. In January, 1754, Washington returned to Virginia, and made his report to the Governor and Council. Forces were at once raised and Washington, as Lieutenant Colonel, was dispatched at the 14 HISTOET OF IOWA. head of a hundred and fifty men, to the forks of the Ohio, with or- ders to "finish the fort ah-eady begun there by the Ohio Company^ and to make prisoners, kill or destroy all who interrupted the, Eng- lish settlements." On his march through the forests of AVestern Pennsylvania,. Washington, through the aid of friendly Indians, discovered the French concealed among the rocks, and as they ran to seize their arms, ordered his men to ffre upon them, at the same time, with his own musket, setting the example. An action lasting about a quarter of an hour ensued; ten of the Frenchmen were killed,, among them Jumonville, the commander of the party, and twenty- one were made prisoners. The dead were scalped by the Indians, and the chief, bearing a tomahawk and a scalp, visited all the tribes of th e Miam is, urging them to join the Six Nations and English against the French. The French, however, were soon re-enforced and Col. Washington was compelled to return to Fort Necessity. Here, on the 3d day of July, De Villiers invested the fort with GOO' French troops and 100 Indians. On the 4th, Washington accept- ed terms of capitulation and the English garrison withdrew from the valley of the Ohio. This attack of Washington upon Jumonville aroused the indig- nation of France, and war was formally declared in May, 1756, and the " French and Indian War" devastated the colonies for several years. Montreal, Detroit and all Canada were surrendered to the English, and on the 10th of February, 1763, by the treaty of Par- is — which had been signed, though not formally ratified by the re- spective governments, on the 3d of November, 1762 — France re- linquished to Great Britain all that portion of the province of Lou- isiana lying on the east side of the Mississippi, except the island and town of New Orleans. On the same day that the treaty of Paris was signed France, by a secret treaty, ceded to Spain all her possessions on the west side of the Mississippi, including the whole country to the head waters of the Great River, and west to the Rocky Mountains, and the jurisdiction of France in America, which had lasted nearly a century, was ended. At the close of the Revolutionary war, by the treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States'^ the English Govern- ment ceded to the latter all the territory on the east side of the Mississippi River and north of the thirty-first parallel of north latitude. At the same time. Great Britain ceded to Spain all the Floridas, comprising all the territory east of the Mississippi and south of the southern limits of the United States. At this time, therefore, the present State of Iowa was a part of the Spanish possessions in North America, as all the territory west of the Mississippi River was under the dominion of Spain. That government also possessed all the territory of the Floridas east of the gieat river and south of the thirty-first parallel of north lati- tude. The Mississippi, therefore, so essential to the prosperity of HISTORY OF IOWA. 15 the western portion of the United States, for the last three hun- dred miles of its coarse flowed wholly within the Spanish domin- ions, and that government claimed the exclusive right to use and control it below the southern boundary of the United States. The free navigation of the Mississippi was a very important question during all the time that Louisana remained a dependency of the Spanish Crown, and as the final settlement intimately af- fected the status of the then future State of Iowa, it will be in- teresting to trace its progress. The people of the United States occupied and exercised juris- diction over the entire eastern valley of the Mississippi, embracing all the country drained by its eastern tributaries; they had a nat- ural right, according to the accepted international law, to follow these rivers to the sea, and to the use of the Mississippi River ac- cordingly, as the great natural channel of commerce. The river was not only necessary but absolutely indispensable to the pros- perity and growth of the western settlements then rapidly rising into commercial and political importance. They were situated iiL the heart of the great valley, and with wonderful expansive ener- gies and accumulating resources, it was very evident that no power on earth could deprive them of the free use of the river below^ them, only while their numbers were insuflficient to enable them to maintain their right by force. Inevitably, therefore, immedia- tely after the ratification of the treaty of 1785, the Western peo- ple began to demand the free navigation of the Mississippi — not as a favor, but as a right. In 1786, both banks of the river, below the mouth of the Ohio, were occupied by Spain, and military posts. on the east bank enforced her power to exact heavy duties on alt imports by way of the river for the Ohio region. Every boat de- cendingtlie river was forced to land and submit to the arbitrary revenue exactions of the Spanish authorities. Under the admin- istration of Governor Miro. these rigorous exactions were some- what relaxed from 1787 to 1790: but Spain held it as her right to make them. Taking advantage of the claim of the American peo- ple, that the Mississippi should be opened to them, in 1791, the Spanish Government concocted a scheme for the dismembership of the Union. The plan was to induce the Western people to sep- arate from the Eastern States by liberal land grants and extraor- dinary commercial privileges. Spanish emissaries, among the people of Ohio and Kentucky, in- formed them that the Spanish Government would grant them fa- vorable commercial privileges, provided they Avould secede from the Federal Government east of the mountains. The Spanish Minister to the United States plainly declared to his confidential correspondent that, unless the Western people would declare their independence and refuse to remain in the Union, Spain was deter- mined never to grant the f^ee navigation of the Mississippi. 16 HISTOEY OF IOWA. By the treaty of Madrid, October 20, 1795, however, Spain form- ally stipulated that the Mississippi River, from its source to the Gulf, for its entire width, shoukl be free to American trade and commerce, and that the people of the United States should be per- mitted for three years, to use the port of New Orleans as a port of deposit for their merchandize and produce, duty free. In November, 1801, the United States Government received, through Rufus King, its Minister at the Court of St. James, a copy of the treaty between Spain and France, signed at Madrid, March 21, 1801, by which the session of Louisiana to France, made the previous autumn, was confirmed. The change oifered a favorable opportunity to secure the just rights of the United States, in relation to the free navigation of the Mississippi, and ended the attempt to dismember the Union by an effort to secure an independent government west of the Al- leghany Mountains. On the 7th day of January, 1803, the Amer- ican House of Representatives adopted a resolution declaring their ''unalterable determination to maintain the boundaries and the rights of navigation and commerce through the River Mississippi, as established by existing treaties." In the same month. President Jefferson nominated and the Sen- ate confirmed Rob ert R. Liv ingston and James Monroe as Envoys Plenipotentiary to the Court of France, and Charles Pinckney and James Monroe to the Court of Spain, with plenar}^ power to ne- gotiate treaties to effect the object enunciated by the popular branch of the National Legislature. These envoys were instructed to secure, if possible, the cession of Florida and New Orleans, but it does not appear that Mr. Jefferson and his cabinet had any idea of purchasing that part of Louisiana lying on the west side of the Mississippi. In fact, on the 2d of March following, the instruc- tions w^re sent to our Ministers, containing a plan which express- ly left to France "all her territory on the west side of the Mississ- ippi." Had these instructions been followed, it might have been that there would not have been any State of Iowa or any other member of the glorious Union of States west of the ''Father of Waters." In obedience to his instructions, however, Mr. Livingston broached this plan to M. Talleyrand, Napoleon's Prime Minister, when that courtly diplomatist quietly suggested to the American Minister that France might be willing to cede the whole French domain in North America to the United States, and asked how much the Federal Government would be willing to give for it. Livingston intimated that twenty millicns of francs might be a fair price. Talleyrand thought that not enough, but asked the Americans to ''think of it." A few days later, Napoleon, in an interview with Mr. Livingston, in effect informed the American Envoy that he had secured Louisiana in a contract with Spain for the purpose of turning it over to the United States for a mere HISTOKY OF IOWA. 17 nominal sum. He had been compelled to provide for the safety of that province by the treaty, and he was "anxious to give the United States a magnificent bargain for a m3re trifle." The price proposed was one hundred and twenty-five million francs. This was subsequently modified to fifteen million d(3llars, and on this basis a treaty was negotiated, and Avas signed on the 30th day of April, 1S03. This treaty was ratified by the Federal Government, and by act of Congress, approved October 31. 1803, the President of the United States was authorized to take possession of the territory and provide for it a temporary government. Accordingly, on the 20th day of September following, on behalf of the President, Gov. Clairborne and Gen. Wilkinson took possession of the Louis- iana purchase, and raised the American flag over the newly ac- quired" domain, at New Orleans. Spain, although it had by treaty ceded the province to France in 1801, still held quasi possession and at first objected to the transfer, but withdrew her opposition early in 1801. By this treaty, thus successfully consummated, and the peace- able withdrawal of Spain, the then infant nation of the New World extended its dominion west of the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean, and north from the Gulf of Mexico tc British America. If the original design of Jefferson's administration had been accomplished, the United States would have accquired only that portion of the French territory lying east of the Mississippi River, and while the American people would thus have acquired the free navigation of that great river, all of the vast and fertile empire on the west, so rich in its agricultural and inexhaustible mineral resources, would have remained under the dominion of a foreign power. To Napoleon's desire to sell the whole of his North American possessions, and Livingston's act transcending his in- structions, which was acquiesced in after it Avas done, does Iowa owe her position as a part of the United States by the Louisiana purchase. By authority of an act of Congress, approved March 26. 1801, the newly acquired territory was. on the 1st day of October follow- ing, divided: that part lying south of the 33d parallel of north latitute was called the Territory of Orleans, and all north of that parallel the District of Louisiana, which was placed under the authority of the officers of Indiana Territory, until July 4, 1805, when it was organized with territorial government of its own, and so remained until 1812, when theTerritorv of Orleans became the State of Louisiana, and the name of the Territory of Louisiana w^as changed to Missouri. On the 1th of July, 1811, that part of Missouri Territoi'y comprising the present State of Arkansas, and the country to the westward, was organized into the Arkansas Territory. 18 HISTCBY OF IOWA. On the 2d of March, 1S21, the State of Missouri, being a part* of the territory of that name, was admitted to the Union, June 28, 1834, the territory west of the Mississippi River and north of Missouri, was made apart of the Territory of Michigan; but two years later, on the 4th of July, 1836, Wisconsin Territory was erected, embracing within its limits the present States of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. By act of Congress, approved June 12, 1838, the TEREITORY OF IOWA was erected, comprising, in addition to the present State, much the larger part of Minnesota, and extending north to the boundary of the British possessions. THE ORIGINAL OWNERS. Having traced the early history of the great empire lying west of the Mississippi, of which the State of Iowa constitutes a part, from the earliest discovery to the organization of the Territory of Iowa, it becomes necessary to give some history of the Indians of Iowa. According to the policy of the European nations, possession perfected title to any territory. We have seen that the country west of the Mississippi was first discovered by the Spaniards, but afterward, was visited and occupied by the French. It was ceded by France to Spain, and by Spain back to France again, and then was purchased and occupied by the United States. During all that time, it does not appear to have entered into the heads or hearts of the high contracting parties that the country they bought, sold and gave away was in the possession of a race of men who, although savage, owned the vast domain before Columbus first crossed the Atlantic. Having purchased the territory, the United States found it still in the possession of its original owners, who had never been dispossessed; and it became necessary to purchase again what had already been bought before, or forcibly eject the occupants; therefore, the history of the Indian nations who occu- pied Iowa prior to and during its early settlement by the whites, becomes an important chapter in the history of the State, that cannot be omitted. For more than one hundred years after Marquette and Joliet trod the virgin soil of Iowa, not a single settlement -had been made or attempted; not even a trading post had been established. The whole country remained in the undisputed possession of the native tribes, who roamed at will over her beautiful and fertile prairies, hunted in her woods, tished in her streams, and often poured out their life-blood in obstinately contested contests for supremacy. That this State so aptly styled " The Beautiful Land," had been the theater of numerous, fierce and bloody struggles between rival nations, for possession of the favored region, long before its settle- ment by civilized man, there is no room for doubt. In these HISTOKY OF IOWA. 19 savage wars, the weaker party, whether aggressive or defensive, was either exterminated or driven from their ancient hunting grounds. In 1673, when Marquette discovered Iowa, the Illini were a very- powerful people, occupying a large portion of the State; but when the country was again visited by the whites, not a remnant of that once powerful tribe remained on the west side of the Mississippi^ and Iowa was principally in the possession of the Sacs and Foxes^'*^ a war-like tribe which, originally two distinct nations, residing in. New York and on the waters of the St. Lawrence, had gradually fought their way westward, and united, probably, after the Foxes had been driven out of the Fox River country, in 1846, and crossed the Mississippi. The death of Pontiac, a famous Sac chieftain^ was made the pretext for war against the Illini, and a fierce and bloody struggle ensued, which continued until the Illinois were nearly destroyed and their hunting grounds possessed by their victorious foes. The lowas also occupied a portion of the State for a time, in common with the Sacs, but they, too, were nearly destroyed by the Sacs and Foxes, and, in "The Beautiful Land,'* these natives met their equally warlike foes, the North erji^i oux. with whom they maintained a constant warfare for the possession of the country for many years. When the United States came in possession of the great valley of the Mississippi, by the Louisiana purchase, the Sacs and Foxes | and lowas possessed the entire territory now comprising the State I of Iowa. The Sacs and Foxes, also, occupied the most of the State of Illinois. Th e Sacs had four prin cipal villages, where most of them resided, viz: Their largest and most important town — if an Indian village may be called such — and from which emanated most of the obstacles and difficulties encountered by the Govern- ment in the extinguishment of Indian titles to land in this region, was on Rock River, near Rock Island; another was on the east bank of the Mississippi, near the mouth of Henderson River; the third Avas at the head of the Des Moines Rapids, near the present site of Montrose, and the fourth Avas near the mouth of the Upper Iowa. The Fox^s had three principal villages, viz: One on the west side oT^tlie Mississippi, six miles above the rapids of Rock River; another about twelve miles from the river, in the rear of the Dubuque lead mines, and the third on Turkey River. The lowas, at one time identified with the Sacs, of Rock River, had withdrawn from them and beco me a sep arate_jtrib£. Their principal village was on the Des Moines River, in Van Buren County, on the site where lowaville now stands. Here the last great battle between the Sac s and Foxes a nd the lowas was fought, in which Black Hawk, then a young man, commanded one division of the attacking forces. 20 HISTORY OF IOWA. The Sacs and Foxes, prior to the settlement of their village on Rock River, had a fierce conflict with the Winnebagoes, subdued them and took possession of their lands. Their village on Rock River, at one time, contained upward of sixty lodges, and was among the largest Indian villages on the continent. In 1825, the Secretary of War estimated the entire number of the Sacs and Foxes at 4,600 souls. Their village Avas situated in the immediate vicinity of the upper rapids of the Mississippi, where the beautiful and flourishing towns of Rock Island and Davenport are now situ- ated. The beautiful scenery of the island, the extensive prairies, dotted over with groves; the picturesque bluff's along the river banks, the rich and fertile soil, producing large crops of corn, squash and other vegetables, with little labor; the abundance of wild fruit, game, fish, and almost everything calculated to make it a delightful spot for an Indian village, which was found there, had made this place a favorite home of the Sacs, and secured for it the strong attachment and veneration of the whole nation. North of the hunting grounds of the Sacs and Foxes, were those of the Sioux, a fierce and warlike nation, who often disputed pos- session with their rivals in savage and bloody warfare. The pos- sessions of these tribes were mostly located in Minnesota, but extended over a portion of Northern and Western Iowa to the Mis- souri River. Their descent from the north upon the hunting grounds o f Iowa fr equently brought them into collision with the Sacs and Foxes; and after many a conflict and bloody struggle, a boundary line was established between them by the Government of the United States, in a treaty held at Prairie du Chien, in 1825. But this, instead of settling the difficulties, caused them to quarrel all the more, in consequence of alleged trespasses upon each other's side of the line. These contests were kept up and became so unre- lenting that, in 1830, Government bought of the respective tribes of the Sacs and Foxes, and the Sioux, a strip of land twenty miles in width, on both sides of the line, and thus throwing them forty miles apart by creating between them a "neutral ground," com- manded them to cease their hostilities. Both the Sacs and Foxes and the Sioux, however, were allowed to fish and hunt on this ground unmolested, provided they did not interfere with each other on United States territory. The Sacs and Foxes and the Sioux were deadly enemies, and neither let an opportunity to punish the other pass unimproved. In April, 1852, a fight occurred between the Musquakj^ band of Sacs and Foxes and a band of Sioux, about six miles above Algona, in Kossuth County, on the west side of the Des Moines River. The Sacs and Foxes were under the leadership of Ko-ko-wah, a subordinate chief, and had gone up from their home in Tama County, by way of Clear Lake, to what was then the ''neutral ground." At Clear Lake, Ko-ko-wah was informed that a party of Sioux were encamped on the west side of the East Fork of the Des HISTORY OF IOWA, 21 Moines, and he determined to attack them. With sixty of his warriors, he started and arrived at a point on the east side of the river, about a mile above the Sioux encampment, in the night, and concealed themselves in a grove, where they were able to discover the position and strength of their hereditary foes. The next morn- ing, after many of the Sioux braves had left their camp on hunting tours, the vindictive Sacs and Foxes crossed the river and suddenly attacked the camp. The conflict was desperate for a short time, but the advantage was with the assailants, and the Sioux were routed. Sixteen of them, including some of their women and children, were killed, and a boy 14 years old was captured. One of the Musquakas was shot in the breast by a squaw as they were rushing into the Sioux's camp. He started to run away, when the same brave squaw shot him through the body, at a distance of twenty rods, and he fell dead. Three other Sac braves were killed. But few of the Sioux escaped. The victorious party hurriedly buried their own dead, leaving the dead Sioux above ground, and made their way home, with their captive, with all possible expedition, pike's EXPEDITIOlf. Very soon after the acquisition of Louisiana the United States Government adopted measures for the exploration of the new ter- ritory, having in view the conciliation of the numerous tribes of Indians by whom it was possessed, and, also, the selection of proper sites for the establishment of military posts and trading stations. The Army of the West, Gen. James Wilkinson commanding, had its headquarters at St. Louis. From this post. Captains Lewis and Clarke, with a sufficient force, were detailed to explore the unknown sources of the Missouri, and Lieut. Zebulon M. Pike, to ascend to the head waters of the Mississippi, Lieut. Pike, with one Ser- geant, two Corporals and seventeen privates, left the military camp, near St. Louis, in a keel-boat, with four month's rations, on the 9th day of August, 1805, On the 20th of the same month, the ex- pedition arrived within the present limit of Iowa, at the foot of the Des Moines Rapids, where Pike met William Fwing , who had just been appointed Indian agent at this point, a French interpreter and four chiefs and fifteen Sac and Fox warriors. At the head of the rapids, where Montrose is now situated. Pike held a council w^th the Indians, in which he addressed them sub- stantially as follows: " Your great Father, the President of the United States wished to be more intimately acquainted with the situation and wants of the difl'erent nations of red people in our newly acquired territory of Louisiana, and has ordered the General to send a number of his warriors in different directions to take them by the hand and make such inquiries as might afford the sat- isfaction required." At the close of the council he presented the red men with some knives, whisky and tobacco. Purstiing his way up the river, he arrived, on the 23d of August, at what is supposed, from his description,to be the site of the pres- 22 HISTOEY OF IOWA. ent city of Burlington, which he selected as the location of a mili- tary post. He describes the place as being "'ori a hill, about forty miles above the River de Moyue Rapids, on the west side of the river in latitude about 41 degrees 21 minutes north. The channel of the river runs on that shore; the hill in front is about sixty feet perpendicular; nearly level on top; four hundred yards in the rear is a small prairie fit for gardening, and immediately under the hill is a limestone spring, sufficient for the consumption of a whole reg- iment." In additioii to this description, which corresponds to Bur- lington, the spot is laid down on his map at a bend in the river a short distance below the mouth of the Henderson, which pours its waters into the Mississippi from Dlinois. The fort was built at Fort Madison, but from the distance, latitude, description and map furnished by Pike, it could not have been the place selected by him while all the circumstances corroborate the opinion that the place he selected was the spot where Burlington is now located, called by the early voyagers on the Mississippi, '' Flint Hills." On the 2-lth, with one of his men, he went on shore on a hunt- ing expedition, and following a stream which they supposed to be a part of the Mississippi, they were led away from their course. Owing to the intense heat ahd tall grass, his two favorite dogs, which he had taken with him, became exhausted and he left them on the prairie, supposing that they would follow him as soon as they should get rested, and went on to overtake his boat. Reach- ing the river, he waited some time for his canine friends, but they did not come, and as he deemed it inexpedient to detain the boat longer, two of his men volunteered to go in pursuit of them, and he continued on his way up the river, expecting that the two men would soon overtake him. They lost their way, however, and for six days were without food, except a few morsels gathered from the stream, and might have perished had they not accidentally met a trader from St. Louis, who induced two Indians to take them up the river, and they overtook the boat at Dubuque. At Dubuque Pike was cordiully received by Julien Dubuque, a Frenchman, who held a mining claim under a grant from Spain. Dubuque had an old field piece and fired a salute in honor of the advent of the first Americans who had visited that part of the Ter- ritory. Dubuque, however, was not disposed to publish the wealth of his mines, and the young and apparently inquisitive officer could obtain but little information from him. After leaving this place. Pike pursued his way up the river, but as he passed beyond the limits of the present State of Iowa, a detailed history of his explorations on the upper waters of the Mis- sissippi more properly belongs to the history of another State. It is sufficient to say that on the site of Fort Snellmg, Minneso- ta, at the mouth of the Minnesota River, Pike held a council with the Sioux, September 23, and obtained from them a grant of one hundred thousand acres of land. On the 8th of January 1806, HISTORY OF IOWA. 23 Pike arrived at a trading post belonging to the Northwest Com- pany, on Lake De iSable in hititude -17 ^ . At this time the then po^rerful Northwest Company carried on their immense operations from Hudson's Bay to the St. Lawrence: up that river on both sides, along the Great Lakes to the head of Lake Superior, thence to the sources of the Red River of the North, and west to the Rocky Mountains, embracing within the scope of their operations the en- tire Territory of Iowa. After successfully accomplishing his mis- sion, and performing a valuable service to Iowa and the whole Northwest, Pike returned to St. Louis, arriving there on the 30th of April, 1806. INDIAN W^ARS. The Territory of Iowa, although it had been purchased by the United States, and was ostensibly in the possession of the Gov- ernment, was still occupied by the Indians, who claimed title to the soil by right of ownership and possession. Before it could be open to settlement by the whites, it was indispensible that the Indian title should be extinguished and the original owners re- moved. The accomplishment of this purpose required the expen- diture of large sums of money and blood, and for a long series of years the frontier was disturbed by Indian wars, terminated re- peatedly by treaty, only to be renewed by some act of oppression on the part of the whites or some violation of treaty stipulation. As previously shown, at the time when the United States as- sumed the control of the country by virtue of the Louisiana pur- chase, nearly the whole State was in possession of the Sacs and Foxes, a powerful and warlike nation, who were not disposed to submit without a struggle to what they considered the encroach- ments of the pale faces. Among the most noted chiefs, and one whose reitlessness and hatred of the Americans occasioned more trouble to the Govern- ment than any others of his tribe, Avas Blac k Haw k, who was born at the Sac villa ge, on Rock River, in 1767. He was simply the chief of his own band of Sac warriors, but by his energy and am- bition he became the leading spirit of the united nation of Sa.cs an d Foxes , and one of the prominent figures in the history oFthe country from ISOi until his death. In early manhood he attained some destinction as a fighting chief, having led campaigns against the Osages, and other neighboring tribes. About the beginning of the present century he began to appear prominent in affairs on the Mississippi. Some historians have added to the statement that '' it does not appear that he was ever a great general, or possessed any of the qualifications of a successful leader." If this was so, his life was a marvel. How any man who had none of the quali- fications of a leader became so prominent as such, as he did, indi- cates either that he had some ability, or that his cotemporaries, both Indian and Anglo-Saxon, had less than he. He is said to 24 HISTORY OF IOWA. have been the " victim of a narrow prejudice and bitter ill-will against the Americans," but the impartial historian must admit that if he was the enemy of the Americans, it was certainly not without some reason. It will be remembered that Spain did not give up possession of the country to France on its cession to the latter power, in 1801, but retained possession of it, and, by the authority of France, transferred it to the United States, in 3804. Black Hawk and his band were in St. Louis at the time, and were invited to be present and witness the ceremonies of the transfer, but he refused the invi- tation, and it is but just to say that this refusal was caused proba- bly more from regret that the Indians were to be transferred from the jurisdiction of the Spanish authorities than from any special hatred toward the Americans. In his life he says: ''I found many sad and gloomy faces because the United States were about to take possession of the town and country. Soon after the Americans came, I took my band and went to take leave of our Spanish father. The Americans came to see him also. Seeing them approach, we passed out of one door as they entered another, and immediately started in our canoes for our village, on Rock River, not liking the change any more than our friends appeared to at St. Louis. On arriving at our village, we gave the news that strange people had arrived at St. Louis, and that we should never see our Spanish father again. The information made all our people sorry." On the 3d day of November, 1804, a treaty was concluded between William Henry Harrison, then Governor of Indiana Terri- rory, on behalf of the United States, and five chiefs of the Sac and Fox nation, by which the latter, in consideration of two thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollars' worth of goods then delivered, and a yearly annuity of one thousand dollars to be paid in goods at just cost, ceded to the United States all that land on the east side of the Mississippi, extending from a point opposite the Jefferson, in Missouri, to the Wisconsin River, embracing an area of over fifty-one millions of acres. To this treaty Black Hawk always objected and always refused to consider it binding upon his people. He asserted that the chiefs or braves who made it had no authority to relinquish the title of the nation to any of the lands they held or occupied; and, more- over, that they had been sent to St. Louis on quite a different errand, namely, to get one of their people released, who had been imprisoned at St. Louis for killing a white man. The year following this treaty (1805), Lieutenant Zebulon M. Pike came up the river for the purpose of holding friendly coun- cils with the Indians and selecting sites for forts within the terri- tory recently acquired from France by the United States. Lieu- tenant Pike seems to have been the first American whom Black Hawk ever met or had a personal interview with; ana he was very HISTORY OF IOWA. 25 much prepossessed in Pike's favor. He gives the following account of his visit to Rock Island: "A boat came up the river with a young American chief and a small party of soldiers. We heard of them soon after they passed Salt River. Some of our young braves watched them every day, to see what sort of people he had on board. The boat at length arrived at Rock River, and the young chief came on shore with his interpreter, and made a speech and gave us some presents. We in turn presented them with meat and such other provisions as we had to spare. We were well pleased Avith the young chief. He gave us good advice, and said our American father would treat us well." The events which soon followed Pike's expedition were the erec- tion of Fort Edwards, at what is now Warsaw, Illinois, and Fort Madison, on the site of the present town of that name, the latter being the first fort erected in Iowa. These movements occasioned great uneasiness among the Indians. When work was commenced on Fort Edwards, a delegation from their nation, headed by some of their chiefs, went down to see what the Americans were doing, and had an interview with the commander; after which they returned home apparently satisfied. In like manner, when Fort Madison was being erected, they sent down another delegation from a council of the nation held at Rock River. According to Black Hawk's account, the American chief told them that he was building a house for a trader who was coming to sell them goods cheap, and that the soldiers were coming to keep him company — - a statement which Black Hawk says they distrusted at the time, believing that the fort was an encroachment upon their rights, and designed to aid in getting their lands away from them. It has been held by good American authorities, that the erection of Fort Madison at the point where it was located iras a violation of the treaty of 1804. By the eleventh article of that treaty, the United States had a right to build a fort near the mouth of the Wisconsin River; by article six they had bound themselves "that if any citizen of the United States or any other white persons should form a settlement upon their lands, such intruders should fortliAvith be removed." Probably the authorities of the United States did not regard the establishment of military posts as coming properly within the meaning of the term ''settlement," as used in the treaty. At all events, they erected Fort Madison within the territory reserved to the Indians, who became very indignant. Not long after the fort Avas built, a party led by Black Hawk attempted its destruction. They sent spies to watch the movements of the garrison, who ascertained that the soldiers Avere in the habit of marching out of the fort every morning and evening for parade, and the plan of the party was to conceal themselves near the fort, and attack and surprise them Avhen they were outside. On the morning of the proposed day of attack, five soldiers came out and 26 HISTORY O; IOWA. were fired upon by the Indians, two of them being killed. The Indians were too hasty in their movement, for the regular drill had not yet commenced. However, they kept up the attack for sev- eral days, attempting the old Fox strategy of setting fire to the fort with blazing arrows; but finding their efforts unavailing, they soon gave up and returned to Rock River. When wnr was declared between the United States and Great Britain, in 1812, Black Hawk and his band allied themselves with the British, partly because he was dazzled by their specious prom- ises, and more probably because they had been deceived by the Americans. Black Hawk himself declared that they were "forced into the war by being deceived." He narrates the circumstances as follows: "Several of the chiefs and head men of the Sacs and Foxes were called upon to go to Washington to see their Great Father. On their return, they related what had been said and done. They said the Great Father wished them, in the event of a war taking place with England, not to interfere on either side, but to remain neutral. He did not want our help, but wished us to hunt and support our families, and live in peace. He said that British traders would not be peimitted to come on the Mississippi to furnish us with goods, but that w^e should be supplied with an American trader. Our chiefs then told him that the British trad- ers always gave them credit in the fall for guns, powder and goods, to enable us to hunt and clothe our families. He repeated that the traders at Fort Madison would have plenty of goods; that we should go there in the fall and he would supply us on credit, as the British traders had done." Black Hawk seems to have accepted of this proposition, and he and his people were very much pleased. Acting in good faith, they fitted out for their winter's hunt, and went to Fort Madison in high spirits to receive from the trader their outfit of supplies. But, aft'^r waiting some time, they were told by the trader that he would not trust them. It was in vain that they pleaded the promise of their great father at Washington. Iht trader was inex- orable; and, disappointed and crestfallen, they turned sadly toward their own village. "Few of us," says Black Hawk, "slept that night; all was gloom and discontent. In the morning a canoe was seen ascending the river; it soon arrived, bearing an express, who brought intelligence that a British trader had landed at Rock Island with two boats loaded with goods, and requested us to come up immediately, because he had good news for us, and a variety of presents. The express presented us with tobacco, pipes and wampum. The news ran through our camp like fire on a prairie. Our lodges were soon taken down, and all started for Rock Island. Here ended all hopes of our remaining at peace, having been forced into the war by being deceived." He joined the British, who flattered him, styled him "General Black Hawk," decked him with medals, excited his jealousies HISTORY OF IOWA. 27 against the Americans, and armed his band; but he met with de- feat and disappointment, and soon abandoned the service and came home. With all his skill and courage, Black Hawk was unable to lead all the S acs and Fo xes into hostilities to the Unit ed States. A portion of them, at the head of whom was Keoku k ("the Watch- ful Fox "), were disposed to abide by the treaty of 1804, and to cultivate friendly relations with the American people. Therefore, when Black Hawk and his band joined the fortunes of Great Britain, the rest of the nation remained neutral, and, for protec- tion, organized, with Keokuk for their chief. This divided the nation into the " War and the Peace Party." Black Hawk says he was informed, after he had gone to the war, that the nation, which had been reduced to so small a body of fighting men, were unable to defend themselves in case the Americans should attack them, and having all the old men and women and children belonging to the warriors who had joined the British on their hands to provide for, a council was held, and it was agreed that Quash-qua-me (the Lance) and other chiefs, to- gether with the old men, women and children, and such others as chose to accompany them, should go to St. Louis and place them- selves under the American chief stationed there. They according- ly went down, and were received as the " friendly band " of the Sacs and Foxes, and were provided for and sent up the Missouri River. On Black Hawk's return from the British arm}^, he says Keokuk was introduced to him as the war chief of the braves then in the village. He inquired how he had become chief, and was in- formed that their spies had seen a large armed force going toward Peoria, and fears were entertained of an attack u])on the village; -whereupon a council was held, which concluded to leave the village and cross over to the west side of the Mississippi. Keokuk had ibeen standing at the door of the lodge where the council was held, not being allowed to enter on account of never having killed an ■enemy, where he remained until Wa-co-me came out. Keokuk asked permission to speak in the council, which Wa-co-me obtained for him. Keokuk then addressed the chiefs; he remonstrated against the desertion of their village, their own homes and the graves of their fathers, and offered to defend the village. The council consented that he should be their war chief. He marshaled his braves, sent out spies, and advanced on the trail leading to Peoria, but returned without seeing the enemy. The Americans ■did not disturb the village, and all were satisfied with the appoint- ment of Keokuk. Keokuk, like Bl ack Ha wk, was a descendant of th e Sac b ranch ■of the nation, and was born on Rock River, in 1780. He was of a pacific disposition, but possessed the elements of true courage, and could fight, when occasion required, with a cool judgment and Jieroic energy. In his first battle, he encountered and killed a 28 HISTORY OF IOWA. Sioux, which placed him in the rank of warriors, and he was honored with a public feast by his tribe in commemoration of the event. Keokuk has been described as an orator, entitled to rank with the most gifted of his race. In person, he was tall and of portly bearing; in his public speeches, he displayed a commanding atti- tude and graceful gestures; he spoke rapidly, but his enunciation was clear, distinct and forcible; he culled his figures from the stores of nature, and based his arguments on skillful logic. Un- fortunately for the reputation of Keokuk as an orator, among white people, he was never able to obtain an interpreter who could claim even a slight acquaintance with philosophy. With oue ex- ception only, his interpreters were unacquainted with the elements of their mother-tongue. Of this serious hindrance to his fame, Keokuk was well aware, and retained Frank Labershure, who had received a rudimental education in the French and English languages, until the latter broke down by dissipation and died. But during the meridian of his career among the white people, he was compelled to submit his speeches for translation to uneducated men, whose range of thought fell below the flights of a gifted mind, and the fine imagery drawn from nature w^as beyond their power of reproduction. He had sufficient knowledge of the English language to make him sensible of this bad rendering of his thoughts, and often a feeling of mortification at the bungling efforts was depicted on his countenance while speaking. The proper place to form a correct estimate of his ability as an orator was in the Indian council, where he addressed himself exclusively to those Avho understood his language, and witness the electrical effect of his eloquence upon his audience. Keokuk seems to have possessed a more sober judgment, and to have had a more intelligent view of the great strength and re- sources of the United States, than his noted and restless cotempor- ary. Black Hawk. He knew from the first that the reckless war which Black Hawk and his band had determined to carry on could result in nothing but defeat and disaster, and used every argument against it. The large number of warriors whom he had dissuaded from following Black Hawk became, however, greatly excited with the war spirit after Stillman's defeat, and but for the signal tact displayed by Keokuk on that occasion, would have forced him to submit to their wishes in joining the rest of the warriors in the field. A war-dance was held, and Keokuk took part in it, seeming to be moved with the current of the rising storm. When the dance was over, he called the council to prepare for war. He made a speech, in which he admitted the justice of their complaints against the Americans. To seek redress was a noble aspiration of their nature. The blood of their brethren had been shed by the white man, and the spirits of their braves, slain in battle, called loudly for vengeance. '' I am your chief," he said, '^ and it is my HISTORY OF IOWA. 29 duty to lead you to battle, if, after fully considering the matter, you are determined to go. But before you decide on taking this important step, it is wise to inquire into the chances of success." He then portrayed to them the great power of the United States, against whom they would have to contend, that their chances of success was utterly hopeless. "But," said he, "if you do determine to go upon the war-path, I will agree to lead you, on one condition, viz: that before we go, we will kill all our old men and our wives and children, to save them from a lingering death of starvation, and that every one of us determine to leave our homes on the ■other side of the Mississippi. This was a strong but truthful picture of the prospect before them, and was presented in such a forcible light as to cool their ardor, and cause them to abandon the rash undertaking. But during the war 01-1832, it is now considered certain that small bands of Indians, from the west side of the Mississippi, made incursions into the white settlements, in the lead mining region, and committed some murders and depredations. When peace was declared between the United States and Eng- land, Black Hawk was required to make peace with the former, and entered into a treaty at Portage des Sioux, September 14, 1815, but did not ''touch the goose-quill to it until May 13, 1816, when he smoked the pipe of peace with the great white chief," at St. Louis. This treaty was a renewal of the treaty of 1804, but Black Hawk declared he had been deceived; that he did not know that by signing the treaty he was giving away^ his village. This weighed upon his mind, already soured by previous disappointment and the irresistible encroachments of the whites; and Avhen a few years later, he and his people were dj'iven from their possessions by the military, he determined to return to the home of his fathers. It is also to be remarked that in 1816. by treaty with various tribes, the United States relinquished to the Indians all the lands lying north of a line' drawn from a southerraost point of Lake Michigan west to the Mississippi, except a reservation live leagues square, on the Mississippi River, supposed then to be sufficient to include all the mineral lands on and adjacent to Fever River, and one league square at the mouth of the Wisconsin River, THE KLACK HAWK WAR. The immediate cause of the Indian outbreak in 1830 was the occupation of Black Hawk's village, on the Rock River, by the whites, during the absence of the chief and his braves on a hunt- ing expedition, on the west side of the Mississippi. When they returned they found their wigwams occupied by white families, and their own women and children were shelterless on the banks •of the river. The Indians were indignant, and determined to re- possess their village at all hazards, and early in the spring of 1831 30 HISTOEY OF IOWA. recrossed the Mississippi and menacingly took possession of their own cornfields and cabins. It may be well to remark here that it was expressly stipulated in the treaty of 1804,- to which they at- tributed all their troubles, that the Indians should not be obliged to leave their lauds until they were sold by the United States, and it does not appear that they occupied any lands other than those owned by the (jovernment. If this was true, the Indians had good cause for indignation and complaint. But the whites, driven out in turn by the returning Indians, became so clamorous against what they termed the encroachments of the natives, that Gov. Reynolds, of Illinois, ordered Gen. Gaines to Rock Island with a military force to drive the Indians again from their homes to the west side of the Mississippi. Black Hawk says he did not intend to be pro- voked into war by anything less than the blood of some of his own people; in other words, that there would be no war unless it should be commenced by the pale faces. But it was said and probably thought by the military commanders along the frontier, that the Indians intended to unite in a general war against the whites^ from Rock River to the Mexican borders. But it does not appear that the hardy frontiersmen themselves had any fears, for their experience had been that, when well treated, their Indian neigh- bors were not dangerous. Black Hawk and his band had done no more than to attempt to repossess the old homes of which they had been deprived in their absence. No blood had been shed. Black Hawk and his chiefs sent a flag of truce, and a new treaty was made, by which Black Hawk and his band agreed to remain for- ever on the Iowa side and never recross the river without the per- mission of the President or the Governor of Illinois. Whether the Indians clearly understood the terms of this treaty is uncer- tain. As was usual, the Indian traders had dictated terms on their behalf, and they had received a large amount of provisions, etc., from the Government, but it may well be doubted whether the Indians comprehended that they could never revisit the graves of their fathers without violating their treaty. They undoubtedly thought that they had agreed never to recross the Mississippi with hostile intent. However this may be, on the 6th day of April, 1832, Black Hawk and his entire band, with their women and chil- dren, again recrossed the Mississippi in plain view of the garrison of Fort Armstrong, and went up Rock River. Although this act was construed into an act of hostility by the military authorities, who declared that Black Hawk intended to recover his village, or the site where it stood, by force; yet it does not appear that he made any such attempt, nor did his appearance create any special alarm among the settlers. They knew that the Indians never went on the war path encumbered with the old men, their women and their children. The Galenian^ printed in Galena, of May 2d, 1832, says that Black Hawk was invited by the Prophet and had taken possession HISTORY OF IOWA. 31 of a tract about forty miles up Rock River; but that he did not remain there long, but commenced his search up Rock River. Captain W. B. Green, who served in Captain Ste- venson's company of mounted rangers, says that "Black Hawk and his band crossed the river with no hostile in- tent, but that his band had had bad luck in hunting during the previous winter, were actually in a starving condition, and had come over to spend the summer with a friendly tribe on the head waters of the Rock and Illinois Rivers, by invitation from their chief. Other old settlers who all agree that Black Hawk had no idea of fighting, say that he came back to the west side expecting to negotiate another treaty, and get a new supply of provisions. The most reasonable explanation of this movement, which resulted so disastrously to Black Hawk and his starving people, is that, during the fall and winter of 1831-2, his people became deeply in- debted to their favorite trader at E'ort Armstrong (Rock Island), they had not been fortunate in hunting, and he was likely to lose heavily, as an Indian debt was outlawed in one year. If, therefore, the Indians could be induced to come over, and the fears of the military could be sufficiently aroused to pursue them, another treaty could be negotiated, and from the payments from the Gov- ernment the shrewd trader could get his pay. Just a week after Black Hawk crossed the river, on the 13th of April, 1832, George Davenport wrote to Gen. Atkinson: ''I am informed that the British band of Sac Indians are determined to make war on the frontier settlements. * * * Prom every information that I have received, I am of the opinion that the intention of the British band of Sac Indians is to commit depredations on the in- habitants of the frontier." And yet, from the 6th day of April, until after Stillman's men commenced war by firing on a flag of truce from Black Hawk, no murders nor depredations were com- mitted by the British band of Sac Indians. It is not the purpose of this sketch to detail the incidents of the Black Hawk war of 1832, as it pertains rather to the history of the State of Illinois. It is sufficient to say that, after the dis- graceful affair at Stillman's Run, Black Hawk, concluding that the whites, refusing to treat with him, were determined to extermin- ate his people, determined to return to the Iowa side of the Missis- sippi. He could not return by the way he came, for the array was behind him, an army, too, that would sternly refuse to recognize the white flag of peace. His only course was to make his way northward and reach the Mississippi, if possible, before the troops could overtake him, and this he did; but, before he could get his women and children across the Wisconsin, he was overtaken, and a battle ensued. Here, again, he sued for peace, and, through his trusty Lieutenant, ''the Prophet," the whites were plainly in- formed that the starving Indians did not wish to fight, but would return to the west side of the Mississippi, peaceably, if they could 32 HISTORY OF IOWA. be permitted to do so. No attention was paid to this second effort to negotiate peace, and, as soon as supplies could be obtained, the pursuit was resumed, the flying Indians were overtaken again eight miles before they reached the mouth of the Bad Axe, and the slaughter (it should not be dignified by the name of battle) com- menced. Here, overcome by starvation and the victorious whites, his band was scattered, on the 2d day of August, 1832. Black Hawk escaped, but was brought into camp at Prairie du Chien by three Winnebagoes. He was confined in Jefferson Barracks until the spring of 1833, when he was sent to Washington, arriving there April 22. On the 26th of April, they were taken to Fortress Monroe, where they remained till the 4th of June, 1833, when orders were given for them to be liberated and returned to their own country. By order of the President, he was brought back to Iowa through the principal Eastern cities. Crowds flocked to see him all along his route, and he was very much flattered by the atten- tions he received. He lived among his people on the Iowa River till that reservation was sold, in 1836, when, with the rest of the Sacs and Foxes, he removed to the Des Moines Reservation, where he remained till his death, which occurred on the 3d of October, 1838. INDIAN" PURCHASES, RESERVES AND TREATIES. At the close of the Black Hawk War, in 1832, a treaty was made at a council held on the west bank of the Mississippi, where now stands the thriving city of Davenport, on grounds now occupied by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad company, on the 21st day of September, 1832. At this council, the United States were represented by Gen. Winfield Scott and Gov. Reynolds, of Illinois. Keokuk, Pash-a-pa-ho and some thirty other chiefs and warriors of the Sac and Fox nation were present. By this treaty, the Sacs and Foxes ceded to the United States a strip of land on the eastern border of Iowa, fifty miles wide, from the northern boundary of Missouri to the mouth of the Upper Iowa River, containing about six million acres. The western line of the purchase was parallel with the Mississippi. In consideration of this cession, the United States Government stipulated to pay annually to the confederated • tribes, for thirty consecutive years, twenty thousand dollars in specie, and to pay the debts of the Indians at Rock Island, which had been accumulating for seventeen years, and amounted to fifty thousand dollars, due to Davenport & Farnham, Indian traders. The Government also generously donated to the Sac and Fox women and children, whose husbands and fathers had fallen in the Black Hawk war, thirty-five beef cattle, twelve bushels of salt, thirty barrels of pork, fifty barrels of flour and six thousand bushels of corn. This territory is known as the " Black Hawk Purchase," Although it was not the first portion of Iowa ceded to the United HISTORY OF IOWA. 33 States by the Sacs and Foxes, it was the first opened to actual settlement by the tide of emigration that flowed across the Mis- sissippi as soon as the Indian title was extinguished. The treaty was ratified February 13, 1833, and took effect on the 1st of June following, when the Indians cjuietly removed from the ceded ter- ritory, and this fertile and beautiful region was opened to white settlers. By the terms of the treaty, out of the Black Hawk Purchase was reserved for the Sacs and Foxes 400 square miles of land situated on the Iowa River, and including within its limits Keo- kuk's village, on the right bank of that river. This tract was known as " Keokuk's Reserve," and was occupied by the Indians until 1836, when, by a treaty made in September between them and Grov. Dodge, of Wisconsin Territory, it was ceded to the United States. The council was held on the banks of the Mis- sissippi, above Davenport, and was the largest assemblage of the kind ever held by the Sacs and Foxes to treat for the sale of lands. About one thousand of their chiefs and braves were present, and Keokuk was their leading spirit and principal speaker on the occa- sion. By the terms of the treaty, the Sacs and Foxes Avere re- moved to another reservation on the Des Moines River, where an agency was established for them at what is now the town of Agency City. Besides the Keokuk Reserve, the Government gave out of the Black Hawk Purchase to A.ntoine Le Claire, interpreter, in fee simple, one section of land opposite Rock Island, and another at the head of the first rapids above the island, on the Iowa side. This was the first land title granted by the United States to an in- dividual in Iowa. Soon after the removal of the Sacs and Foxes to their new reservation on the Des Moines River, Gen. Joseph M. Street was transferred from the agency of the Winnebagoes, at Prairie du Chien, to establish an agency among them. A farm was selected, on which the necessary buildings were erected, including a com- fortable farm house for the agent and his family, at the expense of the Indian Fund. A salaried agent was employed to superintend the farm and dispose of the crops^ Two mills were erected, one on Soap Creek, and the other on Sugar Creek. The latter was soon swept away by a flood, but the former remained and did good service for many years. Connected with the agency were Joseph Smart and John Goodell, interpreters. The latter was interpre- ter for Hard Fish's band. Three of the Indian chiefs, Keokuk, Wapello and Appanoose, had each a large field improved, the two former on the right bank of the Des Moines, back from the river, in what is now " Keokuk's Prairie." and the latter on the present site of the city of Ottumwa. Among the traders connected with the agency were the Messrs. Ewing, from Ohio, and Phelp s & C^-, 34 HISTORY OF IOWA. from Illinois, and also Mr. J. P. Eddy, who established his post at what is now the sita of Eddyviile. The Indians at this agency became idle and listless in the absence of their natural and wonted excitements, and many of them plunged into dissipation. Keokuk himself became dissipated in the latter years of his life, and it has been reported that he died of deJirinm tremens after his removal with his tribe to Kansas, In May, 1843, most of the Indians were removed up the Des Moines River, above the temporary line of Red Rock, having ceded the remnant of their lands in Iowa to the United States on the 21st of September, 1837, and on the 11th of October, 1842. By the terms of the latter treaty, they held possession of the ''New Purchase" till the Autumn of 1815, when the most of them were removed to their reservation in Kansas, the balance being removed in the Spring of 1846. 1. Treaty tvlth the Sfojt.r— Made July 19, 1815; ratified December 16, 1815. This treaty was made at Portage des Sioux, between the Sioux of Minnesota and Upper Iowa and the United States, by William Clark and Ninian Edwards, Commissioners, and was merely a treaty of peace and friendship on the part of those Indians toward the United States at the close of the war of 1812. 2. Treaty with the Sacs. — A similar treaty of peace was made at Portage des Sioux, between the United States and the Sacs, by William Clark, Ninian Edwards and Auguste Choteau, on the ISth of September, 1815, and ratified at the same date as the above. In this, the treaty of 1804 was re-affirmed, and the Sacs here represented promis^ed for themselves and their bands to keep en- tirely separate from the Sacs of Rock River, who, under Black Hawk, had joined the British m the war just then closed. 3. Treaty tvith the Foxes. — A separate treaty of peace was made with the Foxes at_ Portage des Sioux, by the same Commissioners, on the 14th of Septem- ber, 1815, and ratified the same as the above, wherein the Foxes re-affirmed the treaty of St. Louis, of November 3, 1804, and agreed to deliver up all their pris- oners to the officer in command at Fort Clark, now Peoria, Illinois. 4. Treaty tvith the loivas. — A treaty of peace and mutual good will was made between the United States and the Iowa tribe of Indians, at Portage des Sioux, by the same Commissioners as above, on the 16th of September, 1815, at the close of the war with Great Britain, and ratified at the same date as the others. 5. Treaty with the Sact of Rock River — Made at St. Louis on the 13th of May, 1816, between the United States and the Sacs of Rock River, by the Com- missioners, William Clark, Ninian Edwards and Auguste Choteau, and ratified December 30th, 1816. In this treaty, that of 1804 was re-established and con- fimied by twenty-two chiefs and head men of the Sacs of Rock River, and Black Hawk himself attached to it his signature, or, as he said, "touched the goose quill." 6. Treaty of 1824. — On the 4th of August, 1824, a treaty was made between the United States and the Sacs and Foxes, in the city of Washington, by William Clark, Commissioner, wherein the Sac and Fcx nation relinquished their title t3 all land^ in Missouri and that portion of the southeast corner of Iowa known as the "Half-Breel Tract" was set off and reserved for the use of the half-breeds of the Sacs and Foxes, they holding title in the same manner as Indians. Ratified January 18, 1825. 7. Treaty of August 19, 1825. — At this date a treaty was made by WiUiara Clark and Lewis Cass, at Prairie du Chien, between the United States and the Chippewas, Sacs and Foxes, Menomonees, Winnebagoes and a portion of the Ottawas and Pottawatomies. In this treaty, in order to make peace oetween the contending tribes as to the limits of their respective hunting grounds in HISTORY OF IOWA. 35 Iowa, it was aj^reed that the Unite 1 States Government should run a boundary line between the Sioux, on the north, and the Sacs and Foxes, on the south, as follows: Comniencin,2r at the mouth of the Upper Iowa River, on the west bank of the Mississippi, and asconding said low i River to its west fork; thence up the fork to its source; thence crossing the fork of Red Cedar River in a direct line to the second or upp3r fork of the Des M )ine3 River; thence in a direct line to the lower fork of the Calumet River, and down that river to its junction with the Missouri River. 8. Treat;/ of 1830.— On the 15th of July, 1830, the confederate tribes of the Sacs and Foxes ceded to the United States a strip of country lying south of the above line, twenty miles in width, au I extending along the line aforesaid from the Mississippi to the Des Moines River. The Sioux also, whose possessions were north of the line, ceded to the Government, in the same treaty, a like strip on the north side of the boundary. Thus the United States, at the ratification of this treaty, February 24, 1831, came into possession of a portion of Iowa forty miles wide, extending along the Clark and Cass line of 1825, from the Missis- sippi to the Des Moines River. This territory was known as the "Neutral Ground," and the tribes on either side of the line were allowed to tish and hunt on it unmolested till it was made a Winnebago reservation, and the Winneba- goes were removed to it in 1841. 9. Treaty ivith the Sacs and Foxes and other Tribes. — At the same time of the above treaty resp3cting the '"Neutral Ground'' (July 15, 1830), the Sacs and Foxe?, Western Sioix, Omx'ia^, lowas and Missouris C3d3d to the United States a portion of the western slope of Iowa, the boundaries of which were defined as follows : Beginning at the upper fork of the Des Moines River, and passing the sources of the Little Sioux ami Floyd Rivers, to the fork of the first creek that falls into the Big Sioux, or Cahimet, on the east side; thence down said creek and the Calumet River to the Mis^souri River; thence down said Missouri River to the Missouri State line above the Kansas; thence along said line to the north- west corner of said State; thence to the high lands between the waters falling into the MissDuri and Des Moines, passing to said high lands along the dividing ridge between the forks of the Grand River; thence along said high lands or ridge separating the waters of the Missouri from those of the Des Moines, to a point opposite the source of the Boyer River, and thence in a direct line to the upper fork of the Des Moines, the place of beginning. It was understood that the lands ceded and relinquished by this treaty were to be assigned and allotted, under the direction of the President of the United States, to the tribes then living thereon, or to such other tribes as the President might locate thereon for huntmg and other purposes. In consideration of three tracts of land ceded in this treaty, the United States agreed to pay to the Sacs three thousand dollars; to the Foxes, three thousand dollars; to the Sioux, two thousand dollars; to the Yankton and Santee bands of Sioux, three thousand dollars; to the Omahas, two thousand five hundred dollars; and to the Ottoes and Missouris, two thousand five hundred dollars — to be paid annually for ten successive years. In addition to these annuities, the Government agreed to fur- nish some of the tribes with blacksmiths and agricultural implements to the amount of two hundreil dollars, at the expense, of the United States, and to set apart three thousand dollars annually for the education of the children of these tribes. It does not appear that any fort was erected in this territory prior to the erection of Fort Atkinson on the Neutral Ground, in 1840-1. This treaty was made by William Clark, Superintendent of Indian affairs, and Col. Willoughby Morgan, of the United States First Infantry, and came into effect by proclamation, February 24, 1831. 10. Treat// irifh the ]]linieb(((/oes. — Made at Fort Arm.strong, Rock Island, September 15, 1832, by Gen. Winfield Scott and Hon. John Reynolds, Governor of Illinois. In this treaty the Winnebagoes ceded to the United States all their land lying on the east side of the Mississippi, and in part consideration therefor the United States granted to the Winnebagoes, to be held as other Indian lands are held, that portion of Iowa known as the Neutral Ground. The exchange of 36 HISTORY OF IOWA. the two tracts of country was to take placa on or before the 1st day of June, 1833. In addition to the Neutral Ground, it was stipulated that the United States should give the Winnebagoss, bsginning in September, 1833, and continuing for twenty-seven successive years, ten thousand dollars in specie, and establish a school among them, with a farm and garden, and provide other facilities for the education of their children, not to exceed in cast three thousand dollars a year, and to continue the same for twenty-seven successive yeais. Six agriculturists, twelve yoke of oxen and plows and other farming tools were to be supplied by the Government. 11. Treaty of 1832 with the Sacs and Foxes. — Already mentioned as the Black Hawk purchase. 12. Treat!/ of 1836, with the Sacs and Foxes, ceding Keokuk's Reserve to the United States ; for which the Government stipulated to pay thirty thousand dollars, and an annuity of ten thousand dollars for ten successive years, together with other sums and debts of the Indians to various parties. 13. Treati) of 1837.— On the 21st of October. 1837, a treaty was made at the city of Washington, between Carey A. Harris, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the confederate tribes of Sacs and Foxes, ratified Febraary 21, 1838, wherein another sHce of the soil of Iowa was obtained, described in the treaty as foUows: "A tract of country containing 1,250,000 acres, lying west and adjoining the the tract conveyed by them to the United States in the treaty of September 21, 1832. It is understood that the ^joints of termination for the present cession shall be the northern and southern points of said tract as fixed .by the survey made under the authority of the United States, and that a line shall be drawn between them so as to intersect a line extended westwardly from the angle of said tract nearly opposite to Rock Island, as laid down in the above survey, so far as may be necessary to include the number of acres hereby ceded, which last mentioned line, it is estimated, will be about twenty-five miles." This piece of land was twenty-five miles wide in the middle, and ran off to a jioint at both ends, lying directly back of the Black Hawk Purchase, and of the same length. 14. Treat II of Relinqu'ishment. — At the same date as the above treaty, in the city of Washington, Carey A. Harris, Commissioner, the Sacs and Foxes ceded to the United States all their right and interest in the country lying south of the boundary line between the Sacs and Foxes and Sioux, as described in the treaty of August 19, 1825, and between the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, the United States paying for the same one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. The Indians also gave up all claims and interests under the treaties previously made with them, for the satisfaction of which no appropriations had been made. 15. Treaty of 1842. — The last treaty was made with the Sacs and Foxes Oc- tober 11, 1842; ratified March 23, 1843. It was made at the Sac and Fox agency (Agency City), by John Chambers, Commissioner on behalf of the United States. In this treaty the Sac and Fox Indians "ceded to the United States all their lands west of the Mississippi to which they had any claim or title." By the terms of this treaty they were to be removed from the country at the expi- ration of three years, and all who remained after that were to move at their own expense. Part of them were removed to Kansas in the Fall of 1845, and the rest the Spring following. SPANL-of the^^General Assembly, approved March 22d, 1858. A Board of Trustees was appointed, consisting of Governor R. P. Lowe, John D. Wright, William Duaue Wilson, M. W. Robinson, Timothy Day, Richard Gaines, John Pattee, G. W. F. Sherwin, Suel Foster, S. W. Henderson, Clement Coffin and E. G. Day; the Governors of the State and President of the College being ex-officio members, Subsepuently the number of Trustees was reduced to five. The Board met in June, 1859, and received propositions for the location of the College and Farm from Hardin, Polk, Story and Boone, Marshall, Jefferson and Tama Counties. In July, the proposition of Story County and some of its citizens and by the citizens of Boone County was accepted, and the farm and the site for the buildings were located. In 1860-61, the farm-house and barn were erected. In 1862, Congress granted to the State 240,- 000 acres of land for the endowment of schools of agriculture and the mechanical arts, and 195,000 acres were located by Peter Mel- endy. Commissioner, in 1862-63. In 1861, the General Assembly appropriated '^20,000 for the erection of the college building. In June of that year, the Building Committee proceeded to let the contract. The ^20,000 appropriated by the General Assembly were expended in putting in the foundations and making the brick for the structure. An additional appropriation of $91,000 was made in 1866, and the building was completed in 1868. Tuition in this college is made by law forever free to pupils from the State over sixteen years of age, Avho have been resident of the State six months previous to their admission. Each county in the State has a prior right of tuition for three scholars from each county; the remainder, equal to the capacity of the college, are by the trustees distributed among the counties in proportion to the population, and subject to the above rule. All sale of ardent spirits, wine or beer, are prohibited by law within a distance of three miles from the college, except for sacramental, mechanical or medical purposes. HISTORY OF IOWA. 67 The course of instruction in the Agricultural College embraces the following branches: Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, Horticulture, Fruit Growing, Fcrestry, Animal and Vegetable Anatomy, Geology, Mineralogy, Meteorology, Entomology, Zoology, the Veterinary Art, Plane Mensuration, Leveling, Sur- veying, Bookkeeping, and such Mechanical Arts as are directly connected with agriculture; also such other studies as the Trustees may, from time to time, prescribe, not inconsistent with the pur- poses of the institution. The funds arising from the lease and sale of lands, and interest on investments are sufficient for the support of the institution. The Board of Trustees, in 1881, was composed of Charles W. Tenney, Plymouth; George H. Wright, Sioux City; Henry G. Little, Grinnell; William McClintock, West Union; John N. Dixon, Oskaloosa. A. S. Welch, President of the Faculty; W, D. Lucas, Treasurer; E. W. Stanton, Secretary. The Trustees are elected by the General Assembly, in Joint Convention, for tour years, three being elected at one session and two the next. THE STATE UNIVERSITY. Iowa Citij, Johnson Comity. In the famous Ordinance of 1787, enacted by Congress before the Territory of the United States extended beyond the Missis- sippi River, it was declared that in all the territory northwest of the Ohio River- "Schools and the means of education shall for- ever be encouraged." By act of Congress, approved July 20, 1810, the Secretary of the Treasury was authorized ''to set apart and re- serve from sale, out of any of the public lands within the Terri- tory of Iowa, to which the Indian title has been or may be ex- tinguished, and not otherwise appropriated, a quantity of land, not exceeding the entire townships, for the use and support of a uni- versity within said Territory when it becomes a State, and for no other use or purpose whatever; to be located in tracts of not less than an entire section, corresponding with any of the large divis- ions into which the public land are authorized to be surveyed." William W. Dodge, of Scott County, was appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury to make the selections. He selected Section 5, in Township 78, north of Range 3, east of the Fifth Principal Meridian, and then removed from the Territory. No more land were selected until 1816, when, at the request of the Assembly, John M. Whitaker, of Van Buren County, was appoint- ed,who selected the remainder of the grant except about 122 acres. In the first Constitution, under which Iowa was admitted to the Union, the people directed the disposition of the proceeds of this munificent grant in accordance with its terms, and instructed the 68 HISTORY OF IOWA. General Assembly to provide, as soon as may be, effectual means for the improvement and permanent security of the funds of the university derived from the lands. The first General Assembly, by act approved February 25, 1847, established the ''State University of Iowa" at Iowa City, then the Capital of the State, "with such other branches as public con- venience may hereafter require." The " public buildings at Iowa City, together with the ten acres of land in which they are situated, were granted for the use of said university provided,, however, that the sessions of the Legislature and State offices should be held in the capitol until otherwise provided by law. The control and management of the University were committed to a Board of fifteen Trustees, to be appointed hj the Legislature, five of whom were to be chosen bienially. The Superintendent of Public Instruction was made President of this Board. Provisions were made for the disposal of the two townships of land, and for the investment of the funds arising therefrom. The act further provides that the University shall never be under the exclusive control of any religious denomination whatever, and as soon as the revenue for the grant and donations amounts to §?2,000 a year, the University should commence and continue the instruction, free of charge, of fii'ty students annually. The General Assembly retained full supervision over the University, its officers and the grants and donations made and to be made to it by the State. The organization of the University at Iowa City was impractic- able, however, so long as the seat of government Avas retained there. In January, 1849, two branches of the University and three Normal Schools were established. The branches were located — - one at Fairfield, and the other at Dubuque, and were placed upon an equal footing, in respect to funds and all other matters, with the University established at Iowa City. " This act," says Col. Benton, " created three State Universities, with equal rights and powers, instead of a 'University with such branches as public con- venience man hereafter demand ' as provided bv the Constitution." The Board of Directors of the Fairfield Branch consisted of Barnet liistine, Christian W. Slagle, Daniel Rider, Horace Gay- lord, Bernhart Henn and Samuel S, Bayard. At the first meeting of the Board Mr. Henn was elected President, Mr. Slagle Secretary, and Mr. Gaylord Treasurer. Twenty acres of land were purchased, and a building erected thereon, costing $2,500. This building was nearly destroyed by a hurricane, in 1850, but was rebuilt more substantially, all by contributions of the citizens of Fairfield. This branch never received any aid from the State or from the Univer- sity Fund, and by act approved January 24, 1853, at the request of the Board, the General Assembly terminated its relation to the State. The branch at Dubuque was placed under the control of the Su- perintendent of Public Instruction. The Trustees never organ- ized, and its existence was only nominal. HISTORY OF IOWA. 69 The Normal Schools were located at Andrew, Oskaloosa and Mount Pleasant, respectively. Each was to be governed by a board of seven Trustees, to be appointed by the Trustees of the Univer- sity. Each was to receive ^500 annually from the income of the University fund, upon condition that they should educate eight common school teachers, free of charge for tuition, and that the citizens should contribute an equal sum for the erection of the requisite buildings. The several Boards of Trustees were appointed. At Andrew, the school was organized November 21, 1849. A building was commenced and over |1,000 expended on it, but it was never completed. At Oskaloosa, the Trustees organized in April, 1852. This school was opened in the Court House, Septem- ber 13, 1852. A two-story brick building was completed in 1853, costing $2,4:73. The school at Mount Pleasant was never organ- ized. Neither of these schools received any aid from the Univer- sity Fund, but in 1857 the Legislature appropriated $1,000 each for those at Oskaloosa and Andrew, and repealed the law author- izing the payment of money to them from the University Fund. From that time they made no further effort to continue in ope- ration. At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees, held February 21, 1850, the "College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Upper Mississippi," established at Davenport, was recognized as the ''Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of the State University of Iowa," expressly stipulating, however, that such recognition should not render the University liable for any pecuniary aid, nor Avas the Board to have any control over the property or management of the Medical Association. Soon after, this College was removed to Ke- okuk, its second session being opened there in November, 1850. In 1851, the General Assembly confirmed the action of the Board, and by act approved January 22, 1855, placed the Medical College under the supervision of the Board of Trustees of the University, and it continued in operation until this arrangement was termin- ated by the new Constitution, September 3, 1857. From 1847 to 1855, the Board of Trustees was kept full by reg- ular elections by the Legislature, and the Trustees held frequent meetings, but there was no effectual organization of the University. In March, 1855, it was partially opened for a term of sixteen weeks. July 16, 1855, Amos Dean, of Albany, N. Y., was elected Presi- dent, but he never entered fully upon its duties. The University was again opened in September, 1855, and continued in opei-ation until June, 1856, under Professors Johnson, Welton, Van Valken- burg and Guflfin. In the Spring of 1856, the capital of the State was located at Des Moines; but there were no buildings there, and the capitol at Iowa City was not vacated by the State until December, 1857. In June, 1856, the faculty was re-organized, with some changes, and the University was again opened on the third Wednesday of 70 HISTORY OF IOWA. September, 185<5. There were one hundred and twenty-four stu- dents — eighty-three males and fort3'-one females in attendance during the year 1856-7, and the first regular catalogue was pub- lished. Article IX, Section 11, of the new State Constitution, which went into force September 3, 1857, provided as follows: The State University shall be established at one place, without branches at any other place; and the University fund shall be applied to that institution, and no other. Article XI, Section 8, provided that The seat of Goverament is hereby permanently established, as now fixed by law. at the city of Des Moines, in the county of Polk; and the State University at Iowa City, in the county of Johnson. The new Constitution created the Board of Education, consist- ing of the Lieutenant Governor, who was ex officio President, and one member to be elected from each judicial district in the State. This Board was endowed with ''full power and authority to legis- late and make all needful rules and regulations in relation to com- mon schools and other educational institutions," subject to altera- tion, amendment or repeal by the General Assembly, which was vested with authority to abolish or re-organize the Board at any time after 1863, In December, 1857, the old capitol building, now known as Cen- tral Hall of the University, except the rooms occupied by the United States District Court, and the property, with that excep- tion, passed under the control of the Trustees, and became the seat of the University. The old building had had hard usage, and its arrangement was illy adapted for University purposes. Extensive repairs and changes were necessary, but the Board was without funds for these purposes. The last meeting of the Board, under the old law, was held in January, 1858. At this meeting, a resolution was introduced, and seriously considered, to exclude females from the University; but it finally failed. March 12, 1858, the first Legislature under the new Constitution enacted a new law in relation to the University, but it was not materially diff'erent from the former. March 11, 1858, the Leg- islature appropriated $3,000 for the repair and modification of the old capitol building, and $10,000 for the erection of a boarding house, now known as South Hall. The Board of Trustees created by the new law met and duly or- ganized April 27, 1858, and determined to close the University until the income from its fund should be adequate to meet the cur- rent expenses, and the buildings should be ready for occupation. Until this term, the building known as the "Mechanics' Academy" had been used for the school. The Faculty, except the Chancellor (Dean), was dismissed, and all further instruction suspended, from the close of the term then in progress until September, 1859. At HISTORY OF IOWA. 71 this meeting, a resolution was adopted excluding females from the University after the close of the existing term; but this was after- ward, in August, modified, so as to admit them to the Normal De- partment. An "Act for the Government and Regulation of the State Uni- versity of Iowa," approved December 25, 1858, was mainly a re-en- actment of the law of March 12, 1858, except that changes were made in the Board of Trustees, and manner of their appointment. This law provided that both sexes were to be admitted on equal terms to all departments of the institution, leaving the Board no discretion in the matter. At the annual meeting, June 28, 1860, a full Faculty was ap- pointed, and the University re-opened, under this new organiza- tion, September 19, 1860 (tliird Wednesday); and at this date the actual existence of the University may be said to commence. August, 19, 1862, Dr. Totten having resigned, Prof. Oliver M. Spencer was elected President and the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Judge Samuel F. Miller, of Keokuk. At the commencement, in June, 1863, was the first class of graduates in the Collegiate Department. The Board of Education was abolished March 19, 1861, and the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction w^as restored ; the General Assembly resumed control of the subject of education, and on March 21, an act was approved for the governient of the University. It was substantially the same as the former law, but provided that the Governor should be ex-officio President of the Board of Trustees. Until 1858, the Superintendent of Public In- struction had been ex-officio President. During the period of the Board of Education, the University Trustees were elected by it, and elected their own President. The North Hall was completed late in 1866. The Law Department was established in June, 1868, and, in September following au arrangement was perfected with the Iowa Law School, at Des Moines, which had been in successful opera- tion for three years, by which that institution was transferred to Iowa City and merged in the Law Department of the University. At a special meeting of the Board, on the ITth of September, 1868, a committee was appointed to consider the expediency of establishiiig a Medical Department. This Committee reported at once in favor of the proposition, the Faculty to consist of the President of the University and seven Professors, and recom- mended that, if practicable, the new department should be opened at the commencement of the University year, in 1869-70. By an act of the General Assembly, approved April 11, 1870, the "Board of Regents" was instituted as the governing power of the University, and since that time it has been the fundamental law of the institution. The Board of Regents held its first meet- ing June 28, 1870. 72 HISTORY OF IOWA. The South Hall having been fitted up for the purpose, the first term of the Medical Department was opened October 21^ 1870, and continued until March, 1871. In June, 1874, the ''Chair of Military Instruction" was estab- lished, and the President of the United States was requested to detail an officer to perform its duties. At the annual meeting, in 1876, a Department of Homoeopathy was established. In March, 1877, a resolution was adopted, affiliating the High Schools of the State with the University. In 1872, the ex-officio membership of the Superintendent of Public Instruction was abolished; but it was restored in 1876. The Board of Regents, in 18S1, was composed as follows: John H. Gear, Grovernor, ex-officio^ President; Carl W. vonCoelln, Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex-officio; J. L. Pickard, President of the University, ex-officio; C. W. Slagle, Fairfield, First District; D. N. Richardson, Davenport, Second District; H. C. Bulls, Decorah, Third District; A. T. Reeve, Hampton, Fourth District; J. N. W. Rumple, Marengo, Fifth District; W. 0. Crosby, Centerville, Sixth District; T. S. Parr, Indianola, Seventh District; Horace Everett, Council Bluffs, Eighth District; J. F. Duncombe, Fort Dodge, Ninth District. John N. Coldren, Iowa City, Treasurer; W. J. Haddock, Iowa City, Secretary. The Regents are elected by the General Assembly, in Joint Convention, for six years, one-third being elected at each regular session, one member to be chosen from each Congressional District. The present educational corps of the University consists of the President, nine Professors in the Collegiate Department, one Pro- fessor and six Instructors in Military Science; Chancellor, three Professors and four Lecturers in the Law Department; eight Professor Demonstrators of Anatomy; Prosector of Surgery and two Lecturers in the Medical Department, and two Professors in the HomcBopathic Medical Department. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By act of the General Assembly, approved January 28, 1857, a State Historical Society was provided for in connection with the University. At the commencement, an appropriation of $250 was made, to be expended in collecting, embodying, and preserving in an authentic form, a library of books, pamphlets, charts, maps, manuscripts, papers, paintings, statuary, and other materials illus- trative of the history of Iowa; and with the further object to rescue from oblivion the memory of the early pioneers; to obtain and preserve various accounts of their exploits, perils and hardy adventures; to secure facts and statements relative to the history and genius, and progress and decay of the Indian tribes of Iowa, to exhibit faithfully the antiquities and past and present resources HISTORY OF IOWA. 73 of the State; to aid in the publication of such collections of the Society as shall, from time to time be deemed of value and inter- est; to aid in binding its books, pamphlets, manuscripts and papers, and in defraying other necessary incidental expenses of the So- ciety. There was appropriated by law to this institution, till the Gen- eral Assembly shall otherwise direct, the sum of $500 per annum. The Society is under the management of a Board of Curators, consisting of eighteen persons, nine of whom are appointed by the (jrovernor, and nine elected by the members of the Society. The Curators receive no compensation for their services. The annual meeting is provided for by law, to be held at Iowa City on Mon- day preceding the last Wednesday in June of each year. The State Historical Society has published a series of very valuable collections, including history, biography, sketches, remin- iscences, etc., with quite a large number of finely engraved por- traits of prominent and early settlers, under the title of "Annals of Iowa." THE PENITENTIARY. Located at Fort Madison^ Lee Count j. The first act of the Territorial Legislature, relating to a Peni- tentiary in Iowa, was approved January 25, 1839, the fifth section of which authorized the Governor to draw the sum of $20,000 .appropriated by an act of Congress approved July 7, 1838, for public buildings in the Territory of Iowa. It provided for a Board of Directors of three persons elected by the Legislature, who should direct the building of the Penitentiary, which should be located within one mile of the public square, in the town of Fort Madison, Lee County, provided Fort Madison should deed to the Directors a tract of land suitable for a site, and assign them, by contract, a spring or stream of water for the use of the Peni- tentiary. To the Directors was also given the power of appoint- ing the Warden ; the latter to appoint his own assistants. The first Directors appointed were John S. David and John Claypole. They made their first report to the Legislative Council November 9, 1839. The citizens of the town of Fort Madison had executed a deed conveying ten acres of land for the building site. Amos Ladd was appointed Superintendent of the building June 5, 1839. The building was designed of sufiicient capacity to contain one hundred and thirty-eight convicts, and estimated to cost $55,933.90. It was begun on the 9th of July, 1839; the main building and Warden's house were completed in theFall of 1841. Other additions were made from time to time till the build- ing and arrangements were all complete according to the plan of the Directors. It has answered the purpose of the State as a 74 HISTORY OF IOWA. Penitentiary for more than thirty years, and during that period many items of practical experience in prison management have been gained. ADDITIONAL PENITENTIARY. Located at Anamosa, Jones County. By an Act of the Fourteenth General Assembly^ approved April 23, 1S72, William lire, Foster L. Downing and Martin Heisey were constituted Commissioners to locate and provide for the erec- tion and control of an additional Penitentiary for the State of Iowa. These Commissioners met on the 4th of the following June, at Anamosa, Jones County, and selected a site donated by the citizens, within the limits of the city. L. W. P^oster & Co., architects, of Des Moines, furnished the plan, drawings and speci- fications, and work was commenced on the building on the 28th day of September, 1872. May 13, 1873, twenty convicts were transferred to Anamosa from the Fort Madison Penitentiary. The entire enclosure includes fifteen acres, with a frontage of 663 feet. IOWA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Mount Pleasant., Henrij Countij. By an act of the General Assembly of Iowa, approved January 24, 1855, $4,425 were appropriated for the purchase of a site, and $50,000 for building an Insane Hospital, and the Governor (Grimes), Edward Johnston, of Lee County, and Charles S. Blake, of Henry County, were appointed to locate the institution and Superintend the erection of the building. These Commissioners located the institution at Mt. Pleasant, Henry County. A plan for a building designed to accommodate 300 patients was accepted, and in October work was commenced. Up to February 25, 1858, and including an appropriation made on that date, the Legislature had appropriated $258,555.67 to this institution, but the building was not finished ready for occupancy by patients until March 1, 1861. April 18, 1876, a portion of the hospital building was de- stroyed by fire. Trustees, iS8i .-—Timothy Whiting, Mt. Pleasant; J. H. Kulp, Davenport; Denison A. Hurst, Oskaloosa; John Conaway, Brook- lyn; L. E. Fellows, Lansing. Mark Ranney, M. D., Mt. Pleasant, is the Medical Superintendent; C. V. Arnold, Mt. Pleasant, Treas- urer. HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE Independence., Buchanan County. In the winter of 1867-8 a bill providing for an additional Hos- pital for the insane was passed by the Legislature, and an appro- priation of $125,000 was made for that purpose. Maturin L. HISTORY OF IOWA. 75 Fisher, of Clayton County; E, G. Morgan, of Webster County, and Albert Clark, of Buchanan County, were appointed Commissioners to locate and supervise the erection of the building. The Commissioners met and commenced their labors on the 8th day of June, 1868, at Independence. The act under which they were appointed required them to select the most eligible and de- sirable location, of not less than 320 acres, within two miles of the City of Independence, that might be offered by the citizens free of charge to the State. Several such tracts were offered, but the Commissioners finally selected the south half of southwest quarter of Section 5; the north half of northeast quarter of Sec- tion 7; the north half of northwest quarter of Section 8, and the north half of northeast quarter of Section 8, all in Township 88 north. Range 9 west of the Fifth Principal Meridian. This loca- tion i^ on the west side of the Wapsipinicon River, and about a mile from its banks, and about the same distance from Indepen- dence. The contract ^r erecting the building was awarded for |88,114. The contract was signed November 7^ 1868, and work was at once commenced. The main buildings were constructed of dressed limestone, from the quarries at Anamosa and Farley. The base- ments are of the local granite worked from the immense boulders found in large quantities in this portion of the State. In 1872, the building was so far completed that the Commis- sioners called the first meeting of the Trustees, on the 10th day of July of that vear. The building was ready for occupancy April 21, 1873. In 1877, the south wing was built, but was not completed ready for occupancy until the Spring or Summer of 1878. Trustees, 1881: — Erastus G. Morgan, Fort Dodge, President; Jed. Lake, Independence; Mrs. Jennie C. McKinney, Decorah; Lewis H. Smith, Algona; David Hammer, McGregor: A. Reynolds, M. D., Independence, Medical Superintendent; W. G. Donuan, In- dependence, Treasurer. IOWA COLLEGE FOR THE BLIND. Vinto?i, Benton Countij. In August, 1852, Prof. Samuel Bacon, himself blind, estab- lished an Institution for the Instruction of the blind of Iowa, at Keokuk. By act of the General Assembly, entitled, "An act to establish an Asylum for the Blind," approved January 18, 1853, the institu- tion was adopted by the State, removed to Iowa City, February 3d, and opened for the reception of pupils April 4, 1853, free to all the blind in the State. lb HISTORY OF IOWA. The Board of Trustees appointed Prof . Samuel Bacon. Principal; T. J. McGittigen, Teacher of Music, and Mrs. Sarah K. Bacon, Matron. Twenty-three pupils were admitted during the first term. In his first report, made in 1854, Prof. Bacon suggested that the name should be changed from "Asylum for the Blind," to that of "Institution for the Instruction of the Blind." This was done in 1855, when the General Assembly made an annual appropriation for the College of ^55 per quarter for each pupil. This was subse- quently changed to $3,000 per annum, and a charge of $25 as an admission fee for each pupil, which sum, with the amounts real- ized from the sale of articles manufactured by the blind pupils, proved sufficient for the expenses of the institution during Mr. Bacon's administration. On the 8th of May, 1858, the Trustees met at Vinton, and made arrangements for securing the donation of $5,000 made by the cit- izens of that town. In June of that year a quarter section of land was donated for the College, by John W. 0. Webb and others, and the Trustees adopted a plan for the erection of a suitable building. In 1860, the plan was modified, and the contract for enclosing let for $10,420. In August, 1862, the building was so far completed that the goods and furniture of the institution were removed from Iowa City to Vinton, and early in October the School was opened there with twenty-four pupils. Trustees, 1881:- — Clinton 0. Harrington, Vinton; S. H. Watson, Vinton, Treasurer; J . F. White, Sidney; M. H. Westerbrook, Lyons; W. H. Leavitt, Waterloo; Jacob Springer, W atkins; Rev. Bobert Carothers, Principal of the Institution, and Secretary of the Board. INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. Council Bluffs, Pottauattamie County. The Iowa Institution for the Deaf and Dumb was established at Iowa City by an act of the General Assembly, approved January 24,1855. The number of deaf mutes then in the State was 301; the number attending the Institution, 50. A strong effort was made, in 1866, to remove this important in- stitution to Des Moines, but it was located permanently at Council Bluffs, and a building rented for its use. In 1868, Commissioners were appointed to locate a site for, and to superintend the erection of a new building, for which the Legislature appropriated $125,- 000 to commence the work of construction. The Commissioners selected ninety acres of land about two miles south of the city of Council Bluffs. The main building and one wing were completed October 1, 1870, and immediately occupied by the Institution. February 25, 1877, the main building and east wing were des- troyed by fire; and August 6th, following, the roof of the new HISTORY OF IOWA. 77 west wing was blown off and the walls partially demolished by a tornado. At the time of the fire, about one hun- dred and fifty pupils were in attendance. After the fire, half the classes were dismissed and the number of scholars reduced to about seventy, and in a week or two the school was in running order. Trustees, 1881 ;— B. F. Clayton, Macedonia, President; J. H. Stubenrauch, Pella, Treasurer; Louis Weinstein, Burlington. Rev. A. Rogers, Superintendent. SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOMES. Davenport, Cedar Falls, Glenwood. The movement which culminated in the establishment of this "beneficient institution was originated by Mrs. Annie Wittenmeyer, during the civil war of 1861-65. This noble and patriotic lady ■called a convention at Muscatine, on the 7th of October, 1863, for the purpose of devising measures for the support and educa- tion of the orphan children of the brave sons of Iowa, who had fallen in defense of national honor and integrity. So great was the public interest in the movement that there was a large repre- sentation from all parts of the State on the day named, and an association was organized called the Iowa State Orphan Asylum. The first meeting of the Trustees was held February 14, 1864, in the Representative Hall, at Des Moines. Committees from both branches of the General Assembly were present and were in- vited to participate in their deliberations. Arrangements were made for raising funds. At the next meeting, in Davenport, in March, 1864, the Trus- tees decided to commence operations at once, and a committee was appointed to lease a suitable building, solicit donations, and pro- cure suitable furniture. This committee secured a large brick building in Lawrence, Van Buren County, and engaged Mr. Fuller, of Mt. Pleasant, as Steward. At the annual meeting, in Des Moines, in June, 1864, Mrs. C. B. Baldwin, Mrs. G. G. Wright, Mrs. Dr. Horton, Miss Mary E. Shelton and Mr. George Sherman, were appointed a committee to furnish the building and take all necessary steps for opening the " Home," and notice was given that at the next meeting of the Association, a motion would be made to change the name of the Institution to Iowa Orphans' Home. The work of preparation was conducted so vigorously that on the 13th day of July following, the Executive Committee an- nounced that they were ready to receive the children. In three weeks twenty-one were admitted, and the number constantly in- <;reased, so that, in a little more than six months from the time ib • HISTORY OF IOWA. of opening, there were seventy children admitted, and twenty- more applications, which the Committee had not acted upon — all Orphans of Soldiers. The "Home" was sustained by the voluntary contributions of . the people, until 1866, when it was assumed by the State. In that year, the General Assembly provided for the location of several such "Homes" in the different counties, and which were estab- lished at Davenport, Scott County; Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, and at Glenwood, Mills County. The Board of Trustees, elected by the General Assembly, had the oversight and management of the Soldiers' Orphans' Homes of the State, and consisted of one person from each county in which such Home was located, and one for the State at large, who held their offices two years, or until their successors were elected and qualified. An appropriation of ^10 per month for each orphan actually supported was made by the General Assembly. The Home in Cedar Falls was organized in 1865, and an old hotel building was fitted up for it. January, 1866, there were ninety-six inmates. October 12, 1869, the Home was removed to a large brick build- ing, about two miles west of Cedar Falls, and was very prosperous for several years, but in 1876, the General Assembly established a State Normal School at Cedar Falls, and appropriated the build- ings and grounds for that purpose. By "An act to provide for the organization and support of an asylum at Glenwood, in Mills County, for feeble minded children,'^ approved March 17, 1876, the buildings and grounds used by the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at that place were appropriated for this purpose. By another act, approved March 15, 1876, the soldiers' orphans, then at the Homes at Glenwood and Cedar Falls, Avere to be removed to the Home at Davenport within ninety days there- after, and the Board of Trustees of the Home were authorized to receive other indigent children into that institution, and provide for their education in industrial pursuits. Trustees 1881.— C. M. Holton, Iowa City; Seth P. Bryant, Da- venport; C. C. Horton, Muscatine. S. W. Pierce, Davenport, Su- perintendent. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Cedar Falls, Black Hank County. Chapter 129 of the laws of the Sixteenth General Assembly, in 1876, established a State Normal School at Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, and required the Trustees of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home to turn over the property in their charge to the Directors of the new institution. The Board of Directors met at Cedar Falls .June 7, 1876, and duly organized. The Board of Trustees of the Soldiers' Orphans' HISTORY OF IOWA. 79 Home met at the same time for the purpose of turning over to the Directors the property of th?t institution, which was satisfactorily done and properly receipted for as required by law. On the 12th of July, 1876, the Board again met, when executive and teachers' committees were appointed and their duties assigned. A Steward and a Matron were elected, and their respective duties defined. The buildings and grounds were repaired and fitted up as well as the appropriation would admit, and the first term of school opened September 6, 1876, commencing with twenty-seven and closing with eighty-seven students. Directors, 1881:— C. C. Cory, Pella; E. H. Thayer, Clinton; G. S. Robinson, Storm Lake; N. W. Boyes, Dubuque; L. D. Le wel- ling, Mitchellville; J. J. Tollerton, Cedar Falls; E. Townsend, Cedar Falls, Treasurer. ASYLUM FOR FEEBLE MINDED CHILDREN. Glenwood, Mills County. Chapter 152 of the laws of the Sixteenth General Assembly, ap- proved March 17, 1876, provided for the establishment of an asy- lum for feeble minded children at Glenwood, Mills County, and the buildings and the grounds of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at that place were to be used for that purpose. The asylum was placed under the management of three Trustees, one at least of whom should be a resident of Mills County. Children between the ages of 7 and 18 years are admitted. Ten dollars per month for each child actually supported by the State was appropriated by the act, and $2,000 for salaries of officers and teachers for two years. Hon. J. AV. Cattell, of Polk County; A. J. Russell, of Mills County, and W. S. Robertson, Avere appointed Trustees, who held their first meeting at Glenwood, April 26, 1876. The Trustees found the house and farm which had been turned over to them in a shamefully dilapidated condition. The fences were broken down and the lumber destroyed or carried away; the windows broken, doors off their hinges, floors broken and filthy in the extreme, cel- lars reeking with ofiensive odors from decayed vegetables, ajd every conceivable variety of filth and garbage; drains obstructed, cisterns broken, pump demoralized, wind-mill broken, roof leaky, and the whole property in the worst possible condition. It was the first work of the Trustees to make the house tenable. The Institution was opened September 1, 1876; the first pupil admitted September 4, and the school was organized September 10. Trustees, 1881:— Fred. O'Donnell, Dubuque; S. B. Thrall, Ot- tumwa; E. R. S. Woodrow, Glenwood; 0. W. Archibald, M. D., Medical Superintendent. 80 HISTORY OF IOWA. THE REFORM SCHOOL. Eldora^ Hardin County. By "An act to establish and organize a State Reform Scliool for Juvenile Offenders," approved March 31, 1868, the General Assem- bly established a State Reform School at Salem, Lee (Henry) County; provided for a Board of Trustees, to consist of one person from each Congressional District. For the purpose of immediately opening the school, the Trustees were directed to accept the prop- osition of the Tr-ustees of White's Iowa Manual Labor Institute, at Salem, and lease, for not more than ten years, the lands, buildings, etc., of the Institute, and at once proceed to prepare for and open a reform school as a temporary establishment. The contract for fitting up the buildings was let September 21, 1868, and on the Tth of October following, the first inmate was received from Jasper County. The law provided for the admission of children of both sexes under 18 years of age. In 1876, this was amended, so that they are now received at ages over 7 and under 16 years. April 19, 1872, the Trustees were directed to make a permanent location for the school, and $45,000 was appropriated for the erec- tion of the necessary buildings. The Trustees were further di- rected, as soon as practicable, to organize a school for girls in the buildings where the boys were then kept. The Trustees located the school at Eldora, Hardin County, and in the code of 1873, it is permanently located there by law. The institution is managed by five Trustees, who are paid mile- age, but no compensation for their services. The object is the reformation of children of both sexes, under the age of 16 and over 7 years of age; and the law requires that the Trustees shall require the boys and girls under their charge to be instructed in piety and morality, and in such branches of useful knowledge as are adapted to their age and capacity, and in some regular course of labor, either mechanical, manufacturing or agri- cultural, as is best suited to their age, strength, disposition and capacity, aad as may seem best adapted to secure the reformation and future benefit of the boys and girls. A boy or girl committed to the State Reform School is there kept, disciplined, instructed, employed and governed, under the di- rection of the Trustees, until he or she arrives at the age of major- ity, or is bound out, reformed or legally discharged. The binding out or discharge of a boy or girl as reformed, or having arrived at the age of majority, is a complete release from all penalties incurred by conviction of the crime for which he or she is committed. Trustees, 1881: — J. A. Parvin, Muscatine, President; W. J. Moir, Eldorado, Treasurer; W. G. Stewart, Dubuque; J. T. Moor- HISTORY OF IOWA. 81 head, Ely; T. E. Corkhill, Mount Pleasant; B. J. Miles, Eldora, Superintendent. L. D. Lewelling is Superintendent of the Girl's Department, at Mitchellville, Polk County. FISH HATCHING ESTABLISHMENT. Near Anamosa, Jones County. The Fifteenth General Assembly, in 1874, passed " An act to provide for the appointment of a Board of Fish Commissioners for the construction of P^ishways for the protection and propagation of Fish," also, "an act to provide for furnishing the rivers and lakes with fish and fish spawn.'' This act appropriated $3,000 for the purpose. In accordance with the provisions of the first act above mentioned, on the 9th of April, 1874, S. B. Evans of Ot- tumwa, Wapello County; B. F. Shaw of Jones County, and Charles A. Haines, of Black Hawk County, M'ere aj)pointed to be Fish Com- missioners by the Governor. These Commissioners met at Des Moines, May 10, 1874, and organized by the election of Mr. Evans, President; Mr. Shaw, Secretary and Superintendent, and Mr. Haines, Treasurer. The State was partitioned into three districts or divisions to en- able the Commissioners to better superintend the construction of fishways as required by law. At this meeting, the Superintend- ent was authorized to build a State Hatching House; to procure the spawn of valuable fish adapted to the waters of Iowa; hatch and prepare the young fish for distribution, and assist in putting them into the waters of the State. In compliance with these instructions, Mr. Shaw at once com- menced work, and in the summer of 1874^ erected a" State Hatch- ing House " near Anamosa. 20x40 feet, two stories; the second story being designed for a tenement; the first story being the ''hatching room." The hatching troughs are supplied with water from a magnificent spring, four feet deep and alDOut ten feet in diameter, affording an abundant and unfailing supply of pure running water. During the first year, from May 10, 1874, to Mav 10, 1875, the Com- missioners distributed within the State 100^^000 Shad, 300,000 California Salmon, 10,000 Bass, 80,000 Penobscot (Maine) Salmon, 5,000 land-locked Salmon, 20,000 of other species. By act approved March 10, 1876, the law was amended so that there should be one instead of three Fish Commissioners, and B. F. Shaw was appointed, and the Commissioner was authorized to pur- chase twenty acres of land, on which the State Hatching House was located near Anamosa. In the fall of 1876, Commissioner Shaw gathered from the sloughs of the Mississippi, where they would have been destroyed, over a million and a half of small fish, which were distributed in the various rivers of the State and turned into the Mississippi. 82 HISTOKY OF IOWA. In 1875-6, 533,000 California Salmon, and in 1877, 303,500 Lake Trout were distributed in various rivers and lakes in the State. The experiment of stocking the small streams with brook trout is being tried, and 81,000 of the speckled beauties were distributed in 1877. In 1876, 100,000 young eels were distributed. These came from New York, and they are increasing rapidly. A. A. Hosier, of Spirit Lake, was appointed Assistant Fish Com- missioner, by the Governor, under Chapter 156, Laws of 1880. THE PUBLIC LANDS. The grants of public lands made in the State of Iowa, for vari- ous purposes^ areas follows: 1. Tlie 500,000 Acre Grant. 2. The 16th Section Grant. o. The Mortgage School Lands. _--- 4. The University Grant 5. The Saline Grant. 6. The Dcs Moines River Grant. 7. The Des Moines River School Jjands. 8. The Swamp Land Grant. 9. The Railroad Grant. 10. The Agricultural College Grant. I. THE FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRE GRANT. When the State was admitted into the Union, she became en- titled to 500,000 acres of land by virtue of an act of Congress, ap- proved September 4, 1841, which granted to each State therein specified 500,000 acres of public land for internal improvements; to each State admitted subsequently to the passage of the act, an amount of land which, with the amount that might have been granted to her as a Territory, would amount to 500,000 acres. All these lands were required to be selected within the limits of the State to which they were granted. The Constitution of Iowa declares that the proceeds of this grant, together with all lands then granted or to be granted by Congress for the benefit of schools, shall constitute a perpetual fund for the support of schools throughout the State. By an act approved Jan- uary 15, 1849, the Legislature established a Board of School Fund Commissioners, and to that Board was confided the selection, care and sale of these lands for the benefit of the School Fund. Until 1855, these Commissioners were subordinate to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, but on the 15tli of January of that year, they were clothed with exclusive authority in the management and sale of school lands. The office of School Fund Commissioner was abolished March 23, 1858, and that officer in each county was re- quired to transfer all papers to and make full settlement with the County Judge. By this act. County Judges and Township Trus- tees were made the agents of the State to control and sell the six- HISTORY OF IOWA. 83 teenth sections; but no further provision was made for the sale of the 500,000 acre grant until A]iril 3d, 1860, when the entire manage- ment of the school lands was committed to the Boards of Super- visors of the several counties. II. THE SIXTEENTH SECTIONS. By the provisions of the act of Congress admitting Iowa to the Union, there was granted to the new State the sixteenth section in every township, or where that section had been sold, other lands of like amount for the use of schools. The Constitution of the State provides that the proceeds arising from the sale of these sections shall constitute apart of the permanent school fund. The control and sale of these lands were vested in the School Fund Commissioners of the several counties until March 23, 1858, when they were transferred to the County Judges and Township Trus- tees, and were finally placed under the supervision of the County Boards of Supervisors in January, 1861. III. THE MORTGAGE SCHOOL LANDS. These do not belong to any of the grants of land proper. They are lands that have been mortgaged to the school fund, and became school lands when bid oif by the State by virtue of a law passed in 1862. Under the provisions of the law regulating the manage- ment and investment of the permanent school fund, persons de- siring loans from that fund are required to secure the payment thereof with interest at ten per cent, per annum, by promissory notes endorsed by two good sureties and by mortgage on unincum- bered real estate, which must be situated in the county where the loan is made, and which must be valued by three appraisers. Mak- ing these loans and taking the required securities was made the duty of the County Auditor, who was required to report to the Board of Supervisors at each meeting thereof, all notes, mortgages and abstracts of title connected with the school fund, for examina- tion. When default was made of payment of money so secured by mortgage, and no arrangement made for extension of time as the law provides, the Board of Supervisors were authorized to bring suit and prosecute it with diligence to secure said fund; and in ac- tion in favor of the county for the use of the school fund, an in- junction may issue without bonds, and in any such action, when service is made by publication, default and judgment may be en- tered and enforced without bonds. In case of sale of land on exe- cution founded on any such mortgage, the attorney of the board, or other person duly authorized, shall, on behalf of the State or county for the use of said fund, bid such sum as the interests of said fund may require, pnd if struck off to the State the land shall be held and disposed of as the other lauds belonging to the fund. 84 HISTORY OF IOWA. These lands are known as the Mortgage School Lands, and reports of them, including description and amount, are required to be made to the State Land Office. IV. UNIYEHSITY LANDS. By act of Congress, July 20, 1840, a quantity of land, not ex- ceeding two entire townships, was reserved in the Territory of Iowa for the use and support of a university within said Territory when it should become a State. This land was to be located in tracts of not less than an entire section, and could be used for no other purpose than that designated in the grant. In an act sup- plemental to that for the admission of Iowa, March 3, 1845, the grant was renewed, and it was provided that the lands should be used "solely for the purpose of such university, in such manner as the Legislature may prescribe." Under this grant there were set apart and approved by the Sec- retary of the Treasury, for the use of the State, the following lands. ACRES. In the Iowa City Land District, Feb. 29, 1849 20,150.49 In the Fairfield Land District, Oct. 17, 1849 9,685.20 In the Iowa City Land District, Jan. 28, 1850 2,571.81 In the Fairfield'Land District, Sept. 10, 1850 3.198.20 In the Dubuque Land District, May 19, 1852 10,552.24 Total 45,957.94 These lands were certified to the State November 19, 1859. The University lands are placed by law under the control and manage- ment of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa State University. Prior to 1865, there had been selected and located under 282 patents, 22,892 acres in sixteen counties, and 23,036 acres unpatented, making a total of 45,928 acres. v. SALINE LANDS. By act of Congress, approved March 3, 1845, the State of Iowa was granted the use of the salt springs within her limits, not ex- ceeding twelve. By a subsequent act, approved May 27, 1852, Congress granted the springs to the State in fee simple, together with six sections of land contiguous to each, to be disposed of as the Legislature might direct. In 1861, the proceeds of these lands then to be sold were constitutued a fund for founding and sup- porting a lunatic asylum, but no sales were made. In 1856, the proceeds of the saline lands were appropriated to the Insane Asylum, repealed in 1858. In 1860, the saline lands and funds were made a part of the permanent fund of the State University. These lands were located in Appanoose, Davis, Decatur, Lucas, Monroe, Van Buren and Wayne Counties, HISTORY OF IOWA. 85 VI. THE DES MOIIiTES RIVER GRANT. By act of Congress, approved August 8, 1846, a grant of land was made for the improvement of the navigation of Des Moines River, as follows: Be it enacted hij the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and hereby is, grant- ed to said Territory of Iowa, for the purpose of aiding said Ten-itory to improve the navigation of the Des Moines River from its mouth to the Raccoon Fork (so called) in said Territory, one equal moiety, in alternate sections, of the public lands (remaining unsold and not otherwise disposed of, incumbered or appro- priated), in a strip five miles in width on each side of said river, to be selected within said Territory by an agent or agents to be appointed by the Govenior thereof, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 2. And he it further enacted, That the lands hereby granted shall not be conveyed or disposed of by said Territory, nor by any State to be formed out of the same, except as said improvement shall progress; that is, the said Terri- tory or State may sell so much of said lands as shall produce the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and then the sales shall cease until the Governor of said Ter- ritory or State shall certify the fact to the President of the United States that one-half of said sum has been expended upon said improvements, when the said Ten-itory or State may sell and convey a quantity of the residue of said lands sufficient to replace the amount expended, and thus the sales shall pro- gress as the proceeds thereof shall be expended, and the fact of such expendi- ture shall be certified as aforesaid. Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, Tha,t the said River Des Moines shall be and forever remain a public highway for the use of the Government of the United States, free from any toll or other charge whatever, for any proper- ty of the United States or persons in their service passing through or along the same; Provided ahvai/s. That it shall not be competent for the said Terri- tory or future State of Iowa to dispose of said lands, or any of them, at a price lower than, for the time being, shall be the minimum price of other public lands. Sec. 4. And he it further enacted. That whenever the Territory of Iowa shall be admitted into the Union as a State, the lands hereby granted for the above purpose shall be and become the property of said State for the purpose contemplated in this act, and for no other: Provided, the Legislature of" the State of Iowa shall accept the said grant for the said purpose." Approved August 8, 1846. By joint resolution of the General Assembly of Iowa, approved January 9_, 1847, the grant was accepted for the purpose specified. By another act, approved February 24, 1847, entitled '' An act creating the Board of Public Works, and providing for the im- provement of the Des Moines River," the Legislature provided for a Board consisting of a President, Secretary and Treasurer, to be elected by the people. This Board was elected August 2, 1847, and was organized on the 22d of September following. The same act defined the nature of the improvement to be made, and pro- vided that the work should be paid for from the funds to be derived from the sale of lands to be sold by the Board. Agents appointed by the Governor selected the sections desig- nated by ''odd numbers" throughout the whole extent of the grant, and this selection was approved by the Secretary of the Treasury. But there was a conflict of opinion as to the extent of 86 HISTORY OF IOWA. the ^rant. It was held by some that it extended from the mouth of the Des Moines River only to the Raccoon Forks; others held, as the agents to make selection evidently did, that it extended from the mouth to the headwaters of the river. Richard M. Young, Commissioner of the General Land Office, on the 23d of February, 1848, construed the grant to mean that ''the State is entitled to the alternate sections within five miles of the Des Moines River, throughout the whole extent of that river within the limits of Iowa." Under this construction, the alternate sec- tions above the Raccoon Forks would, of course, belong to the State; but on the 19th of June, 1848, some of these lands were, by proclamation, thrown into market. On the 18th of September, the Board of Public Works filed a remonstrance with the Com- missioner of the General Land Office. The Board also sent in a protest to the State Land Office, at which the sale was ordered to take place. On the 8th of January, 1849, the Senators and Repre- sentatives in Congress from Iowa also protested against the sale, in a communication to Hon. Robert J. Walker, Secretary of the Treasury, to which the Secretary replied, concurring in the opin- ion that the grant extended the whole length of the Des Moines River in Iowa. On the 1st of June, 1849, the Commissioner of the General Land Office directed the Register and Receiver of the Land Office at Iowa City ''to withhold from sale all lands situated in the odd numbered sections within five miles on each side of the Des Moines River, above the Raccoon Forks." March 13, 1850, the Commissioner of the General Land Office submitted to the Secre- tary of the Interior a list "showing the tracts falliHg within the limits of the Des Moines River grant, above the Raccoon Forks, etc., under the decision of the Secretary of the Treasury, of March 2, 1849," and on the 6th of April following, Mr. Ewing, then Secretary of the Interior, reversed the decision of Secretary Walker, but ordered the lands to be withheld from sale until Con- gress could have an opportunity to pass an explanatory act. The Iowa authorities appealed from this decision to the President (Taylor), who referred the matter to the Attorney General (Mr. Johnson). On the 19th of July, Mr. Johnson submitted as his opinion, that by the terms of the grant itself, it extended to the very source of the Des Moines, but before his opinion was pub- lished President Taylor died. When Mr. Tyler's cabinet was formed, the question was submitted to the new Attorney General (Mr. Crittenden), who, on the 30th of June, 1851, reported that in his opinion the grant did not extend above the Raccoon Forks. Mr. Stewart, Secretary of the Interior, concurred with Mr. Crittenden at first, but subsequently conscted to lay the whole subject be- fore the President and (Cabinet, who decided in favor of the State. October 29, 1851, Mr. Stewart directed the Commissioner of the General Land Office to "submit for his approval such lists as had HISTORY OF IOWA. 87 been prepared, and to proceed to report for like approval lists of the alternate sections claimed by the State of Iowa above the Raccoon Forks, as far as the surveys have progressed, or may here- after be completed and returned." And on the following day, three lists of th^se lands Avere prepared in the General Land Office. The lands approved and certified to the State of Iowa under this grant, and all lying above the Raccoon Forks, are as follows: By Secretary Stewai-t, Oct. 30, 1851 81,707.93 acres. March 10, 1852 143,908.37 " By Secretary McLellan, Dec. 17, 1853 33,142.43 " Dec. 30, 1853 12,813.51 " Total 271,572.24 acres. The Commissioners and Register of the Des Moines River Im- provement, in their report to the Governor, November 30, 1852, estimate the total amount of lands then available for the work, including those in possession of the State and those to be surveyed and approved, at nearly a million acres. The indebtedness then standing against the fund was about $108,000, and the Commis- sioners estimated the work to be done would cost about $1,200,000, January 19, 1853, the Legislature authorized the Commissioners to sell ''any or all the lands which have or may hereafter be granted, for not less than $1,300,000." On the 24th of January, 1853, the General Assembly provided for the election of a Commissioner by the people, and appointed two Assistant Commissioners, with authority to make a contract, selling the lands of the Improvement for $1,300,000. This new Board made a contract, June 9, 1855, Avith the Des Moines Navi- gation & Railroad Company, agreeing to sell all the lands donated to the State by Act of Congress of August 8, 1816, which the State had not sold prior to December 23, 1853, for $1,300,000, to be expended on the improvement of the river, and in paying the indebtedness then due. This contract was duly reported to the Governor and General Assembly. By an act approved January 25, 1855, the Commissioner and Register of the Des Moines River Improvement were authorized to negotiate with the Des Moines Navigation & Railroad Company for the purchase of lands in Webster County, which had been sold by the School Fund Commissioner as school lands, but which had been certified to the State as Des Moines River lands, and had, therefore, become the property of the Company, under the provis- ions of its contract with the State. March 21, 1856, the old question of the extent of the grant was again raised, and the Commissioner of the General Land Office decided that it was limited to the Raccoon Fork. Appeal wa.s made to the Secretary of the Interior, and by him the matter was re- ferred to the Attorney General, who decided that the grant ex- 88 HISTORY OF IOWA. tended to the northern boundary of the State; the State relin- quished its claim to the lands lying along the river in Minnesota, and the vexed question was supposed to be finally settled. The land which had been certified, as well as those extending to the northern boundary within the limits of the grant, were reserved from pre-emption and sale by the General Land Commissioner, to satisfy the grant of August 8, 1846, and they were treated as hav- ing passed to the State, which from time to time sold portions of them prior to their final transfer to the Des Moines Navigation & Railroad Company, applying the proceeds thereof to the improve- ment of the river in compliance with the terms of the grant. Prior to the final sale to the Company, June 9, 1854, the State had sold about 327,000 acres, of which amount 58,830 acres were lo- cated above the Raccoon Fork. The last certificate of the General Land Office bears date December 30, 1853. After June 9tli, 1854, the Des Moines Navigation & Railroad Company carried on the work under its contract with the State. As the improvement progressed, the State, from time to time, by its authorized officers, issued to the Company, in payment for said work, certificates for lands. But the General Land Office ceased to certify lands under the grant of 1846. The State had made no other provision for paying for the improvements, and disagree- ments and misunderstanding arose between the State authorities and the Company. March 22, 1858, a joint resolution was passed by the Legislature submitting a proposition for final settlement to the Company, which was accepted. The Company paid to the State $20,000 in cash, and released and conveyed the dredge boat and materials named in the resolution; aud the State, on the 3d day of May, 1858, executed to the Des Moines Navigation & Railroad Company fourteen deeds or patents to the lands, amounting to 256,703.64 acres. These deeds were intended to convey all the lands of this grant certified to the State by the General Government not pre- viously sold; but, as if for the purpose of covering any tract or parcel that might have been omitted, the State made another deed of conveyance on the 18th day of May, 1858. These fifteen deeds, it is claimed, by the Company, convey 266,108 acres, of which about 53,367 are below the Raccoon Fork, and the balance, 212,741 acres, are above that point. Besides the lands deeded to the Company, the State had deeded to individual purchasers 58,830 acres above the Raccoon Fork, making an aggregate of 271,571 acres, deeded above the Fork, all of which had been certified to the State by the Federal Government. By act approved March 28, 1858, the Legislature donated the re- mainder of the grant to the Keokuk, Fort Des Moines & Minne- sota Railroad Company, upon condition that said Company assumed all liabilities resulting from the Des Moines River improvement operations, reserving 50,000 acres of the land in security for the HISTORY OF TOAYA. 89 payment thereof, and for the completion of the locks and dams at Bentonsport, Croton, Keosauqna and Plymouth. For every three thousand doUars' worth of work done on the locks and dams, and for every three thousand dolhirs paid by the Company of the lia- bilities above mentioned, the Register of the State Land Office was instructed to certify to the Company 1,000 acres of the 50,000 acres reserved for these purposes. Up to 1865, there had been presented by the Company, under the provisions of the act of 1858, and al- lowed, claims amounting to §109,579.37, about seventy-five per cent, of which had been settled. After the passage of the Act above noticed, the question of the extent of the original grant was again mooted, and at the Decem- ber Term of the Supreme Court of the United States, in 1859-60, a decision was rendered declaring that the grant did not extend above Raccoon Fork, and that all certificates of land above the Fork had been issued without authority of law and were, therefore, void (see 23 How., QQ). The State of Iowa had disposed of a large amount of land with- out authority, according to this decision, and appeal was made to Congress for relief, which was granted on the 3d day of March, 1861, in a joint resolution relinquishing to the State all the title which the United States then still retained in the tracts of land along the Des Moines River above Raccoon Fork, that had been improperly certified to the State by the Department of the Interior, and which is now held by bona Jide purchasers under the State of Iowa. In confirmation of this relinquishment, by act approved July 12, 1862, Congress enacted: That the grant of lands to the tlien Territory of Iowa for the improvement of the Des Moines Kiver, made by the act of August 8, 1846, is hereby extended so as include the alternate sections (designated by odd numbers) lying within five miles of said river, between the Raccoon Fork and the northern boundary of said State; such lands are to be held and applied in accordance with the pro\a3- ions of the original grant, except that the consent of Congress is hereby given to the application of a portion thereof to aid in the constniction of the Keokuk, Fort Ues iVIoines & Minnesota Railroad, in accordance with the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of the State of Iowa approved March 22, 1858. And if any of the said lands shall have been sold or otherwise disposed of by the Un tel States bafore the passag3 of this act, except those released by the United States ta the grantees of th3 State of Iowa, under joint resolution of March 3, 1861, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to set apart an equal amount of lands within said State to be certified in lieu thereof; Provided, that if the State shall have sold and conveyed any portion of the lands lying within the limits of the grant the title of which has proved invalid, any lands which shall be certified to said State in lieu thereof by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall inure to and be held as a trust fund for the benefit of the per- son, or persons, respectively, whose titles shall have failed as aforesaid. The grant of lands by the above act of Congress was accepted by a joint resolution of the General Assembly, Sept. 11, 1862, in extra ses- sion. On the same day, the Governor Avas authorized to appoint one or more Commissioners to select the lands in accordance with the 90 HISTORY OF IOWA. grant. These Commissioners were instructed to report their selec- tions to the Registrar of the State Laud Office. The L^nds so se- lected were to be held for the purposes of the grant, and were not to be disposed of until further legislation should be had. D. W. Kilburne, of Lee County, was appointed Commissioner, and, on the 25th day of April, 1864, the General Land Officer authorized the selection of 300,000 acres from the vacant public lands as a part of the grant of July 12, lS62, and the selections were made in the Fort Dodge and k^ioux City Land Districts. Many difficulties, controversies and conflicts, in relation to claims and titles, grew out of this grant, and these difficulties were en- hanced by the uncertaMity of its limits until the act of Congress of July, 1862. But the. General Assembly sought, by wise and ap- propriate legislation, to protect the integrity of titles .derived from the State. Especially was it the determination to protect the actual settlers, who had paid their money and made improvements prior to the final settlement of the limits of the grant by Congress. TII. — THE DES MOINES RIVER SCHOOL LANDS. These lands constituted a part of the 500,000 acre grant made by Congress in 1811; including 28,378.46 acres in Webster County, selected by the Agent of the State under that grant, and approved by the Commissioner of the General Land Office February 20, 1851. They were ordered into the market June 6, 1853, by the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, who authorized John Tolman, School Fund Commissioner for Webster County, to sell them as school lands. Subsequently, when the act of 1846 was construed to extend the Des Moines River grant above Raccoon Fork, it was held that the odd numbered sections of these lands within five miles of the river were appropriated by that act, and on the 30th day of December, 1853, 12,813.51 acres were set apart and ap- proved to the State by the Secretary of the Interior, as a part of the Des Moines River grant. January 6, 1854, the Commissioner of the General Land Office transmitted to the Superintendent of Public Instruction a certified copy of the lists of these lauds, in- dorsed by the Secretary of the Interior. Prior to this action of the Department, however, Mr. Tolman had sold to individual pur- chasers 3,194.28 acres as school lands, and their titles were, of course, killed. For their relief, an act, approved April 2, 1860, provided that, upon application and proper showing, these purchas- ers should be entitled to draw from the State Treasury the amount they had paid, with 10 per cent, interest, on the contract to pur- chase made with Mr. Tolman. LTnder this act, five applications were made prior to 1864, and the applicants received, in the aggre- gate, $949.53. By an act approved April 7, 1862, the Governor was forbidden to issue to the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad Company any cer- tificate of the completion of any part of said road, or any convey- HISTORY OF IOWA. 91 auce of lands, until the company should execute and file, in the State Land office, a release of its claim — first to certain swamp lands; second, to the Des Moines River Lauds sold by Tolman; third, to certain other river lands. That act provided that "the said company shall transfer their interests in those tracts of land in Webster and Hamilton Counties heretofore sold by John Tol- man, School Fund Commissioner, to the Register of the State Land Office in trust, to enable said Register to carry out and per- form said contracts in all cases when he is called upon by the parties interested to do so, before the 1st day of January, A. D., 1861. The company filed its release to the Tolman lands, in the Land Office, February 27, 1861, at the same time entered its protest that it had no claim upon them, never had pretended to have, and had never sought to claim them. The Register of the State Land Of- fice, under the advice of the Attorney General, decided that pat- ents would be issued to the Tolman purchasers in all cases where contracts had been made prior to December 23, 1853, and remain- ing uncancelled under the act of 1860. But before any were issued, on the 27th of August, 1861, the Des Moines Navigation & Rail- road Company commenced a suit in Chancery, in the District Court of Polk County, to enjoin the issue of such patents. On the 30th of August, an ex parte injunction was issued. In Janu- ary, 1868, Mr. J. A. Harvey, Register of the Land Office, filed in the court an elaborate answer to plaintiffs' petition, denying that the company had any right to or title in the lands. Mr. Harvey's successor, Mr. C. C. Carpenter, filed a still more exhaustive answer February 10, 1868. August 3, 1868, the District Court dissolved the injunction. The company appealed to the Supreme Court, where the decision of the lower court was affirmed in December, 1869. VIII. SWAMP LAND GRANT. An act of Congress, approved March 28, 1850, to enable Ar- kansas and other States to reclaim swampy lands within their lim- its, granted all the swamp and overflowed lands remaining unsold within their respective limits to the several States. Although the total amount claimed by Iowa under this act does not exceed 4,000,000 acres, it has, like the Des Moines River and some of the land grants, cost the State considerable trouble and expense, and required a deal of legislation. The State expended large sums of money in making tlie selections, securing proofs, etc., but the General Government appeared to be laboring under the impression that Iowa was not acting in good faith; that she had selected a large amount of lands under the swamp land grant, transferred her interest to counties, and counties to private speculators, and the General Land Office permitted contests as to the character of the lands already selected by the Agents of the State as "swamp lands." 92 HISTORY OF IGVVA. Congress, by joint resolution Dec. 18, 1856, and by act March 3, 1857, saved the State from the fatal result of this ruinous policy. Many of these lands were selected in 1854 and 1855, immediately after several remarkably wet seasons, and it was but natural that some portions of the selections would not appear swampy after a few dry seasons. Some time after these first selections were made persons desired to enter parcels of the so-called swamp lands and offering to prove them to be dry. In such cases the General Land Office ordered hearing before the local land ofiicers, and if they decided the land to be dry, it was permitted to be entered and the claim of the State rejected. Speculators took advantage of this. Affidavits were bought of irresponsible and reckless men, who, for a few dollars, would confidently testify to thecharacter of lands they never saw. These applications multiplied until they covered 3,000.000 acres. It was necessary that Congress should confirm all these selections to the State, that this gigantic scheme of fraud and plunder might be stopped. The act of Congress of March 3, 1857, was designed to accomplish this purpose. But the Commis- sioner of the General Land Office held that it was only a qualified confirmation, and under this construction sought to sustain the action of the Department in rejecting the claim of the State, and certifying them under act of May 15, 1856, under which the rail- road companies claimed all swamp laud in odd numbered sections within the limits of their respective roads. This action led to serious complications. When the railroad grant was made, it was not intended, nor was it understood that it included any of the swamp lands. These were already disposed of by previous grant. Nor did the companies expect to receive any of them, but under the decision of the Department adverse to the State the way was opened, and they were not slow to enter their claims. March 4, 1862, the Attorney General of the State submitted to the General Assembly an opinion that the railroad companies were not entitled even to contest the right of the State to these lands, under the swamp land grant. A letter from the Acting Commissioner of the General Land Office expressed the same opinion, and the Gen- eral Assembly by joint resolution, approved April 7, 1862, expi-essly repudiated the acts of the railroad companies, and disclaimed any intention to claim these lands under any other than the act of Congress of September 28. 1850. A great deal of legislation has been found necessary in relation to these swamp lands. IX. THE RAILROAD GRANT. One of the most important grants of public lands to Iowa for purposes of internal improvement was that known as the "Railroad Grant," by act of Congress, approved May 15, 1856. This act granted to the State of Iowa, for the purpose of aiding in the con- struction of railroads from Burlington, on the Mississippi River, to a point on the Missouri River, near the mouth of Platte River; HISTORY OF IOWA. 93 from the city of Davenport, via Iowa City and Fort Des Moines to Council Bliitfs; from Lyons City northwesterly to a point of inter- section with the main line of the Iowa Central Air Line Railroad, near Maquoketa; thence on said main line, running as near as practicable to the Forty-second Parallel; across the said State of Iowa to the Missoiari River; from the city of Dubuque to a point on the Missouri River near Sioux City, with a branch from the mouth of the Tete des Morts, to the nearest point on said road, to be completed as soon as the main road is completed to that point, every alternate section of land, designated by odd numbers, for six sections in width, on each side of said roads. It was also provided that if it should appear, when the lines of those roads were definitely fixed, that the United States had sold, or right of pre-emption had attached to any portion of said land, the State was authorized to select a quantity equal thereto, in alternate sections, or parts of sections, within fifteen miles of the lines so located. The lands remaining to the United States within six miles on each side of said roads were not to be sold for less than the double minimum price of the public lands when sold, nor were any of said lands to become subject to private entry until they had been first oflfered at public sale at the increased price. Section 4 of the act provided that the lands granted to said State shall be disposed of by said State only in the manner following, that is to say: "That a quantity of land not exceeding one hundred and twenty sections for each of said roads, and included within a continuous length of twenty miles of each of said roads, may be sold ; and when the Governor of said State shall certify to the Sec- retary of the Interior that any twenty continuous miles of any of said roads is completed, then another quantity of land hereby granted, not to exceed one hundred and twenty sections for each •of said roads having twenty continuous miles completed as afore- said, and included within a continuous length of twenty miles of each of such roads, may be sold; and so from time to time until said roads are completed, and if any of said roads are not completed within ten years, no further sale shall be made, and the lands un- sold shall revert to the United States." At a special session of the General Assembly of Iowa, by act ap- proved July 14, 1856, the grant was accepted and the lands were granted by the State to the several railroad companies named, pro- vided that the lines of their respective roads should be definitely fixed and located before April 1, 1857; and provided further, that if • either of said companies should fail to have seventy-five miles of road completed and equipped by the 1st day of December, 1859, and its entire road completed by December 1, 1865, it should be competent for the State of Iowa to resume all rights to lands remaining undisposed of by the company so failing. 94 HISTOKY OF IOWA. The railroad companies, with the single exception of the Iowa Central Air Line, accepted the several grants in accordance with the provisions of the above act, located their respective roads and and selected their lands. The grant to the Iowa Central was again granted to the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad Company, which accepted it. By act, approved April 7, 1862, the Dubuque & Cioux City Rail- road Company was required to execute a release to the State of cer- tain swamp and school lands, included within the limits of its grant, in compensation for an extension of the time fixed for the comple- tion of its road. A careful examination of the act of Congress does not reveal any special reference to railroad companies. The lands were granted to the State., and the act evidently contemplated the sale of them by the State, and the appropriation of the proceeds to aid in the construction of certain lines of railroad within its limits. Section 4 of the act clearly defines the authority of the State in disposing of the lands. Lists of all the lands embraced by the grant were made, and cer- tified to the State by the proper authorities. Under an act of Con- gress approved August 3, 1864, entitled, ""An act to rest in the several States and Territories the title in fee of the lands which have heen or may he certified to them" these certified lists, the originals of which are filed in the General Land Office, conveyed to the State " the fee simple title to all the lands embraced in such lists that are of the character contemplated " by the terms of the act making the grant, and "" intended to be granted thereby; but where lands embraced in such lists are not of the character embraced by such act of Congress, and were not intended to be granted thereby, said lists, so far as these lands are concerned, shall be perfectly null and void: and no right, title, claim or interest shall be conveyed thereby." Those certified lists made under the act of May 15, 1856, were forty-three in number, viz: For the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad, nine: for the Mississippi & Missouri Railroad, eleven; for the Iowa Central Air line, thirteen; and for the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad^ ten. The lands thus approved to the State were as fd'cws: Burlinfrton 8z Missouri River R R 287,095.34 acres. Mississippi & Missouri River R R 774,674.36 " Cedar Rapids & Missouri River R R 775.454.19 " Dubuque & Sioux City R R 1,226,558.32 " A portion of these had been selected as swamp lands by the State, under the act of September 28, 1850, and these, by the terms of the act of August 3, 1854, could not be turned over to the rail- roads unless the claim of the State to them as swamp was first re- jected. It was not possible to determine from the records of the State Land Officethe extent of the conflicting claims arising un- der the two grants, as copies of the swamp land selections in some HISTORY OF IOWA. 95 of the counties were not filed of record. The Commissioner of the General Land Office, however, prepared lists of the lands claimed by the State as swamp under act of September 28, 1850, and also claimed b^' the railroad com|)anies under act of May 15, 1856, amounting to 553,203.33 acres, the claim to which as swamp had been rejected by the Department. These were consequently cer- tified the State as railroad lands. There was no mode other than the act of July, 1856, prescribed for transferring the title to these lands from the State to the companies. The courts had d'^cided that, for the purposes of the grant, the lands belonged io the State, and to her the companies should look for their titles. It was generally accepted that the act of the Legislature of July, 1856, was all that was necessary to complete the transfer of title. Itw^as assumed that all the rights and powers conferred upon the State by the act of Congress of May 11:, 1856, were by the act of the Gen- eral Assembly transferred to the companies; in other words, that it was designed to put the companies in the place of the State as the grantees from Congress — and, therefore, that which perfected the title thereto to the State perfected the title to the companies by virtue of the act of July, 1856. One of the companies, how- ever, the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company, was not entirely satisfied with this construction. Its managers thought that some farther an:l specific action of the State authorities in ad- dition to the act of the Legislature was necessary to complete their title. This induced Gov. Lowe to attach to the certified lists his official certificate, under the broad seal of the State. On the 9th of November, 1859, the Governor thus certified to them (commenc- ing at the Missouri River) 187,207.41 acres, and December 27th, 43,775.70 acres, an aggregate of 231,073.14 acres. These were the only lands under the grant that were certified by the State au- thorities with any design of perfecting the title already vested in the company by the act of July, 1856. The lists which were after- ward furnished to the company were simply certified by the Gov- ernor as being correct copies of the lists received by the State from the United States General Land Office. These subsequent lists em- braced lands that had been claimed by the State under the Swamp Land Grant. It was urged against the claim of the Companies that the effect of the act of the Legislature was simply to substitute them for the State as parties to the grant. 1st. That the lands were granted to the State to be held in trust for the accomplishment of a specific purpose, and therefore the State could not part with the title until that purpose should have been accomplished. 2d. That it was not the intention of the act of July 14, 1856, to deprive the State of the control of the lands, but on the contrary that she should retain supervision of them and the right to withdraw all rights and powers and resume the title conditionally conferred by that act upon the companies in the event oP their failure to complete their 96 HISTOEY OF IOWA. part of the contract. 3d. That the certified lists from the Gen- eral Land Office vested the title in the State only by virtue of the act of Congress approved August 3, 1854. The State Land Office held that the proper construction of the act of July 14, 1856, when accepted by the companies, was that it hecame a cotid it ional contract that might ripen into a positive sale of the lands as from time to time the work should progress, and as the State thereby became authorized by the express terms of the grant to sell them. This appears to have been the correct construction of the act, but by a subsequent act of Congress, approved June 2, 1864, amending the act of 1856, the terms of the grant were changed, and numerous controversies arose between the companies and the State. The ostensible purpose of this additional act was to allow the Davenport & Council Bluffs Railroad "to modify or change the location of the uncompleted portion of its line,'' to run through the town of Newton, Jasper County, or as nearly as practicable to that point. The original grant had been made to the State to aid in the construction of railroads within its limits, and not to the companies, but Congress, in 1864, appears to have been utterly ignorant of what had been done under the act of 1856, or, if not, to have utterly disregarded it. The State had accepted the origin- al grant. The Secretary of the Interior had already certified to the State all the lands intended to be included in the grant within fifteen miles of the lines of the several railroads. It will be re- membered that Section 4, of the act of May 15, 1856, specifies the manner of sale of these lands from time to time as work on the railroads should progress, and also provided that ''if any of said roads are not completed within ten years, no further sale shall be made, and the lands unsold shall revert to the United States." Having vested the title to these lands in trust, in the State of Iowa, it is plain that until the expiration of the ten years there coukl be no reversion, and the State, not the United States, must control them until the grant should expire by limitation. The United States authorities could not rightfully require the Secretary of the Interior to certify directly to the companies any portion of the lands already certified to the State. And yet Congress, by its act of June 2, 1864, provided that whenever the Davenport & Council Bluffs Railroad Company should file in the General Land Office, at Washington, a map definitely showing such new location, the Secretary of the Interior should cause to be certified and con- veyed to said Company, from time to time, as the road progressed, out of any of the lands belonging to the United States, not sold, reserved, or otherwise disposed of, or to which a pre-emption claim or right of homestead had not attached, and on which a bona Jide settlement and improvement had not been made under color of title derived from the United States, or from the State of Iowa, within six miles of such newly located line, an amount of land HISTORY OF IOWA. 97 per mile equal to that originally authorized to be granted to aid in the construction of said road by the act to which this was an amendment. The term " out of any lands beJonf/inc/ to the United States, not sold, reserved or otherwise disposed of, etc.," would seem to indi- cate that Congress did intend to grant lands already granted, but when it declared that the Company should have an amount per mile equal to that originally autJwrized to he granted, it is plain that the framers of the bill were ignorant of the real terms of the original grant, or that they designed that the United States should resume the title it had already parted Avith two years before the lands could revert to the United States under the original act, which was not repealed. A similar change was made in relation to the Cedar Rapids & Missouri Railroad, and dictated the conveyance of liinds in a similar manner. Like provision was made for the Dubuque & Sionx City Rail- road, and the Company was permitted to change the location of its line between Fort Dodge and Sicux City, so as to secure the best route between those points; but this change of location was not to impair the right to the land granted in the original act, nor did it change the location of those lands. By the same act, the Mississippi k Missouri Railroad Company was authorized to transfer and assign all or any part of the grant to any other company or person, ''if, in the opinion of said Com- pany, the construction of said railroad across the State of Iowa would be thereby sooner and more satisfactorily completed; but such assignee shuuld not in any case be released from the liabili- ties and conditions accompanying this grant, nor acquire perfect title in any other manner than the same would have been ac- quired by the original grantee." Still farther, the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad was not forgotten, and was, by the same act, empowered to receive an amount of land per mile equal to that mentioned in the original act, and if that could not be found within the limits of six miles from the line of said road, then such selection might be made along such line within twenty miles thereof out of any public lauds belonging to the United States, not sold, reserved or other- wise disposed of, or to which a pre-emption claim or right of homestead had not attached. Those acts of Congress, which evidently originated in the "lobby,"' occasioned much controversy and trouble. The Depart- ment of the Interior, however, recognizing the fact that when the Secretary had certified the lands to the State, under the act of 1856, that act divested the United States of title, under the vest- ing act of August, 185-1:, refused to review its action, and also re- fused to order any and all investigations for establishing adverse claims (except in pre-emption cases), on the ground that the 98 HISTORY OF lOAVA. United States had parted Avith the title, and. therefore, could ex- ercise no control over the land. May 12, 1864, before the passage of the amendatory act above described. Congress granted to the State of Iowa, to aid in the construction of a railroad from McGregor to Sioux City, and for the benefit of the McGregor Western Kailroad Company, every alternate section of land, designated by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of the proposed road, reserving the right to substitute other lands, whenever it was found that the grant infringed upon pre-empted lands, or on lands that had been reserved or disposed of for any other purpose. In such cases, the Secretary of the Interior was instructed to select, in lieu, lands belonging to the United States lying nearest to the limits specified. X. AGRICULTUEAL COLLEGE AND FAEM LAND. An Agricultural College and Model Farm was established by act of the General Assembly, approved March 22, 1858. By the elev- enth section of the act. the proceeds of the five-section grant made for the purpose of aiding in the erection of public buildings was appropriated, subject to the approval of Congress, together with all lands that Congress might thereafter grant to the State for the purpose for the benifit of the institution. On the 23d of March, by joint resolution, the Legislature asked the consent of Congress to the proposed transfer. By act approved July 11, 1862, Congress removed the restrictions imposed in the "five-section grant," and authorized the General Assembly to make such disposi- tion of the lands as should be deemed best for the interests of the State. By these several acts, the five sections of land in Jasper County certified to the State to aid m the erection of public buildings under the act of March 3, 1845, entitled: ''An act supple- mental to the act for the admission of the States of Iowa and Florida into the Union," were fully appropriated for the ben- efit of the Iowa Agricultural College and Farm. The institu- tion is located in Story County. Seven hundred and twenty-one acres in that and two hundred in Boone County were donated to it by individuals interested in the success of the enterprise. By act of Congress approved July 2, 1822, an appropriation was made to each State and Territory of 30,000 acres for each Senator and Representative in Congress, to which, by the apportionment under the census of 1850, they were respectively entitled. This grant was made for the purpose of endowing colleges of agricul- ture and mechanic arts. Iowa accepted this grant by an act passed at an extra session of its Legislature, approved September 11, 1862, entitled "An act to accept of the grant, and carry into execution the trust conferred upon the State of Iowa by an act of Congress entitled 'An act granting public lands to the several States and Territories which may pro- vide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts,' HISTORY OF IOWA. 99 approved July 2, 1862.'" This act made it the duty of the Govern- or to appoint an agent to select and locate the lands, and provided fhat none should be selected that were claimed by any county as swamp lands. The agent was required to make report of his doings to the Governor, who was instructed to submit the list of selections to the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural College for their ap- proval. One thousand dollars were appropriated to carry the law into effect. The State, having two Senators and six Representa- tives in Congress, was entitled to 240,000 acres of land under this grant, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining an Agricul- tural College. Peter Melendy, Esq., of Black Hawk County, was appointed to make the selections, and during August, Septem- ber and December, 1863, located them in the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Sioux City Land Districts. December 8, 1864, these selections were certified by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and were approved to the State by the Secretary of the In- terior December 13, 1864. The title to these lands was vested in the State in fee simple, and conflicted with no other claims under other grants. The agricultural lands were approved to the State as 240,000.96 acres; but 35,691.66 acres were located within railroad limits, which were computed at the rate of two acres for one, the actual amount of land approved to the State under this grant was only 204,309.30 acres, located as follows: In Des Moines Land District 6,804.96 acres. . In Sioux City Land District 59,025.37 " In Fort Dodge Land District 138,478.97 " By act of the General Assembly, approved March 29, 1864, en- titled, "An act authorizing the Trustees of the Iowa State Agri- cultural College and Farm, to sell all lands acquired, granted, do- nated or appropriated for the benefit of said College, and to make an investment of the proceeds thereof," all these lands were granted to the Agricultural College and Farm, and the Trustees were au- thorized to take possession and sell or lease them. They were then under the control of the Trustees, lands as follows: Under the act of July 2, 1852 304,309.30 acres. Of the five-section grant 3,200.00 '' Lands donated in Story County 721.00 " Lands donated in Boone County 200.00 " Total 208,430.30 acres. The Trustees opened an office at Fort Dodge, and appointed Hon. G. W. Bassett their agent for the sale of these lands. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The germ of the free public school system of Iowa, which now ranks second to none in the United States, was planted by the first settlers. They had migrated to the " Beautiful Land '' from other 100 HISTORY OF IOWA. and older States, where the common school system had been tested by many years' experience, bringing with them some knowledge of its advantages, which they determined should be enjoyed by the children of the land of their adoption. The system thus planted was expanded and improved in the broad fields of the West, until now it is justly considered one of the most complete, comprehen- sive and liberal in the country. Nor is this to be wondered at when it is remembered humble log school houses were built almost as soon as the log cabin of the ear- liest settlers were occupied by their brave builders. In the lead raining regions of the State, the first to be occupied by the white race, the hardy pioneers provided the means for the education of their children even before they had comfortable dwellings for their families. School teachers were among the first immigrants to Iowa. Wherever a little settlement was made, the school house was the first united public act of the settlers; and the rude, primi- tive structures of the early time only disappeared when the com- munities had increased in population and wealth, and were able to replace them with more commodious and comfortable buildings. Perhaps in no single instance has the magnificent progress of the State of Iowa been more marked and rapid than in her common school system and in her school houses, which, long since, super- seded the log cabins of the first settlers. To-day, the school houses which everywhere dot the broad and fertile prairies of Iowa are unsurpassed by those of any other State in the great Union. More especially is this true in all her cities and villages, where liberal and lavish appropriations have been voted, by a generous people, for the erection of large, commodious and elegant buildings, fur- nished with all the modern improvements, and costing from $10,000 to $60,000 each. The people of the State have expended more than $10,000,000 for the erection of public school buildings. The first house erected in Iowa was a log cabin at Dubuque, built by James L. Langworthy ' and a few other miners, in the Autumn of 1833. Mrs. Caroline Dexter commenced teaching in Dubuque in March, 1836. She was the first female teacher there, aud probably the first in Iowa. The first tax for the support of schools at Dubuque was levied in 181:0. Among the first buildings erected at Burlington was a commodi- ous log school house in 1834, in which Mr. Johnson Pierson taught the first school in the Winter of 1834-5. The first school in Muscatine County was taught by George Bumgardner, in the Spring of 1837, and in 1839, a log school house was erected in Muscatine, which served for a long time for school house, church and public hall. The first school in Daven- port was taught in 1838. In Fairfield Miss Clarissa Sawyer, James F. Chambers and Mrs. Reed taught school in 1839. II HISTOKY OF IOWA. • 101 When the site of Iowa City was selected as the capital of the Territory of Iowa, in May, 1839, it was a perfect wilderness. The first sale of lots took place Auo;ust 18, 1839, and before January 1, 1810, about twenty families had settled within the limits of the town; and during the same year, Mr. Jesse Berry opened a school in a small frame building he had erected, on what is now College street. The first settlement in Monroe County was made in 1813, by Mr. John R. Gray, about two miles from the present site of Eddy- ville; and in the Summer of 1811, a log school house was built, and the first school was opened. About a year after the first cabin was built at Oskaloosa, a log school house was built. At Fort Des Moines, now the Capital of the State, the first school was taught in the Winter of 1816-7. The first school in Pottawattamie County was opened at Council Point, prior to 1819. The first school in Decorah was taught in 1853. In Osceola, the first school was opened by Mr. D. W. Scoville. The first school at Fort Dodge was taught in 1S55, by Cyrus C. Carpenter, since Governor of the State. In Crawford County, the first school house was built in Mason's Grove, in 1856, and Morris McHenry first occupied it as teacher. During the first twenty years of the history of Iowa, the log school houses prevailed, and in 1861, there were 893 of these primitive structures in use for school purposes in the State. Since that time they have been gradually disappearing. In 1865, there were 796; in '1870, 336; and in 1875, 121. Iowa Territory was created July 3, 1838. January 1, 1839, the Territorial Legislature passed an act providing that "' there shall be establisked a common school, or schools, in each of the counties in this Territory, which shall be open and free for every class of white citizens between the ages of five and twenty-one years." The second section of the act provided that "the County Board shall, from time to time, form such districts in their respective counties whenever a petition may be presented for the purpose by a majority of the voters resident within such contemplated dis- trict,'' These districts were governed by boards of trustees, usually of three persons; each district was required to maintain school at least three months in every year; and later, laws were enacted providing for county school taxes for the payment of teachers, and that whatever additional sum might be required should be assessed upon the parents sending, in proportion to the length of time sent. When Iowa Territory became a State, in 1816, with a popula- tion of 100,000, and with 20,000 pupils within its limits, about four hundred school districts had been organized. In 1850, there were 1,200, and in 1857, the number had increased to 3,265, In March, 1858, the Seventh General Assembly enacted that "each civil township is declared a school district,' and provided 102 HISTORY OF IOWA. that these should be divided into sub-districts. Tliis law went into force March 20, 1858, and reduced the number of school districts from about 3,500 to less than 900. This change of school organization resulted in a very material reduction of the expenditures for the compensation of District Secretaries and Treasurers. An effort was made for several years, from 1867 to 1872, to abolish the sub-district system. The Legis- lature of 1870, provided for the formation of independent districts from the sub-districts of district townships. The system of graded schools was inaugurated in 1849; and new schools, in which more than one teacher is employed, are universally graded. The first official mention of Teachers' Institutes in the educa- tional records of Iowa, occurs in the annual report of Hon. Thomas H. Benton, Jr., made December 2, 1850. In March, 1858, an act was passed authorizing the holding of Teachers' Institutes for periods not less than six working days, whenever not less than thirty teachers should desire. The Super- intendent was authorized to expend not exceeding §100 for any one Institute, to be paid out by the County Superintendent as the In- stitute might diiect for teachers and lecturers, and one thousand dollars was appropriated to defray the expenses of these Institutes. The Board of Education at its first session, commencing Decem- ber 6, 1858, enacted a code of school laws which retained the ex- isting provisions for Teachers' Institutes. In March, 1860, the General Assembly amended the act of the Board by appropriating "a sum not exceeding fifty dollars annually for one such Institute, held as provided bylaw in each county." By act approved March 19, 1871, Normal Institutes were estab- lished in each county, to be held annually by the County Superin- tendent, and in 1876 the Sixteenth General Assembly established the first permanent State Normal School at Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, appropriating the building and property of the Soldiers' Orphans" Home at that place for that purpose. The public school system of Iowa is admirably oi-ganized, and if the various ofiicers who are entrusted with the educational interests of the commonwealth are faithful and competeiit, should and will constantly improve. ''The public schools are supported by funds arising from several sources. The sixteenth section of every Congressional Township was set apart by the General Government for school purposes, be- ing one-thirty-sixth part of all the lands of the State. The mini- mum price of these lands was fixed at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Congress also made an aiditional donation to the State of five hundred thousand acres, and an appropriation of five per cent, on all the sales of public lands to the school fund. The State gives to this fund the proceeds of the sales of all lands which escheat to it; the proceeds of all fines for the violation of the liquor and criminal laws. The money derived from these sources ■ HISTORY OF IOWA. 103 constitutes the permanent school fund of the State, which cannot be diverted to any other purpose. The penalties collected by the courts for fines and forfeits go to the school fund in the counties where collected. The proceeds of the sale of lands and the five per cent, fund go into the State Treasury, and the State distrib- utes these proceeds to the several counties according to their re- quest, and the counties loan the money to individuals for long terms at eight per cent, interest, on security of land valued at three times the amount of the loan, exclusive of all buildings and im- provements thereon. The interest on these loans is paid into the State Treasury, and becomes the available school fund of the State. The counties are responsible to the State for all money so loaned, and the State is likewise responsible to the school fund for all moneys transferred to the counties. The interest on these loans is apportioned by the State Auditor semi-annually to the several counties of the State, in proportion to the number of persons between the ages of five and twenty-one years. The counties also levy an annual tax for school purposes, which is apportioned to the several district townships in the same way. A district tax is also levied for the same purpose. The money arising from these several sources constitutes the support of the public schools, and is sufiicient to enable every sub-district in the State to afford from six to nine months' school each j^ear." The taxes levied for the support of schools are self-imposed. Under the admirable school laws of the State, no taxes can be le- gally assessed or collected for the erection of school houses until they have been ordered by the election of the district at a school meeting legally called. The school houses of Iowa are the pride of the State and an honor to the people. If they have been some- times built at a prodigal expense, the tax payers have no one to blame but themselves. The teachers' and contingent funds are determined by the Directors, under certain legal restrictions. These boards are elected annually, except in the independent dis- tricts, in which the board may be entirely changed every three years. The only exception to this mode of levying taxes for sup- port of schools is the county school tax, which is determined by the County Board of Supervisors. The tax is from one to three mills on the dollar; usually, however, but one. In his admirable message to the General Assembly, just previous to retiring from the Gubernatorial chair. Gov. Gear has the follow- ing to say concerning the public schools of Iowa: ''The number of school children reported is 594,750. Of this number 384,192 are, by approximation, between the ages of six and sixteen years. The number of all ages enrolled m the schools is 431,513, which shows that much the greater proportion of chil- dren of school age avail themselves of the benefits of our educa- tional system. The average attendance is 254,088. The schools of the State have been in session, on an average, 148 days. 104 HISTORY OF IOWA. "There is, doubtless, quite a percentage of children who attend schools other than those of a public character. Yet the figures I have quoted show clearly that very many children, through the negligence or unwillingness of parents, do not attend school at all, but are in a fair way to grow up in ignorance. I, therefore, earn- estly suggest that you consider the expediency of enacting a com- pulsory educational law, which should require attendance upon schools of some kind, either public or private. To me it does seem as if the State shall not have done her full duty by the chil- dren, until she shall have completed her educational system by some such enactment. "The interest in the normal institutes is maintained, and,, beyond doubt, they render great aid in training the teachers who attend them. "The receipts for all school purposes throughout the State were $5,006,023.60, and the expenditures ^5,129,279.49; but of these re- ceipts and expenditures about $400,000 was of money borrowed to refund outstanding bonds at lower rates of interest. "The amount on hand aggregated, at the end of the fiscal year, $2,653,356.55. This sum is, in my judgment, much larger than the necessities of the schools require, and it would be well to im- pose some check to prevent an excessive or unnecessary levy of taxes for school purposes." The significance of such facts as these is unmistakable. Such lavish expenditures can only be accounted for by the liberality and public spirit of the people, all of whom manifest their love of popular education and their faith in the public schools by the an- nual dedication to their support of more than one per cent, of their entire taxable property; this too. uninterruptedly through a series of years, commencing in the midst of a war which taxed their en- ergies and resources to the extreme, and continuing through years of general depression in business— years of moderate yield of pro- duce, of discouragingly low prices, and even amid the scanty sur- roundings and privations of pioneer life. Few human enterprises have a grander significance or give evidence of a more noble pur- pose than the generous contributions from the scanty resources of the pioneer for the purposes of public education. POLITICAL RECORD. TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. Governors — Robert Lucas, 1838-41; John Chambers, 1841-45; James Clarke, 1845. Secretaries — William B. Conway, 1838, died 1839; James Clarke, 1839; 0. H. W. Stull, 1841; Samuel J. Burr, 1843; Jesse Wil- liams, 1845. Auditors— :ie^se Williams, 1840; Wm. L. Gilbert, 1843; Robert M. Secrest, 1845. HISTORY OF IOWA. 105 Treasurers — Thornton Bayliss, 1839; Morgan Reno, 1840. Judges — Charles Mason, Chief Justice, 1838; Joseph Williams, 1838, "Thomas S. Wilson, 1838. Presidents of Council — Jesse B. Browne, 1838-9 ; Stephen Hempstead, 1839^0; M. Bainridge, 1840-1; Jonathan W. Parker, 1841-2; John D.Elbert, 1842-3; Thomas Cox, 1843-4; S.Clinton Hastings, 1845; Stephen Hempstead, 1845-6. SiJeakers of the HoHse— William H. Wallace, 1838-9; Edward Johnston, 1839-40; Thomas Cox, 1840-1; Warner Lewis, 1841-2; James M. Morgan, 1842-3; James P. Carleton, 1843-4; James M. Morgan, 1845; George W. McCleary, 1845-6. First Constitutional Convention^ 1844 — Shepherd Leffler, Presi- dent; Geo. S. Hampton, Secretary. Second Constitutional Convention, 1846 — Enos Lowe, President; William Thompson, Secretary. OFFICERS OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT. Governors — Ansel Briggs, 1846 to 1850; Stephen Hempstead, 1850 to 1854; James W. Grimes, 1854 to 1858; Ralph P. Lowe, 1858 to 1860; Samuel J. Kirk wood, 1860 to 1864; William M. Stone, 1864 to 1868; Samuel Morrill, lc68 to 1872; Cyrus C. Car- penter, 1872 to 1876; Samuel J. Kirkwood, 1876 to 1877; Joshua G. Newbold, Acting, 1877 to 1878; John H. Gear, 1878 to 1882; Buren R. Sherman, 1882 to ■ . Lieutenant Governors — Office created by the new Constitution September 3, 1857— Oran Faville, 1858-9; Nicholas J. Rusch, 1860-1; John R. Needham, 1862-3; Enoch W. Eastman, 1864-5; Benjamin F. Gae, 1866-7; John Scott, 1868-9; M. M. Walden, 1870-1; H. C. Bulls, 1872-3; Joseph Dysart, 1874-5; Joshua G. Newbold, 1876-7; Frank T. Campbell, 1878-82; 0. H. Manning, 1882 to . Secretaries of State — Elisha Cutler, Jr., Dec. 5, 1846, to Dec. 4, 1848; Josiah H. Bonney, Dec. 4, 1848, to Dec. 2, 1850; George W. McCleary, Dec. 2, 1850, to Dec. 1,1856; Elijah Sells, Dec. 1, 1856, to Jan. 5, 1863; James Wright, Jan. 5, 1863, to Jan. 7, 1867; Ed. Wright, Jan. 7, 18(37, to Jan. 6, 1873; Josiah T. Young, Jan. 6, 1873, to 1879; J. A. T. Hull, 1879 to ." Auditors of State— JoseYih T. Fales, Dec. 5, 1846, to Dec. 2, 1850; William Pattee, Dec. 2, 1850, to Dec. 4, 1854; Andrew J. Stevens, Dec. 4, 1854, resigned in 1855;^ John Pattee, Sept. 22, 1855, to Jan. 3, 1859; Jonathan W. Cattell, 1859, to 1865; John A. Elliot, 1865 to 1871; John Rassell, 1871 to 1875; Buren R.*-Sherman, 1875 to 1881; W. V. Lucas, 1881 to . Treasurers of State — Morgan Reno, Dec. 18, 1846, to Dec. 2, 1850; Israel Kister, Dec. 2, 1850, to Dec. 4, 1852, Martin L. Mor- ris, Dec. 4, 1852, to Jan. 2, 1859; John W. Jones, 1859 to 1863; William H. Holmes, 1863 to 1867; Samuel E. Rankin, 1867 to 100 HISTORY OF IOWA. 1873; William Christy, 1873 to 1877; George W. Berais, 1877 to 1881; Edwin G. Conger, 1881 to . Superintendents of Public Instruction — Office created in 1847 — James Harlan, June 5, 1845 (Supreme Court decided election void); Thomas H. Benton, Jr., May 23, 1844, to June 7, 1854; James D. Eads, 1854-7; Joseph C. Stone, March to June, 1857; Maturin L. Fisher, 1857 to Dec. 1858, when the office was abolished and the duties of the office devolved upon the Secretary of the Board of Education. Secretaries of the Board of Education — Thomas H. Benton, Jr., 1859-1863; Oran Faville, Jan. 1, 1864. Board abolished March 23, 1864. Superintendents of Public Instruction — Office re-created March 23, 1864— Oran Faville, March 28, 1864. resigned March 1, 1867; D. Franklin Wells, March 4, 1867, to Jan., 1870; A. S. Kissell, 1870 to 1872; Alonzo Abernethy, 1872 to 1877; Carl W. von Coelln, 1877 to 1882; J. W. Akers, 1882 to . State Binders — Office created February 21, 1855 — William M. Coles, May 1, 1855, to May 1, 1859; Frank M. Mills, 1859 to 1867; James S. Carter, 1867 to 1870; J. J. Smart, 1870 to 1874; H. A. Perkins, 1874 to 1878; Matt Parrott, 1878 to . Beqisters of the State Land Office — Anson Hart, May 5, 1855, to Mav'l3, 1857; Theodore S. Parvin, May 13, 1857, to Jan. 3, 1859; Anios B. Miller, Jan. 3. 1859, to October, 1862; Edwin Mitchell. Oct. 31, 1862, to Jan. 5, 1863; Josiah A. Harvey, Jan. 5, 1863, to Jan. 7, 1867; Cyrus C. Carpenter, Jan. 7, 1867, to January, 1871; Aaron Brown, January. 1871, to January, 1875; David Secor, Jan- uary, 1875, to 1879; J. K. Powers, 1879 to . State Printers — Office created Jan. 3, 1840 — Garrett D. Palmer and George Paul, 1849; William H. Merritt, 1851 to 1853; Wil- liam A. Hornish, 1853 (resigned May 16, 1853); Mahoney & Dorr, 1853 to 1855; Peter Moriarty, 1855 'to 1857; John Teesdale, 1857 to 1861; Francis W. Palmer, 1861 to 1869; Frank M. Mills, 1869 to 1870; G. W. Edwards, 1870 to 1872; R. P. Clarkson, 1872 to 1878; Frank M. Mills, 1878 to . Adjutants General — Daniel S. Lee, 1851-5; Geo. W. McCleary, 1855-7; Elijah Sells, 1857: Jesse Bowen, 1857-61; Nathaniel Ba- ker, 1861 to 1877; John H. Looby, 1877 to 1879; W. L. Alexan- der, 1879 to . Attornei/s General — David C. Cloud, 1853-56; Samuel A. Rice, 1856-60; Charles C. Nourse, 1861-4; Isaac L. Allen. 1865 (resigned January, 18GG); Frederick E. Bissell, 1866 (died June 12, 1867); Henry O'Connor, 1867-72; Marsena E. Cutts, 1872-6; John F. McJunkin, 1877 to 1881; Smith McPherson, 1881 to . Presidents of the Senate — Thomas Baker, 1846-7; Thomas Hughes, 1848; John J. Selman, 1818-9; Enos Lowe, 1850-1 ; Wil- liam E. Leffingwell, 1852-3; Maturin L. Fisher, 1854-5; William HISTORY OF 10V» A. 107 W. Hamilton, 18oG-7. Under the New Constitution, the Lieuten- ant Governor is President of the Senate. Speakers of the House^'Jesse B. Brown, 1847-8; Smiley H. Bonhan. 1849-50; George Temple, 1851-2; James Grant, 1853-^; Beuben Noble, 1855-G; Samuel McFarland, 1856-7; Stephen B. Sheledy, 1858-9; John Edwards, 1860-1; Rush Clark, 1862-8; Ja- cob Butler, 1864-5; Ed. Wright, 1866-7; John Russell, 1868-9; Aylett R. Cotton, 1870-1; James Wilson, 1872-3; John H. Gear, 1874-7; John Y. Stone, 1878 9; Lore Alford, 1880-1; G. R. Stru- ble, 1882 to . NeiP Constitidional Convention^ ISuO — Francis Springer, Presi- dent; Thos. J. Saunders, Secretary. STATE OFFICERS, 1882. Buren R. Sherman, Governor; 0. H. Manning, Lieutenant Gov- ernor; John A. T. Hull, Secretary of State; William V. Lucas, Au- ditor of State; Edwin H. Conger, Treasurer of State; James K. Powers, Register of State Land Office; W. L. Alexander. Adjutant General: Smith McPherson, Attorney General; Edward J. Holmes, Clerk of the Supreme Court; Jno. S. Runnells, Reporter Supreme Court; J. W. Akers, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Frank M. Mills, State Printer; Matt. Parrott, State Binder; Prof. Nathan R. Leonard, Superintendent of Weights and Measures; Mrs. S. B. Maxwell, State Librarian. THE JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT OF I0W^\, 1882. Chief Justice, Austin Adams, Dubuque; Associate Judges, Wil- liam H. Seevers, Oskaloosa; James G. Day, Sidney; James H. Roth- rock. Tipton; Joseph M. Beck, Forfc Madison. DISTRICT COURTS, 1882. First Judicial District, Abraham* H. Stutsman, Burlington; Sec- ond Judicial District, Edward L. Burton, Ottumwa; Third Judicial District, R. C. Henry, Mount Ayr; Fourth Judicial District, Charles H. Lewis, Cherokee: Fifth Judicial District, William H. McHenry, Des Moines; Sixth Judicial District, John C. Cook, Newton; Sev- enth Judicial District, Walter I. Hayes, Clinton: Eighth Judicial District, John Shane, Vinton; Ninth Judicial District, Sylvester Bagg, Waterloo; Tenth Judicial District, Ezekiel E. Cooley, De- corah; Eleventh Judicial District. James W. McKenzie, Hampton; Twelfth Judicial District, Geo. W. Ruddick, Waverly; Thirteenth Judicial District, Joseph R. Reed, Council Bluffs; Fourteenth Ju- dicial District, Ed. R. Duffie, Sac City. CIRCUIT COURTS, 1882. First Judicial Circuit, First District, William J. Jeffries, Mt. Pleasant; Second Judicial Circuit, First District, Charles Phelps, 108 HISTORY OF IOWA. Burlington; Second Judicial Circuit, H. C. Traverse, Bloomfield; Third Judicial Circuit, D. D. Gregory, Afton; Fourth Judicial Circuit, J. R. Zuver, Sioux City; First Judicial Circuit, Fifth District, Josiah Given, Des Moines; Second Judicial Circuit, Fifth District, Stephen A. Call vert, Adel; Sixth Judicial Circuit, W, R. Lewis, Montezuma; First Judicial Circuit, Seventh District, Charles W. Chase, Clinton; Second Judicial Circuit, Seventh Dis- trict, DeWitt C. Richman, Muscatine: Eighth Judicial Circuit, Christian Hedges, Marengo; Ninth Judicial Circuit, Benjamin W. Lacy, Dubuque; Tenth Judicial Circuit, Charles T. Granger, Wau- kon; Eleventh Judicial Circuit, D. D. Miracle, Webster City; Twelfth Judicial Circuit, Robert G. Reineger, Charles City; Thir- teenth Judicial Circuit, C. F. Loofbourrow, Atlantic; Fourteenth Judicial Circuit, John N. Weaver, Algona. CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATION. UHITED STATES SENATORS. (The first General Assembly failed to elect Senators.) George W. Jones, Dubuque, Dec. 7, 1848-1858; Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington, Dec. 7,1848-1855; James Harlan, Mt. Pleas- ant, Jan. 6, 1855-1865; James W. Grimes, Burlington, Jan. 26, 1858-died 1870; Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa City, elected Jan. 13, 1866, to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James Harlan; James Harlan, Mt. Pleasant, March 4, 1866-1872; James B. Howell, Keokuk, elected Jan. 20, 1870, to fill vacancy caused by the death of J. W. Grimes — term expired March 3d; George G. Wright, Des Moines, March 4, 1871-1877; William B. Allison, Dubuque, March 4, 1872: Samuel J. Kirkwood, March 4, 1877; James W. MeDill, appointed to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of S. J. Kirkwood, in 1881, and elected Jan. 1882, to fill the unexpired term; James F. Wilson, elected Jan. 1882, for the full term, be- ginning March 4, 1883. MEMBERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ticentij-nintJi Congress — 1846 to 1847. — S. Clinton Hastings; Shepherd Leffler. Thirtieth Congress— 1S4:7 to 1849.— First District, William Thompson; Second District, Shepherd Leffler. Thirty-first Congress — 1849 to 1851. — First District, First Ses- sion, Wm. Thompson; unseated by the House of Representatives on a contest, and election remanded to the people. First District, Second Session, Daniel F. Miller. Second District, Shepherd Leffler. Tliirtij-second Congress — 1851 to 1853. — First District, Bern- hart Henn. Second District, Lincoln Clark. Thirtij-tliird Congress — 1853 to 1855. — First District, Bernhart Henn. Second District, John P. Cook. HISTORY OF IOWA, 109 Thirtij -fourth Conf/ress — 1855 to 1857. — First District, Augustus Hall. Second District, James Thorington. Thirti/-fifth Congress — 1857 to 1859. — First District, Samuel R. Curtis. Secoml District, Timothy Davis. Thirti/sixth Congress — 1859 to 1S61.— First District, Samuel R. Curtis. Second District, William Vandever. Thirty-seventh Congress— ISQl to 1863.— First District, First Session, Samuel R. Curtis.* First District, Second and Third Ses- sions, James F. Wilson. Second District, William Vandever. Thirtg-eighth Congress— 1S62 to 1865.— First District, James F. Wilson. Second District, Hiram Price; Third District, William B. Allison; Fourth District, Josiah B. Grinnell; Fifth District, John A. Kasson; Sixth District, Asahel W. Hubbard. Thirtg-ninth Congress— 1S65 to 1867.— First District, James F. Wilson; Second District, Hiram Price; Third District, William B.Allison; Fourth District, Josiah B. Grinnell, Fifth District, John A. Kasson; Sixth District, Asahel W. Hubbard. Fortieth Congress— 1S61 to 1869.— First District, James F. Wilson; Second District, Hiram Price; Third District, William B. Allison; Fourth District, William Loughridge; Fifth District, Grenville M. Dodge; Sixth District, Asahel W. Hubbard. Fortg-Jirst Congress— 1S69 to 1871.— First District, George W. McCrary; Second District, William Sm^^th; Third District, William B. Allison ; Fourth District, William Loughridge; Fifth District, Frank W. Palmer; Sixth District, Charles Pomeroy. Forty-second Com/ress — 1871 to 1873. — First District, George W. McCrary; Second District. Aylett R.Cotton; Third District, W. G. Donnan; Fourih District, Madison M. Waldon; Fifth Dis- trict, Frank W. Palmer; Sixth District, Jackson Orr. Forty-third Congress — 1873 to 1875. — First District, George W. McCrary; Second District, Aylett R. Cotton; Third District, William G. Donnan; Fourth District, Henry 0. Pratt; Fifth Dis- trict, James Wilson; Sixth District, William Loughridge; Seventh District, John A. Kasson; Eighth District, James W. McDill; Ninth District, Jackson Orr. Forty-fourth Congress— 'i815 to 1877. — First District, George W. McCrary; Second District, John Q. Tufts; Third District, L. L. Ainsworth; Fourth District, Henry 0. Pratt; Fifth District, James Wilson; Sixth District, Ezekiel S. Sampson; Seventh Dis- trict, John A. Kasson; Eighth District, James W. McDill; Ninth District, Addison Oliver. Forty-fifth Congress— 1S77 to 1879.— First District, J. C. Stone; Second District, Hiram Price; Third District, T. W. Bur- dick; Fourth District, H. C. Deering; Fifth District, Rush Clark; Sixth District, E. S. Sampson; Seventh District, H. J. B. Cum- mings; Eighth District, W. F. Sapp; Ninth District, A. Oliver. ♦Vacated seat by acceptance of commission as Brigadier General, and J. F. Wilson chosen his successor. 11) HISTORY OF IOWA. Fortij-sixth Congress. — 1879 to 1881. — First District, Moses A. McCoid; Second District, Hiram Price; Third District, Tiiomas Updegraff ; Fourth District, Nathaniel C. Deering; Firth District, W. G. Thompson; Sixth District, James B. Weaver; Seventh Dis- tiict, Edward H. Gillette; Eighth District, William F. Sapp; Ninth District, Cyrus C. Carpenter. Forfjj-Seventh Congress — 1881 to 1883. — First District, Moses A. McCoid; Second District, Sewall S. Farwell; Third District, Thomas Updegraif; Fourth District, Nathaniel C. Deering; Fifth District, W. G. Thompson; Sixth District, Madison E. Cutts; Seventh District, John A. Kasson; Eighth District, William P. Hepburn; Ninth District, Cyrus C. Carpenter. WAR RECORD. The State of Iowa may well be proud of her record during the War of the Rebellion, from 1861 to 1865. The following brief but comprehensive sketch of the history she made during that try- ing period, is largely from the pen of Col. A. P. Wood, of Du- buque, the author of "The History of Iowa and the War," one of the best works of the kind yet written. "Whether in the promptitude of her responses to the calls made on her by the General Government, in the courage and constancy of her soldiery in the field, or in the wisdom and efficiency with which her civil administration was conducted during the trying period covered by the War of tlie Rebellion, Iowa proved herself the peer of any loyal State. The proclamation of her Governor, responsive to that of the President, calling for volunteers to com- po^e her First Regiment, was issued on the fourth day after the fall of Sumter. At the end of only a single week, men enough were reported to be in quarters (mostly in the vicinity of their own homes) to fill the regiment. These, however, were hardly more than a tithe of the number who had been offered by com- pany commanders for acceptance under the President's call. So urgent were these offers that the Governor requested (on the 24th of April) permission to organize an additional regiment. While awaiting an answer to this request, he conditionally accepted a sufficient number of companies to compose two additional regi- ments. In a short time, he was notified that both of these would be accepted. Soon after the completion of the Second and Third Regiments (which was near the close of May), the Adjutant Gen- eral of the State reported that upwards of one hundred and seventy companies had been tendered to the Governor to serve against the enemies of the Union. "Much difficulty and considerable delay occurred in fitting theie regiments for the field. For the First Infantry a complete outdt (not uniform) of clothing was extemporized — principally by the volunteered labor of loyal ^women in the different towns — from HISTORY OF IOWA. Ill material of various colors and qualities, obtained within the limits of the State. The same was done in part for the Second Infantry. Meantime, an extra session of the General Assembly had been called by the Governor, to convene on the 15th of May. With but little delay, that body authorized a loan of $800,000, to meet the extraordinary expenses incurred, and to be incurred, by the Executive Department, in consequence of the new emergency. A wealthy merchant of the State (Ex-Governor Merrill, then a resi- dent of McGregor) immediately took from the Governor a con-. tract to supply a complete outfit of clothing for the three regi- ments organized, agreeing to receive, should the Governor so elect, his pay therefor in State bonds at par. This contract he executed to the letter, and a portion of the clothing (which was manufac- tured in Boston, to his order) was delivered at Keokuk, the place at which the troops had rendezvoused, in exactly one month from the day on which the contract had been entered into. The re-, mainder arrived only a few days later. This clothing was deliver- ed to the regiment, but was subsequently condemned by the Gov- ernment, for the reason that its color was gray, and blue had been adopted as the color to be worn by the national troops." Other States also clothed their troops^ sent forward under the first call of President Lincoln, with gray uniforms, but it was soon found that the Confederate forces were also clothed in gray, and that color was at once abandoned by the Union troops. If both armies were clothed alike, aunoying if not fatal mistakes were liable to be made. But while engaged in these efforts to discharge her whole duty, in common with all the other Union-loving States in the great emergeucy, Iowa was compelled to make immediate and ample pro- vision for the protection of her own borders, from threatened inva- sion on the south by the Secessionists of Missouri, and from incursions from the west and northwest by bands of hostile Indians, who were freed from the usual restraint imposed upon them by the presence of regular troops stationed at the frontier posts. These troops were withdrawn to meet the greater and more press- ing danger threatening the life of the nation at its very heart. To provide for the adequate defense of her borders from the ravages of both rebels in arms against the Government, and of the more irresistible foes from the Western plains, the Governor of the State was authorized to raise and equip two regiments of infantry, a squadron of cavalry (not less than five companies) and a battalion of artillery (not less than three companies). Only cavalry were enlisted for home defense, however, '"but," says Col. Wood, " in times of special danger, or when calls were made by the Unionists of Northern Missouri for assistance against their disloyal enemies, large numbers of militia on foot often turned out, and remained in the field until the necessity for their services had passed. 112 HISTORY OF IOWA. "" The first order for the Iowa volunteers to move to the field was received on the 13th of June. It was issued by Gen. Lyon, then commanding the United States forces in Missouri. The First and Second Infantry immediately embarked in steamboats, and moved to Hannibal. Some two weeks later, the Third In- fantry was ordered to the same point. These three, together with many other of the earlier organized Iowa regiments, rendered their first field service in Missouri. The First Infantry formed a part of the little army with which Gen. Lyon moved on Springfield, and fought the bloody battle of Wilson's Creek. It received un- qualified praise for its gallant bearing on the field. In the follow- ing month (September), the Third Iowa, with but very slight sup- port, fought with honor the sanguinary engagement of Blue Mills Landing; and in November, the Seventh Iowa, as a part of a force commanded by Gen. Grant, greatly distinguished itself in the battle of Belmont, where it poured out its blood like water- losing more than half of the men it took into action. " The initial operations in which the battles referred to took place, were followed by the more important movements led by Gen. Grant, Gen. Curtis, of this State, and other commanders, which resulted in defeating the armies defending the chief strategic lines held by the Confederates in Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Arkansas, and compelling their withdrawal from much of the territory previously controlled by them in those States. In these and other movements, down to the grand culmin- ating campaign by which Vicksburg was captured and the Con- federacy permanently severed on the line of the Mississippi River, Iowa troops took part in steadily increasing numbers. In the in- vestment and siege of Vicksburg, the State was represented by thirty regiment and two batteries, in addition to which, eight regiments and one battery were employed on the outposts of the besieging army. The brilliancy of their exploits on the many fields where they served, won for them the highest meed of praise, both in military and civil circles. Multipled were the terms in which expression was given to this sentiment, but these words of one of the journals of a neighboring State, 'The Iowa troops have been heroes among heroes,' embody the spirit of all. "In the veteran re-enlistments that distinguished the closing months of 1863, above all other periods in the history of re-enlist- ments for the national armies, the Iowa three years' men (who were relatively more numerous than those of any other State) were prompt to set the example of volunteering for another term of equal length, thereby adding many thousands to the great army of those who gave this renewed and practical assurance that the cause of the Union should not be left without defenders. ''In all the important movements of 1864-65, by which the Confederacy was penetrated in every quarter, and its military power finally overthrown, the Iowa troops took part. Their drum-beat HISTORY OF IOWA. 113 was heard on the banks of every great river of the South, from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, and everywhere they rendered the same faithful and devoted service, maintaining on all occasions their wonted reputation for valor in the field and endurance on the march. "Two Iowa three-year cavalry regiments were employed during the whole term of service in the operations that were in progress from 1863 to 1866 against the hostile Indians of the western plains, A portion of these men were among the last of the vol- unteer troops to be mustered out of service. The State also sup- plied a considerable number of men to the navy, who took part in most of the naval operations prosecuted against the Confederate power on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, and the rivers of the West. "The people of Iowa were early and constant workers in the san- itary field, and by their liberal gifts and personal efforts for the benefit of the soldiery, placed their State in front rank of those who became distinguished for their exhibition of patriotic benevo- lence during the period covered by the war. Agents appointed by the Governor were stationed at points convenient for rendering assistance to the sick and needy soldiers of the State, while others were employed in visiting, from time to time, hospitals, camps and armies in the field, and doing whatever the circumstances rendered possible for the health and comfort of such of the Iowa soldiers as might be found there. "Some of the benevolent people of the State early conceived the idea of establishing a Home for such of the children of deceased soldiers as might be left in destitute circumstances. This idea first took form in 1863, and in the following year a Home was opened at Farmington, Van Buren County, in a building leased for that purpose, and which soon became filled to its utmost ca- pacity. The institution received liberal donations from the gen- eral public, and also from the soldiers in the field. In 1865 it be- came necessary to provide increased accommodations for the large number of children who were seeking the benefits of its care. This was done by establishing a branch at Cedar Falls, in Black Hawk County, and by securing, during the same year, for the use of the parent Home, Camp Kinsman, near the city of Daven- port. This property was soon afterward donated to the institu- tion by act of Congress. "In 1866, in pursuance of a law enacted for that purpose, the Soldiers' Orphans' Home (which then contained about four hun- dred and fifty inmates) became a State institution, and thereafter th3 sums necessary for its support were appropriated from the State treasury. A second branch was established at Glenwood, Mills County. Convenient tracts were secured, and valuable im- provements made at the different points. Schools were also estab- lished, and employments provided for such of the children as were 114 HISTORY OF IOWA. of suitable age. In all ways the provision made for these wards- of the State has been such as to challenge the approval of every benevolent mind. The number of children who have been in- mates of the Home from its foundation to the present time is con- siderably more than two thousand. "At the beginning of the war, the population of Iowa included about one hundred and fifty thousand men, presumably liable to render military service. The State raised, for general service, thirty-nine regiments of infantry; nine regiments of cavalry, and four companies of artillery, composed of three years' men; one regiment of Infantry, composed of three months' men; and four regiments and one battallion of infantry composed of one hundred days' men. The original enlistments in these various organiza- tions, including seventeen hundred and twenty-seven men raised by draft, numbered a little more than sixty-nine thousand. The re-enlistments, including upward of seven thousand veterans, numbered very nearly eight thousand. The enlistments in the regular army and navv, and organizations of other States, will, if added, raise the total to upward of eighty thousand. The number of men who, under special enlistments, and as militia, took part at different times in the operations on the exposed borders of the State, was probably as many as five thousand. "Iowa paid no bounty on account of the men she placed in the field. In some instances, toward the close of the war, bounty to a comparatively small amount was paid by cities and towns. On only one occasion — that of the call of July 18, 1861— was a draft made in Iowa. This did not occur on account of her proper liabil- ity, as established by previous rulings of the War Department, to supply men under that call, but grew out of the great necessity that there existed for raising men. The Government insisted on temporarily setting aside, in part, the former rule of settlements, and enforcing a draft in all cases where sub-districts in any of the States should be found deficient in their supply of men. In no instance was Iowa, as a whole, found to be indebted to the General Government for men, on a settlement of her quota accounts," It is to be said to the honor and credit of Iowa, that while many of the loyal States, older and larger in population and wealth, in- curred heavy State debts for the purpose of fulfilling their obli- gations to the General Government, Iowa, while she was foremost in duty, while she promptly discharged all her obligations to her sister States and the Union, found herself at the close of the war without any material addition to her pecuniary liabilities incurred before the war commenced. Upon final settlement after the res- toration of peace, her claims upon the Federal Government were found to be fully equal to the amount of her bonds issued and sold during the war to provide the means for raising and equipping her troops sent into the field, and to meet the inevitable demands upon her treasury in consequence of the war. HISTORY OF IOWA 115 STATEMENT showing the numher of men furnished and casualties in Iowa regiments during the War of the liehellion. Regiments. 1 r-r >i CD '^ 1st B:itteiv 2d Battery 3d Battery 4th Battery 1st Cavalry 2d Cavalry 3d Cavalry 4th Cavalry 5th Cavalry 6th Cavalry 7th Cavalry 8th CavaliT 9th Cavalry Sioux City Cavalry Co. A, 11th Penn. Cavalry. 1st Infantry ,, 2d Infantry 3d Infantry 2d and 3d Inf. Consolidated 4th 1 nfantry 5th Infantry 6th Infantry 7th Infantry 8th Infantry 9th Infantiy 10th Infantry 11th Infantry 12th Infantry 13th Infantry 14th Infantiy 14th Inf. Res. Batt 15th Infantry 16th Infantry 17th Infantry 18th Infantry 19th Infantry 20th Infantry 21st Infantry 22d Infantry 23d Infantry 24th Infantry 25th Intantrv 26th Infantry 27th Infantry 28th Infantry 29th Infantiy 30th Infantry 31st Infantry 32d Infantry 33d Infantry 34th Infantry 0«<-i o 3 >3'^ c3 ui^ f^ 13 o 149 124 10 123 62 2 142 79 4 152 17 1478 543 54 1394 602 65 1360 770 77 1227 590 48 1245 452 43 1125 193 21 562 402 40 1234 274 33 1178 258 15 93 7 87 5 1 959 165 17 1247 758 72 1074 749 80 28 18 ii84 973 108 1037 699 88 1013 855 132 1138 885 129 1027 761 93 1090 973 133 1027 739 91 1022 610 79 981 768 62 989 852 99 840 526 11 50 1196 1029 130 918 819 89 950 614 61 875 449 33 985 562 86 925 359 13 980 531 66 1108 634 105 961 670 69 959 761 111 995 564 61 919 562 69 940 530 21 956 696 76 1005 511 36 978 646 63 977 540 27 925 589 89 985 580 62 953 561 6 51 29 33 5 187 191 224 186 127 59 92 91 162 "4 7 107 99 9 237 90 124 135 137 208 134 148 243 182 122 i94 217 97 109 91 130 157 126 196 197 199 204 162 180 248 233 261 203 196 228 116 HISTORY OF IOWA. Slatement of Numher of Men, Casualties, etc. — continued. Regiments. 84th Consolidated 35th Infantry 36th Infantry 37th Infantiy 38th Infantry 39th Infantry 40th Infantry 41st Infantiy 44th Infantry 45th Infantry 46th Infantiy 47th Infantry 48th Infantry 1st African Infantry Totals 984" 986 914 910 933 900 294 867 912 892 884 346 903 56,364 o ^72 510 619 503 431 406 361 U| 15 22 28' 47 4 383 30,394 w5^ 5 42 59 3 1 54 15 3,139 OQ 13 182 226 141 310 ll'J 179 2 14 17 23 45 4 331 8,695 HISTOKY OF IOWA. 117 ABSTRACT OF IOWA STATE LAWS. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. Upon negotiable bills, and notes payable in this State, grace shall be allowed according to the law merchant. All the above men- tionea paper falling due on Sunday ,"New Year's Day, the Fourth of July, Christmas, or any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State, as a day of fast or thanksgiving, shall be deemed as due on the day pre- vious. No defense can be made against a negotiable instrument (assigned before due) in the hands of the assignee without notice, except fraud was used in obtaining the same. To hold an indors- er, due diligence must be used by suit against the maker or his rep- resentative. Notes payable to persons named or to order, in order to absolutely transfer title, must be indorsed by the payee. Notes payable to bearer may be transferred by delivery, and when so pay- able, every indorser thereon is held as a guarantor of payment, un- less otherwise expressed. In computing interest or discount on negotiable instruments, a month shall be considered a calendar month or twelfth of a year, and for less than a month, a day shall be considered a thirtieth part of a month. Notes only bear interest when so expressed; but after due, they draw the legal interest, even if not stated. INTEREST. The legal rate of^interest is six per cent. Parties may agree, in writing, on a rate not exceeding ten per cent. If a rate of inter- est greater than ten per cent, is contracted for, it works a forfeit- ure of ten per cent, to the school fund, and only the principal sum can be recovered. DESCENT. The personal property of the deceased (except (1) that necessary for payment of debts and expenses of administration; (2) property set apart, to widow, as exempt from execution; (3) allowance by court, if necessary, of twelve month's support to widow, and to children under fifteen years of age), including life insurance, de- scends as does real estate. One-third in value (absolutely) of all estates in real property, possessed by husband at any time during marriage, which have not 118 HISTORY OF IOWA. been sold on execution or other judicial sale, and to which the wife has made no relinquishment of her right, shall be set apart as her property, in fee simple, if she survive him. The same share shall be set apart to the surviving husband of a deceased wife. The widow's share cannot be affected by any will of her hus- band's, unless she consents, in writing thereto, within six months after notice to her of provisions of the will. The provisions of the statutes of descent apply alike to surviving husband or surviving wife. Subject to the above, the remaining estate of which the deced- ent died seized, shall in absence of other arrangements by will, de- scend; First. To his or her children and their descendants in equal parts; the descendants of the deceased child or grandchild taking the share of their deceased parents in equal shares among them. Second. Where there is no child, nor descendant of such child, and no widow or surviving husband, then to the parents of the deceased in equal parts; the surviving parent, if either be dead, tak- ing the whole; and if there is no parent living, then to the broth- ers and sisters of the intestate and their descendants, Third. When there is a widow or surviving husband, and no child or children, or descendants of the same, then one-half of the estate shall descend to such widow or surviving husband, absolutely; and the other half of the estate shall descend as in other cases where there is no widow or surviving husband, or child or children or descendants of the same. Fourth. If there is no child, parent, brother or sister, or des- cendants of either of them, then to wife of intestate, or to her heirs, if dead, according to like rules. Fifth. If any intestate leaves no child, parent, brother or sister or descendant of either of them, and no widow or surviving hus- band, and no child, parent, brother or sister (or descendant of either of them) of such widow or surviving husband, it shall escheat to the State. WILLS AND ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS. No exact form of words are necessary in order to make a will good at law. Every male person of the age of twenty-one years, and every female of the age of eighteen years, of sound mind and memory, can make a valid will; it must be in writing, signed by the testator, or by some one in his or her presence, and by his or her express direction, and attested by two or more competent wit- nesses. Care should be taken that the witnesses are not interested in the will. Inventory to be made by the executor or adminstrator within fifteen days from date of letters testamentary or of admin- istration. Executors' and administrators' compensation on amount HISTORY OF IOWA. 119 of personal estate distributed, and for proceeds of sale of real es- tate, five per cent, for first one thousand dollars, two and one-half per cent, on overplus up to five thousand dollars, and one per cent, on overplus above five thousand dollars, with such additional allow- ance as shall be reasonable for extra services. Within ten daijs aftes the rec^^ipt of letters of administration, the executor or administrator shall give such notice of appointment as the court or clerk shall direct. Claims (other than preferred) must be ^\e^ within one year there- after, are forever barred, unless the claim is jyending in the District or Supreme Court, or unless peculiar circumstances entitle the claim- ant to equitable relief. Claims are classed and payable in the following order: 1. Expenses of administration. 2. Expenses of last sickness and funeral. ;}. Allowance to widow and children, if made by the court. 4. Debts preferred under laws of the United States. 5. Public rates and taxes. 6. Claim filed within six months after the first pnhlication of the notice given by the executors of their appointment. 7. All other debts. 8. Legacies. The awards or property which must be set apart to the widow in her own rigid, by the executor, includes all personal property which, in the hands of the deceased, as head of a family, would have been exempt from execution. TAXES. The owners of personal property, on the first day of January of each year, and the owners of real property on the first day of No- vember of each year, are liable fi»r the taxes thereon. The following property is exempt from taxation, viz.: 1. The property of the United States and of this State, includ- ing university, agricultural college and school lands and all prop- erty leased to the State; property of a county, township, city, in- corporated town or school district when devoted entirely to the public use and not held for pecuniar}'^ profit; public grounds, in- cluding all places for the burial of the dead; fire engines and all implements for extinguishing fires, with the grounds used exclu- sively for their buildings and for the meetings of the fire compan- ies; all public libraries, grounds and buildings of literary, scientific, benevolent, agricultural and religious institutions, and societies de- voted solely to the appropriate objects of these institutions, not ex- ceeding 640 acres in extent, and not leased or otherwise used with a view of pecuniary profit; and all property leased to agricultural, charitable institutions and benevolent societies, and so devoted dur- ing the term of such lease; provided, that all deeds, by which such 120 HISTORY OF IOWA. property is held, shall be duly filed for record before the property therein described shall be omitted from the assessment. 2. The books, papers and apparatus belonging to the above in- stitutions; used solely for the pnrposes above contemplated, and the like property of students in any such institution, used for their ed- ucation. 3. Money and credits belonging exclusively to such institutions and devoted solely to sustaining them, but not exceeding in amount or income the sum prescribed by their charter. 4. Animals not hereafter specified, the wool shorn from sheep, belonging to the person giving the list, his farm produce harvested within one year previous to the listing; private libraries not exceed- ing three hundred dollars in value; family pictures, kitchen furni- ture, beds and bedding requisite for each family; all wearing ap- parel in actual use, and all food provided for the family; but no person from whom a compensation for board or lodging is received or expected, is to be considered a member of the family within the intent of this clause. 5. The polls or estates or both of persons Avho, by reason of age or infirmity, may, in the opinion of the Assessor, be unable to con- tribute to the public revenue; such opinion and the fact upon which it is based being in all cases reported to the Board of Equalization by the Assessor or any other person, and subject to reversal by them. 6. The farming utensils of any person who makes his livelihood by farming^ and the tools of any mechanic, not in either case to ex- ceed three hundred dollars in value. 7. Grovernment lands entered or located, or lands purchased from this State, should not be taxed for the year in which the entry, lo- cation or purchase is made. There is also a suitable exemption, in amount, for planting fruit trees or forest trees or hedges. Where buildings are destroyed by fire, tornado, or other unavoid- able casualty, after being assessed for the year, the Board of Super- visors may rebate taxes for that year on the property destroyed, if same has not been sold for taxes, and if said taxes have not been delin- quentfor thirty days at the time of destruction of property, and the rebate shall be allowed for such loss only as is not covered by insur- ance. All other property is subject to taxation. Every inhabitant of full age and sound mind shall assist the Assessor in listing all tax- able property of which he is the owner, or which he controls or man- ages, either as agent, guardian, father, husband, trustee, executor, accounting officer, partner, mortgagor or lessor, mortgagee or lessee. Road beds of railway corporations shall not be assessed to owners of adjacent property, but shall be considered the property of the companies for purposes of taxation; nor shall real estate used as a HISTORY OF IOWA. 121 public highway be assessed and taxed as part of adjacent lands whence the same was taken for such public purpose. The property of railway, telegraph and express companies shall be listed and assessed for taxation as the property of an individual Avould be listed and assessed for taxation. Collection of taxes made as in the case of an individual. The Township Board of Equalization shall meet first Monday in April of each year. Appeal lies to the Circuit Court. The County Board of Equalization (the Board of Supervisors) meet at their regular session in June of each year. Appeal lies to the Circuit Court. Taxes become delinquent February 1st of each year, payable without interest or penalty, at any time before March 1st of each year. Tax sale is held on first Monday in October of each year. Redemption may be made at any time within three years after date of sale, by paying to the County Auditor the amount of sale, and twenty per centum of such amount immediately added as pen- altij u'ith ten per cent, interest i)er annum on the whole amount thus made from the day of sale, and also subsequent taxes, interest and costs paid by purchaser after March 1st of each year, and a sim- ilar penaltij of twenty per centum added as before, with ten per cent, interest as before. If notice has been given, by purchaser, of the date at which the redemption is limited, the cost of same is added to the redemption money. Ninety days notice is required, by the statute, to be pub- lished by the purchaser or holder of certificate, to terminate the right of redemption. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. DISTRICT COURTS have jurisdiction, general and original, both civil and criminal, ex- cept in such cases where Circuit Courts have exclusive jurisdiction. District Courts have exclusive supervision over courts of Justices of the Peace and Magistrates, in criminal matters, on appeal and writs of error. CIRCUIT COURTS have jurisdiction, general and original, with the District Courts, in all civil actions and special proceedings, and exclusive jurisdic- tion in all appeals and writs of error from inferior courts, in civil matters. And exclusive jurisdiction in matters of estates and general probate business. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE have jurisdiction in civil matters where §100 or less is involved. By consent of parties, the jurisdiction may be extended to an 122 HISTOKY OF IOWA. amount not exceeding $300. They have jurisdiction to try and determine all public offense less than felony, committed within their respective counties, in which the jine^ by law, does not ex- ceed $100 or the imprisonment thirty days. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. Action for injuries to the person or reputation; for a statute penalty, and to enforce a mechanics' lien, must be brought in two (2) years. Those against a public officer within three (3) years. Those founded on unwritten contracts; for injuries to property; for relief on the ground of fraud; and all other actions not other- wise provided for, within five (5) years. Those founded on written contracts; on judgments of any court (except those provided for in next section), and for the recovery of real property, within ten (10) years. Those founded on judgment of any court of record in the United States, within twenty (20) years. All above limits, except those for penalties and forfeitures, are extended in favor of minors and insane persons, until one year after the disability is removed — time during which defendant is a non-resident of the State shall not be included in computing any of the above periods. Actions for the recovery of real property, sold for non-payment of taxes, must be brought within five years after the Treasurer's Deed is executed and recorded, except where a minor or convict or insane person is the owner, and they shall be allowed five years after disability is removed, in which to bring action. JURORS. All qualified electors of tho State, of good moral character, sound judgment, and in full possession of the senses of hearing and seeing, are competent jurors in their respective counties. United States officers, practicing attorneys, physicians and clergymen, acting professors or teachers in institutions of learning and persons disabled by bodily infirmity or over sixty-five years of age, are exempt from liability to act as jurors. Any person may be excused from serving on a jury when his own interests or the public's will be materially injured by his at- tendance, or when the state of his health, or the death, or sick- ness of his family requires his absence. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT was restored by the Seventeenth General Assembly, making it optional with the jury to inflict it or not. HISTORY OF lOWi. 123 A MARRIED WOMAN may convey or incumber real estate, or interest therein, belonging to her; may control the same or contract with reference thereto, as other persons may convey, incumber, control or contract. She may own, acquire, hold, convey and devise property^ as her husband may. Her husband is not liable for civil injuries committed by her. She may convey property to her husband, and he may convey to her. She may constitute her husband her attorney in fact. EXEMPTIONS FROM EXECUTION. A resident of the State and head of a family may hold the fol- lowing property exempt from execution: All wearing apparel of himself and family kept for actual use and suitable to the condi- tion, and the trunks or other receptacles necessary to contain the same, one musket or rifle and shot-gun; all private libraries, family Bibles, portraits, pictures, musical instruments, and paint- ings not kept for the purpose of sale; a seat or pew occupied by the debtor or his family in any house of public worship; an inter- est in a public or private burying ground not exceeding one acre; two cows and a calf; one horse, unless a horse is exempt as herein- after provided; fifty sheep and the wool therefrom, and the ma- terials manufactured from said wool; six stands of bees; five hogs and all pigs under six months; the necessary food for exempted animals for six months; all flax raised from one acre of ground, and manufactures therefrom ; one bedstead and necessary bedding for every two in the family; all cloth manufactured by the de- fendant not exceeding one hundred yards: household and kitchen furniture not exceeding $200 in value; all spinning wheels and looms; one sewing machine and other insti'uments of domestic labor kept for actual use; the necessary provisions and fuel for the use of the family for six months; the proper tools, instru- ments, or books of the debtor, if a farmer, mechanic, surveyor, clergyman, lawj'er, physician, teacher or professor; the horse or the team, consisting of not more than two horses or mules, or two yokes of cattle, and the wagon or other vehicle, with the proper harness or tackle, by the use of which the debtor, if a physician, public officer, farmer, teamster or other laborer, habitually earns his living; and to the debtor, if a printer, there shall also be ex- empt a printing press and the types, furniture and material neces- sary for the use of such printing press, and a newspaper office to the value of twelve hundred dollars: the earnings of such debtor, or those of his family, at any time within ninety days next pre- ceding the levy. Persons unmarried and not the head of a family, and non- residents, have exempt their own ordinary wearing apparel and trunks to contain the same. 124: HISTORY OF lOAVA. There is also exempt, to a head of a famil}', a homestead, not exceeding forty acres; or, if inside city limits, one-half acre with improvements, value not limited. The homestead is liable for all debts contractel prior to its acquisition as such, and is subject to mechanics' lien for work or material furnished for the same. An article, otherwise exempt, is liable, on execution, for the pur- chase money thereof. Where a debtor, if a head of a family, has started to leave the State, he shall have exempt only the ordinary wearing apparel of himself and family, and other property in addition, as he may se- lect, in all not exceeding seventy-hve dollars in value. A policy of life insurance shall inure to the separate use of the husband or wife and children, entirely independent of his or her creditors. ESTRAYS. An unbroken animal shall not be taken up as an estray between May 1st and November 1st, of each year, unless the same be found within the lawful enclosure of a householder w^ho alone can take up such animal, unless some other person gives him notice of the fact of such animal coming on his place; and if he fails, within five days thereafter, to take up such estray, any other householder of the township may take up such estray and proceed with it as if taken on his own premises, provided he shall prove to the Justice of the Peace such notice, and shall make affidavit where such estray was taken up. Any swine, sheep, goat, horse, neat cattle or other animal dis- trained (for damage done to one's enclosure), when the owner is not known, shall be treated as an estray. Within five days after taking up an estray, notice, containing a full description thereof, shall be posted up in three of the most public places in the township; and in ten days, the person taking up such estray shall go before a Justice of the Peace in the town- ship and make oath as to Avhere such estray was taken up, and that the marks or brands have not been altered, to his knowledge. The estray shall then be appraised, by order of the Justice, and the ap- praisment, description of the size, age, color, sex, marks and brands of the estray shall be entered by the Justice in a book kept for that purpose, and he shall, within ten days thereafter, send a certified copy thereof to the County Auditor. When the appraised value of an estray does not exceed five dol- lars, the Justice need not proceed further than to enter the descrip- tion of the estray on his book, and if no owner appears within six months, the property shall vest in the finder, if he has complied with the law and paid all costs. Where appraised value of estray exceeds five and is less than ten dollars, if no owner appears in nine months, the finder has the property, if he has complied with the law and paid costs. HISTORY OF IOWA. 125 An estray, legally taken up, may be used or worked with care and moderation. If any person unlawfully take up an estray, or take up an estray and fail to comply with the law regarding estrays, or use or work it contrary to above, or work it before having it appraised, or keep such estray out of the county more than five days at one time, be- fore acquiring ownership, such offender shall forfeit to the county twenty dollars, and the owner may recover double damages j pitch is meant that the apex or comb of the roof is to be }i or }i the width of the building bigber than the walls or base of the rafters. I HISTOKY OF IOWA. 151 How to reckon the east of hay. Rule. — Multiply the number of pounds by half the price per ton, and remove the decimal point thre3 places to the left. How to measure grain. Rule.— Level the grain, ascertain the space it occapies in cubic feet; multiply the number of cubic feet by 8, and point off one place to the left. Note.— Exactness raquires the allitijn to every three hundred bushels of one extra bushel. The foregoing rule may be used for finding the number of gal- lons, by multiplying the number of bushels by 8. If the corn in the box is in the ear, divide the answer by 2, to find the number of bushels of shelled corn, because it re:;[uires 2 bushels of ear corn to make 1 of shelled corn. Rapid rules for measuring land without instruments. In measuring land, the first thing to ascertain is the contents of any given plot in square yards; then, given the number of yards, find out the number of rods and acres. The most ancient and simplest measure of distance is a step. Now, an ordinary-sized man can train himself to cover one vard at a stride, on the average, with sufficient accuracy for ordiiiary purposes. To make use of this means of measuring distances, it is essential to walk in a straight line; to do this, fix the eye on two objects in a line straight ahead, one comparatively near, the other remote. and, in walking, keep these objects constantly in line. Farmers and others by adopting the following simple and ingenious contrivance, may always carry with them the scale to construct a cor- rect yard measure. Take a foot rule, and commencing at the base of the little finger of the left hand, mark the quarters of the foot on the outer borders of the left arm, pricking in the marks with indelible ink. To find how many rods in length will make an acre., the width being given. Rule. — Divide 160 by the width, and the quotient will be the answer. How to find the number of acres in any plot of land, the number of rods being given. Rule. — Divide the number of rods by 8, multiply the quotient by 5, and remove the decimal point two places to the left. The diameter being given, to find the circumference. Rule. — Multiply the diameter by 3 1-7. To find the diameter, when the circumference is given. Rule. — Divide the circumference by 3 1-7. To find how many solid feet a round stick of timber of the same thick- ness throughout will contain when squared Rule. — Square half the diameter in inches, multiply by 2, mul- tiply by the length in feet, and divide the product by 11:4. 152 HISTORY OF IOWA. General rule for measuring timber, to find the solid contents in feet. Rule. — Multiply the depth in inches by the breadth in inches, and then multiply by the length in feet, and divide by 144. To find the number of feet of timber in trees with the bark on. Rule. — Multiply the square of one-iifth of the circumfeTence in inches, by twice the length, in feet, and divide by 144. Deduct 1-10 to 1-15 according to the thickness of the bark. Howard's new rule for computing interest. Rule. — The reciprocal of the rate is the time for which the in- terest on any sum of money will be shown by simply removing the decimal point two places to the left; for ten times that time, re- move the point one place to the left; for 1-10 of the same time, remove the point three places to the left. Increase or diminish the results to suit the time given. Note —The reciprocal of the rate is found by inverting the rate; thus 3 per cent, per month, inverted, becomes ^i of a month, or 10 days When the rate is expressed by one figure, always write it thus: 3-1, three ones. Rule for converting English into American currency. Multiply the pounds, with the shillings and pence stated in dec- imals, by 400 plus the premium in fourths, and divide the product by 90. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND MEASURE. A township — 36 sections each a mile square. A section — 640 acres. A quarter section, half a mile square — 160 acres. An eighth section, half a mile long, north and south, and a quarter of a mile wide — 80 acres. A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile square — 40 acres. The sections are all numbered 1 to 36, commencing at the north- east corner. The sections are divided into quarters, which are named by the cardinal points. The quarters are divided in the same way. The description of a forty-acre lot would read: The south half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 1 in township 24, north of range 7 west, or as the case might be; and sometimes will fall short and sometimes overrun the number of acres it is sup- posed to contain. The nautical mile is 795 4-5 feet longer than the common mile. SURVEYORS' MEASURE. 7 92-100 inches make 1 link. 25 links " 1 rod. 4 rods " 1 chain. 80 chains " 1 mile. Note. — A chain is 100 links, equal to 4 rods or 66 feet, i HISTORY OF IOWA. 153 Shoenidkers formerly used a subdivision of the inch called a bar- leycorn; three of which made an inch. 'Horses are measured directly over the fore feet, and the stand- ard of measure is four inches — called a hand. In Biblical and other old measurements, the term span is some- times used, which is a length of nine inches. The sacred cubit of the Jews was 24.024 inches in length. The common cubit of the Jews was 21.704 inches in length. A pace is equal to a yard or 36 inches. A fathom is equal to 6 feet. A league is three miles, but its length is variable, for it is, strictly speaking, a nautical term, and should be three geographical miles, equal to 3.45 statute miles, but when used on land, three statute miles are said to be a league. In cloth measure an aune is equal to 1^ yards, or 45 inches. An Amsterdam ell is equal to 26.796 inches. A Trieste ell is equal to 25.284 inches. A Brabant ell is equal to 27.116 inches. MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units, or things, 1 Dozen. 196 pounds, 1 Barrel oi'l-'lour. 12 dozen, 1 Gross. 200 pounds, 1 Barrel of Pork. 20 things, 1 Score. 56 pounds, 1 Firkin of Butter. 24 sheets of paper, 1 Quire. 20 quires paper. 1 Ream. 4 ft. wide, 4 ft. high, and 8 feet long, 1 Cord Wood. HOW TO KEEP ACCOUNTS. Every farmer and mechanic, whether he does much or little bus- iness, should keep a record of his transactions in a clear and sys- tematic manner. For the benefit of th(»>e who have not had the opportunity of acquiring a primary knowledge of the principles of book-keeping, we here present a simple form of keeping accounts which is easily comprehended, and well adapted to record the busi- ness transactions of farmers, mechanics and laborers. 1882. A. H. JACKSON. Dr. Cr, Jan. Feb. March 8 April May Julv To 7 bushels Wheat By shoeing span of horses . . To 14 bushels Oats To 5 ft) Butter By new HaiTOw By sharpening 2 Plows . . . By new Double-Tree To Cow and Calf 9; To half ton of Hay 9 By Cash 6 By repairing Corn-Planter. . To one Sow with Pigs By Cash, to balance account .at $1.25 .at; ■ at .45 18175 630 125 48i00 6 25 17 50 8 05 $250 1800 40 2 25 $88i05 154 HISTORY OF IOWA. 1882. CASS A MASON. Dr. Cr. Maich 21 " 21 " 23 May 1 " 1 June 19 (1 26 July 10 " 29 Aug. 12 Sept. 1 by 3 days' labor at $1.25 To 2 Shoats at 8.00 To 18 Bushels Corn at .45 By 1 month's Labor To Cash Ry 8 day's Mowing at $1.50 I'o 50 ft Flour To 27 ft Meat at $ .10 By 9 Days Harvesting at 2.00 By 6 days' Labor at 1.50 To Cash To Cash to balance account $3 |6 00 8 10 25 10 00 12 2 75 2 70 18 9 20 00 is 20 $67 75 $67 00 00 ;oo '00 INTEREST TABLE. A Simple Rule for Accurately Computing Interest at Any Given Per Cent for any Length of Time. Multiply the^jr/«c/7;«Z (amount of money at interest) by the time reduced to dat/s; then divide this product by the quotient obtained by dividing 360 (the num- ber of days in the interest year) by the^jer cent, of interest, and the quotient thus obtained will be the required interest. ili,ustration. Require the interest of $462.50 for one month and eighteen days at 6 per cent. An interest month is 30 days; one month nnd eighteen days equal 48 days. $462.50 multiplied by .48 gives $222.0000; 360 divided by 6 (the per cent, of "interest) gives 60, and $222,0000 divided by 60 will give you the exact interest, which is $3.70. If the rate of interest in the above example were 12 per cent., we would divide the $222,0000 by 30 (because 360 divided by twelve gives 30); if 4 percent, we would divide by 90; it 8 per cent., by 45; and in like manner for any other per cent. Solution. $462.50 .48 370000 6)3601 185000 60 J $222.0000($3.70 180 420 430 NAMES OF THE STATES OF THE UNION, AND THEIR SIGNIFICATIONS. Virginia — The oldest of the States, was so called in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the '' Virgin Queen," in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made his first attempt to colonize that region. Florida — Ponce deLeou landed on the coast of Florida on Easter Sunday, and called the country in commemoration of the day, which was the Pasqua Florida of the Sj^aniards, or "'Feast of Flowers." Louisiana was called after Louis the Fourteenth, who at one time owned that section of the country. Alabama was so named by the Indians, and signifies " Here we Rest." Mississippi is likewise an Indian name, meaning '• Long River." HISTORY OF IOWA. 155 Arkansas, from Kansas, the Indian word for '' Smoky AVater." Its prefix was really arc, the French word for " bow." The Carolinas were originally one tract, and were called "Caro- lina," after Charles the Ninth of France. Georgia owes its name to George the Second of England, who first established a colony there in 1782. Tennessee is the Indian name for the "River of the Bend," i. e., the Mississippi which forms its western boundary. Kentucky is the Indian name for " at the head of the river." Ohio means " beautiful;" loica, "the beautiful land;" Minnesota, " cloudy water," and Wisconsin, " wild-rushing channel." Illinois is derived from the Indian word illini, men, and the French suffix ois, together signifying " tribe of men." MicJiic/an was called by the name given the lake, ^,s/<-?re/>-, which was so styled from its fancied resemblance to a fish trap. Missouri is from the Indian word " muddy," which more prop- erly applies to the river that flows through it. Oregon owes its Indian name to its principal river. Cortez named California. Massachusetts is the Indian name for '" The country around the great hills." Connecticut , from the Indian Quon-ch-ta-Cut, signifying "Long River. Maryland, after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles the First, of England. New York was named by the Duke of York. Pennsylvania, means " Penn's Woods," and was so called after Wm. Penn, its owner. Delaware, after Lord De La Ware. New Jersey, so called in honor of Sir George Carteret, who was Governor of tke Island of Jersey, in the British Channel. Maine was called after the province of Maine in France, in com- pliment of Queen Henrietta of England, who owned that province. Vermont, from the French word l^ert Mont, signifying Green Mountain. New Hampshire, from Hampshire County in England. It was formerly called Laconia. The little State of Rhode Island owes its name to the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, which domain it is said to greatly resemble. Texas is the American word for the Mexican name by which all that section of the country was called before it was ceded to the United States. ]56 HISTORY OF IOWA. POPULATION OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF IOWA, 1880 CENSUS. COUNTIES. COUNTT SEAT. Population in 1880. Adair Adams Allamakee . . Appanoose. . Audubon . . . . Benton Blackbawk. . Boone Bremer Buchanan . . , Buena Vista. Butler Calhoun Carroll Cass Cedar Cerro Gordo. Cherokee Chickasaw. . Clarke Clay Clayton Clinton Crawford Dallas Davis Decatur Delaware Des Moines. Dickinson. . . Dubuque Emmet . . . . Fayette Floyd Franklin Fremont Greene Grundy Guthrie Hamilton. . . , Hancock Hardin Harrison .... Henry Howard Humboldt.. . Ida Iowa Jackson Jasper Jefferson 1854 1853 1849 1846 1855 1846 1853 1849 1853 1847 1858 1854 1855 1856 1853 1836 1855 1856 1853 1851 1858 1838 1840 1855 1847 1844 1850 1840 1834 1857 1834 1859 1S50 1854 1855 1849 1854 1856 1851 1857 1S58 1853 18.53 1836 18.55 1857 1858 1845 1838 1846 1838 Greenfield Coming Waukon Centerville Audubon Vinton Waterloo Boonsboro Waverly Independence . . Storm Lake. . . . Butler Center. . Rockwell City.. Carroll Atlantic Tipton Mason City Cherokee New Hampton. Osceola Spencer , Elkader Clinton Denison Adel Bloomfield Leon Delhi Burlington Spirit Lake Dubuque Swan Lake West Union... Charles City . . . Hampton Sidney Jefferson Grundy Center. Guthrie Center. Webster City.. Concord Eldora Logan Mt. Pleasant... Cresco Dakota Ida Grove Marengo Maquoketa Newton Fan-field 11,199 11,888 19,791 16.936 7,448 24,888 23,913 20,838 14,081 18,547 7,537 14,293 5,595 12,351 16,943 18,937 11,461 8,240 14,534 11,512 4,248 28,829 36,764 12,413 18,746 16,468 15,336 17,952 33,099 1,901 42,997 1,.5.50 22.258 14,677 10,248 17,653 12,725 12,639 14,863 11,252 3,453 17,808 16,649 20,826 10,837 5,341 4,382 19,221 23,771 25,962 17,478 HISTORY OF IOWA. 157 POPULATION OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF IOWA, 1880 CENSUS. COUNTIES. COUNTY SEATS. Population in 1880. Johnson Jones Keokuk Kossuth Lee Linn Loiiisa Lucas Lyon Madison Mahaska , . Marion Marshall Mills Mitchell Monona Monroe Montgomery . . Muscatine O'Brien Osceola Page Palo Alto.... Plymouth Pocahontas . . . Polk Pottawattamie Poweshiek Binggold Sac Scott Shelby Sioux Story. Tama Taylor Union Van Buren Wapello Warren Washmgton . . "Wayne Webster Winnebago. . . Winneshiek. . . Woodbury .... Worth AVright Total 1848 1839 1844 1855 18:17 1839 1839 1849 1872 1850 1844 1845 1850 1851 1854 1854 1851 1858 1838 1860 1872 1851 1857 1858 1859 1846 1848 1848 1^55 1858 1838 1S53 1860 1853 1854 1851 1853 1837 1844 1839 1S49 1851 1853 1857 1851 1853 1857 1855 Iowa City Anamosa Sigourney Algona Ft. Madison Marion Wapello Chariton Rock Rapids Winterset Oskaloosa Knoxville Marshalltown Glen wood , Osage Onawa Albia Red Oak Muscatine Primghar Sibley Clarinda Emmetsburg Le Mars Pocahontas Center. Des Moines CouncU Bluffs Montezuma Mt. Ayr Sac City Davenport Harlan Orange City Nevada Toledo Bedford Afton Keosauqua Ottumwa Indianola Washington Corydon Fort Dodge , Forest City Decorah Sioux City Northwood Clarion 25,249 21,052 21,259 6,179 34,859 37,235 13,146 14,530 1,968 17,225 25,201 25,111 23,752 14,135 14,361 9,055 13,719 15,895 23,168 4,155 2,219 19,667 4,131 3,567 3,713 41,395 39,846 18,936 12,085 8,774 42,270 12,696 5,436 16,906 21,585 15,635 14,900 17,042 25,282 19,578 20,375 16,127 15,9.50 4,917 23,937 14,997 7,953 5,062 1,624,463 158 HISTORY OF IOWA. The total footings for the State of Iowa, according: to the census, are, males, 848,235; females, 776,228; native, 1,363,015; foreign, 261,418; white, 1,614,- 510; colored (including 47 Chinese and 464 Indians and half-breeds), 9,953, total, 1,624,463. