(iopyii^hi N" ^^_ COK^KIGllT DEPOSIT. IX? p T 7 n n T. T '^ T!" I !' '■ y v.- i 1 1 i :? m '•' , T i c Twt" Cpptain, co rrii ssione^ ■'pjor, /--.ithoi- nf "The l.)9tli Kpri-aent, N. ■^. '^. '/. i r- 1 h. v.'.M' ('-■ t-->.^ pGb'Olion." •'rook 1'/ r*, ' . y. \ by Willia:a v. Tie;i;ann. Kxcej^t for the yearly recurrinp •Memoi-irJil Pcy" when relet Ivca and Bux-vlvin" conwades asaernble to decorate the r?ravGf5 and contnemoratc the rteeda of those nov, de; ijrtcd who parllcipatod in the struggle, or ] oasibly the mention of ponaions to the siu'vlvors or an occasional obituary of sorr deoeanod veteran, our rrve&t Civil War, vYhicli for four yenr , from 1801 to l>-!05, desol2itod our land, has passed Into hit.- tory end there -re today comparatively few among the mill- Ions inhabiting our country to v/hom the War of the Rebell- ion is morr than a shadow. To those yet survivinp- who served in th.e Tirmles on either side the remenibranoo of the camp, tlio march, the battlefield, the hospitals and prisons, recalls many scene, and incidents then ocmirrlnr, and it is on incident of prison experience I am asked to relote,- ?»y regiment, attached to the flecond Brirrodo, Second Division, !IlnetQonth Army Cor].>s, had been serving in Loiisi- ana until July lHfi4, nnd w;.as then transferred to Rcnnuda T^^ndred8, Va. , froir. whence it was ordered to the Shenando:^.,^ Valley, Va., where, as part of Sheridan's command, it had ' boen doinr active service and had pai'ticijwited in the several engar;ements a'j-ainat the rebel forces under Early, and was In .^e] tembor 1«h4, with the rest of the arrny, held in readiness for tho forward move orders for which we were in dally expectation of roceivinf;;, our position bein';: a short riif,tnnce to the fJouth of Borryville. "jcptember Isth, orders were received to move at ki o'clock A.V, the next day, Soi)tembor lyth, at 1 o'- clock A..'!, a general forward movement of the wiiole army oomraenoed, V/e lairohod up the pike towards Winchester, thirty-two miles South of Harper's ^'orry, where tiio enemy wore rumored to "be in atron: I'oroe. lu the early morniiis wo heard heavy flrinc in our front. Barijaco wacoris and artillery filled the road ana caused a lon^ delay until thoy v/ere hauled out to either side and allowed our pass- ing, Presjslnfj on we sonn passed hospital tents on the road side, where already the Surgeons were busy caring for the wounded who wore rui'idly bein^^ brour it in. At ii o'clock A.:.:, we were marched under the crest of a hill to the ri{%ht of the i>ike, crossing: tlie Oj equan where we filled our canteens, and line of br.ttle was formed, the First and Third brigades of our division (Grovor's) ixx front, t):n Fourth and our brirjacie bcinc in the rear of the first line in support in^: distance. We then inovod forward to tliQ top of tlie hill fi.^om which vira had a view of tiie field beyond, our forces in front pressing;; forvfc^rd under a heavy firo fro;.i the rebels, Th3 bri:rade3 in our front ir.- clinin-: to the ri;:ht as thoy advanced, and the brigade of the Sixth Gor]>3, which was on our left, keepin.3 too mich to the left made a cap in our fi'ont line which our b-ri^aae was ordered to fill. It vrca about 11, SO o'clock A.i.', when thin order was received. We v;ent down the hill and acros" the field, passin-: a ravine, and the;, mounted a slight eia- incnce dii-ectly in front of a rebel battery posted on a hill opposite our position, which u-as shelling: us as fast as the lieces could be loaded and fired. In our froiit the rebels v/ero coruin/; on in columns, and receiving the order •coin-nence firing" we becan;e enL'iaeed iuiniediately , The regimental line was perfect, the men marching with precision and keeping well drestied on the colors, thoiigh the rebel fire of irtillory and musketry was terrific. V/e were halted and kept up a steady fire for some time. Then oame tne order "cease firing" and shortly after this an aid« dashed at full gallop across the field just in our rear who shouted "Retreat !" "Retreat I !" Lookini; to our right we saw our forces falling back before heavy masses M of the rebels v/ho wore following them closely, and the order was at once obeyed. When vre reached the ravine, a short distance in rear of the eralnence from whicti we had been driven, an order was given to rally, which I at once I'opeated and triod to atop my men, but before I could realize it we were surrounded by rebels one of whom, aira- inp his musket at me, demanded my sword whica I had in my hand. I tendered it to him, when he yelled "bolt ana all' ■belt and all* emphasized with siindry strong: expressions, so I unbuckled my belt and gave it to him witii the best grace I could under the circumstances. Kineteexi men of ray regiment were also captured, ^as I found later, -fl^. Lieu - tenant Colonel Homor B, Spra^^e and Lieutenant Gardner of the Thirteenth Connecticut, the regiment on our ri^ht, v/ith both of whom I was acquainted. Under a strong ^zuard v/e were hurried up the hill directly in the face of the rebel battery which was still flrlnr as fast as the men could load and discharge the pieces, while our own shells were fallin;:; around us and our own bullets whizzing by our ears, but. we soon passed from this and were rapidly marched to the rear where we were put with a number of other r^'i toners. Here w kept for some time surrounded by the ;ruard, Occaf; groups of angry and cxcltod men would gatlier noar, fi'o;n YrhosG convcrsiitlon v.-e niado up our mlntia that inuttors v/orc Coinr. badly for the robols. DlBmo^mtecl cavalrymen -who we understood belon/;ed to General Imboden'a contnand, which hnd been totally routed ^nd dispersed by our cavalry, were taunted by tiieir own men wltii cowardice and running from the Yankees, and vin .]oinin;;, In the taunts, snrne of thera mide a rush at iv lubbed rouskets and as I had not refrained from exjireasinf^ my opinion of rebels /jenernlly, I certainly would luivo been hurt had not our suard inter- foi*od and threatened to shoot tlieni if they did not "^laul ofi'". Lieutenant Colonel 3]^raPXie, for^'tettinr; for the mo.Tiont tliat lio also was s. j'-flsoner, rushed forward to pre- vent the attack but the f;u;ird8 settled t):ie rmitter affect- ually, V/e were then marched to the town (V/inchester ) and ])laced in the '.lasonic T.odfo root.i r;ith .'..raircls ]'ostod insiv^o and out. Certainly no lodge was ever bettor tiled. Late in the aftcmopn from the winuor/ in front we saw evidence of a retreat. Cavuli'y, artillery anrl ban-f.