Prof. T.C Cole's J r. <™J>LflEAUILfOlR$E Copy 1 twewy-hve Illustrated Lessons. i PROF. T. C COLE, 25004 ^ <* Two Cones Hw )UL 26 J9Q0f pyngfct entry SECOND copy. Deliver to ORDER DIVISION, -JUL_22_iaO0 66316 J HYPNOTISM MADE EASY And Put in Reach of Everybody by Prof. T. C. Cole, of Jonesboro, Ark., With His Masterly Mail Course l v y**Mn Modern Hypnotism, Consisting of Twenty-five Lessons. v | H oei^V ,HC [VJULE LESSON NO. I. My Dear Friend: — You now come to investigate a subject of wonderful and astounding revelations ; a subject which is attract- ing the attention of the masses as perhaps no other one theme. As you undertake the study of this important subject I insist that you put aside whatever of prejudice you may have in the matter and be free and honestly open to conviction for I assure and guarantee to you that there is no fake or fraud, but every word in the twenty-five following lessons is freighted with truth, and if — 2 — properly followed will reveal to you a power within you which has lain dormant all these years. You will make the discovery that you are a powerful creature and not by any means a weak dust- worm. There is no mystery in the language which is required to reveal this wonderful science of hypnotism. It is plain and simple English. You need have no fears of finding anything in these lessons that you can not understand. Divest your mind of all doubts and be prepared all the time to drink in the great truths of this wonderful revelation. It will be well for you to keep in mind the fact that you get in these twenty-five lessons all there is in hypnotism, theoretically. All that you will need after a thorough studying of the following lessons will be practice. You will have enough in theory to practice the remainder of your life. In these lessons you have hypnotism complete. I have nothing more to offer you. I care not how many times you have tried to learn hyp- notism, or how many failures you have made, or what appalling stories have been told you by the ignorant and uninformed, or how much you may have been discouraged by the religious people claiming it to be the devil's work, if you will follow my instruc- tions carefully you will have all these idiocricies removed from your mind as well as learning how to be a first-class hypnotist that will be of great value to you. But you should remember that you must follow out my instructions closely to avoid mistakes. Every word I tell you is strictly the truth, and in order for you to suc- ceed in the shortest time possible is for you ;o believe every word I say and to follow every instruction I give you, believing it to be sountil you have tried it thoroughly and you will find it to be just as I tell you. Some people think that before you can become a hypnotist you must sign your soul over to the devil. But I want to tell you right here it is a falsehood, and if you can find where I ask you to do anything of the kind in any manner please expose me in every way you can and above all tell me to my face that I am a fraud, but on the other hand you will find that I have acted as a Christian gentleman and have not misrepresented this great and wonderful art called hypnotism. The benefits, pleasure and health you will derive from the knowledge of this art will more than iepay you — 3 — for your time and the small sum of money you have been out in learning hypnotism, and remember that I give you plain facts without wasting words on theory that is of no use to you. I could write all my life on theory and never learn you one word about hypnotism, so I will point out to you all the various ways that you may produce hypnotism. There is not one point or way about this great art that I am not thoroughly familiar with and I understand just what I am telling you, and I repeat it, if you will follow these lessons and try to carry out what I tell you there is not the shadow of a chance of you making a failure. If you will give my lessons a few hours of your time for a few days you can rest assured that you will be in possession of every detail of this great and wonderful hypnotic art. If anyone should claim that they can teach you more than is in these lessons of mine you may consider the source and rest assured that they can do nothing of the kind, for I repeat that I will not spare any time or words that will help you to understand every point in regard to hypnotism. I will describe the hypnotic condition which is called hypnosis and the ways you may produce it by the simplest means. It will be hard for you to believe at first that this is the entire secret, but if you will only study my couise of lessons and try and see for yourself you will be convinced. Now do not throw the lessons down until you are convinced that there is something in hypnotism, and some of you will believe there is something more than these simple methods, but you will be convinced if you will only try and pee for yourself. You will be surprised to see people yield to your influence as readily as if you were some expert. Now remember and follow out these simple instructions and become a fine opera- tor. Just remember that nothing more is required to bring about this condition, so-called hypnosis. On the other hand the student must be entirely satisfied, for one of the chief marvels of this great and wonderful science is the fact that so simple a means is capable of producing such wonderful results. Another thing that surprises so many beginners is that what- ever the greatest hypnotist cau do can be done by any one who understands the art. Although this, js true it is for you to believe. — 4 — You can have just as good control of your subject as any one. If you will concentrate your will-power or? your work and continue to practice yon will become a fine operator. You can hypnotize as good as any one in a short time ; you can control your subject, you can make them insensible to pain or anything that is going on around them; you can take their eyesight from them or make them see anything you may direct them to see; they will see im- aginary scenes, and even describe objects they have never seen or heard tell of. You can do likewise with the hearing. Try it. You can hypnotize just as many as any operator. You can hypnotize as many at one time as any one. Youwill learn to use the post-hypnotic suggestion with ease and good effect. In short, what any hypnotist has done or can do with any living person so can you perform the same act with ease. I trust the above facts will fully convince you on this line and that it is possible for every one to become a perfect operator. The secret is not in the passes and moves and position you may have the subject, but is in knowing what to say and when to say it, and the most important part is how to say it, and knowing what to do and how to do it. It is very important that the student, or operator, should learn what not to say and what not to do so he may avoid the dangers which beset the paths of the ignoiant, but any one that will study my course of lessons will find it easy to learn all the secrets and be masters of the art and be able to handle the subject with ease and perfect safety to himself and to his subjects beyond the shadow of a doubt. ~s They are in a bad shape, canT think 'OF THERE NAMES, THEY ARE HOT, COLD AND CANT SHUT THERE MOUTHS AND STUCK TO THE FLOOR. LESSON NO. II. Hypnotism is creating considerable interest in the world at present, and it is well it has, for every person should know some- thing about hypnotism, or at least they should know how to resist the influence. It is certainly one of the most wonderful phenom- enas known to the human race. It is the gift of God to mankind and we should know something about it. For years the knowledge of this great and wonderful art has been suppressed and but few persons have been allowed the privilege of learning anything about it, but you have been at the mercy of those who knew something of the art. Nevertheless every person can learn something -6- about this art and most every one can become a perfect operator if they will give my lessons a few hours of their time, and I know they can learn enough to protect themselves against the most pow- erful operator the world ever knew. If you should fail on your first attempt do not become discouraged for the best operators the world ever knew failed on their first. But most of my students have succeeded from the first ; in fact, every one that follows my lessons and instructions to the letter has succeeded. This must be done if you succeed and it will be very easy to do, In fact, it is easier to follow my instructions than not to follow them. Now bear this in mind and you will succeed from the very first ; but should you fail the first time, or even the twelfth time, do not stop but try again and again until you succeed, and after you succeed in hypnotizing your first subject it will be smoothe sailing and you will advance very fast to the front. You may have some trouble in getting your subject at first. I generally give some boy or girl a dime to let me try them. When you have hypnotized a few people in your vicinity you will have no trouble in getting subjects for they will have confidence in youi* ability to put them to sleep and also to awaken them. If you will put on an extra look and appear as though you could hypnotize the entire crowd you will find it will help you. Yon can rest assured if you do not try to make something of yourself no one else will. I will give you a few points (if you will pardon me). Good beha- vior, manners and appearance of the operator. These points are not absolutely necessary but are highly important and a neglect of some simple rule of good manners may result in a complete failure where it might have been a grand success. The operator may be either a gentleman or a lady, fair or dark, old or young, tall or short, loud voiced and commanding, or gentle and kind. The sex is immaterial, but in speaking to my students I shall use the word "him" always. To avoid confusion I will use the male gender. It matters not who you are you should be neat in your dress and appearance. You should always be kind to all you meet or come in contact with. You should be very polite when you are at a private house. The operator must have a serious face, a kindly, self-possessed, dignified manner, a steady eye and a firm, quiet tottch. It is necessary that he should be able to look steady, with- out batting the eye, into another's eye for from one to thirty min- utes without becoming weary enough to show that you are failing. This you should practice by looking at an object for some time. Yon may take a new coin and gaze at it. You should practice every day or night on something until you can look at one object for some time. You may practice by looking everybody you meet in the eyes. This will help you also. The value of earnestness is shown in this, and many new subjects who are only trying you will be caught at a glance. But if thpy receive any encouragement, such as a smile from the operator, they begin to weary in well doing and cease to give strict attention to him. They will laugh out and say, " I knew you could not put me to sleep." A firm, serious look from the operator can bring them back into line. If you will only watch your subject closely you will make them feel ashamed of their frivolity. It is not necessary for the operator to speak very loud, but it is necessary that he should speak slowly and clearly. Every action of the operator should be swiftly and silently performed ; every word that falls from his lips should be clearly spoken. The operator must gi;ard against offensive habits, such as whisky, tobacco and other such habits, if he wishes to become an expert operator. He should be very careful in his personal ap- pearance that there be nothing in his intercourse that will be of- fensive to the most fastidious of his patients. He must be very neat about his attire, and very particular about the condition of his hands since he will keep these members constantly in use during the operation of producing hypnosis. The makeup and qualifications of a successful operator are as follows (but can be successful without all the qualities): Quick- ness, quietness, earnestness, neatness, and the avoidance of offensive habits. Now, dear student, if you are not in possession of all these at present you may make them yours by a little effort on your part. A little practice and cultivation will be all yon need. You should remodel yourself to the character here spoken of so you will be better fit to remodel or influence your subjects whom you wish to make better. You have noticed that some people seem to have an influence over everybody they come in contact with and have the power to govern large bodies of people with perfect ease. I will mention a few, and only a few, but you know them by the hundreds; George Washington, U. S. Grant, Andrew Jackson, W. J. Bryan and Ad- miral Dewey. These men seem to have had some unseen power, but I can assuie you they possessed this same power. They culti- vated their power or germ and you have not; that is the difference between you and them. They naturally had the gift and cultivated it and did not know how they did it. This germ is the ability to impress others. According to the cultivation or neglect of this important germ just so will be your success or failure. As yuu nourish 01 starve just so you will be a person of importance or unimportance; your advice will either be sought or it will be treated with contempt Everything in life that is a success may be traced back to that power which gives success its very life, this being the power to influence others. This great power is hypnotism — the power to control and modify the mind and will-power of others ; to make him think as you think, and, in fact, do your will with ease. This is what I call hypnotism. It is used by hundreds of people, such as doctors, preachers, orators and, worst of all, it is used by the rascal, and the common people or those who know nothing about hypnotism, do not know how they have such success in life. Now, my student, think of what you are learning and make a study of it for awhile and you will find yourself coming to the front. 9 — Thfv think They archocs, LESSON NO. Ill A suggestion is a thought formulated in or by someone and sent out from the mind of the party that formed or thought of it, A suggestion once sent out from the mind goes on forever unless its effects are doubted or are recalled by the party that sent it. Hypnotism is a suggestion which controls the mind of other per- sons by securing an agreement between the wills of two persons, one of whom is the subject and the other the operator. The sub- ject becomes passive and the operator positive. The subject does not exercise any power to act but agrees with the operator in all he -10- says and does. Now if you will be positive you can do this work and will tind you will succeed at first. The operator must be posi- tive and remain that way while operating and his subject must be passive. He will use suggestions to induce hypnotism in his sub jects and must use it to secure his aims and purposes by impress- ing his claims and opinions upon other persons and changing their minds to act as he wills them. Look around and examine the methods of the successful men and see if they do not use suggestion, not direct every time t but sometimes indirect. He is not at work alone but he uses other people, just the same as a doctor uses his instruments in perform- ing a surgical operation, to convince tbem that his suggestions are right. The successful man uses his suggestion in a way that he can control his subjects, and if you will watch you will find the successful man with a steady eye, a smoothe tongue, a firm mind and a determined will. He has trained himself to use these things; he has developed them in himself, and the point I wish to teach in this lesson is that just as he began you have now begun. Remem- ber this and try it and see if you do not succeed. This wonderful germ of success is in you just the same as it in the richest man in the vicinity. Just as you cultivate it in your- self just so will be your success. You now have the advantage of him because you have something to start from. You know the foundation principle of success and if you will only have courage enough to try and see what you can do you will be surprised to see your success in anything you may undertake. With this method you can hypnotize, or put your subject to sleep, sitting or standing, It is the same power that will give you success in life, 1 teach you how to hypnotize and the foundation is laid to a business career. Hoping you will understand me in the foregoing pages I will proceed to describe hypnotism as an art. Hypnotism may be defined in several ways. It is a higher branch of mesmerism and can be defined the same. Hypnotism is the power of the operator over the subject's will, or an agree ment between two or mo»e wills that one of them can control the will-power of the others by use of suggestion, either written or spoken. It is best to speak your suggestion but in case you want —11— to hypnotise a deaf and dumb person you can write the suggestion and it will take effect just the same, but be sure and tell him that when you touch his face with the hand in a certain way be will open his eyes and cannot read anything shown him, and it will not wake him. Then you are safe to perform on such a person. To bring about the hypnotic condition you must get the attention of the subject in some way and suggest to him that he is sleepy. If you get the entire attention of the subject it will be easy to hypno- tize him. Sometimes his attention may be directed to some object near by and after getting his attention in this way gradually place him under your power and control him with case. If you succeed in this you wil find the will-power of the subject or subjects gone and that yours is substituted. He can now be made to do as you suggest You may suggest that he cannot walk and he cannot ; or that he cannot bend his knees ; or imagine that he sees all kinds of performances, or smell or taste or hear anything you may wish him to. All this is done by suggestion. When you commence to operate the suggestion should be brief. You should not keep the subject asleep too long, but should give him the suggestion so that he will be easy put to sleep the next time. In this sleep the subject will do as he is told and will wake up if told to do so While under this influence his mind, or will- power, will be under your control and you should be careful what you say and do while the subject is under control. 