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Job Pkinting CXX TO THE GRANDCHILDREN OF GENERA!, JACKSON JULIA AND JACKSON CHRISTIAN Shis Book is iDcbicateb IN THE PRATEKFUL HOPE THAT AS THET GROW IN TEARS THEY MAV DRAW INSPIRATION FROM HIS EXAMPLE, AND CONFORM THEIR LIVES TO THE SAME KXALTED STANDARD OF CHRISTIAN DUTY, WHICH MARKED THE CHARACTER OF THEIR GRANDSIRE, AND WHICH WAS ALSO RKFLKCTKD IN THE LIFE OF THEIR YODNG MOTHER, WHO WITH GENTLE FOOTSTEPS FOLLOWED HER FATHER AS HE FOLLOWED JESCS PREFACE. For many years after the death of my husband the sliadow over my Ufe was so deep, and all that con- cerned him was so sacred, that I could not consent to lift the veil to the public gaze. But time softens, if it does not heal, the bitterest sorrow ; and the pleadings of his only child, after reaching womanhood, finally ])revailed upon me to write out for her and her chil- dren my memories of the father she had never known on earth. She was my inspiration, encouraging me, and delighting in every page that was written ; but the work was not more than half completed when God took her to be with him whose memory she cher- isiied with a reverence and devotion which became more intense with the development of her own pure and noble character. After her departure, which was truly " sorrow's crown of sorrows^" I had no heart to continue the work ; but, remembering ho\v earnestly she wished me to write it for her and her children, I renewed the effort to finisli it, for the sake of the pre- cious little ones she left. In forcing my mind and pen to do their task, I found some " surcease of sorrow " in carrying out her wishes; and, as I went on, the VI PREFACE. grand lessons of submission and fortitude of mj' hus- band's life gave me strengtii and courage to pei-sevei'e to the end. If it be thought that I have been too free in my revelations of what was so purely personal, in that it pertained to his home circle, it must be remembered that this was written expressly for his grandchildren, who in no other way could ever know that tender and exquisite phase of his inner life, which was never re- vealed to the world. Mary Anna Jackson. NOTE. On pages 56 to 88 there appear frequent and extended extracts from an interesting article by Mrs, M.irgaret J. Preston, entitled " Personal Characteristics of Stonewall Jackson," which was pub- lished in the Century Magazine for October, 1886. The appropri- ate credit for the use of these extracts was inadvertently omitted from the first edition of this work, and the Publishers are glad of the opportunity to make this acknowledgment to the author of the article referred to. A similar acknowledgment is due to the late Colonel William Allan, of General Jackson's staff, for the use of materials furnished in his admirable " History of the Valley Campaign." CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. The Old English and Scotch-Irish Stock ... 1 II. " The Boy IS Father OF THE Man " 14 III. Four Years at West PorNT— 1842-1846 30 IV. The War With Mexico— 1846-1848 40 V. Ten Years in the Virginia Military Institute —1851-1861 51 VI. The Professor — Trip to Europe — 1851-1856 . . 81 VII. Second Marriage— Home Life- 1857-1858 ... 89 VIII. Home Life Continued— 1858-1859 112 IX. War Clouds— 1860-1861 133 X. Harper's Ferry- 1861 148 XI. The First Battle op Manassas 174 XII. AVinchesterandRomney Expedition— 1861-1862 303 XIII. Kernstown, McDowell, and Winchester— 1862 236 XIV. Cross Keys and Port Republic— 1862 266 XV. The Richmond Campaign— 1862 289 XVI. Cedar Run and the Second Battle of Makas- SAS 308 XVII. Maryland Campaign and Sharpsburg — 1862 . . 329 XVIII. Home Joys — Birth op a Daughter 353 XIX. The Battle op Fredericksburg 364 XX. Winter Quarters, Chaplain, and Correspond- ence— 1862-3 381 XXI. The Last Happy Days — Chancellorsvillb . . 407 XXII. In the Valley of the Shadow — at Rest .... 433 ^'^1 CONTKNTS. SKETCHES. 1. A Chaplain's Recollections op Stonewall Jackson —Chaplain J. Wm. Jones ^(^ 3. Reminiscence op General T. J. " Stonewall " Jack- son—Rev. JA.MES R. Graham, D. D 435 3. Some Personal Reminiscences op Lt.-Gen. Thos. J. " Stonewall " J.a.ckson— Maj.-Gen. Wm. B. Talia- ^^'^'^'^ 508 4. Personal Recollections op " Stonewall " Jackson — Hrig.-Gen. Hradley T. Johnson ....... 527 5. General J.«kson-Brig.-Gen. James H. Lane. . . . r,U 6. Battle op Chancellorsville, Va.-A Tribute to General Jackson- Lt. -Col. Augustus Choate . Hamlin . ,_ ^ i>42 /. Tribitk to General J.^ckson-Brig.-Gen. Basil Duke oC2 8. Jackson the Hero-Ma.j.-Gen. S. G. French .... .5C6 0. Personal Recollections of General Jackson- Maj.-Gen. Lafayette McLaws 5^9 10. General Stonewall Jackson — Maj. -Gen. Henry Heth n. First Sight of J.^ckson-Bkig.-Gen. S.^muel G. '" ' MCGOWAN ^„„ 1'?. "Stonewall " Jackson's Place in History-Col. G. F. R. Henderson -,>„ 13. General Jackson- Viscount (General) Wolseley. COl 14. Incidents in the Life of Stonewall Jackson- Ma.i.-Gex. M. C. Butler f^- 1.5. General Jackson, One of the World's Gre.^test Soldiers-Maj.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee 607 16. Harper's Ferry-Capt. Joseph G. Morrison ... 613 17. "Stonewall" Jackson-Col. F. W. M. Holliday . . 621 18. Appendix . . 627 ILLUSTRATIONS. General Thomas J. Jackson, Frontispiece. paok, which insures a more complete understanding of " Stonewall " Jack- son's life and character, can scarcely be over- estimated. Mrs. Jackson gives to the world, in a simple and thrilling story, a less conspicuous but scarcely less important phase of the life and char- acter of the great warrior. She gives his domestic life, which is the better side of him, if indeed any one phase can be considered better than another in a life like tliat of General Jackson, which in every sphere was wholly consecrated to duty. From no other sDurce could have been ol)tained such informa- tion and data concerning one of tlie most remark- able men who has ever tigured in the history of this country. His career as a soldier was brilliant and dazzling. It had neither the dimness of a dawn, nor the fading of a twilight ; but was full-orbed from first to last. Yet the philosophic historian will no longer consider the splendor of his success in war, without at the same time contemplating the simplicity and purity which, like a halo of light, encircled his domestic and religious life. To the casual observer General Jackson might Xll INTRODUCTION. appear as a man of strange contradictions; but sucli a conception of him would be entirely erroneous. There was in all of his mental and moral character- istics the most perfect harmony. The writer of this introduction has frequently had occasion to correct an impression, more or less prevailing, that General Jackson, when upon his famous marches or in battle, became so intent upon victory as to lose sight, in some measure, of the sufterings and lives of his men. Nothing could be further from the truth. That he did, on his forced marches, tax to the utmost the strength and physical endurance of his men is undoubtedly true ; but his object was to achieve results by surprises if possible, rather than tlirough hotly contested and bloody battles where the enemy was fully prepared ; and he succeeded because he struck when and where he was least expected. It is also true that in delivering battle his methods might be regarded as almost reckless by tliose wlio failed to understand him, but wliat seemed reckless audacity was the essence of jirudence. His eye had caught at a glance the entire situation, and his genius, with marvellous celerity and accu- racy, had weighed and measured all the chances of success or failure. While, therefore, others less gifted or officially more timid were hesitating or slowly feeling their way, by employing in detail insufKcient forces, Jackson, without for one moment doubting his success, hurled his whole army like a thunderbolt against the opposing lines and thus ended the battle at a single blow. The victory was won at the least possible cost of blood and life to his army. INTRODUCTION. XIH General Jackson's conversation and bearing were dignified, natural and nnassnming. Few men ever lived who won so great reputation in so short a period and yet remained so free from the usual weakness of personal vanity. He was essentially a modest man, and yet his faith in his own intuitions never iixltered. Wlien his judgment was once made up, his reliance upon it was absolute. He listened respectfully and jiationtly to suggestions from those under his command, and then courteously hut firmly rejected them when they conflicted with his own unerring judgment. In issuing orders or giving verbal instructions his words were few and simple : but they were so clear, so comprehensive and direct that no officer could possibly misunderstand and none dared disobey. He had at times the aspect of an austere man; but it was only the semblance and not the substance of severity. Mrs. Jackson, in the beautiful picture Avhicli she draws of his most pronounced character- istics, demonstrates — as those who] knew him best always realized — that his nature was gentle, emo- tional and aifectionate and that his sensibilities were both delicate and refined. His oflicial and dignified reserve, which, like an impenetrable armor, protected him from unseemly fiiniiliarity and in(j[uisi- tive meddling with his plans, was never interpreted as coldness by tljose who followed him ; for they knew that beneath that official exterior there was another Jackson whose great heart was beating with ceaseless and fraternal solicitude for their wel- fare and safety: that under that brow always placid, even in the fury of battles, there was a mighty XIV IXTRODUCTION. brain throbl)iiig with electric energy and working for their success with the power and precision of the most perfect machinery. Hence he attaclied his men to him by the strongest of ties, and aroused among them wherever lie appeared an enthusiasm that was ])oundless. It is fitting perhaps that General Jackson's un- ostentatious, sincere and deeply rooted religions faith should be treated as his noblest and crowning characteristic. His trust in God and reliance upon an overruling Providence permeated his thought and guided his actions at all times and in all stations. Whether he was dispensing light and joy in the family circle, kindling the noblest aspirations among his pupils in the school-room, planning in his tent his masterful strategy and praying for heavenly guidance, or riding like the incarnate spirit of war through the storm of battle, his sublime faith never faltered. In looking back over the career of this American phenomenon, it is difficult for the writer to find his counterpart in history. Perhaps in quickness of decision at the moment of extremity, in rapidity of movement, in the originality and peculiar qualities of his genius. General Jackson more resembled Napoleon Bonaparte than any of the great warriors of the past. It would be tlie rankest sacrilege to compare, as a man, the character of Napoleon to that of the matchless Jackson. In this regard they were as wide apart as the poles. It requires, however, neither the partiality of friendship for Jackson, nor any coloring of his record, to justify a comparison between the two as great military chieftains. The INTRODUCTION. XV writer submits in t'onclusion that when an unbiased and intelligent analysis is made of the character of " Stonewall '" Jackson, of his opportunities and resources, and of the results achieved by him, he will undoubtedly be accorded in history a commanding position among the great generals of the world. INTRODUCTIOX T(J FUiHT EDITIONS'. The time has come when we can do justice to those who were once in arms against us. Our lieroes, on the one side and on the othei', are nearly all gone to the grave. As they drew near the end, those who had been separated in unnatural strife felt the old love come back again, and yearned for mutual recog- nition. General Grant, on his death-bed, opened his heart to General Buckner. speaking with the utmost tenderness of the South, which had suffered so much. It was his dying wish that all her wounds might be healed ; and that henceforth the I^orth and the South should stand together, equal partners in one glorious Union. It is only a few months since Gen- eral Sherman was borne through our streets, and among those who followed at his bier was his great adversary. General Johnston, who. by a singular co- incidence, survived him but a few weeks. Thus the warriors who once "to battle rode" at the head of hostile armies, now fall into Une in the great proces- sion to that realm of silence in which all enmities are buried. In this bearing of our great soldiers towai-ds each XVlli IXTRODIX'TIOX. other, they who were " first in war " were also " fii-st in peitce;" and it were well if they should remain "first in the hearts of their countrymen," as the leaders whom we are to follow in the work of re- union. " Why, then, do we recall the memories of a war that is ended, and that had better be forgotten i Let the dead past bury its dead." But out of tiiat deatl past comes the living present. A great war cannot be forgotten. If it were only as a terrific explosion of human passion, a ti'agedy of which all the world are spectators — it would have a terrible fascination. Civil war has a still more tragic interest, as it is a war between brothers, and, though family quarrels are proverbiallj' bitter, yet all the while, deep down in our hearts, there is a lingering tenderness that other times and other scenes may awaken again. To rekindle this feeling, if it be not the design of the present volume, cannot fail to be one result of it. It is a poor reconciliation which is obtained only by agreeing never to speak of the past. It is the very thing of which we should speak, kindly indeed, but without reserve. Men who are honest and brave have nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to con- ceal ; and the better they know each other, the more will thej' be drawn together by the mutual attraction of noble characters. Besides, the four years of our Civil War were in some respects the grandest since the nation was born. Awful, terrible, it is true, but mag- nificent and sublime. Then for the first time the American people learned what stuff they were made INTRODUCTION. XIX of. For the development of character those four years were better than a hundred years of unbroken prosperity. Better than all the summer sunshine on ripening harvests were the thunders and lightnings that woke a nation to life, and gave it the full con- sciousness of its power. Never did our countrymen rise to such heights of courage and devotion. Never did they perform such deeds, or make such sacrifices. We must be sunk low indeed if we are capable of forgetting the most splendid period of American history. Nor would we have our annals limited to those who fought on the side that was victorious. A na^ tion's life is counted not by years, but by genera- tions. A generation that was distinguished by its wars is followed by one that is devoted to the arts of peace; and sons may be proud of the deeds of their fathers, and yet not think it a part of loyalty to keep alive their hatreds. Indeed, there comes a lime when the great figures that pass before us on the canvas of history are so blended that we hard- ly distinguish friends from foes, but recognize them all as actors in a time that is forever past. And so we can read the story of Lee and of Jackson with no wish to depreciate their greatness, but claiming it as belonging to us, since, if they were Southerners, they wei-e also Americans, and their illustrious names are a part of our common inheri- tance of glory. Therefore it is that we welcome a tale of war which mav be said to be told in the in- XX INTRODrc'TKiN. terest of peace, as it describes a career that illustrates some of the noblest qualities of human character. Believing that a generous recognition of what was true and bi-ave on both sides is the surest pletlge of complete reconciliation, I count it a privilege to have a part, however slight, in this tribute to a Christian soldier, who, if he were '"not with us but against us," showed such high qualities, such power of command, such fortitude, and such true moral greatness, as to be worthy of the honor of us all. Stonewall Jackson was the most picturesque figure in the war. Kot so high in command as General Lee on the one side, or General Grant on the other, neither had a personality so unique. In Jackson there were two men in one : he united qualities that are not only alien to each other, but that seem almost incompatible — military genius of the highest order with a religious fervor tJiat bordered on fanaticism ; a union of the soldier and the saint for which we must go back to tlie time of Cromwell. A thunderbolt in war, he was in society so modest and unassuming as to appear even shy and timid. A character in which such contradictions are combined is one of the most fascinating studies to be found in American history. One view of this extraordinary man has already been given to the world. In the great operations of war he was a character apart ; a man of mystery ; silent and uncommunicative ; wrapping himself in liis reserve as in a military cloak; asking no advice; form- ing his own plans, which those nearest to him could IXTRODUCTION. XXI not penetrate and hardly dared to conjecture, and which were disclosed even to his military family only when he gave his orders for the march and the battle. Such is Stonewall Jackson as his martial figure passes before us on the canvas of history. But such is not the figure which it is the purpose of this volume to portray. The author has no thought of adding one more to the histories of the militar}' career of General Jackson. That has been written by his old companions in arms, and by military critics at home and abroad who have made a study of his campaigns, following on the map those rapid marches in which he was not surpassed by Napoleon in his first campaigns in Italy ; and finding in his peculiar strategy enough to give him a place among the great captains of the age. But with Jackson, as with others who have acted a. great part in public aff'airs, there was another side to the man — an inner life, known but to few, and fully known onlj^ to hei' who was united to him in the closest of all human relations. Of the war itself she has but little to tell us ; for he did not confide his plans even to her. It was not that he distrusted her womanly discretion ; but, in the midst of thousands of watchful eyes, had he disclosed to her the dangers into which he was going, her cheek might have blanched with fear, or a shade of anxiety passed over her countenance that would have set all to wondering what it meant. Only when he signified that she should retire to a place of safet}' had she a forebod- XXU IXTRODICTION. ing of what was to come ; though she knew not in what direction he was to move, nor how, nor when, nor where he was to strike. But, with a woman's loy- alty to her husband and her faith in God, she was content not to know, and prayed only for the gift of patience as she waited for the event. But when the battle was over, then the tidings came ! Now we expect to know everything from the chief actor. But again we are disappointed, for in his letters, even when written from a field of battle, there is no attempt to describe it, and hardly an allusion to it, except in a general way, in the expression that often recurs in his letters, that " by the blessing of Almighty God their arms have been crowned with victory." But this extreme reticence, Avhich at first is a disap- 2)ointment, when looked at a little more closely is a revelation of the man, as it shows the supreme self- command, which could turn at once from tlie terrible excitement of war and direct his thoughts into a channel so remote that it carried him quite away in an opposite direction. While the battle raged he sat on his horse unmoved in the very front of danger ; but when the crisis was past, and he could be spared from the field, even though the thunders were still rolling in the distance, he rode back with the tension of his mind relaxed, and entering his tent, *' shut to the door," and calmed his spirit in the presence of God. Next to the acknowledgment of his Maker was the thought of home, and of the young mother with his child in her arms I The man of war was at the same INTRODUCTION. XXIU time the most domestic of men. All his heart was centred in one spot. Many who read these ^Jages Avill be surprised at the revelation of his passionate love of home, to which he was eager to return, though he was never to cross its threshold again. While the world saw only the soldier with a coat of mail over his breast, those who knew him best saw under it a great human heart. Above all, to her who looked up in his face with perfect trust and confidence, that face was open as the day. To her this man of ii'on was the gentlest and tenderest of human beings ; whose first thought was always for her; whose strong arm guard- ed her from harm ; who would not " that even the winds of summer should visit her too rough!}'." Such devotion cannot be forgotten even after the lapse of a quarter of a century. Still the yearning heart turns fondly to the past. Still the faithful bosom carries within it a great memory and a great affection. As she looks back through the mist of years, she sees not the military hero, the idol of the army, riding down the line of battle, but the husband of her youth, *till the same. In her quiet hours, as she sits by her desolate fireside, the old days come again, and they are once more in the home that was always made bright by the sunshine of his presence. They sit round the old hearthstone, and kneel to- gether in prayer, and walk to the house of God in company. Filled with such memories, it is but the impulse of loyalty to the dead that she should wish that others xxiv IXTRODUCTION. should know him whose name she bears as she knew him ; that the world should appreciate not only the soldier, but the man ; that the}' should know all the gentleness and the tenderness that were in that lion heart. This is revealed nowhere so fully as in his letters to her during the war, which those who have been permitted to see them privately have earnestly requested to have given to the public. If to any they seem too personal, I answer, that they are not to be judged coldly and critically, but with the symj^athetic feeling of those who are themselves capable of such tenderness; and I have met the womanlv shyness and timidity that shrank from this " unveiling," by saying, " Yes, you can leave it all out, and in every case you can replace the word of endearment by a blank ; but every time you do this you leave out a touch of Stonewall Jackson, for this fond devotion, this ex- quisite tenderness, was a part of the man as truly as his military genius. Sacred, indeed, are these words of the dead, but nothing is too sacretl to be devoted to such a memory." Knowing, as she only can know, all his worth — that he was not only sfl-ong and brave, but tender and true, with a heart as soft as her own, and that the nearer men came to him the more they loved him — she is right to let him speak for himself in these gentle words that ai'e whispei'etl from the dust. And sure we are that those who have read all the great histories of the war will turn with fresh interest to this simple story, written out of a woman's heart. Henry ^f. Fiei.p. LIFE AND LETTERS OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON CHAPTER I. THE OLD ENGLISH AND SCOTCniRISH STOCK. In the year IT-iS a ship sailed from the coast of England, bearing a number of passengers who were seeking new homes in the British colonies of Amer- ica. In this vessel were a young man and a young woman, both from the city of London, but who were probably unknown to each other when they embarked for the strange land to which they were bound. The young man, John Jackson, was about twenty- three years of age, and was endowed with many of the qualities which insure success in life — being true and upright, active and energetic, of quiet but deter- mined character ; and he needed only the help of the noble woman whom God gave him as a wife to make his home in the forest a happy and prosperous one. He was small of stature, but of good mind and sound judgment, and left the impress upon his generation of great goodness, industry, and tranquil courage. He was of Scotch -Irish descent, and when, fifty years after he left England, his eldest son, George Jackson, 1 2 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON'. was a member of Congress at the same time that Andrew Jackson was Senator from Tennessee, they found, on comparing notes, that their ancestors came from the same parish near Londonderry. Elizabeth Cummins, the young woman who was the fellow - passenger of John Jackson, was a handsome blonde, with the stature of a man, six feet in height, and as remarkable for sti'ength of intellect as for beauty and physical vigor. She was well educated, her father having been in sufficiently easy circum- stances to own and rent out a public-house in Lon- don called " The Bold Dragoon," from which he de- rived a good income, and he was supposed to own landed estates in Ireland. After his deatii, his widow married her brother-in-law — a marriage which was so repulsive to her daughter that she could not become reconciled to it. Her step-father, who was also her uncle, one day aroused her indignation to such a pitch that with her powerful arm she hurled a silver tankai'd at his head, and then fled from her home. She scarcely missed her aim. it is supposed, for. young as she was — not more than fifteen or sixteen — she was not of a nature to do things by halves. However, the unfortunate man must have recovered from the broken head, or family tradition would have recorded his death. It was the custom at that time for emigrants who had not the means of paying for their passage across the Atlantic to bind themselves for a certain terra of service on reaching the colonies. As the cir- cumstances of Elizabeth's flight made it impossible for her to procure money for her journey, she proved her heroism by adopting tiiis mode of escaping from a life which had become intolerable to her. THE OLD ENGLISH STOCK. 3 John Jackson was so captivated with this stately Saxon beauty, that he eagerly offered her his heart, his hand, and his purse, but she proudly refused his assistance. During the voyage she formed the friend- ship of a family bound for Maryland, and accepted their offer of a home and employment, and thus earned the money to pa^' her passage. John Jackson's devo- tion, however, made an impression upon her heart, and a year or two later they were married in Calvert) County, Maryland, he also having settled in the pos-i sessions of Lord Baltimore upon his arrival in the Kew World. It is natural to suppose that Elizabeth was the magnet that kept him from wandering farther until he succeeded in winning her for his wife. The young couple, in their desire to find new and cheaper lands, moved at once to Western Virginia, and made their first home upon tlie south branch of the Poto- mac, at the place now known as Moorfields, the county seat of Hardy County. But after a shoit residence in this beautiful valley, the enterprising spirit of the pair led them to seek broader lands, and they crossed the AUegiiany ridge, and settled upon the Buckhannon Eiver, at a place which was long known as Jackson's Fort, but is now the little village of Buckhannon. Here, surrounded by the Indian tribes, who were stiU contending with the whites for the possession of the lands, the settlers were often attacked by these treach- erous foes. For their protection the whites were com- pelled to build stockade forts, to which they fled with their families in times of danger. Tradition has pre- served many instances of the intrepid spirit which Elizabeth Jackson displayed on these occasions. She never quailed at the sound of the war-whoop, and her 4 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. voice was heard, not only in soothing and cheering the women and children, but in inspiring the men to heroic resistance. When the American Revolution broke out in 1775, John Jackson and his older sons bore their part in it as soldiers, and at its close returned to their homes and devoted themselves to the improvement of their fortunes. The patriarch, John, and his true help- meet, Elizabeth, by their sagacity and industry ac- quired the most valuable lands of the country, and were enabled to endow each one of their eight chil- dren with a farm. Indeed, it is said that several patents are still in existence, transmitted to Elizabeth Jackson, in her own name — lands which proved valu- able property to her descendants. Their eldest son was Colonel George Jackson, who lived at Clarks- burg, Harrison County, and who received his title in the Revolutionary war. He represented his State in the General Assembly of Virginia, and also in Congress. After the death of his father he removed to Zanesville, Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his life. The second son was Edward, the grandfather of the suljject of this memoir. He made his home in Lewis Count}', about four miles from the village of Weston, and was a vigorous and energetic man, esteemed and beloved, and for a long time was surveyor of that region of country — a business that was very lucrative in those early .days, and he acquired a lai'ge estate. He first married a Miss Hadden, by whom he had three sons, George. David, and Jonathan, and three daugh- ters, of whom one married a man named White, and the other two married brothers of the name of Brake. A second marriage added to his family nine more DEATH OF THE OLD PIONEER, 5 sons and daughters, among whom was Cummins, the kind half-uncle who befriended Thomas J. Jackson in his youth, and the only one, so far as we know, that had much to do with his early life. In their declining years the old couple, John and Elizabeth Jackson, removed to the town of C'larks- burg, to be near their eldest son, (jeorge, and the tleath of the aged sire is thus described by his grandson, John G. Jackson, in a letter to Mrs. President Madi- son, whose sister he had married in 1801 : " Death, on the 25th of September, put a period to the existence of my aged grandfather, John Jackf?on, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. The long life of this good man was spent in those noble and virtuous pursuits which endear men to tlieir acquaintance, and make their decease sincerely regi'etted by all the g(jod and virtuous. He was a native of England, and mi- grated hither in the year 17-18. He took an active part in the Revolutionary war in favor of indepen- dence, and, upon the establishment of it, returned to his farming, which he laboriously pursued until the marriage of his youngest son, when he was prevailed upon by my father to come and reside near him ; there he lived several years with his wife, enjoying all his mental faculties and great corporeal strength, until a few days before his death. I saw him breathe his last in the arms of my aged grandmother, and can truly add, that to live and die as he did would be the ex- cess of happiness. He left a valuable estate at the en- tire disposal of the widow, with the concurrence of all the natural heirs, as his liberality had been amply ex- perienced by them all in his lifetime." 6 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. The stout-hearted wife of his youth survived him until 1825, living to the extreme age of one hundred amdfive years ! A great-granddaughter describes her at the age of a centur}' as being well preserved and very interesting, and greatly beloved and revered by her long line of descendants. By her rare physical and intellectual stamina, this remarkal)Ie woman was fitted to be the mother of a strong and noble race ; and those of her descendants who have met with any success in life have shown the same clear intellect, sterling integrity, and force of will. The house of Jackson has much to be thankful for in both of these pioneer progenitors, for John Jack- son himself, according to tradition, was the equal of his wife in u])rightness, energy, and courage. General Jackson always had a pride in his ancestry, and wished that the iiigh character of the fathers should be per- petuated in their descendants. Before the war, when one of his relatives was a candidate for some political office, he took the liveliest interest in his election, and wrote several letters in his behalf, one to his cousin. Judge William L. Jackson (at that time Lieutenant- Governor of Virginia), urging his support, and saying: '• I am most anxious to see our family enjoying that high standard and influence which it possessed in days of yore." He always said his Jackson relations were very clannish, and lie himself was warm in his family attachments, taking an intei'est in ever^^ worthy person who had a drop of his blood in his veins. One of the most distinguished sons of the house was John G. Jackson, of Clarksburg, the eldest son of Colonel George Jackson. He was an eminent lawyer, succeeded his father in Congress, and was appointed JUDGE JACKSON. 7 the first Federal Judge of the Western District of Virginia. He married Miss Payne, sister of " pretty Dolly Madison," the much-admired wife of President James Madison.* A second wife was the only daugh- ter of Governor Meigs, of Ohio. He died in the prime of life in the same year with his venerable grand- mother, 1825, aged forty-eight years. * The following letter from Mrs. President Madison to Judge Jackson, expressing herself in regard to the illness of her sister (his wife), will be of interest: , " Washington, D. C, January 12th, 1807. " Oh, my dear brother, your letter has plunged me in the deepest distress ! What can I do for that beloved sister whose image and whose sufferings, I can say with truth, have never for an hour been absent from my mind ? Week after week have I looked and prepared to receive and to nurse my dear Polly, and now, alas ! she is too ill [for me] to expect at all. I have consulted everybody, my dear Jackson, whose judgment I could trust, and have been flattered with the hope, from them and my own opinion, that she would get well. Oh that Heaven may spare her to you and to us, my brother ! " I send you Doctor Jones's letter, whom I have seen and con- versed with a great deal. — You cannot doubt your sister's love for you, and her soul-felt sympathy. "Hasten to tell me your hopes are revived, and that I may yet see you leading to us my precious sister and your children. How dreary, how forlorn, does this world appear without you all ! I cannot express to you the desolation that seems to surround me since I received yours of the 7th. "All here is bustle and confusion, on account of Rose's arrival, the quarrels in Congress, and the multitude of strangers ; but it falls upon my senses like the gloom of death ! "I hope Mr. Madison will get time to write to you. I feel scarcely able to hold my pen. Prepare for the next post, and tell me of your sweet little Mary also. " Ever your affectionate sister, Dolly P. Madison. "Anna is well, and feels for you as she ought. Adieu." S LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. The other sons of Colonel George were Edward, a physician ; William L., a lawyer, and father of the judge of the same name (now living in Louisville, Ky.) ; and George Washington, the father of Colonel Alfred H. Jackson, who was a staff -officer of General Jackson, was mortally wounded at the battle of Cedar Run, and lies buried near his beloved commander in the cemetery at Lexington, Virginia. Jonathan Jackson, son of Edward, and the father of Thomas Jonathan, like his grandfather, John, was a man of sliort stature. There is a beautiful miniature ■of him, representing an open, pleasing face, blue eyes, and handsome mouth. He was a lawyer, having studied his pi'ofession with his distinguished cousin, Judge John G. Jackson, whose patronage induced him to settle at Clarksburg, and soon afterwards he mar- ried Julia Beckwith Neale, the daughter of a merchant of Parkersburg. The following facts relative to the Neale family and also to Jonathan Jackson ^vere furnished by Dr. David Creel, a connection of the Neales ; and as they were written in his nineUj-fird. year, this, together with his quaint style, will add to their interest. He died at Chillicothe, Ohio, only a few years ago. It appears that General Eobert E. Lee had had some correspond- ence with him about the history of Gene»'al Jackson. He wrote : "The Clarksburg Male Academy was conducted solely by George Torvis, an old Englishman, a thor- ough scholar with long experience as a teacher. Among the pupils we found two noble and highly promising young men — Edward, son of George Jack- EDWARD AND JOXATHAN JACKSON. 9 son, and Jonathan, son of Edward Jackson, senior. These fathers were brothers, and among the pioneers of the country some time before the Indians had re- tired, so as to give assurance of peace and freedom from danger, and soon became wealthy and indepen- dent farmers of high standing and respectability. While at school with these young men, a mutual at- tachment was created, which was warmly cherished. and became stronger and more endearing while they lived, and sincerely lamented when they both died in the prime of life. Edward Jackson, after leaving school, studied medicine, and Jonathan Jackson read law. Both attained to some degree of eminence in their respective professions, with the esteem, confi- dence, and good wishes of all who knew them." It is said that these young cousins, who were as brothers at school, in manhood became rival suitors for the hand of Julia Neale, Jonathan carrying off the prize. " In paying the soldiers of the county of Harrison in the war of 1812, one or two of them, in consequence of sickness, did not receive their pay ; but soon after- wai'ds their friend, Jonathan Jackson, presented their claims and got from us the money for them. This was about the fall of 1813, at which time he was suc- cessfulh' engaged in the practice of law. He was also excise master, or United States revenue officer of the county." Dr. Creel continues his account of the Neale family : 10 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. " In the early part of the nineteenth century, George Lewis and two brothers, George and Thomas Neale, removed from the county of Loudon to Wood Coun- ty, in Western Virginia. George Lewis purchased a large tract of land lying on the Ohio River, six miles from Parkersburg, which had been located by Gen- eral AVashington, and left by liis will to one of his legatees. George Neale, who had married one of his daughters, purchased several hundred acres of land from his father-in-law, and in a few years became a wealthy and independent farmer, respected and be- loved for his noble attributes of character. Thomas Neale (the maternal grandfather of General Jackson) married Margaret Winn, the daughter of Minor Winn, who resided on the west side of Bull Run Mountain, only a few miles from where the first battle was fought in the late war. He located in Parkersburg and engaged in the mercantile business, and had a family of five children— two daughters, Harriet and Julia, and three sons, Alfred, Minor, and William. After our return home from the Academy at Clarks- burg, we commenced teaching school in the village of Parkersburg, and among the pupils were three of Thomas Neale's children — Harriet, Julia, and his old- est son, Alfred. Of Julia we desire to speak particu- larly, not only because she was our great favorite, but especially because of her connection with the liistory of Jonathan Jackson, wlio became her husband, and the father of Thomas Jonathan Jackson. " When Julia Neale became our pupil, siie was about thirteen years old, endowed with a good natural mind, soon acquired the habit of close apphcation, and gave us no trouble in her recitations. iShe was rather a bru- JONATHAN JACKSON. 11 nette, with dark -brown hair, darlv-gray eyes, hand- some face, and, when at maturity, of medium height and symmetrical form. And now, at the close of our ninety-first year, we still in memory behold her as standing before us reciting her lessons with a pleas- ant smile ; and also in the maturity of womanhood, when her affianced lord came to pay her that hom- age which soon terminated in a matrimonial alliance. General Lee, in his kind letter to us, was pleased to \ express the belief that this extraordinary man, ' Stone- wall ' Jackson, was indebted to us, more or less, as the instructor of his mother." Jonathan Jackson began housekeeping with his young wife in a neat brick cottage of three rooms, which he built for a law office, intending in the future to erect a more commodious dwelling for his family on the front of the large, grassy lot. But his pecun- iary misfortunes and untimely death prevented the realization of this hope. His four children were all born in the cottage, and it was preserved as the birth- place of General Jackson until a few years since, when the lot became so valuable with the growth of the town that the owner tore down the little cottage, and built a business house upon the ground. Jonathan was a successful lawyer, especially as a pleader in the chancery courts, and with the comfort- able patrimony which he had inherited from his father he had "a promising future; but, being of a free, generous, and incautious nature, he became deep- ly involved by giving security for others, and when he was cut down in the meridian of life every vestige of his property was swept away. He was an affec- 12 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. tionate and devoted husband and father, and lost his life by a malignant fever which he contracted in nurs- ing his eldest child, Elizabeth, who died of the same disease two weeks before her father. The three children that survived him were Warren, Thomas Jonathan, and Laura. Ilis son Thomas, after reach- ing the age of manhood, erected monuments over the graves of his father and little sister in the cemetery at Clarksburg. Clarksburg is a pretty and thriving town, situated in a picturesque country, and some of the Jackson family still live there and keep up the name with credit and honor. At Parkersburg also are found many of General Jackson's kindred on both sides of the house, who are noted for their enterprise, cultiva- tion, and warm-hearted hospitality. Several members of Edward Jackson's large family, in physical stature, showed what they inherited from their grandmother, Elizaljeth Cummins. One of her descendants, who bore the singular name of Keturn Meigs, was six feet and seven inches in height, and was proportionately strong and ])owerful. There is a little romance in the family about the way he got his name. When his father was engaged to be married, an unfortunate misunderstanding led to a temporary separation, whicli weighed so hai-d on the disconsolate lover that when the object of his devo- tion relented and said. '• Return, Meigs,'' he declared those were the sweetest words that ever fell upon his ears, and he therefore commemorated his crownins: happiness by giving his first son this unique name. Cummins Jackson was also of lofty statui-e, and was noted for his herculean strength, which it is said he STRENGTH IX OLD AGE. 13 proved by lifting a barrel of cider and taking a drink from the bung-hole ; and, more marvellous still, that he could take up a barrel of flour under each one of his arms and carry them out of his mill ! One of his sisters, Mrs. White, known in the fam- ily as "Aunt Katie," was as remarkable as were the brothers, for her size, physical strength, and wonder- ful industry. In her old age, when she thought her natural force was much abated, she was known to spin upon her spinning-wheel twenty-eight "cuts"j)f flax a day, in addition to milking her cows ! Twelve cuts a day was the usual task for servants. FATHER OF STONEWALL JACKSON. (From a painted miaiatQre.) CHAPTER II. "THE BOY IS FATHER OF THE MAN." Thomas Jonathan Jackson, the subject of this me- moir, was born in the town of Clarksburg, Virginia, on the 21st of January, 182i ; at least, that was the supposed date of his birth, for in consequence of the early breaking-up of his father's family no record of the event was ever found, and he did not remember dates with accuracy. Clarksburg is now in the State of West Virginia ; but as he did not live to see the Old Dominion so cruelly sundered in twain, he died as he was born, a Virginian. He was only in his third year when his father died (of whom he was too young to have any remem- brance), and his mother was left a widow with three helpless children, without a home or means of sup- port. But her own and her husband's relations assist- ed her ; and as he had been an officer in the order of Freemasons (who had presented him with a gold medal in token of their respect), they now gave her a small house of only one room ; and in this humble abode, with her fatherless children, slie s])ent the greater part of the few years of her widowhood. Here she taught a little school, and also added to her support by sew- ing. The weight of the cares and struggles must have been veiy trying to her delicate frame ; but she found relief in spending a good deal of her time with her BIRTHPLACE. 16 father in Wood County ; and in the heat of summer she went to a jilace called "The Ridge," where her brother, Minor ^Y. Neale, always accompanied and remained with her. A friend wrote : " I met her in the summer of 1827, in AVood County. She was look- •'< ; J^. . '1- BlKl'llI'LACli OF GENERAI JACKSON, CLAUKSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA. ing as cheerful and ani- mated as usual, her easy, graceful manners and ]ileasant con- versation alwa^'s making her a wel- come guest." In the j'ear 1830 Mrs. Jackson was mari'ietl a sec- ond time, against the wishes of her friends, to Captain Blake B. Woodson, of Cumberland Count\% a lawyer of good education, and of social, popular manners ; but he was much her senior, and a widower without fort- une. The relatives of her first husband offered to 16 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. help her if she would remain a widow, while warning her that if she married again they should have to take her children from her to support them. But all was of no avail, and the result was what they had pre- dicted. Though Captain Woodson was always kind to the children, his slender means were inadequate to the support of a family, and necessity soon compelled the poor mother to give up her two boys to the care of their father's relations. The youngest child, Laura, she kept with her, and after the marriage Cajitain Woodson removed to Fayette County, where he had received the appointment of clerk of the county. So Thomas, at the age of six j'ears, had to take leave of his mother, to be sent to the house of his uncle. It was a heart-breaking separation. He was at this time a rosy-cheeked, blue-eyed boy, with wav- ing brown hair, to whom she clung with all a moth- er's devotion. She had him mounted on horseback, behind one of his father's former slaves, good " Uncle Robinson," of whom he was very fond, and after pro- viding him with every comfort, and bidding him good- by, her yearning heart called him back once more, and, clasping him to her bosom, she gave vent to her feelings in a flood of tears. That parting he never forgot ; nor could he speak of it in after-years but with the utmost tenderness. Warren had been sent some time before to the home of his aunt, Mrs. Isaac Brake, who wished to relieve the mother of his sup- port, and she had consented on account of the greater temptations to the boy in town. Their mother lived only a little over a year after her second marriage, her delicate health completely giving way after the birth of a son, who was named Wirt. As she lingered HIS MOTHER'S GRAVE. 17 several weeks, she sent for her two fatherless boj's, to receive her farewell and blessing; and her prayers, counsels, and triumphant death made an indelible im- pression upon the mind of Thomas, who was then seven years of age. In a letter announcing her death. Captain Woodson says : '' No Christian on earth, no matter what evidence he might have had of a happy hereafter, could have died with more fortitude. Per- fectly in her senses, calm and deliberate, she met her fate without a murmur or a strujjgle. Death for her had no sting ; the grave could claim no victory. I have known few women of equal, none of superior, merit." Her remains were buried near the famous " Hawk's Nest " of New Eiver, which her son visited in after-years, to find her grave and erect a mon- ument over it ; but nearly all who had known her during her brief residence there had passed away, and no one could be found who could point out the spot with certainty. After his return to his home in Lexington, he wrote to his aunt, Mrs. Neale, at Parkersburg : "Sept. 4th, 1855. " Though I have reached home, yet the pleasures enjoyed under your hospitable roof, and in your fam- ily circle, have not been dissipated. ... I stopped to see the Hawk's Nest, and the gentleman with whom I put up was at my mother's burial, and accompanied me to the cemetery for the purpose of pointing out her grave to me ; but I am not certain that he found it. There was no stone to mark the spot. Another gentleman, who had the kindness to go with us, stated that a wooden head or foot board with her name on 2 18 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. it had been put up, but it was no longer there. A depression in the earth only marked her resting-place. When standing by her grave, I experienced feelings to which I was until then a stranger. I was seeking the spot partly for the purpose of erecting something to her precious memory. On Saturday last I lost my porte-monnaie, and in it was the date of my mother s birth. Please give me the date in your next letter." It was left to the generous impulse of a Confederate soldier to do, after General Jackson's death, what he was so anxious to do himself, in preserving his mother's grave from oblivion. One who visited the sjxjt writes : " On the top of a beautiful wooded hill, near the mining village of Anstead, Favette Count v. West Yir- ginia, is an old graveyard, still used as a burying- place by the dwellers in this mountain region. It is greatly neglected, and many graves are scarcely to be found, tiiough a few are jjrotected by little pens of fence-rails. The location is so beautiful, and the view it commands so extensive and exquisite, that it is worthy of being well cared for. Among those who lie buried here is the mother of that noble Christian soldier, General Stonewall Jackson. This grave, or spot — for the grave is scarcely to be recognized — has been kindly cared for by Mr. Stevens M. Taylor, for- merly of Albemarle County. But no stone was erected until a gentleman of Staunton, Captain Thomas D. Ransom, one of his old soldiers, seeing the neu;lected condition of the grave, had prepared a simple but suitable monument — a tall slab of marble with an inscription, giving the dates of her birth and death, SEPARATED FROM BROTHER AND SISTER. 19 and adding that it is ' a tribute to the mother of Stonewall Jackson, by one of his old brigade.' " Such a mother could not but leave a deep impres- sion upon the heart of such a son. To the latest hour of his life he cherished her memory. His recollections of her were of the sweetest and tenderest character. To his childhood's fancj' she was the embodiment of beauty, grace, and lovehness ; and when, a few months before his death, while he was in the midst of the army, a little daughter was born to him, he wrote that . he wished her to be called '• Julia,"' saying, " My moth- j er was mindful of me when I was a helpless, father-l less child, and I wish to commemorate her now." / After the death of their mother, the children were sent back to their Jackson relatives — Warren return- ing to Mrs. Brake, and Thomas and Laura finding a home for a time with their aunt, ilrs. "White, and later with their step-grandmother Jackson, who was always kind to them. Laura, who is still living, does not re- member that Thomas ever lived with either of their unclesin-law Brake, and says that it was their broth- er Warren, and not Thomas, who ran away when a little boy from his " uncle Brake, because they couldn't agree" — a statement which accords with the charac- ter of the boy. Thomas and Laura lived with their step-grandmother until her death ; and after the mar- riage of her two daughters, which left no ladies in the household, Laura was sent to find a home among her ' Neale relatives, and lived with them until she was married to Mr. Jonathan Arnold, of Beverly, West Virginia. Her two sons, Thomas Jackson and Stark W. Arnold, were the onl}' nephews of General Jackson. 20 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. The grandmother lived at the old Jackson home- stead, in Lewis County, and at her death her son Cummins became the head of the house ; and being a large-hearted, generous man, he not only kept Thom- as with him to rear and educate, but he also gave War- ren a home after he ran away from his uncle Brake. The story runs that this boy, Warren, when only nine or ten years old, left the house of Mr. Brake, who had offended him by sternness, and walked four or five miles into the town of Clarksburg to the house of Judge Jackson, his father's cousin, and asked Mrs. Jackson to give him his dinner. While eating at the table he very quietly said : " Uncle Brake and I don't agree; I have quit him, and shall not go back any more." Mrs. Jackson was surprised and, disa])prov- ing of such independence in so young a lad, tried to persuade him to return, but his unvarying answer was : " No, he and I don't agree ; I have quit him, and shall not go back any more." He then went to the house of another cousin, asked if he could spend the night, and told her the same story. The next day he walked eighteen miles all alone, to the home of his uncle Cum- mins, who received him with great kindness, and the two orphan boj^s were very happy at being together under the same roof. Here the three children went to school, when there were any schools in the neigh- borhood, and Thomas and Laura spent much time in play, he always having a care over his little sister. He was a cheerful boy, and, his sister says, sang a great deal ; but in after-years he did not show any musical talent, though very fond of hearing music. The boyhood of Jackson showed that, truly, " The child is futber of the man," BROTHER AND SISTER TOGETHER. 21 for it was marked by the same energy, determination, and perseverance that were to distinguish him in his future career. No matter what he undertook, whether of work or play, he " never gave up." At school, one day, during recess, he became absorbed in making a cornstalk fiddle, and when the bell rang for resuming study he worked away as if he did not hear it, totally oblivious of his duty to return to his lessons. Laura was sent to call him, but his reply was, " Wait till I finish this fiddle !" and not until the teacher went out and compelled obedience did he relinquish his task. The children wandered all over the farm, and en- gaged in maijy youthful enterprises, one of which was the making of maple sugar. The trees stood on the other side of a creek which had no bridge over it, but, nothing daunted, our young hero went to work and framed a little raft, upon which he and Laura would cross daily, and busy themselves in drawing the sap and boiling down the sugar. In after -years, when he became the leader of armies, he often had occa- sion to build bridges across streams for his troops, in which he showed the same indomitable perseverance in overcoming obstacles that he had shown when a boy. Laura followed him everywhere, even in his rabbit hunts, in which he was quite an expert. After run- ning a rabbit into a hollow log, he would place Laura at one end and himself at the other, and in this way they often caught the little creatures with their hands. He busied himself in making rabbit-snares, bird-traps, and in other rustic diversions. In his childhood he was extravagantl}' fond of the violin, and after com- ing into possession of one of his own he made faithful 22 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. efiForts to learn to play upon it, but, not being endowed with the gift of music, this was one of the few things he attempted in which he did not succeed. When a boy, he did learn a few songs, among them a military one, called " Napoleon's Ketreat." This united, happy life of the little brother and sis- ter did not continue more than a year or two, when they were separated, never to have the same home again. But he cherished a warm attachment for her, and kept up the most affectionate relations with her as long as he lived. With money he saved from his pay at West Point he bought her a silk dress as a pres- ent upon his return home during his first vacation. Cummins Jackson was a bachelor of middle age, and being a man of independent fortune and a kind heart, he was disposed to do all in his power for War- ren and Thomas. The latter, it is said, was his favor ite, and he could not have been treated with more kind- ness if he had been his own son. He gave the lads all the advantages of education his countj'^ afforded, though these were not great in that new and uniua- proved region. It was the custom to have schools for only about three months during the winter season, so the boys were engaged during the remainder of the year in assisting their uncle in the operations of the farm and mills. At school Thomas was studious and persevering, showing a great desire to make the best of his advan- tages ; but Warren was the reverse, and as he grew up his strong will, which had never been controlled, and his independent and restless spirit impelled him to launch out for himself and seek his own fortune. His uncle thought it best not to thwart him in this, IN SEARCH OF ADVENTURE. 23 and so the boy left this kind uncle and good home when he was about fourteen years of age. But the saddest part of this exodus was, that he persuaded his young brother, of only twelve, to accompany him. Thomas was very reluctant to go, for he loved his un- cle, and was happy in his free and bountiful home; but his affection for Warren, and perhaps the latter's authority over him as an elder brother, were too great to be resisted. They went first to the home of their uncle Alfred Neale, who lived on James Island, in the Ohio, and were most kindly received by him and his good wife ; but as this uncle prescribed for them the same excellent discipline as their uncle Cummins — that they should work on the farm and go to school — Warren again rebelled, and spread his unfledged wings for a flight farther down the Ohio, taking Thomas with him. Several months passed, and their friends heard noth- ing of the young wanderers ; but in the autumn they came back, like repentant prodigals, glad enough to return to kindred and friends, but in such a sad plight that it was touching to see them. Their clothes were worn and soiled from travel, and their faces bore the marks of sickness and suffering. Their story was that, after floating down the Ohio, and earning their hving as best they could, they landed on a small island in the Mississippi, near the southwestern corner of Ken- tucky. Here they spent the summer alone, and sup- ported themselves by cutting wood for the passing steamboats. Their lodging-place was a miserable cabin, and the island being exceedingly malarious, they contracted chiUs and fever, which made such ravages upon their 24 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. tender frames that they could stand it no longer; so by the kindness of a captain, who gave them passage on his boat, they were enabled to reach home — no doubt wiser, if not better, for their escapade. Thomas determined at once to return to his uncle Cummins, where the comforts of home and the fine air of his native climate soon restored him to his wonted health and strength, and here he remained until he re- ceived an appointment as a cadet at West Point. But Warren was too proud or ashamed to seek again the shelter of a roof which he had so rashly left, so he went to the house of his aunt, Mrs. Isaac Brake, which had been his home after his separation from his mother, where he received the kindest treat- ment ; but he never recovered from the effects of the exposure and hardships encountered during that disas- trous trip, and after lingering a few years he died of consumption at the age of nineteen. Before his deatli he sent for Thomas and Laura to come and see him once more, and, mounted on horseback, they rode across the country to pay this last visit to their dying brother. They found that this long illness, with the influence of his sainted mother, had changed the un- governed boy to such gentleness and submission that he no longer wished to live, but was able to depart in perfect peace. After the wholesome experience of his adventurous trip down the Ohio, and the recovery of his health, Thomas showed a greate': desire than ever for self- improvement, and he became a valuable assistant to his uncle in the management of his farm and mills. Classical academies had not then been introduced into that part of the country, but there were good English OVERSEER OF WORKMEN ON THE FARM. 25 schools ; and he was a diligent, plodding scholar, hav- ing a strong mind, though it was slow in development. In arithmetic he was quick, and found no difRculty in excelhng his classmates; but in his other studies he had to work hard, yet he always " stuck to it " with a tenacity that would not "let go." He never left a lesson unmastered, and if he had not been able to finish a task with his class, he would, when his time came to recite, acknowledge frankly that he knew nothing of that lesson, not having yet perfected the previous one. In this way he sometimes fell behind his class ; but as he had a retentive memory, the knowl- edo'e that he gained with so much labor was indelibly impressed upon his mind. His temper as a boy was cheerful and generous, and his truthfulness was proverbial. There was an in- stinctive courtesy in his conduct; his sense of justice was verj" strong, and as long as he met with fair treat- ment from his associates, he was gentle and peace- able; bat he was quick to resent an insult, and in a boyish combat would never yield to defeat. He was a ringleader in boyish sports, an expert in climbing and jumping ; and whenever he was captain in any game his side was pretty sure to come off victorious. In the management of his uncle's farm and mills, Thomas early learned to put his young shoulders to the wheel, and he soon proved so capable that he was intrusted with the duties of overseer of the laborers in getting the largest trees out of the forest, and convey- ing them to the mill to be sawed into lumber, in all which he showed great intelligence as well as endur- ance and eflBciency. 26 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. This free and active life was well adapted to both his physical and moral development, and as his uncle treated him as a companion, trusting and relying upon him, he grew very manly and independent for a youth in his teens. His bachelor uncles, it appears, were fond of sport, of fox hunts and horee racing. His uncle kept a number of blooded horses, and had a four- mile race-track on his farm, and " Thomas," as he always called him, was his trainer, and so well taught was he to ride that he was never thrown. Naturally he came to share in the pleasures of the chase, and to ride his uncle's racers as soon as he was old enough. With his determination to succeed in everything he undertook, he did not fail in this accomplishment, for his neighboi-s said. " If a horse had any winning quali- ties whatever in him, Tom Jackson never failed to bring them out on the turf I" But though he won races for his uncle, and won a good deal of money, he never had the least propensity to the vices that belong to sporting characters. TVhen riding home late one night, he was startled at beholding a tall white spectre flitting across the road. The horse became frightened and plungetl backward ; and Thomas confessed that at fii-st he, too, was some- what dismayed at such a ghostly apparition, but, deter- mining to conquer all fear, he put whip and spurs to his horse and forced him to gallop past the object of terror, which he soon discovered, from the shouts of laughter from the roadside., was one of his uncles, who had tried to play a joke upon him by wrajiping him- self in a sheet and taking his stand at the foot of a hiU he was to pass. This free life he could enjoy without being at all WILL, COURAGE, AND TEXACITY. 2T spoiled by it ; and though he spoke of himself as hav- ing been " a wild boy," he was always noted for his uprightness, honesty, industry, and truth. In his after- years he was not disposed to talk much of his child- hood and youth, for the reason that it was the saddest period of his life. He had been very early left an or- phan. Losing first his father and then his mother, he had no home life, but grew up among remoter kin- dred. All this made the memory so sad that he sel- dom referred to it. One who knew him at this time says : " He was a youth of exemplary habits, of indomitable will and undoubted courage. He possessed in an eminent de- gree a talent for mathematics, and was unwilling, while at school, to acknowledge his incapacity — 'give him time' — to solve any proposition. He was not what is nowadays termed brilliant, but he was one of those untiring, matter-of-fact persons who would never give up when he engaged in an undertaking until he ac- complished his object. He learned slowly, but when he got learning into his head, he never forgot it. He was not quick to decide, except when excited, and then when he made up his mind to do a thing, he did it on short notice and in quick time. Thus, while on his way to school, an overgrown rustic behaved rudely to one of the school-girls. Jackson was fired at his cowardly conduct, and told him he must apologize at once, or he would 'thrash him.' The big fellow, sup- posing that he was an overmatch for him, refused, whereupon Jackson pitched into him, and gave him a severe pounding." This manly and independent spirit impelled him at an early age to seek a support for himself, and his 28 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON'. friends procured for bini the position of constable of Lewis County. He was but eighteen years old, and it was contrary to law that a minor should hold this office, but the influence and guarantee of his uncle, with his own good character, overcame this objection. At this time his health was somewhat impaired, and it was hoped that the out-door life and horseback ex- ercise would invigorate him. The duties of the office required both courage and determination, qualities that he soon showed that he possessed. Prom]5t in meeting his own engagements, he enforced the same upon others. Collecting debts is always a thankless task, but it had to be done ; and Jackson did it kindly, but firmly. In one case a man had made repeated promises to pay, but would never keep an appoint- ment for the pur])ose. After exacting one more promise that he would pay, vjithovtfail, upon a cer- tain day, the young constable pledged himself to the creditor that on that day he should have his money. The day came, and the constable and creditor were on band, but the debtor was again missing, and was not seen in the village all day. The young deputy, how- ever, had given his word, and kept it by paying the money out of his own pocket. The next morning the delinquent appeared upon the scene, riding a fine horse, but as the custom of the country did not per- mit a man's hoi-se to be taken from him while he was on his bade, the young officer waited until he saw the man dismount, and then, reproaching him for his breach of faith, he seized the horse. Tlie man re- sisted, and a furious struggle followed, during which he succeeded in remounting. This at first discon- certed Jackson, but, not to be outwitted by this DEATH OF CXCLE CUMMINS. 29 manoeuvre, he held on to the bridle, and seeing near by a stable door standing open, he led the horse up to it, and quietly told the man he must " get off or be knocked off," the door being too low for him to go through on horseback. Thus the fugitive was fairly caught, and after resisting and begging, he finally slipped off and left the horse in the possession of the young representative of the law. But this business was distasteful to Jackson, and he gladly resigned it on receiving an appointment to the Military Academy at West Point. Before closing this chapter, it may be of interest, although it will be anticipating a few years, to know the end of the good Uncle Cummins, who was a second father to Thomas in his boyhood. After the close of the Mexican war and the annexation of California, the discovery of gold created great excite- ment throughout the country, and caused a tide of emigration to the Far West. Catching the popular enthusiasm, and inflamed, perhaps, with a spirit of adventure, this uncle, though in his fiftieth year, left his Virginia home and travelled by wagon-train across the plains, but lived only a few months after reaching the Pacific coast. Ilis nephew, Thomas, inherited a few hundred dollars from his estate, which he gave to his aunt, Mrs. White, who was then in straitened circumstances, in gratitude for having given him a home when he was first separated from his motlier. CHAPTER III. FOUR YEARS AT WEST POINT— 1842-1846. While the young Virginian was riding over the hills of his native county, enforcing the law, he was dreaming of other things. A desire for knowl- edge had been the passion of his youth. With the pride of descent from a family that had stood high in the country round, he felt deeply the disadvantages which his early orphanage and poverty had entailed upon him, and was ambitious to make a position for himself, and keep up the prestige of his name. He had determined to earn the means to jirocure a liberal education, when tlie opportunity came in a way he had not anticipated. A 3'oung man from the Con- gressional district in which he lived had received an appointment to the Militar}^ Academy at West Point, but after entering had found tliat the disci- pline and the hard study were too severe to suit his self-indulffent tastes, and resigned in disgust and re- turned home. Of course, this was the talk of the neighborhood ; and one day that Uncle Cummins was having his horse shod, the blacksmith looked up and said : " Kow here is a gow.1 chance for Tom Jackson, as he is so anxious to get an education." His uncle caught at the suggestion, and going home told his nephew of the opportunity to get a cadetship at West Point, which fired his heart with such eager hope that APPOINTED TO WEST POINT. 31 he began at once his efforts to secure the vacant posi- tion. He had many friends who had observed his manly spirit, and were ready to help him ; and all joined in a letter to the Hon. Samuel Hays, member of Congress from the district, asking him to use his influence to have him appointed. Of a prominent lawyer connected with his own family, the young applicant felt at liberty to request a more confidential testimonial, but he was asked " if he did not fear that his education was not sufficient to enable him to enter and sustain himself at West Point." For a moment his countenance fell, but, looking up, he replied : " I know that I shall have the application necessar}' to succeed ; I hope that I have the capacity ; at least, I am determined to try, and I want you to help me." This friend did help him, and wrote a letter of hearty commendation, in which he dwelt especially upon his courage and resolution. As soon as the letters were despatched to Washington, he began to review his studies, in which he was assisted by a lawyer in Weston, who made it a labor of love. In due time the answer came from Mr. Hays, promis- ing to do all in his power to secure the appointment, and Jackson resolved at once to go to Washington, to be ready to proceed to West Point without a mo- ment's delay. So eager was he to start that he did not wait for any preparations, but, packing his plain wardrobe into a pair of saddle-bags, he mounted a horse near sundown, and, accompanied by a servant who was to bring the horse home, hurried off to Clarksburg to catch the stage-coach. Upon his arrival he found that the coach had already passed, but, nothing daunted, he galloped on and overtook it at the next stopping-place, and continued his journey. 32 LIFE OF GENERAL TUOMAS J. JACKSON. Arrived at Washington, he went straight to Mr. Hays, who showed his interest and kindness by taking him immediately to the Secretary of War ; and in pre- senting him, explained the disadvantages of his educa- tion, but begged for him favor on account of his manly determination. The Secretary plied him with ques- tions, and an eye-witness describes the parley between tliem as being "gruff and heroic, but, with the grit of Old Hickory, this young Jackson was neither to be bluffed nor driven from his purpose," and so much pleased was the Secretary with his manliness and resolution that he gave him the apppointment and said to him : " Sir, you have a good name. Go to West Point, and the first man who insults you knock him down, and have it charged to my account !" Mr. Hays kindly invited him to spend a few days with him in Washington to see the city, but with the one all-absorbing thought now in his mind of that long-desired education coming within his grasp, he de- clined, saying that one view from the top of the Capi- tol would be all that he could treat himself to at that time. Accordingly he ascended the dome, and took a view of the magnificent panorama before him, and then immediately proceeded on his journey. Mr. Hays gave him a letter of introduction to the facultv, bearing testimony to his excellent character and courageous spirit, and asking that due allowance be made for his limited education ; and his letter had such weight that the authorities were very lenient in their examination, and he was admitted. Here then, in June, 1842, at the age of eighteen, we find him where he bad so longed to be, a cadet in the Military Academy at West Point. His friends had done for FOUR YEARS AS A CADET. 