^go wa,''ons, wit;i nuinberc of infantrymen, were nvakinfr a wild and frenzied rusl: for tiie rear, the whole body in seemlnr inextricable confusion, men shouting, yelling, ond lashing their horses. officers on horseback encleavcrlng to atom tho panic, and nil ciaklnc confusion worse coixfoundeci, We sa-v what ur- peured to be ono ol" our own oavalryir4on not three hundrou yards cliatant, and a wild hoi^v of recoue filiod our hearts, but apporcntly he could not i^roas throa£i'i the crowd and \rj.^^ soon quickly ^oin^; the othoi* Wixy, The tiuarda hurried us out of the building, myself and a couple of otiiers trying to conceal ouraclvoa behind a door but beiiic discovei-ed wo were ordered out in savacc tone^i, and then they r^iarolieu uo on a mn out of the tomi, keeping ua ia a solid body and forcing; their wiiy throu^li the cusa of vehicles. After go- Inc aoiae distance tiicy took it :nore quietly but still presceci us I'orward rajddly throui^h the t^athering darknesii end wc could e^-.aily see that everything they iiad was in full retreat. Pasoiag throuch Kernatown, Mewtowa, Middle. town and Strasburc wc finally halted near Fisher's jiill ana clad we were of tnc rest aa we iia.d iriarchcd over thirty n.ilos since Ic^vin:. our c^urip in the .noruing. Septeaiber iriOth at early dawn tre wore marched six iailea to Toin's Brock v;here we halted, Wc woro ko} t under close suard but were porciitted to cet our meala in a house close by, and aa the good worrkan who kej)t it showed her feelings to be with us and for the Union we managed to write letters hoine and to our regiments which she aonccalyci and afterwards duly forwarded. September i^ynd just av, dark v/e were starteu off in a f^reat hurry and after an all night march of twenty-eight miles reached New Market Friday, September «3rd, whoro we had a short rest and were then hurried d: to Hai-risotiburg, twenty-cne iniles, which vre reached Septeiaber ii4th, and again makini: but a short stop were pushed on to Staunton, twenty-tv/o miles, where we arrived Sunday aftOi-noon. Part of t.he march would have beon deli;ijhtf'al ii it had been raad9 under less adverse circtunstJinces. At Tom's Brook we feasted on persimmons which, as the weatiisr Iiad been frosty, were ripe and luscious and wore the larb<2st and finest I ever saw. We also gathered quantities of chinquapins, a diminutive cliestmit but much sweeter. At ' one point yte reached just at sundov/n \re coulirou','h Rockfish Gar* from the auitunit of yihiar. we liad n bouutifiil view of tho country on both sides of tlio laountains, and Just after sxmdcvm reached ?.iachoinps Stutinn, thirty-two miles froui ©-"Jir starting place, where \io 'Ycrc at once r.l:;ccd on coi'non plctfonn cira amt started for Rich- inond, which we reached September «7th. On our arrival -.io uere rnarchod to Tilbby Prison vrhore vfe .7erc carefully docrchcil and ovovy ?.rtiol« cT value, ?.3 well as nil :none:', taken f roi . us, M«ny -jero the t laiin cf concoalracrit used to evade this, some putt in:: the money in tho moutn, or in- side the 3hoe£J, and one officer filled his \iive with Officii- backs, put a little tobacci on top, ?,nd pretended to smoke n'lllo the search waa soln^r on. A list w^.s made, showing riiiiiio, ro::lin3nt, company, and hone address, and we were then marched up two fllchts of :3ters and hustlftd into a lone oblonc room, the •«illnc very low and suP] orted at inter- vals by posts in the center, vnd the \ylndow3 ho-vily CJ'atod, This roo;n, as well :-is one on tho floor ^bove, was full of officers standinc, sittlnc and lyinr: down and on our en- trance sre were w" t once seized uj-on and anked nil manner of : nstione as to when, where and how, we were captured, hovr -IC- tho war W..S goinL' a^*^ wliat tiio anay ne\.';5 v -^y. Poor fellrasl Lvxiy of then* liaa becii i'oi* tuouinc i.i tnio miserable hole anci tne only news tiifiv coulti ^■i.tnor Ww.j ..iO.vi arx'ivaia oT unf ortunatoa like tiieuiaolvea. T.'g mcvc cocu uomlcilod. It aifiij^ly reiuii^eii our i iudin^; a ; Ir.ce c:. t^;. floor not yet ocoui-iec; and we were at onco •* iio-i.e! i.crc ci'.utioned by ou/ oor.ir.acs not to an roacii tne winaows too olcaely £S t.:ie euarc;,8 iied a iiabit of firinL --tt it if i :"i fj-cc, and in soir.e coses tho si-ots i'lau taken effect,, V.'e had no treat cr»oice of vi..rds, our rctioi'S consistinr; of u srrcll jloce of cora oi'tvd r.iaue of corn and husk croxind in one, soaked in wator, and bcikec in sheets \/it.. lincG uuirkeri at right ani;los on top to 3ho?r whers each x-^tioii was to bo out. They were :-bout t«o inches qquare by fovr inches lonj;, containing jjossibly a pint of corn meal, sc called, but loov os they were they 7,-erc eagerly locked for ana hi.n(.:rily devoured, Yfo had one iasue of meat, about two ounces to a man, during our st'iy in Libby, la this dark uloomy prison we v/ere kept until Sun- day, October i^nd, when, under - strong i7aard we were all inarcheu out and ] lacei In clouo box fr i i.t Cctrs, Guards were i-ostcd on top of tlie cars all ulcni; bot/i -i •raards in e'.oh door insiae. She. -li- we paused Delle Isle, an ialuxid ia the JaLies rivev noi aiuch ubovo UiQ level of tiis v/ater, axiu whica would, pax^tlj over- floiT dui'iiiii hit:,ii floods, v/iiero 'nCi-e coufiiieu tiioiisuuds oi" our i.ieii wiiolly vfitl^ou.. siielter excei'ti auoh aa ■Lhe:>- coald oouBtruct tiiemselves, and exposeu to ull wouthers i'iue oi- inclQinent alike. Aa i ;, wss qaice dark soinc of tao oiTictfS coutrivoa to ,i:et tl:e boards off tlio siiVall squsii-e wiiidovsfs at the side ends of tlic cars anu several :iianat;ed to crawl o-at and drop off as tho cars wei-e uoin/^ up steep oi'ades where they ran vei-y slovly. Another officer anc^ uiysolf drew lots as to -./iiich of uii shoula co lii'St ana he secureU the chance. Hardly iiad he ;;ot through am was iian^ing by his hands to the winaow led^e about to drop vhea a Siiot was fii-ed and with tiie cry "I i.1.1 shot" he let so ana fell. luKiediately volleys \/ere fired by all tiie i^ards on top as tiie train j'assed along witi;out stopjun^, ana I caii only supi'ose the yoor i'ellov was killed. The ,7aaj-ds insiue at once exaijiineu tiie ». indovfs and thei-eafter took stations at each end as v/ell c.s at the doers. \7e readied Dax.ville at noon Octobox- ttrd, and were at oi>co taken out of txie cars but were kept closely to^ietner. i,iijnbers of darkies cauie aroxind ami they, as vel]. i?s the whiter, ax-ove a brisk busi- : J : eatables with those so fortunate as to have iaoney t •1?.- ■ ^a;' valujihlea to 'nrtur* :'i'^:3:>. bisci. ^otato i'ies ^ere eajsriy bou . fortun-^te r;i- jreeabrtckd <■ lirhtsd w'.iez: . „ .^, .,^>. .. thei:' fyy lie, ■•/•ii^tr.i "• :'.■'■..