BF 1623 . P9W32 P&*t^'*?t24^/' c%^*4^>- (&&*&** j-rs' ^tZz^L/A A SYSTEM OF NUMEROLOGY! Value Class Book Oopyrightlf- COFYRIGHT DEPOSflY NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS WHAT THEY MEAN TO YOU WRITINGS OF JULIA SETON, M.D. The Science of Success Freedom Talks No. I Freedom Talks No. II Concentration Marriage The Race Problem — Money The Psychology of the Solar Plexus and Sub-Conscious Mind NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS WHAT THEY MEAN TO YOU BY ROY PAGE WALTON New York Edward J. Clode Publisher » f* COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY EDWARD J. CLODE All rights reserved NOV 27 1914 ©CLA387692 CONTENTS Introduction . I. The Law of Numbers II. The Character and Influence of No's i, 2, 3 III. The Character and Influence of No's 4, 5, 6 IV. The Character and Influence of No's 7, 8, 9 V. Application and use of Numbers . . . VI. Strong and Weak Names VII. The Number that Governs the Life . . VIII. How each Single Name Effects the Life IX. The Importance of Varying the Signature X. How the Name Discloses the Future XI. Choosing a Suitable Name for a Child XII. Names Suitable for Marriage . . . XIII. How to Find Lucky Days and Months XIV. Points to Bear in Mind page vii 1 3 6 11 16 21 26 29 40 46 56 63 74 79 INTRODUCTION The tremendous interest taken of late in names and numbers may be described as phenomenal. This widely spreading interest may be as- cribed to the fact that the present civiliza- tion is very desirous of learning of self, and reaches out eagerly for any subject that can help in human deduction, and the simplicity of this method of self-analysis naturally at- tracts to itself an ever increasing and enthu- siastic following. While it is true the large majority of people are really seeking for a solution regarding life, with a desire to obey that God-given command: "Man, know Thyself": there also exists a certain class of individuals who use this and other subjects of self-analysis simply as a means of entertainment. viii INTRODUCTION I wish this volume to be accepted as repre- senting one channel of human analysis: also as a source of entertainment as well as in- struction, for what can be more interesting and fascinating than an unbiased analysis of self? The study of Names and Numbers opens up a new and large field in the hidden world of self-analysis, gives to us many facts pertaining to our individuality, and also a reason for apparent success or failure that heretofore were impossible to be obtained. The Author NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS CHAPTER I THE LAW OF NUMBERS Nothing in this Universe of sorrows and joys is more intensely interesting or fascinating than that collection of atoms attuned to move at a human vibration, this vibration being commonly called "Self." This self is a persevering and consistent seeker: a seeker many times for recognition, for flattery and for praise, but, in reality, a seeker for real knowledge that it may better probe and learn of that mysterious entity, termed "Self," and the true position of this "self" amongst these unexplainable laws of nature, which are commonly called "Life's riddles." In answer to humanity's call for an ex- planation of the laws everywhere about, and 2 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS for an explanation of self, nature and man have responded with the subjects of astrology, palmistry, psychometry, etc., etc., and man has decided, after much investigation, that all these subjects serve a purpose, and, in their way, are beneficial and useful, because they reveal much that is instructive and helpful. But, for simplicity and usefulness, the sub- ject Names and Numbers is destined to fill a bigger want and to cover a larger field in the education of man, than any other system of human analysis. Names and Numbers are divided into two great principles or divisions, — the first di- vision being the meaning of the individual numbers, and the second — their practical application to names. The first lesson then to be mastered con- sists of a thorough understanding of what the several numbers mean: what influence they possess: and their latent and objective powers. CHAPTER II THE CHARACTER AND INFLUENCE OF NUMBERS ONE, TWO AND THREE The Character and Influence of Number One. — This is a strong, forceful, active, cre- ative and masculine number. It represents individuality, strength and boldness. It is a petulant, self-centered number and seldom recognizes anything beyond its own, often very limited, vision. The characteristic One individual, analyzes everything by his standard of life and refuses to accept anything his five senses cannot include or understand: nor can it be said "hiding his light under a bushel" is one of his characteristic failings. It is a number of ruling, directing, invent- ing and planning, and is powerful in a limited 4 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS or localized way: it radiates the do-and-dare spirit, and is often officious and dominating, refusing to recognize or consider any difficul- ties, obstacles or barriers, and rides right over anything coming in its way. It is a number of explanation, and not execution. "One" was the foundation-stone of creation and retains much of its original austerity and rulership. The Character and Influence of Number Two. — As Number one is a masculine influ- ence, so is Number Two its polar opposite, being a distinctly feminine and receptive number. It is a kind, diplomatic and peace-loving number: while two is far from being a real power, in its influence, yet it differs from Number One in that its strength is more subjective than objective: its influence is refined, gentle and helpful. Number Two is supposed to be the ideal number for JMothers, for Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Diplomats, etc. NUMBERS ONE, TWO AND THREE 5 It is a number or vibration of temperament and individuality and more a number of the heart than of the mind. Charm, endearment, affection, attachment are words that partly describe the Number Two influence, and it bestows composure, calm, and aids companionship and all friendly associations. Character and Influence 0/ Number Three. — This is a number of expression, declamation and enunciation. It influences oratory, acting, singing, writing, dancing and painting. Its principal characteristics are mirth, good cheer, merriment, pleasure and jollity: also joy, gladness, pleasure, ecstasy and inspiration are predominating expressions. As Number Two represents the peace-loving number, so may Number Three be said to be the joy- giving number. CHAPTER III CHARACTER AND INFLUENCE OF NUMBERS FOUR, FIVE AND SIX Character and Influence of Number Four. — This number bestows a creative and tenacious influence on its bearer. It is a heavy, physical number, crude and limited, and a number given to analysis and discussion. It is a good vibration in many ways on which to undertake a venture, as it is strong, heavy and hard to turn from its course. The old saying: "On four squares the city stands," holds much of truth. In its unde- veloped state it is a pugnacious, unrefined, drastic and physical enduring number, and curbs and restrains all things not physical or scientific, and seldom soars above the physical or earth vibrations. It is a number of accumulation, collection NUMBERS FOUR, FIVE AND SIX 7 and material concentration and loves to possess for possession's sake. Character and Influence 0/ Number Five. — The influence of this number tends towards excitement, nervousness and tempestuousness. The Number Five characterizes a vibration that is somewhat different from the ordinary — in that it is double-sided. People coming under the vibration may be compared to a man sitting upon a fence leaning first one way and then another, never certain in which direction his best interests lie. It may be compared in many ways to the Gemini sign of astrology, that is, it is two- sided in nature — being constructive and de- structive, optimistic and pessimistic, cheerful and melancholy. It is supposed to be unlucky, but this is probably due to the fact that it is not a religious vibration, and the old idea was, a thing without religion must be unlucky, just as in olden times a witch was condemned 8 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS when she performed acts beyond the under- standing of