33 hira all they could ; henceforth his career was to de- pend upon himself. When he entered upon his studies, he was made at once to feel his deficiency in preparation. An old friend and fellow-classmate says : " He had a rough time in the Academy at first, for his want of previous training placed him at a great disadvantage, and it was all he could do to pass his first examination. We were studj'ing algebra, and maybe analytical geome- try, that winter, and Jackson was very low in his class standing. All lights were put out at ' taps,' and just before the signal he would pile up his grate with an- thracite coal, and, lying prone before it on the floor, would work away at his lessons by the glare of the fire, which scorched his very brain, till a late hour of the night. This evident determination to succeed not only aided his own efforts directly, but impressed his instructors in his favor, and he rose steadily year by year, till we used to say : ' If we had to stay here another j^ear, "old Jack" would be at the head of the class.' ... I believe he went through the very trying ordeal of the four years at West Point without ever having a hard word or a bad feeling from cadet or professor ; and while there were many who seemed to surpass him in the graces of intellect, in geniality, and in good-fellowship, there was no one of our class who more absolutely possessed the respect and confi- dence of all." He himself said that he " studied very hard for what he got at West Point," and after entering and seeing the amount of study he had to do, and the large num- ber of cadets who failed annually, he fully expected to be dismissed at the close of his first year, and in 3 34 I-IFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. anticipation he endured all the mortification of going home and being laughed at ; and he even prepared what he would sa}^ to his young friends, intending to tell them, " If they had been there, and found it as hard as he did, they would have failed too." He was alwa3's amused when speaking of this period of his life, and of the importance he then attached to the opinions of his young friends and companions. But to his surprise he passed his first year, and from that time he made steady progress until at the end of four years he graduated, seventeenth in a large and distin- guished class of over seventy. Among his classmates were Generals McClellan, Foster, Reno, Stoneman, Couch, and Gibbon, of the Federal army ; and Generals A. P. Hill, Pickett, Maury, D. R. Jones, W. D. Smith, and "Wilcox, of the Confederate army. AVhen he went to "West Point he was fresh and ruddy in complexion, but had not yet attained his full height, and is described as being a slender lad, who Avalked rapidly, with his head bent forward. He had a grave, thoughtful face; but when anything interested or excited him his form became erect, his eyes flashed like steel, and a smile, as sweet as a woman's, would illumine his whole face." The life he led there, and the constant exercise of drilling, soon developed his frame, and he became very erect, grew rajiidly, and presented a fine, soldierly appearance. The habits of neatness and system which are taught at "West Point clung to him through life, and punctuality' was ever regarded by him as a virtue. In his intercourse with his associates he was not sociable, except with a few congenial friends ; but he was invariably kind and courteous to all, and alwa\'s ready to aid in nursing RULES OF MORALS AND MANNERS. 35 the sick and in helping those who were in trouble. During his second year he was known to receive some demerits, which he had not incurred himself, but he chose rather to bear the blame silently than to expose those who had unjustly cast it upon him. He said he did not remember to have spoken to a lady during the whole time he was at West Point, but he devoted him- self with all his mind and soul to his studies, giving but little time or thought to anything else. After his arduous daily studies, he found recreation in walking, and with a companion or alone he wandered over the beautiful hills and valleys around West Point, and de- lighted in climbing Fort Putnam, or " Old Put," as the cadets called this great cliff, which is a very strik- ing feature in the scenery, and from which he greatly enjoyed the fine view of the majestic river, and the varied and lovely landscape. While at West Point he compiled in a private blank- book, for his own use, a set of rules and maxims re- lating to morals, manners, dress, choice of friends, and the aims of life. Perhaps the most characteristic of these maxims was, " You may he whatever you resolve to he f but others will show the standards by which he shaped his own conduct and character : "Through life let your principal object be the dis- charge of duty. — Disregard public opinion when it interferes with your duty. — Endeavor to be at peace with all men. — Sacrifice your life rather than your word. — Endeavor to do well everything which j'ou undertake. — Never speak disrespectfully of any one without a cause. — Spare no effoit to suppress selfish- ness, unless that effort would entail sorrow. — Let your 36 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. conduct towards men have some uniformity. — Temper- ance : Eat not to dulness, drink not to elevation. — Si- lence: Speak but what ma}' benefit others or your- self; avoid trifling conversation. — Resolve to perform what you ought ; perforni without fail what you re- solve. — Frugality : Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself ; waste nothing. — Industry: Lose no time; be alwaj's employed in something useful; cut off unnecessarj' actions. — Sincerity : Use no hurtful deceit ; think innocently and justly, and if you speak, speak accordingly. — Justice : Wrong no man by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty. — Moderation: Avoid extremes; forbear resenting in- juries as much as you think they deserve. Cleanli- ness: Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation. Tranquillity : Be not disturbed at trifles, nor at accidents, common or unavoidable. ^) " Motives to action : 1. Regard to your own happi- ness. 2. Regard for the family to which you belong. 3. Strive to attain a very great elevation of charac- ter. 4. Fix upon a high standard of action and char- acter. " It is man's highest interest not to violate, or attempt to violate, the rules which Infinite Wisdom has laid down. The means by which men are to attain great elevation may be classed in three divisions — jihysical, mental, and moral. Whatever relates to health, be- longs to the first; whatever relates to the improve- ment of the mind, belongs to the second. The for- mation of good manners and virtuous habits consti- tutes the third. POLITENESS AND GOOD-BREEDING. 37 " Choice of Friends. 1. A man is known by the company he keeps. 2. Be cautious in yom* selection. 3. There is danger of catching the habits of your as- sociates. " 4. Seek those who are intelligent and virtuous ; and, if possible, those who are a little above you, es- pecially in moral excellence. " 5. It is not desirable to have a large number of intimate friends ; you may have many acquaintances, but few intimate friends. If you have one who is what he should be, you are comparatively happy. " That friendship may be at once fond and lasting, there must not only be equal virtue in each, but virtue of the same kind : not only the same end must be pro- posed, but the same means must be approved." He had also copied the following rules from a book of etiquette on Politeness and Good-breeding : "Good-breeding, or true politeness, is the art of showing men by external signs the internal regard we have for them. It arises from good sense, im- proved by good company. It must be acquired by practice and not by books. " Be kind, condescending, and affable. Any one who has anything to say to a fellow-being, to say it Avith kind feelings and sincere desire to please ; and this, whenever it is done, will atone for much awkwardness in the manner of expression. " Good-breeding is opposed to selfishness, vanity, or pride. Never weary your company by talking too long or too frequently. Always look people in the face when addressing them, and generally when they 38 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. address you. Never engross tbe whole conversation to yourself. Say as little of yourself and friends as possible. " Make it a rule never to accuse without due con- sideration any body or association of men. Kever try to appear more wise or learned than the rest of the company. Not that j^ou should affect ignorance, but endeavor to remain within your own proper sphere." During these four years at the Military Academy he had but one personal difficulty. This was caused by another cadet changing his uncleaned musket for Jackson's, which was always kept in perfect order. The trick was very soon discovered by the latter, whose suspicion fell at once upon the real culprit ; but as his gun fortunately had a private mark upon it, he knew it could be identified ; so after telling the cap- tain of the circumstances, he quietly bided his time until that evening at the inspection of arms, when his clean, shining musket was found in the hands of the man whom he had suspected, who, when he was ac- cused of tbe dishonorable deed, attempted to shield himself by telling a falsehood. Jackson, who was disgusted with the indolence and meanness of the ca- det, declared that he was a disgrace to the Academy, and that he would have him court-martialled and dis- missed. It was only by the urgent remonstrance of both cadets and professors that he could be induced to give up his determination. The disgrace of the young man overtook him, however, in a short time after, when he was expelled from the Academy for violating his parole of honor. Jackson graduated on the 30th of June, 18i6, at the HE GRADUATES FROM WEST POINT. 39 age of twenty-two years, and received the brevet rank of second lieutenant of artillery. His attachment to his Alma Mater was very strong, and upon revisiting the place, on a bridal tour, in the summer of 1857, his delight was unbounded. The reunion with his old professors and brother-officers was most cordial and gratifying, and with the latter he had long talks and many hearty laughs over old barrack reminiscences. At the dawn of day he was off to climb the heights of Fort Putnam, and once more to enjoy the view of the Hudson, winding among the hills and dales of that enchanting region. There was scarcely a spot that he did not visit in and around West Point. CHAPTER lY. THE WAR WITH MEXICO— 1846-1848. When young Jackson graduated at West Point, the war with Mexico had begun, and his whole class was ordered to proceed at once to the scene of action. Our lieutenant had orders to report immediately for duty with the First Regiment of Artillery, and went direct- ly to New Orleans, from which he sailed for Mexico. General "Winfield Scott was the commander-in-chief of the army of the United States. The war contin- ued two years, and Jackson was in most of the battles that were fought from Vera Cruz to the fall of the capital, which ended hostilities. On the 9th of March, 1847, thirteen thousand five hundred men landed in one day upon the open beach near Vera Cruz ; and as they disembarked from the many vessels of the squadron, under a cloudless sky, and marched in perfect order, with martial music and coloi's tlying, amid the cheers of the enthusiastic soldiers, and took their positions by sunset, it was a spectacle that impressed Lieutenant Jackson as ex- ceeding in brilliance and animation any that he had ever witnessed. The city was taken in a few days, and in the battle Captain John Bankhead Magruder greatly distinguished himself as commander of his bat- tery of light field artillery. He was a veiy strict dis- ciplinarian, and the position of second lieutenant being THE BATTLE OF CHERDBCSCO. 41 vacant in his battery, there were not many young offi- cers who desired the place. But Jackson, who saw that its dangers and hardships offered advantages for quick promotion, ajjplied for and received the appointment. Magruder was a daring officer, always in the thickest of the light, where his dash and heroism won him great distinction, in which his subordinates were bound to share, and, of course, had the opportunity of winning glory for themselves. In the battle of Cherubusco Captain Magruder lost his first lieutenant, Mr. Johnstone, early in the action ; and as Jackson had to take his place, he was advanced next in command to the captain, whom we will leave to describe the manner in which his young lieutenant acquitted himself. In his official report. Captain Ma- gruder says ; " In a few moments, Lieutenant Jack- son, commanding the second section of the battery, who had opened fire upon the enemy's works from a position on the right, hearing our fire still further in front, advanced in handsome style, and being assigned by me to the post so gallantly filled by Lieutenant Johnstone, kept up the fire with great briskness and effect. His conduct was equally conspicuous during the whole day, and I cannot too highly commend him to the major-general's favorable consideration." For his gallantry in this battle he was promoted to the brevet rank of captain. In storming the Castle of Chapultepec, Captain Ma- gruder again compliments him highly, and recom- mends him for promotion thus : " I beg leave to call the attention of the major-general commanding to the conduct of Lieutenant Jackson of the First Artillery. If devotion, industry, talent, and gallantry are the 42 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. highest qualities of a soldier, then is he entitled to the distinction which their possession confers. I have been ably seconded in all the operations of the bat- tery by him ; and upon this occasion, when circum- stances placed him in command, for a short time, of an independent section, he proved himself eminently worthy of it." General Scott, in his official report, makes honora- ble mention of the part young Jackson bore in this assault, and Generals Pillow and Worth both add their testimony to his meritorious conduct. General Pillow says : " The advanced section of the batter}^ under command of the brave Lieutenant Jackson, was dread- fully cut up, and almost disabled. . . . Captain Ma- gruder's battery, one section of which was served with great gallantry by himself and the other by his brave lieutenant, Jackson, in face of a galling fire from the enemy's position, did invaluable service." General Worth speaks of him as " the gallant Jack- son, who, although he had lost most of his horses and many of his men, continued chivalrously at his post, combating with noble courage." A brother officer, who was not only an eye-witness, but an actor in the storming of Chapultepec, gives the following details of Jackson's part in the as- sault : " Lieutenant Jackson's section of Magruder's battery was subjected to a plunging fire from the Castle of Cha- pultepec. The little six-pounders could effect nothing against the guns of the Mexicans, of much heavier cali- bre, firing from an elevation. The horses were killed or disabled, and the men became so demoralized that THE STORMING OF CHAPULTEPEC. 43 they deserted the guns and sought shelter behind a wall or embankment. Lieutenant Jackson remained at the guns, walking back and forth, and kept saying, ' See, there is no danger ; I am not hit !' While stand- ing with his legs wide apart, a cannon-ball passed be- tween them; and this fact probably prevented him from having any confidence in what the soldiers playfully called being ' stung by a bomb.' The assault- ing columns for the storming of Chapultepec consisted of 250 regulars from Twiggs's Division and 250 regu- lars from "Worth's. These were all volunteers for the forlorn hope. The officers and non-commissioned offi- cers were induced to volunteer by the promise of pro- motion, and the men by the promise of pecuniary re- ward. The rifle regiment under Colonel Persifer F. Smith, the Palmetto Regiment, and the Marine Bat- tahon under Major Twiggs (brother of the general) supported the storming party from Twiggs's Division. When the castle was captured, many of the stormers dispersed in search of plunder and liquor. A few pur- sued promptly the retreating column of Mexicans. Lieutenants D. H. Hill and Barnard Bee followed down the causeway towards the Garita of San Cosme. Every shot told on the huddled and demoralized thou- sands of Mexicans, but their fire back upon the thirsty, pursuing Americans was harmless. After the chase had been continued over a mile. Lieutenant Jackson came up with two pieces of artillery, and joined the two young officers. They now pressed on vigorously. Captain Magruder himself soon appeared with cais- sons and men, but no additional guns. He expressed a fear of losing the two guns, as the division of Gen- eral Worth was far in the rear, but he yielded to the 44 LIfE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. solicitations of the young men, and continue*! the march. Shortly after the arrival of Captain Magni- der a ivlunin of two thousjind cavalry, under Genenil Anipudia, made a ilemonstration of chai-ging ujK>n the guns. They were unlimbereil. and a rapid tire was o{vnotl ujK)n the Mexicans, who retreateii without at- tacking the artillery. It was not judge*! prudent to pnxxHHl farther, and tlie command hidteil until (.it?n- eral Worth came up. The }x»rt played later in the day by the luittery at the Garita of San C(.x<;nie is men- tionevl in the official iv^vrts. For g;illantry in the battles of Contreras and Cherubusco. on the 20tli of August. Lieutenant Jackson had Iven brevetteii a cap- tain ; and now this storming of Chapultejvc. on the ISth of Septemlvr. won him the brevet of major. In the first bsitch of brevettetl pivmotions there were only five or six who receive*! double brevets, and these wen? the first who were promote*! on re*.x>mmeni!a- tions from the field." Jackson was among this num- ber, and was the only one of his class who rose to this distinction. " No other oflicer in the whole army in ilexico was promote*! so often for meritorious condcct or maile so gn?at a stride in rank." In the storming of Chapultepec, when at the mo- ment of gr«»test dang abandon it." In after-yea "s he confessed that tlie part he played in step[)ing out and assuring his men that there was no danger, when the cannoD-I>all passefJ between his legs, was the only wilful faLsehfj- serving directions to clear the streets of the city of non-combatants, the guns of his battery were ordere<^l to sweep I', street which was fillei;\Ti:iii VN i ml i;rii ami i.kitiiie i;(in:\r, i.kxi m. inN, \.\. A DEACOX L\ THE CHL'RCH. 59 hour for worship. He proposed that we should enter ; and as it was a day for the celebration of the com- munion, he remained for that service, of which he par- took in the most devout manner. It was with the utmost reverence and solemnity that he walked up the chancel and knelt to receive the elements. In his church at Lexington it has been said that he Avas an elder, but he never rose higher than a deacon, whose duties are purely temporal, to collect the ahns of the church and to distribute to the destitute. These hum- ble duties Major Jackson discharged with scrupulous fidelity. His pastor said he was the best deacon in the church. With a soldier s training of obedience to superior command, he followed out the same principle in his church duties, going to his pastor, as his chief, for his "ordei's,'' and "reporting" his performance of them in a military way. He never permitted anything to interfere with his attendance upon the monthly meetings of deacons; and to a brother-deacon, who excused his absence by pleading that he had not the time to attend, he said : " I do not see how, at that hour, we can possibly lack time for this meeting, or can have time for anything else, seeing it is set apart for this business."' Between his pastor and himself existed the most confidential relations, and he consulted him as he would a father, regarding him as a man of great worldl}' wisdom and discretion, as well as a faithful leader of his flock. '• He always acted on the princi- ple that he was as really bound to 'report' the condi- tion of himself and family to his pastor as the latter was to minister to their spiritual wants." Few men had such reverence for ministers of the 60 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. gospel, and he often said that, had his education fitted him for it, and had he more of the gift of speaking, he would have entered the pulpit. In a letter to his aunt, Mrs. Neale, he said : " The subject of becoming a herald of the cross has often seriously engaged my attention, and I regard it as tiie most noble of all pro- fessions. It was the profession of our divine Eedeem- er, and I should not be surprised were I to die upon a foreign field, clad in ministerial armor, fighting under the banner of Jesus. What could be more glorious? But my conviction is that I am doing good here, and that for the present I am where God would have me be. Within the last few days I have felt an unusual religious joy. I do rejoice to walk in the love of God. . . . My Heavenly Father has condescended to use me as an instrument in getting up a large Sabbath-school for the negroes here. He has greatly blessed it, and, I trust, all who are connected with it." So scrupulous was he in the performance of his duties that he would not neglect even the smallest, saying, " One instance would be a precedent for another, and thus my rules would be broken down." After his conscience decided upon questions of right and wrong, his resolution and independence enabled him to carrj'' out his principles with a total disregard of the opinions of the world. He thought it Avas a great weakness in others to care what impression their conduct made upon public opin- ion, if their consciences were only clear. The fear of the Lord was the only fear he knew. After he be- came a Christian he set his face against all worldly conformity, giving up dancing, theatre-going, and ev- ery amusement that had a tendency to lead his thoughts and heart away from holy things. When a question PRAYIXG IX PUBLIC. 61 was raised as to the right or wrong of indulgences that many consider innocent, he would say pleasantly : "Well, I know it is not wrong not to do it, so Vm go- ing to be on the safe side." His rule was never to make any compromise with his principles. But there was not a particle of asceticism or gloom in his relig- ion. It shed perpetual sunshine upon his life, and his cheerful serenit}'^ was like the full-flowing of a placid stream. His faith and trust led \\m\ to feel that noth- ing could happen to him but what was sent in wisdom and love by his Heavenly Father. One of his favorite texts of Scripture was : " "We know that all things work together for good to them tliat love God." Soon after he united with the church, his pastor, in a public discourse, urged his flock to more faithfulness in attending the weekly prayer-meeting, and enjoined upon tlie church officers and members especially their duty to lead in prayer. Hearing this, Major Jackson called to inquire if he was among those who were ad- monished not to be deterred from their duty by mod- esty or false shame. He said he had not been used to public speaking ; he was naturally diffident, and feared an effort might prove anything but edifying to the assembly ; " but," he continued, " j'ou are my pas- tor, and the spiritual guide of the church ; and if you think it my duty, then I shall waive my reluctance and make the effort to lead in prayer, however painful it may be." Thus authorized to call upon him if he thought proper, after a time the pastor did so. In responding to the request, his embarrassment was so great that the service was almost as painful to the audience as it was to himself. The call was not repeated, and after waiting some weeks, the major again called upon Doc- 62 LIFE OF GENERAL THOS^AS J. JACKSON. tor White to know if he had refrained from a second call from unwillingness to inflict distress upon him through his extreme diffidence. The good pastor was obliged to admit that he did shrink from requiring a duty of him which was rendered at such a sacrifice, lest his own enjoyment of the meeting be destroyed. His reply was : " Yes, but my comfort or discomfort is not the question ; if it is my duty to lead in prayer, then I must persevere in it until I learn to do it aright ; and I wish you to discard all consideration for my feelings." The next time he was called upon he suc- ceeded better in repressing his agitation, and in the course of time he was able to pour out his heart be- fore God with as much freedom in the public meeting as at his own family prayers. To improve himself in public speaking, he joined a debating society in Lexington, called "The Franklin," and his first efforts there were on a par Avith those in the Presbyterian lecture-room ; but his perseverance and determination overcame his difficulties to a great extent, and he acquired corsiderable ease and fluency as a speaker. A coneregational meeting of the church was held to determine the best method of increasing the rev- enue of the church. After several speeches, in which there was a good deal of diversity of opinion, Major Jackson rose quietly, and in a short but stirring ad- dress recalled the old command, not " to rob God in tithes and offerings," emphasizing the point that if they did their duty as church members all their diffi- culties would come to an end. with such earnest per- suasion as led an eminent divine who was present to re- mark, " Why, the major was really eloquent to-day !" ADOPTS THE RULE OF GIVING A TENTH. 63 In his own giving for religious purposes, he adopted the Hebrew system of tithes, contributing every year one tenth of his income to the church. He was a liberal giver to all causes of benevolence and public enterprises, and during the war he gave bounteously of his means to promote the spiritual interests of the soldiers. During a summer spent in the little village of Bev- erly, "West Virginia (the home of his sister), he was troubled to find that there was but little religious influence in the place, and that a number of the friends and acquaintances he made tliere were professed infi- dels. So great was his desire to convince them of their error and danger, that he prepared and delivered a brief course of lectures upon the evidences of Chris- tianit}'. A military man was not often seen in that remote I'egion, and this led liim to hope that some might be drawn even by curiosity to listen to some- thing from him more favorably than from others, though it might be much inferior. He did succeed in attracting crowds of hearers, but the delivery, he said, was one of the greatest trials he had ever had. In social life Major Jackson was not what is called a " society man ;" indeed, the very phrase seems an incongruity as applied to him. But before his mar- riage he mingled constantly in society — punctiliously performing his part in the courtesies which are due from young gentlemen — jnore, perhaps, from a sense of duty than from inclination. He was not naturally social, but he was a most genuine and ardent admirer of true womanhood ; and no man was more respectful and chivalrous in his bearing towards the gentler sex. He never passed a woman either of high or low de- 64 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. gree, Avhether he knew her or not, without lifting his cap, and he was never lacking in any attention or service that he could render. AVlien a lady entered the room he always rose to his feet and remained standing until she was seated. But with all his polite- ness and thorough breeding, he was so honest and conscientious that he could not indulge in those little meaningless flatteries with which young people are so prone to amuse themselves ; hence he was not so popular in general society as young men who have no scruples of that sort. But he had his friendships among ladies who could appreciate him, and was a frequent visitor, delighting in throwing off restraint and making himself very much at home. In a letter to a friend he said : " The kind of friends to whom I am most attached are those with whom I feel at home, and to whom I can go at all proper times, and infor- mally tell them the object of my call, with the assur- ance that, if practicable, they will join me in carrying out my plans, whether they are for an evening prom- enade, a musical soiree, or whatever they may be ; and all this, without the marred pleasure resulting from a conviction that afterwards all my conduct must under- go a judicial investigation before ' Judge Etiquette,' and that for every violation of his code I must be cen- sured, if not socially ostracized." A Southern lady thus describes the impression that Major Jackson made upon her : " There was a pecu- liarity about him which at once attracted your atten- tion. Dignified and rather stiff, as military men are apt to be, he was as frank and unassuming as possible, and was j)erfectly natural and unaffected. He always sat bolt upright in his chair, never lounged, never A KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE. 65 crossed his legs, or made an unnecessary movement. The expression of his soft gray eyes was gentle, yet commanding, giving you a delightful feeling of the sweetness, purity, and strength of his character. His dress (in times of peace at least) was always in good taste, and faultlessly neat. Everything he wore was of the best material. ' A thorough gentleman ' was not exactly the expression to describe the impression first made upon you : it was something more — a title of greater distinction than this must describe him — 'a modern knight of King Arthur's Round Table,' would have more properly conveyed the indelible pict- ure he fixed upon your mind. iS'othing unworthy, nothing ignoble, nothing of modern frivolity and little- ness—any thoughtful observer could have seen, even before the war, that ' Stonewall' Jackson was as true a hero as Bayard, or Raleigh, or Sidney." The following picture is one of the best that have ever been drawn, and may well have the merit of ac- curacy, since it is by one who was a constant observer, as he was on his staff, and thus a member of his mili- tary family. It is the Rev. Dr. Dabney who thus sketches the figure of his chief : '' His person was tall, erect, and muscular, with the large hands and feet characteristic of all his race. His bearing was pecul- iarly English ; and therefore, in the somewhat free society of America, was regarded as constrained. Ev- ery movement was quick and decisive ; his articula- tion was rapid, but distinct and emphatic, and, accom- panied by that laconic and perspicuous phrase to which it was so well adapted, it often made the impression of curtness. He practised a military exactness in all the courtesies of good society. Diiierent opinions ex- 5 66 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. isted as to his comeliness, iiecause it varied so much with the condition of his health and animal spirits. His brow was fair and expansive ; his eyes were blue- gray, large, and expressive, reposing usually in placid calm, but able none the less to tiash lightning. His nose was Eoman, and well chiselled ; his cheeks ruddy and sunburnt ; his mouth firm and full of meaning, and his chin covered with a beard of comely brown. The remarkable characteristic of his face was the contrast between its sterner and its gentler moods. As he accosted a friend, or dispensed the hospitalities of his own house, iiis serious, constrained look gave place to a smile, so sweet and sunny in its graciousness that he was another man. And if anything caused him to burst into a hearty laugh, the effect was a complete metamorphosis. Then his ej'es danced, and his coun- tenance rippled with a glee and abandon literally in- fantile. This smile was indescribable to one who never saw it. Had there been a painter with genius subtile enough to fix upon his canvas, side by side, the spirit of the countenance with which he caught the sudden jest of a child romping on his knees, and with which, in the crisis of battle, he gave the sharp command, ' Sweep the field with the bayonet !' he would have ac- complished a miracle of art, which the spectator could scarcely credit as true to nature. " In walking, his step was long and rapid, and at once suggested the idea of the dismounted horseman. It has been said that he was an awkward rider, but incorrectly. ' A sufficient evidence of this is the fact that he was never thrown. It is true that on the march, when involved in thought, he was heedless of the grace of his posture ; but in action, as he rode PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND MANNERS. 67 with bare head along his cohimn, acknowledging the shouts which rent the skies, no figure could be nobler than his. His judgment of horses was excellent, and it was very rare that he was not well mounted." His passport, which he procured at Washington for a European trip in 1856, describes him thus : "Stature five feet nine and three-quarter inches, English; fore- head full ; eyes gray ; nose aquiline ; mouth small ; chin oval ; hair dark-brown ; face oval ; complexion dark." The last is a mistake, as his complexion was nat- urally fair, but was very susceptible to sunburn. A lady who was a relative, with whom be lived under the same roof several years, says : "He was a man s^n generis; and none who came into close enough contact with him to see into his inner nature were willing to own that thej' had ever known just such another man." After she was allowed unguarded insight into " the very pulse of the ma- chine," she recalls the incredulity with which her declaration that Jackson wa^ the very stuff out of which to make a hero was received, before any sword was lifted in the contest. She describes him upon his first entrance into Lex- ington society as " of a tall, very erect figure, with a military precision about him which made him appear stiff, but he was one of the most polite and courteous of men. He had a handsome, animated face, flashing blue-gray eyes, and the most mobile of mouths. He was voted eccentric in our little professional circle, because he did not walk in the same conventional grooves as other men: it was only when we came to know him with the intimacy of hourly converse that 68 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. we found that much that passed under the name of eccentricity was the result of the deepest underlying principle, and compelled a respect which we dared not withhold. After he became an inmate of our household, we were not long in discovering that the more rigidly and narrowly his springs of action were scrutinized, the higher rose our respect and reverence. "What may have provoked a smile when the motive or principle that lay behind the act was entirely mis- apprehended came to be regarded with a certain ad- miring wonder when the motive of the act was made clear. We sometimes used to charge him with losing: sight of the perspective of things. Not drawing the distinction that men generally do between small and great, he laid as much stress upon truth in the most insigniticant words or actions of his daily life as in the most solemn and important. He weighed his lightest utterances in ' the balances of the sanctuary.' When it would be playfully represented to him that this needless precision interfered with the graces of conversation, and tended to give angularity and stiff- ness to his style, his reply would be that he was per- fectly aware of the inelegance it involved, but he chose to sacrifice all minor charms to the paramount one of absolute truth." His crystalline truthfulness was equally noticeable in admitting that he did not know facts or things, when really there \vas no appeal made to his knowl- edge except the common "j'ou know," with which so many interlard their conversation. "Nothing," he said, •' would induce him to make the impression that he knew what he did not." EXTREME CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 69 So in conversation, if he unintentionally made a misstatement about a matter of no moment whatever, as soon as he discovered his mistake, he would lose, no time in hastening to correct it, even if lie had to go upon the mission in a pouring i-ain. Upon being asked, " Why, in the name of reason, do you walk a mile in the rain for a perfectly unimportant thing f his reply was, " Simply because I have discovered that it was a misstatement, and I could not sleep com- fortably to-night unless I corrected it." His ideas of honesty were just as rigid. An in- stance soon after our marriage will show this. One autumn afternoon we were taking a stroll, and passing a large apple orchard where the ripe fruit had fallen plentifully upon the ground, I asked him to step over the fence and treat ourselves to some of the tempting apples. My rebuke can be imagined when in the kind- est manner he answered: "No, I do not think it would be right to do that. I am sure that Colonel H would have no objection, and would gladly give them to us if he were here, but I cannot take them without his leave." No man carried his conscientiousness to a greater extreme, and many may say that he did it to an un- necessary and even morbid degree ; but his humility was as pre-eminent as his conscientiousness, and al- though he laid down these stringent rules for his own governance, he did not set himself up as a guide or model for others, and never forced his convictions upon any one. He never even inadvertently fell into the use of the expi'essions so common upon our lips that he " wished that any event or circumstance were different from what it was." To do so would, in his 70 LIl-E OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. opinion, have been to arraign Providence. He was utterly free from censoriousness, envy, detraction, and all uncharitableness, and certainly kept his rule that if he could say nothing good of a man, he would not speak of him at all. But if he once lost confidence, or discovered decep- tion and fraud on the part of one whom he had trust- ed, his faith was not easily restored, and he Avith- drew himself as much as possible from any further dealings with him. However, he religiously kept the door of his lips, not permitting a word of censure or denunciation to pass them ; and even when convinced that a man was a h\'pocrite, his severest sentence against him was that he believed him to be a " de- ceived man," who was so blinded that he could not see the eri-or of his wa3'S. ..." Only in the innermost circle of home did any one come to know what Jackson really was. . . . His natural temperament was extremel}' buoy- ant, and his abandon was beautiful to see, provided there were only one or two people to see it." As may be supposed, punctuality was regarded by him as a virtue : " No one could ever charge him with loss of time through dilatoriness on his part. He never failed to fill an engagement ; or, if it was im- possible for him to do so, he would take any amount of trouble to give notice beforehand of his inability to keep it. . . . Once only do I remember that he Avas late in getting to jn-ayer- meeting, for he was as punctual as a clock in being in his seat before the opening of the services of the church. On this oc- casion, when he found that the worship had com- menced (although we were only a few minutes be- "I HAVE NO GENIUS FOR SEEMING." 71 hind time), he declined to enter, saying we had no right to disturb the devotions of others by going in during the service, and so we returned home. " His personal habits were systematic in the ex- treme. He studied his physical nature with a physi- cian's scrutiny ; and having once adopted a regimen which he believed perfectly suited to himself, nothing would ever tempt him to swerve in the slightest de- gree from it. He ate, as he did everything else, from a sense of duty.'' He had suffered much from dys- pepsia, and for that reason had to practise absolute control over his appetite, and nothing could tempt him to partake of food between his regular hours. " When sometimes at parties and receptions a friend would entreat him, for courtesy's sake and the gratifi- cation of his hostess, to seem to accept some delicacy, or at least venture upon a grape or an orange, he would always reply : " No, no ; I have no genius for seeming P In all the means that he sought for relief in sub- duing his arch-enemy, dyspepsia, he found none that proved so beneficial as the hydropathic treatment. He became a strong believer in the system, and dur- ing his summer vacation he visited several hydro- pathic establishments in New York and New Eng- land, and invariably gained strength from the baths and the exercise. One summer his chest broadened several inches by his performances in the gymnasium, and on his return home he found his double-breasted coat (a major's uniform) incapable of accommodating his increased dimensions, so he had to have a new one made. He always wore citizen's dress when off duty. 72 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. When he had a home of his own, he provided himself with some of his favorite apphances for gymnastic exercises, and greatly invigorated himself by their use. He abstained from the use of all intoxicatins: drinks from principle, having a fondness for them, as he him- self confessed, and for that reason never daring to in- dulge his taste. During the war, when asked by a brother officer to join him in a social glass, he replied : " No, I thank you, but I never use it ; I am more afraid of it than of Federal bullets." Nor did he use tobacco in any form, and for many years not. even tea and coffee, believing that they were injurious to his health. When persons about him complained of headaches or other consequences of imprudence, he would say : " If you follow my rule, which is to govern yourself absolutely, I do not think you would have these sufferings. My head never aches : if anything dis- agrees with me, I never eat it." As an instance of the alacrity with which, if once convinced that a thing was right to do, he did it, on one occasion, when he had been talking of self-abne- gation and making rather light of it, a friend sug- gested that he had not been called upon to endure it, and supposed a case : " Imagine that the providence of God seemed to direct 3'ou to drop every scheme of life and of personal advancement, and go on a mission to the heart of Africa for the rest of your days, would you go ?" His eyes flashed as he instantly re- plied : " I would go without my hat .'" This same friend once asked him what was his un- derstanding of the Bible command to be " instant in prayer " and to " pray without ceasing." " I can give you," he said, " my idea of it by illustration, if you PRAYER WITHOUT CEASING. 73 will allow it, and will not think that I am setting mj'self up as a model for others. I have so fixed the habit in my own mind that I never raise a glass of water to my lips without lifting my heart to God in thanks and prayer for the water of life. Then, when we take our meals, there is the grace. Whenever 1 drop a letter in the post-office, I send a petition along with it for God's blessing upon its mission and the person to whom it is sent. When I break the seal of a letter just received, I stop to ask God to prepare me for its contents, and make it a messenger of good. When I go to my class-room and await the arrange- ment of the cadets in their places, that is my time to intercede with God for them. And so in every act of the day I have made the practice habitual." " And don't you sometimes forget to do this V asked his friend. " I can hardly say that I do ; the habit has become almost as fixed as to breathe." His submission to his Heavenly Father's will was so perfect, and the assurance that " all things work together for good to them that love God " was to him such a blessed reality, that he always said he pre- ferred God's will to his own ; and his perfect assur- ance of faith never forsook him, however severely it might be tried. " He used to express surprise at the want of equanimity on the part of Christians under the pressure of untoward circumstances; and remarked that he did not think any combination of earthly ills could make him positively unhappy if he believed he was suffering the will of God." Thinking this a bold assertion, a friend ventured to touch him in a vulner- able point, knowing that his health was a source of 74 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. anxious care, and asked him : " Major, suppose j'ou should lose your health irreparably ; do you think you could be happy still <" He answered : " Yes, I should be happy still." " Well, suppose, in addition to life- long illness, you should become suddenly blind ; do you believe your serenity would remain unclouded ?" He paused a moment, as if to weigh fully every word he uttered, and then said : " I am sure of it ; even such a misfortune could not make me doubt the love of God." Still further to test him, and knowing his impatience of anything that even bordered on de- pendence, it was urged : " But if, in addition to blind- ness and incurable infirmity and pain, j'ou had to re- ceive grudging charity from those on whom j'ou had no claim — what then ?" There was a strange rever- ence in his lifted eye, and an exalted expression over his whole face, as he replied, with slow deliberateness : " If it were God's wiU, / think 1 could lie there content a hundred years /" General Jackson's extreme rigor in the observance of the Sabbath has been much commented on, and he has been called a religious fanatic. Certainly lie was not less scrupulous in obeying the divine com- mand to " remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy " than he was in any other rule of his life. Since the Creator iiad set apart this day for his own, and commanded it to be kept holy, he believed that it was as wrong for him to desecrate it by worldly pleas- ure, idleness, or secular employment, as to break any other commandment of the decalogue. Sunday was his busiest day of tlie week, as he always attend- ed church twice a day and taught in two Sabbath schools ! He refrained as much as possible from all STRICT OBSERVANCE OF THE SABBATH. 75 worldly conversation, and in his family, if secular topics were introduced, he would say, with a kindly smile, " We will talk about that to-morrow." He never travelled on Sunday, never took his mail from the post-office, nor pe emitted a letter of his own to travel on that day, always before posting it calcu- lating the time it required to reach its destination ; and even business letters of the utmost importance were never sent off the very last of the week, but were kept over until Monday moi'uing, unless it was a case where distance required alonger time than a week. One so strict in his own Sabbatli observance natu- rally believed that it was wrong for tlie government to carry the mails on Sunday. Any organization which exacted secular labor of its employees on the Lord's day was, in his opinion, a violator of God's law. Just before his last battle he wrote the following letter, touching upon this matter, to his friend Colonel J. T. L. Preston : "Near Fredekicksburg, Va., April 2711), 1863. "Deae Coloxel, — I am mucii gratified to see that you are one of the delegates to the General Assembly of our Church, and I write to express the hope that something may be accomplished by you at the meet- ing of that influential body towards repealing the law requiring our mails to be carried on the Christian Sab- bath. Eecently I received a letter from a member of Congress (the Confederate Congress at Eichmond) expressing the hope that the House of Eepresenta- tives would act upon the subject during its present session ; and from the mention made of Colonel Chil- ton and Mr. Curry of Alabama, I infer that they are 76 Llf'E OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. members of the committee which recommends the repeal of the law. A few days since I received a very gratifying letter from Mr. Cuvry, which was vol- untary on his part, as I was a stranger to him, and there had been no previous correspondence between us. His letter is of a cheering character, and he takes occasion to say that divine laws can be violated with impunity neither by governments nor individuals. I regret to say that he is fearful that the anxiety of mem- bers to return home, and the press of other business, will prevent the desired action this session. I have said thus much in order that you may see that Con- gressional action is to be looked for at the next meet- ing of Congress ; hence the importance that Chris- tians act jiromptly, so that our legislators may see the current opinion before they take up the subject. I hope and pray that such may be our country's senti- ment upon this and kindred subjects that our states- men will see their way clearly. Now appears to me an auspicious time for action, as our people are look- ing to God for assistance. Very truly your friend, "T. J. Jackson." In another letter to his pastor he says : " It is de- lightful to see the Congressional Committee rejiort so strongly against Sabbath mails. I trust that you will write to every member of Congress with whom you have any influence, and do all you can to procure the adoption of the report. And please request those with whom you correspond (when expedient) to do the same. I believe that God will bless us with success if Chris- tians will but do their duty. For nearly fifteen years Sabbath mails have been, through God's blessing, HE WOULD NOT BREAK THE SEAL. 77 avoided by me, and I am thankful to say that in no instance has there been occasion for regret, but, on the contrary, God has made it a source of pure enjoyment to me." For a long time he kept his resolution not to use his eyes by artificial light ; and it was his custom never to break the seal of a letter which came to him late on Saturday night until the dawn of Monday morn- ing. When he became engaged, and hxs^ancee lived in another State, it was a subject of amusing speculation among his friends whether he would break this rule. But it was found that even to the excuse '' The wom- an tempted me " he did not yield. A friend in walk- ing to church with him one Sunday morning, know- ing he had received a letter the evening before, said to him : " Major, surely you have read your letter T' " Assuredly not," said he. " Where is it ?" asked his friend. "Here," tapping his coat -pocket. "What obstinacy !" exclaimed his companion. " Don't you know that your curiosity to learn its contents will dis- tract your attention from divine worship far more than if you had read it ? Surely, in this case, to depart from your rule would promote a true Sabbath observ- ance, instead of injuring it." " No," he answered, qui- etly, " I shall make the most fait'hful effort I can to govern my thoughts and guard them from unnecessary distraction ; and as I do this from a sense of duty, I expect the divine blessing upon it." He said after- wards that his tranquillity and spiritual enjoyment were unusually great during the day. In the autumn of 1855, he organized his Sabbath- school for the instruction of the colored people of Lex- ington. His interest in that race was simply because 78 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON'. they had souls to save ; and he continued to instruct them with great faithfuhiess and success up to the breaking-out of the war. In this missionary woi'k lie was assisted by a number of ladies and gentlemen. This school was held i u the afternoon of the Sabbath ; its sessions were short and spirited, and he soon in- fused interest and punctuality into both teachers and pupils. Upon my removal to Lexington I proposed taking a class in the Sunday-school for white chil- dren, but he preferred that my labors should be given to the colored children, believing it was more impor- tant and useful to put the strong hand of the Gospel under the ignorant African race, to lift them up. I have always felt thankful that his wishes guided me in this matter, for it was a privilege to witness his srreat interest and zeal in the work, and never did his o face beam with more intelligence and earnestness than when he was telling the colored children of his Sab- bath-school the story of the cross. When in the army he inquired of every visitor from the church to his camp how his colored Sunday-school was getting on, and expressed great satisfaction at hearing of its prosperity. This school is still in suc- cessful operation. The Rev. Dr. White said he was once both gratified and amused when Major Jackson came to hiiu to re- port the result of a collection which he had made in the congregation for the Bible Society. At the foot of the long list of the church-members and otlier citi- zens were a number of additional names in pencil- marks with small sums attached to them. T^pon in- quiring who they were, the major explained : " These at the top are your regulars, and those below are my to A BELOVED CURISTf^N FRIEND. ^g militia." In his round of visiting, he had called upon some of his colored friends, and encouraged them to give, even if it were but a mite, to this good cause, ar- guing that their money was more profitably spent in this way than in tobacco and whiske}', and that it would elevate them, and increase their interest in the study of the Bible. This activity for the good of oth- ers brought its own reward. This man, so busy in good works, his pastor said, " was the happiest man he ever knew." His faith and trust were so implicit that his own will was in perfect subjection to tliat of his Heavenly Father, and no suffering or trial could make him wish it had been otherwise. The story of Major Jackson's life in Lexington would be lacking in one important link of the chain without the mention of his dear and honored Christian friend, Mr. John B. Lyle, to whom he was more indebted for spiritual profit than to any one else except his pastor. This gentleman was an elder of the cliurch, a bachelor, past middle-age, and not prosperous, as the world goes, but he was one of those whole-souled, large-hearted Christians whose lives are full of love and sunshine. His genial face and ready sympathy made liim a great favorite with young and old, and he was known as the comforter of the afflicted, the restorer of the wayward, and the counsellor of the doubting. Indeed, his heart was big enough to take in all who sought a place there. The young ladies made a special pet of him, and he was generally the confidant and adviser of his numer- ous friends, both in temporal and spiritual matters. He was fond of music, and led the church choir. The church at that time had no organ, but his magnificent voice was almost equal to an organ itself. Major Jack- so LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. son rarely passed a day without a visit to Mr. Lyle's sanctum, and thus, coming under the constant influ- ence of one whose inner Christian life was as elevated as his outward was active, his own religious character became moulded into that exalted type for which he was so conspicuous. It was largely due to Mr. Lyle's guidance in religious reading, his own bright example anil instructions, that Major Jackson attained that perfect assurance of faith which shed such sunshine over his latter years. He also taught him to cherish a high sense of the value of prayer, and to expect an answer to it. In taking a journey, he never parted from his wife without engaging in prayer ; before go. ing to his Sabbath-schools he always knelt in prayer, and so. in every act of life, -prayer was his vital breath." The first visit that my husband took me to pay af- ter my arrival at my new home was to his friend. Mr. Lyle. and his smiling and hearty " welcome to Lexing- ton " went directly to the heart of the stranger. He was then a partial paralytic, and it was not manv months until a final stroke removed him to a better world. As an evidence of the strong hold he had on the hearts of all who knew him. one who was not con- nectetl with him by any tie of blood had him buried in his own family lot in the cemetery, and marked the spot by a monument bearing this inscription : " He was the truest friend, the bravest man. and the best Christian ever known to him who erects this stone co his memory." The name of Dr. White, the good pastor, and his faithful under -shepherd. John B. Lyle. will long be fragrant memories in Lexington. CHAPTER VI. THE PROFESSOR.— TRIP TO EUROPE —1851-1856. Major Jackson had never been a teacher before he became a professor in the Virginia Mihtary Institute, and when asked by a friend whether he did not feel dis- trustful of himself in undertaking so untried and ar- duous a course of instruction, he replied : " No ; I expect to be able to study sufficiently in advance of my classes; for one can always do what he lo'ills to ac- complish.''^ In this spirit he entered on his duties as a teacher, and discharged them with the same painstaking fidelity that he did everything else he undertook in life. His extreme conscientiousness constrained him to carry out to the very letter all the regulations of the school, and when he came into conflict either with superiors or inferiors, it was because they were disposed to prac- tise more policy and expediency than the rules pre- scribed. But we will let some of his colleagues in of- fice, and his friends in Lexington and elsewhere, give their testimony to his character as a teacher and an officer. The superintendent of the Institute, General Francis H. Smith, says : " The professorial career of Major Jackson was marked by great faithfulness, and by an unobtrusive yet earnest spirit. "With high men- tal endowments, teaching was a new profession to him, 6 S2 LIFE OF GENERAL THuMAS J. JACKSOX. and demanded, in the important department assigned him. an amount of labor which, from the state of his health, and especially from the weakness of his eyes, he perfonned at great sacrifice. Conscientious fidelity to duty marked every step of his life here, and when called to active duty in the field he had made consider- able progress in the preparation of an elementary work on optics, which he projwsed to publish for the benefit of his classes. Strict, and at times stern, in his disci- pline (though ever polite and kind), he was not always a jKipular professor; but no one ever possessed in a higher degree the confidence and resi>ect of the cadets, for his unbending integrity and fearlessness in the dis- charge of duty. If he were exact in his demands upon . them, they knew he was no less so in his own respect for and submission to authority. His great principle of government was that a general rule should not be violated for any particular good : and his animating rule of action was. that a man could accomplish what he willed to perform. For ten years he prosecuted his unwearied labors as a professor, making during that period, in no questionable form, such an imjirex« upon those who. from time to time, were under his command, that when the war broke out the spontaneous senti- ment of every cadet and graduate was to serve under him as their leader. '• The habit of mind of Major Jackson, long before he made a public profession of religion, was reverential. Devoutlv recoMizing the authoritv of Go-{ CHAPTER V:i. SECOND MARRIAGE.— HOME LIFE.— 1857-1868. In writing these memoirs, it has been my aim, up to this period, to keep myself in the background as much as possible ; but in what follows, mj^ own life is so bound up with that of my husband that the reader will have to pardon so much of self as must necessarily be introduced to continue the story of his domestic life and to explain the letters that follow. I trust it will not be out of place to give a very brief insight into my early life, knowing full well that what- ever interest is awakened in me is only a reflected one, arising solely from the fact of my having been the wife of General Jackson. The home of my girlhood was a large, old-fashioned house, surrounded by an extensive grove of fine forest trees, on a plantation in Lincoln Countj^ North Carolina. My father, the Eev. Dr. R. H. Morrison, a Presbyterian minister, had in his earlier life been a pastor in towns, and was the first president of Davidson College, in North Carolina ; but, his health having failed, he sought a country home for rest and restoration, and reared his large family of ten children principally in this secluded spot, where he was able to preach to a group of country churches. He was graduated from the University of North Carolina, in the year 1818, in a class with President Polk, Bish- op Green, of Mississippi, and several other men of em- 90 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. inence in church and state. He was always a good student, and his own home furnished the best school for his children until the girls were old enough to be sent ofiP to boarding-school and tlie boj's to college.* * The Dames of these children were : 1st. Isabella, who married General D. H. Hill. 2d. 'William Wilberforce (of the Confederate army), who died in 186.5, a victim of the war. 3d. Harriet, married Mr. James P. Irwin, of Charlotte, N. C. 4th. Mary Anna, wife of General Thomas .1. Jackson. 5th. Eugenia, married General Rufus Barringer, of X. C. 6th. Susan, married Judge A. C. Avery, of N. C. 7th. Laura, married Colonel J. E. Brown, of Charlotte, N. C. 8th. Joseph Graham, married Jennie Davis, of Salisbury, N. C. 9th. Robert Hall, married Lucy Reid, of Iredell County, N. C. 10th. Alfred J., married Portia Lee Atkinson, daughter of Rev. Dr. J. M. P. Atkinson, of Hampden Sidney College, Virginia. Alfred, the Benjamin and flower of the flock, followed the sacred calling of his father. Gifted in mind and person and winning in manner, he gave promise of great usefulness in the church. He was settled as pastor of a Presbyterian church in Selma, Ala- bama,' where his labors had been greatly blessed, but at the end of six months his career was cut short by typhoid fever. My honored and beloved father long outlived his son, having attained the age of ninety years. As he died since this biography was commenced, I cannot refrain from quoting a brief tribute by my p.istor to his memory : " Descended from a sterling Scotch-Irish ancestry, he inherited those qualities of mind and heart which, hallowed by grace, made him an honor to the age and a blessing to the world. Called by the Saviour in the morning of life, he obeyed the voice of the gra- cious Shepherd, and followed Him faithfully to its close. Four times a year he read the Bible through from beginning to end, study- ing all the commentaries that could throw light upon its sacred pages. Those, with daily communion with God. and the reading of devotional books, were the sources of his truly heavenly piety. Literary tastes were sanctified, and mind and heart found their DR. MORRISON AND GENERAL GRAHAM. 91 In those good old times before the war many wealthy families lived upon their plantations, and the neigh- borhood in which my father lived was noted for its excellent society, retinement, and hospitality. My mother was Mary Graham,* daughter of General Jo- higliest satisfjiction and enjoyment in the green pastures of divine truth and beside the still waters of divine consolation. The grand doctrines of grace entered into and moulded his Christian experi- ence, and made him humble and prayerful, cheerful and strong, decided but liberal, active and zealous, steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. In his latter years all of his income — after providing for his personal wants — was de- voted to the Gospel, not restricting himself to his own, but assist- ing other denominations of Christians. " Davidson College, of which he was the founder, has risen to eminence among the institutions of America. It.s high standard commands the respect of the whole country, whilst the moral in- fluences which govern and surround it are unsurpassed. During the fifty-two years of its existence, it has given to the church two hundred ministers of the Gospel I Who is able to compute the sum total of blessing accruing to the world from this one source alone ? Who is able to measure its influence for good through all coming time ? And who is able to estimate the indebted- ness of society, the state, and the cluircli to its noble founder ? Davidson College is his monument, for which generations yet un- born will rise up and bless the name of Dr. Robert Hall Morrison. " He has left to his descendants the rich legacy of an honored name, a holy life, an elevated Christian character, and many fervent prayers which have been, and are yet to be, answered in blessings on their heads — a legacy infinitely more precious than all the diadems and treasures of earth." •The name of Graham recalls that of my mother's father. Gen- eral Joseph Graliam, a name well known in our Revolutionary annals. He entered the army at nineteen years of age. At tlie end of two yearsof arduous and responsilile service he was strick- en down by a severe and lingering illness, but returning health 92 UfE Of GEXEBAL THOXaS J. JaCKSOI:. seph Graham, and st^er of the Hod. William A. Gra- ham, who was successively GoreriKV of Xonh Caro- fina. United States SoaatM-. and Secretary of the Xary dmring Presidetit Filfanore''3 administration. Having seen a good dead oi the world in her yoong days, my moth^ was anxioas'to give her daughters the same pkasnre, and we were indulged in charming trips whenever it was practicaUe: bat. there being six ds^^ters, we had to take these trips by toms. My beantifol yoonger sister Engenia and I left sdnxd at the same time, came oat as yooi^ ladies together, and never were two sisters happier or more onited in mot- nal affiftrtinw and eonfidenee. We were simj^ ooon- tke war iaraded Ids owa Goiml Gie^ witMif tonuds llfci iii—iiil iifTtii I I |iii ihiih -GeBcninmes. ¥ormamftult» r« hmemB emnirj, said to be tke r advwBce had Beaiiy doaed Mb eaicer. Afio-aaay > to din« AoB back, he Sell, fiter- 'dU he lecover dna he Aefaid. The seniee vhick Btfv fcfl to Us lot .hasfaaBaad oftcBhadaoae; a^, woe i thei VISIT TO WASHIXGTOX. 93 tr}- maidens, knowing little of the world outside of our father's home, where all was purity, peace, and contentment. My first revelation of the gay world was a visit to my uncle Graham, in "Washington, during the last year of Mr. Fillmore's administration. Washington was then a rather small, old-fashioned city compared with its present expansion and magnificence, but to a little country girl, in 1853, it was the grandest and most charming place that she had ever seen. Two other young ladies were guests of my uncle at the same time, and we formed a most congenial and hap- py trio during my delightful stay of four months. Being "Cabinet ladies," we, of course, were invited to all the grand entertainments, and though none of us were dancing girls (for myself, as a minister's daughter, it would not have been considered proper), certainly we did not need it to complete our enjoy- ment. One of our red-letter evenings was a select social tea at the White House, the charming hostess. Miss Fill- more, being equal in cultivation and accomplishments to any one who has filled the position of " first lady of the land." Her mother was living, and, of course, took precedence of the daughter, but the latter was hostess to her young friends on this evening. We had some very delightful music on the harp, one lady sing- ing "Auld Eobin Gray" with exquisite beauty and pathos. Upon my return home, my younger sister, Eugenia, was to have a trip to Lexington, Virginia, which at that time was the home of our oldest sister, who had married Major D. H. HiU (afterwards general in the 94 LIKE OF GEXKKAL THOMAS J, JACKSON. Confederate army), a professor in Washington College. One of my father's ekler-s and friends, Eobert I. McDow- ell, was a delegate to the General Assembly at Philadel- phia, and kindly offered to escort Eugenia on her jour- ney. Having recently returned from so long a visit to Washington, it never entered into my head even to wish that 1 might be permitted to accompany my sis- ter, and my astonisiiment can be imagined when she came bounding into my room in a perfect ecstasy, ex- claiming: "Oh, sister, father says ijou may go, too!" Being a very dependent younger sister, and always shrinking, on account of shyness, from going any- where alone, it may be that she had put in a plea for me to accompany her that was irresistible ; but, at all events, no plan could have been more delightful than for us to make this visit together, and two more joy- ous young creatures never set out upon a journey, the entire unexpectedness of my being one of the party filling the cup of our happiness. At that time North Carolina had only a few rail- roads, none near to us, going north ; but there was one running from Charlotte to Charleston, South Carolina, and our escort chose this circuitous route, via Charles- ton, Wilmington, and Richmond, rather than travel by coach across the country. This long journey, instead of proving wearisome to us, was a source of genuine enjoyment, especially as we took it by easy stages. We spent one night in Columbia, which we bad time to see in its lovely May dress, with its enchanting old private gardens, with their wealth of flowers and evergreens. At Charles- ton we spent only a few hours, but our drive through it to take the steamer gave us a glimpse of this city FIRST VISIT TO LEXINGTON. 95 by the sea. Our rapture then reached its acme, when we beheld for the first time the ocean, and had a sail of twenty-four hours upon it to Wilmington. It was a perfect afternoon, the sunset was superb, and, as we escaped seasickness, we were able to enjoy every- thing:. From Wilminu-ton to Ilichraond we travelled bv rail, and expected at the latter place to part with our escort, but he chivalrously volunteered to see us to our journey's end, and accompanied us all the way to Lex- ington. From Staunton to Lexington we travelled by stage-coach. LTpon our arrival, my sister. Mrs. Hill, was as much surprised at seeing me as I was at being permitted to take tlie trip, for she was expect- ing only one of her young sisters to visit her that summer. General Hill has told of the links in the chain of Providence that led Major Jackson to Lexington. Of course, I cannot but look upon it as a sjiecial Provi- dence that led me there to meet him who was to be my future husband, and to know him as a friend, with- out tlie remotest idea, on liis part or mine, that we could ever be to each other anvthing more. Through the letters of Major and Mrs. Hill, we had heard of their friend. Major Jackson, and his engage- ment to Miss Elinor Junkin had been confided to them before we went to Lexington, so that before we met him we knew that he was soon to be married. He was very intimate at the house of Major Hill, and was the first gentleman to call ujion us, his regard for our relatives giving him a very friendly feeling towards us. His greeting was most cordial, and he ver\' soon offered his services in tlie kindest manner, telling us that if Major Hill was ever too much engaged to give 96 I^I^'E OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. US every needful attention, we must call upon him as we would upon a brother. My first impression was that he was more soldierly- looking than anything else, his erect bearing and mil- itary dress being quite striking ; but upon engaging in conversation, his open, animated countenance, and his clear complexion, tinged with the ruddy glow of health, were still more pleasing. The descriptions of his per- sonal appearance dififer so much that I must be per- mitted to give mine, which surely ought to be true to life. His head was a splendid one, large and finely formed, and covered with soft, dark-brown hair, which, if allowed to grow to any length, cui'led ; but he had a horror of long hair for a man, and clung to the con- ventional style, d la militaire, of wearing very close- cut hair and short side-whiskers. After he was per- suaded to turn out a full beard, it was much more be- coming to hira, his beard being a heavy and handsome brown, a shade lighter than his hair. His forehead was noble and expansive, and always fair, from its protection by his military cap. His eyes were blue- gray in color, large, and well-formed, capable of won- derful changes with his varying emotions. His nose was straight and finely chiselled, his mouth small, and his face oval. His profile was very fine. All his feat- ures were regular and symmetrical, and he was at all times manly and noble-looking, and when in robust health he was a handsome man. His manners were rather stiff, but they had a cer- tain dignity which showed that he was not an ordi- nary man. His uniform, consisting of a dark -blue frock-coat with shoulder-straps, double-breasted, and buttoned up to the chin with brass buttons, and fault- OUR "MILITARY ESCORT." 97 less white linen pantaloons, was very becoming to him. My young sister and I were at the age when girls can see fun in everything, and while fully appreciating the warmth of his kindness, we were silly enough to make ourselves very merry over the role he had as- sumed in offering himself as a brother to us, and we never looked upon him as a beau any more than we would upon a man who was already married. With this perfect understanding of the situation, we came to know him very intimately, a day rarely passing without his calling for a few moments; and having adopted us as his protei/ees, he came every Sunday evening to see if we were provided with escorts for church. My beautiful young sister was more of a belle than I, and was scarcely ever without an engage- ment of this kind, so it fell to my lot to share the brotherly wing of the major oftener than to her. I always felt that he would have chosen her first if the opportunity offered, but neither of us had any greater hesitation in accepting his escort than we would that of Major Hill. We both felt that he was a delightful and never-failing stand-by, as he always kept out of the way if any other young men wished to pay their respects, only offering his services when they were needed. But he often took us on long strolls into the country, and contributed in every way that he could to our enjoyment as long as he remained. We teased him a great deal, which he alwa>'S took good- naturedlj^ but never once admitted to us the fact of his engagement, and his fiancee and he were rarely seen together in public. This was in deference to her wishes, and they both kept their secret so well guard- 7 98 LliE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. ed that, when their marriage was announced it took the town by surprise. We were in Lexington at the time. He had bidden us good-by, and gone off in the beginning of his summer vacation, and we thouglit we had seen the last of the major, as we were to return home before his professorial duties called him back. That visit to Lexington, to us, was as charming as charming could be. Arriving there, as we did, in the month of May, that mountain country was arrayed in all its spring beauty, and there could not have been a more propitious season for social enjoyment to young^ people than just before the commencements of tlie two large institutions. We were there long enough in ailyance to make many pleasant acquaintances, and, that being the gay season of the town, there were a succession of entertainments and a round of par- ties, at which there was always music, but never danc- ing or card-playing. A more cultivated and religious community was not to be found; and the numerous young men there at the time, embracing ])rofessors, theological and college students, cadets, and citizens, seemed to vie with each other in showing courtesj^ to the young ladies, of whom there was an unusually large circle there that summer. After the commencements were over, the greater part of our acquaintances left for their homes, or for new scenes of recreation during the vacation. But even after the cessation of tlie round of gayety, and when the College and the Institute were empty, there were enough residents left to afford us a very delightful, though quiet, time to the end of our visit. One August morning we were taken by surprise when our friend Major Jackson suddenly dropped in, and our many exclamations of wonder at seeing him A SISTER'S MARRIAGE. 