•••, 1 ohll" tnr oolci tc alee.. ft Danville early T'-i'^aday mornin,; Octobei' 4th, ana arrive- Salu- .-, tne .'? ' ^ -^-v^i.T . onolusut'e of ;res Sorroiinaea •-. brick buil r: ; et :..: •i : - jujrds anc. i i^ o.-:c.r.- ■ i.e lefl 'ii-.Tia siie of t»ie ej.cica- - irhicJi were . ssigr.od tc as. r-r. r w.'o\Vidii\t: the enclo3-j;r-. below the to:-, ^ zcnatn-Qf d extf wliole Qiatsaoe aroui. i '.his ^:iuiras ifevt \ intervals overlf entire .er ooul ted in. it, \(us :. 3li..at. iv. iliiii; uoiao three feet tii,:,h '.Yhinii marked tlio "dead line" beyond or inside of wliich no prisonei' rni.-ht so without exj osinr liiinself to be shot instantly, silcii bo- in;; the orders to the jruards. Posr.ibly tho autlioritio^ I'earod th'i ^-uarcls ;ni ;ht be corruyjtoci if too cloi?e cornrjiu- nicatii.in was ailo'/^ed, or that tiie fence .ai^ht be thro^;n doivn in a ru^h if t.ir; jiriaonors ./ere jei-mitted to a] i roiich it clo.--.ely. The C-i^ii'ds wore old iiyn and ymmj boys, too ola Oi- ton youn:,' for service iii the field, Uniform they iiad none, bein^;- clotiied mostly in home s]''-'^^ * -^'^^'- when asaomblod to jet her wer^ a inotlcv crev/, oUJiday inorniii(j Octobei' le>th v/e were startle. re];ort of a imisket and all rus':in..r out to see what i:. .v...^ le.irncd tiiat one of the guards, a aiere boy, had shot ono of our officers, Second Lieutenant John Davis, of tJ^e One hundred aiu f if tv-f ifth Hew York, who had been en-^a^^cd in Catherine acorns, v/iiicn we roasted and ground to make cof- fee, aru appi'oachinr near the- uead line iiad bron firca upon and instantly killed, Tlio body wi.s l,.:id cut as /.ell ?s could be done under the circumstances and silently and sadly we ratliered around; a hynu'i was s-an:, "I v/ould not live alvay" -^Lnd then all that re;fiained or our murdered com- rade was carried out by thr rebels a cem- -1'.- etory nn?. fr.r fror, the prision. The txt.Mcst, indignation Y/a:5 aroused by this cruel and cold-blooded lairder, and proiaiae -./as inads us by the prison coniinanaant that a caro- ful investisat ion should bo nade and the .;paard adequately runishsd, but wc were infomod afterwirda that he had been promoted serf^ieant and "ranted i f-irlou;rh as a re\Yard for hi 3 vi::ilarvce. Our priso:. life wa:- dull and monotonoits. We a.-rraGo: ourselves a3 best v/^ co-...la, but nlainl^ by sleerinrj; or walk- in,; around. At fir^t v/e had the ran of the entire enclos- ure but as the nuiriber of enlisted raen, prisoi.ers, iiicreasc , we wore restricted to tiie left and the men to the rijht, .'jTuards were jlaccd at short intervals on i line betv.of n the space alloted to tht cfficers and th. t assi{rne:* to the enlisted ;.".3n and no couB-.Tanicut ion was allowed bet^vnen then. The one to; ic of conversition vrcs exchan/^e and that we v/-;r_, always ready to discuss. Plans of escaje v^ere n^ainerous, tunneling bein;; the favorite one as it was deemed mo?;t feasible, ' t I did not. learn of any escayini;; th.-. vrhile we were ir Galjsbui-y as our stay vo.s too r-liort. One plan wr.s undertaken which miyht have been a success but fo^ a most untow. rd circujnstnnce. The officers numbered abou'; three hundrpd and the men upwards of three thousand. ?jep aratod only by the line of ^-'j.ards betwsou them. It wr.'S det':;"ninod to ovanizo. tho mnn into their rospectivo ro.'-ri- monts, bri^c-des, and corps, :md to aRsi>--'n officers to eac'n, as f?r nr: possible pnttin'^ the rr.en nnd'^r command of thoii* owr; officers, or if none such were prisoners ther to assign officers who shntild be made knou'n to the men as their corn- manders, ^"hen the or':?r-nization shoulrl bo comr-ltsted, at a. fixe'i time anci "t, a ^ivrty, si'^nal, the m3n p.n6 officers vrerc to •*'r.ll in por.ition, a char^i-e vfris tc be mnde upon the firuns and rraard house, the mard to be cver^ o-.verod y.nri the fVJLn?i -nd amirtunition seized, and with t'lese the prisoners vrould make for the nearest voint of safety. It v»as well planned and -.rould have woi*kcd v/itli partial success at least ns our rruards were net n-^nerous and cert^iinly not of a character to be afraid of if \re acted to.Te'her. At first there wore frequent o]': ort-mitieo of cotaniunication an the miarrts were not very strict, and when two of tlien v/ouln como to aether and then turn thcl'r brcks to efch otbnr as thej- ch^nrred their direction to retrace thcii- beat, one cj' toore o'"ficrrs would iis extension had -.'indov/s in each end and two at t^ie si)©, the entrance beinf^ by a door fro--, the first ■on inside, which y/as borrdoa \ip. The "irs'. or '-I'oimcl floni* of the prison we v/ere not, allov/od to occnri' pennanfently, end r {^uard was poj^ted thr.rc to prevent More thuii a ccrtciii mitn!)er cominr down at ojice as it v:" '^ aomotinos permitted thct two or tlireo lai^ht walk up anc" dow;; for a time for exercise. The '-lass of tiie vriv.dows oil this floo:^ h3.d all beep, broken out and the sasrios covered with neavy wide boai'ds. Tho oritr^mce to the yard \ra.3 by a utairwa?/ at the re^i* of tiiia floor. In tiie yard a truard ^»as posted, v/ith. ruards 3I30 rested all arox^nd the buildinr on th.e outside, the .^uard house boinr; about ten yards frori the extension. The first story \y::s reaohe:^. by a narrov/ stairway, just at th-- entrance, ^oing up the side of tJic buildin/r, and the second story by another staixnray directly over t!ie first, 3oth hai a slin;ht rail- iniy at the side and to]).. la each of the tvfo storiea there wer«? wlndo'.vs on both sides so v/c had plenty of li.frht and, as -nuch of the Tlas^ was broken, a free supply of air also. There was no ceilin.'C whatever and the hoards of the flc belnfT rather far apart we on tJ-'C first story had plenty of air fron below c.s well as fron the wlndov/s on the sides, the toil story bein" sn;>ievhat more co;r\fortc.ble ir tills re- 31-cct t'le hot air f ro • our floor tendin.<^ to keer- the oc- cun-nts much warmer. One huTe drum stove at the front -1^'- hentyfl ouch uj'VCJ' oncix ol' •.