her neighbors. It has also been called unlucky as it gives a tendency to investigate the unseen or mys- tical, and this in olden times was considered black magic and ungodly. It is both a spiritual and material number: It is a number of entertainment, of light talk, fashion and meaningless living, having no great depth or stability. It may be compared to the pioneer in that it acts as the gateway to great things, but seldom remains to enjoy the fruits of the undertakings: it is said to be unfortunate in its influence, but this depends entirely upon the individual and his understanding. It is a number of display, pomp and cere- mony, dexterity and duality. It is the social number in the true sense of the word, and is reported to bestow on its holder social and personal allurement and attraction. NUMBERS FOUR, FIVE AND SIX 9 This number is called by some authorities fickle and changeable, but this is probably- due to its being misunderstood, its swiftly moving states of consciousness, mystifying and confusing. The Character and Influence of Number Six. — The Number Six is similar to Number Two in several ways, chiefly in that it is also a peace-loving, optimistic, joy-giving, kind and considerate number. It differs in that it is more Universal in scope, in fact it swings a greater orbit than do most numbers. Its influence is varied, including art, phi- lanthropy and intuition and inspiration. It influences the sixth sense. It bestows confi- dence, trust and reliance: "united we stand, divided we fall" applies to the Six very closely, as it is weak when unattended, but powerful when in combination. It is universal in its influence rather than personal. Its influence in financial matters is doubt- io NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS ful, but its influence in health and religion is strong. It is a number of marriage: and one of comprehension and conservatism and repose, solace and comfort. CHAPTER IV THE CHARACTER AND INFLUENCE OF NUMBERS SEVEN, EIGHT AND NINE The Character and Influence oj Number Seven. — Number Seven is a mysterious, dark, obscure, unaccountable number: it is prob- ably called so because its influence is not thoroughly understood. It is a number lack- ing expression and is highly conservative and retired. It is not the number or influence the most favorable for starting a progressive business or a cherished physical undertaking. It is a number of self-satisfaction and outward poise and repose. The root or origin of the Seven vibrations finds its inception probably in old monastery times. It is a vibration "in the world, but not of the world." 12 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS Not a number to seek renown or glory, in fact any form of self-expression. Throughout time the Seven influence has been dark, ob- scure, secret and hidden, always in its glow, dim and enigmatical. It is the number of the stoic, the religion- ist and the mystic. Retirement, seclusion, solitude, privacy and retreat are common words in describing this Seven influence. It is an important number, leading back, as it does, to the soul, the quiet, poised and unexpressed of man, and demonstrates that state of conscience called self-sufficiency. The Influence and Characteristic oj Number Eight. — The eight is the scientific mental number. It is the number of business, of material achievement, of self-assertiveness and business success. It may be classed as a vibration of accom- plishment, attainment and acquirement. NUMBERS SEVEN, EIGHT AND NINE 13 In choosing a name to appear under as a singer, musician, artist, etc., do not accept the Number Eight as a good choice, but if it is intended as a name for business, one may expect help from its powerful material and mental influence. It spreads an influence of discernment, analysis, technicality: it also gives rather a "self-positive" atmosphere. Its mission is acquirement, achievement and execution. It is a high free number: hence, has uni- versal sympathy and understanding. It is a number of mentality, domination and rule: it tends towards organization and intellectuality, and should create a good in- fluence for the business man, the scientific man and the technical musician. It is the mighty, powerful, potent vibration of business. The Character and Influence of Number Nine. — This is a high, broadened, universal i 4 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS influence: it has always been known as the number of love, representing the highest es- sence of universal and personal love. As one is the beginning and nine the ending of numbers, so are they as far apart in their influences; the one representing indi- viduality and the nine influence representing Universality and geniality, and standing for uprightness, integrity and virtue: it is a permanent, enduring and steadfast number. It has an influence for expression, especially in art, and is a helpful influence for the actor, singer, speaker, etc.: in fact along any line of expression, being in this respect similar to the Three. The developed Nine is inclusive, never petty, small or personal, but, even if unde- veloped and petty, " Nines' ' have much of that trait for which a Nine is known, i.e. universal love, which means love for the low as well as for the high, in fact, sees God in all things and all conditions. NUMBERS SEVEN, EIGHT AND NINE 15 Nine is considered the father of all the vibrations and the most developed. The name with many nines is well equipped to face the existing circumstance of the daily living out. CHAPTER V APPLICATION AND USE OF NUMBERS The first lesson to learn after mastering the character and influence of the different numbers is how to reduce them to a common unit, and the next step, how to apply them to names and conditions. There are only nine numbers, any total above these single numbers being simply a combination or union of numbers. The number 18 is a combination of i and 8 57 is a combination of 5 and 7, hence in applying numbers to names, remember, all compound numbers must be brought to a single unit, as they are not numbers in the sense that the numbers 1 to 9 inclusive are, but rather a union of several numbers. To illustrate: take the number 67. Re- ducing it we have: 6+7= 13; now, as 13 USE OF NUMBERS 17 is still a union of 1 and 3 and a compound number, we again add and find that 1 + 3 = 4: hence, the digit value of 67 is 4 (6+ 7 = 13: Another example, 552 is to be reduced to a single digit as it is composed of three numbers. To find its working value we add 5 +5 +2 =12: and as 12 is still a union of numbers we add again 1 + 2=3. Hence the single digit of 552 is 3. (5 + 5 + 2=12: 1 + 2=3.) All numbers or combinations of numbers over 9 in value must be reduced to their single valuation or single digit, and the single digits are from 1 to 9 inclusive. In applying numbers to names, the letters of the alphabet are given a numerical valua- tion, that is, each number has its own numeri- cal value. For convenience' sake the alphabet is divided as follows: 18 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS 1 — A, J, S. 2 — B, K, T. 3-C, L, U. 4 — D, M, V. 5 — E, N, W. 6 — F, O, X. 7-G, P, Y. 8 — H, Q, Z. 9 — 1 R. These letters are not placed haphazardly op- posite their corresponding numbers, but rather do they follow in rotation of valuation as do numbers. For instance, Y is a 7 because it is the 25th letter in the alphabet and the value of 25 is 7, 2 + 5 making 7. C is a 3 because it is the 1 2th letter in the alphabet and the single digit of 12 is 3, as 1 + 2 = 3. To find the single unit of a name place under each letter its number value, then add the single numerical values thus: USE OF NUMBERS JOHN APPELL 1685 177533 20 26 2 8 2 + 8 = 10 or 1 as 1 - J is 1 is 6 H is 8 N is -5 19 the total 20. Now we reduce 20 thus: 2+0=2 and we have the single digit of John as 2. Appell vibrates to 8 because A vibrates to 1 p (C <( 7 p <( (« 7 E <( (< 5 L « << 3 L sum total _3_ 26, or 8, as 2 + 6 = 8, hence the name : Appell vibrates to 8. 