99 amused him as much as his unexpected appearance astonished us. The reunion was a merry one, and he spent an hour or more, calling for his favorite songa and seeming genuinely happy ; but not even a hint did he give us as to the object of liis return, although we plied him with all sorts of teasing questions. We saw him no more, but were electrified the next morn- ing at hearing that he and Miss EUie Junkin were married, and had gone North on a bridal tour ! After our return home, my sister and I became ab- sorbed in our old associations, and while retaining the most pleasant and grateful recollections of our kind friend Major Jackson, we lost sight of him entirely ; and as Major and Mrs. Hill removed from Lexington, our communication with the place was cut off. The following spring after our return, Eugenia was married to a young lawyer of Xorth Carolina, Mr. Rufus Barringer, who during the war became a gen- eral in the Confederate army. The loss of her sweet companionship was, up to that time, the greatest trial of my life. For three years after, I lived at home " in maiden meditation, fancy- free" — little dreaming what the future held in store for me ; for I can truthfully say that my fate was as much of a surprise to me as it couiJ. have been to any one else. We had heard with sincere sorrow and sympa- thy of the death of Mrs. Jackson ; but afterwards noth- ing was heard from the major, except in an incidental way. However, he was given to surpinses, and after returning from Eui'ope with restored health and spir- its he began to realize that life could be made bright and happy to him again, and in revolving this problem in his mind his first impulse was to open communica- L.ofC. 100 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. tion with his old friend Miss Anna Morrison, and see if she could not be induced to become a participant in attaining his desired happiness. So, to my great sur- prise, the first letter I ever received from him came to me expressing such blissful memories over reminis- cences of the summer we had been together in Lex- ington that my sister Eugenia laughed most heartily over it, and predicted an early visit from the major. Still, I was incredulous, and when her prediction was verified in a very short time, and I saw a tall form, in military dress, walking up from my father's gate, I could scarcely believe my senses. His visit was brief, as he had asked for a leave of absence in the midst of the session, promising to return on a certain day, and it mattered not how much success or fascina- tion enchained him, he would not indulge himself one moment beyond the limit of his time. My father was highly pleased with him as a Christian gentleman, and my mother was also favorably impressed, especially with his extreme politeness, so that his visit was one of mutual congeniality and enjoyment. I was always thankful that our acquaintance and friendship had been formed in a perfectly disinterested waj^, without a thought on either side that we should ever occupy a closer relation. He was a great advocate for marriage, appreciating the gentler sex so highly that whenever he met one of the "unappropriated blessings" under the type of truest womanhood, he would wish that one of his bach- elor friends could be fortunate enough to win her. Some extracts from his letters after our engage- ment will show the tenderness of his nature, and how with this human affection were mingled a boundless EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. 101 love and gratitude to Him who was the giver of all. Upon hearing of the death of an idolized little boy, the son of Major Hill, he writes : " I wrote to Major and Mrs. Hill a few days since, and my pra3'er is that this heavy affliction may be sanctified to them. I was not surprised that little M was taken away, as I have long regarded his father's attachment to him as too strong; that is, so strong that he would be unwilling to give him up, though God should call for his own. I do not believe that an attachment ever is, or can be, absolutely too strong for any object of our affections; but our love to God may not be strong enough. We may not love Him so intensely as to have no will but His. ... Is there not a comfort in prayer which is nowhere else to be found?" "April 25th, 1857. It is a great comfort to me to know that although I am not with you, yet you are in the hands of One who will not permit any evil to come nigh you. What a consoling thought it is to know that we may, with perfect confidence, commit all our friends in Jesus to the care of our Heavenly Father, with an assurance that all will be well with them ! . . . I have been sorely disappointed at not hearing from you this morning, but these disajjpoint- ments are aU designed for our good. '' In my daily walks I think much of you. I love to stroll abroad after the labors of the day are over, and indulge feelings of gratitude to God for all the sources of natural beauty with which he has adorned the earth. Some time since, my morning walks were ren- dered very delightful by the singing of the birds. The morning carolling of the birds, and their sweet notes 102 I^IFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON". in the evenino', awaken in me devotional feeling's of praise and thanksgiving, though very different in their nature. In the morning, all animated nature (man ex- cepted) appears to join in expressions of gratitude to God ; in the evening, all is hushing into silent slumber, and thus disposes the mind to meditation. And as my mind dwells on you, I love to give it a devotional turn, by thinking of you as a gift from our Heavenly Father. IIow delightful it is thus to associate every pleasure and enjoyment with God the Giver! Thus will He bless us, and make us grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Him, whom to know aright is life eternal." " May 7th. I wish I could be with you to-morrow at your communion. Though absent in body, yet in sj)irit I shall be present, and my prayer will be for your growth in every Christian grace. ... I take special pleasure in the part of my ])rayers in which I beg that every temporal and spiritual blessing may be yours, and that the glory of God may be the con- trolling and absorbing thougiitof our lives in our new relation. It is to me a great satisfaction to feel that our Heavenly Father has so manifestly ordered our xmion. I believe, and am persuaded, that if we but walk in His commandments, acknowledffinff Him in all our ways. He will shower His blessings upon us. How delightful it is to feel that we have such a friend, who changes not I The Christian's recogni- tion of God in all His works greatly enhances his en- joyment." " May 16th. There is something very pleasant in HIS SECOND MARRIAGE. 103 the thought of your mailing me a letter every Mon- day ; such manifestation of regard for the Sabbath must be well-pleasing in the sight of God. Oh that all our people would manifest such a regard for his holy day ! If we would all strictly observe his holy laws, what would not our country be 'i . . . When in prayer for you last Sabbath, the tears canie to my eyes, and I realized an unusual degree of emotional tender- ness. I have not yet fully analyzed my feelings to my satisfaction, so as to arrive at the cause of such emo- tions ; but I am disposed to think that it consisted in the idea of the intimate relation existing between you, as the object of my tender affection, and God, to whom I looked up as my Heavenly Father. I felt that day as if it were a C(^mmunion day for myself." . . . " June 20th. I never remember to have felt so touch- ingly as last Sabbath the pleasure springing from the thought of prayers ascending for my welfare from one tenderly beloved. There is something very de- lightful in such spiritual communion." On the 16th of July, 1857, we were married. It was a quiet little home wedding, and the ceremony was performed by a favorite old ministerial friend of mine, Eev. Dr. Druiy Lacy. • My father could not trust his emotional nature enough to marry any of his daughters. Whether or not it was in his usual formula, or whether he was impressed by the very determined and unbending look of the mihtary bridegroom. Dr. Lacy made him promise to be an " indulgent husband," laying special stress upon the adjective ; but he was 104 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. equally emphatic in exacting obedience on the part of the bride. The most memorable incident of the occasion to me was that my trousseau, wliich had been ordered from New York in am])le time, arrived only a few hours before the ceremony, and I had been compelled to improvise a bridal outKt, in the certain expectation of disappointment. However, the old adage " All's well that ends well" was verified in this case, as every article of my ordering was a perfect fit, and entirely satisfactory ; and the trustful major had reassured rae all along that they would come in time. This was one of the "special providences" which he loved to re- count. His bridal gifts to me were a beautiful gold watch and a lovely set of seed pearls. A few days after our marriage we set out upon a Northern tour. The trip included visits to Richmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Saratoga, and Ni- agara. In New York we saw almost everything that was to be seen in the way of sicrht-seeino:, even climb- ing to the top of the spire of Trinity Church, to take a bird's-eye view of the magnificent panorama which it overlooks. The view was indeed grand, embracing the whole city — graceful, sparkling rivers; the bay and sound, studded with vessels in motion and at rest ; and beautiful rural scenery stretching out as far as the eye could reach. But the places that combined the greatest amount of interest and pleasure were Niagara and Saratoga. No man delighted more in viewing the grand and won- derful works of the Creator, and in looking " through nature up to nature's God." At Saratoga he took not a particle of interest in the gay and fashionable IN THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA. 105 throng, but the natural beauties of the place charmed him, and he found a delightful recreation in rowing me over the lovely lake, whose placid waters were, at that time, covered with water-lilies. After completing this delightful l^J'orthem tour, we wended our way to the Rockbridge Alum Sjirings, a very pleasant mountain resort in the Valley qf Vir- ginia, and only a few hours from Lexington. Here we remained several weeks, or until the beginning of the session at the Institute ; enjoying the quiet, and spending the time in reading, walking, and sitting in the woods ; the delicious mountain air and fine scenery giving a zest to existence, and sending us away regretfully when duty called us home. Major Jackson derived great benefit from the mineral waters of the Rockbridge Alum Springs, and it was a favorite resort of his. Upon our return to Lexington we livetl for a few months at the best hotel in the place ; but he was not at all fond of boarding, and longed for the time when he could have a home of his own. In a letter to a friend he saj's : " I hope in the course of time we shall be able to call some house our home, where we may have the pleasure of receiving a long visit from you. I shall never be content until I am at the head of an establishment in which my friends can feel at home in Lexington. I have taken the first important step by securing a wife capable of making a happy home, and the next thing is to give her an opportunity." Doctor Dabney truly says of General Jackson that " in no man were the domestic affections ever more tender and noble. He who saw only the stern, self- denying soldier in his quarters, amidst the details of 106 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. the commander's duties, or on the field of battle, could scarcely comprehend the gentle sweetness of his home life. There the cloud, which to his enemies was only night and tempest, displayed nothing but the ' silver lining.' In his household the law of love reigned : his own pattern was the chief stimulus to duty ; and his sternest rebuke, when he beheld any recession from gentleness or propriety, was to say, half tenderly, half sadly : ' Ah ! that is not the way to be happy !' " Bayard Taylor's beautiful lines : "Tlie bravest are tlie tenderest. The loving are the daring," found a true exemplification in him, of which his letters will be the best proof. A few months after our marriage he proposed that we should study together the Shorter Catechism as a Sabbath-afternoon exercise, and it was not long until we committed it to memory — he reciting it to me with perfect accuracy from beginning to end. This he had not been taught in his \'outh, although he had read it carefully before committing himself to Presby- terianism. He considered it a model of sound doc- trine, as he did also the Confession of Faith ; but his chief study was the Bible itself, which was truly " a lamp unto his feet, and a light unto his path." After boarding more than a year, he finally suc- ceeded in purchasing a house in Lexington, the only available one he could obtain, and it was his intention to sell it and build one to suit himself in the course of time. But unsuitable as this large, old house was for his small family, it was genuine happiness to him to have a home of his own : it was the first one he had ever possessed, and it was truly his castle. He lost UNDER OUR OWX ROOF-TREE. lor no time in going to work to repair it and make it comfortable and attractive. His tastes were simple, but he liked to have everything in perfect oi-der — every door " on golden hinges softly turning,"' as he expressed it; "a place for everything, and everything in its place ;" and under his methodical management THE JACKSON DWELLING, LEXINGTON. his household soon became as regular and well-or- dered as it was possible for it to be with negro ser- vants. His furniture was very plain, though of ex- cellent materials; but simplicity itself marked every article. A lady said it was just her idea of a Chris- tian home. He believed in providing his family with every comfort and convenience, for which he spared 108 LIFE 0¥ GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. no expense. lie was intensely fond of his home, and it was there he found his greatest happiness. Tiiere all that was best in his nature shone forth, shedding sweetness and light over his household. Those who knew General Jackson only as they saw him in public would have found it hard to believe that there could be such a transformation as he exhibited in his domestic life. He luxuriated in the freedom and liberty of his home, and his buoyancy and joyous- ness of nature often ran into a playfulness and abatv- don that would have been incredible to those who saw him only when he put on his official dignity. The overflowing sunshine of his heart was a reflection from the Sun of liighteousness, and he always said we could not love an earthly creature too much if we only loved God more. He was generous but unosten- tatious in his mode of living, and nothing gave him more pleasure than to welcome his friends to his sim- ple and hospitable home. He particularly delighted in entertaining ministers of the Gospel. His garden was a source of very great pleasure to him : he worked in it a great deal with his own hands, and cultivated it in quite a scientific way. He stud- ied Buist's Kitchen Garden, and had an elaborate cal- endar for planting, which was given him by an en- thusiastic brother-ofiicer in the army. So successful was he as a gardener that he raised more vegetables than his family could consume. His early training upon his uncle's farm had instilled into him a love for rural pursuits, and it was not long until he gratified his desire to possess a little farm of his own, which embraced twenty acres near town. Here, with the aid of his negroes, he raised wheat, corn, and other ORDER OF THE DAYS DUTIES. 109 products, and every year his crops and land improved under his diligent care. This farm he sold during the war, and invested the proceeds in Confederate bonds to assist the government. His life at home was perfectly regular and system- atic. He arose about six o'clock, and first knelt in secret prayer; then he took a cold bath, which was never omitted even in the coldest days of winter. This was followed by a brisk walk, in rain or shine (for with a pair of india-rubber cavalry boots and a heavy army overcoat he was independent of the weath- er), and he returned, looking the picture of freshness and animation. Seven o'clock was the hour for family prayers, which he required all his servants to attend prompt- ly and regularly. He never waited for any one, not even his wife. Breakfast followed prayers, after which he left im- mediately for the Institute, his classes opening at eight o'clock and continuing until eleven. He was engaged in teaching only three hours a day, except for a few weeks before the close of the session, when the artillery practice demanded an additional hour in the afternoon. Upon his return home at eleven o'clock, he devoted himself to study until one. The first book he took up daily was his Bible, which he read with a commentary, and the many pencil-marks upon it showed with what care he bent over its pages. From his Bible lesson he turned to his text-books, which engaged him until dinner, at one o'clock. Dur- ing these hours of study he would not permit any in- terruption, and stood all that time in front of a high desk, which he had had made to order, and upon 110 LIFE OF GENEKAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. which he kept his books and stationery. After din- ner he gave himself up for half an hour or more to leisure and conversation, and this was one of the briglitest periods in the home life. He then went into his garden, or out to his farm to supei'intend his servants, and frequently joined them in manual labor. He would often drive nie out to the farm, and find a shady spot for me under the trees, while he attended to the work of tlie field. When this was not the case, he always returned in time to take me, if tlie weather permitted, for an ev^ening walk or drive. In summer we often took our drives by moonlight, and in that beautiful Valley of Virginia tlie queen of night seemed to shine with more brightness than anywhere else ; but, leaving all romance out of the question, there could be no more delightful way of spending the long summer evening. When at home, he would indulge himself in a season of rest and recreation after supper, thinking it was injurious to health to go to work im- mediately. As it was a rule with him never to use his eyes by artificial light, he formed the habit of study- ■ ing mentally for an hour or so without a book. After going over his lessons in the morning, he thus re- viewed them at night, and in order to abstract his thoughts from surrounding objects — a liabit which he had cultivated to a remarkable degree — he would, if alone with his wife, ask that he miglit not be dis- turbed by any conversation, and he would tiien take his seat with his face to the wall, and remain in perfect abstraction until he finished his mental task, when he would emerge with a bright and cheerful face into social enjoyment again. He was very fond of being read to, and much of our time in the even- HIS "STUDY" AT HOME. HI ings was passed in my ministering to him in this way. At first he fitted up a study for himself, but having no children, he gradually came to making our large, pleas- ant living-room his study, and finally moved his up- right desk into it, having become assured that he would meet with no interruption, either in his morn- ing work, or when he sat with face to the wall, as silent and as dumb as the sphinx, reviewing his les- sons in the evening. He had a library, which, though small, was select, composed chiefly of scientitic, his- torical, and religious books, with some of a lighter character, and some in Spanish and French. Nearly all of them were full of his pencil marks, made with a view to future reference. The few years spent so happily and peacefully in this little home were unmarketl by an j' events important to the outside world. One little bud of promise was sent for a brief period to awaken new hopes of do- mestic joy and comfort, but it pleased God to trans- plant it to heaven before these hopes could be real- ized. The father, in announcing the arrival of the infant to its grandmother, commences thus : " Dear mother, we have in our home circle a darling little namesake of yours, and she is a bright little one, her father being the judge. . . ." And he concludes by say- ing : " I hope it will not be many years before our little Mary Graham will be able to send sweet little mes- sages to you all." The child lived only a few weeks, and its loss was a great, very great, sorrow to him. But here, as always, religion subdued every murmur. Great as was his love for children, his spirit of sub- mission was greater, and even in this bitter disappoint- ment he bowed uncomplaining to his Father's will. CHAPTEK Vin. HOME LIFE CONTINUED— 1868-1859. The summer of 1858 was ushered in with sorrow, bringing my first taste of bitter bereavement. Soon after the loss of om- first-born, another crushing stroke came in the death of my sister Eugenia, who had always been to me like a twin sister, so united and happy had been our early lives together. She left two little chil- dren motherless, and I was not permitted to be with her at the time of her death ; so it seemed as if my cup of trial was full. But all that love and sympathy could suggest to alleviate a first grief was done for me by my good husband, and his own beautiful example of resignation and cheerfulness was a rebuke to me. That summer was spent at the North. He was never willing to be separated from his wife, unless duty or necessity required it — his desire being to share his every pleasure with her, without whom it would not be complete. His vacations were seasons of great recreation and enjoyment to him. He was fond of travelling, and liked the bracing climate of the North- ern States. When worn down by the labors of his professorship, he used to say that he hatl " a periodical longing to go Xorth," and this he gratified every sum- mer after our marriage, until the beginning of the war. He always returned home much refreshed and bene- fited by these excursions. IN THE CITY OF XEW YORK. II3 He had never visited Fortress Monroe, and he seemed to think that was a duty he owed himself; so this summer of 1858 we took that point in our route, and spent a few days there — he passing much of his time in the fort, and acquainting himself with every part of it. We then went by steamer to Cape May, where he luxuriated in the surf bathing. Another delightful trip b\- steamer took us to New York, whei'e we spent several weeks, for the purpose of having his throat treated by a specialist. He was affected with a slight bronchial trouble, but was not at all an invalid in any other respect. While in the city, a part of each day was devoted to sight-seeing. He generally went out alone in the morning on an exploring expedition, being an indefatigable walker, and then he would re- turn and take me to the ])laces which he thought would most interest me. Tims the time was passed most agreeably in driving and seeing every place of interest in and around the city. The Diisseldorf Art Gallery was a favorite place of resort, for while he had but little knowledge of art, he had a natural love for it. After spending the mornings in this way, he enjoyed nothing so much in the evenings as to stay quietly at home and have me read to him. This sum- mer was devoted to Shakespeare, and he was a most attentive and appreciative listener. Whenever a pasr sage struck him, he would say, " Mark that," and many were the interruptions of this kind. The even- ings were sometimes varied by attending a con- cert. The opening of the fall term of the Military Insti- tute always found him at his post, and our return home was a joyful time both to us and our domestics. 1]4. LIFE OF GENERAL TUOIIAS J. JACKSO.V. As these servants will frequently be mentioned in his letters, a short account of them may not be un- interesting. The first slave he ever owned was a man named Albert, who came to him and begged that he would buy him on the condition that he might be per- mitted to emancipate himself by a return of the pur- chase-money, as he would be able to pay it in annual instalments. Major Jackson granted his request, al- though he had to wait several years before tlie debt could be paid, and my impression is that it was not fully paid when the war broke out. This man, Al- bert, hired himself as a hotel-waiter, and was never an inmate of our family, except on one occasion, when he had a long spell of illness, and his master took him to his home to care for liim as an act of humanity, for Albert hail no family of his own. Every morning my husband paid him a call to see how he was getting along and what he needed ; and one morning, as he came in from one of these visits, his face was so con- vulsed with laugliter that he had to drop into a seat and give full vent to the explosion before he was able to explain tiie cause of it. Albert had been committed to the ministrations of our two maid -servants, with the expectation that he would be well cared for by these colored sisters ; but probably he was not grate- ful enough for their services, or their tender mercies towards him may have grown cruel. At all events, he complained of their neglect and ill-treatment, which he summed up by saying that he "had nt-cer hcen so bedevilled by two icomen in his life!" It was tiiis disgusted and dolorous recital of his woes that had amused the major so intensely. The next servant that came into his possession was HIS SERVANTS.— DEATH OF "AUNT AMY." H5 an old woman, Amy, who was about to be sold for debt, and who sought from him a deliverance from her troubles. This was some time before our marriage, when he had no use for her services ; but his kind heart was moved by her situation, and he yielded to her entreaties, and gave her a home in a good. Chris- tian family, until he had one of his own. She proved her gratitude by serving him faithfully. She was one of the best of colored cooks, and was a real treasure to me in my new experience as a housekeeper. After our home was broken up by the war, old Aunt Amy languished and died in the house of a colored woman in Lexington, her master paying all iier expenses of board, medical attendance, and comforts. She was not suffered to want for anything, a kind friend then looking after her, at his request, and providing for her suitable burial. Hardly had this poor old servant breathed her last when the friend who had been engaged to care for her wrote to General Jackson to inform him of her death. And though he was then in the field, with other things to think of, he said the reading of it " moved him to tears." In it the friend writes : ..." I could have wished that your letter had come a few hours earher, that poor Aunt Amy's heart might have been refreshed by the evidences of your Christian remembrance and kindness. Before it reached me, she had passed beyond the need of earth- Iv aid or sympathy, and I do trust was an adoring, wondering spirit before the Throne. She died last night at midnight without any fsar, and, as I believe, with a simple reliance on Jesus for salvation. It was 116 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSO>f. only the death of a poor slave— a most insignificant thing in men's eyes — and yet may we not hope that there Avas joy in heaven over another ransomed soul — one in whom the Saviour saw the result of ' his travail ' and was ' satisfied.' ... I called to see her a few minutes last Friday — found her sitting up, though suffering much. She told me that she wanted to thank you for that money, and to let you know about her. She expressed entire resignation to God's will, and trust in Christ alone. ... I knew that it would be your wish that she should liave a well-(,rdered burial, so Dr. White attended, and my servants tell uie that it is many a day since so large a colored funeral has been seen in Lexington. It may seem very need- . less to write so minutely about a poor old servant, but I am sure your true Christian feeling will appreciate all that I have told you of the humble faith of this saved soul, gathered from your own household. The cup of cold water you have ministered to this poor disciple may avail more in the Master's eye than all the brilliant deeds with which you may glorify your countr3''s battle-fields. So differently do man and his Maker judge !" Hetty, our chambermaid. and laundress, was an im- portation from North Carolina. She had been my nurse in infancy, and from this fact there had always existed between us a bond of mutual interest and at- tachment. As she wished to live with me, my father transferred to me the ownership of herself and her two boys. Hetty was sent as a nurse to our first child, from her plantation-home in North Carolina to Lex- ington, and made the journey all alone, which was HETTY AND HER BOYS. 117 quite a feat for one so inexperienced as a •• corn field hand," in which capacity she had served for years. After travelling by stage-coach and railroad as far as Richmond (altiiough she did not go down into South Carolina, around Eobin Hood's Barn, and back again into North Carolina, as my sister Eugenia and I had done), she had to change cars, and being sorely be- wildered m finding her train, she was asked where she was going, and her discouraged reply was : " Why, I'm going to Virginia, but the Lord knows whether I'll ever get there or not !" She did, however, turn up all right at the end of her destination, and was so rejoiced at finding her young mistress at last that her demonstrations were quite touching, as she laughed and cried by turns. That she was fully equal to taking care of herself is instanced by the following : On her return to North Carolina during the war, she was again travelling alone, and while changing trains she saw a man pick up her little, old hair trunk — her own personal property, con- taining all her valuables — and suspecting his honesty, with a determination to stand up for her rights, she called out to him peremptorily : " I\it dmon that trunk ; that's General Jachson's t runic P'' Hetty was an energetic, impulsive, quick-tempered woman, with some fine traits, but inclined to self- assertion, particularly as she felt her importance in being so much tlie senior of her new master and mis- tress. But she soon realized, from the spirit which " commanded his household after him," that her only course must be that of implicit obedience. After learn- ing this lesson she toned down into a well-mannered, useful domestic, and indeed she became a factotum in 118 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. the household, rendering valuable service in the house, garden, and upon the farm. The latter, however, was her favorite field of labor, for the freedom of the country was as sweet to her as to the birds of the air. She became devoted to her master, was the nurse to his infant child at the time of his death, and was a sincere mourner for hira, her tears flowing freely; and she said she had lost her best friend. Hetty's two boys, Cyrus (called Cy) and George, be- tween the ages of twelve and sixteen, were pure, una- dulterated Africans, and ilajor Jackson used to say that if these boys were left to themselves they would be sure to go back to barbarism ; and yet he was un- wearying in his efforts to elevate them. At his re- quest I taught them to read, and he required them to attend regularly family worship, Sunday-school, and church. He was a very strict but kind master, giv- ing to his servants " that which is just and equal,"' but exacting of them prompt obedience. He thought the best rule for both parents and masters was, after mak- ing prohibitory laws and knowing they were under- stood, never to threaten, but punish, for first offences, and make such an impression that the offence would not be repeated. When a servant left a room without closing the door, he would wait until he had reached the kitchen, and then call him back to shut it, thereby giving him extra trouble, which generally insured his remembrance the next time. His training made the colored servants as polite and pvinctual as that race is capable of being, and his system soon showed its good effects. They realized that if they did their duty they would receive the best of treatment from liim. At Christmas he was LITTLE EMMA. 119 generous in presents, and frequently gave them small sums of money. There was one other little servant in the family, named Emma, whom tlie master took under his shel- tering roof at the solicitation of an aged lady in town, to whom the child became a care after having been left an orphan. The arrangement was made during my absence from home, and without my knowledge, my husband thinking that, although Emma was of the tender age of only four years, she would make a nice little maid for me in the future. On my return he took great pleasure in surprising me with this new present, which, by the way, proved rather a trouble- some one at first, but with the lapse of time she be- came useful, though never a treasure. She was not bright, but he persevered in drilling her into memor- izing a child's catechism, and it was a most amusing picture to see her standing before him with fixed at- tention, as if she were straining every nerve, and recit- ing her answers with the drop of a courtesy at each word. She had not been taught to do this, but it was such an effort for her to learn that she assumed this motion involuntarily. The other animate possessions of the family were a good-looking horse (named, from his color. Bay), two splendid milch cows, and a lot of chickens. Bay was also bought during my absence, and after coming to meet me at Goshen with a horse and buggy, on our homeward ride I commented on the nice appearance of the horse, when my husband smilingly replied : " I am very thankful that you like him, for he is your own propert3^" He had a playful way of applying the pronoun your to all the common possessions of the 120 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. family, and so persistently did he practise this pleas- antry that he applied it to himself and all his indi- vidual belongings, of which he always spoke to me as " your husband," " your cap," " 3'our house," and even " your salary !" Upon the occasion of a visit from ray mother to us, he went out and, unexpectedly to me, bought a rockaway, saying she was not strong enough to walk all over town, and he wanted her to see and enjoy everything while she was with us. A little incident will show the kindness and tender- ness of his heart. A gentleman who spent the night with us was accompanied by his daughter, but four years of asre. It was the first time the child had been separated from her mother, and my husband, fearing she might miss the watchfulness of a woman's heart, suggested that she should be committed to my care during the nigiit, but she clung to her father. After his guests had both sunk into slumber, the father was aroused by some one leaning over his little girl and drawing the covering more closely around her. It w^as only his thoughtful host, who felt anxious lest his little guest should miss her mother's guardian care un- der his roof, and he could not go to sleep himself until he was satisfied that all was well with the child. In his home no man could have been more unre- strained and demonstrative, and his buoyancy and sportiveness were quite a revelation to me when I became a sharer in the privacy of his inmost life. These demonstrations and playful endearments he kept up as long as he lived ; time seeming only to intensify instead of diminishing them. One morning he returned from a very early artil- lery drill, for which he had donned full regimentals, HIS ABANDON' IN HIS OWN HOME. 121 as it was during cominencenient time, and he never looked more noble and handsome than when he en- tered his chamber, sword in hand. He playfully be- gan to brandish the sword over his wife's head, look- ing as ferocious and terrible as a veritable Bluebeard, and asking her if she was not afraid. His acting was so realistic that, for a moment, the timid httle woman did quail, which he no sooner saw than he threw down his sword, and, in a perfect outburst of glee, speedily transformed himself into the very an- tipode of a wife-killer. He would often hide himself behind a door at the sound of the approaching footstep of his wife, and spring out to greet her with a startling caress. During the spring of 1859 I was not well, and as he always wished me to have the best medical attention the country afforded, he took me to New York for treatment, where I was obliged to remain several weeks. As it was the time of his session, he could not stay with me, so he had to return to his duties and spend all those weeks by himself. It was our first separation, and our home seemed very lonely to him. Every day that a letter could make the trip without travelling on Sunday he was heard from, and I hope that I do not trespass in delicacy or propriety in permitting others to see so much of these letters as will show the abound- ing sweetness of his home-life. On his return, after leaving me in New York, in March, 1859, he writes : " I got home last night in as good health as when I gave my darling the last kiss. Hetty and Amy came to the door when I rang, but would not open until I gave my name. They made much ado about my not 122 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSO.V. bringing you home. Your husband has a sad heart. Our house looks so deserted without my e.9j)osa.* Home is not home without my httle dove. 1 love to talk to you, little one, as though you were here, and tell you how much I love you, but that will not give you the news. . . . During our absence the ser- vants appear to have been faithful, and I am well pleased with the manner in which they discharged their duties. George came to me to-day, saying he had filled all the wood-boxes, and asked permission to go lishing, which was granted. . . . You must be cheerful and happy, remembering that you are some- body's sunshine." " April 27th. All your fruit-trees are yielding fruit this yeai". AVhen George brought home your cow this morning, she was accompanied by one fine little rep- resentative of his sire, and it would do your heart good to see your big cow and your little calf, and to see what a fine prospect there is for an abundant supply of milk. . . . We had lettuce for dinner to-day from your hot-bed. Heretofore I have been behind Cap- tain Hayden's calendar for gardening, which he wrote out for me; but this day brings me up with it, and I hope hereafter to follow it closely. I have arranged under each month its programme for the different days, so I have but to look at the days of the month, and follow its directions as they come." . . . * When in Mexico, he had become so familiar with the Spanish language that he was constantly nsing Spanish words and phrases, especially the terms of endearment, whicli are so musical. Thus, his wife was always his esposa, or, if he wished to use the dimin- utive, his esposita (liis little wife), while he was her esposo — pet names that recur constantly in his letters. LETTERS TO HIS WIFE. 123 " May 7th. I received only three letters last week, and have only one so far this week, but ' hope springs eternal in the human breast ;' so you see I am becoming quite poetical since listening to a lecture on the subject last evening. . . . I send you a flower from your garden, and could have sent one in full bloom, but I thought this one, which is just opening, would be in a better state of preservation when ray little dove receives it. You must not give yourself any concern about your e.er s Ferry, an active movement towards repelling the enemy is, of coui-se, expected. I trust that through the blessing of God we shall soon be given an opportunity of driving the invaders from this region." " IIeadqcarters First Virgini.\ Brigade, Ca.mp Stephens, June 32d. "My darling esposita. I am at present about four miles north of Martinsburg. and on the road leading to Williamsport, Maryland. General Johnston ordered me to Martinsburg on last Wednesday, and there ap- peared to be a prospect for a battle on Thursday, but the enemy withdrew from our side of the river. Our troops are very anxious for an engagement, but this is the second time the enem^' have retreated before our advance. However, we may have an engagement an}-^ day. Eumor reports the Federal troojis as concentrat- ing near Shepherdstown, on the Maryland side of the Potomac. A great number of families have left their homes. By order of General Johnston I have de- stroyed a large number of locomotives and cars on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. ... I have just learned MOVEMENTS IN THE FIELD. 163 that the enemy are again crossing into Virginia at Williamsport, and I am making the necessary arrange- ments for advancing to meet them." "Monday morning, June 2J:th. I advanced with Colonel J. W. Allen's regiment and Captain Pendle- ton's Battery, but the enemy retreated across the river, and, after reconnoitring their camp, I returned to my present position, four miles north of Martinsburg. The Federal troops were in two camps, one estimated at about six hundred, and the other at nine hundred. You spoke of the cause of the South being gloomy. It is not so here. I am well satisfied that the enemy are afraid to meet us, and our troops are anxious for an engagement. A few days since Colonel A. P. Hill, who had been sent to Eomney, despatched a detach- ment to burn a bridge eighteen miles west of Cumber- land. The enterprise was successful. The enemy lost two guns and their colors. I regret to see our ladies making those things they call ' liavelocks ' [a cover- ing to protect the head and neck from the sun], as their time and money could be much more usefully employed in providing haversacks for the soldiers, many of whom have none in which to carry their ra- tions. I have been presented with three Havelocks, but I do not intend to wear them, for, as far as I am concerned, I shall show that such protection is unnec- essary in this climate." "Berkeley County, June 28tb. ..." I am bivouacking. I sleep out of doors without any cover except my bedding, but have not felt any inconvenience from it that I am aware of in the way of impaired health. Last evening, opposite Williams- 164 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. port, one of our men was shot in the abdomen by tne enem}^ but he is still living, and I trust will recover. I am inclined to think it was done by a A-^irginian rather than a Northerner. There is a great deal of disloyalty in this county, although it has diminished. Mr. Edwin Lee, son-in-law of General Pendleton, is my aid, and Sandy Pendleton is my ordnance officer and acting adjutant -general. Last night the news came, after I had retired, that the enemy had packed their wagons with baggage, thus indicating a move in some direction. I didn't trouble my command, but merely gave such orders as were necessarj' to prevent their approach without giving me timely notice; but, in consequence, I had my rest disturbed, and am feel- ing the effects of it to-day. Yesterday Lieutenant Bowman, of the Eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, who was captured some time since opposite "Williamsport by Colonel J. E. B. Stuart, of the cav- alry, and now in Richmond on his parole of honor, sent a letter via here to Williamsport which required us to send a flag of truce. All went off well." The next letter was written upon a sheet which had been captured from the Federals. It was boi-dered all around with an edge of bright red, and at the top of the first page, in the left-hand corner, was a gayly colored picture of the statue of Liberty, holding over her head a United States flag, and beneath her feet were the words " Onward to Victory !" " Darkesville, July 4th. " My precious darling, day before yesterday I learned that the enemy had crossed the Potomac and THE FIRST ENGAGEMENT. 165 were advancing upon me. I immediately ordered my command under arms, and gave such instructions as I desired to have carried out until I should be heard from again, and with Captain Pendleton's Battery and one regiment of Virginia volunteers advanced to meet the Federal troops. After proceeding to the locality which had been indicated as occupied by them, and ascertain- ing the position of their advance, I made the necessary movement for bringing a small part of my force into action. Soon the firing commenced, and the advance of the enemy was driven back. Tliey again advanced, and were repulsed. My men got possession of a house and barn, which gave them a covered position and an eifective fire; but hnding that the enemy were en- deavoring to get in my rear and that my men were being endangered, I gave the order to their colonel that, if pressed, he must fall back, lie obeyed, and fell back. The artillery of the foe opened upon me, and I directed Captain Pendleton to take a favorable position in rear and return their fire with one gun. His first ball cleared the road, which was occupied by the enemy." [It is said that, before firing this first ball upon the enemy, the reverend officer lifted his eyes to heaven and uttered the prayer, " Lord, have mercy upon their souls !"] " I still continued to fall back, checking the enemy when it became necessary, so as to give time for my baggage to get into column at camp before I should arrive there, as one of my ob- jects in advancing was to keep the enemy from reach- ing my camp before my wagons could get out of the way. Besides my cavalry, I had only one regi- ment engaged, and one cannon, though I had ordered up two other regiments, so as to use them if necessary. 166 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. My cannon fired only eight times, while the enemy fired about thirty-five times ; but the first fire of Cajv tain Pendleton's Battery was probably worth more than all of theirs. 1 desired, as far as practicable, to save my ammunition. Mj' orders from General John- ston required me to retreat in the event of the advance in force of the enemy, so as soon as I ascertained that he was in force I obeyed my instructions. I had twelve wounded and thirteen killed and missing. My cavalry took forty -nine prisoners. A number of the enemy were killed, but I do not know how. manj'. As I obeyed my orders, and fell back, after ascertainins: that the Federals were in force, the killed of the ene- my did not fall into our hands. My officers and men behaved beautifully, and were anxious for a battle, this being on!}' a skirmish. [The afl'air was known as that of " Falling Waters.'"] I wrote out my oificial re- port last night, and think General Johnston forward- ed it to Eichmond. This morning one of his staff-ofil- cers told me that the general had i-ecommended me for a brigadier-general. I am very thankful that an ever-kind Providence made me an instrument in carry- ing out General Johnston's orders so successfully. . . . The enemy are celebrating the 4th of July in Mar- tinsburg, but we are not observing the day." Upon his return to Winchester he received the fol- lowing note from General Lee : '• Richmond, V.\., July 3d, 1861. " My dear general, I have the pleasure of sending you a commission of brigadier-general in the Provis- ional Army, and to feel that you merit it. May your advancement increase your usefulness to the State. " Very truly. K. E. Lee." IS MADE A BRIGADIER GENERAL. 167 His surprise and gratification at his promotion are expressed in the following letter : " I have been officially informed of my promotion to be a brigadier-general of the Provisional Array of the Southern Confederacy, but it was prior to my skir- mish with the enemy. My letter from the Secretary of War was dated 17th of June. Thinking it would be gratifying to you, I send the letters of Generals Lee and Johnston. From the latter you will see that he desired my promotion for my conduct on the 2d and 3d instant. On the 3d I did nothing more than join General Johnston. My promotion was beyond what I anticipated, as I only expected it to be in the volunteer forces of the State. One of my greatest desires for advancement is the gratification it will give my darling, and [the opportunity] of serving my country more efficiently. I have had all that I ought to desire in the line of promotion. I should be very ungrateful if I were not contented, and exceedingly thankful to our kind Heavenly Father. May his bless- ing ever rest on you is my fervent prayer. Try to live near to Jesus, and secure that peace which flows like a river." In the next letter he alludes to the destruction of the property of the Baltimore and Ohio Eailroad by the command of General Johnston : ..." It was your husband that did so much mischief at Martinsburg. To destroy so many fine locomotives, cars, and railroad property was a sad work, but I had my orders, and my duty was to obey. If the cost of 168 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. the property could only have been expended in dis- seminating the gospel of the Prince of Peace, how much good might have been expected ! . . . You must not be concerned at our falling back to this place [Winchester]. . . . One of the most tr\Mng things here is the loss of sleep. Last night I was awakened by a messenger from the house of a friend where some cav- alry had stopped. One of his fair daughters took it into her head that the cavalry belonged to the enemy, whereupon she wrote me a note, much to my discom- fort ; but the field-officer of the day went over to ex- amine into the case, and found the officer in command was one of his friends. The people here are very kind ; so much so that I have to decline many invitations to accept their hospitalities. At present I am in a very comfortable building, but we are destitute of furni- ture, except such things as we have been able to gather together. I am very thankful to our Heavenly Father for having given me such a fine brigade." "Winchester, July 16th. ..." Last evening the enemy encamped at Bunker Hill, about ten miles from us, and this morning we would have given them a warm reception had they advanced, but we have heard nothing respecting their movements to-day. The news from the Northwest is unfavorable, as j-ou have probably seen in the papers, but we must not be discouraged. God will, I am well satisfied, in His own good time and way, give us the victory. ... In reply to your queries, I am sleeping on the floor of a good room, but I have been sleei^ing out in camp several weeks, and generally found that it agreed with me well, except when it rained, and even HIS CHEERFGL, HOPEFUL SPIRIT. 169 then it was but slightly objectionable. I find that sleeping in the open air, with no covering but my blankets and the blue sky for a canopy, is more re- freshing than sleeping in a room. My table is rather poor, but usually I get corn-bread. All things consid- ered, however, I am doing well. ... As to writing so as to mail letters which would travel on Sunday, when it can be avoided, I have never had occasion, after years of experience, to regret our system. Al- though sister I gets letters from her husband every day, is she any happier than my esjwsita? Look how our kind Heavenly Father has prospered us! I feel well assured that in following our rule, which is Biblical. I am in the path of duty, and that no evil can come nigh me. All things work together for my good. J>ut when my sweet one writes, let the letters be long, and your esposo hopes to send you full ones in return ; and when the wars and troubles are all over, I trust that, through divine mercj'^, we shall have many happy days togetlier." He always wrote and talked in the same hopeful, cheerful strain, never seeming to entertain a thought that he might fall ; or if he had such a thought, he was too unselfish to overshadow liis wife's happiness by intimating it to her. With the apostle Paul, he could say that " living or dying he was the Lord's," but he never expressed a desire to live so strongly as not to survive his %v{fe. From the very thought of such a bereavement, his affectionate nature seemed to shrink and recoil more than from any earthly calamity, and he often expressed the liope, with the greatest fer- vor and tenderness, that whatever trial his Heavenly 170 LIFE OF GEiVEKAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. Father sent upon him, this might be spared. Ir sick- ness, he was the most devoted of nurses — his great and loving heart having not a fibre of selfishness in it, and there was no end to the self-sacrifice he would endure. Once, during a painful though not dangerous illness in his family, after exhausting every means he could think of for relief, his anxiety became so overpower- ing that he burst into tears, and his manh' frame shook with convulsive emotion. Such was the ex- quisite tenderness of heart of the man who, as a sol- dier, could bear every privation, and on the march and in the field set his men an example of the most heroic endurance. This ming-ling of tenderness and strength DO O in his nature is illustrated by a letter to one of his offi- cers who had obtained leave of absence to visit a strick- en household. A beloved member of his family had just died ; another was dangerously ill ; and he asked for an extension of his furlough. This was the reply: " Mt dear Majok, — I have received your sad letter, and wish I could relieve your sorrowing heart ; but human aid cannot heal the wound. From me you have a friend's sympathy, and I wish the suflfering condition of our country permitted me to show it. But we must think of the living and of those who are to come after us, and see that, with God's blessing, we transmit to them the freedom we have enjoyed. "What is life without honor? Degradation is worse than death. It is necessary that you should be at your post immediately. Join me to-morrow morning. "Your sympathizing friend, T. J. Jackson." Among the stores captured at Harpers Ferry, not "OLD SORREL." 171 the least valuable was a train of cars on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, bound for Washington, loaded with horses for the government. This was a lawful prize, and was at once turned over to the Confederate army, except two which Jackson purchased ; and, hoping that hostilities would soon blow over, he selected the small- er one, which he called " Fancy," as a present for his wife, thinking his size and gait were admirably suited for the use of a lady. His name of " Fancy '" seemed rather a misnomer, for he was anything but a fancy- looking animal ; but he was well formed, compactly built, round and fat (never " raw-boned, gaunt, and grim," as he has often been described), and his powers of endurance were perfectly wonderful. Indeed, he seemed absolutely indefatigable. His eyes were his chief beauty, being most intelligent and expressive, and as soft as a gazelle's. He had a peculiar habit of lying down like a dog when the command halted for rest. His master made a pet of him, and often fed him apples from his own hand. Genei-al Jackson had several other horses, one or two being superb creat- ures, which had been presented to him, but he prefer- red the little sorrel to them all, finding his gait, as he expressed it, "as easy as the rocking of a cradle." He rode him in nearly every battle in which he was en- gaged. After being lost for a time, upon the fall of his master at Chancellorsville, he was found by a Con- federate soldier, and kindly sent by Governor Letcher to the family of General Jackson in North Carolina, and lived many years in Lincoln County on the farm of the Rev. Dr. Morrison, father-in-law of the general, and with whom his family made their home. Here he was treated to the greenest of jjastures and 172 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. the best of care, and did excellent service as a family horse, both in harness and under the saddle, and for a long time was the riding-horse of the venerable min- ' OLD SORKEL. ister to his countr\' churches. One of the voung Morrisons used to say that Old Fancy (as he was called on the farm) "had more sense, and was the greatest dd rascal he ever saw." He could make as good use of his mouth in lifting latches and letting down bars as a man could of his hands, and it was a frequent habit of his to let himself out of his stable, and then ^o deliberately to the doors of all the other horses and mules, literate each one, and then march ofiF with them all behind him. like a soldier leading his com- mand, to the green fields of grain around the farm — a fence proving no obstacle to him, for he could, with his mouth, lift ofiF the rails one by one until the fence was low enough to jump over ; so that he was contin- ually getting into mischief. But he was such a \^t "OLD SORREL." 173 that he was allowed to do anything; and was often taken to county fairs, where he was an object of as much interest as one of the old heroes of the war. His hardiness was shown by his great longevity, for he was over thirty years of age when he died, in 1886, at the Soldiers' Home in Richmond, Virginia ; and such was still the enthusiasm for the old war-horse that his body was sent to a taxidermist to be mount- ed. It now stands in a glass case in the library, where the veterans, as they look upon it, can im agine that the}' see again their beloved commander as they have seen him so often on the field of battle. CHAPTEE XI. THE FIRST BATTLE OF MANASSAS. "While General Johnston's movements were going on in the lower Valley of Virginia, others of great im- portance were being made elsewhere in the i>tate, the chief of which was the organization of an army by General Beauregard at Manassas Junction, to cover the approach to Richmond, the capital of the Confed- eracy. This Junction was about twenty-five miles from Alexandria, and was manifestly the strategic point for the defence of Northeastern Virginia. The United States troops Avere now massed in and around Washington, preparing for an advance into Virginia, and all the energies of the Confederate authorities were concentrated upon pi'eparations to repel the in- vaders. On both sides Manassas was tlie centre of expectation. Generals Beauregard and Johnston were acting in concert, and on the ISth of July Johnston received a telegram from Beauregard that the enemy was advancing in force upon Bull Bun, and calling upon him to hasten to his assistance. General Mc- Dowell, with a large army, was marching forward to .ittack the Confederates with the confidence of an easy victory. They had already driven back General Beau- regard's advance guard, and seemed likely to carry all before them wiien the arrival of Johnston's troops turned the fortune of the da}'. ON THE MARCH TO THE FIELD. 175 We will now let General Jackson give his account of the movements of his command at this juncture. He writes : " On the 18th of July I struck my tents, rolled them up, and left them on the ground, and about noon marched through Winchester, as I had been encamped on the otlier side of tlie town. About an hour and a half after leaving, I had the following order from General Johnston published to my brigade : ' Our gallant army under General Beauregard is now at- tacked by overwhelming numbers. The commanding general hopes that his troops will step out like men, and make a forced march to save the country.' At this stirring appeal the soldiers rent the air with shouts of joy, and all was eagerness and animation whei'e before there had been only lagging and unin- terested obedience. We continued our march until we reached Millwood, in Clarke County, where we halted for an hour or so, having found an abundance of good water, and there we took a lunch. Resuming the march, mj' brigade continuing in front, we arrived at the Shenandoah River about dark. The water was waist-deep, but the men gallantly waded the river. This halting and crossing delayed us for some time ; but about two o'clock in the morning we arrived at the little village of Paris, where we remained sleep- ing until nearly dawn. I mean the troops slept, as my men were so exhausted that I let them sleep while I kept watch myself." After pacing around the camp, or leaning upon the fence, watching the slumbers of his men until nearly 176 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. daylight, he yielded his post to a member of his staff, who insisted on relieving him, and he then threw his own wearied frame down upon a bed of leaves in a fence corner, and snatched an hour or two of sleep, after which he rose at dawn and roused his men to continue their march.* * This Night-watch by the Commander has been celebrated in a poem, which appeared after liis death, and is said to have been written by Mr. James R. Randall. " When the command halted for the night, and the oflBcer of the day went to General Jackson and said, ' General, the men are all so wearied that there is not one but is asleep,' and asked if he should not awaken some of them to keep guard, he replied, ' No, let the poor fellows sleep, and I will watch the camp to- night.' And all those hours till the daylight dawned he walked around that camp, the lone sentinel for that brave but weary and silent body of Virginia heroes; and when the glorious morning broke, the soldiers awoke fresh and ready for action, all uncon- scious of the noble vigils kept over their slumbere. " The Lone Sektry. " 'Twas in the dying of the day, Tlie darkness grew so still, The drowsy pipe of evening birds Was hushed upon the hill. Athwart the shadows of the vale Slumbered the men of might — And one lone sentry paced his rounds. To watch the camp that night. " A grave and solemn man was he. With deep and sombre brow, Whose dicamful eyes seemed hoarding up Some unaccomplished vow. His wistful glance peered o'er the plains Beneath the starry light. "THE LONE SENTRY." 177 In his letter General Jackson continues : " Bright and early we resumed the march, and the head of our column arrived at Piedmont, on the Manassas Gap Railroad, about six o'clock in the morning. After get- ting our breakfast, the brigade commenced going aboard of the cars, and the same day all that could be carried arrived at Manassas about four o'clock in the afternoon, without much suffering to ray men or to myself. The next clay we rested, and the following day was the memorable 21st of July." " Manassas, July 33(3. " My peecioos Pet, — Yesterday we fought a great battle and gained a great victory, for which all the glory is due to God alone. Althougli under a heavy fire for several continuous hours, I received only one And with the miirinured name of God He watched the camp that night. " The future opened unto him Its grand and awful scroll ; Manassas and the Valley march Came heaving o'er his soul ; Richmond and Sharpsburg thundered by With that tremendous fight Which gave him to the angel hosts Who watched the camp that night. " We mourn for him who died for us With that resistless moan, While up the valley of the Lord He marches to the Throne ! He kept the ftiith of men and saints, Sublime and pure and bright; He sleeps — and all is well with him Who watched the camp that night." 12 178 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON'. wound, the breaking of the longest finger of ray left hand; but the doctor says the finger can be saved. It was broken about midway between the hand and knuckle, the ball passing on the side next the fore- finger. Had it struck the centre, I should have lost the linger. My horse was wounded, but not killed. Tour coat got an ugly wound near the hip, but my servant, who is very handy, has so far repaired it that it doesn't show very much. My preservation was en- tirely due, as was the glorious victory, to our God, to whom be all the honor, praise, and glory. The battle was the hardest that I have ever been in, but not near so hot in its fire. I commanded in the centre more particularly, though one of m}' regiments extended to the right for some distance. There were other com- manders on my right and left. Whilst great credit is due to other parts of our gallant army, God made ray brigade more instrumental than any other in repulsing the main attack. This is for your information onl}' — ■ Say nothing about it. Let others speak praise, not myself." Though he was so reticent of his own part in the battle, it was well known that his brigade saved the day, the credit of which was justly given to its com- mander. At one moment it seemed as if all was lost. The troops of South Carolina, commanded by General Bee, had been overwhelmed, and he rode up to Jack- son in despair, exclaiming, " They are beating us back !'' "Then," said Jackson, " we will give them the bayo- net !" This cool reply showed the unconquered mind of one who never knew that he was beaten, and put fresh courage into the heart of him who was almost "JACKSON STANDS LIKE A STOXE WALL!" 179 ready to acknowledge defeat ; and, as he rode back to his command, he cried out to them to " look at Jack- son !" saying, " There he stands like a stone wall ! Rally behind the Virginians!" The cry and the ex- ample had its effect, and the broken ranks were re- formed, and led to another chai'ge, when their leader fell dead with his face to the foe. But with his last breath he had christened his companion in arms, in the baptism of fire, with the name that he was henceforth to bear, not only in the Southern army, but in history, of Stonewall Jackson, while the troops that followed him on that day counted it glory enough to bear on their colors the proud title of the " Stonewall Brigade." Soon after the battle he writes : " Mr. James Davidson's son, Frederick, and William Page (son of my dear friend) were killed. Young Eiley's life was saved by his Bible, which was in the breast-pocket of his coat. . . . My finger troubles me considerably, and renders it very difficult for me to write, as the wind blows my paper, and I can only use my right hand. I have an excellent camping- ground about eight miles from Manassas on the road to Fairfax Court House. I am sleeping in a tent, and have requested that the one which my darling had the loving kindness to order for rae should not be sent. If it is already made, we can use it in time of peace. . . . General Lee has recently gone to the western part of our State, and I hope we may soon hear that our God has again crowned our arms with victory." " August 5th. And so you think the papers ought to say more about your husband ! My brigade is not a 180 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. brigade of newspaper correspondents. I know that the First Brigade was the first to meet and pass our retreat- ing forces — to push on with no otlier aid than the smiles of God ; to boklly take its position with the artillery that was under my command — to arrest the victorious foe in his onward progress — to liold him in check un- til reinforcements ari'ived — and hnally to charge bay- onets, and, thus advancing, pierce the enemy's centre. I am well satisfied with what it did, and so are my generals, Johnston and Beauregard. It is not to be expected that I should receive the credit that Gen- erals Beauregard and Johnston would, because I was under them ; but I am thankful to my ever-kind Heav- enly Father that lie makes me content to await His own good time and pleasure for commendation — know- ing tliat all things work together for my good. If my brigade can always play so important and useful a part as it did in the last battle, I trust I shall ever be most grateful. As you think the papers do not notice me enough, I send a specimen, which you will see from the up])er jiart of the paper is a leader. My darling, never distrust our God, who doeth all things well. In due time He will make manifest all His pleasure, which is all His peo|)le should desire. You must not be concerned at seeing other parts of the army lauded, and my brigade not mentioned. 'Truth is mighty and will prevail.' When the official reports are pub- lished, if not before, I expect to see justice done this noble body of patriots. My command consists of the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Twenty seventh, and Thirty- third regiments of Virginia Volunteers, commanded respectively by Colonels James W. Allen, James F. Preston, Kenton Harper, W. W. Gordon, and A. C. A CHARACTERISTIC LETTER. 181 Curamings ; and, in addition, we have Colonel Pendle- ton's Battery. My staff-officers are Lieutenant-colonel Francis B. Jones, acting adjutant-general ; Lieutenant- colonel J. W. Massie, aide; Lieutenant A. S. Pendle- ton, ordnance officer ; Captain John A. Harman, quar- termaster ; and Captain W. J. Hawkes, commissary." Dr. Dabney says : " It is due to the credit of Jack- son's wisdom in the selection of his instruments, and to the gallant and devoted men who composed this staff, to state that all of them who survived rose with their illustrious leader to corresponding posts of usefulness and distinction." A number of other officers subse- quently served upon his staff, who deserve to be includ- ed in this eulogy. General Jackson continues : " August 10th. . . . Prince Napoleon passed here on the evening of the 8th, en route from Washington to Manassas. He spent the night with General John- ston, took a view of the battle-field yesterday morning, and then returned to Washington, passing here about eleven o'clock a.m. I only saw him at a distance." A day or two after the battle of Manassas, and be- fore the news of the victory had reached Lexington in authentic form, the post-office was thronged with people, awaiting with intense interest the opening of the mail. Soon a letter was handed to the Pev. Dr. White, who immediately recognized the well- known superscription of his deacon soldier, and ex- claimed to the eager and expectant group around him : " Now we shall know all the facts." Upon opening it the bulletin read thus : 182 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. " My dear pastor, in my tent last night, after a fa- tiguing day's service, I remembered that I had failed to send you my contribution for our colored Sunday- school. Enclosed you will find my check for that ob- ject, which please acknowledge at your earliest conven- ience, and oblige yours faithfully, T. J. Jackson." This little note is a revelation of character. It is remarkable, not so much for what it says as for what it does not say. Not a word in it about the battle or about himself — he who turned the defeat into victory. In that hour of triumph his heart turned away from the field to the poor negro children whom he had been ac- customed to teach in the Sunday-school in Lexington. In his next letter General Jackson writes : " I have received a circular to the effect that two professors must return to the Institute at the opening of the session, the 1st of September, and that if that number do not consent to return, the Board of Visitors will designate two ; and if they decline, their seats will thereby be declared vacant, and the board would fill them. I declined returning. How would j'ou like going back to Lexington in September, and staying there for the remainder of the war ? . . . I am glad that the battle [First Manassas] was fought on your birthday, so you can never tell me any more that I forget your birthday. See if I don't always remem- ber it, though I do not my own. If General Lee re- mains in the Northwest, I would like to go there and give my feeble aid, as an humble instrument in the hand of Providence in retrieving the downtrodden loyalty of that part of my native State. But I desire to be wherever those over me may decide, and I am NEVER ABSENT FROM DUTY. 183 content here. The success of our cause is the earthly object near my heart ; and, if I know myself, all I am and have is at the service of my country." About this time he wrote to his friend, Colonel Bennett, First Auditor of the Commonwealth : " My hopes for our section of the State have greatly brightened since General Lee has gone there. Some- thing brilliant may be expected in that region. Should you ever have occasion to ask for a brigade from this army for the Northwest, I hope mine will be the one selected. This of course is confidential, as it is my duty to serve wherever I may be placed, and I desire to be always where most needed. But it is natural for one's affections to turn to the home of his boyhood and family." August 17th he writes to his wife : ..." You want to know whether I could get a fur- lough. My darling, I can't be absent from my com- mand, as my attention is necessary in preparing my troops for hard fighting should it be required ; and as my officers and soldiers are not permitted to go and see their wives and families, I ought not to see my esposita, as it might make the troops feel that they were badly treated, and that I consult my own pleas- ure and comfort regardless of theirs : so you had better stay at Cottage Home for the present, as I do not know how long I shall remam here." From the time he entered the army at the begin- ning of the war he never asked or received a fur- 184 LIFE OF GE.VERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. lough, was never absent from duty for a single day, whether sick or well, and never slept one night out- side the lines of his own command. August 22d he writes : " Don't you wish your esjposo would get sick, and have to get a sick leave and go home, so tbat you couldn't envy sister Sue ? Sickness may compel me for a time to retire from camp, but, through tbe blessing of God, I have been able to continue in command of my brigade. . . . Still much remains undone that I desire to see effected. But in a short time I hope to be more instrumental in serving my country. Every officer and soldier who is able to do duty ought to be busily engaged in mil- itary preparation by hard drilling, in order that, through the blessing of God, we ma}' be victorious in the battles which in His all-wise providence may await us. I wish my darling could be with me now and enjoy the sweet music of the brass band of the Fifth Kegiment. It is an excellent band." "O' He delighted in listening to music, both instrumental and vocal, but he had so little talent for it that it was with difficulty he could distinguish tunes. When he learned that the tune of " Dixie " had been adopted by the Confederates as a national air, he felt that he oug:ht to be able to know it when he heard it, so during the first visit I paid him in camp he requested me to sing the air to him until he could impress it upon his mem- ory, so as to be able to recognize it. It was a tedious service, and became so perfectly ridiculous from his oft-repeated command of '"again" and "again" that it finally ended in hearty laughter on both sides. AT FAIRFAX COURTHOUSE. 