1 have been asked how a person feels when hypnotized. Well, I will tell you. Did you ever feel yourself staring at some object and forget everything going on about you, and have some one speak to you and not hear them, or at least could not speak for awhile or until spoken to very loud or they struck you? If so this is the feeling and you had hypnotized yourself and did not know it, or in other words, vou feel like you are in a dream, either pleasant or unpleasant as the operator may suggest. This will give you an idea of how the subject feels when under the hypnotic influence, the condition of the subject being the same so far as the reception of sensory impression is concerned, as that of a man whose atten- tion is absorbed or abstracted. He hears sounds, smells fine odors, visits different cities, and sees many sights without knowing that he sees or hears anything. The directing power of the will being — 12 — out of his power the operator causes him to do all these things, or at least to believe he does. He is incapable of correcting while under the influence the most illusionary ideas and to appeal to common sense which for the time is annihilated. Of this we have a typical example familiar to all, in dreaming, which is a state of automatic mental activity of a kind so unregulated that the com- bined ideas are often of the most peculiar character. It has been truly said that nothing surprises anyone in their dreams. In our dreams we are never struck with the idea of the impossibility of the event we undertake, but we believe it to be genuine until we awaken. This is the case with the subject when in the hypnotic trance or sleep in whieh the operator has the entire control of the subject's mind. One of the common methods of bringing about the hypnotic trance or sleep is to commence on your subject by telling him you are going to put him to sleep. Have him look at some simple object, a ring or the end of a penknife will do, neld about six or eight inehes before and three or four inches above the eyes. Have him gaze steadily at this object for some time and then suggest to him that he is getting sleepy and sleepier and that his eyes are heavy, very heavy, and that he cannot hold them open any longer and he will close his eyes and go to sleep. X3 — THEY THINK THEY ARE EATING APPLES WHEN IT 16 BRICKS. LESSON NO. IV. You must remember that your subject cannot, while under the hypnotic influence, entertain but one idea at a time and that he will hold to and carry it out until you give him another or tell him to stop, and then he will stand or sit, as the case may be, until given a suggestion or idea, when he will at once commence to carry it out, and so on until you wake him, when he will be sur- prised to find himself doing something funny and to see all the people laughing at him. He may deny it at first but you and all those who saw him know he was hypnotized. By a close analysis of the principal parts of the hypnotic state —li- lt will be seen at once how oasy thpy may be reduced to the one simple principle of suggestion, so you will act entirely on the sug- gestion. The action of the mind of the subject is lost while he is in this state and the operator must control the actions of the sub ject. It is surprising that such a small matter should result in bringing about this wonderful condition of the other's mind. An- other very surprising thing is that one man can control so many people at the same time with so simple a means so that no one will discover how it is done, but after learning you see clearly how he managed them You remember I have told you that a person who is hypnotized can entertain but one idea or suggestion at a time and that he will continue to carry out that idea until stopped or he is changed. I think I have made this plain so you will understand how to handle any number of subjects at the same time. I sup- pose you have seen some traveling operators in hypnotism or mesmerinm perform on the stage and if so this will help you to understand, but if you have never seen anything of the kind if you will follow my instructions you will soon be one yourself and will be more surprised than your subjects. You must not get ex- cited in the least for there is nothing to get excited about. There is absolutely no danger in hypnotism in any form if the operator will not become excited and leave his subject to take care of him- self. Remember this and keep your wits together and you will never have trouble. There are so many young operators who are afraid they will put some one to sleep and then be unable to wake them. Don't be afraid of this, for should you fail to awaken your subject there will be no harm done, but if you follow my in- structions in this you will have no trouble in awakening a subject and you will succeed every time. So keep a cool head and you will have no trouble of any kind either in putting a subject to sleep or awakening him. The general methods in use to bring about the hypnotic condi- tion consists essentially in an imitation of the process of ordinary sleep by means of verbal suggestion. Thus we actually bring sleep into existence by working on the imagination through speech. The skill of the operator consists in making the subject believe he is going to sleep, and sure enough he will go to Bleep. It is not necessary to do anything except give the subject the suggestion to — 15 — go to sleep to produce hypnotism, but it is necessary to make passes over your subject, such us parsing the hands over the sub- ject's face and body, downward, within a few inches of him, and when you go to raise the hands close them until raised as high as desired and then open them. When awakening the subject reverse the passes and open them while lowered. You may shake the hands as if shaking something off of them. You may make the passes to suit the occasion. They are only used to make the work look like you were doing something and to keep the outside world in the dark. Sometimes you meet a subject that thinks he cannot be hypnotized unless the passes are used, so it is well enough to practlch the passes. A good plan is to go to a room by yourself and practice them over a chair and go through all the movements you will want to use. Get familiar with the work so that when you appear before the public you will not feel embarrassed. In practicing something like this with a firm, steady gaze at some object you will greatly improve yourself and will get along much better. You can talk to the subject for awhile before commencing to operate and assure him that you can do the work and that he will suffer no injury as there is no possibility of harm. When you commence to operate upon a subject he imagines he is going to be hypnotized and sure enough he is put to sleep, or in the hypnotic trance by his imagination. For this reason it is best for you to commence to operate on a stranger or some one that has been hypnotized before because they will have more confidence in you. This is half of the battle to begin with, but you will find when you have hypnotized a few subjects that everybody will have confidence in you and you will have confidence in yourself. One of the main objects is to have confidence in yourself and if you will go away from home it will be easy to make people you are a fine operator and some newspaper man will give you a uice write up and then you can send it to your home paper and you can take your home town by storm and succeed in every attempt, but you can succeed at home if you will only have confidence in yourself. It matters not where you commence to operate you should im- press your subjects that you are a full fledged hypnotist and have already hypnotized many persons; that you have been studying — 16 — this art a long time. A little deception right here will do no harm and will do you good and help you to succeed at the start. I do not want you to understand that I want you to exaggerate. A little exaggeration will make your subject have confidence in you and after you have got complete confidence in yourself you will only be telling the truth. You will find it very easy after you have hypnosized a few and the road to success will be smoothe traveling. If you should fail in your first attempt do not give up but try again^and again and you will at last succeed. You can do all this very easy if you will only follow my instructions and keep yourself in practice. 17 — A LESSON NO. U. Nearly all of my students meet with success the first trial, or a greater number than any other class, because I explain the sub- ject in so simple language that a ten year old cornfield boy can understand the art and without any danger of making a failure, I always feel satisfied that all my students will succeed, but should you fail write me at once, but do not stop trying. I feel certain, however, that you will tell me of your wonderful success. The best operator will fail sometimes, so don't imagine that they can do more than you can, for they cannot. All the advantage they — 18 — have is their reputation and practice, which, of course, has a won- derful effect on their subjects and they generally have two or three good subjects with them and this has a tendency to help them get a start and others seeing them operate with these subjects at once conclude that he is an expert and can hypnotize them. Eight here let me give you one point so you will not fail on your first attempt. If it is possible in selecting your first subject get one that has been hypnotized before and one that is willing to be hypnotized, because this kind of a subject will not resist yuu and it will give you confi- dence in yourself and then you can handle almost any one you want to or any one that is willing. If you succeed in getting the right kind of a subject he will not resist you and all that is neces- sary is to have him sit down in a chair, then take a position in front of and very near him. Now ask him to look at you and you look him sharply in the face a few moments and make a few passes in front of his face but do not take your eyes off his. Tell him he is getting sleepy and that his eyes are heavy and very heavy and that he cannot hold them open. Then say, your eyes are closing, closing, closing ; now your eyes are nearly closed ; close your eyes and yon will be asleep. Say tfie last words just as though you meant them but in a kind manner and you will be surprised to find your subject in the land of dreams and thoroughly hypnotized. This is a very important point. Get a good start and then keep climbing. Be sure and get, if possible, a subject that has been under the influence. Give him to understand that you are thor- oughly competent to hypnotize him and his imagination will do the rest. Should you be unable to get a subject that has been under the influence before I would advise you to get a girl or boy between twelve and twenty years of age. One with a bright, full, plump eye is the best, but then any will do. Let the subject be a stranger if possible, one that would in your judgment be easy and willing; not one that is stubborn or know-it-all, or a smart-alex who wants to see if he can outdo you, but one who will be willing to obey all your suggestions. The reason some subjects are difficult to hyp- notize is because they either consciously or unconsciously resist the operator's influence, — It will be well for you to observe certain conditions. First procure comfortable chairs (not rockers). If it be at night turn the -19 — subject's back to the light. Let the subject take a seat and do not allow any one to be moving about the room or to laugh or make a loud noise so as to disturb you or your subject. With your first experience you want everything quiet, but after a little experience noises will not bother you. If you take these precautions in your first attempt you will be well repaid by it. If you allow noise and moving about the room it will be apt to attract your attention and your subject will lose confidence in you and you will make a failure. Be careful at first and when you have things going your way you will have no trouble in hypnotizing. It will be best if possible to see those who are to be present beforehand and tell them before the subject arrives that every word and action must be with the view of impressing the subject with the idea that there is not the slight- est doubt of you being able to hypnotize him, and you must have perfect confidence in yourself. You must not become excited, as there is nothing to be excited about Do not be afraid something will happen that you do not understand for if you study my lessons you will have the entire knowledge of hypnotism and will have no trouble in awakening the subject as this is the easiest part of the work and there is absolutely no danger of being unable to bring the subject out of the hypnotic trance. If you will tell him he will awake in a few hours by himself, and go away and leave him he will do so. He passes into a natural sleep and in a few hours he awakes feeling all right. I have never had any trouble in awaken- ing the many thousands I have hypnotized, and you will have no trouble. You should always prepare your subject's mind before com- mencing to operate. You can do this in several ways. One way is to tell him that you are a good judge of a subject and ask him to let you look at his eyes a moment. If the sight contracts or dilates you can rest assured that he is a good subject, and if you tell him he is a good subject it will make him believe you can do the w T ork. You can use your own judgment as to how to talk to a subject but you must impress them with the idea that you know just what you are talking about and can do just what you say you can. I sometimes tell a subject that I have a magnetic ball that will put him to sleep if he will look at it. (Take a small cork and cover it with tin foil). Then have him take a seat and hold this — 20 — magnectic ball between your thumb and finger above and in front of his eyes so as to cause a strain on his eyes to look at it and have him look steadily at it for several minutes. Then tell him he will feel a gentle diowsinses coming over him, that his eyes will become heavy and heavier every moment and that they will soon close. Watch his eyes and when you see by your suggestion that he is getting sleepy tell him his eyes are almost closed, then tell him to close his eyes and he will be sound asleep, and deeper asleep, and still deeper asleep. Then tell him to take one long breath and relax and you will be sound asleep and vou will obey every word I say and nothing will awake you but me, but you will awake when I tell you. Now you can test your subject. Place his hand in yours and tell him to press it down hard. Then tell him he cannot remove it. If he fails then let him remove it. 21 — EATIhG FLOURJOR- ICE CREAM, THEf 'LIKE IT. LESSON NO. V/l. At this point you should proceed very gently. Do not let the subject try too long to undo what you have done for if he succeeds he may break away from you. If you give him a little time to go deeper asleep it will seem more natural than if you should hurry him. Do not hurry ; give the subject a little time and you will succeed. When you see his eyelids getting heavy and his eyes look as though they were full of water or look glassy then say to him in a low but firm tone, your eyes are heavy and they are burn- ing and feel like you want to go to sleep ; you are nearly asleep ; look, your eyes are closing; you are so tired and sleepy that you — 22 — can hardly hold your eyes open ; close them and you will be sound asleep. Pause a moment and then say, you are asleep, sound asleep ; you are resting good and are going to sleep for a short time only. Do not keep the subject asleep too long at first. It is better to awake him for awhile and then put him to sleep again. The eyelids may quiver some but this is a good sign that the sub- ject is going to sleep. Suggest to him that his muscles are getting perfectly quiet and that his eyes are closed tight and feel good. Let him rest a few moments, but if he be a new subject keep sug- gesting that he is asleep and that nothing can hurt or awaken him bnt you. Now rub his arm and tell him you are going to raise his arm but that it will not awake him but that it will put him sound asleep. Then raise his arm and suggest that it is rigid. Stroke the arm outward and say it is as rigid as a piece of iron, and you cannot take it down, and when he fails do not let him try long but suggest that he can take it down and it will feel all right. Tell him you are going to let him open his eyes but it will not awake him. Tell him he can open his eyes but he is sound asleep and nothing is going to awake or hurt him, and that he will obey every word you say. That he will not awake until you tell him, and can do what you tell him but nothing more and will do so all the time. That he will not wake up until you tell him ; that his eyes are open but he can see only what you want him to see. You always speak to a subject as if they were awake for they are keenly awake to you all the time unless they get out of rapport with you. They are not apt to get out of rapport unless there is some one near that understands hypnotism, but sometimes they will get in rapport with some one that does not know anything about it. When you find your subject will not obey you at all and will not wake up at your command he is apt to be in rapport with some one in the room or near him. The way to find out who he is in rapport with is to have each out* command him to do something, A good suggestion is to tell him his chair is hot and that he cannot sit still and if he obeys you may know he is in rapport with this person. You can have this person command him to wake up, but I usually, if the person is not a hypnotist, have them tell the subject to obey me; anil he will be glad of the chance. Then as soon as I see I am in rapport with my subject again that you — 23 — are under my power and you will have to stay there until I awake or transfer you to some one else. You cannot break away from me again and will have to stay with me and obey every word I say. Now remember this and you will not break away again. But should you not find any one that the subject will obey take the subject and follow out my instructions as to how to awake a hard subject, and above all things do not become excited as there is absolutely no danger, and you vail succeed if you follow my instructions. As I have stated before you control your subject only by sug- gestion, The suggestions may be made in any way so the subject understands them. It is important to note that while suggestions may be made verbally to the subject and are usually so made it is by no means the only way a suggestion can be given. All that is required is that the subject should clearly understand what you want him to do and he will obey you. The organs of sense and perception are all channels by which you can convey a suggestion to your subject. As T have said before hypnotism is a condition brought about by suggestion and the subject is controlled by speaking or making some sign or motion to him which he under- stands. This is the only reason why passes are necessary. But should you speak or make some sign he does not understand he will not obey. In many different ways you can convey your sug- gestions to a hypnotized person; in fact, in as many ways as you can when awake. 