''?::';-\a '*:- '' * s"i 1° ^ ■^' 'y ,0 CJ ' fc-^ v^-^^^^v- J^ \? - ,lf- - .. AV .■^^^K^^^ "-^J. V*' ,.v -^^^ ''^,. vi*' ^. ..x^- OO' ■'^•r ,.^'' x«^ "^. s^^ '■^. -x*'"*'*'^^^^'' % ,.>-% 20th Century Catalogue OF- SUPPLIES -FOR- WATCHMAKERS. JEWELERS KINDRED TRADES J. H. PURDY & CO. 126 TO 130 STATE STREET CHICAGO p. F. PliTl'IBONE i CO.. PKIXIERS. I 111 Copyright 1899, All Rights Reserved The Departments are arranged in the following order: Tools Pa Watch Material Case Material Clock Material Findings Jewelers' Sundries Silk Guards, Silk Vests and White Metal Chains Optical Goods All prescription work quoted less 50 per cent. For General Index see last three pages of catalogue. ages 3 to 255 " 356 ' 54a " 543 ' 582 " 583 • 596 " 597 ' 659 " 660 ' 699 " 700 ' 704 " 705 ' • 746 46696 U <»jv^iiDii3 ;/ >>-^ O^V; \^ TERMS 6 per cent, cash within 10 days from date of invoice. 30 days, 5 per cent. 60 days, 3 per cent. 90 days net. Time limit. SECOND COP^il TSJL .?87 GENERAL SHIPPING DIRECTIONS. EXPRESS — Is always the safest, quickest and best method of sending packages, and usually 25 to 35 cents each way for small packages. Instruct us how to ship. CHEAP EXPRESS — Packages containing no jewelry or watches can be sent prepaid at a cost of one cent per ounce, but no charge less than 15 cents. Called ounce express. Instruct us how to ship. INSURED SEALED MAIL — Is the next best method, insuring safety and reasonable dispatch. Elates of postage, two cents per avoirdupois ounce. Rates of insurance, five cents for each, five dciUars not to exceed $10.00. Instruct us how to ship. SEALED MAIL — Is the next best method, insuring reasonable dispatch but not safety. Rater;, two cents per avoirdupois ounce or fraction, to four pounds. Instruct us how to ship. REGISTERED SEALED MAIL — Is the safest method by mail, though no responsibility attaches to the government in case of loss. Registered packages usually reach destination a day later than other sealed mail. Rates of postage, two cents each avoirdupois ounce or fraction- theveof to four pounds. Registering eight cents additional. Instruct us how to ship. UNSEALED MAIL — Is slow (sealed mail receiving preference of transmission), no writing but numbers or marks on each article to distinguish one from another, and the name and address of receiver and the name and address of the sender is allowed, thus requiring a separate letter for (Explana- tion. Postage, one cent per avoirdupois ounce or fraction thereof to four pounds. Unsealed packages may be registered. Instruct us how to ship. It is of almost daily occurrence that orders are received from jewelers who are unknown to us and to the credit agencies. If you are new in business or not well established in your localit}', send refer- ences with first order, or instruct us to send C. O. D. td insure promptness. If C. O. D. send with order enough to cover express charges both ways, which will be deducted from the bill. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ANVILS. Steel. No. 1. Anvil $0.35 2. " nickel-plated 50 3. " 25 4. " nickel-plated 35 5. " Hurn, 4-in 50 5N. " " 4 " nickel-plated 70 6. " " 5 " 60 6N. " " 5 " nickel-plated 80 7. " and Stake 75 8. " " " nickel- plated 90 9. " " " 00 10. " " " nickel-plated 75 Nos. 11 to 14, Square Anvils, polished face, ex- tra liard. No. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. l(i. 17. 1J4 1% ■■ 2 " Anvil, -in. square $0.40 li^-in. face. IK " ■■ . Itirlov I Acid Bottles see Classification B Alcohol Cups . .. .see Classification C Asjay Testers see Classification G """'*• "I Adjusters, Movement. ■• " M Asbestos " - S Adjuster, Clock Pinion " - " C The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 2Z&.23 24&25 ANVILS, No. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2i. Anvil, nickel-plated, heavy base revolving, finely-tempered horns. japanned base full nickeled steel, polished face .$0.95 . 1.2.J . .50 .75 . .60 nickel-plated 85 1.25 No. 25. Anvil, 2-in., nickel plated ^1.50 " 36. " nickel plated 45 Nos. 27, 28 and 29 Vulcan Anvil, steel faced, accurately ground, horn cast steel, body charcoal iron. Warranted. No. 27. Weight 5 lbs «:2.00 " 28. " 10 " 2.75 " 29. " 15 '■ 3.25 I Acid Bottles see Classification B Index : S Adjusters ilovement " " M (Asbestos " " S Assay Testers . Alcohol Cups.. : Classification G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 31-32 ANVILS. No. 31. Anvil, nickel-plated " 32. " " without hub '■ 38. " " " 84. " " " 35. Octagon Anvil, small, nickel-plated " 86. " " large, " nicely finished " 37. Revolving Combination Anvil, one head, steel, one wood and one rubber. 10.45 .85 1.00 .65 .75 1.00 2.25 Inrlt^v • ( Acid Bottles see Classification B Alcohol Cups . """'•*• 1 Adjusters Movement " " ^' A=hp«tn= M Asbestos. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ^ ^ ^ m ^ ft B) JO d5 7D 10 ■'^'^L) : n^0"^00 ^ ¥ 72 A & B ARBORS AND BARREL TOOLS. No. 61. Turning Arbors in sets of 12, Nos. 1° lo 12°|0.45 No. 67N. Barrel Contractor,reversible,nickel-plated|0.65 62. Set of 12 Nos. 1 to 12. 63. " 18 " 1 " 18. 64. " 24 " 1 " 24. 45 85 1.15 ■ 65. " 36 " 1 " 36 2.10 ' 66. Screw Arbors, set of 12 1.65 ' 67. Barrel Contractor, reversible 50 " 68. Adjustable Turning Arbors 40 " 69. Barrel Head Remover 25 " 70. Barrel Contractor with Driver 1 .25 " 70N. " " " " nickel-plated 1.50 " 71. Nickel Barrel Contractor, with Driver 85 " 72. Cork Arbor, for grinding glasses, etc 30 \ .Acid Bottles see Classification ] '( Alcohol Cups •■ ■• ( : Classification M For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. B BATTERIES AND DYNAMO. Bansen Solution Battery, complete, E. M. F. 1,% volts $4.00 Continuous Current Carbon Solution Battery, Smee type, E. M. F., A volts, complete 2-50 Carbon and Zinc Solution Batteries, com plete 1 .00 Annodes, Nickel, Gold, Silver and Copper. Gold, per dwt .SI .30 Silver,pero2 1.10 Nickel, perlb 85 Copper, " Improved Plating Dynamo of the Latest Type. Price Liist. S9. Copper Wire for Connections, Hanging Wires, Stringing, etc., from Nos. ^3 to 27, per lb .4t) 90 90A 90B No. 1 " 3 Capacity in Gallons. 60 150 500 Copper, 25 75 200 $ 50.00 75.00 100.00 r'Balance Calipers... see Classification C Benctr Plates see Classification P Blow Pipe Lamps. fn^^v . J Beading Tools " " C Blocks, Charcoal and Soldering " S Brushes, File Clear '""*''' n Belting. Lathe " " L " Polishing " P Burners, Lamp. . . LBench Knives " " K The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies BATTERY AND PLATING OUTFIT SUPPLIES. Cyanide Potassium, chemicallv pure, in 1-lb. bottles, per bottle $0.80 10-ponnd can, per can 6.50 Dipping Basket (stoneware) M-gallon capacity ^2-gallon capacity 93. Stoneware Jars witli cover; capacity, 1-gallo XXX Lie, 10-pound can.... 85 t. Chemically Unameled Iron Tanks for Solutions. Capacity. 4-gallon $5 00 13 '• 1-2.00 No. 07. Capacity, 20-i 38 Nickel Salts, per pound Cyanide Potassium, fused, per poun Copper or Zinc, '• " " Tin, per pound. - Carbonate Copper, best, per pound.. Potash, per pound Ni. Zinc ide Gold, per dwt . Nickel, per po 110. Copper Sulphate, per pound. /ndex : {Balance Calipers.se Beadintr Tools — " Belting, Lathe ... ' Bench Knives.... ' ;ifica'n C Bench Plates see Classificatio C Blocks, Charc'landSold'ng. " L Blocks, Polishing '* w Pipe Lamps. . shes. File Clean ners, Lamps — see Classification L. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ii^Jk. B BATTERIES AND PLATING OUTFITS. Nos. ]fil to 154. Kon-Local Action Bat- tery, high and constant available electric force. Cheap materials easily obtained. No attention required until all energy is exhaust- ed; free from noxious lumes. No. 151. Capacity 150 Ampere hours, complete, with porcelain jars, $2.00 " 152. Capacity 300 Ampere hours, complete, with porcelain jars, 2.70 " 153. Capacity 300 Ampere hours, pho- nograph and fine motor model, 2.85 " 154. Capacity 600 Ampere hours, complete, with porcelain jars, 4.85 " 1.55. One-Cell Pony Dry Battery .50 " 156. Western Dry Battery 60 " 157. Mesco " " 25 " 158. Phoenix " " 75 ■' 159. LeClanche " 75 " 160. Carbon Battery, 2 gal. capacity, 5.00 " 161. " ■• 1 " " 3.00 " 102. " " 1 quart " 1.60 New parts to any of the above batteries to re- place exhausted parts may be had at all times. No. 165. Bell Outfit $1-75 Plating Outfits. The following are selected with care and consist of necessities only. Any one proper application may operate these utfits uccessfiiliy. With latestimproved batteries. No. 166. BtandardOutfit, complete, for gold, silver, copper and nickel plating, with capac- ity for silverware, musical instruments, small bicycle sundries, etc., with 3 continuous cur- rent batteries, No. 1.51, 3 si.K-gallon stoneware jars and 1 four-gallon stoneware jar; 3 gallons Standard silver solution, 3 silver annodes, 1 quart gold solution,! gold annode, 4 gallons nickel solution, 2 nickel annodes, with polish- ing material, instructions, etc. All neces- saries to make a complete practical out- fit $50.00 Same outfit, with No. 90 Pynam< plete No. 167. Standard Silver Outfit, with y, gal- lon silver solution, 1 gallon jar, silver annode, rouge and pumice stone, with full instruc- tions Sl'.50 No. 168. Standard Silver Outfit, with good practical battery, 1 two-gallon jar, 1 gallon sil- ver solution, 1 silver annode, crush, rouge, pumice stone, Tripoli, with instruction, $10.00 uth No. 169. Standard Silver Outfit, with capac- ity large enough for silverware, with good prac- tical battery; 3 gallons silver solution, 3 silver annodes and Isi-x-gal. jar, rouge, pumice stone, Tripoli, complete with instructions $25.00 No. 170 Standard Gold Outiit, with prac- tical battery, 14k annode, 14k solution, 2-gal- lon iar, brushes, rouge, etc., with full instruc- tions -■ -Siuoo No. 171 . Standard Gold Outfit; 1 good prac- tical battery, 'A gallon gold solution, 1 gold annode,4-gallonjar, brushes, buffs, rouge, etc., with full instructions $21 .00 No. 172. Standard Silver and Gold Outfit; 1 good practical batters; of suiBcient 1 pintgoldsolution, '' "' " 95.00 e* nnode, leach2a^d^- „, - o_llon silver solution, silver an- shes, polishing material, burnishers ictions $18.00 Nickel and Copper Outfit; 2 good batteries, 2 si.x-gallon jars, 4 gallons ution, nickel annode, 2 gallons cop- solution, copper annode, hydrometer, _brasive polisher, brushes and full instruc- tions, complete $25.00 With No. 90 Dynamo 70.00 node, bru andinstri No. 173, practical pe: The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Nos. 211 to 21G, Flat Top Work Benches. Lenetl width 20 inches, height 3 feet and 3 inches. The benches Quoted are all of first-class workmanship and of well seasoned and selected material. We will furnish inferior grades al lower prices; quality and guarantee in accordance with cost. No.211. Solid Oak Bench Inferior grades to ' 212. Solid Walnut Bench .' I 213. Flat Top Bench, stained in oak, walnut or cherry!!! 214. Ditto, with 5 drawers and no casters, stained in oak ' 215. Bench, stained in walnut ' 21G. Ditto, with .5 drawers and no casters, stained in cherr Nos. 217 to 222, Roll or Curtain-Top Bench. Roll top loc tomatically. Length 10 inches, width 20 inches, $10.00 8.00 11.00 S.50 7.60 ilocksalldr height 40 incties. Curtain raises 9 i No. 217. Solid Oak Inferior grades to Che nclies, $19.00 Solid Walnut Bench ,$21.00 Roll Top Bench, stained in oak 18.00 Ditto, with 4 drawers and with casters 10.00 Roll Top Bench, stained in walnut or cherry IS 00 '' , " " with 4 drawers and with casters IG.OO Bottle Rack, for holding material bottles, with bot- tles, com plete o 50 Improved Hand Draw Bench, 4-ft,. weight 100 lbs!!!! 2o!oo Watchmakers' Bench,with ironframe.with 10 drawers 17 00 Wheel only 450 Watch Rack !!!.'!.!!!!!! 4!50 Countershaft !!!!!! 3. ,50 Iron Frame Bench only, with 6 drawers . . ..!!!!!!! 13!oo Bench, Wheel, Countershaft and Rack, complete.... 29. DO r'Balance Calipers . . see Classification C Index • J ^''?'''"S Tools •■ •• c Bench Plates Blocks, Charcoal a: Polishing. — seeClassiiicatio idSold'g. Blow Pipe Lamps, .see Classification L Brushes. File Cleaner " F Burners, Lamp " L For Watchmakers, Jewelers and ILindred Trades. B BENCH STOOLS. No. 300. Improved Bench Stool, copper finished bench stool, spring seat and back, rest, with adjustable back — $5.50 " 301. Improved Copper Finished Bench Stool, without back 4. 00 *' 302. Bench Stool, hardwood seat, adjustable back, copper finished frame 4.00 *' 303. Same as 30-i. witiiout back 3.25 The above stools have steel frames with Japanese copper finish; are very handsome, strong and durable as well as comfortable. No. 304. Bench Stool. Dark rosewood finish, satin russe up- holstered seat $1.25 " 305. Dark rosewood finish, mohair plush, plain or embossed 2.25 *' 306. Dark rosewood finish, silk plush 2.25 No. 307. Bench Stool. Copper finished frame, burl or Circas- sian walnut; ebony or rosewood finished seat $3.75 Nos. SOS to 310. Bench Stools, with brass feet, mounted on g;lass balls. No. 308. Finished in rosewood, ebony, walnut or oak 2.50 ' ' 300. Solid oak 3 . 50 " 310. " walnut 4.00 *' 311. Bench Stool, finished in ebony, waluat, oak or niahog:any 1 . 50 *' 312. Solid oak 1.75 " 313. With satin russe upholstered seat 1.75 " 314. With silk or mohair plush 2.50 , Balance Calipers... see Classification C Beading Tools *' *' C ' Bench Knives " " K Blocks, Polishing, .see Classificati( Charcoal and Soldering " " Engraving " The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies B BLOW PIPES. No. 351. 8-iu. Blow Pipe, with ball... $0.15 No. .364. Blow Pipe, with flame adjustment,small,nickel-plated.$1.00 lickel-plated. 357. 10 " 358. 10 '* 359. Hot Blast Blow Pipe. ' nickel-plated -25 Brass Blow Pipe, each 10 " nickel-plated 20 nickel-plated 20 ^5 -plated SO ubber mouth-piece 75 363. Blow Pipe, with flame adjustment, small. 309. 370. 371. Self Acting '• nickel-plated . 2.50 ! capped tubes 35 •' nickel-plated 50 .30 " *' *' nickel-plated Alcohol Blow Pipe, blast is generated by heating over spirit lamp 1.00 Hot Blast Blow Pipe, when cotton in bulb is saturated with benzine, intense heat is obtained sufficient to melt brass wire j'^-inch 75 Automatic Blow Pipe, for gas and air pressure 3.00 I Balance Calipers. Beading Tools Bench Knives ; Classification C Bench Plates see Classification P *' C Blocks, Charcoal and Soldering ** S K " Polishing " P Blow Pipe Lamps... see Classificatic Brushes. File Cleaner " Burners, Lamp " " For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades, 13 B '■ 376. " 377. BLOW PIPES. Improved Hot Blast Blow Pipe. No. 378. Arranged so as to prevent water or ^^ moisture from saturating the wick and oU. from passing through the nozzle, which moisture can easily be removed, there- ooU. by keeping blow pipe clean; has Iree ^^ air passages, very powerful blast and rfSl. gives'intense heat. Nickel-plated $0.75 Matchless Air and Gas Blow Pipe, for ^^ mouther power blast... ■■• 2.50 db-i. Blow Pipe for Gas, with spring lever for regulating flame ^ ■^^' lench Knives " \ fousning Gas Blow Pipe, with screw for adjusting flame $2 . 50 Automaton Hand Blow Pipe, with lever ^ for adjusting flame 3.50 Brazing Blow Pipe, without stop cock, ig-inch air jet, /^-inch gas opening.. . . 1 .75 Brazing Blow Pipe, with %-mc\i air jet, iVinch gas opening; requires %-inch gas supply pipe and tap 2.50 The same, with ij-inch air jet, 5^-inch gas opening; requires J-^-inch gas supply pipe and tap s.oO ;sification P Blow Pipe Lamps. . .see Classification L ing " S Brushes, File Cleaner •• '; F " P Burners, Lamp " " L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies s. 391 to 393. I'oot Bellows on Legs Bello-ws inverted, thus protected, 1.391. Single rubber disc. 392. Double " 393. Treble " 3x9 XU JX13.J 11 Nos. 394 to 396, Foot Blower?. '^.°'.?nr- Single disc, same description as No. 301 .. ,!9.5. Double disc, ■' •• •• •• wi " .396. Treble disc, " ono" $5.00 6.00 8,00 , .$4.00 . . 5. 00 , . 7.00 i„j S S^'^")" Calipers.. see Classification C Index: ■< Beading lools. Nos. 397 to 400. Pres8ure Blowers. 10.00 10.00 40 •• 100 " 200 " Hand Bloiyer for dusting dial, movements, etc., with nickel- plated trimminKS and back pressure valve $0 7t ( Bench Knives. Bench Plates see Classification P Blocks, Charcoal and Soldering " S " Polishing.. " p Blow Pipe Lamps.. see Classification L Brushes, File Cleaner •• p Burners, Lamp " t For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. iJ27 426 iJ25 i^HSHl COPYRIGHT 5899, ALL RIGHTS RESERVEO, B BOTTLES. No. 41G. " 417. " 418. " 419. " 420. " 421. " 422. " 423. Acid Bottle in boxwood case, screw $0.35 No .424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. Material Bottle, Per doz vith screw cap. per gross $2. .50 25 Small Jewel Bottles, per gross 1.75 Material Bottle, i Per doz vith screw cap, per gross 2.50 25 Jewel Bottles, per gross Per doz Tubular Jewel Bottle, per gross. . . . Per doz Material Bottle, per gross 1.75 20 2.00 25 2.00 Material Bottle, 3.00 35 Large Material Bottle, with screw cap, per doz. Material Bottle, with screw cap, per gross 50 2.50 25 Material Bottle, Per doz 2.50 25 "og Material Bottle, Per doz 2.50 Tubular Material Bottle, per gross Per doz 25 30 Index 1 Balance Calipers. . .see Classification C ^ Beading Tools " •' C ( Bench Knives " " K Blocks. Charcoal an " Polishing d Sold'g, Clasa'n S Blow Pipe Lamps. see Class Burners, Lamp " fication L L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 436 nZ7 ^^o 442 GLASS COVER. feBMrfMJ B BOTTLES. Acid, Chalk and Material. No. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. Set of 3 Acid Bottles, in glass tray. Per set- Square Bottle, for large material. Per dozen. Chalk Acid with brush. Each small. " medium. " large. " with ground glass cover. Each " rubber suction dropper. Each. JlO.OO .50 .25 .20 .25 .30 .35 .80 i Balance Calipers... see Classific Beading Tools " ' Bench Knives " , Charcoal and Sold'g, Class'n S Polishing ■■ P For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. BORAX, BORAX HOLDERS AND BOXES. No. 446. Borax Holder, glass cup in wood frame $0 35 " 447. Borax Slate 25 " 449. Bluing Pan 25 " 451. Adhesive Borax, prevents work from moving while soldering 15 " 452. Metal Material Box, lM-'n-> per dozen 75 " 453. " " " \%" " " 1.00 " 454. Silver Plated Movement Box, 6 to 18 size 2.35 " 455. Prepared Borax, each 10 Per dozen 1.00 " 456. Saw Dust Shaker, with sieve and two compartments 45 f Balance Calipers.. see Classification C Bench Knives.... see Classification K BiowPipeLamps, see Classification L. K Beading Tools '* " C Blocks,Charcoal and Sold'g '* S Brushes. File Cleaner " F ( Belting. Lathe " " L " Polishing " V Burners, Lamp.. " L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies B BENCH PLATES, BLUING PANS AND BOXES. No. 457. Glass Bench Plate $0.85 " 458. Bluing Pan, for bluing screws, etc 25 No. 459. Allen's Patent Movement Box or Tray. With adjustable slides for holding all sizes of movements; has glass cover on hinge and is dust proof. Movements may be shown in Tray in any position. Made in walnut or oak. 9 movements $2 . 50 12 •■ 2.75 16 '■ 3 00 No. 460. " 461. " 462. " 463. 464. 466. 467. Broach Box, polished wood, small size ..$0.10 Medium size 12 Large " 15 Broach Boxes, polished wood, 6 partitions . 15 7 partitions 25 9 " m Glass Bench Plate, with glass covered partitions 1.00 Compartment Material Box, glass cover, 24 compartments 50 35 Compartments • 75 50 " 1.00 [ Balance Calipers. ( Beading Tools .. . ( Bench Knives .... .see Classification C Blocks, Charcoal andSold'ng, Clas'tion S " Polishing '• F Blow Pipe Lamps " L Brushes, File Cleaner. Burners, Lamp .Classification F For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. i)76 _i y B BROACHES. No. 488. English Broach . White circles show sizes of Holes broached by respective niitiibers. Perdoz 4S1. English Broach. Perdoz 480. English Broach. Perdoz 479. English Broach. Per doz 478. English Broach.. Enghsh Broach per doz.SO . 65 471. 470. 473 to 481 English Broaches, Penta- gon per set of 12 473Rto481R. English Broaches. Round per set of 12 S473 to S481. Swiss Pentagon Pol- ished Broaches per set of 12 S473R to S4S1K. Swiss Polished Broaches, Round.. per set of 12 No.48aR. English Pivot Broaches. Penta- g-on perdoz. .35 '■ 490. English Pivot Broaches, Round, Per doz $0.35 " 491. Swiss Pivot Broaches, Polish- ing, Pentagon per doz. .25 " 492. Swiss Pivot Broaches, Round, Polished. Perdoz 25 " 493. Swiss Pivot Broaches, Round, Perdoz 15 " 494. Swiss Pivot Broaches, Penta- gon perdoz. .15 " 495. Extra Fine Polishing Swiss Broaches perdoz. .45 " 496. Diamond Charged Pivot Broaches per set of 4 .45 Index : ; Classification C cks. Charcoal a Polishing id Sold'g, Class'n S nps.see Classification L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 2 ROW 526T0 53D IROW 521 19 525 JW535T?54C V M ^ / T ' A^' f-u\\ rft'vi: jM-i [3 D'+t 545 TO 5M-7 BRUSHES— WHEEL. mo. 85 1.00 1.26 l..»0 2.00 -FJKSl QUALITY. 621 A 522A 523A $1.00 1.10 1.50 2.15 2 ROW — MEDIUM QUALITY. Doz. $1.25 1.25 1.40 1.80 2.25 2 ROW— FIRST QUALITY. 526A 527 A 528 A lUM QUALITY. No. of Brush. Diam.of Brush. Each Doz 531 532 5.33 534 535 m in. 3 " 3V4 " $0.20 .20 .25 .25 .30 $1.80 1.90 2.25 2.50 3.00 3 ROW— FIRST QUALITY. 531 A 532 A 533 A 53+A 535A No.ot Brush. Dlam. of Brush. Each. Doz. 536 537 538 539 2 in. 2'/2 " 3 " 3M " $0.25 .i5 .25 .30 $2.25 2.. TO 2.75 3.25 4 ROW— FIRST QUALITY 536 A 537A 538A 539A 2 in. $0.25 2'/j " .30 3 " .!5 3'/2 " .45 $2.50 3.25 3.75 Nos. 541 to 542 Flat-face Nos. 545 to .547 Flat-face Mane Hair. No.543. 3Row,3inch $0 35 No. 545. 2 Row, 2'/2 inch $0.20 No. 647. 4 Row, 3 inch $0.35 ( Beading Tools. Index: { Bench Knives.. : Classihcatlon C Bender Wire see Classification W Blocks, Charcoal and Soldering" S 5 Classification B For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^^^}'^^^v}^^^)}^^^y^lW^^v^^^w bib I how niA-iiiOv ni!rTynrTMnT"''""'"'"n'"'! 577 3 Rm GAURAMTIE 576 M- ROW -fiTiTf TT'T'TTT^TTT^ IlTTTTr ' f H ^ f]"^ ^ ''' ^ ^ ' ^ f f 579 3 ROW OUR ORURftNTEED 560 4 ROW m 5SI "'1jLA5 60\'V 5 RQW W\ ,:P COPVniGMT 1899 ALL RIGHTS RESenVEO. B BRUSHES, Watch. No. 571. " 572. " 573. " 574. " 575. " 576. $0.10 No. 577. Watch Brush, guarantee 3 row $0.20 " 578. " "4 row 25 11 u 2 " . .12 . .15 . .20 . .20 . .25 " " Hinnen, 3 row. 4 .. , " " Glasgow,3 " . " 4 " . Nos. 579 to 580, Our Guaranteed Select Bristle, veneered back watch brush. No. 579. 3row *0.30 "580 4 " -40 " 581. Watch Brush, Glasgow, 5 row 30 Index ( Balance Calipers. see Classificatit : ] Bcadine Tools.. . ■' < Bench Knives.... " nC C K Bench Plates Ulocks, Chare PolisI see Classification P Blow Pipe Lamps, see Classification L oalandSold'g " 6 Burners, Lamp. .. " '■ L incr " P Brushes, File Cleaner " F The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 591 T? 593 596 598 1" 603 J^^^'^jmjrvMjrrrr'WTf] 606 TO Mkk^^ 609 TP 5i ^''^'■'^'•'•'""'•■•"•'■T^'tM l aiM i m 612 »*i~-.. ■6l3T0bi; -■ntTWK p f, m |i j-mct BRUSHES. Nos.f ality. Brass Scratch Brush, small each, $0.20 Brass Scratch Brush, medium " .25 " " " large •' .35 Borax Brushes per doz. .20 GlassScratch Brush each, .30 Dial Dusting Bruslies " .25 )8toG03, Bone Handle, Black Bristle Brashes, No. 598. 1 Row. first .each, $0.20 Nos. GOO to 618, Bone Handle, TVlilte Bristle Brushes. No. 606. 3 row each, $0.20 609. Clock Brush, 4 i Scrubbing or Platers' Brush, Black Bristle, 4 row ( Beading Tools see Classification C J Bench Knives " ■■ K (Bender, Ring " " R Slocks, Charcoal. ..see Classification-S Polishing.. " '• P cks. Engraving.. see Classification E ners. Lamp " " L For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. BRUSHES. Nos. 618 to 620, Case or Cup Brush. No. 618. 2-row, IM-in. face $0.15 " 619. 2 " 2 " " 20 " 620. 2 " 2 " " with extra stiff bristles 25 " 621. End Scratch Brush, brass wire. .. .25 " 622. " Bristle " 10 " 622L. " " large 15 Nos. 623 and 624, Swing Scratch Brush. mounted on hard wood block, well and sub- stantially made. No. 623. Brass Wire $0.85 ... .85 ... .65 624. Steel 625. Swing Matting Brush . Nos. 626 to 631, Brass Wire Matting Brushes, tine -wire. No. 620. 1 row, diameter 3 inches $0.20 629. 2 630. 2 2M ' 631. 3 " " ' Nos . 032 to 637, Steel Wire Scratch Brushes. No. 632. 1-row, diameter 2'/i inches $0 20 " 633. 1 " " 3 " 25 034. 2 2'/s .35 No. 635. 2-row, diameter 3 inches , " 636. 2 " " 3]4 " " 637. 3 " " 3 " , Brass Wire Scratch No. 638. 1-row, diameter 2V4 inches $0.20 I Balance Caliper Index : i Beading Tools. ( Bench Knives.. .see Classification C Blocks, Charcoal and Sold'g, Class'n S •■ Polishing " P Blow Pipe Lamps " L Brushes, File Cleaner.. Classification F Burners, Lamp " L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 671 TO 680 662 70 691 " f Li> ; ' -*JS 7021? 707 B BUFFS, WHEEL. eter. Face. Price Solid Felt Diameter. Face. Pri Buff, wood center; di; Nos. 702 to 707. Cotton Flan- nel Wheel Buffs. I Balance Calipers . . see Classification C , Beadinp Tools " " C ' Bench Knives .... " " K Blocks, Charcoal and Sold'g. .seeClass'n S Blow Pipe Lamps, .see Classification L Brushes, File Cleaner " F Burners, Lamp " L For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 750 TO 752 MaMJMa^ B BUFFS. 0.731. Ring Buff, cotton, 3-in 10.15 No. 743. ' 732. " " '■ 4 " 20 " 744. • 733. " " walrus, 3 " 20 " 745. 734. " " felt, 3 " 20 " 746. 735. " " " 4" 25 '; 747, 736. " Brush 25 748. 737. Locket Buff 10 " 749. 7.38. Thimble " similar to No. 737 15 " 7oO. 740. Felt Crevice or Joint Buff, 1-in. diameter. .10 " 751. 741 " " " " " 114-in. " .15 " 752. 742. " ' 2 '■ " .30 Walrus Crevice Buff, IJ^-in. diameter. Dome-Shaped " felt, IJ^xJ^ in.. . . " IJ^xJij dia. .. Cotton Case Buff . Felt Case Cone-Shaped 1-in. face. . li^-in." .. 2 " " .. 1 y. \4. ill- li/x '% " . ).15 .15 .20 .15 .10 .12 .15 .10 .15 .20 Index : \ Bench Knives . f Bender, King:. . 2 Classification C Bender, Wire see Classification W Blocks, Charcoal and Sold'ng " S Polishing.. " V Blocks, Engraving ..see Classification E Burners, Lamp *' " L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 76: -" ' •• TTninriT'r-"""-iiigiiii 7a q ■^m»^- M i mm'ti>rM m^a i/Amm i!amm . i M«»iJtiMm«gnir**''«**°"''^"*'^'^''*'"°^^ .ff^^tf^iimmmiis^imsimii^^:,^:: :. ..:.-- . 7B5 ■ ,'<\'..-c>.s.*~<;^ 7B& 787 769 /^ o ■ :l,l.|J.I|.M-l.l.l B HAND BUFFS. No. 783. Chamois-Covered Buff, with spring at- tachment for holding emery paper, etc. Flat $0.20 " 784. Ditto, round, each 20 " 785. Half round, solid felt bu£f, each 20 Per doz 2.00 " 786. Flat Felt Buff, each 10 Per doz 85 No. 787. Felt Bufif, round, each $0.20 Per doz 2.00 " 788. Chamois Buff, half round, each 10 Per doz 50 " 789. Chamois Buff, round, each 10 Per doz 75 " 790. Chamois Buff, flat, each 05 Per doz 35 {Balance Calipers... see Classification C Bench Plates see Classification P Blow Pipe Lamps... see Classification L Beading Tools " " C Blocks, Charcoal and Soldering " S Brushes, File Cleaner " " F Belting. Lathe " " L " Polishing " P Burners, Lamp " '• L Bench Knives " " K For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. END VIEWS o aoMKa B BUFFS. No. 791. " 792. " 793. " 794 795. 796. 797. Sanger's Emery Buffs, per set $0 . 25 Additional Shells for same, per doz 15 Emery Cloth Ring Grinders, per set of 3. .50 to 801. Interchangeable Electric Shells. Set of Ten Assorted Emery Paper Shells and one Mandril Set of Ten Emery Paper Shells and Mar- dril 00 to 3 Set of Ten Assorted Emery Cloth Shells and Mandril 30 Set of Ten Assorted Carborundum Cloth Shells 35 15 15 No. 798. " 799. 802. 803. Ten Cotton Cloth Shells and Mandril. ..$0.30 Six Felt Shells and Mandril 25 " Chamois Shells and Mandril 40 Combination Set Carborundum Cloth, Emery Cloth, Emery Paper and Cotton Cloth Shell; total, 10, with Mandril 30 Emery Buff, round, each, 5c.; per doz. . . .30 Half Round Emery Buff; each 05 Per doz 30 Emery Buff, triangular; each 05 Per doz 30 Emery Buff, flat; each, 5c; per doz 25 = :$ Balance Calipers . .see Classification C Beading Tools.... " " C Bench Knives " " K Blocks, Polishing. see Classification P Blocks Charcoal and Sold'g " S The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies B BURNISHERS. Xo. 811. Bell Metal Pivot Burnisher, with handle.|0.25 " 812. Steel Pivot Burnisher, left, " " .20 813. " " '■ right, " " .20 " 814. Triangular Pivot Burnisher 20 " 815. Pivot Burnisher, right, conical or straight .20 " 816. " " left " " " .20 817. square .20 818. Block Tin Burnisher 25 819. Soft Iron " .25 No. 820. Bell Metal Slip $0.15 821. " " " finished bevelled edge. . . .15 822. Jewel Burnisher 15 823. Burnisher . 25 S34. " ; ;25 835. " 75 826. Case Burnisher 45 827. Mirror-polished, rose handle Burnisher. . .50 1 ^ (S''';°' ^'}?=,-. see Classification F Bench Knives see Classificati. I.Tdex: -j Balance Calipers.. . •• ■ C Blocks, Polishing.. •• (Beading tools " ■■ c •■ Charcoal and Sold'g, " Blow Pipes, Lamp, see Classification L Burners, Lamp " " l For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades, BURNISHERS. Mirror Polished, Rose Handles. No. 856. ■' 857. Spoon Burnisher. 853. Curved Burnisher 860. 863. 863. ( Balance Calipers... see Classification C Index : < Beading Tools ;; ;; C ( Bench Knives f^ Blocks, Polishing.. see Classification P Charcoal and Soldering " S Engraving " E ).65 .45 .40 .30 .35 .40 .45 .25 .40 .45 i Classification L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies B BURNISHERS. Ha rd Mirror Polished. No. 871. Burnisher 77— " 872. " .. *"-;^^ " 874. " . f " 875. .. ...:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::;:::::::::; " 876. •' ::::::::::::;::::;■ 1 " «77. " t: " 8^8- ■■ :::::::::;:::;::: ! " 879. " II " 880- - :: :ll ""•^^= )ISflSi^--:T"^"r"°1 "°-'-^^^^'i^r'^'-i ii^jria^-=^«^>-'^--£ For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 837 668 SB9 690 B BURNISHERS. Agate and Bloodstone. No. 886. Agate Burnisher, with handle, each. 887. " " " " " . " Bloodstone " Burnisher, with handle. 890. 891. .85 .85 1.00 1.00 1.00 893. 897. .85 No. 892. " Bloodstone " Burnisher, with handle. . .$1.00 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.25 1.25 JBala„ceCaU.ers....seeaassificat.o„C Be-c*, ^.^^^ :„^ • • see Classification P Blow P.pe^La.ps... see Classifi.cation L Index :-!Bead,n^Toc^s.......,, ., C Blocks, Poushmg^.^^ ^^^^.^ Bench Knives. .33 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies BURNISHERS. Hard forged steel, extra fine mirror surface. No. 900 to 909. Burnisher with maple handle , each, |0.80 » 900 " 909. " " rose " " .90 I Balance Calipers — see Classification C Blocks, Poiishing see Classification P Blow Pipe Lamps. . .see Classification L Index; -| Beading Tools " " C " Charcoal and Sold'g " S Burners, Laaip *' " L ( Bench Knives " " K For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. CABINETS— TOOL AND MATERIAL. No. 921. Tool and Material Cabinet, in walnut or oak $7.00 Lower drawer locks automatically all remaining drawers. Above case is an illustration showing divisions of drawers. " 923. Main Spring Cabinet, with 13 boxes 1 . 25 '* 923. Material " walnut or oak 1 . 00 " 924. Nicely finished solid oak Cabinet, with 76 bottles 2 . 25 Greatly facilitates the selection and stock-keeping of watch material. I Chalk Bottles see Classification B Clamps, Rine see Classification E Countershafts see Classification L Index: -^Charcoal " " S " Repair " " ri Covers, Movement. *' " M f Chuck Stands " "' L 34 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 927 9 2a mamm' CABINETS. No. 926. Oak Cabinet, with 2 dozen bottles $1 . 00 " 927. ' 1 " " 50 " 928. Cloth Bound Material Cabinet, with 12 bottles lying flat 5.5 " 929. Material Cabinet, with 12 screw top bottles 75 " 930. Main Spring Cabinet, with 20 drawers 2 . 50 ( Chalk Bottles see Classification B Clamps, Ring see Classification E Countershafts see Classification L Index •■( Charcoal " " S " Repair ' ■' S Cloth.Emery or Carborundum •' C jChuckStands ■' L Clock Levels •■ - ~ L Covers, Movement. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. CALIPERS. No. 936. Wheel Truing and Staff-Measuring Caliper, nickel-plated $1 . 00 " 937. Plain Caliper... 15 " 938. " " nickel-plated 25 " 939. Caliper 15 " 940. " nickel-plated 25 " 941. Outside or Pinion Caliper 15 " 942. " " " nickel-plated.. .20 No. 943. Nickel Universal Caliper $2 . 75 " 944. Inside Caliper 15 " 945. " " nickel-plated 20 ' 946. Caliper, with stay and guide 25 " 947. " " " " " nickel-plated .35 " 948. Heavy Caliper, nicely made and nickel- plated 50 (Chalk Bottles see Classification B Clamps, Ring see Classification E Index: ^Charcoal S " Repair.... •' ■• b ( Chuck Stands ' " L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies CALIPERS. No. 949. Truing Calipers, nickel-plated |1.00 " 950. Balance Truing Calipers, nickel-plated .< 85 " 951. " " " and poising tool combined 1 . 35 " 952. Outside Caliper, 3 to 43^-in 80 " 953. Improved Balance Truing Caliper and Staff Gauge with handle 1.35 " 954. Parallel Wheel Truing Caliper 1.00 I Chalk Bottles sec Classification B Clamps. Ring see Classification E Countershafts see Classification L Index* - Charcoal " S Clamps, Repair ■' " S Covers, Movement . . " '■ M ( Chuck Stands '■ ' L For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 37 356 96Q tiWHMJ c CALIPERS. No. 956. " 957. " 958. " 959. " 960. New Style Truing Caliper. . .12.00 ... 2.00 . .. 3.00 Ide's Aluminum Parallel Truing Caliper , . . .. 1.75 ... 3.00 Index : (Chalk Bottles see Classification B CI \ Charcoal ■■ ■■ S (ChuckStands • - L Ck mps, i4 2% 2% 3 3% 3% Each $0.05 $0.05 $0.08 $0.08 $0 13 $0.15 $0.20 $0.22 Per Dozen. .44 .52 .75 .82 1.30 1.45 2.05 2.15 Covers for Battersea Round Crucibles. Each $0.05 Per Dozen. .45 Nos. 1163 to 1167. C D $0.05 $0.05 .$0.05 .45 .47 .47 Plumbago Crunib $0.07 $0.10 $0.12 .72 .95 1.20 B*!. good quality. No. 1163. Stamped 00, height 2J4 in., diameter (outside) 2 in. Capacity '/. lb $0. " 1164. Stamped 0, height 21.4 in., diam.2?8 in. Capacity 3i lb. . '■ 1165. Stamped No. 1, height 3 in., diameter 21/2 in. Capa- city 2 lbs " 1166. Stamped No. 2, height 3V4 in., diameter 2M in. Capa- city 4 lbs " 1167. Stamped No. 3, height 4 in., diameter 3% in. Capa- city 6 1 bs " 1167. Stamped No. 6, height 6'/a in., diameter 454 in. Capa- city 12 lbs " 1168. Glass Alcohol Cup " 1168W. White Opaque Alcohol Cup '• 1169. Opaque Glass Cup or Jar for Cyanide, Benzine or other solutions, with parafiine-lined screw metal cover; cut half size. Capacity 16 oz " 1170. Cup or Jar for Cyanide. Benzine or other solutions; cut half size. Capacity S 02 .... see Classification E Countershafts see Classification ] S Covers, Movement. " " P Index : i Chalk Bottles see Classification B I (Charcoal '' '* S ; Chuck Stands " " L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies CUPS. Alcohol or Benzine. Illustrations nearly half of natural size. No. 1171. Fancy Glass Alcohol Cup $0.60 " 1172. Glass Alcohol Cup, with ground cover 30 " 1173. " " " 20 " 1174. " " " with ground cover, large size 60 " 1176. ' " " » " 90 " 1176. " •' " " " " 40 " 1177. Alcohol Cup, cover ground to fit in cup 35 " 1178. Glass " ground cover 85 " 1179. ' " 80 t Chalk Bottles see Classification B Index: -Charcoal " " S ( Chuck Stands " *' L Clamps, Ring see Classification E Clamps, Repair " " S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 1193 W^BBM CANS AND CUPS. No 1181. Japanned Material Cups or Tray s,set of 3 $0.25 No. 1187. Copper Boiling Cup, with cover $0.25 j-J^^Ij 10 " 1188. " " " without cover .15 " 1182. Set of 4 Mahogany Material Cups 50 " 1183. " " 3 " '• " 40 1189. Copper Oil Can. Each 15 " 118t. Horn Material or Jewel Cup 25 " 1185. Triangular Horn Material Cup 20 " 1186. Bush's Material Cup, nickel-plated 25 1190. Glass llftl. 1192. 1193. Boxwood 1194. 1195 Cup. 25 20 20 15 ' with oiler,holderand oiler .30 15 15 1 Chalk Bottles see Classification 1 Index: ■{ Charcoal ;; V, ^ ( Chuck Stands ' Clamps, Kine see Classirtcalii " Repair " Countershafts see Classification L Covers, Movement. " " M The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 12(5 I2IB-I2I7 !Zia DEMAQNETIZER5. No. 1215. Demagnetizer for alternating current. ..$3.50 When ordering, state kind of socket and voltage. This demagnetizer used on alternating current will give as good satisfaction as any. No. 1216. Demagnetizer with alternator, to be used on direct current. This is a small and pretty demagnetizer all parts of which are accessible. It accomplishes the same results as the larger ;and more cumbersome demagnetizers. With Index: \ R!^' '^'''i''f!<=^ J ■.■ ■ ■ • ,■ see Classification I Uianiond Scales and Implements " flexible cord attachment and socket, complete |9.00 When ordering, state kind of socket and voltage. No. 1217. Battery Demagnetizer to be used without electric light connections; accom- panied with powerful solution battery, motor, coil, etc 12.00 No. 1218. Demagnetizer, for alternating current . . 5.00 When ordering, state kind of socket and voltage. B Dividers.. see Classification D 5 Draw Benches " " r For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. I2D5 DEPTHINQ TOOLS, DIVIDERS AND DIAL FEET TOOLS. No. 119,6. New style Depthing Tool, in case $2.00 " 1197. Old " " 1.85 " 1198. Dial Feet Soldering " 50 " 1199. PumpDivider 75 ■' 1200. •' ■■ nickel-plated 95 Nos. 1201 to 1201 Spring Dividers. No. 1201. 3 in 35 " 1202. 3!4-in 35 " 1203. 4 ■■ 35 "-1204. V4 " 35 20c extra for nickel-plating. " 1205. Dial Repair Tool, nickel-plated 1 . 50 Nos. 120G to 120',) SprlQg Di No. 1206. 214-in ' 1207. 3 " Itti handles. 1208. 1209. 20c extra for nickel-plating. Nos. 1210 to 1213. Spring Dividers with pat. quiol£ adjust- able slide nut. No. 1210. 2yj-in $1.00 • 1211. 3 " 1.15 " 1212. i " 1.40 •• 1213. 5 •■ 1.50 20c extra for nickel-plating. (Dial Brushes Index: -< Draw Benches (Diamond Scales and Implements.. .see Classification B The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 1229 T9 1233 1235 JO 1239 2M0 T9 I2M3 ssiKrai _^SS^B D DIES, DIE BLOCKS AND DRAW PLATES. Xo. 1226. Ruby and Sapphire Draw Plates; prices quoted on application. " 1227. 20-Hole Draw Plate, tilicrree, verv fine.. $ " 1228. 20 " " " ..r ■ Nos. 1229 to 1233, Dapping Dies and Cutters. No. 1229. Set of 12 ,|1.50 Alphabetical, " 1230. ■■ IS 2.00 " 1231. " 21 2.50 " 1232. " 3U 3,50 No. 1230. 2 in., iron ....$1.75 Brass $2.00 " 1237. 21^" •■ ....2.25 " 2.50 70 " 1238. 21^" " ....2.50 " 3.25 70 " 1239. 2^" " ....3.00 " 4.00 Nos. 1240 to 1243. Steel Dies, Numeral and Nos. 1235 to 1239. Dapping Die Blocks. No. 1235. l^'-in., ir..n....$1.50 Brass No. 1240. Steel Fig-ures, yV"'"-. sV'n- or i^-in. per set " 1241. i\^ or 1.4, per set " 1242. Steel ijetters, per set, Vb. s'l or U-in •' 1243. A-in : 10.60 .75 1.75 2.25 I Diamond Scales and Imnlements , Index: < Dial Brushes '. ( Diaw Benches ; Classification S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 1255 1255 1257 ? » "■ • «■ e^ « "• £■ I25B 1259 25.50 ' 2 3 ^ 5 67 8 9 • •••••••• H 19 IP n 16 15 ft ''^ 12 11 10 • ••••••••• iO Vt 'i'z V.I 24 25 2t; 27 28 29 30 • •••••••••• wa/mAU* 1 UJ n^ ►- ) IP^' a K' < K( CC ^ < ~ o 1 eo IT-. • o i» - • ,co z • ?:• :: « oo , -.to -. 1 K. , ^. f-* ^: • i'« t • j; , (X •£ - ^ • ^ • o " CO • 1- m -1 CO UJ • a. t aONVWd ..S^ % PERELET CARANTIE D DRAW PLATES. Round Hole. White circles show exact size of smallest and largest holes. No. 1255. 30-HoleDraw Plate $0.70 " 1256. 20 " " " 70 " 1257. 30 ■' " " 1-10 " 1258. 30 " " " 110 " 1259. 30 " '■ " 1-10 ( Dial Brushes see Classification B Index: -^ Draw Benches " " B (Diamond Scales and Implements " " S The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies , TO 1 2 3 4 S '8 7 .8 9 to 1-t '1 iy • • 9 ^^ • • • • • « o : 1 2s in 21 3. ■■ C is 14 •13 12 mm §pt * * •» * ^ « c e ® • GARA^ wM a: '^^^1 u. ■ 8 9 10 11 M -'J ■;-; ?t 20 iS 18 n 16 15 14 13 u • •••••••••••• GARANTIE 25 -26 21 28 29 50 31 Z-1 33 ;a J5 JBST 58 5»4c « ••••••••♦•••••• 1252 •46. 'VS i 2 • ■^ '\ * 6 7 8 m # • • # • • # m tg n 18 iB 14 1>^ i2 If 10 8 Iperelet • • • • • • • • • • GARANTIE X 19 20 21 22 25 24 5£ 26 S7 28 29 30 u. • • • • • • • • • • • • J I2&3 • « • • • •',•:;• jj 23 21 20 18 .18 ir 16 15-' i4 13 ' IJ ■ 1» • » • • •.•'#f# • ••• •::•>-'# J' *^ 2S S7 2« 2!. 30, 31 jj 33 j^ 35 3S J7 ""j« »» W^ • ##•#### # # # • ® • i» • • 9* — i2BM D DRAW PLATES. ]]'hite circles shoiv actual sinallest and largest holes of respective dra-cu plates. No. 12G1. 4(l-hole Draw Plate |1 ■ 35 " 1262. 40 " " " 1-35 " 1203. 30 " " " 1-00 " 1264. 40 " ■■ " 1-60 ; Classification B Dividers see Classification D S Draw Benches ■' "' ^ For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. I266T?I26S «, 4 e # • •^ • • • • • » • • » » e • • " » " • » « 9 « • I • • • « « 9 1259 T? 127 • • # • ©•©•#»• ««••»••• • • • • • •- • • * • • •., • o ■ V » » • O '• • • • # # ^9 9999®99^9 «••••»••••« >'•«••«••••••* D DRAW TONGS AND PLATES. No. 1266 to 1268. Beuch Draw Tongs. No. 1266. l^a-in. jaw 1^.50 ■' 1267. 1}4 '• " 4.00 " 12G8. 1?^" " 4.50 Nos. 1269 to 1272. English Hand Draw Tongs. No. 1269. 8 in $0.75 " 1270. 10-in 1-00 " 1271. 12-in ■ 1-35 ir/ii^e circles show exact size of smallest and largest holes. No. 1272. 14-in $1-75 " 1273. FrenchHandDrawTongS, 8J^-in. 1.35 .. 1274. " " " " 91^-in. 1.65 " 1275. 40-hole Draw Plate 1-60 " 1276. 60 '■ " " 3.00 " 12^7. 80 " ■' " 4.75 " 1278. 100 " " " 6.75 ( Dial Brushes, Index : -, Draw Benches : Classification li Diamond Scales and Implements. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies iPlHi P ' 3 4 s" 6 7 8 . 9 - - n ▼ f f T ? f y T "^ 1 PEREXET 20 19 IS » » T n T t6 15 14- 13 T » T T 12 T 11 10 T '^^"^!ji .^m !26l • ••••III 1317 16 Is 14 13 12 It to 9 PERELET ••till f- 9 ■ I .1- 13 2o 21 2 2 2 5 24 25 26. 27 28 29 00 ».»•»» f • 8 « « < .• 1262 1255 mmm m 3 ■ ■ ■ ■ 7 -8 IS B "^ ^ TOBBEJIT 18 ■ '■ 17 IE ■ ■ 20 2-1 ■ a 15 ■ 22 V, IT « 11 » ■ ■ ■ 23 2". 25 2B 27 > ■ 2l> 29 3h FRANCt * - . . :l: CARflHTie Wm 1284- ■ ■P P 1 2 5 4 5 6 7-89 10 It ■ ^ff^ B ■ a B SI B B B « ■ ■ m PtRE!-tT 23 22 21 20 19 IS S7 18 tS 14 ■ SB a a m a .m m m .13 12 « ■ CARANTIE - 25 28 27 28 23 :?0 Jl 32 33 54 3E 56 37 38 59 40 1 1265 D DRAW PLATES. White diagrams show smallest and largest holes of respective dra-.i' plates. No. 1281. 20-liole Knife-Shape Draw Plate II.35 " 1283. 30 " Elliptical " " 4,00 " 128-3. 20 " Square " " 85 " 1284. 30 '' •■ " u ^ go " 1285. 40 " '• " '• 2 CO ( Dial Brushes see Classification B - Draw Benches ■■ .■ B ( Diamond Scales and Implements " '• S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 1290 ( ^N-- ■!(!(■ 9 10 il t2 13 K 15 IS 5 PERELET 1291 1 < J j> * s e 7 9S765*'JI'25 2'i ?S,2! 2t 20 19 18 17 10 11 H n 1 5 3*5 8. 7 8 8-10 11 12 ■ • • - t li » » I > > > > I u , :, 3 a 5 6 7 S 9 lO 1' ., 13 « ir. IC 17 IB 11 20 'iHn wm # • • • • • • • • • • • . . ^H mm JOUBKRT 2C O sa 47 1 » 1 » » 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 15 X ■"!^? S*H»NT1E t S ■3 a f, 6 7 e e •» n .J lb Drills. — I 1317 1319 320 iMsni 1322 D No. 1310. " 1311. 1313. 1314. 181.5. DRILLS. Shank Drills, per set of 12 $0.2.5 In separate sizes from 10 to 25, per doz., .25 Johanson's Tempered Pivot Drills, fine quality; sizes m 1000th of an inch from 4 to 20 per doz., .50 Set of 10 drills, with grooved shank, in cartridge box 25 Pivot Drill Stock, small 20 " " '■ lar.Efe 20 Swiss Pivot Drills, with collet, small, per doz 10 Dial Brushes see Classification Diamond Scales and Implements " No. 1316. Swiss Pivot Drills, with collet, large, per dozen $0.10 " 13IT. Swiss Pivot Drills, sizes from 1 to 12 in full and half numbers, half dozen of each size in paper 20 " 1318. Pivot Drill Holder 50 " 1319. Mascot Pivot Drills per doz., -35 " 1320. Sandoz Pivot Drills " .35 " 1321. Johanson's Pearl Drills " 1.00 " 1322. " Pump " " .eO 3 Dividers see Classification D S Draw Benches - " B For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. D DRILLS AND DRILL STOCKS. Ku. Ibat). Drill Stock $0.35 " 1326N. '^ " nickel-plated ' .55 " 1337. '■ " and Drills 25 " ISSTN. " " " " nickel-plated 35 " 1328. '■ " 35 " 1328N. '• " nickel-plated 55 " 1329. Adjustable Drill Stock 15 " 1330. " " " with Chuck 2o " 1331. Set of 48 Clock Drills and Stocks ill bci.x 1.00 '■ 48 " '' without stock, in box 85 Index: Diamond Scale Dial Brushes.. Draw Benches No. 1332. SwissPivotDrills.setof 120,111 wood bt Set of 128 in paper box 54 " " Swiss Pivot Drills, per dozen " 1333. Twist Drills, fine quality, per set ... . Twist Drills, sizes according to Stubbs' gaug Nos. 50 to 80. Per dozen x|2 10 .1.75 . .90 . .20 . 2.35 .10. no .75 . .85 . 1.00 .1.10 . 1.25 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 1352 1353 1355 1356 ESEoai D DRILLS. No. 134'). Improved .Automatic Drill, slide gives continued tion in one direction, with adjustable chuck and drills. .$1.75 E.Ktra for screw driver 20 134S. .Automatic Drill, with adjustable chuclc 25 1347. Lens Drilling Outfit 2.50 1347.\'. •■ " " nickel plated 3.00 1348. Drill Bow Ha , per Per do .20 134;i Drill Bow Gut Cord, per bundle 05 Per doz 15 No. 1350. Drill Bow, adjustable 1351. Whalebone Drill Bow, smail 12 Medium 15 Large 25 1352. Geared Drill, with adjustable chuck 125 1353. " •' " " " 1.25 1.354. Pump Drill, with adjustable chuck, nickel-plated.... 1.00 13.55. Geared Drill, with G bits .50 13.56. with adjustable chuck S5 ( Dial Brushes... Index: , Draw Benches. I Diamond Scales ; Classification B For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. EAR PIERCERS AND ESCAPEMENT MATCHING TOOLS. No. 1440. Ear Piercer, complete $1.75 1441. " '' nickel plated 1.25 1443 " '^ ' 1.00 1443. " " nickel plated 75 1444. Set nf 3 Escapement Matching Tools _ 4 . 50 1444A. " "2 " "■ " 3.00 1445. Escapement Matching and Depthing- Tool, with clamp for holding movements, nickel-plated C.OO 1446. Hardinge Escapement Matching and Depthing Tools, with 3 arms 8.25 2 arms 2.50 Index • ■* ^"'"^ ""1 C.-irborundnm CInth. inuex. j Engravers' Gravers : Classification C The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ENGRAVERS' SUPPLIES. Xo. 1451. Engravers' Marker and Rule Nos. 1452 to 1457, Kngravers' Loups. No. 1452. First Quality Lens, Hard Rubb l^i in " 1453. Diameter l?i in " 14.54. '■ I's " ■' 1455. " 2'i) " " 145G. Double Lens, diameter IM in ,. j^g- .. .. .. 2 " Nos. 1458 to 14C0, Engravers' Boxw No. 1458. 2x3in ■' 1469. 2y2X3'4 in " 1460. 3x4 in Other sizes to order. No. H<;i. Engravers' Transfer Wax, 3 colo •■ 1402. '• •■ Roll Inripv i Emery and Carboru iiiucx . f Engravers' Gravers Nos. 1463 to 14f.9, Coppe -!!x4 i " 1466. 3x4 ill " 1467 each, $0.15; per doz., $1.50 .30; 14GS. Thin Copper Plates, 2d quality, 3?ix3=i in., each, 10c.; ^ per doz , ■ each, ISc; per doz., $1.: ;Conipound per box, .: Sharpener J] 1400. 1470. 1471. 1472, 1473. Watch Cap Si encils. to fit all sizes of caps, per set of 6, 1474. Adjustable Graver Sharpener with Degrees. 1475. Engl ■ " " " .50 ers' New Roller Matting Tools, per set of 3.. 1.50 Engravers' Chasing Tools see Classification ( Extrac'ors, Screw ■' For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades, t&im=mi EYE GLASSES OR LOUPS. No. 1476. Cork frame Eye Glass, focus 2 to 5 inches f " 1477. First quality Eye Glass, single lens for pivoting " 1478. Woven wire Eye Glass " 1479. First quality Eye Glass, hard rubber frame, focus 2 to 5 inches IJ^-in. focus " 1480. Double lens Eye Glass, for use with spectacles No. 1481. Single lens Eye Glass, for use with spec- tacles ■. .$0.50 " 1482. Double lens Eye Glass, first quality hard rubber frame 40 " 1483. Double lens Eye Glass, aluminum frame .50 " 1484. Eye Glass, with Spring, first quality 35 " 1485. Patent Eye Glass, with reflector con- verging rays of light to one point 50 " 1486. Eye Glass, with aluminum frame 25 I Emery Haper see Classification C Index: ' " and Carborundum Cloth ■' '; C I Engravers' Gravers " " G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies i^mtmmaiii E. ENGRAVING BLOCKS. No. 1501. Double Base Engraving Block, with attachments, as illustrated $18.50 ^°^'^- " " " " without stand and shade, same attachments 15.00 1503. Polished Hardwood Base, with drawer and shade 3.50 Attaclunents for Double Base Engraving Block {not illustrated). " 1504. Thimble Holder 50 " 1505. Watch Cap and Cane Holder 75 Index: .' gmery and Carborundum Cloth see Classification C Engravers' Chasing Tools see Ciassifica I Lngravcrs Gravers ■....- •■ G E.-;tractors, Screw • For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ENGRAVING BLOCKS. 1510. Kevstone Reversible Base Engraving Block (may lie used as flat or ball base I with 3:.' pins and pegs with mahi.gany box and leather pad 110.00 1511. Kevstone Uiillo), and Bangle Holder 50 1512. ■■ •• King Mulder SO 1513. ■■ '■ Thimble Holder 50 1514. Cane and Cap Holder 75 1515. Kevstone Junior Engraving Block, with 20 pins and pegs in raahoganj box with leather pad; complete 4.50 1.51G. Ke\ stone lunior, buttoil and bangle holder .50 1517. Kiiig Holder 50 1518. Tilimhle Holder 50 151SE. Cane and Cap Holder 50 ■languh No. 15lri. Wickes' Patent En Willi RingHolde The two semi-discs are tiltec on one side and two on llie o Flat articles of different sliape^ screws. The attachments havi tion by the same principle. Nos. 1.520 to 1522. ."Moiiareli Engraviug Block with attach- ments as illustrated; small axie) sections shown with ^o. 1531; a very popular block with the engraver. No. 1.520. Weight 10 lbs., height iv; inches with attachmentsllO.OO iiply raising one lamp is formed. ■ iield^ by raising the different bottom, and are held in posi- 1.521. 1522. cludii ndall. 15.00 12.01) Index : ' J?" nd Carborundum Cloth. .see Classificatic The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ENQRAVINQ BLOCKS. No. 1531. Wood Engraving Block 11-26 " 1533. Adjustable Engraving Block 3.25 " 1532N. " " " nickel-plated 4.50 " 1533. Universal " " complete 6.00 " 1533N. " " " " nickel-plated 9.00 King Bee " " {not illustrati-d) 5.00 InrtPv ' Emery and Carhorundiim Cloth. inaex. , Engravers' Gravers : Classification C .see Classification C For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. I5&7 1558 ^ •MiftlilTM 1569 mum aMaafaiiiisto;sfc-wA:->ix.A\^s.NS»^ -i iiii lM l ll i i ? iriililiii fhtfl"*^ iSTD 1575 1577 15 /o 1579 1580 ENGRAVERS' TOOLS. No. 15G7. Steel-Pointed Engravers' Marker, rubber handle $0.20 1568. Engravers' Rubber Marker 20 1569. Double End, Steel-Pointed Engravers' Marker, nickel-plated 35 1570. Engravers Steel-Pointed Marker 25 1571. " " Tracing Needle or Marker 25 1572. Engravers' Double End Steel-Pointed Marker . . .25 No. 1578. Engravers' Steel-Pointed Marker, with handle $0.25 " 1574. Engravers' Chinese White, per cake . . . .15 1575. 1576. 1577. 1578. 1579. 1580. Brass Practice Rings, per doz. .25 Ring Clamp 35 " 40 Double-End Ring Clamp . . . .€0 Ring Clamp 40 " " 40 Index: J Emery and Carborur I li,ngravers Gravers. Cloth. .see Classificatio The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 1507 ENGRAVERS' SUPPLIES. No. 1591, Eye Shades, each $0.10 " 1691. '■ " perdoz l.OO Nos. 1592 to 1595, Black Leather Engravers' JPads, solid. No. 1592. 3-inch 35 " 1593. 4 '• 15 " 1594. 5 " 50 " 1595. 6 " CO Nos. 1596 to 1599, EDgravers' Pad. Best quality; Green leather, with heavy seam. No. 1596. 3-inch $0.40 " 1597, 4 " 50 •' 1598. 5 " 60 " 1599. 6 " 75 " 1599 A. 8-inch 1.25 Nos. 1600 to 1604, Engravers' Ring Fads No. 1600. 3-inch 1601. 11)03. 6 1G1I4. 7 1604 ,-\. 8 IGOo. Engravers' Cannon Balls. 4V 1606. " " " 4'/ 1607. Engravers' Glass Stands 1608. " Cement, per cake. 1609. " Eye Glass Stand.. 1.25 1.50 1.50 Index: Gravers. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. LETTERS FULL SIZE aA ^^"€in ■ ^;: 4 nXnOoPp ^^^B^ 1 1512 A 1613 Aa l«»rtM4 ENGRAVERS' TYPE. Guaranteed to line perfectly. No. 1611. Engraver's Rubber Type. " 1612. " " " . " 1613. Type for Sign Painting . . . " 1614. Engraver's Rubber Type. . 12.00 . 2.75 . 2.00 . 2.75 InilAv ( Rmery and Carborundum Clotb see Classification C Engravers' Chasing Tools. ""^^ • "l Engravers' Gravers •' " G Extractors, Screw .see Classification C The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies , ■ J V— — ___ : T, .. ■ |_ "I - [^^^ IBiB SH E ENGRAVERS' TYPE. Guaranteed to line perfectly. No. 1615. Engraver's Rubber Type 11.75 « 1610. " " " 1.25 « 1617. » " " 1.25 " 1618. " '■ " 1.25 " 1619. " " " 1.00 Index " " s For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ■jQ^ciM 1621 -^ei^ 1622 '0%^'iA 16E3 &^€Uf 1624- ,525 162S JSPSiRR^^ *** SBS^HTCSatKBfTg j~~~.. , -tu» 'tj)^M>,4*i"^t"f ®lb ^riglisb ^obetaileb (f ngtabing iTnpe. 1626 #Ij& dcnglis^ gobttailcir (!:ngnt 1629 1530 1631 1632 at S^ttlrkii 2 1633 1634 ENGRAVERS' TYPE. Impressions of Type Full Size. Nos. 1621 to 1636, Engravers' Dove-Tail Type with Holders, Prices per Set. vio. 1621. Script $1-00 No. 1629. Old English |1. " 1622. " 1.00 " 1630. " " 1- 1623. « 1.00 1624. " 1.26 1625. " 1.50 1626. Fancy 1 25 1627. " 1-35 1628. Old English 1.00 $1.00 00 1631. « " 1-25 1632. " " 1.50 1633. " " 1-75 1634. Fancy 1-50 1635. Old English 2.00 1636. " " 3.00 InH^^ . ( Emery and Carborundum Cloth spc Classification C Engravers' Ctiasing Tools see Classification C '""^"•l Engravers' Gravers " " G Extractors, Screw =^ The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies FILE CLEANERS, FILING BLOCKS AND FORK POLISHER. No. 1686. File Cleaner, wire brush " 1687. " " " " with pick. " 1688. Boxwood Filing Block " 1689. Filing Block " 1689N. " " nickel-plated " 1690. " " " 1691. " " and Hand Stake " 1692. Revolving Filing Block " 1693. Fork Polisher .$ 0.15 .. .20 .. .10 .. .50 .. .70 .. .75 .. .35 .. 1.00 .. .25 I Foot Bellows Index: < Foot wheels, Lathe. ( Frames, Saw .see Classification B For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 17D1 T9 ITOa I7D9 T° 1715 171& Tt? 1722 1723 T9 172a 729 T° I73H FLAT FILES. Qrobet. Pillar Files, Wide or Narrow, Same Prices. Nos. 1701 to 1708. C inch. No. 1701. 00 cut 1702. " " 1703. 1 " " 1704. 2 " " 1705. 3 " " 1706. 4 " " 1707. 5 " Nos. 1709 to 1715. No. 1709. Ocut 1710. 1 " 1711. 2 ■' 1712. 3 " 1713. 4 " 1714. 6 " " 1717. 1 " .... " 1718. 2 " . . " 1719. 3 " .... " 1720. 4 " .... " 1721. 5 " .... Nos. 1723 to 1728. No. 1723. Ocut.... " 1724. 1 " .... '■' 1725. 2 " .... " 1726. 3 " .... " 1727. 4 " .... " 1728. 5 " ... Nos. 1729 to 1732. No. 1729. 2 cut " 1730. 3 " 4!'2- nch. $0.25 '!!!!'.!!!'.'" ^25 25 25 .30 4-in ' 3'4 ch. inch. $0.23 2:i 23 23 25 $0.20 20 3 Classification B Foot Wheels, Latiie Forceps. Lens No. 1731. 4 cut.... '■ 1732. 5 ■•.... Nos. 1735 to 1740. No. 1735. 2 cut... 1736. 3 " .... 1737. 4 " 1738. 6 " Nos. 1741 to 1743. S inch. No. 1741. 00 cut. 1742. 1743. No. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1747. Stubbs' Flat Files. Bastard, 4'/ain Smooth, 41-4 " Bastard, 5 " Smooth, 5 " ng..5ee Classihcation S The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 1757 1735 I7B2 laOD I7a9 MSm^VAJj 1325 COPYRIGH iaS9, A.L BIGHTS BESEB EO. F FILES. Half Round and Elliptic Grobet. Files, No. 1775. " 17S2. " 1789. No. 1757. " 1762. " 1768. " 1776. '■ 1783. " 1700. No. 1758. " 1763. " 1769. " 1777. Half Kound Urobet. CUTl. No. 1784. '• 1791. No. 1759. " 1764. " 1770. " 1778. ■' 1785. " 1792. No. 1760. " 1765. " 1771. " 1779. " 1786. " 1793. 5 -in $0.30 6 '• 30 CUT 4. 3 -in $0.15 3H " 15 EUiptic FUes CUTl. No. 1S07. " 1813. " 1819. " 1827. No. 1798. •' 1803. " 1808. " 1814. " 1820. '■ 1828. No. 1799. ■' 1804. " 1S09. " 1815. '■ 1821. " 1829. 4 -in m- 5 " 6 " CUT 4. 3 -in 3!4 " 4 " 4/a " 5 " 6 " CUT 5. 3 -in 3K " 4 ^' iVa " 5 •■ G " $0.15 25 30 30 $0.15 15 15 25 30 30 $0.15 15 15 25 30 30 5 '■ C " CUT 2. 3 -in 3!/o " .. .30 .. .30 ..$0.15 .. .15 " 1817. 5 •• 30 CUT 2. 4>4 " 15 4 " 15 454 ■' .. .25 CUT 5. 5 " .. .30 " 1812. 4!4 • 25 CUTS. 3'i " 15 " 1818. 5 " 4 '■ 15 CUT 3. .. $0.15 4' J " 25 4 " .. .15 5 " 30 4'; " \ndfir • i Pivot Burn maex. -j foot Beilo ishers.. ste Classification B Foot Wheels, Lathe. see Classifi'tion L ws ■' " R I'-nrren^. Tens; •' •■ 1. Forceps I'rames , Solderin j..seeClassifi tionS S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. V 2'A mcH ^ 1., 3 INCH 3K2 INCH • 33/MlNCH M/^ INCH • — ^....^...Ja^HH fiF--- ^ 5 IMCh • — ■ B INCH 2/zlHCH 3 INCH 3^2 INCH ^ IN.CH ■WH iBWHBB»»-»— MYmINCH ■■^■1 ■!>^ 5 INCH ■■■ ■HUH! m -™™™" B INCH FILES. Round and Square. Ronnd Files, Grobet's. No. 1835. Files, round, 2', 1836. 1837. Square Files, Grobet's. per doz,, $1.25 1.25 1.25 1.60 2.25: 2.50; Mo. 1853. Files squar E,2i4iii per doz., $1 . 35 eacV " 1854. 3 " 1.50 " 1855. 3!4 ■' 150 " 1856. 4 " 2.00 " 1857. 5 '■ .... 2.25 " 1858. 6 " 2.75 Bound Files, Stubb's. Smooth. Bastard. No. 1841. Files,2i/2in each, $0.20 $0.18 " 1842. " 3 " ■' .25 .18 " 1843. " 31/2" " -25 .20 " 1844. " 4 " " .30 .25 Square Files, Stubb's. Smooth. Bastard. No. 1859. Files, 2!/2 in each, $0.20 $0.20 " 1860. " 3 " " .25 .20 " 1861. " 3!4 " ; " .25 .20 " 1862. " 4 " " .25 .25 .see Classification B Foot Wheels, Lathe, see Classification L Forceps, Lens " " L ; Classification S The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ZDDb 2D07 ZDDB 2DD9 2Dm 2DI 2D13 2DI6 2DI7 2DI8 2019 2D2D 2D2I 2Q22 FILES, ESCAPEMENT. No. 2001to 2006. Diamond Charged Escapement Files, for touching highly tempered parts of escapements, etc., per set $3.00 " 2007. Set of 12 Grobet Escapement Files, per set 1 . 60 " 2008 to 2026. Grobet Escapement Files, each 15 Per dozen 1 . 60 ( Pivot Burnishers see Classitication B Forceps, Lens see Classification L Index: i Foot Bellows ■■ " B •■ Soldering " " S I Foot Wheels, Lathe " " L Frames, Saw " " S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 75 iWWWWM.Ijdli I sia^HHl « nm 5TYLE A " c " B "K " M 2D51-2D52 ig»WHmr 2054 <^ -l l WIMI # 2D55 2D5B 2058 2050 2061 2052 2DB3 Z^W I I I FILES. Needle and Die Sinkers' Files. No. 2051. Needle File, small, from A to 0, per doz. '• 2052. " " large, 0, " 3054 to 2065. Die Sinkers Files, per dozen .. . . .10.70 . .90 . 2.25 1 Pivot Burnishers see Classification B Forceps, Lens Index ; ^ Foot Bellows " " B •■ Soldering. I Foot Wheels, Lathe " " L Frames. Saw : Classification L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies laaz 2DB3 PIVOT FILES. Grobet. No. 2071. Square Pivot File $0.20 No. 2078. Triangular Pivot File " 2072. Pivot File, right 20 " 2073. " " left 20 " 2074. Conical Edge, right 25 " 2075. " " left 25 " 2076. " " grooved Pivot File, right .35 " 2077. " " " " " left. .85 10.20 2079. Pivot File, with handle, right 25 20S0. " " " " left 25 2081. Conical Edge Pivot File, right 25 2082. " " " " left 25 2088. Combination Pivot File and Burnisher.. .40 I Pivot Burnishers see Classitication ] Foot Wheels, Lathe see Classification L Forceps, Lens " " L " Soldering " " S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. iMiiiii --— zm7 ^^^^S^^^te^., 2W6 2149 mpmAU* FILES. li!t!B*BI.I.I No. 2136. Short Equaling File. " 2137. Slotting File " 2138. Ratchet " with tang " 2189. " " " 2140. Rounding-off File.... " 2141. " " " .... " 2142. " " " .... D.20 No. 2148. Rounding-off File $0.25 .20 " 2144. Screwhead " 15 .15 " 2145. " " with tang 15 .15 " 2146. Large Screwhead File 20 .15 " 2147. Slitting File 20 .20 " 2148. " " 25 .20 " 2149. " " 80 I Pivot Burnishers. Index : \ Frames, Saw ( Foot Bellows ; Classification B Foot Wheels. Lathe see Classification L S Forceps, Lens " " L B " Soldering ■' " S The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 2154-2155 2155 FILES. No. 2150. Bastard, ; • Flat Taper Files. Smooth. 2H-inch.. 3V4 " . No. 2152. Bastard, 2'/i No. 2154. Grobet's, 2y2-irch. ndl side coarse. .50 inaex. ^ pogt Beiio ishers. see Classification ji Foot Wheels, Lathe, .see Class'tion L Forceps, Soldering — see Class'tion S B Forceps, Lens. Frames, Sa For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ZIB5 .^^'^ 2IB& 2170 2171 "•""■■wwiiBsaBlap 2172 2155 2I6B 2175 u»)^qaMa 2I9ITD22ID FILES. Riffle, Equaling and Barrett, Nos. 21C1 to 2176, KifiHe Files, double end, first quality, each $0,25 Per doz 2.50 Nos. 2181 to 2187, Equaling FUes, thin, flat. No. 2181. Verj' small for watch work $0.15 " 2182. 2i4-in 15 " 2183. 3 " 20 " 2184. 3'/2 " 20 " 2185. 4 " 25 " 2186. 4V5 " 30 " 2187. 5 " '. . .35 Nos. 2191 to 2210, Barrett Files Grobet. No. 2191. " 2192. '• 2193. " 2194. " 2196. No. 2196. '■ 2197. " 2198. ■■ 2199. No.2201. 2 -in each, $0.15 " 2202. 2i4 " 2203. 3 " 2:!04. 31/2 " 2205. 4 ( Pivot Burnishers see Classification B Foot Wheels, Lathe see Classification L Index: -> Frames, Saw " "' S Forceps, Lens ■' " L / Foot Bellows " " 3 " Soldering " " S The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 2226 vs^^m 222a BTiisaTOTri!! FURNACES. No. 2^18 to 23;iu, Mystic ijtasoliue Furnace, complete ; gives intense heat, will melt pure gold in 10 to 80 minutes. No attention is required after pres- sure is once obtained. Dispenses with foot bellows, gas fixtures, burners, etc. No. 2-il8. Diameter of furnace body 4 inches, ca- pacity lOounces orSUOdwts. of gold,$ 7.00 " 2219. Larger furnace with capacity for about \% pounas or 3(J0 dwts 10.00 " i:220. Capacity about 2>^ pounds or UOO dwts. 15.00 Other sizes may be made upon request with small addition of price. Also combinntion muffle and crucible furnace. No 2231. Little Giant Gas Furnace, capacity 400 (iwtP • will melt 200 dwts. gold in 6 minutes; will take crucibles to 4 inches in height; consumes gas 15 to 18 feet per hour. Complete $12.00 No. 2222. Separate Cylinders, each 1.00 " 2223. Covers, each 30 " 2224. Bottoms, each 20 " 2225. Cones, per dozen '75 " 2226. Cummings' Patent Portable Forge, with hand pressure blower, hearth 18x18 inches, weight 130 pounds 40.00 " 2228. Cummings' Patent Portable Forge, no changing belts or bellows, strong, steady blast. Weight 90 pounds, basin 18 inches, height 5 inches,. . . 35.00 La:lie.,see Class'lion L Forceps. Sulaeriiig .... see Classiticanou S Index^ SI™' '*,ir For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. FURNACES AND FURNACE LADLES. No. 23ii0. Ladle Furnace, with gauze cover gas burner $3.50 With Cap Nut Regulator for gasoline 30c. extra. Nos. 2231 to 2234, Cast Iron Furnace Ladles and Detachable Handles. No. 2231. Ladle only, 41^x2?^ $0.40 " 2232. " '' i%x'i% 35 " 3233. « " 4 x2% 25 " 2234. Ladle Handles, each 25 Nos. 2285 and 2236, Perfected Injector Gas Furnace. No. 2235. Size for No. 1 crucible, with crucible . . .|4.50 No. 2336. '■ 2237. 2238. 2239. 2240. 2341. 3242. 2248. 2244. 2245. 2246. Size for No. 8 Crucible |7.00 Crucible Furnace, with patent burner for gas 3 . 50 Patent Gas Burner only 1 . 50 Extra Furnace Pot 75 " " " with cover 1.10 Stand, less burner 90 Regular Gas Burner only, same as for No. 2243 1.00 Crucible Furnace, for gas 3 . 00 Furnace Plumbago Crucibles, each 20 Crucible Furnace, for kerosene 4.50 Kerosene Burner, separate 2 . 50 : Classihcation B Foot Wheels, Lathe Forceps, Lens .see Classification L Forceps, Soldering.. see Classificatio Frames, Saw " The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 2259 fmiEsm GAUGES. No. 2249. Dennison's Mainspring, with steel thick- ness gauge $2 . 00 " 2250. Dennison's Mainspring, with steel thick- ness gauge, nickel-plated 2.40 " 2251. Swiss Mainspring Gauge, with thickness .45 " 2253. nickel-plated 65 " 2253. Swiss Mainspring Gauge, without thick- ness gauge v35 No. 2254. Swiss Mainspring Gauge, without thick- ness gauge, nickel-plated $0.55 " 2255. Brass Millimeter Gauge 75 " 2256. " " " nickel-plated.. .90 " 2257. Steel folding Rule, with leather case . . .30 " 2258. Boxwood Millimeter Gauge 35 " 2259. Flexible Steel Rule. , 65 InH^.^- ( Graver Handles see Classification H inaex. -J ,. sharpeners " •' E Giinder?, Lathe see Classification L GrindStonc-s ■■ " S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 2263 n ZZQiA 2265 GAUGES. No. 2261. Kreahmer's Improved Glass and Bezel Gauge $2 . 50 For gauging height and diameter of glass; also for determining height and diameter required for case. " 23tf3. New Height Gauge 1.25 " 2203. Geneva Glass Gauge, with height 3.00 " 2264. " " " 60 " 2365. Lunette " " 15 Index* J Graver Handles ' * '■ Sharpeners- The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 2277 2278 Kj 1 liiJj^iiiiJaijjJiij, i^aBEa GAUGES. No. 3266. Adjustable Degree Gauge $3.25 No. 2273. Degree Gauge, nickel-plated .$0.60 2267. " " " nickel-plated 2.50 2268. Gauge,withsetscrew,without rule on side .60 2269. " " " nickel-plated 80 2270. Gauge, with set screw and rule on side. .80 2271. " " " " nickel-plated 1 . 00 2273. Degree Gauge 40 3274. Lightning Finger and Ring Gauge for both gauging and obtaining desired size of ring 75 3275. Ring Sizes, first quality, standard 75 2276. " " Standard 1.25 3377. " Gauge, with stone groove .75 3378. " ■■ Standard 50 2279. " " Zylonite 1.00 Grind Stones see Classification S index . -| Grinders' Latlie Attach For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 85 GAUGES. No. 2280. Cylinder Gauge $1.00 " 2281. " " nickel-plated 1.15 " 2282. Boley Millimeter Gauge, single rule 1.25 " 2283. " " " ruled both sides 2.00 " 2284. Height Gauge 1.00 " 2285. Gauge for Pivots and Jewels, Standard 75 " 2286. " " " Standard 40 " 2287. Engel's Adjustable Ring Gauge, each, 10c; per dozen 1.00 " 2288. Dial Degree Gauge. The size measured at jaws is indicated on dial 4.00 " 2289. Grossman's Millimeter Gauge. Measures to j\j milimeter 1.95 " 2290. Standard Wire Gauge, sizes 1 to 36 2.00 " 2291. " " " " 6 " 36 1.50 Nickel-plating of friction gauges interferes with measuring standard but may be had nickel-plaled if desired. InHov 3 Grindstones see ClassiHcatic inuex. j Grinders, Lathe " The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies GAUGES, GOLD TESTING STONES, NEEDLES, ETC. No.2291. Height Gauge, new style $1.25 " 2292. Staff and Pivoting Gauge 2.00 " 2293. Gold Testing Needles, per set 1.75 Best Quality 2.25 " 2294. Standard Stone Gauge 1.25 " 2295. Wheel Gauge, in ij's millimeter on both sides, 3 to 13 millimeters 2.50 " 2296. Gold Testing Stones, small 35 " 2297. " " " medium 35 Gold Testing Stones, large $0 . 50 Mystic Testing Set, for testing gold and silver, with various acids and needles from4to20K. Missing parts always can be duplicated. Complete in box with instructions 3 . 75 Wire and Pinion Gauge with 70 holes. . 1.10 With 80 holes 1.40 Nickel-plating 25c. extra. No. 2298. '■ 2299. 2300. ^ifa^ . I Graver Handles see Classification H Grinders, Lathe ""^'^ ■ 1 Graver Sliarpeners " " E Grindstones... .see Classification L For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 87 2306 UI«J1j"UU H30U Ha^MH'B G GLASS CUTTERS AND QRAVERS. No. 2301. Circular Glass Cutter, with triangular barand rule 11.50 " 2302. Circular Glass Cutter 75 " 2304. Set of Gravers, 12 in box , 2.75 " 2304S. " " 12 " sharpened, ready for use 3-75 ■' 2305. Set of Gravers, 6 in box 1.75 " 2305S. " " 6 " sharpened, ready for use 2 . 25 No. 2806. Set of 9 Interchangeable Pivoting Grav- ers, nickel-plated handle f 1.75 " 2307. Superior Pivoting Gravers, 6 in set, in leather case 2 . 00 " 2308. Jewel Setting Gravers for cutting and closing jewel bezels, nickel-plated, per set of 6 2.00 " 2309. Glass Cutter 20 In^a-^- ■ I Graver Handles see Classification H Grinders, Lathe. """^^ • I Graver Sharpeners " " E Grindstones The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies I I I I ml 2325 2327 2328 2329 23^)0 Z^m ZiHZ 2343 Zll^^ Zl)^5 2346 2347 2348 2351 2352 2353 235M 2355 2355 2357 2356 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2377 2376 2375 2374 2373 2372 2371 2370 2369 23,58 2367 2365 2380 2381 2382 238^^ 2365 2386 2390 i 2396 2397 2396 2395 2394 2393 2392 2391 2395 2396 2397 G GRAVERS. -=In Either Vautier, Qrobet or Hauser Make. Nos. 2326 to 2348. Flat Gravers, each $0.15 Nos. 2380 to 2386. Anglet Gravers, each |0.15 Per dozen 1.50 " 2351 to 2363. Round Edge or Gouge Gravers, each 15- Per dozen 1 . 50 " 2366 to 2377. Square Gravers, each 15 Per dozen 1.50 Per dozen 1.50 2391 to 2398. Lozenge Gravers, each 15 Per dozen 1 . 50 2395 to 2397. Taper Gravers, each 15 Per dozen 1 . 50 Vautier, any of above shapes, each 15 Per dozen 1.15 InHov • ^ Graver Handles see Classification H Grinders, Lathe '""'=*•■( Graver Sliarpcners - " E Grindstones.... For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. G GRAVERS. Ther No. 8beir in accordt show 8 an lines. No. 2398. " 2399. " 2400. " 2401. " 2403. " 2403. ■■ 2404. umbers on illustrations of lining gravers show the density of lines to given g the finest, No. 24 the coarsest lines. When ordering, designate the grade ince with the upper numbers, stating the number of lines desired. The illus d 10 lines, respectively, as marked. We carry them in stock, however, from space, jf lines rations 2 to 10 .13.00 . .15 . .25 . .15 . 2.50 . .15 . ,25 Case " " Set of Pivoting Gravers, sharpened, ready for use, per set . . Curved Graver, each Handled Gravers, sharpened, ready for use, each Index: ( Graver Handl \ '• Sharp .see Classification L S ners " '• E Grind Stones The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies i o mki^'t s> QRAVER5. Double End, Nicely Made and Finished Gravers, styles from t to 29 as illustrated. Cuts at both ends, ground and tempered ready for use, each $0.50 lnH<>.,^ ■ ( Graver Handles see Classification H Grinders, Lathe see Classification L ■ nuex.'^ .. Sharpeners •■ " E Grindstones " " S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. GRAVERS. Nos. 40 to 133, Double End. Extension Gravers, nicely finished, sharpened ready for use, each $0.50 lnH»^. ! Graver Handles see Classification H Giinderp, Lathe .see Classification L inaex. ^ ., sharpeners " " E Grindstones S> The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies G GRAVERS. Extension Qravers, Nicely Finished, Ready for Use. Nos. 134 to 171 ...each, $0.50 Extension Graver Handle Extension Graver and Handles, complete ... " .25 ... " .75 Index: see Classification L S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 25fl5 25B6 2537 2586 2559 L59D H HAIRSPRING TOOLS. No. 2585. Schneider's Hairspring Vibrator, nickel-plated $ . 75 " 2586. Hairspring Vibrator, nickel-plated 95 " 2587. " Collet Remover, nickel-plated 25 " 2588. " Stud Index, with lines marked designating correct position for stud 100 " 3589. Johanson's Hairspring Stud Index, accompanied with schedule giving various degrees for position of hairspring studs for American watches 3.00 " 2590. Hairspring Stud Index, for English and American watches 75 1 Hairspring Collet Wrench. see CUssfi'nW Hand Brushes see Classification B Holders, Setting. see Classfi'n S , J .. Pliers ." '* P ** Vises " ' V Hooks. Lathe Ueit ......... L • j .. Tweezeis " " T Hammond Wheels .... " " L Hydrometers. Battery SuDolies. " « u The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 262I-2B22 2BI9-2520 2BII-2B12 2B05-250B 2B03-2B0^ 2601-2B02 mn^^ffJB 2627-2526 2B25-2B2B 2B23-2&2'M H HAMMERS. Plain NIC. Pl'td Plaik IN'ic. Pl'td Plain NIC. Pl'td Xo. 2()U1. Swiss Hammtr. fo.15 $0.80 N 0. 2612. Stubbs Ham'er $0 , tiO 10.80 " 2(502. Stubbs " .40 .55 ' 2613. Swiss .25 .45 TAe following case ham- '■ 2dO;3. Swiss .15 .30 ' 2614. Stubbs " .65 .85 mers have flat and con- " 2004. Stubbs .40 .55 ' 2615. Swiss .25 .45 cave faces. " 2605. Swiss .20 .35 ' 2616. Stubbs " .55 .75 " 2606. Stubbs .40 .55 ' 2617. Swiss .20 .85 No. 2623. Swiss Hammer $0.45 $0.65 " 2607. Swiss .20 .40 ■ 2618. Stubbs .45 .60 " 2624. Stubbs '• .80 1.00 " 2608. Stubbs .50 .70 ■ 2019. Swiss .15 .30 " 2625. Swiss .70 .80 " 2609. Swiss " .20 .40 ' 2620. Stubbs .40 .55 " 2626. Stubbs " .80 1.00 ■' 2610. Stubbs .50 .70 ' 2621. Swiss .15 .30 " 2627. Swiss '• .60 ..85 " 2611. Swiss .25 .45 2622. Stubbs " .40 .55 " 2628. Stubbs 1.00 1.25 1 Hand Kemoving =liers..C lassificatior P Heads. Polishing Lathe.. Class ihc'tionL Hooks, Lathe Belt C lassification L 1 T Holders. Movement M Holders, SettiHE V " Diamond... r 1 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. COPVRIG T 1B99. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. H HAMMERS. Nos. 2f Hamme No. 2031. ■■ 2632. " 2633. ■• 2634. ■■ 2635. " 2636. " 2637. 31 to 2633. Chasers' Ball End .$0.40 . .45 . .60, n. .70 . .85 . .90 . 1.00 American Case or Planishing Ham- No, 2644.'i. Swiss Convex Face, 2M-in Nickel-plated, 20c extra. " 2645. Stubbs' Convex Face, 21/2-in " 2645A. Swiss Convex Face, 2'/2-in Nickel-plated, 20c extra. " 2646. Stubbs' Convex Face, 214-in Nickel-plated, 20c extra. " 2646A. Swiss Convex Face, 2!i-in Nickel-plated. 20c extra. " 2047. Stubbs' Convex Face. 2ys-in Nickel-plated, 20c extra. " 2647A. Swiss Convex Face, 2;i-in Nickel-plated, 15c extra. '■ 2648. Stubbs' Convex Face, i^^-in Nickel-plated. 15c extra. " 264SA. Swiss Convex Face, 2iVin Nickel-plated, 1.5c extra. . $D.25 .. .45 .. .20 .. .40 .. .20 .. .40 .. .15 .. .40 .. .15 Nickel-plated, 20c extra. IS-in.. Nickel-plated, 25c' extra. Nickel-plated, 25c extra. " 2639. 19t-in .. .75 Nickel-plated, 25c extra. " 2640. I'a-in Nickel-plated, 25c extra. •' 2611. 2-in .. .85 Nickel-plated. 25c extra. Stubbs'Chasing Hammer, 1^8- Nickel-plated, 25c extra. Stubbs', ly-in Nickel-plated, 25c extra. Stubbs', 2-in Nos. 2i;3S. 2639, 2640 and 2641 with each, l.'.c extra. No. 2642. Swiss Chasing Hammer, 1 J4 face Nickel-plated, 25c extra. " 2613. 1-in. face Nickel-plated, 25c extra. •' 2644. Stubbs Convex Face. 2a-in Nickel-plated. 25c extra. handle, ..$0.50 ... .45 .. .50 Nickel-plated, 2dc extra. Stubbs', 2i4-in Nickel-plated, 25c extra. Index ( Hand Tongs see CI : - Hand Removing Pliers, Hand Vises assifica ion T Holders, Movement, see Class P Heads, Polishing Lathes, V fi'tion ^ I Holders. Diamond, see Classificat Hooks, Lathe Belt, " onT L The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies H HAiVlMERS. American, Handled. No. 2640. Hammer and Handle §0.35 No. 2655. Ball Pene Machinists' Hammer and 3650. 2651. 2653. 2653. 2654. .30 .25 .80 .25 .25 The above Hammers, nickel-plated, each, 15c extra. Handle, 6-oz. 2656. Hammer and Handle 2657. 2658. " and Handle . 2659. 2660. 2661. I Hand Removing Pliers.. see Class'tion F Heads, Polisli'g Lathe, .see Class'tion L Holders. Diamond.. see Classification T Index • ^ Hand Tongs " " T Holders. Movement " " M Hooks, Lathe Belt.. " " L I Hand Vises " " V For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. fS^BEBi 26eB 2569 H HANDLES. No. 2673. Half Gr, er Handle, rosewood, ( ipie,' each '.!.'.! Per dozen 2675. Half Small Graver Handle, maple, each 05 Per dozen 25 2676. Half Large Graver Handle, maple, each 05 Per dozen 30 2677. Graver Handle, maple, each 05 Per dozen 30 Rosewood, each 10 Per dozen 60 2678. Half Graver Handle, rosewood, large, each 10 Per dozen ■ GO 2G79. Black Enameled Graver Handle, each 05 Per dozen 50 $0.05 No. 2680. Graver Handle, maple, each S .50 Per dozen .05 Rosewood, each .25 Per dozen 2681. Small Broach Handle, nickel-plated 2682. Diamond Holder, mounted with diamond for dress- ing emerv and carborundum wheels, each 2683. Screw Head File Handle 2684. 2685. Broach Handle nickel-phited 2687. bo Index S^t ■ Spring Collet Wrench.. Pliers " Tweezers ;Class'nW Hand Brushes see Classificatic P ■' Vises " " T Hammond Wheels. " Holders. Setting see Class: Hooks, Lathe Belt .. " Hydrometers, Battery Supplies, The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 2702-2703 2691 1SBEB3 H HANDLES. No. 2691. Rosewood Turning Graver Handles, per doz $0.40 " 2692 to 3699. First quality polished rosewood File Handles, with seamless tube fer- rules, per doz 75 Each 10 " 3692 to 3699. Rosewood File Handles, spun ferrules, per doz 50 Each 10 " 2692 to 2699. Maple File Handles, per doz 30 Each 05 " 2701. Adjustable File Handles, per doz 1.00 Each 10 " 3703. " Broach Handle with set screw, each 15 " 3703. " File " " " " " 20 1 Hand Removing Pliers.. see Class'tion P Heads. Polisli'g Lathes. see Class'tionL Holders, Diamond.. see Classification T Index •- Hand I'ongs " " T Holders, Movement •' " M Hooks, Latlie Belt.. " " L iHandVisel " " V For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 2729 T9 2732 2733 T° 2739 2715 2716 2717 H & I HAnriER HANDLES AND INGOTS OR INGOT HOULDS, 2715. Chasing Hammer Handle, each SO. 10 Per dozen 75 2716. Ebony Hammer Handle, each 10 Per dozen 00 2717. Maple Hammer Handle, each 05 Per dozen .30 2718. Melting arrangement complete 8.00 2719. Mould only 1.25 2720. Extra Carbon Crucibles without slides, per doz 1.00 2721. " ■' ■• with slides, per doz 1.75 2722to2724. Ingot Mould with 2 grooves 2.f0 2723. With 4 grooves 2.50 2724. " G " 3.00 2725. Ingot Mould with 4 planed grooves 4.50 Nos. 2726 to 2728. Upright Adjustable Ingot Mould, Perfectly Plained. No. 2726. Heights in., width 2?i in., thickness Js in $2.60 " 2727. '■ 4!4 ■' " 2i£ " " ,'s " 2.00 " 2728. " 6 " " 2?i " " H " 3.00 Nos. 2729 to 2732. Jewelers' Sliding Ingot, with screw handle. No. 2729. For Rings, half round, 4 sizes, M, ai, 't, and % in- wide, i% in. long, each $2.50 " 2730. For Plate, 3?iC in. bylj'gXlH 2.25 ■' 2731. " " 31i " " IMxKs 2.60 ■' 2732. " " 5^4 " " 2xfi; : 3.00 " 2733. Melting arrangement with wire and plate mould 3.25 " 2734. Blow Pipe only 2.25 " 2735. Wire Moulds 1-25 " 2736. Plate " 1.25 2737. E.xtra CarbonCrucible •ithout slides, per doz 1.00 ith slides, per doz 1.75 IHa r Spring Collet Wrench . . see Class'n W " Pliers ■■ P " Tweezers '* T Hand Brushes see Classification B " Vises " " V Hammond Wheels " '• L Holders, Setting see Classifications Hooks, Lathe Belt " " L Hydrometers, Battery Supplies, " B The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 27MS 2749 '-^"tb!:'--s*'-'^-" 2750 2751 ^752 2757 275M Gmaaoi JEWELING TOOLS. Jewel Bezel Burnisher $0 . 50 Pallet Stone Setter, nickel-plated 50 Jewel Bezel Opener and Burnisher 50 " Cutter " " 50 Pin Setter and Collet Wrench 75 Set of 6 Jewel Bezel Cutters .' 1 .50 X Ray Pallet Stone Setter and Adjuster, nickel-plated 2.00 Jewel Pin Setter, nickel-plated 1^5 " " " •■ 20 Pallet Stone " and Adjuster 1.50 in^f^v > \ Jacot Pivot Lathes see Classification L 1"°^" • j jointers' Ring " " R No. 2748. » 2749. " 2750. " 2751. " 3752. " 2753. " 2754. " 2755. " 2756. " 2757. -For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 27&2 QSnBHl 2765 JEWELING TOOLS AND JEWEL PUSHERS. No. 2758. Set of 6 Jewel Pushers in box " 2759. Double-end Jewel Pusher, nickel-plated " 3760. Set of Jewel Pushers with stand and stake " 3761. Interchangeable Jewel Bezel Opener " 3762. Jewel Pin Setter " 2763. " Bezel Opener " 3764. " " " operates same as push key. " 3765. Jewel Bezel Opener with screw .50 .15 .45 .75 .50 .50 .76 .65 Index: Jointers, Ring see Classification R 103 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 2766 tamaoM JEWELING TOOLS. No. 2766. Waltham Watch Co.'s Hand Jeweling, Uprighting and Freeing Tool $20.00 " 2767. Jeweling Tool, with gauge, in case 1 . 25 " 2768. Bezel Cutter, in case 2.00 In/l^v • ^ Jacot Pivot Lathes see Classification L '""*''• Hointers, King '• •■ K For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 103 JEWELING TOOLS. No. 2769. Set of 3 Jewel Bezel Openers in case, nicely made $1 .25 " 2770. Anderson's Jewel Cutters.fits No. 38 wire chuck, perset... .13.00; each 35 " 2771. Jewel Bezel Closers in case, per set of 3, nicely made 1 . 25 " 2772. Anderson's Patent Jeweling Tool, complete in morocco case as per illustra- tion 5.00 " 2773. Improved Jeweling Tool 1-25 " 2774. Jeweling Tool with 4 openers and 8 closers, one cutter and handle complete, as illustrated 1-50 i^..!.:..^ . ) Jacot Pivot Lathes see Classification L •"''ex • -j jointers, Ring " '■ R The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 260B 2609-a8IO 2811-2812 2BI3-2aitj 2SI5-2B16 2BI7 2819-2620 ^8^2 2B21 28ia iMm^m 2827 2828 2829 K KEYS. . 2S07. Black handle S. W. Bench Key 0. 6. IG or IS size each $i ■280S. Rosewood handle S \V. Bench Kev.O, t>, 16 or IS size each ■2S09. Male and Female Bench Key, with rubber handle. size, each ■_*S09A. Male and Female Bench Key, with rubber handle, 6 size, each 2310. Male and Female Bench Key, rubber handle, 10 size each ■JSIOA. Male and Female Bench Key. rubber handle. IS size each ■JSU. Rosewood handle, double end stem wind Bench Key. and 6 size each 2812. Rosewood handle, double end stem wind Bench Key. 10 and IS size each Index 2313. Celluloid liandle, stem wind Bench Key,0 and G size.. . each i 2314. Celluloid handle, stem wind Bench Key. 16 and IS size, each 2S15. Rubber Handle, and 6 size, each , 2316. Rubber Handle, 16 and 18 size, each 2S17. S. W. Bench Key and Case Opener each 2S1S. S. W. Bench Key and Case Opener (female) each 2S10. Adjustable Bench Key, japan- ned, wood handle each 2320. Adjustable Bench Key, japan- ned, wood handle, long^. ..each 2821. Adjustable Bench Key. rubber handle each I Karat Punches Karat, Gold Testers, I Keys. Pendant Set... Adjustable Bench Key, nickel plated each $0.20 Adjustable Keys, gilt. per doz. .75 nickel- plated per doz. -75 Gem Keys, dust-proof.. " .60 English Gilt Keys " .15 Per gross 1.25 C. Keys, dust-proof... per doz. .60 Per gross 7.00 Star Keys per doz. .15 Per gross 1.50 Common Steel Keys., per doz. .10 Per gross 75 Loop Keys per doz. . 17 Per gross 2 00 .see Classitication S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 2033-2835 2B36-2B3fl lalHWJMJ 2B')D-2B'^I im-i K KEYS. No. 2830. 2831. " 2832. 2833. 2834. 2833, 2836. Bone handles. W. Bench Keys, set of 4, per set $0.60 Double end " " " " " " 3, with ebony handle, per set 60 Double end dust-proof Bench Keys, nickel-plated 75 " " " " " " set of 4, nickel- plated, per set 1 .00 Double end dust-proof Bench Keys, set of 6, per set nickel-plated 1.50 Celluloid handle dust-proof Bench Keys, set of 3. per 1 Karat Punches Index: ■( Karat, Gold Testers / Kevs. Pendant Set No. 2837. Celluloid handle dust proof Bench Keys, set of 4, per set $1.65 " 2838. Celluloid handle dust proof Bench Keys, set of 6, per set 2.50 " 2839. Patent Safety Clock Key. with friction clutch for re- leasing clock springs, one or eight day. each 75 • 2840. Single end Clock Bench Key, each 25 • 2841. ' " " set of 4, per set 90 ' 2842. -Adjustable 60 ' 2843. Double end " " " set of 2. per set 75 ' 2843N. " ' " nickel-plated, per set.. 1.00 see Classification S The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies J UiMMm K KNIVES AND KNURL HOLDERS. Bench Knife and Case Opener ■ $0.30 " " " " 25 " " with corded handle 15 American Bench Knife 35 Swedish Steel Bench Knife 25 Bench Knife, imported 30 Adjustable Knurl Holder 50 ( Karat Punches see Classification S Index: -, " Gold Testers '* *' G / Keys, Pendant Set " " S No. 28i4. " 2845. " 2346. " 2847. " 2848. •' 2849. " 2850. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. V-5 U- III! T-5 T-l X-l X-7 26 31 0-7 D-1 6-3 L-H-l II \<-5 K-1 W-5 W-l U-5 U-7 V-IO W-5 I 2-6 K-1 !-7 R-l R-2 R-M -5 i-3 H-7 "-5 H-3 G-7 D-5 R-5 R-B R-a M-l M-3 M-5 2 5 '^&'- D-i F-l B-l E-5 £-3 E-7 F-3 F-5 F^ mm, r^i a ID I'M 7 a B-A A-F tal!iiiMM4l A-5 A-7 K KNURLS. Hardened Steel Any style from V-5 to A-7, each $0 . 30 Per dozen 3 . 00 InHpv • J K.arat Stamps see Classifications I Keys, Pendant Set 108 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 3062T93054 3066 3067 LAMPS. No. 3061. Glass Lamp, with brass burner $0.30 " 8062. Simplicity Lamp, with facets, can be used in several positions, small size. . . .50 " 3063. " " " " " " " " medium size. .60 " 3064. " '■ " " " " " " large " .70 " 3066. Alcohol Lamp 80 " 3066. Spheric " adjustable to any position, small size 60 " 3067. " " " " " large " 1.25 ( Loups, Eye Glass see Classification E Index; - Letters, Die " " D /Ladles " " F For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. LAMPS— GASOLINE HOT BLAST. Self=Acting. No., 3068. Gem Gasoline Lamp and Blow Pipe $2.00 " 3069. Alcohol and Benzine Lamp, revolving head, has three tubes for different size flames ^-^^ " 3070. Hot Blast Blow Pipe and Lamp 3.00 " 8071. " " " " Lamp 4.00 " 8072. " " " " " with swing joint 4.50 ( Loups, Eye Glass see Classification E Index: i Letters, Die ',; ■;. D \ Ladles i* The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 3076 T9 3080 3oaz LAMPS. No. 3073. Brass Alcohol Lamp $0.55 3073N. " " " nickel-plated 75 3074. " Lamp, with boiling cup 65 3074N. " " " " " N. P 90 3075. Tin " 20 3076. Brass " 30 8077. " " nickel-plated 50 No. 3078 to 3080, Self-Acting Alcohol Blow Pipe Lamp, with boiling cup: No. 3078. Small $1.00 " 3079. Medium 1.50 " 3080. Large 1 .75 Perfect Duplex Gas Lamp 1.25 Duplex Gas Lamp 1 . 00 Best Rubber Tubbing, to fit, per foot, 15c. Alcohol Lamp, nickel-plated 55 No. 3081. " 3083. 3033. Ladles see Classificati( Index: -i Letters, Die - / Loups, Eye Glass " " For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. LAMPS. The Perfection Student Lamp gives the most brilliant and steadi- est light of any student lamp made; therefore they are particularly adapted to jeweler's and watch repairer's use. The close application requires a steady light to avoid serious injury to the eyes, and no lamp meets this requirement as well as the ''Perfection." It is also the heaviest, best made and finished of its kind and in the long run, the cheapest. No. 3101. Perfection Student Lamp, single burner and special concentrate metal reflector; 33 candle-power, price complete $3.50 No. 3102. Yale Central Draft Table Lamp, 75 candle-power This lamp, while not so steady as the Perfection Student Lamp, is the most reliable of the many so- called "central draft" lamps on the market and gives a brilliant, white light of 75 candle-power, ft has all up-to-date improvements, such as a simple wicking device, ratchet wick regulator and mechan- ism for lighting without taking off chimney or shade. It is made of heavy, embossed brass, finely polished and nickel-plated and has a well weighted base so it is not easily upset. Price, complete $2.25 nt Lamp, single burner, with glass 3103. Perfection Stude ^, ....^ ^..^^^ reflector, price complete .. ..°. '. . , *" "'^"^ 3 00 3104. Perfection Student Lamp, double burner, with glass reflector, 60 candle-power, price complete 7.00 In/f Av - i Ladles, Furnace see Classification F inaex. , Lathes. Centering .... " " C Lathes, Drill, Letters, Die , . see Classification D Loups, Eye Glass. . .see Classification E The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LATHES— HOPKINS. Length of Bed ii inches; Bed to Center, 2.09; 5wing, 4.18, Not Illustrated. 3108. 3109. 3110. 3111. Plain Lathe, hard, with taper chuck and center screw chuck, eVincli cement chucks, 2 taper centers for tail stock spindle and twisted leather belting $36.00 Lathe without tail stock 30.00 Lathe with Universal plate on chuck, with patent swing tail stock and jeweling rest 70.00 Lathe with y-chuck combination, comprising plain lathe, as above, 7 wire chucks and tip-over Trest. . 43.00 Lathe with 1'2-chuck combination, lOwire chucksand tiij-o ver T rest 46.00 Lathe with Is-cliuck combination, 16wirechucksand ti|j-"ier Trist 61.50 Tip-over T Kfst. fitted to other make of lathe 3.50 Slide Rest, patented, with set of cutters 35.00 cross feed scr .3114. Screw spindle tail stock 3115. Caliper Swing Jeweling Rest, and set of cutters 3116. Ditto, without cross feed screw 3117. Caliper Swing Jeweling Rest, fitted to tail stock... 3118. Rotary Pivot Polisher and Taper Grinder, with Idle pullev attachment 3119. Wig-Wag Pivot Polisher $15.00 40.00 3120. Filing Rest for squ to post 3121. Filing Rest for squaring windin dependent stand nding arbors, etc., fitted , Fur i Classificatii Letters, Die see Classification D Loups, Eye Glass "' " E For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 113 LATHE ATTACHMENTS— HOPKINS. ^""V^^oTc^"'^" . 3135. Filing Fixture, fitted to T post $ 4.00 3126. Wheel Chucks, steel 1.00 3127. Wire " " hardened 1.00 3128. Pivot Drill " taper shanks 75 3129. " " " with straight shank 75 3130. Self-Centering Lathe Attachment, fitted to any American Lathe 25 . 00 3132. Rotary Pivot Polisher and Taper Grinder, with Idler pulley attachment. . . . 30.00 3133 A.Laps for Pivot polisher, (not illustrated] 40 3134A.Wigwag for Pivot Polisher" " 20.00 I Loups, Eye Glass see Classification E Index ; "^ Letters, Die " " D I Ladles, Furnace " " F The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies No. 3133. Countershaft " 3133B. •■ on \ongmeta.\b3,se (not illustmled) " 3134. Extra Countershaft Pulleys, 3-in. " 2.01 3,00 ... 4.00 Swivel Head, Gear Cutting Attachment, will cut all kinds of gears, mounted for slide rest (iUustrated).3&.W> Vertical Spindle Gear Cutting Attachment (ko/ iW of). 15. 00 3137. Index Plate, inde.Ked to 366 " " .15.00 3138. " Wheels, each '• " .1.00 3139. Special Draw-In Spindle, for holding index plate or wheel 3,00 3140. Index Pointer, for index plate .S.OO 3141. " ■' " •• wheels ."> OO 3135. 3136, No, 3142. 12 Cen:ient Brasses, assorted, for holding wheels to be cut $1 .75 " 3143. Gear Cutters, any size 1.00 •' 3144. Ratchet Cutters 50 " 3145, Wheel-Cutting Fixture, complete, including wheel- cutting attachments. No. 1 index plate, indexed to 366, special draw-in spindle, index pointer, 12 gear cutters, assorted, and 12 cement brasses, assorted .75.00 " 3146. Outfit as above, but with vertical wheel-cutting attach- ments 48.00 " 3147. Wheel Kounding-off Attachments, fitted to slide rest . 15 .00 " 3148. Universal Face Plate, with improved jaws 11.00 " 3149. Universal Head 35.00 \ Ladles, Furnace see Classification F Index: -, Letters. Die '• •• D ( Loups. Eve Glass " " E For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 115 LATHES. Moseley Lathe Combination, including screw chuck, with 6 H-in. cement chucks and belting $36.00 Lathe Combination, including screw chuck, with 6 ?4-in. cement chucks and belting.without tail stock 30.00 Lathe Combination, with 8 chucks, including 6 wire chucks, 1 taper chuck, 1 screw chuck, G %'\n. cement chucks, chuck box and belting 42.00 Lathe Combination, with 12 chucks, including S wire chucks, 'J wheel chucks. 1 taper chuck, 1 screw chuck and (> ^^-in. cement chucks, chuck box and belting 46.00 Lathe Combination, with 17 chucks, including 12 wiie chucks, 3 wheel chucks, 1 taper chuck, 1 screw chuck. 1 each ?i, M and 6 %,-\n. cement chucks, 2 each brass and steel tapers, chuck box and belting 51 .00 Size 1X2 and 2. No. 320L Lathe Combination, with 30 chucks, including22wire chucks, 5 wheel chucks. 1 taper chuck, 1 arbor chuck, 1 screw ciiuck, 1 each, ^.i, ^, and 6 ^-in. cement chucks, 2 each brass and steel tapers, 4 Vz-m. saws, stepping device, countershafts, chuck box and belting $71 00 Lathe combinations ol any assortment or description will be furnished as desired. Wire Chucks, steel, each 1.00 Wheel " " or brass face, each 1 .00 Crown *' new style. 1 25 Arbor, Screw and Taper Chucks, each I.OO Shoulder Chucks, each 1 00 above No, GO 1.25 Cylinder Sub. Chucks (4 sizes) each 75 Dead Center Chuck and Whirl 3-00 ( Loups, Eye Glass see Classification E Index: - Letters, Die " " D \ Ladies " " F The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 320i) 3206 vfjimAUJi LATHE ATTACHMENTS. Moseley Lathe Co. No. 3'J04. Moseley Slide Rest, made for No. 1, No. 1x2 and No. 2 Lathe. " 3205. " Single Spindle Wheel and pinion cutting fixture " 3206. 3 Spindle Wheel and pinion cutting fixture Moseley Wheel Cutter Attachments. {A^ot Illustrated.) Indexes, 50 notches and less, each Latches for indexes Rounding-off Cutters and Cutter Guides, each Round and flat bottom Cutters, each Fly Cutter Arbors Fly Cutter .140.00 . 22.50 . 55.00 .50 . 3.50 . 1.00 . 1.00 . 3.50 . 1.00 Index : I Loups, Eve Glass see Classification E Letters, Die " '• D 'Ladles " " F For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. LATHE ATTACHMENTS. No. 3207. Cement Chucks, j4-inch, 3^-inch, J4'-inch. i^-inch 10.05 % " 15 M " 25 " 3308. Drilling Plate for tail spindle 75 " 3209. Wheel Rests— large 1.00 Small 1 00 No. 3210. Ivory Laps on Taper— 1 inch $1.75 IJ^-inch 2.00 2 " 2.75 Copper and tin laps on taper 2 . 00 Boxwood laps on taper 1 . 25 " 3211. Face Plate on taper chuck 3.00 " 3212. Wheel Rest 1.00 " 3213. Dead center chuck and whirl 3.00 " 3214. Stepping device, with extra pins 1.50 Index : ■>. Lathes, Centering-. ( ■• Drill I F Letters, Die.... C Loups, Eye Gla see Classification D The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LATHE ATTACHMENTS. Moseley Lathe Co. No. 3215. Pivot Polisher, with five laps, two tapers, including special chuck for truing up laps $42.00 Attachments for Pivot Polisher, «o/ illustrated. Pivot Polisher Laps, all kinds % 0.40 " " " on taper (diamond) %-in. diameter 2.50 Pivot Polisher Laps, on taper (emery) %-in. diameter 1.00 Special Chuck for Truing Pivot Polisher Laps 3.00 Extra 4-in. Pulley for Counter, to drive Pivot Polisher and Wheel Cutter. .$3.00 Jeweling or Caliper Rest, with lateral screw 38 . 00 Without lateral screw 35 . 00 (Not illustrated.) Extra Jeweling Rest Spindles 2.00 " " " " with dogs (time-savers) 4.00 Swing Rest, without caliper, for No. 1 or No. 1x2 18.00 For No. 2 20. 00 Index : I Loups, Eye Glass - Letters, Die Ladles see Classification E •• " D " " F For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 119 32IS T9 3220 3221 322Z 3223 322^ 2225 5226 3227 3226 LATHE ATTACHMENTS. Moseley Lathe Co. No. 3218. Moseley Universal Face Plate $10.00 " 3219. Universal Head, complete (not illus- _ trated) 35.00 " 3231. Graver L rest for jeweling or plate work (Gets right where you want it.) 75 « 8222. Slit Chuck for Moseley No. 1 lathe... 1.00 '■ 3228. Taper Chuck 100 No. 8224. Slit Chuck for Moseley No. 2 lathe $1.00 " 3225. Crown Chuck, with ridge for prevent- ing crown from slipping 1-25 Screw Chuck 1 . 00 Arbor Chuck, with nut for holding saws, etc 1 • 00 Wheel Chuck 100 8226. 8227. 3228. (Ladles Furnace see Classification F Letters. Die Index: iLatiies, Centering " " C Loups, Eye Glass. I ■■ Drill " D , see Classification D The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 3232 3233 3235 IMl^^Hl 3237 -3236 LATHE ATTACHMENTS. Moseley Lathe Co. No. 3329. Steel Male, Female and Blank tapers. Male Taper |0.15 Female" .20 Blank " .08 Steel Blank Taper, 14-in 20 %•' 30 " 3230. Back Rest Taper, small and large, each, .60 " 3331. Moseley Dog ...1.00 " 3232. Chuck, for truing pivot polisher laps. . . 3,00 No. 3233. Index Latch $8.5Cf " 3234. Saws, assorted, 3^-in 15 %-m 20 1 " 25 " 3235. Small Filing or Arbor Squaring Fixture 4.00 " 3236. L Rest, with groove (used with Universal face plate) 1.00 " 3237. Large Filing or Arbor Squaring Fixture 9.00 \ Loups, Eye Glass see Classification E For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 131 32m 32M2 32M3 ^MdEd LATHE ATTACHMENTS. Moseley Lathe Co. No. 3238. Moseley Countershaft, for No. 2, 1 or 1x2 . . " 3339. Traverse Spindle Grinder " 3340. Idler Pulley and Stand, for pivot polisher. " 3241. Traverse Spindle Tail Stock " 3242. Screw Tail Stock " 3343. Half-Open Tail Stock .$7.00 .15.00 . "7.00 .10.00 .15.00 . 7.00 ( Ladles, Furnace see Classification F Letters, Die Index :■{ Lathes, Centering " " C Loups, Eye Glass. .see Classification D The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Lathe with taper chuck, screw chuck, G 14-in. cement chucks and 9 leet of round belting $27.00 Lathe with taper chuck, screw chuck, 6 H-in. cement chucks and 9 feet of round belting, less tail stock 21.50 Lathe with tail stock, 6 wire chucks, 2 wheel chucks, 1 taper chuck, one screw chuck, 6 >^-iti. cement chuck (10 chucks) and belting. Sizes of chuck, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 40— 10 chucks 33.00 i. 3249. Lathe with tail stock, 10 wire chucks, 1 taper chuck, 1 screw chuck, 6 ^-in., cement chucks and belting; sizes of wire chucks, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, 40—12 chucks $34.50 3250. Lathe with tail stock, taper chuck, screw chuck, 20 wire chucks, size of chucks, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24,26, 28, 30, 34, 40, 50—22 chucks, price.. 42.00 3251. Screw Chuck 100 3252. Wire " 75 3253. Wheel " 75 3254. Pivot Drill Chuck 75 3255. Cylinder " 100 ( Ladles - Letters, Die ( Loups, Eye Glass. : Classification F For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 3259 L LATHE ATTACHiVlENTS=WEBSTER=WHITCOMB. ^'"T„^.vt»g.^aa»MoaAw^ayy gp''wyfWv»^gM^yw>w^^ '»vwr-'-'t>sf:^ iggiaa«»w qa R!iiag. L LATHE ATTACHMENTS— WEBSTER=WHITCOMB. No. 3266. Jeweling Rest, with calipers, 3 blank and 3 finished tools.. .$30. CO " 3267. Extra Jeweling- Rest Spindles.. 2.50 " 3265. Dogs, for jeweling rest spindles 2.00 " 3268, Pivot Polisher, with 4 laps 30.00 Extra Laps 40 " 3269. Taper Chuck, for pivot polisher laps and taper 3.00 " 3270. Webster-Whitcomb Counter- shaft 8.00 " 3271. Extra Countershaft Pulley, for driving wheel cutter and pivot polisher 3.25 No. 3272. Wheel Cutting Fixture, 1 cutter arbor O'ot illusirnted) 3 " 3273. Index Pointer " " 3274. Idler Pulley and Stand, for wheel cutter and pivot polisher " 3275. Screw Tail Stock " 327G. KegularTail-stock.l spindle... The folio-wing not ilhisirated: Dog, for face plate chuck, small Large Emery Laps, I'.o-in. Boxwood " \Vi " Ivory *' I'a *' 6.00 111.00 5.50 Tin or Copper Laps 1 Copper Laps, charged with diamond dust Oil Stone Laps Saw Arbors Dead Center Whirl Cylinder Chucks Cement Chucks, watch factory style Drill Chucks Beach Chuck, mounted for Webster-Whit- comb Extra for fitting to other lathes Rounding-off Fixtures and Arbors 4.00 4.00 2 60 2.00 1.00 3.00 10.50 2.50 3.00 (Ladles seeClassificatii Index : -^ Letters, Die ( Loups, Eye Glass ■■ iM For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 125 LATHES.— FANEUIL WATCH TOOL CO.'S Faneuil Lathe. No. 3346. Faneuil Lathe; length of bed, 10% inches; bed to center, 2j\ inches; swing, i% inches; extreme length between centers, Z% inches, with screw chuck, taper chuck, 6 wire chucks, and 6 cement chucks. Complete $35.00 This Lathe is fully guaranteed by the manufacturer. inHo„ . 1 Ladles, Furnace see Classification F Lathes, Drill see Cla inaex. -^ Lathes, Centerini! .... •■ " C Letters, Die - iification D Loups, Eye Glass. . .see Classification E The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies L LATHES. Imported White Space shows size of Chucks. With tip over T rest. No. 3446. Lathe, style of No. 2 Moseley; will in- terchange with No. 2 Mi'seley chucks and all attachments; with 10-chuck combination, 6 slit chucks, 2 wheel, tion,6 slit chucks,2 wheel,! screw and 1 taper chuck, with 6 J^-in. cement chucks, 1 3^-in. cement chuck, 1 ?4-in. cement chuck, taper chuck, belting 1 screw and 1 taper chuck, 6 J^-in. and box. ( Noi iUustrated) $23 . 50 cement chucks, 1 V^-in. cement No. 3448. Slit Chucks for imported No. a Mose- chuck, 1 ^ in cement chuck, taper ley. (Not illustrated.) Each .65 chuck, belting and box $23 . 50 " 3448. Wheel Chucks for imported No. 3 11 3447. Lathe, style of Webster-Whitcomb Moseley. {Not illustrated.) Each . .75 lathe, will interchange with Web- " 3449. Slit Chucks for imported Webster- ster-Whitcomb chucks and all at- Whitcomb Lathe, each .65 tachments; with 10-chuck combina- " 3450. Wheel Chucks, for imported Webster- .75 D 1 Ladles, Furnace F For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ■ilttilHiWI LATHES. Imported, 1x2. No. 3456. Moseley Imported Lathe. Size of chucks and attachments will interchange with Moseley 1x2. Complete, as illustrated above, 14-chiick combination, 8-wire, 1-screw, 3-wheel, six J^-inch, one J^-inch and one ^-inch cement chucks, box and belting $24.00 Noi Illiislrated. No. 3457. Wire Chucks each, % 0.65 « 3458. Wheel Chucks " 1.00 " 3459. Universal Chucks " 7.50 " 3460. Slide Rest 10.50 InHov • J Ladles, Furnace see Classificati( inaex ., Lathes, Centering .... " .see Classification D Loups, Eye Glass., .see Classification E The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LATHES. Geneva. No. 3471. Universal Head for Geneva Lathe $13.00 " 3472. J umbo Chucks for Geneva Lathe 1 . 25 " 3473. Slide Rest for Geneva Lathe 13.50 " 8472W.Wire Chucks, each 60 " 3474. Geneva Lathe, with latch and index, as illustrated, and 14 chuck combination, as shown, viz., with 10 wire, 1 screw, 1 taper, 2 wheel chucks, one 1-inch, one i^-inch, and two J|-inch cement chucks, complete 16.00 " 3475. Universal Face Plate on chuck for Geneva Lathe 8 . 00 see Classification F ; Classification D Loiips, Eye Glass. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 34flZ TO 3487 3Haa tSmAVAA LATHE ATTACHMENTS. No. 3476. Hardinge Universal Wheel Cutter. Fitted to any raake of lathe. When ordering send top slide of slide rest, also end of draw spindle at shoulder so as to get proper size for draw spindle of chuck holder on fixture. The index plates are 1 ^g in. diameter and are made to 360 notches. Price of Universal Cutter complete with cutter holder and one index plate fitted to any lathe $30.00 With one spindle only 26.00 Index plates from 50 notches down 50 No. 3477. 3-Slide Slide Rest (imported), with tools as illus- trated. For MoseleyNo. 2 18.00 No. 3478. For Webster-Whitcomb 18.00 " 3479. With 2slides for Moseley No.2 IG.OO " 34S0. " 2 " " Moselcylx2 11.50 " 3481. " 2 " "Webster-Whitcomb 16.00 Nos. 3482 to 3487, Jacot Pivot Lathes. o. 3482. Extra fine, black bronze frame, with 4 centers and screw feed, in mahoganv box as illustrated $12 ( 3483. With 8 rests and 8 lanterns, in morocco box 3.! In paper box 3.1 3484. With 8 rests, 8 lanterns, 3 rests for long second pivot, in morocco box 4.1 inpaperbox 3.i 3485. With 12 rests, 12 lanterns, 3 rests for long second pivots, in morocco box 5.1 3486. With 16 rests, 4 rests for long pivots, in morocco box 5.) 3487. With 24 rests, 24 lanterns, 4 rests for long second pivot, in moiocco box 6.' 3488. Parsons' Wheel Cutter and Milling Tool with cut- ters as illustrated 12.1 Set of 24 cutters as illustrated 7.1 The above can be used on any American slide rest. indf^v ' 5 Ladles, Furnace see Classification F '"°^^ • 5 Lathes, Centering.... " " C ; Classification D Loups, Eye Glass... see Classification E The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 'A y,0 Vja To '/lO Vai 3M90 3H9I 3M9g 3500 35D1 1)496 3497^^^^ 3M95 3M9M FULL SIZE 3M93 ^^BBM LATHE ATTACHMENTS. No. 34S9. Round Twisted Lathe Belting, best quality, jV in-, per foot .03 .03 .05 .06 .07 .09 .04 .04 .00 .50 o4!i3 to 3501. Lathe Belt Fasteners, per pair 15 34 " " 3490. Round Solid Leather Belting, per foot 3491. Flat •' •' " " 34I«. " Chuck Block, with Glass Shade 1 3493. Revolving Chuck Block, with Glass Shade 2 3194. Lathe Belt Fasteners, per pair Loups. Eye Glass . - .see Classification E For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Ml m o 3309 W^BBa 3510 MiH-tiiUH'liB LATHES. No. 35(j2. Facility Jeweling Chucks to fit No. 'dfi or 50 wire chucks, per set of 6 |4.50 " 3503. Adjustable Crown Chuck on taper; fits No. 50 slit chuck 8 00 Inside Taper Chuck for pivot polisher... 1.50 Chuck f(ir dressing laps for Hardinge pivot polisher; has pivot drill chuck attached, which goes on pivot polisher 1.00 Emery Wheel, mounted for Hardinge pivot polisher 1.25 Beach Chuck complete, with 10 supple- mentary chucks 17.00 Wiih iO supplementary chucks 21 .50 3.504. 8506. 3507. 3508. No. 3.J09. Hardinge Pivot Polisher, with Idler pul- leys, one each bell metal and steel laps, two tapers in nice box $25 . 00 Attachments for Pivot Polisher. Bell Metal, Iron, Tin and Boxwood Laps, each. .40 Male Taper Centers, each 25 Blank Tapers, each 06 Pure Tin Laps, mounted, each 2 00 Diamond Laps, each 8.00 No. 8510. Rounding Off Tool for American Lathe. 12. 75 ( Ladies, Fu Inaex: ■ Lathes, Ce .see Classification F Letters, Die see Classification D Loups, Eye Glass '' •" E The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies hlllKrfMJ 3527 LATHE ATTACHMENTS. Dale Chucks. Dale Steel Wheel Chucks in 10 sizes from 1 to 10 by the Hardinge system; the distance between steps being ,% millimeters instead of ,->„ millimeters as per other systems; for any American Lathe, each. $1.00 Old sets restepped for 2.00 Dale Flat Faced Chucks, new style; bearing or pressure being directly under the head reducing anv liability to spring out of true; for any lathe, each l-OO Dale Chuck for Stark No- 2 100 MoseleyNo.l 100 Whitcomb No. I'i 100 Geneva, each 100 ' Stark No.l 100 3518. 3.'-)19. 3520. 3521. 3522. 3523. 3524. 3525. 3526. 3527. 3528. 3529. 3530. •Olin or Leader $1 Stark E i Hopkins No. 3 1 Hopkins No.l 1 Whitcomb No. 1 1 Moselev No. 2 1 Mansfield 1 Triumph J Kivett 1 Kearney J Hopkins No. 3x4 1 Webster-Whitcomb 1 Moseley No. l.\2 1 see Classification F Loups, Eye Gla For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 3552 laniKTO^ LATHE ATTACHMENTS' -HARDINGE BROS. a553. Soft Chucks of steel for screws; holes from No. G to 15, set of 10 SS.OO Each 100 3554. Screw Finishing Chuck, soft, with 3 brass end caps, each 1.50 3554. Screw Finishing Chuck, hardened and ground with 3 steel caps 2.50 Brass caps, each 10 Steel '■ ■' 25 3556. Ball Bearing End Thrust for lathes 1.50 3.'..57. Wood ChucTc 1.50 3.5,-)8. Tiimbo •■ 2.00 3,5.59. 'Taper Chuck an J face plate with carrier 3.75 3560. without carrier 3.00 35C1. Carrier onlv 75 3562. Hardinge Balance Chuck, for polishing pivotwithout removing balance or balance spring, to ht any lathes, 5.0O 3.503. Box tool to fit any lathes 3.00 3.564, Centering t ool to fit any lathes 50 : Classification D Loups. Eye Glass., .see Classification E No. 3541. Soft Steel Jeweling Chuck, each " 3541. " '• " " stepped. 3542 and 3543. Dale Crown Chuck, single Chucks, set of 6. ;huck. ' 3543. ' 3543. ' 3543. Stone Setting Chuck (screw fits through hole in base of setting and is screwed firmly to chuck) l.i Jewel Pivot Drill Chuck, for any' lathe i 3545A. Female Centers, ground on dead centers i 3546. Cro\vn Chuck, with milled end for enlarging crown., l.i Set of 6 5.1 Trued Pivot Drill Chuck ' No. 1 Dale Arbor Chuck to fit anv lathe 1 .( Screw Chuck I l.i Buff Chuck l.i Cement Chuck, adjustable sreeve I i Arbor Chuck to fit anv lathe 1 : 3544. 3545, 3547. 3548. 3549. 3550. 3551. 3552. InripY • 1 Ladles. Furnace see Cla iiiucx. I Lathes, Centering .... '■ t) 134 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LATHE ATTACHMENTS— HARDINQE BROS, No. 3505. Adjustable Speed Wheel, brass, nickel- plated, fitted to any countershaft I Plain wilh screw lor tightening on shaft.. " 3566. Hardinge Stepping Device with hardened and ground points, complete in case, 11 points Rod and sleeve Points, each " 35G7. Set of 8 fine Lathe Tools; size of tools, -i\ in. square, '2 in. long, complete, ..... Each tool Independent Reversible 4-Ja\v Chuclc; by reversing jaws can be used for inside or outside work. Price of chuck fitted to anv lathe Not fitted Extra jaws for special work No. .ftli'J. Extra fine Saws hollow ground and sharpenec after tempering: 1.25 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 Back Rest, full nickel-plated, 3 jaws, are adjustable to any size for any Standard or American Lathe S Eclipse Lathe Fixture taking a splii-chuck to hold wirrk, and when set in T rest used with emery wiieel or lap. your work can beperlectly squared. May be used to advantage lor slotting, screws, flat- tening ends of arbors, screw heads, etc. Full nickel-plated Watchmakers' Grinder with emery wheels, 3 in. in diameter, f'e in. thick, grits 100 and 70, bronze frame with wheel Shoulder Crown Chuck, will take any ■ size chuck. When ordering, state lathe for which it is intended Lathe Chuck Handle .see Classification F Loups, Eye Glass, .see Classification E For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. LATHE ATTACHMENTS.— HARDINQE BROS. No. 3575. " 3576. Lap Dressing Chuck SI ..50 Special Laps for Pivot Polisher 50 Brass Auxiliary Chuck for Screws. Fits No. 3S Wire Chuck. Set of 10 from No. .■) to 15 1.75 Price each 'J5 Stumps for Staking Tool 35 Brass Auxiliary Chucks made of Brass Stepped for Jewels from 15 to 32, per set 1..5n Stepped for Jewels, Steel, per set 2.50 " each 30 .20 ) to 35S4. Roller Chucks having special hole for admit- ting Jewel, each 1.25 SetofC 5.00 35S6. .3587. 35S8. 3589. 35no. 3591. 3592. 3593. Taper Chuck, Soft Steel .^ Hard Steel Cylinder Wire Chuck for turning Cylinder wax. Made in Nos. 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, pric Cement Brasses, 'stinch Steel Taper Chuck, ,»einch \t-inch. each " " " ''((-inch, '■ Cement Chuck, Brass, 2-inch, each •• 1-inch, " ?i-inch, ■' " H-inch, " Taper Blanks. Steel or Brass, Hinch, each. . Square Back Center, Hard Steel, each Always send samples for tapers. Index : , Ladles, Furnace... , Lathes, Centering. .see Classification F Letters, Die see Classification D Loups, Eye Glass " " E The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 3695 3696 3537 3698-3639 m^SSBM LATHE / s TACHMENTS. Countershafts. Xo. C^jijZ. Adjustable Countershaft with pulley for flat or round belling and speed wheel 12.90 " 30C3. Adjustable Countershaft with hard rubber pulleys and brass speed wheel, finely made throughout 6 . 00 " 36P7. Adjustable Countershaft with extended arbor for emery or wheel or wheel brush 3 . 50 " 3G38. Grout's Excelsior Countershaft, hard rubber pulleys, brass bushed bearings and speed wheel 4.00 " S699. Grout's Excelsior Countershaft, hard rubber pulleys,brass bushed bearings, without speed wheel 2.75 Inrtfv • ^ Lniips, Eye Glass see Classificati )n E inuex. ^Leuers, Die " •■ D For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 3700 3701-3702 37Q3 3704-3705 K^SHa LATHE ATTACHMENTS. Countershafts. No. 3700. Adjustable Countershaft, full nickel-plated. . . " 3701. " " japanned base " 3703. " " full nickel-plated... " 3703. Countershaft, with speed wheel " 3704. Adjustable Countershaft, with japanned base. " 3705. " " full nickel-plated. . . .13.50 . 2.75 . 3.50 . 1.00 . 2.50 . 3.25 Inilf^v • i Loups. Eye Glass. : Classification E The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LATHES. No. 3713. Carpenter Lathe, length of bed 26 in., height 40 inches; with Carpenter speed attachment and scroll saw. Price complete $15 . 