AN ALPHABETICAL ABSTRACT RECORD OF DEATHS, TOWN OF DEDHAM MASSACHUSETTS, 1844— 1890. COMl'n^BD BY DON GLEASON HILL. Town Clerk. DEDHAM, :\L\SS. Office of the Dedham Transcrii 1805. Puui.isHED Under the Vote of the Town, Passeu ^.pril 9, 18'J4. INTRODUCTION. In accordance with the vote passed l)y the Town at its hist annual Town jNleeting, I have compiled an Abstract of the Deaths recorded in Dedham from the middle of 1844 to the close of 1890, which is here- with submitted. The first seven entries in 1844 >vere made by Richard Ellis, the Town Clerk; then follows the record of his successor, Jonathan H. Cobb, which closes with 1874, except that Mr. Cobb records two deaths in January, 1875. Charles H. Farrington, the next Clerk, continues the record through 1879 and records ten deaths at the beginning of 1880. The rest of the records covered by this volume have been made ))y me, except fifteen deaths recorded by Mr. Farrington, from March to April 27, 1882, the time of his sudden death. The same general plan has been adopted here as in the Abstract of Births, to give as much as possible in the most compact form. The figures at the left indicate the number of each death in the record of the year in which it appears; if a married woman, the maiden nam 3 is given in parenthesis immediately after the christian name, followed by the name of the husband; then comes the date of death, first the month in figures, then the day and year; following this are the cause of death, age, birthplace, names of parents with maiden name of mother in parenthesis, and finally the birthplaces of the parents. Of course many entries do not contain all these facts, and therefore not all could be given. Names which appear in brackets have been supplied by the j^ INTRODUCTION. Editor from information outside the record. In a few instances we have discovered that the record did not correspond with the ongmal returns on file. Words and figures printed from the files rather than the record have been marked with an asterisk. \11 errors which are discovered in the printed record of brths and deaths should be reported in writing to the Town Clerk, so that they may be properly corrected upon the record. ■ With the assistance of Dr. Francis L. Babcock of the Board of Health, a table has been constructed which shows the diseases from year to year, and the number who have died of each disease. We have :also constructed a table showing the number of persons who have died .at each age, from stillborn up to 102 years. It is believed that these two tables will be not only interesting, but valuable as statistics. In the table of diseases it did not seem necessary to take each year sepa- rately, and we have divided the first twenty years into five periods ot four years each, and the balance of the time into periods of three years ^ach, thus being able to show the whole number for each disease on •one pace. In most cases the diseases are called in this table by the names -IS they appear on the record, in order to show the changes m nomenclature, from time to time. At the end of the book is givei. an indcK of tlu> cities and towns in the United States, also an index of the names which appear as maiden names, together with a list of the men who are recorded as soldiers. Tin. for the printer lias been made by Miss Martha A. Smith, ,vl.u has also assisted the Editor in proof reading and making indexes. ^^VK ACtSu Town Clerk. Drdliaiiu .laimary 1, b^"-'") TABLE SHOWING NUMBER OF DEATHS OF EACH DISEASE. ^ ,-; -• §5 .^ -• oi ,-• -/ ^ ~~^ >o i J_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 5 5 _!_ i i re o Abscess Accident Albuminuria Alcoholism Anaemia Anasarca Aneurism, aorlic Angina maligna Angina pectoris Apoplexy Artery, rupture of Ascites Asphyxia Asthma Bowel complaint Bowels, consumption of hemorrhage of. . . inflam. of intersusception of malignant dis. of. mortification of. . Brain, concussion of . . . congestion of consumption on. . contraction of . . . disease enlargement of. . inflam. of paralysis of softening of tumor of water on Bright' s disease Bronchitis Cancer Canker Canker rash Carbuncle Catarrh Chest, dropsy of Childbirth Cholera infantum morbus Chronic disease Cirrhosis Colic bilious Congenital Consumption of blood Convulsions puerperal Cramp Croup 1 1| 5 8 3 5 2 18 9 1 20 3 9 11 3 3 8 3 3 6 1 5 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 4 9 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 5 9 2 4 1 1 1 1 ' 2 4 1 3 2 14 11 8 4 3 2 10 5 1 6 6 2 3 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 3 4 3 3 8 4 9 7 1 7 4 4 5 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 3 1 1 5 21 23 22 9 9 l(i 11 15 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 47 (5.^ 111 74 8!) 8.5 75 48 40 55 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 5 4 8 1 10 1 2 2 (i 21 16 6 6 7 3 2 5 137 3 23 (> 1 1 3 2 53 1 2 1 6 26 2 2 24 4 1 2 1 58 2 1 44 1 14 1 9 4 11 31 17 93 2(J 3 1 1 1 22 1 180 14 1 1 1 1 877 9 76 3 DEDIIAM RECORDS. '.;; ^. o o § s -o t^ 12 [^ al 7. j^ o CO CO 00 i i o CO i i ^ ^ _!_ 1 5 ^ Croup.'.menilirciiious. . . Cyaticsis Cysti'is .... Debility infantile Diabetes Diarrhoea clirotiic Diphtheria Dropsy Dysentt-ry Dyspepsia Erabolifm Emphys^-nia Empyaemia Enteritis Entrocolitis Epilepsy Epistaxis Erysipelas Exhaustion Fever bilious brain intermitteni lung nervous pleurisy puerperal rheumatic scarlet ship slow lypboid typhus Fistula Fits Found (lead Gangrene senile Gastritis Gastro eii'eritis Gland, enlargement of. Oravel Hanged Heart cramp disease enlargement of. . failure fatty deg. of rheumatism of . . . rupture of Hemorrhage umbilical Hemorrhagica purjiun^a 2 ■> 4 o o 1 9 4 1 •?y 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 9 1 1 1 10 5 ;5 5 34 20 8 14 4 1 5 9 10 9 7 s 6 1 2 3 1 13 30 24 9 9 10 6 12 4 1 1 5 1 4 1 3 2 2 1 3 3 4 1 ^ 5 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 7 25 12 3 7 1 3 1 2 1 4 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 4 12 1 16 18 1 23 12 11 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 7 1 9 31 2 16 17 ' 1 6 2 1 3 2 4 3 1 1 8 15 25 14 6 11 S 4 12 8 5 6 2 3 1 2 5 8 15 2 5 6 8 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 13 IG 8 1 17 11 2 1 17 1 14 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 29 1 25 1 26 2 53 4 1 NUMBER Hepat Hip complaint Humor Hydroceplialoid Hydrocephalus Hydrophobia Hydrothorax Inanition Infantile disease nflammalion nfluenza Insanity Jaundice Kidney disease Killed in battle Liver, abscess of complaint. congestion of. . . enlargement of. Lucocythaeml Lung disease Lungs, abscess of congestion of. . hemorrhage of . inflammation of. oedema of Malnutrition Marasmus Measles . . . • Melancholia tubercular Metritis Mouth, sore Murder Myalitis, acute Nephritis Neuralgia Neuritis, multiple, Old age Palsy Paralysis progressive Pericarditis ....;. Peritonitis Placenta praevia Pleurisy Pneumonia l^leuro Poisou Premature birth Prostate gland.hyp'y of Pyaemia Pyrexia. v' OF DEA THS OF EACH DISEASE. DEDHAM RECORDS. CO CO CO Rachitis Rash, scarlet Rheumatism Rupture Sclerosis, cerebro spinal Scrofula Septicaemia Shock Small pox Spina bifida Spinal caries disease Stillborn Stomach, degenerat'n of disease of hemorrhage of inflammation of. . ulcer of Stoppage Suffocation Suicide Sunstroke Syphilis hereditary Tabes mesenterica Teething Tetanus Throat distemper imperfect putrid sore sore ulcerated Tuberculosis Tumor Typhlitis Uraemia Urinary disease Varioloid Whooping cough Worms Total . 1691261 353 480 1 2 414 '317 301 255 343 338 13 5 1 16 3 1 14 1 2 10 78 1 1 2 1 6 11 3 22 2 2 1 1 42 4595 Imperfect record, 320, making in all 4915. NUMBER OF DEATHS AT EACH AGE. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF DEATHS AT EACH AGE FROM TO 102. Age. No. Age. No. Age. No. Age. No. 0-1, '860 26-27, 48 52-53, 34 78-79, 40 1-2. 273 27-28, 48 53-54, 31 79-80, 49 2-3, 147 28-29, 57 54-55, 29 80-81, 60 3-4, 109 29-30, 46 55-56, 37 81-82, 44 4-5, 80 30-31, 38 56-57, 33 82-83, 49 5-6, 61 31-32, 85 57-58, 24 83-84, 32 6-7, 47 32-33, 59 58-59, 24 84-85, 38 7-8, 38 33-34, 34 59-60, 36 85-86, 32 8-9, 33 34-35, 40 60-61, 37 86-87, 30 9-10, 28 35-36, 53 61-62, 36 87-88, 30 10-11, ^ 36-37, 43 62-63, 48 88-89, 23 11-12, 37-38, 26 63-64, 43 89-90, 20 12-13, 16 38-39, ^^ 64-65, 33 90-91, 15 13-14, 19 39-40, 16 65-66, 59 91-92, 8 14-15, 18 40-41, 48 66-67, 48 92-93, 8 15-16, 31 41-42, 26 67-68, 44 93-94, 10 16-17, 24 42-43, 34 68-69, 53 94-95, 8 17-18, 34 43-44, 36 69-70, 58 95-96, 7 18-19, 38 44-45, 21 70-71, 63 96-97, 4 19-20, 41 45-46, 43 71-72, 40 97-98, 2 20-21, 49 46-47, 22 72-73, 67 98-99, 3 21-22, 50 47-48, 21 73-74, 43 99-100, 1 22-23, 61 48-49, 26 74-75, 50 100-101, 1 23-24, 47 49-50, 24 75-76, 66 101-102, 24-25, 54 50-51, 47 76-77, 43 102-103, 1 25-26, 58 51-52, 26 77-78, 33 Age not giver ,52 Total, 49 ir Average age for whole table except 78 stillborn, 35.22. " " omitting all under one year, 42. " omitting all under five years, 49.09. ' Includes 78 stillborn. ABSTRACT OF RECORD OF DEATHS IN DEDHAM, 1844—1890. ABBOTT. 40 Jvatie V. (Hogan), 5: 10: 85, peritonitis, :e. 27-0-0, b. Ded, of John <.^ Catha- rine, N. B., Ire. ACKER. 51 Theresa (Ross), 5:1: (38, consumption, je. :3()-0-0, b. Germ., of J]arney A: , Germ., do. ACORN. 54 (D. at Sharon) Lucy G. (Partridge), w. of A. G., 1 : 23 : 50, lung fever, iv. 2S-0-0, b. Rockland Me. ADAMS. 42 , 12 : 25 : 45. , a-. 18-0-0, b. Ded. 11 Amos, 2: (5: (14, pneumonia, se. ;^5-0-0, b. Bro;)kliyId, of .Tos I'i I'hebe. [soldier.] 42 Ann M., 12: 4: 51, liver comp., a>. 40-0-0, b. Portsmoutli N. II., of Ephraim & Temperance. 30 Benj. II., 3: 31: 7(3, consumption, iv. G;i-ll-l(3, b. Portsmouth X. II., of Benj. & Eliz'h T., Portsmouth N. H., do. 54 Chas. L., 9: 28: 74, typhoid fever, :e. 32-4-28, b. Boston, of Wm. .1. ct Del)orah F., Ellsworth Me., Ded. 29 Deborah F. (Cliickering), 5:1:79, Bright's disease, :e. (;5-5-2l. l>. Ded., of Jabez & Deborah D. F., Ded., Quincy. 51 Elijah H., 0: 28: 84, aortic aneurism, {>i. 47-1-21, b Ded., of Chas. & Mary J.. Medfleld. Goshen N. H. 71 Eliza F., 12: 12: .57, consumption, a>. 18-2-5. b. Ded., of Ilorret iS: Eliza. 19 Emily A. (Debbins), 3:5:8(3, phthisis, :v. 2.5-0-5, b. P. E. I., of Samuel c"v: Eliz'h, P. E. I , Eng. 104 Hiram A., 9: 11 : 01, intlam. of lungs, :i: 25-:^-10. b. Ded., of Ilorret A: Eliza Marlboro Vt., Ded. :34 Horatio C, 9: 25:. 50, consumption, ;e. 14-1-27. b. Boston, of Wm. J. iV- Deborah F. 1 John, 1:2: S7, paralysis, a'. 89-ll-ls, 1». ]}oston, of Thos. & Mercy, Kingston,, Carver. 50 John G., 8: 18: 57, typhoid fever, a'. 8-8-14, b. Ded., of ]]enj. II. »S: Eliz'h. .33 Laura, 1: 28: 05, scarlet fever, ie. 1-5-0, b. Ded., of Elias W. cS: Eliz'h .M. ■2 DEDHAM RECORDS. 19 Miiry J. (Lewis), ;!: 10: 77, uterine tumor, iu. O-j-lO-O, b. Goslien X. 11., of !SetIi cV- . J!) Nancy (Pratt), 3: 25: 00, dis. of spine, a-. 04-7-8, b. Plymoutli, of Eben'r & Hannah. 4J> Robert, 4: 12: 40, neck I)roke by fall, a\ 30-0-0, b. Eng. :]0 Sarah J., :): 3: 00, (Iroi^sy. a. 20-4-15, b. Ded.. of Chas. &. Mary J, 28 Soplironia B. (Kiml)a]]), 3: 10: 7;3, consumption, ;e. 34-0-10, b. Ded., of Theo- dore T. & Abby S., Kennebunk Me., Ded. r>0 Wm. F., 3: 31 : 4.5, epilepsy, a'. 1-0-0. AECHTLER. 100 Catherine C. (Jacobs), 11: 25:82, embolism, a. 24-7-18, b. Buffalo X. Y., of Henry & Catherine. Bavaria, do. 73 Wm., 8: 23: 79, teething, a. 0-9-0, b. Boston, of Wm. & Catherine, Rox., Buffalo X. Y. AIILBORX. 44 Sarah J., 7: 24: 60, dysentery, a. 0-3-24, b. Ded., of Henry & Rebecca, Germ., Xew Brunswick X. J. AINSWORTH. 110 Jos. F., 10: 20: 88, marasmus, a. 04-1-20, b. Bethel \i., of Artemas & Cath- erine F., Dudley, Walpole X. H. AKERMAX. ?,:^ Mary A. (Saunders), 4:8:73, heart dis., a. 67-2-14, b. Eng., of Samuel & ^lary, Eng., do. ALBERT. 9.5 , 9:2: 05, , a. 0-0-1, b. Ded., d. of Jacob & Mary. 97 , 9: 0: 0.5, , w. 0-0-4. b. Ded., s. of Jacob & Mary. 01 Emma E., 7:10:68, bowel comp., a. 0-1-3, b. Ded., of Jacob & Mary, Germ., do. ALCORX. 63 Eliz'h, 8: 28: 80, old age, a'. 69-0-0, b. Scot., of Wm. & Margaret, Scot., do. ALDEX. 29 , 4: 19: 77, , a. 0-0-2. b. Ded., d. of Elisha C. ik, S. Jennie, Ded., do. 7 , 1: 25: 78, stillborn, b, Ded., d. of Wm. H. & Amanda, Ded., Harps- well Me. 37 Abigail, 1:24:67, old age, a. 95-0-0, 1). Xeedham, of Samuel & Susanna, Xeedham, do. 70 Amasa, 12: 7: 57, old age, a. 86-0-0, b. Xeed., of Silas & Margaret. 20 Francis, .!: 17: 7.5, old age, a\ 82-1-27, b. Xeedham, of Amasa & Fatty D., Xeedham, Milton. 70 (Jeorge, 8: 25: 02, paralysis, a. 57-11-25, b. Nelson X. H., of Amasa & Martha. 19 Hannah (Eaton), 3: 0: 78, consumption, a. 74-.5-0, b. Ded,, of John & Han- nah, Ded., Canton. 03 Leonaid, lo : 27 : 74, old age, a. 78-9-25, b. Eoxbury X. H., of Amasa & Patty, Xeedham, Milton. 25 Maria A. (Fenderson), 3: 17: 76, , a. 55-0-0, b. Saco Me. 14 [Patty], w. of Amasa, 9: 8: 46, palsy, a. 70-0-0. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 3 4 Rebecca X. (Xewell), 1 : 14: .■>(;, lung fever, ;e. S2-10-2(i, b. Need., of Eben'r& Eliz. A. 63 (D. at Xewtnn) Koxanna, ():2:0:]. consumption, ;v. (io-l-'j, 1). Xewton, of Paul & Ilebecca, Newton, Needhaui. 13 Sarali E., w. of Francis Jr., 4: 23: 52, consumption, te. 2!)-l-2."), b. Bolton. 112 Sarah J., 11 : m: Gl, consumption, te. 28-8-16, b. Ded., <>f Francois & Sarah S. 61 Sarah S. (Crehore), 9: 6: 66, consumption, te. 08-1-10. b. Ded . of Elisha & Sarah. ALDKICH. 52 Editli M., 5: 28: 81. diphtheria, ;e. 7-0-12, b. Ded., of Edgar E. & Georgianna E., Millville, Northbridge. ALEXANDER. 15 Arthur V.. 3:2: 78, congestion of lungs, ;e. O-O-Ki, b. Ded . nf Henry IJ. & Selina, Eng., do. 70 John, 7:2: 63, pneumonia, a*. 30-0-0. [soldier.] 140 Perry C, 10: 15: 64, chronic diarrhoea, te. 24-11-0, 1). Uptoii. [soldier.) ALGER. 53 Mary A., 10: 22: -H canker, w. 0-2-0, 1>. Ded., of David & Ilaiiuali S. ALLEN. 48 Mrs., 9:3: 46, , iu. 66-0-0, b. Ded. 115 Addie, 3: 10: 67, hemorrhage, le. 0-0-4, b. Ded., of Augustus M. & Lydia E., Mansfield, Stark Me. .52 Amelia. 4: 8: 67, consumption, a'. 65-0-0, b. Medford. 114 Anna, 3: 10: 07, hemorrhage, :e. 0-0-4, b. Ded., of Augustus M. it Lydia E., Mansfield, Stark Me. 31 Chas. A., 2: 5: 64. typhtdd fever, a. . [soldier.] 108 Edmund F. A., 9: 8: 72, cliolera infantum, a'. 0-.5-4, b. Stoneliam, of Timothy & Sarah, Brookline, Ded. 57 Frances D. (Clapp), w. of Wm.,5: 17: 52, fit, a. 22-0-0, b. Walpole, of Nathan & . 86 James. 4:11: 64, consumption, a-. . [soldier.] 61 Jennie, 0: 4: 89, marasmus, a. 0-4-12, b. Roston, of & Annie, , Scot. 58 Lucretia (Barber), 7:29:80, paralysis, a'. 49-0-0, b. Va., of Isaac c'c Ann, Va., do. 48 Lucy M., 12: 12: .52, consumption, a. 28-6-6, b. Ded., of Natiiau & Catherine. 3 Mary, 1 : 27: 48, lung fever, a. 57-0-0. 99 Mary G., 9: 10: 65, dysentery, a. 0-7-15, b. Ded., of Nathan B. & Emma L. 21 Nathan, 7: 23: .50, accident, a. 66-1-10, b. Medfield, of Nathan & :siiriam. 26 Sarah, 11 : 12: 46, consumption, a. 48-0-0. 18 Sarah (Chickering), 10: 28: 6.5, cance r, a. 71-C-O, b. Medfield, of David& Sarah. 92 Timothy, 4 : 3 : 69, accident, a. 87-0-0, b. Dover, of Timotliy & , Dover, do. 145 Walter F,, 12: 13: 63, typlioid fever, a. 24-0-17, b. Monmouth Me., of J)aniel & A. E., Monmouth Me., Bath Me. ALLENSPACKER. 32 Henry, 4: 11: 76, croup, a. 2-7-0, b. Ded., of Nepomuk & Soi)hia, (Jerm., do. 4 DEDHAM RECORDS. GO Jos. T., 7:8: 82, bronchitis, a'. 0-0-5 wks., 1). Ded., of John N. & Sophia, Germany, do. f;5 ]Marie, 8: 12: 76, cliolera infantum, jl'. 0-0-0, b. Ded., of N. & S., Germ., do. 50 Wm., 6: 17: 73, inflam. of brain, tc. 1-10-22, b. Boston, of Xepomuck & Sophia. Germ., do. ALLWRTGHT. 20 , 1 : (5: 46, , le. 0-.5-0, b. Ded., of Alfred X. & , 77 Alfred, 11 : 14: 7o, consumption, ;l'. .58-6-1, b. En^., of & Maria, Eng., do. !)l Edw. W., 0: 1.3: 40, cholera infantum, ae. 0-6-20, b. Ded., of Alfred & . 18 Samuel A., 2: 28: 4.5, , ?e. 1-0-0. ALSTOX. 59 Wm., 5: 2G: 6:3, inflam. of stomach, ic. 41-0-0. [soldier] AMES. Ida J.. 1: 16: 89, peritonitis, tv. U: 11: 25, b. W. Bridgewater, of Wm. B. & Annie C. (Chase), W. Bridgewater, New Bedford. 17 Lewis P., 2: 21: 84, spinal meningitis, ?e. 0-7-2, b. Ded., of Tlieron B. & Mary L., Dorch., Mattapoisett. 12 Susan (Lewis), 2: i:3: 80, paralysis of brain, ;e. 6.5-0-18, b. Ded., of Samuel & Ann, Ded., do. 117 Theron B., 12: 7: 90, erysipelas & pneumonia, .e. :]0-0-25, b. Dorch., of Wm. & Susan (Lewis), Groton, Ded. 108 (D. at Springfield), Wm.. 5: 19: 80, heart dis.. iv. 79-7-16, b. Ded., of Usher & Frances (Worthingtoii), Ded., Springfield. AXDERSOX. 34 Peter, 4:12:82, consumption, a\ 4.5-0-18, b. Sweden, of Andrew & Ann, Sweden, do. 83 Robert, 4 : 1 : 64, , le. . [soldier.] AXDKEWS. 100 Caroline, 9: 30: .5:3, dis. of liver, te .50-0-0, b. Ded., of David & Susan E. 100 (D. iit N.Y. City) David, 12: 14: 58, old age, a?. 85-0-0, b. Ded., of Jas. & . 9 ,I(»i:n, 3: 1 : 66, heart dis., a;. 62-11-0, b. Ded., of Joel & Lavina. 7 Xewell, 1 : 26: 64, lung fever, a'. 20-0-0, b. Ills., of Jerome A: . [soldier.] .5s Permelia H. (Harding), 10: 14: .5:3, consumption, a'. 2.5-1-4, b. Baldwin Me., of .John & Temperance. ABXOLD. 82 Adeline, 10: 9: 57, consumption, a'. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Chas. & Adeline. 7 ArLliur II., 1 : 20 : S6, membranous croup, -x. 0-9-1, b. Ded., of Arthur II. & Ada M., New Orleans, Warwick Neck R. I. 88 Chas. A., 6::30: .58, consunn)tiou on brain, a'. 0-6-0, b. Ded., of Charles & Adeline. :]4 Ellen J. ((rBryan), 5: 4: 79, heart disease, a. 2:3-1-22, b. Ire., of James & , Ire., do. 11 Minnie, 9:14: 72, dysentery, a'. 0-9-0, b. Ded., of Clias. A. »fc Emma, ^'alley Kails H. I., Prnv. B. I. 89 Minnie M., 10:27:7(), accident, a'. 1-5-2:], b. Ded., of Geo. & Xellie, Prov. \\. I., Ded. 10(i IJdgcr, 12: 17:49, , ;c. 40-0-0. ABSTRACT OF DEA THS. 5 AKEIS. 11 James, .") : IS : GO, heart dis., :o. 74-0-0, b. Danville Me., of Jas. & . 35 (D. at Dorch.) John, 7: G: G2, cancer, w. 50-1-21, b. Lisbon ^Le., of Jas. & Mary (Harrington), Danville Me., . ASHCROFT. 38 , 4: 20:45, , ;e. 0-0-7, b. Dec!., of Edw. & . ASTIX. 13 John, 3: 22: 62, consumption, le. 28-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. i!t Isabella. ATCHKIXSOX. 45 John, 3: 25:G;B, lung fever, a'. 35-0-0, b. Norfolk Xa., of Jesse «S: Hannah, Ya., do. [soldier.] ATEN. 42 Helen F. (Morgan), 2: 2G: G:l, consumption, ;e. 28-8-12, b. Meredith N. II., of Chas. & Sarah H., Kingston X. H., Meredith N. H. ATHERTOX. 44 Abner, 12: 24: 47, flt, a\ 72-0-0. 32 Benj.F., 4: 26:57, consumption, a. 22-S-13, b. Boston, of Jonathan A: Eliza. 46 Betsy, w. of Abner, S: 16: 49, sore throat, a. GG-0-0. 20 Frances M., 6: 23:. 50, consumption, :e. 24-10-2;>, b. Boston, of Jonathan & Eliza. ATKIXSOX. 19 Maria F., 4:5: 5.3, scarlet fevei*, iu. 4-1-14, b. Grafton, of Kinsman & Dorothy M. ATWOOD. 97 Martin C. 8., 10: 24: 79, typhoid pneumonia, te. 15-5-12, b. Prov. R. I., of Henry A. & Hattie C, Prov. R. I., Pawtucket R. I. AUSTIX. 27 Adelbert M., 8: 17:52, cholera infantum, te. 1-6-0, b. Ded., of James & Caroline. 23 Edgar v., 2:11:90, lieart failure, a-. 27-0-0, b. Stow, of (lilman & Eliza, Marlboro, Me. AYER, AYERS. 50 Catherine (Morse), 5: 27: SO, pleuro pneumonia, a. 69-10-0, b. Medlield, of Xatlian & Elenor (Lawrence.) 131 Mary (Trull), 12: 7: 67, old age, a. 90-1-7, b. Xatick, of & Jemima, , Xatick. 49 Wm., 8: 25: 60, drowned, a'. 62-4-17, b. I'ortsuioutli X. H., of .Tolin & Mercy, Portsmouth, do. BABCOCK. 83 E. Francena, 11: 16: 77, cancer, a-. 42-S-O, b. Boston, ofWm. & Rebecca, ^Mil- ton, Westford. 6 Emmeline (Foxeroft), 1 : 26: 83, paralysis, a. 71-7-1.5, b. Boston, of Francis A. cSu Betsey, Brookheld, ]ioston. 89 (D. at Boston) Samuel B., 10: 25: 73, apoplexy, a. 6.5-0-9, b. Boston, of Sam- nel H. & Eliza (Brazer), Milton, ]>oston. Q DEDIIAM RECORDS. 71 Wni. R.. 8: 19: 70, coiisumittion, le. 42-0-16, b. Milton, of Wm. & Rebecca, Milton, 'Westforcl. BABSOX. G 8ar;ili A. (Bradford), 4: 15: 72, inflam. of bowels, te. 40-9-4, b. Canterbury Ct., of Thos. & Sophronia. BACH. 52 Jalvob, G: 29: 84, consumption, ;e. 38-0-0, b. Germ. BACON. 2 , 1 : 12: 82, stillborn, b. Bed., s. of Silas E. & Sarah L., Newton. Boston. G5 Geo. M., 7: 20: 75, empyema, se. 53-0-0, b. N. Y. City, of Bela & Lucy M., , Needliam. 72 Lucy (Mills), 10: 19: 86, old age, je. 89-0-0, b. Needliam, of Paul iS: Ada, Needham, Dedliam. 65 Lydia J. (Smith), 7: 30: 70, congestion of lungs, a?. 40-0-0, b. Ded., of Hum- phrey & Wealthy, Vt.. Halifax Mass. 81 Wm. M., g: 12: 88, apoplexy, a^. 55-4-8, b. Prov. R. I., of Wm. & Mary A. (Cole), Prov. R. I., do. BAGLEY, BEGLEY. 57 Bridget (O'Hare), w. of Martin, 5: 22: 89, enteritis, a?. .58-0-0, b. Ire., of John & , (Donahoe), Ire., do. 9 Harriet J., 8: 12: 4.5, , te. 11-6-0, b. Ded. .52 Margaret L., 5: 13: 89, intussusception of bowels, je. 31-1-14, b. Ded., of Martin & Bridget (O'Hare), Ire., do. 37 Mary, 5: 18: 79. anaemia, ;o. 9-1-8, b. Ded., of Martin & Bridget, Ire., do. 7 Mary A., 1: 29: 59, scarlet fever, a\ 2-3-0, b. Ded., of Martin & Bridget. 79 Thomas J., 5: 1: 55. lung fever, je. .50-0-0, b. Candia N. H., of Nathan & Rhoda. BxULEY. 31 Abby .V. (Larkins), 12: 28: 6:5, dis. of kidneys, fe. ;52-.5-0, b. Dorch., of John S. A: Harriet T. B. 100 Caroline A. (Draper), 6: 5: 70, consumption, io. 19-G-O, b. Ded., of George & ('ordelia, Ded., Me. 41 Joseph, 3: 25: 90, senile gangrene, te. 77-3-;3, b. Medfield, of Martin & Asenath (Kingsl)ury), Vt., Foxboro. 33 Julia A. (Ayers), 10: 20: 71, lockjaw, ;e. 47-0-0, 1). Lisbon Me., of Jas. & . BAIN. 78 Mehitable 8. (Sweetser), 11:15:73, dropsy, -m. 88-9-27, b. Charlestown, of Benj. & Martha M., Charlestown, Cambridge. :]7 William, 10: 21 : 45, old age, ;e. 68-0-0, b. Eng. BAKER. 7;j , 7: \-i: 67, stillborn, b. Ded., d. of (Jeo. & Ellen, Ded., Walpol". 74 Aaron, 6: 25: 56, dis. of chest, w. 78-0-0, b. Ded., of Timothy & Cynthia. 55 Abigail P., w. of Jer'', 10: 31: 48, consumption, ;e. 57-0-0, b. Medlield. :W A'iner W., 6: 29: GO, struck by lightning, le. 19-0-0, b. Ded., of Timotliy & Hannah, Ded., do. 2'; Alford, 5: Ki: 71, suicide, ;e. 61-2-0, b. Ded., of Sabin c^: Abigail, Ded., . ABSTRACT UF DEATHS. J 11 All'ord K., 2: 27: SO, consiiiiiptioii, ;e. 47-1-10, 1). Ded.. of Allor.l iS: .Iuli;i A.. G.. Ded.. do. 77 Alistoii, 8: .-'d: S."), ]irem:iture hirtli. iv 0-0-.\ b. l;ed.,of Fml'k A A: Mary E.^ Kiiig.stoii. Canton. 72 Amy (Williams), 11 : 11: OC, old a,nf, ;t'. 87-'.i-ls, h. Kox., of John A: Mary. GO Anne, E. (Eaton). 10: 30: 5:*., apoplexy, se. 84-'i-."), b. Ded., of .loliii A: Desire. 25 Artliur C, ;5: 8: 81, acnt- broiicliiti.s, le. 0-(i-12, b. Ded.. of Willie W. & Viola L. (White), Ded., Mnnson. 42 Eecca (Fislier), w. ot John, 3:7: 50, old age, re. 82-0-0, b. Ded., of Asa & . 133 Betsy (Metcalf), 2: 24: (37. bilious colic, ic. 80-11-0. b. Prov. \\. I. ..f Joel & liUcy, Prov. Li. I., Attleboro. 71 Charlotte, 8:1: 54, old age, te. 70-0-0. 50 Christopher II., 8: 10: 7:^, cholera infantum, ;e. O-G-O, b. IJoston. of (leo. L. & Margaret II., Boston, Baltimore. 61 Cynthia, 10: 3: 52, fever, te. 71-0-0, b. Ded., of Timothy & Cyntlun. 49 Dene (Holmes), 7: 15: 50, , re. GO-0-0, b. .Sharon, of Joim & . 105 Eliz'h P. (Sanford). 11: 25: 70, typhoid fever, re. .57-5-0, b. Tiverton R. I., of & Ann, Tiverton, do. i:J6 Eveline (Blake), 8: 9: 63, consumption, re. 57-11-1, b. Walpole, of Eben'r &; Ede, -. Franklin. 77 Fanny E. 8: 28: 81, dysentery, -x. 77-1-15. b. Ded., of Aarju & Hannah (day), Deci., do. 140 (D. at Danvers), Frank D.. 4 : 4 : 87, , re. 1(3-8-1,3, b. , of Clias. D. & Rachel B. 29 Fred E., 4: 10: 61. scarlet fever, re>. 5-0-1:3, b. Danvers, of Bobert E. & Mary E., Ded., Danvers. 16 Hannah G. (Haker), 2: 20:82, exhaustion, re^ 68-2-14. b. Ded., ot Aarou Ik, Boxy (Whiting), Ded., do. 16 Harriet, [no date. Bee. 6: 24: 4()], , it-. 20-0-0. .58 Horace, 6: 26: 51, fever, re. 5:3-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Becca. 62 Horace, 9: 19: 51, fever, re. .5-6-0, b. Boston, of Horace it . 6 Jane A. (Grover), 1:21:81, paralysis, ;e. 71-7-0. b. Foxboro, o!' Calvin tk> Buth, Foxboro, do. 40 Jennie B.. 4: 21:83, infiam. of brain, se. l-ll-ll. 1.. Ded.. of Wni. iV' -Jennie G., Ded., Montville Ct. 98 Jeremiali, 9: 12: 55, old age, -m. 94-0-0, b. Ded. 45 John, 7: 21: 46, consumptioii, re. 8:3-0-0, b. Ded. 96 Laurinda A. (VYoodward), w. of Easti.s, 10: 3: 90, heart failure, ;e. 70 0-2:;, b. Plainfield N. H., of David & Hannah (Putnam), Brooklyn Ct., N. II. 83 Mary M. (Sawin). 9: 24: 76, dropsy of chest, re. 6.3-4-7, b. Dover, of Joel ct Polly B., Natick. Dover. 44 Nelson, 4: 20: 89, marasmus, ;e. 1-0-7, b. Salem, of Milton it Eliza J., N. S.,. Ire. 11 Obed, 3: 24: 68, old age, •a\ 84 0-0, b. Ded., of Timothy & Cynthia. Ded., do 15 Patty E. (Ellis), 2: 14: 76, old age, :e. 8.j-;3-3, b. Medlield, of Geo. & Martha C, Medfield, . 64 Bol)ert H., 5: 25:52, consumption, re'. 51-0-0, b. Prov. H. I., of Hinsdale it Jemima. » DEDHAM RECORDS. .52 Kox;i (Whiting), w. of Aaron, 2: 29: 52, fever, re. 63-0-0, b. Ded., of Abner & Loacada. 29 SamuelW., 2:23:90, softening of brain, se. 72-10-27, b. Ded., of Aaron & lioxy (Whiting), Ded., do. 47 Sarah, (i: •"): 50. old nge, ic. 74-0-0, b. Ded., of Eliph't & . 88 Sarali A.. 12:21:77, neuralgia, te. 02-4-0, 1). Ded., of Aaron & Eoxy W., Ded., do. 18 Susan C. (Colburn), 9 : 21 : 68, cancer, le. 58-9-1.5, b. Ded., of Abijah & Susanna, Ded., Medfield. 98 Timothy, 10:9: 90, brain dis., te. 76-10-1.5, b. Ded., of Obed & Betsey (Met- calf). bed., Pi-ov. E. I. 85 "Wiiili r Cr., 7: 31: S3, cerebro spinal meningitis, te. 11-0-0, 1). Ded., of Jas. B. i"^ .Maltha G., Ded., do. 85 "NYillie E.. 2:23: 71, asphyxia, re. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Eben & Mattie J., Ded., Island X. Y. BALL IT. () Sarah (Eatoiii, w. of Wm., 2: 21: .50, lung fever, ;e. 07-9-2, 1). Ded., of Isaac & Sarah. BALKHAM. 10 Edith, 2:3:81, meningitis, ie. 0-12-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Sarah (Morang), Eastport Me., Lubec Me. BALL. 23 Carrie L., 4: 3: 61, croup, fc. 5-5-11, b. Marlboro, of Lyman E. & Jane P. 5 John B., 2: 17: 50, consumption, a". 29-11-15, b. Orange Vt., of Kufus & Rebecca. 44 Theodore F., 3: 26: 08, consumption, :e. 19-4-9, b. Ded., of John B. & Sarah D., Orange Vt., Milton. BALLOU. 96 Mary E., 10: 23:79, consumption, ro. 33-2-2.5, b. Ded., of Sylvanus & Trj'- phena, Burrilville E. I., Ded. 89 Sylvanus, 10: l;) : 8.5, diabetes, lu. 69-:3-26, b. E. I., of Daniel & Mercy, E.I., do. BAMBAUEE. 48 Catharine (Schutz), 6:1.3:73, paralysis, ic. .57-7-0, b. Germ., of Pliilip c*t Catharine, Germ., do. 50 Catharine, 7: 10: 78, consumption, :e. 31-2-22, b. Boston, of Jacob & Catha- rine, Germ., do. JJAKNARL). 56 Samuel G., 5: 19: t9, ])l)thisis ])ulmonalis, ;c. 26-2-14, b. Marblehead, of Geo. B. & Al)bic S. (Morse), Bradford X. H., Marblehead. BAEXETT. 9(5 (D. at Walpole) "Winthrop !>., 1:23:53, (;onsunii)tlon, a'. 26-0-0. b. Derry X. H., of Eobert & Sarali X. JiAlUiETT. 67 Annie ]\r. (Dolan), w. of Martin J., 6: 16: 89, peritonitis, k. 2.5-1-24, b. Ded., ol' Tlionias F. I'v: Margaret (Moore), Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. ^ 58 Bridget L. (Darcy), 8: 5: SO, typhoid fever, a'. ;U-10-l;;, li. Waterford, of Edw. & Bridget, Ire., do. 31 Catharine, 10: 18: .")G, summer comp., ie. 0-9-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Margaret. 12 James. 8: 22: 0(5, diarrhoea, a. 0-0-19, b. Ded., of Thos. & Margaret. 61 Wm. J., 8:20:80, cholera infantum, ic. 0-11-4, b. Ded., of Michael J. & Bridget L., Ded., Waterford. BAEKOWS. 69 Eliz'h (Bosworth), 8: 0: GO, paralysis, :e. 66-0-0, b. Halifax INIass., of Asaph &E]iz'h, Halifax, do. 17 Henrv II., 9:1: (S%, suicide, te. 24-0-0. 94 (D. at Hartford Ct.) Thos., 10: 29: 03, K. K. accident, to. ;i8-0-0, b. Halifax, of Tlios, & Eliz'h, Halifax, do. 40 Thos., .5:7: 80, old age, ;e. 84-9-1, b. Middleboro, of Abner & Hannah, Mid- dleboro, do. BARRY. 84 (D. at "Munson) Abbie T., 10: 4 : 84, paralysis, ;e. 12-0-0, b. Boston, of Paul & xVbbie, Ire., do. 144 Paul P., 12: ;30: 88, , ;e. 41-0-1:3, b. Ire., of Dennis & Kate (Leary), Ire., do. BARTHOLOMEW. 49 Stephen, 3: 10: (54, pneumonia, se. . [soldier.] BARTLETT. lOT Ann C. (Lyon), .5:19:64, lung fever, te. .55-4-0, b. W. Rox., of Benj. & Eliz'h, Rox., do. 51 Frances P. (Whittemore), 10: 3: 50, fever, ie. 46-0-0, b. Rox., of J. & . BARTOL. 26 Joseph, 0: 9: 58, lung fever, te. .57-0-0, b. France. BARTON. 47 Janet (Chisholm), w. of Anson F., 11:23: 52, consumption, re. 26-9-2.5, b. Southbridge, of Wm. & Isabel. BASSETT. 49 Martha R. (Raymond), 2: 2(5: 70, dropsy, ;e. 79-:3-20, b. Westford, of John ^ Phebe, Westford, do. BATCIIELDER. 20 Francis, 4: 10: 53, drowned, a-. 0:0: 13, b. Easton, of Jos. c^ Maria. 37 Joseph R., 9: 30: 52, consumption, a. 31-0-0, b. Salem. BATEMAN. , ^ 44 Lilla F., 3:7: (54, diphtheria, a-. , b. Sharon, of Wm. & Harriet, N. l.,do. BATES. 90 xVbner L., 9: 22: 81, paralysis, ii3. 60-9-0, b. Dighton, of Asa & Ruth, Abing- ton, do. 72 Betsey (Kenney), 9: 17: 77, paralysis, a'. 80-4-3, b. Yarmouth Me., of Samuel «fe Hannah. , 94 Chariotte W. (Wood), 12: 20: 70, paralysis, a\ 82-11-2-5, b. Boxford, of Lemuel & Frances, Eng., Boxford. 26 Emma F. (Weed), 4: 22: 79, drowned, a>. 26-3-30, b. Maiden, of Otis II. & Susan, X. Brooklield, Boston. 10 DEDHAM RECORDS. 00 Martin, 12: 8: G9, old age, w. Sl-9-20. b. Ded.. of Samuel & Mary. 50 Mary F. (Sisson), 0: 17: 85, old age, as. 81-8-2:3, b. Charlestowii, of Edw. & Susannah, Milton, Ded. BAUER. ;30 Edw. F., 8: 1:]: 00, consumption, te. 40-0-0, b. Germ., of Gottlieb P. & CI)ris- tiana (Bickman), Germ., do. 49 Paul, 9:10:74, cholera infantum, te. 1-1-21, b. Ded.. of Frank & Maria, Germ., do. BAYER, BYER. (6'ee aho Bier.) 87 Casper, 0:7: 59, croup, x. 8-0-0, b. Germ., of Casper & Mary. 133 Henry, 4: .30: 65, consumption, a?. 19-1-1, b. Germ., of Christian & Anna M. 44 John. 5: 25: 79, diphtheria, x. 1-10-16, b. Ded., of Michael &Mary, Germ., Ire. 42 Lizzie, 5: 25: 79, diphtheria, a?. 3-7-0, b. Ded., of Michael & Mary, Germ., Ire. 38 Louisa, 5: 19: 79, diphtheria, if. 6-6-0, b. Ded., of Michael & Mary, Germ., Ire. 70 Maggie, 7: 25: 87, marasmus, aj. 0-2-23, b. Ded., of & Mary, , Ire. 49 Mary, 3 : 31 : 07, heart dis., ve. 48-1-2, b. Germ., of Casper & Mary, Germ., do. 43 Mary, 5: 25 : 79, diphtheria, re. 9-6-10, b. Ded., of Michael & Mary, Germ., Ire. 18 Michael, 2:25: SO, consumption, te. 40-9-22, b. Germ., of Casher & Mary, Germ., do. BEACH. 51 , 5: 29: 76, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Seth C. iV: Frances II., Marion X. J., Augusta Me. 89 ,9:14:82, premature birth, b. Ded., d. of Edw. & Cora, Springfield, Hanover. BEAL, BEALS. 122 Edw. F., 12: 19: 90, heart dis., -x. 67-9-0, b. Boston, of Samuel & Ruth (Lor- ing), Hingham, Boston. 109 Henry, 10: 2: 88, apoplexy, x. 80-:3-8, b. Milton, of John & Ruth, U. S., do. 21 Ruth. 10: 18: 46, consumption, re. 75-0-0. BEAN. IS Albion, 3:5: 00, lung fever, a-. ;50-8-22, b. Naples Me., of Jacob & Sarah. 96 Geo. E., 10: 1 : 49, cholera infantum, x. 0-11-S, b. Ded., of Albion & Mary E. 71 Mary E., 9: 15: 77, consumption, x. 21-11-3, b. Ded., of Albion & Mary E., Alfred Me., Milton. 104 Mary E. (Holmes), 12: 2: 85, tumor, x. 63-10-2, b. Milton, of Pliilip & Mar- garet, Milton, Robinstown Me. BEARS E. 9() Artemas, 1 : :]0: 61, small pox, x. :]0-2-l, 1). liarnstable, of :Moses H. & Re- becca, Barnstal)le, do. BECKER. 27 Barbara (Kuhn), 5: ;!1 : 62, consumption, x. :U)-0-0, b. (Jerni., of (Jeorge «fc Grence. 31 Barbara (Scim merer), 4: 19: 87, paralysis, x. 04-:>-0, b. (ierm., of & , Germ., do. 33 Florian, 3: 10: 90, ulceration of stomach, a. 06-1-0, b. Germ., of Frank C. ifc Catharine (]SIartin), Germ., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 11 19 Ludwig, 2: 23 : 81, pleuro pneumonia, w. oS-0-0, b. Germ., of Jos. it (l^noye. Germ, do. G Teresia, 5:11:74, lung fever, ;v. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of John & -Mary, Boston, Vhila. BECKETT. .j(3 Paul, 7: 28: 78, cyanosis, ;i?. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Bartlett G. & Ella M., Jefferson Tex., Dayton Me. BEERS. .->;] Jos. W., 5: 8: (58, lieart dis., a\ 50-0-0, b. Wobnrn, of Jos. & Jenislia, Wo- burn, Wellington. BELENGEK. 87 Admonto, 11: 19: 70, croup, a-. 1-4-0, b. Canada, of Peter & Caroline, Can- ada, do. 74 Albert F., 9: 15: 72, bowel conip., :e. 0-2-28, b. Ded., of Peter & Caroline, Canaila, do. SG Joseph. 11 : 17 : 70, croup, ;e. 4-0-0, b. Canada, of Peter & Caroline, Canada, do BELKNAP. 25 Daniel F., 9: 3: 50, suicide, a'. 44-0-0, b. Ded. BELL. 98 Susan (Cox), w. of John, 10: 5: 89, old age, te. 78-0-0, b. Ire., of Hugh also Bayer.) 43 Christopher, 7 : 14 : 00, scrofula, se. 42-0-0, b. Germ., of Geo. & Eliz'h,Germ.,do. — (D. at W. Rox.) Louisa, 6: 4: 75, convulsions, re. 0-0-14, b. W. Rox., of Chris- tian & Mary, Germ., do. BIGELOW. 94 , 12: 15: 72, , re. 0-0-2, b. Ded., s. of Chas. II. & Christine, Keene X. H., Winsor Locks Ct. 122 John, 8: :30: 64, congestion of lungs, re-. :j.j-0-0, 1). Ire. [soldier.] BILLIXGS. 122 David, 4: 29: 6:3, lung fever, re. 64-6-0, b. Sedgwick Me., of Isaac «S: Sarah Sedgwick Me., do. BILLS. 65 Betsy, 11 : 21 : 51, fever, re. 48-0-0. 151 Fanny F. (Abbot), 11: 14: 63, consumption, re\ 3S-4-2,, b. Hanover, of Ilazen, K. & Louisa P. 70 Geo. L., 8: 1: .50, typhoid fever, re. 5-0-0, b. Ded., of Lewis & Fanny. 75 Henry B., 6:25:61, droi)sy on brain, re'. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Lewis & Sarah» J)ed., Med way. 1.56 Mary L., 5: 7: 64, luug fever, re>. 10-0-10, b. Ded., of Lewis A. & Fanny L.II.^ Ded., Hanover N. H. BIXGHAM. 49 Bertha L., 5: 23: 76, canker, re'. 0-0-22, b. Ded.. of Thomas A. 11. A: M., Spencer, Ded. 92 Daniel, 9: 14: 49, consumption, re'. 46-0-0, b. Ded., of Pliny & Jeruslui, 10 Eva M., 1: :!0: 78, i)remature birth, re. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Thos. A. II. & Louisa M., Spencer, Ded. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 13 14 Jerusha (Avery), 12: 1:74, old age, iv. 94-2-lS, b. Ded., of Jonathan & Jer- nslia N., Ded., Boston. BIRD. 42 Catharine (Gay), 5: 13: 73, old age, ;e. 85-2-22, b. Sharon, of David & Catha- rine, Sharon, Ded. 49 Lyman E., 10: 15: 54, dysentery, te. 0-5-0, b. Ded., of Francis & Emily M. 75 Martha (Newell), 9: 24: 52, dysentery, k. 81-0-0, b. Xeed.. of Josiah & . 15 Samuel, 1: 12: 60, dropsy, te. 80-1-6, b. Dorch., of Samuel & Susanna. 58 Sarah M., 7: 6: 75, heart dis., !e. 10-1-28, b. Boston, of Geo. M. & Sarah F., Ded., Addison Me. :;i Walter F., 9:2: 52, dysentery, a-. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Francis & Emily. BISHOP. 09 Benj., 11 : 29: 52, consumption, {e. 84-0-0, b. Attleboro, of Simeon & . 91 Hannah (Everett), 4: 15 : 68, old age, se. 87-9-9, b. Ded., of Abel & Mary,Ded., Stoughton. 67 Maria R. (Ricker), 9:0: 72, dropsy, le. 4:3-9-3, b. Green Me., of Henry & Mar- garet, Sanford Me., ETenniker N. H. .50 Robert, 7: 10: 01, congestion of brain, :t'. 28-0-0, b. Eng., of Jos. & Charlotte, Ire., do. BIXBY. 09 Rosilie (Rouviere), w. of Eben F,. 7: 2: 87, acute myelitis of spinal cord, le. 4:3-10-22, b. Hartford Ct., of Louis C. & Harriet, Hebron Ct., Litch- field Ct. BLACKMORE. 70 Mary, 9: 9:08, inliam. of bowels, ic. 22-7-15, b. Eng., of John «fc Frances, Eng., do. BLAIR. 02 (;eorge, 12: 11 : 69, typhoid fever, te. 4:5-1-10, b. Ire., of Wm. & Jane., Ire., do. 3 Jefferson, 1: IS: 70, hemorrhage of bowels, .-v, 34-0-0. b. Richmond Va., of Jefferson & Mary A. BLAKE. 42 Chas. L., 5: 12: 82, old age, ic. 8.5-0-19. b. Boston, of Jas & . Boston, do. 90 Ellen J., 8: 1: 71, angina maligna, :e. 38-0-23, b. Wrentham, of Asa A: Har- riet, Wrentham, Franklin. 22 James, 4: 12: 00, old age, te. 80-0-0, b. Boston. 140 John, 11 : 10: 04, pleurisy, se. 32-0-0, b. Ire. [soldier.] BLANCHARD. .5:5 Rachel (Hawes), 5: 29: si, progressive paralysis, ic. 82-11-9, b. Weymouth, of Jos. & Sarah, Weymouth, do. BLAX K. 2 Josepli, 1:4: 00, lung fever, ;c. 4:3-0-0, b. Germ., of Xepomook & — . BEEN US. 1.55 Albert H., 12:23:0.5, inflam. of brain, ;e. 1-7-2:5, b. Ded., of Chas. W. & \'esta (J. 37 Fred., 11 : 3: 51, dis. of l)raln, ic. 0-S-O, h. Ded., of Isaac & Polly. 14 DEDHAM RECORDS. 92 Geo. B., 7: 0: 01, scarlet fever, m. 3-0-4, b. Dec!., of Isaac & Olivia 15., X. S., Albion Me. 103 Isaac W.. 9:7: 61, typhoid fever, te. 4;3-;3-2, 1). , of Thos. & Phebe. 17 John D., 5: 2.): 51, consumption, a;, 28-:3-15, b. N. S., of Thos. & Phebe. •?A Willet C, 9: 21 : 50, consumption, a;. 25-7-8, b. N. S., of Thos. & Phebe. BLOOD. 108 Fanny (Haskell). 10: 2:3: 67, fever, a?. 72-7-0, b. Cape Ann, of Xatlrl & Sally, Cape Ann, Canaan X. Y. 22 Moody. 3: 24: 78, old age, a* 74-10-0, b. Nashua X. H., of \Vm. & Abigail S., Dunstable X. H., Woburn. 94 Wm., 12: 6: 69, debility, a'. 72-10-0, b. Xashua X. H., of Wm. & . BLUITE. 03 Thos., 8: 10: 80, cholera infantum, ai. 0-8-0, b. Prov. E. I., of Wm. »!s: Kate, Ire., do. BOAR DM AX. 90 Chas. F., 9: 13: 49, dysentery, te. 2-9-18, b. Cliarlestown, of Richard & Sarah E. 49 Painelia H., 1 : 20: 45, pul. consumption, a'. 22-0-0. BOCK. 1:13 Alfred T., 7:11:63, cholera infantum, a'. 1-11-6, b. Ded., of Theodore & Miriam, Germ., Eng. BODEXSCHATZ. 99 John, 10: 11 : 90, , w. 04-4-27, b. Germ., of John & Zillman, Germ., do. BOLAXD. 51 Wm., 7: 20: 61, diarrhoea, :e. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Bridget. BoxxEMoirr. 11 , 8:29: 46, dysentery, te. 4-0-0, b. Ded. 14 Mary (Gill), 5:4:56, falling down stair.s, te. 46-5-0, b. Canton, of John & Mary. 96 Xicholas, 11: 3: 85, old age, ae. 85-3-7, b. Boston, of Nicholas M. & Eunice, France, Attleboro. BONXEY. 78 Cordelia C. E. (Coney), 12: 1: m, accidental, a'. 54-7-0, b. Eastport ]Me., of Wm. & Abigail. 90 Florence (Bridge), \v. of Henry C, 7: 19:88, consumption, a*. 40-10-15, b, Xew Orleans La., of Isaac & (Berry), Boston, Bath Me. 70 Grace, 9: 10:76, erysipelas, a?. 0-l-;i, b. Ded., of Henry C. & Florence B., Ded., New Orleans La. 6 John, 3: 31 : .52, congestion of brain, a\ 0-7-2, b. Ded., of Daniel & Cordelia C BOOCOCK. 85 Wm., 11 : Ki: 70, consumption, a' 29-11-3, b. Eng., of John & Ann, Eng., do. BOOTH. 28 Margaret S., 6: 11 : 62, caidier, a\ 0-10-8, b. Ded., of John & :Mary. ]U)SSETT. 22 Josie, 2: 19: 74, pneumonia, a-. 0-.5-20, b. Lawrence, of & Agnes Powers. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 15 BO.STWICK. 24 Catharine (Whiting), 11 : 4: 40, fever, ;e. 08-0-0, of Moses A: . BOURNE. 109 Silas. 1: 1:3: 40, pleurisy fever, te. 4:j-0-0, b. Sandwicli. BOWDWITCH. 30 Grenville, 10: II : 4."), fever, je. 11-0-0, b. Boston, of Jona & . BOWE. 1 Edward, 1:1: 7.'), diarrhoea, te. 2:3-9-0. b. Ire., of Philip & Mary, Ire., do. BOWEllS. 92 Jane, 7: 20: 58, consumption, ae. 0-0-:30, 1). Ded., of Henry & Margaret. 00 Lewis, 11:16:53, accidental shooting. ;e. 1.5-10-2:3, b. Boston, of Joliii & Catharine. 91 Sarah, 7: 10: 58, consumption, a-. 0-0-20, b. Ded., of Henry & Margaret. BOYD. :39 David, 1 : 28: 71, old age, le. 92-9-19, b. Ded., of & , Ded., do. 92 David, 10: 5: 79, consumption, se. 73-11-28, b. Ded., of David & Polly, Ded.. do. 34 David H., 4: 20: 69, kidney dis., te. 20-4-20, b. Boston, of David & Eliz'h, Ded., Damariscotta Me. 73 Eliz'h S. (Dorety), 10: 21: 80, obstruction of mitral valve, a-. 00-9-20,1). Damariscotta Me., of John & Mary. Damariscotta, do. Ill Henry \V., 10: ;W: 01, typhoid fever, a\ 1.5-11-17, b. Ded., of Moses & Olive, Ded., do. 44 Milton T., 3: 22: 0:3. lung fever, a'. ;3:3-0-0, b. Chester Co. Pa. [soldierj. 2 Olive (Guild), 1: 10: 84, heart dis., a. 0:3-10-1.5, b. Ded., of Eeuben & Olive, Ded., do. 74 Polly (French). 7: 22: 05, dysentery, a. 80-5-8, b. Ded., of Samuel & Mary. 35 Wesley W., 3: 12: 88, inflam. of lungs and brain, a. 1-10-18, b. Ded., of Moses G. & Harriet T. (Wolcott), Ded.. Box. BOYDEN. 30 Almon E., 8: 10: 70, cholera infantum, a. 0-7-8, b. Ded., of Ellis & Eliza M., Walpole, Medfield. 120 Annie M.. 9: 0: 01, dis. of brain, a. :3-8-0, b. Ded., of Ellis & Eliza, Walpole, Medfield. 84 Benj., 0: 20:88, paralysis, a. 81-4-18, b. Ded., of Benj. & lloxa. 77 Benj. L., 11: 5: (il, scarlet fever, a. ;3-10-20, b. Ded., of Hartshorn & Ursula A., Ded., Dover. 118 Charlie E., 11 : 20: 62. troul)le on brain, a'. 9-2-20, b. Walpole, of Ellis & Eliza, Walpole, Medfield. 59 Eliz'h A. (Alexander), 12: 7: 09. typhoid fever, a. 62-.5-10, b. Worcester, of Wm. & Anna. 2 Francis W., 1 : 22: 01, lung fever, a. 2:3-9-20, b. Medfield, of Silas & Caroline, Medfield, do. 08 Hartshorn, 5: 10: .59, rupture, a. 47-0-0, b. Ded., of Benj. & . 30 John E., 4: 13: 01, heart dis., a. 52-S-2, b. Ded., of Spencer A: Rebecca, Wal- pole, Ded. 72 Josephine A., 9: 1 : 48, dysentery, a. 2-0-11, of Lewis & Permelia. 16 D ED HAM RECORDS. 136 Mary R. H. (Holmes), S: 15: 65, cancer, te. 52-5-24, b. Ded., of Jere'h & Priscilla. 80 Sally (Fuller), '.): 12: 57, consumption, se. 66-0-0, b. Dec!., of Jona. & Anna. 78 Susan Y., 11 : 6: 61, scarlet fever, le. 8-1-2;^, b. Ded., of Hartshorn & Ursula A., Ded., Dover. BOYNTON. 1 , w. of Luther, 5 : IG : 46, old age, ;e. 75-0-0. 42 Luther, 7: 24: 49, fits, it?. 79-0-0. BOSWOETH. 2:3 Albert, 7: 18: 56, inflam. of brain, te. 6-9-19, b. Ded., of Isaac & Susan. 34 Edw. H., 11: 21: .56, cholera infantum, a'. 1: 1: 15, b. Ded., of Francis & Betsey G. 52 Herbert, 9: 17: 58, dysentery, aj. 1-9-4, b. Ded., of Isaac & Susan H. 39 Isaac C, 3: 24: 66, inflam. of heart, tf. 59-1-10. 1). Halifax Mass., of Asa & ElizUi. BRACKETT. 65 Arabella S. (Whitney), 7: 24: 08, consumption, a-. 25-10-18, b. Newton, of Geo. & Eliz'h, Watertown, Portsmouth N. II. :M Betsey (Galucia), 2: 25: 72, consumption, a. 51-2-0, b. ])anvers, of Isaac & Betsey, Danvers, do. 8 Gilbert O., 1 : 31 : 83, consumption, a. 4.3-5-18, b. Swampscott, of Elijali & Abbie, Eastham, Danvers. 24 Isabel, 1: 23: 64, consumption, a. 17-3-12, b. Boston, of Elijah C. & Betsey, Eastham, Lynn. 20 Mary A. (Richardson), 3: 16: 77, consumption, a'. 28-3-S, b. , of T. B. & M.J. 24 Mary W. (Hill), 4: 24: 60, consumption, ;32-10-21, b. Ded., of Geo. & Lenda. 79 Warren L'., 12: 13: 66, consumption, a. 24-:3-3, b. Boston, of Elijah C. and Betsy. BRACKIN. 29 Bridget!, 4: 11 : 8.5, pleuro pneumonia, io. 6:3-10-19, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. BRADLEE, BRADLP:Y. 42 , 5:8: 80, stillborn, b. Ded.. d. of Geo. E. & Annie, Boston, Ded. 41 Annie (Coyne), 5: 8:80, puerperal convulsions, te. 25-1-21, b. Ded., of Pat- rick & Mary, Ire., do. 24 Lemuel, 11: 1 : 0:3, , a'. 67-0-0, b. Rox. BRADY. 101 Wm. J., 1 1 : 7 : SI, marasmus, a'. 0-4-2, b. Ded., of James is, Margaret, Ire., do. BRANDOX. 51 John R., 4: 17: 63, dropsy, a'. 27-0-0, b. St. Jose Cal. [soldier.] BRANIGAN. 105 Ann (Kelley), 4: 7: 86, plithisis, a-. ;37-0-0, b. Ire., of Robert & Mary, Ire., do. BRAUAR. 29 Ernest, 3: :30: 82, marasmus, \v. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Anton & Amelia, Germ. do. A BS TRA C T OF DEA THS. 17 BRAYDOX. 10 Lucy C. (Finn), 12: IG : 70, paralysis, it'. 00-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. & Mary, Ire., do. BREEX. 48 Mary E., 7: 2: 8(i, heart (lis., a?. 5-11-0, b. Ded., of David & Mary, Ire., do. 3 Nora E., 1:5: 87, rheumatic fever, je. 20-7-0, b. Wales, of David & Mary, Ire., do. BRENNAX, BRAXNAX. 3 Ellen, 1:5: 59, croup, aj. 3-0-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary. 30 Francis, 3: 28: 84, old age, te. 83-3-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Belle, Ire., do. 88 Harriet (Randall), 9: 2: 59, mortification of bowels, a'. :'.:5-0-0. b. Johnston R. I., of Jas. & Amand. 2(3 Harriet E., 5: 13: 62, lung fever, a?. 2-8-1(5, b. Ded., of Dennis & Harriet. 105 Owen, 11 : IG: 84, hypertropliy of heart, ;o, 70-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. :35 Patrick, 4: 10: 84, cancer, je. 70-0-0, b. Ire., of John cS: Ellen, Ire., do. 64 Walter, 7: 7: 87, meningitis, :e. .5-10-7, b. Ded., of John J. & Bridget M., Ded., Ire. BREWER. 22 Daniel, 5: 6: 70, heart dis., ;e. 68-2-0.1). Brewer Me., of .josiali A: Anna,. Worcester, Orrington Me. BRICK. 123 Julia A., 8: 31:04, dysentery, ic. 1-0-18, b. Amesbury, of John& Ann, Ire., do. 149 Margaret, 12: 7: 04, lung fever, x\t. 22-0-0, b. Ire., of Daniel & Ellen, Ire., do. BRIDGE. 48 Caroline F., 9: 6: .5:J, cholera infantum, te. 0-8-2(3, b. Boston, of Jere'Ii E. & Caroline A. 51 Martha K., 7: 5:73, , re. :35-8-ll, 1). Xew Orleans, of Isaac & Mary B.^ Boston, Me. BRIGGS. 46 , 2: 20: 40, fever, se. :^.-0-0, b. Ded., s. of Joseph & . 54 Caroline (Morton), w. of Robert, 5: 15: 90, okl age, w. 93-11-15, b. Hanover, of Silas & Eliz'h (Foster), Plymouth, Kingston. 18 Chloe (Tucker), 5: 31 : 50, cancer, a'. 73-0-0, b. Walp., of Jos. & A!)igail. 55 Maria (Swinburn), 4: 29: 70, , a3. 70-0-0. 72 Robert, 7: 24: 82, spindle cell sarcoma of brain, a-. 00-2-(}, b. Boston, of Robert «& Caroline (Morton), Pembroke, Hanover. 27 Solomon, 5: 23: 45, fever, je. 70-0-0, 1>. Eastou. 25 Wm., 4: 29: (}(), dropsy, a'. -50-9-24, b. Ded., of Solomon & Chloe. BRKiHAM. 31 Chas. W., 4: 21 : (>1, scarlatina, ic. 2-9-17, b. Ded., of Geo. M. & Olivia, Cam- bridge, Derl)y Vt. BROAD. 33 Ada A., 7: 17: 58, canker, ic. 2-4-9, b. Ded., of Salisbury & Mary J. 90 Annette E., 11 : 25: 72, consumption, fc. 20-2-11, 1). Ded., of Horace & Maria,. Albion Me., do. 17 Francis S., 3: 21 : 5.5, lung fever, je. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Salisbury & Mary J. 18 DEDIIAM RECORDS. 75 Fr;uieis S., 7: 1:3: (J:I, whooping coug-Ii, :o. 4-S-.">, b. Ded., of Salisbury c^: :\Iary J., , Liminstou Me. 2:3 Herl)ert \V., 1 : 17: 04, scarlatina, :l'. 5-(J-G. b. Ded., of Xath'l W. c\: Mary £.. I'ox., Camden Me. n;) Horace, 11:4: 58, iiillaiu. of luiig.s, :e. 51-0-0, b. Albion Me., of Wilder & Hannah. 5s ;Marv J. (Kelly), 5: L^(i: (i;), chronic diarrhoea, jc. :31-4-15, b. J.imins'ton Me., of & Hannah, , ]^iniin<>ton :Me. BK0AD13ENT. 10:3 \Vm., 11: 4: 41», consuniiition, :e. 40-0-0. J3K0DBECK. 7:3 I>ertha (Meyer;, 8: 25: 7(5, consumption, w. 4.5-G-O, b. Wnrtemlnirs", of Wm. & Caroline, Wurteniburg, do. 18 Ernst, 1 : 25: 77, accident, re. 5-0-0, b. Ded.. of Fred'k & Bertlia. Germ., do. J3II01)ERICK. 21 Catharine (Mullen), :3: 5: 8:3, consumption, fc. 36-0-0, 1). Ire., of "Wm. cV: Cath- arine, Ire., do. BROMILY. 71 Ann (Hulmes). 1: i:3: 52, dis. of stomach, a\ 5(5-0-0, 1). Eng., of Jas. & Ellis. BROXSOX. 1^3 Alfred A., 8: 15: .50, cliolera infantum, :e. 1-8-22, b. Ded., of Alfred R. & Sarali A. D Launi E., 3:3: 5:3, scarlet fever, re. 7-2-23, b. Ded., of Alfred R. *& Sarah A. ^21 Wm., 4: 18: 53, scarlet fever, le. 0-5-0, b. Ded., of Alfred R. & Sarah K. EROOKS. 49 Edith H., 7: (i: 78, peritonitis, je. 12-1-21, b. Rox., of Chas. D. & Dorcas 8., Eastport Me., Boston. 34 Fred'k \V., 3:21:7.5, consumption, te. 20-11-0, b. Ded., of Lemuel A. & Eliza, Boston, Conway X. H. 11 Henry, 2: 14: 87, dis. of l)rain, :e. 0-16-0, b. Milton, of Xewman C. & Sally, Va., do. ■54 Lemuel, 9:5: 57. dis. of l)rain, it. 48-10-20, b. Boston, of Wm. & Abioaij. 49 Mary A. (Fullerton), 6: 15: 73, consumption, re. 17-6-0, b. Xew Market X. H., of Chas. & P^liz'li, Xew Market X. H., Barrington X. H. 48 Mary E., 8: 25: .5.5, cholera infantum, :e. 1-0-22, 1). Scot., of Mark & Jane. 109 Sarah (Thomas), w. of Fred'k, 10: 14: 87, phthisis pulmonalis, a'. 40-0-0, 1). Orange Co. Va., of & Jane, Va., do. 73 Wm., 10: (i: 04, membranous croup, re. 2-10-0, b. Ded., of Wm. ^: Catharine. BROSXOX. 45 , 5:4: 75, stillltorn, b. Ded., s. of Daniel & . JSROIGHTOX. 41 Cornelius, 2: 2: 71, old age, ;e. 9:3-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Catharine, Ire., do. 2 Mary, 1:4: .59, dis. of heart, re. 65-0-0, b. Ire. 17 Peter, 1 : 16: 09, consumption, re. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Ann, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 19 BROWX, BKOW^^E. 121 Miss, 5: 12: 48, old age, a^ . 03 Ann H., 6: 26: (i5, typhoid fever, a'. 0-2-4. b. Xewburyport, of Chas. If. & Ellen F. S3 Chas. If., 10: 17: (•_', diphtheria, a^. ()-:3-l, b. Dec!., of Ileiiiy (;. A: Olive x\., Rumford Me., IJnckfield :Nre. 29 Eliza A.. !): 22: 44, typhus fever, ae 4:^-0-0. 6:5 Emma F. (Chatfield), 7: ll»: 7.-), phthisis, le. 24-S-O, b. Boston, of Wni. c^ Eliz- abeth, Eng., Boston. 1:30 Goodwin U., 11: 8: 67, consumption, .t. 32-0-6, b. Newl)ern N. C, of Jolni & Jane B., Xewbern X. C, do. 20 Hattie A., 3:0:8.5, cyanosis, ?e. 0-0-4, b. Ded., of Willie K. c't Louiza S. (Meyers), Me., Box. 71 Jas. E., 10: 13: 86, cholera infantum, ie. 0-2-7, b. Ded., of J, is. F. cS: Ella E., X. S., Ded. 08 Josephine A. (DurdapX 8: 12: 84, tuberculosis pulmonalis, te. ;W-2-0, b. Ded., of Robert H. & Mary A., Boston, Dorch. 50 Juliette (Childs), w. of Edwin N., 4: 26: 00, hemorrhage, aj. .52-0-0, b. Rox., of Jas. B. & Julia A. (Pearson), Weston, Rox. 110 Mabel F., 12: 0: 82, diphtheria, a^. 10-11-7, b. Ded., of Geo. E. & Emma F., Sudbury, Walpole. 10 Martha E. (Alden), 2: 24: 7(), cancer, a\ 44-7-23, b. Ded., of Geo. .^ Hannah, Francestown X. H., Ded. 25 Mary W. ( Weatherbee), 3: 14: 75, old age. a^. 81-7-28, b. Ded., of Comfort & Reney, Ded., do. 105 Xancy (Wellington), 12: 27: 76, obstruction of l)owels, a\ 02-0-27, b. Cliarles- town, of Jona. & Anna, Watertown, AValtham. 55 Samuel, 2:7: 46, — -, a?. .50-0-0. 86 Theodore F., 8: 6: 83, hydrocephaloid, a;. 0-:3-18, 1). Ded. of John C. A: :Mary L., Milton, Dorch. 107 Theodore L., 9 : 4: 88, rupture of heart, iC. 60-0-14, b. Sudbury, of Israel 11. & Lucy (Adams), Sudbury, Hubbardston. 110 Walter E., 8: 27: 01, pneumonia, ae. 3-5-1:], b. Walpole, of Erastus ^S: Eliza A., Mansfield, Walpole. 110 Wm. D., 11 : 17: 00, R.R. accident, je. 2.5-7-17, b. Sharon, of Wm. D. & Annie M. (Holmes), S. America, Sharon. BROWXIX, ()2 Arline A., 10: 0: 55, cholera infantum, ic. 1-4-0, b. Johnston R. I., of Dennis & Harriet. BRYANT. 19 Austin, 0:23: 51, tumor, a". 48-0-0. b. Pembroke. 23 Luther A., 7: 10: 44, inllam. of peritoneum, te. 11-0-0, b. Ded., of Austin & Miranda. 3 Maranda (Richards), w. of Austin, 2:2: .50, consumption, ic. 46-6-0, b, Ded., of Luther & Polly. 22 Samuel, 7: 0: 52, old age, tc. 69-4-5, b. Petersham, of Thos. ^ Zuba. 20 DEDHAM RECORDS. BRY80N. 54 Henry L., 3: 25: 64, pneumonia, a\ . [soldier.] BUCHAXAX. 2S Marv B.. 4: 4: 87, acute phthisis, te. 19-0-0, b. P. E. I., of Alex'r B. ifc Flora ( McDonald 1. Enj?.. P. E. I. BUCKLEY. 110 Margaret, 12: 30: 72, small pox, a^. 40-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. BUDLOXG. 77 Sarah E., 5: 20: .58, fits, :e. 0-0-21, b. Ded., of Albert & Sarah. BULLAE D. 139 (D. at sea) Alfred R., 5: 5: 07, phthisis, a?. :52-ll-l.5, b. Framingham, of Geo. & Mary C„ Framinghara, Wayland. 67 Chas., 7: 29: 71, heart comp., ?e. 76-11-15, b. Ded., of Wm. & Lydia AV., Ded., do. 4 Clara :NL, 3: 8: 51, consumption, ;e. :32-0-0, b. Ded., of Elijah & Olive. 93 (D. at Sutton), Elijah, 9:1: 58, cholera morbus, a*. 72-0-0, b. Sutton. 