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. The revised and corrected returns of the census bureau show the population of the several States and Territories of the country to be as follows: Alabama 1,262,505 Arizona 40,440 Arkansas 802,525 California 864,694 Colorado 194,327 Connecticut 622,700 Dakota 135,177 Delaware 146.608 District of Columbia 177,624 Florida 269.493 Georgia 1,542,180 Idaho 32,610 Illinois 3,077,871 Indiana 1,978,301 Iowa 1,624,615 Kansas 996,086 Kentucky 1,648,690 Louisiana 939,946 Maine 648,936 Maryland 934,942 Massachusetts 1,783,085 Michigan 1.636,937 Minnesota 780,773 Mississippi 1,131,597 Missouri 2,168,380 Montana 39,159 Nebraska 452,402 Nevada , 62,266 New Hampshire 336,991 New Jersey 1.131,116 New Mexico 116,565 New York 5,082,871 North Carolina 1,399,750 Ohio 3.198,062 Oregon 174.768 Pennsylvania 4,282,891 Rhode Island 276,5.?1 South Carolina 995,577 Tennessee 1 ,542,359 Texas 1,591,749 Utah 143,963 Vermont 332,286 Virginia 1,512,565 Washington 75,116 West Virginia 618,457 Wisconsin 1,315,497 Wyoming 20,789 Grand total 50,155,78S HISTORY OF IOWA. 159 Geological and Physical Features. Prof. J. F, Elsom. " The science of Geology illustrates many astonishing facts," Viewed in the light of authentic tests, the region of country over which this work extends, presents ample study for the Geologist and Antiquarian, for nowhere in the broad expanse of country traversed by the writer — excepting, perhaps, some sections of the country of mines — is there such a fine field for the labor of the geologist. As we stood upon the high bluffs viewing the beauti- ful valleys below, or rowed over any of these streams — commercial arteries of this great country — and tried to peer up the steep sides of the overhanging bluffs, we often imagined ourself living away amid the dim cycles of the past; again we lived in the present, wondtn'ing what unseen agencies and gigantic forces had been em- ployed to transform what was evidently once a vast and almost boundless sea, into one of the finest sections of land — food pro- ducing land — between the two great oceans. Again, as the author examined with hammer and chisel, testing the chips by heat and cold, acid and alkali, subjecting the fused residuum to the diaphragm of the microscope, or the wonderful spectra of the spectroscope, he was often amazed at the broad expanse of time that must have elapsed to make this wonderful strata from that ungainly, shapeless mass, which, as Sacred History teaches, was this earth's original form. Furthermore, it seems almost incredible that little by little as these sands accumulate, that there could have elapsed sufficient time for these marine aggregations and changes. This, however, is merely prefaratory, and we must hasten on to the subject matter, accorded to this limited space, for to do the subject anything like justice, a book much larger than this entire history would be required. The reader will know by this why we have not gone more into detail in our discussion of this interesting and valuable portion of the work. To the geologist, among the first things to attract the attention in this section is the "Walled Lakes" of Northern Iowa, one of them in Wright County — where we first made a survey — is about three-eighths of a mile wide, with a wall or embankment from 2 to 10 feet high surrounding it, formerly supposed to be the work of ancient races, a theory, however, now discountenanced, for practi- cal tests and observation go to prove that they are the results of natural causes, namely the periodical action of alternate heat and cold, aided to a limited extent by the action of the waves. These little lakes are very shallow, and during the ordinary winter freeze nearly solid, so that little or no water remains at the bottom, but 160 HISTORY OF IOWA. a little will generally be found in the middle. As a consequence all loose substances at the bottom adhere to the ice below, and the expansive power of water when freezing — which must be irampnse in such a large body as some of these lakes — acts equally in all di- rections from the center to the circumference, and annually what- ever was on the bottom of the lake has by this means been carried to the shore. This process, imperceptible, perhaps , to the casual ob- server in a single season, has been going on from year to year, century after century, causing these embankments, formerly a great wonder to everyone, but perfectly simple to any and all, if the va- rious strata of the walls be carefully examined and compared with each other. The entire State contains very few what may be classed as large elevations, the highest point being but a trifle over twelve hundred feet higher than its lowest point as shown by barometrical surveys; there are two such points, and are nearly three hundred miles apart; then if we think for a moment, it will be seen the entire State is traversed by gently flowing rivers — rapids nearly unknown — hence we have the entire State resting entirely wuthin, compris- ing a part of a vast plain, with no mountain or hill range within its limits. A further idea of the general uniformity which characterizes the State may be gleaned from the survey from point to point, and the following statement of the general slopes in feet per mile, in straight lines across: From the NE corner to the SE corner 1 foot 1 inch per mile. From the NE corner to Spirit Lake 5 feet 5 inches per mile. From the NW corner to Spirit Lake 5 feet per mile. From the NW corner to the SW corner 2 feet per mile. From the SW corner to the highest ridge 4 feet 1 inch per mile. From the dividing ridge to the SE corner 5 feet 7 inches per mile. From the highest point in the State to the lowest 4 feet per mile. This statement shows a great uniformity, and a good degree of propriety in estimating the whole State as part of a great plain, the lowest point showing but 144 feet above sea level. This point, nearly at the mouth of Des Moines River, presents a geological formation of great interest, but being so far removed from the territory within the scope of the work we will not discuss it in this connection. Taking the highest point — near Spirit Lake — and the lowest point — near the mouth of the Des Moines — gives but a slight elevation and depression, ana a general average of the entire State of eight hundred feet above the level of the sea, though from the nearest point the State is over a thousand miles from the sea coast, a rather remarkable instance, and another proof of being a part of a vast plain. Of course, Avhen we consider the slightly diversified surface of Western Iowa, the formation of small valleys out of the general level, which have been evolved by the action of streams, lakes, etc., during the dim cycles of the past, it HISTORY OF IOWA. 161 may appear a trifle jejune, but will not alter the general and ac- cepted theory aforesaid. Especially is this true with reference to the northwestern portion, the seeming deviation being much more a])parent in the northeastern portion of the State. It will be well enough to mention that the Missouri River, though washing as many or more miles of Iowa's shore than the Mississippi, drains but about one-third of its surface, going to par- tially prove that this plain of which we speak, extends away out in Nebraska, where we have nnmistakable evidences of the Mis- souri having once threaded its course, the other side being the eastern border of the State, giving us once a vast ocean about one and two-thirds broader than the State. Thus much with reference to the surface indications. We will now go lower and see what can be found beneath this beautiful and somewhat phenomenal exterior. In our tests of the soil, we will make but three general divisions, which of themselves not only differ in their physical character, but are widely separated in their ultimate origin. These will be classed as drift, bluff, and allurial, and belong respectively to the deposits bearing the same names, the first of which occupies over two-thirds the surface of the entire State. Every person who has paid the least atention to any of the ana- lytical sciences, so-called, knows that when we speak of soil, in the general acceptation of the term, that we mean disintegrated or powdered rock. The drift deposit of Iowa was derived, to a considerable extent, from the rocks of Minnesota; but the greater part of Iowa drift was derived from its own rocks, much of which has been trans- ported but a short distance. In general terms the constant compo- nent element of the drift soil is that portion which was transported from the north, while the inconstant elements are those portions which were derived from the adjacent or underlying strata. For example, in Western Iowa, wherever that cretaceous formation known as the Nishnabotany sandstone exists, the soil contains more sand than elsewhere. The same may be said of the soil of some parts of the State occupied by the lower coal measures, the sandstones and sajidy shales of that formation furnishing the seand. We find upon examination, however, that in the section of Iowa of which this work treats, the drift contains more sand and gravel than any other portion of the State. There is no question in my mind but this was derived from the cretaceous rocks that now do, or formerly did exist, and also in part from the conglomerate and pudding stone beds of the Sioux quartzite. The bluft* soil, then, is that which rests upon, and constitutes part of the bluff deposit, and is found only in the western portion along the Missouri River. Chemical analysis shows but one per cent., generally less, of alumina, at the same time it contains other constituent elements which render it little, if anv. inferior for ag- 162 HISTORY OF IOWA. ricultural purposes; a very large portion of it is far out of reach of the highest floods, and must be very productive. We now come to the alkivial. This is that portion called the flood plains of the liver bottoms or valleys. That portion period- ically flooded by the rivers, of course, is thereby rendered com- paratively valueless for agricultural purposes for apparent reasons; but much of it, we might say by far the larger portion, is beyond the reach of floods, and is very rich in those elements which enter into plant life. Speaking more properly of the geology of this particular sec- tion of Iowa, we rind the rocks to range all along from the Azoic to the Merazoic inclusive. Taking the State as a whole, the sur- face is generally occupied by the evidences of the Palsezoic age. The following tabular statement gives each of these formations in the order in which they occur: SYSTEMS. AGES. GROUPS. PERIODS. Cretaceous r Carboniferous Devonian Upper Silurian. Lower Silurian. Azoic Post Tertiary Lover Cretaceous -| Coal Measures. -, Subcarboniferous. -, Hamilton . . . Niagara Cincinnati . Trenton. l^ Primordial. ( Huronian FORMATIONS. EPOCHS. Drift Inoceramous bed Wooclhurif Snndsione, Shales Nishnahotann Sandstone Upper Coal Measures. . . . Middle Coal Measures Lower Coal Measures St. Louis Limestone Keokuk Limestone Burlington Limestone Kiuderhook beds Hamilton Limestone and Shales Niagara Limestone Maquoketa Shales Galena Limestone Trenton Limestone St. Peter's Sandstone Lower Magnesian Limestone. . Potsdam Sandstone Sioux Quartzite 10to200 50 180 100 200 200 200 75 90 196 175 200 850 80 250 200 80 250 800 50 We now arrive at what is known as the Azoic system. In this section it is known and recognized by the specific name of Sioux quartzite, and is found exposed in natural ledges, only in a few spots away up in the extreme northwestern part of the State, upon the hanks of the Big Sioux River, which position doubtless gave it its local name. This rock is intensely hara, disintegrates in sort of splinters; its color varying according to locality from nearly a yellow to a deep red. One thing connected with this rock is its process of metamorphism, which has been so complete all through the entire formation wherever found. Whether exposed to HISTORY OF lOWA^ 163 the surface or hidden hundreds of feet below the surface, the rock is found to be of almost uniform texture. As far as we have been able to examine, the dip is found to be from 4.75 to 5.20 degrees to the northward, but the trend of the outcrop is to the eastward and westward. In some rare cases the rock is profitably c{uarried,but generally speaking, it is very difficult to secure it in dry forms, except that into which it naturally cracks, and the tendency is into angular places. I have found the samples sent to be absolutely indestructible. There are many other systems, of themselves very interesting to the scientific reader and investigator, but our limited space stands as an insurmountable barrier; hence we will have to pass the Lower Silurian system in the Primordial group of the eastern part of the State; it, however, is valueless for building purposes, and contains few if any, fossils. Then we have the Lower Magnesian Limestone, found but little here, containing a few crinoids and smaller fossils. Following this in point of interest, is the St. Peter's Sandstone, which exists in uniform thickness throughout the State where found, which is beneath the drift. Of the Trenton Group of the Upper and Lower Silurian age, but little of interest to anyone can be said, save that it contains a great variety of fossils, and it makes very ornamental stone for cap and window sills. Li this section of the State the drift con- tains more silex and gravel than elsewhere, as before stated, but in those sections where fossils are found, they are new to all I have read of science, open new fields of thought and investigation, and are found peculiar to the Hawkeye State. Passing again the Galena Limestone of Dubuque, and other counties: This is always the upper formation of the Trenton Group. It seldom extends over twelve miles in width, though fully one hundred in length. In Dubuque County the greatest development of this limestone is exhibited. It is found to be merely a pure dolomite, with an occasional slight admixture of silicious matter. It is almost worthless for dressing; its princi- pal value consisting of its formation being the source of lead ore, but the lead regiou of Iowa is confined to an area of say fifteen miles square. The one occurs in vertical fissures, which traverse the rock at regular intervals from east to west; some, however, is found in those which have a north and south course. Very small quantities of what is known as carbonate are found in it; its principal being what assayers call sulphuret of lead. Probably one of the most important of all the geological forma- tions of the State is the Coal-Measure group. This is divided into three formations, viz., the lower, middle and upper coal measures, each having a vertical thickness of about two hundred feet. A line drawn upon the map of Iowa as follows, will represent the eastern and northern boundaries of the coal fields of the State: Commencing at the southeast corner of Van Buren County, carry 164 HISTORY OF IOWA. the line to the northeast corner of Jefferson County by a slight easterly curve through the western portions of Lee and Henry Counties. Produce this line until it reaches a point six or eight miles northward from the one last named, and then carry it northwestward, keeping it at about the same distance to the north- ward of Skunk River and its north branch that it had at first, un- til it reaches the southern boundary of Marshall County, a little west of its center. Then carry it to a point three or four miles . northeast of Eldora, Hardin County; thence westward to a point a little north of Webster City, in Hamilton County; and thence further westward to a point a little north of Fort Dodge, in Webster County. In consequence of the recedence to the southward of the borders of the middle and upper coal measures, the lower coal measures alone exist to the eastward and northward of Des Moines River. They also occupy a large area westward and southward of that river, but their southerly dip passes them below the middle coal measures at no great distance from the river. No other formation in the whole State possesses the economic value of the lower coal measures. The clay that underlies almost every bed of coal furnishes a large amount of material for potters' use. The sandstone of these measures is usually soft and unfit, but in some places, as near Red Rock, in Marion County, blocks of large dimensions are obtained Avhich make good building material, samples of which can be seen in the State Arsenal at Des Moines. On the whole, that portion of the State occupied by the lower coal measures, is not well supplied with stone. But few fossils have been found in any of the strata of the low- er coal measures, but such animal remains as have been found are without exception of marine origin. Of fossil plants found in these measures all probably belong to the class acrogens. Specimens of caJamites^ and several species of ferns are found in all the coal measures, but the genus Jipedaden- dron seems not to have existed later than the epoch of the middle coal measures. This formation within the State of Iowa occupies a narrow belt of territory in the southern central portion of the State, embracing a superficial area of about fourteen hundred square miles. The coun- ties more or less underlaid by , this formation are Guthrie, Dallas, Polk, Madison, Warren, Clarke, Lucas, Monroe, Wayne and Appanoose. This formation is composed of alternating beds of clay, sandstone and limestone, the clays or shales constituting the bulk of the form- ation, the limestone occurring in their bands, the lithological pe- culiarities of which offer many contrasts to the limestones of the upper and lower coal measures. The formation is also character- ized by regular wave-like undulations, with a parallelism which in- dicates a widespread disturbance, though no dislocation of the strata has been discovered. < HISTORY OF IOWA. 165 Generally speaking, few species of fossils occur in these beds. Some of the shales aud sandstone have aflForded a few imperfectly preserved land plants — three or four species of ferns, belonging to the genera. Some of the carboniferous shales aftbrd beautiful specimens of what appear to have been sea- weeds. Radiates are represented by corals. The moUusks are most numerously repre- sented. Trilobites and ostracoids are the only remains known of articulates. Vertebrates are only known by the remains of sala- chians, or sharks, and ganoids. The area occupied by this formation in Iowa is very great, com- prising thirteen whole counties, in the southwestern part of the State. It adjoins by its northern and eastern boundaries the area occupied by the middle coal measures. The prominent lithological features of this formation are its limestones, yet it contains a considerable proportion of shales and sandstones. Although it is known by the name of upper coal measures, it contains but a single bed of coal, and that only about twenty inches in maximum thickness. The limestone exposed in this formation furnishes good material for building as in Madison and Fremont counties. The sandstones are quite worthless. No beds of clay for potters' use are found in the whole formation. The fossils in this formation are much more numerous than in either the middle or lower coal measures. The vertebrates are rep- resented by the fishes of the orders selachians and ganoids. The articulates are represented by the trilobites and ostracoids. Mol- lusks are represented bj the classes cephalopoda^ gasteropoda, Jam- elli, hrauchiata, hrachiapoda poUjzoa. Radiates are more numer- ous than in the lower and middle coal measures. Protogoans are represented in the greatest abundance, some layers of limestone being almost entirely composed of their small fusiform shells. There being no rocks, in Iowa, of perniian, triassic or Jurassic age, the next strata in the geological series are of the cretaceous age. They are found in the western half of the State, and do not dip as do all the other formations upon which they rest, to the southward and westward, but have a general dip of their own to the north of westward, which, however, is very slight. Although the actual exposures of cretaceous rocks are few in Iowa, there is reason to believe that nearly all the western half of the State was originally occupied by them; but being very friable, they have been removed by denundation, which has taken place at two separate periods. The first period was during its elevation from the creta- ceous sea, and during the long tertiary age that passed between the time of that elevation and the commencement of the glacial epoch. The second period was during the glacial epoch, when the ice pro- duced their entire removal over considerable areas. It is difficult to indicate the exact boundaries of these rocks; the following will approximate the outlines of the area: 166 HISTOEY OF IOWA. From the northeast corner to the southwest corner of Kossuth County; thence to the southeast corner of Guthrie County; thence to the southeast corner of Cass County; thence to the middle of the south boundary of Montgomery County; thence to the mjddle of the north boundary of Pottawattamie County; thence to the mid- dle of the south boundary of Woodbury Countv; thence to Ser- geant's Bluft's; up the Missouri and Big Sioux Rivers to the north- west corner of the State; eastward along the State line to the place of beginning. All the cretaceous rocks in Iowa are a part of the same deposits farther up the Missouri River, and in reality from their eastern boundary. Nislinahotanij Sandstone. — This rock has the most easterly and southerly extent of the cretaceous deposits of Iowa, reaching the southeastern part of Guthrie County and the southern part of Montgomery County. To the northward, it passes beneath the Woodbury sandstones and shales, the latter passing beneath ino- ceramus, or chalky, beds. This sandstone is, with few exceptions, almost valueless for economic purposes. The only fossils found in this formation are a few fragments of angiospermous leaves. Woodhurij Sandstones and Shales. — These strata rest upon the Nishnabotany sandstone, and have not been observed outside of Woodbury County, heil©i their name. Their principal exposure is at Sergeant's Bluffs, seven mi^s below Sioux City. This rock has no value except for purposes of common ma- sonry. Fossil remains are rare. Detached scales of a lepidoginoid spe- cies have been detected, but no other vertebrate remains. Of re- mains of vegetation, leaves of salix meekii and sassafras cretaceum have been occassional!}' found. Inocennnus beds. — These beds rest upon theWoodbury sandstones and shales. They have not been observed in Iowa, except in the Bluffs which border the Big Sioux River in Woodbury and Ply- mouth Counties. They are composed almost entirely of calcareous material, the upper portion of which is extensively used for lime. No building material is to be obtained from these beds; and the only value they possess, except lime, are the marls, which at some time may be useful on the soil of the adjacent region. The only vertebrate remains found in the Cretaceous rocks are the fishes. Those in the inoceramus beds of Iowa are two species of squoloid selachians, or cestratront, and three genera of teliosts. Molluscan remains are rare. HISTORY OF IOWA. 167 Extensive beds of peat exist in Northern Middle Iowa, which, it is estimated, contain the following areas: Counties. Acres. Ceno Gordo 1,500 Worth 2 000 Winnebago 2,000 Hancock 1,500 Wright 500 Kossuth 700 Dickinson 80 Several other counties contain peat beds, but the character of the peat is inferior to that in the northern part of the State. The character of the peat named is equal to that of Ireland. The beds are of an average depth of four feet. It is estimated that each acre of these beds will furnish two hundred and fifty tons of dry fuel for each foot in depth. At present, owing to the sparseness of the population, this peat is not utilized; but, owing to its great dis- tance from coal fields and absence of timber, the time is coming when their value will be realized, and the fact demonstrated that Nature has abundantly compensated the deficiency of other fuel. GYPSUM. The only deposits of the sulphates of the alkaline earths of any economic value in Iowa are those of gypsum at^ and in the vicinity of Fort Dodge, in Webster County. All others are small and un- important. The deposit occupies a nearly ?entral position in Webster County, the Des Moines River rr^i^mg nearly centrally through it, along the valley sides of wh'eli the gypsum is seen in the form of ordinary rock cliff and led g-^i, and also occurring abun- dantly in similar positions along boti sides of the valleys of the smaller streams and of the numerous ravines coming into the river valley. The most northerly known limit of the deposit is at a point near the mouth of Lizard Creek, a tributary of the Des Moines River, and almost adjoining the town of Fort Dodge. The most southerly point at which it has been found exposed is about six miles, by way of the river, from this northerly point before mentioned. Our knowledge of the width of the area occupied by it is limited by the exposures seen in the valleys of the small streams and in the ravines which come into the valley within the distance mentioned. As one goes up these ravines and minor valleys, the gypsum be- comes lost beneath the overlying drift. There can be no doubt that the different parts of this deposit, now disconnected by the valleys and ravines having been cut through it, were originally connected as a continuous deposit, and there seems to be as little reason to doubt that the gypsum still extends to considerable dis- tance on each side of the valley of the river beneath the drift which covers the region to a depth of from twenty to sixty feet. 168 HISTORY OF IOWA. The country round about this region has the prairie surface ap- proximating a general level which is so characteristic of the greater part of the State, and which exists irrespective of the character or geological age of the strata beneath, mainly because the drift is so deep and uniformly distributed that it frequently almost alone gives character to the surface. The valley sides of the Des Moines River, in the vicinity of Fort Dodge, are somewhat abrupt, having a depth there from the general level of the upland of about one hundred and seventy feet, and consequently presents some- what bold and interesting features in the landscape. As one walks up and dowii the creeks and ravines which come into the valley of the Des Moines River there, he sees the gypsum exposed on either side of them, jutting out from beneath the drift in the form of ledges and bold c^uarry fronts, having almost the exact appearance of ordinary limestone exposures, so horizontal and regular are its lines of stratification, and so similar in color is it to some varieties of that rock. The principal quarries now opened are on Two Mile Creek, a couple of miles below Fort Dodge. The reader will please bear in mind that the gypsum of this re- markable deposit does not occur in ''heaps" or "nests" as it does in most deposits of gypsum in the States farther eastward, but that it exists liere in the form of a regularly stratified, continuous for- mation, as uniform in texture, color and quality throughout the whole region, and from top to bottom of the deposit as the granite of the Quincy quarries is. Its color is a uniform gray, resulting from alternating fine horizontal lines of nearly white, with similar lines of darker shade. The gypsum of the white lines is almost entirely pure, the darker lines containing the impurity. This is at intervals barely sufficient in amount to cause the separation of the mass upon those lines into beds or layers, thus facilitating the quarrying of it into desired shapes. These bedding surfaces have occasionally a clayey feeling to the touch, but there is nowhere any intercalation of clay or other foreign substance in a separate form. The deposit is known to reach a thickness of thirty feet at the quarries referred to, but although it will probably be found to exceed this thickness at some other points, at the natural expo- sures, it is seldom seen to be more that from ten to twenty feet thick. Since the drift is usually seen to rest directly upon the gypsum, with nothing intervening, except at a few points where traces ap- pear of an overlying bed of clayey material without doubt of the same age as the gypsum, the latter probably lost' something of its thickness by mechanical erosion during the glacial epoch; and it has, doubtless, also suffered some diminution of thickness since then by solution in the waters which constantly percolate through the drift from the surface. The drift of this region being some- Avhat clayey, particularly in its lower part, it has doubtless served HISTORY OF IOWA. ' 169 in some degree as a protection against the diminution of the gypsum by solution in consequence of its partial imperviousness to water. If the gypsum had been covered by a deposit of sand in- stead of the drift clays, it would have 'no doubt disappeared by be- ing dissolved in the water that would have constantly reached it from the surface. Water merely resting upon it would not dis- solve it away to any extent, but it rapidly disappears under the ac- tion of running water. Where little rills of water at the time of every rain run over the face of an unused C[uarry, from the surface above it, deep grooves are thereby cut into it, giving it somewhat the appearance of melting ice around a waterfall. The fact that gypsum is now suffering a constant, but, of course, very slight, diminution, is apparent in the fact the springs of the region con- tain more or less of it in solution in their waters. Besides the clayed beds that that are sometimes seen forest upon the gypsum, there are occasionally others seen beneath them that are also of the same age, and not of the age of the coal-measure strata upon which they rest. In neither the gypsum nor the associated clays has any trace of any fossil remains been found, nor' has any other indication of its geological age been observed, except that which is afforded by its stratigraphical relations; and the most that can be said with cer- tainty is that it is nearer than the coal measures, and older than the drift. The indications afforded by the stratigraphical relations of the g3"psum deposit of Fort Dodge are, however, of considerable value. As already shown, it rests in that region directly and uncon- formably upon the lower coal measures; but going southward from there, the whole series of coal-measure strata from the top of the subcarboniferous group to the uppe coal measures, inclusive, can be traced without break or unconformability. The strata of the latter also may be traced in the same manner up into the Permian rocks of Kansas; and through this long series, there is no place or horizon which suggests that the gypsum deposit might belong there. Again, no Tertiary deposits are known to exist within or near the l3orders of Iowa to suggest that the gypsum might be of that age; nor are any of the palaeozoic strata newer than the subcar- boniferous unconformable upon each other as the other gypsum is unconformable upon the strata beneath it. It therefore seems, in a measure, conclusive, that the gypsum is of Mesozoicage, perhaps older than the Cretaceous. LITHOLOGICAL ORIGIN. As little can be said with , certainty concerning the lithological origin of this deposit as can be said concerning its geological age, for it seems to present itself in this relation, as in the former one n 170 HISTORY OF IOWA. as an isolated fact. None of the associated strata show any traces of a double decomposition of pre-existing materials, such as some have supposed all deposits gf gypsum to have resulted from. No considerable quantity of oxide of iron nor any trace of native sul- phur have been found in connection with it; nor has any salt been found in the waters of the region. These substances are common in association with other gypsum deposits, and are regarded by some persons as indicative of the method of or resulting from their origin as such. Throughout the whole region, the Fort Dodge gypsum has the exact appearance of a sedimentary deposit. It is arranged in layers like the regular layers of limestone, and the whole mass, from top to bottom, is traced with fine horizontal lamina? of alter- nating white and gray gypsum, parallel with the bedding surface of the layers, but the whole so intimately blended as to form a solid mass. The darker lines contain almost all the impurity there is in the gypsum, and that impurity is evidently sedimentary in its character. From these facts, and also from the further one that no trace of fossil remains has been detected in the gypsum, it seems not unreasonable to entertain the opinion that the gypsum of Fort Dodge originated as a chemical precipitation in comparatively still waters, which were saturated with sulphate of lime and destitute of life; its stratification and impurities being deposited at the same time as clayey impurities which had been held suspended in the same waters. Much has already been said of the physical properties or charac- ter of this gypsum, but as it is so different in some respects from that of other deposits, there are yet other matters worthy of men- tion in connection with those. According to the results of a com- plete and exhaustive analysis by Prof. Emery, the ordinary gray gypsum contains only about eight per cent, of impurity; and it is possible that the average impurity for the whole deposit will not exceed that proportion, so uniform in quality is it from top to bot- tom, and from one end of the region to the other. When it is remembered that plaster for agricultural purposes is sometimes prepared from gypsum that contains as much as thirty per cent, of impurity, it will be seen that ours is a very superior article for such purposes. The impurities are also of such a char- acter that they do not in anyway interfere with its value for use in the arts. Although the gypsum rock has a gray color, it be- comes quite white by grinding, aud still whiter by the calcining process necessary in the preparation of plaster of Paris. These tests have all been practically made in the rooms of the Geological Survey, and the quality of the plaster of Paris still further tested by actual use and experiment. No hesitation, therefore, is felt in stating that the Fort Dodge gypsum is of as good a quality as any in the country, even for the finest uses. In view of the bounteoasness of the primitive fertility of our Iowa soils, many persons forget that a time may come when Na- HISTORY OF IOWA. 171 ture will refuse to respond so generously to our demand as she does now, without an adequate return. Such are apt to say that this vast deposit of gypsum is valueless to our commonwealth, except to the small extent that it may be used in the arts. This is un- doubtedly a short-sighted view of the subject, for the time is even now rapidly passing away when a man may purchase a new farm for less money than he can re-fertilize and restore the partially wasted primitive fertility of the one he now occupies. There are farms even now in a large part cf the older settled portions of the State that would be greatly benefited by the proper application of plaster, and such eras will continue to increase until it will be difficult to estimate the value of the deposit of gypsum at Fort Dodge. It should be remembered, also, that the inhabitants of an extent of country adjoining our State more than three times as great as its own area, will find it more convenient to obtain their supplies from Fort Dodge than from any other source. For want of direct railroad communication between this region and other parts of the State, the only use yet made of the gypsum by the inhabitants is for the purpose of ordinary building stone. It is so compact that it is found to be comparatively unaffected by the frost, and its ordinary situation in walls of houses is such that it is protected from the dissolving action of water, which can at most reach it only from occasional rains, and the effect of these is too slight to be perceived after the lapse of several j^ears. One of the citizens of Fort Dodge, Hon. John F. Duncombe, built a large, fine residence of it, in 1861, the walls of which appear as unaffected by the exposure and as beautiful as they were when first erected. It has been so long and successfully used for building stone by the inhabitants that they now prefer it to the limestone of good quality, which also exists in the immediate vicinity. This preference is due to the cheapness of the gypsum, as compared with the stone. The cheapness of the former is largely due to the facility with which it is quarried and wrought. Several other houses have been constructed of it in Fort Dodge, including the depot building of the Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad. The company have also constructed a large culvert of the same material to span a creek near the town, limestone only being used for the lower courses, which come in contact with the water. It is a fine arch, each stone of gypsum being nicely hewn, and it will doubtless prove a very durable one. Many of the side- walks in the town are made of the slabs or flags or gypsum which occur m some of the quarries in the form of thin layers. They are more durable than their softness would lead one to suppose. They also possess an [advantage over stone in not becoming slip- pery when worn. The method adopted in quarrying and dressing the blocks of gypsum is peculiar, and quite unlike that adopted in similar treat- ment of ordinary stone. Takmg a stout auger-bit of an ordi- 172 HISTORY OF IOWA. nary brace, siicli as is used by carpenters, and filing the cutting parts of it into a peculiar form, the quarryman bores his holes into the gypsum quarry for blasting, in the same manner and with as great facility as a carpenter would bore hard wood. The pieces being loosened by blasting, they are broken up with sledges into convenient sizes, or hewn into the desired shape by means of hatchets or ordinary chopping axes, or cut by means by means of ordinary wood-saws. So little grit does the gypsum contain that these tools, made for working wood, are found to be better adapted for working the former substance than those tools are which are universally used for working stone. MINOR DEPOSITS OF SULPHATE OF LIME, Besides the great gypsum deposit of Fort Dodge, sulphate of lime in the various forms of fibrous gypsum, selenite, and small, amorphous masses, has also been discover-^d in various formations in different parts of the State, including the coal-measure shales near Fort Dodge, where it exists in small quantities quite inde- pendently of the great gypsum deposit there. The quantity of gypsum in these minor deposits is always too small to be of any practical value, and frequently minute. They usually occur in shales and shaly clays associated with strata that contain more or less sulphuret of iron (iron pyrites). Grypsum has thus been detected in the coal measures, the St. Louis limestone, the cretaceous strata, and also in the lead caves of Dubuque. In most of these cases it is evidently the result of double decomposition of iron pyrites and carbonate of lime, previously existing there; in which cases the gypsum is of course not an original deposit as the great one at Fort Dodge is supposed to be. The existence of these comparatively minute quantities of gyp- sum in the shales of the coal measures and the subcarboniferous limestone which are exposed within the region of and occupy a stratigraphical position beneath the great gypsum deposits, sug- gest the possibility that the former may have originated as a pre- cipitate from percolating waters, holding gypsum in solution which they had derived from that deposit in passing over or through it. Since, however, the same substance is found in simi- lar small quantities and under similar conditions in regions where they could have had no possible connection with that deposit, it is believed that none of those mentioned have necessarily originated from it, not even those that are found in close proximity to it. The gypsum found in the leai caves is usually in the form of efilorescent fibers, and is always in small quantity. In the lower coal-measure shale near Fort Dodge, a small mass was found in the form of an intercolated layer, which had a distinct fibrous struc- ture, the fibers being perpendicular to the plane of the layer. The same mass had also distinct, horizontal planes of cleavage at right angles with the perpendicular fibers. Thus, being more or less HISTORY OF IOWA. 173 transparent, the mass combined the characters of both fibrous gypsum and selenite. No anhydrous sulphate of lime {anhydrite) has been found in connection with the great gypsum deposit, nor elsewhere in Iowa, so far as yet known. SULPHATE OF STROXTIA. {Celestine.) The only locality at which this interesting mineral has yet been found in Iowa, or, so far as is known, in the great valley of the Mississippi, is at Fort Dodge. ' It occurs there in very small quantity in both the shales of the lower coal measures and in the clays that overlie the gypsum deposit, and which are regarded as of the same age with it. The first is just beloAv the city, near Rees' coal bank, and occurs as a layer intercolated among the coal measure shales, amounting in quantity to only a few hundred pounds' weight. The mineral is fibrous and crystaline, the fibers being perpendicular to the plane of the layer. Breaking also with more or less distinct horizontal planes of cleavage, it resembles, in physical character, the layer of fibro-crystaline gypsum before mentioned. Its color is light blue, is transparent and shows crys- taline facets upon both the upper and under surfaces of the layer; those of the upper surface being smallest and most numerous. It breaks up readily into small masses along the lines of the perpen- dicular fibers or columns. The layer is probably not more than a rod in extent in any direction and about three inches in maximum thickness. Apparent lines of stratification occur in it, correspond- ing with those of the shales which imbed it. The other deposit was still smaller in amount, and occurred as a mass of crystals imbedded in the clays that overlie the gypsum at Cummins' quarry in the valley of Soldier Creek. Here the mineral is nearly without color, and were it not for the form of the sepa- ate crystals would closely resemble a mass of impure chloride. These crystals are so closely aggregated that they enclose but little impurity in the mass, but in nearly every case brought to my no- tice their fundamental forms are obscured. The mineral of itself is of no practical value, and its occurrence is only interesting as a mineralogical fact. Epsomite, or native epsom salts, having been discovered near Burlington, Ave have thus recognized in Iowa all the sulphates of the alkaline earths of natural origin; all of them, except the sul- phate of lime, being in very small quantity. Even if the sulphate of magnesia were produced in nature, in large quantities, it is so very solubie that it can accumulate only in such positions as afford it complete shelter from the rains or running water. The epso- mite mentioned was found beneath the overhanging cliff of Bur- lington limestone, near Starr's mill. ITi HISTORY OF IOWA. It occurs in the form of efflorescent encrustations upon the surface of stones and in similar small fragile masses among the fine debris that has fallen down beneath the overhanging cliff. The projec- tion of the cliff over the perpendicular face of the strata beneath amounts to near twenty feet at the point where epsomite was found. Consequently the rains never reach far beneath it from any quarter. The rock upon which the epsomite accumulates is an impure limestone, containing also some carbonate of magnesia, together with a small proportion of iron pyrites in a finely divided condition. It is doubtless by double decomposition of these that the epsomite results. By experiments with this native salt in the office of the Survey, a fine article of epsom salts was produced, but the quantity that might be annually obtained there would amount to only a few pounds, and of course is of no practical value whatever, on account of its cheapness in the market. HISTORY OF IOWA. 175 WOODBURY COUNTY, Woodbury County is situated on the western border of the State, in the third tier from the north line. It is twenty-four miles north and south, by from thirty to thirty-six miles east and west, em- bracing a superficial area of about 832 square miles, or 432,480 acres. About 146,000 acres of this land is Missouri River bottom, of great fertility, and unsurpassed for agricultural and grazing pur- poses. This bottom is from six to ten miles in width and mostly above high water mark in the Missouri River. Although appar- ently nearly level, it is dry and susceptible of easy tillage. The soil is a deep loam, with a sufficient proportion of silicious material to render it retentive of moisture, while it seldom remains for any length of time so wet as to prevent the farmer from giving atten- tion to his crops. Immediately adjacent to the valleys are the bluffs, forming a narrow belt, usually too much broken for cultiva- tion, but a short distance back the land becomes gently rolling, and is well adapted to farming purposes. The Missouri, one of the great rivers of the continent, forms the western boundary of the county as far up as the mouth of the Big Sioux River. Thence, to the northwest corner, a distance of about five miles, the latter stream marks the Avestern boundary. The principal streams flow- ing through the interior are Floyd, east and west forks of the Lit- tle Sioux, and Maple Rivers. Perry Creek is also a stream of con- siderable size. Ail these streams flow through rich and beautiful valleys, and receive many small affluents that completely drain the entire surface. The Little Sioux and Floyd Rivers furnish water power for machinery. There is a deficiency of native timber in this, as in other counties of this part of the State. There are some groves of valuable timber, however, bordering on the Missouri and along the Big and Little Sioux Rivers. The varieties common are Cottonwood, hickory, oak, walnut, elm, and maple — the first named largely predominating along the Missouri River. It has been found that many kinds of timber may be easily propagated, and when planted on the prairies make a rapid growth. The geological formation is such as to allow but few exposures of rock in the county, or indeed, in this portion of Iowa. The en- tire surface is covered by the peculiar formation known by the name of "bluff deposit,'' extending to the depth of many feet. The bed of the Missouri River at Sioux City is 340 feet above that of the Mississippi at Dubuque, in the same latitude. There are at Sioux City, and one or two other places, exposures of a sandstone formation of the cretaceous age, Avith a stratum of soft, chalky ITo HISTORY OF IOWA. limestone overlying it. This is too soft for masonry, but is used for making quicklime. The sandstone is quarried for ordinary building purposes. The same formation appears on Big Sioux River about two miles above the mouth, and extends, with occa- sional exposures, to the northwest corner of the county. The sur- face of the "bluff deposit" is used for making brick. The clays in the cretaceous deposit furnish an excellent material for making pottery. Woodbury, however, must rely chiefly on its fertile prai- ries for its development into a prosperous and wealthy county. On the lith of May, 1804, Captains Lewis and Clarke, with for- ty-two men, under the direction of the AVar Department of the Government, started from their encamjmient at the mouth of Wood River, in what is now the State of Illinois, to explore the Missouri River and the unknown regions of the Northwest. After many strange adventures, and the accomplishment of a thousand miles of their jouriaey, on the 18th of August they landed on the Nebraska side of the river, nearly opposite the southwest corner of the present County of Woodbury, where they held a council with a party of Ottoe and Missouri Indian Chiefs. On the morning of the 20tli the Indians mounted their horses and left, having re- ceived some presents from the whites. On the 19th, in camp at the place where the council was held, Sergeant Charles Floyd, of the expedition, became very sick and remained so all night. The next morning, however, which was Monday, August 20, the party set out on their journey up the river. Having a "fine wind and fine weather," they made thirteen miles, and at two o'clock landed for dinner on the Iowa side of the river. Here Sergeant Flo3'd died. About one mile farther up the river, on the summit of a high bluff, his body was buried with the honors due to a brave sol- dier. His comrades marked the place with a cedar post, on which were inscribed his name and the date of his death. About one mile above, a small river flows into the Missouri, and here the party encamped until the next day. Captains Lewis and Clarke gave this stream the name of Floyd's River, to perpetuate the memory of the first man who had fallen in their expedition. The next day they set out early, passed the bluffs, now within the limits of Sioux City, which are mentioned in the journal of Patrick Class, a mem- ber of the expedition, as '4iandsome, pale colored bluffs." Willow Creek and Big Sioux River, the latter just above where Sioux City now stands, are also mentioned. During a great freshet in the Spring of 1857, the turbulent Missouri washcl away a portion of the bluff, so as to expose the remains of Sergeant Floyd. The citizens of Siojx City and vicinity collected the remains and re-in- terred them some distance back from the river on the same bluff". The title of the Indians to the land in this portion of Iowa be- came extinct in 1847, and in the summer of 1818, forty-four years after the burial of Sergeant Floyd, a single pioneer, named Wil- liam Thompson, settled at Floyd's Bluff — the first white man who HISTORY OF IOWA. 177 became a permanent settler of the county. In the autumn of the same year his brother Charles and another man followed and spent the winter there, being, at that time the only white men in the county. Anticipating an immense immigration, he laid out a town here and named it in honor of himself — Thompsontown. Like other western towns, this for a while was supposed to be the point. To give it an air of business, and aid in its development, he erected here his cabin, and, on the organization of the county, in 1853, this Avas made the county seat. It was a sort of post for Indian traders for some years, but the city lots were too steep for cultiva- tion, or for building, and, unfortunately, there was no place for a landing on the bank of the river, and the stakes are all that now remain to mark the progress of the town. In may, 1849, Theophile Brughier, a native of Canada, but of French descent, settled at the mouth of the Big Sioux River, about two miles above Avhere Sioux City now stands. Three years before he had visited the spot and made selection of the location. In 1835, at the age of twenty, Brughier left Canada and went to St. Louis, where he had an uncle who was a member of the American Fur Company. Under the advice of his uncle he engaged in the ser- vice of the company, but remained in their employ only a short time, when he joined the Yankton Sioux Indians and married a daughter of the somewhat distinguished chief, Hu-iinn-e-ka (War Eagle). He became a prominent man in the tribe, and had acquired great influence among them. After remaining with the Indians, and sharing the fortunes of the tribe for some ten years, he con- cluded to change his manner of life, and notified the tribe of liis intentions. Accordingly, with his faithful Indian wife and chil- dren, he left the post of the American Fur Company and came down the river and settled, as above stated, at the mouth of Big Sioux River. War Eagle, the Indian father-in-law of Brughier, died in his house in the fall of 1851, aged about sixty-five years. He was a noted warrior among the Sioux, but always a friend of the whites. He was first recognized as a Chief of the Yankton Sioux by Major Pilcher, the Indian agent. About the year 1830 he was for some time employed as a pilot on the Upper Mississippi. His remains, with those of his two daughters, one of them the deceased wife of Mr. Brughier, noAV repose on the summit of a lofty blufii" on the Iowa side of the Big Sioux River, just above its mouth. Here are also the graves of several other Indians, as well as whites — eight or ten in all. From this romantic spot may be seen for many miles the broad winding Missouri, with its noble valley, the far off Blackbird Hills in Nebraska, with the intervening plains, islands and groves, and a portion of the rich bottom lands of Da- kota, stretching as far as the eye can reach between the two rivers toward the northwest. In the fall of 1841), Robert Perry, a man of somewhat eccentric character, but of fine education, removed from Washington, D. C, iiO HISTORY OF IOWA. and settled on the small creek which meanders through Sioux City, where he remained two years, and then removed elsewhere. The creek now bears his name. The next year Paul Pacquette located at the crossing of Big Sioux River, about two miles above the mouth. In the spring of 1852, Mr. Brughier sold a portion of his culti- vated land, including what is now a part of Sioux City, to a French- man named Joseph Lionais, for one thousand dollars. About this time some difficulty occurred with the Indians at Fort Vermillion, and a small number of French descended the river and made a tem- porary settlement in the same vicinity. After this no further perma- nent improvement was made until the spring of 1854, when Doctor John K. Cook, who had a government contract for surveying, ar- rived with his party. Being impressed with the eligibility of the place for the location of a town, and the romantic beauty of its surroundings, he and his party immmediately located claims. Among those who selected and located claims at an early day in the vicinity of Sioux City, was the brave General Lyon, who fell at Wilson's Creek. At the mouth of the Floyd River, Dr. Cook found encamped the red men of the forest, with Smutty Bear, their Chief, who ordered him to desist from his work vinder penalty of being driven from the place by his wariors, whom Smutty Bear would summon from the upper country. The belligerent Doctor boldly replied, through the interpreter, that he would go at once, if nec- essary, for a sufficient force to exterminate Smutty Bear and his band. Dr. Cook plainly told him that he had come there to make a survey, and he meant to complete his undertaking. The savages, impressed with the determination evinced by Dr. Cook, and intim- idated by his well-timed threatenings, struck their tepees and de- parted, leaving him to complete his labors uninterrupted. In the Winter of 1854-5, the town of Sioux City was laid out. Among the settlers at that time were the following: Hiram Nel- son, Marshall Townsley, Franklin Wixon, G. W. Chamberlain, and Francis Chappel. About this time the Indians became trouble- some, and began to steal horses, cattle and other property. Ex- peditions were fitted out against them, none of which, however, were attended with bloodshed. In the spring of 1855, Joseph Lionais sold his land for three thousand dollars, and on this an addition to Sioux City was laid out. It then contained two log cabins, but now comprises the principal business portion of the city. The first stage and mail arrived in Sioux City about the first week in Septem- ber of this year, a postoffice having first been established. This event was hailed by the settlers as the beginning of the ei'a of civilization. By Christmas Day there were seven log houses, two of them being hotels — the "Sioux City House," and the "Western Exchange." Two stores were opened, one of which was kept in a tent, and the other in a log cabin. Late in the season settlers HISTORY OF IOWA. 179 came in rapidlj^ and many who could not obtain houses were obliged to camp out. In the Spring of 1856 the population had reached about 150. The land office had been opened here for pre- emptions, October 22, 1855, but the public lauds were not offered for sale until May 4, 1S5T. By an act of the Legislature the county seat had. 1853, been lo- cated at Floyd's Bluff'. In the Spring of 1850 it was removed to Sioux City by a vote of the citizens of the county, the majority in favor of removal being fourteen. The county was organized in 1853. The first steamboat freighted for Sioux City was the ''Omaha," and arrived in June, 1856. Her freight consisted of ready framed houses and provisions. In July of this ye?r a steam saw mill was erected. Mrs. S. H. Casady and Mrs. J. R. Myers were the first women who spent a Winter in Sioux City. Both came in the Summer of 1855. The first white child born in the place was a daughter of S. H. Casady and wife, in 1856. Among transcriptions from the earliest records, we find the fol- lowing: Sergeakt's Bluffs, Woodbury County, State of Iowa: To the organizing Sherift' of said County: We have fixed upon the southeast quarter of section 1, township 88, range 4^5, west of the Fifth Principal Meridian, as the point for the seat of justice for the aforesaid county of Woodbury, and set a stake on the avenue, coming east and west between lots 131 and 97, as laid down in Thompson's plat ot Floyd's Bluffs, in said County, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, this 18th day of July, 1853. Thomas L. Griffey, Ira Peryier, Commissioners. This appears to be a copy from the Pottawattamie County records. The next entry bears date of January 2, 1854, and men- tions that Thomas L. Griffey is allowed for services as Locating Commissioner $18.50, the same being Order No. 1. It would seem that men were scarce; for Order No. 3 is also to Thomas L. Griffey for services as Locating Sheriff. July 16th, 1851, Ray Harvey is allowed $2 for hauling a box of books from Council Bluffs City. These were doubtless the first permanent records kept by the county. By a warrant — or bond, it is called in the record, — issued August 10, 1851, it appears that Leonard Bates had acted as Clerk of Elections, and that R. E. Knox acted as the first District Clerk, probably Clerk of Election. August 12th, 1854, is the first entry bearing date of Sergeant's Bluffs, which appears to have been written there. This entry mentions that L. Bates is allowed $16.65 for services as Treasurer and Recorder, and is signed by M. Townsley, County Judge. On the same day. Lewis Cunningham is allowed $10.50 for services rendered as Assessor. The ofiicials mentioned appear to have been appointed to hold until the first election ; for on August 16th of the year following, 180 HISTORY OF IOWA. John K. Cook giv^es his bond as County Judge; Saniuql H. Casady as Treasurer; M. F. Moore, Prosecuting Attorney. October loth this entry appears: "John R. Myers was this day appointed District Clerk for this county, in place of Theophile Brughier, suspended by the District Judge at the last term of District Court." The proceedings, as appears by this record, are mixed as to dates, as ^if some were original entries and others were copied from an older book. August 1, 1853, Thomas L. Griffey as Organizing Sheriff, ap- pointed OrinB. Smith Prosecuting Attorne}'^ and Eli Lee, Coroner. On the 30tli of the same month, Hiram Nelson gives his bonds as Treasurer and Recorder. A petition is on record, asking Orin B. Smith, County Judge, to call an election on the first Monday of April, 1855, to decide whether the county seat shall not be removed from Sergeant's Bluffs to Sergeant's Bluffs City. The petition is signed by twenty- six persons. The first seat of justice was half Avay between Sioux City and the present station of Sergeant's Bluffs. It is called on the records indifferently, Sergeant's Bluffs, Thompsontown and Floyd's Bluffs. The election removed the county capital to Sergeant's Bluffs City, now Sergeant's Bluffs Station, on the Sioux City & Pacific road, where it remained until March 3d. Here let the record un- der this date tell the story. March term of County Court of Woodbury Countv: — Met at Sioux City, there being no place at the county seat for hokling said court, first Monday of March. Petition of S. P. Yeomans and George Weare and others — forty-nine others — praying for the removal of the county seat from its present location to Sioux City. Remonstrance presented by F. E. Clark, J. D. ]\I. Crockwell and others, against the removal of the county seat. F. Chapel, Sheriff, sworn; that the notices of the presentation of the petition for the removal of the county seat were duly posted, according to law. This is all that is disclosed by the records about the locating of the county seat at Sioux City. When it is remembered that the County Judge before whom the petition for removal came, was John K. Cook, the founder of Sioux City, no further record is needed to indicate what disposition was made of the petition for removal. April 15th, 1859, Bernhard Henn, Jesse Williams, A. C. Dodge, and others, petition the County Judge, John K. Cook, to enter for them the west one-half of section 28, township 89, range 47, as a town-site in trust for the lot owners. This town-site in the petition is called East Sioux Cit}^ now part of Sioux City east addition, and now comprises the principal business and residence parts of the town. The present officers of Woodbury County are: J. R. Zuver, Circuit Judge, Fourth Judicial District; C. H. Lewis, District Judge, Fourth Judicial District; S. M. Marsh, District Attorney; HISTORY OF IOWA. 181 Auditor, M. L. Sloan; Treasurer, John P. Allison; Clerk of Courts, J. H. Bolton; Recorder, Phil Carlin; Sheriff, D. McDonald; Coro- ner, Dr. W. 0. Davis; Superintendent of Schools, N. E. Palmer; Surveyor, G. W. Oberholtzer; Attor.iey, G. W. Wakefield; Insane Commissioners, J. H. Bolton, Isaac Pendleton, Dr. J. M. Knott; Supervisors, P. C'. Eberley, J. S. Horton, John Nairn, A. J. Weeks, D. T. Gilman. SIOUX CITY. While other cities may owe tlieir location to some accident, the whim of an officer locating a military post, the ambition of a pio- neer to have a townsite on his pre-emption, or the chance settle- ment of a trader, Sioux City's location was a matter of foresight and design by men worthy to be the founders of such a city. When, in the summer of 1853, John K. Cook came into this part of Northwestern Iowa to survey the land for the Government, he had instructions from an association of capitalists and politicians to choose for them a site for a city, to be the metropolis of this part of the northwest. The principal men of the association were Gen. G. W. Jones and A. C. Dodge, Iowa's first Senators, Bernhard Henn, of Fairfield, also a Congressman; his partner in the banking business, Jesse Williams; Daniel Rider, also of Fairfield, and Wm. Montgomery, a Congressman from Pennsylvania, the author of the famous Montgomery Compromise: John K. Cook, who surveyed the land for the Government; and S. P. Yeomans, afterwards Reg- ister of the Government Land Office at Sioux City. This land office was secured for the infant metropolis by the in- fluence of the men who founded the city, and this and the business and settlement it brought, forced the town rapidly ahead of its many competitors. Thompsontown, once the county seat, dwindled to a single farm house; Sergeant Bluffs, at first the most formidable rival, was soon outstripped, and the county seat that had been moved to that vil- lage from Thompsontown, Avas again moved to Sioux City. Omadi, on the Nebraska side, once thought to be the coming town in this part of the northwest, has been swallowed up by the river, and the main channel is now where the main street was; of St. John, another Nebraska city of the future, only two or three farm houses remain on the town site, that covered one thousand acres; Dakota City and Covington, once formidable rivals of Sioux City, still exist, but only as villages. Sioux City has grown and prospered from the first. The securing of the Government Land Office was followed by the city securing the headquarters for the government expeditions against the hostile Sioux, and afterwards by its becoming the terminus of railroads created by land grant bills. 182 HISTORY OF IOWA. First its founders, and afterwards the leading men of the town, have been tireless in their efforts to advance the interests of the city. To this, even more than to its superior location, is the present prosperity of the cit}^ indebted. The population of the city has more than doubled since 187U. According to the official figures of the federal census taken in June, 1880, the population was 7,367. But to-day we can easily cal- culate upon 10,000 being the correct figures, for not a single busi- ness-house is unoccupied, and although building boomed as never before last season, this winter sees many begging for houses to rent or quarters of some kind in which to locate. The demand for ten- ement houses is greater than the supply, and in many cases fami- lies are crowded into one room, not being able to secure more avail- able quarters. The population of the county, according to the census, exclud- ing Sioux City, was 7,626, the whole county exceeding the town by 259. The county is divided into twenty-two townships, and the population of the whole county, including Sioux City, according to census figures, is given as follows: Sioux City— First Ward 1,707 Second Ward 2,074 Third Ward 1,786 Fourth Ward 1,800 Sioux City township 480 Arhngton township 137 Concord township 340 Banner township 64 Floyd township 194 Grange township 118 Grant Towniship 460 Kedron township 316 Little Sioux township 876 Liberty township 721 Liston township 408 Lakeport township 436 Union township 597 Moville township 117 Willow township 242 Rock township 250 Rutland township 197 Sloan township 312 Wolk Creek township 418 Morgan township 63 West Fork township 286 Woodbury township 594 Total 14,993 What has been said in regard to the city's population holds equally true of the county, outside of the city. Since the census enumeration many families have bought farms and settled in the county. In fact, the tide of immigration to Woodbury, which has never been greater than during the last year, did not set in until HISTOKY OF IOWA. 1S3 after June, and continued until cold weather set in. It is safe, therefore, to estimate the present population of the city and county at 19,000, at least. SIOUX city's railroad interests. The founders of Sioux City had not got fairly settled on their townsite before they began to agitate the c|uestion of secur- ing railroads. The location of the town seemed made by na- ture for a railroad center, supposing that nature contemplated railroads when this section of the world was made. The great Missouri, coming down through its wide valley, flows in a general easterly course and here makes an abrupt bend to the south, the first great change in course above Kansas City. The Big Sioux comes down from the north, and at its head the Ked River starts on its course north, the valleys of the two streams forming a nat- ural route for a railroad from Sioux City to the British Possessions. The Niobrara coming from the west flows straight toward Sioux City until it joins the Missouri at the first great bend above the city. The Floyd coming from the northeast invited a road from the Minnesota lumber countr}^ and afforded a route into the young metropolis for a road across the State, while the rock bluff that crops out above the town suggests a bridge site and lines beyond the Missouri. All these ideas were urged by the more progressive of the founders of the city, and, though visionary then to a common- place mind, have been either made realities, or are in a fair way to become realities. Sioux City was fortunate in having as a member of Congress, during the years in which land grants were being given to rail- roads, a citizen active, far-sighted and tireless, the late Judge Hub- bard. It was this gentleman who secured the insertion of a clause in the original land grant bill of the Union Pacific providing for a branch of this road to Sioux City, who secured the change of the land grant from the bankrupt Dubuque & Missouri River road to the Iowa Falls & Sioux City, and finally, in 1861, by the help of the Minnesota Congressmen, procured the passage of a bill grant- ing lands to the amount of 10 sections per mile to the Sioux City & St. Paul road. But in spite of the tempting offers of lands, and in the case of the Sioux City branch of the Union Pacific, of guaran- teed government bonds as well, nothing was done toward building these roads until late in 1867. Sioux City cO Pacific. — John I. Blair, even- then a veteran railroad man, in that year agreed to build the Sioux City branch of the Union Pacific if a modification of the line could be secured. What he wanted, and got, was permission to build from Missouri Valley north to Sioux City, a distance of 77 miles, and to build from Missouri Valley west, across the Missouri River to Fremont, a distance of 37 miles. The original bill did not contemplate any such line, but one crossing the River at Sioux City, and running 184 HISTORY OF IOWA. southwest to a junction with the Union Pacific at Columbus. Mr. Blair having secured the change m the route asked) proceeded to build the road. Besides the land grant and government bonds, the wily railroader secured from Sioux Cit}' a tract of land amounting to about 14 acres near the business center of the town, and several thousand acres of swamp land from the county of Woodbury. The road, under the name of the Sioux City & Pacific, was finished so as to allow the first passenger train to run from Missouri Val- ley to Sioux City on March 9, 1868. The citizens were wild with enthusiasm, and the newspapers flamed with head lines over this connection with the railroad world. The year following the com- pletion of the Sioux City road, the Blair cut-oif, between Missouri Valley, on the Northwestern, and Fremont, on the Union Pacific, was built. This gave a connection with the Union Pacific, of which great things were expected; but the bridging of the Mis- souri at Omaha sent most of the business that way, instead of across the river at Blair, where a transfer boat was used. From Blair a branch was started up the Elkhorn Valle}', that has grown from year to year, until, at the close of 1881, it rested at Long Pine, 250 miles northwest of Blair. Surveys have been made for an extension from Long Pine west to the Wyoming line, and the line seems likely to become in reality, what it is name, a Sioux City and Pacific road. Illinois Central. — The general joy over securing the first rail- road, took the very practical form of a move to secure other rail- roads. In the Spring of 1869, Mr. Blair and his associates began building from Sioux City east, and from Iowa Falls west, to secure the land grant of the Iowa Falls & Sioux City road. That year the west section was built to Cherokee, and from the east as far as Fort Dodge. Early in the summer of 1870 the road was finished. It was leased to the Illinois Central, a company that has since operated it. The rental paid is 35 j)er cent, of the gross earnings. • Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha. — Fast folio 'ving on this road came the Sioux City & St. Paul. As has been men- tioned, Judge Hubbard, in 1861, when in Congress, procured a land grant for this project, but no work was done' until 1872, when the franchises having passed to the St. Paul & Sioux City company, the road was built from the Minnesota State line fo Le Mars.* There connection was made with the Illinois Central", and the right to run trains over that company's track to Sioux City secured. The year following Sioux City voted the company $20,- 000 in consideration of establishing repair shops in the town. Extensive shops were built, and these have since been enlarged until, during the past summer, over 200 men were emplo3"ed there. In the Spring of 1881, the St. Paul cS: Sioux City road was con- solidated with various Wisconsin roads and now forms a part of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway. HISTORY OF IOWA. 185 The necessity of developinj:^ a system of roads in Nebraska di- verging from this city, was early apparent to the public-spirited men Avho made the town the railroad center that it is. In this, as in most other railroad enterprises of the town, the late Judge Hubbard took a leading a part. After much preliminary surveying and agitation, work was be- gun on a line from Covington to Ponca in the fall of 1876. The road, a narrow guage, was finished to Ponca early in 1877. Grad- ing was done beyond that town into Cedar county, but the com- pany became involved in litigation on account of the bonds issued by the Nebraska counties in aid of the road, and the line passed into the hands of a receiver. At the time the Ponca line was building some little grading was done on a line which was projected between this city and Co- lumbus on the Union Pacific road. This project rested with the resting of the Ponca line, and nothing more was done in the way of work on the Nebraska lines until the St. Paul & Sioux City accjuired possession of the different interests in the Nebraska roads in the fall of 1879. The winter following material was crossed for extensive work on the newly acquired road, and on the roads projected, and the next spring business began in earnest. The twenty-six miles of narrow gauge track between Covington, on the Nebraska shore opposite this city, and Ponca, was widened to standard gauge, and substan- tially rebuilt. Surveys have been made west of Ponca looking to an extension of this branch to Niobrara. This extension will be built in 1882. if a tax asked by the company be voted in Cedar County, which now seems probable. In 1880 a track was built from Coburn Junction, on the Ponca line, to the south 52 miles, where the end of a track extending from Oakland to Omaha was met. This track had previously been bought by the St. Paul & Sioux City Company. This line gives a new connection between the lumber country of Minnesota and Wisconsin, and the Union Pacific road. In the winter of 1881-2 the 47 miles of track from Emei-son Junction, on the Omaha line, was completed to Norfolk, the railroad center of Northern Ne- braska. A bill recently introduced in Congress during the session of 1881-2, to revive the charter of the Sioux City branch of the Union Pacific, indicates that this line is to be extended from Nor- folk west to some point on the Union Pacific. The building of these numerous lines by the company in Ne- braska will, at an early day, make necessary a bridge at this city. Soundings were made as early as 18(59, and bed rock suitable for the foundation of bridge piers was found at depths ranging from 30 to 50 feet below low water mark. The range of bluffs that comes to the river edge in the west part of the city, forms a con- venient approach on one side, which is all that any bridge site on the Missouri offers. The building of a bridge, which cannot be 12 186 HISTORY OF IOWA. delayed for more than a year or two, will do much to fix the busi- ness of Northern Nebraska at this city. During 1881, the com- pany has, in a measure, prepared for an increase in the Nebraska business by building nearly four miles of side track in the city, and by the purchase of depot grounds, at an expense of $20,000 near the business center of the town. A survey has been partially made between LeMars, where the company's track joins that of the Illinois Central, to this city, and there is good assurance that the company will build this track in 1882. Right here it may be in order to speak of the company's land grant, some 20,000 acres of which, lying in this county and in Plymouth county, is in dispute, unfortunately, and so cannot be sold to set- tlers until the question between the State and the company is settled. The company has built 57^ miles of road in Iowa, which fact has been duly certified by the Governor to the General Gov- ernment, and the land at the rate often sections per mile has been turned over to the State in trust for the railroad company. The State has, in turn, certified the land grant of 50 miles of road to the company. The lands for the other 7i miles the State holds, claiming that the road was entitled to it only as sections of ten miles of road were completed, and the showing of tae Railroad company was that the last section lacked 2h miles of being ten miles long. The company holds that as the General Goverment has waived the ten-mile point, and certified the lands to the State for the use and benefit of the company the State should certify the lands for the T-^- miles of road built to the company. Meantime the State holds the lands in abeyance, and settlement is kept out. It would require only a part of the land thus held by the State to give the company the ten sections per mile for the 7^ miles built and un- subsidized. There is also a question between the St. Paul and the Milwaukee companies as to the ownership of about 185,000 acres of land in the vicinity of the crossing poim of the two roads. This land is now being sold, and both companies join in giving title, and agree that the company that wins in the courts shall have the money for the disputed lands sold. If this dispute is settled in favor of the Milwaukee Company, it will take all the lands in dis- pute between the State and the St. Paul Company to make good the land grant of that Company. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. — The first spike on the track leading from Sioux City to Yankton was driven in this city Aug. 12. 1872, and the track was finished to Yankton on the 28th of January following. This road is noticeable as the first built in this part of the west without a land grant. The construction com- pany, Wicker & Meckling, of Chicago, obtained a tax from Sioux City, voted the Sioux City & Pembina road, and it w^as under this name that the road was built as far as the Big Sioux bridge. They also obtained $200,000 in bonds from Y^'ankton County, and a lesser amount from stations along the route. This was the first HISTORY OF IOWA. 187 track in Dakota, south of the Northern Pacific, except a few miles built across the line near where Watertown now is, but abandoned after the land tyrant was secured. It had long been a favorite plan of the public spirited men of this city to build a road north, up the Big Sioux Valley, and the Sioux City & Pembina was or- ganized in 1871 for this purpose. The leading spirit, asin most other railroad projects in these parts, was Judge Hubbard. The year following the organization, taxes were voted in aid of the road by Sioux City township and by the townships in the west part of Plymouth County, and some grading was done. But the financial crisis of 1873 coming on, work was suspended. In 1875 the owners of the track between Sioux City and Yankton began work at Davis Junction on a road up the Big Sioux Valley, and that year completed sixteen miles to Portlandville. In 1878 the road was finished to Beloit, and in December, 1879, the track was laid into Sioux Falls. It was in the spring of this year, 1879, that John 1. Blair reappeared on the railroad stage, after several years absence, and bought what he supposed was a contr>/lling interest in the Yankton and Sioux Falls lines. At his suggestion the two were consolidated into the Sioux City & Dakota Railway. In the summer of 1880 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Com- pany bought Mr. Wicker's interest in the Sioux City & Dakota road, and after a tedious litigation Mr. Blair sold his interest to the same company. The addition of a third road to Chicago by this purchase was hailed with enthusiasm by our business men. The connection, opening up as it does to the trade of the city, the best part of Southeastern Dakota and Northern Iowa, has been a great advantage, while as an eastern connection the new^ line has done much to bring the freight rate down to a point that enabled our wholesale dealers to compete with those of Omaha and St. Paul. During the past year, 1881, the company has completed its line up the Big Sioux Valley, from Sioux Falls to Flandrau, where connection is made with the company's Southern Minuesota division, and has partly graded a line from Yankton to Scotland, which when ironed, will give our dealers a direct line to the lower Jim River Valley. But the work that promised to be of most ad- vantage to the city is the line surveyed southeast, ninety miles, to a connection with the company's new main line, that during 1881 was nearly completed between Marion and Council Bluffs. This line when built, as it is likely to be in 1882, will not only open up a new section to the trade of our city, but will give a shorter track between Sioux City and Chicago. Some steps have been taken to- ward securing shops of this company at this city, but nothing de- finite has as yet been assured. Railroad Frobabilities. — These are the railroad lines to which Sioux City owes her importance as a commercial center. There are besides several roads to get, which may be briefly mentioned: The Iowa Railroad Land Company, the owners of the Maple Val- 1S8 HISTOKY OF IOWA. ley branch of the Chicago & Northwestern, put a party of engi- neers in the fiekl in December, 1881, to make a survey for a line between Sac City, the terminus of a spur of the branch mentioned, to Sioux City. There is good assurance that a part of this line, at least, will be built in 1882, and that the line will eventually be extended to a connection with the company's system of roads in Dakota. The Wabash, in the Summer of 1881, leased the Des Moines & Northwestern, a narrow gauge road running north- west from Des Moines. Late in the year the company secured an old roadbed and right of way from Rockwell City to Sac City, and there is the autliority of the President of the Narrow Gauge Road for saying that it is to be extended either to Sioux City or Sioux Falls. The branch of the St. Paul Road that now extends down the Rock River to Doon, it is hoped, will be extended south to Sioux City, and an effort is being made to have the 20,000 acres of disputed land grant mentioned diverted to the aid of this extension. The St. Paul and the Sioux City & Pacific, together, have planned to extend from Fremont to Lincoln, and this Nebraska line, of the greatest usefulness to Sioux City, is likely to be built during 1882. Most important of all the expected lines, is the Central Pacific. DurinsT 1881, this company had a preliminary survey made between Corinne, near its eastern terminus, to the mouth of the Niobrara River. The short and natural route for a road coming down the Niobrara Valley, seeking a Chicago connection, is to cross the Mis- souri River at Sioux City. A letter written by Vice President Huntington of this road to one of our citizens says, that the Cen- tral Pacific will be extended from Corinne to some point on the Missouri River not yet determined on. As Sioux City presents a good bridge site, and is on the most direct route, there is a rea- sonable certainty that she will secure this prize. With the roads already built into this city, neither the Central Pacific, nor any other road, can afford to come within reaching distance of Sioux City and not send in a line. BOATIXG BUSINESS. The first steamboat came up the Missouri to Sioux City in the Spring of 1856. The river route was then the only one open for the bringing in of heavy freight; and the material for a number of residences and business houses, and several stocks of goods came in on this first boat. With the settlement of the country around the city, came a demand from the military posts and mining camps further up the river, for any surplus produce marketed in the city, and orders for goods began to be sent down to Sioux City. The up-river business of the city grew steadily, and new boats were added every year to the carrying trade. The opening of the rich mines in the Black Hills greatly increased this business, and there has been a steady increase in the amount of grain, pork and mer- chandise sent from the city to points further up the Missouri. HISTORY OF IOWA. 189 Sioux City is the headquarters of the Peck line of boats, which line comprises the steamers C. K. Peck, Nellie Peck, Terry, Peni- nah, Meade, and Far West. The Benton line, Coulson line and Kountz line of boats also find much profitable freight at this city. Costly experience has proved to the satisfaction of river men that the winter harbor here is the safest on the upper river, and num- bers of the river steamers are put on the ways at this city for re- pair every winter. Many of Sioux City's business, men are interested in stock rais- ing, mining, the fur trade, and other up-river enterprises, and their connection with the "up-country" forms a bond of union of great help to the trade of the city. Several hundred thousand bushels of corn and oats are sent every summer to points further up the Missouri, and more than half the immense out-put of the pork packing establishment finds a market in the same quarter, while the growth of the wholesale trade of our merchants in these parts has kept steady pace with the growth of this newest portion of the new Northwest. Daring the winter of 1878, Congress made an appropriation for the improvement of the river, and the protection of the levee at Sioux City, and has, each subsequent winter, made further appro- priations for carrying on the work. The first systematic attempt to prevent the encroachment of the river on our levee was made during the Summer of 1879, by Major Yonge, of the United States Engineer Corps. The work has been carried on every season since . with results, on the whole, satisfactory. The banks on either side now appear to be permanently fixed, and much valuable data has been obtained that will be of use when the improvement of the en- tire river below Sioux City is attempted, by government, as it evi- dently will be in the near future, THE KEWSPAPERS. . The press of Sioux City has been an important factor in the up- building of the city, and no other single agency has contributed more to make the city what it is. It has ever been said, that a town may be judged by the character of its newspapers. If this be true, Sioux City can make an excellent showing, as no city in the State of its size has as many or as good newspapers as are published here. To-day, it has one morning, two evening and three weekly journals, all well supported. The pioneer newspaper of Sioux City, as well as of Woodbury County, was called the Sioux Citi/ Eagle^ and the first number was issued July 4th, 1857, with S. W. Swiggett as editor and proprie- tor. It was independent in politics, and for those days, a sprightly, well conducted sheet. Its publication was continued for nearly three years, when it passed out of existence. The next newspaper venture was made by F. M. Ziebach. The August previous, he, in conjunction with J. N. Cum- 190 HISTOEY OF IOWA. mings, under the firm name of Cummings & Ziebach, began the publication of the Western Independent — independent in politics — at Sergeant's Bluffs, eight miles south of Sioux City. It was reg- ularly published until the following July, when Mr. Ziebach pur- chased his partner's interest in the paper, and removed the mate- rial to Sioux City, which, even then, gave promise of being the metropolis of the Northwest; and on July 22d, 1858, gave to Sioux City its second weekly newspaper, the Sioux Citi/ Register. With the change of name also came a change in politics, the Register being the first to champion Democracy in Northwestern Iowa. In 1859 William Freney purchased an interest in the paper, and the year following it was consolidated with the Eagle. The Begis- ter was continued under the management of Ziebach & Freney un- til 1862,when Mr. Ziebach withdrew, leaving Mr. Freney to continue it alone, which he did until 1871, when its publication was suspended. Shortly after the consolidation of the Fegister and Eagle, in 1860, Pendleton & Swiggett started the Sioux City Times — Re- publican in politics. It survived only a few mouths. Three years later, another attempt was made, by J. C. Stillman, to establish a Ilepublican paper. The Sioux City Journal, but it ceased to exist befcre the publication of a dozen numbers. August 29th, 1864, it was resuscitated, under the editorial management of J. V. Baugh, and its publication has been continued uninter- ruptedly ever since, though it has passed through many trying .ordeals, with several changes in its management. In October of the same year, S. T. Davis, then Register of the Land Office, succeeded Mr. Baugh as editor, but only remained in charge until the close of the Presidential campaign in 1804, when the paper passed into the hands of Mahlon Gore, a brilliant writer and an accomplished journalist. In 1868, B. L. Northrup pur- chased an interest in the paper, but retired in a short time, leaving Mr. Gore to continue it alone, which he did until May 1st, 1869, when he disposed of it to George D. Perkins, who has been its editor ever since. The following January, H. A. Perkins bought an interest in the paper, and the firm of Perkins Brothers was formed, and con- tinued until July, 1875, when H. A. Perkins retired; but after an absence of nearly two years, he returned; the firm name of Per- kins Brothers was restored, and continues to the present time. In 1870 a morning edition was issued from the office, and has appeared regularly ever since. Tlie Daili/ Journal has grown and strengthened with its years, until to-day it ranks with the fore- most papers of the State. It is a handsome, nine-column folio, printed on a press of the latest pattern, and has a large and in- creasing circulation. The mechanical execution is in the highest style of the art. Its editor, George D. Perkins, is a polished, con- scientious and able writer, and a gentleman who has a high ideal of journalism. HISTORY OF IOWA. 191 • The Journal bnildiiif^ is a fine establishment, and the whole enterprise is an illustration of what may be accomplished by talent and energy, directed by sound financial ability and good management. Few papers have achieved a more decided and per- manent success, than The Sioux Citij Journal, in the hands of its present proprietors, and, it may be added, none are more deserving of the grand success they have won, as they have built up an in- stitution of which Sioux City may well feel proud. In May, 1869, a stock company began the publication of the Daily and WeeMy Times, a journal neutral in politics, with Charles Collins as the editor. In a short time Mr. Collins became sole proprietor, changing the publication from a morning to an evening paper. In 1872, the daily edition was discontinued, but the weekly was maintained until 1871, Avhen it was purchased by Warner Sc Gore, made Democratic in politics, and the name changed to the Sioux City Tribune, under which name it has been con- tinued until the present time, though many changes have occurred in its management. At the close of the Presidential campaign, in 1876, Mr. Warner retired, being succeeded by C. E. ISmead, the style of the firm becoming Gore & Smead. August, 1877, Mr. Oore left the paper, because of ill health, Mr. Smead continuing its publication until December 6th of the same year, when Albert Watkins purchased an interest, and assumed editorial manage- ment. May 1st, 1879, Mr. Watkins bought his partner's interest, and continued the publication of the paper alone until July 1st, 1880, when he disposed of it to John C. Kelley, its present editor and proprietor. X^ie Tribune is a six-column quarto, well printed, ably edited, and is on a solid financial footing, with a rapidly in- creasing business. It is an unfaltering advocate of Democracy, and the recognized organ of the party in the Northwest. There is also issued from the Tribune office the Anpao, a monthly journal, in the Sioux dialect, in the interests of the Niobrara Mis- sion. It is edited by Rev. Joseph W. Cook, and Rev. J. W. Cleve- land, and published under the management of James R. Fraser. The only German paper ever published here is the Sioux City Weekly Courier, which madeits first appearance in 1870, under the management of Wetter & Danquard. After a short time, Mr. Wetter purchased his partner's interest and continued it alone for a few months, when he disposed of it to Dr. C. J. Krejci. Subse- quently the paper passed into the hands of Chas, F. Schroeder, who, however, sold it to Herman Schorning. Mr. Schorning con- tinued it until it became the property of its present publisher, Fred- erick Barth, in November. 1877. The Courier is Democratic in politics, under its present management, is well conducted, the only German paper in this section, and has a wide circulation. The Cosmopolite, a sixteen-page monthly, was established by D. H. Talbot July 1st, 1879, and continued for two years. It was is- 192 HISTORY OF IOWA. sued mainly in the interest of private enterprises, but contained much matter of general interest. In August, 1881, Charles Collins commenced the Sioux City Daily Times, an evening sheet, independent in politics. The Times is a sprightly six-column folio, devoted to local news, and rapidly estab- lishing itself on a firm footing. Its editor and proprietor, Mr. Charles Collins, is a veteran journalist and a ready and forcible writer. Two weeks after the first issue of the Daily Times, another can- didate for public favor made its appearance, the Sioux City Daily Netvs, published by Watkins & Jay. Like its contemporary, The Times, it is a six-column folio, independent in politics, but with Democratic tendencies. The Sioux City Grocer, established in 1881, is a handsome monthly, published by E. C. Palmer & Co., and issued in the in- terest of the grocery trade. In August, 1877, Alex. Macready began the publication of the Industrial Press, a weekly newspaper, advocating the Greenback doctrine. It was continued about a year, when it ceased to exist. The Sioux City Gazette was commenced by R. Goldie & Son., December 1st, 1877, but after a few issues suspended publication. PORK PACKING. Pork packing was begun, in a small way, in Sioux City, in the winter of 1872-3. The building occupied was a small wooden affair on Water street above Fifth. That season H. D. Booge & Co. killed 5,000 hogs. The experiment was a success, and the follow- ing summer a large brick building was put up on the site of the frame one, where the business first started. Additions to this building were made from year to year, until its capacity was in- creased to 500 hogs per day, and there was no room for further ex- tensions. In the spring of 1881, work was begun on the pork house now occupied in the east part of the city. The site is all that could be wished. The Floyd furnishes drainage, and the nearness to railroads allows the cars of the different lines center- ing at the city to deliver hogs directly into the yards beside the packing house, and to load the manufactured product directly from the storage rooms into the cars. There is plently of ground, some fourteen acres of city lots having been bought. The new building cost over f?100,000, and more than a million and a half of brick were used in its building. It is pronounced by competent judges the most complete structure of the kind in the State. The ice is run directly from the Floyd River into the great 6,000 ton ice house. For summer packing this ice in skidded from the ice house into the refrigerator that occupies an entire story of the main building. A steam elevator connects the different floors. In the fertilizer room, the parts that would otherwise go to Avaste, are worked over into an odorless powder that is in demand for HISTORY OF IOWA. 193 enriching the worn-out fields of the east. Every part of the de- funct porker is utilized, from the tough terminus of the snout, to the brush of bristles that beautifies the tip of the tail. The house has a capacity of 1,000 hogs per day, the capacity being measured by the hanging capacity. This has been found insufficient for the hogs offered, and the coming season an addition will be built that will increase the capacity about 50 per cent. The firm conducting the business of Jas. E. Booge & Co., consists of Jas. E. Booge, of Sioux City, and John L. Merriam, A. H. Wilder and Wm. R. Merriam, of St. Paul. The first named gen- tleman has been connected with the business from the first, and the three others for several years. As appears from the report made to the Board of Trade, the pork house had, during the two months ending January 1st, 1882, killed 37^000 hogs, and paid for these $580,000. The labor bills during this time footed up $14,000 and the pay roll shoAved 188 men employed. No other business in Sioux City does so much to advertise the name of the town. The hams made can be found on hotel tables from Chicago to San Francisco. The side meat goes mostly to the south, Memphis, New Orleans and Mobile being the principal points of sale. The lard goes to Chicago and the bacon finds a ready market all over the west, the heaviest demand coming from the mining camps and military posts of the Upper Missouri. The Sioux City Pork house has a practical monopoly of supplying hog products to the military posts in the northwest, having, during the past year, secured more than eighty per cent, of the contracts let. The position of the town as a railroad center, in the midst of one of the best corn growing sections of the Union, makes the steady supply of swine certain, and the exceptional advantages for the distribution of the product, allows prices to be paid that while renumerative to the hog grower, leaves a fair margin of profit to the packer. THE CITY LIBRARY. There is nothing perhaps that speaks higher for the culture and enterprise of the city, than its valuable Public Library and Read- ing Room. Both are well patronized and supported. About two thousand well selected volumes are on the shelves, and mostly all the popular magazines and leading newspapers of the country, re- ligious and secular, are kept on file. The Library is a large and pleasant room, situated in the City Hall, on one of the leading business streets. Miss Helen Smith is at present, and has been for some years past, the Librarian. FOUifDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. The Sioux City Foundry and Machine Shop, is the pioneer manufacturing establishment of the city. Started in 1871, in a small way, and doing Avork only of the simplest kind, it has grown 194 HISTORY OF IOWA. with the city, until now its buildings extend over several acres of ground, and its manufactures embrace everything in the different branches of the business, from the plain castings in iron and brass, to the building of heavy machinery for steamboats, saw mills, cjuartz mills, planing mills, etc. As the growth of the city and the wants of the trade demanded, new buildings with the required machinery, have been added, from time to time, until the works are now undoubtedly the largest and most complete of the kind in the West. The main building is of brick, two stories high, with a frontage of 120 feet. There is also an extensive boiler shop, de- tached from the main building, 70 by 80 feet. The works give employment to 40 men, and their trade extends throughout the Northwest, even reaching to the Black Hills. The establishment is in every way creditable to Sioux City, as well as to the country tributary. Flow I['o>7.-s. — The broad and liberal policy of the citizens of Sioux City towards manufacturing enterprises of merit, is in strik- ing contrast with the narrow, selfish course of many western cities. At all times they have been ready and willing to extend a helping hand to any enterprise that would add to the material wealth and advance the interests of the cit}^ and the man}'^ manufacturing industries that have located here of late demonstrate, beyond c[ues- tion, that the policy which has been pursued is the only true one, and one that will ultimately place Sioux City in the front rank of the manufacturing towns of the State. The Board of Trade, of which appropriate mention is made else- where, has performed an important part in attracting many desir- able manufacturers hither, and among the first brought here, through its influence, was the Sioux City Plow Company, an insti- tution of which the city feels justly proud. In May, 1880, a stock company of practical mechanics was organized under the above name, and commenced the erection of a suitable building for the manufacture of plows, and in the following September the first plow was turned out. The next season, their goods were placed upon the market and immediately sprang into public favor; and though the works have a capacity of fifty finished plows per day, so great has become the demand that the company has not been able to fully meet the requirements of its trade, and an increase in the building capacity of the works has become an imperative ne- cessity. The Sioux City Plow is made with special reference to its adaptability to the peculiar soil of this section, and possesses many points of superiority over those of Eastern manufacture. The works of the company, situated in the southeastern part of the city, are substantial, two-story brick buildings, supplied with all the necessary machinery for the turning out of first class work. THE GAS WORKS. Long before Sioux City had a population of five thousand souls her streets were lighted with gas. Through the untiring energv HISTORY OF IOWA. ' 195 and public spirit of a few of her leadin^^ citizens, in February, 1872, the Sioux City Gas Liglit Company was incorporated with an authorized capital of $100,000. D. T. Hedges was President, George Weare, Treasurer, and John P. Allison, Secretary. A sub- stantial brick building was soon erected, and on the evening of March 17th, 1873, the city was illuminated by gas, the event being duly celebrated. It was not expected by the projectors of the en- terprise, that the works in a town like Sioux City then was, would be self-sustaining; but they had an abiding faith in its future. Time has demonstrated that their confidence was not misplaced. The hazardous venture of ten years ago, is now a paying in- vestment. The city has always lent the company a helping hand, and encouraged and fostered it with its patronage, oftentimes when its finances would hardly justify the outlay. The works, are now operated by private parties, under a lease from the incorporators of the company. About three million feet of gas is made annually, of which the city is a large consumer, all the leading thorough- fares being lighted by gas. SIOUX CITY BOARD OF TRADE. During the autumn of 1872, the first Citizens' Association, for the general advancement of the business and manufacturing in- terests of the city was formed. The first meeting for the forma- tion of this association was held November 21st, 1872, at the court room, which was at that time in the Hubbard block, on Fourth street. It was called by the Mayor, G. W. Kingsnorth. Hon. A. W. Hubbard introduced the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: ^'Resolved, That this meeting is in favor of organizing an association, the object of which shall be to induce manufactures to come to this place." A provisional board was appointed; also committees to draft a constitution, by-laws, and for procuring members. December 9th the committee reported a constitution, which was adopted; and that they had secured 221 names for membership. The name this association adopted was " The Sioux City Cham- ber of Commerce." January 18th, 1873, the following officers were elected for the year: President, J. C. Flint; First Vice-President, A. W. Hub- bard; Second Vice-President, S. T. Davis; Directors, J. H. Swan, M. C. Bogue, J. J. Saville, L. C. Sanborn, C. E. Hedges, A. Gronin- ger, J. P. Dennis, E. W. Skinner, A. R. Wright, H. L. Warner. Board of Arbitration, J. C. C. Hoskins, W. L. Joy. L. Wynn, J. E. Booge, L. McCarty; Secretary, F. C. Thompson. Treasurer, J. M. Pinckney. During the year the organization secured the location of Joseph Trudell's wagon shop; entertained the St. Paul Chamber of Com- merce on its visit to Sioux City, September 10th; published a 196 HISTORY OF IOWA. twenty-four page pamphlet, containing statistics and description of the city, and did h good deal of miscellaneous work toward se- curing railroads, Government improvement of river, etc. In January, 1874, the following officers were elected for the year: President, J. C. C. Hoskins; First Vice-President, J. H. Swan; Second Vice-President, L. C. Sanborn; Directors, James E. Booge, Thomas J. Stone, William R. Smith, Joseph Schulien,L. McCarty, James M. Bacon, E. B. Crawford, George W. Kings- north, E. E. Lewis, C. J. Kathrens. Committee on Arbitration, W. S. Joy, H. L. Warner, D. T. Hedges, J. C. Flint, A. W. Hubbard. F. C. Thompson was re-elected Secretary, and J. M. Pinckney, Treasurer. This organization — The Chamber of Commerce — was quite ac- tive during the year in working up the material interests of the city; but a c[uorum of members did not respond to the call for the annual meeting of 1875, and the officers previously elected held over. In October, 1877, the merchants of Sioux City met and formed the Merchants Exchange, and the following officers were elected for the year: President, J. M. Bacon; Vice President, L. C. San- born; Secretary, E. H. Bucknam; Treasurer, A. C. Davis; Direc- tors, H. L. Warner, H. A. Jandt, E. W. Rice, F. L. Goewey, During the year, the subject of cheap ferriage to Covington, the adjusting of railroad freights and the commercial interests of Sioux City in general, had the attention of the Exchange with marked success. They raised by voluntary subscriptions ^1, 929.60 during the year, and paid to secure cheap ferriage, ^1,500. In October, 1878, the following officers were elected for the year: President, J. M. Bacon; Vice President, E. C. Tompkins: Secretary, E. W. Bucknam; Directors, H. L. Warner, H. A. Jandt, M. W. Murphy. S. Schulein, F. L. Goewey. In October, 1879, the following officers were elected: President, H. A. Jandt; Vice President, M. W. Murphy, Secretary, E. G. Burkam, Jr.; Treasurer, A. C. Davis; Directors, J. M. Bacon, William Tackaberry, F. L. Goewey, W. H. Livingston, G. H. Howell. During the year, the Exchange, in addition to other important work, raised quite a boom for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad towards the purchase of depot grounds. The officers elected October, 1879, hekl over until July, 1881, when the exchange was reorganized, the name changed to the Sioux City Board of Trade, its scope extended so as to include as eligible to membership all citizens of Sioux City and to embrace in its work the securing of manufactories. The following officers were elected for the balance of the year: President, H. A. Jandt; Vice President, John Hornick; Treasurer, A. S. Garretson; Secre- tary, E. W. Skinner; Directors, F. H. Peavev. H. A. Perkins, W. H. Beck, F. L. Goewey,E. C. Palmer, Geo. H.Howell, J. P. Dennis. HISTORY OF lOW.V. 197 In November, 1S81, the following officers were elected: Pi-esi- dent, F. H. Peavey; Vice President, John Hornick; Treasurer, A. S. Garretson; Secretary, E. W. Skinner; Directors, H. A. Jandt, F. L. Goewey, E. C. Palmer, W. H. Livingston, W. H, Beck, H. A. Perkins, R. S. Van Keuren. During the first six months of the new organization, the Board of Trade has aided in securing for the city several important ad- ditions to its industrial and mercantile institutions, among Avhich may be mentioned, a button factory, a chemical paint and color works, a branch of R. G. Dun & Oo's Commercial agency, Cum- mings, Smith & Co.'s large wholesale boot and shoe house, a branch of the Consolidated Oil Tank Line Company; a United States Express Company's office, an iron pump factory, chemical works, increased telegraph facilities, and has in prospect a paper mill, a tlax, twine and bagging mill, and several other industries. The subject of railroad extensions, and increased rail facilities, and the improvement of the Missouri River by the Government, have also had consideration. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. The following extracts are taken from the JoiirnaVs last annual review of the city's business acchievements: "During the year 1881, Sioux City merchants and dealers sold goods to the value of $6,4:27,626, giving employment to 412 per- sons, who received for salaries §197,425. These figures can be ac- cepted as being as nearly correct as it is possible to give them, and if they err at all, it is in being too small, and that they are too small is clearly indicated by the amount of exchange sold by our three banks during the past year, as per figures furnished the Board of Trade, which was $10,256,127.02. "It may also be stated that several dealers refused to state the amount of their business, and as no estimated figures are given, it must be evident to all that the total of $6,427,626 falls far short of naming the full volume of business. It Avould probably not be an exaggeration to place Sioux City's merchandise sales in 1881 at fully $8,000,000. MANUFACTURING. '"This branch of industry is yet in its infancy in Sioux City, and yet, a very flattering showing is made, the value of manufactured articles in 1881 reaching a value of $1,189,050, in the production of which 555 persons found employment, and who received for wages $237,410. In these figures are not included the business of the St. Paul machine shops, which give employment to hundreds of men, and pay out many thousands of dollars for wages. Nor do they include the immense transactions at the new pork-house, which, during the two months it has been in operation, has killed 37,000 hogs, bought at a cost of $580,000,and w^hich, during the 198 HISTORY OF IOWA. time, has also paid out $36,000 for packing material, which includes cooperage, etc., and $14,000 for wages. This establishment has 188 men now on its pay-roll. Several new manufacturing enter- prises have been started here this fall, others are projected with a certainty of their being put in operation, and another year Sioux City can make a much larger showing in this direction. THE BUILDING RECORD. ''The opening of a late spring found Sioux City almost destitute of building material. The wrecking of the railroads by the spring floods delayed its arrival, so that it was nearly the middle of May before much progress was made in building. When this material did arrive, our contractors took hold of the work with a will. "Our building record this year, in its sum total, very largely ex- ceeds that of any previous year since the present writer has made his compilations. The amount expended is nearly $400,000 greater than in 1879, and $300,000 greater than in 1880". The number of buildings built is 308 greater than in 1879, and 265 greater than in 1880. 'Tn the erection of buildings for manufacturing purposes, the showing is still more gratifying, as the increase is over six fold. Our great pork-packing establishment, the butter and egg house, and the button factory, are valuable additions, not only in them- selves, but from the fact that they give employment permanently to a great many men, and necessitate the building of many new homes, and very largely increase our population. "Our tables again show, that Sioux City workingmen are build- ing their own homes, and the vast majority of them are neat, warm and comfortable. "The increased cost of building has not been as great as expected, and will not average over 15 per cent, above the amounts paid for similar work in the two previous years. This increase is not greater than the increase in the earnings, and profits of almost any busi- ness in the city, and ought not to deter anyone from buildiug. "We ought not to lose sight of the fact, that all of these new houses are full of people, and the smaller the house, the more peo- ple it seems to hold, and that our tables show the completion of nine large hotels and boarding-houses, all of which have all of the rooms that they can spare from transient guests let to permanent boarders. There can be no reason to doubt that the population of the school district of Sioux City, which takes in all of the town, is now fully 11,000 people." CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor. W. R. Smith; Treasurer. Gr. R. Gilbert; City Solicitor, J. M. Cleland; Clerk, F. Barth: Marshal, J. R. Thompson; Dep- uty Marshal, John Colvin; Street Commissioner, James ScoUard; Night Police, Thomas Budworth and Mike Ahern; Engineer, G. HISTORY OF IOWA. 199 W. Oberholtzer; Engineer of Steamer, H. A. Lyon; Chief of Fire Department, J as. P. Wall; Health Officer, Dr. J. W. Frazey; Weighmaster, James Shanley; Librarian, Miss Helen Smith. Councilmen. — First Ward, D, Dineen, R. G. Grady; Second Ward, D. A. Magee, H. S. Harmon; Third Ward, N. Tiedeman, li. S. Van Keuren; Fourth Ward, L. Humbert, E. C. Tompkins. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The fire department of the city is a volunteer organization, composed of ninety members, fifty-five of whom are active, and thirty-five exempt. The organization was first effected in 1874, with E. R. Kirk, Chief of the Department. The fire apparatus belonging to the city consists of one steamer, three hose carts, 2,500 feet of hose, and a hook and ladder truck, fully equipped. The engine house is a substantial two-story brick building, located in the central part of the city. The members of the company, with the exception of the Chief and Engineer, render their services gratuitously. James P. Wall is the present Chief, and the de- partment is an able and efficient one. THE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. The Sioux City Telephone Exchange was incorporated August Ttli, 1880, and the construction of lines was soon after commenced. December 10th, of the same year, the first telephone connection was made, but only a few instruments were put in. The practic- ability of this new and novel means of communication was soon demonstrated, and the telephone rapidly grew in public favor, the success of the Exchange being thereby assured. Lines were soon extended all over the city, and communication established between, nearly every business house, as well as with many private resi- dences. Over one hundred telephones are now in use in the city, and new ones are constantly being put in. In December, 1881, a line was extended to Sergeant's Bluffs, eight miles distant, and as it is found to be entirely practicable, it is more than probable that a fcAv years will see Sioux City connected by telephone with all the towns within a radius of twenty-five miles, thus bringing them all into closer commercial relations with Sioux City as the head center. THE POSTOFFICE. The first postoffice was located in an unostentatious log building, the private residence of the Postmaster, Dr. John K. Cook, who, received his commission from President Pierce, by the first mail that arrived in the place, July 20th, 1855. The arrival of the first mail sack was an occasion of no small consequence to the little sturdy band of settlers who had cast their fortunes in the great unknown West, as the contents brought them tidings of ^heir Eastern friends, and seemed to link them once more with the civilization from which they had been so long cut ofi". Though 200 HISTOKY OF IOWA. the revenue derived, by the Postmaster from the office, was but a small sum, it is related that the Doctor discharged his onorous duties with such scrupulous care and fidelity, that he remained in his position, undisturbed by place-hunting politicians, until re- lieved at his own request. The mail service, thus early established, in f855, though then only arriving weekl}^, via Council Bluffs, has continued uninterrupted. As the place grew in size and commer- cial importance, semi-weekly, then tri-weekly, and finally, in 1861, daily mails were established, and the postoffice was removed to more commodious quarters in the "corner gi'ocery." Previous to the removal of the office, Dr. Cook was succeeded as Postmaster by Charles K. Smith, wdio retained the position until the close of James Buchanan's administration. On Lincoln's accession to the Presidency, A. R. Appleton, was appointed Postmaster, who, in turn, was succeeded by J. C. C. Hoskins, who was continued in office until March, 1878, when E. R. Kirk, the present incumbent, was appointed. Until the appointment of Mr. Kirk, the office was located according to the fancy of the official in charge, which not infrequently resulted in great inconvenience to the public. The growth of the city to a place of several thousand inhabi- tants, with a dozen mails arriving and departing daily, rendered more commodious quarters necessary, and in 1879 the office was removed to its present central location, w^here a building had been specially erected for it. It is conveniently arranged, both for the benefit of the public and the rapid handling of the mails. The business of the office at present requires the services of five clerks, and is rapidly increasing. However uninteresting statistics may be to the general reader, they are very significant to those who wish to trace the progress, determine the results, or estimate the future of a growing city, and as nothing afi'ords a better index of the business of a place than the value of the business done at its postoffice, we append the fol- lowing detailed exhibit of the Sioux Citv post office during the year 1881: GENERAL ACCOUNT. Eeceipts. Stamps sold $10,759.51 Envelopes sold 3.395.56 Postal cards sold 1,662.57 Paper and Periodical Stamps sold 750.18 Postage due stamps sold 259.02 Box Rent 1,659.50 Total 118,446.34 Expenses. Genpral Expense Accomit $3,069.49 Postmaster's Salary 2,800.00 $5,869.49 Net income $12,576.85 HISTORY OF IOWA. 201 MONEY OUDER BUSINESS. lieceij^is. 4,524 Domestic orders issued $57,570.75 Fees on same 550. G5 43 Canadian orders issued 1,307.05 Fees on same 20.85 73 British orders issued 1,031.13 Fees on same 30.45 50 German orders issued 813.19 Fees on same 14.10 4,690 lotal orders and fees on same $ 61, .338. 17 2,610 Remittances received 294,989.29 Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1881 2,082.98 Disbursements. $358,410.44 4,738 Domestic orders paid $ 86,432.57 43 Canadian orders paid 1,620.58 39 British orders paid 824.76 61 German orders paid 2.104.05 4,876 _ Total money orders paid $90,981.96 31 Domestic orders repaid 373.44 Money order expense account 504.06 Remitted to Omaha 364,650.00 BaUmce on hand Jan. 1, 1882 1,900.98 $358,410.44 MAILING DEPARTMENT. T^ctters 603,148 Postal Cards I55 226 Transient printed matter 258*232 Merchandise packages 5512 Total 1,022,112 REGISTRY DEPA:;'. MENT. Number of Letters received g gQg Number of Letters dispatched, originating at Sioux City ........... 2!211 Numbar of packages in transit ' ' ' 18394 lotal 27,413 SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS. Masonic— Landmark Lodge No. 103, A. F. & A. M., was char- tered June 2d, 1857. It is in a flourishing condition' and has a membership, at present, o£ about 140, Meetings are held the sec- ond Monday of each month. Sioux City Chapter, R. A. M., No. 26, was organized April 9th, 1860, and has a membership of ninety-five. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month. Columbia Commandery No. 18, K. T., holds stated conclaves on the first and thn-d Fridays of each month. The present member- ship is forty-three. • {'t^; ^•,^-— The Independent Order of Odd Fellows has a hall m Hedges Block, corner of Fourth and Douglas streets. 14 '■202 HISTORY OF lOAVA. Sioux City Lodge No. 164 was organized October 22d, 1868. Meetings are held regularly Monday night of each week. The membership is ninety-live. Western Star Lodge No. 282 meets every Tuesday night. It was organized October 22d, 1874, and has a present membership of fifty-four. Sioux City Encampment No. 44 meets regularly the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. It was organized October 20th, 1869, and has how fifty-five members. Knights of Pythias. — Columbia Lodge No. 13 was organized July 10th, 1872, and has a membership of sixty-five. This society has no hall of its own, and meetings are hehl every Wednesday night in Odd Fellows' hall. Endowment Section No. 302 also meets every Wednesday night. Ancient Order of United Workmen : membership 100; meeting place Odd Fellows' hall. Officers: T. R. Galbraith, M. W.; Jas. Hutchins, F.; J. T. Orr, 0.; Maris Feirce, S.; M.L.Sloan, F.; A. F. Nash, R.: H. A. Lyon, P. M. W., and delegate to State Lodge. The Sioux City Medical Society was organized November 4th, 1872, and has for its object the mutual improvement of members. Meetings are held quarterly. The Womans' Cliristian Temperance Union was organized in 1875, and has a membership of sixty-five. This is a most active organization, and has for its object the suppression of intemper- ance. The club has inviting and pleasant rooms in Hedges' Block, and meetings are held every Tuesday afternoon. The Woman's Christian Association, was organized in 1875, by the christian ladies of the city. It has a large and increasing membership, and regular meetings are held quartei'ly. l^he Maennerchor is asocial and musical organization with forty- five members. Meetings are held the first Sunday in each month, in the society's hall on Fourth street. Society of 'United Irishmen. — This society was organized Septem- ber 1st, 1880, and has forty members. Meetings are held every Sunday afternoon. Q. E. D. Club. — This is a gentleman's social club, organized November 20th, 1878. The membership is limited to twenty-one. B. Xeque D. Club. — A gentleman's social club, with rooms in Hedges' Block. It was organized September 1st, 1880, with a lim- ited membership of twenty-five. There are in addition several musical, literary and social organi- zations holding meetings. THE ST. PAUL SHOPS. The year following the completion of the Sioux City & St, Paul road, the city voted a tax of ^20,000 to secure the location of the company's repair shops at this city, and work was immediately be- HISTORY OF IOWA. 203 gun on the extensive buildings now occupied by the company's machine shops. These shops have been enlarged from time to time, and, during the summer of 1881, had been increased to a ca- pacity of 200 men, whose monthly pay-roll amounted to more than $10,000. In these shops a specialty is made of repair work. All the most improved machinery has been put in for this line. Be- sides the repair work, a great number of new freight cars have been built. But the point in which the shops excel, is the re- building of passenger cars, and the best trains now run by the company are of cars that have been practically rebuilt in the shops at Sioux City. The increased mileage of the road has, and will, make necessary further enlargements of the shops, and this will keep the St. Paul Bailroad Machine Shops, what they have ever been, one of the leading industrial establishments in the West. SIOUX CITY WATER COMPANY. The need of an adequate sjpply of water for the city for fire, domestic and manufacturing purposes has long been apparent, and various organizations have been started to give the city a water supply; but it w^as not until the Spring of 1881 that anything tan- gible was done. Then the Sioux City Water Company was organ- ized, with David Magee as President. The plan of the company was to secure a supply of water from an artesian well. Work on this well was begun in October following, and by New Year's a depth of 1,290 feet was reached, where the drill entered a rotten sand-rock that promises, when it is curbed, to give a sufficient sup- ply of water. The company, soon after the formation, secured a fair franchise from the city for furnishing water for fire purposes. Lots have been bought on Prospect Hill, a bluft rising 183 feet above the level of the principal street, on which to build a reser- voir, and the purpose of the company is to pump water from the Missouri River, which flows at the foot of this bluff, to supply the the reservoir in case the artesian well should fail to give a suffi- cient supply. THE COURTS. The first term of the Woodbury County Court was held at Sioux City in March, 1855, John K. Cook acting as Judge. The first term of District Court began September 3d, of that year, with Samuel H. Riddle as Judge. In the early days of the city, court was held in the now dilapidated brick building, yet standing on lower Fourth street, near Virginia. A-fterwards, the county built the house now called the "old jail," on Virginia street, near Seventh. This was used as a jail, and occasionally for court pur- poses, until the fall of 1876, when the commodious and imposing edifice, which had been begun the previous spring, was completed. Woodbury County points with pride to this Court House. No other county in the State has one of more architectural beauty, 204 HISTORY OF IOWA. and few are larger and more convenient. The contractors were Sioux City men, C. E. & D. T. Hedges, and the building cost (com- plete) $100,000. The present Judiciary are: C, E. Lewis, of Cherokee, District Judge, and J. R. Zuver, of Sioux City, Circuit Judge. S. M. Marsh is District Attorney. A bill has been in- troduced in Congress, which, if it becomes a law, as now seems likely, will give Sioux City terms of the United States Court. THE BUTTON FACTORY. The Sioux City Button Manufacturing Company was incorporated October 15th, 1881, with a paid-up capital of $10,000. Its manu- factory is located on the West Side, and is a substantial three-story brick building, well supplied with all necessary machinery. The works were set in operation in January, 1882, and the first finished buttons were turned out on the 26th of the same month. The factory, at present, is exclusively devoted to the manufacturing of buttons from horn, and when run to its full capacity, will afford employment for seventy operatives. The advantages enjoyed by the company in obtaining the raw material for its products, enable them to successfully compete with eastern manufacturers for trade in the East, while the freights that the latter have to pay, on the raw material and manufactured articles, will preclude the possibility of their entering western markets as competitors of this home manufactory. All grades of buttons will be made, and it is the intention of the company to handle their goods through jobbers only. The company is composed entirely of Sioux City men, and the machinery, excepting the lathes and presses, are nearly all of Sioux City make. THE CHURCHES. The moral and religious wants of the community are well sup- plied in this city. The church records run back as far as 1856. In 1857, Rev. Mr. Chessington, a Presbyterian missionary, org;in- ized a congregation of his denomination in the then frontier vil- lage, and the first church edifice built was by that society, the building being still standing on lower Fourth street, and now does duty as a grocery store. The churches now in this city are: First Preshijferinn^ — E-itablished in 1857; membership 193; church, corner Sixth and Nebraska streets. Cnngregdtional, — Established 1857; membership, 184; church, on Douglas street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. First Methodist Episcopal. — Established in 1857; membership, 175; church, corn-er of Sixth and Pierce streets. St. T/iomns Episcopal. — Established in 1859; membership, eighty-three; church, corner of Nebraska and Seventh streets. First Baptist. — Establ'shed in 1860; membership, 155; church, corner Fifth and Nebraska streets. HISTORY OF IOWA. 205 St. Mary's {Catholic).