mj..:^l il ^Jf.t, rwm;^ X'.' ,1/1 Rot '^>',-:;..:''. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS K,'> 0DD2D1S7'^7S (0 Class Book Gopyright]^?. CePmiGHT DEPOBlf^ I Tramping on Life '/c By the same Author: Judas, a four-act Biblical drama The Cry of Youth, -poems The Thresher's Wife, a narrative poem The Passing God, poems BAiiiiADS AND Chanteys, poems In Preparation: The Love-Rogue, the original Don Juan Play, after the Spanish of Tirso de Molina Tramping on Life AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL NARRATIVE HARRY KEMP BONI AND LIVERIGHT Publishers New York \ O -O'^p^ S> Copyright, 19ZS, by BOKI AND LlVEEIGHT, InC. Printed in the United States of America SEP 23 '22 (S)C!.AB83:?fi1 All in this book that is good and endur- ing and worth while for humanity, I dedicate to the memory of my wife, MARY PYNE Waterhury, Connecticut, May 20, 1922. TRAMPING ON LIFE Now I am writing these things just as I was told them by my grandmother. For I have utterly no remembrance of my mother. Consumption ran in her family. And bearing and giving birth to me woke the inherited weakness in her. She was not even strong enough to suckle me. I was born in the early eighties, in Mornington, Ohio, in a section of that great, steel-manufacturing city which was neither city, suburb, nor country, — ^but a muddy, green-splashed, murky mixture of all three. They told me, when I was old enough to understand, that my mother was English, that her folks lived in Cleveland and owned a millinery and drygoods store there . . and that my father met my mother one day in Mornington. She was visiting an uncle who ran a candy store on Main Street, and, she girl-like, laughed and stood behind the counter, ready for a flirtation. . . My father was young, too. And he was employed there in the store, apprenticed to the candy-maker's trade. And, on this day, as he passed through, carrying a trayful of fresh-dipped chocolates, he winked at my mother and joked with her in an impudent way . . and she rebuffed him, not really meaning a rebuff, of course . . and he startled her by pulling off his hat and grotesquely showing himself to be entirely bald . . for he had grown bald very young — at the age of sixteen . . both because of scarlet fever, and because baldness for the men ran in his family . . and he was tall, and dark, and walked with rather a military carriage. I was four years old when my mother died. When she fell sick, they tell me, my grandfather did one of the few decent acts of his life — he let my father have a farm he owned in central Kansas, near Hutchinson. But my father did not try to work it. 7 8 TRAMPING ON LIFE He was possessed of neither the capital nor knowledge necessary for farming. He went to work as clerk in a local hotel, in the rapidly growing town. Crazy with grief, he watched my mother drop out of his life a little more each day. My father and mother both had tempers that flared up and sank as suddenly. I had lung fever when I was a baby. That was what they called it then. I nearly died of it. It left me very frail in body. As soon as I could walk and talk my mother made a great com- panion of me. She didn't treat me as if I were only a child. She treated me like a grown-up companion. I am told that I would fol- low her about the house from room to room, clutching at her skirts, while she was dusting and sweeping and working. And to hear us two talking with each other, you would have imagined there was a houseful of people. My father's anguish over my mother's death caused him to break loose from all ties. His grief goaded him so that he went about aim- lessly. He roamed from state to state, haunted by her memory. He worked at all sorts of jobs. Once he even dug ditches for seventy-five cents a day. He had all sorts of adventures, roaming about. As for me, I was left alone with my grandmother, his mother, — in the big house which stood back under the trees, aloof from the wide, dusty road that led to the miUs. With us lived my young, unmarried aunt, Millie . . . My grandmother had no education. She could barely read and write. And she believed in everybody. She was stout . . sparse-haired . . wore a switch . . had kindly, confiding, blue eyes. Beggars, tramps, pack-peddlers, book-agents, fortune-tellers, — she lent a credulous ear to all, — helped others when we ourselves needed help, signed up for preposterous articles on "easy" monthly TRAMPING ON LIFE 9 payments, — gave away food, starving her appetite and ours. When, child though I was, even I protested, she would say, "well, Johnnie, you might be a tramp some day, and how would I feel if I thought some one was turning you away hungry?" My Grandfather Gregory was a little, alert, erect, suave man, — ^he was a man whose nature was such that he would rather gain a dollar by some cheeky, brazen, off-colour practice than earn a hundred by honest methods. He had keen grey eyes that looked you in the face in utter, dis- arming frankness. He was always immaculately dressed. He talked continually about money, and about how people abused his confi- dence and his trust in men. But there was a sharpness like pointed needles in the pupils of his eyes that betrayed his true nature. Coming to Mornington as one of the city's pioneers, at first he had kept neck to neck in social prestige with the Babsons, Guelders, and the rest, and had built the big house that my grandmother, my aunt, and myself now lived in, on Mansion avenue . . When the Civil War broke out, that streak of adventure and daring in my grandfather which in peace times turned him to shady financial transactions, now caused him to enlist. And before the end of the war he had gone far up in the ranks. After the war he came into still more money by a manufacturing business which he set up. But the secret process of the special kind of material which he manufactured he inveigled out of a comrade in arms. The latter never derived a cent from it. My grandfather stole the patent, taking it out in his own name. The other man had trusted him, remembering the times they had fought shoulder to shoulder, and had bivouacked together. . . My grandfather, though so small as to be almost diminutive, was spry and brave as an aroused wasp when anyone insulted him. Several times he faced down burly-bodied men who had threatened to kill him for his getting the better of them in some doubtful business transaction. For a long time his meanness and sharp dealings were reserved for outsiders and he was generous with his family. And my sweet, simple, old grandmother belonged to all the societies, charitable and otherwise, in town . . but she was not, never could be "smart." 10 TRAMPING ON LIFE She was always saying and doing naive things from the heart. And soon she began to disapprove of my grandfather's slick business ways. I don't know just what tricks he put over . . but he became persona non grata in local business circles . . and he took to running about the country, putting through various projects here and there . . this little, dressy, hard-faced man . . like a cross between a weasel and a bird! He dropped into Mornington, and out again, each time with a wild, restless story of fortunes to be made or in the making! Once he came home and stayed for a longer time than usual. During this stay he received many letters. My grandmother noticed a furtiveness in his manner when he received them. My grandmother noticed that her husband always repaired immediately to the outhouse when he received a letter. She followed after him one day, and found fragments of a torn letter cast below . . she performed the disagreeable task of retriev- ing the fragments, of laboriously piecing them together and spelling them out. She procured a divorce as quietly as possible. Then my grandfather made his final disappearance. I did not see him again till I was quite grown up. All support of his numerous family ceased. His sons and daugh- ters had to go to work while still children, or marry. My Aunt Alice married a country doctor whom I came to know as "Uncle Beck." My Uncle Joe, who inherited my grandfather's business-sense, with none of his crookedness, started out as a news- boy, worked his way up to half-proprietorship in a Mornington paper . . the last I heard of him he had money invested in nearly every enterprise in town, and had become a substantial citizen. My father still pursued his nomadic way of living, sending, very seldom, driblets of money to my grandmother for my support . . my uncle Jim went East to work . . of my uncle Landon I shall tell 3'^ou later on. The big house in which my grandmother, my Aunt Millie, and I lived was looking rather seedy by this time. The receding tide of fashion and wealth had withdrawn far off to another section of the rapidly growing city . . and, below and above, the Steel Mills, with their great, flaring furnaces, rose, it seemed, over night, TRAMPING ON LIFE 11 one after one . . and a welter of strange people we then called the **low Irish" came to work in them, and our Mansion Avenue be- came "Kilkenny Row." And a gang of tough kids sprang up called the "Kilkenny Cats," with which my gang used to fight. After the "Low Irish" came the "Dagoes" . . and after them the "Hunkies" . . each wilder and more poverty-stricken than the former. The Industrial Panic of '95 (it was '95, I think) was on . . always very poor since the breaking up of our family, now at times even bread was scarce in the house. I was going to school, scrawny and freckle-faced and ill-nour- ished. I had a pet chicken that fortunately grew up to be a hen. It used to lay an egg for me nearly every morning during that hard time. My early remembrances of school are chiefly olfactory. I didn't like the dirty boy who sat next to me and spit on his slate, rubbing it clean with his sleeve. I loved the use of my yellow, new sponge, especially after the teacher had taught me all about how it had grown on the bottom of the ocean, where divers had to swim far down to bring it up, slanting through the green waters. But the slates of most of the boys stunk vilely with their spittle. I didn't like the smell of the pig-tailed little girls, either. There was a close soapiness about them that offended me. And yet they attracted me. For I liked them in their funny, kilt-like, swinging dresses. I liked the pudginess of their noses, the shiny apple-glow of their cheeks. It was wonderful to learn to make letters on a slate. To learn to put down rows of figures and find that one and one, cabalis- tically, made two, and two and two, four! It always seemed an age to recess. And the school day was as long as a month is now. We were ready to laugh at anything . . a grind-organ in the street, a passing huckster crying "potatoes," etc. I have few distinct memories of my school days. I never went to kindergarten. I entered common school at the age of eight. My grandfather, after his hegira from Mornington, left behind his library of travels, lives of famous American Statesmen and 12 TRAMPING ON LIFE Business Men, and his Civil War books. Among these books were four treasure troves that set my boy's imagination on fire. They were Stanley's Adventures in Africa, Dr. Kane's Book of Polar Explorations, Mungo Park, and, most amazing of all, a huge, sensational book called Savage Races of the World . . this title was followed by a score of harrowing and sensational sub-titles in rubric. I revelled and rolled in this book like a colt let out to first pasture. For days and nights, summer and winter, I fought, hunted, was native to all the world's savage regions in turn, partook glee- fully of strange and barbarous customs, naked and skin-painted. I pushed dug-outs and canoes along tropic water-ways where at any moment an enraged hippopotamus might thrust up his snout and overturn me, crunching the boat in two and leaving me a prey to crocodiles . . I killed birds of paradise with poison darts which I blew out of a reed with my nostrils. . . I burned the houses of white settlers . . even indulged shudderingly in cannibal feasts. The one thing that pre-eminently seized my imagination in Savage Races of the World was the frontispiece, — a naked black rush- ing full-tilt through a tropical forest, his head of hair on fire, a huge feather-duster of dishevelled flame . . somehow this appealed to me as especially romantic. I dreamed of myself as that savage, rushing gloriously through a forest, naked, and crowned with fire like some primitive sun-god. It never once occurred to me how it would hurt to have my hair burning! When Aunt Millie was taken down with St. Vitus's dance, it af- forded me endless amusement. She could hardly lift herself a drink out of a full dipper without spilling two-thirds of the contents on the ground. Uncle Beck, the Pennsylvania Dutch country doctor who mar- ried Aunt Alice, came driving in from Antonville, five miles away, once or twice a week to tend to Millie, free, as we were too poor to pay for a doctor. I remember how Uncle Beck caught me and whipped me with a switch. For I constantly teased Aunt Millie to make her scream and cry. "Granma," I used to call out, on waking in the morning. . . "Yes, Johnnie darling, what is it .f"' **Granma, yesterday . . in the woods back of Babson's barn, I TRAMPING ON LIFE 13 killed three Indians, one after the other." (The funny part of it was that I believed this, actually, as soon as the words left my mouth.) A silence. . . "Granma, don't you believe me?" "Yes, of course, I believe you." Aunt Millie would strike in with — "Ma, why do you go on hu- mouring Johnnie while he tells such lies.? You ought to give him a good whipping." "The poor little chap ain't got no mother!" "Poor little devil! If you keep on encouraging him this way he'll become one of the greatest liars in the country." A colloquy after this sort took place more than once. It gave me indescribable pleasure to narrate an absurd adventure, believe it myself in the telling of it, and think others believed me. Aunt Millie's scorn stung me like a nettle, and I hated her. In many ways I tasted practical revenge. Though a grown girl of nineteen, she still kept three or four dolls. And I would steal her dolls, pull their dresses for shame over their heads, and set them straddle the banisters. We took in boarders. We had better food. It was good to have meat to eat every day. Among the boarders was a bridge builder named Elton Reeves. Elton had a pleasant, sun-burnt face and a little choppy moustache beneath which his teeth glistened when he smiled. He fell, or pretended to fall, in love with gaunt, raw-boned Millie. At night, after his day's work, he and Millie would sit silently for hours in the darkened parlour, — silent, except for an occasional murmur of voices. I was curious. Several times I peeked in. But all I could see was the form of my tall aunt couched half-moonwise in Elton Reeve's lap. I used to wonder why they sat so long and still, there in the darkness. » . Once a grown girl of fourteen named Minnie came to visit a sweet little girl named Martha Hanson, whose consumptive widower- father rented two rooms from my grandmother. They put Minnie to sleep in the same bed with me. . . 14 TRAMPING ON LIFE After a while I ran out of the bedroom into the parlour where the courting was going on. "Aunt Millie, Minnie won't let me sleep." Millie did not answer. Elton guffawed lustily. I returned to bed and found Minnie lying stiff and mute with fury. Elton left, the bridge-work brought to completion. He had a job waiting for him in another part of the country. It hurt even my savage, young, vindictive heart to see Millie daily running to the gate, full of eagerness, as the mail-man came. . . "No, no letters for you this morning, Millie!" Or more often he would go past, saying nothing. And Millie w^ould weep bitterly. I have a vision of a very old woman walking over the top of a hill. She leans on a knobby cane. She smokes a corn-cob pipe. Her face is corrugated with wrinkles and as tough as leather. She comes out of a high background of sky. The wind whips her skirts about her thin shanks. Her legs are like broomsticks. This is a vision of my great-grandmother's entrance into my boyhood. I had often heard of her. She had lived near Halton with my Great-aunt Rachel for a long time . . and now, since we were tak- ing in boarders and could keep her, she was coming to spend the rest of her days with us. At first I was afraid of this eerie, ancient being. But when she dug out a set of fish-hooks, large and small, from her tobacco pouch, and gave them to me, I began to think there might be something human in the old lady. She established her regular place in a rocker by the kitchen stove. She had already reached the age of ninety-five. But there was a constant, sharp, youthful glint in her eye that belied her age. She chewed tobacco vigorously like any backwoodsman (had chewed it originally because she'd heard it cured toothache, then had kept up the habit because she liked it). Her corncob pipe — it was as rank a thing as ditch digger ever poisoned the clean air with. TRAMPING ON LIFE 15 Granma Wandon was as spry as a yearling calf. She taught me how to drown out groundhogs and chipmunks from their holes. She went fishing with me and taught me to spit on the bait for luck, or rub a certain root on the hook, which she said made the fish bite better. And solemnly that spring of her arrival, and that following summer, did we lay out a fair-sized garden and carefully plant each kind of vegetable in just the right time and phase of the moon and, however it may be, her garden grew beyond the garden of anyone else in the neighbourhood. The following winter — and her last winter on earth — ^was a time of wonder and marvel for me . . sitting with her at the red-heated kitchen stove, I listened eagerly to her while she related tales to me of old settlers in Pennsylvania . . stories of Indians . . ghost stories . . she curdled my blood with tales of catamounts and mountain lions crying like women and babies in the dark, to lure travellers where they could pounce down from branches on them. And she told me the story of the gambler whom the Devil took when he swore falsely, avowing, "may the Devil take me if I cheated." She boasted of my pioneer ancestors . . strapping six-footers in their stocking feet . . men who carried one hundred pound bags of salt from Pittsburgh to Slippery Rock in a single journey. The effect of these stories on me ? I dreamed of skeleton hands that reached out from the clothes closet for me. Often at night I woke, yelling with nightmare. With a curious touch of folk lore Granma Gregory advised me to "look for the harness under the bed, if it was a nightmare." But she upbraided Granma Wandon, her mother, for retailing me such tales. **Nonsense, it'll do him good, my sweet little Johnnie," she assured her daughter, knocking her corncob pipe over the coal scuttle like a man. There was a story of Granma Wandon's that cut deep into my memory. It was the story of the man who died cursing God, and Who brought, by his cursing, the dancing of the very flames of Hell, red-licking and serrate, in a hideous cluster, like an infernal bed of flowers, just outside the window, for all around his death-bed to seel 16 TRAMPING ON LIFE In the fall of the next year Granma Wandon took sick. We knew it was all over for her. She faded painlessly into death. She knew she was going, said so calmly and happily. She made Millie and Granma Gregory promise they'd be good to me. I wept and wept. I kissed her leathery, leaf -like hand with utter devotion . . she could hardly lift it. Almost of itself it sought my face and I flickered there for a moment. She seemed to be listening to something far off. "Can't you hear it, Maggie?" she asked her daughter. i "Hear what, mother?" "Music . . that beautiful music !" "Do you see anything, mother?" "Yes . . heaven!" Then the fine old pioneer soul passed on. I'll bet she still clings grimly to an astral corncob pipe somewhere in space. A week before she died, Aunt Millie told us she was sure the end was near. For Millie had waked up in the night and had seen the old lady come into her room, reach under the bed, take the pot forth, use it, — and glide silently upstairs to her room again. Millie spoke to the figure and received no answer. Then, fright- ened, she knew she had seen a "token" of Granma Wandon's ap- proaching death. In the parlour stood tlie black cofiin on trestles ; the door open, for we had a fear of cats getting at the body, — ^we could glimpse the ominous black object as we sat down to breakfast. And I laid my head on the table and wept as much because of that sight as over the loss of my old comrade and playmate. Something vivid had gone out of my life. And for the first time I felt and knew the actuality of death. Like a universe-filling, soft, impalpable dust it slowly sifted over me, bearing me under. I saw for the first time into all the full graves of the world. To my great-grandmother's funeral came many distant relatives I had never rested eye on before . . especially there came my Great- aunt Rachel, Granma Gregory's sister, — a woman just as sweet- natured as she, and almost her twin even to the blue rupture of a TRAMPING ON LIFE 17 vein in the middle of the lower lip. She, too, had a slightly pro- trusive stomach over which she had the habit of folding her hard- working hands restfully, when she talked . . and also there came with her my Great-uncle Joshua, her husband . . and my second cousins, Paul and Phoebe, their children. The other children, two girls, were off studying in a nurses' college . . working their way there. After the burial Josh and Paul went on back to Halton, where they worked in the Steel Mills. They left Aunt Rachel and Phoebe to stay on and pay us a visit. Paul and Josh were "puddlers" — when they worked . . in the open furnaces that were in use in those days . . when you saw huge, magnificent men, naked to the belt, whose muscles rippled in coils as they toiled away in the midst of the living red of flowing metal. Phoebe was wild and beautiful in a frail way. She wore a pea green skirt and a waist of filmy, feminine texture. We instantly took to each other. She was always up and off, skimming swallow- like in all directions, now this way, now that, as if seeking for some new flavour in life, some excitement that had not come to her yet. We made expeditions together over the country. She joined me in my imaginary battles with Indians . . my sanguinary hunts for big game. . . It was she who first taught me to beg hand-outs at back doors — one day when we went fishing together and found our- selves a long way off from home. Once Phoebe fell into a millpond from a springboard . . with all her clothes on . . we were seeing who dared "teeter" nearest the end. . . I had difficulty in saving her. It was by the hair, with a chance clutch, that I drew her ashore. The picture of her, shivering forlornly before the kitchen stove! She was beautiful, even in her long, wet, red-flannel drawers that came down to her slim, white ankles. She was weeping over the licking her mother had given her. *'I'm afraid your cousin Phoebe will come to no good end some day, if she don't watch out," said my grandmother to me, *'and I don't like you to play with her much. . . I'm going to have Aunt 18 TRAMPING ON LIFE Rachel take her home soon" . . after a pause, "as sure as I have ten fingers she'll grow up to be a bad woman." "Granma, what is a bad woman?" Aunt Rachel and Cousin Phoebe returned home. Uncle Josh, that slack old vagabond with his furtive, kindly eye-glances, came for them with a livery rig. I think I read every dime novel published, during those years of my childhood . . across the bridge that Elton had helped build, the new bridge that spanned the Hickory River, and over the rail- road tracks, stood a news-stand, that was run by an old, near- sighted woman. As she sat tending counter and knitting, I bought her books . . but for each dime laid down before her, I stole three extra thrillers from under her very eye. From my grandfather's library I dug up a book on the Hawaiian Islands, written by some missionary. In it I found a story of how the natives speared fish off the edges of reefs. Straightway I pro- cured a pitchfork. I searched the shallows and ripples of Hickory River for miles . . I followed Babson's brook over the hills nearly to its source. One day, peering through reeds into a shallow cove, I saw a fish-fin thrust up out of the water. I crept cautiously forward. It was a big fish that lay there. Trembling all over with excite- ment, I made a mad thrust. Then I yelled, and stamped on the fish, getting all wet in doing so. I beat its head in with the haft of the fork. It rolled over, its white belly glinting in the sun. On picking it up, I was disappointed. It had been de'ad for a long time; had probably swam in there to die . . and its gills were a withered brown-black in colour, like a desiccated mushroom . . not healthy red. But I was not to be frustrated of my glory. I tore the tell-tale gills out . . then I beat the fish's head to a pulp, and I carried my capture home and proudly strutted in at the kitchen door. "Look, Granma, at what a big fish I've caught." "Oh, Millie, he's really got one," and Granma straightened up from the wash-tub. Millie came out snickering scornfully. "My Gawd, Ma, can't you see it's been dead a week.'"' TRAMPING ON LIFE 19 "You're a liar, it ain't!" I cried. And I began to sob because Aunt Millie was trying to push me back into ignominy as I stood at the very threshold of glory. "Honest-to-God, it's — fresh — Granma !" I gulped, "didn't I just kill it with the pitchfork?" Then I stopped crying, absorbed en- tirely in the fine story I was inventing of the big fish's capture and death. I stood aside, so to speak, amazed at myself, and proud, as my tongue ran on as if of its own will. Even Aunt Millie was charmed. But she soon came out from under the spell with, "Ma, Johnnie means well enough, but surely you ain't going to feed that fish to the boarders?" "Yes, I am. I believe in the little fellow." "All right, Ma . . but I won't eat a mouthful of it, and you'd better drop a note right away for Uncle Beck to drive in, so's he'll be here on time for the cases of poison that are sure to develop." Cleaned and baked, the fish looked good, dripping with sauce and basted to an appetizing brown. As I drew my chair up to the table and a smoking portion was heaped on my plate, Aunt Milhe watched me with bright, malicious eyes. "Granma, I want another cup o' coffee," I delayed. But the big, fine, grey-haired mill boss, our star boarder, who liked me because I always listened to his stories — ^he sailed into his helping nose-first. That gave me courage and I ate, too . . and we all ate. "Say, but this fish is good! Where did it come from?" "The kid here caught it." "Never tasted better in my life." None of us were ever any the worse for our rotten fish. And I was vindicated, believed in, even by Aunt Millie. ^ Summer vacation again, after a winter and spring's weary grind in school. Aunt Rachel wrote to Granma that they would be glad to have me come over to Halton for a visit. 20 TRAMPING ON LIFE Granma let me, after I had pleaded for a long while, — ^but it was with great reluctance, warning me of Phoebe. Aunt Rachel, Uncle Joshua, Cousin Phoebe and cousin Paul lived in a big, square barn-like structure. Its unpainted, barren bulk sat uneasily on top of a bare hill where the clay lay so close to the top-soil that in wet weather you could hardly labour up the pre- cipitous path that led to their house, it was so slippery. As I floundered upward in the late spring rain, gaining the bare summit under the drizzly sky, a rush of dogs met me. They leaped and slavered and jumped and flopped and tumbled and whined all about me and over me . . ten of them . . hound dogs with flop-ears and small, red-rimmed eyes . , skinny creatures . . there was no danger from them, but they planted their mud-sticky paws every- where in a frenzy of welcome. "A hound ain't got no sense onless he's a-huntin'," drawled Paul, as his great boot caught them dextrously under their bellies and lifted them gently, assiduously, severally, in different directions from me. . . Aunt Rachel's face, inefl'ably ignorant and ineffably sweet, lit up with a smile of welcome. She met me in the doorway, kissed me. And she made me a great batch of pancakes to eat, with bacon dripping and New Orleans molasses . . but first "Josh, where on earth is them carpet slippers o' yourn?" Josh yawned. He knocked the tobacco out of his pipe leisurely . . then, silent, he began scraping the black, foul inside of the bowl . . then at last he drawled. "Don't know. Ma !" But Phoebe knew, and soon, a mile too wide, the carpet slippers hung on my feet, while my shoes were drying in the oven and sending out that peculiar, close smell that wet leather emanates when sub- jected to heat. Also, I put on Phoebe's pea-green cotton skirt, while my knee britches hung behind the stove, drying. The men chaffed me. In the industrial Middle West of those days, when the steel kings' fortunes were in bloom of growth, these distantly related kinsfolk of mine still lived the precarious life of pioneer days. Through the bare boards of the uneven floor whistled the wind. Here and TRAMPING ON LIFE 21 there lay a sparse, grey, homemade rag rug. And here and there a window pane, broken, had not been replaced. And an old pair of pants, a ragged shirt, a worn out skirt stuffed in, kept out the draft, — of which everybody but Phoebe seemed mortally afraid. Incidentally these window-stuffings kept out much of the daylight. Aunt Rachel, near-sighted, with her rather pathetic stoop, was ceaselessly sewing, knitting, scrubbing, washing, and cooking. She took care of her "two men" as she phrased it proudly — ^her husband and her great-bodied son — as if they were helpless children. "We're going a-huntin' to-day, Johnny, — wan' ter come along.'"' "Sure !" "Wall, git ready, then!" But first Paul fed the hounds out in the yard . . huge slabs of white bread spread generously with lard. This was all they ever got, except the scraps from the table, which were few. They made a loud, slathering noise, gulping and bolting their food. But we started off without the hounds. "Ain't you going to take the dogs along?" "Nope." **Why not — ain't we going to hunt rabbits.'*" "Yep." "Then why not take them.?" "Put your hand in my right hand pocket an' find out !" I stuck my hand down, and it was given a vicious bite by a white, pink-eyed ferret Paul was carrying there. I yelled with pain and surprise. I pulled my hand up in the air, the ferret hanging to a finger. The ferret dropped to the ground. Paul stooped and picked it up, guffawing. It didn't bite him. It knew and feared him. That was his idea of a joke, the trick he played on me ! "Yew might git blood- pisen from that bite !" teased Josh, to scare me. But I remained unscared. I sucked the blood from the tiny punctures, feeling secure, after I had done it. I remembered how Queen Eleanore had saved the life of Richard Coeur de Lion in the Holy Land, when he had been bitten by an adder, by sucking out the venom. I enjoyed the thrill of a repeated historic act. "If we got ketched we'd be put in jail fer this!" remarked Josh with that sly, slow smile of his ; "it ain't the proper season to hunt 22 TRAMPING ON LIFE rabbits in, an' it's agin the law, in season or out, to hunt 'em with ferrets," and he chuckled with relish over the outlawry of it. We came to a hole under a hollow tree. Paul let the ferret go down, giving him a preliminary smack. "Mind you, Jim, — God damn you, — don't you stay down that hole too long." "Think he understands you.?" "In course he does: jest the same es you do." *'And why would Jim stay down.'"' "He might corner the rabbit, kill him, an' stay to suck his blood . . but Jim knows me. . . I've given him many 's the ungodly whip- ping for playing me that trick . . but he's always so greedy and hongry that sometimes the little beggar fergits." "And then how do you get him out again.'"' "Jest set an' wait till he comes out . . which he must do, some- time . . an' then you kin jest bet I give it to him." We waited a long time. "Damn Jim, he's up to his old tricks again, I'll bet," swore Josh, shifting his face-deforming quid of tobacco from one protuberant cheek to the other, meditatively. . . The ferret appeared, or, rather, a big grey rabbit . . squealing with terror . . coming up backward . . the ferret clinging angrily to his nose . . and tugging like a playing pup. Paul took Jim off and put him back in his pocket . . he had to smack him smartly to make him let go — "hongry little devil!" he remarked fondly. A crack of the hand, brought down edgewise, broke the rabbit's neck, and he was thrust into a bag which Josh carried slung over his shoulder. We caught fifteen rabbits that afternoon. We had a big rabbit stew for supper. Afterward the two men sat about in their socks, chairs tilted back, sucking their teeth and picking them with broom straws . . and they told yarns of dogs, and hunting, and fishing, till bed-time. The morning sun shone brightly over me through three panes of glass in the window, the fourth of which was stopped up with an old petticoat. I woke with Phoebe's warm kiss on my mouth. We had slept TRAMPING ON LIFE 23 together, for the older folks considered us too young for it to make any difference. We lay side by side all night . . and like a little man and woman we lay together, talking, in the morning. We could smell the cooking of eggs and bacon below . . an early breakfast for Paul, for he had been taken by a whim that he must work in the mine over the hill for a few weeks in order to earn some money . . for he was a miner, as well as a puddler in the mills . . he worked in coal mines privately run, not yet taken into the trust. He often had to lie on his side in a shallow place, working the coal loose with his pick — ^where the roof was so close he couldn't sit up straight. . . "What shall we do to-day .f"' asked Phoebe of me, as we lay there, side by side, "I say let's go swimming.'*" "You and me together.'"' I demurred. "In course!" "And you a girl.'"' "Can't I swim jest as well as you can.'*" "Phoebe, git up, you lazy-bones," called Aunt Rachel, from the bottom of the stairs. "All right. Ma!" "Johnnie, you git up, too !" "Coming down right now, Aunt Rachel !" "Hurry up, or your breakf ast'll git cold . . the idea of you children laying in bed like this . . what on earth are you doing up there, talking and talking.'* I kin hear you buzzing away clear down here !" I had been rapt in telling Phoebe how, when I grew to be a man, I was going to become a great adventurer, traveller, explorer. Phoebe sat up on the edge of the bed, lazily stretching for a moment, as a pretty bird stretches its leg along its wing. Then, her slim, nubile body outlined sharply in the brilliant day, she stood up, slipped off her flannel nightgown with a natural, unaffected movement, and stood naked before me. It was a custom of mine to swing my feet as I ate; "just like a little calf wags its tail when it sucks its mother's tit," my grand- mother would say. I swung my feet vigorously that morning, but did not eat noisily, as my uncles, all my male relatives, in fact, did. I never made a noise when I ate. I handled my food delicately by 24 TRAMPING ON LIFE instinct. If I found a fly in anything it generally made me sick to my stomach. Feeling warm, I suppose, in her heart toward me, because I was different in my ways, and frail-looking, and spoke a sort of book-English and not the lingua franca that obtained as speech in the Middle West, my Aunt Rachel heaped my plate with griddle cakes, which she made specially for me. "You're goin' to be different from the rest, the way you read books and newspapers," she remarked half-reverentially. A foamy bend in a racing brook where an elbow of rock made a swirling pool about four-foot deep. Phoebe took me there. We undressed. How smooth-bodied she was, how different from me! I studied her with abashed, veiled glances. The way she wound her hair on the top of her head, to put it out of the way, made her look like a woman in miniature. She dove first, like a water-rat. I followed on her heels. We both shot to the surface immediately. For all the warmth of the day, the water was deceptively icy. We crawled out. We lay on the bank, in the good sun, gasping. . . As we lay there, I spoke to her of her difference . . a thing which was for the first time brought home to me in clear eyesight. Phoebe proceeded to blaze her way into my imagination with quaint, direct, explanatory talk . . things she had picked up (lod knows where . . grotesque details . . Rabelaisan concentrations on seldom-expressed particulars. . . I learned many things at once from Phoebe . . twisted and childish, but at least more fundamental than the silly stories about storks and rabbits that brought babies down chimneys, or hid them in hollow stumps . . about benevolent doctors, who, when desired by the mothers and fathers, brought additions to the family, from nowhere! . . The house-cat . . kittens and the way they came . . surely I knew, but had not lifted the analogy up the scale. . . A furtive hand touched mine, interwove itself, finger with thrilling finger . . close together, we laughed into each other's eyes, over-joyed that we knew more than our elders thought we knew. . . TRAMPING ON LIFE 25 Girls, just at the gate of adolescence, possess a directness of purpose which, afterwards, is looked upon as a distinct, masculine prerogative. . . Phoebe drew closer to me, pressing against me . . but a fierce, battling reluctance rose in my breast. . . She was astonished, stunned by my negation. Silently I dressed, — she, with a sullen pout on her fresh, childish mouth. "You fool! I hate you! You're no damn good!" she cried passionately. With a cruel pleasure in the action, I beat her on the back. She began to sob. Then we walked on a space. And we sat down together on the crest of a hill. My mood changed, and I held her close to me, with one arm flung about her, till she quietened down from her sobbing. I was full of a power I had never known before. I have told of the big, double house my grandmother had for renting, and how she might have made a good living renting it out, if she had used a little business sense . . but now she let the whole of it to a caravan of gypsies for their winter quarters, — ^who, instead of paying rent, actually held her and Millie in their debt by reading their palms, sometimes twice a day . . I think it was my Uncle Joe who at last ousted them. . . • •••••• When I came back from Aunt Rachel's I found a voluble, fat, dirty, old, yellow-haired tramp established in the ground floor of the same house. He had, in the first place, come to our back door to beg a hand-out. And, sitting on the doorstep and eating, and drinking coffee, he had persuaded my grandmother that if she would give him a place to locate on credit he knew a way to clear a whole lot of money. His project for making money was the selling of home-made hominy to the restaurants up in town. I found him squatted on the bare floor, with no furniture in the room. He had a couple of dingy wash-boilers which he had picked up from the big garbage-dump near the race-track. 26 TRAMPING ON LIFE Day in, day out, I spent my time with this tramp, listening to his stories of the pleasures and adventures of tramp-life. I see him still, wiping his nose on his ragged coat-sleeve as he vociferates. . . When one day he disappeared, leaving boilers, hominy and all, behind, I missed his yarns as much as my grandmother missed her unpaid rent. It appears that at this time my grandfather had a manufac- turing plant for the terra cotta invention he had stolen from his comrade-in-arms, in Virginia somewhere, and that, during all these years, he had had Landon working with him, — and now word had come to us that Landon was leaving for Mornington again. My grandmother was mad about him, her youngest . . always spoke of him as "her baby" . . informed me again and again that he was the most accomplished, the handsomest man the Gregory family had ever produced. Landon arrived. He walked up to the front porch from the road. He came in with a long, free stride . . he gave an eager, boyish laugh . . he plumped down his big, bulged-to-bursting grip with a bang. "Hello, Ma! . . hello, Millie! . . well, well, so this is Duncan's kid? . . how big he's grown!" Landon's fine, even, white teeth gleamed a smile at me. Granma couldn't say a word . . she just looked at him . . and looked at him . . and looked at him . . after a long while she began saying his name over and over again. . . "Landon, Landon, Landon," — holding him close. Landon began living with us regularly as one of the family. He went to work in the steel mills, and was energetic and tireless when he worked, which he did, enough to pay his way and not be a burden on others. He performed the hardest kinds of labour in the mills. But often he laid oif for long stretches at a time and travelled about with a wild gang of young men and women, attending dances, drinking, gambling. Nothing seemed to hurt him, he was so strong. At most of the drinking bouts, where the object was to see who could take down the most beer, Landon would win by drinking all TRAMPING ON LIFE 27 he could hold, then stepping outside on another pretext . . where he would push his finger down his throat and spout out all he had drunk. Then he would go back and drink more. Sunday afternoons were the big gambling and card-playing times in our semi-rural neighbourhood. The "boys" spent the day till dusk in the woods back of Babson's Hill. They drank and played cards. Landon taught me every card game there was. He could play the mouth-organ famously, too . . and the guitar and banjo. And he had a good strong voice with a rollick in it. And he was also a great mimic . . one of his stunts he called "the barnyard," in which he imitated with astonishing likeness the sounds every farm-animal or bird makes . . and by drumming on his guitar as he played, and by the energetic use of his mouth-organ at the same time, he could also make you think a circus band was swinging up the street, with clowns and camels and elephants. His great fault was that he must have someone to bully and domineer. And he began picking on me, trying to force me to model my life on his pattern of what he thought it should be. One day I saw him eating raw steak with vinegar. I told him it made me sick to see it. "Well, you'll have to eat some, too, for saying that." And he chased me around and 'round the table and room till he caught me. He held me, while I kicked and protested. He compelled me, by forcing his finger and thumb painfully against my jaws, to open my mouth and eat. He struck me to make me swallow. Everything I didn't want to do he made me do . . he took to beating me on every pretext. When my grandmother protested, he said he was only educating me the way I should go . . that I had been let run wild too long without a mastering hand, and with only women in the house. He must make a man out of me. . . My reading meant more to me than anything else. I was never so happy as when I was sitting humped up over a book, in some obscure corner of the house, where Uncle Landon, now grown the incarnate demon of my life, could not find me. It was a trick of his, when he surprised me stooping over a book, to hit me a terrific thwack between the shoulder-blades, a blow that made my backbone tingle with pain. 28 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Set up straight! Do you want to be a hump-back when you grow big?" His pursuit drove me from corner to corner, till I lost my mischievous boldness and began to act timid and fearful. Whenever I failed to obey Granma, that was his opportunity. (Millie would cry triumphantly, 'Wow you have someone to make you be good !") The veins on his handsome, curly forehead would swell with delight, as he caught me and whipped me . . till Granma would step in and make him stop . . but often he would over-rule her, and keep it up till his right arm was actually tired. And he would leave me to crawl off, sobbing dry sobs, incapable of more tears. A black hatred of him began to gnaw at my heart . . I dreamed still of what I would do when I had grown to be a man . . but now it was not any more to be a great traveller or explorer, but to grow into a strong man and kill my uncle, first putting him to some savage form of torture . . torture that would last a long, long while. He would often see it in my eyes. "Don't you look at me that way !" with a swipe of the hand. Out in the woods I caught a dozen big yellow spiders, the kind that make pretty silver traceries, like handwriting with a flourish — on their morning webs. I brought these spiders home in a tin can and transferred them to some empty fruit jars in the cellar, keeping them for some boy- ish reason or other, in pairs, and putting in flies for them. Aunt Millie came upon them and set up a scream that brought Uncle "Lan," as we called him, down to see what was the matter. . . I took my beating in silence. I would no longer beg and plead for mercy. After he had finished, I lay across the sloping cellar door, lumpish and still, inwardly a shaking jelly of horror. I was wanting to die . . these successive humiliations seemed too great to live through. The grey light of morning filtering in. Lan stood over my bed. "-.—want to go hunting with me to-day ? . . shootin' blackbirds .'"' "Yes, Uncle Lan," I assented, my mind divided between fear of him and eagerness to go. TRAMPING ON LIFE 29 In the kitchen we ate some fried eggs and drank our coffee in silence. Then we trudged on through the dew-wet fields, drenched to the knees as if having waded through a brook. Lan bore his double-barrelled shotgun over his shoulder. He shot into a tree-top full of bickering blackbirds and brought three down, torn, flopping, bleeding. He thrust them into his sack, which reddened through, and we went on . . still in silence. The silence began to make me tremble but I was glad, anyhow, that I had gone with him. I conjectured that he had brought me a-field to give me a final whipping — "to teach me to mind Granma." " — ^had to bring you out here . . the women are too chicken- hearted — they stop me too soon. . . " — Pity your pa's away . . don't do to leave a kid alone with women folks . . they don't make him walk the chalk enough !" It was about an hour after sunrise. We had come to an open field among trees. Lan set down his gun against a tree-trunk. " — needn't make to run. . . I can catch you, no matter how fast you go." He cut a heavy stick from a hickory. "Come on and take your medicine. . . I'm goin' away to-morrow to Halton, and I want to leave you something to remember me by — so that you'll obey Ma and Millie while I'm gone. If you don't, when I come back, you'll catch it all over again." My heart was going like a steam engine. At the last moment I started to run, my legs sinking beneath me. He was upon me with my first few steps, and had me by the scruif of the neck, and brought down the cudgel over me. Then an amazing thing happened inside me. It seemed that the blows were descending on someone else, not me. The pain of them was a dull, far-away thing. Weak, fragile child that I was (known among the other children as "Skinny Gregory" and "Spider-Legs") a man's slow fury was kindling in me . , let Lan beat me for a year. It didn't matter. When I grew up I would kill him for this. I began to curse boldly at him, calling him by all the obscene terms I had ever learned or heard. This, and the astounding fact that I no longer squirmed nor cried out, but physically yielded to him, as limp as an empty sack, brought him to a puzzled stop. But he sent me an extra blow for good measure as he flung me aside. That blow rattled about my head, missing my shoulders at which 30 TRAMPING ON LIFE it had been aimed. I saw a shower of hot sparks soaring upward into a black void. I woke with water trickling down my face and all over me. I heard, far off, my uncle's voice calling, cajoling, coaxing, with great fright sounding through it. . . *'Johnnie, Johnnie . . I'm so sorry . . Johnnie, only speak to me!" He was behaving exactly like Aunt Millie when she had St. Vitus' dance. He began tending me gently like a woman. He built a fire and made some coffee over it — ^he had brought coffee and some lunch. I crouched white and still, saying not a word. Landon squatted with his back turned, watching the coffee. His shotgun, leaning against the tree-trunk, caught my eye. I crept toward that shotgun. I trembled with anticipatory pleasure. God, but now I would pay him back! . . . But it was too heavy. I had struggled and brought it up, how- ever, half to my shoulder, when that uncanny instinct that some- times comes to people in mortal danger, came to Uncle Lan. He looked about. He went as pale as a sheet of paper. " — God, Johnnie !" he almost screamed my name. I dropped the gun in the grass, sullenly, never speaking. "Johnnie, were you — ^were you?" he faltered, unnerved. "Yes, I was going to give you both barrels . . and I'm sorry I didn't." All his desire to whip me had gone up like smoke. "Yes, and I'll tell you what, you big, dirty , I'll kill you yet, when I grow big." That night I fainted at supper. When Granma put me to bed she saw how bruised and wealed I was all over . . for the first time she went after Uncle Lan — turned into a furious thing. Shortly after, I was taken sick with typhoid fever. They used the starvation cure for it, in those days. When they began to give me solid food, I chased single grains of rice that fell out of the TRAMPING ON LIFE 31 plate, about the quilt, just as a jeweller would pearls, if a necklace of them broke. With my recovery came news, after many days, of my father. The Hunkies were pushing out the Irish from the mills — cheaper labour. My grandmother could not afford to board the Hunkies, they lived so cheaply. Renewed poverty was breaking our house- hold up. My grandmother was about to begin her living about from house to house with her married sons and daughters. My father was sending for me to come East. He had a good job there in the Composite Works at Haberford. He was at last able to take care of his son — his only child. My grandmother and my aunt Millie took me to the railroad station. I tried to be brave and not cry. I succeeded, till the train began to pull out. Then I cried very much. The face of my grandmother pulled awry with grief and flowing tears. Aunt Millie wept, too. No, I wouldn't leave them. I would stay with them, work till I was rich and prosperous, never marry, give all my Kfe to taking care of them, to saving them from the bitter grinding poverty we had shared together. I ran into the vestibule. But the train was gathering speed so rapidly that I did not dare jump off. I took my seat again. Soon my tears dried. The trees flapped by. The telegraph poles danced off in irregu- lar lines. I became acquainted with my fellow passengers. I was happy. I made romance out of every red and green lamp in the railroad yards we passed through, out of the dingy little restaurants in which I ate. . . The mysterious swaying to and fro of the curtains in the sleeper thrilled me, as I looked out from my narrow berth. In the smoker I listened till late to the talk of the drummers who clenched big black cigars between their teeth, or slender Pitts- burgh stogies, expertly flicking off the grey ash with their little fingers, as they yarned. 