PUBLIC DOCUMENT. (Appendix.) [NO. 4. E 528 1 REPORT .R47 Copy 1 i:i'ON TU» *j- gisiiljicil g|oh IshniJ ^olHers; THEIR NAMES, CONDITION, AND IN WHAT HOSPITAL THEY ARl. MADE TO HIS EXCELLENCY GOV. SPRAGUE, AND PRESENTED TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF RHODE ISLAND J-A^NXJ^nY SESSION, 1863, MRS. CHARLOTTE F. DAILEY, COMMISSIONKD IIY THE UOV«JiNOR TO VISIT TUE UO.SI'ITAL.«, KTC. PRO V I I) KXC E: ALFUEl) ANTHONY, 1' K I N T E H TO THE STATE 1 8 f. :] . x^ PUBLIC DOCUMENT. (Appendix.) [NO. 4. ] E 528 1 REPOPIT .R47 Copy 1 f isaHt^ Sl^^^ 3slan^ ^olJricrs; THEIR NAMES, CONDITION, AND IN WHAT IIOSI'ITAI, THEY ARl. MADE TO Ills P:XCELLENCY GOV. SPRAGUE, AND PRESENTED TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF RHODE ISLAND, J_A.lsnj.AnY SESSION, 1863, \ MRS. CHARLOTTE F. DAILEY, COMMISSIONED BY TIIK QOViyiNOR TO VISIT THE HOSPITAL?, ETC. PIIO VI I) KXCE: ALFRED ANTHONY, PRINTER TO THE STATE 1 8 () 3 . ■X mu of mxoAt mm\, &r. Adjutant General's Office, Providence, Dec. 1862. INSTRUCTIONS COMMISSION APPOINTED TO VISIT THE INVALID AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Dr. Lloyd Morton, (who will associate with him, Mrs. Albert Dailey,) is hereby appointed a Commission to proceed to Washington, on a tour of inspection, having in view the Avelf'are of the sick and wounded soldiers in hospital or otherwise, belonging to Rhode Island regiments. The Commission will be charged with the following duties : — 1st. To procure from the Secretary of War an order for the re- moval of sick and wounded Rhode Island soldiers to the United States Hospital at Portsmouth Grove, — similar to that given to Assistant Surgeon James Harris, dated July 5th, 1862, and directing the trans- fer of invalid and wounded soldiers to Providence. 2d. To visit the United States Hospitals in and around the city 4 PUBLIC DOCUMENT. of Washington, and especially that in Alexandria ; and, also, the hos- pitals in Philadelphia, Ilarrisburg, Baltimore, and wherever else Khode Island soldiers may be situated, with the particular object of finding out their condition, and make a report of each case to this Department, to be presented to the Legislature at its coming Session. 3d. The Commission is pai'ticularly charged with the transfer to the hospital at Portsmouth Grove, of all wounded and invalid soldiers belonging to Rhode Island regiments, from the different hospitals as above directed ; and is ordered to perform this duty w^ith the greatest care, having in view the comfort and welfare of the disabled. 4th. To procure the discharge of every .soldier found to be unfit- ted for farther service ; and, also, to cause the removal to said hospi- tal of all those cases where health can be better restored witliin the State, and whose services will become sooner available to the Govern- ment. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. (Signed) EDWARD C. MAURAN, Adjutant Greneral. / / REPORT. To His Excellency Grovernor Sprague : In conformity with your letter of " Instructions " to Dr. Lloyd Morton and myself, bearing the date of December, 1862, (a copy of which is hereto annexed,) requesting us to proceed on a tour of in- spection to various hospitals, to ascertain the condition of sick and dis- abled Rhode Island soldiers, I beg leave to submit the following re- port : On receiving the appointment, I proceeded immediately to Wash- ington, where I arrived on the evening of the 17th of December. During my stay there of twenty days, I visited eighteen hospitals, some of them twice. Three of these were in Georrretown and one in Alexandria. I also made one visit to the camp of Batterv H, one to the 11th Rhode Island Regiment at Miner's Hill, and two to the " Convalescent " and " Stragglers'" Camps. On the 6th of January, I went to Baltimore, whei-e I visited six hospitals in and around the city. On the 11th of January, I left for York, Pennsylvania, where, there being but one hospital, I was in time to go to Harrisburg the same day. Finding Rhode Island soldiers at neither Camp Curtin nor three hospitals which 1 visited, I reached Philadelphia on the night of January 12th. Here I visited nineteen hospitals, including " West Philadelphia," " Germantown," " Chestnut Hill," " Summit House" and " Chester." On the 19th of January, I proceeded to Newark, New Jersey, where I visited the guard-room and hospital, and reached New York the following day. I here visited eight hospitals — five in the city and the others at "David's Island," "Fort Schuyler" and " Bedloe's Island." Returned to Providence on the 2-4th of January, having visited, in five weeks and four days, sixty-one hospitals and five 6 PUBLIC DOCUMENT. camps. 