24— V KINDS OF 5P0RT. LESSON NO. VII. I give you a very slow way, but a sure way. This you may use, if you choose to do so. You cannot help succeeding if you and your subject will follow this rule. This is called an "In- hibitory" method or slow way which I will fully describe and then you can use it or use some quicker way. It is slower in producing its results but it is sure. For stage work it is far inferior to my own original lightning method which I will give you later on, but this is really the ground work, or foundation, of all known meth- ods in hypnotic science. Now, the reason why I give yon this slow method, is, that I -25- Want to equip you against every possible chance of defeat, using the precautions I have already laid down, in the selection of the proper kind of a subject. You will take your subject away into some quite room where there will be no one to come in, and have someone to go along with you, so the subject will not be afraid to go with you. At any hour in the day will do, after a regular meal hour is preferable. Allow the person who accompanies you to have a seat behind your subject. Now place two chairs facing each other, have your subject with his back to the light and you take your seat in front of the subject; your chair should be a little higher, if convenient, so your head will be a little above your sub- ject, Now move your chair up very close, so when you lean forward your face will be within two feet or closer. Now say to him quietly, firm and with confidence, looking at him steadily be- tween the eyes: "I have brought you in here to prove to you the virtues of hypnotism/' I will not hurt you. I have brought this friend of yours in so he can see to that. You must give me your entire attention and must not let your mind wander about. You must do just as I tell ycu. I am going to put you to sleep. I am going to fasten your eyelids so tight that, no matter how hard you try to open them, the tighter they will be. This will not hurt you for I will not let you remain very long, and it will not hurt you at all. I have the power to do this and now I want you to look closely at my right eye just for a few moments. It will not hurt you and you will feel good. Now look at my right eye and do not look away under any circumstance. Now your eyelids are getting a little heavy and you feel a gentle drowsiness creeping all over you. This is the natural feeling of sleep. You will soon be asleep, You are getting tired and very sleepy; sleepier and sleepier. Now your eyes are sleepy and they are closing, gradually closing, and you are almost asleep. "Keep your eyes on the sub- ject all the time. You can tell when, what and how to say it by watching your subject. Whatever you do do not take your mind or eyes off of him." Now give me your attention. Watch me quietly just for a few seconds. Now close your eyes tight, a little tighter and tighter, for a few moments. Now they are coming open again. Now you may open your eyes. Now once more look at my right eye. Now your eyes are closing. Close them — close — 26 — them tighter. Now keep them closed until I count live and you cannot open them — one, two, three, four, five. Now they are stuck Now they are stuck tight. Try and see if you can open them. Of course you can't but you can try. Now you can snap your thumb andfinger together and say, "all right,'' now you can open your eye?. You may make some passes in front of your subject's face and tell him that he can't hold his eyes open, that they are closing. Say this in a firm tone just as though you meant every word of it, and when he closes his eyes tell him you are going to stick them again, that they are sticking now and he cannot open them. Tell him to try to open them. Now open your eyes, Look at my eye once more. Do not take your eyes off mine. Now I am going to fasten your hand to mine so you cannot take it off. Now look steady. Pick up his hand and put it in yours. Do not take yonr eyes off him. Press it tightly and 1 ell him to press it down tighter and tighter, and that he cannot take his hand from yours, that it is stuck tight and you cannot take your hand out of mine. It is stuck tight and you cannot get it out at all. Try it. Try it hard, You cannot get your hand out of mine ; try and see if you can. Well, now you can. Now you can move your hand. There, you are not hurt at all and you feel as good as you did. Look at me. You are getting sleepy. Close your eyes and take a good nap. Now take a long breath and go deep asleep, still deeper asleep, deeper and deeper asleep. Now take another long breath and you are very deep asleep, deeper and very deep asleep. Let the subject rest a few moments and watch him and if his muscles seem to draw and become rigid you may know he is going into the third stage, and if he does you can say, all right, relax and be quiet for a few moments; now you are sound asleep and will obey anything I may tell you. Now ycu may get up and move your chair out of the way. Now say I am going to open your eyes but nothing will awaken you. Now open your eyes. You are sound asleep with your eyes wide open ; you can see me but you are sound asleep with your eyes wide open. Look up here. Yonr chair is getting hot; you cannot sit in it as it is burning you. The subject generally wriggles around a little, then jumps up and rubs himself and then goes and feels of the chair to see if it is hot. Of course you tell him again the chair is hot and that it will burn him ; to touch it and see, and — 27 — he will touch the chair and then show signs of being burned. Go to him and ask him if he is buined or what is the matter with him, and he will tell you he is burned. Then you say, where, let me see. Blow your breath on his hand and tell him it is all right and he will be all light. You can lead your subject right along. You can tell him that it is summer time and that it is very hot weather and be cannot wear his coat or vest and he will haul them off. Tell him they are hot and will burn him ; that he cannot hold them ; to throw them away, and away they will go and he will pant and fan himself with his hand or anything he can get. You may say here is a fan, but do not give him anything but go through the motion and he will fan himself. Now tell him that the weather is changing and it is getting very cold and that he will almost freeze. It is very cold and you are almost froze; you are shaking with cold, and he will shake and shiver and if you point to his coat he will run and get it and put it on. Never wake a subject when in this stage quickly, but you cau wake him by snapping your fingers and saying all right., and he will look very funny at you. but look at him and say: Look at me; you are asleep, and he will close his eyes. Then suggest to him that he is feeling good before you awake him. — 28 . STONE OVER A HYPNOTIZED ^.PERSONS BREAST .WHILE ASLEEP LESSON NO. Will. A few good points to remember are that you must be careful in forming your suggestions when hypnotizing your subject. Always give your suggestions in a polite, gentlemanly manner, but be fii -Hi and do not laugh or smile when operating, but at any other time bp cheerful. I mean when you are first commencing to hyp notize a subject. After you have him under your influence thoroughly you can laugh if you wish, but keep cool and level- headed and do not forget what you are doing. You must never — 29 — allow him to use any effort in thinkiDg while you are working upon him. You must so clearly impress upon his mind that he will un- derstand without further explanation just what you intend for him to feel or do, or in other words, you must make the subject under- stand and not allow him to ask any questions because the act of asking questions on his part not only disturbs his attention and scatters his concentration but it throws you off your guard. Be careful in regard to this and make your suggestions so clear and emphatical to his understanding that his mind receives it at once without difficulty, causing no strain upon the comprehension. You will be asked by many how it is that you are able to do such things, as for instance, to stick a man to the ground or to the wall against his will. They will ask you hundreds, yes, thousands, of such questions. I generally tell them it cost me hard work and money to learn these things, or it is well to let them see you per- form and then they will know it is not a sleight-of-hand trick and there is no humbug about it. They will see that you understand something that they do not and will then tell you how 7 you do the work. I usually let them have their way about it and ask them to show me some of their work. This will do you or your work no harm but lather add to its attraction if they believe the phenomena which you produce is due to a peculiar power you possess. I would advise you to tell them nothing, but whatever you do do not take your subject into your confidence. All you need to tell the subject is that the experiment you will take him through will do him no harm and that no harm can come from it, but on the con- trary it will benefit his health and break him of his bad habits if he has any he would like to quit. You can govern yourself to suit the occasion. Should you wish to try the subject in different ways while awake you can stand him on bis feet, tell him to put his heels to- gether and drop his hands at his side. Now raise your hand in front and above his head so as to cause him to look upward. Now tell him to close his eyes and to hold his eyeballs in the same posi- tion, or to look at an imaginary white spot in his forehead. Tell him he will feel something pulling him backward. Tell him to relax and then rub him down lightly and put your hand on the side of his head and rub lightly backward. Now you are behind him. — 30 — Take your hands away from his head slowly and say you are fall- ing backward, falling backward; now you are coining, you are coming; I will not let you strike the floor; I will catch you ; now you are falling. Now touch the sides and back of his head lightly with your hands, and if he does not fall at the first trial, as you gradually remove your hands say to him, now you feel the influ- ence pulling you backward ; now you are falling backward ; now you are coining very fast. If you succeed in this experiment yon will find, as a rule, the person to be a good subject. Theie is another experiment I try sometimes and that is this. Place the subject in the same position as above and take your stand in front of him. Raise your hand up high and tell him to look at your two fingers. Now say your eyes are closing ; keep your eyeballs in the same position and let your eyes close ; now your eyes are closing and you cannot open them until I tell you; now make yourself very rigid. Rub your hands downward over his shoulders and arms and say now you are rigid. Now step behind him and pass your hand over bis eyes with a light touch and say your eyes are shut tight and you are very stiff; now my influence will pull you backward. Let your hands touch the back of his head (do not pull or push him) and let him believe your influence is pulling. Do not be in a hurry. Take your time. Let your hand come away as if you had something around his neck and you were pulling on it. Tell him he is falling backward and he will fall back as stiff as a piece of iron. You can pull him any way you want to, sideways, front or backward. Every one of these experiments you try will help to bring about the success you seek, Remember that when you impress a person their thoughts will help you the next time they are present. You will not hesitate and become confused or self-conscious after you have practiced this wonderful art a week or so in private places. It is astonishing how the art of hypnotism benefits the health and brings happiness aud courage to the operator. You will learn how to govern and sway men, to influence others ; a new chapter in your life is opening, and if you will study your own life and learn how to govern yourself it will help you to influence others. If you will practice your step will become elastic. Hold your head high ; look with a force of habit straight — 31 — into the face of every one you meet and you will feel stronger, healthier and happier. You will start the sweet power of con- sciousness, as you look at your fellow men, that you are in posses- sion of the secret of all influence. It is just at this point that you will begin to appreciate the power of thought alone to the influence of others and then you will commence the art of your silent influ- ence which you will find taught in my course of lessons. Right here you will find the most fascinating field of experiment and a study which, if you will study, will be beneficial in its curative effect upon others as well as helpful and consoling to the operator. It is the sublime consciousnes which comes to the man or woman that learns and practices this great art of influencing, controling making happy, correcting bad habits and curing diseases of other men and women. -^^r — 32 — He CANNOT Drink anymore LESSON NO. IX. My first method of producing hypnosis given in these lessons are as good and as easy as any ever published. There are various methods of producing hypnosis but it is not likely you will have occasion to nse any of them to any extent. I will give you a few more of the many methods and you can make as many mure as you wish as the sormal I lay down here may not suit in your case. It sometimes happens that a person you cannot put under the in- fluence of hypnosis by one method will readily yield to some other method, and if you should fail after having thoroughly tried the — 33 — method you prefer and wish to try another be sure and give the subject the suggestion that the method you are now going to try is much more powerful than the one just tried and that you are sure it will succeed. It does not matter which it may be tell him it is much more rapid than the one which just failed and that the one you are going to try hardly ever fails and that it is very pow- erful and has no equal. This rule will often work upon the imagination of the subject with such force that it will be easy for you to produce hypnotim in a few seconds. You may use a method similar to the first one but in which the influence is brought about by the suggestion you give between the times you try the first and second method. After having prepared the mind of the subject for the second trial tell him not to let his mind wander and to think of nothing but sleep; in fact, tell him when you commence this time that he cannot think of anything but going to sleep. Tell him to look you in the eyes and look him firmly in the eyes do not take your eyes off his or let him look off or take his eyes off yours. Now say to him in a firm but kind and distinct tone, your eyelids are getting heavy, heavy, very heavy ; they are getting very, very heavy ; they will close in a few seconds. Your eyes have commenced to burn and you cannot hold them open much longer. You are getting sleepy, Yery sleepy ; oh, so sleepy, sleepy; your eyes are getting very tired and you feel like you would like to sleep a long, sound nap. Your eyes are fatigued and are closing: ; now close them and you will be sound asleep. If he closes his eyes keep up the suggestion that he is sound asleep and that nothing will awake him but you and that he will not awake until you tell him to. Should he not close his eyes repeat the above formula and add more. Watch his eyes and you can tell when they are getting heavy. Then suggest to him that he cannot hold them open much longer ; that they are closing, grad- ually closing, in spite of ever thing closing, closing, gradually closing. Your eyes would feel much better closed in sleep and they are almost closed. They are so tired and burn so hard and are so dim that you can hardly see. Now they are closing very fast; they are closing, closing, almost closed. Your eyes are closed and you are fast asleep; you cannot awake until I tell you and nothing will awake you but me. Remember this and go deeper — 34 — asleep, deeper asleep, and still deeper asleep. When the subject closes his eyes he is almost asleep. Do not hurry him at this point but tell him he is sleeping soundly and a few judicious words affirming that he is sound asleep completes the hypnosis. You should be very careful at this point. Watch your subject closely and suit your suggestions and words to the symptoms they develop. The "Fascination or Gazing Method " will sometimes produce good effect. In this method you tell the subject to gaze steadily at some object or into the eyes of the operator or at the ends of his fingers for some time. If this proves successful he will imitate every move the operator makes, all the time keeping his gaze fixed on the operator. Now I will give you the " Mental Method/' I hardly ever use this method but will give it to you so you can try it. You can pro- duce good results from the effects of it. Place the subject in a chair or on a lounge and tell him to close his eyes; that his mind is a blank and he cannot think of anything and to keep his eyes closed until ycu return and then leave him alone a few minutes. When you return to him tell him he cannot open his eyes. If he fails to do so then you may give him any suggestion you wish. It is best to give the suggestion that he is asleep and cannot awake until you wake him. The "Mesmeric Method" is very simple. You simply com- mand the subject to close his eyes while you make passes over his body. Commencing at his head with open hands pass them down- ward toward his feett then close the hands and bring them back again. You need not make the passes the full length of his body unless the subject is lying down. Make the suggestion at the same time that he is going to sleep; that he is getting sleepy, very sleepy. Always suit the suggestion to your subject by watching him closely. You can learn what to say and how and when to say it. You can hypnotize any number at the same time with this method. To do this you should have a few subjects present whom you have had under your influence before, and who, of course, will immediately succumb to your influence which will have the desired effect on the imagination of the other subjects. Now you make a few passes before the subjects and suggest sleep and you will find that they readily yield to your influence and pass into hypnosis. — 35 — The "Confident Method'' is a very good one. Place your sub- ject in an easy chair, not a rocking chair, and give him to under- stand by your easy but firm manner that you are master of the art and that you know your business ; that you know that you will succeed beyond any doubt. Do not say I will try and see what I can do, but say I know I will succeed, Give him the impression that there is no chance to fail and should you fail let the subject feel that it is his fault and not yours. If you do this the fact that you failed the first time would not prevent the next being a suc- cess. Walk up to the subject and look him over ; place his hand in an easy position ; rub your hands together a little and say, look me in the eyes while I look in yours. Now get quiet and easy; relax your mind and body as much as possible ; I am going to put you to sleep aud you are going to rest as natural as you ever did in your life ; relax all over ; be quiet and easy ; now imagine you are lying down for a quiet sleep ; look at my eyes ; do not take your eyes off of mine ; let nothing disturb you ; listen attentively to what I have to say. You are getting sleepy ; now relax every muscle in your body aud make yourself just as easy as possible, You are getting drowsy and feel like going to sleep; you feel easy and are resting; your eyes are very tired and you are so sleepy, so very sleepy. Your eyelids are closing and you are almost asleep, almost sound asleep ; you must go to sleep and rest; I will not let you sleep long, but you will feel so much better when you awake. Now you are sleeping; close your eyes and sleep; close them a little tighter and tighter; now you are asleep and are going sounder asleep; deep asleep, and very deep asleep, and nothing can awake you but me, but you will awake when I tell you. Now you can open your eyes. Look at me. Now your eyes are closing, closing very fast and you cannot hold them open; they will close in spite of you. Now they are almost closed; they will close in a few moments; now close them and rest and sleep awhile. You may repeat this formula as many times as you wish. You may make passes toward the last. 36 — LESSON NO. X In this lesson I will give you the "Awaken Method. '' This is very amusing and suprising to the subject and the audience because the subject seems to be awake and, in fact, he is conscious of everything that is going on and knows everybody present but he is under your hypnotic influence and cannot help obeying you. Now to business. Place the subject in an ordinary chair with both feet on the floor and his hands on his thighs with palm down and the fingers pointing toward the knees, Take your stand three or four feet in front of him and tell him to relax and be as easy as possible and to look at your right eye. Look directly into his eyes until the pupil of the subject's eyes begin to dilate. This will require but a few seconds, generally about ten or fifteen. Repeat slowly but firmly the following formula (and keep your eyes on -3?