32 TRAMPING ON LIFE I wore a tag on my coat lapel with my name and destination written on it. My grandmother had put it there in a painful, scrawling hand. The swing out over wide, salt-bitten marshes, the Jersey marshes grey and smoky before dawn ! . . then, far off, on the horizon line, New York, serrate, mountainous, going upward great and shining in the still dawn ! Beneath a high, vast, clamorous roof of glass. . . As I stepped down to the platform my father met me. I knew him instantly though it had been years since I had seen him. • • • • • • , • My father whisked me once more across the long Jersey marshes. To Haberford. There, on the edge of the town, composed of a mul- titude of stone-built, separate, tin-roofed houses, stood the Com- posite Works. My father was foreman of the drying department, in which the highly inflammable sheets of composite were hung to dry. . . My father rented a large, front room, with a closet for clothes, of a commuting feed merchant named Jenkins . . whose house stood three or four blocks distant from the works. So we, my father and I, lived in that one room. But I had it to myself most of the time, excepting at night, when we shared the big double bed. Still only a child, I was affectionate toward him. And, till he discouraged me, I kissed him good night every night. I liked the smell of the cigars he smoked. I wanted my father to be more affectionate to me, to notice me more. I thought that a father should be something intuitively understanding and sympathetic. And mine was offish . . of a dif- ferent species . . wearing his trousers always neatly pressed . . and his neckties — he had them hanging in a neat, perfect row, never disarranged. The ends of them were always pulled even over the smooth stick on which they hung. I can see my father yet, as he stands before the mirror, pains- takingly adjusting the tie he had chosen for the day's wear. TRAMPING ON LIFE 33 I was not at all like him. Where I took my knee britches off, there I dropped them. They sprawled, as if half-alive, on the floor . . my shirt, clinging with one arm over a chair, as if to keep from falling to the floor . . my cap, flung hurriedly into a corner. "Christ, Johnnie, won't you ever learn to be neat or civilised.'' What kind of a boy are you, anyhow.?" He thought I was stubborn, was determined not to obey him, for again and again I flung things about in the same disorder for which I was rebuked. But a grey chaos was settling over me. I trembled often like a person under a strange seizure. My mind did not readily respond to questions. It went here and there in a welter. Day dreams chased through my mind one after another in hurried heaps of confusion. I was lost . . groping . . in a curious new world of growing emotions leavened with grievous, shapeless thoughts. Strange involuntary rhythms swung through my spirit and body. Fantastic imaginations took possession of me. And I prayed at night, kneeling, great waves of religious emotion going over me. And when my father saw me praying by the bed- side, I felt awkwardly, shamefully happy that he saw me. And I took to posing a childishness, an innocence toward him. Jenkins, the little stringy feed merchant, had two daughters, one thirteen, Alva, and another Silvia, who was fifteen or sixteen . . and a son, Jimmy, about seven. . . It was over Alva and Silvia that my father and Jenkins used to come together, teasing me. And, though the girls drew me with an enchanting curiosity, I would protest that I didn't like girls . . that when I became full-grown I would never marry, but would study books and mind my business, single. . . After this close, crafty, lascivious joking between them, my father would end proudly with — "Johnnie's a strange boy, he really doesn't care about such things. All he cares about is books." So I succeeded in completely fooling my father as to the changes going on within me. 34 TRAMPING ON LIFE Though I had not an atom of belief left in orthodox Christianity (or thought I had not) I still possessed this all-pervasive need to pray to God. A need as strong as physical hunger. Torn with these curious, new, sweet tumults, I turned to Him. And I prayed to be pure . . like Sir Galahad, or any of the old knights who wore their lady's favour in chastity, a male maiden, — and yet achieved great quests and were manly in their deeds. . . The crying and singing of the multitudinous life of insects and animals in the spring marshes under the stars almost made me weep, as I roamed about, distracted yet exalted, alone, at night. I was studying the stars, locating the constellations with a little book of star-maps I possessed. I wanted, was in search of, something . . something . . maybe other worlds could give this something to me . . what vistas of infinite imagination I saw about me in the wide-stretching, star- sprinkled sky! Dreaming of other worlds swinging around other suns, seething with strange millions of inhabitants, through all space, I took to reading books on astronomy . . Newcomb . . Proctor's Other Worlds . . Camille Flammarion . . Garret Serviss as he wrote in the daily papers . . and novels and romances dealing with life on the moon, on Mars, on Venus. . . During my night-rovings I lay down in dark hollows, sometimes, and prayed to God as fervently as if the next moment I might expect His shining face to look down at me out of the velvet, far- reaching blackness of night: "O God, make me pure, and wonderful . . let me do great things for humanity . . make me handsome, too, O God, so that girls and women will love me, and wonder at me, in awe, while I pass by unper- turbed — till one day, having kept myself wholly for her as she has kept herself for me, — give me then the one wonderful and beautiful white maiden who will be mine . . mine . . all and alone and altogether, as I shall be all and alone and altogether hers. And let me do things to be wondered at by watching multitudes, while bands play and people applaud." Such was my mad, adolescent prayer, while the stars seemed to answer in sympathetic silence. And I would both laugh and weep, thrilled to the core with ineffable, enormous joy because of things TRAMPING ON LIFE 35 I could not understand . . and I would want to shout and dance extravagantly. The Jenkins girls were curious about me, and while they, together with the rest of the feed merchant's family, thought me slightly "touched," still they liked the unusual things I said about the stars . and about great men whose biographies I was reading . . and about Steele's Zoology I was studying, committing all the Latin nomenclature of classification to heart, with a curious hunger for even the husks and impedimenta of learning. . . Silvia was a rose, half-opened . , an exquisite young creature. Alva was gawky and younger. She was callow and moulting, flat- footed and long-shanked. Her face was sallow and full of freckles. In the long Winter evenings we sat together by the warmth of the kitchen stove, alone, studying our lessons, — the place given over entirely to us for our school work. A touch of the hand with either of them, but with Silvia espe- cially, was a superb intoxication, an ecstasy I have never since known. When all my power of feeling fluttered into my fingers . . and when we kissed, each night, good-night (the girls kissed me because I pretended to be embarrassed, to object to it) our home- work somehow done, — the thought of their kisses was a memory to lie and roll in, for hours, after going to bed. I would pull away as far as I could from my father, and think luxuriously, awake sometimes till dawn. I hated school so that I ran away. For the first time in my life, but by no means my last, I hopped a freight. I was absent several weeks. When I returned, weary, and dirty from riding in coal cars, my father was so glad to see me he didn't whip me. He was, in fact, a little proud of me. For he was always boastful of the many miles he had travelled through the various states, as salesman, not many years before. And after I had bathed, and had put on the new suit which he bought me, I grew talkative about my adventures, too. I now informed my father that I wanted to go to work. Which I didn't so very much. But anything, if only it was not going to school. He was not averse to my getting a job. He took out papers 36 TRAMPING ON LIFE for me, and gave me work under him, in the drying department of the Composite Works. My wage was three dollars a week. My task, to hang the thin sheets of composite, cut from three to fifteen hundredths of an inch in thickness, on metal clips to dry. In the Composite Works I discovered a new world — the world of factory life. I liked to be sent to the other departments on errands. There were whirling wheels and steadily recurring, ever-lapsing belts . . and men and women working and working in thin fine dust, or among a strong smell as of rubbed amber — the characteristic smell of com- posite when subjected to friction. . . And these men and women were continually joking and jesting and making horse-play at one another's expense, as rough people in their social unease do. They seemed part and adjunct to the machines, the workers! Strong, sturdy, bared forearms flashed regularly like moving, rhyth- mic shafts . . deft hands clasped and reached, making only neces- sary movements. Each department housed a different kind of worker. In the grinding, squealing, squeaking, buzzing machine shop the men were not mixed with women. They were alert, well-muscled; their faces were streaked with paleness and a black smutch like dancers made up for a masquerade. Always they were seeking for a vigorous joke to play on someone. And, if the trick were perpetrated within the code, the foreman himself enjoyed it, laughing grimly with the "boys." Once I was sent to the machine shop for "strap oil." I was thrown over a greasy bench and was given it — the laying on of a heavy strap not at all gently ! I ran away, outraged, to tell my father ; as I left, the men seemed more attentive to their work than ever. They smiled quietly to themselves. In the comb department the throwing of chunks of composite was the workers' chief diversion. And if you were strange there, you were sure to be hit as you passed through. The acid house was a gruesome place. Everything in it and for yards around it, was covered with a yellow blight, as if the slight beard of some pestilential fungous were sprouting . . the only people the company could induce to work there were foreigners who knew TRAMPING ON LIFE 37 little of America. . . Swedes mostly . . attentive churchgoers on Sunday, — ^who on week-days, and overtime at nights, laboured their lives out among the pungent, lung-eating vats of acid. The fumes rose in yellow clouds. Each man wore something over his nose and mouth resembling a sponge. But many, grown careless, or through a silly code of mistaken manliness, dispensed with this safeguard part of the time. And whether they dispensed with it or not, the lives of the workers in the acid house was not much more than a matter of a few years . . big, hulking, healthy Swedes, newly arrived, with roses in their cheeks like fair, young girls, faded per- ceptibly from day to day, into hollow-cheeked, jaundice-coloured death's-heads. They went about, soon, with eyes that had grey gaunt hollows about them — pits already cavernous like the eye- pits of a skull. "Well, they don't have to work in there unless they want to, do they.?" "Ah, they're only a lot of foreigners anyhow." • «..•*• Three dollars a week was a lot of money for me . . a fortune, because I had never owned anything higher than nickles and dimes before. And my father, for the first few weeks, allowed me to have all I earned, to do with as I wished. Later on he made me save two dollars a week. Each Saturday I went down to Newark and bought books . . very cheap, second hand ones, at Breasted's book store. Every decisive influence in life has been a book, every vital change in my life, I might say, has been brought about by a book. My father owned a copy of Lord Byron in one volume. It was the only book he cared for, outside of Shakespeare's Hamlet, together with, of course, his own various books on Free Masonry and other secret societies. At first, oddly enough, it was my instinct for pedantry and lin- guistic learning that drew me to Byron. I became enamoured of the Latin and Greek quotations with which he headed his lyrics in Hours of Idleness, and laboriously I copied them, lying on my belly on the floor, under the lamp light. And under these quotations I indited boyish rhymes of my own. 38 TRAMPING ON LIFE Then I began to read — Manfred, Marino Faliero, Sardanapalug — the Deformed Transformed. . . The Bride of Abydos, The Cor- sair, Lara, The Prisoner of Chillon. The frontispiece to the book was a portrait of Byron with flowing tie and open shirt. Much as a devout Catholic wears a gold cross around his neck to signify his belief, with a like devoutness I took to wearing my shirt open at the neck, and a loose, flowing black tie. And I ruffled my hair in the Byronic style. "I see you're discovering Byron," my father laughed. Then he slyly intimated that the best of the poet's works I had evidently overlooked, Childe Harold and Don Juan. And he quoted me the passage about the lifted skirt above the peeking ankle. And he reinforced his observation by grinning salaciously. From that time on I searched with all the fever of adolescence through Byron for every passage which bore on sex, the mystery of which was beginning to devour my days. I read and pondered, shaking with eagerness, the stories of Haidee, of Antonia and Julia — the tale of the dream of Dudu. I dwelt in a musk-scented room of imagination. Silver fountains played about me. Light forms flowed and undulated in white draperies over mosaiced pavements . . flashing dark eyes shone myteriously and amorously, starry through curtains and veils. My every thought was alert with naive, speculative curiosity con- cerning the mystery of woman. Through Byron I learned about Moore. I procured the latter's Lalla Rookh, his odes of Anacreon. From Byron and Moore I built up an adolescent ideal of woman, — exquisitely sensual and sexual, and yet an angel, superior to men: an ideal of a fellow creature who was both a living, breathing mystery and a walking sweetmeat . . a white creation moved and actuated by instinct and intuition — a perpetually inexplicable ecstasy and mad- ness to man. I drew more and more apart to myself. Always looked upon as queer by the good, bourgeois families that surrounded us, I was now considered madder still. How wonderful it would be to become a hermit on some far mountain side, wearing a grey robe, clear-browed and calmly specu- lative under the stars — or, maybe, — ^more wonderful: a singer for TRAMPING ON LIFE 39 men, a travelling minstrel — in each case, whether minstrel or hermit, whether teaching great doctrines or singing great songs for all the world — to have come to me, as a pilgrim seeking enlightenment, the most beautiful maiden in the world, one who was innocent of what man meant. And together we would learn the mystery of life, and live in mutual purity and innocence. The strangeness of my physical person lured me. I marvelled at, scrutinised intimately the wonder of myself. I was insatiable in my curiosities. My discovery of my body, and my books, held me in equal bond- age. I neglected my work in the drying room. My father was vexed. He'd hunt me out of the obscure corners back of the hang- ing sheets of composite where I hid, absorbed in myself and the book I held, and would run me back to work. One day, in the factory, two other boys on an errand from another department, came back where I sat, in a hidden nook, reading Thompson's Seasons. One of them spit over my shoulder, between the leaves. I leaped to my feet, infuriated, and a fight began. The desecration of my beloved poetry gave me such angry strength that I struck out lustily and dropped both of them. . . Rushing in on th^ uproar and blaming me for it, my father seized me by the collar. He booted the other boys off, who were by this time on their feet again, took me up into the water-tower, and beat me with one of the heavy sticks, with metal clips on it, that was used for hanging the composite on. Still trembling with the fight, I shook with a superadded ague of fear. My father's chastisement brought back to me with a chill the remembrance of the beatings Uncle Landon had given me. "By God, Johnnie, this is the only thing there's left to do with you." He flung me aside. I lay there sobbing. "Tell me, my boy, what is the matter with you?" he asked, soft- ening. Unlike Landon, he was usually gentle with me. He seldom treated me harshly. "Father, I don't want to work any more." 40 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Don't want to work? . . but you quit school just to go to work, at your own wish !" "I want to go back to school !" "Back to school? . . you'll be behind the rest by now." "I've been studying a lot by myself," I replied, forgetting the feel of the stick already and absorbed in the new idea. By this time we were down the stairs again, and I was sitting by my father's desk. He took up the unlighted cigar he always carried in his mouth (for smoking was not allowed among such inflammable material as composite). He sucked at it thoughtfully from habit, as if he were smoking. **Look here, my son, what is the matter with you . . won't you tell your daddy ?" "Nothing's the matter with me. Pop !" "You're getting thin as a shadow . . are you feeling sick?" "No, Pop!" "You're a queer little duck." There was a long silence. **You're always reading . . good books too . . yet you're no more good in school than you are at work ... I can't make you out, by the living God, I can't . . what is it you want to be?" "I don't know, only I want to go back to school again." "But what did you leave for?" "I hated arithmetic." "What do you want to study, then?" "Languages." "Would you like a special course in the high school? "Principal Balling of the Keeley Heights High School might be able to work you in. He is a brother Mason of mine." "I know some Latin and Greek and Ancient History already. I have been teaching myself." **Well, you are a queer fish . . there never was anyone like you in the family, except your mother. She used to read and read, and read. And once or twice she wrote a short story . . had one accepted, even, by the Youth's Companion once, but never printed." • •••••• Though it was some months off till the Fall term began, on the strength of my desire to return to school my father let me throw up my job. . . TRAMPING ON LIFE 41 But we soon found out that, brother in the bond, or not, Princi- pal Balling could not get me into high school because I was not well enough prepared. My studying and reading by myself, though it had been quite wide, had also been too desultory. The principal advised a winter in the night school where men and boys who had been delayed in their education went to learn. I ran about that summer, with a gang of fellow adolescents; our headquarters, strange to say, being the front room and outside steps of an undertaker's establishment. This was because our leader was the undertaker's boy-of-all-work. Harry Mitchell was his name. Harry, a sort of young tramp, fat and pimply-faced, had jaunted into our town one day from New York, and had found work with the undertaker. Harry had watery blue eyes and a round, moon face. He was a whirlwind fighter but he never fought with us. It was only with the leaders of other gangs or with strangers that he fought. Harry continued our education in the secrets and mysteries of life, in the stable-boy and gutter way, — ^by passing about among us books from a sort of underground library . . vile things, fluently conceived and made even more vivid and animal with obscene and uninmaginable illustrations. And our minds were trailed black with slime. And whole afternoons we stood about on the sidewalk jeering and fleering, jigging and singing, talking loud, horse-laughing, and hungrily eyeing the girls and women that passed by, who tried hard to seem, as they went, not self-conscious and stifl'-stepping because of our observation . . and sometimes we whistled after them or called out to them in falsetto voices. • •••••• As a child my play had been strenuous and absorbing, like work that one is happy at, so that at night I fell asleep with all the pleasant fatigue of a labourer. It is the adolescent who loafs and dawdles on street corners. For the cruel and fearful urge of sex stirs so powerfully in him, that he hardly knows what to do, and all his days and nights he writhes in the grip of terrible instincts. • •••••• Yet, in the midst of the turbidness of adolescence, I was stUl two distinct personalities. With my underground library of filth hidden 42 TRAMPING ON LIFE away where my father could not find it, at the same time I kept and read my other books. The first were for the moments of madness and curious ecstasy I had learned how to induce. But my better self periodically revolted. And I took oath that I would never again spew a filthy- expression from my mouth or do an ill thing. I suffered all the agonies of the damned in hell. I believe hell to be the invention of adolescence. Always, inevitably, I returned to my wallow and the gang. We were not always loafing in front of the undertaker's shop. Sometimes we were quite active. Many windows and street lamps were smashed. And we derived great joy from being pursued by the "cops" — especially by a certain fat one, for whom we made life a continual burden. Once we went in a body to the outskirts of the town and stoned a greenhouse. Its owner chased us across ploughed fields. We flung stones back at him. One hit him with a dull thud and made him cry out with pain, and he left off pursuing us. It was so dark we could not be identified. One of our favourite diversions was to follow mature lovers as they strolled a-field, hoping to catch them in the midst of intimate endearments. My father received a raise of a few dollars in salary. As it was they paid hira too little, because he was easy-going. The additional weekly money warranted our leaving the Jenkinses and renting four rooms all our own, over the main street. This meant that I was to have a whole room to myself, and I was glad . . a whole room where I could stand a small writing desk and set up ray books in rows. With an extreme effort I burned my underground books. All the women liked my father. He dressed neatly and well. His trousers were never without their fresh crease. He was very vain of his neat appearance, even to the wearing of a fresh-cut flower in his buttonhole. This vanity made him also wear his derby indoors and out, because of his entirely bald head. Every time he could devise an excuse for going to the depart- ments where the women worked, he would do so, and flirt with them. He, for this reason I am sure, made special friends with Schlegel, TRAMPING ON LIFE 43 foreman of the collar department. I never saw a man derive a keener pleasure out of just standing and talking with women. Though, like most men, he enjoyed a smutty story, yet I never heard him say a really gross thing about any woman. And his language was always in good English, with few curses and oaths in it. Our new place was a bit of heaven to me. I procured a copy of Whitman's Leaves of Grass, of Darwin's Origin of Species and Descent of Man. Laboriously I delved through these last two books, (my knowledge of elementary zoology helping me to the explication) of their meaning. The theory of evolution came as a natural thing to me. It seemed that I knew it all, before, — as I did, because, in my own way, I had thought out the problem of the growth of the varying forms of animal life, exactly to the Darwinian conclusion. Whitman's Leaves of Grass became my Bible. It was at this time that I made the harrowing discovery that I had been working evil on myself . . through an advertisement of a quack in a daily paper. And now I became an anchorite battling to save myself from the newly discovered monstrosity of the flesh. . . For several days I would be the victor, but the thing I hugged to my bosom would finally win. Then would follow a terror beyond comprehension, a horror of remorse and degradation that human nature seemed too frail to bear. I grew thinner still. I fell into a hacking cough. And, at the same time, I became more perverse in my affectation of innocence and purity — saying always to my father that I never could care for girls, and that what people married for was beyond my comprehension. Thus I threw his alarmed inquisitiveness off the track. . . I procured books about sexual life. My most cherished volume was an old family medical book with charred covers, smelling of smoke and water, that I had dug out of the ruins of a neighbouring fire. In the book was a picture of a nude woman, entitled The Female Form Divine. I tore this from the body of the book and kept it under my pillow. U TRAMPING ON LIFE I would draw it forth, press it against myself, speak soft words of affection to it, caress and kiss it, fix my mind on it as if it were a living presence. Often the grey light of dawn would put its ashen hand across my sunken cheeks before dead-heavy, exhausted sleep proved kind to me. . . • • * • • • • Again : my imagination grew to be all graveyards, sepulchral urns, skeletons. How beautiful it would be to die young and a poet, to die like the young English poet, Henry Kirke White, whose works I was so enamoured of. The wan consumptive glamour of his career led me, as he had done, to stay up all night, night after night, studying. . . After the surging and mounting of that in me which I could not resist, several hours of strange, abnormal calm would ensue and for that space I would swing calm and detached from myself, like a luminous, disembodied entity. And then it was that I would write and write. The verses would come rushing from my pen. I must hurry with them before my early death overtook me. There were two visions I saw continually in my sleep: One was of myself walking with a proud step down a vast hall, the usual wreath of fame on my head. I wore a sort of toga. And of course a great concourse of people stood apart in silent reverence on either side, gazing at me admiringly. With the thunder of their hand-clapping I would wake. The other dream was of being buried alive. I lay there, smelling the dark earth, and not being able to stir so much as the last joint of my little finger. Yet every nerve of me ached with sentience . . and I woke gasping, my face bathed with tears and the moisture of terror. From head to foot hot flushes swept over me. And I was stung with the pricking of a million needles going in sharply at every pore! . . was bathed in cold sweats. And I hoped I was dying. "Johnnie, what are you doing to yourself?" And my father fixed his eyes on me. "Nothing, Father!" TRAMPING ON LIFE 45 "If you weren't such a good boy, I'd — " and he halted, to continue, "as it is, you're a clean boy, and I'm proud of you." I struggled hard to speak with him, to make a confidant of him, but I could not. "I wonder," he added with alarm in his voice, "I wonder if you're catching consumption, the disease your mother died of . . you must be carefvd of yourself." I told him I would be careful. . . "I think I'll send you back home to visit the folks this fall." There was a restaurant just around the corner from where we lived in our second story flat — a restaurant which bore the legend stuck up in the window, "Home Cooking." The sign itself was of a dull, dirty, fly-specked white which ought to have been a sufficient warning to the nice palate. The place was run by a family of three . . there was Mister Brown, the man, a huge-built, blotch-faced, retired stone-mason, his meagre little wife, Mrs. Brown, and their grass-widow daughter, Flora . . . Flora did but little work, except to lean familiarly and with an air of unspoken intimacy, over the tables of the men, as she slouched up with their food . . and she liked to sit outside in the back yard when there was sunshine . . in the hammock for more comfort . . shelling peas or languidly peeling potatoes. Flora's vibrant, little, wasplike mother whose nose was so sharp and red that it made me think of Paul's ferret — she bustled and buzzed about, doing most of the work. Looking out from our back window, I could see Flora lolling, and I would read or write a little and then the unrest wovild become too strong and I would go down to her. Soon two potato knives would be working. "Come and sit by me in the hammock." I liked that invitation . . she was plump to heaviness and sitting in the hammock crushed us pleasantly together. This almost daily propinquity goaded my adolescent hunger into an infatuation for her, — I thought I was in love with her, — though I never quite reconciled myself to the cowlikeness with which she chewed gum. She was as free and frank of herself as I was curious and timid. 46 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Johnnie, what small feet and little hands you have . . you're a regular aristocrat." A pause. I give her a poem written to her. She reads it, letting her knife stick in a half-peeled potato. She looks up at me out of heavy- lidded eyes. • ••••** "I believe you're falling in love with me." I trembled, answered nothing, was silent. "Kiss me !" Seeing me so a-tremble, she obeyed her own injunction. With slow deliberation she crushed her lips, full and voluptuous, into mine. The warmth of them seemed to catch hold of something deep down in me, and, with exquisite painfulness, draw it out. Blinded with emotion, I clutched close to her. She laughed. I put one hand over her fuU breast as infants do. She pushed me back. "There, that's enough for one day — a promise of sweets to come !" and she laughed again, with a hearty purr like a cat that has a mouse at its mercy. She rose and carried in the pan of potatoes we had just finished peeling. And I saw her sturdy, but not unshapely ankles going from me as she went up the steps from the yard, her legs gleaming white through her half-silk hose (that were always coming down, and that she was always twisting up, just under her knees, before my abashed eyes). She wore shoes much too little for her plump feet . . and, when not abroad, let them yawn open unbuttoned. And her plump body was alive and bursting through her careless, half-fastened clothes. She sang with a deep sultriness of voice as she walked away with the pan of potatoes. "You ought to see my Florrie read books !" exclaimed the mother. Flora did read a lot . . but chiefly the erotic near-society novels that Belford used to print. . . "Yes, she's a smart girl, she is." And the father. . . TRAMPING ON LIFE 47 *'I won't work till the unions get better conditions for a man. I won't be no slave to no man." One sultry afternoon I went into the restaurant and found Flora away. Poignantly disappointed, I asked where she was. " — Gone on a trip !" her mother explained, without explaining. From time to time Flora went on "trips." • •••••• And one morning, several mornings, Flora was not there to serve at the breakfast table . . and I was hurt when I learned that she had gone back to Newark to live, and had left no word for me. Her father told me she "had gone back to George," meaning her never- seen husband from whom she evidently enjoyed intervals of separa- tion and grass-widowhood. I was puzzled and hurt indeed, because she had not even said good- bye to me. But soon came this brief note from her: "Dearest Boy: — Do come up to Newark and see me some afternoon. And come more than once. Bring your Tennyson that you was reading aloud to me. I love to hear you read poetry. I think you are a dear and want to see more of you. But I suppose you have already for- gotten Your loving Floea. In the absurd and pitiful folly of youth I lifted the letter to my lips and kissed it. I trembled with eagerness till the paper rattled as I read it again and again. It seemed like some precious holy script. I bolted my lunch nervously and it stuck half way down in a hard lump. I would go to her that very afternoon. The car on which I rode was subject to too frequent stoppage for me. I leaped out and walked along with brisk strides. But the car sailed forth ahead of me now on a long stretch of roadway and I ran after it to catch it again. The conductor looked back at me in derisive scorn and made a significant whirling motion near 48 TRAMPING ON LIFE his temple with his index finger, indicating that I had wheels there. . . At last I found the street where Flora lived. I trailed from door to door till the number she had given me met my eye. It made my heart jump and my knees give in, to be so near the quarry. For the first time I was to be alone with a woman I desired. At the bell, it took me a long time to gain courage to pull. But at last I reached out my hand. I had to stand my ground. I couldn't run away now. The bell made a tinkling sound far within. The door opened cautiously. A head of touseled black hair crept out. ** Johnnie, dear! You! . . . you are a surprise!" Did I really detect an echo of disappointment in her deep, con- tralto voice? Frightened in my heart like a trapped animal, I went in. Down a long, dusk, musty-smelling corridor and into a back-apartment on the first floor ; she led me into a room which was bed-and-sitting room combined. In one part of it stood several upholstered chairs with covers on, cluttered about a plain table. In the other part stood a bureau heaped with promiscuous toilette articles, and a huge, brass-knobbed bed with a spread of lace over its great, semi-upright pillows. "Shall I let in a little more light, dear?" "Do." For the blinds were two-thirds down. I like to sit and think in the dark," she explained, and her one dimple broke in a rich, brown-faced animal smile. "Yes, but I — I want to see your lovely face," I stuttered, with much effort at gallantry. . . *'He's not at home . . he's off at Wilmington, on a job" (mean- ing her husband, though I had not asked about him). "But what made you come so soon? You must of just got my letter!" "I — I wanted you," I blurted . . in the next moment I was at her feet in approved romantic fashion, following up my declaration of desire. Calmly she let me kneel there. , . I put my arms about her plump legs . . I was almost fainting. . . After a while she took me by the hair with both hands. She TRAMPING ON LIFE 49 slowly bent my head back as I knelt. Leaning over, she kissed delib- erately, deeply into my mouth . . then, gazing into my eyes with a puzzled expression, as I relaxed to her — almost like something in- animate. . . "Why, you dear boy, I believe you're innocent like a child. And yet you know so much about books . . and you're so wise, too!" As she spoke she pushed back my mad hands from their clutch- ing and reaching. She held both of them in hers, and closed them in against her half-uncovered, full breasts, pressing them there. "Do you mean to tell me that you've never gone out with the boys for a good time? . . how old are you.?" I told her I was just sixteen. "Do you think I'm . . I'm too young?" I asked. "I feel as if I was your mother . . and I'm not much over twenty . . but do sit up on a chair, dear!" She stood on her feet, shook out her dress, smiled curiously, and started out of the room. I was up and after her, my arms around her waist, desperate. She slid around in my arms, laughing quietly to herself till the back of her head was against my mouth. I kissed and kissed the top of her head. Then she turned slowly to face me, pressing all the contours of her body into me . . she crushed her bosom to mine. Already I was quite tall, and she was stocky and short . . she lifted her face up to me, a curious kindling light in her eyes . . of a phosphorescent, greenish lustre, like those chance gleams in a cat's eyes you catch at night. . . She took my little finger and deliberately bit it . . then she leaned away from my seeking mouth, my convulsive arms. . . "You want too much, all at once," she said, and, whirling about broke away. . . With the table between me and her. . . "Wouldn't you like a little beer, and some sandwiches? I have some in the ice box . . Do let's have some beer and sandwiches." I assented, though hating the bitter taste of beer, and hungry for her instead of sandwiches. And soon we were sitting down calmly at the table, or rather, she was sitting down calmly . . baffled, I pre- tended to be calm. As she rose for something or other, I sprang around the table and caught her close to me once more, marvelling, at the same time, 50 TRAMPING ON LIFE at my loss of shyness, my new-found audacity. Again she snuggled in close to me, her flesh like a warm, palpitating cushion. "Flora, my darling . . help me !" I cried, half -sobbing. "What do you mean?" laughing. "I love you !" "I know all ymi want !" "But I do love you . . see. . , " And I prostrated myself, in a frenzy, at her feet. "Say, you're the queerest kid I've ever known." And she walked out of the room abruptly, while I rose to my feet and sat in a chair, dejected. She came in again, a twinkle in her eye. "Don't torture me. Flora!" I pleaded, "either send me away, or " "Stop pestering me . . let's talk . . read me some of that Tenny- son you gave me . . " and I began reading aloud, for there was nothing else she would for the moment, have me do. . . • •••••• "You're a poet," whimsically, "I want you to write some letters to me because I know you must write beautiful." " — ^if you will only let me love you!" **Well, ain't I lettin' you love me?" A perverse look came into her face, a thought, an idea that pleased her "I've lots and lots of letters from men," she began, "men that have been in love with me." "Oh!" I exclaimed weakly . . she had just expressed a desire to add some of mine to the pack . . the next thing that she followed up with gave me a start "Your father " "My father? " I echoed. *'He's written me the best letters of all . . wait a minute. . . I'll read a little here and there to you." And, gloating and triumphant, and either not seeing or, in her vulgarity, not caring what effect the reading of my father's love letters would have on me, she began reading ardent passages aloud. "See!" She showed me a page to prove that it was in his handwriting. The letters told a tale easy to understand. She was so eager in her vanity that she read TRAMPING ON LIFE 61 on and on without seeing in my face what, seen, would have made her stop. A frightful trembling seized me, a loathing, a horror. This was my father's woman . . and . . I !. . . I sat on, dumbfounded, paralysed. I remembered his stories of trips to T — and other places on supposed lodge business . . un- luckily, I also remembered that several times Flora had been off on trips at the same time. "Just listen to this, will you !" and she began at another passage. She was so absorbed in her reading that she did not see how I was on my feet . . . had seized my hat . . . was going. "I'm sorry, Flora, but I've got to go !" "What?" looking up and surprised, " — got to go?" "Yes . . Yes . . I must — must go !" my lips trembled. "Why, we're just getting acquainted . . I didn't mean for you to go yet." She rose, dropping the letters all in a heap. She was the aggressive one now. She drew me to her quickly, "Stay . . and I'll promise to be good to you !" I pushed back, loathing . . loathing her and myself, but myself more, because in spite of all my disgust, my pulses leaped quick again to hers. "Sit down again." I did not listen, but stood. "I was thinking that you would stay for supper and then we could go to some show and after come back here and I would give you a good time." • •••••• I staggered out, shocked beyond belief, the last animal flush had died out of me. All my body was ice-cold, "Promise me you'll come again this day next week," she called after me persistently. She drew the door softly shut and left me reeling down the dark corridor. I could hardly speak to my father that night. I avoided him. At the creeping edge of dawn I woke from a dream with a jerk as I slid down an endless black abyss. The abyss was my bed's 52 TRAMPING ON LIFE edge and I found myself on the floor. When I went to rise again, I had to clutch things to stand up. I was so weak I sat on the bed breathing heavily. I tumbled backward into bed again and lay in a daze during which dream-objects mixed with reality and my room walked full of people from all the books I had read — all to evaporate as my father's face grew, from a cluster of white foreheads and myriads of eyes, into him. "Johnnie, wake up . . are you sick.?" **Please go away from me and let me alone." I turned my face to the wall in loathing. "I'll call a doctor." The doctor came. He felt my pulse. Put something under my tongue. Whispered my father in a room, apart. Left. My father returned, dejected, yet trying to act light and merry. "What did the doctor say?" I forced myself to ask of him. "To be frank, Johnnie . . you're old enough to learn the truth ... he thinks you're taken down with consumption." "That's what my mother died of." My father shuddered and put his face down in his hands. I felt a little sorry for him, then. "Well you've got to go West now . . and work on a farm . . or something." I began to get ready for my trip West. Surely enough, I had consumption, if symptoms counted . . pains under the shoulder blades . . spitting of blood . . night-sweats. . . But my mind was quickened: I read Morley's History of Eng- lish Literature. . . Chancer all through . . Spenser . . even Gower's Confessio Amantis and Lydgate's ballads . . my recent discovery of Chatterton having made me Old English-mad. As I read the life of young Chatterton I envied him, his fame and his early death and more than ever, I too desired to die young. The week before I was to set out my father calmly discovered to me that he intended I should work on a farm as a hand for the next four years, when I reached Ohio . . was even willing to pay the farmer something to employ me. This is what the doctor had prescribed as the only thing that would save my life — ^work in the TRAMPING ON LIFE 53 open air. My father had written Uncle Beck to see that this pro- gram was inaugurated. "I won't become a clod-hopper," I exclaimed, seeing the dreary, endless monotony of such a life. "But it will do you good. It will be a fine experience for you." "If it's such a fine experience why don't you go and do it.'"' "I won't stand any nonsense." "I'd rather die . . I'm going to die anyhow," "Yes, if you don't do what I tell you." "I won't." "We'll see." "Very well, father, we will see." "If you weren't such a sick kid I'd trounce you." You could approach Antonville by surrey, buggy or foot . . along a winding length of dusty road . . or muddy . . according to rain or shine. My Uncle Beck drove me out in a buggy. Aunt Alice, so patient-faced and pretty and sweet-eyed in her neat poverty — greeted me with a warm kiss. "Well, you'll soon be well now." "But I won't work on a farm." "Never mind, dear . . don't worry about that just yet." That afternoon I sat with Aunt Alice in the kitchen, watching her make bread. Everyone else was out: Uncle Beck, on a case . . Cousin Anders, over helping with the harvest on a neighbouring farm, . . Cousin Anna was also with the harvesters, helping cook for the hands . . for the Doctor's family needed all the outside money they could earn. For Uncle Beck was a dreamer. He thought more of his variorum Shakespeare than he did of his medical practice. And he was slow- going and slow-speaking and so conscientious that he told patients the truth . . all which did not help him toward success and solid emolument. He would take eggs in payment for his visits . . or jars of preserves . . or fresh meat, if the farmer happened to be slaughtering. 54 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Where's Granma?" I asked Aunt Alice, as she shoved a batch of bread in the oven. "She's out Halton way . . she'll go crazy with joy when she gets word you're back home. She'll start for here right off as soon as she hears the news. She's visiting with Lan and his folks." When I heard Lan mentioned I couldn't help giving a savage look. Aunt Alice misinterpreted. "What, Johnnie — ^won't you be glad to see her! . . you ought to . . she's said over and over again that she loved you more than she did any of her own children." "It isn't that — I hate Landon. I wish he was dead or someone would kill him for me." "Johnnie, you ought to forgive and forget. It ain't Christian." "I don't care. I'm not a Christian." "O Johnnie!" shocked . . then, after a pause of reproach which I enjoyed — "your Uncle Lan's toned down a lot since then . . married . . has four children . . one every year." And Alice laughed whimsically. " — and he's stopped gambling and drinking, and he's got a good job as master-mechanic in a factory. . . He was young . . he was only a boy in the days when he whipped you." "Yes, and I suppose I was old? . . I tell you. Aunt Alice, it's something I can't forget . . the dirty coward," and I swore violently, forgetting myself. At that moment Uncle Beck appeared suddenly at the door, back from a case. "Here, here, that won't do ! I don't allow that kind of language in my household." And he gave me a severe and admonishing look before going off on another and more urgent call that waited him. "And how's Granma been getting on.^" « — aging rapidly . ." a pause, ". . hasn't got either of the two houses on Mansion Avenue now . . sold them and divided the money among her children . . gave us some . . and Millie . . and Lan . . wouldn't hear of no . ." parenthetically, "Uncle Joe didn't need any ; he's always prospered since the early days, you know." TRAMPING ON LIFE 55 "And what's Granma up to these days?" For she was always doing sweet, ignorant, childish, impractical things. " — spirit-rapping is it? or palmistry? or magnetic healing? or what?" *^ou'll laugh !" "Tell me!" "She's got a beau." "What? a beau? and she eighty if a day!" "Yes, we— -all her children — think it's absurd. And we're all trying to advise her against it . . but she vows she's going to get married to him anyhow." "And who is her "fellow"? " — a one-legged Civil War veteran . . a Pennsylvania Dutch- man named Snyder . . owns a house near Beaver Falls . . draws a pension . . he's a jolly old apple-cheeked fellow . . there's no doubt they love each other . . only — only it seems rather horrible for two people as old as they are to go and get married like two young things . . and really fall in love, too!" I was silent . . amused . . interested . . then — "well, Granma'U tell me all about it when she comes . . and I can judge for myself, and," I added whimsically, "I suppose if they love each other it ought to be all right." And we both laughed. When Granma heard I was West she couldn't reach Antonville fast enough. She was the same dear childlike woman, only incred- ibly older-looking. Age seemed to have fallen on her like an invading army, all at once. Her hair was, every shred of it, not only grey, but almost white. There shone the same patient, sweet, ignorant, too-trusting eyes . . there was the blue burst of vein on her lower lip. After she had kissed and kissed me, stroked and stroked my head and face in speechless love, I looked at her intently and lied to please her: "Why, Granma, you don't look a day older." "But I am, Johnnie, I am. I've been working hard since you left." As if she had not worked hard before I left . . she informed me that, giving away to her children what she had received for the sale of her two houses (that never brought her anything because of her simplicity, while they were in her possession) she had grown 56 TRAMPING ON LIFE tired of "being a burden to them," as she phrased it, and had hired herself out here and there as scrubwoman, washerwoman, house- keeper, and what not. . . Later I learned that nothing could be done with her, she was so obstinate. She had broken away despite the solicitude of all her children — ^who all loved her and wanted her to stay with them. At last she had answered an advertisement for a housekeeper . . that appeared in a farm journal . . and so she had met her old cork-legged veteran, whom she now had her mind set on marrying. . "But Granma, to get married at your age?" "I'd like to ask why not?" she answered sweetly, "I feel as young as ever when it comes to men . . and the man . . you wait till you see him . . you'll like him . . he's such a good provider, Johnnie; he d^raws a steady pension of sixty dollars a month from the Gov- ernment, and he'll give me a good home." "But any of my aunts and uncles would do the same." "Yes, Johnnie, but it ain't the same as having a man of your own around . . there's nothing like that, Johnnie, for a woman." "But your own children welcome you and treat you well?" "Oh, yes, Johnnie, my little boy, but in spite of that, I feel in the way. And, no matter how much they love me, it's better for me to have a home of my own and a man of my own." "Besides, Billy loves me so much," she continued, wistfully, "and even though he's seventy whereas I'm eighty past, he says his being younger don't make no difference . . and he's always so jolly . . alwaj^s laughing and joking." "We must begin to allow for Granma," Aunt Alice told me, "she's coming into her second childhood." Granma believed thoroughly in my aspirations to become a poet. With great delight she retailed incidents of my childhood, reminding me of a thousand youthful escapades of which she constituted me the hero, drawing therefrom auguries of my future greatness. One of the incidents which alone sticks in my memory: "Do you 'mind,' " she would say, "how you used to follow Millie about when she papered the pantry shelves with newspapers with scalloped edges? and how you would turn the papers and read them, right after her, as she laid them down, and make her frantic?" TRAMPING ON LIFE 57 "Yes," I would respond, highly gratified with the anecdote, "and you would say. Oh, Millie, don't get mad at the little codger, some day he might turn out to be a great man !' " Uncle Beck had a fine collection of American Letters. I found a complete set of Hawthorne and straightway became a moody and sombre Puritan . . and I wrote in Hawthornian prose, quaint essays and stories. And I lived in a world of old lace and lavender, of crinoline and brocade. And then I discovered my uncle's books on gynecology and obstetrics . . full of guilty fevers I waited until he had gone out on a call, and then slunk into his office to read. . . One afternoon my doctor-uncle came suddenly upon me, taking me unaware. "Johnnie, what are you up to?" " — ^was just reading your medical books." "Come over here," already seated at his desk, on his swivel- chair, he motioned me to a seat. "Sit down!" I obeyed him in humiliated silence. He rose and closed the door, hanging the sign "Busy" outside. At last I learned about myself and about life. The harvesting over, Anders began to chum with me. We took long walks together, talking of many things . . but, chiefly, of course, of those things that take up the minds of adolescents . . of the mysteries of creation, of life at its source . . of why men and women are so . . and I took it for granted, after he confessed that he had fallen into the same mistakes as I, suffering similar a,gonies, that he had been set right by his father, the doctor, as I just had. I was surprised to find he had not. So I shared with him the recent knowledge I had acquired. And you mean to tell me that Uncle Beck has said nothing to you?" "Not a single word . . never." "But why didn't you ask him then . . him being a doctor?" 58 TRAMPING ON LIFE "How can a fellow talk with his father about such things?" "It's funny to me he didn't inform you, anyhow." "I was his son, you see!" Anders had a girl, he told me, confidingly. She was off on a visit to Mornington, at present . . a mighty pretty little girl and the best there was. . . "By the way, Anders, do you know second cousin Phoebe at all?" "Sure thing I know her . . the last time I heard of her . . which was almost a year ago — she was wilder than ever." "How do you mean, Anders?" "Her folks couldn't keep her in of nights . . a gang of boys and girls would come and whistle for her, and she'd get out, sooner or later, and join them." "I tell you what," I began, in an unpremeditated burst of inven- tion, which I straightway believed, it so appealed to my imagina- tion, "I've never told anybody before, but all these years I've been desperately in love with Phoebe." Anders scrutinised me quizzically, then the enthusiasm of the actor in my face made him believe me. . . "Well, no matter how bad she is, she certainly was a beaut, the last time I saw her." "I'm going," I continued "(you mustn't tell anybody), I'm going down to Aunt Rachel's, after I leave here, and get Phoebe." And eagerly and naively we discussed the possibilities as we walked homeward. . . After my talk with Uncle Beck all my morbidity began to melt away, and, growing better in mind, my body grew stronger . . he wrote to my father that it was not consumption . . so now I was turning my coming West into a passing visit, instead of a long enforced sojourn there for the good of my health. I found different household arrangements on revisiting Aunt Rachel and her household. For one thing, the family had moved into town . . Newcastle . . and they had a fine house to live in, neat and comfortable. Gone was that atmosphere of picturesque, pioneer poverty. Though, to TRAMPING ON LIFE 59 be sure, there sat Josh close up against the kitchen stove, as of old. For the first sharp days of fall were come . . he was spitting streams of tobacco, as usual. "I hate cities," was his first greeting to me. He squirted a brown parabola of tobacco juice, parenthetically, into the wood-box behind the stove, right on top of the cat that had some kittens in there. Aunt Rachel caught him at it. "Josh, how often have I told you you mustn't spit on that cat." " 'Scuse me. Ma, I'm kind o' absint-minded." The incident seemed to me so funny that I laughed hard. Aunt Rachel gave me a quiet smile. "Drat the boy, he's alius findin' somethin' funny about things !" This made me laugh more. But I had brought Uncle Josh a big plug of tobacco, and he was placated, ripping off a huge chew as soon as he held it in his hands. The great change I have just spoken of came over the family because Phoebe's two sisters, Jessie and Mona — who had been off studying to be nurses, now "had come back, and, taking cases in town, they were making a good living both for themselves and the two old folks. . . I had learned from Uncle Beck, as he drove me in to Mornington, that, the last he heard of Phoebe, she was working out as a maid to "some swells," in that city. "Damme, ef I don't hate cities an' big towns," ejaculated Uncle Josh, breaking out of a long, meditative silence, "you kain't keep no dogs there . . onless they're muzzled . . and no ferrets, neither . . and what 'ud be the use if you could ? . . there ain't nothin' to hunt anyhow . . wisht we lived back on thet old muddy hilltop agin." Supper almost ready . . the appetizing smell of frying ham — there's nothing, being cooked, smells better. . . Paul came in from work . . was working steady in the mills now, Aunt Rachel had informed me. Paul came in without a word, his face a mask of such empty hopelessness that I was moved by it deeply. "Paul, you mustn't take on so. It ain't right nor religious," said Uncle Josh, knocking the ashes out of his pipe . . he smoked and chewed in relays. Paul replied nothing. 