69 Eliz'h (Paul*, w. of Chas., 5: 21 : 88, heart dis., se. 91-9-2, b. Dorch., of Wm. & Anna Damon, Ded., Attleboro. 52 Geo. H., 7: 19: 73, consumption, a?. 24-10-1, 1). Ded., of B. O. A. & Lucy A., Ded., X^. Y. City. 2 John, 2: 25: 52, affection of heart, ae. 79-1-16, b. Ded., of Isaac & Patience. 94 Lucy (Richards), 12: :iO: 00, peripneumonia, ?e. 80-.5-12, b. Ded., of Solomon & Sarah, Dover, Box. 75 Lucy A. (Bacon), 11 : 15: 71, typhoid fever, a?. 47-7-22, b. X. Y. City, of Bela & Lucy, Dover, do. 56 Lydia (Whiting), 11: 24: 59, old age, a-. 87-11-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Lydia» 69 Lydia M., 8: 5: 71, consumption, a?. 47-9-16, b. Ded., of W^m. & Eebecca, Ded., do. 13 Martha C. (Alden), 2: 19: 87, cancer, a^ 54-2-:], b. Ded., of Leonard »!v: Ada- line (Swam. I{oxl)ary X. II., Ded. 40 Mary K. (Hendersons 0: 13:84, fatty degeneration of heart, a. 02-8-10, b. Tiiomaston Me., of Wm. & Lucy, Thomaston, do. 48 Susan (Thurston), 3:2: 71, congestion of brain, a. 82-2-0, 1). Franklin, of & Bethsheba. 33 Wiliard, 8: 12: 59, chronic diarrhoea, a. 72-5-12, b. Ded., of John & Abby. 86 Wm., 9: 28: 79, ossification & rupture of left subclavian artery, a. 6:^5-8, b. Ded., of John it Lucy B., Ded., do. Bl XKKH. 38 Stephen J., 8: :50: .58, typhoid lever, a'. 21-5-0, b. Cambritlge, of Stephen & Sarah E. BUK13ANK. 71 Isabella (Roberts), 8: 22: 80, infiam. of bowels, a. 70-8-2, b. Eng., of Jas. A: . BT'R(;i:ss. 29 Altliy R, 4: 24: .55, dis. of brain, a. 0-7-29, b. Springfield, of Eben'r P. & Carrie F. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 21 53 Abigail B. (Phillips), 7: 1: 72, old age, je. 82-4-24, b. Bos., of \Vm. & Miriam M., Boston, do. 90 Anne, 2: 2: 70, old age, a\ Sl-10-0, b. Great Britain. 1 Carrie F. (Guild), 1: 3: 59, ulcer on stomach, te. 29-0-0, b. Ded., of Francis & Caroline E. 89 Eben'r, 12:5:70, inflam. of kidneys, le. 80-8-5, b. AVareham, of Eben'r & Martha (^Swift), Wareham, Mass. 89 (D. in Pari.s, France) Eben'r G., 5: 14: 77, tumor on brain, a-. .50-10-0, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Abigail B., Wareham, Boston. 108 Lucy (Baker), w. of Isaac J., ll::a:90, heart dis., w. 74-6-14, b. Ded., of David & Dene (Holmes), Ded., Sharon. BURKE. 60 Bridget, 4: 19: (14, scarlatina, ie. 1-4-0, b. Ded., of Thos. it Mary. 95 Frances, 11 : 25: 6:3, consumption, te. 10-.5-0, b. W. Box., of .John «.'c Winifred, Ire., do. 42 .John, 9: 21 : 02, teething, ;t'. 1-1-27, 1). Ded., of Thos. t>c Mary, Ire., do. BURLIXGAME. 108 Ada M., 11 : 18: 8:3, dis. of heart, :e. 16-9-7, b. Medway, of Adin B. & Eliz'h. BURXAM. 40 , 11 : 1 : 47, cholera infantum, le. 8-0-0. BURNETT. 44 Warren W., 5: 6: 72, accidental, ;e. 72-:3-17, b. Oxford, of Warren & Emeline. BURXS, BYRXES. 44 Bridget, 10: 7: 02, fits, ;e. 7-0-7, b. Ded., of Michael 0 Julia A., 10: 2: SO, heart dis., ;e. 20- 0-0, 1). Lawrence, of John A: Ilonora, Ire., do. ;iO Mary (Flaharty), 5: 15: O'.i, iung fever, te. GO-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ilonora. 29 Michael, 12: 27: 07, inllam. of lungs, k. 0-5-0, b. Ded., of John & Ilonora, Ire., do. CAIX. 20 Eliz'h (Wright\3: 19: .57. paralyses, jf. 7:)-0-0, b. Dunbarton X. IT., of John & Abigail. CALDER. 24 I;'\ id J>., 7: :]: 59, accidental .shooting, se. 1:5-7-22, b. I)ed.,of Jas. & Anna II. 97 Lucy A.. 9: 10: 87, oedema pulmonum, :e. .52-4-4. li. Ded., of Jas. & Anna H. (D'lken, Prov. R. I., Ded. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 23- OAL DWELL. 23 , 5: 14: 4."), inllain. of bowels, ;r. 17-0-0, 1). , d. of & . CALLAHAX (S2: 'u, lung fever, a'. 0-3-4, b. Ded., of Cornelius & Hannah. CAMEROX. 08 Walter J., 7: 18:87, cholera morlius, a-. 0-10-1, b. Ded., of Jas. D. & Eliz"h IL, X. S., do. CAMPBELL. 58 xVnnie ( Erons), 7:1: 85, cerebral meningitis, re. 01-11-13, b. X. B., of Jolin & Eliz'h. 82 Caroline E. (Hayden), 9:30:77, childbirth, a'. 28-8-20, b. Franiingliani, of Chas. & Mary D., Framinghani, Waltham. 101 Laura, 9: 14: 05, dysentery, i^e. 0-5-2.5, 1). Ded., of Robert & Mary A. 09 Mary, 9: 28: 73, teething, a^ 1-3-21, b. Bridgewater, of cV: :Mary, , X. B. CANING. 78 Thos., 12: 11: 04, consumption, a. 3t-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Bridget. CANNOxV. 120 Bridget, 12: 4: 05, croup, a". 1-3-0, b. Ded., of jSlichael cS: Bridget. 08 Bridget (Gilroy), 0: 22: 07, congestion of Inain, a'. :58-0-0, 1>. Ire., of Michael & Dorotliy, Ire., do. 74 Michael, 7: 19: 02, scarlet fever, a'. 1-0-0, 1). Canton, of Patrick .^ I'.ridget, Ire., do. 11 Thos., 8: 12: 00, infantile dis., a. 0-0-7, b. Ded., of John et Margaret. CAPEX. 23 Betsey J. (Johnson), 9: 2:47, cholera morbus, ;e. .58-0-0, b. Sharon, of Calel» 115 LncyR. (Seaver), 12: 17:81, pneumonia, a'. 01-0-20, b. Easton, of Calvin & Dolly (Austin), Bridgewater, Easton. 110 Oliver, 10: 23: 0.5, tumor in throat, a". (Jl-0-9, b. Ded., of Nath'l cS: Submit. 42 Sarah A. (Whiting), w. of Oliver, 3: 27:88, lironcho i)iieunio:iia, a'. 79-3-17, b. Ded., of Calvin & Eliz'h (Fuller), Ded.. <1(). CARBERRY. 78 , 9:1: 79, stillborn, 1). Ded., s. of John & Minnie, Ire., Kiir. .55 Clifton G., 0:4: 70, albuminuria, a*. 4-5-20, b. Ded., of Wm. .V Eiiz'ii, Scot., Eng. 24 DEDHAM RECORDS. 34 Lizzie A., 4:(>: 81, meningitis, a-. 0-0-0, b. De(l.,of Andrew & Anna M. (Rich), Ire., Bos. 80 Minnie (Sullivani. '.>: 7: 70, cliildbirth. :e. 23-0-0, 1). Eng., of Timot]iy& Xora, Ire., Ens. CARD EX. 15 , 7 : 10: 47, , :e. . CARLETOX. 5 Dana F., 1:0:00, pneumonia. :e. 1-11-27, 1). Ded., of Jolm E. k. Mary T. (Smith), Me., do. CARLOX. 7 , 2: 13: 02, stillborn, b. Ded., of Lawrence & Ann. 56 Ann (Fajjan), 7: 29: 80, cancer, te. 01-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Ellen, Ire., do. 93 James, 4: 19: 64, consumption, a\ 6-8-14, b. Ded., of Michael & Ann, Ire., do. 4 Margaret, 1 : 30: 5:3, convulsion fits, le. 0-4-22, b. Ded., of Michael & Ann. 81 Michael, 9: 14: 79, consumption, te. 63-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Rose, Ire., do. 8 Rose (Denner) 6:2: 72, old age, te. 77-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary. 31 Thos., 6: 13: 60, scarlatina, a;. 3-3-i;3, b. Ded., of Lawrence & Anna, Ire., do. 67 Thos. H., 11 : 23: 53, typhoid fever, aj. 6-10-11, b. Taunton, of Michael & Ann. <:arxs. 81 John, 2: 12: 50, dis. of brain, ;e. 4-9-0, b. Med way, of Stephen & Catherine. carpexter. 50 , 7: 3: 77, stillborn, 1). Ded., s. of Chas. & Rosa, Canada, do. 32 Timothy, 0: 15: c.i), drowning, le. 55-:3-10, b. S. Kingston, of Timothy & Mary, S. Kingston, Charlestown K. I. CARR. 60 Sarah (Iliggins), 8: 4: 72, consumption of blood, se. 77-5-11. b. Bath Me., of Benj. & Hannah, Bath Me., do. €ARRIGAX. 16 Eugene, 3: 31 : 54, fits, ;o. 3-4-0, b. ])ed., of James & Mary. 27 Honora, 7: 18: 54, consumption, aj. 29-0-0, b. Ire., of Eugene & Catharine. 67 James, 11 : 2: 55, consumption, re. 1-9-0, b. Ded., of Jas. & IMary. 21 Mary, 6: 26: 51, bowel comp., a\ 25-0-0, b. Ire. CARROLL. 27 Catharine (Daily), 7: 10: 59, scarlet fever, io. 33-0-0, I). Ire., of Thomas & Catharine. 3 Catharine A. (Welch), 1 : 3: 70, liver comp., a-. 31-3-3, 1). W. Rox., of Patrick »Sc Bridget. Ire., do. [D. at JJull Run, Va., Chas. W., 0: 2: (12, killed in battle, a". 2ii-:]-2, b. Ded., of Sanford & Harriet (Whiting). Wali)ole, Ded.] 54 Clara M., 10: :30: 54, croup, a-, (i-7-9, 1). Ded.. of Sanford & Clarissa. 100 Clarissa (Alden), w. of Sanford, 10: 13: 00, heart (lis., a'. 67-10-25. b. Ded., of Francis & Sarah (( rehore), Xeedhani, Ded. :59 Emily F., 4: 29: 45, , a". 0-5-0, b. Ded., d. of Sanford & Clarissa. 16 Emma J., 3:;50:5:}, consumption, a. :)-l-20, 1). Ded., of Sanford A: Clarissa. 107 (irace .\r., 12: 13: 85, typhilitis, a-. 11-2-2:3, 1). Ded., of Wm. F. & Grace, Ire.,do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 25 a5 Gracie M., 5 : 13: 87, membriuious croui), ;i'. 1-5-0, b. Ded., of Win. F. & Grace M., Ire., do. 78 Hannah E. (^Curran), S: 23: So, consumption, :e. iM-T-2, b. ]^oston, of Daniel &Eliz'li, Ire., do. 1 Henry G., 1: 11: 74, consumption, ;l'. 28-0-G, \^. Ire., of Henry & Isabella, Ire., do. 60 Isabella, S: 22: 73, cholera infantum, se. 0-7-4, b. Eox., of Henry G. & Cath- erine, Ire., Rox. 3 Jas., 1: 15: 81, pyrexia, :e. 0-10-l(i, b. Ded., of Jas. & Mary, Ire., do. 97 Katie, 11 : 21 : 80, diphtheria, :e. 3-0-0, 1). Ded., of Wm. F. c^ Grace, Ire., do. 32 Kittie, 5:3: 87, diphtheria, :e. .5-10-24, b. Ded., of Wm. F. & Grace M., Ire., do. 13 Mary, 11 : 3: 70, enlargement of liver, :e. 0-G-O, b. Ded., of Wm. F. & Grace, Ire.', W. Eox. 7 Sallv, 8:21: 4(i, fever, ;e. 35-0-0. 96 Wni., 11 : 20: 80, diphtheria, se. 4-6-0, b. Ded., of Wm. F. & Grace, Ire., do. 103 Wm. T., 4: G: 86, pneumonia, a?. 2-9-25, b. Ded., of Wm. F. & Grace, Ire., do. CARSON. . , ^ . 75 Mary G., 8: 25: SO, cholera infantum, :e. 0-4-29, b. Boston, ot cSc I annie, , N. F. CARTER. ^ ^ , 19 Chas.,4:21:58, typhoid fever, t«. 10-7-24, b. Pottsville Pa., of Joshua E. & Susan. 56 Ellen (Holt), 10: S: 58. consumption. ;e. 50-0-0, b. Eng., of Chris'r cSc Ehz h. 57 Eva I., 3: 31 : 64, water on ))rain. :e. 0-8-10, b. Ded., of Henry J. & Louisa, Hudson N. Y., Pittsfield. 89 Harriet (Tyler), 10: 24: 78, old age, a?. 89-10-0, b. Boston. 89 Joshua E., 6: 13: 61, apoplectic fit, re. 48-4-8, b. Warner X. H., of Thos. & Susan. Warner X. H., do. 60 Susan (Reed), 6: 12: 63, consumption, fc. 50-0-0, b. Freeport Me., of Reuben & Mary, Freeport, do. 44 Theresa P., 12: 17: 51, croup, iie. 1-8-13, b. Ded., of John D. &Eliz. 48 Wm., 5: 13: S;^, bilious fever, re. 70-7-0, b. Boston, of Thos. & :Mary. CARTWRIGHT. 47 , 5: 28: 75, stillborn, b. Ded.. of John W. & . CARVERHILL. 124 David, 11: 7: 88, R. R. accident, re. 40-0-0, b. Eng. CARY, CAREY. ^ ^ 41 Catherine, 7: 14: 55, consumption, se. 12-0-0, 1). Ire., of Thos. »S: Bridget. 45 Ellen, 8: 15: 55, cholera infantum, :e. 0-0-11, b. Ded., of Thos. & Bridget. 71 John, 7: 2: 63, congestion of lungs, so. 45-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael vV: Ellen, Ire., do. 2 Margaret B. (Everett), w. of A., 1: 12: 5.5, consumption, :e. ;5S-7-l, b. \^q^\., of Willard & Sarah. CASEY. ^^ , n.-, 3: 13: 63, , :l'. 0-0-1, b. Ded.. d. of Thos. A: Mary M. >., Ire., do. 26 DEDHAM RECORDS. 148 Edwiird, 12: 2S: 03, , :e. 0-0-1, I). Deil., of Thos. & Mary. 204 John, 12: 9: 04, , ;e. 0-0-10, b. Ded., of Thos. & Mary, Ire., do. CASHMAN. siKatherine (Sullivan), 0: 1!»: 85, pneumonia, te. .'JO-O-O, b. Ire., of Timothy & Ellen, Ire., do. CASSEDY. 41) xVndrew, :^: 8: 71, drowned, ;e. 45-0-0, b. Ire. CASS ELL. 05 Edmund D., 8:0:88, cirrhosis, ;e. 80-4-0, b. Boston, of James and Abigail (Dolbeare), Eng., Boston. 107 Sophia P. (Parker), 11: 20: 70, paralysis, te. 73-7-10, b. , of Jonas & Esther L. GASSIER. 3 Anthonjs 4: 12: 09, Erighfs dis., a'. 2-11-27, b. Ded., of Leon & Josepliine, Holland, Austria. 2 Katie, 3: 20: GO, scarlet fever, re. 3-0-0, b. Ded., of Leon & Josephine, Holland, Austria. CAWLEY. 38 Ellen (Gleason), 5: 27: 80, i)neumonia, le. 57-0-0, 1). Ire., of Michael & Johanna, Ire., do. 10 James, 2: 13: 83, cancer, ;e. 01-10-0, b. Ire., of Hugh & Margaret, Ire., do. 8 Joanna, 11: 20: 73, inflam. of bowels, ie. 21-10-0, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, Ire., do. 80 Margaret M., 11 : 10: 80, phthisi.s, re. :«-0-10, b. Ded., of John &EIlen, Ire., do, 42 Winnifred, 7: 13: 00, scarlatina, a>. ::!-4-0, 1). Ded., of John & Ellen, Ire., do. CHAMBERLAIX. 41 Alfred E., 7: 23: 74, dysentery, le. 1-11-4, b. Ded., of Curtis A: Anna II., W . Ro\., Brigliton. 40 Arthur D., 3: 27: 08, lung fever, ;e. 0-4-18, b. Ded., of Geo. & Mary L., W. Rox., Boston. 45 Geo. J , 5: 7: 00, drowned, w. 1-8- 20, b. Cal., of Geo. W. & Louisa. 80 Harriet E., 8: 10: 00, cancer, iv. 21-2-7, b. W. Box , of Warren B. & Mary E. (Onion), W. Box., do. 02 Isaac E., 5:0: 71, phthisis, ie. 7:3-1-0, b. Box., of Isaac c^- Sarah, , Ded. ;33 INIary A., 5: 3: 75, crouj), a'. 0-1-0, b. Ded., of Geo. W". & Mary L., Boston, do. 01 Mary F., 0: 12: 00, tabes mesenterica, ie. 31-0-10, b. J^awrence, of Chas. T. & Harriet (Fales), Westboro, Ded. 32 Mary L. (Gray), 4: 20: 75, pneumonia, ie. 37-0-0, b. Boston, of Samuel AV. & Mary A., X. H., Boston. 07 Nancy, av. of Isaac, 6: 5: 48, mortification in bowels, if. -W-O-O, b. Canton. 2 Sarah, 1:7: 51, old age, a-. 77-0-0. 47 Wm.,.3: 1 : 71, , :e. 0-12, b. Ded., of Geo.W. & Mary L., AV. Box., Bost. CHAXDLEB. 35 (White), 10: 2: 45, consumption, ie. 24-0-0, b. Ded., of Joseph & Lois. 22 Eliza J. (Wentworth), 7: 11: 50, consumption, ie. 34-11-11, b. Dorcli., of Jason ifc ]?ethiah. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 27 CIIAPMAX. 26 Daniel, 4: 4: 78, tumor, a'. 06-10-24, b. Salem. 1 Geo. A., 2:11: 6."). disease of liver, w. IS-fl-O, b. Haverhil], of Andrew J. & Ann D. [soldier]. CHAR RON. h Henry, 4: i::*,: 72, typhoid fever, :e. 10-G-O, b. Canada, of AVm. iK: Mary, CHASE. 3;'. Bertha F., 4: 1 : 8:3, convulsions, ;e. 0-10-:), 1). Ded., of Albert S. it :Mary E., Ded., do. 74 Betsey J. (Bolton), 1 : l:]: 74, old ajje, ;e. 82-0-0, b. Taunton, of & , , Taunton. 21 Caroline (Colburn), 4: 7: 00, consumption, ;e. 2:3-S-2.j, 1). Ded., of James & Charlotte. 01 David, 12:27: 54, liver complaint, le. 72-0-1;], b. Pomfret Ct., of Seth & Mary. 21 David X., 2: 9: 00, paralysis, :e. 74-0-19, b. Ded., of David cV' J5etsey J., Ded., do. 18 Frankie, 2: 22: 76, scrofula, ^. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of AVm. & Lucy, Pa., Ya. 10 George H., 2: 19: 5.5, Qt, re. 24-0-10, b. Boston, of John & Achsah. 26 Grace L., .3: 24: 80, membranous laryngitis, a?. 0-8-6, b. Ded., of Jolm W. & Harriett E., Epping N. H., Freeport Me. 27 Harriet (Rice), 5: 24: 53, consumption, re. 29-0-0, b. Charlestown, of Phineas & Sally. 42 Henry A., 9: 23: 54, dysentery, to. 2-11-14, b. Ded., of David N. & Anna E. SO Jas. M., 10: 18: 60, liver comp., iv. 42-7-0, b. Ded., of David & Betsey, Pom- fret Ct., Taunton. 47 Lizzie J., 4:7:88, diphtheria, !c. 2:3-2-4, b. Ded., of David N. & Anna E., Ded., do. 70 Willie E., 8:0: 75, scrofula, te. 3-4-0, 1). Windsor Ct., of Wm. H. & Lucy, Harrisburg Pa., Culi)epper Va. CHATER. 1.5 , w. of Wm., 0: 17:40, fever, ;e. ,55-0-0. CHEXEY. .58 , 4: 30: 45, , ;e. 0-1-0, of L. & E. 171 (D. at Weston, Yt.) Adeline F., 2: 1 : 64, inllani. of bowels, :v. 14-5-0, b. Bo.s- ton, of Oramel F. & Mary A., Thetford Yt., Londonderry Yt. 144 Alfred S., 12: 7: 0], inllarn. of bowels, ie. .5-7-0, b. Ded., of Simon i\: Eli/;v A., , Ded. SO Amanda, 10: 16: 56, fits, w. 44-0-0, b. Dover, of Simon & . 75 Chas. E., 3: 18: 57, consumption, ii?. 0-4-'), b. Ded., of Simon & Eliza A. 79 (D. at Walpolc) Fred. A., 8: 24: 79, convulsions, a'. 1-11-22, b. Ded , of Martin L. & Harriet A., Ded., Andover. 48 Harriet A. (Smith), 0: 10: 79. epilepsy, a.-. 34-0-22, 1). Andover, of Thos. & Harriet P., Andover, X. S. 34 Henry C, 4: 25: 61, debility, :e. 0-0-14, b. Ded., of (). F. ^: Mary A., Thetford Yt., Londonderry Yt. 28 DEDflAM RECORDS. 24 Henry H,, 12: 7: G8, liver comp., k. 11-0-0, b. Dec!., of Samuel & Sarah. 141 (D. at N. Y. City) Lucy E. (Chickering), w. of Wm. F., 4: 29: 87, apoplexy, ffi. 37-1-2, b. St. Louis Mo., of Wm. & Abigail F. (Monroe), Ded., Boston. 92 Luther, :3 : 21 : 73, dropsy, a?. 65-S-O, b. Dover, of Simon & . 33 Mary A. (Warner), 4: 18: Gl, puerperal fever, tt. ;M-6-0, b. Londonderry Vt., of Daniel & Huldah (Howe). 59 Olive, 10: 16: 57, tumor, a?. 64-5-28, b. Dover, of John & Hannah. 119 Oramel F., 12: 2: 62, accidental burning, a?. 36-0-29, b. Thetford Vt., of Elias E. & Lucy, Campton X. H., Dunstable. 14 Sarah D. (Dascomb), 2 : 7: 77, cancer, te. G3-0-0, b. AY. Box., of & Hannah J., Eng., W. Kox, CHESTER. 115 John, 12: 31 : 82, old age, a\ 86-4-18, b. Boston, of Christopher & Lucy. 33 Rebecca (Ralston), 10: 28: 56, paralysis, ;e. 65-0-0, b. Philadelphia, of Robert & Sarah. 54 Sarah (Wellington), w. of John, 5: 15: 89, old age, re. 88-5-3, b. Boston, of Jonathan & Annie (Garfield), Boston, do. CHICKERING. 44 Abigail F. (Munroe), 5: 16: 80, paralysis, a\ 57-3-17, b. Northboro, of Wm. & Rebecca, Northboro, do. 22 (D. at Medfield) David, 12: 3: 68, lung fever, re. , b. Medfield. 78 Dean, 12 : 20: 52, dis. of heart, a. 6-5-0-0, b. Andover, of Dean & Mary. 64 Gertrude E., 12: 26: 09, scarlet fever, a. 11-4-22, b. Ded., of Wm. & Al)by F., Ded., Xorthboro. 53 Hannah B., 7: 3:79, paralysis, a?. 61-11-3, b. Ded., of Jabez & Deborah D. F., Ded., Quincy. 5 Horatio, 4:8: 7.5, apoplexy, a?. 65-0-0, b. Ded., of Jabez & Dorothv D., Ded., Milton. 28 .Horatio L., 9: 20: 56, dis. of l)rain, ;e. 0-.5-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Abl)y R. 53 Lucy E.. 7: 12: 84, progressive paralysis, te. 78-3-3, b. Ded., of Jabez & Dorotliy D. F. A., Ded., Milton. 76 William 11: 14: 73, apoplexy, a\ .58-0-0, b. Ded., of Jabez & Deborah I)., Ded., . CHILD. 71 Lewis F., 9: 13: 68, teething, a. 0-10^, b. Ded., of Lewis & Sarah F., Fairlee Vt., Prov. R.L CHIPMAN. 79 Hubert, 8: 25: 82, cholera infantum, a. 0-11-27, b. Boston, of & Annie A., , Germ. 53 Rosanna (Waver), 6: 21: 8.5, cardiac paralysis, ie. 69-0-0, b. Germ., of & , Germ., do. CHISHOLM. 56 Isabel (Graham), G:. 30: Gs, old age, a. 74-4-23. b. Scot., of John & Janet, Scot., do. 26 Wm., 1 : 3: 68, heart dis., :e. 73-11-14, b. Scot., of Geo. & Mary, Scot., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 29 C HO ATE. 1 Lucy P. (Roberts), w. of Albert F., 1: 1: 88, tumor of brain, ;e. 41-11-7, b. Biddeford, Me., of Daniel & Sarah G., Lyman Me., Guilford Me. ciirRcn. 31 Eliza, 7: 20: .59. dis. of heart, te. O-VO, b. Ded., of John & Abby. 43 Ellen, 8: 15: 5:3, cholera infantum, oe. l-4-l(i, b. Ded , of John & Mary. 42 Wm., 8: 25: 58, cholera infantum, a\ 0-8-0, b. Ded., of John & Abl)y. CHURCHILL. 6 Caroline A., 2: 18: 5:5, croup, le. 3-4-17, b. Ded., of Chauncey C. & Permelia. 39 Chauncey C, 4: 18: 89, chronic dis. of digestive organs, a;. 7:3-0-23, b. W. Fairlee Vt., of Wm. L. & Eliza (Lampliear). CIRIACK. 104 Chas. L., 10::30:82, phthisis, a>. .jO-O-O, 1). Germ., of Jolm G. & Ciiristiana E., Germ., do. 64 Frank, 6: 9: 07, lung fever, tv. 4-5-0. b. Ded., of Lewis & Hononi, Germ., Ireland. CLAFLIN. 59 Rebecca G. (Starkweatlier), 4:5: 04, congestion of lungs, a-. 01-11-20, b. Pawtucket R. I., of Oliver & Miriam. CLAP, CLAPP. 40 , 5 : 21 : 00, . a-. 0-0-0, b. Ded.. s. of Jo'.in & Sarah A. .50 ,,4:;>0:70, convulsions, ;t'. 0-0-:d, 1>. Ded., s. of John & S irah A., Wal- pole, do. 41 Retsy (Doggett), 12: 20: 50, lung fever, a-. 72-5-26, b. Ded.. of Samuel i!s: Eliz. 43 Chas. W., 5: 17: 70. heart dis., te 31-11-1.), b Ded., of Nath m'l & Eliz'li D., Walpole, Ded. 9 Eliz., 6: 13:44, consumption, a\ 75-0-0. 29 Ellen F., 4: 2: 49, consumption, vi. 2:]-0-0, b.Ded., of Siipi)Iy & Priscilla. 55 Henry F., 1:2: 62, consumption, *. 27-10-27, b. Ded., of Xath'l & Eliz'h D., Wali)ole, Ded. 73 Jane 1).. 10: 22: 73, consumption, w. 19-4-14, b. Ded., of Xath'l & Elizabeth I)., Walpole, Ded. 71 Mary R., 9: 13:72, consumption, a'. 24-0-1, b. Ded., of NatlfUV Eliz'h I)., Walpole, Ded. 75 Xath'l, 7: 27: 89, pneumonia, ie. 80-10-14, b. Walpole, of I^evi & Eliz'h (Wal- lace), Walpole. Mass. 18 Priscilla, 11 : 22: 48, consumption, a'. 57-0-0. 77 Sarah A. (liullard), 9: 2.s: 72. prostration, te. 3+-.5-2. b. Walpole, of Horace cK:- Ann, Walpole, Taunton. 50 Supply, 8: 5: OO, paralysis, je. 82-0-22, b. Walpole, of Seth & Eliz'h. 58 Susanna, 9:20:57, cholera infantum, te. 0-10-21, b. Deil., of Albert S. & Susanna. CLARK, CLARKE. 100 (Jordan), w. of David, 12: 17: .57, old age, a'. 78-0-0, b. Stoughton, of Abraham c\: . 2 Bridget, 2: 25: OS, whooping cough, :e. 0-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Ann, Ire.,do. 30 DEDHAM KE CORDS. 97 Catharine, S: 20: 57, old as'e, a-. 80-0-0. 79 C has. H., 9: So: 78, enteritis, te. 1-8-1(5, b. Detl., of Edw. F. & Evelyn A., Friendship Me., Sudbury. 100 Elvira R. (Richards), 11:4:81, obstruction of bowels, a'. 07-10-18, b. Ded., of Joel & Susan, J)ed., Stoughton. 58 Horatio, 8: 10: 7:3, consumption, -x. G:]-5-8, b. Ded., of Jacob A- Prudence, Medfield, Ded. 9:3 Katy, 11: 11: 70, puerperal convulsions, a\ 10-7-4, b. Ded., of John »S: Ann, Ire., do. 94 Katj% 11: 12: 70, convulsions, a. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of & Katy, , Ded. 54 Pitt, 4: 27: 70, pneumonia, a. 02-11-1:3, b. Ded., of Jacob & Prudence, Medfield. Ded. 5 Randolph M., 9: 11: 7:3, rheumatism of heart, a. :3S-l-5, b. Boston, of Jos. ^V. & Eleanor, East Hampton, Prov. R. I. 4.") Sophia (Warren) 8: :30: 74, old age, a. 80-9-9. h. Royalston, of Alvan & Mary. 1:32 Wm. A., 9: 2.5: 04, membranous croup, a'. 13-5-2.'), b Rox., of Franklin & Ann, Amherst N. 11. , Friendship Me. €LARKIX. .30 Mary (McGinn), 4: 11: 80, consumption, a. 70-0-0, b. Ire., of Hugh & Mary, Ire., do. CEAYTOX. 27 Lucy A. (Wilson), :3: 18: 75, consumption, a. 40-0-0, b. Enfield Ct., of Eli & Lucy. ■CLEAllY. CLARY. 14 Francis, 1:20: 90, pleuro pneumonia, a\ 20-0-0, b. Ire., of Philip & Margaret Ire., do. 04 John, 8: 29: SO. convulsions, a. 0-9-15, b. Ded., of Edw. F. & Mary V., Boston, Millville R. I. 75 Mary (Watson). 11 : 12: 04, consumption, a. 05-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & . 7 Michael, 1: 27: 70, convulsions, a. 0-0-7, b. Ded., of John & Bridget, Ire., do. 47 Wm., 9:4: 58, congestion of lungs, a. 0-4-18, b. Ded., of Thos. & Eliza. CLEMENT. 70 Jas. W., 7:22:8:3, summer comp., a. 0-9-0, 1). Ded.. of Wm. & Mary M., Boston, do. CLEVELAND. 122 Ira, 12:21: 89, congestion of lungs, a. 87-10-20, b. Hopkinton, of Ira & Mehitable (Battelle), Dover, do. CLIFFORD. 28 Ella J., 5: ;31 : 53, inflam. of bowels, a. 0-0-25, b. Ded., of John W. & Ellen E. ;38 Samuel N., 0: 10: 49, drowned, ;e. 2.5-7-0. <:lifton. 40 Maria F. (Cobb), 5:5: 84, acute pneumonia, a. 74-0-.5, b. Sharon, of Jonathan I's: Sibbel, Taunton, Sharon. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 31 CLISBY. 41 Florence M., 5:22:79, consumption, a'. 0-10-0, 1). Ded., of Alplionso E. & Lizzie J., Me., Ct. 01 jMciry A. i Withington), 0: 2:5: 70, consiunption of blood, ;e. 2C.-S-10, li. liox., of Warren I't Watey, Canton, Chatham. 106 Medora I. (Withington), 11:12: 83, consumption, a'. 20-11-22, li. Ded., of Warren ifc Watey, Canton, Chatham. CLOSE. 8:3 , 12: 8: 7:3, stillborn, b. Ded , d. of John & Mary, Eng., do. 12 , 1 : 22: 7.J, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of John & Mary, Eng., Ire. CLYNE. 60 Angelina, 8:13:7<), teething, ;>?. 0-:3-0, b. Ded., of Christian A: Amelia, Germ., do. COAKLEY. 00 John, 4: 2-5:57, consumption, le. 29-1-21, b. Hallowell JSle., of Jas. & Ellen. 119 John E., 12 : 31 : 81, consumption, ie. 24-.5-2:3, b. Ded., of John & Henrietta L. (Rol»inson), liox., Kichmond Me. COAX. 62 John, 2: 22: 49, consumption, a-. 25-0-0, 1). Ire. COBB. 15 Daniel,:): 12: .5.5, hemorrhage of lungs, a;. 6:3-10-2:3, b. Ded., of Daniel & Deliverance. 3o Henry AV., 6: 8: 74, congestion of lungs, te. l-()-l7. b. Ded., of Jonathan »fc Martha S., Ded., Boston. 11 Jennie E., 2: 14 : 83, , a?. 3-6-10, b. Ded., of Samuel D. & Mary T., Ded., do. 22 Joiuithan H., 3: 12: 82, progressive paralysis, re. 82-8-4, b. Sharon, of Jona- than & Sibbel (Holmes), Attleboro, Sharon. 92 Joseph H., 11 : 16: 76, strangulated hernia, a-. 20-0-0, b. Chicago 111., of Henry L. & Sophia S., , Kox. 47 Martha S. (Wales) 6: 29: 77, diabetes, se. 45-3-5, b. Boston, of Samuel Jr., Ik, Martha A., Stoughton, Boston. 15 Mary G. (Gay), 1 : 7 : 74, paralysis, le. 74-11-0, b. Ded., of Thaddeus & Char- lotte, Ded., do. 5 Sophia D. (Doggett), 1 : 13: 78, tumor, a'. 72-7-20, b. Kox., of John & Eliz'h M., Ded., Milton. COBBETT. 14 Francis L., [no date, Bee. 6: 24: 46], , a'. 5-7-0. 52 Lovina, 10:21: .54, liver corap., a3. 48-0-2, b. Ded., of Tiios. & Peggy. 13 Peggy (Cobb), v^r. of Thos.. 4: 2: 51, fit, ic. 09-0-1, b. Walpole, of Daniel & Deliverance. COBURN. 39 , 10: 27: 45, croup, te. 4-0-0, b. Ded., , of Chas. & . 43 . 2: 10: 46, croup, te. 8-0-0, b. Ded., d. of Chas. & . Alvan, 1 : 27 : 56, asthma, a\ 62-0-0, b. Dracut, of Nath'l & Mercy. GO Augustus K., 11 : 7: 58, erysipelas, a\ 54-0-4, b. Boxf d, of Justus & Hannah. 28 Chas., 2: 27:66, paralysis, a'. G5-4-2, b. Dracut, of Nath'l & Mercy. 32 D ED HAM RECORDS. •25 Hannah (Allen), 2: 20:0(3, inflam. of bowels, :e. 01-1-4, b. Bridgewater, of Byram & Betsey. 29 Merida (Churchill), 9:14: 50, consumption, je. 21-0-0, b. Buckfleld Me., of Amos & Rouhma. 17 Wm. A., 5:23: 52, consumption of Ijlood, :v. 20-10-0, b. Halifax Mass., of Chas. & Hannah. COCHRAXE. 01 Margaret (Hyland), 0: 5: 8:3, cancer, ;x\ 82-2-9, It. Ire., of & , Eng.,do. COCKING. 29 Leonard, 2:3:72, consumption, it. 17-4-0, 1). Woodstock Ct., of Walter & Mary A., Eng., Pomfret Ct. CODY. 90 Bridget E. (Finn), 10: 18: 81, consumption, iv. 25-1-20, b. Ded., of James & Mary J., Ire., do. 90 Jas. J., 8: 11: 8:5, cholera infantum, :e. 0-1-21, b. Ded., of John & Kate, Ire., X. F. 85 Jas. W., 9: 9:81, cholera infantum, ;e. 0-0-19, b. Ded., of Wm. H. & Bridget E., Norfolk, Ded. 105 Margaret A.. 12:2: 85, meningitis, re. 1-2-14, b. Ded., of John P. & Katie, Ire., N. F. COFFEY. 33 Wm., 3: 29, 7:3, convulsions, :e. 0-0-:3, b, Ded., of Patrick & Catherine, Ire., do. COFFIN. 07 Emma, 8: 2: 70, brain fever, te. 0-0-0, b. Boston, of Chas. II. & Charlotte, Nantucket, do. COGAN. 44 Wm., 2:21:71, congestion of liver, ;e. 4.5-0-0, b. Ire., of Edmund *S: Mary, Ire., do. COIIN. 20 Isaac, 12: 3: 72, phthisis, ;e. OS-4-10, b. Germania, of Jos. & Sarah. COLBERT. 88 Eliza (Ford), 11 : 5: 75, consumption, ;o. 43-4-25, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do. 74 Mary A., 8: 0: 82, meningitis, te. 2-;3-7, b. Ded., of John and Margaret, Ire., do. CO LB URN. 20 , 10: 17: 40, bowel comp., te. .5-0-0, b. Ded., of James & . 118 , 8: — : 49, dysentery, w. 0-0-0, b. Ded., d. of Amos & . 110 , 10: — : 49, infantile dis., a'. 0-0-0, b. Ded., d. of Walter and Sally. 38 , 2: 15: 04, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Wdi. & Louisa. 98 Abigail (Cushman), 8: :5l : .57, old age, a?. 81-0-0, b. Ded., of Samuel & . 74 Abijah, 12: 25: 54, old age, ;e. 75-0-0, b. Ded., of Samuel & . 91 Adeline F., 2:5: 55, dropsy on brain, jv. 2-.5-0, b. Ded., of Frank & Emeline. 95 Amasa, 0: 20: 7:3. old age, se. 70-0-0, b. Ded., of Eliph't& Cynthia, Ded., . 123 Amos, 12 : 20: 83, old age, jo. 78-1-15, b. Ded., of Geo. & Olive (Clark), Ded., Sherborn. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 33 57 Ann, 5:28:00, paralysis, w. 75-0-20, b. Dec!., of Abijah & Susan (Clark), Ded., Medfleld. 10<) Anna (Jones), 5:1: 67, heart dis., ;e. 08-10-24, 1). Weston, of Jas. & Eliz'li, Weston, Waltham. 56 Benj., 11: 20; 40, dropsy, a-. 74-0-0, b. Ded. 62 (D. at AValtham), Celia (Baker), l : 8: 54, tumor, le. 07-0-0, b. T)ed.. of Joseph & .■ 78 Charles, ;3: 15: 5:5, consumption, te. 57-0-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & . 26 Chas. C, 0: 5: 05, lung fever, w. 55-5-0, b. Sherborn, of Danforth & Clarissa. 88 Charles E., 11: 5: 60, concussion of brain, re. 21-11-22, b. Ded., of Thomas & Sophia C, Ded., Boston. 71 Chas. E., 11 : 0: 66, brain fever, w. 0-0-51, b. Boston, adopted son of Wm. W. & Mary L. 9 Charlotte (Allen), 1:23:87, schirrous of stomach, te. 78-6-10, \). Medway, of Moses & Betsey (Freeman), Medway, Cumberland R. I. 1:37 Clarissa (Coolidge). 12:28: 67, paralysis, te. 84-8-0, b. Sherborn, of Daniel & Beulah. Sherborn, . :30 Clarissa (Sawin), 4: 15: 8:3, pneumonia, ic. 78-1-20, 1). Dover, of Levi c& Lurana (Morse), Natick, do. 30 Creighton S., 4: 12:87, asthma, le. 0-0-2, 1). Ded., of A. Burklev .^ Isabel S., Ded., do. 12 Cynthia, 3: :30: 68, old age, ;e. 04-0-10. 70 Daford, 0: 21 : 01, old age, ;u. 00-0-10, b. Ded., of Samuel & Mehitable. 07 (D. at Bristol, R. I.) Dana F., 12: 15: .50, accident, a-. 36-2-10, 1). Ded., of Isaac «fc Mary. 107 David C, 12: 14: 70, diphtheria, a-. 0-10-0, b. Ded., of Creiglitou & Jennie, Ded., do. 110 Edson M., 3:14:67, consumption, jc. :35-S-14, b. Ilopkinton, of David G. & Calista, Holliston, do. 57 Eliph't, 1 : 10: 40, consumption, se. ;34-0-0, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Cyntliia. 25 Eliza B. (Parker), 4:21:80, carcinoma of l)Owels, ;e. 0-5-0-0, b. Ded., of Abijah & Sarah, Sterling, Pepperell. 03 Eliz'h (Chandler), 11 : 17: 52, bowel comp., :t'. OS-0-0, b. Ashford Ct., of I'eter 80 Granville W., 7: 26: 83, cerebro spinal meningitis, ic. 0-0-22, 1). Ded., of Creighton & Jane E., Ded., Prov. R. I. 7:5 (D. at Waltham) Hannah E., 11:23:54, consumption, a\ 2(j-0-0, b. Ded., of Ellis & Celia. 67 Hitty (Cleveland), 7: 26: 81, paralysis, ic. 80-7-0, b. Dover, of David »S: Rachel (Allen), , Dover. 50 Ichabod E., 1 : 21: 48, fever, a?. 10-0-0. 12 Isaac, fno date, Rec. 6: 24: 46), , je. 70-0-0, b. Ded. 1 Isaacns, 1:5:79, old age, ;f. 85-10-0, b. Ded., of Isaac & Eli/ZIi. Ded,, Marlboro. 20 James, 0: 22: 47, drowned, a-. ;32-0-0, 1). Ded. 10 James, 8: 10: 08, consumption, a. 61-5-0. li. ])ed., of (ieo. iK: Olive. 34 D EDI/ AM RECORDS. 52 Jas.. 5:19:83, apoplexy, jf. 09-2-4, 1>. Ded., of Thos. & Eliz'Ii (Cliandler), Ded.. Pomfret Ct. 63 Jas. P., 4:21: 88, paralysis, a". 76-7-1, V). Ded., of Ellis »S: Celia (Baker), Ded., do. 55 Jason, 3: 6: 45, coiisiiini)tio!i, wi. 64-0-0, li. Ded. 117 Jeremiah, 12: 20: 81, suicide, a-. 73-2-0, b. Ded., of Geo. cS: Olive (Clark), Ded., Slierborn. 53 (D. at Worcester) Joanna. 5 : 13 : .53, old age, a\ 80-0-0, 1». Ded. [Mother of War- ren Colburn, the mathematician.] 07 Lizzie J., i): 18: 83, diphtheritic croup, a-. 9-8-12, b. Ded., of Wm. & Martha J. (Atkins), Ded., Orri no-ton Me. 91 Lorenza IT. (Howes), 10:25:80, chronic pleurisy, a. 7l-:]-0, 1). Dennis, of Elisha & Deborah, Ashfleld, Dennis. 46 Louisa (Fisher), 5: 17: 82, enlarg't of heart, re. 80-9-16, b. Wendell, of Jesse »fc Mary (Skinner). 54 Lucy. 5: 10: 51, old age, te. 90-0-0, b. Ded. 118 Lucy (Deane), w. of Jere'h, 12: 8: 90, paralysis, a\ 71-0-26, b. Ded., of Richard & Cally (Herring), Dover, Ded. 128 Maria A. (Reed), 11 : 8: 61, consumption, a-. ;36-4-3, b. Fairfield A^t., of David & Judith M., Benson. Bakersfield Vt. 51 Martha, 3: 0: 51, consumption, a-. 31-0-0, b. Ded., of Isaac & . 95 Mary (Harris), 1: 12: 62, old age, te. 82-0-0, b. Xeedham, of Michael & Mary. 49 Mary E. (Gay), w. of Waldo, 10: 22: .59, consumption, a\ 29-0-18, b. Ded., of Bunker & Mille. 106 Mary E., 12:8:70, diphtheria, a'. 5-2-0, b. Ded., of Creighton iS: Jennie, Ded., do. 62 Morrissey, 11 : 28: 58, liver comp., a? 40-0-0, b. Ire. 99 Nancy (Colburn), 9: 28: 57, childbirth, re. 22-0-0, b. Ded., of Walter & Sally. 29 Nathan, 7: 28: 45, consumption, se. 75-0-0, b. Ded. 50 Nathaniel, 7: 22: 53, dis. of heart, a-. 54-0-0, b. Ded., of Benj. & . 53 Olive, 4: 28: 51, old age, a\ 78-0-0, b. Ded. 55 Patty (Richardson), 10: 7: 84, diarrhoea, te. 79-3-16, I). Medfield, of Moses & Patty Wight, Medway, do. 62 Perez, 10: 22: 52. consumption, re, 22-0-0, b. Ded., of Nath'l & . 19 Phineas, 1 : 20: 71, heart dis., re. 49-10-0, b. Ded., of Ellis & Celia. Ded., do. 60 Sally, wife of Walter, 1 : 28: 49, puerperal fever, re. 38-0-0, b. Ded. 05 Seth, 7: — : 49, consumption, re. 37-0-0, b. Ded., of Eliph't «fe . 46 Susannah (Clark), 2:16:61, congestion of brain, re. 78-0-0, b. Medfield, of Elias & Anna. 91 Thacher, 12: 26: 66, palsy, a'. 79-10-0, b. Ded., of Ichabod & Anna. 84 AValdo, 9: 20: 85. atheroma of brain, a'. 60-10-1:5, 1). Ded., of Thatcher & Hitty, Ded., Dover. m Waldo C, 9:9: 72, dysentery, a'. 1-7-5, 1). Ded., of Waldo & Eliz'h C, Ded., Brain tree. 64 AVarren, 1 : 22: .59, dropsy, a'. 56-0-0, b. Ded., of Benj. & . COLE. 57 Abigail ((iay), 12:4: .59, biliousfever, a-. 59-11-1, b. Walp., of Joel &. Priscilla. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 35 (52 (D. at Boston), Benj. G., 4: 18: 88, typlioid fever, ;e. 25-2-0, 1). Haverhill, of Chas. C. & Anna (Goodrich. iSorway Me., Haverhill. (See Favor.) 20 Chas. G., o: 19: .59, consumption, x. 27-0-:), b. Ded., of Francis & Abigail. 71 Clara L., 7: 14: 05, dysentery, ;e. 7-8-22, b. Ded., of Lemuel A: Mary A. P. 42 Eliza (Fletcher), 4: 20: 8:5, Bright's dis., ;e. 79-5-7, b. Acton, of .Tolin & Lucy, Acton, do. 11 Ellen iKutli), 9:7: 70, consumption. :e. 5:!-0-0. b. Ire., of Daniel it Margaret, Ire., do. 14 Francis, 1 : 10: 60, consumption, :e. 56-6-lG, b. Medfleld, of Asa & Sarah. 7 Francis IL, 2: 23: 5:3, consumption, te. 2:3-9-14, b. Ded., of Francis & Abigail. 02 Freeman, 11 : 25: 44, fever, se. 20-0-0, b. Ded., of Xoah & [SallyJ. 69 Noah, 4: SO: 58, suicide, x. 59-0-0, b. Ded., of Geo. & Irene. Peter, 1 : 19: 04, inflam. of brain, ;e. 22-0-0, b. Woburn. [soldier.] COLEMAX. 52 Henry, 6:-: 47, , a\ ;30-0-0, 1). Ire. 84 Mary (Coleman), 8: :5: 05, dysentery, te. 8i-0-0, b. Ire., of Daniel & Mary. 10:3 Morris E., 8: 26: 88, inanition, a". 0-1-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Julia P., Ire., do. 48 Wm. H., 4: 17: 90, tubercular consumption, ;e. 29-0-0, b. Ire., of Gerrett & Mary (Mansville), Ire., do. COLLARD. 10 Frances, 12: 10: 60, heart dis., se. 0-3-14, b. Ded., of Xelson c'v: Ellen. COLLINS. 103 Catharine Y.. 10: 8: 89, hemorrhage of lungs, ie. 21-5-7, b. Ded., of John & Catharine (Kelly), Ire., do. 27 Chas., 3: 24: 84, paralysis, x. 48-9-0, b. Eng., of Patrick & Ellen, Ire., Eng. 109 Daniel J., 10: 21: 89, dis. of heart, a-. 31-7-15, b. Ded., of John & Catharine (Kelly), Ire., do. 99 Eliz'h, 3: 29: 80, hemorrhage of lungs, a-. 10-4-18, 1). Ded., of John & Catha- rine. Ire., do. Ellen (Cahill), 9: 11: 73, dropsy, a. 75-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Mary, Ire., do. 88 Ellen E., 8 : 20 : 0.5, dysentery, x. 21-11-0, b. Ire., or Eng. SO Isabella, 12:22: 77, cerebral meningitis, a. 0-11-0, h. Ded., of Dennis P. & Mary, Ire,, do. 45 Mary A., 5:24: 87, meningitis, a. 28-2-8, b. Ded., of John & Catharine, Ire., do. 03 (D. at Walpole) Thos., 2: 20: 66, congestion of brain, a-. 0-9-10, b. \Valpole, of Thos. & Julia. 11 Timothy, 3: 10: 02, whooping cough, a\ 1-2-12, b. Ded., of John & Catharine, COMER. 80 Robert B., 11: 8: 72, consumption, a-. 34-0-0, b. N. F., of Wm. & Jane, Eng., do. COMEY. 127 Louise G., 9: 1 : 07, dysentery, a'. 5-5-0, b. Ded., of C. H. & Sarah D. R., Fo.x- boro, Provincetown. 36 DEDHAM RECORDS. CONAXT. 06 (D. at Walpole) AlibyM., 4:4:59, consumption, a'. 18-0-0, b. Walpole, of Geo. & . 15G Artemas, 8 : 1(5 : 65, old age, re. 86-6-0, b. Concord, of Levi & . 105 George, 1: 19:67, consumption, a?. 66-.5-0, b. Framingham, of «fc Eelief, , Framingham, 52 Geo. H., 4: 13: 51, fever, a?. 7-6-0, b. Walpole, of Geo. & . 85 (D. at Walpole) Lucy, 11: 27: 60, consumption, :e. 23-0-0, b. Walpole, of Geo. & Mary, Framingham, Walpole. 152 (D. at Walpole) Mary M., 11 : 24: 63, consumption, :e. 34-0-0, b. Walpole, of Geo. & Mary M., Framingham, Walpole. COXCANNON. 100 Bridget, 5: 7:64, scarlet fever, le. 0-9-0, b. Quincy, of Patrick & Bridget, Ire., do. ?A John, 7: 24: 62, scarlatina, te. ;3-0-9, b. Ded., of Patrick & Bridget (Burk), Ire., do. 31 Michael, 7: 19:02, scarlatina, re. 1-0-0, b. Canton, of Patrick & Bridget (Burk), Ire., do. COXDOX. 30 Bridget, 12:4: .50, suffocation, a\ ;35-0-0, b. Ire. 48 Bridget, 8:3: 57, consumption, te. 28-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Catherine. 37 John, 12: 4: 50, suffocation, ;e. 3-8-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Bridget. 22 Michael, 5: 1: 45, , a. 0-21-0, b. Ded., of Michael & . 3 Patrick, 1 : 24: 55, lung fever, a\ 28-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Fanny B. (^OXEY. 80 Caty (Baker), 2: 24: 64, , a\ 84-0-0, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Catharine C, Ded., do. 67 Luke, 11 : 10: 51, In-ain fever, a. 72-0-0, b. Ded., of Wm. &. Rebecca. 37 Margaret E., 4: 11: 83, diphtheria, re. 12-2-0, b. Boston, of Patrick »fc Mary, Ire., do. 22 Mary A., 3: (i: 81, typhoid fever, re. 71-6-28, b. Ded., of Lewis & Mary (Fales), Ded., Xew London X. II. COX LAX, COXLOX. 65 Chas. A., 11 : 14: .57, inflam. of lungs, re. l-:3-16, b. Ded.,of Peter S.& Marg'tM. 17 Chas. E., 2:20:70, ulcerated sore throat, a'. 2-10-0. b. Ded., of Dennis «& Mary A., Ded., Boston. 02 Daniel J., 8: 24: 77, enteritis, a". 0-5-0, b. Ded., of Peter J. & Julia E., Ded.^ Boston. 42 Ellen M., 3: 29: 90, pneumonia, a'. 1-11-18, b. Ded., of Dennis & Mary (McCanna), Ded., Boston. 102 Francis E., 10:21: 8:5, cholera infantum, a-. 0-:]-7, b. Ded., of Peter J. & Julia E., Boston, Ded. 70 James, 7: 24: 0.5, dysentery, re. 59-0-9, b. Ire., of Peter «& Bridget. 51 .lames, 7: 3: 77, convulsions, a'. 0-0-10, b. Ded., of Dennis & ]Mary, Ded., Boston. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 37 2 Jas. T., S: 11: 73, cholera infantum, ic. 0-7-lS, b. Ded., of Peter J. & Julia E., Ded., Boston. 44 Lawrence, 2: 27: 07, consumption, le. 47-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 7 Mary (Kensilla), 1 : 13: 87, old age, te. 80-6-0, b. Ire., of Edw. & Catherine, Ire., do. 32 Mary A., 8:9: 54, fits, a;. 0-0-21, b. Ded., of Michael & Catharine. 22 Mary A., 4:13:86, heart disease, re. 39-0-0, b. N. Y. State, of Michael & Ellen, Ire., do. 51 Michael, 3:4: 70, paralysis, a?. 03-0-0, b. Ire., of Peter & Bridget, Ire., do. Ill Michael J., 10: 20: 87, typhoid fever, io. 16-4-14, b. Ded., of Dennis & Mary A. T., Ded., Boston. 40 Susan, 3: 12: 72, diphtheria, le. 2-6-13, b. Ded., of Dennis & Marj'-, Ded., Boston. 20 Thos., 4: 15: 62, scalded, te. 2-6-7, b. Ded., of Daniel & Maria E. 10 Wm. P., 2:4: SO, marasmus, a-. 0-0-19, b. Ded., of Peter J. & Julia E., Ded., Boston. CONNELLY, CONOLLY, CONLEY. 131 Bridget, 6: 28: 63, measles, a?. 0-6-24, b. Ded., of Michael & Bridget. 192 John, 6:7: 64, scarlet fever, le. :5-5-21, b. Ded., of Michael & Bridget, Ire., do. 28 Joseph, 4: 24: 55, croup, te. 3-0-:3, b. Framingham, of Owen & Ann C. 38 Mary(Katon), 12: 17: 70, old age, te. 76-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do. 129 Michael, 6: 13: 63, dropsy, m. 27-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Pligil. CONNER Y. 67 Michael, 5: 4: 54, ship fever, a\ 22-0-0, b. Ireland. CONNOE, CONNORS, CONNER. 15 Catherine. 9: 24: 60, palsy, a3. 3:3-0-0, b. Ire. 6 John, 10: 4: 68, rupture, «. .55-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 24 Julia, 4: 19: 79, typhoid fever, te. 7-5-9, b. Ded., of Wm. & Margaret, Ire., do. 23 (D. at N. Y. City.) Martin, 3: 17: 87, fatty degeneration of heart, a'. 41-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Margaret, Ire., do. 27 Michael, 4: 6: 74, softening of brain, so. 5:^,-0-0, b. Ire., of & Eliza. 7 Patrick, 8: 8: 09, fever, a?. 50-0-0, b. Ire., of Edw. ucy J., 0: 1: 64, consumption, :e. 14-.5-10, b. Ded., of Curtis & Lydia, Fitz- wiiliam X. H., Portland Me. 05 Mary L., 2: 12: 69, phthisis, w. 26-1-27, b. Ded., of Curtis & Lydia L., Fitz- william N. H., Portland Me. 12 Samuel II., 2: 2: 57, croup, je. 4-.5-4, b. Ded., of Geo. & Hepza A. COOPER. 61 Henry, h: ;30: 03, pneumonia, iv. 20-0-0. [soldier.] COPF. 78 .las. S., S: 28: 81, acute meningitis, le. 72-7-0, h. Killingly Ct.. of Simon & Mary (Torrey), Killingly Ct., do. 15 M. Hnnrietta (Cole), 2: 18: 85, heart dis., a>. .52-0-17, 1). (iermantowu X.Y., of Johi, II. & Esther P., Hudson N. Y., Ct. CORBETT. :;0 , 9: 26: 47, dysentery, a'. 2-0-0. 2:3 Bridget (McDonald), w. of John, 2: 14: 88, pneumonia, :i'. 72-0-0, b. Ire., of Edw. & Kate, Ire., do. 40 Eliz'h, 5: 22: 79, diphtheria, je. l-S-19, b. Ded., of Patrick F. iS: Mary, Ire., do. 59 Harriet F., 12: 19: .50, dis. of head, a). 7-0-0, b. Rox., of Timothy <'t . 68 Harriet R. (Thompson), II: 26: 51, consumption, ie. :35-0-0, b. Ded., of Rob't R. & Sally. 88 Herl)ert A., 2: 18: 68, fits, a-. 1-7-0, \^. Ded., of David 11. i'v Sarali P., N. S., Stoughton. .32 John F., 5::!: 79, diphtheria, w. 3-6-21, 1). Ded.. of Patrick F. \- Mary, Ire., do. CORTHELL. .56 Mel'.itahle. 4: 17: 71, heart dis., a'. 69-2-14, b. Ilingliam, of Piobert .': Eliz'li, li iiigliam, do. CORKY. 12 Ilanuali >M., 7: 26: 67, dysentery, a-. :35-0-0, b. xVndover. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 39 CORMERAIS. 36 Fred'k A., 4:8: 89, heart dis., le. 26-11-18, b. Ded., of Henry I't ^Mary (). (Sampson), Boston, Braintree. 75 Henry, fl::3: 76, paralysis, le. 56-4-10, b. JJoston, of John & Sarah, Boston, Westboro. 12 Maria E. (Cobb), w. of Henry, 2: 23: 55, consumption, te. 28-'J-10, b. De 1., of Jonathan H. & Sophia D. 75 Maria E., 9: 5: 55, dropsy on l)rain, :e. 1-7-10, b. Ded., of Henry & Maria PL COSTLY. 55 James IL, 6: 25: 75, executed, :e. ;>3-0-0, 1). X. S. COSTELLO. 142 (D. at Colorado Springs, Col.) Mary C, 11 : 26: 87, consumption, w. 21-0-0, b. Rox., of John & Mary A. (Dervan), Ire., do. COTTER. 102 Margaret, 11: 2;:!: 71, typhoid fever, se. 70-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick .K: Margaret, Ire., do. .56 Mary (Farrell), 2:1: .56, bleeding at lungs. ;e. :]0-0-0, 1). Ire., of Michael & Mary. COVELL. .56 Catherine E., w. of Warren, 2:8: 47, consumption, ;e. 28-0-0, b. Ded. 17 Daniel, [no date, Rec. 6: 24: 46J, , ie. 67-0-0. COX. 142 Edward G., 10: 22: 04, consumption, ai. 25-0-0, b. Quincy, of Wm. H. & Louisa D., Quincy, Ded. [soldier]. 119 Eloisa (Lamb), 12: 14: 8:^, Bright's disease, le. 81-9-20, 1). X. B., of Jas. & Harriet Woods, Scot., Eng. 100 (D. at Walpole) Henrietta C, 5:4: 62, consumption, ;e. 2:;-10-18, b. Walpole, of Geo. & Hannah C, Dorch., Yarmouth Me. 42 James, 7: 15: .57, consumption, aj. 1-0-0, b. Ded , of John & Mary. 95 John, 11 : 17: 78, old age, te. 87-0-0, b. Dorch., of Samuel & Mary. 7 John IL, 4: 6: 67, convulsion fit, a?. 0-0-8, b. Ded., of Patrick & .Margaret, Ire., X. Y. 17 Lucretia D. (Damon), 1 : 17 : 73, heart comp., a". 76-0-0, b. Ded., of John & , Quincy, do. 17 Xancy, 3: 31: 53, consumption, ;o. 18-3-0, b. Ded., of John & Lucretia. COY. 2 Sylvanus B., 1:2: 78, chronic pleurisy, ;e. 67-1-20, b. Cliarlestown Me., ot John & Olive W., , Bridgewater. COYXE. 2 Eliz'h M., 1:5: 86, phthisi.s, :o. 34-0-0, b. Boston, of Patrick A: Mary, Ire., do. .32 John H., 3: 9: 66. heart dis., tie. 9-9-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary. 115 Patrick, 11 : 11 : 87, heart dis., ic. 69-7-25, b. Ire., of Edw. & Fannie, Ire., do. CRAIG. 11 Saraii, 7: 19: 71, cholera morbus, ;l'. 70-0 0, b. Va. 40 DEDHAM RECORDS. CRANE. 119 • -, w. of Xathan, 12: 2."): 4!i, Ijowel comp., !e. 34-0-0, b. Canton. ;51 Edw. II., 4: 28: To, typhoid fever, te. 8-11-0, 1j. Willimantic Ct., of Eben 13. & Eo.sella S., Seekonk, Mansfield Ct. 49 Ilannali, 5: .5: 48, old age, a\ 81-0-0. 31 Joseiili, 3: 27: 83, bilious fever, se. 72-7-20, b. Canton, of Silas & Eliz'h (Went- worth), Canton, do. 48 Lorenzo C, 1:15: 45, lung fever, te. l-(j-0. IIG Sarah S. (Clarke), 12: 20: 81, paralysis of heart, te. 09-8-2:3, b. Ded., of Jacob & Prudence (Stowe), Medfield, Ded. 70 Susan (Boyden), 8: 15:84, paralysis, ;e. 77-0-23, b. Ded., of Jason & Hannah jNL, \Vali)ole, do, CRAITY^ 87 Agneth, G: 28: GG, typhoid fever, re. 2-8-0, b. Ded., of Peter & Mary. 107 John, 0:3: G7, congestion of brain, te. 1-2-0, b. Ded., of Peter & Mary, Pa., Scot. CRAWFORD. 41 Mary A. (Dighton), 5: G: 73, heart disease, ;e. GS-4-17, 1>. Paris, of Wm. & Eliz'h, Paris, do. 30 Wm. K., 4: 20: 74, spina bifida, a?. 0-5-5, b. Ded., of John & Jennett, Scot., do. CRAWLEY. 108 Mary (Sullivan), 11: 23: 7G, dropsy of blood, ;e. GS-0-0, b. Ire. CREEDEN. 2G Wm., 3: 31 : 8r, apoplexy, te. 80-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. CREHORE. 15 Hannah (Lyon), 5:7: 51, old age, ;c. 8G-1-2, 1). Spencer, of Elkanah & Rebecca. 48 Jeremiah, 5: 23: 7G, old age, se. 80-5-4, b. Dorch., of John S. & Hannah L., Dorcb., Canton. G2 Joan (Dunbar), 7: 30: 84, old age, te. 87-1-lG, b. Charleton, of Samnel & Sarah ( Davenport), Canton, do. 80 Sarah, w. of Elisha, 0: 4: 49, dysentery, ii-. 79-0-0, b. Canton. I'RITTENDEX. 43 J. R., 3: 7: G4, lung fever, ic. 20-0-0. [Soldier.J CROCKER. 1G2 (D. at Hanson) Amos H., 7: 8: G4, consumption, ;e. 5:5-;3-0, b. llansou. 9G Irene (Morse), 8: 15: .57, dropsy, tc. 49-^0-0, b. Ded., of (Jeo. & Irene. •CROCKETT. 50 Geo., 9: 15: .53, tetanus, w. 43-0-0, b. Portland. 31 Margaret B. (Symond), G: 20: 5S, dis. of heart, a'. ;;5-G-0, b. Roston, of & Catharine. CRONAN. 21 :k[ary J., 5: 5: 70, \vlH)()i)iug cough, :e. ()-:', 14, b. Ded., of James ».S: Xancy, Ire., do. CROCKER. 108 Evanette O., 9: 27: GG, dysentery, ic. 1-0-23, 1). Ded., of Jas. T. & :srartha G. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 41 CROSBY. 4 , w. of Heman, 7: 27: 46, consumption, re. 60-0-0. 13 Chas. S., 9: 19: 48, dysentery, ;e. 0-8-0, b. Ded., of Wm. S. & . 23 Edmund, 3: 3: 7.5, heart dis., le. 70-2-1, b. '\Vo])urn, of Edmund M. & Ann, , Boston. 35 Franklin S., 10: 15: 51, congestion of brain, ;e. 2-6-20, b. Ded., of Wm. S. & Clementine, 23 Heman, 6: 18: 59. dis. of heart, ;v. 79-0-20, 1). Brewster, of Heman & . 25 Racliael A. (Newell), 7: 9: 59, typhoid fever, :e. 51-1-0, b. Need., of Calvin A: Dorcas. 15 Wm. H., 9 : 27 : 48, dysentery, ;e. 2-5-0, b. Ded., of Wm. S. & . CROSSMAX. 43 Chas. L., 3 : 31 : 90, membraneous laryngitis, iv. 6-3-22, 1). Needham, of Thos. J. & Eliza A. (Sutton), N. B., Rox. CROWE. 50 Bridget M. (Tyne), w. of Thomas, 4: 7: 88, , le. 82-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 3 Catharine (O'Brien), 3:4: 75, consumption, le. .50-0-0, b. Ire., of Derby & Ellen, Ire., do. CROWE LL. 10 Geo. W., 8:3: 05, R.R. accident, te. 2:3-0-0, b. Pawtucket, of Henry & Eliza. [soldier.] CROWLEY. 47 Florence, 5: 25: 72, Bright's dis., tc. 23-0-1:3, b. Ire., of Florence & Margaret, Ire., do. :32 Joanna (Wade), 1: 25: 68, paralysis, te. 25-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. &Catliarine. 40 John, 4: 13: 81. tuberculosis, te. 34-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Mary, Ire., do. 27 Mary H., 12:17: 63, consumption, le. 1.5-11-1:3, b. Rochester X. H., of Michael & . CROUISE. 72 Margaret J. (Crouise), 8: 19: 70, consumption, te. 22-0-19, b. Weymouth, of Thos. & Catharine, Ire., do. CRUSE. 00 Thos., 5: 29: 63, small pox, se. 20-11-0, b. Rox., of Thos. & Catharine, Ire., do. [Soldier.] CUFF. 33 Catharine, 9: 26: 70, typhoid fever, fo. 10-6-27, b. Ded., of Wm. & Margaret, Ire., do. 75 Margaret (Welch), 6: 25: 69, phthisis, ;e. 40-0-0, 1). Ire., of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do. 55 Mary (Mansfield), 5: 27: 8:], consumption, -At. 70-0-0, b. Ire., af Jas. & Mary, Ire., do. 12 Patrick, 3: 19: 62. croup, so. 0-10-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Margaret. 200 Richard, 9:18:64, *congestion of brain, if. 1-5-2;;, b. Ded., of Wm. & Mar- garet, Ire., do. 4:^ D ED HAM RECORDS. CULL. 10 David, 2: 2: 86, consumption, a?. 58-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. & Ellen, Ire., dn. 40 Ellen 'Barnich', 6: 1:86, fatty degeneration of heart, a?. 9.5-0-0. b. Ire., of John & Ellen. Ire., do. 40 Grace Quigleyi, 7: 9: 60, consumption, a?. 30-0-0, b. Ire., of Owen ct Mar- garet. Ire., do. 23 James, 3: 16: 7-5, consuraption, le. 44-O-0, b. Ire., of Wm. & Ellen. Ire., do. 85 John, 9: 28: 79, consumption, a?. 6:3-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. & Ellen, Ire., do. 39 Margaret 9:5: .59. cholera infantum, a?. 0-:>-0, b. Ded.. of Jas & Grace. 47 Wm.. 3: 10: i>4. consumption, i^. :30-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. .Jv: Ellen, Ire., do. 4<;t Wm., 2: 29: 68, old age. je. 90-0-0, b. Ire., of John c^ Mary. Ire, do. CUMMIXGS, CUMMIXS. 2^ Arthur E., 3: 24: 61, congestion of brain, a-. 4-4-1.5, b. Ded., of George S. & Sarah A., Plymouth N. B.. Moultonboro X. H. - Eliz"h A. Davis . 11: 23: 78. consumption, le. ;36-10-1.5, b. Castleton Tt., of Isaac & Aurila. ll^ Lizzie L., 11: 21: 87, meningitis, te. 0-1:3-1, b. Ded., of Frank P. e^c Emma P.. Winthrop Me., Augusta Me. 37 Mary, 2: 6: 6:3, lung fever, it. 0-4-(5, b. X. Y. City, of Edw. & Mary. 45 Moses, 5: 21: 80, paralysis. ;e. 7-1-2-11. 1>. Lyman X. H., of Cyrus »!c Al)igail, Merrimac X. H., Minot Me. ICK) Polly i Gould 1. 12: 18: 6:3, lung fever, a?. 8:3-:3-2, b. Greenfield X. H., of Daniel & Mary, Wilton X. H., do. CUXXIXGHAM. 31 John, 3:5: 66, consumption, ;e. 27-0-0, b. Hartford Ct. [soldier.] CURLEY. :33 Edward, 8: 23: -54, delirium tremens, \k. :30-0-0. b. Ireland. CURRAX. 194 Ann. 6 : 2:3 : 64, scarlet fever, ». 2-0-1:3, b. Ded., of Stephen & Catherine, Ire., do. 2S Chas., S: 13: 70. diarrhoea, le. I-IO-O, b. Ded., of Stephen & Catharine, Ire., do. S Elizabeth, 8: 19: 69, cancer, fe. SO-O-0, b. Ire. 36 Mary £., 2: S: 6S, scarlet fever, je. 2-9-:3, b. Blackstone, of Martin cS: Elizh, Ire., do. 14*3 Steven, 12: 17:6:3, consumption, a?. 3-7-9, b. Del., of .Steven cSc Catharine, Ire., do. ( URRIER. :j4 Mary. 10: :30: 71, old age, le. 8l-<)-0, b. Scotland. CURTIS. 120 D. at Boston.) Albert P., 11: 24: 87, consumption, ;e. 19-11-10, b. Ded., of Geo. H. & Catherine C- Me.. X. S. s Bartholomew, 5: 22: 74, convulsion, le. 0-0-«;, b. Ded., of Patrick & Prances, Ire., do. I'i Catherine C. iBogan. 3: 13: 8i, consumption, te. 51-11-21, b. X. S.. of Patrick t^ Annstacia, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. \% 109 Charlotte A. Edwardsi, 10: 15: 65. dysentery, te. 54^-5, b. Boston, oi Chas. & Eliza. S Ellen, 2:2: 79. cyanosis, ae. 0-0-6, b. Ded., of Patrick & Frances, Ire., do. 92 Ellen A., 12:22:86, icterus neonatorum, se. 0-0-11. b. Ded.. of Patrick & Frances, Ire., do. TS Geo. H., S : 22 : 82, scrofulous tumor, a?. 51-0-1. b. Boston, of Geo. & Susan. Bath Me., do. 69 Hannah C. Xoyes , 8: 0: TO, consumption of blood, ». 46-.5-22, b. Ded., of Otis iS: Xancy, Detl., Francestown X. H. 69 Jeremiah. 8: 4: 75, , le. 0-0-3, b. Ded., of Patrick & Frances, Ire., do. 5 John, 9: 19:68, consumption, a?. 6-5-0-0. b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 15 Margaret. 10: 14: 65, cholera infantum, a?. 1-8-0, b. Rox., of Patrick*: Frances. 67 Mary Tray), w. of John, 6: ^t^: 90, fatty degeneration of heart, te. 84-»>-0. b. Ire., of & Mary t'Linnihan . Ire., do. :39 Patrick, 6 : 9 : 77. convulsions, a?. 0-1-:?. b. Ded.. of Patrick & Frances. Ire., do. 104 Patrick, 8 : :31 : 8S, cancer, le. 51-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Mary Tray . Ire., do. 62 Wm., 8: 5:80, cholera infantum. :>?. 0-i-lS. b. Ded., of Patrick vV Frances, Ire., do. CCSACK. 87 Lizzie F.. 11: 11 : 72. consumption, ». 19-^5-20, b. Deil., of Peter ^^ Mary A.. Ire., do. 62 Wm. H.. 9:1: 7:3, consumption, le. 21-.5-25. b. Ded.. of Peter I't Mary, Ire., do. CUSHMAX. 81 Ann, 9:8: 85. paralysis, a?. 85-0-0. 9 Cyrus, 2: 3: 85, old age, ie. 82-7-0, b. Hebron Me., of Hosea & Lydia Bar- rows), Hebron, Me. 86 Gideon, 6: 15: 6t5. consumption, je. .5-5-0-0. b. Minot Me., of Hosea Ot Lydia. DAGGETT. 41 Lydia. 7: 16: 49. old age, a?. 88-0-0. DAHLMAX. 1:30 Frederic. 11: 15: 61. indam. of bowels, ;v. 62-0-<). DAIX. 98 . 12: 26: 72, , :t. 0-0-1. b. Ded.. s. of & Eliz'h. . Deil. DAKIX. 41 Sarah. 11: 28: 51. palsy, a\ 80-9-1:3, b. Boston, of .Jos, .jc Mary. DALEY. DAILEY. ^ Charles. 