— Estahlhhed in 1856; membership, 130 families; church, corner Sixth and Pierce streets. German Lutheran. — Established in 1877; membership thirty- three; church, on Jackson street, above Sixth street. Swedish. Ecangelical Lutheran. — Established in 1875; member- ship, 160; church, corner of Virginia and Fifth streets. Norwegian Lutheran. — Established in 1875; membership, sev- enty-three; church on Third street between Jones and Jennings streets. Trefoldighedskirken. — Established in 1875; membership, forty- three; church on Sixth street. West Side. Norwegian Methodist. — Established 1880; membership, sixty- two; church, on Court street, near Seventh street. Swedish Baptist. — Established in 1881; membership, fifty-seven; church, on Wall street near Sixth street. In connection with all these churches, flourishing Sunday Schools are maintained; the scholars in nearly every church out- numbering the membership. It shows a satisfactory growth in religious matters, that during 1881, three new churches, the Bap- tist, Swedish Baptist, and Norwegian Methodist, have been built or begun, and that a fourth, the First Methodist, took the prelim- inary steps for re-building and enlarging their place of worship. WOODBURY COUKTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Woodbury County Agricultural Society was organized in 1870, and the present handsome fair grounds, located one and a half miles northwest of the city, were laid out soon after. Though the organization has met with many discouraging reverses, it has done much to advance the interests of farming, and created a laudable ambition to excel among the agriculturists of the county. Exhibitions have been held annually, with the exception of one or two seasons, when bad weather made it inexpedient to attempt it. Within the past two years unusual interest has been taken in the Society by the farming and stock-raising community, and the organization has been placed in a prosperous condition and on a solid financial footing. Men, identified with the pursuits, whose interests are represented by an association of this kind, have as- sumed the management, and made the Society in every way creditable to the county. The benefits arising from these annual exhibitions of the agricultural, mechanical, and manufacturing products of the country, are being recognized, and the hearty co- operation of all classes is accorded them. The grounds belonging to the Society have recently been improved by the planting of shade trees, and new buildings erected for the convenience of ex- hibitors. The officers of the association are: Gr. W. Kingsnorth President: Craig L. Wright, Vice-President; J. M. Cleland, Sec- retary; G. W. Wakefield, Treasurer; R. Hall, W. B. Tredway, E. A. Broadbent,J.M. Cleland,G. H. Wright, G. W.Wakefield, 206 HISTORY OF lOAVA. G. W. Kingsnorth, C. L. Wright, W. P. Holmaii, B. P. Yeo- mans, Directors. The fair for 18S2 is to be held September 12th, 13th and 14th. MISCELLANEOUS MAJyUFACTORIES. Among the manufacturing interests of the city, which can only be mentioned without giving any detailed account are:C. F. Hoyt's Vinegar Works, employing five men; John Beck's planing mill, fifteen men; A. J. Millard's wood working shop, four men; Barker & Petty, barrel and butter tub factory, fourteen men; R. Selzer's brewery, eleven men; Franz & Go's brewery, thirteen men; City flouring mills steam, ten men ; the Floyd flourmg mills, water power, eight men; the brick yards of J. Rochele, Thomas Green and C. B. Woodley, the two latter having steam power, and altogether employing ninety men during the season; John Griffin's candy factory, three men; and the wagon shops of Trudell Bros., Dineen Bros., and Reeve & Trudell, and Brown Bros., together employing forty-three men; and the cigar factories of Arasler & Radcliff, George Mauer, and A. M. Ashley, which furnish employment to twenty-four workmen. The following table, shoAving the business of these, and numerous smaller manufactories, during 1S81, will give the reader some idea of the importance of these industries: ■ to w 6 to fcc t» o M o 106 79 24 24 34 124 90 66 8 $ 44,950 $ 167.400 Eatables 37,780 10,300 21,000 13,500 46,280 18,000 41,100 4,500 457,350 Cigars Beer 69,000 110,000 Leather 79,200 Clotliing' and other items 167,200 Brick 43,400 Printing 81.500 Marble 14,000 Totals 555 $ 237,410 ^1,189,050 This table does not include the output of the pork house, nor of the St. Paul shops. Owing, mostly, to the active exertions of the Board of Trade, several other manufacturing enterprises are either assured or in prospect. Among these are chemical tvorks, for which part of the apparatus has arrived at this writing; a pump foundry, for which ground has been leased; clay pipe works, a HISTORY OF IOWA. 207 large distilleiy, a liax mill, and numerous others yet too vague to take position as historical facts. THE SCHOOLS QF SIOUX CITY. Rapid and substantial as we have seen the growth of Sioux City to have been, in population and commercial importance, intellec- tual progress has been maintained in a degree fully equal to its material progress; and, to-day, it is the acknowledged educational center ol the great Northwest. Fortunately, from the birth of the city to the present time^ her school interests have been con- fided to earnest, active, representative men, with broad and liberal views of education, brought with them from their New England homes, where the advantages of common schools had been tested by experience, and under whose administration and fostering care a system of graded schools has been established which affords edu- cational advantages unsurpassed by any city in the State. Her citizens have been liberal — even lavish — in the expenditure of money for the erection of elegant and commodious school build- ings, and their equipments, with all the modern improvements cal- culated to facilitate the acquisition of a common school education. The public schools of the city are embraced in what is known as the Independent School District of Sioux City, Avhich was organ- ized in July, 1869. The first Board of Directors was composed of six members, consisting of A. M. Hunt, President; William L. Joy, W. R. Smith, John Cleghorn, F. J. Lambert, and George Falkenhainer. John P. Allison was Treasurer and F. M. Ziebach, Secretary. The present Board of Directors consists of John P. Allison. President; William L. Joy, J. C. C. Hoskins, L. McCurty, C. R. Marks and A. Groninger, two of whom are elected every Uyo years for a terra of three years. During the first year after the organization of the district into an independent one, the first school house of any now in use was built. At present there are eleven school houses in iise, of which three are rented, and the others belong to the district. Additional buildings are in contem- plation to meet the growing wants of the district. The schools are all graded, as primary, secondary and intermediate, culminat- ing in the High School, Vhich latter, though few in its number of pupils, has attained a high degree of efficiency as a factor in the educational system of the city. The schools are under the man- agement of A. Armstrong, Superintendent, with a corps of thirty- two able teachers. Instructors only of acknowledged ability and ripe experience are employed, who are emulous of attaining the the high standard of excellence for which Iowa, as a State, has be- come justly renowned. Of these, three are males, at an average salary of ^'90 per mouth, and twenty-nine females, at an average salary of $40 per month. The Superintendent, has general charge of all the schools,, and receives a salary of 81,250 per annum. The last annual report of the County Superintendent gives the number 208 HTSTOEY OF IOWA. of school age in the district, as 2,185, while the actual attendance upon school, as appears by the City Superintendent's report, is 1,329. School is in session ten months of the year, and the aver- age cost per pupil is $1.27. The value of the school buildings is estimated at about $75,000. The grounds in most cases, are sur- rounded by substantial fences and adorned with shade and orna- mental trees. A CITY OF HOMES. To give some idea, though necessarily an inadequate one, of the rapid growth and present prosperity of the city, the following fig- ures are given, showing the number of new buildings and the cost of improvements miide during the past three years: NO. COST. 1879 103 1157,445 1880 .- 146 257,085 1881 411 558,210 While many of these buildings were substantial business blocks, solid manufactories, and palatial residences, by far the greater numberwere the modest homes of mechanics, small tradesmen, and laborers. Sioux City is emphatically a city of homes. The possibility of securing a home of one's own, owing to the moder- ate price at which residence lots have been held, the prosperity of all classes, and the assistance given by loan and building associa- tions, has been improved, and these have combined to make the city the Philadelphia of the West. LAND INTERESTS. As well as being a center of wealth and business for a large sec- tion of country, Sioux City is the center of a large laud interest and business. The location of a government land office at this city, one of the first prizes secured by the founders of the infant metropolis, has naturally been followed by the centering of a large landed business at the city. The fertile acres in this part of Iowa were open to entry at $1.25 per acre for several years after being surveyed, and during the flush of times of 1856-7 hundreds of thousands of acres were entered by speculators in this part of the State. Then came the era of land grants to railroads, and these lands, as well as those of private speculators, were placed in the hands of Sioux City agents for sale. Among the resident proprie- tors of large landed estates may be mentioned T. J. Stone, Weare & Allison, D. T. Gilman, G. W. W^akefield, John Pierce and N. A. McPaul. The two latter, beside the lands Avhich they own, are agents for non-resident and railroad lands, the former in selling the lands granted railroads in this part of Iowa, and the latter rep- resenting the Burhngton and Missouri grant in Nebraska. The sales of these two firms alone amounted to several hundred thou- sand dollars during 1881. It would be an error to suppose from the active demand for real estate that the country was becoming crowded. A careful study HISTOKY OF IOWA. 209 of the plats in the office of any Sioux City Land dealer will show that not more than one-sixth part of the land in Woodbury County has yet passed into the hands of actual occupants. The county is capable of sustaining a population equal to that now scattered out over the entire northwest quai-ter of the State. AS A DISTRIBUTING POINT. Sioux City, situated as it is, on the convex side of the Missouri River, on its first great bend north of Kansas City, the waters of that great river flow toward it from an almost due westerly course for 150 miles, when they turn southward, while smaller streams flow toward it from the north and east. Its location thus seems to have been designed by nature as the natural spot for the great metropolis of the Upper Missouri, and the commerce of this rapid- ly growing empire flows as naturally toward this point as the waters have for ages. The natural advantages of this location for a commercial center, were seen and fully appreciated by the en- terprising, intelligent men who selected it for a city, and they not not only laid it out on a grand scale for substantial business blocks and stately residences, but they worked to bring to the aid of its natural resources all the helps that the artificial arteries of com- merce can command. Its commanding geographical position, coupled with its eight lines of railroad and mighty river, has made it the distributing point for Dakota and Nebraska. All the supplies for the vast ter- ritory to the north and westward are necessarily handled by the railroads centering here, and the business thus brought to her very doors has contributed not a little to the upbuilding of the city, as it necessitated the erection of warehouses and the investment of capital in the wholesale and distributing business. The following table, prepared by the Secretary of the Board of Trade, will give some idea of the extent and character of this business during the year 1881: Grain 4 Groceries 6 Hardware 3 Harness makers 2 Hotels 4 Insurance agencies 15 •Jewelers 2 Livery stables 3 Lumber 4 Manuf. carrg's, wgn's, etc 1 Manuf. of sash, doors, blinds, etc... 1 Meat markets 2 Merchant tailors ; 1 Music 1 Milliners 2 News depots 2 Newspapers 3 Photographers 1 Physicians 6 Printers (job) 2 Produce 1 Real estate and loans 7 Restaurants 3 Sewing machines 3 Stock 6 Cherokee Lodge No. 322, I. 0. G. T., was organized November 17th, 1879, with seventeen charter members. Its first officers were: W. E. Hitchcock, W. C; A. C. Hobart, W. V. C; Rev. R. C. Glass, Chaplain; H. H. Henry, Secretary; W. H. Hall, F. S.; J. Boles, Treasurer; David Lynii, M.; W. Stebbins, I. G.; E. N. Corbett, 0. G.;C. P. Hobart, P. W. C. T. The Masonic Lodge of Cherokee was instituted in 1871. Cher- okee Lodge No. 188, I. 0. 0. F., was organized in February, 1870, with five charter members. Its present membership is forty-four. Its first officers were: C. E. Schofield, N. G.; G. W. McCoun, V. G.; J. C. Hubbard, Seci'etary; Z. P. Herrick, Treasurer. The fol- lowing are the present officers: Thomas McCulla, N. G.; R. H. Gross, V. G.; D. W. Benway, Secretary; R. J. Smyth, Treasurer. HISTOKY OF IOWA. 273 The Advent Church Society was organized in 1873, in Afton Township, with a membership of ten, and was moved to the town in the following year: In the summer of 1875, a very successful series of revival meetings was held, and the membership steadily increased, until the Society numbers nearly fifty. A church was provided in the autumn of 1875, and Elder J. Ridley was secured as regular pastor. T. S. Steele & Son, bankers, of Cherokee^ organized their busi- ness in 1874, starting in a small wooden building. Their present building was erected in 1879, is 24x10 feet, and two stories high, T. H. Steele is cashier, and is ably assisted by D. T. Steele. Scribner, Burroughs & (Jo.'s bank was organized in 1871, under the firm name of Fulton & Scribner. Mr. Burroughs became in- terested June 12th, 1872, the business having been started in a small and unpretentious building. The present building was erected in 1875. The bank's surplus capital is now $100,000, its business having increased proportionately to its capital. Mr. Burroughs came to Cherokee from Adrian, Mich., locating per- manently in Cherokee, after having successively lived at Salt Lake and other sections of the western country. Mr. Scribner is a native of Plattsburg. N. Y., and came to Cherokee in 1871. Mr. B. has a stock farm of 660 acres adjoining town, and keeps an average of about seven hundred cattle on his lands. In 1874, Mr. Satterlee began the sinking of a coal shaft, and in the Spring of 1879, on Mr. Burrough's land, a depth of one hun-r dred feet was reached, when, on penetrating a rocky stratum, flow- ing water, strongly impregnated with sulphur, was reached. At a further depth of fifty feet, another stratum containing nuignesia was found, and at two hundred feet the magnetic water, which is fully described above was discovered. It is impossible to over- state the importance of this discovery to Cherokee. March 22d, 1879, Kellogg & Herrick organized the Cherokee Butter and Cheese manufacturing Company. The building is 24x50 feet in dimensions, with an addition twenty feet square. The firm buys cream from about 1,000 cows. This industry bids fair to become a very important one. The Cherokee Times was established October 21st, 1870, and is consequently now in its twelfth year. It is in every sense a highly creditable publication. Robert Buchanan is the editor and pro- prietor. The lou-a Free Press, like the Ti))ies, is an eight-column folio, Robert Johnson and Will P. Goldie. editors and proprietors: both papers are well sustained, of good typographical appearance, and newsy. The population of Cherokee may be set down as very nearh^, if not quite, two thousand. Its educational advantages are excep- tionally good. The public schools are on an unusually good foot- 274 HISTOKY OF IOWA. ing, and a college is in contemplation, the opportunities for such an institution in Cherokee being- apparent. The future prosjaects of Cherokee as to railroads are good. Al- ready two different companies are surveying through the southern part of the county, and strong talk of a road running northeast and southwest, following the Little Sioux river, connecting Omaha with St. Paul and Minneapolis by a more direct route, and giving the vast lumber regions a new and more direct outlet to the South- west; also a new railroad is projected through Cherokee from' Des Moines to the wheat fields of Dakota. These roads secured will make Cherokee a town of 10,000 inhabitants, and an excellent manufacturing point. MARCUS. The town of Marcus is a substantial place, whose personal inter- ests will be found to be well represented in the biographies here- unto attached. The first building was erected in 1871. I. M. Jackson and A. H. Dwight were the first settlers. The first school was begun in 1873, and the first sermon in Marcus was preached in 1875, by Rev. W. F. Rose, Congregational minister. The church societies are well represented by the Catholic, Lutheran and Methodist denominations. The Lidependent Order of Odd Fellows, which has a flourishing lodge in Marcus, had for its charter members I. Cask, S. W. Wea- ver, W. H. Skinner, M. L Ames and R. W. Heath. Its active members are eleven. The lodge meets at S. W. Weaver's. A Masonic lodge is also one of the prominent features in this con- nection. The Good Templars' Society has fifty-nine members, and holds its meetings in the school house. C. P. Kilburn is W. C; Mrs. J. H. Sheldon, VV. V. C; T. W. P. Clough, P. W.C; J. H. Sheldon, S.; Miss N. Cleglow, F. S. The Presbyterian Church Society was organized during the past season, by Rev. George Knox, of Cherokee. The population of Marcus is about 150, and is composed of a sturdy mixture of nationalities, German, English, Swedish, Scotch, etc. The depot was built in the winter of 1869-70, and is 30x79 feet in dimensions. A grist mill with three run of stone, two elevators, warehouses and two hotels are among the important acquisitions to the town. The first white man to settle in the township is stated to have been H. Bowman, a native of Vermont. Mrs. Bow- man is still living in Marcus. The first female settler was Mrs. W. E. Rose, who came in 1871. The first house was erected on section 36, by Mr. Bowman, in 1869, the first soil in the township being broken that year. In 1871, the first regular election occurred, the depot building being used as a voting place. Fourteen votes were cast, that being HISTORY OF IOWA. 275 the entire vote of the township. The first officers elected were as follows: R. Wilmot, J. M. Sheldon, E. Prunty, Trustees; W. E. Itose, Clerk; I. Bowman, iSu])ervisor; A. H. Dwighc, Elion Prunty, Justices of the Peace; E. Gearon, Constable; I. M. Jackson, As- sessor. The first assessment was made in 1875, the number of families being fourteen; population forty-four; number of houses, nineteen; cattle, fifty; hogs, thirty-nine; acres improved, G20. The first person to locate in business in Marcus was I, M. Jackson. C. Parkin built bis grain house in 1873. A store was opened by J. Hyndman in September, 1873. R. Wilmot opened the first hotel in Jul}', 1874. The school house was built in the same year. The first car of stock was received by J. Clarkson in February, 1877. Clarkson & Metcalf have a warehouse with a capacity of 15,000 bushels; L. Gund, of a capacity of 10,000 bushels. The village of Marcus has doubled in population in the past year. The receipts at the depot for the twelve months just prior to this writing were $36,400. Five hundred and fifty-six cars were sent out from the town during the same time. A public hall 22x5(3 feet, with ceiling twelve feet high, adds greatly to the convenience and advancement of the community. There is also a half-mile circular track in excellent condition. The population of the county is closely estimated at 10,000. Among the noteworthy farms of this section is that of Theo. Groff, about a mile northeast of Marcus. Mr. Groff" came to this part of the country about four years ago. The first school in Marcus was taught in 1873-4, Miss Nina Shel- don being the teacher. Nine pupils were enrolled. The first birth was that of Elsie Bowman in April, 1874; the first death, a brother of John Bird. Sr., in 1875; the first marriage, George Paactier and Miss Nina Sheldon, in 1878; the first grain brought to market, by I. Gorner in September, 1873; the first car of grain shipped, was in September, 1873, by C. Parkin. There are more than one hundred pupils enrolled in the public schools of Marcus. There are three lumber yards in the town, each one of which is doing a thriving business. H. D. Dwight is the postmaster, and the office is very satisfactorily and systemati- cally conducted. The business of the office has doubled within the last year. 276 HISTORY OF IOWA. CHEROKEE COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES. CHEROKEE. James Archer, dealer in lumber, grain and coal, established business July 12th, 1869; was born in Scotland in 1828; came to America in 1842, and located in Rockford, 111.; from there he re- moved to Fayette county, Iowa; thence to Waverly, Iowa, where he was engaged in the lumber business three years. In 1869, he removed to Cherokee, and engaged in business as above. He has been a member of the town council, and has served several terms on the school board. S. B. Allen, proprietor City Hotel, was born in Washington county, New York, in 1832; came west in 1868, and located in Buchanan county, Iowa, where he remained until the spring of 1881, when he removed to Cherokee and engaged in business as above. C. Allison, senior member of the firm of Allison Brothers, dealers in dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, was born in Wisconsin in 1846; received his education at Madison, Wisconsin. He went to Nevada; where he was foreman of the Opher mine for several years; thence came back to Eldora, la., and in 1873 he came to Cherokee and established his present business. H. Allison, junior member of the above firui, was born in Wis. in 1857. In 1869 he went to California, where he remained until he came to Cherokee. These gentlemen intend to erect a brick building, 30x100 feet, the coming spring. N. T. Burroughs, of the firm of Scribner, Burroughs & Co., bankers, was born in Michigan in 1810; moved to la. in 1869, and engaged in the real estate business. In 1872 he entered business as above; is also extensively engaged in the raising of fine stock. Married Addie H. Phipps in 1873. Thomas S. Brown, blacksmith, was born in Massachusetts in 1852; when he was four years of age he came to Cherokee, where he has since resided. E. S. Block, dealer in clothing, hats, caps, and gent's l^urnishing goods, trunks, valises, etc., etc., was born in Bohemia in 1848; came to America, and engaged in the clothing business in New York City; from there he went to Arkansas; thence to Nebraska City, and after traveling throughout the west, he, in 1876, located in Cherokee, and engaged in business as above. HISTORY OF IOWA.. 277 D. W. Benway, dealer in furniture of all kinds^ established busi- ness in June, 1881. He was born in Massachusetts in 1849; from there he removed to Wisconsin; thence to Independence, Iowa. In 1877 he came to Cherokee, and for a time was proprietor of the City Hotel. In June, 1881, he engaged in business as above. Charles Blaesser, barber, also dealer in tobacco and cigars, was born in Germany in 18-45; came to America in 1866, and located at Milwaukee, Wis. In 1874 he removed to Cherokee and engaged in business as above. He married Regina Schmidt, of Wis. They- have two children — Walter A. and Charles H. Carlton Corbett, of the firm of Corbett & Whitmore, dealers in real estate, was born in Massachusetts, August 12th, 1831. In January, 1856, he came west and located in Cherokee; has held the office of county recorder and treasurer^ and is one of the pio- neers of Cherokee county. John Collins, of the firm of Collins & Minor, was born in Ken- tucky in 1852; came to Clayton county, Iowa, when quite young, where he lived until 1875, when he came to Cherokee, and for a time was engaged in farming. He married Fannie F. Pearson. They have three daughters. W. B. Chick, dealer in groceries, fruits and provisions, estab- lished business in 1872; was born in Maine in 1848; came to Mich- igan in 1868, and two years later he came to Cherokee. He enlist- ed in the first Maine light artillery, and served two years and three months. He has been three terms county auditor of Cherokee county. J. H. Davenport, county surveyor of Cherokee county, was born in New York in 1838; came to Michigan in 1856, thence to this state, and in 1860 located at Cherokee. He was elected to his pre- sent office in 1866, and has held the office almost continuously since; has also been superintendent of schools of this county and served three years in the U. S. army in the Indian department. Eli Eshleman, county treasurer of Cherokee county, was born in Pa. in 1829; came west in 1856, and settled in Ills., where he lived seventeen years; in 1872 he came to Cherokee and engaged in farming; was elected to his present position in 1879 and re- elected in the autumn of 1881. He married Amanda Fry, of Lan- caster county, Pa. They have ten children — five sons and five daughters, 0. C. Ford, wholesale and retail grocer, and dealer in queens- ware, established business in 1876; was born in New York in 1841; came to Wisconsin in 1849, and in 1871 removed to Cherokee; for a time engaged in the insurance business, and was then employed as clerk in at hardware store, which he continued until he engaged in his present business. 278 HISTOKY OF IO^VA. J. S. Green, dealer in grain, groceries, queensware, fruits, etc., established business in 1879. Was born in St. Louis, Mo., iu 1847, for fourteen years he traveled for Chicago and St. Louis wholesale houses. In 1879 he settled at Cherokee and engaged in business as above. Robert Gick, dealer in stoves, hardware and farming tools of all kinds, established business in 1880. Was born on the Isle of Man, in 1845; came to America in 1870, and settled in Warren, county, 111.; thence to Jasper county, Iowa, and in 1872 removed to Cherokee, where he has since resided. W. S. Heymer, of the firm of Heymer Brothers, liverymen, was born in Essex county. New York, in 1847. He came west in 1878, and settled in Cherokee, and entered the employ of F. D. Yaw, in the livery business. He married Julia Canfield of this State. They have one son — Frank. Thomas Heymer, of the firm of Heymer Bros., was born in N. Y. in 1846; his first location was iu Dubuque county, la.; thence to Jackson county; thence to Cherokee. He served three years in the army in Co. I, Iowa volunteers. George W. Hodgius, liveryman, established business in 1870. Was born in Vermont in 1826, his first location in Iowa was in Hardin county, thence to Marshalltown; thence to Bedford, and in 1870 he came to Cherokee and engaged in business as above. His son, Eugene D. Hodgins, was born in Missouri in 1859, and is now a partner in the above business. Edwin Hughes, harness maker, established business October, 1881. Was born in Wales iu 1852; came to America in 1870, and his first location was at Portland, Maine. From there he went to New York; thence to Ohio, and after -making a trip to the Black Hills, returned to Cherokee and engaged in business as above. He married Sarah Mills, a native of England. They have one son and two daughters. Robert Hall, of the firm of Robert Hall & Son, dealers in farm machinery and grain, was born in N. Y. in 1822; came to Ills, in 1857, and in 1871 he removed to Cherokee and engaged in busi- ness as above. Jas. Henderson, dealer in real estate, established business in 1871; was born in Scotland in 1818, came to America in 1848 and settled in Clayton county, Iowa, and was engaged in farming. In 1868 he removed to Cherokee. He has been twice elected to the position of county treasurer; has also been a member of the city council. C. E. P. Hobart, of the firm of Hobart & Snyder, dealers in grain and coal, was born in Vermont iu 1819; from Vermont he went to Oshkosh, Wis.; and in 1870 he came to Cherokee and engaged in the lumber business. The following year lije engaged in business as above. HISTORY OF IOWA. 279 William Jones, merchant tailor and dealer in ready-made cloth- ing? and gents' furnishing goods, was born in Wales in 1844; came to America in March, 1870, and located in Cherokee and engaged in business as above. Mr. Jones makes a specialty of making suits to order; he employs none but experienced workmen, and he has a reputation second to none in western Iowa. George A. Johnson, dealer in general merchandise, established business in March, 1871:; was born in Canada in 1812; he came to Michigan in 1861. In 1867 he returned to Canada, and in 1871 he came to Cherokee, la., and was employed as clerk until 1871, when he engaged in business as above. He married Eliza Head, of Canada, They have four children. H. Kennedy, of the firm of H. Kennedy & Co., dealers in gen- eral merchandise, established business in 1875; also have a branch store in Peterson, Clay county. He was born in Ohio in 1850; came to Iowa with his parents in 1855. He next moved to Chero- kee and engaged in business as above. A. B. Knox, of the firm of Knox & Nicholson, proprietors of the N. Y. store, established in 1872, was born in Pa. in 1855; came to Cherokee, la., in 1879, and engaged in business. He married Lizzie Goheeu, a native of Pa. George W. Lebourveau was born in New Hampshire in 1828. In 1857 he came to Cherokee, and is one of the pioneers of this county; was the first ti'easurer and first recorder of this county, was also the first mayor of Cherokee, which position he held two terms. He is one of the original town proprietors. He enlisted in Co. I, 7th la. cavalry, and served three and a half years. David Lynn, of the firm of Lynn & Bryant, proprietors of meat market, established business in 1881. He was born in Ohio in 1841; came to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1859; thence to Winne- shiek county; thence to Jackson county. Ills.; thence to Cherokee. He served m Co. A, 2nd regiment, LT. S. A., three years; married Annie E. Underhill. They have one daughter— Mary F. E. R. Little, jeweler (repairing a specialty), established business in 1880. He was born in Ohio, November 4th, 1858, and received his education in Ohio, where he also learned the jewelry basiness. He moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1879, and the following year removed to Cherokee and engaged in business as above. George L. Moore, manufacturer and dealer in harness and saddles, established business in 1881; was born in Aurora, 111., in 1857. He came to Cherokee in 1872, and engaged in the same business. Arthur Molyneux, of the firm of Molyneux Bros., law and^ collecting agents, was born in Sullivan county, Penn., in 1856; graduated at Iowa City law school in the class of '81, and soon after located in Cherokee, and engaged in business as above. 2S0 HISTORY OF IOWA. R. D. Minor, of the firm of Collins & Minor, was born in Waukesha county, Wis., in 1853; came to Cherokee in 1871, and engaged in farming until he engaged in his present business. E. Miller, county recorder, was born in Pa. in 1850; removed to Cedar county, la., in 1852, and to Cherokee in 1872, and engaged in farming; was elected to his present office in November, 1880; has served as town clerk, also assessor. He married Belle Stone, of Ohio. They have two children — Oretas and Orville. Thomas McCulla, attorney at law, was born in Hamilton, Canada, in 1856; came to the United States when quite young, and located in N. Y.; afterwards moved to Muscatine, la., and there attended school; then entered the Baptist Institute at Wilton, after which he entered the university at Iowa City, graduating from the law department in the class of '79; came to Cherokee and opened office; makes a specialty of collections. Chas. Nicholson, of the firm of Knox & Nicholson, was born in Sweden in 1855; came to America in 1871; settled in Mich.; then moved to Hampton, la.; thence to Cherokee, and became a part- ner in the above business, which was established in 1872, and is one of the largest mercantile houses in the city. L. W. Newell, dealer in boots and shoes, was born in 111. in 1855, and when seven years of age moved to Muscatine, la. He traveled for a Cincinnati house for two and one-half years, and in June, 1881, moved to Cherokee, and established his present busi- ness in Aug. of same year. H. A. Olmsted, stat'on agent for the I. C. R'y. company, was born in Mass, m 1818. He was appointed to his present office in 1871. He married Cornelia Jones, of Neb. They have three children. E. L. Olmsted, was born in Mass. in 1851; came to Delaware county, la., in 1858. He was for five years in the employ of the C, & N. W. R. R. Co., as station agent and operator. 0. R. Olmstead & Son, are dealers in boots, shoes, overshoes, gaiters, etc. R. S. Olmstead, was bornin Wayne county. Pa., in 1854, and the same year moved with his parents to Wis. He en- tered the employ of J. P. Dickey & Co., in 1876. He married Frances Brown, of Woodman, Wis. Dr. W. H. Palmer, dentist, was born in N. Y. in 1855; was en- gaged in dentistry in Syracuse, N. Y., and in 1881 moved to Cherokee, la., and opened office the same year. He married Fran- ces Campbell, of N. Y., in 1880. T. Patton, of the firm of Robertson & Patton, dealers in lumber) grain, sash, doors, blinds, etc., was born in Ireland in 1844; came to America in 1864, and settled in Dubuque county, la.; thence HISTORY OF IOWA. 281 to Delaware county, and in the autumn of 1870 came to Cherokee, and was one of the first settlers; was for some time iu the employ of the railroad company; established his present business in 1876. Joseph Reed, proprietft- of the bakery and restaurant, was born in Pa. in 1829; removed to 111. iu 1861; thence to la. iu 1875; lo- cated at Cherokee in 1881. He married Mary Tallman, a native of Pa. They have three sons and two daughters. J. G. Reigel, blacksmith, repairer and manufacturer, was born in Germany in 1849; came to America in 1854, and located in But- ler county, Pa.; removed to Hardin county, la.; thence to Mis- souri, and iu 1876 came to Cherokee, la., and established his pres- ent business. He married Ellen L. Kenyou, and has one child — Effie M. James Robertson, of the firm of Robertson & Patton, was born in Scotland in 1833; came to America in 1856. and settled in Can- ada; removed to Cedar county, la., in 1868; thence in the follow- ing year to Cherokee, and engaged in buying grain. His present business was established in 1870. He married Catherine Comrie, a native of Scotland, and has two sons and three daughters, R. L. Robie, county auditor, was born in Vt. in 1850; removed to Tama county, la., in 1868; thence to Cherokee, and engaged in farming. He taught the grammar department of the public schools here one term; was appointed county superintendent of schools, and served during 1876, and was then appointed deputy clerk and treasurer. He was elected to his present office in 1881, He married Ella L. Fairfield, of Fond du Lac, Wis. A. B. Ross, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, tobacco, cigars, crockery, glassware, queensware. etc.; was born in Nova Scotia in 1843. He came to Cherokee, la., in 1870, and engaged in the above business in 1874. S. F. Russell, manager of the Fountain House, was born in Ve- nango county. Pa., in 1839; removed to Story county, la., in 1867, and two years later came to Cherokee and engaged in farming. In 1878 he took charge of a hotel at Meriden, where he continued two years; then engaged in his present position. He served in the army four and one-half years in Co. A, 10th 111, Cav.; was promoted step by step until he reached first lieutenancy; received his discharge at San Antonio, Tex. W. A. Sanford, cashier of Scribner, Burroughs & Co.'s bank, born in Norwich, N, Y,, in 1854; removed with parents in 1860 to Decorah, la. ; thence to Cherokee iu 1875, and engaged in business as above. Dr. Sherman, of the firm of Butler & Sherman, physicians and surgeons, was born in Pa. in 1846; moved west in 1862; graduated from the Keokuk medical college in the class of '73, and began the 19 2S2 HISTORY OF IOWA. practice of medicine in Cherokee the same year. He is also sur- geon for the lU. C. Ry. He married Nellie Terry, and has one child — Annie. E. B. Smith, of the firm of E. B. Smith & Co., furniture dealers and undertakers, was born in Canada in 1851; came to the U. S. in 1871, and located in Cherokee, la.; was engaged in various oc- cupations for a time; then engaged in the above business, which was established in 1870. He married Ida Brown, of Syracuse, N. Y., and has two children — Homer and Frank. A. H. Smith, jeweler and dealer in fine watches and jewelry, (business established in 1872), was born in Canada in 1819; re- moved to HI. in 1859, and located in DeKalb county; thence moved to Calhoun county, la., and in June, 1869, moved to Marcus, and the following year to Cherokee. He engaged in business in part- nership with G. S. Brown, and afterwards became sole proprietor. R. M. Smith, of the firm of H. Assman & Co., dealers in staple and fancy groceries, was born in Pa. in 1838; removed to Sioux City, la., in 1868; thence to Cherokee in 1872, and engaged in farming until engaging in above business, which was established in 1876. He served in the army in the 78th Pa. Inft.; was pro- moted to captain, major and the lieutenant colonel; received his discharge at Nashville, Tenn. He married Maggie Stephens, of Pa., and has four children — Leota, Leona, Roy and Meda. M. Wakefield, attorney at law, will practice in ail courts in the state. He was born in 111. in 1842; moved to Sioux City, la , in 1870, and the following year located in Cherokee; received his edu- cation at the 111. State Normal University, from which he gradu- ated in 1865; read law at Bloomington, 111., and was admitted to practice by the supreme court, Jan. 18th, 1869. He is mayor of Cherokee, and has held minor ofiices in the city. Walbridge & Moore, attorneys at law, land, loan and realfestate office. They have fifty thousand acres of wild land for sale, rang- ing in price from three to ten dollars per acre; also improved farms for sale. Business was establiehed in 1879. Z. A. Wellman, postmaster, was born in N. Y. in 1826; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1849; came to Delaware county, la., and engaged in the practice of his profession, which he con- tinued for tAventy years. Duiing President Fillmore's adminis- tration, he was appointed postmaster, but his health failing him, he engaged in farming, and in 1870 removed to Cherokee from Benton county, and engaged in the drug business. In 1872 he was appointed postmaster of this city, and has held the office ever since. L. M. White, of the firm of White Bros,, proprietors of restau- rant and bakery, and dealers in staple and fancy groceries, was born HISTORY OF IOWA. 283 in Bloorasburgh, Columbia county, Pa., in 1859; received his edu- cation at the State Normal School, at Bloomsburgh; removed to Cherokee in 1881, and established the above business in June of the same year. J. C. Wilson, photographer, (copying and enlarging a specialty), was born in Ottawa, Canada, in 1848; moved to Ogdensburg, N. Y., in 18G2, and came to Cherokee, la., in 1870, being one of its earliest settlers; has served as a member of the city council two years. He married Carrie L. Bates, of Durand, 111., and has one child^Bessie M, Ed. Williams, dealer in all kinds of grain, took charge of this business in 1879; was born in 0.,in 1847; moved to Cedar Falls, la., in 1854, and engaged in buying grain near that place. He married Carrie Maxwell, of la. F. D. Yaw, liveryman, was born in N. Y. in 1836; removed to Delaware county, la., in 1861, and to Cherokee in 1870, and estab- lished his present business; has a large barn and can furnish good rigs at reasonable rates; also buys and sells horses on commission. Geo. W. Young, of the firm of Geo. W. Young & Co., proprie- tors of the Washington House, was born in N. H.^ and was for- merly connected with the Gulf City House, at Mobile, Ala. He perfectly understands the hotel business, keeps a house that is first- class in every particular, and will spare no pains to make it pleas- ant and comfortable for the traveling public. 'Bus to and from trains. The house is going to be remodeled soon, another story added, and also an addition 30x50 feet, and all modern improve- ments, bath rooms, etc, MARCUS. Joseph Beck, dealer in general hardware, established business in 1877, He was born in Germany in 1838; came to America in 1864, and engaged in wagon making and the hardware business in Jackson county, la., in 1872; removed to Marcus in 1877. He at present is town trustee of that place. He married Margaret Smith of Germany, in 1867. They have five children — Joseph, Kate, Bennie, Laura and George. C. F. Collier, of the firm of C. F: Collier & Son, detilers in dry goods, groceries, clothing and furniture, (business established in 1876), Avas born in Mass. in 1830; moved to Vt. in 1839; thence to Illinois in 1853; thence to Dubuque, la.', in 1862. and engaged in railroading. He married Lydia Dow in 1854, and has two children — Fred P. and Luther D. F. F, C. was bcrn in 111., in 1856; moved to Marcus in 1876, and engaged in the above business. He was elected city marshal in 1880. John Ernster, of the firm of Erneter& Oleson, dealers in boots, hoes, clocks, jewelry and sewing machines, was born in Germany 284 HISTOKY OF IOWA. in 1851; came to America in 1861. He engaged in the lioot and shoe business in Marcus in 1875, and in his present business and partnership in 1881. J. H. Grey, of the firm of J. H. Grey & Co., real estate, loan and insurance office, dealers in lands in Cherokee, Plymouth, O'Brien and Sioux counties. Business was established in May, 1881. He was born in Darlington, Wis., in 1853; was engaged for a time in the real estate business in Neb.; removed to Iowa in 1881. Louis Gund, president of the Marcus Bank, established business in 1881, with a cash capital of $15,000. He is also proprietor of a large grain elevator in Marcus. He was born in Germany in 1843; came to America in 1847 and settled in III.; moved to la. in 1867 and for a time was engaged in the hotel business; then engaged in the agricultural business at Blairtown, and came to this city in 1876. He married Margaret Schall, of la., in 1869, and has three children — Minnie C, Cora, and Wm. Louis. P. J. Hiltgen, cashier of the Marcus Bank, was born in Germany in 1849; came to America in 1861 and settled in Minu.: moved to la. in 1877, and engaged in the mercantile business; was elected town clerk in 1878 and justice of the peace in 1879. He married Therisa Barud of N. Y., in 1874, and has one child — Lucy. John Hyndman, dealer in dry goods, groceries, notions, boots, shoes and coal, is the pioneer merchant of Marcus; established business in 1873. He was born in Ireland in 1838; came to Amer- ica and settled in Canada in 1853; began teaching school the same year, and continued in that occupation for more than ten years. He came to Iowa, and was elected secretary of the school board of Marcus, which office he held for two years. J. Jungers, proprietor of the Marcus Hotel, was born in Belgium in 1832; came to America in 1853, and settled in Marcus in 1856, and engaged in the hotel business. He married Annie Pool, of Belgium. They have nine children — John, Lucy, Josephus, Bar- bara, Mary, Kate, Frank, Lena and Jenjie. John Metcalf, of the firm of Clarkson & Metcalf, land agents and dealers in grain and live stock, established business in 1875; was formerly engag-^d in the live stock business in Eldora; then in the millinery and live stock business in Alden; then came to Marcus. Mr. Clarkson is from Aurelia, where he was engaged in the mercantile business. C. B. Oldfield, of the firm of J. H. Gray & Co., real estate deal- ers, was born in Worcestershire, Eng., in 1859; came to America in 1881, and located at Marcus. Ole Oleson, of the firm of Ernester & Oleson, dealers in boots, shoes, clocks, jewelry and sewing machines, established business in 1881. He was born in Norway in 1856; came to America in 1877, and vsettled in Iowa county, Wis.; came to Iowa in 1880. HISTORY OF IOWA. 285 HARRISON COUNTY, This couni y is one of the most populous, popular, and, at the same time, conservative counties of Iowa. It is rich, without being aggressive; secure, without being assertive; in other words, a fine body of land, owned by a fine class of people, Harrison county has a right to be proud of herself. Lying on the Missouri River, in the fourth tier from the south- ern boundary, Harrison is one of the western border counties of the state; is twenty-four miles north and south by an average of about twenty-seven east and west, and contains a superficial area of nearly six hundred and sixty square miles. Like most of the counties in Iowa bordering the Missouri River, Harrison county presents a greater variety of surface configuration than is found in the inland counties to the eastward. A number of streams, that are more or less fully described in the histories of adjoining counties, gain the Missouri bottoms within the limits of this county, issuing from the uplands through the blufi:s, causing them to assume those strikingly picturesque and peculiar shapes characteristic of the scenery of the valley of the middle Missouri. Nearly every portion of the county is well watered and drained by clear, sparkling streams and brooklets, which flow diagonall}' across its territory in a general southwest direction. The principal of these water-courses are the Boyer, Soldier and Little Sioux Rivers, and Wilson, Pigeon and Mosquito Creeks, several of which are of considerable size, and aff'ord along their course in this county a number of excellent mill sites, only a portion of which have been improved. The valley of the Boyer is a beautiful tract of alluvial land, from one-half to two miles in width, bounded on either hand by gently ascending slopes until it nears the Missouri bottoms, where the surroundings become more abrupt and bold. The course of the Little Sioux in this county is mostly through the bottoms, though where it merges from the uplands it is marked by bluffs of peculiar interest, whose tops are conical peaks, flanked by sharp- crested, spur-like ridges. One of the most beautiful valleys of this slope is that of the Soldier River, which is bordered by bluffs which are unrivaled in the variety and picturesque beauty of their scenery. The bottoms slope gently from the foot of the bluffs to- ward the river, and form well-defined terraces, which afford beau- tiful rural situations. The valleys of Pigeon and Mosquito Creeks, in the southeast, are margined by high sloping upland, and their beds occupied by tracts of rich alluvial lands, which are unsur- passed for beauty and fertility. The current of the Missouri River, which bounds this county on the west, is very rapid, with a deep, constantly changing channel, often cutting oft" whole sections 286 HISTORY OF lOAVA. of land in one season. These bottoms are vast level plains, vaiy- ins in width from four to ten miles, and are bordered on the east by beautiful rounded bluffs, rising from one to three hundred feet above the river level. They are traversed by low benches or un- dulations, which, running more or less parallel to the river, are in- tervened by low grounds that afford natural drainage channels, that receive and confine within bounds much of the surplus waters of the Missouri in seasons of freshets, which would otherwise flood extensive tracts of the best land for agricultural purposes in the West. A belt of cottonwood timber extends through the county up and down the river, from one-half to six miles in Avidth, inter- spersed with elm, mulberry, walnut, willow, ash, etc. The cotton- wood grows very large and tall. In passing over the bottoms through the timber, a person will observe a streak of very heavy cottonwood timber, and then of tall willow trees from a foot to three and four feet each in circumference. The willow follows the old bed of the river, and as soon as the channel changes and leaves the bed dry it springs up rapidly, and when the bed of the river is raised to a certain height, then cottonwood crowds in, and a dense forest is soon made. The soil in the bottom is very rich and deep, producing every kind of grain and vegetables in the greatest abundance. Corn grows very large. The grass is said to be so rich and luxuriant that cattle will keep fat on it even in winter without cutting or curing. Many farmers in mild winters have let their cattle range in the bottoms Avithout any feed, pasturing them on the grass and keeping them in good order. Water un- derlies the soil of the bottoms at the depth of fourteen feet, and wherever you find water there you find quicksand. It is supposed that the whole bottom, from the bluffs of the Nebraska side to the bluffs in Iowa, has been one vast lake, and the Missouri River running through it has filled it up and formed the bottom lands. There is every indication of it. Every few rods along the bottoms you will see evidence of where once has flowed the channel of the river. The settlers on the bottoms say they are getting drier every year, and less subject to inundation. The agent A\dio located swamp lands in 1857 relates that he rode for miles through water where there is now fine, high and dry farming lands. The low places along the bottoms are fast filling up, and where once were ponds and marshes is now dry land with good farms upon them. The Missouri bottoms will be at no distant day covered Avith the finest farms in the Union. There are quite a chain of lakelets commencing near the mouth of the Little Sioux River and continuing along the bottoms. Some of them are near the bluffs, others out in the bottoms and near the river, Avhile all ha^e at one day been in the channel of the river or are the old bed of the Missouri. Many of these little lakes have fish in them; and are beautiful and nice little sheets of Avater. The channels of the streams in the bottoms are, or have been, chang- HISTOEY OF IOWA. 287 ing. The mouth of the Soklier River is one mile from where it was twelve years ago, and the Missouri also, at this point, is over a mile troni where it was in 1855. The land in the old channel is as high as that of the surrounding country; no more subject to in- undations, and is covered with a heavy groAvth of cottonwood. The lakelets, it is said, are fast filling up, and perhaps when the country becomes settled and cultivated will entirely dissapear. Persons digging wells frequently find logs, driftwood, bark, etc., several feet below the surface. A farmer digging a well recently, near what is known as Soldier's Lake, found a large pocket knife four- teen feet below the surface. The soil in the uplands consist of the light colored deposits of the bluff formation, which does not differ materially from that in the bottoms, except that the silicious material of which it is largely composed is more finely comminuted, and has a less amount of vegetable matter or humus. As the soil of the uplands and bot- toms was derived from the same source, it only differs in degree, that in the former reaching a depth of sixty or one hundred feet below the surface. It is said that dirt taken out of wells sixty feet deep seems to produce as well as that on the surface. The soil is easily cultivated, and produces all the grains and vegetables common to this latitude in great abundance. It does not cave; wells do not have to be walled, except for a few feet down from the top and at the waters' edge. The soil never bakes, but can be plowed with- out injury in wet weather. It stands both wet and dry weather remarkably. A failure of crops has never been known. The soil in the bottoms is more of a clay nature, and in wet weather is very sticky. Harrison contains more timber than any other county on the Missouri slope, yet it is limited in extent, its distribution being governed by circumstances favorable to its preservation, and is consequently found in the deep shaded ravines that crowd up into the bluffs, and along the small streams which- are confined to nar- row valleys hemmed in by steep bluff ascents. But, as observation has repeatedly shown in all parts of the state, forests are not neces- sarily confined to the valleys and moister localities, and thrive as well in one location as another, when tJie devastation of the prairie fires are checked for a period of sufficient duration to allow the young trees a few years of unretarded growth. Hundreds of acres of prairie have been overgrown with thrifty groves of vig- orous young timber within the memory of early settlers, which period extends back scarce a score of years. These tracts of young forests add a pleasing feature to the landscape in these beautiful undulating divides, as that near Magnolia, and Harris' grove south of Logan, attests. Fine groves are met with in the valleys of the Soldier and Little Sioux Rivers, while the banks of the Mistouri throughout its course in this county are lined with a belt of fine forest growth. 288 HISTOKY OF IOWA. Numerous orchards have been set out in the county, and apples, pears, quinces and grapes grow in abundance, and of excellent quality. Some peaches have been raised, while in the bottom lands the finest quality of wild grapes are found in great profusion. In 1867 over five hundred barrels of wine were made from these grapes and shipped to Chicago, besides large quantities which was used at home. Limestone is found, the best and most extensive quarries being found near Logan, from which a considerable amount is annually shipped to Council Bluffs and other points. There are also two or three other quarries which have been worked to some extent in other parts of the county. As a stock-raising and producing county, Harrison has had quite a reputation, the native grasses being very nutritious and affording excellent pasturage at nearly all seasons of the year. Fat cattle from this county have for years been famous in Chicago markets and command the highest prices. Daniel Brown was the first white man who settled in the county, locating where the village of Calhoun now is, April 3, ISiS. His nearest neighbor was twelve miles distant, his nearest mill twenty- two miles, and nearest post office Council Bluffs, twenty-five miles. He had to go to St. Joseph, Missouri, one hundred and fifty miles for provisions that season, and while he was gone the Indians came and robbed his family of provisions and all the necessary articles of comfort. When he returned he found his family destitute of food and clothing. Soon after his return the Indians stole all his horses, and all those of the other settlers in the county. He and his son followed them for several miles, trying to recapture them, but were unsuccessful. They fired a number of shots at the Indi- ans. The Indians frequently killed his cattle and annoyed him a great deal during the first few years of his rei^idence in the county. The following were also among the first settlers, Silas Condit, two brothers by the name of Chase, Charles Lepenta, James Hardy, Dr. Robert McGovern, Andrew Allen and Jacob Putee. The county was organized in 1853, when Stephen King elected County Judge; P. G. Cooper, District Court Clerk: Ches- ter Hamilton, Sheriff; William Cooper, Treasurer and Recorder; George White, Surveyor; and Jacob Huffman, Coroner. The first county court was held August 5, 1853, by Stephen King, Judge. First road petition presented was for the establishment of a road, commencing at the south line of the county, running thence to the residence of Daniel Brown, and thence to Magnolia. The first mortgage on record was made by Samuel Jack to James Jack, ac- knowledged by Frank Street, County Judge of Pottawattamie County. First deed on record was made by Ezra and Catharine Vincent, to Walter Barrenger, conveying the northeast of the southeast of section 8. township 79, range 48. The first wedding was celebrated June 9, 1853, Stephen King, County Judge, uniting II HISTORY OF IOWA. 289 in the holy bonds of wedlock, John Jones and Miss Elizabeth Outhouse. The second occurred on the 16th of the following August, when the same judge united Samuel McGaven and Miss Mary M. Harden. The total number of marriages since the or- ganization up to January 1, 1868, was four hundred and ninety. The first district court was held by Honorable S. H. Riddle in May, 1855, at which time the first cause on the docket was Wil- liam Kennedy vs. D. Pate, Avhile the total number were four civil and one criminal. The first grand jury were: Creed Saunders, James Garnett, John Conger, Chester Staley, H. Locklin, T. Mea- dus, P. K. Sharp, Thomas Sellers, S. A. Seaman, Solomon Barnett, John Deal, I. H. Holton, D. E. Brainard, Silas Rue and Solomon Garnett. D. E. Brainard was appointed foreman. John Jeffary was the first person naturalized, and Thomas Thompson the sec- ond. The number of cases since the organization of the county up to November 25, 1867, were, civil, 749, and ninety-one criminal. In the Fall of 1853 a party of Indians camped on Willow Creek. The settlers were afraid that they would commit some depreda- tions, organized a company and went to drive them off. Among the number was a gentleman from Virginia, who had been a captain in the Virginia militia, and had brought his broad sword and regimentals with him, and was "decked out" in full dress, and took command. He boasted of his bravery and would show the bloody red skins a trick or two." The company set out on horseback, marching in gallant style, led by their brave and daring officer — in his own imagination. The bloody savages were to be exterminated, a brilliant victory to be obtained, and the troopers were to return home covered all over with glory. While march- ing along to the scene of conflict, they discovered the Indian en- campment about a mile ahead across Willow Creek. They halted, commenced firing, and continued it for some time. The Indians hearing it, some half a dozen warriors got on their ponies and rode towards the troopers to see what was the matter. The latter seeing the warriors approaching, suddenly imagined that they would be surrounded, overpowered, slaughtered, and scalped, broke for their homes as fast as their horses could carry them. Many of the troopers were so badly scared that they did not know their own houses, but went on past them. The warriors seeing the fleeing troopers, raised a big laugh, and rode back to their en- campment in safety. For several years the Indians annoyed the settlers a great deal by stealing or begging. Companies were frequently organized to drive them off, and some times there would be some shooting, but no one was ever hurt. Mr. Brown states that in 1858 there was a large party of Indians encamped on the Boyer; he with twenty- six others went out to drive them ofl". They came near the en- campment and formed in battle line. The chief and a half-breed got on their ponies and rode out to them. The chief proposed to 290 HISTOKY OF IOWA. make a treaty with the whites, and it was made with the condi- tion that the Indians should leave the county. There were 120 warriors with their women and children. The Indians left the county. In the Fall of 1853 quite a large party of Ottoe Indians were encamped within eight miles of Magnolia. One evening the settlers informed them that they had better leave or the Sioux would attack them before morning. In the night a firing was heard by the settlers. They went upon a high bluff to see what was the matter, and sure enough the Sioux were pouring a heavy fire into the encampment of the Ottoes. The latter were scream- ing and yelling with all vengeance, and fled into the Missouri bottoms. The next day the settlers attacked them and drove them across the Missouri River. They swam the river on their ponies. Harrison County seemed to have been a hunting ground for the Indians, as no tribe resided in the county. On Willow Creek, about six miles from Magnolia, there are old ruins of some kind of a house that has the appearance of having been built out of burnt brick. MONDAMIN. Mondamin, one of the heavy shipping points of the Lower Mis- souri Valley, is situated thirty-eight miles north of Council Bluffs on the Sioux City & Pacific Railway. The oldest settlers on the town-site is Capt. John Noyes, who with Clarke Ruffcorn, his son- in-law, came here from the east and settled in the township in the fall of 1856. The township at that time was a fraction of Raglan township. It was subsequently named Morgan, which name it still bears. Although Capt. Noyes is the oldest settler in Monda- min, he preceded Mr. E. J. Hagerman, the present postmaster, but a few weeks. The former gentleman arrived by boat, while Mr. Hagerman came by team. Both started from the same place together and, but the difference in the time required for the jour- ney intervened between their arrivals. Previous to the arrival of Messrs. Noyes and Ruffcorn, there were but four settlers in the township. Mr. David W. Fletcher, although there was no thought of a town being located in the vicinity at that time, had just pre- vious to the advent of the gentleman named established a general merchandise store, and shortly after the arrival of Mr. Hagerman, the two formed a partnership. With one exception, no other busi- ness house was erected in the place prior to its platting, in the winter of 1867-8, when the railway was first laid through the town. The exception noted was a general store erected by Capt. John Noyes, some months after. The postoffice was established in Mondamin in the summer of the year 1868, and the D. W. Fletcher before-mentioned was commissioned as postmaster. Mr. Fletcher held the position less I HISTORY OF IOWA. • 291 than a year, when he was succeeded by the present postmaster, Mr. Hagerman. As the salary attached to the office amounted to but twelve dollars per year there was not a great deal of wrangling over the appointment. The office at present, though having con- sidera])le business, is not a money-order office. The town was platted in the winter of 1867-8 by John I. Blair and others of the Iowa Land Company. At first, when the rail- road was built, no town was plaited, the calculation being to lo- cate the town some distance north of the present site. Measures to this end were actually taken, on account of the unwillingness of settlers to part Avith the required land. Some of the settlers, however, reconsidered matters, and the town was eventually lo- cated where it now stands. The site comprises 160 acres, though it is not all platted. Eighty acres of this land was sold to the owners of the town-site by Capt. Noyes, and the remainder by Messrs. Fletcher and George Morgareidge, in the fall and winter of 1868. Previous to the building of the railroad, no thought of a town in this particular locality was had. The oldest building now on the town-site is the residence of Dr. T. H. Allison. This structure was erected in the fall of 1868. Although the vicinity of Mondamin is not, strictly speaking, a wheat country, it has other resources of magnitude, and its trade in corn is not second to that of any town on the line of the Sioux City & Pacific railway, north of Missouri Valley Junction. This promises to continue, as a twenty-five-year resident of the county gave the assurance that in the time specified, there had never been a failure, and but few small crops. Mondamin has cribbing capac- ity for 100,000 bushels of this grain, and the number of bushels handled by dealers during the year closed was 200,000. The com- ing year promises an increase. In addition to corn, cattle, hogs, wood and other country pro- ducts, are exported in large cjuantities. One dealer of Mondamin paid nearly fifty thousand dollars last year for hogs alone. Mondamin having reach about two hundred population, her en- terprising citizens took measures at the October, 1S81, term of the Circuit Court to file articles of incorporation, with a view of securing a village charter. In sequence thereto, an election to secure ratification by the citizens was had, and a mayor, clerk and five trustees were elected. Subsequently it was discovered that in accordance with the revised statutes, a sixth trustee would be neces- sary to give legality to the incorporation, and another election was held. The second election resulted in the re-election of the officers first chosen, and F. M. Dupray as an additional trustee. The full board was: E. J. Hagerman, Mayor; A. Spooner, Clerk; Byron Strode, Thomas Reagan, Z. T. Noyes, E. Jones, P. C. Spooner, F. M. Dupray , trustees. The. first meeting of the board was held Novem- ber 26th, 1881. 292 HISTORY OF lOAVA. One of the most potential influences in the incorporation o£ the place, was The Mondamin Independent, a neat little six-column folio newspaper published weekly, the first number of which was issued August 13th, 1881, by W. H. VV^onder, who, a year before, had established in Mondamin The Musical Banner, a four-page musical journal. Besides conducting these journals, the publisher practices his profession of teaching and publishing music, organ- izing musical conventions, etc. The results of the incorporation are beginning to make themselves apparent in the shape of new sidewalks, etc. The general business of Mondamin, classified, is as follows: Three dry goods and grocery stores, two grocery and notion stores, one drug store, jewelry store, hotel, restaurant, two hardware and tin-shops, furniture store, blacksmith shop, wagon shop, two livery stables, shoe shop, stock shipper, three grain dealers, meat market, billiard hall and saloon, agricultural implement dealer, lumber yard, harness shop, carpenter shop, dealer in music books and sheet music. There is also a notary public and insurance agent. The bar has one representative here, and medicine three. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Mondamin Congregational Church Society. — This society was organized with about thirty members, in the early part of 1876, by Kev. C. N. Lyman, of Onawa. Mr. Lyman still ministers to the spiritual wants of the congregation, and holds services in the school house once in two weeks. Although somewhat at a dis- advantage for the present regarding a place of meeting, arrange' ments have been made for the erection of a suitable house of wor- ship the coming spring, and over $700 have already been sub- scribed for the purpose. The society, owing to the departure from the vicinity of a number of its original members, is now not cpiite as large as it was at the outset, and at present has but about twenty-five members. The society has also a Sabbath school in connection therewith, of which P. C. Spooner is superintendent. The average attendance is about forty-five, and services are held every Sunday morning in the school house. Methodist. — Although there is no organized Methodist society, of any branch, in Mondamin, there are a number of adherents to the doctrines of the Meth.odist Episcopal Church, and for their benefit services are held in the school house once in two weeks by Rev. H. J. Smith, of Little Sioux. Other Religious Sects. — Although there are numerous representa- tives of other religious sects in this vicinity, particularly Univer- salists, there is no other organized society beyond the one men- tioned. The sect particularized has occasionally been preached to by various itinerant brethren of their belief. Mondamin Public Schools. — Although the town is incorporated, Mondamin, as yet, has not been made an independent school dis- « HISTORY OF TOAVA. 293 trict, but the limits within the jurisdiction of the town school is known as Sub-District No. 1 of Morgan Township. It is believed, however, by those in a position to knoAV, that the sub-district has sufficient population to warrant its admission as an independent district, and that this consummation will soon be attained. There are 100 pupils in the sub-district. The sub-district erected a one- room building, 30x40 feet in dimensions, in the fall of 1871, when the sub-district was first organized, but the increased attendance has necessitated the renting of another room. This difficulty, however, is soon to be met by a larger public edifice. The first sub-director was E. M. Harvey. The present one is E. J. Hager- nian. Mondamin Lodge No. 392, /. 0. 0. F. — This lodge was organ- ized May 22d, 1879, with charter members as follows: F. M. Du- pray, N. G.; E. Jones, V. G.; J. A. Yost, S.; A. W. Garrison, P. S.: F. W. Brooks, C. M. Gilmore, Byron Strode, Thomas Byers, B. J. Faylor, members. Six other members were also initiated the same evening, and of these several were immediatel}^ placed in officers' vacant chairs. The lodge was organized by I). G. M. J. C Miliman, of Logan. The lodge at present contains thirty- four members, with the following officers: B. J. Faylor, N. G.; Benjamin Morrow, V. G.; J. A. Yost, S.; R. B. Hall," T.; F. M. Dupray, W.; B. Strode, C; T. Morrow, I?. S. N. G.; T. C. F. Brenneman, L. S. N. G.: C. Gilmore, 0. G.; William Griffith, I. G.; A. Forrester. R. S. V. G.; E. Jones, L. S. V. G.; Anton Uhrig, R. S. S.: Z. T. Noyes, L. S. S. The lodge which is in a flourish- ing condition; meets in Noyes' hall every Saturday evening. Mondamin Lt/ceum. — This society has just been organized with thirty members, and its history is yet to be made. The object is intellectual and social development. B. Strode is the President, and the Society holds its meetings in the schoolhouse on Friday night of each week. Mondamin Chorus Choir. — Thi=! society consists of about fifteen members, and it is non-sectarian in character. The object is musi- cal cultivation . The choir meets every week in the schoolhouse. RIVER SIOUX. This thriving place is located on the Sioux City & Pacific Rail- way, at or ver\^ near the junction of the Missouri and Little Sioux Rivers, on the south side of the latter stream. It contains a pop- ulation of 225. The town, although unincorporated and small, is delightfully situated in the midst of lieavy timber, of various kinds, and is one of the most progressive business places in the county. The town owes its origin to the advent of the Sioux City & Pacific Railroad, the authorities of which platted it in October, 1868. The original town site was a few hundred yards north of the pres- ent one, on the north side of the Little Sioux River. This loca- tion, however, was found to be too low for a town site, as it was 29i HISTORY OF IOWA. subject to inundation, and the town was accordingly removed to its present location. This transfer was made in the summer of 1876. The new location showed the wisdom of those who chose it, as it is the highest point of land on the railway south of Ser- geant's Bluffs. On the original town site there were but three settlers, Reuben Newton, depot agent, S. Chase, who lived there prior to the advent of the railroad, and E. J. Davis. The land to which the town site was finally transferred was owned by Henry Herring, E. J. Davis and James Crabb and the undivided half of eighty acres, was by them given to the railway company with the understanding that the town should be removed thereto. As before stated, the business of Little Sioux, in proportion to population and number of establishments, is quite large. The fol- lowing are the various kinds of business, ennumerated : Two gen- eral merchandise stores, drug and grocery store, drug store, hard- ware store, three saloons, hotel, lumber yard, two saw-mills, black- smith and wagon shop, grain and stock dealer, butcher shop. The professions are represented in River Sioux by two physi- cians, two lawyers and one civil engineer. As River Sioux is situated in the midst of a productive country, which is rapi'lly increasing in population, the shipments of Aarious kinds of produce are necessarily quite large, and they are rapidly increasing in amount and value. At present they will aggregate from two to three car loads per day. The business of the station is ably handled by the agent, R. Newton, who is at present the oldest settler on the town site, he having removed thereto with the transfer of the town site. Although River Sioux cannot properly be described as a port of call for Missouri River steamers, vessels of this description have in previous years come up the Sioux as far as the town, and it is thought that a systematic course of dredging and widening of the channel would make it possible for this de- scription of craft to come up at all stages of water. In justice to dissenting opinion, however, it must be stated that there are those who regard such a scheme as chimerical to the highest degree. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Episcopal Church Society . — This society has no church building, but is composed of about thirty members. The congrega- tion meets in the town hall. The society has been in existence only since the organization of the Little Sioux Circuit in 1876, and has no resident pastor, and it is now one of the appointments of the Little Sioux Circuit, of which Rev. H. J. Smith, of Lit- tle Sioux, is the minister. The erection of a church at no distant future is being discussed. Outside of the members of the society, there is a good attendance of non-members, and there is more than a probability that the society will soon see a church of its own. Be- HISTORY OF IOWA. 295 sides this society, there is no other organized religions body in River Sioux, although occasional services have been held in the place by the clergymen of other denominations. Odd FeUows. — There is a lodge of Odd Fellows at River Sioux. The lodge contains twenty-three members, and was organized in January, 1879. The following is the list of elective officers first installed: N. G., J. Simmons; V. G., J. Bowie; S., C. A. Demun; T., S. Demmon. The present elective officers are; John Whiting, N. G.; Henry Herring, V. G.; James Harmon, S.; John Henry, W. Good Templars.— k\i\\ovL^ there is no temperance organization in River Sioux, an effi^rt is making looking towards the organiza- tion of a subordinate lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars. Public Schools. — The school district, of which Sub-District No- 6 (Riyer Sioux) is a part, is Little Sioux Township District, which was organized in April, 1857. Sub-District No. 6 was organized September 21, 187-1, and Charles McEvers was elected the following spring as sub-director. The present officers of the school town- ship are: Samuel Ellis, President; Samuel Dewell, Secretary; Charles Smith, Gilbert Smith, S. A. Page, Samuel Taylor and George W. Rock. Sub-District No. 6, has at present a neat little school-house 26x40 feet in dimensions, but as there are ninety children of school age in the Sub-District, the space is inadequate to its wants, and the coming season a larger structure will be erected at a cost of ^3,000. The school is under the supervision of E. A. Baldwin, of Little Sioux, and is in a flourishing condition. Although containing but one room, two departments have been maintained until recently, but lack of space necessitated the dis- continuance of one department. This state of affairs is to be remedied hereafter. Upon the completion of the new school- house, the District will be made Independent. WOODBINE. The first permanent settler in the vicinity of W^oodbine was Richard Musgrave, who arrived in 1852, from Council Bluffs. Mr. Musgrave settled in the Twelve-mile Grove, two miles south of town, where he still resides, engaged in farming. Mr. Musgrave was one of a number of monogamous Mormons who came to west- ern Iowa and located at the time of the migration of the original church from Illinois and Missouri. L. D. Butler was the second permanent settler in the vicinity. He has never resided in the town proper, but has been in business there most of the time since his arrival. Mr. Butler came to Council Bluffs in 1819. At thj Times^ formely the Har- risonian, and founded by Judge D. M. Harris, who, with his son, Robert H., continues to publish this prosperous and excellent paper. The business houses of Missouri Valley, briefly classified, are as follows: Physicians, 3; newspaper office, 1; drug stores, 2; bakery, 1; harness and saddlery store, 2; boots and shoes, 2; tailors, 2; gro 'cr- ies, 5; hardware, 2; saloons, 5; cigar stores, 1; gun store, 1; gen- eral merchandise, 6; hotels, 3; barber shops, 2; livery barns, 3; bil- liard parlors, 1; furniture, 1; bank, 1; wagon factory, 1: carpenter shops, 3; grain offices, 2; attorneys, 3. CHURCHES^ SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Missouri Valley has five church societies and three church edi- fices. An alditional church edifice will be erected during the com- ing spring. These, with her excellent schools and other societies calculated to advance her interests, combine to make a commun- ity affording exceptional religious, intellectual and social advantages. 312 HISTORY OF IOWA. The Methodist Episcopal Church building was erected in 1869. The membership is hirge and increasing, and the society in a con- dition of encouraging prosperity. These remarks apply equally to the other church organizations of the Valley. Rev. W. W. Car- hart is the pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Society. The Presbyterian Society erected their building in 1868. Rev. 0. C. Weller is the pastor. Rev. Father Lynch is pastor of the Catholic Society, whose place of worship was erected in 1869. At the date of present writing, the Uaptist Society is not supplied by a regular pastor. This society, however, has suitable grounds already pur- chased, upon which an appropriate edifice will be erected during the approaching spring. Rev. Mr. Hoyt is in charge of the Uni- versalist Society, whose services are held in the Town Hall. C. W. Harris is Superintendent of the Methodist Sunday school; W. H. Campbell, Superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday School. A short distance up the bluffs, overlooking the town, stands the Public School building, an imposing brick structure, in the modern style of architecture, provided with all the improvements which the later spirit of educational progress can suggest, and affording unusual advantages. This costly structure is, indeed, a gieat credit to the community, and is, in itself, a sufficient com- mentary upon the enlightened liberality of Missouri Valley's en- terprising citizens. The corner stone was laid, with appropriate public ceremonies, on the ITlh day of August, 1871. Nearly four hundred pupils are enrolled. There are six departments, the fol- lowing being the efficient corps of teachers: E. N. Coleman, Principal; Miss L. A. Ferguson, Assistant; W. R. Kirkham, Grammar School; Miss Annie Legan, Intermediate; Miss Hattie N. Legan, First Primary; Miss Estella Mattox, Second Primary. The members the Board of Education are: F. M. Marsh, A. Edgecomb, W. W. Hume, W. H. Rarasyer, Joseph Harker. D. M. Harris is President of the Board, F. M. Dance, Secretary, and M. Holbrook, Treasurer. Valley Lodge No. 232, A. F. & A. il/.— Instituted in 1868. First officers: Robert McGavren, W. M.; W. C. Ellis, S. W.; P. D. Mickel, J. W. The Lodge has about ninety members. Meet- ings were first held in the second story of Patch man's restaurant, and after several changes, the Lodge permanently located in the second story of Bump & Smith's brick building, corner of Fifth and Erie streets, in a handsomely furnished hall, which is also used as a place of meeting by the other lodges of the town. Val- ley Lodge is in a prosperous and flourishing condition, a statement which may as appropriately be made with reference to the other lodges of Missouri Valley. The following are the present officers: F. M. Dance, W. M.; C.' J. Carlisle, S. W.; G. H. Carleton, J. W.; Thomas Weston, S. D.; George Barnes, J. D.; C. S. Hoar, Secre- tary; J. H. Crowder, Treasurer. HISTORY OF IOWA. 313 Vullei/ Chapter No. 20, 0. E. S.~ Instituted July 8th, 1878. Charter members: Miiry E. Boies, M. M. Plarris, Annie Davis, EUa Davis, Carrie Todd, .Jennie Manchester, Mary M. Chapman, Belle Ransom, J. J. Legan, Louisa Miller, Laura A. Mann, Annie Schultz, Martha Pelan, Ettie Mickel, Mollie Mathews, Viola Pal- mer, Annie Janes, Hattie N. Legan, Lizzie Butler. First officers- E. J. Chapman, W. P.; Mary E. Boies, W. M.; C. C. Lahman, A. M. Present officers: Mrs. C. C. Lahman, W. M.; D. M. Harris. W. P.; Mrs. Carrie Todd, Treasurer; Mrs. D. Burgess, Secretary; Mrs. J. W. Axtell, W. A. M. The membership is forty-six. Triune Chapter No. 81, B. A. M. — This Chapter was organized under dispensation granted March 27th, 1876; its charter was granted October 4th, 1876. The petitioners for the charter were: William Pelan, H. P.; Robert McGavren. K.; E. J. Chapman, S.; C. W. Turton, Secretary; Theodore Mann, C. H.; T. W. Merritt P. S.; J. T. Sharp, R. A. C. Missouri VaUeij Lodge No. 170, I. 0. 0. F. — Instituted October 21st, 1869. First officers: D. M. Harris, N. G.; \\'illiam Comp- ton, V. G.; T. E. Dubois, Secretary; James Laughery, Treasurer. Present officers: G. W. Burbank, N. G.; A. Edgecomb, V. G.; G. T. Hopkins, Secretary; D. M. Harris, P. S.; James Laughery, Treasurer. The membership is fifty-tAvo. Lilian Lodge No. 20, Daughters of Uehekah. — Instituted October 20th, 1875. Charter members: Robert McGavren, J. K. McGav- ren, F. M. Dance, William Compton, John S. Goss, James Laugh- ery, James Ferrill, Reuben Palmer, D. M. Harris, G. W. McGav- ren, A. M. Cross, E. A. Boies, E. R. McGavren, Mary E. Boies, Martha Compton, Mary S. Goss, Rhoda Ferrill, Lizzie Laughery, Martha M. Harris, Ellen Cross. Present officers: G. W] Bur- bank, N. G.; Mary E. Boies, V. G.; G. T. Hopkins, Secretary: Mrs. William Compton, Treasurer. Anchor Lodge No. 66. K: of P. — Instituted December 19th, 1881, by A. E.'Menuez, D. D. G. C. Charter members: D. J. Adlum, M. I. Bailey, F. Carlisle, W. M. Carlisle, T. 0. Carlisle, E. N. Coleman, E. C. Connors, ^N . W. Cook, N. S. Dahl, F. Dod- son, W. H. Fensler, 0. B. Fredericks, W. M. Harmon, G. F. Hop- kins, F. Johnson, A. S.B. King, C. W. McGavren, Neil McLeod. J. E. Marsh, T. P. Oden, AV. R. O'Neal, W. H. Ramsyer, W. H. Ransom. L. Shauble, H. N. Warren. First and present officers: C. W. McGavren, P. C; L. Shauble, C. C; A. S. B. King, V. C; G. T. Hopkins, P.; J. £. Marsh, K. of R. & S.; E. N. Coleman, M. of F.; W. H. Ramsver, M. of E.; H. N. Warren, M. at A.; N. S. Dahl, I. G.; T. B. Oden, 0. G. W. R. O'Neal, T. 0. Carlisle and W. M. Harmon are Trustees. Missouri VaJley Lodge, No. 175, I. 0. G. T. — Instituted in 1869. This Lodge has had a somewhat varied existence, having been re-organized at several different times. There are at present about fifty members. Meetings are held in the Town Hall. The 21 314 HISTORY OF IOWA. present officers are: Mrs. Annie Schultz, W. C. T.; Miss Jennie Gump. R. H.S.; Miss Emma E. Harris, L. H. S.; Miss Estella Mattox, W . V. T.; Clias. B. Wilson, li. S.; C. S. Hoar, F. S.: Miss L. A. Ferguson, W. T.; Miss Donna Goltry, W. C; Harry Stonesifer, W. M.; Miss Tennie Harris, W. D. M.; John Kane, W. I. G.; Wid Lucas. W. 0. G.; Miss Kittie E. Clark, Organist. ^'Vomen's Christian Temperance Union. — Organized in 1880, Present officers: Mrs. S. C. Hileman, President; Mrs. E, J, Ferguson, Mrs. H. C. Warner, Mrs. S. L. Berkley, Mrs. S. A, Rogers, Mrs. D, Fenner, Vice-Presidents; Mrs. G. E. Wilson, Treasurer; Mrs. E. A. Livingston, Secretary. PuhJ/c Library. — The Missouri Valley Public Library Associa- tion was organized in September, 1881, and has established already a library of about one thousand volumes, which number is con- stantly increasing. The library is located on the corner of Erie and Sixth streets. Mrs. Anna Schultz is the President; Mrs. C, H. Foster, Treasurer; D. M. Harris and M. Holbrook, Finance Committee. Building and Loan Association. — The Missouri Valley Build- ing and Loan Association was oi'ganized in October, 1880. About §5,000 of capital was loaned the first year. D. M. Harris, is Presi- dent: G. H. Carleton, Vice President; W. H. Bradley, Secretary; M. Holbrook, Treasurer. Harrison Counti/ Agricultural Society. — Organized in 1858, and held their twenty-third annual fair at Missouri Valley, October 4th, 5th, and 0th, 1881. The present officers of the Society are: Phineas Cadwell, President; H. B. Cox, Vice President; J. K. McGavren, Secretary; F. M. Dance, Treasurer. The fair grounds are located about one-half mile west of town, and contain forty acres finely set out in growing trees. There is a good one-mile track and substantial buildings have been erected; the grounds are fenced in, and advantageously situated, with reference to stock and other shipments, immediately on the line of the railroads, and also upon the bank of Willow Creek, thus insuring a good water sup- ply. Six thousand pepole are estimated to have visited the fair of 1881 in a single day. LOGAN. The county seat of Harrison County, is in every respect creditable to the popular will which elected it to that position of official dis- tinction and importance . Loga^ is located on the east bank of the Boyer River, and occupies about one hundred and sixty acres of land on a " bench,'' about seventy-five feet above the bed of the Boyer. After leaving the "bench," the elevated land is timbered for from one-quarter to one-half a mile, and gradually opens to a section of prairie country of beautiful aspect, and dotted with im- prove*^! and well cultivated farms . There is also a good and well improved section of farming country to the east. HISTORY OF IOWA. 315 The town, as did Missofiri Valle}', Woodbine and Dunlap, grew out of the h^cation of the line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, and began its existence in the summer of 1807. It is located on section 19, township 79, range 42, and section 24, town- ship 79, range 43. The Court House is uj)on, or very nearly upon, the division line of these two ranges . A word here is in order as to the original town proprietor, Henry Reel, or "Uncle Henry Reel," as he is termed by his fellow townsmen. Mr. Reel was born in Montgomery County, Va., in 1808 . Although stricken in years, he still retains considerable vital- ity, and is mentally as keen as in his younger days. From Vir- ginia he moved to Ohio, and about the year 1S24, he again moved to Putnam County, Indiana, where for forty years he resided. In 1853, he came to Harrison County, to where Logan now stands. At one time he had more than 1,040 acres of land in a body, in and around the present town-site of Logan . The coming of the railroad was what caused the location of Logan . It was the only available station between Missouri Valley and Woodbine, and al- though Mr. Reel was at first opposed to the location of a town upon his premises, he finally yielded to the march of events, and, with an engineer in the employ of the railroad company, laid out the future county seat. Subsequently a company bought an ad- dition, and laid out the remainder of the town. The members of this company were: T. M. C.Logan, P. J. Rudasill, Mc- Curley, A. L. Harvey aud G. S. Bacon. John Reed and Cutler Williamson are largely interested in town property. Among the earliest settlers were: Judge Davis, George White, C. C. Cole, P. J. Rudasill. and A. W. Clyde, who came in 1867. There were others, whose names the writer did not obtain. C. C. Cole established the first dr}^ goods store, and was followed next in the mercantile business by P. J. Rudasill. George White built the first hotel. G. F. Waterman established the first drug store. Logan was incorporated in 1876. The first town officers were: John V. Evans, Mayor and Treasurer; E. R. Cadwell, Recorder; George Musgrave, Marshal; J. A. Lusk, N. Palmer, Simon Mills, A. J. Norman, Lewis Walters, Councilmen. The present officers of Logan are: William Cadwell, Mayor; D. M. Hardy, Recorder; D. Kerkendall, Marshal; G. B. Seekel, J. W. Stocker, George Guilford, J. W. Reed, G. B. Cadwell, Fred. Kimpel, Councilmen. The Logan Postoffice was established in December, 1867. John Reel was the first Postmaster. He was succeeded by C. C. Cole. William Giddings, the present Postmaster, was appointed May 12th, 1875. The office was made a money-order office July 1st, 1877. Tlie Huron Coiinti/ Flaq, the first paper published iii Harr'son County, was published at Calhoun, Isaac Parrish being the editor — in 1858. Within less than a year it was taken to Magnolia, and Capt. William M. Hill became the editor. The Flafj was subse- quently removed to Missouri. 316 HISTOKY OF IOWA. The Magnolia Repiihlican was startefl in 1858, Geo. R. Brai- narcl being the editor and proprietor. Brainard was succeeded by Henry Ford, and the latter by W. F. Benjamin. The RejmJAican Avas continued until 1865, when it was changed to the Western Star by Hon. Joe *H. Smith. The Star continued until 1871, the various editors being Hon. Joe. H. Smith, H. C. Cutler, Musgrave k Cook, G. F. Waterman, George Musgrave. The paper was then removed to Logan, where it Avas published for more than two years, when it was moved to Harlan. The Huron Countij Courier Avas moved to Magnolia in 1875, from Canton, HI., by Alpheus Davison, aud from Magnolia to Lo- gan in 1876. In August, 1880, Henry Reel purchased the Courier. A. J. Hard was the editor and manager for one year, when D. S. P. Michael succeeded him. Mr. Michael is both manager and editor, Mr. Reel still being the proprietor. The Courier is a hand- somely printed eight-column folio, and well deserves the favor which is bestowed upon it by tae public. One of the valuable features of Logan is the stone quarry be- longing to Mr. James McCoid, and located just across the Boyer River from town . This quarry was discovered about nine years ago. The upper stratum is about nine feet and eight inches be- low the surface. The stone is limestone, and is of excellent quality for building purposes. Beneath this are eighteen inches of yellow clay; then eighteen inches of black slate. Under that is large, blue rock, eighteen inches in thickness, which has been used as material for foundations, but Avhich, however, Mr. McCoid states, is not durable. Beneath this are eighteen inches of yellow clay, under which there is layer after layer of a rock which very closely resembles granite, and is from six to eighteen inches thick. Numerous shipments of rock are made from this quarry to other points . It is stated to be the only paying quarry in Harrison county. There is a public square of from three to four acres, planted in trees, and located between Fourth and Fifth Avenues and Sixth and Seventh streets . A Driving Park Association is about to be organized, the grounds to be located on the farm of A . Why te, adjoining town. J. A. Lusk built a portion of the Lusk House in 1869. Addi- tions have been made, until now it is one of the most commodious, as well best managed hotels in Western Iowa. The town is well supplied with lawyers and physicians, has two banks — the Harrison County Bank and P . Cadwell & Go's . —a flouring mill, two hotels, and quite a number of first-class business establishments. Brick-making is carried on quite extensively at Logan . Large shipments are made to other points, the brick being of the best quality. HISTORY OF IOWA. 317 The population of Logan is perhaps about 1,000, and is steadily increasing. The town has a durable appearance, is neat and at- tractive, and is keeping in every respect even pace with the rapid strides that are being made by her sister towns of Western Iowa. CHUJRCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Logan Baptist Church Societif. — Organized in 1868, by llev. Oeorge Scott, of New York, at that time living at Denison. The pastors in order have been: Kev. George Scott, J. E. Rockwood, E. G. 0. Groat, B. F. Goldsby, J. E. Rockwood, Geo. Scott, J. E. Saunders, E. G. 0. Groat, which latter is the present pastor. The membership is seventy-five. The church building was erected in 1869 at a cost of about S2,000, and has a seating capacity of two hundred. The parsonage was erected in 1876. There is a good Sabbath school, with about fifty pupils. J. E. Massy is the Super- intendent. From this church soil other similar societies have grown. This was the first Baptist Society organized in Harrison County, holding meetings at Magnolia, Woodbine and Logan al- ternately. Meetings at Logan were iirst held over Rudasill, Wood & Low's store. P. J. Rudasill was a prime mover in the organi- zation of the Baptist Society, and was indefatigable in promoting its interests. Rev. Mr. Groat has charge of the society at Magno- lia, which has sixteen members. First Preshyterian Sociefij. — Organized August 29th, 1809, by Rev. George K. Carroll, of Council Bluffs, Syuodical Missionary. The first pastor was Rev. T. K. Hedges, who was succeeded by Rev. J. B. Welty. Rev. Carroll is the present pastor. The erection of the church building was begun in the autumn of 1877, and the building was completed in the summer of 1878, at a total cost of $4,000. It will seat three hundred people, and is a very handsome structure. Rev. T. H. Cleland, of Council Bluffs, preached the dedicatory sermon, and was assisted by Rev. T. K. Hedges. The membership is about seventy. There is also a Sabbath School with an attendance of seventy. C. N. Cadwell is the Superintendent. There is a Universalist Society presided over by Rev. J. M. Hoyt, of Belle Plaine. Services are held once in every two weeks in the church building owned by Henry Reel's. The Adventists also have a society, the particulars concerning which are at this writing inaccessible. Henry Reel erected a church building in 1878, in which services are held by the Old Regular — or as this sect is commonly known, the ''Hardshell'' — Baptists. Services are held regularly once a month. There is no regular pastor and no organized society. The members of the Board of Education are: John V. Evans, G. B. Seekel, President; J. W. Barnhart, D. S. P. Michad, James Sorrey, A. K. Grow. George W. Wilson is the Secretary, and J. W. Reed, Treasurer. The school building, which was erected sev- eral years ago, is a very handsome and costly brick structure, and 318 HISTORY OF IOWA. contains five departments. Prof. S. G. Rogers is the Principal; Sarah Gallagher. Grammar Department; Belle Wood, Intermedi- ate; Clara Hedges, First Primary; Clara M. Evans, Second Prim- ary. The enrollment is about three hundred pupils, Boi/er Valley Lodge No. 149, A. 0. U. TT.— Instituted Janu- ary Sist, 1878. Charter members: John V. Evans, A. L. Har- vey, J. B. McArthur, Fred. Kimpel, C. N. Hull, E. R. Cadwell, John H. Smith, C. L. Hyde, J. N. Young, S. I. King, W. W. Smith, A. J. Miller, E. P. Cadwell, W. H. Moore. First officers: Jno. V.Evans, P. M. W.; C. N. Hull, M. W.; Fred. Kimpel, Foreman; E. R. Cadwell, Overseer; J. B. McArthur, Recorder; C. L. Hyde, Financier; A. L. Harvey, Receiver; J. N. Young, Guide; John H. Smith, I. W. ; E. R. Cadwell, 0. W. ; John V. Evans, J. W. Rudd, E. R. Cadwell. Trustees. Present officers: R. G. Brown, P. M. W.; D. Stewart, M. W.; James Ervin, Foreman; William Burnett, Overseer; George Kelly, Recorder; Fred. Kimpel. Financier; D. M. Harvev, Receiver: C. L. Hyde, Guide; J. B. McArthur, I. W. ; John V. Evans, 0. W. J. B. McArthur is Representative to the Grand Codge for 1882; John V. Evans, D. D. G. M. W. for the Fourth Judicial District of Iowa, and has held the office ever since the organization of the Lodge. The Lodge's condition is a prosperous one. It Avas the first Lodge of A. 0. U. W. organized in the Fourth Judicial Dis- trict of Iowa. Meetings are held every Tuesda}^ evening in Odd Fellows' Hall. Logan Lodge No. 219, I. 0. G. T. — Instituted November 14th, 1877, with thirty-five charter members. First Officers: Frank Rugg, W. C. T.: Mary E. Wilson, W. V. T.; Belle Cleven- ger, C; J. H. Giddings, S.; Adelia Fuller, A. S.; L. Harrington, F. S.; James Harrington, Treasurer; A. B. Rogers, W. M.; James Cope- land, D. M.; Nancy M. Wilson, I. G.; 0. J. McKenney, 0. G.; Wells R. Wheeler, R.H. S.; Lottie Noyes, L. H. S.; Isaac P. Hill, P.W. C. T. Present officers: Frank Stearns, W. C. T.; Mrs. K. Berry, W. V. T.; Lottie Cadwell, S.; Ben Wade Stearns. A. S.; C. A. Harvey, F. S. ; Myra Grow. W. T. ; Mrs. W. C Cadwell, W. C.;F. H. Laporte, W. M.; Fannie Barnhart, I. G.; Willis Clevenger, . G . ; W . C . Cadwell, P . W . C . T. ; Tillie Grow, Lodge Deputy- The membership is about fifty. Meetings are held every Wednesday evening in the hall over Stockwell's grocery. There is also a Woman's Christian Temperance Union . Chrysolite Lodge, A. F. rf- A. M. — Working under dispensa- tion. Organized November 30th, 1881. Its officers are: Stephen King, W. M.; A. W. Ford, S. W.; A. L. Harvey, J. W.;J. W. Barnhart, Secretary; William Giddings, Treasurer; S. I. King,S.D.: J. V. Evans, J. D.; J. W. Stocker, S. S.; A. B. Milliman, J. S.; J. W. Stewart, Tyler. The member- ship is about twenty-five. HISTORY OF IOWA. 319 Locjan Lod;/e No. 355, I. 00. F. — Instituted in June, 1S76, Charter members: T. M. C Logan, J. C Millimau, Fred. Kimpel, J. N. Young, W. H. Eaton, J. E. Townsend. First officers: J. C Milliman, N. G.; Fred. Kimpel, V. G.; VV. H. Eaton, Secretary; T. M. C- Logan, Treasurer. Present officers: W. C. Cad well, N. G.; J. V. Evans, V. G.; C L. Hyde, Sec- retary; J. E. Massey, P. S.;T. J. Roberts, Treasurer. Mem- bership, twenty-two. Colnnihia EncauipDient Xo. 101, 1. 0. 0. F. — Instituted in 1880. Charter members: T. M. C Logan, A. K. Grow, J. 0. Milliman, Almor Stern, L. D. Parker, G. W. Smith, J. V. Evans, J.N. Yoimg, Fred. Kimpel, C L. Hyde. First officers: A. K. Grow, C. P.;T. M. C. Logan,H. P.; J. V. Evans, S. W.;J. C. Milliman, J. W. ; Almor Stern, Scribe; C. L. Hyde, Treasurer. Present officers: J. V. Evans, C. P. ; A. Stern, H. P . ; J . W . Barnhart, S . W. ; C . L . Hyde, J . W . ; W . C . Cad- well, Scribe: J. N. Young, Treasurer. Membership, about thirty . MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY DETAILS. There was a considerable settlement in 1855, which was largely added to in 1857, and still more largely in 1860. Amos Chase came in 1851, as did also S. W. Condit, both of whom are now deceased. These, with H. M. Huff and C. W. Oden, M-ere among the earliest settlers near Little Sioux. A pioneer settler in the same locality was also T. B. Neeley (the first representative to the State Legislature). Mr. Neely was a well-informed man of sterl- ing and peculiar qualities, and, it is said, walked to Iowa City, at that time the State Capitol, carrying his shoes slung over a staff upon his shoulder. Of Jacob Pate, who settled near Sandy Point, on the Missouri bottoms, on the western side, it is related that his particular char- acteristic was a steady determination to "keep ahead of the keers." He said he always had kept ahead of the cars, and he always meant to do so. But railroads finally came in upon Jacob from both the East and the West, and the old man had to succumb to the inevitable. He died a few years ago. In Harris Grove and vicinity there were the McKinneys (Michael and John). Michael died about the year 1860, and John in the winter of 1880, the latter at Logan. Both had large families and considerable property. William Dakan came to Harris Grove at a very early day. He settled first near St. Johns, and soon after- wards moved to Harris Grove, where he is still living. Pearson Vore came to Harris Grove in 1856, and has been a continuous res- ident of that locality ever since. He is now about 81 years of age, and has had the misfortune in the later years of his useful life to lose his sight. James B. McCurley came to Harris Grove about the year 1853, moved to Logan about the time the town was organ- 320 .HISTORY OF IOWA. ized, and is still living tliere. Judge Dow and family, who came in 1853, moved subsequently from Harris Grove to about eight miles below Denison, to what is now called in honor of the Judge, Dow City. John Rogers, with his family, came to Harris Grove in 1856. His grandson. Prof. S. G. Rogers, is now Principal of the Logan Public Schools. J. T. Stern, a venerable and sagacious settler, whom it was the historian's misfortune to be unable to see, settled at Harris Grove in 1857. He has resided on the same farm from that date continuously to the present time, and is 67 years of age. Almor Stern, son of J. T. Stern, came to Logan in 1878, and was elected Auditor of Harrison County in that year, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of W. H. Eaton, who had been Aud- itor for eight years prior to that time, and who was the first per- son elected to that office in the county. There are thirty and thirty-three one-hundredths miles of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad in Harrison County; thirty-two and forty-eight hundreths of the Sioux City & Pacific, and about one-half mile of the Milwaukee road in the southeast corner. The C. & N. W. came down the Boyer Valley in 186(3; the Sioux City & Pacific was built about the same time, and commenced running in 1867. From that time forward there was a steady growth. The population at that time was 7,000; now it is nearly, if not quite 20,000. The census of 1870 gave only about 8,000, the population having nearly tripled within the past ten years. Among the pioneers of Union Grove are: Samuel Wood, who came in about the year 1852, and has lived there ever since; Sam- uel Dibbles who first came about twenty-four years ago; Father Smith, now Postmaster of Union Grove, who came nearly twenty years ago; Jason Whitinger, William Cox, and the Smith family, who have lived there for twenty-five years. The Dobson family were also old settlers, but subsequently moved to Crawford County. A full list of the first county officers, with the exception of the Board of Supervisors, is as follows: D. M. Gamet, Recorder; .W. V. Cooper, Clerk of the Courts; Stephen King, County Judge; H. C. Harshbarger, Auditor (appointed in 1868); J. Z. Hunt, Surveyor; J. H. Smith, County Superintendent; C. M. Hamilton, Sheriff. The present county officers are; L P. Hill, Treasurer; A. K. Grow, Recorder; C. L. Hyde, Clerk of the Courts; Wiley Middle- ton, Sherifl^'; J. D. Hornby, County Superintendent; A. J. Miller, County Superintendent elect; Logan Crawford, Surveyor; Almor Stern, Auditor; J. K. McGavren, Thomas Morrow, Allen Stoker, Board of Supervisors. The settlement at Twelve-Mile Grove had for its pioneers Richard Musgrave, who came in 1852; the Meffords, in 1851. Robert Mefford was the head of the Mefford family. Matthew Hall and L. D. Butler are also old settlers. The latter now lives at Woodbine. HISTORY OF lOW.V. 321 Col. Asher Service, a man of native force of character, and wlio was at one time a political power in the county, settled at Six-Mile Grove about the year 1850; Owen Thorp in 1852. James McCoid ran a store there twenty-two years ago. The well known Olmstead settlement in Harrison Township Avill be found to be treated of in that part of the county's history devoted more particularly to the town of Dunlap. By many, Harrison Township is considered the banner township of the county, in respect to the surface of the land, which is there more level. Mill Creek enters the Boyer in that township, giving it an exceptional ''lay of land.'" There is, indeed, a fine southern view from Dunlap down through that section of country. A grist mill was built on Allen's Creek west of Magnolia in 1853 or '5i. It was never operated, but was afterwards moved away. The fii-st mill on the Willow Creek, about one mile east of Magnolia, was built in 1854 by a Mr. Chatburn. Jacob Huffman also built a mill on the Willow about two miles below Chatburn's. E. T. Hardin built a saw mill at Calhoun on the Willow, about two miles below the Huffman mill. The first flouring mill in the county was built by Henry Reel on the Boyer in sight of the present town of Logan — in July, 1855. This mill began opera- tions October 1st, 185G. The next mill was started at Wood- bine by L. D. Butler, and in 1858, Butler and Grow put up their flouring mill. All these pioneer mills were run by water power. A. K. Grow built a mill in 18()7 on section 31, in Harrison town- ship, about half-way between Woodbine and Dunlap. This mill was very rudely constructed, its exterior being anything but hand- some in appearance, but the excellent quality of its flour was un- doubted, and built up for its owner quite a reputation. This mill was subsequently washed away. The mills in the county now are: I. Schofield's flouring mill at Dunlap; Dalley & Noyes' mill at Woodbine; Alfred Longman's mill at Logan; a steam mill at Missouri Valley; also one at Magno- lia; one at Calhoun, at the place where Hardin put up his saw mill; one on the Soldier River, by Theodore Mahoney, and Scho- field's at Little Sioux. About six miles northwest of Logan, in Magnolia Township, is the town of Magnolia, on the southeast quarter of section 32, township 80, range 43. The count}^ seat of Harrison County was located at Magnolia by A. D. Jones and A. Fletcher, on the 14tli of March, 1853. G. H. White was the Surveyor. The report of the Commissioners and Surveyor was approved by P. G. Cooper, County Judge, December 13, 1853, his acknowledgment being taken before E. Todd, Justice of the Peace. The election which resulted in changing the county seat from Magnolia to Logan, was held in the autumn of 1875. The tussle for the prize was pe- culiarly interesting, protracted and exciting, but provoked so 322 HISTORY OF IOWA. many animosities, that it would hardly be possible for the matter to be treated of at length here in what all would admit to be a strictly impartial manner. Lots were first sold in Magnolia in November, 1853. Ex-Judge P. G. Cooper is still living, in Blair, Nebraska. Among other early settlers of Magnolia township were Judges Hardy and Brain- ard. The removing of the county seat has had a depressing effect upon Magnolia, which has since that time, to sa}^ the least, failed to make encouraging headway. It will be noted that Harrison County, like many other Western communities, has had her full share of "paper towns." Upon the removal of the county records to Logan, the old Logan House was rented, in which to keep them. As an inducement to secure the county seat, the citizens of Logan contributed 86,000, depositing this sum in bank before the election. The election was carried, however, by a very small majority. The Court Hoiise was built in Logan in 1876, and cost about fill, 000. The following is a list of Representatives to the State Legisla- ture from Harrison County. The Representative for 1863 resided without the present limits of the county. The years of their elec- tion are given: T. B. Neely, 1855; D. M. Harris, 1857; W. W. Fuller, 1861; , 1863; L. R. Bolter, 1865; Jos. H. Smith, 1867: Stephea King, 1869; Geo. H. McGavren, 1871; P. Cadwell, 1873; L. R. Bolter, 1875: H. B. Lyman. 1877; Geo. Ritchison, 1879: L. R. Bolter, 1881. ^ HARRISON COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES, MISSOURI VALLEY. S. Altshuler, dealer in dry goods and clothing, came to la. in 1864, and located at Council Bluffs; established his present busi- ness in Missouri Valley in 1867. He has a fine store on the cor- ner of Fourth and Erie streets, and carries a large stock of goods. M. I. Bailey, attorne}^ at law, established business in 1875. He was born in Delaware county, N. Y., in 1847; removed to Missouri Valley, la., in 1875, and engaged in the practice of law. He married C. L. Ames, a native of N. Y. Mr. B. is the present mayor of this city. J. H. Ball, proprietor of billiard parlor — cor. 6th and Huron sts — is a native of Ind.; moved to Knoxville, Marion county, la., with parents in 1851. In 1862 he engaged in freighting in com- HISTORY OF IOWA. 323 J. T, Baldwin, foremtm of the boiler shops at Missouri Valley, was born in Md. He was employed in the navy yards at Wash- ington, D. C, until 1868, Avhen he moved to Omaha. Neb., and Avas in the employ of theU. P. R. R.; came to this city in 1870, and assumed his present position. pany with J. B. Beard, which he continued until 1805. He then traveled through the territories until he settled in Council Bluffs in 1869; moved to Missouri \\alley in 1878, and engaged in his present business. C. H. Barber, proprietor of the Palace billiard parlor, is a native of N. Y.; removed to Clinton, la., in 1878, and was in the em- ploy of the Union Iron Works: thence to Missouri Valley in 1879, and was in the employ of the railroad companies until 1881, Avhen he established his present business. J. M. Berry, proprietor of the city livery, is a native of Ind,; came with parents to Harrison county. la., in 1855, was engaged in farming until 1879, when he came to Missouri Valley and engaged in his present business. T, N. Berry, of the firm of Morgan & Berry, grocers, was born in Pottawattamie county, la., in 1855; moved with his parents to Harrison county in 1856. He located in Missouri Valley in 1879, and was engaged in the livery business until 1881, when he entered the above firm. J.L. Berkley, of the firm of Grigsby & Berkle}', dealers in gen- eral merchandise, is a native of Va. ; moved to Magnolia, Harrison county, la., in 1872; thence to Missouri Valley in 1876, and en- gaged in milling until Oct., 1881, when he engaged in his present business, with W. E. Grigsby, a w^ealth}^ farmer of Harrison county. E. A. Boies, dealer in general hardware, is a native of 0.: moved to Magnolia, Harrison county, la., in 1867. and to Missouri Valley in 1869 and was employed as salesman and journeyman tinner in the hardware business. He engaged in the business for himself in 1877, sold out after two vears, and resumed business again in May, 1881. Mrs. A. E. Bresee, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, located in Crawford county, la. in 1877, and moved to Missouri Valley in 1879, and engaged in present business; carries a large and complete stock of goods, and does all branches of millinery work. W. H. Bradley, jr., of the firm of Walker & Bradley, dealers in general merchandise, is a native of Canada; came to the U. S. in 1869, and located at Missouri Valley, la. He was employed as salesman in the mercantile business, until he entered his present business in 187S. 324 HISTORY OF IOWA. L. Brown, attorney at law, was born in Jackson county, 0., in 1845; removed to Appanoose county, la., where he lived until he moved to Missouri Valley. He is a graduate of the Iowa State University. He married Fanny G. Manning, a native of Iowa. W. P. Bump, of the firm of Bump & Smith, dealers in general merchandise, was born in Addison county, Vt., in 1811; moved to western N. Y. in 1831, and in 1^36 he engaged in the mercantile business; continued tliere until 1856, when he removed to Rochelle, 111.; thence to Missouri Valley in 186*J, and engaged in his present business. D. Burgess, proprietor of billiard parlor, was born in Courtland county, N. Y. He was employed for several years as conductor on the S. B. & N. Y.Ry., also was telegraph operator for same road. He moved to Neb. in 1875, and engaged in the stock business; re- moved to Missouri Valley in 1877 and engaged in his present business, on the corner of Fifth and Erie sts. C. J., T. C. & W. M. Carlisle, of the firm of Carlisle Bros., wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, wagon stocks, pumps, agi'icultural implements, and sewing machines, are natives of 0.; came to Missouri Valley, la., in 1872, and engaged in their present business. W. M. Chenoweth, manufacturer of cigars, is a native of Pa.; came to Missouri Valley in 1879, and engaged in his present busi- ness. He employs five men in the busy season. J. C. Caley, dealer in boots and shoes, was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He enlisted in Co. I, 29th 0. Vol., served one year, and in the spring of 1863 Avent to Montana; returned to Ohio in 1864, and two years later came to Missouri Valley, and built the first building in the town, excepting a few R. R. buildings. He is the pioneer boot and shoe dealer of the city. Wm. Conner, engineer for the S. C. & P. transfer company, was born in Va. in 1842; moved to 111. in 1849, and in 1859 engaged in steamboating on the Mississippi river. In 1806 he w^ent to Quincy, 111., and took charge of the machine shops for two years; then came to Missouri Valley and was employed in his present posi- tion. He has been absent one year since coming to this city, traveling on the Pacific coast. Maj. J. F. Cheney, senior proprietor of the Merchants and Depot Hotels at Sioux City, la., also of a Hotel at Blair, Neb., and the Union Hotel at Missouri Valley, was born in Grafton county, N. H. In 1861 he enlisted in the 1st 111. Light Art. as a private, was soon promoted to first lieutenant, then to captain, then to major and when discharged at the close of the war was lieutenant colonel. He then opened the Nachusa house at Dixon, 111., also a summer resort at Spring Lake, Mich., called the Spring Lake house. He HISTORY OF IOWA. 325 moved to Sioux City and opened the Merchants Hotel, iu 1880, and his other hotel soon after. Major C. is one of the oldest hotel men in the country, and all of his hotels will be found to be first class. G. W. Coit, M. D., was born in N. J., in 1837; was assistant surgeon durinoj the latter part of the war of the rebellion. He graduated from the Bellevue Hospital, M. Y. in March 1866, and came to Harrison county in Nov. of the same year, and located at St. Johns; the following February, removed to Missouri Valley. He has been government examining surgeon for Western Iowa ten years. J. H. Crowder, postmaster, also dealer in books, jewelry and fan- cy goods, is a native of Ind.; removed to Harrison county in 1866. He enlisted in the war of the rebellion, in the 18th la. Reg.; was a member of the band. He was appointed postmaster in 1871. which office he has since held. N. S. Dahl, jeweler, is a native of Denmark; came to America in 1873, and settled in Chicago. He engaged in the jewelry busi- ness in various parts of the west, until 1879, when he located in Missouri Valley and opened his present business. F. L. Davis, insurance agent, was born in Western N. Y. He enlisted in 1861 in Co. E, 5th N. Y. Cav., was discharged in 1862 and returned to N. Y., and soon after was appointed deputy sheriff of Cattaraugus county. He came to Iowa in 1870 and located at River Sioux; in 1872 moved to Missouri Valley and engaged in the livery business; was also deputy sheriff for several years. In 1878 he engaged in his present business. C. H. Davis, w^as born in Penobscot county, Me., in 1839; moved to Mass. in 1852 and Avent to sea as a cabin boy. At the breaking out of the war in 1861 he enlisted in the navy in Com. Farragut's fleet; was transferred to Com. Dahlgren's fleet in 1864. He left the navy at the close of the war and in 1866 moved to Council Bluffs, la., and was engaged as engineer on the Missouri river, un- til coming to Missouri Valley; is here employed by the S. C. & P. R. R. company. F. M. Dance, attorney at law, was born in Wis. in 1838; moved to Missouri Valley, la., in 1868 and engaged in general law and real estate business. He graduated from the law department of the Ann Arbor University, in 1867. C. H. Deur, lumber dealer, was born in N. Y.; moved with his parents in 1860 to Pottawattamie county, la.; thence to Missouri Valley in 1877 and engaged in his present business. He has al- ways a good supply of hard and soft coal, builders' supplies, lime, hair, cement, etc. M. S. Frick, of the firm of Frick & Snyder, dealers in general merchandise, is a native of Pa.; moved to la. in 1865 and to Harri- 326 HISTORY OF IOWA. son county in 1868, was engaged in contracting and building, then dealing in furniture, previous to engaging in his present business in the spring of 1881. Geo. S. Green, of the firm of G. iS. Green & Co., proprietors of the Commercial House, is a native of N. Y.; moved to Vinton, la. in 1860; thence to Missouri Valley in 1875 and was engaged in vari- ous business houses, also in thepostoffice, until Nov.. 1881, when he purchased the hotel and engaged in his present business. L. Harker, dealer in stock, is one of the pioneers of Harrison county, la., came to this county in 1867 and located at St. Johns, and engaged in the grocery business. He moved to Missouri Val- ley the same year and continued the grocery business; is now bu}^- ing and selling stock. J, J. Hancock, tobacco dealer, was born in England in 1830; came to America in 1851, and located at London, Canada; removed to Buffalo, N. Y., in 1853, and engaged in the boot and shoe busi- ness. He removed to Dubuque^ la., in 1858; thence to Sioux Falls, Dak., in 1871, where he resumed the boot and shoe business. In 1878 he was in the employ of the American Express Company. In 1879 he located in Missouri Valley. Hon. D.M. Harris, senior member of the firm of Harris & Son, editors and proprietors of the Missouri Valley Times, was born in Dayton, Montgomery county, 0._, in 1821, and moved with parents to Ind. in 1821; thence to Maury county, Tenn, In 1851, became to Audubon county, la., and engaged in farming and the real estate business, and there served three terms as county judge. He represented the 26tli Iowa district during two sessions of the leg- islature. He next removed to Panora, Guthrie county, and en- gaged in the practice of law, also editing and publishing the Guthrie County Ledger. In 1868 he first came to Missouri Valley and established the Harrisonian, which he sold in 1872, the name of the paper being changed to the Missouri Valley Times. In the the same year he moved to Independence, Kas., and published the Kansas Democrat, returned to Missouri Valley in 1873, engaging in the mercantile business. His establishment was shortly after- wards destroyed by fire, and he located at Exira, which town he had previously '"laid out,'' and began the publication of the Audubon County Defender. Soon afterwards he published the Cap-Sheaf, at Atlantic, Cass county, which he conducted until 1876, when he resumed the publication of the Times at Missouri Valley. He was married in 1842 to Martha M. White, of Tenn.; has six sons and four daughters. Mr. Harris was the democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of la., in 1866, and was twice a candidate for county representative from Harrison county. He has held a number of minor offices. Itobert H. Harris is a son of Judge Harris, and junior member of the firm. He was born in Tenn., in 1851, and in 1874 was married to Frances Chapman, of Exira, la. Thev have two sons. HISTORY OF IOWA. 327 E. F. James, dealer in agricultural implements, pumps, wind- mills, etc.. is a native of Pa., lived daring youth in 111.; moved to Missouri Valley, la., in 1868. He engaged in railroading, until 1873, when he engaged in his present business; is also proprietor of the James line o£ drays and express wagons. J. B. Lucas, attorney at law. was born in Lucas county, la., in 1858; removed to Missouri Valley in 1875. He was admitted to the bar in Harrison county, and established office in Oct., 1881. F. L. Mandevill, druggist, was born near Rochester, N. Y., in 1835; moved to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1812; thence to Missouri Valley in 1871 and engaged in his present business; carries a com- plete stock in the drug line. Hon. G. H. McGavren, M. D., is a native of Pa.; came to Har- rison county in 1851 and first located at St. Johns; removed to Missouri Valley in 18G8. He was elected to the legislature in 1870, and is engaged in the practice of medicine with his son, Charles, who is a graduate of the Rush Medical College, at Chicago, III. S. H. Morgan, of the firm of Morgan & Berry, grocers, was born in Ind.; moved to Lucas county, Iowa, in 1859. He enlisted in 1861, in Co. C, 13th la. Vol.; served until Sept., 1862; then returned to Lucas county and engaged in farming; removed to Harrison county in 18G1 and settled in St. Johns and engaged in the drug business; removed to Missouri in 1868, and came back to Harrison couaty in 1877 and located at Missouri Valley and engaged in his present business. Hans Newman was born in Sweden; came to America in 1870 and was in the employ of the S. C. & P. Ry., at Sioux City, until 1870 when he was appointed passenger conductor on the Nebraska division. W. H. Ramseyer, superintendent of the car shops at Missouri Valley, was born in N. Y. : moved to Neb. in 1867 and engaged in the furniture business, and in 1869 came to this city and was em- ployed b}^ the S. C. & P. R. R. company as pattern maker. He was appointed superintendent in 1871. A. H. Rockwell, contractor and builder, was born in Otsego county, N. Y.; moved to Missouri Valley. la., in May 1873. He has built most of the brick blocks and fine residences in the place. L. Shaubel, foreman of the S. C. & P. R. R. company's paint shop, at Missouri Valley, was born in Pa.; moved to Chicago, 111., in 1854 with parents, and was employed in the C. & N. W. R. R. paint shops, until, coming to this city in 1877 and accepting his present position. S. B. Shields, dealer in general merchandise, was born in N. J. He came west in 1870, settled in Missouri Valley in 1872, and engaged in his present business. 32S HISTORY OF IOWA. S. B. Smith, proprietor o£ the City barber shop, is a native of Ark.; removed to Polk count}', la., in 1862 and to Harrison county in 1881, and established his present business at Missouri Valley. A. L. Tamisiea. harness maker and dealer, was born in Dubuque, la., in 1855; removed with parents in 1S5G to Harrison county, la. He came to Missouri Valley in 1875, and engaged in the confec- tionery business. He engaged in his present business in 1879. J. D. Tamisiea, dealer in groceries and provisions, is a native of N. Y.; moved to Dubuque, la., in 1853; thence to Harrison county in 1856; moved to Missouri Valley in 1877, and engaged in his present business. S. A. Teal, manager of the railroad machine shops, at Missouri Valley, la., was born in Albany county, N. Y., in 1831. He was for a time engaged in the iron business at Zanesville, 0.; moved to Chicago in 1853 and was employed as engineer for the C, B. & Q. R. R.; remained there four years; then came to Cass county, la.; thence to Council Bluffs, in 1861, and was engaged as manager of the iron works at that place; thence to this city in 1876 and en- gaged as manager of machine shops. C. Williams, of the firm of Williams & Blenkiron, proprietors of meat market, was born in England in 1855; came to America in 1861 and settled with his parents in Cherokee, la.; removed to Missouri Valley in 1876 and engaged in his present business. Horace N. AVarren, dentist, was born in Council Bluffs, la., Aug. 24th, 1858; he studied dentistry with Dr. H. N. Urnuy. He located permanently in Missouri Valley in 1880; makes profes- sional visits to Logan every two months, and three times a year at Little Sioux and Magnolia. Although comparatively a newcomer, he has by his careful and skillful practice, established a very lucra- tive business. LOGAN. B. C. Adams, of the firm of Adams Bros., stock raisers and deal- ers, (farms in Jeff'erson township, three miles north of Logan), was born in Asthabula county, 0.; moved to 111.; thence to Wis., and in 1854 came to Harrison county, la. He was in the government service during the late Avar, as deputy provost marshal and enroll- ing officer. Was married in Denison, la., in 1858, to Almira P. Carrico, and has five children — three sons and two daughters. John W. Barnhart, attorney at law, was born in Northumber- land county. Pa.. Nov. 30th, 1837; moved to Mich, in 1849. He graduated from Michigan University, at Ann Arbor, in 1864; read law wath H. T. Severns, and was admitted to the bar in 1865; came to Iowa and located at Boonsboro, Boone county, and opened an office. He was mayor of that place three terms. lu Feb., 1878, IIISTUKY OF IOWA. 329 he removed to Logaji; has beeu mayor of tliis city one term. He was married in Mich, to Susan M. Hicks, of Saratoga, N. Y.. July 1 1th, 1 865. They have four children — two sons and two daughters, John A. Berry, attorney at law, was born in Md. He was a stu- dent of the Agricultural College in the senior class of '71; came west in 1874, and after spending some time in Montana, located at Logan, He engaged in teaching school and in various pursuits, until 1880, Avhen he was admitted to the bar, and engaged in the practice of the law. Hie office is known as the Harri«;on County Collection Agency, He married Martha Burnett, of Mount Ver- non, la,, Nov. 7th, 1880, and has one child, a daughter. Hon. L. R. Bolter represents Harrison county in the state leg- islature. He was born in 0. in 1835; moved to Logan in 1863, and engaged in the practice of the law. He was elected to the legislature in 1865, '73, '75 and '81 on the democratic ticket. He was temporary speaker of the house in 1874. In 1855 he married Caroline J. Rhinehart, of Cass county, Mich. Thev have two sons and one daughter. T. J. Buchanan, furniture dealer and undertaker, was born in Boone county. 111., March 10th, 1856; removed to Rockford : thence to Harrison county, la., and engaged in farming three years in Union township. In Feb., 1881, he bought his present i)usiness of Rudd & Soper, and carries an elegant stock of goods. He mar- ried Alice A. I3rownell, at Rockford, 111., April 14th, 1876, and has one child, a daughter. S. A. Broadwell,land and loan office, was born in Cincinnati March 21st, 1848, In 1862, he joined the 34th 0. Zouaves; was afterwards courier and messenger, a id in 1864 returned to Cincin- nati, He was employed by Tyler, Davidson & Co. until 1866, when he was appointed sutler of Jellterson Barracks, Mo., where he re- mained two years; then went to New Orleans, and ran a trading boat for about a year, and then engaged in the wholesale boot and shoe business in Nev,' Orleans. He then removed to Mobile, Ala., and engaged in the same business, and through sickness was obliged to discontinue and travel for a time. He next engaged in the land and loan brsiness in Champaign, 111., remaining there five years; removed thence to Logan, and opened his present office. He is a very popular man, and does an extensive business, owning and controlling four thousand acres and more of well improved lands, besides a large amount of stock. He is one of the leading members of the Masonic order in la., being Grand Warden of the Grand Commandery of the State of Iowa. Hon, Phineas'Cadwell, president of the Cadwell bank, was born in Madison county, N, Y.. April 17th, 1824; moved to Racine, Wis,, and engaged in farming; thence to Harrison county, la., in Aug., 1854; engaged in farming, until 1875, when he Cbtablished 330 • HISTOKY OF IOWA. his present business. He also deals in real estate, loans, and insu- rance. He was elected to the legislature in 1871, on the republi- can ticket. He has been president of the county agricultural society twenty years, and on the state agricultural b'.