185 In his letter he continues : " Don't put any faith in the assertion that there will be no more fighting till October. It may not be till then ; and God grant that, if consistent with His will, it may never be. Surely, I desire no more, if our country's independence can be secured without it. As I said before leaving my darling, so say I now, that if I fight for my country, it is from a sense of duty — a hope that through the blessing of Providence I may be enabled to serve her, and not merely because I prefer the strife of battle to the peaceful enjoyments of home. . . . Yesterday the enemy drove in our pick- ets, and General Longstreet sent me a request to move forward with my brigade, and the consequence was that after advancing bej'ond Fairfax Court-House six miles it turned out that the enem}' did not intend to attack, and I had a ride of twelve miles for nothing; and my wounded finger suffered from it, but I trust, with the blessing of an ever-kind Providence, it will soon be well. I meet with a number of old army friends and some of my classmates, which is quite a pleasure. The country about Fairfax Court House is beautiful. As I came in sight of the place, the sun was near setting, and with its mellowed light greatly contributed to beautify the scenery. I am writing under a Sibley tent, which is of a conical form, so constructed as to allow fire to be used, having an opening at the top for the escape of smoke; though as yet I have had my fires in the house. The weather is quite cool at night. What do you think? This morning I had a kind of longing to see our lot — not our house, for I did not want to enter its desolate 186 I'IFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. chambers, as it would be too sad not to find my little sunshine there." From Camp Harman, near Manassas, he wrote : " Yesterday I received two letters from one little jewel of mine at Cottage Home, and I am just going to read them over and over again and answer. First, in reference to coming to see your exposo, what would you do for privacy in camp I I tell you there are more inconveniences attending camp life for a lady than little pet is aware of; and worst of all is the danger you might encounter in such a trip, as the cars are so crowded with soldiers. But I would dearly love to have my darling Jiere at this time, and think I might probably be able to get a room for you with a kind family in whose yard I have my tent. The family is exceedingly obliging, and we could have de- lightful times together, as I have to stay about quar- ters on account of m}' wounded finger. However, through the blessing of an ever-kind Providence, it is now much improved. Should there be a good escort coming on and returning, little one can come ; but you must not spare any expense in making your trip com- fortable. You must hire a carriage whenever you haven't a safe and good conveyance, in the event of your coming. Last Sabbath Dr. Pendleton preached at my headquarters in the morning, and Rev. Peyton Harrison preached in the evening. ... If the war is carried on with vigor, I think tliat. under the blessing of God, it will not last long, though we may frequently have little local troubles along the frontier. ... At present it would be improper for me to be absent PERMISSION TO PAY HIM A VISIT. 187 from my brigade a single day, but just as soon as duty will permit I hope to see my sunshin}' face. The rea- son of my changing my advice about your coming was probably in consequence of orders respecting a march. Within the last three weeks I have had to mai'ch otf several times, but in each case I have been privileged to return to my present encampment, where I desire to stay as long as I am to remain inactive, for it is the best encampment I have had. We are blessed with excellent water and a good drill-ground. Little one can come on with the first good o))portunity, if she is willing to bear the unexpected occurrences of war. I know not one day what will take place thp next, but I do know that I am your doting esposo." It was my good fortune to find an escort to the army, and I joyfully set out, in compliance with my husband's somewhat doubtful permission, to pay him a visit. But he was not mistaken in apprehending the difficulties I should encounter, as will be seen by my experience in making this journey through a beleaguered country. We reached Richmond safely and without much discomfort, but no one was permitted to leave without a passport, which the government was exceedingly strict in grant- ing to men unless they were engaged in the service of the army or were going into it. Unfortunately, my young man did not come under either head (although he was going upon an inspecting tour with a view to finding some position among his friends), so he was refused a passport ! Like most of the Southern ladies in ante- helium times, I was unaccustomed to travelling alone, and my husband was much opposed to my doing so. However, after coming so near to him (and yet so far !) 188 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. I could not give up this long-coveted opportunity of seeing him, and I determined to venture on my way alone. So after telegraphing him to meet me at Ma- nassas, I started with my passport as bravely as I could, yet filled with apprehension — the cars being crowded with soldiers, and scarcely a woman to be seen. An hour or two after leaving Eichmond, what was my joy and relief to see a friend from Charlotte, North Carolina, passing through the car! I sprang from my seat and rushed after him, and from that moment my mind was at ease, for Captain J. Harvey "White (a gallant officer, who afterwards fell in defence of his country) verified in my case the old proverb, " A friend in need is a friend indeed." My husband failed to receive my telegram in time to meet me at Manas- sas, and, finding no accommodation there for a lady, Captain White was unwiUing to leave me without pro- tection, and advised me to go on with him to Fairfax Station, thinking that point was still nearer to General Jackson's headquarters. However, my husband did arrive at Manassas very soon after we passed on, and it was then too late, and the distance too great for him to follow us that night. Fairfax Station we found converted into a vast military camp, the place teem- ing with soldiers, and the only house visible from the depot being used as a hospital. Not a place to accom- modate a lady was to be found, so I was compelled to spend the night in the car in which I came up, the train remaining stationary there until the next morn- ing. One other female, a plain, good woman, who was in search of a sick relative among the soldiers, was of the party, and Captain White, our kind protector. A lady seemed to be a great curiosity to the soldiers, MEETING AFTER FIVE MONTHS' SEPARATION. 189 scores of whom filed through the car to take a look, until the annoyance became so great that Captain White locked the doors. The next morning was the Sabbath, and as Captain White was hastening to a sick brother, he was compelled to go on his mission, but he first procured for me a small room, which was vacated for a few hours just for my accommodation, in the house that was used as a hospital. There was no lock on the door, and the tramp of men's feet, as they passed continually to and fro and threatened entrance, was not conducive to a peaceful frame of mind ; and the outlook was still more dismal, the one small win- dow in the room revealing the spectacle of a number of soldiers in the yard, busily engaged in maJcing cojjins for their dead comrades ! I was all alone, and had nothing to read, so it can be imagined that the few anxious and dreary hours spent in that little place of horrors seemed an age, and my relief and happi-r ness were truly inexpressible when the brightest vision that could be to me on earth appeared in the person of my dear husband, whom I had not seen for five months. He drove up in an ambulance, and, taking me in, wq were speedilj'^ driven to his headquarters. Arrived there, we found his whole brigade assembled for di- vine worship, and the venerable Bishop Johns was just about to begin service in a small farm-house on the grounds. A delay was made in order to give us time to get into the house and be seated ; and all the staff- oflicers, and it seemed to me a host of others, came forward to welcome their general's wife, much to my embarrassment, for I felt most unpresentable after my experience of the preceding night. The bishop conducted a delightful service in the 190 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. porch of tlie liouse, and the sokliers swarmed around him hke bees, standing and sitting in the grassy yard. It was an interesting and imposing scene. The bri- gade was encamped on a beautiful hill near Cen- treville, and General Jackson's tent was in the yard of the farm - house at which he secured lodging dur- ing ray visit. It was a grand spectacle to view from the crest of the hill the encampment of that splendid Stonewall Brigade, especially at night, when the camp-fires were lighted. I met there for the first time General Joseph E. Johnston, and was much impressed with his soldierly appearance and ])ol- ished manners. Indeed, the officers and soldiei"s gen- erally made the impression of fine specimens of the Southern gentleman, and the grand review of the whole of General Johnston's command was the most imposing military display that I had ever witnessed. General Jackson was justly proud of his brigade, and their aifection for him was beautiful to behold. The^'^ all felt so inspirited by the great victory they had just gained, and their general's part in it was rehearsed with pride by every one who called upon his wife, while he, with his characteristic modesty, gave all the credit to his noble men. He took me over the battle-field of Manassas. There was nothing remarkable about the ground, which was somewhat undulating, with many open spaces and pine-trees. Bull Bun is a small, insignificant sti'eam. General Pendleton accompanied us in the ambulance, and both officers explained the different positions and movements of the two armies, and talked the battle over in a very interesting manner. Much of the (Uhris of the conflict still remained : the old Henry house VISIT TO THE BATTLE-FIELD. 191 was riddled with shot and shell; the cai'casses of the horses, and even some of the bones of the poor human victims, were to be seen. It was difficult to realize that these now silent plains had so recently been the scene of a great battle, and that here the Keaper Death had gathered such a harvest of precious lives, many of whom were the very flower of our Southern youth and manhood. All was quiet in the army during my visit, and al- though my husband was unremitting in his duties to his command, yet he had sufficient leisure to devote to my pleasure to make the time pass most delight- fully. AVe had a nice room in a kind, obliging fam- ily named Utterbach, and I took my meals with him and his staff at their mess-table under the trees. The fare was plain, but, with the exception of the absence of milk, it was abundant and substantial. His staff- officers were all most agreeable and intelligent gentle- men. His cook at that time was a very black negro, a hired man named George, who so felt the importance of his position as the head of the culinary department at headquarters that his boast was : " I outranks all de niggers in dis army !" Every moment of the time I was privileged to remain was full of content and en- joyment, and that camp life had a charm for me that I never would have broken myself. But all things have to come to an end in this fleeting world, and ray delightful visit shared this fate all too soon — ^the army being ordered to change its location in less than a fort- night after my arrival — and I was sent back sorrow- fully to North Carolina. My visit was made in September, and General Jack- son's next letter was written the 24th of that month : 192 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. " I ara going to write a letter to my darling pet ei^po- sita, who paid me such a sweet visit, and whose dear face I can still see, though she is 'way down in the Old North State. If my darling were here, I know she would enjoy General Jones's band, which plays very sweetly. We are still at the same encampment as when you left, and I have the promise of three more wall tents. Yesterday Kev. Dr. William Brown visited Munson's Hill, and took a peep at the Yankees. . . . The Board of Visitors of the Institute met in Rich- mond, and decided if the professors did not return they would fill their places, superintendents and all. Suppose they ask you to go back. Are you going to do so, or will you let them fill your chair ? Colonel Echols returned this morning, but does not bring, to our finite minds, very good news. General Floyd was only about thirty miles west of Lewisburg, and General Wise was fifteen miles in advance of him. General Lee, with four regiments, had gone on to General Wise." " l^Ionday morning. This is a beautiful and lovely morning — beautiful emblem of the morning of eter- nity in heaven. I greatly enjoy it after our cold, chilly weather, which has made me feel doubtful of my capacity, humanly speaking, to endure the cam- paign, should we remain long in tents. But God, our God, does, and will do, all things well ; and if it is His pleasure that I should remain in the field. He will give me the ability to endure all its fatigues. I hope my little sunshiny face is as bright as this lovel;- day. Yesterday I iieard a good sermon from tlie chaplain of the Second Regiment, and at night I went over to Colonel Garland's regiment of Longstreet's Brigade, SEEMON OF DR. DABNEY. 193 and heard an excellent sermon from the Eev. Mr. Granberry, of the Methodist ciiurch, of whom you may have heard me speak in times past." . . . " 2C)th. I did not have room enough in my last let- ter, nor have I time this morning, to write as much as I desired about Dr. Dabney's sermon yesterday. His text was from Acts, seventh chapter and fifth verse. He stated that the word God being in italics indicated that it was not in the original, and he thought it would have been better not to have been in the translation. It would then have read : ' Calling upon and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.' He spoke of Stephen, the first martyr under the new dispensation, like Abel, the first under the old, dying by the hand of violence, and then drew a graphic picture of his probablj^ broken limbs, mangled flesh and features, conspiring to height- en his agonizing sufferings. But in the midst of this intense pain, God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, permitted him to see the heavens opened, so that he might behold the glory of God, and Jesus, of whom he was speaking, standing on the right hand of God. Was not such a heavenly vision enough to make him forgetful of his sufferings? He beautifully and forci- bly described the death of the righteous, and as forci- bly that of the wicked. . . . " Strangers as well as Lexington friends are very kind to me. I think about eight days since a gentle- man sent me a half -barrel of tomatoes, bread, etc., and I received a letter, I am inclined to think from the same, desiring directions how to send a second supply. I received from Colonel Ruff a box of beau- tifully packed and delicately flavored plums ; also a 13 194 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. ". bottle of blackberry vinegar from the Misses B . I What I need is a more grateful heart to the ' Giver of ievery good and perfect gift.' " " Camp near Fairfax Court-House, Oct. 1st. " Yesterday I rode down to the station, and while there President Davis, very unexpectedly to me, ar- rived in a single car ; the remaining part of the train, I suppose, stopped at the Junction to unload. He looked quite thin. His reception was a hearty cheer from the troops. He took his seat in an ambulance- like carriage, and as he passed on his way to the Court- House the air rang with the soldiers' welcoming cheers. He was soon met by a troop of horse, and a horse for himself. Leaving his carriage and mounting his horse, he proceeded on his way, escorted by the cavalry, about four thousand of the First Corps (General Beauregard). The troops belonged to Generals Long- street, D. R. Jones, and Philip St. George Cocke. It was quite an imposing pageant." . . . " Yesterday I saw President Davis review. He took up his quarters with General Beauregard, where, in company with Colonels Preston, Harmon, and Ech- ols, I called upon him this morning at about half-past ten o'clock. He looks thin, but does not seem to be as feeble as yesterday. His voice and manners are very mild. I saw no exhibition of that fire which I had supposed him to possess. The President intro- duced the subject of the condition of my section of the State, but did not even so much as intimate that he designed sending me there. I told him, when he spoke of m}^ native region, that I felt a very deep in- LETTERS TO HIS WIFE. I95 terest in it. He spoke hopefully of that section, and highly of General Lee." " October 14th. I am going to write a letter to the very sweetest little woman I know, the only sweet- heart I have ; can you guess who she is ? I tell you, I would like to see my sunshine, even this brightest of days. My finger has been healed over for some time, and I am blest by an ever -kind Providence with the use of it, though it is still partially stiff. I hope, however, in the course of time, that I shall be again blest with its perfect use. ... If I get into winter -quarters, will little ex -Anna Morrison come and keep house for me, and stay with me till tlie open- ing of the carajmign of 1 862 ? Now, remember, I don't want to change housekeepers. I want the same one all the time. I am very thankful to that God who withholds no good thing from me (though I am so / utterly unworthy and ungrateful) for making me a( major-general in the Provisional Army of the Confed-y erate States. The commission dates from the 7th 01 October." . . . " October 15th. The enemy are gradually approach- ing us." " Centreville, Oct. 21st. " For several days your esposo has been here, and has an extra nice room, the parlor of a Mr. Grigsby, who has promised that he will also let me have another room for my chamber, and then I can use the parlor for my office. He has very kindly offered me the use of his library. The walls of his parlor are hung with pictures and paintings, including large portraits on 196 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. opposite sides, I suppose of the esposo and esposa. The carpet has been removed, but an abundance of seats have been left, two settees among them. Mr. Grigsby is apparently a man of much character, and I am very much pleased with him. His wife is delicate, and two of his sons have typhoid fever, but are past the crit- ical stage of the disease. He has not yet consented to my staff moving into the house, probably for fear of disturbing the sick. Colonel Jones has resigned and gone home, and Mr. Marshall went with him. They are both nice gentlemen." " Centreville, Oct. 22d. ..." I am going to tell you just where your esposo is living for the present. Starting from Mr. Utter- bach's on the Warrenton road towards the battle- ground of Manassas, a street turns off to the right from the Warrenton I'oad. Following the street about one hundred yards brings you to a large stone house, with four chimnej'S, on the right-hand side of the road. Passing up a flight of steps of nearly eight feet brings you into the porch, after crossing which you enter a hall about ten feet wide, and you have only to come into the first door on your right if you wish to see your husband, seated on the left of a hickory fire, on the opposite side of the room, writ- ing to his sweetheart, or to his esposita, wJiichever you may choose to call her. Looking around the room, you will see upon the mantel a statuette of a mother with a child in her arms, an oil painting of a beautiful boy, a globe lamp, two candelabra, and two vases. Above the mantel are two rose pictures. On either side of tlie fireplace is a window, and on BEFORE HIS HICKORY FIRE. I97 the left of tbe fire are a pair of bellows and a large shovel. On the right are a pair of tongs, and a hand- some feather broom for your esjMso to sweep the hearth with. So far I have described only the south- ern wall. Turning j'^our eyes to the right, you will see two windows on the western wall, looking towards the battle-ground of the 21st July. On the left end of this wall hangs the celebrated oil paint- ing, ' Beatrice Cenci.' Between the windows is a large poi'trait (as I suppose) of Mrs. Grigsb3^ On the right of the right-hand window is a landscape painting. Upon the northern wall to the left of the door is a picture, ' The Evening Prayer,' with the in- vocation, 'Defend us from all perils and dangers of the night.' Near this hangs a thermometer. On the right of the door are two other works of art, and between them is the library desk, which is kindly placed at my disposal. Upon the eastern wall, left end, is a picture of 'Holyrood.' Near it, but on the right, is a large portrait of Mr. Grigsby. About the centre of the wall is a large mirror — on its right is a picture called ' Innocence ' — and /ie)v is your loving husband ! ..." Our success at Leesburg reflected credit upon Colonel Evans and his heroic brigade. ..." I have written to Colonel Preston, of Lex- ington, to join me. My desire is to get a staff spe- cially qualified for their duties, and that will render the greatest possible amount of service to their country. Last night, Drs. White and McFarland reached here and are staying with me. They are just from Synod at Petersburg, and give a very gratifying account of things there. Dr. McFarland 198 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. is a noble specimen of character." This was the Rev. Dr. Francis McFarland. Dr. White (General Jack- son's pastor) had come at his invitation to preach to his command. Dr. Dabney thus describes the visit : "They arrived at nightfall, and found the com- mander-in-chief on the spot, communicating in person some important orders. General Jackson merely paused to give them the most huri-ied salutation con- sistent with respect, and without a moment's dallying passed on to execute his duties. After a length of time he returned, all the work of the evening com- pleted, and renewed his welcome with a beaming face and warm abandon of manner, heaping upon them affectionate attentions, and inquiring after all their households. Dr. White spent five da^'s and nights with him, preaching daily. In the general's quarters he found his morning and evening worship as regularly held as it had been at home. Jackson modestly proposed to his pastor to lead in this worship, which he did until the last evening of his sta}' ; when, to the usual request of prayers, he answered : ' General, you have often pra3-ed with and for me at home; be so kind as to do so to-night.' Without a word of objection, Jackson took the sacred volume, and read and prayed. ' And never while life lasts,' said the pastor, ' can I forget that prayer. He thanked God for sending me to visit the army, and prayed that He would own and bless my ministra- tions, both to officers and privates, so that many souls might be saved. lie gave thanks for what it had pleased God to do for the church in Lexington, HIS FERVOR L\ PRAYER. I99 "to which both of us belong" — specially for the re- vivals He had mercifully granted to that church, and for the many preachers of the Gospel sent forth from it. He then prayed for the pastor, and every member of his famil}', for the ruling elders, the deacons, and the private members of the church, such as were at home, and especially such as then belonged to the army. He then pleaded Avith such tenderness and fervor that God would baptize the whole army with His holy spirit, that my own hard heart was melted into penitence, gratitude, and praise. When we had risen from our ki\ees-4'6 stood before his camp fire with that calm dignity of mien and tender expression of countenance for which he was so remarkable, and said: "Doctor, I would be glad to learn more fully than I have yet done what your views are of the prayer of faith V ' A conversation then commenced, which was continued long after the hour of midnight, in which, it is candidly confessed, the pastor received more instruction than he im- parted." Dr. "White was with him when he received his order to go to his new command of the Valley Dis- trict, and after reading it he handed it to his pastor, saying: "Such a degree of public confidence and re- spect as puts it in one's power to serve his country should be accepted and prized ; but, apart from that, promotion among men is only a temptation and a trouble. Had this communication not come as an order, I should instantly have declined it, and con- tinued in command of my brave old brigade." To his wife he wrote on the 4th of November : 200 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. "This morning I received orders to proceed to Winchester. I am assigned to the command of the militar}' district of the Northern frontier, between the Blue Ridge and the Alleghany Mountains, and I hope to have my little dove with me this winter. How do you like the programme i I trust I may be able to send for you after I get settled. I don't ex- pect much sleep to-night, as my desire is to travel all night, if necessary, for the purpose of reaching Winchester before day to-morrow. My trust is in God for the defence of that country [the A'alle^']. I shall have great labor to perform, but, through the blessing of our ever-kind Heavenly Father, I trust that He will enable me to accomplish it. Colonel Preston and Sandy Pendleton go with me." One great trial to him in going to this new field of action was that he was to leave beliind his "brave old Brigade," as they were not included in the order. An article in the Richmond Disjyatch of that date thus describes the separation : " The writer never expects to witness a more touch- ing scene. Drawn up in close columns stood the sub- altern officers and men who had rushed with loud cheers into the very thickest of the bloody 21st of July day, and opposed with the combined courage and discipline of veterans the advance of the con- fident foe — the men who were all Virginia troops, and from that West Augusta to which Washington had looked in olden days as the last refuge of indepen- dence. Proudly had they vindicated the historic fame of their section at Manassas, and now they had PARTING FROM HIS OLD BRIGADE. 201 again formed to say ' good-by ' to their loved leader. The glow which brightened their faces and lit up their flashing eyes in the fire of battle was gone. They looked like children separating from a father; and striking indeed to those who saw those brave men in the battle was the contrast in their bearing then and to-day. Yu'ginia has reason to be proud of all her troops, but to Jackson's brigade she owes her largest debt. The api>earance of General Jackson was re- ceived with not the slightest applause. The officers and men he commanded knew for what purpose they had been formed, and felt not like cheering. General Jackson briefly and feelingly addressed his assembled comrades as follows : ' Officers and soldiers of the First Brigade, I am not here to make a speech, but simply to say farewell. I first met you at Harper's Ferry in the commencement of this war, and I can- not take leave of you without giving expression to my admiration of yom' conduct from that day to this, whether on the march, the bivouac, the tented field, or on the bloody plains of Manassas, where you gained the well-deserved reputation of having decided the fate of the battle. Throughout the broad extent of country over which you have marched, by your re- spect for the rights and property of citizens, you have shown that you were soldiers, not only to defend, but able and willing both to defend and protect. You have already gained a brilliant and deservedly high reputation throughout the army and the whole Con- federacy, and I trust, in the future, by your own deeds on the field and by the assistance of the same kind Providence who has heretofore favored our cause, that you will gain more victories and add 202 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. additional lustre to the reputation you now enjoy. You have already gained a proud position in the history of this our second war of independence. I shall look with great anxiety to your future move- ments, and I trust whenever I shall hear of the First Brigade on the field of battle it will be of still nobler deeds achieved and higher reputation won.' " Here General Jackson, rising in his stirrups, and casting his bridle reins upon the neck of his steed, with an emphasis which seemed to thrill throughout the brigade, said : ' In the Army of the Shenandoah you were the First brigade; in the Army of the Potomac you were the First brigade; in the Second Corps of the army you were the First brigade ; you are the First brigade in the affections of your general ; and I hope by your future deeds and bearing that you will be handed down to posterity as the First brigade in this our second War of Independence. Farewell!' For a moment there was a pause, and then three loud and prolonged clieers rent the air. It was followed by three and three more. Unable to stand such evidence of affection any longer, General Jackson waved farewell and galloped away. The different regiments returned slowly to their quarters, and thus ended a scene not often witnessed, and which makes upon spectators impressions not easily eradicated." CHAPTER XII. WINCHESTER AND ROMNEY EXPEDITION— 1861-1862. We will now follow General Jackson to Winchester, which he made his headquarters during the winter of 1861-1862. He had been ordered to the command of the Valley District, without troops being assigned to hiin ; having, as we have seen, to leave behind him his chief reliance in battle, his invincible Stonewall Brigade. He found at Winchester only a small force, consisting of a part of three brigades of militia and a few companies of cavalry, all of which were imper- fectly organized and poorly equipped, and with but little training or experience. He lost no time in call- ing out all the remaining militia of the district, and in a few weeks liis little army was increased to about three thousand men. To the instruction and drillino' of these new recruits he devoted himself with the utmost energy ; and, already forming plans for a vig- orous forward movement, he sent a petition to the government for reinforcements. In response to this request he had the great gratification of having his own Stonewall Brigade sent to him, about the middle of November, together with the Rockbridge Battery, now commanded by Captain McLaughlin. The attachment which General Jackson felt for the men that had been trained under him, and his pride in them, were fully reciprocated ; as one of them ex- 204 LIFE OF GEKERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. pressed it : " Wherever the voice of our brave and beloved general is heard, we are ready to follow. I have read of the devotion of soldiers to their com- manders, but history contains no parallel case of devo- tion and affection equal to that of the Stonewall Bri- gade for Major-General Jackson. We do not look upon him merely as our commander — do not regard him as a severe disciplinarian, as a politician, as a man seek- ing popularity — but as a Christian ; a brave man who appreciates the condition of a common soldier ; as a fatherly protector ; as one who endures all hardships in common with his followers ; who never commands others to face danger without putting himself in the van. The confidence and esteem of the soldiers are always made known in exulting shouts whenever he makes his appearance." General Jackson was so captivated with the Valley of Virginia, the more he saw of it in his campaigns, that he used to say that when the war was over he wanted to have a home in the Shenandoah ^'"aUey, and there indulge his taste for rural pursuits, and en- joy that domestic life which was so dear to him. The beauty and grandeur of the scenery, with its chains of mountains, limpid streams, tine forests, dales, and fertile fields, were to him charming beyond descrip- tion. The people of the Valley were not unworth}' of it. They enjoyed the free and easy lives natural to those living in a land of plenty, and dispensed their hospitalities with grace and generosity ; but it was in adversitj' that their noblest qualities were illustrated. Displaying a loyalty that death only could quench — patience under hardship and toil; calmness and hero- ism amid the storms of war, which destroyed and des- LETTERS TO HIS WIFE. 205 dated their homes and country ; the first to rally to the defence of the South, and the last to give it up — who can ever do justice to the nobleness and magna- nimitj' of those people of the Valley ? But it seems unfair not to take in the whole of Virginia in this tribute, for it was the universal testimony of the Con- federate soldiers, from the beginning to the end of the war, that the Virginians, as long as they had a crust of bread, would share it with the soldiers from other States, and that the noble women of ViT-ginia never wearied in their ministrations to their necessi- ties, esjiecially in nursing the sick and wounded. '^ On the 9th of November General Jackson wrote, from Winchester to his wife: ... "I trust that myj darling little wife feels more gratitude to our kind) Heavenly Father than pride or elation at my promo-j tion. Continue to pray for me, that I may live to^ glorify God more and more, by serving Him and our country. ... If j'ou were only here, you would have a ver}' nice house, the description of which I will post- pone until after answering your letters ; and if there isn't room, it will be deferred for the next letter, as it will take nearly a whole letter to tell you how very nice it is. And if your husband stays here this win- ter, he hopes to send one of his aides for one little someljody. You know very well who I mean by ' httle somebody.' "And now for an answer to your questions; and without stating your questions, I will answer them. My command is enlarged, and embraces the Valley District, and the troops of this district constitute the Army of the Valley ; but my command is not alto- 206 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. gether independent, as it is embraced in the Depart- ment of Northern Virginia, of which General John- ston has the command. There are three armies in this department — one under General Beauregard, another under General Holmes, and the third under my com- mand. My headquarters are for the present at Win- chester. A major-general's rank is inferior to that of a full general. The rank of major-general does not appear to be recognized by the laws of the Confeder- ate States, so far as I have seen ; but there may be some law embraced in the Army Eegulations which I have not seen. At all events, the President appoints them in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States, and these appointments are onlv for the war. As the regulations of the army of the Confederate States do not require the rank of Tnajor-general, there is no pay and no stafif appointed for it ; but I ex- pect to have two aides, and at least an adjutant- general. I am making up my staff slowly, in conse- quence of desiring to secure a good one, and some of them being at a distance. My promotion jilaces me between a brigadier and a full general ; but I don't think that either a major-general or a full general will be paid any more than $301 per month (the pay of a brigadier), but as commander of an army my ' additional pay is $100, making in all S-101 per month. ', I send you a check for $1000, which I wish invested in Confederate bonds, as I think, as far as possible, persons should take Confederate bonds, so as to re- lieve the government from any pecuniary pressure. You had better not sell your coupons from the bonds, as I understand they are paid in gold, but let the Confederacy keej) tlie gold. Citizens should not re- LOOKING AFTER HIS SERVANTS. 207 ceive a cent of gold from the government when it is so scarce. The only objection to parting with your coupons is, that, if they are payable in gold, it will be taking just so much out of the Treasury, when it needs all it has. Give my love and congratulations to Will- iam [his brother-in-law. Major W. W. Morrison] upon his promotion. I saw Captain Barringer at Manas- sas, and his regiment of cavalry presented a fine ap- peai'ance. I send you a letter announcing that Amy [his faithful old servant] has gone to a better world. The tears came to my eyes more than once while read- ing it." The following extracts from letters to a gentleman in Lexington will show that he took time to attend both to the temporal and spiritual interests of his ser- vants, even in the midst of absorbing military occu- pations : " I desire, if practicable, that my boys shall have the opportunity of attending the colored Sabbath- school in Lexington, if it is still in operation. I am glad to hear that they are both well, and I trust, through the blessing of an overruling Providence, they will serve j^ou faithfully. It is gratifying to know that they are in such good hands as yours. . . . Should you not need George, please hire him to some suitable person, with the condition that, if in or near town, he be required to attend Sabbath-school ; and wlierever he may be, let him be required to attend church at suitable times, as I am very desirous that the spiritual interests of my servants shall be attended to. . . . I thank you for your kindness in taking such good 208 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. care of my lot. Any expense that you may incur in keeping up fences, etc., please let me know, and I will settle it. I did not expect to hear of the grass taking so well. Please sell the wheat and deposit the pro- ceeds in the Bank of Rockbridge." o^ The new and enlarged field of labor to which Gen- eral Jackson had been promoted required some addi- tions to his staff, and in consequence he received many applications from persons desiring to secure these po- sitions either for themselves or their friends and rela- tives. In writing upon this subject he says : " My desire is to get a staff specially qualified for their specific duties, and that will render the greatest possible amount of service to their country." In response to another request his reply was: " Your letter, and also that of my much-esteemed friend, Hon. Mr. in behalf of Mr. , reached me to-day ; and I hasten to reply that I have no place to which, at present, I can properly assign him. J knew Mr. personally, and was favorably im- pressed b}' him. But if a person desires office in these times, the best thing for him to do is at once to pitch into service somewhere, and work with such energy, zeal, and success as to impress those around him with the conviction that such are his merits he must be advanced, or the interest of the public service must suffer. If Mr. should mention the subject to you again, I think you might not only do him, but the country, good service by reading this part of my letter to him. My desire is to make merit the basis of my recommendations and selections." IN WINTER-QUARTERS AT WINCHESTER. 209 He never appointed a man to a responsible position without knowing all about him. He would make the most minute inquiries. Was he intelligent i Was he faithful? Was he industrious? Did he get up early ? This was a great point with him. If a man was wanting in any of these qualifications, he would reject him, however highly recommended. No feeling of personal partialit}', no feeling of friendship, was allowed to interfere with his duty. He felt tliat the interests at stake were too great to be sacrificed to favoritism or friendship. To his wife he writes from Winchester, November 16th: " Don't you tremble when you see that you have to read such a long letter, for I'm going to write it just as full as it can hold. And you wish that I could have my headquarters at Mr. Grigsby's 'i I tell you this is a much better place for my pet. You can have plenty of society of charming ladies here, and the Eev. Mr. Graham, our Presbyterian minister, lives in the second house from here, his door being only about thirty yards from our gate. This house be- longs to Lieutenant-Colonel Moore, of the Fourth Virginia Volunteers, and has a large yard around it. The situation is beautiful. The building is of cottage style and contains six rooms. I have two rooms, one above the other. Mj' lower room, or office, has a matting on the floor, a large fine table, six chairs, and a piano. The walls are papered with elegant gilt papei*. I don't remember to bave ever seen more beautiful papering, and there are five paintings hang- ing on the walls. If I only had my little woman 14 210 I'IFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. here, the room would be set off. The upper room is neat, but not a full story, and is, I may say, only re- markable for being heated in a peculiar manner, b}'- a flue from the office below. Through the blessing of our ever-kind Heavenly Father, I am quite comfort- able. I have much work to perform, and wouldn't have much time to talk to my darling except at night ; but then there is so much ])leasant society among the ladies here that you could pass your time very agreeably. I hope to send for you just as soon as I can do so, with the assurance that I am in winter- quarters." It can readily be imagined with what delight General Jackson's domestic plans for the winter were hailed by me, and without waiting for the promised " aide " to be sent on as my escort, I joined some friends who were going to Eichmond, where I spent a few days to shop, procure a passport, and to await an escort to Winchester. The latter was soon found in a kind-hearted but absent-minded old clergyman, who occupied himself so assiduously in taking care of the little woman he had in charge that he entirely' forgot to look after her baggage (a very necessary precaution in the upturned and disjointed condition in which the country then was), and the result was a lost trunk ! We travelled by stage-coach from Stras- burg, and were told, before reaching Winchester, that General Jackson was not there, having gone with his command on an expedition to demolish Dam No. 5 on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. It was there- fore with a feeling of sad disappointment and loneli- ness that I aliirhted from the stagecoach in front of MEETING AT LAST. 211 Taylor's Hotel at midnight in the early part of dreary, cold December, and no husband to meet me with a glad welcome. By the dim lamp-light I noticed a small group of soldiers standing on the sidewalk, but they remained as silent spectators, and my escort led me up the long stairway, doubtless feeling disap- pointed himself that he still had me on his hands. Just before reaching the landing I turned to look back, for one figure among that group looked start- lingly familiar,, but as he had not come forward, 1 felt that I must be mistaken. However, my back- ward glance did reveal an officer muffled up in a military overcoat, and cap drawn down over his eyes, following us in rapid pursuit, and by the time we were upon the top step a pair of strong arms caught me in the rear ; the captive's head was thrown back, and she was kissed again and again by her husband, before she could realize the delightful surprise he had given her. The good old minister chuckled gleefully, and was no doubt a sincere sharer in the joy and relief experienced by his charge. "When I asked my husband why he did not come forward when I got out of the coach, he said he wanted to assure himself that it was his own wife, as he didn't want to com- mit the blunder of kissing anybody else's esposa. He had returned but a few hours before to spend the Sabbath in Winchester, and with the hope of my arrival upon the midnight stage. On Monday morning, bright and early, he sent a number of telegrams in search of the missing trunk, which, by the way, contained some valued treasures, and had also, while in Richmond, been replenished with numerous new and pretty additions to its ward- 212 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. robe, just for that winter in Winchester ; and in those war times of blockade and scarcity, such things were doubly prized. But the telegraph failed to bring any tidings of the trunk, and forthwith the aide who was to have been my escort was despatclied to Eichmond in pursuit of it. In a few days he returned with the discouraging report that he was unsuccessful in every efifort to trace the lost piece of baggage. So, giving it up in despair, I addressed myself to the task of sup})lying the necessities of the situation. It was, of course, impossible to replace the beautiful Richmond outfit ; but notwithstanding this great loss, my happi- ness was unalloyed so long as I was privileged to be with my husband and the charming friends I found in Winchester. However, after the lapse of three whole weeks, what was my surprise one day to see my long-lost trunk safely placed within my room, and its recovery was all the more gratifying because my good husband, during all those weeks, had not ceased to continue the seai'cli for it, and his letters to officials and friends had proved instrumental in finding the trunk securely locked up in Richmond as lost bag- gage ! It was speedily sent on by express, the con- tents found to be intact, and were all the more appreciated on account of the deprivation endured by their temporary loss. My husband was fortunate enough to engage board for us both with the Rev. J. R. Graham, in whose delightful Christian family we spent as happy a win- ter as ever falls to the lot of mortals on this earth. Winchester was rich in happy homes and pleasant peojile, in social refinement and elegant hospitality ; and the extreme kindness and appreciation shown to THE HAPPY HOMES OF WINCHESTER. 213 General Jackson by all, bound us both to them so closely and warmly that ever after that winter he called the place our " war home." Among the many excellent matrons there were two who specially won our hearts — Mrs. Robert Y. Conrad and Mrs. Anne Tucker Magill. These ladies were conspicuous for their lovely Christian characters • — being foremost in all good works, in the hospitals ministering to the soldiers— and wherever they went their lives were devoted to the relief of suffering and to doing good. Both were descended from old Vir- ginia families, true specimens of patrician blood. Mrs. Conrad, even in the decline of life, retained much beauty, of brunette style, and in manner was a most gentle and gracious lady. Several of her sons were gallant soldiers in the army, and her two young daughters inherited their mother's grace and beauty. Mrs. Magill was of the house of John Randolph, of Roanoke, and a sister of Hon. John Randolph Tucker, Virginia's honored statesman — a man known not only in Virginia, but in all the South, as in the very front rank of Congress and of statesmen; and in social life a man "of infinite jest," but withal an earnest Christian. This family seemed to possess as an inheritance the richest vein of humor, in addition to high mental endowments. It would be difficult to describe the sunshine which irradiated the very presence as well as the whole life of Mrs. Magill, whom General Jackson designated as " inimitable." I once heard the face of a woman, who united the rarest beauty to the utmost sweetness of disposition, described as "aJoyaJettep-i^o-^aJl-^he-w^ocl^l." This 214 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. would apply exactly to Mrs. Magill, who was the im- personation of love and kindness, and her natural buoyancy of temperament was heightened by her beautiful Christian faith and trust. In her General Jackson found a spirit congenial to his own, and so admired her bright and radiant disposition that he often said to his wife that when she grew to be an old lady, he hoped she would be ''just like Mrs. Magill !" She was the mother of my hostess and friend, Mrs. Graham, and when I became a member of her daughter's family she said slie must adopt me as her daughter too, and during all my sojourn she hivished upon me the loving attentions of a mother to a child. One day in every week our whole house- hold dined with hei', and I shall never forget those delightful reunions. She was blest with several daughters, whose cordial manners and sweet music made their home charming to visitors. I recall a very amusing scene which occurred in Mr. Graham's parlor, showing Mrs. Magill's playful humor. A number of visitors, including several young officers, were spending the evening, and as they were about breaking up, Mrs. Magill and a young captain of artillery began to fight a most ridiculous battle— the captain seizing a chair as his cannon and pointing its back at Mrs. Magill. The fun became contagious, and soon everybody in the room took sides, drawmg out the chairs as pieces of artillery, amid such noise and laughter that General Jackson, who was in his room up-stairs, came down to see what it was all about. Taking in at a glance the broad humor of the occasion, he said, sharply : " Captain Marye, when the engagement is over, you wiU AN INTERVAL OF REST AND PEACE. 215 send in an official report." The uproar of this mirth- provokiug scene was heard far out into the street, and would not have been suspected as coming from a preacher's house, and yet, if I mistake not, his rever- ence was one of the most furious combatants on the side of his mother-in-law ! The Winchester ladies were among the most famous of Virginia housekeepers, and lived in a great deal of old-fashioned elegance and profusion. The old border town had not then changed hands with the conflicting armies, as it was destined to do so many times during the war. Under the rose -colored light in which I viewed everything that winter, it seemed to me that no people could have been more cultivated, attractive, and noble - hearted. The memories of that sojourn in our " war home " are among the most precious and sacred of my whole life. It was there that I was permitted to be the longest time with my husband after he entered the army. He was in such fine health and spirits that, with the exception of the Romney expedition, there was nothing to mar the perfect enjoyment of those three blessed months. No sooner had General Jackson, with his gallant Stonewall Brigade, taken up his headquarters at AVinchester, than petitions came pouring in from the loyal people along the border counties of Virginia, praying for protection, and this he promised them so soon as he could get more reinforcements. In the small body of cavalry which he found at Winchester, a conspicuous officer was Lieutenant-Colonel Turner Ashby, whom General Jackson placed in command of his cavalry after consolidating all the companies into a regiment. At the begiftntng of the war this young 216 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. soldier raised a company of volunteers, and during the summer campaign he had been engaged in the first capture of Harper's Ferry, and distinguished himself by his gallantry and courage. He was as brave and chivalrous a gentleman as ever drew sword, and when he received his trust from General Jack- son he kept it with unwearied zeal until he fell in the cause to which he had given his life. His brother. Captain Richard Ashby, whom he had loved with unusual tenderness and devotion, and who was his equal in courage and heroism, had fallen by the hand of the foe, and this terrible stroke inspired Turner Ashby with a fearful resolution to avenge his broth- er's death. "With his sad, earnest gray ej'es, jet- black hair and flowing beard, his lithe and graceful form mounted upon a superb steed, he was a typical knight of the Golden Horseshoe, and his daring and intrepid exploits soon shed a halo of romance around his name, and made it one of terror to his enemies. The sound of his well-known j-ell and the shout of " Ashby !" from his men were the signal for a tre- mendous charge that was generally victorious. He was an invaluable auxiliaiy to General Jackson in guarding the outposts of the army — his coolness, dis- cretion, and untiring vigilance being as remarkable as his daring and bravery. Before proceeding further Avith an account of Gen- eral Jackson's movements, a brief glance wiU be given at the situation in Korthwestern Virginia. The cam- paigns of the Confederates in that region had been at- tended with disaster almost from the beginning, which had been a source of great grief to General Jackson ; and his anxiety to be sent as a defender to the loved SITUATION IN NORTHERN VIRGINIA. 217 " home of his boyhood and family " has already been shown in his letters. General McClellan, crossing the Ohio, had attacked a small force under General Rob- ert S. Garnett, who was killed in one of the first en- gagements of the war. After his death and the de- feat of his troops, the Confederate government sent out a larger force, under General Robert E. Lee, to oppose Rosecrans, who had succeeded McClellan. The high reputation of General Lee raised great hopes of success ; but owing to the nature of the country, the mountains, the condition of the roads, and the superior numbers of the enemy, these hopes were doomed to disappointment. After this second failure of the campaign even in hands so competent as General Lee's, that distin- guished officer was assigned to a more important command, and was succeeded in the Northwestern Department by Brigadier-General Loring. Brigadier- General Henry R. Jackson and Colonel Edward John- son, of this command, had each gallantly repulsed the enemy ; but their successes proved to be fruitless on account of their forces being too small to hold any ground they had gained ; and the enemy having occu- pied the counties of Hard}^ and Hampshire, thereby threatening the rear of the Confederates, they were finally forced to retreat to a position on the Shenan- doah Mountain, forty miles to the rear. Such was the situation in the Xorthwest when Gen- eral Jackson arrived at "Winchester. And so anxious was he to engage in the work of protecting his native region that he urged the government to let him have the troops under Generals Loring and Johnson, and, if his request were granted, that there should be no delay 218 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. in hurrying them at once to him ; and with these rein- forcements he proposed to undertake a winter cam- paign. He remembered the saying of Napoleon, that " an active winter's campaign is less liable to produce disease than a sedentaiy life by camp-fires in winter- quarters" — and seeing the imminent dangers that were threatening the country from dela}^ together with the immense resources of the Northern Army, he was eager to do all in his power, feeling that the issues involved justified him in making the ex- periment. The government partly acceded to his request, but did not furnish him with all the troops he desired, and so restricted him, both in force and authority, that it was impossible for him to accom- plish all that he hoped and expected. A letter to the War Department will show how much he had reflected upon this subject, and what bold plans he had formed : " Headquarteks, Valley District, Nov. 20th, 1861. *' Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of War : " SiK, — I hope you will pardon me for requesting that at once all the troops under General Loring be ordered to this point (Winchester). Deeply impressed with the importance of absolute secrecy respecting military operations, I have made it a point to say but little respecting my proposed movements in the event of sufficient reinforcements arriving; but since con- versing with Lieutenant - Colonel J. T. L. Preston, upon his return from General Loring, and ascertain- ing the disposition of the general's forces, I venture to respectfully urge that after concentrating all his troops here, an attempt should be made to capture PLAN OF A WINTER CAMPAIGN. 219 the Federal forces at Komney.* The attack on Eomney would probably induce McClellan to believe that the Army of the Potomac had been so weakened as to justify him in making an advance on Centre- ville ; but should this not induce him to advance, I do not beheve anything will during the present winter. Should the Army of the Potomac be at- tacked, I would be at once prepared to reinforce it with my present volunteer force, increased by General Loring's. After repulsing the enemy at Manassas, let the troops that marched on Romney return to the Valley and move rapidly westward to the waters of the Monongahela and Little Kanawha. Should General Kelly be defeated, and especially should he be captured, I believe that by a judicious disposition of the militia, a few cavalry, and a small number of field-pieces, no additional forces would be required for some time in this district. I deem it of great im- portance that Northwestern Virginia be occupied by Confederate troops this winter. At present it is to be presumed that the enemy are not expecting an attack there, and the resources of that region neces- sary for the subsistence of our troops are in greater abundance than in almost any other season of the year. Postpone the occupation of that section until spring, and we may expect to find the enemy pre- pared for us, and the resources to which I have referred greatly exhausted. I know that what I have proposed will be an arduous undertalving, and cannot be accomplished without the sacrifice of much personal comfort ; but I feel that the troops will be • General Kelly was tlieu at Romney with a force reputed to be five thousand men, to cover repairs on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 220 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. prepared to make this sacrifice when animated by the prospect of important results to our cause and distinction to themselves. It may be urged against this plan that the enemy will advance on Staunton and Huntersville. I am well satisfied that such a step would but make their own destruction more certain. Affain, it mav be said that General Flovd will be cut off. To avoid this, if necessary, the general has only to fall back towards the Virginia and Tennessee Rail- road. When Northwestern Virginia is occupied in force, the Kanawha Valley, unless it be the lower part of it, must be evacuated b\' the Federal forces, or otherwise their safety will be endangered b}*^ forc- ing a column aci'oss the Little Kanawha, between them and the Ohio River. Admitting that the season is too far advanced, or that from other causes all cannot be accomphshed that has been named, 3'et through the blessing of God, who has thus far so wonderfully prospered our cause, much more may be expected from General Loring's troops according to this programme than can be expected from them where they are. If you decide to order them here, I trust that, for the purpose of saving time, all the infantry, cavalry, and artillery will be directed to move immediately upon the reception of the order. The enemy, about five thousand strong, have been for some time slightly fortifying at Roraney, and have completed their telegraph from that place to Green Spring Depot. Their forces at and near Williams- port are estimated as high as five thousand, but as yet I have no reliable information of their strength beyond the Potomac. " Tour most obedient servant, " T. J. Jacksox, Major-General, P. A. C. S." GENERAL LEE DOUBTS THE WISDOM OF IT. 221 General Johnston endorsed this letter as follows : " Centreville, Nov. 21st. " Respectfully forwarded. I submit that the troops under General Loring might render valuable services by taking the field with General Jackson, instead of going into winter-quartei's, as now proposed. " J. E. Johnston, General.'' The Secretary of "War, in sending General Jackson's letter to General Loring, and expressing concurrence in the opinion that it would be the destruction of the enemy for him to advance at that season upon Mon- terey and Staunton, said : " In opposition to all this, we have the views of General Lee and yourself impliedly given in the recommendation to guard the passes through tlie winter. We do not desire, under such a state of things, to direct the movement above described, with- out leaving you a discretion, and the President wishes you to exercise that discretion. If upon full con- sideration you think the proposed movement objec- tionable and too hazardous, you will decline to make it, and so inform the department. If, on the contrary, you approve it, then proceed to execute it as promptly and secretly as possible, disguising your purpose as well as you can, and forwarding to me by express an explanation of your proposed action to be communi- cated to General Jackson." In the meantime, while awaiting the result of this decision. General Jackson determined not to remain 222 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. inactive, and taking the small force then under his command, early in December, he went to work to destroy Dam No. 5 on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, which ran down the Potomac from Cumber- land, Maryland, to Washington. This canal was of great importance to the enemy in affording them the means of transporting their supplies and troops, especially since the railroad bridge at Harper's Ferry had been burned. As General Banks, with a large force, was upon the other side of the Potomac, General Jackson despatched his militia to make a feint upon Williamsport, while he, with the rest of his troops, repaired to the dam, the destruction of which was accomplished, but at the expense of great personal discomfort and suffering to his men. How- ever, they proved themselves true soldiers — many of them volunteering to enter the chill waters of the Potomac, and working like beavers for four cold winter days and still colder nights, waist-deep in water, with the Federal cannon-balls booming over their heads ; but only one poor fellow lost his life from the guns of the enemy. Captain Ilolliday (afterwards an hon- ored Governor of Virginia), of the Thirty -third Regi- ment, and Captain Robinson, of the Twenty-seventh (all Virginia troops), volunteered, with the companies, to go into the river and cut out the cribs. This was done under fire from the Maryland bank. General Loring decided to join General Jackson, and with his troops, numbering about six thousand men, arrived in Winchester the latter part of December. The government did not send Colonel Edward John- son's troops also, as Jackson had requested, and directed Loring to retain command of his own forces, but to act NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1862. 223 under orders from Jackson. The enemy having pos- session of the towns of Bath, Hancock, and Eomney, which gave them control of the fertile valley of the south branch of the Potomac, Jackson's plan was to move swiftly upon the first two named villages, and then to attack Romney, which was their strongest point. The morning of New Year's Day of 1862 dawned upon Winchester with all the glory and mildness of a spring day, and, the roads being in good condition, General Jackson started out with his little army of about eight thousand five hundred men, five battal- ions, and a few companies of cavalry, all moving for- ward with alacrity and fine spirits. But the weather, which on the first day had been so propitious, on the second " suddenly changed to be very severe, aiid the snow and sleet made the roads almost impassable for loaded wagons, unless the teams were specially shod for the purpose." The sufferings of the troops were terrible, as the frozen state of the i-oads rendered it impossible for the wagons to come up in time, and for several nights the soldiers bivouacked under the cold winter sky without tents or blankets. All these hardships and privations Jackson shared with the troops, and tried to encourage them in patient en- durance, and inspire them to press on. His own command bore up with great fortitude and without murmuring, but the adverse ^\'eather had the effect of greatly intensifying the discontent and disgust of Loring and his men, who had from the first been dis- inclined to a winter campaign ; and an unfortunate jealousy springing up between the two commands, caused an immense amount of trouble and disappoint- 224 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. ment to Jackson, and frustrated much of the success for which he had reason to hope. Many of tlie malcontents left their posts on the plea of sickness and returned to Winchester, and taunted " Jackson's pet lambs," as they called the Stonewall Brigade, for their foolhardiness in following a leader whom they did not hesitate to denounce as rash and severe, in dragging men through a winter campaign in such arctic weather. Nevertheless, this much-abused man and his brave followers pressed on, and at the end of a three days' hard march they reached Bath, but found the enemy had fled without stopping to make any resistance, leaving behind them all their stores and provisions. The Confederates pursued the fugi- tives, and soon overtook them near Hancock, and drove them into that village. Colonel Ashby was sent on the morning of the 5th to summon the place to surrender, and was led blindfold through the streets into the presence of the Federal commander. His name had so often caused dismay and confusion among their troops that their curiosity was greatly aroused at a sight of the dashing young cavalryman, and as they thronged around him he heard whispers of " That is the famous Ashby." The Federal com- mander refused to surrender, whereupon General Jackson cannonaded the town, and speedily drove the Federal forces out of it. It was his design to cross the Potomac and enter Hancock, but he says in his re- port : " On the 6th the enemy were reinforced to such an extent as to induce me to believe that my object could not be accomplished without a sacrifice of life, which I felt unwilling to make, as Eomnej', the great object of the expedition, might require for its recovery, MOVING ON ROMNEY. 225 and especially for the capture of the troops in and near there, all the force at my disposal. ... As the United States troops had repeatedly shelled Shepherdstown, and had even done so while there were no troops in the place, and it was not used as a means of defence, I determined to intimate to the enemy that such out- rages must not be repeated, and directed a few rounds from McLaughlin's battery to be fired at Hancock. The invader having been defeated and driven across the Potomac, the telegraph line broken at several points, and the railroael bridge across Great Cacapon destroyed, thus throwing material obstacles in the way, not only in transmitting intelligence from Rom- ney to Hancock, but also of receiving reinforcements from the east, arrangements were made for moving on Romney. " The next day, the 7th, the command was put in motion. . . . Before night a despatch reached me giv- ing intelligence of our disaster that morning at Hang- ing Rock, where the enemy not only defeated our militia under Colonel Monroe, but captured two guns. . . . The enemy evacuated Romney on the 10th, and the town was soon occupied by Sheetz's and Shand's companies of cavalry, which were subsequently fol- lowed by other troops. The Federal forces, abandon- ing a large number of tents and other public property, which fell into our possession, retreated to a point between the railroad bridge across Patterson's Creek and the northwestern branch of the Potomac, which was as far as they could retire without endangering the safety of the two bridges. Our loss in the ex- pedition in killed was four ; in wounded, twenty-eight. The Federal loss in killed and wounded not ascer- 15 226 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. tained. Sixteen of them were captured. After the arrival in Eoraney of General Loring's leading bri- gade, under Colonel Taliaferro, I designed moving with it, Garnett's brigade, and other forces on an im- portant expedition against the enemy, but such was the extent of demoralization in the first-named bri- gade as to render the abandonment of that enterprise necessary. Beheving it imprudent to attempt further movements with Loring's command against the Fed- erals, I determined to put it in winter-quarters in the vicinity of Romney." On hearing of the approach of Jackson, even when they were over a day's march distant, the Federals, though superior in numbers, fled from Eomney in such haste that they left their tents standing, and much of their equipage behind them. In their track of retreat they left ruin and desolation everywhere. The dwell- ings of the rich and poor alike, the factories, mills, and churches were burned or wantonly desecrated ; widows and orphans driven from their homes, and the torch applied to them ; and even the domestic ani- mals — everything that could be useful to man — were either taken away or shot down. For fifteen miles it was one continuous scene of smoking ruins and dev- astation. In his official report General Jackson thus alludes to these atrocities ; " I do not feel at liberty to close this report with- out alluding to the conduct of the reprobate Federal commanders, who, in Hampshire County, have not onlj' burned valuable mill property, but also many private houses. The track from Romney to Hanging FRUITS OF THE EXPEDITION. 227 Eock, a distance of fifteen miles, was one of desola- tion. The number of dead animals lying along the roadside, where they had been shot by the enemy, exem- plified the spirit of that part of the Northern army." General Jackson's estimate of the value of the fruits of this expedition will be shown by a quota- tion from his report : " On January 2d there was not, from the informa- tion I could gather, a single loyal man in Morgan County who could remain at home with safety. Within less than four days the enemy had been de- feated, their baggage captured ; and by teaching the Federal authorities a lesson, that a town claiming allegiance to the United States lay under our guns; Shepherdstown protected, which had repeatedly be- fore, though not since, been shelled ; the railroad com- munication with Hancock broken ; all that portion of the county east of the Great Cacapon recovered ; Romney and a large part of Hampshire County evac- uated by the enemy without the firing of a gun ; the enemy had fled from the western part of Hardy, had been forced from the offensive to the defensive — under these circumstances, judge what must have been my astonishment at receiving from the Secre- tary of War the following despatch : ' Our news in- dicates that a movement is being made to cut off General Loring's command. Order him back to Winchester immediately.' " From the report of General Loring and his com- mand, it seems that the military circles Of the Con- federacy at Richmond had been made to believe that 228 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. they were the victims of a crazy leader, whose mad career must be sto]iped at once for the safety of Lor- ing and his men. if not for the country. General Jackson, with the Stonewall Brigade, had returned to Winchester, leaving Loring's force, wliich was the larger part of his command, in winter-quarters near Romney, with the confident expectation that, since he had cleared out all that region of the enemy, Loring would be safe, and able to defend himself against any future attack, and, besides, he was near enough to go to him in case of danger. It can readily be seen, there- fore, how inexplicable to him seemed this order from the War Department. In his report he continues : " I promptly complied with the order, but in do- ing so forwarded to the Secretary of War my con- ditional resignation. Up to that time, God, who has so wondei'fully blessed us during the war, had given great success to the etforts for protecting loyal citizens in their rights, and in recovering and holding territory in this district which had been overrun by the enemy. It is true that our success caused much exposure and suffering to the command. Several nights the troops had to bivouac, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, their tents not coming up on account of the bad condition of the roads ; yet every command, except part of General Loring's, bore up under these hardships with the fortitude becoming patriotic soldiers. . . . '" General Loring's evacuation of Romney and return to the vicinity of Winchester was the beginning of disasters. The enemy, who up to that time had been acting on the defensive, suddenly changed to the offen- sive and advanced on Roraney ; next, drove our troops JACKSON RESIGNS HIS COMMAND. 229 out of Moorefield on the 12th of this month [Febru- ary] ; two days after forced our militia from Bloomery Pass, thus coming to within twenty -one miles of "Win- chester, and capturing a number of prisoners." Perhaps the honorable Secretary of War was, in his turn, somewhat surprised at receiving the follow- ing reply to his peremptory order to General Jackson : " He.\dquarter8, Valley District, Jan. 31st, 1862. "Hon. J. P. Benjamin: " Sir, — Your order requiring me to direct General Loring to return with his command to AYinchester has been received and promptly complied with. With such interference in my command, I cannot expect to be of much service in the field, and I accordingly re- spectfully request to be ordered to report for duty to the Superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington, as has been done in the case of other professors. Should this application not be granted, I respectfully request that the President will accept my/ resignation from the army. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, " T. J. Jackson, " Major-General, P. A. C. S." This letter was, of course, submitted to General Johnston, the chief commander of the department, who, in forwarding it, wrote upon it this endorsement : " Headquarters, Centreville, Feb. 7th, 1863. " Respectfully forwarded with great regret. I don't know how the loss of this officer can be supplied. General officers are much wanted in this department. " J. E. Johnston, General." 