Class Book. THE ii( 0*^ DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY PICTURE OF AMERICAN LIFE. WILLIAM GILES DIX. NEW YORK: GEOEGE P. PUTNAM & CO 1853. El 15"^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 1853, by William G. Dk, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Blassachusetts. 3 3 U a S"^ CAMBRIDGE: METCALF AND COMTANT, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. THIS VOLUME IS CORDIALLY INSCEIBED KICHARD H. DANA, An American, who, had he lived in England, would no doubt have added himself, by copious fruits of meditation and fancy, to the illustrious line of great English poets, but whose life, being cast in a country not ripe to enjoy " divine philos- ophy," and its " perpetual feast of nectared sweets, "VVhere no crude surfeit reigns," has been one of comparative silence, yet whose deep-toned harp breathes into many ears inspiring cadences, and grieves hearts also with the sure conviction, that, in time to come, the stifling of such music will bring upon the land more just igno- miny than can be compensated in honor by all the swift yachts, patent locks, six-barrelled revolvers, steamships without bow- sprits, and metropolitan hotels, that can be invented between now and the Day of Judgment. PREFACE. The larger part of this volume was printed nearly a year ago, but was thrown aside from dissatisfaction, and with the intention to recon- struct the whole from the beginning. The book has been recently resumed and finished, accord- ing to the first plan, with as deep a consciousness as ever of its defects of style, but with no essential distrust of its general sentiment. The specula- tions upon the purposes of Young America will seem to follow the public cry, but they were in print before the phrase became a byword. Cambridge, January, 1853. THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. On the day when a steamship arrives at New York from Chagres, bringing a freight of gold- dust and news of more to come, the national symbol may be said to appear, expanding his wings from the Battery upward as far as one can ride for sixpence ; — and that is a long space, for a man from the interior of the State or of the Nation, being at the mercantile head-quarters of his country, may enter one of the vehicles, in which six persons may look six others out of countenance in a short time, while a seventh intruder is threatened with a lasting obliqueness of sight, from having no one directly to stare at, and being obhged to divide his regards be- tween two faces, each but half opposite to his, — the stranger may enter one of these bulky boxes, 2 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. at tlie corner of a street, far below zero, and thence may be jolted noisily to the neighbor- hood of number fifty. There, paying the fare, he may stumble out of the equipage with glee, ■supposing that he must have been mistaken for ■the passenger Avho entered but two streets below, ;,and who, he imagines, will have to foot the bill of his cheap excursion. Thus pleasantly dis- posed, he may walk back leisurely, finding in the windows of the shops an ample scope for what the transcendental sages would call objec- tive amusement. The purchase, at auction, of a watch, or of a few articles of jewelry, may alone convince him that New York has less remunera- tive uses for rustic capital than riding in an omnibus. The presence of this immense eagle enlivens the whole city, and every nerve that centres in the brain of Wall Street thrills beneath the ex- hilarating touch of the air. Speculative ardors are peculiarly enkindled, although there is, daily, much speculation, interesting to one party or the other, and sometimes to both. Practical gen- tlemen, who never express opinions of enter- prises until they see their tangible fruits, poise THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 6 tlioughtfully some of the heavy yellow crumbs in their hands, and pronounce the Californian ex- citement to be a very respectable affair. Every feather of the eagle trembles Avitli ec- stasy, his eyes look like two planets visible at noon, and his screams of delight are audible for miles. He is not content to remain stationary, but, compressing his form, makes use of the gal- vanic wires, and flies over the country, declaring everywhere the receipts of gold, and the discov- ery of new mines, which last continue to be very productive in the public journals, until pas- sengers are engaged, and their fares paid, for the next steamer bound for the Isthmus, when it sometimes falls out that their value is less than was at first reported. The eagle dilates his size at fre(|uent inter- vals in his journey, to the pleasurable amazement of the people. His rays make the whole air shine wherever he goes ; eyes look up enchanted, and the brains to which they convey the news of his arrival are also fired with the splendor. When the wires fail, he condescends to use the slower conveyances of steam, and occasionally he perches himself upon the top of an old stage. 4 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. ■where lie gleams like a sun, on an excursion of pleasure. He employs editors to convey his news where he cares not himself to go, and he rewards these faithful deputies with his bright smiles, and sometimes with likenesses of himself, set in gold. As he passes over roads, embroid- ered with fields of wheat, the husbandmen shade their eyes from the reflected glare of their scythes, and looking up, perceive the cause of the dazzling light; then, suspending their toil, they repair to the nearest inns to hear the last intelligence from the mines. The stagemen are always proud of their outside passenger, who, shouting and shining in his revelry, startles every neighborhood with his brightness and noise. Finally, on completing his luminous circuit over mountains, lakes, and rivers, he repairs to the Falls of Niagara, to remain there until an- other arrival summons him away. He enthrones himself high among the vapors, which rather in- crease than dim his effulgence, and he buoys his immensity in a way unknown. He expands his wings so widely, that one may reflect the first beams of the sun, and the other the last, ex- tending his left wing over the Atlantic sea, on THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 5 account of the unequal width of land to be over- spread. Thus imperially placed, he looks with some scorn on the unproductive, watery glories beneath, makes the arch of inwoven rays of mercy, truth, and beauty his footstool, mingles with the ascending music his shrill cries of gold! gold! gold! and acknowledges, with ceaseless vibrations of his glittering beak and fiery eyes, the adoration paid to him by innumerable bend- ed knees or prostrate faces. Multitudes now ponder the design of searching for the rich treasures, of which such brilhant promises have been lavished abroad, indorsed by actual success. Every generous or selfish mo- tive for accumulation is excited, and all purposes for which money can be spent to purchase pleas- ure are entertained by the fancy. Every social rank and every calling feels its degree of the reflective influence. The Western hunter, taking up the last journal that has reached his secluded abode, and reading its alluring intelligence, lays aside his faithful rifle, with which he has hunted the swift and graceful deer, that, startled by his rustling step in her quiet solitude, has cast one vain glance at the clear brook at her side, and 6 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. then fled, for safety, to the depth of the tangled forest: he resolves to go in chase of the gold- bearing quartz. The farmer, visiting his hrown acres, and seeing how slowly springs up the grain which he has planted, reflecting how much rain and sunshine must fall upon the earth, how much toiling culture he must himself expend, before the sheaves will stand before him, good sentinels against the scourge of want, determines to change his farm to a geological investment of another kind, more portable, and yielding quicker dividends. The fisherman, who has labored dili- gently with his hook and line for the livel}^, shining treasures of the "Banks," deems it Avell to visit the banks in the opposite section of the continent, which yield a discount to persistent spades. The keeper of the shop is ready to forsake his Cash- mere vale of luxurious goods, visited by lovelier guests than ever breathed the air of Persia, con- cluding, after many sighs, that it will be as cap- tivating to sift gold through iron sieves, as to receive it, with the bright usury of smiles, from hands that make the lilies envious. The young lawyer, who has opened his office to adjust family quarrels and other disputes at THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 7 fair prices, but Avho finds that legal brethren, as briefless as himself, instead of clients, " come in" at his call, — Avho may have made his first plea in trying to save his flesh-colored library from the jaws of an execution, and may have written fewer lawyer's letters than he has re- ceived, — feels inclined, after summing up his case, to promote the sovereignty of justice and his personal fortune in California. The surgeon, of narrower ministration than is comfortable, who keeps his instruments ever bright, that, when required, they may work brilliantly, believes that it will be philanthropic to exert his skill, now lying fallow, in the relief of much unforeseen suf- fering in the new settlements, being certain that, if he cannot apply the lancet to the vital courses of other people, he can, at least, use a pickaxe on the harder veins, that supply many wants of life. The clergyman, knowing that his appropri- ate province lies wherever men are found, if, while valuing truth supremely, he disallows, by his example and his word, the reclusive sanctity which frowns on doing good to men ; feeling that the love of God, the germ, however sadly worn by time, of the Atlantic settlements, should not 8 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. yield wholly to the love of gold, the principle of the Pacific State, prepares to depart with the crowd, that he may help in guiding aright the luxuriance of a nation's rugged life. Beside the delegation from New York in every steamer for Chagres, and others more or less fa- miliar with the city, strangers arrive from every quarter, Avho have never seen the Atlantic metrop- olis before, except in their dreams, when it has appeared about as large as all the capitals of Eu- rope together, and the famous fountain in the Park has thrown its waters so far and high, that they are sure it must be seen for many miles at sea. Sight surpasses their previous fancy, and some one more astounded than the rest may really conclude that no larger city ever was or could be built on the face of the earth, and he may wonder why people should still think of extending it. After much attentive walking about, they return to their inns at a loss whether they are distracted or enchanted, but, as it costs something to reach the city and to stay in it, they incline to believe themselves pleas- urably excited. The city regards her rural ad- mirers with very little of the astonished rapture with which they gaze upon her. THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 9 The strangers and residents, who intend taking passage for the Isthmus, whether familiar or not with steamships, have a presage of the trouble of embarking, which is fully met when they reach the neighborhood blackened by the vast moving tower. The host of excited people there seems like one great human monster, very uneasy and trying to move in diverse ways at once. The consciousness of being vexed is the only pledge of personality. The tumult discomposes every man ; and the strongest nerves, as in other panics, draw to the extent of their available tension, and the weakest follow the usual course in such cases, and do as they can. Most of the passengers are of the enterprising kind of people who have never learned to move slowly, and ask of others no favor but to make room ; and that often in tones far from courtly, that grate on sensitive ears. Reli- ance on self is their ruling star, and any resist- ance to its spell sets their energies on jBre. The whole structure is marvellous to eyes that may never have beheld such things, except when an over-indulgence in distilled harvests may have summoned images of terror before the couch of satiety. The passenger, especially if he be un- 10 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. used to such scenes, fears, from the prevailing hurry, that he will be too late, and, in his reckless apprehension, he may seize roughly hold of the first man without a coat whom he meets, and ask him if he be a porter, or one of those useful as- sistants may prevent such rudeness by a volun- tary proffer of service, for a price. His trunks and boxes, containing, beside his own property, a few small parcels committed to his care for friends in California, lie in confusion before him : the crowd presses by in nervous haste ; some indi- viduals, fixing their eyes on the goal more than on the way, stumble over his heap of baggage, and, springing up bruised all over, glare at him fierce- ly, and add unlovely expressions ; losing his control over himself, in his despair, he gives a quarter of a dollar to each of three little staring colored boys near him, either from a vague belief that the gift will facilitate his affairs in some magical way, or simply as a token of his manly faith in the unity of the race ; he thinks that he hears the wheels moving, and that he may as well turn and go home ; but the porter has already in his arms a part of his luggage, and now he has a new trouble : he is in doubt whether to go with him, and see that he puts THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 11 safelj on board the goods that he has taken, or to staj, guarding what remains ; there is no time for delay; he intrusts a vahiable ti'unk to a man, ■who may be a pattern of every moral virtue, but "whom he never saw before, and watches for him to return and take the rest of his equipment, that he may reach the deck at last, if he can, with no immediate responsibilities behind. At length, after reaching the ship, he pays the porter's fee with a sunny suavity that adds to it one third more value, arranges in his dark but snug quarters the goods and chattels which he allows to himself for the voyage, sees the rest stowed in a close and gloomy prison, and having thus gone through his part in the lively drama, with much silent applause fi-om himself, he as- cends to the upper deck, and strives to appear as quietly as if his only motive for being there were to study humanity under excitement. He looks with thoughtful complacency upon the struggling crowd below, playing a much involved game of cross-purposes ; and, puzzled out of his senses as he was, and having drawn them back by main force only, commends his superior presence of mind, and feels like a hero who has been in the wars. 12 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. Now composed, he removes the perspiration from his face, and takes from his hat the daily Journal, which he bought at the steps of his hotel from the young vender, whom he counselled, with a genuine interest in his health, to soothe his voice with some emollient compound, which the youthful speculator promised, if he could have a double price for his paper ; and, on his suggestion being kindly met, moved away with his coppers and other extras, shouting his intellectual wares more hoarsely than ever. He begins to read the discourse of the editor, aiming to show that the members of the Execu- tive Cabinet, so far from feeling any jar in their consultations about the national welfare, resemble, in their attachment to the good of the Republic, the spokes of a wheel ; not one spoke being crooked, out of place, or unfavorable to the adjustment of ways and means by which the wheel of state revolves easily, swiftly, and musi- cally along the path of manifest destiny. Soon finding that his attentive power is less than he supposed it to be, he looks up and around, and on the paper again, which is now turned to an ocean of discord, where ideas united once, and THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 13 treating of unity in others, are wrenched out of shape, and dislocated spokes, tires, and hubs cross each other every way, while national destinies, passengers, trunks, iron houses packed in boxes, like sections of sea-serpents, to be put together again elsewhere, steam-engines, editors, and. con- stitutional advisers, are beaten about, as if they were contending with a tornado from one quarter and a Gibraltar current from another. To sober his brain, he folds up the paper, puts it in his hat, and looks about on the deck. The spectacle of the thronging men, having in the main a common destination, but of various traits and motives, sug- gests to him many thoughts on the new tide of popular excitement. If young men are Young America, there are many members here of that ideal community of persons, who can have little concert with Young England, if this brotherhood be really de- signing to restore the Middle Ages, and to bend the world again to the pressure of the feudal yoke. The most cordial American admirer of that period would hardly wish to retract from the world's history the name and voyages of Colum- bus, or even those of the less noble Spanish ad- 14 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. venturers who came after him, and to revive the civil, social, and sacrificial polities of the Aztecs and of the Incas, with the wilder usages of the aborigines, more rough and red, dispersed in regions farther north. During the Middle Ages, the only monastic re- cluses in America were the vast forests, which, clad in