60 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Come on, folks," put in Sarah, "supper's ready . . draw your chairs up to the table." We ate our supper under a quiet, grey mood. An air of tragedy seemed to hang over us . . for the life of me I couldn't understand what had become of Paul's good-natured, rude jocosity. Why he had grown into a silent, sorrowful man. . . "You kin bunk up with Paul to-night, Johnnie," announced Rachel, when it came bedtime. Paul had already slunk off to bed right after supper. It was dark in the room when I got there. "Paul, where's the light.?" " — put it out . . like to lie in the dark an' think," answered a deep, sepulchral voice. "Whatever is the matter with you, Paul.'"' "Ain't you heered.? Ain't Ma told you.?" "No !" Paul struck a match and lit the lamp. I sat on the side of the bed and talked with him. "Ain't you heered how I been married?" he began. "So that's it, is it?" I anticipated prematurely, "and you weren't happy . . and she went off and left you!" "Yes, she's left me all right, Johnnie, but not that way . . she's dead!" And Paul stopped with a sob in his throat. I didn't know what to say to his sudden declaration, so I just repeated foolishly, "why, I never knew you got married !" twice. "Christ, Johnnie, she was the best little woman in the world — such a little creature, Johnnie . . her head didn't more'n come up to under my armpits." There followed a long silence, to me an awkward one; I didn't know what to do or say. Then I perceived the best thing was to let him ease his hurt by just talking on . . and he talked . . on and on . . in his slow, drawling monotone . . and ever so often came the refrain, "Christ, but she was a good woman, Johnnie. . I wish you'd 'a' knowed her." At last I ventured, "and how — how did she come to die?" " — ^baby killed her, she was that small . . she was like a little girl . . she oughtn't to of had no baby at all, doctor said. . ." TRAMPING ON LIFE 61 "I killed her, Johnnie," he cried in agony, "and that's the God's truth of it." Another long silence. The lamp guttered but didn't go out. A moth had flown down its chimney, was sizzling, charring, inside . . Paul lifted off the globe. Burnt his hands, but said nothing . . flicked the wingless, blackened body to the floor. . . "But the baby?— it lived?" "Yes, it lived . . a girl . . if it hadn't of lived . . if it had gone, too, I wouldn't of wanted to live, either ! . . , "That's why I'm workin' so hard, these days, with no lay-offs fer huntin' or fishin' or anything." The next day I learned more from Rachel of how Paul had agonized over the death of his tiny wife . . "she was that small you had a'most to shake out the sheets to find her," as Josh useter say," said Rachel gravely and unhumorously . . and she told how the bereaved husband savagely fought off all his womenfolk and insisted on mothering, for a year, the baby whose birth had killed its mother. "At last he's gittin' a little cheer in his face. But every so often the gloomy fit comes over him like it did last night at supper. I keep tellin' him it ain't Christian, with her dead two years a'ready — but he won't listen . . he's got to have his fit out each time." As if this had not been enough of the tragic, the next day when I asked about Phoebe, Aunt Rachel started crying. "Phoebe's gone, too," she sobbed. "O, Aunt Rachel, I'm so sorry . . but I didn't know . . nobody told me." "That's all right, Johnnie. Somehow it relieves me to talk about Phoebe." She rose from her rocker, laid down her darning, and went to a dresser in the next room. She came out again, holding forth to me a picture . . Phoebe's picture, . . A shy, small, oval, half-wild face like that of a dryad's. Her chin lifted as if she were some wood-creature listening to the approaching tread of the hunter and ready on the instant to spring forth and run along the wind. . . 62 TRAMPING ON LIFE An outdoor picture, a mere snapshot, but an accidental work of art. Voluminous leafage blew behind and above her head, splashed with the white of sunlight and the gloom of swaying shadow. "Why, she's — she's beautiful !" "Yes — got prettier and prettier every time you looked at her. . ." "But," and Aunt Rachel sighed, "I couldn't do nothin' with her at all. An' scoldin' an' whippin' done no good, neither. Josh useter whip her till he was blue in the face, an' she wouldn't budge. Only made her more sot and stubborner. . , " — guess she was born the way she was . . she never could stay still a minute . . always fidgettin' . . when she was a little girl, even — I used to say, 'Now, look here, Phoebe,' I'd say, 'your ma 'uU give you a whole dime all at once if you'll set still jest for five minutes in that chair.' An' she'd try . . and, before sixty seconds was ticked off she'd be on her feet, sayin', 'Ma, I guess you kin keep that dime.' "When she took to runnin' out at nights," my great-aunt con- tinued, in a low voice, "yes, an' swearin' back at her pa when he gave her a bit of his mind, it nigh broke my heart . . and some- times she'd see me cryin', and that would make her feel bad an' she'd quiet down fer a few days . . an' she'd say, 'Ma, I'm goin' to be a good girl now,' an' fer maybe two or three nights she'd help clean up the supper-things — an' then — " with a breaking voice, "an' then all at once she'd scare me by clappin' both hands to that pretty brown head o' hers, in sech a crazy way, an' sayin', 'Honest, Ma, I can't stand it any longer . . this life's too slow. . . I've gotta go out where there's some life n' fun!' "It was only toward the last that she took to sneakin' out after she pretended to go to bed . . gangs of boys an' girls, mixed, would come an' whistle soft fer her, under the window . . an' strange men would sometimes hang aroun' the house . . till Josh went out an' licked a couple. "It drove Josh nigh crazy. "One evenin', after this had gone on a long time, Josh ups an' says, 'Ma, Phoebe's run complete out o' hand . . she'll hafta be broke o' this right now . . when she comes back to-night I'm going to give her the lickin' of her life.' " 'Josh, you mustn't whip her. Let's both have a long talk with TRAMPING ON LIFE 63 her. (I knowed Josh 'ud hurt her bad if he whipped her. He has a bad temper when he is het up.) Maybe goin' down on our knees with her an' prayin' might do some good.' " " 'No, Ma, talkin' nor prayin' won't do no good . . the only thing left 's a good whippin' to straighten her out.' " "0 Aunt Rachel," I cried, all my desire of Phoebe breaking out into tenderness. I looked at the lovely face, crossed with sunlight, full of such quick intelligence, such mischievousness. . . You can catch a wild animal in a trap, but to whip it would be sacrilege . . that might do for domesticated animals. "Josh never laid a hand on her, though, that night . . she never came home . . men are so awful in their pride, Johnnie . . don't you be like that when you grow to be a man. . ." Then Aunt Rachel said no more, as Paul came in at that moment. Nor did she resume the subject. Next morning I packed away to visit Uncle Lan. I might as well go, even if I hated him. It would be too noticeable, not to go. He was at the train, waiting for me. He proffered me his hand. To my surprise, I took it. He seized my grip from me, put his other hand affectionately on my shoulder. "I've often wondered whether you'd ever forgive me for the way I beat you. . . I've learned better since." Before I knew it my voice played me the trick of saying yes, I forgave him. "That's a good boy !" and Lan gave my hand such a squeeze that it almost made me cry out with the pain of it. "Lan," as we walked along, "can you tell me more about Phoebe. . . Aunt Rachel told me some, but " "Oh, she ended up by running away with a drummer . . she hadn't been gone long when her ma got word from her asking her to forgive her . . that she'd run off with a man she loved, and was to be married to him pretty soon. . . Phoebe gave no address, but the letter had a Pittsburgh postmark. . . "A month . . six months went by. Then a letter came in a strange hand. The girl that wrote it said that she was Phoebe's 'Roommate' " Lan paused here, and gave me a significant look, then resumed: 64 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Paul went down to bring the body home, and found she'd been buried already. They were too poor to have it dug up and brought home." "It seems that the man that took Phoebe off was nothing but a pimp !" Suicide: early one Sunday morning; early, for girls of their pro- fession, the two girls, Phoebe and her roommate were sitting in their bedrooms in kimonos. "What a nice Sunday," Phoebe had said, looking out at the window. "Jenny," she continued to her roommate, "I have a feeling I'd like to go to church this morning. . ." Jenny had thought that was rather a queer thing for Phoebe to say. . . Jenny went out to go to the delicatessen around the corner, to buy a snack for them to eat, private, away from the rest of the girls, it being Sunday morning. She'd bring in a Sunday paper, too. When she returned, Phoebe didn't seem to be in the room. Jenny felt that something was wrong, had felt it all along, anyhow. . . She heard a sort of gasping and gurgling. . . She found Phoebe on the floor, two-thirds under the bed. Her eyes were rolled back to the whites from agony. A creamy froth was on her mouth. And all her mouth and chin and pretty white neck were burned brown with the carbolic acid she had drunk . . a whole damn bottle of it. Jenny dropped on her knees by Phoebe and called out her name loud. . . "Phoebe, why don't you speak to me!" Took her head in her lap and it only lolled. Then she began screaming, did Jenny, and brought the whole house up. And the madarae had shouted : "Shut up, you bitch, do you want people to think someone's gettin' killed? Ain't we in bad enough already?" "So Phoebe came to a bad end," commented Lan, "as we always thought she would." The nearest I came to having my long-cherished revenge on Landon : Once, in the night, during my week's stay with him, I stepped from bed, sleep-walking, moving toward the room where he and TRAMPING ON LIFE 65 Aunt Emily lay. Imagining I held a knife in my left hand (I am left-handed) to stick him through the heart with. But I bumped terrifically into a door half ajar, and received such a crash between the eyes that it not only brought me broad awake, but gave me a bump as big as a hen's egg^ into the bargain. The dream of my revenge had been so strong in my brain that still I could feel the butcher-knife in my hand . . and I looked into the empty palm to verify the sensation, stiU there, of clasping the handle. " — that you, Johnnie.'"' called my uncle. "Yep!" "What's the matter? can't you sleep?" *'No ! — got up to take a drink of water." "You'll find a bucketful on the kitchen table, and the dipper floating in it . . and there's matches on the stand by your bed." A pause. He continued: "You must of run into something. I heard a bang." "I did. I bumped my head into the door." I visited Aunt Millie last. I found her a giantess of a woman, not fat, but raw-boned and tall. Her cheeks were still as pitted with hollows, her breath as catarrhal as ever. But she had become a different woman since she had married. Her husband was a widower with three children already before he took her in marriage. He was a railroad engineer who drove a switch engine in the yards. He was as short as she was tall . . a diminutive man, but virile . . with a deep, hoarse voice resonant like a foghorn. The little man had an enormous chest matted with dense, black hair. It would almost have made a whole head of hair for an average man. One could always see this hair because he was proud of its possession, thought it denoted virility and strength, and wore his shirt open at the neck, and several buttons lower, in order to reveal his full hirsuteness. Millie had already given birth to two children of her own, by him. And she toiled about the house at endless duties, day and night, happy with him, and loving his children and hers with an equal love. And being adored in turn by them. It was "Ma !" here and "Ma !" there . . the voices of the children 66 TRAMPING ON LIFE ever calling for her. . . And she, running about, waiting on the youngsters, baking ovensful of bread, sewing, scrubbing, dusting . . and talking, talking, talking all the time she flew about at her ceaseless work. . . Uncle Dick loved his joke, and the broader the better. As I sat across the table from him, at mealtimes, and looked into his amused, small twinkling eyes, I thought continually of the Miller in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. . . Millie, too, was not slow at having her joke. She was roughly affectionate of me, in memory of old days. And she continually asked me, with loud, enjoying laughter, if I remembered this, that, and the other bad (Rabelaisan) trick I had played on her back in Mornington. . . But I was glad to see Haberford and the East again. I was all over my desire to die a poet, and young. . . Principal Balling had me come to see him. He examined me in Latin and in English and History. He found that, from study by myself, I had pre- pared so that I was more than able to pass in these subjects. But when it came to mathematics I was no less than an idiot. He ' informed my father that he had been mistaken in me, before . . that he had given me a too cursory look-over, judging me after the usual run . . he announced that he would admit me as special student at the Keeley Heights High School. The one thing High School gave me — my Winter there — ^was Shelley. In English we touched on him briefly, mainly emphasising his Skylark. It was his Ode to the West Wind that made me want more of him . . with his complete works I made myself a nuisance in class, never paying attention to what anyone said or did, but sitting there like a man in a trance, and, with Shelley, dreaming beautiful dreams of revolutionising the world. I awoke only for English Composition. But there, inevitably, I quarrelled with the teacher over her ideas of the way English prose was to be written. She tried to make us write after the Addisonian model. I pointed out that the better style was the nervous, short- sentenced, modern one — as Kipling wrote, at his best, in his prose. We had altercation after altercation, and the little dumpy woman's eyes raged behind her glasses at me — to the laughter of the rest of the class. Who really did not care for anything but a lark, TRAMPING ON LIFE 67 while I was all the while convinced with the belief that they sat up nights, dreaming over great books as I did. Even yet, though now I know better, I cannot accept the fact that the vast majority find their only poetry in a good bellyful of food, as I do in the Ode to the Nightingale and in the Epipsy- chidion. . . Dissatisfied and disillusioned, it was again a book that lifted me out of the stupidity in which I found myself enmeshed. Josiah Flynt's Tramping With Tramps, — and one other — Two Years Before the Mast, by Dana. And I lay back, mixing my dreams of humanity's liberation, with visions of big American cities, fields of wheat and corn, forests, little towns on river-bends. A tramp or sailor — ^which.'' First, the sea . . why not start out adventuring around the world and back again.'* Land . . sea . . everything . . become a great adventurer like my favourite heroes in the picaresque novels of Le Sage, Defoe, Smol- lett and Fielding? It took me days of talk with the gang — ^boasting — and nights of dreaming, to screw myself up to the right pitch. Then, one afternoon, in high disgust over my usual quarrel with the English teacher, I returned to my room determined to leave for the New York waterfront that same afternoon. . . I left a note for my father informing him that I had made up ray mind to go to sea, and that he needn't try to find me in order to fetch me home again. I wished him good luck and good-bye. Into my grip I cast a change of clothes, and a few books: my Caesar and Vergil in the Latin, Young's Night Thoughts, and Shelley. South Street . . here were ships . . great tall fellows, their masts dizzy things to look up at. I came to a pier where two three-masted barks lay, one on either side. First I turned to the one on the right because I saw two men up aloft. And there was a boy passing down the deck, carrying a pot of coffee aft. I could smell the good aroma of that coifee. Ever since, the smell of coffee makes me wish to set out on a trip somewhere. 68 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Hey, Jimmj," I shouted to the boy. "Hey, yourself!" he replied, coming belligerently to the side. Then, "what do ye want?" "To go to sea. Do you need anybody aboard for the voyage?" He looked scornfully at me, as I stood there, skinny, shadow- thin. "You go to hell!" he cried. Then he resumed his way to the cabin, whistling. The ship opposite, I inspected her next. It was grand with the figurehead of a long, wooden lady leaning out obliquely with ever- staring eyes, her hands crossed over her breasts. Aboard I went, down the solitude of the deck. I stopped at the cook's galley. I had gone there because I had seen smoke coming out of the little crooked pipe that stood akimbo. I looked in at the door. A dim figure developed within, moving about among pots and pans. It was the cook, I could tell by the white cap he wore . . an old, very old man. He wore a sleeveless shirt. His long skinny, hairy arms were bare. His long sUvery- grey beard gave him an appearance like an ancient prophet. But where the beard left off there was the anomaly of an almost smooth, ruddy face, and very young, straight-seeing, blue eyes. When I told the old cook what I wanted, he invited me in to the galley and reached me a stool to sit on. "The captain isn't up yet. He was ashore on a jamboree last night. You'll see him walking up and down the poop when he's hopped out of his bunk and eaten his breakfast." The cook talked about himself, while I waited there. I helped him peel a pail of potatoes. . . Though I heard much of strange lands and far-away ports, he talked mostly of the women who had been in love with him . . slews of them . . "and even yet, sixty-five years old, I can make a good impression when I want to . . I had a girl not yet twenty down in Buenos Ayres. She was crazy about me . . that was only two years ago." He showed me pictures of the various women, in all parts of the world, that had "gone mad about him" . . obviously, they were all prostitutes. He brought out a batch of obscene photographs, chuckling over them. It was a German ship — the Valkyrie. But the cook spoke excel- TRAMPING ON LIFE 69 lent English, as did, I later found out, the captain, both the mates, and all but one or two of the crew. Before the captain came up from below the cook changed the subject from women to history. In senile fashion, to show off, he recited the names of the Roman emperors, in chronological sequence. And, drawing a curtain aside from a shelf he himself had built over his bunk, he showed me Momsen's complete history of Rome, in a row of formidable volumes. "There's the captain now!" A great hulk of a man was lounging over the rail of the poop- deck, looking down over the dock. I started aft. "Hist !" the cook motioned me back mysteriously. "Be sure you say 'Sir' to him frequently." "Beg pardon, sir. But are you Captain Schantze, sir?" (the cook had told me the captain's name). "Yes. What do you want?" "I've heard you needed a cabin boy." "Are you of German descent?" "No, sir." *'What nationality are you, then?" "American, sir." "That means nothing, what were your people?" "Straight English on my mother's side . . Pennsylvania Dutch on my father's." "What a mixture!" He began walking up and down in seaman fashion. After spend- ing several minutes in silence I ventured to speak to him again. "Do you think you could use me, sir?" He swung on me abruptly. "In what capacity?" "As anything . . I'm willing to go as able seaman before the mast, if necessary." He stopped and looked me over and laughed explosively. "Able seaman! you're so thin you have to stand twice in one place to make a shadow . . you've got the romantic boy's idea of 70 TRAMPING ON LIFE the sea . . but, are you willing to do hard work from four o'clock in the morning till nine or ten at night?" "Anything, to get to sea, sir!" " — sure you haven't run away from home?" "No-no, sir!" "Then why in the devil do you want to go to sea? isn't the land good enough?" I took a chance and told the captain all about my romantic notions of sea-life, travel, and adventure. "You talk just like one of our German poets." *'I am a poet," I ventured further. The captain gave an amused whistle. But I could see that he liked me. "To-morrow morning at four o'clock . . come back, then, and Karl, the cabin boy, will start you in at his job. I'll promote him to boy before the mast." I spent the night at Uncle Jim's house . . he was the uncle that had come east, years before. He was married . . a head-book- keeper . . lived in a flat in the Bronx. He thought it was queer that I was over in New York, alone . . when he came home from work, that evening. . . I could keep my adventure to myself no longer. I told him all about my going to sea. But did Duncan (my father) approve of it? Yes, I replied. But when I refused to locate the ship I was sailing on, at first Jim tried to bully me into telling. I didn't want my father to learn where I was, in case he came over to find me . . and went up to Uncle Jim's. . . Then he began laughing at me. "You've always been known for your big imagination and the things you make up . . I suppose this is one of them." "Let the boy alone," my aunt put in, a little dark woman of French and English ancestry, "you ought to thank God that he has enough imagination to make up stories . . he might be a great writer some day." "Imagination's all right. I'm not quarrelling with Johnnie for that. But you can't be all balloon and no ballast." TRAMPING ON LIFE 71 They made me up a bed on a sofa in the parlour . . among all the bizarre chairs and tables that Uncle Jim had made from spools . . Aunt Lottie still made dresses now and again . . before she mar- ried Jim she had run a dressmaking establishment. Uncle Jim set a Big Ben alarm clock down on one of the spool tables for me. "I've set the clock for half-past three. That will give you half an hour to make your hypothetical ship in . . you'll have to jump up and stop the clock, anyhow. It'll keep on ringing till you do." My first morning on shipboard was spent scrubbing cabin floors, washing down the walls, washing dishes, waiting on the captain and mates' mess . . the afternoon, polishing brass on the poop and officers' bridge, under the supervision of Karl, the former cabin boy. **Well, how do you like it?" asked the cook, as he stirred some- thing in a pot, with a big wooden ladle. *'Fine! but when are we sailing?" "In about three days we drop down to Bayonne for a cargo of White Rose oil and then we make a clean jump for Sydney, Aus- tralia." "Around Cape Horn?" I asked, stirred romantically at the thought. "No. Around the Cape of Good Hope." Early in the afternoon of the day before we left the dock, as I was polishing brass on deck, my father appeared before me, as abruptly as a spirit. "Well, here he is, as big as life!" "Hello, Pop!" I straightened up to ease a kink in my back. **You had no need to hide this from me, son ; I envy you, that's all, I wish I wasn't too old to do it, myself . . this beats travelling about the country, selling goods as a salesman. It knocks my dream of having a chicken farm all hollow, too. . ." He drew in a deep breath of the good, sunny harbour air. Sailors were up aloft, they were singing. The cook was in his galley, sing- ing too. There were gulls glinting about in the sun. "Of course you know I almost made West Point once . . had 72 TRAMPING ON LIFE the appointment . . if it hadn't been for a slight touch of rheu- matism in the joints . ." he trailed off wistfully. "We've never really got to know each other, Johnnie." I looked at him. "No, we haven't." "I'm going to start you out right. Will the captain let you off for a while?" "The cook's my boss . . as far as my time is concerned. I'm cabin boy." My father gave the cook a couple of big, black cigars. I was allowed shore leave till four o'clock that afternoon. . . « — you need a little outfitting," explained my father, as we walked along the dock to the street. . . "I've saved up a couple of hundred dollars, which I drew out before I came over." "But, Father. . ." "You need a lot of things. I'm going to start you off right. While you were up in the cabin getting ready to go ashore I had a talk with the cook. . . I sort o' left you in his charge " "But I don't want to be left in anyone's charge." " — found out from him just what you'd need and now we're going to do a little shopping." I accompanied my father to a seamen's outfitting place, and he spent a good part of his two hundred buying needful things for me . . shirts of strong material . . heavy underwear . . oilskins . . boots . . strong thread and needles . . and a dunnage bag to pack it all away in. . . We stood together on the after-deck again, my father and I. "Now I must be going," he remarked, trying to be casual. He put a ten dollar bill in my hand. " — to give the boys a treat with," he explained . . "there's noth- ing like standing in good with an outfit you're to travel with . . and here," he was rummaging in his inside pocket . . "put these in your pocket and keep them there . . a bunch of Masonic cards of the lodge your daddy belongs to . . if you ever get into straits, you'll stand a better chance of being helped, as son of a Mason." "No, Father," I replied, seriously and unhumorously, "I can't keep them." "I'd like to know why not.'"' TRAMPING ON LIFE 73 "I want to belong to the brotherhood of man, not the brotherhood of the Masons." He looked puzzled for a moment, then his countenance cleared. "That's all right. Son . . you just keep those cards. They might come in handy if you find yourself stranded anywhere." When my father turned his back, with a thought almost pray- erfiil to the spirit of Shelley, I flung the Masonic cards overboard. • • • . • • • After dusk, the crew poured en masse to the nearest waterfront saloon with me. The ten dollars didn't last long. "His old man has lots of money." Our last night at the pier was a night of a million stars. The sailmaker, with whom I had become well acquainted, waddled up to me. He was bow-legged. He waddled instead of walked. We sat talking on the foreward hatch. . . "I'm glad we're getting off to-morrow," I remarked. " — ^we might not. We lack a man for the crew yet." " — thought we had the full number?" "We did. But one of the boys in your party strayed away . . went to another saloon and had a few more drinks . . and someone stuck him with a knife in the short ribs . . he's in the hospital." "But can't Captain Schantze pick up another man right away.?" "The consulate's closed till ten to-morrow morning. We're to sail at five . . so he can't sign on a new sailor before . . of course he might shanghai someone . . but the law's too severe these days . . and the Sailors' Aid Society is always on the job . . it isn't like it used to be." But in spite of what the sailmaker had told me, the captain decided to take his chance, rather than delay the time of putting forth to sea. Around ten o'clock, in the full of the moon, a night- hawk cab drew up alongside the ship where she lay docked, and out of it jumped the first mate and the captain with a lad who was so drunk or drugged, or both, that his legs went down under him when they tried to set him on his feet. They tumbled him aboard, where he lay in an insensate heap, drooling spit and making incoherent, bubbling noises. 74 TRAMPING ON LIFE Without lifting an eyebrow in surprise, the sailmaker stepped forward and joined the mate in jerking the man to his feet. The captain went aft as if it was all in the day's work. The mate and the sailmaker jerked the shanghaied man forward and bundled him into a locker where bits of rope and nautical odds and ends were piled, just forward of the galley . In the sharp but misty dawn we cast our moorings loose. A busy little tug nuzzled up to take us in tow for open sea. We were all intent on putting forth, when a cry came from the port side. The shanghaied man had broken out, and came running aft . . he stopped a moment, like a trapped animal, to survey the distance between the dock and the side . . measuring the possibilities of a successful leap. By this time the first and second mates were after him, with some of the men . . he ran forward again, doubled in his tracks like a schoolboy playing tag . . we laughed at that, it was so funny the way he went under the mate's arm . . the look of surprise on the mate's face was funny. . . Then the man who was pursued, in a flash, did a hazardous thing . . he flung himself in the air, over the starboard side, and took a long headlong tumble into the tugboat. . . • •••••• He was tied like a hog, and hauled up by a couple of ropes, the sailmaker singing a humorous chantey that made the boys laugh, as they pulled away. This delayed the sailing anyhow. The mist had lifted like magic, and we were not far toward Staten Island before we knew a fine, blowing, clear day, presided over, in the still, upper spaces, by great, leaning cumulus clouds. They toppled huge over the great- clustered buildings as we trod outward toward the harbour mouth. . . The pilot swung aboard. The voyage was begun. The coast of America now looked more like a low-lying fringe of insubstantial cloud than solid land. My heart sank. I had committed myself definitely to a three- months' sea-trip . . there was no backing out, it was too far to swim ashore. TRAMPING ON LIFE 75 "What's wrong, Johann," asked the captain, "are you sea-sick already?" He had noticed my expression as he walked by. "No, sir!" "If you are, it isn't anything to be ashamed of. I've known old sea-captains who got sea-sick every time they put out of port." There was a running forward. The shanghaied man hove in sight, on the rampage again. He came racing aft. "I must speak with the captain." There was a scuffle. He broke away. Again the two mates were close upon him. Suddenly he flung himself down and both the mates tripped over him and went headlong. The captain couldn't help laughing. Then he began to swear . . *'that fellow's going to give us a lot of trouble," he prophesied. Several sailors, grinning, had joined in the chase. They had caught the fellow and were dragging him forward by the back and scruff of the neck, while he deliberately hung limp and let his feet drag as if paralysed from the waist down. The captain stood over the group, that had come to a halt below. The captain was in good humour. "Bring him up here." The shanghaied man stood facing Schantze, with all the defer- ence of a sailor, yet subtly defiant. The captain began to talk in German. "I don't speak German," responded the sailor stubbornly. Yet it was in German that he had called out he must see the captain. This did not make the captain angry. Instead, like a vain boy, he began in French. . . "I don't speak French . ." again objected the sailor, still in English. "Very well, we'll speak in English, then . . bring him down into the cabin . ." to the men and mates. . . To the sailor again, "Come on. Englishman! (in derision), and we'll sign you on in the ship's articles." They haled him below. The captain dismissed the sailors. The captain, the two mates and I, were alone with the mutineer. . . I stepped into the pantry, pretending to be busy with the dishes. I didn't want to miss anything. 76 TRAMPING ON LIFE ''Now," explained the captain, "what's happened has happened . , it's up to you to make the best of it . . we had to shanghai you,'* and he explained the case in full . . and if he would behave and do his share of the work with the rest of the crew, he would be treated decently and be paid . . and let go, if he wished, when the Valkyrie reached Sydney. . . "Now sign," commanded the mate, "I never heard of a man in your fix ever being treated so good before," "But I won't sign." "Damme, but you will," returned Miller, the first mate, who, though German, spoke English in real English fashion — a result, he later told me, of fifteen years' service on English boats. . . "Take hold of him, Stanger," this to the second mate, a lithe, sun-browned, handsome lad who knew English but hated to speak it. They wrestled about the cabin at a great rate . . finally they succeeded in forcing a pen into the mutineer's hand. . . Then the man calmed down, apparently whipped. "Very well, where shall I sign?" "Da," pointed the captain triumphantly, pointing the line out, with his great, hairy forefinger . . and, with victory near, relapsing into German. But, just as it reached the designated spot, the fellow gave a violent swish with the pen. The mates made a grab for his hand, but too late. He tore a great, ink-smeared rent through the paper. . . Whang! Captain Schantze caught him with the full force of his big, open right hand on the left side of his face. . . WhishI Captain Schantze caught him with the full force of his open left, on the other cheek! The shanghaied man stiffened. He trembled violently. "Do it a thousand times, my dear captain. I won't sign till you kill me." "Take him forward. He'll work, and work hard, without signing on. . . No, wait . . tie him up to the rail on the poop . . twenty- four hours of that, my man, since you must speak English — ^will make you change your mind." He was tied, with his hands behind him. The captain paced up and down beside him. TRAMPING ON LIFE 77 Then Franz (as I afterward learned his name) boldly began chaffing the "old man" . . first in English. "I don't understand," replied Schantze; he was playful now, as a cat is with a mouse . . or rather, like a big boy with a smaller boy whom he can bully. After aU, Schantze was only a big, good-natured "kid" of thirty. Then Franz ran through one language after another . . Spanish, Italian, French. . . The captain noticed me out of the tail of his eye. His big, broad face kindled into a grin. "What are you doing here on deck, you rascal!" He gave me an affectionate, rough pull of the ear. *'Polishing the brass, sir!" "And taking everything in at the same time, eh? so you can write a poem about it.^*" His vanity flattered, Schantze began answering Franz back, and, to and fro they shuttled their tongues, each showing off to the other — and to me, a mere cabin boy. And Franz, for the moment, seemed to have forgotten how he had been dragged aboard . . and the captain — that Franz was a mutineer, tied to the taffrail for insubordination ! Sea-sickness never came near me. Only it was queer to feel the footing beneath my feet rhythmically rising and falling . . for that's the way it seemed to my land-legs. But then I never was very sturdy on my legs . . which were then like brittle pipestems. . . I sprawled about, spreading and sliding, as I went to and from the galley, bringing, in the huge basket, the breakfast, dinner and supper for the cabin. . . The sailors called me "Albatross" (from the way an albatross acts when sprawling on shipdeck). They laughed and poked fun at me. "Look here, you Yankee rascal," said the captain, when I told him I never drank. . . "I think it would do you good if you got a little smear of beer-froth on your mouth once in a while . . you'd stop looking leathery like a mummy . . you've already got some wrinkles on your face . . a few good drinks would plump you out, make a man of you. 78 TRAMPING ON LIFE "In Germany mothers give their babies a sip from their steins before they are weaned . . that's what makes us such a great nation." If I didn't drink, at least the two mates and the sailmaker made up for me . . we had on board many cases of beer stowed away down in the afterhold, where the sails were stored. And next to the dining room there was the space where provisions were kept — together with kegs of kiimmel, and French and Rhine wines and claret. . . And before we had been to sea three days I detected a conspiracy on the part of the first and second mates, the cook, and the sail- maker — the object of the conspiracy being, apparently, to drink half the liquor out of each receptacle, then fill the depleted cask with hot water, shaking it up thoroughly, and so mixing it. As far as I could judge, the old, bow-legged sailmaker had taken out a monopoly on the cases of beer aft. Never were sails kept in better condition. He was always down there, singing and sewing. Several times I saw him coming up whistling softly with a lush air of subdued and happy reminiscence. Several mornings out . . and I couldn't believe my ears. . . I heard a sound of music. It sounded like a grind-organ on a city street. . . The Sunshine of Paradise Alley. And the captain's voice was booming along with the melody. I peeked into Schantze's cabin to announce breakfast. He had a huge music box there. And he was singing to its play- ing, and dancing clumsily about like a happy young mammoth. "Spying on the *old man,' eh?" He came over and caught me by an ear roughly but playfully. "No, Captain, I was only saying breakfast is ready." "You're a sly one . . do you like that tune? The Sunshine of Paradise Alley? It's my favorite Yankee hymn." And it must have been; every morning for eighty-nine days the gaudy music box faithfully played the tune over and over again. The ship drifted slowly through the Sargasso Sea — that dead, sweltering area of smooth waters and endless leagues of drifting TRAMPING ON LIFE 79 seaweed. . . Or we lifted and sank on great, smooth swells . . the last disturbance of a storm far off where there were honest winds that blew. The prickly heat assailed us . . hundreds of little red, biting pimples on our bodies . . the cook's fresh-baked bread grew fuzz in twenty-four hours after baking . . the forecastle and cabin jangled and snarled irritably, like tortured animals. . . • ••••• • It was with a shout, one day, that we welcomed a good wind, and shot clear of this dead sea of vegetable matter. As we crossed the equator Father Neptune came on board . . a curious sea-ceremony that must hark back to the Greeks and Romans. . . The bow-legged sailmaker played Neptune. He combed out a beard of rope, wrapped a sheet around his shoulders, procured a trident of wood. . . "Come," shouted one of the sailors to me, running up like a happy boy, "come, see Neptune climbing on board." The sail-maker pretended to mount up out of the sea, climbing over the forecastle head — ^just as if he had left his car of enormous, pearl-tinted sea-shell, with the spouting dolphins still hitched to it, waiting for him, while he paid his respects to our captain. Captain Schantze, First Mate Miller, Second Mate Stange, stood waiting the ceremonial on the officers' bridge, an amused smile play- ing over their faces. A big, boy-faced sailor named Klaus, and the ship's blacksmith, a grey-eyed, sandy-haired fellow named Klumpf, followed the sail- maker close behind, as he swept along in his regalia, solemnly and majestically. And Klaus beat a triangle. And IQumpf played an accordion. "Sailmaker" (the only name he was called by on the ship) made a grandiose speech to the Captain. Schantze replied in the same vein, beginning, "Euer Majestat " 80 TRAMPING ON LIFE The sailors marched forward again, to their music, like pleased children. For custom was that they should have plum duif this day, and plenty of hot grog. . . Before I was aware, I was caught up by several arms. For I had never before crossed the line. So I must be initiated. They set me on a board, over a great barrel of sea-water. Klumpf gave me a mock-shave with a vile mixture of tar and soap. He used a great wooden razor about three feet long. The ofScers shouted and laughed, looking on from the bridge. "What's your name, my boy?" asked Father Neptune. "John Greg — " Before I could articulate fully the blacksmith thrust a gob of the vile lather into my mouth. As I spluttered and spit everyone gave shouts of laughter. One or two sailors rolled on the deck, laughing, as savages are said to do when over- taken with humour. The board on which I sat was jerked from under me. Once, two times, three times, I was pushed, almost bent double, far down into the barrel of sea-water. It was warm, at least. Then a hue and cry went up for Franz. He was caught. He swore that he had crossed the line before, as doubtless he had. But there was now a sort of quiet feud between him and the rest aboard. So in a tumbling heap, they at last bore him over. He fought and shrieked. And because he did not submit and take the ceremony good-naturedly, he was treated rather roughly. My certificate of initiation was handed me formally and solemnly. It was a semi-legal florid document, sealed with a bit of rope and tar. It certified that I had crossed the line. The witnesses were "The Mainmast," "The Mizzen Mast," and other inanimate ship's parts and objects. . . "Keep this," said Sailmaker, as he handed it to me, "as evidence that you have already crossed the line, and you will never be shaved with tar and a wooden razor again. You are now a full-fledged son of Neptune." On a ship at sea where the work to do never ends, it is a serious matter if one of the crew does not know his work, or fails to hold up his end. That means that there is so much more work to be done by the others. TRAMPING ON LIFE 81 Franz deliberately shirked. And, as far as I could see, he pur- posely got in bad with the mates, under whom he had approximately sixty days more of pulling and hauling, going up aloft, scrubbing, and chipping to do. I was puzzled at the steadfast, deliberate malingering of the man. The crew all hated ] im, too. I havt seen the man at the wheel deliberately deflect the ship from its course, in order to bring the wind against the mutineer's belly, hoping to have him blown overboard while he was running aloft. . . And one night, in the forecastle, someone hurled a shoe at him. A blow so savagely well-aimed, that when he came running aft, howling with pain (for, for all his obstinacy, he seemed to lack courage) — to complain of the outrage, to Schantze — ^his eye popped out so far that it seemed as if leaping out of its socket! It was ghastly and bloody like a butchered heart. Later, I asked the sailors why this had been done to Franz. And Klumpf said — **We had a scuffle over something. We were all taking it friendly . . and Franz bit Klaus through the hand, almost . . then someone threw a shoe and hit him in the eye". . . In about a week, after his eye had healed just a little, I drew Franz apart. We sat down together on the main hatch. I was worried about him. I did not understand him. I was sorry for him. "Look here, Franz . . don't you know you might get put clean out of business if you keep this mutiny of one up much longer? You can't whip a whole ship's crew." "I don't want to whip a whole ship's crew." "The captain had to have another man in a hurry, you know . . but he's really willing to give you decent treatment." "Did the captain send you to tell me this.'"' "Of course not . . only I'm sorry for you." Franz gave me a broad, inexplicable wink. He smiled gro- tesquely — from swollen lips made more grotesque because of a recent punch in the mouth "Sailmaker" had fetched him. . . **Don't trouble yourself about me. I know what I'm doing, my boy." "What do you mean?" "I mean that, as soon as I came out of my drunk, and found 82 TRAMPING ON LIFE myself shanghaied, I wanted them to ill-treat me . . there's a Sail- ors' Aid Society at Sydney, you know !" "What good will the Sailors' Aid Society do you?" "You just wait and see what good it will do me!" "Nonsense, Franz! The captain's willing to pay you off at Sydney." "Pay me off, eh? Yes, and the old boy will pay me handsome damages, too! . . the sentimental old ladies that have nothing else to do but befriend the poor abused sailor, will see to it that I find justice in the courts there." "You have a good case against the captain as it is, then. Why don't you turn to and behave and be treated decently?" "No," he replied, with a curious note of strength in his voice, "the worse I'm treated the more damages I can collect. I'm going to make it a real case of brutal treatment before I leave this old tub." "But they — they'll — they might kill you !" "Not much . . those days are about gone . . for a man who knows how to handle himself, as I do. . . "Well, let us thank God," he finished, "for the Sailors' Aid Society and the dear old maids at Sydney !" I walked off, thinking. Franz had sworn me not to tell. Yet I was tempted to. It would get me in right with Captain Schantze. We shaped to the Cape of Good Hope with great, southern jumps. We were striking far south for the strong, steady winds. "There was a damned English ship, the Lord Summerinlle, that left New York about the same time we did . . she's a sky-sailer . . we mustn't let her beat us into Sydney." "Why not. Captain?" "An Englishman beat a German !" the captain spat, "fui ! We're going to beat England yet at everything . . already we're taking their world-trade away from them . . and some day we'll beat them at sea and on land, both." "In a war, sir?" "Yes, in a war . . in a great, big war ! It will have to come to that, Johann, my boy." TRAMPING ON LIFE 83 The cook's opinion on the same subject was illuminating. He told me many anecdotes which tended to prove that even Eng- land's colonies were growing tired of her arrogance: he related droll stories told him by Colonials about the Queen . . obscene and nasty they were, too. "Catch a German talking that way about the Kaiserin!" The old cook couldn't realize a peculiarity of the Anglo-Saxon temperament — that those they rail against and jibe at they love the most ! • ■••••• Oif the Tristan da Cunha Islands we ran head-on into a terrific storm . . one that lasted forty-eight hours or more, with rushing, screaming winds, and steady, stinging blasts of sleet that came thick in successions of driving, grey cloud. It was then that we lost overboard a fine, handsome young Saxon, one Gottlieb Kampke : Five men aloft . . only four came down . . Kampke was blown overboard off the footrope that ran under the yard, as he stood there hauling in on the sail. For he was like a young bull in strength; and, scorning, in his strength, the tearing wind, he used to heave in with both hands . . not holding fast at all, no matter how hard the wind tore. It was all that the ship herself could do, to live. Already two lifeboats had been bashed in. And the compass stanchioned on the bridge had gone along with a wave, stanchions and all. There was no use trying to rescue Gottlieb Kampke. Besides, he would be dead as soon as he reached the water, in such a boiling sea, the captain said to me. The melancholy cry, "Man overboard!" . . . I took oath that if I ever reached home alive, I would never go to sea again. If I just got home, alive, I would be willing even to tie up brown parcels in grocery cord, for the rest of my life, to sweep out a store day after day, regularly and monotonously, in safety! . . . The captain saw me trembling with a nausea of fear. And, with the winds booming from all sides, the deck as slippery as the body of a live eel, he gave me a shove far out on the slant of the poop. I 84 TRAMPING ON LIFE sped in the grey drive of sleet clear to the rail. The ship dipped under as a huge wave smashed over, all fury and foam, overwhelm- ing the helmsman and bearing down on me. . . It was miraculous that I was not swept overboard. After that, strangely, I no longer feared, but enjoyed a quick- ening of pulse. And I gladly took in the turns in the rope as the men sang and heaved away . . waves would heap up over us. We would hold tight till we emerged again. Then again we would shout and haul away. "It's all according to what you grow used to," commented the captain. • •••••• By the time I was beginning to look into the face of danger as into a mother's face, the weather wore down. The ocean was still heavy with running seas, but we rode high and dry. • •••••• Unlucky Kampke! His shipmates bore his dunnage aft, for the captain to take in charge. And, just as in melodramas and popular novels, a picture of a fair-haired girl was found at the bottom of his sea-chest, to- gether with one of his mother . . his sweetheart and his mother. . . Depositions were taken down from his forecastle mates, as to his going overboard, and duly entered into the log . . and the captain wrote a letter to his mother, to be mailed to her from Sydney. For a day we were sad. An imminent sense of mortality hung over us. But there broke, the next morning, a clear sky of sunshine and an open though still yesty sea — and we sang, and became thought- less and gay again. "Yes," sighed the cook, "I wish it had been Franz instead of Gottlieb. Gottlieb was such a fine fellow, and Franz is such a son of a ." ... I have left something out. At the beginning of the voyage Captain Schantze housed a flock TRAMPING ON LIFE 85 of two dozen chickens in a coop under the forecastle . . in order to insure himself of fresh eggs during the voyage. . . And for fresh meat, he had a huge sow hauled aboard — to be killed later on, . . One morning, when I went forward to fetch the captain's and mates' breakfast, I found the cook all white and ghastly. . . "What's the matter, Cook?" "To-day's the day I've got to butcher the sow," he complained, "and I'd give anything to have someone else do it. . . I've made such a pet of her during the voyage . . and she's so intelligent and affectionate . . she's decenter than lots of human beings I've met." I kept to the cabin while the butchering was going on. The cook, the next day, with tears streaming down his face, told me how trusting the sow had been to the last moment. . . "I'll never forget the look in her eyes when she realised what I had done to her when I cut her throat." "And I'll never be able to eat any of her. I'd throw it up as fast as it went down . . much as I do like good, fresh pork." The ship-boys, Karl and Albert, always stole the eggs, the cap- tain was sure, as soon as they were laid, though he was never able to catch them at it. "Run," he would shout hurriedly to me, "there ! I hear the hens cackling. They've laid an egg.