00 " 3714. Bench Lathe, swing 614 'n., length of bed 24 in., distance between centers 14 in. Price 12.50 " 3715. Amateur Lathe with attachments as il- lustrated. Complete 10.00 With Scroll Saw, extra 2.00 No. 3716. Screw Cutting Lathe, 9-inch swing; for power or foot; feeds right or left; cuts right or left without change of gearing; tool carriage swivels so tool can be set at any desired angle; all gearing cut from solid metal; will cut threads from 5 to 40; swing 9 inches; takes 25 inches between centers; swings 3^ inches from tool carriage. The small pulley is 2}^ inches; the large pulley is 41^ inches. Weight of lathe 270 lbs.; boxed ready for shipment, 340 lbs. Price $65.00 No. 3716. Same as above but arranged for bench use 55.00 InH^v • I Ladles, Furnace — see Classification F inaex. ^Lathes, Centeving.. ■• " C lification D Loups, Eye Glass... see Classification E For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. LATHES, POLISHING. No. 3717 Polishing Lathe, with nice fixtures complete, as illustrated, fiat or grooved wheel, for flat or round belting $8.75 " 3718. Polishing Lathe, without fixtures 7 . 50 " 3718B. " " with cheap head, no hand rest 5 . 75 " 3719. " " " fixtures complete 6.35 " 3720. " " without fixtures 4.75 { Ladles, Furnace . . Index: -J Lathes, Centering. I " Drill ; Classification F Letters, Die see Classification D C Loups, Eye Glass ' " E The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LATHES. No. 3721. Optical Grinding Lathe, with craigieith stone, 1-inch face $16.00 " 3722. Carpenter Improved Speed Polishing Lathe, complete with head 10.00 " 3723. " Speed Wheel, can be used with any kind of lathe head; diameter, 18 inches; height, 23 inches. Price 12.00 " 3724. Carpenter Speed Polishing Lathe 15.00 " 3725. " " " " with zinc-lined box 16.50 " 3726. " " Foot Wheel 10.00 .see Classificat.on F .see Classificatii : Classification E For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. LATHES. Grinding and Polishing. No. 3727. Improved Polishing Lathe, weight 160 lbs., with No. 3745 head |20 . 00 With No. 3743 head 18.00 " 3728. Improved Polishing Lathe, weight 110 lbs 14.00 Extra for head, with chuck 1.00 " 3729. Polishing Lathe TOO Extra for head, with chuck 25 No. 3730. Opticians' and Lapidaries' Grinding Lathe 110.00 " 3731. Dental Lathe, with swing treadle, high speed, with head 20.00 " 3732. Improved Polishing Lathe, designed especially for light buffing, required by gold and silver platers, weight 150 lbs 18.00 Index • i Loups- Eye Gla inaex. ^ Lexers, Die.... .see Classification E The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LATHES. No. 3733. Plain Power Lathe, length of bed 3 feet, swing 8 ioches, weight 300 pounds, including countershaft, with 3 speed cones for IJ^-in. belt, with tight and loose pulleys, as illustrated 140.00 " 373BC. Countershafts only, as above 8.00 " 3731. Bench Speed Lathe, length of bed 3 feet, swing 8 inches, weight 100 lbs 25.00 " 3735. Plain Foot " " " 3 " '-8 " " 2.50 " 40.00 " 3736. Jewelers' Foot " " " 3 " " 8 " " 275 " 45.00 The above Lathes have perfect alignments and first-class workin inship throughout. ( l.oups. Eve Glass see Classifica Index; -. Letters, Die ■ 'Ladles "* For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ■• — TuMaiiriin 3737 T9 3738 3739 37iJ6 LATHE HEADS. Polishing. No. 3737. Polishing Lathe Head, with slit chuck and slit nut and cone pulley $1 30 " 8738. The same, with emery wheel, brush and saw complete 2 . 00 Polishing Head with slit nut 1.00 Oliver's Polishing Head, length of spindle 10 inches 2.00 Imitation Oliver's Polishing Head 1.50 Oliver's Polishing Head, spindle 10 inches, with drill chuck f^ inch 3 00 3739. 3740. 3741. 3743. 3746. Oliver's Polishing Head, length of spindle 13 inches $4.00 Oliver's Polishing Head, length of spindle 13 inches, with slit chuck, 14 mch 5.50 Polishing Head, with spindle 18 inches, with cone pulley (as in cut), or with single flat pulley 6.00 Wi'h tight and loose flat pulleys 7.00 Polishing Lathe Head, with Babbitt bearing and slit nut 1.25 I Loups, Eye Glass see Classification E Index :- Letters, Die ...." D (Ladles " " r The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LATHE WHEELS. No. 3748. Oliver's Ball Bearing Foot Wheel, weight of wheel 40 lbs., diameter of wheel 20 in. Total weight 65 lbs . . $10. 00 " 3749. Oliver's Foot 'Wheel, weight 40 lbs., di- ameter 20 in., without ball bearings. Total weight 65 lbs 8.00 " 3750. Oliver's Ball Bearing Foot 'Wheel, weight of wheel 40 lbs., diameter 20 in. Total weight 65 lbs 10.00 No. 3751. Duplex Ball Bearing Foot 'Wheel, with perpendicular slide,making uniform oscillation, no lost or jerking motion, no springs; no dead centers. Height 24 in.; diameter of wheel 20 in $15.00 " 3751A. Same as above, ball bearings, with iron spokes 10 00 " 8751B. Same as above with iron spokes, with- out bal 1 bearings 8 . 00 " 3753. Oliver's Foot Wheel, weight of wheel 40 lbs., diameter 20 in. Total weight 65 lbs 8,00 ( Loups, Eye Glass see Classification E Index : ■ Letters, Die " " D /Ladles .. " " P For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 377D 3771 L& M LATHE WHEELS AND MILLERS. Nos. 3768 to 3772. Superior tirooved Foot .Wheels. Fully warranted by manufacturer. Nos. 3766 to 3770. Foot Wheels, Swing Treadle, with 25 lb. wheel, either style. .$5.30 " 30 " " " " .. 5.90 " 40 " " " " .. 6.75 " 55 " " " " .. 8.40 8771. Foot Wheel to hang under bench with 30 pound wheel 5.30 '■ 40 " " 5.90 " 55 " " 8.40 3772. With Flat Wheel 2.00 No. 3772G. With Grooved Wheel $2.25 " 3773. Pendant Bow Miller 25 " 3774. Set of 6 Milling Tools for gold setting. .75 " 3775. Milling Tools for gold setting, fits No. 40 wire chuck, per set 1 . 50 " 3776. Spectacle Miller with 3 millers and shank, per set 75 " 3777. Reversible Milling Tool 1.00 " 3778. Balance Screw Miller, per set of 2 60 " 3779. Setof 8 Milling Tools 1.50 " 3780. Pendant Bow Milling Tool, used in vise 3.10 " 3781. " " " '• " " " 2.50 {Ladles. Furnaces Lathes. Centering Drill Letters, Die Loups. Eye Glass. Material Bottles.. iClassifica'n F Mainspring launches Gauges - Material Cabinets. . . see Classification P Matting Toe G Melting Fur i Classification C Mills Moulds, Ingot Movement, Boxes. Muffle Furnaces... The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies f .-I- 3779 377a WS^SKSFHt L LAPS. Optician and Lapidary. No. 3778. Opticians' Friend, for grinding and polishing lenses, crystals, etc., complete " 3779. Jewelers' Lapidary Set 1.25 Index: ( Ladles. Furnace ....sec Classification F Lathe Brushes and Buffs. see Classfi'n B Lining Gravers see Classification G - Lathes, Centering.. ■ " C Letters, Die " D Loups, Eye Glass. .. " '■ E 1 '■ Drill •■ •• D For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades, LAP5, LEVELS AND LENS HOLDERS. No. 3780. Clock Level, nicely made, nickel-plated. 3781. " " japanned 3782. Lens Holder or Forcep, nickel-plated... 3784. Test Tube Holder, nickel-plated 3785. Glass Lap, in wood box 3786. Lap for grinding watch glasses, lenses, etc. .$0.40 . .25 . .25 . .25 . .10 . .15 . .75 \ Ladles Index : -, Letters, Die I Loups, Eye Glass.. .see ClassificHti( The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies M MANDRILS AND MAINSPRING TOOLS. No. 3786 A. Ring Mandril, polished $0 . 60 " 3786N. " " nickel-plated 85 ■■ 3787. « " graduated 1.00 " 3787N. " " " nickel-plated. 1.35 " 3788. Tempered Steel Ring Mandril 2.00 " 3789. Iron Ring Mandril, polished, with handle .45 " 3789L. Lathe Ring Mandrils, set of 3, taking any size of rings {noi illustrated). ... 5.00 Single Mandril 2 00 No. 3789D. Lathe Dog, to carry mandrils $0.50 " 3790. Thimble Mandril 50 " 3790N. " " nickel-plated 75 " 3791. Clock Mainspring Winder, for winding large clocks,, music boxes, etc 3 . 00 " 3792. Clock Mainspring Releaser, N.-P 50 " 3793. Vaughan's Clock Mainspring Winder . . 3.50 " 3794. Imp. Attachm't for winding clock springs .75 " 3795. Improved Watch Mainspring Winder. . 1.00 (■Mainspring Punches. .see Classification P . . I '■ Gauges.... " '• G Index : 1 Material Bottles '• " B " Cabinets " " C I " Cups " " C Material Plates for Benches. .see Class'n B Matting Brushes " B *■ Tools " C Melting Furnaces " F Mills, Rolling see Classification R Moulds, Ingot " '* I Movement Boxes " " B Muffle Furnaces " " F For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. M MAINSPRING WINDERS. No. 3896. Main Spring Winder with ,4 interchangeable barrels; 0, 6, 16 and 18 size, nickel-plated $1 . 50 ' 8897. Swiss Main Spring Winder 30 ' 3898. " " " " nickel-plated 50 ' 3899. Eureka" " " " " 1.50 ' 3900. Ida's " " " 1.75 ' 3901. Impr. " " " with 5 interchangeable barrels; ///?/.f//-a/w«.y .r/icw box with 4 barrels and winder with i barrel inserted ready to use ; used without vise 3 . 25 ('Mainspring Punches. see Classification P Material Cups see Cla3sificati( Indoir • J Mainspring Gauges.. " " G Matting Brushes. \ Material Bottles. Material Cabinets. B Matting Tools. C Melting Furnaces. Mills, Rolling see Classification R Moulds, Ingot •■ '• I Movement Boxes " " B Muffle Furnaces " " F The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies M MALLETS. No. 3903. Nickel-plated Staking Tool Mallet, nicely finished $0.50 " 3904. Brass Head Mallet 26 " 3905. " and Fibre Face Mallet 65 " 3906. Watch Makers' Fibre Face Mallet, 5 oz., ^-in. face .50 " 3907. Jewelers' " " " 10 oz., 1-in. face 50 Extra faces, per pair 05 Per dozen 50 " 3908. Small Ebony Mallet 25 " 3909. Rawhide Mallet 35 " 3910. Horn Mallet 25 " 8911. Ebony " large 35 " 3913. Boxwood Mallet 15 [^Mainspring Punches. .see Classifi't'n P Material Cups .... Matting Brushes.. '* Tools Melting Furnaces. : Classification C Moulds. Ingot see Classification I Mills, Rolling " " R Mufl3e Furnaces '* ** F For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 3913 ■1«1>HM^ M MOVEMENT ADJUSTERS. No. 3913. Movement Adjuster, old style $0.65 " 3913N. " " nickel-plated 1-00 " 3914. Patent Movement Adjuster. Adjustable to all positions. Oscillation of bal- ance can be observed without handling 1.75 In/f^-^. ( Moulds, Ingot see Classification I Mainspring Punches see Classification P ""'*''• ^ Material Cups and Cabinets " " C Matting tools ■' " C 152 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 3915 3916 **a9-:s£^: /■■ 3918 3917 3919 10 3924 M MOVEMENT COVERS, TRAYS AND MORTARS. No. 3915. " 3916. " 8917 " 3918. . " 3919. " 3920. " 3921. " 3922. " 3923. " 3934. Movement Cover, with tray $0.50 " " with compartment base and movement holder 75 " " " glass tray, size 4 in., ground to fit. Agate Mortars, size l>^-in., $1 . 25. 3-in Movement Covers, 3-in " 31^-in " " 4-in " 4J^in " " 5-in •••• " " 6-in .80 1.75 .25 .30 .35 .45 .45 .55 Index: n-spring Punches.: Gauges.. Material Bottles Cabinets i Classifi't'n P Material Cups see Classification C G Matting Brushes... " " B B " Tools " " C " C Melting Furnaces.. " " F Moulds, Ingot see Classification I Mills, Rolling " " R Muffle Furnaces " " F -For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 3925 3927 3926 l-«fcy"'-.:j-,v«.^ PLIERS. Flat. No. 4011. " 4011N. " 4012. " 4012N. " 4013. ■' 4013N. " 4014. ■■ 4014N. " 4015. " 4015N. " 4016. " 4016N. Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, 3 in 3 " 3 " 3 " 3 " 3 « 3H " Wz " 3^ " Wi " Wi " 31^ " N.-P N.-P N.-P N.'-JP" Stubbs .$0.20 .35 .30 .50 .50 .70 .20 .35 .30 .50 .50 .70 and other imported Pliers are not guaranteed No, ■" - " ■ ' '^ " . 4017. 4017N. 4018. 4018N. 4019. 4019N. 4020. 4020N. 4021. 4021N. 4022. 4022N. Swiss, 4 in. 4 " N.^P . Eng., 4 " 4 " N.-P . Stubbs, 4 " " 4 " N.-P . Swiss, 4J^ " 43^ " N.-P . Eng., 41^ " 41^ " N.-P . Stubbs, 41^ " 4^ " N.-P . $0.20 N .35 .30 .50 .50 .70 .20 .35 .30 .50 .50 .70 No. 4023. ' 4023 N. ' 4024. ' 4024N. ' 4025. ' 4025 N. ' 4026. ' 4026N. '' 4027. ' 4027N. ' 4028. '' 4028N. Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, 5 '• 5 ' 5 " 5 " 5 " 6 " 6 ' 6 " fi " 6 " 6 " N. -P ... N. -P ... N. -P ... N. -P... N. -P ... $0.25 .40 .40 .65 .66 .90 .30 .50 .50 .75 Index; I Pads, - Pallet ( Fipes. Engraving. see Classification E Stone Adjusters " J Plates, Diamond.. see Classification S Draw " " D " Screw •■ " S Polishing Lathes. see Cla Punches, Dapping Die Carat... For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. PLIERS. Long Flat Nose. Stubbs and other imported pliers are not guaranteed. No. 4031. " 4031N. " 4082. " 4032N. " 4033. " 4033N. " 4034. " 4034N. " 4085. " 4085N. " 403K. " 4036N. Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, " N.-P . " N.-P". " N.-ip". " N.-p'. " N.-P '. " N.-P '. No. 4037. Swiss, 4 in. 4037 N. 4038. 4038N. 4089. 403HN. 4040. 4040N. 4041. 4041N. 4042. 4043N. 4 Eng., 4 " 4 Stubbs, 4 4 N.-P .$0.20 •' N.-P « N.-P .35 .30 .50 .50 .70 Swiss, 43^ " 20 41^" N.-P . .35 Eng., 4i^" 30 41^ " N.-P . .50 Stubbs, 41^" 50 iH " N.-P . .70 Jo. 4043. " 4048isr. " 4044. " 4044N. " 4045. " 4045N. " 4046. " 4046N. " 4047. " 4047N. " 4048. " 4048N. Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, N. P . N. -P . N. P . N. -P . N. -P . $0.80 .45 .40 .65 .65 .90 .80 .50 .50 .75 .85 1.10 Index Pads, Pallet Pipes, Engraving. see Cla Stone Adjusters Plates, Diamond. .see Classification S Dr; D Po) shing Lathes. see Classification iches. Dapping Die The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PLIERS. Swedish Flat. No. 4051. " 4052. " 4053. " 4054. •' 4055. " 4066. •■ 4057. " 4058. " 4059. " 4060. Swedish Flat Plier, 3 " 3 SNIPE AND LONG NOSES SAME PRICES. Polished First Grade. $0.40 nickel-plated 55 40 3J^ 'd}4 " nickel-plated 55 4 " 40 4 "nickel-plated 55 4M '■ 40 4i| " nickel-plated 55 5 " 50 5 " nickel-plated TO When ordering, suffix L for Long and S for Snipe Nose, i. e.: 4051 L for Long Nose, 4051S for Snipe Nose, etc. Polishing Latlies.-see Classification L I Pads Engraving. .see Classification E Plates, Diamond, see Classification S Polisliing Lathes. .set Index M Pallet Stone Adjusters ■' J •■ Draw '■ - D Punches, Dapping D / Pipes, Blow " H " Screw " ^ C-arat... For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. laHlCHMJ PLIERS. Round Nose. No. 4061. " 4061N. " 4062. " 4U62N. " 4063. " 4063N. " 4064. " 4064N. " 4065. " 4065N. " 4066. " 4066N. Eng., Swiss, 3 3 3 3 Stubbs, 3 3 Swiss, Stubbs and other importea pliers are not guaranteed. N.-P 31/2' 3^2" Stubbs, 3,1/2 • Eng., .$0.20 .35 .30 .50 .50 .70 .20 .35 .30 .50 .50 .70 Index No. 4067. 4067N. 4068. 4068 X. 4069. 4069N. 4070. 4070N. 4071. 4071N. 4073. 4072N. Swiss, 4 ■' 4 Eng., 4 4 Stubbs, 4 4 . Swiss, i% ' 4I2 ■ Eng., 434 41/2 Stubbs, 4K N.-P N.-P N.'P .$0.;iO .35 .30 .50 .50 .70 .20 .35 .30 .50 .50 .70 No. 4073. " 4073N. " 4074. " 4074N. " 4075. " 4075N. " 4076. " 4076N. " 4077. " 4077N. " 4078. " 4078N. Swiss, 5 5 5 5 Stubbs, 5 " 5 6 6 6 6 Stubbs, 6 6 Eng., Swiss, Eng., rPads. Engraving. .see Cla J Pallet Stone Adjusters 1 Pipes, Blow LPlates. Bench.... siticatioii E .J Plates, Diamond.. see Classification S " Draw •• " D shiDg Lathes. see CI ches, Dapping D ' Carat.. . in 10.25 " N.-P . .40 " 40 " N.-P . .65 " 65 " N.-P . .90 « 30 " N.-P . .50 " 50 " N.-P . .75 " 85 " N.-P ■ 1. 10 assification L D The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies tiQ&Z unnssa PLIERS, Snipe Nose. Stubbs' and other imported pliers are not guaranteed. No. 4079. English, 3- in. Plier $0.30 No 4079S. Stubbs, 3^ " 4080. English, 3K " 4080S. Stubbs, S% " 4081. English, 4 " 4081S. Stubbs, 4 " English, 43^-in. Pliers $0. 30 .50 " 4082S. Stubbs, 41^ " " 50 .30 T/w above Pliers, 7iickel-plated, extra, each, 20c. .50 No. 4083. English, 5-in. Plier 40 .30 " 4083S. Stubbs, 5 " '■'■ 65 .50 Nickel-plated, extra each, .25 ( Pads. Engravins:.. ..see Classification E Plates, Diam Index : \ Pallet, stone Adjusters, ■' J " Draw jPipes,Blovv " B " Screv .see Classificatic Polishing Lathes — see Classification L Punches, Dapping Die. " D Carat " S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. P PLIERS. Swedish End Cutting. First Quality. Polished. No. 4100. Swedish End Cutting Plier, 3 -in |0.5o No. 4103. Swedish End Cutting Flier, 4}^- in $0.60 | " 4100N: " " " " 3 " N.-P. .70 ' 4103N. " " " " 41^ " N.-P. .75 " 4101. " " " "31^" 55 • 4104. " " " " 5 " 65 " 4101N. " " " " Z% ■' N.-P. .70 ' 4104N. " " " " 5 " N.-P. .85 " 4102. " " " " 4 " 55 ' 4105. Fine hand-made End Cutting Pliers 1.75 " 4102N. " " " " 4 " N.-P. .70 ' 4105N. " " " " " N.-P. 2.00 fPads, Engraving... .see Classification E Plates, Bencli.. .. Ind<»v J Pallet Stone Adjusters 1 Plates, Diamond. '""^''- ^ Pipes, Blow " B Plates, Draw . .sec Classification B Polishing Lathes. . ..see Classification L ■• S Punches, Dapping Die " D LProtector, Wheel " W Plates, Screw ... . " S Presses, Drop and Drill " D The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies umMsmm P PLIERS. Swedish Polished, Oblique or Side Cutting and Extra Fine. No. 4100. Swedish Side Cutting, 3 in $0.65 " 4107. " " '■ 3 "nickel-plated 85 " 4108. " " •' 314" 65 " 4109. 33^ " nickel-plated 85 " 4110. " " " 4 " 65 " 4111. " " " 4 " nickel-plated 85 " 4112. " " " 41^" 70 " 4113. •' " " 41^ " nickel-plated 90 " 4114. " " " 5 " 75 " 4115. " " " 5 "nickel-plated 95 " 4116. Swiss Extra Fine, hand made 1.65 " 4117. " " " " " nickel-plated 1.90 1 Pads. Engr; ■{ Pallet Ston. I Pipes. Blov r.-see Classificatio Plates, Diamond. .see Classification S Polishing Lathes. see Cla Punches, Dapping Die Carat. ^. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. VSasSM PLIERS. End Cutting. No. 4118. " 4118N. " 4119. " 4119N. " 4120. " 'J120N. " 4121. " 4121N. " 4122. " 4122N. " 4123. " 4123N. Index : Swiss, Eng., Stubbs Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, 1 Pads, Pallet I Pipes, " N.-P ' N.'-P " N.-F " N.-'P " N.'-P " N.-P Siubbs . .if.) An .00 .50 .70 .95 1.1-^ .4.T .60 .00 r,o .95 1.15 and other imported Pliers are not guaranteed No. 4124. " 4124N. " 4125. " 4125N. " 4126. " 412UN. " 4127. " 4197N. " 4128. " 4128N. " 4189 ■' 412ilN. 4 4 4 4 Stubbs 4 4 4^ i% 4W Eng., Swiss, Eng., N.-P N.-P N.'-P N. P N.'-P 10.45 .60 .50 .70 .95 1.15 .45 .60 .50 ,70 Engravinfj.see Classification E Stone .'Vdjusters " J Blow " B Slubbs, 4J3' " 95 i% " N.-P . 1 15 les, Diamond.. see Classification S No. 4130. " 4130N. " 413!. « 4131N. " 4132. " 4133N. " 4133. " 4133N. " 4134. " 4134N. " 4135. " 4135N. Swiss, 5 5 5 5 Stubbs, 5 5 Swiss, 6 6 6 6 Stubbs, '■ 6 Eng., Eng., N.-P N.'-P ' N.'P ' N.-P ■ N.-P ' N-P .10.65 .85 .65 .90 1.00 1.20 .70 .90 .75 1.00 1.15 1.40 Polishing Lathes. see Classification L Punches, Dapping Die " D Carat " S The Tweatieth Century Catalogue ot supplies PLIERS. Oblique or Side Cutting. No. 4136. " 4136N. " 4137. " 4137N. " 4188. " 4138N. " 4139. " 4139N. '■ 4140. " 4140N. " 4141. " 4141N. Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, '• N. P . " N. -P . " N -P . " N -P , " N -P . " N -P . ivins.seeCl .Adjusters Stubbs 10.45 .60 .no .75 .95 1.10 .45 .60 .50 .75 .95 1.10 and other imported Pliers are not guaranteed. No. " . 4142. 4142N. 4143. 4143N. 4144. 4144N. 4145. 4U5N. 4146. 4146N. 4147. 4147N. Swiss, 4 4 Eng., 4 Stubbs. 4 4 Swiss 4!^ 4i^ Stubbs, 41^ Eng., N.-P N.-P N.-P N.-P 0.45 .60 .50 .75 .95 1.10 .45 .60 .50 .75 .95 1.10 No. 4148. " 4148N. " 4149. " 4149N. " 4150. " 4150N. " 4151. " 4151N. " 4152. " 4152N. " 4153. " 41.53N. Swiss, Eng., Stubbs, Eng., 5 5 5 5 5 5 Swiss, 6 6 6 6 ,6 6 N.-P . . N.-P '. '. N.-P '. '. N.-P .. N.-P .'.' $0.65 .85 .65 .90 1.00 1.20 .70 .95 .75 1.00 1.15 1.40 Polishing Lathes. see Classification L Punches, Dapping Die *' D " Carat '* S Index; I Pads, Pallet I Pipes, Engra Stone Blow iification E J Plates, Di; '• Or nd..see Classification S D For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. PLIERS. Russian Cutting. No. 4156. " 4157. " 4158. " 4159. " 4160. " 4161. " 4163. " 4168. " 4164. " 4165. Russian Cutting Plier, 3 inch |0. 35 3 4 4 4'^ 5 5 nickel-plated 55 35 niclcel-plated 55 40 nickel-plated 60 45 nickel-plated 65 55 nickel-plated 75 ( Pads, Engravinp.see ClassificatK Index : < Pallet stone Adjusters ( Pipes, Blow Plates, Diamond. .see Classification S •■ Draw ■• " D " Screw " " S Polishing Lathes. see Classification L Punches, Dapping; Die " D The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PLIERS. Nos. 4176 to 4181. Pliers stamped from sheet No. 4183, steel. No. 4176. 4 -in. " 4177. 41^ " . " 4178. 5 " . " 4179. 6 " . .$0.10 . .15 . .15 . .20 4184, 4185, 4186, 4187, 332-in., nickel-plated. " 4182. Opticians' Pliers, one jaw convex, one concave 1.00 Nos. 4183 to 4186. Pliers, parallel, round nose. $0.60 4 " " " 60 4W " " " 70 5 '• " " 80 Combination Cutting and Flat Parallel Plier 1.25 Nos. 4188 to 4191. Pliers, parallel, flat nose. No. 4188. 3J^-in., nickel-plated 60 •■ 41ti9. 4 " " " 60 " 4190. 4}4 " '• " 70 " 4191. 5 " " " 80 ( Pads. Engraving. ..see Classification E Index: X Pallet stone Adjusters " J I Pipes, Blow " B Plates, Diamond .. -see Classificati( Punches, Carat. ...see Classification S IDapping Die " D Polishing Lathes " L For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^2D5-^2D^ COPYRIGHT 1B99 ALL RIGHTS nSS5a ED. P PLIERS. No. 41!je. " 4197. Clock Plier . 10.25 " " nickel-plated 45 " 4198. Flat Nose Rivet Extracting and Cutting Plier, nickel plated 75 " 4199. Rivet Extracting Plier, nickel-plated ... 1.25 " 4200. " 4201. ... .60 " " " " " nickel-plated ... .80 " 4203. Flat Nose and Wire Cutting Plier combined ... .60 " 4204. " " " " " " " nickel-plated... ... .75 Index f Hads, Engraving. see Classification E Plates. Diamond, .see Classification S Polisiiing Latiies. see Classification I. J Pallet Stone Adjusters " I '• Draw '■ " D Punches, Dapping Die " D 1 Pendant Set Keys " S " Screw " " S " Carat.... " S LPipes, Blow " B The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies P PLIERS. Opticians'. Nickel=Plated. . 4207. Shaping Plier, one jaw round, one flat $1.00 4208. Plier, for shaping eye glass springs, etc ] .00 4209. " one jaw half-round, one flat 1 . 00 4210. Snipe Nose, Shaping Plier 1.00 4211. Plier, for adjusting corks in eye glass springs, etc 1 . 00 4212. " with bevel jaws for shaping and removing temples on spectacles 1.00 4213. Flat Nose Plier 1.00 4214. Plier, for shaping, one jaw convex and one concave 1.00 4215. Plier, Elliptic Nose, for shaping 1.00 {Pads, Pipes Engraving see Cla Stone Adjusters ntSet Keys Blow Plates, Bench see Cla Polishing Lathes see Classification L Punches, Dapping Die '* D Carat '* S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 171 m^ss^ '■^■"■"'■''■'"H PLIERS No. 4210. Case Spring Plier, nickel-plated " 4217. " '• " « 4217^. " " " nickel-plated " 4218. " Plier " 4219. " Spring Plier, 16 and 18 size, nickel-plated . " 42.'0. " " " " G " 10.75 .30 .45 1.25 .75 .75 I'Pads, Engraving see Classification E Plates, Diamond see Classification S Polishing Lathes see Classification] lfiH<.ir • J Pallet Stone Adjusters " I " Draw " ". D Punches, Dapping Die \ Pendant Set Keys Pipes. Blo« S Punches, Carat. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PLIERS. Opticians' Forged Steel. s'o. 4231. Guard Pliers $0.75 " 4223. " " nickel-plated tiO " 4223. Shaping Flier, one jaw half-round, one fiat, both smooth, each 50 " 4224. " " " " " " " " " nickel-plated, each. .75 " 4335. Stud or Post Plier, flat smooth jaws, each 75 " 4226. " " " '• " " nickel-plated, each 90 " 4327. Fine Pointed, one jaw flat, one round, both smooth, " 60 " 4228. " " " " " " " " " nickel plated, each 80 " 4229. Stud or Post, round smooth jaws, each 50 " 4330. " " " nickel-plated, each 75 t Pads. Engraving. see Classification 1 Index: -Pallet Stone Adjusters ( Pipes, Blow '• 1 Plates. Diamond.. see Classificati( Dr, U Polishing Lathes. see Classitication L Punches, Dapping Die " D Carat.... " S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 17S P PLIERS. Opticians'. No. 4231. Opticians' Plier 4233. " " nickel-plated ' 4233. Shaping " one jaw round, one flat, both smooth. ' 4234. Opticians' 4235. 4236. 4237. 4238. 4239. 4240. nickel-plated half round, end flat, both smooth " " " " " " nickel-plated. round, one convex " " " nickel-plated Joint or one piece, smooth jaws " " " " " nickel-plated ).45 .60 .50 .75 .50 .75 .40 .60 .50 .75 \ Pads. Engraving. ..see Classification K Index: 1 Pallet Stone Adjusters " I j Pipes, Blow ■' 6 Polishing Lathes ..see Classification L Punches, Dapping Die *' D Carat " S The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies COPyBIGHT a99, ALL RIOHTS RESEBVED. P PLIERS. 1 No. 4241. " 4242. '■ 4243. " 4244. " 4245. " 4246. " 4247. " 4248. " 4249. " 4250. " 4251. " 4252. '■ 4253. Stubbs and other imported pliers are not guaranteed. Wheel Truing Pliers _ . «ll Vn Nn !•.« Hand and Hannon Pminn Rfimnvino-Plier. nir 1 .-plated $0.50 35 '' nicJcel-plated Stoclcinger Duck Bill Plier, long flat nose ro 85 " 4-;55. English Hawk nded on •' 4255N. -bill PI ' 3'/2 •• nickel-plated. 65 35 Stockinger Duck Bill Plier, long flat nose roi nded on " 42.56N. 4 " nickel-plated. 4V4 " 55 35 1 Tooth Plier ' 4V4 "nickel-plated. .55 " nickel-plated 50 ■' 42.58. Swiss ' 4 ■• nickel-plated . • 4!/»'" Balance Wheel Plier 4''2 " nickel-plated.. 45 ]| II ;• nickel-plated '• " " nickel'-plated'..'!L''."..'! 1.011 " 42(i0. Stubbs' 35 " 4260N. 50 " 4261. 80 3V{ " nickel-plated.. ' 414 " . 1.00 .80 1.00 ; Index : ( Pads, Engraving... see Classification E ■{ Pallet Stone Adjusters - J (Pipes.Blow see " B Plates, Diamond... see Classification S Polishing Lathes... see Classification L Draw " ■• D Punches, Dapping Die '■ D : " Screw •• '■ S " Carat ....see " S i For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Bsaaaa i)2e9-iJ27Q PLIERS. Pendant, Bow, Contracting and Expanding. No. 4263. Pendant Bow Pliers, nickel-plated $0.75 " 4264. " " " contracting and expanding, nickel-plated 1.00 " 436-5. " " " expanding 35 " 4266. " " " ■■ nickel-plated 55 " 4267. " " Contractor and Ring Bender, great leverage 1.50 " 4268. " " " '• "' " " " nickel plated 1.80 " 4369. " " " .30 {i'ads, Engraving — see Classification E Piates, Draw see Classification D Punciiea, Caiat see Classification S Pallet Stone Adjusters " J " Screw " '■ S Presses, Drop and Drill '• D Pipes, Blow see " B Polishing Lathes. .. " " L Protector, Wheel., .see Piates, Diamond.... " " .- ^ . ^ ■ ^- .. -, S Punches, Dapping Die The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PLIERS. Truworth Brand. Truworth brand of pliers are warranted to give absolute satisfaction. Every plier is machine tested before it leaves tlie factory. Ttiey are unexcelled for toughness and temper. No. 4371. Truworth Long Snipe Nose Plier 10.70 4271N. 4372. 4273N. 4273. 4373N. 4374. 4274N. Needle Snipe nickel plated . nickel-plated . . with side cutter nickel-plated 1.15 80 nickel-plated 1.15 i Pads, Pallet ' Pipes, Engraving. ..se( .Adjuster: Plates, Diamond .. .see Classitication S Polishing Lathes ..see Classification L Punches, Dapping Die '* D Carat " S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. M27a PLIERS. Truworth Brand. Truworth brand of pliers are warranted to give absolute satisfaction. Every plier is machine tested before it leaves the factory. They are unexcelled for toughness and temper. No. 4275. Truworth Plier, with side cutter |0.75 No. 4277. Truworth Long Nose Plier, with side 4275N. 4276. 42T6N. N,-P. 1.00 Duck Bill or Stockinger pattern .70 " 4277N. Truworth Long Nose Plier, with side cutter, nickel-plated 1 . 10 'nickel-plated 95 " ^^78. Truworth Long Nose Plier 65 " 4278N. " " " " nickel-plated .90 ■ Index : ('Pads, Engraving... see Classification E J Pallet Stone Adjusters - J 1 Pendant Set Keys " S LPipes, Blow " B Plates, Diamond. .see Classifications . " ■• i) " S Polishing Lathes. . . see Classification L Punches, Dapping Die " D Carat ....see " S Screw. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ^2aD li'Haiarrel hook N.-P. .90 punch, nickel-plated $1.00 60 " 4367. Mainspring Plier 1.35 " N.-P 85 " 4368. " " nickel-plated 1.60 Plier, three punches 75 " 4369. " " one punch .50 " " N.-P... 1.00 ■■ 4370. " " " " nickel-plated .70 four " 1.00 " 4371. " Punch 45 " N.-P... 1.25 " 4372. " " nickel-pl'ated 60 Index: Pads, Engraving.... see Classificalion E Plates, Draw Pallet Stone .Adjusters " J " Screw Pipes. Blow see " B Polishing Lathes, Plates. Diamond . ■' " S .seeClassitica Punches, Dapping Die, Classification D Carat .see " S Presses, Drop and Drill " D The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies P PLIERS AND PUNCHES. No. 4373. Bulldog or Umbrella Nose Plier |0.50 " 4374. Parallel Card Punch, nickel-plated 75 " 437.5. Card Punch, nickel plated 65 " 4376. " " " 75 " 4377. " " " 75 {Pads, Engraving.. .see Classification E Plates, Diamond., .see Classifications Polishing Lathes ..see Classification L Pallet Stone Adjusters " J " Draw ■■ ■' D Punches, Dapping Die " D Pendant Set Keys " S " Screw " " S " Carat. ...see " S Pipes. Blow •■ B For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 185 M3a9 wi^a^sm 4290 H5aa ■B.m'i.i»Wi PLIERS AND POLISHING BLOCKS. No. 4383. " 4383. Balance Spring Collet Removing Plier.$0.50 nickel-plated ._ 70 Combination Balance Spring Collet and Stud Removing Plier, nickel-plated. .85 Hand Removing Plier, nickel-plated. . . .7.5 4386. Perfection Hand Removing Plier, nickel-plated 1 .75 4385. No. 4387. Balance Truing Plier, complete, illus- tration on side shows same in use ... $1 . 00 " 4388. Jewel Extracting Plier 85 " 4389. Boxwood Polishing Block?, sizes 2x3-in. .30 2}ixB}4-in 40 3x4-in 60 Any sizes made to order. No. 4390. Treble Polishing Block 65 see Classification B Plates, Screw ste Classliication S B Polishing Lathes... ■■ ■■ L d...." ■' S Punches, Dapping Die " D rPads, Engraving see Class Index : <^ g^''^' ^S"''" Adjusters ^ Paper, hmery or Carborundun ^Pendant Set Keys Pipes, Blow... Plates, Bench. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies MTsSa wwMwwtMotWCTaMTMwaffBaa^^ POISING TOOLS. No. 4391. Poising Tool $0,30 No. 4395. Poising Tool, adjustable feet with steel 4391N. 4393. 4S92N. 4393. 4393N. 4394. nickel-plated 50 jaws, nicely ground and finished |2.75 25 " 4396. Same, but with agate jaws 1.75 nickel-plated 40 " 4397. Poising Tool 75 65 " 4397N. " " nickel-plated 95 nickel-plated 85 " 4398. " " 1.50 with agate jaws 5 . 00 see Classification E Platiogr Supplies B.ittery see Classification B D Platers' Burnishers " " B . " " S Punches, Dapping Die " " D For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. i\i^Zi i^nzi W\7 W\& 4i|l9 iJH20 mmi mz\ IS i " 4556. " " " 3 " " each, ).25 .30 .55 .65 .85 .75 .15 ,18 .20 .25 .40 .50 t Stones, Gold Testing. .see Classi'tio Index: -^ Signs, Watchmakers... " " ( Slates. Borax " " Sizes, Ring ... Setters, Jewel. .see Classification G Slide Ton^s see Classificati( J Slips, Bell Metal.... " 184 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies s SAW FRAMES. 5567. 5568. 5569. Adjustable Hack Saw Frame, holds blades from 6 to 13-in., each |1 .00 Hack Saw Frame for 8-in. Blade, each. .50 Jewelers' American Hack Saw Frame and Saw, nickel-plated 85 Imported Hack Saw Frame with Ten- sion Screw, 4-in 1.00 5-in 1.25 6-in 1.50 No. 5570. Adjustable Saw Frame, with square head adjusting screws and wrench. .$0.85 " 5570N. Adjustable Saw Frame, with square head adjusting screws and wrench, nickel-plated 1.00 " 5571. Adjustable Saw Frame 65 " 5572. " " " 75 " 5572N. " " •■ nickel-plated... 1.10 " 5573. Wire Saw Frame, with thumb screws, 1 dozen saws 25 ( Setters, Jewel see Classification J Slates, Borax Index :-) Signs, Watchmakers', etc. " W Slide Tongs, f Sizes, Ring *' G : Classification B Slips, Bell Metal see Cla Stones, Gold Testing " lification B For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 1&5 STANDARD SCALES. Nos. 4574 to 4577, Lever Scales. Oak or walnut box; nickel-plated scale. No. 4574. 2-ounce $3 50 4575. 4 4576. 6 4577. 8 4577A. 16 4 25 5.00 5.75 7.25 Nos. 4578 to 4580 Scales with Eccentric Raise, walnut or oak box; nickel-plated scales. No. 4578. 4-ounce $5 . -50 " 4579. 6 " 6.00 No. 4580. 8-ounce $7.00 " 4581. Fine Jewelers' Scales, with adjustable screw feet to obtain level; 2-ounce sensitive to ^ grain; pans 3 inches in diameter 11.00 " 4582. The same in glass case 20.00 Nos. 4583 to 4537, American Scales, nicely made, full nickel-plated, with removable pans. No. 4583. 4-ounce $5.75 " 4584. 6 " 6.50 " 4585. 8 " 7.25 " 4587. 16 " 8.65 index: ( Setters, Jewel see Classiiicatio ( Signs, Watchmakers', etc. " { Sizes, Ring " Slates Borax Slide, Tongs Slips, Bell Metal. .see Classification B Staking Blocks, see also Anvils and Case Stakes A and S Stones, Gold Testing, see ClassificationG 196 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ^59iJ-iJ535 ■il596-iJ599 ^.S*AM COPYRIGHT E99, ALL R GHTS R=9En VED s SCALES. No 4591. 4592. 4593. 4594. 4595. 4596. 4597. 4598. 4599. $ 4.50 .80 .95 10.50 9.00 1.10 1.35 . 1.60 2.00 Miners' Improved Gold Scale, 2 oz., in tin box. Imported Diamond Scale Best Quality Pocket Scale, 1-oz. . . Pocket Scale, 2-oz '• " 6-oz Index: I Setters, Jewel - Signs.Watchi (Sizes, Ring.. see Classification J Slates. Borax see Classification B lakers," " W Slide Tongs '• ■• T '* " G Slip Ston . Bell Metal, es, Gold Test .see Classificatio ing nB G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 197 WEIGHTS, ALL KINDS 3EF. BttOW SCALES. In Glass Cases. Fine Jewelers' Scales, open beam with beam arrest, with improved raising apparatus, 10-inch movable pans, elegant mahogany glass case, counter-poised door, sensitive to y^ grain; capaci- ty 200 ounces $90.00 The same, with polished mahogany base, without glass case 70 . 00 Fine balance, capacity 2 oz., sensitive to r'b grain, in glass case. 20.00 Same, with screw feet and spirit level 24.00 4612. Fine balances, capacitv 5 ozs., sensitive to ^a grain, 314-inch pans, in glass case 24.00 The same, without glass case 15.00 Diamond Scales, graduated in rh to 1 carat with slide weight and rider bar. dispensing with frac- tions of a carat; has push button pan arrest, pol- ished mahogany case, 19x17x9 inches; capacity 600 carat; complete with weights 80. 00 4609. 4610. 4611. 4613. 4614, No. 4615. Diamond Scale, sensitive to bJo carat, with arrest for beam and pans, including set of weights from 100 carat to ^V. each weight fitted separately; ca- pacity 250 carat; size 16x14x7^2 inches $ *' 4616. Same, with push button pan arrest " 4617. Diamond Scale, length 10 inches; depth 5 inches; of polished mahogany, door counter-poised; com- plete with weights, 54 carat in all, fitted in drawer " 4618. Handy Mailing or Merchandise Scale Scale Weig^hts. Troy Weights accurately adjusted. 1 ounce down to H grain, per set, in bloclc 2 Vz * " '• " *■ 5 1/2 ' ** Set of Pennyweights and Grains. .._ '* " Grainsonly ' " " Cup Weights, English: 4 ounce 3.50 4.00 6.00 198 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ^625 ^6Z9 4621 1^620 M622 iJ630 fc8flB>im _|3SiZIB SCRAPERS AND SECOND=HAND HOLDERS. No.4620. English Hollow Scraper $0.60 No. 4626. Second-Hand Holder 4620B. Bullock's " " 4621. Solid Scraper 4622. Jewelers' Scraper 4623. Second-Hand Remover 4624. " " Holder 4625. " " and Screw Holder (op- erates like push key) 50 " 4627 25 " 4628 40 25 " 4629 20 " 4630. .$0.25 " 25 " 20 and Screw Holder, N.-P. . .75 Holder 25 I Setters, Jewel see Classification J Index: -| Signs, Watchmakers, etc. " W ( Sizes, Ring '* G HI Slates, Borax Slide Tongs. .see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal., .see Classification B Stones, Gold Testing '* G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. BOISOhI M6M2 SCREW DRIVERS. No. 4631. Fine quality Screw Driver, small |0.25 " 4632. " " " " large 35 " 4633. " " " •' medium 25 " 4634. " " " " 25 " 4635. " " " " 25 " 4636. " " " " 25 " 4637. " " " " 25 " 4638. " " " '• 25 Pocket Screw Driver and Tweezer, re- versible, in tubular rubber case $0.75 Pocket Screw Driver, reversible, in tubu- lar rubber case 50 Screw Driver, nickel-plated, with hard rubber top 40 Combination Screw Driver and Point. . . .20 ( Setters. Jewel see Classification J Index : - Signs, Watchmakers, etc. " W I Sizes, King " G Slates, Borax see Cla Slide Tongs " lification B Slips, Bell Metal see Classification B T Stones, Gold Testing " '■ G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies HB5I ^655 ^65^ iJ653 4652 iieeo 4659 il65a UbSr ^656 SCREW DRIVERS. No. 4643. Interchangeable Screw Driver, with 4 blades $0 . 50 4644. Interchangeable Imported Screw Driver 4645. Balance Screw Holder and Remover.. . 4646. Perfect Balance Screw Driver and Holder, has a blade, and jaws are adjustable like push key 60 4647 to 4650. King Watch Screw Drivers, each 30c; per set 1.15 No. 4651. Waltham Interchangeable Screw Driver and Countersinks, 4 screw drivers and 18 countersinks $2.00 " 4651A. Waltham Interchangeable Screw Drivers and Countersinks; 4 screw drivers and 4 countersinks 1.00 " 4652 to 4655. Large Nickel-Plated Screw Drivers; per set of 4, 50c; each 15 " 4655 to 4660. Nickel-Plated Watch Screw Drivers, octagon head, nicely fin- ished; per set of 5, 60c; each 15 t Setters, Jewel see Classification J Index ; ■{ Signs, Watchmakers " " W ( Sizes, Ring " " G Slates, Borax. Slide Tongs.. . : Classification B Slips, Bell Metal., .see Classification B Stones, Gold Testing " G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^663 |.«rJfclMJ( nmi\ SCREW DRIVERS. No. 4661. Set of 6 colored top Screw Drivers in box, nickel-plated, per set $1.10 Each 20 " 4663. Fine quality, set of 6 colored top Screw Drivers, in box, nickel-plated, per set 1.50 Each 25 " 4663. Set of 5 good quality Screw Drivers, nickel-plated, per set 65 Each 15 " 4664. Set of 5 colored top Screw Drivers, nickel-plated, per set 75 Each 15 ( Setters, Jewel see Classification J Slates, Borax see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal see Classification B Index; ^ Signs, Watchmakers', etc. " W Slide Tongs " " T Stones, Gold Testing '■ •' G (Sizes, Ring ** G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies MBBB SCREW DRIVERS. No. 4665. Waltham Screw Drivers, per set of 5 $1.50 " 4666. Steel Screw Drivers, extra fine tempered blades, nickel-plated handles, cellu- loid heads, per set of 5 1 . 25 " 4667. Fine Screw Driver, ivory handle 3.50 " 4668. Screw Drivers, black celluloid handles, colored octagon heads, per set 1.75 1 Setters, Jewel see Classification J Slates, Borax see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal.. see Classification B Index: i Signs, Watchmakers', etc. " W Slide Tongs " " T Stones, Gold Testing " G I Sizes, Ring " G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 203 ^"-^ ■^'"I' v^*5 ^b^\ S SCREW DRIVERS. No. 4669A. Set of Fine Ivory Handle Screw Drivers, in Morocco box $4.50 " 4670A. Steel Screw Drivers, nickel-plated, set of 5 50 " 4671A. Boley " " first quality in wood box, per set 1.50 I Setters, Jewel see Classification J Slates, Borax see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal see Classification B Index : ^ Signs,Watchmakers, etc. ". W Slide Tongs " " T Stones, Gold Testing " " G ( Sizes, Ring " G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies SCREW DRIVERS. No. 4669. Opticians' Screw Driver $0.40 " 4670. Watch Screw Driver, with interchangeable blades 35 ' 4671. Fine Quality Watch Screw Driver, nickel-plated, revolving top, set of 5 60 4672. " " " " " hard rubber fluted handle 1.50 ' 4673. Nicely Colored Celluloid Handles Watch Screw Drivers 1.75 ' 4674. Watch Screw Driver, hard rubber handles and tops 1 .50 1 Setters. Jewel see Classification J Slates, Borax see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal. ..see Classification B Index: < signs. Watchmakers, etc. " W Slide Tongs " '■ T Stones, Gold Testing" f Sizes, Ring " G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 470^1 S SCREW DRIVERS. Pendant Set. No. 4701. Interchangeable Pendant Set Screw No. 4707. Pendant Set Screw Drivers, double end, Driver, with 3 double end bits, 6 sizes $0 . 60 16 and 18 size, with 2 prongs on ends . . |0 30 " 4702. Interchangeable Pendant Set Screw '. 4708. Pendant Set Screw Drivers, set of 5, as- Driver, with 4 double end bits, 8 sizes .75 sorted 60 " 4703. Adjustable Pendant Set Screw Driver . .50 ., ^jqc)_ Pendant Set Screw Drivers, set of 5, as- " 4704. Pendant Set Screw Drivers, double end, sorted 60 6 and size, with 3 prongs on ends. . .30 ^c'o ■^^ ■ ■',.'„' Vi,'„ Mil' „ ,„„„ „ , o ,- T^ ■ J u, J 4710. Pendant Set Screw Drivers, interchange- " 4705. Pendant Set Screw Drivers, double end, , . ,„ k .. i ^=^ „,!,=,, 6 and size, with 4 prongs on ends.. .30 able bits (may be replaced when " 4706. Pendant Set Screw Drivers, double end, broken) 75 16 and 18 size, with 4 prongs on ends . . .30 ( Setters Jewel see Classification J Slates. Borax see Classifications Slips, Bell Metal.. . see Classification B Index: -'.Signs, Watchmakers, etc. " VV Slide Tongs " " T Stones, Gold lesting - ■■ G ( Sizes. Ring " G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies S Nos. 4711 and 4717. I> I etal Handle Screw Drivers, light weight. No. 4711. 5^-inch 10.25 " 4713. 6% " 30 Nos. 4713 and 4714. Metal Handle Screw Drivers. No. 4713. 9-inch $0.65 " 4714. lOi^-inch 75 Nos. 4715 to 4717. Challenge Screw Drivers, steel forged, strong- est and best constructed blade. I Setters. Jewel see CUssificati Index: < Signs, Watclimakeis, etc. ISizes.Rinn SCREW DRIVERS. Sectional view shows method of fit- ting in handle. No. 4715. 3-inch blade |0.30 " 4716. 4 " " 35 " 4717. 5 " " 45 Nos. 4718 to 4720. Champion Screw' Driver. No. 4718. 3-inch blade $0.25 " 4719. 4 " ■' 30 " 4720. 5 " '■ 40 " 4721. Patent Clock Screw Driver with screw holder, black handle 45 ~} Slates, Borax see ClassificatioQ W Slide Tongs " No. 4722. Same, with maple handle $0.40 " 4828. Clock Screw Driver, good quality 15 Nos. 4724 to 4727. Monarch Screw Driver. No. 4724. 2-inch blade $0.15 " 4725. 4 " " 20 " 4726. 5 ■' " 25 " 4727. 6 " " 30 " 4728. Set of Clock Screw Drivers in paper box, per set 70 3 Slips. Bell Metal, .see Classification B r Stones, Gold Testing" '* G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. '^^ M7M0 M739 47258 vamsEBL 4737 iJ736 4735 s SCREW DRIVERS. No. 4731. Screw $0 25 ' 4733. ■ 4733. ' 4734. ' 4735. ' 4736. ■ 4737. ' 4738. ' 4739. ' 4740. 35 .. . 35 40 35 40 40 40 40 40 - Index ( Setters, Jewel < Signs.Watcli.r (Sizes. Ring... seeCIa akers,etc. ssificatic n 1 Slates. Bora's see Classification B W Slide Tongs " " T G Slips, Bell Metal . . . .see Classification B Stones, Gold Testing " " G 208 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies nma 4750 SCREW FINISHERS. No. 4746. Screw Head Tool, with laps |2.50 " 4747. " " " 1,25 " 4748. New Style Screw Head Tool, with laps 1.75 4749. Improved " " Polishing Tool, nickel-plated, with one large steel and 20 brass slit chucks and 3 lanterns 4 . 00 " 4750. Improved Screw Head Polishing Tool, japanned frame, nickel-plated spindle with one large steel and 10 brass slit chucks 3.25 I Setters, Jewel see Classificatio Index: -, Signs, Watchmakers." ■' J Slates, Borax ... ^V Slide Tongs .see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal. . .see Classification B T Stones, Gold Testing " G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 4759 M76D liaHwm LJ75/ ■ LUJiUWHJ S SETTING HOLDERS, SCREW FINISHERS AND EXTRACTORS. No. 4751. Setting Holder, nickel-plated $2 .50 4753. Screw Stand or Holder, nickel-plated.. . .15 4753. " Extractor 70 4753N. " " nickel-plated 90 4754. " " 90 4754N. " " nickel-plated 1.10 4755. Setting Holder and Ring Clamp com- bined 1 25 4756. Setting Holder 2.50 4757. Screw Head Finishing and Leveling Tool, adjustable feet 65 , 4757N. Screw Head Finishing and Leveling Tool, adjustable feet, nickel-plated. $0 90 4758. Joel's Setting Holder, each 1.00 Perset of 3 3.00 4759. Screw Tip Finisher, wood handle 20 4759N. " " " ■■ " N.-P. .40 4760. " " " metal " 20 4760N. " ' " " " N.-P. .40 I Setters. Jewel see Classification J Index: i Signs.Watchmakers. etc. " VV r Sizes, Ring *' G Borax see Classification B Slips. Bell Metal see Classificati( Stones, Gold Testing " " 210 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies CL "o"o"o* ^ ■ ■ ^756 SCREW PLATES. Adjustable, with Taps. No. 4766. Adjustable Screw Plate, with 4 taps 10.85 " 4766N. " " " " 4 " nickel-plated 1.10 " 4767. " " '■ "4 ' 1.00 " 4767N. " " " " 4 " nickel-plated 1.25 " 4768. Screw Plate, with 4 laps 1.10 " 4768N. " " " 4 " nickel-plated 1.50 " 4769. Adjustable Screw Plate, with 4 taps 1.50 " 4769N. " " " " 4 " nickel-plated -...1.75 t Setters. Jewel see Classification J Index : - signs, Watchmakers' " " W (Sizes, Ring G ■ see Classification B Slips, Bell IMetal ... .see Classification B 1 T Stones, Gold Testing" " G il For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 211 ^ '^ • ® 9 A ^ M773 rTT^^«! I % % S V «w \ \ \ \ ' '"" ^ M77S SCREW PLATE5. 1.70 2.15 4771. Stubbs' Screw Plate, with bandle aDd taps. 19 holes *u.85 25 " 1.15 40 " 1.70 4772. StQbbs' Watch Screw Plate, -with handle and taps. 5 sizes $0.85 6 •■ 1.15 7 " 1.40 10 " 2.25 4773. Swiss Plain Scre-w Plate. 20 holes $0.40 36 holes $0.72 72 " 1 .44 No. 4774. Swiss Screw Plate, double notched, for cutting Singrle Notched Screw Plate. Index ( Setters. Jewel see Classification J -; Signs, Watchmakers' " " W (Sizes. Ring " " G Slates, Bora Slide Tongs .see ClassificatH Slips, Bell Metal... see Classification B Stones, Gold Testing" " G 212 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies m mmmm M77& r- i i. ii i ii j |i .,.i., i m I" i f I * i ' i*- ^ *( -.) fi-' '- LwcA* C««>M^ ft> ..ii n b ^853 ^855 ^65^1 ^65^^ uamAVAij 4655 SOLDERING BLOCKS. No. 4851. Corrugated Asbestos Soldering Block $0.25 " 4852. Plain " " " 20 " 4853. Square Corrugated Asbestos Soldering Block 25 " 4854. Spectacle Soldering Block with spectacle mould on one side and eye glass mould on the other, with loose asbestos, complete 75 " 4855. Asbestos Card Board, size 4x4; i\ inch thick, each 5c; per doz 35 J-sin. thick each 10c; per doz 75 X " " " 15c; " " 1.25 '■ 4856. Grooved Soldering Block 25 ( Setters. Jewel see Classification J Index: •< Signs, VVatchmakers, etc. " W ( Sizes, Ring " G Slates, Bora^ Slide Tongs. .see Classification B Slips. Bell IVIetal. . .see Classification B Stones, Gold Testing " G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 217 SOLDERINQ TOOLS. No 4861. Ring Soldering Clamp 10.50 4862. " " " 25 4863. " " Bowl, with asbestos 50 4864. Soldering Copper 25 4865. " " totallength 8?4 inches 10 ■' 8?4 " 15 4867. " " " " Q% " 20 '■ 1114 " '. .25 " 121^ " 30 I Setters. Jewel see Classification J Slates. Borax see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal — see Classification B Index : -^ Signs, Watchmakers' •• " W Slide Tongs ■' " T Stones, Gold Testing " " G ( Sizes, Ring " " G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies S SOLDERINQ CLAMPS. No. 4871. Soldering Clamp, nickel^plated $1.25 " 4872. " " 1.25 " 4873. Patent Repair Clamp with 3 arms and clamps 1.00 " 4874. Soldering Clamp 75 " 4875. Ring Soldering Clamp 50 " 4876. Spectacle " " 25 I Setters, Jewel see Classification J Slates, Borax see Classification B Slips. Bell Metal see Classification B Index: - Signs, Watchmakers', etc. " W Slide Tongs " " T Stones, Gold Testing '• " G ISizes, Ring '• G For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^j 4577 IV *\ Ma7Q MQ79 4660 is^Boa I J; MSSM Msas 4657-4866 4662 4QB3 lilllWrfMa y MflSB SOLDERING IMPLE/VIENTS, STAIVIP5 AND STAKES. No. 4877. Eddy's Spectacle Repair Clamp $0 . 75 " 4878. Soldering Forceps, japanned, 3 arms, 3 clamps 1 . 7.5 " 4878N. Soldering Forceps, japanned, 3 arms, 3 clamps, nickel-plated 2.00 " 4879. Soldering Forceps 1.25 " 4879N. " " " nickel-plated 1.75 " 4880. Asbestos IVIandri! for soldering rings. . . .40 " 4881. Riveting Stake, nickel-plated, with one each brass and steel centers 75 " 4882. Carat Stamp, bent, 18 or 14 Carat, each. .30 4883. Carat Stamp,straight,18 or 14 Carat,each.$0 . 25 4884. Hollow Stake 15 4884N. " " nickel-plated 25 4885. Adjustable Riveting Stake, steel 60 4885N. " " " " N.-P.. .75 4886. Clock Riveting Stake 25 4886N. 4887. Steel 4887 N. " 4888. Brass 4888N. " nickel-plated 45 20 nickel-plated 30 10 nickel-plated 15 (Set ( Siz i Setters, Jewel see Cla Index: -j Signs, Watchmakers', etc. lizes, Ring iification J Slates, Borax see Classification ] Slide Tongs " Slips, Bell Metai...„ " " 1 Staking Blocks, see also Anvils and Case Stakes A and S Stones, Gold Testing, see CI assification G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ija96 l.-f/3BMM3 | CASE STAKES. No. 4890. Boxwood Case Stake |0. 10 " 4891. Steel, Extra Hard, Polished Convex Top Case Stake, sizes 1 to IJ4' in 25 " 4891N. Steel, Nickel-Plated Convex Top Case Stake, sizes 1 to 1% in 40 " 4892. Extra Hard, Polished Flat Top Case Stake 25 " 4892N. Nickel-Plated Flat Top Case Stake .. . .40 " 4893. Case Stake 35 No. 4893N. Case Stake, nickel-plated $0.45 " 4894. Cofifee Spoon Stake 30 " 4894N. " " ■' nickel-plated 40 " 4895. Tea Spoon Stake 30 " 4895N. ■' " " nickel-plated 40 " 4896. Dessert Spoon Stake 30 " 4896N. " " " nickel-plated... .40 " 4897. Table Spoon Stake 35 " 4897N. " " " nickel-plated 45 I Stones, Gold Testing, see Classification Ci Sizes, Ring see Classification G Slide Tongs see Classification T Index: -^ Signs, Watch Makers, etc, " W Setters, Jewel. ... " " J Slips, BellMetal. " " B (Slates, Borax " B For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. M90M 4903 liniiMm STAKES. No. 4898. Combination Case and Riveting Stake. .|0.60 No. 4901N. Case Stake, nickel-plated |0.70 " 4898N. " " " " " " 4902. " " 15 nickel-plated 85 " 4902N. " " nickel-plated 30 " 4899. Combination Case and Riveting Stake. . .50 " 4903. Case Stakes, set of 3, nickel-plated, for " 4899N. " " " " " all sizes of Cases 1.00 nickel-plated 75 " 4903N. Small, medium, or large each, .35 " 4900. Case Stake, finely finished, 18 or 16 size, " 4904. Eyeglass and Spectacle Stake 25 nickel-plated 60 " 4904N. " " " " N.-P 45 " 4901. Case Stake 50 t Setters. Jewel see Classification J Slates. Bora Index; -j Signs, Watchmakers, etc. "' W Slide Tongs (Sizes, Ring " G see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal .. .see Classification B T Stones, Gold Testing . " G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 50Q0-500I _^^BS'i STAKING TOOLS. Nos. 5000 and 5001, Staking- Tools. Finely made and finished. Disc or die is superior over all others in its solidity. Fastening will not work loose when using. Quality of material and workmanship the best obtainable. No. 5000. Complete, with handsome polished wood stand and best glass cover, with 105 punches and 31 stumps $20.00 " 5001. Complete, with handsome polished wood stand and best glass cover, with 100 punches and 20 stumps 18.50 ( Setters, Jewel see Classification J Slates, Borax Index: i Setters, Watchmakers, etc. " W Slide Tongs. (Sizes, Ring- " G ; Classification B Slips, Bell Metal. ...see Classificatic T Stones, Gold Testing," For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 5DD2 5005 I3^KUU S STAKING TOOLS. No. 5002. Perfection Staking Tool, 55 punches and No. 5005. Staking Tool, full nickeled frame, ex- 18 stumps, nickeled frame, nicely tra finish, 50 punches, 14 stumps. . .| 6.50 made $14 , 00 " 5006. Staking Tool, 50 punches, 14 stumps ■■ 5003. Perfection Staking Tool, 54 punches, ^j^j^ ^^^^^ j^^^^ f^H nickeled 16 stumps 12.50 ^ ■/ . u o nn frame; extra finish throughout o.OO " 5004. Special Staking Tool, 60 punches and 18 stumps 8.50 All our Staking Tools are guaranteed. I Setters, Jewel see Classification J Slates, Borax see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal see Classification B Index: < Signs, Watchmakers', etc. " W Slide Tongs " " T Stones, Gold Testing " " G I Sizes, Ring '• G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies STAKING TOOLS. American. Best Quality No. 5008. Staking Tool, 24 punches and 8 stumps . . . " 5009. " 5010. " 5011. $4.00 nicely finished 3.00 with revolving stand 4.50 s 2.75 I Setters. lewel see Classification I Slates. Borax see Classification B Slips. Bell Metal ... .see Classification B ! Index : A Signs, Watchmakers, etc. ■■ W Slide Tongs " " T Stones, Gold Testing " " G I (Sizes, Ring " G 1 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 5DW t ^J»aM4 STAKING TOOLS. No. 5014. Columbian Staking Tool, 50 punches, 15 stumps, fine quality steel, polished and tempered $13.50 " 5015. National Staking Tool, 50 punches and 14 stumps, American make 6.00 All our Staking Tools are guaranteed. (Setters. Jewel see Classification J Slates, Borax see Classification B Slips, Bell Metal. ..see Classification B llndex: -^ Signs, Watchmakers," " W Slide Tongs " " T Stones, Gold Testing " G (Sizes, Ring " " G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies SQUARES AND GRINDSTONES. No. 5016. Angle Indicator S?!-"" " 5017A. Adjustable Square and Miter, 2-in., very best workmanship 2 . 00 '' 5017. Standard Try Square, 3-in., graduated steel blade '^^ No. 5018. Beveled Blade for square No. 5019 10.40 " 5019. Adjustable Double Square, 4-in 1-25 Squares may be had in other sizes if desired. No. 5020. Small Grindstone with crank and bench clamp, 6-inch ^ 7-inch 8-inch .75 .90 1.00 Index : i sign: 3Sette..Jewe,..^...seeC.assifica.on^ |ates^Bc.a. see Clas.fic.Uon B 1^- Bg. MeUl ^.^.ee Cassiacion B -^ Siens.Watchmakers, etc. ' W blide longs For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 5DZ3 5D25 5D24 5D2B is^SEa 3D27 L:i.l.lJ!l.»HUa OILSTONES, STONE PLATES AND SHOVELS. No. 5021. " 5022. 5023. 5024. inch, each. Hard Arkansas Oilstone, 4xl3/8-inch.. .$ 0.60 lieveled " " " with round edges 70 10 75 10 90 15 Scotch Stone Per dozen.. . . J^-inch, each. Per dozen.. . , J^-inch, each. Per dozen 1 25 Stone Shovel, nickel plated 75 5035. Design Plate for making combinations, with oblique catch plate below to prevent stones from being lost $ 5.00 5026. Diamond Assorting Plate 3.00 5026. " " " with safety catch plate as illustrated in No. 5025 3 . 00 5026P. Pearl or Stone Sieves, 20 sizes, per set 18.00 5026S. Small size Pearl or Stone Sieves for pocket, 30 sizes 10.00 5037. Diamond Assorting Tray. 1.00 ( Setters, Jewel see Cla Index t -J Signs, Watchmakers, etc. f Sizes. Rin^ jification J Slates, Borax see Classificati( Slide Tongs " Slips, Bell Metal... see Classification B Stones, Gold I'esting '■ " G The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 5028 5D29 5D30 SawSA«^«»«»*«****»**«*'~»* 5D3i 5D3 2 OILSTONES. Arkansas and Washita. Nos. 5028 to 5030, Oilstones, mounted in box. No. 5028. Size 4x1)^ inches, hard Arkansas $0.90 Soft Arkansas 65 Washita 40 5-in. hard Arkansas 1-50 Soft Arkansas 1-00 Washita 50 6-in. hard Arkansas 1-85 Soft Arkansas 1 ■ 10 Washita 60 5029. 5030. I Setters, Jewel see Classification J Index: --Signs. Watchmakers, etc. ;; W (Sizes. King ^ No. o030A.Hard Arkansas, 7-in 13.25 Soft Arkansas ^■'^° " 5031. Hard Arkansas Oilstone, best selected quality, length 3 to 5 inches, width 124 to 2 inches, thickness M to 1 inch, hard, per pound J-^" Soft, " " I-'*" Also inferior grades, hard, varying to $1 .00 per lb. " « soft, " " -50 " No. 5033. Hard Arkansas Oilstone, in rubber case .75 see Classification B Slips. Bell Metal ... .see Classification B T Stones, Gold Testing " i " " " 4 " " 14 « 2.50 " 5306. 4 " " " 6 " " 28 " 4.00 " 5307. Bench Vise, with clamp jaws hardened, with steel slide bars 40 fj ( Vise Clamps, Riveting. . Classification R { Index: ^ Watch Material & Tool Cabinets " C / Watchmakers' Benches " B Wheels. Lap see Classification L Wood, Peg and Pith " " P The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies K.'maw^ V VISES. No. 52l*1. Prentiss Vise, solid base, with adjustable jaw; size ol iaw l^i inches, weight. 2^j pounds, opens 1^^ 'inches S3.( '* 5222. Prentiss Vise, solid base, with adjustable jaw; size of jaw 1^ inches, weight 2-''j; pounds, opens 1?4, inches, nickel-plated i.i " 5223. Prentiss Vise, size of jaw 2 inches, weight 3H pounds, opens 3 inches 3 " '* 5224. Prentiss Vise, size of iaw 2 inches, weight 3^s pounds, opens 3 inches, nickel-plated 5 : " 5225. .Adjustable Jaw, Swivel Revolving Base, size of jaw l^i inches, weight 2?.i pounds, opens 1^^ inches 4.( " 622l». .Adjustable Jaw, Swivel Revolving Base, size of jaw l-^i inches, weight 2*i pounds, opens 1% inches, nickel-plated 5.1 " 5227. Adjustable Jaw. Swivel Revolving Base, size of ]aw 2-in.. weight -I's pounds, opens 2 inches . . 4.; No. 522S. Adjustable Jaw, Swivel Revolving Base. 2-in. jaw. weight 4^.; pounds, opens 2 inches, nickel-plated. . .Stl.OO " 5229 Bench Vise, solid iaw. swivel revolving base. 2-in. jaw ". 3.50 *' 5230. Prentiss Vise. 2-in. solid jaw and solid base 3.00 Extra for nickel-plating 1.50 ■* 5231. All Steel, Jewelers' Vise, size of jaw 2 inches, opens 2 inches 3.00 ** 5232. All Steel, Jewelers' Vise, size of jaw 2 inches, opens 2 inches, nickel plated 4 50 Nos. 5233 to 5235, Simpson's Patent Vise, with quick adjustable jaws. No. 5233. Sizeofjawl^s inches, weight 1^ pounds, opens l^i inches $1.00 " 5234. Size of jaw l'^ inches, weight 2^4. pounds, opens l?i inches 1 . 50 " 5235. Size of jaw 2*s inches, weight 5^4 pounds, opens 2 inches 2.25 I Vise Clamps, Riveting — see Class'i Index : -^ Watch Tool and Material Cabinets " ' Watchmakers Benches " R : Classification S Wheels. Lap see Classification L Wood, Peg and Pith " " P For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 52MM-52M7 VJ^mAVA:^ COPYRIGHT ,89,, .Lu RIGHTS RUSRVEO. V VISE5. No. 5235 A.Patent Bench Vise, japanned with IJ^-in. jaw $0.65 " 5236. PatentBenchVise, japanned with 2,'5-in. jaw 75 No 5242. 5243. 5244. 5245. 5246. 5247. Boley Bench Vise, l?4-in.jaw,with clamp|2 . 75 " 1^ full nickel-plated 4.25 Bench Vise, with anvil and clamp, for fastening 1%-in. jaw, weight 1 lb . . .35 Bench Vise, 1}4 " " " 1}^ " . . .40 " I's ' IM" •• -60 " 2 '■ " " 21^" .. .90 " 5237. Patent Bench Vise, japanned 25 " 5238. Boley " " 1^-in. jaw 2.50 " 5239. " ■• " IM " " full N.-P. 4.00 " 5240. " •■ " 1%" " 1.50 " 5241. " " " 1% " " full N.-P. 2.50 i Vise Clamps. Riveting, see Classifica'n R Weights, Scale see Classification S Wheels, Lap see Classification L Index: iWatchTool&MaterialCabinets" C Wheels, Carborundum " C Wood, Peg,- and Pith . •' " P 1 Watchmakers' Benches " B The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies V VISES. Nos. 5218 to 5258, Attachmeuts for Stevens Vises. No. 5248. Spiral Spring fO.lO 5249. Jaw 1.50 5249N. " nickel-plated 2.00 5250. Adjustable Jaw Attachment 1.25 5251. Lever Pin 10 5252. Spring 10 5253. Ratch Toggle. 40 5254. Lever Connection 10 5255. Cam Toggle " 25 5256. Jaw Ratch 60 5257. iSrass Jaw Caps, 2-in., per pair 50 2%-\n., per pair 75 5253. Lever 40 6259. Stevens Patent Vise, with automatic spring jaw anvil and swivel base, solid steel bar |5.25 No. 5259N. The same, nickel-plated 6.75 5260. Stevens Vise, patent automatic spring jaw, flat base, with anvil. 4.50 5260N. Stevens Vise, patent automatic spring jaw, flat base, with anvil, N.-P 6.00 5261. Stevens Patent Flat Base Vise, solid steel bar, without anvil 3.75 5261N. Stevens Patent Flat Base Vise, solid steel bar, without anvil, nickel-plated 5.25 5262. Stevens Patent Swivel Base Vise, with anvil 4.25 5262N. Stevens Patent Swivel Base Vise, with anvil, nickel-plated 5.75 Index: -1 Watch Tool and Material Cabinets ( Watchmakers' Benches. Wheels. Lap see Classification L Wood, Peg and Pith " P For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. v&w VISES AND WIRE BENDER. Nos. 5275 to 5281, Steel Hand Vises. No. 5275. Polished Steel, 8 -inch 10.60 " 5276. " ■' 3}4 " 70 " 5277. Black finished 3 " polished jaws. . . .60 " 5278. " " 3% " " "... .60 " 5379. " " 4 ' ... .60 " 5280. Stubbs, 31^-inch 1.15 " 5281. " 4 " 1.25 Extra for nickel-plating 25 " 5282. Vises with steel slide bar, hardened 2-inch jaws 75 No. 5283. Vises with steel slide bar, hardened 5284. 5285. 5286. 5287. 5288. 5289. 2-inch jaws, with swivel base |1.25 Vise, with steel slide bar and clamp, li.^-inch jaws 35 ljy[-inch jaws 75 2 " " 1.00 Parallel Hand Vise 75 Steel " " with handle, 3-in. vise .75 " " '■ 4 " " 1.00 " " " nickel-plated 1.00 Wire Bender 15 ( Vise Clamps, Riveting-.. see Classili'n Index : < Watch Tools and Material ( Cabinets " Watchmakers' Bench Weights, Scale Wheels, Carborundun Wheels. Lap set Wood, Peg and Pith - The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies V & W VISES, WHEEL PROTECTORS AND WRENCHES. No. 5391. Wheel Vise |1 . 50 " 5392. " Protector, nickel-plated 35 " 5293. Asbestos Wheel Protector 20 " 5394. Balance Spring Collet Wrench, nickel-plated 15 " 5295. Gem Wrench, nickel-plated 45 " 5396. Rapid Transit Wrench, with spring catch for quick adjustment 75 " 5296N. " " " " " ■■ " " nickel-plated. 1.00 " 5397. Steel Drop Forge Wrench, latest design, nickel-plated 35 1 Vise Clamps, Riveting. seeClassifica'n R Weights, Scales see Classification S Wheels. Lap see Classification L ■ Index : i Watch Tool Material Cabinets " C Wheels, Carborundum " C Wood, Peg and Pith . " " P ( Watchmakers' Benches •• B For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. HANDSOME No Solder Used NICKEL PLATED RACKS or Wooden Plugs ^ I * y ^ \ < 01 u) « a) r 1 -3- -r -TT M" -T- di dl "a. "A ji — 3- -s — r- -T- -r -¥- "r T"*r ai (t 4 (» dk (K -T- -T- -T- °Tfr» "T- «— ^ it (« — a « (S « T -r -T- Heavi y Nickel Plated, Fine Polished .^■==» ,^ Brass Trimmings. ^s. =.A 03 Ti ^ (3^ '-' o Racl< for 50 Watches, $3.60 Rack for 75 Watches, 4- Cross Bars, $6.00 Rack for 1 OO Watches, 5 Cross Bars, $7.25 This Rack has great advantages over other and previous makes. It has three uprights or standards in place of two made formerly, which gives it a firmness in center of Rack so that the rods on which the watches hang cannot possibly g or bend downwards when hung full of watches, as the old style does. The Acorns on ends of cross bars and on top of indards cannot become loose or shake off. The cross bars have a slot running the entire length in which slip the watch hooks, thus giving them a spring fit not otherwise obtained. The Rack for 100 watches is made like this .ly it has five cross bars. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies GROUT'S New Railroad Watch Sign WITH ENGINE ATTACHED. Swell Metal Dials. Finished with the Best XXX Gold Leaf. Size of a 33 ' 24 26 28 ' 30 36 SIZES AND PRICES. inch Watch with Scrolls attached is 27 inch in diameter $25.50 30 " " 28.50 34 " " 30.50 35.00 40.00 48.00 The Watch and Engine are made of the Best Iron, and both are carved in the most artistic manner, as shown in this illustration — in bas-relief, or raised and sunk carving — so the wheels and truck, cow-catcher and the entire Engine show out "boldly." There is no black paint or hand shading on the Engine at all, but all the outlines and angles of the Engine are brought out sharply by simply carving and gilding with gold leaf. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. GROUT'S IMPROVED IRON WATCH SIGNS. THE NONPAREIL WATCH SIGN. Made of the Best Iron. WITH THE Best XX C3r©ld. Xjeaf. WITH HANDSOME Swell Metal Dials. ^M the Genmne have our lame on dials like this. ooooooooo ooooooooo C; — C^ ■* C-I ■* «0 OO (M Everyone WAKBAIfTED to stand the weather. ■yes-z pxoo XXX l^aa at[i miji. pepiJO The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Carved The Louis Watch Sign Iron Watch Made of best Iron. Gilded best XX Gold Leaf. The genuine have our name on Dial like this cut. Swell Metal Dials. Finished with Gold Rim, White Dials and Black Figures. Everyone war- ranted. Sizes and Prices. No. 60. 12 inch i 5 50 U ■ 6 50 18 " 7 50 18 " 9 80 2S ■' 12 80 24 " UOO 25 ■' 17 00 28 ■' 20 00 30 " 22 00 36 " 28 00 48 " 39 09 This Watch Sign is guaranteed the handsomest Louis XIV. for the price ever made. None cheaper. Take Notic TH.iT ALL OF GROUT'S WATCH AND SPEC SIGNS ALSO HIS Watch Tools, Foot Wheels, Polishing Lathes, Ring Mandrills, Countershafts, Watch Racks and Polishing Heads, are fully Warranted to stand for 5 years, and to give satisfaction in all respects, or money refunded: Handsome. Cheap. Durable Lettering your name on the dials extra. A small amount will be charged for boxing. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 263 Louis 15th Ornamental Iron Watch Sign TO SET ON A POST. WITH NEW CONVEX EYE SPEC. SIGN. Made of the best Iron and Carved in the most beautiful manner. (WITH NEW ENGLISH PENDANT AND CROWN WITH TWISTED BOW. This is guaranteed the most mbstantial and showy Sign to set on top of a post ever made. Everyone is fully warranted to stand the weather or the money will be refunded. ALL GENUINE HAVE OtTB NAME ON DIALS LIKE THIS O0T. C} O? (M CO CO -^ The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies A PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF GROUT'S NEW LOUIS XIV. IRON WATCH SIGN FOR 1897. See New BHglisli Pend- ant and Crown ■with Twisted All GENUINE have our name OH DIALS, LIKE THIS. Carved in the Most Beautiful Manner. HaadsomK Swell Metal Dials, See New English Pend- ant and Ci"ow) with Twisted Bow. All GENUINE have our name ON Dials, like this CROUT'S NEW AND IMPROVED GftRYED IRON WftTGH SIGN FOR 1897. Showing Thickness of Same. SWELL METAL DIALS. With Raised Cast Metal Letters Kims. SIZES AND PRICES. inch $6.50|24ineh ■■ 7.50 26 '• 9.50 28 " 11.00 30 " 16..Wl36 " 4fi inch $42.50 Handsomest Louis XIV. in the Market. L^ttei-irjg "Vouii- INa^m^ on eindl Boxing, extra. ..gj ^^All of Grout's Signs Guaranteed for 5 Years or Money Refunded.-^ tratior pupils Spec, s five ye NEW SPEC. SIGN with Raised E.veDalls. Something entirely : , this Spec. Sign has a life-like representation of the Human E; are made true to nature and are from 4 to 6 inches thick. It is * ign ever made. Gilded with the best XXX 23-kt. gold leaf, and ivr. As shown by the above illus- '. B.y raised and sunk carving the ■ithout doubt the most attractive warranted to stand the weather for i long S12.50 48 inches long 5.00 60 inches long $20.00 Iron Spectacle Signs. & ^ a! Octagonal. Elliptic. Prices of Octagon i Elliptic Signs. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. WATCH QLA55 CABINETS. 1^3^ ^1^. ■jL^ite No. I. The Comfort Glass Case. Glasses stand on edge. Holds every size sepa- rately from 12 up. Contains 1,376 spaces and takes 16,512 glasses without crowding. Height of case, 313^ inches; width, 213^ inches; depth, 163^ inches. Price, $15.00. No. 3. Watch Glass Cabinet. Plain front, in oak or walnut; 340 spaces. Price, $350. No. 3. Columbus Watch Glass Case. Length, 25 inches; width, 19J^ inches; height, 12 inches. Made in oak or walnut. Interior \ Drawer No. 1 has 96 spaces for Genevas. ... 11 to 16}-f " 2 " 80 " " " ....17 " 21H " '■ 3 " 144 " " Mi-Concaves, 8 " 16|| " 4 " 80 " " '• 17 " 21 }| " " 5 " 80 " " Thick-flat, Patent Ge- nevas, etc. In all, 480 spaces. Each space is provided with improved bottom, facilitating the lifting out of glasses and preventing their slipping under the partitions. Price, $7.50. No. 4. Improved Glass Cabinet. Patent watch glass cabinet. Solid oak. Glasses all stand on edge. Dimensions, 25xl4xl0J^ inches. Drawers are divided as follows: Drawer No. 1 has 240 compartments. " " 3 " 192 « » 3 u 176 " "4 " 160 " Price, $6.50. 256 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies J. H, P. MAINSPRINGS It is generally known, but not always realized, that a name will not make a poor mainspring a good one. A GOOD Name and a good mainspring SHOULD BE SYNONYMOtlS. We take pride in and we are quite sensitive of our mainspring reputation, which reaches back into the early history of the Chicago material business. J. H. P. Mainsprings $1.25 per doz. $14.00 per gross. With Cabinet, as illus= trated below, $15.00. Our Brand, J. H. P., means the best main- springs that can be ob- tained for $1.25 per doz. or $14.00 per gross. For watches requiring a perfect rating, we have the J. H. P. Special at $2.25 per doz. or $24.00 per gross. Of uniform even temper. The finest spring known. Diagram showing the uniform temper of the J- H. P. Mainspring, illustrating the correct receding curvillnearity after winding. Illustrating the J. H. P. Mainspringf Cabinet showingf the easy method of removing; boxes. Oof Dollar Brand Main Spring: The best that can be procured for $1.00 per doz., or $10.50 per gross. The measurements for the table on following page were taken from the mainsprings manufactured by the re- spective watch companies. There be- ing no process of manufacture making springs of absolute uniform measure- ment, every manufacturer allows for a variation of .0001 to .0002 inches in thickness and from .001 to .002 in width, which variation will not mate- rially affect the force of a spring and its performance in the barrel. Styles of fastenings indicated by letter in following table. Watches using style Style F takes the place of^ any single brace spring. Style H. T fastening same as Style C, but reversed. ^1 II Each drawer contains eight boxes large enough to hold t'A to 2 dozen mainsprings each. Springs can be easily removed and replaced in boxes. Our 75 Cent Brand Main Spring Is the equal of any in its class and as good as many sold at a higher price. 75c per doz^ $7.75 per gross. D are out of market. SJ Indicates a plain spring- with hole 1 end, not necessarily same as cut. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Tradei 267 American Waltham Watch Co.'s Springs. Old Style New " I Model Open Face 1 Open Face or Hunting I i Pendant or Lever Set (■■•■■ Crescent St., Old Style " New " Vanguard Movement Open Face or Hunting Pendant Set } Chronograph or 14-Size I I Open Face or Hunting f Adams St. or Crescent Garden Bond St Pendant Set Old Style New " '.'.'.'.'.'.'.■.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.['. Atlas Watch Co.'s Springs. Aurora Watch Co.'s Springs. Cheshire Watch Co.'s Springs. Columbia Watch Co.'s Springs. Columbus Watch Co.'s Springs. Elgin National Watch Co.' Springs. Class 1 to 3 4 and 9 Second Series Hamilton Watch Co.'s Springs. Classl " 2and 3 Hampden (Dueber) Watch Co.'s Springs. Class 1 English System, Inches. 0075 0070 0065 .0070 0055 0055 Metric System, Millim't'rs. ,.a : Hampden (Dueber) Watch Co, Springs. Class 1 Howard Watch Co.'s Springs. Illinois Watch Co.'s Springs. Class 1 Keystone (Lancaster) Watch Co.' Springs. Manhattan Watch Co.'s Springs New York Standard Watch Co.' Springs. Rockford Watch Co.'s Springs. Old Model Hunting " " Open Face Model 88 Hunting Old Model New Style Seth Thomas Watch Co.'s Springs. Century or Pan American. Trenton Watch Co.'s Springs. United States Watch Co.'s Springs (Waltham). Waterbury (New England) Watch Co.'s Springs. H.NandW 1,J,K R and T S Z English System, Inches. Metric System, Millim't'rs, The dimensions of a perfect U. S. standard (Denison's) Gauge are as follows: WIDTH. Number. WIDIH. Number. WIDTH. lumber. English System, Metric System, English System. Metric System, English System, Metre System, Millimeters. Inches. Millimeters. Inches. Milhmeters. 1 .040 1.015 21 .120 3.045 41 .200 5.076 2 .044 1.117 22 .124 3.147 42 .204 5.177 3 .048 1.218 23 .128 3.248 .208 4 .052 1.320 24 .132 3.350 THICKNESS. 5 .056 1.421 25 .136 3.451 0000 .0110 .2792 6 .060 1.523 26 .140 3.553 000 .0105 .2665 1.624 27 .144 3.654 00 .0100 .2538 8 ,068 1.725 28 .148 3.756 .0095 .2411 1.827 29 .152 3.857 1 .0090 .2284 1.929 30 .1.50 3.959 2 .0085 .2157 .080 2.030 31 ,160 4.060 3 .0080 .2030 2.132 32 .164 4.162 4 .0075 .1903 13 .038 2.233 .33 .168 4.263 5 .0070 .1776 2.335 34 .172 4.365 6 .0065 .1649 2.436 35 .176 4.46S 7 .0060 .1523 16 .100 2.538 36 .180 4 568 8 .0055 .1396 2.639 87 .184 4.669 9 .0050 .1269 18 .108 2.741 38 .188 4.771 10 .0045 .1142 2.8*2 ,39 .192 4.872 11 . .0010 .1015 2.944 40 , .196 4.974 12 .0035 .0888 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. DIALS FOR WATCHES. ^^t^vot Dials, Plain or Ground Seconds, Hard Enamel, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures, for i8, i6, 14, 12, 8, 6, i and o Size Movements S? 0° Dials, Sunk or Cut Seconds, Hard Enamel, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures, for 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, i, o and 00 Size Movements 1 5 00 Dials, Sunk or Cut Seconds, Soft Enamel, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures, for 20, iS, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, i, o and 00 Size Movements - 18 00 Dials, Sunk or Cut Seconds, Soft Enamel, Light or Jiirgenson Roman Figures, for 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, i, o and 00 Size Movements 21 00 Dials, Sunk or Cut Seconds. Soft Enamel, Special Roman and Arabic Figures, for 16 Size First Quality, also 16, 12,6 and o Size Maximus Movements 36 00 *Dials, Skylight and Full Open Face, Hard Enamel, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures, for 8, 6, I, o and 00 Size Movements 7 00 *Dials, Skylight and Full Open Face, Soft Enamel, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures, for 8, 6, i, o and oc Size Movements 15 00 Dials, Sunk or Cut Seconds, with Ground Center (Imitation Double Sunk), Hard Enamel, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures, for 18, 16, 14, 12, 6 and o Size Movements _ 15 00 Dials, Double Sunk, with Cut Center and Seconds, Hard Enamel, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures, for 18, 16, 14, 12, 6 and o Size Movements 27 00 Dials, Double Sunk, with Cut Center and Seconds, Soft Enamel, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures, for l8, 16, 14, 12, 6 and o Size Movements 33 00 Dials, Double Sunk, with Cut Center and Seconds, Soft Enamel, Special Roman and Arabic Figures, for 18 16, 14, 12 and o Size Movements 48 00 Dials, 24 Hour, Double Row of Figures, Roman i to 12 and Arabic 13 to 24, Same Price as Regular Dials of the Same Kind and Quality $7 00 to 48 00 Dials, 24 Hour, Single Row of Arabic Figures, i to 24, Same Price as Regular Dials of the Same Kind and Quality - $7 00 to 48 00 Dials, Back Chronograph Ring, Old Style, for 14 Size Movements 30 00 Dials, Front Chronograph, New Style, Sunk or Cut Seconds, Hard Enamel, Roman and Arabic Figures, for 14 Size Movements 30 00 Dials, Front Chronograph, New Style, Sunk or Cut Seconds, Soft Enamel, Roman and Arabic Figures, for 14 Size Movements 36 00 Dials, Minute Register and Chronograph Combined, without Bezel, Soft Enamel, Roman and Arabic Figures, for 14 Size Movements 48 00 Dials, Split Seconds, Minute Register and Chronograph Combined, with Bezel, Soft Enamel, Roman and Arabic Figures, for 14 Size Movements 60 00 Dials, Fancy Decorated, Ground Seconds, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures (from Stock), for iS, 16, 14, 12, 6, I, o and 00 Size Movements. 15 00 Dials, Fancy Decorated, Sunk or Cut Seconds, Regular Roman and Arabic Figures (from Stock), for i8, 16, 14, 12, 6, I, o and 00 Size Movements 21 00 TO AVOID MISTAKES AND DELAYS WHEN ORDERING DIALS, THE FOLLOWING IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW IF YOU WISH ROMAN OR ARABIC FIGURES. DIRECTIONS SHOULD BE OBSERVED ; ORDERS FOR DIALS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY SAMPLES. GIVE THE NAME, SIZE AND NUMBER OF MOVEMENT TO BE FITTED ; ALSO STATE WHEN ORDERING A DIAL WITHOUT SAMPLE, IT IS BEST TO SUBMIT A DRAW- ING OF LETTERING REQUIRED, TOGETHER WITH AN IMPRESSION ON PAP£R OF ETHER FOR HUNTING, OPEN FACE, FULL OPEN FACE OR SKYLIGHT MOVEM EXACT POSITION OF FOURTH PINION AND FEET J ALSO THE SIZE OF THE LOWER PLATE. FACE CASES REGULAR DIALS WITH RED MARGINAL FIGURES SUPPL YLIGHT AND FULL OPEN FACE DIALS HAVE NO SECONDS BITS, AND THEIR CONFINED LARGELY To LADIES' HUNTING MOVEMENTS IN, SKYLIGHT AND OPEN CHARGE. AS MOST DIALS ARE MADE IN HARD AND GLASS ENAMEL, ORDERS SPECIFY THE QUALITY DESIRED. EXTRA CHARGE IS MADE FOR SOCIETY, EMBLEMATICAL AND SPECIAL LETTERED DIALS, AND FOR MATCHING FANCY DECORATED PATTERNS, ABOUT FOUR WEEKS' TIME IS REQUIRED FOR THE EXECUTION OF SUCH ORDERS. NIGHT CLOCK DIALS. NetPrice per Doz. Porcelain Night Clock Dials, 4^4 inches in Diameter, made in Blue and Black, Roman and Arabic Figures $18 00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 359 AlWERiCAN WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. (WALTHAM, MASS.) COLD HANDS. Pnces per doz. pairs. Hands Gold, Heavv Spade, Hour and Straight Minute, Extra Quality, 18 Size $1 67 '. •' '" ■' •■ " UandieSize 150 <• < ■' - ■'. " " 6, SandlOSize 135 STEEL HANDS. 18 SIZE, FULL'- PLATE, FIRST QUALITY. (On White Cards.) Hands, Steel, Heavy Spade, Hour and Straight Minute, 1st Quality, 18 Size $0 30 ' " Medium ,"■ " " " . '' " .35 •' Heavy " " Spade " " " 30 " '■ Medium " " " " " " 85 " Fine " " " " " " ,40 " ". Heavy; Fleur de Lis, Hour and Minute, " " 60 " Fine, " " " " " '[ | TO " ■' Open Morning Glory, "' " " " ■ '55 '- Closed " " " " " •■ 45 " '■ Medium Moon, " " " " 40 " " Diamond, " " ' " •••• 45 " " ' Heavy Spade, Hour and Straight Minute, E.\tra Quality, 18 Size 90 " " Assnrted, Extra Quality not included . . . ^ 50 : 18 SIZE, FULL PLATE,' 2d QUALITY. (On Pink Cards.) Hands, Steel, Heavy Spa^e, .Hour and Straight Minute, 2d Quality, 18 Size "25 " ■ " Medium " " ■" '' " " • 25 " '" Heavy " " Spade "' " " 25 " " Medium" " "' " " " 25 " Fine " ", " " " " 25 " " Closed Morning Glory, Hour and " " " 25 " " Medium Moon, " ' " " 25 " ' Assorted, 2d .Quality, 18 Size ' -. 25 ^ PLATE, 1st QUALITY. (On White Cards.) Hands, Steel, Fine Spade, Hour and Spade Minute, 1st Quality, 6, 8, 10, 14 and 16 Size ; 40 " " Open Morning Glory, Hour and Minute, Ist Quality, 6, 8 and 10 Size 55 " Closed " " " " " " 45 '"' ■ Fine, Fleur de Lis, ' " " " 10 Size 70 " Moon, " " " " 14andl6Size 90 " " " " Skylight, " " " " 6and8Size 90 " " " Spade, Hour and Straight Minute, E.xtra Quality, 16 Size 50 " " Assorted, Extra Quality and Skylight not included, 6, 8, 10, 14 and 16 Size 00 i/ PLATE, 2d quality. (On Pink Cards.) Medium Spade, Hour and Spade Minute, 2d Quality, 14 Size. 25 SECOND HANDS, 1st QUALITY. (On White Cards.) Seconds, Composition Sockets, 1st Quality, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16 and 18 Size .20 Extra Quality, 16 Size 1 25 SECOND HANDS, 2d QUALITY. (On Pink Cards.) Hands, Steel, Hanejs, Steel, Hands, Steel, Seconds, Composition Sockets, 2d Quality, 6, 8, 10 and 16 Size. " " , 14 and i8 Size SCREWS. 15 10 Net prices' per gro. Balance Screws, Brass • • • ■ $ 4 00 " Gold ; 6 00 " Brass , 6 00 Gold, (1st Quality, 16 Size, not included) .^ 8 00 " 1st Quality, 16 Size 36 00 " Brass 3 00 'studs. Steel 6 00 Long Case Screwy, all Sizes 3 00 Assorted Screws, (Balance' and Meantime Scresvs not included) 1 50 Screws, not Assorted » 2 00 Meantime Banking NOTES. Please observe that 8, 14, 16 and 18 Size Hands are made for Key and Stem. Wind Movements. 10 Size Hands are only made for Key-Wind Movements. Wlien orderinff Hands, always state the Size Style and Quality wanted, and whether-for Key or Stem Wind Movements, let (inality Hands will be carded on White Cards, 2d Quality Hands on Pink Cards. 360 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL, (WALTHAM, MASS.) SERIES A. (Formerly known as Old Model.) 18 Size, Full Plate, Key and Hunting Stem Wind. 218 219 23a 233 243 Net Prices Per Dc zen. SERIES A. Formerly known as Old Model. 18 Size, Full Plate. Key and Hunting Stem Wind. c ^ 7: X n %l 00 4 50 2 00 50 3 00 2 50 2 50 1 50 75 75 5 50 5 00 .75 75 1 ^ 1 25 75 75 75 75 73 75 2.50 2 50 |1 ?1R Pillar, Gilt $1 00 %\ 00 4 50 2 00 50 3 00 2 50 %\ 00 9iq Crown Wheel .- 45 990 " Stud 2 50 99^ Washer 1 1 50 900 50 3G 30 18 42 30 3 50 00-^ 3 00 (^04 Setting Wheel 3 00 9.a,'i 1 50 OQfi Ratchet :-5o 75 75 1 00 007 1 00 6 00 P,S8 Yoke, Stem-Wind and Stem-Set 30c, 5 00 9-30 Setting Lever 5 50 931 1=f Qorioc "56 75 75 1 25 1 25 75 75 75 ■ 75 75 50 2 50 2 50 1 00 939 " " OH 1 00 833 Click and Spring, Stem- Wind 1st Series 1 50 234 Click, S(em- Wind. .'.'.'.'.'.'.' .' .' .' ." .' .' .' .' .' .' ." .'.'.'" 2d " 1 50 935 1 00 936 '"56 1 00 937 OH " 1,00 1 00 938 Stem-Wind 939 1 0() 240 Click and Spring, Circular 50 75 241 Winding Pinion Bearing, Outside, Steel 2 50 242 " " " Inside, " 2 5a T9 avoid mistakes when ordering material, tbe following directions should be carefully observed: Give Catalogue Number of part wanted. Give name of Movement. Give Number of Movement. Compare Number of Teeth in Wheels of material to be replaced with those above. Where prices are omitted, the materiat described is not made in that trade An extra charge will be made for Ettiig Parts and Material. ° For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WATCH COIMPANY'S IMATERIAL, (WALTHAM, MASS.) SERIES A (Formerly known as Old Model.) 18 Size, Full Plate, Key and Hunting Stem Wind. 248^ 25S 254 255 256 357 S64 \ 26? Net Prices Per Dozen. 24.3 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 2.53 354 255 256 257 258 2.59 260 261 263 263 264 265 266 267 SERIES A. Formerly known as Old ilodel. 18 Size, Full Plate. Key and Hunting Stem-Wind. Barrel Arbor, Key-Wind, without Square for Stop WorT Click, Stem-Wind 4W 428 4W Click and Spring, Key-Wind ," '' Stem-Wind 1 BO 430 4.9 GRADE, 15 JEWEU $1.25 1.25 5-5° 9.00 5.5a 9.00 5-50 9.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 .2.00 11.00 11.00 14.00 14.00 11.00 14.00 II.ro 15-50 15.50 2.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 2.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 MATERIAL TO AVOK) MISTAKES, WHEN ORDERING MATERIAL THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS WHEN IN DOUBT AS To lOULD BE OBSERVED : WITH THE SAMPLE PART TO GIVE CATALOGUE NUMBER OF EACH PART WANTED. WHEN A NEW PLATE, BRIDGE OR COCK IS GIVE NAME OR GRADE OF MOVEMENT. THE MOVEMENT SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO I COMPARE NUMBER OF LEAVES IN PINIONS AND NUMBER OF TEETH IN WHEELS, OF THE FIRST MOVEMENT MADE IN ABOVE MOD BE DUPLICATED, WITH THE DESCRIPTION IN ABOVE COLUMNS. THE LAST MOVEMENT MADE MATERIAL EXTRA CHARGE IS MADE PLEASE ACCOM , THE REMAINING PARTS Ot TO INSURE PERFECT FITTING. MODEL IS NUMBERED 992.501. MODEL IS NUMBERED 3,18^,000. MATERIAL SPECIAL NOTF. . 999 A 1002 ^1 o 1003 1004 tfaig 1007 1009 04 ^°^3 ^^j^# 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. (Formerly known as New Model.) 18 Size Full Plate Key Winding- E. ; also Hunting- and Open Face Stem Winding, Lever Setting. Pallet, Steel, with Pallet Jewels Fitted - --- " Non-Magnetic, with Pallet Jewels Fitted .-- Fork, Steel - " Non-Magnetic - - ^ — ;,",jT'V/'," Pallet Fork and Arbor complete, Steel, for Key Wd g or Ht g Stem Wd g Mv t. '< " ■" " Non-Mag., " " " " " Steel, for Open Face Stem Wd'g Mv't only " " " " Non-Mag., " " " " " Hair Spring Collet — - — " " Stud, Long, for Flat Hair Spnng- -- - " " Short, for Breguet Hair Spring- - Banking Stud, Steel, without Thread -- -- " Screw, Composition, with Thread - - Steel, " " - Balance Screw, Composition, Long Head, Slow Train - " Gold, " " " ■' -- " " Composition, Medium " ■ " " - - - " Gold, " " " " - - - " " Composition, Long " Quick " " Gold " " \[ ■'_ - " " Composition, Medium " " " - - " Gold, " " " " " " Composition, Half " - - " Gold, " " -- -- Mean Time Screw, Composition, Long.... --- Short - " " " Gold, Long - - Short - --- Third (3rd) Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting -- " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting .. "■ " ■• " " Gold " '■ " " Garnet, Lower, not in Setting " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting '.. Fourth (4th) Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Gold " " " " Garnet, Lower, not in Setting " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Escape Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Gold " - " " Garnet, Lower, not in Setting _ " " Rubj', " in Composition Setting - Pallet Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Gold ." - " " Garnet, Lower, not in Setting ,.. " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Cock Hole Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting Foot " " " Lower, " " Cock End Stone or Cap Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting ■' " ' " " " Gold " Foot " " " " Lower, Composition " Pallet Jewel or Pallet Stone Roller ' ' Jewel Pin NET PRICES PER DOZEN. $5.00 GRADE. , 11 AND 1 JEWELS. $6.00 6.00 2.50 2.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 .50 1.50 1.50 ■ 50 •25 • -25 ■34 •34 •34 • 34 ,67 .67 2.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 .67 TO AVOiD MISTAKES, WHEN ORDERING 1 SHOULD BE observed: GIVE CATALOGUE NUMBER OF EACH fART GIVE NAME OR GRADE OF MOVEMENT. COMPARE NUMBER OF LEAVES IN PINIONS MATERIAL TO BE DUPLICATED, WITH Th PRECEDING PAGES. DIRECTIONS MADE FOR AS TO THE MATERIAL. . WANTED, BRIDGE OR COCK IS WANTED, MOVEMENT SHOULD BE THE FIRST MOVEMENT THE LAST MOVEMENT INSURE PERFECT I : MODEL IS NUMBEI ) 992,50-1. 3,185,000, SPECIAL NOTES. The Fourth C4th) Wheels of Slow Train Movements contain 63 Teeth. The Fourth (4th) Wheels of Quick Train Movements contain 70 Teeth; For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. (Formerly known as New Model. 1 f8 SIZE FULL PLATE KEY winding ; also hunting and open face stem winding, lever setting ro22 ■^^sssy 1023 (024 y:'!:/ o^issa 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 © 1030 1031 1032 1033 '•034 1037 1038 1039 1040 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 a- 1049 ^°S3 1054 1055 1050 1056 ® 1057 1058 ® 1059 1060 1061 ® 1062 @ to6i 1064 1065 io68 ® ic6c [070 ® 1071 1072 fo73 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 379 # 108& DO i 1337 1338 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 135° 1353 1356 1359 1360 ^ 1361 -=^ 1364 ,^=. 1365 -«=- 1368 ^ 1369 @ 1372 % 1373 ft) DO NOT CUT NOR CTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PA^-E. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES F AND G (MODELS OF 1883.) 18 SIZE FULL PLATE OPEN FACE STEM WINDING PENDANT AND LEVER SETTING; ALSO KEY WINDING; AND HUNTING STEM WINDING LEVER SETTING. Balance, Expansion " Non-Magnetic Hair Spring, Steel, Flat, CoUeted • ■ " " Non-Magnetic, Flat, Collated " " Steel, Breguet, Colleted and Studded " " Non-Magnetic, Breguet, Colleted and Studded Regulator, Straight " Patent, for Flat Hair Spring " " " Breguet Hair Spring Regulator Spring, for Patent Regulator Star Wheel and Pin, for Patent Regulator Hair Spring Stud, Long, for Flat Hair Spring " " " Short, " Breguet Hair Spring Hair Spring Collet Banking Screw, Composition and Gold " Steel Balance Screw, Composition, Heavy Head Gold, " " " " Composition, Light " " Gold, " " " " Composition, Half '• " Gold, " " Mean Time Screw, Composition, Long " Gold, " " " " Composition, Short " Gold, " Third (3d) Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting " Gold " " " " Garnet, Lower, not in Setting " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Fourth (4th) Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting " " Gold " " " " Garnet, Lower, not in Setting " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Escape Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting " Gold ," " " Garnet, Lower, not in Setting " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Pallet Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting " Gold " " " Garnet, Lower, not in Setting " • " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Cock Hole Jewel, Ruby, LTpper, in Composition Setting Foot " " " Lower, Old Style, in Small Composition Setting " " " " " New Style, " Large " " Cock End Stone or Cap Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting Gold " Foot End Stone or Cap Jewel, Ruby, Lower, Old Style, in Small Composition Setting . " " " " " " " New Style, " Large " " Pallet Jewel or Pallet Stone, Receiving, Old Style, with Round Face " " " " Discharging, " '■ " " " " " " " Receiving, New Style, with Flat Face " " " " Discharging, " " " " " Roller Jewel or Jewel Pin NET PRICES PER DOZEN, TO AVOID MISTAKES, JVHEN ORDERING MATERIAL, THE SHOULD B "e IToZTc R OF EACH MATERIAL BE DUPLICATED, W TH THE DESCRIPTION PRECEDING PAGES. DIRECTIONS EXTRA CHARGE IS WHEELS OF THE SAMPLE PART SPECIAL NOTE. A distinguishing feature of the above IVIodels (Series F and G), is the Stamping between the Plates of the Dates under which Letters Patent were granted, viz.: July 3d, 1883, and March 18th ">">' For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES F AND G (MODELS OF 1883.) 18 SIZE FULL PLATE OPEN FACE STEM WINDING PENDANT AND LEVER SETTING; KEY winding; and hunting stem winding lever SETTING. 137^ 1377 1380 i ^^• J381 1384 i V"J 1385 1391 1394- 1397 1403 [407 © I4I5 I4I8 1419 1422 1423 i42e 1427 143° 1431 B= 1434 1436 # 1438 1440 o 1446 1448 145° 1455 I4S4 1456 1458 [462 (§ 1464 1466 1468 1470 & 1472 1474 1476 1478 ® @ 1484 i486 1488 1489 1490 149 1 1496 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL* (WALTHAIVI., MASS.} SERIES H. 16 SiZE. 3-4 PLATE,.H.S.W. 3 PILLARS.^FIRST SERIES. vm • o 1010 1011 1012 1013 lOU 1015 1016 1017 IMS c« c 1019 1020 1021 1023 1024 1025 1026 SERIES H. ■7- 16 SIZE, 3-4 PLATE, LEVER SET. Hunting Stem M'Jnd, 3 Pillar, let Series ' c.S Net Prices per Doz. 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1016 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 Balance Cock, complete, Gilt, for Flat Hair Spring " " " " , for Breguet " Pallet Bridge " * - " - Pillar, Gilt Setting Slide I " " Washer Yoke. S24 00 Crown Wheel ". Winding Wheel Setting Wheel Winding Pinion Bearing, Steel " " Straight " Bevel Setting Arbor or Center Square Barrel Arbor Setting Arbor Cup, Steel Barrel Arbor Washer, Steel " Cap, Steel Ratchet Click, for Ratchet No. 1022 Spring, for Ratchet No. 1022. 44 36 21- .1st Series .2d " 40 Spring 9 00 2 00 6 00 1 00 10 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 21 00 10 00 9 00' 9 00; 2 00 ■; 6 00: 75^ 75; 3 50; 10 00 ; 2 00' 2 50 2 00. 2 50 ■ S30 00 30 00 12 OO 4 00 7 00 1 00 12 00 15 00 9 00 6 00 24 00 12 00 9 00 9 00 2 50 9 00 lb 75 3 50 12 00 2 50 3 00 2 50 300 To avoid mistakes when ordering material, the following directions should be carefully observed: Give Catalogue Number of Part wanted. Give Name of Movement. Give Number of Movement. Compare Number of Leaves in Pinions and Number of Teeth in Wheels of material to be replaced with, those above. An extra charge will be made for fitting Parts and Material. Jewels for the above "Series H" are the same price as those described on page 211: Nos. 1222, 1224,. 1229, 1230,^ 1234, 1236, 1237. NOTICE. Since issuing cuts and prices of Waltham Material the Watch Co.' has introduced 16 size Pendant Set; Movements. Material for such movements is the same price as the LeverSet, and can be ordered by mentioning- ''for Pendant Set Movement." For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. WALTHAM, IVIASS. 1035 1036 a- 1042 i I ^^ 1049 103O 1 i f 1060 1061 I 1062 SERIES H. <6'SIZE, 3-4 PLATE. Hunting- Stem Wind, 3 Pillar, 1st Series. II a Si d Net Pbioks pes DoZc 1 11 16 ll 1027 Barrel, Gilt 90 90 80 80 75 75 72 72 15 15 40 33 $ 7 CO ■ 14 00 1 2 00 1 15 00 ' 200 8 00 200 800 3 00 900 200 2 0O J7 00 200 600 400 40O 150 250 450 4 50 10 00 500 19 60 600 600 12 00 500 500 500 400 7 00 3 50 '■ 2S . 50- 67 $ 7 CO 17 00, 1028 lOaft Center Wheel, (iilt aad Polished 6 GO 1030 and Patent Pinion fitted..,, _, _ 12 24 00 1031 Third (3d) Wheel, Gilt 8 OO 1032 10 13 00 1033 Fourth C4th) Wheel, G'lt ....... . . ,.-. 3 00 1034 10 13 00 1035 4 00 1036 ■■ and Pinion fitted . . 8 14 00 1037 Hour Wheel, Gilt , 2 00 10S8 Minute Wheel, Gilt ■ 10 1 OO. 1039 96 00 1040 2 7» 1041 Breguet, Colleted 7 OO 1042 Stud, Open Saddle, tor Flat Hair Spring 60O lOtt 6C0 1044 Roller , , 300 1045 5 50 104B 600 1047 600 104S • 30 OO 1019 ! Fork . - . 10 OO 1050 46 00 1051 800 1052 - < Pinion Head..., _ _ _ la 12 10 10 3 SCO 1053 13 CO 1054 Third (3d) Pinion....' .' Fourth (4th) Pinion 8 (0 1055 SCO lose Escape Pinion ., ..'. Pallet Arboror PalletStaS.. ,. , 80O 1057 40O 1058 Balance Staff .. .. . 15(0 1059 Cannon Pinion . _ , 11 &0O 1060 1061 Balance '■ Gold. , ,., 50 1062 67 To avoid mistakes when orderinsr material, the tollowing directions should be carefully observed: Give Catalogue Xumber of part wanted. Give Name of Movement. Give Xumber of Movenient. Compare Xumber of Leaves in Pinions and Number of Teeth in Wheels of material to be replaced with those above. An extra charge will be made for fitting Parts and Material. Jewels for the'above "Series H" are the same price as those described on page 'ill. Kos. 1222, 1224, 1228. 1229, 1230. 1234. 1236, 1237. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL, (WALTIIAM, MASS.) SERIES I. 16 Size, }{ riate, Hunting Stem-Wind, 4 Pillar, 2d Series. UUiUtSt" "°"""'""'jl""1t""""° II-. ->Jp 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 SERIES I 16 Size, U Plate. Hunting Stem-Wind, 4 Pillar, Sd Series. 2—1- I Net Prices per Do2?n. 1112 1113 1114 1115 lllG 111? 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 112 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 Pallet Bridge, Complete, Gilt Gold Mickel Barrel, Gilt .. " and Arbor Fitted, Square on Upper End onfy " " " " " Both Ends i " Nickel " " and Arbor Fitted Center Wheel, Gilt and Polished " Red Gold " " Gilt, and Patent Pinion Fitted " " Red Gold, and Patent Pinion Fitted Third (3d) Wheel, Gilt Red Gold Gilt, and Pinion Fitted " " " Red Gold, and Pinion Fitted Fourth (4th) Wheel, Gilt, Coarse Teeth or Slow Train .-. . Red Gold, Coarse Teeth or Slow Train . . . . Gilt, and Pinion Fitted, Slow Train Red Ciold, and Pinion Fitted, Slow Train . . Gilt, Fine Teeth or Quick Train 'Red Gold, Fine Teeth or Quick Train Gilt,, and Pinion Fitted, Quick Train Red Gold, and Pinion Fitted, Quick Train. $9 00 5 50 12 50 12 50 50 |9 00 !f 18 00 I 3(3 00 24 00 7 00 7 00 2 00 i2"66 '2' 66 'e'so '2' 66 '6"56 17 .00 13 00 12 50,14 no '11 00 'is 00| 23 00 2 00 2 00 (5 00 13 OOJ 20 00 12 00il5 00| 24 00 25 00' 38 00 3 00 18 00 2 00 6'56 !».... 2 00 '6'56 '2'66 '6'56 2 00 s'66 '2'66 '8'66 '206 '8'66 13 00 28 00 3 00 18 00 13 00 28 00 18 00 '28'66 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 285 AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. (WALTHAM, MASS.) SERIES I. 16 Size, 3/ Plate, Hunting Stem-Wind. 4 Pillar, 2d Series. 1145 1146 1147 148 1149 1150 1151 1153 1153 11.54 1155 1156 1157 (Wl 1^ ^m ^m ®S m W^ W IF i 1 l^Sn (^M (^p ^^ ^»jr Hk'^ HH e» (S ^ i f K^Q 1158 115!! 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 " 1167 1168 11C9 ^et Prices Per Dozen. SERIES I. 16 Size, ?i Plate. Hunting Stem-Wind, 4 Pillar, 2d Series. 1136 113? 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 11461 1147 114S| 1149' n.50| 1151 1152 11.53 11-54 11.55 1156 11.57 11.58 1159 1160 1161 1162 1168 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 Escape Wheel, Gilt " '' " and Coarse Pirrion Fitted, Slow Train, to \ match Wheels Nos. 1128 and 1130 f Escape Wheel, Gilt and Fine Pinion Fitted, Quick Train, to { match Wheels Nos. 1132 and 1134 J " Escape Wheel, Red Gold Escape Wheel, Red Gold and Coarse Pinion Fitted, Slow ) Train, to match Wheels Nos. 1129 and 1131 J ' Escape Wheel, Red Gold andFine Pinion Fitted, Quick Train, ) to match Wheels Nos. 1133 and 1135 ^ ■ ■ ) ' Hour Wheel, Gilt _• • • ■ ■ Minute " " "• Winding Wheel, Large Arbor Bearing, Outside 2d Series Wheel, Small Crown Wheel.' Winding Pinion 1st Series " " •• ....: 2d Friction Setting .Wheel 1st " 2d Di-ple.'; " ■' 1st '•' " •' 2d Ratchet, Small 1st _ ' ' Large 2d W'inding Arbor 1st " " , 2d Winding Wheel Cap, Large Small Letting-down Arbor Cap Winding and Setting Clutch 1st Series " " " " ." and Friction Sgtting [ <, , Wheel combined i "" Winding Arbor Bearing, Outside , 1st • '.' " " Inside 1st Barrel Arbor, Square on Both Ends " " Upper End only Letting-down Arbor Minute Wheel Bridge Winding Arbcr'B earihg, Inside 2d Series 15 8 15 15 15 15 $2 50:|3 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 2 00 2 2 00 2 5 oo; 7 6 5 00] 7 12 oo;i2 9 00, 9 9 00 .. 6 00 3 50 2 50 6 00 9 00 6 00 6 00 1 50 <^ |3 00.114 00 9 00|]6 00 9 00 .... 6 00 9 00 6 00 1 50 9 00 22 00 J34 00 [34 00 2 00 4 00 9 00 13 00 9 00 15 00 13 00 13 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 1 00 1 00 9 00 9 00 3 50 3 50 3 50 10 00 13 00 6 00 4 00 1 50 13 00 16 00 9 00 4 00 2 00 16 00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. (WALTHAM, MASS.) SERIES I. 16 Size, 1^ Plate, Hunting, Stem-Wind. 4 Pillar, 2d Series. 1170 1171 1173 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 llli H^bl i & & ^ i ^ ^^ ni ^n 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 118» 1189 1190 1191 '1192 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 120C 1201 Kel Prices per Dozen. 5Z = 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1107 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 SERIES I. 16 Size, U Plate. Hunting, Stem-Wind, 4 Pillar, 3d Series. Setting Lever Winding and Setting Clutch Spring, for Outside Push 1st iSeries " " " " for Setting Lever 2d " Friction Setting Wheel Spring , Click " Spring " and Spring, Park Road 1st Series 2d " 3d $6 00 .$6 8 00 8 00 8 75! Hair Spring Stud, Solid Saddle, (or Flat Hair Spring. " " " for Breguet Hairspr|ing. " Kound, l^arge 'i ,, " Small Balance Screw, Gold, Large, Slow Train '" " " Small, Quick " Mean Time Screw, Gold. , Banking ScreiVi Brass ... Duplex Setting Wheel Stud Hair Spring of Balance Spring, Flat, not Colleted Colleted .' " " " Breguet, Colleted " " " " " ^nd Studded Balance, Expansion 1st Series 2d Regulator, Straight " Patent, Heart, for Flat Hair Spring " " '* Breg> >t ^ ^ 1305 1300 1307' 1208 1300 1310 1311 1231 1233 1^3.5 123G 133 1330 1232 1233 Net Ibices Per Dozen. Is SERIES 1. 10 Size, ?i Plate. Hunting Stem-Wind, 4 Pillar, Sd Series. . 5 S4 60 4 50 9 00 4 1)0 4 00 4 00 4 00 a " < f. 86 00 6 00 I'-' 00 5 00 5 00 500 6 00 4 on 7 00 5 5( 10 no 5 00 5 00 19 50 )9 50 1 50 3 50 2 60 10 00 12 00 4 00 3 00 600 3" )2oa S4 50 4 50 9 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 $8 00 vxa 12 13 10 10 8 8 I20J l-iOh Third (3d) Pinion land Fourth (4th) Pinion' -. 1307 Escape Pinion, Coarse Leaves or Slow Train to inatch Wheels Nos. 1128, 1129, iiso i andliai., . :,. f 10 00 120S Escape Pinion, Fine Leaves or Quick Train to match Wheels Nos. 1132, 1133, 1131 i andli:)5 ' f 10 00 I20a U'lO Balance Staff .. T 00; 7 no 1211 13 3 50 800 300 3 50 8 00 "s'oo 'iVrio 1 60 •260 1212 I2ia 10 00 1214 "Oval " " ; 121 .T 14 50 121(i Roller...., ■ i.60 ,2 60 3 00 13(9 " Oval ' , 1220 14 00 1221 16 00 4 66 300 4 00 3 0U 4 00 700 1,-J 5 00 1234 400 300 4 00 300 4 00 3 00 6 00 5 00 4 00 7 00 5 00 I3;r, " " Pallet, Uppdr. in Gold Settings 700 1237 3 6(1 300 1 50 ■360 3 00 1 50 "zixs 3 00 3 00 5 PO ]2i8 5 00 1229 1230 13:!1 " Foot " " •' Cock and Foot End Stono or Cap Jewel, in Brass and Gold Settings.. 5 00 4 00 4 00 12.i3 12:):) *I2:)4 II II Pallet, Upper End Stone or Cap Jewel in Gold Settings 6 00 4 00 10 00 *I-iS.') Pallet, Upper, " " 3 50 3 00 67 3 50 2 00 '■"67 2 .50 *123'i " Pallet or Pallet Stones 3 00 9 00 *l2:->.- " Roller or Jewel Pins, Square 67 2 OJ *13:)8 ■' Oval 67 2 00 -Numbers 1234, 1336, 13.36, 1237 and 1238'«te.HPt illustratecj. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH GO'S MATERIALS, WALTHAM, MASS. 3700 2701 2710 2711 2730 2721 2732 3733 2724 2725 3726 3727 3728 2729 3730 2735 2736 2737 2738 3739 2740 2741 3745 3750 2751 2752 2753' 3754 2760 3761 3762 3763 2764 2765 2770 3771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2780 2781 2783 2783 2784 27Sc 3786 16 SIZE, % I^LJ^TE- HUNTING AND OPEN FACE, STEM WINDING, PENDANT SETTING. 16 Size, % Plate, Hunt'g. Gilt. Pend't Wind'g and Setting Movem't I^ickel, " ■' " " Open Face, Gilt, " Nickel, " • Balance Cock, complete. Gilt, for Plain Regulafor ■ " " <. BY'S MATERIAL. (\A/Al_THAIVI, IVIASS.) KEY WIND. «4 SIZE. K PLATE. A.da.ms Street and Orescent Garden, ^ m .^ m ^ m 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 i 1359 1350 1361 1362 1363 1S64 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1376 1377 Net Peioes Per Doz 14 SIZE, H PLATE. I\ey Wind. Adams Stre&t and Crescent Garden. 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 *1364 *1365 1866 1367 1368 1869 1870 1871 1372 1373 1874 1375 1376 1877 1878 1379 1880 1881 Third (3) Wheel, Gilt , " " " and Pinion fitted Fourth (4th) " " Coarse Teeth or Slow Train " " and Pinion fitted, Coarse Teeth or Slow Train " " Fine Teeth or Quick Train ■. " " and Pinion fitted. Fine Teeth or Quick Train Escape Wheel, Gilt, small, to match Pallets Nos. 1370-1874, 1st series " " " " and Piniou fitted, Coarse Leaves or Slow Train, 1st Series " large, to match Pallets Nos. 1371-1375 2d Series " " " and Pinions fitted, Fine Leaves or Quick Train I 2d Series ) Hour Wheel, Gilt Minute " " Balance, Gold Steel " Expansion Hair Spring or Balance Spring, not Collettd " " Colleted " Stud, long " " half round Regulator, straight, Index on Cock No. 1305 1306 Pallet, with Stones fitted, to match Escape Wheels Nos. 1355-1356,. . .1st Series Nos. 1857-1358.... 2d " Fork, long, for Pallet No. 1370 1st " " short, " ■' 1,371 2d " Pallett, Fork and Arbor, complete, long 1st " short 2d " Roller, small, for Long Fork 1st " " and Jewel Pin fitted, for Long Fork 1st " large, for Short Fork 2d " " and Jewel Pin fitted, for Short Fork 2d " Balance Screw, Brass and Gold Banking Screw, " 1 75 5 25 1 75 5 25 2 50 6 00 1 50 1 50 6 00 3 00 18 00 1 25 2 00 3 00 8 00 6 00 11 50 1 25 2 25 1 75 5 25 1 75 5 25 1 75 5 25 2 50 6 00 2 50 6 00 1 50 1 50 18 00 1 25 2 00 300 1 25 3 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 2 50 2 50 11 50 11 50 1 25 2 25 1 25 2 25 50 25 *Orders for Hair Springs should state if for Steel, Gold or Expansion Balance. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, U M, N, O AND P. (Models of 1S74 and 18S4.) 14 Size 3/4- Plate Hunting and Open Face Stem Winding Lever and Pendant Setting; also Chronograph, Minute Register and Split Second. NET PRICES PER DOZEN. 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 700S 7009 7010 701 1 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 U Size ^ Plate, (lilt and Nickel, Open Face and Hunting, Stem Winding, lever Setting Movement, Series K, I and M. 14 Size 1st Series, Profile Plato, Gilt and Kiokel, Open Face, Stem Winding, Lever Setting Movement, Series N H Size Gilt and Nickel, Hunting anil Open Face, Stem Winding, lever Setting, Clironograpli Movement, Series P 14 Size 34^ Plate, Gilt and Nickel, Hunting and Open Face, lever and Pendant Setting Movement, Series Barrel and Center Wheel Bridge, Gilt, for Open Face Movement " . Nickel, " " " Barrel and Center Wheel Bridge, Gilt, for Hunting Movement " " " " Nickel, " " - . . Train Bridge, Complete, Gilt, for Open Face Movement " " " Nickel, " " " , Train Bridge, Complete, Gilt, for Hunting Movement " " " Nickel, " " Balance Cock, Complete, Gilt, Crooked, for 0. S. 0. F. Movement, witi Straiglit Regulator No. 7310 and Flat Hair Spring. " " " " " " « " " " 7371 " Brcgnct " Balance Cock, Complete, Gilt, Crooked, for 0. S. 0. F. Movement, with Patent Regulator No. 7374 and Flat Hair Spring. " " " " " " " " " " 7375 " Brcguet " Balance Cock, Complete, Gilt, Straight, for N. S. 0. F. Movement, with Straight Regulator No. 7370 and Flat Hair Spring " " " " « " « « " " 7371 " Bregnet " Balance Cock, Complete, Gilt, Straight, for N. S. 0. F. Movement, with Patent Regulator No. 7372 and Flat Hair Spring. " " " " " ' " " 7373 « Bregnet " « .. .< « ■. .. « « .. << J371 « Flat " " " "' " 7375 " Bregnet " Balance Cock, Complete, Nickel, Crooked, for 0. S. 0. F. Movement, with Straight Regulator No. 7370 and Flat Hair Spring. " " " " " " " " " " 7371 " Bregnet " Balance Cock, Complete, Nickel, Crooked, for 0. S. 0. F. Movement, with Patent Regulator No. 7374 and Flat Hair Spring. " " ' " " " 7375 " Brcguet " Balance Cock, Complete, Nickel, Straight, forS. S. 0. F. Movement, with Straight Regulator No. 7370 and Flat Hair Sprmg. " « " « " " " " " " 7371 " Bregnet " Balance Cock, Complete, Nickel, Straight, for N. S. 0. F. Movement, with Patent Regnlator No. 7372 and Flat Hair Spring. « « " " " " " " <. '. 73 j3 « Brcguet " " " " " " " " " " " 7374 " Flat " « " " " " " " « " " 7375 " Bregnet " 24.00 24.00 $15.00 18.00 15.00 18 .00 30.00 36.00 30.00 36.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18 .00 18.00 18.00 18.00 $18.00 24 .00 iS .00 24.00 36.00 48. 00 36.00 48. CO 24.00 24.00 24.0c 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 36.00 60.00 60.00- 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30 . 00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30 . 00 36.00 36:00 36.00 36.00- 36.00 36.0a 36.0c 36.00 36.00 36.00 THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS EXTRA CHARGE 16 MADE FOR FITTING SHOULD BE OBSERVED : f ORDER WITH COMPARE NUMBER OF LEAVES IN PINIONS AND NUMBER OF TEETH IN WHEELS, OF MATERIAL TO BE DUPLICATED, WITH THE FOLLOWING PAGES. FORWARDED, TO I SPECIAL NOTES. CO.ARSE TRAIN :— Series K, 14 Size 3/4 Plate Movements, named Hillside, with 72 Teeth in the Center Wheels, are COARSE TRAIN. AK- ether 14 Size 3/4 Plate Movements are FINE TRAIN. THIN TOP PLATES:— Series K, L, M and N, 14 Size 3/4 Plate, Hillside, Riverside and Amn. Grade Movements, numbered 2,365,001 an-j tower, were made with THIN TOP PLATES, henoe Barrel Arbors and Pinions are shorter. THICK TOP PLATES :— Series O, 14 Size 3/4 Plate, Bond Street, Hillside, Riverside and Amn. G, jde Movements of a higher nur «han 2,365^001, are made with THICK TOP PLATES, henoe Barrel Arbors and Pinions are lor.gcr. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P, (MODELS OF 1874 and 1884.) 14 SIZE 3/4. PLATE HUNTING AND OPEN FACE STEM WINDING LEVER AND PENDANT SET- TING; ALSO CHRONOGRAPH, MINUTE REGISTER AND SPLIT SECOND. DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THTS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 298 Tie Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P. (Models of 1874 and 18S4.) 14 Size 3/4 Plate Hunting and Open Face Stem Winding Lever and Pendant Setting; also Clironograpli, Minute Register and Split Second. Balance Cock, Complete, Gilt, SIraislit, for Uiralinff llovcracnt ivitli Straight Regnlator No. 7364 and Flat Hair Spriag. .. " " " « " " " 736-5 " Bregiict " Balance Cock, Complete, Gilt, Straight, tor Hunting Movement with Patent Regulator No. 7366 and Flat " « ' !. ' »' .? .< " " " " " " 7367 " Brcgiict " .. .. u u a ,.. .. " " " " " 7368 " Flat " " 7369 " Bregiict " Balance Cock, Complete, Nickel, Straight, for Hunting Movement with Straight Regulator No. 7364 and Flat Hair Spring. >. ' .'.'«',.'' .. " " " " " " 7365 " Eregcct " Balance Cock, Complete, Nickel, Straight, for Hunting Movement with Patent Regnlator No. 7366 and Flat " .< a U « ii ' " " " " " « " 7367 " Bregnet " ,. « .. .< « .. " " " " " " 736S " Flat " .< " " " " " " 7369 " Brcguet " Chronograph Center and Fourth Wheel Bridge, Complete, Gilt, 0. S. for 0. F. Movement, (Requires Fitting) ?' ^ " '• " " " " " N. S. " " " " " " " " « " " " Nickel, " " " " " " Chronograph Center and Fonrth Wicel Bridge, Complete, Gilt, N. S. for Hunting Movement, (Requires Fitting) " " " " " " " Nickel, " " " " " " Minute Register Cllronogr,^ph Center and Fourth Wheel Bridge, Complete, Gilt, tor 0. F. Movement, (Requires Fitting) . . . „ „ .. .. .. 11 <■ " ■< JJitlicI^ " " " " Pallet Bridge, Complete, Gold Gilt " '< " Nickel Movement Cup, Complete, Gilt, for 14 Size Night Clock Movement Barrel Arbor, Short, for Stem Winding Thin Plate Movement, Series K, L, M and N. " " Long, " " " Thick, " " Series O Barrel Arbor, Small Thread, for Night Clock Movement " " Large " " " " " Barrel Arbor, Short, for Special Key Winding Thin Plate Movement " " Long, " " " " Thick " " Setting Lever, ist Series " " 2nd " Setting Lever Washer, Ste-;! Setting Slide, Wide, for Push Setting Movement, ist Series " " Narrow, " " " 2nd Series Setting Lever, for Pendant Setting, ist Series " " " " " 2nd Series Winding Bar Tip Case Sleeve, Steel, without Thread Winding and Setting Bar, ist Series ^ Winding and Setting Bar, Short, 2nd Series " " " " Long, " " Crown, Gilt, Large, with Small Hole, for Night Clock Movement " " Small, " Large " " " " " Barrel Arbor Cap, Steel, Small, ist Series " " " " Large, 2nd Series Ratchet Cap, Steel, for Ratchets No. 7 141 and 7142 Click, 1st Series " 2nd Series , Click Spring, ist Series " " 2nd Series Click and Spring .' Yoke Spring, Long, for Lever and Push Setting " " Circular, for Pendant Setting, ist Series Yoke Spring, Circular, Short, for Pendant Setting, 2nd Series " " " Long, " " " " " Yoke Spring, Wire, for Hunting Movement " " ''°°'^gj5) , 7125 ^^r"""^ 7126 7127 7'^^ 'fa«%jaj 7129 7130 7I3I 1==^ 7133 7133 7134 713s 7136 7137 m 7138 7139 ^ 7140 7I4I 7142 7143 ff 7144 7145 7146, 7147. 7148 7149. 7150 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. t z SERIES K, L, M, N, AND P. (Models of 1S74 and 1S84.) sS NET PRICES PER DOZEN. o p o5 14 Size 3/4 Plate Hunting and Open Face Stem Winding Lever . 5 HILLSIDE RIVERSIDE and Pendant Setting; also Chronograph, Minute z S 9 AND It 13 AMD 15 Register and Split Second. 7JEWE 6 JEWELS. JEWELS. ie JEWELS. 22IO Tip and End of Mainspring, Narrow, Suitable for Narrow Barrels, ist Series $1-2 5 $1-25 S1.25 $1.25 221 I " 11 " " " Wide, " " Wide " 2nd " I .2 5 1-25 1.25 1.25 7153 7154 7155 71 16 75 85 90 8.S 4-5° 4-5° 4.50 3 4.50 5-5° 5-5° 5.50 5-5° 5.50 5.50 Barrel, Gilt, Wide, Old Style, with Square Based Teeth, (F. T.) Fine Train 4.0 7i,S7 " New Style, with Oval Based Teeth, (F. T.) Fine Train 85 4.0 D 4.50 5.50 7158 7159 7160 85 90 8.S 7.50 7.50 7-5° g.oo 9.00 9.00 II .50 11.50 II .50 11 " 11 (FT) " " Fine Teeth Barrel, Nickel, Wide, Old Style, with Square Based Teeth, (F. T.) Fine Train. . . 7161 " New Style, with Oval Based Teeth, (F. T.) Fine Train .... 8S 7.50 9.00 11.50 7162 Barrel, Cilt, Kiirrow, Coarse Train, iTJtli Sliort S. W. Arbor Fitted, for Tliiu riatc Movciiiciil 7S 10.00 7163 " " " Fine Traill, Coarse Tcctli, with Sliort S. W. Arbor Fitted, for Thin Plate i\lovenient 8.S 10.00 12.00 12.00 7164 " " " " " Fine Teeth, " " " " " " " " " 90 10.00 12.00 12.00 716s Barrel, (lilt, Wide, Fine Train, Square Teeth with Long S. IV. Arbor Fitted, for Thick Plate Movement 8.^ S.5( 5 10.00 12.00 7166 " ' , Oval Teeth, " " " " " " " " " 8S 8.s< 3 10.00 12.00 7167 Barrel, Gilt, Wide, Fine Train, Square Teeth, with Old Style Clock Arbor fitted. 8.5 8..5< 7168 " Oval Teeth, 8S 8.5c 7169 " " " " " Square Teeth, with New Style Clock Arbor fitted. 8,S 8-.5< 7170 " Oval Teeth, 8.5 8.5( 7171 7172 75 85 " " " Fine Train, Coarse Teeth with Short K. W. Arbor Fitted, for Special K. W. Thin Movement . 