20 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS To find the single value of both names we add 2 (which is John's valuation) and 8 (which is Appell's valuation) and we have 2+8=10 and 10 is 1 because 1 =0 + 1, so the name John Appell vibrates to the number i. CHAPTER VI STRONG AND WEAK NAMES AS APPLIED TO THE LAW OF INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION The great man is he who includes the most. A man may be gifted along a given, but re- stricted, line, at the same time be weak in all other walks of life. Such a one cannot be called a strong, inclusive person. Each number and letter, as we have already learned in the preceding chapter, stands for a certain principle: hence it necessarily follows the name which includes many and varied numbers is naturally considered stronger than is the name more limited in its inclusiveness. This law of inclusion of letters in the name does not necessarily mean that a long name denotes a strong personality: far from it, as the careful observer will see that many times a long name has included little of the varied 22 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS numbers, the name being simply composed of certain single numbers repeated many times, the name being long but not inclusive. Every letter in the complete name (given and sur- names) means an inclusive vibration for its bearer. It means more stock in trade: a pre- paredness to grasp a situation when the oppor- tunity does come. Numbers which are missing in one's names are weak points in the main construction: this is explained by the fact that a quality not possessed cannot be mani- fested by an individual. This holds true until the missing quality is conscientiously and per- sistently developed. A name containing many 3*s and 6's and c/s is recognized as having great musical capa- bilities. This musical ability may be dormant, or may never have been sensed. Nevertheless, despite its tardy appearance, the vibrating law of music exists in the name and the qualities, and, when given the opportunity, do manifest themselves. STRONG AND WEAK NAMES 23 The man with many 7*s we know, and recog- nize, will have a hard row to hoe should he take up singing, speaking, etc. If one letter or number predominates in the name, do not give up entirely to its influence, always remembering there are other numbers and other vibrations. The strong name is the one which includes the most numbers in a uniform way: that is, not having a predominance of any one number. As illustration of the inclusion law take the name HENRY JAMES LEE 85597 1 1 45 1 355 To analyze it to find what numbers it includes, the number of times occurring, and the numbers absent, we divide the name thus: The One influence is present Three times. The Two influence is lacking. The Three influence is present Once. The Four influence is present Once. The Five influence is present Five times. 2 4 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS The Six influence is lacking. The Seven influence is present Once. The Eight influence is present Once. The Nine influence is present Once. The qualities or influences lacking are the Two (2) and the Six (6). The following plan is useful as it shows at a glance all the letters in the name, the numbers lacking and how many times the ones that are present occur. HENRY JAMES LEE 85597 1 1 45 1 355 3-1-1-5 1-1-1 1-345 789 The nine numbers which are present in the name are placed in a row: in the place of those numbers missing a dash thus — is made. Directly over each number its times of occur- rence in the name is denoted. As we see in the above name, directly over the 1 is placed a small 3; this tells us at a glance there exist 3 letters in the above name of that value. This STRONG AND WEAK NAMES 25 method we continue throughout the name, so joining the letters naturally together in their several valuations. Over the 5 is a 5 denoting that this influ- ence, worldliness, convention, social, etc., is quite strong in this name. The number One occurs many times, 3 times ^ to be exact, — denoting inherent residing capa- bilities of invention, original undertakings, push, etc. Observe that in this name the qualities or influences bestowed by the vibration 7 8 and the 9 are present, but not intensified, occurring only once. Nevertheless, the fact that they exist even once is better than not at all. All the number influences present in the name are evenly developed with the exception of the numbers 1 and 5. This condition de- notes fairly even capabilities, with the influence of the numbers 1 and 5 predominating. CHAPTER VII THE NUMBER THAT GOVERNS THE LIFE This is also called the distinguishing number, probably for the reason that its influence af- fects or has a bearing on the life more than any other one number. While many numbers (such as the single name number, the number of letters in the name, etc., etc.) have a deep effect, yet this so-called distinguishing number ranks first in importance. Consciously or subconsciously, this number does direct and affect us. The student and careful observer will find friends, events, ene- mies, etc., occurring in his life, having a similar influence. The distinguishing number, so important to us, is obtained by the addition of all the let- NUMBER THAT GOVERNS LIFE 27 ters in all the names: in case of a married woman the full name before marriage is the one used. Illustration: 4ARY JANE FREEMAN 4197 1 155 6955415 21 12 35 3 3 8 3+3+8= 14 1+4 = 5 Mary vibrates to 3, Jane to 3 and Freeman to 8: the sum total of 3 + 3 + 8 = 14 or (5 as 1 + 4= 5). Then the distinguishing number of Mary Jane Freeman is 5, and it is this number which will probably mostly affect her life. To put it differently, this is probably the number whose influence she will mostly encounter in her every-day journeying through life. The distinguishing number is, of course, af- fected by the vibrations of the other names ; in 28 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS this case it will, of course, be affected by 3 (the valuation of Mary and Jane), and by 8 (the valuation of Freeman): so we cannot consci- entiously call this person a 5, — only the im- portant number is a 5. CHAPTER VIII HOW EACH SINGLE NAME AFFECTS THE LIFE The several single names have a direct in- fluence on the life. The different names of an individual as daily used may agree in and be very harmonious, or they may be antagonistic in vibrations one to the other, and, as a result, cause inharmony and subconscious turmoil — turmoil which is recognized as existing, but which, up to now, it has been impossible to locate. It is well known that certain numbers are harmonious one to another, while others are antagonistic. As this is true of numbers, so it is with their corresponding names. One may be using continually names that entirely disagree one with the other, and so unconsciously, add another link to that al- ready large chain of inharmony that exists in all lives and which everyone is continually and perpetually endeavoring to eradicate. 3 o NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS The name George is the direct opposite to Walter, and this makes them, according to the modern law of opposites, discordant or out of harmony, the natural result being that the bearer of such a name carries continually with him a warring, discordant factor, and no matter how strong, potent and harmonious his dis- tinguishing number may be, he is certain to feel the influence of this perpetual discordance of the single names. It is important, in choosing a successful name for a child, or for the stage, or nom de plume, to keep the several single names har- monious and to also choose for a powerful whole. A destiny number derived from dis- cordant single names is not an entirely happy combination, neither is it wise to choose a combination of strong names if their union makes a weak destiny number. A strong name, that is a strong Destiny number, composed of inharmonious single names, is like a family divided against itself. While NAME AFFECTS THE LIFE 31 it may eventually be successful, yet the process of attainment is difficult and disagreeable. A strong destiny number obtained through weak names will not manifest the same quali- ties as a strong destiny number which is com- posed of strong single names. Many people are "near geniuses/' they are continually on the brink of great things, they almost attain to fame and opulence in their chosen line: yet, despite their apparent worthiness, there is al- ways a "something" that intervenes and just keeps the object, success, forever out of their eager grasp. It is, "Oh, so near!" and yet, always, "so far." An individual of this "near genius" class of persons may appear to have a strong name, but, on closer analysis, the "fly in the oint- ment" is usually found in some name with a weak vibration and which . is just powerful enough to keep the other names from exerting their real influence. Take, as example, a man having as Chris- 32 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS tian names: George (3) Vernon (7): George vibrates to 3 thus: GEORGE, and VERNON vi- 756975 39 12 3 brates to 7 thus: VERNON. 