- the subject all the time and tell him he must do just as you tell him ; that he must not resist at all but obey you and you will not hurt him or put him to sleep and he will know everything that is going on): Now close your eyes, gently; tighter; a little tighter; hold them there a moment; think your eyes are stuck and you will find it a little hard to open them. They are sticking tighter and tighter; now try and see if they are not stuck. Try — try — try. All right, now you can open them. You must relax all your intentions when you say all right. You must have confidence in yourself and believe you can do the work and make others believe you can do all you claim. As soon as you see the subject is under your influence or that his eyes are stuck, release him at once for a moment. This may prevent him forming diverse auto-suggestion which might destroy the slight impression already made. After a few moments rest you can repeat the operation. Say to him: Look at my right eye; now close your eyes gently and easy; a little tighter and a little tighter; now real tight. Your eyes are sticking tighter and tighter and this time they are stuck tighter and you will find it harder to open them than before. Try — try — try. All right, now you may open yuur eyes and look at me. After commencing on the subject keep up a constant stream of oral suggestion. Whether you touch the subject or not talk to him all the time in a pleasant but firm tone. Always emphasize the formula little stronger the second time than the first and also add a little to it each time and continue to emphasize the formula more each time you try the subject and you will succeed beyond doubt. Look at my eye steadily; close your eyes gently and easy; a little tighter; tighter and very tight. Now I am sure it will be harder to open them than before. They are stuck very tight this time; now try and see if you can open them. Try — try — try. All right, now you can open them. Look at one of my eyes once more and I will stick your eyes so tight you cannot pull them open until I tell you. Close them tight; a little tighter; tighter; arch your brows; keep them very tight and when I count three you will find them stuck and you will be unable to open them — one, two, three; now they are stuck sure — 38 — enough. Try and see if you can open them. Try — try — try hard. Now be easy one moment and I will open them, Snap your fingers and say, all right, now you can open them. Look at my eye steady and easy. I am going to fasten your hands together.- Lock them together tight; a little tighter and a little tighter. Rub your hands down his arms (keep your eyes on his) and press his hands together tight and say, your hands are sticking tight and tighter and you cannot pull them apart; they are fastened tight; try and see if you can pull them apart. Try — try — try hard. All right, now you can. Once more look at my eyes. Slap your hands together tight and lock your fingers and they are stuck. Look at them, don't you see they are sticking tight and very tight. Now rub his arms down and clasp his hands tight and look him in the eyes and say, your hands are locked very tight and it is impossible to get them apart until I release them. Try — try hard. You cannot take them apart, All right, now you can. You can have the subject stand if you wish in the following: Look at my eyes; raise your hands; point the index fingeis toward each other; now look at the right, now the left, the right, the left, the right, the left; now you cannot touch the ends of the fingers together. Try it. They will miss every time. Try — try hard. All right, they will hit and they will be stuck. See, they are stuck tight. Push them together and they will stick and you cannot pull them apart. Try — try — try. All right, now you can. Look at my eyes. Raise your arms out straight from the body and make them rigid and stiff. Now look at your right arm and then at the left; now the right, now the left, now the right; now you cannot take them down. See, you cannot; they are stiff and you cannot bend them. Try — try — try hard and see if you can. All right, now you can. You can try any of these experiments and as many more as you can think of and as many times as you want to or think neces sary. You can carry the subject into the sleep stage if he will con- sent or you can stick him to the floor or fasten him in his chair or stick his hand to yours. You can make the formula of suggestion to suit yourself, but remember that in the Muscular Method or Awaken Method the subject is awake. 39 — IMA0INE5THAT HE IS AN EXPER? DEHTI5T LESSON NO. XI After having succeeded in some of the foregoing experiments you will feel confident you can produce hypnotic sleep. This stage is called " Lethargy or the. Sleeping stage." Place the subject in an easy chair (not a rocker). Have him place his feet flat on the floor and his hands on his thighs. Tell him he will feel natural and will feel no unpleasantness about it but will feel good when he awakes. Take your stand in front of the subject and tell him to look into your right eye. Now point to your eye with the index finger of the right hand and then let the hand drop to your side. Look the subject in the eyes and say — 40 — your eyes will soon get heavy and you cannot hold them open. Your eyes are getting a little sleepy and your eyelids are getting heavy, very heavy, and still heavier; your eyes are burning and you feel very sleepy. At this point raise your hands slowly toward the subject's head Keep the hands about twelve inches apart with the palms toward each other. Raise the hands while you give the suggestion. Keep the hands moving slowly until near the sub- ject's head and then if he has closed his eyes make a few passes in front of his face. Your eyes are burning and you feel very sleepy; you can hardly hold your eyes open; you are so sleepy you are nodding and your eyes are closing, closing. That is right, let them close when they feel like it and you will be sound asleep; you are almost asleep; your eyes are very sleepy; you cannot hold them open much longer; you are so sleepy you can hardly see any- thing; you will soon be in the land of dreams; your eyes are closing fast; you are almost asleep; now close your eyes and take a sound nap. I will not hurt you or let any one hurt you. You are leaning back in your chair; you are so sleepy you can hardly sit up; you are sound asleep. Now watch your subject when he closes his eyes and -say to him, you are so sleepy you can hardly sit up in your chair. (He may fall off the chair, so be careful and catch him.) Then add, you are sound asleep but you can sit up in your chair; see, you can sit up and sleep sound, and very sound. Now take a long breath and go deeper asleep and deeper asleep; sound asleep If the subject takes a long breath and seems to go deep into hyp- nosis you may let him rest. Nothing will bother, nothing will awake you; you are sound asleep and cannot awake until I tell you. Now you are resting and going deeper asleep; very sound asleep. Now take another long breath and go a little deeper asleep. That is right; you are doing very nice, and I am sure no one could do more than you are doing because you are sound asleep and will obey anything I tell you. Now I am going to rai3e your hand and it will not awake you; see, it does not awake you but puts you deeper asleep. Now raise his band and place it in yours and tell him to press it down hard. Then say your hand is sticking tight to mine and you cannot take it away; press it tight until I stick it. Now it is stuck and you cannot move it. Try — try — try it hard. Don't you see you cannot move it. All right, now you can, but it —41- will not awake you. See, you are sound asleep and not hurt at all but feel good. Now T will fasten you to the chair. Press back against the back of the chair and you will stick tight. You are stuck tight to the chair and cannot get up. Take your hands and press him back and down in his chair and then say to him, you are stuck tight to the chair and cannot get up. Try and see. Try — try — try hard and see if you can get up, but of course you can- not, but you can try again. Well, now you can. All right, now you can get up. See, you can, If you succeed in getting the sub- ject this far along you can rest assured you have him under the hypnotic influence and can perform anything you wish to with him. Tell him his chair is hot and to sit down and see. Just as he sits down say, your chair is hot and you cannot sit there, it will burn you, and he will jump up as quick as if he were burned. Then you can proceed to open his eyes, saying, now you are sound asleep but you can open your eyes, but you are sound asleep and cannot awake until I tell you. Now open your eyes and look around. See, everybody has left the room and we are by ourselves. What does this mean? If he acts like he could not see any one he may speak if you will ask him where the people have gone. If he speaks answer him and then proceed further. Suggest to him that the 100m is getting very warm, in fact, it is very hot and that he cannot keep his coat on, and that the floor is so hot he can hardly stand on it and he will jump all over the floor and throw his coat off; he will climb on the lounge or a chair if you suggest or point to one. There is another good test you may try as it will not hurt or injure him, It is this. Get a dozen or more blank cards. Show him one of them and tell him it is bis photograph, or you can name it anything you want to, and ask him if he would know it. Be sure and ask him if he will know it and if he says he will tell him to look close and be sure. Point out the spots or outline the pic- ture with your linger. Then say to him, you are sure you will know this card the next time you see it and can pick it out from any number of cards and if he answers yes, take the card and mark it or have someone mark it on the back (not on the side he looked at) and shuffle the card back in the pack of cards and hand them to him and tell him to get you the card you showed him. Call the card by the same name you called it when he tirst looked at it, and he will shuffle them and pick out the same card. This is a wonderful feat. Try it. — 42 A SEVERt 5URCML Operation U MDER HXPN° 515 - LESSON NO. XII. When you commence to practice hypnotism you will come in contact with all kinds of people. You will have to accustom your- self to this. Always be kind and generous, but firm. You will come in contact with hard subjects and will have to use all your will power, but do not become discouraged. Should you have a hard subject and his eves will not close you can try this method on him and if he is not careful you will get him. After having tried him with some other method tell him you have another method but it will be very hard on his eyes and that if he does not object you will try it on him. Tell him it will not hurt him but that he will have to close his eyes and give up or his eyes will hurt. Now ask him to look steadily at the ends of two of your fingers. -43- Hold your fingers in a forked position at about forty-five degrers above his eyes and have him look steadily at them and not wink or bat his eyes. Have him look at one finger with one eye and the other finger with the other eye. Say to him, look at my fingers and let your eyes follow them everywhere they go. Keep on look- ing and watching and think of nothing but what I am saying. Your eyelids are getting very heavy. They are feeling drowsy and your eyes are getting red and are beginning to barn. They have commenced to ache and will soon close. Do not take your eyes off the ends of my fingers. Watch them, they are coming closer and as they come you will have to close your eyes in spite of yourself. Relax thoroughly and your eyes will close. Let your hand be about twenty inches from him when you commence and watch his eyes and if they seem to yield to your influence com- mence to move your hand and move it toward his eyes, at the same time keeping up the suggestion that his eyes are getting very tired and that they are closing, closing, almost closed, and as your hand comes closer make the suggestion more and more emphatic. Speak the suggestion with such force that it will have effect. Watch his eyes as your hand comes nearer and if he seems to be staring at your fingers and cannot close his eyes lower your hand to about forty-five degrees below his eyes. When your hand is within about five inches of his eyes say to him, now your eyes will close as my hand goes down; closing, closing, almost closed. Now close your eyes a little tighter, a little tighter; now close them real tight and you will be asleep. Should you fail to get him to close his eyes with this then at this point take your left hand and make a few passes in front of his eyes but do not take your right hand down until he closes them. Keep up the suggestion that he cannot hold out much longer; that his eyes are almost closed. After you make a few passes in front of the subject's eyes take your left hand and close his epes and say, now close your eyes and they will feel good, and if you will close them a little tighter you will be sound asleep. Nothing will bother you and you can hear nothing but my voice. Now I am going to take my hand off of your eyes but you will not want to open them. They will stay closed and you will be sound asleep. Do not put him to any test unless he shows signs of being very deep asleep, but give him suggestions — 44 — like this. You are now under the influence and you will not dread it any more. You will be easy to influence the next time and I am going to let you sleep a little while and then I am going to awake you. You will remember that you will be much easier the next time. Now you will wake up when I count three and snap my fingers. Count three and snap your fingers and say, all right. If he jumps you may know he was completely under your influence. As a rule you will not come across many that will take so much work. The reason I give you this method is to fully equip you for anything that may come in your way. There is another class of people you will come in contact with and that is the smart aiex or the know-it-all. He will tell you you cannot hypnotize him, and will say 'nobody can hypnotize me. ' To all such fellows I say that such talk sounds like the foolish prattle of a child, and any one who will attempt to argue on a subject that he knowns absolutely nothing about had better save his breath to breathe when he comes to breathe his last or to talk on some sub- ject that he knows something about. Sometimes you will meet people who will want to bet money that y ou cannot put them to sleep, I always take such a person at his word and tell him if he will give up for me to try him and will follow my instructions I will bet him all I have or as much as he wants. I am not a betting man and I never made a bet in my life. They will all back down and say they will not bet against another man's trick. I then tell him it is all right but that I intended to put him in a coffin and bury him five feet under the ground and let him remain there forty-eight hours. He will then want to bet that you cannot put a person under the ground that long and wake them up. Well, this can and has been done. You can put a man to sleep for forty-eight hours and he will sleep just as well under the ground as on top of it. All he needs is plenty of air and you can put a pipe or box down to him that will give him air, but be sure and guard the pipe or box so no one can cork it up and smother the subject, I give you this so you may be prepared for such occasions. They are in for a bluff and if you will stay with them, looking them in the eyes all the time, you will see them take back track. Well, back to our work, A hypnotized person does not, as a rule see anything or anybody or hear any noise except what the — 45 — operator suggests, and then he can see or hear imaginary objects or sounds just as well as he can the real object or socnd. As I have alread told you a subject can only entertain one idea at a time and when you suggest anything he will use all his power to carry it out if he is not awakened or assured that his work is done or you give him another suggestion. It is wonderful what influence you may have if you will only try. If you will suggest to the subject that he will know everything he will seem to recognize the situation and will tell you everybody's name and what they are doing. If yon introduce him to a gentle- man he will treat him as such, but if you say let me introduce you to my fiiend he is apt to address your friend either as a lady or as gentleman, just as the thought strokes him. Yon may ask him whether your friend is a lady or gentleman and sometimes he will tell you he does not know 46— They think the air is full of bees, and are FIGHTING THEM WITH ALL THEIR MIGHT. LESSON NO. XIII "Cole Method.'' This method is one of my own discovery and is superior to any hitherto known formula, and is one which I have found unequaled in its wonderful and astonishing results. It is best adapted to home and private entertainments and business. For home or private entertainment seat the subject in a com- mon chair, then take a seat in front and at one side of the subject. Place your chair so your knees will be within eight or nine inches, close enough so as to almost touch the subject's knees. At this point talk to him a few minutas, assuring him there is no harm and that it does not require a weak-minded person to be hypnotized, but that the best subjects are bright and clear-minded persons. — 47 — Ask him to let you see his eyes. At the same time take him by the hand and look him in the eyes a few moments and watch the pupil of the eyes to see if they dilate. As soon as the pupills dilate let loose of his hand and take your eyes off his and say, yes> you will be easy. Do not look too long the first time. From five to ten seconds is long enough as a rule. At this point rest a few minutes and let all those present have an opportunity to say to the subject, '•! knew you would be easy." This is the most common expression, but any kind of an expression