9: 8:48, fever, je. 21-0-0. ;37 Ella, 4: 29: 69, scarlet fever, fe. 10-9-0, b. Detl., of Philip ^^- Mary. Ire., do. 65 John J., 7 : 17 : 71. dysentery, a\ 2-0-15. b. W. Rox.. of Patrick & Ann, Ire., do. 35 Mary, 4: 14: 82, old age, le. 8:3-0-0. b. Ire., of Christopher i^ Ann. Ire., do. 6:3 Mary Ileef^ 6:9: 8:3. tumor, iv. 64-0-0, b. Ire., of Oc . Ire., do. 51 Michael D., 3: 22: 64, lung fever, 32-0-0, b. Ire., of AVni. ^V Mary. Ire., do. [soldier.] 58 Morris, 6: 17: 81, stillborn, b. Ded., of Daniel & Hannah, Ire., do. 14 Patrick J., 2: 7: 86. rachitis. :v. 2-7-0, b. Deii.. of Daniel A: Hannah. Ire., do. 44 DEDHAM RECORDS. 33 (D. at W. liox.) Philip, 1 : 27: 6S, found dead, if. 50-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 17 Thos. \., 8: 12: 72, teething, :e, 0-9-14, b. Ded., of Patrick & Ann, Ire., do. DALTOX. 11 Wm., 1: 19: 88, marasmus, le. O-G-18, b, Ded., of John E. & Mary E., Gard- ner Me., Charlestown. DAMM. 131 , 12: 1: (31, stilll»orn, 1). Ded., s. of Jolni & Isal)el, Germ., Scot. DAMON. 53 Anna, 11 : 1 : 50, old age, a?. 78-0-0. 51 David, 4: 18: 45, fever, aj. 73-0-0. 10 Mar3\ 4: 28: 59, old age, aj. 79-0-0, b. Ded., of Jonathan & Mary. :30 Xancy, 7: 29: .59, drowning, fe. 69-7-0, b. Ded., of Jonathan & Mary. DAMRELL- 93 Augusta, 9: 15: 49, dysentery, a-. 18-0-0, of Wm. S. & [Adeline]. 30 Catharine (Shapley), 9: 4: 54, old age, te. 71-2-3, b. Portsmouth X.H., of John & Catharine. 103 Lucius M. S., 5: 15: 72, inflam. of bowels, te. 38-8-0, b. Boston, of Wm. S. & Adeline, Portsmouth X. H., Xewcastle X. H. 1 Wm. S., 1: 1 : 78, diphtheria, te. 6-2-15, b. Ded., of Lucius S. & Mary M., Bos- ton, Ded. DAXA. 50 Daniel, 0: 9: 81, cirrhosis of liver, te. 45-0-0, b. Ohio, of Jos. & Anna, Xew- buryport, Ohio. 23 Hannah (Eames), 1 : 1 : 72, dropsy, a'. 79-7-0, b. Haverhill, of Daniel & Joanna, Haverhill, do. 100 Kate, 11 : 22: 79, convulsions, ?>?. 0-8-22, b. Ded., of Daniel & Mary, Ohio, Ire. 70 Lemuel, 12: 19: 74, old age, te. 85-0-0, b. Ded., of David & Rebecca, Ded., Dover. 41 Mary E., 12: 20: .50, croup, te. 4-11-1.5, b. Ded., of Wm. & Harriet. 29 Mary E., 3:9: 89, premature birth, a\ 0-0-11, b. Ded., of Wm. H. & Sarah, E. (O'Xeil), Ded., do. 29 Rebecca (Richards), 8: 27:. 52, old age, a.'. 8.5-11-23, b. Ded., of Lemuel & Rebecca. 75 Wm. C, 7:27:07, consumption, a*. 60-7-22, b. Ded., of David & Rebecca, Ded., do. DAXIELL, DAXIELS. 90 (D. in Ela.) Ellery C, 12: G: 84, drowning, te. 23-;3-21, b. Ded., of Ellery C. & Olive C, Ded., do. 88 Emma A. (Broad), 12:;;: 70, inllammation, :e. 20-8-0, b. IToulton Me., of Horace & Maria, Albion Me., do. 73 Fred T., 8: 29: 71, consumption, tv. 0-9-7. b. Ded., of Frank J. & Emma A., X. H., Iloulton Me. 38 Hannah R. (Whitney), 1 : 29: 07, paralysis, io. 05-0-0, b. Xatick, of George & Esther, Xatick, do. 110 Mary (Fisher), 11 : 19: 0.5, insanity, ;o. 77-8-15, b. Princeton. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 45 57 Mary C. (Richards i, 10: 11: oS, old ago, :o. 77-(]-24, 1). Ded., of Tim'y & Sarah. 78 Mary E. (Hoyt), 7: 24: 8:3, consmnption, :o. 3S-G-4, I). Troy X. Y., of John & Mary E., , Troy X. Y. DAXXER, DOXXER. 20 , 3:5: 7:5, stillborn, b. Ded., of Angnst & , (ierm., do. 54 August, 8:0:7:3, marasmus, iv. 0-5-0, b. Ded., of August & Catharine, Germ., do. 8:3 James H., 8: 14: 00. meningitis, se. 0-0-0, b. Ded., of Henry F. & Famiie A. (Paterson), Ded., Boston. 80 Rowey, 10: 19: 72, scarlet rash, so. 4-4-19, b. Ded., of & Catharine, Germ., do. DARBEY. 39 Marj% 3: 18: 90, cancer, a-. ."^3-0-0, b. Ire. DARCY. 14 Bridget (Bugey), 2: 7: 9:.-^^, chronic bronchitis, te. 09-0-0, b. Ire., of Edw. & Margaret, Ire., do. 2 Jas. F., 2:5: 74. consumption, ». 40-8-0, b. Ire., of Edw. & Bridget. Ire., do. DARLIXG. 71 Clias. B., 0: 29: 82, paralysi-s, a*. 70-11-10, b. Leominster, of Jos. & Mary, Leominster, Bath Me. 71 Fred"k P., 10: 12: 73, marasmus, ae. 0-2-12, b. Southampton, of Horace E. & D. Jennie, Boston, Southampton. 92 Horace B., 9: 0: 87, exhaustion, tf. 70-1-1, b. Amherst, of Benj. k, Selina Cook, , Wrentham. DASCOMB. 14 William, 3: 0: 55, intemperance, re. .50-0-0, b. Rox. DAVEXPORT. 45 Geo., 5: 10: 72, accidental. 07-3-7, li. Milton, of Xath'l & Xancy, Milton, Canton. 9 Harriet C. (Davenport), 0: 24 : 72, erysipelas, ;e. 00-.5-14, b. Boston, of Elijah & Susan W. 39 Joanna, 12: 0: .50, rheumatism, le. 75-;3-9. 1). Canton, of Lemuel & Patience. 105 Sarah B. (Pratt), 12: 22: 80, Bright's di.s., a. 74-.5-17. b. Plymouth Vt , of Wm. & Sally (Bond), Yt., X. H. DAYIS. 73 Ada M., 7: 14: 8:3, cholera morbus, a. 19-0-10, b. Rox., of Enoch P. & Susan S. (Page), Washington X. H., Sutton X. H. 38 Almira W. (Cook), 3: 24: 00, lung fever, a. 07-11-9, b. Cumberlaud R. I., of Annanias & Sarali. 42 Ann (Grafton), 4: 27: 7-5, pneumonia, .c. 75-0-0, 1». Friendship Me., of Benj. & Eliz'h, Waldoboro Me., . .55 Caroline (Colburn), 5: 14: 51, small pox, :e. 2.5-0-0, b. Ded., of Ellis cV Lucy. 59 Catharine, 9: 24: 5.5, erysipelas, le. 0.5-0-0, b. Rox. 21 Joel, 3: 8: 80, paralysis, a. 89-1-21, b. \V. Rox., of Ezra A: Sarah iMayo), Rox., do. 42 John F., 7: 14: .5.5. cholera infantum, ;r. 0-2-0, b. Ded., of Grin tS: Catharine. 46 DEDHAM RECORDS. 26 Maggie, 4: 6: 77, scrolulosis, re. 0-4-10, b. Manchester X. H.. of John & Jane, Scot., do. .56 Nellie F., 0: 29: 74, cholera infantum, a-. 1-0-1, b. Ded., of Thos, C. & Mary E., N. Y.. Bellows Falls N. H. 104 Sophia R. (Abbott), 4 : 7: 86, pneumonia, ;e, 88-8-20, b. W. Rox., of & , Boston, Me. 15 Ward, 5: 10: 6:3, dropsy, te. 8:^-0-0, b. Oxford. DAWES. 6 Ethelind, 1:9: 89, heart failure, ;e. 0-1-2:^, b. Ded., of Wm. H. & Hattie P. (Bates), Maiden, Cohasset. DAWSON. .59 Emily, 8: 19: 7:3, marasmus, a-. 0-6-12, b. W. Bridgewater, of Geo. & Hannah, Eng., do. DAY. 52 H. Faustina, 12: 22: 56, , ie. 2;V5-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Hannah. 126 Hannah E. (Rhoades), 6:2:6:3, lung fever, a?. .54-8-22, b. Ded., of Lewis & Hannah, , Ded. 101 Lucinda L., 11 : 16:84, typhoid fever, a. 12-5-2, b. Monmouth Me., of W. H. & Victoria, Farmington Me., Augusta Me. DEAN, DEANE, DEANS. 64 , 9:8: 47, dysentery, a-. 2-0-0, b. Ded., d. of Ebenezer & Mary. 51 Annie L. W., 8: 19: 57, brain fever, a. 1-6-2, b. Ded., of Geo. W. & Annie S. 101 Balch S., 5: 22: 62, , a. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Balch & Susan S., Ded., Gloucester. 47 Betsey (Dean), 2: 22: 70, lung fever, a. 82-;3-20, b. Francestown N. H., of Phineas & Jerusha, Ded., do. 135 Cally (Herring), ?>: 20: 62, old age, a. 87-0-0, b. Ded., of David & Miriam. 100 Chas., 12: 24: 7:3, heart dis., a. 71-8-0, b. Ded.. of Richard & , Ded., . 4:3 Deborah, ;3: 29: 47, apoi)lexy, a. 80-0-0, b. Walpole. 72 Dexter, 2: 1.3: .52, palsy, a. .51-0-0, b. Ded., of Sam'l H. & Deborah. 86 Ebenezer, 10: 23: 54, old age, a?. 82-0-0, b. Ded. 99 Eben'r, 9:11: 71, suicide, a. 60-.5-11, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Lois, Ded., Canton. 23 Eleanor R., 3: 15: 85, cerebro meningitis, a. 1-5-5, b. Ded., of Geo. & Laura T., Rox., Ded. 17 Eliz'h B., 2: 22: 77, phthisis, ?e. 69-0-8, b. Ded., of Josiah & Mary, Ded., do. 27 Emily E. (Crosby), 3: 8:73, consumption, a\ 37-5-16, b. Ded., of Edmund & Rachael, , Needham. 99 EmmaL., 9: 24: 68, typhoid fever, a-. 21-8-25, b. Ded., of Thos. B. & Cather- ine S., Ded., do. 117 Fannie M., 8: 20: 01, scarlet fever, a\ .5-0-0, b. Ded., of Geo. V. & :Mary E., Ded., Nashua N. H. 94 Geoi-ge, 4 : 21 : 64, smallpox, je. , b. Ded., of J as. »& Cynthia, Ded., Ded. 41 (ieo. B., 4: 28: 70, softening of brain, a). 58-0-0, b. Ded., of Richard «& Cally H., Dover, Ded. 13 Hannah B. (Walker), 2: 16: 83, obstruction of mitral valve, a. 54-4-0, b. Bridgewater, of Sylvanus & Mary, Bridgewater, do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 47 (>4 Henry B., 10: 17:.")G, canker rash, le. 7-0-0, It. Ded.. of J.onmel A: Juliann. 30 Mary (Fairbanks), 10: 1;): 50, old ajje, iv. 98-6-4, b. Wrentham, of Israel & Eliz. 12 Mary (Dean), w. of Josiah, 4: 20: '■<% consumption, ;e. 7;J-11-1."), b. Ded., of Jonathan &Eliz. 108 Mary C, 10: 4: 01, cholera infantum, le. 0-9-10, b. Ded., of Balch & Susan E., Ded., Gloucester. 158 Miriam D., : 9: 04, consumption, ;e. 49-0-0, b. Ded., of Kichard & Cally, Ded., do. 38 Lewis E., 8:5: 40, bowel comp., te. 2-S-O, 1). Ded., of Lemuel & Julia A. 13 Louis E., 1:8:09, scarlet fever, le. 3-4-2-5, b. Ded., of Wm. & Angenette, Ded., do. 49 Louisa W. (Whiting), 0: 10: 79, paralysis, a\ 03-1-0, b. Ded., of Isaac & Thankful G., Dedham, Barre. 52 James, 7 : 11 : 77, consumption, a\ 0.5-9-8, b. Ded., of Josiah & Mary, Ded., do, 33 John, 10: 1: 47, fever, iv. 03-0-0, I). Ded., of John A: Mary. 189 John, 5:5: 04, old age, a\ 91-7-10, b. Ded., of John & Mary. Ded., do. 125 John, 9: 4: 64, consumption, se. 53-0-7, b. Norton, of John & Betsey, Mans- field, do. 47 John W , 5: 22: 80, paralysis of heart, a. 32-2-0, b. Ded., of John & Louisa, Norton, Ded. 55 Josiah, 7: 27: 78, obstruction of bowels, te. 69-0-24, b. Ded., of Josiah »fc Mary, Ded., do. 3 Olive, 1 : 8 : 51, old age, ;e. 77-0-0. 89 Oliver!^., 8:8: 8:3, cholera infantum, ;e. 0-6-1:'., b. Ded., of Edgar IT. & Abbie M., Canton, Machias Me. 168 Prudence (Fuller), 1: 10: 64, consumption, ;e. 89-3-13, b. Ded., of Aaron & Abigail, Ded., do. 105 Susan J. (Whiting), w. of Josiah, 9:3:88, fatty degeneration lof heart & kidneys, ae. 68-11-2,5, b. Ded., of Geo. & Sarah (Harris,) Ded., do. DEBBINS. 90 Mary E., 9: 15: 87, oltstruction of mitral valve, if. 12-1-2, b. Ded., of Samuel II. & Eliz'h, P. E. I., Eng. DeCORSEY. 43 Matilda ( Fowler ). 4:20:72, consumption, a. 30-6-26, b. Boston, of & Diana, , N. Y. City. DEER. 8 Kate, 1: 10: 90, marasmus, jc. 0-9-29, b. Sherl)orn, of Henry & Catharine (Cotter), Australia, Ire. DEERING. 70 Jas. P., 8: 10: 85, consumittion, ;e. 27-2-11, b. Wakefield, of John & Margaret, Ire., do. 118 John F., 12: 13: 83, pneumonia, ;c. 24-0-2, b. ]\ralden, of John & Margaret, Ire., do. 3 Mary (Rial), 3: 6: 72, old age, ;e. 82-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Mary. 48 DEDHAM RECORDS. DELANEY. 64 Jas., 8: 15: 80, stillborn, b. Dec!., of Wm. & Ellen. Ire., Ded. 93 Matthew, 10: ;30: 6:3, lung fever, te. 42-0-0. DELLMUTH. 40 Anna. 6: 10: 77, diphtheritis, a?. 5-10-11, b. Boston, of Wm. & Christine, Germ., do. DEMAINE. 6 Christopher, 1: 15: 78, cirrhosis, te. 41-6-0, b. Canada. DEMPSEY. 17 Jas., 2: 27: 82, chronic disease of heart, te. 80-0-0, b. Ire. 67 Michael, 11 : 22 : 61, typhoid fever, ce. :31-0-0, b. Ire. DEMPSTER.i 17 , w. of , 10 : 6 : 46, fever, re. :30-0-0. DENEEF. 47 Ellie v., 6:1: 85, phthisis, a?. 24-1-26, b. Ded., of Michael & Ann, Ire., do. 103 Michael, 10: 23: 83, phthisis, se. 6:3-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Eliz'h, Ire., do. Ill Thos., 6 : 24 : 64, scarlet fever, fe. 4-:3-8, b. Ded., of Michael & Ann, Ire., do. 77 Thos F., 10: 4 : 70, croup, te. 6-3-4, b. Ded., of Michael & Ann, Ire., do. DENNEHY, DENAHEY. 50 James, 6: 18: 79, Bright's dis., ee. 45-2-0, b. Ire. 3 Margaret (Sullivan), 1:5:85, pneumonia, te. 02-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do. DENNIN. . 84 Eliza, 9: 26: 79, old age, :e. 70-0-0, b. Ire. 80 Margaret, 8: 13: 75, dropsy of brain, :e. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of John J. & Marg't, Taunton, Ire. DERBY. ;38 Henry, 5: 15: 78, consumption. ;e. 47-7-0, b. Manchester X. H. 119 Lois (Smith), w. of Levi, 12: 7: 80, old age, :e. 94-7-22, b. Athol, of Eliab & Sarah (Humphrey), Athol, do. DERYAN. 59 Eliz'h, 4: 27: 88, meningitis, te. 1-0-15, b. Ded., of James II. & Margaret, W. Rox., do. 37 Mary, 3: 16: 90, dUlicult labor, b. Ded., of Luke & Belle (Carroll). Ire., do. DESMOND. 83 John, 10: 5 : 09, dysentery, a?. 0-0-29, b. Ded., of Dennis & Margaret, Ire., do. 1 Mary J., 1 : 1 : 85, septicaemia, te. 22-2-0, b. Portland Me., of Daniel & Cath- erine, Ire., do. 70 Patrick, 6: 26: 89, insanity, re. 23-0-0, b. Ire., of Timothy & Johanna (Sulli- van), Ire., do. DEVERAUX. 13 , 2: 28. 78, stillborn, b. Ded., of Jas. & Ann, Ire., do. ' Newspaper gives Oct. 4, 1846, Miss Mary J. Dempster, 25. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 49" 14 Ann (Cokely), 2: 28: TS, placenta praevia, se. 25-0-0, b. Ire., of Tlios. & Ann, Ire., do. DEVLIN. 93 Jas., 10: 20: 85, marasmus, re. 0-6-20, b. Ded., of Jas. & Sarah, Ire., Ded. 121 James McL., 11: 1 : 88, convulsions, re. 0-2-25, b. Ded., of James & Sarah J. (McLane), Ire., Ded. DEWING. 1 Adah (Fisher), 1:11:. "A consumption, re. 8:3-1-22, 1). Ded., of Jeremiah & Sarah. 44 Ebenezer, 11:1): 52, consumption, re. 72-1-2. b. Need., of Xailh'l & Ellz'h. :30 George, 4: :3: 4i). lung fever, re". 31-0-0, b. Ded. DeWOLF. 21 George, 6: 7: 44, colic, re. 0.5-0-0, b. Bristol R. I. 01 Hannah (Talbot), 12: 10: 62, lung fever, re. 76-9-15, b. W. Rox., of Nath'l & Mary, Stoughton, W. Rox. DEXTER. 97 Anna, 6: 4: 53, consumption, re\ 29-0-0, b. Maine. 97 Clara F., 8: 7: 71, angina maligna, re. 10-3-5, b. Ded , of Win. W. A: Harriet A., Valley Falls R. I., Wrentham. 94 Harriet A. (Blake), 7: 30: 71, heart dis., re. 41-7-27, b. Wrentliani, of Asa & Harriet, Wrentham, Franklin. 95 Hattie H., 7: 30: 71, angina maligna, re. 12-3-24, b. Ded., of Wni. W. & Har- riet A., Valley Falls II. I., Wrentham. 75 Roscoe M., 9: 21: 00, brain fever, re. 2-0-28, b. Ded., of Nelson S. cS: Lydia K., Lisbon N. H., Maxfield Me. 92 Sarah F., 11 : 1 : 78, consumption, re. 22-0-0, b. Ded., of Nelson S. & Lydia K., Littleton N. H., Maxfield Me. DIGGS. 88 John, 4: 13: 04, cerebro spinal meningitis, ;e. . [soldier.] DILLINGHAM. 67 Catliarine(Atherton), 9: 15: 7;'., paralysis, re. 70-10-21, b. Ded.. of Aimer & Catharine, Sharon, Dover. 10 Catliarine M. II., 3: 14: .58, consumption, w. 27-4-20, b. Bo.ston, of Thos. & Catharine. DILLON. 00 Bridget F. (Mulvaney), 7: 4: 85, cancer, re. 76-0-0, b. Ire., of Peter Jc Bridget,. Ire., do. DISBROW. .50 Theodore, 4: 15: 63, lung fever, re. 20-0-0, b. Trenton N. J. [soldier.] DIVINE. .57 Mary, 7:2: ^\^, cholera infantum, re. 0-3-2. b. Ded., of Richard A: Ellen,. Ire., do. DIXON. .57 Eliza F. (Fales), 6: 29: 75, old age, re-. 84-7-4, 1). Wrcntliam. of David iS: Abi- U gail F., Wrentham, do. 50 DEDFIAM RECORDS.' ;]5 Geortre. 1: 19: 07, old nge, a'. So-()-4, 1). Sterling Ct., of Robert .t Sanih S., 7\nierica, do. ])OGGETT. 20 Agnes G., 2: 14: 80. i>reinature birth, a'. 0-0-18, b. Ded., of Tlios. T. & Mary (Cox), Ded., Ire. Ssl Ann E. (Cushing), w. of John, 10: 4: 49, dysentery, a-. 52-0-0, b. J3oston, of Edw. & Mary. 83 Eliz'h. 3: 10: 74, bowel con)])., te. 0-0-11, b. Ded., of Jas. C. & Mary I., Ire., do. 70 Ellen M., 11 : 15: 55, whooping cough, je. 0-6-12, b. Ded., of John & Mary. 75 Geo. F., 7:25:90. premature birth, a. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Thos. T. & Mary (Cox), Ded., Ire. 18 Janie.s, 2: 0: 75, , a. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Jas. C. & Mary I., Ded., do. 04 Jas. C, 5:4: 88, pneumonia, a;. 39-8-0, b. Ded., of John & Mary, Ire., do. 74 Jane M., 10:14:08, consumption, a, 61-10-1, b. Rox., of Jolin & Sopliia, Ded., Dorch, 38 John, 6: 17: 57, di.s. of heart, a. 76-9-2, b. Ded., of Samuel & Eliz'h. 68 John, 8: 10: SO, paralysis, w. 55-8-20, b. Ire., of Chas. & Kate, Ire., do. 69 John A., 11 : 14 : 55, whooping cough, a\ 4-2-0, b. Ded., of John & ^lary. 29 Margaret J.. 4: 19: 57, fit, :e. 5-3-14, b. Ded., of John & Mary. 75 Margaret M., 9: 13: 84, phthisis, a'. 18-7-7, b. Ded., of John & Margaret, Ire., do. 5 Mary (Holland), 2: 24: 01, childbirth, a. 4.5-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Cath- erine. Ill Mary A., 9 : : 72, fits, a?. 0-0-9, b. Ded., of Jas. C. & Mary I., Ire., do. 71 Mary E., 11 : 28:55, whooping cough, te. 0-0-25, b. Ded., of John & Mary. DOIIERTY, DOUGHERTY. 1 Cornelius, 1 : 24: 70, Avhooping cough, a-. 0-11-10, 1). Ded., of Daniel & Susan, Ire., do. 18 Edward, 11 : 1: 71, hemorrhage of lungs, je. 34-8-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Honora. 48 Edward E., 2: 24: 70, , re. 0-0-;l b. Ded., of Edward & Eliz'h, Ire., Ded. DOLAN. 13 Ann (Riley), 2: 13: 85, pericarditis, a-. 40-0-0, b. Ire., of Philip i^c Marj% Ire., do. 6 Catharine, 1 : 17: 59, lung fever, je. 0-7-19, 1). Ded., of Michael & Ellen. 24 Francis A., 3: 18 : 82, croupal diphtlieria, a-. 0-9-0, Ij. J)ed., of John F. t!v: Ann, Boston, Ire. S(! jNIichael, 0: 3: 01, intemperance, a'. 40-0-0, b. Ire. Owen, 3: 24: ()7, croup, se. 0-0-6, b. Ded., of John & Rosanna, Ire., do. 35 Thos. F., 5: 23: 8(), pneumonia, a. 54-5-2, b. Ire., of Paul & Mary, Ire., do. X)()NAIIOE. 28 James, 8: 25: .52, cholera infantum, a\ 0-5-11, b. Ded., of Patrick & Sarah. 86 James, 8: 13: 65, cholera morbus, ic. 1-2-25, b. Ded., of Peter & Ellen. 11 Sarah (Heath), 4:3: 6:3, lung fever, a". 4:^-7-18, b. Ire., of Wni. &Mary. DONLAN. 39 John, 0: 28: 57, lockjaw, -x. 13-9-13, b. Rox., of John & Bridget. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 51 DONLEY, DONELLY. 127 Bernard, 2:7: Go, consumption, se. 28-0-0. 89 Bridget (Burlve), w. of Patrick, <»: 8: 80, heart dis., ;e. (iO-0-0, b. Ire., of John ct , Ire., do. 06 Daniel, 10: 17: Oii, dropsy, ;e. :>7-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. & Isabel. 104 Daniel, 12: 27: 07, consumption, a?. 20-2-19, b. Ire., of Daniel & Jane, Ire., do. 124 George, 9: 27: 01, , re. 0-0-4, b. Ded., of Francis & Mary, Penn., N. B. 122 Georgiana, 9: 14: 01, cholera infantum, a\ 0-.V21, b. Ded., of Francis & Mary A., Penn., N. B. ?y John, 1:2: 04, delirium tremens, te. 22-0-0, b. Ire. [soldier.] 0:3 Margaret, 8: 13: 78, septic diphtheria, te. 30-0-0, b. W. llox., of Patrick & Bridget, Ire., do. 85 Mary A. (Bradley), 8: 20: 07, consumption, :e. 28-0-0, b. St. Johns, X. B., of Robert & Mary, Ire., N. 8. DOXXER (6'ee Danner.) DOXOR. 2 James, l : 19: 50, spinal comp., ;e. 00-0-0, b. Ire. DOXOVAX. 101 John, 8: 24: 01, intlam. of l)0\vels, x. 55-0-0, b. Ire. [soldier]. 113 Margaret, 12: 20: 79, convulsions, m. 0-4-9, b. Ded., of John & ll;innah, Ire., do. 88 Mary (Long), 9: 14: 81, paralysis, le. 50-0-0, 1). Ire., of & Mary, Ire., do. 134 Michael, 7: 15: 0:), lung fever, le. 1-10-2, b. Ded., of John cS: ]]ridget, X". S., Ireland. DOOLE. 100 , 10: 0: 49, , ie. 0-0-1, b. Ded., s. of Wm. & . GO Andrew, 2: 7: 02, lung fever, le. :30-0-0, b. Ire., of Frank & Bridget, Ire., do. 20 Andrew F.. 8: 7: 51, scalded, le. 2-1-21, b. Ded., of Andrew & Eliza. 33 Frederick, 5:8: .57, consumption, -m. 0-0-8, b. Ded., of Andrew & Eliza. 98 George H., 12: 0: 0:3, consumption, io. 11-2-25, b. Ded., of Andrew & Eliza, Ireland, do. DOOLEY. 20 Margaret A., 3: 15: 81, typhoid fever, :e. 15-9-0, 1). Eng., of John & Eliz'h, Ireland, do. DOOLING. 43 Ellen (Ryan), 5: 15: 7:5. meningitis, a'. 45-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. DORMAX. 19 Bessie M., 3: i9: 79, scarlet fever, a>. 2-0-1, b. Pittslield, of & Ellen C, , Canton Ct. 42 George, 0: 8: 86, congenital dis. of brain, m. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Daniel ct Mary, X. S., P. E. I. DORSHEIMER. 55 Wm. C, 9: 29: .58, cholera infantum, re. 0-11-9, b. Ded., of Conrad & Mary. DOUGHTY. 50 John, 3: 31 : 04, , a". . [soldier] 52 DEDHAM RECORDS. DOAV. Daniel, .'}: ;51: 48, consumption, ;e. 49-0-0. DO WD. 55 , 6: i:>: 82, premature birtli, I). Dec!., d. of Thos. & Hannah, Ire., do. 57 Hannah (Mahar), 7 : 23: 84, consumption, ;e. 40-0-0, b. Ire., of Anthony & , Ire., do. 4G John, G: 5: 73, meningitis, ;e. G-4-23, b. Ded., of Felix & Mary, Ire., do. 78 Mary (Furay), w. of Felix, 8:4: 81), apoplexy, tv. 53-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. J. & Ann (Robinson), Ire., do. 34 Mary A., 8: 4: 58, measles, a\ 1-4-21, b. Ded., of Felix k, Mary. ;]4 Wm., 1: 29: 65, paralysis, te. 38-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Margaret, G Wm., 1: 27: 76, typhoid fever, a'. 17-0-12, b. Ded., of Felix & Mary, Ire., do. DOWLING. 31 , 4: 14: 85, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Dennis & Kate, Ire., Woonsocket R. I. 77 Mary E., 8: 11 : 87, inanition, re. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Michael i"t Ellen, Ire., do. 55 Mary J., 9:29: 74, cholera infantum, te. 0-3-0, b. Ded., of Dennis & Cather- ine, Ire., Woonsocket R. I. 87 Thos. P., 7:3: 88, convulsions, a. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Michael & Ellen, Ire., do. DOWXEY. 77 Ann J., 7: 29: G7, consumption, le. 0-0-9, b. Ded., of Andrew ct Margaret, Ire., do. DOWNS. IIG Agnes M., 8: 18: 61, diarrhoea, a. 0-0-29, b. Ded., of Moses W. & Lucy E., Tamworth >r. II., Industry Me. 20 John, 3:8: 84, chronic diarrhoea, te. GG-11-8, b. Eng., of John & Susan C, Eng., do. DOYLE. 94 . 8: 3: 88, stillborn, b. Ded.. d. of Jas. & Ellen, Ire., do. GG Anna, 8: 31 : 77, consumption, re. 18-0-14, b. Ded., of John & Bridget, Ire., do. 17 James, 10: 14: 65, consumption, re. 15-:3-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & . 22 Michael W., 2: 10: 90, pneumonia, re'. 0-9-10. b. Ded., of Daniel & Fannie, Ire., do. 14 Patrick, 1 : 31 : 64, consumption, re. 1.5-11-0, It. Ire., of John & Bridget. 10.-) Thos.. 7:8: 72, heart dis., :e. 4.5-0-0, b. Ire. 43 Thos., 4: 26: 8:). consumption, re'. :!0-2-l, b. Ded., of John iK: Bridget, Ire., do. DRAKE. 66 (I), at Walpole) Ellen, 9: 12: m, phthisis, re'. 23-.5-0, b. Ded., of Richard & Ellen (Lane), Ire., do. 14 Hannah, 2:2: (U, i)aralysis, re\ 75-0-0, b. Ded., of Peletiah A; Catliarine. 49 Mary C, w. of Willard, 9: 22: 4G, , re>. 4:3-0-0. 91 Willard, 10: 21 : .->:!, fever, le. 51-0-0, b. Ded., of Willard cK: . DIJAPER. 49 Abbot W., 6: 17: 61, scarlet fever, re'. 1-8-0, b. Ded., of Francis c'c Louisa. S9 Abijah, 8: 28: 66, consumption, a*. 28-2-0, b. Ded., of Willard & Louisa. 74 Albert, G: 17: 61, scarlet lever, re'. , b. Ded., of Francis & Louisa. 71 Amy ( IJuliard), 8: 20: .59, fever, re'. 66-0-0, b. Medfield. ABS TRA C T OF DEA THS. 53 78 Catharine, 12: 25: 51), consumption, a'. :;7-0-0, 1). l)ed. 89 Eclson, 9: 8: 58, fever, iM. 0-1-5, b. Dec!., of Moses & Irene. 102 Edwin, 10: *23:. 70, consumption, a-. 22-10-0,1). Ded., of Willard c^ Loisn, Ded., AValpoIe. 7G Eliz'h, 10: 4: 70, scald, a'. 2-1-25, 1). Ded., of Geo. & Emma X., Ded., Addi- son Me. 72 Ernest X., 8: 19: 75, consumption of blood, :l'. 1-2-0, b. Waltliam, of Wlii- ting S. & Delia F., Ded., do. 6-4 Francis W., 4: 12: 45, consumption, a'. 20-0-0, b. J)over. 49 George, 1:4: 51, fit, iQ. 59-0-0, b. Ded., of Joseph & . 83 George D., 5:7: (iC, consumption, a.'. :34-4-0, b. Ded., of Jos. »fc Polly. 104 Hannah M., 9: 18: ()4, consumption, a\ 24-5-0, b. Ded., of Willard & Louisa S., Ded., Walpole. 100 Horace G., 9: 14: 05, , ;e. 0-7-22, b. Ded., of Geo. & Emma X. 4 Joseph B., 1: 16: 81, marasmus, a". 49-;:!-2, b. Ded., of Jos. & Amy (Buliard), Ded., Medfield. 85 Joseph L., G: 22: 53, consumption, a-. 30-0-0, b. Dover, of Jos. & Polly. 21 Judith (Smith), 11: 27: G8, consumption, :e. GG-4-1G, b. Ded., of Oliver A: Olive, Ded., do. 70 Louisa (Smith), G: 19: 83, paralysis, a'. 70-10-10, 1>. Walpole, of Abijah & Hannah (Whiting), Walpole, Ded. 84 Mamie, 5: 24: 66, humors, re. 0-17-0, b. Ded., of Geo. I). & Fanny (Baker). 101 Martin, 11:21: 79, old age, a?. 82-8-14, b. Ded., of Daniel & Hannah D., Ded., do. 28 Mary E., 6:1:60, consumption, ;e. 17-4-1, )>. Ded., of Willard iK: Louisa, Ded., Walpole. 49 Mary L., 3: 23: 56, whooping cough, ;i\ 0-3-18, b. Ded., of Simeon W. iV Nancy. 50 Mehitable, w. of Dr., 3: 2G: .50, old age, re. 81-0-0, b. Ded. 65 Nancy M., 8: 19:72, cholera infantum, re. l-:!-i;j, 1). Ded., of Geo. & Emma, Ded., Addison Me. 90 Oren W., 1:4: (i9, dropsy on heart, re. 10-10-0, b. Ded., of Moses & Jrene, , Wrentham. 85 Polly C. (Ellis), 6: 3: 66, urinary dis., re. 74-0-0, b. Ded., of Phineas& Lucy. 46 Polly M., w. of Geo., 7: 26: 46, consumption, re. 53-0-0, b. Franklin. 41 Willard, 3: 28: 77, consumption, re. 76-5-0, b. Ded., of Daniel & Hannah D., ])ed., do. 81 Willie H., 12: 30: 54, lung fever, re. O-O-Ki, b. lioxboro, of Lewis W. & Nancy. DKAYTON. 62 Eliz'li L. (Adams), 6: 21: 6.5, consumption, re. 61-8-2, b. Portsmouth N. H., of Benj. & Eliz'h. 12 John, 3: 28: .56, contraction of brain, re. 5:3-8-17, 1). Boston, of John & Nancy. 137 (D. at Boston) John TL, :;: 18: 87, Bussey Bridge accident, re. 61-6-22, b. IJos- ton, of John & Eliz'h L., Boston, Portsmouth N. H. 02 Nancy (Hendley), 7: 18: 68, old age, a'. 86-0-2.5, b. Sharon, of Henry & ^Siary. Box., do. 54 DEDIIAXT RECORDS. IS Naiicy D. (Dorothy), 0:2: 5(5, cancer, tp. 38-5-11), b. Suowlull Md., of Spencer & Hetty. 109 Xellie S., 12: 1 : 81, consumption, a?. 25-0-27, b. Dec!., of John II. & Mary K, Deil., Dorch. 102 Wni. if., i): 1 : (il, dysentery, fe. 5G-0-0, b. Boston, of John & Nancy, Boston, Bridgewater. DRESSER. 22 , !): 30: 47, - — ■, :c. , 1). Ded., of David J. & . 73 Hannali (Farnsworth), 12: 14: 5:3, dis. of heart, tf. G9-0-0, b. Fitcliburg, of Jos. & Hannaii. DRIENAN. 5)7 Geo., 8:1: 8(), Bright's dis., ;e. 65-0-0, b. Ire., of Morris & Ellen, Ire., do. DRISCOLL. 7 Catliarine, 7: 2: 05, inliani. of brain, te. 4-4-28, b. *Boston, of Patrick & Mary F. 71 Thos., 7:2: 8.3, diphtheria, re. 0-3-6, b, Ded., of Timothy & Mary, Ire., do. DRUGAX. 71 (D. at Westboro), Mary E., 7:9: 90, melancholia «fe exhaustion, te. 40-0-0, b. Boston, of Jos. & Sarah G. (Johnston), X. B., Pa. DRUMMEY. 1.54 Joanna (Hennessey), 12:11:65, consumption, a'. 50-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary. DRUMMOXD. .59 Winnifred (Doyle), 5:22:67, fits, :e. 27-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Elizabeth, lie., do. DUBOIS. 29 Liza. 3: 11 : 73, l)rain fever, re. 2-2-14, 1). Canada, of Felix & Eoua, Ca., do. DUCKWORTH. 21 Martlia J., 2: 9: 66, lung fever, ;e. 0-2-0, 1). Ded., of Geo. & Eliza. DUD. 15 Francis, fno date, Rec. 6: 24: 46J, , :c. .50-0-0. DUDLEY. 105 LydiaF. (Manly), 11 : 19:49, consumption, le. 31-1-14, b. Putney Vt., of Amasa & Lydia. DUFF. 21 Keziah (Cobb), 3: 11 : 82, bronchial consumption, :e. 0.5-11-11, b. Sharon, of Jonatlum & Sibbel (Holmes), Attleboro, Sharon. DUFFY. 13 Samuel M., 2: 1 : so, convulsions, ic. 0-1.1-0, b. Ded., of Owen E. cK: Ilattie A., Boston, Ct. DUGAX. 1 , 1:2: 82, stillborn. 1). Ded., d. of Cornelius c\: Ilonora, Webster, AVoon- socUet R. I. 105 , 11: 16: 82, stilUiorn, b. Ded., d. of Cornelius iS: Ilonora, Webster, Woon- socket R. I. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. ^^ 12 Hononi A. (M;iloney\ 2: 16: 87, consumption, :i'. 27-2-2, b. W'oonsocket R.I., of Michael J. & Julia, Ire., do, 111 John F., 11 : 19: 88, anus imperforatus, :f. 0-0 ■"), b. D.'d., of Cornelius & Nora, Webster, Woonsocket R. I. 43 Wm. J., (5: 10: 84, dii)htheria, le. 4-0-19, b. Ded., of Cornelius & Xora, Web- ster, Woonsocket R. I. DUX BAR. 6 Algernon S., 1 : 21 : 57, scarlatina, «. 4-8-17, b. Ded., of Marvin & Sopliia. 44 Alice H., 7: 28: 49, cholera infantum, 33. 0-11-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & . 4:? Edward T., 7: 27: 49, dysentery, re. 5-0-0, of Thos. & . 13 Henrietta, 2: 5: 57, scarlatina, a\ 1-3-1:3, b. Weatherstown, of Marvin & Sophia. DUNKIX. 71 John T., 7: 8: 67, dropsy on l»rain, :e. 2-:J-0, b. Boston, of John & Catherine, Rox., Oakham. DUXLAP. 41 Thos. F., 8: IS: 58, cholera infantum, fc. 0-7-12, b. Boston, of Thos. & Mary. DUNN. 39 Ann, 12 : 23 : 70, consumption, te. 13-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Margaret, Ire., do . 67 Edith F. M., 8: 8:84, cholera infantum, je. 0-8-0, b. Ded., of Walter H. & Annie A., Dighton Me., Germ. 179 John, 3:3: 04, , je. 45-0-0, b. Ire., of David & , Ire., do. 39 Terrance J., 4: 6: SO, premature birth, re. 0-1-0, 1). Ded., of J as. A: Bridget, Ire., do. 14 Thos., 2: 17: 81, pneumonia, re*. 50-0-0, 1). Ire., of John & Ilannali. Ire., do. DUNPHY. 16 John, 7: 27: 72, cholera morbus, re. 37-6-0, b. N. S., of Edward & Bridget. DURSY. 70 Nicholas, 12: 2: .53, erysipelas, re'. 21-5-3. b. Germany. DWYER. ?>1 Thos. O., 3: 5: 72, lung fever, re. 63-0-0, b. Ire , of .t , Ire., do. DYER. 57 Bradl)ury, S: 16: 73, old age, re'. 78-6-25, b. Andover N. II., of Wm. A: Nancy. ]:J2 (D. at Taunton) Daniel, 12: 12: 67, softening of brain, re\ 55-0-0, V). Ire. i:3S James, 9: 24: 63, cholera infantum, re. 0-11-0, b. Ded., of Daniel & Sarah, Ire., do. 101 Melville E., 12: 12: 70, accident, re. 23-9-12, 1). Buxton Me., of Jas. E. & ^t i ry F., Baldwin Me., Buxton Me. EAGAN, EGAN. 39 Henry, 6: 10: 61, membranous croup, re'. 4-1-0, b. Ded., of Patrick iS: Ann, Ire., do. 50 Joseph P., 5: 22: 81, cerebro spinal meningitis, le. 29-7-2, b. Boston, of Wm. & Mary, Ire., do. 90 Wm. P., 10: 1 : 89, ab.scess of liver, re'. 75-0-0, b. Ire., of A: • lie-, tlo. 56 DEDHAM RECORDS. EAEL 117 Elizii (Colter), 12: 13: 82, pneumonia, le. 3(3-8-21, b. Ire., of Jas. & Ann, Ire., do. EARLKY. 31 Catliariiie ^ Maguire}, ."):13: 86, pneumonia, le. 78-0-0, b. Ire., of Pliilip & IJridget, Ire., do. J^AKNES, EARNS. 5 Eli A., 1:23: 7G, congestion of brain, ;e. ;30-0-0, b. Blackstone, of John & Maria, Ire., do. 16 John C. 2:1: 80, chronic diarrhoea, :e. 74-G-2(;, b. Ire., of Andrew & Mary, lie., do. EASTERBROOK. 102 Eliz'h (Willard), 11: 3: 79, cancer, ;o. 03-4-1, b. Harrison Me., of Samuel & Sarah, Harrison Me., Sanford Me. 55 Harriet A. (Cobb), w. of Wm. E., 5: 21 : 90, suicide, ;e. 55-0-1."), b. Barnstable, of Asa & Mercy G., Barnstable, Boston. EATON. 5 , 2: 28: 48, cholera infantum, ?e. 8-0-0, 1). Ded., s. of Joel & . 66 (D. at Turner Centre, Me.), Abigail (Walker), 5: 14: 83, old age, te. 72-10-19, 1). S. Paris Me., of Micali & Eliz'h Edes, Petersham, Ded. 99 Caroline F. (Holmes), 10: 31: 79, , te. 55-0-0, b. Milton, of Philip & Margaret, Milton, Me. 73 Caroline G., 12: 17: 5.5, disease of lungs, te. 1-0-7. b. Ded., of William M. & Emeline P, 40 Eliza (Turner), w. of Luther, 9: 29: 44, scarlatina, a-. 42-0-0, b. Ded., of Jas. & Jemima. 4 Emma A., 1:5: 79, Bright's dis., a-. 1.5-10-29, 1). Ded., of Luther A. & Sarah E., Ded., Boston. 29 Hannah ( Endicott), 6:3: 60, old age, te. 98-7-8, b. Canton, of James & Abigail, Canton, do. 103 Joel, 11 : 1:5 : SI, pneumonia, te. 75-10-4, b. Ded., of Luther & Lucv (Ellis), Ded., do. ■69 John, 7:7: '.>0, heart failure, :e. 89-2-5, b. Ded., of John & Hannah (Endicott), Ded., Canton. 46 John E., 10: 7: 54, diseased throat, a'. 50-5-1(5, b. Ded., of Luther & Lucy. 32 Lucy(Ellis\ w. of Luther, l':15:47, fever, a". 75-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Sibbel. 44 Luther, 5: 17: 76, pneumonia, a-. 7:!-10-0, b. Ded., of Luther i*^ Lucy E., Ded., do. 103 Maria, 12: 20: o;], cancer, \v. (i;!-10-5, 1). Va^k\., of Luther cV: Lucy, Led., do. EBBINGHALS, EBBIXGIIUUSE. 42 Evangeline, 3: 8: is^, congestion of brain, a'. O-5-i;], 1). Ded., of Fred & ]\rary. Germ., do. 96 Mary A. (McGoweni, 11 : 17: 78, svphilis, a-. 32-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. A: Eliz'h, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 57 EBBS. 24 Ellen L., 2: 2;]: 73, conv'sions, io. 0-6-1, b. JDed., of Tlios. & Ellen, Ire., Eug, 42 Geo. li., 4: 1!>: 89, typhoid pnenmonia, re. 26-9-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Ellen (Hull), Ire., Eng. 69 Thos. P., 12: 13: 74, convulsions, le. 1-0-14, b. Ded., of Thos. it Ellen, Ire., do. EDDY. 73 Geo. AV., 0: 11: nii, dis. of chest, ;e. 72-0-0, b. Thompson Ct. 119 Seth W., 8: 13: 04, chronic dis.,;e. 26-0-0, b. Plymouth, of Henry II. & Abigail S., Plymouth, do. [soldier.] EDES. 64 Lucy (Lewis), 11: 9: .j;3, liver comp., ;e. 0.5-3-26, 1). Need., of Josluui »S: Mary. EDGERTON. 55 So])hia M. (Fisher), 7: 19: 77, consumption, ;e. 5.5-9-(), b. Ded., of Eben'r, Jr. & Sophia ]M., Xeedham, Ded. EDS OX. 12 Esther G. (Stewart), 4: 2: .59, inllara. of bowels, ;e. 62-0-0. EDWARDS. 3 Ann, 3:2: 05, diabetes, le. 2:3-0-0, h. Ire., of John & Marj'. EIS. 124 Herman, 9: 1 : 64, congestion of brain, re. :3-:M8, b. Ded., of Cha.s. & Wilhel- mlne, Germ., do. 60 Lewis, 5: 31: 67, lung fever, a?. 1-10-0, b. Ded., of Charles & Wilhelmine, Germany, do. ELDRIDGE. 19 Chas. II., 10: 7: 46, typhus fever, a\ ;3S-9-0. b. Boston. ELKINS. 21 Harriet A. (Hall), 1: 24: 69, consumption, a;. ;15-0-0, b. Gorham :Me., of Chas. & Harriet. ELLIOTT, ELLIOT, ELIOT. 18 Andrew, 2: 22: 83, paralysis, a'. 5:3-0-0, b. X. B., of Chas. & Ellen, X. B., do. 83 Jennie M., 7: 27: 83, consumption, le. 21-:3-21, b. Ded., of Wm. & Margaret, Ireland, do. 14 John, 2: 23: 80, consumption, :e. 20-7-24, b. Ded., of William ^' Margaret D., Ireland, do. 39 Josephine G., 3: 12: 72, scarlet fever, re. 0-8-0, 1). Ded., of Andrew & Jane, N. B., Ire. 40 Margaret (Donley), 5: 5: 76, consumption, .-e. ;5S-2-0, b. Ire., of Daniel cS: Jane, Ire., do. 33 Sophia (Iledtlen), w. of Anthony, 9: 17: 51, consumption, a". 21-8-1, b. X. S., of John »& Catharine. 85 Walter, 8: 25: 90, marasmus, a-. 0-4-27, b. Boston, of & Annie, ,X.B. 85 Wm., 11: 1 : 72, consumi)tion, a-. :JS-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Jane, Ire., do. 3 Wm. IL, 1: 11: 82, consumption, re. 2.5-2-1.5, b. Boston, of AVm. & Margaret (Donley), Ire., do. 58 DEDIIAM RECORDS. ELLIS. 28 , 9: 24: 47, dysentery, it. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Oliver & . 75 , 12 : 25 ; 48, , te. . 82 , 11 : 16: 58, cholera infantum, te. 0-0-36, b. Ded., d. of Alvin & Martha. 88 , 11 : 22: 62, , aj. 0-0-3, b. Ded., s. of Calvin F. & Maria. Ill , 2: 15: 63, stillborn, b. Ded., of Jolin & Harriet M., Ded., Walpole. 100 Abbie F., 1:4: 72, consumption, re. 27-:3-8, b. Ded., of Alvin & Martlia B., Dedliain, do. 54 Abner, 12: 14: 44, consumption, re. 75-0-0, b. Ded. 79 (D. at Walpole) Addie M., 9: 10: 58, cholera infantum, re. 1-5-0, b. Walpole, of Isaac i^ Abby M. 3(5 Alfred B., 10: 10: 70, consumption, ;e. 29-3-14, b. Walpole, of Alvin L. & Martha B., Ded., do. 68 Azuba, 11: 11 : 47, paralysis, a*. 8:3-0-0. 40 Betsy, 7: 14: 55, dis. of heart, te. 58-0-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Eliz'h. 40 Betsey (Morse), 5: 29: 78, bronchitis, se. 95-8-8, b. Ded., of David & Sybil. 20 Calvin F., 2: 23: 75, paralysis, a?. 68-3-23, b. Ded., of Jason & Susan D., Ded., do. 98 Caroline M., 8: 8: 71, consumption, le. 24-0-8, b. Ded., of Alvin & Martha M., Ded., do. 38 Catherine (Whitinjj), 4: 12: 81. pneumonia, re. 81-8-15, b. Ded., of Hezekiah & Mary, Ded., Walpole. 159 Ci)lburn, 0: 14: 61, congestion, re. 72-0-0, b. Ded., of Geo. »& Mary C. 54 David, 11: 24: 46, old age, re. 81-0-0, b. Ded. 102 (D. at Walpole) Elba J., 1 : 15: 53, dropsy, re. 6-2-9, b. Walpole, of Charles & Mary. 172 Francis, 2 : 1 : 64, dis. of spine, re. 29-9-1, b. Ded., of Paul & Jane, Ded., do. 5 Frank A., 1: 19: 81, rupture of intestines, se. 21-5-0, b. Ded., of Chas. H. & Abbie L. (Brooks), Ded., do. 49 & 116 Frank H., 8: 16: 49, dysentery, re. 8-0-0, b. Ded., of Calvin F. & Julia. 72 Frank L., 8: 27: 59, dropsy on brain, re. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Lewis & Sarah. 32 Frederic J., 5: 13: 55, consumption, re. 0-11-0, b. Ded., of Oliver & Hannah A. 59 George, 1 : 26 : 49, old age, re. 87-0-0, b. Ded. 35 George, 0: 24: 55, dis. of heart, re. 62-10-0, b. MedReld, of Geo. & Martha C. 94 Granville, 9: 15: 49, dysentery, re. 4-8-0, 1). Ded., of Calvin F. & Julia. 25 Hannah A. (Johnson), 7:3: 54, consumption, re. ;>)-7-2, b. Brooklield X. H., of Fred & Sophia. 91 Henry, 12: 9: 70, gastritis, w. 70-4-2, b. Medway, of Henry iS: Azulnih, Med- vi'ay, do. 70 Isaac, 12: ;)0: 44, consum])ti()n, re. 54-0-0. 113 Jane (Thayer), 12: 9: 84, paralysis, re. 82-1-29, 1). Easton, of Xatiri .'v' Phoebe, Easton, do. 157 Jason, 5: 23: 64, general debility, a-. 86-0-0, b. Ded., of Ichaliod cS: Sally X., Ded., Xeedham. 92 Jesse, 1 : 14: m, congestion of brain, a\ 75-4-2, b. Ded., of Joel ^K: Azubah. 73 Joel, 2: 26: 52, intlam. of l)owels, re. 63-0-0, b. Ded., of Joel A: Azubah. 30 Julia E., w. of Calvin F., 10: 10: 47, fever, a\ 36-0-0. A BS TRA CT OF DEA TIIS. 5 9 OS Leonore E., !) : 20: 08, infantile debility, ;e. 0-1-2S, 1). Deil.. of Alfred & Martha E., Ded., do. 105 (D. at Walpole) Louisa (Sumner), 11: 16: OS, consumption, .-f. 77-10-21, b. Ded., of (ieo. & Margaret. 110 Lucy (Ellis), 12: 10: 70,'old age, a\ 70-0-0, 1). Walpole, of John iS: Hannah, Walpole, do. 80 Lyman, 12: 12: 71, inflam. of liver, :e. 15-10-2.'). b. Ded., of Franklin c'v: Mary A., Ded , Taunton. 103 M. Emily (Ellis), 10: 27: OS, consumption, ;e. 2.5-:l-ll, b. Wrentliani, of Alviu L. & Martha B., Ded., do. 5-t Maria (Guild), 5: 10: 83, paralysis of heart, a'. 59-3-20, b. Ded., of Keuben & Olive, Ded., do. 113 Martha, 3:2: 07, dis. of spine, ic. 33-0-22, b. Ded., of Taul & Jane, Ded., do. 70 Martha B. (Dean), S: 15: GO, phthisis, re. 47-0-21, b. Ded., of Dexter & Martha W., Ded., Boston. 10 Martha M. (May), 2: 15: 50, old age, te. 87-7-0, b. Canton, of Samuel & Sarah. 58 Mary, 2: 27 : 47, , a?. 60-0-0. 122 Mary, w. of Lemuel, 12: 24: 48, old age, ai. 83-0-0, b. Ded. 9 Mary A. E., 1:31:83, cancer, aj. 62-4-17, b. Medfield, of Jos. & Molly W., Ded., do. 103 Mary E. (Kingsbury), 9: 9: 63, , se. 22-1-0, b. Ded , of \Vm. ik, B3tsy. 09 Merrill D., 9: 1 : 78, paralysis, a;. 60-9-0, b. Ded., of Abner & Polly N., Ded., Needham. 87 Paul, 3: 23: 71, paralysis of lungs, tv. 32-3-11, b. Ded., of Paul »t Jane, Ded., do. 40 Rebecca (Lewis), 1 : 10 : 5(i, old age, re. 88-2-0, b. Ded., of Xath"l i.'i Experience. 123 Rebecca JS". (Ellis), w. of Merrill D., 12: 23:80, paralysis, :e. 7S-2-1.'), b. Ded., of Jason & Susan D. (Fairbanks), Ded., do. 58 Richard, 3: 10: .50, old age, re. 79-0-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Olive. 81 Rufus, 11 : 12: 58, fistula, re. 56-0-10, b. Ded., of John & Rebecca. 55 Rufus, 9: 16: 60, congestion of brain, re. 26-10-8, b. Ded., of Rufus A: Hannah, Ded., do. 1 Samuel, 3: 14: 51, droi)sy, re. 0-3-27, b. Ded., of Paul Jr. & . 29 (D. at Rox.) Sarah, 10:3:05, consumption, ;e. .57-1-0, 1). AValpole. of Jona- than & Mary. 33 Sarah A. ((Jay), w. of Calvin F., 0: 21 : 55, consumption, ;e. :;4-7-2, b. Ded., of Joel & Polly. 110 Sarah E., 10:2:88, heart failure, ic. 01-8-2.5, b. Ded., of Geo. & Catharine Whiting, Medfield, Ded. 20 Susan D. (Fairbanks), 7: 1 : 71, old age, \m. SS-5-0, b. Ded., of El)en"r A: Mary, Ded., do. 52 Walter, 8: 28: 00, diarrhoea, :e. 0-4-0, 1). Ded.. of Alvan L. ^.K: Martha ]}., Ded., do. 94 Willard, 3: 10: 00, lung fever, re. 80-9-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Olive. 77 Wm., 11 : 27: 52, old age, re\ 72-7-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Olive. 07 Wm. H., 12: 5: 70, congestion of brain, :e. 40-10-11, 1). ]\Ied\vay, of Henry Ik, Jane, Medvvay, Easton. 60 D ED HAM RECORDS. 25 "Willie H., 5: 11 : 71, congestion of brain, re. 0-11-19. b. Ded., of Wm. & Anna M., Walpole, Xew Orleans. ELLSWORTH. 75 Ella M. (Page), "vv. of Cj'rns, 5: 31: 88, spinal myelitis, re. 32-2-15, b. Cam- bridge, of Freeman & Martha A. (Sargent), Wentworth N. H., Bow ^N". H. ELY. 13 Eliza B. (Wlnttier), 2: 12: 81, gastric typhoid fever, te. 3G-10-8, b. Munroe Me., of Seth & Harriet E., Searsmont Me., Andover. 25 Fred'k U., 2: 13: 90, pneumonia, ;e. 21-10-1, b. Ded., of Fred'k 1). & Eliza B. (Whittier), Wrentham, Muni'oe Me. 82 Ida B., 11: 5: 70, croup, re. O-G-21, b. Ded., of Fred'k D. & Eliza B., [Wren- tham, Munroe Me.] EMERSOK 64 xYnn, 5: — : 49, consumption, te. , of Geo. & . 109 Geo., 9: 29: 72, old age, te. 84-5-7, b. Thompson Ct., of Willard cS: Mary, Thompson Ct., do. 7 Jane H. (Mace), 1: 6: 77, Bright's dis., ;e. 01-0-4, b. E. Redfield Me., of An- drew & Desire, E. Redfield Me., Liverpool. 60 Lucy A. (Fairbanks), 8: 21: 52, consumption, to. 26-0-0, b. Ded., of Jesse & Boradil. i;34 Kabby (Ellis), 2: 19: 62, , je. 77-0-0, b. Ded., of Xathan & Elothea (Colburn). EXDICOTT. 39 Henry B., 10: 5: 52, cholera infantum, re. 1-3-12, ]>. Chelsea, of Augustus B. & Sarah. 10 John, 1 : 31 : 57, lung fever, re\ 9:3-0-0, b. Canton, of Jas. & Abigail. 35 Mary (Humphrey), w. of John, 3:21: 45, lung fever, k. 80-0-0, b. Ded. 26 Richard W., 4: 1: 85, premature Inrth, re. 0-0-4. b. Ded., of Henry B. & Caroline W., Ded., do. EXDRES. 114 Ann E., 3:8: 6:3, croup, re. 1-8-1, b. Ded., of Herman & Helena M., Germ., do. EXGLEY. 53 Hannah E.. 10: 29: 69, typhoid fever, re. 20-1-17, b. Waldoboro :\Ie., of Jacob & Abigail. ERSKIXE. 6 Fanny F., 7: 27: 69, dropsy, re. 17-10-0, b. Rox., of Chas. & Maria F., Rox., Boston. EVELETH. 61 Lucy C, 3: 25: 47, , re. 4-0-0, of Daniel & . EVERETT. 21 Al)bie L. (Wight), w. of Aaron E., 2: 10: 88, bronchitis, re. 72-7-17, 1). Med- Avay, of Aaron AV, «S: Abigail R., Medway, Holliston. 38 Abby, 10: 26: 45, scarlet fever, re. 7-0-0, b. bed., of Nathan & Hepzibah. 15 (D. at ]3oston.) Abby M., 3: 28: 58, typhoid fever, re. 9-4-0, b. Ded., of Isaac & [Matilda] J. 55 Alice S., 1 : 22: 50, dysentery, k. 1-5-0, b. Ded., of (Jeorge «& Julia. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 61 25 Chas. T.. 3: 24: 7S, consumption, :l'. 19-0-0, 1). I)ed., ot Xatlf I II. A: Lucy A., Ded., do. ?y=l Edith M., 0: ;]: TO, dysentery, lo. 2-11-4, 1.. Ded., of Fnincis E. I'v: Clara, Ded., Xewbury. 2 Edw., 2:9: .jS, eularf^ement of bruin, re. 1-4-2, b. Ded.,of Eufus S. i\: Kosella. 147 Eleanor, 12: 22: G:5, paralysis, ;e. 7.V0-0, b. Ded., of Asa I'v: Eleanor. Methuen, Dediiani. 5.J Ellen A., 11: 24: ."jO, typhoid fever, te. 10-10-4. b. Ded., of Francis c\: Mary N. .37 Francis, .5:2: 84, cancer, te. 80-9-14, b. Lunenburg Vt., of John & Salvina. 137 Geo. F., 8: 2:3: 6:3, dysentery, le. 8-0-lG. b. Ded., of Geo. & Julia D., Ded.. do. :31 (D. at Wash., D. C.) Henry C.,1: 19: (55, chronic diarrhoea, :e. 21-11-0, b. Dedham, of Francis & Mary. 142 Irene D. (Smith). 11 : 24: G:3, congestion of hings, :e. :3;J-ll-2, b. Sliaron, of Warren & Irene D., , Dedliam. 02 Joel, 9:8: 5(5, consumption, ;e. 09-9-0, 1». Ded.. of Asa & Eleanor. 115 Laura A., 8: 10: Gl. cholera infantum, ;e. 0-7-1, V*. Ded., of J. Edw. & Irene, Dedham, do. 79 Laura C, 7: 18: .52. dysentery, te. 0-20-0, b. Ded., of Geo. & Julia. 197 Lewis, 7: 31 : G4, paralysis, a-. 55-9-0, b. Ded., of Eben'r & , Ded., do. 74 Lucy A. (^Pond), 11: 4:. 59, consumptio.i. ic. 2G-0-0, b. Ded., of Frank & . 77 Mavy X. (Pratt). 8: 20: 82, heart dis., fe. 69-0-12, b. Waterford Me, of Jos. & Lucy S., Me., Brighton. 98 Moses, 3: 17: 62, rheumatic dis. of heart, w. 72-1-1:1, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Milly, Dedham, do. 22 Nathan, 1: 29: 49, consumption, a?. .5-5- )-0, 1). Ded. 115 .Sarah (Hill). 12: 7:8:3, old age, a?. 87-7-28, b. Canton, of Xatlf 1 tS: Aliigail, Canton, do 17 Seth, 2: 26: 70, heart dis., le. 78-1-1:], I.. Ded., of Asa cS: Eleanor, Ded., do. 5 Willard, 2d, 3: IS: 51. consumption, te. .56-0-0. b. Ded., of Lbeuezer it Sarah. :35 Willard, 11:28:56, consumption, ;e. 71-3-1, b. Ded., of Wui. ct Margaret. 83 Willard, 11 : 27: 57, typhoid fever, a-. :35-0-0, b. Ded., of Willard A: Lucy D. EVERSOX. 104 Harriet R. (Fales), w. of Erastus W.. 9: 28: 87, paralysis, se. 49-0-7, 1). Wren- tliam, of Ijeiij. II. ^: Rel)ecca Lllis. \Vrentham. Dedham. FAG AX. 35 , 5: 13: 79, stillborn, b. Ded.. s. of John J. i\: ?^Iary, Ire., Rrookline. .36 , 5: 13: 79, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of John J. A: Mary, Ire.. Brookline. .55 Ann, 5: 28: 6.5, scrofula, jv. .5-.5-;3, b. X"'. Y. City, of Jas & Ann. 11 Eliz'h, 3: 18: .54, fit, te. 0-0-7, b. Ded., of Patrick & Eliz'h. 126 Eliz'h (Clark"), 12: 31: 90, gastro enteritis, :e. 70-0-0. 1). Ire., of Thos. A: Eli/Zh (Wallace), Ire., do. 38 Ellen (Holton), 5: 1 : 69, old age, :e. 78-9-9, b. Ire., of Patrick it Ann, Ire., do. 76 Elliot L., 11:2: i^{\, chronic diarrlioea, :e. 0-8-14, b. Ded., of John .1. A: Mary F., Ire., Brookline. 58 John J., 5: 29: 90, heart dis., ;e. :!3-5-21, b. Ded., of Jas. it Ann (Sheridan), Ireland, do. 34 Mary (Carlon), 3: 12: m, consumption, ic. 40-0-0,1). Ire., of Thos. it Rose. 62 DEDHAM RECORDS. 28 Peter, 4: 10: To, typhoid fever. ;e. 72-0-0, b. Ireland, of John & Catharine, Ireland, do. PAIRBANKS. Aljijah, 3: 1: 4(i, consunii)tioi), a-. 20-0-0, b. l)ed., of Willard & Azubah. 95 Adda, 8: 31: 59, cholera infantnni, ;v. 1-5-4, b. Ded., of Jarvis cSi Lncy. 71 Adelaide M., 2:18: 45, , te. 0-1-7, b. Ded. 27 Ann (Dnncan), 7: 20: 05, old age, ie. 83-0-0, b. Eng. 94 (D. at Walpole) Becca (Fetch), 9:1: 58, numb palsy, re. 87-0-0, b. Walpole, of Steven »& Hannah. 23 Bessie H., 5: 20: 70, consumption, a.\ 22-2-21. b. Ded., of Jarvis & Lucy, Ded., Dorch. 73 Boradil M. (Mason), 9: 10: .59, , te. 58-0-0, 1). Ded., of Wm. & . 17 Clarissa (Bird), 2: 5: 75, old age, iv. 7S-3-8, b. Stoughton, of Asa & Betsey, iStoughton, Plymouth. 91 Cyrus E., 12: 23: 57, typhoid fever, a\ 37-0-0, b. Ded., of Samuel & Hannah. 22 Elmer W., 3: 11: 71, consumption, a. 8^9-0, b. Ded., of Jesse & Phebe, Walpole, N. B. 184 Fanny E. (Lewis), 3: 20: 04, pneumonia. ;e. 5.5-0-19, b. Waljiole. of Jabez & Catherine, Ded., do. 3 Francis E., 8: 15: 45, consumption, te. 24-0-0, b. Ded., of Willard & Azubah. 07 Geo. S., 5:7: 59, consumption, a'. 77-0-0, b. Boston. 118 Jas. G., 8: 23: 61, scrofula, a\ 28-2-15, b. Ded., of Jas. & Roxanna, Ded.,Rox. 49 Jesse, 5: 20: 81, old age, ». 80-7-0, b. Walpole, of Abner & Rebecca, AValpole, do. 112 Joshua, 10: 27: 05, dysentery, te. 08-10-25, b. Ded., of Eben'r& Mary. 27 Lavina (Littlefleld), 2: 28: 01, paralysis, aj. 79-0-0. 67 Lois S., 12: 24: 47, fever, a>. 29-0-0, b. Jefferson Me. 48 Marsliall, 10: 14: 54, consumption, a\ 30-7-20, b. Ded., of Wm. & Mille. 85 Mary E. (Cole), 9: 20: 85, dropsy, a. 54-5-0, b. Acton, of George B. & Eliza (Fletcher). Acton, do. 4 Mary P., 12: 1 : 45, fits, a. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Moses S. & Charlotte. 8 Mille (Farrington), 3: 14: 54, consumption, a. 66-2-0, b. Ded., of Elienezer & Eliz'h. 43 Moses, 5:28: 77, ossiHcation valves of heart. a>. 83-0-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & , Bed., . 2 Moses S., 7: 20: 45, inflammation, a. 25-0-0, b. Ded., of Moses & Hannah. 5 Nancy, 1 : 19: 79, old age, a3. 84-4-16, b. Ded., of Ebenezer & Mary, Ded., Newton. 51 Prudence, 3: 20: 71, old age, a. 89-11-12, b. Ded., of Ebenezer & Mary, Ded., Newton. 37 Sarah, 5: 20: 77, old age, a'. 87-3-25, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Mary, Ded., Xewton. 69 Willard, 1: 21: 48, consumption, a'. 53-0-0. 38 Wm., 2: 10: 03, liver comp., w. 77-0-18, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Mary. 130 Wm. H. H., 3: 13: 65, consumption, a. 22-7-14, b. Ded., of Benjamin F. & Priscilla A. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 63 FALES. 44 Addie M. (Allen), 5:1G:S2, ulcer of stomach, a'. ;J.j-l)-l(i, b. Mansfield, of Wni. B. & Fannie (Tolman), Mansfield, Sharon. 50 Chas. S,. 9: 11: 57, dysentery, te. 2-8-19, b. Ded., of Wni. & Mary. 71 Eliph't, 9: 5: 48, dysentery, a?. G8-0-0, b. Ded. 33 Frank H., 5:6:77, tetanus, te. 14-2-24, b. Ded.. of Wm. & :Mary J., Ded., Georgetown Me. m Horace, 11: 17: 56, consumption, ie. 51-0-0, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Sybil. 45 James, 9: 30: 54, fall down stairs, te. 62-14-0, b. Ded., of Nehemiah & Mary. 14 Joshua, 4: 26:52, lung fever, a". 67-5-4, b. Ded., of Joshua & Sarah. 27 Laura A., 8: 25: 44, scarlatina, aj. 19-0-0, b. Ded., of Joshua & . 89 Lucy, 9: 2: 59, cholera infantum, a?. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Newman & Lucy. 128 (D. at Walpole) Lyman M., 2:8: 65, consumption, a. 27-1-21, b. Ded., of Horace & Hannah. 58 Mary (Fales), 6: 10: 6.5. rheumatism, a. 81-2-4, b. New London N. H., of Nath'l & Mary. 69 Mary L. (Paul), 7: 22: 82, old age, a. 88-10-9, b. Dorcli., of AVm. cS: Anna' Ded., Attleboro. 59 Mary W., 10: 29: 53, old age, a. 74-7-2:3, b. Ded., of Neh'h cV Sarah. 21 Neliemiah, 3: 14: 57, consumption, a. 72-:3-0, b. Ded., of Nehemiah & Sarah. 10 (D. at Walpole) Olive M., 3:21:60, consumption, a. 17-3-0, b. Milford, of Horace & Hannah. 106 Kebecca (Everett), 9: 7 : 62, dysentery, a. 81-4-3, b. Hanover N.H., of Nath'l & Rebecca, Ded., . 32 Eebecca E. (Ellis), 4:9:82, pneumonia, a. 79-9-0, 1). Ded., of Abner & Martha, Dorch., Canton. 25 Sarah, w. of Nehemiah, 5: 25: 4.5, old age, se. 9:3-0-0, b. Ded. 90 Steplien, 12 : 3 : 00, paralysis, a. 74-0-0, b. Ded., of Joshua & Sarah W., Ded., do. 128 (D. at Walpole), Sybil (Sumner), 11:4:67, old age, a'. 85-4-13, b. Ded., of Geo. & Margaret, Ded., do. 9 Willis, 1: 27: 61, congestion of brain, a. 4-0-4, 1). Ded., of Newman & liUcy (Weatherbee). FALLON. 19 John, 3:4: 84, dis. of liver, w. 68-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Mary, Ire., do. FANN ING. 65 Sarah R. (Radclitt'e), 8:7:84, phthisis, a. 30-4-17, b. Ded., of Winslow & Sophia, Boston, W. Rox. FARLEY. 119 John E. AV., 11: 22: 87, hypostic pneumonia, a. 72-8-16, b. Ipswich, of Jal)ez «& Susanna, Ipswich, do. 61 Robert F., 8: 24: 73, convulsions, a. 0-0-8, b. Ded., of Wm. H. & Caty, N.B., Boston. FARNHAM. 127 (D. at Boston), Michael, 12: 23: 89, hemorrhage, a. 75-0-0, b. Boothbay Me., of & Abigail, , Boothbay Me. 64 D ED HAM RECORDS. FARRELL. 81 Eclw., 8: 14: 90, pneumonia, jf. 70-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 98 Margaret (Fitzpatrick), w. of Eclw. E., 9: 11 : 87, pneumonitis, re. G.j-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Honora, Ire., do. FAKREX. 106 Eliz'h (McGuinness), 12 : 5 : 85, paralysis of heart, jt. 37-0-0, b. Ire., of Arthur & Bridget, Ire., do. 9.5 Joseph, 10: 20: 85, , te. 0-1-10, b. Ded., of Patrick & Eliz'h, Ire., do. FARRIXGTOX. 25 Abby A., 5: S: 5:3, scarlet fever, a\ 1-4-1, b. Bed., of Geo. O. & Abby 1). 68 Abby A., 12: 4: 57, lung fever, a\ 2-0-0, b. Ded., of Geo. O. & Abby D. 104 Abby D. (Paul), 12: 16: 76, Bright's dis., :e. .50-8-7, b. Dorch., of John & Abi- gail I)., Dorch., Westford. 20 Ambrose, 9:1: 47, , te. 70-0-0. 41 Annie R., 7: 11 : 57, consumption, fe. 22-7-0, b. Ded., of Chas. & Lydia. 52 Caty (Colburn), 6: 29: 72, consumption of blood, ffi. 72-.5-21, b. Ded., of Isaac & Eliz'h, Ded., Marlboro. 28 Chas., 7: 14: 59, suicide, iv. .52-4-0, b. Ded., of Reuben & Eliz'h. 36 Chas. H., 4: 27: 82, apoplexy, «:-. ,50-6-9, b. Ded., of Chas. & Lydia D., Ded., do. 37 Charlotte, 5: 14: 78, dropsy, a;. 80-2-0, b. Ded., of Stephen & Lucy, Ded., . 82 David, 9: 17: .55, cancer, re. 79-0-0, b. Ded., of Benj. & Sarah. 31 Desire (Whitney), 4: 27: 80, hydrothorax, re. 87-2-18, b. Orange, of Jaliez & Eliz'h, Rox., do. 46 Ebenezer, 4: 18: 48, old age, re\ 88-0-0, b. Ded. 85 Edward C, 8:7: 65, consumption, re. 28-2-11, b. Ded., of Chas. & Lydia D. 28 Eliz., w. of Reuben, 3: 24: 49, fever, re. 68-0-0. 15 Eliz'h (Bent), 2:6: .57, old age, re. 90-5-6, b. Milton. A^ Emily A. (Alden), 4:12: 6.5, consumption, w. 4.5-7-0, b. Ded., of Francis & Sarah S. 51 Geo. M., 0: 22: 72, convulsion, re. 0-15-0, b. Ded., of Geo. M. & Cleopatra K., Wrenthani, Ilolliston. 18 Hannah (Kingsbury), 1 : 21: 7:], old age, re'. 94-9-21, b. Needham, of Xathau & Iniaia^ Needham, do. 12 Helena F.,9: 16: 48, intlam. of bowels, re-. 0-7-9, b. Ded., of Reuben & Emily. 141 James, 10: 17: 64, lung fever, re. 82-0-19, b. Ded., of Benj. & Sarah, Ded., do. 74 Jesse, 12: 31 : 57, inflam. of liver, re. 77-0-8, b. Ded., of Benj. & Saraii. 