^' I'd run. But there'd be no egg. Someone would have reached the nest, from the forecastle, before I did. Because the eggs were always stolen as soon as laid, the captain decreed the slaughter of the hens, too . . not a rooster among them . . the hens were frankly unhappy, because of this. . . The last hen was to be slain. Pursued, she flew far out over the still ocedn. Further and further she flew, keeping up her heavy body as if by an effort of will. "Come back! Don't be such a damn fool!" I shouted in my ex- citement. Everybody was watching when the chicken would light . . how long it could keep up. . . As soon as I shouted "come back !" the bird, as if giving heed to 86 TRAMPING ON LIFE my exhortation, slowly veered, and turned toward the ship again. Everybody had laughed till they nearly sank on deck, at my naive words. Now a spontaneous cheer went up, as the hen slowly tacked and started back. . . It was still weather, but the ship was moving ahead. . . "She won't make it !" "She will!" Another great shout. She lit astern, right by the wheel. Straightway she began running forward, wings spread in genuine triumph. "Catch her !" shouted the mate. Nobody obeyed him; they stood by laughing and cheering, till the hen made safety beneath the forecastle head. She was spared for three days. "If you ever tell the captain on us," First Mate Miller threat- ened, as he and the second mate stood over a barrel of Kiimmel, mix- ing hot water with it, to fill up for what they had stolen, "if you ever tell, I'll see that you go overboard — ^by accident . . when we clear for Iqueque, after we unload at Sydney." "Why should I tell? It's none of my business!" I had come upon them, as they were at work. The cook had sent me into the store-room for some potatoes. Miller, the first mate, was quite fat and bleary-eyed. He used to go about, sweating clear through his clothes on warm days. At such times I could detect the faint reek of alcohol coming through his pores. It's a wonder Schantze didn't notice it, as I did. Sometimes, at meals, the captain would swear and say, sniffing at the edge of his glass, "What's the matter with this damned brandy . . it tastes more like water than a good drink of liquor." As he set his glass down in disgust, the mates would solemnly and hypocritically go through the same operation, and express their wonder with the captain's. Finally one of the latter would remark sagely, "they always try to palm off bad stuff on ships." TRAMPING ON LIFE 87 In spite of my fear of the mates, I once had to stuff a dirty dish- rag down my mouth to keep from laughing outright. The greasy rag made me gag and almost vomit. "And what's the matter with you.''" inquired Schantze, glaring into the pantry at me, while the two mates also glowered, for a different reason. "You skinny Yankee," said the captain, taking me by the ear, rather painfully, several days after that incident, "I'm sure some- one's drinking my booze. Could it be you, in spite of all your talk about not drinking? You Anglo-Saxons are such dirty hypocrites." "Indeed, no, sir, — it isn't me." "Well, this cabin's in your care, and so is the storeroom. You keep a watch-out and find out for me who it is. . . I don't think its Miller or the second mate . . it must be either the cook or that old rogue of a sailmaker. . . "Or it might be some of the crew," he further speculated, "but anyhow, it's your job to take care of the cabin, as I said be- fore. . . "Remember this — all sailors are thieves, aboard ship, if the chance to take anything good to eat or drink comes their way." I promised to keep a good look-out. On the other hand. . . "Mind you keep your mouth shut . . and don't find things so damned funny, neither," this from the first mate, early one morn- ing, as I scrubbed the floors. He stirred my posteriors heavily with a booted foot, in emphasis. The sea kicked backward in long, speedy trails of foam, lacing the surface of a grey-green waste of waves. . . When I had any spare time, I used to lie in the net under the bowsprit, and read. From there I could look back on the entire ship as it sailed ahead, every sail spread, a magnificent sight. One day, as I lay there, reading Shelley, or was it my Vergil that I was puzzling out line by line, with occasional glances at the great ship seeming to sail into me — myself poised outward in space There came a great surge of water. I leaped up in the net, 88 TRAMPING ON LIFE bouncing like a circus acrobat. My book fell out of my hand into the sea. I looked up, and saw fully half the crew grinning down at me. The mate stood over me. A bucket that still dripped water in his hand showed me where the water had come from. "Come up out of there! The captain's been bawling for you for half an hour . . we thought you'd gone overboard." I came along the net, drenched and forlorn. "What in hell were you doing down there?" «I — I was thinking," I stammered. "He was thinking," echoed the mate scornfully; "Well, thinking will never make a sailor of you." Boisterous laughter. "After this do your thinking where we can find you when you're wanted." As I walked aft, the mate went with me pace for pace, poking more fun at me. To which I dared not answer, as I was impelled, because he was strong and I was very frail . . and always, when on the verge of danger, or a physical encounter, the memory of my Uncle Lan's beatings would now crash into my memory like an earthquake, and render my resolution and sinews all a-tremble and unstrung. I was of a mind to tell the captain who was drinking his liquor — ^but here again I feared, and cursed myself for fearing. When the mate told him of where he had found me, at last — ^what he had done — ^what I had said — Schantze laughed. . . But, later on, he sympathised with me and unexpectedly remarked : "Johann, how can you expect a heavy-minded numbskull like Miller to understand!" Then, laughing, he seized me by the ear — his usual gesture of fondness for me "Remember me if you ever write a book about this voyage, and don't give me too black a name! I'm not so bad, am I, eh?" The Australian coast had lain blue across the horizon for several days. "Watch me to-morrow!" whispered Franz cryptically to me as he strolled lazily by. . . TRAMPING ON LIFE 89 Next day, around noon, I heard a big rumpus on the main deck. I hurried up from the cabin. There lay Franz, sprawled on his back like a huge, lazy dog, and the mate was shaking his belly with his foot on top of it, just as one plays with a dog . . but to show he was not playing, he delivered the prostrate form of the sailor a swift succession of kicks in the ribs. . . "You won't work any longer, you say?" «No." "I'll kick your guts out." "Very weU." "Stand on your feet like a man." "What for? You'll only knock me down again!" and Franz grinned comically and grotesquely upward, through the gap in his mouth where two of his teeth had been punched out earlier in the voyage. It was easy to see that Franz's curious attitude of non-resistance had the mate puzzled what to do next. All the sailors indulged in furtive laughter. None of them had a very deep-rooted love for Miller, and, for the first time, they rather sympathised with the man who had been shanghaied . . some of them even snickered audibly . . and straightway grew intent on their work. . . Miller turned irritably on them. "And what's the matter with your . . "Bring him up here!" shouted Captain Schantze. Four sailors picked Franz up and carried him, unresisting, bump- ing his back on the steps as he sagged like a sack half full of flour. . . "Here ! I've had about enough of this !" cried the captain, furious, "tie him to the rail again ! . ." "Now, we'll leave you there, on bread and water, till you say you'll work." "What does it matter what you do," sauced Franz ; **we'll be in port in four days . . and then you'll see what I'll do !" "What's that?" cried the captain. Then catching an inkling of Franz's scheme, he hit the man a quick, hard blow in the mouth with his clenched fist. "Give him another !" urged the mate. 90 TRAMPING ON LIFE But the captain's rage was over, though Franz sent him a bold, mocking laugh, even as the blood trickled down in a tiny red stream from where his mouth had been struck. I never saw such courage of its kind. They left him there for ten hours. But he stood without a sign of exhaustion or giving in. And they untied him. And let him loose. And, till we hove to at Dalghety's Wharf, in Sydney Harbour, unnoticed, Franz, the Alsace-Lorrainer, roamed the boat at will, like a passenger. "Wait till I get on shore . . this little shanghaiing party of the captain's will cost him a lot of hard money," he said, in a low voice, to me, — standing idly by, his hands in his pockets, while I was bending over the brass on the bridge railing, polishing away. "But they've nearly killed you, Franz . . will it be worth it?" "All I can say is I wish they'd use me rougher." "You know, Franz, I'm not a bit sorry for you now . . I was at first." "That so? . . I don't need anybody to be sorry for me. In a week or so, when I have won my suit against the captain through the Sailors' Aid Society, I'll be rolling in money . . then you can be sorry for the captain." Sydney Harbour . . the air alive with sunlight and white flutterings of sea gulls a-wing . . alive with pleasure boats that leaned here and yon on white sails. • •••••• Now that we were safe in harbour, I hesitated whether to run away or continue with the ship. For I had signed on to complete the voyage, via Iqueque, on the West Coast of South America, to Hamburg. . . I hesitated, I say, because, on shipboard, you're at least sure of food and a place to sleep. . . Karl and I had been set to work at giving the cabin a thorough overhauling. We fooled away much of our time looking into the captain's collections of erotic pictures and photographs . . and his obscene books in every language. And we discovered under the sofa-seat that was built against the side, a great quantity of French syrups and soda waters. So TRAMPING ON LIFE 91 we spent quite a little of our time in mixing temperance drinks for ourselves. Cautiously I spoke to the cook about what Karl and I were doing. For he knew, of course, that I knew of his marauding . . and of the mates' and sailmaker's . . so it was safe to tell him. "You'd better be careful," the cook admonished me. "But what could Captain Schantze want with so many bottles of syrup and soda water aboard?" "The English custom's officer who comes aboard here is an old friend of Schantze's, and a teetotaler . . so the captain always treats him to soda water." "But Karl and I have drunk it all up already," I confessed slowly. "You'll both catch a good hiding then when he calls for it and finds there is none." The next day the customs man came aboard. "Have a drink, Mr. WoUaston?" Schantze asked him. "Yes, but nothing strong," for probably the tenth occasion came the answer. Then ofFhandedly, the captain — as if he had not, perhaps, said the same thing for ten previous voyages: "I have some fine French soda water and syrup in my private locker, perhaps you'd like some of that, Mr. Wollaston.?" Mr. Wollaston, whose face and nose was so ruddy and pimply anyone would take him for a toper, answers : "Yes, a little of that won't do any harm. Captain!" "Karl! — Johann!" We had been listening, frightened, to the colloquy. We came out, trembling. "Look under the cushions in my cabin . . bring out some of the syrup and soda water you find there." "Very well, sir!" We both hurried in . . stood facing each other, too scared to laugh at the situation. The captain had a heavy hand — and carried a heavy cane when he went ashore. He had the cane with him now. After a long time: "You tell him there is none," whispered Karl. *'Well, what's wrong in there?" cried Schantze impatiently. "We can't find a single bottle, sir !" I repeated, louder. "What? Come out here! Speak louder! What did you say?" "We can't find a single bottle, sir !" I murmured, almost inaudibly. 92 TRAMPING ON LIFE Then Karl, stammering, reinforced me with, "There are a lot of empty bottles here, sir !" "What does this mean? Every voyage for years I have had soda and French syrup in my locker for Mr. Wollaston." "Oh, don't mind me," deprecated the little customs man, at the same time as furious as his host. Karl had already began to blubber in anticipation of the whipping due. The captain laid his heavy cane on everywhere. The boy fell at his feet, bawling louder, less from fear than from the knowledge that his abjectness would please the captain's vanity and induce him to let up sooner. "Now you come here!" Schantze beckoned me. He raised the cane at me. But, to my own surprise, something brave and strange entered into me. I would not be humiliated before a countryman of my mother's, that was what it was ! I looked the captain straight in the eye. "Sir, I did not do it, and I won't be whipped !" *'Wha-at !" ejaculated Schantze, astonished at my novel behaviour. *'I didn't touch the syrup." Karl looked at me, astonished and incredulous at my audacity, through his tear-stained face. The captain stepped back from me. I must be telling the truth to be behaving so differently. "Get to your bunk then!" he commanded. I obeyed. "Who is he?" . . I heard the little customs man ask the skipper; "he doesn't talk like an Englishman." "He isn't. He just a damn-fool Yankee boy I picked up in New York." They had rounded Franz up and locked him away. The captain was determined to frustrate his little scheme for reimbursement, which he had by this time guessed. I lie. I must tell the truth in these memoirs. I had told on him. But my motive was only an itch to see what would then take place. But when I saw that the issue would be an obvious one: that he would merely be spirited forth to sea again, and this time, forced to work, I felt a little sorry for the man. At the same time. TRAMPING ON LIFE 93 I admit I wanted to observe the denouement myself, of his case . . and as I now intended to desert the ship, it would have to take place in Sydney. So, on the second night of Franz's incarceration, when nearly everybody was away on shore-leave, I took the captain's bunch of keys, and I let the shanghaied man, the mutineer, the man from Alsace-Lorraine — out ! It was not a very dark night. Franz stole along like a rat tiU he reached the centre of the dock. There he gave a great shout of defiance . . why, I learned later. . . The Lord Summerville, which had, after all, beat us in by two days, despite Captain Schantze's boast, was lying on the other side of our dock. And her mate and several sailors thus became witnesses of what happened. The shout brought, of course, our few men who remained on watch, on deck, and over on the dock after Franz . . who allowed himself to be caught . . the dock was English ground . . the ship was German . . a good point legally, as the canny Franz had foreseen. His clothes were almost torn from his body. Miller accidentally showed up, coming back from shore. And he joined in. "Come back with us, you verfluchte ^Zsa^^-Lothringer." The Englishman from the Lord Summerville now began calling out, "Let him alone !" and "I say, give the lad fair play !" Some of them leaped down on the dock in a trice. "Who the hell let him out ?" roared the mate. I stood on deck, holding my breath, and ready to bolt in case Franz betrayed me. But nevertheless my blood was running high and happy over the excitement I had caused by unlocking the door. "No one let me out. I picked the lock. Will that suit you?" lied Franz, protecting me. "What's the lad been and done.'"' asked the mate of the Lord Summerville. "I was shanghaied in New York," put in Franz swiftly, "and I demand English justice." "And you shall get it, my man!" answered the mate proudly, "for you have been assaulted on English ground, as I'll stand witness." 94 TRAMPING ON LIFE A whistle was blown. Men came running. Soon Franz was outside the jurisdiction of Germany. The next day Captain Schantze stalked about, hardly speaking to Miller. He was angry and laid the blame at the latter's door. *'Miller, why in the name of God didn't you guard that fellow better? An English court . . you know what they'll do to us !" Miller spread his hands outward, shrugged his shoulders expres- sively, remained in silence. The two mates and the captain ate the rest of their supper in a silence that bristled. The ship was detained for ten days more after its cargo had been unloaded. At the trial, during which the "old maids" and The Sailors' Aid Society came to the fore, Captain Schantze roared his indignant best — so much so that the judge warned him that he was not on his ship but on English ground. . . Franz got a handsome verdict in his favour, of course. And for several days he was seen, rolling drunk about the streets, by our boys, who now looked on him as a pretty clever person. It was my time to run away — if I ever intended to. Within the next day or so we were to take on coal for the West Coast. We were to load down so heavily, the mate, who had conceived a hatred of me, informed me, that even in fair weather the scuppers would be a-wash. Significantly he added there would be much danger for a man who was not liked aboard a certain ship . . by the mates . . much danger of such a person's being washed overboard. For the waves, you know, washed over the deck of so heavily loaded a ship at will. On the Lord SummervUle was a mad Pennsylvania boy who had, like myself, gone to sea for the first time . . but he had had no uncle to beat timidity into him . . and he had dared ship as able seaman on the big sky-sailed lime- juicer, and had gloriously acquitted himself. He was a tall, rangy young bullock of a lad. He could split any door with his fist. He liked to drink and fight. And he liked women in the grog^house sense. One of his chief exploits had been the punching of the second TRAMPING ON LIFE 95 mate in the jaw when both were high a-loft. Then he had caught him about the waist, and held him till he came to, to keep him from falling. The mate had used bad language at him. Hoppner had worked from the first as if he had been born to the sea. He and I met in a saloon. The plump little barmaid had made him what she called, "A man's drink," while me she had served contemptuously with a ginger ale. Hoppner boasted of his exploits. I, of mine. "I tell you what, Gregory, since we're both jumping ship here, let's be pals for awhile and travel together." "I'm with you, Hoppner." "And why jump off empty-handed, since we are jumping off .J"* "What is it you're driving at.?" "There ought to be a lot of loot on two boats !" "Suppose we get caught .'"' I asked cautiously. "Anybody that's worth a damn will take a chance in this world. Aren't you game to take a chance.?" "Of course I'm game." "Well, then, you watch your chance and I'll watch mine. I'll hook into everything valuable that's liftable on my ship and you tend to yours in the same fashion." We struck hands in partnership, parted, and agreed to meet at the wharf -gate the next night, just after dark, he with his loot, I with mine. I spent the morning of the following day prospecting. I had seen the captain put the ship's money for the paying of the crew in a drawer, and turn the key. But first, with a curious primitive instinct, I fixed on a small ham and a loaf of rye bread as part of the projected booty, in spite of the fact that, if I but laid hands on the ship's money, I would have quite a large sum. It was the piquaresque romance of what I was about to do that moved me. The romance of the deed, not the possession of the objects stolen, that appealed to my imagination. I pictured my comrade and myself going overland, our swag on our backs, eluding 96 TRAMPING ON LIFE pursuit . . and joining with the natives in some far hinterland. I would be a sort of Jonathan Wilde plus a Fran9ois Villon. Before the captain returned I had surveyed everything to my satisfaction . . after supper the captain and the two mates left for shore again. Now was the time. I searched the captain's old trousers and found the ship's keys there. They were too bulky to carry around with him. The keys seemed to jangle like thunder as I tried them one after the other on the drawer where I had seen him put away the gold. I heard someone coming. I started to whistle noisily, and to polish the captain's carpet slippers! . . it was only someone walking on deck. . . The last key was, dramatically, the right one. The drawer opened . . but it was empty! I had seen the captain — the captain had also seen me. Now I started to take anything I could lay my hands on. I snatched off the wall two silver-mounted cavalry pistols, a present from his brother to Schantze. I added a bottle of kiimmel to the ham and the rye bread. The kiimmel a present for Hoppner. Then, before leaving the Valkyrie forever, I sat down to think if there were not something I might do to show my contempt for Miller. There were many things I could do, I found. In the first place, I took a large sail-needle and some heavy thread and I sewed two pairs of his trousers and two of his coats up the middle of the legs and arms, so he couldn't put them on, at least right away. I picked up hammer and nails and nailed his shoes and sea-boots securely to the middle of his cabin floor. Under his pillow I found a full flask of brandy. I emptied half . . when I replaced it, it was full again. But I had not resorted to the brandy cask to fill it. The apprehension that I might be come upon flagrante delictu gave me a shiver of apprehension. But it was a pleasurable shiver. I enjoyed the malicious wantonness of my acts, and my prospective jump into the unknown . . all the South Seas waited for me . . all the world ! But, though every moment's delay brought detection and danger nearer, I found time for yet one more stroke. With a laughable TRAMPING ON LIFE 97 vision of Schantze smashing Miller all over the cabin, I wrote and left this note pinned on the former's pillow : Dear Captain: — By the time you read this letter I will be beyond your reach (then out of the instant's imagination . . I had not considered such a thing hitherto). I am going far into the interior and discover a gold mine. When I am rich I shall repay you for the cavalry pistols which I am compelled to confiscate in lieu of my wages, which I now forfeit by running away, though entitled to them. You have been a good captain and I like you. As for Miller, he is beneath my contempt. It was he who drank aU your wines, brandies, and whiskies . . the sailmaker is to answer for your beer. The second mate has been in on this theft of your liquors, too (I left the cook out because he had been nice to me). Good-bye, and good luck. Your former cabin boy, and, though you may not believe me, always your well-wisher and friend, John Gkegoey. I left what I had stolen bundled up in my blanket. I walked forward nonchalantly to see if anyone was out to observe me. I discovered the sandy-haired Blacksmith, Klumpf, sitting on the main hatch. I saw that I could not pass him with my bundle with- out strategy. The strategy I employed was simple. I drew him a bottle of brandy. I gave it to him. After he had drawn a long drink I told him I was running away from the ship. He laughed and took another drink. I passed him with my bundle. He shouted good-bye to me. Before I had gone by the nose of the old ship, who should I run into but Klaus, coming back from a spree. He was pushing along on all fours like an animal, he was so drunk . . good, simple Klaus, whom I liked. I laid down my bundle, risking capture, while I helped him to the deck. He stopped a moment to pat the ship's side affectionately as if it were a living friend, or nearer, a mother. "Gute alte Valkyrie! . . gute alte Valkyrie!" he murmured. 98 TRAMPING ON LIFE Safe so far. At the outside of the dock-gate Hoppner waited my arrival. He was interested in the kiimmel, and in the pistols, which were pawnable. He had been more daring than I. He had tried to pick his cap- tain's pocket of a gold watch while the latter slept. But every time he reached for it the captain stirred uneasily. He would have snatched it anyhow, but just then his first mate stepped into the cabin . . "and I hid till the mate went out again." "And what then?" "I picked up a lot of silverware the captian had for show occa- sions . . that I found, rummaging about." "And him there sleeping?" **Why not?" "I found four revolvers that belonged to the mates and captain. I put them all in one bundle and chucked them into a rowboat over the ship's side. And now we must go back to your boat " "To my boat?" I asked, amazed. "Yes" (I had told him how nearly I had missed our ship-money). "To your boat, and ransack the cabin till we locate that coin." "That's too risky." "Hell, take a chance, can't you?" That's what Hoppner was always saying as long as we travelled together; "Hell, take a chance." But when I began telling him with convulsive laughter, of the revenge I had taken on the mate . . and also how I had thrown all the keys overboard, Hoppner, instead of joining in with my laughter, struck at me, not at all playfully, "What kind of damn jackass have I joined up with, anyhow," he exclaimed. "Now it won't be any use going back, you've thrown the keys away and we'd make too great a racket, breaking open things. . ." He insisted, however, on going back to his own boat, sliding down to the rowboat, and rowing away with the loot he had cast into it. We had no sooner reached the prow of the Lord Summerville than we observed people bestirring themselves on board her more than was natural. "Come on, now we'll beat it. They're after me." Hoppner had also brought a blanket. We went "hopping the Bluey" as swagmen, as the tramp is called in Australia. The existence of the swagman is the happiest vagrant's life in TRAMPING ON LIFE 99 the world. He is usually regarded as a bona fide seeker for work, and food is readily given him for the asking. Unlike the American hobo, he is given his food raw, and is expected to cook it himself. So he carries what he calls a "tucker bag" to hold his provisions; also, almost more important — his "billy can" or tea-pot. . . Hoppner and I acquired the tea-habit as badly as the rest of the Australian swagmen. Every mile or so the swagman seems to stop, build a fire, and brew his draught of tea, which he makes strong enough to take the place of the firiest swig of whiskey. I've seen an old swagman boil his tea for an actual half -hour, till the resultant concoction was as thick and black as New Orleans molasses. With such continual draughts of tea, only the crystalline air, and the healthy dryness of the climate keeps them from drugging them- selves to death. "Tea ain't any good to drink unless you can put a stick straight up in it, and it can stand alone there," joked an old swagman, who had invited us to partake of a hospitable "billy-can" with him. • •••••• We had long, marvellous talks with different swagmen, as we slowly sauntered north to Newcastle. . . We heard of the snakes of Australia, which workmen dug up in torpid writhing knots, in the cold weather . . of native corrobories which one old informant told us he had often attended, where he procured native women or "gins" as they called them, for a mere drink of whiskey or gin . . "that's why they calls 'em *gins' " he explained . . (wrong, for "gin" or a word of corresponding sound is the name for "woman" in many native languages in the antip- odes). . . The azure beauty of those days! . . tramping northward with nothing in the world to do but swap stories and rest whenever we chose, about campfires of resinous, sweetly smelling wood . . drink- ing and drinking that villainous tea. In Australia the law against stealing rides on freights is strictly enforced. The tramp has always to walk — to the American tramp this is at fjst a hardship, but you soon grow to like it . . you learn to enjoy the wine in the air, the fragrance of the strange trees that shed bark instead of leaves, the noise of scores of unseen waterfalls in the hills of New South Wales. 100 TRAMPING ON LIFE The morning that the little sea-port of Newcastle lay before us, I felt as if I had been on tour through a strange world. For the first time the story-books of my youth had come true. But Hoppner rose from the camp fire that we'd been sleeping by, stretched, and remarked, "now, thank Christ, I'll be able to find a good seat in a pub again, just like in Sydney, and all the booze I can drink. We can go to some sailors' boarding house here, tell them we want to ship out, and they'll furnish us with the proper amount of drinks and take care of us, all hunky dory, till they find us a berth on ship . . of course they'll be well paid for their trouble . . two months' advance pay handed over to them by the skipper . . but that won't bother me a bit." From the hill on which we lay encamped we saw all the ships in the harbour. I no longer feared the sea. Your true adventurer forgets danger and perils experienced as a woman forgets the pangs of childbirth. • •••••• We met a sailor on the street, who, though at first a stranger, soon became our friend and, with the quick hospitality of the sea, steered us to a pub known as the Green Emerald, bought us drinks, and introduced us to Mother Conarty, the proprietress. "I'll ship ye out all right, but where's your dunnage?" We confessed that we had run away from our ships down at Sydney. The old sailor had spoken of Mother Conarty as rough-mannered, but a woman with "a good, warm heart." She proved it by taking us in to board, with no dunnage for her to hold as security. "Oh, they're good lads, I'm sure," vouched our sailor-friend, speaking of us as if we had been forecastle mates of his for twenty voyages on end . . the way of the sea! Now Mother Conarty was not stupid. She was a great-bodied, jolly Irishwoman, but she possessed razor-keen, hazel eyes that nar- rowed on us a bit when she first saw us. But the woman in her soon hushed her passing suspicions. For Hoppner was a frank-faced, handsome lad, with wide shoulders and a small waist like a girl's. It was Hoppner's good looks took her in. She gave us a room together. TRAMPING ON LIFE 101 There was a blowsy cheeked bar-maid, Mother Conarty's daugh- ter. She knew well how to handle with a few sharp, ironic remarks anyone who tried to "get fresh" with her . . and if she couldn't, there were plenty of husky sailormen about, hearty in their admir- ation for the resolute, clean girl, and ready with mauling fists. "Mother Conarty's proud o' that kid o' hers, she is." "And well she may be!" "I've been thinkin' over you b'yes, an' as ye hain't no dunnage wit' ye, I'm thinkin' ye'll be workin' fer yer board an' room." "We're willing enough, mother," I responded, with a sinking of the heart, while Hoppner grimaced to me, behind her back. We scrubbed out rooms, and the stairs, the bar, behind the bar, the rooms back and front, where the sailors drank. We earned our board and room . . for a few days. At the Green Emerald I met my first case of delirium tremens. And it was a townsman who had 'em, not a sailor. The townsman was well-dressed and well-behaved — at first . . but there lurked a wild stare in his eye that was almost a glaze . . and he hung on the bar and drank and drank and drank. It apparently had no effect on him, the liquor that he took. "Say, but you're a tough one," complimented Molly. But it began in the afternoon. He picked up a stray dog from the floor and began kissing it. And the dog slavered back, return- ing his affection. Then he dropped the dog and began picking blue monkeys off the wall . . wee things, he explained to us . . that he could hold between thumb and forefinger . . only there were so many of them . . multitudes of them . . that they rather dis- tressed him . . they carried the man away in an ambulance. Hoppner and I tired of the ceaseless scrubbing. One day we simply walked out of the Green Emerald and never showed up again. Hoppner stayed on in town. I found that the Valkyrie had run up from Sydney to coal at Newcastle, for the West Coast. I thought that in this case a little knowledge was not a dangerous thing, but a good thing, as long as I confined that knowledge to myself. I knew that the Valkyrie was 102 TRAMPING ON LIFE there. It was not necessary that the officers of the boat should know I was there . . which I wasn't, for I turned south, my swag on my back, and made Sydney again. In Sydney and "on the rocks," that is with nothing to eat and no place to sleep but outdoors. Of course I couldn't keep away from the ships. I arrived at the Circular Quay. I ran into the Sailors' Mission. They were serv- ing tea and having a prayer-meeting. I wandered in. A thin, wisplike man, timid, in black, but very gentlemanly, made me heartily welcome. Not with that obnoxious, forced heartiness sky-pilots think the proper manner to affect in dealing with sailors, but in a human way genuinely felt. After a service of hearty singing, he asked me if he could help me in any way. "I suppose you can. I'm on the rocks bad." He gave me all the cakes to eat which were left over from the tea. And a couple of shillings beside. *'I wonder if there's anything else I can do ?" "Yes, I'm a poet," I ventured, "and I'd like to get Chaucer's Canterbury Tales to read again." I said this as much to startle the man as really meaning it. I can go so long without reading certain poets, and after that I starve for them as the hungry starve for food. I was hungry for Chaucer. Such a request, coming from a youth almost in rags, impressed the sky-pilot so deeply that he insisted on giving me a job pump- ing the organ during services and a little room to sleep in at the mis- sion. What is more, he lent me Skeats' edition of Chaucer, com- plete. And all the time I was with him he proved a "good sport." He didn't take advantage of my dependence on him to bother me so very much about God. He took it for granted that I was a Christian, since I never discussed religion with him. It began to grow wearisome, pumping an organ for a living. And I had fed myself full on Chaucer. I began to yawn, behind the organ, over the growing staleness of life in a sailors' mission. And also I was being pestered by a tall, TRAMPING ON LIFE 103 frigid old maid in purples and blacks, who had fixed her eye on me as a heathen she must convert. "How'd you like a voyage to China ?" the sky-pilot asked, one day. Cathay . . Marco Polo . . Milton's description of the Chinese moving their wheelbarrows along the land by means of sails . . many poetic visions marched across my mind at the question. "I'd like to, right enough." **Then here's a chance for you," and he handed me a copy of the Bulletin, pointing out an advertisement for cattlemen on the steam- boat, South Sea King, about to take a cargo of steers from Queensland to Taku, province of Pechi-li, Northern China. "What are they sending cattle away up there for?" **Supplies for troops . . The Boxer outbreak, you know . . go down to the number given in the advertisement, and I'm sure they'll sign you on as cattleman, if you want the job." "All right. I'll go now." "No," looking me over dubiously, "you'd better not go there or anywhere else, in your present rig . . you're too ragged to apply even for such work . . hang around till morning, and I'll go home to-night and bring you a decent coat, at least. Your coat is worse than your trousers . . though they are ravelled at the bottoms and coming through in the left knee . . every time you take a step I can see a glint of white through the cloth, and," walking round me in a tour of inspection, "the seat might break through at any moment." All this was said without a glint of humour in his eyes. Next morning the sky-pilot came down very late. It was twelve. But he had not forgotten me. "Here's the coat," and he solemnly unwrapped and trailed before my astonished gaze a coat with a long, ministerial tail. I put it on. The tail came below the bend of my knees. I laughed. The sky-pilot did not. Finally he stepped back, cracked a solemn smile, and remarked, "You do look rather odd !" The intonation of his voice, his solemn almost deprecatory smile, set me off and I laughed till the tears ran down my face. "I say, what's so funny?" "Me ! I am ! . . in your long-tailed coat." 104 TRAMPING ON LIFE **If I was on the rocks like you I wouldn't see anything to laugh about." At the shipping office, the place mentioned in the advertisement, in the dimly lit, grey-paned room, there sat one lone, pasty-faced, old-youngish clerk on the traditional clerk's high stool. But he proved lively beyond his appearance. "My God ! do look who's here !" he exclaimed facetiously, and then, rapidly, without giving me room for a biting word in return, "no, there's no use now, my boy . . we took on all the cattlemen we needed by ten o'clock this morning." I walked away, disconsolate. I bore on my back my swagman's blanket. In the blanket I carried a change of shirts the sky-pilot had given me, a razor, a toothbrush, a Tennyson, and a Westcott and Hort's Greek New Testament with glossary, that I had stolen from a bookstall in Sydney. I found out where the dock was, nevertheless, where the men were loafing about in groups, waiting to be taken out to the South Sea King . . which lay in the harbour. At the entrance to the pier I met a powerful, chunky lad who was caUed "Nippers," he said. He, too, was going with the South Sea King . . not as a cattleman, but as stowaway. He urged me to stow away along with him. And he gave me, unimaginatively, my name of "Skinny," which the rest called me during the voyage. We strolled up to the men and joined them. "Hello, kids !" "Hello, fellows ! Are you the cattlemen for the South Sea King?" "Right you are, my lad . . we are that !" The men went on with their arguing. They were fighting the Boer War all over again with their mouths. Some of them had been in it. Many of them had tramped in South Africa. They shouted violently, profanely, at each other at the tops of their voices, contending with loud assertions and counter-assertions, as if about to engage in an all-round fight. Several personal altercations sprang up, the points of the debate forgotten . . I couldn't discover what it was about, myself ' . . only TRAMPING ON LIFE 105 that one man was a fool . . another, a silly ass . . another, a bloody liar! The launch which was to carry them to the South Sea King at this moment started nosing into the dock, on a turbulent zig-zag across the harbour; and the men forgot their quarrelling. It brought up at the foot of a pile and made fast. "Come on. Skinny," Nippers urged me aggressively, "it's front seats or nothing. Act as if you owned the boat." We thrust ahead of the others and swarmed down the ladder . . heaping, swearing, horse-playing, the cattlemen filled the launch from stern to bow. Nippers had been a professional stowaway since his tenth year. He had gone all over the world in that fashion, he had informed me. He was now sixteen. I was almost eighteen. His six years of rough life with rough men had brought him to premature manhood, taught him to exhibit a saucy aplomb to everybody, to have at his finger-ends all the knockabout resource- fiilness and impudence that the successful vagrant must acquire in order to live at all as an individual. . . We were the first on deck. *'Where are the cattlemen's bunks?" Nippers asked of an oiler who stood, nonchalant, somewhat contemptuous, looking over the side at the seething, vociferous cattlemen. Not wasting a word on us, the oiler pointed aft over his shoulder, with a grimy thumb. We found a dark entrance like the mouth to a cave, that led down below. In our hurry we lost our footing on the greasy ladder and tumbled all the way to the bottom. We had not time to rub our bruises. We plumped down and under the lower tier of bunks . . just in time . . the men came pouring down helter-skelter . . the talking, arguing, voluble swear- ing, and obscenity was renewed . . all we could see, from where we lay, was a confusion of legs to the knee, moving about. . . They settled down on the benches about the table. They slack- ened their talk and began smacking their lips over ship-biscuit, marmalade, and tea. 106 TRAMPING ON LIFE Still we lay in silence. The screw of the propeller had not started yet. We dared not come out or we would be put ashore. We were hungry. We could hear their tin plates clattering and clinking as the cattlemen ate supper, and smell the smell of corn- beef and boiled potatoes. Our mouths ran from hunger. — "wish I had something to scoif, I'm starvin'," groaned Nippers, "but we'll hafta lay low till the bloody tub pulls out or we'll get caught an' dumped ashore." Supper done with, the men were sitting about and smoking. They were soon, however, summoned up on deck, by a voice that roared down to them, from above, filling their quarters with a gust of sound. We were alone now, perhaps, — it was so still. With an almost imperceptible slowness, Nippers thrust his head out, as cautiously as a turtle . . he emerged further. He made a quick thrust of the arm for a platter of beef and potatoes, that stood, untouched, on the table . . someone coughed. We had thought we were alone. Nippers jerked back. The tin came down with a clatter, first to the bench, then to the floor. A big friendly potato rolled under to where we were. We seized on it, divided it, ate it. Contrary to our conjecture, some of the men must have stayed below. Someone jumped out of a bunk. "There's rats down here !" *' — ^mighty big rats, if you arsks me." "It's not rats," and I could hear a fear in the voice that quav- ered the words forth, "I tell you, buddy, this ship is haunted." " — ^haunted !" boomed the voice of a man coming down the ladder, "you stop this silly nonsense right now . . don't spread such talk as that . . it's stowaways!" We saw a pair of legs to the knees again. We lay still, breath- less. A watch chain dangled down in a parabolic loop. Then fol- lowed a round face, beef-red with stooping. It looked under apo- plectically at us. "Ah, me b'yes, c'm on out o' there!" And out we came, dragged by the foot, one after the other, as I myself in my childhood have pulled frogs out from a hole in a brook-bank. TRAMPING ON LIFE 107 "I've been hearing them for hours, Mister," spoke up the little, shrivelled, leathery-skinned West Indian negro, who spoke English without a trace of dialect, "and I was sure the place was haunted." We stood before the captain, cap deferentially in hand. But he looked like anything but a man in charge of a ship. He was short. In outward appearance, moreover, he was like a wax doll. He had waxen-white cheeks with daubs of pink as if they had been put there from a rouge pot. His hair was nicely scented, oiled, and patted down. His small hands were white and perfectly manicured. Nippers began to snicker openly at him. But the sharp variety and incisiveness of the oaths he vented at us, soon disabused us of any opinion we might have held that he was sissified. . . "What's wrong with you^ you young you.'"' began the captain. The snicker died slowly from Nipper's lips, and in his face dawned an infinite, surprised respect. . . Then, after he had subdued us: "So you're stowaways, eh? . . and you think you're going to be given a free ride to Brisbane and let go ashore, scot free? . . not much! You'll either go to jail there or sign up here, as cattlemen for the trip to China — even though I can see that your mouths are still wet from your mothers' tits!" And he ended with a blas- phemous flourish. Nippers and I looked at each other in astonishment. Of course we wanted to sign on as cattlemen. No doubt some of the men hired at Sydney had failed to show up at the wharf. The ship's book was pushed before us. "Sign here !" I signed "John Gregory" with satisfaction. Nip- pers signed after, laboriously. "And now get aft with you, you !" cursed the captain, dis- missing us with a parting volley that beat about our ears. "Gawd, but the skipper's a right man enough !" worshipped Nip- pers. We hurried down the ladder to gobble up what was left of the cornbeef and potatoes. . . Nippers looked up at me, with a hunk of beef sticking from his mouth, which he poked in with the butt-end 108 TRAMPING ON LIFE of his knife. . . "Say, didn't the old man cuss wonderful, and him lookin' like such a lady !" There was plenty of work to do in the few days it took to reach Brisbane, where the cattle were to be taken aboard. The boat was an ordinary tramp steamer, and we had to make an improvised cattleboat out of her. Already carpenters had done much to that effect by erecting enclosures on the top deck, the main deck, by putting up stalls in the hold. Every available foot was to be packed with the living flesh of cattle. We gave the finishing touches to the work, trying to make the boarding and scantling more solid — solid enough to withstand the plunging, lurching, and kicking of fear-stricken, wild Queensland steers unused to being cooped up on shipboard. . . We had made fast to a dock down the Brisbane River, several miles out from Brisbane . . nearby stood the stockyards, with no cattle in them yet. In a day's time of lusty heaving and running and hauling we had taken on the bales of compressed fodder that were to feed the cattle for the twenty-day trip to Taku, China. Then the little, fiery, doll-like skipper made the tactical error of paying each man a couple of bob advance on his forthcoming wages. In a shouting, singing mob we made for Brisbane, like schoolboys on a holiday. Two shilling apiece wasn't much. But a vagabond can make a little silver go far. And there are more friends to be found by men in such a condition, more good times to be had — of a sort — than a world held by more proper standards can imagine. In both brothel and pub the men found friends. There were other sailors ashore, there were many swagmen just in from the bush — some with "stakes" they had earned on the ranches out in the country . . and in their good, simple hearts they were not averse to "standing treats." As if by previous appointment, one by one we drifted together, we cattlemen of the South Sea King — ^we drifted together and found each other in the fine park near the Queensland House of Parliament. TRAMPING ON LIFE 109 We had, all of us, already over-stayed our shore-leave by many hours. We grouped together in informal consultation as to what should be done — should we go back to the ship or not? "We might run into a typhoon . . with all them crazy cattle on board!" voiced one. . . Nevertheless, perhaps because it was, after all, the line of least resistance, because there regular meals awaited us, and a secure place of sleep, by twos and threes we drifted back, down the long, hot, dusty road, to where the South Sea King lay waiting for us . . the mate, the captain, and the cattle-boss furious at us for our over-stayed shore-leave. . . The cattle had been there these many hours, bellowing and moving restlessly in their land-pens, the hot sun blazing down upon them. Our cattle-boss, it seems, knew all about the handling of his animals on land. But not on sea. When, the following morning, we started early, trying to drive the cattle on board ship, they refused to walk up the runway. In vain the boss strewed earth and sod along its course, to make it seem a natural passage for them . . they rushed around and around their pens, kicking up a vast, white, choking dust, — snorting, bellowing, and throwing their rumps out gaily in sidelong gallopades . . all young Queensland steers; wild, but not vicious. Still full of the life and strength of the open range. . . Then we scattered bits of the broken bales of their prepared food, along the runway, to lure them . . a few were led aboard thus. But the captain cried with oaths that they didn't have time to make a coaxing-party of the job. . . At last the donkey-engine was started, forward. A small cable was run through a block, and, fastened by their halters around their horns, one after the other the steers, now bellowing in great terror, their eyes popping for fear — ^were hoisted up in the air, poised on high, kicking, then swung down, and on deck. You had to keep well from under each one as he descended, or suffer the befouling consequences of his fear . . we had great laughter over several men who came within the explosive radius . . till the 110 TRAMPING ON LIFE mate hit on the device of tying each beast's tail close before he was jerked up into the air. What a pandemonium . . shouting . . swearing . . whistles blowing signals . . the chugging respiration of the labouring donkey- engine . . and then the attempted stampede of each trembling, fear- crazy animal as soon as he rose four-footed, on deck, after his ride through the sky. . . The ship was crammed as full as Noah's ark. In the holds and on the main deck stood the steers, in long rows. . . On the upper deck, exposed to all the weather, were housed the more tractable sheep, who had, without objection, bleated their way aboard docilely up the runway — ^behind their black ram . . that the cattle-boss had to help on a bit, by pulling him the few first yards by his curly horns. As we swam by in the fading day, a pale ghost of a moon was already up. Ghostly rows of knee-ing trees stood out like live things in the river. . . Under the night, off at sea, what with the mooing and baaing through all the ship, it seemed like an absurd farmyard that had somehow got on the ocean. There were two quarters for the men . . a place under the fore- castle head, forward — as well as the after-quarters. Nippers and I had been separated — he staying aft, while I took up my bunk forward. But the men on the boat, the few that stick in my memory as distinct personages: There was the bloated, fat Scotch boy, whom we called just Fatty, a sheepherder by calling. He had signed on for the trip, to take care of the sheep on the upper deck; There was a weak, pathetic cockney, who died of sun-stroke; The ex-jockey, a bit of a man with a withered left arm — ^made that way from an injury received in his last race, when his mount fell on him ; There was the West Indian Negro, a woolly, ebony wisp of a creature, a great believer in ghosts (he who thought we stowaways TRAMPING ON LIFE 111 were ghosts when we hid under the bunk). The Irish cattle-boss gave him the job of night-watchman, "to break him of his super- stitious silliness"; There was the big, black Jamaica cook . . as black as if he was polished ebony . . a fine, big, polite chap, whom everyone liked. He had a white wife in Southampton (the sailors who had seen her said she was pretty . . that the cook was true to her . . that she came down to the boat the minute the South Sea King reached an English port, they loved each other so deeply!). . . Then there was the giant of an Irishman . . who, working side by side with me in the hold, shovelling out cattle-ordure there with me, informed me that I looked as if I had consumption . . that I would not be able to stand the terrific heat for many days without keeling over . . but, his prediction came true of himself, not of me. One morning, not many days out, the little West Indian watch- man, bringing down the before-daylight coifee and ships-biscuits and rousing the men, as was his duty, — found the big fellow, with whom he used to crack cheery jokes, apparently sound asleep. The watchman shook him by the foot to rouse him . . found his big friend stiff and cold. The watchman let out a scream of horror that woke us right and proper, for that day. . . The next day was Sunday. It was a stiU, religious afternoon. We men ranged in two rows aft. The body had been sewn up in coarse canvas, the Union Jack draped over it. The captain, dapper in his gold-braided uniform, stood over the body as it lay on the plank from which it was to descend into the sea. In a high, clear voice he read that beautiful burial-service for the dead . . an upward tilt of the board in the hands of two brown- armed seamen, the body flashed over the side, to swing feet-down, laden with shot, for interminable days and nights, in the vast tides of the Pacific. No one reached quickly enough. The Union Jack went off with the body, like a floral decoration flung after. . . We drank the coffee brought to us before dawn, in grouchy, sleepy, monosyllabic silence. Immediately after, the cattle were to water and feed . . and a hungry lot they were . . but despite their appetites, with each day, because of the excessive heat of 112 TRAMPING ON LIFE the tropics, and the confined existence that was theirs — such an abrupt transition from the open range — they waxed thinner and thinner, acquired more of large-eyed raournfulness and an aspect of almost human sujffering in their piteous, pleading faces. . . If the big chap who succumbed to heart failure that night had lived a few days longer, he would have wondered still more at me or anyone else surviving a day's work in the hold. For the thermometer ran up incredibly . . hotter and hotter it grew . . and down there in the hold we had to shovel out the excrement every morning after breakfast. It was too infernal for even the prudish Anglo-Saxon souls of us to wear clothes beyond a breechclout, and shoes, to protect our feet from the harder hoof. Our eyes stung and watered from the reek of the ammonia in the cattle-urine. What with the crowding, the bad air (despite the canvas ventilators let down) and the sudden change from green pasturage to dry, baled food, most of the beasts contracted **the skitters." This mess was what we had to shovel out through the portholes . . an offensive-smelling, greenish, fluidic material, that spilled, the half of it, always, from the carefully-held scoop of the shovel. Cursing, with the bitter sweat streaming off our bodies and into our eyes, and with an oblique eye to guard from heat-maddened, frantic steer-kicks, — each day, for several hours, we suffered through this hell . . to emerge panting, like runners after a long race; befouled . . to throw ourselves down on the upper deck, under the blue, wind-free sky and feel as if we had come into paradise. . . "I wish I had never come back to this hell-ship, at Brisbane !" "I wish I had never come aboard at all at Sydney !" At such times, and at other odd ends of leisure, I brought my Westcott and Hort's Greek New Testament from my bunk, and with the nasty smell of sheep close-by, but unheeded through custom — I studied with greater pleasure than I ever did before or since. As I said before, it was not long before these poor steers were broken-spirited things. TRAMPING ON LIFE 113 But there was one among them whose spirit kept its flag in the air, "The Black Devil," as the cook had named him fondly . . a steer, all glossy-black, excepting for a white spot in the center of his forehead. He behaved, from the first, more like a turbulent little bull than a gelding. The cook fed him with tid-bits from the galley. * He had evidently been someone's pet before he had been sold for live meat, to be shipped to China. When we took him on board by the horns he showed no fear as he rode in the air. And, once on his feet again, and loose on deck, he showed us hell's own fight — out of sheer indignation — ^back there in Brisbane. He flashed after us, with the rapid motions of a bull- fight in the movies. Most of us climbed every available thing to get out of his reach. He smashed here and there through wooden supports as if they were of cardboard. The agile little ex-jockey kept running in front of him, hitting him on the nose and nimbly escaping — in spite of his wing-like, wasted arm, quicker than his pursuer . . that smashed through, while he ducked and turned. . . "I'll be God-damned," yelled the captain from the safe vantage of the bridge, "fetch me my pistol," to the cabin boy, "I'll have to shoot the beast !" All this while the big black Jamaica cook had been calmly looking on, leaning fearlessly out over the half-door of the galley . . while the infuriated animal rushed back and forth. The cook said nothing. He disappeared, and reappeared with a bunch of carrots which he held out toward "The Black Devil." . . In immediate transformation, the little beast stopped, forgot his anger, stretched forth his moist, black nuzzle, sniffing . . and walked up to the cook, accepting the carrots. The cook began to stroke the animal's nose. . . "You little black devil," he said, in a soft voice, "you're all right . . they don't understand you . . but we're going to be pals — us two — aren't we?'