<". loi'' . v vera about rino prioonera divided Into iTiic::, ^^f to.i (xr twelve, and to o^aoVi was r^nnlcncd a portion of "leer ai>"ce vliort wc could est and sloo^ and ke??:' such bolor.rrinjr. as had been left by the rebels. - Tlis nes^^ with v/hich I wr.s connected wl^b located oi. the first florr, on the left Bide lookinc f roi 1 tl.e front, oj. oaite f^o second wliidov/. The other iiionbcrs of the T^ess were Lieutenant Colonel T'rJ^efielc of ?eni^,. Captain ftaniin':, of Oldtov.'n, Mo,, C'lrtrin Rouxe •, of Frederick, ?'d., T,icntenr,nt Hol]y, of 7/is., ■Lieutenar.' Jor.OB, of lov/a. Lie .tcnrnt Clarke, of Vens^.m^ Tdontenant Towo, several others whose nrunes I do not recoil, r.n^l "i;' particalftr churrriiy T-ieutcn--;iit \7. Charles B. Goff, of \:hc First D.C, Cavali-y» iind ;t splendid fellov/ ho was. One officer tnid folloT^-prlsoner esrocially I could nevc:- fcrn;ctf Captain Geor;:e »Tave/i Pvitnam - One hundred and seventy-sixth! JT.Y., whoa I had met before b- in3 captured and vrho had been acquiiinted irith my brother in Germany, He wcxs in another :ac:ir loci'ted On the upper floor, Callin': T»e aside one day h tenderod me ;.» confederate: bill of -^ifty dollars, simply asking that on my reler^se I should repay hi-n the Ten dollv.rs in greanbaeks which It had coct him. Thic may seem like d small matter but only those who heve been ii'. ii:c.j cciv:.ii:'.K'\ a :. i'f;:.ii ;•.■•: v;-'.r r,ic •:: tcrir •:"•■ ncrn^, Whore it wau next to lu:, imposGlbility to '-el noner nnd every tiiiriL; wc bou- i .;■? c' r ■ ' :"o.-, t. exorhltrint fricon even in confedcr. . ■ com]-arp.tlve sti'tn- pei- anci had not tlio sli,^-,htest claici in any wiy or tff any kind on hiia, his renoroaily was most noble and never to be foi'jottcn, '.ro.. each laesa was chonon one v;'ior.o dtity IL was: l(; -v.ccivc our food and sp-oi'tion it to each m'-in. Colonel ^"ou, or, •:■ "l-issachusetl 3 officer, wr,:: chonon Ciiiel cornni jsary and, w!:ilf i;b.c- t'sk v:as a mont tharkleo-:? one, thci'e was never lieurd a single cofapl-int ref;ardin,'T hia division of tiic rationjs. Tlie dolcjatos fro.i SLsch rr.Gsci met on the grovuid floor v/hei'e the food wns dclivprod; it was divided up as equally and fairly os poJ^r.iblcin portions cbi'respondinti: to tlie xroinber of :aes-.:o3, by Colonel T'oojcr, ono dele'jate turned his back and, as another put hi a ringer < ; -lion, v/ould say "inos.: 30 and so", and t>).Tit jjortion voald [o to the inesr. uesisnctod, and so on until all war> distributed. Thi:: would api ly to rnO'it or soup when v.'o aa/i it, wnic:i was not raorc tiian tlu'ce tir,;S3 a week for one oi' tJie ot]^er, t/ic j rincipal rrtion consisting of one snmll jdeo« of corn brc-.-d air:iil:.r to that issued In libby Prison, i ^ '. , one hiilf j'int t' , ■ :^, "nistjeJ^ beans* we called tliorn, noulcly mid full oi' '..oi'i;.;:, and was a rnoat diogaatiui: looliiui; brown liquid with lililc or no aiibGtnnco, hi?! It wi^.s "squi " an':. }^cl] ed Till up, c.ivd 3F. such vrr.n hiuifrrily i-'artoXe;: of. The rieat w;g alwi.ya beef, •ll'^hts* (or l-j^i,"-3) and entrails foi^:iiuc pai-t o£ tiie allovnncQ, on soir.n ocn-.aicns thia be.istly laoss beiaj oookc-d and served v/ithout cloiinin- tho enti-aiis ■,v}iic:-i vyOi'ii full of the half dif;ostcd food oV the animal,. Thla r;avc x^iae to our exiirc3r>ed boliof that the \rh,cl:.- xxi.ial war; driven into the kottlc and coo]-. 06, tho ai.in raid i'.0'>fr. b',.'iii.r- aftsx-- w?.rd8 rc:.aovcd iis ]>03.;iuli np.lt>ahlc:-, ''.".'hej: laoi-.t vat; iaaucd each mail had a smnll i'lece equp.l tc^ L'.uO->.t two truiaos, mid at reiralar intervals the bonOv". wo:.'e iiorvcd ia turn to each mess, Thcne v/ere eateemod a ' reat lux'ary us tj;cy v.'crc broken up and hoilod in watoi to make soup, or if the re- cipient vt\p. so fortuiiato 5.3 to jossesa the w>ierev ithal to purohnse rice, they wore cookea witii t)mt, the nv;.rrotv and erease oomblnod wit.; the- rice ;nakin.': a most palatable and savory meagJI OocHsionally and ua s. rai'e treiit scrghujr. bread t,-i3 nerved ir. place of 3orn braad anti at first .a.iz heartily relished, but findin- it soured vjvy raj-idly boLh before and Sx'ter ei-tinp. we learnod to dre>.d itB apj.e^rance. V.'e could secretly hu i cxorbitunt prices for tj-.eir wares and di-ove a th.-iviric trade, fi^oi;:! flour bisciiioS, sv/eet ] otatooa and rice princii^ully, v/hich tiie:, maiiarod to s;;tur:lo i.. to us Trhcu it caa.e their tOLU' of service, and tiior.e of us poaseacin'^ ^leans rapidli filled tlieir coffers to ovorf lowinr;. Onu brijht, Sii- x-t fellov; w}io had been our ['-.lard foi- scig tii.;e vns missed by us, and on enquiri.'i.'^ where he w;-is v;e were told lie hri.d realized over two thoa3cxnd dollars in areonb^.cks raid had deserted to the Yankeesli f'e must h.ive be- n something of a Y?.'.nkeo him- selfl ciscuits sold bcttei* t.han anythin.?;; el;:e /s \:c I'L'lished t}\e taste oV rhe sweet i'resh breud after feocing on the neavy socdcn viess callud cor>i bre^d oi- the even worse sorghujn bread, und it wg 3 c rich fe:?.st to cat even one thou^H-i it little sufficea to stay our insatiable hun- ger. Often a few bincuits wore kept to last several days and were put ia the owner's haversack v/hict^ ';unr against the wall, fror.. whicJi tliey would sometimes be taken by those leer, fortanate, but th.is was not co ..lOn even though the pantTS of hiinGer were almost ■anbet.rablG. One ir.ain pleasure was ir rettinp; on the "water de- t.-il", a party of six bain^ allowed to ro for '.vftcr to t:ie river Dan, a short distcnce fro;,i the prison, .-narchinjj in couples each carryinc a pail, lander a ^niard of tv7o inen one at either end of the colujmn, aiicl it was pex'fGot delight to get out and breathe the clear criap air and lone with ail our her.rts for freedom. On one side of the x-oad, a short distaneo fro.i the prison, iraa a larr^e old-fashioned brick oven. This v?q3 an object of gireat solloitude to vis as, if by any poeni- bility the fraards could both be rot ahead by our loitering behind, ono of the boya passlnc his pail to a coim^ade wcul. bolt into the ovon and then lie there till d:\rkness ea-ic on, after which he would erawl out and endeavor to make hit eaoapo to our linos. It ooomed a r.'.ish undcrtakin^r, but conaiderinc that the oven waa never used and not many peo- ple went to the river by the road we followed, it vras not 80 raah aa it looked. Several auooeeded, several failed, but it could not be tried very of ton aa we oould not often evade the vi.f^llcJnce of the ruarda. Talk of eaoape was about the only subject of con- voraation alternated with thnt of exchance. Captain Mannlnf' of our mess with two other officers, had been con- fined in the b lack hole or dark cell in Libby, as hoatafjes for aome rebel spies who had boon captured by our troops and were threatened with execution. At last ovir officers r/ero released from oloae confinement and Captain Maniiin{ w:ii^ sei;:, to T::i\vil.lc, }le prOiOaecl to Oaiaaiii Kouzex', T.icMteriant Coff and, .iiyjelf tliat we should uiiaertctke to <:et out eithc:- by tunnel lirj/: ox* iu scnio sach way, ii.nii w« narrowly examined the cellar door at the roar in the yard previously mentioned, to sec if ue cC'Uld effect an enti-cixice there to the ccllt:r beneath tiio prison, but ve found this y;as an object of re-.'ular inspection, a rebel officer goin*; in and tlirou.i^rh the cellar and exojniainf; it carefully at recular intervrls v/hich woi'o veiv 3:iort. II c-.':nt- \-o oi:iG of us that tl-ic extension oa t\ie side ini^ht j[)rove a feasi- ble point and t'.iou.'