o * k 5 9* * aS *£riffft?2? v c T* -#*^ #X* X 4 %^&?*J> J? V »0^ • »\ • • e r "**> •SO' : ' ra Vi • ■ • ♦ V J * •V 14, & .c 3 ■ . 625 ao. - - Jt$0 do-, - - J&0 ao-. 300 CIO, 300 40 ties, Addresses, and lastly, the Appeals to said Conference. Hence, the writer having here had a final settlement with said Conference, before named, as the minutes will show, he now of course felt himself much relieved in mind, and was now at liberty to act in accordance with the advice of his worthy physician. But in the next place, how is the writer to be supported whilst in this feeble state of body and mind ? answer, rather than depend upon said Conference for support, he had struck off and sold of jxsli own, <3B\tlvoqixi[uv, 3500, at -4-0 cent* eacti/, SfMocjta^ of 'SB. SB. 2500, at 25 <$. SjiiAtfc*, .4-000, at 12 1U|^eto ( 4000, at 12 ©fcfyfiXt*, 2000, at \ 5 tBlviotle* ana ©voaclieaoe* 3000, at 10 SJofcaC ©kmoimt $35&5 Hence, be it known here on earth, as well as it is known in heaven, that it was after this wise that the writer has duly minis- tered unto his own wants, as in the case of the apostle Paul, in the last several years of his travelling to and fro through the United States, say from 5000 to 10,000 miles per year, going about, as in the case of his Lord, doing good. Yea, he having of the above sum faithfully divided about $3,300 in cash among the poor widows and orphans, without distinction as to color. Hence, in this particular, was he not a husband to the widow, and a father to the fatherless ? But alas, alas ! he has nothing now of all his loaves and fishes left him, but a few copies of his Midnight Cry, that he disposes of in going around. Well, even so, since he feels assured that he will not die for want of bread, whilst his Quaker friends have a shelter for the poor and needy, into which he may enter, and there chop straw and stuff mats through the day, and to lift up his soul by night in thanksgiving unto the Lord his God, for such a 8 helter in his old days ; yea, it being similar to that of his blessed Lord and Master, when born in Bethlehem Judah, the city of David. Even so, amen. Seeing that said friends have some several shelters thus pro- vided in the City of Philadelphia, yea, and one in particular, near 41 Willow and Thirteenth Streets, containing annually some seventy or eighty colored orphans, who are well provided for, yea, and be- sides, they are all well educated. Say, beloved reader, is not this an act of charity on the part of Friends in the behalf of God's poor little brood ? But here, as it might be asked by some one of the writer's friendly subscribers to his Narrative, for what purpose shall the profits thereof go to ? answer, if there should be any after all of the necessary expenses are duly settled up, he may probably have need of it himself, to subsist on in his cave, lest he might become a pauper upon the community ; and that he would not like to be, seeing that they have about their hands full already, it being solely from neglect on the part of the clergy, as before named. There- fore, should not every religions society within these United States who may be found neglecting their poor widows and orphans, be regarded nothing less than a nest of Infidels ? having denied the faith and principles that were taught by the Prophets and Apos- tles. Yea, a nuisance and a disgrace to the Commonwealth of Israel, and ought to be broken up, accordingly. And, in the opinion of the writer, if there could be some clause to that effect in the Constitution of the United States, it would be no doubt the salvation of this our dear land and nation. Even so, in God's holy name mote it be. And now, the penman and ready writer having here truly un- cased his bosom, and poured out his soul in truth, he can now re- tire to his cave in peace, yea, and of no little joy in the Holy Ghost. Hence, may he not climb where Moses stood, and see the blessed land, yea, there and then to read his name written upon his Saviour's hand ; and with his holy presence bid, let him die as Moses did. Selah. Jpgp Do justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly before thy God, oh man ! Even so, selah. 42 And now, in conclusion, if the humble penman has any friends in said Conference, rather than those of Job's comforters, namely, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naam- athite, say, may he here most respectfully ask of them in God'-; holy name to do the right and clean thing. XI@L, See that Green and Thompson lift their note of $600, with interest thereon, so that there may be some two or three more good log buildings erected on said farm ; and also, see that the differ- ence between him and said Conference of $494 03 be paid over to his two children and their mother ; and further see that those Trustees in Vanwert, Ohio, give up every acre that was claimed by said land warrant also, to said children and their mother, free of all cost, excepting the tax due thereon to C. D. Young ; and in particular, see that all those ministers of said Conference who have gone to Canada, her Majesty's province, to reside, not to concern themselves any further about the property of said Semi- nary, but rather go to work there, and establish something of the same, and so prove themselves truly worthy of her Royal Majesty's protection ; or otherwise, should they be discarded, where upon God's earth will they go ? Oh ! thou Holy Dove, sweet messenger of rest, That descends from above poor mortals to bless ; Come strengthen thy saints in love and in power, That they may stand and not faint in a most trying hour. Selah. But lastly, and now to all the saints of the most High God, you are hereby notified, yea, and requested to separate yourselves from any further connection with what is called Free Masonry, in the 43 sacred desk, claiming no other discipline for yourselves in future than the 13th chapter of Romans, for why should you be cursed any further by said infamy in the house of God, that is so well calcu- lated to starve out its thousand of widows and orphans, leaving the oppressed of our land entirely out of the question. Yea, and furthermore, has not said infamy even covenanted with death in God's holy sanctuary, and gone into a written agreement with hell ? and for which has not God been provoked to visit this our beloved land and nation, in judgment, the end thereof who knows ? For information on this point, let all who will read the 32d chapter of Deuteronomy, and then answer the humble writer, should not the church of God be found in spotless white, as the Lord of all may soon appear. Hence to his sacred cross let all his loving saints now draw near. Amen. And finally farewell, children. ^S^From thy father and servant, for Christ's sake. Selah. I>. $). % 4 «. La). ® H 3^ 8 C *> ^ 4 * • * * * A*' ♦** c^ ♦>W/^° ^ A* ♦**' o'' . .. ^ *"f.^*\< v *••• A u .#. ^ o . t ? \W*'J> V^V v^*> *< v o^ 4> o* r oK .0 ^o 5 * Ao, i* 'tf e • • , ^ °0 ^* Cr • 1 $*+, -J ,o- iP *i vO 4 o . : f^ HECKMAN BINDERY INC. °^ APR 89 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 ■* • • • "^0* "v*. &