* Then he came out at the door to where the steer stood, took "The Black Devil," as we henceforth called him, gently by the under-jaw, — and led him into a standing-place right across from the galley. 114 TRAMPING ON LIFE As we struck further north under vast nights of stars, and days of furnace-hot sunshine, the heat, confinement, and dry, baled food told hideously on the animals . . the sheep seemed to endure better, partly because they v.ere not halted stationary in one spot and could move about a little on the top deck. . . But they suffered hardships that came of changing weather. Especially the cattle in the lower hold suffered, grew weak and emaciated. . . We were ever on the watch to keep them from going down . . there was danger of their sprawling over each other and breaking legs in the scramble. So when one tried to lie down, his tail was twisted till the suffering made him rise to his feet . . sometimes a steer would be too weak to regain his feet . . in such a case, in a vain effort to make the beast rise, I have seen the Irish foreman twist the tail nearly off, while the animal at first bellowed, then moaned weakly, with anguish . . a final boot at the victim in angry frustration. . . Last, a milky glaze would settle over the beast's eyes . . and we would drag him out and up by donkey-engine, swing him over and out, and drop him, to float, a bobbing tan object, down our receding ocean-path. The coast of Borneo hovered, far and blue, in the offing, when we struck our first, and last, typhoon. The mate avowed it was merely the tail-end of a typhoon; if that was the tail-end, it is good that the body of it did not strike down on us. The surface of the ocean was kicked up into high, ridge-running masses. The tops of the waves were caught in the wind and whipped into a wide, level froth as if a giant egg-beater were at work . . then water, water, water came sweeping and mounting and climbing aboard, hill after bursting hill. The deck was swept as by a mountain-torrent . . boards whirled about with an uncanny motion in them. They came forward toward you with a bound, menacing shin and midriff, — then on the motion of the ship, they paused, and washed in the opposite direction. Here and there a steer broke loose, which had to be caught and tethered again. But in general the animals were too much fright- ened to do anything but stand trembling and moaning . . when they were not floundering about. . . 1 TRAMPING ON LIFE 115 Down below was a suffocating inferno. For the hatches that were ordinarily kept open for more air, had to be battened down till the waves subsided. At the very height of the storm, we heard a screaming of the most abject fear. The jockey had passed, in forgetful excitement, too close to his enemy, The Black Devil — ^who had not forgotten, and gave him a horn in the side, under the withered arm. Several sailors carried the bleeding man aft to the captain . , who dressed his wound with fair skill. The jockey was not so badly injured, all things considered. The thrust had slanted and made only a flesh wound . . which enabled the fellow to loaf on a sort of sick-leave, during the rest of the trip. The storm over, frantically we tore off the hatches again . . to find only ten steers dead below. The rest were gasping piteously for air. It was a day's work, heaving the dead stock overboard . . including the two more which died of the after-effects. . . When we went to look the sheep over, we found that over a third of them had been washed overboard. The rest were huddled, in frightened, bleating heaps, wondering perhaps what kind of an insane world it was that they had been harried into. The story of this cattleboat unfolds freshly before me again, out of the records of memory . . the pitiful suffering of the cattle . . the lives and daily doings of the rowdy, likeable men, who were really still undeveloped children, and would so go down to the grave . . with their boasting and continual vanity of small and trivial things of life. All the time I was keeping a diary of my adventures . . in a large, brown copybook, with flexible covers. I carried it, tightened away, usually, in the lining of my coat, but occasionally I left it under the mattress of my bunk. Nippers observed me writing in it one day. That night it was gone. I surmised who had taken it. Seeking Nippers, I came upon him haltingly reading my diary aloud to an amused circle of cattlemen, in his quarters aft. 116 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Give me that book back !" I demanded. He ignored me. "Give him a rap in the kisser, Skinny !" I drew back, aiming a blow at Nippers. He flung the book down and was on me like the tornado we had just run through . . he was a natural-born fighter . . in a twinkling I was on the floor, with a black eye, a bleeding mouth. I flung myself to my feet, full of fury . . then something went in my brain like the click of a camera-shutter . . I had an hallucina- tion of Uncle Landon, coming at me with a club. , . I plumped into a corner, crouching. "Don't hit me any more . . please don't. Uncle Lan!" "He's gone crazy!" "Naw, he's only a bloody, bleedin' coward," returned another voice, in surprise and disgust. Someone spat on me. I was let up at last . . I staggered forward to my bunk. My book had been handed back to me. It's a wonder I didn't throw myself into the sea, in disgust over the queer fit that had come over me. I lay half the night, puzzling . . was I a coward? Not unless an unparalleled change had occurred in me. I had fought with other children, when a boy . . had whipped two lads at once, when working in the Composite factory, that time they spit into my book. One day a fishing-junk hove into sight, just as if it had sailed out of a Maxfield Parrish illustration, — swinging there in the mouth of a blood-red sunset . . then, like magic, appeared another and another and another. . . "Fishing-junks," ejaculated the mate, " — pretty far out, too, but a Chink'll risk his life for a few bleedin' cash . . and yet he won't fight at all . . an' if you do him an injury he's like as riot likely to up an' commit suicide at your door, to get even!" "That's a bally orf ul way to get even with a henemy !" exclaimed a stoker, who sat on the edge of the forward hatch. "I should say so, too !" Then, far and faint, were heard a crew of Chinese sailors, on the nearest junk, singing a curious, falsetto chantey as they hauled on a bamboo-braced sail. . . ■*i TRAMPING ON LIFE 117 "A feller wot never travelled wouldn't bloody well believe they was such queer people in the world," further observed the philo- sophic coal-heaver. Next morning the coast of China lay right against us, on the starboard side . . we ran into the thick of a fleet of sampans, boats fashioned flat like overgrown rowboats, propelled each by a huge sculling oar, from the stern . . they were fishers who manned them . . two or three to a boat . . huge, bronze-bodied, fine-muscled, breech-clouted men . . as they sculled swiftly to give us sea-room each one looked fit to be a sculptor's model. Their bodies shone in the sun like bronze. Several, fearing we might run them down, as we clove straight through their midst, raised their arms with a shout full of pleading and fright. "What's the matter? are they trying to murder some of these poor chaps.?" I asked. "No . . we're just having a little fun . . what's the life of a Chink matter.?" "I say, if the Chinks up where the Boxers are fighting are big and strong as them duflFers, here's one that don't want no shore- leave!" commented someone, as we stood ranged by the side. "I always thought Chinamen was runts." "Oh, it's only city Chinks — mostly from Canton, that come to civilized countries to run laundries . . but these are the real Chinamen." After the cattle had been unladen, the crew were to be taken down to Shanghai and dumped ashore . . as it was an English Treaty port, that would be, technically, living up to the ship's articles, which guaranteed that the cattlemen aboard would be given passage back to English ground. . . But I was all excitement over the prospect of making my way ashore to where the Allied troops were fighting. . . Dawn . . we were anchored in Taku Bay among the warships of the Allied nations . . grey warships gleaming in the sun like silver . . the sound of bugles . . flags of all nations . . of as many colours as the coat of Joseph. 118 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Well, here we are at last !" Next day the work of unloading the cattle began . . hoisted again by the horns from our boat of heavy draught to the hold of a coast- ing steamer, that had English captain and mates, and a Chinese crew. Some of the steers were so weak that they died on deck . . as they were dying, butchers cut their throats so their beef could be called fresh. The only one who desired to go ashore there, I made my way, when it was dark and the last load of steers was being transferred to shore, down below to the hold of the coaster. I stood in a corner, behind an iron ladder, so that the cattle couldn't crush me during the night . . for the Chinese had turned them loose, there, in a mass. I stumbled ashore at Tongku, a station up a way on the banks of the Pei Ho river. My first night ashore in China was a far cry from the China of my dreams . . the Cathay of Marco Polo, with its towers of porce- lain. . . I crept, to escape a cold drizzle, under the huge tarpaulin which covered a great stack of tinned goods — army supplies. A soldier on guard over the stack, an American soldier, spotted me. "Come, my lad," lifting up the tarpaulin, "what are you doing there?" " — ^Trying to keep from the wet!" " — run off from one of the transports?" "Yes," was as good an answer as any. *'You're pretty cold . . your teeth are chattering. Here, take a swig o' this." And the sentinel reached me a flask of whiskey from which I drew a nip. Unaccustomed as I was to drink, it nearly strangled me. It went all the way down like fire. Then it spread with a pleasant warmth all through my body. . . "Stay here to-night . . rather uncomfortable bed, but at least it's dry. No one 'ull bother you . . in the morning Captain , who is in charge of the commissariat here, might give you a job." TRAMPING ON LIFE 119 That next morning Captain gave me a job as mate, eighty dollars Mex. and a place to sleep, along with others, in a Com- pound, and find my food at my own expense. . . Mate, on a supply-launch that went in and out to and from the transports, that were continually anchoring in the bay. Our job was to keep the officers' mess in supplies. . . "And, if you stick to your job six months," I was informed, you'll be entitled to free transportation back to San Francisco." My captain was a neat, young Englishman, with the merest hint of a moustache of fair gold. Our crew — two Chinamen who jested about us between them- selves in a continuous splutter of Chinese. We could tell, by their grimaces and gestures . . we rather liked their harmless, human impudence . . as long as they did the work, while we lazed about, talking . . while up and down the yellow sweep of the Pei-ho the little boat tramped. "It's too bad you didn't arrive on the present scene a few weeks sooner," said my young captain . . "it was quite exciting here, at that time. I used to have to take the boathook and push off the Chinese corpses that caught on the prow of the boat as they floated down, thick . . they seemed to catch hold of the prow as if still alive. It was uncanny !" We slept, rolled up in our blankets, on the floor of a Chinese compound . . adventurers bound up and down the river, to and from Tien-Tsin and Woo-shi-Woo and Pekin . . a sort of cara- vanserai. . . Though it was the fall of the year and the nights were cold enough to make two blankets feel good, yet some days the sun blazed down intolerably on our boat, on the river. . . When we grew thirsty the captain and myself resorted to our jug of distilled water. I had been warned against drinking the yellow, pea-soup-like water of the Pei-ho. . . But one afternoon I found our water had run out. So I took the gourd used by the Chinese crew, and dipped up, as they did, the river water. The captain clutched me by the wrist. 120 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Don't drink that water ! If you'd seen what I have, floating in it, you'd be afraid !" "What won't hurt a Chinaman, won't hurt me," I boasted. . . The result of my folly was a mild case of dysentery. . . In a few days I was so weak that I went around as if I had no bones left in my body. And I wanted to leave the country. And I repaired to Captain who had given me the job, and asked him for my pay and my discharge. He lit into me, disgusted, upbraiding me for a worthless tramp. . . "I might have known that you were of that ilk, from the first, just by looking at you!" He handed me the eighty dollars in Mexican silver, that was coming to me. . . I repaid the captain the forty I had borrowed, for food. "Sick ! yes, sick of laziness !" Captain was partly right. I had an uncontrollable dis- taste for the monotony of daily work, repeated in the same environ- ment, surrounded by the same scenery . . but I was also quite weak and sick, and I am persuaded, that, if I had stayed on there, I might have died. I sat on one of the wharves and played host to a crowd of romantic thoughts that moved in their pageant through my brain . . now I would go on to Pekin and see the great Forbidden City. Now I would dress in Chinese clothes and beg my way through the very heart of the Chinese Empire . . and write a book, subsequently, about my experiences and adventures . . and perhaps win a medal of some famous society for it . . and I had a dream of marrying some quaintly beautiful mandarin's daughter, of becoming a famous, revered Chinese scholar, bringing together with my influence the East and the West. . . I reached so far, in the dream, as to buy several novels of the Chinese, printed in their characters, of an itinerant vendor. . . The everyday world swung into my ken again. Three junks, laden with American marines, dropping down the river from Pekin, cut across my abstracted gaze . . the boys were singing. They marched off on the dock on which I sat. They were sta- TRAMPING ON LIFE 121 tioned right where they deployed from the junks. Men were put in guard over them. At Tien Tsin they had behaved rather badly, I was told by one of them, — had gone on a Samshu jag . . a Chinese drink, worse than the worst American "rot-gut." . . "Wisht I c'd git off the dock an' rustle up another drink some- wheres." "They wouldn't let us off this dock fer love nor money," spoke up a lithe, blue-shaven marine to me — the company's barber, I afterward learned him to be. . . "Yah, we got ter stay here all afternoon, an' me t'roat 's es dry es san'paper." "Where are they taking you to, from here?" "Manila ! . . the Indiana's waitin' out in th' bay fer us." " — ^Wish I could get off with you !" I remarked. "Wot's the matter? On th' bum here?" "Yes." Immediately the barber and two others, his pals, became intensely, suspiciously so, interested in my desire to sail with them. . . " — Tell you wot," and the company barber reached into his pocket with a surreptitious glance about, "if you'll take these bills an' sneak past to that coaster lyin' along the next dock, the Chinese steward 'ull sell you three bottles o' whiskey fer these," and he handed me a bunch of bills . ." an' w'en you come back with th' booze, we'll see to it that you get took out to the transport with us, all right . . won't we, boys?" " — ^betcher boots we will." "God, but this is like heaven to me," exclaimed the barber, as he tilted up his bottle, while the two others stood about him, to keep him from being seen. The three of them drank their bottles of whiskey as if it was water. "That saved me life. . ." "An' mine, too. You go to Manila wit' us, all right, — ^kid !" Toward dusk came the sharp command for the men to march aboard the coaster that had drawn up for them. The boys kept their word. They loaded me down with their accoutrements to 122 TRAMPING ON LIFE carry. I marched up the gangway with them, and we were off to the Indiana. I was the first, almost, to scamper aboard the waiting transport in the gathering dusk . . and, to make sure of staying aboard, I hurried down one ladder after the other, till I reached the heavy darkness of the lowermost hold. Having nothing to do but sleep, I stumbled over some oblong boxes, climbed onto one, and com- posed myself for the night, using a coil of rope for a pillow. I woke to find a grey patch of day streaming down the ladder- way. My eyes soon adjusted themselves to the obscurity. And then it was that I gave a great, scared leap. And with difficulty I held myself back from crying out. Those curious oblong boxes among which I had passed the night — they were hermetically sealed coffins, and there were dead soldiers in them. Ridges of terror crept along my flesh. Stifling a panic in me, I forced myself to go slow as I climbed the iron rungs to the hold above . . where living soldiers lay sleeping in long rows. . . Still undetected, I scrambled along an aisle between them and put myself away in a sort of life-preserver closet. Not till I had heard the familiar throb of the propeller in motion for a long time, did I come forth. During the voyage of, I believe, eight days, I loafed about, lining up for rations with the boys . . no one questioned me. My engi- neer's clothes that I had taken, in lieu of part of my wages, from the slop-chest of The South Sea King, caused the officers of the marines to think I belonged to the ship's crew . . and the ship-officers must have thought I was in some way connected with the marines . . anyhow, I was not molested, and I led a life much to my liking . . an easy-going and loafing and tale-telling one . . mixing about and talking and listening . . and reading back-number magazines. One day my friend the barber called me aside: "Say, kid, I've been delegated to tell you that you've got lice." I flamed indignant. "That's a God-damned lie ! and whoever told you so is a God- damned liar, too ! I never had a louse in my life." "Easy! Easy! . . no use gittin' hufl"y . . if it ain't lice you got. TRAMPING ON LIFE 123 w^ot you scratchin' all the time f er ? Look in the crotch of yer pants and the seams of your shirt, an' see!" I had been scratching a lot . . and wondering what was wrong . . my breast was all red . . but I had explained it to myself that I was wearing a coarse woolen undershirt next my skin . . that I had picked up from the slop-chest, also. The barber walked jauntily away, leaving me standing sullenly alone. I sneaked into the toilet, looking to see if anyone was about. I turned my shirt back. To my horror, my loathing, — the soldier's accusation was true ! . . they were so thick, thanks to my ignorant neglect, that I could see them moving in battalions . . if I had been the victim of some filthy disease, I could scarcely have felt more beyond the pale, more a pariah. I had not detected them before, because I was ignorant of the thought of having them, and because their grey colour was exactly that of the inside of my woolen shirt. I threw the shirt away, content to shiver for a few days till we had steamed to warmer weather . . I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed myself. . . I had, up to now, had experience with head-lice only . . as a child, in school. . . I look back with a shudder even yet to that experience. During my subsequent tramp-career I never could grow callous to vermin, as a few others that I met, did. Once I met a tramp who advised me not to bother about 'em . . and you would soon get used to 'em . . and not feel them biting at all . . but most tramps "boil up" — that is, take off their clothes, a piece at a time, and boil them — ^when- ever they find opportunity. Manila. A brief adventure there . . a bum for a few weeks, hanging around soldiers' barracks, blacking shoes for free meals . . till Provost Marshal General Bell, in an effort to clear the islands of boys who were vags and mascots of regiments, gave me and several other rovers and stowaways free transportation back to America. . . A brief stop at Nagasaki to have a broken propeller shaft mended : a long Pacific voyage . . then hilly San Francisco one golden morning. . . 124 TRAMPING ON LIFE All these ocean days I peeled potatoes and helped to dish out rations to the lined-up soldiers at meal-times . . one slice of meat, one or two potatoes, to a tin plate. . . For long hours I listened to their lying tales and boasting . . then lied and boasted, myself. . . My most unique adventure aboard the Thomas; making friends with a four-times-enlisted soldier named Lang, who liked army life because, he said, outside of drills and dress parade, it was lazy and easy . . and it gave him leisure to read and re-read his Shake- speare. He was a Shakespearean scholar. . . "It's the best life in the world . . no worries or responsibilities about food and lodging — it spoils a fellow for any other kind of life . . the officers are always decent to a fellow who respects him- self as a soldier and citizen." Lang and I became good pals. Day after day I sat listening to him, as, to the accompaniment of the rumble and pulse of the great boat a-move, he quoted and explained Shakespeare to me, nearly always without the book. His talk was fascinating — except when he insisted on repeating to me his own wretched rhymes . . in which he showed he had learned nothing about how to write poetry from his revered Shakespeare . . it was very bad Kiplingesque stuff . . much like my own bad verse of that period. . . Once Lang recited by heart the whole of King Lear to me, hav- ing me hold a copy of the play, to prove that he did not fumble a single line or miss a single word . . which he did not. . . Lang was a prodigious drunkard. At Nagasaki I rescued him from the water-butt. Coming back drunk on rice wine, he had stuck his head down for a cool drink, as a horse does. And in he had tumbled, head-first. If I had not seen his legs wiggling futilely in the air, and drawn him forth, dripping, he would have drowned, as the butt was too solid for his struggles to dump, and he couldn't make a sound for help. As we neared San Francisco several of the boys spoke to me of taking up a purse for my benefit. Soldiers are always generous and warm-hearted — the best men, individually, in the world. I said no to them, that they must not take up a collection for TRAMPING ON LIFE 126 me . . I did not really feel that way, at heart, but I liked better seeming proud and independent, American and self-reliant. . . Later on, at the very dock, I acceded . . but now I was punished for my hypocrisy. The boys were so eager to be home again, they only threw together about five dollars for me . . when, if I hadn't been foolish, I might have had enough to loaf with, say a month, at San Francisco, and do a lot of reading in the Library, and in books of poetry that I might have picked up at second-hand book stores. . . However, I gathered together, before I went ashore, two suits of khaki and two army blankets, and a pair of good army shoes that afterwards seemed never to wear out. And a young chap named Simmons, who had been sergeant, had joined the army by running away from home, took me to an obscure hotel as his valet . . he wanted to "put on dog," as the Indians say. He had parents of wealth, back in Des Moines. I served him as his valet for the two weeks he stayed at the hotel. He had been shot through the left foot so that a tendon was severed, and he had to walk with a cane, with a foot that flopped at every step. He gave me fifteen dollars for wages. After he had departed I rented a cheap room for a week. Standing in front of a store on Kearney Street, one afternoon, dressed in my suit of soldier's khaki, looking at the display in the window, I got the cue that shaped my subsequent adventures in California. . . "Poor lad," I heard one girl say to another, standing close by, "he looks so sick and thin, I'm sorry for him." They did not notice that my soldier's uniform had cloth but- tons. Simmons had made me put cloth buttons on, at the hotel, • — had furnished them to me "I don't want you going about the other way . . you're such a nut, you might get into trouble." Mule-drivers and others in subsidiary service were allowed khaki with cloth buttons only . . at that time. . . I don't know how it goes now. 126 TRAMPING ON LIFE The girls' taking me for a sick, discharged soldier made me think. I would travel in that guise. With a second-hand Shakespeare, in one volume, of wretched print, with a much-abused school-copy of Caesar, in the Latin (of whose idiomatic Latin I have never tired), an extra suit of khaki, a razor, tooth-brush, and tooth-powder — and a cake of soap — all wrapped up in my army blankets, I set forth on my peregrinations as blanket-stiff or "bindle-bum." Where I saw I could escape without awkward questioning, I played the convalescent ex-soldier . . I thrived. My shadow-thin- ness almost turned to fatness. It would have, had there been any disposition toward obesity in me. . . At times I was ashamed of doing nothing . . queer spurts of American economic conscience. . . Once I worked, plowing . . to drive the horses as far as a tall tree for shade, at the end of the third day, sneak back to the house . . and out to the highway with my bundle and my belongings, kicking up my heels ecstatically, glad to be freed from work. I plumped down in a fence corner and did not stir till I had read a whole play of Shakespeare, and a snatch of my Caesar. Once or twice, sheriffs who were bent on arresting me because I had no visible means of support, let me go, because it awed them to find a tramp reading Shakespeare. . . "It's a shame, a clever lad like you bein' a bum !" Tramps, though anti-social in the larger aspects of society (as, for that matter, all special classes are, from millior.aires down — or up), are more than usually companionable among themselves. I never lived and moved with a better-hearted group of people. By "jungle" camp-fires — ("the jungles," any tramp rendezvous located just outside the city limits, to be beyond police jurisdic- tion), in jails, on freights . . I found a feeling of sincere compan- ionship . . a companionship that without ostentation and as a matter of course, shared the last cent, the last meal . . when every cent was the last cent, every meal the last meal . . the rest depend- ing on luck and Providence. . . Tramps often travel in pairs. I picked up a "buddy" . . a TRAMPING ON LIFE 127 short, thick-set man of young middle age, of Scandinavian descent . . so blond that his eyebrows were white in contrast with his face, which was ruddy with work in the sun. He, like me, was a *'gaycat" or tramp who is not above occasional work (as the word meant then — now it means a cheap, no-account grafter). He had recently been working picking oranges . . previous to that, he had been employed in a Washington lumber camp. Together we drifted along the seacoast south to San Diego . . then back again to Santa Barbara . . for no reason but just to drift. Then we sauntered over to San Bernardino — "San Berdu," as the tramps call it. . . It struck chilly, one night. So chilly that we went into the freightyard to put up in an empty box-car till the sun of next day rose to warm the world. We found a car. There were many other men already there, which was good ; the animal heat of their bodies made the interior warmer. The interior of the car sounded like a Scotch bagpipe a-drone . . what with snoring, breaking of wind in various ways, groaning, and muttering thickly in dreams . . the air was sickeningly thick and fetid. But to open a side door meant to let in the cold. Softly my buddy and I drew off our shoes, putting them under our heads to serve as pillows, and also to keep them from being stolen. (Often a tramp comes along with a deft enough touch to untie a man's shoes from his feet without waking him. I've heard of its being done.) We wrapped our feet in newspapers, then. Our coats we removed, to wrap them about us . . one keeps warmer that way than by just wearing the coat. . . The door on each side crashed back! "Here's another nest full of 'em!" "Come on out, boys !" "What's the matter .f"' I queried. " 'stoo cold out here. We have a nice, warm calaboose waitin' fer ye!" Grunting and grumbling, we dropped to the cinders, one after the other. A posse of deputies and citizens, had, for some dark reason, rounded us up. 128 TRAMPING ON LIFE One or two made a break for it, and escaped, followed by a random shot. After that, no one else cared to be chased after by a bullet. They conducted us to what they had termed "the calaboose,*' a big, ramshackle, one-roomed barn-like structure. Piled in so thick that we almost had to stand up, there were so many of us — ^we were held there till next morning. But we were served, then, a good breakfast, at the town's expense. The owner of the restaurant was a queer little, grey-faced, stringy fellow. He fed us all the buckwheat cakes and sausages we could hold, and won every hobo's heart, by giving all the coffee we could drink . . we held our cups with our hands about them, grateful for the warmth. "Say, you're all right, mister!" ventured a tramp to the pro- prietor, as he walked by. "Bet your God-damned life I'm all right! . . because I ain't nothin' but a bum myself . . yes, an' I'm not ashamed of it, neither . . before I struck this burg an' started this "ham-and" and made it pay, I was on the road same es all o' you!" "Kin I have more pancakes, boss, an' another cup of coffee?" "You sure can, bo! . . es I was sayin', I'm a bum myself, an' proud of it . . and I think these here damn bulls (policemen . . who were sitting nearby, waiting for us to finish) have mighty little to 'tend to, roundin' up you boys, now the orange-pickin' season's over with, an' puttin' you away like this . . why, if any one of them was half as decent as one o' you bums " "Sh! fer Christ's sake!" I admonished, "they're hearing you." "That's jest what I want 'em to do . . I don't owe nothin' to no man, an' it's time someone told 'em somethin'." Breakfast over, we were marched off to the courthouse. We were turned loose together in a large room. We felt so good with the sausage, cakes and coffee in our bellies, that we pushed each other about, sang, jigged, whistled. As we had walked in, I had asked, of the cop who walked by my side — ^who seemed affable . . "Say, mister, after all what's the idea?" "We had to make an example," he returned, frankly. "I don't quite get you!" "Last week a bunch of bums dropped off here, at our town, and TRAMPING ON LIFE 129 they almost ran the diggings for about twenty-four hours . . insulted women on the streets . . robbed ice-boxes . . even stole the clothes off the lines." "In other words, you mean that a bunch of drunken yeggs dropped in on the town, gutted it, and then jumped out . . and we poor, harmless bums are the ones that have to pay." ** — guess that's about how it is." I passed the word along the line. My companion tramps cursed the yegg and his ways. . . "They're always raisin' hell . . an' we git the blame . . when all we want is not loot, but hand-outs and a cup o' coliee . . and a piece of change now and then." The yegg, the tiger among tramps — the criminal tramp — despises the ordinary bum and the "gaycat." And they in turn fear him for his ruthlessness and recklessness. He joins with them at their camp-fires . .- rides with them on the road . . robs his store or house, or cracks his safe, then flies on, taking the blinds or decking on top of a "flyer." The law, missing the right quarry, descends on the slower-moving, harmless bum. And often some poor "fall-guy" gets a good "frame-up" for a job he never thought of . . and the majesty of the law stands vindi- cated. The charge against us was vagrancy. We were tried by twos. "Come on, buddy ! . . you an' your pal." My companion and I were led in before, I think, a justice of the peace. The latter was kindly-disposed toward me because I was young and looked delicate. When I began my plea for clemency I appropriated the name, career, and antecedents of Simmons, the young soldier whose body- servant I had been, back in San Francisco. The man on the bench was impressed by my story of coming of a wealthy family . . my father was a banker, no less. The justice waved me aside. He asked my buddy to show his hands. As the callouses on the palms gave evidence of recent hard work, he was set free along with me. We were the only two who were let ofl*. The rest were sent up for three months each, I am told. . . And, after all that, what did my buddy do but up and steal my 130 TRAMPING ON LIFE blanket roll, with all in it — including my Caesar and Shakespeare — and my extra soldier uniform — the first chance he got! . . An American who had married a Mexican girl gave me work saw- ing and chopping wood. I stayed with him long enough to earn a second-hand suit of clothes he owned, which was too small for him, but almost fitted me . . civilian clothes . . my soldier clothes were w^orn to tatters. I picked up another pal. A chunky, beefy nondescript. I was meditating a jump across "the desert." The older hoboes had warned me against it, saying it was a cruel trip . . the train crews knew no compunction against ditching a fellow anywhere out in the desert, where there would be nothing but a tank of brackish water. . . My new chum, on the other hand, swore, that, to one who knew the ropes, it was not so hard to make the jump on the Southern Pacific . . through Arizona and New Mexico, to El Paso. He said he would show me how to wiggle into the refrigerator box of an orange car . . on either end of the orange car is a refrigerator box, if I remember correctly . . access to which is gained through the criss-cross bars that hold up a sort of trap-door at the top. It was in the cold season, so there was now no ice inside. These trap-doors are always officially sealed, when the car is loaded. To break a seal is a penitentiary offense. I stood off and inspected the place I was supposed to go in at. The triangular opening seemed too small for a baby to slide through. I looked my chunky pal up and down and laughed. " — think I can't make it, eh? . . well, you watch . . there's an art in this kind of thing just like there is in anything." Inch by inch he squeezed himself in. Then he stood up inside and called to me to try . . and he would pull me the rest of the way, if I stuck. He was plump and I was skinny. It ought to be easy for me. Nevertheless, it was the hardest task I ever set my- self . . I stuck half-way. My pal pulled my shirt into rags, helping me through, — I had handed my coat in, previously, or he would have ripped that to pieces, too. It seemed that all the skin went off my hips, as I shot inside with a bang. And none too soon. A "shack" (brakeman) passed over the tops of the cars at almost TRAMPING ON LIFE 131 that very moment. We lay still. He would have handed me a merciless drubbing if he had caught me, with my nether end hanging helplessly on the outside. We squatted on the floor of the refrigerator box. When we reached Yuma my pal rose to his feet. "Ain't yer goin' ta throw yer feet fer a hand-out?" he asked me. "No, I'm going to stick in here till I reach El Paso, if I can." "What's the fun bein' a bum, if you're goin' ter punish yerself like that !" "I want to find a country where there's growing green things, as soon as I can." "So long, then." "So long . . don't you think you'd better stick till we reach Tus- con.? Some of the boys told me the 'bulls' (officers) here have been 'horstile' (had it in for the tramp fraternity) . . ever since a yegg bumped off a deputy, a while back." "Naw, I'll take my chances." As I rode on, alone, I stood up and took in the scenery like a tourist . . there danced away, and gathered in, the shimmering, sun- flooded desert . . an endless flat expanse of silver sage and sentinel cactus. I saw bleached bones and a side-cast skull with whitened horns, poking up into the sky . . I saw a sick steer straggling alone, exactly like some melodramatic painting of Western life . . the kind we see hanging for sale in second-rate art stores. I stuck till Tuscon was reached. There I was all in for lack of food and water. . . A woman gave me a good "set-down" at her kitchen table. I was as hungry for something to read as I was for something to eat. When she walked out of the kitchen, leaving me alone for a moment, I caught sight of a compact little Bible that lay on the leaf of her sewing machine. Two steps, and I had it stowed in my hip pocket, and was back innocently eating . . the taking of the Bible was providential. I believe that it served as the main instrument, later on, in saving me from ten years in the penitentiary. I was glad enough to hop to the cinders at El Paso. But El Paso at that time was "unhealthy" for hoboes. They were holding twenty 132 TRAMPING ON LIFE or thirty of us in the city jail, and mysterious word had gone down the line in all directions, that quick telegraph by word-of-raouth that tramps use among themselves, to avoid the town — that it was "horstile." . . Again rolling miles of arid country. But this time, like a soldier on a long march, I was prepared : I had begged, from door to door, enough "hand-outs" to last a week . . throwing away most of the bread . . keeping the cold meats and the pie and cake. I sat in my open box-car, on a box that I had flung in with me, reading my Bible and eating my "hand-outs" and a millionaire had nothing on me for enjoyment. . . I was half-way to San Antonio when I fell in with as jolly a bunch of bums as I ever hope to see in this world . . just outside a little town, in the "jungles." These tramps were gathered together on a definite plan, and I was invited to join them in it: the plan was, to go, en masse^ from town to town, and systematically exploit it ; one day one man would go to the butcher shops, the next, another man would take them, and the first would, let's say, beg at the baker's . . and each day a different man would take a different section among the houses. Then all the food so procured would be put together and shared in common. As usual, there was among them an individual who held them together — the originator of the idea. He was a fat, ruddy-faced alcoholic ex-cook, who had never held a job for long because he loved whiskey so much. Besides being the presiding genius of the gang, he also did all the cooking. He loved to cook. Each day he jumbled all the mix- able portions of the food together, and, in a big tin wash-boiler which he had rescued from "the dump" outside of town, he stewed up quite a palatable mess which we called "slum" or "slumguUion," or, more profanely, "son-of-a-b — ." For plates we used old tomato cans hammered out flat . . for knives and forks, our fingers, pocket-knives, and chips of wood. It was a happy life. One afternoon mysteriously our leader and cook disappeared — ^with a broad grin on his face. Soon he returned, rolling a whole barrel of beer which he had stolen during the night from the back TRAMPING ON LIFE 133 of a saloon . . and had hidden it nearby in the bushes till it was time to bring it forth. . . We held a roaring party, and had several fights. ("Slopping up" is what the tramps call a drinking jamboree.) This was the first time I got drunk in my life. It took very little to set me off. . . I burned a big hole in my coat. I woke lying in the mud near the willows . . and with a black eye . . a fellow tramp affectionately showed me his finger that I had bitten severely . . for a day we had bad nerves, and lay about grumbling. . . We kept quite clean. The tramp is as clean as his life permits him to be . . usually . . the myth about his dirtiness is another of the myths of the newspaper and magazine world . . though I have seen ones who were extraordinarily filthy. . . We "boiled up" regularly . . and hung our shirts and other articles of apparel on the near-by willows to dry. . . After about ten days of scientific exploitation of them, the "natives" of the town on the verge of which we were encamping, began to evidence signs of restlessness. So we moved on to another town by means of a local freight. Settled there in "the jungles," we hilariously voted to crown the cook our king. We held the ceremony, presenting him with a crown made out of an old tin pan, which one of the more expert among us hammered into a circlet and scoured bright with sand . . . But soon I grew tired of the gang and started on alone. ''You'd better beat it on out of the South as quick as you can," an old tramp had warned me, "they're hell on a bum down here, and harder yet on a Yankee . . no, they haven't forgot that jet — not by a damn sight !" I was soon to wish that I had listened to the old tramp's wisdom. In the chill grey dip of an early spring dawn I dropped off a freight in the yards of the town of Granton. I drew my threadbare coat closer as I made my way up the track, on the look-out for some place to go into and warm myself. Usually, in chilly weather, each railroad station throughout the country has a stove a-glow in the waiting room . . I found the railroad station, and the stove, red-hot, was there . . it was good to be near a fire. In the South it can be at times heavily cold. There is 134 TRAMPING ON LIFE a moisture and a rawness in the weather, there, that hurts. I was not alone. Two negro tramps followed me; like myself, seeking warmth and shelter. Then came a white tramp. We stood around the stove, which shone red in the early half- light of dawn. We shivered and rubbed our hands. Then we fell into tramps' gossip about the country we were in. The two negroes soon left to catch a freight for Austin. My fellow tramp and I stretched ourselves along the benches. He yawned with a loud noise like an animal. "I'm worn-out," he said, "I've been riding the bumpers all night." I noticed immediately that he did not speak tramp argot. "And / tried to sleep on the bare boards of a box car." We had disposed ourselves comfortably to sleep for the few hours till wide day, in the station, when the station master came. He poked the fire brighter, shook it down, then turned to us. "Boys," not unkindly, "sorry, but you can't sleep here . . it's the rules." We shujffled to our feet. "Do you mind if we stand about the stove till the sun's high enough to take the chill off things?" "No." But, standing, we fell to talking . . comparing notes. . . "I've been through here once before," remarked my companion, whom I never knew otherwise than as "Bud." "There's a cotton seed mill up the tracks a way toward town, and we can sleep there, if you want . . to-day's Sunday, and no one will be around, working, to disturb us. In the South it's all right for a tramp to sleep among cotton seed, provided he doesn't smoke there." "Come on, then, let's find a place. I can hardly hold my head up." We slumped along the track. A cinder cut into my foot through the broken sole of one shoe. It made me wince and limp. Soon we came to the cotton seed house and looked it over from the outside. It was a four-square building, each side having a door. All the doors but one were locked. That one, when pushed against, tottered over. We climbed in over the heavy sacks, seemingly full of cement, with which the unlocked door had been propped to. It also was unhinged. It was dark inside. There were no windows. TRAMPING ON LIFE 136 We struck matches and explored. We found articles of heavier hardware scattered and piled about, some sacks of guano, and about a dozen wired bales of hay. "I thought this was a cotton seed mill," commented Bud, "because I saw so many niggers working around it, when I passed by, the other time." "Well, and what is it, then?" "Evidently a warehouse — ^where they store heavier articles of hardware." "What are you going to do?" "Twist the wires off a couple of these bales of hay, use it for bedding, and have a good sleep anyhow." "But — suppose we're caught in here?" "No chance. It's Sunday morning, no one will be here to work to-day, and we'll be let alone." With a little effort we twisted the bales apart and made com- fortable beds from the hay. It seemed I had slept but a moment when I was seized by a night- mare. I dreamed some monstrous form was bending over me, curs- ing, breathing flames out of its mouth, and boring a hot, sharpened implement into the centre of my forehead. I woke, to find, that, in part, my dream was true. There straddled over me an excited man, swearing profusely to keep his courage up. He was pressing the cold muzzle-end of a "forty-four-seventy" into my forehead. "Come on! Get up, you ! Come on out of here, or I'll blow your brains out, do you hear?" Then I caught myself saying, as if from far away, perfectly calm and composed, and in English that was almost academic — "my dear man, put up your gun and I will go with you quietly. I am only a tramp and not a desperado." This both puzzled and at the same time reassured my captor . . and made him swear all the louder, — this time, with a note of brave certainty in his tone. His gun poked me in the back to expedite my exit. I stepped out at the open door into streaming daylight that at first dazzled my eyes. I saw waiting on the track outside a posse of about fifteen citizens. 136 TRAMPING ON LIFE "Good work, McAndrews," commended one of them, deep-voiced. The others murmured gruff approval. McAndrews, from conversation that I gathered, was night- watchman in the yards. He had one red-rimmed eye. The other was sightless but had a half-closed leer that seemed to express discreet visual powers. "Now go on in an' fetch out the other bum," commanded the deep- voiced member of the posse, speaking with authority. "There wasn't but only this 'uh," McAndrews replied, with renewed timidity in his voice, scarcely concealed, and jerking his thumb toward me. "But the little nigger said they was — ain't that so, nigger?" '*Yassir, boss — ^I done seen two o' dem go in dar!" replied a wisp of a negro boy, rolling wide eye-whites in fright, and wedged in among the hulking posse. "Well, this 'un 's all I seen!" protested the night watchman, "an' you betcher I looked about mighty keerful . . wot time did you see 'um break in?" turning to the negro child. " Jes' at daylight, boss !" "An' wot was you-all a-doin' down hee-ar?" "He was a-stealin' coal f'um the coalkiars," put in one of the posse, "in cohse !" All laughed. "Anyhow, I done seed two o' dem," protested the boy, comically, "wot evah else I done!" Everybody was now hilarious. "Whar's yoah buddy?" I was asked. "Did unt you-all hev no buddy wit' you?" "Yes, I did have a buddy with me, but " trying to give Bud a chance of escape, — "but he caught a freight West, just a little bit ago." "You're a liar," said the one in authority, who I afterward heard was the head-clerk of the company that ran the warehouse. The negro boy had run to his house and roused him. He had drawn the posse together. . . "You're a liar ! Your buddy's still in there !" "No, I'll sweah they haint nobuddy else," protested McAndrews. But prodded by their urging, he climbed in again over the sacks of guano, and soon brought out Bud, who had waked, heard the TRAMPING ON ilFE 137 rumpus, and had been hiding, burrowed down under the hay as deep as he could go. There was a burst of laughter as he stood framed in the door- way, in which I couldn't help but join. He had such a silly, absurd, surprised look in his face . . a look of stupefied incredulity, when he saw all the men drawn up to receive him. From a straggled lock of hair that fell over one eye hung several long hay-wisps. His face looked stupid and moon-fat. He rolled his big, brown eyes in a despairful manner that was unconsciously comic. For he was, instinctively, as I was not, instantly and fully aware of the serious- ness of what might come upon us for our innocent few hours* sleep. "Come on, boys. Up with your hands till we go through your pockets." On Bud's hip they found a whiskey flask, quarter-full. In my inside pocket, a sheaf of poor verse — I had barely as yet come to grips with my art — and, in an outside pocket, the Bible I had filched from the woman's sewing machine in Tuscon. The finding of the Bible on my: person created a speechless pause. Then "Good Gawd ! A bum with a Bible !" Awe and respect held the crowd for a moment. The march began. **Where are you taking us to?" *'To the calaboose." Down a long stretch of peaceful, Sunday street we went — small boys following in a curious horde, and Sunday worshippers with their women's gloved hands tucked in timidly under their arms as we passed by. They gave us prim, askance glances, as if we belonged to a different species of the animal kingdom. Buck negroes with their women stepped out into the street, while, as is customary there, — the white men passed, taking us two tramps to jail. We came to a high, newly white-washed board fence. Within it stood a two-story building of red brick. On the fence was painted, in big black letters the facetious warning, "Keep out if you can." A passage in through the gate, and McAndrews first knocked at, then kicked against the door. The sleepy-faced, small-eyed jailer finally opened to us. The 138 TRAMPING ON LIFE wrinkled skin of the old man hung loosely from his neck. It wabbled as he talked. "What the hell's the mattah with you folks.?" protested McAndrews, the night watchman, "slep' late," yawned the jailer, "it bein' Sunday mawhnin'." By this time the sheriff, summoned from his house, had joined us. A big swashbuckler of a man with a hard face, hard blue eyes with quizzical wrinkles around them. They seemed wrinkles of good humour till you looked closer. " — s a damn lie . . you 'en Jimmy hev bin a-gamblin' all night," interjected the sheriff, in angry disgust. They marched us upstairs. The whole top floor was given over to a huge iron cage which had been built in before the putting on of the roof. A narrow free space — a sort of corridor, ran all around it, on the outside. Eager and interested, the prisoners already in the cage pushed their faces against the bars to look at us. But at the sheriff's word of command they went into their cells, the latter built in a row within the cage itself, and obediently slammed their doors shut while a long iron bar was shot across the whole length, from with- out . . then the big door of the cage was opened, and we were thrust in. The bar was drawn back, liberating the others, then, from their cells. The posse left. Our fellow prisoners crowded about us, asking us questions . . what had we done.? . . and how had we been caught.? . . and what part of the country were we from.? . . etc. etc. . . From the North . . yes, Yankee . . well, when a fellow was both a Yank and a tramp he was given a short shrift in the South. They talked much about themselves . . one thing, however, we all held in common . . our innocence . . we were all innocent . . every one of us was innocent of the crime charged against us . . we were just being persecuted. That afternoon a negro preacher, short and squat, who, innocent, was yet being held for Grand Jury, delivered us a fearful half- chanted sermon on the Judgment Day. I never heard so moving, compelling a sermon. I saw the sky glowing like a furnace, the star- TRAMPING ON LIFE 139 touching conflagration of the End of Things rippling up the east in increasing waves of fire, in place of the usual dawn . . I heard the crying of mankind . . of sinners . . for mountains to topple over on them and cover them from the wrath of the Lord. . . "In co'hse I nevah done it," explained the preacher, "I had some hawgs of mah own. Mah hawgs had an under-bit an* an ovah- bit in dere e'ahs, an' de ones I's 'cused o' stealin', dey had only an ovah-bit. But heah dey's got me, holdin' me foh de pen." The little grey-faced pickpocket — caught at his trade at the Dallas Fair, told me how easy it was to add an under-bit to an over- bit to the ears of the two hogs stolen, "Sure that sneakin' niggah pahson did it," he averred — ^but all the while he likewise averred that lie hadn't picked the pocket of the man from whom he was accused of stealing a wallet. . . "Yes, I'll admit Ah've done sech things. But this taime they was sure wrong. Ef I git framed up," he added, "I mean tuh study law . . pull foh a job in th' prison libery an' read up . . an' take up practice when I serve my term." Beside the hog-stealing parson and the little grey-faced pick- pocket there were also : A big negro youth, black as shiny coal, who was being held over on appeal. He'd been sentenced to ninety-nine years for rape of a negro girl . . if it had been a white girl he would have been burned long ago, he said . . as it was, the sheriif's son, who was handling his case, would finally procure his release — and exact, in return, about ten years' of serfdom as pajonent. And there was a young, hard-drinking quarrelsome tenant-farmer, who was charged with having sold two bales of cotton not belonging to him, to get money for drinking. . . There was another negro, hanging-handed, simous-f aced, who had, in a fit of jealousy, blown two heads off by letting loose both barrels at once of his heavily charged shotgun . . the heads were his wife's . . and her lover's. He caught them when their faces were close together . . and they were kissing. But he seemed a gentle creature, tractable and harmless. On the outside of the cage in which we were cooped like menagerie animals, a negro girl had her cot. She slept and lived out there 140 TRAMPING ON LIFE by the big stove which heated the place. She was a girl of palish yellow colour. She was a trusty. She had been caught watching outside of a house while two grown-up negro women went within to rob. Monday morning "kangaroo court" was called . . that court which prisoners hold, mimicking the legal procedure to which they grow so accustomed during their lives. We were arraigned for trial — the charge against us, that of "Breaking Into Jail." The cotton thief served as prosecuting attorney. The negro youth in for rape of one of his own colour, — the sergeant-at-arms ; while the negro preacher in for hog-stealing defended us . . and he did it so well that we were let off with ten blows of the strap a-piece. We had no money to be mulcted of, nor were we able to procure from friends, as the custom is, funds for the buying of whiskey and tobacco. In a few days Bud and I had settled down into the routine of jail- life. Every morning we swept our cells, and all the prisoners took turns sweeping the corridor. The fine for spitting on the floor was ten lashes laid on hard. And each day before breakfast we soaked the seams of our clothes in vile-smelling creosote to kill off the lice and nits. We had no chance to bathe, and were given but little water to wash our face and hands. "I wonder what they are going to do with us .''" "Anything they please," answered Bud gloomily. "From thirty to ninety days on the county farm, I suppose.''" "We'll be lucky if we don't get from four to ten years in the pen." **What for?" "Burglary — didn't we break into that warehouse.""' Our meals were passed in to us through an open space near the level of the floor, at the upper end of the cage, where a bar had been removed for that purpose. We'd line up and the tin plates would be handed in, one after the other . . two meals a day. For breakfast a corn pone of coarse, white corn meal, and a bit of fried sow-belly. For dinner, all the water we could drink. For supper, TRAMPING ON LIFE 141 breakfast all over again, with the addition of a dab of greens. On rare occasions the sheriff's son or the jailer went hunting . . and then we'd have rabbit. The sheriff had the contract, at so much per head, for feeding the prisoners. Each morning I used to ask the jailer for the occasional news- paper with which he covered the basket in which he brought our food to us. One morning my eyes fell upon an interesting item: The story of how two young desperadoes had been caught in the warehouse beside the railroad track, in the act of committing burglary . . the tale of our capture was briefly told . . the bravery of the night watchman and the posse extolled . . and the further information was conveyed, that, having waved preliminary examina- tion (and we had, for they told us the justice was continually too drunk to examine us) we were being held over for Grand Jury . . on a charge of burglary. Though he had predicted this, the actuality of it struck Bud aU of a heap. He paced up and down the cage for the full space of an hour, hanging his ungainly head between his shoiilders in aban- donment to despair. My reaction was a strange one. I wanted to sing . . whistle . . dance . . I was in the midst of adventure and romance. I was a Count of Monte Cristo, a Baron von Trenck. I dreamed of lin- guistic and philosophic studies in the solitude of my cell at the peni- tentiary till I was master of all languages, of all wisdom, or I dreamed of escape and of rising to wealth and power, afterwards, so that I would be pardoned and could come back and magnani- mously shame with my forgiveness the community that had sent me up. Bud stopped his pacing to and fro to stand in our cell-doorway. I was sitting on a stool, thinking hard. "We can't do a thing," said Bud, "we're in for it, good and proper." " — tell you what Fll do," I responded, "I'll write a letter to the owner of the warehouse and appeal to his humanity." "You romantic jack-ass," yelled Bud, his nerves on edge. He walked away angry. He came back calmer. "Look here, Gregory, I want you to excuse that outburst — but you are a fool. This is real life we're up against now. You're not reading about this in a book." 142 TRAMPING ON LIFE "We'll see what can be done," I returned. At the extreme end of the big cage, the end furthest from the entrance door, stood two cells not occupied. The last of these I had chosen for my study, a la Monte Cristo. The sheriff's son had lent me a dozen of Opie Reid's novels, a history of the Civil War from the Southern viewpoint, an arithmetic, and an algebra. Here all day long I studied and wrote assiduously. And it was here I went to sit on my stool and write the letter to the owner of the warehouse . . a certain Mr. Womber. . . In it I pointed out the enormity of sending to the penitentiary two young men, on a merely technical charge of burglary. For if we had gone into the place to rob, why had we so foolishly, then, gone to sleep.'