^h it wus close to the 'j-uard liouoe v/hich faced it dii'cctl;, ajid v-.ia no!: over ten yards distant \;e determined to try what i/.ifjht be done, Tue roof of the extension ca;.ie diractli under t],e sill of a winuow, ao makinc crrcinseinents vvitli the parties who occupied that portion of the floor vre worked at ni/^ht and i:. t;ie dai'kness, as '.TO Y/ished to conceal what v/e v/ero doiuc fro:.) even our o\fi\ fellow prisoners, except those directly in trie plot, and at l;_st sucoeoded in aisplacixac bricks enourh to allow the paaijar;e of a body. Crawling" through tiiia hole we found a sli'^hit ceilin;' of lath and pl.tstor c/hic:; iu:s cau- Licusly and quietly r'?:iiovev; sufficiently for oui- object >iQ then proceeded to the construction of a ladder which was mad'3 of plocos of rope and suoh matoi'liila as ws couia Cathu.' tOijethor, 3trli;o of blankets, atrapa of luiveraacka or ctmtuoji stringa, t!ic cross pieces or vnnf-a being made of lifjht i'iooea of wood picked up around t!ie j[»ri3on, Wg were many ni/rhts and days retting i^a far as this for \ye could not work steadily nor at first all to;:ei]ior, but c..t l?.3t OLir ladder v/3s coi'ipleted, ono nl/^ht it vr:.' ; lo-i7cred, and Oai'tain Manriinc, Rouzer, Coff and .nyself dcscendod. We found the floor covorcrt by plank stronijly nailed dov/ji and thia we had to remove wit a -jl rebel ^'juard pacing ur and down directly under the windows in front of the r'-xard house and witii tlic llr!;ht of the fjuard's fire rcflectlnc throu;:h the windows llf^htin.:: up the whole interior, but by p.itionce w» at Ir.st succeeded in get tine "i^r '•'^ pl;Ank and \7erG con- gratulating- ourselves on our success w-ion suddenly ve heard the shout "turn out the ijusrd I* - "turn out the s'ara'dl" and BUTi'poKin:^ all w:,£ discovored, we laade a d:.sh up the ladder in alinost lesr, time than it tr.kcn to tell it and rapidly piling things to cover the holi?; in the wall under the window awaited In trembling silence whatever jnicht oc- cur, fortunately it proved a false alurm so far hs vfc wore concerned but wo made up our minds vre wo^ild wait for "rie next ni.'ht before roinr: further. That we hsid not been discovsi'tjd i.i oui'' hux'i-iod fli^iit apw*,rd.s vvtiis a .oiai'vel i..s wc uiusl have aic.de ;aucii aoiae axui ;,iit>aL easily ]i._vc been aeon thi-ou.l; tiic wino'o*; by tlio li::i.t t'roi i tise fi.-o. lioxt ui^-hu V.C went dovi.. :,r;i. j.i:d, luvvex'ini;i ourselves through t\c c-'Ci:ing i/i th. , .'o-and oui-selveii iij a 3;,!j.ll ooilai level witn the jaciiii one with onl.y ^ smull i'a.ssuce luadinr to it. Willi a small ^ioce of lighted cuiidle to see b;/, we ia-ocoeded to sci'aije out t]io eai'th under the founaalion, out intention at fii-st beixir; to x-un .i fanuel for a dist.iice -iUil Znen woi-k up, but we r^-ive up that idea anrj. juad'j u;; our mindri we would siiaply i;j:o uade.' the founda- tion ana then diroc'.!:, up in tUo coi-xier outside, takin^; our chuiices of bcin,;; occn, intendin?: to .corai let e tiie hole on acme very dark ni^jht, Vvo v/0i"kc.-:?. av/oiy for several nijhts and uiade considerable of a hole but t.je carili v/aa hard and V.xo found.itioa some distoiice beneatli tiie surf;:.co, wnile ou:' tools were only a sliaru pointed stick :uid the half of a tin cant:;on. One ni[.-ht we felt too ti.'od to work,beside3 whici: v/e Jiad nearly comriicted our task and so detei'mincd to take a rest. Voi'tunately for us \;e aia so for quite l::ite we \,ei'e surprised by the advent of Lieuten- ant Colonel fj:nith, the cotnini;ndant of the piard placed • h-'U too Ihtt oelliir v/as examined and wo 'i^ero loft for the night. Dashod were all our .horea and corrca].ond- in/j our gloom. !To\/ tho jtteim't vi.iv, discovon-d v/o huvo novor kuo\/n tiiou/:ii it ivas sani)i3ed that some oiTicer not ix\ tho project hv.a ^ivon tiie in:. ttor away hopin-; he ••aijrht bouefiu by so doiac* ^nd it aeer.md to l)e confinned by tho directnooa with which tho liole v/aa foTind, but such a thouiTht DociACix too incredible to liold for a ;jiO!nent, At any ri.to our j'lan w{u> discovered oii... could not arain be tried ir. tJit;L way. Tiie day ai'tc;* our attempt T/nr> dis- covered v;e wore all fonned in line on oacn f 1< t-r, by the foiards, and on'j oi' the rebel ofiicors utteiii'ted to couiat us but after aeverul ineffectual trials and aevcrul Bh..rp adjaonitio:;a that "you una hari better kee] youi" i;loces'' it u (tiven U]' ia diSGUst and Vie roll was culled. r;ori too there w.. s ti'ouble ae aeveral answered to the same naine and at last, the rebelf; beinc tii*ed and very ancry» we were coini^elled to answer to our nanes u:j t:it,; wero cali-ju aiia bl; v/e did so step in a nev line under (^u^rd, Xlic i-cll call was at lust conii'ioted and tiiose i.ol aa3v;oriuij were known to Iv^vQ eocq^ea (pi-incipally b^ uay of tiio ovoa) bat I doubt much if utvj know led' -c- -^.-.s ov-j.' r^-in^^ ■:> -ao rebels a:; to ho.i they did it. Thaniisjivini: day I'adLiert in ^loo.:i and Giionce. Oj.r tli0Uj;;;iit3 v/er.: all v/itli tJic dear onea at home and our uiiaery was adccd to iii thinkiiig of them txa assemblins together and that their minds too would be sadly disturbed by tjie thou^jht" or us and of our v/elfai'e, and thoii t!:ie ijancs of iiunser were made the laore severe as oux- lainds tur/ied to Vno feasts so many otljer^j vero c:;joyin^ v;it!i little tiiO\*,t:;ht Oij tiieii- ]^ai't of the hunger we were enu-^ring or, if thou^jht oi, litole I'ealizinc how ivi'eat \rL3 oui- need. Early in December a plan was organized to rusli upon and ovorjiov/ei" the /j;uard3 stationed within the iiriaoa, seize tiieix- arms and then n^ake a fi^ht fc liberty, receinbei- 11th the I'asn was made but was wiiolly un- successl\il. Colonel William G. Raalston, of Lne Tv/enty- fourth h'e% York Cavalry, bein^- shot arrJ killed as he was bravely leaain_ the attack and tiie others wei-e ariven back to their quarters. About the same time Major Ruggles, GhoiM.l, after died. I .:; I'Uic., ±u^i.uU ...... - ., 1 , i-(j)-iased a quart of I'ic.:- Lind, cui.- raesr. r-;etl,ln*5 ""'t'- '■ ouc:; thu: day, .;iy i"i-iejid (Toff a; a myself ootenn'incd tc> : u-isttaaa dimi-jr, Y/lie-n the rnoiioy ■,:,::l\ Uiane(' to me so.'AC of .ny couirados ;.;.dviacd .it ".o ivc-ai' i1. e;itii--]\ for ..