'I'lie iiuinl) -r of Rhode Island men wliieli I found in these hospitals, amounts to four hundred and ciyht, inchiding fit'ty-two at Convalescent and Stragglers' Camps. Of this number, are titty-eight bslonging to the artillery and forty-nine to the cavalry. There were also sixty fi'om the 2d Regiment, five from the 3d, seventy from the 4th, eighty-eight from the 7th, and seventy-eight from the 12th. For further informatioii reference is made to the accompanying table in ^vhich tlicir names may be found alphabetically arranged, stating which h<)s[)ital they are in, tlie regiment and company of each, Avitli an account of their wound or the disease they are suffering from ; also, the names of others who have deserted or been discharged. Many of these men were transferred the first week in January, from Washington to Portsmouth (xrove Hospital, and it is probable, that out of the whole of this number, nearly one hundred will never be fit for duty. Our sohhers are sufferino; from the ills incident to convalescing from typhoid fever. Diarrhui'a and rheumatism are very prevalent- There are several cases of heart disease,and three of consumption. ]\Iany of tlie cavalry and artillery men are in hospital from injuries caiised by horses. I know of but one case of small pox among them, although they are much exposed to it. I saw one in a hospital in Washington, in the next bed to one of our soldiers whom I was s{)e;\king with ; and in Baltimore two cases in a ward with the other patients. General debility describes the condition of a great pro- ])ortion of our soldiers. Some are reduced by disease, and many only by exposure and fatigue. They are discouraged and disheartened by lingering so long in hospitals or the prospect of it. Hope and en- (;ouragement were imparted to them, on liearing that this mission was expressly to ascertain wliere each soldier was, what was his condition and wants, and tliat an effort was to be made to get them so near their homes as the hospital at Portsmouth Grove in this State. Their countenances expressed at once the gratification the removal would give them. One man in Baltimore said with trembling lips, " I am so ijlad to know that some bodv is thinkhio; of us." They are gener- ally satisfied with their treatment, seldom making any complaints. The hospitals, >vith very few exceptions, arc very clean, well venti- lated and comfoi-tably warmed. The best proof of the good attend- ance and humane treatment of the patients, is the favorable reports of the soldiers themselves, unrestrained by the presence of any of the officials. In several cases they expressed sincere gratitude towards the surgeon for his untiring care, to which they felt they were indebted DISABLED RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS. 7 for their lives. "• Wc have good doctors ;" and " I was surprised to find we had such good treatment," were the remarks often made to me. If convalescents could be allowed nourishing food longer, and not be put on " army rations " so soon, I think it would be better for the rrovenimjut as well as for the men, — for they would sooner be fit for dutv. l>ut as this is not allowed unless it is furnished through some outside infiuence, it does not reflect on the hospital authorities. Whatever objections may be made to the removal of the soldiers to " Portsmouth (Jrove Hospital," I leave to those who better under- stand the policy of the plan ; feeling alone would decide in its favor. Many a poor fellow is dwelling in the anticipation of being where a mother or other dear relative can reach him. Soldiers from other States, who were attracted to us, and wlio joined in the conversation on the subject, said, they wished their States would make the same eftbrt as Rhode Island had made. The maimed soldier being de- prived of having the artificial limbs, which are supplied by Gov- ernment to those who are discharged from the Hospitals in Washing- ton, is an argument against it, but those who are in other places now, have not that privilege to forfeit. I had the concurrence of a num- ber of surgeons in the opinion that the plan was a good one, and they were hopeful that it might be allowed ; while others, less sanguine and more sensitive, looked upon the improbability of its being brought about, and felt that it implied a doubt of the good attendance there, but gave it their sanction, when convinced by the proposition that it Avas preferable perhaps, to suffer more and be within the reach of the sympathy which we most crave. I was informed that the Convalescent Camp was to be broken up, and I sincerely hope it maj- be, as tlie condition of the place is de- plorable. When I last visited this camp, it was somewhat improved, as it had been removed in a direction where the men could get wood and water without having to go two or three miles for it, as before. It is very hard for men in their condition, to sleep on the ground, with a single blanket, and to suffer from neglect and exposure, as they appeared to. Those who are ready to go to their regiments, are detained oftentimes until they are so reduced they have to be sent back to the hospital. Common sense tells us that such treatment is not calculated