in this way will do you good. Then you can say something like this. "I don't think I ever saw a better subject for hypnotism than this one." After waiting awhile tell the subject you will put him to sleep if he has no objection and after getting his consent to proceed you will say: Place your feet fiat on the floor and drop your hands on your thighs and look at my eye, pointing with the index finger of the right hand to your right eye. Relax all over, both mind and body, and get perfectly easv from head to foot. Do not take your eyes off mine and do not bat your eyes nor listen to any one but me. Be quiet and relax and get easy and limber all over. Now your eyes are getting heavy and drowsy and you feel a stillness creeping all over you. Your blood is getting sluggish and you are going to sleep. You feel sleepy, your eyelids are heavy and very heavy. Yes, you are going to sleep, I see it creeping all over you. At this point, having your hands in our lap, commence to raise your hands and quietly say to him as your hands come toward the subject's temples, you are very sleepy. Now my hands are moving toward you but do not look away, you are going sound asleep. Let your hands move slowly but steadily and be very positive in your ac- tions and every word you say. Do not stop your suggestion while you are raising the hands to his temples. Touch his temples lightly and stroke them downward several times and while the hands are raising say to him, now you will be sound asleep when my hands reach your head and your eyes will close. You can hardly hold them open now, they will close\before my hands reach your head. Watch the subject and suit the Suggestion to him and if you see his eyes are getting very heavy command him to close them. Let the tips of the fingers at this point touch the temples with a downward stroke and at the same time say, close your eyes. — 48 — Emphasize these words as strong as you well can, not loud, but speak them with a force that will make a good impression on the subject. I hardly ever fail to close their eyes at this point but should I fail I repeat my suggestion to him with more force than before and lean forward in my chair a little and look with a more piercing eye. When he closes his eyes I put my left hand on top of his head, with my thumb at the root of his nose. Press down- ward and suggest that his eyelids are sticking fast. Your eyes are shut tight. Now a little tighter; close them real tight and I know they are stuck and you cannot open them; you cannot open them; you cannot, but you can try. Try — try — try. All right, now you can. Look at my eye. Keep your hands near his temples ready to touch him, and say, now close your eyes again. Touch his temples with a downward stroke and say, now you are asleep. Take a long breath and go deeper asleep and deeper, and still deeper. You are now sound asleep- You are doing so nice you can go down as deep as any one. Now take another long breath and you will go so sound asleep you cannot hear anything except my voice. Now yon are sound asleep and nothing will awake you. You cannot awake until I tell you. Now I will raise your hand, but it will not awake you but will put you sounder asleep, I am going to stick your hand to mine so tight that you cannot lift it out of mine. Press it tight down in mine. Put his right hand in your left with your right, with the palm down, and press it down with your right and say. now your hand is stuck and you cannot move it. Remove your hand from his with a jerk and say, now your hand is stuck tight and you cannot lift it. Do not try to pull it off but try to lift it and you will find it is stuck. Press it hard on my hand. Now try — try — try hard. All right, now you can remove your hand but you are sound asleep. While you are giving this suggestion between the tests make passes in front of his face and say, you cannot wake up. You will not wake up. You do not want to wake up. You feel too good to wake up until I tell you. When you wake up you will feel much better. When I awake you you will feel much better than you did when yon went to sleep. Now take a long breatn and go deeper asleep. Now say to him, you are stuck tight to your chair and — 49 — you will see him try to move. Then tell him to try to move. Tell him he cannot get up. Try — try — try hard ; you cannot get up at all, it matters not how hard you try. All right, now you can get up. Get right up, the chair is on fire, and he will jump up. Then say, all right, you feel good and you will obey every word I say, in fact, you will love to obey me and it will give you pleasure to obey me, and when you obey me you will feel good. Now you will obey me; will you not. If he answers yes, you can rest assured that the subject will carry out almost any suggestion given him. Be care- ful not to give an unpleasant suggestion for if you do you will notice that your subjest will hesitate a little and if you give too many of this kind, especially at first, he will wake up in spite of you and then it will be hard for you to control him. He will not let you and it will make a bad impression on your audience, so be careful. — 50 (WUMATISM. LESSON NO. XIV. I will now instruct you in regard to the phenomena of the hypnotic trance. While a person is in the hypnotic trance the affairs of life are forgotten; while on the other hand after being awakened the events of the hypnotic condition are forgotten. A person who is habitually hypnotized has two continuous memories, one while awake and at himself and one when under the hypnotic influence of another. After you hypnotize a person thoroughly and cause him to see and do certain things he will remember them the next time he is hypnotized. You can cure a great many dis- eases and, in fact, if you can hypnotize a person thoroughly you can cure almost every disease the human system is subject to. If — 51 — you will take pains and give the right kind of suggestions you can cure the headache. Have the subject close his eyes and take a few long breaths and relax both body and mind. Then take your place in the rear of the subject and rub your hands together and place them on his forehead with a pressure and rub downward and back- ward, at the same time give the suggestion that his head is getting better; that the pain has almost gone and that it has quit hurting so much. Tell him you are going to rub the pain out at the top of his head with your hot hands and then ask him where his head hurls, and nine times out of ten he will tell you it does not hurt at all, Then rub his head a little more and suggest to him that his blood will circulate more evenly through his body and that his head will not hurt any more. Thus you see at once how the great mag- netic healers cure these ailments. I know just what I am talking about and I know if mesmerism and hypnotism are taken away fiom them and they are not allowed to use suggestions of any kind they cannot heal any one. Some people think this healing power is a gift to but few. This is a mistake as every one has this power just the same as another but some have cultivated this talent and have developed it more than others, and they believe they can do it and go and try and when they succeed it gives them now courage and strength and they soon become wonderful mag- netic healers. After all it is simply hypnotism. I will give a few illustrations to convince you. After having practiced hypnotism and you become so can handle a subject reasonably w'ell try this experiment. Put the subject very deep in the stages of hypnotism and when vouknow thesubjec f is sound asleep suggest to him that he is getting very cold and that his blood is getting cold and his heart and pulse will beat slow; a little colder and a little slower, and now you are almost frozen arid the heart beats very slow, not more than forty ur fifty beats per minute. Keep this formula up for five or six minutes and see if th* pulse does not slow down to about what you want. Well, if you can control a man's heart you can do more if you will only try. Re- member all you have to do to cure disease is to give the right kind of suggestions with the right kind of will-power at the right time. You can take the taste away from the subject and replace it with any taste you wish. Give him a pod of pepper and tell him it — 52 — is candy and very sweet and he will eat it. Then give him a tallow candle and tell him it is the same kind of candy and he will eat it. You have not only changed his taste but his sight and feeling. You can tell him he is a biid-dog and he will get down on bis hands and knees and run about like a bird-dog. Then tell him he is not a dog but a hog, and a very hungry one. and will have to root for a living, and he will go around rooting and grunting like a hog. Tell him he is not a hog but that he is the worst kind of a Texas pony and that you are going to have him shod but you know he will kick the blacksmith. At this point ask some one to act as blacksmith and come and shoe your horse. Tell him ;he black- smith is coming and he will turn around and kick like a pony. You can tell him he is not a pony but that he is a great hunter and give him a broom and he will go hunting. Tell him the broom is a shot-gun and that it is heavily loaded and when he shoots it it will kick him over. Show him something to shoot at and he will take aim and when the gun goes off he will fall just as if he had been kicked over. You can turn the subject into a child and make him play just like a child would play. You can have him travel across the ocean to Loudon and Paris. Give him a chair and tell him he is on a steamboat and that he will get sea sick before long and you will see him turn pale and begin to get sick. Then tell him he is better and he will brace up and seem to be well. You can suggest anything you wish him to see and if you have him in the fifth or sixth stage you can suggest that he describe any city you want him to and he will describe them just as they are, * He can describe your people and tell you anything vou want to know about them while he is in the fifth or sixth stage. You can show him a walking cane and tell him it is a snake and that he will know it any time he may see it when he is hypno- tized and that it will always look like a snake and that it will be a snake to him every time it is shown to him. Then you can awake him and show him the cane and he will know what it is. Then at any time, even in six months or a year after, you can hypnotize him and show him the cane and ask him what it is and he will tell you it is a snake, and he will do and act just like he did at first. You can suggest to him that the next time he sees the cane when awake it will put him to sleep. Do not tell him in this case that — 53 — the cane is a snake, but that it is a cane aud that the very sight of it will put him deep asleep, and that he will sleep a short time and then wake up. Anything will do instead of the walking cane. The subject acts entirely on your suggestion and yon should be very careful in giving the post-hypnotic suggestion. This is the way you hypnotize at a distance, with a letter, telegram, telephone or card. Always have the subject in a deep sleep and give the suggestion to be carried out at least seven or eight times. You must be very careful in giving the suggestion. Be sure and give the suggestion so as to do no harm and so that the subject will awake in a short time, — 54 — \| A CATALEPTIC T6ST. LESSON NO. XU In this lesson I will describe the different degress and stages in hypnotism. There are six in number. First Degree — The Somnolent Stage — In which the subject is not under complete control. In this stage or degree you can in- fluence the subject but very little. You may cause him while standing to fall back into your arms, and you may not. You may stick his eyes so he cannot open them. The subject in this stage or degree will retain most of his mental faculties. Of the senses, vision is impaired and withdrawn from the control of the subject. This stage may also be called Sub-Hypnotic Degree. Second Degree — The Stupor Stage. — In this degree you have — 55 — complete control of the subject and if you will allow him he will become very stupid and will sleep very sound and become very dull. Third Degree — The Cataleptic Stage. — In this degree the sub ject will become rigid, or at least the muscles will draw, and if you suggest to him that he is rigid he will become rigid, In this stage the subject cannot move or speak if you suggest that he is rigid. You should be careful not to com mand him to move or speak for he cannot until he either goes deeper or comes back a degree, and while the subject can move very quickly from one degree to another you should not suggest something he cannot do in this degree, for if he goes into the fourth he will awake and you w T ill have trouble in carrying him past the fourth degree. Be care- ful with the subject when you want to carry him down through all six degrees. In this degree he will be very strong. If you place his head on a chair and his feet on another you can suggest to him that he can hold up five hundred pounds or more and he will be able to do so, but always be careful with the subject in this degree and do not allow him to stay in it very long, and never try any ex- periment if you. want to carry him into the fourth degree. Fourth Degree — The Cloudy or Mind Reading Stage. — In this stage the subject will complain of it being dark and some of them will tell you it is very dark. In this stage the subject is very easy awakened and you must be very careful and allow no one to bother him while in this stage and you must take every care of him the first time you get him in this stage for if you let him break away the first time you put him in the Cloudy Stage it will be very hard to ever carry him through it into the fifth stage, but if you see he is going to awake suggest to him that he come back in- stead of going deeper and bring him back through all the stages and save him from being awakened in the fourth. Let him remain awake for awhile and then try him again. By doing this you may succeed where you would fail if you tried to force him down into the fifth. In this stage the subject, after a little practice, will learn to read the mind of others. The way to train him is to test him on your own mind and then the mind of some one present and when h3 can tell you what you are thinking about you can grad- ually advance and you will find that he will be of great service to you and to himself. — 56 — Fifth Degree — The Traveling or Lucid Stage. — This stage is also called Light Clairvoyance. Iu this the light becomes bright and if the subject complains of the light fold a handkerchief and lay it over his eyes and after you have fully gotten him into this stage you can send his mind anywhere you please and he will describe anything you may suggest, and after you have drilled him a few weeks you can rely on what he tells you. At first sug- gest something that is familiar to him and lead him along this way for awhile and then to something which he knows nothing about and with which you are familiar. By being patient and careful you will soon be able to send nis mind anywhere and he will be able to describe houses and people he never heard of aud tell you just what the people are doing thousands of miles away. This stage is very important both to the operator and subject and should be well developed. Sixth Degree — The Independent Clairvoyance or All Knowl edge Stage. — In this degree the subject's mind does not travel but everything you suggest to him appears to be present. Do not suggest or say, will you go to my home and tell me what my folks are doing, but say, will you please look and see my folks at home and tell me what they are doing, and he will commence and tell you, but if you suggest that he go to your home he is apt to take a long breath and go back into the Traveling Stage and thereby not answer correctly, just as if you had left him in the fifth degree. The subject when thoroughly developed will be able to find any- thing you may suggest. You can locate any khid of a mind if you will take pains and do not hurry the subject. The subject can also diagnose the diseases of others while in this stage whether they are present or not if you will be careful how you commence. First commence with some one present and then lead him on by degrees until he is able to tell you anything you wi«h to know. After you once develop him thoroughly in all these degrees you will then have no trouble in putting him into any degree you want to and use him for any purpose at once and he will prove reliable. This is the most important degree in hypnotism and should be well developed. — 57 HE CAN ADD VERY FAST, WHILE HE IS UNDER HYPNOTICS. LESSON NO. XVI. Now a few words as to how to produce these degrees. When you want to produce all of them get a. good subject and take him to some tjuiet room aud have biin He down on a couch or bed in an easy position. Then commence just as if you were going to put him to sleep and when be goes to sleep say to him: You are sound asleep and will sleep until I tell you to awake and then you will awake just as I tell you. Now let him rest a short time and then say to him: Take a long breath and go deeper, and deeper, and deeper, and deeper asleep. When he is in the second degree let him rest a little. Suggest all the time that he will feel good and — 58 — that he will go right down just as you tell him and nothing will hurt him. After he has rested and you have made these sugges- tions proceed slowly. Now take a few long breaths and go down into the third or rigid degree. Deeper, deeper, and still deeper, and very deep into the rigid stage. While giving these sugges- tions watch the subject closely and if he draws or quivers he is in the third degree. Some become very rigid while others do not and you should not keep him in this degree very long at a time. Bring him back through the second and first and wake him up and let him go until the next day. Then commence the same as at first and when you get him to the Cataleptic stage do not let him remain in it long, but say to him: Now take a few long breaths and go down into the fourth degree where it is dark, but you will not be afraid of the darkness. Now relax and you will go down into the fourth degree without any trouble. That is right; relax and eo deeper and deeper, and still deeper, and very deep into the fourth degree. Now everything is pleasant and you are sound asleep and nothing will hurt you. It is dark but I will soon bring you out where it is light and you will recollect everything and feel good, 8C sleep sound. That is right, sleep sound. Now in this stage the subject has changed from the physical to the mental and is easily awakened, but be careful the first time the subject is in this degree that he does not awake, and if you do not awake him you will have no trouble the next time. When you hav° him in the fourth degree ask him if it is dark and if he feels good, or something of this kind. Do not try to have him read your mind until he has been in this stage several times and you have earned him deeper, or into the fifth at least several times, but the first time he is in the fourth do not try to put him in the fifth but let him remain a short while, say two or three minutes, and then tell him you want him to come back into the third stage. Now