459565 34 7 The influence of the Number 7 stands for aloofness and repression, and the 3 stands for geniality and expression: hence, the laws of opposites are personified and one force is con- tinually pulling against the other. The law of opposites in individuals was formerly held to be the law of happiness, the idea being, one person supplied in general make- up, both physically and mentally, what the other person lacked. Despite the longevity of this opinion, observation has most thoroughly exploded that old theory; the philosophical NAME AFFECTS THE LIFE 33 observers contending that while this law of opposites for happiness may hold true for a limited period, yet in time, lack of under- standing, together with certain qualities pos- sessed by one life, is bound to pall and grate upon the other. This idea of unhappiness in opposites holds doubly true in the sensitive, developed indi- vidual, and where we find existing cross vi- bration, do we also find greater qualities for inharmony. To this law there are several noted excep- tions, and the old saying: "It's the exception that proves the rule," holds true in several in- stances of opposite number vibrations. Princi- pally is this true of the Number 1 and Number 2 influence. While they are directly opposite in their natural tendencies, yet, also, is their combined influence beneficial in a name. This is accountable principally to the soothing, paci- fying, modifying influence of the 2. A typical one's characteristics for "oneness," for brisk- 34 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS ness and masculine mastery is quieted by the gentle subtlety and quiet persuasive powers of the 2. Hence a name Mae which vibrates i, (M is 4, A is i, E is 5, 4 + i + 5 = io: or i + o = i) would be benefited by joining with the name Ivy, which vibrates 2: (I is 9, V is 4, Y is 7: 9 + 4 + 7 = 20 or 2). The name Ernest (vibrating 9) is not par- ticularly antagonistic to any number, but obtains better opportunity for its natural expres- sion with a notably congenial number — 3, 6 or 2. The separate single names of the complete or whole name make for harmony or discord or agreeing or disagreeing with the Destiny Number (i.e. the sum total of all the letters in the original name) and also with each other. Usually, some of the single names of the whole name are harmonious with other single names in the complete name, while again, a complete name may contain single names which NAME AFFECTS THE LIFE 35 are out of harmony one with another, and so make for discord in the entire name. Elimination is one remedy for this name dis- cordance. As an instance, take a complete name composed of three single names, only two of which agree, and for effective redress cease to use the odd or disagreeing name. This is a very forceful remedy as it cuts the dis- cordant current at its source or fountainhead. JAMES HENRY RAE 3 7 6 In this name the inharmony exists between James (3) and Henry (7): numbers 3 and 7 do not harmonize as described in previous pages. One number is oil and the other water; as a result, there is naturally no mixing or blending. If the bearer of this name is what we call a "success," it is so in spite of circum- stances, situation or condition. To harmonize the above name the best way is to cease signing the name Henry, using only the names James and Rae: the first name James 36 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS being a 3 and the later Rae being a 6, both these numbers are in harmonious relationship. The following collection of names are in harmony, their number vibration following each name: George (3), Belle (9), Ernest (9), May (3), Charles (3), Tom (3), Alice (3), Anna (3), Trude (5), Percival (6), Fred (6), Phebe (9), Juno (6), Park (6), Cecil (5), Ethel (5), Robert (6), Frances (3), Benjamin (6), Nellie (3), Emma (5). The following names are in harmonious vi- bration: Joseph (1), Julia (8), Ray (8), Hugh (8), Eric (8), Mae (1), Cora (1), Roland (1), Hermann (1), Clifford (1), Edward (1), Alfred (1), Beta (1), Peter (1). The following names work together harmo- niously: Henry (7), John (2), Ivy (2), Belle (9), Vernon (7), Ernest (9), William (7), Mark (7), Annie (7), Lilly (7), Eva (1), Ralph (1), Phebe (9), Andrew (2), Orin (2), Philip (7), Douglas (7), Walter (7), Eleanor (7), Margaret (2). NAME AFFECTS THE LIFE 37 Following are examples of names working under the law of inharmony, one name being an obstruction and hindrance to the other, as they attract universal cross currents: Example I. — Names vibrating to Number 3 and Names vibrating to Number 7: A few names under the 3 vibration: Alice, George, Charles, Frances, Nellie. Some under the 7 vibration: Henry, Annie, Lilly, Philip, Walter, Eleanor. There are many other affinities and near affinities in the Number 3 names, but by simply giving the more striking example, the reader will, of course, after careful study of the subject, undoubtedly find many other examples of name disagreement. Our continual aim should always be to use names which are suitable or acceptable one to the other. Having several names, use only those that co-operate and work together in unison. Also endeavor, as far as possible, to strengthen our possibilities and inherent powers 38 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS by keeping the single names in unison with the Destiny number. One name whose vibrations are not suitable or amiable to an otherwise strong name, may prove to be a proverbial "fly in the ointment." It is often said that even the strongest of men have in their make-up little traits which keep them from reaching the higher goals of success. We invariably find in these men, after careful analysis, some name or initial that explains the "ball and chain' ' under which this man is laboring. Example II. — Names vibrating to Number i are inharmonious with names vibrating to Number 6: Names vibrating to Number i: Mae, Cora, Roland, Hermann, Clifford, Edward: Names vibrating to Number 6: Fred, Juno, Percival, Park, Benjamin. Note: It will be noticed that, in coupling, names of the 6 and i vibration, that most of the inharmony comes from the i. This is NAME AFFECTS THE LIFE 39 due to the fact that 6 is a tolerant, universal vibration. Example III. — Names vibrating to I are not in harmony with names vibrating to 7 a a a a tt a tt a 4 5 _ << « << « « << <( (< _ 5 7 5 4 9 " " always happy " " 7 Following is a brief chart of numbers that agree and work in Unison: consequently names of the same valuation agree. I agrees, or has many things in common with 4, 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a a a a tt t t tt tt tt a a a a t t a n a a tt tt tt t t a a a it it tt tt t t a it a a a a tt t t a a a a a ti it t t tt a a a tt tt tt t t tt tt tt tt ft tt tt t t tt a 7>9 5» 6, 9 1,8 3 3.7,9 2, 6 1, 4 2, 3, 6 CHAPTER IX THE IMPORTANCE OF VARYING THE SIGNATURE All events of this world, all happenings, circumstances and undertakings have their separate, individual vibrations, and when we, as individuals, come in contact with these congregated vibrations, there is produced an amiable or adverse relationship. "Atmospheres" are, as we know, mental oscillations or vibrations. They are originally produced by man's mental attitude but even- tually become so strong as to be individualized, and finally become so powerful as to be no longer affected by outside influences. A church has a peculiar atmosphere or vi- bration which is said to be "characteristic of Churches." Hence, we may say there is a "church vibration." This church vibra- VARYING THE SIGNATURE 41 tion becomes impotent to individual attack, as is illustrated when we see some unbelieving and supposedly unbending and obstinate per- son instinctively, on entering the doors, lower his voice and raise his headgear in unconscious acknowledgment of something more powerful than his skepticism. So it is with many and many a vibration which we unconsciously pit ourselves against, and