emerald vestments, an order of their own, or in brown, or pearly white, bowed their sup- pliant heads in unison, and sighed their prayers upon the Avhispering Avinds ; while the sun, the abbot of the order,*paid his matinal and vesperal homage, kneeling at daily consecrated altars, flaming with every kind of precious radiance, in the eastern and western chancels of the abbey of the blue horizon, and devoutly proifered, through the duteous hours, his service of refulgence ; the choristers, that chanted the breviary of gladness, with no days of sorrow interspersed, were the fathers of mighty tides, the waterfalls radiant with mist, the lakes, seas, oceans, striking the keys of instrumental shores, and the birds, war- bling in the seclusions of their oaken screens ; the only illuminated missals were the leaves of autumn, signals of the years that, crowned with THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 15 glories, die patiently by frosty pain, that other years may spring to life ; the only rosaries were the changes "which the faithful seasons told in the vigils of their journeys ; the only adoring incense was the fragrance flung from floral cen- sers, waving with voluntary motion in the air ; the only consecrated bells that summoned nature's agencies to worship were hung high in towers of dark, shadowy clouds, and their great tongues of awful sound were made to beat by chains of fire ; the only pilgrimages were made by crowds of re- joicing winged life, from regions invaded by win- ter to shrines of constant summer ; the only wars and tournaments were those of scattered savage tribes, for every residence of earthly beauty that man once sees he is sure to mark with blood. Young America seldom glances to those ages, called dark by many, chiefly because neither the streets of the cities, the aisles and altars of the churches were lighted by inflammatory gas, nor private houses in the same way, or by explosive fluids, occasionally fatal to people who desire the lightest light the lightest age can give ; and because the meditative men, who lived by breath- ing the oppressive air, supposed to have over- 16 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. spread the world then hke a huge black mantle, through which the stars looked like eyes of tigers seen through the grim tempest of a tropic night, — because these men, not being all their days intent on means to render this life excessively convenient, sometimes made fantastic flights of logic, to define the feats of sprightly angels, it passing notice that these vagaries occurred in the course of contemplation on sublimer matters than concern " this punctual spot," and that thoughtful men, even now, might divine the antics of equally volatile and gymnastic spirits ; as, for instance, how small a force of that much adored archangel, steam, would send five hundred human beings into the air, to a height of eighty feet nine inches, allowing but one twentieth of the number to come down alive ; or how many of those singing seraphim revolvers, patented by fatherly governments desiring to please their playful children, would shoot every tenth man in the street ; or how many of those flashing cherubs, bowie-knives, would decimate the rest of the citizens with their sharp wings, the recipients of the angelic goodness to be speedily borne home to gentle wives and prattling children. THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. IT Whatever the members of Young America may think of " laws and learning," they would not respond, " Let trade and commerce die"; and they hold not in special honor the " old nobility " of any time or country. The whimseys of these hasty words of youth should be forgiven, since they signify a spirit that deems not the strife for riches the divinest thing on earth. If there be here no prerogatives of birth, and but few to wish them to be kept, wherever they may be, at the hazard of humanity, yet, if the " old nobility " of Philosophy, who draw revenues of wisdom from tenantries of thoughtful years, bequeathe to after times estates rich in the castles, parks, and fertile acres of Truth, and store the treasures of medi- tation in palaces of crystal beauty, bright with the gathered rays of every nation's mind ; if the royal host of Imagination, gleaming with sceptres and diadems of grace, informing nature with spirit- ual glory, from this single earth to every sphere, of steady or of twinkling beams, wdiich Science through pure convexities can see, or with construc- tive figures build in space beyond the reach of sharpest aids of sight, breathing throughout the air entrancing harmonies, setting the histories of 2 18 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. nations in immortal gold, and changing the lives, toils, passions, woes, defeats, and victories of men into glad or sorrowful shapes of beauty, quivering with the pulses of conceptive mind ; if this peer- age, wearing coronets at the court of queenly contemplation, and this enthroned regality of light, receiving homage from the loyal ages, are to be despoiled of their rights and domains by legions of reckless Enterprise, — then let that Vandal and his crew begone, to work harmless ruin in un- shapen chaos, and distract no more this august and beauteous Universe. Thus far the spirit of the West, had she a voice, sighing among the noises of machinery and the screaming of steam-whistles, not for a place to think, for there is room enough, but for the liberty of thought and fancy's flight, would echo the protest, meant uprightly, but expressed with heedless heat, against an age irreverent of aught but transient and material good. If it be of little moment whether or not men be on the way towards Heaven, if they can but cross the ocean in a week ; if Art must yield her prov- inces to the sharp, colored outlines of Geology, resembling rainbows exploded usefully into heaps THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 19 of disorderly and awk\yard angles ; if the affluence of Eternity can suggest no Epic or Dramatic ca- dences, because men have no time to be inspired by other muses than can sing statistics, or descrip- tions so exquisite that it shall be harder to see the picture of the mazy verses than to follow the shyest differential sign through stari'y labyrinths of space ; if it is to be a traveller's chief object here to know the cost, color, and dimensions of a flaming steamer, plying up and down the Mississip- pi, glorious for wrecks, until her turn shall come to explode magnificently, or to die breathing fire, to begin again and continue longer, — or to estimate the exact quantity of water pouring over Niagara in a minute, and to apply a measuring-line to the most striking points of view ; or if people are to travel in the old hemisphere in the sunlight and shadow of nature and of history, using their per- ception only, unmindful that the chief use of the voices and of the visible splendors of the globe is to widen and deepen reflection, to refine the imagination, and to fasten the tendrils of the soul more closely to the Throne above ; if the surveyor of the line of a projected railroad is to be the highest reach of man ; if Heaven 20 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. itself is to be set forth as a noisy Paradise, where sublimated ship-builders and engineers contrive and effect their plans to the minstrelsy of chanting saws and warbling locomotives ; if classical times, or any ages of mental splendor, are to be laughed at, because no iron tracks were then spread over the earth, the veins of a more easy than exalted life, or vessels, shaped like winged Avedges, to cut the surface of the ocean swiftly, or to sink, if they must, gently and con- veniently ; if victorious yachts are to enjoy ova- tions, and toiling scholars to be denounced as idlers ; if that is to be emblazoned as the holiest miracle of time, which subjected plebeian, dingy coals to such inspiring heat that they were just ready to turn, shrieking with the fiery pain, to white, angelic diamonds ; if it is to be the fortieth article of faith, that the House of Glass, though taken down, will be put together again, and be transported visibly by seraphic battalions, clad, for compliment's sake, in the attire of all nations, to the fairest island of the blest, to amaze for ever the illuminated saints, who consider ornamental furniture superior to intellectual grace or spiritual beauty ; if every flower of the spirit is to be with- THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 21 ered by the deadly day of energy intent on lifeless things ; — then welcome again the lunar splendor, moving orbs, and golden suns of night. From east to west, from west to east, may the resistance to usurping powers grow, until the true sovereignty shall regain her rightful throne and sceptre. Then, after a century of longer pu- pilage, the imagination here shall be ready to ex- alt her pinions to the Sun, and more appreciative thanks shall be felt and given for the intangible but precious dowries that now sustain the new world's mental life. For Whoe'er shall o'er the snowy Andes roam, Shall find Cervantes near those heights at home. No name of splendor shines upon the page Of Spain, diffusing light from age to age. But there, enthroned o'er vales of beauty, lives, And with the majesty of nature strives. So he, whose ashes, guarded well, repose Near where the illustrious Avon's current flows. Is not his native land's alone ; — his name For that, for this, for the whole world we claim. Men's souls, true magnets, his attraction know ; Cold hearts, submissive to his ardor, glow ; 22 THE DECK or TUE CRESCENT CITY. Sad spirits aloft with liis -wings gaily soar ; Scholars prefer his voice to Roman lore ; The sober quaff his full and lively cup ; His silvery tones make Mammon to look up. The bank of reason ; treasury of sense ; Imagination's empire ; fancy's tents ; The lire of eagles' sight ; eyes of the dove ; The passions' armory ; the bowers of love ; Reflection's temple ; nature and the world, Standards of light upon man's march unfurled ; — His willing cadences such duties serve ; Faint, weary wills his liberal muses nerve ; Motives, in hosts, coursing, like eagles, high In the horizon of humanity, Wheel their swift, thronging flight his presence near. The inciting, glorious melodies to hear. Which, sovereign bard, he sings, enthroned sub- lime. To nations listening in the halls of Time. Many, who ne'er a royal crown have seen, Attend the Court held by the Faery Queen, Where spread the holy rays from Una's face, The chosen mirror of most saintly grace ; THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 23 While valiant knights press to the martial hall. To answer, each, to memory's shrill roll call. Triumphs of honor and of valor won, Fair deeds of goodness, wrongs and errors done. The moral virtues which in man should dwell. Their lessons teach, in falls of music, well. Glow thick, bright leaves of Transatlantic bays With laurels offered to his worthy praise, Whose spirit, bereft of its organic sight. Coursed, like yon Sun, in more ethereal light, Visions sublime as those of prophets saw, Or those when thunders heralded the Law. Before him oped the gates of God's abode ; And glaring spheres unblest perspectives showed. His wand anew made sinless Eden spring, And o'er unruly Chaos set a King, Conducted seraphs to converse with man. Ere from chief help his bitterest woe began, Summoned to the ear adoring minstrelsies. And choral sounds of hissing blasphemies, Depicted every archangelic grace, Satan's defiant and malignant face. Made hearts beat quick, portraying fearfully The Trinal Throne of Trinal Deity. 2-4 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY, His well-wrought temple throughout time shall be The home on earth of heavenly harmony, Till o'er the globe no floods of wrong shall pour, Till men benighted see the dawn once more. And when their errors shall to naught have waned, Breathe life divine in Paradise Regained. Would that men ever lived, content, like him, Dear sight to feel to beauteous nature dim, Hearts broken, too, by contumely intense. Through fervent work in Liberty's defence. The bold, untutored tinker's regal beams The sleeping soul awake with dawning dreams. Through iron bars glowing the way to show, How shackled hearts may truest freedom know ; How men of grief may be with gladness blest, And pilgrims weary reach a place of rest ; How falls repeated may give strength to fly. And rivers dark lead upward to the sky ; How to the poor may richest boons be given, And sons of earth inherit holy Heaven. Here no renowned and ancient Abbey springs, Where Fame exultant spreads her golden wings THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY, 25 O'er names of those who nobly lived, or died, The sons of Britain, but the whole earth's pride, Yet many a one who ne'er may see that shrine To what in man is nearest to divine, Nor thoughtful o'er its honored pavement stroll, May have a " poet's corner " in his soul, And storied names and deeds of glory there May presence more than memory's record share. Here pensive tears from many eyes are shed O'er the sad name of Missolonghi's dead. Grieving so soon was quenched his brilliant ray, So early set his intellectual day. His home ancestral, desolate, intwined With splendors heavenly bright, set forth his mind. Not broken wholly by time's constant flood, That stately, old, and hallowed structure stood. Various benignant graces there allied, Dispensing beauty, ranged on every side. Till crumbling walls to tempered glory grew ; Windows, once stained with every holy hue. Now richly shone with sober stains of time And verdure mixed, emblazoned by the prime. In corridors, low, suppliant echoes still There seemed to breathe, sonorous chimes to fill 26 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. The measured air abroad ; again the shrine Summoned the worship of the time benign, When to the gorgeous chapel's roof ascended The choral hymns Avith clouds of incense blended. As if the poet's very soul had known A glorious life, which since afar had flown, It now, renouncing former sacred use, Resigned to revelry's unkind abuse, Subdued the passions' yoke of fire to wear. The kneeling, lowly heart most wanting there. Inspiring, noble in its ruins, showed Likeness to that once consecrate abode. On such must woes in heavy numbers press. Too much distraught for household tenderness. Rightly he knew his art's true province well, Less with the outward universe to dwell. Than man's informing nature to rehearse, Less inventories to compose in verse Of flowers, as if the fragrant textures frail Were to be offered plausibly for sale. Or to frame timid couplets soft to cheer And please a pensive maiden's twilight ear. Than to man's conscious, eager sight to bring His beating heart, its energies to sing. THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 27 Hence, tlio' with grievous wrongs and woes beset, He holds his firm, majestic station yet, Hence, searching eyes can find no worthier one, To fill the five, that Chaucer's name begun. Sank suddenly a graceful spirit to sleep. Beneath Italia's angry, frowning deep, "Who, thoughtful o'er the mysteries of life. Turned sunny youth to stern, discursive strife. To solve the reason, in a world so fair. Of evil, cankering, darkening all the air. Striving in vain to see the cause apart From deep perversion of man's wayward heart, Upon his doubting way he wandered far Beyond the radiance of the eastern star. And gasped his life away, too soon again To find the path of surest faith for men. He wrought and erred, desiring human good ; Let mercy trust, that, rising o'er the flood. He dazzled out his unbelieving nicrht In sudden brightness of unending light. The more a man is he who seeks for day. Than he who sighs not for Truth's open way ; An erring mind may be by grace forgiven, A stagnant soul can have no place in Heaven. 28 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. Others, with life's full, genial compass blest, Like setting suns, yet linger in the West. The living bards may seas of blessing lave ; May brightest dews adorn the mountain grave, And fragrances perennial bless the bowers, Where contemplation ruled the tranquil hours ; May the glad music of the running brook, The gaily rustling leaves that on it look. The merry birds, joyous cascades, unite A strain of sorrow in their full delight For him who used, with thoughtful feet, to press The paths of earth's secluded loveliness. May wafted memories of a peaceful life. Remotely spent afar from constant strife. Blessing the air, for ages long endure. May every figured thought, exalted, pure, Refresh the heart, stifled by earthly dust. And brush away obscuring, sordid rust. May the sure presence of a right intent Sorrow allay that vigor was not bent. With zeal more urgent, and with impulse bold, To grasp man's heart, and keep the nervous hold. May the time past suffice for deeming man The mere appurtenance to nature's plan. THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 29 When, -witliout him, Creation's Avicle domain Is but a waste of beauty spread in vain. To be the fixture of this large estate Answers not man's divinely ordered fate : When earth began, he was its viceroy made, And so shall be, until the earth shall fade : For man were lifted these high azure walls ; For man were garnished these mosaic halls ; For man melodious voices here are heard ; For man sprang order at the Maker's word. Not in the dusky distance meant to stand, Man claims the foreground from the painter's hand, Not Nature's menial, but her titled guest, With fadeless orders glancing on his breast. 