230 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. General Johnston also wrote the following letter to General Jackson : " February 3d. " Major-Geneeal Jackson : '• My dear Friend, — I have just read, and with pro- found regret, your letter of January 31st to the Secre- tary of War asking to be relieved fi'om your present command, either by an order to the Virginia Military Institute or the acceptance of your resignation. Let me beg you to reconsider this matter. Under ordi- nary circumstances, a due sense of one's own dignity, as well as care for professional character and official rights, would demand such a course as yours ; but the character of this war, the great energy exhibited by the government of the United States, the danger in which our very existence as an independent people lies, require sacrifices from us all who have been edu- cated as soldiei-s. I receive my information of the order of which you have such cause to complain from your letter. Is not that as great an official wrong to me as the order itself is to you ? Let us dispassion- ately reason with the government on this subject of command, and if we fail to influence its practice, then ask to be relieved from positions the authority of which is exercised by the "War Department while the responsibilities are left to us. I have taken the liber- ty to detain your letter to make this appeal to your patriotism, not merely from warm feelings of personal regard, but from the official opinion which makes me regard you as necessary to the service of the country in your present position. " Very truly yours, " J. E. Johnston." REASONS FOR DISSATISFACTION. 231 General Jackson also addressed the following note to General Johnston's adjutant-general : " Headquarters, Valley District, Feb. 1st, 1863. " Major Thomas G. Ehett, Assistant Adjutant-General : " Major, — The Secretary of War stated, in the order requiring General Loring's command to fall back to this place immediately, that he had been informed that the command was in danger of being cut off. Such danger, I am well satisfied, does not exist, nor did it, in my opinion, exist at the time the order was given, and I therefore respectfully recommend that the order be countermanded, and that General Loring be re- quired to return with his command to the vicinity of Komney. " KespectfuUy, " T. J. Jackson, " Major-General, P. A. C. S., commanding." " Endorsement : " Centreville, Feb. 6th, 1862. " Respectfully referred to the Secretary of "War, whose orders I cannot countermand. " J. E. Johnston, General." In his late exjiedition, General Jackson had received but little aid from the government. The disaffection of General Loring and his men had been enough to dis- courage and seriously affect the success of the enter- prise. • Jackson had endured with his command all the rigors and hardships of an exceptionally severe winter. And yet, in the face of all these obstacles, he had with his heroic Uttle band succeeded in driving the enemy 232 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. /from every point he had attacked, and had recovered this entire district. When it was urged upon him that /he should be willing to make sacrifices to serve his (country in her time of sore need, he exclaimed : '' Sac- Irifices ! have I not made them ? What is my life here but a daily sacrifice ? Nor shall I ever withhold sacri- j fices for my country, where they avail anj'thing. I ' intend to serve her anywhere, in any way in which I am permitted to do it with effect, even if it be as a private soldier. But if this method of making war is to prevail, which they seek to establish in my case, the country is ruined. My duty to her requires that I shall utter my protest against it in the most energetic form in my power, and that is to resign." He also wrote to Governor Letcher, requesting him to use his influence in having him ordered back to the Institute, saying the order from the War Department " was given without consulting me, and is abandoning to the enemy what has cost much preparation, expense, and exposure to secui'e, and is in direct conflict with my military plans, and implies a want of confidence in my capacity to judge when General Loring's troops should fall back, and is an attempt to control military opera- tions in detail from the Secretary's desk at a distance. I have, for the reasons set forth in the accompanying paper, requested to be ordered back to the Institute, and if this is denied me, then to have my resignation accepted. I ask as a special favor that you will have nie ordered back to the Institute. As a single order like that of the Secretary's may destroy the entire fruits of a campaign, I cannot reasonably expect, if my operations are thus to be interfered with, to be of much service in the field. A sense of duty brought "NO, NO: I MUST RESIGN!" 233 me into the field, and has thus far kept me. It now appears to be ray duty to return to the Institute, and I hope that you will leave no stone unturned to get me there. If I ever acquired, through the blessing of Providence, any influence over troops, this undoing my work by the Secretary may greatly diminish that in- fluence. I regard the recent expedition as a great suc- cess. ... I desire to say nothing against the Secre- tary of War. I take it for granted that he has done what he believes to be best, but I regard such a policy as ruinous. " Very truly your friend, "T. J. Jackson." A gentleman who had an interview with him at this critical moment thus gives the result : " Never can I forget an interview held with him the night that he forwarded his resignation. When urged to withhold it, upon the ground that the country could not spare his services — that his name was alike a ter- ror to our enemies and a tower of strength to our cause, inspiring confidence and arousing enthusiasm, even among the doubtful and wavering — 'No, no,' said he, ' yon greatly overestimate my capacity for use- fulness. A better man will soon be sent to take my place. The government have no confidence in my capacity, or they would not thus countermand my orders, and throw away the fruits of victory that have been secured at such a sacrifice of the comfort of my noble troops in their hurried march through the storm of snow and sleet. No, sir, I must resign, and give ray place to soran one in whom they have more confi- dence.' " 234 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. When urged that perhaps the government had been misinformed as to the facts, he responded : " Certainly they have ; but they must be taught not to act so hastily without a full knowledge of the facts. I can teach them this lesson now by my resignation, and the country will be no loser by it. If I fail to do so, an irreparable loss may hereafter be sustained, when the lesson might have to be taught by a Lee or Johnston." This was nearly his exact language, as we well remember it. But little he knew that when his services were lost to the cause — or, as General Lee afterwards expressed it, that he had lost his right arm — the whole army would be paralyzed, and the cause itself lost. But our far-seeing and sagacious governor knew the worth of Stonewall Jackson to the army, and wrote at once, begging him to reconsider his de- cision, and sent one of his most influential officials to remonstrate with him in person against his leaving the army. The same protests poured in from other quar- ters, from persons of all grades, both in public and private life, among them some aged ministers of the Gospel — all imploring him to withdraw his resignation. In reply to a second letter from Governor Letcher, he wrote : "Winchester, Feb. 6th, 1862. " His Excellency John Letches, Governor of Virginia : " Governor, — Your letter of the ith instant was re- eived this morning. If my retiring from the army ould produce that efi'ect upon our country which you ave named in your letter, I, of course, would not de- ire to leave the service ; and if, upon the receipt of this hote, your opinion remains unchanged, you are author- ized to withdraw my resignation, unless the Secretary WITHDRAWS HIS RESIGNATION. 235 of War desires that it should be accepted. My reasons for resigning were set forth in my letter of the 31st ultimo, and my views remain unchanged ; and if the Secretary persists in the ruinous policy complained of, I feel that no officer can serve his country better than by making his strongest possible protest against it, which, in my opinion, is done by tendering his resigna- tion, rather than be a wilful instrument in prosecuting the war upon a ruinous principle. I am much obliged to you for requesting that I should be ordered to the Institute. " Very truly your friend, " T. J. Jackson." Upon receiving assurances from the government that it did not intend to interfere with his military plans, Governor Letcher deemed it best to withdraw his resignation in the name of Virginia ; and to this he yielded with true soldierly obedience, and it was thus that Stonewall Jackson was preserved to the army. ^ CHAPTER XIII. KERNSTOWN, McDOWELL, AND WINCHESTER— 1862. After all the hardships and trials of the late ex- pedition, General Jackson returned from Romney to Winchester so full of animation and high spirits, gal- loping along on his little sorrel with such speed through the mud and slush, that one of his elder staff-officers laughingly said to him : " WeU, general, / am not so anxious to see Mrs. Jackson as to break my neck keep- ing up with you, and with your permission I shall faU back and take it more leisureh'." As tiiey were not in pursuit of the enemy, the request was granted, and this officer, with some others, did not reach Winches- ter until the day following, while General Jackson, with the younger members of the staff, rode the whole forty miles in one short winter dav. After goinor to a hotel and divesting himself of the mud which had bespattered him in his rapid ride, and making as per- fect a toilet as possible, he rang the door-bell of Mr. Graham, who admitted him. and in another moment he came bounding into the sitting-room as joyous and fresh as a schoolboy, to give his wife a surprise, for he had not intimated when he would return. As soon as the first glad greetings were over, before taking his seat, with a face all aglow with delight, he glanced around the room, and was so impressed with the cosy and cheerful aspect of Mr. Graham's fireside, as we all JOYFUL RETURX HOME. 237 sat round it that winter evening, that he exclaimed : " Oh ! this is the very essence of comfort /" The bright picture of home-life was exceedingly refreshing to him after all the discomfort and exposure through which he had passed since he left us three weeks before. He never looked better and more radiant than on that evening. Mr. Graham had an interesting little family of children, who afforded him much pleasure, and it was the special privilege of one of the little boys to ride down-stairs in the mornings upon the back of the general, the performance provoking as much glee on his part as it did on that of the child.* In making the trip from Romne}', he was more than ever charmed with " Little Sorrel," whose powers of endurance proved quite remarkable. After bearing him along with so much fleetness and comfort, he said the horse seemed almost as fresh and unwearied at the end of the journey as at the beginning. When the Loring troubles came, and General Jack- son thought he might be ordered back to the Institute, the anticipation of returning home gave him unbound- ed happiness — the only consideration marring it being a feeling that his paramount duty was to be in the field when his country was in danger. Duty alone con- strained him to forego the happiness and comforts of his beloved home for the daily hardships of a soldier's life. For the next month after his return he remained quietly in "Winchester. After Loring's evacuation of Romney the Federal troops again took possession, and * It is an interesting item of the family history that the little youngster who was thus honored, when he grew to manhood, be- came a minister of the Gospel, and, as the Rev. Alfred T. Graham, was married to Miss Isabel Irwin, a niece of Mrs. Jackson. 238 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. spread in such numbers along the border as to threat- en Winchester on every side ; and the difficulties of General Jackson's position were greatly enhanced by a diminution of his small army, Loring and all his troops that were not Virginians having been or- dered elsewhere ; and in order to induce re-enlist- ment, furloughs had been freely granted ; so that, at the time of the most imminent danger. General Jackson's force was reduced to about four thousand effective men, exclusive of militia. He informed the commander-in-chief that his position required at least nine thousand men for its defence, threatened as it was by Banks on one side and Lander on the other. But as Johnston was himself preparing to retreat before the advance of McClellan, he had no troops to spare. To a friend in the Confederate Congress Jackson wrote : "What I desire is, to hold the country as far as practicable until we are in a condition to advance ; and then, with God's blessing, let us make thorough work of it. But let us start right. ... In regard to 3'our question as to how many troops I need, you will probably be able to form some idea when I tell you that Banks, who commands about thirty-five thousand, has his headquarters in Charleston, and that Kelly, who has succeeded Lander, has probably eleven thou- sand, with his headquarters near Paw -Paw. Thus you see two generals, whose united force is near forty- six thousand troops, already organized for three years or the war, opposed to our little force here : but I do not feel discouraged. Let me have what force you can. McClellan, as I learn, was at Charleston on Friday last ; there may be something significant in PREPARING TO LEAVE WINCHESTER. 239 this. You observe, then, the impossibility of saying how many troops I shall require, since it is impossible for me to know how many will invade us. I am de- lighted to hear you say Virginia is resolved to conse- crate all her resources, if necessary, to the defence of herself. Now we may look for war in earnest. You ask me for a letter respecting the Valley. I am well satisfied that you can say much more about it than I can, and in much more forcible terms. I have only to say this, that if this valley is lost, Virginia is lost. " Very truly your friend, T. J. Jackson." Jackson meanwhile remained at Winchester, watch- ing closely the advance of Banks, and doing what was possible to impede it. General Johnston thus describes the duty assigned to him : " After it had become evi- dent that the Valley was to be invaded by an army too strong to be encountered by Jackson's division, that officer was instructed to endeavor to employ the invaders in the Valley, but without exposing himself to the danger of defeat, by keeping so near the enemy as to keep him from making any considerable detach- ment to reinforce McClellan. but not so near that he might be compelled to fight." General Jackson sent his stores, baggage, and the sick to the rear, but con- tinued to hold his position to the last moment. Early in March, when he found that he would be compelled to retire from Winchester, although his heart was yearning to stay and defend the place, he thought it was no longer safe for me to remain, and I was sent away on the same train wliich convej'sd the sick to a place of safety. In the midst of all this terrible men- tal strain my husband maintained the most perfect 240 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. self-control and cheerfulness, throwing off (when in my presence at least) the heavy burden under which he labored — talking as little as possible about military matters, and showing much of his old home ])layful- ness and abandon. He told me that when his "sun- shine" was gone out of the room which had been to us the holy of holies on earth that winter, he never wanted to enter it again; and yet to the last mo- ment he lingered at the door of the coach in which I left with bright smiles, and not a cloud upon his peace- fid brow. For thirteen months we did not meet again. Never, as long as life lasts, can I forget the harrow- ing scenes of that day upon which I left Winchester. Many of the poor soldiers looked as if they were almost at the point of death. Some were so helpless that they had to be carried on the backs of their comrades — their pale, emaciated, and despairing faces and moans of suf- fering being pitiful and heart-moving beyond descrip- tion. At ]\Ianassas there was a delay of an hour or more in transferring them to another train, and as I sat and watched that procession of concentrated mis- ery, with my own heart so heavy and anxious, I was never so impressed with the horrors of war. No ray of sunshine lightened the gloom. As I jour- neyed sadly along, ray attention was attracted by the conversation of a lady and gentleman who sat imme- diately in front of me. He was a Confederate officer, and she was plying him with questions about the army, its officers, etc. After freely discussing Lee, Johnston, and others, the lady asked : " And what do you think of Old Stonewall f I almost held my breath, but could not have been more gratified when the answer came, for it Avas this : " I have the most implicit confi- PROPOSES A NIGHT ATTACK. 241 dence in him, madam. At first I did not know wbat to think of his bold and aggressive mode of warfare ; but since I know the man, and have witnessed liis abil- ity and patriotic devotion, / would follow him any- where." How my heart warmed to- that stranger, who little knew that General Jackson's wife was a listener to a commendation which could not have been more satisfactory if it had been given for her benefit ! This was to me the brightest gleam of sunlight on that dreary journey. To show General Jackson's extreme reluctance to retreat from the loj'al old town of Winchester without striking a blow in its defence, he conceived the bold idea of becoming the attacking party himself, and to this end he called a council of his chief officers, and proposed to them a night attack upon Banks. In the meantime, while they were assembling, he w^ent, all booted and spurred, to make a hasty call on his friend Mr. Graham, whose family he found oppressed with the gloom which overspread the whole town. He was so buoyant and hopeful himself that their drooping spirits were revived, and after engaging with them in family worship he returned to meet his council of war. However, his proposition was not approved, and he hurried back to correct the impression he had made upon his friends by his cheering words and sanguine predictions ; his countenance and bearing, wliich at that time beamed with hope and the fire of patriotic devotion, were now changed to deepest perplexity and depression. Still, he was so loath to give up his coveted scheme that he said, with slow and desperate earnest- ness : " But — let me think — can I not yet carry my plan into execution ?" As he uttered these words he 16 242 LIFE OF GENERAL TiiOMAS J. JACKSOX, grasped the hilt of his sword, raised his face with a look of determination, and the light of battle glowed in his ej'es ; but the next moment he dropped his head, and, releasing his sword, said : " No; I must not do it; it may cost the lives of too many brave men. I must retreat, and wait for a better time." On the 7th of March General Banks approached within four miles of Winchester, and General Jackson drew up his little force in line of battle to meet him; but the former withdrew without attacking. The ac- tivity of Ashby and the boldness with which Jackson maintained his position impressed his adversary with the conviction that the Confederate force was much larger than it was in reality. Banks advanced in a cautious and wary manner, refusing to attack, but pushing forward his left wing so as to threaten Jack- son's flank and rear. Bj' tlie 11th of March tliis move- ment had gone so far that it was no longer safe to hold "Winchester. Jackson remained under arms all day, hoping for an attack in front, but none was made, and late in the afternoon his little army withdrew from the town, and it was occupied by the Federals the next day, ]\Iarch 12th. The Confederates continued to retreat slowly to Woodstock and Mount Jackson, forty miles in rear of Winchester, and Shields's division was thrown I forward in pursuit to Strasburg on tlie 17th. To his wife General Jackson wrote on the 10th of March from Winchester : " M}' darling, you made a timely retreat from here, for on Friday the Yankees came within five miles of this place. Ashby skirmished for some time with them, and after they fell back he followed them until GENERAL BANKS IN WINCHESTER. 243 they halted near Bunker Hill, which is twelve miles from here, where they are at present. The troops are in excellent spirits. . . . How God does bless us wherever we are ! [This was in reference to the kind- ness we had received in Winchester.] I am very thankful for the measure of health with which lie blesses me. I do not remember having been in such good health for years. . . . My heart is just overflow- ing with love for my little darling wife." "Woodstock, March 17th, 1862. " The Federals have possession of Winchester. They advanced upon the town the Friday after you left, but Ashby, aided by a kind Providence, drove them back. I had the other troops under arms, and marched to meet the enemy, but they did not come nearer than about five miles of the town, and fell back to Bunker Hill. On last Tuesday they adv^anced again, and again our troops were under arms to meet them, but after coming within four miles of the town they halted for the night. I was in hopes that they would advance on me during the evening, as I felt that God would give us the victory ; but as they halted for the night, and I knew they could have large reinforce- ments by morning, I determined to fall back, and sent my troops back the same night to their wagons in rear of Winchester, and the next morning moved still farther to the rear." The retirement of Jackson and the unopposed occu- pation of the lower valley by Banks reheved McClel- lan of all fears in that direction ; and in pursuance of President Lincoln's requirement, Banks was ordered 244 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. to intrench himself in the vicinity of Manassas, in or- der to guard the approaches to Washington. Shields's division was accordingly recalled from Strasburg, and the Federals began their movement towards Manassas on the 2i)th of March. On the evening of the 21st Ashby reported that the enemy had evacuated Stras- burg. Jackson, divining that this meant a withdrawal towards Washington, at once ordered pui-suit with all his available force. The whole of his little army reached Strasburg on the aftei'noon of the 22d, the greater part after a march of twenty-two miles. Mean- time the indefatigable Ashby Avas following close be- hind the retreating enemy, and late in the afternoon of the 22d, as Jackson was entering Strasburg, Ashby was attacking the Federal pickets one mile south of Winchester. After the skirmish, Ashby camped for the night at Kernstown, three miles south of Win- chester. General Shields, who commanded the troops Ashby had attacked, and Avho was himself wounded in the skirmish, had displayed but a small part of his force; and this fact, combined with information ob- tained within the Federal lines, misled the Confeder- ates. The reports brought out led Ashb}' to believe that all but one brigade had gone, and that it expected to leave for Harper's Ferry the next day ; but the fact was that Shields's division of three brigades still re- mained. This information caused Jackson to push on with all haste the next morning. At daylight he sent three companies of infantry to reinforce Ashby, and followed with his whole force. After a march of four- teen miles he reached Kernstown at 2 p.m. Shields had made his disposition to meet attack, and Ashby kept up an active skirmish with the advance of BATTLE OF KERNSTOWN. 245 Shields's force durino' the forenoon. But thougli thus making ready, the Federal generals did not expect an attack in earnest, believing that Jackson could not be tempted to hazard himself so far from his main sui> port. When he reached Kernstown his troops were very weary. Three fourths of them had marched thirty-six miles since the preceding morning. lie therefore gave directions for bivouacking, and saj's in his report : " Though it was very desirable to prevent the enemy from leaving the Valley, yet I deemed it best not to attack until morning. But subsequently ascertaining that the Federals had a position from which our forces could be seen, I concluded that it would be dangerous to postpone the attack until the next day, as reinforcements might be brought up dur- ing the night." Jackson, therefore, led his men to the attack. His plan was to gain the ridge upon which the Federal right flank rested, turn that flank, and get command of the road from Kernstown to Winchester in the rear. He gained the top of the ridge, but Shields held him in check until he could huny other troops to that, flank, when Jackson in turn became the attacked party. For three hours of this Sunday afternoon the sanguinary and stubborn contest con- tinued. But bravely as the Confederates fouglit, they were finally overcome by the superior numbers of the enemy, and were compelled to retreat. Weary and dispirited was the little army which had marched four- teen miles in the morning to attack a force more than double its own, and which had for three hours wrestled for victory in so vigorous a manner as to astonish and deceive the enemy. Baffled and overpowered, it slow- ly retraced its path for six miles more, and sank to 246 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. rest. In the fence corners, under the trees, and around the wagons, tlie soldiers threw themselves down, many too tired to eat, and forgot in slumber the toils, dan- gers, and disappointments of the day. Jackson shared the open-air bivouac with his men. His faithful com- missary. Major Hawks, made a roaring fire, and was making a bed of rails, when the general wished to know what he was doing. " Fixing a place to sleep," was the reply. " You seem determined to make your- self and those around you comfortable," siaid Jack- son. Knowing the general had fasted all day, the major soon obtained some bread and meat from the nearest squad of soldiers, and after they had satisfied their hunger they slept soundly on the rail bed in a fence corner. The Federals picked up two or three hundred pris- oners, and as they marched them through the streets of "Winchester the inhabitants turned out almost en 7nasse to show them their sympathy, and many of their friends and kindred were recognized among the captives. The next day the citizens asked and obtained permission to bury the Confederate dead on the battle- field, and persons of all ages and conditions flocked thither, for there was scarcely a family in the county which had not a relative in Jackson's command ; and with torturing anxiety the women looked into the face of every prostrate form, fearing to find it one of their own loved ones. Tlie wounded had been taken off the battle-field by tjieir general, who ordered his medical director. Dr. McGuire, to send them to the rear. As the army was retreating, the surgeon said: " But that requires time. Can you stay to protect us V " Make yourself easy about that," replied he ; RETIRES TO MOUNT JACKSON. 247 " this army stays here until the last wounded man is removed." And then with deep feeling he said : " Be- fore I wiU leave them to the enemy I will lose many more men." The next morning after the battle, Gen- eral Jackson gradually retired before the advancing enemy, once more, to Mount Jackson. To his wife he wrote on the 24th of March : " Yesterday important considerations, in my opin- ion, rendered it necessary to attack the enemy near "Winchester. The action commenced about 3 p.m. and lasted until dark. Our men fought bravely, but the superior numbers of the enemy repulsed me. Many valuable lives were lost. Our God was my shield. His protecting care is an additional cause for grati- tude. I lost one piece of artillery and three caissons. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded was probably superior to ours." " March 28th. Near Mount Jackson. . . . My lit- tle army is in excellent spirits. It feels that it inflicted a severe blow upon the enemy. I stayed in camp last night bivouacking. To-day I am in the house of a Mr. AUen, where I am quite comfortable. This is a beautiful country. The celebrated Meem farm is near here, and is the most magnificent one tliat I know of anywhere. After God, our God, again blesses us with peace, I hope to visit this country with my darhng, and enjoy its beauty and loveliness." " April 7th. My precious pet, your sickness gives me great concern ; but so live that it, and all your tri- als, may be sanctified to you, remembering that ' our 248 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. light afflictions, which are but for a moment, work out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.' I trust you and all I have in the hands of a kind Providence, knowing that all things work to- gether for the good of His people. " Yesterday was a lovely Sabbath day. Although I had not the privilege of hearing the word of life, yet it felt like a holy Sabbath day, beautiful, serene, and lovely. All it wanted was the church-bell and God's services in the sanctuary to make it complete. . . . Our gallant little army is increasing in numbers, and my prayer is that it may be an army of the living God as well as of its country." " April 11th. I am very much concerned at having no letter this week, but my trust is in the Almighty. How precious is the consolation flowing from the Christian's assurance that 'all things work together for good to them that love God !' . . . God gave us a glorious victory in the Southwest [at Shiloh], but the loss of the great Albert Sidney Johnston is to be mourned. I do not remember having ever felt so sad at the death of a man whom I had never seen. . . . Although I was repulsed in the attempt to recover Winchester, yet the enemy's loss appears to have been three times that of ours. In addition to this, the great object which required me to follow up the enemy, as he fell back from Straslmrg, seems to have been ac- comphshed very thoroughly. I am well satisfied with the result. Congress has passed a vote of thanks, and General Johnston has issued a very gratifying order upon the subject, one which will have a fine effect upon my command. The great object to be acquired FIGHTING A BATTLE ON SUNDAY. 249 by the battle demanded time to make known its ac- complishments. Time has shown that while the field is in possession of the enemy, the most essential fruits of the battle are ours. For this and all of our Heav- enly Father's blessings, I vrish I could be ten thousand times more thankful. Should any report be published, my views and object in fighting and its fruits will then become known. You appear much concerned at my attacking on Sunday. I was greatly concerned, too ; but I felt it my duty to do it, in consideration of the ruinous effects that might result from postponing the battle until the morning. So far as I can see, my course was a wise one ; the best that I could do under the circumstances, though very distasteful to my feel- ings ; and I hope and jjray to our Heavenly Father that I may never again be circumstanced as on that day. I believed that so far as our troops were con- cerned, necessity and mercy both called for the battle. I do hope the war will soon be over, and that I shall never again have to take the field. Arms is a pro- fession that, if its principles are adhered to for suc- cess, requires an officer to do what he fears may be wrong, and yet, according to military experience, must be done, if success is to be attained. And this fact of its being necessary to success, and being accompanied with success, and that a departure from it is accom- panied with disaster, suggests that it must be riglit. Had I fought the battle on Monday instead of Sun- day, I fear our cause would have suffered ; whereas, as things turned out, I consider our cause gained much from the engagement." His bold attack at Kernstown, though unsuccess- 250 LITE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. ful, led to many important results. Its first efifect was the accomplishment of one of the principal ob- jects of the Confederates — the recall of the Federal troops then marching from the Valley towards Manassas. It bad also the effect of changing the disposition of several of their divisions and corps, and producing such consternation at Washington that President Lincoln did not consider his capital secure, and detained McDowell's corps in front of the city, although General McCleUan had left over forty thousand troops for its defence ! For this achievement at Kernstown the Confederate Congress passed the following resolution of thanks : " 1. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States, that the thanks of Congress are due, and are hereby tendered, to Major-General Thomas J. Jack- son, and the officers and men under his command, for erallant and meritorious services in a successful engagement with a greatly superior force of the enemy near Kernstown, Frederick County, Virginia, on the 23d of March, 1862. 2. Besolved, that these resolutions be communicated by the Secretary of War to Major-General Jackson, and by him to his command." The noble women of Winchester, during the whole war, devoted themselves to nursing the sick and wounded soldiers with tender care and self-sacrifice, and their compassion failed not even in administer- ing to the wounded of the enemy. And after the war was ovei", from the midst of saddened and deso- late homes, they continued their self-denying care for MEMORIALS TO THE DEAD. 251 the ashes of the brave men to whose comfort and encouragement they had contributed so freely in life, and by whose suffering cots they had often watched in sorrow, danger, and death. Under the leadership of Mrs. Philip Williams, they gathered the thousands of Confederate dead from the surrounding battle- fields and placed them in the " Stonewall Cemetery " — a memorial not more to the patriotism of man than to the devotion of woman. They also erected a hand- some monument to "The Unknown Dead" — and the State of Maryland, in the year 1880, likewise placed a beautiful monument in this cemetery in memory of her brave soldiers who fell in defence of the South. It is said that the State of North Cai'olina has more soldiers buried upon Virginia battle-fields than any other Southern State — a fact which speaks for itself in showing the heroic part borne by the good Old North State in the struggle for independence. The next month after the battle of Kernstown was to General Jackson one of comparative inaction. He spent it in recruiting his forces and reoi-ganizing his regiments, his ranks filling up under the new impe- tus given to enlistment by a new conscription bill, and by the return of furloughed men, which nearly doubled the number of his troops since the battle, but even yet he had only about five or six thousand men. His great desire to press into service every available man in Virginia will be seen by the fol- lowing letter, which he wrote on the 21st of March to Governor Letcher's aide-de-camp. Colonel French : " Colonel, — Please request the governor to order three thousand muskets to Staunton at his earliest 252 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. convenience for the militia of tills district. Xone of tlie militia beyond the county, except live hundred from Augusta, have yet arrived, but they are turning out encouragingly. There are three religious denom- inations in this military district who are opposed to war. Eighteen [men] were recently arrested in endeav- oring to make their escape through Pendleton County to the enemy. Those who do not desert will, to some extent, hire substitutes, others will turn out in obedi- ence to the governor's call ; but I understand some of them say they will not 'shoot.' They can be made to fire, but can very easil}' take bad aim. So, for the purpose of giving to this command the highest degree of efficiency, and securing loyal feelings and co-opera- tion, I have, as these non-combatants are said to be good teamsters and faithful to their promises, deter- mined to organize them into companies of one hundred men each, rank and file, and after mustering them, with the legal number of company officers, into ser- vice, assign them to the various stafiP departments without issuing arms to them; but if at any time they have insufficient labor, to have them drilled, so that in case circumstances should justify it, arras may be given them. If these men are, as represented to me, faithful laborers and careful of property, this ar- rangement will not only enable many volunteers to return to the ranks, but will also save many valuable horses and other public property, in addition to arms. . . . All I have pledged myself is that, as far as prac- ticable, I will employ them in other ways than fighting, but with the condition that they shall act in good faith with me, and not permit persons to use their names for the purpose of keeping out of service." BANKS FOLLOWS JACKSON SLOWLY. 253 On the 28th of April, General Jackson applied to General Lee, then acting as coramander-in-chief under President Davis, for a reinforcement of five thousand men, which addition to his force he deemed necessary to justify him in marching out and attacking Banks. Next day he was informed that no troops could be spared to him beyond the commands of Generals Ewell and Edward Johnson, the latter of whom was seven miles west of Staunton, at West View, with a brigade. General J. E. Johnston had transferred the mass of his army to the front of Richmond, where he had taken command in person. Ewell's division alone remained on the Rappahannock to watch the enemy, and to aid Jackson in case of need. This division was now near Gordonsville, and a good road from that point to Swift Run Gap placed it in easy reach of Jackson. Banks followed Jackson but slowly. He reached Woodstock on April 1st, and having pushed Ashby's cavalry back to Edinburg, five miles beyond, he attempted no further serious advance until the 17th. He then moved forward in force, and Jackson retired to Harrisonburg, and, crossing the main fork of the Shenandoah, took up his position at the western base of the Blue Ridge, in Swift Run Gap. This camp the Confederates reached on the 20th of April, and here they remained through ten days more of rain and mud. On the 16th of April, General Jackson wrote to his wife as follows : " Near New Market. " This morning is warm and spring-like, and this country is one of the most beautiful that I ever beheld. . . . On last Wednesday the enemy advanced 254 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON'. on me at one o'clock a. m., and I fell back to this place, where I arrived on Friday. My route was through New Market and Harrisonburg. I am about midway between Harrisonburg and Stannardsville. The enemy did not advance as far as Harrisonburg on the Valley turnpike. The advance of the two armies is withiu a few miles of each other. ... I do want so much to see my darling, but fear such a priv- ilege will not be enjoyed for some time to come." " Swift Run Gap. ..." Dr. Dabney is here, and I am very thankful to God for it. He comes up to my highest expecta- tions as a staff-officer." " Staunton, May 5th. " Since I last wrote to my darling I have been very busy. On Wednesday last I left my position near Swift Run Gap, and moved up the south fork of the Shenandoah to Port Republic, which is about three miles from AVej'er's Cave. I would like to see the cave, for I remembered that my little ])et had been there, and that gave me a deeper interest in the great curiosity. The road up the river was so treach- erous that I could only advance about six miles per day, and to leave the road was at the risk of sinking yet deeper in the quicksands, in which that locality abounds. The country is one of the loveliest I have ever seen. On Saturday the marcii was resumed, and we crossed the Blue Ridge at what is known as Brown's Gap, and thus entered into Eastern Virginia. I stopped with a very agreeable family named Pace. Here I expected to pass the Sabbath, but on Sunday morning I received a despatch stating that part of the POSITIOX OF THE TWO ARMIES. 255 enemy's force had arrived within one day's march of Brigadier-General Edward Johnson's camp. Under the circumstances I felt it incumbent upon me to press forward, and I arrived here last evening, where I am stopping at the Virginia House. The troops are still coming in. The corps of cadets of the Virginia Mihtary Institute is here." General Edward Johnson was seven miles west of Staunton with about thirty-five hundred men. Gen- eral Jackson had about six thousand troops, and Gen- eral Ewell, with an equal force, was in the vicinity of Gordonsville. Such was the Confederate position. On the other hand, Banks, with the main body of his force of about twenty thousand men, occupied Harrisonburg, twelve or fifteen miles in front of General Jackson. Schenck and Milroy, commanding Fremont's advance of six thousand men, wei'e in front of Edward John- son, their pickets already east of the Shenandoah mountain, and on the Harrisonburg and Warm Springs turnpike. Fremont was preparing to join them from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad with neai'ly ten thou- sand men, making the total of Fremont's movable column some fifteen thousand ; so, with a force of about sixteen thousand men (including Ewell and Ed- ward Johnson), General Jackson had on his hands the thirty-five thousand under Banks and Fremont. The Warm Springs turnpike afforded Banks a ready mode of uniting with Milroy and Schenck, in which case Staunton would be an easy capture. Fremont was already preparing to move in that direction. Jackson determined to anticipate such a movement, if possible, by uniting his own force to that of Johnson, and fall- 256 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. ing upon Milroy, -while Ewell kept Banks in check. Then he would join Ewell, and with all his strength attack Banks. To accomplish this, Ewell was ordered to cross the mountain and occupy the position Jackson had held for ten days at Swift Kun Gap, thus keep- ing up the menace of Banks's flank. As Ewell ap- proached, Jackson left camp on the 30th of April, and inarched up the east bank of the Shenandoah to Port Republic, and on the 5th of May he reached Staunton with his armj% after a toilsome march through the mud and frequent quicksands. The movement of this devious route mystified friends as well as foes. The good people of Staunton were almost as much aston- ished when General Jackson made his sudden appear- ance in their town as if an angel had dropped down from the clouds ; for, like Banks, they thought he had withdrawn from the valley and disappeared into East- ern Virginia, no one knew whither. He gave his troops one day to rest, and on the next he hurried for- ward, united Johnson's force with his own, drove in the Federal pickets and foraging parties, and camped twenty-five miles west of Staunton. On the morrow (May 8th) he pushed on to McDowell, seized Sitling- ton's Hill, which commanded the town and enemy's camp, and made his dispositions to seize the road in rear of the enemy during the night. But Milroy and Schenck had united, and seeing their position unten- able, made a fierce attack in the afternoon to retake the hill or cover their retreat For three or four hours a bloody struggle took place on the brow of Sithng- ton's Hill. The Federals, though inflicting severe loss, were repulsed at every point, and at nightfall quietly withdrew. This was known as the battle of McDow- THANKSGIVING FOR VICTORY. 257 ell. The enemy lit their camp-fires, and in the dark, ness evacuated the town, retreating twenty-four miles to Franklin, in Pendleton County, where they met Fremont advancing with the main body of his forces. Jackson followed to this point ; but, finding it impos- sible to attack to advantage, deemed it inadvisable tc attempt anything further in this difficult country, with his ten thousand men against Fremont's fourteen or fifteen thousand. Screening completely his move- ments with cavalry, he turned back (May 13th), marched rapidly to within seventeen miles of Staun- ton, then turned towards Harrisonburg, and sent a despatch to General Ewell that he was on his way to attack Banks with their united forces. On the 12th of May he wrote thus to his wife : " Headquarters, Valley District, near Franklin. " My precious darling, I telegraphed you on the 9th that God had blest us with victory at McDowell. I have followed the enemy to this place, Avhich is about three miles from Franklin. The enemy has been rein- forced, and apparently designs making a stand beyond Franklin. I expect to reconnoitre to-day, but do not know as yet whether I will attack him thus reinforced. We have divine service at ten o'clock to-day (Monday) to render thanks to Almighty God for having crowned our arms with success, and to implore His continued favor." " Near HARRisoNBnRG, May 19th. ..." How I do desire to see our country free and at peace ! It appears to me that I would appreciate home more than I have ever done before. Here I am sitting in the open air, writing on ray knee for want 17 258 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. of a table. . . . Yesterday Dr. Dabney preached an excellent sermon from the text : ' Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' It is a great privilege to have him with me." Before beginning his march on his return, he grant- ed his soldiers a rest of half a day on Monday, and issued the following order : " Soldiers of the Army of the Valley and Northwest : " I congratulate you on your recent victory at Mc- Dowell. I request you to unite with me this morn- ing in thanksgiving to Almighty God for thus having crowned your arms with success, and in praying that He will continue to lead you on from victory to vic- tory, until our independence shall be established, and make us that people whose God is the Lord. The chaplains will hold divine service at ten o'clock a.m. this day in their respective regiments." * The day after the battle he sent the following brief announcement to the government at Richmond : * A writer thus describes this scene : " There, in the beautiful little valley of the South Branch, with the blue and towering mountains covered with the verdure of spring, the green - sward smiling a welcome to the season of flowers, and the bright sun, unclouded, lending a genial, refreshing warmth — that army, equipped for the stern conflict of war, bent in humble praise and thanksgiving for the success vouchsafed to their arras. While this solemn ceremony was progressing in every regiment, the ene- my's artillery was occasionally belcliing forth its leaden death ; yet all unmoved stood that worshipping army, acknowledging the supremacy of the will of Hini who controls the destinies of men and nations, and chooses the weak things of earth to con- found the mighty." TAKING THE RESPONSIBILITr. 259 " God blest our arms with victory at McDowell Station yesterday. " T. J. Jackson, Major-General." About the time General Ewell received the message from General Jackson to join him at Harrisonburg, an order came from General Johnston calling him with his force back to Gordonsville. But Ewell, knowing what a disappointment it would be to Jackson to thus have all his plans destroyed by want of his support, determined to have an interview with Jackson before moving in any direction. He accordingly rode a day and night to see him, and in the conference both were sorely perplexed as to what was their duty under the circumstances; Jackson not questioning the right of superior authority, and saying regretfully : " Then Providence denies me the privilege of striking a de- cisive blow for my country, and I must be satisfied with the humble task of hiding my little army among these mountains to watch a superior force." But Ewell proposed that if Jackson, as his ranking officer, would take the responsibility^ he would remain until the condition of affairs could be represented to General Johnston, which was decided upon, and meantime they united in a vigorous pursuit of Banks. Ashby had followed close on Banks's heels, and now. occupied his outposts with constant skirmishing, while he com- pletely screened Jackson. The latter, having marched rapidly to New Market, as if about to follow the foe to Strasburg to attack him thei'e, suddenly changed his route, crossed the Massanutton Mountain to Luray, where Ewell joined him, and poured down the narrow Page Valley by forced marches towards Front Eoj^al. 260 WKE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON'. The Confederates marched from Franklin to Front Royal, a distance of one hundred and twenty miles, by Jackson's route, in ten days, and arrived at the latter place on the 23d of May. Front Royal was held by about one thousand Federals under Colonel Kenly, who had charge of large stores, and of the railroad and the important railroad bridges on the Shenandoah. This force covered the flank and rear of Banks's position at Strasburg. Kenly was taken by surprise, but after making what resistance he could, was forced across the bridges which he vainly attempt- ed to destroy, and fled to Winchester. Jackson, too im- patient to wait for his tired infantry, placed himself at the head of a few companies of cavalry, and pushed after the foe, whom he overtook, attacked, and dis- persed so effectually, that of those who were not killed or wounded, the greater part were taken prisonei-s. Exhausted nature could do no more. The weary and march-worn army sank down to rest. General Banks, amazed at this irruption, by which his flank was turned and his communications threatened, began dur- ing the night a precipitate retreat from Strasburg to Winchester. Jackson anticipates this, and pressed on the next morning to Middlelown, a village between Strasburg and Winchester, to find the road filled with Federal trains and troops. Capturing or scattering these in every direction, he followed on after the main body, which had ah-eady passed him, towards Winches- ter. He overtook them in the afternoon — pushed Banks's rear-guard before him all night, giving the main body of his troops only one hour to rest u{X)n their arms. The advance regiment, under Colonel Baylor, were not allowed to lie down at all, while their BANKS DRIVEN ACROSS THE POTOMAC. 261 vigilant and untiring commander stood sentinel him- self at the head of the column, listening to every sound from the front. At dawn, he gave in an undertone the command, " Forward ! March !" which was passed down the command, and by daylight on the 25th of May he reached Winchester to find the Federal forces drawn up across the approaches to the town from the south and southeast. A vigorous attack was at once made by the Confederates, which for a short time was bravely resisted, but the Federal lines soon began to yield, and, seeing himself about to be overwhelmed, Banks retreated through Winchester. General Jack- son pressed closely, and the Federals emerged from the town a mass of disorganized fugitives, making their way with all speed towards the Potomac. See- ing the enemy break, Jackson set spurs to his horse, and, bounding upon the crest of a hill, shouted to his men : " Forward ! After the enemy !" and with a face aflame with animation and triumph, he galloped amidst the foremost pursuers. The Confederate in- fantry followed for several miles, capturing a large number of prisoners, and had the cavalry been as efB cient, but few of Banks's troops would have escaped. The troopers who proved derelict at this crisis had yielded to the temptation of the rich spoils they had captured from the enemy, and, as General Jackson expressed it, " forgetful of their high trust as the ad- vance-guard of a pursuing army, deserted their colors and abandoned themselves to pillage to such an ex- tent as to make it necessary for the gallant Ashby to discontinue further pursuit." This was a painful dis- appointment to General Jackson, and as he watched the flight of the multitude of fugitives, and saw the 262 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. golden opportunity for cavalry to make the victory complete, he exclaimed with bitter regret : " Oh that my cavalry were in place ! Xever was there such a chance for cavalry !" In his official report he says : " Never have I seen an opportunity when it was in the power of cavalry to reap a richer harvest of the fruits of victory I" Banks halted on the north side of the Potomac, and Jackson allowed his exhausted men to rest at "Win- chester. In forty -eight hours the enemy had been driven between fifty and sixty miles, from Front Royal and Strasburg to the Potomac, with the loss of more than one third of his entire strength. His army had crossed that river a disorganized mass. Hundreds of wagons had been abandoned or burned. An immense quantity of quartermaster, commissary, medical, and ordnance stores had fallen into the hands of the victor. These stores were estimated by the Confederate quar- termaster as worth $300,000, and proved of inesti- mable value to the Confederacy. Some twenty-three hundred prisoners were taken to the rear when Gen- eral Jackson fell back, besides seven hundred and fifty wounded, sick, paroled, and left in the hospitals at "Winchester and Strasburg, making a total of about three thousand and fifty. The victory was glorious, even if the weary and march-worn command had not achieved all that their tireless and indomitable lead- er thought possible. "Winchester, having for several months been in the hands of the enemy, the joy of the inhabitants knew no bounds when they cauglit sight of the victorious Confederates, whom they welcomed as their deliverers and greeted with the wildest enthu- siasm. Universal rejoicing was manifested by all ages WHAT HAD BEEN DONE IN FOUR WEEKS. 263 and sexes. That historic old town and its beautiful environs presented, by the afternoon of May 25th, an aspect of quiet and repose strangely in contrast with the stormy scenes of the morning. Monda}-^, the day after the engagements around Winchester, was spent, according to General Jack- son's custom, in religious services and thanksgiving, the following general order being issued by him on the morning of that day : ' Within four weeks this army has made long and rapid marches, fought six combats and two battles — signally defeating the enemy in each one — capturing several stands of colors and pieces of artillery, with numerous prisoners, and vast medical, ordnance, and army stores ; and, finally, driven the boastful host which was ravaging our beautiful country into utter rout. The general commanding would warmly ex- press to the officers and men under his command his joy in their achievements, and his thanks for their brill- iant gallantry in action and their patient obedience under the hardships of forced marches, often more painful to the brave soldier than the dangers of battle. The explanation of the severe exertions to which the commanding general called the army, which were en- dured by them with such cheerful confidence in him, is now given in the victory of yesterday. He receives this proof of their confidence in the past with pride and gratitude, and asks only a similar confidence in the future. But his chief duty to-day, and that of the army, is to recognize devoutly the hand of a protecting Providence in the brilliant successes of the last three days — which have given us the results of a great vie- 264 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. tory without great losses — and to make the oblation of our thanks to God for His mercies to us and our coun- try in heartfelt acts of religious worship. For this pur- pose the troops will remain in camp to-day, suspending as far as possible all military exercises, and the chap- lains of regiments will hold divine service in their sev- eral charges at four o'clock p. m." The next day was devoted to rest ; and on the third he moved on again towards Harper's Ferry, in order, by the most energetic diversions possible, to draw away troops from Richmond. The total rout of Banks at Winchester created such a panic in Washington that President Lincoln sent a despatch to McDowell to lay aside for the present his movement upon Richmond, and put twenty thousand men in motion at once for the Shenandoah, to meet the forces of Jackson and Ewell. And in a despatch to McClellan, of the 25th of May, he says : "Banks ran a race with them, beating them into Winchester yesterday evening. This morning a battle ensued between the two forces, in which Banks was beaten back in full retreat towards Martinsburg, and probably is broken up in a total rout." A favorite aphorism of General Jackson's was: " Never take counsel of j'our fears." While President Lincoln was thus " taking counsel of his fears " and promptly ordering troops from all directions to over- whelm Jackson, the latter was resting from the fa- tigues of his forced marches at Winchester. Plis loss during the whole expeilition was four hundred men. REJOICINGS IN WINCHESTER. 265 The entire strength of his force was not over fifteen thousand men. All the energy of a great government was now expended in gathering about him a force of between fifty-five and sixty thousand men. Fremont, who had been quietly resting at Franklin while Gen- eral Jackson was making forced marches after Banks, was startled by the tidings of the Federal rout, as he himself was ordered by the President to take up his march, and come to the rescue in saving the national capital from the grasp of the redoubtable Confederate leader. On the 26th of May General Jackson wrote thus to his wife from Winchester : "My precious darling, an ever-kind Providence blest us with success at Front Royal on Friday, be- tween Strasburg and Winchester on Saturday, and here with a successful engagement on yesterday. I do not remember having ever seen such rejoicing as was manifested by the people of Winchester as our army yesterday passed through the town in pursuit of the enemy. The people seemed nearly frantic with joy ; indeed, it would be almost impossible to describe their manifestations of rejoicing and gratitude. Our entrance into Winchester was one of the most stirring scenes of ray life. The town is much improved in loyalty to our cause. Your friends greatly desired to see you with me. Last night I called to see Mr. and Mrs. Graham, who were very kind. . . . Time forbids a longer letter, but it does not forbid ray loving my espositaP CHAPTEE XIV. CROSS KEYS AND PORT REPUBLIC— 1862. After his victory at Winchester, General Jackson despatched a trusted messenger to Richmond to ask for reinforcements, and even that he should be given a force sufficient to march on "Washington, believing that this would be the surest way to break the for- midable lines which the enemy were now drawing round the Confederate capital. " Tell them," he said, "that I have but fifteen thousand effective men. If the present opening is improved, as it should be, I must have forty thousand." But the government de- cided that it would be unsafe to withdraw any troops from the defence of Richmond, but directed him to carry out his plan to the extent of making a feint of an invasion of Maryland, and of a move upon Wash- ington, and to retreat when he became too much en- dangered by overwhelming numbers. He marched to Harper's Ferrv, closely watching the approach of the enemy, and concluded on the 30th of May that it was time to withdraw his small army if he would pass between the converging armies of Fremont and Mc- Dowell. By his march to Harper's Ferry he had in- tensified the panic at Washington, but he had now carried out his instructions to the extreme point con- sistent with safety. The movements of the large bodies of troops which JACKSON PASSES BETWEEN TWO ARMIES. 267 President Lincoln had been for some days urging with such haste towards his rear, now demanded his atten- tion. Shields was pouring down from the mountain- pass to Front Royal to cut him off. The combined forces of McDowell and Fremont, which were nearly three times that of the Confederates, were hastening from opposite directions to intercept his retreat ; and once at Strasburg, the way would be barred. From the Potomac side the combined forces of Banks and Saxton amounted to fourteen thousand men, that were ready to close in on his retreat. In this peril- ous situation, Jackson decided to occupy Strasburg in advance, and to pass swiftly between the two principal armies gathering for his destruction. It was a case in which supreme audacity was the most consummate skill. lie lost no time in escaping from the dangers that threatened him — sending for- ward his twenty -three hundred prisoners under a guard ; then his long trains, many loaded with capt- ured stores, followed by his whole army of scarcely fifteen thousand men. The march was made without molestation, the main body of his troops camping at Sti'asburg on the night of the 31st. Of these the larger part had marched twenty-five miles the day before, and the rear-guard, under General Winder, which had kept up a running skirmish with the enemy between Harper's Ferry and Winchester, had marched thirty-five miles. Thus, in a single day, Jackson had put thirty miles Ijetween himself and the slow columns of Saxton and Banks, and took position directly between the armies of Fremont and McDow- ell, which had been sent to crush him. Fremont had orders from Mr. Lincoln to enter Strasburg that after- 268 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. noon, but he stopped several miles short of the town, hindered probably by a violent rain-storm ; but, what- ever the cause, the result was the loss of all oppor- tunity to cut off Jackson's retreat. The next morning Fremont made a feeble effort to advance, but evidently hesitated to bring down the whole of Jackson's force on himself, while uncertain that McDowell was in supporting distance. The lat- ter, on coming up, said he found " it was too late to get ahead of Jackson then." Shields was sent in pur- suit in another dii'ection to "head off" Jackson, but the latter had gained a day's start, and with his entire force continued to retreat towards Hai-risonburg. Between Friday morning (when Jackson was in front of Harper's Ferry) and Sunday night he had marched a distance of between fifty and sixty miles, though encumbered with prisoners and captured stores, and reached Strasbui-g before either of his ad- versaries, having passed safely between them, while he held Fremont at bay by a show of force, and blinded and bewildered McDowell by the rapidity of his move- ments. In order to prevent the pursuit of Shields by the Luray Valley, and his "heading off," Jackson de- spatched a detachment of cavalry to burn the three bridges over the South Fork of the Shenandoah, which was effected without opposition. Having taken this measure to free himself for the time from one of his pursuers, he fell back more leisurely before the other. On Monday (June 2) he retreated to Mount Jack- son. On this day he wrote his wife these few hurried lines : " I am again retiring before the enemy. They en- MOVES TOWARDS PORT REPUBLIC. 269 deavored to get in my rear by moving on both flanks of ray gallant array, but our God has been ray guide and saved me from their grasp. You must not expect long letters from me in such busy times as these, but always believe that your husband never forgets his Mttle darling." On the 3d he fell back to New Market. Ashby, who had received his commission as brigadier-general at Winchester a few days before, was now placed in command of all the cavalry, and to him was commit- ted the duty of protecting the rear. The Confederates were closely followed by Fremont's advance, with whom Ashby constantly skirmished, checking them whenever they came too near; and by burning the bridge over which the Confederates crossed, tlieir ad- vance was held back for a day. Jackson continued his retreat, and on the 5th reached Harrisonburg. Here he changed his line of march, and, leaving the valley turnpike, moved in the direction of Port Re- public and Brown's Gap. His first care was to pre- vent a union of the forces of Fremont and Shields, for which he burned the only bridge over the Shenandoah by which they could cross, while he held the only ready means of communication between them, the bridge at Port Republic. By destroying the other bridges he had placed a barrier between his two pur- suers, and now he occupied the point where their two routes converged. No farther to the rear would the Shenandoah serve as a barrier to their junction, for south of Port Republic its head-waters are easily ford- able. General Jackson sent his sick and wounded to Staunton, having overcome what was thought an in- 270 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. surmountable obstacle in having a ferry constructed to convey them over the swollen river. On the 6th Ashby was attacked by a body of Fre- mont's cavalry, under command of Colonel Sir Percy TTyndham. an English officer who had taken service in the Union army, and now rushed into the fray, without sufficient knowledge of the situation, and was defeated and taken prisoner with sixty-three of his men. As soon as the news of his repulse was received at Fremont's headquarters, a strong force was ordered forward to hold the farther end of the town and the approaches on that side. Ashby, in disposing his troops to meet this formidable advance, seemed to the spec- tators to be instinct with unwonted animation and genius. A fierce combat ensued, in which his horse fell; but extricating himself, and springing to his feet, he saw his men wavering, and shouted, '• Charge, men ! for God's sake charge '." and waved his sword, when a bullet pierced him full in the breast, and he fell dead. The regiment took up the command of their dying general and rushed upon the enemy, pressing them back, and pouring volleys into them until they were out of musket range. The interest attaching to this fight between Jack- son's rear-guard and Fremont's advance does not grow mainly out of the engagement itself, which was comparatively unimportant, but out of the fact that it was the occasion of the fall of General Turner Ashby, who was truly the ideal of a soldier in whom the qualities that excite admiration were united to those that win affection and devotion. Insensible to danger, the more daring an enterprise the greater was its attraction for him. With such qualities were DEATH OF GENERAL ASOBY. 271 united the utmost generosity and unselfishness ; a delicacy of sentiment and feeling like a woman's ; and a respect for the rights of others which permitted within tlie limits of his authority no outrage on friend or foe. Says General Jackson in his report : " An official report is not an appropriate place for more than a passing notice of the distinguished dead ; but the close relation which General Ashby bore to my command for most of the previous twelve months will justify me in saying that, as a partisan officer, I never knew his superior. His daring was proverbial, his powers of endurance almost incredible, his tone of character heroic, and his sagacity almost intuitive in divining the purposes and movements of the enemy." After the remains of the young hero had been pre- pared for burial in Port Eepublic, General Jackson came to the room and requested to see them. He was admitted alone, and after remaining for a time in silent communion with the dead, came forth with a countenance of unusual solemnity and elevation. Ashby 's widowed mother lived in Fauquier, but her home being now within the Federal lines, she was de- nied the comfort of receiving the remains of this, her second gallant son who fell in defence of his country. He was taken to Charlottesville for temporarj' inter- ment. Slowly and sadly the funeral cortege passed on its way through that exquisitely beautiful valley. The storm of battle even seemed to have ceased out of respect for the dead. An escort of tlie brave com- rades of Ashby, with bowed heads and solemn mien, their arms reversed, accompanied the hearse. Behind 272 LIf'E OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. it came the chieftain's horse and trappings, led by his negro servant, whose grief was most demonstrative. His personal staff next followed. The whole, as it wound along the country road in the broad sunlight of a perfect summer day, seemed to recall some rite of ancient chivalry ; and surely no braver, truer knight was ever borne to a glorious tomb. After the war his remains were removed and placed beside those of his brother, Captain Richard Ashby, in the " Stone- wall Cemetery " at Winchester. " Brief, brave, and glorious was his young career ; His mourners were two hosts, his friends and foes. And fitly may the stranger, lingering here, Pray for his gallant spirit's briglit repose, For he was Freedom's champion ; one of those, The few in number, who had not o'erstept The charter to chastise which she bestows On such as wield her weapons. He had kept The whiteness of his soul, and thus men o'er him wept." And now for two days — the 6th and 7th of June — Jackson's army enjoyed a sorely needed rest. In the twenty -four days that had intervened between the time that be had withdrawn from Fremont's front at Franklin and his arrival at Port Eepublic, it had marched three hundred miles, besides driving Banks over the Potomac. Lying on the north side of the Shenandoah, along Mill Creek, a few miles in front of Port Republic, these exhausted and march-worn men refreshed themselves, and at the end of two days were as ready as ever for battle. Meantime Jackson, having prevented the junction of his two opponents by burning the bridges across the South Fork of the Shenandoah, below Port Re- BATTLE OF PORT REPUBLIC. 273 public, was preparing to take advantage of their en- forced separation. He adapted his strategy to the character of the country and the rivers. Fremont was equal to Jackson in force, Shields was inferior. Together they largely outnumbered him. His effec- tive force at this time could not have exceeded thir- teen thousand men, and he determined to retreat no farther, but to fight them in detail while separated. To retire towards Brown's Gap was to allow his enemies to unite. To concentrate on the east side at once against Shields as the weaker, and burn the bridge to keep Fremont back, was to run the risk of having the battle-field in the plain on the eastern side commanded by Fremont's guns, Avhich would then crown the heights on the left bank. While it might not thus entirely paralyze Fremont in the struggle with Shields, it would certainly prevent Jackson from returning in case of success to attack Fremont. The Confederate commander therefore took the other plan remaining to him, and, having sent off his prison- ers to the railroad at Waynesboro' and removed his trains to Port Republic, placed his army in position on the north side of the river ; General Eweli's divi- sion at Cross Keys, half-way on the road to Harrison- burg, and Genei'al Winder's division on the heights above the bridge along the river. Here artillery was at hand to command the town and bridge and plain by which Shields must approach. Fremont was weU closed up, and his vigorous pursuit of the last few days indicated a prompt attack without waiting for the co-operation of Shields. The latter was not so well up as Fremont, but his advance came within six miles of Port Republic on Saturday evening, June 18 274 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSO.V. 7th. Jackson thus took a position where lie might receive the attack of Fremont, while it was in the power of a small part of his force to hold Shields in check. Ilis position, if the latter attempted to attack in aid of Fremont, was impregnable. The Federal General Tyler thought it " one to defy an army of fifty thousand men." Defeat by Fremont would have rendered Jackson's condition precarious, but this contingency he did not anticipate. His sagacity was made manifest, and his strategy approved, by the movements of his adversaries. Fremont had failed to seize the Confederate line of retreat at Strasburg w^hen it was possible, and had permitted Jackson, encumbered with prisoners, to pass by him unmo- lested. His pursuit of the retreating Confederates had emboldened him, and now, having followed them over fifty miles farther, he was ready to attack in a chosen position the army which he had hesitated to fight when hampered by its ti'ains and captures. Then McDowell was within reach to aid ; now an im- passable river prevented all co-operation. Shields, on the other hand, condemned by the burning of the bridges to make his toilsome way along the muddy roads of the Luray Valley, had halted at Columbia, and sent forward his advance brigades to harass Jack- son's flank, with orders to go as far as Waynesboro, and break the railroad. The mass of Shields's forces were known to be miles away, and Jackson's cavalry scouts were expected to give timely warning of his approach. Jackson had placed his headquarters on the southwestern outskirts of the village. Sunday morning, June Sth, was bright witii all the glorv of summer in the Valley of the Shenandoah. BATTLE OF PORT REPUBLIC. 