* And what, at the final analysis, could we have stolen but bales of hay, sacks of guano, and plowshares? All of them too unwieldy to carry away unless we had other conveyance than our backs. It was absurd, on the face of it. Furthermore, I appealed to him, as a Christian, to let us go free . . in the name of God, not to wreck our lives by throwing us, for a term of years, into contact with criminals of the hardened type — to give us one more chance to become useful citizens of our great and glorious country. Bud laughed sneeringly when I read the letter aloud to him . . said it was a fine effort as a composition in rhetoric, but I might expect nothing of it — if the perpetually drunk jailer really brought it to its destination — except that it would be tossed unread into the wastebasket. . . I pleaded with the jailer to deliver it for me . . told him how important it would be to our lives . . adjured him to consider our helpless and penniless state. He promised to deliver it for me. "I have nothing to give you, now," I ended, "but, if I ever get free, I'll send you twenty-five dollars or so from up home, when I reach the North." A prisoner's first dream is "escape." Voices outside on the street, the sight of the tops of green trees through bars, dogs bark- ing far away, the travels of the sun as shown by moving bands of light on the walls and in the cells — all remind him of the day when he was, as he now sees it, happy and free . . he forgets TRAMPING ON LIFE 143 entirely, in the midst of the jail's black restraints, the lesser evils of outside, daily life. Even the termagant wife is turned into a domestic angel. • •••••• Under the smoky prison lamp made of a whiskey bottle filled with oD, and a shred of shirt drawn through a cork, we planned to cut out. "The way to do it is easy," said the little pickpocket, "in the sole of every good shoe is a steel spring. I'll take the steel from my shoe. There's already one bar removed from the chuck-hole (No use trying to reproduce the dialect). If we saw out another bar, that will give us enough room for going through. Then it will be easy to dig out the mortar between the bricks, in the jail wall. Once out, we can make for the river bottoms, and, by wading in the water, even their bloodhounds can't track us." "And once I get over into Indian Territory or Arkansas, you'll never see me in Texas again," I muttered. *'How'll we conceal where we've been sawing?" Bud asked. *'By plugging up the grooves with corn bread blackened with soot that we can make by holding the wick of this smoky lamp against the cage-ceiling." "And how'U we keep folks from hearing the sawing.'"' "By dancing and singing while Baykins here" (alluding to a "pore white" fiddler who had almost killed a man at a dance) "while Baykins here plays Vhip the devil.' " The very next day we began dancing and singing and taking turns at the chuckhole bar. ''Whip the Devil" is an interminable tune like the one about the "old woman chasing her son round the room with a broom." . . The mistake was, that in our eagerness we "whipped the devil" too long at a time. Naturally, the jailer grew suspicious of such sudden and prolonged hilarity. But even at that it took almost a week for them to catch on. We knew it was all up when, one morning at breakfast, the sheriff came in with the jailer. "Boys, all back into your cells !" he growled. The long bar was thrown over our closed doors. The sheriff stooped down and inspected the chuck-hole. "Why, Jesus Christ, they'd of been through in two more nights. It's good we caught them in time or they'd of been a hell of a big 144 TRAMPING ON LIFE jail-delivery . . do you mean to tell me," turning to the jailer, "you never noticed this before?" and with one finger he raked out the blackened corn bread. "You see, I'm a little near-sighted, Mistah Jenkins." "Too damned near-sighted, an' too damned stupid, too." The big iron door of the cage was locked again, the long bar thrown off our cell doors. "Now, you sons of b can come out into the cage again; but, mind you, if any of you try such a thing again, I'll take you out one by one and give you all a rawhiding." We received the abuse in sullen silence. For three days our rations lacked cornpone, for punishment. We decided among ourselves that the negro preacher, to stand in well with the authorities, had given us away. . . And if he had not, panic-stricken, pleaded with the sheriff to be taken out and put in a separate cell, I believe we would have killed him. There was one more way. It was so simple a way that we had not thought of it before. The mulatto girl, who slept by the big stove, on a cot, just outside the cage . . a trusty and the jailer's unwilling concubine . . this slim, yellow creature was much in love with the lusty young farmer who had stolen the bales of cotton and sold them for a drunk. And it was he who suggested that, through her, we get possession of the keys. For, every day, she informed us, she passed them by where they hung on a nail, down- stairs, as she swept and cleaned house for the jailer. It was not a diflScult matter to procure them. She would bring them up to us and hand them in through the chuck-hole, which the village blacksmith had repaired and once more reinforced with extra bars, "so them bastards won't even think of sawing out again," as the jailer had expressed it. The evening she handed the keys in to us we were so excited we wanted to have "Whip the Devil" played again for our singing and dancing. But this might have once more awakened suspicion. Before, we had raised such a row as to have caused pedestrians to stop and listen in groups, wondering what made the men inside so happy. . . There were three separate locks on the great cage door. One, two of them went back with an easy click. For the third we could TRAMPING ON LIFE 145 find no key. There was nothing else to do now but to have recourse to singing and dancing again. Baykins started sawing his fiddle furiously while the big negro in for rape hammered and hammered on the lock to break it, with one prison stool after another, till all were tossed aside, broken as kindling wood is broken. It was good that the jailer was either deaf, or, like the heathen gods in the Old Testament, away on a journey. Finally, we gave up in despair. The big negro collapsed with a wail. The first sign of weakness I ever detected in him. "Now it's shore either ninety-nine yeahs in de pen foh me, or ten yeahs for th' sheriff's son foh lawyah fees . . an' the footprints in de flowah bed . . of the man what done de rape was two sizes biggah dan mine." The next day the jailer, of course, missed the keys. Panic- stricken, the mulatto girl was afraid to slip them back to their accustomed nail, for fear she'd be seen at it; or was it out of vindictiveness against the jailer that she had now actually hidden them somewhere (for, finding them of no use, we had handed them back to her) ! That same afternoon the sheriff, with his son and the little, shrivelled, stuttering, half-deaf jailer, came in at the door of the big room. It was easy to see what they wanted. They wanted the keys and they were going to make the girl confess where they were . . as she was the only other person, beside the prison authorities, that was in the way to come at them. "Martha, we want them keys ! Show us where they is, lik^'a good girl!" " 'Deed, Ah don' know where dey is a- tall, Marse Sheriff !" "Come on, gal, you was the only one downstairs exceptin' Jacklin heah!" pointing to the jailer. The jailer nodded his head asseveratingly. "Yes, Martha, tell us whar the keys air," urged the latter, with caressing softness and fright in his voice. He didn't want his mistress whipped. "If you don't, by God, I'll whup the nigger hide clean off yore back," and the sheriff reached for the braided whip which his son Jimmy handed him. "I sweah Ah don' know where dey is!" 146 TRAMPING ON LIFE "You dirty liah," taking out a watch; "I'll give you jest five minutes t' tell, an' then " he menaced with the up-lifted whip. In stubborn silence the girl waited the five minutes out. "Jimmy! . . Jacklin! . . throw her down an' hold her, rump up, over that cot." They obeyed. With a jerk the sheriff had her dress up and her bare buttocks in view. "I'm a-goin' to whup an' whup till you confess, Martha." Crack! Crack! Crack! the whip descended, leaving red whelts each time. The mulatto girl writhed, but did not cry quits. Beads of perspiration glistened on the jailer's face. The girl shook off his lax grip on her arms . . the sheriff's son was holding her legs. We were crowded against the bars, angry and silent. We admired the girl's hopeless pluck. We saw she was holding out just to, somehow, have vengeance on the j ailer for her being held in unwilling concubinage by him, hoping he would catch it hard for having let the keys hang carelessly in open view, and so, stolen. **Damn you, Jacklin," shouted the sheriff, "I believe you're a little soft on the gal . . come here . . you swing the whip an' I'll hold her arms." In mute agony Jacklin obeyed . . whipping the woman of whom he was fond. *'Harder, Jacklin, harder," and the sheriff drew his gun on him to emphasise the command. Under such impulsion, a shower of heavy blows fell. The girl screamed. "I'll give up. . . Oh, good Lordy, I'll give up." And she dug the keys out from under the mattress across which they had whipped her. After they had gone she lay crying on her face for a long while. When night came she still lay crying. Nothing any of us could say would console her. Not even the little white cotton thief had power to allay her hurt. . . At last we began cursing and railing at her. That made her stop, after a fashion. But still she occasionally gave vent to a heart-deep, dry, racking sob. Locked in there behind bars and forced to be impotent onlookers, the whipping we had witnessed made us as restless as wild animals. That night, under the dim flare of our jail-made lamps, the boys TRAMPING ON LIFE 147 gambled as usual, for their strips of paper, — and as eagerly as if it were real currency. I, for my part, drew away to the vacant cell at the far end of the cage to study and read and dream my dreams. . . As I sat there I was soon possessed with a disagreeable feeling that a malignant, ill-wishing presence hovered near. I shifted in my seat uneasily. I looked up. There stood, in the doorway, the lusty young farmer who was in for stealing the bales of cotton. He wore an evil, combative leer on his face. He was "spoiling" for a quarrel — ^just for the mere sake of quarrelling — that I could see. But I dissembled. "Well, Jack?" I asked gently. "You're a nice one," he muttered, "you pale-faced Yankee son of a b . . think you're better 'n the rest of us, don't ye ? . . readin' in yore books?" "Nonsense, what are you picking at me for? I'm not harming anybody, am I?" "No, but you're a God damned fool !" "Look here, what have I ever done to you?" *'Nothin', only you're a white-livered stinker, an' I'm jest a-spoilin' foh a fight with you-all." "But I don't want to fight with you." "I'll make you," he replied, striding in; and fetching me a cuff on the ear . . then, in a far-away voice that did not seem myself, I heard myself pleading to be let alone . . by this time all the other boys had crowded down about the cell to see the fun. I was humiliated, ashamed . . but, try as I would, the thought and vision of my uncle came on me like a palsy. Bud stepped up. He had always been so meek and placid before that what he did then was a surprise to me. "/'ZZ fight!" "What! you?" glowered the young farmer, surprised. "Yes, I'll give you all the fighting you want, you dirty cotton thief!" Instantly the farmer made at him. Bud ran in, fetched him two blows in the face, and clinched. It was not going very well for the desperado. From somewhere on his person he whipped forth a knife, and, with a series of flashes through the air, began stabbing Bud again and again in the back. 148 TRAMPING ON LIFE I thank God for what came over me then. Too glad of soul to believe it, I experienced a warm surge of angry courage rushing through me like ap electric storm. All the others were panic- stricken for the moment. But I burst through the group, rushed back to the toilet, and, with frenzied strength, tore loose a length of pipe from the exposed plumbing. I came rushing back. I brought down the soft lead-pipe across "Jack's" ear, accompanying the blow with a volley of oaths in a roaring voice. The farmer whipped about to face his new antagonist, letting Bud drop back. Bud sank to the iron floor. The farmer was astonished almost to powerlessness to find facing him, with a length of swinging pipe in his hand, the boy who had a few minutes before been afraid. But he rapidly recovered and came on at me, gibbering like an incensed baboon. By this time all the humiliations I had suffered in the past, since succvmibing to the fear-complex that my uncle had beaten into me — all the outrage of them was boiling in me for vengeance. I saw the blood bathing the torn ear of my antagonist. It looked beautiful. I was no longer afraid of anything. Yelling my uncle's name I came on. . . I beat the knife out of the other's hand and bloodied his knuckles with the next blow. I beat him down with rapid blows, threshing at him, shouting and yelling exultantly. The other men thought me gone crazy. I had, for the time, gone crazy. The feUow lay at my feet, inert. I stopped for the moment. In that moment the gang began to close in on me, half frightened themselves. I threatened them back. "By heU, I've had enough of bullying," I shouted wildly; "I'm not afraid of anything or anybody any more . . if there' anyone else here that wants a taste of this pipe, let them step up." "We ain't a-tryin' to fight you-all," called out the big negro who was in for rape, "we jest don' want you to kill him an' git hung foh murduh." At the word "murder" I stepped quickly back. "Well, don't let him come bothering me or my pal for a fight any more when we've done nothing to him." "Don' worry, he won't no moh !" assured the fiddler. . . I threw down the lead pipe. It had seemed to me that all the while it was my Uncle Landon who had received the blows. TRAMPING ON LIFE 149 The rough-neck farmer was in bad shape ; he was bloodied all over like a stuck pig. The mulatto girl on the outside had for the last five minutes been occupied in calling out of the window for help. She managed to attract the attention of a passerby-by. "What's the matter?" was called up to her. . . "The jailer ain't downstairs . . an' de boys is killin' each other up heah!" By the time the angry-faced sheriff came with his son, the jailer, and a couple of doctors, we had quieted down. Bud and the farmer were taken out; by the side of each a pail of water was placed . . they were seated on stools, stripped to the waist. The surgeons dressed their wounds as if on a battlefield. "Jack" needed ten stitches in his scalp. . . Bud had four knife wounds that demanded sewing up. Both the boys went pale like ghosts and spewed their bellies empty from weakness and loss of blood. . . "Mind you, you chaps in there have raised 'bout enough hell . . ef I hear o' any more trouble, I'll take you all out one by one an' treat each one o' you-all to a good cowhidin', law or no law !" • •••••• I was let alone after that. My cowardice had gone forever. I was now a man among men. I was happy. I saw what an easy thing it is to fight, to defend yourself. I saw what an exhilaration, a pleasure, the exchanging of righteous blows can be. Always my dream was of being a big man when I got out — some day. Always I acted as if living a famous prison romance like that of Baron Von Trenck's. I collected from the living voices of my fellow prisoners innumer- able jail and cocaine songs, and rhymes of the criminal world. I wrote them down on pieces of wrapping paper that the jailer occasionally covered the food-basket with in lieu of newspaper. "Oh, coco-Marie, and coco-Marai, I'se gon' ta whiff cocaine 'twill I die. Ho! (sniflf) Ho! (sniff) baby, take a whiff of me!" (The sniffing sound indicating the snuffing up into the nostril of the "snow," or "happy dust," as it is called in the underworld.) 150 TRAMPING ON LIFE Then there was the song about lice: "There's a lice in jail As big as a rail; When you lie down They'll tickle your tail — Hard times in jail, poor boy! . . " And another, more general: "Along come the jailer About 'leven o'clock, Bunch o' keys in his right hand. The jailhouse do'h was locked . . *Cheer up, you pris'ners,' I heard that jailer say, *You got to go to the cane-brakes Foh ninety yeahs to stay !' " As you can guess, most of these jail songs and ballads of the underworld could only be printed in asterisks. I was hoping, in the interests of folklore, to preserve them for some learned society's private printing press. A fresher green came to the stray branches of the trees that crossed our barred windows. The world outside seemed to waken with bird-song. It was spring, and time for the sitting of the grand jury that was to decide whether we were, each of us, to be held over for trial by petty jury . . days of fretful eagerness and discontent . . from the windows the yellow trusty-girl said she could see lines of buggies driving in to town. It was the custom of farmers for miles around to drive in to their county seat during the court assizes . . a week or so of holidays like a continuous circus for them. When the sheriff would have occasion to come into the room in which stood our big cage, the boys would crowd up to the bars, each one hoping for news favourable to his case . . the prevailing atmosphere was one of hope. TRAMPING ON LIFE 151 The negro who had murdered his wife and her sweetheart with a shotgun had already had his trial. He was — and had heen — ^but waiting the arrival of the prison contractor, as the latter went from county jail to county jail, gathering in his flock, and taking them away, chained together, to the penitentiary and the cane brakes . . "where only a big buck nigger can live," the little pick- pocket had told me, with fear in his voice. . . He came . . the contractor . . to our jail at midnight. All of us leaped from our mattresses to witness the dreary procession of neck-chained and be-manacled convicted men. In the light of the swinging lanterns, a lurid spectacle. Our man was taken out and chained in with the gang. They clanked away down the stairs, leaving us who remained with heavy chains on our hope instead of on our necks and hands and legs . . because of the sight we had just seen. For the passing day or so we were so depressed that we wandered about saying nothing to each other, like dumb men. One after the other the men had true bills found against them, and little slips of folded paper were thrust in to them through the bars of their cells. And shyster lawyers who fatten on the misfor- tunes of the prison-held being, began to hold whispered conversations (and conferences) from without, mainly to find out just how much each prisoner could raise for fees for defence. . . Bud and I were the only ones left. All the others had had true bills found against them. But there came an afternoon when the big, hulky sheriff, with the cruel, quizzical eyes, came to the back bars of our cell and summoned us up with a mysterious air. . . "Well, boys," he began, pausing to squirt a long, brown stream of tobacco juice, "well, boys " and he paused again. My nerves were so on edge that I controlled with difiiculty a mad impulse to curse at the sheriff for holding us in such needless suspense. . . Taking another deliberate chew off his plug, he told us that after mature deliberation the grand jury had decided that there was not enough grounds for finding a true bill against us, and, as a consequence, we were to be let go free. 152 TRAMPING ON LIFE The following morning I had the satisfaction of hearing from old Jacklin, the jailer, that Womber, the owner of the warehouse, had himself gone before the grand jury and informed them that he did not wish to press the charge of burglary against us. . . Womber, Jacklin said, had received my letter and at first had tossed it aside . . even thrown it contemptuously into the waste- basket. But his wife and daughter had raked it out and read it and had, day and night, given him no peace till he had promised to "go easy on the poor boys." This was my triumph over Bud — the triumph of romance over realism. "I'm glad we're getting out, but there's more damn fools in the world than I thought," he remarked, with a sour smile of gratification. And now, with new, trembling eagerness, we two began waiting for the hour of our release. That very afternoon it would be surely, we thought . . that night . . then the next morning . . then . . the next day. . . But until a week more had flown, the sheriff did not let us go. In order to make a little more profit on his feeding contract, averred our prisoners. But on Saturday morning he came to turn us loose. By this time we seemed blood brothers to the others in the cage . . negro . . mulatto . . white . . criminal and vicious . . weak, and victims of circumstance . . everything sloughed away. Genuine tears stood in our eyes as with strong hand-grips we wished the poor lads good luck ! We stumbled down the jail stairway up which, three months before, we had been conducted to our long incarceration in the cage. The light of free day stormed in on our prison-inured eyes in a blinding deluge of white and gold . . we stepped out into what seemed not an ordinary world, but a madness and tumult of birds, a delirious green of trees too beautiful for any place outside the garden of Paradise. "Come on," said Bud, "let's go on down the main street and thank Womber for not pressing the case " "To hell with Womber !" **Well, then, I'm going to thank him." TRAMPING ON LIFE 153 "I'm grateful enough . . I might write him a letter thanking him . . but I'm not anxious to linger in this neighbourhood." So Bud and I parted company, shaking hands good-bye; he headed west . . to China and the East, finally, he said . . I never knew his real name . . neither of us gave his right name to the town's officials. . . As I sought the railroad tracks again, the good air and my unwonted freedom made me stagger, so that several negroes laughed at me heartily, thinking I was drunk. I sat down on a railroad tie and tenderly and solicitously took a brown package out of my inside pocket — the brown paper on which I had inscribed with enthusiasm the curious songs of jail, cocaine, criminal, and prostitute life I had heard during my three months' sojourn behind bars. I looked them over again. With all their smut and filth, they were yet full of naive folk-touches and approximations to real balladry. I was as tender of the manuscript as a woman would be with her baby. The sky grew overcast. A rain storm blew up. A heavy wind mixed with driving wet . . chiUy . . I found shelter under a leaky shed . . was soggy and miserable . . even wished, in a weak moment, for the comparative comfort of my cell again. . . The fast freight I was waiting for came rocking along. I made a run for it in the rapidly gathering dusk. I grabbed the bar on one side and made a leap for the step, but missed, like a frantic fool, with one foot — ^luckily caught it with the other, or I might have fallen underneath — and was aboard, my arms almost wrenched from their sockets. Not till I had climbed in between the cars on the bumpers did I realise that my coat had been torn open and my much-valued songs jostled out. Without hesitation I hurled myself bodily off the train. My one idea to regain the MSS. I landed on my shoulders, saw stars, roUed over and over. I groped up and down. And tears rained from my eyes when I understood those rhymes were lost forever . . . It was midnight before I caught another freight. I climbed wearily into an empty box car while the freight was standing still. 154 TRAMPING ON LIFE I was seen. A brakeman came to the door and lifted up his lantern; glancing within, I was crouching, wet and forlorn, in a corner of the car, waiting for the freight to be under way. "Come on out with you ! Hit the grit !" commanded the "shack" grimly. I rose. I came to the door. I hated him in my heart, but quite simply and movingly I recited the story of my imprisonment, ending by asking him to let me ride, in the name of God. He crunched away down the path, his lantern bobbing as he went. All night long I rode . . bumpity-bump, bumpity-bump, bumpity- bump ! All night long my head was a-f erment with dreams of the great things I would achieve, now that I was free of the shadow of imprisonment. • •••••• When I walked down the streets of Haberford once more, though I was leathery and stronger-looking, my adventures had added no meat to my bones. I was amused at myself as I walked along more than usually erect, for no other reason than to keep my coat-tail well down in back in order not to show the hole in the seat of my trousers. As I came down the street on which my father and I had lived, an anticipatory pleasure of being recognised as a sort of returned Odysseus beat through my veins like a drum. But no one saw me who knew me. It hurt me to come home, unheralded. I came to the house where I had dwelt. I pulled the bell. There was no answer. I walked around the corner to the telegraph office. I was overjoyed to see lean, lanky Phil, the telegraph operator, half sleeping, as usual, over the key of his instrument. "Hel-lo, John Gregory!" he shouted, with glad surprise in his voice. He telephoned my father . . who came over from the works, running with gladness. I was immediately taken home. I took three baths that afternoon before I felt civilised again. . . My father had returned to the Composite Works. I was alone in my little room, with all my cherished books once more. They had been, I could plainly observe, kept orderly and free of dust, against my home-coming. I took down my favourite books, kissing each TRAMPING ON LIFE 165 one of them like a sweetheart. Then I read here and there in all of them, observing all the old passages I had marked. I lay in all attitudes. Sprawling on the floor on my back, on my belly . . on my side . . now with my knees crossed. . . Whitman, Shakespeare, Scott, Shelley, Byron . . Speke, Burton, Stanley . . my real comrades ! . . my real world ! Rather a world of books than a world of actuality ! . . I was so glad to be among my books again that for a month I gave no thought to the future. I did nothing but read and study . . except at those times when I was talking to people prodigiously of my trip and what I had seen and been through. And naturally and deftly I wove huge strips of imagination and sheer invention into the woof of every tale or anecdote. . . I captained ships, saw Chinese slaughtered by the thousands, fought bandits on the outskirts of Manila, helped loot the palace of the empress in the Sacred City at Pekin . . tales of peril and adventure that I had heard others relate at camp-fires, in jail, in the forecastle, on the transport, I unhesitatingly appropriated as my own experiences. All the papers printed stories about me. And I was proud about it. And I became prouder still when I sold a story in two parts to a New York Sunday paper. . . I liked the notoriety. . . But as usual, the yarns I retailed struck in upon my own imagi- nation, too . . just as had my earlier stories of killing Indians. Particularly the tale I had related of having seen dead Chinamen in heaps with their heads lopped ofl*. A nightmare of this imaginary episode began to come to me. And another dream I had — of a huge Boxer, with a cutlass, standing over me. And he was about to carve me piecemeal while I lay bound and helpless before him. The dream persisted so strongly that, after I awoke, I still seemed to see him standing in a corner of my room. And I cried aloud. And felt foolish when it brought my father in. So I stopped making up adventures, especially the disagreeable ones, because they eventually had more effect on me than they did on my auditors. My father had changed boarding places . . but, as usual, it was not better food, but a little, dark widow that attracted him to that boarding house. 166 TRAMPING ON LIFE I now devoted myself exclusively to poetry — the reading of it. I always had a book in my pocket. I read even at meals, despite my father's protests that it was bad-mannered. • ••«••• Breasted's book store, down in Newark, was where I was nearly always to be found, in the late afternoons. It was there, in the murky light of a dying twilight, that I came upon the book that has meant more to my life than any other book ever written. . . For a long time I had known of John Keats, that there was such a poet. But, in the fever of my adolescence, in the ferment of my tramp-life, I had not yet procured his poetry. . . Now, here were his complete works, right at hand, in one volmne . . a damaged but typographically intact copy. . . I had, once before, dipped into his Endymion and had been discouraged . . but this time I began to read him with his very first lines — ^his dedication to Leigh Hunt, beginning: "Glory and loveliness have passed away." Then I went on to a pastoral piece: **I stood tiptoe upon a little hill." I forgot where I was. A new world of beauty was opened to me. . . I read and read. . . "Come, Gregory, it's time to close" — a voice at my elbow. It was Breasted's assistant, a little, curious man who reminded me of my sky-pilot at Sydney. He, also, wore a black, long-tailed coat. He was known as "the perfessor." "You've been standing here as quiet as a crane for three hours." "How much do you want for this book?" *'A quarter . . for you !" He always affected to make me special reductions, as an old customer. . . A quarter was all I had. I paid for my Keats, and walked home. Walked.'' I went with wings on each heel. I was as genuinely converted to a new life as a sinner is converted to the Christian religion. I lit the light in my room. All night I read and re-read, not a whit sleepy or tired. I went for a week in a mad dream, my face shining and glowing with inner ecstasy and happiness. TRAMPING ON LIFE 15T There did not seem to be time enough in the twenty-four hours of each day for reading and studying and writing. And a new thing came to me: a shame for my shadow thinness and a desire to build myself into a better physical man. At that time McFadden's Physical Culture Magazine was becom- ing widely read. I came across a copy of it. I found in it a guide to what I was in search for. Faithfully I took up physical culture. Fanatically I kept all the windows open, wore as little clothing as possible . . adopted a certain walk on tiptoe, like a person walking on egg-shells, to develop the calves of my legs from their thinness to a more proportionate shape. And, as I walked, I filled and emptied my lungs like a bellows. I kept a small statue of Apollo Belvedere on top of my bookcase. I had a print of the Flying Mercury on the wall, at the foot of my bed. Each morning, on waking, I filled my mind full of these perfect specimens of manhood, considering that by so doing I would gradually pilot my body to physical perfection. . . I know that many things I say about myself will appeal to the "wit" as humorous. I can't help it if I am laughed at . . everybody would be, if they told the truth about themselves, like this. I joined the Y. M. C. A. for the physical side, not for the spiritual. I found a spirit that I did not like there, a sort of mental deadness and ineffectuality. But one thing the Y. M. C. A. did for me: I found on the bulletin board one day an announcement of the summer term of Mt. Hebron Preparatory School. . . It was a school for poor boys and men . . neither age nor even previous preparation counted . . only earnestness of purpose. And, as each student had his two hours' work a day to do, the expense for each term was nominal. I had been paid fifty dollars for my article on my adventures in the New York Sunday paper. A Newark Sunday paper bought several articles also. To the money I had saved up my father contributed as much again. I started for preparatory school. Mt. Hebron School consisted of a series of buildings set apart on a hill. It was an evangelical school founded by a well-known revivalist — ^William Moreton. 158 TRAMPING ON LIFE Around it lay pine forests and, at its feet, the valley of the Connecticut River. No matter what subjects they taught, the main endeavour of its professors, in season and out, was the conversion of every freshman immediately to Evangelical Christianity, as soon as he had had his quarters assigned to him. . . Scarcely had we settled ourselves, each with his roommate, than the two weeks' revival began. I will not enter into the details of this revival. This was merely the opening of the summer term. At the opening of the school year in the fall — that was when they held the real revival, — and the story of the whipped-up frenzy of that wiU afford a more characteristic flavour. It put a singing in my heart to find myself at last a student in a regular preparatory school, with my face set toward college. I had passed my examinations with credit, especially the one in the Bible. This won me immediate notice and approval among the professors. Fortunate, indeed, I now regarded those three months in jail . . the most fruitful and corrective period of my life. For not only had I studied the Bible assiduously there, but I had learned American history — especially that of the Civil War period . . and I had studied arithmetic and algebra, so that in these subjects I managed to slide through. I was put to cleaning stalls and currying horses for my two hours' work each day. Though I hated manual labour, I bent my back to the tasks with a will, glad to endure for the fulfillment of my dream. That first summer I took Vergil and began Homer. I had studied these poets by myself already, but found many slack ends that only the aid and guidance of a professor could clear up. And, allowing for their narrow religious viewpoints, real or affected, in order to hold their positions, they were fine teachers — my teachers of Latin and Greek — ^with real fire in them . . Professor Lang made Homer and his days live for us. The old Greek warriors rose up from the dust, and I could see the shining of their armour, hear the clash of their swords. Professor Dunn made of Vergil a contemporary poet. . . Lang was of the fair Norse type, so akin to the Greek in adven- TRAMPING ON LIFE 159 turous spirit. Dunn was of the dark, stocky, imperial Roman type. In a toga he would have resembled some Roman senator. . . That summer there were long woodland walks for me, when I would take a volume of some great English poet from the library and roam far a-field. After that first summer it was my father who kept me at school. He was too poor to pay in a lump sum for my tuition, so he sent four dollars every week from his meagre pay, to keep me going. There was a wide, wind-swept oval for an athletic field. From it you gazed on a beautiful vista of valleys and enfolding hills. Here every afternoon I practiced running . . to the frequent derision of the other athletes, who made fun of my skinny legs, body, and arms. . . But as I ran, and ran, every afternoon, my mile, the boys stopped laughing, and I heard them say among themselves, "Old Gregory, he'll get there !" After the exercise there would be the rub-down with fragrant witch hazel . . then supper ! A dining-room, filled to the full, every table, with five hundred irrepressible boys . . it was a cheerful and good attendance at each of the three meals. We joined together in saying a blessing. We sang a lusty hymn together, accompanied on the little, wheezy, dining-room organ. I liked the good, simple melodies sung, straight and hearty, without trills and twirls. . . Every night, just before "lights out," at ten, fifteen minutes was set aside, called "silent time" — and likewise in the morning, just before breakfast-bell — for prayer and religious meditation. • •••••• Jimmy Anderson, ray little blond roommate, fair-haired and delicate-faced as a girl (his sisters, on the contrary, not femininely pretty, as he, but masculine and handsome) — Jimmy Anderson read his Bible and knelt and prayed during both "silent times." I read the Bible and prayed for the quiet, religious luxury of it. My prayer, when I prayed, was just to "God," not Jehovah . . not to God of any sect, religion, creed. "Dear God," ran always my prayer, "Dear God, if you really 160 TRAMPING ON LIFE exist, make me a great poet. I ask for nothing else. Only let me become famous." I was so happy in my studies, — ^my work, even, — my wanderings in the woods and along the country roads, with the poets under my arms. . . I read them all, from Layamon's Brut on. For, for me, all that existed was poetry. At this stage of my life it was my be-all and end-all. • •••••• My father was a most impractical man. He would sit in his office as foreman, read the New York Herald, and suck at an unlit cigar, telling anyone who listened how he would be quite happy to retire and run a little chicken farm somewhere the rest of his life. The men all liked him . . gave him a present every Christmas . . but they never jumped up and lit into their work, when they saw him coming, as they did for the other bosses. And the management, knowing his easiness, never paid him over twenty or twenty-five dollars a week. But whenever I could cozen an extra dollar out of him, alleging extra school expenses, I would do so. It meant that I could buy some more books of poetry. I was sent from the stable out into the fields to work . , harder and more back-breaking than currying horses. But my labour was alleviated by the fact that a little renegade ex-priest from Italy worked by my side, — and while we weeded beets or onions, or hoed potatoes, he taught me how to make Latin a living language by conversing in it with me. There were no women on the hill but the professors' wives, and they were an unattractive lot. We were as exempt from feminine influence as a gathering of monks — excepting when permission was given any of us to go over to Fairfield, where, besides the native New England population of women and girls, was situated the girls' branch of our educational establishment. . . • ••••*• The fall term . . the opening of the regular school year. The regular students began to pour in, dumping off the frequent trains at the little school station . . absurd youths dressed in the exag- gerated style of college and preparatory school . . peg-top trousers TRAMPING ON LIFE 161 . . jaunty, postage-stamp caps . . and there was cheering and hat-waving and singing in the parlours of the dormitories on each floor. There were three dormitory groups on the "hill." The "villas" were the most aristocratic. There the "gentlemen" among the students, and the teachers' favourites, dwelt — ^with the teachers. Then there was Crosston Hall, and Oberly. Crosston was the least desirable of the halls. It was there that I lived. We were hardly settled in our rooms when the usual fall revival began. . . One of the founders of the school, a well-known New England manufacturer, came on his yearly pilgrimage . . a fanatic disciple of the great Moreton, he considered it his duty to see to the immediate conversion, by every form of persuasion and subtle compulsion, of every newly arrived student. Rask was a tall, lean, ashen-faced man. He had yellow, prominent teeth and an irregular, ascetic face. In his eyes shone an undying lightning and fire of sincere fanaticism and spiritual ruthlessness that, in mediaeval times, would not have stopped short of the stake and fagot to convince sinners of the error of their ways. The evangelist's two sons also hove on the scene from across the river . . both of them were men of pleasing appearance. There was the youthful, elegant, dark, intellectual-browed John Moreton, who had doctorates of divinity from half a dozen big theological semi- naries at home and abroad ; and there was the business man of the two — Stephen, middle-aged before his time, staid and formal . . to the latter, the twin schools: the seminary for girls and the preparatory school for boys — and the revivalistic religion that went with them, meant a; sort of exalted business functioning . . this I say not at all invidiously . . the practical business ideal was to him the highest way of men's getting together . . the quid pro quo basis that even God accepted. • •••••• The first night of the opening of the term, when the boys had scarcely been herded together in their respective dormitories, the beginning of the revival was announced from the little organ that stood in the middle of the dining-room . . a compulsory meeting, of course. In newly acquainted groups, singing, whistling, talking. 