41 Joseph N.,1: 8: 70, drowned, re. .9-11-19, b. Salem, of Geo. M. & C. K., Wrentham, Holliston. 44 Lois (Holmes), 4:1: 65, old age, :e. 84-6-5, b. Ded., of Wm. & Desire. 47 Lucy P., 3: 27: (S%, old age, re. 81-11-5, b. Ded., of Benj. & Sarah, Ded., do. 27 Lydia D. (Crehore), 3: 9: 69, consumption, re'. 62-2-9, b. Ded., of Elisha & Sarah, Milton, Canton. 40 Mary B., 2: 4: 67, paralysis, re. 42-3-8, b. Ded., of Otis & Caty, Ded., do. 37 Mille, 6: 7: .57, old age, re. 84-0-0, b. Walpole, of Eben'r & . 82 Nancy, 8:7: 63, old age, a'. 80-10-0, b. Ded., of Stephen & Sarah, Dedham, Dorchester. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 65 93 Otis, 12: 20: TO, accidental, ?e. 73-1-20, b. Ded., of Ebenezer & Elizabeth, Dedham, Milton. 49 Rebecca (Metcalf), 5: 28: 80, paralysis, fe. 86-0-20, b. Ded., of Jos. c*v: Rebecca (Fairbanks), Ded., do. 13 Reuben, 4: G: 50, cancer, re. 81-.5-24, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Hannah. 81 Ruth (Gould), w. of David, 9: 29: .5.5, cancer, te. 71-0-0, b. Greenfield X. H., of John & Mary. 5 Sarah, 10: 8: 52, old age, a'. 87-1-2, b. Dorch., of Stephen & Sarah. 95 Tirzah M. (Beckworth), 9: 13: .58, information on the brain, :e. 3S-0-0, b. Lerapster X. H., of Martin & Tirzah. 13 Wm. H., 3: 18: 58, apoplexy, ;e. 37-1-6, b. Ded., of Ambrose & Lois. FAVOR. 62 (D. at Boston) Benj. G. [adopted by F. F. FavorJ, 4: IS: 88, typhoid fever, te, 2.5-2-0, b. Haverhill, of Charles C. & Anna Goodrich Cole, Xorway Me., Haverhill. FAY, FAHY, FEHEY. 46 Berbera, 2: 16: 70, , te. 0-11-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Ellen, Ire., do. 130 Bridget (Burke), 6: 24: 6:3, lung fever, se. 24-0-9, b. Ireland, of Patrick & Honora. 53 Bridget (Larkin), 4:2: 71, heart disease, te. 62-9-0, b. Ire., of Darby & Mary, Ireland, do. 34 Cornelius, 5: 4: 49, consumption, te. 32-0-0, b. Ire. 64 Lizzie, 6: 11 :89, consumption, se. 31-7-10, b. Ire., of Michael & Ellen (Joyce), Ireland, do. 22 Michael, 3: 5: 83, cystitis, fe. 78-0-0, b. Ire., of Richard & , Ire., . 1 Michael J., 1: 1: 90, consumption, te. 27-3-2:3, b. Ire. , of Michael & Ellen (Joyce), Ire., do. EEAROiST. 46 Louisa A., 10: 16: 62, teething, te. 1-0-11, b. Ded., of Edward & Eleanor, Ireland, Xova Scotia. FELCH. 20 Vesubar, 2: 29: 76, teething, te 0-9-22, b. X. B., of George W. & Sadie A., Waterford Vt., Randolph. FELIX. 107 Mary J., 10: 17: 89, , :e. 2-0-0, b. Boston, of Geo. & Catharine M. (Taylor), W. Indies, Canada. FELL. 5 Margaret C , 1 : 15: 80, convulsions, fe. 0-11-0, b. Ded., of Chas. L. iS: Mary L., Ded., W. Rox. 27 Scibine (Grady). 4: 4: 87, heart dis., le. 64-0-0, b. Ire., of Ferdinand iS: Kate, Ire., do. EELTOX. 66 Anna (Richards), 11 : 26 : .57, consumption, ;e. 76-0-0, b. Ded., of & Abigail. 139 Chas. C, 10:9:64, consumption, a'. 55-10-24, b. Xeedham, of Isaac & Anna, Xeedham, do, 24 George, 8:1: 51, bowel comp., a'. 0-2-1.5, b. Ded., of Chas. C. & Mary. 66 DEDHAM RECORDS. 43 Horace. 3: 15: Go, consumption, te. 15-10-21, b. J^eedhani, of Clias. C. & Mary C. 30 Mary C. (Smith), 0: 10: 5:3, consumption, te. 36-2-15, b. Lexington, of Chas. S. & Hannah. 91 Rosanna AV., 10: 10: 0:3, brain fever, a?. ;3-3-3, b. Ded., of Chas. C. & Mary W., Needham, Hingham. 53 Eosilla A., 11 : 15: 59, croup, a\ 2-7-10, b. Ded., of Chas. & Mary W. FEllGUSOX. 40 Andrew B , 5: 4: 82, heart dis., fe. 2.5-4-9, b. Scot., of John & Susanna, Scot., do. iFEENANDEZ, FERXAXDIES. 23 Sarah E.. 3: 17: 57, scarhitina, te. 4-1-1:3, b. Andover, of Daniel & Sarah. 14 Wm. A., 4: 12: 59. dis. of brain, te. 3-6-7,. b. Ded., of Daniel & Sarah. TERREL. 117 Catherine M., 8: 10: 64, dysentery, te. 2-2-5, li. Manchester X. H., of Eugene & Margaret, Manchester X. H., Ire. PERRIX. 23 Susanna (Edmunds), 3: 28 : 71, old age, a;. 87-9-0, b. Saundus, X. H., of Thos. & Ruth, Xewbury, . FERRY. 74 Arthur V., 8: 29: 80, cholera infantum, te. 1-0-5, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, Ire., do. FESSEXDEX. ■57 John, 5: 11 : 71, erysipelas, te. 77-1-28, b. Lexington, of Thos. & [Lucy] (Lee), Lexington, Concord. •34 X^ancy B. (Baker), 5: 18: 86, paralysis of lungs, te. 82-7-15, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Anne E., Ded., do. EETT. 86 Jticob, 12: 27: 57, typhoid fever, t^. 3.5-0-0, b. Germany. FIELD. 105 Charlotte E. (Whiting), 11 : 12: 83, rupture of heart, a3. 68-10-22, b. Boston, of Moses & Persis R. (Clark), Ded., Hubbardston. 45 Edwin II., 5: 30: 8.5, peritonitis, te. 1:3-5-20, b. Ded., of Ferdinand C. & Eleanor T., Rox., Ded. •66 Eleanor L., 7 : 27 : 85, hemorrhage of bowels, te. 16-11-7, b. Ded., of Ferdinand C. & Eleanor T., Rox., Ded. 127 Horace, 11: 12: 62, erysipelas, se. 71-0-0, b. Mansfield, of Jos. & , Mans- field, . 19 Mary E., 1: 28: 90, Bright's dis., tt. 11-7-21, b. Ded., of Ferdinand C. & Eleanor T. (Clapp), Rox., Ded. FILBRICK. 98 Catharina F., 11 : 18: 58, tumor, te. 52-0-0, b. Germany. FIXCH. .93 Sartih M. (Talmtidge), w. of Alfred, 9: 8: 87, cerebral hemorrhage, tie. 75-1-5, b. Meriden Ct., of Daniel & Lucy, Mass., Ct. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 67 FINN. 102 , 11 : 9: 81, stillborn, b. Ded,, of John \V. & Maggie J., Ded.. Walpole. 21 Aniiia, 12 : 0: 72, slow fever, a?. 18-8-0, b. Ded., of Jas. & Mary. 126 Fannie, 12: 7: 87, pericarditis, a'. 8-7-17, b. Ded., of John W. & Maggie J.» Ded.. Walpole. 18 Frances (McLaughlin), 4: 21: 54, childbed, a.'. 2.5-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Bridget. 87 Frances E., 10: 12: 80. diphtheria, le. 4-3-17, b. Ded., of Jas. II. & xVnnie E., Ded., Ire. 19 James, 5: 15: .59, consumption, ie. 40-0-0, b. Ireland. 10 James V., 2 : 12: 79, consumption, re. 19-5-24, b. Ded., of Jas. & Mary, Ire., do. 109 (D. at Portsmouth Grove). John, 6: 18: 64, wound in arm. le. 2:M-0. b. Ire., of John & Sarah, Ire., do. [soldier.] 69 Mary, 8: 10: 79, insufficiency of mitral valve, le. 2:3-1-0, b. Ire., of Peter & Anna, Ire., do. 18 Mary A., 4: 9: .58, congestion of brain, te. 2-10-:3, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary, 88 Mary A., 10: 17:80, diphtheria, a3. .5-5-0, b. Ded., of Jas. E. & Annie E., Ded., Ire, 61 Patrick, 12: 23: 59, , ce. 33-0-0, b. Ire., of Richard & Ann. 42 Thos. J., 4:16:81, typhoid fever, a'. 25-0-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do. 20 Wm., 4: 4: 60, lung fever, te. 0-5-2, b. Ded.. of Patrick & Mary. 90 Wm. P., 10: 20: 80, diphtheria, te. 4-3-25, b. Ded., of James 11. & Annie E., Ded., Ire. FINNERTY. 11 Michael A., 7: l: 72, diphtheria, a?. 34-.5-0, b. Ire., of Anthony & Margaret, Ire., do. FIXXEY (^'ee aUo PJiinney.) 46 Mary H. (Harrington), 8:2:57, dysentery, ae. 56-7-2, b. Eastport Me., of Andred & Abigail. FISH. 28 , 7: 10: 45, fever, se. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of James & Frances. 21 Eli, 1 : 24 : 49, lung fever, ». 6.5-0-0. 100 Frances M. (ISIcIntosb), 12: 2: 80, progressive paralysis, a.\ 60-0-9, b. Ded., of Elisha & Betsey, Dorch., Ded. 1 Sarah, 1 : 13 : 48, consumption, ft. 26-0-0. FISHER. 61 , w. of Jeremiah, 4 : — : 48, , ai. 80-0-0. 117 , 9: — : 49, dysentery, a?. 6-0-0, b. Ded., d. of Asa & . 98 , 4: 30: 64, dis. of brain, te. , b. Ded., s. of Geo. & M. Estella, Ded., do. 135 Abijah, 11 : 23 : 67, old age, a?. 89-7-0, b. Ded.. of Asa & Mary, Ded., do. 49 Albert, 6:8:87, enlargement of prostate gland, a'. 74-11-9. b. Bolton, of Jacob & Ann, Wrentiiam, Boston. .39 Alvan, 2 : 13 : 63, intlammation, le. 70-6-0, b. Xeedharn, of Aaron & Lucy S. 100 Alvan B., 8: 22: 61, dysentery, te. 0-20-20, b. Ded.. of Alvan J. & Martha C. 48 Alvan J., 4: 15 : 63, congestion of lungs, te. 34-10-0. b. Ded., of Alvan & Lydia, Needham, Ded. 30 DEDHAM RECORDS. 60 Ann, 0: 13: 65, old age, te. 89-8-0, b. Harvard. 89 Arvilla (Gray), w. of Albert, 7: 14: 88, cancer, fe. 80-2-10, b. Paris Me., of John & Naomi, Worcester, Paris Me. 83 Bertha C, 10: 3: 78, meningitis, a?. 3-1-21, b. Ded., of John B. & Helen S., Cook's Corner Vt., Ded. 3 Billings, 2:4: .54, consumption, se. 7:3-0-0, b. Ded., of Oliver & Sarah. 71 Chloe (Smith), 3: 24: .56, old age, fe. 84-0-0, b. Walpole, of Asa & Miriam. 51 (D. at Boston) Eben S., 4: 7: 67, consumption, te, 43-7-0, b. Ded., of Eben & Sophia M., Need., Ded. 29 Ebenezer Jr., 1 : 4 : 47, consumption, a\ 50-0-0, b. Needham. ,56 Ebenezer, 10: 12: 47. old age, te. 96-0-0, b. Ded. 10 Edwin, 8: 29: 46, teething, «, 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Amory & Eliz'h D. 7 Prank A., 1 : 24: 57, croup, a?. 1-6-24, b. Ded., of Amory & Eliz'h D. 06 Freeman, 7: 8: 60, inflam. of kidneys, a?. 73-0-0, b. Need., of Aaron & Lucy, Need., do. 24 (D at Jamaica Plain) Freeman, 3: 14: 76, accident, ai. :3:3-2-ll, b. Quincy, of Joshua & Eliza, Ded., . 50 Geo., 6: 8: 87, angina pectoris, fe. 56-0-21, b. Ded., of Jos. & Hannah, Ded., do. 99 Geo. W., 11: 22: 8-5, internal injury from accident, a-. 54-2-1, b. Box., of Levi^is W. & Lydia, Box., Littleton. 80 Hannah (Parker), w. of Billings, 8: 29: 49, dysentery, a. 60-0-0, b. Groton, of Inila & Hannah. 93 ILannah (Baker), 10: 29: 53, tumor, a?. 48-0-0, b. Ded., of Sabin & Hannah. 4 Hannah M. A., 3: 22: .52, consumption, oe. 2:3-4-0, b, Ded., of Billings & Hannah. 4 Henry F., 1: 14: 82, diphtheritic croup, a. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Freeman & Eliz'h D., Ded., do. 15 Herman, 2: 20: 61, heart dis., a\ 62-0-0, b. Southboro, of Joshua & Mary. 25 Jabez, 3: 13: 83, pneumonia, te. 81-2-16, b. Ded., of Benj. & Abigail, Wal- pole, Ded. 98 Jeremiah, 12:4: 73, chronic diarrhoea, a. 70-0-0, b. Ded., of John & , Ded., do. .33 John, 4: 16: 49, lung fever, a. 74-0-0. 76 John, 7: 29: 89, chronic enteritis, a. 84-4-9, b. Ded., of John & Chloe, Ded., Walpole. 65 Joseph. 8: 13: 80, intussusception of bowels, a. 75-0-19, b. Ded., of Benj. & Abigail, Ded.. do. 88 Jo.shua, 8: 27: 00, gangrene of old age, a. 8:3-3-0, b. Ded., of John »fe Chloe (Smith), Ded., Walpole. 46 Keziah (Billings), 8: 25: 53, liver comp., a. 72-4-28, b. Canton, of Samuel & Hannah. 4 Leonard. 1: 18: 61, old age, a. 76-0-14, b. Ded., of Oliver & Sarah (Billings), Ded., Sharon. 45 Lewis W., 2: 25: 71, consumption, a. 75-0-0, b. Box., of Lewis & Mary, Ded., Sharon. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 69 73 Lydia (Patch), 8 : 22 : 70, paralysis, ;x'. 78-0-0, b. Littleton, of Abraham & Sarah. 85 Lydia (Ellis), w. of Alvan, 8: 21: 87, paralysis, a-. 82-5-23, b. Ded., of Abner & Martha, Ded., Canton. 36 Mary G. (Bronson), 4: 29: 85, old age, :v. 83-0-0, b. Mendon, of AVillis & Sally (Godfrey), Mendon, Milford. 3 Mary M., 1: 25: 00, typhoid fever, le. 15-0-0, b. Lindon Vt., of Ephraim & Laura. 34 May C, 4:1: 83, diphtheritic croup, iu. 10-ll-:3, b. Ded., of Jos. «fc Mary E., Ded., Harrington Me. 8 Miriam B., 1:22: 82, diptheritic croup, a?. 11-3-7, b. L'ed., of Freeman & Eliz'h D., Ded., do. 42 Nancy (Farrington), 5: 15: 70, inflam. of bowels, ;e. 72-G-O, b. Ded., of Abel »fe Hannah L., Canton, do. 130 Newell, 11: 18: 02, suicide, te. 43-7-12, b. \Yalpole, of Asa & Sally, Walp., do. 88 Olive, 3: 21: 57, old age, a;. 82-0-0, b, Ded. 92 Olive (Smith), 4 : 22 : 57, old age, je. 76-0-0, b. Ded. 22 Paul, 10: 27: 46. heart comp., fe. 70-0-0, b. Ded. 91 Persis H. (Howes), 10: 20: 70, cancer, a. 71-1-1, b. Boston, of Elisha & Debo- rah, Dennis, Ashford. 07 Kelief , w. of Eliphalet, 8 : 23 : 44, old age, a?. 76-0-0. 47 Sally (Pond), 5: 18: 82, old age, re. 85-4-0, b. Ded., of Eliphalet & Prudence (Fairbanks), Ded., do. 37 Sophia M. (Smith), 5: 20: 49, consumption, ae. 51-0-0, b. Ded., of & Grace. 7 Susan A. (Lynde), 5: 17: 66, consumption, se. 27-6-11, b. Melrose, of George «& Harriet N. 49 Walter L., 9: 14: 53, affection of brain, re. 0-9-17, b. Ded., of Eben S. & Ellen M. P. FISKE. 77 Fanny (Field), w. of Abijah, 2: 22: 55, consumption, ;e. 08-0-0, b. Foxboro, of Joseph & Elizabeth. FITCH. 61 Edith M., 8:5: 79, intlam. of brain, aj. 0-8-26, b. Yonkers N. Y., of James S. & Martha P. M., Albany Co. N. Y., Waltham. FITCHELD. 75 , 9: 17: 70, , fe. 0-0-1, b. Ded., d. of Richard & Catharine, Ire., do. FITZGERALD. 39 , 5: 18: 78, premature birth, le. 0-0-1, b. Dedham, d. of John & Ellen, Boston, do. 110 , 12: 1 : 81, stillborn, b. Ded., of Richard & Catharine, Ire., do. 141 Ellen (Donovan), w. of John, 12: 23: 88, apoplexy, se. 47-9-S. b. Boston, of Robert & Catherine (Congdon), Eng., Ire. 102 Jas., 8: 24: 88, diarrhoea, le. 72-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & ^fary. Ire., do. 59 John M., 6: 19: 81, diphtheria, fc. 14-1-8, b. Boston, of John & Ellen, Boston, do. 125 Margaret, 1: 10: 65, diphtheria, :e. :3-10-10, b. Ded., of John & Mary. 70 DEDHAM RECORDS. 120 Morris, 1: 18: 05, diphtheria, re. 2-5-25, 1). Ded., of John & Mary. 40 Patrick, 3:9: 04, cousumption, fe. 42-0-0, b. Ire. riTZGIBBONS. 10 Juli;i A. (Murphy), w. of John, 1: 25: 88, consumption, re. 30-4-10, b. X. Y, City, of Thos. & Mary, Ire., do. 115 Mary, 12:25:84, consumption, re. 25-2-5, b. Boston, of John & Margaret, Irehmd, do. FITZHENRY. 41 JJridget, 4: 21 : 75. wiiooping cough, re. 5-0-0, b. Ireland, of Lawrence & Mary A., Ireland, do. OS Mary A. (Dunn), 12: 0: 74, consumption, re\ 40-0-9, b. Ire., of James & Mar- garet, Ireland, do. riTZPATKICK. 87 William II., 12: 24: 77, inherited syphilis, re'. 0-2-10, b. Ded., of John & Mary, X. B., Boston. FLAGG. 31 Charles, 2:0: 47, erysipelas, .re. 00-0-0. FLAVELL. 187 Hannah (Rotch), 4: 22: 04, consumption, re\ 29-0-0, b. St. John's, of Thomas & Hannah, St. Johns, do. FLEMING. 53 Douglass, 9: 20: 58, colic, re'. 54-0-0, b. Ire., of Chas. & Lilly. 30 Eliz., 8: 20: 51, whooping cough, re. 1-8-10, b. Ded., of Douglass & Sarah. FLUET. 79 Edmund A., 9: 5: 85, phthisis, re-. 25-10-1, b. Boston, of Louis & Eulalie A., Canada, do. .54 Eulalie A. (Scheifer), 7: 20: 78, typhoid fever, re. 5:3-5-14, b. Quebec, of & ]\rary B., Quebec, do. 101 Lo.i.s, 10: 17: 83, apoplexy, re. 09-1-19, b. Canada, of James & Mary L., Canada, do. 94 William A., 10: 20: 84, consumption, re^. 22-7-13, b. Boston, of Louis & Eulalie, Canada, do. FLYNN. OS Daniel, 9: 8: 72, dysentery, re. 2-7-11, b. Ded., of John & Hannah. 54 Thomas, 0: 0: 81, diphtheria, re\ 2-0-0, b. Ded., of George W. & Catherine, Stoughton, Milton. FOGER. 37 Martha, 8: 27: 59, cholera infantum, fe. 0-7-14, b. Ded., of Albert & Martha. FOGERTY. 64 Jolin, 0: 27: 05, heart dis., re\ :35-l-0, b. Ire., of Dennis & Joanna. FOGG. 124 ]\I ibel T., 12: 22: 62, scarlatina, re\ 5-1-7, b. Ded., of David S. & Mary B., Meredith N. H., Xew London Ct. 57 Mary M., 4: 27: 50, fever, re\ 1-3-0, b. Ded., of David S. & Mary. * ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 71 FOLEY. 86 Hannah (McCarthy), 10: 8: 84, hip disease, ;e. 08-0-0, 1). Ire., of & , Irehmd, do. 15 Honora, 0: 8: 71, consumption, ;e. 21-0-0, b. Irehmd, of Patrick A: .Johanna, Irehmd. do. 77 James, i): 16: 84, cholera infantum, jb. 0-8-14, b. Dedham, of John & ^Fary, Irehmd, do. 94 Johanna (Sullivan), 10: 2.'3: 8.5, consumption, te. 70-0-0, b. Ireland, of John & Hannora, Ireland, do. 43 Julia, 7: 2.5: 55, consumption, re. 0-6-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Sarah. 193 Margaret, 6: 20: 04, scarlet fever, aj. 0-10-0, b. Ded., of Thomas & Margaret,. Ireland, do. 59 Margaret, 6: 6: 70, consumption, a\ 18-1-0, 1). Ire., of Patrick & Johanna, Ireland, do. 34 Patrick, (>:21: 55, consumption, fe. :3S-0-0, b. Ire., of Dennis & Mary. 103 Patrick, 11: 8: 79, pneumonia, ?e. 29-0-0, b. Ireland, of Cornelius & Ellen, Ireland, do. 8 Patrick, 1 : 20: 8(), meningitis, te. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of John & Mary, Ire., do. rOLLANSBEE. 76 Louis H., 9: 3: 80, , te. 0-0-:3, b. Ded., of Sherman & Juliette, Brooklyn New York, Dedham. FOLLETT. ■49 Abby II., 4: 7: 88, endocarditis, re. ll-;3-2, b. Xorth Attleboro, of E. M. & Jennie E., Wrentham, Ded. FOLSOM. 10 Susan C. (Jackson), 0: 27: 71, i)eritonitis, ;e. 29-7-0, 1). Boston, of Charles & Susan C, Boston, do. FORCE. 3 Eliza A., 1: 15: 01, inflam. of uterus, re. 2.5-4-17, b. Ded., of George & Eliz'h B. (Dean), , Ded. 96 Emily L., 10: 24: 58, typhoid fever, te. 15-0-0, b. Ded., of George & Eliza. FORD, FOORD, FORDE. 18 Ann, 8: 2: 47, consumption, te. 18-0-0, b. Dorch., of j^ath'l & Ann. 86 Ann (Hickey), w. of John L., 7:3: 88, paralysis, re. 80-3-0, b. X. F., of Richard & Tabitha, , X. F. 169 Elizabeth, 1 : 11 : 64, whooping cough, re. 2-4-2, b. Ded., of Tliomas A: Sarali, Ireland, do. 80 Enos, 4: 22: 61, inflam. of bladder, te. 64-6-0, b. Milton, of James & ITaiinali, Milton, do. 120 (D. at Fall River) Esther, 12: 12: 90, exhaustion, te, 90-2-0, b. Milton, of James & Hannah (Blake), Milton, do. Ill James G., 11: 18: 90, apoplexy, re. 82-6-4. \^. Ireland, of Charles & Jane. (Grahtmi), Ireland, do. 06 John, 11 : 17: 74, consumption, t\\ 20-2-4, b. Scot., of John & Jane. Scot., do. 09 Judith E. (Crosby), 7: 13: 6-5, childbirth, re. 32-0-0, b. X;intucket, of jNIattliew & Elizabeth. T2 DEDHAM RECORDS. 25 Sophia, 4:1: 85, old age, te. S2-9-24, b. Milton, of James & Hannah (Blake), Milton, do. roiuusT. 15 Marcus A., 1 : 23: 89, 11. E. accident, «. 24-3-2G, b. Foxboro, of Marcus P. & Lucy M. (Howard), Foxboro, Easton. FOSTER. 17 , 7: 11: 47, , ;o. . 18 Hannah, 2: 2: 88, bronchitis, fe. 68-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ann, Ire., do. 34 John, 8: 26: 54, cholera infantum, te. 0-4-7, b. Boston, of John & Ann. FOl-LKXER. 77 Eliz'h W. (Whiting), 4: 17: 74, cancer, a?. 52-0-0, b. Ded., of James & Lucy, Ded., do. FOWLER. 25 Esther S. (Young), w. of Wm. C, 2: 18: 88, apoplexy, t«. 69-9-24, b. Chatham, of Elisha & Esther, Chatham, do. 103 Wm., 10: 23: 90, , a-. 1-2-0, b. , of & Nina. FOX. 82 Eliz'h A., 8: 14: 90, convulsions, ai, 0-8-25, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary (McEntee), Ire., do. FOXCROFT. 8 Betsey (Cook), 3:9:63, length of years. a\ 83-4-5, b. Boston, of Israel & Phebe, Boston. Maiden. FOY. 60 Susan, fno date, Rec. 1 : 30: 51], consumption, le. 35-0-0. FRANCIS. 50 Benj. D., 3: 20: 64, , te. . [soldier.] FRANKLIN. 15 Cliester, 2: 16:64, pneumonia, te. 18-0-0, b. Lyme N. IL, of Ezra & Eliza. I soldier.] FREEMAN. 21 , 4: 11: 86, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Geo. & Cynthia, Warren, Me. 114 Danforth, 11:3: 89, old age, io. 65-0-0, b. W. Rox., of Geo. & . FRENCH. 72 , w. of Benj., 8:1: 54, old age, se. 73-0-0. 36 Hannah (Johnson), 12: 5: 71, congestion of lungs, a3. 56-10-19, b. Walpole, of Comfort H. & Susan. 78 Hepzibeth, 10: 4: 56, consumption, te. 34-0-0, b. Me. 77 Mary (Dascomb), 8: 8: 56, confined to bed 23 yrs., a;. 55-0-0, b. Rox. 70 Mary L., 7: 7: 54, poison, re. 1-8-0, b. Ded., of Chas. & [Hebzibeth.j 134 Rufus, 6: 6: 67, gangrene, te. 74-8-2.5, b. Ded., of Samuel & Mary, Ded., do. 100 Samuel, 12: 20: 55, consumption, te. 69-0-0, b. Ded., of Samuel & Hannah. 47 Sophia J., 8: 16: 49, whooping cough, te. 2-0-7, b. Ded., of Abram & Sophia J. FRIERY, FRIARY. 19 John, 4: 23: 70, drowned, a. 3-0-0, b. Ded., of Jas. & Bridget, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. ^^ 21 Margaret, 0: 15: G8, whooping cough, re. 2-0-0, 1.. Dec!., of Lawrence & Ann. 61 Mary (Guiney), 9: 10: Gl, gastritis, te. :35-0-0, b. Ire. ^62 Maria J., 8:5:72, consumption, ... 1-2-0, b. P. E. L, of Daniel & Jane, P. E. I., do. ™ Joannf ^F'rt^ch), 7: «: 72, eonsumptic™ of blood, a-. r,4-,-20. b. Boston, of AToses & Betsey, Hanover, do. 15 Ma y E , 5: 25: 56%onsumption, ... 14-2-1, b. Boston, of ^f^'^'^^'f^ 96 Samuel P., 12: 18: 72, dropsy, a^ 64-5-13, b. Boston, of Samuel & Lydia, Boston, do. ^68 Aarat 12: 1S:.», consumption, «. 03-0-7, b. Ded., of Jesse & Lydia, Bed., U Aaro"'™ I.-.: 79, consumption, a.. 28-4-0, b. Boston, of Aaron & Margaret S., 03 Ab,;;'E!°2:2«-: 50, consumption, .e. i4-l-14. h. Waipole, of William E. & 60 AWgail (K.^tcr), 12: 10: 50, lung fever, .e. 02-2-2.5, b. Wayland, of Thomas & 103 A!vi"E"'2: :',: 71, congestion of brain, :e. l-S-12, b. Ded.. of Alvin & ,:, .>-1-1.>. b. ,L)ed.. & Abigail (Stowell). Ded.. do. , „ , , „,..,. ^ ., j „£,:.. 24 C:vlvi„, O: 27: .54. paralysis, a-. OS-0-0, ";Ded of Eh,* t .V Lyd a^ 151 Cliarles. 12: 11 : 04. consumption, a. 55-10-0. b. Ded.. ol jesse 131 C."tl2:23:87, old age. a. 8:!-l-8, b. Shrexvsbury Vt.. of Jos. & Achsah. .1 c"r'R r's'S; — . ce. W-10. b. Ded.. ol Henry & Clara a. Ded do S "^^i:-^-. a.. SO-11-0. b. Dea. Of Aaron^. Ab gan^. Ded. ,^.^^^ 10 Eliz'h F. (Ellis'), 2: 2: 68, paralysis, a?, bl-0-0, b. P»ed., ot jo^et i (Whiting), Ded., do. 68 Ellen, w. of Eliph't, 9: •^-/^^' °\^3^f 'j^^^^^Vf Eliph't & Eleanor. 89 Ellis 3: 23: 57, dropsy, se. 09-10-13, b. JJeci., oi jiiupu I s:" 12 :'™ T'^X^i^^^ '!5- "^- "^ '-- * '-^'"' ''''■' 2 Gr*nw™d. 1: 1: SB. paralysis, a. 7S-2-20. „. Shrewsbury Vt.. of Joseph & Achsah, Dover, Sherborn. 74 DEDHAM RECORDS. 9 Jesse, 3: 21: 50, gravel comp., ;e. 80-7-0, b. Ded., of Aaron & Abigail. 96 Lucy (Gay), 6: 18: 68, gastritis, a?. 76-1-18, b. Ded., of Ichabod & Catharine. 82 Maria L. (Stone), 12 : 19 : 74, consumption, ai. 30-1-0, b. , of Isaac & . 6 Marthaetta, 1 : 28: 60, fits, ce. 1-10-0, b. Ded., of Spencer & Sarah. 107 Mary, 10: 3: 61, infantile dis., fe. 0-0-11, b. Ded., of Geo. & Hannah, Ded., Walpole. 66 Peggy, w. of Samuel G., .5: 13: 44, consumption, re 53-0-0. 99 (D. at Sharon) Sam'], 6: 11: 5:3, consumption, te. 66-0-0, b. Ded., of Jonathan & Annah. 43 Sarah (Gay), 11: 8: .52, lung fever, re. 85-9-26, b. Ded., of Dan'l & Thankful. 121 Sarah (Dodge), 4: 14: 67, pneumonia, re. 4:3-11-24, b. Edgecomb Me., of John «fe Sophia, Edgecomb, do. 75 Sarah (Fisher), 2: 24: 74, dropsy, re. 5:3-11-0, b. Ded., of John & , Ded., do. 86 Spencer, 2: 24: 71, rheumatism, re. 52-7-23, b. Mass., of Spencer & Sally, Ded.^ Dover. SO Walter A., 12: 15: 60, fit, re. 0-2-2, b. W. Rox., of Andrew J. & Annette. GAFFNEY, GAFFY. 32 Bernard, 7: 19: 62, typhoid fever, re. 22-6-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Ellen, Ire., do., 13 Bridget, 8 : 1 : 67, , re. 32-0-0, b. Ire. 41 Catherine (Dale), 5: 20: 84, apoplexy, re. 62-2-0, b. Ire., of Luke & Sally, Ire., do. 66 Ellen, 10: 25: .55, consumption, re. 1-6-18, b. Ded., of Michael & Ellen. 78 Ellen (Dorr), w. of Michael, 8: 11: 87, diarrhoea, re. 70-7-22, b. Ire., of Edw. & Honora, Ire., do. 24 Lizzie B., 8: 24: 67, infantile, re. 0-0-27, b. Ded., of Jas. & Bridget, Ire., do. 47 Margaret, 8: 7: 60, cholera infantum, re. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Peter & Margaret, Ire., do. 67 Mary E., 9:19:77, valvular dis. of heart, re. 2.5-0-9, b. Montgomery K Y., of Michael & Ellen, Ire., do. 102 Mary J. (McLane). w. of Frank D., 9: 23: 87, consumption, a'. 3:3-6-4, b. Ded., of James & Mary, Ire., do. 74 Peter D., 7: 17: 83, dropsy, re. 57-4-2.5, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ellen, Ire., do. 94 Peter W., 11: 7: 80, pneumonia,, re. 0-1-0, b. Ded., of James J. & Mary G., Dedham, Ct. GAGE. 65 Saloma (Snow), 10: 21 : 61, apoplexy, re. 71-11-0, b. Chatham, of Aaron & Abby. GAIIAGAN^. 4 John, 6: 11: 69, scarlet fever, re. 2-2-0, b. Methuen, of Matliew & Lucy, Ire., Charlestown. GALE. 20 Anna (Bambauer), 1 : 31 : 73, phthisis, k. 22-0-0, 1). Boston, of Jacol) & Cath- erine, Germany, do. 35 Mary (Lyford), l: 18: 63, old age, re'. 74-0-0, b. New .Market, X. IT., of Fran- cis & Mary, New Market, N. 11., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 75 GALHAE, GALHER. 15 Catharine, 4: 27: 59, dis. of heart, sb. 29-0-0, b. Ire., of Hugh & Mary. 57 Ellen, 9: 12: .5.5, canker, te. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Peter & Catharine. GALLAGHER, GALLAHER. 33 ^ 4: 21 : 8.5, prematnre birth, te. 0-0-2. b. Ded., s. of P. Robert & Margaret v., Charlestown, Walpole. 97 John, 10: 9: 90, difficult labor, a?. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Peter & Mary (Carroll), Ire., do. 45 Mary, 11 : 9: .52, liver comp., a;. 32-0-0, b. Ire. 94 Peter 3' 7: 81, consumption, a?. 32-0-0, b. Boston, of Patrick & Ann, Ire., do. 16 Thos.! 2: 21: 81, meningitis, ^. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Peter & Mary, Boston., Ire. .54 Thos.' A., 7: 16: 84, premature birth, a?. 0-0-3, b. Ded., of Patrick R. & Mar- garet v., Charlestown, Walpole. n6 Barney, 12 : 30: 82, alcoholism, aj. 33-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, Ire., do. GALLIVAN. ^^ , ^. , - ,, 15 Andrew J., 2: 13: 84, capillary bronchitis, a?. 0-1-11, b. Ded., of Andrew cS6 Mary, Ireland, do. 9 Ambrose B., 1 : 27: 78, cancer, a?. 6(3-9-24, b. Salem, of Simeon & Dorcas N., Salem, Lynnfield. _ ^ ^ ,,^ _, 64 Edmund W., 7:23: 70, congestion of brain, te. 1-6-17, b. Ded., of A\ arren B. & Sarah W., Lynn, Boston. 31 Milton A., 11 : 27: 44, water on brain, ^. 2-0-0, b. Ded., ot Ambros3 B. cSc -— . 28 Milton A., 4: 19: 74, brain fever, a?. 1-5-2, b. Ded., of Warren B. & Sarah W., Lynn, Boston. 73 Michael,'8: 7: 82, cerebro spinal meningitis, le. 20-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Catherine, Ire., do. GARDNER. ^ ^^ ^ .-• 1^ 1 ^. 88 Marcy (Stone), 3: 20: 71, old age, te. 77-1-0, b. Providence R. I., ot David cV. Elizabeth, Providence R. L, Seekonk. 73 Joseph F., 9:8: 78, cholera infantum, a^ 0-2-7, b. Ded., of John & Mary, Cambridge, Braintree. ., ^ a u 76 Julia A. (Henry), w. of Patrick, 6: 3: 88, dilatation ot heart, a\ o2-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael & , Ire., do. GATELY. 64 John, 10:16:5.5, fit, aj. 3.5-0-0, b. Ireland. , ,; .1, *C' 72 Mary (McDonor), 8: 10: 81, homicide, se. 42-0-0, b. Ireland, ol Jeienuah cV AViniford, Ireland, do. 28 Albert, 3:6: 89, general debility, k. 69-9-4, b. Dedham, of Jason cS: Lucy (Pratt), Dedham, West Roxl)ury. .53 Bunker, 7: 22: 48, consumption, a'. 47-0-0, b. Ded., of Lusher .V: [Rebecca.] 76 DEDHAM RECORDS. 03 Bunker, 7:12: 57, dropsy, te. 4-0-0, b. Ded., of Jere. & Hannah. 99 Charlotte ( Colburn), 11:1: 55, old age, fe. 88-9-0, b. Ded. 7:3 Clarissa (Colburn), 12: 7: 58, palsy, se. 68-0-0, b. Ded., of Lewis & . 47 Daniel, :3 : ;jO : Gl, palsy, te. 70-0-0, b. Ded., of Samuel & Grace. 101 Ebenezer F., 11: 15: 71, pleurisy fever, se. 51-2-7, b. Ded., of Oliver & Mary, Dedham, Sharon. 35 Eliza C, 10: 10: 47, fever, re. 44-0-0. 80 E]izal)eth (Wliiting), 4:6: 5:3, old age, a^ 91-0-0, b. Ded. 114 Elizabeth, 12: 11: 81, ossification of mitral valve, ;e. 86-8-0, b. Providence R. I., of Nathaniel & . 51 Ellis, 5: ;iO: 80, paralysis, te. 09-7-0, b. Ded., of Lemuel & Lucy (Colburn), Thompson Ct., Dedham. 25 Elmira M. (Baker), 0: 3: 65, consumption, a*. 55-0-0, b. Ded., of Sabin & Nabby. 03 Erastus E., 7: 7: 87, a. 52-9-8, b. Ded., of Ellis & Matilda, Ded., do. 8 Fisher, 2: 21: 00, numb palsy, a. 75-0-0, b. Stoughton. 99 Frederick, 10: 7: 89, pyaemia, a. 60-0-0, b. Ded., of William K. & Susan, Dedliam, Greenfield N. H. 80 Hannah (French), 10: 8: 70, old age, a. 84-7-0, b. Ded., of Benj. & [Hannah.] 117 Hannah S. (Dean), 11 : 13: 02, dropsy, a. 56-2-8, b. Dedham, of Joseph & Hannah, Dedham, do. 48 Henry, 5: 20: 61, consumption, a. 42-0-0, b. Dedham, of William K. & Susanna. 77 Horace, 12: 16: 59. liver comp., a. 68-0-0, b. Ded., of Luther & . IS James A., 2: 14: 78, dropsy, a. 68-0-0, 1). Dedham, of Lemuel & Lucy C, Thompson, Dedham. 3 Jeremiah W., 1 : 11 : ^%, paralysis of brain, a. 81-4-11, b. Dedham, of William & Elizabeth, Dedham, do. 78 Jesse, 5: 19: 57, old age, a. 77-0-0, b. Ded., of Jesse »& [Sarah.] 63 Jesse, 1:7: 59, old age, a. 82-0-0, b. Ded., of Jeremiah & . 43 Joel, 2 : 14 : 07, old age, a, 82-0-0, b. Ded. 94 Joseph A., 5: 27: 73, bilious fever, a. 27-0-0, b. Ded., of Jeremiah W. & Hannah (Dean), Dedham, do. 2 Lemuel, 0: 2: 44, cancer, a. 80-0-0. 70 Lemuel, 4: 10: 45, dropsy, a. 41-0-0, b. , of Lemuel & . 17 Lizzie F., 3: 1: 87, consumption, a. 18-1-4, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Adeline S., Stoughton, Walpole. 61 Lucy, 2 : 8 : 49, old age, a. 84-0-0. 67 Lucy (Pratt), 1 : 27 : 58, palsy, a. 57-0-0, b. Roxbury. 109 Lucy, 12: 8:82, old age, a. 8.5-2-16, b. Ded., of Wm. & Elizabeth (Whiting), Ded., do. 41 Martin, 11 : 30: 4.5, fits, a. 61-0-0, b. Ded., of Timotliy & Abigail. 32 (D. at Walpole) Martin, 9:3:71, gravel, a. 7:3-10-0, h. Ded., of Luther & Sally, Ded., do. 114 Mary (French), 10: 19: 62, old age, w. 80-0-12, 1). Sharon, of Phiueas Ik, Hannah, Sharon, . ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 77 118 Man- (Ellis), 12: 13: 82, old age, ;v. 82-9-24, 1). Ded., of Aimer A- Polly, Ded., do. 43 jSIary L., 9: 24: 62, consumption, ;v. 13-10-:;o, b. Ded., of Henry »!v: :Mary A. 85 Matilda (Baker\ 10: 1:7(5. pneumonia, fe. 75-1-0,1). Ded., of Aaron iS: Hannah G., Ded., do. (11 Meliitable (Holmes), 0: 15:05, old a^e, se. 88-12-0, 1). Ded., of John & Esther. 15 :Milly E. (Ellis), w. of Bunker, 2: 24: 87, accident, iv. 84-8-0, b. Ded., of Abner & Polly, Ded., do. 52 Moses, 6: 22: 48, old age, a?. 68-0-0, b. Ded. 79 Polly, 4: 14: 53, old age, aj. 80-0-0, b. Ded., of Daniel & . 93 Polly (Fuller), w. of Joel, 4: 16: 55, consumption, le. 06-0-0, b. Francestown X.'h., of Seth & . 59 Rufus, 5: 19: 51, tremens, le. 35-0-0, b. Springfield, of Ellis & . 77 Sally, 3:3: 53, old age, re. 85-0-0, b. Ded., of Joseph & . 59 Sarah, 3: 12: 47, , re. 61-0-0. 28 Sarah, 9: 24: 05, dysentery, re. 88-0-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Phebe. 08 Sarah A., w. of Eb. F., 0:11 : 48, puerperal fever, re. 28-0-0, b. Ded. 70 Seth, 7: 20: 59, old age, re. 79-0-0. b. Ded., of Seth & [Eliz'Ii]. 20 Sophia, 1: 30: 71, old age, a\ 77-0-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Mary, Ded., do. 57 Susan, \v. of Wm. K.. 4: 20: 4.5, cancer, se. 53-0-0. 74 Susan M. (Wood), 8: 24: 85, paralysis, se. 62-4-24, b. Xewton, of Lemuel & Mary A. (Jones). Brighton, Ded. 75 Susanna E. T. (Tucker), 7: 18: 50, cancer, re. 55-0-0, b. Milton, of Timothy & . 72 Theodore, 11 : 20: 58, consumption, re. 71-0-0, b. Ded , of Willard & Sally. 18 Theod'e, 2: 22: 81, paralysis, re. 87-0-10, b. Ded., of Luther & Sally, Ded., do. 70 Theron C, 12: 6: 59, consumption, a\ 25-0-0, b. Ded., of Lemuel & [Eunice.] 18 Timothy, 10: 0: 40, old age, re. 77-0-0, b. Ded., of Timothy & Abigail. 109 Walter L., 12: 4: 07, diphtheria, re. 2-0-19, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Addie, Ded., Walpole. 08 Warren F., 10: 1. 52, dysentery, re. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of Willard & Emeline. 14 William, 5: 19: 50, consumption, re. 52-0-11, b. Boston. 27 Wm. K., 1:6: Oo, dis. of heart, re. 68-0-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Eliz'h. GAYMOND. 114 , 11: 29: 83, premature birth, b. Ded., s. of George W. ».^ Susan L., Utica N. Y., Waterboro Me. GAYNOR. 51 Jos. P., 5: 10: 89, diphtheria, re. 4-7-10, 1). Ded.. of Jos. P. & Honora, (Connare), Ireland, do. 50 Mary H., 5: 4: 89, diphtheria, re. 2 0-3, b. Ded., of Jos. P. & Honora, (Connare), Ire., do. GAYTON. 98 John A., 11 : 11: 84, cerebro spinal meningitis, re. 21-0-0. b. N. B., of John & Margaret, N. B., do. GEGAN. 14 Patrick, 8:4: 07, infantile, re. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of I^itrick & Betsy, Ire., do. 78 DEDHAM RECORDS. GEEN, GEHE:N, GHEEN. 45 Mary A., 8: 21 : 53, dysentery, 8e. 0-11-9, b. Ded., of Moses & Margaret. 60 Mary A., 9: 20: 61, cholera infantum, oe. 1-2-19, b. Ded., of Moses & Marg't. 52 Moses, 7: 31: 61, typhus fever, ee. 42-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary. Ire., do, 32 Thos., 8:5: .59, cholera infantum, ae, 0-10-18, b. Ded., of Moses & Margaret. GEEXTY. 30 John, 12: 21: 6.3, convulsions, fe. 0-0-18, b. Ded., of John & Ellen (Kennedy), Ire., . GE ENTRY. 83 John, 12: 22: 71, pleurisy fever, te. .53-0-3, b. Ire., of Thos. & Ellen, Ire., do. GERRISH, GARISH. 19 Charles, 3: 18: 4.5, consumption, fe. 51-0-0. 68 Elcy, 7: 27: 60, cancer, pe. 77-2-18, b. Ded., of John & Nancy, Ded., do. GERRITSEN. 122 Anna C. (Koster), w. of Henry C, 11: 2: 88, disease of brain, re. 70-11-4, b. Holland, of & Anna, Plolland, do. GERRY. 67 Daniel, 3: 3: 69, erysipelas, fe. 0-9-.5, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, Ire., do. GETHRO. 61 Alex'r, 8: 19: 77, teething, te. 0-10-19, b. Ded., of Alex'r & Maggie, Canada, Taunton. 63 Fred'k, 7: 13: 81, heart dis., fe. 71-0-0, b. Canada, of Frank & Josephine, Canada, do. GIBSON. 99 Robert, 5 : 5 : 64, small pox, te. . [soldier] GIFFORD. 72 Henry A., 7: 12: 6.5. , te. 15-0-0, b. Lee. [soldier.] GILES. 108 , 12: 16: 8.5, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Wm. D. & Adelaide H., Manchester, do. 87 Abbie (Stevens), w. of John J., 8: 26: 90, phthisis, je. 58-7-10, b. Stoughton, of Pelatiah & Myra (Wales), Mass., do. 1 Ophelia. 4: 6: 69, i)neumonia, te. 66-0-0. GILL. 81 Margaret (Gill), 11 : 2: 70, old age, a?. 86-11-0, b. Ire., of Michael E. & Ann, Ire., do. 39 Michael, 9: 17: 54, dysentery, le. 63-0-0, b. Ire., of James & Alice. GILROY. 45 Ann, 7: 28: 57, nervous fever, re. 2-0-0, b. Forks Me., of Michael & Anne. 127 Joseph, 9:5: 04, fits, re. 0-0-15, b. Ded., of Michael & Ann, Ire., do. GILSON, GILLSON. »36 , 6: 12: 74, stillborn, b. Ded., d. of Barney & Mary. 120 Aphia, (Skillings), 12: 16: 83, ossification of valves of heart, re. 81-10-6, b. Cape Elizabeth Me., of Nath'l & Sarah (Doane). 75 Nellie T., 9: 25: 72, dysentery, re. 3-7-7, b. Ded., of Barnard & Mary, Ire.,do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 79 GLEA80N. 43 Cornelia ( Harrington), w. of Wm. C, 5: 28: 87, chronic abscess, le. 01-S-O, b. Eastport Me., of Andrew & Hhoebe, Eastport, do. 81 Francis E., 8: 3: O.j, consumption, ;e. 30-0-29, b. Medfield, of Jon'a E. & Anna. 39 Mary F., 8: 28: 40, consumption, se. ;32-0-0, b. Medfield. 57 Michael, 8: 10: 77, heart dis., te. 31-0-10, b. Ireland, of John & Sera, Ire., do. GLI8P1N. 113 Ann (Morris), w. of James, 11 : 2: 89, heart disease, a\ 71-()-7, b. England, of George & Mary, Eng., Ire. 95 Mary F., 11: 15: 76, consumption of blood, ;«. 3-6-0, b. Ded., of Thomas & Katy, , Lowell. GLORA, GOLRA. 41 Ellen, 6: 9: 69, lung fever, a;. 52-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 4 James, 2: 16: 63, scarlet rash, re. 2-0-3, b. Ded., of Miles «& Ellen, Ire., do. 24 Lizzie, 4: 30: 62, lung fever, te. 4-0-15, b. Ded., of Miles & Ellen, Ire., do. GLOVER. 60 , w. of , 9 : 4 : 44, consumption, fe. 8.5-0-0, b. Ded. 23 Caroline J. (Whitney), 12: 3: 68, pleurisy, fe. 64-6-0, b. Newton, of Amasa & Abigail, Xewton, do. 69 Edward, 2: 16: 56, pleurisy fever, a?. 70-0-0, b. Ded., of Edw. & Rebekah. 104 Samuel, 10: 31: 83, chronic pleurisy, te. 61-2-1, b. Hyde Park, of Samuel & Charlotte, Marblehead, Walpole. GLYNN. 49 Mary E., 9: 16: 69, teething, ;e. 1-0-14, b. Boston, of Patrick & Catharine, Ireland, do. GODING. 95 Edith M., 12: 17: 72, canker, a;. 0-0-28, b. Ded., of William B. & Annie E., Canton, New Bedford. 37 IsabelleM. (Locke), w. of George P., 4: 10: 89, Bright's dis., to. 32-3-0, b. Boston, of Oliver B. & Martha A. (Gould), Lexington, W. Townsend. 7 Mabelle L., 1: 23: 84, meningitis tuberculosa, a\ 3-6-17, b. Ded., of George P. & Isabel M., Livermore Me., Boston. 66 Martha E., 8: 23: 78, canker, re. 0-0-20, b. Ded., of George P. & Isabel M., Livermore Me.. J3oston. 51 Mary A., 6: 18: 79. diphtheria, ;e. 5-0-0, b. Ded., of William B. & Annie E., Canton Me., New Bedford. GOGHANS. 59 Margaret, 8 : 23 : 44, te. 84-0-0. GOLDEN. 74 Jeremiah A., 7: 13: 89, fracture of skull, te. 4.5-0-0, b. Ire., of John ^t Bridget (Fannan), Ire., do. 6 John, 1:16: 82, old age, re. 75-0-0, b. Ire., of Martin & Sarah, Ire., do. 28 John E., 3: 26: 76, , re\ 4-0-0, b. Ded., of Martin & , Ire., do. 90 Laurie, 10: 25: 78, teething, re\ 0-8-2, b. Ded., of Martin & Ellen, Ire., do. 13 Thos., 1: .30: 77, , re. 2-10- 0, b. Ded., of Martin & Ellen, Ire., do. 80 DEDHAM RECORDS. 31 Thomas F., 3: 30: 81, typhoid fever, te. 19-G-O, b. Khode Island, of James Sc Alice (Cleary), Ire., do. GOLDSMITH. 154 Emeline 8., 12 : 20 : G3, typhoid fever, a?. 20-10-0, b. Hanover, of Hubbard & Helen, Litchfield Me., do. GOOD. 97 Joseph, 8: 11 : 88, premature birth, re. 0-0-21, b. Bed., of Michael H. & Annie M. (Manning), Boston, do. GOODWIX. 4 Hannah E. (Eldred), 1:5: 77, puerperal convulsions, ». .38-5-25, b. Wickford K. I., of Jas. & Hannah A., Xewport R. I., Wickford R. I. 99 Susie F., 9: 23: 8:3, phthisis pulmonalis, te. 20-:j-24, b. Ded., of Horace H. & Abbie, Kennebunk Me., Boston. 54 Thos. J., 8: 4: Gl, drowned, aj. 21-0-0, b. Fairfield Me., of Samuel & Eliza, Dresden Me., Falmouth. GOOGINS, GOOKKINS. 33 , 9:1: 4.5, scarlet fever, re. 4-5-0, b. Ded. 69 (D. at Boston) Helen S., 5: 13: 62, consumption, fe. 17-6-7, b. Ded., of Philip C. & Susanna S., Waterboro Me., N. S. 13 Minnie E., 1 : 27: 75, consumption, re. 16-:3-8, b. Ded., of John & Cynthia A., Waterboro Me., Roxbury Me. GORDOX. 18 Harriet D. (Dixon), 1 : 19: 69, epithelial carcinoma, re. 59-1-1, b. Sterling Ct, of Thos. & Ruth, Sterling, Plainfield Ct. 5 James A., 1 : 31 : .55, dis. of brain, re. 0-6-2, b. Ded., of Jas. J. & Louisa H. 50 James J., 10: 16: .54, consumption, re. 23-8-20, b. Ire., of Alex'r & Mary. GORELY. 45 Geo. H., 5: 18: 76, valvular dis. of heart, re. 40-0-0, b. X. Y., of Daniel & Elizabeth. GOULD. 24 , 5: 14: 45, , re. 0-3-0. 65 Annie L., 8: 18: 78, cholera infantum, re. 1-10-16, b. Ded., of Charles E. & Mary, Woonsocket R. I., Xaugatuck Ct. 101 Jonathan, 12:14:67, old age, re. 86-5-4, b. Ded., of Geo. & Rachel, Salem, Ded. 40 Samuel, 11 : 13: 45, old age, re. 75-0-0, b. Ded. 14 Sarah B., 2: 9: 84, hepatitis, re. 61-0-0, b. Ded., of Jonathan & Sarah, , Weymouth. 38 Sarah K., 4: 28: 82, old age, re. 72-0-0, b. Needham, of Samuel & Esther, Sut- ton, Xeedham. GOWLAXD. 1 Kate D. (Damrell), 1 : 18: 60, consumption, re. 24-2-0, b. Boston, of Wm. S. & Adeline A. GRADEX. 37 Mary (Graden), 4: 11:81, pneumonia, re\ G.5-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Mary, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. gj. GRANT. 94 Annie, 9: 26: 90, cholera infantum, te. 0-0-24, b. Ded., of AVilliam A: Rachel (Morrison), X. S., do. 82 Granville, 10: 4: 76, phthisis, te. 55-10-0, b. S. Berwick Me., of Moses & Sa- bina, S. Berwick Me., do. GRAY. 42 Edward, 7: 20: 74, dysentery, ae. 0-9-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Hannah, Ire., do. 1:35 Eliz'h (Bromily), 8: 2:6:3, stoppage, ic. 41-6-21, b. Attleboro, of Jas. »!y: Anna, Eng., do. GREDEY. 62 Mary J., 6: :30: 60, scarlatina, re. 0-6-4, b. Ded., of Peter & Mary J., Ire., do. GREELEY. 38 Benjamin, 3: 10: 72, accidental, te. 58-6-26, b. Ilaverliill, of Clement & Hannah, Haverhill, do. 47 Emma J. (Kingsbury), w. of Abner B., 4: 23: 89, pneumonia, a.'. 28-6-27, b. Ded., of Warren & Sarah (Farrington), Ded., Milton. GREEN. 39 Eldora P., 8: 11 : 58, cholera infantum, ;e. 0-6-22, b. Ded., of Jy.'on'd A: Lucy. 45 John, 3:8: 64, lung fever, ;e. . [soldier.] 49 John, 5: 14: 83, old age, a'. 81-0-0, b. Gloucester R. I., of Bradlev cV' Esther, Ct., R. L 28 John H., 8: 33: 44, cholera infantum, ;e. 1-1-0, b. Dsiham, of Elisha & Catharine. 28 John \V., 10: 28: 67, convulsions, k. 0-0-10, b. Ded., of John iS: :\rary (Geddes), Ireland, do. 79 Joseph, 7: 23: %•?>, pneumonia, ;e. 21-0-0 [soldierj. 61 Katie, 6: 26: 75, scarlatina, re. 7-0-0, b. W. Ro\i)ary, of Thomas & Cather- ine, Ireland, do. 47 Lucy S. (Smith), 6:29: 78, consumption, re-. 80-0-2, b. Ded., of Lemuel & Susanna, Dedham, Canton. 15 Owen, 8:9: 67, cholera infantum, re. 0--9-0, b. Dedham, of John c\: Mary, Boston, Ireland. GREENER. 47 John C, 4: 14: 63, lung fever, re. 0-10-14, b. Ded., of John N. vV Catherine, Germany, do. GREENLAW. 68 William E., 8: 2: 8.5, peritonitis, re. 38-2-6, b. Deer Isle .Me., of Levi . 29-0-0, 1). Ded., of Joseph & Mille. 26 Albert, 4: 2: 74, consumption, re\ 31-4-18, b. Ded., of Jason & Sarah E., Dedham, Dorchester. 56 Alice D., 5: 15: 63, typhoid fever, re'. 13-11-2:5, b. Ded., of Francis & Lauretta W. 42 Anna, 3 : 5 : 47, old age, re-. 90-0-0, b. Sharon. 48 AnnaB. (Chase), 5: 24: SO, old age, re. 75-10-0, b. Chester N. H., of Humphrey & Rebecca, Plaistow !N". H., do. .58 Betsey, 8: 11: 78, diarrhoea, re. 92-0-0, b. Ded., of Heman & Sarah. 21 Calvin, 4: 25: 58, malignant fungus, re\ 82-9-19, b. Ded., of Jos. & Miriam. 31 Caroline, 4:9: 49, brain fever, re. 11-0-21, b. Ded., of Joseph & [Sarah H.] ()5 Chloe, w. of Jacob, 3 : 27 : 48, old age, re. 83-0-0. 426 Curtis, 6: 26: 49, chronic diarrhoea, re. 49-0-0, b. Ded., of Moses & [Abigail]. 24 Eunice (Quincy), 8: 22: .56, consumption, re. 36-3-6, b. Boston, of Nicholas & Eunice. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 83 107 Francis, 12: :3: 82, progressive paralysis, le. SI-2-20, b. Ded., of Calvin & Lcii- demine (Draper), Ded, do. 50 George, 0: 3: 56, consumption, vn. oS-11-29, b. Ded., of Jacol> & Hannah. 12 George C, 1 : 5: 69, scarlet fever, re. .5-0-7, b. Ded., of George A. & Abby C, Ded., do. 32 Gustavus T., 9:7: 52, dysentery, ;e. l-:3-0, b. Ded., of Francis & Lauretta W. Henian, 2:1: 86, apoplexy, 33.72-9-0, b. Needliam, of Ileuiaii »& Ilannali, Ded, Me. 25 Henrietta, 3: 25: 74, cancer, iv. 58-0-0, b. Ded., of Abner & Sophia H., Ded., Xew Braintree. 15 Jacob, 2: 14: 70, pleurisy, te. 89-0-17, b. Ded., of Jacob & [Cliloe], Ded , . 27 Jason, 3: 26: 82, old age, re. 82-9-26, b. Ded., of Araasa & Kel)ecca, Ded., do. 153 Joel, 12: 3: 05, insanity, te. 69-9-22, b. Ded., of Joel & Hannali. 42 John, 12: 2:47, fever, jc. 75-0-0, b. Ded. 20 Joseph, 1:2:49, consumption, vn. 54-[;?-13], b. Ded., of [Aniasa & Rebecca (Whiting).] 94 Katie, 10: 31 : 53, old age, iv. 82-0-0, b. Ded., of Moses & [RliodaJ. 37 Lauretta W. (Taft). 4:6:75, cancer, ?e. 58-4-9, b. Ded., of Frederick A. & Amanda W., Uxbridge, Eehoboth. 125 Lucy, 3:7: 49, consumption, a". , b. Ded., of Moses «& [Al)igail]. 100 Mark. 10: 15: 68, consumption, te. 62-9-26, b. Ded., of Abner & Sarah, Ded., do. 70 Martha A., 5: 27:62, consumption, ;e. 1-10-0, b. Ded., of Fraidvlin J. & Ade- laide F., Ded., Boston. 129 Mary A.. 11 : 13: 61, dysentery, te. 0-8-6, b. Ded., of N". H. & Sarah IL 116 Minnie F., 11 : 13: 62, congestion of brain, re. 1-0-1:3, b. Ded., of Moses E, & Sarah A., Ded., Walpole. 30 Miranda, 3:20:73, heart dis., te. 74-6-10, 1). Ded., of Jolin I's: Reliecca E., Ded., do. 79 Moses, 7: 27: 57, apoplexy, re. 65-0-0, b. Ded., of Moses & Abigail. 123 Moses D., 9: 20: 61, diarrhoea, re. 0-10-0, b. Ded., of M. E, & Sarah A., Ded., Walpole. 32 ISTathaniel, 8: 28: 4.5, consumption, re. 70-0-0, b. Ded. 28 Js'^ellie, 6: 24: 71, canker, re. 1-2-0, b. Boston, of Edw. & , Ded., . 70 Olive (Cheney), 5: 27: 58. heart dis., re. 59-0-0, b. Tiiompson Ct., of Joseph & . 61 (D. at Hairs Hill, Va.) Oscar S., 2 : 21 : (52, typhoid fever, re. 17-0-0, b. Ded., of Heman »& Eunice, Dedhani, Boston, [soldier] 57 Rebecca (Whiting), 1: 13: 62, old age, re'. 90-6-8, b. Ded., of Joshua t, cramp, a'. 2-7-5, Mj. Millbury, of William & Hermine, Germany, do. HAGAR. 47 James, 2: 23: 4<), railroad accident, a. 20-0-0, b. Roxbury. HAGUE. 96 John W., 7: 29: 61, cholera infantum, a?. 1-7-16, b. Portsmouth N. II., of Benjamin & Ellen, England, do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 85 HALBAUEE. 51 Anna, 0: 18: 74. cholera infantum, ;l'. 0-11-18, 1). Dec!., of Ernest «S: Sarah, Germ., do. G Carl A., l:7:0n, paralysis, it;. 75-0-0, b. Germ., of John i^' Jolianna C. (Schneider), Germ., do. 2 Ernst A., 1 : 5: 80, diphtheria, te. 3-2-0, b. Ded., of Ernest & Sarah, Germ., do. HALEY. 11 , 1 : 14: 75, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Denis & Mary, Ire., do. 41 Ann, 4: 15: 66, lung fever, re. 0-6-0, b. Ded., of [Dennis] & Maria. 16 David, 6: 5: 6:i, scarlatina, re. l-:^-6, h. Ded., of Dennis it Mary. 77 Helen P., 7: 20: 00, cholera infantum, :e. 0-4-4, b. Ded., uf Jere'li F. & Marg't (Thompson), Ded., N. S. 99 John, 12: 10: 6:3, lung fever, re. 24-0-0, b. Ire. [soldier.] 129 Nancy, 11:27:88, consumption, re. 18-:5-0, b. Ded., of Jere'h & Catlierine (Kelly), Ire., do. 75 Sixsan G., 9: 20: 77, cholera infantum, re'. 0-1-0, b. Ded., of Dennis : SO, stillborn, Ij. Ded., d. of Richard & Agnes, Ire., Ded. 68 Amos, 6: 26: 6:3, pleurisy, re. 60-6-0, b. Salem K H. 4 Arthur, 4: 5: 72, teethijig, re. 0-10-2, b. Ded., of Charles (). & Emily I., Wal- pole, Taunton. 115 Eleanor (Donely), 11: 10: 65, consumption, re. 27-5-1:3, b. Ire., of Daniel «fc Jane. :3 Esther W. (Whiting), 1 : 4: 77, paralysis, re\ 69-7-0, b. Ded., of Isaac & Thank- ful, Ded., Barre. 103 John, 9: 22: 65, teething, re. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of Richard & Ellen. 40 Lucy E., ;3: 26: 8S, cjnvulsions, re. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Richard & Agnes (Doole), Ire., Ded. 8 Martha A. (Phipps), w. of. Jos. M., ;3:12:50, consumption, re'. 37-10-:), b. rortsmouth X. IL. of • & M. A. 42 Mary E., 2: 12: 07, -, w. 0-0-6, li. Ded., of Stephen & Mary, Rockaway X. J., Scotland. 4 Sabina (Tilson), 1 : 12: 58, pleurisy, re. 54-9-0. b. Halifax, of Jos. & Lucinda. 132 Semanthy, w. of Chas. O., 12: 26: 87, paralysis, re\ 62-0-0, b. Royalston. HALLORAN. 37 Edw., 5: 15: 87, broncho pneumonia, re>. 8-6-18, b. Ire., of Edw. J5. & Catli- erine, Ire., do. 65 John, 7: 9: 87, meningitis, re. 0-6-9, b. Ded., of Jas. & Bridget, Ire., do. 40 John J., 5: 18:87, broncho pneumonia, ;e. 5-11-27, b. Ire., of Edward ]}. & Catherine, Ire., do. 5 Mary (Martin), w. of Jas., 1:4: 88, consumption, re". 45-0-0, b. Ire., of Edw. «fc Katharine, Ire., do. 7 Mary A., 1 : 10: 90, gastro-intestinal catarrh, re. 1-5-18, b. Ded.;H»f James & Bridget (Noonan), Ire., do. 39 Sarah J., 5: 17:87, broncho pneumonia, jc. 7-2-10, 1). Ire., of Edward B. & Catherine, Ire., do. »t) DtDHAM RECORDS. HALTIIAUF. 20 Mary, G: 10: 52, lung fever, a\ G6-0-0, b. Germany. HAMILTOX. 89 Alex'r, 10: 1C>: SO, Iieart dis., ;e. 5G-9-9, b. X. Scituate, of Leonard & Ruth, Vr., Scitiiate. 28 Almeda E., 4: 18: 57, dropsy, a?. 5-1-2, b. Franklin, of Alex'r & Sophronia E. 28 Clara M. (Coolidge), 5: 7:86, pleuro pneumonia, jb. ;jS-7-15, b. Ded., of Curtis & J.ydia. N. H., Wrentham. 13 Edw. \V., 1 : 20: 90, heart dis., fe. 0-1-8, b. Concord, of Fred'k E. & Ida M. (Doty), Portland Me., Fall River. 10 Elmer W., 1: 29: 82, croupal diphtheria, ie. 4-7-9, b. Ded., of Ceo. W. & Delia, Franklin, Woodstock Ct. lOG Frances M. (Page), 12: 28:7G, phthisis, re. 27-S-3, b. Orono Me., of Elijah & Nancy. Orono Me., Garland Me. 27 Geo. W., 4: 24: 79, consumption, re. 28-11-22, b. Franklin, of Wm. M. & Jane, Scituate, Me. 28 Herbert O., 2: 2: 72, scarlet fever, re. :3-4-17, b. Ded., of Wm. M. & Clara M., Scituate, Ded. 7 Jas. A. G., 1: 17: 8."), meningitis, re. 4-S-lO, b. J)ed., of AVm. M. & Clara, Scituate, Ded. 95 Jos. O., 12: 21: 70, bronchitis, re. 0-2-2.5,1). Ded., of Wm. M. & Clarria, Scituate, Ded. .57 Sophronia E. ^Osljorn), 8: 11: GG, heart dis., re'. :]7-7-l, b. Scituate, of Jos. & Sophronia. 24 Wm. M., ;5: 12: 8:",, Bright's dis., re. 5G-7-10. b. Scituate, of Leonard & Ruth, Scituate, do. HAMMER. 10 Wu). P., l: 18: 77, , re'. 4-3-0, b. Albany X. Y., of Wm. & Annie K., Germ , do. HAXBURY. 39 John J., 7:8: GO, scarlatina, re\ 1-8-21, b. Watertown, of Jas. & Catharine, Ire., do. 37 Mary, 7: 3: GO, scarlatina, re-. 3-11-G, b. Watertown, of Jas. & Catharine, Ire., do. HAXDY. m William, G: 29: .5.5, erysipelas, a\ 27-0-0, b. R. I. HANLOX. 5 , 1 : 13: 86, premature l)irth, re'. 0-0-1, 1». Ded., d. of & Mary, , Ire. HAXXOX. 2 Catharine, 2: 28: 75, intlam. of lungs, re'. 1-9-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Annie, Ire., do. 62 James, 8:20:86, scirrlius of liver, re'. 71-0-0, b. Ire., of Henry & IJose, Ire., do. 67 .Tohnny, 8: 7: 79, teething, re'. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Tiios. & Ann, Ire., do. Ill M;iry (Sheridan), w. of Jas., 10: 4: 88, cancer, w.. 61-0-0, b. Ire., of Walter & Mary, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 87 83 Matthew, 9: 21 : 85, teething, fe. 0-8-21, b. Ded., of Thos. & Ann, Ire., do. 99 Walter, G: 3: 70, fever congestion, ae. 11-9-0, b. Ded., of Jas. & , Ire., . 36 Annah C, 4: 30: 01, brain fever, te. 0-8-23, V). Ded., of Chas. ^: Mary, Germ., do. HAXSON. 41 Bridget, 9: 21 : 54, consumption, te. 0-9-0, b. Randolpli, of Edw. .^: :SIaria. HAPGOOD. , ^, , „ , ._ 13 Catharine (Conant), 4:5: 59, dis. of heart, .«. 7:3-5-lo, b. Concord, of Locke & Hannah. 134 Henry, 11 : 4: 61, suicide, a-. 65-0-0. 21 (D. at Taunton) Ambrose, 3: 4: 76, hemorrhage of lungs, fe. 4s-l0-ll,b. Assonet, of Wm. & Mary, Gloucester, Assonet. 1.53 Elizas. (Macy), 12: 28: 64, consumption, a'. 84-2-0, 1). Nantucket, of Josiah ^ Eliza, Nantucket, do. HAELAND. ^^. , , ^, ^,, 7 Joan, 3: 4: 54, measles, a'. 5-0-0, 1). Ire., ot Michael & Ellen. 6 John, 3: 1: 54, measles, a. 1-9-0. b. Ire., of Michael & Ellen. HARM. , ,, . 11 Christian, 12: 16: 73, congestion of brain, a-. 51-7-21, b. Germany, of & , Germany, do. . .59 Christian, 8: 2: 79, consumption, a. 21-9-15, b. Roxbury, ol Christian .Sc, Catherine, Germany, do. ^S^ John, '7: 4: 74, lung fever, a. lS-0-0, b. Canada, of Jolm .^ Sarah, Canada, do. HARRINGTON. ' „. • , , .v;n; .,„ Ti K^ .53 Gertie E., 5: 14: 89, diphtheria, a. 9-2-0, b. Riverside, ot William II. eV Lucy V. (Thornton), Bath Me., Gill. 32 James F., 5: 3: 78, infantile, a. 0-1-21. b. Boston, ot James I. ^c Lena, Hartford Ct., Boston. 80 Mima(Urry), w. of Joseph D., 8: 15: 87, consumption, a. 41-10-ls, d. j>n,.. of Urias & Jane, England, do. HARRIS. 25 , 9: 18: 47, cholera infantum, a. • w^^on ^i- 141 Cora T., 9: 1: 65, murdered, a. 10-0-0, b. Danville \ t, of ^^ anon .V Annie E. T. 43 Enoch, 10: 9: 44, old age, a. 80-0-0, b. Dedham. .52 George S., 6: 11 : 87, diphtheria, a. 3-8-27, b. Ded., ot Charles A. \ Mar> L.. Boston, Milton. v- Afirv F 51 Gertrude E., 6: 10: 87, diphtheria, a'. 7-5-12, b. Ded., ot ( has. A. ^ Mar> 1-., Boston, Milton. x-,.,i,ii,.i- Mp nf 54 Sarah C. (Simpson), 7: 19: 77. paralysis, a. 72-:5-4, b. Cape Nedduk Me., ol Wm. & Dolly, Cape Neddick, do. .88 DEDHAM RECORDS. HAEKISON. 83 Geoi-fje, 12: 10: ((8, lieart disease, te. 67-11-2, b. Dover, of Jacob & Lydia, Dedhain, Xeedliam. :!S Ilauuah E. (Lewis), :>: 25: 77, gaiigTene, ic. 72-7-15, b. X. C, Oi Joliu & Elizabeth. !):3 Jacob, 7: 17: 01, congestion of lungs, tc. 52-;3-25, b. Ded., of Jacob & Lydia, Dedham, Needliam. 84 T_.3'dia (Richardson), 9: 20: 70, pneumonia, :e. 1)0-5-0, b. Xeedliam. HART. 5 Bec/.y (Kilcoin), ;3: 17: 71, disease of womb, a'. 20-0-0^ b. Ireland, of John & ]Mary, Ireland, do. 47 Daniel, 4: 17: 90, diphtheria, a?. 12-:3-7, 1). Dedham, of Dominick & Mary (Wade), Ireland, do. ;)5 Margaret, 4: 20: 70, consumption, te. 02-0-0, b. Ireland. 81 Mary (Very). 12: 15: 66, typhoid fever, ;e. 46-0-0, b. East Greenwich, of Elijah & Esther. 112 Peter. 10:5: 88. softening of brain, ;e. 86-0-0. b. Ireland, of James & Mary. Ireland, do. HARTIG. 121 John F., 12: 13: 02, , a-. 2-.5-12, 1). Ded., of John P. & Mary, Germany, Ireland. 125 Louiza, 5: 23: 63, teething, te. 0-5-0, b. Ded., of John & INIary, Germany, Ireland. HARTLEY. 86 James, 8: 27: 07, congestion of lirain, a^ 17-0-0, b. England, of James & Harriet, England, do. HARTXETT. 