which, as a result, submerges us, simply because we are out of harmony with it. The dancing hall, the stage, the theater, the business house, the professional rooms, the hospitals, and countless others too numerous to mention, all have their own characteristic and individualized vibrations. We will receive more harmony, peace and power from these vibrations or atmospheres, regardless of what they represent, by working in union with them, than we will by being antagonistic, even subconsciously antagonis- tic. While formerly we did not recognize it, we are subconsciously hostile when we carry 42 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS a name that is not suitable to the vibration of the place which we enter. Man should be more elastic, not so unbend- ing and non-appreciative of the more subtle laws of life. He should learn adjustment and cease forcing the vibrations where they are unsuitable and many times repugnant. To assist in attaining this object of uni- versal adjustment, one should have and use several signatures, that is a business signa- ture, agreeable and suitable to his particular business, so contributing toward and not detracting from its and his ultimate success. If an orator, then, speak under a name that is harmonious and pleasing to the currents or vibrations of oratory. Let us co-operate with and adjust ourselves to that particular vibration under whose ban- ner we wish to succeed. If it be in oratory, then let us carry an oratorical name vibration and not one of the hermit or close-mouthed recluse. If we desire musical success, let us VARYING THE SIGNATURE 43 endeavor to be amiable to the musical currents and not antagonistic. So it is with every conceivable thing in life, in the arts, in politics, in the professions, in business, etc. If we are working in sev- eral branches, let us not strike one certain, unbending attitude and persistently carry it through all the different branches from which we may be trying to wring success. We will attain much more by harmonizing and co- operating than through resistance and con- demnation. One good way to put one's self in harmonious union with any vibration is to sign the name with the letters whose numbers are in accord with the vibration and so not withdrawing or detracting from the general vibration. In other words, and to put it very tense and concise: have a signature to meet all occasions. I know an adjustable individual who is fundamentally a professional man. He dab- bles in business and, on occasions, writes and 44 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS lectures. For all these different vocations he has and uses a different name, never using his business signature at the head of his written articles, nor does he sign his professional name on his books. His several signatures are used for his several undertakings. He varies the sound, not his name, only adding or dropping one name of his several, or using an initial in place of a name — all done to keep his name and the thing he is doing harmonious to each other. Number 8 is a good business vibration, but a name vibrating to 8 can hardly be called a suitable one for music, oratory or acting. There are some successful musicians and ora- tors whose names vibrate to 8, but they are more along the type of mental musicians and mental orators and scientists. 3 is a successful vibration for singing, dancing, speaking, acting, entertaining, friendship, etc. i is a signature to be used by explorers, heads of enterprises, directors, planners, etc. VARYING THE SIGNATURE 45 2 is a name for mothers, doctors, dentists, diplomats, arbitrators and all of the less powerful and strenuous occupations. 4 is the number to adjust one's name to for work for a political career among "the people," for country life, nature study, ex- ploring, hunting, study, tradesmen, canvassers, etc. 6, for philanthropists, matrons, nurses, etc. 7, The religionists, inventor, the stoic and mystic. 9, Signature of the broad-minded, broad- ened, universal love man. The big composer, tragedian, minister and general. A simple change of spelling alters the name in value. History tells us of many instances of how changes of name affected individual lives and circumstances. CHAPTER X HOW THE NAME DISCLOSES THE FUTURE There was formerly a common or frequent saying that man changes every cell in his entire body every 7 years. Later, this period was reduced by some to 30 days. Their idea put concisely is that not a cell exists in the body but what passes away and a new one takes its place; this process continues unceasingly, the old cells being incessantly displaced by new ones. As we change our cells, so do we change our vibrations, and experience has demonstrated that the life of a vibration in the human is, roughly speaking, one year, or the length of time it takes the earth revolving on its axis to pass under the rays of the sun. One year, a completion of the seasons, is a complete vibration in our life. NAME DISCLOSES THE FUTURE 47 What next year has in store for us, what we are in at present and the vibrations we have passed through are all in the name. The first letter in the name is the first vibration in the life, the second letter denotes the character of the second year. The third letter in the name tells, generally speaking, what is in store for one the third year, and so on: each letter is a vibration and each vibra- tion a year in length. Take the following name, for example, of how the name tells the past and present and discloses the future: Randolph John Williams, age 30 years RANDOLPH JOHN 91546378 1685 Each year of life 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WILLIAMS 5 9 3 3 9 1 4 1 48 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS Each year of life 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 33 34 35 36 R is the first letter in his name: A is the second letter: N is the third letter: D is the fourth letter, and so on up to 30, his present age. This we see comes under o or 6, so this, his 30th year, is in the 6th vibration. We say, he being in the 6th vibrating year, his yearly outlook will assume the character of the 6th vibration. He will find this year of his life not so strenuous as were some years of the past (6 is not a strenuous number). His path this year will carry him into broader and less strenuous and turbulent places. Humanity will give him a higher place in its regard and will look to him as a worthy individual. In this 30th year of his life, he will instinctively cater more to the peaceful, quiet, tranquil side of life as 6 is a number of Peace, quiet and repose. This, to him, will be a year of more mind NAME DISCLOSES THE FUTURE 49 rest, more tranquillity and less worries, as 6 is an optimistic, restful number. It is, all told, a restful, philanthropic, bene- ficial year and coming, as it does, between the 1, (a rather pushing, active, forceful year) and 8 (a thinking, critical, analytical year), it should be of great benefit. In this, his 30th year, more credence and reliance will be proffered him and the vibra- tions of blame and reproach and censure will not come his way as frequently as they have in certain other years of his life. This year will be similar, generally speaking, to his 10th year, both coming under this same vibration. His next year will be under the 8th vibra- tion, it being the 31st letter in his name, and he will be at that time 31 years of age. This means somewhat of a change in his life, especially a change from his 30th year, as 6 is a different vibration in most ways from an 8. 