275 Quiet reigned throughout the Confederate camp, and men and animals alike seemed to enjoy the rest, ■which for a day or two had followed the excessive toils and marches of the campaign. Jackson was just mounting his horse to ride to the front, when a bold and unexpected dash by the enemy opened the fight at Port Kepublic itself, and for a few moments threat- ened such disaster that Shields sent a despatch to Fre- mont saying, " I think Jackson is caught this time." Jackson, followed by his staff, rode rapidly through the town towards the bridge and his troops stationed on the hills around it. The enemy boldly crossed the bridge, and rode so quickly into the middle of the town as to intercept the two hindmost members of Jackson's staff, and make them prisoners ; but both were soon released, one by being left in town when the Federals subsequently retreated, and the other by capturing the soldier in whose care he was placed and bringing him back as a prisoner. The enemy promptly placed one piece of artillery at the bridge, so as to command the approaches to it, and with another piece prepared to attack Jackson's train lying just outside of the town. Their unexpected ap- proach threw teamsters and camp-followers into great confusion. But soon a gun from a Confederate bat- tery was brought and placed so as to rake the main street of the village, and a charge was poured into the rear column of Federal troopers, and their movement was checked. Meantin^.e Jackson had reached his troops nearest the bridge, and ordered three batteries in- stantly to the brow of the terrace overlooking the river. Taliaferro's brigade, of Winder's division, was the nearest infantry. General Taliaferro had them 276 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. drawn up for inspection. Ordering them forward, Jackson placed himself at the head of the leading regiment, and the first of Poague's guns that was ready, and rushed at a double-quick towards the bridge. At the word from Jackson, Poague fired a charge which disconcerted the enemy, then followed a volley from the infantry, and an immediate charge with the bay- onet. In a moment the Federal gunners were down, their gun was captured, and the bridge was again in Jackson's possession. The Confederates lost two men wounded, and the Federals their chance of destroying the bridge. Carroll (the Federal colonel), seeing him- self attacked from both ends of the village, rode out of it as rapidly as he entered it, and in his flight aban- doned another piece of aitillery to the Confederates. He soon met his infantry coming to his support; but the three Confederate batteries were now in posi- tion on the blufif on the north side, and they so rained fire on all the approaches to the town and bridge from the south and east side that any further attempt was futile, and Carroll's whole force was obliged to re- treat. To avoid the galling fire they moved some distance towards the mountain before turning down the river. The Confederate batteries followed on the bluff, and continued to shell them until they were en- tirely out of range, some two and a half miles below. The affair had only occupied about one hour, and quiet once more succeeded to the noise of battle. To guard against any repetition of this attack, Jackson now stationed Taliaferro's brigade in the vil- lage to hold the fords of South River, and placed the Stonewall Brigade on the north side of the main river, to observe the enemy and impede by artillery BATTLE OF CROSS KEYS. 277 any renewed advance. The remainder of Winder's division was held in reserve to assist Ewell, if need be. While these arrangements were being made, the battle opened along Swell's front. On Saturdaj' evening, Fremont had made a recon- noissance, and having found the Confederates in force near Cross Keys, gave orders for a general advance the next morning. General Ewell selected for his position one of the ridges with which the country is filled, the Federals occupying a lower parallel ridge. Fremont disposed his forces for attack. Blenker's division, his left wing, was placed opposite Trimble. For a time a spirited fire was maintained between the opposing batteries, when the infantry was brought into play. General Trimble's brigade met the first assault, which it gallantly repulsed, and drove down the hill and back into the woods from M'hich they advanced. The Confederates awaited another attack, but the repulse had been too bloody to invite a speedy renewal. Trimble waited a short time, and, perceiving no indications of a new advance, determined to move against the enemy. Several other regiments joined him en route, and after a short and sharp struggle the Federals were forced to yield ; the artiller}' limbered up and retired ; and in a few minutes their whole left wing was retreating towards the position which it held before the opening of the battle. Meantime, ililroy had advanced against the Confederate centre. A fierce artillery duel was here the principal feature of the contest. The Confederate batteries were in good ]>osition, and, in spite of the loss of men and horses in some of them, kept up so spirited a fire that no serious attempt was made OJi this part of the line. The 278 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON". Federals drove in the Confederate skirmishers and felt the lines behind thera, but there was no real attack. Thus, at the centre of the contending armies, the hours passed in which the fate of the day was being de- cided on Blenker's front. Schenck was last to take his post in the Federal line. He arrived on the tield at one p. ji., and moved in rear and to the right of Milroy. to take position to attack the Confederate left. General Ewell, seeing the movement of troops towards his left, strengthened and extended his line on the same flank. This delayed Schenck's aggressive movements, and before he was ready to attack in ear- nest the battle had been decided bj- the ilefeat of Blenker : and Fremont, alarmed by the disaster on his left wing, ordered both centre and right to withdraw. Ewell, conscious of his inferiority of force, and antici- pating an attack from Schenck on his left, had been content with the advantages already gained until his enemy's purposes were developed. As the Federal right and centre withdrew, he followed, pushing for- ward his skirmishers and occupying the ground in front of the field. Xight was at hand, however, and General Ewell liecided to bivouac in the position he held rather than risk a night attack on the enemy. Thus ended the battle of Cross Keys. Ewell had repulsed Fremont so decisively on one wing as to ]iaralyze his army and to secure all the advantages of victory. This had been done, too, with but a small part of the force at command. The losses were great- ly disproportioned, Ewell's being but two hundred and eighty-seven, while that of Fremont was six hundred and sixty-four. During this engagement the advance force of PREPARING FOR A FRESH ATTACK. 279 General Shields continued quiet on the east side of the river. Jackson, emboldened by his slowness to advance, and the easy repulse of Fremont, conceived the bold design of attacking his two opponents in succession the next day, with the hope of overwhelm- ing them separately. For this purpose he directed that during the night a temporary bridge, composed simply of planks laid upon the running-gear of wagons, should be constructed over the South Eiver at Port Eepublic, and ordered Winder to move his brigade at dawn across both rivers and against Shields. Ewell was directed to leave Trimble's brigade and part of Patton's to hold Fremont in check, and to move at an early hour to follow Winder. Taliaferro's brigade was left in charge of the batteries along the river, and to protect Trimble's retreat if uecessar3^ In case of an easy victory over Shields in the morning, Jack- son proposed to return to the Harrisonburg side of the river and attack Fremont in the afternoon. In case, however, of delay, and a vigorous advance on Fremont's part, Trimble was to retire by the bridge into Port Republic, and burn it to prevent his an- tagonist from following. Jackson superintended in person the construction of the foot-bridge over South Eiver, and before five o'clock in the morning Winder was already crossing. After two brigades had crossed, Jackson moved at once against the Federals at Lewis- ton, leaving orders for the remaining troops to follow as rapidly as possible. The foot-bridge proving defec- tive, a good deal of time was lost in getting the troops over. Impatient of delay, Jackson, without waiting for the remainder of his forces, ordered an attack, as soon as Winder had come up, upon Tyler, whose 280 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. position was an admirable one, on the second terrace from the Shenandoah. The ground held by his left and centre was elevated, and commanded all the avail- able approaches from Port Eepublic. Here he had six guns planted. A dense and almost impenetrable forest protected his fiank, and made all direct ap- proach to it difficult, while the batteries there placed covered a large part of the front and enfiladed Winder's advance. In this position General Tvler disposed his force. He seems, though on the alert, not to have been aware of Jackson's rapid approach until the latter was deploying in his front, but he was altogether ready to meet the attack. Winder de- ployed his skirmishers, and, advancing on both sides of the road, drove in the outposts. He soon found that the Federal batteries commanded the road and its vicinity completely. Jackson then directed him to send a force to his right through the woods to turn the Federal left flank. Winder, with less than twelve hundred men, found himself unable to cope with the force before him, and sent to Jackson for reinforcements, which the latter hurried forward as fast as possible. A most determined and stubborn conflict now took place. Jackson, finding the resist- ance of the enemy so much more obstinate than he had expected, and that his first attacks had failed, determined to concentrate his Avhole force and give up all intention of recrossing the river. He there- fore sent orders to Trimble and Taliaferro to leave Fremont's front, move over the bridge, burn it, and join the main body of the army as speedily as pos- sible. Meanwhile the bloody work went on, the Federals for a time proving the victors ; but a rein- THE LOSSES 0\ BOTH SIDES. 281 forcement to the Confederate batteries in aid of the infantry enabled them to cany their position, and capture five of the enemy's guns. The Federals had made a most gallant fight, both with their guns and to save them, but they could not resist the combined attack. They were pushed back at every point, and were soon in full retreat. Not a moment too soon had they yielded the field, for the remainder of Jackson's force was arriving, and in a short time they must have been entirely overwhelmed. Colonel Carroll, who covered the Federal rear, says : " As soon as we com- menced the retreat, the enemy turned and opened upon us portions of Clark's and Huntington's bat- teries that they had taken from us, which threw the rear of our column in great disorder, causing them to take to the woods and making it, for the earlier part of the retreat, apparently a rout. . . . Their cavalry also charged upon our rear, increasing the confusion." The Confederate infantry pressed the enemy for sev- eral miles, and the cavalry followed three miles more. About four hundred and fifty prisoners, a few wag- ons, one piece of abandoned artillery, and eight hun- dred muskets were the trophies of the pursuit. Some two hundred and seventy-five of the Federal wounded were paroled in the hospitals near the battle-field. About two hundred others were carried off. In the series of engagements on the 6th, 8th, and 9th of June the losses were : CONFEDEBATE. FkHKRAL. On June 6 70 Over 155 " 8 287 704 (including Carroll's). " 9 816 Say 916 1173 1775 282 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. During the forenoon Fremont had advanced against Trimble on the north side of the river, and was driv- ing him slowly back, when the latter was ordered to rejoin Jackson at Lewiston. He, with Taliaferro, then withdrew as rapidly as possible, crossed the bridge without loss, and succeeded in burning it in the face of the advancing Federals. Fremont's army arrived on the heights overlooking Lewiston only in time to witness the retreat of Tyler, and were pre- vented by the river from giving him any assistance. Next day the Confederates rested in camp. Ex- hausted nature demanded repose, and Jackson now gave it to his tired and battle-worn ti'oops. Both Shields and Fremont continued to retreat down the valley. " Significant demonstrations of the enemy," as Fremont expressed it, caused him to withdraw far- ther, and he joined Banks and Sigel at Middletown, while Jackson moved out from his confined bivouac, and camped in the noble park-like forest between Weyer's Cave and Mount Meridian. Here for five days of that splendid June he rested and refreshed his army. On the 13th he issued this order: "The forti- tude of the troops under fatigue and their valor in action have again, under the blessing of Divine Provi- dence, placed it in the power of the commanding gen- eral to congratulate them upon the victories of June 8th and 9th. Beset on both flanks by two boastful armies, you have escaped their toils, inflicting success- ively crushing blows upon each of your pursuers. Let a few more such efforts be made, and you may confi- dently hope that our beautiful valley will be cleansed from the pollution of the invader's presence. Tlie major-general commanding invites you to observe to- THE LORD'S SUPPER IN CAMP. 283 morrow, June 14tb, from three o'clock p. m., as a sea- son of thanksgiving, by a suspension of all military exercises, and by holding divine service in the several regiments." The next day, being the Sabbath, the Lord's Supper was administered in a woodland grove, nature's own great temple, to a large company of Christian soldiers from all the army, with whom their general took his place, and received the sacred em- blems from the hands of a regimental chaplain. The following extracts are from letters to his wife : "Near Port Republic, June 10th. " On Sunday, the 8th, an attack was made upon us by a part of Shields's command about seven o'clock A. M., which a kind Providence enabled us to repulse. During the same morning Fremont attacked us from the opposite side, and after several hours' fighting he also was repulsed. Yesterday morning I attacked that part of Shields's force which was near Port Eepublic, and, after a hotly contested field from near six to ten and a half a. m., completely routed the enemy, who lost eight pieces of artillery during the two days. God has been our shield, and to His name be all the glory. I sent you a telegram yesterday. How I do wish for peace, but onlj^ upon the condition of our national independence !" " Near Weyer's Cave, June 14th. " When 1 look at the locality of the cave, I take ad- ditional interest in it from the fact that my esjposita was there once. . . . Our God has again thrown his shield over me in the various apparent dangers to which I have been exposed. This evening we have 284: LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. religious services in the army for the purpose of ren- dering thanks to the Most High for the victories with which He has crowned our arms, and to offer earnest prayer that He will continue to give us success, until, through His divine blessing, our independence shall be established. Wouldn't you like to get home again 'T The battles of Cross Keys and Port Eepublic closed the Valley Campaign of 1S02. Brilliant as were the achievements of General Jackson during the succeed- ing months of his too brief career, it was his Valley Campaign which lifted him into great fame ; nor do any of his subsequent achievements show more strik- ingly the characteristics of his genius. Within forty days he had marched four hundred miles ; fought four pitched battles, defeating four separate armies, with numerous combats and skirmishes; sent to the rear three thousand five hundred prisoners ; killed and wounded a still larger number of the enemy, and de- feated or neutralized forces three times as numerous as his own upon his proper theatre of war, besides keeping the corps of McDowell inactive at Fredericks- burg. From the rapidity of his forced marches, Jackson's soldiei's were sometimes called his " foot - cavalry." The}^ sometimes marched twenty-five, thirty, and even thirty-five miles a day ! A Northern writer said that >" Jackson moved infantry with the celerity of cavalry. /His men said he always marched at 'early dawn,' e.x- Vcept when />e started the v'njht hefore; but despite all / these ' hardships, fatigues, and dangers,' says one of the 'foot-cavalry,' 'a more cheerful, genial, jolly set could not be found than were these men in gray.' " "STONEWALL JACKSON'S WAY." 285 They indulged in jokes ad lihitum at the expense of each other, their indefatigable leader, and the Yankees. They declared that General Jackson was far greater than Moses. " Moses," they said, " took forty years to lead the Israelites through the wilderness, with manna to feed them on ; ' old Jack ' would have double-quicked through it on half rations in three days." General Banks was dubbed by them "Jack- son's commissary-general," and whenever the head of their column turned down the valley, the jest ran along the lines, "Lee is out of rations again, and Jack- son is detailed to call on the 'commissary -general.'" It was a stirring life the soldiers led in those days of the war ! Warm friendships sprang up among com- rades who stood in the ranks together and shared the same privations and dangers. Besides these personal attachments among officers and soldiers, that which held the whole army together was its devotion to its commander, who shared the privations of the common soldier, the fatigues of the march, and the dangers of battle. All had such confidence in his genius for com- mand that they felt sure of victory where he led the way. This confidence is expressed in the rough verses of one of his soldiers, which must have had a stirring effect when read or sung after a long day's march, as the men sat round their camp fires. Then, like a bugle, rang out the lines of " Stonewall Jackson's Way. "Come, stack arms, men; pile on the rails; Stir up the camp-fiies biiolit ; No matter if the canteen fails, We'll make a roaring nicrht. 286 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. Here Sbenaiuloah brawls along, There lofty Blue Ridge echoes strong, To swell the Brigade's roaring song Of Stonewall Jackson's way. "We see liim now — the old slouched hat, Cocked o'er his eye askew ; The shrewd dry smile, the speech so pat, So calm, so blunt, so true. The ' Blue-liglit Elder " knows them well : Says he, 'That's Banks — he's fond of shell; Lord save his soul ! we'll give him — ' well, That's Stonewall Jackson's way. "Silence! ground arms! kneel all! caps off! Old Biue-light's going to pray; Strangle the fool that dares to scoff! Attention ! it's his way ! Appealing from his native sod In forma pauperis to God, 'Lay bare Thine arm — stretch forth Thy rod, Amen !' That's Stonewall's way. "He's in the saddle now! Fall in! Steady, the whole Brigade ! Hill's at the Ford, cut off! — we'll win His way out, ball and blade. What matter if our shoes are worn ? What matter if our feet arc torn? Quick step ! we're with him before morn ! That's Stonewall Jackson's way. "The sun's bright lances rout the mists Of morning — and, by George! There's Longstreet struggling in the lists, Hemmed in an ugly gorge. Pope and his columns whipped before — 'Bayonets and grape!' hear Stonewall roar; ' Charge, Stuart ! pay off Ashby's score !' That's Stonewall Jackson's way. GENERAL EWELL. 287 "Ah! maiden, wait and watch and yearn For news of Stonewall's band ; Ah ! widow, read with eyes that burn, That ring upon thy hand. Ah ! wife, sew on, pray on, hope on; Thy life shall not be all forlorn. The foe had better ne'er been born Than get in Stonewall's way !" The gallant General Ewell proved a faithful coad- jntor to General Jackson in all their arduous opera- tions together. AVhen asked once what he thought of / the latter's generalship in this campaign, he replied, in/ his brusque, impetuous manner : " Well, sir, when he\ commenced it I thought him crazy ; before he ended ) it I thought him inspired." Ewell was not a religion^ man at the beginning of the war, but the influence of Jackson's example was blest to his conversion, as the following well-authenticated fact will prove : "At a council of war one night, Jackson had listened very attentively to the views of his subordinates, and asked until the next morning to present his own. As they came away, A. P. Hill laughingly said to Ewell, 'Well, I suppose Jackson wants time to pray over it.' Hav- ing occasion to return soon afterwards to get his sword which he had forgotten, Ewell found Jackson on his knees, and heard his ejaculatory prayers for God's guidance in the perplexing movements then before them, by which he was so deeply impressed, and by Jackson's general religious character, that he said: 'If that is religion, I must have it;' and in making a profession of faitii not long after, he at- tributed it to the influence of General Jackson's ex- ample." 288 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. Still more striking is the testimony to Jackson's de- vout habits by his colored servant Jim, who said that he could always tell when there was going to be a bat- tle. Said he : '' The general is a great man for pray- ing, night and morning — all times. But when I see him get up several times in the night besides, to go off and pray, then I know there is goin^ to he something to pay ; and I go straight and pack his haversack, be- cause I know he will call for it in the morning." CHAPTER XV. THE RICHMOND CAMPAIGN— 1862. While we leave the brave little army of General Jackson luxuriating in a rest among the grand old woods and green valleys of the Shenandoah, a brief glance will be given at the operations of the two con- tending armies around Eichmond. For months the government at Washington had been concentrating its energies upon the capture of the Confederate capi- tal. General McClellan, with a large army splendidly equipped, had intrenched and fortified himself upon the approaches to the city, and, aided by a fleet of gun-boats in the James Eiver, was marching up from the Peninsula, while McDowell, with his corps, was advancing from Fredericksburg to join him. To oppose this great movement, General Johnston had, earl}' in April, transferred his army from Ma- nassas to the Peninsula, but in consequence of greatly inferior numbers was compelled to fall back before the advance of the Northei'n army, not, however, with- out resisting and inflicting heavy losses. On the 5th of May a battle was fought at Williamsburg; but Johnston continued to retreat until he finally settled down with his army between Richmond and the Chickahominy. As the Federals began to cross that stream on the 31st of May, he attacked them, and a fierce contest encued, lasting from two o'clock until 19 2y0 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. nightfall, and, as he reports, " drove them back to the ' Seven Pines,' more than two miles through their own camps, and from a series of intrenchments, and repelled every attempt to recapture them with great slaughter." In this battle he was wounded so se- riously that he was unable to resume command, and his place was filled by General liobert E. Lee, who thus became the commander-in-chief of all the South- ern armies. President Davis was also upon the ground, giving his counsel and aid. The gallant and dashing General J. E. B. Stuart, called from his initials " Jeb " Stuart, had, in obedience to General Lee's orders, made a raid with his cavalry force of twelve hundred men, and some light artiller}', around the whole cir- cuit of the Federal lines — a perilous undertaking, but from which he returned in safety, having thus ascer- tained the position and strength of the enemy. This was one of the most daring and brilliant exploits of the war, and won, both from friends and foes, great distinction for Stuart and his gallant troopers. And now comes in the part of Jackson, who, after his victory at Winchester in May, had requested to be reinforced, saying : " I should have forty thousand men, and with them I would invade the North ;" to which General Lee's replv was : '' But he must help me to drive these people away from Richmond first." Thus, with his keen military sagacity, he had already formed the design to concentrate the army of Jack- son with his own, and take the aggressive against McClellan. However, in order to deceive the enemy, it was necessary to mask Jackson's removal from the Valley ; and a reinforcement of seven thousand men was sent as far as Staunton as a blind, and then THE RICHMOND CAMPAIGN. 291 marched back with Jackson's array. The enemy in the Valley was deceived with equal adroitness, and Jack- son's sudden march over the mountains was a com- plete surprise to friends as \vell as foes — not a man in his own army knowing where it was going as it took up its march from Mount Meridian on the 17th of June. After accompanying his troops to within fifty miles of Richmond, he placed them in command of General Ewell, and rode express, witii a single courier, to the city to confer with General Lee. On leaving his camp on this occasion, he met with a pleasing evidence of the faithfulness of one of his pickets, who, not knowing him, refused to let him pass ! The general pleaded that he was an officer on military business, but without avail; then that he was an officer bearing important intelligence to General Lee, but the man still protested, saying he had special orders from Jackson not to pass either soldiers or citizens. He agreed, however, to call the captain of the guard, who, on coming forward, recognized his general, and at once let him pass. He did not go, however, with- out warmly commending the fidelity of the sentinel- soldier for his strict obedience to orders. After a full conference with General Lee, Jackson the next day returned to his command, and conveyed it safely to Ashland on the evening of June 25th, from which he was directed to march and turn the enemy's works at Mechanicsville, where he had a powerful reserve intrenched. On reaching Ashland, Jackson encountered unexpected difficulties in the way of burned bridges and the handling of a part of his army by inexperienced subordinates, which caused much delay. Under the stress of his great anxiety and 292 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. heavy responsibilities, he gave not one moment to rest or sleep during the night, but devoted the whole of it to the most energetic preparations and to lyraijer. Soon after sunrise the next morning, his army was put in motion, and in its march met at each cross- road the vigilant cavalry of Stuart, that gradually covered his left ; and by the afternoon Jackson was abreast of the enemy's right flank at Mechanicsville. Here A. P. Hill's division* had been in position be- fore the enemy's works for some hours, and was only waiting for Jackson's support to make an attack. At the sound of the hitter's guns, which told that he was approaching, Hill swept forward, and drove the enemy out of the little village, and down the Chicka- hominy into tlieir strong intrenchments on its eastern bank. In their impetuosity to drive them out of this position, the Confederates would not wait until Jack- son's advance could turn their flank, but attacked them that evening on their left. A furious cannon- ade opened on both sides, and after a severe fight the Confederates failed to dislodge the enemy from their works, and slept that night upon their arms. This was the beginning of the seven days' battles around Richmond. The bearing of the soldiers in this crisis was not more worthy of admiration than the calmness of the peo]ile. Dr. Dabney says : * It is taken for granted that most readers know that there were two generals by the name of Hill in the Confederate army — A. P. Hill, of Virginia, and D. H. Hill, of North Carolina. Both were very distinguished officers. The latter was a brother-in-law of Stonewall Jackson. THE SEVEN DAYS' BATTLES. 293 " The demeanor of the citizens of Richmond showed their courage, and their faith in their leaders and their cause. For many weeks the Christian people had given themselves to praj'er ; and the}' drew from Heaven a sublime composure. The sj^ectator, passing through the streets, saw the people calmly engaged in their usual avocations, or else wending their way to the churches, while the thunder of cannon shook the city. The young people promenaded the heights north of the town, and watched the distant shells bursting against the sk3\ As the calm summer even- ing descended, the family groups were seen sitting upon their door-steps, where mothers told their chil- dren at their knees how Lee and his heroes were driving away the invaders." At dawn on the morning of the 27th, the contest between the Federal artillery and that of A. P. Hill was resumed ; but perceiving the divisions of Jack- son approaching their rear, the enemy retreated down the Chickahominy towards Cold Harbor, burning and deserting vast quantities of army stores. General Lee directed Jackson to proceed to Cold Harbor with D. H. Hill, and strike their line of retreat. Not knowing the country, Jackson was misled into taking the wrong road, and had to retrace his march, thus losing an hour of precious time, while the cannonad- ing told that the battle was thickening in front, and there was danger that he might be too late to fulfil his order. But he maintained his calmness and com- posure, and when this fear was suggested to him, he replied : " No, let us trust that the providence of God will so overrule it that no mischief shall result." 294 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. The event proved that his confidence was not mis- taken, for by this dehiy D. II. Hill was enabled to meet him precisely at the appointed time and place. "While A. P. Hill was fightino: ag^ainst overwhelraing numbers, Jackson, with D. II. Hill, advanced under the hottest fire, and for several hours continued the combat with wavering fortunes. The battle was a hardly contested one ; but the Confederates, after making the most stubborn resistance, and stoutly holding every inch of ground they had won, at last won the day. The faithful Stonewall Brigade, under General Winder, with D. II. liiU's command, made brilliant charges ; and, with simultaneous successes upon other parts of the field, the whole wing of the Federal array, with its reinforcements, was forced back into the swamps of the Chickahoininy. During this terrible day, while the issue was in suspense, Jackson was seen to show unwonted excite- ment, riding restlessly to and fro, despatching mes- sengers to each of his division commanders with this sharp command : " Tell them this affair must hang in suspense no longer; siveej) the field with the bay- onet F'' But before his messages were received, the ringing cheers rising from every side out of the smok- ing woods relieved his anxiety, and told him that the day was won. The next morning there was not a Federal soldier north of the Chickahorainy. In Jack- son's official report of the battle, he thus describes the part borne by the gallant General Hood and his Texans, who were under his command : " Advancing through a number of retreating and disordered regiments, he came within range of the THE SEVEN DATS' BATTLES. 295 enemy's fire ; who, concealed in an open wood and protected by breastworks, poured a destructive fire, for a quarter of a mile, into his advancing line, under which man}" brave officers and men fell. Dashing on with unfaltering step in the face of these murderous discharges of canister and musketr}'. General Hood and Colonel Laws, at the heads of their respective bri- gades, rushed to the charge with a yell. Moving down a precipitous ravine, leaping ditch and stream, clambering up a difficult ascent, and exposed to an in- cessant and deadly fire from the intrenchments, these brave and determined men pressed forward, driving the enemy from his well-selected and fortified posi- tion. In this charge, in which upwards of a thousand men fell, killed and wounded, before the face of the enemy, and in which fourteen pieces of artillery, and nearly a regiment were captured, the Fourth Texas, under the lead of General Hood, was the first to pierce these strongholds and seize the guns. . . . The shouts of triumph which rose from our brave men as they, unaided by artillery, had stormed this citadel of their sti'ength, were promptly carried from line to line, and the triumphant issue of this assault, with the well-directed fire of the batteries, and suc- cessful charges of Hill and Winder upon the enemy's right, determined the fortunes of the cVdy. The Fed- erals, routed at every point, and aided by the dark- ness of the night, escaped across the Chickahominy." The next morning, as General Jackson inspected this position and saw the deadly disadvantages under which the Texans had carried it, he exclaimed : " These men are soldiers indeed !" 296 I'lFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. The Confederates had indeed gained a great victory. It now i-eniained to push their success to the utmost. To this end Ewell and Stuart were sent to cut off the retreat by the York River Railroad, which was eflfected. Before retiring, the enemy destroyed a vast amount of army stores and burned the residence and farm build- ings of General Lee at the White House. The retreat down the Peninsula being now cut off, it only remained for the Confederate right wing to get between it and the James River to complete the success bv the capt- ure of the whole Federal army. But the retreat was aided by the dense forests and impassable swamps, and as the}'^ burned the bridges across the Chickahominy as soon as they had crossed them, tliey were able to continue their march towards the James. At their intrenchments, and in their track, were found desert- ed supplies of vast army stores, much of which they had attempted to destroy. But, notwithstanding, the spoils proved a rich harvest to the Confederates, who gained great stores of fixed ammunition, and, besides, the suffering country peo])le were supplied with much- needed provisions and necessaries. McClellan's last intrenchments were at Savage Station, where General Magruder made a vigorous attack upon his flank and front, and drove him out of them near sunset of the 29th. The sound of the com- bat put Jackson on the qiti vivc, and as he lay down under the open sky for a short rest, he gave orders that everything should be ready to move at early dawn. At midnight he was awakened by a sudden shower, which drenched him so thoroughly that he could sleep no more, and he determined to precede his troops to the position of Magruder, in order to have SLEEPING IN THE RAIN. 297 time for fuller conference. This was the same gallant John Bankhead Magruder under whom Jackson won his first laurels as a soldier in Mexico. On June 30th General Jackson wrote thus to his wife: " Near White 0.a.k Sw.\mp Bridge. " An ever-kind Providence has greatly blessed our efforts and given us great reason for thankfulness in having defended Eichmond. To-day the enemy is I'e- treating down the Chickahominj' towards the James Eiver. Many prisoners are falling into om- hands. General D. H. Hill and I are togethei'. I had a wet bed last night, as the rain fell in torrents. I got up about midnight, and haven't seen much rest since. I do trust that our God will soon bless us with an honor- able peace, and permit us to be together at home again in the enjoyment of domestic happiness. " You must give fifty dollars for church purposes, and more should you be disposed. Keep an account of the amount, as we must give at least one tenth of our income. I would like very much to see my dar- ling, but hope that God will enable me to remain at the post of duty until, in His own good time, He blesses us with independence. This going home has injured the army immensely." After the discomforts of the previous night, when his troops came up, he was found dr3Mng himself be- fore a camp-fire, but, speedily taking his place at their head and moving on, captured at Savage Station a' field hospital containing twenty -five hundred sick and wounded. Other prisoners fell into his hands at every step, until one thousand were sent to the rear. An 298 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. officer, congratulating him on the great number of his captives, said they surrendered too willingly, and that their maintenance would be a heavy expense to the Confederacy ; but General Jackson answered, with a smile, " It is cheaper to feed them than to light them." On this day, the 30th, he surprised the enemy by a fierce onslaught from his batteries that were in a con- cealed position, which drove them rapidly to the rear, leaving several pieces of artillery behind them. They afterwards rallied, and during the rest of the day an artillery duel was ke])t up ; but as each party was in- visible to the other, not much damage resulted to either side. The White Oak Swamp bridge having been de- stroyed, Jackson made an attempt to repair it, so as to pursue the enemy ; but when night came, and he saw that so little had been accomplished, more wearied and depressed than he had ever been seen to be before, as he lay down to sleep, he said : " Now, gentlemen, let us at once to bed, and rise with the dawn, and see if to-morrow we cannot do something .'" During that night the Federal forces skilfully with- drew from his front and moved to Malvern Hill. At an early hour the next morning, July 1st, Jackson put his corps in motion and crossed the White Oak Swamp. His reconnoissance showed him the enemy strongly posted upon an eminence in front of Malvern Hill. In short, the whole army of McClellan, which was still powerful and well disciplined, was now assembled on one field, while the whole Confederate armv was con- verging around it, under the immediate eye of the general-in-chief and the President. The war of the giants was now about to begin. The position of the Federals was selected bj- McClellan himself with con- BATTLE OF MALVERN' HILL. 299 summate skill — the ridge commanding all the sur- rounding country, and he was also under the protec- tion of his gun-boats in the James River. The Con- federates labored under the disadvantage of an in- ferior position, having also to cross swampy woods and a plain, which was exposed to the fire of McClel- lan's artillery, and, as they approached his intrench- ments, his deadly musketry was equally appalling. The Confederate leaders were likewise ignorant of the country, which impeded their progress and delayed the opening of the battle until late in the afternoon. But on it came at last, and raged with the utmost fury until night put an end to the conflict. Jackson's troops fought with their usual bravery, but he con- ceded the laurels of the day to D. H. Hill, who charged across the open plain in face of a terrific fire of artil- lery, under which his men fell fast. But he was soon reinforced by Jackson, and enabled to maintain his ground until the veil of darkness intei'posed and mer- cifully closed the bloody struggle. At ten o'clock the battle died away, when Jackson retired slowly and wearily to the rear to seek some refreshment and rest. His faithful servant, Jim, prepared a pallet for him on the ground, in the midst of a confused multitude of wagons and stragglers, and after partaking of some food he sank to sleep. At one o'clock he was awak- ened by his division commanders, who wished to re- ceive instructions for the morning. These officers all agreed in the opinion that McClellan would probably take the aggressive on the morrow, and were full of apprehension as to their ability to resist him. Jack- son listened indifferently, asking a few brief questions, and said, as if at ease in the matter, " No ; I think he will clear out in the morning." 300 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. His words were prophetic, for when morning dawned, with a pouring rain, McClellan was indeed gone, leaving behind him the marks of a precipitate retreat. The wearied Confederates were permitted by the commander-in-chief to rest a day and replen- ish the ammunition of their batteries, and had orders to move the next day in pursuit. Jackson was most impatient to march with the dawn, hurrying off with- out breakfast ; but after losing a day, which gave the Federals time to reach the shelter of their gun-boats, the march proved to be a useless one, and the oppor- tunity of capturing the enem^' was gone. " The commander-in-chief was disappointed to learn, on his arrival in front of the Federals, that no oppor- tunity had been found for striking a blow, either on their retreat or in their present position. lie immedi- ately rode forward with General Jackson, and the two, dismounting, proceeded witiiout attendants to make a careful reconnoissance on foot of the enemy's whole line and position. Jackson concurred fully in the re- luctant o])inion to which General Lee was brought by this examination — that an attack would now be im- proper ; so that after mature discussion it was deter- mined that the enemy should be left unassailed to the effects of the summer heats and the malaria, which were now at hand." General Lee, in the close of his report, says : " Under ordinary circumstances the Federal army should have been destroyed. . . . But regret that more was not accomplished gives way to gratitude to the Sovereign Euler of the universe forthe results achieved. The siege of Eichmond was raised, and the object of RESULT OF SEVEN DAYS' BATTLES. 301 a campaign, which had been prosecuted after months of preparation at an enormous expenditure of men and money, completely frustrated. More than ten thou- sand prisoners — including officers of rank — iifty-two pieces of artiller}', and upwards of thirty-live thousand stand of small-arms, were captured. The stores and sup])lies of every description which fell into our hands were great in amount and value ; but small in com- parison with those destroyed by the enemy. His losses in battle exceeded our own, as attested by the thousands of dead and wounded left on every field ; while his subsequent inaction shows in what condition the survivors reached the protection to which they fled." After spending a few day» in a much-needed rest and in gathering up arms, the Confederate army was marched back, on the 8th of July, to the vicinity of Richmond. A few extracts from Jackson's letters at this time will furnish glimpses of iiis varied experiences during this memorable week. Thus he writes : " When my command arrived at White Oak Swamp bridge we found it broken up by the enemy ; but we opened upon the Federal artillery, and succeeded in securing one of their cannons, four caissons, and one battery wagon, in addition to part of a pontoon-bridge train and prisoners. Many prisoners have fallen into our hands, and they really appear gratified at the idea of being taken. I have never seen prisoners so con- tented. . . . On Tuesday we had another engage- ment, in which General D. H. Hill, with his division, 302 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. accomplished more than anj^ other part of the army. Other troops were sent to support him, but his division may be said to have borne the brunt of the battle, and he was by far the most distinguished officer engaged that day. My position is now about three miles north of James Kiver, and twenty - five miles below Rich- mond. During the past week I have not been well, have suffered from fever and debility, but through the blessing of an ever-kind Providence I am much better to-day. Last week I received a present of a beautiful summer hat from a lady in Cumberland. Our Heavenl}' Father gives me friends wherever I go. ... It would be delightful to see my darling, but we know that all things are ordered for the best." The corps reached the neighborhood of Eicbmond on the 10th of July, and it was during its stay of a few days there that General Jackson made his first appearance openly in the city, for the purpose of at- tending divine worship on the Sabbath. He thus speaks of it in a letter to his wife : " Yesterday I heard Rev. Dr. M. D. Hoge preach in his church, and also in the camp of the Stonewall Brigade. It is a great comfort to have the privilege of spending a quiet Sabbath within the walls of a house dedicated to the service of God." He slipped into the church unattended — quietly and modestly took a seat near the door, and, after the ser- vices were over, was gone before the congregation was aware of his presence. After calling on a mother who had lost a son in his command, he returned to his tent. "WHAT! STONEWALL JACKSON?" 303 So great was the modesty of the now famous general that he found his greatness embarrassing, and he shrank more from pubUc notice and applause. Whenever his soldiers caught sight of him, they rent the air with their cheers, which he always acknowledged by lifting his cap, and then putting spurs to his horse and gal- loping awaj^ at the top of his speed. " Little Sorrel " seemed to know the signal for this stampede, and per- haps it was from these marvellous flights that the " foot-cavalry ' ' drew some of their inspiration. "When- ever the sound of the " rebel yell" was heard in their camp, the soldiers jocularly said, " That's ' old Jack,' or a rabbit .'" In the movements of the troops around Richmond, on one occasion, Jackson and his staff were compelled to ride through a field of uncut oats. The owner rushed out upon them with great indignation, venting his rage specially on the general's devoted head, and deraandmg his name " that he might report hira." In a quiet tone the name was given. " What Jackson ?" asked the farmer. " General Jackson," was the reply. "What I" exclaimed the electrified man, as the truth dawned upon him — " what ! ' Stonewall ' Jackson ?" " That is what they call me." was the answer. Tak- ing off his hat with the profoundest respect, and with a voice now all kindness and reverence, the man said : " General Jackson, ride over my whole field ; do ^A'hat- ever you like with it, sir." On the 14:th of July, he wrote to his wife from Richmond : " Again your husband is about leaving his camp. 304 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. Please direct your next letter to Gordonsville, and continue to address me there until you hear otherwise. Everybody doesn't know the meaning and location of ' Headquarters, Valley District P " During his campaign in the valley he had requested that his letters should be directed simply to " Head- quarters, Valley District" — his headquarters during all that time being principally in the saddle ; but after he was transferred to Richmond the inap])ropriate- ness of this address amused him, and perhaps caused delay and even loss of his letters. Ubiquitous as he was during the war, he could not have any one address long. About the time of his leaving Richmond, his chief of staff, the Eev. Dr. Dabney (who afterwards wi'ote his biography) was compelled to resign in con- sequence of ill-health. The general wrote : " It was with teai'ful eyes that I consented to our separation." This officer, by his intelligence and faithfulness, had been invaluable to him, not only in his Valley Cam- paign, but in the battles around Richmond. In one instance, at the battle of Chickahominy, a misconcep- tion of Jackson's orders on the part of a messenger might have resulted in a fatal error but for the prompt- ness and efficiency of the chief of staff, who, compre- hending the general's true intentions, and the urgency of the occasion, went himself in person and brought all into harmonious action, and thus decided the fort- unes of the day. In a letter to his wife he says : " If you will vouch for Joseph's (her brother) being ALWAYS KIND TO THOSE WHO DID THEIR DUTY. 305 an early riser during the remainder of the war, I will give him an aide-ship. I do not want to make an appointment on my staff except of such as are early risers ; but if i/ou will vouch for him to rise regularly at dawn, I will offer him the position." The youth, Captain J. G. Morrison, was courageous enough to accept even on this rigid condition, and served the general faithfully until his death, being himself twice wounded, the last time losing the whole of one foot, except the heel. General Jackson was no respecter of persons when duty was concerned. On one occasion, when he had an early march before him, he so lost his patience with the tardiness of his staff in rising that he ordered his cook to pack up everything, and to throw away the coffee, which had been captured from the enemy and was a rare luxury ,■ and he finally threatened to arrest the whole staff if they did not get up immediately. This had the effect of awakening them thoroughly, and doubtless of arousing some ire also against the stern and relentless leader, though all who served un- der him were ready to say, as one did, that " his kind- ness to those who did their duty was like a woman's." The attachment of members of his staff to him was sincere and strong. They knew he was sterner to himself than he was to them, and could never doubt his whole-souled and patriotic devotion. I shall never forget the intense feeling with which young " Sandy " Pendleton (as he was called) said to me the day after General Jackson's death, his face bathed in tears: " God hiows I would have died for him .'" 20 306 LIFE OF GENERAL THOUAS J. JACKSOX. This true and gallant officer followed his general to the grave in less than a year — slain in battle in his youth and promise. He was the only son of the Rev. General W. X. Pendleton, of Lexington, and would have followed his father s sacred calling if he had lived. A tender romance hangs around his memory. With his ardent, chivalrous nature, his heart was soon captured during the war by a charming young lady, near whose home he was stationed for a time in win- ter-quarters. He had some rivals among his brother- officers, but was successful in winning the prize, and, obtaining a furlough, was married, and spent a few blissful weeks witli his young bride, when duty called him into the field, and they never met again. Many were the similar tragedies which the cruel war brought to the hearts and homes of the devoted Southern women, for even the stern duties of the soldier s life did not put a stop to marrying and giving in mar. riage ; hence it was tliat there were left so many broken hearts and blighted lives. JACKSON'S ATTACK ON THE RIGHT WING OP THE FEDERALS AT THE BATTLE OF CnAXCELLORSVILLE. CHAPTER XVI. CEDAR RUN AND THE SECOND BATTLE OF MANASSAS. After the terrible fatigues of the campaign around Richraontl, it was a joyful moment when Jackson and his troops received orders (the campaign being over) to return to the valley. It was sad to tiiink that they should leave thousands of their comrades behind them to sleep their last sleep near the city which they had given their lives to defend. But they, too, had suffered from hardships and exposure. Some were just out of the hospital walking on crutches, or with their arms in slings ; others had contracted diseases as deadly as wounds, but who felt new life from the thought of exchanging the swamps of the Chickahom- iny for the bracing air of their native mountains. Xo one had undergone more exposure tlian their com- mander, who had slept on the ground, and had the coarse fare of the common soldiers, so that he and they Avere alike in the highest spirits when they set out on their return march. On the 10th of July they reached Gordonsville, from which Jackson writes to his wife : " I have been staying for a few days with Mrs. Barbour, motherin-law of the Rev. Mr. Ewing, of our church, and have received much kindness from her and her three daughters. My tent opens upon the Blue A CHRISTIAN HOUSEHOLD. 309 Kidge in the distance. The wagon-train is moving in front." The society and kindness of this Christian family- were exceedingly congenial and refreshing to hira, and after the duties of the day were over he spent his leisure moments in their home circle, enjoying their hosjjitality, and amusing himself with the chil- dren of the household. One little girl, in particular, he made a special pet of, often taking her upon his knee and caressing her until she grew so fond of him that she asked him one day to give her as a keepsake one of the bright brass buttons from his coat when it was worn out. Months afterwards, although burdened with the most anxious and weighty cares of an ardu- ous campaign, he did not forget the request, and sent the promised button, which the delighted child pre- served as one of her greatest treasures. General Jackson found special pleasure in joining Mr. Ewing's household in their family worship, and whenever requested would conduct prayers himself. Mr. Ewing thus describes these services : " There was something very striking in his prayers. He did not pray to men, but to God. His tones ^vere deep, solemn, tremulous. He seemed to realize that he was speaking to Heaven's King. I never heard any one pray who seemed to be pervaded more fully by a spirit of self-abnegation. He seemed to feel more than any man I ever knew the danger of robbing God of the glory due for our success." After spending a few days at Gordonsville, he changed his quarters into the county of Louisa, near by, so as to find in that fertile region better pastur- 310 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. age for his horses. He also wished to be more retired and devote his time to reorganizincr his command, and getting both men and horses into better condition for future service. Just before this move he wrote from Gordonsville, on the 28th of July : " My darling wife, I am just overburdened with work, and I hope you will not tliink hard at receiving only very short letters from your loving husband. A number of officers are with me, but people keep com- ing to my tent — though let me say no more. A Christian should never complain. The apostle Paul said, ' I glor}'^ in tribulations !' What a bright ex- ample for others !" After ascertaining that the enemy were in large force under General Pope, combining the united com- mands of Fremont, Shields, Banks, and McDowell, making an army of at least fifty thousand men, Jack- son applied to General Lee for reinforcements. The division of A. P. Ilill was immediately sent to him, and, with this accession to his small army, Jackson had no intention of remaining idle or of awaiting an attack from so powerful a foe, but determined to strike a blow himself before the enemy had time to concen- trate all their forces. He therefore advanced tow- ards them on the 7th of August. Before taking this step, it was observed that he was much in prayer, but this was his custom previous to every battle. Even upon the field he was often seen to lift his eyes and raise his right arm as if in earnest prayer, and some- times it seemed that while his soul was thus lifted up in supplication, the Lord of hosts heard and answered, friving him the victory. THE BATTLE OF CEDAR RUN. 311 Pope's army was gathering in all its strength at Culpepper Court-House, and on the 9th of August Jackson's little army came in contact with his ad- vance-guard about six miles from the Court-House, on the borders of a little stream called Cedar Run. Here hostilities began by a furious cannonade on both sides, lasting two hours, when, about five o'clock in the afternoon, the infantr}' of both armies became hotly engaged. The conflict was fierce and stubborn, but the overwhelming numbers of the enemy swept down with such impetuosity that the weaker party were forced to yield, and it looked as if it were doomed to destructix>n. Ewell, Early, A. P. Hill, Winder, and other commanders all fought their bravest and best — the gallant Winder i^eceiving a mortal Avound — and still they were pressed back. " It was at this fearful moment," says his late chief-of-staff. Dr. Dabney, "that the genius of the storm reared his head, and in an instant the tide was turned. Jackson appeared in the mid-torrent of the highway, his face flaming with the inspiration of battle : he ordered the batteries which Winder had placed to be instantly withdrawn to pre- serve them from capture ; he issued his summons for his reserves ; he drew his own sword (the first time in the war), and shouted to the broken troops with a voice which pealed liigher than the roar of battle : ' Rally, brave men, and press forward ! Your gen- eral will lead you ! Jackson will lead you ! Follov/ me !' This appeal was not in vain, and the Federals, startled by this unexpected rally, were driven from the field. They afterwards made an attempt to re- trieve the fortunes of the dny, Avhich they had so nearly won, by an assault from a magnificent body of 312 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. cavalry, but even this was repelled, and the troopers driven in full retreat." That night Jackson bivouacked with his troops. Finding every house tilled with the wounded, he de- chned to enter, saying the sufferers needed a place for rest more than he did. He was so utterly worn out that he threw himself upon a grass-plot — one of his staff kindly spreading a cloak to add to his comfort — and here, underneath the star-lit cano]iy of heaven, he found that rest and sleep which his wearied frame so much demanded. When offered food his reply was : " Wo, I want )vsf, nothing but rest /" Two days after the battle he wrote to his wife : " On last Saturday our God again crowned our arms with victory, about six miles from Culjiepper Court-House. I can hardly think of the fall of Brig- adier-General C. S. Winder without tearful eyes. Let us all unite more earnestly in imploring God's aid in fighting our battles for us. The tliought that there are so many of God's jieople praying for His blessing upon the army greatly strengthens and en- courages me. The Lord has answered their pra3'ers, and my trust is in Him, that He will continue to do so. If God be for us, who can be against us ? That He will still be with us and give us victory until our independence shall be established, and that He will make our nation that people whose God is the Lord, is my earnest and oft -repeated prayer. While we attach so much imjjortance to being free from tem- poral bondage, we must attach far more to being free from the bondage of sin." THE DEATH OF GENERAL WINDER. 313 This battle of Cedar Eun Jackson himself pro- nounced the most successful of his exploits. But he announced it to his commander-in-chief, General Lee, in these devout and modest terms : " August 11th, 6.30 A. M. On the evening of the 9th, God blessed our arms with another victor3\ The battle was near Cedar Kun, about six miles from Culpepper Court -House. The enemy, according to statements of prisoners, consisted of Banks's, McDow- ell's, and SigeFs commands. We have over four hun- dred prisoners, including Brigadier -General Price. Whilst our list of killed is less than that of the enemy, we have to mourn the loss of some of our best officers and men. Brigadier-General Charles S. Winder was mortall}" wounded whilst ably discharging his duty at the head of his command, which was the advance of the left wing of the army. We have collected about fifteen hundred small-arms and other ordnance stores." In his official report, he pays this tribute to the ite commander General Winder ; late commander of the Stonewall Brigade, the brave " It is difficult within the proper reserve of an offi- cial report to do justice to the merits of this accom- plished officer. Urged bv the medical director to take no part in the movements of the day, because of the enfeebled state of his health, his ardent patriotism and military jiride could bear no such restraint. Richly endowed with those qualities of mmd and person which fit an officer for command, and which attract the admiration and excite the enthusiasm of troops, I 314 LU'E OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. he was rapidly rising to the front rank of his profes- sion. His loss has been severely felt." The report closes as follows : " In order to render thanks to Almighty God for the victory at Cedar Kun, and other victories, and to implore His continued favor in the future, divine service was held in the array on the 14th of August." In this battle the Confederates had bet^veen eigh- teen and twenty thousand men engaged, while the Federals, according to their own returns, had thirty- two thousand. Jackson, however, had one incalcu- lable advantage over the enemy, which he gained by his promptitude in seizing and holding Slaughter's Mountain — an elevation which commanded all the surrounding plains, and enabled him to overlook the whole scene of action as it lay beneath him, and to pour down the volleys of his artillery upon the foe, while his own gunners were secure from a returning fire, in consequence of the elevation of their position. It was to the advantage of this position as weU as the bravery of his troops that he was indebted for his complete success. By this victory Pope received such a blow that he was deterred from making another advance until lie could gather reinforcements. Burnside's corps was withdrawn from North Carolina and sent on to Cul- pepper Court-House, and it was believed that McClel- lan's remaining forces would be recalled from James River and sent also to swell the ranks of the grand "Army of Virginia," as the command of Pope was OUTLOOK FROM THE TOP OF CLARKE'S JIOUNTALV. 315 called. At all events, General Lee was convinced that McClellan was incapable of further aggression, and that the most effective way to dislodge hira fi'om the Peninsula was to threaten Washington ! He therefore determined to move his army from Rich- mond to Gordonsville. He began his march on the 13th, and four days after, on the 17th, McClellan evacuated the Peninsula and removed his troops to the Potomac. On the 15th, as soon as the troops from Pich- mond began to arrive, Jackson left Gordonsville, and marched to the base of Clarke's Mountain, on a peak of which he had established a signal station, which commanded a view of the enemy's encampment along the Orange Railroad. After General Lee joined him, with their united forces he was most impatient to push on in pursuit of the enemy on the 18th, and cut off his line of retreat ; but General Lee, owing to the dilatoriness of a part of his subordinates, deemed it best to restrain Jackson's impetuosity, and ])ostponed the advance until the 20th, to give his troops more time for preparation. By this delay the success of Jackson's desio-n was frustrated, for on the night of the 18th the Federals obtained information from a party of colored deserters from the Confederate camp which so alarmed them that the next day, when Genei'al Lee ascended Clarke's Mountain to take a look at their encampment, he saw their tents gi'adually disappearing, and the work went steadily on until the whole of Pope's vast army " folded their tents like the Arabs, and silently stole away !" The object of Pope was to place the Rappahannock be- tween himself and his pursuers. General Lee now 316 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. hastened to pursue, and at an early hour on the morning of the 20th the whole Confederate army was put in motion. General Stuart's splendid division of cavalry, with its usual daring, dashed across the Eappahannock, and after skinnishing a few hours and capturing some ])risoners, returned to report Pope's whole army massed ujion the northern bank of the Eappahannock, with a powerful artillery pre- pared to dispute the passage of General Lee. His position on that side of the river was far more safe and defensible than when Jackson proposed to attack him on the ISth. General Lee now ordered Jackson to cross the Rappahannock high up, and by a forced march go to Manassas and get in Pope's rear. Other divisions were sent to Pope's front, and the two hos- tile armies marched along on either side of the stream, opening fire upon each other whenever the opportunity' offered. Jackson continued his march up stream until he reached Warrenton Springs, on the 22d, where he found the bridge destroyed, but he passed Early's bri- gade over on a mill-dam, and took possession of the Springs. Before other troo])s could be crossed to his support, a sudden and heavy rain -fall swelled the river so as to render it impassable, and Early was thus cut off from his friends and surrounded by the enemy. His situation was one of extreme peril, but he managed to conceal his troops in the woods, and hold his foes at bay with artillery, until Jackson had construct- ed a temporary bridge, and by the dawn of the morn- ing of the 24th the gallant Early, with his command, had recrossed the river without the loss of a man. While a fierce artillery duel was going on across the river between A. P. Hill and the enemy, Jack- GETTIXG BETWEEN POPE AND WASHINGTON. 317 son left the river-bank a few miles, and marched to the village of Jeffersonton. He was thus lost sight of by the Federals, and to Longstreet was given the task of amusing Pope by the appearance of a crossing at A\^arrenton Springs. Jackson was now preparing to obey Lee's order to separate himself from the rest of the army, pass around Pope to the westward, and place his corps between him and Washington at Manassas Junction. Leaving behind him all his trains, except ambulances and carriages for ammunition, and making a hasty issue of rations, he started from Jeffersonton early on the morning of the 25th of August. On that day he wrote a hurried note to his wife, not alluding to his movements, but saying : " The enemy has taken a position, or rather several positions, on the Fauquier side of the Eappahannock. I have only time to tell you how much I love my little pet dove." Although his troops had been constantly marching and fighting for five days, and subsisting upon insuffi- cient rations, supplemented by the green corn of the fields along their route, j^et they did not lose their entliusiasm and devotion to their indefatigable leader. Towards the close of the day he had gone in ad- vance of the column, and, dismounting, had stepped upon a large stone by the roadside, probably to in- spect his army as they passed by. As he stood upon this elevation, with uplifted cap, the sunset glow ir- radiating his noble face and figure, his men, as they caught sight of him, began to cheer, but he quickly indicated by a gesture that silence must be preserved, B18 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. in order not to betray their presence to the enemy. Down the cohiinn were passed the words, " No cheering, boys; the general requests it," and the com- mand was instantly obeyed ; but as the soldiers passed their general, they waved their caps in the air, and their eyes bespoke the cheer which their lips had been forbidden to utter. As the columns marched by in this loyal and devoted spirit, General Jackson turned to his staff, with a face beaming with pleasur- .able emotion, and exclaimed: "Who could not con- quer with such troops as these ?" Thus always, whatever his army achieved, his mod- esty led him to ascribe it to his Ijrave men, feeling himself to be but an humble instrument in the hand of God. With such a leader to inspire them, Jackson's corps marched fifty miles in two daj's, capturing all their supplies from the enemy, and reached Bristow Station, by which they accomplished their object, that of placing themselves between Pope and Washington — a perilous position, as they were now cut off from General Lee, with the whole of Pope's army in their front. General Stuart, with his cavalry, was guard- ing the right flank, and his promptness and efficienc}'^ were invaluable to Jackson, enabling him to carry out his plans of secrecy and rapidity of movement. Upon arriving at Bristow Station, the first object of Jackson was to get possession of the vast stores of the enemy at Manassas Junction, four miles farther north. So much did he realize this necessity that he determined to press on that night, and not to wait until morning, and thus give the enemy time to destroy the stores. So completely were his brave soldiers in sympathy CAPTURE OF ARMY STORES. 319 with him that General Trimble, with his -Twenty-first Korth Carolina and Twenty-tirst Georgia regiments, volunteered for this service, and, supported by a de- tachment of Stuart's cavalry, with Stuart himself in command of the whole, the work was undertaken, and resulted in complete success. The Confederates captured all the vast stores, consisting of every- thing which their army needed, took several hundred prisoners, two hundred and fifty horses, with im- mense commissary and quartermaster's supplies. To this disaster Pope ascribed his defeat in the three days' sanguinary struggle which ensued upon the jjlains of Manassas, alleging that his army had been compelled to fight without sufficient rations and am- munition. On the morning of the 27th, Jackson went to the relief of Trimble, who had been all night under arms, taking a part of his command, and leaving the rest to watch Pope, with orders to rejoin him, if necessary, at Manassas. Almost immediately after Jackson's arrival upon the scene, a Federal detachment began an attack, but, mistaking the strength of the Con- federates, were soon compelled to retire in confusion. Their own guns were captured and turned against them, making such havoc in their ranks that Jack- sons heart was moved with compassion, and he dashed forward alone, at the risk of his life, and waved a white handkerchief, as a signal of truce to them to accept quarter. The reply to this was a volley from their guns, and, seeing his offer refused, he hastened back to his men and ordered them to proceed with their work. The opposing force was quickly overcome; the commander fell mortally 320 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. wounded and was left upon the field, while his men were pursued and scattered. Jackson now gave his troops a short rest, and per- mitted them to refresh themselves with the rich spoils which they had captured from the enemJ^ As it was impossible for them to remove aU these vast stores, the men were allowed to help themselves to all that they could consume and carry away, and the remain- der was destroyed, to prevent its falling again into the hands of the enemy. The new clothing, boots, hats, and tempting eatables were a rare treat to the hungry soldiers, who had marched t\venty-five and thirty miles a day, and had fed principally on green corn and apples gathered by the way. But after a few hours of this high carnival, the}' had again to buckle on their armor. The forces which Jackson had left at Bristow Station under Ewell had been attacked, and after a brave resistance had been withdrawn to join Jackson at Manassas. This was in obedience to Jackson's order, and was managed with so much skill that not a single man was cajjtured in the retreat ; the stream separating Bristow from Manassas was safely crossed, and the railroad bridge was burned. One division was sent that night across the AYarrenton and Alexandria Turnpike, and halted near the battle- field of the first Manassas. The next morning, the 2Sth, the two remaining divisions, after marching in differ- ent directions, joined the first, and Stuart's cavalry, after making a circuit as far as Fairfax Court-House, was also brought up on the flanks of the infantry, and the whole command was now concentrated north of the Warrenton Turnpike. The left wing rested on Bull Run, the right extended towai'ds the road lead- LOXGSTREET COMING TO HIS SUPPORT. 321 ing from Thoroughfare Gap, through which Long- sti'eet, with his corps, was expected to come up to the support of Jackson. Thus far Jackson had been entirely successful in executing the instructions of General Lee in placing his corps between Pope and the Federal capital, but his position was becoming more and more critical ; for if Longstreet, by any reason, should fail in coming up to time, there was danger of Jackson's small army of only eighteen thousand men being crushed by the sheer weight of the greatly superior numbers of the whole Federal army, which he had drawn upon himself through his daring and rapid movement. Scarcely had he completed the disposition of his troops, when the enemy were discovered to be advanc- ing along the Warrenton turnpike in heavy force. Suspecting that they might be retreatmg to Alex- andria to avoid an engagement, Jackson determined to attack them, even at the risk of his own safety. He had no idea of letting the enemy escape him, and he lost no time in striking them on the flank as they passed, thereby arresting their march and compelling them to come to a stand. The Confederate batteries, having an elevated position, opened such a fierce cannonade that the enemy were forced to return it, and a short time before sunset a furious and bloody battle began, and continued until about nine o'clock, when the enemy retired under cover of darkness, leaving the field in the possession of the Confederates. In this engagement two of General Jackson's major- generals, Ewell and Taliaferro, were wounded ; the former losing a leg, but he was subsequently able to resume his command. 21 322 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. On the morning of the 29th Jackson discovered that the enemy were preparing to give battle, and, if possi- ble, crush him before he could receive reinforcements. To both officers and men the danger of their situation was so imminent that all eyes were anxiously turned towards Thoroughfare Gap, to see Longstreet coming to their relief. Earl}'^ in the morning clouds of dust in that direction raised their hopes, but it proved to be a body of the enemy who had occupied that pass the day before for the purpose of intercepting Longstreet's passage, and were now retiring to Bristow. At ten o'clock Jackson's right flank was attacked by a heavy cannonade from the enemy's batteries, which was re- turned with promptness and spirit. A general and terrible conflict now threatened, and Jackson's lines, though thinned by battle and almost exhausted by their extraordinary exertions, yet stood heroically at bay. Soon, however, their anxious hopes were real- ized when Stuart's couriers came dashing up and an- nounced the approach of Longstreet. Already great clouds of dust were seen arising over Thoroughfare Gap, and the expected troops, stimulated by the sound of the cannonading, were hurrying forward to the relief of their struggling comrades. Stuart conducted them in safety to Jackson, and the union of the two corps was effected, and infused new life and spirit into the whole Confederate ranks. After Longstreet's arrival, the enemy changed position, and the battle continued for many hours with stubborn and relent- less fury on both sides. The Federals displayed great valor, six times rushing forward in separate and deter- mined assaults, but were each time repulsed. About two o'clock they hurled their masses of infantry with SECOXD DAY OF THE BATTLE. 323 perfect desperation against Jackson's wing, but, as line after line advanced to close quarters, it was only to be mowed down and driven back in dismay and con- fusion. The conflict raged until many of the Confed- erate infantry had exhausted their cartridges ; but they declared they would hold their position with the baj'- onet, and some of them did thus hold it, while others seized the stones of the field and fought with them. While Jackson's corps was struggling against these furious onslaughts, Longstreet was engaged in equally severe and bloody work in resisting the forces that were brought against him. The army of Pope was reinforced by a corps of McClellan from the Penin- sula, and with this new enemy Longstreet was engaged until nine o'clock at night, driving back his assailants and capturing a number of prisoners and trophies. Darkness then closed this second day of carnage, and the weary Confederates slept upon their arms, in pos- session of the lines which they had so gallantly held. That night, when Jackson and his staff came together for a few hours' sleep under the open sky, their pale faces did not indicate the success of the day, for their hearts were heavy with sorrow at the fall of many of the best and bravest of their army, and around them, in the darkness, lay the wounded and dying. "Wearied and sad, they spoke but little beyond inquiries and remarks concerning the occurrences of this event- ful day. The medical director, Doctor McGuire, in speaking of the terrible conflict, said : " General, this day has been won by nothing but stark and stern fight- ing." " No," replied Jackson, " it has been won by nothing but the blessing and protection of Provi- dence." After the fatigues and horrors of the day 324 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. were over, the chaplains, who had occupied themselves in caring for the wounded, collected in groups all the men that could be found off duty, and led them in prayer and praise to the Captain of their salvation. Before another sun had set, many of these worshippers were among the throng around the great white throne. General Lee, having arrived with Longstreet upon the scene of action, the morning of the 30th found the commander-in-chief at the head of his army, upon the ground which his subordinates had so stoutly held against all the assaults of the previous day, and calin- 1}' awaiting the attack. Jackson held the left wing, Longstreet the right, and the artillery occupied an ele- vated ridge in the centre, commanding the fronts of both wings. The Confederates stood solely upon the defensive, and possessed such advantages in position that it might be said the battle was won before it was fought. The Federals showed their wisdom in delaying hostilities until late in the afternoon. The morning was marked by onl\' an occasional cannonade upon different por- tions of the Confederate lines, with slight skirmishes, and the great attack was not made until four o'clock. Then the struggle began in earnest — the Federals making a most gallant charge — three lines advancing in dense masses, and dashing like great billows against their opponents. As each line recoiled before the murderous fire with which it was met, another fol- lowed with still more determination, and the struggle raged with furious desperation, until the Confederates exhausted their ammunition. For about half an hour the brunt of the battle was borne by Jackson's lines, and finding them wavering THIRD DAY OF THE BATTLE. 