110 Ann, 12: 6: 90, bronchitis, a-. 0-2-29, 1). Ded., of John F. & Mary A. (Con- naughton), Dedham, VV. Roxbury. 124. Catherine (Kenney), 12: 18: 6.5, pleurisy, a. :30-0-0, b. England, of Patrick & Catherine. 15 George F., 3:9: 67. lung fever, a. 0-2-10, b. Dedham, of Edward & Mary, Ireland, do. 13 Johanna, 8: 27: 60, dysentery, a. 0-11-0, b. Ded., of W. J. & Catliarine. 75 Joiiii, 7: IS: 83, cholera infantum, a. 0-4-12, b. Ded., of George & Maggie, Dedham, Norfolk. 79 Joseph, 7:26:8:3, cholera infantum, a. 0-1-20, b. Ded., of George & Mar- garet, Dedham, Norfolk. 22 Katherine, 4: 27:02, lung fever, a. 2-3-0, b. Ded., of Wiliianr i!v: Katherine, Ire., Eng. 37 Michael, 3: 23: 06, consuiuplioii. a". 21-6-0, 1). Ir;'., of John ct Catherine. HARTXEY. 41 Bridget, 7: 13: 60, scarlulina, a-. 0-8-10, b. Ded., of :\rorty A: Rosey, Ire., do. 1 Catliarine, 1 : 24: 54. infantile dis., a. 0-0-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Catharine, (i Catliarine (Heath), 1 : 22 : 84, old age. a. 75-0-0, b. Ire., of William & Mary, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 89 44 Eliz/h, 6: 2S: GO, scarlet fever, :e. 8-0-lS, 1). Ded., of Morty & Kosa, Ire . do. ;5 Ellen, l:'J4:r>n, consumption, ;e. lo-9-T, 1». Ded., of Thomas & Catlierine, Ire., do. :]2 Mortimer, .5: 13: 86, cancer, a?. 54-11-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, Ire., do. 00 Eose (Doyle), w. of Mortimer, 5: 29: 80, pneumonia, le. 56-0-0, b. Ireland, of Michael & Lizzie, Ire., do. 82 Thos., 0: 24: SO, heart dis., te. 07-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Bridget, Ire., do. HAKTSHORX. 03 Daniel, 7: 21: 71, old age, te. 84-1-S, b. Walp., of Samuel & ]Nrary. Walp., do. 24 Ida E. (Taft), 3: 25: 85, heart dis., te. 20-11-3. 75 Mary E. (Rhoades), 4: 10:54, consumption, :e. 43-0-0, b. Ded., of Lewis & Hannah. 101 Ross H., 2: 15: 72, whooping cough, :e. 0-0-24, b. Ded., of Fred. IL »S: Isabella S., Boston, Sagharbor jST. H. HART WELL. 2 Lydia A. (Fisher), 1 : 28: 51, consumption, te. 24-5-27, b. Rox., of Lewis \V. & Lydia. HARTY. 30 Margaret, w. of Thos., 7:1: 55, dropped dead, :t'. 27-0-0, 1). Ire. HASE. 80 Benj., 0: 21: 63, shot wound, ;o. 22-0-0, b. Phila. [soldier.] HASKELL. 42 Carrie E., 1: 10: 70, consumption, le. 1-7-0, b. Digerson N. Y., of ^Martin IST. & Angeline, Digerson N. Y., Waltham Vt. 04 Chas. C, 7: 20: 64, drowned, fe. 25-6-0, 1). Salem, of John A. A: Cynthia. 0(1 Joseph, 8:3: 73, dropsy, a?. 75-0-0. 93 Nancy S. (Stearns), 11: 5: 78, old age, ;e. 72-4-0, b. Lancaster, of Eli & :Mary, Lancaster, . 49 Otis, 7: 4: 80, consumption, le. 70-11-0, b. Harvard, of Josiah & Rhoda, Har- vard, Still River. 53 Sarah, 11: 27:44, consumption, le. 75-0-0. HASKINS. 45 Sarah L., 0:21: 50, cholera infan'm, a^. 1-4-0, b. Ded., of Henry S. & Sarah A. ;J3 (D. at Rox.jShiverick, 2: 2: 61, paralysis, aj. 71-10-3, b. Ilardwick, of Shiv- erick & , Hard wick, Provincetown. HASSON. 5 Catharine, 1: 17: 50, teething, te. 1-5-lS, b. Ded., of Barney & Ellen. 62 Ellen (Fikeley), 0: 28: 00, lung fever, ic. 42-0-0, 1). Ire., of Thos. & Catharine. HASTINGS. 88 (D. at Rox.) Ida E., 2:5:55, , :c. 1-0-0, 1). Rockland INIe., of S. E. & Emeline C. 93 Wm. A.. 10: 5: 49, dysentery, ;e. :V8-0, 1). Canton, of Josiah »S: Clarissa. HASTY. Ill Jennie, 1:21: 07, scrofula, ;e. 0-8-14. b. Leicester, of A. J. i^s: Lucy C. Port- land Me., AValpoie. 90 DEDIIAM RECORDS. HATCH. 48 Xancy, S : IS : 40, cancer, a*. 5(5-0-0, b. Maine. HATFIELD. 02 Theodore, 9: 15: 80, diphtlieria, a?. S-l-d, b. W. Rox., of Jos. H. & Catliarine (Como), X. S.. do. HATHEWAY. 25 , 3: 21 : 80. stillborn, b. Ded., d. of Berton c*c Caroline, , X. B. 24 Caroline E. (Logan), 3: 21: 80, childbirth, a'. :34-7-ll, b. X. B., of John & Hannah, X. B., do. HATTOX. 85 (D. at Antietam, :^td.) Edw. E., 9: IT: G2. killed in battle, a\ 22-9-0, b. , of Henry & Susan M., Eng., Holland, [soldier.] 44 Geo. E., 5: 16: 73, lung fever, a\ 20-0-0, b. Guiana, of Henry & Susan, Eng., Vt. 52 Henry, G: 12: 66, dis. of heart, oe. 69-0-0, b. Eng. 21 Susan M. (GellupX w. of H„ 3: 24: 55, tumor, ;e. 4.5-6-21, b. Woodstock ^^t., of Elias & Susan M. HAYEX. 58 John A., 1 : 20: 62, typhoid fever, te. 90-8-26, b. Lancaster, of Asa & Eunice. 71 (D. at Box.) Samuel, 9:5: 47, dysentery, a. 76-0-0, b. Ded., of Jason & Katherine. HA YET. 16 Geo. H., 2: 17: 84, inflam. of stomach, a. 16-4-0, b. Quincy, of John & Mar- garet, X. S., Boston. 3 John H , 1:7: SO, meningitis, a. 8-9-7. b. Boston, of John H. v's: Margaret, X. S.. Boston. 79 ^lary A., 11: 23: 73. congestion of liver, a'. 11-7-10, b. Dorch., of John «fc Margaret, X. S., Box. HAAVES. 1 Caroline, 7: 14: 45, consumption, a. 22-0-0, b. Ded., of Timothy & Hannah. 84 Geo. M., 12: 23: 57, congestion of brain, a. 5-0-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Lucy. 70 Increase, 4: 7: 64, , a\ 70-0-0, b. Walpole, of Benj. & Mary S., Sharon, Ded. 104 (D. at Prov., R. I.) Jane S., 8:6: 5:3, dysentery, a. 1-4-0, b. Prov., of William & Sophia. 16 John D., 2: 22: 70. , a. 0-0-5, b. Ded., of Jas. E. & Esther D. H. 70 Jonathan, 10: 6: 56, consumption, a\ 74-0-0, b. Canton, of John iS: . 76 Joseph F., 10: 10: 52, dysentery, a. 0-16-0, b. ])ed., of Joseph & Lucy. 103 (D. at Prov., R. I.) Sophia, 2:2: 5:3, consumption, a. 26-11-22. 45 Timothy, 0:7: 51, heart comp., a. 74-0-0, b. Walpole. HAWKIXS. 12 , 5: 11 : 47, , a. , b. Ded., of Charles & . 105 Chas., 0: 10: 61, consumption, a. 43-1-0, b. ])ed., of Geo. I'c Dorcas B., Paw- tucket R. I., Andover. 5 Chas., 3: 16: 70, debility, a. 0-0-2, 1). Ded., of Chas. & Mary A., Ded., W. Box. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. ^^ 91 Dorcas B. (Townsend), 8: 2s: (35, dropsy on heart, te. 7.8-0-:i4, 1). Andover, of 02 Ed^rd. 4: is': 04, consumption, le. 17-0-0, I). Bed., of Jas. & Harriet A., I)ed., Xeedham. 51 Geor^^e 4: 27: 40, consumption, fe. 21-0-0, b. Ded., of Cluis. c\c Dorcas. 20 Harriet A. (Bullard), 3: 19: 01, consumption, a-. 40-9-10, b. Sherborn, of Kichard & Jemima. 07 Harriet 1 , 8: 2.5: 78, cholera infantum, ». 0-4-0, b. Ded., ot U m. >. & Lllen L., Ded ', W. Hox. 1:5 Henry C 3:1: 5.5, consumption, «>. 24-11-11, b. Ded.. of Geo. & Dorcas. .50 James J.,' 11: 3 or 4: 02, accidental, te. 2.5-:5-0, b. Scotland, of James & Catharine R. .-, c. -ta tj 40 James J., 2: 15: 0:3, consumption, se. 42-4-7, b. Ded., of Geo. & Dorcas B. 93 Lizzie, 9: 20: 90, heart disease, fe. 0.5-10-24, b. Dedham, of George & Dorcas. Pawtucket R. I.. Andover. 7 Mary A. (Standish). w. of Charles, 3: 31: 52, consumption, le. 31-0-0, b. Standish Me., of Jonathan & . , ,. ^ 104 William, 11: 11: 49, consumption, a. 3.3-.S-3, b. Ded., ot Geo. & Dorcas. 28 Michael, 3: 27: 82, chronic cystitis, *. 77-7-0, b. Wrentham, of Isaac & Sarah. 25 Thornton, 1: 25 : 04, lung fever, k. 2-5-0-0. [soldier] HAYES. HAYS. , c ^r • .53 Arvilla, 12: 25: .50, lung fever, aj. 0-0-17. b. Ded., of Jonn & Maria. 7 Catharine, 2:4: 50, croup, ffi. 0-0-1-5, b. Ded., of John & Ann 30 John, 2:29:88, consumption, fe. 00-0-0, b. Ire., ot Michael c\: Ann iMeadi, 100 WiHiam P., 8: 17: 88, intussusception, le. 0-4-9, b. Ded., of Wm. J. A: Maggie J. (Kelliher), Ire., do. 05 Willie, o: 23: 90, meningitis, iv. 1-1-4, b. Ded., of ^\ m. J. c\c Maggie J. (Kelliher), Ire., do. 11 Abba E." (Clark), 3: 2: 01, pleuro pneumonia, te. 40-7-0, b. Prov. R. I., of Calvin S. & Freelove ( Edwards). 1 Maria T.. 1:7: 84, pneumonia, k>. 07-3-9. b. Paris X. Y., ot Harvey & Pru- dence, X. S., Franklin. TT 4 VM AX 108 M;ry,^0: 4: 02, diphtheria, a-. 0-7-27, b. Xew York, of Henry & Mary, Germany, do. uf Catherine, 1: 12: 88, tuberculosis, te. :52-0-19, b. Ireland, of .Meyer .V: Mary, m Cto A^x''evers), 9: 22: 04, consumption, a. 40-10-2, b. lioston, of Benj. c^' Lucy, Burlington, Lexington. 57 Clara E., 5:2: 70, consumption, te. 21-.S-0. b. Roxbury, ot \\ m. 1. .V Claia A.. Dorchester, Boston. C)9 DEDHAM RECORDS. " "!Maila;c,,;R,«;,j;":*r."'-^^'' ''-'-'"• "■ ^"•^""'■>- °' ">■>■- * Han-iet HAYWARD. ^^^^Emn^el'ine g"^" "'' '^''"'^''^' '^- ^'-1*^-^' ''• Boston, of Charles L. & HAZELTIXE. '' ^' & DoTly. '^ '^ ''' '"''"'' '*" "''"'"' ''■ "~' '' ^^«^'^^*"8-'^'^"^ Vt., of William 80 Cordelia (Diown) 9: 14: 09, consumption, «.. 42-0-2, b. Calais Yt., of Seneca & Asemith, R. I., Woodbury Yt. '-t^neca HEALBAN. 54 Wm., 11 : 23 : 09, teething, a?. 0-0-5, b. Ded., of & , Germ do HE ALE Y. ' '? ?b''f ' r^V ^' '"^""- "^ ^""^'' ''• '-'-'^ ^'- ^^^•' «f I^^^^iel & Honora. • 1 El z h,_l . 12 : 01, croup, .^e. 0-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Catharine, Ire., do. 51 John, 0:0: 0.5, consumption, ». 00-11-7, b. En-land, of John & Ann HE AM AN K 114 George, 7 : 24 : 04, inflam. of brain, .e. 1-.3-0, b. Kew Brunswick K J., of Geo ite Ehz'h, New Brunswick N. J., do. HEATH. 102 AnnaE., 9: 15: 05, cholera infantum, a^. i-ii-n, b. Lowell, of W^illiam W. ou J una. 29 Jiilian G. (Merrow), 4: 12: 87, cancer, re. 50-0-22, b. Auburn Me., of Reuben & Camelia, Minot Me., Harpswell Me '' "^Kel^htu Me • ""'"' "' "^'-'"' "' ""'■• "' ■^"™»" ^- * M-'^^'' «»''-• HEATON. ' '''^el;^Vf'?' 1^^^""^^?' - -'-0-0, b. Alton 111., of Geo. & Sarah B., ihettord V t., Ivennebunk Me. HEFFERNAN, HEFFRON '' ^te!"do:^"' '■" '■" "'' '^"^^^"^«^'^"^' ^^'- -^0-10-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Ellen, 99 John, 10: 19: 82, cyanosis, a?. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Ellen, Ire., do ;" uT' f \a" ^^' ' ''• ^~0-^^. b. Ded., of Thos. & Ellen, Ire., do. Oh xMichael, 10: 30: .58, congestion of lungs, ;e. 20-0-0 HEFNER. '' "'o'jJ^eiht — ,"1!^^"' '^ '''■ ''' ^"^^^^^' •''■ ''-'-'"' "• Southbridge, ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 93 HEIL. 93 ^ 11: 24: CO, weakness, ;e. , 1). Deil., s. of Iruucis & Catharine, Germ., do. 89 Louezer, 7: 1 : 58, consumption, le. 0-5-0, 1). , of Francis & Catharine. HEm, IlEYN. 100 Chas. 0., 10: 19: 82, typhoid fever, a^. 7-9-10. b. Ted., of Oscar & Bertha, Germany, do. 48 Emma, G: 5: 87, convulsions, a>. 0-9-11, b. Ded., of Oscar L. & Bertha A., Germany, do. 108 Frank, 11 : 28: 84, pneumonia, te G9-0-0, b. Germ., of & , Germ., do. 91 Henry O., 9:25:81, eclanipsia infantum, :e. 0-11-12, b. Bed., of Oscar J.. & Bertiia A., Germ., do. 88 Louis 0., 9: 8: 89, . te. l-:^-18, b. Ded., of Oscar L. & Aususta B. (Winfc Margaret J., Ire., do. 121) \ 12: 14: 87, stillborn, b. Ded., d. of John B. & Xellie, Ire.. Ded. 1:35 Jas.' E., 12: 13:88, consumption, re. :34-0-0, b. Scot., of Jas. A: Catherine. Scot., do. 26 Jas. F., 3: 1:89, abscess of brain, re. 0-5-1, b. Ded., of Jas. E. cV Catlierine M. (Powers), Scot., Boston. 38 Jos. S., 3: 16: 90, heart dis., re'. 80: 1: 18, b. Waterboro Mc, ot Jo. 111 A: Lvdia (Sanborn), Waterboro Me., do. 103 Lizzie A., 12: 1 : 85. marasmus, re. 0-1-29, b. Dedham, ot Joini 15. c\: Maggie.).. Ireland, do. . , 98 Maggie J. (Gannon). 11 : IS: 85, phthisis, re'. 31-8-4, b. Ir,'., -.1 Ihos. .V Sarah, Ire., do. ... i. .• r r 109 Rebecca, 21: 19: 8:5, consumj.tion, re'. 14-0-0, b. l>.oston. of Vincent .\: Lydia, 75 Seth'.'j!.*8: 27: 8.5, cholera infantum, re". 0-2-27, b. Hyde Park, of Setii J. & Maggie M . Westboro Me., Albion R. I. 40 Wni.. 4: 20 : 75. scrofula, re. 0-2-18, b. Ded., of Walter c^ Ellen, Ire.. Ded. ^'!'MadjiV(Barnes). 5:16:74, cancer, re. :i7-0-0, b. Holland, of Gerat .S: Jo- hanna, Holland, do. "94 DEDHAM RECORDS. HEXIHAX. 43 , 1 : 15: 70, stillborn, b. Ded., of Thomas & Margaret, Ire., do. 2.5 James T., 2: 2.5: 7;^>, spinal meningitis, aj. 7-4-21, b. Ded., of James & Mary, Ire., do. • 32 Jolin, 3: 24: 7:3, dis. of brain, se. 6-11-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Marg't, Ire., do. 72 John C, 12: 11 : Gl, croup, te. 3-6-6, b. Ded., of Thos. & Margaret. •m John T.. 4: 10: 81, typhoid fever, a\ 21-;]-21, b. Hudson, of James & Mary, Ire., do. 27 Thos. F., 1: 23: 72, typhoid fever, a\ 10-8-17, b. Ded., of Thos. & Margaret, Ire., do. HEXxVESSEY. 24 Abigail, 6: 1 : 70, croup, fe. 3-1-14, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, Ire., do. 98 Catharine (Kenslor), 12: 10: 76, consumption, te. 48-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. ^: , Ire., . .50 Dennis, 9: 16: 60, diarrhoea, a'. 0-0-22, b. Ded.. of Michael & Ellen, Ire., do. 22 Dominick, 6: 14: 59, croup, a?. 7-0-7, b. Ded., of Daniel & Catharine. 23 Dominick, 9: 22: 6:3, cholera infantum, ^e. 1-1-0, b. Ded., of John & Marg't. 16 Dominick, 10: 16: 65, spasms, a^. 0-0-6, b. Ded., of John & Margaret. 41 Eliza (Nolan), 5: 9: 82, cancer, a?. ,38-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & •, Ire., , 12 John, 12: 27: 73, accident, a?. 36-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael &Mary, Ire., do. 26 John J.. 5: 20: 60, scarlet fever, se. 4-11-26, b. Ded., of Daniel & Catharine. 123 Margaret (Aspal), 12: 13: 6.5, old age, a?. 68-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Nancy. 21 Margaret, (Aspen). 12: 15: 65, old age, a?. 68-0-0, b. Ire., of Walter & . 9 Margaret E., 1:29:82, convulsions, «. 0-0-3, b. Ded., of Daniel & Eliza, Ire., do. 7 Mary (Powers), 2: 10: 60, old age, a?. 73-0-0, b. Ire., of James & Ilonora. 147 Mary, 9: 30: 65, dysentery, se. l-;3-0, b. Ded , of John & Ellen. 97 Michael, 7: 9: 60, croup, ». 2-10-0, b. Ded., of Michael & Eleanor. 37 Wm., 8:8: 62, congestion of brain, te. 3-2-0, b. Ded.. of John & Ellen (Tobin), Ire., do. HENSEL. 128 Chas. H., 12: 1:62, consumption, a'. :39-9-24, b. Germ. HERBERT. 108 Lulu, 12: 6: 82, umbilical hemorrhage, ie. 0-0-6, b. Ded., of John J.. & Mary E., Dover X. H., Canada. HERByT. 90 Frank E., 12:6:70, membranous croup, re. ;3-9-9, 1). Dorch., of Henry & Anna, Germ., do. HERMBERG. 63 John, 7 : 23 : 68, consumption, ;e. 37-0-0, li. Germ., of John & Mary, Germ., do. HERRICK. 1 Georgianna, 1 : 13: 57, teething, a\ 1-0-19, b. Boston, of George & Lydia. HERKING. 67 Edwin J., 6: 14: 6:5, consuniption, a'. 29-10-21, b. Ded., of Nath'l & Hannah, I soldier. I 70 Hannah K. (Kingsbury), 7: 12: 6.5, heart dis., a'. 65-S-O, b. Ded., of Moses & Hannah. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. •'•> 50 Joseph, 4: 22: 45, , :t>. 70-0-0. HERSEY. 30 Geo. C, 8: 8: 02, executed, fe. 29-7-0, b. Hingham.of Jus. & yanili ((Uirdner", Hinghaiu, Boston. HESS. 22 Catharine, 12: 27: Oo, teething, le. 1-3-0, 1). Lynn, of Wm. & Juliet. HE WINS. 124 , 12: 3: 87, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Geo. & Harriet W., Boston, Ded. 88 Carrie E. (Sparrell). 10: 21 : 70, typhoid fever, se. 39-3-0, b. Boston, of \Vm. & Caroline F., S. Scituate, Rox. 07 Carrie F., 4: 19: 02, dropsy on brain, te. 1-8-8, b. Ded., of Alfred & Carrie E. 78 Chas. C, 8: 3: 07, slow fever, te. 3-0-0, b. Ded., of Geo. & Hattie W., Boston, Ded. 78 Eliz'h (Alden), 10:4: 02, lung fever, ;e. 03-11-20, b. Xewton. of Paul & Re- beck ah, Needham, do. 5.5 Fisher A., 9:8: 57, consumption, ie. 28-0-2, b. Ded.. of Xath'l A. cV: Hannali. 99 Gertrude N., 8:16:88, inllam. of stomach, :e. 7-10-25, 1). Ded., of Geo. & Har- riet W. (Carroll), Boston, Ded. 127 Hannah (Hersev), w. of Kath'l A., 12: 11: 87, paralysis, :e. 82-7-20, b. X. Bridgewater, of Elijah & Laurana (Packard), Hingham, X. Bridgewater. 19 Xath'l A., 12: 11: 48, consumption, aj. 4.5-0-0, b. Sharon. 9 Otis AV., 1 : 14: 77, , a?. 07-2-0, b. Sharon, of Philip & Lucy. HICKEY, HICKIE. ^ ^, ^, . 11 Chas. H., 1 : 13: 90. consumption, -x. 42-0-0. b. Ire., of Matthew & Catlierine, Ire., do. . 97 Timothy F., 10: 3 : 89, consumption, tt". 2:3-5-5, b. Dorch., of Timothy cNc Elieu (Hallahan), Ire., do. 25 Cyrus, 2: 24: 89, lieart dis., te. 75-0-7. b. Taunton, of Jonathan C. & Hannah (Tisdale), Rehoboth, Taunton. HIGGINS. 120 , 4: 18: 03, , :e. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catharine. 20 Bridget, 11: 27: 0:i, childbirth, a'. .3.5-0-0, b. Ire. 5 Dennis, 1 : 22: 62, , te. 1-5-6, b. Ded., of Michael & Hannah. 73 Hannora, 0:9: 69, congestion of brain, te. 0-9-16, b. Ded.. of Dennis & Ellen, Ire., do. . „ ,- .52 Mary, 11 : 12 : 62, congestion of brain, fe. 4-2-10, b. Ded., of Dennis & Mary, Ire., do. 144 Mary, 9 : 14 : 6.5, dysentery, x. 1-2-15, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catharine. 76 Xelly, O: 27: 09, pneumonia, re. 0-7-10, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catharine, Ire., do. HILDRETH. , ,, ,. ^ 19 Edward F., 1 : 17: 60, teething, te. 1-3-0, b. Ded., of Henry O. i^ Cornelias. TTT r T ?A Edith B., 5: 12: 77, diphtheria, le. 7-9-0, 1). Ded., of David S. & Mary, Mil- ford X. H., X. S. 96 DEDHAM RECORDS. 74 Ellis M., 12: 23: 53, worms, :e. 1-S^5, b. Dec!., of Geo. W. & Martha A. 95 Emily F., 7: 2G: 61, consumption, re. 17-5-25, b. Ded., of Geo. & Lenda, Canton, Ded. 1 George, G: 2 : 48, erysipelas, a\ 47-0-0, of Xath'l & . 91 Georgianna B. (Brown), 4: 26: 71, drowned, te. 44-5-27, b. Wilmot X. H., of David & Mary, , Mass. 52 Hannah J. (Swain), 5: 12: 65, cancer, se. 30-11-20, b. Hill X. H., of Chase & Emily. 62 Lenda (Whiting), 6: 24: 70, consumption, a\ 68-0-14, b. Ded., of Lemuel & Mary, Dedham, do. HILTON. 108 Sophronia (Luce), w. of Alden, 10: 17: 89, paralysis, fe. 63-0-0, b. New Sharon Me., of Ezekiel & Xancy (Norcross), Me., do. HINKLEY. 147 Amln-ose, 11: 23: 64, poison, le. 3:3-0-0. [soldier.] HIRSCH. 57 Geo. S., 6: 19: 76, phthisis, te. 4:3-8-0, b. Germ., of John M. & Mary, Germ., do. HITCHIXGS. 70 Amanda E. (Taft), 8: 21: 76, consumption, se. 49-0-11, b. Ded., ot Fred'c A, & Amanda, Uxbridge, ReIiol)otli. 104 *Betsey (Wade), 12: 20: 63, intlam. of bowels, a?. 75-11-0, b. Maiden, of Edw. & Rebecca, Charlestown, do. 63 Edw. T., 6: 11: 89, meningeal dis. of brain, te. 4-11-6, b. Ded., of Henry & Mary F. (Taft), Boston, Medford. 63 Martha, 11: 9: 53, consumption, te. 32-11-7, b. Maiden, of Daniel & Betsy. HITTL. 60 Bertha, 7:1: 87, stillborn, b. Ded., of Julius J. & Louise M., Germ., Boston. 21 Frances M. (Lorence), 3: 12: 87, apoplexy, a. 61-11-24, b. Bohemia, of Frank J. «fe Anna, Bohemia, do. HOAR. 38 James, 8:9: .58, canker rash, ee. 9-3-9, b. Eng., of David & Mary. 63 Mary, 11:1: 61, cholera infantum. a\ 0-7-7, b. Dedham, of David & Mary. HO BART. 41 Eliz'h, 4: 11: 81, pneumonia, a, 0-4-0. HODGDEX. 82 Oliver, 10: 28: 72, typhoid fever, a\ 130-0-0, b. Hiram Me., of Geo. & . HODGES. 83 Abel B., 10:30: 72, typhoid fever, re. 2:3-7-25, b. Taunton, of William V. & Elioendi. Taunton, do. 10 Lurania W. (Lane), 7 : 27 : 74, chronic pleurisy, \v. 68-8-17, b. Norton, of David & Lurania, Norton, do. 9 Mary F., 1:7: 88, apoplexy, ;e. 5:3-0-27, b. Ded., of Charles iK: Mary T. (Far- rington), , Dedham. 53 Mary T. (Farrington), 4: 12: 67, consumption, ;i'. 64-7-3, b. Ded., of Stephen & Lucy, Dedham, Milton. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 97" HODGKIX. 48 Frank J., 8: 19: (50, cliphtheria, a\ 4-7-0, b. Aulnirn Me., of A. B. A: Harriet M., Lewiston Me., Auburn Me. HODSOX. 29 Gertrude F.. 2: 29: 88, whooping cougli, a?. 0-:^.-l;^,, b. Ded., of William T. & Kitt}' E., Lancaster Pa., \V. Roxbury. HOFFMAN. 92 Constantine, 12: 18: 70, , :e. 59-0-0, b. Germany, of Frederick & , Germany, do. 122 (D. at Boston) Ernestina (Oeliler), w. of Chas., 12: ?>: 87, consumption, a>. 29-9-0, b. Saxony, of Gottfried & Ernestina, Saxony, do. 4:3 John, 0: G: 78, consumption, a?. (39-0-0, b. Germany, of iS: Mary eT., Germany, do. HOGAX. 4 Anna. 1: 2(>: 5.5, congestion of brain, fe. 1-6-6, b. Ded., of John & Catharine. 4 Edward, 1: 15: 62, , a?. 0-2-14, b. Ded., of Patrick & Betsy. 40 Edward, 1: 5: 70, convulsions, fe. 0-0-5, b. Dedhani, of Jolin A: Catharine, Ireland, do. 62 Margaret, 6: 4: 67, lung fever, a?. 22-0-0, 1) Boston, of Patrick & Anastatia, Ireland, do. 138 Mary, 8: 20: (35, dysentery, te. 2-9-4, b. Ded., of Edw. & Catherine. 26 Thomas. 7: 8: 70, pneumonia, re. 2-0-0, 1). Dedham, of Patrick A: Eliz:i II., Ireland, do. HOLLAND. 67 , 6: 19: (37, , a?. 0-0-1, b. Ded., s. of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do. 92 Patrick, 8: 29:65, diarrhoea, te. 1-1-22, b. Ded., of Patrick A: Mary. HOLLINGSWORTH. •?A Agnes S. (Thompson), w. of David H., :3: 20: 8:). enlargement of heart, 3D. 54-2-27, b. N. S., of John 13. & Sarah, Scot., do. HOLMES. 46 , 6: 28: 78, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Walter & Sarah F., Dorch., Boston. 26 Augustus N., 8: 21 : 44, dysentery, te. 3-0-0, b. Ded.. Edw. B. & . ,35 Caroline (Butlrick), 8: 31: 54, consumption, le. 48-8-26, b. Lancaster, of Horatio & . .36 Chas. H., 3: 28: 45, inflammatory fever, k. 8-0-0. b. Ded., of Edw. B. & . 117 Daniel C, 11 : 16: 89, pericarditis, a). 62-4-0, b. Hanson, of Luther & Nancy (Baker), Dorch., Hanson. 152 (D. at Rockville, Ct.) Edw. B., 12: 24: 64, paralysis, a>. 7:3-11-19, b. Canton, of Jos. & . 69 Elijah J., 6: 29: (57, inflam. of bowels, x. 43-1-17, b. Winthrop Me., of John & Dolly, Peterboro N. IL, ('andia N. H. .34 Eliza, 2: 5: 68, consumption, w. 74-8-16, b. Dorch., of Issachar & Mary, Can- ton, Rox. 74 Jane (Thompson), 10: 24: 86, old age, a-. 72-9-0, b. N. S., of James & Sarah,. N. S.. do. C2 Jeremiah, 1:6: .59, old age, ie. 80-0-0, b. Sharon, of John & . 98 DEDHAM RECORDS. 8 Jos., 2: 4: 56, consumption, ai. 27-T-S, b. X. Yarmouth Me., of Jos. & Sanili. 7 Lucy, 3: 14: 48, dropsy, a?. 70-0-0. 53 Mabel L., 6: 2: 76, diphtheria, ;«. 7-8-18, b. Boston, of Walter & Sarah F., , Dorch. 70 Mary A., 7:5:67, canker, a-. 0-2-0, b. Bed., of Fred. H. «fe Agnes A., Gardiner Me., Scot. 80 Natli'l A., 8: 2: 6.j, consumption, aj. 51-.5-2.5, b. Monmouth Me., of John & Dolly. 87 Oliver, 6:4: 61, consumption, a?. 39-0-1, b. Portsmouth N. Y., of Benjamin & Mary, Portsmouth N. H., Rye N. H. 10 Sarah, 3: 18: 54, consumption, a?. 22-10-6, b. N. Yarmouth Me., of Joseph «& Sarah. 136 Sarah (Kenney), 10: 6: 64, liver comp., a?. 69-0-16, b. N. Yarmouth Me., of Samuel B. & Hannaii, Nottingham N. H., Yarmouth Me. HOLT. 12 Mary M. (Beal), 2: 15:83, consumption, je. 46-11-1.5, b. Boston, of Thatcher & Lydia, Boston, do. HOLTHAM. 9 Stella M., 1: 8: 75, scarlet fever, aj. 3-9-20, b. Ded., of Alfred & Elizabeth J., Eng.. do. HOMER. 90 Elnathan L., 4: 14: 64, pneumonia, ffi. . [soldier.J 31 Nellie F., 1: 24: 68, putrid sore throat, te. ll-0-:3, b. Haverhill, of Wm. P. & Lucy H., Hawley, Berlin. HOOBAN. 71 Ann V., 8 : 9 : 81, cholera infantum, a?. 0-1-9, b. Ded., of John & Maria, Ire., do. 125 John, 12: 5: 87, consumption, k. 41-11-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, Ire., do. 95 Maria (Goonan), 9: 27: 82, consumption, te. 36-7-0, b. Ire., of Jere'h & Mary, Ire., do. :22 Maria T., 4: 10: 79, tuberculosis, iB. 7-0-18, b. Ded., of John & Maria, Ire., do. 61 Maria T., 8: 2: 80, cholera infantum, a?. 0-2-8, b, Ded., of John & Maria, Ire., do. HOOKER. 145 Jerusha B. (Holmes), 11 : 19: 64, liver comp., a'. 58-11-10, b. Milton, of Eben'r & Charlotte, Stoughton, Canton. 26 Joseph E., 4: 26: 61, pleurisy, te. 17-11-0, b. Ded., of James & Jerusha. 7 Miriam H., 8: 17: 48, dysentery, le. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of James & [JerushaJ. HOPKINS. 94 Lydia A. (Allen), 11: 15: 78, consumption, ie. 0.5-6-0, b. Taunton, of John & Betsey, , Taunton. 9 Mary A. (Gibbons), 2: 12: .59, consumption, w. 2.5-11-2.5, b. N. Y., of John & Mary. HORGAN. 116 Honora, 3: 13: 03, scarlet fever, a*. 2-9-11, b. Ded., of Jeremiah & Margaret, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 9f> 139 Jeremiah, 9: 23: 03, cholera infantum, le. 1-0-2, b. Stoughton, of Jere'h &. Margaret, Ire., do, HORN. 44 Henry, 0: 10: 84. paralysis, se. 73-2-G, b. Watertown, of Wm. & Martha S., Framinghara, Watertown. 102 Mary A. (Hibbard), 12: 15: 78. pneumonia, so. G6-2-1, b. Prov. R. I., of Benj. D. & Lydia L.. Claremont X. H., Prov. R. I. HORTOX. 24 Frank V., 3: 22: 74, typhoid fever, te. ;3-0-r2, b. Ded., of Albert G. & Anna A., Eng., Wis. 70 Fred'k G., 10: 10: 73, congestion of brain, a;. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Albert G. & Anna A., Eng., Wis. 46 Walter F., 9: 4: 58, cholera infantum, to. 0-6-0, b. Ded., of Geo. C. & Eliza. HOUGHTON. . ^ ^^ ^ 16 Agnes (McEneny), 5: 25: 56, consumption, *. 2-3-7-26, b. Ded., of Arthur cNc Xancy. 27 Edw. C, G: 20: 71, inflam. of liver, se. 4-9-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Mary. "9 Ephraim, 2:7: 79, paralysis, le. 83-11-20, b. Winchendon, of Robert & Sarah, Leominster, Lunenburg. 107 Geo. W., 12: 28: 76, peritonitis, le. .52-4-0, b. Putney Vt., of Amos & Almira. 36 Polly (Bonney), 2: 29: 72, congestion of lungs, :c. 6.5-0-0, b. Hanson, of Ezekiel & , Hanson, do. 66 Wm., 7: 27: 68, old age, a\ 79-9-2, b. Winchendon, of Robert »fc Sarah, Leom- inster, Lunenburg. HOWARD. . 110 Adeline 13. (Baker), 12: 14: 67, neuralgia, te. 60-0-0, b. Ded., of Sal)in e\c Abigail. Ded., Ashford. 80 Eliza G. (Barrows), 9: 23: 78, paralysis, :e. 63-5-0, b. Dover X. H., of Amos C. & Abigail, Dover X". H., do. 35 Martin, 4: 7: 81, consumption, te. 41-5-0, b. Ire., of Anthony & Ellen. Ire., do. 84 Mary L., 9: 29: 75, marasmus, te. 0-1-21, b. Ded., of Martin & Eliz'h C, Ire., do. 138 Oramel, 10: 10: 64, chronic diarrhoea, a?. . [soldier.] 4 Seth, 1:8: 57, gangrene, te. .54-0-0. HOWARTH. ^„ ^ 122 Jane (Fagan), 12 : 21 : 83, , fe. 54-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Ellen, Ire., do. 98 John E., 10: 29:81, cyanosis, fe. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Thos. & Ellen, Ded., Ire. HOWE. .52 , w. of Joseph, 4: :}0: 46, consumption, k. 66-0-0, b. Ded. 89 Alice G., 11: 22: 75, paralysis, a-. 27-0-0, b. Ded., of Josiah D. & Hainiah, Marll)oro, Bar re. 99 Elijah, 11: 30: 80, pneumonia, ie. 88-1-9, b. Ded., of Thos. ;M .\c Hannah Withington, Ded., Dorch. 69 Francis, 5: 18: 59, apoplexy, fe. 72-0-0, b. Framingham. 107 Francis E., 10: 7: 65, dysentery, je. 1-2-4, b. Ded., of Elijah Jr. \- Juba A. 13 Joseph, 5: 21: 47, consumption, a.\ 7G-0-0. 100 DEDHAM RECORDS. 50 Josiah D., 5:4: 05, consumption, to. 20-8-21, 1). Princeton, of Josiali D. & Hannah. 65 Josiah D., 6: 10: 67, consumption, te. 60-11-24, b. Oakliam, of Josiah & Phebe, Oakham, do. 103 Julia A. (Gay), 12: 12: 80, pneumonia, te. 77-4-7, b. Bed., of Moses & Me- hitable Holmes, Ded., Sharon. 31 Lucy (Gay), 5: 23: 78, old age, te. 85-10-0, b. Ded., of Lemuel & Lucy C, Ded., do. 74 Mary H., 8: 30: 76, pneumonia, a?. 31-9-2:5, b. Lexington, of Josiah D. & Hannah, Marlboro, Barre. 37 Mattie K., 2:15:65, congestion of brain, ;e. 0-7-2(5, \). Wolfboro X. II., of Allen L. & Lizzie. 24 Sarah J. (Mullen), w. of Patrick, 2: 15: 88, consumption, ;30-7-8, b. Ded., of Michael & Margaret, Ire., do. HOWELL. 132 (D. at Boston), John, 12: 6: 88, R. R. accident, a'. 60-3-16, 1). Eng.. of Daniel & Mary (Sinister), Eng., do. 42 Wm. H., 9: 9: 59, typhus fever, je. 15-8-0, b. Eng., of John & Eliza. HOWES. 76 Hannah, 5 : 18 : 58, cancer, te. 76-0-0, b. Walpole. 03 Xelly F., 10 : 25 : 57, cholera infantum, te. 0-9-0, b. Charlestown, of Reuben & Mary D. HOWLAND. 139 (D. at Boston) Jos., 3: 3: 87, accident, re. 45-0-0, 1). P. E. L, of Wm. & Ann, Ire., do. HOWLETT. 89 Annie V., 10: 28: 79, chronic catarrhal pneumonia, se. 18-1-14, b. Charles- town, of Thos. & Catherine, Ire., do. 52 Jas. A., 6:5: SO, phthisis, a\ 22-7-0, b. Charlestown, of Thos. & Catherine (Keating), Ire., do. 89 Mary V., 10: 13: 84, consumption, a'. 25-.5-0, b. Charlestown, of Thos. & Catherine, Ire., do. HUBBARD. 66 Frank, 12: 22: 51, dropsy, a". 0-9-0, b. Ded., of John S. & . 106 Frank K., 10: 7: 87, convulsions, te. 0-0-4, b. Ded., of Frank K. & Julia E., Marll)oro N. II., Loray X. Y. 12 Jane G. (Golding). 11:22:83, phthisis pulmonalis, a. 69-0-0, b. Lowell, of John & , Templeton, do. 87 John S., 8: 19: 05, dysentery, aj. 55-5-6, b. Candia N. H., of Jos. «& Mary. 44 Samuel A., 12: 13: 56, dropsy, a\ 18-1-2, b. liox., of John S. & Jane G. IIUDSOK^. 9 Henry A.. 2: 4: 64, typhoid fever, a. 1:3-0-0, b. Fitchlnirg, of Wm. & . HUGHES. 1 John, 1 : 15: 76, consumption, a-. 6.5-0-0, b. Ire., of «!v: , Ire., do. 33 Mary (Grady), 5: 5:78, consumption, ai. ;32-ll-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 101 HUMPHREY, HUMPHREYS. 91 Betsey H. (Deveraux), 10: IS: 85, cancer, te. 87-5-10, b. Marblehead, of -John & Betsey (Leacli), Marblehead, do. 12 Frank R., 2: 18: 78, bronchitis, ai. 0-0-0, b. Ded., of oSTickerson G. & Sarah, Wasliington D. C, Ct. 55 Henry R., 4: 16: 88, premature birth, ;e. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Henry D. & Lena R., AV. Rox., Gloucester. 95 James, 11 : 1;3: 80, diabetes, ;e. 50-7-1:'., b. Atliol, of James & Sarah, Atliol, do. 74 Lena R. (Witham), av. of Henry D., 7: 19: 90, multiple neuritis, a*. 24-5-8, b. Gloucester, of Sidney & Susan E. (Saunders), Gloucester, do. 11 Sarah (Kendall), 2:9: 85, cerebral hemorrhage, te. 87-11-0, 1). Athol, of Joel & Mary, Athol, . HUXKINGS, HUNKINS. 44 Charlotte (Dean), 9: 29: .54, spinal complaint, ic. ;59-5-2G, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Louisa. 42 Henry W., 10: :30: 52, typhoid fev.,:e. 1.5-1-4, b. Ded., of Tlios. J. »fc Ciuuiotte. HUNXEWELL. 72 Charles, 5: 19: .56, dis. of heart, io. 78-0-0. HUNT. 39 Lizzie H., 7: 16: 74, consumption, a\ 14-1-12, b. Medlield, of Thomas E. iVo Hannah J., Marlboro, Medway. 11 Oliver, 2: 6: 76, disease of brain, te. 66-2-8, b. Douglas, of Oliver & Phebe, Douglas, do. 80 Persis G. (Forbush), 9: 7: 85, constriction of colon, a\ 77-0-10, 1). I'pton, of Samuel & Lydia, Upton, Hopkinton. 71 Susanna (Eaton), 9: :]: 78, paralysis, jc. 79-6-11, b. Haverliill, of A: Re- becca, Haverhill, do. 40 Thos., 9: i;5: 62, convulsion, ;e. 0-0-6, b. Ded., of Michael & Ann, Ire., do. HUXTIXG. 90 C, Valentine, 1: 19: 7:3, rupture of blood vessel, a'. 6-11-5, b. Rox., of Reuben & Louisa (Pratt), Rox., Boston. 124 Mary A. (Freeman), w. of Reuben, 12: 2(i: 90, chronic bronchitis, :e. 79-8-26, b. Rox., of Leonard &Eliz'h (Horton), Bellingham, Sherborn. HUPFER. 71 Johanna C. ( ), 8: 16: 75, dysentery, te. 81-5-18, b. Germ., of Goddfreed «& Johanna, Germ., do. HURD. 60 Eliz'h, w. of Joseph, :3 : 12 : 47, , te. 22-0-0. 124 Sarah C, 5: 10: 6:J, consumption, ie. 19-10-8, b. Galveston Tex., of Alvin & Relief H., Orleans, Boston. HURLEY, HERLEY. 59 ,6:28:87, stilll)oni, b. Ded., s. of Patrick H. & Hannah P.., Dedliam, Depere Wis. 4.3 Edw. M., G: 16: 86, cerebro spinal meningitis, w. 3-8-23, b. Ded., of Patrick «fc Hannah, Ded., Depere Wis. 102 DEB II AM KE CORDS. IS John S., 3:2: 82, diphtheria, iV. 4-5-1, b. Ded., of Charles J. & Mary A. J., Ire., do. 17 Jos., 2:20: 8:5, pneumonia, a?. 3-0-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Margaret, Ire., do. 00 Mary A., 7: 17: 68, cholera infantum, a?. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Margaret, Ire., do. HURST. 104 John, 8: 17 : 02, drowning, a\ 25-0-0, b. Germ., of Geo. & Catharine, Germ., do. HUSSEY. 07 Geo. W., 7: 10: 87, drowning, te. 29-;3-29, 1). Milton X. II., of Jos. & .Susan E., Milton X. H., Lebanon Me. HUSTON. 22 Geo. L., 8:9: 50, cholera infantum, i^. 1-1-10, b. lied., of Wm. E. & Susan E. HUTCHIXS. 38 Emma F., 7: 10: 5:5, cholera infantum, a-. 1-0-4, b. Ded., of Thomas F. & Ruth T. 20 Geo. H., 1:8: 64, chronic dis., te. 28-4^, b. Ded., of Jos. S. & Sarah. 05 Henry, 10: 25: 55, , a?. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Thos. F. & Ruth T. 82 Sarah (White), 12: 21: 71, debility, ;\\ 72-(V:3, b. Ded., of Luther & Rebecca. Ded., do. HUTCH IXSON. 37 Rachel A. (VVillard), 11 : 13: 70, apoplexy, a?. 70-4-4, b, Lancaster, of John & Lucy A., Lancaster, do. HUTT. 70 Alice, 0: 27: 72, dysentery, le. 0-.5-4, b. Ded., of Wm. H. & Mary A., N. S., Boston. HYDE. 7 John, 4:15:71. consumption, :o. 71-5-.5, b. Newton, of John & Abigail, Newton, do. ICHLER. .56 Chas., 10: 6: 5:3, croup, te. 1-.5-0, b. Germany, of Chas. & . IDE. 132 Sybil J., 12: 13: 01, typhoid fever, a^ 31-2-0, b. Ded., of Natli'l & Sybil, Ded., Sharon. INCHES. 20 , 6: 3: 53, scarlet fever, a\ 0-1-0, b. Ded., s. of Martin B. & Mary W. INGALLS, IXGELS. 11 . 5: 11: 47, , a. . 31 Eleanor B. (Cuthbert), 2: Ki: 72, heart dis., a. .54-2-10, b. N. S., of Abram & , Eng., do. .57 Jolni C, 5: 18: 0:3, paralysis, a'. 61-2-24, b. Canada, of Henry cS: Margaret, England, do. INGECSOLL. 40 Alien, 0: 21 : 77, tumor, a. 18-2-0, b. Poughkeepsie N. Y., of S. H. & Anna, X. Y., III. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 103 IXGRAHAM. 100 Mary E.. 9:26:66, cholera infantum, an. 0-2-16, b. Dec!., of Georfje L. & Nancy A. T. 47 Wm. ()., 10: 1:3: 51, lung fever, je. 0-1-5, b. Dedham, of Geo. L. & . IVES. 30 Eliz'h(Tourgee), 1: 20: 68, consumption, ». :il-0-0. b. Xatick W. I., of Beiif. & Sally A. JACKSOX. 44 , 4: 26: 83, stillborn, b. Detl., s. of Robert S. & Xellie M., X'. Y.. Vt. 22 John P., 1 : 13: 64, old age, ^e. 95-6-11, b. Dover X. H., of Wm. & Sarah. JACOB. 117 :sraximilian, 12: 12:8-3, injury from a fall, ee. 42-0-0, b. France, of Wm. & Leaner, France, do. JEFFERSOX. 82 Austin, 4: 1: <54. , ae. . [soldier.] JESSER. 20 Ann (Sheridan), 3: 4: 82, anaemia, a?. .52-.5-0, b. Ire., of John «& Mary, Ire., do. 4S Peter, 6 : 7 : 77, heart dis., te. 41-0-0, b. France, of & , France, do. JEWETT. :]2 Franklin M., 1 : 22: 65, pneumonia, ae. 26-0-0. [soldier.] JOHX. 16 Cain, 7: 11: 47, consumption, je. 2(5-0-0, b. Dedluim. JOHXSOX. 23 Alfred, 4: 19: 60, c msumption, te. 2:3-0-0, b. Walpole, of Xoel & Lucy A. 4 Alfred E., 1: 12: 86, cerebral meningitis. ». 1-1-1:3, b. Led., of Alfred E. & Ida, Xorway, do. 19 AnnaL., 2: 17: 74, inflation of bowels, te. 17-8-1.^ b. Xew Hampton X. H. 21 E. A., 1 : 10: 64, pneumonia, a;. .35-0-0. [soldier.] 19 Edwin, 6: 11: 56, consumption, se. 31-.5-10, b. Charlestown, of Marshall & Hannah. 59 Eugene X., 6:4:83, diphtheria, te. 26-6-0. b. Green Garden 111., of Silas \' Lestina, Shrewsbury Vt., Plymouth Vt. 10 Francis, 9: 15: 48, consumption, a*. 29-0-0, b. Charlestown. 41 George, 3: 4: 64, pneumonia, te. . [soldier.] 85 George R., 4: 9: 64, smallpox, ». . [soldier.) 21 Henrietta, 6: 13: 59, consumption, te. 24-0-9, b. Charlestown, of Marshall & Alice. 81 Jas. G., 10: 26: 72, , te. 60-3-6, b. Eng., of & , Eng., do. 10 John H., 6:26: 72, encephaloid tumors, te. 9-11-22, \). Boston, of John H. & Julia J., Baltimore, St. Johns. 3 (D. at Boston) John H., 1:3: 88, heart dis., ?e. .5:3-0-0, b. Baltimore Md., of John & Mary, Southern State, do. 48 (D. at Boston) Josiah B., 10: 16: .59, consumption, fe. 29-9-24, 1). Charlestown. of Marshall & Hannah. 105 Louisa Slack), 12: :30: 7s, pleurisy fsver, ;e. .5:3-0-0, b. Eng., of Jas. cV Maria, Eng., do. 104 DEDHAM RECORDS. 88 Lufv A. (Smitli), w. of Noel M., 9: 3: 87, old age, ;v. TS-11-6, b. Bridgton Me., of Abner & Fanny, Beverly, Baldwin Me. 13 Lydia (Winslow), 4: IS: 63, consumption, re. 73-6-0, b. Deer Isle Me., of «& Lydia. Deer Isle, do. 46 Mary, 5: 31: 79, Bright's dis., te. 6.5-7-0, b. Eng. 58 Xoel, .5: 1.5: 71, accidental, a;. 63-10-0, 1). Coventry li. I., of Elisha & Betsy, Coventry, do. 132 (D. at Walpole) Eebecca E., 12: 10: 62, dropsy, te. 5-6-6, b. Walpole, of Samuel & Margaret. 82 Robert, 8: 17: 87, cholera infantum, -x. 1-2-26, b. Boston, of Robert D. & MaryT., Boston, do. 104 Samuel, 12: 19: 71, imperfect development, ;e. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Edw. & Catharine, Portland Me., Ded. 35 Wm.. 10: 8: 70. diabetes, te. 67-6-7, b. Hartford Ct., of Eeuel & Lucretia, Woburn, Hartford Ct. 6 Wm. N., 6: *15: 65, teething, te. 2-4-8, b. Blackstone, of John & Harriet. JONES. 71 Chas., 8:12: 79, hydrothorax, a?. .30-0-0. 40 Elijah, 6 : 9 : 61, accidental shooting, te. 35-0-0, b. Xeedham, of John & Sylvia, Dorch., Framingham. 84 Harriet T., 12: 23: 68, consumption, te. 58-0-0, b. Newburyport, of Eichard & Abigail, Fng., AVoburn. :33 Helen M., 3:2: 4.5, convulsion fits, a^ 2-0-0, b. Ded. (Foundling.) Ill Jas., 12: 4: 84, phthisis, re. 29-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Rose, Ire., do. 82 Lurana (Sawin), 4: 18: 66, consumption, re. 67-0-0, b. , of Levi & . 76 Mary C. (Hill), w. of John, 8: 6: 87, dysentery, re. 71-5-3, b. Ire., of Stephen & Mary (Black well). Ire.. Scot. .34 Patrick, 8: 16: 59, dysentery, re. 22-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Eose. 129 Eose, 9: 13 : 64, typhoid fever, re. 17-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Eose, Ire., do. JOXIO. 15 Eoselee, 1: 10: 73, brain fever, ic. 0-7-1, b. Ded., of Jos. I's: Cordelia, Canada, do. JOEDAX. 45 Ar.)ert H., 10: 8: 62, diphtheria, w. 2-7-20, b. Ded., of Dedrick & Susan, Wareham, Stoddard N. H. 29 Caty, 7: 10: 62, consumption, re. 49-10-6, b. Canton, of John & Catharine. 24 Chas. A., 2: 28: 69, railway accident, re. 2S-2-18, b. Portland Me., of Tristam & Martha, Bridgton Me., Portland Me. Ill Emma A., 10: 12: 62, diphtheria, re. 6-2-19, b. Marlow X. H., of Dedrick & Susan, Wareham, Stoddard N. H. 64 Geo. W., 7: 16: 81, ossification of valves of heart, re. 80-5-0, b. Xeedham. 22 Hannah (Alden), 3: 15: 57, old age, re. 89-0-0, b. X'eed.. of Samuel &j Susanna. 84 Josepli, 10: 3: .55, consumption, re. 34-0-0, b. Buxton Me., of Samuel & Abigail. .113 Mariah Ji.. 10: 15: 62, diphtheria, re. 11-11-12, 1). Peterlioro X. H., of Dedrick & Susan, Wareham, Stoddard X. H. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 1^5 21 Martha C. (Mayo), 3:8: 71, paralysis, ;t'. 71-3-0, b. Brewster, of James ^: Abi- gail, Brewster, do. 10 Selina (Farrington), 2: 20: 01, dropsy, ie. 7S-0-0, b. Tomfret Ct., of Ephraim & Elizabeth. JOSSELYX. 50 Deborah, 5:5: 47, , ao. Sl-0-0. 69 Ira O., 8: 4: 81, congestion of brain, re. 0-7-11, b. Ded., of Joseph H. & Nellie E., Hanson, Hanover. JOYCE. 104 James, 9: 25: 65, liver comp., le. :32-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Eliz'h. 21 Maggie A., 2: 16: 89, exhaustion, a?. 1:5-7-10, b. Millbury, of John & Mary (Fitzpatrick), Ire., do. 27 Mary J., 3: 15: 81, consumption, le. 20-0-12, b. Boston, of Patrick & Mary, Ireland, do. IvAALLY. 55 Mary H.. 8: 10: 01, cholera morbus, txi. 0-S-O, b. Ded., of James .S: Ellen H., Ireland, do. KAHLMEYER. SO George H., 10: 31 : 70, lung fever, a\ 48-6-17, b. Germany. KANE. 5 Catharine A., 4: 13: 60, croup, a. 1-0-26, 1). Sharon, of Wm. & Alice. 3 Hannah, 4: 5: 06, croup, te. 3-10-0, b. Sharon, of Wm. & Alice. 113 Lizzie, 10: 9: 88, tubercular meningitis, te. 1-4-18, b. Sherborn,of &Mary, , Lowell. 104 Patrick, 10: 24: 90, heart disease, a?. 42-0-0, b. Ireland, of Dennis & Margaret (Toban), Ire., do. 148 Paul, 11: 27: 64, drowned, te. 50-0-0, b. Ireland, [soldier] KATZENMEIER. ^ ^^ 88 Frank, 12: 28: 69, convulsions, :e. 0-1-8, b. Ded., of Peter & Margaret, Germany, do. 100 Peter, 11: 13:79, cerebro-spinal meningitis, a?. 48-0-0, b. Germany, ot George & , Germany, do. IvEARXEY, KAENEY. . ^r .• v 02 Bridget (Golding), 7:2: 81, marasmus, ;o. 60-0-0, b. Ireland, ot Martin .\: Sarah, Ireland, do. 15 James, 1: 21: 90, pneumonia, :e. 75-0-0, b. Ireland, of James cS^ .Margaret, Ireland, do. 28 James, 2: 14: 90, heart disease, re. 70-0-0, b. Ireland, of Mark i^ Bridget, Ireland, do. 12 Patrick F., 3: 19: 54, infantile dis., fe. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Walter bi Ann. 6 Walter, 2: 25: 61, convulsions, re. 5-10-13, b. Ded.. of Walter & Ann. KEATING. , , ,, ,. , 26 Catharine (Lynding), 3:0: 69, childbirth, te. 34-0-0, b. Ireland, of .Alartm ^ Mary, Ireland, do. ^ ., • 1 James A., 1:20: 63, lung fever, a'. 1-6-17, b. Ded., of James cV: Catharine, Ireland, do. 106 DEDHAM RECORDS. 94 James J., 10: 2: 82, typhoid fever, :e. 19-1-2.J, b. Ded., of James & Cathar- ine, Iiehmd, do. 83 Mary A., 0: 25: 80, disease of heart, ne. 22-0-0, b. Ireland, of Michael & Eliza, Ireland, do. 44 Mary C, 8: 1: 55, consumption, te. 0-6-(3, b. Ded., of Jas. & Catharine. 42 AVilliam E., 6: 17: 60, , a?. 0-8-11, b. Dedham, of James & Catherine, Ireland, do. KEEFE, KEEF, KEEFFE. 126 Ann, 8: :51 : 67, consumption, ;e. :33-0-0, b. Ireland, of James & Bridget, Ireland, do. 77 Elenia (I)rinan), 7: 25: 83, phthisis, te. 21-0-0, b. Ire., of George «& Mar- garet, Ireland, do. 84 Johanna, 1: 23: 71, cancer, re. 47-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 152 Peter, 11 : 27: 65, consumption, se. 25-4-28, b. Ire., of James & Bridget. 7 Timothy, 11 : 19: ^0%, canker, fe. 1-3-0, b. Ded., of Timothy & Mary, Ire., do. KEEGAN. 90 Catherine (Casserly), w. of Peter, 9:4:87, inflam. of bowels, te. 50-0-0, b. Ire., of Owen & Catherine, Ire., do. 120 (D. at Boston) Hannah (O'Brien), w. of Patriclc, 12: 8: 89, heart disease, ne, 60-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & , Ire., do. 6 Margaret, 2:8: 62, dysentery, re. 66-0-0, b. Ireland. 98 Margaret, 9: 6:65, typhoid fever, re. 10-0-27, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary. 55 Margaret, 5: 21: 68, bowel comp., re. 1-1-9, b. Ded., of Peter & Catharine, Ire,, do. 90 Mary (Fagan), 9: 24: 82, dysentery, re. 67-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, Ire., do. 53 Mary A., 8:2: 61, diarrhoea, re. 1-2-0, b. Ded., of Peter & Catharine. KEELAK 41 Thos. F., 9: 18:62, inflam. of brain, re. 0-11-5, b. Ded., of Michael & Cath- erine E., Ire., do. KEENE. 8 (D. at Boston), Nahum, 1: 12: 89, heart dis., re. 69-9-20, b. Duxbury, of Solo- mon & Lucia, Pembroke, do. KEENER. 6 Brian, 2:2: .55, consumption, re. 40-0-0. KEEP. 110 Wm., 6: 13: 49, cholera, re. 51-0-0, b. Prov. R. I. KELLEHER. 93 John, 12: 28: 02, delirium tremens, re. 36-0-0, b. Ire. KELLER, KELLAR. 137 , 8: 20: 65, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Fred. & Eliz'h. 100 John, 11 : 25: 85, pneumonia, :e. 35-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 139 Peter, 8: :W: 65, cerebral meningitis, re. 9-0-0, b. Germ., of Fred. & Eliz'h. KELLOGG. .59 Elliot E., 7: 21: 75, consumption, le. 5(5-0-0, b. Jamaica Vt., of Alpheus & Augusta B., Vt., do. A BS TRA CT OF DEA THS. ^^'^ KELLY, KELLEY. .„,..* t i •W Brido-et .^: 10: 86, phthisis, le. 37-0-0, b. Ire., of Robert & Ann, Ire., do. 10 Cathl^rine, 9: 13: 69, dis. of brain, ^. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Philip & Catherine, .:3 Enen'(Green), 4: 6: 77, suicide, a^. 45-0-0, b. Ire.,of Wm. & Margaret Ire.,do 89 Ellen (Finnerty), w. of John, :3: 23: 8S, apoplexy, re. SO-0-0, b. Ire., ot W m. cNc Mary, Ire., do. 48 Geo.. 5: 17: 81. R. R. accident, te. 3.5-0-0. 25 Hannah (McLaughlin), 4: 20: 79, heart dis., le. 04-0-0, b. Ire., ot Thomas e^o r^'itliprino Ii'B do 19 James, 1 : 20 : 69,"'scarlet fever, a?. 4-0-0, b. Ded., of Jas. & Bridget, Ire., do. 95 Jas., lO: 18: 81, typhoid fever, a.. 9-7-0. b. Ded., of Jas. & Bridget E Ire do. 84 Jas. F., 7: 28: 83, cholera infantum, re. O-ll-O, b. Ded., ot James & ^arah A.r 18 (D.'^at Bridgewater) John, 3: 15: C4, consumption, a^ 14-0-0, b. Ire., of John 45 John'^^^ie: 09, liver complaint, a^ 61-0-0, b. Ire., of Ratrick & Mary, Ire.,do. 93 John J 9: 23: 82, stillborn, b. Ded., of Edw. P. & Nora E., Walpole, Ire. I4 Margaret, 3 : 28 : 53, fit, fe. 0-0-10, b. Ded., of Michael •& Mary. 32 Margaret 4:2. 81, consumption, ^. 21-6-0. b. Ded., of Thos. & Mary, Ire., do 9.3 Margaret E. (McGuiness), 8: 25: 83, typhoid fever, a.. 27-0-10, b. Ded., ot Bernard & Mary, Ire., do. . ^ ., • t ^ .1^ 115 Mary, 8: 6: 64, dysentery, je. 1-2-6, b. Ded., of Jas. & Cathernie, Ire., do. 39 Michael, 10: 31: 47, consumption, se. 50-0-0. ^ t ^^ 80 M c ael 0: 20: 81, heart dis., «. 03-0-0, b. Ire., of Edw. & Margaret, re., do. 3 Nellie, I: .,,:*!, di^theria, ce. 10-11-11, b. Ded. of Jobn & .Tohanna, Ir ., do 9 Nora E. (Grady), 2: 6: 84, puerperal peritonitis, ffi. 24-0-0, b. lie., ot ler 00 Prcfo* ^i^^^. a.. 41-,-0, b. ire., of Peter . Bridget, Ire., do. A., Ire., Ded. 84 Thos., 5: 25:61, intemperance, k. 38-0-0, b. Ire t,,..:.!. «. \r.,rv 38 Thos., 5: 25: 61, delirium tremens, le. 36-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick c^ Marj, 109 Thot; n'.-: 76, consumption, ^. 3.5-0-0, b. Ire., of Robert & —. 40 Thos., 3: 20: 90, leucocythaemia, «. 67-0-0, b. Ire., ot Edw. \ Margaret 15 Thts' f!"i :'lTr6rscarlet fever, .. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Jas & Bridget, Ire., do. 69 Wm . 12: 1 : 61, lung fever, a.. 0-3-0, b. Ded., of Philip c^c Catharine. ^s'^JoS'e: lO: 76. tuberculosis, a.. 47-10-14, b. Germ., of John .^ Ann M., Germ., do. KENELLY. 12 James, 2: 4: 64, typhoid fever, le. . | soldier. J 108 DEDHAM RECORDS. KEXNARD. 50 Frank H., 4: 29: GS, consumption, te. 27-3-21, b. Cunningham Ct., of Jas. B. & Catharine, Xashua X. H., Xewburyport. KENNEDY. 100 Ann (Cannon), 3: 29: 86, cerebral lietiiorrhage, te. CS-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Eridget, Ire., do. 69 Ann E., 8: 4: 85, cholera infantum, fe. 0-5-22, b. Ded., of Wm. J. & Mary E., Prov. R. I., Ded. 100 Eliza J. (Ebbs), w. of Jas. A., 10: 26: 90, typhoid pneumonia, ;e. :32-2-14, b. Ded., of Thos. & Ellen (Hull), Ire., Eng. " 91 Geo. W., 9: 10: 90, lockjaw, te. 2-ll-S, b. Ded., of Wm. J. & Mary E., Prov. R. I., Ded. 51 John, 10: 19: 69, teething, te. 1-1-14, b. Ded., of John & Mary, Ire., do. 72 John H., 7: 8: 83, convulsions, te. 0-1-7, b. Ded., of J. A. & Eliza J., Eng., Ded. 22 Lewis, 2:1: 69, scarlet fever, jl-. 5-4-25, b. Ded., of John & Mary, Ire., do. 40 Maggie, 7: 22: 74, consumption, re. 2:5-2-0, b. Boston, of Michael & Margaret, Ire., do. 35 Mary I. (Ewer), 5: 10: 78, consumption, re. 3:3-6-21, b. Boston, of Chas. B. & Charlotte B., , Ded. 43 Michael J., 5: 14: 82, , re. 2-6-11, b. Ded., of John 2d & Mary, Ire., do. 33 Sarah, 4: 10: 82, albuminuria, le. 6-8-0, b. Ded., of John 2d & Mary, Ire., do. 92 Sarah J., 10: 18: 85, scarlatina, te. 6-0-0, b. Ded., of Stephen & Rosanna, Ireland, do. 62 Thomas H., 7: 2: 87, hydrocephalus, le. 0-10-16, b. Ded., of James A. & Eliza J., England, Ireland. 106 William, 11:23: 84, heart disease, le. 6.5-0-0, b. Ireland, of William & Mar- garet, Ireland, do. KENNEY. 119 Joseph C, 12: 0: 90, drowning, ;c. 1-8-20, b. West Roxbury, of Malaclii & Maria A. (Gately), Roxbury, Ireland. 46 Louisa K., 10: 24: 44, dysentery, re. 0-1:3-0. 79 (D. at Boston) Patrick, 8: 14:87, drowning, a\ 2:3-0-0, b. Ireland, of James & Bridget, Ireland, do. 47 Thomas, 3: 15: 67, bleeding of stomacli, re. 40-0-0, b. Ireland, of John & Ann, Ireland, do. KENWORTIIY. 3 Elizabeth A., 1 : 9: 56, convulsion fits ,re\ 0-2-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Ann. KEOUGH. 88 Mary A., 10: 11: 8.5, phtliisis, re". 57-1-6, b. P. E. I., of James & Grace, Ireland, do. KERESY. 30 Mary, 7:11: 62, lung fever, re'. 3-7-0, b. Boston, of Thos. ct Kate, Ire., do. KERN. Ill Joseph T., 12: 10:79, meningitis, re'. 0-6-S, b. Dedham, of Jose])h & Mary, France, do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 100 43 Maria J., 8: 3: 74, cholera infantum, fc. 0-3-0, b. Ded., of Pluen & Frances. 31 Therese,'3: 20: 73, croup, a\ 0-4-18, IJ. l^edham, of Michael & Eugene, France, do. KEKRIGAN. „ ,, t , , i 99 , 12 : .5 : 67, stillborn, b. Ded., d. of James & Mary, Ireland, do. 19 Jam'es, 4: 7: 62, lung fever, te. 0-11-0, b. Ded., of Jas. & Mary. 5 Lizzie F., 1 : 10: 8.5, phthisis, te. 22-6-0, b. Ded., of Jas. & Mary, Ire., do. KERSTEIX. 77 Antonia (Ressel), 9: 30: 77, consumption, ;«. 21-0-0, b. Bohemia, of Anthony tS: Caroline, Bohemia, do. n Benjamin F., 4:8: 58, disease of heart, ffi, 58-1-1, b. AVestford, of Jonathan & Martha. _ , . -r., c_ 30 Catharine (Wight), 2: 11: 72, paralysis, le. 73-5-14, b. Ded., of Ebenezer & Catharine, Dedham, do. 48 Hortense E. (White), 9: 11 : 58, disease of heart, se. 22-10-24, b. Belfast Me., of James & Lydia. KIERXAX, KEIllNOX. . 19 Catharine, 7: 25: 63, consumption, te. 11-6-0, b. Ded, of John & Catherine. 100 John, 11: 13: 84, softening of brain, te. 58-11-15, b. Ireland, of Frank cV- N., Ireland, do. , p t- xi ■ 68 Margaret J., 7: 16: 82, anaemia, te. 2.5-6-0, b. Ded., of John & Katherme, Ireland, do. KIESSLING. ^, ^. T- 1 T c 39 Alfred R., 2: 22: 65, lung fever, te. 5-10-0, b. Dedham, ot Frank J. cV. Enestine P. ^ , . , r, i- * „„ 127 Amelia, 12: 31 : 90, scarlet fever, a.>. 8-5-1-5, b. Ded., of Frederick G. & Agnes L. (Shubert), Germ., do. , ^ .. . 60 Bruno, 5: 27: 71, scarlet fever, te. 3-10-5. b. Ded., of Fred. G. .V^ Agnes, 63 cSes!""^' 24^ 77, marasmus, a3. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Frederick & Agnes, Germany, do. , ^, ,. . 31 Chr. Frederica (Stroldel), 4: 6: 76, old age, a^ 81-3-27, b. Germany, ot \. , Germany, do. 43 (^reo. F., 3 : 12: 68, cancer, a?. 74-0-0, b. Germ., of c\^ -— , Germ., uo. 41 Herman B., 2: 24: 65, cramp, a.. 0-0-19, b. Bed., of Frank J. .^ Enestine 1 74 Louis, 9: 11: 78, cholera infantum, £B. 0-1-7, b. Ded., ot Fred G. ^c Agnes, Saxony, do. 87 , 8: 8: 8:'., premature birth, b. Ded., s. of Albert A. & Clara J., W. Salis- 59 Edrund F.,^7'?'30:"80, convulsions, le. 0-6-22, b. Ded., of Albert A. & Clara J., Vt., Lowell. n7^VmV2: 27: 61, consumi.tion, ic. 39-7-10, b. Germ., of & Christine, Germ., do. 110 D ED HAM RECORDS. KILLDUFF, 01 J.imes, 5:5: 64, consumption, jb. 46-7-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Margaret. XILLIKELLY. 50 Anastatia, 7:3: 66, water on brain, fe. 2-0-5, b. Decl., of Thos. & Bridget. 79 Bridget A. (Kelley), 10: 8: 77, hemorrhage of lungs, te. 47-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Bridget, Ire., do. 58 Cliarles, 12: 7: 69, diphtheria, a?. 3-.3-24. b. Ded., of Thos. & Bridget. Ire., do. 108 Eliz'h J.. 9: 23: 88, inanition, «. 0-0-27, b. Ded., of Thomas W. & Ellen C. (Leary), Ded., Dorch. 50 Harriet, 8: 25: 60, scarlatina, se. 1-8-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Bridget, Ire., do. 12 Hattie, 2: 15: 79, typhoid fever, aj. 17-7-15, b. Ded., of Thomas & Bridget, Ire., do. 8 Ilysinth, 1 : 23: 51, croup, te. 0-7-26, b. Ded., of Thos. & Bridget. KILMARTIX. 51 John. 6: 24: 75, dropsy, te. 68-0-0, b. Ire., of Timothy & Mary, Ire., do. XILPATRICK. 27 (D. at Worcester) David, 2: 23: 66, accident, w. 26-8-0, b. Scot., of James &• Sarah. 33 Sarah (Brown), 1 : 17: 67, consumption, tc. 63-0-0, b. Scot., of John & Sarah, Scot., do. 42 Wni., 4: 12: 66, drowned, je. 28-4-12, b. Scot., of Jas. & Sarah. IvIMBALL. 97 Cairie L., 11:1:84, peritonitis, te. 29-2-12, b. Ded., of Franklin «& Elmira, Ded., do. 73 (D. at sea off Portsmouth X. H.) Edw. W., 7: 14: 90, drowning, i^e. 27-5-4, b. Ded., of Franklin & Elmira (Guild), Ded., do. 49 Elsie M., 6: 7:85, tubercular meningitis, te. 24-9-23, b. Temple X. 11., of Chas. F, & Juliet A., Temple X. H., Attleboro. 47 (D. at Boston) Mabel P., 5: 29: 87, peritonitis, se. 22-9-9, b. Ded., of Ciias. F. & Juliet A., Temple N. H., Attleboro. 01 Susan (Mcintosh), 10:25:57, consumption, te. 41-0-0, b. Ded., of Elisha & Betsy. 54 Walter P., 1: 2: 62, inllam. of bowels, te. 0-:3-19, b. Ded.. of Franklin & El- mira, Ded., do. 62 Wm. D., 10: 25: 57, consumption, a\ 0-10-24, b. Dorch., of John T. t\: Susan. KING. 88 (D. at Saratoga Springs X. Y.) Lncy A. (Bingham), w. of John, 7: 7:88, schirrus of liver, a\ 60-0-0, b. Ded., of Pliny & Jerusha (Avery), Ct., Ded. KINGSBURY. 3 , w. of Moses, 7: 8: 46, dropsy, te. 75-0-0. 131 Catherines. (Baker), 11:29:62, consumption, te. 24-7-8, b. Ded., of Alford & Julia A., Ded., Springfield. 