10.00 12 .00 7173 " " " " " Fine Teeth, " " " " " " " " " 90 10.00 12 .00 7174 Barrel, Cilt, Wide, Fine Train, Square Teeth, with Long K. W. Arbor Fitted, for Special li. W. Thick Movement. . 85 8-5 3 10.00 12.00 7175 " " " " " Oval Teeth, " " " " " " " " " '■ . . 85 8.5 3 10.00 12.00 7176 Barrel, Nickel, Narrow, Fine Train, Coarse Teeth, with Short S. ff. Arbor Fitted, for Thin Plate Movement . 85 13.00 rs-oo 18.00 7177 " " Fine Teeth, " " " " " " " " " 90 13.00 15.00 18.00 7178 Barrel, Nickel, Wide, Fine Train, Square Teeth, with Long S. VI. Arbor Fitted, for Thick Plate Movement 85 13.00 15.00 18.0a 7179 •' " " " " Oval Teeth, " " " " " " " " " 85 13.00 15.00 18.00 7180 Barrel, Nickel, Narrow, Fine Train, Coarse Teeth, with Short K. W. Arbor Fitted, for Special K W. Thin Movement. 85 13.00 15.00 7181 " " Fine Teeth, " " " " " " " " " 90 13.00 15.00 7182 Barrel, Nickel, Wide, Fine Train, Square Teeth, with Long K. W. Arbor Fitted, for Special K. W, Thick Movement. 85 13.00 15.00 7183 " " " " " Oval Teeth, " " " ' " " " 85 13.00 15.00 SPECIAL NOTES. The Firsi Mo The Last Mo ! Model, 1st Series Pendant Setting, Is n Model, 1st Series Pendant Setting, is m umbered 3,337,001. I 4,412,900. The First Move Model, 2nd Series Pendant Setting, is numbered 4,523.001. The Firsx Chronograph Mo Th3 Last Chronograph Mo nt made. Series P, Is numbered 1,015,901. nt made, Series P, is numbered 3,162,800. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P, (MODELS OF 1874 and 1884.) 14 size 3 4 plate hunting and open face stem winding lever and pendant setting; also chronograph, minute register and split second. 22IO [JS [roiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiBI 7153 7154 715s I,, 7^56 I" 7157 ^ 7158 7159 "1 l^l'1(1 ,/■ 7160 7I6I 7162 7163 7^64 7165 7 166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7172 7'73 aglj, 7174 7175 7176 7177 7178 7171 HSt' 7179 ii^|» 7180 7I8I 71825 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P. ^Models of 1874 and 18S4.) 14 Size 3/4 Plate Hunting and Open Face Stem Winding- Lever and Pendant Setting; also Chronograph, Minute Register and Split Second. NET PRICES PER DOZEN. Center Wheel, Gilt, (C. T.) Coarse Train " " " Old Style, with Square Based Teeth, (F. T.) Fine Train. . " Gold, " " " " " " (F. T.) " " . . Center Wheel, Gilt, New Style, with Oval Based Teeth, (F. T.) Fine Train. . " Gold, " " " " " " (F. T.) " " .. Center Wheel, Gilt, Coarse Train, with S.W. Patent Center Pinion fitted " " " " " " " " " and Caiinoo Pinions lilted. Center WW, Gilt, Square Teeth, Fine Train, witli Short S. W. PatcntCcnter Pinion fitted, [or Thin Plate Jlov't. . . " " Gold, . " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " . . Cent. Wlicel, Gilt, Sq'rc Teeth, Fine Tr'n.with Short S.W. Pat. Cent, and Cannon Pinions fitted, for Tliiu Plate Mov't. " " Gold, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Cent. Wheel, Gilt, Sq. Teeth, F. T., with long S. W. Pat. Cent. Pinion fitted, Small Top Pivot, for Thick Plate Mov't. " " Gold, " " " " " " " « " " " " " " " " " Ccnl.Wh'l,Gilt,Sq.Teeth,F.T.,ffith Long S.W.Pat.Cent.and Can. Pins. fitteii,SniallTopPivol,for Thick Plate MoT't. " " Gold," " " " " " " ' '" " " " " " Ctnt. Wl, Gilt, Otal Teeth, F.T., ivilhlong S.W. Pat. Cent. Pinion fitted, Small Ton Pivot, for Tliick Plato Mov't. " " Gold, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Cent.Hli'1, Gilt.Oval Tccth,F.T.,ivilh Long S.W. Pat. Ccntand Can.Pins. fitted.Small Top Pivot.for Thick Plato Jilov't. " " Gold, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' " " Center Wheel, Gill, Oval Teeth, Fine Train, with Patent Pinion fitted, large Top Pivot, for Tliick Plato Movement. . " " Gold, " " " " " " " " " " " " ' .. Cenler Wheel, Gilt, Oval Teeth, F. T.,with Patent Center and Cannon Pinions fitted, large Top Pivot, for Thick Mov't. " " Gold, " " " " " '^ " " " " " " " " " " Cenler Wheel, Gilt, Sqnare Teeth, with Paleut Centet Pinion filled, for Xiglit Clock Movement " " " " " " " " and Cannon Pinions fitted, for Mglit Clock Movement Center Wheel, Gill, Oval Tcclh, vrilh Patent Center Pinion liHcd, for liight Clock Movement " " " " " " " " and Cannon Pinions filled, for Kight Clock Movement Center Wheel, Gilt, Coarse Train, with Ilollow Patent Center Pinion filled, for Special K. W. Movement " " " Square Tcclh, Pine Train, with Short Hollow Patent Pinion filled, tor Special K. W. Thin Mov't. " " " " " " " " long " " " " " " " Thick " " " " Oval " " " " " " " " « " " " « " Cenler Wheel, Gilt, SqnareTcolli, F. T., with Solid Pal. Center and Cannon Pinions fitted, forO.S. Back Chronomph. Center Wheel, Gill, Square Teclh,F.T.,wiili Short Ilollow Pat. Cent, and Cannon Pinions filled, for N. S. Front Clirono. Center Wheel, Gill, Sq'reTiclh, F.T., with long Oollow Pat. Cent, and Cannon Pinions fitted, forN.S. Front Chrono. Chronograph Center Wheel, Old Style, larso, with largo Heart Cam fitted, for 0. S. Back Chronograph " " " hw Stj.c, Small, " Medium " " " " N, S. Front " " " " " " " Small " " « " " " « Clironograph Cenler Wlieel, with Ai'lior and Medium Heart Cam filled, for N. S. Front Chronograph " " " " " Small " " " " " " Split Second Center Wheel, with Hollow Arbor and Heart Cam fitted Split Second Disk, with Solid Arbor fitted Flour Wheel, Gilt, Old Style, with Square Based Teeth Hour Wheel, Gilt, New Style, with Oval Based Teeth Hour Wheel, Gilt, with Long Hub, for Night Clock Movement Minute Wheel, Gilt, Old Style, with Square Based Teeth Minute Wheel, Gilt, New Style, with Oval Based Teeth Intermediate Chronograph Pinion and Arbor fitted Driving Wheel, for Minute Register Arbor No. 7236 Bevel Wheel, for Minute Register Arbor No. 7236 Bevel Wheel, for Minute Register Hand Arbor No. 7237 Arbor, for Minute Register Driving and Bevel Wheels Nos. 7233 and 7234. . . Minute Register Hand Arbor, with Heart Cam fitted Minute Register Driving and Bevel Wheels, with Arbor fitted Minute Register Hand Arbor, with Bevel Wheel and Heart Cam fitted THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS SHOULD BE EXTRA CHARGE IS MADE FOR FITTING I THE I WANTED, PLEASE ; 1.2 .00 6.00 2 .00 6.00 t .00 5.00 4.00 8.00 1 .00 5.00 4.00 8. 00 t .00 5.00 4.00 8.00 r .00 5.00 4.00 8.00 II .00 II .00 II .00 24.00 24.00 24.00 21 .00 21 .00 1 .00 32.00 .00 16.00 6.00 16.00 16.00 10.00 20.00 36.00 40.00 ■ MADE IN ABOVE ; INSURE PERFECT I ?IES IS NUMBERED COARSE TRAIN :— Series K, 14 Size 3/4 Plate Movemer other 14 Size 3/4 Plate Movements are FINE TRAIN. THIN TOP PLATES.— Series K, L, M and N, 14 Size 3/4 Plate, Hillside, Rivei lower, were made with THIN TOP PLATES, hence Barrel Arbors and Pinions ari THICK TOP PLATES :— Series O, 14 Size 3/4 Plate, Bond Street, Hillside F than 2,365,001, are made with THICK TOP PLATES, hence Barrel Arbors and Pi Most of the Chronograph, Minute Register and Split Second Material Illustrated, and many and when wanted it will be necessary to forward the complete Watch to enable such Parts to b SPECIAL NOTES. ed Hillside, with 72 Teeth in the Center Wh nd Amn. Grade Moveme le and Amn. Grade Mo peclal part , are COARSE TRAIN. AU numbered 2,365,001 and ents of a higher number It shown, requ're fitting: For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 305 AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P, (MODELS OF 1874 and 1884.) 14 SIZE 3/4 PLATE HUNTING AND OPEN FACE STEM WINDING LEVER AND PENDANT setting; also chronograph, minute REGISTER AND SPLIT SECOND. 841*0/' 71 7185 7186 7187 TO ""® 71S9 7190 7191 7192 7193 7194. 7195 7196 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 I 7205 7206 7197 -t^w 7207 7208 7209 li B-3»imi 7210 72II 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 fwi 7-2 ^ f- 7223 7224 7225 [s# 7226 7227 ^1 7228 l^£ 7229 7230 ^m 7231 ^M 7232 ^ 7233 ^ 7234 ^ 7235 % 7236 -=*>■ 7237 -!=>=• 7238 -=|^>- 7239 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACK THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P. (■Models of 1874 and 1SS4.) 14 Size 3/4 Plate Hunting- and Open Face Stem Winding- Lever and Pendant Setting; also Chronograpli, Minute Register and Split Second. Third (3d) Wheel, Gilt, (C. T.) Coarse Train " " " " Old Style, with Square Based Teeth, (F.T.) Fine Train. ' Gold, " " " " " " (F.T.) " Third (3d) Wheel, Gilt, New Style, with Oval Based Teeth, (F. T.) " " Gold, " " " " " " (F.T.) " Tliird (3d) Wheel, Ciit, Coarse Train, witli Short C. T. Third Pinion fitted, for Hunting Movement = . " " " " " " " Long " " " " " Open Face " Third (3d) IVlieel, Gilt, Sqnarc Teeth, with 1st Series Thicl( leaf F. T. Third Pinion lilted, for Thin Plate Ht'? Mov't. Cold, " " " " " " ' ' " " " " " " Third (3d) Wheel, (iilt,Sq're Teeth, with 1st Scries Thick Leaf F.T.Third Pinion fitted, for Thin Plate Open Face Mov't. " " " fiold, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Third (3d) Wheel, Gilt, Square Teeth, wilh long Thiclc Leaf F. T. Third Pinion fitted, forTliick Plate Movement. " " " Cold, " " " " " " " " " " " " " Third (3d) Wheel, Gilt, Oval Teeth, with long Tliin leaf F. T. Third Pinion fitted, for Thick Plate MoTcraent, " " " Gold, " " " " " " " " " " " " " Third (3d) Wlieel, Cill, Oval Teeth, with N. S. Short Tliin Leaf F. T. Third Pinion fitted, for Thick Plate Ht'g Mov't. " " " " " " " " Long, " " " " " " " " Open Face" Third (3d) Wheel, Gilt and Gold, Square Teeth, with F. T. Third Pinion fitted, for Chronograph Movement Fourth (4th) Wheel, Gilt, (C. T.) Coarse Train " " " " Old Style, with Square Based Teeth, (F.T.) Fine Train. " Gold, " " " " " " (F.T.) " Fourth (4th) Wheel, Gilt, New Style, with Oval Based Teeth, (F. T.) Fine Train. ' Gold, " " " " " " (F.T.) " Chronograph Fourth (4th) Wheel, Old Style, Large, with Hub fitted " " " " New Style, Small, with Short Hnb fitted, Hunling " " " " " " " " Long " " Open Face Fourth (4th) Wheel, Gilt, Coarse Train, with Coarse Train Fourth Pinion fitted, for Hunting Movement .... " " " " " " " " " " " " " Open Face " .... Fourth (4th)Wheel,Gilt,Square Teeth, with 1st Series Thick leaf F.T. Fourth Pinion fitted, for Tliin Plate Ht'g Mov't. " " " Gold, " " " " " ' " " " " " " " " " " " Fourth (4th)Wheel,Gilt,Sq're Teeth, with 1st Series Thick Leaf F.T. Fourth Pinion Ctted,forTliin Plate Open Face Mov't " " " Cold, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Fourth (4th) Wheel, Gilt, Square Teelh, with long Thick Leaf F. T. Fourth Pinion fitted, for Thick Plate Mov't. " " " Gold, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Fourth (4th) Wheel, Cilt, Oval Teeth, with long Thin Leaf F. T. Fourth Pinion fitted, for Thick Plate Movement. ," " " Cold, " " " " " " " " " ■' " " " Fourth (4th) Wheel, Gilt, Oval Teeth, with N. S. Short Thin Leaf F. T. Fourth Pinion fitted, for Tliick Plate Mov't. Fourth (4lh) Wheel, Gilt and Gold, Square Teeth, with 1st Series Fourth Pinion fitted, for Ht'g Chronograph Mov't. " " " " " 2d " " " " "Open Face " " " " " " " " " " 3d " " " " " Chronograph " Escape Wheel, Gilt, Old Style, Small " Gold, " " " Escape Wheel, Gilt, New Style, Large, with Flat Faced Teeth " Gold, " " " " " " " Escape Wheel, Gilt, New Style, Large, with Round Faced Teeth " Gold, " " " " ", -' " Escape Wheel, Gilt, Small, with Coarse Train Escape Pinion fitted, tor Thin Plato Movement " " " " " Short Fine " " " " " " " " " " Gold, " " " " « " " " " " Escape Wheel, Gilt, Small, with long Fine Train Escape Pinion fitted, for Thick Plate Movement " " Cold, " " " " " " " ■' " " " " Escape Wheel, Gilt, Large, Flat Teeth, with Thick leaf Escape Pinion fitted, for Thick Plate Movement " " " Round Teeth, " " " " " " " " " " Escape fcel, Cilt, large, Flat Teeth, with Thin Loaf Escape Pinion fitted, for Thick Plate Movement " " " " Round Teeth, ' " " " " Escape Wheel, Gilt, Large, with New Style Short Escape Pinion fitted Heart Cam, Old Style, Large, for Back Chronograph Center Wheel No. 7220. . . Heart Cam, New Style, Mediinn, for Front Chronograph Center Wheels No. 7221 and 7223 " " " " Small, " " " " " No. 7222 and 7224 NET PRICES PER DOZEN. STREET GRADE. ' JEWELS. 75 5° 5° SO $2 12 00 00 12 00 7 18 7 18 7 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 i8 2 12 00 00 00 12 18 18 i8 00 00 00 00 7 18 7 18 7 18 GO 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 18 18 18 3 12 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 12 00 7 18 50 00 18 00 6 6 6 00 oa 00 SHOULD BE GIVE CATALOGUE NUMBER OF EACH PART WANTED. GIVE NAME OR GRADE OF MOVEMENT. COMPARE NUMBER OF LEAVES IN PINIONS AND NUMBER OF TEETH MATERIAL TO BE DUPLICATED, WITH THE DESCRIPTION IN ABOVE ; MOVEMENT SHOULD BE FORV/ARDEO, TO INSU HE FIHST MOVEMENT MADE IN ABOVE MODEL 1 ED, THE REMAININ PERFECT FITTING. NUMBERED 721,501. SPECIAL NOT ES. COARSE TRAIN :— Series K, 14 Size 3/4 Plate Movements, named Hillside, with 72 Teeth In the Center Wheels, are COARSE TRAIN. AU other 14 Size 3/4 Plate Movements are FINE TRAIN. THIN TOP PLATES:— Series K, L, M and N, 14 Size 3/4 Plate, Hillside, Riverside and Amn. Grade Movements, numbered 2,365,001 and tower, were made with THIN TOP PLATES, hence Barrel Arbors and Pinions are shorter, THICK TOP PLATES :— Series O. 14 Size 3/4 Plate, Bond Street, Hillside, Riverside and Amn. Grade Movements of a nigher number than 2,365,001, are made with THICK TOP PLATES, hence Barrel Arbors and Pinions are longer. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P, (MODELS OF 1874 and 1884.) 14 SIZE 3/4 PLATE HUNTING AND OPEN FACE STEM WINDING LEVER AND PENDANT setting; also chronograph, minute REGISTER AND SPLIT SECOND. 7240 7241 "*'^K) 72431 7244 fWsXj^ t> 7245 7246 7247 7248 7249 7250 7251 7252 7253 7254 725s 7256 7257 7258 fi 7259 f^ 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265^ 7266 7267 726 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 f 7274 727s 7^76 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 -4 7290 7291 7292 7293 7294 729s 4 -4 H- 7296 n 7297 # 7298 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS P^.GE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P. (Models of 1874 and 1884.) 14 Size 3/4 Plate Hunting and Open Face Stem Winding Lever and Pendant Setting; also Chronograph, Minute Register and Split Second. 7299 7300 7301 7302 73°3 7304 73°S 7306 7307 7308 73°9 731° 73" 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 733J 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 734° 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 735° 7351 7352 7353 7354 7355 7355 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 Patent Center Staff, Old Style, Short, for S. W Thin Plate Movement " New Style, Long, with Small Top fivot. for S. W. Thick Plate MoTement « '1 " " " " " Large Top Pivot, " " " " " Patent Center Staff, for 14 Size Night Clock Movement. ■ ■ Patent Center Staff, Hollow, Short, for Special K. W. Thin Plate Movement Long, for Special K. W. Thick Plate Movement Pinion Head, (C. T.) Coarse Train •■■■■,•-; Pinion Head, (F. T.) Fine Train, Old Style, with Square Based Leaves >. .< " " " New Style, " Oval " " Pinion Head, F. T., Square Leaves, Small Hole, for Old Style Chronograph. c, .. " " "■ Large Hole, " New Style " Patent Center Pinion, complete, S. W. {C. T.) Coarse Train ....... ... . . .^ „ u " " Short, (F.T.) Fine Train, for S.W.Thin Plate Movt Patent Ceuter Pinion, long, F. T., Square leaves, ivith Small Top Pivot, tor S.^W. Thick Plate Movement " " " " " Oval Leaves, " " " " " " "„,",, Patent Center Pinion, long, F. T., Square Leaves, with Large Top Pivot, for S. W. Thick Plate Movement " " " " " Oval leaves, " " " " " " " " '^\"\' Patent Center Pinion, Long, F. T., Square Based Leaves, for 14 Size Night Clock » " " " " Oval Based Leaves, " " " Patent Center Pinion, Short, Uollow, (C. T.) Coarse Train, for Special K. W. Thin Plate Movement " " " " (F. T.) Fine Train, " " " " " Patent Center Pinion, Long, Hollow, F. T., Square leaves, for Special K. W. Thick Plate Movement " " " " " " Oval Leaves, " " " " " Third {3d) Pinion, Short, (C.T.) Coarse Train, for Thin Plate Hunting Movement " " " " Fine Train, Thick Leaves, " " " " Third (3d) Pinion, Long, (C.T.) Coarse Train, for Thin Plate Open Face Movement " " " ^' Fine Train, Thick Leaves, " " " " " '' , Third (^d) Pinion, Long, F. T., Short Head, Thick Leaves, for Thick Plate Mov t. « ^.< " " " " " Thin Leaves, " Third "(3(1) Pinion, Short, F. T., Long Head, Tliin Leaves, for Thick Plate Hunting Movement " Lnntr F. T., Short Head, " " " " " Open Face " NET PRICES PER DOZEN. RIVERSIDE AMN GRADE. WATCH CO. 1S AND 16 GRADE. JEWELS, he JEWELS. Third (^d) Pinion, Fine Train, Thick Leaves, for Chronograph Fourth (4th) Pinion (C. T.) Coarse Train, for Thin Plate Hunting Movement. . . « „ << " < " Open Face " Fourth (4th) Pinion, Short, Fine Train.Thick Leaves, forThin Plate Hunting Mov't „ ^ „ » >i << " " " " " " Open Face " Fourth (4th) Pinion, Long, Fine Train, Thick Leaves, for Thick Plate Movement. 11 11 " •' " " Thin Leaves, " " " " Fourth (4th) Pinicn,Short,FineTrain,Long Head,Thin Leaves,forThick Plate Mov't Fourth (4th) Pinion, F. T., Thick Leaves, ist Series, for Hunting Chronograph 7342 -=&- 7358 ^ 7326 .i=^ 7343 -=5- 7359 ^ 7310 °gaT— > 7327 *=■ 73 M — B» 7360 ^ 73" =la=» 7328 .§=. 7345 -a- 7361 r^BF-i 7312 .j^^n — , 7329 ■§=■ 7346 m^ • 7363 ^ 7313 djfl-n 7330 4=. 7347 "N 7363 ^ DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 310 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P. (Models of 1S74 and 18S4.) 14 Size 3/4 Plate Hunting and Open Face Stem Winding Lever and Pendant Setting; also Chronograph, Minute Register and Split Second. Regulator, Straight, for Hunting Movement with Flat Hair Spring " " " " " " Breguet " Regulator, Patent, Large Jaw, for Hunting Movement with Flat Hair Spring " " " " " " " " Breguet " Regulator, Foggs Patent, Small Jaw, for Hunting Movement with Flat Hair Spring . . i< « " " " " " " " Breguet " Regulator, Straight, for Open Face Movement with Flat Hair Spring " " " " " " " Breguet " Regulator, Patent, Large Jaw, for Open Face Movement with Flat Hair Spring ■I " " " " " " " " Breguet " Regulator, Foggs Patent, Small Jaw, for Open Face Movement with Flat Hair Spring. I „ .1 ii II II 11 " " " « Breguet " Regulator Cam, Patent Heart, for Hunting Movement " " " " " Open Face " Regulator Cam, Foggs Patent Regulator Index, GUt Balance, Expansion, Small " Non-Magnetic, Small Balance, Nickel, Small Gold, " Balance, Expansion, Large " Non-Magnetic, Large Balance, Nickel, Large Gold, " Hair Spring, Small, Steel, Flat, CoUeted, for Small Balance No. 73S0 " " " Non-Magnetic, Flat, Colleted, for Small Balance No. 7381 >■ " " Steel, Flat, Colleted, for Small Balances Nos. 7382 and 7383 Hair Spring, Large, Steel, Flat, Colleted, for Large Balance No. 7384 « " " Non-Magnetic, Flat, Colleted, for Large Balance No. 7385 " " " Steel, Flat, Colleted, for Large Balances Nos. 7386 and 7387 Hair Sprmfc, Small, Steel, Breguet, Colleted and Studded for Hnntiag Movement and Small Balanco No. 7.380 " " "Non-Mag.," " " ' " " " " No. 7381 " " " Steel, " " " ' " " " " No. 7382 and 7383. . . Bair Spriag, Large, Steel, Breguet, Colleted and Studded for Hnnting MoTemcnt and largo BalanM No. 7384 " " " Non-Mag.," " " " " " " ' No. 7385 « " " Steel, " " " " " " " " " " No. 7386 and 7387.. Hair Spring, Small, Steel, Breguet, Colleted and Studded for 0. F. Movement and Small Balance No. 7380 " " " Non-Mag.," ' " " " " " " No. 7381 " " " Steel, " " " " " " " " " " No. 7382 and 7383.... Bair Spring, large. Steel, Breguet, Colleted and Studded for 0. P. Morenient and large Balance No. 73S4 " " " Non-Mag., ' " " " " " " " No. 7385 " " " Steel, " " " " " " " " " " No. 7386 and 7387.... Balance Screw, Composition, Long Head " Gold, " " Balance Screw, Composition, Medium Head " Gold, " " Balance Screw, Composition, Half Head " Gold, " " Mean Time Screw, Gold Roller, Steel, Old Style, Large, (Single Roller Escapement) " Non-Magnetic, Old Style, Large, (Single Roller Escapement) Roller, Steel, New Style, Small, (Single Roller Escapement) " Non-Magnetic, New Style, Small, (Single Roller Escapement) Roller, Non-Magnetic, Large, without Crescent, (Double Roller Escapement) " " Small, with " " '' " Roller, Steel, Old Style, Large, with Square Jewel Pin fitted " Oval, " " " Roller, Non-Magnetic, Old Style, Large, with Oval Jewel Pin fitted " Steel, New Style, Small, " " " " " " Non-Magnetic, " " " " " " " " Roller, Non-Magnetic, Large, without Crescent, with Oval Jewel Pin fitted NET PRICES PER DOZEN. I3.OO II .00 II .CO 3.00 6.00 II .00 II .00 3.00 6.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 •34 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 $3-5° 2,-S° 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3-5° 3-5° 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 •34 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2. 25 P4 4 5 S S 5 4 4 5 5 S S 3 3 3 3 18 18 is 18 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 I I I I I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 5° 50 5° 5° 50 50 50 50 SO 50 50 5° 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oa 00 00 00 00 00 00 5° 5° 5° 67 50 5° 5° 50 5° 50 50 50 5° 5° 50 SO SHOUL[ GIVE OIVE NAME OR COMPARE NUM MISTAKES, OBSERVED : OF MATERIA ^PltECEDING I TO OF LEAVES IN RNI0N6 AND NUMBER OF TEETH DUPLICATSO, WITH THE DESCRIPTION IN COVUM MOVEMENT SHOULD RIDGE • NING I FORWARDED, TO INSURE PERFECT FITTING. FIRST MOVEMENT MADE IN ABOVE SERIES IS NUMBERED 721,501. MADE IN ABOVE SERIES (6 NUMBERED 8,904,000. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^^ AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS, SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P, (MODELS OF 1874 and 1884.) 14 size 3/4. plate hunting and open face stem winding lever and pen.dant setting; also chronograph, minute register and split second. 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7390 7391 7392 7393 ^ 7394 =^ OJ 7395 i a\ 7397 -F?^ 7398 - ^«| 7399 ' " ^ 7400 ( o. w 7401 ^m^ 7402 ^^ 7403 (-0 7404 7405 I s> 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 74II 7412 7413 7414 m 7415 7416 @ 7417 ® 7418 ® 7419 9 7420 # 7421 7422 7423 7424 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P. (Models of 1S74 and 1884.) 14 Size 3/4 Plate Hunting and Open Face Stem Winding Lever and Pendant Setting; also Chronograph, Minute Register and Split Second. NET PRICES PER DOZEN STREET GRADE. 7 JEWELS. RIVERSIDE AMN. GRADE. WATCH CO. 13 AND 16 GRADE. JEWELS. 16 JEWELfi Pallet, Steel, with Round Faced Pallet Jewels fitted " " " Flat Faced , " " " Fork, Steel, Old Style, with Circular Crotch, for Square Jewel Pin " " New Style, " Square Crotch, " Oval " " Pallet, Fork and Arbor, complete, Stool, Old Style, wilh Circular Crotch, for Sqnaro Jewel Pin " " " " " " Square Crotch, for Oval Pm, with Piound Faced Pallet Jewels filled " " " " " " " " " " " " Flat Faced " " " Pallet, Fork and Arbor, complete, Steel, (Solid Pallet and Fork), with Round Faced Pallet Jewels fitted " " " " " Nou-Mag., " " " " " " " " " " Pallet, Fork and Arbor, complete, Steel, (Solid Pallet and Fork), with Flat Faced Pallet Jewels fitted " " " " " Non-Mag., " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " with Flat Faced Pallet Jewels, for Double Roller Escapement Hair Spring Collet, Thick, for Flat Hair Spring " " " Thin, for Breguet Hair Spring Ha»r Spring Stud, Old Style, Thick and Long, for Flat Hair Spring '■ " " " " Thick and Short, for Breguet Hair Spring Hair Spring Stud, New Style, Thin and Long, for Flat Hair Spring " " " " " Thin and Short, for Breguet Hair Spring Center Jewel, Ruby,Upper,with Small Hole,for Small Top Pivot, in Composition Setting " " " " " " " " " " " " Gold Setting Center Jewel,Ruby, Upper, with Large Hole,for Large Top Pivot, in Composition Setting " " " " " " " " " " " " .Gold Setting Center Jewel, Ruby, Upper, for Chronograph Center and Fourth Wheel Bridge, in Composition Setting " " " " " " " " " " " " Gold Setting Third (3d) Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " " R uby, " in Composition Setting " " " " " " Gold Setting Third (3d) Jewel, Garnet, Lower, not in Setting. " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Fourth (4th) Jswel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting " " " " " " Gold Setting Fourth (4th) Jewel, Ruby, Upper, for Chronograph Bridge, in Composition Setting. , " " " " " " " " " Gold Setting Fourth (4th) Jewel, Garnet, Lower, not in Setting " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Escape Jewel, Garnet, Upper, not in Setting " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting " " " " " Gold Setting Escape Jewel, Garnet, Lower, not in Setting " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Pallet Jewel, Ruby, Upper, not in Setting '• " Garnet, Lower, " " " " Ruby, " in Composition Setting Cock Hole Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting Foot Hole Jewel, Ruby, Lower, in Composition Setting Cock End Stone or Cap Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting " " " " " " " " " Gold Setting Foot End Stone or Cap Jewel, Ruby, Lower, in Composition Setting Pallet Jewel or Pallet Stone, Receiving, with Round Face " " " " " Discharging, " " " Pallet Jewel or Pallet Stone, Receiving, with Flat Face " " " " " Discharging, " " " Roller Jewel or Jewel Pin, Old Style, Square, for Separate Fork, with Circular Crotch Roller Jewel or Jewel Pin, Oval and Thin, for Separate Fork, with Square Crotch... . Roller Jewel or Jewel Pin, Oval and Thick, for Solid Pallet and Fork Hammer Jewel, Ruby, for Split Second Hammer No. 7 1 33 JS.oo 5.00 1. 25 2.50 2.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 If 6. 00 6.00 2.50 11.50 II .50 II .50 11.50 11.50 11.50 .50 •SO 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 2.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 .50 .50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 10.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 3.00 3.00 2.5c 3.00 2.50 3.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 .67 .i7 .67 .67 .67 iHOULD BE OBSERVED 1 GIVE CATALOGUE NUM GIVE NAME OR GRADE COMPARE NUMBER Of EXTRA CHARGE I WHEN IN DOUBT HE SAMPLE PART HE MOVEMENT SH SPECIAL NOTES. COARSE TRAIN:— Series K, 14 Size 3/4 Plate Movements, named Hillside witll 72 Teeth in other 14 Size 3/4 Plate Movements are FINE TRAIN. THIN TOP PLATES —Series K, U, M and N, 14 Size 3/4 Plate, Hillside, Riverside and Amn lower, were made with THIN TOP PLATES, hence Barrel Arbors and Pinions are shorter. THICK TOP PLATES :— Series O, 14 Size 3/4 Plate, Bond Street, Hillside Riverside and A than 2,365,001, are made with THICK TOP PLATES, hence Barrel Arbors and' Pinions are longe Most of the Chronograph, Minute Register and Split Second Material illustrated, and man -nd when wanted It will be necessary to forward the complete Watch to enable such Parts to • Center Wheels MBERED 6,904,900, are COARSE TRAIN, numbered 2,365,001 ints of a higher nurr For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 313 AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SERIES K, L, M, N, O AND P, (MODELS OF 1874 and 1884.) 14 SIZE V4 PLATE HUNTING AND OPEN FACE STEM WINDING LEVER AND PENDANi setting; ALSO CHRONOGRAPH, WINUTE REGISTER AND SPLIT SECOND. UH ^^ ^426 ^-^K^ 7427 o*-< ><>•-< 7429 7430 r43i <^4^ 7432 743 s 7438 7441 2444 7447 7449 =» 7450 as 7451 =» 7452 a. 7453 ^ 7454 ^ 7457 # 7458 # 7461 , <^ 7462 # 7465 ® 7466 ^ 7467 m 7468 ® 7469 7470 ® 7471 7472 # 7473 7474 # 747S 7476 7477 7478 7479 M 7480 © 7481 7482 8 7483 e 7484 7485 7486 7487 7490 7491 7492 7493 7494 7495 749.6 7497 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CCS MATERIALS. 8 St 6 si^e: ece:"y ^x/iisroi]srCr, AND 8 AND 6 SIZE ■ STEM WINDING, LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. NET PRICES PER DOZEN. RIVERSIDE 15 JEWELS. 5 Size, Gilt and Niclc., K. and S. W., Lev. Set. Movt., Profile Plate, ist Series. .. . >. " - 34 " 2d " . 6 " " " '• " " " " " 2d " . " L. and P. Set. " " " 3d " Pil. Plate, showing back view of Stem Wind., Lev. Set. Movts., ist and 2d Series . Movement Ring, Gilt, for 6 Size Movements Tip and End of Mainspring, suitable for ist and 2d Series Movements " " " " " 3d Series Movements Balance Cock, complete. Gilt, for Flat Hair Spring, ist Series " " " " Breguet " ist " Nickel, " Flat " ist " Breguet " Flat Gilt, Nickel, Gilt, Nickel, Breguet Flat Breguet Flat Breguet Pallet Bridge, Gilt " Cock, " " " Nickel Barrel Arbor Cap Ratchet Cap Barrel Arbor Cup, Gilt " " " with Steel Base Setting " " " " " Arbor or Centre Square Barrel " Key Winding " " Stem " 1st Series 2d " Click, Stem Winding, ist Series 2d " 3d " " Spring, ist " 2d " " and Spring, 1st " 2d " Yoke Spring, S Size, Lever Setting 6 " " " " 6 " Pendant " ist Series. . 6 " " " 2d " .. 6 " " " 3d " .. Setting Lever Spring, for Lever Setting " " " Pendant " " Slide, 1st Series " 2d " " Lever, Steel, ist Series " Gold, 2d " Steel, 2d " " " for Pendant Setting, 1st Series. 2d " . Winding Bar Tip Intermediate Push Piece or Plunger. 1.25 1.25 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1-50 1.50 1.50 1.50 $6.00 1.25 1.25 15.00 18.00 18.00 15.00 15 .00 18.00 18.00 9.00 9.00 12 .00 •75 1.50 •75 •75 •75 •75 •75 •75 •75 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 gb.oo 1.25 1.25 24.00 24.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 5.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 i .50 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.25 36.00 ^6.00 36.00 18 .00 2.50 2.50 3 50 ' 3 50 2 50 2 5° 2 00 2 00 5-50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 ■ TEETH IN WHI IN COLUMNS WHEN IN DOUBT AS TO THE MATERIAL WANTED, THE SAMPLE PART TO BE DUPLICATED. WHEN A NEW PLATE, BRIDGE, OR COCK I MOVEMENT SHOULD BE FORWARDED, TO INSURE PERFECT FITTING. THE FIRST MOVEMENT MADE IN ABOVE MODEL IS NUMBERED 691,001. 'E IN ABOVE MODEL IS NUMBERED 6,079,500. SPECIAL NOTES. and 6 Size Wm. Ellery and Royal Key and Stem Wind Movements numbered 2,041,501 and bek iize WiTi. Ellery and Royal Movements of a higher number than 2,041,501 are Fine Train. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 8 AND 6 SIZE KEY WINDING, AND 8 AND 6 SIZE STEM ^A/INDING, LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. 12003 r30o4 12023 .2026 \V7 12027 1203.^ 12036 [2037 12043 12046 12047 12048 12051 1205: 12056 12057 1^053 0S 12064 12065 12066 12067 12068 12071 12074 12077 12078 1 2 08 1 12082 12083 12090 12093 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE- ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 8 5t 6 3XZ.-EX PCEir -wiiscoiisrG, AND 8 AND 6 SIZE STEM WINDING, LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. NET PRICES PER DOZEN. SEASIDE 7 JEWELS. RIVERSIDE GRADE. 13 & 15 JEWELS. Yoke, for 8 Size Setting Slide, ist Series " " 8 " '■ Lever, ist " ' " 6 " " " 2d " " " 6 " Pendant Set'g, ist " " " 6 " " 2d " Crown Wheel Stud, Thin Thick Winding and Setting Bar, Short, Large Thread, ist Series " " " " Small " 1st " " " " Long, Large " ist " " " " Short, 2d Series " " " Medium, 2d " " " " Long, 2d. " Case Sleeve, Steel, Short Head " Long " Winding Pinion, with Long Square . . . .■ " Short " " " Female, ist Series 2d " Crown Wheel, Thick 1 • • • • i 40 Thin Flat Winding Wheel Intermediate Winding Wheel Setting Wheel, Gilt, Large " " Small Ratchet Wheel, Stem Wind, ist Series " Key " Balance, Nickel Gold '.'.'..'.'.'.'. " E.xpansion, Large, with Long Screws " Short " " " Small " Long " Regulator, Sword, for Flat Hair Spring, ist Series " " " Breguet " , ist " Straight, " Flat " 2d " . . " " " " 3d " " Breguet " 3d " Hair Spring, Flat, Colleted, for Nickel and Gold Balances " " " " Expansion Balance No. 12 148 .... " " " " No. I2i49and 12150 " Breguet, Colleted and Stud., for Large Expansion Bal " " " " Small " " Collet " Stud, Long, for Flat Hair Spring " " Short, " Breguet " Banking Stud, .Steel " Screw, Composition _ . . Balance " 40 $5-°° 5.00 5.00 5.00 2 .00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 4. GO 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.00 2.00 I .00 Long Head. " Gold, " " Composition, Medium " " Gold, " " . " " Composition, Short " " Gold, " " Composition, Half " " Gold, Mean Time Screw, Gold, Long . . . " Short ' II .00 II .00 II .00 3.00 3.00 •50 1.25 5-50 5-50 5-50 2.00 2 .00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.00 2.00 1 .00 1 .00 •75 3.00 6.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 3-5° 3-5° 3-5° 6.00 •5° 1.50 1.50 .50 •25 ■34 $6 6 6 6 3 3 I I I I I I I I 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 I I 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5° 50 5° 50 5° 50 5° 50 00 00 00 00 50 5° 50 00 00 00 00 50 50 $6 6 6 6 6 3 3 I 5 5 5 5 5 ■; 5 4 00 00 no 00 00 00 oc S'- 50 b^ 50 S^' 5<^ 5" 5"^ oa 00 00 00 50 S° 00 00 00 00 50 iS 18 18 4 4 00 00 00 S° 50 24 2i 2A 00 00 00 5° 4 5° ' 5° 00 00 00 00 5° 5° 50 5° 25 -• 00 6 6 6 6 I I 00 oc 50 50 50 50 25 50 5° 50 ,5° 50 .. SO 5" 67 67 67 67 TO AVOID MISTAKES, Wh SHOULD BE OBSERVED : GIVE CATALOGUE NUMBER OF EACH PJ GIVE NAME OR GRADE OF MOVEMENT. COMPARE NUMBER OF LEAVES IN PINIOI MATERIAL TO BE DUPLICATED, WITH THI EXTRA CHARGE IS MADE FOR FITTING FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS TO THE MATERIAL BE DUPLICATED. r SHOULD BE FORWARDED ^ST MOVEMENT MADE IN ST MOVEMENT MADE IN A RED 691,001. 5,079 5^00. SPEC lAL NOTES. m. Ellery and Royal Key i ery and Royal Movements nd Stem Wind Mov of a higher numbe ments numbered 2,041,501 and below than 2,041,501 are Fine Train. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 317 AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 8 AND 6 SIZE KEY WINDING, AND 8 AND 6 SIZE STEM WINDING, LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. 12096 12097 12099 3 1 2 103 1 2 108 -rT RlrPTrS M 1 2 109 12113 :2ii7 12123 12127 12128 12129 12132 12135 12138 /o) I2I39 ^^^42 (,|[H|li| 1 2 146 12147 1 2 149 12150 12153 12154 12155 12156 12157 6- 12160 12161 12162 p J ^ 12163 i o vl 12164 12167 * 12170 "" 12171 ■■ 12174 "■ 12177 *• 12186 12187 12190 12 191 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 8 St 6 SI2.E, ]KE.Y •\x7"in:iz)I]S]:g;-, AND S AND 6 SIZE STEM WINDING, LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. NET PRICES PER DOZEN. 12194 2195 2196 2197 2200 I220I I«202 12203 2204 2205 2208 2209 2210 2213 2214 2215 2216 I22I7 12218 I2219 2220 2221 12223 12224 12227 12228 I223I 12232 12233 12236 12237 12240 I224I 12242 2245 12246 2249 2250 I225I 254 12257 12260 12263 12264 12265 12272 12273 12274 12275 J2276 Barrel, Gilt, Key and Stem Wind, Coarse Train " Fine " " " and Damaskeened, K. and S. W., Fine Train " Nicl^el, " " " " Gilt, with Arbor fitted. Key Wind, Coarse Train " " " " Stem " " " " " " " Key " Fine " " " " " Stem " " " " " and Damaskeened, with Arbor fitted, S. W., Fine Train . " Nickel, " " " " Centre Wheel, Gilt, Coarse Train " Fine " Red Gold, Fine Train Gilt, with Pat. Pin. fitted. Key Wind, Coarse Train . " " " Stem " " " " " and Can. Pins, fitd., S. " " " " " Pinion fitted. Key " Fine " " with O. S. Pat. Pinion fitd., S. " R.G., " " " " " " GUt, " " Pat. and C.P. " " " " " Gilt, ' " N. S. Pat. Pinion, " " " R.G., " " " " " ' Gilt, " " Pat. and C.P. ' R.G., " " " " " " " Third (3d) Wheel, Gilt, Coarse Train " " " Fine " " " " withO.S. Third (3d) Pin. fit.. Coarse Train. " NS. " " " " " .. " " " " ' " " ' Fine " . . " Coarse Train " Fine " ; " with O.S. Fourth (4th) Pin. fit., Coarse Train " " N.S. " " " " " " Fine " " Old Style, Large " " " New " Small " " " O.S. with Esc. (5th) Pin. fit., Coarse Train . . " " " " " " " Fine " " N.S. " " " " " .. Hour Wheel, Gilt Minute " " Pallet, with Pallet Jewels fitted Fork, with Circular Crotch, for Square Jewel Pm " O.S. with Square " " Oval " " N.S. " " " " . " Pallet and Fork, Solid, Old Style, for Large Escape Wheel " " " New " " Small " " Pallet, Fork and Arbor, complete, for Square Jewel Pin " Old Style, for Oval Jewel Pin.... " " " " New " " " " " " " " Solid, O.S., " Large Escape Wheel " N.S., " Small Fourth (4th) Escape (5th) ^4.00 8.50 7-5° 10.50 7.50 10.50 1.50 4.50 1.50 4.50 2 .00 2.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 5.00 2.00 2.00 6.50 6.50 9.50 9-5° 9.50 9.50 $4.50 4.50 4.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1-75 1-75 9-75 9-75 12.75 9-75 9-75 12.75 9-75 12.75 1-75 1-75 5-25 5-25 5-25 I -75 1-75 S-25 5.50 5.50 5.50 1.50 1.50 6.00 2.50 8. 50 8.50 II .50 11.50 11.50 II .50 5.50 9.00 II .00 II .00 15.00 14.00 18.00 II .00 15 .00 14.00 18.00 6.50 6.50 2.00 2.00 S.oo 3.00 3.00 3 00 II .00 II .00 14,50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 2.00 2.00 6.00 7.00 2 .00 2.00 6.00 2.50 2.50 7 .00 3.00 3.00 BE OBSERVED ! JMBER OF EACH GRADE JER OF LEAVES IN FIRST MOVEMENT 1 RED 691,001. > 5,079,500. SPEC lAL NOTES. observe that 8 and 6 Size Wm. EMery and Royal Key and Stem Wind Movements numbered 2,041,501 and below All 8 and 6 Size Wm. Ellery and Royal Movements of a higher number than 2,041,501 are Fine Train- For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 8 AND 6 SIZE KEY WINDING, AND 8 AND 6 SIZE STEM \VINDING, LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. X2I94 i • 12195 12197 I 1 2 2 04 12205 12208 I290I ■=« =9 IKq !io r=^ 12213 12214 12215 12216 • 17 h 12219 p"— ' 12223 ' l'^* 12224 "- ^ 12225 it ^W^ 12231 12232 ^ 12233 -d- .-'.36 m ^'f^. 12237 irpni 12241 12245 12246 12249 12250 12251 r I22S4 CSl '2257 ^p 12260 12263 0'»*-< 12264 Q o» < 12265 @' 0* -< 12268 J— « 12269 T""* 12272 12273 12274 12275 •1"= 12276 J~~^ DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 2279 2280 22SI 22S4 2285 22S8 2289 2290 2291 2292 2295 2296 2299 2300 2301 2304 2305 2308 2309 2310 2314 23'7 231S 2325 2326 2327 233° 2331 2334 2335 2336 2339 2342 2343 2344 2347 235° 2351 2352 235s 2358 2361 2364 2367 2370 2371 2374 2377 ••'378 2379 2-?8o 2^83 2384 8 5t 6 SXZ.m ECHI^^r "\x7"IISriDIN:C3^:, AND S AND 6 SIZE STEM WINDING, LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. NET PRICES PER DOZEN. Patent Centre Staff, Key Wind " " " O. S., for Pricked Cannon Pinion, S. W . ' . . . . N. S., " Strap " " " ' . . . . Pinion Head, Coarse Train ! 10 " Fine " , 12 Patent Centre Pinion, complete. Key Wind, Coarse Train ] 10 " " " " Fine " i 12 " ■' " Stem " Coarse " 110 Old Style, Stem Wind, Fine Train i 12 " " " New " " " ..... J 12 Third (3d) Pinion, Coarse Train ' S Fine " 10 Fourth (4th) " Old Style, Coarse Train ; 8 " " New " " " I 8 " " " Fine " 1 9 Escape (5th) " Coarse Train 1 7 " " Fine " 8 Cannon Pinion, Key Wind 12 Old Style, Pricked, Stem Wind 12 " New " Strap, '* *' j 12 Pallet Arbor or Staff, Old Style i . . . . " New " L . . . Balance Staff, Old Style, with Large Waist . • . . " New " " Small " Roller, Old Style, Large ! . . . , " New " Small ! . • • • " Large, with Square Jewel Pin fitted - - - . ' Oval " " " '.... " Small, " " " " " ! . . . , Centre Jewel, Ruby, upper, in Composition Setting " " " " in Gold Setting I . . . , Third (3d) Jewel, Ruby, upper, in Composition Setting " " " in Flat Gold " " " " " " in Raised Gold " lower, in Composition " upper, in " " " in Flat Gold " " in Raised Gold " lower, in Composition " upper, in " " " in Flat Gold ' " " in Raised Gold " lower, in Composition " upper, not in Setting lower, in Composition Setting upper, in " " lower, in " " Cock End Stone or Cap Jewel, Ruby, upper, in Composition Setting . " " " " " " " in Gold " Foot " " " " " lower, in Composition " Pallet Jewel or Pallet Stone, Old Style, Long, Receiving " " " " Discharging " " New Style, Short, Receiving " " " " Discharging Rollerjewel or Jewel Pin, Old Style, Square " " New " Oval S2.50 2.50 2 50 5 5 00 00 2 5° 2 50 2 50 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 I 00 I 00 Fourth (4th) Escape (5th) " Pallet Cock Hole Foot " 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2 .00 S3 -50 3-5° 3-5° 3-5° 3-5° 7 .00 7 .00 7 .00 7 .00 7 .00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 4 00 1.25 1.25 2.25 2.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 2 .50 2.50 1.50 .50 H-oo 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 3.50 4.00 3-5° 4.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 .3-00 1.50 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 .3-00 .3 -00 .67 .67 TO VOID MISTAKES, W HEN ORDERING MATERf^i L THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS EXTRA CHARGE IS MA '"Z ZZZZs. --- — - ... WHEN IN DOUBT AS T THE FIRST MOVEMENT 3 691,001. 5,079,500. SPECIAL NOTES. 'lease observe that 8 and 6 Size Wm. Ellery and Royal Key and Stem Wind Movements numbered 2,041,601 and. below I Train. All 8 and 6 sire Wm. Ellery and Royal Movements of a hiaher number than 2,041,501 -are -Frne -Train- For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 8 AND 6 SIZE KEY WINDING, AND 8 AND 6 SIZE STEM "WINDING, LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. 12279 ♦» 12304 — 12330 m 12358 12280 4b^ I23OS - T2331 m 12361 522SI --fk^jf^ 12308 N 12334 « 12364 12284 * 12309 H 12335 ® 12367 12285 # 12310 •«B 1233'^ « 12370 12288 ■a- I23I3 •M- 12339 • 12289 «" 12371 I23I4 — 12342 « 12290 #*» 12374 I23I7 -♦- 12343 I229I ■&«=. 12377 - 12318 -o^ 12344 e 12292 #— . 12378 ^ I232I © 1S347 • 1229s «- 12379 12322 © 12350 • 12296 -SM- 12299 ^ X2325 ® 12351 • 12380 - 1230c .«=- 12326 12352 e 12383 - I230I ^Pk»- 12327 © 1235s • 12384 - DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 6 SIZE— K.EG-'CJLjPlK.. STEM WINDING AND PENDANT SETTING. (MODEL OF 1S90.) NET PRICES PER DOZEN. SEASIDE 7 JEWELS. ROYAL GRADE, g & 11 JEWELS. RIVERSIDE GRADE. 1.3 & 5 JEWELS. 13000 1 300 1 13004 13007 13010 I3OII I3OI4 I3OI5 I3OI8 13019 13020 1302 I 13027 13028 1303= '3033 13037 13040 2219 13046 13049 13052 13055 13058 13061 13064 13067 I306S 13071 13074 13077 13080 13083 13086 13087 13090 J3093 13096 13099 13100 13103 I3I06 33109 13110 :13"3 13114 13117 J3120 33121 J3124 J3127 J3133 Size, Gilt, Stem Wind'g & Pendant Sett'g, Reg. Mvt. (Mod. 1S90) , 6 " Nickel, " " " " " 6 " Lower Plate, showing inside view of " " 6 " " " " back " " " Barrel Bridge, Gilt " Nickel Train Bridge, Gilt " Nickel Balance Cock, complete. Gilt, for Flat Hair Spring " " " r>reguet " " '•■ Nickel, for Flat Hair Spring " " " Breguet " Pallet Cock, " Gilt " " Nickel Setting Slide, Steel, No. i Winding Arbor Bearing, Steel Crown Wheel Stud Outside or Tip End of Mainsp. suitable for 6 Size, Reg. Mvts. ( Mod.'go). Barrel, Steel Crown Wheel Winding " Intermediate Winding Wheel Setting " " Hour " " Minute " " Click, Thin, No. i " Thick, " 2 " Spring Setting Slide Spring, No. i Shipper Spring No. i Winding and Setting Clutch, No. i I J-J " 2 ' +^ " Pinion , . Barrel and Main Wheel Arbor Main Wheel Nut Winding Arbor, No. i.- " ■ " 2 Plunger or Push Piece Clatch Spring Shipper, No. i Regulator, for Flat Hair Spring " " Breguet " Hair Spring Collet " Stud, Long, for Flat Hair Spring. " " Short, for Breguet " Banking Screw, Composition Balance " " " Gold Meantime " " fI2.C0 24.00 12.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2 .00 1.25 3.00 4-50 1.50 1.50 •75 •75 •50 .50 .50 •50 .50 5.00 5.00 4.00 3^50 3.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 •50 '•25 8)15.00 18.00 30.00 36.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 iS.oo 9.00 12 .00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.25 3.00 4.50 3.00 2.00 2 .00 1.50 1.50 •75 •75 .50 .50 •50 • ^50 ■50 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.50 3.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 4.00 3.00 3.00 3^50 3-50 ■50 1.25 1.25 .25 •34 .50 .67 $24.00 48.00 30.00 18.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 1.25 4.00 5-50 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 6 00 6.00 5.00 5^50 3.00 6.00 6.00 1.50 5.00 4.00 4.00 4 ■50 4 ■50 ■SO .50 I 50 I .50 25 •25 TO AVOID MISTAKES, WHE .ORDER,. FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS E.TRA CHARGE .S MADE EOREITTI. MATERIAL. SHOULD BE OBSEnVEO *. WHEN IN DOUBT AS TO THE MATERIAL WANTED, PLEASE A COMPANY ORDER WITH GIVE CATALOGUE NUMBER OF EACH PA RT WANTED. THE SAMPLE PART TO BE DUPLICATED. GIVE NAME OR GRADE OF MOVEMENT. WHEN A Nrw PLATE BRIDGE OR COOK IS WANTED, THE R MAINING PARTS OF THt COMPARE NUMBER OF LE^ VES IN P.NIOh S AND NUMBER OF TEETH IN WHEELS, UF MOVEMENT SHOULD BE FORWARDED, TO NSURE PERFECT FIT TING. *(ATERIAL TO BE DUPLICATE D, WITH THE DESCRIPTION N ABOVE COLUMNS. THt FIRST MOVEMEN T MADE IN ABOVE MODEL IS NUMBE !ED 4,882,001. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 6 SIZE— REGULAR. STEM AAAINDING AND PENDANT SETTING (MODEL OF 1890.) 13000 130OT 13004 13007 13010 I3oj:i 13014 13015 13021 13031 13032 13033 13037 13040 2219 13046 13049 IC% 13052 f g^ 13055 £^ 13058 6) 13061 C^ 13064 C;^ 13067 ^ 13068 ^ 13071 -~<3 13074 "^ 13077 Ai) 13080 ©, — ^ 13083 ©^ 13086 ^ 13087 Si 13090 13093 13096 13099 13100 13103 13106 13109 13110 13113 13114 13117 13120 13121 13124 13127 -3130 13133 pw p^^ ^pmJi KJ- -DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 324 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 13137 13138 13141 I3«44 13147 13150 13153 13156 13159 13162 i3'65 13168 i3«7i 13174 13177 13180 13183 131S6 13189 13192 13195 13198 13201 13204 13207 13210 13213 13216 13219 13222 1322s 13228 13231 13234 13237 13240 13243 13246 13249 13252 13255 13258 13261 13264 13267 13270 13273 13276 13=79 13282 132S5 132SS 13291 6 siz;e— K.E,G;-T:JLjft-K.. STEM WINDING AND PENDANT SETTING. (MODEL OF 1890.) NET PRICES PER DOZEN. Main Wheel, Gilt, Yellow, showing back view • " Red, " face " " Nickel, " " " Centre Wheel, Gilt Red Gold " Gilt and Centre Pinion fitted " " with Centre and Cannon Pinions fitted Red, Gold and Centre Pinion fitted " with Centre and Cannon Pinions fitted . . . Third (3d) Wheel • " and Third (3d) Pinion fitted Fourth (4th) Wheel " and Fourth (4th) Pinion fitted Escape (5th) " " " and Escape (sth) Pinion fitted Pallet and Fork " Fork and Arbor, complete Roller . and Jewel Pin fitted Balance, Expansion Hair Spring or Balance Spring, Steel, Flat, Colleted ■i " " Breguet, Colleted and Studded Centre Pinion " and Cannon Pinion fitted •• • Third (3d) Pinion Fourth (4th) " Escape (5th) " Cannon " Pallet Arbor or Staff Balance Staff : • • • Centre Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Gold Setting " " Lower, not in " Third (3d) Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting " in Flat Gold " " in Raised " " " Lower, in Composition " " Upper, in " " " in Flat Gold " " " in Raised " " " Lower, in Composition " " Upper, in " " " in Flat Gold " " " in Raided " " " Lower, in Composition " " Upper, not in " " Lower, in Composition " " Upper, in " " " Lower, in " " Cock End Stone Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting " in Gold " Pool " " " Lower, in Composition " .... Pallet Jewel, or Pallet Stone, Receiving " " " Discharging Roller Jewel, or Jewel Pin Fourth (4th) Escape (5th) Pallet Cock Hole Foot SEASIDE GRADE. 7 JEWELS. I4.OO $4.50 4.50 7.50 10.50 1-75 9-75 12.75 RIVERSIDE GRADE. 13 & 16 JEWELS. $5 -SO 1.50 4.50 1.50 4.50 2 .00 5.00 6.50 9,50 1 .00 5.00 8.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 2.00 3.00 1-75 5-25 1-75 5-25 2.00 5.50 8.50 n.50 1.25 2.25 15.00 2.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 .67 2.00 6.00 II .00 14.00 15.00 18.00 2.0J 6.00 2.00 6.00 2.50 6.50 II .00 ' 14.50 1.50 2.50 ' 18.00 I 9.00 6.00 7 . 00 ' 8 . 00 10.50 j II .50 3-5° 3-50 3-5° 3.00 3.00 5.00 4 00 6.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 2.50 1.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 .67 24.00 ^ 27.00J 2.50 7.00 2 . 50-1 7 .00 ; 3.00 7.50 16.00 19.50 1.50 2.5a 24.00 ' 6.oq lo.od 14.00" 4.00 4.00 4.00 3-5° 3.00 7 .00 12.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 •^.00 3.0c 1.50 3.00 3.00 .67 TO AVOID MISTAKES, WHEN ORDERING SHOULD BE OBSERVED : GIVE CATALOGUE NUMBER OF EACH PART GIVE NAME OR GRADE OF MOVEMENT. COMPARE NUMBER CF LCA MATERIAL TO ciE DUt^LlCATE MADE FOR FITTING WANTED, PLEASE MPLE PART TO BE KIRST MOVEMENT MADE IN ABOVE For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. 6 SIZE— REGULAR. STEM WINDING AND PENDANT SETTING (MODEL OF 1890.) 13136 53137 13138 53141 53144 ■13147 ■iSiSo '3153 13156 m ® f- ^3^59 @ 13162 65 M 131 13168 13171 y 13174 -*|- 13177 13180 13183 I ^186 '?• 13189*3^ 13192 13195 13198 13201 13204 13207 13210 13213 13216 I3219 -=a!- 13222 13225 O 13228 1323I 13234 ' 13237 13240 J) 13243 13246 ^ 13249 13252 (i> 13255 13258 13261 13264 13367 13270 10 13373 13276 13279 13282 13285 13288 13291 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies APyiERICAN WALTHAM WATCH GO'S MATERIALS, WALTHAM, MASS. , i 1 SIZE. PENDANT WINDING AND LEVER PENDANT SETTING. AND a.s site 11 i5.S Net Pkices PER Dozen. as Seaside. Royal. Riverside. Amn. Watcli Co. 1 Size, Nickel, PendantWinding and Lever Setting mov't. .1st Series " Gilt, " " Pendant " ..3d " " Nickel, . " " " " ..3d ■' "Balance Cock, complete. Nickel, for Flat Hairspring 1st " " " Gilt, for Breguet " 1st Flat ■' 3d ■' " " Nickel, for Breguet " 3d " Pallet Bridge, complete. Gold, Lever Setting 1st " Gilt, for Pendant Setting. .3d and 3d " " " Nickel, for " . . " " Barrel, Gilt 3001 S003 3010 $30.00 $30.00 3011 $15.00 15.00 18.00 3013 $13 00 3013 30.00 3014 36.00 8015 6.00 9.00 18.00 4.50 9.00 24.00 5.50 9.50 3016 3017 75 75 75 75 75 4.00 3018 " Nickel 9.50 3019 Barrel and Arbor fitted, Nickel, Pivot on upper end only. . .1st Series Gilt, " both ends 2d " Nickel, " " 3d " Barrel Arbor, Pivot on upper end only 1st " " " both ends 3d Winding Wheel, with Small Square Hole 1st " " " Large " 2d 16.00 3020 8031 3023 8.50 10 00 16.00 13.00 16.00 6!66 3033 3.50 4.50 5.50 3034 36 35 36 34 32 37 4.00 3035 8036 3.00 4.50 3.00 4.50 3.00 4.50 4'56 3037 3.00 3038 8039 3030 Setting Wheel '. Crown Wheel Stud 3d ■' 2d " 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.0O 2.50 ' z.hb 3031 3.50 3032 Winding Arbor Bearing, Steel Gilt " " Nickel Click . ...1st " 2d " 3d " 1st " 6.00 3033 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.0O S034 8035 1.50 3036 3d .75 1.50 1.50 .75 1.50 1.50 .75 3.00 2.00 3037 Hour Wheel 40 86 2,66 8038 10 2.00 3039 6.00 3040 8041 " " Large " Setting Lever, Steel Gold " Screw 2d " 1st " ... .1st " 2d " 2d " 4.00 4.00 4.00 4^00 8043 4 00 R04R 1.50 .50 1.50 .50 1.50 50 3044 3045 1 50 3046 " " Short, for Breguet Hairspring 1.25 .50 1.50 .50 1.50 .50 3047 Collet .50 an4R Banking Stud, Steel .50 8049 .35 .34 .25 .34 .35 8050 8051 " Gold .50 .67 50 3055>, .67 .67 3053 Click Spring Clutch Spring Regulator, for Breguet Hairspring 1st Series 3d " 1st " 2d ■' ....3d " 1.50 3054 .75 .75 .75 3055 10.00 3056 6.00 6.00 3.50 3.50 8.00 8.00 4.50 4.50 8057 4.00 3058 305C» " Flat Hairspring 3.00 4 50 8060 Winding and Setting Clutch Winding Arbor Pendant Setting Arbor or Bar, Long " ■' " Medium " Short 1st Series 2d " 3d " 1st " 2d " 2d " 3d ■' 3d " "5T 10.00 3061 3062 8063 "'5'.66' 6.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 9!66 8064 4.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 5.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 6.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1..50 1.50 1.50 80R5 306R 3067 3068 " Long " " " Medium " Short 8d " 3d " 3d " 3069 3070 1 To Bbould Give Gire Give ivoid mistakes, when ordering material, the following directions be carefully observed ; Catalogue Number of Part wanted ; Name of Movement ; Number of Movement ; Where prices grade. An extra cbar When a new remaining parts ttreo ?e wil Plate of the nitted bem (Top Wat , the mater ade for fltt or Pillar) b must be al describe ng Parts ai or Balance "orwarded d is not ma d Material Cock is w or proper f de in that anted, the tting. SPECIAL NOTE.— Please observe that all 1 Size, Lever Setting, Ist Series Movements are numbered below 2,000,000. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 327 AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CD'S MATERIALS. 1 SIZE. PENDANT WINDING AND LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. 8U00 8001 3002 15010 3011 8013 S013 V? 3016 <8^ 3017 / « \ 8018 m0 3019 i^B 3020 Hsf- 3021 3023 3034 3035 8036 # 3038 3081 3033 3033 D 8035 3037 ( «i|i| 3038 i^l 3039 ^ 3041 3042 1=;^ 3043 O 3046 3050 3051 3054 3056 8057 ^' ■ ■''—ip 3061 ^ 3064 3065 mTiH£?Taf?Ttrr 3067 3068 B8 U.i.-naiiiM »- 3069 3070 Hlt teaai S» DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH GO'S MATERIALS, WALTHAM, MASS. O AND 1 SIZE. PENDANT WINDING AND LEVHH PENDANT SETTING. Center Wheel, Gilt ••' Red Gold " " and Patent Center Pinion fitted . .1st Series " with Pat.Cen. and Can. Pins.fitted.lst ' Gilt and Patent Center Pinion titted 2d ' ■' " Pat. Center and Can. Pinions fitted 3d ' RedGold,withPat.Cen.andCan.Pin. fitted. 2d ' Third (3d) Wheel, Gilt -. Red Gold Gilt and 3d Pinion fitted Red Gold and 3d Pinion fitted Fourth (4th) Wheel, Gilt Red Gold Gilt and 4th Pinion fitted ... Red Gold and 4th Pinion fitted Escape Wheel, Gilt Red Gold " Gilt and Escape Pinion fitted " Red Gold and Escape Pinion fitted Pallet, Steel, with Pallet Stones fitted. .1st Series Fork, " 1st ' Pallet, Pork and Arbor complete, Steel 1st ■ " " 3d • " " " Kon magnetic. ..... . 2d ' Patent Center StafE .1st ' " , 2d ' Pinion Head 1st ' 3d ' Patent Center Pinion , 1st ' " 3d ' Third (8d) Pinion Fourth (4th) " Escape " Cannon Pinion, with Disk 1st Series 2d " Balance Staff Pallet Arbor or Staff 1st Series 2d " Balance Expansion Roller, Steel " Non-magnetic " Steel and Jewel Pin fitted " Non-maguelic and Jewel Pin fitted Hairspring or Balance Spring, Steel, Flat, Colleted " " " Breguet.CoUetedand Studded. . Center Jewel, Ruby, in Gold Setting Third " " Upper, in Brass Setting in Gold " '• " '• Lower, in Brass " Fourth " " Upper, in " " inGold " " " " Lower, in Brass " Escape " " Upper, in " " inGold " " " " Lower, in Brass " Pallet " " Upper, not in Setting " " " Lower, in Brass " Cock Hole Jewel, Ruby, in Brass Setting Foot " " '■ " '■ Cock End Stone Jewel, Ruby, in Brass Setting " , " Gold " Foot " " " Brass " Pallet Jewel, or Pallet Stone, Receiving " " " Discharging Roller " or Jewel Pin Net Prices Peii Dozen. Seaside. Koyal. j Eiverside. Watch $1.50 8.00 11.00 1.50 '4'. 50 1.50 2.00 'sioo 10.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 2.50 11.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 2.00 .67 $1.75 9.75 13.75 1.75 '5.35 1.75 '5!25 2.00 5.50 II.5O1 11.6ft 3.50 7.00 3.00 3.00 3.09 3.00 4.00 2.. 50 18.00 1.25 1.25 2.25 2.25 2.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 S.OO 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1 .50 2.00 2.00 .67 13.00 6.00 11.00 14.00 18.00 2.00 6.00 's'.oo 6.00 's'.so' 14.50 14.50 4.00 8.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 5.00 3.00 24.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 8.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 8.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 .67 To avoid mistakes, when ordering mater ehould be carefully observed : Give Catalogue Number of Part wanted , Give Name of Movement ; Give Number cf Movement. , the following directions Compare Number of Leaves in Pinions and Number of Teeth in Wheels of material to be replaced with those above. Wiiere prices are omitted, the material described is not made in that An extra charge will be made for fitting Parts and Material. SrSCIAl NOTE.— Please observe that all 1 Size^Lever Setting, let Series Movements are numbered below 3.000,000. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CD'S MATERIALS. O AND 1 SIZE. PENDA-NT "WINDING AND LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. '^'W 3076 O? 3077 'B081 #^^ X:\QJ -3083 3089 8090 f 3091 ^ 3093 -ot 3094 *«-» 8095 Oo»-< 3099 3100 8101 8106 3107 3109 M 3114 3115 © 8117 © 8131 • 8122 • 3111 •• sns 3124 ® S125 © 3126 ® 2127 8128 3129 3131 ® 3132 e 3133 3134 3135 • 8136 3137 31.39 S30 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. O sxz:Hi-:Ei:HiCrJjT^.J^:Ei. STEM WINDING AND PENDANT SETTING. (MODEL OF 1891.) O Size, Gilt, Stem Winding and Pendant Set'ng Reg. Mov't (Model of iSgi) O ■' Xiclvel, Stem •• " " " " " '' '' || O " Lower Plate, showing inside view of " " O " " " '■ back " " " " " " " Barrel and Center Wheel Bridge, Gilt " " " " " Niclcel Train Bridge, Gilt Nickel. .__ Balance Cock, complete, Gilt, for Flat Hair Spring, ist Series..-- - " " " " " Breguet Hair Spring, ist Series Nickel, for Flat " " " . " --- •' " " " " Breguet Hair Spring, ist Series Balance Cock, " Gilt, " Flat " " 2d Series " ■ " " " " Breguet " " " " Nickel," Flat " " " " " " " " " Breguet " " " " Pallet Cock, Gilt - Nickel Setting Slide, Steel, No. i, with Short Pin--- " " " " 2, " Long " - Outside or Tip End of Main Spring, for O Size, Reg. Move't (Model of 1891) Barrel, Steel - Crown Wheel -- Winding Wheel Intermediate Winding Wheel- Setting Wheel Hour " Minute " Click --- - " Spring..- Setting Slide Spring - Shipper Spring, No. i Winding and Setting Bar, No. i, for Regular Sleeve No. 19147,- " 2, " " " " " --- - I) 3, " '[ [[ [[ '' " 6, " Special '' " 19151 -.. Screw Sleeve, Steel, Regular, with Small Head and Small Clutch Spring. " " " Special, " Large " " Large " " . Winding Arbor Bearing, Steel Crown Wheel Stud Winding and Setting Clutch Winding Pinion -.. Barrel and Main Wheel Arbor Main Wheel Nut Winding Arbor Plunger or Push Piece -- — . Shipper Regulator, for Flat Hair Spring, ist Series '■ " Breguet Hair Spring, ist Series •■ Flat " " 2d " " " Breguet " " " " Hair Spring Collet- Hair Spring Stud, Long, for Flat Hair Spring " " " Short, " Breguet Hair Spring, Banking Screw Balance Screw, Composition - Gold- Mean Time Screw, Gold NET PRICES PEH DOZEN. SEASIDE GRADE. JEWELS, )I2.00 24.00 12.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 1.25 3.00 4.50 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 •75 .50 ■50 .50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 2.00 5.00 4.00 3.50 300 5.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 .50 1.25 515.00 18.00 30.00 36.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 18 00 18.00 g.oo 12 GO 3.00 3.00 1.25 3.00 4-50 3.00 2.00 2. CO 1.50 1.50 ■75 .50 • 50 .50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1-50 1.50 3.00 2.00 5.00 4.C0 4-50 3.00 5.00 1.50 3.<-o 3-5° 3.50 3-50 3-50 .50 1.25 1.25 •25 •34 .50 .67 $24.00 48. 00 $36.00 60.00 18.00 4.00 4.00 1.2; 4.C0 5.50 4.00 3.00 3-00 2.00 2.00 1.50 •50 .50 •50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 4.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 5-50 3-00 6.00 1.50 4.00 4.50 4-50 •50 CO AVOID IVIISTAKES, WHEN ORDERING MATERIAL THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS SHOULD BE OBSERVED : GIVE CATALOGUE NUMBER CF EACH PART WANTED. GIVE NAME OR GRADE OF MOVEMENT. COMPARE NUMBER OF LEAVES IN PINIONS AND NUMBER OF TEETH IN WHEELS, OF MATERIAL TO BE DUPLICATED, WITH THE DESCRIPTION IN ABOVE COLUMNS. EXTR A CHARGE S MADE FOR FITTING MATERIAL. WHE IN DOUBT AS TO THE MATERIAL WANTED, PLEASE ACCOriPANY ORDER WITH THE SA MPLE PART TO BE DUPLICATED. WHE A NEW PU \TE, BRIDGE OR COCK IS WANTED, THE REMAINING PARTS THE MOVEME NT 6H0UL BE FORWARDED, TO INSURE PERFECT FITTING. THE FIRST MOV MENT MADE IN ABOVE MODEL IS NUMBERED 5,724,001. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SIZE— REGULAR. STKM WINDING AND PENDANT SETTING. (MODEL OF 1891.) tpooo 19004 I90I: 19016 r9oi7 20 erowMlwmil'Ea 19059 o 19147 19151 I9ISS 19159 19163 19167 19I7I I9I73 19179 I9IS3 19187 ■ I9I9I 19195 ^Q^ 19199 19203 19207 Q 19211 => 19215 - 19219 g, 19223 19227 I> I923I •- DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. O SIZE— I?,EC3-XJX^^A.I^. STEM WINDING AND PENDANT SETTING. (MODEL OF I 891 .) NET PRICES PER DOZEN. SEASIDE GRADE. ' JEWELS Main Wheel, Gilt, Yellow, showing back view - " " " Red, " face " ■' " Nickel, showing face view -^ Center Wheel, Gilt - -- " RedGold " " Gilt, and Center Pinion fitted " " " with Center and Cannon Pinions fitted- — " " Red Gold and Center Pinion fitted " " " " with Center and Cannon Pinions fitted - Third (3d) Wheel " and Third (3d) Pinion fitted - - Fourth (4th) Wheel " " and Fourth (4th) Pinion fitted Escape (5th) Wheel. " " and Escape (5th) Pinion fitted Pallet and Fork_ — Pallet, Fork and Arbor, complete - Roller, Non-Magnetic Steel -- " Non-Magnetic, with Jewel Pin fitted " Steel, with Jewel Pin fitted Balance, Expansion, with Large Hole " " " Small " — Hair Spring or Balance Spring, Steel, Flat, CoUeted _ " " " " " Breguet, Collated and Studded- Center Pinion " " and Cannon Pinion fitted Third (3d) Pinion - - Fourth (4th) " Escape (5th) " - — Cannon Pinion - Pallet Arbor or Staff Balance Staff, with Large Balance Shoulder, for Balance, No. 19321.. ■• " " Small " " " " No. 19325,. Center Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Gold Setting. " " " Lower, not in Setting Third (3d) Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting. .( 1( (( t < .< ' Flat Gold " ' Raised Gold " " " ' ' Lower, ' Composition ourth(4th) " 1 Upper, ' Flat Gold ' Raised Gold " " " Lower, ' Composition scape (5th) II • Upper, " Flat Gold " Raised Gold Lower, " Composition Pallet Jewel, Ruby, Upper, not in Setting. " " " Lower, in Composition Setting Cock Hole Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting. __ Foot " " " Lower, " " " Cock End Stone or Cap Jewel, Ruby, Upper, in Composition Setting. ' " " " " " " Gold " . Foot " " " " " " Lower, " Composition " . Pallet Jewel or Pallet Stone, Receiving " " " " " Discharging Roller Jewel or Jewel Pin.. 7.50 10.50 1.50 4-5° 1.50 4.50 2.00 5.00 6.50 9.50 1. 00 1. 00 2.00 2.00 11.00 11.00 2.00 5.00 8.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3-00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 .67 $4.50 4.50 75 12.75 1-75 5-25 1-75 5.25 2.00 5.50 8.50 11.50 1.25 1.25 2.25 2.25 15.00 15.00 2.00 6.00 7.00 10.50 3.00 3-00 3.00 3.00 2.50 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.50 1-50 1-50 2.00 2.00 .67 S5-50 2.00 6.00 11.00 14.00 15-00 18.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 6.00 2.50 6.50 11.00 14.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 18.00 18.00 6.00 8.00 11.50 3-50 3.50 3-50 3.00 3-00 5.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3-0O 1-50 3.00 3.00 .67 SHOULD BE OBSESV^D : GIVE CATALOGUE NUMBER OF EACH PAR GIVE NAME OR GRADE OF MOVEMENT. COMPARE NUMBER OF LEAVES IN PINION MATERIAL TO BE DUPLICATED, WITH THE MBER OF TEETI- ABOVE COLUMNS. PLEASE ACCOMPANY ORDER WITH EXTRA CHARGE IS MADE FOR FITTING MATERIAL. WHEN IN DOUBT AS TO THE MATEF THE SAMPLE PART TO BE DUPLICATED. WHEN A NEW PLATE, BRIDGE, OR COCK I MOVEMENT SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO INSURE PERFECT FHTING. tE IN ABOVE MODEL IS NUMBERED 5,724.001. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. SIZE-REGULAR. STEM WINDING AND PENDANT SETTING (MODEL OF 1891). ,9239 f#'/) ^ 19240 ; I924I v.. 19249 ^y 19253 (L*©^, 19257 19261 19265 '926q V 19273 f^ 19277 X928I @ 19285 192;: 19293 19297 ^ 19301 l-^ i93°5 © 19309 O 19313 <|) 19317 ^ 19321 19325 193-29 19333 i^ 19337 19341 1 9345 19349 19353 19357 19361 — 19365 19369 19373 19377 ® 19381 193S5 19389 19393 19397 1 940 1 19405 19409 19413 19417 19421 # 19425 19429 # 19433 19437 » I 9441 @ 19445 19449 ®. I94S3 19457 - 1 946 1 19465 DO NOT CUT NOR OTHERWISE DEFACE THIS PAGE. ORDER BY NUMBER. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN HANDS^ 60 6^ i o 66 3 4 5 6 Doz. S5c. Doz. 40e. Doz. SOo. Doz. 60c. ; Gross $4 00 Gross $4 50 Gross $5 50 Gross S6 50 Nos. 2 to 5, Common, Dozen, 25c. ; Gross, $2 60. 7 Doz. 75c . Gross $7 00 9 Doz. 50o. Gross $5 CO 6 6 10 Doz. 75c. Gross ta 00 8 Size. Assorted Patterns doz. 6O0. ~ Ei>Bde doz.40o. Spade, second qiial doz. 2.3c. 6 10 size. Assorted Patterns... 1 Spade, second qual. doz. 6O0, doz. 40c. .doz '25c 14 Size, ^Assorted Patterns doz. 60c, Spade ..doz. 40o. Spade, second qua] doz. 25c. ASSORTED HANDS No. 8. Doz. 2.0c.; Gross, $3.U0 BoBt, Qoz, 50o.; Gross, J6 00 I I I 6 6 16 Size. Assorted Patterns Spade S|iade. second qUal r 8 SIZE, AMERICAN SECONDS. 6, 8, 10 and 14 size per dozen^lOc. ; per gross, $1 00 *, 8, 10 and 14 size, best per dozen, 20c. ; per gross, 2 25 No. 17. COLD HANDS. 18 SIZE, AMERICAN SECONDS. . per dozen, 10c. : per gross. $t 00 per dozen. 20-:. : por ^ross. 2 25 COMPOSITION HANDS. 6, 16 and 18 size. . . ^1 t;p Dozen SI 2.5 One Dozen Pairs. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. No. 406. HOUR AND MINUTE HANDS. O Size, 3-4 Plate, Hunting. S. W. MOON. Class 2. No. 4 No. 4 Spade Moon. Spade . Moon . Spade Morning Glory. Spade Spade 35 Morning Glory , -.Fleur de Li^.. . . No. 21. Railroad Double Time Hands Combined. One Hand being Ked and the other Blue. Pair 25c. Dozen $2 00 No. 2IK. Railroad, 18 Size, Double Time Hands Detached. Pair 15c. Dozen .50c. Composition Variegated ^ Hands. 6, 16 and 18 size. Pair 25c. Dozen $2 50 Variegated Seconds. Each .. .20c. Dozen :,$2 25 On^ Dozen. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO.' No. 431. SECOND HANDS. O Size, 3-4 Plate, Hunting. Stem Wind. Class 3. No. E No. E No. 50. • size 51. . u ■■ ."•*?•: , - ' ~ ' > 62. (J '■ ''*■' 53. .6 '■ 54.. , B " 55. 6 " 57. 10 •■ 58. Itj •■ 59, 16 ■■...■ SO. 16 " 61.' 16 " 62. 18 •' 6;!. 18 •• SI. 18 •■ jtn ordering Hands, state if for Key or Stem Wind Watches. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^^^ Net Price List OK Atlas Watch. Company Material PRICE PER DOZEN. 18 Size,. Hunting. I'itted. Arbors, Barrel , Arbors, l^allet Arms. Vibratin,^'..- Balances Barrels, Barrels and Arbor.-; rams, Setlini; riicks- ; --. (■ollets. Hair Siirin^' _. Dials Forlis - - Hands, Konr and .Minute - Hands. Second .Tewels. Balance. Lower and Upper .lewels, Halance. Cap .lewels. Ballet Stone .levvpl.s. Jewel Pin __ Levers. Seltins --- I'allets, witb Stones fitted.. Pallets and Forks, with Stones titled Pallets, Forks and Arbors .■. . Pinions. Bevel Pinions. Cannon Pinions. Centre and Statf Pinions. Escaiie Pitiions, ' Fourth Pinions. Third Pins, lievel Pinion - Reaulators Rollers - Screws. Balance - Screws,. Ban kin.s? - - — i Screws, Brid.ije ,. Screws, Bridse, Barrel -. Screws, Bridge. Pallet... Screws, Cam. Settini; .... Screws, ('ase.. Screws, i.'ock , Screws. Dial Foot Screws, .Tewel, Cock and Foot Screws, Lever, Setting Screws. ?vlain Screws, Pillar , Screws, Potance Screws, Spring, .\rm. Vibrating Spring. Cam — Spring, Click Spring, Setting Stud, Hairspring Top Plate , .\rm. Vibrating .1 no. ^9 m\ -^ iw. .1 on. -.1 00 ..9 1)0- Screw Screws Screws Screws Springs Springs St)rings Springs Click Hair Lever Sju-ings. Main Springs. Setting... StatTs. Balance Studs. Hair Spring Washers. Main Screw Wheels. Centre Wbeels. t'entre. and Siatr' Wheels. Kscaiie iflheels. Kscape. and Pinion... Wheels. +'ourth -- A\'heels. 1 onrth. and Pinion ... Wheels. Hour Wheels. Main Wheels. Minute Wbeels. Ratchet Wheels. .Setting Wheels, inter. Setting Wrieels. Third Wheels, Third, and Pinion Wheels, iiuer.- Wuuling .:; on... .1 75.... .L' 50-... The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AURORA WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. 18 SIZE. For Stem Wind Parts, see next Page. NAMES OF PARTS. Pbices Per Dozen. 1 s o 1 - ci "a ■§ ■- 2 Cap Key... rt 500 900 4 00 18 00 2 00 100 180 25 60 3 00 5 40 5 00 7 40 ■7 Patent Movable Index H and Screw, Stationary « Complete, including Plain Reg i(» Springe, Main 1 20 1 00 1 80 25 60 2 40 4 20 4 00 5 80 8 20 8 80 3 60 1 20 160 1 «0 1 60 1 80 1 20 1 20 3 60 3 60 •i 80 i 20 ' 1 00 ' 1 80 25 ; 60 200 3 60 3 40 500 7 00 7 40 3 60 1 1 20 140 1 40 1 40 160 1 20 1 20 ' 3 20 3 20 3 40 il Hair, Plain Spiral i2 Colleted iX •• Click ■ i4 Stud, Hair Spring.. , Sh Staff, Center _ W " and Center Pinion 17 W '* " Wheel and Center Pinion ^y " and Cannon Pinion, Key. . iU " " " Stem .. 11 40 6 00 1 20 200 2 00 2 00 2 40 1 80 1 80 5 00 5 OO 5 40 ii Balance, Pivoted i2 " " not Pivoted 18 Wheel,Center S4 35 " Third "■ r Fourth ' '"■ *) Escape 1)7 38 59 ■0 ■1 Hour Minute " Third and Pinion. Fourth Escape SCREWS-REGULAR. 72. Balance. Gold 73. " Oreide 75. " Meantime, Gold 76. "^ " Oreide. Per Doz. $0 60 Case ._ Patent Regulator Adjusting Screw. .All other Regular Screws Aurora 6 Size Materials at same prices as above. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 337 AURORA WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL. 18 SIZE, STEM WIND. LEVER AND PENDANT SETTING. 101 lOZ ID3 104 IDS 106 107 108 103 110 AS Ml 112 113 114 t >? f ? 115 IIG 1)7 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 I2G 127 128 129 J « Give Number of Movements in Ordering/ I 6 z si 2;Z z 1101 1102 il03 )104 '105 |[06 (07 ,08 m 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 $ 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 50 2 40 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 20 4 20 4 00 25 25 25 25 1 80 50 36 36 8 00 2 40 2 40 3 00 36 7 20 7 20 1 80 $ 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 60 2 40 3 00 8 00 8 00 3 00 4 20 4' 20 3 60 25 25 25 25 1 80 50 86 86 8 00 2 40 2 40 8 00 86 6 00 6 00 1 80 $ 1 80 1 80 1 80 2 40 40 200 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 3 60 3 60 3 00 25 25 25 25 1 80 50 36 36 6 00 2 00 2 00 2 40 36 4 80 4 80 1 20 $ I 80 1 80 1 80 2 40 Click . 40 2 00 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 15 15 11 360 3 60 2 40 25 25 25 " Click 25 1 80 50 36 102 and 103 36 36 ]-8 26 40 6 00 2 00 2 00 2 40 36 4 80 4 80 1 20 Aurora 6 Size Materials at same prices as above. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies CHESHIRE WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL. IBS IB7 168 169 170 IS2 183 184 185 ISE 105 106 107 108 109 FOR CHESHIRE COMPLETE WATCHE S. Bezel, old Bow l[l"["[l"[[\.V. Case-back, old l._,"'_"'^^',!^! *' new " with bezel fitted, new Crown " arbor ...I...]. " spring __ ___ Stem Pillar Plate, old .'_'_'/.. '.[ " new Upper " old " new Cock with Jewels, old " " new Balance. Staff V..\"\[]V.\V.\\V. . Barrel _.- Click '^.''^'"^.[[[[[[^ /.....'.. " Spring, new Dial, old ;; " new Fork, old [V..'V'.['i[\[]]\[[Z\. Hairspring, colieted '. " Non-Magnetic CoUets .. Stads Hands, hour and minnte, pairs... seconds Jewels, C. andF., unset, old *' Cock, set, new Foot " " " C. and F. End Stones, unset, oli.. " Cock, End Stones, set, old " ** new Foot, II II " old Pallet or PaUet Steels '.'_'_'_'.'. " Roller or Holler Pins, (steel) Mainsprings Pallets and Steels '".." Pallet Arbors '. Pallets and Forks, old 'I'',! '^ new Net Price per doz. FOR CHESHIRE COMPLETE WATCHES. Pallets, Forks and Arbors, old " " *' new Pinions, Cannon Centre, old " '* new Tbird.old.... " " new Fourth, old " " new " Escape, old '' '* new " Winding Regulator ___ " Cap, old, with jewels Rollers with Pins Wheels, Main or First " with Arbors. Wheel Arbors, Main Wheels, Centre II " and Pinions, old " " new II Third I' '* and Pinions, old.. Wheels, Fourth, old ^ Fourth, and Pins, old '^ " new ., and Pins, new " intermediate... Wheel and Click Studc. '. Crownwheel Strew... i oke and Click Spring, old..."" " new " Spring, new Screws, Case... Cock ■;: PiUar ; Jewel Yoke and Click Spring. Stem , Net Prices per doz. 3 00 3 25 3 25 2 25 2 25 225 225 2 25 225 200 2 25 3 00 1 50 1 50 4 50 2 50 1 25 5 50 5 50 1 25 4 00 i OO 125 400 125 4 00 1 75 4 50 4 50 1 25 1 25 ."^wJ^IT^^ * correct fit, in calling f.r an escape wheel send the pallet, and in calling for a pallet send the es- "aiie wheel. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 339 CHESHIRE WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL. FOR MOVEMENTS 21 AND 25, Sd SERIES. 210 211 212 215 229 230 232 233 23* 235 236 237 238 239 244 245 249 ^ ® ^\ -J 201 202 208 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 218 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 280 281 282 288 284 285 236 237 238 239 FOR CHESHIRE MOVEMENTS. Nos. 21 and 25. Pillar Plates, H't'g " O. F Top Plates, H't'g O. F Cocks, H't'g. Jeweled " O. F. Jeweled Balances Balance Staffs Barrels, Steel Clicks Click Springs, H't'g O. F Dials, H't'g " O. F Forks Hair Springs Colleted " " Non Magnetic Collet .■; " " Studs Hands, H. and M., Pairs " Seconds Jewels, Cock Set " Foot " " Cock End Stones " Foot ^ot . . . Pallet or Pallet Steels Jewels, Roller or Jewel Pin^ Main Springs Pallets witli Steels Pallet Arbors Pallets and Forks Pallets, Forks and Arbors Pinions, Bevel or Winding, H't'g. O. F. " Cannon " Center Third " Fourth " Escape Net prices per dozen. 89 00 9 00 5 00 2 50 3 50 75 50 50 7 00 7 00 1 25 1 75 2 00 50 1 00 25 15 2 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 1 50 60 1 50 4 50 1 75 6 00 8 60 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 240 241 242 248 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 FOR CHESHIRE MOVEMENTS. Nos. 21 and 25. Regulators Rollers with Pins set Setting Lever, H't'g O. F Wheels, Main or First " " " with Arbor Wheel Arbors, Main Wheels, Center " with Pinions Third ■ " with Pinions " Fourth " " with Pinions " Escape " " with Pinions Wheels, Hour Minute " Crown, H't'g " O. F " Winding or Ratchet " Interwinding, H't'g O. F " Intersetting, H't'g Winding Bridges, H't'g O. F Yokes, H't'g , . " O. F Yoke Hubs, H't'g O. F Yoke Springs, H't'g O. F Screws, Case " Cock . . Click " Jewel Pillar " Setting Lever Yoke Hub " Winding Bridge Net prioee per dozen. $2 25 1 50 2 00 2 00 1 50 4 50 250 1 25 5 50 1 25 4 00 1 25 4 00 1 75 4 50 1 25 1 25 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 75 1 75 1 75 2 00 2 00 3 50 3 50 1 75 1 75 75 75 20 20 15 16 20 20 20 340 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies THE MEW COLUMBUS WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. 18 Size Movements, Hunting and Open Face. 84 85 85 87 The irregularity of measurements of the old Columbus material necessitates a sample of the part of which a duplicate is desired. This is especially true of BALANCE STAFFS, ESCAPE WHEELS, PALLETS, SETTING LEVERS, CENTER STAFFS, CENTER JEWELS and all TRAIN PINIONS. Bevel Pinions, state whether for Pendant or Lever set. Minute Wheels, whether old or new style. The old style has pin on under side. Shifting Bar No. 79 is now replaced with one on another form. Dust Bands, state if for hunting or open face. Por Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 341 New Columbus Watch Company's HateriaLo 118 Size Movements, Hunting and Open Fao?. t 37&39 12 74 75 5f 65 @ Balance Staffs " Grade 3 Barrels with Arbors fitted Barrel Arbors Bridge Gilt Nickel Centre Staffs Cocks, Gilt, Jeweled Nickel Jeweled Cams, Pdt. Set Cam Springs Clicks, Hunting Open Face Click Springs " lis. Double Sunk Roman . . " Arabic . . Sunk Seconds Plain Dust Bands, Gilt, Hunting. . . Nickel " ' " Gilt, Open Face. " Nickel " Forks Hairsprings, Flat, colleted ant studded Hairsprings, Brequet, colleted and studded Hairspring Collets Studs Hands, H. & M. Spade (Pairs). Fancy 8 00 4 00 6 00 7 00 3 00 ) $24 00 1.") 00 . 4 00 3 00 . 2 75 7 00 3 00 5 00 6 OO 2 00 30 00 . 30 00 18 00 , Seconds ;xes el.s. Centre Upper. . " Lower . Cock Cap . " Foot ■' Jewels, Third and Fourth Low- er Unset Jewels, Third and Fourth Up per Set Jewels. Escape and Pallet Low- er Unset Jewels, Escape and Pallet Low- er Cap Jewels, Escape and Pallet Up- per Set Jewels, Escape and Pallet Up- perCap Pallet Stones Right and Left . . Roller Jewels or Jewel Pins. . . . Mainsprinsrs Pallets with Stones fitted Pallets, Forks and Arbors com- plete Pallet Arbors Pinions, Bevel or Winding Pendent Set. " Cannon " Centre Third Fourth 1 00 20 1 50 Sefngs T 00 Raised et'ngs 3 00 2 00 . 5 00 2 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 9 00 . 1 25 1 60 1 50 1 50 Erequ'l Spring 2 50 '§tted . 723^ Regulator Springs without Screws Regulating Screws Rollers Rollers with Jewel Pin Set. Setting Levers, Hunting... " " Open Face. Setting Lever Springs Shifting Bar, Pendent Set. . Locking Lever Wheels, Centre Wheels, Centre and Staffs fit- ted Wheels, Centre i Pinions Wheels, Third. nd Staffs and ■' Hour Minute Ratchet Interwinding Hunt- ting Wheels, Intersettmg Hunting " Setting Hunting " Intermediate, Op'n F< " Setting, Open Face. . nding Bridges Yokes, Hunting Open Face Yoke Hubs or Caps " Springs Screws, Balance Time " Banking Case Dial " Jewel " Regulator Spring.. Pillar Inter, Setting Wheels, Open Face Shippers, Pendent Set .Shifting Levers, Pendent Set. Clutch : Screws, Index Stud Setting Lever " Potance Yoke Hub " Spring " Cam Spring Click " Spring Cock Setting Wheel Shifting Bar or Ship- per Screws, Pendent Set Blue.. Setting Lever Sprii Assorted 1 00 1 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 1 50 5 50 1 50 5 50 1 50 8 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 60 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies New Columbus Watch Company's Material. 16 Size Movements, Hunting ana Open j-ace. I 218 219 220 256 267 291 292 293 291 16 SIZE COLUMBUS. 243K 2-14 2WA Barrel Bridges, Rilt. Hunting Nickel ■' Barrel Bridges, Gilt, Open F- Nickel, ■■ Train Bridges, Gilt Nickel Balances Grades Balance Staffs " Grades Barrels with Arbors fitted. . . Barrel Arbors Cock Gilt, Jeweled " Nickel " Clicks, Hunting " Open Face Click Springs Centre Staffs Dials, Double Sunk Roman. . " Arabic .. " Sunk Seconds. " Plain Porks Hairsprings, FlatCoUeted and Studded Hairsprings Brequet Colleted and Studded Hairspring Collets Studs Hands, H. & M. Spade (in pairs) " " Fancy " Seconds Cock Cap ■' Foot " Third Lower Unset... " " Upper Set.. " Fourth Lower Unset.. Upper Set. ... " Escape Lower Unset . . " " " Cap " Upper Set ■' Cap.... " Pallet Lower Unset. .. Cap " " Upper Set Cap Pallet Stones, Right and Left . . Roller Jewels or Jewel Pins... Mainsprings Pallets with Stones iitted. ... " Forks and Arbors com- plete Pallet Arbors Bridges Gilt, Jeweled. . Nickel ■' Price per doz Price per piece J6 00 7 00 6 00 7 00 15 00 16 00 27 00 s'oo 4 00 12 00 1,S 00 SOD .30 00 SO CO 18 00 |5 00 6 00 5 00 6 00 14 00 15 00 24 00 15 CO 4 00 3 00 2 75 7 00 3 00 Pinions, Bevel or ■Winding- Solid Pinions Bevel or Winding ; low Pinions. Cannon " Centre Third I^ourth Escape Regulators, Patent Plain Regulating Screws RegnlatorSpringswith Screw; Regulator Springs without Rollers with Jewel Pin Set Setting Levers Shippers, Hunting " Open Face Wheels, Centre " " and Staffs. . Wheels, Centre and Staffs and Pinions Wheels, Third and Pii and rii Wheels, Intel-setting, Hunt Setting " Intermediate, Ope: Setting, Yoke, Hunting " Open Face " Spring, Hunting... " " Open Face.. " Hub Screws, Balance- Banking Bridge Case Cork Click ' " " Spring Dial " Jewel Pallet Bridge .... Regulator Spring. Setting Wheel Shipper Yoke Hub " ." Spring Pillar Stud Time " Assorted 2 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 Spring 2 50 1 00 1 00 4 00 3 00 1 50 2 50 2 00 jFlor Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 343 New Columbus Watch Company's Material,. 6 Size Movements. /""^ •?^\ 6 SIZE COLUMBUS. Barrel Bridges, Gilt Nickel Train Bridges, Gilt " " Nickel. ... Barrels " with Arbors fitted. Barrel Arbors Balances " Grade 3 Balance Staflfs " Grades Cock Gilt. Jeweled " Nickel " Clicks Click Springs Centre Staffs Dials, Double Sunk Roman " " " Arabic " Sunk Seconds Plain Forks Hairsprings, Flat coUeted a studded Hairspring Collets Studs Hands, H. & M. Spade (in Pairs) Seconds ticy vels. Centre Upper " " Lower Unset. Cock Foot Cock Cap " Foot " Third, Lower Unset. . " Upper Set " Fourth, Lower Unset. Upper Set '■ Escape, Lower Unset. " " Upper Set — " Pallet Lower Unset. . " " Upper Set Pallet Stones, Right and Left . Roller Jewels or Jewel Pins . . Mainsprings Pallets with Stones fitted " Forks and Arbors con plete Pallet Arbors Bridges Gilt, Jeweled. . Price per pflfce 6 00 7 00 15 00 Hi 00 3 25 8 00 10 00 6 00 2 75 2 75 2 00 5 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 7 00 2 00 7 00 1 50 5 00 6 00 14 00 15 00 2 75 7 00 3 00 24 00 15 00 4 00 3 00 2 50 2 50 1 50 u&yi Pallet Bridges, Nickel, Jeweled Pinions, Bevel or Winding Pendent Set Cannon Centre Third Fourth " Escape Regulators Rollers with Jewel Piu Set... Setting Levers Setting Lever Springs Wheels, Centre Wheels, Centre and Staffs and Pinions Wheels, Third " " and Pinions Fourth and Pinions. " Escape and Pinions. .. Hour Minute " Crown Ratchet " Interwinding '■ Intersetting Setting Yoke " Spring " Hub Screws, Balance " Banking " Bridge " Case Click ■■ Spring Cock ■' Dial Pillar " Cam Spring " Jewel Setting Lever " Spring . Yoke " Spring " Pallet Bridge " Assorted Shifting Lever Shipper Clutch- Cam Spring Screws Time Stud 2 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 1 50 1 50 7 75 1 50 5 50 1 50 5 50 1 60 8 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 25 1 25 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 NOTICE. — Orders fof less than 1-4 dozen will be charged at piece price. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. ARBORS, BARREL. 200 200 1,301 1.301 1,303 1.301 1,301 1,303 203 205 1 to 4 5 " 6 1 " 5 4 5 to 6 8'to"9 10 " 11 12 13 to 14 15 15 16 17 to 19 20 21 22 to 23 24 " 25 26 27 to 28 29 " 30 31....... 32 to 3W 35. 86 37 to 39 40 41 42 to 43 44 " 45 46 47 to 48 49 " 51 52 53 to 55 56. 57 to 59 4.00 3.50 3.00 4.00 3.50 3.00 4.50 4.00 3.25 3.00 6.00 4.50 4.00 6.00 4.60 3.75 3.75 3.25 3.75 3.25 4.50 3.75 3.25 4.50 3.75 3.75 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 3.50 P. PI U PI. O. P.. Intch.' Htg. . Htg. Br. Key Stem Key . Lever, Lever. Pend." 1 & 4th -UhV.'. ..lst&2d.. "m & 4th' For Stop Worl. For Stop Works For Stop Works For Stop Works For Stop Works For Stop Work: For Stc;. ^Vorks For Stop \Vorks Barrel Arbors, illustration No. 188, classirted as 1 to 4 and 5 to 6, are made with Key Snuares and used in hoth Key and Stem Wind Movements. Stop Wor ks were used with classes 1 and 3:illustrationl Nos its and 189. ClasI%f'=^l!S.tr°S''^Mo^^e4'e°n\^^TVhTcl^"s'L'e'''l.frec/u'5rer^^'°^' ^^"'"="' »"^^"^ ^'"""^ °' Illustration and Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece uric CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Kttyiuoncl, 27, 69, 70, U9, 161. Culver, 61, 63. Taylor, 20, 33, 38, 58, 79, SO, 163. Wheeler,Lamn,Ryer- son. Ferry, 16,17,66, 57, 63, 81, 83, 103, 125, 120, 1« 1«. Ogden, Farwell, Far- go, Advance, Chief, Age, 6,i8,i9, 10, 12, 13, 18, », 66, 60, 68, 78, 87, 88, 102, 141, 143, 160. Raymond (O. F.), 77, 116, 160, 166. Taylor (O. F.), 76, 165. Wheeler (O. F.), 44, 75, Avery, Leader, 11, 14, 16, 61, 63, 69. No. 72. No. 49, 60. No. 48. No. 90. No. 3, 4. No. 1, 2, 137. No. 92, 114, 127, 135, 1 No. 107, 108. No. 106, 140. No. 104, 105, 128, 138, No. 164. No. 163. No. 151, 152. No. 166. No. 161. No. 160. No. 162. No. 37, 41, 42, 16. No. 34, 35, 36, 39, 40. No. 71. No. 66, 67. No. 45, 64, 65. No. 94, 95, 1 No. 122, 176. 101. No. 121, 134, 168. No. 120. No. Ill, 131, 167 No. 115. No. 109, 110, 113, 129, 130, 173. F'or Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 345 Elgin National Watch Co. ARBORS, RALLET. ription of Movement. 1.25 1.00 5.00 1.75 1.25 1.00 1.75 1.50 1.00 6.00 1.75 1.50 1.00 6.00 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.00 1.75 1.75 1.60 1.00 1.75 1.50 1.00 6.00 1.75 1.50 1.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.25 1.75 1.25 2.25 1.75 1.25 2.25 1.75 1.25 .M PI. If. pi. Int. Br. Htg. : Key Stem K. & L. Pend. . 2a to 4th ."''-5th Cone Pivot Straight Pivot Cone Pivot Straight Pivot Cone Pivot Straight Pivot .Lever. Pend. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 149, 164. Culver, 61, 62. Taylor, 20, 33, 38, i 80, 163. Wheeler,Laflin,Ryer- son. Ferry, 16, 17, 56, 57, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, 126, 143 144. Ogden, Farwell, Far. go. Advance, Chief, Age. 6,.8,,9, 10, 12,13, 18, 19, 55, 60, 68, 78, 87, 88, 102, 141, 142, 169. No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. Raymond (O. F.), 77, 116, 150, 166. Taylor (O. F.), 76, 165. Wheeler (O. F.), 44, 75, 123, 124, 147, 148. No. 43, 74, 146, 146, 170. No. 73, 172. No. 100. Avery, Leader, U, 14, 15, 51, 52, 69. No. 72. No. 49, 50, No. 47. No. 93. No. 91. No. 85, 8f No. 90. No. 3, 4. No. 1, 2, 137. No. 154. No. 153. No. 151, 152. No. 166. No. 161. No. 24, 25, 30, 31. Frances Ruble. Lady Elgin, 23, 29. Gail Borden, Dexter St.,21, 22, 28, 63, !"■ No. 71. No. 66, 67. No. 45, 64, 66. No. 94, 9.5, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 134, 168. No. 120. No. 117, lis, 119, 132, 133, 175. No. 112, 174. No. Ill, 131, 167. No. 11.5. No. 109, 110, 113, 129, 130, 173. ' The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. Arrors, setting. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Cass. Price. Description of Movement. Piece. Per Doz. Size. 1 Style, Winding. Setting. Serres. *169 *169 228 * 95 *95 * 95 * 95 *95 230 231 331 169 169 228 95 95 95 229 229 230 231 12 13 to 14 15 16 17 to 19 20 21 22 to 23 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 •■ 48 20 20 20 20 l"76 '^75 1.75 1.75 18 17 16 14 12 10 -5i PI... '.'.¥. PI." .- Intch. .. Stem .'.'.'.' Kev ... Pendant... 6th ..'4 PI... .. In'.ch. .. 'intch. Bi" .... Le ver 1st ..'.'.'. 2d"-:; " " Key .... K .' " 1 1 * These Arbors are not furnished separate from the Wheels. For prices see Se*ting Wheels. No- 95. No. 169. No. 228. No. 230. • ^0. 231. i ARBORS, S^ATEER^SECOND. No. of MlustriL- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movennent. 1 Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. 1 Winding. j Setting. Series. 232 233 87 to 28 .20 3.00 16 L.3i PI... ..S. Sec...! he 4th i No. 232. 1 Arbors, Winding. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movennent. | | Piece, Per Doz, Size. style. Winding. Setting. Series. 1,305 l,30o 1 1,305 1,305 1,305 1,305 33 to 33 34 " 35 36 37 to 38 39 " 40 41 .50 .40 .50 .50 .40 .50 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 • 16 -•Si PI... ...Htg.... "Htg. Br." ...0. F.... 'o. P. Br." Stem.... ... Pendant.. 6th & 10th 7th & 11th 8th & 12th 9th & 13th No. 1,305. 1 [IIl=F=n Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single p iece price. . To Class. ascerta or N'lim n Grad ber of e Mov i ent ent, cor or whic suit Index. In ordering J h same is required. laterial, give K umber of lUus ration and For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 347 Elgin National Watch Co. ARNIS, VIBRATING. No, of Illustra- Old No. tion. 35 35 35 35 55 55 64 64 172 172 173 172 172 ira 173 172 76 76 133 133 133 133 133 234 233 233 233 233 106 106 162 152 1,306 1,306 1,307 1,307 235 335 235 235 I to 11 : to 25 ■"to"28 i " 30 i"to"5i 1 to 55 I to 55 • to 59 1.75 1.00 1.25 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.75 1.25 Pend, . .Lever. Pend. - ^? - I 3d". .4th. .5th. " 1st; . Sd. .'4th I .5th. I 1st I . 2d. . 3d. ;4thl o To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 7 Raymond (0. F.), 77, 19 No. 47. 33 No, 164. 48 « Taylor (0. F.), 76, 165. 21 No. 91. 3b 1 Wheeler (0. F.), 44, 75, 22 123, 124, 117, 148. in No. 43, 74, 115, 146, 170. 24 No. 3, 4. 11 No. 73. 172. No. 100. 26 No: 92, 111, 127, 135, 136. :iv No. 83, 84. Ogden, Farwell, Far- No. 98. 28 No. 89. IS 29 No. 107, lOS. Age. 6,,8,,9, 10, 12, 13, 15, .51, 62, 59. .Sll 31 No. 104, 106, 128, 138, No. 49, 60. 139. 4b Frances Ruble. No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. IS So. ISI 32 No. 155. No. 94, 95, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 134, 16t ■Jo. 120. Jo. 117, 1] 133, 175. No. 112, 171. No. Ill, 131, 167. 348 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. BALANCES. 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.00 2.25 1.60 1.25 1.00 6.00 2.25 1.50 1.25 .75 5.00 2.25 1.60 1.25 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.00 .75 2.25 1.25 1.00 4.00 2.25 1.25 2.25 1.S5 2.25 1.26 1.00 3.00 2.50 1.25 .75 3.00 2.60 1.25 .76 2.75 2.50 1.26 27.00 24.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 4.50 3.00 27.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 16.00 12.00 9.00 3.00 60.00 27.00 18.00 16.00 9.00 60.00 27.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 16.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 27.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 48.00 37.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 48.00 37.00 15.00 27.00 16.00 27.00 15,00 12.00 36.00 9.00 36.00 30.00 15.00 9.00 33.00 30.00 15.00 9,00 Description of Movement, .F. PI.. .'4. P1-- Style Int. Br. "S. Sec. :;o. p.; Winding. -. Key .- .K. & S.- .. Stem.. Steel - Nickel . Compensation Nickel.. - Compensation ..-- 4th- ;;;i6th; stem Lever . No. 237, 238. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. BA.RS, PENDANT. No. of lllustra- Class. Piice. Description of Movement. Piece. Per Doz, Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 1,685 1,686 1,687 1.688 1,689 1,690 1,691 1,692 1,690 1,691 1,692 1,693 1,694 1,695 1,693 1,694 1,695 1,696 1,697 1,698 1,699 7 toll 7 " 11 7 " 11 7 " 11 29 " 31 32 " 35 32 " 35 32 •' 35 36 36 36 37 to 40 37 " 40 37 " 40 41 41 41 53 to 56 53 " 56 53 " 56 57 " 60 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 ,10 JO 10 .10 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 18 16 " 6 .. F. PI..-. .-..O.P ".;: Htg. :;:: .""Htg. Br."".". :::: o.f. :::: '.'.'6. F.Br.'".". ";; Htg. '.'.:. ....Stem .... . . Pendar — - " — " " 5th ..2 oz. .. .-3 " .. -.4 " .. ..5 " .. !^ _pi.::: ..6tll&l rth .- til'!". !th".'. Sth".'. th'!'.'- ....A.... ....B.... ....C...- ...A.... ....B.... ....C... ....A.... ....B.... ....C... ....A.... ....B... ....C..., ....A.... ....B.... ..7tll&l *( ..8tll&l " ..gth&i << .... ... 3d *4 (( . 1st ^ No. 1,685. N 0. 1,686. No. 1,687. f No. 1,688. Tn IT 1 1 3 !ini i_j ^ nn J 1 No. 1,689. No. 1,690. ! No. 1,691. "D No. 1,692. G CtB " J_J ^iirczzn ^min Q tD n G No. 1,693. 3Zln No. 1,694. No 1,695. JtC 1 1 No. 1.696. No. 1,697. 1 No. 1,698. No. 1,699. 1 SPRINGS, PENDANT. No. of Illustra- tion. Class. Price. Description of Movement. Piece. 1 Per Doz. | Size. style. Winding. Setting. Series. 1,700 1,700 1.701 1,701 1,701 1,701 i,7oe 1,703 7 to 11 29 " 31 32 " 35 36. 37 to 40 41 53 to 56 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 ...p. PI. .0. F. m..... 5th .. e't'ii Aio'th".! .. 7th & 11th .. .. 8th & 12th .. .. 9th & 13th .. ...3d&4th... 1st 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 16 :: -•■- ...Htg. : .....O.P ...O.P.I 3r. Jr. I.OO ! 6 1.00 1 No. 1,700. 1 ^ ■ No. 1,701. No. 1,702. No. 1,703. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. BANDS, DUST. Description of Movement. Intch. "HtgV". Key Stem Key Stem Key Stem .. Key .. Lever Pendant - Key ._ Lever .. Key.. Lever Pendant Gilded Silvered Gilded Silvered Gilded Nickel Gilded Kicke! BARS, SETTINO. No. of illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Des :ript on of Moverr ent. Piece. Per Doz, Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 45 96 45 96 4 to 5 49 " 51 .10 .20 1.00 3.00 18 6 ....F. PI ...-H PI .... Htg. Stem- . 3d . ... To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordeiing Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same Is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Raymond, 27, 69, 70, Tavlor, 20, 33, 3S, 58, 79, 80, 163. Wheeler.Laflin.Rye son. Ferry, 16, 17, 66, .W, 63, 81, 83, 103, 125, 126, 14.3,^ 1«. Ogden, Farwell, Far. go. Advance, Chief, ige. 6. 8,i9, 10, 12. 13, Raymond (O. F.), 77, 116. 150. 166. Taylor (O. F,>, 76, 165. Wheeler((>. F.),«, 75, 123. 124. 147, 148. No. 4.3. 71, 145, 146, 170. No. 73, 172. No. 154. No. 153. . 161, 162.- No. 92, 114, 127, 1S5, 136. No. 83, 84. No. 89. No. 107, 108. No. 106, 140. No. 104, 105, 138, 138. EXF>LA.NA.TrOR.Y. Gail Borden, Dexter St., 21, 22, 28, 53. 54. No. 71. No. 66, 67. No. 45, 64, 65. No. 94, 95, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 134, 168. 133, 1V5. No. 112, 174. No. Ill, 131, 167. No. 115. No. 109. 110, U3, 129, Intch.— Interctiangeable. -x PI.— Three-Quarter Plate. Int. B.—Interchangeable Bridge. O. F.— Open Face. Htg. Bi'.— Hunting Bridge. O. F. Br.— Open Face Bridge. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. BANDS, DUST. No. 251, 252. No. 253, 254. •| M o D (1 No. 260. c No. 26). 1 CD _IL CD o 1 No. 262,263. No. 1,308, 1,539. BARS, SETTINO. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. BARRELS. No. of lllustra- 6 to 6 7 8 to 9 3.0O 2.75- 3.00 2.75 7.50 5.75 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 7.60 5.75 3.75 3.50 4.00 2.75 2.75 4.75 4.00 2.75 10.00 5.50 4.75 4.00 10.00 5.50 4.75 4.00 2.75 5.50 6.00 4.75 4.00 5.50 4.00 3.75 5.25 4.50 2.75 5.25 4.50 9.00 2.75 5.25 4.50 9.00 3.00 8.75 4.00 2.75 3.50 2.50 4.75 4.25 2.50 4.75 4.25 fiption of Movement. % PI F. PI, .O.K.. - H'g- -- :: I :: Htg. Br." ..0._F... -- ., -- 6. F. Br -- ^^^ -- "HtgV"-". iistem '" ... 4th.... . Slow . . Slow . Quick Nickel . Nickeled Gilded! Nickel. Nickeled Gilded'! Nickel . Gilded'! Nickel . Gilded. Nickei . 'Gilded'! * Stop Works are used ( and 41 ; 288, Class 46. 1 Barrels, Illustrations No. 264, Class 1, 2 and 7; 267, Class 1 and ' , Class 16,21, 36, CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED \H Kaymoud, 27, 70, U9, IM. Culver, 61, 02. or, 20, 33, 38, 58, 79, „„, 163. Wheeler,Laflin,Ryer- i^im. Ferry, 16, 17, 56, 67, 63, 81, 83, 103, 125, 120, 1-13, lit Ogden, Farwell, Far- go. Advance, Chief, Age, 5,, S,. 9, 10, 12, 13, 18. 19, 65, 61), 68, 78. 87, 88, 102, 141, lit2, 169. No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. Raymond (O. F.), 77, Wheeler (O.F.), 44, 76, Avery, Leader, 11, 14, 15, 61, 62, 69. No. 72. No. 49, 60. . 1, 2, 137. . 92, 114. li . 83, 84. '. 107, 108. No. 163. No. 151, 162. No. 150. No. 161. No. 160. No. 159. No. 167, 158. No. 34, 35, 36, 39, 10. No. 71. No. 60, 07. No. 45, 64, 65. No. 94, 95, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 134, 168. No. 120. No. 117, 116, 119, 132, No. Ill, 131, 107. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. BARRELS. No. 264, 267. No. 265, 268, 269. No. 275, 277. No. 290, 291. When ordering a new Barrel, the Barrel Arbor for same should be sent, that we may properly fit Barrel to Arbor. Observe that 18 size. Hunting Movements are made both Quick Train, with 78 teeth, and Slow Train, with 60 teeth in Barrel, and in order that there may be no mistalte, care should be taken and compare number of teeth In Barrel to be replaced with the number given in Catalogue. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. EXPLANATORY. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. BARRELS AND ARBORS, KITTED. No. of niustra- 330 1,309 1,310 1,310 1,310 »1,311 1,309 1,310 1,310 18 to 19 20 16 8.00 7.75 7.00 7.7.T 7.00 8.00 7.75 7.75 7.60 7.26 6.60 6.50 7.S5 6.50 12.25 10.00 8.00 7.25 9.26 7.50 6.76 6.60 10.00 9.26 f.60 16.7 16.75 10.75 9.25 8.50 6.75 10.00 9.00 9.25 8.60 Description of Wio .75 6.25 9.00 .70 8.00 .65 6.25 .75 9.00 .70 8.00 .50 6.00 .75 8.75 .65 7.75 S. Sec. !o. F. ;: ... 2d .... 3d A 4"th" . 6th.... '.'isiV.V. Lever 1st * 2d Quick . Slow . Quick . Slow . Quick . Nickel Nickeled Gilded" Nickel Nickeled Gilded" Slow .. Quick" - '.', ■ '. Nickel" ; 'Gilded" ;"Niclvel" .""Gilded" . Nickel "Gilded" In ordering Barrels and Arbors for IS size, 2d Series, Stem Wind Movements, if Arbor has Key Square, ttien order Key Wind of same Class. *Stop Works are used on Barrels, Illustrations No. 294, Class 1 and 2; 297, Class 1, 2 and 7; 302, Class 1 and 7; 312, Class 16and 21: 324, Class 46; 1311. Class 36 and 41. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 3S5 Elgin- National Watch Co. BARRELS AND ARBORS, KITTED. No. 294. No. 295, 296. No. 297, 302. No. 298, 299, 303. No. 300, 301, 304, No. 317, 318, 320. No. 326, 327. No 328, 329. No. 1309, 1310. No. 1311. Observe tbat 18 Size Hunting Movements are made botti Quick Train, with 78 teeth, and Slow Train, with 60 Teeth, in Barrel, and in order that tliere be no mistake, care should be taken and compare number of teeth in Barrel to be replaced with number given in Catalogue; also, that several different styles of Barrel Arbors are used, and unless you are positive as to Grade of Movement for which Material is required, the old part should be sent, or the Number of Movement Given. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. .Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 149, 164. I Culver, 61, 62. Taylor, 20, 33, 38, 5S, 79, 80. 163. Wlieeler,Laflin,Ryer- sell, Ferry, 16, 17, r,f,, 57, 03, SI, 83, 103, 12.5, 126. 143, 144, Ogilen, Farwell, Far- go, Advance, Chief, Ase. .1, S.,9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 5,1. 60, 68, 78. 87, 88, 102, 141, 142, 169. No, 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. Raymond (O. F,), 77, 116, 150, 166. Taylor (O. F,), 76, 165, Wheeler {O, K,), 44, 75, 123, 124, 147, 148, Vo, 43, 74, 115, 146, 170. 3 No. 154, No. 153. , 151, 152, No. 156, No, 161. No. 160. No. 104, 105, 128, Gail Borden, Dexter St., 21, 22, 28, 53, 54. No. 71, No. 66, 67 No. 45, 64, 65, No. 94, 95, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 134, 168. No. 120. No. 117, 118, 119, 133, 133, 175. >'o, 112, 174, No. Ill, 131, 167, 356 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. CAMS, SETTING. Nc.of Illustra- tion. Old No Class. Price. Description of Movement. i Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 42 43 46 174 174 174 174 162 1 62 1 23 123 123 1,313 1,313 1,313 1,313 1,313 1,313 97 42 42 46 174 174 174 174 162 162 123 123 ■"97 1 - 2 to 4 4 " 5 7 8. . 9 10 to 11 12 13 to 14 24 " 25 26 27 to 28 32 " 34 35 36 37 to 39 40 11 49 to 51 _. 1.25 1.00 .75 1.50 1.26 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 1.00 i.oo 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.00 1.50 18 16 6 ....P.Pl .... Htg. .--.. v.'.'.o.F.y.'.'. ....Stem .--- 2d . 10 10 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 10 15 15 10 15 ... Pend. ... ;;;;." 3d i"".". 5th ...It 6th ""I 3d '.'.'.'.' ' ;i".'S. Sec."--. -— Htg ;; Htg. BrV"-". — .O.^F 1^6. P.Br.".' Htg. ":: ;; :::: " ... Pend. ... ....10th .... nth — - 12th y.'.'.'lSthV.'.V. 1st No. 42. No. 46. No. 97. No. 123. No. 162. No. 174. No. 1313. CAMS, SETTING SPRING. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class.' Price. Description of Movement. 1 Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. , Winding. Setting. Series. 1.314 1,314 1 1,314 1,314 ! 1,314 1,314 32 to 34 35 36. 3- to 39 40 41 10 10 15 10 , 10 15 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 .75 1.25 16 . — 5i H..— — - Htg "Htg. Br.""". --. O.F "o. F. Br."". Stem ... Pend. ... - 6th & 10th . "'7"t"h & llthi . 8th & 12th . "9"t"h & 13th"; No. 1314. CAPS, ARBOR. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price Description of Movement 1 Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 142 142 24 to 25 .10 ! 1.00 16 \....% PI .— Htg. .... -..Stem .... ... Lever ... .... 3d No. 142. To Class, ascerta or Num n Grade of .Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of lUus ber of Movement for which same is rec|uired. tratlon and For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. CAPS, RATCHET. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No Class. Price. Description of Movement. . Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 330 331 332 330 331 332 46 47 48 .30 .25 .20 3.00 2.50 2.00 10 — -% PI Key .... Key .. No. 330,331. No. 332. CIvANIPS, RATCHET. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movement. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series, 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 333 333 82 82 82 334 334 13..._.. 13 to 14 16 17 to 19 20 21 22 to 23 . .60 .50 .75 .60 .60 .75 .60 18 16 — ?i PI ... Intch. ... I'intch. B'rV! ...Stem .... ... Pend. . ... Lever . 6th n -1- 1st ;.'.'.'. 2d . No. 82. CLAMPS, MINUTE WHEEL. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price Description of Movement. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. Finish, 1,315 1,315 1,312 1,315 1,315 1,315 1,312 1,315 32 to 33 34 " 35 35 36 37 to 38 39 " 40 40 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 ,10 .10 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 16 ..%P--- .. Htg. .. Htg. Br" .-0.K-. 0. F. Br" ...Stem .. .. Pend. .. 6th & 10th Yth&lith 8th & 12th 9th & 13th Nickel 11'; Gilded i;." .-.Nickel.-. ;;- Gilded-!' .--Nickel—. 41- No. 1312, 1315. CLANIPS, SETTINO W^HEEL. No, of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movement. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. ■ Setting. Series. Finish. 124 335 124 335 24 to 26 27 " 28 .10 .10 .60 .50 16 ..J£ K... ..Htg... . S. Sec. . ...Stem ... .. Lever .. ....3d .... .-..4th .... --Gilded-... No.' 124. No. 335. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. CLICKS. VIO. of lustra- tion. Old No. 13 13 13 13 13 13 336 336 24 24 24 24 , 337 337 337 337 338 338 338 338 337 339 337 339 81 340 81 340 336 341 337 67 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 342 81 342 338 122 337 343 338 346 338 344 337 345 1,316 1,316 1,316 1,316 1.316 1.316 34~ 347 347 347 318 348 348 348 348 348 98 98 143 143 98 143 .K No. 89. +2 No. 37, 41, 42, 16. 65 No. 117, 118, 119, 132, 133, 1V5. l.i 29 No. 107, 108. 43 No. 34, 35; 36, 39, 40. Age, 5, ,8, .9, 10,12,13, 15, 51, 62, 69. 311 No. 106, 140. 44 No. 26, 32. .■■v No. 112, 174. No. 72. 31 No. 104, 106, 128, 138, 4n No. 24, 26, SO, 31. Frances Ruble. 68 No. Ill, 131, 167. 139. 411 .59 No. 115. 6 No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. IS No. 48. 32 No. 155. 4/ Lady Elgin, 23, 29. 60 No. 109, 110, 113, 129, 130, 173. EXPLANATORY. F. PI.— Full Plate. Intoh.— Interchangeable. X PI.— Three-Quarter Plate. Pend.— Pendant. Htg.— Hunting. Int. B.-Interchangeable Bridge. 0. F.— Open Face. S. Sec— Sweei .Second. D. S.— Sunk Centre and Second. Htg. Br.— Hunting Bridge. 0. F. Br.— Open Face Bridge. S. S. -Sunk Second. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. DIALS, SPECIAL. No. of Pt ce. llustta- tion. Piece. Per Doz. 36fi 1.60 18.00 368 1.60 18.00 1,504 2.60 30.00 1,505 2.50 30.00 367 1.50 18.00 1,506 1.60 18.00 369 1.50 18.00 1,507 1.50 18.00 1,508 2.60 30.00 1,609 3.50 30.00 1,510 2.60 30.00 1,611 2.60 30.00 1,612 1.50 18.00 1,513 2.60 30.00 370 76 9.00 372 .76 9.00 1,614 .75 9.00 1,516 .75 9.00 1,516 1.50 18.00 1,517 1.60 18.00 1,518 1.50 18.00 1,619 1.50 18.00 371 .75 9.00 1,520 76 9.00 373 .75 9.00 1,521 1.50 18.00 1,522 1.60 18.00 1,623 1.50 18.00 1,624 .75 9.00 1,525 1.50 18,00 378 .75 9.00 380 .76 9.00 1,526 1.50 18.00 1,527 1..50 18.00 379 .75 9.00 381 .75 9.00 1,628 1.50 18.00 1,629 1.50 18.00 382 .75 9.00 1,530 .75 9.00 1,631 1.50 18.00 1,532 1.50 18.00 383 .76 9.00 1,533 75 9.00 1,634 1.50 18.00 1,635 1.50 18.00 376 1.60 18.00 377 1.50 18.00 1,536 1.60 18.00 1,537 1.50 18.00 Double Sunk, Hard Enamel, Roman Numerals Soft Marginal Figures Marginal Figures --. Marginal Figures, No. 1. Marginal Figures, No. 1. Hard Soft Sunk Second, Hard Hard Soft 24 Hour.... Roman Numerals . Roman Numerals.. Marginal Figures , English — Marginal Figures. Marginal Figures English " Marginal Figures- Marginal Figures, No. 1. " 2. Marginal Figures, No. i.. 24 Hour Roman Numerals . Hard Soft *Open Face, Hard !'. ^°J^ " " Hard " Arabic 'I Soft *Skylight, Hard Enamel, Roman Numerals Soft Hard " Arabic Soft " " " " " Marginal Figures. Sweep Second, Hard Enamel. Roman Numerals.. " " " " Arabic " Fancy, Soft Enamel, Roman Numerals " " " iVrabic " _ _ Marginal Figures., Marginal Figures.. Marginal" Figures- Marginal Figures. Marginal Figures Marginal Figures Marginal Figures * Observe that these Dials have no Second Bits, and are used on 6 and 8, and Size Movements after cutting off the Fourth, or Second Hand Pivot, thus making them Open Face Movements. Special Lettered Dials made to order at an Extra Charge, and within a reasonable time. No. 366, 1,604. No. 367, 1,608. No. 368, 1,505. No. 369. 1,510. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 36S No. 370, 1,516. No. 380, 1,527. No. 1,506, 1,609. No. 1,515, 1,519. No. 1,533, 1,535. Elgin National Watch Co. No. 371, 1,521. No. 381 1,529. No. 1,507, 1,511. No. 1,520, 1,522. No. 372, 1,517. No. 378, 1,526. No. 382, 1,531. No. 1,512, 1,513. No. 1,524, 1,525. No. 373, 1,523. No. 379, 1,528. No. 383, 1,534. No. 1,514, 1,518. No. 1,530, 1,532. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. DIALS— SOCIETY, SF-ORTINQ AND FANCY. No of lllustra- 1.103 1,104 1,105 1,106 1,107 1,108 1,109 1,110 1,111 1,113 1,113 1,114 1,115 1,116 1,117 1.118 1,119 1,120 1,131 1,133 1,123 1,124 1,135 1,126 1,127 1,138 1,129 1,130 1,131 1,132 1,133 1,134 1,135 1,136 1,137 1,138 1,139 1,140 1,141 1,143 1,143 1,144 1,145 1,146 1,147 1,148 1,149 1,150 1,151 1,153 1,153 1,155 1,156 1,157 1,158 1,159 1,160 1,161 1,163 1,163 1,164 1,105 1,166 1,167 1,168 1,169 1,170 1,171 1,172 1,173 1,174 1,175 1,176 1,177 1,178 1,179 1,180 DESCRIPTION. Masonic, Blue Lodge- to Consistory A Shrine Knights Templar . Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Odd Fellows, Init. Deg. to Pat. Mil. Knights of Pythias, Lodge, Uniform Rank. A. O. 11. W., Lodge . Improved Order of Red Men . Order of Elks. Order of Foresters. Grand .\rmy of the Eepubiic. HARD ENAMEL. D. S. Plain. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1:25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.35 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.35 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.50 2.25 2.25 3.25 3.25 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1..50 2.25 2.35 2.25 GLASS ENAMEL. 2.25 2.25 2.25 1.50 1.50 1..50 1.50 1.50 2.25 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 1..50 1.50 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.35 2.25 2.25 3.00 3.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 D. S. Colors 4.00 3..50 3.25 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.25 3.35 3.35 3.25 2.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.75 3.35 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. DIALS— SOCIETY, SPORTINQ & FANCY— CONTINUED. No. of lllustra- 1,181 1,182 1,183 1,184 1,185 1.186 1,187 1,188 1,189 1,190 1,191 1,192 1,193 1,194 1,195 1,196 1,197 1.198 1,199 1,200 1,201 1,202 1,207 1,208 1,209 1.210 1,211 1,212 1,213 1,214 1,215 1,216 1,217 1,218 1,219 1,220 1,221 1,222 1,223 1,224 1,225 1,226 1,227 1,228 1,229 1,230 1,231 1,233 1,233 1,234 1,235 1,230 1.237 1,238 1,239 1,240 1,241 1.242 1.243 1,241 1,245 1,240 1,247 1,248 1.249 1,250 1,251 1,622 1,623 1,624 1.625 1.62G 1,627 1,628 1,629 1.630 1,631 1,632 DESCRIPTION. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers- Modern Woodmen- Order of Railway Conductors. Sporting, Quail Shooting Amateur Photographer. Horse Trotting - Running Race- Royal Arcanu Order of Railway Conductors - Ancient Order of Foresters of America- HARD ENAMEL. D. S. Plain. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.23 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.23 1.35 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 D. S. Colors 2.25 2.33 2.23 2.25 225 3.23 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.30 1.30 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.50 l.oO 1.50 1.30 2.35 2.23 2.25 2.25 2.2.5 2.26 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 3.23 2.23 2.25 2 25 2.25 2.35 3.35 2!23 2.25 2.23 2.25 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.73 1.30 1.30 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.30 1.30 1.75 1.50 1.50 1..50 1.50 1.50 GLASS ENAMEL. 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 1.75 1.73 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.30 3.23 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.23 3.50 3.50 3.35 3.23 3.25 3.25 3.35 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.23 3.25 3.25 3.25 4.00 4.00 4.0O 4.00 4.00 4.00 4,00 4.00 4.00 400 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.25 3 25 3.25 3.50 3.35 3.25 3.35 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.35 3.60 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 2.50 2.25 2.25 2.33 2.35 2.23 2.25 2.25 3.50 3.60 2.25 2.25 2.23 2.23 2.25 3.00 3.0O 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 300 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.23 2.50 2.25 2.35 2.33 3.25 2.25 2.50 2.30 2.23 2.23 2.25 2.25 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. DIALS— SOCIETY, SPORTINQ AND KANCY. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 367 Elgin National Watch Co. 368 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 369 Elgin National Watch Co. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. No. 1,221. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 373 Elgin National Watch Co. KORKS. No. of Price. Description of Movement. Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. I I to 2 .25 2.50 fs ..F. PI... ... Htg ..K.&S... .-K.'&L... 2d to 4th .... S. L 1 3 .20 2.00 " 1 4 .15 1.60 " " " 1 5 .10 1.00 " " 3 3 to 5 .10 1.00 " " ♦' ....E. A 3 6. .10 75 " " 384 7 .25 2.50 ...0. p.... .-- Stem... .. Pend. -. .... 6th.... .... S. L 384 384 8 .20 .15 2.00 1.50 u ... __ --. ■■ .... ^^ .... 9 384 10 to 11 .10 1.00 " 385 12 .20 2.00 " -.^ PI. -. Intch. .. .... 6th... 386 16 .60 6.00 1fi .. Lever .. .... 1st.... " 386 17 to 18 .26 2.50 " " " 386 19 _ .20 2.00 " " " i< 387 21 .60 6.00 Intch. Br. ....2d .... 38" 23 .25 2.60 387 23 .20 2.00 " " " 388 24 .20 2.00 ...Htg. ... " ....3d .... 388 390 25 .15 .20 1.50 2.00 » - „ !1 S. Sec.".' -- .. --- - „ •- '.'.'.'. 4th"" .... i; .... 27 390 28 .16 1.50 " " " 389 29 .20 2.00 " " ...0. F.... .- Pend. .. ....6th.... 389 30 .15 .25 1.50 2.50 ;: " -"I Htg. '.'.'. ... ^^ ... ■■ 6th & 10th 32 33 .20 .15 .60 2.00 1.50 6.00 'Htg. Br."" P ::; ;; ;:; 7't'h & li'th 34 36 38 .20 2.00 39 .IS 1.50 " " " " " ' 41 ,50 6.00 0. P, Br. 9th & 13th No. 1. No. 3. ' To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 1 Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 7 Raymond (0. F.), 77, 19 No. 47. .33 No. 164. 48 Gail Borden, Dexter 149, 164. 116, 160, 166. m No. 93. ■M No. 153. St., 21, 22, 28, 53, 54. '}, Culver, 61, 62. K Taylor (0. F.), 76, 165. 21 No. 91. 35 No. 151, 162. 49 No. 71. a Taylor. 20, 33, 38, 68, 79, 9 ;V^lieeler(O.F.),44, 75, 22 No. 85, 86. 36 No. 166. .Ml No. 66, 67. 123, 124, 147, 148. 23 No. 90. 37 No. 161. No. 45, 64, 65. Wheeler,Laflin,Ryer- 10 ^ (^ O— ^- © ^ ©- Q- ©- No. 395, 400. © o- No.401. © ^- © ^ @ O- No. 405. No. 1,320. o ^ No. 1,321. O-o- No. 1,322. O-o- No. 1,323. No. 1,324. o-f- — o.