'T is not the time to adore the varied gleams Of lakes and mounts, of stars and tidal streams, When living souls of living men repine For the quick, living touch of fire divine ; Or life derived, an idol, to revere, When that life's spring, the living God, is near. The subtile law of space, where'er it flows. Claims not to be the Sovereignty, but shows Itself the mirrored force, the shade to be. The ethereal minister of Deity. Hence not for homage has erected been This vast cathedral, but to worship in ; 30 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. The rays which o'er its domes and altars gleam Are symbols, not the soul, of Power Supreme.- May the new, strenuous world and cultured old With every year more vigorously hold Each other, firmly hearty hands retain, Binding around the voluntary chain. Though civil bonds roughly sharp swords may sever. May ties of loyal mind endure for ever, And every heart with joy due honors pay To England, empress of our mental day, The favorite isle of all that billows know. The shining lamp where nations learn to glow, For glorious years, as she hath been, to be The Mount of Light, caged in the northern sea. But many noisy teachers of Young America, friends of Epicurus, Avho, were he now alive, would not be seen reposing in the shade, from dawn to sunset, listening to music, and fanned by fragrant airs, but rather, seated in his damask easy-chair, in a spacious and elaborately furnished hall, would gaze throughout the day on lively, painted plans of new steamers, of clipper ships, and of crystal palaces ; — these teachers who carefully THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 31 instruct infants in the chemical mysteries of acids and alkalies, when they prefer to know less theo- retically of sweets, — who would eagerly turn uni- versities into schools of the profits, and snatch the sceptres from Homer and David, to melt them into current coin, — who think that a nation has no more need of a literature, than, in their view, the universe has of a God, since the only divinity for whom they can see any use in this world or in any other is one who can inspire men with the desire and the way to gain the most riches in the shortest time ; — these teachers would persuade Young America that the architects of crystal palaces above called forward to testify to the value of the heart of man, now in fearful peril of forgetfulness, were but indolent outlaws, the pests of the state, worthy of no honor except from the bewildered vis- ionaries who consider them as the true milestones of a nation's progress, the sighs incarnate of the moving ages, and who point to crumbled empires, which have in such persons their chief titles to remembrance ; since the great modern empire be- lieves that it would have been better for the world had they never been born. As easily might the fruits of the earth be ripened under the cool benig- 32 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. nity of an iceberg as large as the sun, its place, as the immortal fruits of song grow to full, luxuriant maturity in this icy air. The earth must feel airy heat, before it glows with beauty. The muses never pitch their tents on frozen seas. These instructors find something to respect even in the Middle Ages, — the search for the mysterious power to turn coarse materials to gold. Recent centuries have applied the secret ; and, in various quarters of the globe, establishments have been provided for the transmuting process. The men whose eyes grew dim and their heads bald, while they searched every nook of the world of science for the precious principle, meant less to bend it to worldly uses than to discover a mighty force of nature ; and they were not conscious that the agency which they sought with weary pain was already in their minds, and guided their hands ; for it was not less or more than Speculation, which, in these later ages, transferred from ideal provinces to the field of life, is fast subduing the solid globe to gold. Human hands, presses, saws, hammers, wheels, steam, carbon- ic and electric fire, gases, light, forests, rivers, substances, and ethereal properties have been THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 33 changed by the magical fingers of this speculation to tangible and heavy gold. Most of the cru- cibles are coarse, but some are delicate and large enough to hold life's amenities, courtesies, and loves, laws, learning, the arts, sciences, philoso- phies, governments, social policies, the hopes of good on earth and heavenly bliss, — and these di- verse things, melted by the hot zeal of speculation, come forth a translucent stream of beautiful, profit- able gold. There is reason to think that Young America, living -where the practice of this alche- my is most assiduous, pays no hearty allegiance to the creed, that the only Deity is Mammon and his only Prophet gold, and but waits, until his heart shall beat more freely, until the eagle that he loves to see shall lend the fire of his eye, and until his arm shall knit its strength together, that he may put forth his gathered force, which ten thovisand engineries shall not make to swerve, and, shrinking St. George's conquering might to the feeble quivering of an infant's arm, to grapple with the Dragon-Creed ; and that, having struck down his beastly shape, he may trample on his sordid neck, until the howling brute shall cast up- ward unconscious, dying eyes, while shall gush 3 34 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. forth his nauseous blood, and the earth shall drink in, with mingled grief and joy, the loved libation which she first infused with life into the monster's veins. Young America is also taught to deride, as proofs of a vain and dark superstition, those move- ments in the Holy Land, the chief glory of the Middle Ages, which have not been shaded, since, in import or in magnanimity, however greatly in final success, by any conflicts whatsoever, and which, by nerving the spirit of resistance which turns defeats to victories, may have ultimately spared, not only Europe, but even this broad con- tinent, from the conquering march of the Arabian Imposture. Columbus might have been born a Mohammedan. But The conflicts in the Holy Land, To rescue from the usurper's hand The sacred Sepulchre, may then More justly valued be by men. When shall an aim sublimer break, Like dawn, and Christendom awake, Whence Tiber, doubly classic, flows. To where o'er northern Isis glows THE BECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 35 The Cross, and e'en to Russia's. snows, — When these, with learned Germany, And Santiago's earnest cry, Greece, with ecclesiastic fame, Decking the lustre of her name, The brawny North, chivalric France, The youthful Western Eagle's glance. Each Power in either hemisphere That holds the Christian title dear, As guardians shall the Faith defend. And wisely zeal and purpose blend, And then for ever shall expel The Crescent of the Infidel, The usurping symbol which bestows Its insult where blest Siloah flows. And shall to Christian rule restore The land, where poured the Cross before Abroad its sacred streams of light. To guide the nations through the night. May brave demands of Christian men. Not flashing arms, be potent then. And victory bless a still Crusade Of Christian Truth and Christian Aid. When shall be gained the priceless boon, — May Heavenly Goodness haste it soon ! — 36 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. The too long sundered East and "West, No more bj variance hard oppressed, Samt Peter's majesty transformed By holier patterns, nobly warmed With better zeal, and thus allied With Saint Sophia's purified, If not by fervent scourge of cords. By resolute, unyielding words, Saint Paul's, the northern star and tower, Granting due measure of her power, The great divisions, Wesleyan, Genevan, with the Lutheran, All Christendom, renouncing wrong And errors which to schism belong. Shall to the blessed Triune Name Mingle in joy a full acclaim. Then in no cities secular. Not in the halls of Constantine, Not in the city of the Czar, Not Coesar's lordly Rome within, Not in the isle of Saxon light. Not in the land of Saxon might, But in Jerusalem alone. Shall they the Holy Faith enthrone. That from Mount Zion's height may shine THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 37 Radiance benignant, full, divine, While shall all tongues and realms obey The sceptre of the Church, -whose sway The central sun of grace shall be, Till Time becomes Eternity, Till trembling Nature's strength shall fail, And suns and stars grow faint and pale. Dying to gain celestial birth And usher in New Heavens and Earth. More recent Crusades have taken place, of which the New World has been the stage, to pro- cure from the rocky sepulchres of the earth the chief foe of salvation, a mineral more precious than the " price of blood " which occasioned the armed pilgrimages to Palestine. In these later movements the sons of Spain have been pioneers, and have borne the chief part. The prizes of their adventurous valor were vast regions, rich in gold and silver, in tropical fruits, in the splendors of perennial Spring, in atmospheres of luxurious mildness, in serenest valleys and in highest moun- tains, in islands as fair as the fairest visions of the fancy, in fertile plains, higher than many lofty peaks across the sea, beneath skies as blue as the 38 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. ocean, in bounteous streams, in new varieties of grain, in forests of interwoven growth untouched by the hand of man since the first green blade sprang up at the inspiring breath of Heaven, in pastures where flocks need no shelter, but can graze quietly through the burning hours of the sun and beneath the soft effusion of the stars, in birds of so various and brilliant plumage, that one might imagine the very bow of promise that spans the earth, to prove the blessedness of showers, since their fatal day, to have become instinct with vocal life, and to send up, with fluttering ecstasy of hues and motions, a congregation of winged har- monies, to mingle with the singing orbs above, in the resounding chorus of creation. These estates of beauty and of profit, the discovery and improve- ment of which were the glory of Spain, and the chief wonder of the time, have since passed from the hands of their first conquerors into the hands of victorious revolters, except one, the last insulated witness, testifying that consuming draughts of ava- rice, sweet to the taste, but bitter to the heart, are the surest mode of suicide for nations. Portions of the afiluent paradise thus eagerly won and long retained, have come, through independence and THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 39 defeat in a war of neighbors, into the power of a race of men, who seem bent to fulfil what their emigrating ancestors lacked of the lust of conquest, even at the risk of being impelled by motives to which their fathers would have applied the old le- gal phrase, the instigation of the Devil. If eloquence is rightly to be judged by its ef- fect, it is worth an inquiry, whether in the records of human speech can be found an instance of ora- tory more eflFective than the simple announcement of the Avealth of California made by the enthusias- tic Peter the Hermit, who inspired the last Cru- sade to the paradise of gold, which, alluring Span- ish adventure across oceans, mountains, the rapids of rivers, and burning plains, through thick, dark forests, receded, after brief glimpses, from eye and hand, until, like a coquette, wearied with ever en- couraging, ever denying eager suitors, and fear- ful, as they grew less, of final neglect, yielded at last to be won incidentally in no direct search of the prize. That personage exemplified Demosthe- nic action, for while his lips proclaimed abroad the blessing to the world, his busy hands showed em- phatically forth his meaning, while he procured for himself a due share of the sacred deposit. With 40 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. these lively, significant movements, the brains, hands, and feet of the community felt a vehement sympathy. As the highest sign of eloquence is, that men think and talk earnestly of the ideas Avhich they have heard, more than of their rhe- torical attire, this herald bore a wonderful likeness to the great Athenian, the noblest comment on whose skill was the determination to march against Philip. This crowded steamer, and others larger, prove how efficient was that cry of joy, when vast numbers of listening Americans looked into each others' faces, and shouted, " Let us go for the gold! " Thus began the Crusade, in which Dem- ocratic Sovereignties alone partake, and of which the secondary results will very greatly outweigh the best special success. This migratory current is shown to be not Avhol- ly mercenary by the large number of young men whom it conveys from shore to shore. Others, in- deed, no longer young, may have submitted to the tide fi-om motives the most upright and hon- orable ; the experiences of life may soften as well as harden the heart, and the selfish coldness seen in a score of years may melt into genial kindness when three times that period have fled. Never- THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 41 'theless, in the code of poetical justice the miserly blight is ever imputed rather to the yellow than to the ripening grain. Any social or political move- ment which eminently attracts the presence of youth, must have some characteristic really noble, or which skilfully counterfeits nobleness. Usually, it is not until gray lines begin to appear upon the head, that people join that congregation of ardent worshippers, who pray inwardly, if not Avith their lips, for the coming of the blessed millennium, when sentiment and magnanimity shall be discard- ed as outlaws from human affairs, and when the world shall be given over to the tender mercies of Political Economy, that demon from the pit, that would gladly tear up, as pernicious weeds, every fragrant charity that blooms in the garden of life. Youth has many qualities of note. For instance, Known is it well, that castles in the air Chiefly are built by youth, and are a kind Of architecture much decried as vain By blatant dulness, and as of no order. Except it be disorder ; — for all that. Castles in the air may often rightly claim Abundant honor, when the hearty will 42 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. Strives earnestly to make the cloudy forms Substantial ones on eartli : for who can point To any firm, enduring monument Of Art, of Power, of Good, that was not first Simply a tottering castle in the air ? The theory of the renowned La Place, Whether it answer the true mode or not Of starry mechanism, figures at least How airy atoms of Invention grow To solid spheres of Facts, which, set on high. Like suns beneficent, illume and guide The circling, ages. On full many a spirit Have rested, like vows registered in heaven, The duty and the purpose to achieve Some manly thing before its latest breath. Observant of this brave, mastering intent, In still abstracting hours, specks of design May have been sown in fields of air ; It could not be foreseen at first what shapes, In time's advance, the nebulous germs would take. Labor and thought, those faithful artisans. Standing in stead for every plan of men. May have concentrated and moulded them To revelations of new continents, THE DECK OP THE CRESCENT CITY. 43 Or of organic, primal laws, deduced From chaos of the vast unknown By the resolving chaos of the mind, Finding at length consummate order most, In its constructive self and worlds without, Where roughest, dark confusion seemed to dwell, Or to decisive victories of Truth O'er Error's legions, or of Liberty O'er hosts of tyrant's hirelings, — to Statues, Paintings magnificent. Temples sublime Outliving races of meek worshippers, — Or to Imperial diadems of gold. Or to Pontifical tiaras, or Dramatic constellations. Epic suns. How drearily the world would on have rolled. Making its annual journey, and how like A penance would the life of man have been, Had God no other charioteers e'er given Than imitative men. Visions of youth. Although greatly disdained and set at naught, Have oft exactly been fulfilled ; and then The merry scorners looked more grave, and sued Humbly for peace, and through their lives thence- forth Obeyed the bidding of the theorists. 