DA 953 .1886 .G5 Copy 1 Price Ten Cents. The Irish Question I. HISTORY OF AN IDEA. II. LESSONS OF THE ELECTION. By the T{ight Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P. FOR MIDLOTHIAN. % NEW YORK: CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 1886. oAuthorized Edition. (From the CINCINNATI COMMERCIAL.) " Scribner's * Campaigns of the Civil War* are probably the ablest and most striking account of the late tear that has yet been written. Choosing the flower of military authors, the publishers have assigned to each the tank of writing the history of the events he knew most about. Thus, both accuracy and a life-like freshness have been secured." CAMPAIGNS of the CIVIL WAR Twelve Volumes and Supplement, 12mo, Cloth, With Maps and Plans, IS Volumes. Price, per Volume, 0,00. Price, per Set, $12,50. I.— THE OUTBREAK OF THE REBELLION. By John G. Nicolay, Esq., Private Secretary to President Lincoln. II.— FROM FORT HENRY TO CORINTH. By the Hon. M. F. Force, Brig.-Gen'l and Bvt. Maj.-Gen'l U. S. V., etc. III.— THE PENINSULA. 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