5 o NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS His 31st year will be much more active and probably more materially remunerative, as 8 stands for worldly possessions and business success. He should make strides in his own advance- ment in his 31st year, as 8 is a big universal free number and bestows an influence of power and enterprise. It is a broad vibration, is this 8, and people while under its influence should expand their talents in every direction, normal and natural to them. It is advisable for his own welfare that he achieve as much as possible in his 31st year, as the following two years, or his 32d and 33d, will be under the influence of the 5 and this, as we know, means change, indecision, pleasures, etc., and lack of stability generally. His 34th year has many strong indications as told by the 9, but it remains for the next two years following this, which are his 35th and 36th years, to bring out his true expres- sion. This bringing out of his real expression NAME DISCLOSES THE FUTURE 51 is due to the fact that his 35th and 36th years will be under the influence of the 3, which is a number of expression and accomplishment. In the case of a married woman wishing to ascertain what vibration she is working under, she gives to each letter a year as in the case of the unmarried woman, and the man, but she uses her own given and Chris- tian names, and not her married name. Thus, Mrs. Henry Smith is 25 and wishes to know the general trend of her next or 26th year: she takes her maiden name of Jane Elizabeth Brown and gives to each letter a year: JANE ELIZABETH numbers — 1 1 5 5 539812528 years — 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 52 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS B R O WN numbers — 2 g 6 5 5 years — 14 15 16 17 18 32 33 34 35 36 5051 52 53 54 First put the value of the letter of the name directly beneath, then proceed to give each letter the value of one year, and we can see at a glance the general trend of the life, both of the past and present as well as the future. Her 37th year will be similar to her 19th year in that they both are under the vibra- tion of one. They will not, of course, be exactly alike, because the years or vibration of time she has lived between 19 and 37 have brought their lessons, but the general trend will be similar. The mode of procedure in any and all names is similar. First find the number in the name, corresponding to the year in life; then look up the influences of the number NAME DISCLOSES THE FUTURE 53 (this can be done in a preceding chapter), and we have the general forecast for that year. To those desirous of looking deeper, that is seeking a more definite in place of so general a forecast, we may divide each year as does nature its seasons. The sun, as we all know, moves — and becomes more and more powerful in its influence until a climax is reached, when it naturally retracts or declines in power and grad- ually sinks back to the beginning point. Man may divide each of the letters in his name into seasons, as does Nature, and have Spring, Sum- mer, Autumn and Winter of each letter. 1 st Part of each letter, or number, Spring. Spring represents childhood, the plant push- ing through the soil. The Summer or second division of each letter's influence represents Youth, the flower blossoming: lightness and gaiety. Autumn, Manhood, the reaping, the passing of the leaf. Winter, Age, the seed, a Mantle. Interpreted, this means that the first part, 54 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS or spring, of the vibration or number, an individual entering, is but the childhood or bud of that number. The second part is the blossoming of the number; the third, the reaping of its influence, and the fourth part of the year, the decline of its influence. If a person is entering, say, for instance, a 2, the full influence is not immediately felt, he is simply in the spring, childhood or bud division of the 2 vibration; conditions are, as yet, new and strange. This lasts, roughly, for three months, one fourth of a year. In the second quarter, or summer of this vibration, the influence naturally adjusts itself tighter around the individual: this marks a second period and lasts until the end of the sixth month — when the Autumn, manhood or reaping period comes to its own. Here we find the person well within the influence of the 2. In fact, at the climax or extreme end of its highest power from here, it gradually declines in influence. NAME DISCLOSES THE FUTURE 55 The last 3 months of the year, or the winter, are marked by the decline of the 2. This is the winter, or age period. So, in entering an influence, one does not feel its full force or power during the first part, neither does the child realize, in its childhood state, its possibilities. Again, on leaving the latter part of its run, the influence of any number is not greatly felt, due to its influence waning and declining. In a child's name, we must bear in mind the fact of its dependency upon its parents; as a result, the number influence will not be so manifest as in those more advanced in years, and more subject to their own judgments. CHAPTER XI CHOOSING A SUITABLE NAME FOR A CHILD This represents, as all parents and near relations will recall, a period of deep reflection, studied contemplation, and general all-round indecision to all parties concerned. The choosing of the name is of much more vital importance than even the irresolute parents realize. They worry over a selection of names, but even were you to ask them really why they worried, they probably could not give a serious answer, but they somehow subconsciously feel there is an importance, even though unapparent, that is attached to the ceremony. This indecision of choice, worry and vague- ness is caused wholly by ignorance. The time is not far distant when we will proceed to the SUITABLE NAME FOR A CHILD 5 7 choosing of a name as we proceed to the solv- ing of any problem. Not from guesswork, or from an unlearned, unlettered standpoint, but rather from an intellectual comprehension of the circumstances involved. No longer then will we name the first-born Willie because his financially successful uncle abroad goes by the name of William. Neither will we name a child after his father, simply for the reason the father thinks it such a manly name and one so perfectly suited for his manly little infant. "Shotgun" pre- scriptions of medicines are fast fading from scientific favor, since the advent of the special- ist, and this new era has brought greater understanding. The old family doctor, when in doubt about a diagnosis, chose his drugs generously and almost promiscuously, hoping that some of the many drugs chosen might reach the ailing part of his unsuspecting patient. Names have formerly been, are even today, chosen by the uninitiated in this 58 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS promiscuous fashion; they close their eyes and choose blindly, only hoping their choice turns out suitably for the worthy offspring. The Christian name should be our working key for a successful choosing of the given names. This Christian name is, of course, constant and remains mostly unchangeable. While the given names may be variable in spelling and adjustment, the last or Christian name should be perpetually constant to its first construction of letters, never moving from its first designed style, sound and arrange- ment of letters. This rule, to allow the last name to remain constant and undeviating in construction, is not due to a present-day caprice or whim, but to a deep metaphysical and mystical law. The key of fundamental basis from which to choose and adjust all names to be chosen, is the last or Christian name. With this name as a given asset, we have only to bear the following rules in mind: ist, The names SUITABLE NAME FOR A CHILD 59 to be chosen should harmonize with the last or Christian name. That is, if the last name vibrates to 7, do not choose a name vibrating 3 (see numbers on preceding page that har- monize). 