44 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. More beneficial to their day and race Have the derided visionaries been, Than all the vapid satirists of time, Who laugh at building castles in the air, Which, being the caUing on which others turn. The spring of action and the guide of toil. Justly may busy those who cannot live To serve their private benefit alone. To shaping airy forms of future plans The hours of youth are not confined. The gift On youth may be conferred, no quality Stolen from heaven, the true Promethean fire, Determined toil, which, to the hardest flints Turning the clods of earth, can strike from them And the hard iron of the strenuous will Undying sparks, like brothers of the stars, Those sparks of gorgeous fire, struck by the hand Of God from chaos, to give light to men, And show the true divinity of toil. Toil gives to rude machines both eyes and hands. To see and do its will, ploughs fields of space And the swift Avays of time with elements Obedient to the yoke ; toil interweaves Smooth words and rough in golden cloth of song, THE DECK OP THE CRESCENT CITY. 45 And marshals bricks in Pyramids that keep Boldly their ground, on the chessboard Of war gains earnest victories, gently From the earth draws harvests up, from hands of kings With might unanimous Great Charters wrings, Turns stony quarries into gossamer. That, lifted high, looks e'en too frail to hold A weary bird, yet not by blasts of ages Blown away. Toil freedom wins in conflicts hard, Then on the freed soil builds up Commonwealths, The walls of Error batters with Truth's wand. And Christian temples rears in Pagan lands. The rod of labor from the solid rock Can call refreshing deeds to strengthen men. Such is the miracle, and varied more. Vouchsafed to toil, man's guardian and his guide. Youth is life's Eden, where young, hovering joys Flutter with golden wings, where warbling hopes Attune the spicy air, where showered dews Of myriad fancies pearly splendors cast O'er flowery paths, where lucid founts of thought Pour glancing rills abroad, where arbors throw A frequent, pleasing shade, where sunny vales 46 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. With harvests glow of present sweet delights, "While o'er each hill the entrancing future daAvns. Oft sudden mists arise and veil the sun, And tears attest man's heritage begun. Amidst the abounding beautj lurks the foe, Who can soft names and airs serene assume. Oft is some Eve the root of evil, or As oft the fairest, choicest good that breathes. The dwellers here long for the hastening hour. When they shall leave this transient Paradise ; And, when it comes, with joyous steps and free They run to reach the moving crowd before, Which having o'ertaken, and the newness gone. Panting and sad they strive again to taste The treasure left behind unprized, — in vain, Unless the hope of an immortal youth The heart shall lift above its sea of care. And gardens of unfading love and bliss Alluring fragrance breathe throughout the air. In early years quick, startled thoughts arise At every rustling noise which Nature makes. As on her sleepless guard she walks her rounds. The sun, in triumph journeying from the east, The captive Queen of Night, secured by chains, THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 47 Downcast and pacing with slow feet afar Behind his flaming chariot, the band Of subject warriors following her sad steps, Attired in twinkling robes, hold fast the sight Of childhood, wondering whence the bright ones came. The changing vesture of the advancing hours, From the soft, rosj richness of the morn. To the proud, jewelled splendor of the noon, Then to the gold brocade of sunset time, To twilight's robes of matron comeliness, To night's dark velvet, with its glistening pearls. The brilliant singing-birds, perfumes of flowers. The flying insects, the white, falling snow, The bubbling drops of rain, the jagged lines Of lightning, the besieging thunder's crash Against the sky's dark fortresses, excite Mysterious questions which the child solves not. The shade of grief, a bitter glance or frown. An infant's face, answering each loving smile, Tears, voices, looks, the name of Deity, The wayside incidents of life, awake Early reflection, but the after strife Stifles the powers reflective in the most, Until the inexorable usher comes, 48 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. And, calling out each name in turn, opens The sombre portals of the boundless halls, Where souls must enter in with bending awe, And think for ever. Youth may be borne o'er seas Where harpies of the mad, vindictive winds Excite the waves to foaming rage, To lands where trampling crowds toil and make merry O'er graves of Empires. Beneath arches high Of the great edifice which Time has built To keep his treasures from oblivion's air A little while, youth to the tones Which that swift architect, touching the keys Of History's organ with his fingers cold. Brings to the ears of men, listens attent. Ever and variously those notes resound. Now are they chants of worship, wailings now O'er ravages of fainine, plague, or war. And now the clangor loud, that calls pale cheeks To battle, to be flushed with angry zeal In the thick fight, exultant strains of peace, The song of triumph o'er defeated foes, Sweet pastoral melodies on mountain-sides, THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 49 The sighs of trampled men beneath the strides Of hard Ambition's unrelenting march ; The martyr's faithful and triumphant song In flames that kiss, like Judas, to destroy ; Voices of men turned frantic fiends to hurl The globe's best works to ruin ; laughing scorn At a weak nation's lowly plea for right ; Outrage of subjects 'gainst a tyrant's crime ; A people's thanks to a deliverer given ; Freedom's glad symphonies, that softly breathe Contentment, peace, allegiance to good laws, Valor in causes just, and hope in God. O'er ridges of the past, youth looks on ranks Of shadowy kings, on gorgeous capitals Forsaken, upon realms once full of men, Where beasts now stalk o'er broken palaces ; On armies great to battle's clarion deaf, To start from their still camps alone when called To gather on a field where more than crowns And kingdoms are at stake, — their once bright swords Now black with rust, and engineries decayed, And the arms that wielded them retreated now Into strongholds of frail and feeble dust ; 50 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. On towers that challenged time's assault, and fell, Unequal to the persevering fight ; On shrines to idols, built hj people false To truth and law, and holj temples too, Whose roofs of gold dazzled the sun, prostrate By power retributive for daily guilt ; On sages who would solve life's mysteries, Gone, with their systems, to solve death itself ; On mounts, where the ancient deities no more In council meet ; on sciences displaced By waves of further knowledge ; upon robes Of fashion, with their wearers, laid aside ; On hopes fulfilled, and, with their fruitage, WTO eked. And ghosts of fears, that worked their ill and died ; On states crumbled by busy minutes, ants That help and break man's firmest structures here. And now a sun uprising showers such beams, That startled youth looks up and sees the heights Of future time crowned with the radiance new ; Past ills to glorious blessings there give way, To be, perchance, such curses, in their turn, THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 51 As have distracted men ; the paths of life, O'er emerald slopes, like threads of silver, wind. With a rich garniture of roses lined, — The blended hues seem conscious of delight, — Yet may the paths be found, on trial, rough, The colored rays but painted on the air ; Each cliif is burnished with a golden light ; Peace, plenty, brotherhood, life's graces, there Live blest and blessing ; there no despots rule ; Nations sustain each other in the right ; No reigns of Terror charity aifright. No reigns of Indolence have ushered them, For royal sluggishness a crime may be, So expiated that e'en Time severe Might stay his flight to drop a pitying tear ; — No armies of their captains emperors make, Good-will to men is owned the rule supreme. Youth counts on living such good days to see, Which, when they seem in beauty to have dawned. Sadden the heart, so soon upon the sight Delusion spreads the shadows of her night ; The golden light is seen but shining mist ; Foul wrong is robed in hberty's attire ; 62 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. And kings rule rouglil j, though without the name ; Brothers, in sport, are equal brothers called ; Nations aid nations, mainly to secure The largest portion of the common gain ; While policies, not principles, prevail, And right and duty have no friends at court ; The progress hoped and toiled for is not made, A few short steps, but not the journey sought ; — Actions defeated by reactions, till From agonies and struggles hard result A few small scales of gold from heaps of ore, A few small pearls by myriad divers won, A few small spots of green in deserts great, A cup of water after seas of blood. But inch by inch, most wearily, toils on Humanity to reach her final crown. In mounts, the veterans of the tempests' wars, Youth sees earth's noblest majesty portrayed, And in the voices of the cataract, And of the white, ungovernable sea, Hears nature's deepest music, while is felt The breathing of strange presences in groves. Thus musing on the verge that nature keeps Of high, unknown infinity, youth walks, THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 53 As with the attendance of a guardian spirit, Among the monuments of human power, Deriving deeper wisdom from the search Of works of man by light from works of God, And deeper wisdom still from lamps divine At holj altars lit. Attended thus, Youth ponders on the famed historic plains. Where dynasties played their last stakes for life. And bold Ambition for one victory more. But lost the sceptre which it owned before. In stars for ever beautiful and young Youth sees its perpetuity set forth ; Youth fears instinctively the lonely dark, — Not what it knows of causes makes it bold. Youth notes the kinds and qualities of men In tones, in looks, in acts, in choice of words ; From fields of nature and of life youth reaps Full sheaves of observation, to supply The granaries of age with memory's food; The hare youth captures for the feast of age. Imaginations, loves, sorrows, delights, Aims, efforts, blessings, music, laughs with friends, Precious, inspiring words from lips revered, 54 THE DECK OP THE CRESCENT CITY. The hopes of worlds where snows ne'er chill the year, — Youth keeps these all to exalt the heart, when falls No more the dew of fresh and early joy. The liveliness of youth by chance infused Into old messes of conservatism, Seething o'er furnaces made fiery hot By the fierce breath of men, is quick to make Its presence felt. Sometimes youth, restive grown, Tears up old governments, old boots in which Nations have walked until their feet are sore, Old documents, full of dead letters, or Of Avhat should be, and leaves the broken pieces For careful age to make up o'er again. If so it can, or if it fail, then youth Supplies materials good for structures new ; Or youth may put its vigor forth to hold The trembling columns of the state upright. Which else might fall disastrously, and be In ruins anarchy or tyranny. The young men on deck, though ready to de- fend their country, or to fulfil her aggressive des- THE DECK OP THE CRESCENT CITY. 55 tiny on tlie fields, forts, or wooden walls of war, have now less directly in view to overturn or to strengthen commonwealths, than to advance each his individual good. Since benefits un- consciously conferred are often the greatest, pri- vate success may aid the State as much as the most intentional patriotism. The wish to die for one's country, boldly expressed before the trumpet sounds for battle, may be less effi- cient than a quiet patriotism that thinks it possi- ble to love one's country, without making a spas- modic fuss about it at all times ; and, since the action of the government cannot always excuse a want of personal thrift and attention, if the chim- ney of the kitchen takes fire, an unrepaired de- fect in that vehicle of smoke and supererogatory flame may be as likely to be the cause of the trouble as an Act of Congress. Hard as it would be to define the diversity of motives contained in the general design to advance personal fortune, it is true that some of those on deck have been allured, by the fascination of Cali- fornian wealth, from places which, tried by the new, golden standard of prosperity, appeared to be of slow and meagre profit, in the hope to occupy their 56 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. energy in -wider fields and tliose more quickly and plentifully fertile, to be found either in tlie min- eral districts or in the commercial wants of the new population ; while others, having striven in vain, though long and earnestly, for posts of duty answering to their eagerness and strength, and wearied by the fretting chains of vigor impatient for due and appropriate exertion, resolve to enter the lists of competing toil in the new settlement, which, like the new election of a President, is regarded with prophetic joy, as affording lucrative niches for the Avinning side. In the history of others, reasonable hopes have been darkened and chilled by frequent and full eclipses ; and in the chalice of disappointment, ever pressing upon the lips, were mingled the bitterness of the past, the cold- ness of the present, and the blackness of the future ; but at length, even in their disconsolate ears, the enlivening angel of resolution whispered the mak- ing of one trial more to launch their hitherto dis- heartened labors on a brighter sea. Some, for the strangeness and excitement mainly, have re- nounced for a while the ceremonial law of fashion, and the inane or even the real urbanities of the drawing-room, or the splendid or ludicrous attire of THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 57 the masquerade, for the less dainty and more home- ly manners of the mines. Thus, even delegates from the upper ten thousand (for the lucky phrase has become a part of the people's English) of the metropolis are ready to doff their white kids, and to press on with the crowding milhon in the race for gold. Others, who have never disguised their humanity in fantastic robes, ransacking the past for the strangest dresses, who have led gay feet around in the merry movements only of the ru- ral dance, may have come hither with as warm and genial hearts as any that have beaten proud- ly beneath the feigned vesture of real purple and gold. In the case of others, the tendrils of exer- tion may have begun to fade and droop in the shade of uncongenial labor, and to give them sun- shine and a freer air, that they may grow to lib- eral strength and graceful manliness, may have inspired departure. Sentiment, also, roughly cased it may be, but beautiful as the soft and winning decoration of Spring, may have imbathed the soul with its fragrance, until from the warm suffusion may have grown the aspiration soon to fulfil hopes of tender joy, that the days, crowned with garlands of united love and duty, may pass 58 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. hand in hand along the great highway, where every step advances, or that aged feet may have a stronger staff, and the hoary head a richer bless- ing. Others, having aims held in little honor in their native land, but of highest praise in older nations, who have found the avenues to the light which they desire barred against them by sight- less ignorance or by sharp-eyed enmity, hardly conscious, with every effort, of making other prog- ress than that towards the grave, which needs no special pains, and, perhaps, having passed the age when men before have gained concession of their right, consuming their hearts in hours of reflec- tive agony, care not to what part of their vast house of bondage they may go, whether to the frozen poles or to the flowery tropics, since even little Denmark, narrow and dark a prison as it may have seemed, looks to their view like the broad, free palace of inspiring day, compared to the sullen dungeon which for them lengthens in solid gloom between the ridges of eternal, azure ice, that glare and crash in the stiff solitudes of Arctic Circles. Some of the passengers, older as well as young- er, have counted the cost of the undertaking, as THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 59 well as common report and the experiences of others have enabled them to do ; and, having weighed the exposures of health and lifej-the chan- ces and results of failure, Avith the comforts and conveniences of success, thej show by their pres- ence here the turning of the scales. Others, overwhelmed by disaster in affairs, are eager to make amends with fortune, where the dis- piriting pressure of the past shall not smother each timid purpose and reviving struggle. The downcast eye looks up, and sees better visions ; the heart beats more freely and lightly ; the foot is more conscious of its right to press manfully the earth ; the breast forbears the weary sighs of re- pining, and heaves with renovating and expanding aims. As, often, the spring of bravery, long and far renowned, is manly sorrow, mourning over thwart- ed hopes and fleeing from the foe that mines busily at the heart, to stand unterrified before the open storm of war, — some may also press to a land of nearly insane activity, that not in still, cold waters, but rather in the fiery ardor, of oblivion, may be lost the unspoken woe, which arms the memory with swords, and makes reflection madness. 