§— No. 1,327. OS- O^" — No. 1,329. OS- To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Kumber ot Illu.stration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. HANDS, SKCOND. No. of Illustra- Old No. Class, Price. Description of Movement. tion. Piece. Per Doi. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 408 408 408 408 .10 .10 20 15 18 ...F. PI. — .... Htg. ... --.K. & S.--- ..-K.&L.... 2d --2d to 4th-- 6 408 408 .10 .10 20 15 — -O.F. — ..-- Stem---- 408 12 " 13 .10 20 " — 3i PI. --. Intch. .. 408 14 .10 15 403 412 411 412 .10 .20 15 2.00 17 16 -.F. PI. ...% PL -.. Htg. — ... Intch. .. .... Stem.--- ... Lever .-. 16.... 413 413 ir to 19 .10 20 " " 413 413 20 .10 15 412 415 21 .20 2.00 " .--Int. Br.-- 413 416 22 to 23 .10 20 " " 413 413 423 413 413 413 417 4!" 423 420 420 24 " 25 26 - 27 to 28 29 " 30 31 32 to 34 .10 .10 .40 .10 .10 .10 20 15 4.00 20 15 20 ,( ,t 4th „ .--0. F. ... 5th " .-..Htg. — .... " .... 6th & 10th 413 412 .10 .20 15 2.00 --- „ il'Htg. Br.". .— ^ 36 7th & 11th 413 37 to 39 .10 20 " -— 0. F. .- " " 413 412 40 - 41 .10 .20 2.00 « .- 0. F. Br. - " " 9th & 13th 413 413 424 424 .... Key --.. 10 10 i< 413 413 426 .10 15 « " •> a u 438 429 428 429 49 50 to 51 i< 1st .10 20 -- 1st &2d .. 429 1,255 428 53 .20 2.00 --. Pend. -. .. 3d &4th -- 429 1,256 1,256 t. i< . 1st..- 431 431 431 60 " " No. 408. ■— O No. 412. — O No. 413. No. 428. — O- .-rO No. 423. O o N 3. 429. No. 430. ! No. 431. To ascertain Grade ot Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for loss than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Kayiuond, 27, 69, 70, 7 Kavmond (O. F.), 77, 1 No. 47. 33 I lo. 154. 48 Gail Borden, Dexter 119, 161. 116, 150. 166. 34 'o. 153. St., 21, 22, 28. 63, 64. Culver, 61, 62. X Taylor (0. F.l, 76, 165. No. 91. 35 ■ 'o. 161, 162. 49 No. 71. 3 Taylor, 20, 33, 38, 58, 79. 9 Wheeler (O.F.), 44, 75, 2 No. 85, 86. 36 : o. 156, .'111 No. 66, 67. SO, 163. 123, 124, 147, 148. No, 43, 74, US, 146, 170. 2. No. 90. 37 o. 161. hi No. 45, 64, 65. Wheeler.Laflin.Ryer- 10 » No. 3, 4. ,38 ■ o. 160. h« No. 94, 96, 101. son, Kerry. 16. 17, 66, II No. 73. 172. 2 No. 1, 2, 137. 39 : 0. 159. .53 No. 12&, I»6. 57. 63, 81, 82, 103, ISo, No. 100. 2 No. 92, 114, 127, 135, 136. 4(1 '0. 157, 158. M No. 121, 134, 168. 126, 1«, 1«. Ogden, Farwell, Far- go, Advance, Chief. 13 No. 99. No. 83, 84. 41 o. 162. Ub No. 120. 5 14 No. 98. 2 No. 89. 42 : 0. 37, 41, 42, 46. .56 No. 117, U8, 119, 132, Avery, Leader, U, 14. No. 107, 108. 43 ; 0. 34, 35, 36, 39, 40. 133, ihb. Age. 5,, 8, ,9, 10, 12. 13, 15, 51, 52, 69. 3 No. 106, 140. 41 ; '0. 26, 32. 57 No. 112, 174. 18, 19. 65, 60. 68, 78, 87, 16 No. 72. 3 No. 104, 1.05, 128, 13S, 45 'o. 84, 25. 30, 31. 58 No. Ill, 131, 167. 88, 102, HI, 112. 169. 17 No. 49, 50. 139. 46 >ances Ruble. 59 No. 115. 6 1 No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. 18 No. 48. No. 165. 47 I ^ady ElRin, 23, 29. 60 No. 109, 110, 113, 129, 130, 173. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. INDEXES. No. of Price. Desciiption of Movement. Finish. tion. Piece. Pec Doz. Size. Style. Winding Setting. , 432 432 1 .35 3 50 18 432 433 432 433 3 .25 .15 2.50 1.60 '.'.'.'. 3d ;;;; ...Pat. Gilded... 4 to 5 1,544 4 " 5 .15 1.50 -Stem . . Lever . ..Pat. Niclceled.- 434 434 1 to 5 .15 1.50 K. & S. .K. & L.. ..2d&3d.. ...O. S. Silver... 435 435 ' 5. .10 1.00 ... 3d ... 0. S. Gilded. 1,663 6 .10 1.00 -Stem . . Lever . ....4th.... . O. S. Nickeled . 432 436 7 .35 3.50 " ..0. F. .. 5th ....Pat. Steel.... 433 436 8 .25 2.60 433 437 9 to 10 .1.5 1.50 " .--Pat. Gilded. .. 1,544 9 " 10 .15 1.50 ..Pat. Nickeled.. 435 438 10 .10 1.00 " " " ...O. S. Gilded... 1,663 11 .10 1.00 " ..O.S. Nickeled.. ,- 441 439 12 .15 1.50 " .-a PI... . Intch. _ " ....6th .... ..Pat. Gilded... 440 440 16 .50 5.00 16 . Lever . .... 1st.... Pat. Steel 440 440 17 .30 3.00 " " 441 441 18 .15 1.60 " " " '< ...Pat. Gilded... 442 442 21 .60 6.00 " -Int. Br.. .... 2d.... ....Pat. Steel.... 442 442 22 .40 4.00 " " " " 1,331 32 to 35 .30 3.00 " " --Htg. .. Pendant 6th * 10th 1,331 36 .40 4.00 " Htg. Br. " 7th & 11th " " 1,331 37 to 40 .30 3.00 --0. F. .. 8th & 12th 1,331 41 .40 4.00 0. F. Br. " 9th & 13th 1,546 53 .50 6.00 6 -- Htg. .. . 3d & 4th . Pat. Gold 1,646 54 .50 6.00 " 1,547 57 .50 6.00 " ...-1st--- 1,547 58 .50 6.00 .. -- " -- - " -- No. 432, 433, 1,544. No. 434, 435, 1,563. No. 440, 441. N 0.442. ^^ <^a3iHi^ ^ ^ Nc .1,331. No. 1,546. No. 1.547. ^ tmnsi^ ^^ 1 ^ Orders for less than one-Iourtb dozen will be charged at single piece price. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Numbe'- of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 1 Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 7 Raymond (0. F.), 77, 19 No. 47. .33 No. 154. 48 Gail Borden, Dexter 149, 164. 116, 150, 166. «ll No. 93. 34 No. 153. St., 21, 22, 28, 63, 64. 2 Culver, 61, 62. 8 Taylor (0. F.), 76, 165. «l No. 91. 35 No. 1.51, 162. 49 X Taylor, 20, 33, 3S, 68, 79, 9 Wheeler (O.F.), 44, 75, a« No. 85, 86. 36 No. 156. .Ml No. 66, 67. 80, 163. 123, 124, 147, 148. No. 43, 74, 115, 146, 170. •a No. 90. 37 No. 161. hi No. 45, 64, 65. i WheeIer,Laain,Ryer- III 24 No. 3, 4. 38 No. 160. 52 No. 94. 95. 101. son. Ferry, 16, 17, 56, 11 No. 73, 172. 25 No. 1, S, 137. 39 No. 159. 53 No. 123, I7C. 67, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, 126, 143. 144. 111 No. 100. 26 No. 92, 114, 127, 135, 136 4(1 No. 157, 158. 54 No. 131, 134, MS 13 No. 99. 27 No. 83, 84. 41 No. 162. 55 No. 120. i> Ogden, Fam-ell, Far- 14 No. 98. 28 No. 89. 42 No. 37, 41, 42, 16. 66 No. 117, 118, U9, 132, go, Advance. Chief, 15 Avery, Leader, 11, 14, 29 No. 107, 108. 43 No. 34, 35, 36, 39, 40. 133, 175. Age, 6, i8,, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 51, 62, 69. 30 No. 106, 140. 44 No. 26, 32. .V/ No. 112, 174. 18, 19, 65. 60. 68. 78, 87. 16 31 No. 104, 105, 128, 13S In No. 24, 25, 30, 31. .58 No. Ill, 131, 167. 6 88, 102, 141, 142, 169. 86. 97, 171. 17 IS No. 49, 60. No. 48. 32 139. No. 155. 46 47 Frances Rubie. Lady Elgin, 23, 29. 59 60 No. 115. No. 109. 110, 113, 129, No. 6, 7, ' " J 30, 173. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. JEWELS, BALANCE— LOV/ER AND UPPER. No. of lllustca- d No. tion. 443 443 443 443 44.'! 443 443 444 443 444 443 444 447 445 447 445 443 446 1,332 447 447 447 447 447 447 1,332 447 44K 447 448 447 449 447, 449 447 449 447 45T 447 451 447 450 447 4.50 447 450 447 447 447 447 447 447 447 447 447 452 453 453 4.53 453 4.53 453 453 453 454 453 4.54 453 454 453 1 259 453 1 ■■m 453 1 259 455 4n5 455 4.55 455 455 10 to u 12 13 to 14 2.75 2.75 2 75 2.75 -M PI.- >. PI.! S. Sec \o. P. Winding. Setting. K. & S, .stem K. A L, Pendan Lever Pendant .2d to 4th. 5th 6th 1st 2d 3d '.".'. 4th";; 5th ;;" 6th & lOth' 1st & 2d. 3d A 4th To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 149, 164. Culver, 61, 62. Tavlor, 20, 33, 38, 58, 79, 80, 163. Wheeler.Laflin.Ryer- son. Ferry, 16, 17, 56. 67, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, go, Advance, Chief, Age. 5..8,,9, 10, 12,13, 18, 19, 65, 60, 68, 78, 87, 88, 102, 141. 142. 169. No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. Raymond (O. F.), Wheeler (O. F.), 44, 75, Avery, Leader, 11, 14, 15, 51, 52, 59. No. 72. No. 49, 60. No. 48. No. 93. No. 91. No. 85, 86. No. 90. No. 3, 4. No. 1, 2, 137. No. 92, 114, 127, 135, 136. No. 83, 84. No. 89. No. 107, 108. No. 106, 140. No. 104, 105, 128, 138, No. 154. No. 153. No. 151, 152. No. 156. No. 161. No. 160. No. 159. No. 157, 158. No. 162. No. 37, 41, 42, 46. No. 34, 35, 36, 39, . No. 26, 32. No. 24, 25, 30, 31. No. 121, 134, 168. IN. O. F.. Intcti. Htg. . Intch. 3d . 4th 5th .6th & 1 0th . - 7th & nth. . 8th & I3th. . 9th & ]3th. JEWELS, SWEER SECOND BRIDOE. No. of lllustra. tion. Old No. Class. Price. Descnptio n of Moven nent. Settings. Piece. Per Doz. Sue. Style. Winding. Setting, Series. 545 545 27 to 28 .20 2.00 16j \..% Pl... .S. Sec. ..Stem .. . Lever . ....4th .... .. Garnet.. ..Brass.. JEWELS, THIRD— LOWER. No. of lllustra. 4.00 S.OO 4.00 2.00 2.00 9.00 4.00 2.00 9 00 4.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4,00 2.00 4,00 4.00 4 00 4.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 4 00 2.00 O. P.. Intch. Winding Setting, ..Stem .K. & S, .Stem .K. & L.. Pendant ..2d & 3d.. ....5th .... . Lever , .... 1st--- '.'.'.' 2d '.'.'.'. Pendant '..'.'. 3d ;'_;". ....4th .... ....5th .... 6th & 10th 7th & lith 8th & I3th .. Key .. 9th & 13tb . Lever . ;;ist&2d- Pendant ;3ci&4th" Pale Ruby Garnet Pale Ruby Garnet Eo.sy Ruby Pale Ruby Garnet Ro.sy Ruby Pale Ru by Garnet Pale Ruby Garnet Pale Ruby Garnet Pale Ruby Garnet Pale Ruby Garnet Pale Ruby Garnet The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. JliWEIvS, THIRD— UPPER. No. of lllustra. tion. 1,422 1,423 1,420 1,421 521 1,422 1,423 1,425 1,426 1,425 1,426 1,427 1,429 1,430 1,431 532 1 ,432 1,433 1,434 37 38 to 40 41 42 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 1.75 10.00 5.00 200 2.00 1.75 2.00 1.75 12.00 500 2.00 1.75 12.00 6.00 1 75 2.00 2.00 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.75 9.00 2.00 12.00 9.00 2.00 12.00 5.00 7.00 4.00 2.00 1.75 -M PI.- Int. Br. - ^}^- - .S. Sec. !;o. F." .Stem - k. &s' Setting. . Lever . ... 2d ... ; ¥d & 3d" ..4th -. :;5tb '.'. Rosj-Ruby Garnet Rosy Ruby Garnet Red Ruby Rosy Ruby Garnet Red Ruby Rosy Ruby Garnet Rosy Ruby Garnet Red Ruby Rosy Ruby Garnet Red Ruby Rosy Ruby Garnet Rosy Ruby Garnet Rosy Ruby Garnet Rosy Ruby Garnet Krass Unset Gold Oreide Brass Unset Brass Unset Gold Oreide Brass Unset Gold Oreide Unset Oreide Brass Unset Oreide Brass Oreide Brass Unset Gold Oreide Gold Oreide Gold Oreide Unset Gold Oreide Brass Unset Gold Oreide Brass Unset Gold Oreide Brass Unset Orders for less than one-Iourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. To ascertain Grade ot Movement, consult Index. In ordering Class, or Number oC Movement for which same is required. Material, give Number of Illustration and EXPIvA-NATORY. Htg. Br.— Hunting Bridge. % PI.— Three.Qiiarter Plate. O. F.— Open F'ace. O. F. Br.— Open Face Bridge. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. No, of lllustra- 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,441 1,441 1,441 1,441 1,441 1,441 Elgin National Watch Co. LEVERS, cam:. ^ LEVERS, CLUTCH. 33 to 34 35 36 37 to 39 32 to 34 35 36 37 to 39 Description of Mo To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Raymond, 27, 119, 161. Culver, 61, 62. Taylor, 20, 33, 38, 68, 79, 80, 163. Wheeler,Laflin,Rye] son, Ferry, 16, 17, 66, 57, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, -"",113 IM. Ogdei t,.-...., ij'arwell, Far- go, Advance, Chief, Age, 5,i8,i9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 55, 60, 68, 78, 87, 88, 102, 111, 112, 1" No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. Raymond (O. F.), 77, 116, 150, 166. Taylor (O. F.), 76, 165. Wheeler (O.F.), 11,75, 123, 124, 147, 148. No. 43, 74, 115, 116, 170. Avery, Leader, 11, 11, 16, 51, 62, 69. No. 72. No. 19, 60, No. 18. No. 17. No. 93. No. 91. No. 85, 86. No. 90. No. 3, 4. No. 1, 2, 137. No. 92, No. 83, No. 89. No. 107, 108. No. 106, 110. No. 101, 106, 128, 138, No. 161. No. 163. No. 151, 162. No. 156. No. 161. No. 160. No. 31, 35, 36, 39, i No. 26, 32. No. 21, 26. 30, 31. No. 15, 64, 66. No. 94, 95, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 131, 168. No. 120. No. 117. 118, 119, 132, 133, 176. No. 112, 171. No. Ill, 131, 167. No. 115. No. 109, no, 113, 129, 130, 173. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. LEVERS, SETTING. No. of Illustra- tion. 673 573 1,443 1,443 1,442 1,442 1,442 1,442 1,443 1,443 1,443 1,443 1,443 1,443 •t99 t!44 1,444 1,444 1,445 1,445 575 575 ription of Mo 4.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 160 1.50 1.25 1.00 .75 .60 1.25 I.OO 1.25 2.50 1.75 1.00 2.50 1.76 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.00 .Int. Br.. V. Htg. V. O. F. Br.. ... Htg ..6th.. lllst^I ....I Sd! .. Lever .. . Pendant . ..3d . "."4th! *The arst 18 Size Stem- Wind Movements used Setting Lever No. 26. give Number of Movement. Ho. of IHu9tra- «on. Old No. Class. Price Descrip ion of Moveme nt. Piece. Per l3oz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. =e„es. 8 576 8 576 577 "578 1 to 5 17 " 19 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 " 48 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 I.OO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 18 16 14 12 10 ....F. PI — .?ii PI .... Htg ... Intch. ... ...K. & S.-.. ....Stem .... .. Key ...K. *L.... ... Lever ... . . Key .... -..2d&3a... 1st 578 » " NUTS, PATENT REGULATOR. No. of Old No. Class. Price. Description of IVIovement. tion. Piece. Per Doi. Size. style. Winding. Setting. Series. 579 579 579 579 580 581 582 583 1 to 5 7 " 10 12 16 to 18 21 to 22 33 to 35 36 37 to 40 41 53 to 54 57 " 58 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .16 .15 .15 .15 .15 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 18 16 6 .F. PI '.upi.'.'.:: --- Htg . — 0. P..— ... Intch. ... !'!int. btV.V. .... Htg -.Htg. Br.... ....O. P ..O. F. Br... ....Htg ...K. & S.... Stem ...K. &L.... .. Pendant .. .. 2d & 3d .. 5th 6th 579 1st 579 2d 1,446 1,446 1,446 1,446 1,548 1,549 .. Pendant.. . 6th & lOth . . 7th & 11th . . 8th <& 12th . . 9th & 13th . ..3d A 4th .. No. 1,446. ® No. 1,548. ® No. 1,549. NUTS AND SCREWS, PATENT REGULATOR. No. 584. No. 687. No. 1,551. RALvLvETS, WITH STONES KITTED. No. of Price. Description of Movement. tion. Piece. Per Doz. Size. style. Winding. Setting. Series. *2 2 I to 2 .70 8.00 18 ..F. PI.. .. Htg. .. .k. &S.- .K. 50 30.00 " .Int. Br.. .... 2d .... *596 604 ■I.? 9(1 10.50 " " — — *596 604 23 75, 9.00 *d96 605 24 76 9.00 .. Htg. .. " .... 3d .... — — *596 605 25 76 8.50 " " " — *603 606 26 55 6.60 " " " — 596 609 9.00 " . S. Sec. . ....4th .... " " 596 609 28 76 8.50 " " " " — »696 607 29 9.00 " ..0. F. .. . Pend. . ....-5th.... " " *696 607 30 76 8.50 " " " " ' — *603 608 31 .56 6.50 " " " " " " " 696 32 90 10.60 " .. Htg. .. " 6th & 10th 596 33 76 9.00 " " " " 596 34 75 8.50 " " " 603 35 ,65 6.60 " " " " ' — 596 36 1 50 18.00 " Htg. Br. " " 7th t^' nth " " 696 37 90 10.50 " ..0. F. .. " 3th A 12th " " 596 38 76 9.00 " " " " " " 596 39 75 8.50 *' " *' . , " " 603 40 .55 6.50 " " -- • " " " 596 41 I 611 18.00 0. F. Br. " 9th & 13th " " - ; 611 14 - K.f y - Key 611 610 43 75 9.00 .< « 611 44 86 10.00 12 " (1 « 611 611 'eii 45 46 85 9,00 10.00 10 - „ - • „ - K it (1 611 611 47 to 48 76 9.00 " « H *61I 612 49 " 50 86 10.00 6 <• ..Htg. .. .Stem . - Lever . -.-- 1st .... « U *611 612 51 75 9.00 " *613 613 70 8.00 " .... 2d .... " " 1,448 49 to 50 85 10.00 " " " " ..ist.t2d.. r,448 51 75 9.00 1,448 62 70 8.00 " 1,448 53 to 54 H5 10.00 " . Pend. . . 3d A 4th . " " 1,448 65 75 9.00 1,448 .56 70 8.00 " " " 614 614 67 to 58 95 11.00 ..._lst .... " " 614 614 69 S5 10.00 " H it 614 614 60 9.00 .. •• ..| Wben a Pallet and Fork is wanted for a particular Jlovement, in order to eet it well matched, send the Escape Wheel. *Two different forms of Pallets hare been used in these Classes, the difference being the thickness of Jewel or Stone required; those taking thin ones being known as New Style. Infilling orders, unless Old Style is men- tioned, the New Style will be sent. No. 596. No. 597 No. 601. No. 603. 1- L^^_ s No. 611. No 613. No. 614. No. 1,448. 4=^ c|=^ h h I'or Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. PALLKTS, KORKS AND ARBORS. No. of Price, Description of Movement. tion. Piece. Per Doz. Size. style. Winding. . Setting. Series. 1,449 1 - 1.35 16.00 18 F. PL. .. Htg. .. .Stem . . Lever . ..-.2d .... . S. L. . Cone Pivot *615 615 1 to 2 1.10 12.75 K. .t S. -K. ct L.. ..2d .t 3d.. St. Pivot *615 615 3 .95 11.25 " " " " *615 615 4 .90 10.25 " " *' ti .( *615 615 5 .75 8.60 " " " *616 616 3 to 5 .80 9.26 . 2d to 4th. 1 .R. A.- i( » *618 616 6 .65 7.25 " 1,449 7 1.35 16.00 " ..0. F. .. -Stem . Pendant 5th.... . S. L. . Cone Pivot *615 617 7 1.10 12.75 " " St. Pivot *615 617 8 .95 11.25 " " " " " *615 617 9 .90 10.25 " " « u *616 617 10 to 11 .75 8.50 " u " H U 621 618 12 .95 11.00 .5£ Pl.- . Intch. . " " 6th .-.. «( l( 622 619 13 to 14 .70 8.00 (1 (( 620 620 15 .65 7.60 17 -F. PI.. ..Htg. .. K. & S. .K. & L.. 1st.... H (. *1,450 621 16 3.10 37.00 16 .% PI.. . Intch. . -Stem . - Lever . Cone Pivot *621 621 17 to 18 1.10 13.75 " " " St. Pivot *621 621 19 .95 11.00 " 622 622 30 .70 8.00 " " .( i< *1,450 623 31 3.10 37.00 .Int. Br.. 2d .... Cone Pivot *621 623 33 l.IO 12.75 " " St. Pivot *621 623 33 .95 11.00 " " *621 624 34 .95 11.25 ..Htg. .. 3d .... .1 u *621 624 35 .90 10.50 u u *622 625 26 .70 8.00 " " 631 628 37 .95 11.25 " . S. Sec. - 4th .... « u 631 638 38 .90 10.60 " " " *621 636 39 .96 11.35 " ..0. F. ,. " Pendant 5th ..._ u u *621 626 30 .90 10.60 " " " " *622 627 31 .70 8.00 " " " (t It 631 32 1.10 12.75 -,Htg. .- " " 6th & 10th <■ u 621 33 .95 11.35 " " 621 34 .90 10.60 " " " 622 35 .70 8.00 " " " 1,4S0 36 2.10 35.00 Htg. Br. 7th & 11th Cone Pivot 621 37 1.10 12.75 ..O.F. .. " " 8th & 12th St. Pivot 621 38 .95 11.35 " " 621 39 .90 10.50 " " " l< u 622 40 .70 8.00 " " " " 39 37 to 28 .25 2.25 ..S. Sec. .. " " .... 4th.... ...16... 638 638 39 to 30 .25 2.26 " ...O.F. ... . Pendant . .... 6th.... ...16... 638 688 31 .20 2.00 " " " ...16... 1,455 33 to 34 .30 3.00 " ... Htg. ... 6th & 10th ...13... 1,455 35 .25 2.60 " - " ... " " " . ...13.._ 1,455 36 .30 3.00 " " . Htg. Br. . " " 7th & 11th ..-13... 1 455 3" to 39 .30 3.00 " ...OTF. ... 8th &. 12th ...13... 1,455 40 .25 2.50 " " " ...13... 1,455 41 .30 3.00 " " . 0. F. Br.. " " 9th & 13th ...13... *100 100 49 to 51 .25 2.25 6 ... Htg. ... .. Lever .. --lst&2d.. ...13... *100 100 53 .20 2.00 " ...13... *1,456 49 to 51 .25 2.25 " " ...13... *I,456 62 - .20 3.00 " " ...13... 1,353 53 to 55 .25 2.25 " . Pendant . .3d & 4th. ...13... 1,363 66 .20 2.00 " ...13 .. 641 641 67 to 59 .25 3.35 " .... 1st.... ...14... 641 641 60 .20 2.00 ---14... *T wo different forms Df Bevel Pinions have been used in these Classes, and pains should be taken to compa re part wanted with Illustrations before ordering. An long the Movement Classed as 16 Size, First Series, several have been made 14 Size; and of the 6 Size, First and Second Series, several have been made 8 Size; therefore in ordering Bevel Pinions for same, be par^ ticula to state Size in iddition to Number of Illustration and Class, No. 27. No. 49. No. 70. No. 84. t] P ^0^^ 4^=j No. 100. 1 • No. 126. No. 167. No. 178. . PI.;; " Kev I '.'. Key '.'. 16 71 613 71 13 15. .15 .25 1.25 2.50 tern . . Lever . .l."!"i"s"t"" '.'.'kV'.'. " .. Htg. .. ..S 649 649 649 649 649 127 644 644 644 645 645 127 16 17 to 19 20 21 22 to 23 24 " 25 .20 .15 .10 .20 .15 .30 2.00 1.23 1.00 2.00 1.25 2.75 16 .^ PI... . Intch. . ; int. Br" "Htg. :: '."'. 3d .. 16 .. 127 127 26 .25 2.25 " " .. 16 .. 647 647 27 to 28 .30 2.73 " . S. Sec. . " ....4tll.... .. 16 .. 646 646 1,457 1,457 646 646 29 " 30 31 32 to 34 35 .20 .15 .20 .15 1.73 1.50 1.75 1.50 ;; ..0._F. .. ." Htg. W Penr\ th 650 650 57 to 59 .20 1.75 " " .... 1st .... 650 6.1(1 60 .15 1 .=iO No. 16. No. 28. No. 50. No. 71. No. 101. tB N [Efll N H No. 127. No. 166. No. 180. No. 642. No. 646. |a D^ ^ P Qa, No. 647. No. 649. NO. 650. No. 1,457. No. 1,458. i^ B=> QhJ lf» N CLASS OF MATEF lAL AND IVIOVEMENTS USED IN 1 Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 7 Raymond (0. F.), 77 19 No. 47. ai No. 154. 48 Hail Borden, Dexter 1 1 2 149, 164. Culver, 61, 62. 8 116, 150, 166. Taylor (0. F.), 76, 166 Wieeler(O.F.),44, 76 20 21 No. 93. No. 91. 34 36 No. 153. No. 161, 162. 49 St., 21, 22, 28 63, 64. 1 .H Taylor, 20, 33, 38, 68, 79, 9 22 1o. 85, 86. 36 No. 156. m No. 66, 97. 80, 103. 123, 124, 147, 148. 23 So. 90. 37 No. 161. 61 No. 46, 64, 66. 4 Wheeler,Laflin,Ryer- 1(1 Ho. 4.1, 74, 116, 146, 170. 24 to. 3, 4. 38 No. 160. .v.! No. 94, 96, 101. son. Ferry, 16, 17, 56, II ■io. 73, 172. 25 *0. 1, 2, 137. 39 No. 159. 63 No. 122, ik 57, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, IK So. 100. 26 lo. 92, 114, 127, 136, 136. -Ml No. 167, 168. 54 No. 121, 134, 168. 12^, 1«,1«. 13 S'o. 99. 27 1o. 83, 84. 41 No. 162. 65 No. 120. h Ogden, Fanvell, Far- 14 No. 98. 28 to. 106, 140. 44 No. 26, 32. 67 No. 112, 174. 18, 19, 65, 60, 68, 78, 87, 16 No. 72. 31 10. 104, 106, 128, 138, 45 No. 24, 26, 30, 31. 68 No. Ill, 131, 167. 88, 102, 141, 112, 169. 17 (Jo. 49, 60. 139. "• ' ' ' 46 Frances Ruble. 69 No. 116. 6 No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. 18 Ho. 48. 32 ■lo. 165. 47 Lady Elgin, 23, 29. 60 No. 109, 110, U3, 129, 1— J -U L L- 130, 173. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. PINIONS, CENTRE. No. of Price, Description of Movement. Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Piece. Pel Doz, Size: Style. Winding. Setting. Series. T'ain. *651 651 1 to 2 .15 1.50 18 ,F. Pl.- .. Htg. .. . K. A S. -K. &L. . .... 2d.... Quick Old Style ..11.. 652 652 1 " 4 .15 1.50 " .2d to 4th. New Style ..12.. 652 652 5 " 6 .15 1.25 " " " *15 15 3 " 4 .15 1.50 " " ..2d& 3d.. Slow Old Style *15 15 5 .15 1.25 " " " " ..10.. 9 654 9 654 5. 5 to 6 .25 .25 3.50 2.60 :; Key Solid ..10.. .-10.. ..Htg. .. ..Stem . _ Lever . . 3d & 4th . 652 655 7 " 9 .15 1.50 " " -.O.P. .. " Pendant ....5th .... Quick New Style ..13.. 652 655 10 " 11 .15 1.35 " " " " --18.. 660 656 12 .15 1.50 " .MPi.- . Intch. . << ....6th.... " " *' ..13.. 660 656 13 to 14 .15 1.25 " " " " " ■TO 658 73 72 658 73 15 15 15 .85 .85 .25 8.50 8.50 2.50 17 .F Pl.- -' ^.fy - HoUow Solid ..10.. ..10.. ..10.. -- .. Htg. .. ..Stem . . Lever . .... 1st.... 660 660 16 .20 2.00 1fi -MPl.- - Intch. . " " Quick New Style ..18.. 660 660 17 to 19 .15 1.50 " " 660 660 20 .15 1.86 " *' " " " -.12.. 661 661 20 .25 2.50 " " " Solid ..12- 660 663 21 .20 2.00 " " .... 2d .... " New Style -12.. 660 662 22 to 23 .15 1.60 ..12.. 660 663 24 to -25 .15 1.50 .. Htg. ._ « .... 3d .... ..12.. 660 663 36 .15 1.25 " u # 4> 03— # No. 652. No. 654. No. 658. No. 660, 666, 667. No. 661. ^ ^0*= ■o=^ # oO No. 664. No. 668, 669. No. 670. No. 671. ■o^- # # # For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades, Elgin National Watch Co. PINIOKS, ESCAPE. No. of Price. Description of Movement. tion. Piece. Pec Doz. Size. 1 Style. Winding. Setting. Series. Train. 1,459 1 .50 6.00 IS .F. PI. .. Hts. .. ..Stem .. . Lever . .... 2d .... Quick ..Cone .. .. 8 .. 672 672 1 to 2 .35 3.50 " .K. & S.. -K. A L.. .2d to 4th. Straight .. 8 .. 672 672 3 " 4 .25 3.25 " " .. 8 .. 672 672 5 " 6 .20 1.75 " .. S .. 673 673 3 " 4 .20 2.00 " " Slow " 7 673 673 5 .30 1.75 " " " " .. 7 .. 673 673 6 .15 1.50 " '< *' " 7 1,459 7 .50 6.00 " " . ..O. F. .. ..Stem .. Pendant ....oth .... Juick ..Cone .. .. 8 .. 672 674 7 .35 3.50 " " Straight .. 8 .. 672 674 8 to 9 .25 3.35 " " " *' .. 8 .. 672 674 10 " 11 .20 1.75 " " .. 8 .. 677 675 13 " 13 .25 3.25 " -M PI . . Inteh. . " " ....6th.... " .. 8 .. 677 675 14 .20 1.75 " " " .. 8 .. 676 676 15 .20 1.75 17 .F. PI . .. Htg. .. .K. & S.. K. * L.. ....1st.... Slow .. 7 .. 1,460 16 .50 6.00 16 -U PI . . Intcb. . ..Stem .. . Lever . ^uick ..Cone .. .. 8 .. 677 677 17 .35 3.50 " " " Straight .. 8 .. 677 677 18 to 19 .25 2.25 " " " " .. 8 .. 677 677 20 .20 1.75 " " " .. 8 -. 1,460 21 .50 6.00 " . .Int. Br.. " .... 2d .... ..Cone -. .. 8 .. 677 678 22 .35 3.50 *' Straight .. 8 .. 677 678 33 .35 3.25 " " *' .. 8 .. 677 679 34 to 25 .35 3.25 " . .. Htg. . .... 3d.... " 8 677 679 36. .20 1.75 " " " " " .. 8 .. 677 681 27 to 28 .25 2.35 " . . S. Sec. . ....4th.... " .. 8 .. 677 680 29 " 30 .35 2.35 . ..O.P. .. Pendant ....5th.... " .. 8 .. 677 680 31 .20 1.75 " " .. 8 .. 1,461 32 .35 3.50 " " . .. Htg. .. " " 6th & 10th " .. 8 .. 1,461 33 to 34 .25 2.35 " " " " .. B .. 1,461 35 .20 1.75 " " " .. 8-.. 1,462 36 .50 6.00 - Htg. Br. 7th & 11th " ..Cone .. .. 8 .. 1,461 37 .35 3.50 . ..O.F... 8th & 12th Straight -. 8 _. 1,461 38 to 39 .25 2.35 " " " .. 8 .. 1,461 40 .20 1.75 " " " " " .. 8 .. 1,462 41 .50 6.00 " . O.F.Br. " " 3th & 13th " ..Cone .. .. 8 .. 683 682 42 .25 Kev 8 683 683 683 683 . 682 'eis 43 44 45 46 to 47 .23 .25 .25 .25 3.35 2.50 2.35 2.50 12 10 i( " .. 8 .. .. 8 .. .. 8 .. .. 8 .. " " tt 683 684 683 684 48 49 to 50 .25 .35 2.25 3.50 6 ."l " .. 8 .. .. 8 .. . ..Htg. .. ..Stem .. ever . . 1st & 2d . 684 684 50 " 51 .25 2.23 " .. 8 .. 684 684 53. .20 1.75 " " " " .. 8 .. 684 53 to 54 .35 3.50 « •' " Pendant . 3d & 4th . " .. 8 .. 684 55 .25 2.25 " " " " .. 8 .. 684 56 .20 1.75 " " .. 8 .. 685 685 57 to 58 .35 3.50 .... 1st .... " .. 7 .. 685 685 59 .35 2.25 " " 7 _ 685 685 60 20 1.75 .. 7 .. No. 672, 673. No. 676. No. 677. No. 683. No. 684. -a=» <]= -^ «o» «=o=> ■ No. 685. No. 1,459. No. 1,460. No'. 1,461. No. 1,462. •o- -»a=> ■>=D= ^=o=- ■=0= ObserTe that IS Size Movements are made both Quick and Slow Train. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL .AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 1 7 Raymond (0. F.), 77, 1 9 No. 47. ,33 No. 154. 48 t lail Borden, Dexter U6, 150, 166. 2 1 No. 93. 2 8 Taylor (0. F.), 76, 165. 2 I No. 91. ;«) 9 Wlieeler(0. l''.),44, Vb, ;i 2 No. 85, 86. 36 No. 156. 8ll,16i ' ■ ■ ' ' 3 No. 90. 10 No. 43, 74, 145, 146, 170. 2 4 No. 3, 4. 38 No. 160. No. 73, 172. 2 5 No. l! 2, 137. i No. 92, 114, 127, 135, 136. 411 No. 167, 158. 126,143,144. 7 No. 83, 84. 41 No. 162. i No. 89. 42 No. 37, 41, 42, 46. 56 : go, Advance, Chief, 15 9 No. 107, 108. 43 Age, 5,i8,,9, 10, 13,13, 18, 19, 55, 60, 68, 78, 87, 16 l.'i , 51, 62, 6i 3 3 No. 106, 140. 1 No. 104, 105, 128, 138, 44 45 No. 24, 25, 30, 31. Frances Ruble. 58 1 - Mo. 703. No. 706. No. 707. No. 708. No. 1,463. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Kaymond, 27, 69, 70, 119, lU. Culver, 61, 62. Taylor, 20, 33, 38, B8, 79, 80, 163. Wheeler,Laflin,Ryer- son. Ferry, 16, 17, 56, S7, 63, 81, 82, 103, 126, 126, 1*3, 144. Ogrden, Farwell, Far- go, Advance, Chief, Age, 6.i8,.9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 65, 60, 68, 78. 87, 88, 102, 141, 142, lOe. No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. Raymond (0. F.), 77, No. 43, 74, 146, 146, 170. 15, bi, 52, 6 No. 72. No. 49, 60. No. 90. No. 3, 4. No. 1, 8, 137. No. 92, 114, 127, 136, 136. No. 107, 108. No. 106, 140. No. 104, 105, 128, 138, No. 154. No. 153. No. 151, 162. No. 166. No. 161. No. 160. No. 159. No. 157, 158. No. 162. No. 37, 41, 42, 46. No. 34, 36, 36, 39, 4a No. 45, 64, 65. No. 94, 95, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 134, 168. "0. 120. 0. 117, 1] 133, 175. No. 112, 174. No. lU, 131, 167. No. 115. No. 169, 110, 113, 129, 130, 173. EXPLANATORY. Inteli.— Interchangeable O. F. Br.— Open Face Bridge. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. PIVOTS, BEVEL PINION. No. of Price. Description of Movement. 1 lllustfa- lion. Old No. Class. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 29 29 1 to 5 .10 .75 18 — F. PI .... Htg. .... Stem ... Lever ... ...2d&3d... 714 714 6 .10 .75 4th No. 29, 714. m RATCHETS. No. of Ptice. Description of Movement. 1 lllusfca- tlon. Old No, Class. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 10 .... Key .... 10 10 87 10 10 715 2 to 4 5 " 6 12 .10 .10 .20 .75 .50 1.75 ""Pend X I< ....% Pl..--- ... Intch. ... ....Stem ant .. 6th 87 715 13 to 14 .15 1.50 •« " .... ICey .... — .%Vl 87 87 17 to 19 .20 1.75 " 87 87 20 .15 1.50 ** " " 87 717 21 .20 2.00 • u ...Int. Br.... 87 717 22 to 23 .20 1.75 " *' " *' 718 Key .... .... Kfv .... 718 719 719 719 719 718 "719 719 43 44 45 46 to 47 48 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .75 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 12 10 « (> l( " u u 1 ■ II No. 10. No. 87. No. 716. No. 718. No. 719. © © © © 1 Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. To ascertain Grade o t Mofement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 1 7 Raymond (0. F.), 77, 19 No. 47. 33 No. 154. 48 Gail Borden, Dexter 116, 150, 166. » Culver, 61, 62. S Taylor (0. F.), 76, 165. Wheeler (O.F.), 41,75, No. 91. :» No. 161, 152. 49 9 •ff No. 85, 86. so.ici ' ' ' ' ' K No. 90. i "Wheeler.Laflin.Ryer- 10 No. 43, 74, 116, 146, 17a 24 2, No. 3, 4. No. I, 2, 137. 38 m No. 159. 53 No. 122, 176. Vi No. 92, 114, 127, 135, 136. 40 No. 83, 84. 41 •> No. 89. 42 No. 37, 41, 42, 16. 133, 176. V No. 107, 108. 15, 51, 62, 69. » No. J06, 140. 44 :f No. 104, 105, 128, 138, l.'i No. 24, 26 30, 3L Frances Ruble. 88, 103, lil, 142, 169. 17 No. 49, 60. 139. 46 No. 109, 110, U3, 129, 130, ITS. 6 No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. 18 No. 48. EXPL AN A-TORY. Intch.— Interchangeable. X PI.— Three-Quarter Plate. Pend.— Pendant. Int. B.— Interchangeable Bridge. O. F.-Open Face. S. Sec —Sweep Second. Htg. Br.— Hunting Brjc)ge. 0. F. Br.— Open Face Bridge. — The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. REOUIvATORS. Description of M 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.76 1.00 1.00 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.00 2.25 2.00 1.00 ].00 4.00 2.50 2.25 1.50 2.00 1.75 1.60 1.00 1.50 1.25 4.00 2.50 1.25 4.00 2.00 1.60 2.00 1.60 2.00 1.60 2,50 2.00 1.50 1.00 3.00 2.75 2.00 1.50 1.75 1.00 F. PI U PI. Style. Winding. Settin; S. S?C." .O. P.. ..2d & 3( ~'/. 4th! .. Breguet. . .-Old Style.. - New Style . . Pat. Breg. . ... Patent... . Breguet .. Patent , . Pat. Breg. ...Patent .- . Pat. Breg ... Patent -- . Pat. Breg. .. Breguet . . - Breguet . . Pat. Breg. .. Breguet . Breguet . Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 401 Elgin National Watch Co. REOULATORS. o-^ o=- ^— 0— 9- No. 747. No. 748.1,470. Q- No. 1.469. No. 1,540 Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. Iu ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Kaymond, 37, 69, 70, Taylor, 20, 33, 38, 68, 79, SO, 163. Wheeler,Laflin,Ryer- son. Ferry, 16, 17, 66, 67, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, 126, 143, 144. Ogden, Farwell, Far- go, Advance, Chief, Age, 6, i8, ,9,10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 56, 60, 68, 78, 87, 88, 102, 141, 142, 169. Raymond (O. F.), 77, 116, 160, 166. Taylor (O. F.), 76, 165. Wheeler (O.F.), 44, 76, 123, 124, 147, 148. No, 43, 74, 116, 146, 170. No. 73, 172. No. 100, Avery, Leader, 11, 14, 15, 61, No. 72. No. 49, 50. No. 48. No. 85, No. 90. No. 3, 4. No. 1, 2, No. 92, l: No. 83, 84. ■ No. 89, No. 107, 108. No. 164. No. 163. No. 151, 162. No. 24, 26 30, 31. Frances Ruble. Lady Elgin, 23, S No. 71. No. 66, 67. No. 46, 64, 65. No. 94, 95, 101. No. 117, 118, 119, 132, 133, 175. No. 112, 174. No. Ill, 131, 167. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. RINGS, KRICIION. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movement. Piece. Per Doz. Size, Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 31 31 1 to 5 .10 .50 18 L.-F. PI -- Htg Stem ... Lever ... 2d No. 31. ROLLERS. ■ No. of Price. Description of IVlovemen t. tion. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 749 749 1 to 3 .15 1.50 18 -— F. PI -—Htg ...K. A S...- ...K. &L...- ..2d to 4th.. 749 749 4 .15 1.26 " 749 749 5 to 6 .10 1.00 " 749 750 7 " 8 .16 1.60 'f — -O.F Stem .... 5th .... 749 750 9 .16 1.25 749 750 10 to 11 .10 1.00 " " 749 751 12 .15 1.50 ....^ PI ... Intch. ... .... 6th .— 749 751 13 to 14 .15 1.35 " *' 749 752 15 .10 l.OD 17 — -P. PI .— Htg ...K. & S ...K. & L..-. .... 1st .... 749 753 753 16 17 to 18 .20 .15 2.00 1.50 16 .-..3^ PI ... Intph ... Lever .. . 749 753 19 .16 1.25 " " " 749 753 20 .10 1.00 « " 749 754 21 .20 2.00 ...Int. Br.... .— 2d — . 749 754 22 to 23 .15 1.60 " " 749 755 24 " 25 .15 1.60 .— Htg .... 3d .... 749 755 26 .10 1.00 749 749 767 756 27 to 28 29 " 30 .15 .15 1.60 1.50 ... S. Sec — -O. P. '< .... 4th .... .... 5th .... 749 756 31 .10 1.00 " 749 32 to 33 .15 1.60 " -—Htg " . 6th & 10th . 749 34 .15 1.25 " " " " 749 35 .10 1.00 " " 749 36 .15 1.60 " ..Htg. Br. .. . 7th& nth . 749 37 to 38 .15 1.50 ....O.F . 8th & 12th . 749 39 .15 1.25 " " 749 40 .10 1.00 *' 749 41 .16 1.50 " ..O.F. Br. -. . 9th & 13th . 759 759 759 759 759 759 769 758 768 "759 759 760 42 43 44 45 46 to 47 48 49 to 50 .15 .15 .16 .16 .15 .16 .16 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.26 1.60 1.25 1.50 14 12 10 " Key .... K€ ""Lev >( .... Htg .. 1st & 2d .. 759 760 .51 .15 1.25 «' ' 759 760 52 .10 1.00 ^ " " « 759 53 to 54 .15 1.50 " .. 3d &4th.. 759 56 .15 1.25 759 56 .10 1.00 u 761 761 57 to 53 .15 1.60 761 761 59 .15 1.35 761 761 60 .10 1.00 .... •• .... .... " .... — " — r *o. 749. No. 759. No. 761. o © To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, gi.ve Num ber of must ation and Class, or Number of Mov ment for which same is required. . For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. SCREWS— USB AND NUMBER. Size. Class. No. Size, Class. No. Arm, Vibrating Balance, Brass.. 18 16 14 12 10 6 18 16 14 12 10 6 18 16 14 12 10 6 18 17 16 14 12 10 6 18 16 6. 0^ 18 6 18 16 10 18 16 14 12 10 6 16 18 17 18 16 18 17 12 10 18 17 10 1 to 4 1 " 11 12 " 14 16 " 41 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 '• 48 49 " 56 1 " 11 16 " 41 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 " 48 49 " 56 5? " 60 1 " 11 12 " 14 16 " 41 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 " 48 49 " 56 57 " 00 1 " 11 12 " 14 15 16 to 41 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 " 48 49 " 56 57 " 60 1 " 11 16 " 41 49 " 56 57 " 60 4 'i 5 49 " 51 7 " 11 12 " 14 16 " 23 33 " 41 46 " 48 12 " 14 16 " 23 24 " 31 32 " 41 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 " 48 49 " 56 57 " 60 27 " 28 5 " 6 15 1 to 6 1 " 6 . 1 " 4 7 " 11 12 " 14 32 " 41 24 " 26 1 " 6 1 " 6 15 44 to 45 46 " 48 1 " 4 1 " 4 1 " 11 12 " 14 15 16 to 31 33 " 41 885 888 1,568 1,568 1,569 1,569 1,569 1,669 886 886 1,570 1,570 1,570 1,570 1,571 887 1,572 1,572 1,573 1,573 1,573 1,573 1,574 890 1,583 1,576 1,575 1,575 1,575 1,575 1,577 1,578 889 1,579 1,580 1,581 907 891 893 1,583 1,583 1,584 1,685 894 894 1,586 894 894 894 894 1,587 1,588 895 892 892 896 897 916 898 898 1,599 912 899 922 922 900 900 901 902 903 903 1,589 1,,590 1,591 Case 14 12 10 6 18 16 18 17 16 14 12 10 6 16 14 18 14 18 16 6 16 18 16 6 18 16 6 18 17 16 14 12 10 6 18 16 14 12 10 6 18 16 18 17 16 6 18 43 to 43 44 " 45 46 " 48 49 " 56 57 " 60 12 " 14 16 " 23 32 ■■ 41 24 " 28 1 " 4 I " 11 12 " 14 15 16 to 28 29 " 31 32 ■' 41 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 •' 48 49 " 56 57 " 60 38 " 41 42 " 43 1 " 6 42 " 43 1 " 6 1 " 11 16 " 41 49 " 56 57 " 60 36 " 41 1 " 11 12 " 14 16 " 23 32 " 41 53 " 56 57 " 60 1 " 11 16 " 23 32 " 41 32 " 41 53 " 56 57 " 60 1 " 11 12 " 14 15 16 to 41 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 " 48 49 " 56 57 " 60 1 " 11 12 " 14 16 " 41 42 " 43 44 " 45 46 " 48 49 " 56 57 " 60 12 " 14 32 " 41 1 '■ 6 7 " 11 12 " 14 15 16 to 23 32 " 41- 49 " 63 53 " 56 57 " 60 1 " 4 4 " 5 5 " 6 1,692 1,593 1,593 1,594 1,595 904 904 926 910 907 908 1,596 921 1,696 1,585 1,584 1,597 1,598 1,698 935 899 1,601 908 909 909 910 911 912 1,600 912 902 912 912 910 1,603 1,602 1,602 914 938 913 1,606 1,607 1,607 913 913 914 913 913 1,601 1,604 1,604 1,605 914 913 913 913 1,604 1,604 1,604 1,603 893 1,601 916 1,608 898 916 913 1,601 916 1,609 1,609 34 54 63 " « I. Ratciiet ._ Sett Inte mg 1 r-Windin<>-__ 1 ' PRICE OK A— Flat Head, Bright, Edge Glossed and Cornered. B— Plat Head, Bright, Edge Stoned. C— Flat Head, Bright, Edge Not Stoned. SCREW E— Flat H F— Bevel G— Bevel H BpvpI ead. Gray. Head, Bright, Edge Stoned. Head, Bright, Edge Not Stoned. Head. Blue. Numbei. A. B. C. 0. E. F. G. H. Doz, Gross, Doz. Gross. Doz. Gross. Doz Gross, Doz. Gross. Doz. Gross Doz. Gross, Doz. Gross. 3-1 1.25 .60 .50 12.50 6.00 5.00 .60 6.00 .35 3.50 .60 6.00 .20 2.00 1.60 15.00 1.00 .15 .15 1.25 .15 10.00 1..50 1.50 12.50 1.50 889 .20 .15 .20 .15 .15 .15 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1..50. 1.50 893 893 894 895 1.66 .60 10.00 6.00 .30 .25 3.00 3.50 iio 2.50 2.00 .35 3.50 896 896 .... !25 3.50 3.50 .20 2.00 899 -- .30 3.00 .20 2.00 .35 3.50 .30 3.00 30 2.00 .15 .15 .25 1.50 1.50 3.50 902 9B3 1.00 10.00 .« 4.00 .30 3.00 3.50 — For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. PRICE OK SCREWS— Continued. Number. A. B, C. D, E. F. G. H. Doz. Gross. Doz. Gross, Doz. Gross. Doz. Gross. Doz. Gross. Doz. Gross. Doz. Gross, Doz. Gross. 904 906 .60 6.00 .16 1.50 .20 2.00 907 .20 .20 2.00 2.00 908 909 1.00 10.00 .30 3.00 .25 2.50 .30 .20 .20 3.00 2.00 2.00 910 .16 .15 .16 .15 .15 .20 1.60 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 2.00 911 .20 .20 .20 .20 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 912... 913 914 .60 .60 6.00 6.00 .25 .25 2.60 2.60 .25 .26 2.60 2.50 .20 .20 .20 2,00 2.00 2.00 .20 2.00 916 920 .76 .30 ■ 7.60 3.00 .70 7 00 921 922 .75 7.50 .26 2.60 .20 .15 2.00 1.50 .30 3.00 923 '.25 7.,50 2.60 924 925... 926 .60 6.00 "25" '2.50 ""26" '2.00 .15 .15 .15 1.60 1.60 1.60 .20 2.00 928 932 934 935 .60 .60 .60 6.00 6.00 6.00 .25 .25 .35 2.50 2.50 3.60 .20 .20 2.00 2.00 Isb 2.60 3.00 .15 .20 .26 1.50 2.00 2.60 .25 2.60 .30 3.00 936 937 .30 3.00 1.568 .15 .15 .90 .75 .15 .15 .15 .16 .15 .15 .15 1.50 l.,50 9.00 7.50 1.60 1.60 1.50 1.50. 1.50 1.60 1.60 1,569 1,570 1.25 1.00 12.50 10.00 1,571 1,572. J 1,573 1,574 1,575 1,576 1,577 1,578 1,579 1,580 1.75 17.60 1.00 .90 .15 .30 10.00 9.00 1.50 3.00 1,581 1,582 1,683 1,584 1,585 1,586 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 .20 .20 .20 .16 .15 .20 .26 .26 .25 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.60 .26 2.50 .30 3.00 .26 2.60 .30 3.00 .25 2.50 .25 2.60 .20 .20 .25 2.00 2.00 2.50 1,587... . 1,588 1,589 1,690 1,591 1,592 1.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 .45 4.50 .35 3.60 .40 4.00 .30 3.00 .35 .35 3..50 3.60 1,593 1,594.... .40 .40 4.00 4.00 .30 .30 3.00 3.00 .26 .25 .20 2.50 2.60 2.00 .40 .40 .36 4.00 4.00 3.50 .35 .35 3.60 3.50 1,595 1,596 1,597 .75 7.50 !25 .26 2.60 2.50 2.50 1,598 1,599 . .35 3.50. .30 .20 3.00 2.00 .25 2..60 1,600 .16 1.50 1,601 1,602 1.603 1.00 .60 .60 10.00 6.00 6.00 .30 .20 .25 .25 3.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 .26 2.50 .25 2.60 .20 .20 .20 2.00 2.00 2.00 .15 .15 1.60 1.60 .20 .20 2.00 2.00 .20 2.00 1,605 1,606 1,607 .60 6.00 .25 .20, 2.50 2.00 1,608 1,609 .25 .50 .40 .30 2.50 5.00 4.00 3.00 .20 2.00 1,610 1.00 10.00 .35 3'.60 1,612 .76 7.60 .25 2.60 .20 2.00 .30 .26 .26 3.00 2.50 2..60 1,614 1,615 .25 2.50 .20 2.00 .15 1.60 .16 1.50 1,616 .20 2.00 1 617 .16 1.50 .26 .20 2.60 2.00 .25 2,50 1 619 .20 .20 .20 2.00 2.00 2.00 1,620 1.621 .25 2.50 .20 ,20 2.00 2.00 For Assorted Screws see page 183. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. SPRINOS, .ARIVl— VIBRATINO. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Piice. Description of. Movement. | Piece, Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting, Series. 61 fSl 4 to 6 .10 .25 18 ... F. PI. ... ....Htg. ... ....Stem .... ... Lever ... -. 3d &4tll .. 183 183 183 183 .10 .10 1.00 .75 ... 0. _F. -- -. Pendant .. 5th 8 to 9 183 183 10 " 11 .10 .60 131 131 24 " 26 .10 .25 16 U PI. ... ....Htg.... ... Lever ... 3d 131 764 27 " 28 .10 .25 ...S. Sec... " 4th 183 763 29 " 30 .10 75 ... 0. P. .. *' ..Pendant .. 5th 183 763 31 .10 .50 " l!i9 159 49 to 51 .10 .50 6 ....Htg. ... " ... Lever ... 1st 61 149 52 .10 .25 " " 2d 1,471 53 to 55 .10 .75 .. Pendant.. ..3d&4th.. 1,471 56 .10 .50 " " 765 765 57 to 59 .10 .75 1st 765 765 60 .10 .60 No. 61. No. 131. n - No. 159. No. 183. No. 765. 1 No. 1,471. || a ni a SPRINOS CANl No. of Pr.ce, Description of Movement. 1 tion. Piece, Per Doi, Size. Style, Winding, Setting. Series. 173 173 7 173 173 8 173 173 9 .10 « 173 173 10 to 11 .10 " " 160 160 12 .10 1.00 % PL... ... Intch. -. « 6th 160 160 13 to 14 .10 .75 .... ■■ .... No. 160. No. 173. o tf^^ To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or ^ umber of Movement for which same is required. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 1 2 3 4 6 Raymond, 27, 09, 70, 149, 164. Culver, 61, 62. T,^ylor,20,33,38,58,79, S0,16i Wheeleria,fHn,Ryer- son,Ferrv, 16, 17,60, 57, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, 126, 143,144. Offden, Farwell, Far- go, Advance, Chief, Age. 5, ,8, ,9. 10, 12. 13, 18, 19. 66, 60, 68, 78, 87, 88, 102, 141, 142, 169. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 Elaymond (0. F.), 77, 116, 150, 166. raylor (0. F.l, 76, 165. Vheeler (O.F.).44, 75, 123, 124, 147, 148, No. 4,-i, 74, 145, 146, 170. S'o. 73. 172. No. 100. No. 99. No. 98. ivery, Leader, 11, 14, 16, 51, 52, 69. No. 72. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO 31 No. 47. No. 93. No. 91. No. 85, 86. No. 90. No. S, 4. No. 1, 2, 137. No. 92, 114, 127, 135, 136. No. 83, 84. No. 89. No. 107, 108. No. 106, 140. No. 104, 105, 128, 138, 33 N 34 N 35 N 36 N 37 N 38 N 39 ^ 40 N 41 N 42 N 43 N 44 N 15 N o. 164. o. 153. 0. 151, 153. 0. 156. 0. 161, o. 160. o. 159. o. 157, 158. 0. 162. o. 37, 41, 42, 46. 0. 34, 35, 36, 39, 40. 0. 26, 32. o. 24, 25, 30, 31. ranees Ruble. adv Elgin, 33, 29. 48 49 50 51 62 53 54 65 66 57 68 69 60 Gail Borden, Dexter St., 21, 22, 28, 63, 64. No. 71. No. 66, 67. No. 46, 64, 65, No. 94, 95, 101, No. 122, 176, No. 121, 134, 168. No. 120, No. 117, 118, 119, 133, 133, ite. No. 112, 174. No. Ill, 131, 167. No. 116, No. 109, 110, 113, 129, 130, iVs. No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. 18 No. 48, 32 No. 155. 47 L For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. SPRINGS, click:. ■ No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movei^ent. 1 Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 766 766 766 767 33 33 112 111 113 112 89 89 767 74 89 89 89 89 89 128 128 128 128 128 1,472 1,472 1,472 1,472 1,473 1,473 1,473 1,472 774 775 103 103 103 103 776 776 766 766 766 767 33 33 112 113 768 768 768 769 769 770 74 89 89 ^89 771 128 128 773 "774 774 103 103 1,261 1,261 776 776 1 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .15 .10 .10 .10 .15 .15 .10 .15 .15 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .50 .40 .30 .25 .50 .40 .40 .30 .50 .40 .30 1.25 1.00 .25 .50 1.50 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.25 .60 .50 .60 .60 .50 1.00 .75 .50 1.00 1.00 !50 1.00 .60 .60 .60 .50 .60 .50 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .50 18 17 16 14 12 10 6 ....F.Pl .... Kej !;!"Leve . . Penda Key - - ^'^.™ .. Penda :::: Key ... Leve . . Penda 2 to 5 4 6 1 ....Htg '.'.'.'.O.F. '.'.'.'. ....Stem .... 2 to 5 '.V.'.x VI.'.'.'.'- '.'.':.¥. v\.'::.'. ':::.% v\::::. 4 " 5 6 ...3d&4th... 7 8 to 9 10 " 11 " 12 ... Into 13 to 14 15 Key Stem "". Key '.'.'.'. ;;;; H'tg.""i; ... Intch .'"int._Br.'". :::: mg. :;:; ::: s. sec."" --O.f '."I Htg. .... "Htg. Br". ".". ....0._F -... '.'.'6. F. Br"."" 15 J. 16..- 17 to 19 20 21.... 22 to 23 24 " 25 3d.. .. 26.-.. 27 to 28 29 " 30 5th 31 32 33 to 34 35 36 .. 6th & 10th .. .. 7th & 11th .. ..8th ct 12th .. 37 38 to 39 40 41 42. 43 44 45 46 to 47 48 49 to 51 52 53 to 55 56 57 to 59 60 ""9"t"h & 13th"!! (C .' »' .... Htg ....stem .... r ... ....1st A 2d.... -.:'.'. I -.-.:: nt.. ..-3d&4th-.. No. 33. No. 74. No. 89. No. 103. No. 112. n No. 128. No. 766. No. 767. No. 774. No. 775. No. 776. No 1,472. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND W OVEMENTS USED IN 2 3 4 5 6 Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 149, 164. Culver, 61, 62. Taylor, 20, 33, 38, 68, 79, Wheele'r,Laflin,Ryer- son. Ferry, 16, 17, 66, 67, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, 126, 143, 144. Ogden, Farwell, Far- go, Advance, Chief, Age, 6,,8,i9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 65, 60, 68, 78, 87, 88, 102, 141, 142. 169. No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Raymond (0. F 116, 160, 166. Taylor (0. F.), Wheeler (O.F.), 123, 124, 147, 14 ), 77, 6, 165. M,76, >, 170. U, 14, 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 No. 47. No. 93. No. 91. No. 86, 86. No. 90. No. 3, 4. No. 1, 2, 137. No. 92, 114, M No. 83, 84. No. 89! No. 107, 108. No. 106, 140. No. 104, 106, 139. No. 166. 7,135,136. 128, 138, 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 15 46 47 No. 154. No. 153. No. 151, 162. No. 156. No. 161. No. 160. No. 159. No. 157, 168. No. 162. No. 37, 41, 42, 46. No. 34, 35, 36, 39, 40. No. 26, 32. No. 24, 25, 30, 31. Frances Ruble. Lady Elgin, 23, 29. 48 49 60 61 53 63 54 66 66 57 58 59 60 (jail Borden, Dexter St., 21, 22, 28, 53. 54. No. 71. No. 66, 67. No. 45, 64, 65. No. 94, 95, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 134, 16S. No. 120. No. 117, 118, U9, 133, 133, 175. No. 112, 174. No. Ill, 131, 167. No. 115. No. 109, 110, 113, 129, 130. ih. No. 43, 74, 146, 14 No. 73, 172. No. 100. No. 99. No. 98. Avery, Leader, 15, 61, 63, 69. No. 72. No. 49, 60. No. 48. 408 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. SPRINGS, HAIR— COLLATED. No. of lllustra. *796 V97 *1,474 *1,474 *1,474 *1,474 *1.474 *1,474 *1,474 *1,474 *80,5 806 *807 808 *807 3.50 3.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.50 3.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 6. 00 3.50 1.00 1.00 3.60 1.00 1.00 3.50 1.00 3,60 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.60 3.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 Lever Pendant 1st & 2d 3d & 4tii Quick Breguet Flat '.'. Breguet Flat v. Breguet Flat - Breguet Breguet Flat .. Breguet Flat .. Breguet Flat .. Breguet Flat .. * When a Breguet Spring is wanted for a particular Movement, owing to tlie variation in weights of Balances, it is necessary, in order that a Spring of suitable strengtti be selected, that the Balance be sent. This does not necessarily apply to Flat Springs, although better results would be obtained, should the same instructions be followed. With Breguet Hair Springs, the price of Stud is included. tFor Steel Balance. No. 792, 793, 794, 1,473, No. 803 804, To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. SPRINQS, CLUTCH LEVER. 1,476 1,476 1,476 1,476 1,476 1,476 1,476 1.476 6th . 7tll . 8th . 9th . SRRINOS, SEXTINO LEVER: No. of 1 [lustra- Setting. F. PL % PI. ,. Htg. . . Intch. - S. Sec. --Htg. .. Lever -. . Pendant . .. Lever .. l/& C^-^) Orders for less than one-t'ourth dozen will he charged at single piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 149, 164. Culver, 61, 63. Taylor, 20, 33, 3S, 68, 79, 57, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, 126, 143, 144. Ogden. Farwell, Far- go, Advance, Chief, Age, 5,,8,,9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 65, 60, 68, 78 " SS, 102, 141, 142, 16 so. 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. Raymond (O. F.), 77, No. 43, 74, 145, 146, 170. No. 73, 172. No. 100. No. 99. No. 98. Avery, Leader, 11, 14, 15, 51, 52, 69. No. 93. No. 91. No. 85, : No. 90. No. 83, 84. No. 89. No. 107, 108. . 154. No. 153. No. 151, 152. No. 156. No. 161. No. 160. No. 159. No. 157, 158. No. 34, 35, 86, 39, 40. No. 101, 105, 128, 138, No. 71. No. 66, 67. No. 45, 64, m No. 94, 95, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 134, 168. No. 120. No. 117, 118, 119, 1.33, 133, 175. No. 112, 174. No. Ill, 131, 167. No. 115. No. 109, 110, 113, 129, 130, 173. EXPLA.lStA.TORY. Intch.— Interchangeable. Int. B.— Interchangeable Bridge. Htg. Er.— Hunting Bridge. X PI.— Three-Quarter Plate. O. F.— Open Face. O. F. Br.- Open Face Bridge. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. SPRINOS, IVtAIN. lllustra- Old No. 813 814 814 \ 9.. 814 •" 1,257 1,267 1,257 54 to 55 56 - 57 to 59 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.2S 1.25 1.25 2.00 1.25 2.00 1.26 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 . K. &S K. &,!,.. -- Htg. .. . S. Sec. . ..O. F. .. .. Htg. .. Htg. Br. ..O.F... O. F. Br. .Stem . ... Key — ., Lever .. . Pendant . ....5tji . '/_;.6th . 3d 4th 5th . 6th A 10th . . 7th & 11th . . 8th & 12th . . 9th & 13th . ..1st &2d.. !"3"d & 4th ; . Quick . ! I Slow. ! 'Quick . Slow . Quick JIain Springs as now used hare a Brace with a projection each side of Spring, and all orders will be filled with such, unless specially ordered as Tongued. When Barrels are not intended lor the present style of Brace, by breaking off one projection, the Springs are as originally made SPRINGS, REGULATOR. No. of lllustra. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. EXFLA-NA-TORY. Intch. — Interchangeable. Int. B.— Interchangeable Bridge. Htg. Br. — Hunting Bridge. X PI.— Three-Quarter Plate. O. F Open Face. O. F. Br.— Open Face Bridge. -For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. SPRINGS, SETTING. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movement. 1 Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. *32 *32 *44 *44 tsi t53 139 88 88 88 88 88 88 129 129 830 830 " 1,477 1,477 1,477 1.477 i;477 1,477 1,477 1,477 1,477 1,477 1,478 1,478 1,478 1.478 1,478 1,478 1,478 1,478 1,478 1,478 104 148 1,479 1,479 832 832 32 32 44 44 51 52 827 828 88 88 88 829 829 129 831 830 830 1.. 2 t 1.. 2 t 10 ^50 .75 .60 .75 .50 I'sb 3.00 2.50 1.50 3.00 2.50 .25 .25 1.00 liso 1.25 1.00 l!50 1.25 1.00 .75 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 .75 1.75 1.50 1.35 1.00 .75 1.75 ..50 .25 .60 .40 .50 .40 18 16 6 .-- F. PI. ... -- ?i PI..'- -..-Htg ----Stem .--- 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 30 25 15 30 25 10 10 10 10 15 15 10 10 20 15 ■ 15 10 10 20 15 15 to 10 20 15 15 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 « 4 « 4 " 5 4 " 5 7 " 11 12 " 14 16 17 to 18 19 " 20 21 22 to 23 24 " 26 27 " 28 29 " 30 31 3d " — .0. -.- Int F ch. endant .. 5th 6th !!!! I !!!! Lever 1st ; 'intch. BrV; 2d 3d ---S. S ----O. ec F. -.. !!!! I !!!! -■.". Htg. ;:""- -Htg. BrV- ---.O.F -0. F. Br.'!!! -—Htg !!'Htg. Br'.'!! ..-0._F !!'6. F. Br.'!! .-..Htg 33.. 33- 34-- 6lh 104 7th 36 37.- 38-. 39.- (1 ' 40 41 (( 9th 32-- 33-- 34-- ---- lOth --.. 35 " 36- 37-- 38- 39-- 40-- ;: ---- ---- nth .-.. -.- 12th — . " 41 49 to 51 52 53 to 55 56 57 to 59 60 — - 13th .-. 148 "832 832 2d endant .. --3d&4th-. 1st * Among the 18 Size Movements described as Second Series, several of them had a Setting Spring lilce illus- tration No. 32, instead of No. 44; therefore pains should be taken to compare part wanted with illustration before ordering. t Two illustrations, Nos. 51 and 52 are shown as being used in 18 Size, Third Series Movements, but all orders will be filled with No. 52, it taking the place of No. 51. No. 32. f) No. 44. No. 51. No. 52. No. 88. No. 104. No, 129. No. 148. No. 830. No. 832. No. 1,477. No. 1,478. No. 1,479. 1 F. Pl.-Full Pla Htg.— Hunting te. EXPLANATORY. Intch.— Interchangeable. % PI.— Three-Quarter Plate. Int. B.— Interchangeable Bridge. O. F. — Open Face. Htg. Br.— Hunting Bridge. 0. F. Br. —Open Face Bridge. Pend.— Pendant. S. Sec— Sweep Second. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co, STAKKS, BALANCE. 1,252 1,252 1,252 1 to 4 5 to Description of Movement, % Pl.- . Htg. .. ! O, F. "..' . Int. _ Br. , '.'.'. Htg. V.'. . S. Sec "lO. F.' .K. & S... --Stem .-- -K. Ah... . Pendant - . . Lever -. . Pendant . 5th ie'th* lOth'! . 1st & 2d - "aid * 4th' Mo. 867. •00=°- No. 860. No. 866, 867. No. 868. Of the 18, 16 and 6 Size Balance Staffs, two different styles have been made, the difference being in the length. The New Style 18 and 16 Size are longer, and the 6 Size shorter than formerly. In ordering, state which style is wanted. Eighteen Size Balance Staffs now have longer hubs than originally, thus bringing the Roller nearer Pork, allowing the use of a shorter Jewel Pin, thereby reducing the liability of breakage. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Kaymond, S7, 69, 70, U'J. 164. Culver, CI, 62. T.xvlor, 20, 33, 38, 68, 79, 80, 103. ■\VheeIer,Lamn,Ryer- son,Ferrv, 16, 17,56, 57, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, 120, 1«, 144. Ogden, Fanvell, Far- go, Advance, Chief, Age. 5,,S,i9, 10,18,13, IS. M, 55, 60, 68, 78, 87, 88, 102, 141, 142. 169, No, 6, 7, 96, 97, 171 Raymond (O. F.), 77, 116, 150, 166. Taylor (O. F.), 76, 105. Wheeler (O.F.), 44,75, 123, 124, 147, 148. No. 43, 74, 146, 146, 170. Avery, Leader, 11, 14, 15. si, 62, 59. No. 72. No. 49, 60. No. 48. No. 90. No. 3, 4. No. 1, 2, 137. No. 89. No. 107, 108. No. 106, 140. No. 104, 106, 128, No. 154. No. 163. No. 151, 162. No. 156. No. 161. No. 160. No. 159. No. 167, 158. No. 34, 35. 36, 39, 40. Frances Ruble. Lady Elgin, 23. 29. No. 71. No. 66, 67. No. 46, 64, 65. No. 94, 95, 101. No. 122, 176. No. 121, 134, MS. ■"3. 120. 0. 117, 1 133, 175. No. 112, 174. No. Ill, 131, 167. No. 115. No. 109, 110, 113, X29, 130. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. STAFFS, CENTRE. No. o< lllustia- Old No. 1 Class. Price. Description of Movement. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. S'^ries. 14 14 14 870 870 870 871 871 871, 872 872 872 872 872 872 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 877 877 879 877 877 1.482 1.483 1,482 1.482 1,482 1,482 1,482 1.482 881 881 881 881 881 881 883 882 883 883 8g3 1,483 1,483 1,483 884 884 884 14 14 14 870 870 870 871 871 871 872 872 872 '§73 873 873 874 874 "875 875 875 875 '§76 876 876 877 877 "879 878 878 "880 880 'iii 881 882 882 883 883 883 '884 884 884 1 to 2 3 " 4 5 1 to 3 3 ■' 4 5 " 6 1 " 2 3 " 4 5 1 to 2 3 '■ 4 5 " 6 5 •■ 6 6 .30 25 20 .30 .25 .20 .30 .25 .20 .30 .25 .20 .30 .25 20 .30 .30 .40 .36 .30 .30 .40 .35 .30 .25 .20 .40 .25 .20 .30 .25 .20 .30 .30 .25 .20 .30 .35 .30 .35 .30 .35 .30 .35 .30 .30 .30 .25 .30 .30 .25 .30 .30 .25 3.00 2.50 2.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 3'6o 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.75 i^OO 3.35 3.00 4^00 3.25 3.00 2.50 3.00 4'o6 3.50 2.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.35 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.00 2^50 3.00 2.75 2.50 3.00 2'50 18 17 16 14 12 10 6 ..F.P\... ... Key... ... Key ... Old Style New Style Old Style New Style " " 1 " " . " •• (1 " ...Htg. ... ... Stem... ... ;; ... .. Lever .. ...2d& 3d... .'"2"d"to4th"'". .. Key... Key '.'.F.pi.y. ...Htg. ... ...0._F.... '.i'lntch.'.'; .. Lever .. . Pendant . ;■; Kev'." 8 to 9 10 " 11 12 •' 13 14 15 15 It " ...6th '.'.%p\.'.'. '''intph.'i; yfnt. Br.'' ::: mg. :;; .. S. Sec. -. ...0. F.... ::: mg. :;: lo. F. Br^; .. Lever .. 1st 16 17 -_-_-_ " ;;; " 18 to 19 20 20 21 ... 1' ... ...Solid... 2d 23 24 to 25 26 26 . . 3d . ...Solid... 27 to 28 29 " 30 31 32 4th . Pendant . ...5th ... ''^ ... . 6th & 10th . 33 to 34 35 '.'.'. Key '.'.'. 36 37 38 to 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 to 47 48 47 48 49 to 50 51 :. 52 53 to 54 th & 1 1 th . 8th & 12th _ th i 13th . - ^.?^ --- Old Style « " •I New Style - : '■■ ... Htg. ... .. Lever .. .lst&2d... ; 'Pendant! 'Sd & 4'th IT 56.... 57 to 58 .. 1st.. 59 60.... « *See Centre Pinions On Old Style Centrf tbe Centre Pinion is sc In the 16 Size, 6th t and tits a correspondin Centre Pinion, between entire present line of ^ , Staffs, the Centre Pinion is held in position with a Centre Pinion Nut. The New Style, rawed on Staff. o 13th Series. Illustration No. 1.482, the Wheel Shoulder on Centre Staff is D shaped, £ hole in the Centre AVheel. The two pieces are held together by screwing on the which, and the Wheel a thin steel Washer is placed. This style will be used in our lovements. No change has been made in the Centre Pinion. No. 14. No. 870. No. 871. No. 872. c::3lIl(|]r;jB= No. 877. No. 879. No. 881, 882. 1 QU|3 1 No. 883. 1,483. <-^m-U|j» No. 884. 1 No. 1,482. < 'III [fe ' 1 LLJn The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. SHIPPERS, SETTING". No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movement. 1 Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 92 92 92 92 92 92 833 92 93 92 834 834 12 to 14 16 17 to 19 20. 21 22 to 23 .10 .20 .15 .10 .20 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 2.00 1 sn 18 16 -.-.^ PI . . Pendant . . 6th 1st -. ;;"int. Br";".'. « " — 1" — 2d 1 No. 92. STOP WORKS, FEMALE. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movement. Piece. Per Doz. Size. style. Winding. Setting. Series. 12 12 12 838 838 838 838 838 12 12 835 836 837 "838 1 2 7 16 21 36 41 46 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 1.00 .75 l.OO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 \8 16 10 ....F.Pl .... Htg O. F. ...K. &S. . ...K. &L.-.. .. Pendant .. . . . Lever . . , .. Pendant .. '.'.'.'. Key '.'" 2d '.'.'.'. Ibth '.'.'.'.'. 1st 2d . 7th & nth . . 9th & 13th . ....%m ... Intch. ... ...Int. Br... ..Htg. Br. .. ..O.F.Br .. .'.'.'. Key " No. 12. No. 838. STOP WORKS, MALE. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movement. 1 Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. • 11 u 11 842 842 842 842 842 11 11 839 840 841 '842 1 2 7 16 21 36 41 46. .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 1.00 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 18 16 10 — .F.Pl .... Htg '.'.'.'. O.F. '.'.'.[ ... Intch. ... ...Int. Br.... ..Htg. Br. .. ..O. F, Br... ...K. & S.... ...K. &L.... .. Pendant .. 2d 2d -. Pendant.. .7th Allth . - 9th & 13th . No. 11. No. 842. Or To Class, lers for ascertal or Num less than oi n Grade of ber of Mov le-fourtU dozen will be charged at single piece price. tration and Movem ement f en t, coi whic isult Index. In ordering Mate h same is required. ial, give N 01 uber of lUus For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin Nationai> Watch Co. STUDS, HAIR SPRING. 1,480 1,480 1,480 1,480 7 toll 9 " 11 12 " 14 15 16 . 17 to 20 ription of Movement. Intch. . . Htg. .. Intch. . Htg. .. Htg. Br. O. F... '. F. Br. Winding. Setting. Lever . Pendant 6th &, 10th 7th & 11th 8th & 12th 9th & 13th Breg, Flat Flat Breg, Flat Flat Breg. Flat Breg. Flat No. 843, No. 844. No. 845. No. 847. No. 848. 03 a to 6 ° 03 O to a No. 849. NO. 850. No. 851 No. 852. No. 853. =o c> =a c> d, □ <] a 1.50 " " ..Gilded .80 1,019 1.013 20 .10 1.00 1,019 - i.Oll 21 1.25 15.00 ...Gold... .. Gilded .80.. 80 1.019 1.014 22 to 23 .15 1.50 " 1,019 1.015 1,015 24 " 25 26. .15 .10 1.60 1.00 .. " 3d .... " .80.. 80 " 1.019 1,017 27 to 28 .15 1.50 . S, Sec, . " 4th .... 80 1.019 1,016 29 " 30 .I.T 1.50 ' ..0. F,.. " 5th .... u -80-. 1.019 1,016 31 .10 1.00 " " " " 80 *1,019 33 4(1 -Htg. .. . Polished. ..Gilded .80.. 80 1,019 33 to 34 .15 1.50 ' « 1.019 35 .10 1.00 " « << 80 *1.019 36 .50 5.00 ' Htg. Br, " 7th & nth . Polished. .80.. *1,019 37 .40 4.00 ..O. F... " " 8th & 12th " .80.. 1.019 38 to 39 .15 1.50 - " " ..Gilded.. .80 40 .10 1,00 " " 80 *1,019 41 .50 5.00 ' 0. F. Br. " 9th & 13th " . Polished. .80.. 1,018 42 .15 1.50 14 Key Kpv 1.019 1.019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,018 \.0\9 1,019 1.020 43 44 45 46 to 47 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .25 1.25 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.50 12 10 fi » " . Polished. .80.. .80.. .80.. .80.- .80.. .80.. < » It ;; -. ' 48 X « 49-... . ' .. Htg. .. ..stem . Lever . ..lst&2d.. 1,019 1.020 50 to 51 .15 1.50 ' " ..Gilded 80 1,019 1,020 52 .1(1 1.00 " .80.. *1,019 53 .35 3.50 ' Pendant - 3d & 4th . . Polished. .80.. 1,019 54 to 55 .15 1.50 " " ..Gilded.. .80.. 1,019 56 .1(1 1.00 " ' " " .80-. *1,021 1.021 57 .35 3.50 (1 " .... 1st .... . Polished . .70.. 1,021 1.021 58 to 59 .15 1.50 ' ..Gilded.. .70.. 1,021 1.0:J1 60 .10 1.00 .70.. *Oval Arm. Observe that 18 Size Movements are made both Quick and Slow Train No. 1,008. No. 1,009. No. 1,012. No. 1,019. No. 1,021. ® 1^ 1^ m (ffii w w ® CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 1 Raymond, 27, 69, 70, 7 Raymond (0. F.), 77, 19 No. 47. .33 No. 154. 48 116, 150, 166. m No. 93. U Culver, 61, 62. 8 Taylor (0. F.), 76, 165. Wheeler (O.F.), 44, 75, 21 No. 91. 35 No. 151, 152. Taylor, 20, 33, 38, 58, 79, SO, 16i 9 22 No. 85, 86. 36 No. 156. 50 No. 66, 67. 123, 124, 147, 148. 23 No. 90. 37 i Wheeler,Laftin,Ryer- 10 No. 43, 74, 145, 116, 170. 24 No. 3, 4. 38 No. 160. 52 son. Ferry, 16, 17, 56, n No. 73, 172. No. 1, 2, 137. 39 No. 169. .53 No. 122, 176. 12 No. 100. ;'« No. 92, 114, 127, 136, 136. 40 No. 157, 158. M No. 121, 134, 108. 126, 143, IM. Ogden, FarwelL Far- go, Advance, Chief, 13 No. 99. 27 No. S3, 84. No. 162. 55 1 + No. 98. 23 No. 89! 42 No. 37, 41, 42. 46. .56 No. 117, 118, U! 132, 15 Avery, Leader, U, 14, •/f\ No. 107, 108. 43 No. 34, 35, 36, 39, 10. 133, 175. Age. 5, .8, ,9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 51, 52, 59. ■M No. 106, 140. 44 No. 26, 32. l>7 No. 112, 174. 18, 19. D.'i. 60, 68, 78. 87, IB No. 72. ■M No. 104, 105, 128, 138, 4.1 No. 24. 25 30. 31. hS No. Ill, 131, 167. 6 88, 102, HI. 1 Z. 169. 171. 18 No, 49, 50. No. 48. .12 139. No. 155. 46 47 Frances Rubie. Lady Elgin, 23, 29. 59 60 No. 115. No. 109. UO, 113 129, 1 No. 6, 7, 96, 97, 130, 173. 1 ( The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 1,022 1,022 1.022 1,023 1,023 1.023 1,024 1.024 1,024 1.025 1.025 1,025 1.02(i 1,027 1,027 1,027 1,027 1,027 1.027 657 *657 *1.030 1.030 1.030 *1.030 1.033 1,033 1,03S 1,033 1,033 1.033 1.0,34 1,034 1,034 1,034 *1,034 1,034 1,034 1,034 *1.035 1,035 1,035 1,035 Elgin National Watch Co. WHEELS, KOURTH AND PINION. !,033 1,033 1.034 1,034 1.034 1.034 1.035 1,035 1,035 1,035 60. .35 5,50 4,00 3.25 4.00 3,50 3.60 3.25 22.00 5.25 4.25 3.25 22.00 5.25 4.25 4.25 3.25 11.00 9.00 4.25 3.25 11.00 5..50 400 5.50 4.00 5.50 4.00 6.50 6.50 4.25 of Movement O. _F. Intch. Train. Quick Slow Quick Polished Gilded! . 80—10 . 80—10 . 80—10 . 63— 8 . 63— 8 . 0.3— i . 80—10 . 80—10 . 80—10' 0— lo; . 80—10 . 80—10 .63—8 . 80—10 . 80—10 -10 80—10 80-10 SO— 10| . 80—10 , 80—10 -10 SO— 10 80—10 D— 10' 80—10 80—10 80—10 80—10 80—10 80—10 80—10 80—10 -10 . 80—10 0— 10 0—10 . 80—10 . 80—10 -10 -10, . 80—10' . 80—10! . 80—10 . 80—10 . 80—10; *Oval .\rm. Observe that 18 .Size Movements are made both Quick and Slow Train. No. 657. No. 1,022, 1,023. No. 1,024. No. of Illustra- Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movement. No. tion. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting. Series. 1,036 40 1,036 40 Key ... .. 48 - 1 •■ 5 .10 .75 ...Htg. ... ...Stem ... .. Lever .. ..2d& 3d.. -. 48 — 59 59 4 " 6 .10 .75 " " . 3d & 4th . .. 40 .. 186 186 7 " 11 .10 .75 " ...O.F.... . Pendant. ....5th .... .. 48 .. 1,037 1,037 12 " 14 .10 .75 ...% PI.... .. Intch. .. " ....6th.... .. 40 .. 1,036 ■10 1,038 ... Key ... ...Stem ... . . Key ... .. 48 .. 15 .10 ...Htg. ... .. Lever .. .... 1st-... .. 48 .- 1,043 120 16 .50 6.00 16 ...% PI.... .. Intch. .. .. 40 .. 1,043 120 17 to 20 .'0 .75 " " " .. 40 . 1,M3 1.039 21 .50 6.00 *' ..int. Br... " 1,M3 1,039 22 to 23 .10 .75 " " " .. 40 . 140 140 24 " 26 .10 .75 " ...Htg. ... 1,041 1,041 27 " 28 .10 .75 " ..S. Sec. .. " " ....4th.... 1.040 29 " 31 32 '■ 35 .10 .10 .75 .75 0. F. . Pendant . ....5th .... 6th .t 10th .. 40 .. 140 ... Ht!?. ... " .. 40 .. 1,496 36 .10 1.00 . Ht!?. Ur. . " 7th & nth . . 40 - 140 37 to 40 •10 .75 ...O.F.... " 8th & 12th .. 40 -. 1,496 41 .10 1.00 . O. P. Br. . " " 9lh & 13th - 40 -. 1,M3 1,W3 1,043 1,044 .10 14 Key .. 40 .. a .. 40 .. 46 " 48 .10 .75 10 « " " .. 40 . 1,044 49 " 51 .10 .75 6 ...Htg. ... ...Stem ... .. Lever .. . 1st & 2d . .. 40 .. 1,044 1,044 52 .10 .75 " .. 40 .. 1,044 53 to 56 .10 .75 . Pendant . . 3d & 4th . .. 40 .. 1,045 1,045 57 " 60 .10 .75 .... 1st .... No. 40, 186. 1,036. No. 59, 1,037. No. 140, 1,04). 1,496. WHEELS, IKTER-SETTINO. No. of Illustra- tion. Old No. Class. Price. Description of Movement. No. Piece. Per Doz. Size. style. Winding. Setting. Series. Teeth. 58 58 79 137 137 137 110 156 1,497 1,497 58 H8 79 137 137 1,046 110 156 4 to 5 6 15 24 to 25 26 27 to 28 49 " 51 52 53 to 55 56 .10 .10 .10 .15 .10 .15 .10 .10 .10 .10 !dO L50 1.00 1.60 .50 I'.OO .75 18 17 16 6 ..F.Pl... :;« PI.:: .... Htg :::'s. sec."::: .... Htg ....Stem .... Lever ..3d & 4th.. .-13.. ..13.. 21.. 3d 4th -.20.. ..20.. 20 .. Pendant .. 1st 2d 4th .18.. -.18.. ..14.. --14.. # WHEELS, INTER=WINDINO. No. of lllustra- 'tion. Old No. Class. Pr ce. Descri Dtion of Movement. No. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style. Winding. Setting.. Series. 1 eeth. 38 38 38 177 177 177 78 136 136 136 1,047 1,047 109 109 109 109 1.049 1,049 38 38 38 177 177 177 78 136 136 1.048 1,047 1.047 109 109 1:649 1,049 1 2 to 5 6 - 8"to"9 10 " 11 15 24 to 25 26 27 to 28 29 " 30 31 49 to 51 53 'to" 65 .56 57 to 59 60 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 1.00 .76 .50 :5o 1.00 .75 .50 .75 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 18 17 16 6 ..F.K... ::«?!.:: .... Htg ::::o. F. :::: :::: mg. :::: :::'s.sec."::: --0.V :::: mg. :;:: ....Stem .... ... Lever ... ..2d to 4th.. ..26.. 26 :: 'Pendant. - ::::: sth":::: ..26-. ..17.. ..17.. ..17.. ..30.. ..28.. -.28-. ::2o:: ..30-. ..30.. -.30.. ..30. ..25 3d >t ..Pendant.. . . . Lever . . . 5th ::"i's't& 2d':: .. Pendant .. ..3d&4th.. ::::: ist ::::: 25. WHEELS, IvIAIN. No, of lllustra- fioo. Old No, Class. Price. Description of Movement. No. Piece. Per Doz. Size. Style, Winding. Setting. .. , Teeth. Serpes. *36 *n3 36 113 56 65 175 1,050 77 93 93 1.051 1,0.51 135 1,053 1,052 i67 154 1 to 5 1 " 5 4 " 5 6 7 to 11 12 " 14 15 - 16 17 to 20 21 22 to 23 24 " 20 27 " 28 29 " 31 32 33 34 S5 36 37 38 39 40 41 49 to 51 52 53 to 56 57 " 60 .50 .35 .30 .15 .15 .30 .30 .35 .30 .35 .30 .15 .15 .15 1.00 .75 .60 .40 1.25 1.00 .75 .60 .40 1.25 .15 .15 .15 .15 5.00 3.50 3.00 1.25 1.60 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.00 3.50 3.00 1.25 1.25 1.S5 12.00 9,00 7.00 4.00 15,00 12,00 9,00 7.00 4.00 15.00 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.50 17 16 6 ..F.Pl... '.:% PI.;: ..F. PI... ..U PI--. -— Htg '.'-'.'- 0. F.'.'.'.'. ... Intch. ... Htg. ... Stem .... 2ii 40 3d 40 65 175 " .. Pendant .. 5th 6th 32.. ... Lever ... 1st . 40 i< SI "V. Htg. v. ...a. Sec. ... -..0. F .... Htg '.'.'htg. BrV". ....O.J ;;o. F. Br.".'. .... Htg ;::: I :::: S4 '< 2d 31 93 ' "; 3d " 34.. 135 135 1,498 1,498 1,498 1,498 1,498 1,498 1,498 1,498 ^ypendant".' 4th 5th .6lh& 10th . . 42.. 42.. 48.. 48 " :::: I :::: ; 7Yli & lith 1 '. . 8th & 12th . . 48.. 48.. 48. 48.. 48.. 48 5 498 107 ... Lever ... . 9th & 13th . . 1st . 2d 48- 33.. 3=i 154 1,054 ..Pendant .. ._3d&4th.. . 35 * Among the 18 Size Movements described as Second Series, several had a Main Wheel like Illustration No. 36 instead of No. 113; therefore pains should be taken to compare part wanted with Illustration before orderins;. No. 56, 77. 'VrtW^J^^ WHEELS, NIIKUTE. No. of Old No. Class, Price. Description of Movennent. No. tion. Piece. Per Doz. Size. style. Winding. Setting. Series. Teeth. 1,055 1,055 41 60 187 1,056 41 121 121 1,057 1 ,057 141 1.01)9 1,058 I'.oeo l',66i 1,062 r,663 1 to 6 1 " 5 4 " 6 7 " 11 12 '■ 14 15 16 17 to 20 21 22 to 23 24 " 26 27 " 28 29 " 31 32. 33 to 35 30 37.. ,10 ,10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .60 .10 .50 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .15 .10 .10 .15 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 6.00 .75 6.00 .75 .75 ,75 i!oo .75 1.50 1.00 l!50 ■S !75 18 17 16 14 10 6 ...F. PL... ...Key Level 42—12 1,055 '.'.'.U PI-"" ...F. PL... ...?4 PL... . Htg. , .... 2d .... . 3d A 4th . .._.5th...- ....6th.... .-..1st.... ;;;; m ;;;; ;;;; 3d ;;;; .... 4th.... ....5th.... 6th & 10th "7"t"h & lith 8th & 12th "9"t"h & 13th 42—12 1,062 ■187 1,062 ""."o.P. "".". . Intch. . Pendant. ;;k. &l;;; .. Lever .. ... "^ ... .Pendant. 36—10 36—12 36—10 1,(B5 1,061 li)6I 1,061 1,061 1,062 --.-Htg ... Intch. ... !-int. Br"".'_ '"' Htg. ...K. & S.... stem 42—12 36—10 36-10 36—10 36—10 36—10 1,062 S. Sec. 36—10 1,062 1,499 1,499 1,499 1,499 ..--0. F ....Htg "Htg. Br.";; ....0._F ;;o. F. Brv;; 36—10 36—10 36- -10 36—10 36-10 36—10 36—10 36—10 1.499 1,499 1,061 38 to 40 41 42 to 43 44 " 45 46 " 48 49 " 52 53 " 56 57 " 60 ;:; Key .. Lever _ Pendar 1,061 1,061 1,062 1,500 1,063 ;;;;"Ht"g'.";;;; ;;;;stpm ;;;; t"; ;;istA'2"d;; . 3d & 4th . .... 1st .... 36—10 36—10 36—10 30—8 ^ Jo. 187. 0) No. 1,055. No. 1,06 , 1,600. No. 1,062, 1 6) ,499. No. 1,06 © 3. •- For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. WHEELS, RATCHET. ]39 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501 108 108 1,064 l.OM 1,0« 1,068 1,067 1,067 1.00 1.50 1.35 1.20 .50 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 .75 .50 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 18.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 18.00 .75 .50 . Lever .. Pendant . .. Lever .. . Pendant . No. 39, 1,064. WHEELS, RINO. No. of niustra- ription of Movement. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. WHEELS, SETTINO. 1,603 1.503 1,073 1,073 1,072 1,071 1,071 10 75 10 .50 1.=. 1.25 Ml 1.00 10 .75 F. PI. Htg. O. F. . . Lever . Pendant . Pendant -. Lever . . Pendant 3d & 4tli 5th II 6th". 1st 11^ "Not furnished separate from the Arhors, and prices include both Wheel and Arbor. No. 57. Col No. 79 fo J # WHEELS, SWEEP SECOND. ription of Movement. Lever ... -ith. ?SnP*5s To ascertain Grade of llovement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration and Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 437 Elgin National Watch Co. WHEELS, TMIRD. No, of Illustra- Old No. Class. Pice, Description of Movement. No. Teeth. tion. Piece. Per Doz. Size: style. Winding. Setting. Series. Train. Ifilb 1.076 1 to 2 .15 1.30 IR .I'\ PI.. .. Htg. .. K. AS.- .K. &. L.. . 2d to 4th . Quick ..Gilded .. ..75.. )75 1.07.5 3 " 4 .15 1 .25 " ../5.. ITS 1.075 5 " 6 .10 1.00 " ..lb.. )7fi 1.076 3 " 4 .15 1.50 " Slow 076 1,076 5 .15 1.25 " 076 1,076 6 .10 1.00 " 077 077 1.077 1.077 8" .15 .15 1.50 1.25 " ..O.^F. .- ..Stem .. Pendant 5th Quick ..75.. to 9 077 1.077 10 " 11 .10 1.00 " " " " — 086 1,078 12 " 13 .15 1.50 .% PI.. . Intch. . " OSfi 1,078 14 .15 1 25 '■ " " — n7<) 1.079 15 ^10 1.00 17 .F. PI.. ..Htg. .. .K. ctS.. .K. & L.- .... 1st .... Slow ..60.. 08fi 1.080 16 1.25 15.00 Iti .% PI- . Intch. . ..Stem .- . Lever . Quick 086 1.080 17 to 19 .15 1..50 " ..Gilded.. ../5.. 086 1,080 20 .10 l.UO " " " .. lb.. 086 1,081 21 1.25 15.00 " .Int. Br.. " .... 2d.... " 086 1,081 22 to 23 .15 1.50 " " " " '* ..Gilded.. ..75.. 086 1,082 24 " 25 .15 1.50 ..Htg. .. " " ..lb.. 086 1,082 26 .10 1. 00 " " " — 086 1,084 27 to 28 .15 1.50 " " . S. Sec. . " ..lb.. 086 1.033 29 " 30 .15 1.50 " ..0. F... Pendant 5th ..lb.. 086 1.083 31. .10 1.00 *1 080 086 086 32 33 to 34 35 .40 .15 .10 4.00 1.50 1.00 ;; .. Htg. .. 6th & 10th " . Polished. ..Gilded.. --Z5-- *J ns6 36 ..iO 5.00 Htg. Br. 7th & 11th . Polished. *] 086 086 086 37 38 to 39 40 .40 .15 .10 4.00 1..50 1.00 ..O.F. .. - - „ - - 8th A 12th " ;; Gilded';; ..75.. ..75.. *1 086 41 .60 5.00 O. F. Br. " 9th & 13th " 086 1,085 42 .15 1.50 14 -. Key .. .. Key .. " ..Gilded.. ..75.. 086 1,085 43 .16 1.25 " ..'D.. 086 44 .15 1.50 12 " ..lb.. 086 45 .15 1.25 " 086 1,086 46 to 47 .15 1.50 10 " ..7o.. 086 086 1.086 1.087 48 49 .15 .25 1.2S 2.50 6 TLev ;Polishe"d; ..75.. .. Htg. .. ..Stem - 31 - . 1st & 2d . 086 1,087 50 to 51 .15 1..50 .. " " 086 1 087 52 .10 1. 00 *1 086 086 036 53 54 to 55 56 .40 .15 .10 4.00 1.50 1.00 I :: :; :: Pendant .3d&4th . . Polished. ..Gilded.. ..75.. ..75.. 088 088 088 1.088 1.088 1,088 58"to'59 00 .40 .15 .10 4.00 1.50 1.00 " ;; - .... 1st .... ..Gilded.. ;;75;; *( )val Arm. jserve that 18 Size Movements are made both Quick and Slow Train. No. 1,075, 1,077. No. 1,076. No. 1,079. /Q\ /P\ ® w W No. 1,086. No. 1,088. ^ S^ Kl>' kxJ To ascertain Grade of MoTement, consult Indes In ordering Material, give Number of Illustration anil Class, or Number of Movement for which same is required. 428 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Elgin National Watch Co. WHEELS, THIRD AND PIIsIION. Winding. Setting. 1,091 1,091 1,094 1.094 1.094 1.093 1.094 1,094 1.094 1,094 1,094 1.094 1,094 1.094 1,094 1,098 1,097 1,097 *1 ,094 1,094 1,094 *I ,094 »1,097 1.097 1,097 *1.097 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,101 1,101 1,101 1,101 *1,603 *1,103 1,102 1,102 1,102 1.089 1,089 1.090 1,091 1,092 1.092 1.092 1,093 1.094 1.094 1.094 1.094 1,100 1,100 1,101 1,101 1,101 1,101 1,102 1,102 1.102 1,102 4,00 3.25 4.00 4.50 3.00 22.00 5.60 4.50 4.50 3.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.00 11.00 6.00 4,50 3.00 9 00 6.00 4.50 3.00 9.00 6.00 4.50 3.00 . O. F. Intch. K. AS.-'.K. & L, Quiet Slow Quick Polished. ."Glided . 73— Iffl . 75—10 75-10 7.5—10 7,5—10 75-10 *Oval Ann. Observe that 18 Size Movements are made both Quick and Slow Train. No. 1,089, 1,090. A A No. 1,101. No. 1,503. , ^ , For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^'^^ Elgin National Watch Co. ASSORTED NIATERIAL. In making up the following Assortments of Material we have endeavored to select the kinds most used by the Watch Repairer. The material is put up in small brass boxes, labeled so that the piece required may be easily found. The small boxes are placed in a larger one, which is also labeled, showing the kind of material contained therein. In Assorted Screws, the most prominent ones are finished according to the letter under which the price is quoted; there are, ho^vever, several other styles of finish included in assortment. As a rule, nearly all Screws used under the Dial are Flat Head, Blue. Assoftment Number. Articles. Contents. Price, 1,704 Clicks -- S'/jDoz. .. 1.50 2.00 4.00 1.00 8.50 3.00 1.75 8.00 1,705 " Medium and Cheap Grades... 1,706 .. 10 " .. 1,707 1,708 .. iV. " 11 iC (1 It 1,709 Cap, Balance Springs. Click - -04 " «C .( « « 1,710 ii 11 l( 11 1,711 " Medium and Cheap Grades. . . SCREWS. B— Flat Head, Bright, Edge Stoned. C— Flat Head, Bright, Edge Not Stoned. D— Flat Head, Blue. F— Bevel Head, Bright, Edge Stoned. G_Bevel Head, Bright, Edge Not Stoned. H — Bevel Head, Blue. Assortment Pric Per G ross. Dascr ption of Move nent. Number. B. C. D. G. H. Sire. Style. Winding. Setting. . Series. 1,262 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.00 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 """ 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 18 17 16 14 10 6 ..F. PI... 1.263 2.25 2.25 2.00 2.00 ..F. PI... Htg. Lever ...Pendant ... 1,264 O. F. 1,265 Intch 1,266 1 ,267 \'.%yi.\\ Htg. . 1,268 2.25 2.25 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.00 Intch. ctlnt.Br. - Htg. 1,270 3a 1,272 .... S. See. .... O.F . Htg. & 0. F. . « .( 1,271 1.75 2.00 2.25 "'.' Key '"" --. Pendant ... 762 2.50 2.25 1,273 2.00 2.00 2.00 1,274 1,277 2.00 1.75 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.75 2.25 2.00 2.25 Htg ....Stem .... Lever ... Pendant ... ...lst " n l< " " « " « " X " !!!!Htg.Br!!!!! o._p !!!o. P. Br!!!! !;Key! .Stem . !"Key! !stem'! li. & s! -Stem . " " 1.25 1.00 1..50 1.00 1.50 1.25 I.OO 1.50 1.25 1.00 .30 .20 .30 .20 1.00 1.00 .75 .75 1.00 15.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 18.00 1.5.00 12.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 9.00 13.00 9.00 « " Htg .L. & P.. Pendant !! Key!! - Lever - !k. & l!! Pendant -lsttp4th. !!!! ist!!!! !!!!"2d!!!! !2d to4tti! !!!! 5th!!!! ..Nickel.. !! 'Gilded'!! ..Nickel.. !!"Gilded'!! ..Niclcel-- .. Gilded.. ..Niclcel-. .. Gilded .. ..Nickel.. !! 'Gilded"!! !!"Nicl;el"!! ..Gilded.. ti Caps, Ratchet.. Potances, S. L.. E. A.. S, L.. U..\.. S. L.. !!!!!"Hti.'!!!!! !!!!!o. F. !!!!! Prices include! Hole and Cap Jewels where used. 1 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Elgin National Watch Co. PARTS OR FIvATES. No. 1,564, 1,565, 1,566. No. 1,633, 1,634, 1,635. No. 1,636, 1,637. No. 1,638, 1,639, 1,640. 1^ No. 1,641, 1,642, 1,643. No. 1,644, 1,645. No. 1,646, 1,647. No. 1,648, 1,649. No. 1,650, 1,651. ® l®__3l No. 1,656, 1.657, 1,658. No. 1,659, 1,660, 1,661. No. 1,652, 1,663. No. 1,666, 1,667. No. 1,668, 1,669. No. 1,673, 1,674. No. 1,675, 1,676. No. 1,679, 1,680. No. 1,681, 1,682. No. 1,683, 1,684. The most satisfactory way, when ordering Parts of Plates, is to send the piece to which the part is to he attached, by so doing we are able to fit and upright same. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies NEW MATERIAL FOR ELGIN 18. 12 AND O SIZE. 18 SIZE. i MgiB. N°I5/) 4^ >=l=o Sp^^^ @?|?=^ No. -S - 18 Size, Full Plate. Pncepe Grade I. II. 83 75 . (Arbors, Barrel, O. F. Stem •^ i Arbors, Barrel, Htg. Stem 2 Arbor Pallet, O. F. and Htg 3 Arbor Pallet, (Taper) . ( Barrel, Gilt, O. F. and Htg- ^ I Barrel, Nickel, O. F. and Htg - f Barrel. Gilt with Arbor, fitted O. F. and Htg ° 1 Barrel, Nickel with Arbor, fitted O.F. and Htg _ f Balances, Expansion with Gold Screws " \ Balances, E.xpansion with Comp. Screws . . 7 Balances, without Screws 8 Cap. Breg. Hair Spring Stud e Clicks, Htg 1 Clicks, O. F 11 Click Springs 1 2 Collets, Hair Spring 1 3 Dust Bands, Nickel and Gilt ... 14 Forks, Htg. Old Style 14K Forks. Htg. New Style 15 Forks, O.F. New Style IS'i Forks, O. F. Old Style 16 Hub,Winding 17 Indexes, Gilt and Nickel 18 Pallet and Pallet Stones, O. F. and Htg, (Set) New Style 19 Pallet and Pallet Stones. O. F. and Htg, (Set) Old Style 20 Pallet Stones. (Rec. and Disc.) Always state which is wanted 2 1 Pallet, Pallet Stones & Fork, O. F. New Styl 2 IK 'Pallet, Pallet Stones & Fork, O.F. Old Style 22 Pallet, Pallet Stones & Fork, Htg. Old Styl 22}4 Pallet, Pallet Stones & Fork, Htg.New Styl. „„ f Pallet, Pallet Stones, Fork and Arbor, O. F ■^•='1 Pallet, Pallet Stones, Fork and Arbor, Htg. 24 PinionCannon 25 Pinion, Center Staff and Collar, New Style. 26 Pinion, Center Staff and Collar, Old Style. 27 Pinion Head 28 Pinion Center Collar 29 Pinion Third 30 Pinion Fourth 31 Pinion Escape 12 25 27 25 SOO 200 10 60 10 50 10 50 10 50 12 ' 12 ■ 3 ■ 6 00 6 00 2 75 6 50 2 50 7 25 10 00 6 60 11 00 6 75 11 00 6 75 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 75 1 00 1 50 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 7 75 7 75 2 25 4 60 4 60 1 60 60 1 75 1 75 1 75 18 Size, Full Plate. 8 3 50 3 50 No. Grade I 32 Regulator, Breg. O. F 33 Regulator, Breg. Htg 34 Regulator, O, F 35 Regulator, Htg 36 Regulator, H. W. Co 37 ''Regulators. Patent 38 Ratchet 39 Springs, Main 40 Springs, Hair 41 Springs, Hair-Colleted 42 Springs, Hair Breg., Studded and Colleted 43 Stud Winding Stem 44 Stud, Hair Spring Breg 45 Slud, Hair Spring Regular 46 Stop Works, Male 47 Stop Works, Female 48 Staff, Center, O. F. and Htg., Old Style. . . 49 Staff, Center, O. F. and Htg., New Style. . . 50 Staff, Center and Wheel 51 Staff, Center. Wheel Pin and Coll 52 Staff, Center, Wheel Pin, Collar and Can- non Pin. Fitted 53 Stem, Winding 54 Staff, Balance 55 Shipper 56 Shipper, Spring 57 Wheel, Center 58 Wheel, Hour 59 Wheel, Minute 60 Wheel, Third 61 Wheel and Pin, Third 62 Wheel, Fourth 63 Wheel and Pinion, Fourth 64 Wheel Escape, Hubbed 65 Wheel and Pinion, Escape Price per doz. ■ III. 11 00 2 00 2 25 1 00 6 1 25 1 00 76 1 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 5 75 8 00 12 00 2 25 7 00 2 00 1 25 1 75 1 00 1 00 1 76 5 00 1 75 6 00 100 125 2 50 2 50 4 75 6 SO 1 75 3 00 1 OO 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 150 3 50 '■' Patent Regulators — 1st quality, gold ; 2d and 3d quality, steel. I. First Quality. II. Second Quality. III. Third QualHy. HAMPDEN WATCH CO. N;99. KSIoa. N°IOI. — ^^ — o — -'■ — o — ° — 0- M- o— ^ I +. ©- -^ ©- 18 Size^ Full Plate. HANDS, 18 SIZE. No. Par doz. 99 FleurdeLis.H &M $150 100 Morning Glory, " 100 101 Moon, '■ 125 102 Fine Spade, " 90 103 Spade, " 65 104 Crescent, " 125 1 05 Seconds, Dart, 1st grade 50 105 Seconds, Ball 40 107 Gold Hands, Hour and Minute , 150 18 Size, Full Plate. No „^ f Wheels, Setting, Steel f°\Wheels, Setting, Brass 67 Wheels, Winding 68 Wheel, Inter. Wind 69 Yoke, Htg 70 Yoke, O. F 7 1 Yoke, Spring 72 Bridges, Winding, Front 73 Bridges, Winding. Back 74 Ratchet, Bridges, Htg 75 Ratchet, Bridges, O. F „ _ f Pillars, Nickel '°1 Pillars, Gilt „„f Rollers ' ' (Rollers, with Jewel Pin „o (Bridges, Barrel Htg., Nickel. Each... '° (Bridges, Barrel Htg., Brass. " ... „- f Bridges, Barrel O. F. Nickel. " . . . '^ \ Bridges, Barrel O. F. Brass. " . . . r Potances, Nickel oO| potances, Brass 81 Potances, with Jewels, fitted complete. 82 Balance Cocks, Nickel. Each 83 Balance Cocks, Brass. " - Price per doz* I. : 00 2 25 1 00 3 CO 2 75 III. 1 50 1 60 2 75 2 50 JEWELS. Price per do Grade X. S 4 00 1 50 4 00 84 End Stones 85 Ruby Bars 86 Garnet Bars 4 00 2 25 87 Roller, Jewel 88 Ruby Balance 3 00 89 Ruby Centers 15 00 13 00 89'-^ Center, Lower, Ruby or Sapphire, (unset) 60 cts. each. X. Gold Settings. Y. Cemposition Settings. Z. Brass Settings. DIALS. Each. 90 Railway, Special $3 25 91 Railway, New 2 25 92 Anchor 2 25 93 J. C. Dueber, Special 1 75 94 J. C. Dueber 1 -'5 95 Dueber 1 25 96 Dueber Watch Co., Gilt and Nickel 125 97 Gladiator 1 00 S3 V Jeweled 1 00 1', Size Dial with fo ^t under figure 12 is O. F., otherwise Htg. 'S MATERIAL.-I8 Size. 437 usee. N563. NB69. NBTt. ^^^®ii No. 108 Balance 109 Banking 110 *Barrel, Bridge 111 Dust Bands 112 Ratchet, Bridge, Htg . . . 113 Ratchet, Bridge, O. F . 114 Winding Bridge, Front. . 115 Winding Bridge, Back . , 1 16 tHair Spring Stud, Cap. . 117 '-'Case 118 ''Balance Cock 119 Dial, Foot 120 Hub.., 121 tindex 122 tPlate, Jewel 123 tBalance Cock, Jewel . . . . 124 Potance, Jewel 125 Pallet 126 ''Pillar 127 Patent Regulator 128 Female Stop 129 Click Spring 1 30 Shippers Spring 131 Shipper Stud 132 tHair Spring Stud 133 Hub Stop 134 Assorted Sc NO 85. 9 18 Size, Full Plate. SCREWS. Pri. • $1 00 1 75 per gross. '■'Add 10c. per doz. for Gilt Head. tAdd 5c. Gilt Head, assorted Screws, per gross, $2.00 Gold. B. Composition. C. Brass. D. Bevel. E. Flat. N9I40. "8141. fjn|4z. ® ^^^ ep "='*«■ Ng,48, N9,50. # *- ^ N51*7 NBI49. X NHI54. N5I55. 16 Size Htg., 3-4 Plate. No. . G 135 Arbor Barrel 1 36 Arbor Pallet ,„., (Barrel. Nickel ^■= '(.Barrel, Gilt , _„ ( Barrel with Arbor, fitted, Gilt 138| Nickel , „Q f Balance, Expansion, Gold Screw Irfy^ ., .1 Comp. Screw 1 40 Collet Hair Spring 141 Click 142 Cap, Breguet Hair Spring Dials, Page 15. 143 Hub, Winding Hands. Page 16. Jewels, Page lo. 1 44 Pallet, Stones and Fork 145 Pallet, Stones, Fork and Arbor, complete 146 Pinion, Cannon Center Head Third Fourth Escape 147 Pinic 148 Pini< 149 Pinic 150 Pink 151 Regulator, Micrometer 152 Ratchet 153 Spring, Main 154 Spring, Hair 155 " " Colleted 156 ■• " " and Studded... 158 Stud, Hairspring, Flat 159 Staff. Balance 1 60 Staff, Patent Center 161 Staff, Patent Center and Wheel 162 Staff, Patent Center Wheel and Pini< 163 Staff. Center and Head 164 Staff, Center Wheel and Pinion, Cannon fitted complete 165 Shipper 166 Spring. Click 1 67 Stem, Winding : 1 68 Spring. Yoke 170 Stones, Pallet, (Rec. and Dis.) 1 7 1 Wheel, Center 8 00 5 00 12 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 8 00 10 00 3 00 1 50 100 1 75 1 25 75 150 a 50 2 50 4 75 6 50 16 Size Htg., 3-4 Plate. No. 172 Wheel, Third. Fourth . 173 1 74 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 Yoke 184{B^'^.'; .. ,, , f Pallet Cock with J. AMnute Setting Intermediate. . . Winding Third and Pini< Fourth " " Esc. ks, Nickel. Each. 185| els. Nickel 186 187{^ f Winding Bridge, Back. Nickel. , 1 ' Brass 1 75 175 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 50 3 1 50 1 50 1 75 1 75 75 2 00 4 00 4 00 4 25 2 25 s 1 00 1 00 150 50 60 150 50 3 00 3 00 3 50 1 50 fin fi on 3 50 3 no 2 25 No. 16 Size Htg., 3-4 Plate. SCREWS. Price per Grade A. B. C. 209 Balance ISl 25pl 00 210 Bankini; 211 Winding Bridge j 212 *Train Bridge ' 213 "Balance Cock 214 *Pallet Cock I 215 «'Case j ' 216 tCap, Breg. Hair Spring Stud.... I 217 Dial, Foot ' 218 Hub 219 tPlate, Jewel 220 tBalance Cock, Jewel 1 221 Micro. Regulator 222 Shipper Spring I 223 Shipper Stud ^ 224 tHair Spring Stud ^ ' 225 Assorted Screws, per gross ; * Add 10c. per doz. for Gilt Head. tAdd 5c. " ■' " Gilt Head, assorted Screws, per gross, SO 20 A. Gold. B. Comp. C. Br D. Bevol. E. Fl»«. t. 1s< quality. 2. 2nd qualiiv, 3. 3rd quality. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. HAMPDEN WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL. 16 Size Htg., 3-4 Plate. JEWELS. Pric No. Grade X. 188 Endstoncs 189 Ruby Bars 190 Garnet Bars 191 Roller Jewels 19a Ruby Balance 193 Ruby Center 193^ Center, Lower. Ruby or Sapphire, lunset) 60 IS Size Jewels. FOR ILLUSTRATIONS, SEE IS SIZE JEWELS, PAGE : d02, Z. } 1 50 16 Size. NO 207. MS 208. X. Gold Settings. V. Composition Settings. Z. Brass Sotting 194 195 No. 103 Movement. 200 201 IC Size Dials. 6 Size. NS 229. NS 230. NS 231 fm of Na242. N9 241. ---'>„ NS243. ND244. i^g^dS. NS 236/2 "5 237. NS 238. ^u z^s, n5 240. N9 246. -4- NB249. NB2 50. ® ^ ^ N9 255. N9 256. 16 Size Htg., 3-4 Plate. HANDS. No. Per do 202 Fine Spade, H. & M Sli 203 Crescent, " 1' 204 Spade, Narrow, " '■ 205 Moon, " 1' 206 Spade. Medium, " ' 207 Seconds, Dart ' 208 " Ball Gold Hands, H. & M. 10 Si2 6 Size Htg.y 3-4 Plate, No. 226 227 228 { 229 [ 230 { 231 232 233 235 235? 236 236; 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 Arbor, Barrel Arbor, Pallet Barrel, Gilt Barrel, Nickel Barrel, Gilt, with Arbor fitted Barrel, Nickel, with Arbor fitted Balance, E.xpansion, Gold Screws.. . Balance, E.xpansion, Comp. Screws. Cam ■ Spring Click Collets, Hai Dials, Page '21. Hub, Winding- Hands, Page 22. Jewels, Page 21. Pallet, Fork and Stones g Pallets and Stones Pallet Fork, Stones and Arbor. 2 Fork Pinion, Canon Pinion, Center Head Pinion, Third Pinion, Fourth Esc Pini( Ratchet Roller Roller and Jewel (Set) Stones, Pallet, (Rec. and Disc Staff, Balance Staff, Center Staff, Center and Wheel Staff, Center Wheel and Piniot Staff. Center Wheel and Pi Canon fitted Staff, Center and Head Shipper Stem, Winding Stud, Hair Spring Spring, Click S 3 25 1 00 6 00 . io'at) . 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 25 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 "■> 1 50 1 75 L 1st quality, 2. 2nd quality. 3. 3rd quality 440 6 Size Htg., 3-4 Plate. NB268. NS2e9. ^O K^ NS 271, NS 27a. z > u D m z > H O X o O ■ CO > H m > OOO Size. N54-00. N240I. N9402. N5405 MS 406. NS407. N540a. N9409. NS 410. N34I1. I- ^ N54I3. N54I4- N54-I5. N54IS. Nn418. N54I9. Na420. N542I. NS4a2 N54S3. N5424. N5425. N5 42S. NS427. N5 429, N5430. NS43I. N"433 N5440. N?44l. N5442. N5443. N5444. N?445. N?446. N5 447. NS44S. No. . 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 i Spring, Yoke. r Colleted. r Collelea ; Mil jte.. Center Third Fourth Esc Third and Pini Fourth and Pir Esc. and Pinic el, Intermediate. . . , Winding Setting: Yoke Balance Cock, Nickel, Each.... " Gilt. • .... Pallet Cock, with Jewels, Nickel. ' ' Gilt.... ice De $0 50 1 75 75 doz. 3. s.... 1 25 1 50 75 150 1 50 1 50 1 75 4 75 4 75 4 50 75 100 1 75 75 1 '25 1 25 1 25 1 50 350 325 3 75 1. l£< quality. 2. 2nd.quality 3. 3rd quality. JEWELS. Grade 8 4 00 277 Endstones 278 Ruby Bars 7 00 279 Garnet Bars 280 Ruby Balance 281 Ruby Centers 15 00 282 Roller Jewels 282M Center, Lower, Ruby or Sapphire, (unset) 50 cts. < FOR ILLUSTRATIONS, SEE 18 SIZE, PAGE 8. X. Gold Settings. V. Camp. Settings. Z. Brass Setting 13 00 8 1 50 i 00 DIALS. 283 No. 200. 284 ■■ 206 285 " 213 286 " 215 287 ■' 220 Each. . $1 00 . 1 25 . 1 50 . 2 00 . 2 25 OOO Size. Price per doz. e, Cock with Endstone Set . 400 Arbor, Barrrel ; . . . . 401 Arbor, Pallet 402 Barrel, Nickel 403 Barrel with Arbor, fitted 404 -f Balance Expansion, Gold Screws. ,„^i_ " " Comp. Screws 405 Collet Hair Spring ... 406 Click :... 407 Domes Balan Dials, Page : 408 Hubs, Winding Hands, Page 28. Jewels, Page 28. 409 Pallet and Fork, without stones 41 Pallet and Fork, with Stones 411 Pallet, Fork, Arbor and Stones, complete. 412 Pinion, Cannon 413 Pinion, Third 414 Pinion, Fourth 415 Pinion, Escape "416 Regulator 417 Rachet 418 Roller 419 Roller and Jewel (Set) Roller Jewels, Page 28. 420 Spring, Hair 421 " '■ Colleted 423 ■'■ " •■ and Studded 423 Stud, Hair Spring 424 Staff, Balance ' 425 Staff , Center and Head 426 Staff, Center Wheel and Head 427 Staff, " ■' and Pinion, with Cannon fi'd 428 Shipper 429 Spring, Click 430 Spring, Yoke 431 Spring, Shipper . 432 Spring, Main ,ioo f Stones, Pallet, receiving *^^1 '■ •• discharging. 434 Stetns. Winding 435 Wheels, Hour 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 448 447 . 448 Yoke with Hub Minute Center Third Fourth Escape Third and Pinioi Fourth and Pinic Escape and Pini( Intermediate Winding Setting 1. $4 00 2 50 7 75 12 75 31 00 50 17 25 IS 75 21 25 2 00 5 25 5 50 2 76 1 75 6 00 10 75 13 25 35 75 4 50 2 00 3 25 2 60 2 50 1 25 1 25 1 50 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 Ng 288. O — o — For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. HAMPDEN WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL. OOO Size. NS 289. OOO Size. DIALS. No. • Each 449 No. 400 $2 25 450 No. 400 A , , 2 00 NS 291. o — 6 Size Htg., 3-4 Plate. No. 288 Fine Spade Hands, Ho 289 Morning Glory 290 Moon 291 Spade 292 Seconds, Dart 293 " Dot Gold Hands, H. &M. .$1 50 . 1 00 Grade A. B. Price per do $1 2; SI 00 $0 20 294 Balance 295 Banking 296 '''Train Bridge 297 'Balance, Cock 298 '■'Pallet, Cock 299 '-'Case 300 Dial, Foot 301 Hub 302 '•'Balance, Cock and Plate Jewel 303 Shipper Stud 304 Click Spring ' 305 *Hair Spring Stud 300 Assorted Screws, per gross... '■'.Add 5c. per doz. for Gilt Head. Gilt Head, assorted Screws, per gross, $2.00 A. Gold. B. Comp. C. Brais. D. Bevel. E. Flat. DO NOT CUT OR DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE. 451 Endstones 452 Ruby Train 453 Ruby Balance 454 Ruby Centers (Uppers) . 455 Roller Jewels 84 00 7 00 $3 00 6 00 FOR ILLUSTRATIONS, SEE PAGE S. Y. Gold SeUings. Z. Compoeition Setling. HANDS. Price per doz. 456 Spade $1 00 457 Fine Spade 1 50 458 Seconds, Dart 50 459 Gold, Hour and Minute 1 50 SCREWS. Price per doz. Grade A. B. C. D. E. 460 Balance 461 Banking 462 "Train Bridge 463 '^'Balance Cock 464 "Pallet Cock 465 ''Case 466 Dial, Foot 467 Hub 468 '''Balance Cock or Train Jew 469 Shipper Stud 470. Click Spring 471 ':'Hair Spring Stud 472 Assorted Screws, per gross 1 75 "Add 5c. per doz. for Gilt Head. Gilt Head, assorted Screws, per gross, $2.00. Gold. B. Comp. C. Brass. D. Bevel. E. Flat. 18 SIZE OLD AND NEW STYLE MATERIAL. 5,3B 24A 24B 24C 30A 29A Per Dozen 9A. Click O. S. K. W. 1st model |0 50 53A. 58A. Wheel, Hour, O. S K. W _ 75 53B. 59A. Wheel, Minutes ' 75 24A. 3A. Cup, Arbor, K. W. 3d model 1 50 24B. lOA. Click, K. W. 3d model 50 24C. 38A. Ratchet, K. W. 3d model 50 30A. 38B. Ratchet, K. W. 1st model 50 39A. 68A. Wheel, Inter Wind 1 00 39B. 42A. Springs, Hair Breg. N. S 6 00 lA. 11 A. Springs, Click, O. S. W. 3d model 75 130. IIB. Springs, Click, O. S. W. 1st model 75 130A. 137. Scre'H', Pat. Regulator 75 37A. 1'20A 37A Per dozen Pinions, Winding, O. S. K. W ' $1 75 Pinions, Winding, N. S 1 75 Pinions, Cannon, O. S 3 25 Pinions, Cannon, K. W 1 35 Pinions, Cannon, K. W 1 35 Pinions, Fourth O. F. O. S., 8 leaf 1 75 Pinions, Third, 3d model 1 75 Pinions. Third, 3d model 1 75 Arbor Barrel, K. W 3 QQ Screws, Hub, O. S 50 Scre-ws, Hub, N. S 50 Regulator, O. S. K. W 2 00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies E. HOWARD & COS WATCH MATERIAL. 16 AND ISSIZE. 'a '•' HP* G= 235 6 7 y 9 10 II 12 Arbors, Barrel, Reed's Patent. . . " " Hnnting ** '* Open Face Pallet " Winding. Key Wind " Center, Key Wind Stem Wind....... Arbor Cnps " Old Style... " " Key Wind Bridges, Stem, False Plate ■• Solid " " " Latest, with Pipe. Stop Work , " Winding, Open Face " " Hunting Clicks Click Springs, Open Face '* *' . Hunting ClntcH Center Cnpe, Key Wind " or Friction Springs Dials, Sank Second, Roman. . . " " " Arabic.... Doable " " '* Special Dnst Binge, Gilt " " Nickel Hands, Hoar " Minate " Second Hair Springs , colleted " Spring Stud, Old Style .. . ** " • " Roond Collet Jewels, Balance, onset- ** ' " set in Brass . . ' Kndstones, onset " set in Brass. . ;; ^ " " Gold . . Escape, onset *' set in Braes . . . . " Gold ' Fourth, unset " set in Brass Gold " Pallet Arbor, unset ** Stones Roller or Jewel Pins Third, unset " set in Brass . . Per Doz. No. $15 00 54 500 55 5 00 56 800 57 6 00 58 3 00 59 3 00 60 5 00 61 .5 00 62 500 63 4 00 64 400 65 400 6B 2 00 67 800 68 8 00 69 200 70 2 50 71 2 50 72 3 00 78 300 74 200 75 1 50 76 30 00 77 36 00 78 54 00 79 Special 80 2 50 81 3 00 82 1 25 83 1 25 84 1 50 85 950 86 400 87 400 88 2 CO 89 5 00 90 6 00 91 300 92 3 50 93 450 94 3 50 95 350 96 600 97 350 98 400 99 6 00 100 350 101 400 102 600 103 200 104 350 105 400 106 Jewels, Third, set in Gold Main Springs PaUete and Forks Pallet Fork and Arbor Pinions, Cannon *' Center Escape " Foorth Third Regalator " Springs, Open Face " " Hunting Rollers, with Jewel Pin fitted Shippers, Open Face " Hunting " Springs, Open Face " " Hunting " " Circular Sleeves Spring Levers, Open Face " " Hunting Staffs, Balance, False Plate SoUdPlate Stems, Winding " Latest Snort Sqnare Small Pivot . . " Extra Long, for 5 and 6 02. Cases . Stops, Female, Old Style " " New " " Male, Old " " New " square hole '* '* Latest Style, oblong hole . Wheels, Bevel, back of Clutch " Center and Pinion ■' Double or Main Winding (see 95). '* Escape " " and Pinion Fourth " "* and Pinion. " Hour Minute, with Pinion Main Winding " Inter-Winding Setting.No. 1 No. Third . aiJd Pinion Winding. Key Wind Balance, with Screws Barrel. Steel. IBs Main, Reed's Patent , present style.. Per Doz> $600 4 00 18 00 30 00 300 10 00 7,50 850 5 25 5 00 6 DO 600 . 6 00 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 500 200 5 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 600 900 90O 1 50 1 50 1 60 1 50 150 5 GO 60O 18 00 4 00 12 00 24 00 6 00 16 00 30O 3 25 6 00 2 DC 2 00 2 25 600 16 00 5 00 36 00 900 900 15 00 5 00 In ordering Material please state it tor. 18 or 16 size. Open Face or Hnntini In ordering Material tor any Howard Movement nnmbered below 30.000. a ;, False or Solid Plate. Key or Stem Wind, ways send old parts. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. E. HOWARD & CO/S WATCH MATERIAL. 223 243 245 250 251 253 254 264 271 £.>' ® # a 272 274 275 276 No. Doz. No. Doz, Wl Arbors, Barrel _ $ 5 GO 3 00 800 .36 00 900 400 1 60 8 00 2 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 30 00 36 00 Spec'l 2 50 3 00 1 25 1 25 1 50 9 50 2 00 ' 4 00 .1 00 6 00 3 00 3 50 4 50 3 50 3 50 6 00 3 50 400 6 00 6 00 3 50 4 00 2 00 3 50 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 2,54 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 869 370 271 272 "274 276 278 277 278 $400 600 400 18 00 30 00 300 10 00 7 50 850 8 25 50O 609 UIH Center •203 " Pallet _ _ _ _ Balance _ _ WW •/m Barrel (Steel) .._ WHi 207 Stop Work __._ XdH " Winding _ Win Center Steel - - fourth ?l(l Third mi Clicks - ?,1V, ■213 Dials, Roman, Sunk Second " Arabic " ■' - - Rollers $3.00 ; with pins 214 3 25 3 25 200 500 10 00 1^15 ■2m Dnst Rings, Gilt -- , Sleeves ■mv Nickel ---- 21b Hands, Honr Staffs, Balance •21« uao ■221 •222 223 " Second _ Hair Springs, $6.00 ;coUeted .... Collets ..• Studs ._ _.. Jewels, Balance, unset _ set in brass " Endstones, unset. " eetinbrass.. ___ " ^ " " gold.. . Escape, nnset set in brass . ;; ^ '' " gold Fourth, unset " " set in brass " " " gold " Pallet Stones .... Sto"ps, Female . " Male : . ;... " Wheels, Bevel Center... 150 IBO 500 6 09 18 00 :112b 226 1227 228 Clntch... '* Double or Main Winding " Escape ^.. _ ._ 400 400 12 00 24 00 230 " Fourth 600 16 00 232 Hoar. _ Inter-Winding 300 400 -234 2SS " Main '' ," Winding, see No. 26i Minute and Pinions... SettingNo. 1 900 -1136 *' " Arbor _ " " eetinbrass 2 3 23/ 238 " No. 2... ;; Third -.--.---- -.. 2» 600 16 09 239 " Third, unset 18, 16 AND 6 SIZE SCREWS. Balance Screws, Gold., Banking " Barrel Cap ■' " Bridge " Balance Bridge Screws Case Crown Click " Spring " Dial Double Wheel False Plate Hairspring Stud " Intermediate Wheel So Jewel Screws _. MaiA Wheel Screws Micrometer "■ , Main Winding Wheel Screws Plate Screws Pendant "■ Pallet Bridge Screws Regulator Spring" Stem Bridge " ___ Shipper Spring " Spring Lever Sfetting Wheel " Stop Bridge *' .,,.. .. Winding Bridge '" . , Cop " $023 100 25 In ordering material for any Howard Movements numbered below 30.000 always send old parts. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. u i8 SIZE, FULL PLATE, KEY, HUNTING & OLD STYLE (5th PINION) OPE^? FACE, LEVER SET. Give Number of Piece and Geadb, ok Number of the Movement for which Material is required. Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 1 Bal.ance, Expansion • - - - - $27 00 $15 00 ?12 00 $9 00 $2 25 $ 1 25 $■ 1 00 $ 75 2 " " Complete 40 00 36 00 26 00 15 00 350 3 00 2 25 125 S " Cock, Complete, oiilt - - - 15 00 12 00 9 00 7 00 1 25 100 75 60 * " " " Kiekel - 18 00 16 00 14 00 -- 1 50 135 1 25 - 5 Staff - - . - - - 5 00 4 00 300 3 00 50 40 30 30 « Barrel, Gilt, - _ . . . . 3 50 3 00 2 75 2 50 35 30 25 25 " Nickel - _ - _ _ 700 5 00 3 75 -- 60 50 40 - S Gilt, with Arbor fitted 7 50 6 50 6 00 5 50 65 65 50 50 9 N.ckel, " -' - ... 11 50 10 00 6 50 -- 1 00 85 55 - 10 " Arbor, Key ...--- i 00 3 50 3 25 3 00 40 35 35 30 11 Stem ... - - 4 00 3 50 325 300 40 85 SH 30 12 " " Cup, Gilt - - - -- -- -- 1 00 - - - 10 13 '* '* '• Steel base - . _ 1 75 1 50 125 -- 20 15 15 - 14 Center Staff, Key, (Patent) .... 3 CO 250 225 200 30 25 25 20 15 " " Stem, " .... 3 00 2 50 225 2 00' 30 25 25 20 10' Click, Stem - - - - - - -- 60 50 40 30 10 10 10 10 17 " Key eo 50 40 30 10 10 10 10 18 " " Ola style 60 50 40 30 10 10 10 10 19 " •• " Series 1 - - - 60 50 40 30 10 10 10 10 20 " Spring, Stem 50 40 30 25 10 10 10 10 21 Key 50 40 30 25 10 10 10 10 22 " Old style - - - . 50 40 30 25 10 10 10 10 23 Dust Band, Gilt, Key or Stem - 1 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 15 10 10 10 24 " " Nickeled --.--. 1 50 1 25 1 00 1 00 15 15 10 10 2.5 Fork, _ - - 2 00 150 100 75 20 15 10 10 2« Hairspring Collet 50 40 35 35 10 10 10 10 27 " Slud, Round .... 60 00 GO 60 10 10 10 10 28 " Plate, Old style - 1 75 150 1 25 - 20 15 '5 - 29 Not Colleted, Flat - 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 SO Colleted, Flat . - - . 1 75 1 50 125 1 00 20 15 15 10 31 J " Breguet, Colleted, Studded 3 50 350 300 - 35 35 30 - For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. i8 SIZE, FULL PLATE, KEY, HUNTING & OLD STYLE (stli PINION) OPEN FACE, LEVER SET. No. Give Number op Piece and Gtkade, ob Number of the Movement for which Matcriai is required. Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Gra,de Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 32 Hands, Hour & Minute, Key or Stem, Spade - - 45 35 _ _ 10 10 83 " " " " " Moon 55 55 - - 10 10 — _- Si " " ■' " " Morn. Gl'y 60 60 - , - 10 10 - — 35 " Second --.... 20 20 15 _ 10 10 10 _ 80 Index, Silver - - - — 1 SO _ — _ 15 _ 37 " Gilt - — 1 00 _ _ _ 10 _ 38 " Steel, for Patent Regulator 2 00 1 50 1 25 _ 20 15 15 _ 89 Jewels, Center, Upper 12 00 8 00 -- — 100 70 _ _ 40 " *■' Lower _____ . 9 00 8 00 -- — ra 70 - _ i\ " Third, Upper _ - _ . _ 00 2 00 2 00 - (0 20 20 ■_ 42 " " Lower _____ 4 00 2 CO 2 00 - 40 20 20 _ 43 " Fourth, Upper 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 _-_ 44 " ■■' Lower _ _ - - _ 4 CO 2 CO 2 00 - 40 20 20 _ 45 " Escape, Upper - _ 9 00 2 CO 2 00 - 75 20 20 — 46 " " Lower 4 00 2 00 2 00 - JO 20 20 — 47 " Pallet, Upper 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 — 48 " " Lower • . _ 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 — 49 " Cock Hole 2 75 2 00 1 50 1 25 30 20 15 15 50 Foot " __'__._ 2 75 2 00 1 50 I 25 30 20 15 15 51 " Cock Endstone - _ _ _ 2 75 1 75 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 52 Foot " 2 75 1 75 1 50 1 CO 30 20 15 10 53 " Escape, Endstone, Upper 3 00 - - - SO - - — 64 " * " Lower _ _ _ 125 - - - 15 - -_ — 55 Pallet " Upper 3 00 - - - 30 - - _ 56 " " " Lower _ _ - 1 25 - - - 15 - - - 57 Roller or Jewel Pin , - - - -70 60 60 60 10 10 10 10 58 Pallet Stones 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 16 15 10 10 59 Let Down Lever Old style, - _ _ _ 1 CO 1 00 50 50 10 10 10 10 eo 1 00 1 00 50 50 10 10 :o 10 ai Mainsprings _ _ 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 15 15 15 15 62 Pallet, with stones fitted _____ 8 00 7 00 6 00 5 00 70 00 50 50 «S Pallet and Fork with stones fitted _ 10 00 9 00 8 00 7 00 85 75 70 00 64 Pallet, Fork and Arbor Complete _ _ _ 12 75 11 25 10 00' 7 75 1 10 95 85 05 65 Pallet Arbor 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 66 Potance, Complete, Gilt _ _ _ - _ 8 00 7 00 6 00 6 CO 70 60 50 50 67 " " Nickeled _ _ _ 9 CO 8 00 7 00 7 00 75 70 60 00 68 Pinion, Revel or Winding, New style - 225 2 00 2 00 175 25 20 20 20 69 Old style - 225 2 00 1 75 1 50 25 20 20 15 TO Center or Pinion Head, Stem - 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 71 . " Key - 2 00 1 75 1 50 125 20 20 15 15 72 " Cannon, Stem _____ 2 75 200 1 75 1 50 30 20 20 15 73 Key 2 00 1 75 : 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 74 ' Escape 3 50 250 200 1 75 35 25 20 20 75 Fourth 3 50 2 50 200 1 50 35 25 20 15 76 Third 3 50 250 2 00 1 50 35 25 20 15 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. i8 SIZE, FULL PLATE, KEY, HUNTING & OLD STYLE (5th PINION) OPEN FACE, LEVER SET. Ko. Give Number of Piece and Geadb, or kumber of the movement for which Material is required. Ne t Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Gra,de Grade Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 77 Pinion, Fifth, for Open Face, Old style - -- -- 2 00 -- -- -- 20 -- 78 " Pat. Center, Complete, Key or Stem 6 00 500 400 SCO 50 50 40 80 79 " Spring, tor Old style, Opau Face - -- -- 25 -- - - 10 - 80 Regulator 2 50 200 1 75 1 00 25 20 20 10 81 " Patent, Complete - - - 6 00 5 00 4 00 -- 50 .50 40 - 82 Ratciiet, Key ------- 1 00 1 00 75 50 10 10 10 10 83 " Old style -- -- 75 50 . - - 10 10 84 " Stem ------- 1 00 1 00 75 50 10 10 10 10 85 Key, Old style, Left hand - 1 00 1 00 75 50 10 10 10 10 80 Cap, Gilt ------ i 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 87 " Nickeled ----- 300 2 75 2 50 -- 30 30 25 - 88 Roller - - - 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 89 " -with Jewel pin fitted 2 50 225 2 25 200 25 2.5 25 20 90 Setting Lever, New style - - - - - 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 25 30 20 15 1.5 91 Old style - - - - 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 25 30 20 15 15 92 Winding Bridge, Gilt ----- 6 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 50 50 40 30 93 " " Niclieled - - - - ! 7 00 6 00 5 00 -- 00 50 50 - 94 Old style, Outside 3 00 2 50 2 00 1 50 30 25 20 15 95 " " Inside - - 2 00 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 96 Wheel, Center 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 25 20 15 15 15 97 with Staff - - - - 525 4 50 4 00 8 75 50 45 40 40 98 " '■ " " and Cen. pin. - 7 00 6 00 00 5 50 60 50 50 50 99 ■• Cen. pin. & Can. pin. 9 75 9 00 8 00 7 75 85 75 70 65 100 Third - - 150 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 101 " with pinion - - - - 5 50 4 00 3 60 3 00 50 40 35 30 102 Fourth ------- 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 103 " " with pinion - - - - 5 50 4 00 3 50 3 00 50 40 35 30 104 " Escape -------' 150 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 105 with pinion - - - - 5 50 4 25 3 75 3 50 50 45 40 35 lOli Hour, Stem ------ 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 107 Key 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 108 Minute, Key or Stem - - - - 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 109 " Winding, Intermediate - ■ 100 75 75 50 10 10 10 M 110 Stationary or Setting - 1 25 1 00 75 75 15 10 10 10 111 " Compound ----- 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 50 20 20 15 1? 112 " Crown or Contrate - _ - - \ 3 50 3 50 300 1 50 35 35 30 15 113 Yolce 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 114 " Old style, series 3 ----- 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 115 " " " •■ 2 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 .30 20 15 10 110 ..'■•••. ,1 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 80 20 15 10 117 ■• Spring . - 1 00 75 .50 25 10 10 10 10 118 " Cap or Hub ------ 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 119 Old style series 3 - 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 120 ■■ ' "2 - - 200 1 75 1 60 1 25 20 20 15 15 121 •• " " 1 - - 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 122 " and Click Spring 1 50 1 25 1 00 75 15 15 19 10 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. I € 284 285 286 287 i8 SIZE, FULL PLATE, OPEN FACE, PENDANT SETTING. Give Number of Piece and Grade, or Number op the Movement for which Material is required. Net Price Per Doz en. Grade 7 Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 1 5 1 Grade 7 201 Balance, Expansion, $27 00 $15 00 $12 00 $9 00 $2 25 $1 25 .n 00 $ 75 202 '• '' Complete 40 00 36 00 26 00 15 00 350 3 00 225 1 25 203 Cock, Complete, Gilt - 15 00 12 00 9 00 7 00 1 25 1 00 75 60 204 Nickel - 18 00 16 00 14 00 -- 1 50 1 35 1 25 - 205 Staff 5 00 4 00 800 3 00 50 40 30 80 206 Barrel, Gilt - 3 50 3 00 2 75 2 50 35 30 25 25 207 Nickel - 7 00 5 00 3 75 -- 60 50 40 - ;208 Gilt, with Arbor fitted 7 50 6 50 6 00 5 50' 65 55 50 50 209 Nickel, " '• •' . . . 11 50 10 00 6 50 1 1 00 8.5 .55 - 210 Arbor 4 00 3 50 3a5 3 00 40 35 35 30 211 Center Staff ' 3 00 2 50 2 25 2 0O 30 25 25 20 212 Click -------- liO 50 40 80 10 10 10 10 218 " Spring ------- 50 40 30 2.D 10 10 10 10 214 Dust Band, Gilt ------- 125 1 00 1 00 1 00 15 10 10 10 215 ■■ Nickeled ----- 1 50 1 25 1 00 1 00 15 15 10 10 216 Fork --------- ? 00 1 50 1 00 75 20 15 10 10 217 Hairspring- ------- 1 W 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 218 Colleted ------ 1 75 1 50 1 2.5 1 00 20 15 15 10 219 Breguet, Colleted, Studded - 3 50 3 50 3 00 -- 35 35 30 — 220 Collets ------ 50 40 85 35 10 10 10 10 221 Studs 60 60 60 00 10 10 10 10 222 Hands, Hour and Minute, Spade - - - 45 35 - 10 10 223 '■■ '• •' Moon 55 55 - - 10 10 - — 224 " " " Morning Glory - 60 CO - - 10 10 - - 225 Second - 20 20 15 - 10 10 10 - 226 Jewel, Center, Upper - - 12 00 8 00 - - 1 00 70 - — 227 " Lower 9 00 8 00 - - 75 70 - — 228 Third, Upper ----- 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 - 229 " Lower - - - > - 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 - . 230 " Fourth, Upper - - - - - 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 2G — 231 " " Lower - - - - 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 - 282 '• Escape, Upper - - . - - 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 — 283 u Lower . - - - 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 — 234 Pallet, Ujiper - - - - - 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 — 235 " Lower - - - - - 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 — 236 Cock Hole 2 75 2 00 150 1 25 30 20 15 15 237 Foot Hole 2 75 2 00 1 50 1 25 30 20 15 15 238 '^ Cock Endstone - - - - - 2 75 175 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. 1 8 SIZE, FULL PLATE, OPEN FACE, PENDANT SETTING. Give Number of Pieoe and Grade, or npmber of the movement for which Material is required. Net Price Per Dozen. Grade 1 Grade I Grade ] Grade Net Price Per Piece. Grade I Grade I Grade Grade Jewel, Foot Endstone - - - " Escape " Upper - " " " Lower ■' Pallet " Upper - '^ Lower .Stones - _ - - " Roller or Jewel Pin Lift Spring, Old Style - - - - New Style Main Spring ______ Pallet, with Stones fitted - - - '' and Fork, with Stones fitted " '■ and Arbor Complete " Arbor ------ Pendant Spi'ing ----- Pinion, Bevel - - - _ , - " Cannon ----- Center, or Pinion Head Third ------ Fourth - Escape ----- " Patent Center, Complete - Potance, Complete, Gilt - - - " " Nickeled - - - Push Pill Regulate Patent, Complete Spring (Micrometer) - ith .rewel Pin fitted Slide Bar - Swing " - AVheel, Cente " with Staff - - - - " and Center Pinion " *' Cen. and Can. Pin. Third '^ with Pinion - - - - Fourth '' with Pinion - - - Escape - - * - " with Pinion - - - - Hour - - - - - Minute - _ - - - Crown or Contrate - _ _ Ratchet or Winding 2 75 1 75 8 00 - 1 25 - 8 00 - 1 25 - 1 50 1 50 70 60 1 00 75 100 75 1 25 1 25 8 00 7 00 10 00 9 00 12 75 11 25 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 2 25 2 00 2 75 2 00 2 00 1 75 3 50 2 50 3 50 2 50 8 50 2 50 600 5 00 8 00 7 00 900 8 00 50 50 2 50 2 00 6 00 5 00 8 00 ■2 50 1 50 1 25 2 50 2 25 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 175 1 50 5 25 4 50 7 00 6 00 9 75 9 00 1 50 1 25 1 5.50 4 00 1 50 1 25 5 50 4 00 1 fO 1 25 5 50 4 25 75 75 75 75 350 3 50 1 00 75 10 00 1 25 2 00 2 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 25 4 00 6 00 3.50 1 2a 8 75 1 25 5 00 1 75 1 50 1 75 5 00 6 00 1 00 1 00 1 25 3 75 550 7 75 1 00 8 00 1 00 800 1 00 350 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 449 Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD, 1 8 SIZE, FULL PLATE, OPEN FACE, PENDANT SETTING. No, Give Number of Piece and Grade, or Number of the Movement for which Material is required. Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade S Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 285 Wheel, Intermediate Winding 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 286 " Lift or Setting - - - - 1 25 1 00 75 75 15 10 10 10 287 Winding Bridge, Gilt 6 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 50 50 40 30 288 " " Nickeled - - - 7 00 600 5 00 -- 00 50 50 - 289 Yoke - - 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 290 " Spring, Old Style - - _ _ 1 00 75 60 25 10 10 10 10 291 _______ 1 00 75 50 25 10 10 10 10 292 " Hub or Cap ______ 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 SCRE\A/S. 18, 16, U, 8, 6 and 4 i Net Price W Gross M Price Balance, Gold " Oreide ___ " Brass " Meantime, Gold ------- " " Oreide " " Brass - - Banking Gold ---------- Oreide - - - " Brass --------- Bridge Case, Flat Head, - - " Bevel " - - " " Gilded Cock, Flat Head - - - _ " Bevel " " " Gilded Jewel, Flat " .-..----- Bevel " " " Gilded Pillar, Flat " " Bevel " . - " " Gilded Regulator, Micrometer Spring Gilded - Ratchet, 16 size, Thin Model Click, 16 " " All others not above enumerated, Flat Head " " " Bevel Head Gilded - - - - Assorted Screws (not including Gold Balance, Gold Bank- ing, or Gilded $12 50 1 50 1 50 12 50 2 50 2 00 12 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 2 75 3 50 6 00 2 50 3 00 i 00 1 50 2 00 3 00 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 50 10 00 2 50 3 00 1 50 2 00 3 00 2 00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue ot isupplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY. SPRINGFIELD, i8 SIZE, FULL PLATE, OPEN FACE, LEVER SETTING. No. Give Number op Piece and Grade, ok nitmbkk of the movement fok which Matekiai, is KEQUIKED. Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 301 Balance, Expansion - - - . - $27 00 515 00 $12 00 $ 900 $ 225 1 1 25 if 1 00 $ 75 302 " " Complete . . - 40 00 36 00 26 00 15 00 350 300 2 25 1 25 303 " Cock, Complete, Gilt - - 15 00 12 00 9 00 7 00 1 23 1 00 75 6« 304 " Nickel - 18 00 16 00 14 00 -- 1 50 1 35 1 25 - 805 Staff - 5 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 50 40 30 30 30« Barrel, Gilt ---_... 3 50 3 00 2 75 2.50 35 30 30 •25 307 " ■ Nickel 7 00 5 00 3 75 -- 60 50 40 — 308 Gilt, with Arbor fitted 7 50 6 50 6 00 5 50 65 .55 50 50 309 Nickel, .. " .. ... 11 .50 10 00 6 50 - - 1 00 85 55 310 " Arbor - ...... 4 00 3 50 3 2.5 3 00 40 35 35 .30 311 Center .Staff 3 00 2 50 2 25 2 00 30 25 25 20 312 Click - 60 50 40 30 10 10 10 10 S13 " Spring .--.... 50 40 m 25 10 10 10 10 S14 Dust Band, Gilt ...... 1 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 15 10 10 10 315 " Nickeled _ . . . . 1 1 50 1 25 1 00 1 00 15 15 10 10 316 Fork ..-..-... 200 1 50 1 00 (0 20 15 10 10 317 Hairspring 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 318 CoUeted - 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 319 '■ Breguet, Colleted, Studded 3 50 3 50 300 35 35 30 _ 320 Collet 50 40 35 35 10 10 10 10 321 Stud 60 60 60 60 10 10 10 10 322 Hands, Hour and Minute, Spade - 46 45 35 - 10 10 10 323 " " Moon - - - 55 55 - — 10 10 — - 824 '• " " Morn. Glory - 60 60 - - 10 10 — - 325 " Second -.-... 20 20 15 15 10 10 10 10 326 Jewel, Center, Upper 12 00 8 00 - - 1 00 70 — _ 327 " " Lower ..... 9 00 8 00 - — 75 70 — - 328 Third, Upper . _ . . . 9 00 200 200 - 75 20 20 - 329 " " Lower ..... 400 2 00 200 _ 40 20 20 - 880 " Fourth, Upper 9 00 2 00 200 — 75 20 20 — 331 " " Lower - . . - - 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 _ 832 '* Escape, Upper ..... 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 - 383 " " Lower - - - 400 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 - 384 " Pallet, Upper s 00 300 2 00 - 75 20 20 _ 385 " ' Lower - . - - . 4 00 200 200 - 40 20 20 — 336 Cock Hole 1 2 75 200 1 50 1 25 30 20 15 15 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. i8 SIZE, FULL PLATE, OPEN FACE, LEVER SETTING. Give Ntjmbek of Piece and Grade, ok Ntjmbek op the Movement pok which Mateeiai. is rbquiked. Ne.t Price Per Dozen. Grade Grade Grade Grade Net Price Per Piece. Grade Grade Grade Grade Jewel, Foot Hole ------ " Cook Endstone - - . - " Foot " " Escape, Endstone, Upper " " " Lower - - - " Pallet " Upper " " " Lower - - - " Roller or Jewel Piu - . . " Pallet Stones Mainspring ---.... Pallet, with stones fitted - - - - - " and Fork with stones fitted " Fork and Arbor Complete - - - " Arbor - Pinion, Bevel " Cannon ------ " Center - - " Pat. Center, Complete - - - " Third " Fourth ------ " Escape ------- Potance, Complete, Gilt - - _ - " " Nickeled - - - - Regulator ------- " Patent, Complete - - - - " Spring, {Micrometer) Roller - - - " with Jewel pin fitted - - . Wheel, Center ------- " with Staff - - - - " " " and Cen. pin. - " " " Cen. pin. & Can. pin. Third " with pinion - - - - Fourth - - " with pinion - - - - Escape " with pinion - - - - Hour Minute ------ Crown or Contrate - - - - Ratchet or Winding - - - Winding, Intermediate - - - Stationary or Setting - - . Compound ------ $2 75 2 75 2 75 3 00 1 25 3 00 1 50 1 25 8 00 10 00 12 75 1 75 2 25 2 75 2 00 6 00 3 50 3 50 3 50 8 00 9 00 2 75 6 00 3 00 1 50 2 50 1 75 525 700 9 75 1 50 5 50 1 50 5 50 1 50 5 50 3 50 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 75 1 75 1 50 1 25 7 00 9 00 11 25 1 50 200 2 00 1 75 5 CO 2 50 2 50 2 50 7 00 800 2 00 500 2,50 1 25 2 25 1 50 4 50 600 9 00 1 2.5 4 00 1 25 4 00 1 25 4 25 1 50 1 50 60 1 00 1 25 6 CO 8 00 10 00 1 25 2 00 1 75 1 50 4 00 2 00 6 00 7 00 1 75 4 00 2 00 1 25 225 1 25 4 00 1 25 350 1 25 3 50 1 25 3 75 ,fl 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 25 500 7 00 7 75 1 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 50 1 75 6 00 7 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 25 3 75 5 50 7 75 1 00 300 1 00 1 00 1 75 50 75 1 50 462 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. 1 8 SIZE, FULL PLATE, OPEN FACE, LEVER SETTING. Give Number of Piece and Grade, or n0mber of the movement for which Material is required. Ne t Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 $ 6 00 $5 00 $4 00 $3 00 $ 50 $ 50 40 $ 30 7 00 6 00 500 -- 60 50 50 - 3 00 200 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 2 00 1 75 1 50 125 20 20 15 15 1 00 75 50 25 10 10 10 10 3 00 2 00 1 50 126 30 20 15 15 100 1 00 50 50 10 10 10 10 "Winding Bridge, Gilt - *' " Nickeled Yolte . - - - " Cap or Hub " Spring - - - Setting Lever - - - Let Down Lever DI/\LS. 18, 16, 11, 8, 6, aid i SIZE -HnUMG or OPEN PACE. let Price per Dozen Net Price per Dial Double Sunk, Glass Enamel, Old English $30 00 $2 50 u " Marginal Figs. 30 00 2 50 .. Arabic _ _ - - so 00 2 50 " Marginal Figures - 30 00 2 50 " Hard Enamel, Roman - - - - 18 00 1 50 " " Marginal Figures - 18 00 1 50 " Arabic - - - - 18 00 1 50 " " Marginal Figures - 18 00 1 50 Sunk SecOiid " Roman - - - - 9 00 75 u " Marginal Figures - 9 00 75 ■' Arabic - . - - 9 00 75 " - " Marginal Figures - 9 00 75 Dials foi' 8, 6 and 4 size Open Face Movements, are made without second bit. When ordering Dials, state the tiize, and whether for Hunting or Open Pace, or give number of the Movement for which Dial is required. HAINDS. 18, 16, U, 8, 6 ani 4 ! Net Price per Dozen Hour and Minute, Spade - " " " Moon " Morning Glory Second - Net Price per Piece For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. IMi^lfttin 415 418 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 1 461 462 463 464 405 467 14 & i6 SIZE, 3-4 PLATE, OLD MODEL, HUNTING LEVER & OPEN FACE PENDANT SETTING. Give Number of Piece akd Grade, or NtlMBER OF the MOVEMENT FOR WHICH Material is required. Net Price Per Dozen. 1 ■ Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 401 Balance, Expansion, - - - - ♦ - $27 00 $15 00 $12 00 $9 00 .$2 25 $1 25 $1 00 $ 75 402 " " Complete 40 00 36 00 26 00 15 00 3 50 3 00 2 25 1 25 403 Cock, Complete, Gilt - 15 00 12 00 9 00 7 00 125 1 00 V, 60 404 " " Nickel - 18 00 10 00 14 00 -- 150 1 35 -'2.5 - 405 Staff 5 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 60 40 30 30 406 Barrel, Gilt 3 50 3 00 2 75 2 50 35 SO SO 25 407 Nickel ..--.- 7 00 5 00 3 75 -- 60 50 40 - 408 Gilt, with Arbor fitted 7 60 6 50 6 00 5 50 66 55 50 50 409 Nickel, '• " " . . . . 11 50 10 00 6 50 -- 1 00 85 55 - 410 " Arbor 4 00 3 50 8 25 3 00 40 35 35 30 411 Center Staff 3 00 2 50 2 25 200 30 26 25 20 412 Click, Hunting, 14 Size, Old Style 1 25 1 00 75 50 15 10 10 10 413 16 " " " - - 1 25 1 00 75 50 15 10 10 10 414 " Open Face, 14 '• " " - - 1 25 1 00 75 50 15 10 10 10 415 " 16 " 125 1 00 75 . 50 15 10 10 10 416 " Hunting, 14 Size, New Style 125 1 CO 75 50 15 10 10 10 417 " 16 " " " - - 1 25 1 00 75 50 15 10 10 10 418 Spring 50 40 30 25 10 10 10 10 419 " Fork 2 00 1 50 1 OO 75 20 15 10 10 420 Hairspring -------- 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 421 CoUeted 1 75 1 50 1 25 100 20 15 15 10 422 " Breguet, Colleted, Studded 3 50 3 50 3 00 -- 35 85 80 - 423 Collets 50 40 35 36 10 10 10 10 424 Studs 00 60 60 60 10 10 10 10 425 Jewel, Center, Upper 12 00 8 00 - - 1 00 70 - - 426 " " Lower 9 00 8 00 - - 75 70 - - 427 " Third, Upper 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 - 428 " " Lower 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 - 429 1 " Fourth, Upper 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 - 430 j " " Lower -■ - - - 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 - 431 i " Escape, Upper 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 - 432 1 " " Lower - . . . 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 _z The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JVIaterial of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. 14 & 16 SIZE, 3-4 PLATE, OLD MODEL, HUNTING LEVER & OPEN FACE PENDANT SETTING. Give JSTumbeb of Piece and Gkadb, oe Number of the Movement for which M.4.TERIAL IS required. Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. No. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 4m Jewel, Pallet. Upper $9 00 $2 00 $2 00 $ - $ 75 $ 20 $ 20 $ - 434 " " Ijower 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 - 4.3.5 Cock Hole 2 75 2 00 1 50. 1 25 30 20 15 15 436 " Foot Hole . . - - . 2 75 2 00 1 50 1 25 30 20 15 15 437 " Cock Bndstone 2 75 1 75 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 488 Foot " . - - - 2 75 1 75 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 439 " Escape " Upper - 3 00 - - - 80 - - - 440 " " " Lower 1 25 - - - 15 - - - 441 Pallet " Upper - 3 00 - - - 30 - - - 442 " " " Lower 1 25 - - - 15 - - - 443 " " Stones ----- 1 50 I 50 1 00 1 00 15 15 10 10 444' Roller or Jewel Pin 70 GO 60 60 10 10 10 10 445 Let Down, 14 Size; Open Face, Series 1 - 1 00 1 00 50 50 10 10 10 10 446 16 " " " " 1 - 1 00 1 00 50 50 10 10 :o 10 447 14 " " ■' ■' 3 - 1 00 1 00 50 50 10 10 10 10 448 16 " " " " 2 - 1 00 1 00 50 50 10 10 10 10 449 Lift Spi-ing, Hunting ----- 1 00 75 CO 50 10 10 10 10 450 Locking Bar, Hunting - - - - 1 00 75 60 50 10 10 10 10 451 " " Open Face - - - - 1 00 75 60 50 10 10 10 10 452 " ' " Spring, Hunting - 50 50 30 30 10 10 10 10 453 " " " Open Face - - - 1 00 75 60 50 10 10 10 10 454 Mainspring 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 15 15 15 15 455 Pallet, with Stones fitted - - - - 8 00 7 00 6 00 5 00 70 60 50 50 456 " and Fork, with Stones fitted 10 00 9 00 8 00 7 00 85 75 70 60 457 " *' and Arbor Complete 12 75 11 25 10 00 7 75 1 10 95 85 65 458 Arbor 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 459 Bridge, Gilt ----- 5 00 4 00 3 50 3 00 50 40 40 30 460 " Nickel 6 00 5 00 4 50 4 00 50 50 45 40 461 Pinion, Bevel, 14 Size, Hunting 225 2 00 2 fjO 1 75 25 20 20 20 462 " IG " " - - - 2 25 200 200 1 75 25 20 20 20 463 " " 14 and 16 Size, Open Face, N. S. 2 25 2 00 2 00 1 75 25 20 20 20 404 " 14 " 16 " Hunting, 2 25 2 00 2 00 175 25 20 20 20 465 " Cannon, Hunting - - - - 2 75 2 00 1 75 150 30 20 20 15 460 " '* Open Face - - . - 2 75 2 00 1 75 1 50 30 20 20 15 467 Center, ■ 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 468 Third ------- 8 50 2 50 2 00 1 50 35 25 20 15 469 " Fourth ------ 3 50 250 2 00 1 50 35 25 20 15 470 " Escape ------- 3 50 2 50 2 00 1 75 35 25 20 20 471 Regulator 2 50 2 00 1 75 150 25 20 20 15 472 " Patent, Complete 6 00 5 00 400 - 50 50 40 - 473 Spring (Micrometer) 3 00 250 2 00 - 30 25 20 - 474 Roller . - - - 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 475 " with Jewel Pin fitted - - . - 2 50 2 25 225 200 25 25 25 20 476 Setting Bar, 14 Size, Hunting - 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 IJ 10 10 10 477 " 10 " " - - - - 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 10 10 10 10 478 " Wheel Cap 1 00 75 60 50 10 10 10 10 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 455 Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD, 14 & 16 SIZE, 3-4 PLATE, OLD MODEL, HUNTING LEVER & OPEN FACE PENDANT SETTING. No. Give Number of Piece and Grade, or Number of the Movement fob "which Material is REauiRED. Net Price Per Dozen. 1 Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 479 Slide Bar, Open Face, Series 1 - - - .52 00 $1 50 U 25 $1 00 $ 20 ? 15 $ 15 1 10 480 " 2 - - - 200 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 ,15 15 10 481 " Spring 1 00 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 482 Wheel, Center ------- 175- 1 50 1 25 1 25 20 15 15 15 483 " " with Staff - - - - 5 25 4 50 4 00 3 75 50 45 40 40 484 and Center Pinion 7 00 6 00 00 5 50 CO 50 50 50 485 Cen. and Can. Pin. 9 75 9 00 8 00 7 75 85 75 70 65 486 Third 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 487 " with Pinion - - - - 5 50 4 00 3 50 8 00 50 40 85 30 488 Fourth 1 50 J 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 489 " with Pinion 5 50 400 3 50 800 50 40 85 30 490 " Escape ------ 1 50 125 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 491 " with Pinion - 5 50 4 25 3 75 3 50 50 45 40 35 492 " Hour 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 493 Minute, Hunting - - - - 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 494 " Open Face - - - 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 495 Crown or Contrate - - - - 350 3 50 300 1 50 85 35 30 15 496 " Compound ----- 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 50 20 20 15 15 497 " Ratchet or "Winding 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 498 Intermediate Winding, Hunting - 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 499 " " Open Face 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 500 Setting, Hunting - 1 25 1 00 75 75 15 10 10 10 501 Stationary Setting 1 25 1 00 75 75 15 10 10 10 502 Yolie, Hunting 300 2 00 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 503 " Open Face, Series 1 - - - - 300 2 00 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 504 u u ..2 - . . 300 2 00 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 fi05 " Spring, Hunting 1 00 75 50 25 10 10 10 10 506 " " Open Face - - - - 1 00 75 50 25 10 10 10 10 507 " Hub or Cap 2 00 175 1 50 1 25 20 15 IS 15 508 '' Screw ------- 50 35 25 25 10 10 10 10 The object of this Catalogue is to present our customers with a reliable class of goods, some- thing that will meet with your approval, and the prices are based upon fair values. 468 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. 14 & 16 SIZE, THREE-QUARTER PLATE, OLD MODEL, OPEN FACE, LEVER SETTING. Give Numbek of Piece and Grade, or Net Price Per Dozen. | Net Price Per Piece. Number ov the Movement kor which Matebiai is required. Grade | 1 1 Grade 3 Grade 1 5 1 Grade 1 7 ! Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 601 Balance, Expansion - . - - - $27 00 $15 00 .$12 00 $ 9 00 $2 25 $ 1 25 $ 100 $ 75 602 " " Complete _ . _ 40 00 36 00 26 00 15 00 350 3 00 2 25 125 60S " Cooli, Complete, Gilt - 15 00' 12 00 9 00 7 00 125 1 00 75 60 604 Nickel - 18 00 16 00 14 00 -- 1 50 1 35 1 25 - 605 Staff 5 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 50 40 30 30 606 • Barrel, Gilt ------- 3 50 3 00 2 75 2 .50 35 30 ■80 25 607 Nickel 7 00 5 00 3 75 -- 60 50 40 - 608 Gilt, with Arbor fitted 7 50 6 50 6 00 5 50 65 55 50 50 609 Nickel, " .' " - - - 11 50 10 00 50 -- 1 00 85 55 - 610 " Arbor - ------ 4 00 3 50 3 25 3 00 40 35 35 30 611 Center Staff - - - • - 3 00 2 50 2 25 2 00 30 25 25 20 612 Click, 14 Size 1 25 1 00 75 50 15 10 10 . 10 613 " 16 " --_---_ 1 25 1 00 75 50 15 10 10 10 614 " Spring ------- 50 40 30 25 10 10 10 10 615 Fork - - - 200 150 1 00 75 20 15 10 10 616 Hairspring 1 00 75 50 10 10 10 10 617 Colleted 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 618 " Breguet, Colleted, Studded 3 50 .3 50 3 00 - "35 35 80 - 619 Collet 50 40 35 35 1 10 10 10 10 620 Stud 60 60 60 60 10 10 10 10 621 Jewel, Center, Upper ----- 12 00 8 00 - - 1 00 70 - 622 " " Lower 9 00 8 00 - - 75 70 - - 623 " Third, Upper ----- 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 - 624 " " Lower 400 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 - 625 " Fourth, Upper - -' - 9 00 200 '2 00 - 75 20 20 - 626 " " Lower ----- 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 1 40 20 20 - 627 " Escape, Upper ----- 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 - 628 " " Lower ----- 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 - 629 " Pallet, Upper - - _ _ . 9 00 200 2 00 — 75 20 20 - 630 *' *' Lower - - - - _ 4 00 2 00 2 00 — 40 20 20 — 031 " Cock Hole ------ 2 75 2 00 1 50 125 30 20 15 15 682 Jewel, Foot Hole ------ 2 75 2 00 1 50 125 30 20 15 15 633 " Cock Endstone - - _ . 2 75 1 75 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 634 Foot " ----- 2 75 1 75 1 50 1 00 : 30 20 15 10 635 Escape, Endstone, Upper 3 00 - - - 30 - - _ 636 " " " Lower - - - 1 25 - - - 15 - - - CS7 Pallet ■' Upper 3 00 - - - 30 - - - For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^^'^ Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. 14 & 16 SIZE, THREE-QUARTER PLATE, OLD MODEL, OPEN FACE, LEVER SETTING. No. Give Number of Piece and Grade, oe Number of the Movement for which MateriaIj is required. Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 038 Jewel, Pallet, Bndstone, Lower - - - $1 25 $ — »T * - $ 15 % - ? - » - 039 " Roller or Jewel Pin . - - 70 CO 00 GO 10 10 10 10 040 " Pallet Stones ----- 1 50 1 50 100 1 00 15 15 10 10 041 MainspriDg ------- 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 15 15 15 15 042 Pallet, with stones fitted - - - - - 8 00 700 6 00 5 00 70 60 50 50 043 " and Forlv with stones fitted - 10 00 9 00 8 00 7 00 85 75 70 00 044 " Fork and Arbor Complete - 12 75 11 25 10 00 7 75 1 10 95 85 05 045 " Arbor 175 1 60 1 25 1 00 20 . 15 15 10 046 " Bridge, Gilt ------ 5 00 4 00 8 50 3 00 50 40 35 80 047 " " Niclfel ----- 6 00 5-00 4 50 4 00 50 50 45 40 048 Pinion, Bevel 2 25 2 00 2 00 1 75 25 20 20 20 049 " Cannon 2 75 2 00 1 75 1 50 80 20 20 16 650 " Center - -.--_. 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 651 Third ------ 3 50 2 50 2 00 1 50 35 25 20 15 052 Fourth 3 50 2 50 2 00 1 50 35 26 20 15 053 " Escape 3 50 250 200 1 75 35 25 20 20 654 Regulator - ------- 250 2 00 1 75 1 00 30 20 20 10 055 " Patent, Complete 6 00 5 00 4 00 -- 50 50 40 - 056 Spring, (Micrometer) - 3 00 2 50 2 00 - 30 25 20 - 657 Roller - - - 1 50 125 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 658 " with Jewel pin fitted - - - - 2 50 2 25 2 25 2 00 25 25 25 20 659 Setting Lever, 14 Size, Old Style 2 00 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 660 cc 16 ...... . - - 2 00 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 061 " " 14 and 16 Size, New Style - 200 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 002 Wheel, Center ------- 175 1 50 1 25 1 25 20 15 15 15 663 " with Staff - - - - 5 25 4 50 4 00 3 75 50 45 40 40 364 " andCen. pin. - 7 00 600 6 00 5 50 60 50 50 50 865 " " " " Cen. pin. & Cau.pin. 9 75 9 00 8 00 7 75 85 75 70 05 066 " Third ------- 1 50 125 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 607 " " with pinion - - - - 5 50 400 3 50 3 00 50 40 35 30 608 Fourth ------- 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 669 " " with pinion - - - - 5 50 4 00 3 50 3 00 50 40 85 80 070 " Escape ------- 150 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 071 " " with pinion - - - - 5 50 4 25 3 75 3 50 50 45 40 35 672 " Hour ------- 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 673 " Minute ------ .75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 674 " Crown or Contrate - - 3 50 3 50 3 00 1 50 35 35 30 15 675 " Compound - - - - 2 00 175 1 50 1 50 20 20 15 15 676 Ratchet or Winding - 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 677- '• Winding, Intermediate - - - 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 678 Setting, " - - - - ! 1 25 1 00 75 75 15 10 10 10 079 Yolse, Old Style 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 80 20 15 10 080 " New Style .--._- 300 2 00 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 10 681 " Cap or Hub - ----- 200 1 75 1 50 1 23 20 20 15 15 082 " Spring .--.-.- 1 00 75 50 25 10 10 10 10 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. /6) i6 SIZE, 3-4 PLATE, NEW THIN MODEL HUNTING & OPEN FACE, LEVER SETTING. Give Number of Piece and Grade, or Number of the Movement for which Material is required. Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. No. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 701 Balance mod $15 00 $12 00 ?2 25 .$1 25 ifl 00 702 " Complete ------ 40 00 36 00 26 00 3 50 300 2 25 /-,.!* 7 00 -- -- 704 Nickel 18 00 16 00 -- 1 50, 1 35 - 705 Staff ------- 5 00 -4 00 3 00 .■;'- 40 30 706 Barrel, Gilt ------- - - 2 75 - - 30 707 " Nickel - - 7 00 5 00 - 60 50 - 708 Gilt, -with Arbor fitted - - - 600 - - 50 700 j Nickel, " " - - - 11 50 10 00 - 1 00 • &5 - 710 Arbor ------ 400 3 50 325 40 .36 35 711 ; Center Staff ------- 3 00 2 50 2 25 30 25 25 712 Click 1 50 1 00 1 00 15 10 10 713 " Spring ------- 1 00 75 75 10 10 10 714 i Dust Band - -,---.- 1 50 1 25 1 00 15 15 10 715 i Fork - - - 2 00 1 50 1 00 20 15 10 716 Hairspring 1 00 75 75 10 10 10 717 Colleted 175 1 50 1 25 20 15 15 718 " " Studded - . - 3 50 3 50 3 00 35 35 30 719 Jewel, Center, Upper - - - - - 12 00 8 00 - 1 00 70 - 720 " Lower ----- 9 00 8 00 - 75 70 - 721 " Third, Upper 900 2 00 2 00 75 20 20 722 " " Lower ----- 4 00 2 00 200 40 20 20 723 p'ourth, Upper 9 00 2 00 2 00 75 20 20 724 " " Lower 4 00 2 00 200 40 20 20 725 " Escape, Upper - - - - - 9 00 2 00 200 75 20 20 726 " Lower ----- 4 00 2 00 2 00 40 20 20 727 " Pallet, Upper 9 00 2 00 2 00 75 20 20 728 " '* Lower - - - - - 4 00 200 2 00 40 20 ' 20 729 " Cock Hole 2 75 2 00 . 1 50 30 20 15 730 " Foot " 2 75 2 00 150 30 20 15 731 " Cock Endstone - - - - - 2 75 1 75 1 50 30 20 15 732 " Foot, " ----- 2 75 1 75 1 50 30 20 15 733 " Escape, Upper 300 - - 30 - - 734 " " Lower 125 - - 15 - - 735 •' Pallet. Upper 300 - - 30 - - 786 " " Lower - 1 25 - " lo - - 737 " Roller or Jewel Pin 70 60 60 10 10 10 Orders for Less than One-Pourth Dozen will be Charged at Single Piece Price. JFor Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. M aterial of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. i6 SIZE, 3-4 PLATE, NEW THIN MODEL, HUNTING & OPEN FACE, LEVER SETTING. Give NtrstBER of Piece and Grade, ob Number of the Movement for which Material is required. Net Price Per Dozen. 1 Net Price Per Piece. No. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 1 5 1 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 738 Jewel, Pallet Stones ------ $1 50 $1 50 $1 00 $ 15 If 15 ,$ 10 739 Main Spring 1 25 1 25 1 25 15 15 15 740 Pallet with Stones fitted - - - - 8 00 7 00 6,00 70 60 50 741 " and Fork, -with Stones fitted - 10 00 9 00 8 00 85 75 70 742 " Fork and Arbor, Complete - 12 75 11 25 10 00 1 10 95 85 748 " Bridge, Gilt or Nickel, " 6 00 5 00 3 00 50 50 80 744 ." Arbor I 75 1 50 1 25 20 15 15 745 Pinion, Cannon 2 75 2 00 1 75 30 20 20 746 " AVinding 2 25 2 00 2 00 25 20 20 747 " Center 2 00 1 75 1 50 20 20 15 748 " Third 3 50 2 50 2 OO 35 25 20 749 " Fourth 3 50 2 50 200 35 25 20 750 " Escape 3 60 2 50 2 00 35 25 20 751 Regulator 2 50 2 00 1 75 25 20 20 752- " Complete 6 00 500 4 00 50 50 40 753 " Spring, (Micrometer) - 300 2 50 2 00 30 25 20 754 Roller 150 1 25 1 25 15 15 15 755 " with Jewel Pin 2 50 2 25 225 25 25 25 756 Setting Lever, Hunting - - . - 2 00 1 50 125 20 15 15 757 " '■ Open Face - - - - 200 1 50 1 25 20 15 15 758 " Bar Spring, Hunting - 2 -50 2 00 1 50 25 20 15 759 " Spring - , 75 75 75 10 10 10 760 " Pin, Hunting - - - - - 4 00 3 75 3 75 40 40 40 761 " " Open Face - - - - - 4 00 3 75 3 75 40 40 if, 762 " Plate, Hunting - - - - 300 2 75 2 75 30 30 34 763 " " Open Face - - - - 300 2 75 2 75 30 30 80 764 Wheel, Center 175 1 50 1 25 15 15 15 765 " with Staff - - - - 5 25 450 4 00 50 45 40 766 " " " " and Center Pinion 700 600 600 60 50 50 767 " " " Cen. and Can. Pin. 9 75 900 8 00 85 75 70 768 Third 150 125 1 25 15 15 15 769 " " with Pinion - - - - 5 50 4 00 3 50 50 40 35 770 " Fourth 1 50 125 1 25 15 15 15 771 " " with Pinion - - ' - 5 50 4 00 3 50 00 40 35 772 " Escape 1 50 1 25 1 25 .15 15 15 773 " with Pinion 5 50 . 4 25 3 75 5ft 45 40 774 Hour - - 75 75 75 10 10 10 775 Minute 75 75 75 10 10 10 776 Ratchet ------- 12 00 7 50 5 00 1 00 65 50 777 Intermediate Winding - 3 50 300 300 35 30 80 778 Winding ------ 4 00 3 50 350 40 35 35 779 " Contrate 350 300 300 35 30 30 780 ' Winding Bridge 7 00 7 00 7 00 60 60 60 781 ' '* " Complete - 10 50 10 50 10 50 90 90 90 782 Spring 50 50 50 10 10 10 783 Minute Wheel Bridge 75 ,0 75 10 10 10 Orders for Less than One-Pourth Dozen will be Charged at Single Piece Price. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. ^ m 879 8 SIZE, THREE-QUARTER PLATE, STEM WINDING. Give Number of Piece and Grade, ok Number of the Movement for which Material is required. Net Price Per Dozen. Grade I Grade I Grade Grade Net Price Per Piece. Grade I Grade I Grade I Grade Balance, Expansion - - - " " Complete " CcC;i, Complete, Gilt " ' ' Nickel Staff . . - . Barrel, Gilt " Nickel - - - - " Gilt, witli Arbor - " Nickel, " " " Arbor - - . . . Center, Staff - . - . - Click " Spring - - - . Escape, Bridge, Nickel, Complete " Gilt, Fork - - - - - . Hairspring ----- CoUeted - - - - Collet Stud - - . - Jewel, Center, Upper - - - " " Lower ,. - - Third, Upper - " Lower ... " Fourth, Upper - " " Lower - - - " Escape, Upper " " Lower - . - " Pallet, Upper - - - " " Lower " Cock Hole - - " Foot " . - - - " Cock Endstone " Foot Endstone - " Roller or Jewel Pin " Pallet Stones - - - Locking Bar ----- $27 00 $15 00 40 00 36 00 12 00 18 00 16 00 5 00 400 -- 3 00 7 00 5 00 - 6 50 1150 10 00 400 3 50 3 00 2 50 60 50 50 40 9 00 9 00 -- 6 00 2 00 1 50 100 75 175 1 50 50 40 60 60 12 00 8 00 9 00 8 00 9 00 200 4 00 2 00 9 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 9 00 2 00 4 00 200 9 00 2 00 4 00 2 OO 2 75 2 00 2 75 2 00 2 75 1 75 2 75 1 75 70 60 1 50 1 50 1 00 75 12 00 26 00 9 00 325 2 25 200 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 $9 00 15 00 7 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 35 1 25 1 25 1 00 1 00 F'or Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. 8 SIZE, THREE-QUARTER PLATE, STEM WINDING. No. Give Number op Piece and Grade, or Number of the Movement for which MateriaIj is required. Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade S Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 838_ Locking Bar Spring .f 50 $ 40 If 30 If 25 H 10 I 10 $ 10 If 10 889 Main Spring 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 15 15 15 15 840 Pallet, Bridge, Nickel, Complete - 6 00 5 00 -- -- 50 50 — _ 841 " Gilt, " . - . -- 5 00 4 00 300 - 50 40 30 842 " Arbor 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 843 " with Stones fitted ----- 8 00 7 00 6 00 5 00 70 60 50 50 844 " and Fork, with Stones fitted - 10 00 9 00 8 00 700 85 75 70 60 845 " Fork and Arbor, Complete 12 75 11 25 10 00 7 75 1 10 95 85 65 846 Pinion, Bevel, New Model - - - - 225 2 00 2 00 1 75 25 20 20 20 847 "Old " 2 25 2 00 2 00 1 75 25 20 20 20 848 " Cannon 2 75 2 00 1 75 1 50 30 20 20 15 849 " Center - 2 00 1 75 1 50 125 20 20 20 15 850 ' ' Patent Center, Complete 6 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 50 50 40 30 851 " Third 3 50 250 2 00 1 50 35 25 20 15 852 " Fourth 3 50 2 50 2 00 1 50 35 25 20 15 85S " Escape ------- 3 50 2 50 2 00 1 75 35 25 20 20 854 Roller 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 ^0 855 " with Jewel Pin - - - - •'2 50 2 25 2 25 2 00 25 25 25 £0 856 Begulator -------- 2 50 2 OO 1 75 1 00 , 25 20 20 10 857 Setting Lever, New Model - - - . 1 75 175 1 50 1 00 20 20 15 10 858 " Old " - - . . 175 175 1 50 1 00 20 20 15 10 859 " " Spring ------ -- 75 50 50 — 10 10 10 860 Wheel, Center 175 1 50 1 25 1 25 20 15 15 15 861 with Staff ----- 525 4 50 4 00 3 75 50 45 40 40 862 " " " and Center Pinion 7 00 6 00 6 00 5.50 60 50 50 50 863 " " " Cen. and Can. " 9 75 9 00 8 00 7 75 85 75 70 65 864 " Third 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 865 " " with Pinion - - - . 5 50 4 00 3 50 300 50 40 35 30 866 Fourth 1 .50 125 1 25. 1 00 15 15 15 10 867 " " with Pinion - - - - 5 50 4 00 3 50 300 50 40 35 30 868 " Escape 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 869 " with Pinion - . - - 5 50 4 25 3 75 350 50 45 40 85 870 " Hour - 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 STl " ' Minute 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 872 " Intermediate Winding - 1 00 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 873 " " Setting - - - - 1 00 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 874 " Crown, New Model - - - - 3 50 3 50 1 .50 1 50 35 35 15 15 875 " Ratchet or Winding - - - - 1 00 75 75 50 10 10 10 10 876 " Winding Bridge, Outside 300 2 50 200 2 00 30 25 20 20 877 Inside - 3 00 2 .50 2 00 2 00 30 25 20 20 878 Yoke, New Model 3 00 2 00 1 .50 1 00 80 20 15 10 879 " Spring, New Model 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 880 Old " - - . - 75 75 75 V5 10 10 10 10 881 " Hub or Cap, New Model 1 00 1 00 50 50 10 10 10 10 882 a u -. Old " - - - 1 00 1 OO ,50 .50 10 10 10 10 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. 4 & 6 SIZE, THREE-QUARTER PLATE, STEM WINDING. Give Number of Piece and Grade, ok Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Material is REauiRED. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 $15 00 36 00 .$9 00 15 00 $2 25 3 50 $1 25 3 00 $1 00 2 25 .$ 75 1 25 902 " Complete ------ 40 00 26 00 903 Cock, Complete, Gilt - - - - 12 00 9 00 7 00 -- 1 00 75 60 904 Nickel 18 00 16 00 14 00 -- 1 50 1 .33 1 25 — 905 staff 5 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 50 40 30 30 908 Barrel, Gilt ------- -- 8 00 2 75 2 50 - ,30 80 25 907 Nickel 7 00 5 00 -- --- 60 50 - - 908 Gilt, with Arbor - - - - - 6 50 6 00 5 50 - 55 50 50 909 Nickel, '■"----- 11 50 10 00 r- - - 1 00 as - - 910 " Arbor ------ 4 00 3 50 3 25 3 00 40 85 35 30 911 Center Staff - - 3 00 2 50 2 25 2 00 .30 25 25 20 912 Click --------- 60 50 40 30 10 10 10 10 913 " Spring ----__. 50 40 30 25 10 10 10 16 914 Clutch Arbor 2 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 25 25 20 20 915 " Cap 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 20 20 15 15 916 " " spring 1 00 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 ■p 1.- 2 00 1 00 1 50 75 1 00 r-r 20 10 1^ 10 10 10 10 10 918 Hairspring ------- 50 919 Colleted 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 ■920 Collet 50 40 35 35 10 10 10 10 921 Stud ----_. 60 60 60 60 10 10 10 10 922 Jewel, Center, Upper - - - - - 12 00 8 00 - - 1 00 70 _ _ 923 ' " Lower _ - - - _ 9 00 8 00 _ - 75 TO — _ •924 ' Third, Upper 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 _ 925 ' " Lower - - - - _ 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 _ 926 ' Fourth, Upper ----- 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 2! 927 ' " Lower - - - - - 4 00 2 00 200 - 40 20 'A. _ 928 ' Escape, Upper - - - - - 9 00 2 00 2 00 - 75 20 20 - 929 ' " Lower - - - - - 4 00 200 2 00 - 40 20 20 - 930 ' Pallet, Upper 9 00 2 00 200 - 75 20 20 _ 931 ' " Lower 4 00 2 00 2 00 - 40 20 20 _ 982 ' Cock Hole 2 75 2 00 1 50 1 25 30 20 15 15 933 Foot " ---... 2 75 200 1 50 1 25 30 20 15 15 "1^ 1 75 1 50 1 00 30 20 15 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 4i3 Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COM 4 & 6 SIZE, THREE-QUARTER PLATE, PANY, SPRINGFIELD. STEM WINDING. No. Give Ndmbek of Piece and Geabe, or ncmbee of the movement for which Material is required. Net Price Per Dozen. Net Price Per Piece. Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 1 Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 7 93d 1 Jewel, Foot Endstonc 1 ; ?2To P75 ?.l 50 .?1 00 30 20 15 10 986 " Roller or Jewel Pin 70 60 60 GO 10 10 10 10 987 " Pallet Stones 1 50 1 50 1 CO 1 CO 1 15 15 10 10 938 1 Let Down, 6 Size 75 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 939 1 " " 4 Size 1 75 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 940 Locking Bar - 1 00 75 00 50 10 10 10 10 941 1 '• " Spring ^ 50 40 .30 30 10 10 10 10 942 i Main Spring 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 15 15 15 15 943 Pallet Bridge, Gilt, Complete -- 4 00 3 00 3 00 _ 40 80 30 944 Nicliel, " - - - 6 00 5 00 -- -_ 50 50 _ — 945 " Arbor 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 20 15 15 10 946 " with Stones fitted' - - - - 8 CO 7 00 6 CO 5 CO 70 CO 50 £0 947 " and Fork, with Stones fitted - 10 00 9 00 8 00 7 CO 85 75 70 60 948 " Fork and Arbor, Complete - 12 75 11 25 10 00 7 75 1 10 95 85 65 949 1 Push Pins 50 50 50 BO ! 10 10 10 10 S50 ] Pinion, Bevel, Solid, 6 Size 2 25 2 00 200 1 T5 1 20 20 20 951 " 4 " - - - - ■2 25 2 00 2 00 1 75 25 20 20 20 952 " '■ Skeleton, 4 and 6 Size 2 25 2 00 2 00 1 75 25 20 20 20 953 " Hollow, 4 and 6 Size 2 25 2 00 2 CO 1 75 25 20 20 20 954 ■' C annon ------ 2 75 2 00 1 75 1 50 30 20 20 15 955 " 'Center 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 20 20 15 15 956 " Third 3 .50 2 60 2 CO 1 50 85 25 20 15 957 " Fourth 3 50 2 50 2 00 1 50 35 25 20 15 958 " Escape 3 50 2 50 ♦■2 00 1 75 35 25 20 20 959 Roller 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 CO 15 15 15 10 960 " with Jewel Pin 2 50 2 25 2 25 2 CO 25 25 25 20 961 Regulator 2.50 2 CO 1 75 1 CO 25 20 20 10 962 Setting Lever, 6 Size, Old Style - 1 75 150 1 00 1 CO 20 15 10 10 963 " 4 " " " - - - 175 1 50 1 CO 1 00 20 15 10 10 964 "4 and 6 S., New Style, Series 1 1 75 1 50 1 00 1 00 20 15 10 10 965 . " " 4 and 6 S., " " " 2 1 75 1 50 1 00 1 CO 20 15 10 10 966 Swing Bar -- -- 2 00 2 00 - - 20 '20 967 Wheel, Center 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 25 20 15 15 15 968 " " with Staff - - - - 5 25 4 50 4 00 3 75 50 45 40 40 969 " and Center Pinion 700 6 00 6 00 5 50 60 50 50 60 970 " " " " Cen. and Can. Pin. 9 75 00 8 00 7 75 85 75 70 65 971 Third ------- 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 CO 15 15 15 10 972 " with Pinion - - - - 5 EO 4 00 3 50 8 CO 50 40 85 80 973 Fourth - - 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 974 with Pinion - - - 5 50 4 00 3 50 3 00 50 40 85 30 975 Escape j 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 15 15 15 10 976 with Pinion - - - i 5 50 4 25 3 75 3 50 50 45 40 35 977 " Hour j 75 75 75 75 IC 10 10 10 978 ■ Minute 75 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 979 Intermediate "Winding, Old Style - 1 00 75 75 75 10 10 10 10 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Material of ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY, SPRINGFIELD. 4 & 6 SIZE, THREE-QUARTER PLATE, STEM WINDING. Give Number of piece and grade, or Number of the Movement for which Material is required. Wheel, Clutch, (Large) " " (Small) " Setting, Series 1 Ratchet - Yoke, Old Style, Series 1 3 " New Style ------ Cap, Old Style - - - . - " New Style Spriug Click, New Style - . . . - " Spring, New Style - - - - Lift Spring " "Wheel ----.---- Intermediate Winding Wheel, New Style Stationary Wheel 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 60 S 50 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 CO 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 75 75 3 00 3 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO KEYSTONE WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL FORMERLY THE "LANCASTER." Class 1. Lancaster, Melrose, Keystone, Fulton. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 13. " 2. Franklin, Record, West End, Paoli. 3, 6, 22, 10, 13, 34, 33. " 3. New Era. 14, 25. ■' 4. Comet. 15, 36. Pkices Pee Dozen. 18 Size. Class. 8 and 6 Size. Class. r 2 3 4 12 3 4 irbors.Balance, Pivoted not Pivoted Barrel. Key Wind " Stem " Pallet Setting Center, Key Wind '• Stem Wind " and Wheel " Wheel and Pinion, complete. Bards, Dust, Gilt •■ Nickel Barrels. Gilt Nickel — Gilt, with Arbors, fitted " Nickel, with Arbors, fitted Balances ''Sxpanslon, Gjld screws Oroide Screws " '* Brass Screws Collets Cups, Arbor, Gilt '^ Center,Gilt Detents. Key or Stem Dials, Double Sunk " Soft Enamel " Sunk Seconds " '■ " Soft Enamel ■' Arabic, Double Sunk .. " Vlain Seco^ids $7 00 $6 Co $5 no 3 50 i 50 4 50 9 00 12 00 1 00 1 60 6 60 9 on 11 G7 5 50 21 00 1 OU 2+ CO 24 UO 4 60 4 60 2 50 76 4 00 4 00 7 00 9 75 11 00 1 00 1 50 IG CO ;6 00 $3 09 2 Ou 3 60 3 60 2 00 : 00 $4 00 3 60 $3 5C 4 00 3 50 3 00 6 00 5 60 4 75 11 00 9 76 8 00 1 50 4 50 4 00 'i^'oo 9 00 8 50 'i7'67 28 00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. KEYSTONE WATCH CO/S MATERIAL. Hands, Broad Spade, Hour aud Minutes 67 50 50 a;i 67 E Medium Spade, Hour and Minutes 34, so co 33 67 6 " Seconds, Solid Socket, Oval 34 34 a ' *' Composition Socket, Flat 24 " 24 2 ■' '■ Solid Socket, Flat ' 27 07 qt _ 9 Jewels, Kuby, 3d, 4tli and Escape Upper 4' dO 3 oo " '■ „"' " " Lower .4 00 3 00 Center U 00 CockandFoot 3 ou 3 00 Pallet, Euby Red 3 00 1 50 " Pale 1 sn 150 " Table 1 Levers. Impulse, Straight Line , 3( Nnts, Center Pinion ) ( Plnlon8,Cannon, Key Wind *.'..** . 31 Center 4i " and Arbor Solid 3rd, 4th and Escape "i'l Pallets, S. L. (Jewels Fitted) '. ' 10 1 " and Levers, (Jewels Fitted) in " Levers and Arbors 16 Ratch 50 2 60 00 1 00 1 00 60 3 00 3 00 60 3 50 3 60 66 3 50 3 00 00 S 00 7 00 67 10 67 9 34 00 11 60 1! 5" Eegulators " Patent Complete 61 Springs, Main, Old Style 3 i New Style 3( " Balance i; " Colleted ' 2( Breguet 6 1 " Detent , 11 Stop Works, Male 2 1 Female 2 1 Studs, Balance Spring, Brass Steel 1^. "2 ( Tables .. . ... II Wheels. Center Gilt '.....'.'..'. "."."."' 2( Third and Fourth "! 2 ( " Escape, Gilt 31 Hour and Minute, Gilt . 3( " Third and Fourth, with Pinions 6 1 " Escape, with Pinions ,... 7i 1 60 1 60 1 25 2 00 2 60 160 t 50 2 00 67 1 60 1 60 3 00 2 00 5 00 1 25 1 25 1 00 1 60 6 00 3 00 12 00 3 00 3 UO 1 60 2 no 67 67 3 00 3 00 3 on 3 on 1 60 2 00 3 CO 3 60 8 00 11 on 9 00 14 60 1 50 See stem 4 60 3 60 2 00 1 26 2 00 2 00 1 25 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 1 25 2 00 1 60 1 60 1 34 1 34 1 25 1 00 1 60 1 26 1 25 1 00 1 75 1 50 2 00 2 01) 1 75 1 60 1 76 1 50 2 60 2 00 1 75 1 ,W 2 00 2 on 2 00 2 ro ■i 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 00 1 67 1 60 5 25 4 60 6 00 6 26 4 BO 4 60 6 60 S 00 6 60 5 75 6 00 60O SCREWS. 18 1 Size 1 B or 6 Size. 24 25 67 50 34 25 25 25 SCREWS. Meantime.Gold Oroide Brass 18 1 Size! $1 00 70 60 e 13 17 8 00 10 00 8 or 6 Size. $1 00 70' 60 13 17 COCKS, Cocks, Jeweled, Pat Not Jeweled Dial Bits with Seco Plain Movement Holders ETC. Reg ... 18 j Size! ... $9 00 oors Size. 84 Banking, Brass 25 67 ads . . . .. 4 00 ABsorted,no Balance or Meantlm 50 ... 6 00 34 COCKS, ETC. Cock, Jeweled, Gilt Nickel 26 .... 25 Stem Bridge, Gilt . . . Nickel.. Key Pipes ... 6 00 25 STEM WIND. 18 Size— ist SEKiES. No. 1. Stem $2 00 I No. 7. SettingLever $4 OO | No. 13. 2d Setting Wheel $2 09 No. 2. Crownwheels 7 50 No. 8. Locking Spring 1 75 No. 14. Detent 100 No. 3. Ratchet Wheels 3 00 I No, 9. Setting Cap 4 00 I No. 15. Shipping Spring 150 No. 4. Winding Pinion 6 00 I No, 10. Winding Wheel 5 00 1 No. 16. Crown Wheel Stud 6 00 No.S. StemBridge 4 00 No. 11. Clutch 10 00 No. 17. Stud 100 N0.6. DetentSpring - 1 00 | No. 12. 1st Setting Wheel 2 00 | 18 Size— 2d SEEIES. OED AND NEWSTSCLE. No. 2B. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No- 29. No. 30. Stem $1 50 $1 60 I No. 32. Yokes, O S 6 00 6 00 No. 33. Crownwheel, O. S 5 Oo 5 00 | No. 35. " Cap 6 00 6 00 I No. 36, Yoke Screw 40 40 No 38. Shipping Lever — 7 00 7 00 | No. 39. Class 1 N. S. Yoke $600 N. S. Crown Wheel 6 00 N. S Shipping Lever 7 00 Shi pping Lever Screw ... 25 Detent Spring 1 00 Winding Pinion 6 00 Class 1 No. 40. Detent $1 00 No. 41. YokeSpring 75 No, 42. Winding Wheel 3 00 No, 43. Tilting Bar and Wheel.. 6 00 No. 44. Intermediate Wheel... . 2 50 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies KEYSTONE WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL. 18 Size— THIRD SERIES. „ , , „ Class 1 2 Class 1 2 Class 1 2 H0.31. YokeSprlng $o 75 $0 75 I No 47. Main Wheel t6 00 S4 SO I No. 51. Intermediate Wheel $2 50 $2 50 No,34. Detent 76 75|No.48. Winding Wheel 3 00 3 00 1 No. 52. Detent 75 76 No. 37. WlndlngPlnlon 4 50 400|No.49. Winding Pinion, Short No. 53. YokeSprlng 76 75 No.45. Yoke 5 50 5 60 Head 4 50 400 No,54. " N. S 76 75 No.46. Yoke 6 50 6 60 I No. 50. SettlngLever ...350 350|No.67. Detent Spring 75 7* „_ Class 1 2 No. 69. Main Wheel ..... $5 00 $4 60 | No. 63. No. 60. Winding Wheel 3 00 3 00 No. 61 Bevel Pinion 4 60 4 00 | No. 64. No. 62. SettlngLever 3 50 3 50 | No. 65. 18 Size— 4th SKBIES, Class 1 2 Class 1 Intermediate Setting I No. 66. Yoke Spring 75 Wheel $2 50 $260|No.67. YokeSprlng 75 Detent 76 76 I No. 68. Detent 76 Tilting Bar and Wheel. . 6 00 6 00 | No. 65. Yoke 6 50 No. 1('3. No. 104. No. 105. 6 or 8 Size— s. w. matebial. Class 1 2 Class I 2 Setting Lever $3 60 $3 50 I No. 106. lut Winding Wheel . 2 00 2 00 I No. Ill . Yokes 5 50 5 00 No. 107. Yoke Spring 75 75 | No. 112. Main Wheel 4 50 4 60 I No. 108. Winding Wheel 3 00 3 GO | No. 113. Detent ..76 76 I No. 109. Bevel Pinion 4 00 4 00 No. 114. Inter, Setting Wheel. . . 2 00 2 00 | No. 110. Detent Spring 75 76 | Cla- B 1 Bevel Pinion, N, S 4 00 Yoke Spring 75 Deient, N, S 76 Sp'lng, N. S.... 75 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 457 MANHATTAN WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. This must be carefully distinguished from the Imitation American Movement named the Manhattan. /63. I60.I6I.I20A.122A.I53.I55.I53A. 149. 138. /36A. 134-. 131. 123. Open Face. Ho. 101 Bezels, Nickel Silver eaeh, 102 " Gold Plate " 103 Backs, Nickel Silver " 104 " GoldPlate " 105 Winding Crown, Nickel Silver " 106 " " Gold Plate " 107 Winding Crown Arbor " 108 " Wheel.... " 109 Hand Setting Crown, Nickel •' 110 " " " GoldPlate " 111 Stop Crown, Nickel Silver " 112 ." " GoldPlate " 113 Crystals " 114 Hand Setting Arbor, with Wheel " 115 Stop Arbor, with Roller Spring " 116 Hand Setting or Stop Friction Spring " 117 Center Stud for Plain Watches " 118 " " " Second Watches " 119 Main Winding Wheel (Brass) " 119A " •• " (Steel) " 120 Click (Old Model) " 120A " (New " ) " 121 Click Screw per gross, 122 " Spring Old Model) each. 122A " " (New " ) " 123 Click and Spring combined ,.. " 124 Regulator " End Steel " End Stone Jewels " " Screws per gross, Hair Spring Colleted : each. Stud " Balance Wheel " " andSfaff " Center Second Bridge " Wheel " " and Staff « ". " Adjusting Screw per gross. Fourth Wheel (50 Teeth) each. ) and Pinion " 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 136A 137 13S 75 (60 139 140 141 142 143A 143A and Pinion with Second Wheel Second Wheel for Fourth Pinion Third Wheel " with Pinion Center Wheel " " and Pinion (12 Leaves) .... Price. $0 20 40 20 50 10 15 05 10 10 15 10 15 10 15 15 10 10 10 15 15 10 10 50 10 10 10 Ift. 10 10 50 10 10 10 20 10 10 20 50 10 25 25 35 10 10 '25 15 25 25 144 Barrel (64 Teeth) each, SO 25 Open Face. No. Prioa. 144A Barrel (80 Teeth) each, SO 26 145 Barrel Arbor " 15 146 " and Arbor, complete " 40 147 Main Spring " 15 148 Escape Wheel, Straight Teeth " 15 149 " " " " and Pinion (9 Leaves) " 30 149A -■ Wheel, Straight Teeth and Pinion (6 Leaves " 27 150 •' Club Tooth " 15 151 " " " and Pinion " 30 152 " Pinion (6 Leaves) " 15 152A " -" (9 " ) " 15 153 Brass Fork, with Pallets, for Str-aight Tooth Escapement " 25 153 A Steel Fork, with Pallets, for Straight Tooth Escapement " 25 . 154 Fork, for Club Tooth Escapement " 10 155 " Anchor and Staff for Club Tooth..., " 30 156 Fork Staff for Straight Tooth " 15 157 " " Club Tooth.... " 15 158 Steel Anchor for Club Tooth " 15 159 Steel Pallets for Straight Tooth " 10 160 Intermediate Wheel and Pinion " 15 161 Frictioft Washer for Intermediate Wheel and Pinion " 10 162 Dial Hour Wheel " 15 163 Dial Minute Wheel " 16 1G4 DialWasher " 10 165 Spade Hands per pair, 10 166 Sweep Second Hand each, 10 167 Dials on Plates, Arabic, plain " 25 168 " " Roman " " 25 169 •• " Arabic, Sweep " 25 170 " « Roman, " " 25 Hunting Case. 173 Dials on Plates, Arabic, plain each, 25 174 "• " Roman, " " 25 175 " " Arabic, Sweep " 25 V& " " Roman, " ,.. " 25 179 Winding Crown Arbor " 15 180 " . " Wheel " 10 181 Hand Setting Crown, Nickel " 10 182 " " GoldPlate " 15 183 Stop Crown, Nickel Silver " 10 184 " " GoldPlate " 15 185 Crystals " 10 186 Spiral Spring for Sweep Second Hand " 10 N. X. Chronograph Pash Lever each, $0 SO " CHck.... 15 Cam Pillar 15 Manhattan, New York, Chronograph Material. Batchet Wheel 15 Stop Click 15 Fly Back Spring--- 10 N. Y. Chronograph Fly Back $0 10 Start Spring 15 Stop " 15 Heart 25 Mushroom-.- _._ 20 " Washer-.. 10 Sweep Second Staff.. 15 N. Y. Chronograph Centre Stad $0 IS Large Second Wheal. 13 Small " " 15 ' Large "Wheel W'her 10 ' Second " Fingeia V> In ordering material for IHoveBients over 170,000 tbe IN amber sbomld be mentioned. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies NEW V^ORK STANDARD WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL. 18 size: OPEST FACE. 62 63 61 65 66 67 72 73 74 76 N. Y. STANDARD OPEN FACE. FIRST AND SECOND MODELS. Pillar Plate, Ist Model . 2nd ;; Upper " Ist '• " 2nd Barrel- Staff, 1st Model 2nd " and Staff, fitted, 1st Model. 2nd " . Bridge, Jeweled ■with Arbor fitted.. " Arbor Click " Spring... ■ Dial, iBt Model " 2nd •■ Hair Spring, Colleted ... Collets Stud Hands,, H. and M., Pairs. End Stones, Cock. Foot.. Pallet Roller - Main Springs . Pallets and Forks, Ist Model.. '• Stones Fitted Pallet Forks and Arbors, 1st Model " '• " 2nd " Stones Fitted. " Arbors, 1st Model ■■ 2nd •' -. Bridges, 1st Model 2nd " Pillars .-.- Pinions, Bevel or Winding " Cannon Centre Third Bonrth, 1st Modpl N. Y. STANDARD OPEN FACE. FIRST AND SECOND MODELS. Pinions, Fourth, 2nd Model. " Escape, or worms, let Model ... 2nd Model _ Regulator Rollers.. Rollers, with Pins set Setting Lever Wheels, Centre " " with Centre Pinions '* " *' and Cannon Pinions Third, 1st Model, Hubbed 2nd " " " with Pinions, 1st Model 2nd •' Fourth, IstModel " " with Pinions, Ist Model 2ndModel ** " with Pinion, 2nd Model " Escape, 1st Model.. '* " with Worm 2ndModel. " " with Pinions " Hour " Minute " Crown or Ring " Ratchet Ratchet Cap Wheels, Intersetting Winding Bridge Yoke._ " Screws '" Springs Screws, Balance " Case " Cock " Hair Spring, Stud " Jewel " Pallet Bridge, IstModel.. 2nd •' " Pillar " Ratchet Cap " Winding Bridge " Assorted, per gross For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. 18 SIZE HUNTING. 342 376 Sn and 377 310 344 355 S75 333 843 Third Model Hunting Numbers from 50,OOI to 53,000; 55,00r to 75,000; and 100,001 to (25,000. 1 s NEWYORK STANDARD, THIRD MODEL. 18 Size Hunting. S S NEWYORKSTANDARD, THIRD MODEL. 18 Size Hunting. 301 Pillar Plate 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 330 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 3H2 3rt3 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 $1 00 802 2 00 303 5 00 3 00 9 00 6 00 2 50 2 50 6 00 75 75 6 00 75 1 50 40 50 1 00 20 2 50 2 50 1 50 1 50 1 .50 60 125 5 00 6 50 7 00 8 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 175 1 75 1 75 1 00 . 2 00 304 Staff .._.. 1 00 305 " and Staff, Fitted 23 306 15 307 Barrel .. - - 2ri 308 30 309 20 SLO Click .. 20 311 20 312 2C 313 Pillar 20 314 CoUeted . 20 315 " CoUeta 20 816 " " Stnds 20 817 Hands, H.&M. (Pairs) 2 00 818 Staff, Center 1 50 819 2 50 820 Foot . - Wheels, Centre . . -. 1 50 821 2 60' 322 Foot - " Pallet 3 50 8^3 " " complete, iucluding Cannon Pinion " Third.. .... 5 00 824 Roller _ 125 325 3 50 826 Pallets and Forks 1 25 327 3 50 828 1 50 329 Pallets, Forks and Arbor, Stones Fitted 3 75 330 PalletArbors 300 831 *' Bridges Pillars " Hour 75 832 75 333 75 834 " Minute " Ratchet 75 335 100 336 Third 3 00 337 Fourth i 25 338 75 339 Regulator "IVhen ordering, always give Bfo. o f Piece ; als o, -when possible, Bfo. of MPTement. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies *^ ^■ NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAI., 18 SIZE. OPEN FACE. ♦^ 4T6 411and47T 410 444 455 475 FOtETH MODF.L 0. F. NUMBERS FROM 75,O0t TO 100,000 AND t5O,0Ol TO 175,000 2 KEW YORK STANDARD, FOURTH 3I0DEL. 18 SIZE OPEN FACE. at {. ... 1 B NEW TORK STANDARD, FOURTH MODEL. 13 SIZE OPEN FACE. a" 4io 441 442 443 444 445 44G 447 443 449 400 451 452 453 45t 455 456 457 453 459 460 461 463 463 404 465 406 467 40S 409 470 471 473 473 474 475 476 477 Roller ... 1 00 2 00 Balance " Staff 5 00 3 00 9 00 6 00 2 60 2 60 6 00 75 75 6 00 76 1 60 40 60 100 20 2 50 2 00 1 50 1 60 1 50 60 125 5 00 6 60 7 00 8 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 60 1 00 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 00 2 00 1 00 Setting Lever Washer 25 15 407 Cock " Case 20 80 20 410 " Hair Spring Stud 20 411 20 Dinl (;i feotl 20 413 Pillar " Ratchet Cap . . 20 414 20 20 " Btuds Hands, H. & M., (Pairs) " Seconds 20 417 41S '^ Assorted (per gross) Staff, Centre 2 00 1 60 2 50 " Foot Wheels, Centre .. 1 50 4'21 2 50 422 4-23 " " " Foot " Pallet " " " " and Safety Pinion ** " complete, including Cannon Pinion Third , " *' with Pinion " Fourth... 3 60 5 00 424 425 " Roller 1 25 8 50 426 Pallets and Forks Pallets, Forks and Arbi)rs . Pallets and Forks, Stones fitted 1 25 3 50 42S Escape " " with ninioa 1 50 8 75 3 00 431 75 75 75 Cannon Minute 75 " Ratchet ... 1 00 3 00 Yoke " Spring 1 25 75 439 ReR:ulator WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS GIVE HO. OF PIECE; ALSO, WHEN POSSIBLE, NO. OF MOVEMENT. ** For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 471 NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH COSIPANT'S MATERIAL, 18 SIZE; HUNTING. -^=4* Sis 511 and 5M 510 B43 552 572 633 riFTH MODEL HUNTIXG. NUMBERS FROM 125,00t TO 150,000; 175,001 TO 200,000. ?5 NEW lOKE STANDARD, FIFTH MODEL. 13 SIZE HUNTIMG. 1'^ i NEW YORK STANDARD, FIFTH MODEL. IS SIZE HUNTING. fim J. ... 633 639 640 511 643 6*3 544 545 646 547 548 649 550 551 5-.2 653 65t 555 556 557 553 659 560 561 562 563 564 .5fi5 566 567 503 509 570 571 673 573 5T4 502 508 Jittlance , ., " Staff 5 00 3 09 9 00 6 00 2 60 a 60 00 75 6 00 75 1 CO 40 50 1 00 20 3 50 3 60 1 50 1 60 1 59 60 1 2,-. .100 6 5ft 7 00 3 5;» 1 00 i 0} a 00 1 60 1 00 1 75 1 75 1 75 Holier, with Pins Bot 50+ 505 60S 607 Barrel... " Arbor 603 609 " Cock " Case 20 510 Click 511 " Hair SpriHL' Stud Pillar " Ratchet Cap 612 518 514 Dial(8feetl Hair Springs " " CoUeted 20 20 615 " " Collets " gtud3 Hands II & M., (Pairs) " Yoke 20 616 617 " Assorted (per gross) StaflF, Ccntro ... 2 00 513 S.'CODdS Jewels, Cock i 50 519 520 621 " '* " " and Safety Pinion ** ** complete, includint; Cannon Pinion " Third , •' " withPinion " F.mi'th 5-23 623 624 625 " " '• Foot Pallet " Roller 5 00 1 25 3 50 1 25 6'iO 3 50 52T 623 629 Pallets, Forks and Arbors .. .. Pallets and Forks, Stones fitted -. ' * Escape ^* " with pinion 1 50 3 75 3 00 630 Hour ... 75 681 PiUars Pinion J, IJerelor "Winding... ■ 75 533 75 638 634 685 ■' Third 3 GO 636 637 " Fourlli Toko...... 1 25 75 *#=^ WHEN" OEDEKING, ALWAYS GIVE NO. OP PIECE; ALSO, WHEJST POSSIBLE, NO. OF MOVEMENT. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL, 16 SIZE. 6 lOM 1003 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1023 1028 1024 1026 1020 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1084 1035 103C 1037 1038 KEW YORK STANDARD, FIRST MODEL, SIXTEEN SIZE. Pillar Plate J Top Plate (. These parts will be fitted at the Factorj'. Barrel Bridge \ Balance (."oclc, complete. , Balance, Ex pansion Staff " with ■Staff fitted : Barrel, Steel Safely . .. " Arbor " 'Wheel Click and Arbor " Spring Crown Wheel Washer, Steel Dials riat Ratchet Spring , Hair Springs, CoHeted " " Breguet. with Stud and Collet.. Collets Studs Hands, H. & M. (Pairs) ■' Seconds Jewels, Cock In Settings " Foot '■ " End Stones Cock in Settings *' " " Foot " Upper Plate " ■' Lower Plate " Pallet " Bridge ia Settings Eollei Lilting Springs jNlain Springs . Pallets and Forks " '* " Stones fitted ... Pallets, Forks and Arbors ., '• '* " Stones fitted Pallet Arbors " Bridges... Pinions, Bevel or Winding " Cannon 7 50 8 60 12 00 2 50 2 50 2 00 1 25 75 1 00 6 00 1 50 1 50 5 00 2 60 2 50 1 50 1 60 300 300 1 50 500 60 1 60 1 25 6 00 7 00 C 60 8 50 1 00 2 00 WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS CITE SO. OP PIECE; ALSO, WHEN POSSIBLE, NO. OF MOVEMENT. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 473 NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL, iO SIZE -A lOul 1031 liunling nnd Open Face. 1012 1042 1013 104-1 ^ V? 1011 1043 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1043 1049 1050 1051 1052 1058 1054 1055 1050 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1002 1063 1064 1065' 1066 1067 1063 1069 1070 1071 1072 1078 1074 NEW YOHK STANDARD FIliST MODEL SIXTEEN SIZE, ons, Centre and Staff. Third ... . Fourth Escape ulQtor ?hiftinij Cam Sci'L'Wd, Balance. Banking Case (.'lick Spriog Cock Crown Wheel llial Foot Flat Kaichet Spring Hair Sprinf.' Stud . . LiftinfT Spring Mean Time with Sraffand l->i Winding Thu-d . ... •■ with Pinion . Fourth ■■ with Pinion K;cape with Pinion Flat Ratchet.. . . Hour luLermediat'. Settin' WHES' ORDERING. ALWAYS CITE .NO. OF PIECE: ALSO, WHEN POSSIBLE, SO OF MOVEMK.NT The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL, 6 SIZE; i =J?I 6^ ^ W W W HUNTING. ^VlM,™^ TC3 706 770 -31 J37 738 789 740 705 736 735 NEW yOKK STANDARD, FIRST MODEL. 6 SIZE HUNTING. PillM Plate l'PI«r " Balance " Cut T-:xpaDBion . " Staff " and Staff, Fitted, " Cock Comi)lete.. Barrel " Arbor ... " with Arbor, fitted Click " SpriD? DM (3 feet) Hair Springs Colleted " " Collets " Studs Hands, n. & M., (Pairs) '• Seconds Jewels, Cock " Foot " Plate, in Settinprs '* End Stones, Cock *' " '■ Foot ... " Pallet " Eoller Main Springs Pallets and Forks Pallets, Forks and Arbors Pallets and Korks. Stones fitted Pallets. Forks and Arbors, Stones fitted. Pallet Ai-bors " Bridges Pillars Pinions, Bevel or "Winding " Cannon ** Centre Safely Third " Fourth " Escape .. KEW YORK STANDARD, FIRST MODEL. 6 SIZE HUNTING. Regulator ^ Keller ■. Roller, with Pinss.t^. Ratchet Cap Setting Lever Setting Lever Washer. Screws, Balance Cock Cas^ Dial foot " Hair Spring Stud ... . " Pallet Bridge. " Pillar " Ratchet Cap " Setting Lever " Winding Bridge " Yoke " Assorted (per gross). Staff, Centre ith Safety Pinion Wheels, Centre 1 00 1 01) 2 00 with Staff , nd Safety Pinion Lcluding Cannon Pinion Escape " Patchet.. Winding Bridge . Yoke Banking Screws., 2 00 1 SO 2 .50 1 50 2 50 3 50 5 00 1 25 3 50 1 25 3 50 1 60 WHEN OEDEKING, ALWAYS GIVE NO. OF PIECE; ALSO, WHEN" POSSIBl.K, NO OF MOVEMENT. JEor Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. NON-MAGNETIC WATCH COMPANY. 72 78 79 80 S2 84 90 91 92 109 110 111"- 112 113 Balances- - Staffs Barrels - " and Arbors Barrel Arbors , Center Staffs, Hunting " Open Face " Arbor, Loose. Clicks, Hunting _.. ** Open Face Dials, D. 8. Marg. Min " 8. S. Marg. Min. Dnet Bands, Hunting '^ " Open Face Hairspring Colleted, Breguet, Hunting. O. F Collets Studs " Caps Hands, H. & M. Pairs, Ist Quality MODEL 1. Itt SIZE. Net Prices, per DoTen. 2d Comp'n 1st 2d Gold, let Quality, Louis XV. Seconds, 1st Quality " 2d " " Composition.. " Gold " Louis XV Jewels, Center Upper ** Lower Third Upper _, ** Lower Fourth Upper " L:>wer_: Escape, Upper. _ '^ Lower •^ Endst's, Upper " Lower Pallet, Upper, U.set " Lower, Set " Endst's, Upper Cork Hole " Endstone Foot Hole " Endstone Pallet Stones Roller or Jewel pins Mainsprings Pallets and Forks. '* Fork and Arbors Arbor '' Bridges, Jeweled Pinions, Center Heads Only^ " Bevel or Winding, Hunting O. F. Pendant Set . Clutch or Setting, Hunting Cannon Third, Hunting. $18 00 9 50 10 00 18 00 7 GO 600 600 200 2 00 86 00 27 00 1 50 1 50 10 00 15 00 15 00 1 00 125 2 00 400 1 75 7 50 500 14 50 2 50 » 60 60 800 500 16 00 16 00 900 7 00 900 7 00 900 7 00 8 50 4 50 400 7 00 8 60 4 60 500 5 011 500 4 00 900 3 00 8 50 34 00 40 00 6 00 24 00 3 50 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 600 4 50 5 00 $36 00 $24 00 7 00 5O0 9 00 8O0 16 00 14 00 600 500 4 50 3 50 4 50 3 60 1 OC 175 160 175 1 50 36 00 36 00 S7 00 27 00 150 1 50 1 50 150 75 1 25 200 400 1 75 7 50 500 14 60 2 50 60 60 300 500 15 00 14 00 7 00 5 00 7 OO 5 00 7 00 5 00 6 00 4 50 3 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 400 3 00 7 00 2 00 2 60 27 00 32 00 4 00 15 00 3 00 4 50 4 50 4 60 4 50 4 60 3 50 4 00 9 00 60 1 00 2 00 4 00 1 75 1 50 5 00 14 50 2 50 60 ■ 60 300 5 00 13 00 12 00 5 00 400 500 4 00 5 00 4 0O 3 00 2 00 3 00 200 500 2 00 2 00 21 ( 24 50 2 60 12 00 2 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 50 2 50 3 50 MODEL 1. 15 SIZE. Net Prices, per Dozen, Pinions, Third, Open Face •' Fourth, Hunting...! " " Open Face " Escape Regulator " Spring, Hunting " " Open Face Regolating Screw... Regulator Nuts or Centers .._ Rullors, Double _ *' with Pinsset.. ^. Setting Bar or Lever " " Changeover Tripper Change over '* PendantSet Tripper Spring .'. " " Changeover Wheel Bridge Stop Works, Male.., " " Female.. Wheels, Center, Hunting " " Open Face " " and Slaffs, Hunting... O. F Third, Hunting '' '* Open Face ■' " and Pinions, Hunting. . O. F..^.. " Fourth, Hunting.. |i " " Open Face... " " and Pinions, Htg O. F " Escape " " and Pinions i.. " Hour ^ ' Minute " Setting, small " Crown, Hunting ■' " Open Face '* Ratchet, Hunting " " Open Face Winding Bar, Hunting " " Open Fai:'.e " ■" Change over " PendantSet " " " with Pipes. " Bridge " Pipes.. Yokes.. Change over Pendant Set, large Springs Set, small. Screws, Balance, Composition Gold.. ' " Platina Case. Click.. ' Crownwheel ' Assorted, per Gross i 500 600 500 900 4 00 700 7 00 ' 50 500 7 25 11 00 4 00 4 00 11 00 11 00 400 4 OU 9 50 9 50 400 4 00 9 50 9 50 11 00 23 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 50 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 4 50 4 50 7 50 200 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 $ 4 00 4 00 400 7 00 3 00 600 600 • 50 450 3 25 6 00 300 3 00 3 00 ,3 00 300 3 00 3 00 3 00 100. 100. 3 00 3 00 8 50 8 50 3 00 8 00 7 50 7 60 3 00 800 7 50 7 50 12 00 19 50 2 00 2 00 2 50 200 5 00 5 00 300 3 00 4 00 4 00 3 50 8 60 6 50 1 50 3 00 20 4 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 200 60O 600 50 40O 2 50 5 OO 2 00 200 200 200 200 2 0O 20O 2 00 200 200 6 50 6 60 200 2 00 6 00 600 2 00 200 600 600 30O 7 00 125 125 2 00 1 50 3 50 3 50 2 50 2 50 8 00 3 0O 6 00 150 300 20 3 60 8 50 3 OO 2 00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies I^ON-MAGNETIO WATCH CO. MODEL II. HU^3TINC AND OPEN FACE. Ko. MODEL II. 16 SIZE. Ket Prices, Per Dozen. SI Grade E 82 Grade G No. MODEL II. 16 SIZE. Net Prices, Per Dozen. 81 Grade E 82.83-84 Grade G ?11 Balance. $24 00 5 00 8 00 14 00 5 00 50 3 50 1,50 75 30 00 80 00 2100 2100 6 00 "9'5o 9 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 10 CO 14 50 25 5 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 8 00 2 00 2 00 (iO 2 00 11 50 15 00 2 50 i2"o6 2 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 2 50 3 50 $21 00 3 50 4 00 9 00 4 00 : 50 2 50 1 00 50 30 00 80 00 21 00 21 00 00 7 00 7 00 9 00 9 00 35 75 75 110- 60 14 50 25 . 5 00 4 00 8 00 4 00 3 00 " 4 00 3 00 , 4 01) ■, 3 00 2 50. 1 50 2 50 1 50 2 00 60 1 25 9 00 12 00 2 00 8 00 'Too 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 3 00 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 801 302 803 304 805 306 307 308 309 SIO 311 312 313 314 315 316 $3 50 3 60 3 50 4 00 2 CO 2 00 6 00 600 50 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 100 3 00 6 50 2 00 BOO ceo 2 00 SOO 8 00 3 00 7 50 ■ 125 ■ 125 1 50 ' 150 5 00 ' !i 00 : 6 LO ' 2 00 : 2 00 , 4 00 4 00 100 100 " 8 00 3 00 ■3 00 6 00 2 00 : 20 •■. EO 1 50 25 25 25 25 25 20 1 50 $3 00 •)|0 Staff . 3 00 ?M " with Arbors fitted ?I'i Regulators, Hunting 1 50 21B Banking Studs ?17 Center Staffs : " Spring, Hunting 6 00 218 Clicks ?.]9 wn Dials, Hunting, D. S. Marg. Min Hollers WA Open Face, D. S. Mare. Min. 2?,« Hunting. S. S. Marg. Min OpenFace, S.S. Marg. Min 1 50 fflS 1 50 ?,?4 ?9^ CoUeted, Hunting... " Spring 1 75 2?fi ■■ o.F. ..!.....:.:.:.:::::::.:. 227 " Breguet, Hunting •• 0. F...:.... " with Staffs.. 5 00 v-ya Third . 1 50 229 Collets 230 Studs, Hunting " 'o.F... Fourth with Pinions, Hunting 231 232 Hands, H. & M., let Quality .... 283 2d " 23+ Gold, Louis XV Escape.., .-. ■235 *' Seconds 23B Gold, LouiaXV Hour Minute 237 '75 238 " " Lower _ 230 Fourth, Upper 100 'MO *' " Lower.. 241 *' Escape, Upper 242 Lower 243 Pallet, Upper Wheel, Cap, small ■1 50 244 *■■ " Lower 245 Cock Hole 3 00 24B '■ Endstone ■M'l FootHoIo.... 248 " " Endstone.. Pallet Stones Pendant Set ' 75 V4M Winding Bar, Hunting 2 50 2 50 2 50 5 50 250 " Rolleror Jewel Pins. 251 Mainsprings _ 25'^ " ''. , " " Willi Pipes.. 253 " and Arbors V54 Screws, Balance, Composition Gold ...:;:: '-' 50 255 Bridge, Gilt, with Bk'g Studs " Nickel ■• 'inb Platina Cock 150 257 Pinions, Center Heads only 2bH " Bevel or Winding, Hunting .. " 0. F... PenSet Clutch or Setting... Pen't Set " Cannon , Case 25 Click, large... " ' 25 2bU 25 262 " .^.", .^Spring Dial Foot... 25 20 150 'm_ " Third, Hunting For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. PEORIA WATCH CO.S MATERIAL. PRICES PER DOZEN. llf<" 76 83 84 85 86 87 ^1^ %P »^feiPP^ l|ij^^ "^ 88 108 109 NO 112 117 n Where prices of 0. F. Material are printed in bold face type, the parts are the same as the Hunt's. Hunting Grade. O. F. Grade. Where prices of 0. F. Material are printed in bold.face type, the parts are the same as the Hnnt'g. Hunting Grade. 0. F. Grade. T. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 $6 75 $ 5 62 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 9:1 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 $ 6 75 6 75 9 00 6 75 6 75 $ 4 50 0. F. ... - $ 6 75 4 50 I 50 6 00 9 00 $ 5 62 3 75 1 32 5 62 7 50 $ 6 75 9 00 6 75 6 75 18 00 $4 50 7 88 5 62 4 50 13 50 4 50 Arbors Pallet . 4 50 150 600 900 13 50 8 75 132 5 62 7 50 12 CO 7 88 " Nuts Pallet 5 62 Barrel, GUt - Nickel 4 50 6 7 8 " Micronometer, Htg 0. F.. " Gilt and Arbor Fitted, Htg. 0. F. " Nickel " HtB. 0. F. Balance, Exp. Gold Screws -'. '* " Comp. '* _. 18 00 6 75 75 3 37 3 37 57 3 75 3 00 5 25 13 50 13 50 12 00 Tangent Wh'l " Wh'l Sc'w Stud, Right " Left. " *^ ** Screw " " Tangent " Boiler .. 6 75 75 3 37 3 87 57 3 75 3 00 5 25 6 75 4 50 57 2 63 2 63 38 2 63 2 63 4 60 4 50 4 50 16 50 15 00 57 10 11 12 16 50 36 00 13 50 94 15 00 27 00 12 38 75 2 63 36 00 13 50 94 132 27 00 12 88 75 lis 2 63 38 a 63 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 63 " ' 0. F. 1 32 1 13 4 50 2 25 188 " '• O F. 2 25 1 88 0. F. 4 50 3 37 X 88 2 63 17 25 18 00 3 00 3 75 3 00 2 63 8 37 188 2 63 17 25 18 00 300 113 2 25 1 50 2 25 15 00 15 75 2 25 75 2 25 " " O. F 3 00 30 00 22 50 27 00 18 00 22 50 18 00 75 94 1 13 30 38 3 37 4 50 1 50 3 37 2 25 9 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 63 27 00 18 00 24 00 15 75 22 50 11 25 75 94 1 13 30 38 2 63 3 37 1 50 2 25 1 88 9 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 Hair, Steel 1 50 Dial, D. 8., Arabic " 8. S., " 30 00 22 50 27 00 18 00 22 50 18 00 75 94 1 13 30 38 3 37 4 50 1 50 3 37 2 25 9 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 4 50 4 60 4 50 4 50 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 23 9 00 27 00 18 00 24 00 15 75 22 50 1125 75 91 1 13 30 38 2 63 3 37 1 50 2 25 1 88 9 00 900 900 9 00 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 8 75 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 7 88 .CoUeted " '* Anti Magnetic " '■ CoUeted " Stud 2 25 15 00 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 31 32 33 34 35 SB 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46. 47 48 49 60 61 52 53 64 55 66 " D. 8., Boman " S S " 15 75 2 25 :: ^H?k.H*f- 2 63 2 25 Hands, Hr. & Min., Spade ._. Morn.Gl'y.... " " FleurdeLis.. " Second, Brass Socket Steel " '• Setting Lever, Htg. O.F. 113 75 300 ""s'oo" 5 62 2 63 Yoke, Htg 75 75 '• 0. F. 2 63 5 62 6 75 4 50 6 38 4 50 " " End Stones, Gold Set GUt " " Pallet " O.F. 6 75 6 33 and Wheel, Htg. O.F 9 00 7 50 9 00 7 60 Jewel Boiler or Jewel Pin " Ruby, 3d, Upper, Gold Set'ngs " " 4th, " " " " Scape, " " " " Pallet " " Garnet, 3d, " " " 4th " " Scape " " " Pallet " " Buby, 3d, Lower. Setting " " 4th, •' " ..,- " " Scape, " " ..'.. •' " Pallet, " " — . " Garnet, 8d, " " " 4th " " " Scape, " " " Pallet," " Can. Pin., Htg. 0. F. Wheel, Center 18 00 '"I'oo" 3 00 8 37 3 00 9 38 14 63 ""2"63" 2 63 8 00 2 63 7 50 18 00 3 00 3 00 3 37 3 00 14 63 2 63 " Hour _ 2 63 3 00 " Third " " and Pinion, Htg O.F ... 2 63 9 38 7 50 3 00 2 63 O.F 8 00 2 63 " *' and Pinion, Htg. . . 0. F.. Escape, Hubbed and Pinion " Setting (Large), Htg. O.F. ... 9 38 """4"50' 10 50 4 50 7 50 """3'75" 9 00 8 75 9 38 4 50 10 50 7 50 3 75 9 00 4 50 3 75 " Interme'ate Set, Small, Htg •' " " o.f: Bevel 3 75 3 00 S 75 13 50 3 00 9 00 9 00 3 37 12 00 7 88 7 88 2 63 9 00 13 50 4 50 11 25 3 75 11 25 Pininn Pftnnon 9 00 3 37 12 00 6 75 7 88 2 63 9 00 4 50 " Winding, Interme'at?.Htg. O.F. Yoke, Htg.... • Center.- - 4 50 3 75 1125 9 00 " O.F... 1125 6 75 900 " ' OF 6 75 4 50 6 75 5 62 5 62 6 75 4 50 Banking $0.75 Balance, Gold _.. 94 ** (Compos 57 Barrel, Bridge 75 Balance, Cock 75 " Jewel 38 SCREWS. Bevel Pinion Bridge. GlicI^ Spring DiaiF6ovrr"."."rii;;ii Hunting Stud Potance Per Doz. 1 2 Potance Jewel _ $0 27 $0 27 PiUar ___ 75 57 Setting Lever _ 57 38 Spring... 38 88 Yoke Washer 75 67 " Spring 38 88 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. Arbors, Barrel. Arbors, Pallet. Balances. Net Prices per Dozen. DESCRIPTION. 101 102 103 104 105 106 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 120 131 123 123 Arbors, Barrel, IS Size, Key Wind, Old Style " " 18 " Stem " *• Hunting " 18 " 34: Plate -- 18 " Open Face, Old Style 18 " Model of 18s8, fits Open Face or Hunting 6or8Siza - Arbors, Pallet, IS Size, Full Plate Hunting, Old Style $ 4 25 4 25 Open Face, Model 1888, fits Open Face or Hunting. New Model, Exposed Escapement 3^ Plate --- 3 00 2 00 2 00 Balances, 18 Size, Old Style, Pull or ^ Plate .-■ 18 '• Model 1888, Open Face or Hunting . 8 " ._ - G " 24 00 24 00 18 00 18 00 $ 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 50 3 50 3 75 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 75 1 75 3 00 2 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 When ordering material always state name and size of movement and catalogue number of part wanted. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. Barrels. Barrels. Barrels. Net Prices per Dozen. Caps. Cups. Ratchet — Yoke. Cenler — Arbor. DESCRIPTION. Grade 1. Grades, Barrels, 18 Size, % Plate Gilt. 18 " ^ " Nickel 18 " Full Plate Hunting, Gilt 18 ■' " " Nickel 18 " " Open Face, Gilt 18 " " '■ Nickel-- 18 " Model, 1888, fits Open Face or Hunting--. " 6 and 8 Size, Nickel 6 " 8 " Gilt- Caps, Ratchet, 18 Size Old, Style-- 18 " Model 1888 Yoke, Yoke Cap, Old Style, Hunting or Open Face Cups, Center, Center Cup, 5^ Plate " Arbor, Arbor Cup, Steel, Stem Wind " " " Base, Key Wind " " " " Brass, ' $7 50 DIALS. Dials, 18 Size, Plain Roman Figures. " S. S. '■ S. S. " D. S. " D. S. Arabic " D. S. " Double Sunk - ■• S. S. " Double Sunk _ " S. S Red Marginal Figures. DUST BANDS. Dust Bands, Gilt or Nickel, Key or Stem. " Model 1888 3 00 7 50 3 00 7 50 3 00 7 50 3 00 7 50 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 25 1 50 1 00 9 00 15 00 18 00 27 00 27 00 27 00 24 00 15 00 24 00 15 00 3 50 75 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. H ■ ■ wm 1 HI 1 ^^^^^BV 1 I ^H E ^B H^H ^^lui i^H ^E^^BI 1 H ^^^^H 1 1 1 Collets. Clicks. Forks. Net Prices per Dozen. Indexes and Springs. DESCRIPTION. 150 151 153 160 161 162 180 181 183 183 184 185 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 Forks Collets, Hairspring, 18 Size, Old Style, Hunting or Open Face. 18 '■ Model 1888, Open Face or Huntiuo 6and8Size Clicks, 18 Size, Old Style, Hunting and Open Face " 18 " Modell888, " or " 6 and 8 Size.- _.. 18 Size, Old Style Hunting 18 " " Open Face__ " 18 " New Model, Exposed Escapement " 18 " MPlate " 18 " Model 1888, fits Open Face or Huuting " 6 and 8 Size___ Index, Micrometer, Open Face -_ Hunting " Plain Hunting " " Open Face. __ " Short, for Balance Hridge Micrometer Spring, for Full Plate " s^iPlate "Modelofl88S _ $1 00 1 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 In ordering Indexes or Micrometers, state whether for Open Face or Hunting. HANDS. Hands, 18 Size, Fleur De Lis, Hour or Minute- 18 " Morning Glory, Open 18 " •' " Closed. 18 " Moon 18 " Spade 18 " Seconds!. 6 and 8 Size, Morning Glory, Open.. 6 " 8 " " " Closed. 6 " 8 " Spade 6 " 8 " Seconds |0 80 80 80 1 00 1 00 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 6 00 6 00 2 00 .2 00 1 50 4 00 4 00 9 00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 431 ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. ^1 1 1 Levers, Setting. Pallets. Pinions, Winding. Net Prices per Dozen. 200 201 202 203 204 205 210 211 212 213 214 215 220 221 222 223 224 235 226 DESCRIPTION. Levers, Setting, 18 Size, Old Style, Hunting. New Model - Old Style, Open Pace _ Model 1888, fits Open Face or Hunting- Pallets, 18 Size, Old Style, Hunting 18 " New Model, Hunting 18 " M Plate IS " Old Style, Open Face " 6 and 8 Size _-_ 18 Size, Model 1888, lits Open Pace or Hunting - Pinions, Winding, 18 Size, Old Style, Loose 18 " " Solid, with Pivot... 18 " New Model 18 " Old Style, Open Face " " 18 " Model 1888, fits Open Face or Hunting. " 18 " Pinion Shell for Model 1888 .- " " 6 and 8 Size - JEWELS, MODEL 1888. Jewels, Model 1888, Ruby Center, Gold Setting " " " " Oreide " --. " " " 3d and 4th Escapement and Pallet, Gold Setting " " " 3d and 4th " " " Oreide " " " " Balance, Upper and Lower " " " End Stone, Upper and Lower " " Garnet, 8d and 4th Escapement and Pallet, Upper " " " 3d and 4th " " " Lower... " " " Pallet Stones __ — ,. " " " Jewel Pius Grade 1. Grade S. $3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 9 00 9 00 6 00 's'oo" "3 00 $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 8 00 6 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 1 50 3 50 1 50 3 00 4 00 4 00 2 50 1 50 3 00 2 50 2 00 60 k The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. Pinions. Scape — 4th— 3d. Net Piices per Dozen. No. 230^ 231 233 233 240 241 242 243 344 ■245 346 260 •251 352 353 354 260 261 263 263 270 271 273 273 274 DESCRIPTION. Pinions, Cannon, 18 Size, Old Style, 18 " 18 " Model 188 " 6 and 8 Size Center, 18 Size, Old Style, 18 " 18 " 18 " 18 18 Key Wind Stem Wind, Open Face or Hunting. 8, Open Face or Hunting Model 1888, 6 and 8 Size Scape, 18 Size, M Plate .. 18 " Full Plate 18 " 18 " Model 1888^ " 6 and 8 Size Fourth, 18 Size, Old Style, 18 " 18 " Model 1888 " 6 and 8 Size Third, 18 Size, M Plate . 18 '■ Old Style 18 " 18 " Model 1888 " 6 and 8 Size % Plate, with Hook ^ " " Thread Full Plate, with Hook " Thread Open Pace, " " ", fils Open Face or Hunling Hunting Open Face , fits Open Face or Hunting Fuller^ Plate Open Pace , fits Open Face or Hunting Hunting, Full Plate Open Pace Open Face or Hunting- JEWELS, OLD STYLE, O. F. OR HUNTING. Jewels, Old Style, O. F. or Hunting, Ruby, 3d and 4th, Gold Settiags, Upper. ._ _. " " " " " Escapement and Pallet, Gold Setting, Upper. " " " " " 3d and 4th Escapement and Pallel , Lower .. . " " " " Balance, Upper and Lower " " " " End Stones, Upper and Lower " " " " Garnet, 3d and 4th, Upper ... _•_.._ -_. " " " " " Escapeni'nt and Pallet, Upper " " " " " Bd and 4th, Escapement and Pallet, Lower... " " " " Balance, Upper and Lower " •" " " End Stones, Upper and Lower . " " " " Pallet Stones _-_ " " " " Jewel Pins - — |3 GO 3 00 3 25 3 25 3 50 3 00 3 00 3 25 6 00 6 00 4 00 3 00 Grade 2. 3 00 $1 50 1 75 3 00 1 75 1 50 1 75 1 50 1 75 1 75 2 00 2 00 1 75 1 75 1 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 50 3 50 1 75 1 75 1 75 3 00 3 00 3 50 1 50 3 00 3 00 2 50 3 50 1 50 3 00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. Regulators. Rollers. Springs. Clicb — Yoke — Cam — Lever. Net Prices per Dozen. DESCEIPTION. Grade 1. Grade 2. 380 381 282 383 284 285 280 287 288 289 290 291 290 391 293 293 300 301 302 303 304 305 310 311 31-2 818 814 Regulators, 18 Size, Old Style, Hunting or Open Face Patent, Old style, Open Pace " Hunting Short, Hunting or Open Pace, Plain . _ " " •' " Breguet . J^ Plate Model 1888, Hunting, Plain " " Open Pace, Plain-- " " Hunting. Breguet " " Open Face, Breguet Rollers, 18 Size, Full Plate, Hunting - - " 18 " " " Open Face- 18 " Modell888 6 and 8 Size - -- Springs, Yoke Spring, 18 Size, .Old Style, Hunting - . 18 " " OpenF;ice 18 " New Style-- -- Cam " 18 " Old Style Setting Lever, 18 Size, Old Style- 18 " Model 1888 Click Sprinir, 18 " Old Style " " 18 " New Style and Model 1888 . " " " 6 and 8 Size - Cam '• 6and8 " Yoke " OandS " $D 00 8 00 3 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 2 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 75 50 50 1 35 75 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. I^^^^K. ^^^^^^^1 ^^/^ ^ i X^ mm H m ^ m :^ T^^^ p. 11 s m Springs. Hair — Slud. Staffs. Balance — Center. Wheels. Hour — ilinute. Net Prices per Dozen. No. 320 321 322 323 324 325 330 331 332 333 334 335 340 841 342 343 344 345 350 351 352 353 354 380 381 382 383 384 385 DESCRIPTION. Springs, Hair, ]« Size, Flat Spring, CoUeted, Old Style ■' " 18 " Breguet, Colleted.. " 18 " Flat, Modtl 1888, Open Face or Hunting-.. " 18 " Breguet, Model 1888, Open Face or Hunting 8 " Colleted - -- 6 " " " " 6 and 8 Size, not Colleted " " 18 Size, not Colleted - Springs, Stud, 18 " 18 " 18 " 18 " 18 18 Stud, Old Style - New Model- - - " " " Breguet " 3^ Plate " Model 1888, Flat " '• " Breguet __ Staffs, Balance, 18 Size, Old Style, Hunting. _ _ '■ '■ 18 " " Open Face _ _ " " 18 " Known as New Model, Exposed Escape 18 " 3^ Plate 18 " Model 1888, will fit Open Face or Hunting 6and8Size._ Staffs, Center, 18 Size, % Plate. Center Staff _ " " 18 '■ Full Plate, Hunting or Open Face, Stem Wind . 18 " " Kev Wind- . " 18 " Model 1888, will fit Open Face or Hunting GandSS'ZC- , --. Wheels, Hour, 18 Size, Old Style " Model 1888, Oper. Face or Hunting " G and 8 Size - Wheels, Minute, 18 Size, Old Style Model 1888, Open Face or Hunting " " 6 and 8 Size _ .._- , SPRINGS, MAIN. Springs, Main, 18 Size, Hunting and Old Style " 18 ■' Open Face, Old Style " 18 " Model 1888, will fit Hunting or Open Face. 8 " _ -.. 6 ■' Grade 1. Grade 2. $4 50 4 50 4 50 1 75 6 00 1 75 6 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 25 2 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 1 25 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 3 50 3 00 2 75 3 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 Por Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^^ ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. ^ ^ B 1 BBaw3 m s H o I o iCJi^' o «f J O S A s II O i^i<*i0i Wheels. Center — 3d — itb — Scape. Wheels. Winding — Inter Wind— Inter Set. Net Prices per Dozen. 360 361 363 363 870 371 373 373 374 375 876 377 378 890 391 393 393 394 305 396 397 398 399 400 401 403 408 404 405 406 407 408 DESCRIPTION. Wheels, Center, 18 Size, Old Style, Hunting or Open Face 18 " % Plate.- --- 18 " Model 1888, will fit Open Face or Hunting- " " 6and8Size 18 Size % Plate, Hunting or Open Face, Old Style. - 18 " ?4 '• " " " " -- 18 " Model 1888, either Hunting or Open Face.. 3d, 4th, 3d, 4th, 3d, 4th, and 8 Size- Scape, 18 Size, Hunting or Open Face 18 " Model 1888, either Hunting or Open Face. 6 and 8 Size.. Main Wind, 18 Size, Old Style, Hunting 18 " New Style, Huntinsr - " 18 " Old Style. Open Face " 18 " Model 1888, Open Face and Hunting.. Inter Wind, 18 " Old Style, Open Face and Hunting... Model 1888, Ofsen Face and Hunting Inter Setting " " " " " "' " 1st, Old Style, 18 Size, Hunting -. " 2d, " 18 " " --- -- ■' 3d, " 18 " " - " Old Style, 18 " OpenFace Idler, Old Style, known as New Model " Model 1888, OpenFace and Hunting.. Main Wind, 6 and 8 Size.. --- Inter Wind, 6 and 8 Size -. Inter Set, 6 and 8 Size.. " " with Bar, G Size Setting Cam, 8 Size. $1 75 II 50 1 50 1 75 1 75 1 25 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 75 1 75 1 75 4 00 3 00 2 50 3 50 1 00 1 00 75 75 75 50 75 75 75 4 00 1 00 75 2 50 2 50 1 00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. 416 ^m ^ ^Hr ^ o Wheels— Ratchet. Yokes. Net Prices per Dozen. Pendant Set Material. 411 413 413 414 415 416 420 421 422 42:! 424 430 431 43-3 48:; 434 435 43G 1)ESCRIPTI0N. Wheels, Ratchet, 18 Size, Key Wiud " 18 •• Stem " Old Style, Hunting " " 18 " Known as New Model, Open Face and Hunting 18 '• M P'ate, New Style -- 18 " lVIoaeU888, Open Face and Hunting " " 6 and 8 Size Yokes, 18 Size, Old Style, Hunting, Full and »i Plate _ 18 ■' " Open Face — 18 " New Modfl, Hunting and Jl Plate " 18 '■ Model 1888, Open Pace and Hunting _ " 6' and 8 Size ' Pendant Set Mati vial. Yoke ... " " " Locking Bar with Spring .- " " " Pendant Stem " " Switch Arbor Pendant Shell -.. " " " Locking Bar Screw '■ " " Pendant Stem Screw _ SCREWS. Screws, Model 1888, Barrel Bi idge, Top Plate, and Cock _ _ . " " " Ratchet, Cap, and Idler _. " Yoke.... " " " Yoke Spring and Dial " " " Jewel and Stud " " " Balance Plug Screw " " Case ■' Setting Lever. " " " " " Spring " Old Model, Barrel Bridge, TopPlale, and Cock.... ■• Winding Bridge " " Potance, Hatchet Cap, and Idler Dial. " " Jewel and Stud ^4: Plate Cock.. " 3^ Pallet Bridge " " Escapement and Pallet Bridge, New Model -. " " Case. " 6 and 8 Size Plate '■ 6and8 " Cock 6an-18 " Case. " " G and 8 " Jewel and Stud 6and8 " Yoke 6aiid8 " Stem Wind, all kinds |2 00 1 75 1 75 2 00 3 35 Grade 2. |U 75 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 50 1 50 1 75 1 50 1 00 1 00 75 40 40 35 25 35 20 20 15 45 85 20 85 30 20 20 20 35 20 25 45 85 25 45 20 35 25 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. 16 SIZE MATERIAL AND 6 SIZE FOR SERIES No. 391001 AND UPWARD. Clutch and Clutch Shells. Cap and Shells. Prices Per Dozen. Forks, Pallets and Rollers. ARBORS— Barrel. ARBORS— Winding. 16 Size, Winding Arbor $4 00 16 " Barrel Arbor '^ 00 6 " " " 4 00 6 " Winding Arbor 3 50 BARRELS. 16 Size, Nickel $"^50 16 " Gilt -^00 6 " Nickel '50 6 " Gilt - 3 00 CLUTCH AND CLUTCH SHELLS. 16 Size, Clutch, Winding $3 00 16 '• " Setting 4 00 16 " " Shell 3 50 6 " " Setting 4 00 CAPS— Ratchet. CAPS— Crown. SHELLS. 482 16 Size, Cap, Ratchet and luterwind $2 00 " " Crown 2 00 " Winding Shell 1 50 470 471 472 473 174 175 476 477 478 479 480 481 483 484 485 486 487 FORKS— PALLETS— ROLLERS. Grade 1. Grade 2. 6Size,Fork 5 6 00 $2 00 6 " Pallet 10 00 8 00 6 " Roller - 00 BALANCES. 16 Size, same as No. 121. 6 Size, same as No. 122. ARBORS— Pallet. 16 Size, same as No. 114. 6 Size, same as No. 115. COLLETS HAIRSPRING. Collet, 16 Size, same as No. 151. Collet, 6 Size, same as No. 152. FORKS. 16 Size Forks, same as No. 184. PALLETS. 16 Size Pallet, same as No, 215. ROLLERS. 16 Size Roller, same as No. 294. JEWELS. See prices of Jewels Model 1888. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. Levers, Setting, Clutch. Pinions. Regulators. Springs, IMicrometer. No. 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 LEVERS— Setting. LEVERS— Clutch. ICO- c ^^- T Grade 1. Grade 2. lb Size, Setting- Lever $2 50 $1 50 6 " " " 2 00 6 ' ' Clutch " ''/' 1 50 PINIONS. Grade 2. 16 Size, Windinff Pinion $2 50 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 75 2 00 2 50 2 00 16 " Center ~ 6 " Winding 6 ' ' Center 6 " Cannon 6 " 3d 6 " 4th • 6 " Escape . REGULATORS. 16 Size, Breguet and Model 1888, Hunting, Short s,i 50 601 Breguet and Model 1888,' Open Pace, Short 1 50 602 16 Size, Plain and Model 1888, Hunting, Short J 5Q 603 Plain and Model 1888, Open Pace, Short 1 50 No. .504 505 506 16 507 18 508 18 REGULATORS— Continued. 509 6 510 18 I Size, Plain " Breguet SPRINGS— MiCEOMETLK. Size, Micrometer " for Model 1888, Open Pace," Short Regulator Size, for Model 1888, Hunting, Short Reg- ulator Size $2 50 2 50 U 00 for Index No. 197. 4 00 I 4 00 5 00 5 00 500 16 Size, 6 " SPRINGS— Hair. same as Nos. 322' and 323. "No. 324. SPRINGS-MAIN. 16 Size 6 " ..V^^^!!^^!"^"'" SPRINGS— Studs. 16 Size, same as Nos. 334 and 335. 6 " " " No. 331. $1 50 1 50 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. Springs. Clutch and Clicks. Prices Per Dozen. Wheels. Center, 3d, 4th, Escape, Hour, Minute. Wheels. Ratchet, Interwind, Crown, Idler. Prices Per Dozen. StafTs, Center. Staff's, Balance. SPRINGS— Clutch and Clicks. 16 Size, Clutch Spring $1 50 16 ■""■"" ~ ■ 6 6 6 6 Click and Spring 2 50 " " 3 00 Clutch Lever Spring 50 Click Spring 1 00 Click 75 STAFFS— Center. STAFFS— Balance. Grade Grade 16 Size, Center Staff $3 00 6 " " " 3 00 16 " Balance Staff $4 50 3 00 16 " for Thin Model 3 00 6 " Balance Staff 4 00 18 " for Thin Model of 1888 3 00 WHEELS— Center, 3d, 4th, Escape. Hour, Minute. Grade 6 Size, Center $1 75 6 " 3d 1 50 6 " 4th 1 50 6 " Escape 175 16 " Hour 100 6 " " 1 25 6 " Minute 125 16 Size Minute same as No. 384. WHEELS— Ratchet, Interwind, Crown, Idler. 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 16 Size, Ratchet, Gilt Damask Finish $4 00 16 " " Steel " " 3 50 16 " " " Plain " 3 00 16 " Interwind, Gilt Damask Finish 3 50 16 " " Steel, " " 3 00 16 " " " Plain " 2 50 16 " Crown... 3 50 16 " Idler 75. 6 ' ' Crown, Damask Finish 4 50 6 " " Plain " 3 50 6 ' ' Ratchet, Damask " 3 50 6 " " Plain " 3 00 6 " Idler 75 SCREWS— 16 Size. Barrel Bridges $0 35 Balance Bridges 35 Top Plate 35 Pallet Bridge 20 Idler 20 Clutch Spring 20 Stud 20 Jewel 20 Case 45 Balance Plug Screw.. 15 Bal. Screws, Oreide . . 35 Balance Screws, Gold. 1 00 SCREWS— 6 Size. Barrel Bridge $0 35 Top Plate 35 Balance Bridge 35 Pallet Bridge 20 Idler 20 Clutch Lever 35 Setting Lever 35 Jewel 20 Stud 20 Ratchet 75 Crown 75 Balance Plug 15 Case 45 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies SETH THOMAS WATCH MATERIAL. SETH THOMAS WATCH MATERIAL. ARBORS, Balance. — r-^ No. Doz $3 60 ■2d 3d ith '• 75a 22U 220a 3 50 ,3 60 3 50 ^ ARBORS, Barrel. No. . 66 Doz $4 50 ^ 'S^ 2d " L-. 3d Series... p^ ith • .... 66a 262 262a 4 50 4 50 ARBORS, Centre. 67 Hp- 2d •■ . .. . 67b 4 00 4t,h ARBORS, _ 1st Series Pallet. 73 $2 qO 2 O" 3(1 73b 2 OO -4t.h 73c 2 OO / ==^ BAL/ i^SSSHJ 1st Series /'2d ^3d is—::^ 4th INCES, Plain. No, Doz 48 il2 00 48a . 4Sb 480 12 00 12 00 12 00 BALANCES, Ex- pansion. ■WITH SCEEWS. No DoZ 1st Series... 49 $15 00 2d " 49a 15 00 3d ■' 49b 13 00 4th " 49c li 00 BANKINGS. No Doz •" Ist, 2d. 3d, or 4th Series 'ii $ 50 ■■a Yoke, Ist. 2d. 3d or 4th Series 28 1 00 BARRELS. Doz i4 50 35b 4 50 350 4 50 Barrels, with Arbors. No. Doz IstSeries 36 $10 00 24 Series 3Ga 10 CO 3d " 36b 10 00 m BOSSES. ^^~/ No. Doz Yoke, 1st, 2d or Dd Series 7 $2 00 ff^ 'WindingWheel, Ist Series 13 1 00 braces! feji No. Doz PH Mainspring, 1st Series 77 % 60 /T^Pt^k^ Mainspring, 2d. 3d, 1 i,i'M„''yfJ 4th Series f 160 60 bridges. No. Doz Series. . . 5 $1 00 2d Series. 82 1 00 BRIDGES, Winding. 1st or 2d Series, CLICKS, See Detents. COLLETS. Janoe Spring 61^ $ 60 DETENTS. feaaA i:o. Doz ^ : St Series U $100 l^^\ 2d, 3d or 4th Series 89 100 DIALS. Doz Arabic Figures. Sunk (Cut) Seconds.. $21 00 Roman " " " " .. 15 00 24 Hour, Sunk (Cut) Seconds Roman \ Figures, 1 to 12; Arabic, 13 to 24 )' 18 00 Sunk Center and Seconds, Roman / ■vvitu Marginal Figures in Arabic ... S 30 00 Sunk Center and Secnnds, Arabic, ? ■with small Arabic Marginal Figures J 30 CO FORKS, See Levers. HANDS. No. Do Hour and Minute, per doz $ 5 Seconds 2 JEWELS. (fi No, Doz ^-' Balance, Ruby 6j $3 00 @ Cap 62 150 c Pallet, Receiving* 63R 160 =• Pallet, Leavicg* 65L 16) *The Pallet Jewel receiving theflrst stroke of the Kscape Wheel Too'.h is called the Receiving Jewel ; the one rom ■n-hlch the tooth last departs is called jcavine Thereforn, in ordering, for a Receiving Jewel add R to the number, and for a Leav- ing Jewel add L. (gl Train 61 2 00 LEVERS, Impulse, Forked. No. Doz lst,2d or 4th Series. B3 $2 60 3d Series 206 2 60 1st. 2d, or4thS-r. ) with Pallet and ;- Arbor ) 69 10 00 3d S Ties, with ) Pallet and Arbor ) 207 10 00 LEVERS, Setting. No. Doz 1st Series 65 $2 00 2d or 3d S rles, ) with Boss ,. S 93 2 60 PALLETS/lmpulse; with Jewels ^^25525? No. Doz 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th Series 67 $6 00 PLATES. For any Plate, Top or Pillar. State No. of Movement, for O. F. or Htg., Key or Stem Wind. PINIONS, Cannon. a^. No. Doz gi^l' 1st Series, 12 Leaves 69 $2 50 2d " 13 " 69a 2 50 l,,^—, 3d ' 13 " 265 2 50 f™^ 4th " 13 '• 26oa 2 80 PINIONS, Centre. ^&! No. Doz %? 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th Series 68 $2 50 PINIONS, Dial Change Wheel. ^ No. Doz 1st Series, 10 Leaves 74 $1 00 PINIONS, 3rd! pa No. Doz ■*=fer 1st Series, 8 Leaves 70 $2 .:d Series, 8 Leaves 70a 2 50 3d " 8 ' 70b 2 60 4th " 8 " 70c 2 60 Prices '^f 6 Size Same as 3d and 4th Series 18s. Alw^ays Inclose Samples "When Ordering. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 491 SETH THOMAS WATCH MATERIAL. PINIONS,4th,orSecond'sHand — «=&- No. Doz If t Series. 8 Leaves 71 $2 60 2d '• 8 '• 71a 2 50 3d " 8 ■' 71b 2 50 4th " 8 " 71c 2 60 ^ PINIONS, 5th or Escape. -«=S=»' No. Doz let Series, 7 Leaves 72 $2 60 Jd ■■ 7 '■ 72a 2 50 Jd " 7 " 72b 2 50 Itll •• 7 ■' 720 2 60 PINIONS, Winding. No. Doz 1st Series, 14 Leaves 12 $5 00 2d " 15 " 88 5 00 3d •' 15 " 88a 6 00 0X BATCH. 1 1 <'\ ¥% No. Doz liiJliff 1st Series, 48Teetli.. S $2 00 Il1|(l]/ 2d •• 42 •' .. 8a 2 00 1 " 42 " .. 8b 2 00 sSerles, 4-3 Teeth. . 227 2 00 REGULATORS. No. Doz 1st Series 66 $2 00 2d " 65a 2 00 3d ■' 55b 2 on 4th Series 254 2 00 ROLLERS, See Tables. SCREWS. No. , Doz ^a Balance, for 1st, 2d, 3d, or I 4th Series f 34 $ 51 — — pg Balance Cock, for 1st, I = 2d, 3d. or 4th Series . . . . f 24 50 ■• Balance Spring Stud, for 1st, { 2d. 3d or 4.th Series I 32 60 ~J Boss. Yoke, for Ist, 2d, or I ^i 3d Series 1 23 100 ■«=fi Bridge, Winding for 1st (. or2dSerle8 ( 108 50 m4 Bridge, Eatch, for 2d [or 3d t ^ Series *109 60 -» Case, for 1st, 2d, 3d or| a 4th Series f 26 60 .m Dial Fool, for 1st, 2d, 3d or ) 4th Series S 3u 60 * Jewel, for 1st, 2d, 3d, or 4th Sr. 31 60 > Mlcrometer,3d Series 204 8 00 STUDS, Detent. iS Ist Series is $ 50 STUDS, Spring. t=i Balance, Ist, 2d, 3d or 4th Srs. 62 $ 60 S Detent and Yoke, 1st Series.. 16 1 00 ca Yoke, Ist Series 21 60 STUDS, Lever. Setting, 2d or 3d Series 60 STUDS, Wheel. fS Intermediate, Setting, 1st, \_ 2dor3dSerles t 19 $ 60 (3 Intermediate Winding. 1st, I 2d or 3d Series.. 1 20 50 STUDS, Yoke. See Cut No i'O. ^ TABLES No. DOZ ^^ 1st. 2d. 3d or 4th Series. 63 $125 (S% With Jewel, Ist, 2d, 3d or i^ llf 4th Series 1 64 2 25 WHEELS,Balance;See Balances ^^ WHEELS, Centre! // y-// \\ No. Doz i J O^ I lst,2d,or3d) V^^^^^^.'^^i Series, 64 \ \\ If // Teeth ) 37 $100 ^!>^ ^/ 4th Series, 60 I '^5;^;liG^>^ Teeth C S7a 100 ♦ With Pinion 1 and.Arbor,l&t I " I '■ "" 2d, 3d or 4th \ Series, 64 Tth lOLeaves 38 9 00 fr\^% WHEELS, 3rd. ^^r^/ 1st, 2d, 3d or ith ) ^^L:#^ Series, 60 Teeth.... ;■ 39 $100 With Pinion; 8 LvB I 60 Teeth , f 40 4 50 WHEELS, 4th or Seconds Hand //f^ No. Doz IlJ«iA^ Ist. 2d, 3d or 4th I lr-^®l ji Series, 70 Teeth ( 41 $1 oo "with Pinion, 8:Leavs I 70Teeth f 42 4 60 WHEELS, 5th or Escape. jji«]p5^ ;No. Doz 'lJjLj? 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th Srs. / QQ^ leTeeth ,' 43 $2 5o ift-i With Pinion, 7 Leaves, I ^^^15Teeth.. ) 44 5 00 m% WHEELS, Dial. wy# No. Doz ^«i5»^ Change, Ist Series, 36 Tth. 46 $1 00 fisH|Change, with Pinion, Ist I <# Series, lo Lvs. 36 Teeth | 47 2 00 Change, with Pinion, 2d, 3d or I 4th Series, 7 Leaves, 26 Teeth. . . ( 47a 3 50 /""^X Hour, 1st Series 40 Tth. 46 1 Ofl 1 O I Hour, with Socket, 2d, ( '^■HrorfT^ 3d or 4th Series f 45a 100 WHEELS, Setting. #No. Doz Intermediate, 1st Series, t 23Teeth S 10 $100 Intermediate, 2d or 3d Series, i 16 Teeth (' loa 100 WHEELS, Winding. #No. Doz Intermediate, 1st Series I ISTeeth f 11 $100 Intermediate. 2d or 3d Series ) J6 Teeth i \ 11a 100 j^Sife Main, IstSerles, SBTth, 9 2 00 yi pi Main, 2d or 3d Series, I V'-^-ir 31 Teeth... f 9a 2 00 ^^ YOKES. No. Doz 1st Series. . . 6 $1 00 2d Series, I with Stud., f 83 1 00 Prices of 6 Size Same as Sd and 4th Series I83. Always Incloae Samples When Ordering 492 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies TRENTON WATCH CO/S MATERIAL. 18 SIZE, OLD MODEL. Old Model, 3-4 Plate, 18 Size. Numbers under 135,000. o , a.Q $0 75 1 00 1 00 2 00 75 75 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 50 3 25 1 20 20 20 1 50 1 50 50 50 DESCRIPTION. Balance Center Wheel Third " . . Fourth " Escape " Pallet . : Fork (see foot note) Balance Staff Center " Third Pinion 11 I Fourth Escape " Pallet Arbor Cannon Pinion Barrel and Arbor, complete Center and Staff, « " Third Wheel and I'inion, complete Fourth " " " " Escape " " " " Pallet Fork and Arbui, complete (see foot note) Regulator S6 75 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 50 4 00 1 25 3 00 2 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 75 4 50 3 00 3 00 3 50 6 GO 1 00 DESCRIPTION. First Intermediate Wheel Second " " O. S. Winding Pinion Intermediate Wheel and Pinion Minute Wheel Hour " Ratchet Yoke,..-. Shipper O. S. Shipper Iittermediate Setting Wheel Yoke Spring Barrel Arbor Winding Bridge Yoke Screw. . . : Intermediate Wheel Screw Winding Pinion Roller Click Spring For Miscellaneous Trenton Material, see page 234. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 493 TRENTON WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL. s s sssss ISiSiC ssgssss 1 o i 1 1 = 1 : : ; < : : : = 1 : : ; i i^ a." < » ■joqiunfj Sg3g3S£gS2SSep?3S3?: SggSgSSSSS?SgS8SSS i 11? ;2u]o! ll < c XL i -s ii! < ii If. Ill (SuiS ■jeqtDDfi «g? S?5 ? 3SSSSI ss s E s 1 ■anna ">i s s ! g SS£ OJWuSC^ s gg 35 1 5 1 i 1 > 1 1 1 1 1 SIC S : 3 J i 1 c 1 >■ ■jsqumu SSroSimOTSoSoooSoSoSw OOIJJ lof^ pg^SSSSSSSSSSSgSSSS 1 1 ■^ -- '■■ il €. o E s < 1 1 il ■..,»„. s g p: g g % 33 SSS sss s g s % s 1 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies TRENTON WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL. 18 SIZE, OPEN FACE, CHRONOGRAPH. 146 152 153 '54 155 ,77„,\'56^ 157 158 I5>,B^|g| ,,%,B 164 188 9 (78 '^^ ISO ^ ^ # ."I. 185- I8S^ a( 182 183 '84 ISO 132 193 No. 90 CHRONOGRAPH. 146 147 148 149 160 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 UESCRlPTIOii. Balance Center Wheel Third Wheel Fourth Wheel Escape Wheel Pallet and Fork Balance Staff Safety Pinion Push Lever Hook Center Staff Raising Lever Third Pinion Intermediate Pinion '. . Fourth Pinion Center Bridge Escape Bridge ' Fly- Back Lever Pallet Arbor Ratchet Spring Push Lever Spring Independent Second Wheel, complete Chronograph Fourth Wheel Push Lever Intermediate Bridge, complete Ratchet ". is (2 *6 75 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 50 6 00 3 00 1 25 6 00 12 00 6 00 1 50 6 00 4 00 '3 00 L50 6 00 1 00 6 00 6 00 24 00 12 00 16 00 24 00 16 00 DESCRIPTIOX. Barrel and Arbor, complete Yoke Spring .• Barrel Arbor, complete Center Wheel and Pinion, complete Click Spring Third Wheel, complete "■. . Fourth Wheel, complete Escape, complete Heart Cam Pallet Fork and Arbor, ccmiplcte. . . Click....... $6 75 30 3 25 4 50 50 3 00 6 00 3 50 6 OO 7 00 50 Push Pin 50 AVinding Pinion ■. 1 50 Yoke Screw 20 Double Spring j 3 00 Stop Lever Spring 6 00 Ratchet . . . ? ' ■ 1 00 Ratchet Collet 25 Crown Wheel j 2 00 Intermediate .Winding Wheel 75 Independent Second Hnnd 4 OO Intermediate Setting Wheel 50 Shipper 1 25 Yoke , I l.OO a.ft For Miscellaneous Trenton Material, see page 234. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. *"^ TRENTON WATCH COIVIPANY'S MATERIAL. 16 SIZE. t>A» 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 204- 205 206 207 208 209 212 ? 213 214 215 216 210 232 221 222 223 224 233 229 230 231 225 22G 227 22S 16 SIZE. 3-4 PLATE. PRICES PER DOZEN. 16 SIZEj 3-4 PLATE. PRICES PER DOZEN. 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 '205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 21.5 214 DESCRIPTION. Balance Center Wheel Third " Fourth " Escape " Pallet Hair Spring Balance Staff Center " Center Pinion Third " Fourth " Escape " Pallet Arbor Cannon Pinion Barrel and Arbor complete Center Wheel complete... Ttiird •' •• ... Fourth " " Escape " " Dozen. No. $6 75 215 1 25 216 1 25 217 1 25 218 1 50 219 6 00 220 1 60 221 3 60 222 2 00 223 1 25 224 1 75 225 1 75 226 1 75 227 1 00 228 1 60 229 6 75 230 4 25 231 3 00 232 3 25 233 3 75 DESCRIPTION. Pallet Fork and Arbor Regulator Barrel Arbor Yoke and Click Spring, O. F. Click Spring, Hunting Yoke Pee Dozen, 87 00 1 00 3 25 50 50 50 Winding Pinion i 2 00 75 75 So 1 00 1 00. 75. 1 00^ 50 50 1 25. 15 20 Hour Wheel. Minute " Inter. Setting Wheel. . . Ratchet Wheel Crown " Inter. Winding Wheel. . Yoke Click Yoke Washer Shipper Inter. Set Wheel Screw. Yoke Screw The Twentieth Century Catalogue of {supplies TRENTON WATCH CO/S MATERIAL. 6 SIZE, NEW MODEL. 112 118 119 120 114 121 115 122 127 128 129 116 123 I + f j30 117 124 125 LSI 132 133 133 o 140 4 ^ w lip 134 135 1 36 137 .141 (38 142 143 144 ^ 145 New Model, 6 Size Watches Known &s Nos- 50, 51, 55, 56 and Union Watch Co. DESCEIPTION. Balance Center Wheel . Third Fourth " Escape " Pallet Center Safety Pini Staff. . ape Pallet Arbor Cannon Pinion Barrel and Arbor, comple' Center Wheel, Third DESCRIPTION. Fourth Wheel, complete^.. . . ' Pallet Fork and Arbor, compi Barrel Arbor Yoke and Click Spring Winding Pinion Hour Wheel Minute ■■ Int. Setting Wheel Ratchet " Crown •• Int. Winding " Yoke Shipper Click.. Regulator 13 25 3 35 7 00 33S MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL. 6 AND 18 SIZE. 18 Size, 6 Size, Per Doz. Per Doz Hair Springs $0 75 $0 75 Colleted 150 150 Main " ■■T" Brace 125 125 Hair Spring Studs 75 75 " Collets 35 35 Dials, Plain 6 00 6 00 Chronograph. 9 00 Hands, Hour and Slinute — Morning Glory . dozen pairs, 1 GO doz. pairs, 1 00 Spade 85 85 Second Hands 30 30 18 Sl2c, Nos. Per Doz. 510. Sweep-Second Hands 4 00 511. Pillars, Gilt and Nickel 100 512. Balance Hole Jewels, set 150 513. End Stones, set 1 00 514. Pallet Jewels, not, set 1 50 515. Jewel Pics and Roller Jewels 60 516. Small Lifting Springs, for Chronographs . Intermediate Pinion and Independent Second Wheel 50 517. Rollers 150 In ordering from aboye, give number, size and page. SCREWS. Balance , 15 Banking 20 Shippers 15 Pillar 15 Case. 25 Cock.* 15 Dial Foot 15 Jewel 15 Potance 15 Winding Bridge 15 Intermediate Setting , 15 540. 544. Yoke .. Balance Banking Shippers Pillar Case 546. Cock 547. Dial Foot 548. Jewel. 549. Potance 550. Winding Bridge 551. Intermediate Setting. . CHRONOGRAPH SCREWS. Nos. 560. Push Lever Screw 561. Raising: and Fly-back Lever Screw. 562. Intermediate Bridge Screw 563. Push Lever Spring Screw 564. Ratchet Spring Screw. 565. Center Bridge Screw 566. Heart Cam Screw Nos. 567. Push Lever Hook Spring Screw 56S. Ratchet Screw 569. Screw^ on end of Raising Lever 570. Double Spring Screw 571. Stop Lever Spring Screw 572. Lifting Spring Screw, for Intermediate Pinion. 573. Independent Second "Wheel Screw For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^^'' United States Watch Co., Walthai^, I^ass.. niaterial. 6 SIZE. NET PRICES.— 18 Sire. Per tioz. Barrel $ 4 50 Barrel Arbor , 4 00 Balance, Screwed up ro 00 Balance Staff ; 3 50 Click 75 Click Spring 75 Cannon Pinion 3 00 Crown Wheel 4 50 Center Wheel and Pinion, with Head 1000 Dial, Imitation Sunk 4 00 Dial, Second Sunk 6 co Dial, Double Sunk 15 00 Escape Wheel and Pinion 5 00 Fourth Wheel and Pinion 5 00 Hoar Wheel 1 50 Hair Spring, flat, colleted and studded 2 So Hair Spring, Breguet, colleted and studded 6 00 Hands, Spade 35 Hands, Fancy 50 Hands, Second 25 Intermediate Winding Wheel 2 50 Intermediate Hand Setting Wheel 50 Jewels, Balance set 2 50 Jewels, Plate, set 3 00 Jewels, Endstones i 50 Jewel Pin 65 Minute Wheel i 50 Main Springs i 50 Pallet Stones 3 00 Pallat Arbor 2 50 Pallet, Fork and Arbor, complete '. 10 00 PalletBridge 6 00 Pillar I 00 Ratchet 3 00 Roller , 1 I 25 Regulator, plain 2 50 Regulator, long, 18 size 3 00 Regulator, patent 6 00 Screws, all kinds except Case 20 Screws, Case 30 Safety Pin ion Head 2 50 -Setting Lever 3 50 Third Wheel and Pinion 5 00 "Winding Pinion ,. 4 00 Winding Arbor, i6 size O. F 4 00 Winding Stem. i6size O. F 2 00 Yoke 5 00 Yoke Spring....;. 1 00 Yoke and Lever Spring 2 50 Crown VVheel Stud i 00 Material for this make of Watches must not be compared with Matesrial for U. S. Watch Co., Marion, N. J. The latter is out of market it is necessary ,to seTid the old pieces to be matched. NET PRICES.— 6 Size, No. Per Dot. Barrel > 4 5° Barrel Arbor 4 00 Balance with Screws •• 10 00 Balance Staft , 3 5° 82 Click „ 75 83 Click Spring 75 86 Cannon Pinion ~ 300 88 Crownwheel 4 So. Center Wheel, complete with Pinion 10 00 Dial „ „., 400 Dial, Sunk Second 600 Dial, Double Sunk 1500 Escape Wheel and Pinion 5 00 Fourth Wheel and Pinibn 500 90 Hour Wheel ; y.. i 50 Hair Spring, with collet and stud 2 50 Hair Spring, Breguet, with collet and stud 6 00 Hands,' Spade.. 35 Hands, Fancy , ' 5° Hands, Second a ..- as . 89 Intermediate Wind Wheel a so 92 Intermediate Setting Wheel 50 Jewels, Balance Set 2 50 Jewels, Plate Set .-. 300 Jewels, Endstones-. "... i So Jewel Pins 65 91 Minute Wheel i 50 Main Springs i 50 Pallet Stones 2 00 Pallet Arbors 2 50 Pallet, Fork and Arbor 10 00 Pallet Bridge <. 6 00 Pillar I 00 87 Ratchet 3 00 Roller 1 as Regulator, plain , 2 SO Screws, all kinds except Case 20 Screws, Case 30 Safety Pinion Head 3 50 8i SettingLever 3 50 Third Wheel and Pinion 5 00 93 Wind Pinion, Male 4 Oo 94 Wind Pinion, Female 400 80 Yoke S 00 84 Yoke Spring i 00 8s Crown Wheel Stud ■ „ 2 00 408 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 'id ^^W^>n^n£e^ca^^ fo Net'PrICE Lf§T ^%/A 6^cLctSf2e7//ujlmt/ons of Jnterc}idngca.blc?drt Combined 45 Hairspring ) 46 Mainspring 47 Barrel 2.50) r-„„v,;„=j 48 Barrel Arbor. 1.50(Com'""='' 49 Second Hand, Steel 50 tHour Hand, Steel 51 tMinute Hand, Steel. 52 ttDial, Enamel, with Plate 53 tCrystal. Mi-concave 54 Cannon Pinion 55 Second Wh 56 Third Whe( 57 Escape Wheel P 58 tBalance Staff 58-38-43-44-45 Combined and Timed 59 Fourth Wheel Pi 80 Setting Wheel Washe 82 Setting Wheel Screw Material for " G" Hunting Case, Prices same as above except for the following pi 38 Balance Wheel (see 58) $0.20$l.50 58 Balance Staff 20 1.50 7 1 Winding Bridge Screw 20 106 Fly Spring 15 1. 00 107 Case Spring 15 1.00 38-58 43-44-45 Combined and Timed 50 4.50 tSpecify if for Arabic or Roman Dial. tSpecify if for Hunting Case. ^'Altvays (five name of move- ment and series letter tvhen ordering material. -For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. MM &^actSi2eJHujtmtions ofJnterc}idngca.blcrdrds. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies "^ 1 Net 'pRic£ List '^fA ^ActSizelllustrAtions of Jnterc}{d)tgcable.rdrt""""""«iii# *' ICf Net'Pi\ic£ List ^^K/A &)CdctSi2cJUujlrditions of JntercJidngcablcrdrtcS. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades, 503 rtHEj "SERIES I } ^^^-Z-^ ^^^^^n^tec^lea^ ^^^-■——--^ NEi'pKlcE List ^^^th S^cactSacJllujlrdtions of JntcrcJidngtablc rdrtRiCE List Specify the leHens when odering moierial for movemeni marked P-G Prices some as for series R Net |^K!C£ Lf§T '^th %:dctSi2cJUuslrdtions of JntcrcJid/igedblcrdrtcf. The "Berkshire" movement is same size as "Tuxedo," but has German silver damaskeened plates, and is higher finished in all its parts There are thirteen jewels in the " Berkshire." Prices for material are fifty per cent, in advance of this list, except springs, which are the same For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 507 J JnCerchan^eabLe T^artJ ^^ NAME OF PART. T Rniir f Sterling Silver .$0. ^ SOW.... 1 10k Gold Filled.. 4 *WindingArbor,withSefgPmion . =; rrnwn / Sterling Silver . . , ^ '^™^" Uok Gold Filled.. . 6 Winding Pinion 12 *Push Spring 13 Click 14 Click Spring 15 Winding Wheel Click Sprin^ 16 WindingWheelClickSpg.s"crew . 22 Regulator 23 Pillars 25 Upper Balance Hole Jewel, Set.. . 26 Cap Jewel, Set 27 Lower Balance Hole Jewel, Set.. . 29 End Stone Screw, with Jewel. . . . 30 Pillar Screws 32 Case Screws 33 Ratchet Wheel 34 Hour Wheel 35 Second Wheel 36 ThirdWhoel 37 Escape Wheel, with Pinion 38 Balance Wheel ". 39 Fourth Wheel 40 Minute Wheel, with Pinion 41 Winding Wheel .' 42 Setting Wheel 43 Hair Spring Collet 1 44 Hair Spring Stud [-Combined. . 45 Hairspring J 46 Main Spring 47 Barrel 3. 50 1 „„^, .^^ , 48 Barrel Arbor. .2. 00/ '^°"'""'"^- ' 50 t Hour Hand, Steel . 51 t Minute Hand, Steel 52 *Dial, Enamel, with Plate 53 *Crystal (Lentilles) 54 Cannon Pinion 55 Second Wheel Pinion 56 Third Wheel Pinion 57 Escape Wheel Pinion 58 Balance Staff, with Pallet 59 Fourth Wheel Pinion 61 Balance Bridge, J-weled 64 Escape Bridge, Jeweled 65 Escape Jewel. Upper, Set 66 Escape Jewel, Lower, Set 67 Escape Br, dge Screw 68 Balance Bridge Screw 70 Pallet(seeS8) 71 Windine" Bridge Screw 72 Winding Click Screw 77 Click Cap 80 Sett.ng Wheel Washer 82 Setting Wheel Screw 83 Click Cap Screw 15 1.25 10 .85 30 2.50 20 1.75 30 2.50 20 1.50 .-20 .20 .20 1. 00 .20 * Specify style of Watch. t Specify if for Arabic or Roman Dial. Fancy steel and gold hands extra. ^g^Always give name of jnovement and series letter tvhen ordering material. This same movement has been used for the nickel-cased "ElSn ' > Wrist Watch, enclosed in leather wrist-hands. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies r^ ^ Net |)RiC£ List '^With &)cactSizeJllujtrdtions of Jnterclidngcablc rdrks. 3 Bow, German Silver + WindingArbor, with Selling: Pinion 5 Crown, G( 6 Winding Pinion 7 Case Baclc, German Silve 8 Bezel, G 12 Push Spring 13 Click 14 Click Spring 15 Winding Wheel Click Spring 16 Winding Wheel ClickSpringS, 22 Regulalo: 23 Pil 25 Upper Balance Hole J. 26 Cap Jev/el. Set 27 Lower Balance Hole Jewel, Set 29 End Stone Screw, with Jewel 30 Pillar Si i32 Ca; 33 Ratchet Wh 34 HourWhee: 35 Second Whee 36 Third Wh 37 Escape Wheel, with Pinion 38 Balance Wheel (see 58) 39 Fourth Wh 40 Minute Wheel, with Pinion 41 Winding Wh. 42 Setting V/he 4'3 Hair Spring Collet 4-4 Hair Spring Stud [ Combined tS Hair Spring 1-6 Main Sp )-7 Barrel 3.501 r^^v.i„^A 48 BarrelArbor...2.00('=°'"'""^'' 1-9 Second Hand, Steel 50 tHour Hand, Stee 51 t Minute Hand, St 52 t Dial, Enamel, with Plate 53 Crystal 54 Car 55 Second Wheel Pinion 56 Third Whe( 57 Escape Wheel Pinion 58 Balance Staff Price, 38-58-43-44-45 Comb 59 Fourth Wheel Pinion 61 Balance Bridge, J 62 Balance Bridge, Upper Cap 63 Balance Bridge, Lower Cap I 64 Escape Bridge, not Jeweled I 57 Escape Bridge Si Balance Bridge £ 59 Balance Bridge Cap Screw . 80 Setting Wheel Wash- I' 82 Setting Wheel Sc: \ Specify if for Arabic or Roman Dial. y^' Always ^ive name of movement and series letter when ordering material. ..^^^^^V^MP^^M^ --i/r o - Net J^K[C£ Li<§T (German Silver ?0. 3 Bow... {sterling Silver ( 10k Gold Filled 4 JWindg. Arbor with Set.Pinion . I German Silver 5 Crown. \ Sterling Silver I 10k Gold Filled Always Comb. with 101 for Htg.Case 6 tWinding Pinion 7 *Case Back.. .German Silver . 8 *Bezel German Silver . 1 2 tPush Spring 13 Click M Click Spring 15 WindingWheelClickSpring. . 16 Windg.WhI. Click Spg.Screw. 22 Regulator 23 Pillars 25 Upper Bal. Hole Jewel, Set. . . 26 Cap .Jewel, Set 27 Lower Bal. Hole Jewel, Set. . . 29 End Stone Screw.with Jewel. . 30 Pillar Screws 32 Case Screws 33 Ratchet Wheel PRICE. 1 EA. DOZ. 10 $0.30 1 20 1.50 40 3.00 10 .85 l.S 1.00 2."i 2.00 40 4.00 l.S 1.00 l.S 1.25 l.S 1.25 10 .20 10 .20 10 .20 10 .20 .20 KS 1.00 10 .50 ;«) 2.50 IS 1.00 :«) 2.50 ■m 1.50 .15 .15 10 .50 34 JHour Wheel 35 Second Wheel 35 Third Wheel 37 Escape Wheel, with Pinion. 38 Balance Wheel, see 58 39 Fourth Wheel 40 Minute Wheel, with Pinion.. 41 tWinding Wheel 42 Setting Wheel 43 Hair Spring Collet ■) j- 44 Hair Spring Stud \^°^,^. 45 Hairspring J '''"^ 46 Main Spring 47 Barrel 3.00 I Com- 48 Barrel Arbor. .1.501 bine. 50 tHourHand. Steel 51 tMinute Hand. Steel 52 *Dial, Enamel, with Plate... 53t*Crystal{S.1--;;:::; 54 tCannon Pinion 55 Second Wheel Pinion 56 Third Wheel Pinion '. . . 57 Escape Wheel Pinion 58 Balance Staff, with Pallet . . . 59 Fourth Wheel Pinion 61 Balance Bridge, Jeweled ... 10 50.75 10 .50 10 .50 ■/5 2.00 40 4.00 10 .50 15 1.25 15 1.00 10 .50 20 1.50 15 1.25 50 4.50 .25 .25 50 5.00 10 .50 15 1.00 15 1.00 15 1.00 IS 1.00 15 1.00 30 2.50 IS 1.25 40 .4.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 .20 62 Balance Bridge, UpperCap..$0 63 Balance Bridge, Lower Cap.. 64 Escape Bridge. Jeweled 65 Escape Jewel, Upper, Set. . . 66 Escape Jewel, Lower, Set... 67 Escape Bridge Screw 68 Balance Bridge Screw 69 Balance Bridge Cap Screw. . . 70 Pallet 7 1 Winding Bridge Screw 72 Winding Click Screw 74 Winding Arbor Washer 75 Balance Polence, with End Stone Screw 76 Set.WheelPotence.withStud. 77 Click Cap 78 Potence Screw 80 Setting Wheel Washer 82 Setting Wheel Screw 101 Winding Key for Htg.Cases. 106 FlySpring 107 Case Spring ♦Specify style of Watch, Skylight or Full. t Specify Arabic, Roman, Skylight or Full. \ Specify if for snap back or Hunting Case. B^^^CS^SSisfig^^^0S82^ The '* Peri ** movement is same size as '* Addison," but ha There are twelve jewels in the "Peri." Prices for material a German silver damaskeened plates, and is higher finished in all its parts 5 fifty per cent, in advance of this list, except springs, which are the same. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Net "pi^CE Lf<§T ^^fh &^d.ctSi2cJ/lujlrdtions of Jnterc}idngcdblcrdrt if Possible. Enclose the Old Parts. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. MATERIAL FOR CHARMILLES WATCHES. 13 T^ 15 \V 33 mi itdB* Each. Doz. Ratchet Wheel SO 20 81 50 Minute " 20 1 50 Balance with Staff, fitted 75 8 00 Hour Wheel 20 150 Barrel and Arbor, filled 60 6 00 Main Spring 15 1 00 4th Wheel and Pinion, fitted 35 3 00 Pallet, Fork and Arbor, " 60 6 00 3d Wheel and Pinion, •'■ 35 3 00 Center " " " 60 6 00 Hour and Minute Hands, pairs 10 75 Second " 25 Yoke and Spring combined 20 1 50 Click 05 25 Escape Wheel and Pinion fitted 35 3 00 Dials, White Enamel (Roman or Arabic) 50 No. Each. Doz. 16. Roller and Jewel, fitted SO 20 51 SO 17. Cannon Pinion 25 2 50 18. Balance Hole Jewel, set 20 175 19. ■' End Stone, " ' 15 150 20. Pendant Set Spring... 15 100 21. Regulator 25 2 50 22. Crown, Nickel 20 150 23. Screws, Assorted gross, 2 00 25 24. Winding Arbor Stem 20 150 25. Large Winding Wheel 15 1 00 26. Intermediate" " 15 100 27. Small " " 15 . 1 00 28. Hair Spring, Palladium, coUeted 30 3 00 29. Balance Staff 25 2 00 30. Gold Hands, Louis XV., pairs 30 3 00 Dials, Fancy (Roman or Arabic) 75 MATERIAL FOR CONGRESS WATCH COMPANY'S MOVEMENT. 6 SIZ^. No. Doz.- 50. Crown Wheel S3 00 51. Bevel Pinion, Male , • 3 00 52. •' " Female , ., 3 00 59. Dial - 6 00 54. Ratchet Wheel • 1 80 55. Setting Lever 3 00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies HARTFORD WATCH COMPANY'S MATERIAL. DESCRIPTION. Arbor, BarreL Pallet Balance, Expansion Staff, Hair Spring s Ban-el, Gilt •' and Arbor Bearing, Winding- Pinion . . . Bridge, Barrel Gilt Click ]d Roller Complete Cock, Balance Center, Regulator Dial, White '* Fancy Dust Band Fork Hands, Steel Spade H. & M ** Composition Louis XV " Seconds, Steel " Seconds, Composition Loui; Index, Regulator Jewels, Balance *' Cap ']" " Escape . , ** 4tli Wheel '* Pallet Hole Roller PaMets 6 00 3 00 12 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 DESCRIPTION. Pallet. Fork and Arbor. Pinion, Cannon " Winding Regulator Roller and Jewel Screws, Case PUlar '' Yoke '' Assorted , Setting Lever O . M •' N. M . , Springs, Hair, CoUeted. '* Main Squares, Center Staff, Balance Wheel, Center and Pinio " Crown, Hunting. O. F. 3d Hour Minute Ratchet Setting Intermediate. Each. Dozek. JOCKEY CLUB MATERIAL. 3 I \ MM ''9^ 1« 149 150 1^ 158 15» VA -izl: I /SfS 174 t / " \ «' 260 251 1 J^ f 180 18P ■ 187 .. ^ 251 275 325 356 367 No. DESCRIPTION. new Each. r 91 Per Dozen. Tl-t:, No. DESCRIPTION. Ea.ch. Per Dozen. Per Gross. 122 124 126 12; 128 129 $0 25 25 25 ■ 25 20 20 10 10 15 10 25 50 15 20 50 40 25 25 $3 00 250 2 50 2 50 200 150 75 75 1 50 50 2 50 5 00 1 50 2 00 5 SO 450 2 50 2 50 167 174 175 176 177 180 181 187 251 275 287 321 325 356 367 368 375 376 $0 20 10 10 15 $2 00 100 100 150 1 50 150 250 250 100 1 50 200 250 400 200 400 100 150 liffi" Hour Wheel WindinK Pinion 15 15 25 25 10 15 20 25 40 20 40 10 15 Click Escape Wheel _ 133 134 " Spring __ - Hour Wheel Cylinder " Pallet and Fork 156 Center Wheel with Pinion, K. W Minute " . - ;. Fork 158 Pallet - -- Cannon Pinion OL ► ST' fLE. 1 No. DESCRIPTION. Each. Per Dozen. No. DESCRIPTION. Each. Per Dozen. 237 $0 15 300 300 300 300 550 5 50 2 50 5 50 150 2 50 40 300 30O 300 250 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 $0 25 25 25 10 15 15 15 25 20 40 75 30 IS 20 IS 25 $2 50 250 , ISO 12S ISO 260 200 ' 4B0 '. 80O 300 ! ISO ?s 2S0 1 Crown Wheel $0 35 35 35 35 SO SO 25 .50 15 25 10 35 35 35 25 Click . ... 240 241 Click . . . 242 243 Fourth " " 2U Stop Lever Spring 245 246 247 Balance - Dials . . 246 Screws for Escapement Bridse.. 249 250 251 252 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. LONGINES WATCH MATERIAL Mil DEnuinB LONGINES and MGMSSIZ MMTERIML is INTERCHHNnERBLE, Bnilrelij EnishEd, and ready ti plans in the Mauements. No. Sach. Doz 1 . Barrel, without Arbor $ 60 J5 60 la " wlthArbor 100 11 oo 3. Center Wheel, (Pivoted) 60 5 60 3. Third " " 50 6 40 i. Fourth " " 50 5 60 6. Escape " Steel 35 3 50 6a " " Brass 25 2 60 6b " " (Pivoted) 100 11 00 6. Pallet 60 5 60 6a " with Lever, (Pivoted) 150 16 00 7. Balance, (Plain) 50 5 60 7a " Exp. (Cut) 1 ('0 1100 7b " " " with Table) and Arbor (Pivoted) f 1 75 18 50 State Marginal Number. No. Each Doz 8. Barrel Arbor, finished 60 5 50 9. Safety Regulator Pin 60 10. Regulator, polished 25 2 60 11. Regulator Cap, (Jeweled) 26 2 60 12. Escape Wheel Pinion 10 1 00 12a " " " (Pivoted)... 50 5 6' 13. Center Pin. (Finished) 10 1(0 '4. Cannon Pinion 15 130 16. Lever, (unfinished) 10 loo 16. " " -. 10 1 00 17. Balance Arbors, (Pivoted) — 50 5 60 18. Pallet Arbor 50 5 50 19. Balance Spring Collet 50 No. Each 20. Batch Bridge 50 21. Ratch 35 22. Dial Wheel, Hour 16 22. Dial Wheel, Change 15 24. Balance Spring Stud 26. Cap Jewel 16 26. Table, with Ruby Pin 26 27. Case Screw 28. Dial S"rew 29. Yuke Spring Screw 30. Hand-eet Screw 31. Balance Spring, (Lutz) 15 Dials, state Size and Style. Hands, ' * Doz 5 50 X 60 1 59 1 50 18 Size. Stem Wind. Htg. 21 Lines. state Marginal Number. This Size Movement fits 18 Size Waltham Hunting Case. No. Each Doz 40. Mainspring $ 15 $1 75 41. Large Winding Wheel 26 2 50 42. " " " Grooved. 26 2 60 43. Hand getting Wheel 16 150 44. " " " 15 1 51) 45. " " " 15 1 50 46. " " " 15 1 60 No. Each 47. Hand Setting Wheel 15 48. Yoke, Old 25 49. " New 25 50. Main Spring Hook 61. Winding Pinion 25 62, Yoke Spring 10 Doz No. Each Doz 10 2 .W 65. Hand Set, Old .... 36 3 75 2 50 66. " New .... 35 3 75 35 67. Crown and Stem, Nickel.. 25 2 76 2 50 57a " " Sliver... .. . 35 3 75 1 00 Dials, State Size and Style. . . 1 00 Hands, " The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LONCINES MATERIAL. 18 size. Stem Wind. Open Face. 21 Lines. state Marginal Xumber. This Size Movement fits 18 Size Elgin Open Face Case. No. Each Doz , No' 60. Main Spring t 16 $1 75 65. Main Spring Hook. 61. Large Winding Wheel 25 250iC6. Yoke . 