2d. The number or amount of letters in each name to be chosen, that is the new names, should be in harmony with the sum total of letters in the last names. As, for instance: If the last name is Smith, which is a word of five letters, do not choose a name like RoIIand which has 7 letters, as 5 and 7 do not har- monize and there is no advantage to be gained by uniting or hinging these unfriendly vibra- tions even in this small way. Rather choose a name containing 3 letters, because 3 and 5 are amiable. The Law of Inheritance, when choosing the infant's name, must be also taken into careful consideration. The several natural predom- inating qualities of the family should be analyzed and reviewed. The old saying that 60 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS a professional or mechanical man is "born and not made' 5 holds much truth. While this old saw is not "all truth," yet the unbiased observer cannot deny that it is a great part of truth. The general outcome of the artistic parent is the artistic child, and the progeny of the mechanical parent usually has a mechan- ical turn. When the parents come under the law of opposites, that is one being scientific and the other, for instance, artistic, and doubt exists as to which way the child will turn, a careful watching will show before long the direction in which he naturally inclines. Or, following another law, we may assume the child will take on mostly the characteristics of the stronger parent. Again, we may assume that the male child will "take after" his father, in the main, and the female child after the mother. When we are satisfied that the child has a "bent" towards mechanics, then give him a SUITABLE NAME FOR A CHILD 61 mechanical name — a mechanical name means any name relating to the numbers 4 or 8. Certain other numbers are, of course, of a slight mechanical turn, but 4 or 8 are the leaders in this department. When the family generally is artistic, then they are safe in bestowing on the child an artistic name; that is, any name vibrating to 3 or 6 or 9, likewise containing the same numbers of letters in the name. Where the one name vibrates to 6, let the other contain 3, 6 or 9 letters as well as the same vibration. When the name vibrates 9 let it contain 3, 6 or 9 letters and so on. When the child is destined for leading large organizations, for inventing and planning, names vibrating to one will contribute to his or her success. When oratory, acting, painting, a name vibrating to 3 (9 is also good, as is 6 in a lesser degree) is acceptable. Following are several occupations and num- bers which harmonize and co-operate. When 62 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS the child is destined to follow a certain line, let the name number be in unison with the position. For diplomacy, ministry, private secretary- ship, certain branches of medicine, dentistry, etc., a 2 name is best. Acting, singing, oratory, entertaining, a 3 name. Foreman, mental and physical pur- suits a 4 name. Occupations that call for adaptability, fascination and versatility co- operate agreeably with the 5 name. National philanthropists, politicians, artis- tic workers and organizers work best with a 6 name. The mystic, recluse, abstract thinker, and inventor further their aim with a 7 name. For technique, science, analysis, certain types of business choose the 8 name. The 9 vibration is somewhat similar to the 3, and is very beneficial for musical names; actors and orators, also, come harmoniously into its scope or vibration. CHAPTER XII NAMES SUITABLE FOR MARRIAGE Despite the fact of the prolific abundance of opinions and advice written on this much discussed subject, the individuals contem- plating entering what the newspapers call "marital bliss," generally do so regardless of whether they are, according to some "sage's" system, in "perfect accord" or "perfect soul unison." The law of happy unions is based upon the law of similars. The fundamental bases of the individuals, if happiness is to be the result, must be similar. The old idea of harmonious unions was, as we can all recall, based upon the law of op- 64 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS posites. Many did, and do today, take to themselves their direct opposite, opposite in word, thought, action and deed; many marry opposites because they are attracted by cer- tain qualities in the other which they them- selves do not possess. The powerful, physical man is many times enslaved by his direct opposite in the form of some physically frail, dainty woman. The frail creature was attracted to him by his physical magnetism, force and power of body. This physical force of her husband, for a time, fascinates her; she relies on his physical energy, force and power, and feels a safety and comfort, hitherto foreign to her. Later, through closer association, her eyes are grad- ually opened to other qualities, heretofore unrecognized in her physical Apollo. Qualities were discovered upon which she had never counted, and eventually he became repulsive to her more sensitive and developed vision. Her " Apollo " man was purely physical, NAMES SUITABLE FOR MARRIAGE 65 demanding, as all earthly body men do, earthly creature comforts, such as much food, when and how they like it. Food and crea- ture comforts are the height of his attainment. His soul lies dormant; a restaurant window filled with foods is to him a masterpiece, and a real fact. She, more advanced, with her finer perception at first marveled at his queer ways and odd customs, the body having always been second in her eyes. Food had never been a passion. The restaurant window, filled in tempting style with fish, vegetables, fowl and great cuts of beef, is one of the physical man's heavens and attracts him just as a masterpiece on canvas does his more artistic brother. Philosophy bores him, and deep, soul-stirring music and oratory have no effect on his unawakened esoteric self or soul. She uses food only as a power generator, takes it because Nature decrees it so; to her, it serves only as a means to an end. To her 66 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS "Apollo" it means the end, and all other things. She finally tires of his "carcass worship" and he becomes bored with what he calls her "silly emotions," her love of the finer in Nature, of "God in the Woods," of music, painting and soul-stirring oratory; to him, it is too intangible, too meaningless, and to her sensitive soul, his "beefsteak" and "physical feats" become too tangible, and, as a natural result, the inevitable happens. The peaceful, non-resisting, non-striving lives are those who have renounced forever the Law of Opposites. They see at last with comprehensive vision, after centuries of need- less misery, and they forthwith move from under the old Law of Opposites which has caused so much misery and anguish, and slip into union with the higher Law of Unity, where tolerance, sympathy, understanding, ap- preciation, take the place of intolerance, mis- understanding, reproach and reprehension. NAMES SUITABLE FOR MARRIAGE 67 In choosing marriageable, harmonious names, let us, bearing in mind the Law of Similars, use names that are similar. Similar in strength and vibration, thus avoiding all extremes and opposites. Civilization has advanced to that place in evolution where souls are really de- sirous of equality; they desire and demand to advance mentally and morally as equals; to face the world side by side as coworkers, and forget the motto of the dark ages, of "Might is Right." The more similarity of vibrations or letters existing in marriageable names, the better is the opportunity or chance for a continued amiable union. The dark spots that so often cloud temporarily the horizon of marital hap- piness will, upon examination, be found as coming from those vibrations in the names working under the law of opposites. As an example to illustrate this law of harmonious and discordant factors in a name, let us take the names of two individuals con- 68 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS templating marriage, and weigh their general prospects for happiness by a letter to letter comparison of their several names. James Ralph Homes we will use as illus- trating the man's name, the woman's being Annie Laura Peake. The number of letters in the man's name, James Ralph Homes, is 15; the woman's name, Annie Laura Peake, also has 15 letters. The number of letters in the names of the parties concerned is of importance; it does not necessarily follow that the number of letters in the man's and woman's names must be exact in number for harmony, but it is well to have them as near in number as possible. JAMES RALPH HOMES 11451 91378 86451 The different numbers contained in this name and the times they occur we will illustrate below. The larger numbers are those found NAMES SUITABLE FOR MARRIAGE 69 in the name, the smaller numbers placed directly above the name numbers denotes the number of times of their occurrence in the name and the dash shows what numbers are missing. i. r 7 7 m 2 1 1 (— ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The number 2 is the only one missing in his name. Let us now treat the woman's name in the same manner: ANNIE LAURA PEAKE 155 95 3i39i 75125 4^2 £ j^ 2^ i 2 3 (— ) 5 (— ) 7 (— ) 9 The numbers missing in the woman's name are the 4, the 6 and the 8. Let us now compare these two names for a harmonious union, bearing in mind that the Law of Similars makes for true peace and happiness. Each letter in his name