11 Chas., 3: 15: 53, freezing, a?. 38-0-0, b. Ded., of Moses & Hannah. 116 Chas. P., 1 : 0: 07, spotted fever, aj. 14-7-14, b. Ded., of Geo. & Cordelia K., Ded., do. 13 Chas. J., 8: 16: 71, chol. infantum, te. 0-6-0, b. Ded., of Edgar H. & :Maria P. A BS TRA CT OF DEA THS. HI 98 Cynthia (Rhoades), a: 15: 70, old age, a-. 8S-G-0, b. Sharon, of Daniel & . 34 Edgar H., 4: 3: 89, heart dis., tc. 71-9-12, b. Canandaigua N. Y., of Caleb & Irene Buck, Mass., X. Y. , .. r ■ tt p 48 Edw. L., 6:4: 75, hemorrhage of lungs, te, 24-0-0, b. Ded., of Lewis H. & Eunice H., Walpole, Boston. 11 Eliz C 4 : 26 : 50, scarlet fever, te. 1-6-9, b. Ded., of Lewis H. cV Eunice H. 53 Eunice '(Haven), 6: 4: 82, anasarca, a\ 62-11-8. b. Boston, of John A. & Susanna (Hooper), Lancaster, Charlestown. 91 Ezekiel, 1: 22: 69, palsy, te. 76-6-0, b. Ded., of Ezekiel & Mary, Ded., do. .52 Flora M., 11: 9: 59, congestion of lungs, te. 0-0-3, b. Ded., of Lewis H. & Eunice. ,. , o t- • u 23 Geo. W., 6: 11 : 54, dis. of heart, re. 52-9-0, b. Walpole, ot Solomon cSc Keziah. 11 Gertrude v.. 8: 18: 74, cholera infantum, te. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Edgar IL & Maria F.. N. Y., Ire. 88 Henry W., 8: 24: 66, dysentery, te. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of Warren is^ . 30 Ida J., 9: 15: 50, whooping cough, te. 1-0-18, b. Ded., of Geo. & Cordelia. 82 Jabez, 1 : 19 : 54, old age, te. 79-0-0, b. Ded., of Jabez & Rebecca. 40 Joshua L 9 : 9 : 59, consumption, ai. 54-8-0, b. Ded., of Moses & Hannah. 58 Margaret (Byrne), 4:3: 64, consumption, te. 33-6-0, b. Ire., of Owen & Mtirgaret. '>4 Mary E., 8: 20: 50, stoppage, re. 2-10-0, b. Ded., of Chas. & Abigail. 68 Melzar, 7: 30: 71, consumption, te. 67-10-0, b. Ded., of Moses & Hannah, 13 Mercy"(Philbrook), 4: 9: 68, paralysis, re. 63-0-0, b. Liverinore Me., of Eben'r & . 8 Moses, 3: 25: 48, jaundice, re. 75-0-0. . 48 Moses, 4: 7: 88, old age, re. 85-10-8, b. Needham, of Moses cV Cynthia, Natick, Sharon. , 80 Rebecca (Dean), 2:11: 59, old age, re. 81-0-0, b Ded., of Lenj. '-^/;1'^ ^J. .56 Sally (Fisher), 7 : 23 : 84, old age, re. 75-1-13, b. A\ alpole, of Asa c\: Sally (Ga> ), 103 Wm!^^5f27:'62, heart dis., re. 60-11-16, b. Ded., of Jabez & Rebecca, Ded., do, m^Jos., 9: :30:'82, premature birth, re. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Terrence W. & Maggie A T j»p {\q 120 Wm!, 9: 30: 82, premature birth, re. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Terrence \V. & Maggie A., Ire., do. 94 Philip, 9: 4: 8:3, chronic pneumonia, re. 70-0-0, b. Hampton Va., of Jack & Rachel. ^2 Margaret (Shores), 4:11: 6:3, spinal affection, a". 7-5-4-16, b. Portsmouth N.H., of Peter & Lucy, Portsmouth N. H., do. KLEMM. , ^ . . x,._ .If, 103 Ann (Hartnett), 11: 16: 84, cancer, re. 52-0-0, b. Ire ^^^ — «-V — • e.^'^^^^^^^ 45 F. D.. 5: 16: 82, convulsions, re. 0-0-3, 1). Ded., of Ired k 1). Ji. .V Lli/.ibtth A., Ded., do. 112 DEDHAM RECORDS. 112 Fred'k D., 12 : 1 : 84, dis. of brain, a?. 60-7-3, b. Germ., of Fred'k & Katharine, Germ., do. 121 Sadie F., 12: 20: S3, meningitis, «?. 0-7-29, b. Ded., of Fred'lc D. Jr. & Eliz'h A., Ded., do. KNIGHT. 12 Abby £., 2: 2.j: .51, inflammation of bowels, ee. 28-5-21, b. Smitlifield R. I., of Tlios. & Sarali. KXOBEL. 4:3 Alice L., .5:5: 75, marasmus, te. 0-2-0, b. Ded., of Edw. & Fannie, Germ., Boston. 108 Frank W., 11:30:79, membraneous croup, :e. 2-11-0, b. Ded., of Edw. & Fannie L., Prussia, Boston. 92 Sarah, 8: 19: 83. meningitis, te. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Edw. & Fannie, Germ., Boston. 109 William O., 12:2:79, diphtheria, a?. 1-9-0, b. Ded., of Edw. & Fannie L., Prussia, Boston. KREIS. 84 Frank L., 9: 13: 81, diplitheria, re. 2-7-22, b. Dedham, of Frank & Bertha, Germany, Austria. KREUTEL. 0(3 Henry E., 8:7: 84, cholera infantum, se. 0-3-28, b. Ded., of Hugo »fe Eliz'h, Saxonj^ do. 74 Otto O., 5: 27: 88, diphtheria, le. 0-7-4, b. Ded., of Ernst H. & S. Elizabeth. Germ., do. KULT. 109 Anna F., 9: 30: 06, congestion of brain, te. 0-0-19, b. Ded., of Lawrence & Frances. LAFFERTY. 34 Catharine, 0: 18: 00, , ie. 5-0-0, b. Charlestown, of Barney & Fanny, Ireland, do. LAGAR. 54 William H., 0:8: 82, diphtheria, le. 2-0-0, b. Boston, of Peter & .Josepliine, Sweden, do. LAMBERT. 109 ]Vftitthew, 12: 1: 84, old age, je. 6.5-0-0, b. Ire. LAMSON. 113 Alvan, 7: 13: 04, apoplexy, a". 71-8-0, b. Weston. 107 Frances F. (Ward), 11: 29: 81, pneumonia, fe. 88-2-20, b. Weston, of Artemas & Catherine M. (Dexter), Shrewsbury, . LANCASTER. 43 Henry, 9: 18: .59, canker, w. 0-0-17, b. Ded., of John & Eliza. LANDER, LANDERS. 190 Margaret, 5: 5: (i4, dis. of heart, ie. 2-7-19, b. Ded., of Wm. & Ellen, Ire., do. 53 Mary, 9:0: 00, croup, se. 0-8-22, b. Ded., of Wm. & Ellen, Ire., do. LANE. 87 — , 9: 1 : 87, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Walter J. & Sarah, Eng., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 113 5 Eliz. B., 7: 27: 48, dysentery, ^e. 3-0-0, b. Detl. 93 Emily L., 0: :50: 81, cholera infantum, :e. 0-7-20, b. K. I., of Walter J. & Sarah A. 30 John B., 12: 5: 50, heart comp., a\ 51-2-7, 1). Sanbornton X. IT., of John . 82-2-0, b. Walpole, of .Jabe/ & Deliverance. 110 Hannah M., 10: 20: 01, consumption, a-. 22-10-10, It. Ded., of Charles & Caro- line, Ded.. Jefferson Me. 54 Richard, 9: 21 : 58, rhenmatisni. \m. 72-1-20, b. Ded., of Isaac & Deborah. LEMIRE. 84 Grace (Coats), 10: :jO: 72, consumption, -x. 51-0-0, b. Scot , of John & (Jrace, Scot., do. 22 Leopold L., ;3: 10: 84, intlam. of bowels, ». 74-0-0, b. France. LeMOTE. 58 Louisa L., 5: 25: 89, diphtheritic croup, ai. l-:3-7, b. Boston, of Joseph F. «fe Lucy G. (Avery), Boston, iS^ewbury Vt. 90 Lucy G., 9: 10: 90, cardiac dilatation, iv. 0-7-0, b. Boston, of Joseph F. & Lucy G. (Avery), Boston, Newburv \i. LEOXAllD. 28 , :^: 24: 84, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Philip H. & Mary E., Ded., Ire. 31 , 3: 29: 84, stillborn, b. Ded., d. of Wm. & Luetta, Plymouth. J)ed. 87 Ann (Clark), 10: 21: 78, consumption, ;t. 00-0-0, b. Ire., of Thomas & Betsey, Ire., do. 26 Asa, 2: 22: 06, consumption, re. 03-4-19, b. Taunton, of Ben.j. A: Luiana. 20 Bridget, 9:3: 07, whooping cough, ;e. 7-0-0, b. Ire., of John ifc Catharine, Ire., do. 8 Chas. M., 4: 17: 71, measles, a.\ 0-8-2, b. Walpole, of Geo. & Eliz'li, Germ., do. 15 Eliz'h (xlllen), 2: 3: 02, paralysis, se. 58-2-7, b. Taunton, of Joliu «fc Betsy. 46 John, 8: 17: 55, dysentery, re. 1-1-7, b. N. Y. City, of Philip & Margaret. 68 Joim, 0: 19: 83, consumption, re. 74-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Susan, Ire., do. 70 John. 7: 25: 90, consumption, so. 1-4-10, b. Ded., of John F. & Mary J. (Hickey), Ire., do. 45 John J., 8: 31 : .58, cholera infantum, re. 0-11-14, b. Ded., of Martin & Ann. 31 Martha R. (Day), 9: 2: 70, poison from paint, re>. 30-;3-18, b. Ded., of Joseph & Hanna E., Walpole, Ded. 2 Mary, 1:2: 85, old age, re\ 9.5-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 4 Mary A. (McGlone), 1 : 17: 84, puerperal fever, re. 29-0-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Kate, Ire., do. 49 Mary E., S: 9: 57, dysentery, re. 1-3-1, b. Ded., of Philip & Margaret. 29 Mary E. (O'Brien), 3: 24: 84, childbirth, re. 22-0-7, b. Ire., of Wm. & Annie, Ire., do. 8 Mary G., 1: 7: 88, consumption, ;u. 2.5-0-4, b. Ded., of Philip & ]Margaret, Ire., do. 60 Minnie II., 5: 31: 90, convulsions, re. 27-4-7, b. AValpole, of Geo. & Eliz'li (Schulz). 113 Patrick, 2: 25: 0:^, scarlet fever, re. 1-11-13, b. Ded., of Michael «& Brulget, Ire., do. 21 Patrick, 9: 0:07, whooping cough, re. 5-6-0, b. Ire., of John & Catherine, Ire., do. 9 Robert, 4: 8: 71, consumption, re. 17-0-0, b. Ire., of Felix & Mary, Ire., do. 116 D ED HAM RECORDS. 22 Sarah A., 2: 28: To, whooping cous'h, :e. 0-3-1:^, 1). Ded., of Philip & ^[argaret, Ire., do. 22 Tlios., 9: 0: 67, whooping cough, te. 1-3-0, b. Ire., of John & Catherine, Ire"., do. 27 Tlios., 10: 21 : 07, infantile, te. 0-0-4, b. Ded., of Martin & Ann, Ire., do. 58 Wm. II., 12: 0: 54, lung fever, fe. 1-1-8, b. Ded., of Asa & Charlotte. 36 Willie E., 1 : 20: 67, inflam. of lungs, re. 6-6-7, b. Ded., of Asa &. Charlotte F., Taunton, do. LEWIS. 81 Levi C, 11: 19: 77, chronic pleurisy, tc. 72-9-14, b. Brunswick Me., of Nathan C. & Margaret, Ct., Brunswick Me. G6 Margaret A. (Estes), 8: 7:79, hypertrophy of heart, ;e. 74-11-24, b. Bruns- wick Me., of Edw. & Margaret, Durham Me., Brunswick Me. 81 Nancy, 4: 10: 53. old age, jb. 90-0-0, b. Ded. :30 Submit, 1:12: 47, old age, fe. 78-0-0, b. Ded., of Samuel & . LINCOLN. 13 Mariah M. A., 5:7: .50, lung fever, te. 0-8-0, b. Ded. 96 Mary A. (Bennett), 9:6: 65, dropsy, re. 4:3-4-21, b. Boston, of *Baslee & Emma. LINNEHAN. 1 Julia (Sullivan). 1: 18: 72, childbirth, fi". 28-0-0, b. Ire., of Timothy & Ellen. LIPS. 52 Augusta, 7: 14: 86, cholera infantum. ;e. 0-5-0, b. Ded., of Fred'k & Dora, Germ., do. 71 Chas., 8: 17: 71, diarrhoea, a'. 0-0-21, b. Ded., of Fred: & Dorohe, Germ., do. 68 Chas., 9: 25: 73, teething, a;. 0-10-0, b. Ded., of Fred'k & Dora, Germ., do. 79 Chas. J., 10 : 28 : 70, accident, a?. 32-4-26, b. Germ. 50 Charlie, 6: 5: 82, convulsions, :e. 0-0-1, b. Ded.. of Fred'k & Doretta, Germ., do. LITTLE. 104 Sarah L., 11 : 24: 81, heart dis., re. 82-5-0, b. Marshtield. of Luther & Hannah Lovell, Marsh field, Weymouth. LITTLEFIELD. 10 Bridget (Kelley), w. of Albert, l: 11: 88, Bright's dis., re. 7.5-0-0, b. Ire., of Martin & Mary, Ire., do. LOCKE. 102 Eliza C. (Dawes), 10: 16: 68, consumption, :e. 28-4-2, b. Duxbury, of Allen & Lydia, Duxbury, Pembroke. 103 Harriet, 7: 11:70, lung fever, re. 12-11-0, b. Ded., of Calvin S. & [Annie], Ac- worth N. II., Hingliam. LOCKLTE. 64 E., 6: 5: 6:), consumption, te. 24-0-0. [soldier. | LOLLON. 67 Henry G., 11: 26: 56, consumption, le. 21-0-0, of Job & Patience. LONG. 43 Alvin J., 4: 20: 8], congestion of lungs, u*. 0-0-21, b. Ded., of John & Cath- erine, P. E. I., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 117 02 Charles A., 4: 21: 80, cyanosis, :l'. 0-0-2, b. Dec!., of John A. & Catherine, P. E. I., do. 23 Eva A.. 2: 21: G'J, scrofnhi, ic. 0-T-lO, b. Dec!., of AVilliam 15. k, Nancy W., P. E. I., Bath Me. LONGLEY. %Q> George C, 0: 13: 81, diphtheria, a'. 2-1-1, b. Waterford iSIe., of Chas. M. & Abbie S., Waterford Me., ]^oston. LOKI). 12 Hannah, 9: 14: ()5. consumption, ;u. lU-0-0, b. St. Jolms X. Q., of John & Ann. 130 William U., 0: 14: G4, run over by cars, ;e. 43-5-0, b. Kennelmnk Me., of Jeremiah & Lydia. LOEING. 101 Clarissa (Witliington), 11 : 2!): 8-5, old age, a-. 77-7-11, b. Dorch., of Daniel & Anne, Dorch., do. 21 Jonathan H., 3: 3: 81, heart dis., a. 72-11-18, b. Marblehead, of Henry & Sally (Stewart), Boston, do. LORIO. 9 Elizaljeth (Roup), w. of John, 1 : 10: 90, ascites, a. 80-5-19, 1). Germ., of John & , Germ., do. 15 George, 2: 3: 80, diphtheria, a. 2-0-21, b. Dedham, of George «S: Kegular, Germany, . 7 Jacob W^, 1: 30: 80, diphtheria, a\ 2-5-6, b. Ded., of Jacob & Catharine, Germany, do. 125 John, 12: 28: 90, pneumonia, a'. 7()-9-27, 1). Germany, of John & Mary, Prance, do. 6 John P., 1: 20: 80, diplitheria, a. 1-3-14, b. Ded., of Jacob & Catharine, Germany, do. 38 Lilly E., 5:4: 84, convulsions, a>. 3-0-15, b. Ded., of Jacob <& Catherine, Germany, do. 110 Olga C, 10: 15: 87, difficult birth, a'. 0-0-4, b. Ded., of Jacob & Cateriua, Germany, do. LOUXGER. 75 John, 8: 10: 02, convulsion fits, a'. 0-2-21, b. W. Rox., of John «fc Catharine. LOVELOCK. 30 William, 5: 15: 49, consumption, a'. GO-0-0. LOVEWELL. 195 Sarah B. (Reed), G: 24: G4, , a'. 3G-3-29, b. Sanford Me., of Jacob & Dorothy, Berwick Me., Sanford Me. LOWDEX. 33 George K., 4: 1: 84, consumption, a-. 18-3-28, 1). Ded., of Jame-i & Jane, Ireland, do. 27 Mary J., 4: 15: 77, consumption, ;e. 19-1-15. b. Ded.. of Jame-i I'v: Jane, Ireland, do. 118 DEDHAM RECORDS. LOWE. 18 Artlnir C, 2: 21: 84, hemorrliage, ie. 10-5-21, b. Canton, of Thos. & Anne, England, do. LOWELL. 87 Alice F., 12: 10: m, small pox, le. 1-0-10, b. Ded., of Leonard & Frances J., Abbot Me., Ded. LOWERY, LOWEY. 40 George F., 1 : 31 : 71, intlammation of lungs, :e. 0-1-5, b. Ded., of James V. & Isabella, Ireland, Ded. 29 Harriet, 7: 28: 59, fit, re. 0-0-24, b. Ded., of Andrew & Margaret. 88 James L., 0: 9: 67, scald, ae. 1-1-12, b. Minn, of James L. & Isabella, Ireland, do. 2 Jane (Griffin), 1 : 4: 50, liver conip., ee. 59-0-0, b. Ire., of Jos. & Sarah. 4:^ John, 3: 14: 56, liver comp., ee. 70-10-0, b. Ire., of Robert & Sarah. 35 Joseph M., 2: 26: 72, congestion of lungs, x. 3-.5-;3, b. Dedham, of James «& Isabella, Ire., do. LOWIXG. {See also Larin.) 4S Delphiiie, 6:2:72, consumption, te. 15-0-4, b. Canada, of Lewis & Delphine, Canada, do. LUCAS. 13 Philip, 1 : 20: 88. cancer, ;e. 4:5-3-26, b. Eng., of Chas. & Mary, Eng., do. LUCE. 39 Chas. A., 5: 3:76. consumption of blood, a-. 1-6-9, b. Hyde Park, of David W. Jr. & Chira A., New Bedford, Boston. LUDWIG. 85 Wra, F., 9: :30: 80, suicide, ;e. 39-4-20, b. Germ,, of Henry & , Germ., . LUNA. 55 Jerome, 0: 18: 87, , x. 1-2-0. LUND. 9 Eliz-Ii A. (Lund), 5: 20: 66, , iv. , b. Ded., of Nicholas M. & Luanna M. LUTHER. 87 Jas. M., 11: 14: 62, consumption, :e. 42-6-12, b. Warren R. I., of Barnabas & Sabra. LUTZ. 60 Chester W. TJ., 8:3: 78, cholera infantum, ;c. O-ll-O, b. Ded., of Geo. & M. Ella, P. E. I., Dorch. 64 Geo. O., 9: 5: 7:3, , a?. 0-2-7, b. Ded., of Geo. & Ella M., P. E. I., Dorch. 60 Wm. M., 7: :30: 80, meningitis, x. 0-4-0, b, Ded., of Geo. & [Ella] M., P. E. I., Milton. LYxMAN. 55 Mary A., 10: 4: .53, dysentery, ie. 1-8-28, b. Ded., of Jas. K. &Liivina. LYNCH. 28 Ann (Eagan), 3: 15: 69, lung fever, a?. 60-0-0, b. Ire., of Michat-l A: Nancy, Ire., do. 38 Catlierine, 9: 8: 62, , a'. 25-0-0, b. Ire., of Timothy & Mary, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 119 65 Edward. 8: oO: 8(), convulsions, re. 0-2-10. b. Ded., of Daniel A. A: Mary V Bed., W. Rox. 11 John, 4: 19: 52, dropped dead, le. 34-0-0, 1). Ire., of Morris & Mary. 65 John F.. 7: 26: S-j, convulsions, ;e. 0-10-:3, b. Ded., of Stepiien F. A: ^lary^ Ded., Ire. 101 Margaret, w. of John, 10: 12: 4!), dysentery, le. 29-0-0, 1). Ire. 58 Mary (Ryan), w. of Patrick, 4: 24: 83, paralysis, te. 80-0-0, b. Ire., of John <& Margaret (Davis), Ire., do. 2 Patrick, 1 : 27: 70, dis. of lungs, te. 70-0-0, b. Ire., of Martin & Susan, Ire., do. 12 Timothy, 7: 7: 72, old age, aj. 82-0-0, b. Ire., of Martin & , Ire., do. 82 Wm., 12: 7: 68, gravel, «. 70-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 57 Wm. F., 12 : 1 : 69, consumption, ee. 2.5-10-18, b. Ded., of VVm. »fe Ann, Ire., do. LYNDA. 55 Abigail, 9 : 5 : 47, fever, tv. 90-0-0. LYONS. 18 Abigail H. (Harding), 5: 15: ,59, intlim. of bowels, te. 67-0-6, b. Rox., of Wm. & Sarah. 81 Bridget, 8: 16: 87, dysentery, le. 81-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 5.3 Catiierine, 5: 22: 83, epistaxis, ai. 26-0-0, b. Ire., of Jerry & Julia, Ire., do. 9 Edw., 1 : 31: 8:3, meningitis, sb. 5-7-0, b. Ded., of Thos. «& Mary, Ire., do. 42 Ellen H., 5: 19: 85, phthisis, te. 16-1-14, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, Ire., do. 69 John, 7: 1 : 63, old age, a^. 75-0-0, b. Ireland. 50 John, 4: 4: 67, consumption, a3. 43-0-0, 1). Ire., of Chas. & Winifred, Ire., do. 62 Margaret, 8: 11: 78, cholera infantum, a'. 0-5-1!), b. Ded., of Maurice & Bridget, Ire., do. 10 Mary J. (Jones), w. of John, 4: 11: 52, dis. of lieart, :e. 67-0-0, b. Dorcli., of Elijah & Jerusha. 1 Michael, 1 : 3: 83, consumption, te. 17-7-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, Ire., do. 125 Patrick, 11 : 14: 88, internal injuries, ic. 26-0-0, b. Ire., of .John i\: Hannah (Murphy), Ire., do. MABBETT. 20 , 3: 31 : 70, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Wm. L. & Sarah E., R. I., Eng. 15 Sarah (Lucas), 2: 12: S2, paralysis, ;o. 6.5-9-0, b. Eng., of William iK: Sarali. Eng., do. McAFEE. 13 Alljert ('., 7: 16: 72, cholera infantum, a-. 0-1-0, b. Ded., of Jos. «fc Rosanna, Ire., do. 16 Joseph A., 9: 16: 71, marasmus, ;c. 0-9-12, b. Ded., of .Joseph I'v: Rosanna. Ire., do. McALEER. ;30 Rose (McAleer), w. of John, 3: 14: 89, dysentery, a-. 97-0-0, It. Ire., of Lawrence & , Ire., do. MCALLISTER. 6(; Geo. VV., 7: 3: 6.5, inliam. of bowels, a;. 2-11-26, b. Ded.. of Koltert \' .Jane C. 26 James, 7:11: 59, consumption, a\ 4:3-0-0, b. Ire. 120 D ED HAM RECORDS. 70 Jane (Carlisle), 9: 1:81, consumption, te. 50-0-0, b. Ire., of Hugh & , Ire., . (> ]*.Ia;^.4ie, 10: 2:3: T-'), tuDerculosis, te. 20-8-5, b. Dec!., of Robert & Jane, Ire., do. 118 Koliert. 12: (i: 8:), heart (lis., jc. GS-0-0, b. Eng., of & Mary (Hill), Scot., England. 20 Sarah R., 8: 10: 52, dysentery, te. 0-8-8, 1). I)ed., of John & Jane. McAULIFFE, McCAULIFF. 51 Bridget (Moniray), 11 : 11 : 02, hernia, le. 40-0-0, b. Ire., of William & Mary, Ire., do. i;5 Delia T. ( Fitzpatrick), w. of Lawrence J., 1-27-89, typhoid fever, ic. 29-11-0, b. lie., of Jas, & Margaret (Vagban), Ire., do. 124 Ellen V. (Curry), w. of Thos., 12: 25: 89, pneumonia, te. :32-0-0, 1). Waltham, of Jas. & Bridget, Ire., do. 37 John, 1: 18: 71, accident, te. 40-0-0, b. Ire, of Lawrence et Mary, Ire., do. 44 Lawrence, 4: 24: 06, fits, fe. 0-0-1, 1). Ded., of J^awrence & Honora. 47 Margaret, 7: 24: 09, , te. 0-0-17, b. Ded., of Edw. cS: Bridget, Ire., do. McCAFFRY. 40 Mary (McGuire), w. of Thos., 4:5: 88, pneumonia, jp. 41-0-0, b. Ire., of Owen & Bridget (Farry), Ire., do. 9 Thomas F., 5: 20: 07, drowned, ic. .5-7-0, b. X. B., of Bernard & Margaret, Ire., do. McCALL. 29 Robert, 10: 10: 5;;, dropsy, ;e. 27-9-10, b. Scot., of Duncan & Janet. McCALLUM. 8 Mabel, 1: 8: 77, umbilical hemorrhage, ;e. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Daniel & Katie, Scot., Ire. McCAXDLiail. 71 John, 8: 14: 70, premature birth, ie. 0-0-5, b. Ded., of John & Elizabeth L.! Boston, do. McCANX. :j1 Bernard, 4:9: 82, cholera infantum, a?. 0-5-10, b. Lowell, of & Kate. McCarthy, mccarty. 72 Ann, 9: :30: 04, fits, a). 4-4-0, b. Ded., of Michael & Margaret, Ire., do. ; 1)0 Clias., 11: 27: 70, leucocythemia, le. 15-7-14, b. Loweli, of John & Joanna, Ire., do. 125 Daniel, 7: 25: 07, consumption, te. 17-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Eliza1)eth, Ire., do. 77 Francis, 11 : :]: 80, inllam. of bowels, te. 0-2-1, 1). Ded., of John ct Mary A., Ire., Walpole. 13;] Hannah M., 9: 30: 04, lils, ;e. 4-4-2, b. Ded.. of Michael & Margaret. Ire., do. 82 Jeremiah, 10: 17: 62, mania a potu, :e. 45-0-0, b. Ire. [soldier.) 81 John, 11: 11: 80, cirrhosis of liver, te. 83-0-0, b. Ire. 50 Jcsephine, 5: 14: 8:3, typhoid fever, se. 10-.5-0, b. Worcester, of Wni. iS: Ann, Rox., P. E. L 7 Margaret (Hyde), 11 : 28: 7:3, paralysis, ;e. 85-0-0, li. Ire., of Henry & Hannah, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 121 ;U Mai-ijaret (Miu-pliy). .")::]: 70. consiiinptioii, ;l'. 48-0-0, 1). Ire., ol' Jas. A: Ire., . 5() Margaret T., 6:28:82, consumption, ic. 19-2-25, 1). Dec!., of Michael A: Mar- garet, Ire., do. 7 Mary E., 1: 11: 89, difficult labor, ;e. 0-0-1, h. Ded., of Thos. F. & Abby T- (Sullivan), Boston, Ded. 109 Michael, \\:V?,\ 90, apoplex.y, ;e. 7:5-0-0, b. Ire., of John & ^Margaret (Hyde), Ire., do. 22 Xellie, 2: 12: 7:5, inflam. of stomach, ;c. 0-7-3, b. Ded., of Michael & .Margaret, Ire., do. McCASLI:N'. 88 Ellen (White), 12: :^: 86, dis. of heart, ;e. 50-0-0, b. Ire., of \Vm. cS: .Margaret, Ire., do. 55 Henr}-, ::;: 27: ()4, teething, a;. 0-11-25, b. J)ed., of Andrew & Ellen, Ire., do. McCAlLEY. 31 Margaret, G: 14: 5:3, consumption, ;\\ ;33-0-0, b. Ireland. McCONNELL. 25 , 4: 15: Gl, fits, ;e. 0-0-1, b. Ded., s. of Alexander & Mary. McCOEMICK. (SQ Catherine, 7: 1:3: 87, apoplexy, te. 58-0-0, b. Ire., of Andre^v «& Mary, Ire., do. McCOUGHLIX. 78 James, 2: 1 : 49, brain fever, a.'. 24-0-0, b. Ire. McCUE. 6 Andrew, 1: 22: 79, pneumonia, a". 4(]-0-0, b. Ire., of Andrew & ^lary A., Ire., do. 57 John, 11: ;30: 54, dis. of Itrain, ;e. 0-:3-2, 1). Ded., of Andrew & Ann. McDERMOTT. 91 James, 12: 17: 8(;, suicide, le. 48-0-0, b. Ire., of Co:"ielius A: Catherine, Ire., do. Mcdonald. 126 Jas., 11: 17: 88, obstruction of mitral valve of heart, :e. 57-0-19, 1). Augusta Me., of Jas. & Mary (Lacy), Me., do. 06 John, 7: 11: 82, enteritis, te. 1-2-24, b. Sherburn, of Alex'r & Barbara, Scot., do. 56 John, 7: 1:3: 72, cholera infantum, :e. 0-2-10, b. Boston, of & Mary. McDOXOUGH. 95 John, 12: 17: 53, inflam. of bowels, a?. 45-0-0, b. Gal way. 17 John, 8: 17: 07, diarrhoea, re. 0-5-14, b. Ded., of John & Susan. Ire., do. 18 Katie E., 3:4:85, consumption, a'. 20-3-0, b. Amesbnry, of Peter & Mary, Ire., do. 8 Martin, 12: 9: 68, scarlet fever, te. 3-1-2, b. Ded., of Patrick & Margaret, Ire., do. 5 Michael, G: *7: 65, intermittent fever, a-. 2-8-lS, b. Ded., of Patrick i'v: Margaret. 14 Patrick, 3:26: 62, consumption, a'. 4-11-lG, b. Ded., of John & Ilannali. 79 Patrick, 9: 24: 76, accident, le. 56-2-0, b. Ire., of Martin & Catherine, Ire., do. 104 Tiios., 5: 15: 64, scarlet fever, te. 0-G-O, b. Ded., of John & Julia, Ire., do. 122 DEDIIAM RECORDS. McELWIE, McELWEE. 99 Edw., 8: 21 : 01, cholera infautura, ;e. 0-3-11. b. Dec!., of John & Mary, Scot., W. Rox. 46 John, .5: 10: 72, lunj? fever, te. 48-4-10, b. Scot., of Wm. & Agnes. Scot , do. 87 Mary E. (Richards), 9: 29: 63, erysipelas, se. 33-11-9, b. W. Rox., of Danforth & Cyrene, Dover, Sudl)ury. McENENY. 17 Arthur, 2: 27: 4.5, consumption, te. 42-0-0. 23 Matthew, 2: 10: 49, consumption, te. 19-0-0, b. Ded. 29 Nancy (Doole), 1 : 16: 68, cancer, a\ C6-0-0, b. Ire. McENTEE. 41 , 3: 27: 88, stillborn, b. Ded., d. of Patrick & Rose, Ire., do. 17 , 2:9: 89, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Patrick & Rose (Dearoe), Ire., do. McGEE. 37 , 4: 29: 76, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of John & Ellen, Ire., do. 08 , 9:1: 77, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of John & Ellen, Ire., do. 103 , 9: 27: 87, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of John & Eliza, Ire., do. 4 Catherine (McGuire), 1: 12: 80, heart dis., aj. 73-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Rose, Ireland, do. 33 Catherine, 4: 10: 80, infantile convulsions, le. 0-9-7, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, Ire., do. 29 Ellen (Haley), 3: 20: 83, consumption, te. 38-0-0, b. Ire., of Robert & Ann. Ireland, do. 97 John, 3:20:80, bronchial pneumonia, ;i'. 4-4-10, b. Ded., of John & Ellen, Ireland, do. 12 Kate, l: 20: 88, diphtheria, te. 1-0-28, b. Ded., of Daniel J. & Julia E., Boston, W. Rox. McGINNIS. ((See IlcGuiness.) McGLONE. 20 Barnard, 4: 22: .58, fits, te. , b. Ded., of Barnard & Mary. 76 Catharine, 7: 28: 07, dysentery, ;e. 1-4-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catharine, Ireland, do. 34 Sarah, .5: 9: 57, croup, a?. 0-;3-13, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catherine. McGLOSHEN, McGLASHAX. 11 Arthur N., 1: 21: 77, meningitis, ;e. l-;}-0, b. Ded., of Richard & Mary, Scotland, do. .54 Jenet (McCole), 5: 21 : 65, tyi)hoid fever, x. 34-0-0, b. Scot., of & Jenet. McGLYNX. 23 Bryan, 3: 28: 02, falling down cellar, le. 40-0-0, b. Ireland, of .Michael & Mary, Ireland, do. McGOEAVAX. 35 Catharine, 2: 13:05, consumption, a;. 00-0-0, 1). Ire. Mc(i GORAN. 2 Catharine (Gormany), 2: 13: (i.5, consumption, ie. 02-0-0, b. Ire., of Francis & Mary. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 123 McGOWAN, McGOWEX. 55 Michael C, 5: 17:89, heart malformation, le. 0-2-0, 1). Dod., Micliael A: Mary (Iloey), Ire., do. 81 William, 4 : 1 : G4, , w. (50-0-0, b. Scot, [soldier]. McGRATH. 107 Mary, 11: 18: 83, paralysis, se. 70-0-0, b. Ireland, of Micliael A: Mary, Ireland, do. McGregor. 77 Eugene K., 11: 29: 156, accidental, le. 16-6-2.5, 1). Milo Me., of William W. & Eliza A. McGUINESS, McGIXJ^IS. 16 Ann (Hixon), 2: 14: 57, consumption, te. 30-0-0, 1). Ire., of Tlios. & Agnes. 54 Catharine (Connor), 7: 31: 6(3, cancer, le. 66-0-0. b. Ireland, of Barnard & Mary. 35 Edward II., 9: 19: .j2, cholera infantum, a-. 1-11-0, b. J5oston, of Edward & Ann. 20 Eliza (Riely), 3: 10: 87, phthisis, aj. 6S-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ellen, Ire.,do. 38 Ellen, 5: 16: 87, membranous croup, ai. 6-8-1, b. Ded., of John F. & Bridget L., Blackstone, Ire, 47 Fred'k H., 8:3: 57, consumption, «. 0-7-15, b. Ded., of Edw. & Ann. 39 Mary, 4: 12: 81, diphtheria, t«. 10-5-0, b. Ded., of Bernard & Mary. Ire., do. 17 Mary E., 7: 7: 63, scarlatina, 8e. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Matthew & Eli/Zli. 33 Wm., 3: ;30: 81, pneumonia, re. 5-9-0, b. Ded., of Bernard & Mary. Ire., do. McILROY. 81 Elsie v., 8: 9: 77, dysentery, le. 1-7-0, b. Ded., of Fred'c A. & Martlia E., Boston, Ded. Mcintosh. (*See Mackintosh.) MACK. 1 John, 2: 16: 68, consumption, :e. 19-0-0, b. N. B., of Jolin A: Marg't, Ire., do. 82 Thos., 4: 29: 5:i, , a-. 3-0-0, b. Ded. McKEE. 33 , 4: 17: 76, marasmus, a\ 0-0-:iO, b. Ded., s. of James iS: Margaret. Brook- line, Ire. 29 Frances. 4: 29: 78, convulsions, a* 0-5-0, b. Ded., of John A. A: Sarah. Brook- line, Ire. 81 Geo., 10: 2: 76, marasmus, ie. 0-1-7, b. Ded., of John A. A: Sarah, iirookline, Ireland. 92 Mabel F., 9: ;30: 81, meningitis, ;e. 1-9-0, b. Ded., of John A. & Sarah, ]}rook- line. Ire. 29 Martha J. M., 3: 19: 81, convulsions, a'. 0-3-0, 1). Ded., of John A. & Sarah, JJrookline, Ire. 29 Wm. J., 3: 31: 76, abscess, :e. 1-7-0, b. Ded., of John A. i^ Sarah, Brooklinc, Ireland. McKEOX. 91 Thos., 9: 21 : 67, canker, le. l-;3-0, 1). Ded., of Joiin cS: Jiridget, In .. d(t. 124 D ED II AM RECORDS. McKERRY. 40 John H., 5 : 24: (j9, convulsions, ?e. 6-5-6, b. Waterford. of John N. & Cath'e. 59 Judith H., 8: 27: 78, cholera infantum, je. 0-11-0, b. Ded., of John X. & Catherine E., Scot., Eng. 121 Mary, 12: 7: 05, diphtheria, a?. 4-:^-22, b. Woonsocket R. I., of John X. & Catharine. MACKEY. 4 Arthur H., ?,\ 10: 75, i)uhnonary consumption, te. 31-5-0, b. at sea, of Wm. & Letitia, vScot., do. MACKINTOSH, McIXTOSH. r. Augustus B., 8: 2: 48, fits, a. 2-7-0, b. Ded., of Elisha & . 02 Chas. A., 6: 9: 89, hypertrophy of liver, ft. 3.5-9-1.5, b. W. Rox., of Charles G. & Harriet A. (Richards), Canton, Ded. 60 Elisha, 4: 13:62, apoplexj^ se. 78-0-18, b. Dorch., of Jeremiah & Susanna, Dorcli., Franklin. 74 Henry X., 12 : 31 : 55, consumption, re. 2-4-19, b. Dorch., of Elisha & Pelina R. .34 Mary, 6: 25: .5:3, erysipelas, se. 64-8-11, b. Dorch., of Jer'h & Susanna. 20 Phebe A. (Morrill), w. of Andrew, 6: 25: 51, consumption, ie. 25-9-20, b. Xatick, of Samuel & Sarah. 31 Polina R. (Whiting), w. of E., 5:8: 5.5, typhoid fever, te. 44-10-11, b. Ded., of Moses & Abigail. 40 Rebecca (Damon), 9: 17: 54, rheumatic fever, a'. 72-.3-17, b. Ded., of Jona- than & Mary. McKIRDY. 21 Ann (Blackburn), 2: 27: 75, pleurisy fever, jv. 66-9-12, b. Scotland, of Wm. & Ann. 16 John, 1 : 29: 75, pleurisy fever, te. 6-5-0-0. b. Scot., of & , Scot., do. McLAXE. m Jas., 6 : 15: 89, heart dis., te. 6S-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Mary (Laverty), Ire., do. 79 Sarah, 0:8: 88, meningitis, je. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of John J. & Maria J., Ded., W. Roxbury. McLAUGHLIX. 82 Mary A., 11: 12: 86, typhoid fever, tie. 8-10-12, b. Eng., of Thomas & Kate, England, Ireland. .39 Thos., 9: 11 : 62, consumption, je. 1-0-20, b. Ded., of Jas. & Eliz'h. McLAY. 84 Agnes, 8: 18: 67, consumption, te. 0-8-0. 1). Ded., of John & R., Scot., Eng. 14 John E., 8: ;J0: 06, cancre, ;e. 1-0-0, 1). Ded., of John & Rhodeacher. McLEAR. 06 Lily, 7: 30: 70, cholera infantum, w. 0-7-0, '1). Boston, of Frank »S: Rosa, Ire., Vt. McLEOD. 81 , 9: 19: 80, stillborn, b. Dedhain, d. of John I). & Mary (Conant), Brit. Pro v., do. 57 Angus, 6:27:.s5, pernicious an;eaua, ic. ;]6-9-0, b. V. E. I., of Daniel & Betsy, Scot., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 125 48 David, 11: 17: 51, accident, a;. 21-0-0, b. Nova Scotia. 86 Mary ^Conant), 10:4:80, puerperal convulsions, ;e. 32-11-0, 1). Turner Me., of ^ & Blanche (Turner), Bridgewater, Turner Me. McMANUS, McMANNUS. 82 Bridget, 3: 9: 59, a\ 70-0-0, I). Ire. 47 Catherine, 5: 27: 66, water on brain, re. 5-3-1(3, b. Ded., of John & Mary. 101 Chas., 9: 6: 66, teething, w. 0-11-15, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catherine. 11 Chas., 9: 21 : 69, typhoid fever, te. 41-0-0, b. Ire., of Bryan & Rose, Ire., do. 107 John, 11 : 27: 84, cancer, a?. 59-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, Ire., do. 83 Hose (McLaughlin), 11: 19: 60, bilious fever, a;. 64-0-0, b. Ire., of Chas. & Margaret, Ireland, do. Mcmullen. 110 Hugh, 12: 5: 79, accident R. R., a\ .50-0-0. 113 Mary, 11: 1 : 6.5, dysentery, a3. 0-10-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Hannali. McN IBB 74 Catlierine (Tinney), 8: 27: 75, paralysis, a^ 69-0-0, b. Ire., of Frank .^^ Alice, Ireland, do. , . ^ , 51 Mary, 6: 5: 82, heart dis., ;i3. 36-0-0, b. Ire., of Edw. & Catherine, Ire., do. McNAMARA. , . .. 31 John, 8: 20: 51, dysentery, k. 37-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Margaret. MACOMBER. .^. ^^^ „ ^, . „, , , 59 Emma A. (White), w. of Chas. F., 5: 28: 89, meningitis, t^. 28-8-2a, b Chail- ton of Washington W. & Mercyette (Clemence), Charlton, Southbridge. 29 John L., 6: 20: 58, scarlet fever, c^e. 7-9-5, b. Ded., of Amos & Sarah. 51 Louisa M. (Holmes), w. of Winchester S., 4:9: 88, old age, a-. 8o-ll-2-, b. Monmouth Me., of John & Dolly (Bayley). 85 AVinchester S., 12: 13: 7:3, Bright's . 20-8-8, b. Ded., of Richard & Bridget, -N. F., Ire. 135 (D. at Boston) Eliz'h C, 3: 14: 87, Bussey Bridge accident, re. 18-2-7, b. Ded of Richard »& Bridget, K F., Ire. 11 Ellen, 7: 16: 67, purpurea hemorrhagica, re. 0-0-14, b. Ded., of Richard & Bridget, fN. F.,]Ire. 103 Mary J., 10 : ;J0 : 82, phthisis, re. 23-5-24, b. Ded., of Richard & Bridget rN. F ] Ireland. ' ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 127 133 Kicliard, VI: 7: SS, pneuraoniii, :t'. (iT-U-."), b. X. F., of Thos. & Ellen (Sliield), [N. F.,] Ire. 62 Thos., 5: 10: (U, teething, :e. 1-3-U, b. Dec!., of Kichiinl & lirid-^'et. MANEY. 57 Walter B., 7: 31: 80, cholera infantum, le. 0-10-5, b. Lewiston Mc, of John & Johanuah, Boston, Ire. MANN". 49 Charlotte B. (Billings), 0: 27: G6, paralysis, se. 73-8-0, b. Ded., of Bichard & Mary. 42 Franklin D.. 9: 7: 44, scrofula, ii>. 9-0-0. 80 George H., 7: 27: 6:5, consumption, a?. 12-7-0, b. Ded., of Henry II. & Mercie E., Ded., Chatham. 40 Herman, 11:26: 51, heart complaint, tu. 5G-7-1S, b. Walpole, of Herman & Sarah. 72 Ruthy (Skillings), 12: 14: 57, consumption, te. .59-0-0, b. Boston, of John & Mary. 40 Samuel C., 3:3: 64, paralysis, le. 61-0-:^, b. Ded., of Herman & Sarah, Wren- tham, Boston. 58 Sarah (Whiting), 3: 31: 8:3. old age, le. 81-2-6, b. Ded., of Joshua & Mary, Dedham, do, 105 Warren E., 9: 19: 66. consumption, le. 0-2-0, b. Dedham, of Klijah T. & Sarah J. 42 William H., 3: 7: 64, chronic diarrhoea, te. 66-2-0, b. Dedham, of Herman & Sarah, Wrentham, Boston. MARCOUX. ;33 Cordelia, 2: 23: 72, lung fever, a'. 6-10-0, b. Canada, of Joseph iK: :Mary, Canada, do. MARDEX. 6 , 3 : 7 : 48, , se. 5-0-0, — of Aaron & . 12 Emily J. (Haynes), 2:4: 80, pneumonia,*. 62-2-0, b. Chichester X. H., of & Lois (Proctor), Chichester, do. 36 Frederick, 11 : 2: 51, dysentery, re. 0-6-22, b. Ded., of Aaron & .Mary. 37 Mary L. (Bodge), 5: 26: 86, pulmonary dis., le. 86-11-0, b. Xeedham, of David O. & Sally (Blake). 96 Mary P. (Webster), w. of Ellis, 9: 9: 87, heart dis., w. 70-.5-7, b. Kennebunk- port Me., of X^ath'l & Sarah, Gilmanton N. H., S. C. 16 Mary T. (Cox), 5: 12: 51, consumption, a3. 32-4-22, b. Dedham, of John & Lucretia. MARKWARD. 86 Isabella (Matthews), w. of Carl L. T., 8: 25: 90, heart dis,, a\ 52-2-2, b. Eng., of Wm. M. & Maria (Lander), Eng., do. MARONEY. 117 Ann (Kildutt), 9:7: 06, consumption, te. 38-0-0, b. Ire., of John & . 3 George, 8: 22: 73, general debility, ai. 14-5-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Aim. 10 Mary E., 8: 3: 66, consumption, fe. 17-0-0, b. Lowell, of Wm. tV Ann. 128 D ED HAM RECORDS. 23 Wm. E., 7: 30: 51, ])Owel coinp., te. 0-6-0, b. Dec!., of Wm. & Ann. 57 Wm. H., 10: 13: 53, cholera infantum, :e. 1-G-O, b. Ded., of Wm. & Ann. MAEK {See also Maliar.) 75 Henry A., 11 : 22 : GO, consumption, w. 18-11-17, 1). K. B., of Wilson & Bridget. 34 Jenneate E., 1 : IS : 07, typhoid fever, w. 16-5-2, b. X. B., of Wilson & Bridget, N. B., Ireland. MARS. 23 Julia A. (Hastings), 4:5: 55, consumption, ;e. 32-11-4, b. Xeedham, of Josiah & Clarissa. MAESH. 34 , !): 22: 45, fever, a?. 0-14-0, b. Ded., of Francis & Eliza. 77 Charles, 9: 13: 78, consumption, a?. 24-11-0, b. Ded., of Francis & Eliza, Dedham, do. 52 Daniel, 3: 24: 04, heart dis., ;e. 73-9-1.5, b. Ilingham, of Lot & Lydia, Hing- ham, Weymouth. 85 Elizabeth (Metcalf), 12: 31: OS, old age, as 90-9-19, 1). Ded., of Jonathan & Elizabeth, Dedham, do. 70 Fanny (Hersey), 8:5: 81, old age, a'. 80-3-25, b. Ded., of Elijah & Lurana Hingham, . 90 Frances, 12: 9: 62, consumption, a\ 18-8-28, b. Ded., of Daniel & Fanny Hingham, Ded. 33 Francis, 5:4: 79, chronic diarrhoea, ;e. 72-0-28, b. Ded., of Martin & Eliz'h Hingham, Ded. 31 Franklin W., 5: 28: 74. dis. of Ijowels, se. 0-0-21, b. Ded., of Francis & Emma I., Ded., Boston. 123 Geo., 12: 25: 90, chronic dis. of brain, a'. 52-6-1, b. Ded., of Daniel & Fanny (Hersey), Hingham, Ded. 114 Jane, 11: 15: 48, consumption, te. 19-0-0, b. Ded., of Daniel & Fannj-. 78 Martin, 7: 26: 65, old age, re. 88-:3-ll, b. Hingham, of Thos. & Lillis. 73 Martin M., 9: 14: 72, catarrhal consumption, ;e. 22-ll-:30, b. Ded., of Francis & Eliza, Ded., do. MARSHALL. 103 Levi, 5: 14: 64, lung fever, :t>. . [soldier.] MARSTON. 142 Carlos, 9:1: 6.5, murdered, a.'. 42-0-0, b. Sutton N". H., of Asa & Mary. 141 Cora T., 9:1: 05, murdered, te. 10-0-0, b. Danville Vt.. of Warren A: Annie E. T. Harris. 140 Susanna E. (Tenney), 9: 1:65, suicide, a?. :30-0-0, b. Hanover X. II., of Ilarvy & Judith I). MARTIX, J^IARTYN. 35 , 4: 27: 09, stillborn, b. Ded., d. of Robert & Mary, Scot., do. 63 , 7: 8: 70, , it'. 0-0-1, b. Ded., d. of Robert & Mary, Scot., do. 79 , 12: 0: 71, stillborn, 1). Ded., d. of Robert & Mary, Scot., do. 11 Chas. H., 9: I6:4S, summer conip., ;e. 0-5-0, b. Ded. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 129 101 Edw., 10: 7: 80. old age, a\ 89-9-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Catliarine (Conway), Ire., do. 73 Emma, 12: 25: 57. croup, a'. 0-2-21, b. Ded., of Joliii iS: Uarl)ara. 8 James D., 1: 13: 76. consumption, a\ 25-0-0, b. Dorcii., of John iS: Mary P. E. I., do. 10 John, 2: 23: 59, lung fever, t«. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of John & Earl)ara. 5 Mary, 1 : 14: 58, croup, a3. 0-0-28, b. Ded., of John & Mary. 34 Sarah T., 3: 29: 73, convulsions, 8e. 1-0-0, b. Boston, of Frank E. A: :Millie E., N'ew Orleans, do. 15 William, 1: 29: 75, convulsions, a'. 0-7-19, b. Ded., of Wm. c't Caroline, Albion E. T., Prov. K. I. MASON. 49 Annie H„ 4: 16: 63, diphtheria, a. 4-11-1:3, 1). Ded., of \\\\\. II. ^S; .Mary F,» Ded., Medfield. 20 Chas., 6: 12 : 56, paralysis, a. 61-7-5, b. Ded., of Thaddeus vS: Abigail. 22 Edward B., 9: 14: 63, fall from horse, a^ 26-2-12, b. Boston, of Win. P. & H. (Rogers), [soldier. | 106 Ellen A., 12: 25 : 63, lung fever, a. 3-1-0, b. Foxboro, of Wni. A. .K: Amelia, Salem, Ohio. 74 Leonard, 12: 20: 58, bowel comp., a. 71-0-0, b. Ded., of \Vm. iS: . 13 Lugarda L., 9: — : 44, fever, a. 4-0-0, b. Ded. IS Sally H. [no date, Rec. 6: 24: 46], , a. 51-0-0. 123 Tabitha X. (Kldridge), 5: 5: 63, consumption, a'. 51-5-25, b. Orleans, of Obadiah & Patience, Ilarwicli, do. 82 Wm. II., 5:4: 61, consumi)tion, a. 35-8-14, b. Ded., of Elipirt T. Jv Mary F., Dedham, do. 46 (D. at Boston) Woodbury J., 4: 9: 90, hydrophobia, a'. ;](;-9-l5. b. Tamwortli X. H., of John B. & Mary A., Tamworth, ElizMl)ethtowii N. Y. MASSEY. 40 Samuel, 4: 18: 89, heart dis., a. 55-0-0, b. Ire. MASTER SOX. 26 Margaret. 5: 8: 53, consumption, a. 14-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Ann. 65 Miciiael. 7: 4: 60, , a. 32-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Ann, Ire., do. MATT A. 7 Ilenrj', 1: 2: 75, paralyses, it'. 70-5-28, b. France, of Henry iS: Theresa France, do. MATTHEWS. 54 Mary *(Cam|>l>ell), 6: 17: 80, enlargement of heart, a. 41-8-16. b. X. S. 112 Wm., 2: 17: i;7, lung fever, a. 75-:3-19, b. Isle of Jersey, of Chas. A: Eliz'h, Eng., do. MATTIIEWSOX. 74 Alberts., 11 : 13:66, typlioid fever, a. ll-8-;i b. Prov. R. I., of Israel iV: Sarah. 83 Edw. D., 9: 1 : 49, dysentery, a'. 2-2-21, b. Chelmsford, of Jas. A: .'Vnna F., Germ., do. MIGNAULT. 80 D. R., 11 : 10: 62, delirium tremens, re. 28-0-0, b. France, [soldier.] MILES. (56 Wm., 7: 24: 81, valvular dis. of heart, le. «9-.5-13, b. Boston, of Thos. iV: Maria, Boston, do. MILEY. 3 John, 2: 20: .52, infantile dis., re-. 0-4-12, b. Cambridge, of Dan I's: Marg't. MILLER. 90 Andrew F., 9: 29: 5:5, whooping cough, a-. 1-10-8, b. Ded., of Allen H. & Hannah R. 10 Chas. D., 2: 28: 00, drowning, re>. 7-0-0, b. Boston, of Jos, II. &:Mary B. 80 Frank A., 9: 6: 81, paralysis of heart, re. 8-1-3, 1). Springfield, of Chas. & Louisa, Germ., Ded. 71 Hannah R. (Radloft:'), 9: 19: 04, childbirth, se. 41-11-10, b. Seekouk, of Ja.s. ;k Mary, Seekonk, . 89 John F. R., 9: 25: 5:5, whooping cough, ;e. 0-2-13, b. Ded., of Allen H. &, Hannah R. 132 DEDHAM RECORDS. 123 Lewis A., 12: 18: 62, consumption, fc. 23-6-0, b. N^. Y., of Fred'k & Lydia, Denmark, Mass. 63 Maud, 10: 3: 66, weakness, te. 0-1-0, b. Ded., of Arthur L. & Lydia C. MILLS. 27 Bathshel)a (Bates), w. of Hiram, 3: .5: 89, old age, te. 84-4-22, b. Webster, of Alanson & Comfort (Robinson), Webster, do. 15 Eliz'h A. (Alden),[3: 28: h?>, old age, se. 90-7-0, b. Need., of Silas & Margaret. 82 John A. B., 9: 27: 84, cholera infantum, te. 0-3-4, b. Ded., of C. P. & Sarah A., Canada, do. MINNEHAN. (8ee aUo Menahan.) 3 John, 2:3: 62, dropsy of brain, te. 0-11-2, b. Ded., of Michael & Mary (Hayes). MITCHELL. 4 Bridget (Kennedy), 3:2: 70, childbirth, te. :^>7-l-0, b. Ire., of John & Mary, Ire., do. 11 Eliza J., 9: 3: 6.5, cholera infantum, se. 1-1-0, b. Ded., of Terence & Ann M. .51 Jas. T., .5: 18: 8:3, cervical abscesses, se. 1-6-28, b. Ded., of Thos. & Margaret, Scot., Milton. 64 Margaret A. (Deneef), 8: 4: 84, consumption, a\ 27~.5-20, b. Milton, of Michael & Ann, Ire., do. 36 Mary J., 4: 16: 84, consumption, .t?. 0-6-11, 1). Ded., of Thos. S. & Margaret A., Scot., Milton. MOxVAGAN, MONAHAN, MONEHAN, MOXIHAN. (See also Menahan.) 102 Ellen (Haberlin), 10: 20: 82, typhoid fever, a^ 55-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Bridget, Ire., do. 5 John, 3: 7: 67, diarrhoea, oe. 3-9-0, b. Ded., of Terence & Anastatia, Ire., do. :]0 Mary (Fagan), 10: 10: .56, dysentery, a?. 70-0-0, b. Ire., of Simeon & Mary. 83 Mary A., 9: 22: 75, consumption, a?. 17-0-0, 1). Ded., of Terence & Stacy W., Ire., do. 68 Rose, 8: 27: 78, consumption, se. .50-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, Ire., do. 5 Terence, 7:5: 69, liver corap., a?. ;36-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick and Mary, Ire., do. MONTAGUE. 41 Virginia W., 8: 11: .5:], cholera infantum, w. 0-1-24, b. Ded., of George L. & Cath. F. \V. MONTGOMERY. 80 Estlier R.. 9: 18:84. canker, a-. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Frank H. & Anna I., St. George Me., Portland Me. 71 Nathan F., 8:23: 60, canker, x. 0-5-10, b. Ded., of Francis W. & Sarah, Hal- ifax, Abiiigton. MONTIVIRO. 68 Manuel, 8:3: 75, tuberculosis, ie. ;]5-0-0, b. Cuba. Moonr. 2:5 Blanche E., 3:25: 7S, broiicliilis, ic. 1-1-22, b. MiUVr.l. of Eben N. & Pamelia, Maine, Ct. MOON AY, MOUNEY. 7 Francis, 2: 8: 55, dis. of l)rain, ic. 1-6-14 b. Ded., of John & Margaret. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 133 77 Margaret (Malloy), w. of Martin, G: 6: SS. old age, a>. Ot-O-a, b. Ire., of John & Mary, Ire., do. MOORE. 7 Chas. B., 1 : 20: 81, paralysis, ;e. 44-7-o, 1>. Framingliaui, of John iS: Snsanna, Gerry, Boston. 57 Fred., 7: 8: 70, , te. 0-0-0. MORAN. 58 Catharine (Leonard), 7: 8: OS, consumption, se. 20-11-0, 1). Ire., of Jolni & Ann, Ire., do. 140 Jolm F., 12: 22: 88, R. R. accident, se. 25-10-12, b. Ded., of Dominick & Cath- erine (I^eonard). Ire., do. 00 John J., 8: 14: 77, cholera infantum, ;e. 0-10-0, b. Ded., of John & Mar\', Ire., do. MORGAX. 101 Chas. I)., *0: 24: 70, softening of brain, te. 37-10-0, b. Ded., of John & , , Ded. 75 (D. at Charlestown), Mary F., 2: 24: 58, dropsy on brain, ;e. 1-0-24, b. Charles- town, of Chas. & Mary G. 70 Michael J., 7: 24: 82, consumption, a3. 04-0-0, b. Ire., of Matthias & Ilonora, Ire., do. MORHOFF. 95 Christian, 11: 10: 07, suicide, a\ 02-0-0, b. Germ. MORRILL, MORRELL. 82 Chas. E., 10:2:09, congestion of brain, w. 0-4-15, b. Dedham, of Edw. H. & Jane E., Andover, Manayunk Pa. 02 Edwin H., 10: 10: 01, dropsy of brain, oe. 1-0-23, b. Boston, of Simon S. & Leanor. 05 Freddie W., 8: 7: 79, basilar meningitis, te. 0-0-7, b. Hyde Park, of AVm. A. & Jennie E., Boston, Dorchester. 43 Helen, 12: 10: 47, fever, :e. 12-0-0. 182 Sarah 15. (Tidd), 3: 20: 04, metritis, a;. ;51-ll-28, b. Wol)urn, of Wm. & Luthera, Woburn, Charlestown N. H. MORRISON. 13 , 9: 1: 40, dysentery, te. 4-0-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & . 40 Charlotte P., 12:18:50, consumption, se. 18-2-12, b. Ded., of Wm. & Olive. 102 Francis L., 10: 7: 89, cholera infantum, a?. 0-2-;3, b. Ded., of Frank ,1. & Nellie (McNeill), Austria, P. E. L 9 Mary A., 2: 10: 55, consumption, a*. 22-7-9, b. Ded., of Wm. & Olive. 43 Michael, 7: 2: 01, , a?. 4-0-0, b. Ded., of AVm. & Johanna, Ire., do. 92 Wm., 10:4:07, lung fever, je. 07-0-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Nancy, Dedliam, W rent ham. MORRISSEY. 29 Cornelius, 8: 14: 70, cholera infantum, ». 0-1-24, b. Ded.. of Wm. & Bridget. Ire., do. 98 KatyJ., 10:28:79, diphtheria, :e. 13-0-0, b. Ded., of Daniel cV: Catherine. Ireland, do. 129 Margaret, 3: 13: 0.5, pneumonia, ;e. 0-0-8, b. Ded., of Wm. & Joanna. 134 DEDHAM RECORDS. 57 Mary, 8: 20: 01, dysentery, tie. l-'J-O, b. Wrentliam, of John & Joluinna, Ireland, do. 121 Patrick, 12: 9: 89, consumption, te. :J2-ll-8, b. Ded., of Daniel & Catharine (Tynan), Ireland, do. 3 Thos. J., 1 : 16: 84, meningitis, te. 4-0-0, b. Boston, of Tlios. J. & Mary A., X. F., do. MOIIRO^V. 100 Geo. L., 12: 11 : 76, asthma, te. 7-7-0, b. Boston, of \Vm. II. »fc Susan, Stilem, Hyaiinis. 26 Wm. }I., .3: 14: 8:3, heart dis., te. 79-7-0, b. Boston, of Wm. II. & Lucy, Scot.. Cambridge. MORSE. 3 , 1: 24: .5:5. infantile dis., te. 0-0-1, b. Ded., d. of Jesse & Nancy. 60 Al)by R. (Shackley), 2: 21: 69, cancer, a?. 33-11-24, b. Norway Me., of Aaron «fc Margaret, Kennebunk Me., . 83 Abigail C. (Colburn), 2: 10: .54, consumption, :e. :17-0-0, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Cynthia. 69 Abi-xail C. (Colburn), 3: 18: 69, phthisis, a?. 45-11-19, b. Ded., of Nath'l & Anna, Dedham, do. 124 Alvin II., 5: 29: 07, consumption, te. 31-8-18, b. Ded., of Ezra & Sally, Dedham, do. 41 Azuba, 10: 28: 46, consumption, te. 72-6-0, b. Sharon. 196 (D. at Holliston) Banj. D., 7: 28: 64, liver comp., te. 57-8-21, b. Ded., of Seth «fc , Dedham, do. 02 Caroline A., 0: 21: 47, consumption, te. 22-0-0. 91 Chas. E., 12: 29: 59, consumption, te. 44-0-0, b. Ded., of Ezra & Iltinnah. .37 Cynthia, 5: 5: 61, consumption, 03. 43-1-1, b. Ded., of Ezra & Sally, Ded., do. 109 (D. at Walpole) Cynthia J., 1 : 22: 63, consumption, te. 24-8-20, b. Walpole, of Jos. & Roxa M., Walpole, Dedham. 74 David, 9: 5: 52, diseased kidneys, te. 6.5-0-0, b. Ded., of Dtivid & Sibbel. 83 Davl.l, 4: 10: 59, consumption, te. 32-0-0, b. Walpole, of David & Nancy G. 53 Deborah, 3: 9: 52, old age, te. 9:3-0-0, b. Dover. 80 Edwin F., 7: 26: 55, dysentery, te. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Hannah W. 122 Ella M., 12: 16: 02, typhoid fever, te. 9-9-0, b. Ded., of Dean & Sy])il E., Ded., do. 22 Eva A., 3: 16: 7i!, c®ngestion of lungs, te. 0-7-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Martha K., Ded., Medtield. 33 Howard, 0:17: 60, consumption, tw 2S-8-14, b. Ded., of Ezra & Sally, Ded., do. 11 Irene, 3: 2: .59, old age, te. 84-2-5, 1). Ded. 113 Jeste, 6: 14: Gl, dropsy, te. 72-10-0, b. Ded., of Seth & Mary, Ded., do. 82 .lolm, 4: 21 : 01, paralysis, te. 69-6-19, b. Decl., of John & Mtiry, Ded., . 176 John L., 2: 26: 04, lung fever, te. 49-8-6, b. Ded., of Lewis & Nabbv F., Ded., do, 7 Jofep'i, 5: 23: 51, consumption, t\\ 50-0-0, b. Ded., of Geo. & R( iie. 92 Julia (Sumner;, 7: 28: 59, consumption, te. 35-0-0, b. Ded., of Moses & Catharine. 99 (D. tit Walpole) Levina (Ellis), 11 : :30: .58, old age. ;e. 87-0-0, b. Del, of Jos. «fc Marian. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. i3r> 96 Lewis, 10: 5: 82, R. R. accident, re. 58-8-26, b. Canton, of Joseph iS: Ruth (Taunt), Canton, do. 51 Lucy (Whiting), D: 2: .55, typhoid fever, k. 70-9-in. b. Ded., of Solomon it Luca. .54 Luther T., 4:6: 71, apoplexy, te. 49-,3-21, b. Canton, of Jos. »& Ruth, Canton, do. 102 Maria B. (Bullen), 4:2:86, dis. of liver, te. 70-0-0, b. Medway, of David & Patty (Harding), Medway, do. 6 (D. at Norton) Mark, 1: 16: 8.5, old age, iv. 64-9-1:5, b. Rumny X. II., of Joel & Ajubah H., Ded., Rumny N. H. 121 Mary (Wilbur), 9: 12: 61, consumption, a\ 74-6-0, b. , of Xathan iV: Rlioda. Salisbury, do. 84 Mary A. (Snow), 3: 17: 54, inflam. of bowels, a'. 30-0-0, b. Brewster, of Obed & Tempest. 93 Mary E. (Dean), 4: 27: 68, phthisis, a?. 68-1-2.3, b. Salisbury, of El)eirr I've Lois, Ded., . 64 Metcalf, 2: 22: 54, chronic dis., se. 38-0-0, b. Medway. 173 NabbyF. (Fisher). 2:11:64, pneumonia, te. 76-4-12, b. Ded., of Eliph't & Judith, Dedham, Medfield. 44 Osborn, 4: 25: 47, drowned, a;. 27-0-0, b. Ded., of Ezra & Sally. 16 Phebe A. ( ), w. of , 2: 28: 87, paralysis, se. 65-8-0, b. Georgetown,. of John & Naomi, Georgetown, do. 98 (D. at Walpole), Richard, 6:10:.53, old age, -x. 84-0-0, b. Ded., of John ."c Rebekah. 69 Roxa F., w. of John, 12: 25: 44, dropsy, a-. 50-0-0. S3 Ruth S. (Taunt), 9:4: 82, paralysis, a;. 87-8-4, b. Canton, of Jolm .S: Hannah, Canton, do. 101 Seth, 10: 6: 53, dis. of heart, fe. 73-0-0, b. Ded., of Seth & Mary. 96 Sybil E. (Lewis), l: 1: 62, typhoid fever, re. .53-10-10, b. Ded.. of Josei)li A: Sybil, Ded., do. MORST. , ^. , 95 Caroline, 10: 27: 84, dropsy, a-. 34-0-7, b. Germ., of ^: ■ Germ., .lo. MOSS. 67 Ellen E., 8: 26: 64, convulsions, a. 0-0-6, b. Dedham. of Jolm ^: Ellen, Germany, do. MOULTON. ,,. ^. ,, , ,, ., 28 Mabel R., 3: 18: 80, basilar meningitis, a. 0-8-13, b. ]3rookline. ot hdw. Ji. c"t Carrie E., Woonsocket R. L, Cumberland Me. MULCARY. 8 Bridget, 2:8: 59, croup, a. 0-5-8, b. Ded., of Patrick cSc Margaret. MULKERN. ^ ^. ^, , ,, „ 44 Ellen, 2: 13: 70, consumption, a. 19-4-1, b. Dedham, ot Timothy ^ Mary, Ireland, do. .52 James, 9: 2: 5.5, consumption, a. 9-0-0, b. Ire., of Timothy c\: Mar>. 46 Martin, 5: 9: 8:3, consumption, a. 62-0-0, b. Ireland, of Martin .V .Mary, 74 Ma'ry! 7: 17: 67, consumption,a.l8-l-7, b. on the ocean, of Timothy .S: Mary,. Ireland, do. 136 D ED HAM RECORDS. 74 Timothj', fl: 1:3: 84, ossification of heart, oe. 65-0-0, b. Ireland, of Michael & Mary, Ire., tlo. MULLKN. 48 Jiriilyet, 9: 7: 74, heart disease, te. 6-2-28, b. Dedham, of Michael & Ann, Ireland, do. 58 Catharine, 7: 28: 72, lung fever, a?. 2-0-15, 1). Dedham, of Michael & Ann, Ireland, do. 3 John, 1 : 31: 67, heart disease, a?. 32-0-0, b. Ireland, of John & , Ire., do. 9 Margaret (Clenisnts), 3:8: 62, consumption, m. 25-0-0, b. Ireland, of James & Elizabeth. MULLIGAN. 1 Mary, 1: 10: 5.5, consumption, fc. 70-0-0, b. Ireland. MULROONEY. 33 William, 2: 10: 64, typhoidis, a'. 39-0-0, b. Ireland, of Thomas & Dora, Ireland, do. [soldier.] MULYERHILL. 8 Margaret (Shei), 4: 12: 67, dropsy, re. 68-0-0, b, Ireland, of Dennis & Mary, Ireland, do. 35 Mary V., 4:4: S3, measles, se. 1:^-1-13, b. Ded.. of Dennis & Eliza, Ire., do. MUNIER. 70 Catherine M., 8: 20: 80, hydrocephaloid, te. 0-1-21, b. Boston, of Joseph «fc Catherine, l^ostoii, X. S. MUNROE. 50 , 9 : — : 50, , (c. 9-0-0, b. Ded., of Hiram & . 78 AVilliam, 9: 15: 75, old age, aj. 85-10-8, b. Northboro, of Abraham & , Xorthboro, MURDOCK. 64 Mary (Cummings), w. of John, 0: 17: 90, hydrothorax, te. 80-0-10, b. Boston, of Andrew & Susan (Weld), , Newton. 24 Sarah (Eustis), 4: 15: 61, consumption, as 85-9-28, b. Ded., of William & Mary. MURDY. 2 ElizMi ( Yavian), 2: 23: 72, dropsy, a\ 49-:5-22, b. Ire., of John & Eliz'h. 46 Josephine, 5: 27: 87, scrofula and phthisis, a-. 15-3-27, b. Ded,, of James & Maria, Eng., Ire. 20 Samuel J., 3: 14: 78, hemorrhage of lungs, :e. 31-11-12, b. Eng., of Samuel «fc Eliz'h, Eng,, Ire. 67 AVarren, 9: 13: 86, tubercular meningitis, a-. 7-4-3, b. Ded., of Jas. & Maria, England, Ireland. MURPHY. 145 Frank, 12: :50: 88, , a-. 0-1-16, b. Ded., of John & Margaret (Clifford), Ireland, do. 12 George, 9: 24: 74, emphysema, a-. 46-0-0, b. Ireland, of .John *!s: Margaret, Ireland, do. ^5 Honora, 5: i;;: 57, whooping cough, a'. 2-1-6, b. Ded., of Thos. & Mary. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 137 118 James, 12: 20: 81, cerebro spinal meningitis, ;o. 2-0-15, b. Ded., of John & Margaret, Ire., do, 63 Johanna M., 8: 5: 79, consumption, ;v. 22-5-5, b. Ded., of Timothy & Eliz'h, Ire., do. 17 John, 3: 9: 64, dysentery, iv. 21-0-0, b. Ire., of Jolin & Mary, [soldier.] 80 John, 8 : 29 : 82, dysentery, ai. 40-0-0, 1). Ire. 126 Julia. 9:5: 64, dysentery, {?. 0-0-14, b. Ded., of Jolin & Sarah, Ire., do. 97 Margaret (Brown). 10: 26: 81, cancer, a?. 76-6-0, b. Ire., of Edw. & Margaret, Ire., do. 94 Margaret (Clifford), w. of John, 9 : 27 : 89, valvular disease of heart, ». 42-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, Ire., do. 7 Mary, 5: 9: 90, scarlet fever, te. 7-4-1, b. Me., of John & Ellen, Ire., do. 72 Olive (Blake), 12: 14: 53, bilious fever, t€. 24-0-0, b. New GlastonMe., of Jos. & Rebekali. 91 Patrick A., 11 : 27: 72, water on brain, a?. 8-0-4, b. Newburyport, of Thos. & Ann, Ire., do. 5 Wm., 1: 25: 83, consumption, re. 4.5-0-0, b. Ire., of John & , Ire., do. 20 Wm. T.. 3: 6: 86, scarlet fever, aj. 3-5-0, b. Ded., of John M. & Mary A., Ded., Lowell. MURRAY, MURREY. 11 Arthur W., 3: 16: .58, croup, a\ 0-;i-22, b. Ded., of Walter & Jane. 118 Bridget, 11 : 20: 65, dysentery, a?. l-ll-O, b. Ire., of Thos. & Bridget. 48 Margaret (Conlon),w. of Daniel, 4: 23: 89, chronic disease of liver, a*. 60-11-1:3, b. Ire., of [OwenJ & Ann, Ire., do. 21 Patrick, 4: 23: 62, whooping cough, !«. 1-1-6, b. Ded., of Daniel & :Margaret. 93 Walter, 8: 31 : 65, dysentery, a-. 34-0-0, b. N. S., of Jas. & Margaret. MUSCHE. 66 Isabella, 7: 24: 75, dysentery, w. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Frederic & Margaret, Prussia, Ire. 74 Lizzie, 8: 16: 81, cholera infantum, te. 0-5-0. b. Ded., of Fred'k & Margaret, Germ., Ire. MUXWORTHY. 