take a few long breaths and come back into the third, and when he gets into the third let him remain a few moments and then tell him to relax and come on back into the second stage. Let him rest a few mo- ments and then tell him to come on back through to the first stage. Now stop him ann let him rest awhile. Then say to him, you may take a few long breaths arid wake up feeling erood; you will feel good and not be excited when you awake, but you will know every- -59 — thing 1 that has taken place. All right, now you are waking up aud you feel good. See, you feel good. You should always give a post hypnotic suggestion when he is in the first, second, fourth and fifth stages so that he will be easy the next time, and so that he will go deeper the next time. If this is repeated several times while he is in the second and fifth stages it will aid you afterwards and will always help the subject to go deeper. Do not forget this. Now after you have had the subject down in the fourth degree several times proceed to the fifth in the same manner as at first. Take him down through all the degrees slowly. When you get him into the fifth ask him if the light hurts his eyes or if it is too bright for him, and if he says it is cover his eyes with a hand- kerchief or cloth. Do not keep him in the fifth but a few minutes the first time. Then carry him back into the fourth aud drill him a little in mind reading and carry him back through all the degrees as before and awake him as quietly as possible. Do not frighten him when puttiug him down through these different degrees. After you have had him down into the fifth degree several times proceed to the sixth degree, but before putting the subject into the sixth degree always secure an agieement from him to come back at your suggestion. If you neglect to do this it may cause you some anxiety about getting him back to his normal state, as he dislikes very much to be disturbed or interrupted while in this stage. After having agreed to come back send him into the sixth or last degree. This stage appears to be a condition of perfect knowledge. The distinguishing feature between it and the fifth seems to be that while in the fifth he has to travel to gain his knowledge, while in the sixth everything appears right before him and he does not have to seek for knowledge. Oue common expression among clair- voyants is, ''everything is present, '' thereby demonstrating the omnipresence of mind. A subject while in this deep trance can answer any question put to him, it matters not how deep or pro- found it may be or upon what subject, or whether his former edu- cation has anything to do with the subject under discussion or not. You can suggest anything to him after you have drilled him awhile and have had him in this stage several times and he will be able to answer without any trouble, When you are ready to bring him — 60 — back out of the the hypnotic state tell him positively to come back just as he went down into it, stopping a moment in each stage, and to mark them so he can go into the state more quickly the next time, Clair voyance, when clearly developed, enables you to make wonderful discoveries of all kinds Be sure not to awake the subject from any stage except the first and always take him back through all the stages slowly and awake him quietly. Do not get in a hurry while developing clairvoyance. — 61 — LESSON NO. XWI There are as many ways to wake up your subject as there are to hypnotise him. If the hypnotised subject is left to himself without any suggestions to sleep a very long time he will in a few hours pass into a natural sleep, from which he will awake in a few hours more, feeling very good, and will say he has only been tak- ing a sound nap. In all my experience I have never had any trouble in awaken ing a subject and have never heard of a single subject that the operator failed to awake and to relieve the influence. I will instruct you in several of the different methods and ways of awakening your subject, and I know they will all work equally — 62 — well. When I am on the stage and wish to keep the audience in the dark, I use some startling method of awakening, such as snap- ping my fingers or slapping my hands near the subject's face, and at the same time speak aloud, alright now you are awake. And when I want to use this method T use a suggestion while I have them under the influence and by telling them, you will jump when I snap my finger and wake up scared. This I say in a low tone so the audience will not catch it. This suggestion acts with a startling effect, and your subject wakes up frightened, and will run off of the stage sometimes, but he will come back nearly every time. If you can catch his eye, raise your hand toward him and say, you are coming back, and he will come. The main feature of waking up your subject is the same as in putting them to sleep, and that is the suggestion, and if you fail to use the suggestion in some way the subject will sleep for some time, but you can see that a suggestion can be given in a hundred different ways, and in just as many different ways as you can think of, just so many different ways you can wake your subject. Here are a few very amusing ways to awake your subject, especially at private entertainments, and it will do very nice for a public entertainment. You take the subject and tell him that he can walk across the floor and sit down in a chair on the other side of the house and when he sits down it will awake him, and he will jump up and run across the room and sit down in the same chair he started from. He will go across to the chair asleep, and when he sits down he will jump up and run back to his chair and will ask, what are you all laughing about. Then you can tell him to count ten and when he gets to five it will wake him, but he cannot stop counting: until he counts ten. After you have impressed this suggestion on his mind, say now remember what I have said and count for me. You may have to start him by saying one, and then he will start off slowly and when he gets to five he will open his eyes and look all around, but he will not stop counting, but will get farther until he gets to ten. Then he will say, what was I doing? You can give him a string or rope and tell him it is a necktie and tie it around his neck and when he gets it tied to jerk it and it will wake him up. Watch him and when he gets it tied — 63 — if he does not jerk, say now jerk your tie and it will wake you, and just as soon as he carries out your suggestion he will wake, with the rope tied around his neck. You can suggest to the subject that you are going to wake him by counting three or five. Then say, when I count three you will open your eyes and be surprised to find yourself standing up here. Then count slowly and sav, now I am going to count one, lookout, two, you are nearly awake, you will jump with surprise when I count one more — three. There, you are awake. They will jump, and some will strike at you and some will run and some will stand and look like they were scared to death, but in a few seconds they will become reconciled. There are a hundred of such ways that I do not think are necessary for me to mention. It would take up too much of your valuable time and you can see clearly that you must use a suggestion to accomplish what you want to If you suggest for the subject to count, he will count, but that will not wake him. You can suggest to him to do anything and he will do it, but that will not wake him. But to suggest to him that if he will do such a thing that it will awake him, it will do so. But some one may say your subject may not wake up. Well, if you can get him to sleep you can wake him, and if he will submit himself and become passive you can put him to sleep nearly every time and you need not be afraid of failure to wake your subject, and if he did not open his eyes the first or second time you commanded him you need not be frightened in the least, and I want to say right here the only danger in hypnotism comes from the operator becoming excited and using suggestions that he should not. — 64 — A EXCITING WHEEL-BARROW RACE, THEY THINK THEY HAVE FINE WHEEL-BARROWS. LESSON NO.XUIII Now remember what I have told you in the foregoing 1 lessons and keep your wits about you and do not become excited about anything that may come up, as there is no danger as long as there is no excitement on your part. If you become excited and think you cannot awake your subject you had better have him lie down and then go away and let him sleep it off. Be sure and suggest that he will awake in a few hours and do not let any one bother him. I have a method of my own discovery — a method for hard sub- jects — that I have never known to fail. It is a method that has never been in print before as far as I know, and is a sure and never — 65 — failing method that is used by all my students th£ world over. This method is slow but it never fails. It cannot fail. It will work when the subject has been asleep a week. I have never known it to fail If you should come across a hard subject — and you are not likely to find one in a thousand — you will be fully equipped to handle bini and he will have to obey you. Now the way to handle these subjects is to talk to them just as if they were awake. They will hardly ever speak to you but pay no attention to this and do not become in the least excited. Talk to them in a firm way and they can hear every word you say, and if you speak with force as though you meant it you will find that every word will take effect on the subject in the wind'-up. Say to him, you are sound asleep and you will have to obey me. You cannot disobey without suffering for it. You will hurt all over if you refuse to obey me. You know you will; you know you have, and you was glad to obey me. Now I am not going to ask anything of you that will hurt you in the least or be unpleasant, but if you have the slightest notion of not obeying me you will hurt and everything will be very unpleasant to you and will become more and more unpleasant every moment you disobey. Remember this, and remember that I will not ask you to do anything that will be unpleasant and every time you obey you will be more and more delighted and will find by obeying that you gain more than you could any other way and by obeying you will suffer no pain but will feel good, and very good. Now I am going to let you sleep a long time. I will let you sleep ten hours, but I am going to turn minutes into hours; you know I can do this. Now every minute will seem an hour. I will time you. Remember what I have told you, that if you disobey you will suffer for it and will have to obey at last. I know you want to sleep. It is pleasant, and it is what I am going to allow you to do for ten hours, but remember I have turned minutes into hours. Now your time has begun and you are asleep and resting and feeling good. You feel good and are sleeping good the first hour. I did not know you could obey so well. You are all right. You sleep so nice during the first hour it is nearly gone and you are sleeping so sound and feel so good you are happy because you can obey so nicely. Of course, I knew you would obey me but you are so nice about it. All right, one — 66- hour is gone and yon are still sleeping and if you refuse to obey you will feel bad and hurt all over, so sleep on but do not go any deeper because you are deep enough to be pleasant, so sleep on just as you are. You know it is better to obey and feel good and happy than it is to not do so. Now the second hour has gone and still you obey like a gentlemau and feel good over it. Of course, you promised to be good and I knew you would, so sleep on, you are resting so good. I know you will love to obey me when I am so kind as to allow you to sleep and rest ten hours. What more do you want than this Of course, it is all any one could wish and I will allow you to do this and 1 am sure you will obey, but if you do not then you will have to suffer, and I will see that you suffer severely. Now the third hour is up aud you are still sleeping and obeying and feeling good. Of course, you will feel good as long a you obey, but if you should attempt to disobey by awaking before I tell you you will feel bad. I know you will not try it until I tell you and then you will do just as I say. Now you have been sleep- ing four hours and feel good. That is right You will feel good as long as you obey and bad wheu you do not, so sleep on and take a good rest as I know you are resting so good; but now half of the time is up. You have been sleeping five long hours and obeying all the time. You see it is kind of me to let you rest so good for five hours but the reason I did so was because you obeyed so nicely. You must obey for the next five hours just as well as the last five, "tfell, the sixth hour is almost gone and you are feeling like your nap was over half gone. (At this time the operator should make passes with both hands upward and continue the passes during the rest of the time, keeping the hands open while moving upward and closing them while moving downward.) In fact six hours are gone and you are not so sleepy as you were. You are waking slowly but surely and will feel good if you obey. You cannot afford to do otherwise because if you do you will hurt worse than you ever did. I will see to it that you do should you attempt it. You know the power I possess and T will use it if you disobey. Now seven hours are up and still you are waking up slowly and easily. That is right. I want you to sleep the ten hours but you must be ready to open your eyes and awake when the time is up, and of course you will. Now eight hours are gone and — 67 — your nap is nearly over. You have only two hours left to wake in, so get ready so you can boast of feeling good. When I command you to awake I surely will be on time. Now you have only one and onp-half hours left to wake up in. The time is flying and you are almosi done sleeping. Now remember what I have told you, every word of which is true, that you must obey and thereby save your- self from the pains and unpleasant feeling. There, the ninth hour is up and you are awaking faster than you have heretofore. See, you are stretching. Only about three quarters of an hour remain until you will be wide awake. Now you have only one half hour to awake. You are nearly awake. Look out. I will wake you in less than thirty minutes. Now you have one-quarter of an hour in which to awake. You are almost awake. Now your time is up. Wake up. All right, you are awake. At this time snap your fingers. 68 A Private. •flRTAINMEflt LESSON NO. XIX. The foregoing lesson is given to be used only in hard cases. When you have had a subject asleep for a long time this is the surest method I know of, Your last words must become more and more sharp, firm and quick. Speak each word as if you meant it. You must mean every word you say while handling a hypnotized person. Some of you may want to know how long a subject can be kept asleep. They can be kept twenty-four, forty-eight and seventy-two hours in safety, but there have been subjects kept much longer and then awakened. Sometimes when you have had a subject asleep a long time, say forty-eight hours, it takes thirty — 69 — minutes to awake him, but when I use my own original method I usually awake him in ten minutes. If it fails at first try it again with the suggestion that the subject is suffering for not obeying and will continue to suffer until he is willing to obey. When you hypnotize a person for the purpose of curing dis- eases you should be careful and not frighten him in the least when awakening him, and should use the following method: After hav- ing given him the Post-Hypnotic suggestion to be carried out after he has been awakened yon should impress your suggestion thoroughly. Repeat it several times, at least, and affirm it to the subject so he will not misunderstand it and after you have fully done this in a quiet and firm way proceed to awake him by the following method: Tell him you are going to awake him in a few seconds. This gives his mind warning and time tc prepare for the change — not that he would not awake at once if you should command him to do so, but he might awake with a fright if you did notgivB him warn- ing I usually say, now I am going to awake you by counting five and you will be all right in every respect, and when you open your eyes you will not feel sleepy but will feel refreshed. Now remem- ber when I count five you will be wide awake and will feel good. Now pay close at tention and you will wake up easy and feel splen- did. Do you understand me? All right. One, two, three, four, five. Open your eyes. Wake up. The last words should be spoken in a clear, Q'.ick and firm manner. Be careful always to remove every trace of the influence in this way before restoring the subject to full consciousness. I always give my subject healthful suggestions before awaking them so they may receive some benefit as well as to give the audience some enjoyment. Do not be alarmed if occasionally those who have been hypno- tized several times during the same day seem too drowsy and only partially awake and sometimes drop back into the hypnotic sleep. Others fall asleep during the day. This is Auto-Hypnotization and may be repressed by suggestion, and when you come across such a subject use a Post-Hypnotic suggestion something like this: When I awake you this time you will be wide awake and you cannot be put to sleep any more to-day nor you cannot go to sleep any more until your regular bedtime, at which time you can retire and sleep -70 — naturally but you positively cannot sleep any more to-day. You will find it impossible to go to sleep before bedtime and then you will awake at the usual time. It is not at all likely that you will meet with one subject of this kind in a hundred but I thought it best to instruct you in all the various wavs so yon would be pre- pared for all occasions. However, were you to leave a subject in this condition he would sleep it off in a few hours. The subject will also awake if you simply say to him, you are awake, or wake up, and he will obey unless he is very deep. Something like the sixth degree is about the only degree in which he would not wake up by a simple command to do so. You should always bring a subject back through the degrees if you want to make a clear or independent clairvoyant of him, if not say to him, wake up, or you are awake, or when I count three (or any number you may desig- nate) you will be awake. At the same time relax your influence and you will find the subject will wake up, but remember you may have used some suggestion that you have not removed. You should be careful never to use a suggestion that will interfere with your work. The suggestion, you cannot wake up, should be given, you cannot awake until I want or tell you to. You see you should be careful. There is another suggestion I once gave that put me to think- ing and that was this: You are dead asleep. My subject did not obey exactly but he went very deep into the hypnotic sleep. When I did this I was a new beginner and if I had had the proper in- structions I would not have done so. However, the only harm done was that I became excited when he refused to awake. I re gained my composure and said, you are not dead asleep but you are waking up. When I count five you will be awake. I counted five and snapped my fingers near