162 TRAMPING ON LIFE and laughing, as schoolboys will, the students tramped along the winding path that led to the chapel on the crest of the hill. On the platform sat the teachers. In the most prominent chair, with its plush seat and its old-fashioned peaked back, sat the evangelist-manufacturer, Rask, — the shine of hungry fanaticism in his face like a beacon, his legs crossed, a dazzling shine on his shoes, his hands clutching a hymn book like a warrior's weapon. Little Principal Stanton stood nearby, his eyes gleaming spec- trally through his glasses, his teeth shining like those of a miniature Roosevelt. "We will begin," he snapped decisively, "with John Moreton's favourite hymn, when he was with us in this world." We rose and sang, "There is a green hill far away " Then there were prayers and hymns and more prayers, and a lengthy exhortation from Rask, who avowed that if it wasn't for God in his heart he couldn't run his business the way he did ; that God was with him every hour of his life, — and oh, wouldn't every boy there before him take the decisive step and come to Christ, and find the joy and peace that passeth understanding , . he would not stop exhorting, he asserted, till every boy in the room had come to Jesus. . . And row by row, — ^Rask still standing and exhorting, — each student was solicited by the seniors, who went about from bench to bench, kneeling by sinners who proved more refractory . . the professors joined in the task, led by the principal himself. Finally they eliminated the sheep from the goats by asking all who accepted the salvation of Christ to rise. In one sweep, most of the boys rose to their feet . . some sheepishly, to run with the crowd . . but a few of us were more sincere, and did not rise . . it was at these that the true fire of the professors and seniors was levelled. They knelt by us. They prayed. They agonised. They groaned. They adjured us, by our mothers, to come to Jesus . . all the while, over and over again, softly, was sung, "O Lamb of God, I come, I come!" "Just as I am, without one plea. But that Thy blood was shed for me !" Weakening under the pressure, and swung by the power of herd- instinct, most of us "came." TRAMPING ON LIFE 163 Then there was the hypnotism of the enthusiasm which laid hold of us. It was indescribable in its power. It even made me want to rise and declare myself, to shout and sing, to join the religious and emotional debauch. When chapel adjourned at ten o'clock many had been cajoled and bullied into the fold. Then, still insatiable for religion, at the villas and halls, the praying and hymn-singing was kept up. In the big parlour of Crosston Hall the boys grouped in prayer and rejoicing. One after the other each one rose and told what God had done for him. One after the other, each offered up prayer. Toward three o'clock the climax was reached, when the captain of the hall's football team jumped to a table in an extra burst of enthusiasm and shouted, "Boys, all together now, — three cheers for Jesus Christ!" I was one of the three in our hall who resisted all efforts at conversion. The next morning a group of covertees knelt and prayed for me, in front of my door . . that God might soften the hardness of my heart and show me the Light. For two weeks the flame of the revival burned. Some were of the opinion that from the school this time a fire would go forth and sweep the world. . . There were prayer-meetings, prayer-meetings, prayer-meetings . . between classes, during study-periods, at every odd minute of time to be snatched. Though, my preceding summer, my chief pastime had been to argue against the Bible, all this praying and mental pressure was bound to have an influence on my imaginative nature. . . Besides, the temptation toward hypocrisy was enormous. The school was honeycombed with holy spies who imputed it merit to report the laxity of others. And, once you professed open belief, everything immediately grew easy and smooth — even to the winning of scholarships there, and, on graduation, in the chief colleges of the land. So, suddenly, I took to testifying at prayer meetings, half believing I meant it, half because of the advantages being a professed Christian offered. And the leaders sang and rejoiced doubly in the Lord over the signal conversion of so hard and obdurate a sinner as I. 164. TRAMPING ON LIFE One day, as I was marching in line from the chapel, a queer thing took place. . . One of the boys whom I could not identify hissed, "Go on, you hypocrite!" at me. In a few weeks ttie pendulimi swung as far to the other extreme. My hypocrisy made me sick of living in my own body with myself. I threw off the transient cloak of assumed belief. Once more I attacked the stupidity of belief in a six-day God, inventor of an impossible paradise, an equally impossible hell. In the early spring I left school before the term was over, impatient, restless, at odds with the faculty. . . Stanton termed it "under a cloud." I had my eyes set on another ideal. Down in the mosquito-infested pine woods of New Jersey Stephen Barton had located. Barton was possessed with the dream of making the men and women of the world physically perfect — a harking back to the old Greeks with their worship of the perfection of bodily beauty and health. I had long been a reader of his magazines, a follower of his cult, and, now that I heard of his planning to build a city out in the open country, where people could congregate who wished to live according to his teachings, I enrolled myself ardently as one of his first followers and disciples. . . Barton had taken over a great barn-like, abandoned factory building that stood on the shore of an artificial lake — ^which, in his wife's honour, he re-named after her, Lake Emily . . his wife was a fussy Canadian woman who interfered in everyone's affairs beyond endurable measure. I was told she used to steal off the chair the old clothes Barton used to wear by preference — paddling along the winding creek in a canoe to his work each morning, his pants rolled up to the knees — and put in their stead a new, nicely creased suit ! Barton's face was wizened and worried . . but, when we took our morning shower, after exercise, under the lifted gates of the dam, his body showed like a pyramid of perfect muscles . . though his TRAMPING ON LIFE 165 legs — one of the boys who had known him a long time said his chief sorrow was that he could never develop his legs the way he wished them to be. • •••••• We began the building of the city. We laid out the streets through the pines . . many of us went clad in trunks . . or in nothing . . as we surveyed, and drove stakes. The play of the sun and the wind on the naked skin — there is nothing pleasanter, what though one has to slap away horseflies and mosquitoes . . the vistas through the pines were glorious. I saw in my mind's eyes a world of the physically perfect ! As the laying out of the sites and the streets progressed, dwellers came to join with us . . fanatics . . "nuts" of every description . . the sick. . . • • • • • • • A woman, the wife of some bishop or other, came to join us early in the season. She had cancer and came there to be cured of it by the nature treatment. She brought with her an old-fashioned army tent, and rented for its location the most desirable site on the lake shore. She had a disagreement with Barton — and left to consult regular doctors. She turned over all rights to her tent and to the site to me. "And mind you, Mr. Gregory," she admonished, "this tent and the place it stands on is as much yours as if you paid for it . . for it's paid for till Christmas." So, with my Shelley, my Keats, and my growing pile of manuscript, I took possession. And with covering from the wet and weather over my head and with plenty of mosquito netting, I felt established for the summer. Every morning I rose to behold the beauty of the little, mist- wreathed lake. Every morning I plunged, naked, into the water, and swam the quarter of a mile out to the float, and there went through my system of calisthenics. I lived religiously on one meal a day — a mono-diet (mostly) of whole wheat grains, soaked in water till they burst open to the white of the inside kernel. . . Everybody in our rapidly increasing tent-colony enjoyed a fad of his or her own. There was a little brown woman like the shrivelled 166 TRAMPING ON LIFE inside of an old walnut, who believed that you should imbibe no fluid other than that found in the eating of fruits . . when she wanted a drink she never went to the pitcher, bucket, or well . . instead she sucked oranges or ate some watermelon. There was a man from Philadelphia who ate nothing but raw meat. He had eruptions all over his body from the diet, but still persisted in it. There were several young Italian nature-folk who ate nothing but vegetables and fruits, raw. They insisted that all the ills of flesh came to humanity with the cooking of food, that the sun was enough of a chef. If appearances prove anything, theirs was the theory nearest right. They were like two fine, sleek animals. A fire of health shone in their eyes. As they swam off the dam they looked like two strong seals. Each had his special method of exercising — ^bending, jumping, flexing the muscles this way or that . . lying, sitting, standing ! . . those who brought children allowed them to run naked. And we older ones went naked, when we reached secluded places in the woods. The townspeople from neighbouring small towns and other coun- try folk used to come from miles about, Sundays, to watch us swim and exercise. The women wore men's bathing suits, the men wore just trunks. I wore only a gee-string, till Barton called me aside and informed me, that, although he didn't mind it, others objected. I donned trunks, then, like the rest of the men. . . Behind board lean-tos, — one for the men, the other for the women, — ^we dressed and undressed. . . One Sunday afternoon a Russian Jewess slipped off her clothes, in an innocent and inoffensive manner, just as if it was quite the thing, — standing up in plain view of everybody. There went up a great shout of spontaneous astonishment from both banks of the lake where the on-lookers sat. But the shout did not disturb the rather pretty, dark anarchist. Leisurely she stepped into her one- piece bathing suit. Barton was a strange, strong-minded, ignorant man. Hardly able to compose a sentence in correct English, he employed educated, but unresourceful assistants who furnished the good grammar, while he supplied the initiative and original ideas, and increased the influence and circulation of his magazine. Also he lived strenuously up to the doctrines he taught ; fasting, for instance. TRAMPING ON LIFE 167 Soon after I reached "Perfection City" he launched on his two weeks' annual fast. Up in the big house where he lived, in the next town of Andersonville (he himself would have been gladder of a mere shack or tent like the rest of us — ^but his wife negated any such idea) Mrs. Barton used to taunt and insult him by putting out the best food under his nose, during this time. Mrs. Barton was a terror. She was ever inviting to her house that kind of people who know somebody "worth while" or are related to somebody who, in their turn, are, perhaps, related to — some- body else! . . In their presence she would patronise Barton by calling him "Ste- vie!" in her drawling, patronising manner. . . When the woman came in among the tents and shacks of our "city" she would, in speaking with any of us, imply all sorts of mean, insinuating things about her reformer-husband. . . Barton, they said, met her while on one of his lecture tours. . . Their baby . . a little, red object like a boiled lobster . . the anonymous, undistinguished creatures all babies are at that time — the mother used to bring it in among us and coo and coo over it so ridiculously that we made her behaviour a joke among us. Barton's secretary was a beautiful, gentle, large-eyed girl . . wholly feminine . . soft-voiced . . as a reaction from the nagging of his wife, from her blatancy and utter lack of sympathy with any of his projects, he insensibly drifted into a relationship closer and closer, with this girl . . they used to take long walks into the pines together . . and be observed coming back slowly out of the sunset . . hand in hand . . to drop each other's hands, when they considered that the observing line of vision had been reached. Lying under my huge army tent, by the shore of pretty little Lake Emily, I dreamed long and often, in the hush of starry mid- night, of reconstructing the life of the whole world — especially the love-life between men and women. Shelley was my God, not Christ. Shelley's notes to Queen Mob were my creed, as his poetry and Whitman's furnished me my Bible. Through them I would reform the world ! I had not realised then (as Shelley did not till his death), the terrific inertia of people, their content, even, with the cramping 168 TRAMPING ON LIFE and conventional ideas and beliefs that hold them in unconscious slavery. . . I think that summer I learned Shelley and Whitman by heart. And Keats was more than my creed. He comprised my life! Day by day I took care of my body, gaining in weight, filling out the hollows in my face, till I had grown into a presentable young man. For the first time in my life I knew the meaning of perfect health. Every atom of my blood tingled with natural happiness as I have felt it in later days, under the stimulation of good wine. No coffee, no tea, no beefsteak, no alcohol. . . On that summer's ideal living I built the foundation of the health and strength, that, long after, I finally acquired as a permanent possession. Stephen Barton and I had many interesting talks together. With the cultural background of Europe he might have been a Rousseau or a Phalanisterian. As it was, he ran a "natural life" magazine which, though crude, benefited hundreds of people. What though it showed pictures of stupid men and women revealing, in poses rivalling the contortionist, their physical development ac- quired through his methods. We would collect many people about us, to serve as a nucleus from which the future society of men and women would expand . . we would all live together as nearly naked as possible, because that was, after all, the only pure thing . . as Art showed, in its painting and sculpture. We would make our livings by the manufacture of all sorts of exercising apparatus and health-foods. . . And so the world would be leavened with the new idea . . and men and women and little children would wander forth from the great, unclean, insanitary cities and live in clusters of pretty cot- tages . . naked, in good weather,—in bad, clothed for warmth and comfort, but not for shame. And the human body would become holy. Meanwhile the petty, local fight had started which was to dis- rupt this hope of Barton's, and thwart its fulfillment forever. The town of Andersonville became jealous of the town of Cotts- TRAMPING ON LIFE 169 wold because the latter handled most of the mall of our city and thereby had achieved the position of third or fourth class post- office — I don't know exactly which. The struggle commenced when the two lone policemen of Ander- sonville began to arrest us — men and women — ^when we walked into their town for provisions, clad in our bathing suits . . later on, we were forbidden to run for exercise, in our bathing suits, on the fine, macadamised road that passed not far from our dwellings . . it shocked the motorists. Yet people came from far and near, just to be shocked. That seems to be the chief, most delightful, and only lawfully indulged emotion of the Puritan. Barton summoned us to a meeting, one night, and we held a long palaver over the situation. We decided to become more cautious, in spite of a few hotheads who advised defiance to the hilt. . . And the beautiful girl that possessed such fine breasts could no longer row about on our little lake, naked to the waist. And we were requested to go far in among the trees for our nude sun-baths. The more radical of us moved entirely into the woods, despite the sand flies. . . Then the affair simmered down to quietness — till the New York World and the New York Journal sent out their reporters. . . After that, what with the lurid and insinuating stories printed, the state authorities began to look into the matter — and found no harm in us. But the Andersonville officials were out for blood. Cottswold was growing too fast for their injured civic pride and vanity. "Can't you divide your mail between the two towns, and make them both third or fourth class or whatever-it-is postoffice towns?" I asked Barton, after he had given me the simple explanation of the whole affair. "No — for if I took anything away from Cottswold and added it to Andersonville, then the Cottswold authorities would become my adversaries, too . . the only thing I can do," he added, "is what I meant to do all along, — as soon as our 'city' has grown important enough — ^have 'Perfection City' made a postoffice." "And then make enemies of both towns at once?" He threw up his hands in despair and walked away. 170 TRAMPING ON LIFE Having quit work with the gang that was laying out the streets of the future city through the pines, I was entirely out of the few dollars my several weeks' work had enabled me to save . . though but little was needed to exist by, in that community of simple livers . . my procuring my tent free had rendered me quite inde- pendent. . . One afternoon Barton met me on the dam-head. "Come on in swimming with me . . I have something to talk with you about," he said. We swam around and talked, as nonchalantly as two other men would have done, sitting in their club. "How would you like to work for me again?" ^'What is it you want me to work at?" "I need a cook for my nature restaurant . . can you cook.''" I thought. I knew his present cook, MacGregor, the Scot, and I didn't want to do him out of a job. Besides, I didn't know how to cook. The first objection Barton read in my face. **MacGregor is quitting . . I'm not firing him." "AU right . . I'll take the job." Our conference over, we had climbed out to the top of the dam, slid over, and were now standing beneath. The water galloped down in a snowy cataract of foam, as we topped off our swim with the heavy "shower-bath" that was like a massage in its pummelling. MacGregor good-naturedly stayed an extra week, saying he'd show me the run of things. Secretly he tried to teach me how to cook. . . As the cooking was not all of the "nature" order, but involved preparing food for a horde of people we called "outsiders" who were employed in Barton's publishing plant, I would have to pre- pare meat and bake bread and make tea and coffee. . . Barton confessed to me that a food-compromise was distasteful to him. But he could not coerce. While lecturing about the coun- try it was often, even with him, "eat beefsteaks or starve !" MacGregor was a professional Scotchman, just as there are pro- fessional Irishmen, Englishi^n and professional Southern Gentlemen . . every Scotchman is a professional Scotchman . . but there is always something pleasant and poetic about his being so . . it is TRAMPING ON LIFE 171 not as it is with the others — whose "professionalism" generally bears an unpleasant reek. MacGregor had sandy, scanty hair, a tiny white shadow of a moustache, kindly, weak eyes, a forehead prematurely wrinkled with minute, horizontal lines. Burns . . of course . . he knew and quoted every line to me. And Sentimental Tommy and Tommy and Grizel. In a week I was left in full possession of the nature restaurant. Barton had been rendered slightly paring and mean, in matters of money, — ^by smooth individuals who came to him, glowing with words of what they could effect for him, in this or that project — individuals who soon decamped, leaving Barton the poorer, except in experience. In return he had to retrench. But the retrenchments fell in the place where the penny, not the dollar, lay. He practised economy on me. He gave me only ten dollars a week, board and room free, as cook ; and also I was to wait on the diners, as well as prepare the meals. Nevertheless the fault for having two jobs at once thrust on me, rested partly with me: when he asked me if I was able to do both, I fell into a foolish, boasting mood and said "yes." MacGregor figured out my menu for me a week ahead, the day he left: "Anyhow, you'll only last a week," he joked. The night before the first breakfast I lay awake all night, wor- rying . . hadn't I better just sneak away with daylight? . . no, I must return to Mt. Hebron in the fall. Though all I wanted to return for was to show the school, that, in spite of my spindly legs, I could win my "H" in track athletics. I must make good at this job, and save . . my grandmother, who had sent me money the previous year, I must not call on her again. And I did not count on my father . . for he was strenu- ously in the saddle to a grass widow, the one who had lured him to change boarding houses, and she was devouring his meagre sub- stance like the Scriptural locust. That first breakfast was a nightmare. I "practised breakfast" from three o'clock till six .. by six I had started another break- fast, and by seven, after having spoiled and burned much food, I 172 TRAMPING ON LIFE was tolerably ready for customers . . who seemed, at that hour, to storm the place. It is not necessary to go into detail. In three days I was through. And I had my first fight with Barton. I was back in my army tent once more, free, with my Shelley, my Keats, my manuscript. . . In despair of ever returning to Hebron, once more I lay under starry nights, dreaming poetry and comparing myself to all the Great Dead. . . With the top of the tent pulled back to let the stars in, I lay beneath the gigantic, marching constellations overhead — under my mosquito netting — and wrote poems under stress of great inspira- tion . . at times it seemed that Shelley was with me in my tent — a slight, grey form . . and little, valiant, stocky Keats, too. After my quarrel with Barton, he tried to oust me from that desirable site the Bishop's wife had turned over to me . . indeed, he tried to persuade me to leave the colony. But I would not stir. There was a young fellow in the "City" named Vinton. . . Vinton was the strong man of the place. He spent three hours every morn- ing exercising, in minute detail, every muscle of his body . . and he had developed beautiful muscles, each one of which stood out, like a turn in a rope, of itself. Vinton was sent to oust me, by force if need be. I really was afraid of him when he strode up to me, as I lay there reading the Revolt of Islam again. With a big voice he began to hint, mysteriously, that it would be wise for me to clear out. I showed him that I held a clear title and right to sojourn there till Christmas, if I chose to, as the bishop's wife had paid for the site till that time, and had then transferred the use of the location to me. I showed him her letter . . with the Tallahassee postmark. His only answer was, that he knew nothing about that . . that Barton wanted the place, and, that if I wouldn't vacate peaceably 1 — and he looked me in the eyes like some great, calm animal. Though my heart was pounding painfully, against, it seemed, the TRAMPING ON LIFE 173 very roof of my mouth, I compelled my eyes not to waver, but to look fiercely into his. . . "Are you going to start packing?" "No, I am not going to start packing." "I can break your neck with one twist," and he illustrated that feat with a turn of one large hand in the air. He came slowly in, head down, as if to pick me up and throw me down. I waited till he was close, then gave him an upward rip with all my might, a blow on the forehead that made the blood flow, and staggered him with consternation. To keep myself still at white heat, I showered blows on him. To my surprise, he fell back. "Wait — ^wait," he protested in a small voice, "I — I was just fool- ing." After Vinton left, my blood still pouring through my veins in a triumphant glow, I sat on the ground by the side of my tent-floor and composed a poem. . . That afternoon Barton's office boy was sent to me, as an emis- sary of peace. "The boss wants to see you in his office." "Tell your boss that my office is down here. If he wants to see me he can come here." The boy scurried away. I was now looked upon as a desperate man. And I was happy. I sang at the top of my voice, an old ballad about Captain John Smith, so that Barton could hear it through the open window of his office. . . "And the little papooses dig holes in the sand. . . Vive le Capitaine John! . . ." I leaped into the lake, without even my gee-string on, and swam far out, singing. . . Late that evening. Barton came to my tent . . very gently and sweetly . . he no longer called me John or Johnnie . . I was now Mr. Gregory. He asked me, if he rented the plot back from me, would I go in peace.? I replied, no, I meant to stay there till the middle of September, when the fall term opened at Mt. Hebron. 174 TRAMPING ON LIFE Then he asked me, would I just join forces with him, — since we must put the movement above personalities. . . We had a long talk about life and "Nature" ideals. The man showed all his soul, all his struggles, to me. And I saw his real greatness and was moved greatly. And I informed him I would antagonise him no longer, that, though I would not give up the de- sirable site, otherwise, I would help him all I could. Then he said he would be glad to have me stay, and we shook hands warmly, the moisture of feeling shining in our eyes. As the time for my return to school drew near, I was in fine physical condition, better than ever before in my life. I was still somewhat thin, but now it could be called slenderness, not thinness. And I was surprised at the laughing, healthy, sun-browned look of my face. I felt a confidence in myself I had never known before. . . I had a flirtation with a pretty, freckle-faced girl. She worked in Barton's "factory," and she used to come down to my tent where I sat reading, with only my trunks on, — during the noon hour, — and ask me to read poetry aloud to her. And I read Shelley. She would draw shyly closer to me, sending me into a visible tremour that made me ashamed of myself. At times, as we read, her fair, fine hair would brush my cheek and send a shiver of fire through me. But I still knew nothing about women. I never even offered to kiss her. But when she was away from me, at night specially, I would go into long, luxurious, amorous imaginations over her and the pos- session of her, and I would dream of loving her, and of having a little cottage and children. . . But words and elegant, burning phrases are never enough for a woman. In a week I noticed her going by on the arm of a mill-hand. And, broke again, I wrote to my grandmother that I must have fifty dollars to get back to school on. And, somehow, she scraped it together and sent it to me. My first impulse was to be ashamed TRAMPING ON LIFE 176 of myself and start to return it. Then I kept it. For, after all, it was for poetry's sake. • ••••■• On the train to Hebron, as I walked up the car to my seat, health shining in my smooth, clear face and skin, the women and girls gave me approving, friendly glances, and I was happy. A summer of control from unhealthy habits had done this for me, a summer of life, naked, in the open air, plus exercise. I had learned a great lesson. To Barton I owe it that I am still alive, vigorously alive, not crawlingly . . but I suffered several slumps before I attained and held my present physique. For the world and life afford complications not found in "Perfection City." The school hill lay before my eyes again. From it spread on all sides the wonderful Connecticut valley. Up and down the paths to the dining hall, the buildings in which classes were held, the Chapel crowning the topmost crest, wandered groups of boys in their absurd, postage-stamp caps, their peg-top trousers, their wide, floppy raglan coats. I was a senior now. At first my change in bodily build and bet- tered health rendered me hardly recognisable to my friends. The very first day I reached Hebron again I was out on the wide, oval field, lacing around the track. In a month would come the big track-meet fnd I was determined this time, to win enough points to earn me my "H." Principal Stanton sent for me, the second day after my arrival. "I wanted to have a long talk with you before you got settled, Gregory." His steely, blue eyes gleamed through his gold-rimmed eye- glasses. "Sit down." And we had a talk lasting over an hour . . about religion mainly. He was surprised to learn that I knew a lot about the early Church fathers, had read Newman, and understood the Oxford contro- versy . . had read many of the early English divines. . . "Gregory," he cried, putting his hand on my knee, "what a power for God you would be, if you would only give over your eccen- 176 TRAMPING ON LIFE tricities and become a Christian . . a chap with your magnetism — in spite of your folly ! " He impressed on me the fact, that, now I was a senior, more would be expected of me . . that the younger boys would look up to me, as they did to all seniors, and I must be more careful of my deportment before them . . my general conduct. . . He asked me what I intended making of myself. "A poet!'* I exclaimed. He spread his hands outward with a gesture of despair. "Of course, one can write poetry if necessary . . but what career are you choosing?" "The writing of poetry." "But, my dear Gregory, one can't make a living by that . . and one must live." "Why must one live?" I replied fervently, "did Christ ever say 'One must live'?" "Gregory, you are impossible," laughed Stanton heartily, *'but we're all rather fond of you . . and we want you to behave, and try to graduate. Though we can't tell just what you might do in after-life . . whether you'll turn out a credit to the School or not." "Professor Stanton, I have a favour to ask of you before I go," I asked, standing. "Yes?" and he raised his eyebrows. "I want to know if I can have that room alone, over the platform, in Recitation Hall." "You'U have to ask Professor Dunn about that . . he has charge of room-transfers . . but why can't you room as the other students do? . . I don't know whether it is good for you, to let you live by yourself . . you're already diiferent enough from the other boys . . what you need is more human companionship, Gregory, not less." "I want to do a lot of writing. I want to be alone to think. I plan to read Westcott and Hort's Greek New Testament all through, again, this winter." . . This was a sop to his religious sentiment. I related how I had first read the New Testament in the Greek, while on a cattle-boat, in the China Seas. . . "Gregory, you're quite mad . . but you're a smooth one, too!" his eyes gleamed, amused, behind his glasses. . . TRAMPING ON LIFE 177 "And I want to write a lot o£ poems drawn from the parables of the New Testament" — though, not till that minute had such an idea entered my head. . . When I was admitted to the study of Professor Dunn and sat down waiting for him among his antique busts and rows of Latin books, I had formulated further plans to procure what I desired. . . He came in, heavily dignified, like a dark, stocky Roman, gro- tesque in modern dress, lacking the toga. I told him of my New Testament idea . . and added to it, as an afterthought, that I also wanted to prosecute a special study of the lyrics of Horace. Though he explained to me that Horace belonged to the college curriculum, his heart expanded. Horace was his favourite poet — ^which, of course, I knew. . . I got my room. I borrowed a wheelbarrow from the barn, and wheeled my trunk down to Recitation Hall, singing. What a hypocrite I had been ! But I had obtained what I sought • — a room alone. But now I must, in truth, study the Greek Testa- ment and Horace. . . I figured out that if I enrolled for several extra Bible courses the Faculty would be easier on me with my other studies, and let me cut some of them out entirely. To make myself even more "solid," I gave out that I had been persuaded to Christianity so strongly, of a sudden, that I con- templated studying for the ministry. I even wrote my grandmother that this was what I intended to do. And her simple, pious letter in return, prayerful with thanks to God for my conversion so signal ■ — in secret cut me to the heart. . . But it gave me a temporary pleasure, now, to be looked upon as "safe." To be openly welcomed at prayer-meetings . . I acted, how I acted, the ardent convert . . and how frightened I was, at myself, to find that, at times, I believed that I believed ! . . My former back-sliding was forgiven me. And the passage of Tennyson about "one honest doubt" being more than half the creeds, was quoted in my favour. 178 TRAMPING ON LIFE Field-day! . . • •••••• I entered for the two-mile, to be run off in the morning . . for the half-mile, the first thing in the afternoon . . the mile, which was to be the last event, excepting the hammer-throw. My class, in a body, had urged me to enter for all the "events" I could . . when the delegation came, I welcomed them, with gratified self- importance, to my solitary room. I invited them in, and they sat about . . on my single chair . . my bed . . the floor. . . "You see, Gregory, if you win two of these races, we'll get the banner that goes to the class that makes the greatest number of points . . you must do it for us . . we have never yet won the banner, and this is our last chance." They left, solemnly shaking my hand, as over a matter of vast importance. . . Hurrying into my track suit, I went out to the Oval. It was three days before the meet. Dunn was there, with several others, measuring out distances and chalking lanes. With all the delicate joy of an aesthete I took my slim, spiked running shoes. I patted them with affection as I pushed my feet into them. I removed the corks from the shining spikes. . . I struck out with long, low-running, greyhound strides . . around and around . . the wind streamed by me. . . I knew I was being watched admiringly. I could see it out of the tail of my eyes. So I threw forward in a final sprint, that brought me up, my eyes stinging with the salt of sweat, ray legs aching . . my chest heaving. . . "Good boy," complimented Dunn, coming up to me, and patting me on the back . . Gregory, I'm for you. I'm so glad you've come out a clean, fine, clear-cut Christian." For the two-mile, the half, and the mile, each — a single athlete was training, his heart set on the record. It seemed impossible that I should win all three races. Yet I did. I was all nerves and sinews for the two-mile. The night before I had lain awake. I could not sleep so I read a poor translation of the odes of Pindar. But behind the bad verbiage of the translator, TRAMPING ON LIFE 179 I fed on the shining spirit of the poetry. With Pindar's music in me, I was ready for the two-mile. Tensely we leaned forward, at the scratch. I had my plan of campaign evolved. I would leap to the fore, at the crack of the pistol, set a terrific pace, sprint the first quarter, and then settle into my long, steady stride, and trust to my good lung power . . for I had paid special attention to my lung-development, at "Perfection City." I felt a melting fire of nervousness running through my body, a weakness. I bowed my face in my hands and prayed . . both to Christ and to Apollo . . in deadly seriousness . . perhaps all the gods really were. . . The gun cracked. Off I leapt, in the lead . . in the first lap the field fell behind. "Steady, Gregory, steady!" advised Dunn, in a low voice, as I flashed into the second. . . I thought I had distanced everybody . . but it chilled me to hear the soft swish, swish of another runner . . glancing rapidly behind, I saw a swarthy lad, a fellow with a mop of wiry, black hair, whom we called "The Hick" (for he had never been anywhere but on a farm) — going stride for stride, right in my steps, just avoiding my heels. . . Run as I might, I couldn't shake him off. . . Every time I swept by, the crowd would set up a shout . . but now they were encouraging "The hick" more than me. This made me furious, hurt my egotism. My lungs were burning with effort . . I threw out into a longer stride. I glanced back again. Still the chap was lumbering along . . but easily, so easily . . almost without an effort. . . "Good God, am I going to be beaten?" I sensed a terrific sprinting-power in the following, chunky body of my antagonist. There were only two more laps . . the rest of the field were a lap and a half behind, fighting for third place amongst themselves . . jeered at by the instinctive cruelty of the onlookers. . . My ears perceived a cessation of the following swish, the tread. Simultaneously I heard a great shout go up. I dared not look back, 180 TRAMPING ON LIFE however, to see what was happening — I threw myself forward at that shout, fearing the worst, and ran myself blind. . . "Take it easy, you have it!" "Shut up! he's after the record." The shrill screaming of the girls who had come over, in a white, linen-starched wagon load, from Fairfield, gave me my last spurt. Expecting every moment to hear my antagonist grind past me, on the cinders, I sped up the home-stretch. The air was swimming in a gold mist. I felt arms under mine, and I was carried off to the senior tent, by my class-mates. . . Yet I am convinced that I would have been beaten, if my rival had not had the string that held his trunks up, break. He had sunk down on the track, when they had fallen, not to show his naked- ness . . and, pulling them up, and holding them, amid great laughter, he had still won second ribbon. I won the second race — the half-mile, without the humour of such a fateful intervention. It was my winning of the first that won me the second. I had just equalled the two-mile record, in the first. . . I ran that half, blindly, like a mad man. I was drunk with joy over my popularity . . for when I had gone into the big dining room for lunch, all the boys had shouted and cheered and roared, and pounded the dishes with their knives. ■*Now, Gregory, you've just got to take the mile away from Learoyd . . he's a junior . . you've just got to! . , besides, if you don't . . there's Flammer has lost the broad jump . . and we won't win the class banner after all." Learoyd was a smallish, golden-faced, downy-headed boy . . almost an albino. . . I had seen him run . . he ran low to the ground, in flashes, like some sort of shore-bird. In the class-tent, alone. Dunn had driven my class out, where they had been massaging and kneading my legs . . which trembled and tottered under me, from the excessive use they had already undergone. TRAMPING ON LIFE 181 I sat down and put my head between my knees, and groaned. Then I straightened out my right leg and rubbed it, because a cramp was knotting it. "Hello, Gregory!" The tent-flap opened. The athletic director poked his head in. "Come on, Gregory, we're waiting for you." "Wait a minute, Smythe . . I want to pray," I replied simply. Reverently he withdrew . . impressed . . awed. . . I flung myself on my face. "Look here, God, I'll really believe in you, if you give me this last race . . it will be a miracle, God, if you do this for me, and I will believe in your Bible, despite my common sense . . despite history . . despite Huxley and Voltaire," then, going as far as I could — "yes, and despite Shelley . . dear God, dear Christ, please do what I have asked." My hand struck on a bottle of witch hazel as I rose. Impul- sively, I drank off half the contents. It sent a warmth through me. I straightened up, invigorated. "Come on, Gregory . . what's the matter.'"' it was Dunn, protest- ing, "we'll have to run off the mile without you, if you don't come." "I'm ready . . I'm coming." All that I had in my head, when the pistol cracked, was to run! . . all I felt about me was only a pair of mad legs. I licked out, neither seeing nor caring . . almost feeling my way along the rim of the track with my toes, as I ran — as if I had racing eyes in them. There was a continuous roar that rose and fell like the sea. But I neither saw nor heeded. I just ran and ran. On the home-stretch a fellow came breast to breast with me. It was Learoyd . . running low like a swallow skimming the ground. But it didn't worry me. I was calm, just floating along, it seemed to me. I saw Dunn throwing his camera into the air, in the forefront of the seething crowd. He was crying for me to come on. The camera fell in a smashed heap, unregarded. Barely, with my chest flung out, I took the tape . . trailing off . . I ran half a lap more, with my class leaping grotesquely and shout- 182 TRAMPING ON LIFE ing, streaming across field after me — ^before I had my senses back again, and realised that the race was over. "Did I win? Did I win? Did I win?" I asked again and again. "Yes, you won!" "I was being carried about on their shoulders. "A little more, and we'd have to take you over to the hospital," commented Smythe, as he looked at me, while I lay prone on my back, resting, under shelter of the tent. "Who — ^who used up all this witch-hazel?" he asked of the rubbers. . . I hid my face in the grass, pretending to groan from the strain I had just undergone. Instead, I was smothering a laugh at my- self . . at the school . . at all things. . . "God and witch-hazel," I wanted to shout hysterically, "hurrah for God and witch-hazel." Then I rose shakily to my feet, and, flinging myself loose from those who offered to help me, I ran at a good clip, in my sneakers, dangling my running shoes affectionately — to my solitary room . . with a bearing that boasted, "why, I could run all those three races over again, one right after the other, right now . . no, I'm not tired . . not the least bit tired!" That night, in the crowded dining hall, the ovation for me was tremendous. "I'll smash life just like those races," I boasted, in my heart. But my triumph and eminence were not to last long. To be looked up to at Mt. Hebron you had to lead a distasteful, colourless life of hypocrisy and piety such as I have seldom seen anywhere before. Under cover of their primitive Christianity I never found more pettiness. First, you prayed and hymn-sung yourself into favour, and then indulged in sanctimonious intrigue to keep yourself where you had arrived. I could not stand my half self-hypnotised hypocrisy any longer. A spirit of mischief and horseplay awoke in me. I perpetrated a hundred misdemeanours, most of them unpunishable elsewhere, but of serious import in schools and barracks, where discipline is to be maintained. I stayed out of bounds late at night . . I cut classes continually. I visited Fairfield . . and a factory town further south, where I lounged about the streets all day, talking with people. Professor Stanton, not to my surprise, sent for me again. TRAMPING ON LIFE 183 Yet I was amazed at what he knew about me, amazed, too, to discover the extent of the school's complicated system of pious espionage that checked up the least move of every student. Stanton brought out a sheet of paper with dates and facts of my misbehaviour that could not be controverted. . . "So we will have to ask you to withdraw from the school, unless you right-about-face . . otherwise, we have had enough of you . . in fact, if it had not been for your great promise — your talents ! " I waved the compliment aside rather wearily. "I think that if this school has had enough of me, I have had about enough of the school." I expressed, in plain terms, my opinion of their espionage system. "Your omnipotent God must be hard put to it when He has to rely on the help of such sneakiness to keep His Book (and I couldn't help laughing at the literary turn I gave to my denunciation) before the public!" Stanton's eyes flamed behind their glasses. "Gregory, I shall have to ask you to leave the Hill as soon as you can get your things together," he shouted. " — ^which can hardly be soon enough for me," I replied. "Come, my boy," continued Stanton, as if ashamed at himself for his outburst, and putting his hand on my shoulder, "you're a good sort of boy, after all . . you have so much in you, so much energy and power . . why don't you put it to right uses? . . after your father has made such sacrifices for you, I hate to see you run off to a ravelled edge like this. "Even yet, if you'll only promise to behave and preserve a proper dignity in the presence of the other students — even yet we would be glad to have you stay and graduate . . and we might be able to procure you a scholarship at Harvard or Princeton or Yale or Brown. Lang says you put yourself into the spirit of Homer like an old Greek, always doing more work than the requirements, — and Dunn says, that you show him things in Vergil that he never saw before." Moved, I shook my head sadly. I hated myself for liking these people. "If you mean that I should be like other people . . I just can't . . it's neither pose nor affectation." (He had intimated that some of 184 TRAMPING ON LIFE the professors alleged that as the core of the trouble.) "I guess I don't belong here . . yes, it would be better for me to go away!" That night, unobserved, I stole into the chapel that stood on the crest of the hill, against the infinite stars. I spent nearly all the night in the chapel, alone. The place was full of things. I felt there all the gods that ever were worshipped . . and all the great spirits of mankind. And I perceived fully how silly, weak, grotesque, and vain I was ; and yet, how big and won- derful, it would be to swim counter, as I meant, to the huge, swollen, successful currents of the commercial, bourgeois practicality of present-day America. I pinned up a sign on the bulletin board in the hall, in rhyme, announcing, that, that afternoon, at four o'clock, John Gregory would hold an auction of his books of poetry. My room was crowded with amused students. I mounted the table, like an auctioneer, while they sat on my cot and on the floor, and crowded the door. At first the boys jeered and pushed. But when I started selling my copy of Byron and telling about his life, they fell into a quieit, and listened. After I had made that talk, they clapped me. Byron went for a dollar, fetching the largest price. I sold my Shelley, my Blake, my Herrick, my Marvell, my Milton . . all. . . My Keats I could not bring myself to sell. I kept that like a treasure. What I could not sell I gave away. My entire capital was ten dollars . . one suit of clothes . . a change of underwear . . two shirts. I discarded my trunk and crammed what little I owned into my battered suitcase. That night, the story of my dismissal from school having trav- elled about from mouth to mouth, and the tale of my poets' auction — the boys cheered me, as I came into the dining hall — cheered me partly affectionately, partly derisively. In the morning mail I received a letter from the New York Inde- pendent, a weekly literary magazine. Dr. Ward, the editor, informed me that I possessed genuine poetic promise, and he was taking two of TRAMPING ON LIFE 185 the poems I had recently submitted to him, for publication in his magazine. Like the vagrant I was, I considered myself indefinitely fixed, with that ten dollars. I went to Boston . . hung about the library and the waterfront . . stayed in cheap lodging houses for a few days — and found myself on the tramp again. I freighted it to New York, where I landed, grimy and full of coal-dust. And I sought out my uncle who lived in the Bronx. I appeared, opportunely, around supper time. I asked him if he was not glad to see me. He grimaced a yes, but wished that I would stop tramping about and fit in, in life, somewhere. . . He observed that my shirt was filthy and that I must take a bath imme- diately and put on a clean one of his. In Boston I had ditched everything but the clothes I wore . . and my suit was wrecked with hard usage. "Get work at anything," advised my Uncle Jim, **and save up till you can rig yourself out new. You'll never accomplish anything looking the way you do. Your editor at the Independent will not be impressed and think it romantic, if you go to see him the way you are . . ragged poets are out of date. " At "Perfection City" I had made the acquaintance of a boy, whom, curiously enough, I have left out of that part of the narrative that has to deal with the Nature Colony. He was a millionaire's son: his father, a friend of Barton's, had sent him out to *'Perfection City" with a tutor. His name was Milton Saunders. He was a fine, generous lad, but open as the weather to every influence . . espe- cially to any which was not for his good. One morning I saw him actually remove his own shoes and give them to a passing tramp who needed them worse than he. "That's nothing, dad's money will be sufficient to buy me a new pair," he explained, going back to his tent, in his bare feet, his socks in his hand — to put on his sneakers while he hastened to the shoe store in Andersonville. Milton had urged me to be sure to come and see him if I chanced to be in New York. 186 TRAMPING ON LIFE I now called him on the telephone and was cordially invited to visit him, and that, immediately. The servants eyed me suspiciously and sent me up by the trades- men's elevator. Milton flew into a fury over it. His friend was his friend, no matter how he was dressed — he wanted them to remember that, in the future! He brought out a bottle of wine, had a fine luncheon set before me. I went for the food, but pushed the wine aside. He drank the bottle himself. I was still, for my part, clinging to shreds of what I had learned at "Perfection City." . . He rushed me to his tailor. I had told him of my first poems* being accepted. "Of course, you must be better dressed when you go to see the editor." The tailor looked me over, in whimsical astonishment. He vowed that he could not have a suit ready for me by ten the next morning, as Milton was ordering. "Then you have a suit here for me about ready." "It is ready now." "Alter it immediately to fit Mr. Gregory . . we're about the same height." The tailor said that could be done. For the rest of the day Milton and I peregrinated from one saloon back-room to another . . in each of which the boy seemed to be well known. He drank liquor while I imbibed soft drinks . . the result was better for him than for me. I soon had the stomach-ache, while he only seemed a little over-exhilarated. At his door-step he shoved a ten dollar bill into my hand. I demurred, but accepted it. "I'd hand you more," he apologised, "but the Old Man never lets me have any more than just so much at a time . . says I waste it anyhow . . but I manage to do a lot of charging," he chuckled. "Have you a place to stay to-night.'^" "Yes . . I have an uncle who lives uptown." When I showed up at my uncle's, that night, I showed him my new rig-out, and explained to him how I came into possession of it. But he did not accept my explanation. Instead, he shook his head in mournful dubiousness . . indicating that he doubted my story, TRAMPING ON LIFE 187 and insinuating that I had not come by my suit honestly ; as well as by the new dress suitcase Saunders had presented me with, and the shirts and underclothing. "God knows where you'll end up, Johnny." After supper Uncle Jim grew restive again, and he came out frankly with the declaration that he did not want me to stay over- night in the house, but to pack on out to Haberf ord to my father . . or, since I must stay in town to see my editor (again that faint, dubious smile), I might stay the night at a Mills Hotel . . since my rich friend had given me money, too . . besides my aunt was not so very strong and I put a strain on her. At the Mills Hotel I was perched in a cell-like corner room, high up. The room smelt antiseptic. Nearby, Broadway roared and spread in wavering blazons of theatric gold. I looked down upon it, dreaming of my future fame, my great poetic and literary career . . my plays that would some day be announced down there, in great shining sign-letters. The sound of an employee's beating with a heavy stick, from door to iron door, to wake up all the Mills Hotel patrons, bestirred me at an early hour. I meditated my next move, and now resolved on another try at community life. . . The Eos Artwork Studios, founded in the little New York State town of Eos, by the celebrated eccentric author and lecturer, Roderick Spalton. I was in such impatience to reach Eos that I did not cross over to Haberford, to drop in on my father. I feared also that my leav- ing school the second time, "under a cloud," would not win me an enthusiastic welcome from him. By nightfall I was well on my way to Eos, sitting in an empty box-car. I had with me my new clothes — ^which I wore — and my suitcase, a foolish way to tramp. But I thought I might as well appear before Roderick Spalton with a little more "presence" than usual. For I intended spending some time in his community. Characteristically, I had gone to the ofBce of the Independent, had not found the editor in, that morning, and had chafed at the 188 TRAMPING ON LIFE idea of waiting till the afternoon, when I might have had a fruitful talk with a man who was interested in the one real thing in my life — my poetry. I reached Rochester safely. It was on the stretch to Buffalo that I paid dearly for being well-dressed and carrying a suitcase . . as I lay asleep on the floor of the box-car I was set upon by three tramps, who pinioned my arms and legs before I was even fully awake. I was forced to strip off my clothes, after wrestling and fighting as hard as I could. I floated off into the stars from a blow on the head. . . When I came to, I was trembling violently both with cold and from the nervous shock. My assailants had made off with my suit- case. . I was in nothing but my B. V. D.'s and shirt. Even my Keats had been stolen. But beside me I found the ragged, cast-off suit of one of the tramps . . and my razor, which had dropped out of my coat pocket, while the tramp had changed clothes, and not been noticed. Gingerly, I put on the ragged suit. . . • •••••• I stood in front of the Eos Artwork Studios. I saw a boy coming down the path from one of the buildings. "Would you tell me please where I can find the Master?" I asked, reverently. The boy gave me a long stare. "Oh, you mean Mr. Spalton?" "Yes." "That's him . . there . . choppin' wood." There was a young man and an older one, both chopping wood, in the back of a building, but in fairly open view. I walked to where they worked with both inward and outward trepidation, for, to me, Spalton was one of the world's great men. Just as I reached the spot, the younger of the two threw down his axe. "So long. Dad! now I'll go into the shop and tend to those letters." I stood in the presence of the great Roderick Spalton himself, the man who, in his Brief Visits to the Homes of Famous Folk, had written more meatily and wisely than any American author since Emerson . . the man whose magazine called The Dawn, had ren- TRAMPING ON LIFE 189 dered him an object of almost religious veneration and worship to thousands of Americans whose spirits reached for something more than the mere piling of dollars one on the other. . . I stood before him, visibly overwhelmed. It was evident that my silent hero-worship was sweet to him. He bespoke me gently and courteously. "So you want to become an Eoite?" "Yes," I whispered, bending my gaze humbly before his. **And what is your name, my dear boy." "John Gregory, Master!" "What have you brought with you? where is your baggage.'"' "I — I lost my baggage . . all I have with me is a-a r-razor." He leaned his head back and laughed joyously. His lambent brown eyes glowed with humour. I liked the man. "Yes, we'll give you a job — ^Razorre!" he assured me, calling me by the nickname which clung to me during my stay. . . "Take that axe and show me what you can do." I caught up the axe and fell to with enthusiasm. The gospel of the dignity and worth of labour that he preached thrilled in me. It was the first time I ever enjoyed working. . . As we worked the Master talked . . talked with me as if he had known me for years — as if I, too, were Somebody. There was nothing he did not discuss, in memorable phrase and trenchant, clever epigram. For he saw that I believed in him, worshipped whole-heartedly at his shrine of genius, and he gave me, in return, of his best. For the first time I saw what human language is for. I thought of Goethe at Weimar . . Wilde's clever conversation in London, . . Never since did I see the real man, Spalton, as I saw him then, the man he might always have been, if he had had an old-world environment, instead of the environment of modern, commercial America — the spirit of which finally claimed him, as he grew more successful. . . Modern, commercial America — where we proudly make a boast of lack of culture, and where artistic and aesthetic feeling, if freely expressed, makes one's hearers more likely than not, at once uneasy and restive. That night, at supper, I caught my first glimpse of the Eoites 190 TRAMPING ON LIFE in a body. The contrast between them and my school-folk was agreeably different. I found among them an atmosphere of good- natured greeting and raillery, that sped from table to table. And when Spalton strode in, with his bold, swinging gait (it seemed that he had just returned from a lecture in a distant city early that afternoon), there was cheering and clapping. Guests and workers joined together in the same dining hall, with no distinctive division. . . I sat next to Spalton's table, and a warm glow of pleasure swept through me when he sent me a pleasant nod. "Hello, Razorre," he had greeted me; then he had turned to the group at his table and told them about me, I could see by their glances — ^but in a pleasant way. The next morning I was at work in the bindery, smearing glue on the backs of unbound books. My wage was three dollars a week and "found," as they say in the West. Not much, but what did it matter? There was a fine library of the world's classics, including all the liberal and revolutionary books that I had heard about, but which I could never obtain at the libraries . . and there were, as associates and companions, many people, who, if extremely eccentric, were, nevertheless, alive and alert and interested in all the beautiful things Genius has created in Art and Song. . . Derelicts, freaks, "nuts" . . with poses that outnumbered the silver eyes in the peacock's tail in multitude . . and yet there was to be found in them a sincerity, a fineness, and a genuine feeling for humanity that "regular" folks never achieve — perhaps because of their very "regularness." Here, at last, I had found another environment where I could "let loose" to the limit . . which I began to do. . . In the first place, there was the matter of clothes. I believed that men and women should go as nearly naked as possible . . cloth- ing for warmth only . . and, as one grew in strength and health through nude contact with living sun and air and water, the body would gradually attain the power to keep itself warm from the health and strength that was in it. So, in the middle of severe winter that now had fallen on us, I went about in sandals, without socks. I wore no undershirt, and TRAMPING ON LIFE 191 no coat . . and went with my shirt open at the neck. I wore no hat. . . Spalton himself often went coatless — in warm weather. His main sartorial eccentricity was the wearing of a broad-brimmed hat. And whenever he bought a new Stetson, he cut holes in the top and jumped on it, to make it look more interesting and less shop-new . . of course everybody in the community wore soft shirts and flow- ing ties. We addressed each other by first names and nicknames. Spalton went under the appellation of "John." One day a wealthy visitor had driven up. Spalton was out chopping wood. **Come here, John, and hold my horses." Spalton dropped the axe and obeyed. Afterward he had been dismissed with a fifty cent tip. He told the story on himself, and the name "John" stuck. Working in the bindery, I began to find out things about the community of Eos that were not as ideal as might be . . most of the illumination of the books was done by girls, even by children after school hours. The outlines of the letters and objects to be hand-illumined were printed in with the text, the girls and children merely coloured them between the lines. In each department, hidden behind gorgeous, flowing curtains, were time-clocks, on which employees rang up when they came to work, and when they left. Also, each worker was supposed to receive dividends — ^which dividends consisted in pairs of mittens and thick woolen socks distributed by the foremen at Christmas time . . or maybe an extra dollar in pay, that week. "Two dollars a week less than a fellow would draw at any other place that ran the same sort of business," grumbled a young book- binder who was by way of being a poet, "and a pair of woolen mit- tens or socks, or an extra dollar, once a year, as dividends !" However, I think that the artworkers had finer lodgings and board than most workers could have supplied for themselves . . and the married couples lived in nicer houses . . and they heard the best music, had the best books to read, lived truly in the presence of the greatest art and thought of the world . . and heard speak in the chapel, from time to time, all the distinguished men of the 192 TRAMPING ON LIFE country . . who came, sooner or later, to visit Spalton and our community. . . What though the wages were not so big, what though you rang up the time of arrival at work and the time of departure from it, on hidden time-clocks, what though every piece of statuary, every picture, every stick of furniture, had, on the bottom of it, its price label, or, depending from it, its tag that told the price at which it might be bought ! . . • •••••• Spalton had begun his active career as a business man, had swung out from that, his fertile mind glimpsing what worlds of thought and imagination lay beyond it ! But now Big Business was calling him back again, using him for its purposes. Oftener and oftener magnificently written articles by him began to appear in his remarkable little magazine. The Dawn. And the IngersoU of Dollar Watch fame crowded out the IngersoU of brave agnosticism . . and when he wrote now of artists and writers, it was their thrifty habits, their business traits, that he lauded. "A great man can be practical and businesslike, in fact the greatest of them always are," he defended. "There was Voltaire, the successful watchmaker at Ferney . . and there was Shakespeare, who, after his success in London, returned to Avon and practically bought up the whole town . . he even ran a butcher shop there, you know." **The people expect startling things . . and, as the winds of genius blow where they list — when they refuse to blow in the direction required, divine is the art of buncombe," he jested. I suppose this applied to his musician-prodigy, a girl of eight, who worked, in the afternoons, in the bindery. And when a visiting party swept through that department, it was part of her job to risie as if under the impulse of inspiration, leave her work, and go to a nearby piano and play . . the implication being that the piano was placed there for the use of the workers when melody surged within them. . . But she was the only one who played. And she never played except when she was tipped the wink. And it was only one thing — a something of Rubenstein's . . which she had practised and prac- TRAMPING ON LIFE 193 tised and practised to perfection; and that rendered, with haughty head, like a little sibyl, she would go back to her work-bench. And if urged to play more, she would answer, lifting her great, velvet eyes in a dreamy gaze, "no, no more to-day. The inspiration has gone." And, awed, the visitors would depart. Back of the bindery stood the blacksmith shop, where MacKit- trick, the historian-blacksmith, plied the bellows and smote the anvil. MacKittrick took a liking to me. For one day we began talking about ancient history, and he perceived that I had a little knowl- edge of it, and a feeling for the colour and motion of its long-ago life. "I want you to come and work for me," he urged, "my work is mostly pretty," he apologised, with blacksmith sturdiness, *' — not making horseshoes, but cutting out delicate things, ornamental iron work for aesthetic purposes, and all that . . all you'll have to do will be to swing the hammer gently, while I direct the blows and cut out the dainty filigree the "Master" sells to folk, afterward, as art." "Well, isn't it art?" I asked. "I suppose it is. But I like the strong work of blacksmithing best. You see, I was born to be a great historian. But destiny has made me a blacksmith," he continued irrelevantly . . "do come out and work for me. I'm hungry for an intelligent helper who can talk history with me while we work." My transfer was effected. And I was immediately glad of it. "Mac," as we called him, was a fine, solid man . . and he did know history. He knew it as a lover knows his mistress. He was right. He should have been a great historical writer — great historian he was! For two glorious months I was with him. And during those two months, I learned more about the touch and texture of the historic life of man than three times as many years in college could have taught me. "Mac" talked of Cassar as if only yesterday he had shaken hands with him in the Forum . . and he was shocked over his murder as if it had happened right after. ♦ . "Ah, that was a bad day for Rome and the future of the world, when those mad fellows struck him down there like a pig !" he cried. 