-.icnlf, '/ct ^hic I ccmI- -c'. Co i .. ^;off and I ''in.': o-.^j- I'a'oions t('{jo '-•'•*•-' ^> I cc .Id back ill jiirri ao:-. I had souiethinij wit- v/liich to L -• scant;, storr-, so v^hilc tiie mone: laai.cd ;vc shai'tjCi iv. go: . Oil tliour'i r;ox"f to(' refused at first to profit by rny rood fortune but I finally ovei-c::jne his objections and in "c-intini^ ny bread upoi; the water's" it v/as finuliy retui-ned to rae as I felt iji i.vy heart it v/ould be v/hen I luucit- u]i my ..lind t'v share wit -l hi;.i. - -yar, our Christ.iu-s din:ro'i'ii! L-off stax'ted off to borro\,' a :.ie;ia-i au v.'/iic!i he ouccaodbd in do- iny,, bat he iiad to v/ait for it some time as it w^s iu use wl'ic.i ue found it, ..nu a.xOthcr i.:;;rLy had tiie use of it aftur lliat, A "mess-pan" is one of Vue utonsils used in the anay for cooking* beiiv in ai-yearance 3i.:iil.-r tc. tno oi'di- nary tin diSJi-) an, made of sheet ii-oi. .md holding about four quarts. '"Jhilc Hoff v/iis for-.^in^ foi- I px-o- (jef>iori t.n brnol: ii'i nnr sliai'e of th(? ho.MCS, cracking the.n Intc s-irll ;>lof!e3 r.bont one half Inch in nize and vorv rich anri f-all of rnari'oY/ l^&;- wore, «nd I fairly {rlocvtod over ther'i an T t.ho\ifht whrt a ralntable ineaa they would pi^ocVaoc Yflion boiled v;it!i the vicellJ At lant rill v/ai in roaclinosij. Wf ' nurd t^.« rlre ir. and filled the vessel nearly two- thirda fiill of water, not v;;iltinr' to wasJi tlio r j cf thorour:h- ly but simply 3klrnf:ln,' off t}>o du 3t and husks vhich floated to tho r.ur-fane, vre ."--ded thr broken honos whloh nearly c^.usei :;r ov':'rflow rir. vfe hao" not ollov/ed quite enou/:h syice for them, and t?ien c:rof\illy rlr.oin- it over th.o firo sup- Tiorter? hv fnv.i- bricT'H, v'o hricl bv.t to ken:: the fire r;oinfT p.nd wntfth tlv.t the rico did not hnrn. '"e iraat have rre- nftntcd z noTiic^^l si^-ht to ol.hors - I in r.n old blouse, v;ith tntterort trousprs, and yrorr; out nhoos, an old fatlrnjo onp pushed SB far back on my hei'J ?.n ponniblc; ncff wit'i hin trousers tucked Insldft the le^s of nn old pair of v/orn out ravp.lry boots, nn old blousfi, and what had boon :<. felt hut bijt which, entirf>ly denuded of tho rii and piirt of the crown., looked In shftpe and color ll>.f; in old wooden bowl, bot'i of un ocrrfiBlonRll;' blordn^" at the fire to keep it gH- inrt p,nd intently watchin;' between titnea foi* tlie "boil* to comol We had ler^med the eeoret of cooklnr rice to per- foction, whftc]! 1^ -r-crc?!/ not to st.ir it. at all wliilo cook- ing, and whOii -.yq s iv/ V.\o -aIiIIg koi^nals crodually sireli xiid burnt and tliG noiaturo quite absorbed we knov oiorv;d., Tiio rioh fat had been extracted fro!,; tao bonc3 by V.iQ boiling- and was iilainly pOi'ceptlMe, yo^u •..'3 a lacked our.li,>3 as \»e lookod with gro'rfia:; hiiri£;er* 0,1 a disii v/'-.icli wo conaidei'cd even the Godo ini^ht envy unl T7e hr^i not foi'.'.-ottcn oiir modiouiM of suit taoiirli it w-:r. ::.'i ;u"ticlc; as v.-liiablo as .'^ola duBt boiJi in and out of th': ] I'inon, but somc kind friend hr.cl j-i'-ovideci us in this pr.rtlcular, I2carinc tho /reciour. load bclv/eea ua vo cr.i'i-: dUi- quartci-s. It wt.K boilin ■ liot to he 3;ire but hvuvic.' does not sl.and ut any such triflofi as burned r.ouths, :■ "^m momenta v/o v/ero 'nnth hard r.t v/ork as if tc> sec •).:.;>/ ;,.cie3:ly we could diai oae of iAvxt it had taken u:- 30 lon/r to ire;3re, and cvea before wo could fairly realize t::o fact the bottom and aides of t'iC , : n vrere b?- Inc scrsiiet' by r-uv s'-^nns in the vain s?;.^r(^h for moreiJ T'a; ;-lcr t , ■;11 ator:iac]i3 and our hungry cr3V- in': for t'lc ;,iornent ai'jieased, v;e filloJ oxiv i i^ as (whic'i were somethln.'j we w«i-o no t dei rlveo of) a."d l':iyinr back on our hl'.-.nketa dilated in rlowinL* terriis on Dig floricus feast we hsd r^i't-J^en of. - It w';8 not] i ' toir-.orrow v^o:-ir rf c'l:' CO;:;- : -•' ns f':i'Ofl ovo/, hpttor i.r, . .• ^ ». a tui-ke/ - ?- rovl ' ;• •• < ■'' I - •••.-, ,., gtairs Zr. one of t-i-r masses tf> v' If -. helon-'.-'d, but e-.'r.-,- t'->'^sr r!^' ';?!l']ilGr or :2Ty tnore f "n r.off one" T. ■^or v/nre away rec^fllv an-?, dre.-rllv. It v/'^s hjttei-]- crld; the rivr:- ''^.••.n froze ov'r, somethins which ■ in fift:- 'o:u'5, and. :'oot1- fed and 8c:-nMly ol?.d an mo^t. of ivs v/cr? v;o felt the vve'?t'sr se- verely. At nl^ht Bcvervil of us vvoiild spread a blanket on t'-^e flo'^r, thro-?'-'^-! the crscks ir. which, ovnr.'- to the broken • 'id oi^rr v.'lndnv;s beneif.th, the- ryird hlev keerly nnci chilled nr. t>n-o'i'-'i r.vd V-vo^rh, tlion "srnon-'n':" tcTtlioi' rs closelv 35 r( -''''• ^<' « - ■''"'■, vulllnr rnotlier Market over vis, we; vovil' . ■. .. '^.i;; i? ran herd to do, tho cold and panrs of hiw-or t' :'.vin.'' ur> ch?ncn fo>^ only a fitful rrst, srd v/o woi;ld arise in tho morninr hafrard and forlorn with at-ned crr?vin'-s of nr^elfto, oraitinr o';r njr-.orable ratior of coj-n hre-d \7lth the \at:iost ea'-omoss. And when i; v/ns served ve did not Ocro to oat it all at once as it *:o last U3 all day and vc knew hov/ himrry we should be before anotlicr ration ccne, but &.t ti.T.os t]j<; ; ;u iv..ii-e t>f entin,'^ vas too irrach and too stronr and wc would devour evory rvio'athful In n few bites only to be sorry for it fii'tor* wardo, Tho ratlona '^rcvi poorer and timclloc cvn-y di^y. At tinps we hr\d meat or soUf-' only one:' a weok, ?,1any of our firuards woro old men, too ared for sorvioo io Iho field, and they too oomplalnod bitterly of t'lr- rations 5 asMod to them, uauc«lly » pint of vcn coin neal a day which the^ mir:ht cook as thoy chose, hut they had frcedo::. and a cliance to purchase othor oriibles, ss well na hnvinr j i-ov.i aiona -ent them fi'or their homes, though on Revcral occMsloaa ro; . our windows ve saw cominr! Ir, fro;-, t^io mountains, oarts^ "■^^Icli were moats and other ."^ofid thin.'^s, which would be 1 cd on their arrival in town and tr^-msfei'red to the co-n- nlssary to be sent to the front as we lerrnod fro-;i the ::•. The rebellion w?.us on its Inst Ic^a and the anrjy had not onou^-'i to ent so th>^t evc-rytMn * obtnin:ble io. tlic 'ii some ntrovc to nv.otoi', tliOi'c l)Ci3i:,. tujvti\ 1 .;i ..•on of V'elsli de:^ccnt, v/iio triei! t<^ inp.-.rt c: kill -uars to any v/iGhini lo leaiTi, but thcii i ., :i. ;,:.i-v fcv. in nujuber ar:'-", I tu ubt ;iiuc y ^rc..; 1 x-oficiciiCi U'-iS ever attr,inea, I tried iu l .. i.ound r:ij toj:j.;o, or tei^Lh, or at loust Boineth;inr, v/cxa not con- sti'LictC'. on t.io ;iro -y , rincii le to eminciuite tho lunjuage fluentlj , ::^. I •. ; :.i-icei\.lli r-jtirea fro,: t.ic olaSB lone lU'J , v ins ware also followed as aciuseinonts iu;d ly very i^rctty articles were iU'oduced such .