24 Henry, 4: 17: 86, phthisis, te. .53-0-0, b. Eng., of Geo. & Mary, Eng., do. 20 Mabel J., 2: 8: 90, phthisis, te. 15-5-20, b. Ded., of Henry & Mary, Eng., do. 115 Rose E., 11: ;30: 90, consumption, se. 19-11-17, b. Ded., of Henry & Mary (Dunn), Eng., do. 77 Studley W., 7:29: 89, consumption, k. 28-0-16, b. Eng., of Henry & ^lary (Dunn), Eng., do. 32 (D. at Asheville N. C.) Wm. IL, :!: 9: 90, phthisis pulmonalis, :e. 22-0-0, b. Eng., of Henry & Mary (Dunn), Eng., do. MYERHOOF. {See Meyerhoff.) MYERS, (^'ee Meyer.) MYLOD. 65 Mary C, 12: 23: 44, spinal dis., a'. 0-6-0, b. Ded., of Wm. cS: . 138 DEDHAM RECORDS. 88 Eoxanna (Hammond\ 12: 15: 54, consuniption, sb. 23-0-0, b. Buckfield Me., of VVm. P. & . no Wm. A., 12: 19: 50, dis. of heart, ». 00-0-0. b. Franklin, of Wm. & . NASH. 63 Charity (Pond), 4: 7: 02, paralysis, te. 73-0-0, b. Ded., of Ebenezer & Mary, , Newton. NAVIN. (.See aho Nevin.) 48 John F., 6: 1: 82, epilepsy, m. 2:3-0-0, b. Boston. NEAS. 15 Barbara C, 7: 25: 72, epilepsy, fe. 21-11-7, b. Boston, of Roehat & Augusta, Germ., do. 1 Bonaparte, 1 : 1 : 77, old age, »e. 74-7-0, b. Germ., of & , Germ., do. 88 Eliz'h (Gramer), 8:8: 8:3, valvular dis. of heart, te. 77-8-18, b. Germ., of & , Germ., do. 4 Joseph. 9: 11 : 68, old age, se. 89-0-0, b. Germ., of & , Germ., do. 83 Lucy E., 6: 18: 88, meningitis, ae. 0-11-12, b. Ded., of Frank & Mary, Germ., Boston. 3 Mary A., 4:6: 68, inanition. ;t'. 0-7-0, b. Box., of Thomas & Lizzie M. F., Gerrn., do. NEEDHAM. 72 Joseph, 10: 4: 68, dropsy, x. 57-0-0, b. Ire., of Jos. & Mary, Ire., do. NELSOX. 12 Eva, 2: 7: 76, consumption, ie. 3-0-0, b. Boston, of Terance & Martha, Balti- more, do. NEVIN. {See also Navin.) 45 David W., 12: 19: 56, scarlet fever, ». ;3-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Margaret. .59 John, 12: 11 : 54, fits, ». 0-0-4, b. Ded., of John & Margaret. 105 John. 12: 22: m, typhoid fever, fe. 28-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, Ire., do. [soldier.] NEWBURY. 95 Susana, 9:9: 87, diarrhoea, ic. 0-2-7, b. Taunton, of Daniel & Jennie (Kelley),. Ire., Taunton. NEWELL. 17 Bertha H., 1 : 7 : 06, gastric fever, :e. 2-10-17, b. Ded., of Francis & Sophia. 58 Dorcas, w. of Calvin, 12: 6: 59, old age, te. 83-0-0, b. Acton. 80 Eliza, 8: 28: 74, old age, te. 8:3-9-0, b. Belchertown, of Nathan & Annie^ Belchertown, Ded. 40 Ida M., 5:5: 73, lung fever, te. 0-6-8, b. Ded., of Francis E. & Sophia E.,. Dover, W. Box. 35 Montgomery, 7: 1: .53. consumption, a\ 65-6-0, b. Need., of Josiah & . 113 Sophia E. (Hall), w. of Francis E., 11: 23: 90, Bright's dis., se. 48-0-22, b. W. Box., of Geo. & Sarah C. (Webl)er), Barrington N. II., Boscawen N. H. NEWSOME. m Ada L., 8: 13: 80, infantile del)ility, a-. 0-0-1:8, b. Ded., of Thos. & Hannah,. Eng., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 131> 03 Ann (Lockwood), 10: 22: 84, hepatic abscess, re. 74-7-28, b. Eur-., of Cliarles & Betty, Eng., do. 6:3 Ellen, 7: 10: 82, stillborn, 1). Ded., of Thos. & Hannah, Eng., do. ,5.-) Fred. C, 7: 2:3: 79, canker, w. 0-0-17, b. Ded., of Thos. & Hannah, Eng., do. 61 Geo. L., 7: 2:3: 76, intlara. of brain, se. 0-5-0, b. Ded., of Thomas cS: Ihiiinali, Eng., do. 64 Hilda, 7: 10: 82, stillborn, b. Ded., of Thos. & Hannah, Eng., do. 24 Jas., 2: 12: 90, congestion of lungs, eo. 79-8-113, b. Eng., of William & Xancy (Bennett), Eng.. do. NEWTON. 17 Maria R., 4: 17: 54, consumption, ». 20-6-19, b. Box., of Leonard & Eouisa. NICHOLS. ^ , ^ 66 Eli/Zh G. (Stow), 12: 25: 58, nervous fever, a;. 22-1-2, b. Reading, of .Tohn c\c Caroline. 51 Frances L., 6: 18: 85, premature birth, a.\ 0-0-1, b. Ded., of John H. & Caro- line E., Barrington N. H., Boston. 40 John, 7:1: 49, consumption, a\ 40-0-0, b. Germ. 12 Martha H., 1: 23: 77, dropsy, k. 36-4-2.3, b. Barrington N. H., of Samuel & Mary B., S. Reading, do. NICHOLSON. , ^, ^,,. , ^, 42 Elizabeth R., 6: 1 : 78, accident, re. 78-2-22, b. Boston, of Samuel c^ Elizabeth, Md., . 4 Maria, 1 : 10: .59, paralysis of l)rain, a?. 6.5-0-0, b. Boston, of c\: Mary. NICKERSON. ^ ^, ^^ ^ ^,, , 112 Atkins, 7:8:64, dropsy, a\ 75-5-0, b. Chatham, of Moses At Rebecca, Chat- ham., do. , i- t fi • t 34 Atkins, 4:7:80, pleuro pneumonia, te. 66-8-27, b. Chatham, of Atluns cV Zipporah, Chatham, do. , , , 7-^ Edith \ 8: 24: 60, , fc. 0-1-0, b. Ded., of Atkins & Emily, Chatham, do. 73 Edward A., 9: 19: 77, consumption, £e. 37-0-0, b. Ded., of Myrick & Eunice, Chatham, Dorch. ^ . .i • c 77 Emily(Eldridge),9:3:80, heart dis., ie. 59-0-8, b. Chatham, of Atkins .Vc Esta, Chatham, do. ^ , ^, ^, . 80 Freddie, 11: 23: 73, , re. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Alphonso L. .V: ( atharine, Ded., Germ. , , ^ ^, ,, ,, ^ 75 Mary A., 9: 11: 78, albuminuria, re. 2-2-18, b. Ded., of Ali)honso L. cS: ( atlie- rine, Ded., Germ. 63 Myrick, 8:6: 76, chronic cystitis, re. 67-4-0, b. Chatham, ot Leonard \' Ann C, Cape Cod, do. , ,. t^ ■ 2 Priscilla, 2: 5: 71, — , re. 31-1-20, b. Denni.s, of Levi cV Myra, Dennis. Yarmouth. ^^ ,, .. t^^„„ iv 44 Rebecca (Jordan), 8: 20: 74, paralysis, re. 74-7-14, b. Needham, ot Jesse .^ Hannah, Needham, do. ^of^'l^fa^:"^; stillborn, b. Ded., d. of Geo. E. & f.u, y A., T.orcl,.. X-e,ll..n,. 140 DEDHAM RECORDS. NIHAN. 128 Hannah, 11 : 2G: 88, tumor, ae. 55-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Ellen, Ire., do. NILES. 68 Eliza, 4:22:02, old age, te. 88-10-27, b. Braintree, of Jeremiah & Abigail, Braintree, "Weymouth. I^OLAN. 54 Francis, 9: 9: GO, aptha, fe. 0-1-14, b. Ded., of Patrick & Hannah, Ire., do. 1.3 John F., 2: 12: 76, membraneous croup, te. 4-2-26, b. Hyde Park, of John F. & Eliz'h, Ire., Woonsocket. 67 Mary, 8: 3:68, cholera infantum, ai. 0-S-O, b. Ded., of Patrick & Hannah, Ire., do. 64 Sarah M., 4: 12: 62, lung fever, te. 0-9-3, b. Ded., of Malaehi & Sarah J., Ire., do. KOOMAN. 27 Kosy (Donahoe), 3: 2:3: 70, phthisis, aj. 41-0-0, b. Ire., of & Mary, Ire., do. NOONAN". 2 Bridget P. (Brown), w. of Michael, 1 : 1 : 89. puerperal peritonitis, te. 28-0-0, b. Ire., of Morris & Margaret (Phelan), Ire., do. 106 James, 10: 3: 65, dysentery, -x. 74-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Bridget. 7 Mary (Gary), 5: 6: 72, bronchitis, te. 58-0-0, b. Ire., of John »fc Eliz'h, Ire., do. 6 Mary v., 1: 0: 77, convulsions, it. 0-7-24, b. Ded., of David & Margaret, Ire., Vt. NORRIS. 136 (D. at Boston), Edw. E., 3: 14: 87, Bussey Bridge accident, it. 26-7-11, b. Ded., of Andrew J. & Harriet E., Dorchester K H., Charlton. 76 Frank E., 9: 25: 60, canker, ;e. 0-0-22, b. Ded., of Samuel II. & Isabella, Dor- chester N. H., Boston. 76 Fred. T., 11:21:71, accident, fc. 9-4-7, b. Ded., of Samuel M. & Isabella, Dorchester N". H., Boston. 52 Martha (Everett), 10:28:69, lung fever, ;e. 70-6-6, b. Chesterfield X. H., of Richard & , Chesterfield N. H., . 23 Mary E., 3: 6: 81, rachitis, a>. 1.V0-.5, b. Ded., of Samuel & Isabella, Dorch., [N. H.], Boston. 135 Zebulon, 10: 6: 64, dropsy, a3. G9-2-2S, b. Dorchester N. II., of Nathaniel & Lucy, Pembi'oke ]Sr. H., Hebron N. H. NOTES. 5 Catharine (Dean), 1 : 13: 59, old age, aj. 82-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Mary. 23 Eliz'h (Morrill), 4: 24: .>',, lung fever, a'. 64-8-2.5, b. Natick, of Eliakim & Ruth. 95 Martha (Colburn), 9: 10: 83, paralysis, ;e. 71-8-18, b. Ded., of Danforth & Clarissa Coolidge, Ded., Sherborn. 50 Nancy G. (Cummings), 9: 16: 74, old age, :l'. 71-8-24, b. Ded., of John & Polly. 116 Nath'l, 11 : 12: 89, old age, a>. 79-8-2, b. Ded., of Samuel & Catharine. 45 Otis, 6:23:78, suicide, ;e. 7.5-10-5, b. Dedham, of Nathaniel & Catherine, Dedham, do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 141 xuxx. 83 Martha M. (Driver), 9: IS: 79, consumption, se. 30-11-18, b. Eng., of George & Elizabeth, Eng., do. 54 Olive, 7: 13: 79, convulsions, se. 0-5-18, b. Boston, of Thomas & Martha M., England, do. OAKS. , ^ 92 Matthew, 12: 17: 62, delirium tremens, se. 50-0-0, b. Eng. 108 Albert A., 1: 20: 03, consumption, rj. 0-4-20, b. Dedham, of Al!)ert G. & Rebecca, Sedgwick Me., Machias Me. O'BRIEX, O'BRIAN. 12 , 5:5: 50, infantile dis., a^ 0-0-7, b. Ded. 68 , 3: 1 : 69, , ffi. 0-0-0, b. Ded., of Timothy & Mary, Ire., do. 58 Ellen, 6 : 27 : 82, brain disease, a>. 0-8-G, b. Sherburn, of & Margaret, ■', Scot. 58 Hannah, 9: 4: 01, typhoid fever, a'. 18-0-0, b. Ire. 51 James H., 7: 19: 78, cholera infantum, a. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Thomas II. & Mary V., Ded., do. 82 Lawrence, 9: 21: 75, consumption, a. 35-0-0, b. Ireland, of James & Mar- garet, Ire., do. .54 Margaret (Lynch), 6: 3: 76, dropsy, a. 4.5-0-0, b. Ireland, ot James & Ann, Ireland, do. 67 Mary E., 10: 18: 60, gravel, a. 13-9-0, b. Boston, of Patrick A: Mary. 27 Morris, 3: 30: 80, cystitis, a. 80-0-0, b. Ire., of Geo. & Eliz'h, Ire., do. 43 Thomas, 12: 10: 51, consumption, a. 35-0-0, b. Ire., of Delly & Ellen. O'CALLAGHAX. {See also Callahan.) :35 Timothy L., 3: 12: 90, apoplexy, a. .53-10-11, b. Webster, ol John .^ Mary (Sanger), Ire., Mass. O'CONNELL. ^. ^ , , „ 1 „f 121 Catharine, 12: 14: 90, heart disease, a. 02-0-0, b. Ire., ot John .\: Bn.lget (Delay), Ire., do. ^. , , „ „ ., . 101 Patrick, 10: 14: 90, pneumonia, a. .52-7-0, b. Roxbury, ot John ic Brulgtt (Delay), Ire., do. ^54^Margaret A., 0: 18:87, convulsions, a. 2-0-15. b. Roxbury. of Charles J. & Mary E., Eng., Scot. O'DONNELL. . . , t f i j,,, ^' 84 Alexander, 10: 4: 78, valvular disease of heart, a. 50-0-0, b. Ire., ot Join. .V Mary, Ire., do. , 17 Daniel, 5: 31: 56, lung fever, a. O-l-U, b. Ded., of Alex r ^^ Joanna. 128 Edw. J., 12: 12: 87, diphtheritic croup, a'. 2-4-27, b. Ded., ot Jas. I. cV b.u.Ui. Xorwich Ct., Springfield. 20 John, 3: 24: 5.5, fit, a. 0-:M0, b. Ded., of Alex'r & Jane. 118 Mary, 8:12: 04, scarlet fever, a. 0-10-0, b. Ded., ot Alexander .V Joanna. Ireland, do. 149 BEDHAM RECORDS. OEHLER. 101 Moritz, 9: 18: 87 gunshot wound, se. 32-8-17, b. Germ., of Gottfried & Ern- estine, Germ., do. O'HARA. 16 Dennis. 2 : 17: 80, worms, te. 1-4-0, b. Dec!., of Terence & Rosy, Ire do o Rose (Snow), w. of Terence, 1:3: 90, consumption, .^e. 52-0-0 b' Ire of Dennis & Ann (McGee), Ire., do O'HARE. 45 John H 8: 7: 60, cholera infantum, se. 0-^5, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary Ire., do. •'• 41 Mary (— ) w. of ,4: 3: 72, childbirth, .e. 41-0-0, b. Ire., of Alexander cV Mary, Ire., do. 16 Patrick, 1 : 17: 73, dis. of heart, ai. 58-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Ann Ire do O'KEEFE. ' " ■ 99 Timotliy, 12: 4: 78, consumption, je. 4.5-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Maroaret Ire., do. ' O'LAUGHLIN, O'LOUGHLIN. 18 James, 8 : 25 : 67, consumption, a). 42-0-0 b Ire 4 Mary (Mc.Xally), w. of Jas., 1:3: 90, heart dis.." ^. 67-0-0, b. Ire., of Terence : 27: 07, congestion of lungs, !\\ 3-10-27, b. Kox., of Ilolley K. iS;: Josephine L., Boston, Roxbury. 25 Wm., 8: 2S: 50, consumption, \m. 0-5-15, b. Dedham, of Wm. it Ilannnli. PORTER. 91 Helen T., 9:5:87, marasmus, if. 0-9-21, b. Boston, of Wm. & ('atht-rnie. , Ire. POTTS. 90 John, 12: 2: 03, dysentery, :e. 54-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Sarah, Ire., do. POWER, POWERS. 102 Francis J., 10: 20: 90, consumption, te. 40-0-0, b. X. F., of Thos. & Mary A. (O'Brien), N. F., Ire. :38 Hilda G., 3: 20: 88, dis. of brain, te. 0-7-4, b. Ded., of Patrick J. & Mary E., N. F., do. 79 Margaret E., 9: 12: SO, eclampsia infantum, :e. 1-11-0, b. Ded., of James i^ Bridget, Ire., do. 39 Wm., 5: 9: 8.5, suicide, a'. 3.5-0-0. POYEN. ^ , 40 Louis F., 3: 20: 00, consumption, je. 28-7-3, b. Sumner Me., of Louis F. cSt Lucy A. PRATT. 128 Albert E., 9:0: 04, chronic diarrhoea, te. . [soldier.] 87 Effie T., 2: 11: 08, croup, je. 9-8-19, b. Lincoln Me., of Jos. W. cS: Joanna V.^ St. George Me., Ded. .55 Eliza P., 5:2: 03, consumption, te. 44-9-4, b. Waterfd Me., of Jos. & Lucy S., Harvard, Brighton. — Geo. H., 2: 8: 49, congestion of brain, te. 3-0-0. 05 John IL, 8: 23: .52, dysentery, k. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Simeon & Charlotte. 84 Juliana (Page), w. of Jos. W., 2: 24: 58, dis. of heart, a^ 32-0-0, b. Ilaudor Me., of Chas. & Sarah. „ • w 01 Lucy S. (Coolidge), 10: 20: 74, consumption of bowels, :e. 89-0-0. b. Brighton. of Henry & Mary, Brighton, do. 60 Martha, 9 : 4: 52, dysentery, ?e. 3-0-0, b. Ded., of Simeon & Charlotte. 89 Naomi G. (Leonard), 12: 26: 09, smallpox, a^ 75-8-0, b. Taunton, of Joseph ^ 109 Walter H., 10: 8: 02, croup, a\ 1-9-17, b. Ded., of Simeon & Charlotte, W. Rox., Ded. PRAY. , T» 1 f 7 ^ 46 Catherine (Kerrigan), 5:21:80, consumption, a'. 31-)-.,. b. Ded., or jas. .v Mary, Ire., do. 70 Henry A., 8: 12: 00, typhoid fever, a. 5-10-9, b. Thompson Ct., ot A\ in. \\. ^ Angeline F., Foster R. I., ILimilton Ct. PRESBRY. , , ^ .58 Adeline M., 11: 10: 40, , a. 2-0-0, b. Ded., ot Alpha .V . .52 Orlando T., 11 : 11 : 46, , a. 8-0-0, b. Ded., of Alplia A: . 152 DEDHAM RECORDS, rRESLEY. 25 Sarah, 3: 25: 82, ossification of valves of heart, ». 80-0-0, b. X. S. TRICE. 81 Abraham, 8:6: 63, typhoid fever, je. 23-0-0. [soldier.] 72 Rebecca G., 5: 20: 69, phthisis, se. 15-9-5, b. Waltham, of Thos, G. & Mary, Eng., do. 70 Thos. J., 9: 21 : 54, consumption, se. 1.5-0-0. b. Eng., of Thos. G. & Mary A. i'RIEST. 38 Emma S., 9: 11: 54, dysentery, se. 5-3-2, b. Rox., of Wm. E. & Harriet S. 09 Fanny, av. of Joseph, 8: 31: 48, dropsy, se. 35-0-0. 58 Joseph, 8: 25: 50, consumption, a?. 38-0-0, b. Ded., of & Harriet. PRINCE. 26 Amelia A. (Langdon), w. of Wm. G., 2: 13: 90. heart and cerebral arteries, £e. 80-0-0. b. Charlestown, of John W. & Rebecca (Cordis), Boston, Charles- town. Geo. IL, 1: 29: 57, croup, a?. 3-4-29, b. Ded., of Jas. H. & Lucy A. 107 Henry, 12: 26: 63, cholera morbus, ai. 4-10-0, b. Ded., of Jas. H. & Lucy, Boston, Dover. 40 Lucy M. (Newell), 3 : 26 : 63, congestion of brain, a3. 37-1-25, b. Dover, of Jesse & Permelia. 02 (D. at Milford) Nathan, 5: 31: 63, whooping cough, aj. 1-0-21, b. Ded., of Jas. H. & Lucy M. TROCTOR. 105 Mary A., 11:20:81, heart dis., se. 31-6-0, b. Eng., of Samuel & Mary, Eng., do, PRUDEN. in Israel R., 12: 14: 72, old age, te. 78-8-8, I). Castine Me., of William & Sarah, Eng., do. PCJLLEN. 35 Arthur S., 4:27: 61, scarlet fever, te. 6-.3-20, b. E, Winthrop Me., of Sumner B. & Elvira W., Winthrop Me., do. 110 Etta S., 12: 27: 66, ulceration of intestines, a\ 27-10-27, b. Winthrop Me., of S. B. & E. W. 00 Helen E., 6 : 7: 56, typhoid fever, a?. 20-0-0, b. Livermore Me., of S. B. & E.W. i^URBECK. 37 William, 8:4: 46, cancer, a-. 76-0-0, b. Salem. I»UTNAM. 56 Howard, 4: 17: 88, premature birth, aj. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Waldo D. & Minnie S. (Howard), Northbridge, Frostburg Md. QUIGLEY. 43 Emma, 9: 24: .54. bowel coiiip., a'. 1-1-0, b. Ded., of Thomas & Catharine. 02 James, 7: 19: 85, drowning, w. 18-0-0, b. >J. B., of David »S: Matilda. QUINCY. 27 Artlmr B., 3: 15: 49, scarlatina, a-. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of Edmund »fc [Lucilhi P.] ^'.0 Edmund, 5: 17: 77, apoplexy, it". 69-3-16, b. Boston, of Josiali & E. S. M., Boston, N. Y. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 153 81 Lucilla P. (Parker), 11:0: 00. apoplexy, to. r,0-0-20, b. JJoston, of Daniel P. & Mary, Southboro, do. 24 Morton, 3: 10: 49, scarlatina, a'. :i-0-0, b. Dec!., of Edmund & [Lucilla P.] QUIXLAN. 04 Johanna, 8: 10: 78, meningitis, ae. 3-8-21, b, Ded., of Wm. & Johanna,Ire.,do. 09 Johanna C. (Reardon), w. of VVm., 6:24: 89, peritonitis, tc. 42-0-0, b. Ire., of Daniel & Ellen (Crimmins), Ireland, do. QUINN. 77 , 10: 28 : 68, , ffi. 0-0-1, b. Ded., s. of Felix & Isabella, Ire., do. 45 Lucy E., 5:8: 8-3, diphtheria, ae. 7-8-0, b. Ded., of Felix & Isabella, Ire., do. 27 Mary A., 1:9: 68, whooping cough, re. 0-2-7, b. Dedham, of Felix & Eliz'h. 90 Terrance, 3: 25: 86, pneumonia, se. 20-7-24, b. Ded., of Felix & Isabella, Ireland, do. QUIRK. 49 Catherine (Skelley), 7: 25: 77, dysentery, te. 00-0-0, b. Ire., of & Cath- erine, Ire., do. RABS. 19 Chas., 3:5: 85, phthisis, se. 32-0-0, b. Germany, of Fred'k&Rosine,Germ., do. RADFORD. 28 Jeremiah S., 7 : 22 : 54, consumption, te. 62-0-0, b. Ipswich, of Ren j. & Mary. 84 Lydia (Field), 11 : 11 : 70, paralysis, ai. 72-1-0, b. Quincy. RAFFERTY. 83 (D, at Cohasset) Catharine (Tierney), w. of John, 8 : 22 : 89, heart dis., te. 74-0-0, b. Ire., of Thomas «& Mary, Ire., do. 64 John, 8: 8: 70, consumption, te. 09-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Ellen, Ire., do. 82 John M., 8:11: 07, teething, ai. 0-11-22, b. Dedham, of Michael & Catherine, Dedham, do. 43 Margaret, 0: 23: 69, consumption, te. 0-9-16, b. Hyde Park, of Michael & Catharine, Ireland, do. 52 Richard J., 4: 10: 88, consumption, te. 33-1-7, b. Dedham, of John & Cath- erine, Ireland, do. RAMSDALE. 76 Eunice (Roby), 5: 7: 54, consumption, te. 21-4-0, b. Danbury X. II., of Joseph & Mehitable. RAND. 16 Eliz. A., 5: 22: 52, dis. of heart, te. 10-9-23, b. Boston, of Edw. 8. & Eliz. A. RAN Km. 45 Eliz'h, 3: 27: 08, congestion of brain, te. 4-0-11, b. Ire., of Robert & Ann. RASGER. 39 Charles, 8: 3: 5:J, inflam. of bowels, :e. ;i-5-18, b. Ded., of Peter & Catharine. RATCHFORD. 18 Ellen, 7: 21: 03, dis. of brain, aj. 3-7-5, b. Ded., of Thos. & Mary, Ire., do. 30 John D., 1 : 17: 65, consumption, te. 1-;J-14, b. Ded., of Thos. & Mary. 120 Thos., 10: 28: 88, mitrtil insufficiency, te. 57-10-0, 1). Ire., of Patrick .K: Mary. Ire., do. 154 DEDHAM RECORDS. EAUSCH. Ill Conrad, 10: 22: GO, accidental, fe. 34-4-27, b. Germ., of Geo. & Margaret. KAYMOXD. 87 Addie F., 9: 12: 82, consumption, te. 22-9-0, 1). Prov. R. I., of Roland & Adeline N., N. Y., Ded. 3 Elmina, 1: 7:78, paralysis, te. 71-2-0, ]>. Westford, of John & Phebe, West- ford, do. 38 Emeline (Savil), 2: 11: 68, consumption, fo. G2-6-9, b. Quincy, of John & Esther, Quincy, do. 48 Frederick, 4 : 22 : 48, scrofula, ;e. 10-0-0. 79 Jepthah, 10: 9: 72, heart dis., te. 75-0-0, b. Westford, of John & Phebe, Westford, do. RAYNOR. 60 Edna G., 8: ;5: 79, infantile, w. 0-9-4, b. Eoston, of Horace R. & Mabel^ Boston, do. 64 Effie G., 8: 6: 79, infantile, ». 0-9-7, b. Boston, of Horace R. & Mabel, Boston, do. READER. 52 Geo. J., 4: 20: 6:3, lung fever, ;e. 30-0-0, b. Granby Ct. [soldier.] EEARDOX, READOK 22 James, 3: 31: 61, consumption, a-. 20-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. & Mary. 145 Mary, 9: 19: 65, dysentery, re. 1-0-10, b. Ded., of John & Mary. REDDING. 139 Mary Mullen, w. of Morris, 12: 21 : 88. heart disease, te. 70-0-0, b. Ire. 54 Maurice, 5: 20: 68, rheumatism, te. 5:3-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. »& , Ire., do. 58 Rebecca (Eldridge), 8: 15: 66, cancerous humour, te. 45-1-6, b. Chatham, of John II. & Faloma. REDIHOUGH. 16 Eliz'h A., 2 : 14 : 77, inllam. of bowels, re. 9-6-4, b. Eng., of Thos. & Ellen. Eng., do. 74 James W., 8:25: 79, typhoid fever, re. 18-0-14, 1). Eng., of Thos. & Ellen, Eng., do. REED, READ. 88 Carrie M., 9: 12: 82, marasmus, re. 0-3-10, b. Boston, of & Jennie, , Bangor Me. 85 Daniel, 9: 22: 75, chronic enteritis, :e. 1-3-0. b. Ded., of Jas. & Katie, Scot, Boston. 72 James, 12: 26: 74, pneumonia, re. 45-0-0, b. Scot., of John & Mary, Scot., do. 59 James A., 7: 16: 70, purpura, re. 3-10-15, b, Ded., of Jas. & Katie, Scot., Boston. 10 Katie, 3: 5: 79, old age, re. 102-0-0. 1». Va. REEXBOLD. :^2 Rehme, 10: 27: 56, dysentery, :i'. 1-5-0. b. Ded., of Fred & Charlotte. REEVES. 46 Adeline L., 6: 25: 80, entro colitis, a-. 0-7-6, b.!Ded.. of David W. and Harriet (Baker), Eng., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 155 87 Lucy, 10: 12: 84. inanition, ;v. 0-1-7, b. Dec!., of David W. i\: Harriett B., Eng., do. REGAX. 1 Patrick, 1:2: G4, , ;e. 71-0-0, 1). Ire. IIEIDEL, READEL, KIDDLE. 9 Anna (ReineclO, 2: 24: GO, childbirth, te. 32-0-0, b. Gorm.. of Phili]) iS: Eva K. 14:3 Joseph L., 12: 20: 88, consumption, ;e. 27-3-10, b. Jioston, of .Joscpli A: Tatli- erine (Echer), Germ., do. 174 Lebet, 2: 12: 64, Avhooping cougli, w. 8-2-24, b. Ded., of Peter A: Anna I , Germany, do. REILLY. {Hee Biley.) REIM. 11(3 Otto, 8:9: (54, fracture of skull, a*. 22-0-0, b. Germ, [soldier] REISER. 44 Benedict, 4: 1: 90, exhaustion, a>. 07-0-12, b. Germany, of iV: Julia, Germany, do. REMIXGTOX. 26 Lydia M. (White), 9: 9: 50, consumption, ;e. 31-5-6, 1). Xorthbridge, of Washington & Lydia M. REVELL. m Lucretia, 8:23:72, cliolera infantum, le. 0-1-14, b. Ded., of Chas. & Eliza, England, do. RHOADES, RHODES. 7 Aaron, 12: 25:45, , ;e. 65-0-0, b. Dedham. 6 Abigail C, 4:5: 51, consumption, te. ;37-0-O, b. Ded., of Aaron A: Betsy. 102 Chas. E., 8: 3: 66, phthisis, i\t. 28-0-0, b. Ded., of Moses & Nancy. 65 Ellen H., 11: 17: 56, typhoid fever, a?. 16-0-0, b. Burlington Vt., of William B. & Harriet I). 86 Freddie A., 8: 29: 87, pneumonia, a^ 0-8-5, b. Brockton, of B. F. \- Mary R., , Boston. 5 (ieo. H., 1 : 27: 60, typhoid fever, te. 17-7-0, b. Dorch., of Aaron W. & Ruth. 79 Hannah E. (Ellis), 9: 1; 54, consumption, se. 69-8-12, b. Ded., of Oliver & Mary. 118 Harriet E. (Thompson), 2: 18: 67, dis. of uterus, a'. 43-8-15, b. Brooks Me., of Robert & Theodosia, X. H., Prospect Me. 34 Hattie E., 9: ;30: 70, cholera infantum, a. 1-0-22, b. Ded., of A. E. iV: E. A., Walpole, X. Y. 72 Henry D., 2: 24: 45, , a'. 0-0-15, b. Ded. 75 Maggie F., 8: 5: 87, meningitis, a'. 0-7-12, b. Brockton, of B. F. A: Mary, , Boston. 70 Martlia M., 12: 21 : 52, scarlatina, a'. 4-0-0, b. Boston, of John ^- . 77 Xancy, :>: 17: 57, sciatic rheumatism, a'. 54-0-0, 1». Wali)ole. 77 & 124 Olive D. (Lewis), av. of X. A., 1: 20: 49, consumi)tion, :r. :'.4-0-0, of & Sybil. 201 Ruth (Small), 9: 7: 64, consumption, a. 46-0-28, b. Xcw Sharon Mc, of Xathaniel & Hannah P. 156 DEDHAM RECORDS. 141 Willard F., 11: 3: 63, shot, te. 25-5-23, b. Dedliam, of Lewis 8. & Harriet F., Sharon, Upton, [soldier.] 80 Willie E., 10:27: 60, asthma, te. 0-1-0, b. Dedham, of Aaron W. & Ruth, Roxbury, Xew Sharon Me. RICHARDS. 54 , 9 : — : 48, , {«. 0-6-0, d. of Augustus & . 47 Abel, 8:13: 46, rheumatism, se. 67-0-0, b. Dedham, of Abel & [Mary.] 81 Abiathar, 9 : 23 : 84, old age, a). 88-7-10, b. Newport N. H., of Sylvanus & Lucy (Richardson), Dedham, Xewton. 70 Abigail, 3: 12: 56, old age, a3. 88-0-0. 85 Betsy(Pitciier), 5: 15: 59, fever, te. 73-0-0, b. Sharon, of Wm. & Jemima. 32 (D. at Taunton) Catharine (Newell), 2: 18: 72, softening of brain, a«. 68-0-0, b. Dedham, of Reuben & Catharine, Needham, do. 2 Catharine, 1:4:87, old age, va. 89-6-17, b. Dedham, of Abiathar & Eliz'h, Dedham, do. 19 Charles, [no date, Rec. 6: 24: 46], , te. 52-0-0, b. , of Abel & . 79 Clarissa (Gay), 8: 13: 74, old age, se. 82-9-0, b. Dedham, of Ebenezer & [Sarah,] Dedham, . 54 Curtis A., 6: 25: 85, tuberculosis pulmonalis, aj. .3-2-9, b. Boston, of George B. & Bessie, Pa., Va. 33 Danforth, 3: 21: 47, consumption, te. 35-0-0, b. Ded., of Sam'l & . 91 Ebenezer, 10: 2: 79, old age, te. 80-7-3, b. Ded., of Abiathar & Elizabeth, Dedham, do. 67 Edward F., 7: 15: 82, Bright's disease, a\ 45-8-2, b. Ded., of Edward M. & Rebecca G., Boston, Ded. 45 Edward M., 4:3: 65, paralysis, pe. 69-8-3, b. Boston, of Samuel & Mary. 18 Eliza (Lyon), 3: 17: 79, old age, se. 81-11-0, b. W. Rox., of Benj. & Elizabeth, W. Rox., Eng. 16 Eliza C. (Cobb), 2: 23: 85, cancer, fe. 43-4-7, b. Barnstable, of Asa & Mercy G., Chatham, Boston. 47 Elizabeth, 4:18: 48, old age, aj. 88-0-0. 8 Frank, 8: 26: 46, throat distemper, jb. 1-2-0, of Abiathar & .Julia. 35 Henry W., 5: 16: 77, suicide, a^. 51-2-0, b. W. Roxbury, of Lemuel & Eliza, Dover, W. Rox. 103 Ira, 8: l: 04, disease of kidney, w. 80-0-0, b. Ded., of Abiathar & Sally S., Dedham, do. 33 Jeremiah F., 9: 7: 52, fit, aj. 53-3-18, b. Ded , of Reuben & Sarah. 37 Joel, 10: 11 : 47, tumor, ae. 58-0-0, b. Ded., of Jesse & . 62 (D. at Chicago, 111.), John H., 10: 22: 46, inflammation of brain, a". 42-0-0, b. Ded., of Samuel & Mary. 79 Julia (Colburn), w. of Abiathar, 8:5: 89, tuberculosis, tc. 83-3-28, b. Ded., of Isaac & Elizabeth (Dexter), Ded., Marlboro. 01 Lemuel, 4: 15: 64, lung fever, :e. 09-5-17, b. Dover, of Joseph & Choley, Dedham, do. 72 Maria (Colburn), 8: 25: 80, uterine tumor, ;e. 57-8-0, b. Ded., of Isaacus & [Louisa] (Fisher), Ded., Wendell. 54 Martha E., w. of Lewis, 3: 9: 52, consumption, ie. 45-0-0. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 157 11 Mary, [no date, Kec. 0: 24: 4GJ, , jie. 93-0-0, 1). Ded. 67 Mary F. (Gragg), 8: 14: 80, shock from parturition, a-. 41-1-15, b. Milton, of Moses & Rebecca N., Groton, Xewton. 23 Mason, 2: 14: 66, lung fever, te. 7(,i-8-17. b. Ded., of Samuel & Olive. 56 Moses, 3: 30: 52, consumption, re. 71-0-0, b. Ded., of Abel & [Marj\] 71 Polly, 9: 24: 58, cancer, a-. 73-0-0, b. Ded. 19 Polly (Battelle), 2: 27: 61, old age, a\ 86-6-22, h. Dover, of Ebenezer & Hannah. 160 Polly, 6: 19: 64, general debility, se. 72-0-0, b. Ded., of Abel & Mary W. 65 Reuel, 6: 9: 63, diphtheria, a. 23-2-21, b. Ded., of Eb: & Catharine, Ded., do. 78 RoxanaL., 9: 18: 76, typhoid fever, a. 61-9-12, b. Ded., of Mason & Eliza W., Ded., Prov. R. I. 4 Samuel, 8: 28: 44, old age, fe. 87-0-0. 97 Samuel, 6: IS: 66, old age, a. 89-5-6, b. Sharon, of Wm. & Ann. 52 Sarah, w. of Reuben, 4: 24: 45, dropsy, a. 83-0-0, b. Needham. 4 Sarah, 2: 6: 48, lung fever, a. 84-0-0. lOS Sarah, 10: 7: 49, old age, a. 94-0-0, b. Rox. 79 Sarah E.. 9: 17: 84, dysentery, a. 4.5-4-28, b. Ded., of Edw. M. & Rebecca G., Boston, Ded. 12 Susan (Bird), w. of Joel, 8: 30: 46, affection of heart, a. 41-0-0, b. Stoughfeon, of Asa & . 115 Sybil (Packard), 12: 26: 66, old age, a. 6S-5-26, b. Bridgewater, of Jos. & . 53 Wm. P., 7: 19: 73, consumption, a. 20-9-21, 1). Boston, of Fred'k & Sarah L., Ded., Webster. RICHARDSON. 117 , 3: 20: 63, stillborn, b. Ded., of Joseph Mary, Germany, do. 17 Lillian J., 2: 13: 80, premature birth, a^. 0-0-2, b, Ded., of Bernard A. & Annie M. L., Boston, do. 16 Michael, 3:4: 64, delirium tremens, te. ;37-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. & Ann. [soldier.] ROSWELLER. 47 Peter, 8: 18: .5.5, dysentery, aj. 0-11-20, b. Ded., of Peter & Eliza. 91 Peter, 7: 4: 61, consumption, te. 40-6-0, b. Germ,, of Jacob &Eliz'h,iGerm., do. ROURKE. 28 Ellen, 4:8: 8.5, consumption, ;e. 70-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Katharine, Ire., do. ROWE. 92 Emma, 9: 22: 82, gastritis, \m. 0-0-10, b. Ded., of Andrew J. & Sarah, Man- chester N. IL, Eng, ROYAL. 70 Amos, 12: 9: 61, typhus fever, ie. 21-8-22, b. Pownal Me., of Cyrus & Betsy. RUMRILL. 113 Wilfred, 10: 1 : 48, scrofula, ;e. 0-1-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Jane. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. KJl EUXDY. 14 Eliz. C, G: 22:47, consumption, ;e. . KUNGE. 15 Clias. G., 3: 4: 70, heart dis., w. 73-10-21, b. Germ. Go Wilhelmine (Ilerger), 4: 14: G2, consumption, te. 44-6-0, b. Prussia, of & , Prussia, do. KUSSELL. 35 Cara L., 4: 18: 80, typhoid fever, te. 4-9-7, b. Ded., of Fred'c L. & Helen L., Ded., Newton. 10 Louisa (French), w. of Ira, 2:11: 89, heart dis., re. 75-2-0, b. W. Cambridge, of Moses & Hannah (Wheeler), Ded., Concord. 9 Nathan, 2: 12: 51, consumption, re. 29-0-13, b. Slirewsbury Vt., of Nathan & Betsy. 25 Sarah K (Frencli), w. of John R., 4: 10: 5.5, childl)irtli. :e. 27-5-2.5, b. Boston, of Jefferson & Eliz'h. 70 Sarah W. (Bush), w. of John I., 7:8: 90, old age, a?. 91-8-0, b. Portland Ct., of Elisha & Esther, Ct., E. I. liUTZLER. 25 Geo. J., 3: 27: 87, hydrocephalus, re. 0-4-14, li. Ded., of Theobald & Mary IC, France, Ire. ;37 Jas., 5:6: S.5, inanition, re. 0-0-28, b. Ded., of Jos. T. & Mary E., France, Ire. 42 Mary E., 5: 23:87, hydrocephalus, re. 0-6-10,1). Ded., of Tlieobald & Mary K., France, Ire. 38 Theobold, 5: 7: 85, inanition, re. 0-0-20, b. Ded., of Jos. T. & Mary E.. France, Ire. RTAN. 45 James, G: 23: 86, spinal caries, re. 12-4-5, b, Ded., of Thos. «fe Mary, Ire., do. 1 Joanna, 3: 11: 66, membranous croup, re. 2-0-1, b. Blackstone, of Timothy &• Julia. 52 John, 0: 22: 5:3, falling from cars, re. 16-11-0, b. Ire., of Phillip & Julia. 30 Julia (McDonald), 3: 26: 8.3, chronic bronchitis, re. 7.5-.5-0, b. Ire., of :Martiu & Margaret, Ire., do. 92 Mary E., 10: ;30: 80, convulsions, re. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Daniel II. I'c Sii ^au. Boston, Ire. 10 Michael, 4: ll : 6:3, lung fever, re. 3-11-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Mary. Ire., do. 84 Patrick, 11 : 23 : 60, typhoid fever, re. 50-0-0. 98 Philip, 9: 20: 8;3, old age, re. 8:5-4-0, b. Ire., of John & Margaret, Ire., do. 107 Susan (Ryan), 12: 31: 80, acute alcoholism, re. 34-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael k. Spellecy, Ire., do. SABIN. Ill Benazah, 10: 23: 6.5, heart disease, re. 72-.5-0, b. , of John & Temperance. 50 Betsy W. (Wood), 6: IG: 75, pneumonia, re. 82-4-0, 1). Washington N. 11.. of Ebenezer & Phebe B. SACK. 61 Chas., 11: 21: .58, stoppage, re>. 32-0-0, b. Germ., of Chas. it Sarah. 162 BED HAM RECORDS. SADLER. 27 Betsy, i): 24: 47, fever, re. 84-0-0. ST. DENNIS. 1 Josephine (Rami), 1 : 28: 7:3, coiifiiieinent, te. 19-0-0, b. Canada, of Andrew & Barzlis. Canada, do. ;] Mary ( ), w. of , '?,: 28: 74, consumption, te. 24-0-0, b. Quincy, of Edw. & Bridget, Montreal, Ire. 4 Rosanna, 0: .5: 73, teething, te. O-fi-O, b. Dedhani, of David & Mary, Canada, do. ST. GODERD. 74 Melvina, 9: 19: 77, cliolera infantum, m. 0-10-26, b. Vermont, of Jules & Melvina, Canada, d(\ SAMPSON. 4.5 Cynthia, (3: 17: 77, erysipelas, ie. 87-2-14, b. Middleboro, of Lemuel & Mary, Plymouth, do. ;31 Ezra W.. 1 : 15: 67, chronic pleurisy, te. 69-1-l.j, b. Duxbury, of Sylvanus & Sylvia C, Duxbury, do. 17 Mary (Sampson), 2: 15: 57, lung fever, aj. 92-8-1.5, b. Middlebury, of Nehe- miah & Lucy. ■67 Selina W. (Wadsworth), 7: 25: 60, cancer, te. 59-2-0, b. Duxbury. of Ahira & Deborah, Duxbury, do. SANBORN. 51 Josiah E„ 7:5: 66, found dead, ;e. 48-0-0. 62 Nellie E. (Sanljorn), 6: 24: 71, inflam. of bowels, te. 2:3-2-0, b. Scotland, of AVm. & Eliz'h, Glasgow, do. SANDERS. 81 Mary A., 10: 9: 57. , a;. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Austin & Lucy. SANDERSON. 24 Joseph, ;3: 11: 75, old age, se. 85-;3-0, b. Waterford Me., of Stephen & Polly, Littleton, Harvard. 46 Polly (]5ryant), 8: 31: 74, old age, te. 81-7-0, 1). Waterford Me., of Richard & Mary, Harvard, Waterford. SAWIN. 48 , 4: 9: 46, fever, te. 0-8-0, b. Ded., s. of & . 206 (D. at Walpole) Freddie M., 12: 21:64, diphtheria, te. 4-10-21, b. Norwich Ct., of Lorenzo & Caroline E., Medfield, Ded. 68 Levi, 2:9: 56, old iige, te. 96-0-0, b. Natick. SAWYER. 16 Samuel C, 9: 26: 46, wheel run over him, w. .50-0-0. SCANNELL. 28 Augustin, 6: 19: 58, croup, -x,. 4-9-0, b. Canton, of Dennis & Hannah. 32 John B., 7: 11 : 58, croup, se. 1-9-5, b. Medfield, of Dennis & Hannah. 30 Margaret, 6: 23: 58, measles, te. 3-4-0, b. Taunton, of Dennis & Hannah. 105 Margaret (Kelly), 12: :!1 : 71, consumption, te. ;>8-2-0, b. Ire., of Patrick »fc Margaret, Ire., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. \i^% SCHERMEKHOKX. 2 John I., 1 : 10: 7(), rheumatism of heart, a". .■•)2-0-0, b. X. Y. State, of .loliu A: Catharine Y., X. Y. State, tlo. SCIIEUSTEX^ 24 Margaret, 0: 1(5: 47, dysentery, re. 38-0-0. SCHLUSEMEYER. 8 Charles H., 1: 24: 8."). tumor, ;e. 15-7-27, b. Medway, of Jolm II. A; Marietta T., Boston, Medway. .59 Irving C, 6: 20: 82, spinal meningitis, ;e. 2-4-1:5, b. :\red\vay. of William .S: Adelaide L. (Daniels), Boston, Franklin. 62 Jolm E.. 7: 11 : 82, progressive paralysis, a*. 74-7-22, b. Germany, of (iirard I's: Elizabeth, Germ., do. 03 Sarah J., 3:20: 73, consumption, a?. , 1). Medfield, of John K. A: Anna ^M. (Gauman), Germ., do. SCHMETS. 61 Wm., 6: 4: 71, heart dis., ;e. 46-0-0, b. Germ., of Daniel & Mary, Germ., do. SCHMIDT. 78 Theodore, 11: 8: 86, phtliisis, w. 33-0-17, b. Germ., of Louis (i. cV: Sophia, Germ., do. SCHXEIDER. SXYDER. 81 Aurelia, 8: 10: 80, convulsions, a'. 0-0-S, b. Ded.. of Jolin B. »^: 15ertha (Eis). Germ., Ded. 07 Chas., 12: 1 : 67, croup, ;e. C-10-0, b. Ded., of Conrail cS: Mary A., Germ., do. 31 Conrad, ?x: 3: 88, cancer, te. 65-0-0, b. Germ. 13 John, 7:5: 65, typhoid fever, a\ :i8-7-i6, b. Switz., of ('as])er <\: l^liz'ii. 70 Mary A. (Sulkoski), 11 : 15: 68, intlam. of lungs, a-. :58-0-0, b. Rox . of John A: Julia M., Poland, Ire. SCHOPF. 4 Barbara (Seuss), 1: 11: 78. lieart dis., a?. 51-1-0, b. (Jerm., of & , Germ., do. SCHULER. 91 Wm., 12: 0: 75, marasmus, a-. 0-3-8, b. Ded., of Samuel & Abl)erleine, Switz.. Germ. SCOTT. 43 Geo. J., 8: 27: 58, cholera infantum, le. 0-10-1:5, b. Ded., of Jaaaes & Eliz'li. 22 Joel, 5: 6: 58, congestion of lungs, te. 46-0-0, b. Newport X. H., of Joel & Mary. 70 Marv J. (Crocker), 0: 13: 77, uterine tumor, se. 41-G-O. b. A"a., of & Jane, ^, Va. SCULLY, SCULLEY. .57 Ellen, 6: 0: 81, old age, se. 87-0-0, b. Ire., of John & :\[ary, Ire., do. 18 Patrick, 4: 13: 62, colic, ie. 1-8-0, b. Ded., of Patrick &, .Mary. 78 Patrick. 10 : 1: 77, Bright's dis., a-. 4.5-0-0. b. Ire., of Patrick .V: IJridget. Ire., do. 164 DEDHAM RECORDS. SEABURY. 71 Catherine (Bartlett), w. of Jos., 5: 2."): 88, catarrhal pneumonia, a^. 72-3-13, b. S. Plymouth, of Ivory H. & Betsey (Clark), S. Plymouth do. SEAVER. 18 Dolly A. (Austin), 2:8: 80, old age, te. 85-0-6, b. Stoughton, of Wm. & Anne C, Taunton, Attleboro. 21 Lewis, 9: 4:47, consumption, a\ . 49 M. Cutler, 4: 28: 65, typhus fever, re. 18-0-0, b. Worcester, of Jas. M. & . [soldier.] SEAVEY. 114 Edw. A., 12: 18:84, scarlet fever, le. 11-2-18, b. Ded., of Henry & Mary E., Charlestown, Ded. SEERY, SERE. 134 Kate (McMannus), w. of Morris. 12: 11: 83, hypertrophy of heart, a'. 60-0-0, b. Ire., of Barney & Rosa, Ire., do. 92 Michael, 12: 28: 75, consumption, te. 40-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. SENNOTT. 82 Mary J. (Hurley), w. of Patrick P., 6: 15: 88, heart dis., a?. :36-3-20, b. Ire., of David & Joanna, Ire., do. SEYMOUR. 30 Delia, 4 : 27 : 75, typhoid fever, a\ 20-0-0, b. Canada, of Francis & Prospere K., Canada, do. SHALER. 44 Rebecca, 9 : 18 : 59, dis. of heart, a\ 46-0-0. SHAPLEIGH. 24 Augustus, 4 : 26 : 53, croup, jb. 4-5-9, b. Ded., of Jona. & Rebekah G. 89 Livia (Remick), 3: 22: 71, phthisis, re. 64-2-15, b. Eliot Me., of Thos. & Livia, Eliot Me., do. 56 Lj^dia A., 8: 21:01, consumption, ;e. 11-9-0, b. Eliot Me., of Jas, & Eevia, Eliot Me., do. 12 Marilla M., 3: 13: 61, consumption, a\ 21-6-9, b. Eliot Me., of James & Levia (Remick). 134 Nathan E., 5:3: 65, consumption, le. 21-2-23, b. Eliot Me., of Jas. & Livia. SHATTUCK. 97 Achsah P. (Shervvin), 10: 29: 73, congestion of lungs, a-. 81-0-19, b. Townsend, of John «fc . 44 Chas. A., 4: 12: 50, consumption, a?. 28-0-0, b. Ded., of Ebenezer & . 125 Chas. H., 12 : 27 : 62, typhoid fever, a?. 2-5-20, b. Ded., of Henry F. & Hannah J., Ded., Dracut. .37 Christiana (Smith), 6: 28: 74, old age, a\ 74-0-0, b. Germ., of Adam & Fred- ericka. Germ., do. 56 Eben, 5: 23: 51, consumption, re. 64-0-0, b. Pepperell, of Ebeu & . 114 Emma J., 7: 4: 61, cyanosis, re. 0-0-1, b, Ded., of Henry F. & Hannah J. 185 Geo. P., 3: 29: 64, , a\ 0-2-19, b. Ded., of Henry F. & Hannah J., Ded., Lowell. 1.50 Jennie E., 11 : 7: 65, dropsy, w. 0-2-9, b. Ded., of Henry F. & Hannah J. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 1<)5 97 Marietta, 8:4: 55, consuuiption, le. ol-O-O, b. l)ed., uf Ebeii'r A: Achsab. 27 Martba M., 4: 21: 55, consumption, te. 15-G-l, b. Bed., of Willartl cV Eli/.'li. 15 Sarab E., 5:5: 52, consumption, fe. 16-0-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Eliz'h. SHAW. 84 Catbarine P. (Pollock), 12: 10: 7:3, beart dis., :e. G9-5-G, b. Poestenkill X.Y.,of Jobn & Anna, Poestenkill N. Y., do. 56 Cbas. B., 11 :30: 69, paralysis, ai. 72-0-22, b. Boston, of Noali I'c Sally, Abiiig- ton, Wrentbam. 76 Cbas. AV., 9: 12: 78, debility, :e. 0-0-5, b. Ded., of Cbas. M. & Frances M., Blackstone, Deerfield X. H. 96 Mary (Patterson), 9: 15: 83, congestion of brain, ;e. Sl-6-1, b. Boston, of Enoch & Mary Adams, Xorthboro, Newton. 40 Noah, 12: 17: 50, apoplexy, te. 82-6-24, b. Abington, of Daniel & Bebecca. SHEDD. 16 Mary P., 1 : 14: 45, consumption, a\ 27-0-0. 59 AVra., 7:2: 85, inanition, te. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Wm. & Mary, Boston. Ire. SHEEHAN, SHEHAN. 80 Cornelius, 11 : 20: 68, lung fever, te. .57-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 90 Hannah, 9: 18: 67, consumption, te. 21-0-0, b. Ire., of Perry & Ellen. Ire., do. 103 Jeremiah, 12: 15: 76, teething, aj. 0-8-0, b. Ded., of Timotiiy & Maggie. Ire., Boston. 81 Jeremiah, 9: 1: 82, dysentery, ;e. 68-0-0, b. Ire., of Timothy & Catherine, Ire., do. 103 Jerry, 12 : 26 : 67, lung fever, ee. 3-0-0, b. Ire., of Jerry & Ellen, Ire., do. 90 John, 11: 23: 75, consumption, fe. 19-0-0, b. Ded., of Edw. & Hannah, Ire., do. 21 Lena, 2: 27: 74, whooping cough, a*. 0-10-17, b. Bridgewater, of & Mary, , Ire. 32 Maggie J. (Cunningham), 5: 5: 77, consumption, ai. 18-10-0, b. Boston, of Barney & Mary, Ire., do. 16 Michael, 3: 23:62, whooping cough, a'. 0-0-10, b. Ded., of Patrick & Margaret. 24 Morris, 3: 13: 84, meningiiis, te. 1-2-17, b. Ire., of Dennis & Mary, Ire., do. 61 Kichard, 8: 6: 78, consumption, ie. 24-1-0, b. Boston, of Edw. & Ilonora, Ire., do. 75 Thos., 10: 20: 68, dropsy, ;e. 10-0-0, b. Ded., of Edw. & Ilonora. SHEPARD, SHEPHERD. 28 Eliz'h A. (Brown), 4: 19: 77, erysipelas, a. 73-10-28, 1). Boston, of Klislia A: Nancy, Brighton, Charlestown. 43 (D. at Boston) Geo. H., :5: ;30: 88, broken neck, ne. 50-0-0. 53 Geo. O., 9: 23: .5:3, consumption, w. 0-9-20, b. Ded., of Nath'l iS: Sarali E. 13 Jesse M., 9: 27: 74, cholera infantum, te. 0-4-0, b. Cliarlestown. of Jobn L. vS:. Celia M., Plainfield Ct.. Ded. 38 Sarah (Lothrop), w. of Nath'l, 6: ;30: 55, , ie. .-55-0-0, b. Sliaron, of Darius «& Nancy. 49 Sarah E. (Guild), w. of Nathaniel, 12: 21: .52, childlied fever, w. 27-.5-27. b. Belfast Me., of Ileman & Hannah. !*"»(> DEDIIAM RECORDS. SHERIDAN. 61 , 0:1: 07, stillborn, 1). Ded., s. of William H. & Mary D., Providence K. I., Mendoii. 04 James, 12: 14: 58, consumption, te. 30-D-O, 1). Germ., of Cornelius & Ann. 88 John, 0: 8: 49, dysentery, ;e. 21-0-0, b. Ire. 75 John, 8: 28: 75, old age, re. 78-0-0, b. Ire., of Jas. & Julia, Ire., do. 03 Mary, 12: 0: 58, imperfection of throat, ;e. 0-3-15, b. J)ed., of James & Elizabeth. 27 Thos., 3: 28: 57, scarlatina, a'. 2-10-0, b. Ded., of John & :Mary. SHERMAN. 53 Caspar C, '.): 5: .V), disease of brain, te. 4-2-17, b. Ded., of Charles R. & Sarah C. 69 Roger M., 12: 1: 53, cholera infantum, a?. 1-3-9, b. Ded., of Charles B. & Sarah C. SHERRIFF. 44 Ellen (Fellows), 5: 22: 75, pneumonia, a-. (Jii-.j-O, 1). Boston, of John & Joanna, Ipswich, do. 73 Jolin L., 8: 20: 80, Bright's dis., a'. 72-0-10. b. Exeter N. H., of Benj. P. & Martha (Gilmore), E.xeter N. H., Portsmouth N. H. SHERWIN. 23 Anmi, 3:9: 70, heart dis., a\ 72-4-4, b. N. Ipswicli X. H., of David & Hannah P., Boxford, N. Ipswich N. H. 90 Mary K. (Gibbens), 10: 27: 70, paralysis, te. (i5-10-0, b. Boston, of Daniel L. & Mary K., Boston, N. S. 46 Thomas, 7:23: 09, heart disease, a'. 70-3-27, b. Westmorehmd, of David '& Hannah, Boxlord, do. SHEVER. 50 Mary E., 3: 26: 71, rheumatic fever, a\ 5-0-0, b. Newark N. J., of Henry & lionora. Germ., Ire. SHIXE. 12 - — , 1 :.19: 89, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Thos. P. & Delia (Dowling), Ded., Ire. SHMETT. '75 , 8: 18: 81, stillborn, b. Ded., of Theodore & Louisa. France, do. 76 Louisa (Studer), 8:18:81, hemorrhage, a\ 22-9-0, b. France, of Joseph ;& Euphringer, France, do. SHOREY. 59 Frank H., 1:24:62, consumpti(n], a. 24-2-22, b. Boston, of John A: Cornelia G., S. Berwick Me., Ded. 84 John, 9: 4: 49, liver corap., a'. 45-0-19, b. Soutli Berwick Me., of .lohn & Sarah. 5 (D. at Minneapolis, Minn.) John C, 12 : 2 : 62, hemorrhage of luii,.;-s, a". 20-0-0, b. Boston, of John ifc Cornelia G. 1 Sarah (Falls), 1:8: .52, old age, a-. 84-0-0, b. Berwick Me., ol' Stephen & M irtha. 33 Tut^odore, 0: 18: 53, drowned, a. 12-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Cornelia. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 1(17 SH0RT2.IAX. 115 , 10: 19: 88, premature birtli, fe. 0-0-5, b. Ded., d. of AVni. F. \- Aiiiiit- (Liulehvick), Germany, do. SHU BART. m Nicholas, 1: 27: (i;l, lung fever, ;e. 19-0-0, b. Italy. |soldier.] SHU MAN. ;32 Henry, 3: :5l : 8;], heart dis , :e. 80-4-0, b. Germany. SHU M WAY. 18 Erastus, fl: 8: .51, tumor, w. 40-0-12, b. Jamaica V^t., of Lewis & Lucy. 8 Erastus D., 2 : 11 : 55, dis. of brain, ai. 3-7-2, b. Ded., of Erastus & Harriet N. 132 Geo. E., 6: 29: 63, congestion of lungs, se. 0-1-17, b. Ded., of Elbridge E. & Amanda F., Dover, Woonsocket R. I. SHUTTLE WORTH. 17 Hannah, 2: 22: 86, paralysis, ;x.'. 86-0-6, b. Ded., of Jere'h cte Sukey ( Uiclianls), Ded., do. 50 Jeremiah, 6: 13:72, typhoid fever, re. 70-0-26, b. Ded., of Jere'h cS: Sukey, Ded., do. . , ,, , , 84 Samuel, 4:8: 64, paralysis of brain, ;e. 56-4-6, b. Ded , of Jeremiah .V: sukey, Ded., do. SIBLECH. ^,, . ^ , 85 Tekla, 12: 25: .57, brain fever, re. 2-6-0, b. Ded., of Henry & Christopha. SIMMONS. , , .. 1, • f , 52 Fred'k,9: 19: 74, consumption, a^ 28-1-19, b. Ded., of Jos. A: Ann M., bristol R. I., do. . V T?r -1 51 Joseph, 7: 10:86, pneumonia, :e. 73-9-10, b. ]5ristol R. L, ot cM Lliz li (Wilson), Vt, B/istol R. L .-,.-, 75 Lillian M.. 11 : 8: 73, , ^. 1-0-29, b. D3:l., of Jos. c^ Lilhe A., 1 airhaven. Craftsbury Vt. ' 02 SarahR.. 6: 8: 83, old age, fe. 82-2-14, b. Beverly, of & , Beverly, do. SIMPSON 45 Annie L., 4: 4: 88, meningitis, ;c. 0-8-27. b. DeJ., of Thos. 11. & Margaret E.. 44 Elil'hK (Thompson). 6: 17:86, typhoid fever, ic. 3S-0-0. b. Framingham, of Monroe &AmiieE.,Framingham, do. .,> ,,..*. ,. ^. 111 Gertrude, 10: 31: 89, averted development, a'. 0-:;-ll, b. Ded., ot Robul 1 . .v Susan M. (Murray), Portland Me., Ded. 76 John, 9:22:77, drowned, a). 40-0-0. .f Poh.Mt J' 47 John J., 6: 15: 84, interceptine of intestines, ;e. 0-2-2b. b. De.l., ot Koi'^'i - & Susan M. A., Portland Me., Ded. SINCLAIR. , ^ c Ar,.,.ri,. \ iJ 35 ,4: 6: 89, premature birth, ic. 0-0-1, b. Ded., s. ot iV Maf,„it, , ->• • SKARRATT. 2 Edward, 3: 17: m, consumption, se. .50-0-0, b. Ire. 108 D ED HAM RECORDS. SKEXNEN^. 79 John, 10: 25: GO, dropsy, te. 0-6-11, b. liox., of John & Margaret Ire., do. SKILLTXGS, SKILLIX. 22 Eliz'h, 3 : 27 : 77, paralysis, fe. 77-8-0, b. Boston, of John & Mary F. 32 Mary, 4: 11 : 49, old age, te. 80-0-0. 80 Walter E., 3: 12: 58, , a?. , b. Ded., of Daniel D. & Mary A. 8KINNER. 8 Alice F. (Gilbert), 1: 20: 81, consumption, a>. 35-0-0, b. Oldtown Me., of L. G. & E. W., Parkman Me., Oldtown Me. 29 George, 2: 4: 64, lung fever, re. . [soldier.] SLADE. 5 , 8: 9: 40, throat distemper, ;e. ;3-0-0. SLATTERY. 102 Catharine (Doggett), 10:23:49, cancer, re. :3.j-0-0, b. Ire., of Chas. & Cath- arine. 97 Ellen, 2: 7: 70, consumption, se. 18-10-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Ellen, Ire., do. 104 Ellen, 6:16: 72, old age, re. 67-0-0, b. Ire. 3 James, 2 : 27 : 70, tumor in throat, re. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Ellen, ire., do. 42 John, 8: 13: 5.3, fit, re. 20-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Catharine. €4 John, 7: 8: 71, , re. 0-1-12, b. Ded., of Daniel & Mary, Ire., X. H. 16 Patrick, 3: 31 ; 58, intemperance, re. 2.5-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Catharine. 10 Patrick, 7:12: 67, accidental, re. 63-0-0, b. Ireland, of Patrick & Cathar- ine, Ireland, do. 99 Patrick, 12: 14: 73, consumption, re. 32-5-0, b. Ireland, of Patrick & Ellen, Ireland, do. SLOAN. 14 Herbert E., 7: 22: 72, cholera infantum, re. 0-9-9, b. Boston, of George \V. & Sarah L. :SLOMAN. 81 Elizabeth (Clarenbom), 9: 6: 74, cholera morbus, re. 82-0-0, b. Southport Me., of & Kitty. SMALL. 114 Chas. IL, 12: 30: 79, paralysis of brain, re. 39-0-0, b. Ded., of Jonathan »fc Jane L., Harwich, Charlestown. 91 Hannah (Wheat), 10: 20: 78, sufEocation, re. 90-2-0, b. Hollis X. H., of Joseph & Mary, Lincoln, do. •05 Jane 8., 6: 14: 83, cancer, re. 47-7-8, b. Ded., of Jonathan & Jane L., Har- wich, Charlestown. 13 Jonathan, 2: 24: 79, i)aialysis, a'. 76-0-11, b. Ilarwicli, of Tiiomas & Betsey, Harwich, Orleans. 22 Thos., 5: 24: .54, dropsy, re. 80-1-0. b. Harwich, of Jonathan & Bethiali. SMAf.LWOOD. 01 Harriet ((Juild), 8: 22: 50, apoplectic tits, re. 24-0-0, b. Walpole, of Leonard & Hannah. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. Itj9 Q AT T fp XT ""^Q ' 8:19: 44, , fe. 0-4-4, b. Ded., s. of Henry & Marj^ A. 91 ' 5- 10: 54,' infantile dis., se. 0-0-3, b. Ded., d. of Franklin & Bidelia. 12 ' 2: 12: 85, stillborn, b. Ded., d. of Theodore & Delphene, France, do. 52 Abner, 3: 29: 71, old age, «>. 84-0-10, b. Beverly, of Jonathan & Lucy, Middleton, Hingham. , . „ ., ^ 09 Agnes, 7: 21: 87, diphtheritic croup, re. 2-1-0, b. Ded., of :Michael c\: Bridget, Ireland, do. , , -,. .... ^ ^- \iBanda F. (Smith), w. of Metcalf D., 2: 14: 90, heart disease, re. u4-:3-b, b. Laconia i!^'. H., of Isaiah «& Fanny H. (Gould), New Hampton N. H., Holderness X. H. , . rr,, i . t^ t 53 Angelie, 7 : 20 : 86, exhaustion, re. 0-5-1, b. Maynard, ot Theodore .S: Del- phene, France, do. ..,,-, ,. 9 Anna, 3: 22: 6:5, scarlet fever, re. 3-10-8, b. Ded., of Thomas ^ Bridget. 95 ASiltoades), 5: 24: 68, old age, re. 78-11-10, b. Ded., of Eliplft & ^lercy, Dedham, Sharon. r -o-i t 86 AnnaE., 12: 21: 7:3, consumption, re. 18-8-14, b. Ded., of Iranklin & Bideha, 1 Arthur h!', 1^6^: 81,' gastro enteritis, re. 0-4-7, b. Ded., of John W. & Sarah R., Eng., Canton. , ^ , ^ tt c 44 Asahel, 2: 20: 46, consumption, re. 65-0-0, b. Ded., of Henry & — • 34 Asahel H., 5: 10: 78, consumption, re. 20-6-0, b. Ded., of Franklm & Bideha. 64 Ba'jS sit "'7, liver complaint, re. 63-5-0, b. Ded., of Asahel & Eebecca, Eoxbury, Stoddard N. H. , t^i„, v^ piiv'h 2 [Bidelia] (Mullen), 1 : 15 : 8:5. pericarditis, re. 59-8-0, b. Ire., of John cV Elu h, 89 Carfune ijlTsse), 4: 13: 04, consumption, re. 31-0-0, b. France, of Francis A. 55 c"S:i^"^XSinal complaint, re. 37-8-17, b. Walpole, of Leonard ^ o, C^^^ol^^^^VphS^ fever, re. 15-4-15, b. Eng., of John & Anm 65 Catharine (Fales).' lol 5: 66, cancer, re. 76-5-17, b. AValpole, ot Moses & 2 Catharine,* 1: *21 : 67, convulsion fit, re. 0-0-21, b. Ded., of Thos. & ]5ridget, 34 Cha'" t\ 9 : 23 : 51, infantile, re. 0-0-22, b. Ded.. of Chas. & Ann. 27Chas. W.,4: 11: 78, consumption, re>. 27-0-0, b. Ire., of Chas. .V: Eebecca. 59 Cto E.!"7: 11 : 68, inflam. of brain, re. 0-8-0, b. Ded.. of Timothy .^- Emily. 37 ESt^: n : iiij'whooping cough, re. 0-5-0, b. Gardiner Me., of Edwin A. 108 eSii-S^1, aipMheria, re. 11-.0. b. -^^- Tho. .Bridge. D.^d^^ 36 Ellen F. (Flinn), 4: 21: 80, consumption, re'. ->^0-0. b. lu.. ot -lonu Ire., do. 170 DEDIIAM RECORDS. 40 Eltheir S. (Pliinney), 5:31:85, phthisis pulmoaalis, ft. 40-10-2:], b. Eastport Me., of Nathaniel M. & Mary M. (Harrington), Machiasport Me., East- port Me. G Emerson W., 1:17:86, empyema, te. 4:3-10-11, b. Stoughton, of .Judson & Eliz'h, Randolph, do. 48 Emma F., 4: 22: 05, dis. of throat, a-. 0-0-14, b. Ded., of John A. & Georgia. 17 Fanny (Howe), 1 : 31 : 74, consumption, a'. 83-5-0, b. Baldwin Me., of Jacob & Betsy, Ipswich, Boxford. 105 Fannie A. (Greely), w. of Elmer E., 10:24:90, typhoid fever, te. 24-6-24, b. Bed., of Jas. iVb Abbie (Smith), St. Johnsbury A^t., Ded. 74 Florence, 8: 1 : 87, marasmus, a'. 24-10-20, b. Foxboro, of Eliph't & Mary A., Bed., Walpole. 23 Frances A. (Pitts), 4: 13: 79, consumption, w. 30-4-15, b. Canton, of James & Lavinia, Readfield Me., Newbury N. H. 53 Frank T., 6: 13: 87, morbilli, te. 0-8-17, b. Boston, of Henry C. T. & Hilda J., Germ., Sweden. 10 Frederick H., 3:0: .5:3, lung fever, a\ 1-6-3, b. Dedham, of Henry & Charlotte. 48 Georgianna E., 10: 29: ^2, typhoid fever, a?. 17-5-10, b. Franklin, of Timothy & Emily, Stoughton, Scituate. 79 (D. at Walpole) Hannah (Wliiting), 11: 20: 01, apoplectic fits, ;e. 80-6-0, b. Bed., of Nath. & Eliz'h, Bed., . 73 Harry T., 7: 21: 65, drowned, a\ 15-8-22, b. Bed., of Chas. & Wealthy W. K. 94 Harvey, 9:2: 05, scrofula, a?. 42-7-8, b. Rehoboth, of Zebina & J^ydia. 76 Henry, 11: 20: m, insanity, se. 50-2-8, b. Medfield, of Jos. & Catherine. 28 Herbert, 3: 9: 81, convulsions, pe. 1-2-0. 57 Irving, 5:11: 67, croup, a. 7-10-10, b. Bed., of Henry & Charlotte, Bed., do. 63 (B. at Roxbury), Isaacus, 2: 19: 54, purple fever, te. 36-0-0, b. Bed., of Timothy & [Nabby.] 96 Jacob, 4: 25: 64, dysentery, a. . [soldier] 45 James, 6: 11 : 84, typho pneumonia, a. 60-11-0, b. Ireland, of John & Mary, Ireland, do. 175 John, 2: 25: 04, softening of brain, a. 79-2-22, b. Bed., of John & Al)igail. 1 John, 1: 15:07, convulsion ht, a. 0-0-17, b. Bedham, of Thomas & Bridget, Ireland, do. 85 John W., 12:5: 77, cerebral meningiti.s, w. .54-0-0, b. England, of Elias & Elizabeth, Eng., do. 01 Josephine, 9: 19: 44, fever, a. 0-11-0, 1). Bed. 32 Josiah, 2: 12: 45, consumption, a. 65-0-0, b. Bed. 23 (B. at Walpole) Leonard, 4: 3: 65, digeise of kidneys, w. 77-0-0. b. Walpole, of Isaac & Mary. 55 Lephy B., 11: 15: .54, consumption, a. 20-1-15, b. Reli()l)olh, of Zebina & Lydia. Ill Lucy, 12: 4: si, diphtheria, w. :3-10-D, b. Bedham, of Thomas A: Bridget, Ireland, do. 90 Lydia (Harvey), 10: 8: 6:3, cancer, a. C9-8-21, b. Taunton, of Joel & Abigail, Taunton, do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. ^'^ 13 Lydia A., 1:2: 60, consumption, le. :]()-0-12, b. llehohoUi, of Sabina .\: Lyilia. , ., i f 78 (D. atFoxboro) Maliuda A., 8: 19: 58, liver complaint, a". 0-4-20. h. Del., ot Charles & Hannah. 102 Margaret, 12: 24: CT, canker, jy. 1-0-14, b. Dediiam, of Janics .v llannali, Ireland, do. 56 Margaret, 6: 27: 75, scrofulosis, ;c. 17-0-0, 1). Hoston. of .V Mar-aici i'.. Ireland, do. . ,.. , , ^ ,> • i .f 65 ^largaret V., 7:0: 82, convulsions, te. 0-:5-19. b. Ded., ot Michael .V: Brulgc., Ireland, do. ^ 24 Mary A. (Mcintosh), w. of Henry, 7: 20: 44, consumption ot blood, a' 20-0-O, b. Newton. ^,„ ^, ,, . , . 69 Mary E., 8: i:3: 84, consumption, le. 20-10-2:3, b. Ded., of ihomas cV bridget, Ireland, do. . c ri r 40 Mary J., S: 15: 58, croup, w. 5-11-23, b. Ded., of Francis cSc CaroUiie. 8 MelindaE., 10:6:45, , se. 36-0-0, b. Ded. 133 Millv (Lewis), 2:1: 62, dropsy, a.. 63-0-0, b. Ded of Andrew ^Marj 114 Xabbv (Colburn), w. of Timothy, 10: 18: 8S, old age, ;e. 9<-<-24, b. DeU., or Isaac & Eliz'h (Dexter), Ded., Marlboro. 106 Nathaniel, 10: 1: 61, disease of heart, ;t>. 73-9-9, b. Ded., ot Nath 1 cV ^anc^, Dedham, . 1 Olive, w. of Abner, 5:26:44, oldage,se. 82-0-0, b. Ded. ,., ,. nf 68 Rebecca (Edes), 8: 10: 79, paralysis, ;e. 91-10-24, b. Stoddard .N. II., ot Samuel & , Needham, Ded. 59 Sarah (Lewis), 5 : 20 : 71, old age, re. 92-0-0, b. Rox., of S^™»f^^"-^ —,,,,, ^^^ 9 Sarah R. (Hamilton), 1 : 27: 81, compsion ot Imigs, a3. 2o-0-0, b. Canton, ot Wm. M. & Jane, Scituate, Me. ., ,.,.;,! r ^' 120 Susan I., 8: 24: 64, cholera infantum, a'. 0-6-24, b. Ded., ot David ( . .V Dorothv, Eng., do. 30 Thos., 2:4: 64, lung fever, jb. 22-0-0. [soldier]. 