^ard as one of its directors eighteen years, and served four years as trustee of the state agricultural college at Ames, la. He married Harriet N. Fisk, Oct. 7th, 1845, and has three sons and two daughters. E. P. Cad well, of the firm of King & Cadwell, attorneys at law, land, loan and insurance olhce, was born in Racine, Wis., Dec. 21st, 1854; moved with his parents to Independence, la. Eutered the Ames Agricultural College in 1871, graduated in 1875, was admitted to the bar in 1877, under Judge Bradley, of Marshall- towu, la., and soon after opened an office in Logan. In the fall of 1877 he formed a partnership with Mr. Barnhart, and in Nov., 1881, with Mr. King. He owns a fine stock farm in Jeffer- son township, of 840 acres, well fitted with buildings and im- provements, wdiere he keeps about 400 head of cattle, besides horses hogs, etc., and has 440 acres of pasture land in Monona county. He married Hannah P. Lyman, of Messapotamia, 0., in the autumn of 1877. They have one child, a daughter. S. H. Cochran, attorney at law, was born in Carmine, Ills., in 1852; in 1874 he graduated at the Iowa State Law School, and engaged in the practice of law at Missouri Valley; removed to Logan in the fall of 1881; attends exclusively to trial business. In 1880 he was engaged in the prosecution of the Western Millers' Association cases, involving the constitutionality of the "Iowa Fish Way Laws," in which a decree was obtained, holding them void, and he was also successful in obtaining a decree annulling section 3,058 of the code as unconstitutional. In 1880 he was appointed one of the committee of examiners of the law class at Iowa City; was the youngest lawyer on the committee. In 1877 he was married to Mary E. Shimmius, a native of Wis., although of English parentage. Oscar Coffey, of the firm of Coffey & George, proprietors of bakery, restaurant and grocery, was born in Pottawattamie county, la.; was engaged in farming until locating here in Aug., 1881, when he established present thriving business. A. W\ Clyde, of the firm of Smith & Clyde, attorneys at law, was born in Otsego county, N. Y.; moved to Mitchell county, la., in 1855, and was proprietor of the Mitchell County News, for five years. He then moved to Logan, and engaged in the practice of the law. He was married at Madison, Wis., in 1877, to Bessie Johnson, and has one child, a son. Logan Crawford, county surveyor, was born Jan. 13th, 1822, in Union, Conn.; moved to Mayville, Wis., in the spring of 1847, and was employed on the Fond du Lac & Watertown R. R. He sur- I HISTORY OF IOWA. 331 veyed in 1851, and in the summer of 1852 was again em- ployed by tlie Railroad Company as surveyor, under J. S. Sewell, engineer. Mr. S. was transferred to the C. & N. W. 11. K. on the 111. division, and sent for Mr. C. to assist. In 1854 he settled in Harrison county, an:l bought land near Calhoun; has suffered large losses from prairie fire. He enlisted in lb61 in the 5th la. Infantry; enlisted as a private: was pro- moted in 1863 to lieutenant; was engaged in the battle of Pitts- burg Landing; was wounded at Corinth, Oct. Gth, 1863, and again at Atlanta, Ga.; was severely wounded by musket shot through the chest, and reported dead; was taken prisoner in that condition, and put in the hospital at Macon, Ga. ; was transferred to Charles- town, S. C, and exchanged in December in 1864. He was elected surveyor in 187J), on the republican ticket, and re-elected in 1881; has been justice of the peace of Calhoun township two terms. He married Ileleu M. Rising, at Maysville, Wis. They have four children living. Dr. P. R. Crosswait, of the firm of P. R. Crosswait & Co., deal- ers in dry goods, clothing, groceries and general merchandise, was born in Fulton county, 111., July 12th, 1853; removed to Cass county, la., in 185G, and engaged in school teaching until the be- ginning of the late war, when he enlisted in the 1st la. Cav.; served three years west of the Missouri river; was in the battle of Prairie Grove and the taking of Little Rock, Ark. In Sept., 1864, he was mustered out of the service, and went to Rush Medical College, Chicago, and in 1865 settled in Harrison county, where he practiced twelve years; then went to Miami College, at Cincinnati, and graduated in the spring of 1877; then returned to this county and practiced two years in Logan, when he engaged in his present business. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. lodge and encamp- ment, also of the A. 0. U. W. lodge. He married Mary Murphy, of Magnolia, la. William Elliott, farmer, La Grange township, owns 305 acres of land all fenced and a Avell improved stock farm. He was born in Durham, Eng. ; came to America in 1846 and located in Pa.; re- moved to la. in 1862 and located on his present farm and has a fine herd of cattle. He married Anna Phillips, in Pa., in 1853. They have seven children. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. John V. Evans, attorney at law, was born in Genesee county, N, Y., Jan. 8th, 1847; removed to Clinton county, la., in i863; studied law with Geo. B. Young of De Witt, and was admitted to the bar in Clinton, Dec. 7th, 1870. He removed to Magnolia, Harri- son county; thence to Logan at the time it became the county seat. He was county attorrey two years and mayor of Logan the first two terms; is a member of the 1. 0. 0. F. lodge and encamp- ment and a blue lodge mason. He married Clara M. King, June 16th, 1875. They have one child, a son. 332 HISTORY OF IOWA. Wm. Giddings, P. M. and druggist, also dealer in stationery, toys, etc., was born in McHenry county, 111., Aug. 26tli, 1845; re- moved to Council Bluffs in 1868 and Avas with DeHaven & Giddings, druggists. In 1869, came to Magnolia, Harrison county, and in 1872 came to Logan and engaged in his present business. In June, 1875, was appointed postmaster of Logan. He married Helen N. Nelson in Beloit, Wis. They have one child, a sou. W. B. Goodenough, shoemaker, was born in Lewis county, N. Y., May 17th, 1862; moved with parents in Nov., 1867, to Logan, la., and is engaged in the above business, with his father M. H. Goodenough, who was born in Lewis County, N. Y., and was en- gaged in shoe making, until he came to Logan, wiiere he resumed same business. He served from 1863 to the close of the war, in 20th N. Y. Cav. He married Aug. 17th, 1856, to Emeliue Dodge. They have three sons and two daughters. A. K. Grow, county recorder, was born in Courtlandt county, N. Y., in 1862; removed to Washington county, Neb., in 1857; thence to Harrison county, la., in Nov., 1858, and settled in Boyer township and engaged in milling for three years; then built a mill which he ran until 1875, and sold to John & Wilson Williams. Was elected to his present office in 1876 on republican ticket. He mar- ried Eliza J. Baskin, a native of Pa. They have one son and six daughters. G. W. Guilford, proprietor of meat market, was born in Orleans county, Vt., 1843; moved to Tama county, la., in 1860. He en- listed in 1861 in the 10th la. Vol. Inft., and served four years and two months; was in twenty-seven engagements; was wounded at the battle of Champion Hill, Miss.; was at the seige of Corinth and New Madrid, at the battle of Missouri Ridge and w^ounded twice. Was with Sherman in the march to the sea; discharged in 1865. Came to Harrison county in 1867; resided in Dunlap thirteen years; while there, was a member of the city council four years. Has lived in Logan two years; is now a member of the city council of that place. He married Mrs. Campbell, of Harlan, la. They have two sons and three daughters. He is a member of the G. A. R. post at this place. A. L. Harvey, of the firm of Harvey & Ford, proprietors of the Harrison County Bank, was born in Madison county, N. Y., in July, 1826; removed to Rockland county in 1853; thence to Jas- per county, la., in 1856, and the following year located at Mag- nolia, Harrison county. In 1860 he was elected county treasurer and recorder, the two offices being consolidated; was re-elected in 1862. He opened a land and loan office in 1864, and when Logan became the county seat removed there; in 1876 established the bank with J. C. Milliman, Avho sold his share in 1878 to Mr. Ford. Mr. H. was the first land agent and first notary public in HISTORY OF IOWA. 333 the county, lias sold about 25,000 acres of land during the last year (1881), owns a tine farm of 436 acres, four and one-half miles from Woodbine, besides about 200 acres in other parts of the county. Has been internal revenue assessor three years. Is a member of the A. F. and A. M. lodge, also of the I. 0. 0. F. D. M. Hardy, deputy treasurer, was born in Glenwood, la., in 18,")!; removed with his parents to Harrison county, is son of Judge Hardy, one of the oldest settlers of this county and the first county judge. He is an extensive farmer, and one of the pro- prietors of Willow mill, the oldest mill in the county. Mr. Hardy is a member of the A. 0. U. W. lodge, also of the 1. 0. 0. F. He married Miss Severins, of Wis., in 1872. They have two sons and two daughters. C. L. Hyde, clerk of the courts, was born in Otsego county, N. Y., in 1813; came to la. in 1886, and first located at Little Sioux, Harrison county; has been a resident of the county ever since. He was elected to his present office in 1876 on the republican ticket. He enlisted in 1862 in the 20th Wis. Inft.; was discharged after seven months, and then joined the 41st Wis. Inft. He married Mary Russell, and has three sons. G. T. Kelley, attorney at law, was born in Johnson county. 111., in 1846; moved to Mills county, la., in 1854, and to Harrison coun- ty in 1867. He graduated and Avas admitted to the bar at the Iowa State University, June 10th, 1876, and soon after opened a lawoflice at Logan. He married Maria Allen, in Harrison coun- ty, in 1870, and has two children, a son and daughter. Fred Kimpel, jeweler and barber, was born Mar. 16th, 1847, in Bavaria, Ger.; came to America in Sept., 1864; learned the barber trade in N. Y. In 1866 he removed to Scranton, Pa., and engaged in the barber busiuess; removed to Dunlap, la., in 1869; thence in 1876, to Logan, and engaged in his present business; owns con- siderable real estate in this city. He is a member of the A. 0. U. W., I. 0. 0. F., and A. F. & A. M. lodges. He married Mary Fisher, in Scranton, Pa. They have one son and three daughters, S. I. King, of the firm of King & Cadwell, attorneys at law, was born Sept. 8th, 1848, in Saratoga county, N. Y.; came to Harrison county with his jmrents in 1852 and located at Six Mile Grove. He is the son of Judge S. King,who was one of the first settlers of this county and one of the commissioners who located the county seat at Magnolia, in 1854. Mr. King removed to Boyer Valley, and was engaged in teaching most of the time, from the age of fifteen until 1867, when he attended the State University, of Iowa City. He left in graduating year on account of serious illness. Again engaged iu teaching school; in 1870 taught the high school of Maguolia. Then traveled for the wholesale dry goods house of Smith & Crittenden, Council Bluffs. He attended the Law School 334 HISTORY OF IOWA. at Des Moines in 1875, graduated and was admitted to the bar in 1876, and opened an office in Logan; at the end o£ two months he removed to Magnolia and opened an office there; came back to Logan in 1879 and formed a partnership with E. P. Cadwell in Nov., 1881. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and A. 0. U. W. lodges. He is also chairman of the republican central committee. He was married in 1871 to Abbie M. Mark, of Fredonia, N. Y. Hon. Thomas M. C. Logan, senator elect of 31th district, was born in Rush county, Ind., Feb. 13th, 1830; moved to Richland county. 111., in April 1857; thence to Cedar Rapids, Linn county; and from there to Harrison county. He has been engaged most of his life in farming and dealing in stock. He resides on his fine farm adjoining Logan. He was married Feb. 17th, 1851, to Char- lotte Snodgrass, in La Porte, Ind., who died in Jan. 1867, leaving a son and daughter. He afterwards married at Cedar Rapids, Har- riet Herbert. They have four sons and three daughters. A. Longman, Jr., proprietor of the Logan Flouring Mills, was born in Derby, Eng., in 1848; came to America with his parents in 1851 and located in Holt county, Mo.; removed to Harris Grove, Harrison county, la., in 1852. The subject of this sketch grad- uated from Oskaloosa CMlege in 1874. The mill was built in the winter of 1855-6 by Henry Reel, who sold it to Mr. McCoid, of whom Mr. L. purchased it in Sept., 1880, and has established an extensive business. He was married in Wis., to Miss Whitcomb, in 1877, who died leaving one child, a daughter. James A. Lusk, proprietor of the Lusk House and livery and feed stable, established business in 1860. He was born in Morris county, N. Y., in 1824; removed to Mills county, la., in 1855; thence to Harrison county in 1863; was engaged in farming until he engaged in the hotel business. He married Minerva Roberts (deceased) in 1846, and afterwards Lydia B. Kelsey. They have four sons and one daughter. Horace C. McCleary, M. D., was born in Warren county, la., in July 1859; received his education at the Simpson Centenary Col- lege, at Indianola, la., studied medicine in the medi al department of the State University, at low^a City, and graduated in 1881 from Rush Medical College, Chicago. He located in Logan. July 20th, 1881, succeeding Dr. Giddings. Although a new-comer he is al- ready in the possession of a lucrative and increasing practice. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. Lodge. Allen Middlelon, deputy sheriff, was born in Washington coun- ty, la., in 1855; came to Harrison county in 1867. Wiley Middleton, sheriff, was born in 0.; removed to Washing- ton county, la.; thence to Harrison county in 1867. He was elected to his present office in 1879. He married Julia A. Lock- ling, and has three sons and one daughter. I HISTORY OK IOWA. 335 Wm. Palmer, farmer, was born in London, Ontario, Canada, in Oct., 1833; came to Whiteside county. 111., with his parents in 1851, where he remained two years; then removed to Walworth county, Wis., where he remained seven years; then came to Har- rison county. He has been married three times; his present wife was Sarah Streeter; were married in 1880. He has three sons and three daughters. J. W. Reed, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Va. in 1817; moved to Harrison county, la., in 1868, and engaged in pres- ent business with P. J. Kudiseli in 1875; became sole proprietor in 1877. He has been a member of the town council several years. During the war of the rebellion he served in the 43rd West Va. Bat., Mosby's command. He was married in 1874 to Miss Low, of Atchinson county. Mo., Avho died in 1876, leaving one child, a daughter. He was again married in 1878 to Miss Williams, of Boone county, la. They have two children, daughters. H. H. Roadifer, of the firm of Evans & Roadifer, attorneys at law, was admitted to the bar in La Salle county. 111., June 4th, 1875, before the supreme court. He came to Logan in 1878, and engaged in the practice of law with Mr. Evans; has been Mayor of this city one term. J. W. Rudd, farmer in Union tp., was born in 1838, in Va.; moved to Harrison county in 1870 with his father, Wm. T. Rudd, and located at Logan, where they engaged in furniture and undertaking business, which they continued eleven years; then sold to T. J. Buchanan. He was city councilman three years, and is a member of the A. 0. U. W.,I. 0. 0. F., and A. F. & A.M. lodges. He married Sarah C. Sprinkel, of Amsterdam, Va., and has two sonsr, and two daughters. (xeo. B. Seekel. dealer in lumber, grain and agricultural imple- ments, was born in Taunton, Mass., in Sept., 1823; the most of his younger days were spent in Providence, K. I. In 1856 he moved to Madison, Wis., and engaged in the grain business; went south in 1864 and remained two years, after which he engaged in the lumber trade in Chicago; after two years he went to St. Paul, Minn., having the management and general agency of the Singer sewing machine. In 1871 removed to Logan and engaged in his present business; has been a member of the city council, and president of the school board several years. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and A. F. & A. M. lodges. He was married in Dec, 1847, to Martha M. Williams, of N. Y., and has one daughter. Geo. Soper, dealer in hardware, was born in Rome, N. Y., July 14th, 1853; moved with parents to Clinton, la., in 1857, and came to Logan in July, 1878, and engaged in present business. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. lodge. He was married Aug. 26th, 1878, to Lena Dodson, of Stanwood. la. They have one child, a son. 336 HISTORY OF IOWA. Hon. Joseph H. Smith, of the firm of Smith & Clyde, attorneys at law, was born in Beaver Cv^unty, Pa.;moved to Harrison county, la. in 1857, and engaged in the practice of law; formed a partner- ship with A. W. Clyde in 1879. He enlisted in 1862 in Co. C. 29th la. Inft.; was second lieutenant. He was elected a member of the legislature one term. He married Julia A. Warrick, a native of Pa., and has five sons and one daughter. Daniel Stewart, wagon maker, was born in Little Falls, Herki- mer county, N. Y., Oct. 31st, 1833; moved to Logan in 1872 and engaged in his present business. He served diiriug the rebellion in tne 121st IS. Y. Vol.; was in a number of important battles; was wounded Oct. 19th, 1861, and in hospital at Balti- more; was discharged May. 16th, 1865. He is a member of the A. 0. U. VV. and G. A. R. orders. He married Margaret M. Clarke, of Herkimer county, N. Y., in July, 1861, and has one child a son. John W. Stocker, grocer and dealer in corn and stock, was born in C.iled, with Schee & Achorn, was born in 111.. Oct. 13th, 1850; moved with parents to Butler county, la., in 1859. He attended the college at Mt. Vernon from 1871 to 1876. Came to Primghar in 1880, and was employed in the Primghar Exchange Bank, where he still remains . 372 HISTORY OF IOWA. HARTLEY. A. B. Chrysler, of the firm of Pumphrey & Chrysler, dealers in general merchandise, was born in Canada in 1818; removed to Jackson county, Iowa, in 1865; thence to O'Brien county in 1870, and engaged in farming in Liberty towns"hip. He came to Hartley in 1880, and engaged in business as above. He was married in 1875, and has three children. Allen Crossan, of the firm of Crossan & Gano, hardware dealers, was born in Scotland in Jan., 1848; came to America with his pa- rents in 1852, and settled in Ohio; moved to Hardin county, Iowa, in 1805, and in 1870, settled on a homestead in O'Brien county. He graduated from the Normal School at Albion, la., in 1877, and in 1880 engaged in his present business. W. S. Fuller, of the firm of Shonkwiler & Co., dealers in lumber and stock, was born in 111. in 1814; moved with his parents to Wis. in 184(); thence back to 111. in 1857. where he remained until 1867; then removed to Grundy county, la., and in 1871 came to O'Brien county, settling on a homestead. He moved to Hartley in 1879, and engaged in merchandising until entering the above firm. He was married in 1869 to Nancy Wilson, and has two children. H. E. Finster, proprietor of the City Hotel, was born in Chicago, 111., in 1848; removed to Mich, with his parents in 1854; remained there until 1864, and after traveling for some time, located at In- dependence, la., and engaged in marble cutting. He came to Hartley in 18S0, and engaged in business as above. He was mar- ried in 1870, and has three children. David M. Gano, of the firm of Crossan & Gano, was born in Ohio in 1840; removed with his parents to Ind. in 1846; thence to Wis. the following year. In 1870, he came to O'Brien county and set- tled on a homestead, and engaged in farming until 1880, Avhen he moved to Hartley and built the second house in the town. He was married in 1865, to S. Chamberlain, and has two sons and five daughters. H. E. Hoagland, lumber dealer, was born in Mich, in 1844; re- moved to O'Brien county, la., in 1870, and settled on a homestead in Liberty township. In 1878 he came to Hartley, and engaged in the lumber business with 0. M. Shonkwiler. He was married in 1864, and has two children. D. F. Johnston, contractor, was born in New Brunswick, in 1832; removed with his parents to Canada, and in 1855 came to Delaware county, la. He moved to Buena Vista county in 1873; thence to Hartley in the summer of 1881, and is in the employ of the railroad company. He was married in March, 1856, to Hep- zebah Joyce. They have seven children. F. E. Matott, proprietor of billiard hall, was born in Yt., in 1848, and the following year his parents moved to Ind., where he HISTORY OF lOAVA. 373 resided until 1871; then came to O'Brien county, and engaged in farming in Center township. He came to Hartley in 1881, and en- gaged in business as above. He married Emma L. Kiefer, in 1870. They have one daughter. J. K. McAndrew, proprietor of Our House, was born in Mil- Avaukee, Wis., in 1850; removed to Clayton county, Ta., with pa- rents, where he remained until 1870, when he came to O'Brien and settled on a homestead in Grant township. In 1879, he moved to Hartley, and engaged in the stock and grain business, and ship- ped the first car-load from the town. He married Mary E. Biggs, in 1875, and has one child, a daughter. 0. M. Shonkwiler, lumber and stock dealer, was born in 111. Dec. 31st, 1853; moved to O'Brien county, in May. 1870, and en- gaged in farming in Center township. He moved to Hartley in 1881, and engaged in the lumber business with Messrs. Hoagland & Fuller. He married Delia Griffith, in Oct., 1877, and has two children. E. A. Thomas, principal of the Hartley schools, was born in .Jo Daviess county. 111.; moved with parents to Mt. Carroll, in 1866, where he remained until 1875. He came to Hartley in Oct., 1881, and engaged in teaching. E. D. Williams, butcher, was born in Wales in 1831; came to America in 1850 and located in Mich.; two years later moved to Wis.; thence to Hartley, la., in 1880, and engaged in his present business. He was married in 1857, and has nine children. SANBORN. E. F. Bacon, of the firm of Bacon & Son, dealers in general mer- chandise, w^as born in Wis.; removed with his parents in 1864 to Waverly, la., and came to Sanborn in 1880 and established busi- ness as above, Wm. W. Barnes, proprietor of the Sanborn House, came to la. in 1869, and engaged in farming in Grant township, O'Brien coun- ty; removed to Primghar in 1876, and engaged in the hotel busi- ness; thence to Sanborn in 1878 and opened his present hotel. E. M. Brady, the pioneer hardware merchant of Sanborn, is a native of Ohio; came to Iowa in 1874, and engaged in the mercan- tile business; removed to Sanborn in 1879 and established his pres- ent business. Cal. Broadstreet, of the firm of Broadstreet & Boies, attorneys at law, was born in Ulster county, N. Y., in 1851; removed to Bu- chanan county, la., in 1857. He graduated from the Iowa State University in 1878. He began the practice of law in Sanborn in Oct., 1879. W. B. Boies, of the above law firm, was born in 371 HISTORY OF IOWA. Boone county, 111., in 1873. He graduated from the Iowa Law School in 1880, located in Sanborn in Dec, 1881, and began the practice of his profession. A. W. Creed, dealer in flour and feed, came from Ohio to Iowa in 1869, and engaged in the mercantile business; thence to San- born in 1880, and engaged in the hotel business; sold out in the fall of 1881, and engaged in his present business. Harley Day, attorney at law, was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., Mar. 27th, 1841. He served in the 106th Reg. N. Y. Vol., as lieutenant of Co. K, for three years. Part of that time was spent in rebel prisons. After the war he came to Iowa and located in Butler county; removed to Buchanan county; thence to O'Brien county in 1871, and settled on a homestead. He was admitted to the bar in that county in 1876, and engaged in the law and land business at Primghar. In 1880 he removed to Sanborn. He mar- ried Margaret Braden, in 1867. They have one child. I. W. Dagett, banker, was born in Franklin county, Maine, in 1851; removed to Franklin county, la., in 1865, and engaged in teaching school; thence to Primghar in 1875, and engaged in the practice of law, and in 1877 entered the banking and real estate business, and removed to Sanborn in 1879, and engaged as above. Robert Elliott, merchant tailor, Sanborn, Iowa. C. J. Everhard, dealer in furniture, was born in 0.; removed to Sanborxi in June, 1881, and engaged in his present business. He is the inventor of the patent barrel painting machine, which is now extensively used by the Standard Oil company. n Richard Finlay, M. D., is a native of Canada; moved to Cincin- nati, 0., in 1863; graduated from the Ohio Medical College in the class of \80. He came to Sanborn in July, 1881, and began t.ie practice of medicine. fi^VV. C. Green, Sheriff of O'Brien county, was born in Jackson county, Ind., in 1812; removed to Carroll county. 111., in 1849; thence to Whiteside county, and engaged in the dry goods busi- ness. He moved to O'Brien county in 18G9, and engaged in the mercantile business in the town of O'Brien. He platted the town of Primghar, in 1872, and moved there in 1873, and in 1879 re- moved to Sanborn. J. L. Green, of the firm of Harkner & Green, bankers^ was born in 0.; moved to Wis. in 1847. In 1865 he moved to Marshall county, la., and engaged in the mercantile business. He established the Maple Valley Bank in 1878, and m 1880 came to Sanborn. J. Grant, proprietor of the City restaurant, is a native of Scot- land; came to America in 1879, and located in Sanborn Oct. 1st, 1881. mSTOKY OF IOWA. 375 L. C. Green, of the firm of Green & Patch, ])roprietors of the livery barn, was born in 111. in 1850: came to O'Brien county, la., in 1800, and engaged in the mercantile bnsiness with his brother, W, 0. Green. He moved to Primghar; thence to Ponca, Neb., where he engaged in the livery business. He came to Sanborn in 1878, and engaged as above. W. H. Gunsul, farmer and dealer in blooded horses, was born in New York, lived a number of years in 111., and came to Sanborn in 1881. W. J. Hovey, attorney at law, was born in Boston, Mass., in 1857; removed with parents to Buchanan county, la., in 1865. He removed to Sanborn in 1881, and began the practice of law. Frank D. Jenkins, proprietor of the Jenkins House, located in Sanborn in 1880. The Hotel is opposite the depot, is convenient for the traveling public, and they will receive first-class entertain- ment. W. T. Jones, the pioneer merchant of Sanborn, was born in Missouri in 1853; moved to Allamakee county, la., in 1855, and engaged in farming. In 1879 he removed to this place. J. Limback, proprietor of the Key City restaurant, w^as born in N. Y.; came to Sanborn ia Dec, 1881. Charles H. Perry, druggist, was born in N. Y. in 1857; removed to Bremer county, la., with his parents in 1858, and to Sanborn in 1880, and engaged in his present business. He is about to remove his stock to his large new building, next to the Pioneer office. J. R. Pumphrey, dealer in general merchandise, and one of the proprietors of the Sanborn Tribune, w^as born in Ohio in 1815. He enlisted in the 1st W. Va, L. Artillery; w^as cjuarter master's sergeant. He served three years, and was taken prisoner at New Creek by Gen. Rosser, held five months at Libby prison, and ex-, changed at tr.e close of the war. He came to Sioux City in 1867, and was engaged in the county treasurer's and auditor's offices; removed to O'Brien county, and was elected county treasurer in 1871; also founded the O'Brien Pioneer, w^hich he published three years. In 1873 he removed to Primghar, and engaged in the bank- ing and mercantile business; thence to Sanborn in 1881, and en- gaged in his present business. His father located in Richmond, Va., in 18G0; was pajmiaster in the U. S. A. daring the late war, and was lost from a steamer between St. Louis and Island Num- ber Ten in 1861, while on his way south to pay Gen. (irant'sarmy at Vicksburg. P. H. Roden. restaurateur, was born in Germany in 1838: came to America in 18(31, aud enlisted in Co. B, 37th (). regiment, and served until 1803. He engaged in the cooper business in Apple- ton, Wis.; removed to Cherokee, la., in 1869, and engaged in farm- ing; thence to Sanborn in the spring of 1881. 376 HISTORY OF IOWA. J. P. Selig, proprietor of the Star restaurant, was bom in West Va. in 185G; moved to Iowa in 1871, and settled near Sheldon; re- moved to Sheldon in 1879, and established the City restaurant; came to Sanborn in 1881, and engaged in his present business. Charles Smith, M. D.. was born in Middlesex county, Mass. In 1861 he enlisted as bugler in Gen. Sickles' brigade, and served until 1863. After the war he located at Washington, D. C, and was employed in the treasury department as messenger to Secretary McCullough. He graduated from the National Medical College in 1876, and engaged in the practice of medicine in Washington, D. C; remained eighteen months, and then removed to Sanborn. G. D. Williams, manager for the Oshkosh lumber company at Sanborn; established in 1881: dealers in all kinds of builders' sup- plies and fencing material. The only first-class lumber yard in town. HISTORY OF IOWA. OSCEOLA COUNTY. Osceola County is in the northern tier, and second from the western boundary of the State, and contains 392 square miles, or 250,880 acres. It is watered and drained l)y the east fork of Ruck River, Ocheydan, Otter and sev^eral smaller creeks. These streams .meander through valleys of great fertility, producing luxuriant crops of excellent grass. The soil is generally a dark loam, with a slight mixture of clay on the table lands, and a small quantity of sand and vegetable mould in the valleys. Osceola is emphatically a prairie county, composed of a gently undulating surface, suffic- iently rolling to break the monotonous sameness of the level plain, with a rich inexhaustible soil, yielding an abundauce of crops. There is but little timber in the county, though it is sufficiently plenty for fuel. Stock raising here, as in adjoining counties, is an imporant and lucrative industry. Though one of the younger counties, it is fast taking rank with the larger and more populous ones in the northwest quarter of the State. The schools in the county are in a flourishing condition, every township and sub-dis- trict having a school house. There are at present forty-five frame school houses in the county, and during the year 1881, according to the report of the State Superintendent, -^11,300 were expended for school purposes, and according to the census taken during the same year by the secretaries of the various sub-districts, there were 746 children of school age, of whom 602 were enrolled as atten- dants upon the public schools. Schools, are in session, on an aver- age, six months in the vear. Capt. E. Huff was the first white man who settled in the county, coming in the fall of 1870, and locating on Otter Creek, in the southwestern part of the county. He did not remain over winter, but returned to his claim the following spring, 1871. He was accompanied by C. M. Brooks, D, L. McCausland, W. W. Webb, F. Stiles, M. J. Campbell and A. M. Culver, all of whom located claims. All the vacant lands were soon taken up, either by homesteading or pre-empting. The county was organized in 1871, having been previously attached to Woodbury County for revenue and judicial purposes, the latter connection being still maintained. The first election for county officers was held October 10th, at the house of A. M. Culver, when the following officers were elected: F. M. Robinson, Auditor; A. M. Culver, Treasurer; C. M. Brooks, Clerk of Courts, D. L. McCausland, Recorder; Frank Stiles, Sheriif; Delila Stiles. Superintendent of Schools; John Beaumont, Drainage Commissioner, and J. H. Winsherr, George Spaulding and H. R. Fenton, Board of Supervisors. 25 37S HISTORY OF IOWA. The present officers are: R. S. Hall, Treasurer; W. M. Moore, Auditor; H. N. Moore, Deputy Auditor; Alice C. Hill, Recorder; J. S. Davissou, Clerk of Courts; H. N. Moore, Deputy Clerk of Courts; J. R. Elliott, County Superintendent; J. B. Lent, Sheriff; M. J. Campbell, Surveyor; W. H. Burkhuft\ Coroner; G. S. Down- end, Robert Stamm, H. C. Allen, Wm. Mowthorpe. W. Boor, Board of Supervisors. The population of the county, as given by the census of 1880, was 2,219, but as there has been an uninterrupted tide of immi- gration to the county since, its present population is fully 3.000. The Sioux Cit}^ & St. Paul Railroad enters the coimty near the center of section 9, in township 100, range 41, about Sh miles west of the center of the north line of; the county, and takes a diagonal course across the county, leaving it near the center of the south line of section 33, township 98, range' ^2, about 9h miles west of the center of the south line of the county. The road-bed was graded through the county during the summer of 1871. The track was laid early in the summer of 3 872, being completed through to LeMars in July, 1872, at which time the trains commenced run- ning regularly. SIBLEY. Sibley, the most important as well as the oldest town in the county, was laid out and platted by the Sioux City & St. Paul Railroad Company in October, 1872, though several houses had been built on the town-site previous to its being platted, as early as 1871, the first belonging to F. M. Robinson, one of the pioneer settlers. The first business house was erected in the fall of 1871, by H. R. Rogers, who put in a stock of general merchandise. The toAvn was incorporated in 1876, and its first officers were: D. L. Riley, Mayor; C. E. Brown, H. S. Brown, H. S. Emmett, D. Cramer, G. S. Murphy, Trustees. The present city government is composed of D. L. Riley, Mayor; D. D. McCallura, Recorder; L. Shell, Treasurer; J. B. Lent, Assessor; W. P. Rhodes, Street Com- missioner; C. M. Richai'ds, Marshal; L. Shell, M. J. Campbell, H. C. Hungerford, E. Huff. N. Neill, H. S. Brown, Trustee^. The county seat was located at Sibley in 1872 by the following Commissioners appointed from adjoining counties, to-wit: Carson Rice, of Dickinson; C. W. Inman, oE O'Brien; and J. S. Howell, of Lyon. The principal streets run east and west, most of the busi- ness houses being located thereon. Sible3^'s business establish- ments, briefly classified, are as f( Hows: Drug and groceries, 2; general stores, 3; millinery, 2; harness, 2; agricultural implements, 3; blacksmith shops, 3; wagon shops, 1; lumberyards. 3; meat markets, 2; shoe shops, 1; hotels, 3; billiard hall, 1; printing offices, 2; banks,2; abstract and loan, 1; insurance, 6; barber shop, 1; grocery store, 1; hardware, 3; jewehy, 1; livery HISTORY OF IOWA. 379 stable, 1; butter, wood and hide depot, 1; restaurant, 1; stationer, 1; furniture, 1; grist mill, 1; photograph galleries, 2; book store, 1; elevators, 2; law firms, 3; physicians, 2; dentist, 1. The population of Sibley is now estimated at from 500 to GOO, including East Sibley. TheSiblcij Gazette, the first, and until 1883, the only newspaper published in the county, was estal)lislied by L. A. Barker, and the first paper was issued in July, 1872. In May, 1873, it passed into the hands of Riley & Brown, who continued it for about three months, when they disposed of it to Craig & Glover. In July, 1874, Mr. Craig retired, the firm becoming Glover & Hauxhurst, they continuing it until the fall of 1875, when W. B. lieed pur- chased the interest of Mr. 'Glover, and they published it until March, 1876; when Haitxhurst retired, and Ira C. Edward assumed the management of the papei. Later in the year, the paper got back into the hands of its former proprietors, Messrs. Reed & Glover, but the partnership continued only a few months. Reed retiring. Glover remained as proprietor nntil the fall of 1877, when he sold out to George Carew, who conducted it until Octo- ber, 1879, and then disposed of it to D. A. W. Perkins. Six months later, 0. M. Foster purchased a half-interest in it, and the following April, he became sole proprietor. During the same month, however, he disposed of it to George Carew, who has con- tinued its publication ever since. Notwithstanding the many changes in its proprietorship, usually so fatal to newspapers, it has been enlarged several times, and is now a seven-column quarto. The Gazette is Republican in politics, carefully edited, and a jour- nal in every way creditable to the count3^ It has a circulation of about 400 copies. September 29th, 1881, the SihJetj Tribune made its appearance, with Charles E. Crosby as editor and proprietor. It is an eight- column folio. Republican in politics, ably edited, and devoted to local interests of Osceola county. It has a circulation of 400. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Tlie Coiufregational Church Societ>j. — Organized in 1872, by Rev. B. A. Dean. He was succeeded by Rev. D. J. Baldwin, Avho continued in charge until 1881, when he in turn was succeeded by Rev. Thomas Pell, the present pastor. The church has a mem- bership of forty. There is also a Sabbath School with an average attendance of forty pupils. C. M. Bailey is Superintendent. Rev. Mr. Pell also has charge of two societies in the country. The church building is located on two lots donated by the railroad company in 1874, and was erected in the fall of the same year at a cost of §1,800. It is a frame building, of semi-gothic style, 32 feet by 40 feet in dimensions, with a seating capacity of 200. It is nicely furnished and has a good organ. At the time of the dedica- 380 HISTORY OF IOWA. tion, November 29tli, 1874, the buiklino^ was entirely free of debt. There is also in connection with the church a comfortable parson- age. The present officers of the society are: 0. Dunton, Clerk; Samuel Herbert, B. Wood and J. F. Glover, Trustees. Baptist Church Society. — This society was partially organized in March. 1873, by Rev. W. Wood, of Cedar Falls, with a mem- bership of twelve persons. A permanent organization was effected in February, 1876. The first officers were: T. 0. Wilbern, A. Churchill, A. W, Mitchell, Deacons. The first pastor was Rev. T. H. Judson, followed by E. M. Hey burn, the present pastor, who took charge in 1880. Membership, forty. This society has no building of its own, but holds its services in the school house. The Sabbath School has an average attendance of twenty-five: T. 0. Wil- bern is the Superintendent; C. D. Wilbern, Secretary and Treasurer. Church officers: T. 0. Wilbern, Deacon; C. D. Wilbern, Secretary, J. F. Glover, Trustee. Methodist Episcopal Society. — Organized in April, 1872, at the house of A. M. Culver. The first quarterly conference of the Sib- ley Mission was held October 5th, 1872, by Rev. Aldrich. Rev. John Webb was appointed the first pastor, and was succeeded by Rev. Ira Brashears, September 20th, 1873. The church was served successfully, by Revs. W. W. Mallory, J. W. Rigby, J. W. Lothian and S. P. Marsh, the present pastor, who took charge in September, 1880. Membership, 120, including a class in the country. The first officers of the first class were: R. Stamm, Class Leader; L. Shell, William Thomas, E. Morrison, D. L. Riley, L. C. Chamberlain and S. C. Vanhorn, Stewards; J. P. Hauxhurst and B. Davis, local pastors; J. L. Robinson. M. J. Campbell, A. M. Culver, R. Stamm, L. Shell, D. L. Riley, H. K. Rogers, Trustees. Present officers: J. P. Hauxhurst, Class Leader; D. L. Riley, L. Shell, W. M. Moore, E. Huff and S. A. Wright, Stewards; D. L. Riley, R. Stamm, Levi Shell, S. A. Wright, W. M. Moore, Trus- tees; B. Davis, Local Deacon. The society has a fiourishing Sab- bath School with an attendance of seventy pupils; number of teachers, fifteen; S. P. Marsh, Superintendent. There is also a commodious parsonage in connection with the church. The M. E. church building is located on two lots just west of, and fronting eastward towards, the Court House Square. These lots were do- nated by the S. C. & St. P. Railroad Company, in the spring of 1873. The building is 32x50 feet. The building was commenced in the spring of 1873, but was not completed until September, 1874. when it was dedicated. It cost S2.200, and is well furnished. Catholic Society. — Celebrated Mass in Sibley as early as 1873, Rev. Father B. C. Lenehan, of Sioux City, officiating. The society now comprises some sixty families, and services are'regularly held every two weeks in the Court House. The society is now in charge of Father Thomas Riley, of Sheldon, who contemplates the erection of a substantial and commodious church building at an early day. HISTORY OF IOWA. 381 The Public School huUdinq is located on two lots fronting west- ward towards the Court House square, donated by the railroad company. The building is 22x36 feet, and was erected in May, 1872, at a cost of f?3,500, and has a seating capacity of one hun- dred. W. A. Armine, assisted by Miss Flora Reeves, now has charge of the school, which has an average attendance of ninety pupils. The present Board of Education is composed of D. L. Ri- ley, Levi Shell and T. 0. Wilbern. The first school taught in the county was taught by Delila Stiles, who was also the first Super- intendent of Schools^ in 1871. Sibley remained a sub-district of Holraan Township until 1878, when it became an independent dis- trict. The first School Board of the new district, was composed of C. M. Bailey, Levi Shell and A. W. Mitchell. Brohen Column Lodge No. 331, A. F. dt A. M. — Instituted June 3d, 1871, with a membership of ten. The following are the char- ter members, and also first officers: R. J. Chase, W. M.; J. M. Jenkins, S. W.; J. Griffith, J. W.; D. G. Shell, Treasurer; G. S. Murphy, Secretary; J. C. Miller, S. D.; C. N. Sawyer, J. D.; W. H. Cooper. Tyler;' B. F. Tabler, S. S.; S. H. Wescott, J. S. Pres- entofficers; J. B. Lent, W. M.; W. B. Humphrey, S. W.; W. H. Chambers, Treasurer; B. F. Tabler, Secretarv; H. Littlechild, S. D.; Cline Bull, J. D.; W. Mead, Jr., Tyler; G. A. Pitman, S. S.; J. Q. Miller. J. S. The present membership, about forty. Meet- ings are held once each month in the Hall of the society over Wil- bern's store. The society is in a flourishing condition, and has recently purchased a lot, upon which they contemplate erecting a new Hall at an early day. Ocheijdnn Lodge No. 251, I. 0. 0. F. — Instituted in October, 1873. First officers: D. L. Riley, N. G.; F. M. Robinson, V. G.; €. M. Bailey. R. S.; C. H. Call, P. S.; W. M. Cram, Treasurer. Present officers: Cline Bull, N, G.; C. W. Jenkins. Y. G.; J. S. Davisson, R. S.: D. D. MeCallum, P. S.; A. W. Mitchell, Treas- urer. Membership, fifty. Meetings are held every Monday even- ing in the hall over Wilbern 's store. This society is in a prosper- ous condition, and will soon commence the erection of commodious quarters of their own. Pioneer Agricidtnral Society. — Organized in 1872. The first officers were: L. G. Ireland, President; C. Dunton, Vice-President; E. Hogin, Secretary; F. M. Robinson, Treasurer; H. Jordan, J. F. Van Emburg and E. Huff, Directors. The society was incor- porated and adopted constitution and by-laws in July, 1872. The first fair was held October 10th and 11th, 1872, in Court House Square. The present officers are: P. L. Piesley, President; J. W. Carson, Vice-President; S. A. Wright, Secretary; W. J. Miller. Treasurer; P. Proper, J. Cronk, G. S. Downend, J. Streit and H. Peters, Directors. The society is free of debt, with money in the treasury, and owns a tract of twenty-five acres one- 382 HISTOKY OF IOWA. half mile northwest of Sibley, enclosed by a substantial fence. On the grounds are a commodious floral hall, and a fine half-mile track. Fairs are held annually, and are largely attended. SihJeij Coynct Band. — Organized in 1873, and is a creditable or- ganization. C. Armbright is the Leader. The Court House is located on the most elevated portion of the townsite, and was erected in the fall of 1872, at a cost of about $5,000 . The building is 36 feet by 36 feet, 20 feet high, and affords comfortable and commodious quarters for the county ofiicials. The block on which the building is situated was the gift of the railroad company, who also generously set aside an additional block, centrally located, for a public park. The railroad depot at Sibley is 24 feet by 18 feet in dimensions, and is substantially built, as are all the buildings along the line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad. The company has acted most generously with the town of Sibley, and has, by its liberal dona- tions of lots for school, church and court house purposes, done much towards the upbuilding of the town. ASHTON. Ashton, until recently called St. Gilman, is situated seven miles southwest of Sibley, on the line of the C, St. P., M. & 0. Rail- road. It is surrounded by an excellent agricultural district, and gives promise of becoming aii important shipping town . It now has several general stores, a public school, two or three church societies, a good depot building and a grain warehouse. OSCEOLA COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES. SIBLEY. Chas. A. Armbright, barber, was born in Germany; came to America in 1856; located in N. Y., and the same year enlisted in the 5th U. S. cavalry of the regular army. He was on duty in Texas, until the war of the rebellion, when he was oidered to Pa. for active service. He re-enlisted in 1863 as a veteran, and served until the close of the war. He came to Sibley in 1872, and en- gaged in his present business. C. E. Brown and W. H. Chambers, of the firm of Brown & Cham- bers, dealers in general merchandise, are natives of Wis. They came to Sibley, in 1874, and engaged in their present business with a small capital; are now one of the leading firms in the county, and carry a complete stock of about 115,000. HISTORY OF lOAVA. 383 J. Brooks, came from Ind. to Butler county, la., in 1852. He enlisted in 1862 in Co. H, Ta. Vol.; was in the service three years, fourteen months of which time he was a prisoner of war at Tyler, Texas. He was wounded at Fort Pillow, Tenn. At the close of the war he returned to la. In 1872 he located in Osceola county, and in Sibley two years later, and engaged in the nursery business. He has now retired from business. J. S. Davisson, clerk of the courts, was born in Vt. in 1845. He came to Iowa and enlisted in Co. I, 9th la. Cav. in 1863; served until 1866: then returned to Iowa and settled in Washington county; removed to Osceola county in 1872, and to Sibley in 1880, and entered into business as a contractor and builder. John H. Douglass, sheritf of Osceola county, was born in Scot- land; came to America with his parents, and settled in 111.: re- moved to Allamakee county, la., in 1856. He enlisted in 1862 in the U. S. regular army as drummer, and afterwards in the 1st la. Cav.; and served until the close of the war; then returned to la. He was engaged m various kinds of business, until 1872, when he was elected to his present otSce; is also engaged with the Iowa land company as superintendent of outside business, renting and looking after the interests of the firm in Osceola county. Mr. D, has the reputation of being one of the best criminal officers in the state. J. F. Glover, attorney at law and land agent, was born iji Union county. Pa., in 1815; moved with parents to Stephenson county, 111., in 1816. In 1868 he enlisted in the 38th Wis. Vol. Lift.; was promoted to orderly sergeant, and commissioned second lieu- tenant. He graduated in the classical course, at the University of Wis., in 1871, and soon after located in Osceola county. In 1872 he was elected clerk of the courts, and in 1875 was elected to the state legislature, for the counties of Clay, Dickinson, Osceola and O'Brien. He Avas admitted to the bar in 1878. During his resi- dence in Sbiley he was for several years engaged in editing the Sib- ley Gazette. F. F. & H. S. Grant, of the firm of Grant Bros., dealers in gen- eral hardware, are natives of Wis.; came to Sibley, la., in Feb., 1881, and engaged in their present business. H. S. is business manager of the store at Sibley, and F. F. is the northwestern traveling agent for Grey, Burt & Kingman, of Chicago, 111. J. C. Hanon, proprietor of the Sibley House, is a native of Vt.; removed at an early age to Cincinnati, 0. He followed railroading for a time; removed to la. in 1871, and in 1873 came to Sibley. He engaged in the hotel business in 1867, and has a first-class house and accommodations. C. I. Hill, (deceased), late banker of Sibley, was bovn in 0. in 1843; removed to Sioux City, la., in 1870: thence to Sibley in 1872, and engaged in the real estate and laAv business. He en- 3S4 HISTOKY OF IOWA. gaged in the banking business in 1S76 which he continued two years. He retired from business on account of ill-health, and died in March, 1881, leaving a wdfe and one child — Eva. Mrs. Hill is a daughter of D. M. Sturges, of Vermillion, Dak. Capt. E. Huff, land agent, came to Fremont county, la., from Ind. in 1856. He enlisted in 1861, in Co. A, 4th U. Cav.. and served until the close of the war. He was taken prisoner in Dec, 1861, and confined in Andersonville prison for three months. Af- ter the war he returned to la., and in 1870 settled in O'Brien county; w^as the first settler of the county. He moved to Sibley in 1876, and was elected county recorder; served until 1880; then engaged in his present business. H, C. Hungerford, county treasurer and lumber dealer, was born in N. Y. in 1810; came to Sibley, in 1874, and engaged in the lum- ber iDusiness. He was elected to his present office in 1876, and re- elected in 1878. C. W. Jenkins, proprietor of the restaurant and news depot; came to Sibley in the spring of 1871, and engaged in his present business in the spring of 1876. H. Jordan, attorney at law, was born in 0. in 1813; came to Benton county, la. , in 1855 . He enlisted in 1862, in Co. H, 18th la. Inft., and served until the close of the war; then returned to Vinton, Benton county, la., and began the study of law. He began practicing law in 1868, and moved to Sibley in 1872; is the pioneer lawyer of Osceola county . W. R. Lawrence, M. D., was born in Essex county, N. Y.; removed to Wis. in 1851. He enlisted in Co. C, 1st Wis. Vol.,- and served three years; was wounded at Perry ville, Ky. After the war he went to Freeborn county, Minn . , and engaged in teaching school. He graduated from the Normal School at Winona in 186(3; came to Sibley in 1872, and engaged in the drug business. He graduated from the Northwestern Medical College, at Chicago, in 1878. He was elected county superintendent of schools in Osceola county in 1879, which office he still holds. D . D . McCallum, attorney at law, was born in Canada in 1817; came to Clayton county, la., in 1859. He enlisted Feb. 1st, 1864, in Co. I, 27th la. Vol. ; was afterwards transferred to the Twelfth la., and was on duty in Ala. during the reconstruction of that state under President Johnson's administration. He came to Sibley in the spring of 1872; was admitted to the bar in 1879, and engaged in the practice of the law. A. W. Mitchell, of the firm of Mitchell & Walton, furniture dealers, was born in N. Y.; removed to Hudson, Wis., in 1855. He enlisted in 1861 in Co- G, 4th Wis. Inft. ; served two years, and was discharged on account of ill health. He moved to Iowa HISTORY OF IOWA. 385 Falls, la., in 1865, and engaged in the furniture business; thence to Steamboat Rock, and in 1872 to Sibley; in 1873 he engaged in his present business . W. M. Moore, county auditor, was born in Pa. in 1841; en- listed in 1861 in Co. E, Pa. Bucktail regiment; was taken prisoner in June, 1862, and held until Aug. of that year. He was wounded several times, and lost his right arm at Weldon R. R. terminus, in Aug . , 1864, from a gun shot . He served through the war, and then returned to Pa. He came to Sibley in 1872, and was elected to his present office in 1873, which he has held ever since. W. H. Morrison, jeweler, was born in Pa. in 1833; came tola, in 1855, settled in Allamakee county, and engaged in the jewelry business. He enlisted in 1862 in Co. E, 27th la. Vol., and served until the close of the war. He came to Osceola county in 1871, and settled four miles north of Sibley; moved into the city in 1881, and engaged in the jewelry business. Hiram Xeill, M. D ., is a native of Canada; came with parents to Minn, in 1855, and settled in Hennepin countv- He enlisted in 1863 in Co. A, 4th Minn. Vol. Inft.; served until 1865, and then returned to Minn., and began the study of medicine with Dr. Maddox, of St. Paul. He graduated from the Michigan Univer- sity in 1871, and from the Bellevue Hospital of N . Y . City in 1879 . He practiced medicine for a time in Minneapolis, Minn . , and came to Sibley in 1875, where he has a very extensive practice . W. L. Parker, druggist, is a native of Wis.; removed to Minn, in 1868; located at St. James in 1869, and engaged in the drug business. He removed to Sibley in 1873, and carries a very fine stock of drugs, paints, oils, fancy groceries, etc. H. W. Phillips, farmer, is a native of N. Y.; came to Delaware county, la., in 1858, settled in Osceola county in 1872, and on his present farm on section 32, range 41, in 1879. He was the first man to try to raise sheep in the county, and is largely engaged in the tree and fruit culture. Capt. D. L. Riley, mayor of Sibley, was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., in 1837; removed to Wis. in 1854. He enlisted in 1861 in Co. C, 2nd Wis. Cav., under Col. C. C. Washburne. He enlisted as a private,' and came out captain of the company at the close of the war. He returned to Wis. and remained there until 1871, when he came to Osceola county and settled near where Sibley is now located. Mr. R. has held several town offices, and has been engaged in the lumber, coal and grain busi- ness since his residence in this place, which business he intends to resume at Spirit Lake in the spring of 1882. H. K. Rogers, the pioneer merchant of Sibley, was born in 0. in 1847; removed in 1870 to Salt Lake City, Utah, and engaged in the mercantile business, and in the autumn of 1871 came to Sibley, 386 HISTORY OF IOWA. la., and built the first building in the town for a store and dwel- ling, on lots eight and nine. Ninth street. He was afterwards burned out there, and moved to his present place of business on Third avenue and Eighth streets. Mr. R. carries a large and com- plete stock of merchandise. L. Shell, lumber dealer, was born in Wis. in 1838; removed to AVorthington, Minn., in 1872; thence to Sibley in the spring of 1873, and engaged in his present business, dealing in all kinds of builders' supplies aud grain. He enlisted in Aug., 1862, in Co. K. 23rd Wis. Vol., and on account of wounds received at the battle of Vicksburg, May 22nd, 18G3, was discharged in Dec, of the same year. H. Walters, proprietor of the Pioneer House, was born in N. Y. in 1826; came to Iowa in 1856, and settled in Chickasaw county; removed to Osceola county in 1871, and entered a homestead on section 10, township 79, range 41. He engaged in the hotel business in 1874, it being the first hotel in Sibley. He enlisted in 1863 in the 4tli la. Cav., and served until the close of the war; was wounded at Memphis, Tenn., by being thrown from his horse while on duty. C. D. & T. 0. Wilbern, dealers in general merchandise, came to Cherokee county, la., in 1868 and engaged in farming; removed to Sibley in 1873 and engaged in their present business. They were burned out in November of the same year, started again, and have continued ever since. T. 0. enlisted in 1864 in Co. C., 153rd 111. Vol., and was discharged in 1865. S. A. Wright, deputy treasurer, was born in N. Y. in 1842. He enlisted in 1862 in Co. C, 112th N. Y. Inft. In 1868 he came to Iowa and engaged in the mercantile business; came to Sibley in 1872, and followed various business pursuits, until 1874, when he was elected county treasurer, which office he held until 1876, when he was succeeded by Mr. Hungerford. HISTORY OF IOWA. PLYMOUTH COUNTY. The thriving and fertile county o£ Plymonth is on the western boundary of the State, in the third tier from the north line. Its average length east and west is about thirty-five miles, and its width north and south twenty-four miles. It contains an area of about 840 square miles, or 5^7,000 acres. The principal streams are Floyd River, West Fork of Little Sioux River, West Branch of Floyd River, and Broken Kettle, Perry and Willow Creeks. Floyd River, the largest stream, crosses the county diagonally from north- east to southwest. It has many important tributaries, affording fine stock water and drainage to a large portion of the county. It also affords some Avater-power for mills. The West Fork of Little Sioux River crosses the southeast corner, draining and watering two or three townships. The entire county has a thorough system of natural drainage through small streams which course their way through all parts of it. The streams are clear, and never fail to furnish a supply of living water, as most of them are supplied by springs. There are no swamps or marshes. The general character of the surface is rolling prairie, Avith some broken land in the western part of the county. The soil is the productive bluff deposit peculiar to the western part of the state. The valleys along the streams are not excelled in fertility of soil, and are adapted to all kinds of grain and vegetable crops. The uplands are not so "well adapted to corn as the valleys, but produce fine crops of wheat and oats. The valleys of Big Sioux and Floyd Rivers present splendid belts of rich farming lands. The county is well adapted to grazing purposes, as there is a never-failing sup- ply of pure, living water for stock, with an abundance of excellent pasturage. The supply of native timber is quite limited, the principal groves being along the Big Sioux River, and a few small groves on Floyd and the West Fork of Little Sioux, Some of the early settlers have fine groves of planted trees, w4iich will soon attain sufficient growth to furnish fuel for their owners. Some stone has been quarried in this county, but it is of little use as a building material. Some of it is burned into a fair article of lime. Material for brick is obtained in sufficient quantity. The first settlements by Avhites in the county were made in the Summer of 1856, and were in the valleys of Big Sioux and Floyd Rivers. The following persons that year located in the valley of Big Sioux River: J. B. Pinckney, David Mills, Isaac T. Martin, Bratton Vidito, J. McGill, John Hipkins. James Dormichy and a 388 HISTORY OF IOWA. Mr. Guilliaras. The settlement oii Big Sioux River was com- menced by Martin, Vidito, McGill and Hipkins, the last named having a family. They erected two houses, one for Hipkins and his family, and the other for the young men. In July they laid out a town, calling it Westfield. This was the first toAvn laid out in the county, and its proprietors regarded it as the future metrop- olis of the Big Sioux Valley. In 1806, A. C. Sheets, James B, Cuiry, E. S. Hungerford, Cory- don Hall and Joel Phillips located in the valley of the Floyd River. The county was organized October 12th, 1858, by William Van- O'Linda as organizing sheriff. The election was held at the house of John Hipkins, on the Big Sioux River, and at the house of A. C. Sheets, on Floyd River. The following persons were elected county officers: William Van O'Linda, County Judge; Isaac T. Martin, Treasurer and Recorder; A. C. Sheets, Clerk of the Dis- trict Court; David Mills, Sheriff; and A. E. Rea, County Superin- tendent of Schools. The same Fall a township election was held at Westfield, on the Big Sioux, when Isaac T. Martin was elected Township Clerk. There were sixteen votes cast at this election. The county judge held his office on Floyd River, in the middle of the eastern part of the county, while the treasurer and sheriff held theirs in the Big Sioux Valley. The first place recognized as the county seat was called Mel- bourne, and was more a scattered settlement than a village, in the Floyd Valley. Here the business of the county court was trans- acted, and here the first district court was held by Judge A, W. Hubbard. Here also the first religious meetings were held by the German Methodists, and the first school taught by William Van O'Linda. Westfield, the rival of Melbourne for the honors of the county seat, was abandoned in the Spring of 1860, on account of large selections or entries of land made in that vicinity by half- breed Indians, which greatly retarded the settlement. The entries of land were made with half-breed script. LE MARS. Throughout all of Western Iowa the name of "Le Mars'' is in- dissolubly connected with the idea of thrift, prosperity and en- terprise. It is a growing little city, a prosperous one, and a pleas- ant one in which to live, as witness the unanimous opinion of all who have had occasion for knowledge in the premises. By a vote of 476 to 111, at a general election of 1872, Le Mars was made the county seat of Plymouth Count}^ Its location is at the junction of the Illinois Central and the Sioux City & St. Paul Railroads, twenty-five miles northeast of Sioux Cit3\ The land upon which the city is located, originally belonged to Jerry Ladd, B. F. Bets- worth and Mr. Marion. The location of the town-site was accom- plished in the summer of 1809. The facts in connection with the I HISTOliY OF IOWA. 389 selection of a name for the future city, are thus narrated: ''Soon after its location the place was visited by John I. Blair and other railroad officers, accompanied by a party of ladies. Upon the lat- ter Mr. Blair conferred the privilege of selecting a name for the prospective city. The initial letters of the Christian names of the ladies were combined so as to form the name Le Mars, and it was agreed that this should be the name of the new town." The first business firm established in Le Mars was that of Blod- gett & Foster, who were very closely followed by J. W. Young, John Gordon, Orson Bennett and C. H. Bennett. The first news- paper in the county, the Le Mars Sefdlnel, was started by J. C. Buchanan February 3d, 1871. Le Mars is surrounded by an ex- tensive farming region, and is a shipping point of unusual impor- tance. The City Council of Le Mars for 1881, was composed of the fol- lowing gentlemen: George E. Pew, Frank Miller, Arthur Brown, P. F. Dalton, John Perkee, A. Aldrich. C. P. Woodward was the Mayor; G. W. Argo, City Solicitor. All branches of business are largely represented, and in no lo- cality in Western Iowa will there be found greater inducements in the way of pecuniary, domestic or educational attractions than in the growing little city of Le Mars. An unusually creditable showing of LeMars' business and professional interests appears in the addenda of a biographical nature which are hereunto ap- pended. Among the important industries of Le Mars, may be mentioned the pork packing establishment of Roberts, Frost & Heaphy. The building, which is located in the northeastern part of the city, was erected in the latter part of 1881. It is a frame building, 20x60 feet in dimensions, and has a capacity of disposing of three hun- dred hogs per day. This building was erected at a cost of nearly $4,000. It is fitted up with the most approved apparatus, -and is doing a thriving business. Le Mars is also supplied with two large flouring mills. The mill owned by Burns, Treat & Co., was erected in the spring of 1876, is 36x80 feet in dimensions, three and a half stories high, Avitli a basement. It was fitted up with goo'd machinery, had a run of eight buhrs, and a capacity of one hundred barrels of flour per day. This building was remodeled in 1881, and refitted with the most modern improvements, having all the latest patterns of purifiers and smut-machines. It now has a run of six buhrs and ten rollers, with a capacity of two hundred barrels of flour per day. This mill ranks with the great Minneapolis flouring mills in regard to qual- ity of patent and fancy flour, graham flour, and all kinds of feed, and their flour may be found in New York, Boston and Chicago. The City Mills, operated by Gehlen Bros., were erected in 1870, by Peter Gehlen, at a cost of §50,000. This mill is a fine frame building, 50x100 feet, with four run of buhrs, and has a capacity 390 HISTORY OF IOWA, of fifty barrels per day. It has all the modern improveraeuts, and is turning out a first-class quality of flour. One hundred and fifty thousand bushels of wheat are handled by this mill each year. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Congregational Society. — This Society was organized in 1870, under the supervision of M. R. Anisden and John Blodgett. The first minister was Rev. R. M. Sawyer, who was succeeded by Rev. D. D. Frost, and he by Rev. A. E. Arnold, the present pastor. The Society built a church in 1878, which is 24 by 60 feet in di- mensions and cost ^2,500. The Deacons at the present writing are, J. H. Springer, A. W. Gilbert and John Blodgett. First German Evangelical Church. — Organized in 1878 by Rev. J. Heinsuieller, who officiated as the first pastor. Following him, was Rev. V. Griese. The following named persons participated in the organization: George Brendtstaedter, A. Kelirberg, Mr. Schaef- fer, Mr. Mueller. This society held services in the Court House previous to the building of the church, which was erected in 1881. It is a frame building, 20 by 40 feet, will seat from 300 to 400 people, and cost $1,800. The church was dedicated December 25th, 1873. The members of this society now number about twenty- five. It has in connection a Sabbath School numbering thirty pu- pils, with J. G, Koenig as Superintendent. The present Trustees are, L. S. Staebler, G. M. Smith, Jacob Merrymau, Albert Kehr- berg, J. G. Koenig. Rev, F. Loehle is the present pastor. German Metliodisf Episcopal Sociefg. — Organized in October, 1873, by Rev. E. W. Henke, who was the first pastor. The suc- ceeding pastors were: Revs. John Hank, S. Koener, C. Stellner, A. Biebichaiser, T. H. Wellimeyer, the latter being the present pastor. They have a large Sunday School in connection with the church, Prof. Wernli acting as Superintendent. The church building was formerly used as a public school building, was pur- chased by this society in 1875, and fitted for church purposes, the basement being used as a parsonage. In 1880 the building was enlarged, and is now 24 by 52 feet in dimensions. The total cost of this building was |2,450, The present Trustees are: Prof. J, Wernli, A, Trader, D, W, Held, H, Kluckbohn, F. Remer. The church membership is about 110 persons, and there is a large attendance upon the Sabbath School. ParisJi of Grace Episcopal Society. — The .first steps towards forming this Parish, were taken in the year 1872. A Mission was then constituted by Bishop Lee, then Bishop of Iowa. In 1873 Rev. R. Trewartha accepted a call to the Mission. In the following year the Mission was incorporated into the Diocese as a Parish. Some success Avas at first met Avith, and a small building was pur- chased and used as a church. After a time, however, Mr, Tre- wartha left, and the Parish fell out of the Diocesan records. In 1881. Rev. H. P. Marriett-DodingtoU; M. A., of Trinity Col- HISTORY OF IO^Y.\. 301 lege, Cambridge, England, came to Le Mars and set himself dili- gently to work to revive the church. Hy this time the town had hirgely increased. A large influx of Episcopalians had arrived from England. Services were first held at the house of j\[essrs. Close, Benson & Co.. and were afterwards transferred to the Van Sickel Hall. A. sufKcient sum was raised to warrant the com- mencement of the building of a large church on the south side of town, at the cost of about .^4,000. About June, 1881, Mr. Dod- ington returned to England, having first reconstituted the Parish. He was succeeded by the Rev. H. N. Cunningham, M. A., of Brasenose College, Buford, England. Under his direction the funds required for the church were raised, and the church was begun and finished. The society hope shortly to build a good parsonage close to the church, on one of the handsomest sites in the town. The Rector, Rev. H. N. Cunningham, who took clas- sical honors at Baford, is founding a school, principally for boarders; terms, $30 to $50 per month. It is hoped that a per- manent endowment may be raised in course of time, and that an assistant clergyman may be provided. When the weather is favorable, monthly services are held in Quorn and Portlandville, and an opening is sought in other towns in the neighborhood. German Lutheran Sociefi/. — Organized in July, 1881, Rev. F. Bunger being the first and present pastor. The church building was erected in the same year, is 24x40 feet in dimensions, and cost $800. The membership is from thirty to forty persons. H. Dethlow and John Deuschle are the Trustees. Mefhodisf Episcopal Sociefi/. — Organized in 1870, by Rev. J. T. Walker. The church edifice was erected in 1872, by R. V^ . Thum- burcy. St. Joseplis Catholic Parish. — Organized in 1872, by Messrs. Peter Gehlen, C. D. Hoffman and B. F. Manahan. The pulpit of this church was at first supplied by clergymen from Sioux City. Father Meis was the first stationed pastor, and Avas appointed in 1875. He is still in charge of the Parish. The membership in- cludes about 300 families, about one-fourth of whom are English. The church edifice Avas erected in 1872. The main building was 40x35 feet in dimensions. In 187(3, the building was remodeled and enlarged to i)0x35 feet, Avith a Aving 40x30 feet. The building is three stories in hight. The Aving is used as a residence for the Sisters of Charity, of whom there are six, and for school purposes. A Parochial school was organized in connection with this Parish in 1878, with about fifty pupils, under the tutorship of Rev. Father Meis. In May, 1879, the Sisters of Charity took charge of this school, and it now has an attendance of 150 pupils. A rectory was built in 1879, AA'hich is 2(3x34 feet in dimensions. These build- ings Avere erected at a total expense of $7,000. There are nineteen acres of laud belonging to this Parish, eleven acres on Avhich the buildings are located, and Avhich are Avithin the corporate limits 392 HISTORY OF IOWA. of Le Mars; and ei^ht acres, set apart for a cemetery, lying east of the former, and adjacent to the city limits. These grounds are en- closed by good fences, are beautifully located, and set out in ever- greens, with other trees and shrubbery. They are tastefully laid out and pleasantly situated. The cemetery grounds were procured from Peter Gehlen for a consideration of §75; the church grounds, from the Cedar Rapids Railroad Company for a consideration of $90. Rev. Father Meis, the present Rector, also has charge of Prairie Creek, Hosper s and East Orange societies. The Public Schools. — Le Mars has a fine three-story brick school building. Ten rooms are occupied by as many teachers, and there is an average regular attendance of 350 pupils. The school enum- eration shows 771 pupils in the district. The High School pre- pares its pupils for the Freshman year in the best colleges of the East, and requires as many years for completion as the course of the State Normal School at Cedar Falls. Three years of German and an equal amount of Latin are thoroughly taught. The classes in mathematics are taken as far as Ti*igonometry. The usual quota of sciences, and a more than common literary discipline are among the advantages of the course here. Mr. A. N. Fellows, the Principal, is a graduate of the State University at Iowa City, and was previously connected with the schools of Morning Sun and Knoxville, in this State. The first school of the independent district was organized in 1874, the first school house having been built in 1870. The pres- ent High School building was erected in 1876, is 58x62 feet in dimensions, with three stories and a basement. The first corps of teachers was: W. H. Stone, Principal; Ella H. Earl, Mary Gallagher, Etta M. Stebbens. The first Board of Education con- sisted of: A. W. Bennett, A. H. Lawrence, L. Greer, E. H. Bets- worth, T. H. Tracy, M. B. Fritz; John Herron, Treasurer; F. W. Guernsey, Secretary. The present Board of Education is as fol- lows: P. F. Dalton, President; C. P. Woodard, W. H. Dent, J. Long, C. D. Hoffman, George Pew. The following are the names of the present teachers: A.N. Fellows, Principal; Mary Lynn, Hannah Gallagher, Carrie Byrne, Bertha Alline, Emma Wernli, Jennie Buchanan, Susie Sawyer, Mrs. F. W. Guernsey, Nellie Sweetland. Pli/moufh Lodge No. 332, I. 0. G. T. — Instituted in June, 1880. Charter members: William Wernli, William Wynet, Mrs. William Wynet, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Garner, T. H. Dodson, J. G. Koenig, J. H. March, H. Thompson, George Smith, John Jones, Fannie Van Sickel, William Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Wil- liams, Thomas Griffin, Annie Wallace, Mrs. William Wernli, George Clay pool. First officers: William Wernli, W. C. T.; Annie Wallace, W. V. T.; Thomas Griffin, C; J. C. Jones, R, S.; Mrs. William Wynet, F. S.; J. G. Koenig, Treasurer; L. M. Garner, W. M.; C. C. Leidy, L G.; T. H. Dodson, 0. G. Present HISTORY OF IOWA 393 officers: T. H. Dodson, W. C. T.: M:uj Carmine, W. V. T.; J. H. March, R. S.; Liza Morris, F. S.: Ernest Gauss, Treasurer; W. H. Briggs, C; C. Thompson, M.; Mary Norris, I. G.; William Nipper, 0. G. This Lodge now has fifty-six members in good standnig. Meetings are held Fridciy evening of each week in Odd Fellows' Hall. New memhers are being continuously added. Le Mars Lodge No. 255, I. 0. 0. i-'.— Instituted March 26th, 1873, by G. M. 'C. G. Kretchmer. Charter members: A. Black, S. S. Ambrose, J. C. Morris, J. W. Earl, W. W. Spalding. J. P. Fairfax, Charles Blind, R. M. Click, H. C. Curtis, R. M. Thorn- burg, J. C. Buchanan, S. V. Burg. First officers: J. W. Earl. N. G.; R. W. Click, V. G.;H.C. Curtis, R.S.;W.W. Spalding, P. S.; T. M. Porter, Treasurer. Present officers: J. S. Dunscomb, N. G.; H. B. Perry, V. G.; E. J. Pauley, Treasurer; J. F. Fairfax, R. S.; George Stanley, C. This Lodge now has a member.-hip of seventy-six, and meets every Wednesday evening in its room over the Plymouth County Bank. Juno Lodge No. 390, I. 0. 0. F. — This is a German Lodge, the work being done in that language. It was instituted Fe'bru;iry 20th, 1879, by D. D. G. M. T. J. Kinkaid, of Sioux City. Cbarter members: Gustave Haerling, John P. Nith, M. Krudwig, Cliarles Striegel, Charles Zink, J. C. Buchanan, John Kleeman, Aujiiist Forner, George Hodam, Charles Reichert, A. B. Steiner. First officers: A. B. Steiner, N. G.; MatthcAv Krudwig, V. G.: J. P. Nith, Secretary; Gus Haerling, Treasurer. Present office r:-: C. G. Nobis, N. G.; Aug. Ihle, V. G.; Gustave Haerling, Secre- tary; J. D. Szetnick, Treasurer. Meetings are held «n-(ry Thursday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. The Lodge is r< guhnly incorporated under the laws of the State of loAva, and hns ;;t ll.e present writing, twenty-six active members. Gihlem Lodge No. 322, A. F. d- A . M. — Instituted Dnouler 26th, 1872. Charter members: AVilliam Rymers, D. W . Clsiik, S. Reeves. E. W. Burdick, W. S. Welliver, J. H. Mori. E. H. Shaw, W. H. Wood, T. K. Bowman, David Gibbs, G. W. W. Ik n, I. Struble, H. W. VanSickel, C R. Smith. James C; i , r K. Redmon. First officers: David Gibbs. W . M .; D . W- < : 'c, S . W . ; William Rymers, J . W . ; W . S . Welliver, Secrc ' ' • H. Shaw, Treasurer. Present officers: W. S. Welliver, ^ I .; C . Adamson, S . W . ; N . L . Greer, J . W . ; N . Redmon, tr. : George Powers, Treasurer. The Lodge has a membership t sixty, and is in a flourishing condition . Meetings are n Tuesday evening in each month on or before the full n ii Masonic Hall, in Flint's 131ock, Main street. riymouth Lodge, loica Legion of Honor. — Instituied ii ber, 1880. Charter members: A. AV. Durley, J. M. Ei ' H. Euseninger, F. W. Mvers, J. F. N. Snvdensticker, W^. ■ J. C. Hebeustreit. D. \V. Townsei.d. C. P. Woodard. Lawrence. C. B. Smith. J. A. Jones, J. G. Koenig, W. 394 HISTORY OF IOWA. Henry March, N. Richards, I. S. Struble, H. C. Curtis, G. W. Powers. A. C. Stebbens, A. W. Moulton, F. J. Jenness. First officers: A. W. Durley, President; H. C. Curtis, Vice-President; D. W. Townsend, F. S.; W. H. Perry, R. S. Present officers: D. W. Townsend, President; H. C. Curtis, Vice-President; J. M. Emery, F. S.; W. H. Perry, R. S. The Trustees are, W. H. Dent. Henry March and C. B. Smith. This Lodge has a membership of twenty-four, and meets twice in each month over Steiner's book- store. The whole number of members of this order in the State is put down at 4,800. It is an incorporated life insurance society, each member being insured to the amount of <^2,000. The average assessment is only forty cents to each member in case of death of any one of the members of the order. "Plymouth Countij Agricultural Association. — Organized in 1872 by William Barrett, Andrew Black, A. E. Rea, B. F. Betsworth, M. Hilbert, and others. The first officers were: A. E. Rea, Presi- dent, and M. Hilbert, Secretary. The present officers are: C. P. Woodard, President; Hon. R. Moreton, Vice-President; G. C. Maclagan, Treasurer; M. Hilbert, Secretary. This society holds two annual meetings, viz: the June racing meeting and the annual agricultural fair in September of each year. The society has forty acres of land adjoining the town plat, and within the corporate limits of Le Mars. These grounds are enclosed partly with a fence, and partly with a thick hedge. A fine amphitheater has leen built within the past year. There are also an excellent half-mile track and a floral hall 40x60 feet in dimensions. Over Si .000 are annu- ally paid in premiums by the x^ssociation, and in 1881 the citizens of Le Mars paid 81,000 additional. Much interest is taken in these annual exhibitions. LeMars Ilif/h School Lyceum. — Organized in October, 1881, with Prof. A. N. Fellows as President; Lizzie Sawyer, Vice-President; C. A. Spring, Jr., Secretary; Clara Rounds, Treasurer; Carrie Gil- bert, Organist. The officers at the present writing are: J. H. March, President; Carrie Gilbert, Vice-President; Allen Campbell, Secretary; Prof. A. N. Fellows, Treasurer. The membership is about thirty, and meetings are held ever}^ Monday evening in the LeMars High School building, the order of exercises consisting of vocal and instrumental music, select readings, declamations, essays, debates, etc. LeMars Public Library Association. — Organized in 1876, by Mrs. AVilkins and Miss Burroughs. Its lirst officers were: Mrs. P. F. Dal ton. President; Mrs. Wilkins, Secretary. Mrs. "VVilkins removing from LeMars, Mrs. C. P. Woodard was appointed Secre- tary in her place. The present officers are: Mrs. Dalton, Presi- dent; Mrs. C. P. Woodard, Secretary; A. Aldrich, Librarian. This Association had in its library, up to December 1st, 1881, 440 volumes. There was at that time in the treasury $150. The first Librarian was David Gibbs, Jr., who was succeeded by W. F. Al- IIISTOIIY OF IOWA. 395 lenson, auJ in order, T. II. Dodson and A. B. Steiner, avIio was followed by Mr. Aldrich, in whose store the library is at present kept. These gratifying results are due to the labors of the ladies of LeMars. LeMars Fire Company^ Rescue No. 1. — This Company was or- ganized in August, 1881, with A. Richman as President; D. D. Hoffman, Treasurer; T. D. Hoffman, Foreman, and D. Padmore, Secretary. The Company now has a membership of fifty-two, and has at present one small engine. A 400-pound bell has been do- nated to the Company by R. W. Harrison. PLYMOUTH COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES. LE MARS. Frank Amos, attorney at law, was born in Y\ . Va. in 1810; moved to la. in 1853, and settled in Jackson county; thence in 1869 to Le Mars. He was mustered into the service in 1862, in the 31st la., acting as first lieutenant; was wounded at Atlanta, Ga., in 1864, and discharged in 1865; was admitted to the bar the same vear. He was married to Martha Brown, of 0., and has two children— B. F. and Talitha C. J. E. Arendt, dealer in millinery, fancy dry goods and ladies' furnishing goods, was born in Dubuque, la., in 1858. He was en- gaged in clerking from 1869 to 1878, when he established his pres- ent business at Le Mars. I Rev. A. E. Arnold was born in Adams, Mass., in 1838: removed to 111. in 1856. He graduated from the Chicago Theological Semi- nary in 1867, and was engaged in the ministry in 111. until Feb. 1st, 1876, when he came to Le Mars and took charge of the Con- gregational Church, of that city. In 1869 he married Emma F. Bourne, of Mass. Fred Barrow, proprietor of the House of Lords, in connection with the international club room, was born in England in 1840; came to America in 1864, and settled in D3^ersville, la.; then moved to Dakota in 1874; located at LeMars in 1880. He was married in 1867 to Sarah Ham, of Eng., and has four children — William, Alice, John and Jessie. Hon. William Barrett came to Plymouth county, la., from Wis. in 1857, locating in Hungerford township. He was elected county judge and served in 1861 and 1862. At the expiration of two terms, was elected chairman of the first board of supervisors 396 HISTORY OF IOWA. for the count}^ and served until 1878, when he was chosen repre- sentative for the 70th district, and is again chairman of the board of supervisors. He has a fine large farm in Lincoln township, Avhere he lives in the enjoyment of the luxuries of a farmers' life. He has the reputation of being not only a successful farmer, but also of being well versed in county politics, and it is a saying that when '' Uncle Billy" figures in the election of a certain candidate, "He'll be elected." Hon. CI. P. Bennett. M. D., was born in Duchess county, N. Y., in 1834; moved to la. in 1861. Enlisted in 1862 in the 27th la. Vol., Co. K, as sergeant; was discharged in 1865. He moved to Dak. in 1866, was elected to the legislature in 1868, and served two years. He Avas appointed collector of internal revenue in 1869, and chief deputy collector in 1874, and served four years. He began the practice of medicine in 1877, and graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College, of Chicago, in 1881. He mar- ried Alma A. Wolcott, of Steuben county, N. Y., who is also a graduate from Hahnemann Medical College, of Chicago, in the class of '81, and is practicing medicine in connection with her hus- band, at LeMars. They have seven children — Frank L., Mary C, Alma L., Marian W., Addie D. E., Gilbert Gr., and Ernest B. Blodgett & Hilbert,real estate and insurance agents; loans nego- tiated, collections made, lands sold, taxes paid and a general real estate business done; have abstracts of all lands and town lots in Plymouth county, made by Mr. Hilbert during an official term of six years as county recorder. They established their present busi- ness in 1876. T. L. Bowman, of the firm of Guthrie & Bowman, dealers in real estate, established business at Carroll City, Carroll county, la., in 1871, and in LeMars, in 1877. They are also agents for the la. Railroad land company. W. H. Briggs, of the firm of Gilbert & Briggs, dealers in har- ness, saddles, whips, etc. (successors to J. N. Lambert) was born in Canada in 1851; moved to Iowa in 1871, and engaged in his pres- ent business. This firm was established in 1881. He was married in 1874 to Miss Goldie, and has four children — Blanche, Harry, Beulah, and . Paul L. Brick, M. D., was born in Prussia in 1846; came to America in 1864, and settled in Auburn, N. Y.; moved to Pa.; thence to Wis. and 111.; to Burlington, la., in 1871, and to LeMars in 1879. He graduated from the Louisenstadt Medical College, of Berlin, Ger., in 1804. He was married in 1871 to Ida Holdzkom; and in 1877, was married to E. Sniff's, and has two children — Louis and Paul. Dr. E. D. Brower, dentist, was born in Carroll county, 0., Jan. 15th, 1858; moved to la. in 1872. He is a graduate from the dental department of the University of Michigan, class of '81. I HISTORY OF IOWA. 397 M. Burg, o£ the firm of Burg & Heiitges, dealers in general merchandise, was born in Germany in 1839; came to America in 1846, and settled in Caledonia, Minn. He established business in Le Mars in 1874. In 1880 he was married to Lizzie Dondlinger, a native of Germany. They have one child, Gregor. Alexander Clark, dealer in dry goods and notions, was born in Ireland in 1844; came to America in 1864. Engaged in the linen business in 1876, and in 1881 engaged in the mercantile business iu Le Mars. He was married in 1870 to Cassandra Lee, a native of Eng., and has three children — John A., Mary E. and James M. Rev. Herbert Noel Cunningham was born in Hampshire, Eng., in 1851; passed through Haileyburg, then Brazenose, Oxford Col- lege, Eng., iu 1871. He took his degree of D. A. in 1876 in classi- cal honors, and the degree of M. A. iu 1878. He then went to Ha- ven as master; then to Oxford Military College in 187G, and the next year to Oxford Ministry College. In 1877 he took orders in the church of England. Held services in Staifordshire, Oxford- shire, Portsmouth and Hampshire. In 1880 was incumbent of St. George's, Tilihurst, near Reading. In 1881, he came to America and took charge of the Episcopal church, of Le Mars. P. F. Dalton, president of the Plymouth County Bank, was born in Ireland in 1838; came to America in 1849, and settled in Liv- ingston county, N. Y.; removed to Sandusky county, 0., in 1854, In 1862 he enlisted in Co. G, 0. Inft.; was appointed lieutenant, and served until the close of the war. In 1866 he located in Bu- chanan county, la., and in 1872 moved to Le Mars. The bank was established in 1874, with Joseph Wilson as president, and G. B. Van Saun as cashier. Mr. D. was married to Mary Few, a native of 0., and has two sons. W. H. Dent is president of the Le Mars Bank, which was es- tablished in 1872, by Rymer & Kent. In 1873 the firm was Proc- tor, Kent & Co.; in 1874, Wm. Rymer, and m 1875, W. H. Dent. He was born in Putnam county. 111., in 1843, and moved west in 1875. He was elected a member of the school board of Le Mars in 1878. In 1871, he was man*ied to Cora Cheiver, of 111. They have two children — Hattie C. and Edith C. J. G. Dietrich, proprietor of meat market, was born in Milwau- kee, Wis., in 1850; engaged in the butcher business in 1864; moved to Fort Dodge, la., in 1871; thence the next year to Ne- braska City, and in 1877 came to Le Mars and established his pres- ent business. He Avas married in 1871 to Miss Hodam. of Sioux City, and has four children — Minnie, Frank, Albert and Kate. H. F. Dow, of the U. S. Clothing Co., dealers in clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, and gents' furnisliing goods, was born in Syca- more, 111., in 1852; was engaged in the clothing business at Col- 398 HISTOKY OF IOWA. oraclo Springs, from 1878 to 1881, when he came to Le Mars, and established his present business. He married Mary McMorris, of Colorado, in 1881. T. H. Dodson, dealer in groceries,cjueensware, notions, and gents' furnishing goods, was born in Sept., 1861, in Wis.; moved to Le Mars and engaged in the mercantile business in 1873. A. M. Duus, county auditor of Plymouth county, was born in Germany in 1849; came to America in 1870 and engaged in the in- surance business in Le Mars. He was elected town clerk and assessor in 1878, and to his present office in 1879. In 1873 he was married to Wynea Grade, of la. They have two children, Marcus and William. J. M. Emerv, postmaster, was born in Fairfield, Me., Jan. 1st, 1845; moved to Pa. in 1852. He enlisted in 1862 in the 3rd Pa. heavy artillery; was taken prisoner Feb. 1st, 1864, at Smithfield, Va.,'and confined in Andersonville fifty-three weeks, and was dis- charged June 1st, 1865, as paroled prisoner. He then engaged in the lumber business in Pa. In 1875 he settled at Le Mars and en- gaged in editing the Iowa Liberal, which was at that time a re- publican paper. In 1869 he was appointed postmaster. He was instrumental in organizing the Northwestern Iowa S. S. associa- tion, of which he was the president, in 1879. In 1865 he married Luella Clark, of Pa., and has two children— Mary L. and Clark. W. H. Ensminger, M. D., was born in Lancaster, Pa., in 1842; moved to 0. in 1864; thence to 111. the next year, and in 1879 he came to Le Mars and engaged in the practice of his profession. He graduated from Jefferson Medical College, at Philadelphia, Pa., m 1871. In 1862 he enlisted in the 135th Pa. Vol., Co. E, and served one year. He married Sarah E. Patten, of 111., in 1871. They have two children — Blanche and Gracie. G. E. Eva, dealer in harness, saddles, whips, collars, etc.; also dealer in hides; was born in Dodgeville, Wis., in 1853; moved to Le Mars and established his present business in 1880. He mar- ried Clarissa Bastian, of Mineral Pt., Wis., in June, 1881. N. C. Evans, of the firm of N. C. Evans & Co., dealers in dry goods, notions, and carpets, was born in Bellevue, la., in 1852; moved to Wis.; thence to Waverly, la., and to Le Mars, in Sept., 1878, and engaged in his present business. He married Lizzie Kegler, of la., in 1878. They have one child— Charley. J, F. Fairfax, general house and carriage painter, established business in 1871. He was born in Boston, Mass., in 1848; moved to Wis. in 1866. and to la. in 1871. He was married in 1875 to Mary Merrick, of 111., and has two children— Nellie and Frank. G. G. Gosting, photographer, was born in England in 1847; came to America while quite young, and settled in Cleveland, 0.; moved to Delaware county, la., in 1858; thence to LeMars in 1876, HISTORY OF IOWA. 399 and established his present business. He served in the 3d la. Inft. and was wounded at the battle of Shiloh; enlisted in 18G1, and was discharged in 1864. C. Gottschalk, attorney at law, office corner of Sixth and Main streets, LeMars, la.; will practice iu all courts in this and adjoin- ing counties. Harder & Kemper, proprietors of the LeMars marble works, es- tablished business in 1881. Mr. Kemper was born in la. in 1853, and moved to LeMars, in 1881. Mr. Harder was born in N. Y. in 1842, and moved to Iowa in 1876. J. F. Heeb, proprietor of restaurant and sample rooms, also dealer in ice and grain, was born in St. Louis in 1840; moved to Dubuque, la., in 1846; thence to LeMars iu 1877, and established his present business. He was with Gen. Price in his last raid through Kan., in 1865, also in the battle at Westpcrt, Mo. In 1867 he was married to Susan Steermer, of Potosi. Wis. They have six children — Francis A., Joseph P.. Eugene E., Mary, Es- tella E., and Arthur B. John Herron, county treasurer of Plymouth county, was born in Ireland in 1834; came to America in 1850, and located at Mad- ison, Wis., and engaged in the printing business. He removed to Mineral Pt.; thence in 1869 to Sioux City, la., and the same year to LeMars. He was elected to his present office in 1873. In 1874 he was married to Susan Gehlen, of la. J. W. Hines, M. D., was born in Va. in 1838. He graduated from Emery and Henry College, Va., in 1857, and from the Uni- versity of Va. in 1861, and engaged in the practice of medicine in 1865. He located at LeMars m 1880. James Hopkins, sheriff of Plymouth county, was born in 1846 in Canada; moved to N. J. in 1852; thence to la. in 1856. He located at LeMars in 1873, and was elected to his present office in 1875. In 1871 he was married to Mary E. Murphy, and has four children — Thomas, James, Mary and Vivian. I. M. Irmen, practical watchmaker, engraver, and manufactur- ing jeAveler, also dealer in watches, clocks, silver plated ware, jew- elry, etc.; fine watch repairing a specialty; established business in Oct., 1881, corner of Main and Sixth streets. He was born in Germany in 1855; came with his parents to America in 1857, and settled in Grant count}^. Wis.; moved to LeMars in 1881. M. B. Kelley, county attorney, was born in Berkshire county, Mass., in 1859; moved to Mich, in 1871, and engaged in teaching school; afterwards studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1880. J. C. Kelley, attorney at law, was born in Canada in 1843; moved to Wis. in 1849; thence to Lyons, la., in June, 1860. In 1861 he enlisted in the 16th la. Vol.; lost his right arm in the 400 HISTORY OF IOWA. battle of Pittsburg Landing, April 6tb, 1862, and was discharged on the 25th of the following Aug. He attended the Notre Dame University, of Ind., from 1863 to 1865, and then went to Wash- ington and graduated from Columbia College, as B. B. L. In 1870 he moved to Carroll county, la.; thence to Le Mars. In 1879 he married Ella C. Rilea, of la., and has two children — Maud and Jessie. N. B. Kiser, dealer in boots and shoes, was born in Luxemburg, Germany, in 1833; came to America in 1854, and settled in Jack- son county, la., in 1857. In 1875 he removed to Le Mars. He married Annie Kefel, a native of Germany, in 1856, and has seven children— Katie, Mary, Maggie, Tinnie, Lizzie, John and Peter. J. G. Koenig, barber, was born in Germany in 1810; came to America in 1858, and engaged in the barber business in Baltimore; moved to Plymouth county, la., in 1871, and to Le Mars in 1879. In 1865 he nif^ried Mary E. Merryman, of Baltimore. They have six children — Carrie V., Jacob M., Theresa E., Ida C, Florence E., Herbert D. and J. G. G. C. Maclagan, of the firm of Maclagan, Warren & Watson, proprietors of the Floyd meat market, was born in Scotland, in the city of Edinburgh, in 1852; came to America in 1880. Mr. Warren is a native of Ireland, and Mr. Watson, a native of Scotland. They are also proprietors of the Floyd feed and sale yard; stock sold at auction; established business in 1881. Rev. Father Meis, of St. Joseph's Catholic parish, Le Mars, la., was born in Prussia, in 1835; came to America in 1867. He graduated from St. Francis Seminary, at Milwaukee, Wis., in 1875, and was ordained the same year. C A. Meyer, of the firm of McManus & Meyer, proprietors of the South Side meat market, was born in Germany in 1819; came to America in 1851, and located at Fond du Lac, Wis- ; removed to la. in 1871, where he engaged in undertaking and carpentery, until he established the above business in Oct., 1881. S. B. Mickley, proprietor of the Mickley House, w\as born in Pa., March 22nd, 1818; removed to N. Y. in 1835; thence to la. in 1866; settled in Bremer county, and engaged in the butcher busi- ness; thence to Le Mars. In 1812 he married Sarah Frantz, of N. Y. They have four children — Henry, Hudson, Emma and Cora. Frank Miller, of the firm of Frank Miller & Co., dealers in gro- ceries, fruits, queensware, willow ware, and notions, was born in Luxemburg, Ger., in 1842; came to America and settled in Du- buque, la., in 1865. He engaged in the mercantile business in Le Mars in 1876. He is a member of the city council. In 1871 he married Anna Beach, of Bavaria, Ger., and has five children — Arg- eline, Frank, Joseph, Louis and Nicholas. HISTORY OF IOWA. 401 J. W. Myers, cashier of tlie Plymouth County Bank, was born in. Warren, Trumbull county, 0.. in 1832; moved to St. Paul, Minn, in 185-i, where he resided eleven years; then removed to Independ- ence, la., and came to Le Mars in 1878. He married Mary L. Kemberly, a native of Mich, H. S. Payn, of the firm of Smith & Payn, real estate, law and in- surance agents, was formerly engaged in farming in Plymouth county, la., and still owns a fine stock farm, situated two and one- half miles north of Le Mars. J. F. Patterson, gun and locksmith, also dealer in rifles, shot guns, revolvers and all kinds of sporting supplies; was born in 1853, in 0.. was engaged formerly in telegraphing and merchan- dising; established his present business in 1878. In 1879 he mar- ried Abbie Noland, of Hazel Grreen, Wis., and has one child — Charley F. • W. H. Perry, dealer in coal, lime and cement, established busi- ness in 1880. He was born in 111. in 1847; moved to la. in 1854. He enlisted in 1865 in the 44th la. Vol., under Col. Henderson, and was discharged the same year. In 1873, he married Leone Bond, of Buchanan county, la. They have two children — Maud and Bessie. G. E. Pew, of the iirm of Pew & La Rue, dealers in general hardware, also farm machinery, pumps, wagons, paints, and oils; was born in Wis. in 1850; moved to Le Mars in 1875, and engaged in the hardware business; is a member of the city council. He married Belle BurroAvs, of Dubuque, and has one child — George. A. Reichman, dealer in dry goods, notions, ready-made clothing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, groceries, crockery, glassware, etc.; was born in Germany in 1840; came to America in 1845, locating in Bufl'alo, N. Y.; moved to Dubuque, la., in 1864, and engaged in the grocery, flour and feed business. In 1877 he estab- lished his present business at Le Mars . Geo. E. Richardson, real estate, loan, collection and insurance agent; makes improved farms and non-resident lands a specialty; taxes paid and abstracts furnished in Plymouth and Sioux counties. He was born in Springfield, Mass., in 1850; moved to 111. in 1855; thence to la. in 1868, and was engaged in the produce business at Iowa Falls and Durango. He established his present business in 1879. C. B. Smith, of the firm of Smith & Payn, real estate and col- lection agents, was born in N. Y. in 1847; moved tola, in 1873, and engaged in farming. In 1870 he engaged in his present busi- ness at LeMars . H. S. Roberts, attorney at law, was born in 1859, in Joe Daviess county, 111.; moved to Winfield, Kas., in 1879, and was 402 HISTORY OF lOAVA. admitted to the bar in 1S81. He is also engaged in the real estate and loan business. Sept. 14th, 1880, he married Sarah Pooley. of Illinois . p. A. Seaman & Co., dealers in musical instruments; special attention given to tuning and repairing organs and pianos. Although this firm v/as established as late as 1881, Mr. L. is an old and experienced hand at the business; having served an appren- ticeship in tuning and repairing, and was connected with the busi- ness as early as 1860, in Dubuque, la., his former place of resi- dence . He is therefore fully competent to distinguish between good and poor instruments, and Avill give his patrons a number one instrument at the lowest possible price . J. H. Struble, attorney and collecting agent, was born in New- ton, N. J., 1838; moved to Va. ; thence to 0- ; was county treas- urer of Tama county, la., fyom 186Gto 1870. He came to Le Mars 1872^ and engaged in the law_, loan and insurance business, in the firm of Struble Bros._, and in 1880 retired from the firm and en- gaged in the law, loan, and collection business. He married Elizabeth C . Koehler, of N . J . They have two children — Louis W . and Florence E . C W. Trottnow, Avatchmaker and jeweler, Avasbornin Prussia in 1849; came to America in 1856, and settled in Lee count}^ 111. ; moved to Neb. in 1868, came to Le Mars in 1879, and engaged in his present business . In 1873 he married Caroline Kalkman, a native of Switzerland, and has five children — Louis A., Mamie, Charles F . , and — — W. S. WelliA'Cr, clerk of the courts, was born in Greenwood, Pa., in 1847; moved to 111. in 185G; thence to Le Mars, June 30tri, 1872. He Avas elected clerk of the courts in Jan., 1879. In ld72 he married Isabel De Witt, of AVis., and has one child, Ralph L. Prof. J. Wernli, superintendent of schools for Plymouth county, was elected to the office in 1880. He Avas formerly en- gaged as assistant principal of the Normal School at Plattville, Wis . He granted sixty first-grade and fifty-six second-grade certificates to teachers in this county during the past year. L. A. Williams, baker and confectioner, Avas born in St. Paul, Minn., in 1857; moved to Li. in 1878, and engaged in the bakery business at Storm Lake; came to Le Mars in 1880. He married Jennie Cummings, of Storm Lake, in 1880 . C. p. Woodard, mayor of Le Mars, and dealer in agricultural implements and real estate, Avas born in N. Y. in 1817; moved to Le Mars in 1873, and^succeeded 'Blodgett & Flint in the agricul- tural implement business. He Avas elected president of the Plymouth county agricultural society in Jan., 1881, and mayor of the city in June of the same ^ year. In 1873 he married C- T. Sheldon. They have one child, J. Sheldon. HISTORY OF lOAVA. 403 SHELBY COUNTY, The location of Shelby Couuty is in the fourth tier from the southern boundary line of the State, and in the second east from the Missouri River. Shelby County is twenty-four miles square, and contains about 576 square miles. The general surface of the county is rollino-, with deeply excavated valleys along the larger streams, while in some portions of the county it is quite rough and broken, with steep, precipitous hills and deeply cut valleys. The universall}'^ conceived idea of a prairie country is not wholly re- alized in Shelby Count3^ A Avriter some years ago ventured the following imaginative bit of description, which for want of a bet- ter illustration, we here insert: 'Tf the imagination of the reader will enable him to conceive Avhat a tract of land would be, that had been in a liquid state, and had been so violently agitated that high waves ran from east to west, and these had suddenly received a transverse motion and solidified while the breakers were dashing in ponderous masses towards the skies, he will have a tolerably correct idea of the appearance of a large portion of the prairie in the northwestern portion of this county." Nevertheless, this is a very valuable agricultural section, the hillsides having an excellent soii, peculiarly adapted to the cultivation of fruit of all kinds, many considering it a decided advantage rather than a detriment to Shelby County. The bottom lands usually slope towards the streams, and along the West Nishanabotany, which is one of the finest ana most beau- tiful valleys in the State, average more than one mile in width, and are lined by narrow clumps of timber. All of the valleys in the county possess a soil of unsurpassed fertility, which, like most other portions of the county, is composed of a fine material known as the bluff deposit. The soil of the whole Northwestern Slope differs from that of the eastern and central portions of the State in that it has not the heavy sub-soil and under-stratum of cla}'. In Shelby County this peculiarity is quite noticeable, since, after a heavy shower or series of rain storms, plowing may be immediately re- sumed, the water which falls being soon absorbed by the earth, sinking rapidly away on account of the absence of clay to stop or impede its progress. The soil here is a rich, silicious loam, well adapted to the production of the usual western crops, with the single exception of the tame grasses. Corn, for which there is no better or more favorable soil than is found in these valleys, is probably the staple, while wheat, oats and other kinds of grains, as well as the different grasses and vegetables, grow to great perfection. 404: HISTOKY OF IOWA. The county is thoroughly well watered, the West Nishuabotany River, which flows southwai'd nearly through the middle of the county, receiving from the east the waters of the Middle Nishna- botauy, Whitt's and Indian Creeks, while the western part of the county is drained by the affluents of the Missouri and Boyer Rivers, the most important of which are Silver, Mosquito, Pigeon and Picayune Creeks. Mill Creek is a small stream in the north- west, which flows into the Boyer in Harrison County, and on which is Garland's Grove, a fine body of native timber embracing nearly one thousand acres. Besides this, there are several fine groves bordering some of the other streams, which embrace the varieties commonly found throughout this section of the State, such as burr and red oak, white and red elm, butternut, hackberry, black wal- nut, ash, linn and iron wood; while there is often found a heavy growth of sumac, hazel, thornapple, blackberry, gooseberry and grape. Where noAV may be observed a little outlaying thicket of hazel and sumac — the pioneers of forest increase — a few years hence, unless arested by the devastating fires, groves of thrifty saplings will have sprung up, and thus, within a comparatively short time, by the repetition of this process, the beautiful prairie slopes will be converted into forest-clad ridges and sombre thicket-dells, as wild and uninviting to the agriculturist as the native forests of the middle States. The apparent scarcity of timber in this county is ixi reality no serious drawback to its rapid settlement, as build- ing lumber can be easily obtained from the pineries of the north, and as these vast meadows of unbounded fertility hold out induce- ments to the settler such as no forest-clad region can boast. The entire county is supposed to be underlaid by the upper coal measure, as the strata is known to exist in counties to the south and west, but is here concealed under the post teritar}" deposit not less than 250 feet beneath the surface. The supply of building material is limited, yet a fair quality of brick is made of the mate- rial of the bluff" deposit. The only stone obtained for building are the boulders of the drift formation found scattered in various places. Previous to any permanent settlements in the county, it was frequently visited by trappers and hunters, two men named Bow- man and Berry being among the number. The county was organ- ized in 1853, the following being the first county officers: James M. Butler, County Judge; V. Perkins, Clerk of the District Court; Andrew Foutz, Sheriff'. The counties of Crawford and Carroll Avere at that time attached to Shelby for political, judicial and rev- enue purposes. Judge Samuel H. Riddle held the first session of the District Court for the three counties in the grocery of Solomon Hancock, at Galland's Grove. At this session the following attor- neys were present: H. P. Bennett, of Glen wood; L. M. Cline, A. C. Ford and David Price, of Council Bluffs. At the election which made choice of the first county officers, only thirteen votes were polled. HISTORY OF IOWA. 405 About the time of the orgiinization of the county, a town was laid out iu the northwest corner township, to which the name of rfhelbyville was given, and in 1854 this place was designated as the county seat, but the County Judge, being opposed to it, procured Hancock's grocery for holding the first court. The next term of the District Court was held, however, at Shelbyville. This was the first town laid out in the county, but is now known only in history, as the houses have all been removed to Harlan, and to the neighboring farms. Shelby County sent forty-seven soldiers into the war of the rebellion, though it had no organized company, the volunteers all joining organizations in the neighboring counties. Harlan, of which a lengthy description is given below, is the county seat, other settlements — more or less inconsiderable — in the county being Monteno, Mallory, Defiance, Westphalia, Kirk- man, Shelby and Elk Horn. HARLAN. This thriving city, one of the best located and most prosperous on the western slope of lowa^ is situated in Harlan Township, Shelby County, and is the county seat. It is somewhat south of the geographical center of the county, but nevertheless, as a county seat, it is well placed. The exact location is just below the con- fluence of the middle and west branches of the Nishnabotany River, on the west side of the latter branch. The railway facilities of the place are furnished by the Harlan & Northern Branch of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. This branch is thirteen miles in length, and runs from Avoca, on the main line, to Har- lan. This line runs two mixed trains each way per day, and a large amount of produce is carried over the line. In addition to the railroad already existing, nearly the entire right of way for the building of an extension by the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- way Company from Kirkman to Harlan, seven miles, has been se- cured. The building of the line, however, seems to be surrounded by minor difficulties. The Iowa & Southwestern Railway, one of the Northwestern branch lines, now runs into Kirkman, and it is from this branch the proposed extension will, if present plans are carried out, be built. In addition to this, several other rail- way companies, among them the C, M. & St. P., give indications of probable future building in the same direction. In any event, the day appears not fur distant when Harlan will have connection with eastern markets by one or two other routes than the branch line previously mentioned. Harlan is a handsome place and handsomely situated on rising ground on the west side of the river. Tiiere are several slopes from the business portion of town, and the country is delightful!}'' rolling for miles; therefore the drainage and water are excellent, and malarial complaints are almost unknown in the vicinity. 406 HISTORY OF IOWA. The city is laid out iu a different manner from most northern cities, and but for its life and enterprise, which are apparent at first glance, would give one the impression of a Spanish or Mexican town. Though the city has numerous streets and considerable traffic in all directions, yet the main business por- tion of the place faces the center of the sc[uare of about one block in size, in the extreme center of which is enclosed the court-house. The arrangement throws the heavier portion of the trade of the place around a common center, and makes easy of access any business house. The buildings centering around the square are remarkably good for a new city, and many of them are large brick structures that would be a credit to a place three times the size of Harlan. The merchants all seem to be thriving, and heavy and well-selected stocks of goods are the rule. That the business men are well patronized is evidenced by the hundreds of teams that may be seen in the public square on any fine day during the busy season. The business houses of Harlan may be summed up as follows : Eight general merchandise stores, four drug stores, three banks, representing an aggregate capital of $150,000 or more, boot and shoe store, book and news store, three grocery and crockery stores, two merchant tailor shops, two clothing and hat and cap stores, three hardware stores, two furniture and undertaking establish- ments, three milliners, three dress makers, four agricultural im- plement dealers, three lumber yards, four coal dealers, two jewelers, five land and loan agents, two brokers, five grain dealers, four stock dealers, three newspapers, two photographers, three barbers, three hotels, six restaurants, billiard hall and saloon, billiard hall, four saloons, two livery stables, four blacksmith shops, two black- smith and wagon shops, five paint shops, ten contractors and build- ers of various descriptions, three harness makers, four boot and shoe makers, two bakers, two brickyards, each employing quite a number of men, two grist mills, one run by steam and the other by water, creamery, fence factory, three meat markets, nursery, two butter and egg dealers, house-mover, thirteen insurance agents. One of the blacksmith shops mentioned does considerable machine work. The professions are represented by eighteen attorneys, eleven physicians, two surveyors, dentist and three music teachers. Harlan has also become metropolitan enough to maintain a tele- phone exchange. This has thirty-three subscribers, and good use is made of it. This institution was established about a year ago, with twenty or more subscribers, and the list, through good man- agement, has been gradually increasing. The population of Harlan, by the census of 1880, was 1,303, but the growth of the city has been very rapid since, and the number of residents now variously estimated at from 1,600 to 2,000. The latter figure has been estimated on the vote of last fall, and is probably not far from the correct one. The town is still growing HISTORY OF lovr.v. 407 at a good rate, and numerous improvements are being made. Among the most worthy oi note of these is the brick opera house being erected by J. M. Long, one of Shelby County's old citizens and Harhm's enterprising men. The building will be a two-story brick Structure, 4-1x120 feet in dimensions. The lower story will be divided into stores, and the upper story will be the opera house proper. The cost will be something over $25,000. The work of excavation for the foundation has been nearly completed, and the opening of spring w^ill see building commence. The appointments of the structure will be first-class. Harlan was named after Iowa's ex-senator of that name. The survey of the original plat of Harlan was begun April 14th, 1858, by N. M. Kinney, surveyor. The plat comprised eighty acres, and Avas surveyed for Dr. A. F. Ault. This original plat is now known as "Old Harlan." Previous to this, Dr. Ault and oth- ers had platted a town on the opposite side of the Nishnabotany, which town rejoiced in the euphonious name of "Simoda." Dis- sensions occurred in the ranks of the proprietors of the site, and it Avas this which led to the laying out of Harlan by Dr. Ault. On July 15th, 1859, James M. Long platted an addition to Harlan of 160 acres. This addition now comprises the central portion of the city. Mr. Long platted a second addition of eighty acres on Sep- tember 10th, 1879. On January 15th, 1880, D. M. Wyland plat- ted the portion of the town known as McDonald's addition. This addition was bought by Wyland after McDonald had platted the land and made arrangements for its recording; hence the reten- tion of the name. On September 7th, 1880, Samuel L. Ganser and D. Z. Ganser platted a small addition of fifteen lots. August 10th, 1881, another small addition known as Davis' addition, was plat- ted by J. W. Davis. Wyland's addition of about sixty acres was recorded b}'- C. J. and D. M. Wyland on September 8tli, 1881. These numerous additions now give a space to the town plat of about a section. The first settler on the town site of Harlan was Isaac Plum, who came about the time the town was laid out. Of the old settlers living here at present, the second in length of residence is H. C. Holcomb, Clerk of Courts. David Randall is another old settler, as is also Peter Barnett. There were other settlers who came prior to the advent of these gentlemen, but they have moved away. Those named all came in the spring of 1858, as did Dr. Ault who platted the town. Harlan made no particular growth after the first two years until the railroad was built* In fact, it is stated on good authority that there were more people in the place in 1860 than there were in 1868, The breaking out of the civil war took away a large number Avho never returned, and various other causes also induced a heavy emi- gration. Since the advent of the railroad, however, the growth of the city has been rapid and uniform, especially during the last two years. 408 HISTORY OF IOWA. The buildings of Harlan are mainly of recent construction; but there are one or two that date back almost to the time the orig- inal town plat was made. Among these is E. Bergstresser's dwell- ing house, which was the second dwelling erected in Harlan. This building was originally erected as a store in the spring of 1858. It has since been enlarged and remodeled. The next oldest build- ing standing is William Errett's dwelling, erected by Isaac Plum in 1859. The Court House, though it had two predecessors, one of which was burned and the other turned into a tinement house, is also an old building. The last named structure, it must be stated, is a frame building of very indifferent character, and does not do an enterprising city like Harlan any great amount of credit. There is, however, a probability that a better building will be erected. This is greatly needed and will be hailed with gratitude by the majority of the people in Shelby County. Harlan was incorporated in May, 1879, as a city of the second class. The first officers of the city were: Wni. Wyland, Mayor; Cyrus Beard; Recorder. The Trustees were, J. M. Long, Thomas Ledwich, D. M. Wyland, Peter Brazie, John Coenen, J. B. Stuts- man. Ct. S. Rainbow was the first Marshal, and Gr. S. Gibbs the first City Treasurer. The present officers are: Thomas Ledwich, Mayor; Cyrus Beard, Recorder; D. M. Wyland, (}. S. Gibbs, T. J. Robinson, John Coenen, J. B. Stutsman, E. J. Trowbridge, Trus- tees. L. D. Frost is City Treasurer; G. W. Watkins, Marshal; H. M. McGinnis, Street Commissioner. The first postoffice established in the vicinity of Harlan was at the original town site, Simoda, in the summer of 1858. Samuel Dewell, at present postmaster at River Sioux, Harrison County, was the first appointed to the office. After some squabbling, the county seat was removed to Harlan in 1859, and the postoffice fol- lowed a few days after. The first postmaster, after the removal of the office to Harlan, was A. L. Harvey. jMr. Harvey was succeeded by D. H. Randall, still a resident of Harlan. At that time official red tape was not interwoven in the postoffice so closely as at pres- ent, and the mail, Avhich was extremely small, was kept in a nail- keg or candle-box and stowed away in a corner. As occasion re- quired, the box or keg was emptied out on the floor and the "boys" told to pitch in and sort the letters for themselves. The business of the office is now very large, and the candle-l)ox system cannot well be continued. The present postmaster is B. I. Kinsey, who has held the office about fourteen years. The office was made a money order office July 1st, 1877. The first mercantile business in Harlan was carried on by Dr. Ault, the founder of the town, who, about the time the tosvn was platted, put in a small stock of general merchandise. The greater portion of the goods was carried in his arms by the Doctor from some neighboring town. This, though the first store in Harlan, did not pay well, and it was soon closed out. HISTORY OF IOWA. 400 The newspapers of Harlan are three in nuriiber and all are paying property. The date of the establishment of the first newspaper iu Harlan or Shelby Connty is somewhat obscured by the dust of an- tiquity, but the "oldest inhabitant" sets down a paper known rfS the Courier, published at Shelby, as the first paper, issued in the county. The publisher's name is not given. Several papers were started in Harlan before either of the present ones, but none of them "came to stay." In regard to those now in Harlan, we quote the following from a local writer: The Harlan Herald was established in December, 1874, by Geo. Musgrave as a Republican journal, and has continued steadily on in that line to date. In 1875 George D. Ross purchased the office, and in 1876 he also bought the Shelby County Kecord, merged it into the Herald, continuing its publication until July 16th, 1877, when he sold the office and real estate to R. W. Robins. January 17th. 1880, C. R. Pratt, of Essex, Connecticut, bought a half-in- terest, sold out in December, 1880, to E. R. Parmelee, and March 1st, 1881, bought R. W. Robins' half interest. E. R. Parmelee came to Harlan iu October, 1880. An interest in the office was recently pur- chased by a brother of Mr. Pratt, the firm now being Pratt Brothers. Up to 1880 the paper was a seven -column quarto, when it was enlarged to nine columns, and served to a complete new dress, and an excellent cylinder power press adied to the office. It is the largest paper ever published in the county, and has a large circula- tion. It is issued weekly, on Thursdays. The Harlan Tribune, the first Democratic newspaper in Harlan, was established in June 1880, by U. S. Brown and A, D. Tinsley. U. S. Brown commenced the newspaper business about thirteen years ago as editor of the Moberly iJaih/, at Moberly, Mo. From there he went to Lawrence, Kansas, as city editor of the Kansas Daihj Tribune. About eight years ago he came to Iowa— first to Burlington as city editor of the Gazette; from there to Indianola, Warren county, as local editor of the Indianola Tribune. In Jan- nary, 1879, he came to Harlan and engaged with George D. Ross as editor of the Herald, continuing about four months. In the latter part of May he commenced canvassing for the establishment of the Tribune, and succeeded in working up for it a liberal patronage. In March, 1881, he was elected city assessor. The Tribune is now published by A, D. Tinsley. The Harlan Hub was established in December, 1880, by Webb M. Oungst, who commenced the newspaper business about twelve years ago, at the case, in Grand Junction. He was afterwards em- ployed by Mills & Co., of Des Moines, and with State Printer G. W. Edwards, and still later as foreman and localeditor of the Cres- ton Gazette, owning a half-interest therein. He came to Harlan, June 0th, 1879, and was foreman about two months in the Trib- une office, and thereafter foreman in the Herald office, until he es- tablished the Hub. The Hub, like its contemporaries, is flourishing. 27 410 HISTORY OF IOWA. The stage facilities o£ Harlan are very adequate. Daily trips are made between Harlan and Kirkman, semi- weekly between Harlan and Denison, and tri-weekly between Harlan and Dunlap and intermediate points, Aveekly between Harlan and Logan. There is no trouble in obtaining transportation to almost any neighbor- ing point on either of the railroads in this section of Iowa. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Church Society. — This was the first religious society established in Harlan, and was organized in 1859 with one member, Aaron Bergstresser. The church was organized by Rev. J. J . Stewart, Presiding Elder. Harlan was formerly called Harlan Mission of the Council Bluffs District, Iowa Annual Conference. The records of the church are not in a very complete condition, but from them it is learned, that the first preacher to introduce worship in Shelby County, under the auspices of the M. E. church was Rev. H. A. Tarkington, not long before the establishment of the Harlan society. The first regular Methodist pastor appointed for Harlan was Rev. Kirtland Card, who came in the early part of 1859. The present pastor is Rev. D. C. Franklin, who is now serving his third year. The church edifice was erected in 1872. It is in s^ze 30x50 feet, but a contract has been signed for enlarging the building. The church has in connection a flourishing Sabbath School of about 100 members. The school started shortly after the establishment of t/ie church. The present Superintendent is .1. M. True. TJie Christian Church.- — This society was organized February 18th, 1876, by Rev. C. W. Sherwood. The first regular pastor was Elder T. V. Berry, who Avas installed some time during the organ- ization year. The society was organized with thirty-one members, but thirty-two names were sent in during the organization meet- ing, which made a total of sixty-three. The highest membership attained by the society was 122. The present membership, though over 100, is not quite up to this point. The church has a Sabbath School in connection, with an average attendance of about seventy. The school was started the same year. 'Ihe present Superinten- dent is Mrs. M. Nance. The church building was erected in the early part of 1880. Previous meetings were held in the Court House and elsewhere. The size of the building is 31x56 feet. Prayer meetings are held on every Wednesday evening. The present pastor is Elder J. P. Lucas, who came in October, 1881. Congregational Church Society . — A Congregational Society was organized in Harlan in July, 1871. There w^ere seven members at the outset, but six more names were eventually added, making thirteen in all. This society, which had at no time a regular pas- tor, fell into decay. A small Presbyterian Society, which had also been organized in Harlan, was likewise in a poor condition, and in October, 1878, the society held a joint meeting with a view to Ye- HISTORY OF IOWA. 411 organizing both societies as one. The result of tlie meeting was the disbanding of both societies, and the formation of a new one. A vote was taken as to the question of denominational precedence, and the result was a Congregational Society, which was organized November 10th, 1878. This society had twenty-three members. Prayer meetings were held on and after February 26th, 1879. The society was dependent on supplies for its preaching till July 1st, 1879, when Rev. J. G. Sabin was appointed regular pastor. The church is at present served by Rex. E. L. Sherman, who has been in charge since August, 1881. Meetings are at present held in the Court House, but a frame church, 32x50 feet, is in course of con- struction, and Avill be completed within a few weeks. There is also a Sabbath School of about 125 members, of which M. K. Campbell is Superintendent. This school has been in existence since July 6th, 1879. The church has at present sixty-two mem- bers, and is in a healthy condition. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Daj/ Sai)its. — The Harlan branch of this society was organized during the year 1872. The first regular pastor in Harlan was Elder Frank Rey- nolds, who came in 1872. The society was organized with fifteen members. Meetings have been usually held in the Court House, but now school houses in the suburbs are considerably used. The present pastor is Elder John Hardman. The present membership is forty-eight. It is still growing. The ladies of the society have organized for the purpose of raising a fund to be devoted to the erection of a church building, and a considerable sum of money has already been secured. It is expected that work will be com- menced on a building the coming summer. The church has no Sabbath School, though one is being organized. Baptist Church Society. — This society was organized in the year 1868. Rev. James Lambert was the first pastor. The first meet- ings of the society were held in the school house, but in the sum- mer of 1870 a frame church 25x50 feet in flimensions, was erected. The present membership of the society is about 125, and it is in a prosperous condition. Rev. A. Jacobs is the minister. Independent School District of Harlan. — This district was or- ganized as an independent district in March, 1875. Previous to this it was a sub-district of Harlan township. The first School Di- rectors were: H. C. Holcomb, J. W. Chatburn, F. A. Bayer. Since then the law has been changed so as to recjuire six Directors. The Secretary and Treasurer are also independent of the Board. The following are the present members of the. Board: N. W. Macv, President; C. J. Wyland, E. B. Moore. M. M. Bechtel. AV. A. Gray, G. W. Cullison. F. A. Bayer is Secretary and 0. P. Wy- land Treasurer. The present school building is a four-room frame structure, built in 1875. Two other rooms are rented. Six teach- ers are employed. The Principal is A. K. Lind, and thesurbordin- ates W. K. Colburn, Mrs. M. E. McArthur, Miss A. George, Mrs. 412 HISTOKY OF IOWA. M. E. Downey and Mrs. L. E. Waite. The present school f'acili- tiesbeing inadequate, it was voted in March, 1881, to bond the district for $18,000 and build a brick school house. This building is now in course of construction. It will be three stories high and contain nine rooms, furnished with all modern conveniences. The building will be heated by steam. The number of pupils in the district is now considerably over -400. Parian Lodge No. 2>21, A. F. & A. M.—A dispensation was granted this Lodge November 30th. 1872. The charter is dated June 4th, 1873. The first elective officers were: John Fritz, W. M.; W. J. Davis, S. W.; J. H. Louis, J. W.; H. S. Burke, T.; Wm. Wyland, S. There were but twelve members Avhen the Lodge was started. The present elective officers are: P. B. Hunt, W. M.; J. W. Chatburn, S. W.; W. W. Girton, J. W.; D. M. Wy- land, T.; S. A. Burke, S. The membership at present is fifty, a gain of seven since the annual report. The Lodge meets on the Saturday' on or before the full moon in each month. The place of meeting is Masonic Hall, owned by the Lodge. The hall is 22x68 feet in dimensions and is well furnished. Harlan Lodge No. 261, I. 0. 0. F. — This Lodge was instituted February 2Gth, 1873, by D. D. G. M. Ben Newman, of Council Bluifs. There were eleven charter members. The first elective officers were: Samuel Potter, N. G.; N. Booth, V. G.; D. M. Wyland, S.; W. S. Stutsman, T. The present officers are: W. M. Oungst, N. G^; S. K. Pratt, Y. G.; Wm. Bowlin, R. S.; 0. F. Graves, T.; A. K. Riley, P. S. The Lodge noAv has fifty-seven members,and liPS of late received numerous accessions. The meet- ings are held on every Friday night in Odd Fellows' Hall, Long's Block. The Lodge Room is well fitted up, and one of the things worthy of note in this connection is a handsome emblematic car- pet. Application has been made for a charter for an Encampment. V. A. S. Fraternity. — The Harlan section of this society, which has for its object mutual insurance, was organized June 7th, 1880. The first officers were: 0. F. Graves, Rector; Riley Cass, Vice- Rector; J. W. Beems, Scribe; G. W. Bumphrey, Usher; D. W. Chase, Questor; S. F. Hurless, A. B. King, J, W. Cartlich, Cura- tors; R. E. Floyd, Speculator. There were nineteen charter mem- bers. The present officers are: James McArthur, Rector; A. B. King, Vice-Rector; C. Will Fisher, Scribe; J. S. Ferguson, Questor; E.G. Colburn, Usher; J. W^. Beems, Speculator. Harlan Lodge, Iowa Legion of Honor . — This Lodge was or- ganized July 26th, 1881. There were twenty-six charter mem- bers. The first officers were: J. W. Harrod, W. P.;G. W. Cullison, V . P . ; Thomas H . Smith, R . S . ; W . H . Frazey, F . S . ; S. K. Pratt, T.; Rev. D. C. Franklin, C; J. F. Huntzinger, U. ; E. R. Steinhilber, D. ;S. W. Matters, M. ; J. Dunlavy, W. H. Axline, M. E's.; W. H. Carl, E. S. Burgin, C A. Mentzer, Trustees. The present officers are: G. W. Cullison, W. HISTORY OF IOWA. 413 P.; E. B. Steinhilber, V. P.; C. A. Mentzer, R. S.; T. J. Jones, F. S.; S. K. Pratt, T.; Thos. H. Smith, C; J. F. Huntzinger, U.; Daniel Chase, D.; L. B. Tameseia^ S.; Jas. McConnel, W. Carl, E. S. Burgin, Trustees. Harlan Lodge No. 103, ui. 0. U. W. — This Lodge was organ- ized June 12th, 1879, by J. J. Stuckly, of Des Moines. Meetings are held every Friday evening. The first officers were: W, W. Girton, M. W.; U. S. Brown, P. M. W.; B. I. Kinsev, F.; T. J. Robinson, 0.; 0. P. Wyland, F. R.: John R. Lehman, Fin.; E. B. Moore, Recr.; J. R. Wyerly, G.; J. F. Wyland, L W.; C. Happe, 0. W.; E.J. Trowbridge, E. S. Burgin, J. H. Waite, Trustees. There were twenty-eight charter members. The present officers are: 0. S. Reynolds, P. M. W.; George E. Bennett, M. W.; S. H. Watters, R.; ^Y. W. Girton, F.; L. P. Christianson, 0.; 0. P. Wyland, Rec; C. Happe, G.; H. F. Locke, W.; T. J. Robinson, Trustee; E. A. Cobb, M.D., Med. Ex. The present membership of the Lodge is twenty-one. Shelby County Agricultural Society. — This society was started about seven years ago by a few citizens, but it did not assume any particular prominence until within the past three or four years, and it was not a paying institution. The society started with but ten acres of land, whereas now it has forty. The fair grounds join the northeast portion of the town-site. The last two exhibi- tions have not only been well attended, but have more than paid expenses. Greater things are hoped for in the future. The grounds are provided with a good floral hall, an amphitheatre capable of holding 1,000 people, stabling for forty horses, good judges' stand, and one of the finest half-mile race-tracks in the State, all of which are enclosed by a tight board fence. In 1880, the society paid out ^1,400 in premiums, and in 1881, fll,500. The present officers are T. Ledwich, President; C. C. Redfield, Secretary. Utile Dulce Club. — This club which has been organized but a few weeks, has about thirt3'-five members. Its objects are physi- cal and social improvement, D. M. Wyland is President. Meet- ings are held in Long's Hull every night in the week. 414 HISTORY OF lOTVA. SHELBY COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES, HARLAN. W. E. Armstrong, barber, formerly of Humboldt, Humboldt county, la. (where he was engaged in business two years) came to Harlan in Dec, 1880, and established his present business on the west side of square; moved to his present room, which adjoins the City Hotel office, in Oct., 1881. He runs two chairs, keeping one man to assist. William Baughn, farmer and stock dealer, was born in Wash- ington, Fayette county, 0., in Nov., 1857; moved with parents to Harrison county, la.; thence in 1866 to Council Bluffs, and to Shelby county in 1869, and engaged in farming until 1875, then engaged in the livery business at Harlan, which he continued about a year, sold to Elias Monroe, and returned to farming. In 1878 he engaged in the stock business. His office is in the Stock and Grain Exchange, on the southeast corner of the square. Hiram Baughn, farmer, stock raiser and dealer, is one of the oldest settlers of Shelby county, la., and has a fine stock farm of 140 acres. Merrills Barton, farmer, was born in Genesee county, N. Y., in 1823, and at four years of age moved with parents to Chautauqua county. In 1852 he moved to Waupaca county. Wis., where he engaged in farming until 1870, when he moved to Mitchell county, la., and the following year came to Shelby county, locating two miles east of Harlan. He owns a farm of 131 acres, where he re- sides, and another of 600 acres in Douglas township. They are both well improved stock farms. He was elected a member of the Board of Supervisors. F. A. Bayer, M. D., was born in Dansville, N. Y., in 1840. In 1862 he enlisted in the 130th N. Y. Vol., was in several of the most important battles; was wounded at Opequan Creek, near Winchester, Va., and was discharged in 1864. He returned to N. Y.; afterwards entered the Medical College at Cincinnati, 0.; from which he graduated in 1867, and moved to Benton county, la., and there engaged in the practice of medicine for four years. In 1872 he came to Harlan and opened his present office. N. Booth, dealer in agricultural implements, wagons, carriages, etc.; came to Shelby county, la., in 1871, from Cal. He engaged in farming until 1881; then bought an interest in business of E. J. Trowbridge; afterwards purchased the entire business and pi'emises on Upper Second street. He handles Deering's twine bind- HISTORY OF IOWA. 4 15 ers, N. C. Thompson's goods, of Kockford, 111.; Moline Plow Co.'s goods, Norwegian Plow Co.'s goods, Davenport Co.'s goods, Court- land Wagon Co.'s goods, and is special agent for J. I. Case's ma- chinery and Aultman & Taylor's threshing machines. J. V. Brazie, stock raiser and farmer, was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., in April, 1853; in 1863 he moved with parents to Albany; thence the same year to Lapeer county, Mich. In 1864 he removed to Rochester, N. Y., and the year following to Butler county, la., and to Harlan in the spring of 1806. In 18-17 he at- tended the University at Des Moines; engaged in teaching several terms, and in 1875 engaged in farming. In 187G, he purchased the livery stock of E. "Monroe; conducted business until May, 1881; then sold to E. C. Swain, and continues farming, paying special attention to the raising of pure Berkshire and Poland China hogs. M. M. Bechtell, grain dealer, was born in Hagerstown, Me., in 1822; remained there until 1843; then studied for the ministry at Pennsylvania College, from which he graduated in 1874; then took a course in the theological seminary at Gettysburg, Pa.; was licensed as a preacher in the Lutheran church, and ordained in 1853; moved to Somerset county the following year; continued preaching, and also engaged in the lumber business. In 1858 he mov- ed to Cumberland county. Me., and continued the lumber trade; in 1865 was engaged in the oil trade in Pa., and the following year removed to Victor, la., and engaged in farming; thence to Mitch- ellville in 1873, and engaged in the grain business; the next year to Lennox, Taylor county, where he built a mill and remamedfour years; removed to Essex, Page county, and engaged in the mercan- tile business; thence to Harlan in 1879, and engaged in the hard- ware business, which he sold to Mr. Snively; then built elevator number two, and engaged in his present business. Irving W. Beems, justice of the peace and insurance agent, was born in Muskingum county, 0., in 1847; removed with parents to Jasper county, la., in 1856; was in the employ of the C. & K. I. railroad company several years, and in April, 1875, moved to Shelby county, and engaged in farming in Jackson township, un- til Sept., 1878, when he moved to Harlan, and engaged in the in- surance business; is special agent for the Underwriters, of N. \.; Gemania, of N. Y.; Westchester, of N. Y.; N. Y. City Fire Ins. Co.; American, of Philadelphia; Springfield Fire and Marine Ins. Co.; Iowa State, of Keokuk; and Hawkeye, of Des Moines. Office on the north side of public square. He was elected justice of the peace in 1881, on the republican ticket. He was married in 1868, in Jasper county, to Sarah E. Plummer, and has four children. Charles Bergstresser, harness maker, was born in Snyder county, Pa., in 1847; moved with parents to Harlan in 1865. His father established the first harness shop in the county; he worked for his father two years: was employed by P. Louchbr in Nov., 416 HISTORY OF IOWA. 1875; remained with him three years, and then purchased the busi- ness; keeps two men employed, and carries a full stock of every- thing in his line. Henry S. Burk, justice of the peace and collecting agent, was born in Southeastern Ky., Sept. 23rd, 1816; moved to Decatur county, Ind., in 1827, where he resided until coming to Shelby county, la., in 1869; engaged in farming and gardening. In 1877 he was elected justice of the peace, which office he still holds. S. A. Burk, attorney at law, was born in Decatur county, Ind., in 1853; came to la. with parents in 1869; received his education, at Moore's Hill College, Ind.; read law with Hon. Piatt Wick, was admitted to practice in Mar., 1878, and became a partner with Mr. W., which partnership was dissolved in 1880, when Mr. Burk opened his present office in Harlan. W. H. Carl, of the firm of Carl & Graves, dealers in furniture^ and undertakers; was born in AVapello county, la., in 1849, learned carpentering, and in 1872 located at Harlan,and engaged in contracting and building in partnership with W. H. Griffith; in 1876 they bought out the furniture business of William Stanley. In Mar., 1880, Mr. Griffith sold his interest in the business to Mr. Graves. They have a fine business house, carry a large and com- plete stock of everything in their line, and in connection own a handsome hearse that cost ^800. Mr, Carl is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. In May, 1880, he was married at Harlan to Miss A. C. Bergstresser. Riley Cass, proprietor of the Harlan steam carriage and wagon factory and blacksmith shop, was born in Chautauqua county, N. Y., in 1831; there learned his trade, and in 1853 moved to Van Buren county, la.; thence to Harlan in 1874, and established his present business in 1877, with a very small capital, in what is now his wood-work shop; added a blacksmith shop in 1879, and later in the same year added an engine room and polishing room; has a twelve-horse power, horizontal engine, also machinery for plow- work and sawing. He employs in his paint shop R. W. Straley, who is a painter and finisher of long experience. This factory has gainedan extensive repatation for its fine work, having none but competent workmen employed. Mr. C. was married in 1856 to Sarah Brown, and has" five children. Hon. J. W. Chatburn, proprietor of the Harlan and the Shelby Mills, was born at Sabden. England, in 1821; served an apprentice- ship there as millwright, and in 1845 came to America; was en- gaged in milling at Philadelphia, Pa., five years; removed in 1850 to Kanesville — now Council Bluffs — la.; remained two years; re- moved to Harrison county and took a claim near the present town of Magnolia; built a mill' in 1853, which Avas the first mill north of the Bover river; remained there until 1869; then moved to near HISTORY OF IOWA. 417 the present town of Woodbine, and built what was afterwards known as Dunmire's mill. In 1867 he built the Harlan mill, which he still owns, and in connection has a flour, exchange, sale and feed store in Harlan, which is managed by J, Hersey. In 1878, Mr. Chatburn erected the Shelby steam mills, at Shelby, which are run by Thomas Chatburn. Mr. J. W. Chatburn was elected county judge of Harrison county for two years, and is a member of the county board. Warren Closson, of the firm of Clossou & Hardie, wholesale deal- ers and shippers of butter, eggs, etc., was born in Delaware county, 0., in 1834:. He served in the Avar of the rebellion, and at its close located in Ind., and in ISOl) removed to Pella, la.; thence to Harlan in 1871; has been justice of the peace eight years; is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and A. F. & A. M. orders; was mayor of this city in 1880, and in Nov., 1881, engaged in his present busi- ness with Mr. Hardie. He was married in 1862 at Fort Wayne, Ind., to Fannie Hardie, and has six children. L. C. Cooper, barber, purchased his business in April, 1881, of Geo, Jackson, who established it in Jan., 1881. His shop is on the west side of square. It is well furnished. He has two chairs, and employs one man. Mr. C. was formerly in business at Avoca, la. John Coenen, of the firm of Coenen & Luecke, proprietors of the one-price clothing store; dealers in clothing, hats, caps, gents furnishing goods, boots, shoes, etc., also have merchant tailoring in connection. He came from Marion county, la., to Harlan in 1878, and established a lumber yard; in 1880, built the corner block, also the brick store building occupied by the clothing store, and two business houses adjoining. He sold the lumber business to John Reid & Co. Mr. C. is vice-president of and a stock-holder in the Shelby county bank. H. Luecke came from Carroll county to Harlan in Dec, 1880; formed his present partnership in 1881. Mr. CuUison, of the firm of Smith & CuUison, attorneys at law, graduated from the State Normal School, of Kirksville, Mo., in 1870; was conductor and principal of the Troy Normal School, from 1871 to 1875. He studied law w^ith A. A. J. Allerton, of Kirksville, and was admitted to the bar in 187G; was associate principal of the Southern Iowa scientific institute, and superin- tendent of the city schools of Allerton, Wayne 'ounty, la.; thence came to Harlan and formed his present partnership in Jan., 1881. J. W. DeSilva, attorney at law, was born in Gilboa, Schoharie county, N. Y., in 1831; attended the Gilboa Seminary, and in 1851 graduated from the Charlotteville Seminary; then began the study of law in the office of Hon. Lyman Treniaine, and was ad- mitted to tne bar in 1859; practiced for one year at Sullivan^ and in 1869 came to Shelby county, la., locating at Old Harlan. His office is on Court street, opposite city building. 418 HISTORY OF IOWA. F. B. Eshelman, dentist, was born in Foreston, Ogle county, 111.; began the study of dentistry with Dr. C. W. Chamberlain, of Lanark, Carroll county, la., in 18()2; remained there until 1880; then located at Harlan, and formed a partnership with Dr. Frazey, whom he bought out in Oct., 1881. He has a fine, well furnished office, on the second floor of Long's block, of three rooms — recep- tion room, operating room and labratory. C. Will. Fisher, photographer, was born in 1849; came to Harlan in 1876, and established his present business, which was the first in the county. His close application to business, and the fine work produced, has gained him a reputa- tion as an artist. Gallery on East Second street, one door south of Herald office. He is a member of the V. A. S., beneficiary society. In 1875 he was married at Andalusia, 111., to Rachel M. Parker. They have three children. Dr. L. D. Frost, druggist, was born in Morrow county, 0., in Aug., 1834; removed to Guthrie county, la., in the fall of 1854; engaged in running the hotel and stage station at the old town of Morrisburg, and devoted much time to the study of medicine. The following year he removed to his present location, on the south side of the square, where he has a fine stock of drugs, gro- ceries, confectionery, etc. He has an elegant private office, and fine library in connection. This was the first drug store in Shelby county. He was elected city treasurer in 1881. In 1854 te was married in Morrow county, 0., to Lydia Babcock. He has an orchard of ten acres adjoining town, with one thousand bearing apple trees, and quantities of small fruit. This is the largest orchard in the county. E. Gish. proprietor of the Central House, formerly known as the Swain House; was born in Va. in 1837; moved with parents to Green county, 0., in 1847; thence, in 1856, to Jasper county, la., and engaged in farming, until 1864; then moved to Shelby county, bought two hundred acres of well improved land in Harlan town- ship, and there engaged in farming until Apr., 1881, when he moved to Harlan and engaged in the hotel business. He has been engaged in this business before, and keeps a first-class house. He was married in 1867, at Bowman's Grove, la., to Marrietta Poling, and has two children. "G. S. Gibbs, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Ypsilan- ti City, Mich., in 1848; removed to Harlan. la., in 1869, and was in the employ of J. W. & E. W. Davis. They had at that time the only business house in the town. He remained with them five years, and was employed by J. B. Stutsman until 1876; and in partnership with J. Jackson established his present business July 1st, 187U. He purchased Mr. Jackson's interest, and now carries on the business alone; has a very fine stock, and does a lively busi- II HISTORY OF IOWA. 419 ness. Has a branch business at Irwin, which is conducted by W. W. Gibbs, under the firm name of W. W. Gibbs & Co. Mr. G. S. Gibbs has just completed a very fine brick residence in Harlan at a cost of $7,000. He Avas the first city treasurer of this place, and is at present a member of the council, also of the board of super- visors. Is a member of the A. F. & A. M. and I. 0. 0. F. lodges. He was married Jan., 1875, at Council Bluft's, to Delia Baughn, daughter of Hon. Chas. Baughn. They have one son and one daughter. J. T. Graham, of the firm of Graham & Munger, hardware deal- ers, came to Harlan, la., in Dec, 1880 from Sharon, Mahaska coanty, where he was engaged in business three years. Jan. 1st, 1881, he bought a half-interest in the hardware store of E. J. Trowbridge, who sold the remainder to Mr. Munger June 18th, 1881. They have a full stock of everything in their line; keep two men employed, and a first-class tinner: have telephone con- nections. 0. F. Graves, of the firm of Carl & Graves, was born in Water- town, Jefferson county, N. Y.,in 1848; there learned carpenter and joiner's trade; was for seven years engineer on the R. W. & 0. Rj.; four years on the N. Y. & 0. M. Ry., and one year on the U. P. Ry. In 1875 he opened the sash, blind, and door factory of Graves & Van Doren, at Watertown, and in March, 1880, came to Harlan, la., and formed his present partnership. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and V. A. S. orders. S. W. Harmon, of the firm of Seeland & Harmon, proprietors of the temperance billiard hall, on East Market street. This firm has three Brunswick & Balke Co.'s billiard tables, and two pool tables. The room is fitted up in first-class style; keeps for sale cigars, cider and soda water. Lucien Herbert, proprietor of saloon on west side of square, was born in Luxemburg, Ger.; is a graduate from the Luxemburg Uni- versity, which he attended six years, graduating in 1878; came to the U. S. in 1879, and located at Wesphalia, Shelby county, la.; moved to Harlan in May, 1881. J. A. Hardie, of the firm of Closson & Hardie, was born in Rock- port, N. Y., in 1858; moved to Pella, la,, in 1869; was for four years foreman for R. P. Brown, at Grand Junction; has had nine years experience in present business. Their place of business is in the basement of Coenen's block. Harry Howell, boot and shoe-maker, was born in Somerset, England, in 1848; came to America in 1868, first locating at N. Y. City: worked at trade there for six years; removed to Harlan, la., in the autumn of 1875; was in the employ of P. Louchor, har- ness, boot and slice-maker, three years; then purchased the boot and shoe business; continued in the same place one year, and built 420 HISTORY OF IOWA. his present place of business in 1879 in partnership with Charles Bergstresser. He is now doing a good business; keeps two men employed. H. C. Holcomb, clerk of the courts, was born in 1823, in Essex county, N. Y.; moved to Kanesville, la., in 1853; was en- gaged in teaching school in Mills and Pottawattamie counties un- til 1858; then came to Harlan, which was just laid out, and erected the first house in the town, and engaged in carpentry, until 1859, when he was elected clerk of the courts; was re-elected in 1860, 1862 and 1864; was defeated in 1860, and re-elected in 1868 and 1870; was not a candidate for the next term, but was re-elected in 1878 and 1880. He was married in 1802 to Elizabeth A. McCoy, and has one son. D. S. Irwin, attorney at law, came to Washington county, la., in 1805, from Pa. In the spring of 1870 he removed to Shelby county, and engaged in farming for several years, teaching school during the winters; was admitted to the bar at circuit court, at Harlan, in Mar., 1881, Judge Loofborow presiding; then engaged in the practice of law at Irwin, a new town on the Iowa Southern Ry. It was named after Mr. Irwin, having been laid out on his land. His office is in the postoffice building. Hon. Thomas Ledwich, of the firm of Ledwioh, Hunt & Long, dealers in lumber, coal, lime and cement; was born in Canada in 1841; came to the U. S. with parents, and located in N. Y. In the spring of 1801 he enlisted in the 2nd N. Y. Cav.: was wounded at the second battle of Bull Run. He was at the battle of Fredricks- burg, the fall of Mobile, and several other important battles, and was discharged in 1805; remained in Ky. two years; then re- moved to Avoca, la., and in June, 1869, shipped the first car-load of lumber into that place that was ever received there, and opened a lumber yard. In 1871 he started the first newspaper of the place, called the Avoca Delta, which he sold after two 3'ears. He re- moved to Harlan in 1879, and formed his present partnership. Their office is on Market street; adjoining it is the door and sash room, and in connection they manufacture Fry's patent combina- tion wood and wire fence, having the right for Shelby county. They keep four men employed, make sixty rods per day. Their large and well stocked lumber yard fronts Market and Court streets. Mr. Hunt was in business with Mr. L. at Avoca previous to com- ing to this place, and was the builder of the first steam mill there. Mr. Ledwich is president of the Shelby county fair association; has been president of the 'Botna Valley District Agricultural Society, he is mayor of the city, and has been a member of the council several years. James M. Long, of the firm of Ledwich, Hunt & Long, came to Shelby county, la., in the spring of 1856, and located within three- fourths of a mile of the present town of Harlan; bought eight HISTORY OF IOWA. 421 liuiulred acres of land in this and Harrison counties, and engaged in farming; two years later, the old town of Harlan was located, and in 1859 Mr. L. laid out the present town, which joins the old town on the south, and was called Long's addition. The same year the county seat was moved here from Shelbyville, and the year following he built the old court house; in ISTO he erected the Harlan House; six years later, the first brick l)usiness block in the town, on the north side of the square; in 1878, he built another business block on the southwest corner of the square, and the City Hotel, and a brick building in rear of the hotel used as a saloon; and now has in course of erection the new opera house, which is to be a first class opera house with all of the latest improvements. It will have three store-rooms on the ground floor, two in front and one in the rear. Besides these buildings, he owns a fine resi- dence, livery barn, and other town and country property. In 1800 he was married at Jeddo, Harrison county, to Hattie McCoid. Cyrus Mentzer. dealer in groceries and cj^ueensware, came to Harlan in the spring of 1880, from Marion, Linn county, la., where he was in business for eight 3'ears. He engaged in his present business with J. Jackson, and in the spring of 1881 bought Mr. J's. interest. He now employs three clerks, runs a delivery wagon for city trade, and carries one of the largest stocks of goods in his line in the city; store in Coenen's block, on the northeast corner of the square. Jame? E. Miller, harness maker, was born in Ky. in 1851; moved Avith parents to Mexico, thence to Audrian county, Mo., where he learned his trade; then came to Ottumwa, la., and worked with J. Taylor; afterwards to Des Moines, and was with F. Butler. In 1875 he came to Harlan, and was in the employ of E. E. Swain for two years, and after taking a trip to the Black Hills, took charge of the business for G. H. Walker, who sold to E. B. Gard in Sept., 1870. He continued in the business for Mr. G. until April 7th, 1880, when he purchased the business. He now keeps four men employed, and keeps constantly on hand a large and complete stock of harness, saddles, whips, etc.; also has a branch establishment at Irwin. He is a member of the A. 0. \J. W. or- der. Sept. 12th, 1878, he was married at Harlan to Hattie Brazie, and has two children. Myerly, Sheller & Harrod, attorneys at law, land, loan, insur- ance and abstract office. The business was established in 1879, by R. E. Carruthers. Messrs. J. B. Myerly & Co. purchased the office Jan. 1st, 1880, D. B. Sheller joining in March of the same 3'ear, and Mr. Harrod in Jan., 1881, thus forming the present partner- ship. Mr. Myerly came to Harlan from Des Moines, and is a graduate from the Iowa City University; attends to the law prac- tice of the firm. Mr. Sheller came from Dallas Center, Avhere he was for several years in the Dallas Center bank; Mr. Harrod, is 422 HISTORY OF IOWA. from Shelby, this county. Mr. H. was elected county treasurer in the fall of 1879, and at the expiration of the term became a part- ner in the present firm. They have an extensive and growing business, are agents for the Hamburg American Packet Company, Red Star Line, and American Steamship Company, for the sale of emigrant tickets, and have a complete set of abstract books of this county. J. S. Murray, of the firm of J. S. Murray & Co., proprietors of elevator No. 1, on the west side of the track of the Harlan branch of the C, R. I. & P. Ry.; was born in Canada in 1837; came to the U. S. in 1875, located at Avoca, la., and engaged in the grain business; was proprietor of the Avoca elevator. He came to Har- lan in 1878, built the elevator, and engaged in his present busi- ness. He has a branch business at Defiance, on a branch of the C, M. & St. P. Ry., which is conducted by Miles & Miles. The Avoca business was conducted by P. F. Murray until Sept., 1880, Avhen he came to Harlan, and became a member of the above firm. They also handle Des Moines and Oskaloosa hard and soft coal. J. W. Newby, dealer in agricultural implements, sewing ma- chines, organs, etc., was born in N. C, in 1849; moved with his parents to Carroll county. Ind.; thence to Mills county, la., in 1867, and to Shelby county the following year, locating one and one-half miles east of Harlan, on what was known as the Baughn farm. In 1875 he moved to Harlan, and established his present business, which is now located on West Market street. He is agent for the White, Domestic, and Household sewing machines, and for Furst & Bradley's, Walter A. Wood's Wier Co.'s., and Aultman, Miller & Co.'s goods, and for other leading manufac- tories. He has a branch establishment at Irwin, Dallas F. Paul, county auditor, w^as born in Saratoga, N. Y., in 1846; moved to Mills county, la., in 1866, and engaged in farming for ten years; then moved to Shelby county, and located in Cass township, where he owns 728 acres of land, well improved for stock purposes. He was elected to his present office in 1881. Andrew Peterson, merchant tailor, was born in Denmark, in 1830, learned his trade and was engaged in business there; came to America in Sept., 1873, and located at Troy, N. Y.; moved to Schenectady, and was in the employ of Holtzman & Fritzmaurice, as foreman in their tailoring department for two and one-half years. In the fall of 1876 he came to Harlan and established his present business. R. M. Pomeroy, county treasurer, was born in Franklin county. Pa., in 1849; moved to Louisa county, la., in 1872; was engaged in busmess at Morning Sun, and three years later moved to Shelby, Shelby county, and engaged in the mercantile business, which he still owns. He is mayor of Shelby. He was elected county treas- urer in 1881. HISTORY OF IOWA. 423 W. R. Parker, proprietor of billiard parlor and sample rooms, in rear of City Hotel, (formerly of Missouri Valley) established his present business in Nov., 1880. Has two Brunswick, Balke & Co.'s billiard tables, and one pool table. H. C. & E. 1). Potter, of the firm of Potter Bros., proprietors of the steam wagon, blacksmith and machine shop, on West Market street; came to Harlan, la., in Nov., 1878, from Whiteside county. III., and established his present business. They have a four-horse engine, and employ three blacksmiths and one wood woiker. They make a specialty of building fine light buggies and track sulkies to order. C. R. Pratt, of the firm of Pratt Bros., proprietors of the Harlan Herald, edits and conducts the paper. It was established in 1875 by Geo. Musgrave, is republican, and the official paper of the county, is thoroughly fitted for jobbing purposes; has a fine Campbell power press. J. H. & E. W. Reynolds, of the firm of Rej'^nolds Bros., con- tractors and builders, located at Harlan in 1879, shop on East Market street, where they employ two men, do Avagon work in con- nection. They are from Keokuk, la., are thorough workmen, and capable of handling large contracts. John Reed & Co., dealers in lumber, lime, cement, coal, and paints, were formerly of Rock Island, 111., where they were en- gaged in the lumber business; came to Harlan in Dec, 1880, and purchased the business of Coenen & Fairchild, on Upper Third street. Mr. John Reed conducts the business at Harlan; they have a branch establishment at Kirkman. Ramsey Bros., dealers in clothing, boots, shoes, and gents' fur- nishing goods; came to Harlan from Prairie City, Jasper county, la. The business was established in the spring of 1879, by Hol- defer & Ramse}'^; the former sold his interest in Jan., 1882, to J. H. & J. W. Ramsey, who with their brother W. H. constitute the present firm. They carry an immense stock of goods, and do a flourishing business; store on north side of square. They have a branch house at Irwin, under the charge of J. W. Ramsey, Frank and Albert Reynolds, of the firm of Reynolds & Co., photog- raphers, formerly of Keokuk county, la.; learned their trade at Des Moines, and came to Harlan in the spring of 1879; established business in Sept., 1880. They occupy four rooms in Coenen's block, on the second floor. They make a specialty of copying and enlarging. Alden K. Riley, attorney at law, loan and abstract ofiice; was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., in 1852; began attendance at the Fort Edwards Institute, N. Y., in 1808, and graduated in 1872; then entered Princeton College, N. J., obtained a degree in 1876, and entered the law firm of Krum & Grant, at Schoharie; removed 424 HISTORY OF IOWA. in the following year to Jeflfersou, Greene county. la.; there en- tered the law lirni of Russel & Toliver, and was also professor of mathematics at the Jefferson Academy. In April, 1878, he came to Harlan, and opened an office. He is one of the stockholders and directors of the Shelby county bank, also attorney for the bank; office in Coenen's block, front room up-stairs. He is a member of the I. 0. 0. F. August 27th, 1878, he was married at Harlan to Betta M, Hard, and has one child, Alden K'. Geo. D. Ross, farmer and stock raiser, was born in Jefferson county, N, Y., in Dec, 1842. He enlisted at the commencement of the war in Co. G, 21st Wis. Inft.; was in a number of impor- tant battles; was wounded at Atlanta, Ga,, necessitating the am- putation of his right arm; was discharged in 1865. In May, 1872, he came to Harlan, purchased property and engaged in teaching school. In the fall of the same year he was elected clerk of the courts, and re-elected twice on the republican ticket. He estab- lished the first livery in the town, in the spring of 1873, which he sold after two years. He had the mail route between Harlan and Dunlap, and carried mail and express between Harlan and Avoca, for several years. In Aug., 1875, he bought the Herald printing office, of Geo. Musgrave, and in Feb., 1876, bought the Record printing office, combined them, and published the Herald until 1879; then bought farms joining town, one of eighty acres on the west, and 160 acres, one mile northeast of town. He also owns valuable town property. John Rogers & Son, proprietors of restaurant and bakery, deal in staple and fancy groceries, confectionery, etc. They came to Harlan, in Dec, 1881, and purchased the stock and business of Lew Tamesiea on the east side of the square. They employ a first class baker and confectioner, keep day boarders and furnish lunches, ice cream, oysters, soda water, etc. J. S. Snively, hardware dealer, came from Carroll county, 111., where he had been engaged in teaching school, to Harlan, la., Oct. 1st, 1880, and established his present business, on the north side of the square. He carries a full stock of everything in his line; keeps three men employed; is the sole agent in the town for the Glidden barb wire. Samuel Smith was born in Guernsey county, 0., in 1836; re- moved to Guthrie county, la., in 1857, and engaged in farming. He engaged in freighting to Denver, Col., in 1861 and 1862; then returned to Guthrie county, where he remained until 1869; then came to Shelby county; engaged in teaching several years, and previous to the coming of the railroad to Harlan, ran freight- ing teams between there and Avoca. Mr. Smith, of firm of Smith & Cullison, came to Harlan from Bloomfield, Davis county, la., where he studied law with M. H. Jones, was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1878, and came to HISTORY OF IOWA. 425 this city the same 3'ear, and formed a j)artnerdiip with P. C. Tru- man, which continued three years. Mr. T. then sold his interest to Mr. Cullison, in Jan., 1881, thus forming the above firm. Joseph Stiles, attorney at law, and land loan and insurance agent, was born in ()., in 1846; removed to Benton county, la., in 1853; thence to Western, Linn county, in 1856; there attended college, and in 1867 moved to Jefferson, Green county, where he engaged in teaching school. In 1873 he began the study of law, Avith Henderson & Howard. The following year he was admitted to the bar, in the district court. Judge Reed presiding. He was asso- ciated in practice with Judge Potter, of that place, one year; re- moved to Harlan in the autumn of 1875, and opened an office; was elected justice of the peace in 1877, which office he held two terms. Steinhilber & Schnuettgen, dealers in furniture, and undertakers; established business April 1st, 1880. They command and occupy for the retail business the store building on Market street, having sales-room, work-shop and ware-room below, and on the second floor the finishing and undertaking rooms, in which they employ two men, a wood worker and ^nisher. Their factory on Third street employs from twenty to thirty men. They do a large whole- sale business. E. R. Steinhilber was formerly engaged in the stock business in Davenport. Mr. Schnuettgeii is by trade a fresco painter; worked several years in Philadelphia, Pa., and Milwaukee, VVis. He was employed on the Centennial buildings in Philadelphia. E. C. Swain, proprietor of Swain's livery stables, was born in Ind. in 1848; removed to la. in 1857, locating in Guthrie county; the following year moved to Shelby county, and to Harlan in 1869. He engaged in the harness business for six years, and in 1878, bought an interest in the livery business of J. V. Brazie. The present barn was built by this firm in 1879, and in 1881, Mr. S. became sole proprietor; keeps sixteen horses and eight carriages for livery purposes. J. B. Swain was born at Randolph, Ind., in 1825; moved to Dal- las county, Ind.. in 1854, and engaged in farming for two years; then moved to Denison, Crawford county, being one of the first to locate there; remained until the spring of 1859; then came to Shelby, and built a mill in Grove township, which he sold to Mil- ton Lynch, in 1861. He again engaged in farming, until his re- moval to Dunlap, when it was first laid out, in 1867, and the fol- lowing year opened a harness shop, which business he sold to his son, E. C. Swain. He purchased the Harlan House of J. M. Long, conducted it for five years, and in the spring of 1879 erected the Swain House, which he conducted until April, 1881, when he leased to E. Gish, and retired from active business. He was mar- ried in Wayne county, Ind., in 1846, to Irena Whitenger, and has three sons and five daughters. 28 426 HISTOKY OF IOWA. D. 0. Stuart, attorney at law, was born in Pa. in 1848; moved Avith parents to Va. in 1851; took a preparatory literary course at the university at Morgantown. He served one year as scout dur- ing the rebellion, and at the close of the war, removed to Warren county, la.; attended Simpson's Centenary College, at Indianola; graduated in 1872, obtaining the degree of B. A. He commenced reading law while at college, Avith Col. P. Gad Bryan, and was admitted at the Nov. term of the district court at Newton, Jasper county, in 1872; was admitted to practice in the supreme court in June, 187i, and to the U. S. circuit court in Oct., of the same year, at Des Moines. In the spring of 1877, he moved to Des Moines, and to Harlan in Aug., 1880. His otfice is in Long's block on the north side of the public square. A. D. Tinsley,editor of the Harlan Tribune (established in 1879), was born in Wapello county, la., in 1854; removed to Harlan in 1875, engaged in joiner work with hiley Cass, and taught school during the winter of 1875-G. In 1877 was assistant county treas- urer under Thomas McDonald; in the fall of the same year, en- gaged in business Avith his brother Prior Tinsley, and in 1879, still retaining his interest in the store, he opened the Tribune office. He has since been chairman of the county democratic central com- mittee. He has always been an active participant in the cam- paigns, and is recognized as one of the party leaders in the county. The Tribune has been a county official paper since its establsh- ment, and a city official paper for some time; office on north side of the square. Nov. 10th, 1881, Mr. Tinsley was married to Cicily ChatburU; daughter of the Hon. J. W. Chatburn of Harlan. G. W. Todd, M. D., Avas born at Bellevue, Huron county, 0., in 1838; attended college at Granville three years, then the Cleveland Medical College, graduating in 1861, and obtaining a degree. He enlisted in the 55tli 0. Inft., Co. A, and was discharged in 1865; then came to Tabor, Fremont county, la., and engaged in the drug busi- ness; remained eight years, then moved to Montgomery county, la., and engaged in the practice of medicine at Milford. In the spring of 1878 he moved to Shelby, Shelby county, la., and to Harlan in 1881; where he formed a partnership with Dr. Cartlich, Avho located herein 1880. Geo. H. Walker, was born in W. Va., in 1814; moved to Northern Ind., in 1834, and engaged in farming; was also engaged in the mer- cantile business at Benton, Elkhart county. In 1854 removed to Linn county, la., and engaged in farming until 1860, when he en- gaged in business at Mt. Vernon. In 1876 he moved to Harlan, and in June of that year established a mercantile house; retired from business in the autumn of 1881, still OAvning the property, be- sides other town property, and 420 acres of land in Thayer county, Neb. He was married in Ind., in 1842, to Celina Smith, and has four children. HISTORY OF IOWA. 427 A.G. Waynick, of the firm of Waynick & Hunter, grocers; was born in Monroe county, la., in 1852; moved with parents to Chari- ton, Lucas county, in 185-4. In 1870 he went to Golden, Col., and two years later to Chicago, 111.; thence, in 1874, to Burlington, la.; and two years later to Corning, where he engaged in the clothing business, until 1879. when he came to Harlan and established his present business, which he carried on alone until the spring of 1880. Mr. Hunter, of Corning, then bought an interest, but remains at Corning, Mr. W. conducting the business, which is in Long's block on the southeast corner of the square. J. E. Weaver, attorney at law, was born in Henry county, Ind., in June, 1849; moved with his parents to Powsheik county, la., in 1859; entered the Iowa College, at Grinnell, la., in 1866, and in 1870 commenced the study of law with Emery & Lewis, of Montezuma; was admitted to the bar in 1873 by the district court_, Judge E. S. Sampson presiding. In 1874 moved to Pella, where he practiced one year, and then came to Harlan, establishing his present business; office on the north side of square. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. order. Thomas R, "VVestrope, farmer, stock raiser and dealer, was born in Morgan county. 111., in 1825; moved to La Fayette county. Wis., in 1850; thence to Montgomery county, la., where he owns six- teen hundred acres of Avell improved farming land, two hundred and fifty head of graded cattle and fifty head of pedigreed short- horns. He came to Shelby county in the spring of 1881, and here owns 440 acres of land and 150 head of cattle; has 360 acres of well improved farm in Audubon county, and 260 acres in La Fay- ette county. Wis. He carries on all of these farms himself, keep- ing sixteen men constantly employed, besides extra help in crop- fing seasons. He is one of the most extensive farmers in western a. In 1848, he was married, in La Fayette county, Wis., to Sarah A. Huntsman. They have eight sons and two daughters. D. M. Wyland, of the firm of J. C. & D. M. Wyland, was born in Elkhart county, Ind., in 184G; came to Shelby county. la., in 1861 ; in 1864 took charge of the treasurer's office under William Wyland, and the year following attended the university at Iowa City, remaining four years; returned to Harlan and was appointed clerk of the courts in 1869, which position he resigned in the spring of 1870, to accept one offered by the Council Bluffs savings bank; remained there until 1872; then formed a partnership with his present partner. He is a member of the citv council, and of the A. F. & A. M. and I. 0. 0. F. orders. In Sept., 1878, he was married at South Bend, Ind., to Belle Keasey. C. J. Wyland, of the firm of C. J. & D. M. Wyland, bankers, real estate, loan and insurance agents, was born in Ind. in 1836; came to Shelby county, la., in 1861, and engaged in farming in Harlan township; was elected treasurer of the county in 1871, on 428 HISTORY OF IOWA. the democratic ticket, and re-elected in 1873. In 1875, he, with with D. M. Wyland, with whom he had previously been engaged in the real estate, loan and insurance business, established the bank. They occupied a frame building until 1880, when they erected the present two-story building, of brick with stone front. The first floor is used for the real estate, loan and insurance oflfice and tele- phone exchange, of which J. C. has charge, and the second floor by the bank, in charge of D. M. In 1864, the subject of this sketch was married to Amanda H. Dunnington, at Harlan. They have five children. Hon. William Wyland, farmer, was born in 0. in 1830; removed to northern Ind. in 1832, with his parents, where he remained un- til 1856; then came to Shelby county, la., which at that time was very sparsely settled, the inhabitants having to go to Kanesville — now Council Bluff's — for mail and to do trading. He entered land, and engaged in farming until 1859; was elected county treasurer in 1857, and county judge in 1859; returned to farming in 1861, and in 1873 engaged in the mercantile business in partnership with Thos. Wood; closed out business in 1877, and returned to farming in North Harlan. Hon. Pratt Wicks, attorney at law and representative for the 74th district, was born in Manchester, Ind., in 1832; was admitted to the bar in 1853. at a term of the circuit court at Shelbyville, Ind., Hon. R. D. Logan presiding. The following year he began the practice of law at Greenburg; was elected to the office of dis- trict attorney in 1856, and re-elected in 1858; was elected prose- cuting attorney of the 4th judicial circuit in 1866; held the office until 1869, and then resigned, on the division of the circuit, and came to Harlan, la.; was elected to the 18th general assembly in the autumn of 1879, and re-elected to the 19th general assembly in 1881, on the republican ticket. D. A. Williams, proprietor of the City Hotel, was born in Pitts- burg, Pa., in 1846; removed with parents to Marshalltown, la., in 1857. He enlisted in 1863 in the 9th la. Cav.; was discharged in 1865, and assisted his father in the stock business; traveled through the west in 1868, handling stock; was engaged in freighting to the W innebago Agency several years, and was in the stock business at Missouri Valley, la., some time; also at St. Paul, Minn., Denver, Col., and Texas. In 1875 he established a drug store in Council Bluffs, la., which he sold in the summer of 1881 to Shephard Bros, and then moved to Harlan Oct. 11th, 1881; he opened the City Hotel, built and owned by J. M. Long, which is a fine building, well furnished, has one of the finest sample rooms in the Avest for the accomodation of commercial travelers, and has omnibus in connec- tion. J. J. Zimmerman, proprietor of livery, feed and sale bams, on the west side of square, was born in Pa. in 1840; moved to Jones HISTORY OF IOWA. 429 county, la., in 1856, and engaged in farming; removed to Shelby county in 18TG and engaged in farming until March, 1880, when he engaged in the livery business at Old Harlan House barn. In Oct., 1881, he purchased Hurless' barn and stock, and now runs both barns; keeps eighteen horses for livery purposes, and nine carriages, has telephone connections. 430 HISTOKY OF IOWA. CLAY COUNTY. The coimty of Clay is twenty-four miles square, containing an area of 368,640 acres. It is located in the second tier from the third county from the west boundary of the State. The little Sioux River and its tributaries afford water and drainage in nearly all portions of the county. The stream, with its serpentine wind- ings, has a length of not less than seventy miles within the limits of Clay County, and furnishes quite a number of good water pow- ers, its largest tributary is Ocheyedan Creek, which rises in Os- ceola County and, flowing in a southeasterly direction_, empties into Little Sioux River near Spencer. Both these have broad, rich and beautiful valleys. Among other smaller streams are Willow, Prairie, Henry and Muddy Creeks. The eastern portion of the county has several small lakes^ the most important of which are Lost Island Lake, Swan Lake, Pickerel Lake, Virgin Lake and Mud Lake. Fish abound in some of them. The county has a very limited supply of native timber, but more than some of the other counties in this part of the state. The surface is undulating prairie, with scarcely any waste land, and the soil is exceedingly fertile. The staple productions are wheat, oats, corn, grass and the various root crops. The county is well adapted to grazing, on account of the abundance of nutritious wild grass and pure water. The first settlement of whites in the county was made in July, 1856, by Ambrose S. Mead and Christian Kirchner with their fami- lies. The former built his cabin on section 34, township 94, range 38, and the latter on section 32 of the same township and range. John J. Bicknell had the honor of holding the plow that broke the first sod in the county, while Ambrose S. Mead was honored by driving the oxen. In the fall of 1856 there were several more families came in, to-wit: James Bicknell, Ezra Wilcox and two men named Cillett.j^ In the latter part of February, 1857, the Indians, on their way to Spirit Lake before'the massacre, visited the infant settlement in this county, killed four head of cattle belonging to Mr. Kirch- ner, and drove away ten horses and five or six head of cattle be- longing to Mr. Mead. Passing on to what is known as Gillett's Grove, they drove away forty head of cattle, four horses, and de- stroyed most of the personal property of the Gilletts. The five or six families in the county, in consequence of this raid, fled and were away several months. The first marriage was that of John A. Kirchner and Mary J. Bicknell, daughter of James Bicknell. HISTORY OF IOWA. 431 The first birth was that of Ella, a daughter of these parties. The first death was that of Clay Crego, infant sou of Y. 13. Crego. A barn erected by C. Kirehuer was the first frame building in the count.y. Clay County was, previous to its organization, a part of Wood- bury County. In accordance with a petition of the majority of the legal voters of Clay County, presented to the Honorable Coun- ty Court of Woodbury County, Judge John L.Campbell presiding, an election was ordered to be held by the said county on the 12th day of October, 1858, and the voters of Clay County were author- ized to meet at the house of Ambrose S. Mead, for the purpose of perfecting an organization of Clay County, and voting for district, county and township olficers, thus severing the ties between the independent county of W^oodbury, and the independent county of Clay. James Bicknell, E. M. W^ilcox, and Ambrose S. Mead were appointed to act as Judges of Election, and to make returns accord- ing to law; consequently, on the 28th of September, 1858, Ain- brose S. Mead was qualified as one of the Judges of Election, with power to qualify the o'her Judges and Clerk of the same. There were eighteen ballots (*st at this election. The first county officers were: F. M. Foreman, Treasurer and Recorder; E. M. Wilcox, Clerk; C. Kirchner, Sr., Coroner; J. Kindelspeyer, Drain- age Commissioner; Ambrose S. Mead, County Superintendent; C. C. Smeltzer, County Judge. Present County officers: H. B. W^ood, Auditor: H. Chamberlain, Clerk; P. E. Randall, Treasurer; S. W. Dubois. Recorder; P. W. Madden, Sheriff; M. M. Gilchrist, Superintendent of Schools; E. N. Jencks, County Surveyor; T. P. Bender, J. Goodwin, Reuben Somers, J. Dodge and H. Watts, being the Board of Supervisors, with T. P. Bender, Chaiiman. The population of the County, according the census of 1880, was 4,248; the present po]iulation maybe safely estimated at 0,000. At the time of the organization nearly all the settlers were in the southwest corner of the county, and Peterson was made the county seat. There was at this place a considerable body of tim- ber and a good water power on the Little Sioux, on which John A. Kirchner erected a grist and sawmill. SPENCER. This is the county seat of Clay County. Spencer Avas platted by J. B. Edmunds, J. H. Hale and" J. Calkins, in 1871. The second house in Spencer was erected by W. R. Lamberton, the first house being a log house which was built by J. W^. Mastin upon the site where Spencer now stands, in 1866. B. P. Hough built a house in 1866; J. W. Mastin opened a stock of goods in his log house in 1869. this being the first store in Spencer. Feeso & Bergin, and Tuttle & Smith, each opened a store in 1870. Horace Smith and Field Bros, also opened stores in 1871. 432 HISTORY OF IOWA. Spencer was incorporated in the spring of 1880. Its first offi- cers were: AV. C. Gilbraith. Mayor; Charles Penfield, Recorder; J. Rood,C. M. Squire, T. P. Bender, M. P. W. Albee, M'. E. Grffin, E. E. Snow, City Council. Present officers: J. B. Edmunds, Mayor; J. E. Steele, Recorder; I. F. Constant, Assessor; E. A. Maker, Marshal ; C. McKay, Treasurer; J. Rood, W. L. Bender, J. C. McCoy, M. S, Green, A. C. Perine, J. P. Evans, City Council. The Spencer WeeJiJij Beporter was fire t started in 1877, by J. F. Ford, who was follov ed by A. T. McCargar; the Barnard Bros, purchased it of McCargar January 1st, 1882. Its politics is Re- publican; it is a nine-column folio, and has a circulation of 1,250 copies, and is all printed at their office in Spencer. They have a finely fitted office, situated on Main street, have a steam power press, etc. The Clcnj Cotiniij Neirs, C. M. Whitman, editor and proprietor, was established at Peterson in 1870, but was removed to Spencer in 1871, under the management of J. F. Ford, now of the Sheldon Neics. Ford sold to McCargar, who ran the paper some time, subsequently transferring it to C. M. Gilbreath, who, in turn, dis- posed of it to C. M. Whitman, who took possession in 1880, and has since continued in the management of the paper. It is a seven-column quarto, having been enlarged by W^hitman since he took charge. It is the oldest paper in county. The Old, a monthly paper, conducted by J. B. Edmunds, is devoted to the land and immigration interests of Northwestern Iowa. It was first issued in 1879, is a five-column folio, and is gratitutiously ciiculated through many of the Eastern States. CHUECHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. First Covgrefiational Socieiy — Organized March 14th, 1872. under the charge of W. L. Coleman. First officers: E. Perine, P. M. Moore, H. B. Coryell, Trustees; L. C. Bergin and P. M. Moore, Deacons; A. W. Miller, Treasurer; L. C. Bergin, Clerk. The church was organized wiih the following members: L. C. Bergin, E. Perine, H. B. Coryell, C. Van Eps, C. Snyder. A. W. Miller, I. Laughten, P. D. Graves, Helen Graves, P. M. Moore, Mary S. Moore. Present membership, fifty-six. Rev. J. M. Cumings is the present pastor. The church building was dedicated in Febru- ary, 1875; size, 26x36 feet; is supplied with a church bell, the first in the town, which was placed there by the church society under the pastorate of Rev. J. M. Cummin gs in 1869. The cost of the church was ^2,754. A parsonage was built in 1880; size, 16x24 feet; cost,|435. There is a Sabbath School with ninety-three pupils; Dr. McAllister, Superintendent; Clark Skinner, Treasurer. The present officers of the church are: L. C. Bergin, P. M. Moore, Deacons; Dr, McAllister. P. M. Moore, A. W. Miller, Trustees. HISTORY OF IOWA. 433 MetJiodist Chioy/i. — Spencer ( 'ircuit was formed in September, 1871, with Kev. Charles B. Winter as the first pastor. The first Board of Trustees were: John Hood, President; M. M. Peeso, Secretary; J. H. Hale, Treasurer; A. M. Calkins, W. W. Scott, II. Hough, H. B. Wood. The church was built in 1872, and dedi- cated June 18th, 1873, by Rev. J. W. Clinton, with a debt of .^1,- 711, which was paid off by subscription. The first pastor was Rev. C. B. Winters, who was followed by F. M. Cooley, he by W. H. Drake; then in order by J. W. Lothian, Seymour Snyder, and E. C. Warren. The present pastor is Rev. P. H. Eighmy. The mem- bership when first organized was 46, present membership, 115. The first church was destroyed by fire, and left the society in debt $600. It was rebuilt in 1880, during the pastorate of E. C. War- ren, at a cost of $2,000, and the society is now free from debt. A parsonage was built in 1881 at n cost of $700; size, 10x24 feet. The Sunday School has seventy-five pupils; P. H. Eighniy, Super- intendent; M. M. Peeso, Treasurer; Millie Hagrath, Secretary. Baptist Cliurch. — Organized January 7th. 1874, with David Skinner, Catherine Skinner, J. A. Bowman, W. H.Davis, S. Hayes, L. Chapin, J. J. Ayres and L. W. Miller, as members. First offi- cers: D. Skmner, Deacon; L. F. Miller, Clerk; J. A. Bowman, Treasurer; D. Skinner, J. A. Bowman and W. H. Davis, Trustees. Present officers: D. Skinner, Deacon and Treasurer; G. C. Farr, Clerk; D. Skinner, W. M. Davis and William Desbrow, Trustees. First pastor, T. H. Judson, who was followed by A. V. Bloodgood. This society has no building of their own, and at present are not supplied with any pastor. There is a Sabbath School with forty- five pupils; G. C. Farr, Superintendent. This society has purchased two lots, upon which they propose soon to erect a church and par- sonage. Eveninq Sliade Lodge No. 312, A. F. & A . M — Instituted January 24th, 1872. Charter granted, June 8th, 1872. Charter members: S. Lacore, S. F. McDonald, A. Wright, J. W. Crist, S. B. Crist, E. J, Marvine, A. H. Wilber, William Harvey. A dispensation was granted by 0. P. Waters, Grand Master. First officers, under dis- pensation: W. Harvey, W. M.; E. J. Marvine, S. W.; H. H. Wilber, J. W., who were also the first officers under the charter, with the addition of J. H. Hale, Treasurer; S. B. Crist, Secretary; J. W. Crist, S. D.; J. F. Ford, J. D.: J. H. Fend, Tylei. Present officers: W. C. Gilbreath, W. M.; M. P. W. Albee, S. W.; H. C. Brown, J. W.: J. F. Constant, Secretary: W. M. Davis, Treasurer; J. C. McCoy, S. D.; A. R. Claxtion, J. D.; S. B. Taylor, Tyler. Membership about thirty. Meetings are held every Monday even- ing in each month, on or before the full moon. The Lodge has no hall of its own, but is in a very flourishing condition. Spencer Lodge Xo. 247, I. 0. 0. J'.— Instituted October 17th, 1872. Charter members: H. Smith, A. B. Kline, J. F. Ford, A. G. Hardin, W. I. Rood. First officers: A. S. Kline, N. G.; H. 434 HISTORY OF IOWA. Smith, y. G.; W. I. Rood, R. S. Present officers: A. F. Mas- terman, N. G.; P. E. Randall, V. G.; A. Hubbard, R. S.; H.Smith, Treasurer. Membership, lif ty. Meetings are held Tuesday even- ing of each week in Mason's Hall. The Lodge is in a flourishing condition. Spencer Temple of Honor No. 13. — Organized December 5th, 1881, by Grand W. C. T. Smith. Charter members: P. E. Ran- dall, C. W. Whitman, M. Tuttle, P. Hodge, J. I. Garret, W. B. Davidson, Will Hodge, E. D. Sanders, M. C. Brainard, D. R.Hub- bard, D. C. Skinner, and others. First and present officers: C. M. Whitman, W. C. T.; D. R. Hubbard, W. V. T.; P. E. Ran- dall, F. R.; W. B. Davidson, Treasurer; M. C. Brainard, R. S.; P. Hodge, Usher; C. Skinner, Chaplain; membership, twenty; meet once each week (Monday evening), in the Court House. This is a temperance organizaijion, and is doing effective work for the cause. Spencer Lodqe Xo. 201, A. 0. U. W. — Instituted in August, 1879. First officers: A. T. McCarger, M. W.; W. C. Gilbreath, P. M. W.; C. P. Buckey, Rec; I. F. Constant, Financier; W. L. Bender, Receiver; E. Pickering, 0. S. W.; J. M. Haggarty, I. S. W^; J. P. Evans, Guide; M. P. W. Albee, Foreman; T. P. Bender, M. S. Green, M. E. Griffin, Trustees. Present officers: J. W. Andrew, M. W.; N. Tuttle, Receiver; M. E. Griffin, Recorder; I. F. Constant, Financier; P. E. Randall, Foreman; W. C. Gilbreath, 0. W.; A. T. McCarger, I. W. Meetings are held once in two weeks. Clay Countij Agricultural Board. — Organized in 1879. First officers: T. P. Bender, President; M. E. Griffin, Treasurer; W. C. Gilbreath, Secretary; Dr. C. McAllister, J. B. Edmunds, A. T. McCarger, James Godwin, Directors. Present officers: T. P. Bender, President; J. B. Edmunds, Treasurer; W. C. Gilbreath, Secretary; C. McAllister, A. T. McCarger, J. P. Evans, M. Hackett, R. Jackson, Directors. This society owns thirty acres of land, situated one-quarter of a mile northwest of town, and enclosed with a close board fence seven feet high. There is a nice amphi- theater, which seats 400 people; a floral hall 21x36 feet; also sheds, stalls, pens, etc.; a Judge's stand, etc., and a good one-half mile track. Fairs are held once each year. The society is nearly free from debt. The total cost of the grounds and improvements was $3,000. The first school-house in the town was built in 1869; C. Carver Avas the first teacher. Spencer became an independent district in 1874. Previous to this it was a part of Spencer Township District. The first Board of Education was: H. B. Wood, Secretary; H. Smith, Treasurer: M. Hines, President. The first teachers of the independent district were: Geo. Mann, Principal; Augusta Smith Assistant. The present school building was erected in the fall of 1879, at a cost of 84,000; cost of furnishing, |800; size, 48x58 feet. HISTORY OF IOWA. 435 The present Board is composed of the following gentlemen: T. P. Bender, President; A. W. Miller, J. C. McCoy, Ackley Hubbard. Present teachers: J. T. Lemar, Principal; MissL. Parker, Miss E. Bean, Miss Cowan and Miss Olive Woodruff. The present en- rollment of pupils is about 300. The Court House was built by the citizens of Spencer in 1871. the county being given the use of it for three years. The county afterwards bought it. Its dimensions are 20x10 feet; cost §1,000. There is a prospect of a new Court House being soon erected. The C, M. & St. P. Railroad was built to Spencer in 1878. There is a narrow gauge in course of construction to meet the Wa- bash, St. Louis & Pacific, from Des Moines through Spencer, and thence north through Dickinson County. The grading for this road is at present completed through the county of Clay. Th(! Chicago,Mil waukee & St. Paul Compan y have in course of con- struction a road from Spencer to Spirit Lake, most of the grading on which is completed. This road is expected to be completed through Clay County during the present year. Spencer boasts of a creamery, which was established in 1878, by McPhersou & Allen. They have a laige building and steam power. This creamery is run on the cream-gathering plan, and uses cream from nearly every section of the county. It was operated in 1881 by Penfieki, Allen & Co. The building is 20x50 feet in dimensions, two stories high, and cost about $3,000. Spencer also has a plow factory, which does business on a small scale, but which it expects to largely increase in the near future. The business establishments of Spencer may be thus classified: drugstores, two; harness, two; agricultural implements, three; billiard halls, three; hardware, three; shoe stores, two; saloons, two; bookstores, one; furniture, three; banks, three; general mer- chandise, ten; elevators, three; barber shops, two; merchant tailor, one; butter and egg packers, two: music dealers, one; livery, three; groceries, seven; lumber, four; hotels, three; restaurants, three; jewelry, one; meat markets, two; fruit store, one. 436 HISTOKY OF IOWA. CLAY COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES. SPENCER. John B. Annett, shoemaker, was born in England; spent most of his younger daj's in Mass.; then moved to 111., and in 1869 set- tled on a homestead in Spencer township, Clay county, la. He opened a shoemaker's shop on his farm in 1870, and in company with G. C. Farr, started a general store. He returned to Mass. in 1871, and again came to Spencer in 1877, and was employed by S. S. Birkson, with whom he still continues. H. C. Brown, contractor and builder, was born in Indiana in 1848. He moved with his parents to Keokuk, la., where he re- mained until 1870; then came to Spencer and engaged as above. The first building he occupied in Spencer was a sod building. H. Chamberlain, county clerk, was born in Vt. in 1849; moved with his parents to 111. when six years of age; thence to la. in 1871. He was elected to the above named office in 187G, and is now serving his third term. He married Mary Ellis in 1875. They have two children. William Carleton came to Iowa from Me. in 1851, and located in Marion county. He moved to Clay county in 1871; located at Spencer, and opened the first grocery stoi'e in the town. There were only four business houses in the town, and he, with his wife, lived for some time in a tent. He has been engaged in the gro- cery business since coming to the place until the first of the pres- ent year, 1882. Mr. Carleton spent several years as a sailor, and has visited various countries. F. G. Daniels, proprietor of the Gregory House, was born in Herkimer couuty, N. Y., in 1838; moved to Chautauqua county in 1851. He was engaged as traveling salesman and collecting agent for a New York house for some years, and in 1862 engaged in business at Oil Creek, Pa. In 1871 he came to Iowa; was engaged in the patent right business for several years, and located at Spen- cer, in 1881. He married Mary E. Bennett, in 1871, and has one son. J. B. Edmunds, banker and real estate dealer, was born in Mich, in 1845, removed Avitli parents in 1850 to 0.; thence to Minn, in 1851. He came to Spencer in 1870, and engaged in his present business. He was one of the original proprietors of the town. When he came here there was onlv one log house where the town now stands, and he has probably done more to build up the place than any other man. Mr. Edmunds published The Oivl^ a real estate paper devoted to the land interests of Clay county. HISTOEY OF IOWA. 437 Thomas Eagan, proprietor of the City Hotel, was born in III. in 1854; removed with his parents during the same year to Wis., where he remained until 1881, when he came to Spencer, and en- gaged in his present business. He was married in 1874 to Cather- ine lieardon, and has four children. Henry Green, railroad contractor, came to Iowa from N. Y. in 1852, and located in Allamakee county; thence to Clay county in 1871, and settled on a homestead. He moved to Spencer in 1880, and purchased the Spencer House, which he ran until Dee., 1881, then rented the hotel, and engaged in business as above. S. H. Geddes, of the firm of Geddes & Goble, contractors and builders, came to Spencer from Bremer county, la., in 1878, and engaged in business as above. He conducted business alone until 1881, at which time J. J. Goble came to Spencer from Palo Alto county, and became a partner in the business. Ackley Hubbard, attorney at law, came to Spencer, la., from N. Y. in 1869. He settled on a homestead and engaged in farming. In 1872, he was elected clerk, which office he held two terms. He was admitted to the bar in 1876, and has been engaged in the practice of the law ever since. He is also a member of the firm of Woodruff & Hubbard, furniture dealers. He has added to the city by putting into the market forty acres on the west side, which are now covered with some of the finest residences in the place. T. B. Horton and S. T. Cruver, of the firm of Horton & Cruver, dealers in general merchandise, established business in Nov., 1880. They came to Spencer from Lake county, 111., where they had been engaged in the same business. The business averages about $40,000 per annum. E. E. Harris, painter, came to Spencer in 1874, from 111. and en- gaged in the hotel business at the Metropolitan, now called Com- mercial. He afterwards opened the Central house now called the Gregory, after three years he rented the hotel and began working at his trade, that of painter. He worked at painting one year in the Black Hills. He is also agent for the Cedar Rapids Ins. Co. D. R. Hubbard, special agent for the Cedar Rapids insurance company, was born in Floyd county, la., in 1858; moved with his parents to Clay county in 1809, when he settled on a homestead. He engaged in teaching school until 1878, when he engaged in his present business at Spencer. He married Rosa H. Feed in 1880. W. C. Hubbard, agent for the Kimball organ, was^born in Floyd county, la., in 1861; moved with parents to Clay county and set- tled on a homestead. He came to Spencer in 1880, and engaged in his present business with Arthur Hubbard. He now continues business alone. 438 HISTORY OF IOWA. W. S. Lloyd, proprietor of the eating house near the depot; came to Spencer in 1878, from Cedar Falls, la., and engaged in his pres- ent business. He furnishes warm meals at all hours, also rooms for travelers. P. W. Madden, sheriff, was horn in Pa. in 1845; moved with pa- rents to Mahaska county, la., in 1852. He came to Clay county in 1871, and settled on a homestead in Lincoln township. He was elected to his office as above in the autumn of 1881. E. A. Maker, dental surgeon, was born in Cincinnati, 0., in 1842; moved to Ind. in 1860; there learned dentistry, and in 1865 moved to Grant county, Wis. In 1878, he came to Spencer, and opened the first dental office in the city. Dr. Maker is at present marshal of Spencer. J. D. Powers, hardware dealer, came to Spencer in 1S7S from Butler county, la., and engaged in his present business. He car- ries a stock worth from ten to twelve thousand dollars, and his sales average about §25,000 per annum. This is one of the finest hardware stores in Western Iowa. P. E. Randall, county treasurer, was born in Lockport, N. Y., in 1843; moved with parents to Canada, where he remained five years, then moved to Wis. He came to Clay county in 1870, engaged in farming; after two years, came to Spencer and engaged as sales- man. He was elected to his office as above in 1879, and re-elected in 1881. He was postmaster six years. H. Smith, dealer in general merchandise, came to Spencer from Wis. in 1871, and engaged in his present business. There were only about fifty persons in the town when he came, and he was the third man to put in a stock of general merchandise. He started in the same building which he now occupies, which at that time was 30x20 feet, but which by reason of additions, is now eighty- two feet in length. He carries a stock worth from ten to twelve thousand dollars. The Spencer Reporter was established in 1877 by J. F. Ford, and purchased by A. T. McCarger, in 1881, who sold it to the Bar- nard Bros, in Dec, 1881. It is a republican paper, all printed at home. They have the only steam-poAver press in the northwest, outside of Sioux City. They are prepared to do job work in all styles. G. Thorine, business manager for the Eureka Furniture Com- pany, established the business in 1878, as the Spencer Furniture Co. 1881, he sold to J. C. Lewis, who changed the name as above. Mr. Thorine Was retained as manager. H. H. Wade, contractor and builder, came to Clay county in 1869, and located on a homestead in Summit township, where he lived three years; then went to 0. He returned to Clay county in HISTORY OF IOWA. 439 1880, and purchased a farm of the raih-oad company where he has since lived; en gaffed in business in Spencer as above. He has built some of the finest buildings in the city. He was married in 1876, and has two children. C. M. Whitman, proprietor of the Clay County News, was born in Racine county, Wis., in 1852, leai:ned his trade at Burlington, Wis.; came to Spencer, la., in 1880, and engaged in his present business. The News was the first paper in the county, having been established at Peterson in 1870 by J. F. Ford, who moved it to Spencer in 1871. It was purchased by Mr. McCarger, who sold it to W. C. Gilbreath, and was then purchased by its present OAvner. This paper is republican, and an advocate of temperance. Mr. Whitman was married in 1875; his wife died since coming to Iowa. %s JiU HISTOKY OF IOWA. BUENA VISTA COUNTY, Buena Vista County is the third from the west and the third from the north line of the State. It is twenty-four miles square, containing 368,640 acres. The Little Sioux River meanders through the northern portion of the county, watering three town- ships, and furnishing some valuable bodies of timber. It receives a tributary from the south, which waters two or three additional townships. Several other small streams pass through different parts, affording good water for stock, and surface drainage. In the southern part of the county is situated Storm Lake, a beau- tiful body of clear water, with steep banks, with tine undulating prairie farming lands stretching away in all directions, except on the north side, where the thriving town bearing the name of the lake is now located. There are other smaller lakes in the county. The surface of the county is generally rolling, with a soil as fer- tile as could be desired. It is adapted to all the cereals and root crops. In this part of the State generally, the supply of tim- ber is limited. There are no stone quarries developed, but granite and limestone boulders are found on the prairies, along the streams, and about the borders of the lakes. Grood brick are manufactured from clays found in the county, and from the ''bluff deposit" which is characteristic of this part of the state. Many kinds of fish are found in the lakes and streams. The government surveys were made in this county in 1855. The first permanent settlement was made in May, 1856, by Abner Bell, from New Jersey, at that time a bachelor, his brother-in-law, William R. Weaver and family, and John W. Tucker. They set- tled in the north part of the county at Sioux Rapids. Among the early settlers were Arthur T. Reeves, Moses Van Kirk, James H. Gleason, Lewis^ Lindsey, and Metcalf. In March, 1857, occurred what is known in the annals of Iowa as Ink-pah-du-tah Raid, which culminated in the bloody massacre at Spirit Lake. Before reaching the lake the Indians passed up the Little Sioux River, driving away the stock and destroying the property of the settlers. The little colony at Sioux Rapids did not escape. The men were captured and guarded, and some of the Avomen led away to the In- dian camp, but the Indians committed no murders here. A few days after, the news of the terrible butchery at Spirit Lake came down the river, and Mr. Bell with a companion made his way across the prairie through the deep snow to Fort Dodge, to notify the people there of the massacre. This aft'air had the effect to check the settlement of this part of the state for several years. HISTORY OF IOWA. 441 Late in 1858, or early in 1859, a county oro;anization was effected, the following being the county officers: Arthur T. Reeves, County Judge; William R. Weaver, Treasurer and Recorder; John W. Tucker. Clerk; and Abner Bell, Sheriff. In 1860 the county seat Avas first located, by a commission ap- pointed by Judge Hubbard, composed of D. C. Early, John Kin- dlespeyer and Sartel, on a tract known as the "Fuller Claim.'" At that time the place was occupied by William S. Lee, who executed to the county a bond for a deed to the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 18, township 93, range 36. The tract was long known as ''Prairieville, the County Seat of Buena Vista County," but no county buildings were ever.erected upon it. Up to 1SG6 there were but few settlers in the county, and its affairs seem to have been badly managed. The early records of the county are very imperfect, and many of them are missing from the county. Up to this time the officials entered into large con- tracts for bridges and other improvements which were never made, although county Avarrants Avere issued in payment amounting to many thousands of dollars. The county seat Avas removed from "Prairieville" to Sioux Rap- ids at an early date, 1869, Avhen a Court House Avas erected. When the more southern part of the county became settled, the people of that part of the county continually agitated the Cjuestion of removing the county seat from Sioux Rapids to NeAvell, a small town on the Hlinois Central Railroad. In 1876, the Court House Avas burned at Sioux Rapids. This gave the people from the south- ern part of the county more grounds for having the county seat removed, and the people of NeAveli fought to have it there. The citizens of Storm Lake, as a matter of course, Avere opposed to this and with the combined efforts of Sioux Rapids, and their OAvn, they kept the county seat from being located at NeAvell. At an election held Oct. 5th, 1878, the people of Buena Vista County decided by a large majority to moA'e the county seat from Sioux Rapids to Storm Lake. After eight years' efforl: this result was accomplished. At a meeting of the board, held January, 1878. the question Avas submitted betAveen Storm Lake and Sioux Rapids, and the former gained the day. In the latter part of Aug- ust, the citizens of Storm Lake decided to erect a building suita- ble for Court House purposes and donated the use of it to the county for a term of ten years, on condition that the county should use the same for Court House purposes. A company Avas formed for the erection of the building under the name of the Storm Lake Building Association. The building erected is 30x36 feet, tAvo stories high, and rests upon a foundation of solid granite masonry. The first story is divided into four rooms Avhich are used for county offices, the second story being occu])iedfor a court room. The present county officers are: Edgar E. Mack, Clerk of Courts; J. W. AVarren, Auditor; George Espe, Treasurer; Daniel Smith, :9 442 HISTORY OF IOWA. Recorder; E. F. Farnsworth, Sheriff; Robert DeLoss, Surve3'or: Thomas Whiteley, Coroner; Ira C. Hirlan, Superiutendent of Schools; L. E. Hay. S. Sal e;soii, A. W. Seyraore, Akleu Pratt, James N. Hoskins, Board of Supervisors. The population of the county in 1880 was 7,557. It may now safely be estimated at over 8,000. The soil in the northi astern diagonal half is a heavy, dark loam; and the southwest diagonal half is bluff deposit, or silicious marl; both kinds of soil being rich and productive, the eastern being more especially adapted to stock-raising and dairy products, and more level in its topography, while the west is more rolling and undulating, but none of it too much so for desirable tillage. The Little Sioux River enters in 93 deg. 36 min., courses west- ward ten miles or over and back into Clay county, affording sites for two busy flouring mills in this county. Coon River heads in Grass Lake, in 93 deg. 36 min., flows south and out into Sac County, through 90 deg. 36 min. Maple and Brook Creeks, and possibly one or two other streamlets additional, afford water for stock and channels for surface drainage. The timber is limited, and yet sufficient, with its continuous growth, to supply domestic fuel; it is found along the banks and valley of the Little Sioux, and in artificial groves scattered over the couutv, rejn-esenting the oaks, hard and soft maple, butternut, walnut, and a few other varieties. The tide immigration into this part of Northwestern Iowa last year exceeded the aggregate of several preceding 3'ears, and was mainly of the more thrifty class, and many a broad acre was sold and broken up. One of the most important features in farming in this north- western country is flax culture upon new breaking, giving a liberal return, and aiding in subduing the land the first year. STORM LAKE. The first house in Storm Lake was moved into town and occu- pied by Barton & Hobbs as a law and real estate office. W. W. Sweetzer built the first dwelling house. T. L. Selkirk erected the first hotel. There seems to be quite a difference of opinion as to how Storm Lake received its name. It is supposed to have been given it by an old trapper who trajiped, upon its banks, on account of a very se- vere storm which occurred upon the lake. The town derived its name from the lake. The first load of wheat bought in Storm Lake was purchased by Mr. Eddy, Oct. 20th, 1870. The amount was 100 bushels and the price paid was 75 cents per bushel . The grain was raised by D. B. Harrison. The first child born in Storm Lake was that of Mr.?. Wirrick August 11th, 1870. HISTORY OF IOWA. 4'13 The town was incorporated in April, 1873, under the code, S. W .Hobbs being the first Mayor, and T. S. Smith, W. H. McCime, J. M. Russell, J. A. Campbell and S. C. Highley Trustees; E. C. Cowles, Recorder. The following are the present town officers: Mayor, Chas. Isbell; Recorder, Geo. H. Eastman: Attorneys, Rob- inson & Milchrist; Treasurer, L. E. Hay; Marshal, Street Commis- sioner and Sealer of Weights and Measures, Wm. Backer: Deputy Marshal and Night Watchman, J. E. Hall; Trustees, W, Bru- bacher, S. D. Eadie, J. B. Ames, W. C. Wilson, Jas. Harker and M. M. Cogswell. The regular meetings of the Council are held on the evening of the first Monday in each month. The population of the town is now estimated to be about 1,500. The Storm Lake Pilot ^ a weekly Republican paper, was establish- ed in 1870, the first issue being on October 26th. It was started by Vestal & Young. Young sold to E. I. Sutfin in 1881. The paper is a seven-column quarto, and has a circulation of 1,000 copies. The paper, still conducted by Vestal &. Sutfin, is a first- class paper. The publishers have a first-class job office, and the paper is one of the best weekly papers in the Northwest. The Storm Lake Trihune began its career March 24th, 1880, published by G. Rose, who sold it in October, 1881, to P. D. Mc- Andrew, who is the present proprietor. It is Republican in poli- tics,' is a six-column quarto, and has a circulation of 720 copies.- Mr. Andrews also runs a nicely fitted Job office. Storm Lake has seen fit to protect itself against the ravages of fire by having a regularily organized fire company, with about seventy members, these equally divided between the engine com- pany and the hook and ladder company. They are in possession of a fine engine and apparatus, and are regularly organized and uniformed. The department was organized in 1880. The citizens have built a large engine house, with a hall in the second story, and have a large fire-bell and plenty of good wells through the town, so they are well protected from fire. Storm Lake boasts of as nice a postoffice as i^n be found in any town of its size in the west. In the year 1870 the postoffice of the town paid the postmaster the sum ^12.50 per year, and now it pays a salary of 81,800. It has been a money-order office for several years, and is now rated third-class. The office occupies an entire room, is provided with all the modern conveniences, uses 670 boxes, of which 150 are the improved Yale lock. Col. W. L. Vestal, the present postmaster, has held the position of post- master ever since the office was established with the exception of one year. The Buena Vista Creamery is situated three-quarters of a mile north of Storm Lake, and was erected in the spring of 1881. Commenced operations June 1st, 1881, and ceased for the season November 1st, 1881. During the first five months were manu- factured about 120,000 pounds of fine butter, all of which was 44:4: HISTORY OF IOWA. sold on the New York market, and quality pronounced equal to the finest make of Elgin butter. The building is 66x70 feet, and is arranged in the most complete and improved manner. The motive power is a ten-horse power engine, and the capacity is 6,000 pounds of butter per day. All who have visited the cream- ery pronounce the plan of operations perfect. The creamery is managed entirely on the "cream gathering" plan, and the success of this system is practically assured. The interior arrangements consist of receiving room, cream room, churning room, packing, refrigerator room and ice-house 22x40 feet in dimensions, with a capacity for 500 tons. W. B. Cromwell is manager. The railroad was completed to Storm Lake in June, 1870. Buena Vista County also has a branch of the Wabash Railroad running through the northern part of the county. This county also looks forw^ard to a branch of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway from Davenport to Sioux Falls, striking the county, as the survey through is now in progress. Storm Lake has a number of fine brick buildings. Two banks are fine brick structures, and several of the mercantile houses are built of brick . The streets are being graded, and the citizens take great pride in keeping their city as clean and neat as possible. The business houses may be classified as follows: General stores, seven; clothiug, one; groceries, one; boots and shoes, two; banks, three; bakeries and restaurants, five; meat markets, three; hotels, four; elevators, three; lumber and coal, three; millinery, four; furniture, two; hardware, two; drugs, four; livery stables, four; harness, two; cigar factory, one; jewelry, two; steam plow factory; saloons, two; agricultural implements, five; photograph gallery, one; barber shops, two; music and books, one; steam flour- ing mills; the usual number of blacksmith and wagon shops and professional men CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AXD SOCIETIES. Baptist Church Society. — The Baptist Church was organized March 8th, 1871, with the following members: Mrs. V. Miller, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Robinson and two daughters, J. K. Barns and wife. Elder Norman Parks was the first pastor. He was suc- ceeded by Wilcox, who in turn gave place to the present pastor, Jesse Boswell. First officers: C. H. Yates, Deacon; Mrs. V. Miller, Clerk. Present officers: C. C, Angier, Deacon; J. B. Miller, Deacon; aud C. L. Angier, Clerk. The present member- ship is thirty-nine resident members. They have in connection a Sabbath School of about forty pupils, Avith W. C. Wilson as Superintendent. The church building was begun in 1873, but was not dedicated until January 17th, 1875. It is a neat frame build- ing 32x46 feet, and was erected at a cost of ^2.000. Methodist Episcopal CJiurch Society. — This Society Avas organ- ized in 1870 by Rev. Thomas Whiteley. This gentleman had HISTORY OF IOWA. 445 charge of a number of societies in this region of tlie country at that time and it was from his flock that the societies now of Storm Lake, Alta, Newell, and many other points sprang and became inde- pendent societies. The first pastor of the society in this place was Rev. Mr. Oswell. He was followed by Rev. Mr. P'ry, who remained a short time and was succeeded by Thomas AVhiteley.and the latter in turn by W. Whitfield, who was succeeded by C. Win- ters, he by Thomas Barr. Then came in succession Revs. Sey- mour Snyder, J. C. R. Leyton, T. M. Williams and the present pastor, W. F. Gleason, who took charge in 1881. The present officers of the church are M. Tolle, J. R. Lemon, W. L. Smith, D. Smith, J. G. McGregor, J. W. Berthards, E. L. Carrington, Thomas Whiteley, Trustees. This society has a membership of 120. It has a Sabbath School with an average attendance of 125 pupils, with J. R. Lemon as Superintendent. This church society was organized in a house that was moved into town and which is now occupied by A. Eadie. The church building was erected and dedi- cated in 1876. The dedication took place in October. It is a neat frame building 32x50 feet, and has a seating capacity of 300. It is nicely furnished and the building was lately supplied with a new bell. This building was erected at a cost of 83,500. The society has a neat parsonage in connection with the church. German Methodist Episcopal Church Society. — This Society was organized December, 18th, 1875, by E. E. Schuette and G. Haef- ner. The first officers were: F. Petersmier, J. Buehler, R. C. Riekelfs, A. Hartmau, C. Schaefer, Trustees. The first pastor was G. Haefner, who was followed by A. W. Henke, and he by the present pastor, C. F. Tramm. Present officers: R. C. Riekelfs, Geo. Witter, Jacob Brecher, Trustees. Present membership, ninety-eight. The society has a Sabbath School with an average attendance of twenty-five pupils. A fine frame building was erected in 1880 and was dedicated in January, 1881. The building is 22X-1-1 feet, has a steeple, and cost $2,000. This society also has a neat little parsonage, built in 1881, which is 18x24 feet, one-and- a-half stories high, with a wing 18x18 feet. This building was erected at a cost of '^1,200. Contjregational Church Societ;/. — For several years it had been known that a considerable number of the members of the Congrega- tional denomination had been making their homes in Storm Lake. But because a Presbyterian church had been previously established in the place, a large degree of hesitation was felt as to the expe- diency of organizing a Congregational church, and various at- tempts at union Avith the Presbyterians were projected. None of these, however, resulted satisfactoril}-, and in the summer of 1880 the conviction deepened that the interests of Evangelical Christian work demanded the organization of a Congregational church. The matter was canvassed somewhat during the early summer by Rev. Asa Countryman, of Newell, and farther during the autumn by 446 HISTORY OF IOWA. Rev. J. B. Chase of Cherokee. October 24th, at a called meeting, a paper was presented containing the names of twenty-six persons not connected with any religious organization in the town, who pledged themselves, if it were thought best, to enter into the or- ganization of a Congregational church. On this pledge as a basis, knowing that several other persons in the community were favor- able to the step, it was decided to organize, and the accompanying- articles of faitlrand convenant were adopted, and a council consist- ing of the Sioux Association was called to review proceedings and if deemed best recognize the church. The council convened No- vember 4th, according to invitation, reviewed the situation, en- dorsed the action of the church and formally extended the right hand of fellowship. Temporary arrangements were made for a house of worship, a Sabbath School and prayer-meeting were ox- ganized, and Rev. J. B. Chase, of Cherokee, consented to give as much of his time to the new enterprise as could be consistently spared from his other work. This society now has a membership of forty-two, and holds services in the Court House. It has a Sabbath School with an average attendance of 100 pupils. H. H. Smith is Superintendent. The first and present officers of this society are: G. Stetson, J. L. Dickerson and H. H. Smith, Dea- cons; E. E. Mack, Clerk and Treasurer; G. Stetson, H. C. Cutts and E. E. Mack, Trustees. Rev. A. S. Newcomb is the present pastor. Catholio CJuorJi Society. — This society was organized in 1871, and was the first church organization in Storm Lake. It was or- ganized by Rev. Father Malloy. The present pastor, Father GafF- ney. the first and only resident pastor, took charge in November, 1878. The church building w^as erected in 1871 at a cost of 81,- 300. There are about sixtv-five families connected with the church at this place. There is also a Sabbath School in connection. Unirersalist Cliuirh Sociefi/. — This society Avas organized March 27th, 1874. First officers; G. S. Robinson, W. L. Vestal and S. W. Hobbs, Trustees. First pastor, I. A. Everhart, he being suc- ceeded by J. A. Hoyt, he by Karl Gerner, he by B. F. Snook. H. Whitney is the present incumbent.. Present officers: S. W. Hobbs, William Guilford, J. A. Dean, Trustees. This society now has a membership of thirty-six, and a Sabbath School with an average attendance of fifty-four pupils. The school has a fine lil^rar}" con- taining 200 volumes. H. Whitney is the Superintendent, This society first held services in the Baptist Church. Up to this time the Baptist Society had a debt of about §600 upon the church building, and agreed to give the Universalist Society the use of the church for one-half of the time, the latter society to pay off one- half the standing debt. This lease was for five years. The Uni- versalist Society erected a building in 1881. This is a fi-ame structure, 30x50 feet, and cost about §4,0)0. This church is not only the largest but is the best furnished church in the city. HISTORY OF TOWA. 447 Preshjjterian Church Society. — Organized December, 1870, with seven members, Rev. G. R. Carroll, missionary of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, officiating, S. D. Eadie, W. IT. McCune, Elders. This Society has a nice frame building. Joshua Cooke is the present pastor. Storm Lake Schools. — The first school taught in Storm Lake was taught in the house of S. D. Eadie, by Alma L. Gates, It was opened November 21st, 1870, with fifteen pupils in attend- ance. Storm Lake became an independent district in 1872. First school officers: J. I. Wirrick, President; G. W. Hobbs, Ed. Wirrick, J. 0. Strong, Directors; E. I. Sutfin, Treasurer. The first school house built in the town was erected in 1874, the first teacher being Maggie Ross. This building becoming too small to accommodate all the pupils, the town built a small frame building in 1875, Avhich was used for primary purposes. These buildings becoming too small to accommodate the pupils, the town built an addition to the first building, which was of brick. This building was completed in 1880, and Storm Lake can now boast of one of the finest school buildings in the western part of the State. Present Board of Education: E. E. Mack, Presi- dent; E. F. O'Neill, Secretary; Rev. J. Cooke, E. W. Benson, E. M. Fuller, W. H. Shoop, and S. W. Perrine, Directors. The pres- ent teachers are: Prof. A. A. Crary, Principal; Mrs. A. A. Crary, Miss S. A. Childs, Mrs. L. C. Lauder, and Miss L. Drips, assistants. The present enrollment of pupils is 318. Storm Lal'e Lodge No. 221, A. 0. U. IF.— Instituted De- cember 7th, 1880. "First officers: J. A. Dean, P. M. W.; F. E. Cushman, M. W.;W. L. Vestal, Foreman; T. A. Strong, Over- seer; C. W. Eccleston, Guide; E. E. Mack, Recorder; J. B. Ames, Financier; T. J. McCall, Receiver: T. A. Corbitt. I. W.; F. B. Brown, 0. W.; W. Miller, S. B. Steiner and J. W. Gilbert, Trus- tees; J. N. Warren and W. H. Kerr. Medical Examiners. Pres- ent officers: H.C.Johnson, P. W.M.; E. E. Mack, M. W.; C. W, Seidel. Foreman; W. C. Wilson, Overseer; E. S. Donaho, Guide; C. W. Eccleston, Financier; J. T. McCall, Receiver; T. A. Corbett, I. W.; R. A. Beun. 0. W.; Peter Schmitz, Wm. Miller, J. W. Gilbert, Trustees. Medical Examiners same as at first. This Lodge now has a membership of thirty-seven, and holds meetings once in two weeks. It is in a flourishing condition. Storm Lake Lodge No. 221, I. 0. 0. i^\— Instituted May 10th, 1871, bvT. J.'Kinkaid, of Sioux City, D. D. G. M. First officers: J. C. Spooner, N. G.; T. S. Smith, V. G.: J. L. W^ilson, Secretary; L. J. Barton, Treasurer. Present officers: C. E. Cameron, N. G.; A. R. McCartney, Y. G.; L. G. Malborne, Secre- tary; Wm. Miller, Treasurer, The present membership is about sixty. The Lodge holds meetings every Saturday night in Masonic Hall. There is also an encampment of this order, in a flourish- ing condition in connection with the Lodge. 448 HISTORY OF IOWA. Jewel Lodge No. 300, A. F. d- A. J/.— Instituted October 26th, 1871. Charter granted June, 1872. First officers under dispen- sation: J. E. Wirrick, W. M.; E. I. Sutfiu, S. W.; E. Wirrick, J. W.;, P. Schaller, Secretary; W. L. Vestal. Treasurer; D. B. Harrison, S. D.; E. S. Fanning, J. D. ; N. Parks, Chaplain; E. W. Benson, Tyler. (The above named persons were the Charter Members.) Present officers: 0. D. Pettel, W. M.;T. D. Higgs, S. W.; J. A. Dean, J. W.; S. W. Hobbs, Secretary; M. Tolle, Treasurer; B. F. Langdon, S. D.; Frank Webb, J. D. ; M. Tolle, Chaplain; R.J. Fowler, Tyler. This Lodge now has a membership of forty-six, and meet the Thursday evening on or before each full moon in their hall, over the First National Bank. This Lodge is in a growing condition. SIOUX PtAPIDS. Sioux Rapids was platted by D, C Thomas and David Evans in 1869. The county seat of Buena Vista county was removed from Prairieville to this place in 1869, and, as was stated in Storm Lake items, was removed to Storm Lake in 1878. The Court House was burned at this place in 1876. Tyford, Blake, Gilbert, and Hollinger are among the earliest settlers in this phace. This town is not at this date incorporated, but steps have been taken to have it incorporated this spring. The town noAV has a population of about 400, and from the fact that the railroad is now completed to this point, it will rapidly in- crease in population, and incorporation will become a necessity. The Sioux Rapids Press, a neat weekly, eight-column folio, made its first appearance May 25th, 1881. It now has a circula- tion of 740 copies. Is Republican in politics. W. S. Wescott is proprietor. It bids fair soon to rank with the leading newspapers of the county. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Episcojxd CJiurch Society. — This was the first Metho- dist Society organized within the bounds of the charge known as the Spirit Lake Circuit. It was organized by Rev. Seymour Sny- der with 0. C. Potts as leader, in 1865. This society was organ- ized about three miles from the present town of Sioux Rapids. In 1874 Rev. C. W. Wiley organized the first society in the present town. This society erected a church building, the first church in town, in 1877. This is a neat frame building, size 30x40 feet. The cost was 81,700. Rev. Seymour Snyder was the first pastor on this circuit, he being followed by Rev. Hawks, he by C. W. Clifton. Then followed Revs. Whiteley, Pitts, Ziegler. Fancher, C. W. Wiley, L. B. Keeling, Seymour Snyder, R. Fancher, 0. H. P. Fauss and then the present incumbent. Rev. S. Snyder, First officers: D. C. Thomas, Lot Thomas, W. L. Pratt, M. Clemens, HISTORY OF IOWA. 449 Mrs. A. Tyers, J. M. Hoskins, Peter Dubois, Sr., E. Sands, J. R. Noel, Trustees; Mrs. A. Tyers, Mrs. C. M. Clemens, J. R. Noel, Stewards. Present officers: J. Frankenberger, S. Dubois. 0. G. Taber, C. C. Awvell, A. E. Taber, L. Carter, Stewards; 0. G. Braiu- ard, P. Dubois, Sr., 0. G. Taber and M. Hoskins, Trustees. This society has a meml)ership of seventy-seven. There is a Sabbath School in connection, with an attendance of fifty pupils. Mrs. 0. G. Brainard is Superintendent. This society has now in pro- cess of construction a parsonage 18x24: feet in dimensions, which will cost .$400 . Baptist (liurch Societij. — Was organized in 18S1, by D.D. Proper. The first pastor was Rev. A. V. Bloodgo'od, he also be- ing the present incumbent. First officers: W. A. Wilson, Clerk; P . W . Goodrich, Deacon . This society has a membership of eight, and holds services in the Congregational Church . There is also a Sabbath School with an average attendance of thirty pupils. W. A . Wilson is Superintendent . Co}if/)-e(/ational Church Society. — Organized November 4th, 1875, its first officers being Henry Gleason and S. Warner, Deacons; H. S, Newcomb, Clerk; first pastor. Rev. J. W. Smith. The society has a membership of fourteen with A. M. Beamau as the present pastor. The society built a church in 1881, size 20x36 feet. This building was erected at a cost of 8T00. Present officers: Henry Gleason, S. S. Warner, Deacons, and H. S. Newcomb, Clerk. Lutheran Church Societies. — There are two organizations of Lutherans in Sioux Rapids which were both organized in 1870, Rev. A. Johnson and Rev. G. Gulbrenson being the present pastors. Sioux Rapids Public School. — Sioux Rapids became an independ- ent school district in 1878, the first school being taught in 1869. The present school building was erected in 1870. The present teachers are Prof. J. S. McSparran and Avife. The present enroll- ment of pupils is 100. The present School Board consists of S. S. Warner, Henry Jacobson and J. M. Hoskins. Enterprise Lodge No. 332, A. F. & A. J/.— Instituted 1874. The charter members were AV. L. Pratt, D. C. Thomas, Lot ThomHS, 0. G. Brainard, Gus. Gilbert, T. M. Watts, E. Bailey, 0. P. Warner, W. L. Pratt being the first W. M. Present offi- cers: J. M. Hoskins, AY. M.; C. L. Ward, S. W.; C. A. Ander- son, J. AV.; S. E. Harris, Treasurer; AV. A. Jones, Secretary. This society now has a membership of twenty, and is in a flourish- ing condition. Sioux Rapids" flouring mills are located on the Big Sioux River, which attbrds an immense water power. The mill was built in 1871, and has two run of stone, and one feed buhr. The mill has a capacity of fifty barrels per day. AA'ilson & Smith, the present proprietors, are making preparations to enlarge their mill for the manufacture of patent flour. -450 HISTORY OF IOWA. The business houses of Sioux Rapids may be classified as fol- lows: General stores, three: hardware, two; drug store, jewelry store; harness, two; blacksmith shops, two; restaurants, three; hotels, two; lumber dealer; livery, two; furniture store; barber shop; postoffice, printing office, saloons, three; millinery: shoe shops, two; meat market, bank, and the usual quota of lawyers, doctors and land agents. ALT A. Alta was platted in 1872 by the Iowa Falls & Sioux City Land Company. It is situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in the western part of Buena Vista County . The first house built in the town was erected by Mr. Tibbets, in 1870, and was occupied as a store. J. Morrisey and S . Furlong each built a dwelling about the same time. The town was incorporated under Code in 1879. First officers were: A. W. Seymour, Mayor; L. Wheelock, Jr. , Recorder; A. Leander. Treasurer; C. T. Steever, Assessor; J. W. Slutz, P. M. Jencks. H. C Kelso, A. F. S. Rokkan, Dr. R. B. Dando, F. 0. Wiss, Trustees, Present officers: C. T. Steever, Mayor; W. H. Pierce, Recorder; A. Leander, Treasurer; R. B. Dando, A. F. A. Rokkan, D. Burke, 11. C Kelso, J. W. Slutz, Ct. Gerner, Councilnien; City Attorney, F.J. Stockwell. The population of Alta is now estimated to be about 700. It has grown very rapidly, and being situated in an extremely fertile country, it is destined at no far distant future, to become an import- ant point. It already does an immense business in shipments of grain and live stock . The Alta Advertiser was started in September, 1876, as a monthly paper, but was changed to a weekly in June, 1877. It is independ- ent in politics, and has a circulation of 660 copies. Its editor and proprietor is C. T. Steever, he having started the paper. The business of Alta comprises: Three general stores, two drug stores; two grocery stores, boot aud shoe store, two hardware stores, meat market, two lumber dealers, two agriculture imple- ment dealers, bank, two furniture stores, clothing store, barber shop, two saloons, music store, two jewelry stores, restaurant, four blacksmiths, two elevators, grist mill. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Episcopal Church Society. — Organized in 1870. The church building was erected in 1876 and was dedicated in Novem- ber of that year. Rev. Henry Brown being the first pastor. He was succeeded by Rev. W. W. Brown and he by Rev. C. M. Bryan, and the latter by Rev. D. M. Beams. Rev. C. B. Winter. avIio took charge in September, 1881, is the present incumbent. First officers: H. Bennett, C. Schell, G. H. Richmond, J. L. Wilson. J. L. Bennett, Geo. G. Espe and W. S. Van Baskirk, Trustees. The ii HISTORY OF IOWA. 451 present Board is the same as the first with the exception of S. Par- ker, instead o£ G. G. Espe. The society has eighty members, also a Sabbath School with an average attendance of eighty pupils. G. W. Wheat is Superintendent. The church building is a fine frame structure, 32x50 feet, with a seating capacity of 300 persons, and was erected at a cost of fi2,500. Siredish Lutheran Clmrcli Society. — This society was organized in 1875. It has never had any regular pastor up to this date. The present officers are: A. Banekson, Chas. Johnson, Geo. Johnson, A. Johnson, A. W. Johnson and L. Ljengqvist. H. Jacobson is acting as pastor for the church at present. The church has 160 members. There is a Sabbath School in connection, of which H. Jacobson is Superintendent. The church building was erected in 18S1. It is a large frame structure, 32x60 feet, and 125 feet high, including steeple. It is nicely fitted up on the inside, and has a gallery extending across the north end of the room. This build- ing was erected at a cost of ^-1,000. Alta Public School. — The first school in Alta was taught by Mrs. E. P. Gilliam, in 187-1, in A. Rokkan's house. Alta became an independent district in 1881. The first school building was built in 1876. The first School Board un'^er the independent dis- trict was as follows: R. J. Macdonald, G. Gerner, R. H. Brown, T. 0. Wiss, H. J. Poulson and S. B. Birdsall. S. Furlong was Treasurer, J. D. Adams, Secretary. This is also the present Board. G. VV. Wheat has charge of the school at present, assisted by S. F. Keith and Miss A. Salisbury. They have a very comfortable building and a large enrollment of pupils. Alta Lodge No. 388, J. 0. 0. J\— Instituted December 18th, 1878. The charter members Avere: A. W. Seymour, P. M. Jencks, J. I. Burkholder, H. C. Kelso, C. T. Steever, L. Wheelock and N. Anderson. First officers: A. W. Seymour, N. G.; P.M. Jencks, V. G.; L. Wheelock, Secretary; J. I. Burkholder, Treasurer. Present officers: L. Wlieelock, N. G.; J. W. Bard, V. G.; W. H. Cox, Secretary; Geo. Steever, Treasurer. This Lodge has a mem- bership of fifty-six and is in a very prosperous condition. It meets every Wednesday evening. The members have a room rented and fitted up in company with the Masonic order. The room is nicely carpeted and is well furnished. Pomegranate Lodge No. 408, A. F. dA. M. — Dispensation was granted this Lodge November 30th, 1880, and a charter was received June 9th, 1881 . The charter members were: C T- Stee- ver, R.J. Macdonald, G- Gerner, G. S. Kendall, S. G. Stout, J. H. Wadsworth, J. W. Slutz, B. S. Benson, Jr., G. W. Mathews, and S. B. Birdsall. Tlie first officers were: C T. Steevers, ^\ . M . ; R . J . Macdonald, S . W^ ; G . Gerner, J . W . Present officers : R.J. Macdonald, W. M. ; G. Gerner. S. W\ ; S. B. Birdsall, J. W.; S. Furlong, Treasurer; W. H. Pierce, Secretary; W. Mel- ville, S . D . ; L . B . Collins, J . D . ; J . Mathews, Tiler. This so- 452 HISTORY OF IOWA. ciety meets once each nioath in the same hall with the Odd Fel- lows. There are twenty-four members. The Lodge is in a flourish- ing condition . Si(»i))iit Lodf/e Xo. 103, Iowa Legion of Honor . — This society- was organized March 2(3th, 1881. Its first officers were: C. M. Beam, President; L. B. Collins, Secretary; J. S. Piatt, Treasurer. Present officers: P. M. Jencks, President: T. E. Sprague, Secretary; C. M. Beam. Treasurer. The present membership is twenty, the organization having suffered the loss of two of its members. NEWELL. This town is situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, ninety- two miles from Sioux City and 234 miles from Dubuque. The town was laid out by the railroad company in July, 1870, but no lots were off'ered for sale until Nov., 1870. The first settlement was made in the town by E. G. Chandler, in 1869. The first house built in the town was that of W. R. Batton, in June, 1870. This was used as a boarding house. G. B. Sargent built the first store, the building being 22x42 feet, two stories high. The second story was used for church purposes and as a town hall. The first drug store Avas erected by E. W. Foy m 1870. G. W, Stevens erected a hotel the same year. Swezey & Stetson started the first lumber yard. G. B. Sargent was the first Postmaster. The town was incorporated in 1878. The first officers were: L. H. Gordon, Mayor; Will White, Recorder; W. A. Waterman, As- sessor; L. T. Swezey, 0. H. Hazard, S. A. Parker, E. G. Chandler and W. A. Welch, Trustees. Present officers: Mayor, W. M. Borman; Recorder, L. S. Bunker; Marshal, William Conley; Treas- urer, H. E. Harris; Street Commisioner, E. W. Stetson; Assessor, C. F. Chipman. Trustees: H. M. Redfield, Will Riddle, F. P. Mack, J. T. Redfield, L. F. Holbrook, Theo. Smith. The Newell Times made its first issue August 24th, 1871 . This was the first paper started in Newell, and was published by J . L . Long. It ceased to exist November 2d, 1872. The next paper started at Newell was the Neivell Reporter. This was established December 27th, 1872, with G- B. Sargent as pro- prietor, and H. R. Colman as editor. This paper sent out its last issue April 18th, 1873. The Buena Vista County Star was the next journalistic venture in this place. It was started August 21st, 1873, with F. E. Raber as proprietor, and W . L. Raber as editor. This paper flourished for a short time, and then died. The Newell Mirror then took up the line of march and made its first issue January loth, 1875, with Will. White as editor and proprietor. This paper first started as a five-column folio, was enlarged to a four-column quarto, afterwards to a seven-column quarto. White sold it to B. C Hill, who in turn sold it to James Miller. In March, 1880, Miller disposed of it to C F. Overacker. HISTORY OF IOWA. 453 In December, 1880, Miller a^ain took charge and rented it to C. Everett Lee, the latter purchasing the paper in July, 1881. It is now an eight-column folio. Republican in politics, and has an actual circulation of 480. The Newell Creamery began operations in May, 1881 . The proprietors have a building 20x30 feet, with two wings, one 10x20 feet and one 12x12 feet. The edifice is one story high. The creamery is supplied with a four and one-half-horse-power engiae and all the modern appliances . It is run on the cream-gathering plan, by Norton & Welch, proprietors. The Newell grist mill, L. F. Holbrook proprietor, is a steam mill with four run of stone, and manufactures four grades of flour — Superfine, Family, XXX, XXXX. The business of NeAvell comprises: Four general stores, three drugstores, grocery store, two hotels, meat market, two restaur- ants, two millinery stores, harness shop, two lumber dealers, flour and feed store, four elevators, two agricultural implement dealers, three coal dealers, bank, news depot, furniture store, two jewelry stores, two barber shops, two shoe shops, two blacksmith shops, wagon shop, tailor shop, saloon. The population of Newell is about 700 . CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. MetJwdist Episcopal Church Society. — This society was organ- ized in 1872, by Rev. Woodford. The church building was erected in 1878. It is a frame building, 20x45 feet, and cost^2,400. The parsonage was built in 1875, at a cost of $500. This society has sixty-four members, with Rev. R. Fancher as pastor. There is a Sabbath School in connection, with an average attendance of seventy pupils. G. L. Dobson is Superintendent. Congregational CJiurch Society. — Organized in 1871, the first pastor being Rev. Grifiin. The first officers Avere: E. W. Foy, H. A. Cushman, L. Gordon, J. L. Redfield and L. T. Swezey; Trustees. The present Trustees are: J. T. Redfield, S. A. Parker, E. Herrick, Mrs. J. T. Redfield. Rev. A. C. Countryman is the present pastor. This society has at present sixty members, Avith a Sabbath School in connection, with an average attendance of eighty pupils. D. C. Miller is Superintendent. The church edi- fice was erected in 1870. It is a large frame buildiug. 28x44 feet, and was erected at a cost of $^2,400. It is calculated to seat 200 persons. XcH-ell Public School.^Ju\ia Lamreaux taught the first school in this place, in a school house situated one-fourth mile from the present town. Newell became an independent district March 2Sth, 1874. The first teachers under the indepeudent district were: J. Davis and G. A. Childs. The first School Board was: A. D. Wil- son, F. M. Cox, T. AV. Lebo. Present Board: S. A. Parker, G. L. Dobson, H. M. Redfield; L. H. Gordon, Treasurer, and W. A. 464 HISTORY OF IOWA. Waterman, Secretary. The present teachers are: C. E. Rice, principal; Miss Nellie Dunphy, assistant. The school building, built in 1876, is a two-story brick structure, 28x38 feet, and was erected at a cost of $2,700. It contains two rooms. Campaian Lodge No. 42^ I. 0. G. T. — Instituted January, 1882, by C. T. Griifith, of Maple Valley. Charter members: S. A. Parker, F. M. Maps and wife, L. H. Gordon and wife, Mrs. S. D. Driver, and others. First officers: L. H. Gordon, W. C. T.; Mrs. L. H. Gordon, W. V. T.; L. D. Winn, P. W. C. T.; Mr. Campton, W. C; S. A. Parker, W. F.; Mrs. W. H. Scott. W. T,: 0. A.Cate,W.S.; Mrs.O. A. Gate, A. S.; U. Metcalf , W.M.; Mrs. Metcalf, W. D. M. Present officers: L. H. Gordon, W. C. T.; Miss Nellie Dunphy, W.V. T.; 0. A. Gate, P. W. G. T.; Mr. Gampton,W.G.; J. Prayer, W. S.; Miss Welch, A. S.; Mrs. W. H. Stott, W. T.; U. Metcalf, W. M.; Mrs. Metcalf, W.D.M. This society meets Wednesday night in each week, in I. 0. 0. F. Hall. It has a membership of fifty, and is progressing finely. Keij Lodge Xo. 102, Iowa Legion of Honor. — Instituted March, 1881. It has a membership of twent3^-two, Avith the following officers: L. H. Gordon, President; G. Dillon, Vice-President; F. P. Mack, Financial Secretary; H. M. Redfield, Recording Secre- tary; H. E. Harris, Treasurer; L. Longnecker, Usher. Jewell Lodge No. 232, I. 0. 0. F. — Present officers: John Evans, N. G.;G. Everett Lee, V. G.; Wm. Borman, S.; L. T. Swezey, T. The Lodge now numbers twenty members. They meet every Saturday night in Swezey's Hall, which is a large room 25x60 feet, is carpeted and nicely furnished with all the furniture peculiar to the order. The order of Free Masons are making preparations to perfect an organization of a lodge at this place. BUENA VISTA COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES. STORM LAKE. E. W. Benson, of the firm of Benson & Son^ dealers in all kinds of grain, flax, wool, seeds, live stock, etc., was born in 0. in 1834; came west in 1854, located at Storm Lake, la., 1869, and engaged for a time in farming; then in grain buying. He served one year in the war of the rebellion in the 49th Wis. Vol. as corporal. B. F. Benson, of the firm of Benson & Son, was born in Wis. in 1863; received his education in Storm Lake and Ghicago, 111., and Nov. 15th, 1881, associated himself with his father in the above firm. HISTORY OF lOWi. 455 D. D. Brown, of the Mrm of Brown & Morey, druggists, was born in Mass. in 183G; removed to Minn, in 1858; thence to Storm Lake in 1872, and is now engaged in the above business, which was established in 187G, by Cameron & Wagoner. C. F. Barber, of the firm of Barber Boys, wholesale and retail dealers in carriages, buggies, spring wagons, etc.; also run a first- class livery barn in connection, the size of which is sixty by one hundred and twenty feet. C. F. B. was born in Freeport. 111., in 1850; moved to Newell, la., in 1877; thence to Storm Lake in 1878, and engaged in business as above. He married May Ewing, of Freeport. They have two daughters — Mary and Ethel. Robert Cummiugs^ landlord of the City Hotel, was born in N. Y. in 1830; moved to Clinton county, la., in 1852.. In 1872 he came to Storm Lake and engaged in farming. He served two terms as auditor of Buena Vista county, and is one of the repre- sentative men of the county. He engaged in the hotel business, Sept. 1st, 1881, and keeps a first-class house and polite attendants. T. A. Corbett, manager for the Singer manufacturing company, for Buena Vista, Cherokee, Ida and Sac counties, was born in 111. in 1849; moved to Cedar Rapids, la., in 1868. In 1880 he moved to Storm Lake, and engaged in business as above. He married Alice M. Demuth, of Cedar Rapids, and has one daughter — Aline. E. Cameron, proprietor of the livery, feed and sale stable, was born in Buchanan county, la.; moved to Storm Lake in April, 1881, and engaged in the above business. He married Amelia C. Sanders, of Buchanan county, and has one child — -Ada. F. E. Cushman, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, fruits, con- fectionery, etc., was born in Niagara county, N. Y., in 1850; re- moved to Monroe, Wis., in 1855; thence to Eldora, la., and in 1880 to Storm Lake, and established his present business in May of the same 5'ear. He married Mary J. Metcalf, a native of Wis. They have one son and one daughter. E,-S. Donoho, carpenter and builder, was born in Delaware in 1849; moved to Troy, 111., in 1870. In 1876 he came to Storui Lake, and engaged in business as above. He married Nancy C. Willoughby, of 111., and has one daughter — Edna A. James De Land, of the firm of Witt & De Land, proprietors of the Chicago bakery and restaurant, and dealers in confectionery, tobacco, cigars, etc., was born in Ohio in 1859; moved to 111. Avith his parents in 1860. He moved to Storm Lake in 1877, and en- gaged in the above business in 1881. J. 0. Douglass, baker and dealer in confectionery, tobacco, cigars, staple and fancy groceries, etc., was born in Vermillion county, 111., in 1852; moved to Decatur county, la., in 1855; thence to A^ermillion, Dak.; came to Storm Lake in 1880, and engaged in business as above. He married Abbie Rhodes, and has one son, George G. 456 HISTORY OF IOWA. A. A. DeGrafF, dealer in live stoi^k, was born in Schenectady county, N. Y., in 1827; removed to III. in 1852; thence to Storm Lake in 1875 and engaged in his present business. He owns a fine farm near town. He married Caroline Rainbow, of Troy, N. Y., who died Feb. 22nd, 1880. G. E. Ford, of the firm of Ford & Bro., dealers in general mer- chandise, was born in Vt. in 1850; moved to N. Y. City, and in 187'1 to Waterloo, la.; two years later, he came to Storm Lake and established his present business, which occupies a fine store build- ing, two stories high; employs five clerks, the sales averaging fifty thousand dollars per annum. He married Carrie Pettit, of Des Moines, la., and has one son and one daughter. C. H. Fisk, proprietor of billiard hall and bowling alley; also deals in cigars, tobacco and confectionery. He was born in N. Y. in 1819; moved to Wis. in 1856; thence to Minn. In 1868 became to Storm Lake and engaged in farming. He now owns 160 acres of land eight miles from this city, also property at Sioux Rapids. He has served in various town offices. He married Mary J. Alex- ander, of Ohio, and has one son — Ernest. J. W. Gilbert, of the firm of Gilbert & Thomason, dealers in general merchandise, was born in la. in 1854; received his educa- tion in Clayton county, and in 1875 moved to Storm Lake, and was employed in clerking, until 1880, when he engaged in his pres- ent business, which occupies a fine brick store building of two stories and a basement. He married Katie King, of Sac county. They have one child, a son. A. Grier, proprietor of the Farmers' hotel and restaurant, was born in Clinton, Pa., in 1851; removed to Freeport, 111., in 1865, and in 1876 came to Storm Lake and engaged in farming, until 1880, when he established the above business, where can be had warm meals and lunches at all hours, and choice confectionery, oysters, etc. He married Jennie Nesbit, of Harrisburg, Fa., and has two children — Lizzie and Edith. Hobbs & Sutfin, real estate and investment agents; agents for the Iowa railroad land company, the Iowa Falls & Sioux City railroad company, and the Iowa Falls & Sioux City town lot and land com- pany. They have 200,000 acres of improved lands, with perfect titles, in Buena Vista count}^ la., which they ofi'er to bona fide settlers on easy terms. Correspondence solicited. Charles Isbell, dealer in grain, live stock, etc., was born in 111. in 1816; was in the employ of the I. C. R. R. company as operator and agent for a number of years, then came to Storm Lake and en- gaged in his present business; was formerly in partnership Avith Mr. Benson. He served in the army during the late war four years , in Co. K, 52nd 111. Inft. He is the present major of this city. HISTOKY OF IOWA. 457 William J. Johnson, of the firm of Riekelfs & Co., plow manu- facturers, was born in Delaware county, la., in 1861; came to Storm Lake in 1872. In Dec, 1881, he became a member of the above firm. He married Frederica Riekelfs, of Storm Lake. L. C.Jones, of the firm of Jones & Fawkes, proprietors of the meat market and provision store, was born in Mass. in 1835; moved to Ogle county, 111., in 185G. He came to Storm Lake in 1878. and engaged in farming, six miles from town. In Aug., 1881, he engaged in the butcher business, and since has added a complete line of groceries. He married Jane WadsAvorth, of 111. They have six children — Lettie J., Herbert R., Mittie V., Willie F., Charles C. and Grace E. H. E. Kingsley, house, sign, carriage and ornamental painter, was born in Conn, in 1841; moved to III. in 1857; thence to Storm Lake in 1875; was engaged in farming for six years, after which he established business as above. Has held various public offices. He married Adella Tolman, of 111. They have four children, Edgar W., George N.,Fred L.,and Maria A. John R. Lemon, of the Buena Vista, County Bank, was born in Ohio in 1836; moved to Freeport, 111., and in 1874 came to Storm Lake. He established the above banking house in September of the same year, which is the oldest bank in the city. They do a general banking business, negotiate loans, etc. Correspondence: First National Bank, of Chicago; First National Bank, of Dubuque; First National Bank, of N. Y., and Preston, Kean & Co., of Chi- cago. Mr. Lemon has had a wide experience in the insurance busi- ness, having during his earlier life served as president and secre- tary of insurance companies. William Miller, dealer in fancy groceries, tobacco, pipes, etc., was born in Germany in 1843; came to America in 1864 and set- tled in Clayton county, la. In 1872 he came to Storm Lake, and engaged in blacksmithing for three years. He then opened a res- taurant and eating house, which he continued until engaged as above. He married Rosa Wise, of Germany, and has four chil- dren, Julia, Willie, Lottie and Eva. R. R. Mann, of the firm of Warren & Mann, blacksmiths, was born in PlattAille, AVis., in 1855; moved to Storm Lake in 1878, and engaged in the above business. P. D. McAndrew is the editor and proprietor of the Storm Lake Tribune, a six-column quarto, with a circulation of thirty quires. The Tribune is republican in politics, and was estaljlished in Mar., 1880. J. P. Morey, of the firm of Brown & Morey, was born in N. Y. in 1850; removed to 111. in 1864; thence to La Fayette county, Wis.; came to Storm Lake in 1878, and became a partner in the above firm. 3) 458 HISTORY OF IOWA. E. F. O'Neil, proprietor of the bakery near the depot, was boru in Wis. in 1853, came to Sioux City, la., in 1870, and located at Storm Lake in 1876; married Cornelia Dutcher, of Wis., and has five children. He is the inventor of O^Neil's self-playing organ attachment, an invention that is attracting general attention. By its use the simplest as well as the most difficult music can be per- formed with absolute correctness. It can be attached to any key- board instrument in an instant, and as quickly removed. The ne- cessity of condensation in a work of this character alone prevents an extended description of this valuable invention. Mr. O'Neil was for several years city recorder of Storm Lake, and is a well- known and valuable citizen. R. C. Riekelfs, of the firm of Riekelfs & Co., plow manufac- turers and blacksmiths, was born in Germany in 1824; came to America in 1850, and settled in 111., where he was employed as foreman in a large plow factory. He moved to Buena Vista county, la., and engaged in farming, until establishing the above named business in March, 1878. He married Tina Meints, of Ger. They have seven children. W. S. Russell, of the firm of Langdou & Russell, dealers in gen- eral merchandise, was born in Wis.; moved to Fort Dodge, la., in 1866. In 1875 he came to Storm Lake, and in January, 1882, associated himself with B. F, Langdou, in the above business. J. F. Roy, blacksmith, was born in Mass. in 1845; removed to 111. in 1866, and in 1878 he came to Storm Lake, and engaged in his present business. He married Julia Murphy, a native of Mass. They have six children, Lucy, Mary. Clarence, Frank, Eugene And Albert. J. Sampson, vice-president of the Iowa land and loan company, is connected with the Buena Vista county creamery, which began operations June 2, 1881, and has the capacity for making into butter the cream from five to ten thousand cows. From the time of commencing operations to Oct. 31st, of the same year, 113,290 pounds of butter were made. They have adopted the method of gathering the cream only, thus leaving the farmers the skim-milk, buying the cream by the inch, basing the prices on Chicago quota- tions. The churning is done by steam power, and the butter worked by a new power butter worker, therefore not necessitating the use of the hands in any stage of the manufacture. Any one wishing further information will receive it by addressing J. Sampson, Storm Lake, la. John Scheler, proprietor of City meat market, was born in Ger- many in 1846; came to America in 1S6G, and located at Madison, Wis.; removed to Storm Lake and engaged in his present business in 1877. He married Mina Biggin, a native of Ger., in Sept., 1878. . HISTORY OF IOWA. 459 Dr. J. H. Sherman, dentist, was born in Ind.,in 1832. In 1862 he recruited Co. A, 85th Ind. Inft., of which he was captain, and served until the close of the war. In 1865 he located at Chilli- cothe, Mo., and engaged in the practice of dentistry; removed to Storm Lake in 1878. He was the first dentist to locate perma- nently in this city. J. y. Skeels, blacksmith, was born in England in 1856; came to America in 1866, and located in Woodford county. 