194 TRAMPING ON LIFE And Mary, Queen of Scots, was "a sweet, soft body of a white thing that should have been content with being in love, and never tried to rule !" . . "Can you cook?" asked Spalton of me one day, just as Barton had done at "Perfection City." "No," I replied honestly, thinking back to that experience. "Fine!" was the unexpected rejoinder, "I'm going to send you out to the camp to cook for my lumber-jacks for a few weeks." "But I said I couldn't cook." "You know how to turn an egg in the pan? you know enough not to let ham and bacon burn? . . you know water won't scorch, no matter how long it stands over the fire? . . "You'll make an excellent cook for lumber-jacks . . so long a;s it's something to eat that's stuck under their noses, they don't give a damn! . . they're always hungry enough to eat anything . . and can digest anything. . . "Get ready ! I'm sending you out on one of the waggons by noon." Perched on the high seat of the waggon by the side of the driver ! The latter was bundled up to the chin . . wore a fur cap that came down over the ears . . was felt-booted against the cold . . wore heavy gloves. It was so cold that the breath of the horses went straight up into the air like thick, white wool. As we rode by, the passing farmers that were driving into town almost fell off their seats, startled, and staring at me. For there I perched . . coatless and hatless . . sockless feet in sandals . . my shirt flung open, a la Byron, at the neck. It is true that the mind can do anything. I thought myself into being composed and comfortable. I did not mind, truly I did not mind it. The driver had protested, but only once, laconically: "Whar's y'r coat an' hat ?" "I never wear any," I explained, beginning a propagandistic harangue on the non-essentiality of clothes. . . He cut in with the final pronouncement: "Damn fool, you'll git pneumony." TRAMPING ON LIFE 195 Then he fell into obdurate, contemptuous silence. The snow was deep about our living shanty and cook-shack in one, but hard-frozen enough to bear a man's weight without snow- shoes. Over the crust had fallen a powdery, white, new snow, about four inches deep. Every morning, after the "boys" had eaten their breakfast and left for the woods, I went through my exercises, stripped, out in the open . . a half hour of it, finished by a roll in the snow, that set me tingling all over. One morning I made up my mind to startle the "boys" by run- ning, mother-naked, in a circle, whooping, about them, where they were sawing up fallen trees and felling others. It was a half mile to where they worked. For more bizarre effect, I clapped on a straw hat which I found in the rafters — a relic of the preceding summer. . . "Gosh a'mighty, what's this a-comin!" . . Everybody stopped working. Two neighbour farmers, who had come over for a bit of gossip, stooped, their hands on their knees, bowed with astonishment, as if they had beheld an apparition. One of the "boys" told me the two held silence for a long time — till I was entirely out of sight again, and after. Then one exclaimed, "air they any more luny fellers like thet, back at them Artwork shops.?" The incident gave birth to the legend of a crazy man under Spalton's care, whose chief insanity was running naked through snowdrifts. Spalton had three sons. Roderick was the eldest: named after his father. Level-headed and businesslike, he followed his father's vagaries because he saw the commercial possibilities in them . . though he did so more as a practical man with a sense of humour than as a man who was on the make. Spalton, who knew men thoroughly and quickly appraised their individual natures, had installed Roderick in the managing end of things, — there with the aid of an older head — one Alfoxden, of whom Spalton made too much of a boast, telling everyone he had rescued him from a life of crime; Alfoxden, when younger, forged a check and had served his term for it. Coming out into the world again, no one would 196 TRAMPING ON LIFE trust him because of that one mistalce. Spalton, at this juncture, took him in and gave him a new chance — ^but — as I said unkindly, in my mind, and publicly, he made capital of his generous action. But Alfoxden was a soul of rare quality. He never seemed to resent "John's" action. He was too much of a gentleman and too grateful for the real help Spalton had extended to him. Alfoxden was a slight, Mephistophelian man . . with bushy, red eyebrows. And he was totally bald, except for the upper part of his neck, which was fiery with red hair. He had a large knowledge of the Rabelaisan in literature . . had in his possession several rather wild effusions of Mark Twain in the original copy, and a whole MSS. volume of Field's smutty casual verse. . . But I was in the lumber camp, cooking for the "boys." . . "Hank," Spalton's youngest son (there was a second son, whose name I forget . . lived with his mother, Spalton's divorced wife, in Syracuse, and was the conventional, well-brought-up, correct youth) — Hank worked in the camp, along with the other lumber- jacks. The boy was barely sixteen, yet he was six feet two in his stocking feet . . huge-shouldered, stupendous-muscled, a vegetarian, his pic- ture had appeared in the magazines as the prodigy who had grown strong on "Best o' Wheat," a prepared breakfast food then popular. I asked him if the story that he had built his growth and strength on it was a fake. "Yes. I never ate 'Best o' Wheat' in my life, except once or twice," he answered, "I like only natural food . . vegetables . . and lots of milk . . but I draw the line at prepared, pre-digested stuff and baled breakfast foods." "Then why did you lend them the use of your name?" "Oh, everybody that has any prominence does that . . for a price . . but I really didn't want to do it. *John' made me . . or I wouldn't have." "And now you have your hair cropped close, why is that?" "I suppose it's all right to wear your hair long . . but, last summer, it got so damned hot with the huge mop I had, that I always had a headache . . so one day I went down town to the barber and slipped into his chair. 'Hello, Hank,' says he, 'what do you want, a shave?' (joking you know — I didn't have but one or two cat-hairs on my face). . . TRAMPING ON LIFE 197 " 'No, Jim, I want a hair-cut.' At first he refused . . said *The Master' would bite his head off . . but then he did it "John wouldn't speak to me that night, at table . . but the other fellows shouted and clapped. . . "I don't exactly get dad's idea all the time . . he's a mighty clever man, though. . . "Books? Oh, yes . . the only ones I care about are those on Indians and Indian lore . . I have all the Smithsonian Institution books on the subject . . and I have a wigwam back of the bindery — haven't you noticed it ? — ^where I like to go and sit cross-legged and meditate . . no, I don't want to study regular things. Dad always makes me give in, in fact, whenever I act stubborn, by threatening to send me off to a regular school. . . "No, I want nothing else but to work with my hands all my life." But, with all his thinking for himself, "Hank" was also childishly vulgar. He gulped loudly as he ate, thinking it an evidence of hearty good-fellowship. And he deliberately broke wind at the table . . then would rap on wood and laugh. . . I, on my dignity as cook, and because the others, rough as they were, complained to me in private about this behaviour, but did not openly speak against it because "Hank" was their employer's son. I took exception to the good-natured "lummox's" behaviour. One morning he was the last to climb out from over the bench at the rough, board table. . . "Hank . . wait. I want to speak to you a minute." "Yes, Razorre, what is it?" he asked, waiting. . . "Hank, the boys have delegated me to tell you that you must use better manners than you do, at meals." "The hell you say ! and what are you going to do if I don't ?" "I — ^why, Hank, I hadn't thought of that . . but, since you bring up the question, I'm going to try to stop you, if you won't stop yourself." " — think you can? — think you're strong enough?" "I said Hry'r "Listen, Razorre," and he came over to me with lazy, good- natured strength, "I'll pick you up, take you out, and roll you in the snow, if you don't keep still." 198 TRAMPING ON LIFE "And I'll try my best to give you a good whipping," replied I, setting my teeth hard, and glaring at him. He started at me, grinning. I put the table between us, and began taking deep breaths to thoroughly oxygenate my blood, so it would help me in my forthcoming grapple with the big, over-grown giant. He toppled the table over. We were together. I kept on breath- ing like a hard-working bellows, as I wrestled about with him. He seized me by the right leg and tried to lift me up, carry me out. I pushed his head back by hooking my fingers under his nose, like a prong. Then I grabbed him by the seat of the britches and heaved. And they burst clean up the back like a bean pod. . . Unexpectedly Hank flopped on the bench and began to shout with laughter. . . My heavy, artificial breathing, like a bellows, for the sake of oxygenating more strength into my muscles, had struck him as being so ludicrous, that he was in high good humour. I joined in the laughter, struck in the same way. "I surrender, Razorre, and I'll promise to be decent at the table — you skinny, crazy, old poet !" And he rumbled and thundered again with Brobdingnagian mirth. Back from the lumber camp. Comparatively milder weather, but still the farmers we passed on the road were startled by my summery attire. But by this time the lumber-jacks and I were on terms of proven friendship . . I had told them yarns, and had listened to their yarns, in turn . . the stories of their lives . . and their joys and troubles. . . I was reported to Spalton as having been a first-rate cook. I went to work in the bindery again. Every day seemed to bring a new "eccentric" to join our colony. I have hardly begun to enumerate the prime ones, yet. . . But when I returned to the little settlement a curious man had already established himself . . one who was called by Spalton, in tender ridicule. Gabby Jack . . that was Spalton's nickname for him . . and it stuck, because it was so appropriate. Jack was a pilgrim in search of Utopia. And he was straightway convinced, TRAMPING ON LIFE 199 wholly and completely, that he had found it in Eos. To him Spalton was the one and undoubted prophet of God, the high priest of Truth. Gabby Jack was a "j'iner." From his huge, ornate, gold watch- chain hung three or four bejewelled insignia of secret societies that he was a member of. He wore a flowered waistcoat . . an enormous seal-ring, together with other rings. He had laid aside a competence, by working his way from jour- neyman carpenter to an independent builder of frame houses, in some thriving town in the Middle West . . where, in his fifty-fifth year, he had received the call to go forth in quest of the Ideal, the One Truth. His English was a marvel of ignorant ornateness, like his vest and his watch-chain and rings. He had, apparently, no family ties. Spalton became his father, his mother, his brother, his sister, almost his God. There was nothing the Master said or did that was not perfect . . he would stand with worship and adoration written large on his swarthy, great face, listening to Spalton's most trivial words. . . Otherwise, he was Gabby Jack . . talking . . talking . , talking . . with everybody he met . . enquiring . . questioning . . taking notes in a large, crude, misspelling hand . . trying himself to write. . . We ran away from him . . Spalton ran away from him . . "this fellow will be the death of me," he remarked to me, one afternoon, with a light of pleasure and pride in his eyes, however, at being so worshipped. "Ah, Razorre, beware of the ignorant disciple!" There was nothing Jack would not do for Spalton. He sought out opportunities and occasions for serving him. And he would guide visitors over the establishment. And, coming to the office where Spalton usually sat and worked, he was heard to say once, with a wide-spread, reverential sweep of the hand — "and this, ladies and gents, is the (his voice dropping to a reveren- tial whisper) *Sancta Sanctoria.' " Jack could not see so well with one eye as he could with the other. A cataract was there which gave that eye the appearance of a milky-coloured, poached egg. . . Coming home from Buffalo one evening, he stepped down on the wrong side of the train, in the dusk. . . perhaps from his eagerness to sit by his prophet at supper again that night — there being too long a line leaving at the station, ahead of him. 200 TRAMPING ON LIFE A freight was drawing out on the track opposite. And Gabby was so huge that he was rolled like a log in a jam, between the two moving trains . . when the freight had passed, he rose and walked. He took a cab to the Artwork Studios. All in tatters, he hurried to his room and put on another suit. He appeared at supper by the side of the Master. He narrated what had happened, amid laughter and joking. When Spalton wanted to send for his old, frail, white-headed father, the elder Spalton, who was the community doctor. Jack waved the idea aside. "Oh, no. Master!" (Master he called Spalton, and never the familiar, more democratic John) "Oh, no, I*m all right." . . The next morning Jack did not show up for breakfast. At ten o'clock Spalton, solicitous, went up to his room. . . He shouted for help. He had found his disciple there, huge and dead, like a stranded sea-thing. In Gabby Jack's will . . for they found one, together with a last word and testament for humanity, — it was asked of Spalton that he should conduct the funeral from the Chapel . . and read the funeral oration, written by the deceased himself . . and add, if the Master felt moved, a few words thereto of his own . . if he considered that so mean a disciple deserved it. All work was suspended the day of Jack's funeral. Spalton eloquently read the curious, crude composition of his disciple . . which had fine flashes, as of lightning in a dark sky, here and there, in it. Then Spalton began adding words of his own, in praise of the deceased "You all know this dear comrade of ours," he began, "this dear friend whose really fine soul, while in the body — ^went under the appellation of Gabby Jack " Here Spalton broke down. He unashamedly dropped into the chair behind the reading-desk and wept aloud. He could say no more. . . In The Dawn for the ensuing month he put a wonderful and TRAMPING ON LIFE 201 beautiful tribute to his disciple . . who had thoroughly loved, and believed in him. On a cold day of blowing snow, "Pete" came tramping in to town . . his high boots laced to the knees, a heavy alpaca coat about him . . he had come all the way from Philadelphia on foot, to add his portrait to our gallery of eccentrics . . but he was not so unusual after all . . there was too much of the hungry hardness of youth in him, the cocksureness of conceit which he considered genius. Immediately he put Spalton to question . . and everything and everybody to question. . . He irritated Spalton most by attacking doctors . . (though Spal- ton himself did so in his magazine) . . Spalton's father was an old family practitioner. . . But the Master's revenge came. **Pete'* fell sick. Spalton sent for his father to doctor him. And made the old man use a strong horse-medicine on him . . which he himself brought up from the stables. . . **The boy is such an ass . ." Spalton told me laughingly, "that it's a veterinarian he needs, not a doctor." There was Speedwell, the young naturalist . . a queer, stooping, gentle, shy thing, who talked almost as an idiot would. talk till he got on his favourite topic of bird and beast and flower. In personal appearance he was a sort of Emerson gone to weed . . he walked about with a quick, perky, deprecative step. . . " — queer fish," John remarked of him, "but, Razorre, you ought to come on him in the woods . . there he is a different person . . he sits under a tree till he seems to become part of the vegetation, the landscape . . when I had him out to camp with me last summer he would go off alone and stay away till we thought he had got lost, or had walked into a pond, in his simpleness, and drowned. . . We followed him, and watched him. . . There he sat . . in his brown corduroys . . his lock of hair over his eyes . . that simple, sweet, idiotic expression, like sick sunshine, on his mouth. . . And after a while the birds came down to him . . pecked all around him . . and a squirrel climbed up on his shoulder . . he seemed to have an attraction for the wild things . . it wasn't as if they just 202 TRAMPING ON LIFE accepted him as a part of the surroundings . . the man sat there like a stump till we grew tired watching, and returned to camp. . . Each day he spent most of the day, immobile, like that. . . "Say Razorre," the Master continued, after a thoughtful pause, *'you know you nuts are teaching me a lot of things. . . "The trouble with the educated, regular folks is that they lose so much by drawing the line . . often everything that is spontaneous and fine. . . This thing called God, you know, draws the line no- where. . . "If *Crazy' Speedwell fell heir to a large sum of money, his rela- tives could find a commission of physicians anywhere, who would honestly have him into custody for lunacy . . yet, in some respects, he is the wisest and kindest man I have ever known . . though, in others, he is often such a fool as to try my patience very hard, at times." Most of us who had arrived at "The Studios" from "foreign" parts, slept in the common dormitory. We held frequent "roughhouses" there, the younger of us . . to the annoyance of Speedwell. Spalton finally gave him permission to sleep and live, alone, in the shed where the fire-truck and hose was stored. . . One night, for malicious fun, a beak-nosed young prize-fighter, and several others (including myself) sneaked into his abode while he slept . . thoughtlessly we turned the gas on and tiptoed out again. . . Not long after he came staggering forth, half-suffocated. . . Everybody laughed at the tale of this . . at first Spalton himself laughed, our American spirit of rough joking and horse-play gain- ing the uppermost in him . . but then he recalled to mind the serious- ness of our practical joke, and burned with anger at us over what we had done. And he threatened to "fire" on the spot anyone who ever again molested "Crazy" Speedwell. . . "Old Pfeiler" we called him. . . Pfeiler had attended one of Spalton's lectures at Chicago. Afterward, he had come up front and asked the lecturer if he could make a place for him at Eos . . that he was out of a job . . TRAMPING ON LIFE 203 starving . . a poor German scholar . . formerly, in better days, a man of much wealth and travel. . . He had spent his last nickel for admission to Spalton's lecture. Spalton brought him back to the Eos Artwork Studios. There he found that the queer, gentle, old man was as helpless as a child . . all he could be trusted to do was to write addresses on letters . . which he was set at, not too exactingly. . . I never saw so happy a man as Pfeiler was that winter. He was a Buddhist, not by pose, but by sincere conviction. He thought, also, that the Koran was a greater book than the Bible . . and more miraculous . . "one man, Mohammed, who left a work of greater beauty than the combined efforts of the several hundred who gave us that hodge-podge, the Bible." Pfeiler had been left a fortune by his father, a wealthy German merchant . . so, like Sir Richard Burton, he had made off to the Near East . . where he had lived among the Turks for ten years . . till, what with his buying rare manuscripts and Oriental and Turkish art, he had suddenly run upon the rocks of bankruptcy . . and had returned from the Levantine a ruined, helpless scholar, who had never been taught to be anything else but a man of culture and leisure. . . By steerage he made his way to America . . to Chicago . . all his works of art, his priceless manuscripts sold . . the money gone like water through the assiduities of false friends and sycophants. . . On the bum in Chicago . a hotel clerk, discharged as incom- petent — ^he had forgotten to insist that a man and woman register always as man and wife . . "because it was such hypocrisy" . . finally a dishwasher, who lived in a hall bed-room . . no friends because of his abstractedness, his immersion in oriental scholarship . . his only place of refuge, his dwelling place, when not washing dishes for a mere existence, the Public Library. . . "Old Pfeiler" drank coffee by the quart, as drunkards drink whis- key. He had a nervous affliction which caused him to shake his head continually, as if in impatience . . or as a dog shakes his head to dislodge something that has crept into his ear. . . He was as timid as a girl. . . The common dormitory was no place for him . . I am sorry to confess that, for a while, I helped to make his life miserable for 204 TRAMPING ON LIFE him . . each night the beak-nosed pugilist-lad and I raised a merry roughhouse in the place . . Pfeiler was our chief butt. We put things in his bed . . threw objects about so they would wake him up. One night I found him crying silently . . but somehow not ignobly . . this made me shift about in my actions toward him, and see how miserable my conduct had been. . . So the next time "Beak-horn," as I called my plug-ugly friend, started to tease the old man, I asked him to stop . . that we had tormented Pfeiler long enough. "Beak-horn" replied with a sur- prised, savage stare . . and the next moment he was on me, half in jest, half in earnest. I boxed with him as hard and swift as I was able . . but a flock of fists drove in over me . . and I was thrown prone across the form of the old man . . who stuttered with fright and impotent rage, swearing it was all a put-up game between us to torment him further, when I protested that I had not tried to do it. The next morning Spalton sent for me. "Look here, Razorre, if you, were not the biggest freak of them all, I could understand," he remarked severely. . . I tried to explain how sorry I was for the way I had joined in Pfeiler's persecution . . but the master would have none of it . . he told me to look better to my conduct or he would have to expel me from the community. . . ' "Gregory," he ended, calling me by my name," somehow I never quite get you . . most of the time you are refined and almost over- gentle . . you know and love poetry and art and the worth-while things . . but then there's also the hoodlum in you . . the dirty Hooligan " his eyes blazed with just rebuke . . I trod out silently, sick of myself, at heart . . as I have often, often been. After that, Pfeiler avoided me. I went up to him in apology. Most contritely I said I was sorry. **You are a fraud," he cried at me, spluttering, almost gnashing his teeth in fury, "you go around here, pretending you are a poet, and have the soul of a thug, a brute, a coward and bully . . please don't speak to me any more as long as I'm here . . you only pre- tend interest in spiritual and intellectual things, always for some brutal reason . . even now you are planning something base, some TRAMPING ON LIFE 205 diabolical betrayal of the Master, perhaps, or of all of us . . I myself have advised Mr. Spalton, for the good of his community to send you back to the tramps and jail-birds from whom you come . . you scum ! you filthy pestilence !" His head was shaking like an oscillating toy . . his eyes were starting from his head through force of his invective . . he was jerking about, in his anger, like a dancing mouse. . . I hurried out of his word-range, overwhelmed with greater shame than I can ever say. The editor of the Independent, Dr. William Hayes Ward, had, so far, not found room in his magazine for the two poems of mine he had bought. I was chagrined, and wrote him, rather impetuously, that, if he didn't care for the poems he might return them. Which he did, with a rather frigid and offended reply. I was rendered unhappy by this. I spoke to Spalton about it. "Why Razorre, so you have come that near to being in print?" I showed him the poems. "Yes, you have the making of a real poet in you !" A day or so after he approached me with — "I'm writing a brief visit to the home of Thoreau . . how would you like to compose a poem for me, on him — for the first page of the work?" "I would like it very much," I said. In a few days I handed him the poem. A "sonnet," the form of which I myself had invented, in fifteen lines. For days I lived in an intoxication of anticipation . . just to have one poem printed, I was certain, would mean my immediate fame . . so thoroughly did I believe in my genius. I was sure that instantly all of the publishers in the world would contend with each other for the privilege of bringing out my books. Spring had begun to give hints of waking green, when The Brief Visit was issued from the press. I rushed to procure a copy before it was bound. I was surprised and dumbfounded to find that the Master had used the poem without my name attached . . just as if it, with the rest of the book, was from his own pen. My first impulse was to rush into the dining hall, at breakfast, weaving the sheets, and calling "John" to account for his theft. 206 TRAMPING ON LIFE before everybody . . then I bethought myself that, perhaps, some mistake had been made . . that the proofreader might have left my name out. Spalton looked up quickly as I passed by his table. He read in my face that I had already discovered what he had done. He blushed. I nodded him a stiff greeting. I ate in silence — at the furthest table. In a few minutes he did me an honour he had never shown me before. He came over to where I sat. "Razorre," he invited, "how would you like to take a hike with me into the country, this morning.''" I gave him a swift glance. "I would like it very much." "Then as soon as you are through, meet me in the library." I drank a second cup of coffee with studied deliberation — in spite of myself, I was thrilled with the notice that had been shown me before all the others. Already my anger had somewhat lessened. Never had the master been so eloquent, so much his better self, since that first day, at the wood-pile. He strove to throw the magic of his spirit over me with all his power. For hours we walked, the light, pale green of the renewing year about us. But through it all I saw what he was trying to effect . . to impress me so deeply that I would not only forgive him for having stolen my poem, but actually thank him, for having used it — even consider it a mark of honour . . which his eloquence almost persuaded me to do. Indeed I saw the true greatness in "John" . . but I also saw and resented the petty, cruel pilferer — stealing helpless, unknown, youth- ful genius for his own — resented it even more because the resources of the man's nature did not require it of him to descend to such piti- ful expedients. He was rich enough in himself for his own fame and glory. And why should he rob a young poet of his first fame, of the exquisite pleasure of seeing his name for the first time in print? . . than which there is no pleasure more exquisite . . not even the first possession of a loved woman! . . . We had almost returned to the "Artworks" before I tried to let loose on him . . but even then I could not. Gently I asked him why he had not affixed my name to my poem. He looked at me with well-simulated amazement. TRAMPING ON LIFE 207 **Why, Razorre, I never even thought of it . . we are all a part of one community of endeavour here . . and we all give our efforts as a contribution to the Eos Idea . . I have paid you a higher compliment than merely giving you credit . . instead, I have incor- porated your verse into the very body of our thought and life." His effrontery struck me silent. I told him sadly that I must now go away. "Nonsense," he replied, "this is as good a place in which to develop your poetic genius as any place in the world. I may say, better. Here you will find congenial environment, ready apprecia- tion . . come, let us walk a little further," and we turned aside from the steps of the dining room and struck down the main street of the town. "I mean bigger things for you, Razorre, than you can guess . . I will make you the Eos Poet — ^look at Gresham, he is the Eos Artist, and, as such, his fame is continent-wide . , just as yours will become . . and I will bring out a book of your poetry . . and advertise it in The Dawn. His eloquence on art and life, genius and literature, had enthralled and placated me . . his personal wheedling irritated and angered. "A book of my poems . . without my name on the title page, perhaps," I cried, impassioned, looking him deep in the eyes. He shifted his glance from me I threw my few belongings together. Everybody, in saying good-bye, gave me a warm hand-clasp of friendship (excepting Pfeiler), including Spalton, who assured me — "Razorre, you'll be back again . . despite its faults, they all come back to Eos." "Yes," I responded, sweeping him off his feet by the unexpected- ness of my reply, "yes, in spite of all, Eos is a wonderful place . . it has given me something . . in my heart . . in my soul . . which no other place in the world could have given . . and at the time I needed it most . . a feeling for beauty, a fellowship " "Razorre," he cut in, moved, "we all have our faults, — God knows you have — mutual forgiveness — " he murmured, pressing my hand warmly again; his great, brown eyes humid with emotion . . whether he was acting, or genuine . . or both . . I could not tell. 208 TRAMPING ON LIFE I didn't care. I departed with the warmth of his benediction over my going. This time I did not freight it. I paid my fare to New York. My father . . I must pay him a visit, before lifting my nose in the air like a migrating bird. Where I would go or what I would do that spring and summer, I hadn't the vaguest idea. . . It seemed but the day before that I had left Haberford. The fat policeman who leaned against the iron railing of the small park near the station was there in the same place. The same young rowdies pushed each other about, and spat, and swore, near the undertaker shop and the telegraph ofBce. But as I walked past the Hartman express office — the private concern which Hartman, the thin, wiry shock-haired Swede, had built up through arduous struggle, beginning with one wagon — Hartman saw me through the window, and beckoned vigorously for me to step in. . . *' — ^just got home from another hobo-trip, Johnny?" "You're almost right, Mr. Hartman." "A pause. . . " — ^been to see your father yet.'"' "No, sir, I'm on the way there now . . just arrived this minute, on the train from New York." "I'm glad I caught sight of you, then, to prepare you." A longer pause . . mysteriously embarrassing, on his part. "I have something to tell you about him . . — guess you're old enough to stand plain talk . . sit down!" I took a chair. *'You see, it's this way," and he leaned forward and put his hand on my knee . . "it's women — a woman" . . he paused, I nodded to him to go on, feeling very dramatic and important. . . *'It's Mrs. Jenkins, the widow, that has her hooks in him . , around where he boards . . and, to be frank with you, he's going it so strong with her that he's sick and rundown . . and not so right, at times, up here!" and Hartman tapped his forehead with his fore- finger significantly. . . *'Now, you're the nearest one to him around here," he went on, "and I'll tell you what we were going to do . . his lodge, of which TRAMPING ON LIFE 209 I'm a member, was going to give him a trip, to separate him from her, and cure him . . you come back just pat. . . "Has your daddy any relatives that can afford to entertain him, out in the West, where you came from ?" "Yes, one of my uncles, his brother, is very well off, and would be glad to take him in . . in fact any of the folks back home would," my voice sounded hollow and far off as I answered. "You're a pretty smart lad . . do you want to go back with him when he goes?" "No, Mr. Hartman." "Well, we can tip the porter to take care of him . . but why don't you want to go with him, we will foot your expenses ?" **I have other things to do," I answered vaguely. He gave a gesture of impatience. . . There was a hush in the house, as I stepped softly up the stairs. The catch of the front door was back. . . First I went to my room and found all my books intact . . in better condition even, than when I was home with them . . there was not a speck of dust anjrwhere. Evidently my father was not too sick to keep the place clean . . but then, I meditated he would attend to that, with his last effort. My books were my parents, my relatives. I had been bom of them, not of my own father and mother. My being born in the flesh was a mere accident of nature. My father and mother hap- pened to be the vehicle. But the place was so quiet it perturbed me. **Pop!" I called, going toward his bed-room. The door leading into it slowly opened. The little, dark widow was in there with him. "Hush! your father is asleep." A hatred of both him and her shot up quick in my heart. I sensed their abandonment to the sheerly physical, till it took in their whole horizon. It was utterly ignoble. I had a vision of all humanity, living, for the most part, merely for food and sex, letting art and poetry and beauty and adventure pass by, content if they only achieved the bare opportunity of daily wallowing in their mire. I was bad and mean enough, but the conception of a single poem in my brain, till it found birth on paper, was, I swore, bigger and 210 TRAMPING ON LIFE finer than all this world-mess at its best. Also there was in me some- what the thwarted, sinister hatred of the celibate. . . • •••••• "You mustn't bother your father now," little Mrs. Jenkins inter- posed, as I started in, "you must let him rest for awhile, and not wake him." Through the door, half open, I caught a glimpse of a hollow, wax- white face . . he looked as if all the blood had been let out of his body, little by little. The little, pretty, dark woman looked like a crafty animal . . there was a beady shine of triumph, which she could not conceal, in her eyes, as she opposed my entering. I smelt the pungent smell of her physical womanhood. There was a plump- ness about her body, a ruddiness to her lips, that gave me the phantasy that, perhaps, the moment before, she had drunk of my father's blood, and that she was preventing me from going in to where he lay till a certain tiny, red puncture over his jugular vein had closed. "You forget, Mrs. Jenkins, that he is my father." ''You shan't go in . . please, Johnnie . . let him sleep just a little longer . . as soon as he wakes he asks for another drink !" "And who put him in this state?" I charged directly, vividly remembering what Hartman had said. . . "What, you don't mean to insinuate?" — she gasped. "I mean nothing, only that I have come home to take care of my father, till his lodge takes charge of him, and that, for the present, I want you to please leave me alone with him." Her small, black pupils dilated angrily. But she did not press the point of her staying. She had put her hand on my arm cajol- ingly, but I had shook it off with such evident disgust — founded partly and secretly on a horror of physical attraction for her — that drew my morbid, starved nature "Very well!" . . but I'll be back this afternoon, early. When he wakes up and asks for a drink of whiskey . . starts out to get one . . draw him a glass of water from the faucet, and take your oath that it's whiskey . . he'll believe you and drink it !" And she departed, an odor of strong perfume in her wake. Had this planet of earth been populated from without? . . there were evidently two races on it — the race of men — the race of TRAMPING ON LIFE 211 women — men had voyaged in from some other world in space . . women had done the like from their world . . to this world, alien to both of them. And here a monstrous thing had brought them together like an interlocking fungus — their sex-union . . a function that monstrously held together two different species of animals that should not even be on meeting terms. Thus my morbid fancy ran, as I entered slowly, my father's room. He slept. On a chair by his bed lay a copy of Hamlet, his favourite Shakes- pearean play. I picked it up, read in it, waiting for him to wake, while he breathed laboriously. I became absorbed in the play . . I must write a poem, some time, called "Hamlet's Last Soliliquy." ■ •••••• My father was awake. I did not know how long he had been so, for his breathing had not changed and the only difference from his sleeping state was that his eyes stared, wide and glassy, at the ceiling, as if they compre- hended nothing. A feeling of horror crept over my body. This was more than I had counted on . . my father, helpless on his back and his wits off gathering wool. . . "Father !" I put my hand on a talon of his. He turned his head slightly. Smiled vacuously. "Father!" A perturbation clouded his eyes . . that painful struggle toward comprehension observed in an infant's face. "Who are you? What do you want?" "I'm your son — Johnnie! . . and I've come back to take care of you." "Johnnie is away . . far off . . on the sea . . in a ship." And he sighed and turned his face to the wall as if the thought troubled him, and he wished to dismiss it. Then, in a moment, he whirled about, changed and furious. He rose to a sitting posture . . swung his legs out, bringing the bed-clothes a-wry with him. . . "You are an impostor . . you are not my son . . I tell you again, he is away . . has been away for years . . as long as I can remem- ber . . perhaps he is dead . . you are an impostor." 212 TRAMPING ON LIFE He leaped up, full of madness, and seized hold of me. "Stop, Father, what are you trying to do?" As I grappled with him, trying to keep him from hurting me and he was quite strong, for all his emaciation — the horror of my situation made me sick at the stomach, quite sick . . and my mind went ridiculously back to the times when my father and I had eaten oyster-fries together . . "that is the only thing you and this man have in common . . oyster-fries," remarked my mind to me. All the while I was pinning his wrists in my grasp . . re-pinning them as he frantically wrested them loose . . swearing and heaping obscenities on my head . . all the while, I thought of those oyster- fries . . we had saved up a lard-tin full of bacon grease to fry them in . . and fry after fry had been sizzled to a rich, cracker- powdered brown in that grease . . a peculiar smell waxed in the kitchen, however . . which we could never trace to its source . . "a dead rat somewhere, maybe," suggested my father. When we had used a third of the bacon grease, the dead rat's foot stood up . . out of that can. We discharged the contents of our stomachs in the sink. This was the ridiculous incident that possessed my imagination while I struggled with my father. I had my father over on the bed. He fought to a sitting posture again . . got his finger in my eye and made me see a whorl of danc- ing sparks. With irritation and a curse . . then both laughing hysterically and sobbing . . I bore him back to his pillow. . . The strength had gone entirely out of him . . now it came into his mind that I was there trying to rob or kill him. "Spare me, spare me!" he pleaded, "you can have everything in the house . . only don't kill me ! My God !" "Good Christ !" I groaned, as he beat upward, fighting again. I let him rise, almost palsied with horror. He perched on the edge of the bed, exhausted, — ^began groping with one hand, in the air, idly. "What is it? What do you want?" "Give me my pants ! I don't trust you. I want to go to the cor- ner and get a drink . . give me my pants !" "Pop, look at me . . stop this nonsense . . you're safe . . I'm your son, Johnnie!" TRAMPING ON LIFE 213 "That's all very well," he assented with an air of reserved cunning. "Please believe me," I pleaded. "All right . . you are my son . . only don't kill me," he responded craftily. "Father! . . good God!" He perceived by the emotion of my last exclamation, that at least I was not ill-disposed toward him. He clutched at the advantage. "Promise to take care of me till Johnnie comes — ^he's just around the corner," slyly. "Pop, what is it you want? What can I do for you.'"' "A curious greed flickered in his eyes. "Get me a drink!" "AU right ! I'll get it for you !" **Let me think ! There's none in the house . . none left,. Emily said." "But I brought some with me . . wait a minute." I went into the kitchen, turned on the tap softly, filled a glass half full of water, brought it back to him. "Here it is." ( "I don't like the colour of it." "Why, it has a nice, rich colour." "What is it? —Scotch?" "Yes." He sipped of it. Made a rueful face. "I don't like the taste of it . . it tastes too much like water," he commented, with a quiet, grave, matter-of-fact grimace that set me laughing, in spite of myself. . . "Drink it down ! I swear it's all right." He tossed off the water. "Give me my pants. I want to get out of here." "Why, wasn't that whiskey that I just gave you?" "Yes, yes . . but not very good stuff. I know where I can get better." Humouring him, I helped him into his trousers . . painfully he put on his shirt, neatly tied his tie, while I steadied him. This manual function seemed to better his condition straightway. He startled me by turning to me with a look of amused recognition in 214 TRAMPING ON LIFE his eyes. He was no longer off his head, just a very sick man. "Well, Johnnie, so you're back again?" "Yes, Pop — ^back again!" "What are you going to do next?" he queried wearily, seating himself laboriously in an armchair. "Stay, and take care of you !" "That will be unnecessary. I have had a rather severe attack of malaria . . that is all . . left me rather weak . . but now I'm getting over it . . had to take a lot of whiskey and quinine, though, to break it up ! "Malaria comes on me, every spring, you know . . harder than usual, this spring, though . . it's made me dotty . . made me say things, at times, I'm afraid!" We sat silent. '* — need any money?" he was reaching into his pocket. "No, I don't want a cent !" **Then take this five dollar bill and go around to the corner saloon and buy me a pint . . what I had is all used up, and the chills are not quite out of me yet." On the way to the saloon I stopped at Hartman's express office . . related the foregoing story. . . *'H'm ! yes ! . . I see !" . . Hartman braced his thumbs together meditatively, " — from what you say it's pretty serious . . some- thing will have to be done this very day. . . "Yes, go and get the pint . . let him have a drink of it. And — and keep close to him all the time . . don't," he added significantly, "leave the lady in question in the room alone with him for a single moment." "Have you got the pint. Son?" "Yes, Father. Here it is . . but just a little!" "I know what I'm doing !" He took most of it down at a gulp. Noticing the anxious look in my eyes. "Don't worry about me, Johnnie. I can take it or leave it alone . . — always could !" • •••••• Before Mrs. Jenkins could come back, Hartman anticipated her TRAMPING ON LIFE 21S »rith a nurse and a doctor. As Mrs. Jenkins came in, chagrin and indignation showed on her face. But she bowed perforce to the situation. She was too wise not to. "His lodge-brothers are taking care of Mr. Gregory now, Mrs. Jenkins," explained Mr. Hartman suavely, warning her off, at the same time, with a severe, understanding look in his eyes. She dropped her eyelashes — though with a bit of instinctive coquetry in them — under his straight-thrusting glance. "Well, I suppose professional care would be better than anything I could do for him . . but," sweetly, "I'll drop in from time to time to see if there's any little thing I can do." Deprived of the loving care of Emily Jenkins, though he called for her many times, my father mended his condition rapidly. And, after a long, mysterious conference with Hartman and other mem- bers of his fraternal order, he consented to allow himself to be sent West on a visit. But not till they had promised to keep his job as foreman in the Composite Works open for him, till he was well enough to come back. After I had seen my father off, I stayed in the silent rooms only long enough to pack up my books, which I left in care of Hartman. I had at last arrived at a definite plan of action. My grandfather was transacting some sort of business in Wash- ington, as my uncle, Jim, had informed me. There he was living in affluence, married again, in his old age . . just like his former wife. I had evolved a scheme which seemed to me both clever and feas- ible, by which to extract from him a few hundred or a thousand dol- lars with which to prosecute my studies further, and enter, eventu- ally, say, Princeton or Harvard . . perhaps Oxford. I found my grandfather holding forth in a swell suite of offices in the business district of Washington. Near his great desk, with a little table and typewriter, sat a girl, very pretty — ^he would see to that ! . . evidently his stenographer and private secretary. As I stood by the railing, she observed me coldly once or twice, looking me over, before she thrust her pencil in her abundant hair and sauntered haughtily over to see what I was after. 216 TRAMPING ON LIFE Despite the fact that I informed her who I was, with eyes imper- sonal as the dawn she replied that she would see if Mr. Gregory could see me . . that at present he was busy with a conference in the adjoining room. I sat and waited . . dusty and derelict, in the spick-and-span office, where hung the old-fashioned steel engravings on the wall, of Civil War battles, of generals and officers seated about tables on camp stools, — ^bushy-bearded and baggy-trousered. Finally my grandfather Gregory walked briskly forth. He looked about, first, as if to find me. His eyes, after hovering hawklike, settled, in a grey, level, impersonal glance, on me. "Come in here," he bade, not even calling me by name. I stepped inside, trying hard to be bold. But his precision and appearance of keen prosperity and sufficiency made me act, in spite of myself, deprecative. So I sat there by him, in his private room, keying my voice shrill and voluble and high, as I always do, when I am not sure of my case. And, worse, he let me do the talking . . watching me keenly, the while. I put to him my proposition of having my life insured in his name, that I might borrow a thousand or so of him, on the policy, to go to college with ... "Ah, if he only lets me have what I ask," I was dreaming, as I pleaded, "I'll go to England . . to some college with cool, grey mediaeval buildings . . and there spend a long time in the quiet study of poetry . . thinking of nothing, caring for nothing else." "No ! how absurd !" he was snapping decisively. I came to from my vision. "My dear Johnnie, your proposition is both absurd and " as if that were the last enormity "very unbusinesslike !" "But I will then become a great poet ! On my word of honour, I will ! and I will be a great honour to the Gregory family !" He shook his head. He rose, standing erect and slender, like a small flagpole. As I rose I towered high over the little-bodied, trim man. "Come, you haven't eaten yet.^"" "No!" Well, he had a sort of a heart, after all . . some family feeling. Walking slightly ahead, so as not to seem to be in my company, old Grandfather Gregory took me to! a — ^lunch counter . . bowing to TRAMPING ON LIFE 217 numerous friends and acquaintances on the way . . once he stepped aside to a hurried conference, leaving me standing forlorn and soli- tary, like a scarecrow in a field. I grew so angry at him I could hardly bridle my anger in. " — ^like oyster sandwiches?" he asked. He didn't even wait to let me choose my own food. "Two oyster sandwiches and — a cup of coifee," he barked. While I ate he stepped outside and talked with another friend. "Good-bye," he was bidding me, extending a tiny hand, the back of it covered with steel-coloured hairs, "you'd better go back up to Jersey — ^just heard your daddy is very sick there . . he might need your help." I thought cautiously. Evidently he knew nothing of my father's having been sent home by his lodge. I affected to be perturbed. . , **In that case — could you — advance me my fare to Haberford?" I'd wangle a few dollars out of him. My grandfather's answer was a silent, granite smile. " — ^just want to see what you can cajole out of the old man, eh.'' No, Johnnie — I'll leave you to make your way back in the same way you've made your way to Washington . . from all acounts railroad fare is the least of your troubles." My whole hatred of him, so carefully concealed while I thought there was some hopes of putting through my educational scheme, now broke out **F