60 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. Others have not been allured by vivid fancies of easy and sudden gains, but, daily tortured by the craving instances of those who vowed to be theirs " for richer, for poorer," they have forsak- en homes which affliction, instead of wealth, may visit, while sordid wishes may yield too late to unavailing grief. Others, on the other hand, have set at naught dissuasive tears, tender remonstran- ces, the sunshine of true hearts, the dew of vows sincerely spoken and believed, present happiness, and worthy hopes, being resolved, against entrea- ties or distresses of others, or their own, to search the rocks and sands, not fertile in affection, how rich soever in gold. Others, moved by the thor- ough presence of love, obeying Avhat sounds to them as the peremptory voice of duty, forsake the kind contentments of good and happy, though narrowly provided homes, with the firm intent to act, in every place, incident, and hour, with that most blessed combination, defiant energy informed by sacred tenderness. There is one, whose waning years are marked by his gray head, dim, ghostly eyes, and nervous tremor. Not arrayed in heavy armor, and with glittering lance, to meet his adversary at the tour- THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 61 nament, or his stern foe in battle, he is still a knight, but of Mammon's Court, Avorn in long, hard wars for pelf, and now going forth to put his sordid chivalry to proof in contending with the dust of earth for its small, shining particles. The alchemy of avarice has changed each motion of his soul into a thirst for gain ; and his perceptions, thus transformed, have made the very elements of nature to express his longing. Fire, the nurse of harvests in the dark chambers of their silent growth, but signifies the life and power of his vul- gar ardor ; Earth, as radiant with celestial beauty as the stars, to him who sees it with illumined eyes, betokens his unspiritual aim ; Water, which makes the pastures green, and fields of tillage fer- tile, — that hangs brooks, shining like silver chains, upon the brows of mountains, and encircles the world with oceans and with arches of every hue, — is to him naught but the swift conveyer of deeply- laden ships ; the wide, translucent Air, that images Supernal Providence, beneficently present every- where, denotes alone his craving spirit, that would tightly grasp and sternly hold the globe. No tender thoughts, hopes, aims, experiences, impara- dise his heart. His leaden soul never ascends on 62 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. the wings of thankful song, or on the ladder of de- votion,. to the Holy Throne. No subtile or expan- sive science brings to him sublime delight, save that he deigns to think it croAvns the inventive wit of man to have lamed the fiery lightning to convey, with his swift, glancing traces, the rise and fall of prices. With fearful meaning. Nature is to him " a universal blank." Not only rests a nightly shade on noblest hopes, which should be his, but the unholy spell upon his spirit is retrospective, and takes away from lovely memories their native beauty. The sportive shout, that made the very air playful with Avaving music, sounds in his recollecting ear like a shrill cry for gold ! gold ! The generous run, that sent the merry, winged blood flying through every vein, is changed into a scramble for unworthy pelf. Letters in the books of knowledge, losing their fair meaning, spell and decipher money. Early affections are enshrouded and invisible. The mem- ory of youth, the sanctuary of the heart's ameni. ties, whither, weary and worn in the dusty, besieg- ing world, they repair awhile for a refreshing ref- uge, has yielded to the assault of the ruling passion of his after years, which, pressing rudely in, makes THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 63 the altar a sacrilegious throne ; and the soul thence gains no serenity for her upward flight, but a new incitement only to a low, ignoble race. His thoughts, occupied so long upon the mean- est purposes of life, should be briefly spent, at least, upon the possibility of holy dying ; but, in- stead, they are sent, convoyed by troops of fancies, to the far, crowded mines, and their united speed no figure can depict. He is jealous of those who have preceded him in the way, lest their gains should be his losses ; and he regards every face with rigor, as that of a designing rival. Be- guiling phantoms haunt the hours of this bright day, and whisper, glare, and glide about him, hold- ing his senses dizzied by their flashing, mazy, chat- tering spells ; and then they fly, leaving him imbe- cile and weak, as he who survives the convulsive touch of the lightning may awake and start up a vacant idiot. But this effect is transient, for again he sees outlines impalpable of golden wedg- es, bars, and dust, thronging the dazzled air, and now his hungry hands move every way to seize them ; but they, elusive, change to milhons of an- gry eyes, bent full on him ; his hands shrink back 64 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. appalled, and he leans upon the side of the ship, faint Avith his sudden and exhausting dream in open day. Some, whose days of misfortune have been embittered by reproaches, instead of being soothed by the allowances of tenderness, humbly submis- sive to the will of God, yet manly rebels against the scornful, crushing will of man, resolve to ex- haust their energies in unfamiliar places, and to escape in busy, unobserving crowds the weight of bitter glances and upbraiding words. There is the gamester, who flies, like the hawk, from land to land, from river to river, from ocean to ocean, whithersoever he perceives his prey to go. Standing slyly apart, he casts his sneering, icy eye about, as if selecting those from whom, in hours of their reckless risk, he may gain by infernal artifice the fruits of long and arduous toil. The chords of his heart, which may once have quivered with natural kindness, have become one congelation of apathy ; for, as it has been recalled to the world's mind, what is very apt to be for- gotten, that the criminal convict in his cell, whom society abhors, was, years before, a smiUng, prat- tling infant, so the professional gambler, the Ish- THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 65 tnaelite of civilization, whose hand is against that of every man who will engage with him, may, in rosy boyhood, have trundled his hoop, read Robin- son Crusoe, and said his prayers, like good children generally. The fair name of enterprise cannot sanctify the mere lust of gold, yet, beside the field of usual avocations opened in every newly planted state, the direct search for the precious metals may be made as honorable as any form of mediate negotia- tion between the mine and the coffer. Whether or not any way of wealth be manly or miserly, de- pends less upon the way than upon the man who has chosen and pursues it. A justly meaning man is chiefly requisite to make any calling just. Men grown opulent from plethoric usury may shake their heads, and talk like philosophers about the regular paths of industry, when their poorer neighbors, whose competence may have gone to fill their chests, talk of visiting the mines ; but posi- tive laws, in some of the States, declare, with the heavy emphasis of pains and penalties, the way of wealth pursued by such advisers to be of a very irregular kind. When, also, divines, in churches of hewn stone made gossamer, and full of the col- 5 Q6 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. ored splendor of the light, denounce to their rose- ate audiences the Californian rage, the question might sometimes be pertinently put to the rever- end oracles, crowned with prismatic diadems, whether rich fortunes matrimonial are among the graceful means of wealth, which justify a haughty severity of censure on God's hosts of striving poor, outside high Gothic walls. Much of the dissuasion may be most proper and timely, but it should not be spoken by such ones with arrogance and thoughtlessness. Some daintily refined people regard a poor man as having the same relation to humanity which a poor picture has to a gallery of the Fine Arts. Of the tortures, agonies, and temptations belonging to the want of riches, they have little thought, and they look upon poverty, not as being distressing and disheartening, but simply as being ungraceful and inelegant. They wonder how any man or woman can show such a want of good taste as to be poor. In respect of the knowledge of life, they are of like mind with the royal lady of France, who advised giving the cake to the French people, when they were famishing and crying for bread. If the ills and needs of life be spoken of THE BECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 67 in their hearing, tliej will allow them to be very sad, though thinking hardly of the thoughtless per- sons who have no more manners than to annoy their nerves with such things. Still, they have the languid charity to think that every person in misfortune has surely a reserved aid somewhere, in the cake-box or in the bank ; for they cannot imagine any person to be so completely broken on the wheel of fortune as not to have a small annui- ty left. At the mention of the Californian emi- gration, such people, of course, sneer audibly, but not so heartily as to disarrange the precision of their facial lines ; and thenceforth they discard the subject as being quite too low and democratic to divide their serious thoughts with the last import- ed mode of social manners or with the next new opera. Happily for the exemplification of these royal ideas, there was detected, not long ago, in a dark, dusty corner of the great Western closet of the world, a gigantic box of cake, which had been locked up there for many ages. As soon as the discovery was made and known, multitudes of peo- ple, desiring a change of diet, without consulting monarchs, presidents, or lovers of the beautiful, 68 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. obeyed at once their sovereign impulses, and crowded away in immense steamers like this, in ships of all sizes, and almost in little boats with shingles for rudders and handkerchiefs for sails, to reach the prize and help themselves to slices, be- having in that action as moderately as their eager- ness and the variety of their dispositions allowed, though rather angry, once or twice, with some covetous foreigners, who, not content with w^aiting for a cake-box of their own, dipped their greedy fingers into their mess. There are no relics in California of the Old Painters or of the Old Saints, perhaps not many new representatives of either class. California has no Rliines, Arnos, Tibers, so needful for gen- tlemen of taste, no Alhambras, Vaticans, or Pyra- mids. The Coliseum, with an awning spread over the top of its encircling wall, would make a spa- cious inn, and a lucrativ^e one, were its host to be some renoAvned projector of wonders in the realms of Art and Nature ; but that is not there, and nothing looks like it there ; and no Archimedes can be found, to devise the conveyance of the structure over two oceans and a sea, and around Cape Horn, where such a Leviathan of sinking sub- THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 69 stance might easily founder in a storm ; nor would the famous Mr Paxton undertake to transport the bulk which, had it been made of glass, would have been shivered bj the arrows of the Vandals, even though the state, grateful for the increase of its lodging resources, should confer upon him, beside a solid reward, the rights and honors of the x\meri- can order of the flashing spread eagle of sunset ; a token of approval more strange, if less to be prized, than the surname of knighthood, destined to be his, and which would be worthily bestowed, but more gracefully, if, at the same time, another Englishman should receive such appreciation, — a man to whom England and the world are more in- debted than they could be for a hundred Crystal Palaces, whether, like this one, of glass that breaks, or, like the Russian one of which Cowper sings, of ice that melts, — a man as beneficial certainly as a minister of the crown, and whose writings are a Crystal Palace, where the sunlight of manly senti- ment and of playful fancy gleams through periods more clear and beautiful than plates of glass, and brightened by the moisture of pathetic dew. Com- mendable and great as is the skill shown in contriv- ing so vast and light an edifice, to be so various- 70 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. Ij filled, yet, when this New Curiosity Shop shall nearly have faded from the memory of men, eager eyes will continue to throng the Old Curiosity Shop, to pay their glistening tributes at the saintly shrine of early sorrow in its early grave. This, however, is an Age of Light, when great toyshops are built, intended to be taken down after six months of show; not one of the miserable Dark Ages, when cathedrals were erected, to be taken down only after leases of thousands of years, or, if suddenly, by convulsions alone, that shake terribly the earth. The dignity of toil is not the new creation which it claims to be ; it was known of old, and its sub- limest exhibitions have ever been founded upon the rock. Long may Sir Joseph Paxton enjoy his laurels, fairly won, and long may exemplar Majes- ty outshine the jewelled crown ; but may it every- where be heeded well, that, while plates of glass, not being conductors of the electrical principle, may negatively aid the commonwealth, those men are positive pillars of the state whose spell can charm the lightning of the soul into brotherly kindness, and the bolts of anger into loyal chari- ties. But, as it was about to be said, in California THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 71 there are no Westminster Abbeys, or likenesses of them, except in so far as the courtesies of life, which should be like open doors, demand a fee. Elegant affinities cannot be attracted towards a heathenish region, that has no catacombs, where the feet can wander through halls after halls whose sides are lined with ghastly, embalmed human shapes, a standing army of silent, spectral death, enrobed in dusky brown, like friars, as many of them were in life ; no grinning, Gothic faces, or heads of turbaned Saracens, carved in stone, which, if suddenly appearing to people unused to the daily sight, would send them hurrying, pale and trem- bling, to the shrine of the nearest patron-saint of any body for help ; no curious mosaics, express- ing sacred symbols or historic faces, less reverent- ly than the inner thought conceives ; no deceased dialects, with inexplicable inscriptions on their tombstones ; no desecrated paintings of holy per- sons, with miraculously moving eyes, or statues bleeding for the faithful at set times ; no red con- gelations, in mysterious vials, liquefying once a year ; no cenotaphs, of rosy spotted porphyry, of kings ; no ancient castles, with stains of the blood of slain favorites or ministers of state, yet opening "^2 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. red, revealing lips on stony floors. The presence of some despairing men, grieved at home, and with hopes of better fortune broken and wilted there, and dangling about their souls like faded garlands on the brow of a maniac, may help, indeed, to give that air of misery which makes a counti-y at- tractive and classical. Thoughts, which, if set in the golden casket of expression, would shine as brightly as any rays from the mental stars that soften and illume the calm night of meditation, may visit many unknown and humble men, in hours of patient service ; for, in truth, all who have ever won the admiration of the world have been equalled, each in his special ca- pacity, by thousands of whom the world has never heard. Many such, with whom life's fortunes have gone hardly, as well as obscurely, have looked about them on wan cheeks and fallen eyes, and at the sight their hearts have gone down, as if they would not cease ; but those hearts have been lifted from wells of grief by the news from the Pacific shore, and the hope to see those pale, thin cheeks full and animate again, and those eyes no more dull and spiritless, has persuaded them to embark for the region of promise. Religion, that THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 73 loves and blesses the sad, weighing the needs of men in scales of charity, and sifting motives in her silver sieve, will encourage this decision or not, as she may wisely judge ; but Sanctimony, the usurper of her Crystal Throne, should have earnest care, lest she revile as mercenary feelings as soft- ly, brightly pure as any tiling on earth can be, even as the tears that press upon the eyes of childhood, as they turn their last look upon the bending face of a mother, and then close, to open not again in time.* Art and Learning, in broad halls, tapestried with books, or in gorgeous prisons of the willing senses, should not frown upon these men for desiring to change the living portraitures of sorrow into those of gladness, and sad moans or sadder silence into songs of ringing joy ; for to take off the weight from heavy hearts is as worthy and re- fining, as to wander admiringly through Tusculan villas, to trace, with Iliad in hand, the sites of Ho- mer's cities, or to listen with the cultured ear alone where Misereres bathe the soul in tearful ecstasies of sound, and beat with plaintive, holy waves, until responsive arches, altars, walls, and pillars throb with harmony and sorrow. But if the dispositions and motives of these men 74 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. be disdained hj people who have been refined out of sympathy with their kind, let them be construed generously by those who know that the life of man has not yet been made a garden where he who wills may walk beneath embowering shades, to the music of perpetual fountains. The peculiar histories of every multitude of men would furnish momentous chronicles. Every heart, that has tal- lied its account of beating life from infancy to manhood, could supply an Epic with conflicts, victo- ries, and defeats. Magnanimity*inay reside beneath the sunniest bronze and coarsest texture, while hard cunning may prefer pleasant features and ap- parel of the latest mode. The best sensibilities may be seen in leaden caskets, and the harshest tempers may be set in gold ; and, also, it is true, that the courtesy of wealth may be a faithful sign of warmth within, and poverty may be made trebly poor by a suspicious envy, more arrogant than what it en- vies, and by a miser's surliness and craft, that lack alone his means. Here may be some hearts too dry ever to re- ceive a blight, which cannot lose the mellowness which they have never had ; and others, as hard as the united hardness of all the nether and the THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 75 upper millstones whicli ever compressed corn so closely, that each grain cried out with protesting agony as it was ground to the nutritious dust. Avarice, displayed by people rich or poor, claims, properly, its dues ; with these let the moral ac- count he also met by full dividends of just re- buke and compound usury of scorn. But soft, fair violets may grow beneath the most corrupted tree. Upon this deck flowers may spring, as beau- tiful and as fragrant as any that ever sent their odors forth in greenest meadows ; here, too, may be gnarled oaks, which hold their faded leaves tenaciously until the latest day of autumn, and then yield them with fear, lest they fall astray, and fertilize some other soil than theirs. Sub- lime and lovely natures, above the aim of the mi- ser, may be enshrined in wealth or in need. The golden, perennial beauty of the soul depends not on the outward mark. In the spirits of many here, memory may be a true sentinel of firm affections, of fervent joys, of tender sorrows, which, not content with being merely prisoners of the memory, press by the guard, in their haste to catch the very eye of the soul. 76 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. I. Now brighter than the splendor of the day, Which through the sky, with clouds impearled, is spread O'er emerald banks, the waters of the bay, The city great, the ship that longs to thread Her glancing furrows white, abroad is shed The brilliancy of wings by love allied To hearts by impulses of memory led, Towards shrines afar, where burning lamps abide, The guidance of whose light no seas or mounts can hide. II. O'er hills, on which the sun's saluting beams, And parting, smile and play entrancingly. O'er the blue, silvered, winding, rippling streams, Swiftly as eagles to their eyries fly. These visitants are borne with fervency. O'er forests deep, which ne'er the sunshine know, O'er fertile plains and homes of industry. O'er pastures with flocks sprinkled, valleys low. O'er fields where yellow waves of ripened plenty flow. THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 77 ITI. Rejoicingly the Earth looks up to see, That man still owns a portion of the dower Which once was his, when, with the accordancy Of birds and brooks, within her bounteous bower Of eastern bliss, where sprung each fragrant flower And fair that opes to taste the morning dew, She greeted him in his first, sinless hour, And for him daily more delightful grew. While imaged on her face shone every choicest hue. IV. At homes, the chancels of earth's sacred places. Where are the rites with due observance paid Of life's adorning and attractive graces. The farewell pilgrimage of love is stayed. Each heart now folding memory's flying aid, With silent steps, unseen, unheard, descends, And, in the precincts of the cherished shade, With saddening fears attended, lowly bends, While all the pleasant past with present sorrow blends. 