1 JB ! Oass Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT Series XVI No. 5 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN Historical and Political Science HERBERT B. ADAMS, Editor History is past Politics and Politics are present iiislory.—/-'reema?i. WEST FLORIDA AND ITS RELATION TO THE Historical Cartography of the United States BY HENRY E. CHAMBERS, Fellow-by- Courtesy of Johns Hopkins University. Sometime Assistant Profes- sor, Tulane University THE JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS Published Monthly MAY, 1898 U.S.GEOlO(-i Rec'd APR '^ Ans'd JJAITlMOPiB- JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. Herbert B. Adams, Editor. FIRST SERIES.— Local Institutions.— $4.00. I. Anlntrodactlon to American Institutional History. By E. A. Freeman. 26c. II. The Oernianic Oriferin of Netr Engpland Towns. By H. B. Adams. 50 cent8. III. I^oeal filovernnient In Illinois. By Albert Shaw.— liOcal Oovernment iu Pennsylvania. IJy E. It. L. Gould. 30 cents. IV. Saxon Tithinsrnien in America. By H. B. Adams. 50 cents. T. liOcal Oovernment in SUcbig'an, and tbe Bforthwest. By E. W. Bbhis. 25 ciiits. VI. Parish Institutions of Maryland. By Edward Ingle. 40 cents. VII. 01«1 9Iaryland manors. By John Hemsley Johnson. 30 cents. VIII. BTorman Constables in America. By H. B. Adams. 50 C6)it». IX-X. Villaisre Communities of Cape Ann and Salem. By H. B. Adams. 60 cents. XI. Tbe Genesis of a New England State. By A. Johnston. 30 cents. XII. liocal Oovernment and Schools in South Carolina. By B. J. Ramaob. 40c. SECOND SERIES Institutions and Economics.— $4.00. I-II. jnrethods of Historical study. By H.B.Adams. 50 cents. III. The Past and the Present of Political Economy. By R. T. 1 ^y. 35 cents. IV. Samuel Adams, tbe Man of the Town Meetin^r* By James K. Hosmbr. 35 cents. V-VI. Taxation in tbe United States. By Henry Carter Adams. 50 cents. VII. Institutional Beg^lnning^s in a Western State. By Jesse Macy. 25 cents. VIII-IX. Indian Money in New Eng^land, Etc. By William B. Weeden. 60 cents. X. Town and County Oovernment in the Colonies. By E. Channinq. 50 cents. XI. Rudimentary Society among Boys. By J. Hemsley Johnson. 50 cents. XII. liand I.aw8 of Miningr Districts. ByC. H. Shinn. 60 cents. THIRD SERIES.— Maryland, Virginia and Washington.— $4.00. I. Maryland's Influence upon liand Cessions to the U.S. ByH. B.Adams. 75c. II-III. VI r)^i n ia Liocal Institutions. By E. Ingle. 75 cents. IV. Recent American Socialism. By Richard T. Ely. 50 cents. V-VI-VII. Maryland Local InstitntiouM. By Lewis W. Wilhelm. $1.00. VIII. Influence Of tbe Proprietors in Foundinti^ New Jersey. By A. Scott. 25c. IX-X. American Constitutions. By Horace Davis. 50 cents. XI-XII. The City of Washington. By J. A Porter. 50 cents. FOURTH SERIES.— Municipal Government and Land Tenure.— $3.50. I. I>utcb Village Communities on tbe Hudson River. By I. Eltino. 50 cents. II-III. Town Government in Rhode Island. By W. E. Foster.— The Narra- gansett Planters. By Edward Channino. 60 cents. IV. Pennsylvania Boroughs. By William P. Holcomb. 50 cents. V. Introduction to Constitutional History of tbe States. By J. F. Jameson. 50c. VI. The Puritan Colony at Annapolis, Maryland. By D. R. Randall. 60 cents. VII-VIII.IX. Tbe l.and