- : riiira, Ci'OJses and bryasti ina. Carving, our i i:)03 -^ u j i;re-it i Ic .oure and I uoubt jiot ti:£it even now ;.i;.iiy wosaes.:; Lheir old •briai-wooda* with "Lib:/" - "Salisbux-y" - "Dan- villc" - handnomely en'-ravcd oi: tlio bov/1:. One cor-r.ion p-stlnc we hr-d - s j^ei-feet delii-ht to rll - ninrinr;i The days y:vi-r f;hoi-t, the ni«:htc very long, aiid ae we v/erc .•:'llo\ ed no llrht oxceT>t such e.i- ceiie f roii ;iu rcrl hot stove and t,h ' ir/at.lly obscured by thf poor fcllov.'S y.rer;j-inc: clc t ■- il foi' waniith, v/e uaually "rc: Lii-ed" irar'iecliatel: after the short tvilir:ht vrvf. over and v/h.ilc \:c could yet see our i-laceu and be suro not to dintr.rb ou.- r.eijiborii by walking on thcia. V.'e 1: y close torelher ii. ro\. s, o\ii- lie^.ds to\r'ards the sYells at tlie nidcij, thr: i-ow next us beii:C just fcv enoui^i froi-, oux- feet to cl- Ic-.; one to walk bet-./een thou^jh it hf.d to be done carefully. After ccttinc down and the room beins quiet some one would bt -ir. I. hynin and as soon as tVie first line vv.a svnz ^^-f^ the tp.ne i-eco^nizcd all on both floors v/ho knew it v/ould join in Lsiid sine-^ it to the end. Hysin after hyiiui would be suns and tlier. would come wai- son2;s, soaietimes a solo, soi-iietii.ios c duet or quartette, Oiid then .-.11 join in the choiiAS v;ith a '.fill. Iiicutenant Reilly of Pennsylvania ar.d hioutenanu Matthews of V^isconsin were fine singers, as was also Lieutenant McCutcheon, who s:in:j conic son::3 which called forth jaauj a heiU'ty lau^h. 'i'he {ruarda would cone up to of the stairs and listen in silence until at last t;ic "y/cw ;;i'3nrlccl Bai"iner" oi- '•.To}vl J^ro./n's T'c^;,-" v/oulJ evo]:f iheix- wiuth when vrilij a yoll "you uns rlrut i.ip yor iiOidc" Lhey Would coi.i].'el s"j.l:,-nco and tliG concert would ctju-.se. L'-diij ;,n ^i. ..• '.v:..; paaoed. in tiiia ./ay and inany a L,;ii- it'll as Vie v70uld v;andei' to t'lo tiiaa ■■,■,' ■lea t !C 3v/et:'o faniliar ^/rvins had he-m sunj in tliG dear hoine cii'clo. On-, of our corndai'os, LiGutenant Oiirdnei' of the ThirtGonti: Coiiiieclicut, devised Ihe bold and audacious exi edient of a theatrical perfonn'.;ncei Ilainlet was to ha und the idea vver, no sooner broafthod than it was Joi^ed uito:: anci tJie parts a33ij:ncd. Gardner, \.'iio .u... -.. a3]iira(.iur for tlie ataxic, va^ ''a.nlct, Lieiitonant Colonel ;"j'ra:_ae, of the o.j;\e rc^-i;:!; nt , wai; the Ghost, and to :. ■ .i^nod tl.o .larl of IToratioi To othe^-c -.yore ^.■^si_.. . , ot'ici^ chcractoi's an^.' rrcat vrar* our Gnthusias.Ti and dili;_;ent our ai-.j-'licatioii. As \io liad but one copy of Siiakspeare we had to be drilled sin;j;ly in our sevc.r<,'l jiL^rts, tjie oiie bo^k C-J-vin:; b.;l little chax-'.ce for Acre, "It is a ni]i] in'j and an eager air" cl:\'2 "tripjiinnly f^'O/! the tonijuo" as we ti-ul;, found it so and that at least could be said from the bottoi.'i of the heart. Vie iro;Tresi>5d fine ly a.'iJ I doubt not vroulcc all .^.ave beer; stars but our ex- e finally jrevtnted : Oo-nhlr."'Mon riTivillo Tron] c" befor«^; v/e v/r^re suff icif^iitl:' proficlont to t. e-r ir pu^^lici In the Ir.ttor ]-c.x't of .Trnvary Goff arid I v^erc pretty well reduced as my nicr:ey vo3 all oxripudecl, r)\:' vie felt se- verely tho T-irivaticna \rhlch v;e wore endiiriiT,; . I ;vus troubled with a sovoro boil and also had n touch of scurvy, end WPS so Misorablo ."■f'ncrc.lly as to retair. my couch e.ll thG tine, I thiiik T should havo ^iven up entirely had I not chnrced one day t(^ ovorheai* a ren-rk made by a brother officer tc anotlier - "poor Ticmani^I I am pfraid hu ir> [;o- li"- to nnVe a die of itli" and Vriiotlier intended for :.iy hearln'^ or tint it socrned to rouse niy f".ilin':: encr'-y and I f'eteiriine'' to try tn live at lorst Icnr enou-h to reach home, Shortl;' ^ftcr this one of the c^xerds car:ic tc th.c >i'-ad of th.c stairs and called for Lier.tena^it Coff, xihn at oncf" re??pondod. The 'juard told hi'n a box had becr. ro- coivod for him and as thcr-^' v/as notJiinr; contraband in it he ml"ht h-'V it, f.oinr: to the foot of the stairs with the mard Hoff soon returned lu.-":inc c box vrhich, thou;}! comparatively small, it took all his weak stren;~th tc cax-ry and settin^T it down by ov;e of it. On~ ]\:l<} ho.ii'd ^ov'^^iva havo poGitively boon rccoivod to nake out paroles :.': ^^ • ♦"""" ' "-^ ". be prei^redJ" - Aiiothor, "oi'lors \\cvc ■ . , - L .■ . .- . :, xie -n'e to '.-je sejit to Ricli- •:ioac> one day this v.'oek for exch . rr ?: I " - --.ik-^. ^vr'in anot'ior, "exchan:;© i'..; or;} 'icivi' boon receivcci and are to be signed i'^ once I" - but still v/g wore kopt uiidsr 'raard and nothing cfflol al -Y s co;ri .v.nic-itcr< tc us. Ths p-aards vfere very ifji:- little to 3;iy to ug. One da;,- in "^obrasry (1365) ono of the x-cbcl officers c.:c tc t^'o !icoc' of the stairway and annninced that in a vc:\ C'lor*. tipie y/c vcre to be oxchrinneci. Then o few days 1: tCi', ■^obir.n.ry I'lf-i, th.c sr.no officer apieir-d, certain ncuici; v;crQ callc f ro; i a list and tlie coinrcde?. .uisvorinr ■ ' •- tr.ke;! fro;). t}io jrison. Celievinc,' our ov/n tvu-n . .1 .. •:;. cor.u; v;e rejoiced to think of then as at last on t:;Oir hoi.icwrrci -.v^; , as of t]\'iae chosen some had s^ ent six ..loa'ohs and -n-r iv c;:.ptivity. Fobi'-a-ry I'nh t>ie sczao officer . .., called tlic roll of .11 the remain- in i'risc.'iers, told us "you unc is agoih* noV/":..nd soon Me v/cre Marched out and forned i line nc ison. !fcro ^,o sLood anxious and txpectant for a lone v;'iilo and then - -.nded to marci: back a-ain. V.'e \vg. :;.;rly -41- heart b;''oken to resist t.'iou';h the feelin'^; was sti'onc to nako one; wild r^ash and end it all. We felt wc had been tricked :inrt d'^ccivod and that it wris morel;/ a ruse to keep U3 quiet. Tot a word was sf.id an mournfully and in ci- lonce \[C mounted araln thoric hateful stairs and rosuia-: d o\ir old quart ci-R, At Ir st i :, vran report :>d that the train ■i.'c were to have taker: hs.6 not M-rived ov/in^; to sor.io ;ais- understandin'.: but that it vfould stirely bo tViere reac'v for V'A next di'v, Sadl: and alnost utterly disheartened \rc sou'rht to rest but sleep vc.s far f i*o: ; otxr eyes and t "toi' a tedioiis ni -ht vfe hailed -gladly the d.v.'n of ci:\y , All of r>r 17th, \fc vaited pr.tientl/ but no orders ca:ne foi' us to move -ind ther. our voices 'vei-e loosed 3.nd free expression Yr-^3 :-ive'i to the tJioUt^-ht uppeiTnost in our minds that it vr'3 vill a base deception, - ra^d yet v/c had the belief thtt t'^-'orc rrrast be some truth in what we had been told as oar comrades vfho had left iis had not returned, 7ebrua:-y 18th dav/ned clear and brirht and asai:i we wore marchei! o'lt of the prison, Tliia tiuie there was no dcceptiojj as far us p move fro..i the prisoii was in question ici we v/ere narched diroctl/ Ir- the cars in which we at once took our places. Pox and freic^ht cars, with no -, - ■ sit dovm, '.vere used for our transportation and ej.ch ca.