that is also in her 7 o NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS name contributes toward their soul union, and by the same law, each letter in either name not contained in the other name acts as a subconscious bearer, hindering and block- ing their blissful marriage state. When both names contain a number, but one name has it in excess of the other, we cannot call it harmonious vibration; for in- stance, one name has, let us say, six threes, and the other name contains only three threes; this we cannot call harmony. This will be explained more fully in analyzing the names now under consideration. The number i five times four times Harmony 2 absent once Inharmony 3 once twice Harmony 4 twice absent Inharmony 5 twice five times Inharmony 6 once absent Inharmony 7 once once Harmony 8 twice absent Inharmony 9 once twice Harmony NAMES SUITABLE FOR MARRIAGE 71 Comparing the numbers that are in har- mony with the numbers in which they are unsimilar or out of harmony, we cannot call these two names suitable for harmonious co-operation. Under the figure one, they are harmonious because they both have this vibra- tion occurring numerous times in their names. Numbers are harmonious in a name where the number occurs several times in each name and where one name possesses it only once more than does the other name. While there can, of course, be no arbitrary rule, it is fairly safe to say, the harmonious numbers in the name are those appearing a like number of times, or within once of a like number of times. In our example names above, they are inharmonious on the number 2, because, while she only possesses it once, he owns it not at all. On the three, both names are harmonious because they both include it. 72 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS On the four they are inharmonious because he has it twice, and she not at all. On the five they are inharmonious because while they both possess this number, she does so too often to be harmonious with him, she having the 5 occur five times, and in his name it only occurs twice. A man with 5 years' experience in a profession can scarcely, as a rule, be called equal to the one possessing only two years' experience. In the sixth vibration they are inharmo- nious, as while he only possesses one six in his name, she possesses none. On the seventh vibration they are harmonious, both possessing one seven. On the 8 they are inharmonious as he has it twice and she not at all. On the 9 they are harmonious, both possess- ing it in their several names an equal number of times. Of the nine letters, or nine different points NAMES SUITABLE FOR MARRIAGE 73 of understanding on which to be harmonious, they are only so four times. Only Four out of Nine, less than half. The inharmony out- weighs the harmony, as the former has 5 out of a possible 9. CHAPTER XIII HOW TO FIND LUCKY DAYS AND MONTHS The Laws of Similars in finding our agreeable or lucky days and months still continue to be our guide. We necessarily are more in har- mony with the days and months that vibrate as we do, than are we with those opposed or foreign to us. Our first step in acquiring the date of our lucky period is to ascertain our distinguishing or destiny number. All days that are the same, or in harmony with this distinguishing number, are our lucky or agreeable days or months. Reduce our several names to a single digit, and the result is what is called our distin- guishing or destiny number. Reduce the days and months to a single digit, then all digits of days and months that agree with the digit of HOW TO FIND LUCKY DAYS 7 $ our distinguishing number are favorable ones to us, and are what the world insists upon calling lucky. To illustrate more fully: Let us, as an example, find the lucky days and months of OPIE WEST HOPE 6795 5512 8675 27 13 26 948 9+4+ 8= 21 = 3 The distinguishing number of Opie West Hope is 3. Now, working on the law of sim- ilars for harmony, we know that days and months vibrating to 3 are necessarily harmo- nious or lucky day for him. His luck cannot be confined entirely to the three, as we have other numbers that are in harmony with this number 3 ; as they are in harmony with it so must they be with him, our laws of similars holding true through all planes. The other numbers in harmony with a 3, as 76 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS we learned in a preceding chapter, are 5, 6, and 9. Opie West Hope has many days in the month harmonious to him; not only has he 3 (his destiny number) and the numbers in accord with this (5, 6 and 9), but also the compound numbers of the month and days that make these numbers. Numbers in the month making 3 are 12, 21 and 30; numbers in the month making 5 are 14 and 23; numbers in the month making 6 are 15 and 24; numbers in the month making 9 are 18 and 27; so the lucky days of the month of Opie West Hope whose distinguish- ing number is 3, are those days making 3, 5, 6 and 9; and they are 3d, 12th, 21st, 30th; 5th, 14th and 23d; 6th, 15th and 24th; the 9th, 1 8th and 27th; namely 17 days out of a possible 31. This is exceptionally good when we recall that those with a distinguishing destiny number of 5 only have 7 out of a possible 31. HOW TO FIND LUCKY DAYS 77 The harmonious months of Opie West Hope are the 3d month, the 5th, 6th and 9th months. The 3d month because he is a 3 (distinguishing number), and the 5th, 6th and 9th month, because these numbers are unison workers with the 3. The name Cora Emma Clifford is not as fortunate in possession of harmonious periods of time as is Opie West Hope. The destiny number of Cora Emma Clifford is 7 (Cora 1, Emma 5, and Clifford 1). All days of the month making the single digit 7, which is her distinguishing number, are welcome or harmonious days to Emma Cora Clifford; they are the 7th, 16th and 25th. We know the numbers 2 and 6 are harmo- nious to 7; so all days of the month vibrating to 2 and 6 which are the 11 (1 + 1 make 2), 20th (2 + 0=2) and 29 (2 + 9 = 11 continued to single digit 1+1 = 2), 6th, 15th (1 + 5 = 6), 24th (2 + 4 = 6). The agreeable or contributory months of 78 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS Cora Emma Clifford whose number is a 7 are the 7th month or August, the 2d month or February, and the 6th month or July. August, July and February because July is the 6th month, and February is the 2d and 6+2 are the numbers which go with 7. Take the person's distinguishing number and the numbers which go in unison with it (these are to be found in a preceding chapter), all these with the same numbers of the cal- endar are the person's happy days. CHAPTER XIV POINTS TO BEAR IN MIND The following points I have covered in the book but will mention them again in this chapter for emphasis because of their impor- tance, and so, by repetition, make their im- portance more emphatically felt. The advantage in the possession of even a limited knowledge of Names and Numbers is to point out clearly the many heretofore hidden pitfalls of life, and to help us over the many so-called mysteries of existence. There are no so-called high or low numbers. They are simply different. The distinguishing number is the one of principal importance and is the single digit of the sum total of all the names. A long name is not necessarily a strong name, as many times a long name is not very inclusive, missing some numbers entirely; also running to extremes in certain other numbers. 80 NAMES, DATES, AND NUMBERS Pet names used among friends are more local than general in their influence, and sig- nify what the owner of the name means to the person or persons calling him by that name. Adjust the letters in your name to make harmonious relationships throughout. Changes of name, even slight, as leaving out or adding to of a letter or initial, is, if scientifically done, advantageous. If in a "rut," try it. Learn what names are musical in influence; if you aspire to music, then use it for your own. If in business use a business signature, that is, use a name that has an influence or ways of business. Have several signatures, and vary them to fit the occasion. Each and every letter missing in our name signifies a vibration to overcome. Periods that harmonize with the distinguish- ing number are the advantageous ones to us. Names are to us a limitation or an asset. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 1 6066 (724)779-2111