325 at several points, Longstreet was ordered to his assist- ance. But before the order was received, Longsti-eet, perceiving and embracing an opportunity' of pouring his artillery into the advancing ranks, turned the tide against them. Tbis gave the Confederates time to rally, and they dashed forward with renewed enthu- siasm and vigor. Both of their wings were ordered to close in upon the foe, while the artillery dealt a deadly and terrific fire into his lines, causing them to break just as darkness, intensified by the smoke of battle and an impending storm, gatbered over the ter- rible scene. At ten o'clock the third day of this great battle came to an end, and the wearied Confederates lay down to seek rest upon a victorious field, but found only a watery bivouac under the beating of a continuous rain, while all night long was heard the tramp of the enemy retreating to the heights of Cen- tre ville. In this three days' battle the Confederate loss was very heavy, but the battle-field revealed the fact that tbat of the Federals was far greater. Their surgeons, under a flag of truce, ministered to the wounded, many days being consumed in the work, and num- bers of lives were sacrificed by delay in receiving attention. The estimate was that in this series of battles the total Confederate loss was about seventy- five hundred men, eleven hundred of whom were slain upon the field. Jackson's proportion of the loss in oflicers and men greatly exceeded that of the rest of the army, in consequence of his fighting the first day without the support of reinfo. cements, and subse- quently the enemy seemed to select his lines chiefly as the points of the most furious attacks. In all the 326 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOV. long struggle he lost only thirty-five men by capture, while the prisoners on the other side were estimated at seven thousand, in addition to two thousand left wounded upon the battle-field. Twenty thousand small-arms, thirty pieces of artillery, numerous coloi's, and a large amount of array stores fell into the hands of the Confederates. In reviewing the whole, Jack- son thus closes his report : " For these great and signal victories our sincere and humble thanks are due unto Almighty God. We should in all things acknowledge the hand of Him '^ who reigns in heaven and rules among the armies of men. In view of the arduous labors and great priva- tions the troops were called to endure, and the isolated and perilous position which, the command occupied while engaged with greatly superior numbers of the enemy, we can but express the grateful conviction that God was with us, and gave us the victory ; and unto His holy name be all the praise." Dr. Dabney says : " Few words are needed to point out the share which Jackson and his corps merited in the glory of the second victory of Manassas. To the rapidity of his march, the promptitude and skill of his action in seizing and destroying the Junc- tion, the wisdom which guided his selection of a ])osi- tion, and tiie heroic tenacity with which he held it against fearful odds until the arrival of General Lee, was the splendid result chiefly due. It was so or- dered as if to illustrate the superior prowess of the Confederate soldieiy, th.at in this battle the positions of the combatants in July, 1861, were almost precisely "GOD GAVE US THE VICTORY!" 327 reversed. The ground held by Jackson in the second battle was that held by McDowell in the first ; and the ground from which the Confederates drove Pope at nightfall, the 30th of August, was that from which McDowell could not drive them on the 21st of July ; while the preponderance of numbers was still upon the Federal side." On the 1st of September General Jackson wrote to his wife : " We were engaged with the enemy at and near Manassas Junction Tuesday and Wednesday, and again near the battle-field of Manassas on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday ; in all of which God gave us the vic- tory. May He ever be with us, and we ever be His devoted people, is my earnest prayer. It greatly en- courages me to feel that so many of God's people are praying for that part of our force under my com- mand. The Lord has answered their prayers ; He has again placed us across Bull Run ; and I pray that He will make our arms entirely successful, and that all the glory will be given to His holy name, and none of it to man. God has blessed and preserved me through His great mercy. On Saturday, Colonel Baylor and Hugh White were both killed, and Willie Preston was mortally wounded." Hugh White was the son of his pastoi-, a candidate for the ministry, and was one of the purest and no- blest of characters, as was also young Preston, who combined great beauty of youthful manhood with fervent piety and the brightest promise. They were 328 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. both Lexington boys, from General Jackson's own church, and sons of his dearest friends. On the morning of the 1st of September, General Jackson's soldiers arose from the wet ground, cold and comfortless, and, after refreshing themselves with food and warmtli from camp-fires, were ordered to march. Longstreet was to remain to bury the dead and gath- er up the spoils. Stuart reported the enemy as hav- ing rallied upon the heights of Centreville, and occu- pying a ])owerful line of works, cajiable of defence either in front or rear, which General Joseph E. Johnston had constructed the first winter of the war. Here Pope's shattered army had taken refuge, and, with large reinforcements from McC'lellan, once more presented a front, and General Jackson was directed to turn their position, and, if possible, compel them to retreat without a battle. To accom])lish this, he marched through circuitous country roads, wliich brought him up far in the rear of Centreville. As soon as the enemy perceived this unexpected move- ment, they resumed their retreat, but upon approach- ing Fairfax Court -House thej' found Jackson pre- pared to attack them. A sudden and spirited engage- ment, known as that of Ox Hill, took place, the enemy making such a brave and desperate resistance that at last victory seemed almost within their grasp ; but after a short and bloody struggle the tide again turn- ed, and they once more took up their line of retreat, and disappeared in the darkness. CHAPTER XVII, MARYLAND CAMPAIGX AND SHARPSBURG— 1862. The invaders had now retreated in full force from Northern Virginia, leaving only a few fortified posts along the frontier, while the shattered armies of both Pope and McClellan sought shelter in the strong fortifications of Washington, from which the_y had so recently marched in immense numbers and with splendid equipment, in the confident expectation of annihilating the Confederate army. Pope's boast had been that during his campaign his headquarters should be in the saddle, and that he would subsist his troops on the invaded country, authorizing them to appropriate from the inhabitants all the horses and provisions which they could make use of, and to de- stroy what they could not use. He also demanded that all citizens within his lines should take an oath of allegiance to the Federal government, or be ban- ished South, threatening that they should be executed as spies in case of their return. Fortunate was it for the Virginians that this cruel and boastful command- er had so short and inglorious a reign. The success of the Confederates thus far, with an inferior force against greatly superior numbers, now emboldened General Lee to conceive the plan of taking the aggressive, and pursuing his advantage bv an invasion of Marvland. It was desirable that 330 LIFE OK GENERAL TUOMAS J. JACKSON. Virginia should have a respite from the ravages of the two great contending armies, which had so long made it their field of battle ; and as ]\[aryland had been a Southern State, and was full of Southern sympathj% it was hoped that the appearance of Lee's army would stimulate her people to aid in achiev- ing independence. From the beginning of the war, many Marylanders had been in the Southern army, and it had no braver men or better soldiers. In consequence of its forced marches and many hard- fought battles, it was poorly equipped for an invasion ; but the great success hitherto, and the high spirit of his men, gave confidence to their commander, and the army was put in motion for the Potomac — Jackson's corps having rested only one day after the battle of Ox Hill, which closed with the night of September 1st, in a thunder-storm and deluge of rain. The first day they marched to Dranesville, and on the second reached Leesburg. The fame of Stonewall Jackson having spread far and wide, the people were eager to catch a glimpse of him whenever his march led him near their homes. Crowds pressetl upon him, and ardent admirers would sometimes throw their arms round the neck of his horse. Attentions were showered upon him by the old and young, and were often of so enthusiastic a nature as to really embarrass him. As an instance of this, while he was passing through Leesburg a lady was seen standing in her doorway, who, on having her hero pointed out to her, ran out into the middle of the street, and, divesting herself of a scarf, threw it before his horse. With his characteristic modesty, he did not comprehend that this was meant to do him honor, CROSSING THE POTOilAC. 331 and, reining up, he looked with puzzled inquiry first at the lady, who had retired to the sidewalk, and then at the scarf in front of liis horse's feet. One of his young staff officers, seeing his perplexity, explained to him in a stage whisper : " She means you to ride over it, general." As soon as he understood the delicate tribute which she intended, he turned to her with a beaming smile, and, taking off his cap, gallantly rode over the scarf. On the 5th of September General Jackson's com- mand crossed the Potomac at White's Ford. The river here is only about half a mile wide, and having a level and pebbly bottom, from two to three feet deep, the infantry were able to ford the stream. As the ti'oops came in sight of the river, they quickened their steps, and as line after line planted tiaeir feet upon Maryland soil, they rent the air with enthusiastic cheers. As soon as they had crossed, the first work to be done was to destroy the locks of the canal, thus drain- ing off its waters and preventing its navigation. On the 6th the army occupied the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and entered Frederick City. Here a Mary- land gentleman welcomed General Jackson by pre- senting him with a superb horse, and a few hundred young men joined the ranks of the Southern army. Just as soon as his troops became the invaders, he issued the most stringent orders against straggling, depredation upon property, and every species of rapine or trespass, and his well-disciplined soldiers proved their obedience by a respect for private rights and a magnanimous forbearance that were in striking contrast with the conduct of the Federal army while f 332 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. in Virginia. At Frederick, Jackson rested with his troops four days, and the day after his arrival being the Sabbath, he attended divine worship. It was a noteworthy fact that the people of the place attended their various churches with as much freedom and se- curity as if they were not within the lines of an in- vading army. Of the service he wrote to his wife the next day, September 8th : ..." Last evening I attended a German Eefoi'med church in Frederick City. I was not quite near enough to hear all the sermon [his modesty had led him to take a back seat], and I regret to say fell asleep; but had I been near enough to hear, would probably not have been so unfoi-tunate. The minister is a gifted one, and the building beautiful. The pews are arranged m a circular form, so that every person faces the pulpit. The town appears to be a charming place, neat and beautiful. The ladies and gentlemen were sitting in front of the doors, and all looked so comfortable, and I may saj' elegant, according to my ideas, and their enjoyment looked so genuine, that m}'^ heart was in sympathy with the surroundings. If such scenes could only surround me in Lexington, how my heart would, under a smiling Providence, rejoice !" Whittier s celebrated war poem, " Bai'bara Friet- chie." claims to be founded upon an incident which was supposed to have taken place upon the entrance of General Jackson with his troops into Frederick City. The story is best told in the jioet's own melo- dious language, the part relating to General Jackson and his troops only being quoted : "BARBARA FRIETCHIE." 333 " On that pleasant morn of the early fall When Lee niarclied over the mountain wall — Over the mountains winding clown, Horse and foot, into Frederick town — Forty flags with their silver stars, Forty flags with their crimson bars, Flapped in the morning wind : the sun Of noon looked down, and saw not one. Up rose old Barbara Frietchie then. Bowed with her fourscore years and ten ; Bravest of all in Frederick town, She took up the flag tlie men hauled down: In her attic window the staff' she set, To show one heart was loyal yet. Up the street came the rebel tread, Stonewall Jackson riding ahead. Under his slouched hat, left and right He glanced ; the old flag met his sight. ' Halt !' — the dust-brown ranks stood fast. 'Fire I' — out blazed tlie rifle blast; It shivered the window, pane and sash ; It rent the banner with seam and gash. Quick, as it fell from the broken staff'. Dame Barbara snatched the silken scarf; She leaned far out on the window-sill. And shook it forth with a royal will. ' Shoot, if you must, this old gray head, But spare your country's flag,' she said. A shade of sadness, a blush of shame, Over the face of the leader came; The nobler nature within him stirred To life at that woman's deed and word : 'Who touches a hair of yon gray head Dies like a dog ! Marcli on 1" he said. ****** Honor to her I and let a tear Fall, for her sake, on Stonewall's bier." Alas for the poet ! that rude hands should have to 334 LIFE OF r.EXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON'. sweep away this graphic picture, which his man}' ad- mirers have so long regarded as drawn from life ; but I have been told by members of General Jackson's staff that this pretty story was a myth. This is con- firmed by Dame Barbara's own nephew, Valerius Ebert, of Frederick City, who writes to a Northern paper : ..." As to the waving of the Federal flag in the face of the rebels by Dame Barbara on the occasion of Stonewall Jackson's march through Frederick, truth requires me to say that Stonewall Jackson, with his troops, did not pass Barbara Frietchie's residence at all ; but passed through what in this city is called " The Mill Alley," about three hundred yards from her residence, then passed due west towards Antie- tara, and thus out of the city. But another and still stronger fact with regard to this matter may be here presented — viz. ; the poem by Whittier represents our venerable relative (then ninety -six years of age) as nimbly ascending to her attic window and \vaving her small Federal flag defiantly in the face of Stone- wall Jackson's troops. Now, Dame Barbara was at the moment bed-ridden and helpless, and had lost . the power of locomotion. She could at that period only move, as she was moved, by the helj) of her at- tendants. These are the facts, proving that Whittier's poem upon this subject is pure fiction." The bold step of General Lee in the invasion of Maryland spread consternation at Washington ; and President Lincoln, realizing the paramount im- portance of protecting the capital, no immediate ac- ENTHUSIASTIC DEMONSTRATIONS. 335 tion was taken to follow the invading army. Upon the arrival of the whole Confederate army at Frederick, General Lee held a consultation with his leading generals as to a plan of future operations. Although the mass of the Federal troops had retired to Washington, Harper's Ferry had not yet been evacuated, as General Lee had hoped, and this en- dangered the safety of his army. It had been his design to proceed with his command into "Western Maryland, keeping up his communications with Kich- mond through the Shenandoah Valley, and to threaten Pennsylvania, thus hoping to draw the enemy after him, and away from their base of supplies. But with the Federals holding Harper's Ferry, it was deemed necessary to capture the place as speedily as possible, and General Jackson was ordered to move with his corps to Martinsburg, and after dislodging the enemy there to march down the south side of the Potomac upon Harper's Ferry. He accordingly left Frederick on the 10th of September, and, making a rapid transit through Middletown, Boonsboro', and Williamsport, the next day he recrossed the Potomac, and was ujjon his native soil. Upon hearing of Jackson's approach, on the 11th, the Federal commander retreated to Harper's Ferry, and the next morning Jackson's cav- alry reached Martinsburg, where the people, equally astonished and delighted, greeted him with a glad welcome; and, being once more in his beloved val- ley, among his own people, his heart responded with grateful emotion to their eager demonstrations. The ladies, who are always foremost in doing and claim- ing honors, beset him on all sides, and besought of him souvenirs — some requesting locks of his hair, and 336 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. others buttons from his coat. He tried to excuse him- self by telling one pretty jietitioner that she had more hair than he had, and he permitted them to strip his coat of buttons, but finally their importunity so embarrassed him that, with a blushing face, he said : " Reall}', ladies, this is the first time I was ever sur- rounded by the enemy," and, with the best grace he could, he retreated from the clamorous circle. After- wards, a considerate young lady sent him a present of several cards of military buttons to replace those that had been cut from his coat, accompanying the gift with a charming letter. As a penalty of sharing his mastei''s fame, poor " Little Sorrel " lost many locks from his mane and tail. A rapid march from Martinsburg brought General Jackson and his corps, on the morning of the 13th of September, to Harper's Ferry. In the space of three months Jackson had swept down the valley, fought and won the battles of Cross Keys and Port Republic ; had marched to Richmond and borne a conspicuous part in the seven days' battles ; had then turned north towards Washington, and won the battle of Cedar Run, and the second great struggle upon the plains of Manassas; and now, after a march to Frederick, Maryland, returned to Har]5er's Ferry, thus complet- ing a circuit so full of toil, hei"oism, and victory as to appear almost incredible. Arrived at Harper's Ferry, General Jackson found the enemy in force, and drawn up in battle array upon Bolivar Heights. General Lee, in his plan for the capture of the place, had ordered two other divi- sions, comrhanded by Generals JtlcLaws and Walker, to approach simultaneously with Jackson's corps, and CAPTURE OF HARPER'S FERRY. 337 seize the Maryland Heights and Loudoun Heights, which would surround the garrison beyond escape. It was but one day's march for these divisions, while Jackson's route around by Martinsburg was a circuit of sixty miles. He was therefore naturally anxious to ascertain whether they had arrived at their respec- tive destinations, and lost no time in signalling their posts, but, receiving no reply, found that he was in advance of them. He then sent couriers to the heights, who returned during the night with the intelligence that both generals had executed their movements, and were in possession of the two heights. The Federals were now encompassed on every side. On the morning of the 1-tth, Jackson established com- munication with McLaws and Walker, and, as the ranking officer, directed the plan of operations for the capture of Harper's Ferry. After cutting roads, with great labor, by which artillery could be taken up to the heights, the Con- federates poured shot and shell upon the enemy, producing great dismay and the wildest confusion. However, thej' still had one loop-hole of escape, for the Confederate artillery could not dislodge the troops that occupied the main line upon Bolivar Heights, and here there was a chance of McClellan's coming to their relief. So it fell to Jackson's corps to deal the finishing stroke, in frustrating this forlorn hope, which was accomplished by moving in the darkness of night, screened by the ravines along the river, and getting in the enemy's rear To make assurance doubly sure, he planted eleven pieces of artillery aci'oss the Shenandoah to intercept egress or ingress, thus destroying every chance of escape or relief. The 9'? 338 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. morning of the 15th found tlie assailants eager to re- new the attack, and Jackson ordered all the batteries to open at once. A furious cannonade thus began, when after about an hour's resistance on the part of the garrison, a white flag was seen to be hfted aloft, and the tempest of battle at once ceased. The enemy had surrendered — with a garrison of eleven thousand men, over sixty pieces of artillery, thirteen thousand stand of small-arms, great numbers of horses and Avagons. and vast quantities of stores of every descrip- tion. The garrison was treated on the most liberal terms. The officers were permitted to retain their side-arms and all their pei'sonal effects, upon their parole ; and wagons and horses were also loaned them to remove their baggage into the Federal lines. The privates also, after being disarmed, were released on parole. "Writing to his wife, General Jackson says : " It is my grateful privilege to write that our God has given, us a brilliant victory at Harper's Ferry to-da\\ Probably nearly eleven thousand prisoners, a great number of small - arms, and over sixty pieces of artillery are, through God's blessing, in our posses- sion. The action commenced yesterday, and ended this morning in the capitulation. Our Heavenly Father blesses us exceedingly.. I am thankful to say that our loss was small, and Joseph and myself were mercifully protected from harm." "When General Lee sent the forces under Jackson from Frederick to reduce Harper's Ferr}', he started McCLELLAX'S ARMY APPROACHING. 339 the remaining part of his command in other direc- tions, and in the meantime the situation of the Confederates in Maryland assumed a grave aspect. McClellan's grand army entered Frederick the day after General Lee evacuated it, and unfortunately a copy of his order directing the movements of his ■whole army had been dropped on leaving the town, and was picked up by the Federals, revealing Lee's plan to McClellan, who at once embraced his oppor- tunity, and pressed forward in pursuit, before Lee could concentrate his scattered troops for battle. The Confederate army was now in great peril, as McClellan, with a full knowledge of the situation and of the movements of the Confederates, was gathering his forces for a decisive conflict. On the 13th the Confederate cavalry near Boonsboro' was forced back slowly, and the command of General J). H. Hill, which had been sent to guard the moun- tain pass in front of Boonsboro', was attacked by overwhelming numbers. With less than five thousand men, he held the pass for five hours, repelling re- peated assaults until Longstreet, coming to their sup- port in the afternoon, enabled them to maintain their ground until nightfall. To oppose the advance of the enemy more effectu- ally, General Lee determined to concentrate his forces at Sharpsburg, and Jackson was summoned to join him as speedily as possible. Prompt to obey the order, he did not wait to receive the sui-render of the Federal troops at Harper's Ferry, but left that duty to General A. P. Hill. With the rest of his com- mand he took up his march by way of Shepherds- town. Generals Walker and McLaws having orders 340 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON". to follow. The movement of all the troops, except McLaws's, which were harassed and delayed by the enemy, was safely effected. Longstreet and D. H. Hill arrived at Sharpsburg on the morning of the 15th, and their troops were greatly inspirited by the news of the capture of Harper's Ferry. Sharpsburg is a little hamlet, situated two and a half miles from the Potomac and one mile from Antietam Creek. In the Federal accounts this creek gave name to the battle, which is always spoken of as the Battle of Antietam. Sharpsburg itself is remarkable only for its intersection of si.x roads, which afforded facilities for the concentration of Lee's divided army. The country is elevated and undulating, and presented a good defensive position, and here (General Lee made his dispositions to meet the advance of the enemy on the 15th of September; but the latter made only re- connoissances on that da\'. However, on the next morning, the 16th, their battei-ies opened fire, and their swaying multitudes indicated that a great battle had begun. It was about noon when Jackson arrived on the field, and, after a brief rest for his wearied troops, took his position, which was one of great exposure and dangei-. With the approach of evening, both the Federal artillery and infantry fiercely assailed the Confederates under the command of General Hood, whose left Jackson was ordered to support. This assault continued late into the night, but was gallantly repelled, and the two hostile armies slept upon their arms to be ready to renew the bloody con- flict in the morning. Even their hours of repose were disturbed by a continual dropping fire. A splendid autumn morning had scarcely dawned, THE BATTLE OF SHARPSBURG. 341 on the 17th, when its brilliant beams were obscured by the smoke of terrific volleys from the whole Fed- eral line of artiller}'^ — the heaviest fire falling upon the Confederate left held by Jackson — an attack which was soon supported by infantry advancing in great force. The overwhelming numbei-s were met with unflinching bravery and resolution, and for several hours the unequal combat raged with unceasing vio- lence and varying fortune. Many of the Confederate field officers were killed and wounded, and their whole line rapidly thinned under the murderous fire of the tremendous odds against them ; still they fought with unconquerable tenacity, repeatedlj' breaking the ranks of the enemj', and, although forced back by sheer weight of numbers, thej' turned at every favorable position to make a stand, and retired to the best ad- vantage, when Jackson, still undaunted, ordered Early and Hood to gather up the fragments of the shattei-ed troops and return to the front to relieve those who were there so sorely pressed. Xobly did they exe- cute their commission, and, rushing forward against the surging masses of the enemy, succeeded in arrest- ing the tide of battle. For hours they resisted far greater numbers, and finallj' drove them back, and re- established the Confederate lines. Most opportunely, at this juncture, General McLaws, with his division, arrived upon the field, and with his prompt co-opera- tion and the strenuous etforts of other commanders the victorious enemv were checked ; their lines began to waver, and they retreated half a mile with great loss. General Jackson was now enabled to re-establish the whole of his line ; but the Federals, though withdraw- ing their infantry, still rained down a furious artillery 342 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON'. fire the remainder of the day ; but Jackson's troops, now in a more sheltered position, suffered little loss. The Federal troops returned again to attack the Con- federate right and centre, but were again repulsed. Unfortunately, however, they discovered that one of the brigades opposed to thera had been withdrawn from its position, and immediately pressed forward through the breach thus made, and pierced the Con- federate lines. General D. H. Hill and other officers rallied the remnants of several scattered brigades, and with four pieces of artillery, supported by only a few hundred bayonets, arrested the vast masses of the ene- my. This small force (some of whom had fired every cartridge, and could trust only to the bayonet) pre- sented a bold front, until two other batteries came to their relief ; and after a desperate and determined re- sistance of an hour or so, the Federals retired. Notwithstanding the most stubborn and determined defence of the bridge over the Antietara, it was at last gained by the Federals, who crossed over in im- mense numbers and attacked Longstreet's right, which commanded the approaches. A few hundred yards advance would have given them possession of the roads leading from Sharpsburg to the Potomac, which were saved only by the timely arrival, from Harper's Ferry, of A. P. Hill and his division, which came at once to the support of Longstreet, and attacked the Federals who, flushed with expectant victory, had become dis- ordered bj' a too rapid and eager advance. After crossing the bridge, a triple line of the enemy dashed forward, captured a battery, and almost gained the crest of the wave of success, when they were checked by Hill's batteries and others in different positions. GENERAL LEE RETREATS ACROSS THE POTOMAC. 343 the effect of whose concentrated fire was to drive the enemy back across the creek, and the Confederates recaptured the lost battery. The shadows of night now gathered over the scene, closing one of the most desperate and hard-fought battles of the war. " During this terrible conflict. General Jackson," so writes Dr. Dabney, his former chief-of-staff, " exposed his life with his accustomed imperturbable bravery, riding among his batteries and directing their fire, and communicating his own indomitable spirit to his men. Yet he said to a Christian comrade that on no day of battle had he ever felt so calm an assurance that he should be preserved from all pei'sonal harm through the protection of his Heavenly Father." In his report of this battle of Sharpsburg, General Lee gives the following picture of his army : " The arduous service in which our troops had been engaged, their great privations of rest and food, and the long marches, without shoes, over mountain roads, had greatly reduced our ranks before the action began. These causes had compelled thousands of brave men to absent themselves, and many more had done so from unworthy motives. This great battle was fought by less than forty thousand men on our side, all of whom had undergone the greatest labors and hard- ships in the field and on the march. Nothing could surpass the determined valor with which they met the large army of the enemy, fully supplied and equipped, and the result reflects the highest credit on the officers and men engaged." The 18th was devoted by both armies to burying their dead and removing their wounded. On that day General Lee discovered that McClellan was ex- 344 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. pecting a large reinforcement of fresh troops, and, in view of the exhausted condition of his own forces, determined not to risk another battle, and therefoi'e withdrew them to Virginia. He took with him all his wounded who could bear removal, not leaving be- hind an efficient man or a single gun. General Jack- son was intrusted with the rear-£^uard, and, sitting on his horse in the middle of the Potomac, for hours he watched the passage of the troops across the stream. liot until he had seen the last man and the last gun safely upon the Virginia side did he cross over him- self. He then marched his command four miles, and encamped near Martinsburg. General Pendleton, with thirty pieces of artillery, was posted upon an eleva- tion overlooking the river, in oi'der to prevent the Federals from crossing in pursuit. Meanwhile the alertness of the enemy resulted in an advance in con- siderable force, which planted their guns on the oppo- site shore. During the night a detachment crossed the river, and, completely surprising the Confeder- ates, captured nearly all of their guns. General Pen- dleton, at midnight, I'eported to General Jackson (what he then believed to be true) that they had lost every gun ! It is said the news of this appalling di.s- aster caused Jackson more anxiety than he had ever shown before during the war. He iramediatelj'^ gave orders to effect the recovery of the captured guns, and started alone towards Boteler's Ford, which was a little below the position lost by Pendleton, having ordered his troops to follow him without delay. He was soon found by General Lee's couriers, without escort, far in advance of his troops, examining the position of the enemy. The gallant A. P. Hill ar- FATIGUE OF HIS RAPID MARCHES. 345 rived first upon tlie ground, and, spreading out liis division into two lines, charged with great spirit, re- gardless of the storm of shot and shell from the guns across the river. The enemy resisted by bear- ing heavily down against Hill's left ; but, rallying his whole force, he made a second charge, and, sweeping down the hill, forced the enemy into the river, and, as he continued to fire upon them, but few reached the northern shore. While Jackson was watching this night engage- ment, a second messenger from General Lee ap- proached him for information, and the only remark he made was, " "With the blessing of Providence, they will soon be driven back." In this contest the Con- federates fought entirely without artillery, employing only the musket and bayonet. This brilliant affair was known as that of Boteler's Ford. In this arduous campaign not one of Jackson's sol- diers in the ranks endured more fatigue than he, and the mental strain was even more wearing u])on him. In his I'apid marches he sometimes was so overpow- ered by sleep that he could not resist it even when riding, and members of his staff found it necessary to support him in the saddle for fear of his falling. Sev- eral times he dismounted, and, leaning his head on a fence, and resting his outstretched arms upon it, would sleep for only five or ten minutes, having asked his staff to awaken him if he slept longer. He would not trust himself to lie down, lest his slumber might prove so profound as to render it difficult to arouse him. An incident which occurred about the close of this campaign illustrates his kindness of heart. An old woman called at his headquarters, and, to the no 346 I-IFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. small amusement of the young staif-officers, said she had come to see her son John, who was with " Jack- son's Company." She was much surprised that they could not tell her where John was, for he had been with " Jackson's Company " in all the battles. Her per- sistency somewhat annoyed the young men ; but when Jackson came in and heard her simple story, he lis- tened with as much politeness as if she were a grand lady, and after gently reproving the young men for laughing at her, he ordered that every company in his corps should be searched for " John," who was at last found, to the inexpressible delight of his loving old mother. The general's next letter to his wife is dated " BimKER HrLL, Oct. 6tb. " I am glad that you were privileged to keep Thanks- giving Day. We did not enjoy that blessing, I regret to say. I trust it was generally observed, and that rich blessings may flow from it through our ever-kind Heavenly Father. I also hope that on that day large contributions were made to our Bible Society. You and I have, as you say, special reason for gratitude to God for His goodness and mercy to us. . . . The citi- zens of Frederick did not present me the horse, as was published, though a Marylander gave me a fine-look- ing animal, possessed of great muscle and fine powers of endurance ; but he was not gentle, and of this the donor notified rae. Notwithstanding the notice, I mounted and rode him that evening, and he did well. The next morning, however, when I attempted again to ride him, he reared up and fell back with me, hurt- ing me considerably. Miss Osbourn, of Jefferson, A FEW WEEKS OF REST. 347 sent me some excellent socks, and a beautiful scarf, which I wish my darling had. Our friend, Mrs. Gra- ham, of Winchester, sent me two nice sponge-cakes last week, and a Mr. Vihvig, of the same place, sent me an excellent arm-chair for camp use. I wish I could keep it until the close of the war, as I think my esposa would enjoy it. You are earnestly remembered in my prayers." A cessation of hostilities for a few weeks now gave the march-worn army of Northern Virginia a needed and grateful rest. Encamped on the banks of the Opequon, they literally revelled in their repose, in the beauties and delights of an unsurpassed autumn, and, above all, in the opportunity of refreshing the inner man, which was afforded by the productive farms of the valley. In the rich meadows and pastures tlieir horses also luxuriated and recruited strength. Never were the sweets of rest and plenty more enjoyed by man and beast. The admiration and devotion of Gen- eral Jackson's men had greatly intensified during this arduous campaign, and at his appearance they never failed to yell forth cheers, which were echoed and re- echoed by the more distant camps, as they sprang to their feet, exclaiming, " There comes old Jack !" This season of repose was not spent by their leader in inac- tion or idleness. He devoted himself to reorganizing his shattered troops — supplying them with shoes and clothing, and encouraging them in every way that he could minister to body and soul. With all his efforts, many of his men were left without shoes ; but such was the magic of his name that his forces increased rapidly in numbers and efficiency. 348 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. On the 11th of October General Jackson received from the Confederate government his last promotion, which was that of lieutenant-general. October 13th he wrote to his wife again from Bunker Hill, in the vicinity of Winchester : " I am sitting in my tent, about twelve miles from our ' war-home,' where you and I spent such a happy winter. The weather is damp, and for the past two days has been rainy and chilly. Yesterday was com- munion at Mr. Graham's church, and he invited me to be present, but I was prevented from enjoying that priv- ilege. However, I heard an excellent sermon from the Rev. Dr. Stiles.* His text was 1st Timothy, chap, ii., 5th and 6th verses. It was a powerful exposition of the Word of God; and when he came to the word '■himself he placed an emphasis upon it, and gave it a force which I had never felt before, and I realized that, truly, the sinner who does not, under Gospel privi- leges, turn to God deserves the agonies of perdition. The doctor several times, in appealing to the sinner, repeated the 6th verse — 'Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.' What more could God do than to give himself a ransom ? Dr. Stiles is a great revivalist, and is laboring in a Avork of grace in General Ewell's division. It is a glorious thing to be a minister of the Gospel of the Prince of Peace. There is no equal position in this world. * Rev. .Joseph C. Stiles, D.D., who h.aci been a pastor in Rich- mond, from which lie was called to New York to the Mercer Street Church, of which he was the pastor for some years. At the break- inw-out of the war he went South, and cast in his lot with bis own people. NOT ANXIOUS ABOUT HIS REPUTATION. 34.9 " Colonel Blanton Duncan, of Kentuckv, has pre- sented me with two fine field or marine glasses. He has apparently taken a special interest in me." " October 20th. Although I greatly desire to see our much-prized Winchester friends, it has not been my privilege to visit the town since last May. . . . Last night was very cold, but my good friend Dr. Hunter McGuire secured a camp-stove for me, and in consequence, to-day, I am comparatively quite com- fortable. Don't send me any more socks, as the kind ladies have given me more than I could probably wear out in two years. God, through kind friends, is show- ering blessings upon me. . . . Let the soldiers have all your blankets. [This order was fulfilled, and finally all his carpets were sent to the army as covering for the suffering soldiers.] " Don't trouble yourself about representations that are made of your husband. These things are earthly and transitory. There are real and glorious blessings, I trust, in reserve for us beyond this life. It is best for us to keep our eyes fixed upon the throne of God and the realities of a more glorious existence beyond the verge of time. It is gratifying to be beloved and to have our conduct approved by our fellow-men, but this is not worthy to be compared with the glory that is in reservation for us in the presence of our glorified Redeemer. Let us endeavor to adorn tlie doctrine of Christ our Saviour in all things, knowing that there awaits us 'a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.' I would not relinquish the slightest dimi- nution of that glory for all this world can give. My prayer is that such may ever be the feeling of 350 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. my heart. It appears to me that it would be better for you not to have anything written about me. Let us follow the teaching of inspiration — 'Let an- other man praise thee, and not thine own mouth : a stranger, and not thine own lips.' I appreciate the loving interest that prompted such a desire in my pre- cious darling. . . . You have not forgotten ray little intimation that we might meet before the end of the year, but I am afraid now that your esjyoso will not be able to leave his command. However, all this is in the hands of the Most High, and my prayer is that He will direct all for His own glory. Should I be prevented from going to see my precious little wife, and mother should grow worse, I wish you to remain with her. In addition to the comfort it would give her, it would also gratify me to know that she was comforted by your being with her. She has my pray- ers that it may please our Heavenly Father to restore her again to perfect health. Do not send me any more handkerchiefs, socks, or gloves, as I trust I have enough to last until peace. You think you can remember the names of all the ladies who make presents to me, but you haven't heard near all of them. An old lady in Tennessee, of about eighty years, sent me a pair of socks. A few days since a friend in Winchester presented me with a beautiful bridle and martingale for a general officer, according to the Army Regula- tions. Mr. Porter, of Jefferson, sent me a roll of gray cloth for a suit of clothes, and friends are continually sending things to contribute to my comfort. I men- tion all this merely to show you how much kindness has been shown me, and to give you renewed cause for gratitude. If I only had you with me in my FRAGMENTS OF LETTERS. 35] evenings, it would be such a comfort ! I hope it may be my privilege to be in Winchester this winter. The people are so kind, and take a great interest in my esposita, and that gratifies me. ... I am in a Sibley tent, which is of a beautiful conical shape, and I am sure you would enjoy being in it for a while." "November 10th. Colonel A. E. Boteler telegraphs me from Richmond that arrangements are made for supplying my command with blankets. Yesterday about seventeen hundred and fifty were distributed in Winchester. There has been much suffering in my command for want of blankets and shoes, especially the latter." " November 11th Tell Colonel E that I am glad to see he has so pleasant a post as Charlotte, and that / would rather be stationed there [where his wife then was] than anywhere else in the Confederacy. Colonel Boteler deserves the lasting gratitude of the country for having done so much towards clothing our men." " November 17th. I am more concerned again about clothing, especially shoes and blankets, than I expect- ed to be, from what I heard. Colonel Boteler is doing much, and has been the means of greatly contributing to the comfort of our men. . . . Our gracious Heavenly Father strikingly manifests his kindness to me by dis- posing people to bestow presents upon me." He then gives the names of a number who had thus honored him, and closes by saying : 352 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. " And so God, my exceeding great joy, is continu- ally showering His blessings upon me, an unworthy creature." November 20th he wrote as follows : "Don't you wish you were here in Winchester? Our headquarters are about one hundred yards from Mr. Graham's, in a large white house back of his, and in full view of our last winter's quarters, where my esjwsa used to come up and talk with me. "Wouldn't it be nice for you to be here again* but I don't know how long you could remain. ... I hope to have the privilege of joining in prayer for peace at the time you name, and trust that all our Christian people will ; but peace should not be the chief object of praj'er in our country. It should aim more especially to implore God's forgiveness of our sins, and make our people a holy people. If we are but His, all things shall work together for the good of our country, and no good thing will He withhold from it." " Mondaj^ If you had been in Winchester when I commenced this letter, you would not be there now, for your husband is no longer tliere, but his heart is with his little darling. Wi-ite to me at Gordonsville, as I hope to be there by Thursday." CHAPTER XVIII. GLIMPSES OF HOME JOYS.— BIRTH OF A DAUGHTER— 1862. It will now be a relief to turn aside for a season from the horrible pictures of war which have been so loner before us to some more restful and attractive pages in the history of General Jackson's life. In order to do this, we will begin by going back as far as the spring of 1862, and glean some extracts from the letters of Mrs. Graham, of Winchester, in whose hos- pitable home we spent the first winter of the war; letters written to me from time to time, which will show how warm a friendsliip grew out of this associa- tion, and of which he was the chief subject. The correspondence began soon after the first evac- uation of Winchester by the Confederates, dating from the 3d of April, 1862. " My dear Friend, — . . . The events of the past few weeks have been so strange, so new, and so dreadful, that I almost feel as if I had entered upon a new ex- istence ; and when I sit and recall the pleasant hours that we passed together last winter, and the dear gen- eral's brief but happy visits to us, with all that delight- ful interchange of Christian and social intercourse, it seems like a bright dream. ' Oh, could those days but come again !' I feel as though that would be almost too much happiness. The occnjiation of our town bj 23 354 LIFE OF GEXERAI. THOMAS J. JACKSON. the Federals came upon me like a dreadful shock. I had never permitted myself to believe for an instant that they would ever get here. I had a firm convic- tion that reinforcements were somewhere witliin reach, for, of course, we knew that our general, brave and splendid as he is, could not withstand an overwhelm- 'msc force with his little band, but still I believed some- thing would turn up to keep them away ; and when he came to tell us good-by, looking so sad (and I know he felt deeply grieved), I felt stunned, and could scarcely trust myself to speak, lest I should say some- thins to add to his troubles. The agonv of the next twenty-four hours, I trust, if it is God"s will, may nev- er be experienced by me again. It was, indeed, a bit- . ter thing to feel that our own army was gone, and then to see the Yankees in such numbers, the main body marching to the music of their brass bands, but some tearing across tlie fields, up the alleys, and in every direction — 'monarciis of all they surveyed' — it was too much for me, and I gave way completely. But I remembered that God reigns, and is over all I and I know this has not come upon us l\v accident. God has ordered and permitted it, and He lias been better to us than all our fears. His angel has cer- tainly encamped around our dwelling, and no harm has happened to us. It is really wonderful how we have been protected, while others have suffered so from their depreilations. . . . Our ladies have a daily prayer-meeting, which is very delightful, and serves to strengthen our faith and helj) us to bear our trials. I firmlv believe that God will deliver us and drive out our enemies. Their sojourn among us has greatly in- creased the secession feeling, and persons who had LETTERS FROM MRS. GRAHAM. 355 never taken any part before have become violent. In- deed, the old town has stood up bravely for the South. This country is becoming completely desolated — the farms being stripped of everything, the fences all de- stroyed, and the farmers not planting any crops. There is no encouragement for them to do so, as long as the Yankees are here, for they take possession of every- thing they want. Their officers threaten to arrest every secessionist, but Ave are not intimidated, and I earnestly hojje our general will come back before they have time. We do long and watch for the day when he will return at the head of his army, and we will give him such a welcome as no man ever did receive before.'' " August 9th, 1862. . . . Although our master Pope does not allow us to write to our Teher friends, I expect to have an opportunity of sending a letter through the lines ; but as he is certainly not our right- ful master, and if I can so cheat him as to have a pleas- ant chat with you, my conscience will not be offended. While you were here, it became so natural for me to go into your room to communicate to you everything that was interesting or amusing, that now, when anything funny happens (for sometimes we do have occasion to laugh even now), I feel an intense desire to tell you about it, but have to content myself with im- agining how we would laugh if we only had a chance. . . . That threatened oath of allegiance has been so long delayed that we hope it may not be carried out ; but you may depend the thought was by no means agreeable that my dear husband would be picked up and put through the lines, not knowing whither to turn his feet, and I left with four little children with- 356 I.IKE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON'. out protection or support. However, I had the cahir and delightful ussiirance that our Father would not forsake us, but would make all things work together for our good. . . . God has certainly made use of your noble husband to do great things for his country. • Them that honor me, I will honor,' is His own promise, and He has been faithful to His word. I think our dear general more entirely forgets f:elf in his desire to glorify God than any one I ever knew — his humble, confiding trust in the Almighty gives me more comfort and more confidence than an3thing else. His qualities as a splendid general all admit, but the greatest of men often fail in their efforts; so, far above everything else do I prize his noble. Christian character, and I am thankful for the privilege which I enjoyed in being thrown so intimately with him. You remember I told you that I asked my Heavenly Father, if it was right for us to take boarders, to send me those who would be congenial, and He certainly more than answered my prayers. I thank Him foi* you both, my dear friend. "How wonderfully God has protected your dear husband ! Oh ! how I do rejoice with you that ' his head has been covered in the day of battle!' j\Iay God, in His infinite and tender mercy, spare him from all harm, and continue to nuike him the instru- ment of our deliverance, if it is His will. Oh that He may give us such victories as may compel a peace — an honorable peace! "The general's little visit to us was a perfect sun- beam. I never saw him look so fat and hearty, and he was as bright and happy as possible. He spent two evenings with us ; the evening he arrived here FROM MRS. GRAHAM. 357 (which was Sunday) he came around, and said he did not think it was \vrong to come home on Sunday. Tliis was very gratifying to us. I don't remember ever experiencing more intense happiness than during that visit; and when I saw our dear general in his old place at the table, I could have screamed with delight I The children were very happy at seeing him. . . . When the Federal army last retreated, some of the frightened fugitives reported that the ladies of our town actually fired on them. Mother was seen to kill iwo ! " " October 13th. We watch with jealous and anx- ious eyes everything which looks like a retrograde tendency. I cannot help envying you your quiet home, far removed from the sight of war, but I have no doubt you would be even willing to exchange with me if you could have your husband with you. Well, so it is — 'every heart knoweth its own bitter- ness.' But I assure you, this tiling of being on the border, and subject at any time to be taken captives again, fs indeed dreadful; every time they come it is worse than before. In this last retreat they tried to destroy everything — burned the depot and warehouses, but I think our troops captured a great deal. The explosion of their magazine was terrific, our house heaved, and the glass was broken in almost every house in town. We poor Winchester people have a hard time, don't we ? " I wish the general was near enough for me to minister to his comfort in many ways, for we do love him. I hope yet that we may see him. I was quite amused with Jim, who came to see me the other day. 358 LIFE OF GENERAL TIIOMAS J. JACKSON. Tou know you didn't give me a very exalted idea of Jim's talent in the culinary art, and I said in rather a commiserating tone, ' Jim, does the General get anything he wants to eat ?' ' Oh ! }'es, madam, / cook. I fare very well, and so do the staff P ... I wish you could know how your husband is regarded here. I never saw such admiration as is felt for him by every one, and his Christian character elicits the greatest reverence and affection. It would have done your heart good to hear the prayers that were offered for Mm on the day of Thanksgiving." "November 21st, 1862. " My deak Friend, ^ — I feel as if I cannot sleep to- night (although it is our bedtime) without writing a few lines just to tell you of a most delightful visit we had from your dear husband. lie took his head- quarters in town day before j'esterday, but he was too busy to come to see us. Mr. Graham called upon him yesterday, and he promised, if he could, to spend this evening with us; but this morning we witnessed the melancholy spectacle of our army moving off again, and we feared he would have to hurry off, without giving us the pleasure of seeing him. But he did not go, and he did come here to tea, and I tell you we had a pleasant time. It did seem so much like old times — those good old times of last winter ; we were all so cosy in our dining-room, and around the table we did wish for you in your seat between us. Indeed, the presence of your dear little self was all that was wantiner to complete the jjleasure of the evening. He is lookmg in such perfect health- — far handsomer than \ ever saw him — and is in such fine FROM MRS. GRAHAM. 359 spirits, seemed so unreserved and unrestrained in his intercourse with us, that we did enjoy hira to the full. The children begged to be permitted to sit up to see ' General Jackson,' and he really seemed over- joyed to see them, played with and fondled them, and they were equally pleased. I have no doubt it was a great recreation to him. He seemed to be living over last winter again, and talked a great deal about the hope of getting back to spend this winter with us, in that old room, which I told him I was keeping for you and him. He expects to leave to- morrow, but says he may come back yet. This would be too delightful. He certainly has had adulation enough to spoil him, but it seems not to affect or harm him at all. He is the same humble, dependent Christian, desiring to give God the glory, and looking to Him alone for a blessing, and not thinking of him- self. This, I think, is a wonderful and beautiful trait, and one upon which I delight to dwell in my medi- tations upon him. The acquaintance that I have with him as an humble, trusting, and devoted follower of Christ is a source of the greatest consolation to rae at all times. I always feel assured that he does everything under the guidance of our Heavenly Father, and this is the secret of his wonderful success. " I fixed him a lunch for to-morrow, and we sat and talked so cosily, and the evening was concluded by bowing before the family altar again, and imploring our Father's blessing upon you and all of us, what- ever may betide. Now, was not this a charming evening, and don't you wish you had been here?" We now approach an event in the life of General 360 '•"•''• "^' tJENERAL THUJIAS J. JACKSO.V. Jackson which gladdened his heart more than all his victories, and tilled it with devout gratitude to the Giver of all good. On the 23d of November, 1862, God blest him witii a daughter. To a man of his extreme domesticit_y and love for children this was a crowning happiness ; and yet, with his great modesty and shrinking from publicity, he requested that he should not receive the announcement by tele- graph, and when it came to him by letter he kept the glad tidings all to himself — leaving his staff and those around him in camp to hear of it through oth- ers. This was to him a '*joy with which a stranger could not intermeddle," and from which his own hand could not lift the veil of sanctity. The first intimation of his new happiness Avas a letter from his little daughter herself ! The amanu- ensis was her aunt, Mrs. Irwin, at whose house she was born, in Charlotte, North Carolina, and this was the letter : " My OWN DEAK Father, — As my mother's letter has been cut short by my arrival, I think it but justice that I should continue it. I know that you are rejoiced to hear of my coming, and I hope that God has sent me to radiate your pathway through life. I am a very tiny little thing. I weigh only eight and a half pounds, and Aunt Harriet says I am the express image of my darling papa, and so does our kind friend, Mrs. Osborne, and this greatly delights my mother. My aunts both say that I am a little beauty. My hair is dark and long, my eyes are blue, my nose straight just like papa's, and m}' complexion not all red like most young ladies of my age, but a beautiful THE BIRTH OK A DAIKiHTKR. SijL blending of the lily and the I'ose. Xow, all this Avould sound very vain if I were older, but I assure you I have not a particle of feminine vanity, ray only desire in life being to nestle in close to. my mamma, to feel her soft caressing touch, and to drink in tlie pearly stream provided by a kind Providence for my suj^port. My mother is very comfortable this morning. She is anxious to have my name decided upon, and hopes you will write and give me a name, with your blessing. We look for my grandmother to-morrow, and expect before long a visit from my little cousin, Mary Graham Avery, who is one month my senior. I was born on Sunday, just after the morning services at church, but I believe my aunt wrote you all about the first day of my life, and this being only the second, my history may be comprised in a little space. But my friends, who are about me like guardian angels, hope for me a long life of hap- piness and holiness and a futurity of endless bliss. " Your dear little wee Daughter." These lovely little missives continued to reach the father until the mother was able once more to resume her pen, but only this one was ever recovered. In the meantime, he writes on the 4th of December : ..." Oh ! how thankful I am to our kind Heavenly Father for having spared my precious wife and given us a little daughter ! I cannot tell you how gratified I am, nor how much I wish I could be with you and see my two darlings. But while this pleasure is de- nied me, I am thankful it is accorded to you to have the little pet, and I hope it may be a great deal of com- 362 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. pany and comfort to its mother. Now don't exert your- self to write to me, for to know that you were taxing yourself to write would give me more pain than the letter would pleasure, so yow must not da it. But you must Jove your esposo in the meantime. ... I expect you are just made up now with that baby. Don't you wish your husband wouldn't claim any part of it, but let you have the sole ownership ? Don't you regard it as the most precious little creature in the world '{ Do not spoil it, and don't let anybody tease it. Don't permit it to have a bad temper. How I would love to see the darling little thing! (4ive her many kisses for her father. " At present I am about fifty miles from Rich- mond, and one mile from (Tuine>''s Station, on the railroad from Richmond to Fredericksburg. Should I remain here, I do hope you and baby can come to see me before spring, as you can come on the rail- road. Wherever I go, God gives me kind friends. The ])eople here show me great kindness. I receive invitation after invitation to dine out, and spend the night, and a great many provisions are sent me, in- cluding nice cakes, tea, loaf-sugar, etc., and the socks and gloves and handkerchiefs still come! " I am so thankful to our ever-kind Heavenly Father for having so improved my eyes as to enable me to write at night. He continually showers blessings upon me ; and that you should have been spared, and our darling little daughter given us, fills my heart with overflowing gratitude. If I know my un- worthy self, my desire is to live entirely and unre- servedly to God's glory. Pray, my darling, that T may so live." LOVING THOUGHTS OF HIS CHILD. 363 In response to his baby - daughter's first letter, he closes by saying : " Thank sister H very kindly, and give the baby -daughter a shower of kisses from her father, and tell her that he loves her better than all the baby -boys in the world, and more than all the other babies in the world." This was to reassure his wife, who feared he would be disappointed at not having a boy. He desired a son, believing that men had a larger sphere of useful- ness than women ; but his own will was so entirely in subjection to that of his Heavenly Father that he said he preferred having a daughter, since God had so ordained it. December 3d he wrote to his sister-in-law, thanking her for her kindness, and saying : " I fear I am not grateful enough for unnumbered blessings. ... I trust God will answer the prayers offered for peace on last Monday. Not much comfort is to be expected until this cruel war terminates. I haven't seen my wife since last March, and, never having seen my child, you can imagine with what interest I look to North Carolina." December 10th, he writes to his wife : " This morn- ing I received a charming letter from my darling lit- tle daughter, Julia." He had given her the name of his mother, whose memory was so dear to him. But immediatel}^ as if his heart trembled at the very thought of so much happiness, he adds : " Do not set your affections upon her, except as a gift from God. If she absorbs too much of our hearts, God may re- move her from us." CHAPTER XIX. THE BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. From these thoughts of home, it is an abrupt change to the field of war. But the two armies, while enjoy- ing a few weeks of rest, had been in preparation for a renewal of the great struggle. The battle of Sharps- Durg (or Antietam), followed as it was by the with- <1rawal of Lee across the Potomac into Virginia, was legarded in "Wasliington as a great victory, and there was a loud demand that McC'lellan, flushed with suc- cess and strengthened by large reinforcements, should ])ush his advantage to the utmost. Day after day came the order from the War Department for an im- mediate attack, till at last, impatient of delay, ije was relieved from command, and Burnside placed in his stead, who prom]itly advanced to Fredericksburg, on the Rappahannock, beliind which Lee, following the movement, proceeded at once to concentrate his whole force. To support him Jackson was ordered from Winchester, and he conveyed his troops to Fredericks- burg within eight days, having given them a rest of two days to relieve those who were without shoes, for, with all his efforts to provide for their necessities, many still remained barefooted, to whom it was so painful to march that numbers fell out of the ranks and had to be left behind. But by the greatest exer- lions his command was brought to the scene of ac- JACKSON AS HE COMES ON THE FIELD. 365 tion, and his last message to me before the battle was, "My headquarters are several miles from Fredericks- burg, and the cannonading near thei'e has been very heavy this morning." By the 12th of December the Federals crossed the Rappahannock, took possession of Fredericksburg, and prepared to sweep everything before them. The next morning (the memorable 13th),tis General Jackson rode forth to battle his appearance attracted unusual attention. He had just received a present from General Jeb Stuart of an elegant new uniform, which was in such striking contrast with his old suit (of which he had taken no thought, nor given any time to replace it during his arduous Valley Cam- paign) that his soldiers scarcely recognized him. Gal- loping down the lines with his staff, he soon attracted the attention of the Federal sharp-shooters ; but he safely reached the summit of a hill, where General Lee was watching the progress of affairs. A Confederate artilleryman, Wm. Page Carter, gives the following graphic picture of Jackson as he came on the field: " A general officer, mounted upon a superb bay horse and followed by a single courier, rode up through our guns. Looking neither to the right nor the left, he rode straight to the front, halted, and seemed gazing intently on the enemy's line of battle on the old telegraph road. " The outfit before me, from top to toe, cap, coat, pants, top-boots, horse and furniture, were all of the new order of things. But there was something about the man that did not look so new, after all. He ap- peared to be an old-time friend of all this turmoil around him. As he had done us the honor to make 366 LIKE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. an afternoon call on the artillery, I thought it becom- ing in some one to say something on the occasion. Xo one did, however : so. although a somewhat bash- ful and weaii-kneed youngster, I plucked up courage enough to venture the remark that those big guns over the river had been knocking us about pretty con- siderably during the day. He quickly turned his head, and I knew in an instant who it was before me. The clear-cut, chiselled features; the thin, compressed, and determined lips; the neatl}' trimmed chestnut beard; the calm, steadfast eye, that could fathom the tide of battle in a moment ; the countenance to command re- spect, and, in time of war, to give the soldier that con- fidence he so much craves from a superior officer, were all there. And there was one I had heard so much of and had longed so much to see, whose battle front I was then to look upon for the first time, but not, how- ever, the last. As I said before, he turned his head quickly, and looking me all over in about two seconds, he rode up the line and away quietly and as silently as he came, his little courier hard upon his heels ; and this was my first sight of Stonewall Jackson." Dr. Dabney describes the array of annies on the morning of the battle : "It was now past nine o'clock, and the sun, mount- ing up the eastern sky with almost a summer power, was rapidly exhaling the mist. As the white folds dissolved and rolled away, disclosing the whole plain to view, such a spectacle met the ej'es of the generals as the pomps of earth can seldom rival. Marshalled upon the vast arena between them stood the hundred THE BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 367 and twenty-five thousand foes, with countless batteries of field-guns blackening the ground. Long triple lines of infantry crossed the field from right to left, and hid their western extreme in the streets of the little city; while down the valleys, descending from the Stafford Heights to the bridges, were pouring in vast avalanches of men, the huge reserves. For once, war unmasked its terrible proportions to the view with a distinctness hitherto unknown in the forest-clad land- scapes of America ; and the plain of Fredericksburg presented a panorama that was dreadful in its gran- deur. . . . Lee stood upon his chosen hill of observa- tion, inspiring every spectator by his calm heroism, with his two great lieutenants beside him, and re- viewed every quarter of the field with his glass. It was then that Longstreet, to whose sturd\' breast the approach of battle seemed to bring gayety, said to Jackson : ' General, do not all these multitudes fright- en you V He replied : ' We shall see very soon whether I shall not frighten them.' " The generals soon sought their respective positions, and the battle opened with a furious cannonade — two hundred guns thundering from the heights occupied by the enemy — and the opposite hills returning the fire with all the skill and power of which an inferior force was capable. A vivid description of the conflict itself is furnished by a young Confederate officer : " The whole battle-field was the most dramatic and imposing tableau I ever witnessed. . . . The low grounds of the Rappahannock below Fredericksburg spread into a plain of some miles in width, bounded by a 368 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. .lACKSON. range of low wooded bills, which terminate on the lower side in the Massaponax low grounds, and on the upper in a series of rather high and abrupt bluffs next to the river and above the town. At one point in this line of hills a wooded marsh projects far into the plain. " Imagine now this long line of wooded hills peopled with men — every little promontory bristling with ar- tillery, the whole line of railway at the foot of the hills and every hedge-row and ditch gleaming with bayonets, and you have what must have been the impression of the Yankees of our position. Again. stand with me upon one of the same little promon- tories and look out upon their lines, and see what we saw. Far upon the left the smoke from the smouldering ruins of the town, and Longstreet's camp- fires seem to blend together ; while in front, and al- most as far as the eye can reach to the right and left, you see the blue-coated Federal lines extended, well- armed, well-equipped, and seemingly assured of suc- cess. Behind them the hills seem crowded with artil- lery, which can hurl their missiles to the very foot of the hills upon which we stand. The word is given to advance. How gallantly they come on! Not a sound is heard from our side except the sharp crack of our skirmishers as they fall back slowly before the over- whelming advance. The air seems alive with the whistling of shot and shell which the enemy send as precursors to their infantry charge. Suddenlj' a bat- tery of thirty guns, from just where we are stand- ing, opens upon the column of attack. They falter, and reel, and stagger ; they rally, and break, and ral- ly again ; but in vain : flesh and blood cannot stand it ; they retire routed and confused. At that moment TURNINGPOINT OF THE DAY. 369 an officer gallops wildlj^ up to General Jackson, and exclaims, in almost breathless haste : ' General, the en- emy have broken through Archer's left, and General Gregg says he must have help, or he and General Archer will both lose their position.' The general turned round as quietly as if nothing extraordinary had happened, and ordered up Early's division to sup- port the centre. Yet every one said afterwards that this was the turning-point of the day. In about an hour the footing which the enemy had gained in the wood was recovered by Trimble and Thomas, and they were pursued far into the plain. This was all I saw of the fight." Longstreet's troops were equall}' successful in repell- ing their opponents, and when the day closed the vic- tory was complete. During the battle, while there was a lull in the fiercest hostilities. General Jackson, desiring to inspect the positions of the enemy, rode to his extreme right, dismounted, and, accompanied only by his aide, Mr. Smith, walked far out into the plain. They were soon singled out by a sharp-shooter, who sent a bullet whiz- zing between their heads, which were not more than two paces apart. The general turned to his companion with a humorous smile, and said : " Mr. Smith, had you not better go to the rear ? They may shoot you !" At the close of this memorable day. General Jack- son went to his tent, and there found Colonel Boteler, who was his right-hand man in carrying despatches to the government, and in co-operating with him in every way. The colonel was invited to share his pallet with him, but he sat up himself some time longer, writ- 24 370 LIKE OK GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. ing and sending despatches. Weariness at last com- pelled him to throw himself down without undressing, and, after sleeping profoundly for two or three houi-s, he rose, lighted his candle, and continued his writing. In glancing around, he noticed that the light of his candle shone full in the face of his friend, whom he supposed to be still sleeping, and with the quick thoughtfulness of a woman he placed a book ujion his table in front of the candle, so as to shield his face from the light and not interrupt his slumber. General Jackson was much concerned at hearing of the mortal wounding of General Gregg, of South Car- olma, on the previous day. About four o'clock on this morning he sent for Dr. ^IcGuire to learn his condition, which he was told was beyond hope. The surgeon was requested to go again and see that the dying man had everything he could desire, but by the time he reached his bedside footsteps were heai-d behind him, and Jackson appeared in the doorway, having been impelled by his feelings to follow him- self, and take a farewell of his brave and heroic sub- ordinate. The brief interview was tender and touch- ing, and sad and silent the commander rotle back with Dr. McGuire to his tent. When he ordered his servant. Jim, to bring his " Little Sorrel " for him to ride on this occasion, Jim ]trotested against bis using this horse, which he had ridden during the whole of the battle of the pre- vious day, and an amusing war of words passed be- tween them; but Jim had it in his power to gain the victory, and brought out another horse, which the general mounted, and rode off, attended by a single aide. BURNSIDK RETREATS ACROSS THE RIVER. 