78 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. V. They cling so eagerlj and firmlj there, That, of themselves, they cannot loose their hold, But Hope and Purpose, now approaching, dare, Joining their hands together, kindly bold. To lift the prostrate ones, and, then, to infold Their failing energies with manly force Of fortitude, whose patient arm can mould Faint hearts to mighty souls : by this resource. Nerved to return, they rise upon their airy course. VI. Their pinions falter with the weight of tears. Whose heavy moisture oft the soul may feel. When eyes are dry, and show no woes or fears ; For they, when lavishly abroad may deal The sun his fiercest beams, may still reveal Unshrinking vision, as they sternly gaze. It is the heraldic crest, which marks the seal Of true nobility, in troublous days. To fix on Duty's eye, through rough or fiery ways. VII. As in the sunny flight these tears arise, Keeping their form and beauty in the sky, THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 79 Thej are seen to glisten by the seraphs' eyes, "Who hold continual ward in stations high, For to these seven sentries ceaselessly The holy charge from Heaven is assigned To watch for human tears with constancy, Since gems of more imperishable kind As signs of better life on earth they cannot find. VIII. These merciful, good angels, in their hands, DiiFusing pearly light, these crystals seize, And with the glad alacrity which bands Ethereal use, fulfilling charities, They reach the place, where quiring harmonies Proclaim the glory of the King of Kings. They trembling kneel ; at once the melodies Of harp and voice are still ; alone there rings The richly rustling sound of many joining wings. IX. The silent angel-guards bend down their eyes, And bear upon a jewelled salver, wrought With precious skill, these moist resplendencies. Whose clear tongues plead to help man's bitter lot. 80 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. Would that to stainless beauty might be brought The germ divine of man, to dark descents Though fallen, yet living, undecayed to naught, As 'midst his errors, sins, and wrong intents These lucid points evince, these dewy arguments. Even if, to him who departs, a pall seems to invest all time ; if the silent depths of his soul are dark, and every face, to his distempered sight, answers the gloom of his ; if the cheers of the multitude sound like cries of agony, and the pant- ing of the mechanism like moans of pain, — still, far down in the gulf of the past, glimpses of home once happy may beam like stars, that shoot forth as stormy clouds sweep swiftly by them, to show that the tempest is broken, and to promise the morning on the sea, when the billoAvs, playing in the softened breeze and splendor, shall lift towards the sun white crests of joy, and with their shining hands press on the ships, as if know- ing how much more blessed it is to help than to destroy. If he has caused a blight to fall upon any spirit, or has thrust away pure affections that strove to embrace him tenderly ; if through means of his THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 81 any face has grown daily more -wan, and has finally paled wholly from the sight, that valued not the treasure; if any child, to whom his care and love should have been like dew and sunshine to the budding flower, has fled in terror from his glaring e3^e and frenzied hand ; if he has derided or used vmgratefully any good of Providence or man, — still, now, the crisis of resolution may have awakened his dull spirit ; he may remember en- treaties to forgive impatience shown in beainng woes which he is conscious of having brought him- self, and the memory may assure him that a heart so tender as to crave pardon from one who griev- ously had wronged it, lacked not the grace to grant the boon it sought, and although it cannot now with living lips, yet in the full sunlight he may see bending upon him, from the far-ofl" sky, eyes which he once made to be dim with sorrow, or to look sadder from efforts to restrain their flowing grief, but now beaming mth forgiving hope, brighter than the sun. If his heart has been sorrowful so long that gladness, should it come, must express itself by sighs ; if his way has been made rough with difii- culties by those, who, if he has failed to conquer 82 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. them, have scoffed at his ill success, or, if he has manfully trampled them down, have taken the praise of bringing out his energy by opposition ; if in his strenuous trials to gain a free scope for himself, hands have pressed or drawn him back, that should heartily have helped him forward ; if voices that should have inspired his will have ma- ligned his purposes and ways ; if far-sighted pru- dence, denounced as obstinacy, because defying hostile censure, and tenderly firm against friendly but blind persuasion, has in a fatal hour yielded to the united siege of enmity and love, and, after- wards, spent years of brokenness of spirit in mourning over thwarted aims, until those who ac- cepted submission with joy have seen too late their error, and hostile ones have treated compliance ■with their counsels more haughtily and contempt- uously than they had done resistance to them ; if this or that procedure has been recommended for pretended benefit, but really to cut the wings of a desim that seemed about to cross the course of the adviser, though with no such intent ; if energy has first learned the consciousness of itself from seeing lips of scorn ; if in the house of friends wounds have been given that have chilled the fer- THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 83 • vor of life, and still charity, knowing that there was no design to cut like swords, or to pierce like heated points of steel, has not accused, lest pangs should thrill through a heart, or tears bedew a face beloved ; whether or not reasons like these have cast their weight into the scale ; or, if life has hitherto passed happily ; if good-will has cheered the struggling path, and daily frowns have not made the hours sad ; if friendly hands have been prompt to promote worthy aims ; if the heart has been more pained by over-kind regard than by contumely or chilliness ; if sorrow has but deepened and brightened the soul and the sight, made more manly the pressure of the foot, and depressed alone a haughty bearing of the head ; whether the mind refers to a more sunny or to a more cloudy past, hope is yet busy with the fibres of each heart, and teaching to some hps the song of a lighter and fairer future, to others of one less dark and sad. The eye now turns again to the journal, in which the editor shows How like the dew of Hermon 't is to see Both Ministers and Congressmen agree 84 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. In laboring to secure the public good More fervently than for their daily food ; And to their country showing all devotion, Without a thought of personal promotion. But a crowd of trunks make such confusion that these paradisiacal portraitures cannot be viewed with the serene and absorbing rapture which is due to the few" memorials on earth of the reign of Saturn. It is natural that men should wish to keep trunks as far out of the way of harm, and as much under their eye, as they can ; for trunks are useful and pleasant travelling companions, not- withstanding inspectors of customs, who, it is gratifying to know, sometimes cut their fingers with glass ornaments, when searching for smug- gled silk or contraband lace. Ne'er is a man more at a loss to know What with himself to do, or where to go, Than wdien, amazed, his trunk he cannot find, With best and nearest goods and chattels lined. The most attractive objects then lose their en- chantment. Superb editions of the old poets, with clasps of silver guarding thoughts of gold ; THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 85 cathedrals, lighted and shaded bj stained -win- dows, having carved oaken choirs, pillars of choice niarble, and floors of mosaic ; illuminated man- uscripts, thronged with figures, stiff, but very brightly colored ; gorgeovisly panelled walls of palaces, and ceilings stoi-ied in fresco ; paintings of the old masters, or statuary of older or of later than they, ruling the spirit with sceptres of beauty ; matins and vespers breathing harmonies into the ears of the devout air ; lofty cypresses, making walls of verdure with masses of interlacing foliage ; operas fanning the senses Avith dramatic music ; — all these things are no more sources of delight to a man who has lost his trunk, than if their graces were under the lock of the recep- tacle which has gone, and Avhither the distracted student of the beautiful cannot divine. A man who has searched in vain to find his trunk cannot make his presence agreeable to himself anywhere. He may be proven to have lost his head, for he has been forsaken by his senses, those busy rep- resentatives, that, in their capitol, the brain, con- duct the affairs of their nervous constituencies. "Whatever be the figure of this argument, or though it belong to none of the series, the man 86 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. knows his desolate figure, and the harbarous mode of his personality ; and if the terms he not duly distributed, he believes that his valuables, includ- ing letters dated at the heart, have been distrib- uted to the four corners of the earth, and to thou- sands of curious eyes. But if the premises be doubtful, the Archbishop of Dublin himself would allow the conclusion to be conclusive, if his Grace ever lost a portfolio in Avhich was an Episcopal charge, which he had carefully prepared for a special occasion, of which he kept no copy, while his clergy, having waited in vain for its wisdom and logic to be dispensed to them, were at last compelled to accept a dispen- sation in the Papal sense, excusing them from attention. A man of weak nerves would be annoyed by arriving at the wharf just in season to see the steamer, with his goods sent beforehand safely on board, moving gracefully out of the bay, while his frantic cries " Stop ! stop ! " drowned by the cheers of the crowd, cannot retract a single revo- lution of the wheels. He would be even less pleased to find, several hours after leaving port, that his most important trunk had been left be- THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 87 hind. The consciousness of personal security would be made by the loss of personal accompa- niments to increase, rather than allay, his agita- tion. Hence the general excitement about trunks "will not be censured, however much it may for a time obstruct freedom of action, or damage indi- viduality, which last is an admirable quality for a hermitage, or for a rural retreat, but not for the deck of a steamer bound for the Isthmus, or for the hurrying world in general. Conglomeration rules the day, and let it have a fair field, to show its power for ill or for good, that men may return to the old path, or adopt the more excellent way. Probably none of the passengers are in peril of the archiepiscopal difficulty, for though each trunk may be the cause of as much commotion as any one of the official charges or discharges of his valiant Lordship, Henry of Exeter, it is not to be supposed that the trunks hold any charges, clerical or lay, beyond, it may be, in two or three, a few small bills, which in the hurry of departure there was no time to settle. The revolutions of the wheels of a steamship are examples of a kind of rotation in office, Avhich, besides being needful for efficient progress, are un- bb THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. like some other modes of that operation, in sel- dom causing bitter displeasure to any one, but rather hearty complacency to all parties con- cerned, though having some likeness in the way in which it is sustained, which is by keeping the steam well up, and by bringing all the forces within reach to bear upon the main shaft, or the main chance, as the case may be. Wheels are also revolvers, which steamships hold out, right and left, in fighting their way through the sea : and these now revolve half around and then back, ending their endeavors, like people whose activ- it}^ of design excels firmness of will, in a mere fuss of foam and commotion. The machinery puflfs and groans for its proper sphere of exertion, like the energies of a statesman, who longs to be kicking at foreign nations and at domestic ene- mies, but who is restrained from such ministration by the electoral chain of a want of votes ; if, indeed, any thing so positive as a chain-cable can be compared to an absolute negation. The state- ly funnel towers over the ship with a kind of Sa- tanic fascination, as if it would inspire some pre- cipitate person to climb to the black summit of the cylinder like a squirrel, and then to dive THE DECK OF THE CRESCEXT CITY. 89 down into its smoking recesses, merely to see ■u-here, amongst the complicated machinery, his " dark descent " would be stopped, the adventurer not thinking that his exploit might prove to be as disastrous as an appeal to a Court of Equity, of which it is generally true, that it is much easier to get in than to get out. The tones of bells have an apostolical character, for their significance is so various, that they may be said to become all things to all men, that they may gain the ears of some. They express every note in the gamut of human emotion, from the low moan of despair to the high ecstasy of hope. There are bells for births, for the house of mourn- ing, and for the marriage-feast. Peels, knells, and chimes proclaim the trinity of man's life on earth, joy, sorrow, and devotion, for all men worship something, and the object of their homage has its proper music. There are bells that toll the watches of the night, that usher in the dawn, that announce every hour of the sun's march, and of evening bells poetry is full. Bells declare victo- ries, and the anniversaries of great deeds. There are bells of terror, which signify fires, earth- 90 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. quakes, and the approaches of enemies ; Protes- tant bells, that ring vehemently like perpetual memorials of Luther's voice, and Catholic bells, which are seldom rung, but which are struck incessantly, making glad the faithful and annoy- ing the faithless ; glad and vociferous bells, which proclaim the birth of an heir to an imperial crown, and soft, deceptive bells, which give the signal for Sicilian vespers ; bells that strike six of a dark, icy morning in winter, irritating collegians, and bells that strike one of a summer midnight, to the meditative torture of Dr. Young, and to the more lamentable torture of English verse in the way of sentimental crudities, sickly fancies, and the vagaries of spasmodic piety on stilts ; bells that hurry travellers to the cars, and warn deaf people to beware of the crossings of engines ; bells that call passengers in a steamboat to the captain's ofifice to settle their fares, and more pleasant bells which summon them to the table for supper ; and bells like this one, advising people who have come on board to take leave of friends, that they will do wisely to retire soon, if they wish not to find themselves on the way to Chagres, with no preparations for crossing the THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 91 Isthmus in the rainy season, and with not even a spurious ticket for the passage between Panama and San Francisco. Farewells, attended bj a guard of good wishes and kind