62. Hand Setting Wheel 15 Si. IB 1 50 1 60 1 50 6?. Detent 10 68. YokeSpring 10 69. Detent Spring 10 70. Hand Set 35 Each Doz 2 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 75 No. Each Doz 7 . Winding Pinion 26 2 60 72. Crown and Stem, Nickel 25 2 76 72a " - " Silver 36 3 75 Dials, State Size and Style .... Hands, " " " Stem Wind. Open Face. 20 Lines. State Marginal Nnmber. No. Kaoh 80. Main Spring S 15 81. Large Winding Wheel . .' 25 82. " " " Grooved 25 83. Hand Setting Wheel 15 Each 85. 15 Doz 1 No. $1 76 I 87, Main Spring Hook. 2 50 88. Yoke 25 2 60 89. Winding t-iaion 25 1 60 I 90. Detent for "Chronograph" 10 1 60 91, •• '■ '• .... 15 1 60 92. " Spring 10 3 75 I 93. " " New Style 10 Doz I No. Each Doz 35 I 94. Detent.New Style 10 100 25o|95. YokeSpring 10 100 2 60 96. Crown and Stem, Nickel. ... 25 2 75 I 00 97. " - " Sliver 35 3 75 1 60 1 Dials, State Size and Style 1 nil 1 TJan.^a " " " 16 Size. Stem Wind. Open Face. 19 Lines. state Marginal Number. This Size Movement fits 14 Size Waltham Case. So. Each 100. Main Spring $ 15 101. Large Winding Wheel 25 102. Hand Setting Wheel 15 103. " - " 15 104. Hand Set 35 Doz $1 75 2 50 1 EO 1 60 3 75 No. Each 105. Main Spring Hook $ .. 106. Yoke 26 1U7. Winding Pinion 25 108. YokeSpring 10 109. Detent Spring 10 Doz I No. Each Doz $ 35 I 110. Crown and Stem, Nickel... $ 26 $2 75 2 5iJ|110a " •' " Silver... .35 3 75 a 50 I Dials, St^te Size and Style 1(0 1 Hands. •■ - " 1 00 I For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 517 Stem Wind. Hunting. 18 Lines. State Marginal Number. No. Each 120. Main Spring $ 16 121. Large Wlndint; 'Wheel 25 122. " " " Grooved 25 123. Hand Setting Wheel 15 124. 126. Doz I NO . Each $1 76 126. Main Spring Hook $ .. 2 69 I 127. Yoke, Old Style.., 25 2601128. " NewStyle 26 16o|l29. Winding Pinion.... 25 1 60 I 130. Hand Set. Oid Style 35 1 60 131. '■ " NewStyle 3£ Doz 1 No. Each ..$ 10 ... 10 ... 10 ... 25 . . 36 Doz $1 00 2 60 1 133. Yoke Spring, Old Style... 2 50 1 134. " " New Style... 2 60 1 136. Crown and Stem, Nickel. 3 75 1 136, " " " Silver. 3 76 1 Dials, State Size and Style.... Hands, " " " — 1 00 1 00 2 75 3 76 Stem Wind. Open Face. 18 Lines. state Marginal Number. No. Each 140. Main Spring S 15 141. Large Winding Wheel 25 142. " " " Grooved 25 143. Hand Setting Wheel 15 144. 145. Each $1 75 2 60 2 60 150 1 50 160 Each Doz 146. Main Spring Hook $ .. *_ 35 147. Yoke, Old Style 25 2 50 148. " NewStyle 25 2 60 149. Winding Pinion 26 2 50 160, Detent Spring ... 10 lOp 16l! " " NewStyle 10 100 No. 162. Detent, New Style 153. Yoke Spring ■ . ■ 164. Crown and Stem, Nickel. 164a " " " Silver. Dials, State Size and Style.... Each Doz .$ 10 $1 00 . . 10 1 00 . . 26 2 7S ... 35 3 76 S^ \j^ i&P WYK 1.8S2 stem Wind. Hunting and Open Face. 15 Lines. state Marginal Number. No. Each 160. Mainspring $ 15 161. Large Winding Wheel 26 162. " " " Grooved 26 1^ Hand "etting Wheel 15 }k • -" •■" ..::•.::;:•. 15 Doz I No . Each $1 75 1 166. Main Spring Hook $ . . 2 601 167. Yoke 26 2 5D| 168. " 25 ■1 60 1 169. Winding Pinion 25 1 50 170. Hand Set 36 1 50 1 171. Hand Set, New Style 35 Doz I No. , „ , $ 35 1 172. Detent Spring.. 2 501173. Yoke " I. .. ......••■ 2 50 174. Crown and Stem. Nickel.. 2 50 I 174a " " " „ Silver. 3 75 I Dials. State Size and Style 3 75 I Hands. " " '." Doz $1 00 1 00 2 60 3 50 518 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies LONGINE MATERIAL. stem Wind. Hunting or Open Face. 14 Lines. No. Each Doz MO. Mainspring $ 13 $175 181 . Large WlndinR Wheel 25 2 50 182. Hand Setting Wheel 15 1 50 183. - •• » 15 1 50 184. " ii " 15 150 No. Each 185. Handset t 35 186. Main Spring Hook 187. Yoke 26 188. Winding Pinion 25 189. Detent Spring 10 No. Each 190. Yoke Spring $ lo 191 . Crown and Stem, Nickel 25 181a » " " Silver 35 Dials, State Size and Style Hands, " " " Doz tl 00 2 SO 3 50 .||>«# ..=<»..^ »»»o N""X issi 4 Old style. Key Winders. state Marg^inal Number. No. Each Doz 200. Eatchfor20Ijine(NewStyle)$ 15 $1 50 201. " 16 aad 17 Lines } NewStyle y 15 1 50 202. Batch for 20 Line, Old Style. 10 1 00 20i. Xn Each Doz No. Each Doe 2(16. Detent Spring, 20 Line. N. S$ 10 $1 00 213. Detent, 16 Line, Old Style . 10 100 2UV. Detent Spring, 18 Line.N . S . . 10 1 00 2U Detent Spring, 20 Line 10 1 00 WIS 17 '• " . 10 1 00 215. - " 16 " 10 1 00 209. ' 16 " " . 10 1 00 216. " for Circular Spr. 20 L 10 1 00 211), " 20 " O.S... 10 1 00 217. Clrcalar Detent Spring... 10 1 00 ■m. Detent, 20 Line, Old Style... 10 1 00 Dials, State Size and Style 212. 20 " " .... 10 1 00 Hands. " " " NASSAU WATCH MATERIAL. Ho. Each. Doz; 1. Toke .....$0.15 $1.50 5. Setting Lever 15 1.50 8. LeVCTSpring 10 .50 4. Click Spring 10 1.00 6. Click 10 5 .75 18 SIZE. No. Each. Doz. 6. YokeSprlng „ $0.10 $1.00 7. Winding Pfidon 25 2.50 g. Winding Wheel .16 1.60 9. Setting Wheel 10 .75 10. Crovm Wheel .15 1.63 No. 11. Inter. Wheel..., 13. Minute Wheel... 18. Cannon Pinion. . 14. Hoar Wheel Each. Dor.. ..$0.15 $1.85 .. .10. l.CO .. ..10 '1.00 .. :VT 1.00 No. Each. Doz. 1. Tolte..TT $0.15 $1.50 2. SottingLever 15 1.60 8. Lever Spring 16 1.50 4. Toke Spring 10 1.00 B. Click 10 .75 e. Setting Spring 6 SIZE. No 7. Winding Arbor 8. " Wheel lo 9. Main Wheel IB 10. Inter. Wind Wheel 10 li: Setting Wheel 15 Each. Doz. .$0.10 $0.75 " ■ 1:25 No. 12. Crownwheel ;.. 18. Setting Arbor... 14. Cannon Pinion . 15:- lainnteiWheeV. . 16. Hour Wheel.... Each. ^Ik>& ..$0.15. ai.oo ... .10 ■ ,50 ... 40 1.00 ... .10 1.00 ... .10 1.00 In ordering Jockey Clnb Material, when possible, send the oid parts For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades, 619 NEW HAVEN AND PLAN CONSOLIDATED. 123 159 156 356 176 376 \% 167 367 147 118 178 179 177 181 180 134 146 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 1 s ^ gg? 5 g gs g S3 o S^gS8gSg8SSSgSS8S^SS3SSSgg'gSSgSSSSSS88ggSg5gS£S!2!222esS 88. .a s SSSI2SSS?SS8SSSaS.S88222SSS 22 '-M°. Al -S '\i . ; : :. . . ; ; : ; i = = ; ;= -- := = = ;■= = ■'= i = - = -sm'M.-B = ^ i :•" i ■ ; : i " i* • - = '■- : = = = X , : ' i" •J '0 'M S 'QdAHQ Ai9K = . ; := : = ;=" = ' i - M = = ' '■ : ;= ■- -■' ;= = ' = : = ^ = =.. = = :. = •SJH -JA S = . ; •:. :- . ^= •• = •;: M : = ' ' ■■ ]-- = • '■■ = . ;. i i : ;=^. ii : i :■ i i' = ; • ;■ ;= ■• = = . ; ; :. " ;= :' - W = = ; » :» : " " • i M i ;' ; > ' l = ' = = = = : :. •= = - ■■■■ I Si 1' m S 1 1 > (J S; si 1. 3 i 1 St i '-A ■ $" its' . = = = =! : c : : : ; : " ^^•••■- ■g-5= = = = = = ;|l = . = .= U ec cc CO eo ^ -* -o r j=« = « s a « 5 i ; 1 s S8.5 • -ll £= = = = = = •Spa III , si s a 2 :;•:!:•: :;;:!•;:::;::: ;ss° ] : i \ ii : w^ : i ] \ w ] w w w \ : i \ ■ V: \ 8 gggg iggSSSggggggggggggSSSSggggggSggSggSiqggS : ; i :Sg8SgSgS§8S gggssggsgggggggggssgggggssisg^sssgsssgsgsssssgsgg iaesegggsss ■JA B 'M 'OBI J ^ : ::\ :'. ; : : : : = ; ; ;= : := : ;. = = = = i -...,.. - := = = = i := . := : . ■3?H 'M 'S ^nBia ■■' : : M : = — :'=; M' ;;=; M ; = = . ; :-.■-. ;■ := = = = ; ;= . • ; ;i •J O ' .Ai S 'noABH A13N = M ; : ;= • ; ;= - ;' :=;;■-'; = ■ = •: ,: = -. ;= = = = ■-. ■ •3JH '-jtt "B *n3ABH A13M .-- = = := M' ; ;■ = .= : ...... := = = :. = = = := : ■■--:■-. 'OB[i : ; : :' » : = = = - : = = ^ : il > : H -= : = ■ ■ = ;= 1 a 1 5 1 0. o '» ' 1 5 J ' 1 : : ;i g E C a t t 5 1 6 s 1 i 1 1 g 5 1 |2 1 gas iiai 1 P m o 4 e It (1 ■3 c It § 1 It 1 S i 11 Sg S 3g is |S|2 2 s SnSniS §gs 2 2; 3g S § is 3gS i 22 sS 2 s 2 g ajoio H g PS i ^ i 532 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^^^ TIMING AND^REPEATINC WATCH CO.'S MATERIAL OF GENEVA. CHRONOGRAPH MATERIAL. 1 2 3 4 ^ 5 ■10 11 |11>^ 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 >19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DESCRIPTION. Ratchet Wheel or Star Wheel Yoke Chronograph Stop Lever Spring Fl)f-back " Raising " Push Pin Lever Spring Lifter or Flat " Star Stop " Plunger Star Wheel Clutch '. Friction Spring Friction " N.S Yoke: .... Winding Pinion Wheel Crown . '" Inter rWinding Wheel Inter-Setting " Ratchet Cap Setting Lever Click Spring Yoke " Click Balance Expansion with Staff, fitted Chronograph Center Wheel and Arbor, fitted " Wheel and Hub, fitted S16 00 16 00 6 00 6 00 ,6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 1 50 1 60 5 00 4 00 3 00 4 50 2 00 1 50 2 60 3' 50 75 75 75 24 00 32 00 16 00 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 47 48 49 60' DESCRIPTION. Center Wheel with Pinion, fitted Third " ' Fourtl. " " " " Escape " " " " Pallet Fork and Arbor Hour Wheel Minute "••.., Cannon Pinion. '. . .. . Intermediate Chrono Pinion and Arbor, fitted Heart with Scr«w Balance, with Staff, Roller and Hair Spring studded, complete Balance Staff. Barrels Barrel Arbors Balance Cock Center Wheels. Crown Wheel Stud. , , Dials, Roman or Arabic Hair Springs, colleted " " " and studded ....... . " Spring Studs Hands, Hour and Minute '■ Sweep Second " Second Jewel.s; 3d Wheel . , ,. , S18 00 8 00 8 00- 6 00 12 00 1 50 1 60 3 00' 16 00' 4 00;; 30 00 3 00 6 60 4 60( 24 00 1 75 2 00 24 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 6 00 4 00 25 1 50 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies TIMING AND REPEATING WATGH CO/S MATERIAL OF GENEVA. CHRONOGRAPH MATERIAL. DESCRIPTION. Jewels, 4th Wheel " Escape " Balance Wheel.. " Cap " Roller " Cap with Setting " Pallet, R. and L. Main Springs Pallet Arbors Regulators Roller with Jewel SI 50 1 50 1 50 25 50 2 00 2 00 1 25 2 60 3 00 2 00 DESCRIPTION. Screws, Yoke " Case " Assorted per gross Banking Pins Balance Screws Gold Crown and Stem Silver " " " Stems Pallet and Fork Balance E xpansion $0 50 20 2 00 25 25 12 00 3 50 76 9 00 18 00 SPLIT CHRONOGRAPH MATERIAL. Timing and Repeating Watch Co. of Geneva. DESCRIPTION. Timing Wheel with Heart Cam and Arbor Tubular Split Wheel Spring and Post or Brake . . . . " " Hammer Spring " " " and Spring Star Wheel and Square Split Star Stop Spring Heart for Split Wheel Split Plunger Spring $96 00 78 00 12 00 84 00 15 00 6 00 6 00 9 00 DESCRIPTION. Split Plunger Bridge for Split Wheel (Jeweled) Post for Stop Split Wheel, Spring or Heart Split Wheel Hammer (Steel) Hands for Chronograph '■ Split Screw for Star Wheel, square Jewel for Split Disc Hammer Split Disc, Safety Spring Per Doz 8 9 00 15 00 9 00 12 00 4 00 6 00 6 00 24 00 13 50 MINUTE REGISTER MATERIAL. Timing and Repeating Watch Co. of Ceneva. No. DESCRIPTION. Per Doz. No. DESCRIPTION. Per Doz. 91 Minute Register Wheel and Pin S16 00 15 00 6 00 15 00 15 00 3 00 15 00 103 106 111 112 113 S18 00 92 93 " " " for Fly-Back Arbor. . " " Bridge for Fly-Back Spring. Hands, Gold or Steel White Dial 3 00 24 00 94 " " Fancy " Roman or Arabic " " Maintaining Spring and Reg- ister Friction Spring 36 00 95 9K " " Disconnecting Spring " Post.. 1 80 101 SUPPLEMENT CHRONOGRAPH MATERIAL. Timing and Repeating Watch Co. of Ceneva. No. DESCRIPTION. Per Doz. No. DESCRIPTION. Per Doz. 72 Crowns and Stem, Nickel $ 3 00 33 00 15 00 12 00 97 98 102 Yoke Center S3 00 73 Dials, Fancy, Roman or Arabic Old Style Plunger. 6 00 74 Hands, Hour and Minute LX V. Gold, pairs . . . Hands, Sweep Second, Gold I Patent Regulator, with Screw 6 00 75 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. IMITATION AMERICAN WATCH MATERIAL. Material for American Watches, quoted below, is imitation material for Genuine American Movements, not for Imitation American Movements. It is made to correspond with the genuine material in size, style and finish. Style 5 BALANCE STAFFS. Imitation Waltbam. Old Model, 18 Size, Sprung Under, Long Waist, Style 5 " 18 " " " Short " " 6 " 18 " " Over, " 18 for Eip. Bal, NewModel,18 " " let Q. 2nd Q KA0HPOZ,D0Z. .. lOc.l 00 75c lOc.l 00 75c 7.... lOc.l 00 i5c, 8.... lOc.l 00 75c, 9 . lOc.l 00 75c 10—. lOc.l 00 75c 1 " " 10.... lOc.l 00 75c NoTK. — AboTe Staffs we can famish for the Tarioue grades of Move- jnentfl, such as Broadway. Wm. Ellery, P. S. Bartlett. When ordering, please state what Movement the Staffs are for. Imitation Elgin. baoh. doz. 18 Size, Class 1, 2. 3, 4, Style 9 10c. 1 0075c. 16 " " 1,2,3,4, " 9 10c. 10075c. 10 " " 1,2, " 10 10c. 100 75c. e&8 " " 1,2,3, " 10 10c. 10075c. •' '' 1,2,3, " 10 10c. 10075c. Please state Class or Grades of Movements for which Staffs are in- tended. Imitation Illinois. each. doz. 18 Size, Grade 1, 3, 5, Style 9 lOo. 1 00 75c. 8 •■ " 5, " 10 lOc.l 0075c. 4 " " 5, " 10 10c. 100 75c. ♦Imitation Rockfobd. each. doz. ISSize, Grade 1,2, Style 8 .■ lOc.i 0075c. fi " "2. " 10 lOc.l 0075c. ^ , Imitation Hampden. each. doz. 18 Size, Grade 2. 3, Style 9 lOc.l 00 75e. Imitation Columbus. each. doz. 18 Size, Style 9 , 10c. 1 00 75c. Imitation Trenton. each. doz. 18 Size, StylelO.... lOc.l 00 75c. Imitation Seth Thomas. each. doz. 18 Size, Style 10 10c. 1 00 75c. Imitation United States. bach. doz. i8Size»Styl6 9 ,., 10c. 1 00 75c. Any above Balance Staffs, American made, 1st Q. imitation, $i.5o per dozen. Balance Staffs, selected to fit. Each, 15c. For Bristol and Boston Watches. each. T" doz 18 Size, High Style similar to 6. 15c. $ 1 25 18 " Medium,Style " 6 15c. 125 18 " Low " " 6 15o. 125 For descriptions of the various Grades and Classes, see the respective Companies' Lists. <^^ o n CLICK SPRINGS. bach. Click Springs, Imitation Waltham, No, 1.^....'. .. " " " Pendant Set, No. 20... 5c. " " " 14 size, not illustrated 5c. " " Elgin, 18 Size,- Key Wind, " 5 5c. ■ " " 18 " Stem " " 6 5c. for United States Watches not illastrated. ... o CLICKS. Clicks, Imitation, Waltham, 18 Size, Circular, No. 4 " " " Extra Quality, " 4 " " " 18 Size, Old Model, No. 12. '' " " 18 •' New Elgin 18 " Key Wind, " lUinois, 18 " " " Waltham, 14 and 8 Size, DOC ,... 5c. 20c 10c. 50c, . 12 5c. 20c. 11. 5c. 20O. IH. 5c. 20c 12 5o. 25c 3. 10c. 50c. DIALS. ^ZAOH. Dials, Imitation Elgin, Plain Second, 18 Size 50o, Dials, Imitation Elgin, Cut Sec- ond, 188ize 75c. Dials, Imitation Waltham, Plain Second, 18 Size 50o, Dials, Imitation Waltham, Cut Second, 18 Size 76<> ® C O f> wpv SET JEWELS, BALANCE, COCK AND FOOT. KAOHlst Q2nd O Imitation Waltham, ISSize, OldModel 15c.*i'on'5 " " 18 '' New " 15c. lOO'S 15o. 1 00 ''* Elgin, Illinois, 18 Hampden, 18 a Lancaster, 18 Bockford, 18 6 Peoria, 18 Aurora, 18 Columbus, 18 Trenton, 18 Seth Thomas, 18 Extra Quality Jewels selected to fit all the above Movements 26c American made, ist Q. imitation, $1.50 per dozen. SET END STONES, COCK AND FOOT. 15c. 100 '5 15c. 100;;? 15c. 1 00 5 15e. loo's 15c. lOtt '5 15o. IM '5 15c. 1 00 ^* 15c. 1 00 75 15c. 100 75 I5o. 1 00 '» 15c. 1 00 ;^> 15e. 100 75 15c. 100 75 15c, 100 75 15c. 100 75 15c. 100 75 15c. 100 75 15c. 100 75 15c. 1,00 75 T."KJ End Stones, Imitation Waltham, 18 Size, Old Model 18 " New " .. 15c. 15c. Elgin, 18 ^' 16 8 Illinois, 18 15c. 7ac. 75c. 15c. 75c. 15c. 75c. 15c. 75c. 15c. 75c. 15c. 75c. 15c. 75c. 150. 75c. Bockford, 18 " Lancaster 18 " Hampden, 18 " Trenton, 18 " 15c. 75c' Beth Thomas, 18 " ._. 15c. 75c' When ordering Jewels, please state Size and Grade of Movement, so that we may select the proper Diameter and Size of Hole in Jewel. Many errors may be avoided by giving the full description of Movement the material is intended for. Our American^made Balance Staffs at $1.50 per doz. and Balance Jewels at $1.50 per doz. are the Best Imitation on the Market. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies IMITATION AMERICAN WATCH MATERIAL. — , ' , - - ," -' Material for American Watches quoted below is Imitation materia! for Genuine, American Movements, not for Imitation American Movements. AMERICAN PALLET JEWELS. . EA0H.''])OZ. fallet Jewels, Imitation Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Hampden, Rockford, Lancaster, 18 size only _ 15c. $1 00 UNSET AMERICAN PLATE JEWELS. _ ^KAOH. BOZ. OEO. Jewels, unset. Imitation American, best Garnet or' ■# Chrysolite 15c. $100 $9 00 Jewels, onset, Imitation American, second quality /- Gajnet, no extra large in second quality 50 _ 4 50 - • ROLLER JEWELS, IMITATION AMERICAN. DOZ. Jewels, Roller, Imitation Waltham, 18 size ■. 35c Elgin, 18 35c S5c " Columbus, 18 " "^ Trenton, 18 " aoc •' 8etbThoma8,18 " 3Sc Common quality 25c OBO. $3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 26 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 2 00 VnAolleted. Golleted. HAI RSPRIN GS. ^ DOZ, iHairspriDgs.ImitatioD American, quality A. W. uncoUeted $0 20 " • Waltham, 18 Size, Old Model nncoUeted.... 35 " " " " New " " 35 Old "Temp'd" .... 100 New .... 1 00 Old " coUeted 50 " " New " " 50 " " KlKin. " Quick Train nncoUeted.. 85 " " ■' ' Slow •• " .. 35 " " " ■■ Quick ■■ coUeted 50 •' Slow " •• 50 " tor Bostou and Bristol Watches, collet«d 50 •' Waltham 1«, 8.6 SizB. uncoUeted 85 •' .,, 1». 8, li •■ coUeted 50 " " Eliiin '^ It), 8, B, Size, nncoUeted 35 " " — ■• - ,10,8,6,0 " coUeted. 50 SECOND HANOS.^ r. — " ~ — ' — ' DOZ. 0B08S. .Hands. Seconds, American, for following sizes of Move- ments, 18, 16, 14, 10, 8. 6, I and Size 10c. , $1 00 AMERICAN HANDS. -^ W. Hands, W. Hands, Hands, S. Hands. American, 18 Size, No. 1, Straight Spade, K. W .,", ^'V, ^ '• 9, Fine ' 1, " S. W " 2, " '• -^ " ^ K. W I" 8, Moon, K. W. or S. W .. -■■ " ^- >.'* " 5 Closed Moaning Glory, K. orS. W.:. .'..... .^..- : .... .y... .... American, 18 Size, No. 8, Open Morning C lory, K. orS. W American, 18 Size, No. 10, Fleur de Lis, K. W, or S. W. Elgin, 18 Size, No. 18, Swell Center Spade, K. W. or orS. "^'">'- DOZ. 25o. 25o. 25p, ;© Jji 16 Size Hands. Hands, American, 16 Size Spade. . •'^. Elgin 16 _" n'' .. DOX. 25c. 35c. 14 Size Hands. ' Hands, American, 14 Size, Spade. o- 6 AND 8 Size Hands. Hands, American, 6 and 8 Size, Spade. '!— Elgin, " -'V^ " . 1 AND Size Hands. Hands, American, 1 Size, Spade. -,-"..--. Elgin, r—0_;L^" . . DOZ. 2.5c. 3.5c. o#-- Loms XIV. Hands. ^ _ _ _^ roz. Hands, French Gold, Louis XtV., for American 18, 16, 8, 6, 1 Size.. $1 BO Elgin. 18,16,8,6,0 '■• .. 1 BO Second, to match 7S o ©— E J • ■*»-.. _ Watebbubt Hands. Hands, Imitation, Waterbury, Series E SOZr .. iOe. .. 40;. .. 40o. o— ^ ©- Seth Thomas Hands. Hands, Seth Thomas, 18 Size, No. 9, Fine Spade, S. W Trenton, , ~, " " 9. " " . *' Manhattan,' ' " " ' " . for Boston and Bristol Watches, No. 2, Finf vSpade.S. W DOZ. 40c. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^-^ IMITATION AMERICAN WATCH MATERIAL. Material for American Watches quoted below Is imitation material for Cenujne American Movements, not for Imitation American Movements. FANCY DIALS. EACH. r»ncy Dials.Depregsed s«cond , 750, Fancy Dials to fit all sizes of Elgin, Waltham, Hampden, Eockford. Illinois and Columbus Movements, ,.-r-. ^ No. 90. 1 Gboss Finishedjeitiper'd Case Screws TO FIT Waltham UoTsmrats. COKTIHTS : 4 doz. 188, N. M. 3 " ISs, O. M. 1 " 168, long. 1 " )6s, short. 5 " 6 and 8s. 1 " _ Oand Is. No. 91. 1 Gkobs Finished, Temper'd Case Screws TO PIT Elgin UoTementi. Contents : 3 doz. 18s, Flat Head, large 8 '• 18s, Beveled Head 2 " 18s,FlatH'd 2 " 16s. 8 " 68. 1 " Os. No. 93. 1 Gross Finislied.Temper'd Case Screws to pit follottino totiicu Uovemtaii. Contents : soz. l.forlSsEockford. 2, " 18b Hampden. 1, " ISsUlinois. J, "' 16s " i, " 4s&6Blllinoie I, " 189 Standard. 1 " 18a J Seth 1, '• 188 Trenton. 2, " IPs Columbas 1, " 188 Aurora. 1, " Peoria. AM SCKEW CO. AM. SCREW CO. AM. SCREW CO. -^— — # ♦ Combinations American Case Screws. PEBG Combinations American Case Screws, No. 90, 91 or 92 No. 93. Finished, Temper'd Pillar Screws TO FIT Wiltlum UoTimests. 3 doz 188, N.M., flat 2 " 18s, O.M. AM. SCREW CO. No. 94. Finished, Temper'd Pillar Screws TO FIT Elgin ll07emests. Contents : 3 doz. 18b, Beveled. 3 " 18s, Flat. No. 95. 1 Gross Finished.Temper'd Pillar Screws TO FIT FOIXOWINO American Uovementt. Contents: DOZ. 1, forlSsEockford. i, " 188 1, ** 188 Hampden. J, " 68 1, " 18s Illinois. 1, " 188 Standard. J, •' 6s 1, " 188) Seth i, '• 6s ( Thomas. 1, " 188 Trenton. 188 Columbus 68 " 18s Aurora, AM. SCREW CO. . Combinations American Pillar Screws, No. 92, 93 or 94 Combinations American Pillar Screws. PENDANT SCREWS. soz. OBOSS. ;BoreWBjPendaiit,for Faliy's Silver Cases 15c. 85o, " " " Dueber " _ 15c. 85o. " •' " GoldCase8,A88'dW, )8 and 18 Sizes.. 15c. 85c. •• *' •' •' " 4, 6 and 8 " 15c, 85o. CASE SCREWS. Screws, Case, Imitation Waltham, 18 Size, Old Model. •• " " " IS " New " lands Size 15c 1, >. 1 II Elpn, 18 IB " " 6 and 8 II lUinpis, 18 8 " Hampden, 4 18 Bocicford, 1H " Beth Thomas, 18 " Trenton, 18 " Boston, 18 " Bristol. 18 DOZ. Gsosa. l.-ic. $12S Ihn. 125 15c. 12S 15c. 12B 15c. 12» 15c. 12S 15n. 12S 150. la I.lc. 125 15c. 125 1,5c. 125 15c 125 15fl. 125 16q. 125 PILLAR SCREWS. Screwe. PiUar, Imitation Waltham, 18 Siie, Old Model... " " " " IS " New Doz, OBOBBL 1.5c. tioit 1.5c. IW 15c. 100 15c. 100 15c. 100 1.5c. 100 1,5c. 100 15c. tov Elgin, 18 IllInoiB, 18 Trenton, 18 Seth Thomas, 18 Size Ifc, Bocktord, Hampden, BANKING STUDS.. ^^^^^ DOZ. QBOSB. Screws, Banking Stnd, Imitation Waltham, 18 Size. Brass. . 15c. $^1 OO 18 ' Seth Thomas, 18 S'teei'." aOc! S 00 Brass.. 20c. 1 W HAIRSPRING STUD SCREWS. DOZ. OBOBt. Screws, HairspringStad, Im. Waltham, 18 Size, Old Model, 15c. $1 00 „ *. *. »* *» 18 New IOC. I w Elgin, 18 " „. 15c. 100 •' " Seth Thomas, 18 Size.... 15o. 1 OO COCK AND FOOT JEWEL SCREWS. DOZ. GROSS. Screws, Cooks and Foot Jewel, Imitation Waltham, 18 Size, 15c. $1 00 " " " Elgin, 18 ijc. 1 u" - .. " " " Seth Thomas, 18 " 16o. _^ 1 00 FINISHED AMERICAN SCREWS. OROSB. 75c. ..__ 750. 'p and 8 Size 750. ^KeyWind';!;;"I""-75o. Stem " - — -'5°- Screws. Assorted, Imitation Waltham, 18 Size, Old Model. . ., * »* »* " 18 New Elgin 18 16 6 and 8 Size r.'.--'."-'. 75o. 18 " '5c Hampden, 18 Rookford, 18 Seth Thomas, 18 Trenton, . 18 ...75a ...750. ...750. ...7Bo. ...760. No quantities less than 1 dozen sold at dozen price. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies IMITATION AMERICAN WATCH MATERIAL. Materials for American Watchies quoted below is imitation material for Cenujne American Movements, not for Imitation American Movements. SPRINGS. 614 X 504 X 452 X UX 166 X EAC Springs, Click, Imitation Waltham, No. 1 6c "*' „s •_ .. .. .._^.. Pendant Set. No. SO . . 5c >• " '■ " 14 size, not illnstrated 6c I •• " •' Elgin, 18 size. Key Wind, " 5. 5c ' ■■ " ■• ■■ 18 " Stem " " 6. 5c, Waltham, 14 size. No. 17S6X.-.. 6c, - .. .. j3jj^. Hampden, IS Vibrating Arm Lever, Shipper, Yoke, Click, Illinois, 18 Yoke. •' 16 I.ocki Click, Illinois, 18 " " 111 X. .. Elgin, 18 " " ?67X.... •• 18 " " 61 X 130 X 56 X 71X :,OpenFace, No.eUX 16 " Hunting, " 604 X ;Bar " 16 " ' " " 458X Hampden, 18 size. No. 11 X 15 " " 166X Yoke, " 6 " " 257X. Click. Walthan?. 18 Size, CircalarJlo^4 5c. 18 Size, H Plate. 18 Size, Fall Plate. PENDANT SET SPEINGS. OUR GUARANTEED ASSOKTBD Timing Washers For Poising and Timing WATCH BAUANGBS. The RED Papei- contains % gross for 18 size. •' BLUE •' •• H '■ " 16 •' •• WHITE ■■ •• % •• " 6 " These Washers are made expressly for us, under our directions, are correct in proportion and perfect in finish. PRICE 50 CENTS PER GROSS. Elgin, 18 E WINDING PINIONS. 17241^ X 2038 X ISsize.No. 53SX SOc, 14 " " 1724X 2Cc. 18 " Pendant Set, Na. 726 X 20c. 14 ■• ' 1724JiX 2Cc 6 •• '■ " ''•2036X 20c. 1 •* " " " .qndn V EACH. BOZ.' SOc. $2.00 2Cc. 2.0O 20c. 2.0O 2.0O 2.0O 2.00 115!^ X 63SX 100 X 641 X ,No.ll5X :.. 15c. $1.5ff Pendant Set, No. ILiH X 15c. 1.75 Open Face, " 638 X 20c. 2.0O No.lOOX 20c. 2.0» N0.641X 20c. 2.09 IS Size, New Model. 14 Size. 18 Size, Pendant Set. YOKE SPEINGS. EACH. D( Springs. Yoke. Imitation Waltham, 18 Size, New Model . . 10c. $0 IS Pendant Set-. )6c. WINDING AKBOES, PENDANT SET. BACH. DOZ . Winding Arbofs. Pendant Set 10c. $100 Madefor2 2!4, 3. 4. .) oz. Regular SiWer Cases: for 2, 21.^, 3. 4. 5 oz. Screw Bezel Cases ; made in short, medium and long for Gold Cases. Please state Weight of Case as well as Style, so we can send the proper length. 6051 X 2012 X 2018 X 100 X Illinois, 18 size. No 41C0 X 15c. 18 " Open Face, No. 4103 X 20c. 16 ■' NO.4I02X 20c. 6 " NO.4101X 20c. N. Y. Standard, 18 size, No. 6050X,O. M 15c. " 6051X, N. M 15c. •• 2012 X 20c. ■■ 20I3X 20c. " 109X 15c. 53X 15c. 18 " " U.S. Watch Co ,18 " •• " 6 •• ■■ Trenton, 18 '■ " Hampden. 18 " ■• 1 7& ' 7S 1.75 1.7t 2.00 2.0O 1.4» 1.60 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 537 IMITATION AMERICAN WATCH MATERIAL. Material for American Watches quoted below is imitation material for Genuine American Movements, not for Imitation American Movements. 18 Size. 6 and 8 Size, . WALTHAM WINDING WHEELS. BACH. DOZ. Wheels, Winding, Imitation Waltham, 18 Size, New Model 15c. $1.00 Wheels, Winding, Imitation Waltham, 6 and 8 Size 15c. 1.00 Waltham Intermediate Winding Wheels. EACH, DOZ. Wheels, Intermediate Winding, Imitation Waltham, 18 Size,. New Model 10c. 75c. Wheels, Intermediate Winding, Imitation Waltham, 6 and 8 Size 10c. 75c. ELGIN WINDING WHEELS. Wheels, Winding, Imitation Elgin, 18 Size. " 16 ■■ . EACH. DOZ. lOc. 50c. 10c. 50 10c. 50c. 10c. 50c. 18 Size. 16 Size. 6 and 8 Size. Size. Elgin Intermediate Winding Wheels, EACH. POZ. Wheels, Intermediate Winding, Imitation Elgin, 18 Size 10c. 50c. Wheels, Intermediate Winding, Imitation Elgin, 16 Size 10c. 50c. Wheels, Intermediate Winding, Imitation Elgin, 6 and 8 Size., 10c, 50c. Wheels, Intermediate Winding, Imitation Ejgin, "Size...... , 10c. 50c. Eockford and Hampden Winding Wheels. BACH. DOZ. Wheels, Winding. Imitation Hampden and Rockford, 18 Size 15c. $1.00 HAMPDEN RING WINDING WHEEL. EACH. DOZ. Wheels, RingWinding, Im'fn Hampden, 18 S. 15c. $1.00 Hampden Intermediate Winding Wheel. EACH. DOZ. Wheels, Inter. Wind'g, Imit'n Hampden, 18 8. 10c. 50c. ILLINOIS WINDING WHEEL. BACH. DOZ. Wheels, Winding, Imitation Illinois, 18 Size. 10c. $0 50 4 " 10c. 60 18 Size Wheels are countersunk on reveree side. 18 Size. 4 Size. Illinois Intermediate Winding Wheels. EACH. DOZ. Wheels, Inter. Winding, Imit'n Illinois, 18 8. 10c. 50c. 4 8. lOc. 50c. CROWN WHEELS. All sizes, for the following American movements : BACH. DOZ. $1.60 l.GO l.SO 1.60 1 25 ] 25 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 Waltham, 18 Size, Series C,D, F 16c. and 6 Size Pendant Set 15c. 15c. Elgin, 18 Size, Hunting and Open Face 16c. " 16,6andOSize 15c. Dlinois, 18 Size and 18 Size Pendant Set 36c. " 16 and 6 Size. . . .' J6c. Rockford, 18 and 6 Size 15c. Columbus, 18 Size l5c. U. S. Watch Co., 18 and 6 Size 16c. N. y. Standard, 18 Size loc. .^ MINUTE WHEELS. t ^ I All sizes, for the following American movements : '^r^ EACH, Waltham, 18, 16, 14, 6 and 1 Size 10c. Elgin, 18, 16, 6 and Size 10c. Hampden, 18 Size 10c. lUinols, 18, 16 and 6 Size 10c. Columbus, 18 and 6 Size 10c. N. y. Standard, 18 Size 10c. DOZ. 65c> 65C' 65C' 65c- 65c- SBC 9 Waltham. Elgin. RATCHETS. Batcheta, Imitation Waltham, 18 Size, Key Wind " •' Elgin, 18 " " " •' " Bampden, 18 " " " 528 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies SWISS AND ENGLISH MATERIALS. I it i O o e Balamoe. COMPOSITION BALANCE. DUPLEX. COMPENSATION BALANCE. Balances, Swiss, Composition, each, 15 cts. " " Compensation, " 35 ■' Duplex 50 " BARRELS. CENTER SQUARES AND CUPS. Swisb, No. 1, each, 30 cts. Center Squares, No. 1, per doz. 10 cts. English, '■ 2, " 30 " " Cups, " 2, " " 10 " Sizes by gauge milliir Per 100 35 cts. Put up 100 in package, Nos. 00 to ' No. 00, largest, No. 7, smallest. £) A) w 1 1 £ ^ ■ m A ~> ftm PEV Mnq aan pva n W ■r S ^' 1 1. 2 , I 4 8 CLICKS AND SPRINGS. Clicks, Nos. 1 to 8, per doz 15 cts, " Springs, No. 9, " 75 ■• " 10, " 30 '■ " " "11, English, per doz 85 " " "13, " " 25 " Detent " 13 or 14, each 15 " BARREL ARBORS. 1, Finished, each, 30 cts.; per doz, $1 50 8, Plain, " 10 " " .60 3, English, " 15 " 4, American, " 30 " 5, Roskopf, " 30 " PLAIN SWISS DIAL Each, 30 cts. Per Doz., $3.00 1^34 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SELF-ACTING CLICK DETENT SPRINGS. Each, 10 cts ; per doz., 40 cts SLIT CLICKS. DETENT. Each, 10 cts.; per doz., 75 cts. DIAL WITH SECONDS. Swiss, each 25 cts. English, each "0 " ■ I I I I I I I I III II 8 9 10 11 12 STRAIGHT CLICK DETENT SPRINGS. Per doz., 40 cts. ,0 O O G O C G G C c SWISS CIRCULAR CLICK DETENT SPRINGS. Each, lOc; per doz., 20c Eor Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 529 SWISS AND ENGLISH MATERIALS. CYLINDERS. Fine polished, each 15 cts ; doz., fl,25 Ordinary Quality, each 10 " " .75 Left Hand, each 15 cts. " 1.00 Imitation American, each 15 " " 1.25 Send sample or escape wheel when ordering. Oo6 6o6cS606rt STRAIGHT-LINE FORKS. Each, 20 cts. FUSEE CHAINS. lyi inches, to 13, each, 35 cts. 1% " 12 to 15, " 50 " 8^ '■ 10,11,12, " 50 " 81^ ■• 13,14,15, " 60 " Genuine English, fine 65 " CHAIN HOOKS. Genuine English, per paper, 35 cts. Imitation "' " 15 " \^ ^^ ^r FORKS. Forks, Swiss, straight line . . . Forks, English, right angle. No. 3 15c. 1 BALANCE SPRING STUDS AND COLLETS. Dozen ■Balance Spring Studs, No. 1, Drilled .... FUSEES. CLICKS AND WHEELS. Each I ing Wheels, No. 1 20c Fusees, snail. No. 3 retaining spring. No. 2, 20c 1 Fusee Wheels, No. 4 Fusee Wheels come with 64, 66, 70, 72 and 75 teeth. Lign 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 SWISS RIGHT ANGLE FORKS. Each 15 cts. o .■^< ^ *-*-*-*-'-' 6dp fee CHAMPION BALANCE SPRING COMBINATION Consisting of Four Dozen Collated Balance Springs for all sizes of Swiss Watches as follows ... $2 25 s No ^^^^ ajiVf $©®(i)(& .lO^ A ^ --0 XN \J O tD 2,5*! >■ jLSt ifco a(>i ifci ifcJ a-ii"V ifcS afcfc i<»7 u« iT? i/o ACH ,10 ^.io_ ,10 .10_ .10 .iO ,10 .10 10 .10 ,(0 .rO -.(0 ^ >^«ro-. ^ <^ ^ '^. %^ #iOb in 21J AH il5 i7fc 177 J,78 ' CiT) xi<^ iX' - ^ i.%1 12 i ■:i'i-i 10 .1^ -lO , .10 ■ .10 ©^ ®^ ^^ ^ ^^K O^ o^ ^« ^^ ©^ ^^ €^ ^ cr^ ii;r i'^fc li] a«« i'<1 • i''o 2"!' -29: aqj a'j'' J"J5' I9fc an -^8 lCf« Id 40 .0 ,10 .10 ,10 -10, 10 lO .10 .10 -10 .10 la The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies SWISS ASSORTED SPRINGS CONTINUED. 308 tAin .10 318 303 313 .10 323 314 306 307 316 317 326 327 318 .3'9 320 321 X"-^^ 3^3 32^ 325 3! 328 329 330 331 332 333 33* 335 ./7^ -o» o* O '-T^ /T\ r:^, /^7\ C\ SW 338 ^33; 340 341 ZUS 343 3<*^ 345 EMU ..0 ' JO ^ ' (0 » / .10 V /^ ./« ^ / ./O ^ / ,/(j ^ ' ,/0 O ' .,fl 1 3*6 347 348" 349 350 351 3S2 353 iSt lACM .10 .10 10 ■ ' .10 * ./o .10 ^ ' .yo V '^ .„ ^O ' .. V 358 359 360 361 362 /"^ /^>D ^^'>> ^-^ r^^ ^~^ r^ 366 35; tACI 10 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 639 SWISS ASSORTED SPRINGS CONTINUED. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. SWISS ASSORTED SPRINGS CONTINUED. 61 J th'.io -? 613 650 .'0 a ./O a5\ bS4 €26 ./O 627 628 629 630 S3 1 .10 10 .10 .10 "> /"->b 6A1 fcW 64S (AV /^ S3S 634 i3S MS; 6S7 658 •^a'X. 2^ ^ai' .^.15 .i!' ^.15" 615 t* 6<.r 648 T 6*9 7 MO «SI " 651 T «SJ 5S4 fSi 656 557 658 659 660 *5I 36» 66S 66* 66S '666 '667 668 669 ; 670 671 S72 ' 673 67A 67S , €76 677 678 679 €80 681 CM .'0' .10 .10 10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 10 -10 .10 .10 ; .10 .'0 -'0 .10 -lO r« ^O --o "O f^ r^ ^^ rO^ti:0^"rOr^^^ f^ rO rO ^^ ^'<^\ ^^ I 682 ~ eas 694 6S6 eee 687 (88 (^H .'0 .'0 ; ,10 .10 ^ ^ f-O- rd 687 688 688 690 691 •r\ a. ^ ■. Jl ..ffl The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies SWISS ASSORTED SPRINGS CONTINUED. 733 ■ 2S O O 734 ■ 15 735 757 TS8 7SS 760 76i 765 767 7G8 769 c*t_ .10 .10 , ~ , ^800^ 80, «o2 eo3 ao. aos^^ eoe^^ 807 eo8 «o9 e,o, CAtH 10. ;«e>i.(0 .10 ./o _'0 ./o ^i S?S S25 S2, 8JJ 851 gj, CKCrt - ./O /jO^Vk .-' -^ >i ^^'" 8" '856 837 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. AMERICAN WATCH CO., Waltham, Mass. 18 SIZE, SILVER CASE MATERIAL. No. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 861. 262. 263. 264. 365. 366. 367. 268. 369. 270. 271. 272. 373. 274. 275. 376. 377. 378. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 289. 390. Flv Sprins for 2, 2>^ oz. Silver Cases, IP •'.. 8 •' " IP... 4 " " IP •■■ 5 6" " IP ... " O'Hara Patent, without Screw ... Fitzgerald Patent Catcli Sprins for 2, 2}4 oz. K. W. Silver Cases, „ - 3 4 5,6 ■' 2, 2U " S.W. 5, 6 " O'Hara Patent " " Fitzgerald " " " Silver Capped Push Pins for 2, 2}4 oz. '| 5^6 " " Silver Crown and Key Pipe, 2,23^" 3,4 " " 5,6 " " Nickel Crown for Nickel Cases Silver " 2, 214 °2 Silver Cases 3,4 " 5, 6 " IS Size Old Style S. B. Silver Cases . •■•■•,■,„• Silver Crown for 18 Size New Style b. B. Silver Cases ........... ._^ . Steel and Brass Sleeve for 1st Series P. b. Silver Cases t,' S ' Steel and Brass Sleeve for 2d Series P. b. Silver Cases Steel and Brass Sleeve for New Style P. S. Silver Cases ■ ■ ■ ■ Steel and Brass Sleeve for 2, 2}4 oz. P. S. S. B. Silver Cases Steel and Brass Sleeve for 3, 4 oz. P. S. S. B. Silver Cases Silver Nuts for 2, 2U oz. S. B. Silver Cases . . 3,4 " S.B. Silver Gold Trimmed Nuts for 3, 4 oz. Old Style S^ B •■■ Silver, Gold Trimmed Nuts for 3, 4 oz New StvleS. B DOZEN. $3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.110 2.00 2.0J 2.00 1.50 3.50 '2.50 2.60 3.50 3.50 3.50 2.00 2.75 3.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 1..50 1.50 1..50 1.50 1.50 6 00 6.00 8.00 8.00 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 239. 300. 801. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 807. 310. 311. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 333. 324. 325. 326. 827. Key Pipe Square No Thread Short, with Small Thread Long, " " Short Male, " Long " " Female, with Large Thread Long Male, " ..... Short, for Old Style S. B. Cases. . . Long, " S. B " .... Nickel Pendant Bow Silver '• " for 2, 2}4 oz. Cases 3 " " 4 " " 5, 6 ■■ " Silver Crown Nut Sleeve Stem foi- 2, 3J^ oz. S. B. Complete ■■■■■ Silver Crown Nut Sleeve Stem fov 3 oz. S. B. Complete Silver Crown Nut Sleeve Stem for 3 oz. S. B. Complete, Gold Trimmed Silver Crown Nut Sleeve Stem for 4 oz. S. B. Complete. Gold Trimmed Silver Hood for Old Style Patent Joint for Star Crown Complete Silver Hood, Left Hand Thread for New Style Patent Joint Cases Silver Hood, Ri^ht Hand Thread, for New Style Patent Joint Cases Silver Hood, Left Hand Thread, for Old Style S.B. Cases ■ •.• • Silver Star Crown for Old Style Patent Joint Leather or Steel Washers for S. B. Cases 2H oz reo-ular O. F. P. S.Bar, Silver Cases. . 3 - ■' " 0. P. P. S. " 4 " . '■ O.F. P. S. " 5 " " O.F. P.S. " " .- Nickel S.B.Bar 2 oz. S.B. ■■ aj^oz. S. B. •• 8 " S.B. " 4 " S. B. •• Bar, Extra Length No. 1 No. 3 $0.13 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 1.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 10.50 10.50 12.00 13 00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.50 .13 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.59 1 50 1..50 1.50 1..50 1.50 1.50 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO/S MATERIALS. For 18 Size, Oold Cases. Nei Pek 1. Fly Spring, Thin Right Handed, for 18 Size Gold Case " Med., " " ■* 18 " " " Thick, " " " 18 " " " " McCay Patent, Right Handed, for 18 Size Gold Case 5 Short, Lett Handed, for 18 Size Gold Case 3 Long, " " " 18 " " " _ __ 3 Catch Spring, Thin, Right Handed, for 18 Size Key Wind Gold Case ;. a Med., " " " 18 '•■ •' •■ " " a Thiclc, ■• '■ " 18 " " " " " __ ___ 2 Thin, ■• " " 18 " Stem Wind " " " Med.. "• " " 18 " " " ■• " 2 Thick, " " " 18 " " " " " _ McCay Patent, Right Handed, for 18 size Stem Wind Gold Case 2 " Short, Left Handed, for 18 size Stem Wind Gold Case 2 " Long, " " •' 18 " " " " " g 16. Steel Sleeve, Old Style, for Old Style Key Pipe with SmaU Threac 17. " " New " " New " " " " Large " 18. " " Extra Large, for Extra Large Pendant ^ 19. Spiral Spring, for Old Style Key Pipes Nos. 38 and 39 20. Steel Snap or Bolt, for 18 Size Screw Bezel Case . 6 31 Steel and Brass Case Sleeve, with Long Thread j Per D"wt.. Rhspectivel 33. Pendant Bow, Heavy Weiglit, in 10, 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) ,$1.00 $1.25 Medium " " 10,14 •' 18k. " " " 1.00 1.25 1. Light '• "10,14 " 18k. " '■ " 1.00 1.35 1 with Guards, in 10, 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) 1.00 1.35 1 Louis XV., with Screws, in 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) ' 1.75 2, Plain, in 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold).... I.35 1, Per Doz Key Pipe, Old Style, Short Head, with Small Thread en " " " " Long " " " " Winding Bar, Short, for Light Weight, Regular Open Face Pendant Setting Gold Case 1 " " Med., " Medium " " " " " " '. << -^ Long, •• Heavy " " and Screw Bezel Pendant Setting Gold Case 1 Per Doz., Respectia-elt, Gold Crown, Extra Large, Small Hole, for E.xtra Large Pendant, in 10, 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) _ ^^q Oq ^j^ qP ^^3 , Gold Crown, Large, Small Hole, for Large Pendant, in 10, 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) 10.00 11.00 13.( " Medium, " " " Medium " " 10, 14 '• 18k. " " " 10.00 11.00 13. i^mall, '■ " " Small " "10,14 " 18k. " " " 10.00 11.00 13.f Large, " " Low Core, for Screw Bezel Gold Case, in 14 and 18k. (Pale and ■ Red Gold) _ jjOO li Gold Crown, Large, Large Hole, in 10, 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) 10.00 '1.00 13.' Medium," ■• •■ 10, 14 '■ 18k. " •• '■ ..10.00 .1.00 13. " Fluted, in 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) ig qq ig ' Louis XV., in 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) 15 qq ig i For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades, AMERICAN WATCH CO'S CASE MATER! FOR 18 SIZE GOLD CASES. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S MATERIALS. | For 16 Size, GoI«l Cases. Net Peh Pek Doz; ^. Fly Spring, Thin, for 16 Size Gold Case $2 43. •• Med., " 16 " " '• o 44. •■ Tliick, " 16 " " "_■... 45. •• Med., with Step for Dust Strip, for 16 Size Gold Case.. '..-. 2 40. Calcli Sprfiisi, Thin, Flat Head, for 16 Size Key Wind Gold Case. ..- g 47. •• Med., " " " 16 " '* " " g 48. •' Thick, " " " 16 " " " ■' g 49. •■ Med.. Swiss Head, for 16 Size Key Wind Gold Case . _ g 50. " Thick, •' ■' " 16 " " '• ■' •■* "' g 51. " Thin, " " " 16 " Stem Wind •■ " g 52. '• Med.. '■• " " 16 '• '^ •■ " __ __. _ g. Peh Dwt., KeppectivelV 53. Pen«laiU Bow, Heavv Weig-ht, in 10, 14and 18k. (Pale and Red (Jold) . 04. ■• " Medium " ■• 10, 14 •• 18k. 55. " " Light " '• 10,14 " ISk. 56. '• " Louis XV., Plain, in 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) 5'i'- " ■• " " with Screws, in 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) 58. " " Patent, in 14 and ISk $1.00 $1.35 $1. 1.00 1.25 1. 1.00 1.25 1. 1.25 1. 1.75 2. 1.75 2. Per Dozb 59. Key Pipe, Old Style, Short Head, with Small Thread, for 16 Size Regular Case 60. ■• " •■ Long " " " •• " i(j >• Box Case 61. '• " " with Large Thread 62. '• NewStyle, '• Small •• " _.. " ' ]_ " 63. Winding Bar. for Open Face Pendant Setting Movement and Case ■_ . ^...V ///////. . {. Per Doz., Respectjvet.i 64. Oold Crown, Large Hole, for Key Pipe with Large Thread, in 10, 14 and 18k. (Pale and Red Gold) $9.00 $10.00 $11 i 65. " " Small " " " " ■' Small •• " 10, 14 " 18k. •• '^ y •' 9.00 10.00 11 ( 66. " " " " " P. S. Winding Bar, in 10, 14 and ISk. (Pale and Red Gold) 9.00 10 00 111 67. •• " Louis XV., in 14 and 18k_ ___ _. _ 14.(0 171 68. '• " Fluted, in 14 and 18k ..... ' 14 00 17 1 69. Steel Sleeve, for Old Style Key Pipe with Small Threads. 70. " " " New " Large 71. Spiral Spring:, for Old Style Key Pipe with Small Thread. 72. Slcel Far Plug, for Patent Pendant Bow, No. 58 73. Far Plug- Brace, tor Patent Pendant Bow, No. 58 For !iize, Silver Cases, BiS. Fly Spring, Thin, for 16 Size Silver Case 329. " Med., "16 " ■ " 330. " Thick, " 16 '• ' " ^!!^-^!!-"!^[!!!!!![! 331. Catcll Spring, Thin, for 16 Size Stem Wind Silver Case 332. " Med., " 16 ■' " " '■ .^ "" 333. " Thick," 16 " ■• " •• •■ [[[.]. 334 Silver Crown, for 16 Size Silver Case 33.5. Gold " " 16 " " " 336. Silver Pendant BOAV, for 16 Size Silver Case 337. Key Pipe, Old Style, without Thread "^ 338. " " Now " Short, with Thread ^ " 339. Lo«- " " For 14 Size, Silver and JVickel Cases. Fly Spring-, for 14 Size Silver or Nickel Case Cateli Spring, for 14 Size Silver or Nickel Case'. Fly Spring, Fitzgerald Patent "7^ Catch Spring, "' " Kiekel Crown, for 14 Size Nickel Case . ' Silver •• " U " Silver " '"' Oold " " 14 " " >' _ Silver Hood, with Brass Socket, for 14 Size Screw Bezel Case Niekel Pendant Bow, for Nickel Case Silver " " " silver " .[.".[ Miekel Pusli Piece, for Nickel Case ^silver " ■• " Silver " -!!!!!!!"!!! Spiral Spring, (or 14 Size Silver Screw Bezel Case Key Pipe, for 14 Size Regular Case IVinding Bar, for 14 Size Regular Case V.[...\. Key Pipe, for 14 Size Silver Screw Bezel Case ■ Winding Bar, for 1st Series 14 Size Pendant Setting Movement and Case' For S Size, Silver Cases, Fly Spring, Thin, for 8 Size Silver Case PerDozi Med., " 8 " " " " ^1- . Thick," 8 " " " [["[[[["_[ '•■ Catch Spring, Thin, for 8 Size Kev Wind Silver Case "'■ Med,, " 8 " "" " .' .. ^■ Thick, " 8 ''. " " ■■ '■■ : ^■ Thin, " 8 " Stem " •• - ' !•' Med., " 8 " " " ■■ 1-^ Thick," 8 " " '_'_[ !■■ Silver Crown, for 8 Size Silver Case. " '^■' Key Pipe, Old Stj'le, without Thread ...!'.".".".". ^-l New " with Tliread '_ •' For 6 Size, Silver Cases. Fly Spring, Thin, for 6 Size 'Silver Case. PekDoze Med., " 6 " " " """ ' $1-' Thick," 6 " ". " !!!.'!!!!!'!^^|' ■*•■ Catch Spring, Thin, for 6 Size Silver Case " ^■~ Med., "6 " " ■■ " 1-' Thick, " 6 " " " \\]\.\._\.[\\[\] '^■■ Silver Crown, for Large, 6 Size Pendant ^•■' " Small, 6 " " ' !•' CJold •■ " Large, 6 " " 1-' " Small, 6 " " i^^^" 2.; Silver Pendant Bow, Large, for 8 or 6 Size Silver Case.."!..! ^..! ^l Small, " 8 " 6 '■ " " "" ■'•' Key Pipe, Old Style, without Thread.... ] " ^•~ " New " with Thread ! '" 'iVinding Bar, Short, with Thread '_'_ " " Long, " " Por Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 16s SILVER. 14s SILVER. 8s SILVER. _ 6s SILVER. 366 Itll The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies J. H. P WATCH CLASSES. All Watch Glasses are measured by one standard. Absolute uniformity of measurement is unknown, and would be impractical, because no absolute standard is adhered to in cutting bezels. The J. H. P. has no superior in the American market for pliability, transparency, finish y-fijfcv. /^^tCf^ .^ -,.^, , of edges, or regularity of height ^mss^S. /^^^# . 1SM6) and diameter. X^^^M (§^«i SEND FOP OUR GLASS OPDER BOOK It contains full illustrations o f each style and size of Glass in num- t)ers and fractions, from 8 to 24 in- elusive. KINDLY MAKE ORDERS FOR GLASSES EXPLICIT, Leaving no cause for our misconstru i n §• your wants. Genevas are. not sold in less quantities than ^ dozen of any size and height. Ord e r s not otherwise spec- ified will be iin- derstood for >^ dozen each of Genevas and J* dozen each of other kinds. Per dozen. Per gross. Genevas, order in 16ths and heights % 30 S 2 40 Lunettes, order in 4ths, high or flat 15 1 50 Patent Genevas, for open face Watches, . order in 16ths 40 4 25 Thick Flat Parallel, order in 16ths 45 4 75 Thick Flat Concaves, for open face, order in 16ths 60 6 75 Thin Flat Concaves, for hunting case, order in lliths 60 6 75 Thin Mi Concaves, for hunting case, order in lOths 25 2 75 Thick Mi Concaves, for open face, order in 16ths 25 2 75 Extra Thick Mi Concaves, for open face, order ill Itiths 50 .ISO Lentiles, for bassine cases 85 10 UO Antique Glasses each, 20 doz., 1 25 COMBINATIONS OF WATCH CLASSES. Combination No. 1. — Consists of 5 gross Genevas and 1 gross Medium Mi Concaves, assorted, in tlie most salable sizes, with 6 drawer Cabinet, oak or walnut $18 00 Combination No. 2. — Consists of 8 gross Genevas, 2 gross Medium Mi Concaves, \z gross Patent Genevas, of the salable sizes, with 6 drawer Cabinet, oak or walnut. A good assortment 30 00 1 No. 3. - Same outfit, with Comfort case, 255. illustrated on Jl 00 Combi; page Combination No. 4.— Consists of 15 gross Genevas, all desirable sizes and heights, 1 gross Thick Mi Concaves, 2 gross Meditim Mi Concaves, 1 gross Patent Geneva.s, % gross Lentilles, with Com- fort Case, as illustrated on page 255 72 00 WATCH GLASSES. 5'7 The sectional views show the exact diameters and shapes of the even numbers, the dotted lines showing sizes to |-|. 5 High ^'- ^ ^ -S-High- GENEVA CLASSES. Il SizMl In Slxteonth. || b High . ^-v, 1 ^ fi Hi<'h ^-v II II y^ 7 Hirrh _~N^_.. II 1 ^ Ihio .Mi-i:onca«o ' ' GENEVA CLASSES, 11 Sized in Slxlecnilis jj /^ i High ■~^.,, 1 ^ 5 Hish ^^s^-, II y^ K TTif^h ^■• /^ 7 TTin-h ^~-, 11 ^^ Patenl Geneva ^^v-. ^^.v-. Jigmml lll'O" Mi-Concavc ^^ Thin-Flat-Uoncave ^^-■' ^^ - Midiiim-l'Mat-Concav e -^ '^ jmam-nuci, Fiat concave JHL'a GENEVA CLASSES lltoll]|. r — y^ 5 High ^-., /^ li Hi..^li ^^-, ■^^^- ._7_Uigh — ^^ zz Tliia-Jli-Coucave JleO i 11 m-j\Ii-Conci 12 to 12}f . 13 to 131 »^.-^_ JHHIBn Thick Mi-Coocu :£fl^^ '\ m Uv, ^ Mcdium-F-hiUCoDcave '"^--^ i^^H^rhick Flril (JoncavcHl^k v GENEVA CLASSES^ r!^-. r!s.--. — Thill-Mi- Concave — -MGiliuiii-Mi-Coiici -jrerJium-FIat-ConcavG— 14 to 14f-|. GENEVA CLASSES. 1 Sliecl in Siitccnlli. [ X 3 High — ^■. II /- 1 High ^ ^ 5 High ^ ^ „ Ui„h ~^■■. 11 ^ _ 7_ Hirrh ^■■. 11 .11 " ■"°" 1 Thill ill'Conca ■-' ^m — Mcdiiim-Mi-Conc ■fimi mm.., HThiTk Mi-Conca ;3IHHk '< 1 — Tlliii-Hal-Oouca ^ 1^^ -Meciiiini-lIaUCenc >HB JTbiclt Flat Conca 15 to 1511 16 to 16^5 17 to 17>-f. GENEVA CLASSBt. sized In Sixteenths. 3 High Z5^-:. z^- zT Z^:.-. -Thin*Mi-Concave- Thin Flat Concave -Media in -Flat-Concave— ^ Z!s,. ^ 2 High ^ :z^. ^ 4 High ^ Z^iV. 7 Hi gh r:5iN .Thin Flat Cone; Sik'. ^ 1. High :^:: ^ Z^: i::^-: ^ Z^-. _7_High_ "sTligh -Medium Flat- Concave— :x^ 18 to 18}i. Sizes Used in Hunting: Cases. Hampden 400, lli'^, 11,',, A High 8. VI size Waltham Cases, for IJ size movements, 14}i,{|, High 7. 12 size Elgin cases, 16f|. High 8. Waterbury Ladies' Addison, 12}| and 13, High 7. IG size Essex Case, ISA, f^, ,=o. i'e. li. High 7. Waltham 12-size Hunting, 16}J, }|, }t, JJ, High 8. size, 12i»5 to I'iJ.'i, High 7. 1 " 12}g " 121J, " 8. 4 " 13}| " 14,5j, " 7 and 8. 6 '■ 14i»5 " ISr"!,, " 7. 8 " ISi",. " 151g, " 6 and 7. 10 " lei's, " lejS, " 6 and 7. 17;3 " 18i«5 ■ " Waltham','!?}! 'o 17JS, High 6 and 7. Boss, 18,% to 18,>a, High 6. 19 to 1911. Sizes Required for Various Cases. 18 size 19 A to 20,=;, High 4 and 5. 18 " Climax. 20i'j to 20i'c. Back Bezel. Centennial, 16 line, 15}g. Centennial. 18 line, 17yV. High .5. Centennial, 20 line, \9%, High 4. Lady Racine, \i\l 'o 14i'(j. Louis XIV, 16 siz-, 18i»c. Louis XIV, 18 size, 19!^. Sizes Used in Open Face Cases. Waterbury Elfin, Lentilles, lOi'j, A, }.. Waterbury, Series N, ll/i to llfl. Waltham, O. F., 12 size, 17r\, Vi,, ,%. Standard Cyclometer, 19Jg, Medium Mi-"C. Seth Thomas Cyclometers, ISi^g. Elfin Waterbury Skylight, 8! 2, }{, }J. SO to 20f| Waterbury, Series L, I4,"„, ,"„, J" ;j. IG size O.F. Bassine, Crescent No. ]9i»j, y»,, size, HJl. Waltham Skylight, llja to 11}|. Nickel Queen, IIJJ to lijg. 14 size Bond St., 19H to 19}f . 18 " Crescent Filled, 20,% to 20|^,,. 18 " Boss,20,V 18 " Silver,20i 1^ X3^ 18-Karat Gold Cases. 1^ 14-Karat Gold Cases. 10-Karat Gold Cases. Lock Springs for Cold Gases. Gold, 10 k 55c Gold, 14 k 60c Filled, 10k 35c Filled, 14 k 40c Silver, per doz $1.00 Silverine, per doz 75c OSize 4 Size 6 Size 16 Size 18 Size Lift Springs for Cold Cases. Pendant Set Stems. Sleeves. 4 02 • 3oz. 2oz. 16 Size. 6 Size. OSize. No.' 181. No. 182. No. 18S. No. 184. No. 185. No. 186 For gold, filled, silver and silverine. Cases, complete, $1 .50 doz. Always send sample stem to insure accuracy. Lift Springs for gold eases, per doz — Lock Springs for gold cases, per doz . . . Lift Springs for filled cases, per doz . . . Lock Springs for filled cases, per doz . For silver and silveroid cases, per doz 6 Size 16Siz« The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies FAHY'S AND BROOKLYN WATCH CASE CO.'S CASE MATERIAL. BEZELS. 1. 14K Filled, size, each . 2. For Montauk, each 3. For Orient, each .... Nn. 4. 14K Filled, size, each. ■■ 5. For Montauk, each " 6. For Orient, each .S0.95 . .7.5 . .60 No. 7. 14K Filled, 12 size, each.. SI. 10 " 8. For Montauk, each IK.) " '.}. For Orient, each 60 No. 10. 14K Filled 16 si/e each •■ 11. ForMontaul each " '12. For Orient each -•125 No. 13. 14K Filled, 18 size, each §1.2.5 110 ■• 14. For Montauk, each ' i \() ''0 '• 15. ForOrient .60 COWS, SOLIQ GOLD ANTIQUE BOWS Antique Bows, Sohd Gold, Gold-Filled Bows, each... flight No. 29, $1. 10 No. .51, $0.60 CROWNS, ROUND TOP. -n 1 ^ r 18 size Regular Crowns for Gold Cases, each No. 36, eO.65 Foi Filled 14K. Cases, dozen "60 9 00 For Montauk Cases, dozen "65,' 4.20 For Fahv's Silver Cases, dozen " 7o' 2 50 For Fahy's Ore Silver Cases, dozen . . . '. - 7l', i'.75 ANTIQUE CROWNS. For B. W. C. Co.'s Gold Cases, each For 14K. Filled Cases, dozen For Montauk Cases, dozen *1, $1.5.5 No. .31,,?!. 00 No. 32, $0.70 No. 33 52, $0.60 No. 5.3, $0..50 No. 5J, $0..50 No. 0.5' 16 size No. 57, JO.65 " 61, 9.00 ■' 66, 4.20 light SO. 70 No. ,3J Sli.50 ).65 No. 35, S0.65 12 size 6 size size No. 58, fO.65 No. 59, fO.Oo 62, $6.60 " 63, 6.60 " 64, 6.60 67, 3.36 ■' 68, 3.36 " 69, 3.36 1.75 12 size No. 74, 10.75 " 78. 6.60 " 83, 3.36 6 size Osize Jo. 75, JO. 75 No. 76, $0.15 " 79, 6.60 " 80, 6.60 " 83, 3.36 " 84, 3,3(> For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ^^^ FAHY'S AND BROOKLYN WATCH CASE CO.'S CASE MATERIAL CASE SPRINGS FOR B. W. C. CO.'S AND FAHY'S GOLD FILLED CASES WITHOUT DUST BAND. No. 91. 18 size, lift, per doz SI 50 No. 93. 18 size, lock, per doz 1 50 No. 93. 16 size, lift, per doz SI 50 No. 94. 16 size, lock, per doz 1 50 No. 95. 12 size, lift, per doz SI 50 No. 97. 6 size, lift, per doz SI 50 No. 99. size Hft. Pev doz . .SI 50 No. 96. 12 size, lock, per doz 1 50 No. 98. 6 size, lock, per doz 1 50 No. 100. sue, lock, per doz.... 00 ■S FILLED AND SILVER CASE SPRINGS FOR CASES WITH DUST BAND. No. 102. 18 size, lock. No. 104. 16 size, lock, No. 106. 6 size, lock No. 108, size, lock, per dozen ...SI 50 per dozen .... SI 50 per dozen, .. .SI 50 per dozen. .. .&.1 5U No. 103. 18 size, lift. No. 105. 16 size, lift. No. 107. 6 size, lift. No. 109. size, lift, per per dozen .... 1 50 per dozen .... 1 50 per dozen .... 1 50 dozen 1 5(J The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies FAHY^S AND BROOKLYN WATCH CASE CO/S PENDANT SET BARS AND SLEEVES. GOLD CASES SILVER CASES. GOLD FILLED CASES. No. Doz. No. 115. 18size,0.F §1-50 128. 116. 16 size, O. F. and Htg., Elgin 1-50 129. 117. 12 size, O. F. and Htg 1-50 130. 118. 6 size, O. F. and Htg 1-50 131. 119. size, O. F. and Htg 1-50 132. 120. 18 size, Htg., Lever set 75 133. 121. 16 size, O. F. and Htg., Waltham 1.50 134. 122. 2 oz., O. F 1.50 135. 123. 3oz., O. F 1.50 136. 124. 4oz.,O.F 1.50 137. 125. 5oz.,O.F 1.50 138. 126. 18 size, O. F., Oiesilver 1.50 139. 127. 16 size, O. F., Oiesilver, Elgin 1.50 140. 134 135 136 1.37 138 139 140 Doz. 2 OZ., Htg., Key and Collar 75 3 oz., Htg., Key and Collar 75 4 and 5 oz., Htg., Key and Collar 75 16 size, O. F., Oresilver, Waltham 75 18 size, O. F 1.50 16 size, O. F., Elgin 1.50 16 size, Htg., Elgin 1.50 12 size, O. F. and Htg 1.50 6 size, O. F. and Htg 1.50 size, O. F. and Htg 1.50 18 size, Htg.. Key and Collar 75 16 size, Htg., Waltham 75 16 size, O. F., Waltham 75 ILLINOIS WATCH CASE CO.-Crowns and Stems. Lever Set. Pendant Set. Trade Marks of Illinois Cases. 18, 16, 6 and size, per doz. Patented and Improved Case Springs for All Cases. With brass slide for 18, 16, 6 and size, lock, per doz ,.$1.00 No. 11. 2-piece Case Springs, with space for screw lor 18, 16, 6 and size, lift or lock, per doz Sl.OO For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. DUST BANDS. 450 18 s. K. W. Dust Band. Boss 14 K., 2 oz., 3 or., 4 oz., 5 c 18 s. S. W. Dust Band. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, 2 oz.. 4 oz., 5 oz. , 60Z. Silver, Silveroid. J2.00 per doz. 16 s. Elgin Dust Band. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silv Silveroid. gz.oo per aoz. 16 s. Wal. Dust B; Boss Z4 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silveroid. J2.00 per doz. '458 18 s. Movement Ring, for screw back cases. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K,, Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. J5.00 per doz. 18 s. Compensating Ring, for screw back ca; Boss 14 K,, Boss 10 K , Cvclone, bilver, Silve f 6.00 per doz. BEZELS. 18 s. Htg. K. W. Bezel. Boss r4 K., $ii 18 s. Htg., S. W. Bezel. 1353. 14 K. Gold, =353- Boss 14 K., 3353. Boss 10 K., 4353. Cyclone, . S353. 2 oz. Silver, 5354- 3 oz. Silver, 5355- 4 0Z-.S02. and 6 6353. Silveroid, .... 16 s. Htg., Elgin Bezel. 1356. 14 K. Gold, . . $56 00 per doz. 2356. Boss 14 K. 3356. Boss 10 K., 4356. Cyclone, . 5356. Silver, . . 6356. Silveroid, Above prices are doubled* The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies KEYSTOWE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. BOWS. 18 s. Round Bow. 1200 14 K. Gold S64. S200. tJoss 14 K.., .... 36 3200. Boss 10 K., ... 10 4200. Cyclone. ..... 6. 18 s. and 2 oz. Silver, 6 S20I. 3 oz. Silver 6 5202. 4 oz. Silver, .... 8 ■5201. 5 oz. and 6 oz. Silver, 9 6200 18 s. Silveroid, ... i. 6201. 30Z. K W., Silveroid, i 6202. 3 oz. S. W., Silveroid, i. 6203. 4 oz. S. W., Silveroid, i. 16 s. Round Bo 1204. 14 K. Gold, I54.C 2204. Boss 14 K., , 34 c 3204. Boss 10 K., . S.c 4204. Cyclone, . . 5 < 5204. Silver, ... 5-t 6204. Silveroid, . . i.c 5 per doz. 12 3. Round Boa 1205. 14 K. Gold, S44.0C 2205. Boss 14 K., . 300c 3205. Boss 10 K,, . 7.00 4205. Cyclone, . .' 4.0c 5205. Silver, ... 4 oc 6205. Silveroid, . , i.oc 6 s. Round Bovi 1206. 14 K. Gold, $28.o< 2206 Boss 14 K., . 16 o 3206 Boss ID K., . 6.0 4206. Cyclone^ . . 3.0 5206 Silver, ... 2-5 6206. Silveroid, , , J.o 18 s. Non-puU-out Bow 1208- 14 K.. Gold $660 3208. Boss 14 K.,, . . . . 32 18. Boss ID K.. 42K., 2129. 3129. 4129. Cyclone, 5129. Silver 5130. Filled, for Silver, . . 6129. Silveroid, 6130. Glided, for Silveroid, 16 s Antique, Wai., Pend. Set Crown Top, No. 36. 1131. 14 K. Gold, . . . . Sii 00 per doz. 12 s. Round, Pend. Set Crown Top, N0.31. 1136. 14 K.. Gold Jio.oo per doz. s. Small Antique, Wal., Pend. Crown Top, No. 30. 14 K. Gold, .... $11 00 pt 12 s. Round, Pend. Set Crown Top, No. 6, for non-pull-out bow. 2135. Boss 14 K., g6. 00 per doz. 3r35. Boss 10 K., 5.50 " " 4135. Cyclone 4-50 " " 5135. Silver 3.00 " " 5136. Filled, for Silver, . . 4.50 " ** i6s. Antique, Wal., Pend. Set Crow No. 26. 2133. Boss 14 K., $7 00 p 3133. Boss 10 K., 6.00 ' 4133. Cyclone s.oo ' 5133. Silver, 3.50 ' 5134. Filled, for Silver, . 5.00 • 6133, Silveroid,. .... 2.00 ■ 6134. Gilded, for Silveroid, 2.00 ' 12 s. Round, Pend. Set Crown Top, No. 5. 2137. Boss 14 K J6 00 per doz. 3137. Boss 10 K.., . . . , 5,50 " " 4137. Cyclone, 4.50 " " 5137- Silver 3.00 " " 5138. Filled, for Silver, . . 4.50 '■ " 6137. Silveroid 2 00 " " 6138. Gilded, for Silveroid, 2.00 " . " Round, Pend Set Crov r. Boss 14 K., ■n Top, No, 3. ?5 50 per doz. Filled, forSilv 6142. Gilded, for Silveroid, 3'43. 4145. 5145. i Antique, Pend. Set Crown Top, small hole. No. 20. Boss 14 K gs.soperdo Boss 10 K 5.00 ■' " Cyclone 4.00 ■■ ■• Silver, 2.50 " " Filled, for Silver, . . 4.00 " " Silveroid, 2.00 " ' Gilded, for Silveroid, 2.00 " " s. Round, Pend. Set Crown Top, No. 2, for small pendant. Boss 14 K., S4.5operdoz. Boss 10 K., 4.00 ■' " Cyclone, 3.00 •■ " Silver 2.50 ■• " Filled, for Silver, . . 300 " " Silveroid 2.00 " ■• Gilded, lor Silveroid, 2.00" " 12 s. Antique, Pend. Set Crown Top, N0.21. 2139. Boss 14 K., £6.00 per doz, 3139. Boss 10 K., S.50 " " 4r39. Cyclone, 4.50 " " 5139- Silver, 3.00 " " 5140. Filled, for Silver, . . 4 50 " " 6139. Silveroid 2.00 " *' 6140. Gilded, for Silveroid, 2.00 •' " . Antique, Pend. Set Crown Top, No. 33. 12. 14 K. Gold, ^9.00 per doi. O s. Round, Pend. Set Crown Top, No. 34. 1146. 14 K. Gold, 38. 00 per do2. O s. Antique, Pend. Set Crown Top, large hole. No. 18. 2150 Boss 14 K., £4.50 per doz. 3150. Boss ID K., 4.00 " " 4150. Cyclone, 3.00 *' " 5150. Silver, 2.50 " " 5151. Filled, for Silver, . . 3,00 " " 6150. Silveroid , 2 00 " " 6151. Gilded, for Silveroid, 2 00 " " Above prices are doubled 6 s. Round, Pend. Set Cn 1140. 14 K. Gold, . . . . 1 Top, No. 32, $g 00 per doz, 6 s. Antique, Pend. Set Crown Top, large hole, No. 19. 2143. Boss 14 K., $5.50 per doz. 3143. Boss ID K.., 5 00 " " 4143. Cyclone, 4.00 '' ** 5143. Silver, 2.50 " " 5144. Filled, for Silver, . . 4 00 " " 6143. Silveroid, 2.00 '^ " 6144. Gilded, for Silveroid, 2.00 " " O s. Round, Pend Set Crown Top, arge pendant. No. i. .145. Boss 14 K. , S4-50 per do 3146. Boss 10 IC, 4 4146. Cyclone, 3 5146. Silver, 2 5147. Filled, for Silver, . . 3 6146. Silveroid 2 6147. Gilded, for Silveroid, 2 I Top, Boss 14 K, . Boss 10 K., , Cyclone, . . 5152. 5153. Gilded, for Silveroid, For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 567 KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. CROWNS AND STEMS. 3 s. K. W. Push Top. 14 K-, . . . . Sio.ooper dox. Sooo, 1 oz. and ^ __, , ^ 6000. Silveroid, 3 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for old style bow. 2003, Boss 14 K. $10.00 per doz. 3002. Boss 10 K.., 8.00 " " 4002, Cyclone, 6.00 " " 5002. Silver 4,50 *' " 5003. 2 oz. Silver, 4.50 " *' 5004. Filled, for Silver, 6.00 *< " 5005. Filled, " 2 oz. Silver, ... 6.00 " *' 6002. Silveroid 3.00 " " 600J. Gilded, for Silveroid, .... 3.00 " " 502 Key pipe, without crown top, i.oo " " 18 s. Round, Lever Set Cr for old style bow. 5006. 3 02. Silver, . . 5007. Filled, for 3 oz. Silver, . . 6006. 3 oz. Silveroid, 6007. Gilded, for 3 oz Silveroid, 506. Key pipe, without < th female stem. i8 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with male stem, for L. XIV. old style bow. aoi5. Boss 14 K,, gioooperdoj, 3015. Boss 10 K., 8.00 " " 4015. Cyclone, 6.00 " " 515. Stem, without crown top, i.oo '* " 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with male stem, for old style bow. 5022. 5 02. Silver, $5.00 per doi. 5023. Filled, for 5 oz. Silver, . 6.50 *' '* 522. Stem, without crown top, i.oo *' " 18 s. Round, Lever Set Ci for L. XIV. old 2003. Boss 14 K. 3003. Boss ID K,, 4003 Cyclone 503. Key pipe, without 18 s. Ik,9und, Lever Set Crown, with male stem, for old style bow. 1013. 14 K. Geld $14.00 per doz, 513. Stem, wiihout crown top, i.oo " ** 5018, 5019 Set Crown, with male stem, for old style bow. 3 oz. Silver, $4. 5° per doz. Filled, for 3 oz. Silver, , ' iS s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with male stem, for old style bow. 5024. 6 oz. Silver, $5.00 per doz. 5025. Filled, for 6 oz. Silver, , 6.50 " " 524. Stem, without crown top, i.oo '* " Above prices are donbled. K. W. Push Top. ., 5 oz. and 6 oz. Silvei; per doz. 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem^ for old style bow. 1001. 14 K. Gold, $14.00 per doz. 501. Key pipe, without crown top, 1.00 " '• 3014. 3014. 4014. 5014. 5015. 5016. 5017. Boss 14 K., $1' Boss 10 K., Cyclone, . . Silver, 4,; 2 oz. Silver, 4.' Filled, for Silver, ... Filled, " 2 oz. Silver, Silveroid, 3.< Gilded, for Silveroid, . . Stem, without crown top. 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with male stem, for old style bow. 5020. 4 oz. Silver, $5.00 per dot 5021. Filled, for 4 oz. Silver, . 6.50 " ** 6020. 4 oz. Silveroid 3.00 " ** 520. Stem, without crown top, i.oo " " 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, 1 for non-pull-out b 1025. 14 K. Gold, 525. Key pipe, without crown 1 668 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS SO PER CT. CROWNS AND STEMS. s8 s. Antique, Lever Set Crown, with female stem. 1037. 14, K. Gold, gi4.oo per doz. 537, Key pipe, without crown top, i.oo •' " 5044. 3 IXT, Silver, S4. 50 pe 5045. Fillea, for 3 oz. Silver, . . . 6.00 ■' 6044. 30Z. Silveroid, 3.00 " 6045. Gilded, for 3 oz. Silveroid, , . 3 00 " 544. Key pipe, without crown top, i.oo " ao48. 3048. 4048. 5048. 5049- 5050. 5051- 6048. 6049. 548. 18 s. Antique, Lever Set Ci with male stem. Boss 14 K., ^ic Boss 10 K., i Cyclone, 6 Silver, ....... Filled, for Silver," ' ] Filled, for 2 oz. Silver, Silv Gilded, for Silveroid, . Stem, without crown top, 16 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female for L. XIV. non-pull-out bow. 2065. Boss 14 K SB.oon 565. Key pipe, without crown top, i.oo • 18 s. Large Antique, Lever Set Crown, "vith female stem. ■ Silver $5.00 per doz. :d, for ^ 5046 5047. , .„. , „_. . 546. Key pipe, withoi s. Round, Lever Set C: i-puU 1063. 14 K. Gold 563. Key pipe, ' 16 s. Round Lever Set Crowi for L. XIV. non-pull 2068. Boss 14 K., . 568. Stem, without crown top, 18 s. Antique, Lever Set Cro' th female stem, . $4.50 per doz. 16 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for non-pull-out bow. 2064. Boss 14 K,, J8.00 per doz. 3064. Boss 10 K., 7.00 4064. Cyclone, 6.00 5064. Silver, 4.50 5065. Filled, for Silver 6.00 564. Key pipe, without crown top, j.oo 8 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem. 2073. Boss 14 K., J7.00 per doz. 573. Key pipe, without crown top, i.oo " *' 6s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for old style bow. 1074. 14 K. Gold gio.oo per doz, 574. Key pipe, without ciowii top, 1.00 " " [6 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for old style bow. 2075. Boss 14 K., S6.ooperdo5 3075. Boss 10 K., 5 50 " " 4075. Cyclone, 5.00 " " 5075. Silver, 3 50 " " 5076. Filled, for Silver, 5 00 " " 6075. Silveroid, o 00 " <• 6076. Gilded, for Silveroid 3.00 " '■ 575. Key pipe, without crown top, 1.00 " " 6 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for L. XIV. old style bow. 2076. Boss 14 K., 56-00 per doz, 576. Key pipe, without crown top, 100 " " 6«. Round, Lever Set Crown, with ; for non-pull-out bow. X077. 14 K. Gold $1 577. Key pipe, withou crown lop, 6 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem for L. XIV. non-pull-out bow. 2079. Boss 14 K., J6.00 per uoz. 579. Key pipe, without crown top, i.oo " " Above prices are doubled 6 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for non-pull-out bow. 2078. Boss 14 K., 36.00 per doz. 3078. Boss 10 K,, 5.50 " " 4078. Cyclone, 5.00 " " 5078. Silver, 3.50 " " 5079. Filled, for Silver, 5.00 " 57S. Key pipe, without crown top, i.op " '* For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 569 KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. CROWNS AND STEMS. 2026. 5026. 502 7. 5028. 5029. 526. Round, Lever Set Cro' for non-pull-c Boss 14 K., .... Boss 10 K., .... Cyclone, , , with female stem, bow. ) per doi. . Silv Filled. forSilve Filled, *' 2 oz. Key pipe, withe . Round, Lever Set Crown, with male stem, for non-pull-out bow. 14 K. Gold, Si4 0opeidoz. Stem, without crown top, i.oo '* " 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with male stem, for non-pull-out bow. 3036. 3 oz. Silver, 24-5o per doz. 5037, Filled, for 3 02. Silver, . 6.00 " '' 536. Stem, without crown top, 1.00 " " 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for old style bow. 5008. 4 oz. Silver, ^5.00 per doz. 5009. Filled, for 4 oz. Silver, ... 6.50 " " 6008. 4 oz. Silveroid, 3.00 " " 508. Key pipe, without crown top, i 00 " " 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for old style bow. C012. 6 oz. Silver $5-°° per doz. 5013. Filled, for 6 oz. Silver, . . . 6.50 " ' 512. Key pipe, without crown top, i.oo " ' 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, v forL. XIV. non-pull-o 2027. Boss 14 K., 3027. Boss 10 K.., 4027. Cyclone, 527. Key pipe, without crown i th female stem. 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with male stem, for non-pull-out bow. 2032. Boss 14 K., ^lo.oo per doz. 3032. Boss lo K 8.00 " " 4032. Cyclone, 6.00 " *' 5032. Silver, 4.50 " ' '* 5033. 2 oz. Silver 4-50 " " 5034. Filled, for Silver, . . . 6.00 " " 5035. Filled, " 2 oz. Silver, 6.00 *' " 532. Stem, without crown top, 1.00 " ** 16 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem for old style bow. Z057. 14 K. Gold, Si2.ooperdo 557. Key pipe, without crown top, 1.00 " 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for old style bow. 5010. 5 oz. Silver, SS-oo per doz. 5011. Filled, for 5 oz. Silver, . 510 Key pipe, without crown 6.50 16 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with male for non-pull-out bow. 1066. 14 K. Gold gi2.oopc ^566. Stem, without crown top, i.oo '* x8 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem for non-pull-out bow. 5030. 3 oz, Silver 54.5operdo 5031. Filled, for 3 oz. Silver, . . . 6.00 " " 530. Key pipe, without 18 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with male stem, for L. XIV. non-pull-out bow. 3033. Boss 14 K gio.ooperdoa 3033. Boss 10 K., 8.00 " ** 4033. Cyclone, 6.00 " " S3J Stem, without crown top, i.oo " 16 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, w for old style bow. 0058. Boss 14 K., .... 3058. Boss 10 K., .... 4058. Cyclone, 5058. Silver, 5059. Filled, for Silver, . 6058. Silveroid, .... 6059. Gilded, for Silveroi 558. Key pipe, without th female stem,. 16 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with female stem, for L. XIV. old style bow. 2059. Boss 14 K., gS.oo per doz^ 559. Key pipe, without crown top, i.oo " " 16 s. Round, Lever Set Crown, with mz for non-pull-out bow. 2067. Boss 14 K., gS.oo 3067. Boss 10 K., 7 00 4067. Cyclone, 6.00 C067. Silver, 4-50 5068. Filled, for Silver, .... 6.00 567. Stem, without crown top, i.oo Above prices are doubled. 670 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. CROWNS AND STEMS. Antique, Lever Set Crown, ^°^^- i-'^f J^'l.''^''- 245° per do 5053 Filled, for 3 oz. Silver, 6 oo ■• " 552. Stem, wiihout crown top. i.oo " " 16 s. Round, l.ever Set Crown.with male i for old style bow. 1060. 14 K. Gold, $12.00 per wn top, 1.00 " 560. Stem, without 1 16 s. Antique, Lever Set Crown, with fe; 2070. Boss 14 K.., S8 e 3070. Bos.s 10 K., * ( 4070. Cyclone, . . '"'6c 5070. Silver .'.'.'.'.' 4 . 5071. Filled, for Silver, ■ 6 c 6070. Sily ..'■''■ Silveroid, . . vithout crown t Gilded, foi 570. Key pipe. 1 top. , Antique, Lever Set Crown, with female I. Boss 14 K S6.00 P' ■•Boss to K.; :%.5o. 1. Cyclone 5.00 ' 2! Filled,' for 'Si'lv'er '.'.'.' IS, < 1. Silveroid, . . o 00 " 2. Gilded, for Silveroid, . . '. ' |.oo " I. Key pipe, wiihout crown top, 1,00 " m 5054- 3 oz. Silver, S4.5operdoz. 5055. Killed, for 3 oz. Silver, . 6.00 " •• 6054. 3 oz. Silveroid, .'..,. 3.00 " .*' 6055. Gilded, for 3 oz, Silveroid, 3 00 " " 554- Stem, without crown top, i.oo " ** Antique, Lever Set Crown, with male stem boss 14 K., #8.ooperdo 5073. 6073. Filled, for Silver, ] e'c Silveroid, , . ' ' ^ ^ Gilded, for Silv Stem, without c 16 s. Antique, Lever Set Crown, with female stem 1069. i4K._Gold, .^ Ji2.ooperdoz. I top, I.oo " •< 569. Key pipe, without c 6 s. Antique, Lever Set Crown 1080. 14 K. Gold ^ sSq. Key pipe, without crown top^ ith female stem, per doz. . XIV. old style dthout crown top. ind. Lever Set Crown.with male stem, for old style bow. EARS. 18 s. Ear, for round bow. 1300 2300 3300 14 K. Gold, $6 Boss 14 K., . 2 Boss 10 K. 2 00 per do 50 " •• 50 " " 1307. 14 K. Gold Se.ooperdo 2307. Boss 14 K., 2.50 " ' 53°° 53°:. 53°2 iS s. and 2 oz. Silver, i 30Z and 4 oz. Silver, i 5 oz. and 6 oz. Silver, i ^ " " 43°7. Cyclone 2.00 " ' 5307. '8 s. and 2 oz. Silver, i.oo " ■ 5308, 3 oz. Silver i.oo " ' €300 Silveroid, 50 " " m m -. s. Ear, for round bow. 12 s. Ear, for non-pull-out bow. . 14 K. Gold, . ^5.50 per doz. 1304 3304. 14 K. Gold, . $s 50 per doz. Boss 14 K., . 2 00 " " 1310 3304 Boss 10 K 2 00 " " 4304 53°4 6304. Cyclone, . i 50 " " Silver, ... too ■■ ■• Silveroid, . . 50 " " 4310 531° Cyclone, . . 1.50 " " Silver, ... I.oo " " @ @ Os Ear, for non-pull-out bow. s. Ear, for round bow. 1312. 14 K. Gold, . $5.00 per doz. 1306 -.iji^. Boss 14 K., . I. so •■ ■' 2306 Boss 14 K., . i.m *' " 33'2. Boss 10 K.,. 1.50 ■• ■' 33°6 Boss 10 K..; , ,.50 •■ .. 4312. Cyclone, . . 1 00 " " 4306 Cyclone, . . i.oo " " SJ12. Silver, ... I.oo " <• 53°6. Silver, ... I.oo ■■ ■< 6306 Silveroid, . . .50 *' ■' 16 s. Ear, for non-pull I3°9. 14 K, Gold, 2309 Boss 14 K. 3309. Boss lo K., . 43°9- Cyclone, 53°9. Silver, . 16 s. Ear, for round bow. 1303. 14 K. Gold, . S6.00 per d. 2303. Boss 14 K, 3503. Boss 10 K, 4303. Cyclone, , 5303. Silver, . . 630J. Silveroid, 6 s. Ear, for I3°5. 14 K. Gold, 2305. Boss 14 K., 3305. Boss 10 K., 43°5. Cyclone, . 53°S. Silver, . . 6305. Silveroid. . und bow. $3.°° per doz Ear, for non -pull-out bow. 14 K. Gold, . $5.00 per doz. . 1.5° " " Boss 10 K.; . 1.50 " " Cyclone, . Silver, . . Above prices are doubled. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 671 KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. STEMS AND SLEEVES. PENDANT SET SLEEVES AND BARS NOW IN USE. The material on the following page is used in all Keystone cases made at the present time and is the standard for the future. Material designated "E" is for all pendant set cases in which the pendant setting device is inserted in tlie pendant. That marked "W" is for 16 size. Waltham cases. Opposite each cut the measurement in hundreths of inches is given. We give below a diagram of each kind. Measurements should be made between points marked "A— A" on diagrams. To match a broken part, first see, by comparison with the cuts of which kind it is (whether E or W) and then measure the length of stem between points marked "A A" ondiagiam of that kind below. The cut showing measurement obtained in this way, for case of size for which material is wanted will have the number that should be ordered: for instance, if a piece of material which it is desired to duplicate is of style "E" and measures 50 between points "A A" on diagram, order 1-55 "E" for 16 size. O E case; or 1-59 "E" for 12 or 6 size case. Diagram for measuring E material. Measure between points marked A A. .54 156 E 18 s. O. F., new style. Fend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold, Boss 14 K., Boss lO K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown lop No. 14. Complete, £3.00 per doz. sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 18 s. O. F., new style, Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Gold, Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cylone, Silver, Silveroid. Kits Crown Top No. 27, Gold. Fits Crown Top No. ir, Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Complete, $3 00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 158 E 18 s. 3 oz., 4 oz., 5 oz. and 6 oz., O. F., new style, Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 11, 3 oz. fits Crown Top No. 12, 4 oz., 5 oz. Complete $3 00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " ** 16 s. Htg. and O. F , Wal., Pend. Set 26 W . Htg. and O. F., Wal., Pend. Set Bar. Round Pendant. )ss 14 K.., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 25. Ji.oo per doz. 39W Htg and O. F., Wal., Pend. Set Bar, Small Antique Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 36. ^i.oo per doz. 42 W Hig. and O. F., Wal,, Pend. Set Bar, 12 s. Antique Pendant, Gold, Fits Crown Top No, 30. 3 per doz. 16 s. Htg, and O. F,, Wal , Pend, Sel Bar, Small Antique Pendant, Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 36. 154 E 16 s. Htg, and O, F,, Elg,, new style, Pend, Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique and Round Pendant. Gold, Boss 14 K,, Boss 10 K.,, Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 22, Antique, Bo-ss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 37, Round, Gold. Complete, S3°° P" <'°^- Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " Antique Pendant, Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No, 22, Complete, ?3 °o P" doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1,50 " " 162 E 16 s. Htg. and O. F., Elg., new style, Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique and Round Pendant. Gold, Fits Crown Top No, 28, Antique, " " '• No. 37, Round Complete, l3-°o P" ^°'- Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 16 s, Htg, and O, F., Wal., Pend. Set Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss :o K., Cyclone, vn lop No, 36, Above prices are doubled. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS SO PER CT. Material for Cases manufactured at the present time. See description on preceeding page. 160E 6 s., new style. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silvcroid. Fits Crown Top No. 3. :omplete $3.00 per doz, .lee\e or bar separately, 1.50 " " 164 E 2 s. Htg. and O. F., Pend. Set Slei and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclo silv , Silv i Crown Top No. 5. Complete, S3. 00 per do Sleeve or bar separately, i. 50 " '* 159 E 12 X 6 s. Htg. and O. F. , Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K.. Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silvcroid. Fits Crown Top No. 5. Complete, $3-°° Pf doz Sleeve or bar separately, 1.5° 165 E 12 s. Htg. and O F., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 29. Complete $3.00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 153 E „ >nd O. F., e and Bar. indant. ) K., Cyclone, . per dc 6 s., new style, Pend. Set Sle< and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K.., Boss 10 K , Cyclo Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 19. Complete ^3.00 pei Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " 152 E 12 s. Htg. and O. P., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant- Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 21. Complete, ^s.ooperdc Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " O s. new style, Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 35. O. F. and Sky.. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Fits Crown Top No. 18. Complete $3 00 per doz, Sleeve or bar separately, J. 50 " " 150 E. Os., new style, Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss JO K.., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 18. Complete $3 0° P" ^°^ Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " Diagram fo Diag Diagram for -measuring D material. Measure between points marked A A. . no long-er put into new cases, but is illustrated so that material in old i 1 points marked A A, DISCONTINUEli PENDANT SET SLEEVES AND BARS. The material on the following- pages : cases can be duplicated. There are three kinds (designated as B, C and D) and opposite each cut is g-iven its measurement in hundreths of inches. As they have to be measured diiferently we show a diagram of each kind. Measurement should be made between points marked "A A" on diagram. To match a broken part first see, by comparison with the cuts of which kind it is (whether B, C or D) and then' measure the length of stem on old piece between points marked "A A" on the diagram of that kind (.B, C or D) below. The cut showing- measurement obtained in this way for case of the size for which material is wanted will have the number that should be ordered. For instance, if a piece of material which it is desired to duplicate is of style "B" and measures 39 between points "A A" on diagram, order 14 B for 6 size case; or 36 B for size case. 6 B i8 s. O. F., old style. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar, Round Pendant Fits Crown -lop No. 4. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Silveroid. Complete $3.00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, i 50 '■ '• 81C ! s. O. F-, Pend Set Sleeve and B Round Pendant, non-pull-out bov Boss 14 K, Boss 10 K--, Cyclone Silv Fits Crown Top No. Complete, ^3.0 Sleeve or bar separately, 1.5 18 s- O. F- . Pend Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Boss t4 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Fits Crown Top No. 13. Complete S3-00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, I- 50 " " 82 C. . O- F.,oId style, Pend. Set its Crown Top No. 15. =, ^3,00 per doz; : bar separately, 1.50 " ** Above prices are doubled KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL. FOR DISCONTINUED CASES. 575 FOR DESCRIPTION SEE PRECEEDING PAGE. LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. % oz. O. F., old style, Pend. Set ' Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Fits Crown Top No. 4. Silver, Silveroid. Complete S3 °° ?=■■ doz. Sleeve or bar separately, i 50 " " 16 s. Htg. and O. F.. old model Elg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Large Antique Pendant, Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 38. Complete, $3 00 per doz yieeve or bar separately, 1.50 " '' 85 C 3 oz. O. F., Pend. Set Sleeve and Ba Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Silver. Fits Crown Top No. 13. Complete ^3,00 per do Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 72 c 16 s. Htg. and O. F., Elg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K,, Boss 10 K,, Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 23, Htg. " " No 24, O. K. Complete $300 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 85 D ! oz. O, F,, ^end. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Silver. Fits Crown Top No. 13. Complete, g3,ooperdoz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 *' " 16 s. Htg. and O. F , Elg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold, Boss 14 K.., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Used with Crown Top No. a8, Htg. or O. F., Gold. Used with Crown Top No. 23,.Htg., Boss 14 K.,, Boss 10 K.,, Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid, Used with Crown Top No, 24. O. F., Boss 14 K,, Boss 10 K,, Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid, Complete, J3.ooperdoz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1. 50 '* " 16 70 C Htg. and O. F., Elg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silv , Silv Fits Crown Top No, 23, Ht?. ■■ No, 24, O, F. Complete, S3. 00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 74 C 16 s. Htg. and O. F,, Elg,, Pend, Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Boss 14 K.., Boss 10 K, Cyclone, Silver, Fits Crown Top No, 10, Complete $3,00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 75C 16 s. Htg., Elg , Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Small Round Pendant, Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclo: Silv , Silv Crown Top No. 7. Complete, S3.00 per do Sleeve or bar separately, 1,50 " " 76 C 16 s. Htg, and O. F., Elg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Fits Crown Top No. 9, Htg. " No. 8, O. F. Complete $3,00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, r, 50 " " 76J4D 16 s. Htg. and O. F., Elg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Gold, Boss 14 K,, Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 37, Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 7, Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Complete S300 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " '* 7634 c 16 s. Htg. and O. F., Elg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Small Round Pendant. Boss 14 K.., Boss 10 K., Cyclone^ Silv , Silv Fits Crown Top No. 7. Complete, Ss-ooperdo bleeve or bar separately, i 5c " '* .53 77 C 16 s. Htg., Elg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Fits Crown Top No. 9. Complete, |3°o ?'' doz. Sleeve or bar separately, i.So " " 78 C 16 s Htg., Elg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Boss 14 K,,, Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Fits Crown Top No 9. Complete, Jsooperdoz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 79 C 16 5, Htg., Elg., Pend, Set Sleeve and Bar, Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Fits Crown Top No, 9, Complete, $3-°° P" doz. Sleevcor bar separately, 1.50 " " . 7954 c; 16 s. Htg., Elg , Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar, Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Fits Crown Top No. 9. Complete, $S°° P^r doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " ** 12x6 s. Hrg. and O. F.,Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 6, Complete S3 Sleeve or bar separately, 1 42 c 12 X 6 s. Htg. and O, F, , Pend, Set Sleeve and Bar, Round Pendant, Boss 14 K . Boss 10 K,, Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid, Fits Crown Top No. 6, per doz. Complete S3 00 per doz. Sle : bar separately 1.50 12x6 s. Htg. and O F., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant, non-pull-out bow. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Fits Crown Top No. 6. Complete ^3 00 per doz, Sleeveor bar separately, 1.50 ■■ " 43 C I2x6s, Htg, and O, F., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar, Round Pendant, Boss 14 K,, Boss 10 K,. Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid Fits Crown Top No, 6, Complete, $3,00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, :,50 " " The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. STEMS AND SLEEVES. For description, see preceedliig page. 44 C s. Htg. and O. F,, Fend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant, 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 6. Complete, Sleeve or bar separately 1.50 45 C 12 s. and 12 X 6 s. Htg. ond O. F., Fend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss T4 K., Boss 10 k , Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 21. Complete, 1^3 00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 '' " Htg. and O. F., and Bar. idant. Cyclone, 5 Crown Top No. t;,<=n'P'«'=. »3 t bleeve or bar separately, i.; ) per doz. Sleeve 47 C Htg. and O.F., Pend. Se Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold. "its Crown Top No. 29. Complete, $3.00 per doz. ^1 bar separarely, 1.50 ■' .31 60D 12. s. Htg. and O. F., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar: Round Pendant. Gold. 6 s Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve aad Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 3. Complete, S3 00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 63 C 12 s. and 12 X 6 s. Htg. and O. F., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 21. Complete, ^3.00 per do Sleeve or bar separately, 1,50 " " 63 D u s. and 12 x6 s. Htg. and O. F., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K.., Cyclone, Silv , Silv Fits Crown Top No. 21 Complete, $300 I Sleeve or bar'separately, 1.50 12 s. Htg. and O. F , Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold. Kits Crown Top No. 29. "Plele, i3.oo per dor. :ve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 14 B s. Htg., Fend. Set ; Round Per Boss 14 K., Boss 10 •its Crown Top No. 3 e $3"° : bar separately, i. 50 K, Cyclone, per doz 18 B 6 s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K.., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 3. Complete, ;J3.oo per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " *' 60 C 6 s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 3. Complete #3 00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.5a " " 66 C 6 s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 32. Complete, $3.00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " "J .34 61C 6 s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silv >id. Fits Crown lop No. 3. nplete, J3.00 per doz. :ve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 62 c s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve and : Round Pendant. Boss 14 K.., Boss 10 K., Cyclo Silver, Silveroid. Crown Top No. 3. Complete, J3 Sleeve or bar separately, 5° 62 D 6 s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silv , Silv I Top No. 3. Complete, $3.ooperdo Sleeve or bar separately, 1,50 " " 64 C 6 s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 33. Complete $3.00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " .25 64 D 6 s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 33. Complete Ss-oo per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 65 C f s. Htg., Pend. Set Sle< Antique Penda Boss 14 K., Boss Silv , Silv Cyclo wn Top No. 20. Complete, $3. 00 pe Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " 65 D 6 s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 20. Complete $3.00 per do: Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 •* ** Above prices are doubled. 67 c 6 s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 32. Complete, #3.00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 ** " For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. STEMS AND SLEEVES. For discontinued cases; for description see preceeding page. 6 s. Htg., Pend. Set Sleeve Round Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. Complete, S3.0 Sleeve or bar separately, 1.5 50 D O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclo Fii Silv , Silv Top No. I. $3.00 per do bar separately, 1.50 " " 69C 6 s. Htg , Pend Set Sleeve ant Round Pendant Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 32. Complete, S3, 00 pi Sleeve or bar separately, i 50 " 51 C O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone Silv , Silv Fits Crown Top No. «= »3.°< or bar separately, 1.51 36 B O 5. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. loss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. i. nplete, ?3.oo per do :ve or bar separately, 1.50 " " Cyclo O s. Pend. Set Slee Round Pend Boss 14 K., Boss 10 I Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. i Complete, .... $3.00 Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 SoC O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K,, Cyclone, Silv , Silv Fits Crown Top No. i. Complete J3.ooperdol, Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 52 C O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silv , Silv Top No I. , £3.00 per do bar separately, 1.50 *' " 52 D O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. I. Complete, ii°° per di Sleeve or bar separately, 1 50 " ' 53 C O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. i. Complete, S3- 00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 55 C O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss :o K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. i. Complete, »3.oo per d Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 '* ' 53 D O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K.., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. I. Complete $3.00 per d( Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 •' ' 54 C O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, S.lveroid, Fits Crown Top No. i. Complete, S3 0° P«'^ '^°^' Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 ** " 55^ C Os. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 34. Complete, S3.00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 55}^ D O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No. 34 Complete, .... S3. 00 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 56 C O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold. Fits Crown Top No, 35. Complete, S3. 00 per d Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " 565^ C O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold, Fits Crown Top No. 35. Complete. S3. 00 per di Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 '• ' 57 C O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold Fits Crown Top No, 35. Complete, S3.o° V^' doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " 58 C O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone Silv , Silv Fits Crown Top No, Complete S30 Sleeve or bar separately, 1,5 S8D O 5. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K,, Cyclone Silv , Silv 1 Top No. 17. Complete, S3. 00 per doz.. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " " 58^ D O s. O. F., Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Antique Pendant. Gold Fits Crown Top \o, 35, Complete, S300 per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 " '* 59 D O s. Pend. Set Sleeve and Bar. Round Pendant. Gold Fits Crown Top No, 34. Complete, S3,oo per doz. Sleeve or bar separately, 1,50 " " Above prices are doubled. 6 s. Htg., Pend, Set Sleevtand Bar. Round Pendanl. Boss 14 K., Boss JO K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. Fits Crown Top No. 3. Complete, S3o°P=''dox» Sleeve or bar separately, 1.50 •* " The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. CASE SLEEVES. 403 B 18 s. O. F., Pal. Bow Sleeve Series No. 2. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclo Silver. Ji.oo per doz. 403 C 18 s. O. F., Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. 3. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone $1.00 per doz. . O. F., Pat. Bow Sle< Series No. 1, Silver. $1.00 per doz. 16 s. Hlg., Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. i. Gold, Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cycloii:, Silver. gi.oo per doz. O. F., Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. i. 4 K., Boss 10 K , Cvclone Silver. 3i.oo per doz. 406 B . O. F., Pat. B. Sleeve, K.., Cyclone, 406 c .0. .4K F., Pat. Bow Series No. 3. . Boss 10 K.. Sleeve, Cyclone 407 6 s. Htg., Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. i. Gold, Boss 14 K., Bo.ss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Ji.ooper doz. L K., Boss 10 K., Cydone, 407 C s. Htg., Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. 3. ! 14 K., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver. Ji 00 per doz. Gold, Boss 14 K., Boss : Cyclone, Silver, ^i.oo per doz. 409 O s. Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. 1. Gold, Boss 14 K., Boss 10 1 Cyclone, Silver. Si. 00 per doz. 409 B Os.,Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. 2. Boss 14 K. Boss 10 K., Cyclo Silver. Ji.oo per doz. 409 C O s. Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. 3. 1 14 K , Boss 10 K., Cyclo Silver, gi 00 per doz. 12 s. Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. 3, Boss 14 K., B( K., Cyclone, per doz. Penda nt Screws, for all grades. . 18 s i2e, 30 cts. per doz " 30 " " " 18 s. Htg , Pat. Bow Slee 14 K Gold, Boss 14 k.,Boss 1 Cyclone, Silver. Ji.oo per doz. i. Htg., Pat. BowSleev(i Series No. i. Silver, ^i.oo per doz. 18 s. O. F., Pat. Bow Sleeve, Series No. i. ■oss 14 K.., Boss 10 K., Cyclon CASE SPRINGS. Above prices are doubled. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. CASE SPRINGS. i8 s. Pat. Lock Spri i^ Boss 14 K.J Boss 10 k , Cyclone, Silver, SilVeroid ^2.50 per doz. i. Pat. Lift bpnr _ i 14 K., Boss 10 k , Cyclone, Silver, Silv< £2.50 per doz. s. Lift Spring Silver. J3.00 per doz. Above prices are doubled. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies KEYSTONE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL LIST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. CASE SPRINGS. Above prices are doubled. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 579 KEYSTOfiE WATCH-CASE MATERIAL L8ST PRICES. LESS 50 PER CT. CASE SPRIIMCS. i s Lift Spri new .^t, le boss 14 K.,, Boss ] 52.50 per do.". 6 s. Pat. Lock Spring. Boss 14 K., Boss 10 K. Cyclone, Silver, Silveroic $2.50 per doz. 6 s Pit Lift Spnne Boss 14 K 1 OSS 10 K Cyclone ^iihe- Sihcioi $z 50 per doz . Pat, Lock Spring. Boss 14 K , Boss 10 K , Cyclone, Silver S2 50 pel doz O s. Lock Spring, new style. Bossi4K.,BossioK., Cyclone, Silver, ^2. 50 per doz. Spring to hold Movement Ring, in 18 s. Screw B and B Boss 14 K.., Boss 10 K., Cyclone, Silver, Silveroid. S2.50 per doz. Above prices are doubled. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies WATCH CASE MATERIAL. MUHR & BRO. CROWN CASE. 15 yrs 10 yrs. B yrt, IVade Marks used on Ladd Cases. lUHR & BRO. CASE MATERIAL. Lever Set Crowns and Stems. Pendant Set Crowns. ROY WATCH CASE CO. Pendant Set Crowns. Lever Set Crowns and Stems. 16s. 40c. 4oc. WADSWORTH LEVER SET, 18s. 16s. 6s. Os. Stems aud Sleeves complete, all sizes, per dozen, 83.00. CROWNS. WADSWORTH WATCH CASE CO j8 Size. tS Size. No. 146. No. 147. 16 Size. 6 Size. o Size. Box Joint. Regular. j^-q j^s. No. i49- No. 150. Complete, each, 65c. 6.5c. 6.5e. 55e. 50c. Lift or Lock Spri Crowns on]y" 45c. 4oc. 45c. 35e. 30c. Per dozen s, 18, 16, 6, size. 16s, 6s. Os. I Stems and Sleeves complete, I all sizes, per doz LTsed on W.idsworth Cases For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 581 mSSCELLAi^lEOUS WATCH CASE MATERIAL CROWNS. Crowns for all American Cold, Filled, Rolled Plate tend Silver Cases. Each JOc 30o '• lOe Gold Crowus, sizes 1 to 5, per doz S " '• " 6 to 8, " 6 zo Silver " " lto8, '• 100 Niokle ■' " ItoS, " 75 Observe that screw holes in above Crowns are unilorm and fit any respective size of A: Dueber. With the above Crowns, an assortment of Pendant Set Stems and the l\ . S. interchangeable Lever Set Stems [t will be seen that only a small stock need be carried to fit any case. CROWNS AND PSPES (Silver). an Pendant Pettmir Stems, evcepting iLfi 18s, Silver Pendant Set. 6, 16, 18s, Silver Lever Set. , K. W. Silver Pendant Set, 2, 3, 4 and 5 oz each 20c Nos 2, 3, 4, 6and 16sizes, Lever Set, 1st Qualicy 10c " 4, 5, 6 and 18 sizes, 2, 3, 4 and 5 oz , 1st Quality ... " '"" " 7and 18Bizes,K. W., 2, 3,4and DOZ., 1st Quality. " " 8 size. Duplex Square. " " 9 size, Brass Colla Silver, per doz. . Rolled Plate, pe Gold, eacb SWISS ANTIQUE COLD CROWNS. T8 12 to 16. Lignes. . .eachi«^ A 16tp22:.... 50 MISCELLANEOUS CASE MATERIAL. PENDANT BUSHINGS OR EARS. Silrev, per doz sOc 60e SOc Composition, per doz.3Si; S5c 3Sc Silver, per doz. Filled Gold, 8k. " ■' Hit. '■ Nickel " Lm or^iop^^n^" ^^^^ SPRINGS. VICTOR CASE SPRINGS. Lift o. r.ock. all s.zes, per doz ?0.r5 Lift or Lock, all s./cs, pc-r dnz. .. ii COMPOSITION CASE SPRINGS. BRASS LIP CASE SPRINGS, Lift or Lock, all sizes, per doz isi.o'o CLARK'S AMERICAN LIFT OR LOCK. AltflERICAN ^^Rh No.31 Inter 18, 16. STEMS, ETC., FOR AMERICA! 12 4aiB!k«.. nissLilt oi Ltd Spi___^ Lefc Hiud pel doz AND SWISS CASES. PUSH PINS. Swiss S. W. Stems. i to 22 line. Each, 10c; Doz.. SOc . reable N. s. Interchani „ Stems, Stems 6, Osize, doz., oOe. 25, 30. 18. size No. 3.5, Ladi ?eable ! dz. SOc. No. 25. DUPLEX STEM. ^^'■'1°^^° $0.15 Drilled, per doz ... Undrilled, per doz.. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 683 CLOCK MATERIAL. AMERICAN CLOCK MATERIAL.. Alarms each, $0 30 Bells, Wire per doz., 30 BushiDgs... - -. " 15 Clicks and Rivels " 15 Cord. 1 Day, Liaeu _ " 25 ■' 8 " " " 45 ■ 1 " Gut...... ---- " 2 00 •■ 8 " '• " 2 50 Pials, Time each, 20 •■ SpriDg..._ " 25 • Weight --- -- " 25 Lever, 4 inch " 20 '^ 6 " ■" 25 " 8 " " 80 " 10 " " 40 " 12 " '" 60 Hands, Hour and MiDUte, all lengths .per doz.,: 20 Hands, Second " 15 Hair Springs, 1 or 8 Day each, lOc, per doz |0 50 Keys, Brass, 1 and 8 Day, Thumb and Crank " Iron, 1 " 8 " Winding, for Nickel Clocks " Oil, Kelley's ._ " Nye's -- " Cuypers' " Pendulum Balls, 1 Day " " ■Bods, any length " Sash and Dials, 4 inch each, 6 Tablets, Spring. Weight " Verges per doz., Washers, Brass, Bound or Square Hole per grc, 30 80 1 75, 1 7ft 1,76, 35 50 ao 80 40 46 15 26 35 15 SITH THOMAS CLOCK CO/S MATERIAL. Alarm parts each, $0 35 Balls, 1 Day per doz., 60 " 8 •■. " 100 Bells, Wire. l " 60 " Ciip^ Nickeled, with Stands each, 17 " Stands, Common per doz., 1 00 " Cathedral, 3 inch _. each, 27 " 4 " . " 34 5 " _-... " 50 Bell Stands, Spiral, Patented " ,30 Straight, 5 inch ..._ " 30 Bob Screws and Nuts.,.' per doz., 17 Bushings (Dial or Movement) " 15 Clicks . " 10 Click Springs '-- " 10 Cord, 1 Day " 100 " 8 " " 1 50 ■' Gut, 1 Day " 3 00 •• 8 " . " 3 60 ■' Extra 8 Day ..-..:.. " ^-560 Dials, Time Piece each, 15 " Spring. __ __ '•,- 25 '■ Weight " 30 '■ 4 incti Lever, Matting --- 20 •■ ti " ■• " " 30 •• 8 " " " 40 " 10 " •• ' •' . ...: __ 50 " 12 " •■ ■• 60 tor No. 1 Office each, 60 " " Nos. 1 and 2 Regulator " 75 ■• No. 3 Regulator " 100 ■' Nos. 6and7, Office, Caleadar... " 67 Dials, for No. 1 Office, CfUendar each, $1 50, Hair Springs " 10 Hand Knobs for Nickel Clocks L.per doz., 20 Hands, Pairs '" 87, Keys, Brass " 50 " .. " Fine Mantel, Double End " 100 " for Nickel Clocks - " 80 Oil, Watch or Clock 1 per bottle, 20 Pins (hand) per gro., 13- Polish, Brother Jonathan per bottle, 80' Rivets, for Clicks - .per doz., So. Rods... " 80 Sash, with Glass, 4 inch... .each, 16 " " " 6 , " " 20 " " ".; 8 " , " 80 - '■■ " 10 «• " jto " " " 12 " " 60 Second Hands, for Levers per doz., 26j " " for Regulators .-- " . JOj Springs, Alarm . each, lO' 1 Day, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16 10c. ; per doz., 80- " 8 " 1-2 ..each, 85 ." 8 " 5-8, l']-16. 3-4 _...,-.- 30 8 " 7-8 and 1 inch -- *» 1 " Lever. '5-8;i..-. -each, 20 ■8 " " 5-8 and 7-8.... '■ 40 " 18 " Fine Mantel, 3-4 -. " 40 Tablets, Spring, Small. " J" " " Large " *x " Weight " |0 Verges per doz., Cfc Washora per grc, U «7irHand,for8.T.W.lnuSCl«l^. Perdoj.pair,37ct». N.-tW-HacdMorS T ■.' {ci^k^^ In ordering, state U lor 5 or 6 in. dlu. i c. uv , No. lOS-Handa lor 15 Day S. T. Marble ClooH. Per ioi. pair. 60 ot«. No. 104— Hands lor 16 Day S T. Marbla Clocks. Per doz. pair. 60 Cta. No. (OS-Hands lor S. T. Ktckel ClocK "Lodge." Per doz. pair, 37 otB. no. l05-Hand8lorS. T. Nickel Joker. Ctyatal, Mikado, Artirt, . The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies CLOCK MATERIAL. CLOCK SPRINGS. No. 40 ^u°^\'',?*-'^".^° ^^l-OCK SPRING 14 in.. 9-16 in sj ,„., H-IG in. and -V in Each. Idc ; Doz„ SI 50 is and 1 inch. Each I'.Oc; Doz., 82 25 No, 42. PARKER TIME SPRINGS. Each SO 10 Dozen 1 00 No. 43. PARKER ALARM SPRINGS. Each 10c. Dozen 7,5c New Haven 8-day Columbus Spring, Each, 20 cts Ansonia Watch, No. 204. No. 41. LEVER CLOCK SPRING. .- ' Day, A m., Each, 15c.: Doz., 81 25 ^s in.. Each, 15c.; Doz., 1 80 8 IJay. ys in., Each, .30c.; Doz., §3 50 Vs in.. Each. 30c.: Doz.. 3 50 Owing to the ever icreasmg variety of Springs on the market, in order- ing give exact width and style of outer end and men- tion if for one or PATTI CLOCK SPRINGS. lUt Dozen Pair, S3 .50. New Haven Watch, No. 202. Each, 10 cts. No. 48, TIME SPRING, Each. 15c.; Doz., 81 50. Nc, 49, ALARM SPRING. Each, 10c. ; Doz., 60c. No. 52. ALARM SPRING. H in., 3-16 in., '4: in., .5-16 in. and ^'^ in.. Each, 10c.;Doz., 60c. No. 53. I DAY CLOCK SPRING. ){ in., 5-16 in., ;4 in.,in<17-J0 in , Each, 10c. ; Doz., UOc. Por Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 585 CLOCK MATERIAL. No. 62. BALANCE. Each, 10c. D0Z..SI.OO No. 60. BELL. No. 61, MOTION WHEEL, ^fo.63. Balance.with Hair Spring. No. 64. BELL. Each, 15c. Doz., S1.60 Each, 10c. Doz., 40c. Each, 15c. Doz., $1.50 Each, 20c. Doz., S1.75' No. 66. BRASS KEY Doz., 40c. No. 70, LA SALLE ALARM BARREL. Each, 10c. Doz., 50c. No. 67. BRASS KEY. No. 72. DIAL WASHERS. .J No. 8f. TIME KEY. Doz., 40c. No. 71. LA SALLE TIME BARREL. Each, 15c. Doz., S1.50 No. 82. ALARM KEY. Doz. 25c. Doz., 40c. No. 68. BRASS KEY. ' Doz., 40c. Doz. Pair 15c. SETTING KNOBS. No. 75. No. 76. Doz., 15c. Doz., 15c. No. 73. No. 74. WASHER. WASHER. Gro., 15c. Gro., 15c. No. 77. No. 78. Doz., 20c. CLICKS AND RIVETS. Doz., 15c^ No. 83. BRASS KEY. Doz.. 25c. No. 84. BRASS THUMB KEY. 1 and 8 day. Doz. 30c No. 86. Brass Crank Key. Doz.,-30 No. 92. BRASS KEY. Doz. 75c. No. 89. IRON THUMB KEY. 1 and 8 day. Doz., 20c. No. 90. Iron Crank Key. Doz., 20c. I CROSS CLOCK PINS, ASSORTED. Per gross, 10c. .Each....5r ^~^ Dozen.. 40c DOUBLE END^ BRASS KEY. 588 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies CLOCK MATERIAL. No. lOO. ROMAN NUMERALS FOR CUCKOO CLOCKS. Per Set, 25c. No. f02. ALARM HAMMER. Each.. 10c. Doz..50c. No. (03. CLICK SPRING. Dozen 25c. No. 104. CLICK SPRING. Dozen 10c. No. 106. STEEL HANDS. Assorted Sizes. Dozen Pair '20c. (r4. 115. 116. SCREWS. Dozen 15c. Price Per Dozen. No. ro8. STEEL HANDS. Assorted Sizes. Doz. Pair 20c. No. I07. P @ 3 BONE HANDS. ' "7. 118. 119. Assorted Lengths. SCREWS. Each, 15c Pair, 20c. Doz.,$l 75 Dozen loc. Price per Dozen. 122. ALARM ARBORS. 123. .124. 125. CLOCK FEET. 15c. "^ 25c. 15c. ■ SETTING KNOBS. Price Per Dozen. 126. TIME ARBORS. III. WASHERS 25c. Dozen, 25c. Ko. 120. PARKER CLOCK HANDS. Assorted Patterns. Per Dozen '2-x-. 128. 129, J30. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137 20c. 20c. 20c. 50c. 25c. 25c. 50c. 25c. 15c. 15c. No. I40. CLICK SPRINGS. Each... 5c. Dozen... 15c. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148 149. WASHERS. ASSORTED. Per Dozen 5^- ■ Per Gross _ 15c No. 150. HAIR springs; '~ Each 10c.''" Dozen 60c. No. 141. TRIP SPRINGS. Each .5c. Dozen 20c. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. CLOCK iVIATERIAL. Prices of Paper Clock Dials WESTERN CLOCK COMPANIES IV1ATEI|IALS, FOR No. Each. Doz. 1. Alarm Arbors 5o. $0 25 2. " Barrels 5c. 25 3. " ..Hammers, i in 10c. 50 '' " , ," 5 in 15c. 1 50 5. " Indicators 5c. 20 « , Stts 5c. 15 i hd'ance berews , 5c 20 8 Wheels without Hair ■> r^^f'^-f, , lOo- 100 9 Bal-inceW heel", wittl Hair Spr'g 15c. 150 10 Pells .ii m Nickel, withstand and King . . . ^ 11 KellH>» in Nickel, withstand and Bing No- Each. Doz. Jj' V,^?e Screws 5o. $0 15 li. Uick Springs, Alarm and Time, 5c. 15 14. Dials, Paper, 4 in 5c. 25 li- '.'. ^■"■^^,'-^: ...lOc. 50 It) Finished 4 m lOc. 120 }'• _ ,^ , :' Sin 15c. 1 75 18. Feet for 4 in 5,; 20 10- „," " 5 in 5c. 20 20. (jlasses, 4 in 5c. 50 21. '* Sin lOc. 75 22. Hair Springs lOc. 60 Each. Doz. prs. 25 25 LA SALLE CLOCKS. ,^o. Each. Doz, 25. Handsets 5c. $0 15 2«. Keys, Time, Brass 5c. 40 27. ," Alarm. Brass 5c. 25 28. Motion Wheels lOc. 40 29. Pillar Screws 6c. lO SO. Saeh,withGrssandMa(t'g4in.20c.. 2 00 31. " 5 in. 25c. 2 75' 32. Springs, Alarm, Polished 10c. 60 S3. '• Time, " I5c. 1 50 34. Time Barrels lOc. 50 35. " Arbors 5c. 25 36. Trip Springs 5c. 20^ 37. Washers. gr. 15 No. 38. CATHEDRAL CONC. 25c. No. 39. CATHEDRAL CONC. 15c. No. 40. CATHEDRAL CONC. 25c. SETH THOMAS, 3 INCH 27c., 4 INCH 37c. 5 INCH 50c., 6 INCH 80.C. STANDS EXTRA, 30c. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies AMERICAN CLOCK MATERIAL. CLOCK HAIR SPRINGS. 10c Per dozen . . .50c Assorted Clock Heir Springs FOR BOTH LARGE AND SMALL LEVER MOVEMENTS. Each kind of springs in a separate envelope, and the make of clock for which they are in- tended specially designated. TO REPLEMSH STOCK, ORDER BY NUMBER. -> 100 <^ Assorted Clock Haii Springs FOR BOTH LARGE AND SMALL LEVER MOVEMENTS. Each kind of springs in a separate envelope, and the make of clock for which they are in- tended specially designated, TO REPLEMSH STOCK, ORDER BY NUMBER. No. i60. SET OF CLOCK HAIR SPRINGS. $1.50 No. 161. SET OF CLOCK HAIR SPRINGS. $2.50 LINEN CORD. No 162. 1-Day Clock Cord, linen per doz., 25c >'o.l63. '■ " . " " best " ^ 35c No 164. S-Day Clock Cord, linen per doz., 45c No. 1C5. best " 70c Per bunch No 1, Gauge i6, for i-day, 20 cts. " 2. " 15, " i-day, 20 " " -3. " '4, " 8-day, 25 " No. 4. Gauge 12, 8-day, medium, 30 cts. " 5, " II, 8-day, heavy, 35 " " 6, '.' 10, 8-day, ext. " 35 " No. 208. PENDULUM BALL One-day, each, loc; dozen, 35c. Eight " " loc; " 500. No. 209. PENDULUM BALL. One-day, each, . loc. " per doz., 50c. No. 210. PENDULUM BALL. Eight-day, each, . loc. " per doz., 60c. PENDULUM RODS. All lengths, per doz,, 20 cts. PENDULUM RODS, No. 2. Per doz., 3o -ts. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 589 CLOCK MATERIAL. AMERICAN. PARKER. ANSONIA. IN ORDERING CIVE NUMBER AND PAGE. ■ No 175. ALARMS, COMPLETE. Each 30c Per dozen $3 60 No. 176. WIRE BELLS. Eaoh 10c Per dozen. No. 180. Ingraham Verge. No. 302. Each, lo cts No. I8f. No. 182. No. t83. No. (84. ALARM AND SECOND HANDS. Per doz., 15c WELCH VERGE, No. 300. Each. lo cts. SETH THOMAS VERGE. No. 301. Each, lo cts. No. 187. CLOCK VERGES, assorted P^"" '^°^-' 35c MATERIAL KOR PARKER AND WHIPPLE NICKEL CLOCKS. No 8-^ Main Spring Each. 10 cts. Dozen, $1.00. No.WKey Per doz . 2f>cU. No Stl Key. Per doz.. 45 cts. No. 83 Key. Per doz , 25 CU. MATERIAL KOR ANSONIA CLOCKS. Q M 'S ^9? 1 i 1 u 1 1 Hoi Pe rand doze No. 42. MlDUteHandff n pairs, 2.^ cl9. No. 9S Key. Per dor. , 26 cL.- u No. 48 Wintl Key for Peep o'Day aod Carriage Per doz., 40 cts. No 49 Wind Res' for Climaj:. Per doz., 40 cts No. 50 Wind Key for Dandy Per doz , 40 eta. No. 51 fllarmKeyfor Dandy. .Per doz., 40c No i2 Alarm Wind Key for Prlorem No S.J Hand Set (or Mo. 54 Hand Set (or No. 55 Hand Set for Peep o'Day, Pod, No 5« Hind 8el (or No 57 Hand Set for and Pirate Per dd! , ^-) cm Bee and Bee Noveltier Climax Per doz, 2Clc. Pirate, Princess, Carriage. Dandy. Per doz, 20 ots. Dandy. Per doz . 20 clj. Per doz . 20 cts. Pet doz., 20 cli. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ANSONIA CLOCK MATERIAL. Miin Spring for Poop o'Ooy SIrlh;, Bach,l6c. PerDo2.,?^l60. Main Spring for Poop o'Day, Clim», Carriogo Alarm, Potf, Eacb, ISc. Per Dot.. «1.60, Spring for "8so" and "Bee' Noveltiot. Each. 150. Per Dozl, $1.50, Main Spring for Piratt and Princeta. Each, 10c. Per Doi.. $1.00. >. 2t— Eand< for i'A Inch Dial. Marble and Onyx Clocks. Per Dozen Pair, jj jq Noa. 22 «nd 23— Bands (or Climax. No. E3, Alarm Hand. No. 24- Hands for Walnut and Wood Clock!. Per Dozoc pair, 25c. Mo. 25-'Handa (or i% Inch DlaL ■ Marble and Onyx Clocks,. Ter Dozen pair, ?1.40. Noa. 26 and 33— Hands (or Pod, Pirate, Princess, Carriage. No. 33, Second Hands, per doz., 25o. Ho. 26, H. and M. '• " " pair, 25c. No. 27— Hands for Iron Clocks and small Cabinets. Per Dozen pair, . . 25c. ♦lo. 28— Hand! (or all 1 Day Bee Hoveltles. Per dos pair, . 25c. No. 20 -Hands for 8 Day Bee and all 8 Day Bee Koyeltlea. Doz. pr. 25c. No. 30—1 Day Btf Bands. Per doz, pair, 2.5c. Wo, 31— Hands loi Dandy. Per doz. pair, 25c. ORDER BY NUIMBEB AND PACE. No. 32— Hands (or Fetllcana MldgnC. Doz. pair, 260, /■ For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. FRENCH CLOCK MATERIAL. No. 205. Spado Hands. ...Steel, 15 No. 206. Moon ■■ .... " 15 No. 207. Fancy " .... " 25 Doz. U 00 100 175 PENDULUM SUSPENSION SPRiNCS. Each lOc Dozen 75o FRENCH CLOCK3PRINC Each __JOc to40c MAIN SPRINCS FOR FRENCH CLOCKS. Main Springs, alarm, 6 fo 10mm '' Frencli clock, 12 to ISmm lflto24mm " " " 2i to 27mm-. In calling: for Springs give width ot spr Hand Washers, silt steel .g and inside diameter of bar " 40c el, by the gauge below. per doz., 15c il^iiiHnillifninHiIsonmiliiiiiiBiiiHHHmfiiiiniiiiiiBniS ^EiamfelgJiliEBMBBBBgagEBaflMBaiaaip^KaMa MILLIMETER GAUGE. iiiM!™iHiiiiw wy ™ i i i g8 i wjji. ii m i LMii^ No. 216. FRENCH CLOCK PENDULUMS. 25c No. 217. Without center screw 25c FRENCH CLOCK KEY. Each. Doz. Nos, 1 to 12 lOo $0 75 Xos. 13 to le; 150 1 25 103. PINION WIRE. Per stick 20c Per dozen $1 75 nEiaQQailEIIIQ SIZES OF FRENCH CLOCK KEYS. No. 210. French Clock Pallet Stones. Each $0 15 Dozen 1 50 Sizes _ by rStuba wire gauge. r^o. 218. PENDULUM HOOK. Each. 10c No. 219. CLICK. Each, lOo Dozen. $100 No. 220. CLICK SPRING. Each, 15o Dozen, $1 25 No. 221. CLICK SPRING. Each, 15c Dozen, M 25 FRENCH CLOCK PINIONS. 6 to 12 Leaves. No. 222. Each 25c No. 224. Each No,223. " 25c No. 225. " FRENCH CLOCK SCREWS. Per dozen $0 2i> " gross." 2 00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies FRENCH CLOCK MATERIAL. No. 242. STEEL PALLETS. Each 35c Per dozen $3 00 No. 243. PALLET ARBORS. Each 20c Per dozen $1 75 =e® No. 244. HAMMER SPRING. ^o.235. lg4h,^c°^N"o^m U^inch.lSo Each":."".. "noTTerd^zra"*'"^; 00 ^ o,- , CONC BELLS. SsJt U " i^ ^o.^ f :: fol ^o.l%: ill";?'' ^-h,so4o No.241. 3Uinch,35e No. 247. 5' " .'.'.'.'.:'.:':'.'.'.'.:.[:[[ " 100 No. 248. HAMMERS FOR. CUP BELLS. No. 249. HAMMERS FOR CONCS. Each 25c Per dozen $2 50 Each ■ 35c Per dozen.. No. 250. STANDS FOR CUP BELLS. ^ach 25c Per dozen No. 251. STANDS FOR CONG BELLS. '=" ^^"^ 50c Perdozen.. No. 252. CILT NUMERALS. Each 20c. Perset, $175 WHITE ENAMELED DIALS FOR FRENCH CLOCKS. Soil- !|,'';r''---1?^ ^"-S?!- f inch.. ..50c Jio. .54. 3., ...Uc No.2Db. 4U " ....550 OPEN CENTER, ENAMELED DIALS. A'o. 257. 4 inch....C5c No. 2.59. 5 inch 75',- N0.20S. vi " ....bdc no.260. 5!4 '• ;;:;75c No, 266. FRENCH CLOCK HANDS, Gilt. Per pair ; 40 No. 261. BEVEL EDGE CLASSES FOR FRENCH CLOCKS. ^^"'"iffiVV^HT ^^"1 ^"^ '^°^-' notfitted,$l 75 " ntted to order each, 60c No. 262. SEAMLESS BUSHING WIRE, ASSORTED SIZES. Per bunch No. 263, No. 264. DIAL BUSHINGS. No. 265. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 598 CUCKOO CLOCK MATERIAL. {Tlhislrations Reduced. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies CUCKOO CLOCK MATERIAL. Number of Illustralion 71 73 52 and 53 50 and CI 64 and 50 G3-'e'7 ' 60 -62 DESCRIPTION OF PARTS. Main Wheel, large... •■ small... " Osize.. Center Wheel, small. O size Third Wheel, large. . ■■ small.. Escape Wheel, large. Dial Change (Minute) Wheel, large, _. small ;• ;■ " " Washers '* Springs, large., small. Hour Wheel, large . Main Wheel lor Striking Part, la Second Wheel, large. small O size Third Wheel, large... small.. Osize.. Fly Wheel, large small U i Detent (Click) '• Springs.. Pinion for Striking Part.. Katchet Wheel, large all. Osiz Wheel, large, for Striking Part.. small, for Striking Part, quail. ArhoT, large complete, large. Bird, quail. ckoo Bird Holder, three sizes Dealer for Striking Parts Hammer for Striking Parts two; Bone Washer, large " " small Screw Nuts, large Door for Cuckoo Clock .. Pendulum, fancy carved.. *• plain ■• 8-day Bellows, ^u!^i\'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.]]. [l['.[''.]]'.l. cuckoo, large small Hands, fancy hour and minute, minutes lU to 2U inches S'jtoSJi " Bone, p'ain Numerals. Bone, fancy, made in two different sizes plaiii, •■ •■ four " •■ . ' Celluloid Iron Weight, 2*2 lbs., copi-ier finished Price Each. j each, . I pair, . ( each, . For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. MUSIC BOX MATERIAL. No. 210. No. 211. No. 212. No. 213. No. 214. No. 215. No. 213. SCREWS. Screw to-fasten fly wheels to plates of key boxes each, lUc; per doz., SO 40 mainspring box to plate of key bos for stop works and clicks of lever boxes '. . .... " fly wheel cages of lever boxes to fasten mainspring bridge to plate of lever boxes. " ^. " — . combs to plates of lever boxes • 10c; 40 ' 10c; 40 ■ 10c; hO ' 10c; 7.5 ■ 1.5c; 1 00 No. 216. No. 217. No. 218. No. 219. No. 220. No. 221. No. 222. No. 223. No 224. No. 225. >.220. No. 218. No.2n. No. 218. * No. 219. No. 222. STOP WORKS TO PREVENT OVER-WINdTnC Stop Works, steel, for key boxes each, 10c •; , " " " " 10c " " brass and steel, for key boxes " 40c ' " " ", ", •■ 40c STOP SPRING AND STOP FINGERS OR LATCHES. Spring for fly wheels of key boxes V.\ .'. ^/. ... each, 10c Catch or Finger for stop works of key boxes . " 10c Trigg.er to^stop and start cylinders of lever boxes ................[..............