his ears and he jumped and I found that I was all right. I did not tell this to any one for a long time and then only to a friend whom I had taught this great art, but now I think it proper to tell you and save you the trouble of finding it out as you might not get off as light as I did, and also that you may profit at my experiecne if you will. You can awake a subject by telling him that if he will slap his hands together it will awake him. You can say, your tooth or toe is going to hurt so bad that it will awake you and it will con — 71- tinue to hurt you while you are awake. Now it is hurting so bad you cannot sleep. It is hardly fair to let him remain awake very long in this condition for he will actually suffer pain, bat after you awake a subject this way you should say to him, come here and I will care your tooth. Now look at me. Close your eyes. Then rub his jaw with your hand and say, now I will cure your tooth. Now it is well and you are wide awake. Open your eyes. There, you see I can cure your toothache. You can awake a subject and not be present when he awakes, but you must fix him before leaving him. Now say to him, when the clock strikes a certain number it will awake you, or if there is no clock in the house that strikes you will awake at a certain hour. Impress it on his mind thoroughly and then leave him and relax your mind right then or before or by the time stated and the sub- ject will wake up at the appointed time. I could go on for hours and write volumes on how to awake a subject, but I think I have shown you clearly that you have got to use a suggestion of some kind that will give a subject to under- stand that you want him to awake, and I repeat again, there is no danger, not the slightest, of failing to awake the subject. As long as you keep cool and do not become excited you will never fail to awake your subject. — 72 — Yn. UvPNOTHE AS MANH AS XOU PLEASE lOUCAN fflPiw"*' sometime,. LESSON NO. XX There are a great many things that can be accomplished by hypnotism but space and time will not permit me to go iuto details. Remember if you want to do anything with a hypnotized person you should suit the suggestion to whatever it may be, so it may be seen that I cannot lay down a formula for everybody and pvery- thing. Make your suggestion to suit the occasion and you will succeed. I will explain fully a few, and should you need further information write to me and I will gladly furnish it. To hypnotize at a distance by telephone, telegraph, letter or card, or to have a person carry out your wishes after he is awake, — 73— you must always use a Post-Hypnotic suggestion. You must also use a Post-Hypnotic suggestion to cure diseases and habits. If you want to hypnotize a person at a distance the distance has noth- ing to do with it. You can hypnotize a person ten thousand miles away just as easily as one mile. You must have had the person under your influence at some time in the past and then give him a suggestion something like this: Now you are sound asleep (and be sure he is) and you will obey every word 1 say. Get the sub- ject to promise, if possible, to obey. If at any time you get a let- ter from me commanding you to sleep yon will go to sleep at once and sleep sound for a short time only and will awake and when awake you cannot help doing just as I command. You will come to me or go any place I may tell you. This formula can be changed to suit yourself bnt it should be impressed thoroughly before awakening the subject. You should suggest to him that he will remember nothing that has been said to him but will carry it out to the letter and will make no mistakes. Now after you have thoroughly impressed him allow him a few minutes to fix them in his mind, and then ask him if he remembers what you have told him, and if so if he will do as you have directed. Should he answer yes, you may rest assured he will. This kind of Post-Hypnotic suggestion should not be used merely for fun as it might discommode the subject and cause him to spend money to come to you and it should not be used unless it is necessary. There is a Post-Hypnotic suggestion that is very important and is the one we use to break people of bad habits and if a person should want you to stop him from chewing, drinking, or using morphine you should first put him sound asleep and then use this kind of suggestion: Now you are sleeping and are very deep asleep. You hear every word I say and will carry out every word and be proud you are man enough to do so, You know tobacco is one of the worst habits a man can have. It disgusts me. Don't it disgust you? Why. of course it does, and you do not have any taste for it any more. You would not take a chew of tobacco for any sum of money. It would make you sick. Yes, even the smell of it would make you sick. At this point get the subject to agree with you and when he does so suggest to him that he will never want any more tobacco, but will shun it and despise — 74 — it and every time he sees a person take a chew it will disgust you. Every time any one offers you a chew it wiU make you sick and mad and you will thank them and ask them not to insist on you taking it as it makes you sick and you think it is a bad habit and that you have quit it for good and have no taste for it. These Post Hypnotic suggestions should be repeated at least ten times before awaking the subject and you should suggest that he will not remembei anything you have said to him, It should be repeated once a day for about one week and then twice a week for some three weeks, and he should be allowed to sleep ten minutes after you get through with the Post Hypnotic suggestion each time before you awake him. You may suit the suggestion to any habit or disease. If it is a disease you should tell him that the pain is leaving him and when you see he is getting better affirm it and he will carry out the suggestion. You can cure almost any disease by using the Post-Hypnotic suggestion, that you are better than you were and will remain well. The pains will not return but your health will be better from now on. Study what to say that will best suit the case. Suggest that the blood will flow more equal throughout the body and that it will continue to flow uorrnal and his health will continue to improve and in a short time he will be entirely well, When you see you have the subject almost cured affim it by saying. You are well. All you need is a little time to become strong again as you are improving very fast, You are much stronger than you were a few days ago. Keep on affirming to him that he is well and you will be surprised in a short time to find that he has been cured sound and well by simply using a Post- Hypnotic suggestion. Should an opportunity afford try this and be convinced for yourself, for knowing anything is knowledge and knowledge is faith and faith is simple facts, so suit the suggestion to the subject and do not let an opportunity pass. You may hypnotize a person while asleep and cure him of many bad habits and diseases. Go near the foot of the bed so as to look them in the face and commence talking to them in a low tone. Say to him, you are asleep and sound asleep and are not going to awake but are going sounder asleep and will not awake but will obey everything I say. You can gradually raise the voice to a common tone and when you see he is under control suggest — 75 — anything you wish him to do, and if you continue this you can iu a short time break your child from any bad habit you may wish. Do not awake him but after having suggested what you wanted say to him, now you will do just what I want you to, and now I am going to leave you and you are going back into a natural sleep. Go back into a natural sleep and yon will sleep good all night and awake in the morning feeling good. — 76 THEY THINKTHEY HAVE FOUND A DEAD MAN; LESSON NO. XXI. Hypnotism can be traced back to where it was first called hyp- notism, and the same influence can be traced back to the beginning of the world. If we will take the Bible as authority we can tell the first man that ever called this great science hypnotism. Dr. Anthony Mesmer was born May 5, 1734, in a small town called Stein, situated on the banks of ihe Rhine. Tbis celebrated man studied medicine and earned the title of doctor. About 1750 this young doctor came in contact with Father Hehl, who cured disease without medicine. Hehl's cure was supposed to be pro- duced by the subtle influeuce or fluid of magnetism which he im- parted to his patients from steel plates and magnets prepared and — 77 — used for that purpose. One day Dr. Mesmer had occasion to bleed a patient and after the patient had bled awhile he accidentally passed his hand over the cicatrix, or lance puncture, and he ob- served that his hand produced the same effect which had hitherto been produced by Hehl's magnets. This put the doctor to think- ing and in a short time he was having extraordinary success. He left his home and traveled through Germany, Smitz >rland, France and England and cured people by the thousands. While traveling he taught some few this great art, and the people called it mes- merism, and it is still known as mesmerism. This celebrated man would mesmerize his subjects and cure them, but it took him snm«v time to do it. His method was slow. He worked slow and he never made his subject do anything funny, but he cured them of their diseases. While in France he was ordered hy Louis XVI to leave the country and not return, and mesmerism was suppressed for awhile in that country. Still his doctrine buined a steady and brilliant flame in Prussia. The King of Prussia had it practiced in his domain and great good was accomplished. While Dr. Mesmer was in France he taught a man by the name of M. LaFontaine, who went to England and gave lectures on mes- merism and Dr. Baird became interested in this great art and com menced to study it, He advanced very fast and was soon doing more, it seems, than Dr. Mesmer himself. He improved so fast and did so much more than Mesmer that his name soon became famous throughout his own country. He declared that this great art should be called by some name and he named it "Hypnotism." He said Mesmer was a man and his name was not appropriate for this great science or art, but as Dr. Baird did not travel as much as Dr. Mesmer the name of mesmerism was scattered all over the world and hypnotism was not. Dr. Baird began his work in 1841 and wrote a book on his work which he called "Hypnology Sleep," and the science is still growing very fast all over the world. I will now give you Dr. Baird's mode of producing sleep. Take any bright object (he generally used his lance case) between the thumb and fore and middle tingers of the left hand; hold it from eight to fifteen inches from the eyes in such a position above the forehead as may be necessary to produce the greatest possible strain on the eyes and eyelids and at the same time enable the — 78 — patient to maintain a steady, fixed stare at the object. The patient must me made to understand that he must keep his eyes fixed on the object. It will be observed thai; owing to the continual adjust- ment of the eyes the pupils will at first be contracted but will shortly begin to dilate. After having done so to a considerable extent and have assumed a wavy position, if the fore and middle fingers of the right hand, extended and a little sepaiated, are car- ried from the object toward the eyes most likely the eyelids will close involuntarily with a vibratory motion. If this is not the case, or the patient allows the eyes to move, desire him to begin again, giving him to understand that he is to allow the eyelids to close when the fingers are again carried to the eyes, but that they must be kept in the same position, and the mind riveted to the one idea of the object held above the eyes. Here we find, although Dr. Baird avows that the influence of a second person is not necessary, he exercises his own will to a marked degree. He directs the attention of the patient, gives him to understand he must do something, in this instance he must gaze at a bright object so as to weary the optic nerves and exhaust the muscles of the eyes. Here the will of the operator is exercised to a large degree. His method induces inhibition of the nerve cen- ters that govern the optic nerves. The control obtained is far superior to the ordinaary mesmeric when suggestion is used and inferior when suggestion is not used. Dr. Baird, like a great many men and women, had the courage of his convictions, and therefore just such a person as was likely to make a successful operator, began to investigate the subject with the view and inten- tion of exposing what he thought to be a swindle. The ultimate result of his experiments prove the reality of mesmeric phe- nomena. He, like every one who investigates for himself, was ooliged to admit that the hypnotic state was genuine and not a fraud as he thought. Dr. Baird and his followers, who were many and among the well educated people used many simple modes as methods of producing sleep. Sometimes they would rub the tem- ples or nose lightly, and sometimes they would have their subject listen to the ticking of a watch, and a great many more such things, but they had used few suggestions and the more suggestions they used the sooner they produced sleep. After a long and thorough — 79 — investigation I find that if you use no suggestion at all or use a few on the opposite side you will make little or no headway in hypnotizing. On the other hand if you will use some of the objects to get your subject to concentrate his mind and then sug- gest that he is getting sleepy you will succeed and will come to the front in hypnotism. You see clearly that you have to use a suggestion to control a subject after getting him to sleep, and I am sure you would not succeed in awakening a subject if you did not, because you might hold any object in front of him and make passes in any direction and never suggest anything and the subject would sleep until he went into a normal sleep and awake by himself, so it is necessary to use suggestion in both cases to assure success. — 80 — They Thihkihey have- A FA sr TEAM AND A LESSON NO. XXII. You will be asked many questions by people who understand hypnotism, and a great many more by those who do not understand the science. I generally answer them in a careless way, out if it is a student I always answer as correctly as I know how. I have prepared a few questions and answers that will be of importance to you. What is hypnotism? It is an abnormal state of the mind into which a person may be thrown either by an act of cheir own or by the exercise of the will-power of another. From what is the word hypnotism derived? Prom the Greek word '•hypuos," meaning sleep. _S1 — By what other word might hypnotism be called that would be suitable ? Statwoeism. What is Statuvolism? The will-power is in such a state that it can be controlled by another. From what words did statuvolism come? It came from the two Latin words "Status'' and "Volo," About how many persons ar^ susceptible to hypnotism on first trial? About sixty-five per cent when tried by a good operator, and about thirty per cent when tried by a new beginner. About what per cent can be hypnotized if thoroughly tried several times? About ninety -five per cent. What do we mean by hypnosis? We mean the state into which the subject is thrown during his sleep. Is hypnotism the name of the state or is it the name of the science which deals with the phenomena of the subject? It is the name of the science. What is a hypnotist? It is one who hypnotizes. What is a hypnotizer? One who follows hypnotism as a profession. What is a person called that is hypnotized? A hypnotic or subject; most commonly called a subject. Why are they called a subject? Because they submit to your suggestion. What is a hypnotic suggestion? It is a suggestion given to the subject to be carried out while hypnotized. What is meant by auto suggestion? One which the subject gives to himself. Can this auto-suggestion be given awake and asleep? Yes. It is stronger when given to himself when asleep. What is a post-hypnotic suggestion? It is a suggestion to be carried out after the subject has been awakened. — 32 — Why can you hypnotize a person? Because a persons mind always acts on what they believe to be true. Can you give another reason? Yes; that there are two wills perfectly blended together; one passive and the other positive. What do you mean by passive will? We mean that the passive is receiving impressions from the positive will and not acting on its own part. What do you mean by positive will? That the positive will must have confidence in it self to control the other with suggestion. What does a trial prove? The truth or fallacy of a proposition under consideration. What are the two most important points in hypnotism? First, to be positive when you are putting a subject to sleep, and second, to be just as positive when you go to release or awake yonr subject. What is the first thing to do when you undertake to hypnotize a person? Secure the undivided attention of the person upon whom you expect to operate. Can a subject be hypnotized without his eyes being closed? Yes. What should always be done before awakening a subject? You should remove all unpleasant suggestion and suggest pleasant and healthy suggestion. Does sex or temperament have anything to do with the sus- ceptibility of the subject? It does not. At what age are people most susceptible? Between the ages of twelve and twenty-one. How can you tell a susceptible subject before trying them? By looking them in the eyes and watching the pupil. If it contracts and dilates they are susceptible. How many degrees a^e there in hypnotism? Six. Three physical and three mental. Can you name them? Yes. First degree, the Somnolent stage; second degree, the — 83 — Stupor stage; third degree, the Cataleptic stage; fourth degree, the Mind-Reading or Cloudy stage; fifth degree, the Traveling or Lucid stage; sixth degree, the Independent Clairvoyant stage. How can you tell when your subject passes from one degree to another in hypnotism? Because in the first he is only partially under control; in the second he is completely under control; in the third he becomes rigid or his muscles will quiver; and in the fourth he will relax and complain of it being dark, and will talk as though he were reading your mind; in the fifth he will complain of the light hurting his eyes and when you ask him a question his mind seems to travel for the answer, and in the sixth when you ask for information he will answer as if he knew all about it whether he has any knowledge of it or not. Your subject while deep in the sixth seems to have all kinds of knowledge and this degree is sometimes called "All Knowlege." Why does a hypnotic suggestion have the power to destroy disease? Because in using your mind and will-power you are drawing upon the only unlimited source that is accessible to the human race. Is a hypnotized person responsible for their acts? Yes, they are. Is the subject's moral resistance as strong in the hypnotic condition as when awake? It is just as strong. Can you get a subject to accept a hypnotic suggestion of any kind that will conflict with his principles or instinct of self-preser- vation? You can not. He will refuse every time, and nearly every time will awake in spite of your influence to keep him asleep. Can you hypnotize a person against his will? No; if he is thinking what he is doing; you may catch him off his guard and get him but then he will not go very deep. How do you resist the influence of hypnotism? By being positive; by remaining unrelaxed; by putting the tongue in the roof of the mouth firmly and letting it remain there until the operator has ceased to operate. Can the subject break away from the hypnotist at any time? — 84 — He can if the operator goes contrary to his moral instinct. Is the subject always unconscious when under the hypnotic sleep? The conscious mind is usually unconscious of what is going on but the sub-conscious mind never sleeps under any circum- stances. Will a subject of loose morals exhibit the same characteristics in the hypnotic state as when awake? He will, but he will refuse to commit a crime that will endan- ger his personal safety. Will a subject of good morals be induced by a hypnotic sug- gestion to perform an act that while awake he would consider immoral? No; he can not. What kind of a suggestion is the strongest? Autosuggestion. Is there any harm in being hypnotized? No. You may get hurt in some foolish test which you are willing to carry out but not likely to even then for the subject gen- erally takes care of himself. Is a subject stronger when hypnotized than when not? Yes; if you suggest that he is. Will a subject take care of himself while asleep? Yse. Especially when told to do so. — 85 — I i 5 LESSON MO. XXIII. HOW TO GIVE AN ENTERTAINMENT. I will now give you full and complete instructions as to how to give a private and public entertainment. In a private entertainment you first take in the situation and then govern yourself accordingly. If you have a large room and good sized audience and see that you will have room for eight or ten subjects, procure some chairs and place them in a half circle, or straight, as the occasion way afford. Then ask those who would like to be hypnotized to come an*i take these chairs, and if you succeed in getting the chairs filled without coaxing you are all -86- right. t>o not coax too much. I always have two or three paities in the audience whom I have had under my influence and 1 manage to see them befere the time comes for the entertainment and secure their services for the evening. When I get ready and call for vol- unteers these persons will start first and this makes it easy to get the required number, and those you have once had under your control will assist you in putting the others to sleep or under the hypnotic influence. 