hopes, issue from the lips ; and hands give and return an earnest pressure. About the parting words may play an almost merry liveliness, which proves sincerity better than a studied endeavor to look suitably sad, which usually succeeds in looking very un- gracious and sour. Regret at losing the presence of a friend may be blended with enjoyment of it, growing more intense as every moment shortens it, and the fervor of the spirit may be expressed in this divided way ; or, to return to bells, as the tones of a bell sound wonderfully pure, reach far, and endure long, when a dampness pervades the air, so pleasantries of speech, struck froai hearts moist with sensibility, ring clear and make music long after in the ears of him that goes and of him that stays ; and parting smiles are among the brightest treasures of the memory, for they throw over after hours a beautiful and cheering halo of light. The last friend has walked the plank from the deck to the pier ; the steam discharges bullets of 92 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. sound, which pierce the ears, and mingle with the general concert of puffing, roaring, and shouting noises ; the wheels begin to revolve with more de- termination : one is forced to consider the victo- ries of the usurper, steam ; as, how many coaches have run their last stage, and overturned their impatient passengers into rapid cars ; how many bluff and merry Saxon drivers have yielded place to precise and polite Latin conductors ; how neighboring States, unmindful of the Apostolic precept, have diligently rendered railing for rail- ing to secure Canadian trade, or for some other purpose equally excellent ; in short, how fast the world with all that it contains is coming under the dominion of the Prince of the Power of the Air : and one conjectures whether other kinds of con- veyance may not soon be managed by steam, ■whether real estates, which have been alienated sometimes by the fumes of alcohol, may not be conveyed by steam proper, in which case they would not be perplexed with a long retinue of contingent remainders ; for steam never has any contingent remainders, except when two trains of cars, going at the rate of fifty miles an hour, sud- denly meet on the same track, to shake hands THE DECK OF THE CEESCENT CITY. 93 and ask the price of stocks. If there be any niche in the Temple of Invention yet unoccupied, it must be in reserre for the blessed individual ■who shall successfully apply steam to suits in chancery, so that an estate may pass through that long tract of country, without being detained too long in the green pastures of luxurious fees, or being locked up for too many years in the terrible dungeons of a snivelling chancellor's doubts. The steamer being now on the point of depart- ure, while hats, hands, and handkerchiefs wave together in the air, a young man, of commanding figure and of bold but not unbecoming manners, a " Bowery boy," stands upon the upper deck at the stern of the ship, beneath the floating banner of his country. Waving first his hat and then his handkerchief, he addresses the people on shore with a loud and searching voice. His precise woi'ds cannot be reported, but there is no doubt that they were of the following import. " Fellow-citizens, we are bound for California, where there is gold enough and plenty of it. But we are not going altogether for that. We hope to enjoy ourselves in a new country. Still, for 94 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. my part, I am willing to say, that I mean to re- turn to New York with the biggest piece of what was once Mexico that I can dig out of the earth, carry in my hat to the shore (hat in my hand, my good friends) , and bring home in my trunk. I assure you, my particular friends, as you all are, that I have no harder wish for any of you than that you may all come out in the next steamer, and do the same likewise. Fellow-citizens, it is pecuharly proper to consider at such a time as this the glory of our country. No nation now on earth holds her head so high as ours, and no one has so good a right to do so. Two wars, the Crystal Palace, and ColUns's line, have proved to the satisfaction of every body, that we have now beaten England and the rest of mankind in all the elements, — land, water, steam, and machinery. Now, fellow-citizens, the golden rule of our re- publican system is, as you have all been instruct- ed from childhood, that we should do honor to those who do honor to us. That is Republican- ism, or it is nothing, and our history will show that, in all cases, this rule has been invariably obeyed. The fact is, that for our country to honor those who honor her is one of our great and THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 95 glorious and free institutions, which we are bound to respect, love, cherish, and obey till death us do part, and so forth, as the Westminster Catechism says. That being the case, suifer me to make a suggestion. We all hope, of course, that the prince of exhibitors, before he closes his show for the last time (and long may it be before he does), — I thank you for applauding that sentiment, — we all hope, that he will be the governor of his inventive commonwealth. Let me also advise that the contriver of the famous yacht be chosen Pres- ident by the unanimous vote of the people ; and let the inventor of the reaping-machine, who de- serves, as all admit, a first-rate. place in the hearts of every body, let him be President of the Senate. He would gather the grain of public affairs, and sift it, to some purpose. Let the man who picked Braham's locks decide questions of order as Speaker of the House ; and, finally, let the in- ventor of six-barrelled revolvers be Secretary of State. Our country could then face her enemies and go ahead with a will. I am told that the picker of locks is a Boston boy, and my literary friends — of whom I am happy to say that I have a large number — assure me that the genius of 96 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. the place, as it is called in some old-fashioned language or other, is so marked, that Boston young women, on the verge of twenty, Having of sciences a fearful plenty. The mystic stores of German lore expanding, Can pick the Locke on Human Understanding, and make it worthless in five minutes. " But let me not wander from my subject, lest I err as much as a reverend scholar might do, who, in addressing a literary society on the American Mind, should discourse at length upon Wat Tyler's rebellion, when a few brief remarks upon President John Tyler's administration would be more directly to the point. What has Wat Tyler ever done to develop the American Mind ? He never annexed Texas, or, as the result of that, the Pacific Ocean. To return, fellow-citizens, let me again exhort you to follow our example, and join our enterprise as soon as you can conven- iently, and sooner, if possible ; but at any rate, wherever we go or wherever we stay, whatever we do or whatever we don't do, let us never for- get to remember the American flag and the Amer- ican eagle ; and may the first see more and more THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 07 stars, every year, and the last grow larger and larger, and his eyes brighter, and his claws sharper, and his shout louder, as long as we live, and for a long time afterwards. The greatest man that ever lived is reported to have said at Cambridge, when the Yankee College there made him a Doctor of Laws, for his skilful surgery upon the body poHtic, and by way of diplomatic sanction for his doing more of the same sort, — this man, in acknowledging the degree conferred upon him, as it is said, using the same energy of voice with which he declared that the deposits should be removed from the jaws of the Monster, spoke as follows : ' E pluribus unum. Palmam qui meruit ferat. Pro bono publico. Amen.' These affecting, original, and patriotic remarks are said to be pros- pectively propheti(3al, and to mean, as I am told by people who understand the Enghsh language when expressed in Latin words, that this whole continent belongs to us, by right, desert, and the general welfare, and that the sooner we have it in our power in any way, but the best way if we can, the better it will be for all the parties con- cerned. Fellow-citizens, in bidding you good by, until we meet again, allow me to observe that the 7 98 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. sentiment quoted was not only a good, Christian sentiment, that deserved an Amen, but also a patriotic one, entitled to three cheers." As the steamer began to move forward, before these last words had fairly left the hps of the speaker, the cheers which heartily arose from the ship and the pier may have been the exchange of spontaneous good-will between the passengers and spectators generally, and not a special answer to the ingenious thought which closed the harangue. The speaker, seeing his audience fast receding from him, joined vociferously in the cheers, again waving his hat and handkerchief by turns. At last he put his hat on his head and his hand- kerchief in his pocket ; but had he reversed this order, he would not have acted altogether without that first requisite for scrupulous men, — a pre- cedent ; for, not long ago, the heir of the an- cient and noble house of Derby, in ascending the Andes, at the worst season of the year, and quicker than was ever known before, except by a special express in times of revolution, as if the injunction, " On, Stanley, on ! " directly referred to himself, this gentleman, who, if ever called to share in the government of his country, cannot THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 99 be blamed for official neglect, if he shall con- duct public affairs with the same expedition and strength which he showed in that surprising journey, — this young, manlj, and enterprising statesman, finding the wind to be very boisterous in the passage of Chimborazo, making his hat unmanageable, put it in his pocket ; so that, if the Bowery boy had done the same, he would have followed an illustrious example ; but, with a due regard for final causes, he put it upon his head, and then looked about him with an air of re- served energy and decision, as if bent upon ad- vancing the greatness and glory of his country by every way in his power, and, on his private ac- count, of despatching any one who should dare to insult him upon that never more than ten days' journey to obscurity, commonly called sending a man into the middle of next week, — a mode of propulsion, however, which, it is said upon good scientific authority, would distract all the doctors and students of a Dutch university for seventy- two successive hours, in arguing that by the sci- ence of dynamics no such thing could be done. Among the crowd of cheering spectators mav be some relatives, who count with rapture upon 100 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. the affluence of returning fathers, sons, brothers, or cousins ; and, in some cases, there maj be an incipient jealousy, consistent with kind wishes, lest departing ones may return so glorified and exalted by Californian success, as to eclipse the less splen- did efforts of others. There may be a ground for such good-natured jealousy, For there is seldom known at once to be More than one lion in a family. Fears and hopes, tears and smiles, faithful affec- tions and fervent blessings, may lie underneath the uproar of those who have come from curiosity mainly to see another steamship depart for Cha- gres. The day is bright ; and thus favored by a pleas- ant sky, and by loud and hearty benedictions, the steamer proceeds ; the people on shore watch eagerly the graceful motion seaward of the noble vessel ; and the passengers, standing upon the up- per deck, look no less intently upon the receding city. Hardly a mile has been passed over, when the wheels suddenly cease to revolve; and, to the general amazement, anchor is dropped about two thousand miles from the place where it might THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. lOl have been thought, five mmutes before, that it would strike its flukes into the ground. The pas- sengers are Avith good reason confounded. Those who are strangers from the country may be less confounded than the rest, from thinking that the rushing chain at the bows may be simply a part of the machinery ; and so it is, but not of the motive kind. The clerk soon appears upon deck, and in the cabins, politely informing passengers that they can go ashore until the next morning, as some portion of the machinery labors, and needs to be set right. The ship had been performing the nautical gymnastics, called pausing on the centre, which means, that, instead of moving on her way with even tenor, she stopped to take breath at every revolution of the wheels, before taking another leap forward into the waves, a movement well enough for those who like it, when the sea is smooth, but suggestive of nervous apprehensions in a furious gale ; for should a steamship, at such a time, when crossing two huge billows, pause too long on the centre, the whole establishment might suddenly divide, leaving the captain, oflicers, pas- sengers, crew, and all hands generally, to go in 102 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. different directions, and neither of them towards Chagres, or any place inhabited by living men, and with but one engine between them, and that going down as fast as it can, to pause upon the centre of gravitation for some ages, perhaps to aid in convoying some of the ships, which, like spirits that once breathed the upper air, move in silent, dreary circles on the black, breathless, waveless deep, while their spectral crews keep their unbroken watch below. This accident not only detains the ship, but forces the narration itself to cast anchor, and the reflections upon the beautiful bay of New York are of course deferred to a more convenient occa- sion. But a writer's purpose should overcome harder mischances than this, for, if all the intimi- dations of literary history cannot turn him aside, he ought not to mind being so suddenly brought to a stand. Let not this unlooked for and per- plexing detention cause longer delay than is need- ful to decide what can be done. The passengers have nearly all obeyed the clerk's polite invitation to go ashore, and the city, seen to be surrounded by the tall masts of ships, suggests the use of those convenient contrivances as figures of speech, THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 103 in which respect they have been of good service, since timber was first made to float ; for the Ark, of blessed memory, not only saved what Avas worth saving at an important period of human history, but a timely resort to it as a figure of speech has saved many an orator from metaphor- ical drowning, at a rhetorical crisis. The city is a sea of lives freighted In transient vessels to make voyages From time's decaying shore to those vast ports Where all arrivers find fast anchorage. To that strange land, whose capes reach out so far. That some barks gain their destination soon. While the deep bays withdraw their shelving sands So far inland, that others press the sea. Ere they are harbored, more than fourscore years. Launched on the wave of life the little boat Moves tremulous, as though a ruder touch Of the new billows would break up its frame ; Full oft it does ; and then the tender frigate Launches, in turn, the memory of its voyage Upon a flood of tears ; or, if more blest, Or less, for this no foresight can resolve, lO'l THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. The bark shall conquer the great, breaking sea, Expanding shapely comeliness it glides Before the vigorous pressure of the wind, Which breathes odorous sweetness from the banks, Where youth and hope their bowers of beauty build. Thus may two ships, one more by vigor marked, And the other more by gracefulness of form. From diverse ports proceeding, near approach Each other, wafted by the generous gale Of love reciprocal, thence on life's course To advance through storm or sunshine, side by side. Until one strikes upon the mystic shore. Whence can no mortal keel remove, and then The one deprived in loneliness goes on, Until it gains the limit of its course. These voyagers are variously equipped For their swift courses on existence' sea ; Some, spreading sunny sails of texture strong. Court the affluent winds, and move o'er shining waves. That feel exhilarating airs alone. While each sail met bends in sweet courtesy To these fine ships, so bounteously supplied THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 105 With every cabin luxury of life ; Others, with canvas torn, meagre, too thin For stress of storms, prevail not on the breezes To waft them kindly on, but are exposed To cruel, shifting gales, which swell the sea, Until it beats and roars ; o'er billows hard They wander, roughly pushed, appointed ill, Neglected, unsaluted, and condemned To stifle want with short allowances And musty bread. Some are of timbers old, Battered by storms, made tough by service hard, Oft bending to the gale, yet not o'erthrown, In gentle weather easy and benign, Of stiff resistance in dark peril's hour; Others no strain have felt of tempests rough. And, in smooth waters gliding, can maintain An amiable mien, enchanting all To see them bear so gracefully along So much delight and love ; yet broken ships With tattered sails there are, which grieve the sight. And yet which would as amiable appear As any that adorn life's pleasant sea. If they had not had conflicts rude to bear 106 THE DECK OF THE CRESCEXT CITY. With angry skies, sharp lightnings, and the host Of troubles that molest the human heart. When airs are balmy, and the seas are smooth. It easy is to be of nature sweet. That is alone true amiability, Which stands the test