[..... " ' 25c No. 223. No. 224. No. 225. SHIFTING LEVERS AND SHIFTING SPRINGS. Lever to cause changing of tuiles in key boxes each, 10c " ■-- « " " 2-air key boxes " 10c Spring to cause shifting of cylinders of key boxes " _ 10c No. 226. No. 227. No. 228. . No. 229. No. 230. WHEELS AND PINIONS. No. 226. First Wheel connecting with cylinder wheel of key boxes • ■ -each, 15c No. 227. Second " ■ " - " first " " " *..."" " 2,5c No. 228. Cog Wheel, brass, with steel cogs and pinions, connecting with worm of key boxes " 20c No. 229. •, " " " '" " " ' " .■■- " lever " " 40c No. 2.30. "^ " " " " ■' " cylinder wheel of lever boxes .. ". 30c MAIN SPRINGS MAIN SPRINGS. h to 10 millimeters wide, each, I 15c per doz., $1 25 18 millimeters wide each, , 35 20 - ■• " " , 40 22 •• " " 40 24 " "■ " 40 26 millimeters wide each, 80 50 28 " ■■ " 60 30 " ■■ " 75 32 ■' " " 75 34 " " " 1 00 " •■ 1 2.5 ''. ■ " 1 50 MILLIMETER GAUGE. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies MUSIGIBOX MATERIAL. No. 235. N'o.236. .No.237._. . No. 238. No. 239. ^ No. 240. CAP JEWELS, CLICKS AND' CLICK SPRINGS. No. 235. Cap Jewels ., - • ..^ ■ ----,. - .-, ., - , No. 236. Clicks, lor small boxes ^ ^^<^^- ®0 1" No. 237. " "large " '.'.'.'/.'.".'.'.'.'..'. ',] '^ No. 238. Click Springs, for small bo.xes " P No. 239. : ■■ ■• ;; 10 No.240. " ■ and Clicks, for small' boxes'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".".'.'.'!.'."'!.'.'.'!.'.'.'.'.'.'.';';' ' '" ", |q No. 241. No. 242. No. 243 No. 244. No. 245 No. 246. No. 247. No, 24S. No. 249. No.2il. No. 246. No. 242. No. 243. n~249 No. 244. RATCHET AND WHEEL, RATCHET WHEEL, AND STAR WilEELS. Ratchet and Wheel for springs of key boxes parh «n 91 " ^,'/u , r" , ""P''°^:ed springs of key boxes !!!!!!!!!"! .. ' * In ^^ Wheel for levers of lever boxes „ Si "_ to cause changing of tunes in lever boxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '!! « gg PINION WHEEL, COC WHEEL, AND CYLINDER WHEEL. Pinion Wheel, connecting with mainspring wheel of lever boxes each SO 50' Cog Wheel, steel, " " ratchet " "key " " ' lO Cylinder Wheel, for key boxes '. ! " 15 WORMS. Fly Wheel, with worm attached, for key boxes. T . Worm for fly wheel of lever boxes ' each, SO 15 " 30' No. 245. CYLINDER WHEELS. HiMH WH No. 200. Cylinder Wheels, (or large boxes... each, 82 00 I' No 20l' M^in Wh..:: f , p. , ,,, ^,, ,^°^'^^--edoutsothattLba:;eTmayiTsoM^^^^^^^ ^^<^'^' ^^ °° prices on Nos. 200 and 201 are for wheels not larger tha. the illustrations.': Where latg'e; ot.es are wanted an estimate will be given before filling the order. estimate -For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. B JEWELERS' FINDINGS. Gents' Lever Button Backs. Tip one way. Our Guaranteed rolled plate, per doz No. 1, $1.25 Good quality rolled plate, tinned back for soldering, per doi- . . . . Good quality rolled plate patch, per doz Second quality rolled plate patch, perdoz "24, .05 Sterling silver, per doz "30, 1.50 lOK gold, price per d\vt " 35i .80 Average weight in dwts. per doz. .. 14;i 31, 1.50 36, .80 12, 1.50 7, .80 -Tip one way. «55 -Tip both ways. g^''-^ Rolled plate,goodquality, perdoz No. 40, $1.00 No. 41, $1.00 No.43,$1.00 No.44:,$1.00 second " " " " 48, .80 " 49, .80 " 50, .80 " 51. .80 Sterling silver, per doz " 56, 1.50 " 67, 1.50 lOK gold, price per dwt " 63, .80 " G4, .80 Avei age weight in dwts. per doz \2% 131^ Ladies' Lever Button Backs. Tip one way. Q Good quality rolled plate, tinned back for soldering, per doz. . No. 71, $1.00 No. 72, $1.00 perdoz " 75, .85 " 76, .85 .., .... Second" " " " " " 81, .65 " 82, .65 " 83, .65 Sterling silver, perdoz " 86, 1.50 " 87, 1.50 " 83, 1.50 lOK gold, price per dwt " 01, .80 " 92, .80 " 93, .80 Average weight in dwts. per doz OJ-a 111 12^ Collar Button and Stud Backs. Stationary. Rolled plate, first quality, perdoz No. 95, $0.60 No. 96, $0.60 No. 97, $0.75 Sterling silver, per doz "100, 1.00 "101, 1.00 "102, 1.10 Dumb Bell and Duplex Backs and Connections. Rolled plate, perdoz... No.l04,$1.00 Roman finish, per doz. .. " 109, 1.00 Gilt," " Sterlingsilver, perdoz... No. 124, $1.50 No. 74, $1.00 " 78, 1.00 " 84, .85 No. 105, $1.00 " 110, 1.00 No. 106, $1.00 . " 111, 1.00 No. 119, $0.35 " 128, 1.25 No. 108, $1.00 " 114, 1.00 All articles to whicli " Our Guaranteed " is prefixed are first-class in all respects. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Link and Duplex Button Backs and Connections. f=^ No. 131.... $0.85 ■ 135.... 1.35 Ladies' 5liirt Waist Button Backs. (Small.) No. 132 Hard Solder Interchangeable Backs. (May be taken apart. ) Rolled Plate per doz No. 144 lOk Gold, each ■• i^b No. 148, Duplex Connections with Th?*ds. Ladies' Lever Button Backs (Tip Both Ways.) Plated Backs. (Cupped to Hold Nuggets Ore, Ktc. ) o o o t Quality L.F,,doz.. No. 138,85c No. 139,8uc No. 140, 85c Hard Solder Button Backs. Onr Uaaranteed R. P., per doz.. No. 151, $1.25 N R. P., " " 157. .85 " Sterl'gSil., doz Gold, 10k, dwt. 167, .85 No. IGO No. 161 65c per doz. 65c per doz Stationary Button Backs. R.P.,doz.,No.l54 Sliver " 10k Gold, each " 170 ;7...n.s5 No.l74,«,.85 No.l75,J0.85 No 176 *0 s, N. 177 *! », NTlTiV^O No ,7C |1 00 No 180 n 00 No. 18i:si.OO . Lapel Button Backs. No. 18;-) Doz. Gross 10c $i,oij Nos. 187-188 M„„ loq iQft ■ Doz. Gross n n »t Doz. Gross. -No 195 """■Z. K' ^ ■n-l|>,-SP>-ed,°6L^-1^°7ir-'^?-\^.?SeTT5c Ifs ^^''^d Plate, doz., Sl.OO ' -.-,J iju. iirass, 25c 2.25 " 193 R p " 194i Brass Doz. Gross. No. 196. Plated, $0.40 $4.25 " 197. R. P., .75 6.75 " 198. Silver, l.m 15.75 199. Brass, .35 3.00 Separable Stud Backs Doz. No. 201. Plated, 45c " 202. R. P., 70c ■ " 203. Brass, SOc '■ 204. 10k Gold, each, SOc No. 209 Rolled Plate, Doz. $1.00 Light, Flat Wire. Spiral Stud Backs. R. p., 1st Q., doz, 225, $0.90 226, $0.25 227 $0 90 ' 2d •' " 229, .60 230, .15 240, .50 Silver " 242, .75 243 7^ 10k Gold.... " 244, 6.50 245,' 7.75 Our Onaranteed 14k Rolled fia^tf'^'*^""^- P^^.d--151. 75C Silver " '^Q'"^'">- " ^l;3^c 10k Gold .•.•.■.■.•.■.•.•.•.•.•.■.•.■.per dwt., i^'.Mc I s t-A. r* -""- 'jv'iu per dwt. Light, Round Wire, Spiral Stud Backs. 252, 75c 2o3, SOc 275. 35c 280, 45c 292, SOc 253, 75c 264, SOc 270, 35c 281, 45c 293, SOc 254,75c 265, SOc 277, 35c 282, 45c 294, 80c 256, SOc 266, SOc 267, SOc 278, 85c 283, 50c 284, 40c 195, SOc 296, SOc New Style Stud Back. (Spring Slide.) Onr Guaranteed 14k Seamless Rolled Plate, doz., Silver " Gold per dwt. No. 249 Plated, Doz., 40c For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 599 JEWELERS' FINDINGS. Heavy, Round Wire Spiral Stud Backs. Rolled Plate Pin Backs. Onr Guaranteed 14k Seam- less Rolled Plate Rolled Plate, per doz Second Quality R. P., per doz. Silver, per doz lOK. Gold, per dwt Our Guaranteed 14 k Seam less Rolled Plate, pe doz No. 351, 75c Rolled Plate, per doz ■' 857,55c Second Quality R.P;,perdoz. " 363,45c Silver, per doz " 369,55c lOK. Gold, per dwt " 875,80c 321,65c No. 822, G5c No. 323, 65c No. 324, 65c No. 326, 60c 327. 50c " 328, 5(lc " 329, 50c " 3.30, 50c No. 331, 50c " 332, 40c 333, 4nc " 334, 40c " 335, 40c " 336, 40c " 337,40c No. 415 339, 60c " 340, 50c " 341,60c " 342, 50c " 343. 60c " 344, 45c R. P. Pin Back, each .$0.15 345, 80c " 346, 80c " 347. 80c " 348, 80c " 349, 80c " 350,80c " " per doz . 1.25 Heavy, Flat Wire Spiral Stud Backs. No. 352, 75c No. 353, 75c No. 354, 75c No. 356, 65c >W " 368, 55c " 359, 55c " 360,55c No. 361, 65c " 362, 50c ^*^ ■' 364,46c " 365, 45c " 366, 46c " 367. 55c " 368, 40c N " 370, 55c " 371, 5.5c " 372,6.5c " 373, 60c R P Pm Ba " 376,80c " 377, 80c " 378, 80c " 379, 80c " 380, 80c Extra Heavy, Flat Wire Spiral Stud Backs Oar Guaranteed 14k Seamless Rolled Plate, per doz No. 3S5, $1 Rolled Plate, per doz.... " 391, R.F. Second Quality, doz. " 397, Silver, per doz " 401, lOK. Gold, per dwt " 406, ,00 No. 386, $1.00 No. 387, $1.00 No. 388, $1.00 No. 390, 90c \ / .K5 " 392, .85 " 393, .85 " 394, .85 No . t9"), S5c " 396,35c \ jX .60 " 398, .60 " 399, .60 " 40U, .60 ^-^____ ^^^,^^ " 402, .75 " 403, .75 ■' 404, .75 405, 75c INO 417 .80 " 407, .80 " 408. .80 " 409, .80 410, 85c " 411, 80c R. P. 1 m Bac k,Lach..$0.20 doz... 1.76 Rolled Plate Pin Backs. No.419. Each... .10c. Per doz $1.00 No. 421. Each. ...15c. Perdoz.. ,..$1.23 No. 423. Each 20c. Per do Rolled Plate Charm Bales. No. 424. Plated Pin Backs, each $0.10 No. 425. R. P. Pin No. 426. R.P. PinBacks, Per doz 75 Backs, each, $0.10 each $0.15 Per doz l.OO Per doz.. .. 1.25 No. 427. First Quality, 1st Quality, each, $0.25 _ each 10c. Per doz 2.60 » JJ^ m Per doz. ..75c. No.429. 2d Quality, ,No.430. First Quality, each.. . .30.35 Ferdoz ..S3. 75 each, 20c.; doz.. 1.75 " 431. Second ' " 20 " 1.75 \W ' m \ No. 432. First Quality, each $0.35 Per doz 3.75 " 433. Second Qual- ity, each $0.20 Ferdoz 1.75 No. 434. First Quality, each $0.35 Per doz 3.75 " 435. Second Quality, each $0.20 Per doz 1.75 No. 436. First Quality, each $0.35 Per doz 3.75 " 437. Second Quality. each $0.20 Ferdoz 1.75 1. 438. First Quality, each $0.35 Per doz 3.75 439. Second Quality, each $0.20 Ferdoz 1.75 440. Japanned Fan Bales, per doz. . ..30c. 441. German Silver, Fan Bales, doz ....30c. 442. Nickel - plated Fan Bales, doz ....30c. BADGES, PliATES, ETC., SEE M, MEDALS. All articles to whicli " Our Guaranteed" Is prefixed are first-class in all respects. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS^ FINDINGS-BARS. All stock to which Our Quaranteed is prefixed can be relied upon as beinj FIRST CLASS IN ALL RESPECTS, Nn. 151. Our Cm; Gold Tip. Doz. $3.00 Rolled Plate, Gold Tip. Doz Rolled Plate. Doz Gold Plate (imitation Relied pia Solid Gold, 10k. Dwt Solid Gold, 14k. Divt No. IIW. Our Guaranteed Uk. Seamless Wire, Gold Tip. Doz. $; «7. Rolled Plate, Solid Gold Tip. Doz «i -,ii 4e.S. Rolled Plate. Doz , ,^ 46'.l. Gold Plated (imitation Rolled Piale) Doz"". p, A^n CM ri... ' "■' 1 90 470. Sil 471. Sdves Plated. Doz.."".! 472. Solid Gold, 10k.. Pwt. 80c; 14k No 470. Rolled Plate. Doz S2.«l Si), i -.oM Plat d (imitation Rolled Plate). Do/ ....S,I7.-, No, 4S2. Rolled Plate. Dnz. $1 is ranteed Seamless Wire, Solid Gold Tip. Doz. $2 65 ■»5,S. Rolled Plate, Solid Gold Tip. Doz «i on ^m. Rolled Plate. Doz '1 jo 4(50. Gold Plated (imitation Rolled Plate). Doz 75 161. Silver. Doz ^ -i 402. Silver Plated. Doz '« 46.x Fine White Metal. Doz S 464. Solid Gold, 10k. Dwt... m 465. Solid Gold, 14k. Dwt . 95 i No. 47:i. Our Guaranteed Uk, Seamless Wire, Solid Gold Tip. Do .$1 90 474. Rolled Plate, Solid Gold Tip. Doz 475 Rolled Plate Doz 476. Gold Plated (imitation Roiled piateY. ' ' Dm 477. Sliver. Doz 47s. Solid Gold, 10k, Dwt. 80c-' iiic '^ ^ ■1 65 4S4. Seamless, Rolled Plate, Solid Gold Tip. Doz |2 ( For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades, JEWELERS' FINDINGS. ■^^^i ^1^ Our Guaranteed 14k seamless, with 14k Tips, Soldered Link Toggles, pcrdoz No. 495, $2,25 R. F. Bars. Gold Tips, Soldered Tog- gles, per doz " 501, 1.00 Rolled Plate, " " 505, 1.50 Gold Plated, " " 509, .75 Silver " " " 513, .75 Bars, with Toggles. 514, Small Bars for Sleeve Buttons, Etc. (For Links see Classification B.) Rolled Plate, per do Sterling Silver " .No. .520, $0.75 No. 621 .. " 624, .76 " 6QB .75 No. 523, .$0.75 No. 628, $1.25 .75 " 627, .75 " 531, 1.36 Balls, Unfinished. R. P., doz. 534, 20c. 535, 20c 536, 20c Ster'g Silver" 646,25c Brass " 556, 10c. 557, 10c 5.68,10c Ger'n Silver " 568, 15c. 569, 16c 670, 16c ,537 20c 538, 20c 5,39 20r 540, 25c 541 95r 542, 35c 543 50c .547 25c 548, 35c 549 35r 550, 45c .561 .50n 5,52, 60c 553 V.bc 6,5!l lllc 560, 10c 501 IOC 662, 10c 563 Kir 564, 10c 666 Ibc 571 15c 572, 15c 573 15c 674, 15c 575 15c 676, 15c 577 20c 644, 75c 545, $1.50 654, $1.25 555, 2.25 666, 20c 567, 20c 678, 25c 579, 25c Rolled Plate, per doz ... . No. 581, 35c Silver, " .... " 590, 35c Gold, 10k, per dwt " 599,80c Av'ge w't, dwts.,perdoz. " 599, M Balls, with Rings. 682, 35c No 583, 35c No. 584, 36c No. 585, 35c No. 586, 40c No. 687. $0.45 No. 688, 60c No. 589, 75c 691,40c " 692, 40c " 593, 50c ■■ 594, 50c " 595, 60c " 696, 1.00 " 597, $1.25 " 598, $1.60 600, 80c '■ 601, 80c " 602,80c " 603,80c " 604, 80c " 605, .80 " 606, 80c " 607,8IJC 600, ;-3 601, l!s " 602, 1^ " 603, 2)4 " 604,2a " 605, 6,^1 " 606, S% " 607, \\% Friendship Bangle Rings. Rolled Plate, per doz No.6ll,$1.25 No.612,$1.25 No. 613, $1.25 No.614,$1.25 No.615,$1.25 Silver, " " 610, 1.25 " 617, 1.25 •' 618, 1.25 " 619, 1.25 " 620, 1.25 Gold, 10k, per dwt " 622, .95 " 023, .96 " 624, .95 " 626, .95 " 626, .95 All articles to which *'Our Gnaranteed " is prefixed are first-class in all respects. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' FINDINGS. BANQLES, BALLS, BEAN TRinHINQS AND BELT CONNECTIONS. Bracelet Ball?. Plain Bangles, flilled Edge, Satin or Bright Finish. Nos 631 Roll'd Plate per dozen $0.35 Nos Silver, per dozen. . . ( '- ^ / [ . J \, Roll'd Plate (',41 per dozen SI. 00 Gold Plated (Common) Silver, per dozen.. . . Gold, lOK. 655 per dozen 1.25 Bangles, Engraved. Gold, 10K, per doz Rolled Plate, " Silver, " No. 661, $2.50 No. 662, $6.25 .: " 668, 2.75 No. 663, $7.50 " 669, 3.00 ■• 674, 1.75 No. 664, $11.00 " 670, 3.75 " 675, 2.00 No 666, $3.50 •• 672, 2.75 " 676, 1.75 Bangles, Engraved, Fancy. Friendship Bangles. Silver, per doz No. 678, ,$2,50 Rolled Plate, per doz Gold, lOK. " ;■' No. 679, $2.25 " 681, 1.75 " 682, 11.00 No. 683. Rolled Plate, per do/ " 684. Gold. " " 685. Silver, Beads, Roman or Bright. No. 667, $11.00 '■ G73, 3.50 " 677, 2.00 Rolled Plate, per doz *' *' Seamless, per doz Silver, per doz Gold, 14K. per doz No. 721. Rolled Plate. Each, $0.10 Per doz., $0.85 No. 722. Rolled Plate. Each, $0.10 Per doz., $0.85 / -V ^^ d ^ s,„^_^ ^^te\ V J Belt Hooks, Eyes and Catches. No. 723. Rolled Plate. Each, $0.05 Per doz., $0.25 No. 724. Rolled Plate. Each, $0 05 Doz., $0.25 . 7L>-.. Sliver. 1 inch r 726. Silver Plated. 1 inch 727. Silver, Uiinch 728. Silver Plated, IH in. 729. Silver, m inch 730. Silver Plated, 1!^ in. 731. Silver, 2 inch 73,'. Silver Plated, 2 inch 733. Silver, 1 inch per doz, $1.75 734. Silver Plated, 1 inch " .35 735. Silver, IJi inch " 1.85 736. Silver Plated, l!i in. •' .35 737. Silver, l!4inch " 1.90 738. Silver Plated, lli in. " .35 Belt Slide. No. 739. Silver, 2 inch " 740. Silver Plated, 2 inch. . per doz , $2.25 Belt Buckles. No. 741. Silver, 2 inch .. " 742. Silver Plated, 2 per doz., $2.75 No. Per Doz. No, Per Doz w- l!'^'-'-- 2 inch. ...... .$3.25 746. Silver Plated, 1 in.. .$0.50 744. Silver Plated, 2 in. .50 747. Silver, l,'. inch 1.75 745. Silver, 1 inch 1.76 748. Silver Plated, ly', in. ,50 No. 749. Rolled Plate. .per doz., $0.75 B For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JEWELERS' FINDINGS. Rolled Plate Blanks. Rolled Plate Socket Blanks. 761 762 763 764 765 766 Nos. 761 to 766. Any style, per doz ' 10c Nos. 768 to 771. Any style, per doz. BOWS, PENDANTS. Antique Pendant Bows. and 1 Size. 6 Size 12 Size. 16 Size. lOur Guaranteed 14K. Filled, Seamless, per doz No. 772, $3.75 Grade 1,14K., Filled, per doz " 777, 2.25 Grade 2, 14K, Filled " 782, 1.50 Gold, lOK. per dwt " 787, .85 " 14K. " " 792, .95 Silver, per doz " 797, 1.50 Silverine " 802, .65 774. $5.00 No. 775, $5.50 No. 776, $6.60 779, 4.00 " 780, 4.00 " 781, 5.00 784, 2.75 " 785, 3.25 " 786, 3.75 789, .85 " 790, .85 " 791, .85 794, .95 " 795, .95 •' 796, .95 799, 2.25 " 800, 2.60 " 801, 3.00 " 806. .75 No. 807. 12K. Seamless Bows, assorted, as per card $1.75 No. 808. Antique Seamless Filled Bows, assorted, as per card. $1.75 Silver Bows with Guard. Chased Bows. Chatelaine Bows. 814 815 816 817 No. 809. 2oz. " 810. 3 " . " 811. 4 " . Rolled Plate, any size, per doz SO. 75 .$2.75 No.812. Rolled Plate, per Silver, any size. 25 .3.00 doz $2.00 SiWerme, any size, per doz -g . 4.00 14K. Filled, AU articles to which -Our Guaranteed" is prefixed are first-class in aU respects. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' FINDINGS. BOWS— Pendant. All Stock to which the Trade Mark "Our Guaranteed" is prefixed can be relied upon as being the best of its class. OUB GUARANTEED. 18 Size. Our Guaranteed 14K. Seamless Gold FiUed. ODK GUAKANTEEU. 16 Size. Our Guaranteed 14k. Seamless Gold rilled. No. 821. " 825. " 829. " 833. " 837. " 839. " 843. " 844. " 845. " 846. " 847. 851. 853. 854. 855 Our Guaranteed 1st quality, 14k., filled seamless Grade 1 , 14k. filled, seamless " 2,14k. " Rolled Plate, 1st quality " common Silver, full size wire, 800 fine, 2 oz " 800 " 3oz " 800 " 4oz., " 800 " 5oz " 600 fine, 2 oz ". " " 3 oz " " 4 oz " " 5 oz Nickel Silver, extra stiff milled, 3 or 4 oz. . . Silverine or German Silver Gold, 10k., per dwt 14k., per dwt Dozen. '|6.50 5.00 3.75 2.00 1.25 2.00 2.50 2.75 3.00 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 0.50 0.25 0.80 0.95 No. 822. Our Guaranteed 1st quality, 14k., filled, seamless $5 . 5i " 826. Grade 1, 14k., filled seamless 4.5( " 880. " 2,14k., " " 3,g; " 834. Rolled Plate 1,7,= 838. common 1 QC " 840. Silver, full size wire, 800 fine 2.0( " 850. " eOOfine 1,5c " 852. Silverine q 25 " 856. Gold, lOk., per dwt ^ 0.8O' " 857. ■■ 14k., " 0.95 OUR GUARANTEED. 6 Size. Our Guaranteed 14K. Seamless Gold Filled. OUR GUARANTEED. O and 1 Size. Our Guaranteed 14K. Seamless Gold FiUed. Dozen. No. 823. Our Guaranteed 1st quality, 14k. filled seamless |4 25 827. Grade 1, 14k., filled, seamless 3 00 831- " 3,14k., '• " 2;oo 835. Rolled Plate, first quality 125 841. Silver. Gold, 10k., per dwt 80 14k., per dwt 95 No. 824. Our Guaranteed 1st quality, 14k., filled seamless 1375 838. Grade 1, 14k., filled, seamless 2.25 832. " 2,14k., " '■ 150 836. Rolled Plate, 1st quality i.oo 842. Silver o^75 862. Gold, 10k., per dwt 8 . 14k., per dwt. For Bows of the respective Case Manufacturers, see Case Materials. All articles to which "Oar Guaranteed" is prefixed are first-class i ia all respects. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 3 JEWELERS' FINDINGS. (FOR AMERICAN BOWS SEE PRECEDING PACE.) Swiss Bows. No8. 876 to 879 and Nos. 885 to 89a may be had Drilled or UudriUed. ilver doz. No. S71, $0.75 No. 872, $0.75 No.873,$0.75 No. 874, $0.75 No. 875, $0.75 No. 870, $1.00 No. 877, $1 ,25 No. 87.8, $1 ..50 ier. silver. '■ " 880, .20 " 881, .20 " 882, .20 " 883, .20 " 884, .20 " ,SS5, .25 " 880, .25 " 887, .25 Drilled or undnlled. ilvef doz. No. 879, $1. Bracelet Ends. No. 891, $0.25 No. 892, $0.; Buckle Points. ^ No. 891 No. 895 No. 896 No. 897 No. 898 Brass Bracelet ends, Nos. 893 to 899, per doz., I5c No. 900 No. 901 Rolled Plate, Nos. !IOO and 901. per doz., 25c Bangle Bracelets. No. 902. Rolled Plate, 1st quality, $1.75 per doz. " 904. Silver, $2.35 per doz. Pendant Bushings. 910 911 912 Q @ li 913 914 915 old Filled, per doz No. 903. R.P..lstQ., $2.00 per doz. " 905, Silver, 3.00 " " Bracelet Knobs. No. 906 No. 907 Per doz., 25c Old Style Pendant Bushings. 916 917 Plated, per doz No. 916, $0.40 No. 917,$ Coin Silver, per doz .50c Sitverine. " Z Gold,10-K., " , •°""= Gold,14-K.. .25c Composition, '" 916, .50 ■' 917, • 916, .25 " 917, ■' 916, 1.75 " 917, 2 '■ 916, 2.00 " 917, 2 " 916, .25 " 917, 40 No. 918, $0.40 ^o. 919, Diameter, % inch, per do: " 920, " H " •' 921, '■ H " '■■ 922, IK " (not illustrated), per d " 923, '■ VA '■ '■ No. 921 Gold, 10-K. $3 75 9.00 12.50 606 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' FINDINGS. Catches, Clipped. Oar Guaranteed ^^^ ^^-^^ first quality rolled No. Doz. Gr. No. Doz. Gr. plate 951 30c 952 80c Rolled plate 957 25c $2.50 968 25c $2.60 Elect. o-phUcd 903 lUc .85 964 10c .85 Gilt 9«9 10c .45 970 10c .45 Silver 075 40c 976 40c Gold 9S0 per dwt. ,80c 981 per dwt., 80c Rolled Plate and Plated Catches. Assorted 1 Gross in box. Sizes as per Illustration. 25c $■: .50 961 25c $2.50 962 40c $4 00 lOc .85 967 10c .85 968 25c 2 5C 10c .45 973 10c .45 974 20c 2.00 40c 979 40c per dwt. 8Dc 984 per dwt., SOc 982 per dwt., SOc Rolled Plate Catches with Round Patches. No. ass. Rolled Plate per gross, $2.50 No. 989. Plated " 85 No. 990. Gilt " .45 Rolled Plate P'^'' "i°^- S°-3 ^S'?^ i5°- ■■ per gross, No. 985, 2.50 No. Safety Catches. No. Doz. Gr. RolledPlate 991 35c $4.00 GoldPlate 999 15c 1.35 No. Doz. Gr. RolledPlate 995 35c $4.00 GoldPlate 10U3 10c .40 Hard Solder Catches. No. Doz. Gr. No. Doz. Gr. No. Doz. Gr. 992 35c $4.00 993 20c $2.25 994 20c $2.25 1000 15c 1,35 1001 10c .40 1002 10c .40 No. Doz. Gr. 996 3.5c $1.00 1004 10c .40 No. Doz. Gr. No. Doz. Gr. 997 S.'ic $4 GO 998 35c $4.00 1005 10c .4) 1006 lOc .40 Segment Catches. No. Doz. Gr. Rolled Plate 1009 20c German Silver 1011 10c 30c 1013 10c 35c No. Doz. Gr. No. Doz. R. P 1015,25c 1014 10c 35c No.- Doz. lOle, 25c Catches, with Screws. Ear Wire Catches No. 1018 No. 1019 No. 1020 No. 1021 R. P.. No. 1022 No. 1023 No. 1024 No. 1025 No. 1026 R. P., doz. No. 1027 25c l.jc 30c 25c 40c 35c 40c Gold, dwt. No. 1028 SOc Catches, j Dozen on Strip. No. 1029. RolledPlate 25c No. 1030. Plated 10c No. 1031. Silver SOc No. 1038. Rolled Plat No. 1039. Plated . . . No. 1040. S:lver No. 1041. No. 1042. No. 1043. All articles to which "Our Guaranteed" is prefixed arc flrst-class in aU respects. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JEWELERS' FINDINGS. CATCHES. Catches on Strip. lOULUtJUOOlJiUOO laio 13:01 Ci ["RQii % . %-\ ^ 048. Rolkrl Plate per doz., 35c , No. lOBO. Rolled Plate per doz.. 35c 049. Plated " 15c " 1051. Plated I JH lj-wi..y U iy §j gl:J Safety Catches, Hard Solder. Clasp Catches, i Dozen Assorted on Card. Gilt per doz., No. 1057, 10c No. 1058, luc No lO.ifl, 10c No. 1060 10c No. 1054. Plated per doz., 15c Rolled Plate, " ■' 1061,25c " I0G2, 20c •• 1063,25c " 1064,25c " 1055. German Silver " 15c " 1056. KolledPlate " 26c Clasp Catches. Plated per do German Silver, Rolled Plate, . 1065, 15c No 1065,1.5c " 1065, 25c " 1066, 15c No. 1067, 15c 1006, 15c " 1007. I5c 1066, 25c •■ 1067, 25c . 1068, I5c No. 10G9, 15c No. 1068, 15c '• 1069, 15c " 1068, 25c " 1069, 25c " 1(j70. 15c No. in71,15f No. 1072, 15c No. 1073, 15c 1070, 15c •■ 1071, 15c •• 10-2, 15c '■ 1073, 15c 1070, 25c " 1071, 25c " 1072, 25c " 1073, 25c Bracelet Catches. o .per doz.. No. 1074, 1.5c No. 1075, No. 1076, No. 1077, No, 1078, No. 1079, No. 1080, No. 1081, '■ 1074,15c " 1075,15c '• 1076,15c " 1077,15c " 1078,15c " 1079,15c " 1080,15c " 1081, 1.5c Plated per doz.. No. 1082, l.^c No. 108.J, 15c No. 1084, 15c No. 1085, 15c No. 1086, No. 10.87, .No. l(iS8, No. 1089, Nc. li|90, German Silver, " " l'J82, 15c " 1083, 15c " 1084, 15c " 1085, 15c " 1086, 15c " 1087, 15c " 10.S8, 15c '■ 1089, 15c ' 1090, 15c ^ l^f /-M No. 1093, No. 1094, 15c No. 1095, 15c No. 1096, " 1093,15c " 1094,15c " 1095,15c " 1096,15c The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies c Toggle Chains. JEWELERS' FINDINGS. CHAINS, BRACELET AND TOQQLE. Attaching and Bracelet Chains, No. 1101. Rolled Plate, 1st guality perdoz., ■• 1102. " " 2d " •' 1103. " " 1st "Soldered Links, " 1104. " '• 2d " liai. Silver ■■ 1100. Gold, lOlc '• 1107. " 14k 1.50 6.00 0.75 =0»S=( No. 1131. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality. " 1132. " " 2d " 1133. Sterling Silver " 1134. Gold 1.75 7.60 No. 1135. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality perdoz " 1136. " " 2d " ' " .. .. '' " 1137. Sterling Silver •• •• '■ 113S. Gold .. ., S2.00 1.50 1.75 5.25 No. 1108. Rolled Plate. 1st Quality perdoz.,$o.90 2d -'^^"-TT " Soldered Lks., 1st Qua '• 1112. Gold Plated.. " 1113. Silver •• 1114. White Metal. .75 No.1139. Rolled Plate, 1st Qualiiv per doz., $2.25 1« " IHO- •■ " 2d •■ •• .. 1.65 1.00 " 1141. Sterling Silver '. ■■ ■• 2 00 .35 " 1142. Gold, 10k • 1.75 ,35 4.75 (0=» No. 1143. Rolled Plate, 1st Qua '■ 1144. '■ ■■ 2d " 1145. Sterling Silver " 114C. Gold .per doz., $2.25 . '• ■■ 1.65 No. 1115. Rolled Plate, IstQualitv per doz. ,$1,00 " 1116. " " 2d •• " •• .85 " 1117. ■• •' 1st " Soldered Lks., " " 1.50 " Ills- " " I'd • " 1.35 ■• 1119. Gold Plated " •' 35 •• 1120. Silver ■• ■• 2.25 No. 1147. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $2.00 •■ "»■ •• '■ 2d •■ ■■ . " 1,50 " 1149. Sterling Silver ■• •• 1.75 ■• 1150. Gold.lOk •• •• 4^75 .^ R\ .^aB^ .^ i R\ /^ ^ Hi wBn ^sa i^ms 1) >^c veo- -"^c^ >i^^ No. 1121. Rolled Plate, Isl Quality per doz., $1 .10 " 1122. •• ■■ 2d " ■ 1123. '■ ■■ Soldered Lks., 1st Qual 1124. 2d •• ■■ 1125. Gold Plated ■ 112G. Silver ■■ 1127. White Metal. 1st Quality 1.65 1.40 2.25 No. 1151. Rolled Plate. Isf Quality perdoz. " 1152. " " 2d " ..'''.■■ " •• 1153. Sterling Silver '.......'• " " 1154. Gold.lOk !.'!" •■ No. 1155. Rolled Plate. 1st Quality perdoz " 1156. " •• 2d " •• •■ ' " 1157. Sterling Silver ....! '■ •• " 1158. Gold.lOk .. .> $2.00 1.50 1.75 4.75 1.50 1 75 5.26 ^'■"•IJgo' '^°'.''=<1 '1?"^ Toggle Chain, S«;iveUndBar,lstQuality,perdoz.,$6.75 " 2d " " " 5.00 No, 1161. Rolled Plate Toggle Chain, Swivel and Bar, 1st Quality . . per doz.. $5.50 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JEWELERS' FINDINQS. CHAINS IN LENGTHS, AND SILK CORD. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately ..per foot. $1.5n Silver, •■ '• •• " " 1.50 Brass, not soldered " .10 No. 1201. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately.. per loot, $0.80 •' 1202. Silver, " " " " .. " .80 " 1203. Gold, 10k., " " " " .. •' 1.55 No. 1174. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately . .per foot, $0.90 " 1175. Silver, " " " " " .90 " 1176. Brass, not soldered " .10 cs3ccooaxxrrrrrrrrrt'rrri\ . 1204. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately., per foot, $0.80 1205. Silver, " .. " 1.00 1206. Gold, lOk., " .. " 1.55 No. 1177. Rolled Plate, each Link soldeied separately ..per foot, $1.50 . " 1178. Silver, " .. " 1.50 " 1179. Brass, not soldered " .10 No. 1207. Gilt, Fox Tail, do " 1208. German Silver, F< " 1209. Gold, 10k., " 1210. Silver, ' uble. KiSS SSE .SSSBSS Dx Tail do ibie 4, per loot, $0.20 ach Link soldered separately . .per foot, $1.50 " .. " 1..50 No. 1211. Gilt, Fox Tail, single per foot, $0.15 " 1212. German Silver, Fox Tail, single " .13 " 1213. Gold, 10k., " " " " 1.55 " 1214. Silver, " " " " .55 No. 1182. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately ..per foot, $0.70 1183. " " two Links soldered together " .50 1184. Silver, each Link soldered separately 1185. " two Links soldered together 1186. Gold, 10k., each Link soldered separately 1187. " 10k., two Links soldeted together nuN • Niiii I ii . 1215. Gilt, Fox Tail, double per foot, $0.16 1216. German Silver, Fox Tail, double " .16 1217. Gold, 10k., '• '■ '■ " 1.55 1218. Silver, ' " .55 No. 1188. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately . . per loot, $0.70 " 1189. " " two Links soldered together " .60 " 1190. Silver, each Link soldered separately " 1.00 " 1191. •' two Links soldered together " .80 " 1192. Gold, 10k., each Link soldered separately " 2.00 *' ^93. *' 10k., two Links soldered together '* 1.75 No. 1194. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately . . per foot, $0.80 " 1195. Silver, " '■ •' " .. " 1.00 " 1196. Gold, 10k., " " " " .. '■ 3.75 " 1197. Brass, not soldered " .10 No. 1221. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately. " 1222. " " two Links soldered together.. *' 1223. Silver, each Link soldered separately " 1224. '• two Links soldered together " 1225. Gold Plate, two Links soldered together " 1226. " 10k., each Link soldered separately... " 1227. " 10k., two Links soldered together No. 1198. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately.. per foot, $1.00 '• 1199. Silver. " " '■ '• .. " 1.10 " 1200. Gold, 10k., " " " •' .. '• 4.35 No. 1228. Rolled Plate, each Link soldered separately., per foot, $0.60 " 1229. " " two Links soldered together " .5'P " 1230. Silver, each Link soldered separately " -90 " 1231. " two Links soldered together " .60 " 1232. Gold Plated per doz.. .30 " 1233. " 10k>, each link soldered separately per loot, 155 " 1234. " 10k., two links soldered together " 1.45 Silk Cord. No. 1235 per yard. $0.20 No. 123G per yard, $0,20 2"be Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' FINDINGS. Eye Glass Chains. No. 1261. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $ 6.00 No. 12.^2. Rolled Plate, 2d Quality perdoz., 3.50 No. 1253. Gold.... " 26.00 No. 1264. Rolled Plate, Is Quality per doz No. 1265. Rolled Plate, 2. Quality per doz No. 1266. Gold.... No. 1257. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality perdoz., 6.00 No. 1258. Rolled Plate, 2d Quality perdoz., 3.50 No. 1269. Gold.... " 26.00 No. 1260. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $6.00 No. 1261. Rolled Plate, 2d Quality perdoz., 3.50 No. 1262. Gold.... " 21.00 No. 1263. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $6.00 No. 1264. Rolled Plate, 2d Quality per doz., 3.50 No. 126.5". Silver.... " 6.00 •' 1265G. Gold... " 20.00 No. 1266. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $6.00 No. 1267. Rolled Plate, 2d Quality perdoz., 3.50 No. 1268. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $6.00 No. 1269. Rolled Plate, 2d Quality per doz., 3.50 No. 1270. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality perdoz., 6.00 No. 1271. Rolled Plate, 2d Quality perdoz. J3.50 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ' JEWELERS' FINDINGS. (With Safety Hooks.) Eye Glass Chains No. 1272. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $6.00 No. 1273. Kolled Plate, 2d Quality per doz., 3.50 No. 1275. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $6.00 No. 1276. Rolled Plate. 2d Quality per doz., 3.50 No. 1278. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $0.00 No. 1279. Rolled Plate. 2d Quality per doz., 3.50 No. 1281. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $6.00 No. l-.i82. Rolled Plate. 2d Quality per doz., 3.50 No. 12S3. Gold .... " 18.00 Rolled Plate Eye Glass Chains with Hair Pin. Eye Glass Chain with Ear Attachment. No. 1287. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality, with Wire Ear Clamp .per doz., $8.00 No. 1288. Rolled Plate, 2d Quality, with Cable Ear Clamp per doz., $5.00 iJo. 1284. Rolled Plate. 1st Quality per doz., $7.50 No. 1285. Rolled Plate, 1st Quahty per doz., $7.00 VaSSBJ_5_S_9_9JZ6aC No. 1286. Rolled Plate, 1st Quality per doz., $7.20 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' FINDINGS. CLASPS. Octag'on Clasps. Rolled Plate per doz., No. 1351, $1 . 25 Gold... " " 1355, 2.25 No. 1352, $1.35 " 1356, 2.50 T^i I I II II iTr^ No. 1353, $1.50 " 1357, 3.00 No. 1354, $1.75 " 1358, 3.76 Rolled Plate per doz.. No. 1359, $1 . 50 Gold " " 1363, 2.35 No. 1360, $1.75 " 1864, 2.50 1^0. 1361, " 1365, $2.00 3.25 No. 1362, " 1366, $2.25 4.00 ©^^^^ S^^^^B Rolled Plate per doz., No. 1367, $2 .25 Gold " " 1371, 3.75 No. 1368, $2.45 " 1372, 4.00 No. 1369, " 1373, $2.50 5.00 No. 1370, " 1374, f2.75 6.25 Rolled Plate per doz., No. 1375, $2.50 Gold " " 1379, 3.76 No. 1376, $3.00 " 1380, 4.15 § to 21/2 inches, in partitioned box |1.0O 2001. Common Gilt Pintongues, 1 gross assorted in box, not partitioned, < onoD /- P^"^ gross, 50c'; per doz., . 10 2062. German Silver Pintongues, assorted per gross 100- " 2003. Silver Pintongues per doz.' 1.10 " 2004. 10k Gold Pintongues p^r dwt., .80 4 Bearing Pintongues, in Separate Sizes. {As Illustrated.) No. 2007. Plated Pintongues, .. „„„- n, , t,- 3>^to4inches, per doz., §0.15 iNo. ^005. Plated Pmtongues, 1)^ to 21;^ inches per doz., 10c; per gross, $1.10' per gross 1.50 " 2006. " " 2% to 3 inches " 15c; » 1.25 Any of the above in German Silver at the same price. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 627 JEWELERS' FINDINGS. Bearing Pintongues, twisted. (Will remain in position.) Skeleton Pintongues. No. 2051 doz., 15c; gross, $1.25 Plated Pintongues. From i3^ to 2% inches, for Ball Joints. 1 Gro. No. 71 PLATED PINSTEMS Assorted from i^ to 2% inches. TO KIT BA.I,L. JOINTS. No. 2054 doz., 15c; gross, $1.25 1 Gro. SKELETON PINSTEMS ASSORTED. From i to 2->S inches, Pintongues for Heavy Badges. No.2055. Sizes, IH to 3 inches doz., 20c; gross, $2.25 Interchangeable Pintongues. To fit Joints Nos. 1726 to 1742. No. 2050. Sizes, 1!4 to 214 inches. Bearing gross, $1.00 Plated Pintongues. Fits Joints 1156 and 1157. N0.2057. Sizes, ly to 2'/^ inches doz., 25c; gross, $2.75 Interchangeable Pintongues. To fit Joints Nos. 1726 to 1742. N No. 2058. Sizes, 1 'A to 21/1 inches. Plain gross, 81.00 Belt Pintongues, for Hard Solder. A Belt Pintongues, for Soft Solder. Silver Plated, per doz. 2059, 15c 2060, 16c 2061, 15c 2062, 15c 2063, 15c 2074, 15c 2075, 15c 2076, 15c 2077, 15c Sterling Silver. " 2064,60c 2065,60c 2066,60c 2067,60c 2068,60c 2079,75c 2080,75c 2081,75c 2082,75c Gold Plated, " 2069,15c 2070,15c 2071,15c 2072,16c 3U73, 15c 2084,15c 2085,15c 2086, 15c 2087,15c 2078, 15c 2083, 75c 2088, 15c The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' FINDINGS. SCARF PINTONQUES. Square Wire. Our guaranteed first quality jJg seamless, per doz ^ 14k., Seamless, per do . . First Quality Rolled Plate, per doz Best Plate Second Quality, Plated, perdoz Silver, per doz German Silver, per doz.. Gold, 10k., per dwt 2091, 2097, $1.25 1.00 No. 2092, " 2098, $1.25 No 1.00 " 2093, $1.25 2099, 1.00 No. 2094, " 2100, 11.35 1.00 No. 2095, " 2101, $1.50 1.00 No. 3096, " 3102, $1.60 1.00 2104, 2110, .75 .50 •■ 2105, " 2111, .75 " .50 " 2106, 2112, .75 .60 " 2107, " 2113, .75 .50 " 2108, " 3114, .85 .50 " 3109, " 3115, .85 .50 2116, 2122 .30 .75 .35 .80 " 2117, " 2123, " 2127, '■ 2130, .30 " .80 " .35 " .80 " 2118, 2124, 2128, 2131, .30 .85 .35 .80 " 2119, « 2125, .30 .90 " 3120, .30 " 2121, .30 2126 2129, " 2133, .80 " 3133, .80 " 2134, .80 Round Wire Rolled Plate, Best Quality, per doz No. 2135, Rolled Plate, 2d Quality, per doz Best Plated, per doz German Silver, per doz . . Gilt, per doz Gold, 10k., per dwt f"' ""' l^>"> ^""^ *'*" Sd"^ 87 na ST/ v,z Doz., 10k. .$10. 00 " 14k.. 15.50 $4.75; 3.75 $3.00 5.75 $ 8.50 $ 7.25 $6.25 13.75 11.75 10.50 <,..« Crown Settings, Vertical Prongs, $2.60 $2.25 $2.00 $1.75 $1.45 SI. 00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.25 1.85 1.50 Qold Gallery. ...$5.00 $4.25 $3.75 $3.25 S3. 00 $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 ... 6.50 6.00 5.25 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 Fancy Settings, Vertical Prongs. 2.25 ^ wmm. . JUUUUUUJUl ' L\ii;.iir,'i£;iit)jiiflifJ 2UB 21 B 22B 23B 24B 25B $6.50 $5.50 $4.75 ■ $4.uO $3.25 9.00 8.00 7. CO 5.50 4.50 26 B $2.25 3.00 . UAAAAWAUq 20C 10k $4.50 Uk 7.00 10k $2.50 14k 3.25 22C 23C 24C $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 5.25 4.50 3.50 26C 27C 28C 29C $1.75 $1.60 $1.25 2.50 2.00 1.75 Earring Bezels. '^ ii^^issa 549 450 451 451 '/j 452 453 454 4541,4 455 455H 460/1 460^i $2.25 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 $1.15 $1.00 $0.90 $0.85 $0.80 $0.75 $0.60 $0.50 10k.. ..per dwt, $0.90 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.35 1.25 1.00 1.00 .90 .75 .65 14k.... " 110 Ring Bezels. 1-5V4 2-5M 3-6 4-7 4H 5-8 h\-'i OA 10k. $2. 25 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 $1.10 $1.00 $0.90 $2.60 14k. 2.75 2.50 2.10 1.75 1.50 1.35 1.25 1.10 3.75 Stud Bezels. [k 3-6.^ 4-7 .\ .'■.-S.'\ 5K-9.\ $1.00 $1.00 1.25 1.10 Belcher Settings. Ring Shanks. No. 5 No. 6 555 556 557 ^S3 559 560 £olBS Ilk $9.00 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 Anvof the above numbers. R. P per foot, $0.75 Sterling Silver, " .75 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Skeleton Settings, 6 Prongs. No. 5M 10k.... $4. 25 14k.... 6.50 No. 6?4 $3.60 5.75 No. 9 No. 10 No. 10J4 $2.25 $2.00 $1.75 3.26 3.00 2.50 No. lOH No. 10?^ $1.60 $1.25 2.25 1.75 Skeleton Settings, 6 Prongs. M MM Pi 11 ii If [fli 1^ II No. 455J4 No. 465=^1 10k.. .$5. 25 $4.50 14k... 8.25 6.75 No. 456 $4.25 5.50 No. 457 $3.60 4.50 No. 458 $3.00 4.00 Skeleton Settings, 8 Prongs. No. '.60 No. 46014 No. 460J4 No. 4609j $2.25 $2.(10 $1.75 $1.25 3.00 2.75 2.25 1.75 Light Weight Settings. Pll PM ijl ill 11 11 No. 418 No. 419 No. 420 No. 421 No. 422 No. 4 10k.. $1.75 $1.65 $1.65 $1.25 $1.00 $l.Cl No. 451 .$0.00 R.50 No. 453 $4.50 6.75 No. 454 $3.75 5.25 No. 455 $3.25 4.75 Crown Settings, 6 Prongs. • ♦ •♦ ,, »♦ «♦ ■, ,* •" •• * '^ •• HHHHHHIIIIllj 5 Prongs. OQD No. 21 $4.50 6.50 No. J2 No. 23 No. 24 $3.65 $3.25 $3.00 4.50 4.26 4.20 No. 25 $2.75 3.50 No. 26 $2.40 3.25 No. 27 $2.00 2.50 Crown Settings, 8 Prongs. No. 29 No. 30 No. 31 No. 631 No. 632 No. 6: $1.50 $1.40 $1.25 $1.00 $1.00 $0.9( 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.25 l.UI Cluster Settings. ^^Hpiig ^ i^ No. 11 10k. .$ 7.25 14k.. 10.00 No. 13 $5.50 7.L'5 No. 14 No. 15 $4.75 $4.25 6.50 5.50 Elliptic Settings. • • • No. 16 $3.50 4.50 No. 17 $2.75 3.50 No. 18 $2.25 2.75 No. 19 $2.00 2.50 No. 232 $1.00 1.50 No. 233 $0.90 1.25 No. 23 $0.80 l.OOli Fancy Spread Base Settings. View from top No. 20 J No. 21 J No. 22J No. 23 of Setting. 10k..$6,00 $5.50 $4.50 $3.50 14k.. 9.00 8.00 6.50 5.00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JEWELERS' FINDINGS. Slides for Guards, Chains, etc. Seamless Rolled Plate, doz.. No. 3381, 75c No. 3382, 85c No. 3383, 85c No. 3384, $1.25 No. 3385, $1.25 No. 3886, $1. 25;- Rolled Plate, doi.. 3387, $1.50 Sterling Silver, " 3388, 1.50 Gold Plated, « Silver Plated, " 3389, $1.50 3390, 1.25 3391, .60 3392, .60 Seamless Rolled Plate Slides. iii ifelai 3393,85c 3395, $2.25 3396, $2.25 3397, $2.25 3398, $2.25 3394,'46c '.'.'.".'.'.".'.".'.'. '.".'.''.'.','.'.''. '.'"''V.'.''" '■."..' Seamless Rolled Plate, doz 3399, $1 . 25 3400, $1 . 25 3401, $2 . 00 3402, $2 . 00 3403, $2 . 00 3404, f 1 . 00 3405, $2 . 00 1E!M Seamless Rolled Plate, doz 3406, $1.25 3407, $1.25 3408, $1.25 3409, $2.75 3410, $1.25 3411, $2.75 3412, $1.75 Seamless Rolled Plate, doz., 3418, $1.25 3414, $1.25 3415, $2.00 3416, $2.00 3417, $2.25 3418, $2.25 3419, $2.00 3420, $2.00 Belt Slides. No. 3421. Sterling Silver, doz. " 3432. Silver Plated, " . i.OO Sterling Silver, sizes Ijj! to 2 in. Sterling Silver, sizes 1 and IjJj in., .65 No. 3423. IV in., doz., $2.00 No. 3426. 1 in., doz., $1.75 " 3424. 1% " " 2.25 " 3427. Ij^ " " 1.75 " 3425. 2 " " 3.00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies S JEWELERS' FINDINGS. F Brand Gold Solder. SOLDERS. N Brand Gold Solder. No. 3432. 6 carat, per dwt,, 3()c No. 3437. Low carat, per dwt., 20c No. 3433. 8 dwt., per dwt., 40c No. 3434. 10 carat, per box, 60c No. 8439. 8 carat, per dwt., 40c 3444 3445. 10 " 3446. 14 " 3447. Fine Silver, 3448. Steel Solder for 45c 65c 90c 50c Spectacles, Saws, etc., box, 50c No. 3449. Silver Solder, 1st Quality, per oz., $1.25 " 3450. " " ad " " 1.00 Soft Solder. No. 3438. 6 carat, per box, 30c No. 3440 10 carat, per dwt., 60c No. 3442. 14 carat, per dwt., 80c No. 8451. Silver Sol- der, per oz. $1.50 No. 3452. Soft Solder, per bunch, 5c. doz. 40c B N ~- — H No. 3453. 1st Quality Bismuth, each, lOc; doz., $1.00 Easy Flowing Solder. This solder flows at 155° of heat, or at less than boiling water. It is used with same flux as soft solder, and is most No. 3457. Silver Solder, clipped. No. 3454. Per oz , 50c "^'^f"^ =" J^^^'-'y '^^^'^^''^S or any place No". 3456. 1st Quality Silver 3 dwt°,"35c No. 3455. Per half oz., 30c where heat is objectionable. Solder in rolls, per oz., $1.25 2 dwt., 25c For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 641 NO OTHER SOLDERS are like them. They com- pete with none. ^ ^ ^ The Quality of Each Piece of Mystic Solders IS fully up to the carat of the gold on which it is mtended to flow. But they will melt and flow on gold of from 6 to 8K. lower thaa their own quality. The very elaborate process, the rare metals used in its alloy, and the skill required in its manufacture, necessitates a price higher than that at which ordinary solders are sold. But since the carat marked on ordinary solders is that of the gold on which they are to be used, and the solder itself is understood to be 4K. or .5K. lower, while the quality of Mystic Solders is fully up to the carat marked, the difference is not so great as the price would seem to indicate. But the cost of a piece of solder (not being over a cent on the average job) cannot be considered when the ad- vantages of safety and superior workmanship are taken into account. rhe JOINT made with MYSTIC SOLDERS will have the following characteristics: t will be of the quality marked on the solder (not 3K. or 4K. lower), t will not be easily melted again (another joint can be made near it without danger), t will be tough and strong (the brittleness of the solder will not appear in the joint), t can be made on any quality of gold with any quality of solder that matches the color. Vlystic Solders are fully guaranteed. If for any reason you are not satisfied with any of them return them. MYSTIC SOLDERS ARE MADE IN THE FOLLOWING QUALITIES : 175° Solder (melts at about 175° F. Water boils at 212= F.) per oz. 20c Pewter Solder, for mending pewter and Britannia ware, per oz. 1 5c Soft Solder, absolutely non-tarnisliable, will brush bright, per oz. 1 Oc No carat Solder, contains no gold, color of 6k gold, per dwt. - 25c Silver Solder, very easy flowing and very strong, per oz. - $2.00 5 dwt. package - - - - 50c 8k. Solder, plump 8k, but will melt on about 4k. gold, per dwt. 80c 10k. Solder, plump 10k., but will melt on about 5k. gold, perdwt. $1 .OO 14k. Solder, i^lump 14k., but will melt on about 6k. gold, per dwt. $1 .50 18k. Solder, plump 18k. , but will melt on about 10k. gold, per dw t. $1.65 22k. Solder, plump 22k. , but will melt on about 12k. gold, per dwt. $ 1 , 8 O Combination package containing the following quantities of Mystic Solder $3.00 1 oz. each, Nos. 1, 2, 3. 1 dwt. each, Nos. 12, 21. Yj. dwt. each, Nos. 31, 32, 33. i^ dwt. each, Nos. 34, 35. A Package of Mystic Solder contains sufficient flux to flow the entire piece. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 12. No. 21. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. Mystic Gold Solders will flow on ordinary Solders of from two to six carat lower quality. 642 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' FINDINGS. SPRINGS, SNAPS AND STAMPS. Bracelet Springs. iLm mmm No. 3466, 75c No. 3467, 75c Per doz., No. 3461, $1.00 No. 3462, $1.00 No. 3463, $1.00 No. 3464, $1.25 No. 3465, $1.25 No. 5 Snaps. .doz., 75c Padlock Springs. Nos. 3471, 3472, Nos. 3474, 3475, 3473 3476 No. 3471. Rolled Plate doz. " 3472. German Silver " " 3473. Gold " " 3474. Rolled Plate " " 3475. GermanSilver " " 3476. Gold " No. 3477. GermanSilver doz., $0.10 3478. Brass • " .10 3479. GermanSilver •' .10 " 3480. Brass " .10 3481. GermanSilver " .13 3482. Brass " .15 ^ No. 3483, 25c No. 3484, 26c No. 3485, 25c Each, No. 8486, $1.25 No. 3487, $1.50 No. 3488, $1.50 Autograph Stamps. Seals. Any style, to order. Prices in 'accordance xvith 'work. No. 3489, $1.60 No. 3490. Extra Fine Milled Seals, $5.00 to $8.00, in accordance with work. Rubber Stamps, To order. Inscriptions as desig;nated, quotations on any design* The following will be found con- y^^^V»2.^— -— i^ Z. yvN venient to stamp jewelry cards, tags, ffrC^^y^ — " ~~''"\'0 paper boxes, etc. V^O/ No.3492. Solid Gold each, 76c o.o. v.^. •• 3493. Gold Front ■■ 75c " 3494. Gold Filled "75c , ^^ti^iss— - " 3195. Sterling " 75c \_ I 4' ^* Etc., etc. each, $-2.00 Nos. 3492, 3493, 3494, 3495 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 643 JEWELERS' FINDINGS. SWIVELS. Rolled Plate Swivels, with Elliptic or Square Wire. No. 3501. Our Guaranteed Fine Rolled Plate, Elliptic Wire $2.00 " 3502. Our Guaranteed Fine Rolled Plate, Square Wire 2.00 No. 3503. Our Guaranteed Fine Rolled Plate, Elliptic Wire $2.25 " 3504. Our Guaranteed Fine Rolled Plate, Square Wire 2.25 No. 3505. Our Guaranteed Fine Rolled Plate, Elliptic Wire 12.60 " 3506. Our Guaranteed Fine Rolled Plate, Square Wire 2.50 No. 3507. Our Guaranteed Fine Rolled Plate, Elliptic Wire, per doz $2.75 " 3508. Our Guaranteed Fine Rolled Plate, Square Wire, per doz 2.75 Rolled Plate Gold and Silver Swivels. Elliptic Wire. 5 5 Rolled Plate, 1st Quality doz., No. 3510, $1.25 No. 3511, $1.50 No. 3512, $1.60 No. 3518, $1.76 No. 3514, $2.00 No. 3516, $2.00 Gold " " 3517, 8.00 " 3518,18.00 " 3519,23.50 Sterling Silver.... " " 3520, $1.50 " 3521, 1.75 " 3522, 2.00 Square Wire. o Rolled Plate doz.. No. 3523, $1.50 No. 3524, $ No. 3525, $1.60 No. 3526, $1.75 No. 3527, $2.00 " 3528, 2.25 Sterling Silver " No. 3539, $1.50 " 3530, 2.25 All articles to wMcIi "Oar Onaranteed" is prefixed are first-class in all respects. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' FINDINGS. SWIVEL AND SWIVEL TOPS. Plated and White Metal Swivels. No. 3531. Plated, 1st quality 60c No. 3534. Plated, 2nd quality, per doz 60c No. 3532. White .Metal Elliptic Wire 50c No. 3535. White Metal Elliptic Wire 75c ! No. 3533. Nickel-Plated 60c No. 3536. Nickel-Plated 60c Leather Lined, igt quality. Kolled Plate. Rolled Plate Chain End Tips. Rolled Plate, per doz., No. 3541, No. 3542, No. 3543, 40c 50c 60c Silver per doz.. No. 3544, No. 3545, No. 8.546, 45c 50c 60c Rolled Plate Ear Pendant Tips. No. 3.539. Gent's.. 11.50 No. 3-540. Ladies'. 1.25 6 ^ ^ No. 8552, No. 3553, 13.00 13.00 No. 3547, No. 3548, No. 3549, No. 3550, No. 3551, Doz. 25c 25c 35c 25c 20c Tips. Rolled Plat Silver. ..per Gold, te,doz.,No.o555, 10.50 No. 35o6. $0.50 No. 8557, $0.50 No. 3558, $0.50 No. 3559, |0. 60 No 3560 10 70 ^rdoz., " 3567, .80 " 8568, .80 " 8569, .80 " 3570, 100 " 3571 i 00 """'"'* • •■ 3578, 1.50 " 3574, 1.60 " 3575, 1.75 " 3576, 1.85 ...'. .'. . . ]'[ '//.'. Rolled Plate, doz., No. 3561, $0.50 No. 3562, $0.50 No. 3.563, $0.50 No. 8.564, $0.50 No 3565 «0 60 No 8566 SO 70 Gold perdoz., " 3.577, 1.50 " 3578, 1.60 " 3579, 1.75 " 3580, 2.00 " ...'..'... ' ...... w Por Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JEWELERS' FINDINGS. WASHERS AND EAR WIRES. Cabinet of Dial Washers. No. 3591. Containing 5 gross. .per set, 75c Dial Washers. One Gross in Box, Per Gross, 15c. ^ ^ ^ 6 Metal Fan Washers with Rivets to Fit. MHHHi No. 3593 No. 3594 No. 3592 No. 8595 No. 3596 No. 3597 No. 3598. 6 doz. in bo.x., Chat. Size. Assorted. 6 Size. 16 Size. 18 Size. per box 75c Spectacle Washers Eye Stubbs For Repairing Speck Temples. Rolled Plate Washers. Rolled Plate, No. 3601 No. 3602 No. 3603 No. 3604 No. 3605 any Style,doz., 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c No. 3599. Per gross, 25c No. 3600, 6 doz. in p'k'ge, per p'k'ge 35c No. 3606 No. 3607 No. 3608 No. 3609 10c 10c 10c 10c Ear Wire Screw. Rolled Plate, 1st quality doz., No. 3621, 85c 3622, nut, 60c 3623,65c 3624, nut, 40c 3625,90c 3626,90c 3627, |1. 25 Sterling Silver... " " 3628,85c 3629, " 60c 3630,75c 3631 "55c o«q7 «n qcqh sn Gold.. perdwt., " 3732,80c 3633,80c 3634,80c 3635,80c 3636,80c 3637,80c 3638, .80 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies w JEWELERS' FINDINGS. EAR WIRES. Rolled Plate, 1st quality No. 3651, 75c No. 3652, 50c No. 3653, 75c No. 3654, 55c No. 3655, 70c No. 3656, $1.25 « " 2d " " 3657, 55c « 3658, 40c SterlinK Silver doz. " 3659,75c " 3660,35c Gold ■ .per dwt. " 3661, 80c " 3662, 80c " 3663, 80c " 3664, 80c " 3665, 80c " 3666, .80 ll Our Guaranteed 14k Seamless, doz No. 3667, 60c No. 3668, 60c Rolled Plate, 1st quality " 3672, 35c " 3673, 35c No. 3674, 35c " 2d " " 3678, 25c " 3679, 25c " 8680, 25c Sterling Silver doz. " 3684,40c " 3685, 40c " 3686,40c Gold per dwt. " 3690,80c " 3691,80c " 3692,80c No. 3669, 60c No. 3670, 60c No. " 3675, 35c " 3676, 35c " " 3681, 25c " 3682, 25c " " 3687, 40c " 3688, 40c " " 3693, 80c " 3694, 80c " > Our Guaranteed 14k Seamless No. 3696, 60c No. 3697, 60c No. 3698, 60c Rolled Plate, 1st quality doz. No. 3699, 35c No. 3700, 35c " 3701,35c " 3703,35c " 3708,35c No. 3704, 35c Sterling Silver doz " 3705,40c " 3706,40c jold per dwt. " 3707,80c "3708,80c " 3709,80c " 3710,80c Our Guaranteed 14k Seamless, doz No.3711,60c No. 3712, 60c No. 3713, 60c Rolled Plate, 1st quality doz. " 3714,35c " 3715,35c " 3716,85c No. 3717, 35c No. 8718,35c No. 3719, 35c Sterling Silver " 3720,40c " 3721.40c Gold, 10k perdwt. " 3722,80c " 3723,80c " 3724,80c fV> V=. Rolled Plate, 1st quality doz. No. 3725, 35c No. 3726, 35c No. 3727, 35c No. 3728, 75c No. 3729, 75c No. 3730, 35c " " 2d " .... " " 3731,25c " 3732,25c Sterling Silver " " 3733,40c " 3734,40c . " 3735 'iOc ' Gold,10k perdwt." " 3736,80c " 3737,80c •■ 3738' 80e All articles to which " Oar Guaranteed " is prefixed are first-class in all respects. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 647 w JEWELERS' FINDINGS. EAR WIRES. Rolled Plate, ist Qual., No. 3751, 35c Gold , per d wt " 8756, 80c 3752, 85c 3757, 80c 3753, 35c 3754, 35c . 2755, 50c 3758,80c 8759,80c Onstrip. No. 3760. Rolled Plate, 1st quality ....35c No. 3761. Rolled Plate, ist quality., " 3763. " " 2d " 25c « 3763. Silver 40c " 3764. Gold,perdwt 80c Ear Wires and Settings. Rolled Plate, 1st quality, doz.. No. 3765, $3.00 3766, $3.00 3767, $3.00 8768, $3.00 3769, $3.50 3770, $0.50 Gold, lOk., per doz " 3771, 4.25 3772, 4.75 3773, 5.25 3774, 5.25 3775, 7.75 3776, 8.60 Rolled Plate, 1st quality, doz., No. 3777, $1.25 8778, $2.50 3779, $3.50 3780, $3.50 8781, $2.50 3782, $2.60 I Gold, 10k., per dwt " 8783, .90 3784, .90 3785, .90 lolled Plate; 1st quality doz.. No. 3789, $2.50 8790, $2.50 3791, $2.50 3792, $2.50 3793, $3.00 Gold, 10k per dwt., " 3794, .90 8795, .90 3796, .90 3797, .90 648 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies W WIRES. EAR WIRES. See E. Rolled Plate, Cold, Silver Brass and Steel Wire. In U or '.; Oz. Rolls. American Standard Wire Gauge. Square Wire. Best 14 K. Seamless, 1-10, warranted. XXX, R. P. ■• XX, R. P. " X, R. P. " Rolled Plate • Silver Gold " lOK " 14K Brass Spring Wire Steel Wire for Repairing Fusee Cliains Drill. Pivot and Staff Wire. Full Size. Rolled Plate in oz. Rolls. $3.75 pet oz. No. 3811. Our IstQuality 52.50 per 2.50 ■' " ■' 3812. XXX 2.25 " " " 3813. XX 1.7S '• " " 3814. X 1.25 " " Joint Wire. ' '**~^ " hm^mm ^^■^" 3818 Rolled Plate Each, $0.15. Per dozen, $1 .00 asi9 Silver " .15. " " 1-^ as20 Gold lOK dwt., .83 3.S21 14K " " '.-OO Binding Wire. No 3823. SteelWire SO. 15 per spool 3824. Iron " C 382.5. Soft Brass Wire 1 3820. Spring'- " 2 3S27. White Plated Wire -1 .3828- Copper " " ! 3822 Sizes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 and 30 large si/e each fO H Do/ 11 25 Cut =3 Size WireS) Assorted Sizes. No. 3S29. Brass, per bo. .per hunch, $0.05. 17, 18, 19.— No. 3. 20, 21, 22.— No. 4. German Silver Riveting Wire .. per bunch, SO.IO. Per doz , S0.75 ea ^ Tempered Staffing Steel. This steel is of extra fine quality, and is specially dra-mi to fit Nos. 19, 21 and 23 wire chucks. We have a special process for hardening and tempering it, so as to get it very uniform and not injure it in the least. It is drawn to an exact staff temper, and is ready for use. Pieces are V/t inches long and are sold in sets of 18 pieces, 6 of each size, Nos. 19, 21 and 23. PRICE : Sl.OO per set, or SI 10 per 18 pieces one size. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. w ...WIRE... STUBS' WIRE GAUGE. 14 :.5 IG 17 1 8 1 9 20 21 2 ? 23 2^ -2 5 26 27 ■,- 8 2,9 30 :i '^2 S 3 31: 3 5,36 31 3 8 S 9 ^0 tl 12 4' - i -J m m • • • • • • • • • • • • • « 4- S ■* 6 -1 7' i. a 11 9 5 0, 51 5 2 5 3 S4 E 5 5 6 S 7 £ 8 5 9 6 61 b2 >3 6^1-.. 6 5 bff fe b.r/7 7 6 7 9 r, STUBS' ROUND STEEL WIRE IN FOOT LENGTHS. By Stubs' Pinion Gauge. Each. Dozen. Pound. By Stubs' Pinion Gauge. Each. SO 05 03 Dozen. Pound. St'.ibs' Round Steel Wire, sizes 1 to 10 " lltoSO ■' 31 to 50 SO 10 08 06 $1 20 95 70 SO 75 1 25 1 60 Stubs' Round Steel Wire, sizes 51 to 60 61to80 $0 50 35 SI '?5 2 00 i I • • III ill # • II BRASS AND GERMAN SILVER WIRE IN FOOT LENGTHS. J Sizes by Stubs' Gauge. Per Stick. Per lb. Sizes by Stubs' Gauge. Per Stick. Per lb. BRASS BUSHING WIRE. Per doz. firass, 1 to 10 $0 08 06 05 05 SO 60 60 60 60 German Silver, ItolO.. 11 to 30.. 31 to .50.. •' 51 to 70.. SO 12 10 08 08 SI 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Brass Bushing Wire 35c " '■ " Seamless 35e 51 to 70 8 g 10 11 12 13 lii 15 16 e 9 10 11 1^ )3 It 15 IS SQUARE STEEL BARS, 12 inches Long. FLAT STEEL BARS, 12 inches Long, v Si-B 1.S 5-32 3-16 7-32 1-4 9-32 5-16 in. Size .... 1-16 thick by 14, 5-16, 3-8, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4, ■ 1 inclj Per ounce" :!!'.; ■.:"..■:.■ 10c 10c lOo 10c 5c 5c 5c Size.... 1-8 " "1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4, I inch Perpound 60o 55c 55c 50c 50o 45c 45c Perounce lOo. Perpqund 606 Quantities less than half pound at ounce rates. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JOBBING STONES. DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS STONES. Stones vary in price according to quality. Always state when -^^^ ordering the price you wisti to pay, so we can determine grade wanted. „ % Carat and smaller, from $35 00 to « 50 00 per Carat, 16 " ■< Carat, " "° "" J4 " ¥i :: " For Settings and Galleries see FINDINGS. . Special prices to Jobbers, Manufacturers and Dealers using Stones in large quantities. 35 00 35 00 to ■15 00 to 55 00 60 00 TO 00 70 00 100 00 Larger Stones range in price about the same as 1^ K. Stones SBLBCTTON PACRAGBS SEWT TO — RBSPOIfSIBLB JPARTJBS. RUBIES (Oriental). J4 Carat and smaller, from S 30 00 to 8 80 00 per Carat. H Carat to 1^ Carat, from 80 CD to 160 00 i| " U " 100 00 to 400 00 Above ^ Carat from S200 to $1000 per Carat, according to quality. Spinnell and Slam Rubies from one-quarter to one-halt of above prices. SAPPHIRES (Oriental). W K. and smaller .... $ 15 00 to $ 40 00 per K. StolK 30 00 to 10000 " IK. and larger 100 00 to 150 00 " Montana Sapphires, greenish white, brown, or purple shades, from $10 00 to $30 00 per K. EMERALDS. % K. and smaller. . . . $3) 00 to $ 90 00 per K. M to J4 K. 40 00 to 180 00 " J^tolK 50 00 to 300 00 " Almandines, Olivines, Turmalines, etc., in large varieties. PEARLS, Fine Round Madras. Prices per grain. 1 gr. 1]4 gr. 2 gr. 3>4 gr. 3 gr. 4 gr. 5 gr. $3 60 St 5U $5 60 $7 00 $8 00 $10 00 $14 00 6 gr. 7 gr. 8 gr. $18 00 $22 00 24 00 ROSE DIAMONDS AND DIAMOND CHIPS. Quality and size govern prices. Prices quoted below are for first quality goods. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 li Eeal, each 30c 35c 40c lOc -lie JSc SOc ROc 60c 65c 75c 80 Imitation, assorted sizes; per dozen, 5Uc. These Cases with Stones rented to responsible parties at the rate of $1 00 per week; parties ordering, paying Express charges both ways, and must be responsible for any damage incurred during th.e transaction. Case containing finely polished and diamond ("ut fac-similes (exact size) of the most famousandlargest diamonds in existence, making it an instructive and very interesting Bhow window attraction (cut shows Dne-half size) . Keduced price, com- plete, in case, $16 00, We furnish a tircular with each case, describing where found, weight, full history of each diamond and by whom owned f-t the present time. It is a very in- leresting pamphlet. 19 20 31 22 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 651 JOBBING STONES. Special prices to Jobbers, Manufacturers and dealers usin^ large quantities. AMETHYSTS (Round), Fine Quality. Eealt each Fine Cut first quality Rose Top imitat'n, doz $1 I Fine Cut med. quality imita- tion.doz pine quality, eacti OOOOOOOOOooooo 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 28 20 18 16 14 12 $0 85 $0 75 $0 70 $0 65 ?0 55 $0 45 $0 40 $0 30 SO 25 SO 25 $0 20 $0 20 JO 15 O O o 10 8 6 $0 15 $0 15 $0 15 SIBERIAN AMETHYSTS. 75 65 55 45 AMETHYSTS (Cushion). DDDoo Real, each SI 75 Real, narrow, each 150 Imitation, doE. 1 75 18 m $150 16 m $1 10 14 m $0 95 13 m $0 75 12 m to 55 11m $0 45 10 m $0 35 9m $0 35 8m $0 30 7m $0 25 6m $0 20 5m $0 IS' 1 40 175 1 00 1 50 85 1 50 70 1 25 50 1 25 40 1 25 30 1 25 25 1 25 20 1 00 20 1 00 15 1 00 15 90^ AMETHYSTS (Elliptic) 00 Real, eacli..,. Real, narrow, each Imitation, doz. 20 m $175 I 50 1 60 BRILLIANTS (Round) 12 m $0 55 11m $0 45 10 m $0 35 9m $0 35 8m $0 30 7m $0 25 6m $0 20 50 1 25 40 125 30 125 25 1 25 20 1 00 20 I 00 15 1 00 OOOOOOOOOoooo OS, 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 O O O ^^'opgi^a^ofirntJBo., $1% $llo .3^5 White Stone (Each, 30 30 i» First Quality Steel J Doz 2 00 2 00 2 00 Blue BrUliants .... 1 Each , 34 32 30 $3 25 $3 00 $2 75 25 25 2 00 1 75 1 60 $2 50 $2 60 $2 25 18 18 $2 25 $2 25 First Qual. Canary (Doz., Brilliants,Golcondas j Each, Fine Quality White (Doz., Stone lEach, Medium Quality] Doz. White Stone I Each, 2 00 2 00 2 00 15 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00- 15 2 00 2 00 175 175 1.50 150 150 150 125 125 100 100 100 100 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 10 110 1 10 1 00 10 10 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 F'neReal Crystals. I Diamond Cut, 32.; facets (Bach, 45 45 40 35 FOIL BACKS (White). 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 15 15 15 15 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 First Quality, Plati- J Doz 150 150 160 150 150 ^^ ^^ __ -SS^F:^^Si^^ '^^ 't ^r. ^f> 't 't 'f. Common Quality, ( 50 50 50 50 ^"" ^"'^ • COLORED BRILLIANTS, Ruby, Carnet, Emerald, Sapphire, |tc. Fine . . 18 m 16 m 14 ti Bent, each $110 $0 85 SO 5 INTACLIO (Cushion), FLAT and BENT. n 18 1 20 1 16 ! Tiger Eye, each SO 50 80 40 $0 i Black Onyx, each 50 35 Black and White Ony.v, each. 60 50 Bed Onyx, each 75 60 I Drilled gen. Onyz, i2 holes).. 50 35 i 3 m 10 m 20 $0 15 60 40 30 Tiger Eye, Flat, each.Jl 00 $0 S5 Onyx, Flat, each 115 85 Tiger Eye, Bent, each. 1 10 95 Onyx, Bent, each 125 95 TICER EYE, ONYX AND BLOOD STONES. (Plain, Flat). D Blood Stones, each When ordering always state shape desired. To insure a perfect fit, always send setting for which stone is intended. 20 m 18 m 16 m 20 m Tiger Eye, each SO 40 Black Onyx, each 50 Black and White Onyx, each ... 65 Blood Stones, each 60 16 m 14 m 12 m SO 25 $0 20 $0 15 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JOBBING STONES. special Prices to Jobbers, Manufacturers and Dealers Using Large Quantities. C OATS EYE AND TIGER EYE STONES. Size, 8m Tiger Eye, each 25c Cats Eye, " 90c 9m Tiger Eye, each 45c (Coral Branches.) (Round, Flat Back.) OOOOOOoooo 71/2IU 7in 6!4m 20c 20c 20c 85c 85c 75c 40c 40c 40e (Elliptic, Flat Back.) 614m 6in fJ-Sm CORAL AND CELLULOID. DOUBLETS, FIRST QUALITY. (Heart.) (Clover Leaf.^ (Bars.) (Balls.) 12 7 4 Coral, doz $1-00 all sizes. Celluloid, doz 60 " (Crescent.) Size, Doz Each O Qo % 6b & & add Genuine, each Imitation, doz Imitation, eacli (Marquise or Navette.) 12m Genuine, narrow or wide, doz $5.50 Genuine, narrow or wide, eacb. . .50 Imitation, doz 1.50 Imitation, eacli -20 12in Genuine, narrow or wide, doz $7.25 Each, narrow or wide ■*^ Imitation, doz mm .15 .15 (Narrow Elliptic.) 1.25 1.25 (Narrow Cushion.) 7m 6m SHm 5m mm 4iii 3!4m $4.25 $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 $1.75 ..•)0 1.25 1.25 1.25 r.25 1.25 1.00 1 rn r~i 16m $1,25 12m $1.15 1.25 lira $1.00 $0.90 1.25 1.25 .15 .15 DDOO $0.75 $0.60 S0.45 $0,35 $0.26 1,25 1.25 1.25 1,25 1.25 5m 4Hra When ordering state shape desired. To insure a perfect fit, always send Setting for which Stone is intended. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies DOUBLETS. A Doublet is a real stone in combination with a composition, tlie color of which combination determines the color of the stone. The intricacies in the manufacturing are such that a variety of grades is produced, and careful assorting necessary. We have, therefore, classified them accordingly. OOOOOOOOOoooooo S4 75 $4 50 Fair Qu; brilliant Second ( Quality, I 40 38 36 i cut, -.doz., $6 00 $5 60 So 25 s . . . , . ) each, 50 50 45 ilitj-, I per doz., 5 60 5 00 4 50 i cut, i each, 50 45 40 35 )r Common Quality, all colors, brilliant cut, per dozen " " eacli 4 75 4 50 4 00 3 75 e,lstqnal., I doz. 6 00 , all colors f each 50 )n, 1st Q., doz... 1 00 '' each.. 15 2nd Q., doz... common, gvo s, \ each 5 50 50 1 00 15 15 50 60 75 assorted sizes. 5 25 45 90 40 Selected Quality, brilliant cut, all colors, per dozen J18 59 $16 09 $12 09 " " " '• each 1 flO 135 100 Fair Quality, brilliant cut, per dozen 15 00 13 50 1150 each 130 120 100 SQUARE. nnnnnnnnDDn Size, 7m t/j m 5 m 4^, .50 .45 .35 .30 .25 Imitation, dozen, $1.26 all sizes ; each, $0.15. CARBUNCLE (Elliptic). OOOOO Size, 18 m Eeal,each $4.50 Imitation, doz 3.00 16 m 14 m 13 m 12 m 11 m 3.26 2.50 1.50 1.25 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 To insure a perfect fit always send Setting for which Stone is intended. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JOBBING STONES. SPECIAL PRICES TO JOBBERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS USINC LARGE QUANTITIES. GARNETS. (Elliptic.) G Real, Brilliant Cut, per doz. Size, 13 m $6.50 Real, Rose Cut Top Imitation, per doz. each.... per doz . eacli . . . 7.2o .65 1.25 .15 Diamond Shape. Size, Real, doz Real, each Imitation, doz 1.50 Size, 12m Real, per doz $7.00 Real, each 60 Common Quality, per dozen 5.50 '* " each 50 Imitation, per doz " ' each t 0000 Navette. 8Hm Sm 7'/5m 7in 65^m 6m 5V,m 5m s-r^n S13.25 $3.00 $2.75 $3.00 $1.75 $1.75 $1.50 .30 .25 .25 .20 .15 .15 .15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .90 .90 .90 sy,m 8m 7Hm $4,75 $4.60 $4.25 .40 .40 .40 4.0O 3.75 3.50 .35 .35 .30 1.25 1.25 1.25 Cushion. Crescent. DODDD (I (T d Size, ISm 16m 14m 13m 12m 11m 10m 9m 8m 7m 6m 5'^ m 5m Size, ., each .... .... $1.25 $1.00 $0.85 $0.65 $0.50 $0.45 $0.35 $0.30 $0.30 $0.25 $0.20 Real doz . Wide, each .... 1.00 .85 .70 .60 .45 .35 Each' ' ation, all sizes, per doz $1 .25 " eacU $0.15 HEMATITE (Balls). H OOOOOOoooo 7Hm 7 m a'/, m 6 m 5H m 5 m 4V4 m 4 m 3!/. m 3 m $1.50 $1.50 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $i:iO $1.00 •13 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .10 .10 CUSHION IMITATION COLORED STONES (any Color). Size, 8m 7Hm Doz., $1.75 $1.50 Each, .20 .13 I^E N 11 / f 1 IJfe^ ^ J V . DDDdd D $1.75 .15 any size. State shape of Stones desired when ordering, To insure a perfect fit, always send Setting for which Stone is intended. For Watchmakers^ Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JOBBING STONES. SPECIAL PRICES TO JOBBERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS USING LARGE QUANTITIES. I IMITATION COLORED STONES. (Any Color.) (Elliptic.) Size, 20 Doz . J3 J= Each M OOOOooo $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 •15 .15 .15 .15 .10 .10 .10 Size Fine cut, / IstQ.Boz. (■ MedQ., ■• .50 .50 Common. Gross, $0.75, all sizes. OOOOOOOoooo ^$1.00 11.00 $0.90 34 32 30 28 36 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 O O O o ).75 $0.75 $0.75 ■45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .40 .40 .40 0.75 !0.65 $0.65 $0.65 $0.65 .40 .35 .35 .35 .35 0.65 $0.65 .$0.65 .35 .35 .35 INITIAL AND EMBLEM STONES TO ORDER, ANY DESIGN. * THE STONE ^ THESTOME "•^"eDlI^SNOS ^^CBVJSTEO.r^^ ^^""^'^'-lij.plNCEss 1942OaT0E ,^NH42IOjrOP ^ top m.'S, $10.00 $4.90 '**^/o1.^'^ NO 45^0 ,NS42Q3T0P^ ^'^^^^^ ^tta OSTf^ TOJ" ^'■«■BeHA^^Ge^«^ (NTE8CHAN.EEAB1-S Wo,44.S'* 4625. BDia.,$5.oO $13.75 4203. 6Dia.$3.88 4555 $4.50 $1.60 4552. 4Dia., 2.85 4207. Light top $1.38 4^56. Without Diamonds. 0.90 Cushion Bent Black Onyx, with Composition Initial Intrusted, 16 and ISm. Each 40c and 50c M MOON STONES. (Balls.) O O O O OOOOOO Size, 8 1 rm 6i^m 6m 5;^ m 5m 4i/z m 4m 3^ m 3 m 2?^ m 2'^ m 2Mm2m $5.00 $4.00 $3.50 $2.75 $2.40 $1.50 $1.25 $0.70 $0.60 $0.60 $0.60 $0.60 .45 .35 .30 .35 .25 .15 .15 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 OOOOOOOOOOOooooo Size, 12m llKm 11m lOW m 10 m 914m 9m. 8V4 m 8m TAra. TmeJ^m 6m 6J^ m 5 m 4i/4m 4m Perdozen " $8.00 $7.00 $5.00 $4.50 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.25 $1.75 $1.50 $1.60 $1.25 $1.25 Each .70 .60 .45 .40 .30 .25 .25 .20 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 MOON STONES, (Half Balls.) MOON STONES, (Navette.) 00 O O OOOOOO Size, 8m 7^ m 7m OH m 6m 5^ m 5m 4H m 4 m 314 m 3 m 13 m 11 m 10 m 9m 8m 7m 6m 5m Per doz. $4.00 $3.50 $3.25 $2.75 $2.50 $3.00 $1.25 $0.85 $0.73 $4.75 $4.25 $4.00 $3.00 $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 $2.00 MOON STONES. (Heart shape.) MOON STONES (Crescent.) MOON STONES. (Pear shape.) $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $3.00 MOON STONE, CAMEO FACES. (Elliptic. Size, 6m 7 m 8 m 9 m Each $0.65 $0.75 $0.95 $1.10. 658 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JOBBING STONES. SPECIAL PRICES TO JOBBERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS USING LARGE QUANTITIES. OPALS, Real (Round). Prices are for average weight. Lighter and Heavier Stones vary accordingly. Prices vary with Quality. Finest Quality, each . Fine " Good " " 10 10 10 10 13 Opals may be had ii IMITATION OPALS (Round and Elliptic). 2o 25 30 35 35 20 20 25 30 30 15 15 20 20 25 10 15 50 60 65 70 1 cheaper grades at prices consistent with quality. FRENCH OPALS (Navette). 2 m to 3yim , per doz. SO 90, each, JO 10 3J/jm to 5 n t '* *' l.=)0, 15 5 m to 10 m , " " 2 00, 20 PEARLS, Half and Whole, Genuine and Imitation. N. B.— We carry the Finest Grade only in Pearls. Sizes are exact. 5 6 7 6 12 13 14. 15 Heal, 1st quality, half | Doz.. $0 20 25 30 35 40 50 65 75 1 00 1 35 1 50 2 00 2 25 2 50 3 25 4 00 J 50 pearls (Each, 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 25 30 40 50 Real, common quali- ty, half pearls Doz., 15 20 25 30 35 35 55 65 80100135150185 185 200 225 Keal. 1st quality, I Doz., 1 .50 1 75 2 00 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 25 5 50 6 50 7 OO 7 50 8 00 ivhole pearls 'i Each. 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 40 50 55 60 65 70 Real, common quaii- ity, whole pearls . . Doz., 1 25 1 50 1 .10 1 50 1 70 2 50 2 75 Imitation, Istquality.j Doz., 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 20 20 20 i; Oriental Hall Pearls, Doz,, 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 50 60 50 60 "■ " Imitation. 1st quality, I Doz , 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 wholepearls '. . 'l Each, 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ROSALINE (Bails), AND LARGE IMITATION WHOLE PEARLS. OO O O Oo o oooo Diameter, 6Wm 6m 5-%m 5Vim 514m 6m 4?^m 4V2m 4Mm 4m 354m SJ^m 314m 3m 2^m 2Um 2^m 2 Rosaline Balls, per doz. M" 50 $4 00 M^OO *3 50 $3 25 $3 00 $2 60 $2 SO $2 35 $2 25 $2 00 $2 00 $185 $175 $160 $135 $125 $1 Rosaline Balls, each.... 45 40 40 35 35 30 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 Imitation whole pearls, per doz 40 35 35 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ROSALINE (Half Balls). Per dozen $0 75 85 90 90 95 95 1 00 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 25 1 35 1 40 1 50 1 55 I (50 1 70 1 75 ROSALINE (Navettei. ROSALINE (Hearts', 9 Q Q 10 m 9m 8m 7m 6m Per doz . $3 00 S3 1X1 $2 .50 $2 50 J2 00 Each 25 25 25 25 20 TOPAZ (Round), Fine Quality. 0000000000000 O O O o 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 I 25 $0 25 $0 20 $0 20 $0 15 $0 16 $0 15 $0 1! 40 38 36 34 32 30 ieal. each.... $0 50 $0 50 $0 45 $0 40 $0 35 Fine cut. 1st qual., imita- tion, per doz.Sl 00 $1 00 $0 90 $0 90 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 Medium qual,, Imitation, perdoaea.... 50 50 50 ii 45 45 45 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 35. 35 35 35 To insure a perfect fit^ always send setting for -which, stone is intended. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. ..JOBBING STONES.. Special Prices to Manufacturers and Jobbers Using Large Quantities. TOPAZ. s f — - — N L_ 1 U D D D D D i4m 13 m 12 m 11m 10 m 9m Sm 7m 6m 5m $1.00 $0.75 $0.60 $0.55 $0.50 $0 40 $0.35 $0.30 $0.25 $0.80 1-50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 M TOPAZ (Elliptic). 16m 14 m 13 m 12 m $1.15 $1.00 $0.T5 $0.60 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.25 00000000 8m 7m 6m 5 m $0.35 $0 30 $0.25 $0.20 l.OU 1.00 1.00 .90 TURQUOISE, Round and Square. N. B. Square correspond in size with ttie round. leal, round, 1st qual.only,d02. $0.25 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.80 0.85 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.' leal, square. " " " .25 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65 ,70 .80 .85 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.' mitation, fine qual., round, **■ all sizes, 10c. initation, " " square, " " loc. IMITATION TURQUOISE (Heart). TURQUOISE-N AVETTE (Fine Enameled Imitation). ^ Q O Q !.50 $3.25 $3.00 15 14 13 12 11 10 m _ Perdoz. $3.00 3.00 2.75 2.00 1,50 $1.25 $1.00 $0.85 $0.85 $0 75 Each . .25 .25 .25 .20 .15 .15 .10 .10 10 10 FINE ENAMELED IMITATION TURQUOISE (Balls and Half Balls) . JOBBING S TONES (Assorte d). O OO O OOOOooo Sy-m 5m 41/2 m 4 m 3y,m 3m 1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.10 $1.00 $0.95 $0.90 $0.90 .15 .15 .15 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 TURQUOISE KEYSTONE. ^ O D U U cr 3"/a m 3 m 2?i m 214 m 2M m ll.per.ioz $3.75 $3.50 $2.75 $3.00 $1,65 il, eacii 35 .30 .25 .20 .15 Ltatio-;. fine enam- eled, ijor doz 35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .15 .10 .10 FINE ENAMELED IMITATION TURQUOISE (Elliptic). 0000000000000000 12 \m i.oo $2.00 .20 20 10 914 9 SVj >1.75 $1.75 $1.65 $1.65 15 .15 .15 .15 8 :;/„ 7 614 6 51/2 5 4% i 1.50 $1.50 $1.25 $1.25 $1.10 $1.00 $1.00 $0.75 $0.75 .15 .15 .15 .15 15 .15 .10 .10 .10 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ...JEWELERS' SUNDRIES... Watch and Opera Class Bags and Rubber Bands. WATCH BAGS, KID. No. 1. For 6 size cases, per doz 80.20 No. 3. " 16 " ■' " 35 BIo. 3. " 18 " " " 25 RUBBER BANDS. ll",',;';.,; " flni liimM" II I'll | i 1. 1' I • - I Small Rubber Bands, blade, per box of i.^ oz $0.10 " i^lb 75 Assorted" '• " •' "141b 75 Rubber " •' per lb 3.00 JEWELERS' NON-TARNISHINC RUBBER BANDS. 1st Quality, Red, per bo.x of ?>< oz |0. 15 " }i"lb 90e.:perlb 3.50 Fancy •' " ^4 '^^ 30 " " J^' lb. SI. 10; per lb 4.00 WATCH BACS, BEST CHAMOIS. No. 10. For size cases, 1st quality, per doz.. . .$0.15 No. 11. " 6 " " per doz 15 No. 13. " 16 " " " 20 No. 13. " 18 " " " 20 No, 14. " extra large cases " 25 No. 5. Locket, per doz 15 No. 7. " " 15 WATCH BAGS, COTTON FLANNEL. No. 15. For 18 size cases, per doz ; IS : OPERA GLASS BACS. Plush, Fine Quality, each .80.70 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 661 R li % 3 1aS 1^ % l§ H 5,^ Pi (» A hi 3 5 <1 o'^'S e (Q in O s ^ft^ o fl -=1. s^« n g 3 O So o !o en en < E H sis a. d k D) OJ <1 ^5 . til CD m 0. o ■^Ss s Pi P< T) CSrO o 1 1.9 CS r„-.S 3-31 Q. < fcO° CD .5i5 j3 -« a == 89^ S >o f, O Ph O 3 13 "" o C3 '"' =2^1 J> "JS § &c'3 ^.S 1 Oiw ce ' ~ i s 1 ^ i > 1 ! 1 STOCK NUMBER OF SALE. MOV'T CASE, «< i « 1 6 1 i-j 0| : 3 (3!. .3 4hI 1 8 i ^1 ^ ; ^: -SSi ^'^l 0^, «l ^: Co: S C >< t O n < :Q i di -5; -: ^1 o! : 4-: >: Crf5 t? 1 .:! I^j ■<;: r: (o: . HI ^1 < :q : E-i 1 : H -^i 1 :h : ■•a : > \m i > ;-j!j 1 O i iTTiO ^: > "Oio -J o ^. r,: O Oi 1 S ;:! ^; s •; I ^i CO: i: 3i 1 1 ^i| ^i g °°:< '■ a ^1 " :. « H M t ■ ^ ■a J* c3i ^. S H-5-- a tLl ^ ^!o ^i o cn r— ; jii 3j 1^ 5i» \^^ ZZ 23 o 9 o o The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' SUNDRIES. BOOKS (Continued). MVatcli Repairer'^ Record. Qple omic form foi- recording Watch or Clock repairs, designed by J.^H.P record, .-.sed by as many watch repairers. Below is a sample of fore No. 161. Prices for 1.000 entries ....$1.50 No. 162. " 2,000 •• Special ajzes and binding, as ordered fter examining nearly one hundred forms oi mple 6t form for one wktchTwith spaces filled out as an example. "150 No 163 Prices for 3,000 entries S3. 50 S!50 No! 164. •• 4.000 ■■ 4.50 COPTKIGHTED 1879, Received Nov. 1. Repaired Nov. 5. Delivered Dec. 25. OLIVER STABTSMAN. Delivered to Wife. Description of Movem't, Kind of Case, etc. English, Cap Lever. David Taylor, Liverpool. Gold Hunting Case. ITEMS OF KEPAIRS. Case ^umbe: 9i41. Escape . Cap Jewel. Total Charge. MEMORANDUM, Upper Bal. Picotwas bent, is liable to break. Re pa , reduced size. Width of page, 9% inches; contains five entries on a page. The larger sizes ten entries on a page. PRECIOUS STONES. No. 166. Precious Stones Considered in Their Scien titic and Artistic Relations. By A. H. Ciiurch 81.25 No. 167. History and Mystery of Precious Stones. By W, Jones 3.75 No. 168. Natural History of Gems; or, Semi-Prec- ious Stones. By King 2.50 LIST OF OPTICAL BOOKS. No. 169. Allport. The Eye and its Care 81,00 No. 170. B. H. Blank. Oculists' and Opticians' Prescription Record, Indexed 3.50 No. 171. Bohne. Hand Book for Opticians 2,50 No. 172. Claiborne. Functional Examination of the Eye ■ 1.00 No. 173. Fox and Gould. Quiz Compend on Re- faction of the Eye 80 Gould and Pyle. Compend of the Eye 1.25 Haab. Atlas of Ophthalmology 3.50 Hartridge. Refaction of the Eye 1.00 Hartridge. The Ophthalmoscope. A man- ual for students 1.40 Maddox. Clinical Use of Prisms 1.20 Maddox. Tests and Studies of the Ocular Muscles 1.50 No. 180. Norris & Olliver's Text Book of Ophthal- mology, cloth 5.00 Calf 6.00 No. 181. Philliijs. Spectacles and Eye Glasses 1.00 No. 182. Savage. New Truths in Ophthalmology.. . 1,50 No. 183. Thoriugton. Retinoscopy 1.00 No. 184. Tiffany. Anomalies of Refraction 2.25 No. 185. Valk. Refraction and Correction 2.30 No. 186. Oculists' Index Rerum 3.00 No. 174 No. 175 No. 176 No. 177 No. 178 No. 179 SCIENTIFIC. No. 190. A Treatise on Steel. By Landem. 352 pp $3.00 No .190A. A Manual of metallurgy. By Makins. 100 engrav- ings. .592pp.,8vo. Price 3.00 No. 191. A Treatise on Magrnetism: General and Terres- trial. Lloyd. Price 4.00 ELECTRICAL. No. 19S. Everybody's Handbook of Electricity. By Edward Trevert. 120 pp., 50 illustrations. Cloth, 13mo $0.50 Paper 25 No. 193. Electricity and Its Recent Applications. By Edward Trevert. A book complete on all subjects of electricity. Price 3.00 No. 194. Electric Motor Construction for Amateurs. By Lieut, C. D. Parkhurst. An excellent little book, giving w.orking parts, 16mo,, 115 pp,, illustrated, cloth. Price 1.00 No. 195. A Treatise on Eleotro-Mag-netism. ByD.E. Con- nor. C, E. This is a very interesting book which everybody should read. Cloth.... 50 No. 196. How to Make and Use the Storage Battery. By P. B. Warwick. Illustrations with full working drawings, including directions for installing and maintaining storage battery plants- Price 1.50 No. 197. How to Build Dynamo-Electric Machinery. By Edward Trevert. A complete and practical work on this subject. 350 pp., numerous illustrations; with working drawings 2.50 No. 198. Questions and Answers About Electricity. Edited by Edward T. Bubier, 2d, A first book for students. Theory of electricity and magnetism. Cloth, 12mo 50 No. 199- Experimental Electricity. By Edward Trevert. Tells how to make batteries, bells, dynamos, motors, telephones, telegraphs, electric bells, etc. A very useful book, finely illustrated. Price, Cloth 1.00 No- SOO- Arithmetic of Magnetism and Electricity. Up to date. The latest and best book on the subject- Now ready. By John T. Morrow, M- B., and Thorburn Reid, M. E., A. M., Associate Members, .-Vmerican Institute of Electrical Engineers 1-00 Pap No. 203. Trevert 's Something: About X Eays. Cloth. .50 36 Trevert's How to Make Electric Batteries. No. 205. Warwick's How to Make and TJse the Storage Battery. Illustrated -with full working drawings, including direc- tions for installing and maintaining storage battery plants. Price 1.50 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 663 PRACTBCAL BOOKS-CONTINUED. FOR WATCHMAKERS, JEWELERS, ENGRAVERS AND OPTICIANS. BOOKS FOR WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS. No. 100. Jeweler a Practical Receipt Book. Contains a mass of valuable receipts, formulas and information, gathered from the best and m.ost reliable sources. 5th edition, revised and en_ larged. 48 pp. Price 1 Sq No, 101. Repairing" Watch, Cases. A practical treatise on the subject. By W. SchwauaUis. Contents: Repairing the Pend- ant; Lining Pendant Holes; Work at the Joints; Soldering the Bezel; The Closing of the Case; Taking Out the Dents. 40 pp. Price 25c No. 102. Poising" the Balance. An essay of unusual merit- By J, L. Finn. Price 25c No. 103. Hairspring-ing". A complete treatise on the art of Hairspriuging. By A. Z. Price 25c No. 104. Adjustments to Positions, Isochronism and Compensation. The only work on the subject iu print. 50 pp. Illustrated. Price 25c No. 105. Prize Essay on "Watch Cleaning* and Repairing* ByF.C.Ries. This work took thefirst prize (offered by the Ameri- can Jeweler), in eom.petition with thirty-six other TPriters. Contents: Examination of the Movement; Taking Down; Fitting the Dial; Fit- ting Center Pivot and Bridge ; Bushing; EndsUake ; Worn Center Pin- .ons; Truing the Barrel; Repairing the Ratchet; Putting on Square on a Fuzee; Examination of Mainspring; Stemwind Mechanism; Ex- am^ination of Train; Imitation Gilding; Pivots; Making Balance Staff; The Hairspring; Jeweling; Cleaning in General. Price 25c No. 106. "Watch and Chronometer Jeweling. By N. B. Sherwood. A complete treatise on this subject, and the only one in print. Contents: Peculiarities of Gems used in making Jewels; Requisite Tools and How to Use Them; Shaping and Polishing the Jewel; Opening the Jewel; Setting the Jewel; The Endshake Tool; General Hints to the Repairer. 100 pp. Illustrated. Price 35c No. 107. "Watch Repairing. ByN. B. Sherwood. Contents: The Bench audits Accessories; The Vise and Oilstone; Lathe Appli- ances; The Jacot Lathe; Depthing Tool; Expanding the Web of a Wheel; The Spreading Tool and its Use; The Rouuding-up Tool; Stud Remover; Opening the Regulator; Roller Remover; Replacing Broken Teeth; Graining; Polishing Blocks; Polishing Steel Work; Polishing Pivots; Superiority of Conical Pivots; The Cutting En- gine; To Cut 'Scape Wheels; Replacing Broken Arbors; Hardening and Tempering. 80 pp, Illustrated. Price 35c No. 108. The Watchmakers' and Jewelers' Practical .Sand Book. A workshop companion. Hundreds of valuable re- ceipts and suggestions from private formulas and the best author- ities, together with hints on making certain repairs. An invaluable book for the workman. The most valuable book for the money ever offered to the trade. 128 pp. Illustrated. Price 35c No. 109. The Escapements. Their action, construction and proportion. All watch and clock escapements thoroughly illustrated and described. Illustrated with twenty diagrams. Price 50c No, 110. The American "Watchmaker and Jeweler. By Henry G. Abbott. An Encyclopedia for the Horologist, Jeweler, Gold and Silversmith, Containing hundreds of private receipts and formulas compiled from the best and most reliable soui-ces. Com- plete directions for using all tlie latest Tools, Attachments and De- vices for Watchmakers and Jewelers. Among the other things contained in this volume may be men- tioned a thorough explanation of adjiistments, both to positions and isochronism; directions for making all the alloys used by a watch- maker, jeweler and metalworker; a review of all the escapements, their action, construction and proportion, together with diagrams of each escapement; an exhaustive treatise on balances, their ex- pansion and contraction auxiliaries, sizes and weights and direc- tions for poising; the balance staff and full and complete directions for making and replacing new staSs, together with the use of the graverin turning, and themanipulat''on of measuring instruments; directions for making twenty different cements of great value to the watchm.akerand jeweler, including lathe wax; directions for cleans- ing, pickling and polishing all kinds of metals; magnetism and the use of the various demagnetizers; electroplating, bronzing and stain- ing all metals; gauges of all kinds and directions for using; solder- ing and directions for making all kinds of hard and soft solder and fluxes; steel, its treatment iu annealing, hardening, tempering, etc.; ■p'atch cleaning, repairing, etc. ; a treatise on wheels and pinions ; di- rections for iising all modern tools and appliances; and hundreds of miscellaneous receipts, formulas and hints on all kinds of work of great value to every workman. 310 pages. Illustrated with 200 en- gravings. Cloth covers — $1.50 No. 111. Same as above in paper covers 1.25 No- 1 12. A Simple and Mechanically Perfect "Watch. By Moritz Grossman, A Prize Essay on the Construction of a Simple yet Perfect Watch. Written in a masterly manner by one of the greatest of Horological Authors, 96 pages. 38 diagrams. Fine mus- lin 1.00 No, 113. Same as above in paper covers 75c No. 114. The "Watch Factories of America, Past and Present. By Henry G. Abbott. A complete history of Watchmak- ing in America from 1809 to 18S8, inclusive. The only book on the subject in print. 140 pp. Illustrated with 50 engravings. Second edition. Half morocco, marbled edges 2.25 No.115. Englishcloth 1.50 No. 116 Prize Essay on the Balance Spriag* and its Technical Adjustments. (Baroness Burdett-Coiuts' Prize.) By M. Immisch. Illustrated . Cloth. Price ... 1 . 00 No. 117. Britten's Hand Book, Dictionary and Guide- 1.75 No. 118. Clock and "Watchmaker's Guide. "Booth."* 2.00 No. 119. The Watchmaker's Library. This book consists of a collection of the best articles from the various trade journals of this country and Europe, among the authors being Moritz Gross- mann, M. Kessels, Chas, Spiro, Chas. Reiss, Herman Horrman, P. M. Youlen, M. Sandoz, Herman Grosch, Jam.es U. Poole, E. Sordet and Vincent Lauer, The papers are all of a practical nature and of great value to the practical watchmaker, the whole forming a vol- ume of 290 pages and index. In paper covers 1.00 No. ISO, Watch Repairers' Handy Book. Paper Covers. 50c No. 121. "Watch Repairers' Handy Book. Stiff covers 75c No. 122. WatchBook. " Saunier." In cloth 2 50 No. 123. "Watch BoDk Modern Horolo&y. "Saunier." Morocco , 12.50 No, 124. "Wheels and Pinions, How to determine their ex- act size. With ten tables and one plate By F. Shouffelberger, Translated and edited with additions by Theo. Gribl. By means of this book you can instantly determine without figuring the exact size of any wheel or pinion in horological mechanism No. 125. A Practical Course on Adjusting-. (In press.) ByTheo. Gribi. The only work of the kind that has ever been pub- lished, Iniiispensable to every watchmaker , No. 126. Repairing: Repeating" "Watches 35c No. 127. Staff Maaing and fivoting 25c No. 128. "Watrh Repairing 35c No. 129. The "Watchmakers' and Jewelers' Practical Re- ceiptBook 1.25 No. 130. Prize Essay on the Balance Staff and Cylinder. 25c No. 131. Compensating Pendulums and How to !Make Tiiem 35c No. 132. Prize Essay on the IDetached Lever Escape- ment .... 1.50 No. 146. The Evolution of Automatic ISIachinery as Applied to the Manufacture of "Watches. By E. A. Marsh. Il- lustrated with 72 tine half tones. Botind in cloth, gilt top and gold back and side stamps. 140 pages. Price 2.00 No. 147. A Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks 'and "Watches and Bells. By sir Edmund Becket, Bart, (late E. B. Denison). With numerous illustrations. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. 400 pp. 12 mo 2.25 No 148. "Watch Repairers' Hand Book. Kemlo. Being a complete guide to the young beginner in taking apart, putting to- gether and thoroughly cleaning the English lever and other for- eign watches, and all American watches. With ilUistrations. 93 PP 1-25 No. 149. "Watch and Clock Making-. Glasgow 2.00 No. 150. The "Watch Jobbers' Handy Book. Hasluck. 80c No. 151. Prize Essays on the Balance Spring and its Isochronal Adjustments. Immisch . . . , , 1 00 No. 152. An Analysis of the Lever Escapement. By H. R. Playtner, The most thorough book on the subject ever produced. Written in a plain and comprehensive manner and thoroughly illus- trated. Cloth binding, gold side stamp. 88 pages. Price 50c JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS. No. 133. Goldsmiths' Hand Book 1.25 No. 134, Silversmiths' Hand Book 1.25 No, 1 35. Instructions in Hard Soldering 75o GOLD, SILVER AND NICKEL PLATING. No. 136. "Watts' Electro Metallurgy. Giving full instruc- tions in Gold, Silver and Nickel Plating 1.00 No. 137. Gore's Electro Metallurgy. Giving full instruc- tions on Gold, Silver and Nickel Plating, etc S.OO No 153. Practical Hand Book of Electroplating*. By Ed- ward Trevert. 75 pages. , Limp cloth 50c No. 154. Practical Points on the Deposition of Metals, is the title of a new work for the practical plater, by J. H. Van Home. The author knows the difficulties experienced by many in getting good, smooth deposits of gold, silver, nickel, copper and brass on their work. These diiBeulties he clears away -with his sim- ple formula for making solutions and plain directions for their man- agement. Contents; Preparation of Work for Plating; Silver Plat- ing Baths; Copper and Brass Baths; Gold Plating and Coloring Baths; Ormolu Finishes and Dips; Some Finishes for Platers; Green Bronze for Brass; Olive Green on Brass; Green Patina on any metal; Light Green on Sheet Zinc; Matt Silver Finish, Pink or Silver. Paper cover. 44 pages. Price 75c A Complete Treatise en Electro Deposition of Metals. By Dr. Geo. Langbein, with addition. 125 engravings. 404 pages. 8vo 4.00 ENGRAVERS' BOOKS. No. 138. General Letter Engraving. By G. F. "Whelply, the acknowledged authority on engraving. Complete in every de- tail. Copiously illustrated. 116 pp. Cloth. Price 1.25 No. 139. Engravers' Bo Dk of Ready-made Monograms. "Dietz," 100 No. 140. Engravers' Text Books, Old English and German text, script, capitals, 'etc. " Dearborn's." 1.25 No. 141. Engravers' Text Book. " Wiggins.". 2.00 No. 142. Monog-rams. Encyclopedia, containing over 5,000 examples of two, three and four letter combinations inothe English, French, German and Antique styles. 130 plates. *' Folio."... . 6.00 No. 145. Friction, Lubrication and the Lubricants in Horology. By W. T. Lewis. Illustrated by half tones and draw- ings by the author. The only book on this subject in print. Paper covers , 75c In art canvas with silver side stamp 1.00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' SUNDRIES. PAPER BOXES. IN NESTS. TELESCOPE BOXES. 39. Assorted colors, sizes 1 to 6, 1st quality, .per gross §2.00 39. " " " 1 to 6, 2d " .. " 1.50 39W. Fine White Glazed Paper, sizes 1 to 6 " o nn ^^^- "2107 " 2.25 SHOULDER BOXES. )X. Colored Paper, sizes 1 to )W. Fine White Paper, sizes 1 to 6 . per gross 83.50 3.50 RING BOXES VELVET LINED. No. G, 156G. White paper, gold edge $3 656X. Colored paper 3 656W. Fine white paper. . 3 1 19. Bronze paper $3 i3G. White " gold edges 3 i3X. Colored paper 3 i3W. Fine white paper. . . 8 154. Bronze paper $8 154G. White paper, gold edges 4 l34X. Colored paper 4 154W. Fine white paper. . . 4 150.^ Bronze paper S4 C loOG. White paper, gold edges 46 C50X. Colored paper .... 5 C 650W. Fine white glazed paper 5 C 152. 153G. 152X. 153W. Bronze paper So White paper, gold edges 5 & Colored paper 6 0^ Fine white glazed paper 6 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 665 JEWELERS' SUNDRIES. NEST BOXES. INSlUe MEASUREMENTS A.R e: 1st Size, ^ 5th Size, 6th Size, - IJxJxJ 2d Size, - - - IIxIiLxi', 3cl Size, - - - 'iiigxlx^xli 4th Size, - - - 2ixli»,x5 SJixliixH 3x2^x1 Prices of 6 in. Nest. Per Gross. No. 10. Nice White Glazed Pa- per, sizes from 1 to 6 ^1.25 No. 11. Ditto. Sizes from 2 to V 1.50 No. 12. Colored or White Enam- eled Paper, sizes from 1 to 6 1.50 No. 13. Colored or White Enam- eled Paper, sizes from 2 to 7 1.75 Prices per gross Boxes separately in Sizes from i to 9. White Glazed Paper. Colored Enam- eled Paper, 1st Size. ^1.00 ?1.20 2nd " 1.12 1.40 3rd " 1.25 1.50 4th " 1.37 1.75 5th " 1.50 2.00 6th " 1.62 ■ 2.25 1th " 2.00 2.50 8th " 2.25 3.00 9th " 2.50 3.50 1st Size. l inch deep. 2nc Size. 1*2 3rd Si .e. n " " 4th Size. it 5th Size. IS . . 6th Size. 1 " 7th S ize. IJ " •■ Sth Size. 1,% - ■• 9th Siz li% " '■ Printing Extra, i Gross @ 75c. 3 Gross @ 6oc. 5 Gross (a) 50c. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 1 inch deep inside. For Hat Pins, Chain Bracelets, Ete. No. 770 Per Gross, 84.50 WHITE OR COLORED GLAZED PAPER BOXES. inch deep deep. I Pen and Pen Holder. No. 778 Per Gross, S3.00 THIMBLE BOXES. VELVET LINED. No. 183. Bronze Paper, no edges S3.00 " 183G. White Paper, gold edges 3.50 " 683C. Colored Paper 4.00 " 783W. White Paper 4.00 PAPER BOXES. FOR BRACELETS. RINGS, NOVELTIES. ETC. No. 706. For Card Cases, Pocket Books, etc. 1 inch deep. Gross, S3.25 No. 709. For Card Cases, Pocket Books, etc. 1 inch deep. Gross, S3.00 No. 737. ^ inch deep, for Match Boxes, etc. Per Gro., $2.,'j0 p i Q •z w 5' 3- V 9 i No. 643. For Brooches an Silver Novelties, ^ inch deep. Per Gross, $3.50 No.- 149. For Rings, Seals, Ete. yi inch deep. Per. Gross, S1.75 3 =2, For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JEWELERS' SUNDRIES. WHITE OR COLORED GLAZED PAPER BOXES. Per Gross $3.00 7-16 deep inside For Silver Novelties. No. 698. B. Per Gross, 82.5 11-16 deep inside For Silver Novelties No. 677 B. Per Gross, 82.50 'A deep it side Standa d Scarf and Lace Pi Q Size N 0. 697 B. Per Gross ,82 00 9-16 deep inside For Silver Noveltie ,. No. 603 B. Per Gross , 82.25 For Pencils and Pen Holders H deep inside For Silver Noveltie s, Hair Pins, etc., No. 672 B. Pe r gross, 83.00 I'be Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' SUNDRIES — PAPER BOXES. FINE WHITE PAPER. WITHOUT LINING. FINE COLORED PAPER. Pair Sugar Spoons. J^ dc T)es. " 1 " " Pair Butter Knives Cup Salt Spoon J^ doz. Tea Spoons. . Pair 1% inch Napkin Rings Pair 1^ " •' " . Pair 2 " " " . Single Tea Spoon J^ doz. Table Spoons 1 " " " Mustard Spoon Child's Fork Berry Spoon Single CofEee Spoon Single 1% inch Napkin Ring Single 1 ^ " " " Single 2 " " " Pish Knife , Pie Knife . 2 Soup Ladle 2 Oyster Ladle y Gravy Ladle 1 1^ doz. Forks 1 1 " ' 1 Goblet 3 Preserve Spoons 1 Crumb Scraper 1 Gravy Spoon 1 Sugar Tongs 1 Cheese Scoop 1 .NO SHOULDER. Per ProsB. . . S 5.50 , . . 6.00 , . . 7.00 5.00 10.00 . . . 2.50 4.50 . . , 5.50 , . . 3.75 . . 4.00 , . . 4.25 , . . 4.00 . . . 7.00 . . . 8.50 , . . 3.00 . . . 3.50 . . . 9.50 . . . 3.00 . . . 2.50 . . . 3.00 . . . 3.25 , . . 11.00 ... 10.00 . .. 20.00 . . . 13.50 . . . 9.50 ... 6.00 . . . 7.50 . . . 15.00 . . . 8.00 . . . 10.00 ■ ■ . 13.00 ■ . ■ 5.00 . . . 6.50 FOR SINGLE NO. 6 Per Gros 7-8 iNC MO. 669X. $3.00. NO. 697. FOR SCARF PINj ETC. $2.00 GRO. GLE COFFIE POON. e99X, SS. $3.00. OH DEEP. TEJtSPOOK SOX. s, $4.00. H DEEP. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JEWELERS^ SUNDRIES. JEWELRY CASES. SQUARE RING CASES. No. Per Doz No 1. Square Plush Ring, S^' small size $1.50 9. 2. Square, Fine Plush largesize 2.25 10 3. Velvet 3.00 4. Fine Plush, with hinge. . 3.00 5. Fine Velvet, " 4.50 6. Fine Leather, dome top, with hinge 4.50 7. Fancy Silk, no hinge, satin lined, first quality 4.50 ROUND RING CASES. Per Doz Plush, small size $1.50 Plush, large size, fine quality 2.25 Leather, plush lined 3.00 STUD CASES. No. Per Doz 11. Plush $3.25 13. Fine Silk Velvet, with hinge 4.50 13. Fine Silk Plush, with hinge 8.25 14. Fine Leather 4.50 THIMBLE CASES. No. Per Doz 15. Fine Silk Plush S2.25 16. Fine Silk Velvet 5.00 WATCH CASES-AUL SIZES. No. Per Doz 17. Common Plush S2.50 18. Silk Plush 3.00 19. Silk Plush, good quality 3.50 20. Fine Silk Velvet 7 50 21. Velveteen, fancy decorated 4.50 32. Leather, satin and velvet lined G.OO 33. Fancy Silk Cover, satin lined, fine quality. . . 7.50 PEN CASES. No. 24. Plush, good quality, per doz $3.00 No. 36. Fine Leather, with hinge pei do " 35. " ■' with hinge, per doz 3.75 " 27. Imitation Morocco, per doz No. 28. White Enameled Paper, piush lined, per doz $0.60 S3 00 r 3 00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS^ SUNDRfES. JEWELRY CASES. No. 29. " 30. " 31. " 82. " 33. EAR DROP CASES. Plush, perdoz s.„ „„ Plush, with hinge, per doz 3 i^i. Velvet, with hinge, per doz .' g gQ Fancy Silk Covered, satin lined, withouthinae' fine quality, per doz " ^ ^5 Fine Leather, with hinge, per dozen. s'sQ No. 39. Plush, per doz S!3.00 " 40. Plush, with hinge, per doz 3.75 " 41. Fine Velvet, per doz.. 5.50 SCREW EAR RING CASES. lMo.34. Plush, perdoz ^„ „ " 35. Plush, with hinge, per doz q'S" " 36. Fine Velvet, pefdoz ^.^ " 37. Fancy Silk Covered, satin lined, without' hineV .. QQ -r- g°°. Aqy defect in ourworl 2.25 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' SUNDRIES-LABELS. A$ Gummed Labels, with Red Border, per box of 1 gross A B C 1 A B C 2 style 3. A B C 3 style 4. A BC4 lOc Style 3. A B C A B C 1 C2 At style 26. Style 22. Style 23. Boxes containing assortments of the above characters from A to Z ^^d numbers from | to Q, as follows: STYLES, Box contaiDing 1,000 2,000 3 00 3 00 3 DO 3 00 3 00 5,000 6 00 6 00 .... 6 00 20 21 23 JEWELERS' GUMMED LABELS. Assorted Colors, Lettering as Designated. I Envelope . 2c 1 Box 15c Envelope contains ten of one Box contains 100 of one letter letter or figure: styles from 1 or figure; styles from 1 to 23. to 23. 1 Box 25e 1 Envelope 3c Styles from 25 to 26. Style from 85 to 26. RIBBONS — For Rings or Silver Ware in Rolls of ten yards. Per roll 15c Any style l M, $3 00; 2M, S3 75; 3M, J4 50; 5M, S6; 10 M, $10 00 , For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 681 MP JEWELERS' SUNDRIES. PAPER. AND SHOW CASE MATS. For Polishing Matei-ial see pacre 397. HARD SURFACED .TISSUE PAPER.. TOUGH FIBRE. OUR GUARANTEED. Prepared Especially for Us. For Watclimakers' Use ThPrft Is Nothing Better. 4ix4.i /; y-^ per Box of 4LJC; 1,000 Sheets SHOW CASE MAT. 12.X12 inches, fine quality, fringed. 12x12 " silk corded edge FOLDED PAPERS FOR DISPLAYING DIAMOND JEWELRY. CREPE PAPER. For use in Decorating Windows. 20 inches wide by 10 feet long. Per box. O.50-Pinlc each, o. 51— Salmon ^^ o. 52 — Canary .. o. 53-Blue .. o. 54— Lavender ,, o. 55— Green u o. 56— Floral designs ,, o. 57- Embossed Patterns TISSUE PAPER. .rst Cuality, grass bleached, per ream S '* " ribbed econd Quality, grass bleached, " ;egular Tissue Paper, per ream PAPER CUTTERS. 'o take rolled paper 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, ai,^^?, ai^and 36 inches Bo\ing and Larti,^e extii 75 each tl 00 MANILLA PAPER IN ROLLS. Fidths, 6, 9, 12. 15, 18, 20, 24, 27, 30 and 36 inches; three weights: light, medium and heavy. rrade No. 1, per pound *W 2. '• ^ The advantage of using these will suggest itself to every Jewfl^''- . . . „, _,„^.„ The inside piper ean.be utilized for making memoranda of the -weight of stones cost of mounting, etc. When outside paper is soiled it can be easily torn off without removing jewelry. «, eg 12x12, Fine Quality »' "" We carry in stock styles as indicated aoove, made of 12 thicknesses of Ribbed Tissue Paper, the latest novelty now so much used by jewelers. No. 1 SB, cut for Sleeve Buttons, size 4^x3% inches, per box of 25 25c No. 1 LB, '■ Link " " " ,, "" No. ILP, " Lace Pin, „ %2^ No. IB, " Brooch, ,, ■g^ No. 1 ED, " BarDrops, ., Si"; No.lSD, " ScrewDrops, S2^ No. ISS, " Single Stud, ' ; „ ^^ No. 1 SC, " Single Collar Button " ' ^^ j2J; No.lSP, " Scarf Pin, '' ; ,, "?^ No IP, " Plain, not Punched, " ei^ No.lJP, " JerseyPin, size 6 x 2M inches, ac No 1 N, " Necklace. sue 7!4 x 5 inches. •••• -""c The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' SUNDRIES. SHOW CASES. Plain corners, square front, double thick French glass, sliding doors with mirror back, top glass 24 inches wide, with oak, walnut or cherry frames. All cases are guaranteed first-class. STYLE NO. 6. EXTRA HIGH. WITHOUT METAL CORNERS. I S to 8 ft. have 2 top and 2 side lights. o to 12 ft. have 3 top and 3 side llg:hts. 15 in. high, plain corners 16 or 17 in. high, plain corners. 18 or 19 in. high, plain corners. 30 or 21 in. high, plain corners. 22 or 23 in. high, plain corners. 24 in. high, plain corners 3 ft. $4 75 5 15 5 75 6 85 6 75 7 50 i 9 00 10 00 11 50 $10 40 11 50 18 40 13 75 18 85 13 50 14 65 14 00 15 25 8 ft. S13 00 12 95 14 35 15 50 16 GO 17 00 Oft. $13 35 14 50 16 50 17 75 ,18 25 19 50 10 ft. $14 95 16 00 17 90 19 75 20 50 23 25 11 ft. 117 00 17 95 18 90 31 40 33 00 35 00 12 ft. $18 25 19 65 20 50 33 35 34 75 37 00 STYLE NO. 5. EXTRA HIGH, WITH METAL CORNERS. Show Cases. 3 ft. 6 00 7 00 7 50 7 75 4 ft. 7 75 8 95 9 00 9 75 5 ft. 6 ft. 7 ft. 8 ft. 9 ft. 10 ft. 11 ft. 13 ft. 5 to 8 ft. have 2 top and 2 side lights. 9 to 12 ft. have 3 top and 3 side lights. 8 75 9 75 9 50 10 95 10 50 11 25 13 00 14 00 11 50 13 GO 13 50 15 50 13 35 14 35 15 75 16 75 15 35 15 75 16 50 17 75 16 35 16 75 19 25 20 75 18 00 18 35 21 30 32 GO 19 75 20 50 24 00 35 90 16 or 17 in. high, metal corners 18 or 19 in. high, metal corners 20 or 21 in. high, metal corners LOW BASE SHOW OASES. Height 44 inches, sliding glass doors, wood shelves, on adjustable brackets. No. 600. With Double Thick Glass $30 65 No. 601. With Beveled Plate Glass, top light, balance Double Thick Glass. . 27 95 5 ft. 6 ft. 7 ft. 8 ft. 123 75 $30 75 $34 75 $38 50 36 50 45 GO 51 60 56 00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JEWELERS' SUNDRIES. WALL CASE. OAK OR WALNUT. No. 101. Wall Case, oak, any length desired, per ft. " 103. " " walnut, " " " .$7:10 . 7.75 MOVEMENT TRAYS. ALLEN'S PATENT MOVE- MENT TEAY, with adjustable slides for holding all sizes of movements: has glass cover on hinge and is dustproof; move- ments may be shown in tray in any position. Made in oak and walnut. Reg- ular size 11 3^x11 3^. For 9 Movements, |2.50 For 12 Movements, 2.75 For 16 Movements, 3.00 Other Sizes to Order. STANDARD SHOW CASE TRAYS. QUALITY UNSURPASSED AT PRICES QUOTED. PRICES OF SHOW CASE TRAYS. Rings, ngs. . Rings., ngs. Watches (uuffed, 9 wells) i' Watches (puffed, 12 wells) Watches (partition, IG spaces).. ;' Watches (partition, 25 spaces). Chains t (partition) . t (partition) . .le.. THE POPULAR LINE. MADE TO STACK. Frame of oak or walnut, hand pol- ished, lining of ijlush; colors, ruby, purple or peacock blue. 629 024 B mix 5 034 S ll?ix 6 G25B ll?4x 7 G25S 119ix 7 626 B ll?ixll 626 S ll?4Xll 630 G UMxll 030 L llMxll 031 G UKxU 631 L IHixll 119iix 1.10 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.00 1.25 1.10 1.25 THE GOOD LINE. MADE TO STACK. Frame of oak or walnut, fine hand polished, linings of very fine silk plush or medium quality silk velvet; colors, ruby, bottle green or purple. No. 432 424 B 424 .S 425 B 4i5S 426 B 426 S 430 G 430 L 431 G 431 L 445 434 429 Size. llKx 7% llMxllK ll?ixll9i£ U?4'xll9.{ U»jxll?i iiyxiia llKxlHi ll?ix 7% u%xn% 115ixl5W ll?ixll9i 5?ixll5i l«x 7% Prices. $1.10 1.45 1.45 1.60 1.60 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.60 1.90 1.90 THE FINE LINE. MADE TO STACK. Frame of birdseye maple or ma- hogany, French hand finish, lining of extra fine quality royal purple, ruby or bottle green silk velvet or fine black Ottoman silk. No. 529 Size. iiyxiia $1.75 113ix 6% 1.90 11?4X 6% 1.90 llJix 7% 2.16 IHix ■!% 2.15 llKxllJi 2.65 llSixllJS 2.65 ll?ixllM 2.65 liyxllK 2.66 ll?ixll94 2.65 115ixllJ£ 2.65 llKx 7% 2.15 l«xllM 2.40 ll«xl5i/s 2.96 r>%xU% 2.15 ll?4xll9i 2.06 5?ixllM 2.15 119ix 7% 2.40 Price >ays may be had either flat bottom or to sta< 'rices quoted are for reg-ular stock sizes, j jping old trays to lis, removing old linings, 6 foot show cases are i ibove dimensions of show cases i The kind of tray is optional, thimble or locket Plain Black Trays Plain Trays, Imitation Walnut Frame, Black Velvet Li If not specified stack will be sent, extra charge is made for odd sizes. Estimates furnished for other ining and renewing is equal to our prices of new trays. 6in. inside measurement. 8 foot show cases are 7ft. 6in. inside measurement, 10 foot show cases are 9ft. 6in. inside measurement, standard sizes and require besides the regular square size, ll^axll?;^, two one-half linings or colors. The expense T square s ally selected, and one each will be sent unless otherwise specified oblong trays, U^xSJb, to CELLULOID RING TRAYS. With White Enameled Frame. Per Dozen. ^^. For 6 Rings, Horizontal |6 . 00 l}4- For 8 Rings, Horizontal 7 . 00 )}4. For 12 Rings, Horizontal 8 . 00 l}4. For 16 Rings, Horizontal 10.00 )}4' For 18 Rings, Horizontal 11.00 l}i. For 34 Rings, Horizontal 12.00 Celluloid Cards, per dozen, 50 cents. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. SHOW CASE TABLES, WATCH PROTECTORS AND GLASS SHADES. Glass Shades. [d, elliptic or square base. "Ajax" insulator and Watch Protector. Made in all sizes, per doz $2.00 PRICES OF GLASS SHADES, ROUND BASE. r of inches in a sh?de is ascertained as follows; -Add once the height to three times the diameter. 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.25 1.28 1.30 1.33 1.35 1.38 1.43 1.45 1.60 1.65 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2 60 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.75 2.85 . 2.t)5 2.10|55 3.05 |62'/s. $3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.65 3.75 4.00 . 4.20 . 4.45 . 4.75 . 4.85 . 5.20 5.95 6 15 6.50 6.85 7.25 7.75 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 No. 70'^ $10.00 71 10.30 71'/j 10.60 72 10.90 721/2 11.20 73 11.25 73/2 11.40 74 11.60 75 12.25 76'/2 12.50 76 12.75 77 13.25 78 13.75 79 14.25 80 15.00 BEYOND No. 80 THE PRICES AKE SPECIAL,. PRICES OF ELLIPTIC, OVAL AND SQUARE BASE SHADES. Oval Shades Add once the height, twice the large diameter, once the sm; Square Shades. — Add once the height, twice the large diameter, once the e Whe diameter. No. L the height of a shade, round, oval or square, is less than the large dia 1 diameter, and three inches over, nail diameter, and live inches over, eter, it is counted as being of the same .90 311/2. 32 . 1.40 1.50 1.56 1.90 1.96 2.00 351/2 . 1/2 : 391/2 . 3.40 3.50 3.60 4.00 4.06 4.10 4.20 .$4.30 . 4.40 . 4.50 . 4.60 . 4.70 $6.20 6.40 6.60 8.40 1.90 601/4 9.20 61 9.50 61 !4 9.70 02 10.00 62!i; 10.40 64 11.20 65 11.60 69 17.00 691/^. 70 19.00 No. 701/2 . . . . ....$20. no 71 ... .... 20.60 711/2 .. .... 21.20 72 .... .... 21.80 721/2 .... .... 22.40 73 ... .... 22.50 731/2 . . . . .... 22.80 74 .... .... 23.20 75 . . . . .... 24.50 75V4.... .. .. 25.00 76 ... .... 25.50 77 .... .. .. 26.50 78 .... .... 27.50 79 ... .... 28 50 80 ... .... 30.00 BEYOND No. 80 THE PRICES ARE SPECIAI-. In ordering Shades, please observe the following: For a Round Shade State the diameter and height ; for instance. 6 in. diameter. 9 in. high. For aa Oval, Oblong or Square Shade.— State the width or small diameter, the length or larger diameter, 5 in. small diameter, 10 in. large diameter, and 15 in. high. If Stands are wanted Please so state, as they will not be sent unless specially ordered. STANDS. Measured from center to center of groove. Oval and Square Stands measured by the long diameter. Round, Ebonized per inch, $0.07 1 Round, Gilt OvalorSquare " 10 I nd the height; for instance. .per inch. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' SUNDRIES (Tags and Twine). White Paper, Silk Strings, 1000 in Box, 100 in Bunch. Pel 1000 SI. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.95 1.50 1.50 1 00 1.00 1 25 Pe: 100 .10 .10 .10 .10 .15 .15 .15 .10 .10 .15 PARCHMENT TAGS, 1000 IN BOX. 100 IN BUNCH. With Silk Strings. With Slits. 1.00 .10 1.25 .15 l30^ 1.00 .10 n n III 1.00 .10 SECURE SPANCLED PARCHMENT TAGS. Price Per Cross. 1 Cross in Box. Best Pink Cotton Twine. Per Doz. Balls 10.60 BestCol'd " " .. " " 60 Best Bed and White Flax " " " l!2S For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. JEWELER'S SUNDRIES-COMPOUNDS AND POLISHING MATERIALS. CHAMOIS SKINS. Doz. 35 S3. 75 35 3,75 65 7.35 Doz S13.50 First quality (oil drenched) , the softest and finest on the market. Each Small sizes, about 13 inches x 12 inches S .35 Medium sizes, about 14 inches x ISinches 35 Large sizes, about 18 inches x 34 inches Each. Roug-ed Chamois, larg-e $1.35 French C. P. (slate color), especially pre- pared by a new process, making' the best article of its kind on the market; larg-e 1.35 13.50 JEWELERS' ENAMEL. Soft Black, per bottle f .40 Soft Red, Blue or Green, per bottle .50 Hard 10 k. Red and Purple, per Dwt. . . . • 70 Hard 14 k. Red and Purple, per Dwt 1.00 Hard 10 k. , other colors, per oz 1.00 Hark 14 k., other colors, per oz 1.35 Special Prices for Large Quantities. HARD ROUGE. Second quality. Each. Doz. Small $ .15 $1.50 Medium 35 2.75 Large 50 5.50 Gold soft rougre, box lOe. Best German pow- Per box lOo Gold best XXX hard, per lb 60c. J«,'''^,. v---^^"- aered, perbox lOc. Silver, hard, per lb 65c. f-f^ .' . . . l'."^. ^°5c: liy&ermanlninp.'S.', 3Se. Nickel and Steel, hard, per lb 30e. Best composition, lb., 35c. ^ ''i J i WMH " " Ijw^^ i f /LIcctro Silicon I ^^^.- - - I CnAiVlUli) INUVtLIItS A1>L» fULUnco. Stilboma, the Oriental Polisher A lei ically p epared and r at ted Ctian oib Sk n a id v 11 last for >ears. Every jeweler should ha\e for his o\mi use and to sell to his customers. No. 1. She, 17x20 inches each, $1 . 10; dozen, $12.00 .-.'5: '■ 8.00 .45: " 4.50 No. I. Chamois Jewel Bag. No. 2. Chamois Jewel Bag. Single pocket. 3x454 inches. Double pocket. 3x414 inches. Dozen 50c Gross ..$5.75 Each..l(ic Doz..75c Gross. .$7.5C Printing Extra, 7se per gross. CHAMOIS WIPERS FOR POLISHING SPECTACLES OR JEWELRY. A QOOD ADVERTISEMENT FOR YOU. No. 3. Chamois Polisher. For spectacles, watches or jewelry. Diameter, 3 inches. Per gross $1.25 Printing Extra, 7sc per gross. EEBISTSHUD. ^JEWELRY WASH! j OIAMONP, FOIL BACK. ; I And anj* Kind of gold pjatetl orpi t ' |j,->>vflry (iiold color esoeptel 1 ! aitin a half mln jor longer; then rinse in \va 3 water and dry in sawdust. nay be K'ft inlt. Keep tbe bottlo ;orked when not in use. \rter using tbe wash as per ril 1 SHAKE BEFORE USING @ No. 4. Chamois Wiper. Palette pattern. Per gross $3.75 No. 5. Chamois Wiper. Pug pattern. Per gross $3.75 Printing Extra, 75c per gross. Sylvanite Polish. Per doz 75c Champion Jewelry Wash. :-pint bottles, $2.75 doz.; i4-pint bottle, $1.7.") do Silver Cream. In 'o-pint bottles. Per doz $1.50 Magic Rouge. The New Polish. Per doz $2.00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 689 JEWELERS' SUNDRIES. Compounds and Polishing Materials. JEWELERS' ENAMEL. ■ For 14K Gold. pg, „^ 3. II. Purple 14K $3.00 5A. DarkBluel4K 2.00 12. Maroon UK 2.00 16. Orange 14K ■ 2.00 7. Ivory 14K 2.00 6. Turquois 14K 2.00 150. Terra Cotta Eed 2.00 10. DarkKubyHK 5.0O 14. Cream 14K 1..50 Green 14K 1.50 4. EoyalBluel4K 1.00 1. Whitel4K 1.00 3. Peacock Blue 14K 1.00 2. BlackuK 1.00 For lOK Gold. 3. 8. Kuby lOK $5.00 9. PinklOK 3.00 15. CanarvlOK 2.00 lA. White lOK 2 00 Other colors it desired. Flux for flowingenamel, per oz., $1,00. 14K enamel 11 flow on lOK gold and silver with this flux. Copper Alloy, per lb., 40c. Sealing Wax, per lb., 40c. SYLVANITE CLOTH A SUPERIOR POLISHER 'iSe No. 8 size, 12xl3'/4 Inches ...$1.00per doz, VIENNA LINIE. iGallon: '.■..■.;:■. 25c targe Bottle. 25c; Small, 15c. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies JEWELERS' SUNDRIES. COMPOUNDS AND POLISHING MATERIAL. ANTl-OXIDIZER For preservinsf tlie color and polish o£ Gold, etc., while passing throus*' the Are Keep la warm plane. AMERICAN SUPERIOR SOLDERING FLUID. CHEMICAL WORKSJ^ ^jiiijir""""' ^' 1 • c/i • «a4 Xi 3 Qjf (L> a> U "O •o 3 O Q- Ruby Powder, Per bottle, 2 c. 14 k. Soldei Flux. Will not sp a tter. Per box, 15c. For all grades Of Gold Solder. Per box, i5c. No. 20. Etching Compound. 25c. DIAL ENAMEL Dial Enamel. Soft Dial Enamel 16e Soft Dial Enamel, in fluid 20c Soft Dial Enamel, assorted colors, 25c Lense Cement, Per tube, 25c. COERULINE instantly the Blue from St" . Tiic article is dipped ifi after Disparition of the BU pouring water over it. ^ IN CHEMICAL WORKS, C Per bottle, loc. Granite Hold-Fast Cement. Kaiser's Transparent Jewel Cement. 30c. We will supply any article wanted, if quoted here or not. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. SOLUTIONS AND OILS. sold£i?5gfloid Best on the Market, Per Bottle . ,5, BEST ON THE MARKET. 25c Each. Per Dozen, $2.15 "'— Superfine— ^'/ CLOCK OIL. U.S.fi.O tn SI"" ^ !CHR0N0METEROIL NewBedfoTd5NoHESENUiN^i ^ ^k^^^^ 35c Each. Per Dozen, $3.75 35c Each. Per Dozen, $3.50 fe'^re. Superf ine'i''^ lYPE WRITER OILlii ifewBeafordONoirE^l'"",!'! x5c Each. Per Dozen, $1.25 V^'-^Superfine— ^:'l jGUN LOCK OIL NBvBe(ifOTdj}N0NE£ENUl„j' Yz-m. Vials, 15c Each. Per Dozen, §1.35 WE DESIRE THE SEVEREST CRITICISM, FROM ANY SOURCE. REGARDING THE QUALITIES OF THESE OILS. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies 4-oz. 3-oz. Each. Doz. Bottles 10c 100 10c 75 Each. Doz. OILSTONE AND LATHE OIL. 2-oz. Bottles 10c 55e Each. Doz. 3-oz. Bottles 15c $1 50 Each. Doz. 2-oz. Tubes 10c §1 00 Nye's Tower Clock Oil, per hottle 50c Nye"s Sperm Bicycle Oil. in half-pint cans 20c 2 00 Nye's Bicycle Lantern Oil, in half-pint cans 20c 3 00 ^np erflne p O^^^'Watch Oil . Amfiricau ClodiOiL j^^w^^<^«i ^^IBJ^a Nonelienuhie Mass, ^^Sf^^lfm^vfMrSaK 25c each 32.75 dozen. 35c each S3. 50 dozen. 25c each S2.75 dozen. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 693 Cabinets of Material and Assortments of Jobbing Stones. I Cut PuM Size, GEM MATERIAL CABINET With screw top bottles. This or the Visible Material Cabinet supplied with any combinations below. Cut 2-3 Size. VISIBLE MATERIAL CABINET. Bottles lie flat, showing material furnished with com- bination below. CABINETS OF AMERICAN MATERIAL. [. Cabinet of 3 doz. Genuine Staffs $ 9.00 !. Cabinet of 3 doz. American made, imitation, Balance Stafis 4.50 I. Cabinet of3doz Imported Balance Staffs 2.50 1, Cabinet of 1 gro. Ruby or Sapphire Balance Jewels (unset) holes8tol8 11.00 Cabinctlgro. Garnet Balance Jewels (unset), holes 3 to 18.. .. ,6.25 Cabinet 1 gro. Ruby End Stones (unset) 5.00 These can be put up in quantities not less than 3 dozens assorted J you Zbe Eagle Sevfcl Box 2 doz Princess Brilliants 81.00 8 ■■ Foilbacks <. .75 8 •■ Round Imit, Ruby. Emer - and Sapph. 1st qual ' ^ 80 I ■■ Oval Imit- Ruby. Emer and Sapph 1st qual 85 2 •• Round Imit, Ruby. Emer. ( and Sapph. 2nd qual 60 3 ■■ French Whole Pearls 1.20 c •■ ■■ Half '• 50 1 Opals -. .75 6 •• Round Turquoise, small-. .75 2 •■ Round and Oval Turquoise, large 1.20 ^^^ &MifiK^fiS^: V\(i.VvvvV 0\)c\\ Vv BALANCE, CAP AND ROLLER JEWELS. No. 5. Cabinet 3 doz. Genuine C. & F $8.25 '^ 6. Cabinet 3 doz. American made imitation C. & F. Jewels 3.0O " 7. Cabinet 3 doz. Imported C. & F 2.25 " 8. Cabinet 3 doz. Genuine End Stones 3.75 " 9. Cabinet 3 doz. American made End Stones 3.00 " 10. Cabinet 3 doz. Imported End Stones 2.25 •'11. Cabinet H gro. Genuine Roller Jewels 3.75 " 12. Cabinet H gro. First Quality Imitation 2.25 " 13. Cabinet 1 gro. Imitation 2.50 An Dp-to-date Method of Carrying Jobbing Stones. ALL SALABLE GOODS. OTHER ASSORTMENTS CUT 1.4 SIZE. Showing case opened, with papers lying in box held in position by an elastic band. Assortment as above, $5*50* HERE'S A GOOD THING! WHAT'S NICER THAN A HANDY MATERIAL CASE ? 