111.; removed to LaSalle county; thence to Storm Lake in 1880, and established his present business in May of the same year. lie married Libbie M. Evans, a native of 111., and has one child, Arthur E. C. H. Springer, boot and shoe maker, was born in Me. in 1833; removed to Buena Vista county, la., in 1873, and engaged in farm- ing, and in 1877 established his present business in Storm Lake. He still owns a farm of 240 acres in this vicinity; has been town- ship trustee and school director several years. He married Octavia A. Currier, a native of Me. They have three children, Frank E., C. Percy and Ernest E. T. S. Smith was born in N. Y. in 1814; removed to Ogle county, 111., in 1847; moved to Buena Vista county, la., in 1869. He, with his sons, entered land, and then engaged in merchandising at the old town of Storm Lake; also engaged in the hotel business. He is the owner of the City Hotel property, which he built at the time he moved to this place; was a member of the city council during its first and second terms. He married Mary Caldwell, of N. Y. They have eight children, James S., Augustus, Mary C, Sarah, George B., Alfred J., Hattie D. and Libbie C. A. L. Stetson, of the firm of A. L. Stetson & Co., dealers in gen- eral merchandise, was born in Farmington, 111., in 1855; received his education at Boston and Lake Forest, and in 1878 came to Storm Lake, and engaged in the above business, which was estab- lished in March, 1879, and occupies a fine brick store building, of two stories and a basement. Geo. Stetson, of the firm of A. L. Stetson & Co., was born in N. Y. in 1829; removed to 111. in 1851, and engaged in merchandising and banking; came to Storm Lake in May, 1878, and is a member of the above firm; also operates 5,000 acres of land in this vicinity. J. R. Sovereign, manager of W. C. Hockett's Keystone Marble Works, was born in Cassville, Wis., in 1854; moved to Cresco, la., in 1871; thence to Eldora; thence to Muscatine, and in 1880 to Storm Lake. He married Addie C. Saucer, and has three children, Stella, Clark and Plummer. M. ToUe, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Columbus, 0., in 1823. In 1850 he moved to California, and in the autum of 1854 located in McLean county. 111., where he residel until 1872, 460 HISTOKY OF IOWA. when he came to Storm Lake, and engaged in the grocery busi- ness, which he has since changed to the above. He married Helen Westervelt, of lOhio. H. 0. Thomason. of the firm of Gilbert & Thomason, was born in LaSalle county, 111., in 1859; came to Storm Lake in 1879, and was in the employ of Geo. E. Ford & Bro., until he engaged in his present business with J. W. Gilbert. Vestal & Sutfin are the editors and proprietors of the Storm Lake Pilot, Avhich was establis'hed in 1870, is a seven-column folio, republican in politics, has a circulation of eight hundred copies, and has never missed an issue since it was established. Terms, $2.00 per annum. T. N Warren, of the firm of Warren & Mann, was born in De Witt, la., in 1850; moved to Storm Lake in 1881, and became a partner in the above firm, C. Wilcox, M. D., was born in N. Y. in 1838; removed to White- side county, 111., in 1855; thence to Jackson county, la., and after several changes of location, settled at Storm Lake in 1877. He was formerly connected in the ministry with the Baptist church; engaged in the practice of medicine in 1876. He married Amelia A.Ingham, of York, 111., and has three children, Lucy J., Lizzie E. and Charles E. George Witter, dealer in furniture and undertaking materials, occupies a two-story building twenty-one by seventy feet, and also owns the adjoining building, size 32x40 feet. He was born in Du- buque county, la., in 1851, and learned his trade at Dubuque and Galena, 111. In 1878 he came to Storm Lake, and engaged in busi- ness as above. In 1878 he married Kate Bauman, of Dubuc[ue county. They have lost, by death, one child, named Lora. A, H. Witt, of the firm of Witt & DeLand, was born in Clark county, la. He moved to Madison county, and in 1879 came to Storm Lake. In 1881 he became a member of the above firm. ALTA. C. M. Bean, manager of .the Alta lumber yard, was born in Penobscot county, Me.; moved to la. in 1871, and settled in Mitchell county. In 1880 he came to Alta, and engaged in busi- ness as above. He carries a large and complete stock of lumber and builders' supplies. D. Burke, of the firm of D. Burke & Co., millers, is a native of Mass.; moved to Dubuque, la., in 1836. He came to Alta in 1879, and established his present business. They have recently put in the patent rollers, and the mill has now a capacity of sixty barrels per day. J HISTORY OF IOWA. 461 R. B. Danclo, M. D., and furniture dealer, is a native of N. Y.; moved to Dubuque county, la., in 1838; thence to Alta in 1873, and engaged in the practice of medicine. The Doctor is the owner of some vahiable patents. He engaged in the furniture business in 1881. G. Gerner, dealer in general hardware, is a native of Pa. ; came to Iowa in 1877, and engaged in farming near Alta. In 1880 he moved into the town, and engaged in business as above. L. J. Harvey, M. D., is a native of Ohio. He began the practice of medicine is 1866; moved to Iowa in 1870, and opened office in Storm Lake. He came to Alta in Feb., 1882, and is already en- joying a lucrative practice. Chester Hunt, dealer in sewing machines and musical merchan- dise, is a native of Pa.; moved to Story county, la., in 1861; thence to Buena Yista county in 1868. He built the first house in Nokomus township. In 1881 he came to Alta and engaged in business as above. Dr. W. Kamp, jeweler, was one of the first to locate at Alta. He began the practice of medicine, and has since engaged in the jewelry business, G. S. Kendall, proprietor of billiard hall, Avas born in 111.; moved to Hamilton county, la., in 1855. In 1857 he came to Alta, and engaged in his present business. R. J. Macdonald, of the firm of Macdonald & Prue, dealers in general merchandise, was born in Washington, D. C; moved to Ind. in 1815; thence to 111. in 1857; thence to Iowa. He soon after returned to Indiana, and was for several years employed by the Wood's Reaper Co., as traveling agent. In 1880 he came to Alta, and engaged in business as above. William M. Reeder, furniture dealer, is a native of Ohio; in 1855 he settled in Johnson county, la., and engaged in contracting and building. In 1870 he moved to Storm Lake. His wife — ^now deceased — was the first white woman to locate there. He came to Alta in 1870, and engaged in business as above. T. 0. & C. J. Wiss, dealers in clothing, boots and shoes, also grain and stock, are natives of Sweden; came to America in 1869, and settled in Chicago, 111. They moved to Iowa in 1875, and en- gaged in the hardware business. In Aug., 1881, they engaged in business as above. NEWELL. H. 0. Austin, manager of J, H. James' harness shop at Newell. The firm carries a complete line of harness, saddles, whips, robes, blankets, etc. This is a branch of Mr, James' large establish- ment at Sac City, and was established in March, 1880, with Mr. Austin as manager. 462 HISTOEY OF IOWA. Ball & Brooks, physicians and druggists, established drug business Jan. 1st, 1882. They occupy and own a brick building, two stories high, and carry a large stock of drugs, fancy and toilet articles, stationery, cigars, etc. They employ W. J. Kilingbeck, who is a registered pharmacist. Dr. J. H. Ball graduated from the Keokuk Medical College in 1880, and engaged in the practice of medicine at Newell. Dr. J. M. Brooks, also of Keokuk, commenced the prac- tice of medicine in March, 1881. His office is over the store. W. H. Borman, of the firm of Swezey & Borman, dealers in lumber, lime, paint, etc., was born in Franklin county, 0., in 1850. In 1869 he came with his parents to Sac county, la., and the fol- lowing year he pre-empted land in Buena Vista county, six miles north of Newell. In 1876 he entered the employ of L. T. Swezey, and in Jan., 1880, became a partner. Mr. B. conducts the above business, which is situated near the depot. He was elected mayor in 1881. Mr. Swezey is proprietor of an extensive hardware establishment. 0. A. Cate, dealer in general merchandise, formerly of Sher- brook, Quebec, Canada, came to Newell and engaged in his present business in partnership with his brother, C. W. In Feb., 1882, he became sole proprietor. His store is in Harris & Parker's block, on Fulton street. He employs two salesmen. William Conle}^ of the firm of Conley & Watt, proprietors of the Newell livery, feed and sale barn, came to Newell in 1877 from Sac county, where he had been engaged in farming for ten years. He formed a partnership with L. S, Watt, and engaged in his pres- ent business. They occupy a barn on First street; have accommo- dations for sixty horses; keep for livery purposes eight teams and nine buggies and carriages. They are proprietors of the hack line between Newell and Sac City, and make daily trips, carrying the mails. Mr. C. was appointed city marshal in March, 1881. Mr. Watt came to Sac county in 1860 from Ohio. He was engaged in farming until Aug., 1881. C. Dillon, dealer in general hardware, came to Buena Vista coun- ty, la., in 1877, from Delaware county. He engaged in farming for four years; then moved to Newell, and purchased the business of L. T. Swezey. He owns the building he occupies on Fulton St.; carries a complete stock of hardware, tinware, stoves, etc., and employs one tinner. Ellis Bros., proprietors of restaurant, confectionery, billiard par- lor and barber shop; established business in Oct., 1881. They came to Newell in May, 1871, from Green county. Wis., and en- gaged in farming, alo contracting and building, previous to estab- lishing their present business. Hon. L. H. Gordon, dealer in lumber and coal, came to Newell,. la., from Dubuque where he had been engaged in manufacturing doors, sash and blinds. He was burned out in August, 1870, and II HISTORY OF IOWA. 463 the same year came to this city, and engaged in business as above. He represented this district in the 17th general assembly, session of 1877 and 1878. He was the first mayor of Newell, and served two years. Harris & Tarker, bankers, brokers and dealers in real estate. The business was established in 1871, under the firm name of Con- dron & Harris. In 1873, S. A. Parker purchased Mr. Condron's interest, thus forming the present firm. They own and occupy a brick building, thoroughly fitted with fire proof vault, etc. They own valuable town property, and about 3,500 acres of real estate throughout the county. H. E. Harris came to Newell from N.H. in 1871. Mr. Parker moved from Quebec, Canada, to Newport, Vt., thence to this city. L. F. Holbrook, proprietor of the Northwestern flouring mills, of Newell, la., was formerly of Vt. He engaged in his present business in 1878, The mills were built by J. B. Thomas in 1871, and were purchased by L. H. Gordon & Co., who sold to the pres- ent owner. The mills have a forty-five horse power engine, and a capacity of fifty barrels per day. C. Everett Lee, proprietor of the Newell Mirror, which was es- tablished June 15th, 1875, by W. White, who sold it to B. C. Hull in Dec, 1878. It was afterwards purchased by J. N. Miller, editor of the Sac Sun, who sold it to the present owner in July, 1881. The Mirror is the county official paper, republican in poli- tics, is an eight-column folio, and has a circulation of about five hundred. Mr. Lee was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., in 1846; moved to Sac county, la., in 1862. He served during the war of the rebellion in the 10th la. Vol. Inft. In 1876 he came to New- ell, Buena Vista county. Thomas Mankey, Avagon-maker and blacksmith, came to Newell from Mineral Pt., Wis., in Aug., 1879, and established business as above. He owns and occupies a building on Second st., and em- ploys two men. F. P. Mack, postmaster and dealer in stationery and news, came to Newell in 1870 from Alden, Hardin county. His wife is a milliner, and carries a large and well selected stock of goods; occupies same store-room with the postoffice. Norton & Welch, dealers in general merchandise and grain, are also proprietors of the Newell creamery. J.T. Norton and John R. Welch comprise the firm, which was established in 1878. Their mercantile business is in L^nion Block, and occupies a room twenty- four by one hundred feet, which is well filled with general mer- chandise, and necessitates the employment of three salesmen. The creamery was established in 1881, and has a capacity for making two thousand pounds of butter per day. 164 HISTOKY OF IOWA. H. M. & J. T. Redfield, of the firm of Redfield Bros., dealers in grain, live stock, agricultural implements and coal, came from Oswego, N. Y., to Newell in 1872, and the following year estab- lished their present business. They own two elevators, with a combined capacity of ten thousand bushels; office and warehouse, on First st. They handle all the leading manufacturers' goods. W. E. & G. H. Riddell, of the firm of Riddell Bros., dealers in general merchandise, established business in Aug., 1879, in the Swezey block, corner of Fulton and Second sts. They have abut- ter and egg packing department in the basement, and there em- ploy one man. W. E. Riddell was formerly engaged in business at Manchester; G. H. was formerly with Field, Leiter & Co., of Chicago. W. H. Stott. proprietor of the City meat market, was born in Philadelphia, Pa. He moved to Fairfax, Va.; remained one year; then returned to Pa., where he resided until 1868, when he moved to Iowa and located. near Fonda, Calhoun county. In 1871 he came to Newell, and engaged in business as above; has also been engaged in the livery business here. He keeps a first-class mar- ket, and employs two men. Mr. S. has been marshal of Newell two years, and a member of the city council. During the war of the rebellion he served in the 110th Inft., and was twice wounded. William Wart, of the firm of W. Wart & Son, dealers in gen- eral meichandise, came to Buena Vista county, la., in 1869, from N. y. He purchased land, and has been actively engaged in farm- ing ever since. He owns 410 acres of land, four miles east of Newell, which is well improved and stocked. He has been a mem- ber of the board of supervisors for several years. The store is in Union block, on the corner of Fulton & Second sts. They carry a large and well selected stock of goods. The business is conducted by T. A. Wart, the junior member of the firm. HISTORY OF IOWA. -465 CRAWFORD COUNTY. Tilt county of CraAvford is twenty-four miles north and south by thirty east and west. It contains twenty Congressional townships, or a superficial area of 720 square miles, and lies on the Western Slope, the second county east from the Missouri River, in the fifth tier from the northern and southern boundaries of the State. It is well watered by running streams, the largest of which is the Boyer River, which traverses the county diagonally from northeast to southwest, entering five miles west of the northeast corner, and passing out three miles east of the southeast corner. East Boyer River, its most important tributary, enters CraAvford from Carroll County, floAVS in a southwesterly direction, and unites Avith the main stream at Denison, a little southeast of the center of the count)\ Other important tributaries of the Boyer are Dunham's, Walnut, Ernst, Buss, AVelsh, Paradise, Bufi'alo, Otter, Boone, Coon and Buck Creeks. The Nishnabotany River and Williams Creek, with their several branches, water the southeastern portion of the county. Soldier River, which crosses the nortliAvestern cor- ner, receives a large number of tributaries, among which may be mentioned Beaver Creek. A branch called East Soldier also passes thro jgh the northAvestern part of the county, with a by no means inconsiderable tributary called Spillman Creek. WilloAv Rivei* waters a considerable portion of one township in the soutliAvestern part of the county. All of the above streams are small, with the exception of tiie Boyer River, but all aftbrd an abundance of wa- ter for stock throughout every season of the year. In a number of places fine springs are found, and good aa'cII water is obtained at moderate depths. The Avater of the running streams is excellent for drinking and domestic uses, and is usually clear and cold. The finest groves of timber are on the Boyer and East Boyer Rivers, a number of groves being scattered along some of the smaller streams, however. The largest body of timber in the county is Mason's Grove, beginning about five miles northeast of Denison. This grove includes about 2,000 acres along the east side of the Boyer River. Dunham's Grove, on the East Boyer. six miles east of Denison, contains about 300 acres of timber, among which is a quantity of black walnut. In other parts of the county are groves of good timber, principally on or near the Boyer River. The timber lands of the county aggregate about sixteen sections, or 10,240 acres — about one acre of timber to each forty- five feet of prairie. The following varieties are included: Black oak. burr oak, black Avalnut, black and Avhite hickory, linn, hack- 466 HISTORY OF IOWA. berry, soft maple, ash, elm, cottonwood, cherry, etc. The shrub- beries are principally ash, sumac, hazel, pith-alder, etc., which gen- erally grow in the valleys, or about the edges of the timber. There is an abundance of walnuts, hickorynuts and hazelnuts. Wild fruits groAv in abundance; there are plums, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, cherries, crab apples, wild currants, and occasionally blackberries. In consequence of the scarcity of native timber, many of the farmers have planted groves of silverleaf ma- ple, cottonwood, black walnut and box elder, all of which have grown with astonishing rapidity; so much so that the former bound- less expanse of prairie has within a few years become dotted with beautiful groves, which ere long will re-arrange the nature of the country, as they have already diversified and improved, the land- scape, affording, moreover, as great additions to the principle of utility as they have already made in the direction of ornamentation. The surface configuration of the county is rolling, the divides separating the streams being bulky masses of earth which sweep down into the valleys over beautiful declivities from the undulating plains above. Near the headwaters of the streams the surface is more rolling and broken than on the main divides, in a few places being too uneven and precipitous for successful cultivation. The soil is almost uniformly composed of the light colored, fine, silicious material of the bluff deposit peculiar to the Missouri Slope, is of great fertility, and is in places largely mixed with sand. The Boyer Valley is probably unsurpassed in Iowa, is capable of a cultivation which is being rapidly brought about, and which when brought to the condition assured in the near future, will present one of the most attractive farming portions of the State. Compared with the size of the stream, the valley is wide, and has a deep, rich soil, well adapted to the production of the finest crops of corn, wheat, oats and other kinds of grain. Extending, as it does, some thirty miles through the county, it embraces a large area of land of unsurpassed fertility. It must not, however, be understood that the upland pi-airies are sterile, as the greater por- tion of them is but little inferior to the bottom lands. The best upland prairies are in the east, north and northwest portions. In the smaller valleys and ravines extensive accumulations of black soil or vegetable mould are often found, which probably came from the washing of the ravines from the adjacent slopes, which bear evidence of having been thus denuded of their coating of dark humus. The enthusiastic lover of nature can scarcely picture a ■more pleasing landscape than that afforded by the valleys of the Boyer Rivers, viewed from the upland ridges at almost anj^ point along their courses, overlooking miles of their park-like valleys, embellished with clumps of trees, well improved farms, orchards, rural homes, and tasty villages. Stone suitable for building purposes is not abundant, the only (juarry worked in the county being situated about four miles I HISTORY OF lOAVA. 467 southwest of Denison on a branch of Buck Creek. It is a species of limestone that answers for ordinary purposes. There are indications of the same formation in Spring Grove, Burnt Woods, and at other points in the county. Clay and sand suitable for the manufacture of brick, are sufficiently plenty, and a num- ber of handsome brick structures have been erected in Denison and other localities. No veins of coal have been found as yet in this county, and it is probable that, if the productive or lower formation of the coal measure underlies the area embraced in Craw- ford County, it is at so great a depth beneath the surface as to render its development for the present impracticable . Th« soil and climate are well adapted to the production of wheat, oats, rye, barley, corn, beans, peas, potatoes and other vege- tables and grains indigenous to the Temperate Zone. The yield of spring wheat, which is the variety principally raised, has been from fifteen to forty-five bushels to the acre, with a probable average of about twenty-five busnels. Comparatively few farmers have engaged in the cultivation of tame grasses, but it has been fully demonstrated that timothy and blue grass will succeed well, while clover also does reasonably well, so far as it has been tried. There is a number of orchards in the county, which have been yielding for a number of years, and which give promise of assured success in the future. Much attention is being paid to fruit cul- ture, Avhich is destined to become one of the important industries of this section. Cherries, vines and all small fruit do well, grow- ing luxuriantly and producing excellent varieties of fruit. The Chicago & Northwestern Railroad enters Crawford County a little north of the center of the eastern boundary line, and run- ning southwest down the valley of the Boyer, a distance of over thirty-one miles, makes its exit near the southwest corner, aflford- ing good communication with the eastern and western markets. In May, 1849, Cornelius Dunham, of Jackson county, Iowa, brought Franklin Prentice and his wife to the county, and left them at the place known as Dunham's Grove, on East Boyer River, about six miles east of the present town of Denison, Mr. Prentice built a cabin for Dunham, who came with his family in the autumn of the same year, accompanied also by a man named Reuben Blake. This was the first settlement in Crawford County. The same year, Prentice took a claim at the mouth of Otter Creek, on Boyer River, near Mason's Grove. The next settlers Avere Jesse Mason and family, and George J. and Noah V. Johnson, all of whom came in June, 1850, and settled at Mason's Grove. In the autumn of this year, Levi Skinner and Calvin Horr settled at the same place. The next settler was Thomas Dobson, in the spring of 1851, who also settled in the vicinity of Mason's Grove, In the autumn of 1853, Edward Howorth. with his sons, Edward and Daniel, located at a place called Three Bee Tree Grove, in the southwest part of the county, not far from the present thriving town of Dunlap. In 468 HISTORY OF IOWA. 1854, the settlement at Mason's Grove received the foUowinpf addi- tionnl members : Benjamin Dobson, A. R. Hunt, D. J. Fowler, Clark Winans, B. F. Wicks and E. W. Fowler. During the same year Benjamin Dobson erected the first saw mill at this place, and the following persons located in other parts of the county: John Grilbreath, John R. Bassett, and Moses and Daniel Riddle, at Coon Grove, four miles south of the present town of Denison; Mathias Didra, at Buck Grove, in the southern part of the county: Charles Kennedy and Robert D. Butterworth, at Three Bee Tree Grove, and William H. Jordan, at Lost Grove, near the present town of Crawford, on the Chicago & North- western Railroad. John A. Dunham and Rufus Richardson came the same year. Those mentioned were all the settlers in the county up to 1S55, during the spring of which year the following came: Reuben and John Vore, S. C. Dow, S. J. Comfort, Cyrus B. Whitmore, John Poordy, Isaac B. Goodrich, S. B. Greek, S. S. Sisley, John Sisley, Edward Van Vleet, James Slater and H. C. Laub. The last named settled at Mason's Grove, and the others in various places in the county. In 1856, there were but few addi- tions to the settlers, the following, with their families, it is believed, comprising all: George C. King, William J. Todd, John B. Huckstep, Edwin Cad well, Tracy Chapman, Morris McHenry, Esau McKim, and Joseph Brodgen, all of whom located at Mason's Grove; and R. B. Alexander, S. Bell, B. B. Bishop and W^illiam Wilkie, who settled in the southern and southwestern parts of the county. Hon. J. W. Denison came to the county in the autumn of 1855, and during that year and the next, selected a quantity of land for the Providence Western Land Company, and in Septem- ber, 1856, commenced the settlement of the town of Denison. He brought with him Francis Reynolds and John B. Swain, who erected a steam saw and grist mill in the new town. The first births in the county were David and George Jesse Mason, twin sons of Jesse and Eliza Ann Mason, born in 1852. The first marriage ceremonies took place at Mason's Grove, Octo- ber 12th, 1853, at which time and place Rev. Thomas Dobson united in marriage George J. Johnson and Elizabeth Ann Mason, Noah V. Johnson and Jane Mason, Calvin Horr and Elizabeth Mowery. The first death was that of John A. Dunham, in the winter of 1854-5. The first entry of Government land was made August 21st, 1854, by John Gil breath. The first school house erected was at Mason's Grove, in the autumn of 1856, in which Morris McHenry taught the first school, a term of three and one half months, commencing November 4th, 1856. The first sermon was preached Sunday, October lUth, 1856, by Rev. William Black, of theM. E. Church, and the same day, after the sermon, the first religious society was organized, with seven members, as follows: George C. King, Mrs. E. R. King, 0. S. Wright, Tabitha Wright, John B. Huckstep, Martha A. Huckstep, and Rufus Richardson. I HISTORY OF IOWA. 469 The first Sunday School was organized at Mason's Grove, nnderthe auspices of the M. E. Church, with twenty pupils, on the 7th day of January, 1857, George C. King being the Superintendent. The first lawyer was S. J. Comfort, who was also the first acting Prosecuting Attorney. Dr. David Mc Williams was the first physician. tip to April, 1855, Crawford County was attached to Shelby for civil purposes. At the April election of that year the following county officers were elected: E. W. Fowler, County Judge; Thomas Dobson, Clerk; A. R. Hunt, Treasurer and Recorder; D. J. Fowler, Sheriff; Isaac B. Goodrich, School Fund Commissioner; Cyrus Whitmore, Prosecuting Attorney; Samuel Kennedy, Sur- veyor; L. S. Kinuer, Coroner; John R. Bassett, Drainage Com- missioner. At this time there was but one election precinct in the county, all the vctes being cast at Coon Grove, in what is now Denison Township. New county officers were chosen at the fol- lowing August election, at which time John R. Bassett was elected County Judge. Judge Bassett transacted his first official business September 3rd, 1855, on which date he acted upon a petition for a county road, refusing to grant the petition for reasons set forth in the records as follows: ''I set the road petition aside on these grounds: In the first place, I cannot find out that there were notices as the law pre- scribes in three public places in the county. Secondly, the notices not agreeing with the petition. Thirdly, and the greatest objec- tion^ is that there was no one offered to enter bonds for the secur- ity of the payment of the Commissioner, providing the road was not finally located. For these objections I hereby set the road aside and pronounce not in accordance with law." On the 3d of December of this year, the Judge, Clerk and Re- corder met and reported their accounts of moneys received from August 1st to December 1st, the Judge having received ^5.75; Clerk, 13.00; Recorder, 18.70. Total, 117.45. They made an equal division of the amount and appropriated it toward the payment of their salaries. William L. Henderson, having been appointed sur- veyor and agent to select the swamp lands, made his report Decem- ber 5th, 1855, and was allowed |150 for his services. The first estate administered upon was that of Cyrus B. Whit- more, John Vore being appointed administrator. The location of county roads constituted a large proportion of the business of the County Judge. Judge Bassett continued to serve in this capacity up to the organization of the Supervisor system. The following persons constituted the first Board of Supervisors: Thomas Dobson, Milford Township; Henry C. Laub, Denison Township; Daniel Howorth, Union Township. Daniel HoAvorth was President, and S. J. Comfort, Clerk of the Board. The Court House at Denison was completed in the autumn of 1858. It is built of brick, 30x40 feet, and two stories high. The 470 HISTORY OF IOWA. various county offices are in the lower story, and the upper story is used as a court-room and for various public meetings. The 30st of the building was about $6,000. It is located in the center of the public square, a beautiful rolling track of ground, which is en- closed by a neat fence and planted with finely growing trees. Good bridges have been erected on all the principal roads over the streams. About five miles below Denison, in the Boyer Valley, there is a semi-circular group of ancient artificial mounds. There are about nine of them, situated on a plateau or table rising above the lower bottom. They are about five feet above the general level of the ground. Another similar group is located on the second bottom at the mouth of Paradise Creek. Human remains have been found in some of them, showing that they were burial places. Crawford County's present population is fully 15,000. There are 458,333 acres of land in this count v, the valuation of which, for 1879, was $2,747,198; for 1880, $3,752,648; value of lots, $220,- 590; of personal property, $458,214; of railroad property, $326,- 646. The property valuation for the present year is not as yet obtainable, but there are certain indications of a most highly grati- fying increase. There are thirty and one-half miles of railroad in the county, and two hundred miles of telegraph wire. The present county oflicers of Crawford County are: A. D. Molo- ney, Auditor; G. W. Heston, Clerk of Courts; L. M. Cornwell, Treas- urer; M. Smith, Recorder; J. D. Jones, Sheriff; E. M. Ainsworth, Superintendent of Schools; M. McHenry, Surveyor; A. McMartin, Chairman Board of Supervisors. Crawford County's population in 1880 was 12,413; the total vote of the county for Governor at the election of 1881, was 2,136. DENISON. The county seat of Crawford County is situated a little south of the center of the county, at the junction of the Boyer and East Boyer Rivers. A portion of the town, rising upon the slopes ad- jacent to these streams, commands magnificent views of the valley of the Boyer, with its rapidly improving farms, the railroads, lines of telegraph, groves of timber, and other objects, adding variety and beauty to the scene. The railroad passes along the southern edge of the town, where it makes a bend directly southwest, leav- ing Denison well situated as a trading point for a large district of country unsurpassed in fertility. Its agricultural resources, when developed, cannot fail to make Denison a point of great impor- tance. It is one hundred and fifteen miles from Des Moines, eighty from Fort Dodge, seventy-five from Council Bluffs, seventy- five from Sioux City, and forty-five from the Missouri River. As stated in the general history of the county, the town was laid out in 1856, by J. W. Denison, from whom it derived its name, and at that time became the county seat. The town plat HISTORY OF IOWA. 471 embraces about 700 acres, the general size of the lots being 50x150 feet, the principal streets being one hundred feet wide and the others eighty. Handsome and eligible blocks have been reserved for public parks and other public purposes. Quite a number of elegant residences and business blocks have been erected, which would reflect credit upon any city in Iowa. Among the first settlers were Francis Reynolds and John B. Swain, who put up the first saw and grist mill in the place; R. W. Calkins, 0. S. Gates, F. W. Vuescher, Jacob Whitinger, Morris McHenry, J. F. Seagrave and Eli Baer. Mary Louise Seagrave, born November 13th, 1856, was the first birth in the town, while the first death was that of a child of Francis Reynolds. There is no reason to doubt that the population of Denison at the present time is fully, if not more than, two thousand. The town was incorporated in 1875, Its first town officers, after in- corporation, were: A. F, Bond, Mayor; A. Carpenter, Recorder; J. L. McClellan, Marshal; L. Cornwell, Treasurer; C. H. DeWolf, C. F. Cassaday, John Seemann, Ward Matthews, W. J. Wagoner, Councilmen. The following are the present officers: R, Heifel- finger. Mayor; D, L. Boynton, Recorder; L. Cornwell, Treasurer; William Braddy, Marshal; C. Green, W. J. Wagoner, L. F. Carr, J. B. Romans, P. Miller, G. W. Heston, Councilmen; George A. Smith, Assessor. Denison has two banks, the McHenry Bank, of which William A. McHenry is proprietor, and the Crawford County Bank, R. Heffelfinger, proprietor — both of which do a prosperous business. The Germania Opera House, owned by the Germania Society, is a roomy and well built structure with a foundation of heavy ma- sonry, cost from seven to eight thousand dollars, and is in every way creditable to the community. The brickyard belonging to Cornelius Green manufactures on an average a half-miMion bricks per annum. There are seven flouring mills in Crawford County, one at Dow City, one two miles southwest of Denison, one at Denison, one at Vail, one at West Side and two at Deloit, The Luney Bros, some time since inaugurated a series of enter- prises, which reflect great credit, both upon themselves and the community. Their steam flouring mill was started in 1880, and has a capacity of about 1,000 bushels of wheat per week. This mill has three run of stone, and manufactures an excellent quality of flour. They have also in operation an extensive agricultural implement factory and foundry, from which they turn out plows, bells, shafting for mills, and, in fact, anything and everything in the line of first-class establishments of this kind, Denison is in every respect, mechanically, professionally and in a business way, as well in the attractive as in the substantial 'ele- ments of a progressive community, worthy to be the county seat of the rich and fertile county of Crawford, 472 HISTORY OF IOWA. The business establishmeuts of Denison may be classified as follows: Six general merchandise establishments, three groceries, two furniture and cabinet making establishments, one boot and shoe store, two harness shops, one hardware store, two blacksmith shops, one wagon factory, one wagon and blacksmith shop, two hardware and agricultural implement stores, one agricultural im- plement depot, two restaurants, five hotels, four insurance agencies, one flouring mill, one brick-yard, one manufactory of agricul- tural implements, one foundry and machine shop, three millinery stores, one music store, two banks, four real estate agencies, three drug stores, two printing ofiices, one book store, one clothing store, two meat markets, one bakery, four stock and grain dealers, three lumber dealers, one creamery, two grain elevators, etc. The Crawford County Bulletin was started in November, 1873, by Stephens & Daniells. A. B. Keith purchased Daniells' inter- est in April, 1874, and in June, 1876, became sole proprietor. The Bulletin is a nine-column folio, and has a circulation of 1,200 copies. It is the Democratic organ of Crawford county, and is ably conducted. The first newspaper published in Crawford County was estab- lished October 1st, 1860, by J. W. Denison, and was named the Boyer ^^(^lley liecord. It was a twenty-eight column sheet. Re- publican in politics, and continued about a year and a half. The next paper was the Denison Beeieic, the first number of which appeared May 3d, 1867, under the management of Money & Stephens. In the autumn of 1868, Money disposed of his inter- est to R. W. McNeal. In 1874, the paper came into the posses- sion of Hon. J. Fred. Meyers, who conducted it until the latter part of February of the present year. Under Mr. Myers' able management, the paper achieved an extensive reputation. His successors, the Messrs. W rigley Bros., are gentlemen of capacity, and have already evinced an ability to fully maintain the Beriew s excellent reputation. Mr. Meyers has been Postmaster of Deni- son for a number of years, was formerly a resident of Washington, D. C, has an extensive acquaintance, and has occupied many posi- tions of honor and trust. The Bevieic is Republican in politics, and issues both English and German editions. It is a model of typographical neatness. CnrRCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. First Baptist CJinrch . — Organized in 1858, by Rev. J. W. Denison. The successive pastors were: Revs. George Scott, R. Dunlap, A. M. Duboc, J. B. Hawk, A. Robinson, the latter gentle- man having present pastoral charge. The present membership -is 120. The church building was erected in 1865, has a seating capacity of about 200, and cost, with the grounds, $7,000. It is located on the corner of Sweet and Chestnut streets. The pres- ent church ofiicers are: J. D. Seagrave, S. W. Plimpton, Dea- HISTORY OF IOWA. 473 cons; E. S. Plimpton, Clerk; Mrs. S. W. Plimpton, Treasurer; W. A. McHenry, J. R. Bassett, E. S. Plimpton, Trustees. The Sab- bath School has an average attendance of about one hundred pupils. Its officers are E, S. Plimpton, J. D. Seagrave, Associate Superintendents; M. E. Jones, Treasurer; Nellie Strong, Sec- retary. Methodist Episcopal ChurcJi. — The present pastor is Rev. D. Austin. This society has over one hundred members. Its pres- ent officers ai'e: L.M.Shaw, C. Green, R. Heffelfinger, J. B. Romans, Trustees; H. C. Laub, Recording Steward; L. M. Shaw, Treasurer. The Sabbath School numbers about one hundred pupils; L. M. Shaw is the Superintendent. The church build- ing was erected about the year 1865, at a cost of 81,800; its seat- ing capacity is 350. Rev. William Black, the first pastor, was succeeded by the following: Revs. Mr. Glassner, Edwin Satterlee, M. D. Collins, W. E. Smith, Mr. Glauville, B. Shinn, Mr. Way- nick, Mr. Fegtly, E. Sage, Asa Steeth, J. B. Wilson, Mr. Beck, and the present pastor. Trinitij Episcopal Parish. — Organized in 1875, by Rev. William Wright. Rev. C. S. Fackenthall is the present pastor. The mem- bership is about thirty-five. The church building was erected in 1875, is 28x40 feet in dimensions, the total cost being not less than 83,000. Roger Hayne was the first Senior Warden, and Henry Gower, the first Junior Warden. At present J. G. Wyaut is Senior Warden, William Rain, Junior Warden. The Society is free from debt. In July, 1877, the church builling was blown from its foundations by a tornado, two other church buildings also being moved from their foundations on the same night, one of them, the Catholic church building, being occupied by the con- gregation, who were holding services at the time. Trinity Church is located in East Denison, on the south side of Broadway. The Sabbath School has about fifty members. J. P. Fitch is the Su- perintendent; Miss Gracie Myers, Secretary; Miss Blanche Stone, Treasurer. TJie Catholic Church Society. — This Parish was organized by missionaries more than twenty years ago. The first pastor was Rev. Mr. Kelley, of Omaha. The church building was erected in 1872. It is a frame structure and cost 81,700. The congregation have made arrangements for the building of a fine brick structure during the coming season, the money for which has been already secured. The estimated cost is 84,000. Rev. M. C. Lenahan, of Vail, is the present pastor. Services are, for the present, held every alternate Sunday. The German Lutheran Society. — Rev. G. Haar is the present pastor of this prosperous church organization. As stated else- where, the church edifice is a brick building formerly used as a school house. It is very neatly and comfortably furnished. The organization of the society dates back from eight to ten years. 31 4:14: HISTORY OF IOWA, The Prcshyferian Society, — The present pastor of this society is the Rev. J. J. Franklin. The church edifice was erected in 1872, at a cost of $1,775. Although the membership is not so large as that of the Baptist or M. E. organizations, yet the society is in a sub- stantial and encouraging condition. TJie Piihlic Scltools. — Prior to the organization of the Denison independent school district, Tracy Chapman, Michael Riddle and A. D. Moloney, composed the Board of School Directors of a sec- tion of country embracing the entire county, with the exception of Union and Milford Townships. The first teacher of whom the writer has information was H. C. Laub, who was followed by I. T. Martin, John Funk and Miss Jennie Haskell. The first school house was a frame building, about 11x20 feet in dimensions, situated on the hill in East Denison. This building has long since ceased to be used for school purposes, and has been moved so many times as to make further trace of its whereabouts indefinite. A brick school house was next built, which is now used as a church building by the German Lutheran Society. The independent school district was organized about ten years since. The first Board of Education was composed of the following gentlemen: Dr. William Iseminger, Morris McHenry, E. S. Plimpton, W. J. Wagoner, and two others, whose names the writer was unable to learn. A. M. McNeal, an attorney now living in St. Louis, was the first teacher after the independent organization. He was fol- lowed by Rev. Mr. Gunnison, a Baptist minister, who was suc- ceeded by a Methodist clergyman, whose name the writer was un- able to learn. Z. T. Hawk was the first regular Principal of the Denison schools. He had three assistants. Under his manage- ment, the Denison schools first took definite form, were graded, and began the systematic and thorough development of which the citizens of the town are justly proud. There are now two school buildings. The first, a large brick structure of four departments and two stories in height, was erected in 1872, at a cost of $16,000, which figure, however, it is proper to add, is conceded to be altogeth- er disproportionately large in comparison with the real value of the building. It is located in the western part of town, southwest of the Court House, and is known as the West Side building. The second school building was erected in 1877. It is a two-story frame, having two large rooms, is about 28x48 feet in dimensions, and cost in the neighborhood of $2,500. It is located near the center of town, and is known as the East School building. The total enrollment of the district, at the last enumeration, was 369 pupils; the average attendance is about 300. It is more than prob- able that another school building will be added during the present year. The present corps of teachers is as follows: Prof. M. Booth, Principal; Miss Nettie M. Dick, Grammar School, West; Miss Lillie Barr, First Primary, West; Miss Hattie McAhren, Second Primary, West; Miss Kittie Barr, First Primary, East; Mrs. Mary HISTOKY OF lUAVA. 475 Wade, Second Primary, East. The present Board of Education is as follows: C. Green, President; W. J. Wagoner, E. S. Plimpton, William Iseminger, Albert Palmer, John Seemann; C. F. Bond, Secretary; R. Heffelfinger, Treasurer. Devotion Lodge Xo. 282, A. F. ct- A. J/.— Instituted in 1869. Ptev. B. Shinn was the first W. M.; C. H. DeWolf, the first S. W.; H. C. Laub, the first Secretary, and L. Cornwell, the first Treasurer. There were nine charter members. The present mem- bership is fift3^-five. Meetings are held Wednesday evenings of each month, on or before the full moon. For the present the Lodge meets in Masonic Hall, over H. C. Laub's place of business. A fine Lodge room is being fitted up in the McHenry block. This Lodge is in a condition of very gratifying prosperity. The follow- ing are the present officers: C. H. DeWolf, W. M.; G. W. Stephens, S. VV.; M. Goldheim, J. W.; G. W. Heston, Secretary; W. J. Wagoner, Treasurer. Denison Lodge Xo. 94, I. 0. G. T. — Instituted in 1876. Meetings are held every Tuesday evening m Court House Hall. The membership is twenty-five. The present officers are: D. 0. Johnson, W. C. T.; Mrs. H. J. Matthews, W. V. T.; Miss Hattie Harris, R. S.; Miss Hattie McAhren,L. S.; Mrs. E. S. Plimpton, Treasurer; Rev. A. Robinson, Chaplain. Crawford Lodge, loica Legion of Honor. — Instituted in 1880. First officers: H. N. Wheeler, President; A. D. Wilson. Vice- President; N.J.Wheeler, F. S.;N. F. Smith, R. S.; N. Richards, Treasurer. Present officers: A. B. Keith, President; James Wygant, Vice-President; N. J. Wheeler, F. S.; M. E. Jones, R. S.; A. D. Wilson, Treasurer. The membership is fifty-two. Meet- ings are held on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Masonic Hall. Boot Post Xo. 58, G. A. B. — -This Post was mustered in the autumn of 1881, with eighteen charter members, as follows: E. D. Partridge, Geo. W. Heston, W. A. Porter, A. J. Bond, R. L. Wilkinson, A. I. Phelps, S. W. Plimpton, Jr., R. W. Lownes, A. Simmons, Edward Miles, M. Smith, J. S. Gilbreath. W. H. Snow, B. W. Garlough, G. L. Wright, C. A. Lawton, H. S. Gulick, J. G. Vassar. The membership is thirty, and meetings are held on the second Friday evening of each month in Court House Hall. The following are the' officers: Geo. W. Heston, Commander; G. L. Wright, S. V. C; Jud. Bond, J. V. C; I. T. Phelps, A.; S. W. Plimpton, C.;H. S. Gulick, Q. M.; E. D. Partridge, S.; R. W. Lownes, 0. of D.; Benj. Garlough, S. M. Denison Lodge Xo. LJl, A. 0. U. W. — Present officers: I. T. Roberts, M. W.; Johif Bayles, Foreman; S. W. Plimpton, 0.; A. T. Weld, Recorder; D. H. Gill, Receiver; A. Anderson, Financier; D. 0. Johnson, P. The Lodge has a membership of forty- four, and meets the *:rst and tliird Friday evenings of each month in Masonic Hall. 476 HISTORY OF IOWA. Eiirela Collegium No. 17, V. A. S. Frate7nif)/.— lnsiiiuied in the autumn of 1881^ with thirt3'-six charter member?. First officers: William Familton. Kector: J. S. Nicholson, V. R.; G. A. Smith, S.; G. W. Heston. Q.; G. L. Wright. U.; L. J. Carter, Spec: Dr. AV. W. Holmes, M. E. ^ Present officers: J. S. Nichol- son, R. ; Albert Palmer. Y. R. The remaining officers the same as before. Meetings are for the present held at J. S. Nicholson's office, on the first Monday evening of each month. W. C. T. U. — The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Denison is in excellent working condition, and has done effective work for the cause of Temperance. Mrs. H. C. Laub is the Presi- dent. Denison Lecture Bureau. — This is an association whose object is to furnish the citizens of Denison intellectual entertainment by utilizing ''home talent." Weekly lectures are given, which are largely attended, and which have been productive of highly bene- ficial results. The Public Library. — Denison has a public library of quite re- spectable proportions. The library is temporarily located in the rear of A. Steel's furniture store. Mr. Steel is. the Librarian. Denison Cornet Band. — ThQ Denison Cornet Band is composed of twelve members, and is quite a creditable organization . W^. J. W^heeler, Presiceit; M. E. Jones, Secretary; F. W^ahl, Treas- urer; William Adams, Leader. VAIL. The pro.?perous and progressive community of Vail is located about six miles west of the eastern line of the county, and was laid out in the summer of 1871. The town-site is owned by the Blair Town Lot and Land Company, and by other parties, who have made additions thereto. The surrounding country, for a dis- tance of twenty miles north and south, tributary to Vail, is of a most excellent quality. Vail was incorporated in the spring of 1875. The first Mayor was Josiah McHenry, who was succeeded by the following in or- der: W. W. Anderton, Josiah McHenry, A. D. Young, F. B. Huckstep, the latter of whom is the present incumbent. The following are the present town officers: F. B. Huckstep, Mayor; J. S. Nesbit, Recorder; E. Ryan, Treasurer; M. McGrath, Marshal; Thomas Ryan. Street Commissioner; J. P. Fitch, A. L. Strong, J. H. Barrett, E. Darling, E. B. Bannister, John Cousins, Couneilmen. Dr. James DeWolf, the present postmaster, and who came to Vail in the autumn of 1870, was the first bona fide settler of the town. He erected a store-building and Avarehouse where the post- office now stands. He also '' broke " some land, and in return for a car-load of wheat raised thereon, obtained the first stock of goods that were placed on sale in the town. John Liddle started a i HISTORY OF IOWA. 477 blacksmith shop in Vail in 1871. During the winter of 1870-71, there was nobody on the present town-site of Vail, save Mr. De Wolf, his son John, and the trackhands employed upon the rail- road. The depot building Avas erected in the summer of 1871, but no agent was located therein until September, 1872. George Head Avas the first depot agent. In the summer of 1872, the following engaged iu business at Vail: J. F. Powers, furniture; L. P. Mooney, general merchandise; E. B. Bannister, hardware; Mrs. E. B. Ban- nister, millinery. , The next year Greenough & Bullock, of Denison, established a branch drug store at Vail. Josiah McHenry built the first hotel in the autumn of 1872. Since 1873, there has been a steady and constant growth, until at the present time it is safe to estimate the population of the town at from seven to eight hundred. A classified summary of the business establishments is as fol- lows: General stores, four; grocery, one; hotels, two; livery, three; blacksmith shops, four; wagon shops, two; drug stores, three; shoe shops, three; paint shop, one; printing office, one; hardware, three; agricultural implement depots, three; grain eleva- tors, three; flouring mill, one; lumber yards, two; butter a'ld egg depot, one; restaurants, two; jewelry, one; banks, two; barber shop, one; insurance agencies, two; real estate and loan, three; lawyers, three; physicians, three; meat markets, two; stock dealers, two; machine shop, one; grain dealers, four; furniture, two; har- ness shops, two; brickyard, one; brewery, one; saloons, four; milli- nery stores, two; coal dealers, four. G. A. W. Davison started the Crawfonl Connfij Observer in May, 1878, and after conducting it about a year and a half, sold to J. Otto Engstrom. The paper was started as a six-column folio and was all printed at the home office; subsequently it was changed to an eight-column folio and published on the co-operative plan. In the spring of 1880, Engstrom sold the paper to Gregg & Roberts, the latter of whom became sole proprietor in the autumn of the same year, and continued to conduct it until his death, in the spring of 1881, Avhen his father, J. H. Roberts, Sr., ran it for a short time, and then disposed of it toH. C.Ford. Mr. Davison re- purchased the paper October 1st, 1881, and is the present editor and proprietor. The Observer is now a five-column quarto, is inde- pendent in politics, has a circulation of 500, and is one of Western Iowa's neatest and newsiest weekly publications. John Short, of Boone County, started the Vail Flouring Mills in 1S75. He was assisted by liberal subscriptions from the citi- zens in the establishment of the enterprise. The building is of three stories in addition to the basement, has four run of stone, and a steel buhr for grinding feed. It also has a grain sheller and elevator in connection. There are, besides, two more steam ele- vators in Vail, one owned by Benson & Wagner, of Chicago, the 478 HISTORY OF IOWA. other by J. P. Fitch. The flourinof mill is filled with the very best and latest improved machinery, and turns out a grade of tiour of unusual excellence. The Citizens' Bank is located in the postoffice building, and is conducted by J. H. DeWolf. The Traders' Bank, on the corner of Warren and Passaic streets, is owned by Messrs. Maynard & Price. Both banks are doing an extensive and prosperous business. The postotfice at Vail was established in May, 1871; the first Postmaster was Martin Hale Smith, in whose name the office was conducted a year or more, Avhen he was succeeded by Dr. James DeWolf, who has continued in office ever since. It was made a money order office in October, 1877. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Episcopal Society. — This society has been organized a number of years, and is in a flourishing condition. The new church edifice, a neat and substantial structure, was dedicated Sun- day, February 26th, of the present year, by Bishop Hurst. The building has a seating capacity of about 300. A largely attended Sabbath School has been organized, of which Mrs. A. A. Shesler is Superintendent; Miss Eva Gilmau, Secretary; John J. Haas, Librarian. Presbyterian Society. — The organization of this society was at an e?rly date in the history of the town. The church building was begun in the autumn of 1877, and cost about ^2,300. It was dedicated in May, 1878. The society was organized by Rev. Geo. R. Carroll, and Rev. W. H. Cuskey was the first minister in charge. Rev. S. C. Head is the present pastor. The church edifice is BOx 46 feet in dimensions. The erection of a parsonage at an early date is contemplated. The Sabbath School has an attendance of from sixty to seventy pupils. Dr. James De Wolf is the Superin- tendent. Grace Episcopal Mission. — Organized January 3d, 1876, by Rev. F. T. Webb, of Council Bluffs. Services are for the present held in the M. E. Church edifice. The society will erect a suitable building during the current year. Rev. C. S. Fackenthall is the present pastor. The number of communicants is eighteen. The Catholic Church Society. — This Parish has a large and con- stantly increasing membership. Unfortunately, the church edi- fice, a commodious frame structure, was blown down by a wind- storm in the autumn of 1881. Nothing daunted, however, the congregation has formed plans for the erection of a new church building, which will be in every respect highly creditable, both to the members of the Parish and to the community in general. The proposed new building will be erected during the present year, will be of brick, and will probably cost from seven to eight thousand dollars. Rev. Father M. C. Lenahan is the present Rector of this Parish. i HISTORY OF IOWA. 479 Swedish Liifhercni Society. — At present this society, as an orj^an- ization, may be said to be "without form and void,"' but matters are rapidly taking shape, and it is expected that during the present year a society of this denomination will be oi-ganized in A' ail, there being many of this particular faith in the town and vicinity. Vail Public Schools. — The independent school district of Vail was organized in the spring of 1879. The first Board of Directors were: J. P. Fitch, L. P. Mooney, E. Darling. E. M. Ainsworth was the first Principal, in which capacity he has been continued until the time of present Avriting. The first school in A" ail was taught in the winter of 1871-2, the school house having been built during the previous summer. Miss Mary De Wolf, now Mrs. A. L. Strong, was the first teacher. She was succeeded bv her brother, J. H. De Wolf. The first Sub-Director for this District was Wil- liam Bennett, who was succeeded by Dr. De Wolf, and he by George Head. The present school house was erected in 1877, and has cost not less than $3,000. Its dimensions are 40x50 feet; it is two stories high, and has three departments. The present corps of teachers are: E. M. Ainsworth, Principal; Miss Mattie Snod- grass. Intermediate; Miss Mollie Snodgrass, Primary. The total enrollment is 195; the average attendance, 145. The present Board of Education is: J. P. Fitch, President; J. McHenry, L. P. Mooney, C. H. Britton, James McAndrews; J. S. Nesbit, Secretary; C. E. Price, Treasurer. Prof. E. M. Ainsworth, who has been engaged in teaching in Vail for the past seven years, having been elected County Superintendent of Schools, will retire in April of this year, and be succeeded by William Stephens. The Vail schools have an excellent reputation for thoroughness and efficiency. Dinmond^Lodge^ U. i)., ^4. F. d' A. M. — The first regular meet- ing was held .lanuary 3d, 1882. There were twenty-two charter members. The officers are as folloAvs: E. Darling, W. M.; C. E. Price, S. W.; H. Bobbins, J. W.; W. L. Leland, S. D.; C. Priest, J. D.; J. E, Edgar, Secretary; J. F. Long, Treasurer. The mem- bership is tAventy-two. Meetings are held in Odd Fellows' Hall Tuesday evenings of each month, on or before the full moon. Vail Lodge No. 430, I. 0. 0. i^.— Instituted August 22d, 1881. Charter members: W. L. Leland, J. B. King, T. W. Butler, E. B. Legg, H. Bovce, H. C. Ford, Joseph White, C. H. Britton, F. A. Deed. First officers: T. W. Butler, N. G.; C. H. Britton, V." G.; J. B. King, Secretary; *£. B. Legg, Treasurer. Present officers; C. H. Britton, N. G.; J. F. Powers, V. G.; J. B. King, Secretary; J. E. Edgar, Treasurer. Meetings are held in Odd Fellows' Hall every Saturday evening. The membership is thirty-three. The Lodge is in a substantial and unusually encouraging condition. Vail Collegium No. 78, V. A .S. Frafer)iifi/. — Instituted Sep- tember 29th, 1881, with eleven charter members. First and pres- ent officers: E. Darling, K.: J. C. Butler. V. R.: F. B. Huckstep, S.; A. Z. Harmon, Q.; M. Fitzgerald, U.: T. J. Huffman, C; Simon 480 HISTORY OF IOWA. Jolinstou, S. The membership is fourteen, and meetings are held the first Saturday evening of each month in Huckstep's law office. DeSoto Lodge Xo. 63^ K. of P. — Instituted November lOtJi, 1881. Charter members: E. M. Ainsworth, C. N. Clark, E. B. Legg, William Stephens, Simon Johnston, J. Cousins, H. C. Ford, C. C. Jewett, S. G. Hall, W. H. Brocklesbv. First officers: C. N. Clark, P. C; AVilliam Stephens, V. C"; E. M. Ainsworth. C. C; C. C. Jewett, P.; S. G. Hall, K. of R. k S.. J. Cousins, M. of F.;W.A. Brocklesby, M. of E.; C. G. Manchester, M. at A.; Simon Johnston, I. G. These officers continue the same as above. The present membership is seventeen, and meetings are held every alternate Friday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall. W. C. T. U. — -The Women's Christian Temperance Union of Vail was organized in 1880, Mrs. Dr. DeWolf is the President. This organization has been an effective agency in the promotion of the community's best interests . Band of Hope. — Organized May 11th, 1880. Present officers: Mrs. J. F. Powers, Superintendent; Fred. Edgar, President; Fannie Moulton, Vice-President; Anna DeWolf, Secretary; Jennie Bobbins, Treasurer. The membership is about forty. YoKHfj People' s Liiceum . — This society is composed of the pupils of the Grammar School. Weekly meetings are held, the objects being parliamentary drill, debates, etc. Public School Lihranj.- — A Public School Library has been established, the- funds for which were secured mainly by giving public entertainments . The District has levied a tax for the main- tenance of the Library, and large additions will shortly be made. Vail Silver Cornet Band. — Organized in 1876; William Stephens, President and Leader; Reginald Piatt, Secretary; H. S. Keller, Treasurer. There are ten members. This band has an ' established reputation as one of the best bands in western Iowa. WEST SIDE. This is one of the brightest and most thriving towns along the line of the C. ^^ N. W. K. R. It is located nfarthe eastern line of the county, and has a large scope of country tributary to it — not only in Crawford County, but also in Carroll, Sac and Shelby Counties. In the lauguage of a recent writer for one of the daily publications of the State, ''We have nowhere seen more evidences of thrift and prosperity among the business men than at West Side; and no town in this section of the state has a more earnest, enthusiastic and energetic class of people. They are courteous to strangers, alive to their own interests, aware of their importance and generous in all matters of public interest. "As a business point we douljt if any village of six hundred along this line of road surpasses AV'est Side. Socially, it leads the van, and politically it has some of the strongest men in the West. Jl HISTORY OF IOWA 481 "The driving park association recently purchased several acres in the town-site, and will plant trees on the same this fall. The park contains one of the best half-mile tracks in the State/' West Side is located on section 24, township 8-4, range 37, six miles east of Vail, in West Side Township, and on the north side of the section. Payne's addition to West Side was made about the year 1878, and is located on section 13. The first addition to the town plat was made by the Blair Town Lot and Land Company. The town was laid out by the Blair Town Lot and Land Com- pany. The first improvements were made in 1872, by M. Smith, present County Recorder of Crawford County, who in that year built the first residence in the place. There was, however, previ- ous thereto a small house on the present town-site, for the accom- modation of the section " boss." Lampman & Wallace opened the first store in 1871. M. Smith and F. J. Gary engaged in the land, lumber and grain business in 1872 under the firm name of Smith & Gary. H. C. Newton was the first station agent. The business house of Carl Weidling, af- terwards Weidling & Evers, was the first business house of impor- tance in the town. E. House also was among the first to enter the mercantile business in West Side, the firm subsequently becoming House & Lamb. West Side was incorporated March 11th, 1878, and has at the present time a population of about 600. The first town officers were: Carl Weidling. Mayor; L. L. Bond, Recorder; Henry Evers, Treasurer; E. M. Whipple, Marshal; James McClure, Street Com- missioner; A. Waterman, M. Smith, W. L. Spottswood, F. J. Gary, P, J. King, Council men. The following are the present officers: E. C. Haywood, Mayor; H. C. Ford, Recorder; C. D. Miller, Treasurer; H. B. Merrell, Marshal and Street Commissioner; A. Waterman, E.W. McCifack- en. P. J. King, L B. Nelson, R. J. White, C. D. Miller, Councilmen. The business establishments of AVest Side are represented as fol- lows: Drug stores, two; hotels, two; general stores, four; livery, three; blacksmith shops, two; shoe shop, one; restaurants, two; wagon shop, one; printing offices, two: hardware stores, two; sa- loons, four; lumber yards, two; grain dealers, three; agricultural implements, three; banks, two; lawyers, two; physicians, four; stock dealers, two: millinery, one; meat market, one; harness shops, two; barber shop, one; flouring mill, one; corn sheller, one; news depot, one. There are two banks, both of which do a thriving business, viz.: the West Side Bank,E. P. Gillette, Cashier; Exchange Bank, C. D. Miller, Cashier. M. Smith was the first postmaster. He was succeeded by R. B. Taylor. whose successor was W. L. Spottswood, the present incum- bent of the office. Mr. Spottswood received his appointment in 1879. The office was made a money-order office in 1875. 482 HISTOliY OF IOWA. West Side has two newspapers, both of which are excellent ex- ponents of the interests of their constituencifs. The IVest Side i^H^^T^^r/se was established in March. 1880, by H. C. Ford, the pres- ent editor and proprietor. It is a six-col amn folio, is Republican in politics, and has a circulation of 500. Mr. Ford was formerly a resident of Wheatland, Iowa. The West Side Dispatcli is a seven-column folio. Republican in politics, and was started April 19th, 1881. W. N. Becker, Jr., & Co., are the proprietors, Mr. Becker being the editor. The West Side Flouring Mill was built by I. B. Nelson, the present proprietor, in 1878, the machinery being moved from Storey county. This mill is three-stories high, has a forty-horse engine, four run of stone, is furnished with the latest improved machinery, runs on full time, makes an excellent grade of flour, and has a capacity of one hundred barrels per day. There is also a corn sheller at West Side, with a capacity of shelling one car-load per hour. Ralph Simpson is the manager. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. TheM. E. Church Sociefij .—The organization of this society was some time prior to the year in which the church edifice was built, which was in 1878, the total cost of the structure being about $3,600. The building will seat about 300 people, and the society is in a prosperous and growing condition. TJie Public Schools. — The first school in AVest Side was taught in a carpenter shop in 1873. The first school house was built in 1874. It was 24x36 feet in dimensions, one story high, an addi- tion of sixteen feet being afterwards made. The present school house was built in 1880, and is a large, two-story building of three departments. Prof. T. C. Branson is the Principal; Mrs. C. K. Ford and Miss Lottie Truesdal, Assistants. The school building is an imposing structure, in every way creditable to the community. The district was organized as an independent district in the spring of 1881. The total enrollment of pupils is 126. The following comprises the Board of Education: L. Schofield, President; R.B. Taylor, R. Wagoner. I. B. Nelson, Carl Weidling, S. T. Boynton; F. Knowles, Secretary; Henrv Evers, Treasurer. Seftiuf/ Sun Lodge No. 349, A. F. d- A. J/.— Instituted 1875, with fifteen charter members. First officers: M. Smith, W. M.; Charles Levy, S. W.; B. E. Allen, J. W.; R. B. Taylor, Secretary; F.J. Gary, 'Treasurer; H. B. Allen, S. D.; S. A. Miller, J. D. Present officers: E. C. Haywood, W. M.; J. P. Fitch, S. W.; A. Johnson, J. W.; C. B. Winters, Secretary; Frank Brown, Treas- urer. Membership, thirty-two. Meetings are held Saturday evening of each month, on or before the full moon. : Crau-ford Lorh/e Xo. US, A. 0. U. IF.— Instituted in 1877, with twentv charter members. First officers: E. P. Savage. P. M. W.; I. E. Blackman.M. W.; W. L. Spotswood, F.; Albert HISTORY OF IOWA. 4S3 Johnson, 0.; N. A. Miller, R.; F. P. Wiseman. F.; F. Dean. S.; M. L. Spotswood, G.; S. L. Perrin, I. W.;F. Brown, 0. AV. Pres- ent officers: W. L. Spotswood, P. M. W.; W. N. Becker, Jr., M. W.; I. B. Nelson, F.; T. McBride, 0. ; Carl Weidling. P.; A. Johnson. F.; F. Brown, G.; C. P. Anderson. I. W.; George Cnrtis, 0. W. The membership is about thirty-five. Meetings are held every Tuesday evening in Masonic Hall. KU pat rick Post No. 70, G. A. i^— Mustered Fel)ruary 14th, 18S2. with nineteen charter members. Meetings are held twice a month on Saturday evenings in Masonic Hall. The following are the present officers: William Vickers, Post Commander; William Johns, Senior Commander; S. D. Brown, Junior Commander; E. P. Gillette, Quartermaster; A. Waterman. Surgeon; George Hiel- ing. Chaplain; H. C. Ford. Adjutant; J. M. Locke. Officer of the Day; R. B. Taylor, Officer of the Guard; W. T. Highberger, Quartermaster's Sergeant; Isaac Patterson, Sergeant Major. DOW CITY. Dow City, or Dowville, as it was formerly called, was named in honor of Judge S. E. Dow, the original town proprietor and first settler, and is located on section 10, township 82, range 40, on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, a little more than nine miles southwest of Denison. Judge Dow, who is the Mayor of the town, and as might well be supposed, in view of the circumstances, one of its leading citizens, came from Harrison County and located where Dow Citv now stands, in 1855. He still owns 1,800 acres of land immediately surrounding the townsite, besides being a large owner of town property. Dowville Avas platted in 1869 by Judge S. E. Dow. and the Blair Town Lot and Land Company, Dow donating a half-interest in 400 acres of the townsite to the Blair Company in consideration of a railroad station being established at this point. A large addition to the town was laid out in November, 1881, by Dow and the Blair Company, who also donated a plat of ground, 300 by 540 feet in dimensions, to the city for use as a public park, in consideration of the city's agreeing to expend an amount agreed upon in improv- ing and beautifying the same. There was no building in Dowville until 1870. The depot was built in December of that year. June 1st, 1870, Abner Graves unloaded ten cars of lumber at Dowville, and immediately engaged in the lumber business, the firm subsequent!}' be- coming Dow, Graves & Co., the grain and farm machinery busi- ness being added. About the same time Graves also erected his present residence. During the season just ended. Graves disposed of his interest in the above firm, whose title is now S. E. Dow & Son. In March, 1870, Mr. Graves started the Dow City Bank, a flour- ishing financial institution, in a building which he erected for that purpose. 484 HISTORY OF IOWA. Among others of the very earliest settlers were, L. E. Hardy, who opened a general store; a Mr. Wiggins, blacksmith: W. C. Hillas, general store; M. B. Lewis, drug store; William Cook, gen- eral store, in the building now occupied by T. J. Rasp & Co.; Wil- liam Sullivan, saloon; Joseph McCole meat market; Albert God- dard, wagon and plow business; A. Manning, drayage; Bell& Whalley. meat market; John Lewis, hotel; H. C. Bowring, livery. Benjamin Heath, now with Dow & Son, was the first depot agent. The town was incorporated in November, 1878, at which time the name was changed from Dowville to Dow City. The first mu- nicipal officers, under incorporation, were: S. E. Doav, Mayor; T. J. Rasp, Recorder; Abner Graves, Treasurer; F. C. Piatt, Attor- ney; H. E. Talcott, Marshal; Abner Graves, L. E. Hardy, W. B. Hillas, Theo. Walker, W. B. Evans, Benjamin Heath, Trustees. The following are the present officers: S.E.Dow, Mayor; F. L. Gilbert, Recorder; iVbner Graves, Treasurer; F. C. Piatt, Attor- ney; H. S. Jordan, Marshal; T. J. R^sp, J. J. Anthonv, E. God- dard, Henry Bell, W. B. Evans, W. C. Hillas. Trustees. Sarah Gaetta Hardy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hardy, was the first child born in Dowville. She w^as born October 12th, 1870. The Dow City Flouring Mill is one of the most important in- dustries of the place. It is located on the Boyer River, about 150 yards north of the depot, at the foot of Franklin Street. This mill was built by T. W. Chatburn in 1875, who ran it about a year, when the firm became Chatburn & Rule. Subsequently Dow, Graves and Rule became proprietors, and at present the mill is owned by Dow & Graves. The building is 42x52 feet in dimen- sion*, is three-stories higli, exclusive of the basement, has four run of stone, and all the latest improved machinery for making the patent and fancy grades of flour. The mill is complete in every respect, and is as fine a mill, size being considered, as there is in all the extent of country included in this work. Its capacity is about seventy barrels of flour per day. The Dow City Criterion is a neat five-column quarto news- paper, started in November, 1880. It is independent in politics, and is in every way a credital)le publication. F. Bangs is the edi- tor; D.J. Butler and Stella M. Bangs, proprietors. The growth of Dow City has been a steady and sturdy one; its location is picturesque and advantageous; the country surround- ing is remarkably v/ell adapted to farming and stock-raising, and is already well improved. The buildings of Dow City are sub- stantial and attractive. The following is a classified summary of the business establish- ments: General merchandise, three; hardware, two; agricultural implement depots, two; livery, two; hotels, two; drug-stores, two; meat markets, two; harness, one; furniture, one: saloons, two; pimber yards, two; grain dealers, two; blacksmith shops, three: HISTORY OF IOWA. 4S5 ■\vagon shop, one; paint shop, one; barber shop, one; millinery and dressmaking, one; bank and land office, one; physicians, two; at- torneys, two; insurance agency, one; printing otfice, one. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. The Diipiht Church Soeieti/. — This society was organized in the winter of 1879, l)y Rev. Mr. Hawk, of Denison. Rev. F. W. Fos- ter was the pastor until recently. At present the society has no regular pastor. The membership is about twenty. The church edifice was erected in the autumn of 1881. It is not yet com- pleted. The estimated cost is $2,000. Its seating capacitv is about 200. The M. E. Church Society. — Organized in the winter of 1869. Rev. B. Shinn was the first pastor. He was succeeded, in the or- der named, by Revs. W. W. Glanville, Waynick, William Pat- terson, Wright, and C. Smith, the latter of whom is the pres- ent pastor. The church building was erected in 1879, at a total cost of $2,000. A parsonage was erected in 1877, at a cost of $600. The membership is about seventy-five. The Sabbath School has an attendance of about sixty pupils. George Rae is the Superin- tendent. The present church officers are: George Rae, T. Rae, M. M. McHenry, S. J. Comfort, S. S. Gibson, T. W. Parker, W. Whaley, John Rule, M. Wiggins, Trustees; S. J. Comfort, E. W. Pierce, Stewards; John Rule, Treasurer; L. E.Hardy, George Rae, Morris McHenry, Class Leaders. The church building has a seat- ing capacity of 250, and is 32x48 feet in dimensions. The Boijer Valleij Branch of the GcdJand's Grove District of tJie Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of Dow City. — Organized in 1866. The present church edifice was, as is explained elsewhere, formerly the school house of Dow City and was purchased by the above society in 1879. The society has a membership of forty-one, all of whom, with the exception of six or eight, are converts to the reorganized church since about the year 1860. George Montague was the first Presiding Elder. The Presiding Elders since were in the order named, as follows: Aaron Hawley, George Montague, Absalom Kerkendall, Eber Benedict, C. E. Butterworth and John R. Rudd. the latter of whom is the present Presiding Elder. Charles E. Butterworth is at present the principal preacher for this society. The officers of the society are: John R. Rudd, Presiding Elder; Abel H. Rudd, Priest; C. M. Wilder, Teacher. The first preaching was in the year ^ 1859-60, Elders Mcintosh, William Blair and E. C. Briggs being the first ministers. As is else- where explained in the History, the reorganized church rejects the doctrine of polygamy, and abhor its practice. They preach the Bible with the Book of Mormon as concomitant and additional in- spirational evidence. 4S6 " HISTORY OF IOWA. The Public School. — As yet DctV City is not organized as an independent school district. The first school house was erected in 1872. It is a frame building, 24x36 feet in dimensions, and was subsequently sold to the Society of Latter Day Saints, l)eing now used for church purposes. George Rae taught the first school in Dow City. The present school house was completed in 1878. It is a two-story building of four departments, and is 42x48 feet in dimensio]is. The School Directors in 1872 were: S. E.Dow, for the Dow City schools; J. V. McHenry, Thomas Binnell, John Pett, S. R. Huffman. The present Board is as follows: George Rae, for the Dow City schools; Thomas Binnell, Frank McHenry, E. Howorth, Martin Conroy, C. FuUerton; Brake is the Principal; Miss Nellie Morrill, Teacher of the Intermediate, and Miss Effie J. Kilbourne, teacher of the Primary Department. The enrollment is about 160; the average attendance, about 140 pupils. Doiv Citij Lodge No. 111^ loica Legion of Honor. — Organized June 22d, 1881, with twenty-tw^o charter members. The first offi- cers were: J. J. Anthony, President; G. Hawlev, V. P.; W. C. Pritchard, F. S.; W. H. Rule, R. S.; W. W. Cushman. Treasurer; Dr. W. Beatta, Medical Examiner; W. V. Whaley, C; J. E. Rule, U.; N. H. Miles, D.: M. G.Wiggins. S.; E. Y. Goddard, Benj. A. Heath, C. M. Wilder, Trustees. With the exception of M. G. Wiggins as F. S., William Sullivan, as Usher, M. B. Lewis, as Door-keeper, C. M. Wilder, Sentinel, and C. E. Butterworth as Trustee in place of C. M. Wilder, the present officers are the same as before. The present membership is eighteen. Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month. The Lodge is in a substantial and encouraging condition. The Township Library. — This library is located in Brake Bros." furniture store, W. P. Brake being the Librarian. There are about 500 volumes in the library, which is recognized as an insti- tution of great value, and which is being fostered by the citizens accordingly. IF. C. t. U. — The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Dow City is one of the important and influential factors of the place, and has accomplished much in the promotion of the com- munity's best interests. Among other results of the Union's efforts has been a series of instructive and entertaining public lec- tures. Mrs. C. Smith is the President; Miss Effie J. Kilbourne, Secretary; Mrs. Benj. A. Heath, Treasurer. Dow Cifg Cornet Band. — Organized in the winter of 1880-81. There are fourteen members. M. G. Wiggins is the President; C* H. Brooke, Secretary and Treasurer; Frank E. Wilder, Leader. HISTORY OF IOWA. 487 CRAWFORD COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES. DENISON. August Anderson, of the firm of Gregory & Anderson, Avas born in Sweden in 1849; was three years a sailor on the high seas. He came to Denison in the autumn of 1870, and was for seven years engaged as clerk for Sunough & Bullock. He married Matilda Kirnback, a native of Swedeu, in May 1874. They have three children, Albert, Oscar K., and Carl Otto. L. T, Carr, dealer in notions, stationery, and news — Main street, opposite court house — was born in Stark county, 0., in Jan. 1846; removed to Ind.; thence to la. in 1869 and located in Denison in 1871 and engagel in clerking until 1875. He enlisted in the 1st Ind. heavy artillery; was mustered out at the close of the war. He was with Gen. Banks on the Red River expedition. He married Ellie Harriman, of Ind. M. J. Cochran, wagon-maker, was born in Crawford county. Pa., in Feb., 1844; removed to la. in 1877 and engaged in business. He married Elizabeth Greeg, a native of Venango county, Pa., inl874. They have three children, Edward, Mary and Charles; have lost one, Lucy May, who died in 1877. J. W. Cochran, blacksmith, was born in Crawford county. Pa., in July, 1847; removed to CraAvford county, la., in 1869; was en- gaged for a time in farming, then learned his trade Avith John Lit- tle, of Vail. He married Catherine O'Neil, of Memphis, Tenn., in 1878. They have tAvo children, Zella and George; haA'e lost one, Louis. Capt. B. F. Darling Avas born in Franklin county, Vt., in Sept., 1837; moved to N. H. in 1859; thence to Clinton county, la., where he enlisted in Co. A. 9th regiment of volunteer infantry; he was wounded at Pea Ridge, Mo., March 8th, 1862; Avas mus- tered out at the close of the war as captain. As a soldier he was conspicuous for bravery and fidelity. He was appointed clerk in 1881 to fill the vacant place of W. S. Wilson, deceased. He mar- ried Sarah Gibson, a native of England, in Jan., 1857, and has one. €hild, A. W.; has lost one, Emma M., AA-ho died July 7th, 1862. C. H. Evers, proprietor of the City Meat Market, one door Avest of McHenry's bank, Avas born in Holestein, Germany, in Jun_e, 1843; came to America in 1864, and settled in Denison in 1874 and engaged in his present business. In 1881 he erected a brick building Avitli all the modern improvements for his business. He is also owner of the hotel knoAvn as the Farmers' House. He mar- 488 HISTORY OF IOWA. ried Wilhelraina Meiburg, a native of Germany, in 1861. They have seven children, Heinrich, Annie, Millie, Herman, Anyti, Ed- ward and George. Mr. E. is the owner of the right of sale of the Champion force pump, in five counties. He is one of the trustees of the new German Opera Hall. Edward Eaton, harness maker. Main street, was born in Ind. in Nov., 1845; removed to 0. in 1S50, thence in 1851 to Fayette county, la. He enlisted in Co. F. 9th la. Y. L; was discharged in July, 1865, and returned to Fayette county; removed to Crawford county in 1879. He married Louisa F. Gulick, a native of la., in 1876. Wm. Familton, agent for the Iowa Land Company, was born in Harrison county, 0., Sept. 25th, 1825; removed to DeWitt, la., in 1852 and engaged in the land business. He held the office of sheriff and also was clerk of the court of Clinton county. He en- listed in Co. F., 44th la. Vol. Inft., as captain, was mustered out in 1864. He came to Crawford county in May, 1871. He was married to Miss Gondy, of DeWitt, now deceased, who left six children. He took for his second wife Roena N. Horton, of Denison. He has one son. Garrison & Roberts, attorneys and counsellors at law, Denison, Iowa. D. H. Gill, dentist, office room No. 1, in McHenry bank building. He was born in Chester county, Pa., in Aug., 1844; removed with his parents to Logan county, 0., and then to Cedar county, la., in 1849, where his father is still living; engaged in the practice of medicine. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. G, 2cl la. Cav.; was dis- charged in 1865. He first studied dentistry with Dr. Tabor, of Cedar county, then with Dr. Tulloss, of Iowa City, then moved to Independence; thence to Denison in 1877. He married Ellen A. Henry, of Buchanan county, in 1868. They have four children, Ethie, Percy, Alice and Annie. H. W. Gregory, of the firm of Gregory & Anderson, druggists, was born in Livingston, N. Y., in Aug., 1824. Was engaged as book-keeper for the Genesee River bank, then came Avest and was engaged with the Horicon & Milwaukee R. R. as agent located in Wis.; then went to Chicago and was in the employ of Stephens Bros.; from thence he went to Wis., and purchased 140 acres of land in Rock county; thence to Crawford county, la., and en- gaged in farming on 300 acres; sold out and engaged in his pres- ent business. Has held the office of magistrate, also been secre- tary of school board. E. D. Gould, farmer and stock dealer, section 17, East Boyer township, was born in Lewis county ,N. Y., in Nov. .1853; moved to 111. m 1861; thence to Crawford county, la., in 1872, and now owns 936 acres of land, with good house and the largest barn in the HISTORY OF IOWA. 489 connty. The barn was erected in the autumn of 1881. He married EDa I. Morgan, a native of Buena Vista county, la., in 1870, and has two children, Captidonaand Lodemia. Geo. W. Heston, clerk of the court, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., in Apr., 1832. He enlisted in the 71st Reg. of Pa. Vol. Inft.; was taken prisoner and incarcerated at Richmond; after- wards was discharged and returned to Pa. He came to la. in 1870 and engaged in farming; was county surveyor four years. He married Lizzie B. Cann in 1856; she died in 1858, leaving one child, now Mrs. Mead, of Denison. In 1862 he married Sally J. Bender, of Philadelphia, Pa. They have four children. Mr. H. is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Dr. W. W. Holmes, was born iu Hardin county, 0., in July 1813, He enlisted iu the 15th 0. Reg., and at the end of three months re-enlisted in the 123rd 0. Inft.; was detailed as hospital steward, and discharged in 1863; then enlisted in the 135th 0. Inft., and was mustered out at the close of the war. He studied medicine at Kenton, 0., and graduated at the Miami Medical In- stitute in the spring of 1866; removed to Boone county, la., in 1869, and to Denison in 1871:. He married Marv Ringer, of 0., in 1868, John F, Hoist, proprietor of the City shoe store, two doors west of McHenry's bank building, was born in Germany in Oct., 1816. He took part in the Franco-German war, in 1870-71; came to America in 1872, and to Denison in 1871 . His wife is a native of Germany. They have two children, John F. and Max, F, 0, Ivers, dealer in stoves and tinware, opposite Lamb's liv- ery stable, was born in Holstein, Ger., in Oct., 1848; came to Amer- ica in 1868 and located in Louisa county, la. ; removed to Crawford county, la., in June, 1881. He married Dora Smith, who is a na- tive of Ger., in 1876. They have two children, Ella and Mary. Adelphus B. Keith, editor and proprietor of the Crawford County Bulletin, was born iu Appleton, Me., in 1854; moved to 111., and came to Crawford county, Iowa, in 1865; located in Deni- son in 1871, Married to Miss Carrie Bieber, of Denison, and has one son living, Mr, Keith headed the Iowa State democratic ticket, as candidate for secretary of state, in 1880. He is a graduate of the American Institute of Phrenology, of N. Y., is a student of iniusual persistency, and has already achieved a more than local reputation as a lecturer on popular scientific topics. Rudolph Knaul, druggist and dealer in fancy goods, was born in Berlin, Ger,, in 1850; came to America in 1870 and located in Chicago; removed to Clinton, la., and came to Denison in 1878, and engaged in his present business. He married Maggie Au, of N, Y. City, and has two children, Mamie and Alice. 33 iGO HISTOKY OF IOWA. Thomas Luney, of the firm of Luney Bros., was born in An- trim, near Belfast, Ireland, Oct. 27th, 1817; came to America in 1865 and located at Pontiac, III., and engaged in farming; in 1868 he removed to la. He married Mary Smyth, a native of Ireland. They have had seven children. Samuel Luney was born in Belfast, Ireland, July 7th, 1844; came to America with his parents in 1856; removed to Crawford county, la., in 1867. He is member of the firm of Luney Broth- ers, machinists and millers. He married Martha J. Hughes, a na- tive of La Salle county. 111. William Luney. Jr., member of the above firm, was born in Belfast, Ireland, in 1849. W. A. McHenry (autobiography), banker, was born Mar. 6th, 1841, in Almond, Allegheny county, N. Y. His father, James Mc- Henry, died the same year, leaving a family of thirteen children. W, A. being the youngest, lived with the oldest brother and sister at the old homestead until 1855 (his mother dying when he was but eight years old), when he went to Wis., where he worked on a farm summers and attended school winters. In the spring of 1860, he went to Ogle county. 111., working on a farm until after the battle of Bull Run, in 1861. In response to his country's call, he enlisted as a private in Co. F. 8th 111. Cav., re-enlisting as a veteran in the same regiment in Jan., 1864, and was mustered out of service as 1st sergeant at Benton Barracks, Mo., July 23rd, 1865. He then came to Denison and became a partner with his brother Morris in the real estate business, and also served under him in the county treasurer's office as deputy, until 1871, when the firm of McHenry Bros., in connection with their real estate business, established the first banking house in Crawford county. They occupied the upper story of a brick building on Main street, erected by Plimpton & McHenry as a general store, of which firm he was a partner eight years. In 1874 McHenry Bros., finding their present quarters inadequate to their growing iDUsiness, erected on the corner of Main and Broadway their present commodious bank building, a fine two-story brick with terra cotta cornices and window trimmings, handsomely finished inside and furnished with fire-proof vaults and one of Hall's burglar-proof safes with a Sar- gent's time-lock attachment. The building complete cost $15,- 000. In 1877, his brother, wishing to retire from active business, sold to him his interest and the name of McHenry Bros, was changed to the W. A. McHenry Bank and Land Office. In 1864 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary S. Sears, of Rockford, 111., an accomplished lady, who preceded him to Denison one 3^ear, working in the county treasurer's office until the close of the war, thus lending her aid to establish one of the most successful busi- ness firms in southwesterp la. A. D. Molony, county auditor, Avas born in Queens county, Ireland, in 1818; came to the LT. S. in 1836; was a resident of the eastern and southern states until 1861. when he came to Crawford HISTORY OF IOWA. 491 county. He was appointed auditor in .A])r., 1861, and elected to that office in the autumn, and lias held the office ever since. He niarrie/l Bridget Shaaran, a native of Ireland, and has four children. •Fred. Nagel, proprietor of the saloon one door west of the Commercial house, was born in Wentdorf, Germany, in 1845; was engaged in the last war between France and Prussia; came to the U. S. in Oct., 1871. and soon after settled in Clinton county, la.; removed to Crawford county in 1878. He married Henlena C. Peterson, a native of Germany, in Dec, 1871. They have five children, William, Louis, Mary, Christina and Arthur. S. Peterson, wagon maker, was born in Prussia, July 4th, 1846;. came to America in 1871, and settled in Clinton county, la. ; re- moved to Crawford county in 1879. F. M. Penney, of the firm of Penney & Morgan, proprietors of the Peoples' One Price Cash Store, was born in Adams, Jefferson county, N. Y., June IGth, 1857; removed to Livingston county, HI., where he was cashier of the Odell Mercantile bank for five years; then came to Denison. John L. Richardson, deputy treasurer, was born in Chautauqua county, N. Y., Sept. (itn, 1837; removed to Linn county, la., in 1861. He enlisted in the 20th la. Vol. Inft., and w^as engaged in the battles of Vicksburg, Fort Morgan, Blakely and Mobile. He was mustered out July Sth, 1865, and returned to Linn county; removed to Crawford county, June 6th, 1874, and engaged in farming, also teaching school. He has held the office of town- ship clerk and assessor of Soldier towniship. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge. He married Mary McArthur, of Linn count}^ Oct. 4th, 1867. E. H. Smith, painter and glazier, wa« born in Morgan county, 0., Jan. 28th, 1844; removed to la, in 1852, and settled in Clinton county. He enlisted in 1862, in Co. H, 26th Li. Inft.; was in the Vicksburg campaign and Sherman's march to the sea. He mar- ried Miss S. R. Owens, of Ind., in 1864, and has four children, Emma, Belle, Louis and William, Fred. Stoecks, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, Avas born in Germany, Apr.. 25th, 1826; came to America in 1832 and located at Davenport, la.; removed to Denison in 1879. He married Matilda Schmitsch, in 1870, and has two children, Matilda and Harry. John F. Stubbe, proprietor of the Denison Meat Market, cor. of Main and Broadway, Avas born in Holstein, Germ an v. July 26th, 1833; cam.e to the U. S. in 186G and located in Davenport, la.; removed to Moline, 111., and learned his trade, then came to Denison in May. 1881, and engaged in his present business. In 1881 he married Matilda Achterberg, a native of Germany, but a resident of Davenport since the age of one year. 492 HISTORY OF IOWA. A. D. Wilson, of the firm of Wygant & Wilson, dealers in hard- ware, stoves and tinware, was born in Kane connty, 111., Jan. 5th, 1846; removed to Buchanan connty, la.; thence to Crawford county; thence to Buena Vista county, where he remained eight years; thence back to Crawford county. He enlisted in May, 1863, in the 141st, 111. Vol. He married Clara Wightman, "a native of Canada, in 1868. They have four children, Harry, Lillie, Howard and Floyd. VAIL. E. M. Ainsworth, superintendent of schools for Crawford county, also dealer in drugs, notions and fancy goods, was born in Dodge county. Wis., in Sept., 1848; came to la. in 1868, and has been en- gaged in teaching in the public school of Vail for seven years, was elected to his present office in the autumn of 1881. He was mar- ried Sept. 1st. 1880, to Nellie Wightman, a native of Vt. William W. Anderton, proprietor of the livery and feed stable and dealer in stock, was born in Lincolnshire, Eng., June 16th, 1813. He learned the printer's trade, served seven years, then published the People's Advocate, at Sheffield, Eng. ; came to Amer- ica in 1838 and located in Morgan county. 111.; removed to Craw- ford county, la., in the autumn of 1857, and Bought 160' acres of land near where Vail now stands; in 1872 he removed to Vail and has been mayor of the city two terms. He was married in Feb., 1836, at St. Peter's Church, Eng., to Eliza Authorton, a native of Sheffield, who died Feb. 13th, 1845. In Feb., 1846, he was married to Julia Cad well, a native of Morgan county. 111., who died April 26th, 1871. He has had six children, but three of whom are liv- ing,George H., Charles W., and John C. E. B. Bannister, dealer in hardware, stoves, tinware and cut- lery, was bf rn in Naperville. Du Page county. 111., in 1843. He enlisted in Co. B., 105th 111. Vol. Inft., in 1862, and was appointed regimental postmaster; was in several battles and was discharged at Louisville, Ky., in 1863 and returned to 111.; removed to Chicago, and in 1871 came to Denison, Crawford county, la., and to Vail in the fall of the same year and established his present business. He is a member of the town council, hi the autumn of 1871 he was married to Jennie Gould, of Belvidere, 111. Morris Casey, of the firm of Casey & Casey, dealers in live stock, was born in Boston. Mass., in Jan., 1851; removed to^DeWitt, la., in 1854; thence to Crawford county in 1880. In Jan., 1877, he was married to Mary J. Barnes, a native of N. Y. P. J. Casey, of the firm of Casey & Casey, dealers in live stock, was born in Ireland in 1843, came to America with parents and located at Davenport, la., in 1846; removed to St. Louis and en- gaged in business as an architect. In 1875 he came to Vail, la. HISTORY OF IOWA. 493 and established his present business. In 1866 he married P]lla McSrath, a native of St. Louis. She died in 1871, and in 1N77 he married Sarah Kelley, and has two chiklren, Eddie and Susie. J. W. Cousins, dealer in agricultural implements, was born in Lincolnshire, Eug., Aug. 26th, 1848; came to America and located in Clinton county, la., and engaged in farming. He established his present business at Vail, in 1880, He was married in 1869 to Anna Martin, a native of Clinton county, and has five' children, Anna, Kate, William, Joseph and George. J. J." Coughlin, blacksmith; was born in Canada, Jan. 1st, 1853; came to the states in 1874 and located at Dunlap, Li., in 1875; thence to Vail in 1878. Ed. Darling, M. D., was born in Franklin county, N. Y., in Mar., 1839; removed to Maquoketa, la., in 1848. He studied with' Dr. J. H. Hollister, and then attended the Eclectic Institute at Cincinnati, 0. He enlisted Aug. 12th, 1861, in the 9th, la. Vol. Inft., Co. A.; was appointed hospital steward; was in a num- ber of prominent battles, and was discharged at Louisville, Ky., in 1865 and returned to Cincinnati, and graduated in 1866. He returned to Mac^uoketa and engaged in the drug business; removed to Vail in 1870. He married Addie Stephens, a native of 0., in Jan., 1866. G. Davison, publisher of the Observer, established that paper Mav 1st, 1875; he sold to Otto Engstrom, in Oct., 1879. Mr. E. sold to J. H. Roberts, Jr.. Mr. Roberts sold to H. C Ford, and in May, 1881, Mr. Davison bought the paper again, and has continued to publish it ever since . He was born in Will county, 111., in Feb. , 1853; came to la. in 1865, and located at Lyons; thence removed to Marshalltown, and in 1868 to Boone^ where he was employed in the Republican office for five years. Hon. James De Wolf, M. D., postmaster, was born in Caven- dish, Vt., in Feb. ,1819; removed with his parents to Bradford county. Pa.; studied medicine with Dr. Barnes, of Le Rays- ville, and afterwards practiced with Dr. Horton, of Terry ville. He removed to Carroll county. 111., in 1852, and engaged in farm- ing, was school commissioner, and represented his district in the state legislature. He removed to Cedar county, la., in the spring of 1865, and engaged in the land agency business; removed to Crawford county in 1871, and bought 560 acres of land and established a grocery business at Vail, which was the first business house at that place: has bten justice of the peace. He married Anna, daughter of Maj . Horton, of Terrytown, Pa., in May, 1849. They have four children, Mary, John, George and Anna. I. p. Fitch, dealer in lumber, grain and coal, was born in Rensselaer county, N. Y., July 24th, 1841: removed to N. Y. City, and in 1876 came to Crawford county, ta., and engaged in 491 HISTORY OF IOWA. his present business; bought and sold about 200.000 bushels of grain during the year 1881. He is a member of the board of supervisors, and is S. W. of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge. He was married Apr. 19th, 1863, to Lucia Sears, of Mass., and has six children, Samuel, James D., Abbie E., Edward H., Julia L. and Eilena. M. Fitzgerald, M. D., was born in Chicago, III., in July, 1849, enlisted in the Iron Brigade as a private, and was promoted to the position of first lieutenant of company H. He was discharged as captain. Sept. 15th, 1861, he re-enlisted; was imprisoned at Lex- ington, exchanged and returned to service in W. V.; was wounded at Winchester, Oct. 13th, 1864, and discharged Jan. ITth, 1865, and returned to Chicago. He studied medicine in the office of Dr. J. H. Taggert, and graduated from Rush Medical college in the spring of 1878; engaged in practice in Whiteside county. 111. In Mar., 1877, he removed to Vail, la. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. In 1863 he was married to Ellen Quinn, a native of 111., who died in Aug., 1879, leaving one child, James W. He married Ellen O'Connell, a native of la., in Apr., 1880. G. C. Gerrick, wagon-maker, was born in Berlin, Ger., in Mar., 1854; came to America in 1868, and settled in Chicago, 111.; re- moved to la. in 1864 . In 1879 he married Eila E. Thompson, a native of Mich., and has one child, Nellie. Perry Kemerling, of the firm of P. Kemerling & Bro., livery and feed stable, was born in Henry county, 111., in May 1856; came to la. in 1874. He engaged in his present business in Vail Nov. 24th, 1881. He married Fanny Bennett, a native of Henry county. 111., in Nov., 1874, They have two children, George M. and Lucy Bell. Miles Laughland. proprietor of the Board of Trade saloon, was born in Kenosha, Wis., May 1st, 1854; came to la. Mar. 15th, 1862, and engaged in his present business at Vail, in 1881. Rev. Father M. E. Lenihan was born in Dubuque, la., Oct. 5th, 1835; was educated at St. John's College at Prairie du Chien, Wis.; then went to Canada and graduated from the Grand Semi- nary at Montreal, and was ordained priest Dec. 20th, 1879, and lo- cated at Lyons, la., where he remained two months and removed to Vail, succeding Father McGrath, who was called to Ireland. Since residing here he has organized a Father Matthew Temper- ance society, and a good library. During the cyclone of Sept. 29th, 1881, the church was blown away. The congregation now con- template building a fine brick edifice soon. Henry Meyer, proprietor of the saloon and billiard hall, was born in Germany, Oct. 4th, 1845; came to America in 1860 and located at Chicago; removed to Clinton county, la., in 1873; thence to Crawford county, in 1876, where he owns a fine farm of 410 acres. I HISTORY OF TOWA. 495 He was married in 1809 to Doris Myer, a native of Germa.iv. Thev have live ciiildren, Charlie. Caroline, Emma, Willie and Clara. C. E. Rice, cashier of the Trader's bank, established in 1880, was born in Berkeley connty, Va. June 5th, 1853; came to la. in 1873. He is treasurer of the school board and has been clerk of the town of Vail. He married Jennett Shaw, a native of Vt.. Oct. 16th, 1881. John Short, proprietor of the Vail Flouring Mills, capacity of sixty barrels of flour per day, also dealer in grain, lumber and coal, has the machinery for shelling and loading a car every half-hour. He was born in Edinburg, Scotland; came to America in 1850 and located in Canada; removed to Chicago in 1868, then came to Boone county, la,, and built a mill; then came to Vail and built his present mill. He was married in Scotland to Margaret Mather, and has six children, Adam, Helen, Agnes, James M., Elizabeth and Maffffie. "•oo' John Spire, blacksmith, was born in Lincolnshire, Eng., in Dec, 1838; came to America in 1866, and settled in 111.; came to Crawford county in Mar., 1875. He was married Apr. 7th, 1850, to Mary A. Pocklington, a native of England. They have four children, George, Lena, Mary and Alfred. A. L. Strong, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Canaan, Conn., in Feb., 1841. He enlisted in 1862 in the 37th Mass. Vol. Inft.; was wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, May 6th, 1864, and was discharged in June, 1865. He came to la. in 1872 and established his present business. He married Mary De Wolf, a native of Pa., in May, 1873. They have two children, Ella L. and Anna M. Mr. S. is a member of the town council of Vail. John Thompson, miller, was born in Scotland, in Oct., 1848; came to America in 1869, and settled in Grundy county. 111., and was employed as engineer, by A. K. Styles, of Gardner; then re- moved to Boone county, la.; thence to Crawford county in 1874 and has since been employed by John Short in the Vail mills. He was married in 1874 to Helen B. Short, a native of Canada. They have three children, Anna, George and John. T. Weyener. baker and dealer in fancy groceries and confection- ery, was born in Hamburg, Ger., in 1830; came to America in Sept. 1850, and located at Dabuque, and in 1875 came to Vail and opened a saloon and engaged in his present business in 1877. In May, 1838, he married Lena Fugenbachler, and has eight children living, lost two. A. D. Young, dealer in lumber, grain and coal", was born in Scotland, in June, 1832; came to America in 1853. and settled in N. Y.; learned the carpenter's trade; removed to Canada; thence 496 HISTORY OF IOWA. to Mo.; thence to Clarence, Cedar county, la., and engaged in the lumber business. In 1873 he came to Crawford county and bought 200 acres o£ land, and established his present business at Vail. He married Agnes Ferguson, a native of Scotland, in 1860. They have had four children, three of which died in 1877. Robert is engaged on the railroad. WEST SIDE. W. N. Becker, Jr., editor of the West Side Dispatch, established the paper in April^ 1881. It is republican in politics, and already has a large circulation. L. L. Bond, M. D., was born in Va.; moved to Wis. in 1818 with his parents. He began the study of medicine in 1865, and graduated from the Rush Medical College in the class of '70, He hrst began the practice of his profession in Clinton county, la., and in 1875 came to West Side. Henry Greves, proprietor of livery stable and sample room, was born in Germany in 1819; came to America in 1869, and settled in Clinton county, la. He engaged in his present business at West Side in 1878. C. Haldane, attorney at law, is a native of England; came to America in 1873 and located in Crawford county, la*, where he engaged extensively in farming. In 1877 he moved to Carroll, and began the practice of the law. Two years later, he opened an office at W^est Side. E. C. Haywood, dealer in grain and stock, also agent for the Iowa Land Company, was born in England in 1841; came to Amer- ica in 1852 and settled in Clinton county, la., where he engaged in farming, also dealing in stock and machinery. He came to West Side in 1875, and in 1881 engaged in business as above. Albert Johnson, wagon-maker, is a native of Sweden; came to America in 1872 and engagedin wagon manufacturing, at Chicago, Came to Iowa in 1875 and engaged in present business; also has a branch establishment at-Manning. C. H. Langbehn, proprietor of Farmers' House and billiard hall, is a native of Germany; came to America in 1864 and settled in. Clinton county, la. In 1880 he came to West Side, and engaged in business as above. E. D. Mereness, foreman in I. B. Nelson's flouring mill, is a native of N. Y.; moved to Mich, in 1864; afterwards went to Chicago, where he was employed in the Oriental flouring mills. In 1870 he went to the Pacific coast and remained six years, then located at West Side, and has since been employed as above. C. E. Miller, banker, was born in Boone county, la., in 1855; moved with parents to 111. in 1858 and returned to la. in 1874. He engaged in the drug business and studied medicine, which he HISTORY OF IOWA. 497 practiced at Arcadia for three years. In 1878 he came to West Side and engaged in the drug business^ until 1880, at which time he became proprietor of the Exchange Bank. J. H. C. Peters, of the firm of Peters & Suhr, lumber dealers, was born in Holstein, Ger., in 1846; came to America in 1870 and settled in Clinton county, la. He was engaged for several years as carpenter and builder in Chicago and various places in Neb. and la. In March, ISSl, he locattd at West Side and engaged in business as above. John Rohwer, dealer in general merchandise, is a native' of Germany; came to America in 1871 and settled in Clinton county, la.; came to West Side in 1875, and in 1880 engaged in business as above. W. L. Spottswood, postmaster, was born in Pa.; moved to Clin- ton county. la., in 1806 and engaged in the harness business. He moved to Harrison county; thence, in 1875, to West Side, and en- gaged in harness making. Was appointed postmaster in 1877. R. B. Taylor, of the firm of Taylor & Johnson, dealers in gen- eral hardware, is a native of 111.; moved to Ames, la., in 1869, and engaged in the mercantile business. He came to West Side in 1874, engaged in the drug business, and is now a member of the above named firm. Walz Bros., proprietors of the meat market, are natives of Ger- many. A. W. Walz came to America in 1869, and his brother came the next year. They located in 0.; removed to 111.; thence to Arcadia, la., and engaged in farming and stock raising; came to West Side in 1881, and engaged as above. DOW CITY. W. Beatty, M. D., is a native of Canada; came to Iowa in 1880 and located at Dow City; engaged in the practice of medicine. He is a graduate of Toronto University and graduated from Trinity College m the class of '80. S. E. Dow, of the firm of Dow, Graves & Co., dealers in lumber, grain, stock and farm machinery, was born in N. H.; moved to Mich, in 1832 and engaged in the mercantile business. In 1852 he moved to Harrison county, la.; thence to Crawford county in 1855, and located near the present site of Dow City, In 1864 he moved into the city and engaged in stock and grain business. W. C. Hillas, dealer in general merchandise, was born in St. Albans, Vt. He went to sea when quite young and followed sail- ing for eighteen years. In 1860, he went to California, where he remained ten years, and then located at Dunlap. la., where he en- gaged in business with his brother. He came to Dow City in 1875 and engaged in business as above. He has a very fine store and carries a large and complete stock. 498 HISTORY OF IOWA. M. B. Lewis, postmaster aud druggist, is a native of Canada; came to the states in 18G3 and located at Red Wing, Minn., in 1865. In 1874 he came to Dow City and engaged in the drug business. Was appointed postmaster in 1879. W. H. Morton, proprietor of the Dow City House, is a native of Ohio; moved to Rock county, Wis., in 1858; thence to Freeport, III., where he engaged in milling. He next moved to Linn county, la., and came to Dow City in 1879 and engaged as above. He in- tends building a new hotel during tke spring of 1882. T. J. Rasp, of the firm of T. J. Rasp & Co., dealers in general merchandise, is a native of Canada; came to Iowa in 1848 and set- tled near Davenport. He came to Dow City in 1875 and was em- ployed as book-keeper by Dow, Graves & Co., until engaging in business as above in 1881. W. V. Whaley, of the firm of Whaley & Bell, proprietors of the meat market and provision store, is a native of Ohio; came to Dow City, la., in 1874 and engaged in the stock business. In 1879 he entered his present business. C. M. Wilder, proprietor of restaurant, was born in Ohio; moved to Iowa in 1854 and settled in Clayton county. In 1865 he came to Dow City and engaged in teaching until 1881, when he engaged in business as above. HISTORY OF IOWA. 499 CARROLL COUNTY, This county, which is twenty-four miles square, and contains sixteen congressional or land survey townships, is the third east of the Missouri River, and in the fifth tier of counties, both from the northern and southern boundary of the State. Carroll is emphatically a prairie county, the entire ])ortion being composed of a gently undulating surface sufficiently rolling to break the monotonous sameness of the level plain, while to the westward of the Middle Raccoon River, the surface is more broken and uneven, in many places rising into hills of considerable promi- nence. The great watershed dividing the waters which flow into the Mississippi from those which flow into the Missouri passes through this county, and at the highest point is 858 feet above Lake Michigan and 800 feet above the Mississippi River at Clin- ton. From this summit can be obtained a fine view of the sur- rounding country, extending in every direction as far as the eye can reach. On the east and on the southeast is seen in the dis- tance the rich, fertile valley of the Raccoon River, on the south the unsurpassingly lovely country surrounding the Nishnabotny, and on the west the magnificent vale through which flows the Boyer. All of which in a clear summer's day afford scenery at once grand, beautiful and picturesque. Being situated upon the great dividing ridge or watershed, this county is watered and drained mostly by small streams which flow both into the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. The largest stream is the North Raccoon, which cuts across the northeast corner of the county, while the next two in importance are the Middle Rac- coon and Brushy Fork, which take their rise in the watershed divide in the northwest, and flowing nearly parallel from four to six miles apart in a southeast direction, make their exit near the south- east corner of the county. Storm Creek, a tributary of the Mid- dle Raccoon drains a large tract in the northern-central a^does the Willow Creek in the eastern border. The North Raccoon is deeply excatated into the drift deposit, and its valley is bordered by rather steep acclivities from seventy to one hundred feet in height, while the Middle Raccoon is bordered on the west by high bluffs capped slopes, and on the east by drift hills, which gain the interior heights by more gradual ascents. Brushy Fork possesses a beauti- ful valley with gentle acclivities on either side, as does the East Nishnabotany and Boyer River and Whitted's Creek, which are on the west side of the watershed divide. The upper couj-se of all of these streams are little more than diminutive prairie brooks, with gravelly beds, and clear, rapid currents, nuiny of those having 500 HISTORY OF IOWA. their headwaters in the great divide interlocking, as it were, being separated by a narrow crest as sharply defined as a gable ridge. Springs issue from the gravel deposits along these water courses, furnishing them with an abundant supply of limpid, pure water at all seasons of the year. East of the Middle Raccoon River wells are easily obtained, while in the uplands west of that stream, those seeking water must go to a much greater depth, though the cer- tainty of finding a never-failing supply is just as good. In a shallow depression or plain below Carrolton, on th6 east side of the Middle Raccoon, several interesting spring mounds oc- cur, which have excited much attention and are described as fol- lows by Dr. White, in the Iowa State Geology: The plain is thirty or forty feet above the present level of the river, from which it is separated by a well-defined drift ridge, which, in places, rises into considerable knob-like eminences from one hundred to one hun- dred and fifty feet above the streams. The plain, however, com- municates with the valley both above and below, and was probably once the channel of the river. The spring mounds are situated along an irregular line more or less in the middle of the depres- sion; they are from four to six feet in height and as many yards in diameter, and are apparently entirely composed of vegetable mat- ter, forming a peaty deposit which is largely mixed with the exu- viae of shells and other animal remains. The crests of the mounds are covered with tall, rank flag or marsh grass, but upon the sides are usually two well marked bands of short herbage and moss en- circling the mounds and separated by a narrow belt of tall grass. The deposit of the vegetation upon these places is exceedingly in- teresting, though the mounds themselves, doubtless, owe their ori- gin to the existence of pools of water, indicating more or less ac- curately, the course of the former water channel, and which, being fed from higher sources, the tendency is what we observe — a gradual building up of a peaty formation. The surface of the plain beyond the limits of the mounds is perfectly level, and the deposit consists of decayed vegetable matter mixed with sand form- ing a sandy muck." Like that of Guthrie County, which lies on the great divide just southeast of Carroll, the soil of this county presents' two well marked varieties; that on the east side of the Middle Raccoon be- ing of the drift formation, is a gravelly loam of great strength and productiveness,while to the west of that stream the uplands are deeply enveloped in the bluff" formation, which has imparted to the soil of this portion of the county its own peculiar characteris- tics. Small groves of native timber are found on the principal streams; and in favorable locations, even upon the uplands, forests of young oaks are springing up. Some two or three small patches are met with in the valley of Brushy Fork, and between Raccoon Rapids and Carrollton; on the Middle Raccoon more extensive tracts are covered with a fine growth of vouns timber. HISTORY OF IOWA. 501 No beds of coal have as yet been discovered; though it is not deemed improbable, says Dr. White, that the coal-measure forma- tion underlies at least a portion of the county. The only speci- mens yet found have been discovered in digging wells and making other excavations, and are only small fragments associated with the loose material of the drift deposit. Peat is known to exist in several places in the county, some of which are of considerable ex- tent, and should they be found to be free from sand and gravel, they will eventually become of some value as a resource for fuel. Good building stone is not found within the limits of Carroll County, the cretaceous sandstone being too friable to answer for ordinary building purposes, except some of the harder layers, which are employed in laying up rough under-pinnings, in walling wells, etc. Material for the manufacture of brick is found in abundance, yet care is necessary in selecting clay in the western portion of the county, in consequence of the prevalence of calca- reous matter derived from the disintegration of the bluff deposits on the surface of the lower slopes. The lime thus mixed with the earth is converted into quicklime in the process of burning the brick, and on exposure to moisture the lime slakes and bursts the brick. Enos Buttrick made the first settlement in Carroll County in 1S54, on section 2, township 84, range 33. Buttrick came from Greene County. The first election was held at the house of Henry Coplin, on section 12, township 82, range 34, on the first Monday of August, 1855, when the following county officers were elected: A. J. Cain, County Judge; Levi Thompson, Clerk; James White, Treasurer aud Recorder; Rtbert Lloyd. Surveyor; L. M. Curdy, Prosecuting Attorney; and J. Y. Anderson, Sherifl^". The county was organized by S. L. Loomis, July 16th, 1855, under a commis- sion from James Henderson, County Judge of Guthrie County. At this time the entire population was about 100. Jane L. Hill taught the first school in Carroll County, at Carrol- ton, in the spring of 1856, aud the first newspaper in the county was published at what is now Carroll City, by 0. H. Manning, the present Lieutenant Governor of the State, in 1868. The paper was called the Carroll Enterprise. It was printed at Jefferson, Green County, and issued to subscribers from Carroll. An associ- ation of citizens subsequently purchased a printing press and ma- terial, and brought it to Carroll, with results as indicated in that part of the history of Carroll City which relates to the news- paperial enterprises of the town. The Methodists organized the first religious society at Carrol ton. The first District Court was held November 23d, 1858, Hon. M. F. Moore, District Judge. The first grand jury were Cornelius Hig- gins, Benj. Teller, Matthew Borders, Lafayette McCurdy, Crocket Kibble, Robert Morris, William Short, Robert Dickinson, Elijah Puckett, C3TUS Rhoads, James Colco, David Scott, David Frazier, 502 HISTORY OF IOWA. Samuel Lyou and Amos Bacon. James Colco was appointed fore- man. First case on docket was Nehemiali Powers and John Wat- son vs. Cornelius Higgins. Noah Titus Avas the first person licensed to practice law in the county. The first marriage license was granted September IGth, 1855, to Joseph Ford and Sarah Ochempaugh. They were married September 23d, 1856, by A. J. Cain. County Judge. First estate administered upon was Wesley H. Blizard's, May 3d, 1858. First administrator appointed was James H. Colco. The first deed was made by Thomas Ford to Nancy Ford, for the east half of section 17. town- ship 85, range 33, September 3d, 1855, and acknowledged by A. J. Cain, County Judge. The old Indian trail known as the AVar Path, or the dividing line between the Sioux and Pottawattamie Indians' hunting grounds, runs through townships 82, 83, 81:. and 85, range 36, in this county. It is plainly visible, and is as straight as an arrow. It was a death penalty for an Indian of one tribe to cross the path and be found hunting on the lands of the other. An early settler relates that an old Indian chief told him there was once a terrible Indian battle fought near Crescent Lake, about one mile south of Carroll Center, between the Sioux and Pottawat- tamie Indians. There had been a feud for a long time existing between the two tribes in regard to the infringement of the law in relation to the hunting grounds by disloyal Indians. The Sioux determined to exterminate the Pottawattamies. A large party of the latter were encamped near Crescent Lake, in the grove of timber. One morning a powerful party of the Sioux attacked them, and a terrible and bloody battle ensued, resulting in the death of all the Sioux warriors, and all but three of the Pottawat- tamies. The remains of the dead warriors were left to be eaten by the wolves, or rot, and their bones to bleach on the prairie, until the annual prairie fires consumed them. The vote of Carroll county for Governor in the State election of 1881, was 2,219; its population, according to the census of 1880, was 12,351. It is now, undoubtedly, a low estimate to place the population of Carroll County at 15,000. It will be seen by the above that Carroll County is not only, with reference to its comparatively recent settlement, a populous one, but also that it possesses all the requisite elements that in- sure permanent and progressive prosperity. Its towns and other more especial features will be found to be described in detail as we progress with the development of its history. The present county officers of Carroll County are: Auditor, H. E. Russell; Clerk of Courts, W. Lynch, Jr.; Treasurer, W. R. Ruggles; Recorder, J. L. Messersmith; Sheriff, R. J. Hamilton; Superintendent of Schools, C. C. Colco; Surveyor, G. R. Bennett; .Chairman of Board of Supervisors, J. Thompson. HISTOKY OF IOWA. 503 CARKOLL CITY. AVhether or not first impressions are lasting, and whether or not first impressions are generally correct, are two questions which the Avriter cheerfully abandons to discussion by those who may be ar- gumentatively inclined. In so far as Carroll City is concerned, it is certainly true that the general appearance of this thriving town can not fail to favorably impress all who visit it, and that this im- pression is more than confirmed by careful investigation. Probably no town of its population in Iowa has so many extensive and sub- stantial business buildings as has Carroll City. A special corres- pondent of a leading Iowa journal, writing in the summer of 1880, has these things to say of Carroll City, to which, it may be pre- faced, the brief lapse of time since then, has added many things of gratifying importance: "It is seldom that the stranger has the pleasure of visiting a more interesting town tjian this, and when that privilege falls to his lot, there is but one sentiment to express and that is, astonish- ment — as so many evidences of thrift, prosperity, individual enter- prise, social and business advancement, and the general harmony that seems to prevail in all matters of public benefit. "A young city in the West is looked upon by eastern parties Avith a critical eye, and every advantage that a town possesses is carefully canvassed by those who contemplate locations for busi- ness enterprises, agricultural and stock pursuits, or manufacturing purposes. Carroll certainly possesses these, and many other ad- vantages are to be made apparent in this work. "So far as the country and railroad facilities are concerned, she has but few competitors in this section of the state. The sur- rounding country is of that nature which insures an everlasting and enviable local trade that can never be wholly cut off by rival towns; while the artificial strength given her by reason of the great trunk line that spans the vast territory on each side, and connects with competing lines in every direction, will be still more strengthened by the projected branch, extending from Car- roll in a southwesterly direction through Shelby and Pottawatta- mie Counties, either to a direct connection with the great Union. Pacific Railway, or, what is better, to Kansas City and St. Louis, thus giving these people an outlet for their stock, grain and pro- duce heretofore not enjoyed. At any rate the junction of these two lines, leading off through a most magnificent country, in differ- ent directions, bespeaks for Carroll a prosperity probably not an- ticipated by even her most sanguine business men." Another equally impartial historian, writing at a date five years earlier than the above, observes: "This town which is the county seat and the most important town in the county, is very pleasantly situted on the line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, a lit- tle north of the center of the county, and is surrounded by a fer- tile farming country. It was laid out in August, 1867, and has 501 HISTORY OF IOWA. since had a steady aud substautial growth; does a good retail busi- ness, and is the largest shipping point in the county. Good schools have been established; the leading religious denominations have organizations, and some of them commodious houses of worship. Being surrounded by a country having large agricultural resources, having good railroad facilities, and possessing a class of energetic, wideawake and experienced business men, who know how to make the best possible use of the advantages within their reach, Car- roll is destined at no distant day to become one of the important towns in the western part of the State. Carroll City was incorporated in 1869, 0. H. Manning, William Gilley and a Mr. Tracy being the Commissioners of Incorporation. The first municipal officers, under incorporation, were: I. N. Griffith, Mayor; B. B. Terry, Recorder; J. E. Griffith, Treasurer; Thomas Basler, Marshal; J. W. King, D. Wayne, F. E. Dennett, L, C. Bailey, William Boots, Councilmen. The present officers are: J. W. Scott, Mayor; A. E.. Smith, Recorder; J. W. Hatton, Treasurer; Samuel Todd, Marshal and Street Commissioner; W. L. Culbertson, N. Beiter, Charles Hamilton, J. P. McAllister, James Thompson, L. F. Anderton, Councilmen. I. N. Griffith opened the first general store, and Daniel Giff"ord the first furniture store, in 1868. The first grocery store was opened by D. Wayne. The first child born was Carroll Kidder, or " Carrie," as she was generally called, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs, A. L. Kidder. Mr. Kidder was the first Postmaster of Carroll. The family subse- quently moved to Utah. The Court House was built at Carroll City in 1869. It is a large two-story frame in the center of the public square. The Blair Town Lot and Land Company donated this square to the city. It is one of the most beautiful and eligibly located public squares in Western Iowa, and is thickly planted with finely growing trees. The Court House is well furnished with fire-proof vaults, but is in appearance the one blotch upon the beauty of an otherwise excep- tionally attractive little city, and it is gratifying to note that there is a probability of its giving wa}^ for a more creditable structure at no distant time. The population of Carroll City, according to the census of 1880, was 1,386; at present, there can not possibly be less than 1,700 in- habitants. The growth of the community, from the very nature of its surroundings, has been uninterrupted and permanent. On the 25th of September, 1879 a disastrous fire destroyed two entire blocks of buildings and part of a third block. Nothing daunted by this weighty calamity, building was immediately re- sumed, and in the place of the '"burnt district." massive and costly brick structures now attract the attention of the visitor. The first number of the Carroll Herald was issued September 9th, 1868, aud was conducted by J. F. H. Sugg for about two HISTORY OF lOWV. 505 years. He was succeeded by E. II. Hastirigs as editor and 0. H. Manning as proprietor. The paper was thus conducted about three years, when Mr. Hastings in connection with 0. II. (iray. now of the Jetterson Bee, leased the otfice, nnder the firm name of Has- tings & Gray. This firm subsecjuently purchased the establishment, and in April, 1877, Mr. Hastings became sole editor and proprietor. On the first day of January, 1882, Mr. Hastings leased a half- interest in the office to Ed. E. Adams, the firm now being Has- tings & Adams. The paper is a seven-column quarto, and has a bonafde circulation of 1,100. The Herald is a model of typo- graphical neatness, is conducted with unusual ability, and speaks volumes in each issue for the enterprise and prosperity of Carroll City and County. The Carroll Demokrat. a German weekly newspaper, was estab- lished in May, 1874, by Bowman & Burkhardt. In 1870, H. W. Hagerman bought the office, and in March, 1879, the Demokrat Printing Association, a joint-stock company, purchased the estab- lishment. The circulation of the ]iaper is about 900. It is pub- lished every Friday, and is one of the neatest German publications in Iowa. Francis Florencourt is the editor, and B. T. Knieft the publisher. The steam flouring mill, at Carroll City, has deservedly an ex- tensive reputation. It is well and substantially built, is two stories high with a basement, and has the latest and best machinery. The mill was started in the spring of 1875, and is managed by Brooks & Baumhover. There are two banks, each doing an i xtensive and profitable business, viz.: The Carroll County Bank, Patterson Bros., pro- prietors; Bank of Carroll, W. L. Culbertson, President; R. E. Coburn, Cashier. Both these banks o -ei ] y massive brick struc- tures. There were three brickyards in operation in the summer of 1881. all of which turned out brick of excellent quality. The postoffice of Carroll City was established in 1808. A. L. Kidder was the first Postmaster. He was succeeded by John W. King, and in 1873, E. II. Hastings, the present Postmaster, was appointed to the office. Under the management of Postmaster Hastings it has become one of the neatest and best equipped post- offices in Western Iowa. It is located in the Herald building, a fine brick block erected by Mr. Hastings and L. Barbee. The office was made a money-order office in 1872. The following is a classified summary of Carroll City's business establishments: General merchandise, eight; grocery stores, two: boots and shoes, two; clothing, two; hotels, six; restaurants, five; bakeries, two; hardware, four; agricultural implement depots, five; grain Avarehouses, two; stock dealers, three; livery barns, two; tiouring mill, one; millinery stores, three; jewelry, three; drug stores, three; grain elevators, two; banks, two; real estate 506 HISTORY OF IOWA. agencies, five; insurance agencies, six; blacksmith shops, four; barber shops, two; lumber yards, two; coal dealers, three; wagon- shop, one; loan agencies, eight; merchant tailor, one; printing offices, two; brick-yards, three; architect^, one; paint shop, one; shoe-shops, three; saloons, six. There are thirteen attorn eys-at- law and seven physicians. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AKD SOCIETIES. The First Baptist Clnnrh of Car roll. --The church organiza- tion was effected March 31st, 1878. The society was incorporated .Tanviary 6tli, 1879, under the name of "The Society of the First Baptist Church of Carroll." Rev. E. B. Potter was the First pas- tor, Rev. Edgar Hatfield second, and Rev. J. E. Sanders, the pres- ent incumbent, third. The present membership is fifty-four. The church edifice was built in 1873 by a Congregational church so- ciety, and was the first Protestant church edifice erected in the count3\ It was occupied by tliat society 'until 1877, when nego- tiations took place between il'aii'd the Presbyterian church society, resulting in the dissolution o^ disba^iaing of the Congregational church organization. ,The eclific^;«was purchased by the Baptist society in 1878, and has be'tfn occupied by it ever since. Extensive repairs were made on t'he building in 1880. At the beginning of the Baptist organization there but nine members. The first regu- lar services were held in July, 1879; the Sabbath School was or- ganized at the same time. The present church officers are: Rev. J. E. Sanders, Pastor; Daniel Brainard, Alexander Dunphy, Dea- cons; H. S. Fisher, Clerk; W. L. Brockman, H. S. Fisher, Alexan- der Duraphy, Trustees: G. N. Dowd, Treasurer. The officers of the Sabbath School are: H. S. Fisher, Superintendent; Alexander Dunphy, Assistant Superintendent; Ada Elliott, Secretary and Organist; Lillie Hart, Librarian. The Sabbath School has a mem- bership of seventy-five. St. Joseph's Catholic Parish. — The present church edifice, which is beautifully situated on elevated ground, succeeded in 1877 a small structure in a lower part of the city. Services Avere held in the former building, from time to time only, by Rev. Father Kemp- ker, who also had charge of the Missions at Mt. Carmel, Roselle, Arcadia and Westphalia. In 1876,Father Pape succeeded Father Kempker, and resided at Carroll. He selected the present grounds, and built the new church. In 1880, he was succeeded by the pres- ent incumbent. Father John Urbany, under whose directions both the new school house and St. Anthony's Institute were built. The Rector's residence, north of the church, was begun in 1879, and completed in 1880. The church cost about $4,500, and the resi- dence about $1,600. The Parish numbers among its membership about 120 families, both English and German. Rev. Father Ur- bany took charge of the Parish in January, 1880, and in the sum- mer of the same year, made preparations for a parochial school, HISTORY OF IOWA. 507 which was completed late in the autumn, and opened under the management of the Sisters of St. Francis, from La Crosse, Wis- consin, with an average attendance of from 125 to 130. In the summer following, a handsome and expensive building, called St. Anthony's Institute, for the higher education of young ladies, was erected, south of the church and school, in the center of the block previously reserved for the purpose. St. Anthony's Institute is also conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis. Both educational structures are of brick. The four buildings, residence, church, etc., give a fine appearance to the southern part of Carroll City. The M. E. Church Society. — This society dates its organization from about the year 1868. Its present membership is nearly one hundred. The church edifice, was erected in 1873, cost about $3,000 and Avill seat 250 persons. Rev. Samuel Jones is the pres* ent pastor. The Sabbath School has an attendance of about one hundred pupils, H. W. -Macomber is the Superintendent. The church officers are: J. E. Archer, William Oldham, F. M. How- ard, J. E. Thompson,' "Stewards; H. W. Macomber, J. E. Thomp- son, William 01dha-m,€. A'TMcCune, J. R. Atkinson, A. E. Smith, John Silbaugh, Trustees. Preshijterian Church Society.^^Jley. Mr. Elliott was the first pastor of this society, vrhich was organized as long ago as 1867. There is a neat and commodious church edifice. Rev. T. S. Bailey is the present pastor. Carroll City Public Schools. — The first school house was built in 1869. It was a frame structure, 40x60 feet in dimensions, two stories high, and contained two departments. The present build- ing is a fine two-story brick structure, erected in 1880 at a total cost of about . $14,000. The following is the present corps of teachers: J. M. Paul, Principal; G. W. Wattles, Grammar De- partment; Miss Grace Brainard, Intermediate; Miss Cora Shober, Second Primary; Miss R. M. Armstrong, Primary. There is a total enrollment of 255 pupils, with an average attendance of 220. The Board of Education is as follows: A. E. Smith, William Lynch, W. W. Macomber, N. Beiter, J. W. Scott, H. C. Stephens. J. W. Scott is President of the Board; R. E. Coburn, Secretary; W. L. Culbertson, Treasurer. The citizens of Carroll are justly proud of the unusual educational advantages the community affords. Carroll Lodge No. 279, I. 0. 0. i^'. —Instituted April 16th, 1872, with twelve charter members. H. E. Cole was the first Noble Grand. This Lodge has a membership of forty-four, and holds its meetings every Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'.Hall. The following are the present officers: S. P. Hart, N. G.;iC. Henderson, V. G.; W. L. Culbertson, Secretary; E. H. Brooks, Treasurer. EUsu-drth Encampment No. 72, I. 0.0. F. — Instituted in October, 1874. Charter members: J. W. Hatton, J. B. Cook,W. A. Moore, J. W. King. W. L. Culbertson, W. F. Stsigerwalt, S. 50S HISTORY OF IOWA. M. Moore. First officers: W. L. Culbertson, C. P.; J. W. King, H. P.: W. F. Steigerwalt, S. W.; H. E. Cole, J. W.; J. W. Hat- ton, Scribe; S. M. Moore, Treasurer. Present officers: A. E. Smith, C. P.; J. W. King, H. P.: N. W. Ranger, S.^ W.; J. W. Hatton, J. W. and Treasurer; W. L. Culbertson, Scribe. The membership is twenty-one. Meetings are held on the first and third Monday evenings of each month. Carroll Lodge No. 198, A. 0. U. TT.— Instituted in July, 1879. Charter members: James Thompson, C. L. Bailey, S. M. Towne, E. R. Hastings, Dr. Lane, S. Hoyt, C. A. Sawtelle, J. D. Lawrence, A. VV. Morford, A. A. Wider, C. Henderson, F.Snydan, J. Nockles, D. A. Holmes. First officers: C. L. Bailey, M". W.; James Thompson, P. M. W.; F. Snydan, S.; D. A. Holmes, F. S.; J. Nockles, T.; C. Henderson, 0.; J. D. Lawrence, F.; A. W. Mor- ford, W.; A. A. Wider, Gr. Present officers: J. Thompson, M. W.; C. L. Bailey, P. M. W.; J. D. Lawrence, F.; C. Henderson, 0.; F. Snydan, S.; J. Nockles, T.; A. A. Wider, G.; H. Fisher, W. Membership, twenty-two. Meetings are held every alternate Friday evening in the office of C. L. Bailey. Jejf'. C. Davis Post No. 44, (r. A. B. — This post was mustered in September, 1881. The membership is sixty-five. Meetings are held every alternate Thursday evening in Joyce's Hall. The officers of the Post are as follows: J, V. Cook, Commander; D. A.Cadworth,S.V.C.;C.L. Bailey, J. V. C; William Lynch, Adjutant; W. L. Culbertson, Quartermaster; J. W. Hatton. Surgeon. Signet Lodge Xo. 264, A. F. <£• A. M. — This was the second Lodge of the order instituted in Carroll County. The Lodge was organized in August, 1869. The charter members were: J. F, H.Sugg, John K. Deal, Wm. Gilley, L. C. Bailey, J. E. Griffith, L N. Griffith. Daniel Wayne, F. E. Dennett, R. Hogland. First officers: J. F. H. Sugg,'W. M.; J. E. Griffith, S. W.; Wm. Gillev, J. W.; F. E. Dennett, Secretary: John K, Deal, Treasurer. Present officers: J. W. Gerstine, W. M.; R. B. Coburn, S. W.; John Kelly, J. W.; John W. King, Secretary; H. W. Macomber, Treasurer. The present number of members is forty-seven. The Masons and Odd Fellows bought a lot and erected a two-story brick building on the north side of Fifth Street. The lower story is leased for a dry goods store. The second story, 22x80 feet, is used by the aforesaid fraternities. ARCADIA. Arcadia is from nine to ten miles west of Cairoll City, and is latterly taking on a new growth, which prom'ses to place it among the front rank of Western Iowa towns. It has always been a place of sure promise and certain groAvth, but with its recent hon- ors of incorporation "blushingly thick" upon it, the town iias taken the initiative steps in the direction of more rapid progress. il HISTORY OF IOWA. 509 It is beautiful!}^ located, and in every respect adapted to the con- ditions of permanent advancement. Its exact location is upon section 16, township 84, range 3(3. As usual, along the line of the Chicago & Northwestern, the Blair Towy Lot and Land Company was its sponsor. I. N. Voris was the original town proprietor, and laid out Ar- cadia in 1871. He subsequently sold the townsite to the company named above. Mr. Voris is still a resident of Arcadia. The town is at the summit of the '"divide," and is the most ele- vated town topographically in the state. The first settlement of Arcadia was in the spring of 1871, when Mr. I. N. Voris built the first house. At this time Warren, Wash- ington, Arcadia and Wheatland townships were unorganized, being attached to Carroll. Mr. Voris was a resident of California, and while passing through Iowa, eastward, was attracted by the singu- lar beauty of Carroll County. Soon after, he returned from New York and purchased four thousand acres of land, including the site of Arcadia. This point was the summit or water divide in western Iowa, and trains doubled up and side-tracked here. Mr. Voris laid out the town and named it Arcadia, which took the place of the old railroad name of '"Tip-Top." Immigration began pouring in, the town and county grew rapidly, and to-day the bright antic- ipations of the early settlers have been realized. Low Lamson, now a resident of Chicago, came to Arcadia in 1870, with Mr. Voris. In the same year D. J. McDougall settled in the southeastern part of Arcadia Township. He came to i\.r- cadia and taught the village school in the winter of 1873-4, after Avhich he located there permanently, engaging in the grain and stock business, in which he still continues. Henry Carpenter built the first store, and is the present Postmaster of Arcadia. Mr. Carpenter came in 1871. James Carroll, a well known grain and lumber dealer, located at Arcadia in 1873. The changing events of time have brought about the removal of a number of other pio- neers, whose names would otherwise be included. L. S. Stowe, a well known and enterprising citizen, opened the first drug store in Arcadia, in the spring of 1874, Avhich establish- ment has ever since continued to prosper under his proprietorship. His brother Michael was also one of the first merchants of the place, having opened a general store in the autumn of 1874. The firm of Weidling, Evers & Moore, of which B. H. Moore is the active manager, was established in 1877, and began an exten- sive trade in general merchandise, farm machinery, etc. In 1879, this firm erected a brick building, twenty-four by eighty feet, with a cellar extending throughout its dimensions, and thus formed the nucleus of a business which would be tjuite creditable to a town of many times the population of Arcadia. Arcadia was incorporated in the autumn of 1881, the following being the officers in pursuance of the incorporation: D. J. Mc- 510 HISTORY OF IOWA. Dougall, Mayor: F. A. Charles, Recorder; D. H.Moore, Treasurer; E. H. Agnew, Marshal; D. H. Moore, G. E. Hawk, C.H. West- brook, Claus Erp, Henry Ewaldt, Councilmen, The population of Arcadia, according to the census of 1880, was about 450; the present population claimed, is 600. In addition to the earlier settlers named above, were John Locke, now of West Side, and Henry Neiman, furniture dealer, with others, whom want of space forbids us to particularize. In 1880, a disastrous fire visited Arcadia, destroying nearly the whole business portion of the town, and leaving but two stores un- harmed, viz.: Weilding, Evers & Moore's and John L. McQuaid's. The work of re-building was immediately commenced, and the buildings destroyed were nearly replace4 during the autumn of the same year. The following is a classification of Arcadia's business enter- prises: Drug and book store, one; drug and grocery store, one; general merchandise, four; hotels, three; livery, one, bank, one; blacksmith shops, three; barber shop, one; millinery, two; meat market, one; hardware^ two; shoe shops, two; tailor, one; restaur- ants, two; furniture, one; undertaker^ one; lumber yards, two: agricultural implement depots, four; grain dealers, four; stock dealers, two; real estate and loan agencies, one; insurance agencies, two; job printing office, one; harness shop, one; wagon shops, two; brewery, one; coal yards, three; lawyers, two; physicians, two. Arcadia Postoffice was established in 1872, with I. N. Voris as Postmaster. H. C. Norton succeeded Mr. Voris, and Henry Car- penter, the present postmaster, was appointed to the office in 1874. He was succeeded two years afterwards, however, by J. B. Ben- son, but Avas again appointed in 1881. The office was made a money-order office in 1878. The Arcadia Bank was established in November, 1881. and does a thriving business. Louis li. Curran is the manager. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. TJie Pr.^b ijtcrian Clinrch Society. — Organized in the spring of 1879, by Rev. T. S. Bailey, of Carroll. Rev. Mr. Eldfeldt is the present pastor. The church building was erected in 1879, is about fifty by twenty-four feet in dimensions, and cost -^1,400. The membership is about twenty-five. A Union Sabbath School is conducted by the Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal Societies, of which Henry Carpenter is the Superintendent. St. John's Ciitholic FarisJi. — In the spring of 1874, Rev. John Kempker, of Mt. Carmel, organized a Catholic Mission at Arcadia, services being held until the autumn of that year in James Carroll's warehouse, north of the railroad depot. In the autumn of 1874, a church edifice was built, which is 30x65 feet in dimensions. It is the intention of the congregation to erect a church edifice, begin- HISTORY OF IOWA. 511 iiiug in tlie autuinu of the present year. The proposed now struc- ture will probably be 45x120 feet in dimensions, will be built of brick, and will cost from ten to twelve thousand dollars, liev. Father Pape, now of. Dubuque, succeeded Father Kenipker, and Father Urbany. of Carroll City, came next. . The Arcadia mission" became a Pari.-h August 15th, 1881, and Kev. Father J. B. Fen- drich, the present Rector, was placed in charge of the growing congregation. The membership represents about 150 families, or a total of between 700 and 800 communicants. The parishioners are principally German, with a good representation of Irish, and services are held both in the German and English languages. The M. E. Church aS'oc/*'^//.— Organized in 1873, by Jiev. Mr. V^ail. The succeeding pastors were: Rev. Mr. Brady, Mr. Eckels, C. V. Martin, J, W. Lewis, John Jefferson, and John Elliott, the latter of whom is the present pastor. The church membership is about twenty-five. The society has no church building as yet. I'he German Lutheran Church. — Organized in 1877. The church building was erected in the spring of 1881, and is thirty by forty feet in dimensions. It cost about $1,200, and will seat 200 persons. There are about twenty families represented in the society. Rev. Mr. Gulge Avas the first pastor. He was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Schug, and the latter by the present .pastor, Rev. Mr. Meineke. The Public Schools.— The first school in Arcadia was taught in the winter of 1872-3, by a Mr. Hildebrand, who was succeeded by a Mr. Deal. D. S. McDougall was the next teacher, in the winter of 1873-4. The first school building was a one-story frame, which was enlarged in the summer of 1881, and is now a large building of three departments. An election to determine the question as to the organization of an independent district is to be held in March of the current year. The total enrollment is 130; average attendance, about seventy-five. The present corps of teachers is as follows: 0. L. Bronson, Principal; Miss Minnie Sherman, In- termediate; Miss Lizzie Carroll, Primary. St. John's Parochial School. — This school was organized in the latter part of February, l882. Miss Annie Middendorf is the teacher. At present there is but one department. An additional department will be shortly made. The attendance of pupils will be from fifty to sixty in number. German Lutheran School. —This school was established in the winter of 1881-2, has a goodly membership, and is taught by the resident pastor of the German Lutheran Church. Arcadia Literary Society. — This society was begun in the win- ter of 1881. Meetings are held every Friday evening during the appropriate season, in the school house. The membership is about forty. 512 HISTORY OF IOWA. GLIDDEN. The town of Giiddeu is jDicturesque attractive, prosperous and progressive. It is situated in the eastern part of Carroll County, and is surrounded by a country that for fertility of soil is not sur- passed in Western Iowa. The country naturally tributary to Glidden, has a radius of not less than twenty-tive miles, and the merchants of Glidden are exceedingly well pleased with their loca- tion. The town is well drained, and having good roads reaching out out in every direction, and an inexhaustible soil, there is no reason why Glidden should not become one of the most important towns in Western Iowa. Glidden's artificial strength is principally derived from that great trunk line, the Chicago & I^orthwestern Railway, the man- agement of which does not dictate a policy detrimental to the in- terests of towns along its line of road, but, on the contrary offers the best shipping facilities and the lowest rafes possible. As a natural consequence hundreds of cattle, horses and hogs are brought here from every direction to be shipped over the road that seems to have adopted the motto "live and let live." At no distant day the people of Glidden anticipate a cross road connecting with north and south lines, which will give them competing advantages of a superior nature. From an esthetic point of view is this beautiful town, environed with pretty suburban farms, groves and orchards, embellished in every quarter with elegant houses, tasteful lawns, many columns of forest trees that are fast turning the streets and avenues into arcades of living green. One meets evidences of social refine- ment on every hand. The city schools are in splendid condition and happily are its special pride. As a business point Glidden is in the front rank of Iowa's enter- prising towns. Its merchants do a thriving business, on a scale of unusual magnitude. The population of Glidden is not less than 700, and its increase is continuous and uninterrupted. The town was laid out in 186(), and is a shippiug point for a large district of country. The following is a classified summary of the business establish- ments: General stores, five; grocei-y stores, two; confectionery, etc., three; hotels, two; blacksmith shops, two; wagon shop, one; barber shop, one; hardware, two; agricultural implement depots, three; lumber yards, two; coal dealers, two; grain dealers, four; grain warehouse, one; insurance agencies, one; real estate agen- cies, two; printing office, one; shoemakers, two; saloons, three; furniture, two: drug stores, three; jewelry, one; bank, one; mil- linery, three; livery, two; stock dealers, two; artist, one. The Glidden Steam Flouring Mills were started about three years ago. The building is three stories high, and the quality of flour manufactured has justlj^ achieved a most desirable reputation. The firm name is Messmore & Co. HISTORY OF IOWA. 513 The (Hidden Express was started in 187.5, with E. Tabor as ed- itor and proprietor. Subsequently I. S. Russell became editor and proprietor. The paper is a five-column quarto, and is now called the GUdden Sentinel. The Glidden Neivs Botj was started in 1881, by Cappie Holmes, editor and proprietor. It is a five-column quarto, independent in politics. Cappie Holmes is a son of Prin- cipal Holmes, of the Glidden Public Schools. The (rlidden Bank, of which G. H. Stalford is the ])roprietor, is a staunch and progressive institution, doing a large and increasing business. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Tlw Presbyterian ClnirrJi Society.- -This society has a hand- some edifice, which was erected in 187-1, at a cost of ^1,2(X). The building is nicely furnished. The society dates its organization from 1870. Services were held in the school house prior to the erection of the church building. 'The M. E. Church Society. — This society erected its present and commodious edifice in 1877, at a cost of about $1,200. Ser- vices were held in the Presbyterian church prior to the erection of the society's present building. The Public Schools. — The independent school district of Glid- den was organized in 1875. The first school building in the town Avas erected in 1869, or thereabouts, and was subsequently sold to G. H. Stalford. It is now used for business purposes, with a public hall in the upper story. The present school house was built in 1877, the total cost, improvements included, being from seven to eight thousand dollars. There are four departments, besides a large hall on the third floor, which will seat from three to four hundred persons. This building is of frame, with brick veneering, and is located in the east side of town, Avith a command- ing situation. Philo Lodge No. 301,1. 0. 0. F.— This Lodge was instituted in 1874, Avith about tAventy charter members. Meetings are held every Tuesday eA'eniug in Odd FelloAvs' Hall. The folloAving are the present officers: G. W. McNaught, N. G.; James Campbell, V. G.;T. R. Rich, Secretary; Geo. T. Chambers, Treasurer. Hagyi Lodge, 369, A. F. c& A. il/.— This Lodge meets every Saturday evening of each month, on or before the full moon. D. N. Smith is W. M.; A. J. Morrill, Secretary. Hope Stone Lodge No. 78, B. A. M.— Meetings are held every Tuesday evening of each month on or before the full moon. N. D. Thurman is H. P.; P. H. Hawkins, Secretary. The various secret organizations of Glidden are all in a condition of gratifying prosperity. 511 HISTORY OF IOWA, CARROLL COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES. CARROLL CITY. L. T. Anderson, harness manufacturer, is a native of Denmark; came to America in 1867 and located in Story county, la.; moved to Hamilton county; thence to Carroll county in 1878 and engaged in present business; deals in all kinds of harness and horse fur- nishings. W. Artz, dealer in grain and stock, is a native of 111.; moved to Carroll county in 1870, and engaged in mercantile business in Car- roll in 1871, which he continued until engaging in present busi- ness. He has been treasurer of the county. Wm. H. Bunch, barber, was born in 111. in 1848; moved to Car- roll, la., in 1881 and established his present business. R. D. Backus, dentist, was born in Madison county, N. Y.; in 1860, he moved with parents to la.; came to Carroll in 1880 and established business; has a very fine office. Thos. F. Barbee, attorney at law, is a native of Ky.; moved to Rock Island, 111., and in 1878 came to Carroll, la., and opened his present law business. N. Beiter, proprietor of meat market, is a native of Germany; came to America in 1S6G and settled in Ra.; thence moved to Ce- dar county, la., in 1870, and to Carroll in 1874 and engaged in pres- ent business. J. L. Bowdish, insurance agent, is a native of 111.; came to Car- roll in 1873; is justice of the peace, also notary public. He erected a fine brick block in 1881, now occupied by a clothing store. E. H. Brooks, of the firm of Brooks & Baumhover, proprietors of the Carroll Steam Mills, was born in N. Y.; moved to 111. in 1858; thence to Clinton, la.; and came to Carroll in 1870 and en- gaged in lumber business, until Aug., 1877, when he engaged in milling. The mill has a capacity of fifty barrels of flour per day and employs eight men. Col. John B. Cook, dealer in agricultural implements, is a na- tive of Mass. He served in the army during the late war, after which he settled in the South. He moved to Carroll, la., in 1871 and engaged in his present business. Joseph M. Drees, attorney at law, was born in Boston, Mass., in 1849; removed to Dubuque, la., in 1858; thence to Carroll in 1873. He studied law with 0. H. Manning, lieutenant governor, and was admitted to the bar in Sept., 1879. He is also engaged in the in- surance business and is agent for a German line of steamers. HreroRY OF IOWA 515 H. T. Emeis, M. D., is a native or£ 111.; moved to Scott county, la. in 1856. He graduated from the Cincinnati Medical College in 1868, and came to Carroll in May, 1881. H. F. Flinn, jeweler, is a native of 111.; moved to Gilman, Wash- ington county, la., in 1876; thence to Carroll in the autumn of the same year, and engaged in his present business. W. E. Folkens, proprietor of the City Billiard Hall, is a native of Germany; came to America in 1858 and settled in 111.; thence to la. in 1809 and located in Grundy county, and came to Carroll in 1874, and engaged in his present businesss in 1878. I. W. Griffith, dealer in general merchandise, was born in Va. in 1813; moved to 0. when quite young, and in 1844 came to la. and settled in Henry county, near Mt. Pleasant, and engaged in farming. He removed to Mahaska county; thence to Marshall county, where he engaged in milling. He subsequently came to Carroll and established the first store in the new town. Wm. Gilley, is a native of Pa.; moved to 0. with parents. He moved to Iowa City, la., in 1854 and to Carroll county in April, 1856, and engaged in farming; moved into Carroll in 1868; was county treasurer at that time. He has been engaged in banking and mercantile pursuits until a few years since, when he retired from business. J. W. Gustine, M. D., was born in Pa. in 1822. He began the practice of medicine in Pittsburg in 1848, and moved to Iowa in 1854; two years later he located in Guthrie county, where he en- gaged in the practice of medicine, until 1875 then he moved to Carroll and opened an office. P. M. Guthrie, dealer in real estate, was born in County Clare, Ireland; came to America in 1848, and located in Mich, and en- gaged in railroad contracting until 1854, when he moved to Du- buque, la.; thence to Carroll in 1869 and engaged in present busi- ness. He is agent for the Iowa Land Co. R. J. Hamilton, sheriff of Carroll county, was born in Clinton county, la., in 1845; lived on a farm until coming to Carroll county in 1875, where he engaged in blacksmithing. He was elected to his present office in Oct., 1881. C.Henderson, proprietor of the dray line, is a native of 111.; moved to Carroll in 1872 and engaged in his present business. H. C. Haywood, merchant and postmaster, at Elba, Carroll county, was born in Addison county, Yt.; moved with parents to Scott county, la., in 1850; thence to Carroll county and engaged in farming until appointed postmaster in 1878. F. J. Kriebs, M. D., was born in Clayton county, la.; graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, in the class of 1881, and be- gan the practice of medicine at Carroll the same year, and is eady in the enjoyment of a good practice. 516 HISTORY OF IOWA. Louis Keckevoet, dealer in general merchandise, is a native of Germany; came to America in 1861 and settled in Ind.; remoTed to Dubuque, la., in 1870 and came to CairoU in 1875 and engaged in present business; lie also has a general store at Hillsdale, this county. Wm. Lynch, clerk of the courts of Carroll county, was born in Scotland in 1841; came to America with his parents and settled in N. Y.; removed to Pa. thence to la. in 1850. He enlisted in 1862, and was soon afterwards appointed hospital steward of the 31st Mo. regiment, and served until the close of the war. He then located at Carthage, 111., and engaged in the drug business; remained there until 1809, then removed to Carroll and again en- gaged in the drug business. He was elected to his present office in 1875, and has held it ever since. F. M. Leibfried, deputy county treasurer, is a native of Md.; re- moved to Wis. in 1850; thence to Carroll, Li., in 1879. He was appointed deputy treasurer by Mr. Artz, and re- appointed by Wm. Ruggles in 1882. S. M. Moore, dealer in general groceries and confectionery, is a native of Ind.; came to la. in 1869 and engaged in farming in Carroll county until 1875, then engaged in his present business. M. Miller, druggist, is a native of Germany; came to America in 1857, and located at Dubuque, Iowa, and engaged as traveling agent for Honick & Walls, of Sioux City. He engaged in his present business at Carroll, in 1881, is wholesale and retail dealer in drugs and liquors. J. L. Messersmith, recorder of Carroll county, is a native of Pa.; moved to Carroll in 1875 and engaged in wagon making. He was elected to his present office in 1876, and has been re-elected every term since. F. M. Powers, of the firm of Powers & Powers, attorneys-at law, is a native of N. Y. City: moved with parents to Blackhawk county, la., in 1857, graduated from the Iowa law school in 1877, and began the practice of law at Independence. He came to Car- roll in 1880, and opened an office. The firm also do a loan and real estate business. J. M. Powers, of the above firm, was born in Cincinnati, 0., removed with parents to Blackhawk county, la., in 1857. He graduated from the Iowa Law School in 1879, and has since been in partnership with his brother. Geo, W. Paine, attorney at law, also does abstract, loan and in- surance business. He was born in Duchess county, N. Y., in 1828. He first engaged in the practice of law at ' Poughkeepsie, in 1819; moved to New York City in 1860, and practiced there until opening an office in Carroll, la., in 1872. J. A. Rohner, photographer, was born in Erie county, N. Y.; moved to Fremont, 0., in 1867; thence to Chicago, 111., two years later, and was employed there and in other cities in the west in HISTORY OF IOWA. 517 the photograph business, until 1878, when he located at Carroll, la., and engaged in business. He was burned out in 1879, and was absent for a year; returned in 1881 and engaged in present business. Abram Raught, proprietor of the Commercial House, was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y.; moved to Neb. in 1873 and en- gaged in the hotel business; returned to N. Y., afterwards moved toKnoxville, la.; thence to Carroll and opened his present house, which is situated near the depot, and is a first-class house. S. S. Sprague, proprietor of meat market, was born in Pitts- burg, Mass.; moved to 111. in 185G; thence to Carroll, la., in 1870 and engaged in present business. August Stark, insurance agejit, is a native of Germany; came to America in 1861 and enlisted in Co. G, 57th, III. Vol.,Avas with Gen. Sherman in his march to the sea, and various; other places. He served until Aug. 15th, 1865, and then settled in 111. and en- gaged in farming; in 1875 came to Carroll, la., and engaged in pfesent business; was burned out in 1879, but started business again soon after. C. B. Smith, agent for the C . & N. W. R. R. Co., at Car- roll, la., is a native of New York; when quite young moved to Wheaton, 111 . He entered the employ of the above company and in 1871 was located at West Side, la. He came to this city in 1881. .I.E. Thompson, dealer in groceries, is a native of 0. : moved to Scott county, la., in 1851, and engaged in farming. In 187(> came to Carroll and engaged in his present business, as wholesale and retail dealer injgroceries and queensware. J. W. Thomas, cashier of the Carroll County bank, is a native of England; came to America in 1873, settled in la. and en- gaged in farming until 187(5, when he assumed his present posi- tion. The bank changed hands in 1881, but Mr. Thomas was retained as cashier. R. R. Woodring & Co. . wholesale and retail dealers in furni- ture, also manufactiirersr This firm is composed of R. R. Woodring,!. N. Force and D. Burkhart. They do an exten- sive business in their line, and are one of the leading furniture firms in Carroll county . A. L. Wright, M. D., is a native of Wis.; graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, in 1874. He located at Carroll, la., the same year, and has established a large and lucrative practice. 518 HISTOKY OF IOWA. ARCADIA. F. A. Charles, attorney at law, was born in 111.; moved to la. in 1865 and located at Iowa City, in 1876 he ensja^ed in the practice of law in Jackson county and in 1877 came to Arcadia. Was elected City Attorney in 1881. Peter Clausen, proprietor of billiard hall, is a native of Ger- many. He came to Arcadia, la., in 1874, and engaged in his pres- ent business. Henry Carpenter, postmaster, was born in N. Y.; moved to 111. when quite young and in Aug., 1862 enlisted in Co. H, 105th 111. Reg. He served until the close of the war, then returned to 111. He came to Arcadia and built the first store building in the place. In 1874 he was appointed postmaster; he resigned in 1876 and was re-appointed in 1881. Erp Bros., dealers in general merchandise, are natives of Ger- many; came to America in 1873 and settled in Iowa in 1875. They established their present business in 1881. Carry a large stock of general merchandise, and boots and shoes, also deal in coal and grain. Henry Ewoldt, proprietor of Ewoldt's hall and sample room, was born in Holstein, Ger.; came to America in 1864 and settled in Scott county, la. In 1877 he engaged in his present business in Arcadia. Thomas Fay, proprietor of saloon, is a native of 111.; moved to Clinton county, la., in 1867;- thence to Arcadia in 1877 and en- gaged in saloon business. E. S. Lovely, general hardware dealer, is a native of Canada; moved to Carroll county, la., in 1873 and engaged in farming, un- til 1878, then went to Omaha, Neb., and ^entered the Western Business College; remained one and one-half years, then located at Arcadia, la., and engaged in the drug business. He subse- quently engaged in business as above. Henry Lahann, proprietor of the shooting gallery and saloon, is a native of Germany; came to America in 1856 and settled in Clin- ton county, la. He came to Arcadia in 1880 and engaged in his present business. D. H. Mohr, of the firm of Weidliug, Evers & Mohr, is a native of Denmark; came to America in 1853 and settled in Davenport, la. In 1867 he engaged in the mercantile business at Wheatland. Afterwards came to Arcadia and entered the above named firm. H. W. Pruter, dealer in dry goods and groceries, was born in Germany in 1860; came to America in 1875 and located at West Side, la. He engaged in farming for two years and then returned to his native country. In 1878 he came again to Iowa, and settled in Arcadia. In 1881 he engaged in business as above. I HISTORY OF IOWA. 519 Heiiriino; I Vtersen, proprietor of saloon and billiard hall, was born in Germany in 1827; came to America in 1865 and settled in ('linton county. la.; removed to Pottawattamie county; thence to Arcadia. Established present business in 1873. L. S. StoU, druggist, was born in Strasburg, France, in 1847; came to America in 1855 and settled in Dubuque county, la. He engaged in clerking in a drug store at the age of fifteen. In 1870 he engaged in business for himself at Dyersville, and four years later came to Arcadia, where he established business as above. He is also a practicing physician. Frank Weber, proprietor of meat market, was born ia Prussia in 1848; came to America in 1873 and located at Portage, Wis. He moAed to Carroll county, la., in 1875 and two years later came to Arcadia and engaged in the meat business. GLIDDEN. L. A. Cushman, barber, was born in DeWitt, Clinton county, la. ; moved to Glidden, in 1881 and established his present busi- ness- T- A. Cochran, collection and real estate agent, is a native of 0. ; moved to Polk county, Ta., in 1854; thence to Green county and in 18G4 to Carroll county and engaged in teaching school. Moved to Glidden in 1878 and opened an office. J. Coder, of the firm of Dickey & Coder, dealers in general mer- chandise, is a native of 0.; moved to Carroll county, la., in 1868 and engaged in farming and teaching school until 1878, then entered present firm . Thos. Elwood, M. D., was born in N- Y. City; moved to Dallas county, la., ni 1858. He enlisted in 1862 in the 39th la. regiment; went to Corinth, Miss., as hospital steward, and re- mained until the close of the war; returned to la. and settled in Carroll county, and began the practice of medicine; was elected county probate judge in 1867, which office he held three years, and county recorder from 1866 to 1868. W. E. Foster, of the firm of Foster Bros., druggists, is a native of 0.; moved to Glidden. Ia., in 1877 and engaged in the drug busi- ness in 1880. N. G. Guild, proprietor of the Glidden House, was born in N. Y. in 1833; moved to lied Wing, Minn., in 1862 and engaged in farming and stock raising; thence to Glidden, la., in 1870 and en- gaged in present business. H. H. Gates, M. D., was born in Ivutland county, Yt.; moved to la. in 1855 and settled in Scott county; removed to Jones county later. He entered the army as hospital steward; was promoted to 520 HISTORY OF IOWA. the position of surgeon of the 31st la. Reg. in 1SG3 and served un- til the close of the war, then returned to Jones county and in 1860 moved to Glidden and engaged in the practice of medicine. C. I. Huiman, of the firm of Huiman & Reach, attorneys at law, is a native of 0.; came to Boone county, la., in 1853 and engaged in school teaching. He served as superintendent of schools one term and graded the schools of Glidden. He graduated from Grin- ell College, la., and begun the practice of law in 1876 with pres- ent partner; they also do insurance and collection business. J. A. Holmes, principal of the Glidden schools, is a native of N. Y.; moved to Glidden, la., in 1880 and engaged in his present oc- cupation. He also deals in stationery, books and confectionery. The Glidden Xeics-Boij, aAveekly newspaper published by Cop- pie Holmes, was established in 1880, when Coppie was but twelve years old. At first it was a four-page paper six by nine inches in size, but it has steadily increased in size and patronage and now (in 1882) it is a six-column quarto. The publisher does all the work upon the paper and considerable job work besides. He has put the receipts for advertising, etc., into theoflice and can now do good job work. He is the youngest publisher of a regular new^s- paper in la. and perhaps in the world; the newspaper press have given him many flattering notices. C. 0. Hood, M. D., is a native of Ind.; graduated from the medi- cal departmeat of the Butler University in the class of '79, and lo- cated at Glidden in 1880 and engaged in the practice of medicine. G. W. Pai'sons, proprietor of barber shop and news depot, is a native of 0.; located at Glidden, la., in 1878 and engaged in his present business. W. E. Potter, of the firm of Potter & Armitage, hardware deal- ers, was born in Oneida county, N. Y.; removed to the eastern part of la. in 1858, thence to Glidden in 1868 and engaged in farming; engaged in his present business in 1879: J. P. Armitage became a partner in 1880. 0. G. Prill, of the firm of Prill Bros., dealers in general grocer- ies, is a native of Ind.; came to la. in 1875 and engaged in the above business in Nov., 1881. F. G. Rust, insurance agent, is a native of Wis.; moved to la. in 1881, and settled in Glidden and engaged in his present business. 1. R. Sale, M. D., was born in Ind., he studied medicine there several years; he then graduated from the Kentucky School of Medicine in 1881 and came to Glidden in Dec. of the same year and took charge of the established practice of Dr. Dunkle. R. E. Spurrier, druggist and station agent, is a natiA^e of 0.; moved to Iowa county, la., in 1853, thence to Glidden in 1880 and took charge of the station and purchased the drug business of M. S. Dunkle, M. D. HISTORY OF IOWA. 521 D. N. Smith, dealer in lumber and coal, is a native of Carroll county, N. H, He enlisted in 1861 in the U. S. sharpshooters, served three years in Va, and then returned to N. H.; moved to 111. in 1877 and the following year to Glid-ien, la., and engaged in his present business. Geo. H. Stalford, banker, is a native of Pa.; came to la. in the spring of 1869 and engaged in farming, returned to Pa, in 1870 and remained three years; thence to la. again and engaged in the lumber and grain business; engaged in the banking business in Feb., 1877. 33 522 • HISTORY OF IOWA. SAC COUNTY, The population of this county by the census of 1S80 was 9,300, but it is now estimated at over 11,000. This increase is partially due to a narrow gauge railway (a branch of the Wabash) which is in process of construction, and which will run across the county, passing through Sac City, thus giving additional shipping and traveling facilities to the people of the county. Depot grounds for the road have been laid out near the court house in the city named. As stated elsewhere a complete list of the county officers from date of the organization of the county to present date is not ob- tainable, but the following are the present officers: Treasurer, Philip Schaller; Auditor, A. D. Peck; Sheriff, H. L. Willson; Clerk of Courts, Chas. E. Lane; Recorder, N. B. Flack; Superintendent of Schools, H. T: Martin; Surveyor, Chas. Pettis; Supervisors, Wm. Hawks, Chairman; H. Reinhart, Peirce Coy. The general history of Sac County can probably be presented in no better shape than as we give it in the following extract from a well-written article, published in the Sac Suu, of Sac City, De- cember 24:th, 1880: " The immense emigration from the Eastern and East Central States which has for the past two or three years rapidly settled up the lands of Kansas and Nebraska, has during the past two years been diverted to a great extent to the more certainly productive agricultural lands of Northw^estern Iowa. Many more of these home-seekers might have been induced to settle in this section had the Iowa people and the Iowa government sooner awakened to the fact that so many thousands of good citizens were passing through Iowa to lands farther from market, and by no means so valuable as those which Iowa had to offer, and all because the Kan- sas and Nebraska lands were assiduously advertised, while those of Iowa lay undefended under the slanders men- tioned in the appended letter. The General Assembly, however, to remedy this evil, appointed Hon. Geo. D. Perkins, of the Sioux City Journal, to the office of Commissioner of Immigration for Iowa, and appropriated a considerable sum for the promotion of immigration to this State. Read what Governor Campbell says: j Newton, Iowa, June 15th, 1880. Hon. Geo. D. Perkins., Commissioner of Immigration for Ion a: Dear Sir: Your invitation to the immigration convention at Sheldon, June 22d, received on my return home from an extended HISTORY OF IOWA. 523 trip east. I fully realize the iiuj)ortance of the convention, and the great interests to be considered, and I assure you my hearty sympathy goes out toward any effort that will tend to direct public attention to your beautiful country and fertile soil, and point the tens of thousands of homeless ones to that fair country that offers such splendid advantages for permanent homes and pros- perous futures. During m}^ visit east I had occasion to ''talk up" north Avestern Iowa in several localities, and I found: 1. A total ignorance of the fact that so large a territory in Iowa lies open yet to settlement, the impression having obtained that a State with over a million and a half of population must be well settled np. 2. I found the 'old grasshopper still sitting on the sweet potato vine,' in the prejudices of many, and it was only a work of a mo- ment to convince them that the 'grasshopper' was long since a Mead issue' in any portion of Iowa. 3. The terrible storms and daily hurricanes of wind were held up before me. and I told them they were more a native of Missouri or even of Ohio, than of northwest Iowa, and that the settlement of our State, the planting of groves, etc., had very materially ameli- orated the climate. These are only a few of the objections urged, but among the most weighty, and I name them that you may see the objections that obtain in various quarters. There are tens of thousands in the east Avho would be glad to find homes in Northwestern Iowa, were they fully acquainted with the true condition of affairs, climate, soil, prices of land, terms, etc. With thanks for your invitation, and regret that I cannot be present, I am your well-wisher and friend, Fra>'k T. Campbell. "This sketch is intended principally as a pen-picture of Sac County as it now is, and will include a short outline of its history and a few incidents of the life of the early settlers. '' The soil of Sac County is a deep black loam, and in its nature is purely a vegetable decomposition. Its depth is from eighteen inches to five or six feet. In some parts of the county the surface is almost perfeetly level for long distances, but in general it is of the genuine 'rolling prairie' description. The inexhaustibility of the soil is shown by the fact that farms which have been under cul- tivation for from twenty to twenty-five years are now as fertile and productive as ever. More than that— the land may be plowed here when it is so wet that it is almost impossible to do work, and it will never hake. " As regards the productiveness of Sac County, perhaps as effective a way of showing whether the detractors of North- western Iowa, mentioned in Governor Canipl)eirs letter, are right or wrong, will be to give to our readers the benefit of some of the observations of the Hon. Eugene Criss, a pioneer and resi- dent of Sac County for more than a quarter of a century. Judge 624 HISTORY OF IOWA. Criss says that his average yield of corn in his twenty-five 3^ears' residence has been from forty to fifty bushels to the acre, and the highest yield he has ever had was sixty-five bushels. Average yield of oats, forty to fifty; highest yield, seventy-six bushels. Average yield of wheat, fifteen to eighteen; highest yield, thirty bushels. This is his personal experience, and with fair cultivation only — no fancy farming; that he knows of at least two of his neighbors who have raised as high as forty bushels of Avheat to the acre. Others, too, have raised, in more than one neighborhood in the county, from seventy to eighty bushels of corn per acre, and, it is said, with- out more than ordinary tillage. The principal agricultural pro- ducts of Sac County and this section generally are corn, wheat, oats,' flax, barley, rye and grass. Timothy, clover and blue grass grow readily and will make Sac, at an early day, one of the leading stock and dairy counties of Iowa. And Iowa is, with rapid strides, com- ing to the head of all the States in dairy products. We will put Judge Criss on the stand again in regard to the advantages for stock raising. "We have stated that the tame grasses grow rapidly. Besides that fact, it is also true that the Kentucky blue grass is rapidly coming 'of itself in places where it has never been sown. Along fences, along paths made by cattle through the brush and in pastures, in spots where the timber and underbrush have been cleared, in door-yards and other places, in some mysterious way that sweetest and best of feed for stock is making its appearance. It is a matter which the present writer does not understand, but it is a good thing, and Ave are glad to see that this section is so fortunate. Grass is always sufficiently high to turn out stock at a date varying in the different years from April 1st to April 30th. And now we produce Judge Criss's testimony. The Judge is a Virginian by birth, but has had some years' experience in farming in Maryland. After his many years' experience in the two States, it is his firm belief that both cattle and horses do better 'running out' during the winter months in this part of Iowa than they do in Maryland. This, our readers will observe, is not guess- Avork or the dictum of a traveler or chance observer, but the carefully considered verdict of experience. The location of Sac County is on the Great Divide, as the water- shed between the Missouri and the Mississippi is called. It is in the west northwestern part of Iowa, being the fourth county from the northern line of the State, the sixth from the soiithern, the third from the Missouri River, and the tenth from the Mississippi. Sac City, the center of the government, and not far from the geograph- ical center, is about fifty miles by wagon road west from Fort Dodge ' and about eighty-five miles east from Sioux City. Sac County's only railway communication with the busy world outside is by means of branches of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. These branches are the Maple River Railroad and the HISTORY OF IOWA. 525 Sac City & Wall Lake Railroad. The former has two stations in the County— Odebolt and Wall Lake. The latter has, as yet, no other stations than its termini — Sac City and Wall Lake, which are twelve miles apart. Another station is now being put in which will be better entitled to the latter name than the town which now bears it, being situated on the shores of the Lake, while the pres- ent station of Wall Lake is some four miles distant. It seems to us that the present town will be obliged, in honor, to resign its name in favor of the baby town not yet christened. Sac City is situated twenty-eight and eight-tenths miles from Maple River Junction, on the main line (Chicago & Council Blufts) of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, and just thirty-three miles from Carroll, the nearest town of any consequence in direct railway communica- tion. Both these branches have been built within the past three years, and a large part of the present. [The additional station on the Sac City & Wall Lake Railroad was eventually christened Fletcher. An account of it wilh be found in the proper place.] " Sac County contains sixteen congressional townships, west of the Des Moines River. It contains 369,640 acres, nearly all of which is desirable land for either grain or stock farms, and the larger part available for either or both combined. The larger part of these lands are railway property and these can be purchased by home-seekers, who will occupy them at once, on the most liberal terms. Many of the private holders are also selling on nearly if not quite as easy terms as the railway land company. And as to the grasshopper and tornado bugbears, it is perfectly safe to say that the farmers of Ohio and Indiana are as much annoyed by them, and have as much prospect for annoyance from them, as the Sac county grower of grain and stock. Sura up these advantages, and the reader will readily see why the population has been rapidly on the increase ever since the opening of railway communication. Let those who have doubts give the county a visit and they will hesitate no longer. Sac county has not even the drawback so common to these fertile counties of Northwestern Iowa. What this is, is too well understood by the early settlers Avho located in Northwestern Iowa before there were railways to deliver coal at every man's door. Many counties in this section had little or no timber — Ida County, for instance, had less than a thousand acres within its borders. Sac County had many thousands of acres of oak, black walnut, hickory, ash, elm. maple, ])ox alder, Cottonwood, linn (basswood). and many other varieties native to the soil. The Coon River, which traverses the east part of the county, lies buried in woods for almost its entire course. Cordwood is delivered in Sac City at from l?^4 to §5 per cord according to quality. The tim- ber culture laws of the State — relieving laud from tax for ten years in consideration of the culture of a certain portion of forest trees —have also caused so extensive a growth of forest that there is 526 HISTORY OF IOWA. probably more timber now in tlie county than before the first axe was struck on the banks of of the classic Coon. '' The early settlers of Sac, though they had the advantage of being able to try fruit-raising under the protection of a consider- able belt of timber, had small faith in the county as adapted to the growth of fruits. Consequently it was not until some ten or twelve years after the settlement of the county began that any at- tention was given to this important branch of the industries of the county. When proper attention was given to the matter, it was speedily demonstrated that Sac County was well fitted for fruit growing, and there are now many orchards, vineyards and fruit gardens dotting the fair surface of Sac-shire. Apples, grapes, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, etc., grow rapidly and yield surely and abundantly, and the quality is unsurpassed anywhere. We are informed that pears are also successfully grown in parts of the county. In the line of vegetables there is nothing usually grown in a temperate climate which will not grow here and that in extraordinary per- fection. This section is the garden of Iowa, as Iowa is the Gar- den State of the Union. The dry, pure air of our unexcelled climate gives to trees and plants a healthy growth, and the fruits and vegetables are solid and delicately flavored and tinted, as far excelliug the coarse flavor and blowzy coloring given to the same fruits by the hot and humid air of California and Oregon as the apple excels the pumpkin. You say the California fruit is larger than ours! Oh, well, the pumpkin is larger than the apple; but the pumpkin requires a good deal of cooking and spicing before it is eatable, and if you get a California apple you had better use that for cooking also. But our northern Iowa apples are of medium size, of the finest flavor and will keep longer than any apple grown in a warm climate. Therefore the Iowa apple is in the near future the apple of commerce, and it is not unlikely that the principal fu- ture industry of Iowa, may be fruit-frowing. Apples are not the only fruit which the Iowa soil and climate give a finer flavor than elsewhere. Nowhere does the Concord grape come to such per- fection as in Iowa. And although our fruits and vegetables do not rival those of the Pacific coast in size, they are unsurpassed even in that minor particular by those of any other section in the Mis- sissippi Valley or any section on the Atlantic slope. ^' The first settlement was made by Otho Williams, who came from Michigan in the autumn of 1S5-1. Avith his family, and took up a claim in the timber near Grant City, in the southeastern part of the county. He and his family were the first white inhabitants of Sac county, but during the two succeeding years quite a num- ber of settlers made their homes either in the same neighborhood or in the vicinity of Sac City, and Otho Williams, at the end of about two years, complained that ' folks are gittin' too thick 'round yer,' and he and his family ' folded their tent like the I HISTORY OF IOWA. 527 Arab, and silently stole away.' ■ In other words, thoy sold their claim and disappeared in the direction of the setting sun. No one knows where they went. If they still live and preserve their aversion to near neighbors, they must be somewhere in the Rocky Mountain region. In the spring of 1855, Leonard Austin, F. M. Cory, Wm. Wine and David Metcalf, with their families, VV. M. Montgomery, M'ith his mother and sister, and S. W. Wagoner and Henry A. Evans, single men, took up claims in the county. On the 5th of August Eugene Criss and family arrived in the county, and located near Sac City. A few days later William H. Hobbs located in the same neighborhood. During the fall the popula- tion of Sac County was augmented by the arrival and settlement of John Condron, Joseph Lane, Joseph Williams and S. L. Watt, with their respective families. This, so far as we can learn, is a complete list of the population of the county up to the close of 1855. '' In the spring of 1858, the settlers in Congressional townships 87, 88 and 89, in range 36, now forming the townships of Wall Lake, Jackson and Delaware, thought that there was good reason to fear that all vacant land in those townships would be bid in by speculators at the annual land sale at Sioux City, thus preventing its immediate settlement. Nearly all the settlers, though not ready at that time to buy, wanted some of this land for their own use. They therefore met together and arranged matters, and when the day of sale came, the room in which the sale was held was packed full of settlers, and no others could make their way in. No bids were made, and the land was thus kept open for pre- emption. '' The first mill in the county was built by Wm. Lane, on the Coon River, near Grant City, late in the fall of 1856. That win- ter was so very severe that it has ever since been known as the ' hard winter,' but nevertheless, corn was hauled to the mill from Sac City and vicinity on hand-sleds. Many families ground their own corn in coffee mills. Provisions, flour, etc., were generally brought from Des Moines. " In 1856, Sac County, which had previously been attached to Greene County for all administrative purposes, was granted a separate jurisdiction- S. L. Watt was the first County Judge — and the County Judge of those days n^as an autocrat, performing the functions of the present Board of Supervisors and County Auditor, and also, in part, those of the Judge of the Circuit Court. H. C. Crawford was first County Clerk, and F. M. Cory was first Treas- urer and Recorder." 528 HISTORY OF IOWA. SAC CITY. The population of Sac City is now estimated to be 800. The place is one of the most flourishing in this section of Iowa. The present town oJ0&cers are: Mayor, John Alexander; Re- corder, Charles L. Early; Trustees. R.H. Lamoreux, Phil. Schaller, P. H. Hankins, N. B. Flack, Jos. H. James. In 1856 Sac City was laid out on land belonging to Hon. Eugene Criss, and was selected as the seat of government for the county. It is situated on the Coon River, about five or six miles northeast of the center of the county. The business part of town lies on level ground, on the first rise from the bottom lands along the river, while the residences are principally on higher ground, overlooking the business streets. The townsite is handsome and picturesque. In fact, it would be difficult to find in our prairie country a more beautiful location for a town. The Coon River, lined by a narrow strip of bottom land, half encircles the town. Native" forest trees are scattered over the whole town site, so that even the later comers may have enough shade around their homes to take away the disagreeable bareness usually belonging to anew residence in a prairie country. It would be difficult for even the most fastidious to find fault with the appearance of Sac City, taking its age and size into considera- tion. Sac City was incorporated in 1865, and Judge Criss, the founder of the town, was, quite appropriately, its first Mayor. The town is, in every, respect, in a prosperous condition — growing rapidly and gaining every season in handsome and permanent buildings, and last, though not least, it is out of debt and has money in its treasury. Judge Criss built the first house in Sac City. It was a log house and was built in 1855 and is still standing. The Sac City Creamery was established in 1879. It was formerly situated one and one-half miles from town. The proprietor, G. M. Parker, has subsequently built a fine brick building 24x40 feet, with ice-house 20x32 feet, steam power engine and wash- room lt)x30 feet, erected in 1882. The creamery is to be supplied with all the modern improved machinery. The cost of construc- tion was about ^5,000. It is to be run on the cream-gathering plan. The new creamery is to be known in future as the Pearl Creamery, and will begin operations in April, 1882. The classification of business in Sac City is as follows: General stores, three; groceries, three; dry goods, one; boots and shoes, one; clothing, one; fancy goods, one; millinery, three; hardware, two; drugs, three; meat markets, two; blacksmiths, three; v'agon- makers, two; banks, two; furniture, two; photograph gallery, one; restaurant, one; hotels, two; physicians, four; attorneys, four; HISTORY OF IOWA. 529 harness, two; livery, two; shoemakers, two; tailor, oue; lumber and coal, two; elevators, three; cigar factory, one; mattress factory, one; stock dealers, three; saloons, four; iron foundry, one. ■ The Court House is S'lxSC) feet, solidly and handsomely built in brick, with limestone foundations and is one of the best county buildings in the northwest. It cost $30,000. The first floor is litted up for the county officers, with vaults for the county records, etc. The upper story has the court-room, jury-rooms, etc. With the court-room fitted up for a session of court there are about 400 sittings, but in use as a hall for lectures or political speaking, there is sitting room tor 600 people. The basement is only partly in use. One room is fitted up with, floor, stove, chairs, tables, etc., and is in use as a jail. A cage of boiler iron, containing two cells, fills about half the room and makes the jail a pretty secure one. On Coon River, adjoining the town, and only a quarter of a mile from the Court House, are the City Mills, the property of Hon. Eugene Criss. The mills have three run of stone (including one for the manufacture of patent flour), and are run by water power. Judge Criss, in 1857, built a steam saw mill, and in 1802 dammed the Coon and used the water-power for his sawmill. The building of railroads, and the consequent cheap transportation of pine lumber, made the sawmill no longer a necessity, and in 1872 the conversion of the Sac City Mill into a flouring mill was completed and in Decem- ber of that year the first "grists" were ground. Since that time it has been the leading mill, and one of the most important institu- tions of Sac County, as well as a source of profit to its proprietor. Sac City has a very pleasantly situated cemetery, just at the north edge of town, and on the bank of the Coon River, but about ten feet above high water mark. It has quite a number of native oak trees, and some of the burial lots have had considerable care bestowed upon them. Sac City, has but one newspaper, and has been able to give it a fair living support. As a rule, it is the fault of the community if the local newspaper is a poor one. Give it a better patronage and it will be improved. It takes money to make any kind of business "go." The Sac Sun was first issued July 11th, 1871, as a seven- column folio, and was enlarged July 1st, 1878, to an eight-column folio, its present size. It is, and always has been. Republican in politics. Always among the handsomest papers in the State, typographically the Sun has also been always carefully edited and with special attention to those matters which are the life of a country newspaper, Mr. James N. Miller has been the editor and the publisher during its whole existence, and the Sun itself is the best evidence of his qualifications for that position. Sac City had two newspapers for about six weeks near the close of the year 1877. Kelly & Varham issued the first number of the Itepoder at Sac City on the 22d of October of that year, but removed it to Odebolt on the 6th of December. 530 HISTORY OF IOWA. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. M. E. Church Socicff/.— The M. E. Chm-cli of Sac City was the first church building erected in the town. It was built in 1873, and is a frame structure 30x50 feet. The buiklingis located on the corner of IS'inth and Main streets, and cost ^3,000. The present pastor is Rev. Robert Smylie. The Society has a mem- bership of sixty. There is a Sabbath School in connection, with an average attendance of fifty pupils. A. D. Peck is Superin- tendent, J. L. Comstock Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. C. L. Lane, Treasurer, and Miss Winnie Lane Secretary. The Preshijterkm Church Society/. — The Presbyterian Society of Sac City was organized in 1875. The present ofiicers are J. N. Miller, H. M. Conner, Elders; J. T. Buslinell was the first pastor, then came Rev. Baxter. A. S. Foster is the present incumbent. The church has a membership of thirty-three. There is also a Sabbath School with an average attendance of fifty pupils. J. N. Miller is Superintendent. The church has an elegant brick church building, erected in 1875, and dedicated the following year. It is 34x56 feet on the ground,and contains about 300 sittings. Sac Citij Lodge No. 323, I. 0. 0. i^.^Instituted November 5th, 1878. The charter members were V. M. Crummett, H. W. Cran- dall, G. N. Pratt, W. H. Hobbs, J. H. Thomas, John Dobson. H. W. Mix, C. Wadell, D. Sargent, D. F. Gifford, M. Peyton. First ofiicers: M. Peyton, N. G.; D. Sargent, Secretary; D. F. Giff'ord, V. G.; W. H. Hobbs, Treasurer. Present ofiicers: D. F. Gifi'ord, N. G.; Martin Glass, V. G.; J. Koder, Secretary; M. Peyton, Treasurer. This lodge has a membership of thirty and meets ev- ery Thursday evening in Masonic Hall. The Lodge is in a fiour- ishing condition. Occidental Lodge- A. F. d- A. M. — Instituted August, 1865; char- ter granted June, 1866. Charter members: D. C. Early, J. Wil- liams, W. V. Lagourgue, G. H. Wright, J. W. Fiberghien, T. M. Cory. First officers: D. C. Early, W. M.; J. Williams, S. W.; G. H. Wright, J. W.; W. V. Lagourgue, Treasurer; F. M. Cory, Secretary. Present ofiicers: P. Schaller, W. M.; C. E. Lane, S. W.; J. H. Thomas, J. W.; W. M. Allen, Treasurer; C. E. Read, Secretary. Present membership, seventy-two. The Lodge meets the Saturday night on or before each full moon, in their hall. Rose Croix Coinmandery No. 38, K. T. — Was instituted Dec, 1881. The charter members were: D. C. Early, P. H. Hawkins, E. R. Dufiie, W. H. Hobbs, M. Childs, B. W. Trout, R. T. Shearer, M. M. Gray, H.S. Briggs and Sidney Smith. First officers: D. C. Early, E. C; E. R. Dufiie, Glo.; R. T. Shearer, C. G. The present ofiicers are : D. C. Early, E. C; Phil. Schaller. Glo.; Levi Davis, C.G.; W. H. Hobbs, S. W.; M. Childs, J. W.; Sidney Smith, Secretary; C. L. Early, Treasurer. The present member- ship is thirty. This society meets the second Tuesday in each month. It is in a fiourishing condition. HISTORY OF IOWA. 531 Darius Cliapter No. 50, B. A. M. — Was instituted February 1st, 1871. The charter members were: Wm. McKay, W. H. Hobbs, E. R. Duffie,E. R. Chase, S. S. Armstrono^, J. Orr, ami Oliver Birt. First officers: E. R. Chase, H. P.; J.E. Armstrong, K.; E. R. Duffie, S. The present officers are: Levi Davis, H. P.; D. C. Early, K.; J. E. Armstrong, S.; R. H. Lamoreux, Treas- urer; Sidney Smith Secretary. Present membership, seventy. The Lodge meets on the Monday evening on or before the full moon in each month. Sac CoUeginm, V. A. S'., Xo. 75. — Instituted August 21st, 1881. First officers: A. D. Peck, Reotor; Geo. Schaller, Scribe. Pres- ent officers: A. D. Peck, Rector; Frank C. Knights, Scribe. The membership is twenty-one. Meet the first Friday in each month. Sac C'dij Puhlic School. — Sac City became an independent school district in April, 1876. The first school house was built in 1855. The present teachers are: D. J. McDaid, Principal; Mrs. G. M. Parker, Miss Lizzie Baxter, Assistants. Present school board: A. D. Peck, President; D. C. Early, E. Criss, Phil. Schaller, W. H. Hobbs, Directors; C. E. Lane, Secretary; R. H. Lamoreux, Treas- urer. The first officers were: B. W. Trout, Levi Davis, H. Bax- ter. The public school building in Sac City is a fine brick edifice, with a stone foundation, built in 1871 at a cost of $14,000. It contains three rooms, the whole upper story being devoted to the high school department, while the intermediate and primary de- partments are accommodated on the first floor. The building is well built and handsomely furnished, and is w^ell ventilated, com- fortable and more than ordinarily well lighted. The schools are in the best order, well disciplined and progressing most satisfacto- rily in the various branches of study. ODEBOLT. This town is situated in the western part of Sac County on a branch of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway. It was laid out by the Blair Town Lot and Land Company in 1877. M. H. Hen- ipen is not only the first business man of Odebolt, but is one of the earliest settlers, having been engaged in selling supplies to the laborers before the town was laid out or the railroad completed. The first house erected in the town was built by W. Van Duesen, and served both as a store and dwelling. He was soon followed by Geo. McKibbin, and James Ross. The railroad was completed to this town in 1877. The first regular train reached this point November 19th, 1877. H. T. Martin is among the early settlers of Odebolt. He or- ganized the first Sabbath School in December, 1877, and was the first commissioned Notary Public in the place. The depot was built in"lS77. J. T. Martin was appointed the first depot agent, and Miss Emma Martin was first telegraph operator. 532 HISTOKY OF IOWA, The town of Odebolt was incorporated in March. 1879, James Ross being the first Mayor, and J. M. Zane, Recorder; J. Flanders, J. Ketterer, E. Geist, C. Dalbkynier, C. B. Hatfield, and J. Bowles served as Councilmen. James Ross still holds the position of Mayor, W. Y. Sindt, Recorder; J. Flanders, J. Ketterer, E. Geist, H. Rheberger, J. W. Fairbanks and C. S. Lee, are the present Councilmen. The population of Odebolt is now estimated at 1,200 souls. Tlie Odebolt Reporter was started in Sac City in 1877, by W. W. Yarham, and was moved to Odebolt the same year. Frank Kelley purchased the paper from Yarham. It was afterwards bought by Taylor & Mann, and still later was purchased by A. J. Maun. G. A. Kikok afterwards purchased the paper and sold it to F.L. Dennis in April, 1881. This paper is republican in politics, is an eight-column quarto, and has a circulation of 600. The Odebolt Observer is a neat six-column quarto weekly paper. It was started in July, 1880, by Martin & Bennett. Bennett soon bought Martin's interest, and is now the sole proprietor. This paper is Democratic, and has a circulation of 500 copies. The Central Western Iowa District Fair Association.- — This comprises the counties of Sac. Ida and Crawford, and was organ- ized August 1st, 1881, with W. W. Field as President, P. Cov, W. Van Duesen, H. C. Wheeler, A. D. Peck, I. S. Bailey, E. P. Masser; E. A. Benuett and S. Peterson as Vice-Presidents; F. L. Dennis, Secretary; W. J. Summerville, Treasurer. This society owns twenty-five acres of land, situated one-half mile northeast of the town, and will hold their first fair in the fall of 1882. Odebolt Fire Company. — The Hook and Ladder Company was organized in the spring of 1880, and consists of forty members, all uniformed. J. Mattes, Foreman; E.E. Hamlin, Secretary; W. V. Sindt, Treasurer; Dave W. Flack, Assistant Foreman. Odebolt boasts of a flax mill which was established in 1880 by Winslow & Son. This is a large frame building with steam power. John Dement is the present proprietor. Odebolt has the finest public hall in Sac County. It was erected in 1881, by John Wright. It is a brick structure, 50x90 feet with five hundred sittings. The business of Odebolt may be classified as follows: Seven general stores, three groceries, two harness shops, two hardware stores, three drug stores, two jewelry stores, two furniture stores, three restaurants, two banks, three hotels, three elevators, three lumber yards, four agricultural implement dealers, three livery stables, four blacksmith shops, two wagon shops, three millinery stores, three barber shops, two meat markets, one ])hotograph gal- lery, two printing offices, one ready-made clothing house, one ex- clusive dry goods store, three saloons, postoffice. HISTORY OF IOWA. 533 CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Episcopal Church Society. — Was organized in 1877. This society organized with only three or four members. Kev. Mr. Fans, acting as first pastor, was succeeded by Rev, W. W. Brown, he by Rev. I). M. Beams, he by Rev. R. S. Fysh. The present in- cumbent is Rev, William Preston, This society now has a mem- bership of thirty-two. It has a Sabbath School with an average attendance of seventy pupils, R, M. McDowell is Superintende;it, The society has no church building but holds services in the Ma- sonic Hall, The present officers are: E, Geist, A. B, Smith, M, D. Fox, J, Bowker, J. W. Savage, Trustees; J, L, Brown and E, Geist, Stewards, There is a parsonage W'hich was erected in 1877 at a cost of $450, and a lot upon which is contemplated the erec- tion of a church building this year. The Catholic Church Society. —Was organized in the spring of 1879, by Rev. Father Pape. The first officers were: M. B, Lynch, Treasurer; J. Conradi, L. Suntz, J. Miller committee. The Rev. Father Norton is the present pastor. The present officers are H. J. Muxen, Secretary and Treasurer; H. Wester and N. Thies, committee. The society now numbers about fifty families. They have a fine frame building 40x60 feet erected in 1879, at a cost of |1,300. This was the first church building in Odebolt, Presbyterian Church Society. — Was organized in 1879, by Rev. Fullenweider. The first and present officers are: John Bruce, James Taylor, C. W, Sutton, G. W. McKibbon, W. Van Duesen, Trustees, and W, Matthews and W. Simpson, Elders. Rev, Fullen- weider was succeeded by Wm, Porter, he by Rev. Gilkerson, S. N. Vail is the present incumbent. This society numbers sixty. There is in connection a Sabbath School with an average attend- ance of sixty pupils, with C. W. Sutton as Superintendent, There is also a good, substantial frame structure 30x50 feet, with 250 sittings, which was dedicated in May, 1881, The cost of building was $3,300. Odebolt Public School. — This school became an independent dis- trict in April, 1880. The first school taught in Odebolt was taught by Jacob Gable. The first school board, consisted of W. W. Stanfield, Z. G. Sparkes, H, Hansen, J, Flanders and J. Ketterer, Trustees; Wm. Graham, Secretary; J, T. Martin, Treas- urer. The present officers are the same, except in place of J. Ketterer, who has been succeeded by John Wilson. Mr. Taggert is the Treasurer at present. C. Messer is the Principal of • the school, and Anna Beekman and Mrs, Emma Gill, assistants. The enrollment is 220 pupils, with an average attendance of 150, They have a neat frame building containing three rooms, which was erected in 1880 at a cost of $3,000. Wheeler Lodge No. 398, A. F. d- A. il/.— Instituted October, 1879, and Avorked under dispensation until June, 1880, when their 534 HISTORY OF IOWA. charter was received. The charter members and first officers were: J. M. Zane, W. M.; W. A. Helsell, S. AV.; H. T. Martm, J. W.; Frank Burleigh, Treasurer; F. A.Cobb, Secretary. H. C.Wheeler, W. W. Field, Geo. Belt, and Mr. Douglas were among the charter members. The present officers are: E. P. Messer, W. M.: W. A. Helsell, S. W.; J. M. Zane, J. W.; C. W. Sutton, S. D.; E. Geist, J. D.; Wm. Graham, Secretary; Frank Burleigh, Treasurer. The society has a membership of thirty, and is in a flourishing con- dition. This society meet once each month in their hall. Harmony Collegium No. o, V. A. S. — Was instituted Decem- ber 3d, 1881. The charter members were: F. L. Dennis, Aaron Young, A. G. Errenborn, C. D. Boardman, \V. E. Mill, C. A. Stoops, D. A. W^atterman, C. R. Dingman, J. A. Gibson, H. B. Preston, J. H. W^agner, H, F. Wanneke, Irwin Austin, W. Jacob, E. Schmidt, H. Anderson, L. Halboth, George Halboth, A. B. Cooley. The first and present officers are: F. L. Dennis, Rector; Aaron Young, Yice-Rector; A. G. Errenborn, Scribe; C. D. Boardman, Questor; W. E. Mill, Usher; C. A. Stoops, Speculator; D. A. Watterman,C. R. Dingman and J. A. Gibson, Curators. The society has about twenty-five members, and holds meetings once each month. Odebolt Lodge, A. 0. U. TF., A^o. 5/7.— Instituted May 25th, 1880. Thefirst officers were: J. W. Dubbs, P. M. W.; J. W. Burnside, M. W^.; C, S. Lee, Foreman; W. Yan Duesen, Recorder; C. B. Francisco, Financier; H. Hansen, Receiver; T. M. Keever, Guide;,!. E. Emspohr, 0. W.; A. E.Matthews, J. W.; A.Groman, and C. D. Boardman, Medical Examiners. The present officers are: W. Yan Duesen, M. W.; F. L. Dennis, Foreman; Ed. Colvin, Overseer; G. M. Tagget, Recorder; C. D. Boardman, P. M. W.; J. Mattes, Guide; C. H. Bahcock, Receiver: L. Olney, 0. W.; C. B. Francisco, Financier. There is a membership of about forty, and the Lodge meets once in two weeks. WALL LAKE. Wall Lake is situated in Sac County, on the Maple River Rail- road, seventeen miles from the Junction. This town is three miles south of the Lake. It is situated on a beautiful plateau, which slopes gently from the summit of the surrounding hills, which form a part of the great Avatershed that j^asses entirely through the state. To the south and west is a beautiful sheet of water, containing a surface area of three square miles. This in- land sea is frequently termed the "goose pond." The town of Wall Lake was iaid out and platted by the Blair Town Lot and Land Company in 1877. The town plat consists of two additions containing 300 lots. Perhaps it would be of inter- est to our readers to relate a coincidence between Storm Lake and Wall Lake. The first lot in Storm Lake was sold the same HISTORY OF IOWA. ' 535 day of the mouth, tlie same hour in the day and for the same money, as was the tirst lot in Wall Lake just seven years after- wards. Wall Lake is surrounded with a splendid farming country. The soil is a rich black loam. Splendid water can be easily obtained. The population of Wall Lake may be fairl}^ estimated at 400. Ar- rangements are now being made to erect a large steam grist mill in this town, which will add much to its interests. April 1st, 1S77, Mr. Donaldson erected the first building for the purpose of a saloon, the building material being brought across the country from Storm Lake. The next actual settler was 0. A. An- derson, who came April 15th, 1877. Mr. Peck completed his res- idence July 2d, 1877. P. A. Elpstrand opened a boot and shoe shop, July 7th. 1877. F. Rohm, of Alta, opened the first black- smith shop. The first religious services held in Wall Lake were held at the residence of Mr. Palmer, on Sunday evening, August 15th, 1877, by liev. W. P Grifhn. C')n the 20th of July work was begun on the depot, Avhich was completed August 15th, 1S77. The first lot was sold to D. Wayne & Co., cf Carroll, who erected a fine warehouse and purchased the first load of wheat sold at Wall Lake of a Mr. North, at 75 cents per, bushel, September 10th, 1877. Wayne & Co. shipped the first car load of Avheat. The first lum- ber yard was started by Wilcox Bros., in August, 1877. Septem - ber 19th, 1877, G. M. Parker received and sold the first goods in Wall Lake. August 7th, 1877, the first child was born in Wall Lake to Mrs. 0. A. Anderson. April 2d, 1878. the first death oc- curred in the family of C. E. Wentworth. April 21st, 1878, a de- structive tornado passed through the city and vicinity. Seven buildings near, and two in the town Avere entirely destroyed, eight more being considerably damaged. The amount of damage done was $30,000. The first telephone was constructed February 11th. 1878, between J. C. Fletchers and C. E. Wentworth's places of business. Eh- lers and Wentworth did the scientific part of the work. Wall Lake was incorporated in March, 1881. A. D. Herrig was elected first Mayor, W. L. Ehlers, Recorder; D. M. Bingman. Geo. Burgan, F. E. Cheney, H. Mohr, H. J. Simpson and T. E. Wilcox served as Trustees. These are the present municipal council. The Wall LaJxe Journal, a neat, seven- column folio weekly })aper, was started August 29th, 1878, by F. L. Dennis, as a six-col- umn quarto. Cook & Gregg purchased the paper April 1st. 1881, and ran it as a five-column quarto. T. J. Newburg took charge, October 1st, 1881. J. L. Kroesen, the present editor and propri- etor, purchased the paper December 1st, 1881. Mr. Kroesen runs a neat job office in connection with his paper, which is Re- publican in politics and has a circulation of 600. The business of Wall Lake may be classified as follows: General stores, three; hardware, two; restaurants three; hotels, two; 536 HISTORY OF IOWA. lumber yards, two; agricultural implements, four; livery stable, one; harness shops, one; elevator, one; grain dealers, three; sa- loons, three; furniture store, one; shoe shop, one; millinery stores, two; bank, one; barber shop, one; post-office; drug store, ojie; meat market, one; blacksmith shops, three; wagon shops, two; printing office, one. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. There are several different religious sects represented in Wall Lake, but there is no regularly organized societ3^ Steps are being taken to organize a society soon. A building for public Avorship is in contemplation. Wall Lake Public School. — Wall Lake is an independent school district and has been so for several years. The school building is a neat, frame structure, erected in the summer of 1879. It is 22x 36 feet and cost $750. This building is insufficient to accommo- date the large attendance of pupils, and the Masonic Lodge room is used for one department. Emma M. Flanders and Allie Bor- der are the teachers. Lake Lodge, No. 390, A. F. & A. M. — Dispensation granted June 4th, 1878. Charter granted June 4th, 1879. The charter members were C. N. Levey, H. B. Allen, D. M. Bingman, L. J. Gifford, F. W. Weed, A. t). Herrig, B. E. Allen, C. M. Smith, W. D. Forbes and Wm. Throssel. The Lodge's first officers were C. N. Levey, W. M.; H. B. Allen, S. W.; D. M. Bingman, J. W.; A. D. Herrig, Secretary, and B. E. Allen, Treasurer. The present officers of the Lodge are: C. N. Levey, W. M.; W. L. Eh- lers, S. W.; H. B. Allen, J. W.; P. L. Edson, Secretary, and T. E. Wilcox, Treasurer. This Lodge has a membership of thirty-two and is in a flourishing condition. Meetings are held every Wed nesday evening on or before each full moon. Fire Department. — The Wall Lake Hook and Ladder Company was organized September 25th, 1878. It has erected a large en- gine house and purchased uniforms at a cost of 8700. Wall Lake is as well protected from the fire fiend as any other town in Wes- tern Iowa. * FLETCHER. The first settlement in Fletcher was made by Piobert Throssel and son, in the spring of 1867. They were followed by Joseph Parkinson, Noah Borah, AVm. Johnston, Thomas Waddicor, and Geo. Trainer, who settled on the east and south of the lake. W. A. Robinson came in the 3^ear 1869, and settled on a farm three miles from the present town site. This town Avas laid out by J. C. Fletcher, in 1880. The town was named after him. The first house on the town site was moved from Wall Lake by W. H. Robinson in the fall of 1880. J. C. Fletcher and Harry Seevers HISTORY OF IOWA. 537 opened the first store in Fletcher. Then followed C. E. Gard and A. J. Thompson. W. H. Robinson erected the first elevator in 1881. J. P. Therkleson opened a hardware store in 1881. The town of Fletcher is situated in Wall Lake Township, Sec- tion 33, and is located on the west side of Wall Lake. This beau- tiful, phicid sheet of water is about three miles in length, and one- fourth of a mile in width. It is said to have derived its name from the fact that the surrounding country is much lower than the surface of the Lake, which ^is surrounded by a wall of earth and gravel about four feet above the surface of the water. This Lake, in its onward course, does not extend in a direct line, but in such a manner as to form a kind of a horse-shoe shape. The water is as clear as crystal, and abounds in fish of different kinds, and is a most beautiful sight to lehoM. This location will, in no far distant future, become a beautiful summer resort. The railroad was completed to this point in the fall of 1879. The depot was erected in the fall of 1880. The first hotel was opened by W. H. Robinson in 1880, and was known as the Lake House. The first lumber yard was opened by H. L. Briggs. The first postmaster was W. A. Robinson, who was appointed in December, 1880. He is also the present postmaster. The population of the town is now estimated at 300. This town contains: Three general stores, two hardware, one furniture, one lumber yard, one meat market, one hotel, two saloons, one barber, two elevators, two agricultural implement warehouses, two black- smith shops, one wagon shop, one livery stable, one drug store, one boot and shoe store, one restaurant. There is no regular organized religious sect in this place. The Baptists hold meetings every iSabbath; W. N. McKendrick serves in the capacity of pastor. This society contemplate building a church this spring, when it is hoped they will have a regular or- ganization. Fletcher School. — A school of twenty-four pupils, with Miss Anna Searle as teacher, is held in Fletcher. There is no school building. 34 53S HISTORY OF IOWA. SAC COUNTY BIOGRAPHIES. SAC CITY, William Allen was born iu Riclimoiid, Ya., in 1822; moved to McHenry county, 111., in 1844:, and engaged in blacksmithing. He went to California in 1849, and remained seventeen years. Three years of the time he Avas engaged in mining, and the remainder on a ranch. The steamboat landing in Tehama county, Cal.. on the Sacramento river, known as Allen's Landing, was named after Mr A., for the reason of his owning the land and a large wood-yard there. In 1868 he sold out and moved to Chicago, 111., and en- gaged in business; removed to Fort Dodge, la., and was engaged in the mercantile business there for three years; then came to Sac City, and engaged in the same business, which he sold to George Parker in 1876. He owns considerable country and town proper- ty, and has retired from active business. Thomas Alexander, farmer, was born in Coshocton county, 0., in 1827; moved to Sac county, la., in 1861, and purchased land one mile north of Sac City. He has one of the finest farms in the county. He owns 314 acres of well improved land, a fine bearing orchard of about three acres, and fifty acres of good timber. E. F. Baxter, station agent and conductor, was born at Sidney Plain, N. Y., in 1833; moved to Rockford, 111., in 1851 and en- gaged in mercantile business. In 1861 he moved to Wheatland, la.; thenceto Marshalltown, in 1874, and in September, 1879, came to Sac City and took charge of the depot. He makes two trips a day as conductor, and during his absence the depot is in charge of Frank L. Stayner, operator. Mr. Baxter is agent for the American express company. A. T. Benton, M. D., was born in Johnson county, Indiana, in 1847; moved to Dallas county, Iowa, in 1852. He attended the Ad el High School several years; entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Keokuk in 1867 and graduated in 1869. He then engaged in practice at Adel, where he remained until July, 1871, then came to Sac City. Office at his residence, on the south side of public square. Hon. Eugene Criss, farmer, stock-raiser, and pioprietor of the City Mills, was born in Preston county, West Yirginia, in 1822; removed to Davis county, Illinois, in 1840; thence to Sac county, Iowa, in 1854, locating on Coon river, where the present town of Sac City was shortly afterwards platted by Wagner Bros., Ev- ans and himself. Mr. Criss built the first dwelling house in the town, which at that early day was considered a fine structure. The lumber for frames and the doors and win- dows was hauled from Dubuque, with ox teams, and I HISTORY OF IOWA. 539 this was for several years a tavern and stopping place for freighters and travelers. He began the erection of the City Saw Mills in 1866, which were not completed until eight years af- ter, and during that time cut a race twenty-eight feet deep and two hundred feet in length, which gave a fall of nine feet. In 1872 he built the flouring mill, which is a three-story building and fit- ted with the best of machinery. He owns one thousand acres of land adjoining town, and feeds about six car-loads of cattle every winter. He owns an elevator and deals in grain in partnership with Mr. Hanger, who has charge of the business. Mr. Criss was county judge for several years and representative in the State legislature. Childs Brothers, dealers in dry goods, groceries, hats, caps and furnishing goods, came from Fort Dodge, la., where they had been engaged in business for ten years, and established their pres- ent business in Nov., 1879, in Bank block. They carry a large and complete stock. J. L. Criss, merchant, was born in AVis., in 1846; came with parents to Sac City, la., in 1856. He engaged in business at Grant City, remained one year, then moved to this city. He has a fine store, and carries a full stock of dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, etc. He employs three clerks and does an extensive business. He has a branch store at Early, la., which is managed by F. Rodda. Levi Davis, cashier of the Sac county bank, was born at New- castle, Ind., in 1841; moved with parents to Solon, la., in Septem- ber, 1855. He received a diploma from the State Normal School, of Iowa City, and in August of the same year moved to Sac City, w- here he taught school two years. He went to Marshalltown in 1865 and was principal of the schools there for a year, then was elected county superintendent of schools, which office he held two years in Marshall county. He came back to Sac City and taught in the city schools for two years; was elected clerk of the courts in 1870 and county recorder in 1872. He was admitted to the practice of law in 1870, at a session of the Sioux Rapids district court, Judge H. Ford presiding. He went to California in 1874 and was for one year principal of the schools at Martinez; returned to Sac county and became cashier of the Sac County Bank, of which he is one of the stockholders. R. H. Derby, carpenter, contractor and cabinet maker, was born in Wyoming county, N. Y., in 1853, where he remained until 1873, then moved with his father to Sac City, Iowa, where they engaged in mercantile business. They sold business and together engaged in present business. Hon. Ed. R. Duffie is a native of Copenhagen, Lewis county, New York, where he resided until he had come to year? of man- hood, and where he began the study of law. In 1866 Mr. Duffie was sent as agent for a citizen of New York to the State of Texas. 540 HISTORY OF IOWA. His mission was to establish the validity of the grant of certain lands from the Republic of Texas to the aforesaid citizen of New York. Mr. Duffie left Texas and went to St. Louis, where he sought employment through an educational agency, and was offered and accepted the principalship of the public school at Andrew, Jackson county, Iowa. He came to Sac County in 1866, and engaged in teaching. In the spring of 1867 he was admitted to the bar. In the spring of 186S he formed a partnership with Hon. D. C. Early, and henceforth devoted himself to the practice of his profession. In 1869 he was elected County Treasurer of Sac County, and in the fall of 1872 was elected Representative in the General Assembly. Mr. Duffie, in 1875, accepted the Repub- lican nomination for District Judge, and was elected in the fall.* Was married in 1867, at Maquoketa, Jackson County, Iowa. Hon. D. Carr Early, president of the Sac County Bank, was born in Ohio, in 1830; removed to Sac City, la., in 1856, where at that time there was but one building besides a log school house. He pre-empted land on which he lived a short time to secure it. He v/as elected deputy treasurer and recorder in 1857, and was re- elected the three subsequent elections. He was afterwards elected county judge, holding the office one term, the office then being dispensed with. He established a real estate business when first coming to the county, and did a general banking business several years previous to connection with jjresent bank. He still does a land, loan and insurance business in connection with banking. The bank was incorporated in 1876. S. M. Elwood, of the firm of Davis & El wood, attorneys at law, was bora in Greensburg, Pa., in Sept., 1850; moved with parents to Grinnell,Ia., where he attended the Iowa College. He graduated from the Iowa City law school in the class of '73. He moved to Sac City in the autumn of 1875, and engaged in practice with Capt. Stanfield, now of Odebolt. He formed his present partnership in 1877. He attends strictly to trial business, and is considered one of the most successful attorneys in the county. Mr. Davis attends to the land, loan and insurance business of the firm. N. B. Flack, recorder of Sac county, was born in N. Y. in 1841. He enlisted Sept. 2d, 1862, at Lisbon, in the 142nd N. Y. Vol.; was at the battle of Fort Fisher, and was subsequently wounded in the leg. He was discharged June 16th, 1865, and returned to N. Y. In Oct., 1866, he moved to Scott City, Mo., and engaged in milling; remained four years, then returned to N. Y. He then came to Sac county, la., and purchased land which he improved and still owns. In May, 1870, he came to Sac City and was em- ployed by Piatt & Criss as book-keeper. He was elected recorder in the fall of 1874, to fill a vacancy, and for the full term at the next election on the republican ticket. He has been re-elected each term since. HISTORY OF IOWA ' 541 John M. Fox, hardware dealer, was born in France in 1836; came to America in 1S50. He learned the tinners' trade in N. Y. city, and in 1862 moved to AVaterloo, la.; thence to Winona. Minn., where he worked at his trade two years, and after visiting N. Y., located at Waverly, la., remaining there eight years. He came to Sac City in 1871 and engaged in his present l)iisiness. He carries a large and complete stock of hardware and tinware. He is assisted in his business by his sons, John and George. E. F. GifFord, barber, was born in Erie county, Pa., in 1851; came to la. in 1871, and located at Independence. He removed to Carroll, and in July, 1872, came to Sac City and engaged in pres- ent business. He owns the building, of which he occupies one- half of the lower floor for a barber shop, renting the other half for confectionery store. The upper story is fitted for photograph gallery. Mr. Gifford employs a first-class barber and runs two chairs. D. F. Gifford, druggist, was born in Erie county. Pa., in 1832. In Oct., 1851, he moved to Buchanan county, la., and engaged in contracting and building, then furniture, then drug business. He moved to Sac county in 1807, remaining one and one-half years, then moved to Carroll, Carroll county, where he engaged in the furniture and drug business, building the first business house in the town. In 1871 he sold out and returned to Sac City, engaging in carpentry until entering the drug business in July, 1879. His store is on upper Main street. He carries a full stock of drugs, paints, oils, stationery and toilet goods. He is agent for the Chicago Singer sewing machine. H. C. Graff, of the firm of Graff Bros. & Whipple, came to Sac City in 1880 from Emerson, Mills county, la., where he was en- gaged in the hardware business three years. In partnership with D. W. Graff and A. A. Whipple, he purchased the stock and busi- ness of Terwilleger Bros., and engaged in his present business. The business is conducted by H. C. Graff. They carry a full stock of hardware, tin and shelf ware, stoves, etc., making specialties of builders' hardware and barb wire. They are special agents for the Glidden barbed wire, and also for Charter Oak stoves. They em- ploy two tinners. Charles D. Goldsmith, attorney at law, was born in Middletowu, Orange county, N. Y., in 1812; moved to Webster City, la., in 1869, and there finished the study of law, with Jacob Skinner, and was admitted to practice the same year. In 1873 he moved to Newell, Buena Vista county, where he practiced seven years. He moved to Sac City in 1880, and opened an office in the Commercial Bank building. He attends strictly to trial business. P. H. Hankins and J. Y. Campfield, of the firm of P. H. Han- kins & Co., dealers in lumber, coal, lime and agricultural imple- 542 ■ HISTORY OF lOAVA. ments, established business in 1870. Their office and yards are on the west side of the railroad track, near the depot. They are agents for the Grand Detour goods, McCormick and Champion reapers and other leading manufactures. A. H. Hendrickson, proprietor of the Hendrickson House, was born in Oswego county, N. Y., in Jan., 1836; moved to McHenry county. 111., in 1856, was engaged in the hotel business two years, then in the stock business until 1868; then moved to Sac City, en- gaged in mercantile business for two years; then engaged in the hotel business for a time, after which he farmed for two years. In Feb., 1875, he purchased the hotel which he now owns. He en- larged the building in 1881 making it the largest hotel in the city. Hon. W. H. Hobbs, banker and insurance and real estate agent, was born in New York City in 1837; moved with parents to New Orleans; thence in 1852 to La Fayette county, Wis., where he was employed by Judge Criss, as clerk. He moved to Sac City, la., in 1855, and pre-empted 160 acres of land and eiigaged in farming. In 1858 he was elected clerk of the courts, which office he held two terms. He was elected auditor in 1866, which office he held until 1871; then was elected county treasurer and held office for three terms. He engaged in real estate business in 1873, with D. C. Early, and in 1875, in partnership with Early & Davis, estab- lished the Sac County bank. He takes charge of the laud and in- surance business of the firm. He has a very fine residence in the city and owns a half section of farm land three miles north of town, and other city and country property. D. Herrold and S. F. Lusher, of the firm of D. Herrold & Co., deal in groceries, queensware, provisions, etc. Their place of bus- iness is on the corner of Main street and public square. The bus- iness was established in 1875 by Mr. Lusher and the present firm has existed since Nov., 1881. They do an extensive business and intend extending their premises the coming season. M. H. Herrold, merchant, was born in Athens county, 0., in 1844; moved with parents to La Porte county, Ind., in 1851. He followed farming until 1864, then came to Sac City, la., and en- gaged in present business. He carries a well selected stock of dry goods, boots, shoes, furnishing goods and notions. He intends in the near future to build a brick block, feeling the need of more room for his rapidly increasing business. Louis Hunefield, proprietor of blacksmith and plow works, was born in the province of Lippe Detmold, Germany, in 1829; came to the U. S. in 1819, and located at St. Louis, Mo., where he worked at his trade one and one-half years, then moved to Dodge .county, Wis., where he worked at his trade nearly twenty-two years. He came to Sac county in 1872, and engaged in farming for a yeaj and a half; then sold part of his farm, retaining eighty HI6T0RY OF IOWA. 543 acres, and moved to Sac City. He was in the employ of Mr. Fish- man for about eight years, then purchased the business. He em- ploys three men and does a large business . Joseph H. James, harness dealer, was born in Iowa county, Wis., in 1850, learned his trade at Mineral Point, and in Feb., 1877, moved to Webster City, la. In June, 1879, he came to Sac City and purchased the business and stock of Lewis Vanderworker; has since purchased building and lot. He employs three men and carries a full stock of harness, saddles, robes, blankets, whips, etc. In the spring of 1880 he established a branch shop at Newell, Buena Vista county, which is the only one at that place. Jones & Baxter, proprietors of the City livery, feed and sale barn, established business in 1878. They own and occupy the barn on the corner of Fifth and River Sts. Have stalls for forty- five horses, keep twenty horses and twelve buggies and carriages for livery purposes. This is the only livery barn in the city. John Kessler, wagon maker, came to Sac City, la., from Kenosha, W^is., in 1872, and established his present business. He occupies a shop on the south side of the public square; manufactures wagons and buggies and does a general repair business. F. H. Knights, of the firm of George Knights & Co., dealers in boots, shoes, hats, caps, gloves mittens and rubber goods, came to Sac City in Sept., 1881, from Dubuque, la., where he had been en- gaged in the jewelry business for three years, and established his present business in partnership with his father, George Knights. They have the county agency for the Crown sewing machine. R. H. Lamoreux, postmaster and druggist, was born in Orange county, N. Y., in 1839; moved to Wausau, Wis., and engaged in the lumber business. He moved to Sac City, la., in 1808 and en- gaged in the grocery business, which he conducted nine months, then purchased a farm and for four years engaged in farming. In the winter of 1872 he engaged in clerking in the drug store of Eli Camp, and also took charge of the postoflice under J. E. Arm- strong. He purchased the drug business and stock in the spring of 1875 and the following spring was commissioned postmaster. His drug store, which is elegantly fitted, contains a full line of drugs, stationer}^ books, paints, oils, toilet and fancy articles, etc. He is assisted by F. B. Knight, deputy postmaster, and is also a registered pharmacist. Chas. E. Lane, clerk of the courts, was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., in 1874; moved with parents to St. Catherines, Canada West, in 1846; thence to Dyersville, Dubuque county, la., in 1850. He ifioved to Sac county in 1873; bought land and en- gaged in farming in Eden township until the autumn of 1878, at which time he was elected to his present office, on the republican ticket. He was re-elected in ISSO. 541 ■ HISTORY OF IOWA. A. B. Mason, attoruej at law, Avas born in Tama county, la., in 1857. He attended the Toledo High School for several years and afterwards the Iowa College of Law, of Des Moines, from Avhich he graduated in 1880. He came to Sac City the same year and opened a law office in Sac county bank block, on second floor, also does a land, loan and insurance business. James N. Miller, editor and proprietor of the Sac Snn, is a native of Pa., and was for several years editor of the liepiihlican, published at Waynesburg. In 1870 he came to Iowa and located at Eldora, Hardin county, remained only a short time, then came to Sac City, and established the Sac Sun. which has grown to im- portance and is the official paper of the county. In 1878 he built the new office which he now occupies. The paper is an eight- column folio, and has a circulation of eight hundred. Mr. Miller is prepared to do first-class job work of all kinds. H. T. Martin, county superintendent of schools, was born in Putnam county, Ind., in 1839; moved with parents to Boone county, la., in 1853. He returned to Ind. in 1855, and attended the Cloverdale Seminary for two years; spent the following winter in Mo., and in 1858 returned to Boone county, la. He engaged in teaching school, and for twelve years taught in that county. He then entered the employ of the railroad company and was agent at Ontario, Story county, for eight years, and for four years at Odebolt, Sac county, where, in partnership with Mr. Bennett, the present editor, he established the Odebolt Observer. He was also engaged in the restaurant business ten months. In the fall of 1881 he was elected county superintendent, on the independent ticket. George M. Parker, merchant, was born in Hartford, 111., in 1847; moved with parents to Manchester, la., in 1851; thence to Delhi, where he received his education. He traveled for wholesale houses of Chicago and Dubuque for six years. In 1872 he engaged in business at Earlville, la., and two years later came to Sac City and established his present business. The store is in the Bank block. In 1881 he commenced the erection of a creamery, which is fitted with a ten-horse power engine, and will have a capacity of from 2,500 to 3,000 lbs. per day. This is the only creamery in the county; it will employ from fifteen to twenty teams, and from twenty to thirty men. Mr. P. has for two years previous conducted the business on a smaller scale. A. D. Peck, county auditor, was born in Onondaga county, N. Y., in 1846. He graduated from the Syracuse High School in 1872 and the same year moved to Cedar Rapids, Ia« He came to Sac county in the spring of 1873 purchased land fmd engaged in farming until the autumn of 1877, when he. was elected auditor and was re-elected in 1879 and 1881. HISTORY OF IOWA. 545 Asa Piatt, stock dealer and farmer^was born in Middlesex county, Conn., in 1830; moved with parents to Chautauqua county. X. Y., in 1839; thence in 1848 to Erie county, Penn.. and engafjed in the lumber l)usiness. In 1856 he moved to Sac City, la., which had just been laid out and contained only two log cabins. He pre- empted land near town, one hundred acres of which he laid out in town lots, and nearly all of which he has since sold. He engaged in mercantile business in 1864, which he continued for twelve years. In 1874 he erected a tine brick and stone residence in the city, at a cost of ten thousand dollars. He carries on his farm and is extensively engaged in buying and shipping stock. J. 0. Piatt, of the firm of Schaller & Piatt, proprietors of meat Haarket, was born at Saybrook, Conn., in Dec, 183G; removed with parents to Chautauqua county, N. Y., in 1839. In 1850 he moved to Erie county. Pa., was employed for a time in a meat market, and afterwards engaged in business for himself; sold out in 18G6 and moved to Sac county, la. He engaged in farming until 1S74 when he moved to Sac City and opened a meat market which he run three years then sold. He next engaged in the stock business for several years, and in Aug., 1881, bought an interest in his pres- ent business. Mr. P. has been a member of the board of super- visors. A. S. Piatt, senior member of the firm of Piatt & Piatt, dealers in clothing and furnishing goods, was born in Windsor county, Vt., in 1839; moved to Dubuque, la., in 1870 and was in the em- ploy of the I. C. R. R. four years. He moved to Osage, Wis., and was for about six years a member of the firm of Simons & Piatt. ■ grocers. He came to Sac City, la., in Dec, 1880, and purchased business and stock of J. M. Woodard and engaged in his present business. In 1881 he took into partnership his nephew C. A. Piatt. C. E. Read, furniture dealer and undertaker, was born in March, Canada, Dec. 20th, 1826; moved to Toledo, 0.. in April, 1856; was engaged in the drug business four years; then moved to Huron county, Mich., where he was engaged in same business for three years. In Aug., 1865, he came to Sac City and engaged in con- tracting and building. He entered his present business in 1873; employs first-class cabinet-maker, and carries a fine stock of every- thing in his line. E. M. Reynolds is business manager for C. Hatfield, furniture dealer and undertaker. This business was established in 1879, and contains a complete stock of furniture and undertakers" goods, and is the agency for the White, Wilson and Victor sewing machines, also for the Mason it Hamlin organs. Philip Schaller, county treasurer, was born in Woerth. provinc^e of Alsace, Germany, in 1838; came to America and landed at N. Y". City in Apr., 1854, and in Dec. of the same year located at Dubuque, la., and engaged in wagon-making. He enlisted in 546 HISTORY OF IOWA. 1862 at National, la., in the 27th la. Inft., was sent to Minn, among the Indians, and thence south; was with Gens. Sherman, Smith, Steele and Thomas in some of the principal battles; was mustered out at the close of the war, and returned to Clayton county, la. He purchased land in Sac county in 1868, returned to Clayton county and remained until 1870, then engaged in farming in Sac county, on 61:0 acres of land. He was agent for the Iowa Railroad Land company while living on the farm, and was afterwards transferred to Storm Lake, and held the agency for Buena Vista county until he was elected treasurer of Sac county in 1877", to which office he has been re-elected each successive term since. He is now land agent for this county, having been ap- pointed in Jan., 1878. He has been a member of the board of supervisors of this county for five years. He organized a Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. in 1871, and was elected as its President, which office he still holds. The insurance company has about $800,000, issued ih policies and on property. J. & VV. C. Shull, of the firm of Shull Bros., dealers in lumber, lime, coal, hair, cement, etc., office on Main street, established business in 1880. They were formerly of Montgomery county, N. Y. J. Shull graduated from the Fairfield Seminary and entered the employ of Walter Shoemaker, lumber dealer, Chicago, 111.; came to Sac City in 1880. W. C. Shull, previous to coming to this city, was engaged in the drug business at Little Falls, N. Y.; afterwards Avith I). R. Dyche & Co., druggists, Chicago; came to Sac City in May, 1881, and formed present partnership. George A. Smith, watchmaker and jeweler, was born in Belvi- dere, 111., in 1851; moved to Waverly, Bremer county, la., in 1855. He attended the high school, at Y'psilanti, Mich., from 1868 to 1872; returned to Bremer county and learned his trade. He moved to Sac City in Dec, 1871, and established his present business in the Commercial Bank block. He keeps a fine line of clocks, watches, jewelry, silverware and opticans' goods, and in connection carries a fine stock of stationery,* books and newspapers. Rev. Robert Smylie, pastor of the M. E. church, was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1819. He graduated from Victoria College, Coburg, in 1868; entered the ministry the following year and filled various pulpits in Ontario. He was ordained at Dunville, in 1873; in Oct., 1880, he came to Sac City, la., and took present charge. George Stanley, proprietor of the Stanley House, came to Sac City in May, 1881, from Bloomington, Wis., Avhere he had been engaged in the mercantile business for eleven years. He pur- chased his present hotel property, and after thoroughly renovating and refitting it, engaged in present business. He keeps a first- class house and runs a 'bus to and from trains. B. W. Trout, deputy recorder, was born in LeRoy, Bradford county. Pa., in March, 1813. He enlisted in the 106th Pa. Vol., and was in several of the most important engagements cf the war. HISTORY OF IO^VA. 547 He was woimded at Gettysburg and also at Petersburg, June, 1864, where he was captured and confined in Libby Prison a few days; started for Macon, Ga., and e-^caped, was recaptured and taken to Lynchburg, Va., thence to fialeigh, N. C. He was paroled in March, 1865, and discharged the following April. He came to Sac City, la., in May, 1867, and engaged in farming one season; taught school the following M'inter, and continued teaching until 1871, Avhen he was appointed deputy treasurer, which office he held until 1878, excepting during the year 1874. He then filled a vacancy as recorder, and was appointed deputy upon Mr. Flack's being elected recorder. Mrs. B. W. Trout, milliner, established business in Dec, 1880. She carries a full and elegant line of mil- linery and ladies' furnishing goods, and employs a first-class mil- liner trimmer. Henry L. Willson, sheriff, Avas born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., in 1841; moved with parents in 1851, to Dundas county, Can- ada West. In 1869 he moved to Clinton, Clinton county, la., and engaged in contracting and building; thence to Sac county in the autumn of 1875 and followed same business. He was elected to his present office in the autumn of 1881 and moved to Sac City iiji Jan., 1882. Christopher Waddell, collection agent and auctioneer, was born in Oxford, Eng. He was for several years in the Royal Mail West India service, also East India service. In 1851 he came to Amer- ica and located at York, Dane county. Wis.; was engaged in farm- ing, also livery business. In 1872 came to Sac City and engaged'in the livery business. He was elected sherift' in 187G and re-elected in 1877 and 1879 on the Democratic ticket, the county being re- publican by a majority of nine hundred. This speaks well for Mr. W.'s popularity. John L. Woodward, junior member and business manager of the firm of Condron & Woodward, dealers in grain and machinery, was born in Champaign county, 0. He served during the war of the rebellion a short time, doing garrison duty, after which he bought land in Dallas county, la. He engaged in the grain business at Dallas Centre, which he .continued for two years and in 1871 lo- cated at Sac City, where he engaged in the mercantile business. In 1880 established business as above. During 1881 the firm shipped one hundred cars of grain. ODEBOLT. F. R. Bennett is editor and proprietor of the Odebolt Observer, which Avas established in July, 1880, and is a six-column quarto paper. In 1847 he edited and published the Advertiser, at Rock Island, 111., afterwards was connected Avith various papers in Clin- ton county, la. He came to Odebolt in 1880. This is the only 648 HISTORY OF IOWA. democratic paper published in the county and it has a subscription list of about 500. Office on second floor of Schmitz block and is thoroughly fitted up as a job office. He employs three compositors. C. D. Boardman, physician and drugnnnissioner; R. R. Whitney, C. R. Kleberger, H. Bisheal, William Natress, George Orswell, E. Daniels, Councilmen. The first storv> in Anrelia was built by J. Clarkson in the autumn of 1869; the first dwelling, by R. R. Whitney, in 1870; the first child born was Carrie An- relia Sampson, daughter of John and Naomi Sampson, born March 19th, 1874; the first tram of cars arrived at Aurelia, in July. 1870; the first grain was ship- ped from Aurelia in the autumn of 1871, by R. R. Whitney. The business establishments of Aurelia may be classifiecl as follows: General stores, five; lumber yards, three; grocery stores, two; hardware, three; boot and shoe stores, two; harness shops, two; meat markets, two; livery bams, two; hotel, one; furniture stoi-e. one; photographer, one; millinery stores, two; coal d'^alers, four; bla':ksmith shops, two; wagon shop, one; drugstore, one; bank, one; printing otfice, one; saloons, two; bakery and restaurant, one; grain elevators, four; warehouses, two; veterinary surgeon, one; attorney, one; phy- sician, one. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES. The Methodist Church Societi/. — Organized October 31st, 1878, by Rev. Mr. Fans, with tour mjinbars. Present membership, about one hundred. Rev. W. Parfitt, present pastor. The church edifice is 45x26 feet in dimensions, and was built at a cost of $1,600. The Lutheran Church Societi/. — This society erected its church edifice in 1881. The church is 40x28 feet in dimensions, and cost $2,000. Twenty-five families are represented in the membership. Rev. Amen Johnson is the pastor. Aurelia Public Schools. — The schools of Aurelia will be graded during spring of the present year, and the district properly organized as an independ- ent one. A fine school building 48x42 feet is nearly completed. It will coet $3,500. Jowa Legion of Honor — On the 27th of February, present year, a Lodge ot the Iowa Legion of Honor was instituted at Aureha. The Lodge was started with thirty-three charter members. AURELIA BIOGRAPHIES. J. R. Atwood, cashier of the Bank of Aurelia, is a native of Illinois; catae to Iowa in July, 1881, and engaged in banking at Aurelia. 570 APPENDIX. Oscar Chase, dealer in agricultural implements, is a native of N. Y.; came to Iowa in May, 1869, and settled in Cherokee county, on section twenty-eight, and built the first house in the township. In 18S1, he moved to Aurelia, and engaged in present business. Edward Daniels, dealer in meat and live stock, was bora in Middlesex county, Mass. Moved to Boston, ami engaged in Boylston Market; remained there twenty years; moved to Iowa and settled near Aurelia, in 1869; engaged in farming until 1878, when he came to Aurelia, and engaged in business as above. S. A. Frisbie, dealer in grain and stock, was born in Essex county, N. Y.; moved to Iowa in 1875, and engaged in the mercantile business at Aurelia. In 1881 he engaged in business as above. Alexander Eraser, grain dealer, is a native of Wis,: moved to Clayton county, Iowa, in 18")9; thence to Aurelia in 1871, and engaged in his present business. He is one of the largest grain dealers in the county, and one of the representa- tive citizens of Aurelia. W. C. Marsh, manager of the mercantile house of Wharton & Bruskill, is a native of N. Y. In 1849 he moved to Wis., where he engaged in farming; thence in 1875 to Aurelia. He built the first hotel in the town, and in 1879 en- gaged in business as above. W. H. Nolte, of the firm of Nolte & Davis, dealers in dry goods and groceries, was born in 111. ; came to Aurelia, la., in 1880, and engaged in present business. The firm have a fine store, and carry a large stock of goods. D. G. To3nje^, dealer in staple and fancy groceries and queensware, is a na- tive of Germ Liny; cam^ to America in 1874 and settled in Jones county, la. In 1881 he c.ime to Aurelia, and engaged in business as above. George Wharton, of the firm of Wharton & Bruskill, was born in Dubuque county, Iowa, in 1851. Hb graduated from the Dubuque High School in 1874; then entered the store of Crotes & Walters, where he remained one year; thence to Aurelia, and engaged in business as above. R. R. Whitney, grain dealer, is a native of Canada; moved to McGregor, la., when there was but one house in the tjwn. He eng.igid m farming until 1869; then came to Aurelia and engaged in the stock and grain business. SPENCER BIOGRAPHIES. T. P. Bender and W. L. Bender, of the firm of Bender Bros., dealers in grain and stock, came from Pa. to Spencer, la., in 1872 and engaged in mercan- tile business. They built aneltvator duiing 1881 at a cost of $7,000. This elevator has a capacity of 15,000 bushels and is the largest elevator on the line of the road west of McGregor. T. P. Bender has a large stock farm near the city. They have paid for stock and grain during the year 1881, $150,000. J. F. and C. A. Constant, of the firm of Constant Bros., dealers in boots, shoes and gentlemen's furnislung goods, established business in 1881. They carry a large and complete stock of goods. Rev. P. H. Eighmy is pastor of the M. E. Church of Spencer, la. He has been very successful since commg to this city and through his efforts added forty members to his church. W. C. Gilbreath, dealer in grain and stcck. came to Spercer in 1878 from Williamsville, 111. He first engaged in mercantile business with I. F. Constant, but afterwards was engaged in publishing the Clai) County Neus. In 1881 he engaged in his present business. He was the first mayor of Spencer. A. W. Miller, cashier of the Clay county bank, came to Clay county in 1868 and settled on a farm near Peterson. He moved to Spencer in 1871 ajid en- APPENDIX, 571 gaged in milling; he entered the banking business in 1876. The bank is on the corner of Main and Fourth streets; it occupies a brick block that was re- cently erected. SIOQX CITY. The Sioux National Bank of Sioux City, Iowa, with a capital of $200,000.00, IS the largest bank in Western Iowa. Bills of exchange are bought and sold on principal cities in the United States and Great Britain. The bank has special lacihties for issuing drafts on cities in France, Germany. Norway and Sweden. The White Star Line of Steamers is also represented. The Directors are: J. C. C. Hoskins, Wm. L. Joy, A. S. Garretson, Judge J. R. Zuver, Geo. Murphy, Alexander Elliott, D. P. Hale. Wm. L. Joy, President; A. S. Garretson, Cashier. R. J. Chase, attorney at law, was bom in Unity, Sullivan county, N. H., in 1840; removed with family to Nashua, N. H., when quite young; came west at 17 years of age and settled in Vernon county. Wis. After serving in the army during the rebellion, he returned to Madison, Wis., and began the practice of law; came west in 1873 and platted the town of Sibley, Osceola county, Iowa. Mr. Chase's name, unsolicited by him, was ui^ed by his friends in connection with the district judgeship in 1874, and he received a good vote in convention. In connection with 0. J. Taylor, ke opened his present office in the fall of the same year. The firm has a large practice in the higher courts. STORM LAKE. J. A. Dean, of Storm Lake, Buena Vista county, is President of the Iowa Land and Investment Co.: was cashier of the Stoim Lake Bank, and is a Di- rector of the first National Bank of Storm Lake. The first named company has a capital stock of $50,000. and is incorporated for the purpose of negotiating long-time loans on real estate security, and transacting a real estate and gen- eral agency business. The Storm Lake Bank was discontinued on the 3d day of January, 1882, and its business transferred to the First National Bank of Storm Liike, which has an authorized capital of $100,000. James Barker is the President; J. C. French, Cashier. Erratnm. —In tbe table of population by counties, that of Plymouth County should read 8,567 Instead of 3,567. 1