to replenish the ranks of the army. I could not per- ceive much distinction between this and the Stragglers' Camp. Of course this place serves for a resort for men who had rather be any where than facing the enemv ; and therofore, here it is tliat shirks ani,l 8 PUBLIC DOCUMENT. cowards " most do congregate," and the morale of tlie' place is very dismisting to brave and honest soldiers, who are forced to mingle in- to e^ ' c5 discriminately with them. " Chestnut Hill Hospital" is a model in- stitution lor Convalescents. The spirit of humanity which dictated this mission has drawn forth sympathy and kindness from all who become acquainted with it, as well as the surgeons and others in the Hospitals. Several times the surgeons proved their interest by acting at once in some cases which I brought to their notice. 1 would express my thanks to the " Khode Island Relief Association" in Washington, for their cordial co-operation. I would say to the friends of the soldiers, that the wants of their sick and wounded are thoroughly attended to by the members ; they have had a good supply from home, thus far, of clothing and delicacies, which are dispensed with truly heart-felt sympathy to all the Rhode Island soldiers in hospital in and around AV'ashington. Committees are sent to all of them, who, not only at- tend to their physical wants, but write letters for them, exert themselves to find their " descriptive lists," get their discharge, etc., when neces- sary, and supply as far as possible the place of their own personal friend's. Mrs. Arnold, the wife of our Senator, the Hon. Samuel G. Arnold, is adorning her station there with the same womanly "tnSs^*' of devotion and sympathy for our suffering soldiers which actuated her herCy and with which she so nobly filled the position of President of the " Volunteer Relief Association." Other ladies connected with the members of the Association in Washington, assist with heart and hand in this work of love and patriotism. I am also indebted to the members of the New England Relief Association, in IMiiladelphia, who pay the same attention to our sol- diers as to those of the other New England States, although they have never received any donations from here. In one case where cham" pagne was prescribed for one of our men, whose life the surgeon told me " hung by a hair," this Association supplied one quart per day as long as it was necessary. I trust their kindness will be acknowledged by some contributions from this State. For further particulars I beg leave to refer your Excellency to the more extended report of Dr. Morton, whose instructions contain ad- ditional items to those in the instructions to myself, and which re- quired him to A'isit all the camps of the Rhode Island regiments and batteries attached to the Army of the Potomac. CHARLOTTE F. DAILEY. PuoviDKNci.:, Feb. 2d, 18G3. / Ill PUBLIC DOCUMENT. c ^ ^ ^ ?^ (V- ^ O r' '^ fcC ^ 3 y. cj o rz ^-' t d) -~ -ti J5 « s -" ,ir > a. « .2 o Snl r^ j> 1 ^ ^ •2 ■" cc ^ S So "" ^ a K 2 s = c^ . . 5 tf rr es o 3 §1 >-i ■~ • >. 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"21 • matism. gton. loid. )ec. 20. o ^-3 3 a CL,-^ . ^^ ^ c SJ t2 P=^ cy -" rn '^ ^'f^ - .i p "^ f'^ >. *: t: *> o = :::;: 5 5^ F^ S ■t; ji cad, sligh sent to Gc id fore fin li., to Jan. O C 1-5 -d ^ -■'be — o c ^ <^ it :i ■^1=^ "." rt-2 o 5s o MO ^ c . -3 CI -^ .-^' •" "^ ^ c3DS5.= 7- V3 r: ^ T3 o X '^ — ^ O ^ v* - o l^'? "H o P M 3 s ^ 1^ ^ 3 M u Tc 3 — _S iij o u M 5 iill p 9 5 o -a 3 3 — P undcd ii rd since valcscci lied at i iild be d 11 wounc 1 p- ^— 'i, i .o p ■f •:3 '3 Q o -^ ^'J: ^ ^ ^ 0) Q> i^ -^ .^ ^ C; 1 i^ 3 ^-^ OS- 1- o o o o '>^- ■« '3 '3 O li iJ " T »i !:. ~ u — Ji i-H X.7-= .•>'2 DOCUMENT. 'r^ Q O 6 <; CO 5 b O 4' -f .tj _g j;.ifi~ 5m O u o ^ !- ec J^,^ f, '? .2^. rt . o ^ ^^ rr .a s »^ - r* — ? ^ i^ *-* X "C cS *-" . — -i t- o ? - c: . o ■z: =^ !S -O o« 5 S r 5 o ... Qi 9 """-'/^ 1 i" *-" . 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Trinity, Mrs. ].,amnionds', West Philadelphia, a Newark, Armory Square, Liue(dn, Mount Pleasant, Dunliarton Street, Prince Street, Queen Street, Staiitfin, Judiciary, Convaieseent, 13th St. Baptist, Stragglers' Camp, do do College Hospital, Stuart's Mansion, ? o-. ?.■¥■ 2S '^ p-an ^ca X =^" .- fflO^oC::^ ^t., Ne d's Isln Seliuy do hurnc, 51st Dav Fort do Clift U DISABLED RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS. 23- a, o bo . o CO 30 rf 2 "3 o .^ -^--i: - X. « s P " ^^ S"'— " ri . .3 • >% * T; o >^~? ?.- ^ o. a ?. p i^ JI ■^ :i^ S -f " = .ri ^ St^ Mi ' ._ 5^ 1) — 2— ;2 = = s 2 ^ '^ - 5 3 tj tj = ^ ox - ~E< oc;^c55S'^S§ M>-i hHO'^ fcT > ^ B ID gf ^ ►? s s u K ^ C ."tit *-* 3 O i > ij d > >> O i- c O •c"^ m :i=icc?^ \Zi •^ r^ "^ •" 'S'-' E-1 o o o S t£ tX tt SC K t. !- t. i- « i*^ p; ^ ^ ^ —, 03 2 K o o o o «; «J 7i W "S'-S .i « ? SCGQ _.^P >^ CO »; < r^h^O-!^ . O *g >>> >n >% <-. -^ O t. 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