4 1069 5 10 18 6 65 18 7 175 18 8 154 6 9 1307 6 10 1444 6 11 173 IS 12 865 18 18 868 18 14 1243 IS 15 1247 18 16 1229 18 17 1144 18 18 1185 18 19 84 18 20 111 18 21 122 18 22 853 18 23 38 18 24 242 6 25 67 18 26 11 18 27 532 18 28 542 18 'A 29 571 18 80 56 18 31 32 1237 18 38 112 18 84 767 18 35 103 6 36 1479 6 37 832 38 336 18 ^ " P. S. Yoke; •■ Set Leve " Cam. Springs Wnltham Wind. Wlieels Intermed. " C Wind " Yoke Springs Wind Ba " Case Sleeves 111. S. W. Ratchets " Comp. Wheels " Yoke & Click Sprgs " Pendant Springs... Hamp. S. W. Ratchets . Wind. Wheels! Click S Standard Wind. Set Levers. ... Ratchets Hamp. Ship Springs ... Yoke Waltham Set Wh Spgs Elgin Click Spgs. S \v. " K.W ■• S.W. ' Clicks, K.W Nicely Finished Solid Oak Cabinet. Greatly facili- tates the selec- tion and stock- keeping of watcb mate- rial. Size, 12 inches long, ' 8J4 wide, 1^ inches high. Contains 76 bottles. ElginBal. Je'sCl.5 & 6 Waltham Bal. Jel's. Stg. : P.S.B. : Royal. : Hampden " *' Z. 111. " •' G.7 Elgin Roller " Hamp. " " : Elgin Bal. Staffs, C1.5& 6 Hamp." 111. Col'bs " Elgin Jewel Sc ■ Bal. " Case Stg.. P. S. Sea. . G. 3 $11.01 $32.61 The above is an assortment of first-class material of the most staple articles. If same, or an assortment of equal value, is or- dered at one time, the price, with cabinet included, will be 932.00. Price of cabinet. $2.50 If cheaper quality of material is wanted, correspond with us. Above prices subject to 6 percent for cash. Cabinets, 12 Dozen Imitation. Case Screv 'S, assorted. ..$1.75 Pillar " " .. 1.75 Balance " .. 1.25 C. &F. " Jc w. " .. 1.75 Assorted. .. 1.75 State if Nickel or Gilt is wanted. ONE GROSS WATCH PINS Size, Assorted, 20 cents. Cabinets, 4 dozen. Hair Springs, , Swiss or American Assortment $2.25 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. NOMENCLATURE OF WATCH PARTS. Theconfiision of names for the same p : the dealers that it has led to the compila : often called chronometer balances, be- cause they were first used in ship chro- im screws. nometers, but as this character of bal- D - Timing ance is used indifferently on all kinds of watches, this name is not sufficiently Barrel. " Bankings. Barrel -A barrel in horology is ; :losure for the mainspring; etimcs toothed. Bearings - A bearing is a part against which a pivot or journal moves or bears, as the bearing supporting the stem of a stem-winding watch. When it supports a non-moving part it is a stay or support. Where the moving part surrounds the bearing or stationary part, it is an inside bearing. Where the moving part is inside the bearing as the pivot, it is an outside bearing. Beat— When the adjustment of an escapement is such that the escape wheel teeth strike the pallets evenly and uniformly, it is said to be in beat. Bits-A second dial, made independently of the hour and minute dial but attached thereto, usually by soldering or cementing. The center of a double sunk dial is also a bit. Boss Any part that projects from a larger part for the purpose of re- ceiving a moving part, is, in horology, a boss, as the boss on which the dial change wheel revolves or that on which the secondary stop is supported. Bridges — In horology a bridge is a piece supported at each end, usually with screws and dowels. When supported at one end only and not used as a cap or potance, it is a cock. It is a potance only when supporting the lower end of a balance arbor. This rule will enable one to distinguish between bridges, caps, cocks and polances. Bridge, Balance — The bridi^e that holds the balance arbor in position, as in verge watches, where both ends are held by screws and do Used on old style Trenioi watches. upper Chronograph Wheel Bridge. Barrel Bridge. Bridge, Barrel— The bridge that supports the barrel arbor. Bridge, Chronograph Wheel- The bridge that is set over th plate of the chronograph movement to hold the special recording position, Cage-The frame of t^e watch, including the plates, pillars, cocks and bridges, together with the necessary screws when assembled. Cams — Any portion of a moving part, shaped to give variable direction to another part or to itself; in contact, is a cam. It may be by sliding or rolling contact. Cam, Heart -Used on the sweep center arbor, chronographs andsplitset,ond timing watches, to return the hand to its starting point. Cam, Regulator -Used dex of the reg- ^ Heart ulator. *" Cam. Caps — Capsand cups often perform the same office, the distinction being that a cup is cup shaped inside and deep- ,f concave, it is shallow. 696 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies Chain, Puzee -The chain that transmits motion from the barrel li !e m watches having fnzee or repeating mechanism, Chronograph -A recording time piece, arranged so that indefinit Mis of time may be recorded and observed at pleasure. Chronoscope— A watch in which the tint* is indicated by moving ylmders, presenting numbers to holes in an unfigured dial. Clicks-See d Cocks-A coc nd dowels. Used Cock, of nd usually Pallet Cock. 1 part of the tra )a.-t supported, as third wheel cock, Collets-A collet is a collar i loose or only friction tight. Collet, Balance Spring— A collet that joins the bal- ance spring to the balance arbor. Collet, Stop -A collet that holds the primary or male stop in position on the Elgin barrel arbor. « „ Countersink— A depression followed by a depression or ° hole, IS a depression for ^ screw-head followed by a screw hole, IS a countersink. A single depression is a recess. Cremallere— See Rack. Chronometer— Any time piece. See Escapement. Clutch— Any devise to engage and disengage moving parts as those in line of shafting, etc. _ In horology that part that connects and disconnects ■inding mechanism. (Do not confound a clutch 'ith intermediate w Crank, Impulse- mown in horology, lower from the lever ailed a table, becaus /ithstanding that they a n T?— 1- 1- T cause of the niche ir Swiss and „^?s''A'' 'T" shapes, as in certain Ei American P"'^^ Cra-k. „„( discs. A, it in no u_..... .„..., .. „ ..„, . Impulse '""^r as often called. Regardless of its shape, it always per- Crank. forms the office of a crank. The fact that it is usually round for the purpose of providing against overbanking, and possibly antage in poising, it in no way affects its action as a crank. To de- ■elyi_an impulse crank or balance Mode he part receivir las, in horology, of Its flat surface : not always flat, the edge and v; lish watches, the nguage all it: nk, and lor closer de nptic r control. In horology the regulating de "ntrols the balance spring. — I I Cylinder-Cylinder in horo U, cylindrical balance arbor, as sho • p^^ tion, for the double purpose of ba a hollow illustra- f balance arbor s :scapement. Damaskeening— De inlaying or etching de Rings and bars cut oh plal Demagnetizing— The act of destroying magnetic polarity Detent spaces of a ratch The tha nterdental «»•• ters the ;el or rack, yielding t( th while the ratchet wheel moves ^, ny backward motion. The com- n word click has been abandoned because it is merely to a mechanical the wheel or rack al motion almost tingi ; for sound, £ When such a pi it is called a pawl or pallet; : unknown in horologv- Dials -The graduated watch. A plain dial is of pi; or ornamentation. A dial wi IS a plain seconds dial. A d numbered face of the surface without seconds ilain surface and seconds dial de- n of watch parts which give of the train in relation the supported at one end only, usually with screws sion to the plate for holding a bearing in cases made in the plate itself, as a balance cock. Ac- cording to this rule the potance is a cock, but as the name Potance is well established and bears very good authority by virtue of its shape (the cross potant of heraldry, the Cross of Jerusalem), it may be well to call it such. A bridge is supported always at both Cock, Balance-The piece hat holds the bear- i..g for the balance arbor, when supported at one end only. When supported al both ends it is a Bridge. Cock, Pallet— The supporting cock of the pallet arbor Cock, Split Second- The piece that holds the bearing for the sweep Cock, Train— A cock used on sectional plate movements to support When closer description is necessary prefix th' Escapement— The coi to the balance and restrains Escapement, Bascule - A chronometer escapement in which th^ detent turns on a pivot instead of being mounted on a spring as in the usual Bscapement Chronom° eter--In this escapement the escape wheel is lock'd on a jeweled detent and impulse is given by the teeth of the escape wheel to a jewel on the impulse cjank. Escapement Cylinder — In this escapement the bal- ance arbor is a hollow cylin- ; der with nearly a half a side* cut away. The bore of th3 cylinder and the ends of thel escape wheel teeth are nearl^fl Fig, 32. A— Escape Wheel. B — Detent. E — Detent Spring, G-lmpulse Crank. H— Discharg- .^^ outside diameter Cfanklewel ^^"^^'^"^ -^^^^'- "^-Impulse cylinder have nearl -' ■ "^amp mpasiirempnh T" the pulse is given by the inclined plane of the escape wheel teeth on entering : measurement. The cylind. space for the compl the teeth of the esc: , .above the plane ot tli and opposite the pi: sides of the cylindei "'y. enough ) provide suitable ng 01 the balance, eel are supported ;el by small posts, of the wheel the Fig. .35. Cylinder Escape Wheel with cylinder in place. A— Escape Wheel. B-Cylinder. F — Tooth removed to esc: show post. Eal Escapement, Duplex -A wheels to this escapement: oi check the movement of the tra: the two wheels were united in , illustration. As in th_ alternate vibrations of the balanc form of escapement is not nov :alled Chinese Duple.t Watch Fig. 34. Elevation of Cylinder .bowing teeth in place. Fig. 36. A-Escape Wheel. B- Duplex Escapeme Cylinder. C — Enter- A- Escape Wheel ing lip of cylinder. D- B-Impulse Pallet. Discharging lip of cyl- C-Celent Teeth, inder. E - Passage for D-Impulse Teeth, escape wheel. G- E— Duplex Escape Balance collect. Jewel. th s of teeth. s invented by LeRoy, there were two escape le to give impulse to the balance; the other to n, hence the name. Duplex. Subse. relatively small wheel, Lich a wheel is a pinion, length in proportion t oportion to their length, the cogs of a Because of the nion arc called leaves. Pinions in the watch are specfied by the wheel to which they are attached, ceptin the case of winding and cannon pinions. In remote time, for want of abetter one, the name cannon pmion was ; of the fancied resemblance to the old style piece of Pinion, Beveled— See winding -pinion. A pinion having a beveled gear which transmits the power ap- pUed to stem winding train. A wind- Pinion, Cannon- A pinion at- tached by light Iriction to the center pin or center arbor. It carries the J. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies nute hand and transmits the action of the urhand. Pinion Center -The pinion attached I ich receives power from the hairel. It car esthe Pinion, Escape -The pin/on attached to the Pinion, Sweep Second arbor carrying the sweep seci ^^^ Pinion, Winding— A i power applied to th ) the change gear for the part nf the center arbor, of the escape wheel. Pillar, detent or pawl. If used lo ol ratchet wheel or ratch. If used to operate s (See detent.) ibey Lte wheel. Pivot-Th i winding train. It some- led face, or its teeth may be cut either on usually done, or on its face like a con- ■ part of an arbor which is supported by ngs. A pi the F Ra ig 66. tchets. Plain regulator Rack& pinion regulate Fig. 67. Star wheel index Regi lator le. Regulator spring. by Regi shorte esthe lators period -That pa engtheni ofoscillat rtofthe wa ng the effe ch which live part carries the of the balanc guard pins and e spring deter- For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. riesh or Mash— The depth of engageme tween the teech of another. Pitch— The distance between the centers the pitch circle Pitch Circle-The circle of conta.t, the Real Radius— The distance from thee the teeth. Wheels, Watch -The first wheel in the th of 01 : teeth The ond whe The third wheel in the The fourth wheel in il The fifth wheel in the The dial wh . the ~the :1 folic Itch Is the second-h; h is the escape ) wheels b itofth of adji theorical or gt inter of the whe watch is the ba :el. ng th : wheel be- nd wheel, el. the dial a houi-s hour g; this nth : ■vheel, it has nothii not olve minuie, nor a fraction of .. , - _, definite multiple of a minute, and is used merely to change the period of revolution from the center arbor to the hour wheel. Kig, 7S. or Wheel, Anulus— A wheel with a compara- tively larce hole in the center making u a ring. See Fig. 80. Wheel. Beveled— Awheel having its teeth at an angle other than a right angle or parallel to its Wheel, Contrate-A wheel having its teeth parallel to its plane, heel in form of a hollow cylinder having its teeth ble a crown, as a verge escape whe;l. The word is applied to many stem winding a crown but usually those call Wheel, Duplex -A whe Is sometimes correctly when they resemble wn are contrate wheels, eeth, as a duplex escape vhich office of third or other wheel, mesh with the dnv- change the direction of the third wheel. Sometimes called idle vheel. ting vheel c wheel arc called i spectively mtersi Th inter setting r winding. Wheel. Setting- heel 1 'indii ch tha engages with the bet- e and is operated by the crown. Wheel. Winding —The wheel which tvith the winding mechanism in -winding watches and is operated from. Yoke -A yoke is a bond wh; re parts that they may ch; itive to other parts without alt< itive to each other. Our Guaranteed. Wherever you find the words OUR GU)Z\RArSTBBD it means that such ^oods can be relied upon in quality and price -^-^^— ^-^ FINE WHITE IVIETAL VEST CHAINS ■ No. 94, KEY CHAINS. o. 94,Sieel,asst., perdoz., SO G2 ^"^^^ o. 95, Aluminum, ". " gj 25 ^® 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 SI 75 SI 25 S2 50 S 00 82 00 SI n i\ For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 701 FINE SILK VESTS. PRICES PER DOZEN. No. lOGO. Black Bar, Slide and Snap, $1.75. Length Syi inches. No. 1061. Black Bar, Slide and Snap, $1.35. Length 8'A inches. No. 1062. Black Bar, Slide and Snap, Sl.OO. Length S}4 inches. No. 1063. Assorted R. P. Sliu. , Black Bar and Snap, |1.7o. Length 8% inches. No. 1064. R. P. Slide, Black Bar and Snap, S1.50 No. 1065. Black Bar, Slide and Snap, $1.00 Length 81^ inches. No. 1066. R. P. Slide, Black Bar and Snap, S1.50 No. 1067. Black Bar, Slide and Snap, |1.00 Length, 8'/^ inches. No. 1068. R. P. Slide, Black Bar and Snap, |2.35 EillHEilLillFini JtElffiiEi lllflElil ^sm ElKEIIj iWEfEilllilfEEIIEIfflilVlKriEfEEIIillf 4Wiy^>»Kr$VltEEEEEEIiEEiElBEiIEUEEU0 No. 1069. $1.75 '■ l '.|S'.lVl'l'.^ l ',l^'T^^7,U D_j_xriiiiijj._i;jluli-j-jlL No. 1070. $1.00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies FINE SILK VESTS. ROLLED PLATE TRIMMINGS. PRICES PER DOZEN No. 1079. 15.50 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. R. P. Slide 1033 and Snap, $3.00 R. P. Slide 1033 Blk Snap, $1.75 FINE SILK GUARDS. PRICES PER DOZEN. 1038 l^^'O 1042 1044 2 35 K.P. Slide, Turq. Set, R. P. Slide, Ass't Sets Roman Slide, R.P. R.P. Snap, $3.50 R.P. Snap, $3.50 Snap, $3.50 1041 1043 1045 Same, Black Snap, Same, Black Snap Same, Black Snap, $3.00 $2.00 $3-00 IP )|l 1046 R. P. Slides with R. P. Snaps 1047 R. P. Slides with Black Snaps 1048 lOJO 1053 1054 1056 1058 .83.50 1049 1051 1053 1055 1057 1059 ..3.00 704 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PRICES PER DOZEN. FINE SILK GUARDS. 1 R. P. Slide 1000 and Snap, $1.35 R. P. Slide, 1001 Black Snap,... $1,00 Black Slide 1003 and Snap, 1016 R. P. Slide, Tip and Swivel, $3.50l 1017 Same, without Tip, $3.00 I R. P. Slide 1018 1020 1022 1024 1026 and Snap. . .$2.00 2.25 3.25 R. P. Slide, Tip R. P. Slide and and Swivel, $4.00 Swivel, $4.50 R. P. Slide, lOlil 1021 1028 Black Snap, . .$1.75 2.00 2.00 1025 1027 Same, without R. P. Slide and Tip, $8.25 Snap, $8.50 1028 1030 1 doz. Asst. Colors or all Black, R. P. Slide and Snap, $2.50 $2.25 1029 1031 Same with R. P. Slide, Black Snap, f2.25 $2.00 i For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. '^'^^ OPTICAL MERCHANDISE. Prices Net, Excepting all Prescription Work which is subject to a discount of So per cent. SPECTACLES. Best Machine Made, Single Sci-ew, Tempered Nickel-plated Frames, set with Convex Lenses, per doz $1.25 Steel Frame, Screw and Rivet, Large Eye, Convex Lenses, per doz 1.60 Nickel-plated Frame, Screw and Rivet, Large Eye. Convex Lenses, per doz 1.75 Steel Frame and Large Periscopic Lenses, per doz , 3.50 Nickel-plated Frames and Large Periscopic Lenses, per doz 3.75 The above in separate Focuses or assorted dozens. No. 6. Well Finished, 1 Eye, Steel Frames, Periscopic Convex Lenses, per doz , $3.00 " 7. " " " " " Rounded End Pieces, per doz 3.50 8. Finely " " " " Split Joint, per doz 4.00 " 9. " " " " " Ball " ■' 4.00 Any of the above Frames furnished separately, deduct for Lenses, $1.00 10. Wilson's Frames, Periscopic Lenses 75 For Nickel-plating any of the above, add , . .25 No. 11. Nickel-plate Split Bifocal Spectacles, assorted dozens, per doz. .$3.00 No. 12. Solid Nickel Frames, Broad Eye Wire, set with Periscopic Convex Lenses, per doz $8.00 " 13. " " Round Eye Wire, set with Split Bi-focal Lenses, per doz 4.50 " 14. Coin Silver Frames, Broad Eye Wire, Periscopic Convex Lenses, per doz 9.00 " 15. Alloy Frames, Broad Wire, Convex Lenses, per doz 3.00 706 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies SPECTACLES. No. 16. " 17. •• IS. " 19. *■ 20. SPECTACLE FRAMES. ling Bow Frames, Screw and Rivet, Tlano Convex Lenses, C Bridges, per doz $2 75 " " " " " Periscopic Convex Lenses, C Bridges, per doz 3.50 " Common, Intercliangeable, any size Eye, Saddle Bridges, per doz 1.75 Medium, " " " " " " 3.50 " Good, " " " " " ■' 3.00 No. 21. " 22. Steel R. B. Frames, Fine, Interchangeable any size Eye, Saddle Bridges, per doz $3.75 Any of the above furnished Nickel-plated at the additional cost of . . . 25 Nickel-plated Frames, Wilson's, per doz 1.00 Any desired pupilary distance or position of bridges furnished. Specify bronze or blued and size of Eye. Roman Alloy Frames, 1 Eye, Interchangeable, Saddle Bridges, per doz 1.75 German Silver " " " " " " 1.75 Alumnicum Frame, 1 or Eye, per doz 2.75 " " Cabli 1 or Eye, per doz , 4.25 " " Cable with Filled Nose-piece, 1 or Eye, per doz 4.75 For Double Convex Second Quality Lenses in above frames, add 90 For Periscopic Second Quality Lenses in above frames, add 1.00 For Coquille or Mi-coquille Lenses, Second Quality, in above frames, add 1,00 For Gold Filled Bridges, add 75 No. 28. Steel Frames, Ordinary Quality, Interchangeable, any size Eye, per doz , $1.50 29. " " Medium " '■ u ,, ., ^ 'i'^5 30. " " Good " " " " " 2 00 31- " " F'"e " " " " Split Joint, per doz 2.75 Extra for Nickel-plating any of the above 25 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 707 FRAMES, COQUILLES AND SIDE LIGHT SPECTACLES. No. 32. " 33. " 34. Roman Alloy Frames, Interchangeable, per doz $1.75 Gerniian Silver Frames, " " X 75 Alumnicum Frames, " " ■ 2.75 For Gold Filled Bridges on any of the above other than Filled Frames add 75 COQUILLES. No. 40. Steel Frame Single Screw Coquille Lenses, per doz $1.25 " 41. " " Screw and Rivet Smoke or Blue Coquille Lenses, per doz , 2.00 Above furnished with Nickel-Plated Frames, for which add 25 These Frames can be had set with CoquilUe or Mi-Coquille Lenses at an additional cost of 1.00 No. 42. Steel Riding Bow Frame, one Screw, Coquille Lenses, Smoke or Blue, per doz $1.25 " 43. Steel R. B. Frame, Screw and Rivet Coquille Lenses, Smoke or Blue, " " 2.25 " 44. Steel R. B. Frame, Wilson's Coquille Lenses, Smoke " " 1.20 For Nickle-plating any of the above add, " " 25 These can be had in Child's or Giant sizes, also SIDE LIGHT SPECTACLES, No. 45. Four Glass, one Screw. Iron Frame Specs, Blue, Smoke, or Green Lenses, per doz. " 46. Four Glass, two Screw, Extra Finished Steel, Blue, Smoke or Green Lenses," " . .$3.75 . 6.50 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies GOGGLES, EYE PROTECTORS AND EYE SHADES. QOQQLES. No. 50. German Goggles, in Tin Boxes, asso "ted colors, per doz $0.75 " 51. Fine French Eye Protectors, with Velvet Edges, in Japanned Tin Boxes, First Quality, Blue, Smoke, Green, or White Lenses, per doz 3.0C EYE PROTECTORS. LAHB'S EYE PROTECTOR, No. 53. The Patent Eye Protector will wholly protect the eyes from the entrance of foreign substances, per do. .$3.25 No. 55. For bicycle riders, emeiy grinders, railroad men, stone cutters, miners and motormen, to protect the eyes frcin strong light, wind, dust and irritating substances, nickel-plated, per doz $4.50 The above in clear or colored lenses or coquille. BEST EYE PROTECTOR. •MWWWWWW»»«.»""»W.'VW«WMW« Nc. o6. The Eye Protector in position. When not in use insert under fold of bicycle cap or sweat band of hat, per doz $ No. 60. Eye Shades, brass bound, each 10c, per doz $1.00 61. '■ " ■' " with Celluloid Trans- parent Fronts, for bicyclists and book-keepers. students, etc., each 30c, per doz 3.00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. SILK EYE SHADES. ~ For Both Eyes. For One Eye. No. 64. Silk Eye Shades, Green Silk Lining, Elastic Bands, for 1 eye, per doz $1.50 No. 65. " " " " " " " " for both eyes, per doz 3.40 GOLD SPECTACLE FRAMES. . 70. Light Weight, Straight Temple, Flat Eye Wire, per doz $24.00 78. Same, Round Eye Wire Frames only, " 24.00 79. Medium Weight, Straight Temple, Flat Eye Wire, " 27.00 80. Same, Round Eye Wire Faame only, " 27.00 81. Heavy Weight, Straight Temple, Flat Eye Wire, " ' 36.00 82. Same, Round Eye Wire Frames only " 36.00 The above furnished with Saddle Bridges if wanted. These Frames are warranted as to quality and are made in any size eye. $30.00 $42.00 30.00 42.00 38.00 47.00 33.00 47.00 42.00 60.00 42.00 60.00 Light Weight, Round Wire. Saddle Bridge, per Medium " " " " " Heavy '* " " " " With Cable Temples, ' " 8k. lOK. 14K. doz $18.00 $21.00 $29.00 20.00 24.00 33.00 25.00 30.00 45.00 31.00 35.00 44.00 37.00 42.00 57.00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies SPECTACLE FRAMES AND EYE GLASSES. No. 100. Grab Fronts, to hook on in front of Spectacles to alter strength of focus, Steel Frames, per do Extra for nickel plated .$3,00 . .25 No. 105. Rubber Frame, Cork Guards, set with Convex Lenses, per doz $1.75 ■ " 106. Rubber Frames, Ordinary Style Convex Lenses, per doz 80j No. 108. Steel Frame, Cork Guards, Piano Convex Lenses, Nickel-plated, per doz $2.25 " 109. ' Double •' " " " 2.50 " 110. " ■' ■ ■' " Periscopic " " " " 3.00 " 111. " " ■ only, " 1.75 No. 112. Steel Frames, only, Ordinary Quality, per doz _. $1.95 " 113. " " " " Piano Convex Lenses, Nickel-plated, per doz 2.25 " 114. " " " " Double " " " •■ 2 50 " 115. " " " " Periscopic'' " " " 300 " 116. " " only. Good " •• __ ggg For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. EYE GLASSES AND EYE GLASS FRAMES. No. 117. Steel Frame, only, Good Quality, Nickel-plated, per doz 118. " " " Ordinary ' " '' " 119. Steel Ordinary Frames, Piano Convex Lenses, Nickel-plated, per doz. 120. " " " Double " '■ " " . 131. " " " Periscopic " " " .$2.50 . 2.25 . 3,00 . 3.25 . 8.50 123. Alumnicum ily, per doz 3.50 No. 123. Steel Good Quality Frames, per doz. Add 35 cents for Nickel-plated. " 124. Alumnicum " only, per do .$3r35 ..3.50 No. 125. Gold Frame, per doz. $21.00 14IC. 36.00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies EYE GLASSES AND FRAHES. SK. lOK. No. 12tj. t;old Frame, per doz $23.40 $28.50 Jy .. ^^ No. 127. German Silver Mountings, Rimless Periscopic Lenses, per doz $4.00 " 128. ■• " " " Smoked " " 3.60 8K. lOK. I4K. " 12'J. Gold Rimless Offset, per doz $15.75 $18.50 $24.00 " 130. " •• '■ same style as No. 129, per dozen 19.50 24.00 34.00 No. 185. Nickel-plated Frame, only, per doz $4.50 8K. lOK. 14K. " 13G. Gold Frame, per doz $25.00 $28.20 $42.00 No. 137. Nickel-plated Frame, only, per doz $4.50 8K. lOK. I4K. "138. Gold Frame, per doz $25.00 $30.00 $42.00 For Watchmakers^ Jewelers and Kindred Trades. EYE GLASSES AND TRIAL FRAHES. No. 139. Nickel-plated Frame, only, New Revluc Patent, best made, per doz $6.00 8K. lOK. UK. •• 140. Gold Frame, par doz $30.00 $3.3.75 $42.00 -in, m^^ J PAT. JUNE 29, '9; No. 141. German Silver Mountings, only. New Revluc Patent, per doz $4.75 lOK. i4K. " 143. Gold Mountings, only. No Handle, per doz $27.00 $31.00 TRIAL FRAHES. No, 143. Trial Frame, half open top, for interchangeable lenses, each $0.70 No. 144. Perfection Trial Frame, each. .$6.25 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies B. S. O. QOLD=FILLED AND SILVERINE FRAHES. and stamped B. S. O. on bridge or spring, are war- ranted for 10 years, and this v.arrautee will be made good in every instance We recommend these goods as being superior to all others. No. 2i0. Riding Cable Temples, Filled, per dozen, $13.50 With P. Cx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen No. 300. Riding, Filled, per dozen, $9.00. With P. Cx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. No. 523. Riding, Silveiine, per dozen, $3.60. With P. Cx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. 201 No. 301. Skeleton Mounted Riding Temple, Filled, per dozen. $ 9.00 " 343. Skeleton Mounted Cable Temple, Filled, per dozen 14.50 " 38. Skeleton Eye Glass Mounting, Filled, per dozen 6.00 '■ 38. With Ring Handle, Eye Glass Mounting. Filled, per dozen 7.00 I'or Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. B. S. O. QOLD=FILLED AND SILVERINE FRAMES. No. 205. 1540. 1039. B. S. O. Riding, Patent Two Screw, Ball Joint, Filled, per dozen, $9.00. With Pcx. Lenses, add |1.50 per dozen. Gold-Filled, Every Frame Guaranteed, per dozen, f7..50. With Pcx. Lenses, add f 1.50 per dozen. lOK. Gold-Filled, Warranted, per dozen, f6.50. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. No, 247. B.S.O. Riding Cable, Blind Rivet, Bevel End Piece, Filled, per dozen, $13.50. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. "' 523. B.S.O. Riding Cable, Blind Rivet, Bevel End Piece, Silverine, per doz., |4.50. With Pcx. Lenses, add |1.50 per doz. " 1543. Gold-Filled, Every Frame Guaranteed, per dozen, ^.50. With Pcx. Lenses, add |1.50 per dozen. " 1041. lOK. Gold-Filled, Warranted, per dozen, |8.00. With Pcx. Lenses, add |1.50 per dozen. Ne. 227. Felix. Patent Ball Joint, Filled, pjr dozen, |11.00. With Pcx. Lenses, add fl.50 per dozen. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies B. S. O. QOLD=FILLED AND SILVERING FRAflES. No. 230. " 1541. " 1040. B. S. O. Straight Temple, per dozen, §10.80. With Tex. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. Gold Filled, eveiy frame guaranteed, per dozen, $".50. With Pcx. Lenses, add. $1.50 per dozen. lOK. Gold'Filled, warranted, per dozen, 86.50. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. No. 34. B. S. O. Offset Guard, Open Post, per dozen, $0.00. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per do No. 30. B. .S. O. Offset Guard, per dozen, $9.00. With I'cx. Lenses, add $1..W per ch ^."^ 1 =;nn f- f ', 0-.Ae Guard, per dozen, |10.50. With Pcx. Lenses, add |1.50 per dozen. ■• lOnn VoK r lJ^VMr7 guaranteed, per dozen, S7.50. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. 1000. lOK. Gold Filled, warranted, per dozen, $0.50. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. B. S. O. GOLD-FILLED AND SILVERINE FRAMES. No. 197. B, S .O. Offset Long Guard, Filled, per dozen, $9.60. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. No. 514. B. S. O. Offset Long Guard, Silverine, per dozen, $3.75. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. No. 36. B. S. O. Offset Guard, Y Arm, Filled, per dozen, $9.00. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. " 1519. Gold Filled, every frame guaranteed, $7.50 per dozen. With Pcx Lenses, add f 1.50 per dozen. " 1013. lOK Gold Filled, warranted, $6.50 per dozen. With Pcx Lenses, add $.50 per dozen. " 503. B. S. O. Offset Guard, Y Arm, Silverine, per dozen, $3.75. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. 3 '4. 3. 1. 10. No. 152. B. S. O. Rigid Guard, Filled, per dozen, $9.00. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. " 513. B. S. O. Rigid Guard, Silverine. per dozen, $8.75. With Pcx. Lenses, add $1.50 per dozen. " 356. B. S. O. Gold Filled, Bar Spring Grab, per dozen, $13.50. With Pcx Lenses, add jSl.50 per dozen. " 541. B. S. O. Silverine, Bar Spring Grab, per dpzen, 17.50. With Pcx Lenses, add |1. 50 per dozen. B. S. O. GOLD-FILLED TEMPLES. Straight Oval Wire, per dozen $3.90 Straight Round Wire, " 3.90 Riding, " 3.35 Riding Cable, " 6.35 Riding Cable, " 6.35 718 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies OPTOMETERS. No. 148. Optometer, with Lens and Sliding Test-type on Graduated N. V. Bar and Astigmatic Testing Card, each Ootometer, double, with Lens and Sliding Test-type on Graduated N. P. Bar and Astigmatic Testing Card, $0.70 each... 1.05 No. 149. Fay's Improved Optometer — Has the following advantages; First — It measures Myopia, Hypermetropia, Astigmatism and Presbyopia m such a way that mistakes are almost impossible. Second — By giving the relaxing power of the ciliary muscle, the Optometer measures the total latent Hyperme- tropia without mydriatic. Third — A great time saver. Test can be made in two minutes. Fourth — It enables the ope^ inches) focus; 10 Prisms, 1 to lOd; 4 Plain Colored Glasses; 1 White Glass; 1 White Glass, half opaque; 3 Stenoptic Discs; 1 Blank Disc; 1 Disc with Hole; 1 Perfection Patent Adjustable Trial Fran-e; 1 Single or Double Cell Tiial Frame, each 51. 35 156. Set of First Quality Trial Lenses in Natchet Rings, 1]4 inches in diameter, consisting of 35 pairs each Concave and Convex Sphericals, from 0.125 to 20. D. focus; 31 pairs each Concave and Convex Piano Cylinders from 0.25 to 6 D. focus; 4 pairs Prisms, 1 to 4j, and 7 Prisms, 5 to 8O4; 7 Plain Colored Glasses; 1 White Glass- 1 White Glass, half opaque; 2 Stenoptic Discs; 1 Blank Disc; 2 Discs with Hole; 1 Perfection Patent Adjustable Trial Frame; 1 Single Cell Trial Frame, each _ _ 60 50 The above in Morocco Covered, Velvet Lined Case with Lock, and with focus numbers stamped in inches and diopters. 157. Same as 155, adding Nickel-plated Steel Rings, with plus and minus signs cut in handles, eacb 64 25 Extra for Polished Oak Case, each ' ana Extra for Beveled Plate Glass Top '■'■'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'..".". 3 75 EYE 2 Drop CURE" REMEDIES ' Si>~ %Si^^ ■^'"^ ^^'^^ successfully by Physicians, Oculists, Opti- f «^ps!^ cians and the People. They are prepared under the 'direction of Eye Specialists and are safe and reliable. Murine is of special value to the KEFEACTING OPTI- CIAN, as it so rapidly reduces an Inflamed Eye to its normal IP condition, thereby rendering a correct measurement for glasses ' possible. No eye is too sensitive, and no case too complicated to be relieved by MURINE. IViUIViiNJj. perdozen, full dozen only, S3. 50. BANENE(forCataracl5and Floating Spots) GRANULlNE(forChronicCases) HYDRARGYRINE (Opacities of Cor OXIDO FLARINE (Opacities of Cor OLINS RED CLOVER COMPOUND (foi SULPHO-FERRINE (Tonic in Eye Cases) HYDRONE (U^ed when glass eyes are worn and for mattery discharges) OZONE INHALER OUTFIT (Catarrhal conditions) - - - - - - - - - 1 00 " 150 A Beautiful Show Case with a Silver Frame and Plate Glass FREE with first order of Four Dozen. EVERY JEWELER AND OPTICIAN SHOULD CARRY MURINE. ITS RESULTS ARE ABSOLUTE. MURINE cures all inflammations, granulations, and corrects defects caused by wearing a glass in bench work. MURINE is packed in attractive form for your show case. We are agents for MURINE, you should carry it in stock. The MURINE Book, "YOUR RYRS," Ir'i^tTdll^rep^'cfanraSr/rTHr ?"'' ^"'--"""y te stimonials 5EP po^j (JQpY 1 caused by blood disorder) 1 Eyes caused by blood di; Wholesale. Retail. JO 7.5 each SI 20. 90 ■' 1 50 70 " 1 15. 60 •■ 1 00 90 " 1 50 60 '- 1 00 70 " 1 10 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies "ANCHOR" GUARDS. 8 10 U 12 13 14 16 16 Order bv Number. Designate Cork or Shell Blades. State if Gold, German Silver or Filled Gold is desired. SUGGESTIONS. For Distance— 4 7 13 14 For Reading— 8 9 10 11 12 16 For Long Eyelashes — 5 Q 1% 15 For Wide Pupillary Distance — 1 3 3 No. 4 sets glasses high; No. liJ sets glasses low. The selection of guards to be used will depend, in each individual case, upon the anatomy of the nose. The adjustment is so simple and perfect that the guard can be made to conform to the anatomy of any nose, and rest securelv in position. German Silver Anchor Guards, dozen pairs. Gold Filled lOK Gold " " •• ■• . .$1.50 . 4.50 .12.00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. PRICES OF MATERIAL ON PAGES NOS. 722 AND 723. 1. 1. 103K. 103 Iv. 183. 183. 546. 546. 179. 179^ 800. 710. 316. 316. 316. 169. 169 -^ 356. 356. 356. 818. 716. 717. 718. 346. 348. 349. 21. Bl'A 32. 460. Steel Temples, Straight Ordinary Joints $0.50 N. P. •• " •■ " " 75 Steel " '■ " " 75 N. P. " " " " 1.00 Steel or Bronze Temples, Straight Ordinary Joints 1.00 N. P. " " " " " 1.50 Steel or Bronze " " Flat " .75 N. P. " " " " 1.00 Steel " " Willsons 60 . N. P. " " " 60 Alloys " " Ordinary Joints 1.25 Gold " " " " " 15.00 Steel R. B. " " " 1.00 N. P. ■' R. B. " " 1.25 Steel " 1.35 Bronze " Flat " " " 1.25 N. P. •' " " " 1.50 Steel " " Willsons 1.00 , N. P. " ' " 1.25 Steel " •■ Flat Joint 1.25 Bronze " " " " 1.25 N. P. " ...... 150 Alloy " " Ordinary Joint, 1.25 Gold " " " " 18.00 Half-riding Temples 1.00 Spiral Riding ' 2.00 Steel or N. P. Cable, Ordinary Joint 2.75 ' Flat " 2.75 Spiral Tip R. B. Temples 2.00 Springs, Steel 15 " 20 Cork 50 " 50 Steel or Bronze 25 460. Springs. N P $ .30 12. " Steel 25 490. " " or Bronze 25 490. " N. P 30 490N. ■ Oval, Nickel-plated 30 493}^. " R.P 1.00 1161. " Alloy 60 1181. " " 60 801. " Gold 8.00 803. " " 8.00 490. Guards 75 490. " Bronze 75 490, " N. P 75 460. " 75 460. " Bronze 75 460. " N. P 75 463. " Nickel-plated 75 1181. Old or New Style Guards 75 1182. Spectacle Guards, N. P 75 1183. " '^ R.P 1.50 1190. Guards, Alloy 60 801. '■ Gold 8.00 580. " 75 881. " Gold 8.00 803. " " 8.00 881K. " ■' 12.00 533. " 75 523Y. " ■ 75 460K. Clips 30 1181K. Clips 30 1181Y. '■ 25 1183. Blades 10 1183. " Finished 30 SCHIRMER'S SPECTACLE TEMPLE FERRULES, For Mending Riding Temples; can also be used as joints for cases and lockets. No. 1. 10k Gold Ferrules, made in four sizes, 24 in a package, Price , $1.00 " 2. Assorted Gold and Silver Fevv'.'.IcS, 34 in a package, Price 75 " 3. Gold Filled Ferrules, made in four sizes, 34 in a package, Price 50 " 4. German Silver Ferrules, four sizes, 24 in a package, Price. . , .35 No. 1. J GROSS ASSORTED SCREWS GUARANTEED TO FIT American Spectacles and Eye- glasses. i for No. 520 Eyegla 520 520 460 460 460 460 30 Spectacle 70 326 RE." .346 " " 183 timless " Eyeglas made by AMERICAN SCREW CO. No. 5. 10k Gold Cable Ferrules, two sizes, 18 in a package. Price $1.00 " 6. Gold and Silver (Assorted) Cable Ferrules, two sizes, 18 in a package. Price- 75 " 7. Gold Filled Cable Ferrules, two sizes, 18 in a package. Price 50 " 8. German Silver Cable Ferrules, two sizes, 18 in a package, Price 35 ORDER BY NUMBER. No. 2. J GROSS ASSORTED SCREWS :: FOR :: American Gold and Alloy Spectacles and Eyeglasses. Handle Sere wsfor No 881 Gold Eyegl Catch 881 " Guard 881 " Stud 881 " Handle ' 801 " Catch 801 " Stud 801 " 710 " 716 " 800 Alloy 81,5 " 760 " Spect_ Eyegl ;e Screws are guaranteed interchangeable Neither filing nor fitting i No. 3. } GROSS Rimless Screws American Spectacles and Eyeglasses. GUARANTEED TO FIT. American Screw Co. Envelope containing 1 gr. Asstd. Screws, for .Steel Goods, .per gross, 75c Envelope containing 1 gr. Asstd. Screws, for Gold Goods, .per gross, 75c No. 3. Envelope contain- ing 1 gr. Asstd. Screws, for Rim- less Goods, per gross 75c The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies SPECTACLE TEMPLES. For Prices and Description see page 721. i For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 723 EYE GLASS AND SPECTACLE MATERIAL. 460 K. For Prices and Description see page 731. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies EYE GLASS GUARDS. No. 196. No. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. Per Gro, .$ 3.00 . . 3.50 . . 4.00 , . 5.00 Extra quality of Silk, small " " medium " " medium-lai^e " large Silk Watch Guard, long, to go around neck 195. Silk Cord, with enameled eyeglass hook and snap 196. " " gold pUite " " " FISH LINE BRAND— Put up in bunches of 1 dozen Cords. This line of Cords is manufactured in the same manner as ordinary fish lines, is very strong and light, and very durable. No. 197. Black silk, small 4.00 " 198. " " medium 6.00 •■ 199. Gray " small 4.00 " 200. " " medium f>-00 '■ 201. Dark Gray Silk, small 4.00 " 202. Light " " " " 203. Black Silk, small, with rolled plate Snap and Bead 4.00 10.00 No. 210. Cement for cementing Lenses, per tube. Per Doz. S0.3C .35 LENSE BOXES. Polished Mahogany, to hold 5 doz. Interchangable Lenses, each $0.75 " 10 '■ •' " " 125 Leatherette Covered " 5 " " " " 1.00 " 10 ■' " " " 1.50 Artificial Eyes will be sent on selection, each . . $2.50 As a guarantee for quality we have maker's trade mark imbedded inside each Eye. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. PRICE LIST OF INTERCHANGEABLE LENSES. For Nos. 4, 3, 2 or 1 Eye. FOCI OF 5 INCH, 8 DIOPTERS, OR WEAKER. Sphevo Cylinders, 0.35 to 4.00 . fPc. Cx. Lenses, 1st quality, polished or J Pc. Cve. ground edges \ D. Cx. [d. Cve. f Pc. Cx. Lenses, 3nd quality, ground edges -( -p. 'p [d' Cve. Piano Cylinders, to any axis J Convex ( Concave Convex Concave Piano Prisms, >< to 3 "4° 4 to 7° 8 to 10° f Pc. Cx. 1 P(. Cve Blue Tinted, 1st quality "In'r to' Cve. Blue Tinted, 3d quality -j p^" ^^^ f'Pc. Cx. Smoke Tinted, 1st quality "in'r LD.'Cve. Per Gro. Per Di $16 75 18 00 14 00 16 75 11 35 13 00 10 50 11 35 14 50 15 75 1 50 1 60 1 35 1 50 1 00 1 15 90 1 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 50 00 50 00 15 20 35 1 40 1 55 3 00 3 15 2 35 3 40 Pc. Cx. Pc. Cve. Smoke Tinted, 2d quality -j Pink Tinted, 1st quality ^p' " ^'•l^'^l^'y jpciCve, Piano Smoke, 1st quality or coq , " Blue, SKELETON. { Pc. Cx. 1st quality, centered, not drilled, -i p) 'p 1,d'. Cv'e. f Pc. Cx. ;■ i< J -11 J 1 Pc. Cve. drilled . . . . ^ D. Cx. Id. Cve. 3d '■ drilled ■!?■?• / Fc. Cve. $18 00 18 00 15 50 15 50 23 50 23 50 19 00 19 00 1% 00 3 15 3 00 3 15 1 40 1 55 1 35 1 00 1 75 1 75 1 50 1 50 3 15 2 15 1 90 1 90 1 50 1 50 STRONG FOCI. Per Dozen Pairs STRONG FOCI. Per Dozen Pairs Convex. Concave. Convex. Concave. ( 4 to 4J< in. 1st quality white, D. Cx., D. Cve. - 3 to 3|< " / 3 to 3|4: " ( 4 to 434: " " " periscopic. . -^ 3 to 3JJ '• / 2 to 2Ji: " $3 75 3 50 4 50 4 50 5 75 7 50 $8 35 4 50 6 00 5 00 6 50 8 50 ( 4 to 434: in. Blue, D. Cx., and D. Cve -^ 3 to 33^ " / 2 to 33^ " ^^''^i^.^-c^ WZtt'' $ 3 50 5 50 7 50 19 50 37 00 $4 00 6 00 8 00 For Eye size (not skeleton) For 00 " For 000 " EXTRAS TO BE ADDED TO ABOVE PRICES. Per Oro. Per Doz. Per Oro. Per Doz. $1.50 $0.15 For C or A 14: Eye $0.75 3.00 .30 For F J^ Eye 1.35 4.50 .45 For or 00 Eye (skeleton) $3.75 .35 Above prices are for Lenses ordered in quantities and do not apply to orders for repairs or for filling prescriptions, which are charged for according to prices for prescription work. Gross prices apply only to orders for half dozen pairs of a focus and quantities of not less than half gross at a time. Prices for Edged Cylinders, Prisms or Sphero Cylinders apply only to orders for quantities of not less than one-third dozen of a kind (assorted numbers) Smaller quantities will be charged for at the prescription rate. PRICES IN 1 OR EVE. Cement Bifocals, first quality, per doz $4.50 " " second " " 3.25 Perfection " first " " 5.50 Sizes of eye other than the above will be charged at prices quoted in prescription list. Solid Bifocals, in limited variety of combinations, first quality, per doz 4 00 " " of combinations not in stock, " per pair , 1 00 Add for 00 Eye to above prices 75c per dozen. ^r26 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PRICE LIST OF PRESCRIPTION WORK. RIDING BOW SPECTACLES. Inserted Lenses. The above cut represents the new Aurocome Frame, which positively makes the best prescription frame on the market. Temples can be had seperate to puf on any frames. Temples separate fiom $3.15 per dozen upward. Complete frames from $4.35 per dozen upward. Write for prices in any grade required. Prices per Pair. DESCRIPTION. Frames. Spheres. Cylindrical. SDhero Cjilinilrical. 8K. SOLID GOLD. Light weight front, light temples and bridge (in staple dimensions only) $3 30 4 00 $3 80 4 50 $4 30 4 90 $4 60 5 30 lOK. SOLID GOLD. $4 40 4 70 5 30 5 30 5 60 7 00 5 20 6 90 6 20 $4 90 5 20 5 70 5 80 6 10 7 50 5 70 7 40 6 70 $5 30 5 60 6 10 6 20 6 50 7 90 6 10 7 80 7 10* $5 70 6 00 6 50 Heavy " " " " " heavy swelled bridge Extra heavy weight front, medium temples " extra heavy swelled bridge " " " throughout " " " " " Very " " " " very " " " Extra finish heavy weight front, medium temples, " " " " " " " " heavy cable temples and " " " Heavy weight front, " " " " " " " 20c extra for eye and 40c extra for GO eye. 6 60 6 90 8 30 6 50 8 30' 7 50 14K. SOLID GOLD. Medium weight front, medium temples and swelled nose $6 00 6 70 7 70 7 40 7 80 9 90 7 40 9 80 8 70 $6 50 7 20 8 30 7 90 8 30 10 40 7 90 10 30 9 20 $6 90 7 60 8 60 8 30 8 70 10 80 8 30 10 70 9 60 $7 30 8 00 9 00 8 70 9 10 11 30 8 70 11 10 10 00 Extra heavy weight front, " " " extra heavy swelled nose " " " throughout and extra heavy swelled nose Extra finish heavy weight front, medium temples and heavy swelled nose, 1 eye " " " " " heavy cable temples and heavy swelled nose, 1 eye... Heavy weight front, ' " " •' " " " 30c extra for eye and 40c extra for 00 eye. STEEL. Heavy steel frame, swelled SS nose, bronze or nickel finish $0 80 1 00 1 50 1 10 1 40 1 60 $1 30 1 50 2 00 1 60 1 90 3 10 $1 70 1 90 3 40 3 00 3 30 3 50 $3 10 2 80 2 80 2 40 2 70 2 90 Fine " " " " Extra finish steel frame, swelled SS nose, bronze or nickel finish Fine steel frame, swelled SS nose, bronze or nickel finish, long joints " " " " " " cable temples, bronze or nickel finish ' half cable, half flat tenples, bronze or nickel finish. . ALUMNICUM. Heavy white metal frame, swelled SS nose $0 80 1 00 1 30 1 50 $1 30 1 50 1 70 3 00 $1 70 1 90 3 10 2 40 $2 10 3 30 3 50 3 80 gold filled SS nose cable temples, swelled SS nose ' " " " " gold filled SS nose SILVER AND GOLD FILLED. Coin silver, medium weight, swelled SS nose $1 50 3 10 1 80 2 30 $3 00 3 60 3 80 3 80 $3 40 3 00 3 70 3 30 $3 80 3 40 3 10 3 60 " " heavy " " " " Extra finish, gold filled, medium weight, swelled SS nose " " " " " " cable temples, swelled SS nose For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. PRICE LIST OF PRESCRIPTION WORK. SKELETON SPECTACLES. All our Skeleton Spectacles are made with rounded clamps and swelled bridges. In gold the bridges are all made heavy. DESCRIPTION. 10 K. SOLID GOLD. Rimless lenses, medium weight, riding temples " " heavy " " " " " medium " cable twist riding temples " " " " riding temples, long joints " " " " cable " " " " extra finish, medium weight, riding temples " " " " " " " cable temples. " " medium weight, straight temples 14 K. SOLID GOLD, Rimless lenses, medium weight, riding temples " " " " cable twist temples " " extra finish, medium weight, " " '* " " '* " " cable twist temples. STEEL. Rimless lenses, light steel mountings. long joints. . . cable temples. GOLD FILLED AND ALUHNICUH. Rimless lenses, gold filled mountings " " " " " cable temples '' " alumnicum " swelled nose " " cable temples, swelled nose Prices Per Pair. $4 40 5 50 5 90 5 20 7 00 4 90 6 50 5 50 $5 70 8 00 6 30 8 50 $1 00 1 20 1 50 $1 70 2 20 1 00 1 50 $5 20 6 30 6 70 6 00 7 80 5 70 7 30 6 30 $6 50 7 10 9 30 2 00 2 30 Cylindrical. $5 70 6 80 7 20 6 50 8 30 6 20 7 80 $7 00 9 30 7 60 9 80 $2 30 2 50 2 80 $2 50 3 00 1 80 2 30 $3 00 3 50 2 30 2 80 $6 20 7 30 7 70 7 00 8 80 6 70 8 30 7 30 $7 50 9 80 8 10 10 30 |S 80 3 00 3 30 $3 50 4 00 2 80 3 30 EXTRAS. Above prices include saddle noses. For bridges of unusual shapes or sizes, which must be made to order, an extra charge of from $1.00 to $1.50 will be made on gold spectacles. .60 " .80 " " steel .60 " .80 " " silver " Cork-lined bridge extra, gold $2,00, steel 80c. Eccleston cork bridge extra, gold plated 20c, "C" eye, gold in 86 weight, extra 40c. Other styles of half eye, gold frames, extra $1.50. Extra for long joints to No. 21 or 26, $2.00. Unless otherwise specified on prescription for frames, steel will be supplied. '■ " " " " gold frames, 10 K. will be supplied. Steel. Gold. Extra for angular temples $0 30 $1 30 " " spiral '■ 30 1 30 tip " 30 1 50 •■ " " shield temples 40 2 00 " extra long temples 50 ■' " " " " on cable goods 70 " " " " " " heavy weight 2 00 " " 10 K. noseto steel, silveror alumnicum ... 1 50 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PRICE LIST OF PRESCRIPTION WORK— Continued. HALF RIDING SPECTACLES. DESCRIPTION. SOLID GOLD. 10 K., extra heavy weight throughout, extra heavy swelled nose. 10 K., very " " " very " " " . 14 K., extra " " " extra " " " . 14 K., very " " " very " " " . Prices Per Pair. STEEL. Heavy steel frame, swelled SS nose, bronze or nickel finish. Fine " " " SS " " " " . SILVER, GOLD FILLED AND ALUMNICUM. Coin silver, heavy weight, extra heavy swelled S.S nose Alumnicum, " " " " " SS ** Gold filled, medium " heavy " SS " $6 20 7 10 $3 10 90 1 80 $6 70 7 60 9 30 10 50 $1 30 1 50 $3 60 1 40 2 30 $7 10 8 00 9 70 10 90 $1 70 1 90 $3 00 1 80 2 70 STRAIGHT TEHPLE SPECTACLES. DESCRIPTION. SOLID GOLD. 8 K., light weight, flat eye wire, swelled C nose 8 K., " " round " " C " 8 K., medium " flat " heavy " C " 8 K., " " round " " " C " 8 K., heavy " flat " extra heavy swelled C nose 8 K., " " beveled eye wire, extra heavy swelled C nose 8 K., " " round " " " " C " 8 K., " " flat " C " 10 K., light weight, flat eye wire, swelled C nose 10 K., •' " round" " C " 10 K., medium" flat " heavy " C " 10 K., " " round " " " C " 10 K., " " " " " " SS " 10 K., heavy " flat " extra " C " 10 K., " " beveled eye wire, extra swelled C nose 10 K., " " round " " " C " . . lOK., " " " " " " SS " 10 K., " " flat " " " C " '. 10 K., extra heavy weight, round eye wire, extra swelled C nose 10 K., very " " flat " " " C " ,'. 10 K., special " " round " long temples, e xtra swelled C nose 14 K., light weight, flat eye wire, swelled C nose 14 K., " " round " " C " 14 K., medium " flat "heavy" C " UK., " " round " " " C " 14K., " " " " " " SS " '..'.'.'.'.[[.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 14 K., heavy " flat " extra heavy swelled C nose 14 K., " " beveled eye wire, extra heavy swelled C nose 14 K., " " round " " " " C " 14K., " " " " " " " SS " .■.■.■.".; 14K., " " flat " " " " C " '..'.'.'." 14 K., very heavy weight, round eye wire, extra heavy swelled C nose 14 K., special heavy weight, round eye wire, tong temples, extra heavy swelled Cnose *Extra for saddle nose to any of above fram es, 80 cents to $3.00. STEEL. Extra light steel frame, swelled C nose, bronze or nickel finish Medium weight steel frame, swelled C nose, bronze or nickel finish " finish " " " C " " " " weight, " " " SS " " " " Light " " " " SS " " " " Medium " " " Liebold " " " " X " •• •• '.','.'.',','[[['[ ALUHNICUM. Heavy weight frame, swelled C nose. . . Medium " " " C " . ' SS " ■^y'i^^i^i[['.[[['''^[['y''[[i Heavy " " X nose " '_ SILVER AND GOLD FILLED^ '~^^ Medium weight silver frame, flat eye wire, swelled C nose " " " round " " C " Heavy " " •' " •' " C ".... ."..'.'. Medmm " gold filled frame, round eye wire, swelled C nose. . . . Prices Per Pair. Frames. Spherical. Cylindrical. Sphero Cylindrical. $4 50 $5 00 $5 40 $5 80 4 50 5 00 5 40 5 80 4 80 5 30 5 70 6 10 4 80 5 30 5 70 6 10 5 50 6 00 6 40 6 80 5 50 6 00 6 40 6 80 5 50 6 00 6 40 6 80 5 80 6 30 6 70 7 10 $5 40 $5 90 $6 30 $6 70 _ 5 40 5 90 6 30 6 70 ■ 5 90 6 40 6 80 7 20 ■ 5 90 6 40 6 80 7 209 6 80 7 30 7 70 8 10 9 6 80 7 30 7 70 8 10 J 6 80 7 30 7 70 8 10 6 80 7 30 7 70 8 10 7 00 7 50 7 90 8 30 7 90 8 40 8 80 9 20 8 30 8 80 9 30 9 60 8 90 9 40 9 80 10 20 7 60 8 10 8 50 8.90,^ $7 50 $8 00 $8 46 $8 80 S 8 80 * 7 50 8 00 8 40 8 40 8 90 9 30 9 70 8 40 8 90 9 30 9 70 9 40 9 90 10 30 10 70 9 70 10 20 10 60 11 00 9 70 10 30 10 60 11 00 9 70 10 30 10 60 11 00 10 70 11 30 11 60 12 00 10 70 11 20 11 60 13 00 13 00 13 50 13 90 13 30 11 30 11 80 12 30 12 60 $1 00 $1 50 $1 90 $3 30 80 1 30 1 70 3 10 60 1 10 1 50 1 90 90 1 40 1 80 3 20 90 1 40 1 80 2 20 1 30 1 80 3 20 3 40 1 00 1 50 1 90 3 30 $0 70 $1 20 $1 60 $2 00 86 1 30 1 70 2 10 90 1 40 1 80 3 30 1 00 1 50 1 90 2 30 $1 90 $2 40 $3 80 $3 20 1 90 2 40 2 80 3 20 3 10 2 60 3 00 8 40 1 80 3 30 2 60 3 00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. PRESCRIPTION EYE GLASSES— Continued. DESCRIPTION, Prices per Pair. Frames. Spherical. Cylindrical. Sphero Cylindrical. WITH PLAIN CORK GUARDS. 8 K., solid gold, light weight $3 60 4 30 3 80 4 60 6 50 5 40 1 40 70 90 90 2 90 3 70 3 30 1 10 70 $4 10 4 80 4 30 5 10 7 00 5 90 1 90 1 20 1 40 1 40 3 70 4 50 4 10 1 90 1 50 $4 50 5 30 4 70 5 50 7 40 6 30 3 30 1 60 1 80 1 80 4 30 5 00 4 60 3 40 3 00 $4 90 10 K.. ■■ " •• ■• 5 60 8 K., " " medium weight 5 10 10 K., ■' " " " 5 90 14 K., 7 80 10 K., " " heavy " 6 70 10 K., gold filled, medium " 2 70 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish 2 00 extra fine finish 2 20 Zylonite rims, bronzed spring, fine finish 3 30 SKELETON. 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimmings 4 70 5 50 10 K., " " " extra finish 5 10 3 90 German Silver, 3 50 WITH BAUSCH PATENT CORK GUARDS. 8 K., solid gold, light weight $4 00 4 90 4 40 5 20 7 00 6 00 8 00 1 40 70 90 90 1 10 80 70 4 20 80 $4 50 5 40 4 90 5 70 7 50 6 50 8 50 1 90 1 20 1 40 1 40 1 60 1 30 1 20 5 00 1 60 $4 90 5 80 5 30 6 10 7 90 6 90 8 90 3 30 1 60 1 80 1 80 3 00 1 70 1 60 5 50 3 10 $5 30 6 30 8 K., " " medium weight 5 70 6 00 14 K., „ 8 30 7 30 14 K., " 9 30 3 70 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish . . . 3 00 " " " extra fine finish 3 30 Zylonite rims, bronzed spring, fine finish 3 30 nickel spring and guards 3 40 Rubber rims, blue spring, fine finish 3 10 Alumnicum white metal 2 00 SKELETON. 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimmings 6 00 German Silver, " " 2 60 WITH BAUSCH PATENT INSET CORK GUARDS. 8 K., solid gold, medium weight .... $4 40 5 20 7 00 6 00 8 00 70 90 90 4 20 80 $4 90 5 70 7 50 6 50 8 50 1 30 1 40 1 40 5 00 1 60 $5 30 6 10 7 90 6 90 8 90 1 60 1 80 1 80 5 50 3 10 $5 70 6 50 lOK., '■ ■ . 14 K., ■■ 8 30 10 K., " " heavy " 7 30 14 K., ■'".... 9 30 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish 3 00 " extra fine finish Zylonite rims, bronzed steel spring, fine finish 3 20 2 20 SKELETON. 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimmings 6 00 German silver " " 2 60 8 K., solid gold, medium weight $4 60 5 40 7 30 80 $5 10 5 90 7 80 1 30 $5 50 6 30 8 20 1 70 $5 90 6 70 14K., " • 8 60 2 10 $4 40 5 20 7 20 70 $4 90 5 70 7 70 1 20 $5 30 6 10 8 10 1 60 $5 70 10 K., •• 6 50 8 50 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish 3 00 WITH ROCKING OFFSET GUARDS. 10 K., solid gold, medium weight 14 K., '■ •• •■ ■• $5 30 7 50 80 $5 80 8 00 1 30 $8 20 8 40 1 70 $6 60 8 80 3 10 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish All Skeleton Eye Glasses are quoted without handle or catch. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PRESCRIPTION EYE GLASSES— Continued. Prices Per Pair. DESCRIPTION. Frames. Spherical. Cylindnca: Sphero' Cylindrical. WITH WELLS' PATENT CORK GUARDS. 8 K., solid gold, medium weight $3 70 4 40 6 30 4 90 6 80 5 30 1 40 70 80 1 00 1 00 70 8 80 3 70 3 30 1 20 70 $4 20 4 90 6 80 5 40 7 30 5 70 1 90 1 20 1 30 1 50 I 50 1 30 3 60 4 50 4 10 3 00 1 50 $4 60 5 30 7 20 5 80 7 70 6 10 2 30 1 60 1 70 1 90 1 90 1 60 4 10 5 00 4 60 2 50 3 00 $5 00 10 K., • 5 70 14 K., " 7 60 10 K., ■• extra finish 6 30 14 K., - 8 10 10 K., " " heavy " line handle 6 50 10 K., gold filled, medium weight. . . 3 70 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish 3 00 " " "■ extra fine finish 3 10 " " " ball handle 2 30 Zylonite nms, nickel springs and guards . 2 30 Alumnicum, white metal, fine finish 3 00 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimmines . 1 4 60 5 50 10 Iv., " " " " extra finish 5 10 3 00 German silver " " 2 50 1 WITH WELLS' PATENT CORK GUARDS AND OPEN POSTS. 8 K., solid gold, medium weight. . $3 50 4 10 5 50 1 00 $4 00 4 60 6 00 1 50 $4 40 5 00 6 40 1 90 $4 80 5 40 ' 6 80 2 30 14K., " " " " .... WITH FOX PATENT ZYLONITE GUARDS 8 K., solid gold, medium weight. . $4 40 5 10 7 00 1 30 1 50 3 50 4 40 1 10 $4 90 5 60 7 50 1 70 2 00 4 30 5 20 1 90 $5 30 6 00 7 90 2 10 2 40 4 80 5 70 3 40 $5 70 6 40 8 30 2 50 2 80 5 30 b 20 2 90 10 K., " '• " •• Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish " extra fine finish SKELETON— No handle or catch. 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimmings 14 K., " " " " German silver, " " Extra for Cork on Fox Patent Gold Guards, 30c WITH WELLS' PATENT Y CORK GUARDS. 8 K., solid gold, medium weight $3 90 4 60 6 50 70 1 00 3 00 3 80 80 $4 40 5 10 7 00 1 20 1 50 3 80 4 60 1 60 $4 80 5 50 7 40 1 60 1 90 4 30 5 10 2 10 lOK., " " " " 14K., " " " " $5 30 5 90 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish 7 80 extra fine finish 2 00 SKELETON— No handle or catch. 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimmings 2 30 14 K., " " " " •■■. 4 80 German silver " " 5 60 2 60 $4 20 5 00 7 00 1 00 1 30 3 30 4 00 80 $4 70 5 50 7 50 1 50 1 80 4 10 4 80 1 60 $5 10 5 90 7 90 1 90 2 30 4 60 5 30 3 10 10 K., " " " •' S5 50 6 30 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish 8 30 " extra fine finish 3 80 SKELETON— No handle or catch. 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimmings.. . . 3 60 14 K., " " " '■ 5 10 German silver, " •' 5 80 2 60 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. PRESCRIPTION EYE GLASSES— Continued. Prices per Pair. DESCRIPTION. Frames. Spherical. Cylindrical. Sphero Cylindrical.. WITH COE PATENT CORK GUARDS. $5 40 7 30 1 00 1 30 8 80 4 70 90 $5 90 7 80 1 50 1 80 4 60 5 50 1 70 $6 30 8 20 1 90 2 20 5 10 6 00 2 20 $6 70 14 K. " *' " " 8 60 3 sa 2 60- SKELETON.— No handle or catch. 5 60 14 K., " " " •• 6 50 2 70 WITH ANCHOR CORK GUARDS. $5 40 7 30 1 00 1 30 3 80 4 70 90 $5 90 7 80 1 50 1 80 4 60 5 50 1 70 $6 30 8 20 1 90 2 20 5 10 6 00 3 30 $6 70 14 K " '* " " 8 60 2 30 2 60 10 K,, solid gold, skeleton trimmings 5 60 6 50 3 70 WITH LONG OFFSET CORK GUARDS. $4 30 4 80 6 50 80 1 00 3 30 4 20 80 $4 80 5 30 7 00 1 30 1 50 4 10 5 00 1 60 $5 20 5 70 7 40 1 70 1 90 4 60 5 50 2 10 $5 ea 10 K., •• 6 10 14 K., " " " " 7 80- 3 10 3 30 SKELETON.— No handle or catch. 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimmings 5 10 14 K., " 6 00- German Silver, " " 2 60 WITH BURBANK PATENT GUARDS. $5 00 1 00 5 00 80 $5 50 1 50 5 80 1 60 $5 90 1 90 6 30 2 10 $6 80 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish 2 30' 6 80 2 60 WITH ZYLONITE HOOK GUARDS. $4 60 6 50 80 3 00 3 90 80 $5 10 7 00 1 30 3 80 4 70 1 60 $5 50 7 40 1 70 4 30 5 20 3 10 $5 90 7 80 14 K, " 3 10' SKELETON.— No handle or catch. 4 80 14 K.; " ■■ ' '■ •• :::::. :.■:.. '.■.::".;■:".■.■.■.::::■.::"■:■: 5 70 2 60 ^ 1 WITH SIDE GRABS AND SOLID CORK GUARDS. $ 7 00 8 00 10 00 1 40 $ 7 50 8 50 10 50 1 90 $ 7 90 8 90 10 90 2 30 $ 8 30 10 K., •• " " •• 9 30 14K., " " " " 11 30 Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish .....'. 2 70 COHBINATION EYE GLASSES. 10 K., solid gold, regular temples $ 7 00 8 00 10 00 13 50 1 20 5 70 7 50 7 40 9 90 1 20 1 70 1 30 1 70 $ 7 50 9 30 10 50 13 00 1 70 6 50 8 30 8 30 10 70 2 00 2 50 2 00 2 50 7 90 9 70 10 90 13 40 2 30 7 00 8 80 8 70 11 20 2 50 3 00 3 50 3 00 10 K., " " cable " $ 8 30 14 K., ' " regular " 14 K., " '■ cable " Steel, bronze or nickel, fine finish 10 10 11 30 13 80 SKELETON. ' 10 K., solid gold, regular temples 2 60 7 50 9 30 9 30 11 70- 3 GO 3 50 3 00 3 50 10 K.. •■ " cable " 14 K., •• " regular " 14 K., " " cable " .' Steel, bronze or nickel, regular temples cable " Alumnicum, regular temples ' ' cable " The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PRESCRIPTION EYE GLASSES— Continued. DESCRIPTION. WITH HARDY'S TUBULAR BAR SPRING. 10 K., solid gold, medium weight 14 K., " " " " 10 K., " " heavy " OOeyeonly. Steel, bronze or nicUel, extra fine finish SKELETON. No handle or catch. 10 K., solid gold, slceleton trimmings. 14 K., ■' German silver, " " WITH AA BAR SPRING AND WELLS' CORK GUARDS. ;ht. 10 K., solid gold, medium 14 K., " 10 K., " " heavy 10 K., gold filled, medium Steel, bronze or nickel, extra fine finish 00 eye only. SKELETON. No handle or catch. 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimmings. 14 K., " 10 K., gold filled, German silver, " " WITH FARLEY BAR SPRING AND WELLS' CORK GUARDS. 10 K., solid gold, medium weight Steel, bronze or nickel, extra fine finish. SKELETON. No handle or catch. 10 K., solid gold, skeleton trimming German silver " " WITH BAR SPRING AND BAUSCH PATENT CORK GUARDS. 10 K., solid gold, medium weight, Bausch patent guards 10 K., " " " " " " inset guards Steel, bronz or nickel, fine finish, Bausch patent guards " " " " " " inset guards WITH RIGID BAR SPRING AND SWIVEL CORK GUARDS. 10 K., solid gold, heavy weight Steel, bronze or nickel, extra fine finish long stud. 8 00 6 90 1 70 4 50 5 70 1 70 $5 50 7 70 6 60 1 80 1 30 4 30 5 30 1 50 1 30 $5 50 5 50 1 40 1 40 $0 30 1 70 1 70 Prices Per Pair. Spherical. Cylindrical. $6 30 8 50 7 40 3 30 5 30 6 50 3 50 $6 00 8 30 7 10 3 30 1 70 5 00 6 00 3 30 3 00 $6 30 1 90 5 30 3 70 $6 70 8 90 7 80 3 60 7 00 3 00 8 60 7 50 3 70 2 10 5 50 6 50 2 90 2 50 $6 00 6 00 1 90 1 90 2 30 3 20 $6 70 2-30 5 80 3 20 $6 40 6 40 3 30 3 30 $6 20 2 60 2 60 $7 10 9 30 8 30 3 00 6 30 7 50 3 50 9 00 7 90 3 10 3 50 6 00 7 00 3 30 3 00 $7 10 3 70 6 30 3 70 6 80 3 70 3 70 $6 60 3 00 3 00 EXTRAS. Extra for C. Stud : per paii E " .......'.'.'.[.].'...'.['......'..[[..'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.[[..'.'. Offset Stud ' ' Greecian Spring " ' ' Stud screw locks " Steel. $0 10 10 30 20 10 10 Extra for small Ring Handle on skeleton glasses, A or B $0 10 " medium Ring Handle, C or D 10 with pin 10 ' ' catch on skeleton eye glass 10 " Handle on gold filled skeleton eye glasses loK. $0 60 70 1 00 50 Cases supplied with above at an extra charge of 80 to 40 cents each. F'or Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. PRICE LIST OF PRESCRIPTION WORK— LENSES. Lenses Ground to fit Elliptic Frames from No. 4 to 000 Size Eye. DESCRIPTION. Spherical. Cylindrical. Sphere Cyl Cylindrical. Sph Clear -nhite Lenses. 0.25 to 4.25 4.50 to 8.00 8.50 to 10.00 10.50 to 13.00 14.00 to 10.00 18.00 to 30.00 $0 90 90 3 90 Clear white Pc. stronrr Lense 8 50 to 10.00 10.50 to 13.00 14.00 to 16.00 18.00 to 30.00 $1 30 1 50 2 50 3 30 4 00 5 00 BO 80 80 1 30 1 50 3 00 3 50 $1 30 1 30 4 00 $1 70 3 30 2 80 3 40 Clear white prismatic piano. 1° to 3}i° 4= to 7" 8° to 10"- 11" to 15=^ $1 50 3 00 3 80 Clear white prismatic, comb'd with sphere and cylinders Clear white prismatic, comb'd with sphere and cylinders Clear white prismatic, comb'd with sphere an cylinders 1° to 3^° 4° to 7« 8" to 10" $3 00 3 00 3 50 $3 00 3 00 3 80 $2 50 3 00 3 50 $3 70 3 70 4 35 Clear white cross cylinders. 0.35 to 4,35 4.50 to 8.00 combined with prisms. Clear white toric or periscopic compounds. 0.35 8.50 13.00 18.00 B.OO ,0 13.00 o 16 00 oSOOO $4 00 4 50 6 00 S 8 00 10 00 11 00 13 00 $5 00 5 50 7 00 CLEAR WHITE BIFOCAL PRESCRIPTION LENSES. Clear white cemented Bifocal Lenses " " " " *' c'mbin'd with prisms 1° to 3^ ° Clear white cemented Bifocal Lenses combined with prisms 4° to 7° Clear white cemented Bifocal Lenses combined with prisms 1° to 3}^° Clear white Perfection Bifocal Lenses " " " " " comb'd with prisms 1° to 3}4° Clear white Perfection Bifocal Lenses combined with prisms 3J4° to 7° Clear white split Bifocal Lenses " " solid " " Scales for cemented Bifocal Lenses Sphero prismatic Scalesfor cemented Bifocal Lenses 0.35 6.50 8.50 10.50 18.00 0.35 35 4.50 0.25 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.35 0.35 6.50 8.00 ;o 10.00 ,o 13.00 o 16.00. ,o 4.35 ;o 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.50 6.50 $3 00 3 00 4 10 4 60 4 30 3 20 6 50 3 00 $3 00 3 40 4 70 6 00 7 50 4 70 5 20 4 90 3 30 6 00 6 50 3 00 3 00 1 70 $1 70 1 70 3 00 3 60 4 50 3 60 ¥3 50 3 50 4 80 5 30 5 00 2 00 70 2 50 PEBBLE LENSES, P, C, X. AND D, C, X. Double convex Pebble Lenses " " or concave Pebble Lenses Periscopic " " " " . . . . Cemented Bifocal Pebble Lenses, glass scales. Perfection Split pebble " 0.35 8.50 10.50 0.35 8.50 0.25 4.25 0.25 0.25 0.35 3.00 o 10.00 ,0 13.00 B.OO o 10.00 4.35 8.00 4.35 8.00 8.00 $6 00 $8 50 4 30 565 5 75 8 50 TINTED, SnOKE AND BLUE LENSES. Blue Tinted Lenses prismatic piano. " comb'd with spheres Scyl's, 1° to 3'/^° " " " " 1° to 3i|; " 4«to7°. " cross cylinders 0.35 4.50 8.50 10.50 14.00 18.00 1' 4° 0.35 4.50 0,25 0.25 4.35 8.00 o 10 00 13.00 o 18.00 20.00 .o3><° ,o7° 4.25 8.00 4.35 4.35 $1 50 1 50 4 50 4 70 5 00 5 50 $3 40 2 60 4 00 $0 90 90 1 50 3 10 3 90 4 00 2 40 2 90 4 30 4 40 4 70 $1 90 1 90 5 30 5 40 5 70 6 50 Unless otherwise specified on Prescriptions for Bifocals, cemented will be supplied. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies PRICE LIST OF PRESCRIPTION WORK— Continued. DESCRIPTION. ;Smoke tinted lenses. prismatic piano " " combined with spheres and cvl, 1' to3M= ;.... ■Smoke tinted, combined with spheres and cvl, 1' to 31^° Smoke tinted, combined with spheres and cvl, 4*^ to7« Smoke tinted cross cylinders LENTICULAR LENSES, CLEAR WHITE. Convex 0.25 to 4.25 4.50 to 8.00 8.50 to 10.00 10.50 to 13.00 14.00 to 16.00 18.00 to 20.00 1" to 3i,<° 4° to 7° 0.25 to 4.25 4,50 to 8.00 0.25 to 4.25 6.00 to 10.00 10.50 to 13.00 14.00 to 18.00 5.00 to 8.00 8.50 to 10.00 10.50 to 13.00 14.00 to 18.00 20.00 to 25.00 20.00 to 30.00 Sphe $0 90 90 3 00 3 50 3 00 3 50 3 50 3 75 3 50 3 70 4 00 $2 00 3 30 2 50 1 00 1 20 1 30 1 40 1 60 3 50 $3 00 3 00 5 00 5 20 5 50 5 50 $1 00 1 20 1 50 $3 00 3 20 4 60 5 10 6 10 7 50 5 00 5 20 5 50 $2 50 3 70 3 00 1 70 3 00 3 50 4 00 Skeleton. Sphe $1 30 1 20 2 50 3 10 3 90 4 50 3 00 3 50 4 30 4 40 4 70 $2 50 3 70 3 00 1 50 1 70 1 80 1 90 2 10 3 00 $2 50 2 50 5 70 5 90 6 30 6 50 Sphero Cyl.; $3 70 3 80 5 60 6 30 7 60 8 00 5 70 5 90 6 30 $3 30 3 50 3 80 3 50 3 80 4 30 4 80 EXTRA TO BE ADDED TO ABOVE PRICES FOR SPECIAL SHAPED LENSES Octagon Lenses, extra per pair $0 70 Half Eye " ■' ' 2q Grooved " " " .f^n Round Oblong n Pebble Lenses, extra per pair Half Eye " " " ■• ' Grooved " .1 i< ,, Oblong " " " ........... Skeleton " " "... " 0000 Eye or Giant sizes cost about 3 to 2'/, times more than prices quoted on regular sizes. , ,, . , SOLDERING AND REPAIRING. b>oldenng steel spectacles or eye glasses u , , . " crnlrl " " ^^'^'^ soldermg, • • each soldering, $0 40 to "'■^'^^ each solderine, gold silver plicing gold and silver sp^ctac'les ■or'eye'glasses.' .'.'.■." .'.■.■.■.'.'.■.■. .■.'.'.■.'.'.'.■.■.■,■.'.'.■;■.■ ' ' "''''''^ ^"'^ering, 40 to The above prices for soldering includest' '■ ■ • ° straight temples to riding bow New End Pieces, full set, 10 K , to gold spectacles, riding bow " " " 10 K " " „»__:„!,* 1 . . The above prices for soldering includes tightening joints, truing and polishing' fr Drawing down straight temples to riding bow » f s $1 20 50 3 30 50 2 30 $0 30 50 60 50 2 00 straight bow Nose Piece, ordinary weight, lOK heavy " 10 K .!!........!!.. steel ' Spring steel, ordinary styles gold, " " " extra long or extra heavy J, „ Guards, steel, ordinary styles. ... *1 ^'^^1, $3 00; gilt. Pearl Opera Glass Topt '.'.'.".'.'.'.'".". ^^'^^' ^''""^ ^^ ^^ '° Compass Glasses fitted each, each, from 70c to .$1 00 . 2 OC . 3 Of 1 5C . 2 OC . 7C 3(1 1 00 3 3 00 , 60 1 30 40 50 2 50 3 00 Pair $2 50 8 00 3 00 3 50 4 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 50 3 00 3 00 1 00 1 75 2 50 1 50 2t)0 1 00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 735 ^^ T B 33 Z. XT PTEB 228 TEST TYPES. For the determination of the aciiteness of vision. I I No. 217, I J No. 218, I I No. 319, No. 220, No. 321, No. 322 No. 223, Snellen's Test-Types, new edition, with reading matter in Latin, English, Dutch, German, French and Italian, computed for the standard angle of five minutes, the distances being graded according to French measurement — i. e., 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.25, 3 and 4 meters; also two Plates as tests for Astigmatism; one Lithographed Plate, with black ground bearing diagram in complimentary colors (red and green), as test for color-blindness; and a table of Dioptrics and their equivalents, according to the old enumeration. Bound in paper per copy, $1 50 DeWecker and Masselon's Metric Scales for testing the acuteness of vision, the color sense and the sensitiveness of the retina to different gradations of intensity of illumination, consisting of one octavo volume and eight plates in double cover , 2 50 Dr. Pray's Series of Astigmatic Letters; on stiff card-board, for hanging. These letters are made out of black lines and white spaces, the white and black spaces being ruled at a different angle for each letter. There are 12 letters and the angles of the lines are 0°, 15°, 80°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°, 105°, 120°, 135°, 150°, 165°, 180° 35 Snellen's Test Letters on heavy card-board, 15x23 inches 2 Snellen's Test Figures on heavy card-board, 15x33 inches . . , 25 Astigmatic Dial 50 Th ; Human Eye Delineated, lithographed in colors on heavy paper ■. 75 Test Cards for Near Vision. Reading distance running from V-0 25 to V-5D, and one line of music type, per set 15 Cloth Folding Cover for same 50 Ivory Rule, 6 inches long, divided on one side to inches, and on the other to French lignes and millimetres 1 00 For Optical Books, see Books in Jewelers' Sundries The Twentieth Century catalogue oi ^supplies SPECTACLE OASES. When Cases are stamped at factory before finishing, a better job is assured. STRAIGHT TEMPLE SPEC CASES, OPEN END. No, 225. ■' 226. " 227. " 228. " 229. " 230. " 231. " 232. " 233. 235. 236. 237. DOZ. GROSS. Paper, Imitation Leather § 20 $2 00 " " Fine Grain Morocco 35 3 !50 Extra Fine Grain Imitation Morocco 60 6 .50 Plain Leather, Plain Tip 45 5 00 Fine Leather, Creased. Velvet Tip. . 75 8 00 Fine Morocco Grain, Velvet Tip. .. . 1 00 11 00 Extra Fine Leather. Imitation Seal. 1 00 11 00 Fine Leather for 00 Eye 75 8 00 SOLID STEEL Case. Fine Grain Morocco Covered 1 50 16 50 For Coquille, width l>^x634 m., fine Leather 75 8 00 Paper for Coquille 20 2 00 Plush Covered 1 50 15 00 For Auiicone Frames, Fine Leather. 75 8 00 RIDING BOW SPECTACLE CASES, OPEN Standard width, 1 5-8 in. DOZ. No. 2.58. Paper Imitation Leather $0 20 ••2.59. Fine Grain 35 •' 260. Extra Fine Grain Morocco Leather.. . 60 •• 261. Plain Leather, with plain tip 45 ■• 362. Fine Leather, creased 75 •• 263. Fine Morocco Grain 1 00 •• 364. Fine Leather, Imitation Seal 1 25 •' 365. STEEL. Fine Grain, Morocco cov'd.. 1 50 •• 266. Wide Riding, width 1^{ in., fine leather 85 •• 267. Extra Wide Riding, width 2 in., fine leather 1 00 No. 238. " 239. •• 240. " 241. •• 342. '• -243. " 244. " 245. " 246. ■■ -247. ■• 248. CLOSED END. DOZ. Common Plain Leather, Plain Top. .$0 45 Fine Leather Creased 75 Morocco Grain 1 10 Fine Leather, Imitation Seal 1 50 Fine Leather, Button Clasp Flap... 1 25 Leather, for 00 Eye, width lj4 in., length 7 in 75 Fine Leather, same size as above. . . 1 00 For Coquille, width Iji in., leng'Ji 63^ in.. Leather 75 Fine Leather ' 00 For Auricone Frames, Leather... . 85 Fine Leather 1 10 GROSS. $5 00 8 00 13 00 15 00 14 00 8 00 11 00 8 00 11 00 9 00 12 00 PAPIER MACHE, OPEN END. DOZ. No. 249. Gilt Ornamented $0 80 " 250. Silver Inlaid 1 35 " 251. Pearl Inlaid ■ . ... ■ . . 325 PAPIER MACHE, CLOSED END. No. 252. Gilt, Straight 1 00 " 253. Gilt Riding 1 00 " 254. Silver Inlaid 1 45 Pearl Inlaid 3 00 GROSS. $ 9 00 15 00 23 50 11 00 11 00 16 00 31 00 No. 374. " 375. " 376. " 277. ■■ 278. 280. 381. BUTTON CLASP. DOZ. Leather, width 1% in $1 10 Leather, width 1 ^ in 1 35 Fine Morocco Grain, width 1|^ in. . . 1 50 Leather, width I34: in 1 35 Fine Morocco Grain, width 134" in. . . 1 50 Leather, Extra Wide Riding, width 2 in 1 35 Fine Morocco Grain, width 2 in 1 65 SOLID STEEL, covered with Fine Grain Morocco Leather 1 50 257. Open or Patent Closed End Tin Spec- tacle Cases GROSS. 3 00 3 50 6 50 5 00 8 00 11 00 13 50 16 50 10 00 11 00 CLOSED END. DOZ. GROSS. No. 368. Plain Leather $0 45 $5 00 ' ' 269. Fine Leather, creased 1 00 10 00 "270. Fine Morocco Grain 135 13 50 " 371. Fine Leather, Imitation Seal 1 50 16 50 "272. Leather Case, width 134: in 85 9 00 " 373. Extra Wide Riding, width 3 in., leather 1 00 10 00 GROSS. $12 00 13 50 16 50 13 50 16 50 15 00 18 00 No. 282. SOLlu MJiE.i^, jLeatner covered Eye Glass Case for offset, per dozen $2 00 Extra for Stamping in Gilt, $1.50 per gross. -For Watcbmakets, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. CHATTELAINE AND EYE GLASS CASES. CHATTELAINE SPEC CASES. No. 390. Straight Temple Cases, imitation moiocco, with ornament, silver plUed trimmin-'s Per Day ■' 291. Same as above, without ornament i ci ■ u/.. ^92. R. 1!. Cases, imitation moiocco, with ornament, silver plated trimmino-' " 393. Same as above, without ornament " ,, 9 50 8 50 9 50 8 50 " 294. Straight Temple Case, seal skin, leather strap and slide, oxidized silver pin and chain, ^^ ith ornament,. . ■• 39a. Same as above, without ornament 386. K. B. Case, seal skin, leather belt and slide, with ornament. ................................][[.. Same as above, without ornament 297 11 .50 8 50 11 50 8 50 EYE GLASS CASES. No. 300. ■' 301. Curved Eye Glass Case $0 75 SOLID STEEL, covered with fine Unr 1 50 GROSS $ 8 00 •' 803. •' 304. 305. 806. ;es, fine leather, width, ly^ in., height of center 9-16 in.S Same as above, fine morocco grain I . . . For Offset Nose Pieces, fine leather, width Ij^ in., height of center 11-16 in. Same as above, fine morocco grain. . . . SOLID STEEL Offset, covered with fine grain morocco leather 1 50 75 1 00 85 1 10 6 8 00 11 00 10 00 13 00 DOZ. ' CROSS. No. 307. STEEL Eye Glass Case, with hinge, leather covered for rimless glasses.. $1 75 $18 00 r ) No. 308. Leath( I I " 309. " •' •■' er doz. $0 25 35 No. 310. Fine Eye Glass Cases, per doz., $3 00; per gro. $24 00 DOZ. GROSS. Nr. 311. STEEL Eye Glass Case velvet and leather lined $1 50 516 50 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies THE "LAWIIER" AND PREMIER OPERA GLASSES. ACHROMATIC. Pearl Bodies, Nickeled Tops and Branches, Gilt Slides. EACH. 11 Lignes, White Pearl, with Gilt Wreath $4 00 Bis. 13 •' 4 25 Bis. 15 •' ■' 4 75 Same as above, but Oriental Pearl. Same prices. Bis. Same as above, but Smoke Pearl. Same prices. Same as above, but Pearl Tops and Gilt Branches. Bis. 11 Lignes, White Pearl 5 50 Bis. 13 •' •■ 600 Bis. 15 " •• 6 50 Same as above, but Oriental Pearl. Same prices.- NO. 365. 366. 265 Bis. 266 Bis. 3265. 3366. No. 265 • ACHROMATIC. Pearl Bodies and Tops, Gilt Branches and Slides, Pearl Handles. ^ff^nn 13 tignes, White Pearl ' ' ' '^jn nn 13 " Oriental Pearl |0 00 Same as above, with Gilt Wreath • jj |J^ Oriental i n nn White Pearl, all Nickeled ; 1" "" Oriental Pearl, all Nickeled •. 1" ^ No. 134 PREMIER. HO. Japanned Slides, Tops and Branches. Premier brand. EACH. 134. 11 Ligne, Black Morocco $3 00 134. 13 ■• ■• 315 134. 15 ■■ •• : 3-0 134. 17 " " 3 60 Extra for 12 Lenses, add to above prices o ^^ Premier Opera Glasses are Plated, not merely Gilt. For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. THE "LAMIER" AND PREMIER OPERA GLASSES A SUPERIOR GRADE OF OPERA GLASSES AT LOW PRICES. 286. 1309. 1309. 1311 No. 286. NON-ACHROMATIC OPERA GLASSES. D, , Japanned Tops, Branches and Slides. each Black Morocco, 15 Lignes, Leather Cases $i ,50 NickelPlated, 11 Lignes, Chamois Cases 1 00 " ^^ " " 1 75 Assoittd co''^ls 15 " X go NO. 307. 307. 307. 307. 307. 866. No. 307. ACHROMATIC LENSES. Japanned Tops. EACH. Black Morocco, "Lamiev" make... $2 00 " . . ! 2 25 "... 2 50 "... 3 00 "... 4 00 Black Kid, Pocket size 3 50 Ligne, Black Morocco, Aluminum 6 00 6 50 7 00 7 50 UNACHROMATIC. Pearl Bodies, Nickeled Branches and Tops, Gilt Slides NO. 11 Lignes, White \ 13 " 15 " " ■ Same as above, but Oriental Pearl ACHROMATIC. E.-iCH. $2 75 3 00 3 50 Same prices. Same style as above. 11 Lignes, White Pearl $3 50 ]l :; :: .■.■.'.'. 375 15 " 4 00 Same as above, but Oriental Pearl. Same prices. Same as above, but Striped Pearl. Same prices. No. 4550. 1*550. Finest quality, handsomely Enameled Opera Glasses in plush b . $13.50 740 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies OPERA GLASSES. Plated no/ Gilt, Slides and Branches, NO. P.em.ei b.and. EACH. 1155. 11 Ligne, White Pearl Body and^Tops $6 50 1155. 13 " " " ,^ g QQ 1155. 15 " 1185 Same, but Oriental Pearl. Same prices. LEWIAIRE AND CHEVALIER F>ELE3J^ASSES Pearl Slides and Tops. Plaited Branches, not Gilt, j^p Premier brand. EACH. 1156. 11 Ligne, White Pearl Body ; '. . '.^8 00 1156. 13 " '■ Q QQ 1156. 15 " " ' ^ ** "" 1186. Same, but Oriental Pearl. Same prices. No. 1310. NON-ACHROMATIC FIELD AND MARINE GLASSES. ,jO Chevalier's Make. EACH. 1310 21 Ligne, Black Morocco, Japanned Tops and Branches • .$rf OU 1310 24 Li.gne, Black Morocco, Japanned Tops and Branches ■ ^ ^^ 1310 26 Ligne, Black Morocco, Japanned Tops and Branches Tu'-'-l' 110. 21 Ligne, Same as above, but Nickeled through- 110. 34 Ligne, Same as above, but Nickeled through- ^_ out ■ ■• ^ "'^ 110. 26 Ligne, Same as above, but Nickeled through- 1462 24 Ligne, Tan Colored Alligator, Nickeled throughout 4 00 ACHROMATIC FIELD AND MARINE GLASSES. Lamier Make, Achromatic Lenses. ^_ 1985. 21 Ligne, Black Morocco 5 "=> 1985. 24 " " »"" 1985. 26 " " ■•••,■■,• Vu---VV 116. 19 " Tan Colored, Nickeled throughout, with Compass • • ■ 5 50 105. 19 Ligne, Black Morocco, Japanned throughout 5 50 ;^j^8 19 " '• Nickeled, Jockey Club d 00 No. 1398. LEMAIRE FIELD GLASSES. Black Morocco Covered Body and Shades, Lemaire's Make EACH. 1398. 19 Ligne, Jaoanned Tops and Branches ^ „ 75 1398. 21 •' •• '• ;; ,„ 9^ 1398. 24 " '■ ;; .. i^oo 1398. 26 " " ' ^^ Lemaire U. S. Signal Service Field Glasses. 1399. 19 Ligne, Stvle of 1398, but more powerful. . 11 00 1399. 21 •' ' •• 1398, " ;; ■■ 13 00 1399. 24 - " 1398, - •■ 13 ^^ 1399. 26 " " 1398, " " ■• 1^50 Lamier, Same Quality as Lemaire No. 1398. ^ 2025. 21 Ligne, Japanned Tops and Branches ' ^o 2025. 26 " " '" "" Aluminum Field Glasses. 324. 24 Ligne, Aluminum ol nn 324. 26 •' " ^*^^ 882. 26 ■• " ^^ "" FIELD GLASS CASES. 31 Ligne 335 1^ .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::■::■■■■■■■■ 375 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. MAGNIFIERS. BRASS LINEN PROVER. DOZEN. Linen Prover, Small Brass, X^/i' H^'A, 'A^'/z opening. $ 3.35 Small Nickel, ■4:xX, Xx>^, >^x>^ opening 4.00 Medium Brass, ;4 inch square opening 8.00 " Nickel-plated, J^ inch square opening '. 10.75 Linen Prover, Large Brass, 1 inch square opening 18.00 DOZEN liam $3.25 3.00 4.25 5.35 6.75 8.50 No. 337. " 328. " 339. " 330. '• 331. " 333. " 333. " 334. " 335. " 336. " 337. " 338. " 339. " 340. Rubber Case, size of Glass. ^ and 3^ inch diameter $ 4.00 Rubber Case, size of Glass, Ji and 1 inch diameter. . . '. 5.50 Rubber Case, size of Glass, 1% and 1}{ inch diameter 7.35 Rubber Case, size of Glass, 1){ and IJg inch diameter 9.25 Rubber Case, size of Glass, 1}4 and 1^ inch diameter ". 13.00 Rubber Case, size of Glass, 1J4^ and 3 inch diameter Shell Case, Single, same size as No. 320. 321, 322. 333. Double " " 327, 338. 339. 330. 15.00 5.50 7.75 10.50 13.50 8 00 11.25 16,50 20,85 FOLDING LOUPES. German Silver Case and Frame. ■'^?' of?" f'olding Loupes, 1 inch Single Lens. '■ Double Lens " Triple Lens.. " 345. 345. 345. 1 7-16 1 1 7-16 1 1 7-16 Brass Case and Frame. " 346. Folding Loupes, Oxidized, 1 in. Single Lens 345. 346. 346. 346. 346. 346. 1 7-16 1 '■ D'ble Lens. 1 7-16 " 1 " Triple Lens. 1 7-16 •■ EACH. $ 6.00 8.40 8.40 10.80 10.80 13.20 3.75 6.00 4.75 7,00 7,00 9,50 lit 1 ljl»5r.V--jt: - ^. . CODDINQTON LENSES. DOZEN 15 millimeters, nickel plated Coddington, with folding cover, diameter 3-5 inch $18,00 30 millimeters, nickel plated Coddington, with folding - cover, diameter 4-5 inch 21,00 35 millimeters, nickel plated Coddington with folding cover, diameter 1 inch 34,00 30 millimeters, nickel plated Coddington, with folding cover, diameter 1 1-5 inch 38,00 35 millimeters, nickel plated Coddington, with folding cover, diameter 1 3-5 inch 31.00 40 milhmeters, nickel plated Coddington, with folding cover, diameter 1 3-5 inch 36,00 ' ^ " -^ OPERA GLASS CASE. ■-'^?£&'*— *. -J 'ilffl&ffi « r-a EACH " AfW'' Chevalier Opera Glass Cases, --■' Lignes 11, 13, 15 $ .65 rj ;- Chevalier Opera Glass Cases, ^■***»=_5- Lignes 17 85 Chevalier Opera Glass Cases, Lignes 19 1.35 ■• 21 1.50 Lemaire Opera Glass Cases " 11,13 75 " 1.5, 17 80 •' 19 1.00 " 21 1.35 Opera Glass Holders. Plated. Silver, Gold : OPERA GLASS HOLDERS. nd Aluminum each. $1..50 to $8.00 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies OPERA GLASS BAGS AND READING GLASSES. OPERA GLASS BAGS. EACH Elegant Plush Opera Glass Bag. Assorted Colors, Best Quality $ .70 Elegant Plush Opera Glass Bags, Assorted Colors, Best Quality, with Pockets for Opera Glass Holder and Handkerchief 1.35 I No, 350, 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. ;r Frame, Size of Glass, 2 xlj^ inches. S^^TxlX 3 xl^ 3^x1^4: 3;^xl^ in Silver, Square, Good Quality. " 85x60 millimeter 90x65 " 100,\70 •' DOZEN .$ 8.50 . 9.50 . 10.75 . 12..50 . 14.50 . 17.00 . 21.00 '. 8.25 9.75 . 11.25 DOZEN. German Silver Frame, good quality, 2 inches $ 4.00] 2-4: 2U 3 3-4: ■i'A 4 -i'A Reading Glass Rack, with 6 Glasses, lj4 to 3 inches No. 365. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. RUBBER FRAME READING GLASSES. DOZEN Rubber Frame, Size of Glass, II2 inches $ 5.00 ¥ ■ 4 ■ 5.50 7.00 ' 8.00 10.35 11.75 13.00 14 50 ' 16.50 ' 19.00 23.00 For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. niCROSCOPES COMPOUND MICROSCOPE. No. 1398. Brass Compound Micio- scopes, 6 inches in height, one Fye Piece, one Objective Reflecting Mirror and Round Stand, Powei about 35 times, has also one pie- pared Object Slide, two plain Glass Slides and a pair of Biass Tweezers, all packed in a Polished Mahogany Case, each $2 00 FLOROSCOPE, Or Combination Microscope. Floioscopes, for examining floweis plants, etc.. dozen $5 00 No. 1398 Nc, 384. Practical Microscope, complete "with entiie outfit foi work, S16 00 No. 384. STUDENT MICROSCOPE. each No. 505a. Stand, one Eye Piece, in cherry case $16.00 " .505e. Stand, as above, Rack and Pin- ion, for coarse adjustment. . . . 23.00 " 506a. One inch and % inch "Special" Objectives, magnifying powers 80 to 375 diameters 30.00 " 506b. One inch and % inch "Special" Objectives, magnifying powers 80 to 375 diameters 37.00 " 507a. Three-fourths inch and 1-5 inch, magnifying powers 80 to 425 diameters 38.00 " 507b. Three-fourths inch and 1-5 inch, magnifying powers 80 to 425 diameters 45.00 Sub-stage Ring, to receive any sub-stage accessories, extra, each". $1.00 Sub-stage, with Revolving Diaphragm, extra, each $2.00 Glass Stage and Slide Car- rier, extra, each ... $5.00 No. 28. Brass, 10 inches high, 3 Objectives and Condenser, Rack and Pinion adjustment, Con- cave Mirror and Dia- phragm on bottom of Stage. Jointed Japanned Iron Stand, power 90 to 135 times $8.75 Prepared French Object Glass Slides, assorted m packages $0.75 •^ 28 744 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies ^i^RMOMETERsTND BAROMETERS WINDOW THERMOMETER. No. 4134. Window Thermome- ters, Glass Scale with Brass Arm to fasten on the outside of window, per dozen $18.00 MOUNTAIN BAROHETER. EACH 2695 Barometers, Aneroid Watch size, for fore- telling the weather, in Mahogany Case 2698 Barometers, Aneroid Pocket Mountain, 10,000 feet altitude, Thermometer and Compass combined l-.UU 0699 Barometers, Aneroid Pocket Mountain, 10.000 feet altitude. Thermometer and Compass combined, visible movement © 150. 100. no. 200. 200. (. W s THERMOMETERS. DOZEN. Thermometers, with Storm Glass combined. .$2.50 " Tin Case, 8 inch, assorted de- grees in each box l-'5 Thermometers, Tin Case, 10 inch, assorted degrees in each box Thermometers, Black Walnut, 8 inch, assort- ed degrees in box Thermometers, Black Walnut, 10 inch, as- sorted degrees in each box 1..50 3.00 3.50 FINE HOLOSTERIC BAROHETERS. Best quality. Heavy Brass Case well finished, very sensitive and accurate. No. 3704. 2705. 2706. 2707. 2708. 4115. EACH. Closed Enameled Card Dial, 5 inch diameter $6.40 Closed Metal " 5 Open Metal " o ■' Dial, 6>4 inch diam 7.30 11.30 14.00 18.00 2700. 2700. with 3 Thermometers.. " 2 Open Enameled Card Dial, reliable, Aneroid Barometers, Diameter of Dial inches, 4}^ 6>4 Burnished Brass each, $5.00 $6.75 Nickeled Closed Dial " 4./0 '-W ANEROID BAROMETERS. Brass Case, Enameled Closed Card Dial, 4>^ in. diam. . . .$4.50 Same as above, but S}( in. diam. and nickel plated $9.00 9.00 3 75 Barometers not sent out on selection, nor can they be returned. CLINICAL THERMOMETERS. r Tube! made with flat back to prevent rolling. $15.00 Cnical Thermometers, all Glass, 4 or 5 in., Indestructible Register Tube, made with flat bacK to preven. louiu,. ...... Clnical Thermometers, all Glass, 4 in.. Patent Spiral Twist j For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. POCKET AND CHARM COHPASSES POCKET COMPASSES. Brass Compass with Ring. No. 418. Enameled Paper Dial, 1 inch diameter.. IKs " " . 1% " " . \n ■■ " . " 1. '. it DOZEN" ,.$1..50 .. 1.80 .. 2.10 .. 3.40 . . 3.00 .. 3.30 The above Compasses can be had Nickel-plated at 50c. per dozen additional. Brass Compass with Slip Cover. Similar to No. 424. Enameled Paper Dial, 1 II,- inch diameter . DOZEN. ..$2.00 .. 2.25 m ■■ ■' 2.75 l>i " " 3.00 11* " " 3.60 'i '■ '• 4.00 The above Compasses can be had Nickel-plated at 75c. per dozen additional. No. 418 430 Brass Compass with Ring, Open Face, Metal Dial and Stop. AOt\ Afi-i tn^ ,.^.^ K. 432 433 1>^ in. 5.20 434 m in. 5.60 440 m in. 4.40 Nos 430 431 Diameter 1 in. l"^ in. Per Dozen $4.00 4.40 436 Brass Compass, same as 430, but without Stop. Nos 436 437 438 439 Diameter 1 in. Ij^ in. 1 ■/ in. 1% \n Per Dozen $2.80 3.20 3.60 4.00 442 Brass Compass, same as 430, but with Jeweled Center Millim.ter 25 30 35 40 45 Inch 1 in. 1}^ in. \]4. m. 1^ in. I?/ in Per Dozen $5.80 6.20 6.60 7.00 7.40 443 Brass Compass with Slip Cover, Silvered Metal Dial. Nos 443 444 445 446 447 Inch 1 in l>^,in. IX in. l>.^in. 15/ in, No. 462 ■ Per Dozen $4.75 5.00 5.25 5.75 6.00 Brass Compass with Ring, Open Face, Silvered Dial, jeweled 456 Center, all Degrees marked on Dial, similar to No.430. 449 435 2 in. 6.00 441 2 in. 4.80 448 2 in. Millimeter... 25 30 35 40 45 Inch 1 in. l>i in. 1^ in. H4 in. 13/ in Per Dozen... $7.00 7,40 7.80 8.20 8.60 ' 450 Brass Compass, like 443, but with stop Nos 450 451 452 453 454 Inch 1 m. Ij^ in. \]{ in. 1^ in. 14/ in Per Dozen . . , $5.25 5.50 6.50 7.00 7.25 50 455 2 in. 7.50 Brass Compass with Slip Cover, like No. 462^ but with Stop and Jeweled Center. Nos 456 457 458 459 460 Inch 1 in. l%\n. Ij^ in. 1^ in. 13^: in. Per Dozen.. $7.25 7..50 7.75 8.25 8.75 Brass Compass with Slip Cover, Silvered Metal Dial, Jeweled Center, Stop and all Degrees Marked 462 on Dial. Millimeter 35 40 45 50 Inch IX in. 1^ '»■ lj< in. 2 in. Per Dozen $9,40 9.60 10.00 10.60 . 9.00 with CHARM COnPASSES. Charm Compasses, per card of 1 dozen $1.75 This cut rep'esents a card of one dozen as- sorted Charm Com- passes. These , Coni- passesare French Gilt, equal to Rolled Plate, and present a fine ap- pearance. The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies TELESCOPES. ^^^'j No. 475. TOURISTS TELESCOPES. Brass Telescopes, Morocco-covered Body, Polished Brass Tubes, Morocco Caps, to which are fastened durable straps to sling over the shoulders for tourists use. CLAMP RESTS FOR TELESCOPES. Size of Object Glass. 14 Lignes 16 " Length Closed. 7% inches 8 Length Open. 18 J^ inches 34 Magni- fying Power. EACH. 20 times $3.35 23 " 4.50 2.00 and Clamp Nut of Lacquered Brass, Steel Gimlet Screw ■ ■ • ■ • • / ' ; Collar and Clamp Nut of Lacquered Brass, bteel ^ _^ Gimlet Screw • • • c\' ' i Collar and Clamp Nut of Lacquered Brass, Steel Gimlet Screw ■ • • • ' • ■ Collar and ( lamp Nut of Lacquered Brass, bteel Gimlet Screw •.• • ^■•^" A convenient device with suitably hinged collar .^°d grmlet screw for fastening to tree, post or window frame '""="''^A^ = relieve the fatigue of the arm during protracted observations with the larger portable telescopes. 480. CoUa 481 483, No. 476. Si7.e of Object Glass. 10 Ligne 13 '• 14 " 16 " 19 " ACHROnATIC TELESCOPES. Finely finished Brass Telescope, extra quality rocco covered Body, with cap to cover Object and Dust-proof Shutter to Eye Piece. Magni- Length Length fying Closed, Open. Power. ; 5Vi inches I434: inches 10 times 6 " 16?'S " 14 '■ 7 ■< 18 ■■ 16 " HU " 24-4: " 20 " 934: " 29 " 36 " 10,4 ■• 35 •• 3o " NON=ACHROMATIC TELESCOPES. Mo- Glass EACH. $1.75 2.00 2.60 3,60 4,60 7.75 No. 477. 1 Draw Brass Telescopes, Colored Enameled Body, Doz $3.20 2 Draw Brass Telescopes, Colored Enameled Body. 3.30 477. 3 Draw Brass Telescopes, Colored Enameled Body. 477. 4 Draw Brass Telescopes, Colored Enameled Body. SHIP TELESCOPES. Large Ship Telescope, Corded Body, Burnished Brass Tubes, and ends pro- vided with Sliding Shutters to keep out the dust. Magnifying Power. Size of Objtct Glass, 16 L'gnes Length Length Closed. Open. 5 inches 23;^ inches No. 47S) Same as above with 2 Draw Tubes e EACH. $4.25 BARDOU'S ASTRONOmCAL TELESCOPES. No. 484. Finely finished Baass Astro- nomical Telescopes, on high Wood Tripod, with Wood Thumb Screw for adjusting height of Telescope. Length of Telescope closed, 38 inches. Joints are so constructed that the "instrument can be swayed in any direction. Has two Eye Pieces, a celestial power, 110 times, and a ter- restrial power, 55 times; size of Ob- ject Glass, 33 lignes (about 3 inches), each 73.50 raved Dav and Night on tube. each Noneof the above Telescoues can be sent out on selection, returned. 5.50 can* Telescopes be No. 22 Lignes. iu.OO For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. 747 REPAIR PRICE LIST. JEWELRY REPAIRING AND JOB WORK. Ear Rings, UK, for stone, '2 carat or less W JfJ^' '' " '/stolcarat '.'.'.....'.. ■■ ■■ •» 14K, " " 2 to 4 " .. , ■ Cutting in Stone, old Eng-lish or fancy letter '.■.■.■,',■.■.■,■■■.■.■.■.■.... \\ .per pair, $2.: ' Masonic 01 K. of P. o: Gold Initials on Onyx, Onyx Monograms, two lette__ .... tliree letters .. Odd Fellows En ble K.T.Emblen ind Raised Initials, no diamonds'. 2.25 3.75 1.25 2.75 2.00 5.00 Two-Strand Hair Chain. Hair Chain Braiding .... i'ens. Gold, Kepointed .. Portraits Photographed c Monogram. 2 or 3 letters, «,°° °''"°°°'^'^ 3.75 Monogram, K, of P. Em- ■ blems, no diamonds 2 50 Emblem, K of P., Udiam's 5.50 Monogram, 2 or 3 letters, G diamonds e 75 only, for Initial kings 1.00 2!oo each, 1.50 .35 Rings, Soldered, plain '.',''. ' ^-SJJ " " at head iji\\~ i (When rings are set with stones' which' wilV 'be destroved S ?e°nllSnl'same'" g^r'=',«"=-. =>" ^^^l^ charge will be made fo" Rin?sPsiz"dfsmaller.„.'.'""'!,^:!?".™''^'^""'''^'^-' New Gold Ear Wires $0-35 to Plated Pin, Stem fitted::.". P" P^"'' New R. P. Lever Backs " ; Scarf Pin Backs::::'::::::::: p"p^"^' (Estimates furnished for filling worn links of gold c'h'ai'n's ')" ' Rings, Plain, to order, Oval or Flat Band, lOK per dwt " 12K " " 14K " " " " u;k ■■ ISK.. . " less (n ikingoniy). :: '' of old gold, 5dwt. „ , , " " " " 5 to 9 dwt Belcher. UK, over 3 dwt "Der'dw't' Tiffany, 14K, for stone '/. karat or less .'.'.'.'."" , . " , „. ■■ , '*K.' " H to 1 karat a'^n Scarf Pins and Studs. lOK, for stone >^ karat or less I'S ;; ;; wk, •■ ntoikarat :::::::::' 1:75 ,. I. ,j " WK, " !2 karat or less..;. .. 175 ^ . , c- ,j , *"'^'. " Vi to 1 karat 2 25 Spectacles Soldered, one place, ordinary solder or Stone Setting •; -^-j; -J^ (For prices of stones see our Jobbing Stone Department.) tStone cutting to order. Estimates furnished.) ENGRAVING. Plain Script ner letr^r m n, RunningScript per letter. SO.OJ Entwined •• .. •"" Fancy Old English, Large ::::: .. ^i Ornamental Letter, any ordinary style.... •• '?n Old English, La ' Mediu. Small., 1.20 to 3.00 German Text Fancy Roman.... .Japanese Script Monogram. Tiffany Ribbon Monogram '''in in i'm Block Monogram.....'! 'Sfo s'oo Ornamental Cipher :.:::::::::::::: 2:50 to 1'^ GOLD ELECTRO PLATING. Watch Cases, Hunting Open :::::::::::: [^' " Guaranteed one year ::: \' " " two " : , " " " three" Inside Watch Case Caps Vest Chains \\[ Guard " .' '.:' Rings, Pins and Sleeve Buttons::.. ::,::: Charms. Lockets, Bracelets, Buttons, Etc. . . Watch Movement, Plates Gilded and Fiosted. eac ...$0.75 to $5.00 65 to 4 75 . .. 2. ,50 to 3.00 .... 3.60 to 4 00 .. 4.00 to 5 on ... .25 to ..50 . . . .75 to 2,00 ... 1.00 to 3.00 ach ..30 to 1 00 .30 to 1.25 . complete 1 00 each :io " Parts (not plates) Gilded and Frosted' State price desired. Prices according to quantity of gold used. I as recei\-ed. Case Springs returned in same conditic '.60to$l 75 SILVER ELECTRO PLATING. Watch Cases, Hunting " '■ openFace :::::::::::::: :::::'"':so i Caps ... on i-n It, Chains, Vest and Guard ::::::::":'::::::: :."::;::: 'soto I'S Hollow and Flat Ware, prices according to surface'aii'd weight of plate. Gold lined or plain, as ordered. Nickel and Copper Plating, best quality at lowest prices. _ Lacquering and Enameling, as ordered. NET— No Discount. WATCH CASE REPAIRING. Gold, Open Face (Gold Extra)..'*.'*^^^^^" o,, ,„ Hunting... V *1.50 Filled. $1.50 to 3,00 Plated....:;:;:.'; > ■ w Sil ver. Open Face: : 85 •' Huntins^" ^^'^^'^'^ezei for Flat class:::: ::::' :::::::;; ;:;: I;^ ^ 65 Bows, Solid Gold... . BOWS. ■' Gold Filled......... ■.'.'.■.".'.'.■. '.'.■,'.','.■.','.'.'.■.'.'. ^-'^ '" *^'"' CAPS AND CENTEKS. Cap, Making New Cap (Gold Extra) , ,= Raising Cap. . ' ^'^^ Plated Cap ....::: 25 Center, Making New Cent4f:: :' :::: J'^ Straightening ■*™ i:50 Gold CROWNS. Filled, iik $l,f«)to$l,25 " loK **''''o !■«' Plated ''■'>'o .85 Silver '"'to .65 m^SfSl^!"^' ^^'^^- ■'» siemlWind-Estim^^^ ■'' n T^ r^ , . JOINTS. uold. One Joint on cap or lid.... .„ :; „" ■• •; center :;:;:::;;';:;;;" t?. " Three ' Silver, Joint c ■r'\^ ." ,'."". cap or oezei .f, Tightening Joints ::::;:::;;;. 25 PENDANTS. Making new Pendants, Ladies' $I..50 to $2,60 Ears to Pendant, Gold. .^. *'-"° ^'^ „''," '■ Silver ':;:;: '^ Soldering Pendant , ?? Bushing " Goid::;:;:::::::::::.: ?S. Silv Filling Screw Holes in Pe'nda'iit:;;;; on Push Tops, Flat Tops complete :::::;:: io'eo'to '75 Crown and stem complete ; *?00 S ■>'oO " fitting Stem or Key Pipes :::::::;::.:. ":o5 D 1 , , ., POWSHING. Polishing, Inside and Out „= Kemoving Dents and Polishing ::::::;:;:;;;:::::;:.;;;:' '50 T , . ^ , „ SPRINGS. Locking (Catch) Spring „„ Lilting Spring "" FillingKeyhoIes in Cap-Gold ',','.'.'.".'.'.'. 'p'^Vf,' 'in " " •' >• -Silver ....cd^ii, .'±u Sl.i^.!^.f „V\^' ^^''? '"=^"' so'ft-soidered a'n 'extra 'charge of 25 '^^ nade. $1.00 to epairs, or new work, on ap- to 50 cents 1 Re-Engine Tur Estimates on any alterations or i plication. WATCH REPAIRING. «.,^'l^i't'"tl*°r watch parts used in this cataloeue are those br„Tklfs-f 1 American Horological Society. Old names in .•\rbors Balance rStaffs] American . $1.00 to $2.50 ,, ,, Howard, Unadjusted o 59 Adjusted c'nn Duplex ::;::;;;;;"" 17.- ' " " with escape jewel ;; o'so :; " English '.... :.:::; ^-^^ .'. 5." veryfine $2.00 to S.'oo ^^.'^^ V 1.25 veryfine $2,00 to 5,00 ^m<=""n 75 to 1.50 Duplex ^ ns English ::..::":::: i 'oo =-iss, plain ^ ...... . ,_._. ; j qq 1,50 1 00 Barrel, Cent! Huse Pallet solid Ratchet Wheel, erican see, English ::::::::::::::::::::::: i, .1 16.56 to 1,00 English. ■• high grade ::::::::::::::::::::: 125 can, hxpansiori. $1.50 to 2.75 Steel or Nickel 75 1:00 Duplex, ordii English. Expansion, fine ;;:$2:66'to 3 59 Gold J jr5 Steel or Composition y'vjj Swiss. Expansion .fine ; .$2 ,'66' to >. 50 Composition / .50 " Steel, with screws, uncut :::;::::/ LOO \merican, gilt, '.'.${ 00 ij 2:00 nickel 1,25/0 2.60 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies REPAIR PRICE LIST. NET— No Discount.— Continued. WATCH REPAIRINQ-Continued. reis, Duplex ;;;__;;; ^if^ English- Swiss. Rayed Barrels, Swiss, fine .... frosted and gilt Bridges and Cocks, Swiss, plain Bushii jeweled . Caps'foTRatches'ikatchet'Wheelsl, American. Cups. .$1.50 toil SI .(lO to L'.OII to i;5 to 1.50 1.50 3.00 CI. Swiss. (See Cups.) . Genuine English • " Hooks ' " mending each break aning ordinary American, English, Dupli 1.25 $1.50 to 2.00 . ■2.0U to 2.50 3.00 to 5.00 ne]s. wash and dry tine grades ot abo " Chronometers Chrono;;riphs ■ " Kepoateis and complicated movemt When we clean a watch we remove cap ] every part. Clicks, ibee Detents.) j , ■ j ■„ 05 Collets, Balance-spiing, trued and pinned in..... .......... • -'^ •• lor Duplex Escape Jewels (or Balance Arbor Jewell jO Cranks [Roller Tables!. American, English or Swiss 50 ■• American, English or Swiss, with jewel ^-'^ ^ '■ English ■.■.■;■.■.■.: k';A s'oo ,, (( '. '» very fine JiZ.^d 10 o.yjv Fusee, complete, [Arbor, Wheels, Detents, Etc.] 3.50 to 5.00 Arbor without snail ;-°^ Wheel only Gilding ot including Arbor or Pallet . 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.50 Glasses Fitted, Antique .- ■■■■■■■■ u,:; .' " Genevas, Mi-Concaves, Patent Genevas-or Flat Parallel '=^.';''' Glasses Fitted. Flat Concave .„ " " Lentilles ,. Hands, American, Hour or Minute, common ,, .20 Duple .each, , Hour or Minute •■ and " i""'< " Sweep second eacn, Setof three English, ordinary steel or composition .each. fine steel or gold- Swiss, ordinary steel or coi iposition. .pair " fineorfancy., each. Double Time or Chatelaine... .Seconds— American, English < Hooks, in barrel or barrel arbors Hooks on Fusee chains r'Swiss.'..' each. Jewels, .Aine , bala : hole, upper or lowe cap. ' fine. " Englill cfanic [Roller] jewel and setting " Swiss, center , hole, third, fourth, escape •• SsWsV,'hoi4; VhYr'dV fourth,' escape and balance in new set- tings, each Swiss, pin " pallet .. " " exposed " cap, loose.. .' " " in setting " " in gold setting. Ni'ts, Elgin Center pinion Pallets, American ..... . •■—•-■• Duplex Impulse (Roller) English Swiss, ordinary. «l =10 to •• straight hne, fine isnto Fork and Arbor, American, complete i.buto .. English, [ »' " *' Swiss, Pinions and wheels are first, se barrel being counted as the hrst Pinions, American, Center, solid^^. ^^.^^^ third, fourth, escape or fifth 75 cannon j^'g^ English center .'^ third, fourth and cannon J-»^ " fscape • jyg *"' ".....'. 75 .50 Chronometer— Detent American. Crank [Roller] plate set in plate ** '• " with screws " center set '* pallet •* " exposed Duplex, hole jewels, balance " " " plate set in plate " escapement, on balance arbor English, balance bole upper or lower " plate " " " ■•• , .,., •■ fine Ruby j? Fusee, upper or lower i--;J ■' |in dove-tailed slip] 50 .$1.25 to 2.50 lid balance in old settings 1 00 1.25 to .35 .75 to 1.00 .each .25 .00 to 1.75 .. .. 1.75 2.50 3.50 3.00 ond, third, fourth andfiftn, the vlieel. 1.00 1.00 1.00 r.oo 'third, fourth and cannon., escape... very short for Cylinders 1.25 d Cups [Center Squares] ■• -Jjj bor aiid Cylinders ^^ .English and Swiss 25 1.25 Pins Pivots in pinions. " in balance Poising Balances.... .... • .■• Ratches [Ratchet Wheels], Am English fusee, brass •.■■•■■■ .. " maintaining power in tusc Swiss, large, for slit detent [clickj Regulators, American English, sprung under " " " over " Swiss • en •• Boss [center cap] °" Roller Table (see Crank). each, $0.10 to .25 ^'^^^""bankingand-baiance;;;.';;;;:^. :.:.■:.•;•-•. e.ch .25 Springs, Balance, fitted and regulated, American flat ^^^ ^.i5 ;; English 1-00 .. .. '• ■' Swiss, ordinary 75 •' fine 125 .. " Breguet $2. 00 to 3.00 Main, American or Swiss irnn'jn' 1 '25 ;: :; i-:S:^r'^hSgrkphs;-eic:;;::;;-:;;;;:n:2S;c ^;| ilo?s^l^o^^o?ksr;::;::::::::::::-:::::::^:::."--h;$o.25to 'so Squares. Center. (See Pins.) Staffs I see Arboj;s). _ _ ,_._ $0.25 to .50 Studs, Balance Spring. American. . . " " Enghsh, brass n '• " steel sprung ov " '• " Swiss, brass ..50 1.75 to 1 50 steel foV Breguet Balance Spring 1.60 nd Wheels each. .$0.25 to Teeth in Barrel; Verges, English or Swiss Wheels, American, center, Gilt. . . •:■•••• " Dial change (minute) " " " hour " .third, fourth and escape »„VA";' stem-wind or setting $0.50 to Duplex, center, third and fourth ■'; ■■ Dial(hour) 1- .' " " change (minute) " " escape " " " English, made English, center 25 to 1.75 .75 .35 .35 .50 1.50 75 25 1.00 2 CO DiaKhourY....;;..; »ISO'° ' linutel 50 to third and : '• escape " fusee (wheel only). Swiss, center, third and fourth. fine *1.00 to " Dial (hour) *. .. " chang ■' " escape, " Chronometer escape .. Stem Wind cut to order Howard Movement repairs are not included in abo exception of Balance .Arbors. The ' -' '" greater skill being required to rep--- make list prices. Charges good work. .$0.' .75 .00 5 00 3.00 th the pensive and ..^_.. watches, it is impossible to 11 be as low as possible, consistent with For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. INDEX. Tools. fat'e. Acid Bottles 15, 16 Adjusters, Clock Pinion 41 Adjusters, Movements 151 Alcohol Cups 45, 46 Alphabetical Dies 50 Anodes 7 Anvils 3-5 Arbors 6 Asbestos Soldering Blocks 215, 216 Assayers' Tools 86 Balance Spring Tools 93 Balance Screw Millers 145 Barrel Tools 6 Batteries 7 Bell Metal Slips 28 Bell Outfits 9 Bellows 14 Belting and Belt Fasteners 180 Benches 10 Bench Files 78 Bench Keys 104, 105 Bench Knives 106 Bench Plates 18 Bench Shears 214 Bench Stools 11 Bench Vise's .243-247 Benders, Ring 192 Beading Tools 40 Benzine Cups 45,46 Bezel or Case Tools and Millers 38 Blocks, Chuck 130 Blocks, Die 50 Blocks, Engraving 62-64 Blocks, Filing 70 Blocks, Soldering 215,216 Blowers 14 Blow Pipes 12,13 Blow Pipe Lainps 109, 110 Bluing Pans 17 Boiling Cups 47, 154 Books, all kinds 61)1-663 Borax and Borax Slates 17 Bottles, Acid, Chalk, Material, etc 15,16 Bows, Drill 58 Bow Millers 145 Bow Pliers 175 Boxes, Material 18 Box Saw Dust 17 Boxwood Polishing 60 Broaches 19 Broach Handles 97, 98 Brushes 20-23 Buffs 24-27 Burners 110 Burnishers 28-32 Cabinets, Material, etc 33, 84 Cabinets with Material 693, 694 Cabinets, Watch Glass 255 Calipers 35-37 Cans, Oil 47 Carat Stamps 219 Carborundum 40 Case Brushes 83 Case Buffs. 25 Cases for Tweezers 243 Case Stakes C20-221 Case Tools 38 Cases, Watch Glass 255 Centering Lathes 39 Centering Tools 43 Chairs, Bench 11 Chalk Bottles 16 Page. Charcoal Soldering Blocks 215 Chasing Tools 40 Chemicals, Plating 8 Chinese White 65 Chucks 112-135 Chuck Stands 130 Clamps, Engravers' 65 Clamps, Soldering 217-219 Clock Bench Keys 105 Clock Punches 1 87, 188 Clock Screw Drivers 206, 207 Clock Spring Winders and Releasers 148 Clock Stands or Holders 41 Collets 40 Combination Screw Driver and Tweezer 199 Contractors, Barrel 6 Copper Alloy 689 Copper Plates 6'> Coppers, Soldering 217 Countershafts 1 36, 137 Countersinks 42-44 Covers, Movement 152 Crocus Cloth 40 Crown Enlarging Tools 44 Crucibles 45 Crucible Tongs 43 Cups, Alcohol, etc 45,46 Cups, Material and Oil 47 Cutters, Glass 87 Cyanide 8 Cyanide Jars 45 Cylinder Plug Stakes 44 Dale Chucks 132,133 Degree Gauges 64 Demagnetizers 48 Depthing Tools 49,59 Design Plates 227 Dial Feet Tools 49 Diamantine 690 Diamond Scales 196, 197 Diamond Tweezers. 233, 233 Diamond Holder.. 97 Dies and Die Blocks, Dapping 50 Dividers 49 Draw Benches 10 Draw Plates 50-55 Drills 56-58 Dynamos V Ear Piercers 59 Emery Buffs 27 Emery Paper and Cloth 40 Engravers' Gravers 87-92 Engravers' Supplies 60-69 Engraving Blocks 62-64 Engrenoirs 40 Escapement Files 74 Escapement Matching Tools 59 Etching Compound 60 Extractors, Screw 209 Eye Glasses 60, 61 Eye Shades 66 Files 71-79 Files, Burnishing, same prices as Flat 71 Filing Blocks and File Cleaners 70 File Handles 97, 98 Foot Wheels - 144,145 Forceps, Soldering 317, 319 Forges ■•f'O Fork Polishers . .70 Frames, Saw 1^, 1 94 Frisoirs ,'• • ■ -40 Furnaces /.80, 81 The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies INDEX— Continued. Furnace Blowers. . , uo ' Cc Gauges «2-86 . 255 Glass Cutters Glass Cases ._ . ^_„ Glasses, Watch ■'^^'^11 Gold Testing Stones, Needles, etc ■■■°° Gravers „" Graver Handles '•'=' ^f Grinding Lathe ^*^. Grind Stones ''~^ Hairspring Tools ■■•1" Hammers -. -^^r^" Hammond Wheels ^l' Hand Buffs -^^ Hand Holders ■■'■f° Handles. j^'-^^ Handles, Graver ;,;,■-,«« Hand Pliers "■*' J°" Hand Tongs ~°]i Hand \'ises ii! iQt; Hardinge Lathe Attachments 1 Iq Heads, Polishing '■'f Holders, Clock •*. Holders, Knurl -^^^ Ingots ; qo Indexes, Hair sprmg • °" Insulators, Watch "°" Jacot Pivot Lathes '■^t Jars, Benzine or Alcohol in/.'inq jeweling Tools ^^^ol Karat Punches ••■-Qg Keys ....a06 ^"'^f 107 Knurls a. Ladles, Furnace 108-111 La"^PS [UQ,U7 Laps „na Laps, Screw Finishing ^"° Lathes, Faneuil ....-: i"io'l i a Lathes and Attachments, Hopkins l J- i^* Lathes and Attachments, Moseley.. . . . jiS" .pi Lathes and Attachments, Webster- Whitcomb ^ ijt '-^'^-^-^-'^ 13,j:||^ 138,143 Lathe Heads . Lathes, Imported Lathes, Large Turning 1 1 o 1 A!> Lathes and Lathe Attachments ~ 39 Lathes, Centering „ Lens Drilling Outfit -O^ Lens Holders and Levels ^^^*| Loups 'go Mainspring Gauges i'la'i iq Mainspring Winders "■•• 'Itn Mallets \Iq Mandrels ■ A „,; Markers, Engravers '"i''^° Material Bottles ■''^' ^g Material Boxes qq' aj. Material Cabinets '^^' °- Material Cups and Trays *' Material Rack lor Bench ^" Matting Brushes ■^^ Matting Tools iso'iyo' 11)2 Mills, Rolling ^^■'' ^^"' t-lt Millers • gg Millers, Bezel S-i ' 8ii Millimeter Gauges °-'^°'^ Mortars, Agate ^^ Moulds, Ingot • Movement Adjusters ^"^i^ Movement Boxes _ Oi'. Cups and Cans -^^ Ojjws ■ •227-223 Oil intones ■ ,jg Optic'ans' Lapidary Sets i-iVi^o'i'^q Opticit.ns' Pliers ^ '"' "2' ^ '^ Page. .66 Pivot Broaches Pivot Burnishers. Pivot Drills Pivot Files Pivot Lathes Pads, Engraving "" Pans, Bluing :.. Pans, Copper and Boiling |^^ Pallet Stune Setters ^"'" Paper, Emery and Carborundum ■f> Paper, Watch Tissue o»l Pegwood and Pith {°* Pendant Bow Millers ^Tl Pendant Set Screw Drivers ■^"^ Piercers, Ear •■ °:f Pillar Files, same prices as Flat '| Pinion, Clock, Adjuster ■'t^ Pin Pushers t°'i Pin Setters I'sn ,kt^ Pin Vises 155-157 Pipes, Blow 1^' J^ 38 56,57 76 139 Pivot Polishers ;;:;:! !!!;;■■■ ii2-i24,m Plates, Bench ^° Plates, Copper •••°" Plates, Draw ^^fl Plating Outfits and Supplies ;:a-'q^ Pliers! l'^8-185 Poising Tools ^°° Polisher, Forks ■ '" Polishing Heads ;in ,ai Polishing Lathes ]J~]tl Punches Tm Pushers, Jewel j:*;!: , Racks, Watch '^'^^wk Reamers Broach iltW Releasers, Mainspring 1*° ' Rests, Movement '^d Ring Buffs ^^ Ring Clamps ^0 Ring Gauges and Sizes -"^ Ring Mandrels 14° Ring Stamps '. f 1« Riveting Clamps ■,^'»* Il;;&^!''":::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::i89:i96:m Roller Removers 191. 192 Rounding-off Tools lol Saws 192 Saw Dust Shaker , V.i] Saw Frames »^. 19* Scales 195-197 Scrapers lun'om Screw Drivers i„„ „1;I Screw Finishers 208, 20a Screw Extractors 20. Screw Plates 210-21: Scrubbing and Scratch Brushes 2 Second-hand Holders 198! Setting Holders Sharpeners, Pegv/ood 15* Shears 213,214 Shovel, Stone 227 Signs, Watch ^^0-254 Signs, Alphabetical Label bSO Slates. Borax ■1'^ SlideRests 112-129 Slide Tongs 280 Soldering Blocks 215, 216. Soldering Lamps 10^. 110; Soldering Tools. 216-219; Spiral Stud Roll 190 Squares A' A«^-' Stakes , 219-32. Stakes, Combination with Anvil 3- Stakes, Cylinder Plug I For Watchmakers, Jewelers and Kindred Trades. INDEX— Continued. Stakes and Punches ,„„' Staking Tools ;;■..;; ••:-l«» Stamps, Ring or Carat HI Stands, Clock "'^^ Stands, Engravers' 2„ Stock, Drill ; ; ; ; ; os stones k" Stone Setting Millers.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ~^??r Stones, Testing ^*"? Stools, Bench ',\''\ ™ Table Removers ..'.'.'..'. iqi ' \ll Testing Materials and Tools.. . . ' o^ Tongs, Crucible ^ Tongs, Slide and Hand '. oqa Tool Cabinets. ... ^fi Tool Holders A°? Transfer Wax and Roll.. „i Trays, Material ^" ?«'«^ers. '■V.v.\'.^v::.'::::::.:^>^^ Tweezer Case o^o Twist Drills ." ." '^** Type, Engravers' ..'.'.'..'. 'an J, Uprighting Tool *'^;^» Vibrators, Hairspring .'.'.'.'."..'.'.'.'.". 93 Vise A'ttachments,' Ste'p'hens .' .' ^^^'Ifa Vises,Pin \kk^^ Watch Brushes ::; l^^lbl Watch Case Protectors isJ Watch Glass Cases Ill Watch Paper "°? Watch Racks ;°J Watch Screw Drivers .... ihnZ^A Watch Signs o^ni?! Wax, Sealing .[ ^^'^^54 Weights, Scale ••■•?^? Wheel Brushes ■ oi Wheel Buffs \'.\\\\ f. Wheel Cutters iio'ioQ Wheels, Lathe ;:; h? Wheels, Oil Stone Itl Wheel Protectors tf^ Winders, Mainspring .'.';.'.'.'.'.' i48'l49 wlre'-Bend'e^':::;;: '^1^? Wren ches :;;:;;.■ 1^^ Wrenches, Pendant Set .'.'.".'.'.'.' 205 Rockford Watch Company's Material 478-489 United States Watch Company's Material Iq^ Stes^L^^^'^^"°"^p^"^'^'^'^'-^'' ••^";•^^^^■:498:^ Watch Nomenclature::; ^I'fl DOS -699 Imported Watch Companies' Haterial. Agassiz . . . Bradford ..■..:::::::: ^^^ charmiiies .::::.:: ^'^^ Congress .. ^^^ Hartford. 613 Jewels, Unset. '. ^^^ Jockey Club : . : ; : ^32 Longine . . ^^'^ Material in Cabinets:::::: Ifo^}^. Nassau 093,694 New Haven ^^^ Plan. 519,520 wSNo^SS:?^;S^^^^'^^°"^P-V=sMaterial.;|S ....543-5.55. 558 558, 560-562 559 American V^atch Material. Abbott's Attachments 51 j American Hands ::::::: 334 American Mainsprings :: : : : 256'257 Arnerican Waltham Watch Comp'a'ny's'iviateria'r." "258-333 ■Atlas Watch Company's Material ' 335 Aurora Watch Company s Material 336 337 Cheshire Watch Company's Material.. 338* 339 Columbus (New) Watch Company's Material: ::::: '3401343 E gm National Watch Company's Material .... 344-432 Glasses, Watch _ '555 gg^ Hamilton Watch Company's Material : : : : : 433-435 Hampden Watch Company's Material :::::' 436-441 Hands, American 30^^ Howard Watch Company's Material : : 443-^443 Illinois Watch Company's Material........ 444-464 Jewels, Unset ggg Keystone Watch Company's Material .:::::::: 464^66 Mainsprings, American 'ggg 257 Manhattan Watch Company's Material . : : '467 Material in Cabinets . .693,694 New Columbus Watch Company's Material 340-343 New York Standard Watch Company's Material 468-474 Non-Magnetic Watch Company's Material 475 476 Nomenclature 695-699 Peoria Watch Company's Material :::::::::.... 477 Case Material. American Watch Company's Case Materia! Bates & Bacon Brooklyn : " Courvoisier-Wilcox g^er^n^S;^^^""^^^"^^^'^'--'^''--- Gt^?W^°{^'^"'^^^'^^'-'^---------- Illinois Case Material . . :: ""' ™ Keystone Case Material kkk Kna Muhr or Zur'..rugg Case Material : : : ; : ^ gaO Miscellaneous Case Material kkV lv> Wadsworth Case Material. ksa w-"=h Glasses :::::::::::::::::::: ::556: 55? Clock material. American and Imported... K«q ^n^ Music Box Material ::::::::::::::::::::: :595:596 I Jewelers' Findings. Attaching Pins Backs, Button, Stud and Pin.. . . ^07^00 Badges •■ ^^^~fX Badge and Bangle Pins. ... liX Bales 623 i:;^'- ■■•■•■•:::.v;:.::::.'::;::;.';::.;::;;|^ Bean'Tdn^ing.::::::;;::: "^^"-^ Bows ^^^ Bracelet Chain's: :::::: ^^^'TH Bracelet Springs :::.:::::::::::: 64^ Catches pnalln Chains : 606,607 Charm Bales .H Checks 2;o Checks, Watch :::::::::::::: j,i Connections, Button i-rS, Diamond Holders. .. t!' Eyes^!'"^::::: ■•;:.-;:::::::::::::646:647/ Eye Glass Chains fiine,/ Eye Glass Guards :::.:::::'.: %,; Frames, Photo ci'd^ii Guards, Safety :::::::::::::::::::::':'" /ell The Twentieth Century Catalogue of Supplies INDEX— Continued. Page. ^ „ . 637 Galleries K14-621 Hair Chain Mountings '"■" ^*^ Hair and Hat Fins g^g Holders, Coin gQ2 Hooks, Belt g-^g Hooks, Chain g^g Hooks, Eye Glass.. 616 617 J»>"tS . ■ ; ; gyg' 634 Jump Rings ' g^8 Medals 619-621 Mountings, Hair Chain 603-605 Pendant Bows gOg Pendant Bushings Riq'fiU Photo Frames and Buttons 599 Pin Backs * 622-632 Pins and Pintongues "** ^^^ Plate. Rings, Bangle. . Rings, Jump, Split and Spring. 601 ..633,634 o r T,- . . '" ....628-632 Scarf Pintongues gg.^ ggg Settings, Gold fi'^ti 6R6 Settinls, Rolled Plate ''•^5' ^^^ Slides ; ;g4o; 641 Solders ■ 040 Springs, Snaps, Seals and Stamps i^qafiM Stud Backs. Spiral and Separable mill Swivels ' g45 Washers gijg Watch Checks 646 647 Wire, Ear • ; -q^^' 549 Wire Jobbing Stone Department. Almandine Garnets gg^ Amethysts ggg Bohemian Garnets •, gg^ Brilliants ggg Cameos. ; ■..'.:; 655 Carbuncles gg3 Coral and Celluloid ggjj Diamonds ggg- g54 Doublets, I" ancy ' gg^ Emeralds, Crystal ■ - ■ ggg Garnets ggg Hematite kkii Rf^^ Imitation Colored Stones »o»' ™^ Initialstones g'g^ Moonstones ggg !'.'.'.'..650 653,653 ..658,659 659 651 Opals. Rubies Tiger Eyes. .. Topaz Turquois White Stones. Page. 689-691 Compounds grjg Cotton and Checks gg^ ' ggg Enamel Jewelers ' g^g Envelopes '^. Eye Glass Guards ^^^ Jewelry Wash gg^ Mats, Showcase (j9il692 Paper Boxes, Ring', Nest, etc "^^^ig? Paper, Tissue and Wrapping ^^^ Polishes gg2 Records, Watch gg^j Rubber Bands ggg .Shades, Glass 682,' 683 Show Cases ggi Show Case Mats ,01-704 Silk Guards ^^'Jaal Solutions Jewelers' Sundries. Alphabetical Labels -, „oo Advertising Chamois Novelties °°' Bags, Watch and Opera Glass ^^J^ Bands, Rubber 66i-663 Booths • • • 66^671 Boxes, Jewelry .669-671 Cases, Jewelry 672-677 Cards, Jewelry •■■••;•••■■. 687 688 Chamois Skins and NoveUies do/, doo .689-691 I Tags Trays, Show Case Wall Cases Watch Bags Watch Case Protectors . Watch Paper Watch Records Wax, Sealing White Metal Chains .683,684 .685 .681 .662 Optical Department. 744 Barometers ggg Books, Optical nih' '7^^^ 'w if' u ^ -0 \\^ , . , ^ -Vv * 'J ., ■ ^>. "f^ V*' "fx. V^'^ A^^ ''^ -%- «?" ""^A V*' .\0 o.. >- i:.^-^' •X'^""^^ ^1 '"^^ V^ ^^"^ '*-. \V '•^t;.. '^.v ,aV 'X^- % c3^ •^. % ,^V>'^' A^-^ ^^ v^ v^"' '/ ^ y-^'f^-. ,^;-..,.«;^1 %;*.T.^'^^ ^"-^:^r. ^. c