1 do not allow these good subjects, or those I have had under my influence, to sit together, hut put rome one between them. By doing this you can succeed with ease. I take in the situation and use my own judgment as to how to begin. I sometimes tell them to join hands and hold tight uutil I count five and then they cannot let loose. 1 then count, one — two — three — four — five. When I say five I speak quick and say, yon cannot turn loose your hands. I have the subject to look at me all of this time. I only allow their hands to stick a few moments and then I say, all right, now you can let loose. You can go on with this kind of exercise until you can make them do almost anything you wish. You may say, straighten your arm out and when I count five you connot take it down, and when they fail you may say, now you can take it down. Then tell them to stand up and that they cannot lift their feet; that they aie stuck to the floor and they cannot move. You may suggest to them that they cannot sit down, or that they cannot bend, their knees, but can walk stiff-leg^pd about the room. This will impress the audience that you understand your business. Those yon can- not handle in this way may keep their seats during these experi- ments, Then tell all of them to take their seats. Take your place in front of them and say. now I am going to put you all to sleep, but I will not hurt you. Now look at me, all of you, at once. Now relax. Raise your right hand and point at them and say, you aie getting sleepy. Go through the formula to suit yourself and when you get them to sleep you can suggest anything you desire. Do not prolong the entertainment so as to worry the audience. Your entertainment had better be a little short than to worry the audi- ence, This rule holds good at all times. Remember it and never worry your audience. In a public entertainment you should take every precaution to — 8? — avoid making a failure. When traveling and giving public exhi- bitions I always carry from two to five subjects with me. I gen- erally use one on the stage while I have the others to take seats in the audience. When I reach a town [find out from the manager of the opera house some young meti whom I could induce to come on the stage. I got them in the opera bouse in the evening before time f 'or the entertainment and see if I can handle them and if so I secure their services if I have to pay them to come on the stage. By doing this I generally secure from two to five in the town where the exhibition is to be giveu to take part in the exhibition. When I call for volunteers of course I have no trouble in securing from six to ten subjects from the audience. I meet them when they come on the stage and take them by the right hand and place my left hand on the back of the head and say, look at me. I then let loose with my right band and place it on the chin and push his head back quickly and say, look me straight in the eyes. All right, you will make a good subject; take a seat. Should I secure more subjects than I want I seat as many as possible on the stage and then exc*use the rest, but I am always careful to seat my subject and those I have tried in the evening I then say, now T want you to look straight at me and I will put all of you to sleep. I then commence at one end of the line and tell them they are all getting sleepy, or I take my stand in front aud near the center of the line, raise my hands and commence by telling them they are getting sleepy, and of course my subject who travels with me becomes sleepy ve»y quick, and those I have secure! in ihe evening become sleepy and soon drop into the hypnotic sleep. If there are any more good subjects on the s-tage they g<> to f-b-ep at once, and if there are any hard subjects you can influence them by the influ- ence of those who fall asleep all around them and thereby catch them off their guard and successfully hypnotize them. After you have as many asleep as you want you can let the remainder go to their seats. Tell them you will use them at some other time. Always thank them for their services. Now all the hard work of an entertainment is done when you get this far. You may arrange any kind of a program to suit the occasion. You can make a Democrat make a Republican speech, or make a Republican make a Democratic speech. You can have — 88 — them riding brooms for horses, fishing with a broom for a fishing pole; tell them they have caught a snake and that it will bite them and they will run away. You can send them up in a baloon and let them come down in the water. Just before they think they are 111 the water tell them to get ready to jump and say, look out. you are almost down, jump and swim for life. When he jumps you may say, you will sink if you do not call for help, and when he begins to call turn to those who are sitting still and say, do you not hear that man calling for help, jump into the water and swim out there and save him from drowning, and they will jump down on the floor and do their best to rescue the man. You can then sug- gest anything to suit yourself to make the entertainment enjoy, able to all present. ft. r 89 Teeth Extracted without pain LESSON NO. XXIU In giving an entertainment yon should be careful and select a good line of suggestions so as to amuse and interest your audience. I will give you a few more points and suggestions. One is the Cataleptic stage. Put the subject in this stage and when you have him deep down in the stage you can say: You will be able to hold any weight I may put on you, even to one thousand pounds. Now place his head and shoulders on a chair and his feet on another. Ask two men to step up on his body with you, or have three to step up on him, Do not let them remain on him long. i .^ — 90- The wonderfuj rigidity of the muscles is a most convincing test of the reality of this strange influence. Now hypnotize someone and make- the proper suggestion and raise the skin on the arm or face and run a needle or hat-pin through it, or if one of your subjects wouM. like to have a tooth extracted sit him in a chair and make the , suggestion to him that it will not hurt him but will feel good when it is pulled out. Then invite a dentist or doctor to come on the stage and pull his tooth. If you know any of your subjects will want a tooth pulled the night of the entertainment secure a dentist or doctor to be there ready to pull it. If you will be careful. and make the proper sug ge^tion to the subject he will not know his tooth was pulled. He will suffer no pain whatever, either during nor after the operation. You should not let the subject go off the stage right away nor should you cause him to perform any more. Such a performance on the stage will show the people the power of hypnotism but most of them will say you possess a wonderful power when your subject stands up and tells them neither of the performances hurt him and that pulling his tooth did not hurt and that it does not hurt now. If possible get some old men and hypnotize them and make them believe they are fine cake- walkers. After you have them under your influence procure some queer kind of hats, if possible, and have them put their coats on wrong side out. Then have them roll their pants up to the knees and tell them the music is ready. Have two or three subjects already hypnotized and give them some brooms and sticks for fiddles and bows. Tell them to play and the others to cake-walk and suggest to them to get faster and faster. Awake them one at a time and you will see them run off and look back and laugh at the rest of them. This will take the house by storm arid you will not be able to hear your own voice for the cheers and laughter. Here is another suggestion that will prove amusing. Tell one of your subjects to lay down and pretend to be dead and you will send some men to hunt him and to hold an inquest over him but that he will wake up when they commence to examine him. He will lay down, and then turning to the rest throw your hand at them and say, you are all asleep; sound asleep; close your eyes. -81— Now you cantiot open your eyes, but you are asleep and sound asleep and you will do as I tell you. Tell them some one has killed a man out here and they are to hold an inquest. Point out one of them as an officer and tell him to summon a jury and hold an in- quest over the dead man, but to be cartful as his spirit may come back and get after them. When they get down over the supposed dead man he will begin to move, and the next thing will be cheers and laughter from the audience as the officer and jury will all run and hide. You will have to give them a suggestion that the dead man is gone or awake ihein. I always awake as many as possible as they run away. I also awake the dead man. If you do not he will follow them and *hey will leave the room or house aud you will have to follow' and catch them, which might cause you consid- erable trouble. I recollect one time of letting a subject get after another and then get away and they ran two blocks or more before I succeeded in catching them. There is another very amusing suggestion. Get a large doll, a rag doll will do. After you get your subject under your control tell him you have found a baby and you want him to take it to its mother. Tell him he will know its mother because it favors her; that it is just like her; that its eyes are blue and iis face is fair just like its mother's. Tell him to take the baby and go out in the audience and hunt its mother for she is out there. Let him go with the doll and he will look around and when he finds a blue eyed woman he will give her the doll and tell her he has brought her baby to her, Then you will hear a roar all over the house, and the lady, if a young lady, will be complettly plagued. You may tell your subjects they are in a strawberry patch and they will begin picking them. Then suggest that the owner is coming with a shot-gun and that they had better run and hide and they will do as you suggest. You may roll out a pumpkin and tell them it is a watermelon and for one of thrm to cut it and give all of the boys a piece and they will commence to eat it. Now awake them and you will laugh to see them look at each other and throw the melon away. Give them a basket of potatoes and tell thein they are apples and they will eat them. Again awake them one at a time and watch them throw the apples down and the others pick them up, and those you have awakened will — 92 — join with the audience in a hearty applause and laughter. You can make a subject think he is a dog and another a hunter and have fine sport in this way. You can make one think he is an old farmer and the others are hogs. Have him call them up and feed them some corn Thpy will grunt and squeal like hogs and your audience will be delighted. You can make one of Mum think he is a mule, a bad, kicking mule, and veiy hard to bhoe. Then call another and make him believe he is a blacksmith and tell him to shoe the mule. Tell him he must be careful or the mule will kick him. When the blacksmith has got hold of the mule's foot awake the mule and the blacksmith will still hold on and try to shoe him. Then awake the blacksmith. ~^E~ — 93 — ^A ^ G< ^ M |lLLiARPS LESSON NO. XXVJ. I wish to call your attention to a few more facts and one of them is that you ought to learn to concentrate your mind, or will- power, so as to be able to do a great many things with it. A good way to learn this is to take a small piece of white paper and paste it in the center of a mirror- Seat yourself comfortably a few feet away and look intently at the paper, trying all the time to keep your mind on it and not let it wander. At first your mind may wander to other things but by constant practice you will get so you can concentrate the mind on one thing and keep it there as long as you wish. After a hypnotist has learned to concentrate his mind — 94 — and ran keep it on one thing as long as he wishes without letting it wander he will be able to hypnotize a person without their knowl- edge and against their will. For illustration I will mention one out of many that I have performed. I was at a private entertainment and there was a young lady present who made a good many remarks about hypno- tism. There was another operator present, one of my students, who was amusing the audience, and while he was performing I decided to see if 1 could handle her and I concentrated my mind on her. At first it seemed that she made all the more sport of hypnotism. She would set up and walk across the floor as though she were uneasy, but inside of thirty minutes she settled down in a chair and in a few moments she was sound asleep. I fastened her eyes, then fastened her to the chair and she could not get up. I then let her stand up and fastened her feet to the floor. I then released her and told her she was cold and gave her a wrap to put about her and when she had wrapped herself I awakened her and she was greatly surprised to find herself wrapped up and the wrap wrong side out. I did not spt ak one word to her until she was asleep. I then crossed the room and went near her and talked to her and suggested the above suggestions. I was once sitting in an audience and sitting in front of me was a man whom I thought I would like to have look around, but he, no doubt, had been taught not to look back and he would not. I wanted to see who be was but he would not turn his head. I said to myself that I would put him to sleep so I concentrated my mind on him for that purpose and in less than ten minutes he was nodding and in a short time he was sound asleep and came near falling from his chair. I then relaxed my miud and allowed him to awake. Fie then looked aiouud without, any more trouble. He wanted to see who was looking at him, I did not know him, had never seen him before, and have not seen him since, but my mind, or will-power had done the work. You can do just as I did if yoi will only practice. You should go to your room and practice making passes and suggestions and concentrating your mind. A good way to prac- tice your passes and suggestions is to be alone in some quiet place where no one will hear you or bother you. Place a chair out in — 95- the room and suppose some one was sitting in it. Then practice making suggestions and passes until you feel at ease. Continue this until you can go through it all without a mistake and when- ever an opportunity affords practice on a subject, but always have the third person present. This will assure the subject you do not want to take any advantage of him and ho will submit himself with more ease. I have given you instructions on every point necessary to in- sure yonr success, but remember the more you practice the more confidence you will have in yourself and the more others will have in you. Let your every word and act convey to your subject the impression that you will succeed, or in other words, have your nerve with you. Remember alter yon have hypnotized a few sub- jects it will be easv and smoothe sailing, and also remember that afler you have once hypnotized a person that person can be hyp- notized at any tfme afterward with perfect ease. I receive testimonials altnost everyday, and sometimes scores of them, from niy students telling me of their gieat success, and I am always glad to hear from all who receive my lessons in hypno- tism. If you do not succeed as well as you expect and think there are some points you do not understand be sure and write me and T will answer your questions clearly and completely. I am as anxious for your success as you are and would be pleased to hear from you at any time. If you succeed and think vou like to send a testimonial it will be gladly accepted and you will be rewarded for it. Now remember that you must follow the instructions and put in practice what you have learned and by doing so you will become a hypnotist in a few hours. I have seen my students perform in less than an hour. I have testimonials that state that with my Master Mail Course of Twenty five Illustrated Lessons in Hypno- tism that they had successfully hypnotized several subj-cts. All you have to do is to read and carefully study these kssons in hyp- notism and then put into practice what you have learned You must remember that self confidence is one of the most important points in hypnotism. When you have acquired this and carefully followed my suggestions your success is assured. I trust and believe the knowledge you have received from my —96— instructions will be of great value and benefit to you in many ways, especially in regard to your health and in your business. Thanking you for past favors and hoping to hear from you in the near future and to learn of your wonderful success which I am sure will come to you, I remain Most sincerely yours, PROF. T. C. COLE, Jr., Jonesboro, Ark. i ■ ^ ' \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ( 021 065 914 61