>S 3525 P24343 ■5 .919 )opy 1 I rl f I ^ \T0 Copyright iN^ 1513 COPHilGHT DEPOSm There's a Little Bit of Color By Elisha Whipple McGuire t^ New York 1919 <^'$^ <"'> Copyright, 1919 BY ELTSHA WHIPPLE McGUIRE iUL 16 1919 O . GI.A520245 ^0 I r\=> There's a Little Bit of Color There's a Little Bit of Color There's a little bit of color Floating softly overhead, Gently gleaming in the sunshine Bits of blue and white and red. Only just a starry banner In the gleam of light I see, 'Tis a little bit of color But it means the world to me. Now I see it in a vision Borne by living arms of steel On the awful field of battle Where before it foemen reel. Taut its lines and torn its fabric 'Mid the storm of shot and shell, Tis the emblem now of justice And of tyranny the knell. If the bearer of the banner On the field shall chance to fall, There are millions more of freemen That shall grasp it at his call, And can have no greater honor Than to bear it firm and high, For the love they bear their country And they do not fear to die. Then I'll raise the bit of color As the dearest thing of all, Emblem of the light of freemen Who shall gather at its call. Floating proudly o'er our country Idolized from sea to sea *Tis a little bit of color But it means the world to me. .X LIBRARY OF CONGRESS