of penury and pain. See others fluttering with bright streamers gay, Making of Hfe a constant holiday. Some lend to others prompt, becoming aid, In times of sorrow and of utmost need. With wholesome plenty filling scant supplies, Lending new sails, or stopping dismal leaks Of poverty or wrong ; others with scorn. Provided well themselves, pass swiftly by Their broken neighbors, taking notice none, Or with bland, simpering words that nothing mean, And less bring forth, answering their conscience' call. Another, far from helping in distress. Withholding e'en cheap verbal comfort, looks With eager sight, where'er a tidy ship With a good cargo laden homeward speeds. And then, making quick sail, bears down at once Upon the modest bark, and breaks it up, THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 107 And, the good cargo sliifting to its hold, Leaves the poor injured ship to sink or float O'er wayward waves, the toil of patient years Lost in collision with rich insolence, And earnings small gone to increase the wealth Of one who should have spared, not taken more ; And then, the haughty vessel sailing on, As it beholds another like itself. Congratulating signals gives and takes For the shrewd deed, as though it were as good As an archangel would rejoice to do. And not such as should make a devil blush. Look also on those ships, famed for exploits On war's rough ocean, or on smoother waves Of policy. How gracefully upon their course, Lined with great throngs of cheering sails, they Bending complacent bows to all around. But most complacent ones to those dear crafts, That cast for anchors votes. Still other ships, Manned by the loving goodnesses of life. Make it their aim to go in search of wrecks ; And many wrecks there are, to move the heart, — The wrecks of hope, pondering in still despair, 108 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. The wrecks of wealth and shattered competence, Injustice suffering or the wages hard Of former arrogance in plenteous days, The wrecks of health, weak, shapeless, and forlorn, The wrecks of honor, firm no more and true. Leaving the straight course, of integrity, The wrecks of mind, wandering they know not where. By winds disordered on disordered seas, With compass all distracted in its points, The wrecks of love sincere, but cast aside By those unworthy of its blessedness, Moving disconsolate in disarray With aimless fancies upon aimless waves. On billows glaring with deceptive light Are found the saddest wrecks of all, the wrecks Of rosy beauty turned to ruddy shame, x\nd whitening then to die. Whene'er these barks Reach where on stormy waves these wrecks are seen. The careful watch on deck the signal give, And instantly with charity's commotion Are all on board alive ; the boats let down, Furnished with ready succor, briefly wait. THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 109 And the eager crew need no command to press Where the wreck struggles in complete distress, Which, when they reach, with hastening hands they seek To bend new sails, to bind the splintered spars, To stop the yawning leaks or ply the pumps, To fix the unhinged rudder, or to set The mind's chronometer that leads astray, Or to supply celestial quadrants good. Which, through the lenses strong of faith and hope. Enable human souls to see how high The Sun of grace has risen on their course ; To famished inmates is provided food ; The broken ships to harbors snug are led, Until again ready to plough the sea, With best directions from the heavenly chart. Or to abide secure till reason's ray Shall shine again, when breaks immortal day. After such offices of good are done. The charitable ones in silence go Back to their ships, chartered by love sincere. Freighted with blessings, wafted by the gale^ Which blow directly from the pearly gate Of Paradise upon man's suffering state. 110 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. See at its final port a ship arrive, After long wrestling with the storms of life ; The shrouds and braces where the tempest hoAvled Are now transformed to chords where music breathes Of heavenly origin, which soothes and cheers The last, declining period of the voyage ; The faithful anchor hangs upon the bows, A refuge oft before from drifting winds. And ready to hold fast the stately bark, When it has reached the narrow strand that severs Time from Eternity, that it may stand Fearless in that dread hour of mortal change, Until the angelic lighter from the shore Of endless time draws near to take the freight. And store it in the treasury of God. For every mortal vessel bears a freight Precious indeed, which cost a Prince's life To save it from destruction ; this gem divine, With fadeless life endowed, burnished with care By the celestial graver's patient skill. Changes the grossness of its human stains For the far-shining beauty of the skies ; But, ere this end be reached, hard discipline The costly jewel needs ; and many a stroke THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. Ill To it is given, which seems as it would break, Not cleanse, the gem, yet, when the dust of gi^ief Is by the graver gently breathed away, Where were the strokes most hard and frequent, there Are left the brightest places in the gem. This rich freight incorruptible is borne To its sure house of shelter, while is left The hulk behind, victim of quick decay. Till, by a word, transformed in every part, With amaranthine signals from its bows And floating at the peak, the spirit-ship, Again receiving its resplendent freight, With pure, white sails of heavenly love and joy, Soft, fragrant breezes from the blessed isles, And frame constructed of the Tree of life. Shall glide serenely with immortal pace O'er crystal seas of glory and of grace. On the next morning the Crescent City is not yet in order to go, or the rest of Sunday is re- spected, that she may begin her voyage with the secular week. A fresh October wind, coming a month before its time, has cleared the air, the waters of the bay are beautifully bright, and 112 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. every tiling about looks calm and peaceful, as becomes the hallowed season. The holy concord of religious bells Now through the city sounds, calling to prayer. Each spire and tower becomes a beacon, where The sentinel in brazen armor clad, Catching the signal from his neighbor's tongue, Bears with his own the sacred message on, To summon men to gain by humble prayer Strength to resist their spiritual foes. The various temples where dismembered Truth Sighs for recovery of its lost estate Of unity on earth, receive the throngs Who heed the summons of the sacred day. While greater throngs disdain the blessed sound. In consecrated structures there is heard The language old, in which were heralded The orders which the subject world obeyed, But which, transferred to Christian usages And redolent of saintly fragrances Of centuries, and of as many fears And woes and wrongs, in holy anthems rolls, While are some faithful souls borne on their course THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 113 Towards heavenly crowns in Roman chariots. The liturgies that nerve the Saxon tongue With words of grace there bend and lift by turns The waiting heart, memorials dear of her Enthroned where Thames and cultured Isis glide, The world's best shrine in days of doubt and gloom. And the chief germ divine, from which shall grow The Empire-Church to rule and bless the earth. Crowned now with beauty, as when sighing Faith, From the corrupt Ark flying, sought and found Within her shades the olive-yards of rest. Yet whate'er shapes sincere devotion takes, If from hearts lowly coming, prayers ascend As an angelic concourse to the skies. And find a hearing at God's ready throne. The humblest head that bows itself unseen May from its lips send messengers of prayer. Which upward speed upon their hallowed flight, Like the swift beams of the Sun's eastern light ; While many a full response, sonorous, clear. May fail to reach the Almighty's open ear. 8 114 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. So this invisible and suppliant throng Rise up together towards heaven's pearl j gate. If any are more buoyant than the rest, They may be those that issue from the hearts Of weather-beaten mariners in port, Who in the floating chapel bend the knee, While the soft undulation of the sea Answers to the liturgic waves within Of praise and supplication ; and if any Slower ascend, they may be some that rise From marble walls, by imitative spires. Too much encumbered to spring up with ease, Stiflf with brocade, laden with gems and gold. See, from the tallest spire the sacred Cross Glows in the sun, projected on the sky Like the blest sign that greeted Constantine, Telling to men of Him who died thereon. To make by pains and tears a path to heaven. While rival empires hasten to decay, And pales the wisdom sages teach and learn, One sentence still shall far outshine the day, And fainting men to living waters turn : " Behold the Lamb of God, that takes away The world's sin " ; no brave conqueror's flashing sword. THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 115 No armies, navies, no strong castle's might, Such hope and help to wearj souls afford As gleam and guide from out those words of light. Thej surest mount to reach the eternal skies, Who humblest learn how low on earth they are ; The J first behold the glorious Sun arise. Who keep the vigils of the eastern star. After the shadows of Sunday have deepened into night, and that again, hours ago, has retreat- ed before the dawn of Monday, which ushers the Avorld upon its busy race, boats are seen hastening from the Battery with passengers, to challenge the ship to stay no longer at her anchorage. The preparations at last are over, and she breathes more freely from her iron lungs, those stout respi- rators, that bear any climate and any wind, and Avhich are less likely to suffer a fatal congestion in the chilly North and East, than between the flowery banks of the Mississippi. The anchor obeys the persuasive chain, that draws it hastily and gayly from its place of rest, and the •' Cres- cent City," upon the imaginary deck of which these foregoing speculations have been made, springs upon her course, while more practical 116 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. speculations, as the world will deem them, float busily in many minds. It is the first part of Sep- tember, and the islands near by are yet bright and green with the lingering loveliness of summer ; mansions border the waters, or rise upon gentle heights ; open fields glisten with verdure ; towns grow into cities wellnigh as fast as the harvest ripens from the seed ; institutions of charity are built upon fair and salubrious spots, as though the sight and health of the poor were not to be disregarded ; establishments by the water-side af- ford relief for sojourners from the city's dust and heat; ships arrive laden with cargoes from all lands and with living crowds from the Old World's destitution, or go forth with full and eager sails for ports in distant seas; the substantial light- ship, the blessing of the coast, sways at her fast anchorage, ready to guide and delight the mariner, as he approaches home, and not to be passed with- out a benediction, by day or by night, and wheth- er kissed by the breezes of summer, or bleached by the mantles of winter. Groups of people watch the progress of the ship, and with voices and hands signify their interest and pleasure. No signs of lordly splendor meet the sight, and THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. 117 the bays of Italy may be spanned by serener skies, yet the bay of New York is among the glories of the globe. Nature for three seasons is beautiful, and even winter, beneath the clear cold and sunlight, assumes an ermine softness set off with diamond brilliancy. Proofs of thrift and care are upon every side, as though all were agreed to make the land a paradise of industry. The criminal, shut out from the sympathies of dai- ly life, is not denied the invigorating breeze, and a view of the broad sky. And those whose gates of reason are closed, to whom the melodies of nature are discords, and the land and the sea without order and beauty, may summon their army of fantastic images in a pure air, and may array in incongruous shaftes the clouds and the stars ; the moving ship may be at times as pleasing an object in their discordant world as it is in this, and the sight and sound of active humanity may revive happy glimpses of memory, and move the heart with natural gladness, though at long inter- vals only between mournful periods of vacancy and gloom ; sometimes the bird, singing from island to island, may strike an answering note in their discordant minds, and touch, though but for 118 THE DECK OF THE CRESCENT CITY. an instant, the disused keys of sane thought and emotion, which were wont, in other days, to send music through the recesses of the soul. The city is hidden from view, the Hghthouses are passed, and the land grows slowly dim in the distance ; for not even the power of steam can avail to leave it so soon behind as not to permit many a look upon lessening shapes and dissolving colors. God bless the voyage ! NOTES. To page 37. Mr. Newman, in a note to one of his powerful and, in many points, admiral)le " Sermons on Subjects of the Day," spoke as follows of the then recent establishment of the Episcopate at Jerusalem by united England and Prussia : " May that measure utterly fail and come to naught, and be as though it had never been ! " May the reverend head of the Catholic University of Ireland live to be endowed, besides his rare mental gifts, with a spirit of deeper insight, so as to see the divine capacities of the Church which he has forsaken, and to '• bless and curse not " the most enlightened and mo- mentous Christian act of this age, as it may be acknowledged by all to be, when the humble missionary station becomes the metropolitan throne of reformed and united Christendom. To page .58. If this concluding sentence should seem to require a complement, it may be in point to sa}', that, should there ever be another Shakspeare, and should he describe another Hamlet, he might with poetical justice represent him as a man of intellectual aspirations pent up somewhere in the New World, surroimded by its array of influences unfavorable to mental freedom, close by a steam-engine, engaged night and day in making " patent double-million magnifyin' gas micro- scopes of hc.xtra power" for a "great country " to see its mar- vellous perfections through, or near a University, compensat- ing for being profoundly obsequious towaids writers from abroad of acknowledged worth and power, i)y being in the main equally derisive towards those at its side, who persist in intellectual aims, in the face of such partial countenance. The stupid Polonius, whether a royal or an academical councillor, whetlier an adept in the fine pln-ascs of his mother-tongue or of a dead language, will ever regard as insane vagaries the stru"- gles of an imprisoned spirit panting for light and air Ameri- ca deliberately poisons the graces and sublimities of life, to en- joy without reserve the lust of jiowcr and the embraces of n;ate- rial good ; and while her murderous disposition remains, she Las no right to be surprised, if those of her sons who resist the tide that would drag them from high designs to the mirv waters 120 NOTES. of an immature and unnatural civilization, feel that, they are unjustly disregarded, and sometimes tind their loyalty, which they would like to cherish, changing, despite their will and effort, from a hearty sentiment to one of duty and accident alone. The love of country is correlative. A false measure of civilization must of course he superseded in due time, at whatever risk of convulsion ; and in the hour of peril, entreaty may take the place of disdain. Mental immunities cannot be outraged and set at naught for ever, and they usually find a defender, when the time is ripe. The filial spirit of man will, sooner or later, heed the visitation, which in the white robes of eternity, and in " the majesty of buried " truth and beauty, with armor of celestial steel and arrows pointed with celestial fire, requires, in a plaintive but immortal voice, the vindication, at any hazard, of the rights of the soul. The shackles of a material dispensation may for a while depress, but they cannot destroy the undying life, which, though pining and withering in its bondage, must one day awake and turn the cheeks of scorn- ers pale, and their sneers into cries for mercy. Empires have been established by the sword, in the place of decayed dynas- ties ; the pen may prove to be equally mighty in dethroning false divinities. To page 87. It would not be fair thus to allude to the ec- centric energy of the Bishop of Exeter, without adding a word of cordial praise for his zeal in behalf of the organic prerogatives of the Church of England. May that Church have the grace to heed the summons of the familiar hymn, which could not be more appropriate, had it been expressly written as an appeal to revive the rights of Convocation ; and may the hope be none the less significant for coming from the capital of Puri- tan polity ! " Triumphant Zion ! lift thy head From ilusl ami darkness, and the dead ; Thinish humbled \ong. awake at length, And gird thee with thy Saviour's strength. " Put all thy beauteous garments on, And let thy excellence be known ; Pecked in the robes of righleousness, The world thy glories shall confess. " No more shall foes unclean invade. And fill thy hallowed walls with dread: No more shall hell's insulting host Their victory and thy sorrows boast. " God from on high hus heard thy prayer; His hand thy ruin shall repair ; Nor will thy watchful Monarch cease To guard theo in eternal peace." *g2i