- w- c i^ackeci c-i; full as it va>uld hold. Xiic i-udvdz were lee." strict thai: they had beon and treated \ic viiV.i iiior-i cojjsiJlur-:.tio. ' '. d showjj us :;t any time sinos <} '.r crXi^turo. V.'c ., . .^..,.. ,. ^ to crowd about the dooi-\:,.j3 ni:d at the stopiiini; places v;ere also ijerwittod \,o ret out of tlie c-.rs and "dicker" witli the dax-kios I'oi- the pies and bis^CAitc the., eagei'ly tried to aell while tiic -aards stofd a short dist mcj oi T, 3xid a rich harvest wr.s reaped by th3 contrj.bLxnds frci thor.c who had morxoy to ^ijcnd. As the try.ifi Moved along, so li;yht wer,- all .vj£ix'ts, sini^inj; waa iiidul;jed i:i, the only time during; captivity I caa remember vheu it w^is done at any time but niglit, Ouv pi-orress \n.s vci-y alow and we did not I'each Riclunond until "^•''ebraary lyth \/'ie.: wo wci-e ;..;::ain mai-ched to Libby prison but with very "'"' ' ■ t. feelings frora those we haa v.'hen first GiiLerin;j, w.. . .'^-c \y abode. February kOth the paroles were signed ax;d the cfficerij roccivod back some of thei^- valuables but no ryreenbacks, and if .ajy mone,, was returned I failou to i.u^.r of it. The saiiie day a nuiiiber of boxes v/ere delivered I:' the piiaoKera aiid I received two containinc clot-iii.5 and J. pair of slxo'ia, but . .\ some coffee anc .:,' ■'cev. sent i.ie ]-i^.d beei. take: out. However - i-aau maao -■■-■nee as tnere 'ftQi-e ;n;-:i. boxers ..rA tue contuats were liberally distributed, at^d there w-.s constant cooking and feastlnfr froni that tlroe until our i-elease, belli bv day and nl"-ht, February 25^d, during the forenoon, we were marched out and fonned in line near tlie river. Many of us recalled it as beinr the ai-miversar of V/r.3hini;ton»s birthday arid It seemed fittin-^ we should be llbei'ated on that day of all others, t}ie very thou/^ht of WASHINGTON and F R E E P M bein- synon- ymous!! Soon \e were marched down to a storLmboat lying alongside the wharf, a larpe white flaf: float inr fro;; the pole In the bow, we filed aboard and then an order v/as given, the lines were fast off and we started. Before leavlnr^ the prison, as soon as orders came for us to leave it, a general destruction of the provisions remaininf! was begun. Every thirtG which had not been eon- ■umed was piled in huce heaps on the floors, flour, sugar, ttoffee, salt, hams and tonfnies (which were first carefully Chopped or cut fine), canned meats and canriod fmiits, (whiHh were all out open), with pepper, pickles and vine.iar, all were piled torrether and then so thorou'^hly mixed that it was impossible for the hungry rebels, who 3oo»-i flocked in, to find even a morsel which was edible. It seemed like a -44- heartless iraate, hut ;■ © fell it. would have beon a worse one to have left so .auch to help feed the rebels, and then too were the bitter feelinrg we h^d in remernbarin-i our treatment and the starvation we h^.d exT'ericncea at their hands. We ste9jncd dovrf the J'^iies riv^r until '.ve reached Varlna, which was as f-.r as the rebel ho. it could "-'o, e.nd were then landed. Looking up we saw our dear old flag flyin-' frorii the works a short distance beyond ond with tears atreominf frori our eyes at the si^ht, end hearts full to overflowing with gratitude and thanks"'ivin,<: for our deliverance, we streamed across tlie j'oint to y/here our own boat, the "Leary*, was lyin??. We natjsad our lines, piiarded by darkey soldiers whorn we could have hi^"^"-ed in our axoess of Joy, and soon were safe on board wiHi our own beautiful fl»T over our heods and the feeling deep in our herarts, that we were arain in "God's country*. That it was to us always In our tho\it-hts and i-emarks as compared to reheldm. - Sweet natne and now ohi how sweet J as we roRlized that we wex-e indeed there nt l^ist. O'l the boat kind h^'^i'ts received us and Jjlnd hands •Tiinloter«d to our wants. Somethin"- to O'lt and cups of 8teHmln>^ fraf;rant ooffee were quickly passed to tjioee able to receive t len, wlillr- the sur-^eons str-cve :o aid aiid inia- Ister t,o thooe - alsal how many - too we?k to eot or drink and wVioRC failiiv stron-th was almost rone. The officers had suffered acvurely but the poor men had been liracii worse treated as their rntions hart beer, scantier and tiieir cover- In"- mainly the canopy of heaven, no shelter except sucii as they could constr-ict fror:i blankets Ox' by di'jrinr holes in the ground boinr'- theirs, :ind many al.isl reached God's coun- try indeed, freed from all trirsl, exi-osure and h'on'-er. We were coo much overcome to v.'alk or talk irrach but over and over arain was the rejnark made Tjod's country at last" - ■flod's country at lastfj" The Bteainer mcde /rend speed and next morninr 'Feb- ruary iiSrd, we vere landed at Annapolis, Md., and \aarched directly to the .f^rounds of the Naval Academy. P crc a breakfast was served undei- the auspices of the Ssj^itary Commission and the same beneficent association distributed clothln,: and blankets to those needin'- them. Ve Y/ere quartered in the officer' h hospital where we were provided vith ^ood beds, and thoup-h there were nine of us in a room usually occupied by six we irere in a j aradise compared with the close (luarters we had been occupyinr. ^<'e were well fed sun.d had plenty of medical advice, a number of sur.'eonG and physiciap.a bein:^ constantly in attendance. Anythinr and every thia;': seemod jood to 10 pffic the five months of v^'ivation cv.d misery. I applied for leave of absence February y4th, and while «altin; foi- it anrused '^\y- solf in company vith othe;- cor.irades b^/ strollin!: around the city, and listenin- to the sj.eeclies and debates in the Capitol, the "nur,e of r)ele;-at08, ef> it : n o;-.ll€d ir. >'ary- Ij'nd, bejnr then in ceosicr, !-,Tsrch 4th, my furlou-h CiV- rived ari blddinr farewell to my comrHciRB I at once took trelr for ?Jcw York, arrivin; early next nomine, I cfin not picture my reception nor tb.e rcjoicin" made over me, nor can I describe my own feelings when af^ain with those I loved so dearly and -ivhc;: I had feared I mir-ht never meet aroir on earth. I was home acain - and with that thought I was content. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 607 982 5