371 The Confederate generals expected a renewal of hostilities the next day, and their army was eager for another attack, but the Federals failed to advance. On Monday, the 15th, a flag of truce was sent by the enemy, requesting permission to care for their wound- ed, who had been left upon the frozen ground ever since the day of battle. Then under the cover of night, and while a storm of wind and rain was raging, they crossed their whole force over the river, con- ducting their i-etreat so silently that it was wholly concealed from the Confederates. They marched in such silence through the streets of Fredericksburg that the people generally (who had been shut ; up in their homes) did not know that the vast hordes were pouring out of their town. When a few, hearing the continuous tramp of men and horses, looked out with candles in hand, they were startled at finding the streets packed with multitudes with faces turned northward, and they were commanded in peremptory whispers : " Put out that light ! put out that light !" — while some of the officers even rushed up to them, blew out their lights, and thrust them back into the houses. When the dreary morning dawned, the Con- federates were surprised to find that the mighty host which had confronted them for three days had disap- peared from before Fredericksburg, and were once more in their camp on the other side of the river. They admitted a loss of twelve thousand men killed and wounded, nine thousand small-arms, and about a thousand prisoners. In repelling the attacks of their vast army. General Lee had less than twenty-five thousand men actually engaged, and had lost but four thousand two hundred. Of these twentv-nine hun- 372 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. dred were killed and wounded in the corps of Jack- son ; and there were, in addition, five hundred and twenty -six officers and men captured. This great battle of Fredericksburg ended the campaign of 1802, which to the Confederates was the most brilliant and successful of the war. December 16th General Jackson wrote to his wife : " Yesterday, I regret to say, I did not send you a letter. I was on the front from before dawn until after sunset. The enemv, through God's blessing, was repulsed at all points on Saturday, and I trust that our Heavenly Father will continue to bless us. We have renewed reason for gratitude to Him for my preservation during the last engagement. AVe have to mourn the deaths of Generals !Maxev Gregg and Thomas R. R. Cobb. The enemy has recrossed to the north side of the Rappahannock. ... I was made very happy at hearing through my baby daughter's last letter that she had entirely recovered, and that she ' no longer saw the doctor's gray whiskers.' I was much gratified to learn that she was beginning to notice and smile when caressed. I tell you, I would love to caress her and see her smile. Kiss the little darling for her father and give my grateful love to sister H ." " December 18th. Our headquarters are now about twelve miles below Fredericksburg, near the house of Mr. Richard Corbin, which is one of the most beauti- ful buildings I have seen in this country. It is said to have cost sixt\' thousand dollars. Night before last CHANGE OF HKADyUARTERS. 373 I was about to spend the night in the woods, but sent to ask if we could procure our supper at the house. Mr. Corbin was absent, serving as a private in the Virginia cavalry, but Mrs. Corbin bountifully supplied us, and requested me to spend the night at her house, which invitation was thankfully accepted, and I had a delightful night's rest. The next morning she urged me to remain, and offered me a neat building in the yard for my office, but I declined, and am now about five hundred yards from the house, encamped in the woods. She told me that if at any time I needed house room, she could let me have it. [He afterwards moved into the office in the yard, and spent most of the time he was in winter-quarters there.] " Baby's letters are read with great interest, and it does her father's heart great good to read them. . . . I have much work before me, and to-day I expect to commence in earnest. The reports of the battles of McDowell, Winchester, Port Republic, Richmond, Manassas, the Maryland campaign. Harper's Ferry, and Fredericksburg have all yet to be written. But something has been done towards several of them by my staff." " Christmas, 1862. Yesterday I received the baby's letter with its beautiful lock of hair. How I do want to see that precious baby ! and I do earnestly pray for peace. Oh that our country was such a Christian, God-fearing people as it should be ! Then might we very speedily look for peace. Last evening I received a letter from Dr. Dabney, saying : ' One of the high- est gratifications both Mrs. Dabney and I could enjoy would be another visit from Mrs. Jackson when her 374 LIKE OF GENKRAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. health is re-established," and he invites me to meet yoii there. lie and Mrs. Dabney are very kind, but it ap- pears to rae that it is better for me to remain witli my command so long as the war continues, if our gracious Heavenly Father permits. The army suffers immensely by absentees. If all our troops. oflScei-s and men, were at tiieir posts, we might, through God's blessing, expect a more speedy termination of the war. The temporal affairs of some are so deranged as to make a strong plea for their returning home for a short time ; but our God has greatly blessed me and mine during my absence ; and whilst it would be a great comfort to see you and our darling little daugh- ter, and others in whom I take special interest, yet duty appeiirs to require me to remain with my com- mand. It is impoi'tant that those at headquarters set an example by remaining at the post of duty. " Dr. Dabney writes : ' Our little prayer-meeting is still meeting daily to ))ray for our army and leaders.' This prayer-meeting may be the means of accomplish- ing more than an army. I wish that such existed everywhere. How it does cheer mj' heart to hear of God"s people praying for our cause and for me! I greatly prize the prayers of the pious." " December 29th. Yesterday I had the privilege of attending divine service in a church near General Hill's headquarters, and enjoyed the services very much. Dr. White savs in a recent letter that our pew at home has been constantly occupied by Wheel- ing refugees. I am gratified to hear it. He also adds. ' How we would rejo'ce to see you and our dear friend, Mi's. Jackson, again in that pew. and in the ADVICE TO A YOUXG RELATIVK. 375 lectnre-rooin at prayer-meetings! We still meet ev- ery Wednesday afternoon to pray for our army, and especially for our general.' May every needful bless- ing rest upon yoxi and our darling child is the earnest prayer of your devoted husband." The next two letters were written to a young rela- tive, a nephew of his mother from West Virginia, who applied to him for a position in the array : ..." In reply to your intention of going into ser- vice, I am gratified at your determination, and would recommend you to enter the army under General John Echols, as it is operating in the western part of the State, to which climate you are accustomed. I would like to have you with me if I had a place to which I could properly assign you; but you had better join General Echols at once, and by your attention to duty I hope you will, through the blessing of God, render valuable service to our precious cause." In a second letter of April 2d, 1863, he sa3's : " I am much gratified to hear that you followed my suggestion, and trust you will have no reason to regret it. We should always be usefully employed, and if we are faithful in doing our duty in one position, it frequently follows that we are advanced to a higher one. In regard to your question whether our section of the State will get relief this summer, I am unable to say. My command is not a separate one. I am under General Lee, and my corps forms a part of his army. I hope the Northwest will soon be reclaimed, 376 I>IKE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSO.V. but 1 do not know what the government designs re- specting it this summer. " I have a little daughter, and have named her Julia after my mother. I don't suppose you have any recollection of mother, as she has been dead near- ly thirty years. In the summer of 1855 I visited her grave in Fayette County. My wife and child are with her father in North Carolina. " I hope you are a Christian. There is no happi- ness like that experienced by a child of God. You have an interest in my prayers." The following incidents are from the pen of the Kev. James P. Smith, D.D., of Fredericksburg, who was a member of General Jackson's staff : " When I was a private soldier, a member of the Rockbridge Artillery, I went to headquarters with a written application for leave of absence for one night to visit a sick relative in a distant camp. The general kindly recognized me, shook hands, and when I pre- sented the application he read and returned it, saying, ' 1 can't approve your leave of absence, Mr. Smith.' I was greatly disa]ipointed, and felt somewhat hurt at what seemed to me to be a harsh and arbitrary decision ; but Mrs. Jackson afterwards told me that he wrote to her that he regretted that the regulation would not per- mit him to grant the leave. [Mr. Smith was a fi-iend of his wife.] While I was still in the artillery, in the early spring of 1862, and encamped at Rude's Hill, the general came to our camp one day in my abs?nce, and created a great stir by asking for Corporal Smith. Great expectations were aroused that Corporal Smith was to INCIDENTS TOLD BY REV. DR. J. P. SMITH. 377 be appointed to some office or special duty, but on ray return it was found he had called to leave me a pack- age of religious tracts for distributimi in the camp ! " At Frederick City, Maryland, I received a message to call at General Jackson's headquarters, when he asked me to accept the position of aide-de-camp on his staff. It was a great surprise to me, and at first embarrassed me. He spoke kindly of liis desire to have me with him, and of the time it would take me to prepare for his service [in getting a uniform], saying, ^ I have hut one suit myself, sir.'' He gave me leave of absence from the army for six days to go back to Virginia to secure clothing, etc., saying, ' I need your services as soon as possible.' He was exceeding- ly gracious and pleasant in manner and word to me. " One evening, when our headquarters were at Miln- wood, Clarke County, Virginia, the young men became convinced that the general and his army would pass over the mountain gap near by to Eastern Virginia. I was exceedingly anxious to visit Winchester before we went east, and went to his tent, saying, ' General, as we are going aci'oss the mountains to-morrow, I wish to go to Winchester early in the morning.' He smiled in a peculiar way and said, ' Are you going over the mountains to-morrow? Then, certainly, Mr. Smith you can go to Winchester ; but do/i't tell any one that we are going over the mountains,' and he laughed at my expense. I went to Winchester early in the morn- ing, and, after an hour or so, was returning on the Milnwood road, when, at a turn of the road, I sudden- ly met General Jackson and staff. He laughed as I rode up, saying, ' Are you going over the mountains, Mr. Smith ?' And I found that, instead of going over 878 LIKE OF GENERAL TUUMAS J. JACKSON. the mountains, he was moving his headquarters to Winchester, apparently for the winter. "The general and myself rode with orderlies from Orange Court-House down the plank-road in Decem- ber, 1862, dining at the Rev. Melzi Chancellor's, near the Wilderness church, turning to the right at Salem church, where we saw many refugees from P'redericks- burg in the falling snow. W^e passed Mrs. French's place, and found General Lee's headquarters after dark, on the main road, the tent pitched in the pine woods. General Lee's reception was exceedingly kind and hospitable. After a little while General Jackson took me out, and told me to ritle to a house near by and ask for lodging during the night. Tlie host was a vehement old gentleman, who at first refused sharp- ly to hear me, but when I succeeded in making him understand that General Jackson wanted entertain- ment, he was greatly aroused, threw open his door, and told me to tell General Jackson to come at once to his house — that all he had was the general's. He entertained us with great hospitality and quite com- fortably. The next night our tents were near the resi dence of Mrs. French, by whose invitation the general and two or three of our young men took tea with her. It was a charming and memorable Sunday evening. The house was warm and briglit, and the society most agreeable, after a long campaign and hard marching. The tea-table was more than attractive. I remember the general as seated on -^ sofa, between ^^rs. French and old Miss Hetty Lily, and that, at Mrs. French's request, he took the family Bible and conducted fam- ily worship, after which we took leave, and went throuffh the snow to our cheerless tents. A CHRISTMAS DINNER. 379 " The general suggested to me to prepare for a dinner on Christmas Day. He wished to invite General Lee and others to dine with him. I had the good fortune to secure a fine turkey ; a bucket of oysters came from down the river; a box was received by the general from some Staunton ladies, containing a variety of good things ; and our dinner was quite well set forth. Generals Lee, Stuart, Pendleton, and others were guests. General Lee rallied us very much on our af- fectation — a dining-room servant with a white apron on specially amused him. He often laughed at us for ' playing soldiers,' and said we lived too well. " General Jackson always enjoyed the visits of Gen- eral Stuart, Avhose gayety and humor charmed him, and no one thought of being so familiar with our gen- eral as Stuart. On this occasion he made himself very merry at finding Jackson in the office of old Mr. Cor- bin, whose walls were decorated with pictures of race-horses, fine stock, game-cocks, and a famous rat- terrier! To the great amusement of Jackson and his guests, Stuart pretended to regard these as General Jackson's own selections, and as indications of his pri- vate tastes — indicating a great decline in his morale character, wliich would be a grief and disappointment to the pious old ladies of the South. To add to the merriment. General Jackson had received among his presents a cake of butter, with a gallant chanticleer stamped upon it, and this adorned the table. General Stuart held it up in his hands, and called the company to witness that their host actually carried his sport- ing tastes so far that he had his favorite game-cock stamped on his butter, as though it were a coat-of- arras ! 380 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. " During the winter spent at Moss Neck, General Jackson took me with him to General Lee's head- quarters on one occasion when a deep snow was fall- ing. General Lee said he regfretted that General Jackson should come out such a day, whereupon the latter, smiling pleasantly, said : ' I received your note, sir, saying you wished to see me.' ■' I remember a pleasant visit to Hayfield, the resi- dence of a Mr. Ta^'lor. Generals Lee, Stuart, Pendle- ton, and Jackson were present, with Pelham and other staff-officers. General Lee was very facetious, and de- scribed these general officers to old Mrs. Taylor with much good humor. He told her that ' General Jack- son, who was smiling so pleasantly near her, was the most cruel and inhuman man she had ever seen.' She demurred, saying she had always heard that General Jackson was '« good^ Christian man.'' General Lee said, ' Wh}', when we had the battle up at Fredericks- burg, do j'ou know, Mrs. Ta^ior, it was as much as we could do to prevent him from taking his men, with bayonets on their guns, and driving the enemy into the river?' Mrs. Taylor began to see his humor, and said : ' Well, General Lee, if the Yankees ever cross here, at our place, I hope aou won't prevent him from drivins: them into the river.' " -■o In these pleasant winter-quarters at Moss Neck, the residence of Mr. Corbin, General Jackson remained until spring. CHAPTER XX. WINTER QUARTERS, CHAPLAINS, AND CORRESPONDENCE— 1863. Aftee the battle of Fredericksburg there was no other advance of the enemy during the winter; and General Jackson spent a peaceful, but very industrious, winter at Moss Neck. The winter-quarters of his troops extended from near Guiney's Station towards Port Royal; and after providing them with shelter, which consisted of huts built by themselves, he de- voted himself to writing his reports, and to the gen- eral welfare of his troops, both temporal and spiritual. Particularly did he bend his energies towards disci- plining and strengthening his command. The almost superhuman exertions in marching and fighting had caused many soldiers to absent themselves from the array without leave, and this was an evil for which he had no toleration, and Avhich he made the most stren- uous efforts to correct. He was also greatly interested this winter in providing his army with chaplains, and in trying to infuse more zeal into those who were al- ready in this service. He encouraged all denomina- tions to labor in his command, co-operating with each in every way in his power. All he wished to know of a man was that he was a true Christian and an earnest worker in the cause of his Master. Roman Catholics were granted the same facilities as Protestants for holding their services. On one occasion a priest ap- 382 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. plied to liim for a tent in which to conduct worship with soldiers of his own faith, and Jackson, after satisfying himself by inquiry that he was a man of exemplary character, granted his request, and, with a decision that restrained all adverse expressions against it, he added : " He shall have it, I care not what may be said on the subject." A Presbyterian minister, in de- scribing a service held in the general's camp, said : " So we had a Presbyterian sermon, introduced by Baptist services, under the direction of a Methodist chaplain, in an Episcopal church ! Was not that a beautiful solution of the vexed problem of Christian union ?" Of the religious character of General Jackson this preacher said : "The sentiment which fills his soul is his sense of the necessity and power of prayer — prayer in the army ; prayer for the army ; prayer by the whole country. I am sure it makes him glad and strong to know how many of the best people in the world pray for him without ceasing." He pictures the general's "firm and hopeful face," "the placid dili- gence of his daily toils," and his attendance on the service in the little log church built by his own sol- diers, " which was already so full upon his arrival that the men were said to be packed like herrings in a bar- rel, and he and General Paxton modestly retired, lest they should displace some already within. One could not sit in that pulpit and meet the concentrated gaze of those men without deep emotion. I remembered that they were the veterans of many a bloody field. The eyes which looked into mine, waiting for the gos- pel of peace, had looked as steadfastly upon whatever is terrible in war. The voices which now poured CONCERX FOR HIS SOLDIERS' RELIGIOUS WELFARE. 383 forth theii" strength in singing the songs of Zion had shouted in the charge and the victory. . . . Their ea/mestnes8 of aspect constantly impressed me. . . . They looked as if they had come on business, and very important business, and the preacher could scarcely do otherwise than feel that he, too, had business of moment there ! " A chaplain relates that on the eve of the battle of Fredericksburg he saw an officer, wrapped in his over- coat so that his marks of rank could not be seen, lying just in the rear of a batter}', quietly reading his Bible. He approached and entered into conversation on the prospects of the impending battle, but the officer soon changed the conversation to religious topics, and the chaplain was led to ask, " Of what regiment are you chaplain r' What was his astonishment to find that the quiet Bible-reader and fluent talker upon re- ligious subjects was none other than the famous Stonewall Jackson. During one of his battles, while he was waiting in the rear of a part of his command which lie had put in position to engage the attention of the enemy while another division had been sent to flank them, a j'oung officer on his staff gave him a copy of the sketch of " Captain Dabney Carr Harrison," a young Presbyte- rian minister, widely known and loved in Virginia, who had been killed at Fort Donelson. He expressed himself as highly gratified at getting the sketch, and entered into an earnest conversation on the power of Christian example. He was interrupted by an officer, who reported " the enemy advancing," but paused only long enough to give the laconic order, " Open on them," and then resumed the conversation, which he con tin- 384 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. ued for some time, only pausing now and then to re- ceive despatciaes and give necessary orders. General Jackson's views on the work of the spirit- ual improvement of his array, which so absorbed his heart and labors the last winter of his life, are ex- pressed in a letter to his pastor, in which he says : "You suggest that I give my views and wishes in such form and extent as I am willing should be made public. This I shrink from doing, because it looks like presumption in me to come before the public and even intimate what course I think should be pursued by the people of God. I have had so little experience in church mattei-s as to make it proper, it seems to me. to keep quiet beyond the expression of my views to friends. Whilst I feel that this is the proper course for me to pursue, and the one which is congenial to my feelings, yet if you and Colonel Preston, who have both had large experience in the church, after prayer- ful consideration, are of opinion that my name, in con- nection with my wishes, will be the means of doing good, I do not desire any sensibility that I may have to be a drawback in the way. I desire myself and ail that I have to be dedicated to the service of God. . . . After maturely considering what I write, and after prayerful consultation between yourself and Colonel Preston, you can with propriety publish, should you think best, anytliing I may have said, without sayinxf that stich was my view. " My views are summed up in these few words : Each Christian branch of the Church should send into the army some of its most prominent ministers. who are distinguished for their piety, talents, and CHAPLAINS LV THE ARMY. 385 zeal ; and such ministers shoukl laboi" to produce con- cert of action among chaplains and Christians in the army. These ministers should give special attention to preaching to regiments which are without chap- lains, and induce them to take steps to get chaplains; to let the regiments name the denomination from which they desire cliaplains selected ; and then to see that suitable chaplains are secured. A bad selection of a chaplain may prove a curse instead of a blessing. If a few prominent ministers thus connected with each army would cordially' co-operate, I believe that glorious fruits would be the result. Denominational distinctions should be kept out of view, and not touched upon ; and, as a general rule, I do not think that a chaplain who would preach denominational sermons should be in the army. His congregation is his regiment, and it is composed of jiersons of various denominations. I would like to see no questions asked in the army as to what denomination a chap- lain belongs ; but let the question be, ' Does he preach the Gospel?' The neglect of spiritual interests in the army may be partially seen in the fact that not half of my regiments have chaplains." General Jackson selected the Rev. Dr. B. T. Lacy (who was commissioned by the government as a general chaplain) to begin tliis plan of labor, and it proved very successful. His mission was to preach at headquarters every Sabbath while the troops were in camp. A temporary pulpit and rough seats were constructed in an open field, and here all were invited to come and worship. Dr. Lacy was an able speak- er, attractive and interesting ; and the constant at- 25 386 I'lt'E OF GENERAL THOMAS .1. JACKSON. tendance of General Jackson and frequent appear- ance of General Lee and other distinguished officers soon drew vast ci'owds of soldiers to the scene, and nianj' became changed men. General Jackson often seated himself in the ranks, in the midst of his hum- blest soldiers, setting them an example by his devout attention and delight in the services, and, by his per- sonal interest, leading tliem to follow the great Cap- tain of their salvation. He requested all the chaplains and evangelists in his corps to meet together weekly for conference over their duties, and to report the progress of their laboi-s. Ilis sense of delicacy for- bade his own attendance on these meetings, but he manifested the liveliest interest in them — always greeting Dr. Lacy upon his return from the meetings in his accustomed military style, saying to him: " Now come and re]K)rt." " The stated meetings of the chaplains," says Dr. Dabney, " were the means of awakening them to a greatly increased zeal and fidel- ity, as well as of adding system and concert to their labors, so that this service was now thoroughly reno- vated. Thus the energy of General Jackson's will, though so modestly exerted, made itself felt among his chaplains, just as among his staif and field officers, in communicating efficiency and vigor to all their performance of duty." The Stonewall Brigade was the first to build a log chapel, which was formally dedicated to the service of God. Others soon followed the example, and, thus protected against the rigors of winter, the soldiers frequently met during the week for prayer, praise, and Bible instruction — the sacred pages being illumi- nated by pine torches from the forest. General Jack- WORSHIP IK THE OPEN AIR. 337 son often attended these meetings, and led in humble, earnest prayer. General J. B. Gordon, the late Governor of Georgia, and now for the second time representing his State in the United States Senate, testifies to the good wrought bj^ these services in the army. In a letter appealing for chaplains to be sent by the churches, he says : " Daily in the great temple of nature, and at night by heaven's chandeliers, are audiences of from one to two thousand men anxious to hear the way of life. Manj^ of them, neglected, as I must say they have been by Christians at home, are daily pro- fessing religion — men grown old in sin, and who never blanched in the presence of the foe, are made to tremble under a sense of guilt, and here in the forests and fields are being converted to God ; young men, over whose departure from the jiatei-nal I'oof and from pious influences have been slied so many bitter tears, have been enabled, under the preaching of a few faithful ministers, to give parents and friends at home such assurances as to change those hitter tears into tears of rejoicing." General Jackson had one other pi-oject for the spiritual welfare of his country, which was the estab- lishment of a Christian daily newspaper. His views on this subject will be seen in the following letter to his father-in-law : " Near FnEUERiCKSBtrKQ, March 38tli, 1863. " Rev. Dr. R. H. Morrison : " Dear Sir, — Knowing that you take a deep interest in the progress of the church, I write to say that on 3'esterday the proclamation of onr President for a 388 LIKE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. day of humiliation and prayer received in the army a more general response than I have seen on any similar occasion since the beginning of the war. . . . It was arranged among the chaplains that each one of them should preach twice yesterday' — once to their own troops, and once to other troops, thus giving an opportunity of having the Gospel preached as exten- sively as practicable. I trust that yesterday was a solemn day throughout the Confederacy, and hope its good fruits will be abundant, and that God in His mercy will give us a speedy peace, so marked by His interposing hand that all shall recognize and acknowledge it as His gift. " I feel a deep interest in seeing a Christian daily paper established. I believe there is not a single (hiily paper in the countrj'^ but which violates the Sabbath by printing on that holy day for its Monday's issue. I have thought upon this subject for several years, and it appears to me that now is a good time to start such a paper whilst our country is in trouble, and is looking to God for assistance. How can we consist- ently ask God to bless us when we continue to en- courage, for the gratification of curiosity, a disregard for His holy law 'i Such a paper as it appears to ine is demanded would give us as early news as is at present received at the printing-office on Sunda_y, as the paper, which would be mailed on Monday, w.)uld be printed on Saturday instead of Sunday. H' such a paper could be established, it might be the means of influencing the future course of our country. Wliat do you think of such an undertaking ? "Very truly yours. "T. .1. Jackson." LETTER ON SrNPAY MAILS. :^89 His increasing solicitude for the spiritual good of his country is shown in tiie following letter to Colonel Boteler on the subject of Sabbath mails. These views have before been given ; but as this letter was per- haps his last appeal on the subject, this fact may add more weight to them : " I have read the Congressional report of the com- mittee recommending the repeal of the law requiring the mails to be carried on the Sabbath ; and I hope that you will feel it a duty as well as a pleasure to urge its repeal. I do not see how a nation that thus arrays itself, by such a law, against God's holy day can expect to escape His wrath. The punishment of national sins must be confined to this world, as there are no nationalities beyond the grave. For fifteen years I have refused to mail letters on Sunday, or to take them out of tlie office on that day, except since I came into the field ; and, so far from having to regret my course, it has been a source of true enjoy- ment. I have never sustained loss in observing what God enjoins ; and I am well satisfied that the law should be repealed at the earliest practicable moment. My rule is, to let the Sabbath mails remain unopened, unless they contain a despatch ; but despatches are generally sent by couriers or telegraph, or some spe- cial messenger. I do not recollect a single instance of any special despatch having reached me, since the commencement of the war, by the mails. "If you desire the repeal of the law, I trust j^ou will bring all your influence to bear in its accomplish- ment. Now is the time, it appears to me, to effect so desirable an object. I understand that not only our 390 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. President, but also most of his Cabinet and a ma- jority of our Congressmen are professing Christians. God has greatly blessed us, and I trust He will make us that people whose God is the Lord. Let us look to God for an illustration in our history that ' right- eousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.' " Very truly your friend, "T. J. Jackson." To his friend Colonel Preston, of Lexington, he wrote with the same zeal, saying : " I greatly desire to see \>ea,c&—hlessed peace. And I am persuaded that if God's people throughout the Confederacy will earnestly and perseveringly unite in imploring His interposition for peace, we may expect it. Let our government acknowledge the God of the Bible as its God, and we may expect soon to be a happy and independent people. It appears to me that extremes are to be avoided ; and it also appears to me that the old United States occupied an extreme position in tlie means it took to prevent the union of Church and State. We call ourselves a Christian peo- ple ; and, in my opinion, our government may be of the same character, without connecting itself with an established Church. It does appear to me that as our President, our Congress, and our people have thanked God for victories, and prayed to Him for additional ones, and He has answered such prayers and gives us a government, it is gross ingratitude not to acknowl- edge Him in this gift. Let the framework of our gov- ernment show that we are not ungrateful to Him." VISIT OF AN ENGLISH OFFICER. 391 In the beginning of the new year, Winchester was again occupied by the Federals. An extract from a letter to his helpful friend, Colonel Boteler, will show General Jackson's great concern and affection for his valley friends : " Though I have been relieved from command there, and may never again be assigned to that im- portant trust, yet I feel deeply when I see the patri- otic people of that region again under the heel of a hateful military despotism. There are all the homes of those who have been with me from the commence- ment of the war in Virginia; who have repeatedly left their families and homes in the bands of the enemy, and braved the dangers of battle and disease; and there are those who have so devotedly labored for the relief of our suffering sick and wounded." In another letter to the same friend, he sa^'s : " It is but natural that I should feel a deep and abiding interest in the people of the valley, where are the homes of so many of my brave soldiers who have been with me so long, and whose self-sacrificing patriotism has been so long tested." During this winter General Jackson received a visit from a captain in the English array, ^\■ho wrote an ac- count of it for an English paper or magazine, from which the following is a brief extract : " I brought from Nassau a box of goods for General Stonewall Jackson, and he asked me when I was at Richmond to come to his camp and see him. I left the city one morning about seven o'clock, and about 392 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. ten landed at a station, distant some eight or nine miles from Jackson's (or, as his men call him, ' Old Jack's') camp. A heavj-^ fall of snow had covered the country for some time before to the depth of a foot, and formed a crust over the Virginia mud, wliich is quite as villainous as that of Balaklava. Tiie day before had been mild and wet, and my journey was made m a drenching shower, which soon cleared away tlie wliite mantle of snow. You cannot imagine the slough of despond I had to pass through. Wet to the skin, I stumbled through mud, I waded through creeks, I passed through pine woods, and at last got into camp about two o'clock. I then made my way to a small house occupied by the general as his headquarters. I wrote down my name and gave it to the orderly, and I was immediately told to walk in. " The general rose and greeted me warmly. I ex- pected to see an old, untidy man, and was most agree- ably surprised and pleased with his appearance. lie is tall, handsome, and powerfully built, but thin. He has brown hair and a brown beard. His mouth ex- presses great determination. The lips are thin and compressed firmly together; his eyes are blue and dark, with keen and searching expression. I was told that his age was thirty-eight; and he looks forty. The general, who is indescribably simple ami unaf- fected in all his ways, took off my wet overcoat with his own hands, made up the fire, brought wood for me to put my feet on to keep them warm while my boots were drying, and then began to ask me ques- tions on various subjects. At the dinner-hour we went out and joined the members of his staff. At this meal the general said grace in a fervent, quiet THE OFFICERS IMPRESSIONS. 393 manner, which struck me very much. After dinner I returned to his room, and he again talked for a long time. The servant came in and took his mattress out of a cupboard and laid it on the floor. " As I rose to retire, the general said : ' Captain, there is plenty of room on my bed ; I hope you will share it Avith me.' I thanked him very much for his courtesy, but said, ' Good-night,' and slept in a tent, sharing the blankets of one of his aides-de-camp. In the morning, at breakfast-time, I noticed that the general said grace before the meal with the same fervor I had remarked before. An hour or two after- wards it was time for me to return to the station ; on this occasion, however, I had a horse, and I returned up to the general's headquarters to bid him adieu. His little room was vacant, so I stepped in and stood before the fire. I then noticed my great-coat stretched before it on a chair. Shortly afterwards the general entered the room. He said : ' Captain, I have been trying to dry your great-coat, but I am afraid I have not succeeded very well.' That little act illustrates the man's character. Witii the care and responsi- bilities of a vast array on his shoulders, he finds lime to do little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness, which make him the darling of his men, who never seem to tire talking of him. " General Jackson is a man of great endurance ; he drinks nothing stronger than water, and never uses to- bacco or any stimulant. He has been known to ride for three days and nights at a time, and if there is any labor to be undergone he never fails to take his share of it." During tliis winter, at Moss Neck, General Jack- 394 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. son's Christian activity anci spirituality became more raai'ked than ever before, showing a rich ripening for the rewards and glories of the heavenly inheritance. To a friend he expressed his perfect assurance of faith, and said he had been for a long time a stranger to fear, " because he liiew and was assured of the love of Christ to his soul ; he felt not the faintest dread that he should ever fall under the wrath of God, although a great sinner; he was forever reconciled by the righteousness of Christ, and that love for God and Christ was now the practical s]iring of all his peni- tence." He then arose from liis seat, and with an impressive union of humility and solemn elevation continued, in substance, thus : " Nothing earthly can mar my happiness. I know that heaven is in store for me; and I siiouid rejoice in the pi-ospect of going there to-mori-ow. Understand me : I am not sick, I am not sad ; God has greatly blessed me ; I have as much to love here as any man, and life is very bright to me. But still I am ready to leave it any day, without trepidation or regret, for that heaven which I know awaits me, through the mercy of my Jleavenly Father. And I would not agree to the slightest diminu- tion of one shade of my glory there — [here he paused, as though to consider what terrestrial measure he might best select to express the largeness of his jo^'s] — no, not for all the fame I have acquired or shall ever win in this world." "With these words ho sank into his chair, and his friend retired, impressed as he had never been before by the e.xalted faitii and perfect assurance that God had vouchsafed to this Christian soldiei-. All his Christian friends observed this winter how much his mind dwelt upon spiritual matters, his con- HIS FONDNESS FOR A CHILD. 395 versation almost invariably drifting into that channel; and his favorite subjects were steadfastness of faith, diligent performance of duty, after invoking God's blessing and committing our cause to Him, and yield- ing a perfect obedience to His will. He loved to con- sider the modes by which God reveals His will to man, and often quoted the maxim, " Duty is ours ; conse- quences are God's." It was a continued delight to him to dwell upon the blessedness of perfect acquiescence in the Divine will. He frequently said that his first desire was to command a " converted army." But while thus desiring and striving for the S])iritual good of his men, his diligence was also unremitting in training and strengthening his corps for active service in the commg campaign, and it increased in efficiency and numbers more than at any former period. It was brought up to number over thirty thousand active sol- diers, who drew their inspiration from his own spirit of confidence and determination. In the family of Mr. Corbin, of Moss Neck, was a lovely little girl, about six years of age, named Jane, who became a special pet with General Jackson. Her pretty face and winsome ways were so charming to him that he requested her mother as a favor that he might have a visit from her every afternoon when his day's labors were over, and her innocent companion- ship and sweet prattle were a great pleasure and recre- ation to him. He loved to hold her upon his knee, and sometimes he played and romped with her, his hearty laughter mingling merrily with that of the child. He always had some little treat in store for her as she came each day — an orange, an apple, candy or cake; but the supply of such things becoming exhaust- 396 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS .1. JACKSON. ed in his scanty quarters, one afternoon he found he had nothing tempting to offer her, and in glanc- ing around the room his eye fell upon a new gray cap which he had just received from his wife, and which was ornamented with a simple band of gilt braid — the most modest mark of his rank that a field officer could wear. Takmg up this cap, with his knife he ripped off the band, and encircling it around little Janie's fair head, he stood off admiringly, and said : " This shall be your coronet !'" This little one of tender years was destined to pre- cede her friend to the "land of pure delight." The very day of his removal from Moss Neck she died. His aide, Mr. Smith, said: "We learned of Janie's death aftei- we reached our new camp, near Yerbv's, and when I went in to tell the general, he was much moved, and wept freely. Afterwards he requested me to ride back to Moss Neck that night to express his sympathy, and to* remain to be of any service that I could to the family." General Jackson himself thus alludes to the death of his little favorite in one of his letters : " I never wrote you about the bereavement of my kind friend Mrs. Corbin. She had an only daughter, probably about five or six yeai's old. and one of the most at- tractive, if not the most so, that I ever saw at that age. A short time before I left there, the little girl was taken sick with scarlet fever, but appeared to be doinsT well. I called to see Mrs. Corbin the evening before leaving, and talked to her of her little daugh- ter, whom I supposed to be out of danger, and she too appeared to think so ; but the next morning she was taken very ill, and in a few hours died of malignant DEATH OF HIS LITTLK FAVORITE. 397 scarlet fever. There were two other little children, cousins of little Janie, who were staying at the same house, and both of them died of the same disease in a few days." He was led to speak of these deaths by hearing of the loss of my sister Mrs. Avery's first- born, of which he says: " TFe can sympathize with her, and I wish I could comfort her, but no human comfort can fully meet her case ; only the Redeemer can, and I trust that she finds Jesus precious, most precious, in this her sad hour of trial. Give my ten- derest love and sympathy to her." About this time his own little daughter had a severe case of chicken-pox, and his parental anxieties were greatly awakened. In his desire to render all the aid he could, even at so great a distance, he consulted his medical director. Dr. McGuire, that he might write his wife the advice prescribed. His tender devotion to the little daugliter whom he had never seen was surprising to the young doctor, and his voice quivered with agitation as he said on leaving him, " I do wish that dear child, if it is God's will, to be spared to us." The following extracts from his letters testify to this same paternal interest and affection, and also re- veal his ever-increasing spiritual joy and gratitude : " January 5tli, 1863. . . . " How much I do want to see you and our darling baby ! But I don't know when I shall have this happiness, as I am afraid, since hearing so nmcli about the little one's health, that it would be impru- dent to bring it upon a journey, so I must just con- tent myself. Mrs. General Longstreet, Mrs. General A. P. Hill, and Mrs. General Rodes have all been to 398 LIFE OF GEXERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. see their husbands. Yesterday 1 saw Mis. Rodes at church, and she looked so happy that it made me wish I had Mrs. Jaciison here too; but whilst I cannot see my wife and baby, it is a great comfort to know that you have a darling little pet to keep you company in my absence. ... I heard a good ser- mon at Grace Church (where General Hill has his headquarters) by an Episcopal minister, Mr. Friend. Colonel Faulkner is with us again, and I expect hmi to take the position of mj' senior adjutant-general." •' January 6th. I am very thankful to our kind Heavenly Father for good tidings from you and baby — specially that she is restored again to health, and I trust that we all three may so live as most to glorify His holy name. ... I have a visor, but I hope I .shall not iiave to sleep in a tent any more this winter. My ears are still troubling me, but I am very thankful that my hearing is as good as usual, and from my aj)- pearance one would sujipose that I was perfectly well. Indeed, my health is essentially good, but I do not think I shall be able in future to stand what I have already stood, although, with the exception of the in- creased sensitiveness of my ears, my health has im- proved. I am sorry to hear that dear mothers health does not im]>rove. . . . We have several cases of sniall- ])0x at Guiney's, and I expect you will have to give up all idea of coming to see me until spring, as I fear it would be too much of a risk for you and baby to travel up here. "The other day I received from the citizens of Augusta County a magnificent hoi-se, with an excel- lent saddle and bridle. It is the most complete riding LETTER TO HIS WIFE, 399 equipment that I have seen. M}- kind friends went so far as to get patent stirrups, constructed so as to open and throw the foot from the stirrup in the event of the rider being thrown and the foot hung in the stir- rups. How kind is God to us ! Oh that I were more grateful !" "January 17th. Yesterday I had the pleasure of receiving a letter fiom my esposita four days after it was written. Doesn't it look as if Confederate mails are better tlian United States mails? Don't you re- member how long it took for letters to come from Charlotte to Lexington undci" the old regime? I de- rive an additional pleasure in reading a letter from the conviction tliat it has not travelled on the Sabbath. How delightful will be our heavenly home, where everything is sanctified I ... I am gratified at iiear- ing that you have commenced disciplining the baby. Now be careful, and don't let her conquer you. She must not be permitted to have tliat will of her own, of which you speak. How I would love to see the little darling, whom I love so tenderly, though I have never seen her ; and if the war were only over, I tell you, I would hurry down to North Carolina to see my wife and baby. I liave much work to do. Lieutenant- Colonel Faulkner is of great service to me in making out my reports. Since he is my senior adjutant-gen- eral, Pendleton is promoted to a majority, and is the junior adjutant-general. Major Bier, my chief of ord- nance, has been ordered to Charleston, and Captain William Allan, of Winchester, is his successor. Colonel Smeade is my inspector-general, so you must not com- plain of my not writing to you about my staff. I re- 400 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. gret to see our Winchester friends again in the hands of the enemy. I trust that, in answer to prayer, our country will soon be blessed with peace. If we were only that obedient people that we should be, I would, with increased confidence, look for a speedy termina- tion of hostilities. Let us pra}^ more and live more to the glory of God. ... I am still thinking and think- ing about that baby, and do want to see her. Can't you send hei' to me bj^ express i There is an express line all the way to Guiney's. I am glad to hear that she sleeps well at night, and doesn't disturb her moth- er. But it would be better not to call her a cherub; no earthly being is such. I am also gratified that Hetty is doing well. Remember me to he)% and tell her that, as I liidn't give her a present last Christmas, I intend giving her two next. . . . Don't you accuse ray baby of not being brave. I do hope she will get over her fear of strangers. If, before strangers take her, you would give them something to please her, and thus make her have pleasant associations with them, and seeing them frequently. I trust she would lose her timidity. It is gratifying that she is growing so well, and I am thank- ful she is so bright and knowing. I do wish I could see her funny little ways, and hear her 'squeal out with deliffht' at seeing the little chickens. I am some- times afraid that }'ou will make such an idol of that baby that God will take her from us. Are i/ou not afraid of it ? Kiss her for her father. "I have this morning received two presents — a pair of gauntlets from near the Potomac, and another beautiful pair from Mrs. Preston Trotter, of Browns- burg. A kind gentleman, Mr. Stephens, of Nelson County, sent me a barrel of select pippins."' THE STONEWALL BRIGADE BUILDS A LOG CHURCH. 401 " .lanuary 31st. Captain Bushby, of the British Army, called to see me to-day, aud presented me with a water-proof oil-cloth case in which to sleep on a wet night in summer campaigning. I can encase myself in it, keep dry, and get a good night's sleep." '' February 3d. In answer to the pra\'ers of God's people, I trust He will soon give us peace. I haven't seen my wife for nearly a year — ray home in nearlj' two years, and have never seen our darling little daughter; but it is important that I, and those at headquarters, should set an example of remaining at the post of duty. Joseph would like very much to go home, but unless mother gets worse, he had better not. . . ..My old Stonewall Brigade has built a log church. As yet I have not been in it. I am much interested in reading Hunter's ' Life of Moses.' It is a delightful book, and I feel more improved in read- ing it than by an ordinary sermon. I am thankful to say that my Sabbaths are passed more in medi- tation than formerly. Time thus spent is genuine enjoyment." " February 7th. This has been a beautiful spring day. I have been thinking lately about gardening. If I were at home, it would be time for me to begin to prepare the hot-bed. Don't you remember what interest we used to take in our hot-bed ? If we should be privileged to return to our old home, I expect we would find many changes. An ever-kind Providence is showering blessings down upon me. Yesterday Colonel M. G. Harman and Mr. William J. BeU, jun., of Staunton, presented me with an excellent horse. 26 402 LIFE (IK GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. As yet I have not mounted him, but I saw another person ride him, and I hope soon to have that pleasure myself. . . . Just to think our haby is nearly three months old. Does she notice and laugh much ? You have never told me how much she looks like her mother. I tell you, I want to know how she looks. If you could hear me talking to my esposa in the mornings and evenings, it would make you laugh, I'm sure. It is funny the way I talk to her when she is hundreds of miles away. . . . Jim has returned from Lexington, and brought a letter from ' Cy ' [a negro servant], asking permission to take unto himself a wife, to which I intend to give my consent, provided you or his mother do not object. ... I am so much con- cerned about mother's health as to induce me to rec- ommend a leave of absence for Joseph. I send this note by him, and also send the baby a silk handker- chief. I have thought tliat as it is brightly colored, it might attract her attention. Eemember, it is her lirst present from her father, and let me know if she notices it.'' [This handkerchief has ever since been sacredly preserved as a precious relic] '■ February 1-lth. Your delightful letter of six pages received a welcome rece])tion this evening. I am thankful to see that our kind Heavenly Father is again restoring mother to health. I felt uneasy about her, and thought that Joseph had better make a visit home. I have made the restoration of mother's health a subject of prayer; but tiien we know that our dear ones are mortal, and that God does not always answer jirayer according to our erring feel- ings. I think that if, when we see ourselves in a LETTER TO HIS WIFE. 403 glass, we should consider that all of us that is visible must turn to corruption and dust, we would learn more justly to appreciate the relative importance of the body that perishes and the soul that is immortal. . . . Your accounts of baby are very gratifying, and intensify my desire to see her. If peace is not con- cluded before next winter, I do hope you can bring her and spend the winter with me. Tliis would be very delightful. If we are spai'ed, I trust an ever- kind Providence will enable us to be together all winter. I am glad little Juha was pleased with her present, and wish I could have seen her laugh. . . . You say you don't see any use of my not taking a furlough. I think that the army would be much more efficient if all belonging to it were present. ... I do trust and pray that our people will religiously ob- serve the 2Tth of next month as a day of humiliation, prayer, and fasting, as our President has designated in his proclamation. To-morrow is the Sabbath. My Sabbaths are looked forward to with pleasure. I don't know that I ever enjoyed Sabbaths as I do this winter. ... I don't think I have written you about recent presents. About a week since, I received from Mr. W. F. De la Eue, of London, a superb English saddle, bridle, holsters, saddle-cover, blankets, whip, spurs, etc. — the most complete riding equipage that I have seen for many a day. Its completeness is re- markable. This evening I received from Mi". John Johnson, of London, a box containing two flannel shirts, two pairs of long woollen stockings extending above the knees, a buckskin shirt, a pair of boots, a pair of leather leggings extending about eight inches above the knees, two pairs of excellent fitting leather 404 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. gloves, and a very superior variegated colored blanket. Our ever-kind Heavenly Father gives me friends among strangers. He is the source of every blessing, and I desire to be more grateful to Him." " March 7th. I have just finished my report of the battle of McDowell. . . . There is a good deal of re- ligious interest in the army. Rev. Mr. Lac^' is with me now, and I expect will continue with the army during the war. Rev. William J. Hoge is here, and has preached several sermons. Rev. Mr. Hopkins is chaplain of the Second Regiment of Virginia Volun- teers. If you were here you would find a number of friends." "March 14th. The time has about come for cam- paigning, and I hope early next week to leave my room, and go into a tent near Hamilton's Crossing, which is on the railroad, about five miles from Fred- ericksburg. It is rather a relief to get where there will be less comfort than in a room, as I hope thereby persons will be prevented from encroaching so much upon my time. I am greatly behind in my reports, and am very desirous to get through with them before another campaign commences. Do j'ou remember when my little wife used to come up to my head- quarters in Winchester and talk with her esposof I would love to see her sunnj' face peering into my room again. . . . On next Monday there is to be a meeting of the chaplains of my corps, and I pray that good may result. ... I am now in camp, but I do not know of any house near by where you could be accommodated, should you come ; and, moreover, 1 HIS KAVOKITE HVMNS. 405 might not be here when you would arrive, as the season for campaigning has come. Before this time last year, the campaign had begun, and, so far as we can see, it may begin again at an}' time. The move- ments of the enemy must influence ours, and we can't say where we shall be a week lience." " April 10th. I trust that God is going to bless us with great success, and in such a manner as to show that it is all His gift ; and I trust and pray that it will lead our country to acknowledge Ilim, and to live in accordance with His will as revealed in the Bible. There appears to be an increased religious interest among our troops here. Our chaplains have weekly meetings on Tuesdays; and the one of this week was more charming than the preceding one." After removing his headquarters to Hamilton Cross- ing, General Jackson established an altar of daily morning prayer in his military family. He was too liberal and unobtrusive in his own religion to exact compulsory attendance on the part of his staff; but their regartl for him prompted them to gratify his wishes, and he always greeted their presence with a face of beaming commendation. He appointed his chaplain to officiate at these services ; but if he was absent, the general took his place himself, and with the greatest fervor and humility offered up his tribute of praise and supplication. Meetings for prayer were held at his quarters twice a week, on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, and on Sunday afternoons he loved to engage the musical members of his staff in singing sacred songs, to which he listened with genu- 406 LIFE OF (iENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSOX. ine delight. He rarely let them stop without calling for the hymn beginning " How lia]>py are they Who the Saviour obey !" Other favorite hymns with him were : " Come, humble sinner, in whose breast A thousand thoughts revolve." " 'Tis my happiness below, Not to live without the cros&" And, "Wlien gathering clouds around I view, And days are dark and friends are few." "Glorious things of thee arc spoken, Zion, city of our God." [Sung to the tune of Harwell. CHAPTER XXI. THE LAST HAPPY DAYS.— CHAXCELLORSVILLE— 1863. As the spring advanced, and the season for cam- paigning drew nearer, General Jackson grew more and more anxious to have a visit from his wife and child. His solicitous consideration for the health and safety of the little one had led him to advise their not travellmg until the winter was over ; and now he showed great eagerness to have a visit before the cam- paign should open. On the ISth of April he wrote : ... "I am beginning to look for my darling and my baby. I shouldn't be surjirised to hear at any time that they were coming, and I tell you there would be one delighted man. Last night I dreamed that my little wife and I were on opposite sides of a room, in the centre of which was a table, and the little baby started from her mother, making her way along under the table, and finally reached her father. And what do you think she did when she arrived at her destina- tion? She just climbed up on her father and kissed him ! And don't you think he was a happy man ? But when he awoke he found it all a delusion. I am glad to hear that she enjoys out-doors, and grows, and coos, and laughs. How I would love to see her sweet ways ! That her little chubby hands have lost their resem- blance to mine is not regretted by me. . . . Should I 408 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. write to you to have any more pantaloons made for me, please do not have much gold braid about them. I became so ashamed of the broad gilt band that was on the cap you sent as to induce me to take it off. I like simplicity." " Saturday. Yesterday I received your letter, but you did not say a word about coming to see your es- poso. I do hope that ere this you have received mine, saying you could come, and that you at once got an escort and started. There is no time for hesitation if you have not started. There is increasing probability that I may be elsewhere as the season advances. But don't come unless you get a good escort. I am not certain that I can get accommodations for you ; l)ut I don't think there will be any difficulty about it, as I hope some kind neighbor would try to make us com- fortable for the short time that you may remain. I think that we might get in at Mr. Yerby's, which is less than a mile from my headquarters." Little Julia was nearly five months old now, and was plump, rosy, and good, and with her nurse, Hetty, we set out upon this visit, so full of interest and antici- pated joys. We made the journey safely, stopping in Richmond to spend Sunday, and arrived at Guiney's Station at noon on Monday, the 20th of April. Hetty and I were all anxiety to have our baby present her best appearance for her fathei-'s first sight of her, and she could not have better realized our wishes. She awoke from a long, refreshing sleep just before the train stopped, and never looked more bright and charm- ing. When he entered the coach to receive us, his THE FIRST SIGHT OF HIS CHILD. 409 rubber overcoat was dripping from the rain which was falling, but his face was all sunshine and glad- ness ; and, after greeting his wife, it was a picture, indeed, to see his look of perfect delight and admira- tion as his eyes fell upon that baby ! She was at the lovely, smiling age; and catching his eager look of su- preme interest in her, she beamed her brightest and sweetest smiles upon him in return, so it seemed to be a mutual fascination. He was afraid to take her ia his arms, with his wet overcoat ; but as we drove in a carriage to Mr. Yerby's, his face reflected all the happiness and delight that were in his heart, and he expressed much surprise and gratification at her size and beauty. Upon our arrival at the house he speed- ily divested himself of his overcoat, and, taking his baby in his arms, he caressed her with the tenderest affection, and held her long and lovingly. During the whole of this short visit, when he was with us, he rarely had her out of his arms, walking her, and amus- ing her in every way that he could think of — some- times holding her up before a mirror and saying, ad- miringly, " Now, Miss Jackson, look at yourself !" Then he would turn to an old lady of the family and say : " Isn't she a little gem f He was frequently told that she resembled him, but he would say : " No, she is too pretty to look like me." When she slept in the day, he would often kneel over her cradle, and gaze upon her little face with the most rapt admira- tion, and he said he felt almost as if she were an angel, in her innocence and purity. I have often wished that the picture which was presented to me of that father kneeling over the cradle of that lovely infant could have been put upon canvas. And yet with all 410 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. his fondness and devotion to the little lady, he had no idea of spoiling her, as wdl be seen by his undertaking to teach her a lesson in self-control before she was five months old ! One day she began to cry to be taken from the bed on which she was lying, and as soon as her wish was gratified, she ceased to cry. He laid her back upon the bed, and the crying was renewed with increased violence. Of course, the mother-heart wished to stop this by taking her up again, but he ex- claimed : "This will never do!" and commanded "all hands off" until that little will of her own should be conquered. So there she lay, kicking and scream- ing, while he stood over her with as much coolness and determination as if he were directing a battle; and he was true to the name of SUmewaU, even in disci- plining a baby ! "When she stopped crying be would take her up, and if she began to cry again he would lay her down again, and this he kept up until finally she was completely conquered, and became perfectly quiet in his hands. On the 23d of April (the day she was five months old) General Jackson had little Julia baptized. He brought his chaplain, the Rev. Mr. Lacy, to Mr. Yer- by's, in whose parlor the sacred rite was performed, in the presence of the family, and a number of the staff-officers. The child behaved beautifully, and was the ol)ject of great interest to her father's friends and soldiers. Ilis aide, Mr. Smith, tells how he came to be present. He says : " I recall the visit to Mr. Yer- by's to see the baptism of little Julia. For some reason, Mr. Lacy did not wish me to go, and said I shouldn't go. Provoked at this, I went to the gen- eral, who said, ' Certainl}'', Mr. Smith, you can go: THE LAST SOLEMN SERVICE. 411 ask the others to go with you,' and I turned out the whole party, making quite a cavalcade to ride to Mr. Yerby's. I remember the general's impatience at some little delay, and the decided way with which he went out and brought in the child in his arms." The next Sabbath was a most memorable one to me, being the last upon which I was privileged to at- tend divine service with my husband on earth, and to worship in camp with such a company of soldiers as I had never seen together in a religious congregation. My husband took me in an ambulance to his head- quarters, where the services were held, and on the way were seen streams of officers and soldiers, some riding, some walking, all wending their way to the place of worship. Arrived there, we found Mr. Lacy in a tent, in which wc were seated, together with Gen- eral Lee and other distinguished officers. I remember how reverent and impressive was General Lee's bear- ing, and how handsome he looked, with his splendid figure and faultless military attire. In front of the tent, under the canopy of heaven, were spread out in dense masses the soldiers, sitting upon benches or standing. The preaching was earnest and edifs'ing, the singing one grand volume of song, and the atten- tion and good behavior of the assembly remarkable. That Sabbath afternoon my husband spent entirely with me, and his conversation was more spiritual than I had ever observed before. He seemed to be giving utterance to those religious meditations in which he so much delighted. He never appeared to be in better health than at this time, and I never saw him look so handsome and noble. We had a large, comfortable room at Mr. Yerby's, which was hospitably furnished 4V2 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. with th>-ee beds. It seems that General Lee had been an occupant of this room before us, for when he called on me he facetiously^ alluded to our capacious accom- modations, and said he had written to his wife and daughters that if they would come to see him, he could entertain thera all in this room ! This was tiie first time I met him, and when the announcement was made that " General Lee and his staff \\[n\. called to see Mrs. Jackson," I was somewhat awe-struck at the idea of meeting the commander-in-chief, with a retinue of ofBcers, and descended to the parlor with considerable trepidation ; but I was met by a face so kind and fa- therly, and a greeting so cordial, that I was at once reassured and put at ease. The formidable "staff" consisted of only two or three nice-looking, courteous gentlemen, and the call was gi'eatly enjo^'ed. General Lee was always charming in the society of ladies, and often indulged in a playful way of teasing them that was quite amusing. lie claimed tiie privi- lege of kissing all tlie pretty young girls, which was regarded by them as a special honor. A young staff- officer relates that on the occasion of a general review many ladies turned out in carriages to witness the im- posing spectacle. He beard one young lady call out to another from her carriage : " General Lee kissed me twice .'" The exultant reply came back from another carriage : " General Lee kissed me four times .'" General Jackson did not permit the presence of his family to interfere in any way with his military du- ties. The greater ])art ot each day he spent at his headquarters, but returned as early as he could get off from his labore, and devoted all of his leisure time to his visitoi-s — little Julia sharing liis chief attention and THE PORTRAIT THAT THE SOLDIERS [,oVE 41;^ care. His devotion to his child was remarked upon by all who beheld the happy pair together, for she soon learned to delight in his caresses as much as he loved to play with her. An officer's wife who saw him often during this time wrote to a friend in Rich- mond that " the general spent all his leisure time in playing with the baby." One morning he rode over from headquarters upon his handsome bay horse, " Superior," wishing to show me his fine present ; and after bringing him up to the steps of the house and showing him otf, he remounted him, and galloped away at such a John (Tilpin speed that his cap was soon borne oflf by the velocity ; but he did not stop to pick it up, leaving this to his order- ly behind him, who found great dirticulty in keeping even in sight of him. As far as he could be seen, he was flying like the wind — the impersonation of fear- lessness and manly vigor. It was during these last happy days that he sat for the last picture that was taken of him — the three-quar- ters view of his face and head — the favorite picture with his old soldiers, as it is the most soldierly-look- ing; but, to ray mind, not so pleasing as the full-face view which was taken in the spring of 18fi2, at Win- chester, and which has more of the beaming sunlight of his hoiiKi-lool: The last picture was taken by an artist who came to Mr. Yerby's and asked permission to pliotogi'apii him, which he at first declined ; but as he never presented a finer appearance in health and dress (wearing the handsome suit given him by Gen- eral Stuart), I persuaded him to sit for his picture. After arranging his hair myself, which was unusually long for him. and curled in large ringlets, he sat in ^ 414 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON. the hall of the house, where a strong wind blew in his face, causing hira to fi'own, and giving a sternness to his countenance that was not natural ; but in spite of this, some tine copies have been produced from the original. The very best is Elder's grand portrait — ])ainted for the late Mr. W. W. Corcoran, of Wash- ington. During a visit of my daughter and myself to Mr. Corcoran, a few years since, he asiced us to walk with him into his salon, saying he had there some- thing to show us. Without another word, he led us up in front of this portrait, and as the child stood transfixed before the splendid representation of the father, whose memor}' she so revered, the dear old man stepped forward, and, lifting up the pathetic young face, tenderly kissed her. This portrait, together with a companion picture of General Lee, was given by Mr. Corcoran to the Art Gallery in Washington, which was founded by him and bears his honored name. Our military leaders had diligently employed the winter montlis in preparing their troops for the great- est efficiency in tiie approaching campaign. When the spring opened. General Lee found himself at the head of an army unsurpassed in discipline and all the hardy virtues of the soldier, strengthened by the addi- tions of the winter, reinvigorated by the comjiactness and order which had been given to its organization, with an enthusiasm acquired by a long series of vic- tories, and ready to add to that series a triumph more remarkable and illustrious than any of its predeces- sor. . . . General Jackson's corps grew in three months from twenty-five to thirty-three thousand muskets. . . . The splendid morale of this army did not need improvement, but it enabled it tu bear, witiiout in- HOOKER'S ARMY CROSSING THE RIVER. 415 juiy, the privations and hardships of the winter. In- sufficient clothing and scant}' rations produced no effect upon it." Their leader manifested less reserve than formerly in expressing his opinion of the general principles which should govern the Confederate side in the continuance of the war. "With great decision and emphasis he said : " We must make this campaign an exceedingly active one. Onlv thus can a weaker country cope with a stronger ; it must make up in activity what it lacks in strength. A defensive cam- paign can only be made successful by taking the ag- gressive at the proper time. Napoleon never wait- ed for his adversary to become fully prepared, but struck him the first blow." But as the campaign drew on apace, my delightful visit was destined to come to an end. My husband had loved to dwell with devout thankfulness upon the happy winter we had spent together in "Winches- ter; but this last visit exceeded that in happiness, for it had the additional charm and the attraction of the loveh^ child that God had given us, and this greatly intensified his delight and enjoyment. M}'^ visit had lasted only nine days, when earl}^ on the morning of the 29th of April we were aroused by a messenger at our door saying, " General Early's adjutant wishes to see General Jackson." As he arose, he said, " That looks as if Hooker were cross- ing." He hurried down-stairs, and, soon returning, told me that his surmise was correct — Hooker was crossing the river, and that he must go immediately to the scene of action. From the indications he thought a battle was imminent, and under the cir- 416 LIFE OF GENERAL THOMAS J JACKSON. cumstances he was unwilling for us to remain in so exposed a situation as Mr. Yerby's. He therefore directed me to prepare to start for Richmond at a moment's notice, promising to return himself to see us off if possible, and if not, he would send my broth- er Joseph. After a tender and hasty good-by, he hurried off without breakfast. Scarcely had he gone, when the roar of cannons began — volley after volley following in quick succession — the house shaking and windows rattling from the reverberations, throwinii- the family into great panic, and causing the wildest excitement among all the occupants of the place. Mv hasty preparations for leaving were hardly complete