20Thos.,2:4:66, consumption, fe. 22-0-0, b.Rox T>Hrlcrpt 113 Thomas, 12: 9: 81, diphtheria, '^. 11-8-0, b. Ded,, ot Thomas b, Bridget, 101 Thom^s!^: 88. old age, ce. 79-0-0, b. Ded., of Josiah A: Hannah (Lewis), Ded., W. Roxbury. 'ri,n,>thv .V 135 Timothy, 12: 6: 61, lung fever, .e. 68-0-0, b. Needham, ot limoth) cV Mehitable. , ,. ^,, , „ t.,t;h, u 9 Warren G., 1: 30: 76, canker, a'. 0-2-20, b. Ded., ot Charles & Edith B., Boston, Wisconsin. Vn.,i.,n.l of 77- (D. at Hyde Park) William, 12: 10: 64, consumption, a>. (,.,-0-0. b. j.n^.ianu.oi 95 Avlmam a,?"6;49, cholera infantum, .e. 1-7-20, b. Ded.. of William P. .. Anna. , .• r, i • v. i v.iii 59 Zebina, 6: 13: 65, accidental, a". 43-10-0, b. Taunton, ot /el.uia vV SNELL. . , T^ V 50 , 4 : 18: 46, fever, a'. 6-0-0, b. Ded., of John D. cV — -. 40 John D., 7: 9: 57, diabetes, *. 45-0-0, b. Halifax, ot A\ m. ^ .Nan.>. 172 D ED HAM RECORDS. 8 Martha M., 3: 3: 53, consumption, ae. 20-10-27, b. Dedham, of Georo-e & Mary. * 8 Mary (Lyon), 1 : 27 : 78, cancer, se. 75-0-0, b. W. Rox. SNELLIKG. 142 Angeline 11. (Tufts), w. of ^ath'l P., 12: 25: 88, paralysis, m. 80-10-19 b Portland Me., of Andrew & Ann (Bradley), Medford Eno- SNOW. 101 Amanda, 3: 31: 86, degeneration of stomach, «;. 57-9-5, b. Orleans of Thatcher & Mercy, Orleans, do. 33 Bridget, 12: 31: 63, consumption, re. 19-0-0, b. Ire., of Dennis & Ann 98 Ciasmiay, 8: 13: 61, cholera infantum, a-. 0-ll-i;3. b. Ded of Enos S & Amelia, Chatham, Me. 17 Denis, 10: 28: 71, old age, a?. 83-0-0, b. Ire., of & Ire do 17 Edward, 2 : 26: 61, , a>. 46-0-0, b. Dublin K H., of Ezra & Mary 34 Hattie A. (Hill), w. of Enos S., 3: 11: 90, anasarca, a3. 49-3-1, b. South Berwick Me., of Jonathan & Sarah W. (Brown), Billerica, South Bruns- wick Me. 98 Joseph, 6: 21: 06, rheumatism, aj. 70-6-19, b. Danvers, of Joseph & Martha 69 Mary, 11 : 7: 66, consumption, te. 19-^0, b. Ire., of Dennis & Ann 14 Patrick, 5: 3: 63, consumption, re. 30-0-0, b. Ireland, of Dennis & Ann Ireland, do. SNYDER. (>See Sclineider.) SONNENBERG. 8 Wilhelmine L., 2: 27: 61, consumption, a?. 18-6-0, b. Germ., of Henry F G T. & *Wilhelmine. SOULE. 31 Antonette G 8: 25: 71, dysentery, re. 0-0-29, b. Ded., of Henry C. & Jennie Dedham, do. ' ' 4 Herbert M., 1: 8: 89, pleuro pneumonia, re. 13-2-6, b. Ded of Fred S & Hattie N. (Draper), Ded., do. ' ' 56 Juliette (Follansbee), w. of Greenwood E., 5: 23: 90, chronic heart disease re. 43-11-24, b. Pittston Me., of Alonzo & Nancy S. (Mackintosh), Pitts- ton Me., Canton. 88 Maria A. (Colburn), 10: 10: 79, cancer, re. 59-0-0, b. Dedham, of Abiiah & Susanna C, Ded., Medfield. 104 Sally (Colburn), 12: 13: 80,. old age, re. 94-1-1:;;, b. Ded., of Lewis & (Smith), Dedham, do. SOUTHGATE. 5 Samuel, 1 : 5: 77. paralysis, re. 70-6-14, b. Leicester, of Samuel c^- Hannah W., Leicester, do. ' SOUTH WICK. 87 Eliza (McGanague), 10: 14: 79, heart disease, re. 56-0-0, 1). Ireland of & , Ireland, . SPARROW. 37 ,4: 21 : 80, stillborn, b. Ded., of Thos. & Mary A., K C, Va. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 1<^ 32 Mary E., 3: 31 : 84, gastro enteritis, a?. 0-1-22, b. Dedliam, of Thomas .^Mary " ^ A., N.'c, Va. Tola^J^^Boiof^f t^Si. , \:.: .. canoe. ». ..,. b, New..,,-, X. H., „e Warren & Sarali, Warwick K. I., Washington N. H. ^^ ^ ^ „ 82 Harriet F. (Fisher), 11: 9: 60, pleurisy, jo. 44-G-12, b. Prov. 1.. L, of .V « ^S^^^;^:^Z^Uo., ... ..-.-*.. WanvlCK. I., of K..t.,s OOH!fpfA"'», scarlatina, «. e-o-n, b. Bed., of Erastns G. & Harriet 5T sSuH:". fo ■ S hya;ot„orax, .. «-0-0. b. Ci,e,n,sf„ra, of Tin. othy & Sarah, Lancaster, do. Tctroline J. W. (Seymore), C: 2: 80, blood poisoning, a.. oiWl-O, b. Easton, of Beni. & Mary, Plymouth, do. Ar„,.„ 88 Chas H 9: 7: 53, d s. of throat, a^ 7-0-0, b. Ded., of Joshua & Maiy. 10> JoshufH 2- 1- 72, liver comp., ^. 56-0-4, b. Boston, of Peter c^c — 36 Ma"l3ullard); 3 : 18 : 66, paralysis, a.. 62-10-14, b. Ded., of John .S: Luc> . 46 Peter P., 5 : 5 : 50, fit, se. 62-0-0. ^37^nior2: 15: 64, small pox, .e. 22-0-0, b. Delaware, [soldier.] SPILLAGE. ,.A n a h Tre of Wm. & Marv, Ire., do. 110 Jas., 12 : 3 : 84, cirrhosis of liver, a-. bO-O-O, b. ire., oi >v 'f (^.as"-'!' 2: 11 : 50, bowel comp., a.. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of f ephen & Anna. 89 EdSr t 9: lO: 49, cancer, .. 0-13^ b. D^ cj^ tephen^ Ann E. ^ ^^^^^ 28 Margaret L., 9 : 10 : 50,whoopmg cough a^ 2-^ b^ De , ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ 32 Mary (Kingsbury), 6 : 18 : 53, typhoid fevei. a. 41 b 0, b. L an. Angelette. STACKPOLE. ot n b XewmarketX.lI., of Wm.W. 69 Edvv. ^Y., 6: 20 : 83, R. R. accident, a. 21-0-0, b. .N e^^ man & Eliz'h, Kennebunk Me., Northwood K. H. T^^: . ^^'aIdobol■o Me., of & Sclienk. STEARNS. '' ^t:^l:l Y. '^^:tt^'^^ " '^^ '•• ^^^'-^ ^^ ^^^'-^^ ^- J^- * 60 Mary, 12: 18: 54, consumption, te. 63-0-0, b. Lancaster, of Eli & Mary t8 Mary, 6:6:88, dis. of kidney and liver, a-. 1-0-4, b. Ded., of AlheH B. & Sarah J., Rowe, Brooklyn N". Y. STEFAX. m (D. at Boston) Anna V. (Pasek), wife of Adelbert, 6: 26: 90, intestinal ulcer- ation, a-. 52-4-22, b. Bohemia, of Matthias & Marie, Bohemia do STEIXER. ' ■ 107 Eliza (Eloffman), w. of Ferdinand, 10: 7: 87, dis. of brain, .e. 74-0-0, b. Germ of Daniel A: Corde, Germ., do. STETEFIELD. 63 Charles W., 7:5: 71, old age, fe. 84-0-0. b. Germ STETSON. '? ?wZ.f ■; A if ^ f dysentery, .e. 3-8-12, b. Halifax, of Jos. & Cordelia, oo Cordelia (Alen, 4: 28: 85. consumption, .^. 64-11-] ;], b. Halifax, of Seth & Lucy. E. Bndgewater, Halifax STEVENS, 80 Clarissa H., 9: 29: 76, dysentery, re. 87-1-25 b Athol 11 Nancy (Gyer), 2: 7:81, apoplexy, a-. 74-2-8, b. Friendship Me., of & Maine, do. ' ' 97 (D in ^^;i-) ^elson R., 3: 1: 62, typhoid fever, re. 19-0-24, b. Rumnev N. H., ..... , ^- *^ ^- ^- ^- Il'^verhill N. H., Meredith N. H. 112 Rober a P.. 11 : 19 : 90, congestion of lungs, re. :38-ll-5, b. N. B., of Edw. & Sarah A. (Kane), N. B., Eastport Me. STEWART. "''^^^m'l:^^^ ^'"'-'^^^ - --^' "• ^^^^- ^^ I-- ^ '^^ '^ MarJ!'scT"do'' ^'' "'' ^"'^'^ '^'''^''' '"■ '^~''~''' ^^ ''^'"^''"^^^' ^^' ^'^^' ^"^ ■"' "^l^iknd'd^^' '''"'' ^''''''' ''■ ''-''''' ''• ^'^'" ^^^^^''' «^ J^'"«« '^ ^^»"' ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. !'•> GT William, 0: 18: 83, lieart disease, le. 75-0-0, b. X. B., of .lamo .S: , N. S., England. STILL. 27 (D. at West1)oro) Frank E., 2: 20: 88. membraneous croup, tv. U»-:'.-14, o. Ded., of J. Edwin & Emma A., Ded., N. H. 36 Martlia A. (Childs), 5: 13: 78, disease of liver, te. (iS-4-0, b. Ilallowcll Me. STI^ISOX 24 Charlotte G. (Lealand). 3: 20: 78, cancer, !C. 44-9-in, b. Phila., of Charles & Charlotte F., Needham, Milford. 44 Edward, 6: 12: 78, effusion of water on brain, :e. 54-7-14. b. Ded., of Jeremy &nopestill G., Hopkinton, Milford. 138 (D. atX. y. City)Eliz'h B., 1: 5: 87, entonitis, te. l-2-l(i, b. Ded., ot I red J. & ElizMi B. (Abbott), Ded., Boston. . 27 Hopestill (Godfrey), 9: 12: 56, apoplexy, te. t50-«-0, b. MilforJ, ot Benjamin & . 48 Jeremy, 8:12: 69, old age, ae. 86-0-0, b. Hopkinton. 8 Mary P. (Parker), 1:5: 75, old age, je. 87-5-10, b. Norton, ot Daniel .\: Abby. Xorton, do. 8T0CKBRIDGE. . 202 Emma F., 10: 23: 64, , :e. 14-1-2, b. Ded., of A. P. cV Maria. STOCK WFLL 51 Mary K, 5:'25: 81, diphtheria, ie. 7-1-16, b. Spencer, of Geo. H. & Ruth P.. Sutton, Grafton. ^26^C^ms.', 4: 22: 83, tubercular meningitis, «. 2-1-16, b. Dedham, of Robert .-t Bertha, Germ , do. STONE. 25 11: 9: 46, consumption, jc. 2.5-0-0. S8 ; 12: 26: 73, stillborn, b. Dedham, of Joseph & Lillies I?., Charlestown, 13 El^^t'?: "^f 86, dropsy, a.. 72-8-26, b. Ilubbardston, of Samuel & Hannah (Davenport), Hubbardston. Dorch. .05M^;l^ttSf.;Tof«Wns«.,>tio... ... ««-l., i>. ..«.oo..,..K,.oE Elias & Jedida K., Mendon, Edgartown. ""s^Xaf Boston) Henry, 9: 5: 80, typhoid fever, =e. 40-0-0, b. England, of — & , England, do. ^i^ny, 9: 23: 69, cholera infantum, .e. 0-5-11, b. Dedham. of Nicholas & Emma, Germ., Eng. T^^., 12: 23: 86, cerebellar hemorrhage, .e. 45-0-10, b. Willington Ct., of Royal O. & Lora Lee, Mansfield Ct., Vernon Ct. 176 DEDIIAM RECORDS. 49 Frances L., 5: 4: 89, diphtheria, te. 2-5-14, b. Dudley, of Fred'k E. & Amelia C. (Videto), Webster, N. S. 15 Lora, 2: 15: S3, difficult birth, re. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Fred E. & Amelia C, Webster, N. S. 8 Lucy (Ingalls), 1: 22: ST, paralysis, a.\ 79-9-11, b. Pomfret Ct., of Ephraim & Lucy, Pomfret, do. 41 Mary L., 4: 19: 89, diphtheria, a?. 4-9-29, b. Worcester, of Fred'k E. & Amelia C. (Videto), Webster, N. S. 72 Eoyal O., 5 : 25 : 88, heart dis., re. 72-8-19, b. Mansfield Ct., of Royal & Eunice Freeman, Mansfield Ct., do. STOWE. 50 Chas., 7: 5: 86, cystitis chronic, fe. 83-1-22, b. Ded., of Timothy & Prudence, Ded., do. 23 John, 2: 19: 73, paralysis, te. 75-0-0, 1). Mass., of & , Mass., IT. S. 102 Mary (McGrath), 11 : 30 : 85, hypertrophy of heart, te. 74-0-0, b. Ire., of Henry & , Ire., . 12 (D. at Newton), Sally, 1 : 1 : 60, dropsy, a?. 75-8-0. 26 William, 4:11: 55, dis. of liver, te. 51-5-0, b. Xatick, of & Ilepzibah. STOWELL. 123 Abby C. (Dean), 5: 21 : 67, lung fever, ». 49-11-14, b. Fitchburg, of Francis & Hannah, Ded., Canton. STEONG. 2 , 7:3: 46, throat distemper, pe. 3-0-0, b. Ded., of John «& . 32 Oberan, 9 : 17 : 50, whooping cough, se. 2-1-0, b. Ded., of Wm. & Ellen. STUFFENBUEG. 16 Willie M., 3: 13: 55, consumption, te. 48-2-21, b. Germ. STUETEVAXT. 34 George W., 1 : 11 : 63, croup, a\ lS-0-0. [soldier. | SULDUSKI. 104 Eliza (Gilraan), 11: 19: 84, heart dis., te. .55-0-0, b. Ire., of Eichard & Kate, Ire., do. SULKOSKI. 166 John, 1:3: 64, lung fever, a'. 70-0-0, b. Poland, of & , Poland, do. 78 Julia (Welch), 10: 31 : 68, inflam. of lungs, te. 6.3-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Julia, Ire., do. SULLIVAN. {See also O' Sullivan.) 90 , 2 : 25 : 68, stillborn, b. Ded., of Daniel & Julia, Ire., do. 25 , 6 : 7 : 70, stillborn, b. Ded., d. of Daniel & Julia, Ire., do. 90 , 4: 1: 71, stillborn, b. Ded.. s. of Daniel & Julia, Ire., do. 26 Bridget (Williams), 3: 25: 82, homicide, le. 50-0-0, b. Ireland, of John & Ann, Ire., do. 19 Catharine, 0: 17: 50. colic, a. ;3-5-20, b. Ded., of John & Cath. 8. 18 Catharine (Shields), 2: 17:57, consumption, as. 39-0-0, b. Ire., of Marcus & Catharine. 32 Catherine (Nolan), 12: 30: 63, childbirth, w. 32-0-0, b. Ire., of Wm. & Catha- rine, , Ire. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 177 S Catharine (Sullivan), .'>: 17 :G(), childbirth, ;e. 37-0-0, b. Ire., of Jolm ^: Bridget. 4 Dan, 2: 20: (37, liver conip., le. 0-0-2.-), b. Ded., of Cornel's cV: Hannali. Ire.,*!!!). 18 Daniel F., 2: 10: SO, progressive paralysis, a). 58-G-26, b. Canada, of Daniel F. & Margaret (Ferguson), Canada, do. 12 Ellen (Moriarty), 10:28:70, heart dis., se. 80-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 18 Ellen (Church), ;3: 4:87, bronchial pneumonia, le. 78-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. iV: Mary, Ire., do. 41 Harriet, 5: 22: 87, heart dis., le. OS-0-0, b. Scot. 20 James, 1 : 21 : 09, heart dis., te. 14-0-0, b. Ded., of John & Cath., Ire, do. 90 Jeremiah, 3: 2:3: 00, infantile debility, :e. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Cornelius k, Julia. 14 Johanna, 2: 18: 85, old age, ». 70-0-0, b. Ire., of Timothy & Ellen, Ire., do. 10 John, 3:1: 57, consumption, te. 30-0-0, b. Ire, of James & Catherine. 41 John, (>: 17: 01, , re. 8-2-29, b. Ded'., of David & Ellen, Ire., do. 10 John, 1 : IG: GO, scarlet fever, a.'. 1-0-0, b. Ded., of David & Ellen, Ire., do. 77 John, 7 : 30: 09, inflam. of bowels, ;e. .50-1-1:3, b. Ded., of Jolni & Ellen. Ire.. do. 30 John 2d, 4: 1 : 82, suicide, re. 40-0-0, b. Ire., of David & Julia. Ire., do. 105 Kate (Post), w. of Michael, 10: 11: 89, fractured femur, ;e. 82-0-0, b. Ire., of George & Ann (Chambers), Ire., do. 42 Mary A., 6: 19: 01, , te. 5-10-17, b. Ded., of David & Ellen. Ire., do. 45 Mary E., 5:28: 79, membraneous laryngitis, le. 8-8-27, b. Ded., of John I'c Mary, Ire., do. 108 Michael H., 5: 23: 04, fall from cars, ;e. 20-0-17. )). Ire., of :\ncliacl .^ Ellen. 22 Timothy, 3: 28: 55, old age, le. 95-0-0, b. Ire. :39 Timothy F., 5:19:79, diphtheria, ;e. 9-0-0, b. Ded., of Jerry A: :Margaret. Ire., do. SULLY. 04 (D. at Quincy) Horace II., 7: 23 : 08, drowned, le. 10-0-0. b. , of Joiin ^: . SUMXER. 8 Alice (Pollard), 1 : 24: 57, consumption. ;e. 74-2-7, b. Ilubbardston, of Joel A: Mary. 90 Anna A. (Chickering) 8: 28: 05, paralysis, io. .5:3-7-3, b. Ded.. of Jaliez ct Deborah T. F. 104 Chas., 10: 10: 89, heart dis., ic. OG-7-9, b. Ded., of Seth & xVlice (PoUardi. Stoughton, Hubbardston. 85 Edgar N"., 9: 27: 5.5, cholera infantum, ». 1-5-1:3, b. Ded., of Xathaniel X. iV: Mary E. 32 Edward, 4: 18: 85, suicide, fe. 74-8-15, b. Rox., of Edw. & Jolianna. Roxbury, Shrewsbury. 112 Edwin S. P., 10: 14: 02, slow fever, a?. 2-9-5, b. Ded., of N. X. & Mary E.. Ded., Sharon. 41 Francis W., 9: 9: .59, consumption, aj. 33-28-0, b, Ded., of Seth & Alice. 78 George, 6: 17: 54, consumption, te. 30-2-24, b. Ded., of Jabez Si, Rebecca. 119 Harold A., 10: 28: 88, meningitis, re. 2-1-25. 94 Jos. 2d, 3:8: 59, consumption, re. 28-5-4, b. Ded., of Xatii'l i^ lietsy. 22 Mirick P., 2: 19: 89, paralysis, re. 81-0-24, b. Ded., of Seth i^: Alice (Pollard 1, Stoughton, Hubbardston. 1"H DEDHAM RECORDS. 120 Moses, 12: G: 02. congestion of l)r;iin, ;o. G2-4-13, b. Ded., of Natli'l & p]liz"h, Dec!., do. 49 Philenia A. (Tucker), 6: 5: 82, apoplexy, je. G2-1-3, b. Raymond N. H., of Bernard & Sally, Raymond N. H., do. ■68 Rebecca (Ellis), 11: 9: Gl, erysipelas, je. 67-5-0, b. Ded., of John & Rebecca. •85 Susan A. ( Weatherbee), 3: 10: .58, consumption, a?. 51-0-0, b. Ded., of David & Lucy. 55 Thomas, 1: 19: .5G, old age, te. 70-0-0, b. Ded., of George & Margaret. l."8 Wm., 12: 31: 67, consumption, se. 71-G-O, b. Ded., of VVm. & Marj', Ded., do. 74 Wm. R., 9: 1: 60, typhus fever, se. 59-10-22, b. Boston, of Sam'l & Martha S., Boston, do. SUTHERLAND. 102 Frank, 5: 13: 64, small pox, fe. . [soldier.] SUTTON. 76 Enoch, 12: 25: 53, dis. of lungs, ae. 47-5-0, b. Cohasset, of John & Alice. -150 Fred'k, 12: 10: 64, chronic diarrhoea, te. 19-0-0, b. Eiig.' [soldier.] 78 Wm., 9: 17: 78, consumption, te. 32-0-0. SWALLOW. 115 Eliz'h(Noonan), w. of Thos., 11-.J-89, R. R. accident, ;e. 38-0-0, b. Ire., of Michael & Mary, Ire., do. SWANMAN. 27 Cort, 0: 14: 58, intemperance, fe. 48-0-0, b. Germany. SWARTZ. 59 Chas. F., 7:26:84, hepatitis, jv. 22-2-29, b. Ded., of Chas. & Jane Barnes, Holland, do. SWEENEY. 44 Catharine (Martin), 5: 26: 8.5, heart dis., :e. :j.5-0-0, b. Ire., of Dennis & Ellen, Ire., do. 25 Daniel, 5:8: 62, lung fever, fe. 1-2-8, b. Ded., of Jere'h & Julia C. 97 Edw., 10: 6: 82, enteritis, f«. 1-1-2, b. Hyde Park, of Jere'h & Julia, Ire,, do. 79 John R., 8: 6: 90, whooping cough, te. 0-5-22, b. Ded., of Jere'h & Katie V. (Hartnett), Ire., Ded. ■88 Julia, 11 : 12: 72, teething, le. 1-0-9, b. Ded., of Jerry & Julia, Ire., do. ;89 Julia (Morrissey), w. of Edw., 9:3: 87, inflam. of bowels, a.>. 60-0-0, b. Ire., of Jere'h & Kate, Ire., do. ■62 Kate, 8:5: 79, teething, a. 0-6-0, b. Ded., of Jere'h & Julia, Ire., do. 69 Nellie, 8: 19: 80, dis. of heart, ie. 7-5-0, b. Ded., of Jerry & Julia, Ire., do. 28 Richard, 1 : 16: 68, burned, k. 1-0-26, b. Ded., of Jere'h & Julia. 65 Richard, 9: G: 73, drowned, k. 5-4-0, b. Ded., of Jere'h & Julia, Ire., do. «WETT. 72 (D. at Braintree) Abigail (Mason), w. of Edw. S., 6: 29: 89, brain exhaustion, ie. 91-2-12, b. Ded., of Thaddeus & Anna (Smith), Ded., do. 78 John S., 10: 6: 72, consumption, te. 61-5-26, b. Boston, of Samuel «& Eliz'h D., Boston, do. •J31 Laura P., 10: 6: 55, dysentery, a;. 2-3-0, b. Ded., of John & Nancy N. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 170 11 Pollj (Wood), ;5: 12: ."iO, cancer, le. 78-0-0, b. Uutlaud, of Jos. iS: Dolly. 75 Samuel, 12: 25: 5:}, liver conip., ;e. 70-4-11, 1). J}oston, of v'v: Kliz'li. SYLVESTER. 29 Sarah fl. (Loring), 7: 29: 54, consumption. :e. 44-0-2, h. North Yarmontli, of Jacob & Olive. TAFT. 100 Adelaide S.. 12: 10: G7, consumption of bowels, ic. 2-10-10, b. Ded., of phus G. & Ann E., Ded., Sandlake N. Y. 120 (D. at Hull Gut) Arthur G., 9: 22 : SO. drowning, :e. 20-2-11, b. Dcd., of Jose- phus G. & Anne E. (Shaw), Ded., [Sandlake] X. Y. S:^ Eliza H. (Flagg), 8: 10: 03, hip comp., it?. 05-0-0. 10 Ezra W., 2:8: 85, carcinoma of liver and stomach, ic. 84-5-1:), b. T'xbridge, of Fred'k & Abigail (Wood), Uxbridge, Upton. 110 Fred A., 0: 19: 04, congestion of brain, ;e. 0-7-0, 1). J)ed., of Fred. A. & Cor- nelia S., Ded., do. 70 Harris A., 9: 14: 84, typhoid dysentery, re. 8-2-10, b. Ded., of Cornelius A. vt Maria L., Ded., do. 9 Mary A., 2: 7:50, heart dis., le. .52-.5-0, b. Uxbridge, of Fred'k i^ .Vbigail. TALBOT. 180 Abby B. (Dean), ;3: 11: 04, consumption, ic. 20-11-28, b. Ded.. of Kbenczer & Mary, Ded., do. 132 Albert M., 4: 12: 05, dis. of brain, ee. 2-9-5, b. Ded., of Geo. & Caroline A. 104 Alvin, 9: 18: 0(), phthisis, fe. 4:3-10-21, b. Medfield, of Joel & Hannah. 203 Caroline A. (Kobbertson), 12: 5: 64, consumption, se. ;32-l-1.5, b. Ilromfield Me., of James & Betsey, Eaton X. H., *Buxton Me. 74 Catharine, 0: 29: 09. dropsy, i«. 68-1-S, b. Ded., of Enoch cV: Catharine, Stoughton, Newport R. I. 54 Eliz., 1 : 18: 50, consumption, te. 33-0-0, b. Ded., of Joel & . 46 John. 8:5: GO, congenital, :e. 0-0-1, 1). Ded., of John C & Francos (\.. Ded., Sharon. 126 John C. 10: 12: 01, slow fever, :e. :«-0-2, b. Ded., of Enoch & Mary S., Ded., Greenfield X. H. 10 Josiah, 5: 5: 47, dis. of heart, te. . 47 Sarah A., 2: 2: 56, croup, tu. 1-6-25, b. Ded., of Ebenezer F. ct Eliz'li. 36 Sylvester W., 4: 20: 47, consumption, te. 49-0-0, b. Dighton. 81 Sylvester W., 8: 30: 49, dysentery, te. ;i-0-0, b. Ded., of Sylvester W. iV .Mar- garet G. TALPEY. 50 Octavius, 1 : 20: 52, consumption, te. ;}3-0-0. TAMTAS. 65 (D. at Boston) Daniel A., 4 : 4 : 54, , ;e. 42-0-0. TAPLEY. 44 , 8: 17 : 53, cholera infantum, :v. 0-0-10, b. Ded.. s. of Wni. T. \- .Martha -M . 52 Edgar A., 0: 20: 79, typhoid fever, le. 28-4-20, b. Dcil., of Wm. T. ^K: Martha A., Surrey Me., Monmouth Me. 180 DEDHAM RECORDS. 82 Martha A. (Hale), 9: 9: 85, dis. of brain, a?. 04-8-10, b. Monmouth Me., of Tappan & Eliz'h, N. H., Me. TARBELL. 112 Rachel T., 11: 1: 89, diphtheria, a\ 3-1-0, b. Ded., of John F. & Annie (Tower), Pepperell, Boston. TARNEY. 18 Bridget, 3: 23: 55, consumption, re. 21-0-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Rafferty. TAY. 64 Patrick, 8: 10: 72, marasmus, a?. 1-0-2.5, b. Bridgewater, of Patrick H. & Sabina, Ire., do. TAYLOR. 11 CJias. E., 2 : 20: 55, dis. of brain, ae. 1-4-17, b. Randolph, of Chas. A. & Fanny S. 84 Edw., 8: 17: 90, premature birth, b. Ded., of Wm. A. & Theresa (Mulkern), Eng., W. Rox. 78 Emma J., 10: 13: 00, consumption, ;e. 0-4-27, b. Waltham, of Al»ram & Betty, Eng., do. 85 Jas., 8: 29: 89, exhaustion, se. 0-0-2, b. Ded., of Geo. & Josephine, Framing- ham, Boston. 59 Mary, 8: 16: 86, convulsions, le. 0-1-4, b. Ded., of Wm. A. & Theresa, Eng., W. Rox. 41 Sadie J., 4: 24: 8:3, hereditary syphilis, w. 1-10-0, b. Ded., of Chas. H. & Cora, Framingham, Boston. TEBBETTS. (See al&o Tihhetts.) 91 Sarah A., 12: 22: 60, fits, jb. 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Wm. R. c^ Eliza. Rome Me., Ireland. TEMPERLY, TIMPELLIT. 53 Catherine F., 7: 17: QQ, cholera infantum, re. 0-3-11, b. Ded., of Temperly & Catherine. 34 Ellen, 3:9: 88, erysipelas, re. 20-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick *fe Bridget (Quigley), Ire., do. 66 Thos., 8: 19: 64, cholera infantum, re. 1-6-0, b. Ded., of Thos. & Catharine. TEMPLE. 68 John P., 8: 27: 04, cholera infantum, re. 0-4-17, b. Ded., of Thos. & Cathar- ine, Ire., do. THAYER. 99 Addie C, 4:9: 02, scarlet lever, re. 2-3-1, b. Ded., of Tyler & Lucy E., Mendon, Vt. 27 Clara, 1 : :iO: 64, infantile dis., re\ 0-0-18, b. Ded., of John H. B. & Mary S. W., Ded., do. 95 Elisha S., 8: 18: 60, cholera infantum, a>. 0-2-0, b. Ded., of John H. B. & Mary S. AV., Ded., do. 10 Hannah E, (Stearns), 4: 10: 50, inflam. of ibowels, re\ 22-;3-0, b. Boston, of Levi & Naomi. 8 Horace, 2:2: 04, brain fever, re. 19-0-0. [soldier.] 79 Jennie A., 2:5: 59, dis. of head, re'. 1-5-0, b. Ded., of Tyler & Lucy E. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 181 38 John H. B., 4: 27: 73, consumption, a'. 42-10-18, b. Dec!., of Elislia c's: Nancy, Braintree, Canton. 57 Xancy, 5: 30: 51, consumption, ;e. 25-0-0, b. Detl. 4 I^^'ancy (Billings), 2:5: 54, lung fever, te. 59-3-24, b. Canton, of I'etcr iV Kebecca. 198 Xorris A., 8: 31 : 64, congestion of lungs, je. 2-3-10, b. Ded., of Tyler & Lucy, Mendon, Andover Vt. THISSELL. 7 Wm. H., 3: 9: 50, lung fever, je. 2-7-19, b. Ded., of Wm. & Pamelia. THOMAS. 10 Charlotte E., 1 : 8 : 75, consumption, le. 27-4-15, b. Weymouth, of John W. & Sarah B., Weymouth, do. 23 Edmund, 3:2: 74, found dead, te. 63-8-9, b. Weymouth, of Andrew & . 26 Edmund S., 3: 22: 76, empyema, se. 6-1-18, b. Ded., of Edmund & Mary E., Weymouth, Ded. 42 Erasmus, 3: 14: 65, chronic diarrhoea, te. 27-0-0, b. Wales, [soldier.] 14 Evan, 2: 7: 79, pneumonia, to. 46-0-0, b. Tremont Me. 92 John W., 7: 20: 88, progressive paralysis, te. 73-;3-19, b. Weymoutli, of Andrew & Polly, Weymouth, do. 30 John W., 3:4: 90, hemorrhage, te. 40-3-20, b. Weymoutli, of John W. & Sarah (Blanchard), Weymouth, do. THOMPSON". 32 , 9 : 29 : 47, fever, te. 25-0-0, b. , s. of «& . 32 Caroline (Phillips), 1: 16: 67, diphtheria, tv. 23-0-0, b. Ded., of Geo. & Mary, Germ., do. , 41 Chas., 6: 1 : 78, valv. dis. of heart, te. 60-0-0, b. W. Rox., of Harry A: Eliza. 14 Eliza, 5: 4: 51, apoplexy, ee. 73-0-0, b. Needham. 127 Harriet, 11: 17: 88, apoplexy, ee. 85-1-0, b. Ded., of Charles H. & Eliza, U. S., do. 3 Jacob, 6: 27: 48, fever sore, a*. 38-0-0. 03 Jacob X"., 8:' 15: 72, cholera infantum, a. 0-9-6, b. Camliridge, ot Jacob .V KateS., Germ., do. , . ,c 48 John, 3: 12: 64, pneumonia, a. 32-0-0, b. Hatfield, of Stephen .\: Margaret, , Albany N". Y. [soldier.] 32 John, 3: 3: 88, pneumonia, a. 76-0-0, b. Scot., of Jas. ^ Elwood, Scot., do. 2 Lucy A., 1 : 26: 48, consumption, a. 20-0-0. 30 Lydia J. (Lewis), 6: 4: 60, anaemia, a. 17-7-17, b. Brunswick ]Me., oi Levi .V Margaret, Brunswick Me., do. 49 Mary (Sideself), 6: 7: 75, paralysis, a. 61-0-0, b. Scotland, ot Adam .M , 96 Mary J.,' 6^2: 55, consumption, a. 2:3-0-0, b. Ded., of Joshua P. & Caroline. 43 OliverT., 4:20: 89, cancer, re. 66-3-26, b. W. Rox., of Chas. H. & Eliza, U.S.,(io. 85 Robert, 8: 2: 54, dis. of kidneys, a. 67-0-0. 123 Roxa M., w. of Edwin, 12 : 31 : 48, consumption, a. 3o-0-0, b. l^ 63 Sally (Rhoades), 10: 15 : 56, apoplectic fits, a-. 65-0-0. b. Dedhain, ot Llipli t \, Mercy. 182 D ED II AM RECORDS. 80 Samuel, 11 : 20: GO, consfstion of brain, tc. 70-0-0, b. S. Berwick Me. 38 Sumner, 2: 15: 05, small pox, fe. 31-0-0. [soldier.] 07 Wm. C, 7: 10: 05, cliolera infantum, te. 0-7-10, b. Ded., of John K. & Eliz'h. THORNTOX. 9 Caroline A., 3: 17: 54, lung fever, w. 1-2-18, b. Ded., of Thos. A. & Ann. 08 Eliza J., 8: 2: 81, cliolera infantum, a?. 0-5-0, b. Boston, of Henry H. & Pliilippa C, Ireland, England. 50 Jane (Aptliorp\ 9: 12: .58, chronic diarrhoea, te. 59-11-12, b. Chatham, of William & Elizabeth. 109 Josei)h, 12: 29: 70, old age, te. 77-0-0, b. Prov. E. I., of Jos. & -Jane, Prov. R. I., Cape Cod. 08 Joseph A., 9: 15: 86, Briglst's dis., fe. 48-7-19, b. Ded., of Joseph A. & Jnne, Cranston R, I., Chatham. 52 Jos. S., 3: 10: 70, brain dis., te. :3-8-10, b. Ded., of Jos. & Margaret, Ded., Boston. 70 Josei)hine, 9: 10: 72, cholera infantum, te. 0-7-5, b. Ded., of Jos. & Margaret, Ded., Boston. 05 Lizzie, 8: 29: 77, cholera infantum, re. 1-1-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Margaret, Ded., Boston. THORP. 80 Albert G., 10: 9: 77, typhoid fever, le. 17-11-9, b. X. Y. City, of All)ert G. & Mary L., Rahway N. J., Phila. Pa. 4 Sarah A. (Morse), 1:0: 87, Bright's dis., a?. 74-4-21, b. Fairfax Me., of Elisha & Eliz'h. THURSTON. 80 Chas. 0., 11: 10: 09, congestion of ])Owels, ;e. 0-0-29, b. Boscavven N. Y., of Xath'l & Hannah C, Boscawen J^. Y., do. TIBBKTTS. (See also Tehhetts.) 02 , :;: 13: 02, infantile dis., re. 0-0-1, b. Ded., d. of Jos. X. & Mary C, Lee N. II., Boston. 62 , 3: 13: 62, infantile dis., ;e. 0-0-1, b. Ded., d. of Jos. N. & Mary C, Lee N. H., Boston. 59 Eliza A. H. (Gilmor), 4:8: 56, lung fever, w. :a-0-0, b. Wrentham, of Marcus & Eliza. TILDEX. 83 Atherton, 8: 18: 87, pneumonitis, iv. 86-0-l(), b. JSIarshlield. of Atherton & Mary W. (Magoun), Marshheld, Pemln-oke. 44 Mary, 10: 15: 44, fever, jv. 28-0-0. 133 (D. at Boston) Myron, 3: 14: 87, Bussey Bridge accident, :c. 29-11-14, b. Bridgevvater, of Lucius & Margaret, Barnstable, Mansfield. TILLSOX. 22 Lucinda (Whiton), 4: 20: .53, consumption, ic. 8:!-0-0, b. Halifax, of Samuel & Susanna. TI.MMiXS. 2 Marl ill, 0:9: 57, consumption, ;e. 02-0-0, b. Ireland. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 18^ TIM P Ell. 45 (D. at Tauntou) Isabella, w. of Louis J., 4: l>1 : 80, phthisis, a\ :iS-2-lS, b. Eng., of & , Germ., Scot. 113 Louis J., 10: 28: 87, consumption, :e. 4:l-r)-0, b. (Jerm., of Christian .T. iK: Wilihelm, Germ., do. 1:50 Louisa, 12: 10: 87, inanition, le, 0-4-0, b. Ded., of Louis J. c\: Isab.-l. (htih.. England. TISDALE. 89 , 8: 18: 5.5, canker, ce. , b. Ded., — of Josiah & Susan P. 58 Ellen, 6: 17: 52, brain fever, a\ 0-2-0, b. Ded., of Aurelins ct . 10 (D. at Taunton) Jas. W., 1: 11: 90, phtliisis, re. 03-5-22, b. AValpole. of Peter & Sally (Swan), VValpole, Ded. 17 Nancy (Cole), 4: 13: 02, dropsy of heart, a\ -44-0-28, b. PieliDbotii. of Otis & . TITCOMB. 38 Ann AI. (Delesdernier), 12: 5: .50, typhoid fever, iw 79-0-8, 1). X. S., of Peter F. & Eliz'h. 24 Edward E., 7: 21: 52, congestion of brain, a\ 40-1-14, b. Portland Me., of Pearson & Ann M. 72 Pearson, 12 : 11 : 5.5, paralysis, te. 78-4-9, b. Xewlniryport. of John iV:- Elizabeth. 1 Sarah A. (Montague), w. of Edw., 1: 24: .50, consumption, :e. 4:]-8-14.b. Ded., of \Vm. & Jane. TITUS, TYTUS. 14 Virgil, 1:9: 69, i>aralysis, te. 09-3-0, b. Attleboro, of Peter .S: Mai y. law- tucket R. L, do. 72 William E., 7: 0: 03, dropsy, te. 27-0-0, b. Penn. [soldier.] TOBIN. 89 Abbie, 2: 54: 68, scarlatina, se. 2-7-0, b. Dedham, of John .^ Catharine, Ireland, do. . r, n 122 Catharine, 5: 14: 07, infantile disease, a^ 0-0-2, b. Ded., ol J.Uin .V Cathar- ine, Ireland, do. 74 Ellen, 7: 4: 04, small pox, re. 2-0-0, b. Ire., of Tims. & Ellen. 71 Margaret, 5: 19: 09, congestion of brain, le. 0-11-0, b. Ded., of \\ ilHam .v Xancv, Ire., do. 149 Williani, 10: 22: 65, dysentery, le. 0-9-15, 1). Ded., of Wilham cV ^ancy. TOLTOX. 59 Lucy (Read), 8: 10: 77, congestion of brain, a-. .55-0-0, b. Md.. of Daiiud .^ Katie, Va., do. TOMPKIXS. , ^, ,. .,..,. 55 Alexander A., 6: 7: 81, phthisis pulmonalis, a". 28-0-0, h. (.eoi;.iia. <.i -v.. x & Amy, Ga., do. TOOMEY, TWOMEY. 103 Catherine (Hines), 12 : 18: 78, lieart disease, a'. 60-0-0, b. Ire., ul John .v , Ireland, do. 184 D ED HAM RECORDS. 54 Fred. P., 0: 24: 75, scarlet fever, re. 0-11-0, 1). DecL, of Patrick & Ellen, Ireland, do. 78 Josepli, 11: 29: 71, slow fever, je. 4-l-!i, 1). Dedliam, of Patrick & Ellen, Ireland, do. 13 Timothy, 2: 13 : 64, scarlet fever, te. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of Patrick & Ellen. (39 William, 8: 18: 76, consumption, a?. 75-0-0, b. Ireland, of John & Margaret, Ireland, do. TOWER. 70 Francis, 9: 1 : 7S, dysentery, re. 4-0-3, b. Ded., of Charles E. & Margaret M., Ded., X. S, 40 Hollis, 10: 9: 52, congestion of brain, re. 1-7-23, b. Ded., of Luther W. »fc I'anny E. 117 Mary (Ware), 11 : 20: 65, inflammation of stomach, re. 67-0-0, b. Xeedham, of Xath'l & Mary. 29 William P., 3: 22: 69, water on brain, re\ 0-2-4, b. Ded., of Charles E. & Margaret M., Ded., N". S. TOWLE. 6 Mary (Jones), 4 : 19 : 66, bronchitis, re. 70-0-0, b. Ire. TOWNE. 57 Ann R. (Newell), 6:4: 65, childbed fever, re\ :32-2-4, b. Dover, of Jesse & Permelia. 45 John H., 8:3: 49. dysentery, re. 2-0-0, b. Ded., of John & . TRACY. 116 Alice P., 11: 12: 87, broncho pneumonia, re. 1-0-14, b. Ded., of Andrew »fc Theresa, Ire., N. B. 17 Andrew, 2: 28: 60, croup, re. 3-8-9, b. Ded., of Jas. & Mary. 102 Catherine (Rogers), 12: 12: 76, old age, re. 75-0-0, b. Ire., of Andrew & Grace, Ire., do. 49 Mary, 9: 12: .58, consumption, re. 46-0-0, b. Ireland. 23 Mary A., 9: 11 : 67, cholera infantum, re. 0-5-26, b. Ded., of Patrick & Catha- rine, Ire., do. 76 Patrick, 8: 2s: 79, dysentery, re. 78-8-0, b. Ire., of Owen & . 97 Thos., 8: 1: 61, drowning, re.. 33-0-0, b. Ire., of Peter & Rose, Ire., do. [soldier.] TRAM PLEASURE, TR0MPLEA8URE. 79 , 8: 5: 67, , re. 0-0-1, b. Ded., s. of Thos. & *Helen, *GIenliam X. Y., Woonsocket R. I. 97 Eliz'h,ll: 18: 8.5, angina pectoris, re\ 81-1-17, b. Eng., of & -. Eng.,do. TREEN. 10 Joseph, 8: 22: 70, cholera morbus, re. 65-4-26, b. N. S., of Henry & J^illace, Dover N. Y., do. TREFREY. 92 Adda L., 10: 18: 63, iiitlam. of bowels, re'. 11-9-9, b. Ded., of James & ]\Iary S., Marblehead, Canton. 16 James, 10 : 7 : 48, old age, re'. 79-0-0. 42 Mary S. (Shepard), 2: 8: 71, consumption, re'. 4()-6-21, b. Canton, of Nathaniel & . ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 185 TEESCOTT. 59 Elijah, 12: 18: 59, paralysis, w. 7(5-9-0, b. Dorcli., of Ebenezer & Deborah. TRIPP. 26 Phebe S., 3: 13: 49, croup, a\ S-9-0. TROWBRIDGE. 81 Agnes, 9:5:81, dysentery, se. 2-5-21, b. Hudson, of Augustus S. & Ada, Canada, Ledyard Ct. TUBES. 09 Benj. H.. 0: 29: 54, cholera, ;e. 49-0-0, b. Hanson. 01 Elvira, 9: 17: 51, dropsy, te. 17-0-0, b. Ded., of Benj. II. & . GS Shepard, 3:4: 58, consumption, le. 21-0-0. b. Ded., of Benj. & Y . A. L. TUCKER. 9 , 8 : 20 : 40, dysenter j% aj. 2-0-0, b. , of Geo. & . 82 , 10: 1: 78, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Thos. & Eliza, Eng., Vt. 30 Eliz. (Mann), w. of Geo. W., 11:21: 44, puerperal fever, le. 21-0-0, b. Ded., of Herman & . 118 Geo. E., 10: 24: 88, heart dis., :o. 08-7-25, b. Canton, of Xathan & Hannah, Canton, Randolph. 170 (D. at Chicago, 111.) J. J., 1: 13: 64, consumption, re. :J6-:)-7, b. Halifax Vt., s. of Amos & Amanda, Halifax Vt., do. 148 Mary (Orne), 10: 19: 6.5, apoplexy, je. 71-0-4, b. Corinth Vt., of Jos. & Jane. 27 Rebecca, 9:9: .50, liver comp., re. 70-5-9, b. Milton, of Jeremiaii & Rebecca. 31 Susanna (Ford), 4: 24: 57, old age, te. 90-1-21, 1). Milton, of Xatlian & Waitstill. TULLY. 4 Eliza (Kernan), 1:8:85, pneumonia, ro. 75-0-0, b. Ire., of ^Matthew & Eliza (Lynch), Ire., do. 51 Martin, 9: 20: 53, dis. of brain, re. 0-10-0, b. Ded., of :\rartin & ]SIary. 5 Michael, 1 : 21: 84, old age, a\ 98-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Sibbel, Ire., do. TUPPER. 85 Ellen (Carey), 11:19: 86, phthisis, re. 2.5-0-0, b. N. S., of Geo. ^: Eliza, N. S., do. 56 Ellen, 6: 18: 87, bronchial pneumonia, re. 0-8-0, b. Ded., of William F. & Ellen, ]>^-. S., do. 44 Eva G., 5: 23: 87, measles, re. 1-10-0, b. J)ed., of AVm F. & Ellen, X. S., dd. TURLEY. ;j3 John, 3: 10: 06, consumption, re\ 42-0-0, b. Ire. TURNER. 36 Amelia L., 8: 26: 59, cholera infantum, re'. 0-10-0, b. Ded., of Francis iS: Amelia B. 24 Betsey, 5:8: 65, old age, re. 75-0-0, b. Ded., of Ilezekiah & Betsy. 155 Chas. W., 4: 11: 64, consumption, re'. 42-6-0, b. Ded., of Ilezekiah iK: Sally P.. Dedham, Boston. 64 Edward, 7: 20: 75, tuberculosis, re'. 29-6-0, b. Boston, of Otis & H. Cordelia. Boston, do. 68 Eliza, 8: 28:68, , re. 40-0-0, b. Ire. 68 Francis E., 11 : 5: 55, scarlet rash, a'. 0-:3-13, b. Ded., of Francis »S: Amelia B. 186 DEDHAM RECORDS. 161 Henrietta E., ():2(i: (34, congestion, ie. 7-2-0, b. Boston, of Charles & Ilen- rietta G. 4 Hezekiah, 1:3: 04, lieart dis., ;e. 72-0-0, b. Ded., of Ilezek'li & , Ded., . — (D. at Canton) Jemima (Draper), w. of James, 0: 14: 5(3, , a'. 9i)-10-7, b. Ded., of Eben'r & Sybil. 34 Lavina R. (Richards), w. of Francis, 0: 7: 52, consumption, re. 23-4-15, b. jS'ewport N. H., of Leonard »S: Phebe. 60 Martha R., 0: 10: 51, fever, te. 1:3-0-0, b. Ded., of Sabin & . 5 Mary A. (Taubert), 1 : 15: 82, carcinoma of stomach, », 69-10-0, b. N. Y. City, of & Mary A. (Fairlee), Germ., N. Y. City. 64 Sabin, 10: 24: 51, fever, te. 55-0-0, b. Ded. 66 Sally (Pratt), 4: 25: 54, consumption, ee. 54-0-0, b. Rox., of Wm. & Rutli. 57 Silence, 2:12: 47, , re. 78-0-0. TUTTLE. 38 , 2: 11 : 75, stillborn, b. Ded., of Levi F. & Rosa B., Dedham, W. Tliom- aston Maine. 106 Clara T., 11: 26: 81, consumption, se. 18-8-0, b. Manlius X. Y., of Martin W. & Lucy M., Bennington Vt., Geddes X. Y. 114 Clarissa A., 11: 10: 87, premature birth, :e. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of Julius II. & Jennie C, Littleton, Ded. 33 Eleanor M., 3: 22: 89, pneumonia, ;c. 0-11-2.5, b. Boston, of Geo. S. & Mary Stillman, Ilamden Ct., Wetherslield Ct. 167 Lizzie F., 1: 0: 64, consumption, te. 1-4-0, b. Roxbury, of John & Eliza J., Madbury X. II., Canton. 7 Malvina W. (Twaing), 1: 29: 58, consumption, 25-4-0, b. Orleans, of Eben'r & Mary. 77 Martin W., 9: 17: 76, peritonitis, a\ 44-0-2, b. Little Falls X. Y., of Chauncey & Dolly W., Xorth Haven Ct., Deerfield. 87 Mary E., 2:5: .57, consumption, re. 0-10-28, b. Ded., of Levi & Louisa. 39 RosaB. (Achorn), 2: 14: 75, urtemia, a'. 24-11-2, b. Rockland Me,, of Henry & Harriot A., Waldoboro Me., . TWITCHELL. 79 Chas. W., 11 : 9: 86, empyema, te. 17-3-12, b. Ashland, of Edw. P. & Emma F.^ Sherborn, Attica X. Y. TWOMEY. («ee al>")-0-0. VAX BRUNT. 28 Gershom G., 12: 17: O:!, pleurisy, a'. 0:J-0-0, b. X. J., of Xiciiolas ,\: Kli/'ii (Jaques). VAX HOEVEXliURG. 112 Clara A. (Hill), 12 : 12: 82, pulmonary consuniplion, a. 28-4-12, b. Ded.. of (Jeo. AV. & [Martha A., K. I., Me. VAX WAGEXEX. 01 Willi.s 8:5: 8:], peritonitis, a'. 44-5-10, b. Sharon X. Y., of Pynier iS: Kmily Goodyear, Sharon X. Y., Lawyersville X. Y. VARXEY. 28 , 10: 28: 40, bowel conip., a. 8-0-0, b. Ded., of (Jideon & . 27 Maliala, w. of Gideon, 11 : 26 : 40, fever, a. 20-0-0. 17 Mahala, 11 : 2: 48, fever, a. 28-0-0. VAUGIIX. 8 Edward, 2: 14: 58, dropsy, a. 47-0-0. VEXXER. 88 Margaret E., 10: 18: 84, marasmus, a. 0-:3-0, b. Ded., of \Valter l^ Eli/Zii IT.. Richmond Me., Lowell. VIXCEXT. 05 — , 5: 0: 88, stillborn, b. Ded., s. of Chas. & Mary J., Eng., Ire. VOGEL. 72 Henry W., 0: 13: 02, teething, ;e. I-()-24. b. Ded., of AUu'rt I'v: Martha, Germ., do. 28 >Vm., 5: 10: 58, lung fever, a. 8-11-0, b. Ded., of Jos. & Flora. VOLK. 91 Adeline S., 10: 14: 84, cholera infantum, a. 0-10-15, b. Ded., of Leo & Celia, Jioston, do. 30 Rosa L., 3: 19: 81, drowning, a. 2-7-1:], b. Boston, of Leo & Celia, Boston, do. VOLLERT. 20 Amelia B., 2: 24:81, eclampsia infantum, a'. 0-1-9, b. Ded., of Wm. E. .'<: Susannah (Selcer), Germ., do. 50 Eva (Bayer), 7: 29: 77, consumption, a. 29-3-0, 1». Germ., of Kasper A: Mary, Gerin., do. VOSE. 50 Abby H., 8: 26: 55, dropsy, a. ;]2-0-0, 1). Boston, of Thos. iK: Aliigail <;. 72 Abigail G. (Howe), 10: 17: 78, congestion of lungs, a. 88-0-28, b. Dorcii.. of Geo. & Mary A., Dorch., do. 101 Henry M., 12: 2: 80, suicide, a-. 50-0-0, b. Boston, of Thos. iS:. .\liigail, Dorch., do. 188 DEDHAM RECORDS. WADE. 38 Edw., 4: 17: 80, pneumonia, fe. 55-0-0, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 36 Mary (Coughlin), 4: 22: 76, paralysis, a>. 54-0-0, b. Ire., of Daniel & Cather- ine, Ire., do. 96 Wm., 8: 7: 88, consumption, fe. 78-0-0, b. Ire., of John & Margaret, Ire., do. WAGNER. I 84 Prank, 10: 5: 09, croup, fe. 4-l-2::5, b. Ded., of John P. & Josephine, France, { Germ. I 125 (D. at Boston) Jacob I., 4: 16: 89, diphtheria, te. .5-3-8, b. Boston, of Jacob & Amelia, Germ., Boston. ! 85 Josephine, 10: 11: 69, cholera infantum, te. 0-2-0, b. Ded., of John P. & Josephine, France, Germ. 105 Peter, 8: 17: 62, drowning, te. 33-0-0, b. Luxeml)urgh. of Tean & Maria. WAITE. 74 Chas., 10: 31 : 71, marasmus, a\ 0-5-11, b. Bridgewater, of James H. L. & Lucinda, Deerfield, Bernardston. 68 Mary E. (Adams), 7 : 12 : 65, consumption, w. 27-2-4, b. Attleboro, of Charles & j Mary J . WAKEFIELD. 13 Jane (Perry), [w. of Thomas L.], 3:25: .53, [heart disease], ;e. 32-[10]-;3, b. Brookline Vt., of Wm. & Lura. 85 Thos. L., 0: 21: 88, disease of spinal cord and brain, te. 71-0-0, b. London- | derry Vt., of Thos. B. & Submit (Ross), Londonderry Vt., Ashby. WALDRON. 131 Alfred, 12: 2: 88, convulsions, re. 0-0-1, b. Ded., of James G. & Hannah J. ! (Guiney), Warrensburg N". Y., Cambridge. WALES. 93 Alfred D. S., 10: 11 : 79, diphtheria, te. 3-1-7, b. Ded., of Samuel M. & Abbie S., Roxbury Vt., Williamstown Vt. 67 Martha A. (Sigourney), 7: 30: 75, dis. of bowels, te. 63-9-15, b. JJoston, of Daniel & Martha W. 95 Mary (Eastman), w. of Asa B., 9: 29: 89, brain disease, te. 84-11-3, b. Dresden Me., of Hubbard & Mary, Dresden Me., do. 71 NasonG., 8: 11: 85, gastro-enteritis, re. 2-9-17, b. Ded., of Samuel M. & Abbie S., Roxbury Vt., AVilliamstown Vt. .35 Samuel, 6: 19: 60, consumption, re. 56-8-2.5, b. Stoughton, of Samuel & Mary j C, Braintree, Milton. 1 WALKER. 93 John P., 8: 1: 88, meningitis, re. 0-0-24, b. Ded., of John & Nettie H., N. Y. j City, Quincy. | WALL, WALLS. ; 55 Catharine (Quinn), 11 : 23: 69, old age, re'. 79-5-0, b. Ireland, of & Ellen, j Ireland, do. 50 Wm., 11:7: 59, inllam. of lung, re. 65-0-0, 1). Ire. i 64 William, 7: 24: 8.5, tetanus infantum, re'. 0-0-3, b. Ded., of William i*«c Mary, i Nova Scotia, Dedham. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 189 WALLxVCE, 48 Stephen B., G: 26: 84, phthisis, ai. 26-8-12, b. Petersburg A'a., of Dennis A: Emily J., Petersburg Ya., Kaleigh Va. W ALLEY, WOLLEY. 68 Edward J,, 7: 7: 90, consumption, te. ;M-5-8, b. Ded., of James & Julia (Brogan), Canada, Ire. 58 Edwin A., 7 : 10 : 79, softening of brain, te. 57-8-0, \^. Sterling, of Jos. & . 97 Eliz'h J., 12: 25: 72, lung fever, le. 62-2-2.5, b. Ire., of & , Ire., do. 85 James H., 9: 4: 49, whooping cough, aj. 0-10-1, b. Ded., of Jas. & . 47 Jos. H., 5: 14: 81, cerebro spinal meningitis, te. 5-11-0, b. Ded., of Howell :sr. & Mary A., Boston, Ire. 45 Sarah J., 5:4: 81, consumption, to. 30-10-14, b. Dedham, of James & Ellen, Canada, Ire. AVALSH {See Wekli). WALTON. 134 (D. at Boston) Eliz'h A., 3: 14: 87, Bussey Bridge accident, te. 16-:^,-14, b. Needham, of Jacolj & Kate, Andover, Boston. 14 Frank L., 1 : 27 : 89, heart disease, se. 10-0-7, b. Taunton, of Jacob & Kate E. (McLaughlin), S. Andover, Boston. 56 Horace C, 5: 29: 83, convulsions, re. 1-1-1, b. Ded., of Horace M. & LydiaE. Salem, Gloucester. WARD. ^ , ^ 39 Abigail (Mixer), 6 : 1 : 86, consumption, te. 69-7-19, b. Boston, ot Charles c\^ Mehitable (Smith), N. H., Ded. 83 Caleb B., 11:13: 86, consumption, te. 73-6-9, b. Ashburnliam, of Jacob & Sarah W., Ashburnham, do. 86 Edw. L., 9: 30: 85, oedem of lungs, ve. 62-2-0, b. Wilton Me., of \\ illiam cV; Sarah, Framingham Me.,Newburyport. 72 Nellie M., 9: 6: 78, enteritis, re. 0-6-20, b. Ded., of Frank H. & Emma J., Ded., Newport N. H. WARDLE. , ., ,,r , 70 George H., 8: 10: 71, , re. 1-6-1, b. Ded., of Robert L. cV Mary ( ., AVood- stock N. Y., Boston. , ^ t c at n 37 Mabel, 2: 9: 68, inflam. of bowels, re. 0-0-7, b. Ded., of Robert L. A: Mary L., N. Y.. Boston. 23 Mary S. (Van Buren), 3: 15: 82, acute Bright's dis., re. 80-2-15, 1). Phila. Pa., of Abraham & Mary S. WARE. 08 Huldah G. (Hale), 8: 14: 76, hepatitis, re. 68-0-0. WARNOCK. , , V c 11 83 Mary F., 8: 4: 6.5, dysentery, re. 4-0-0, b. Ded., of Samuel L. .V ^arali .1. 77 Samuel L., 7: 25: 65, dysentery, re. 37-0-0, b. Ire., of Richard X Ann. WARREN. . , ,or,-o,. ^- Mn-v 21 Eliz'h, 2: 8: 73, disease of brain, re'. 72-5-18, b. Leominster, ot Olnti ^ .m.u>. Littleton, Boston. 190 DEDHAM RECORDS. 69 Erank, 9: 7: OS, cholera infantum, a-. 0-1-0, b. Ded., of Frank & Delia, Salem, Box. 44 Mary (Walker), 7: 5: 61, old age, a'. 91-10-23, b. Boston, of Wm. & Mary, Boston, do. WASHBURN. 49 Lydia (Shaw), 4: 28: 68, consumption, te. 72-8-23, b. Eaynliam, of Jona. & Lydia G. WASHINGTON. 53 Geo., 3: 2."^: 04, erysipelas, fe. . [soldier.] WATEBS. 74 Hannah L. (Leland), 10: 24: 7:3, paralysis, ie. 59-10-26, b. Ded., of Richard & Hannah, Ded., do. weathb:rbee. 36 Alfred F., 4: 9: 75, brain fever, a?. 36-;3-0, b. Ded., of Comfort & Unity F., Ded., Walpole. Z'i Comfort, 3: 31: 75, lung fever, te. 62-4-11, b. Ded., of Comfort »& Eeney, Ded., do. 40 David, 10: 9: 46, old age, m. 83-0-0, b. Ded. 8 Edvv., 1 : 29: 80, diphtheria, it. 37-10-29, b. Ded., of Jesse & Louisa, Ded., do. 19 Fred'k, 2: 0: 80, diphtheria, a?. ;34-ll-6, b. Ded., of Jesse & Louisa, Ded., do. ;30 James, 5:8: 5.5, , fe. 70-0-0. 62 Jesse, 7: 13: 75, obstruction of bowels, te. 59-5-0, b. Ded., of Jabez & Sally, Ded., do. 26 JohnE., 3: 20: 84, chronic hepatitis, w. 65-10-11, b. Ded., of Jabez & Sally, Ded.. do. 37 John H., 4: 26: 73, scarlet fever, a?. 7-11-9, b. Ded., of John E. & Harriet A., Ded., do. 121 Louis F., 4: 27: 03, croup, re. ;3-l-24, b. Ded., of Franklin D, & Maria S., Ded., do. 13 Lucy (Morse), 3: 22: 54, old age, a?. 88-9-20, b. Ded., of Ezra & Mary. 51 Lucy M. (Gay), 10: 17: 54, paralysis, a?. 29-6-17, b. Walpole, of Benj. N. & Nancy. 52 Millicent, 10: 20: 50, old age, fe. 9:5-0-0. 97 Milly C. (Richards), 11: 18: 78, asthma, ie. 70-11-18, b. Ded., of Moses & Hannah, Ded., do. 119 Moses, 11 : 21 : 65, lung fever, a?. 64-3-10, b. Ded., of Comfort & Reney. — (D. at J3oston) Reuben, 1 : 27 : 52, palsy, re. 52-0-0, b. Ded., of Comfort & Irene. 8 Sally (Endicott), w. of Jabez, 3: :31 : .52, lung fever, re. 59-11-12, b. Ded.. of John & Mary. 127 Susannah, 10: 14: 61, old age, se. 92-10-15, b. Ded.. of Benj. & Susanna, Ded., Westmoreland. 35 Unity, w. of Comfort, 3: 31: 47, fever, re. 25-0-0, b. Waljiole. WEATHERS. 7 Jennie E., l : 19: 82, diphtheria, :e. 4-0-3, b. Ded., of Isaac W. & Martha M., N. S., Ded. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 191 AVEBB. 54 Betsey J. (Banuird), 1): 5:55, typhoid lever, te. 28-0-0, li. Cliiiiiemonl. (it.Ti.lin & Almira. 5G Edna J., 9: 8: 55, consumption, a". 0-0-13, b. Ded., of John & ]}etsy J. 55 Edw. A., 9: (5: 55, consumption, a'. 0-0-11, b. Ded., of John A: Betsy J. 48 Harriet A., 2: 25: 50, typlioid lever, je. 19-11-0, b. Ded., of Moses E. & Rebecca. 19 Ilicliard, 8:1: 47, fits, te. 7G-0-0. 90 Wilhird, 10: 14: 85, paralysis, se. 75-0-0, b. Ded., of Ebenezer cS: J.ucy. Ded , Shirley. WEBBER, WEBER. 37 Abba S. C. (Smith), 4: 28: 82, old age, se. 81-8-0, b. Siiaron, of Israel iS: Zipora, Sharon, do. 89 Alfred, 9: 18: 67, cholera morbus, je. 4-0-7, b. Ded., of Anthony & Johanna, Germ., do. 34 Arnold R.. 5: 11: 87, heart dis., :e. 0-6-7, b. Ded., of Rudolph cK: Bertha S., Switz., Ded. 100 Chas., 12: 0: 78, indam. of bowels, a?. 13-8-0, b. Ded., of Antonio & Johanna, Germ., do. 29 Everett E., 4: 20: 74, lung fever, re. 1-2-20, b. Ded., of Emerson B. i^- Christy, WareN. H., P. E.I. 76 Jason L., 8::j0: 75, consumption, a\ 62-0-10, b. Kennebunk Me. 108 Johanna (Runge), w. of Anton. 10: 10: 87, paralysis, :e. 49-7-21, b. Germ., of Chas. & Johanna, Germ., do. WEBSTER. 32 Benj. M. E., 2:5: 64, scarlatina, te. 5-7-0, b. Buffalo X. Y., of J. 2:3-0-0, b. Xew Canaan Ct. [soldier. 1 88 T. Clement, 10: 22: 78, heart dis., je. 28-2-0, b. Maiden, of Otis II. cV Susan, X. Brookfield, Boston. WEEKS. 11 Edw. F., 2:2: 57, lung fever, i^. 0-0-7, b. Ded., of Luther C. & Martha. 60 Emma F., 10: 4: 55, lung fever, a?. 1-8-14, b. Ded., of Luther C. & Martha. 6 Frances E. (Fish), w. of Henry W., 1:4: 88, dis. of liver, a'. 41-8-2;], 1). Ded., of Jas. F. & Frances M., Salem, Ded. 10 Geo. L., 2: 13: 51, lung fever, a-. 4-10-4, b. Stoneham, of Luther C. & Martiia. 30 Henrietta, 7::30:54, cholera infantum, a. 0-6-10, b. Ded.. of Luther C. & Martha. 61 Luther C. 7: 26: 84, .softening of brain, a'. 6.5-0-8, b. Danville Vt., of Peaslee & Sally, . Canterbury Vt. 192 DEDHAM RECORDS. 11 Xathan E., 2: 17: 51, lung fever, fe. 2-9-7, b. Stoneham, of Lutlier C. & Martha. 13 Nathan O., 1 : 10 : 73, consumption, re. 30-2-2, b. Ded., of Luther C. & Martha, Danville Yt., Andover. WELCH, WALSH, WELSH. 40 Catharine (Kilroy), 9: 30: 59, cholera morbus, te. 42-1-0, b. Ire., of Thomas & Elizabeth. 4 Ellen C, 1 : 23: S3, scarlatina, te. 0-1-24, b. Ded., of William B. & Fanny L., i^. B., Boston. 129 Frank, 11 : 7: 67, consumption, ?e. 24-3-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Mary, Ire, do. 19 Henry, 1 : 6: 64, apoplexy, ce. 40-0-0, b. Ireland, [soldier.] 5 John, 7: 7: 70, stoppage, re. 0-2-19, b. Ded., of Stephen & Johanna, Ire., do. 12 John, 7: 20: 71, old age, re. 81-3-0, b. Ire., of Thos. & Mary, Ire., do. 16 LiiluF., 2: 19: 8:3, nephritis, re. 3-10-17, b. Ded., of Wm. B. & Fanny L., X. B., Boston. 72 Maggie, 8: 20: 85, marasmus, re. 0-.5-29, b. Dedham, of Thomas F. & Mary A., West Koxbury, Ireland. 80 Mary, 9: 19: SO, marasmus, re. 0-1-21, b. Boston, of Wm. & Mary, Ire., do. 30 Mary A. (Welch), 4: 11:85, pneumonia, re. 29-1-7, b. Ire., of Jas. & Mary, Ireland, do. 91 (D. atMaynard) Mary E. (Wilton), 9: 10: 89, , re. .38-4-0, b. Ireland, of Patrick & , Ireland, do. 104 Patrick, 10: 31: 68, dis. of lungs, a\ 28-11-15, 1). Ireland, of Patrick & Mary W., Ireland, do. 82 Sarah (Anderson), 9: 18: 79, paralysis, re. 75-;3-7, b. Ireland, of Archibald & Sarah, Ireland, do. 76 Stephen, 12: 10: 64, convulsions, re. 0-0-16, b. Ded., of Stephen & Hannah, 183 Thos., 3: 25: 64, consumption, re. :33-0-0, b. Ire., of Patrick & Charlotte, Ireland, do. 20 Wm., 2 : 9 : 80, accident, re. 29-;3-0, b. Ireland, of Jas. «fc Mary, Ire., do. WELD. 75 (D. at Wareham) ]^athrop M., 8: 18: 82, drowning, re. 8-0-23, b. Ded., of Stephen M. & Eloise R., West Roxbury, Milton. 89 Maria L. (Davis), w. of Jos. R., 8: 28: 90, anremia, re. 70-3-28, b. W. Rox., of Joel & Sophia R. (Mayo), Roxbury, do. 100 Stephen M., 9: 17: 87, heart dis., re. 17-0-15, b. Ded., of Stephen M. & Eloise R., West Roxbury, Milton. WELLER. 68 Florentine (Schwedler), 8: 5: 70, dysentery, re. 2;3-;3-3, b. Germ., of Charles A. & Caroline, Germany, do. WENNER. 20 Millie C, 10: 30: 68, scarlet fever, re. 7-6-0, b. Dedham. WENTWORTH. 46 Alonzo B., 4: 21: 89, meningitis, re. 1-7-27, b. Ded., of Alonzo B. & Isabella S. (Goodwin), Somersworth N. H., Sanford Me. 10 Charles H., 6 : 21 : 44, drowned, re. 5-0-0. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. \\\:\ 87 Chas. M., 11: 27: 8(5, R. \\. accident, ;e. 34-9-27, b. Berwick Me., of Ciias. H. & Sarah H., liochester K. H., Somersworth X. II. S3 (D. at Anchorage, Ky.) Eben C, 9: 8: 81, killed on railroad, :e. :]!t-10-0, b. Sanford Me., of Amasa & Susan W., Me., do. 77 Katherine, 8: 30: 79, teething, a\ 0-(i-9, b. Ded., of Alonzo 1',. & Isabel, Somersworth N. H., Sanford JSIe. 98 Susan W. (Norrell), 3: 27: m, heart dis., te. 73-9-2(5, b. Sanford Me., of El)enT & Mary (Hill), York Me., Sanford Me. WESLEY. 44 Hattie, 3: 31 : 88, dis. of l)rain, ;e. 40-0-0, b. Southern State. WEST. 65 \Vm., 7: 20: 81, consumption, le. :i3-l-8, 1). X. S., of Win. ^: Margaret (McDorman), X. S., do. AVETMORE. 75 Eunice M., 10: 27: 8(5, diphtheria, iu. 2-7-7, b. Ded., of Jas. II. .. 27-3-4, b. Ded., of Moses & Ann J. (Beal), Ded., Milton. 3 Wm. B., 1 : 15: 8:3, pneumonia, a?. 2:3-5-20, b. Ded., of Moses & Ann J., Ded., Milton. WHITMARSII. 40 Geo. S., 2: 24: 65, scarlatina, te. 18-0-0, b. Dighton. [soldier.] WHITNEY. 45 Emily A., 10: 11 : 44, fever, a?. 24-0-0, 1). Natick. 49 Mary M., 4: 24: 90, enlargement of liver, a'. 92-0-20, b. Athol, of Jabez & Eliz'h (Mayo), Box., Warwick. 58 Sarah W., 9: 23: .55, dis. of brain, a\ 1-4-0, b. Ded., of Samuel S. & Sarah. 41 Samuel S., 7: 15: 44, cliolera infantum, a^. 0-10-0. ;57 Samuel S., 6: 33: 5.5, paralysis, w. 40-.5-2.5, b. Natick, of Geo. & Esther. WHITTEMOKE. 34 Nath K., 10: 5: 47, consumption, aj. :3.5-0-0. WHITTEX. 23 Anna C, 4: 13: 86, consumption, a'. 19-1-2:3, b. Boston, of Abram & Ruth (Warren), Plymouth, do. 24 Ewiug B., 2: 24: 89, consumption, a'. 28-0-29, b. Plymouth, of Al)el c\: Ruth W. (Sears), Plymouth, do. WIIITTIER. 20 Harriet E. (Rice), 11: 14: 65 , ie. 47-0-0, b. Andover, of Daniel & Maria (i. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 197 WIDE.MAX. 2 Metiis, 1 : 20: 62, coiisiimption, le. 32-0-0, 1». (Jerui. WIGGIX. 109 Catharine L., 10: 24: Gl, consumption, w. ::r)-')-14, li. Dedhani, of Rufiis iV: Hannah, Dedham, do. 9 Herbert A., 2: 22: 58, cliolera infantum, ;l'. O-U-IC, b. Dedhani, of Andrew «fc Catharine L. 87 Eussell li., 4: 11: 04, croup, a'. 1-10-0, b. Dedham. of Thomas c'v: Charlotte S., Dedham, do. 3.5 Thomas, 8: 5:58, disease of brain, ;e. (iO-4-0, b. Stratton X. II., of Aaron iS: Rachel C. 2 Thos., 1: 3: 79, anaemia, se. 49-0-0, 1). Harmony Me., of Thos. iS: Eliza W.. Strathara X. H., Washington 1). C. WIGHT. 57 Abigail K. (Richardson), w. of Aaron AV\, G: 23: 87, old age. ;e. 9(i-(!-l9, b. Holliston, of Ezra & Jemima (Lovell), JNIedway, do. 5 Charles 8., 1: 7: 87, consumption, a*. 52-9-10, b. Ded., of Joel «& Rebecca M., Dedham, do. 34 Danforth P., G: 8: 74, paralysis, a. 82-4-0, b. Ded., of Ebenezer & Catharine, Ded., do. 72 Danforth P., 7: 12: 90, septicaemia, a\ 50-1-9, b. X. Y. City, of Edw. & Caroline (Stimson), Dedham, do. 43 Ebenezer, 2: 14: 71, apoplexy, re. 67-4-G, b. Ded., of Ebenezer & Catliarine, Dedham, do. G8 Eliza W. (Fuller), w. of Eleazer, 5: 13: 88, pneumonia, te. 80-2-2:i, b. Walpole. of Joel & Susan (Billings), , Canton. 82 Hannah (Fisher), w. of Jason, 9: 4: 51, dropsy, ;j. G2-4-2'), b. Sliaron, of Jacob & Sarah. GO Joel, 8: 20: 8G, ossification of valves of heart, ;e. 80-0-11, b. Ded.. of Joel cS: Lois (Holmes), Ded., do. 7 (D. at Walpole) John K., 1 : G: 88, shock, :e. (;9-5-lG. 1). Medway. of Aaron W. «& Abigail E., Medway, Holliston. 19 Joseph, 1: 30: 73, consumption, ;e. G5-G-5, b. Ded., of Andrew \' Margaret, Dedham, Canton. 49 Margaret (Col)bett), w. of Andrew, 8: 24: .5.-., consumi)tion, a". 72-G-lO, b. Ded., of Philip & Mary. 70 XTath'l, 9: 3: 48, consumption, ic. 38-0-0. 38 Rebecca (Gay), 4: 2G: 80, pleuro pneumonia, se. G9-7-17, b. Ded.. ol'.biel i\: Polly, X. H., Ded. 94 Samuel, 7: 23: 57, consumption, le. 71-0-0, 1). Ded., of Jos. A: . 165 Samuel, 11: 8: 04, palsy, :e. 87-0-0, b. Ded., of Joseph A: .Aliriam L.. Dedhani, Stoughton. 54 SophiaD. (Churchill). 7: 5: 72, heart disease, :e. :!4-ll 27. b. Fairh'c \ t., ol Wm. L. & Minerva, Fairlee Vt., do. 86 Susan E., 9: 4: 89, consumption, a-. 22-11-22, )•. AVindsor \t ..r ( h:is. s. \ Sophia D. (Churchill), Ded., Post Mills Yt. 198 DEDIIAM RECORDS. 80 AVm. C, 9:5: 82, constriction of bowel, te. 19-0-2, b. Meriden Ct , of Charles S. & Sophia I)., Ded., W. Fairlee Vt. WILBUR. 5 Lucy M. (Gay), w. of Augustus, 1: 8: 89, typhoid pneumonia, te. 44-5-21, b. Boston, of Albert & Calista B. (Knight), Ded., Coventry Vt. WILD. 38 , 10: 12: 47, , ;e. . 21 Minna (Fischer), w. of Emil, 0: 29: .52, consumption, fe. 25-(i-0, b. Germany, of Bernard & Maria. 25 Minna, 8: 8: .52, bowel comp., te. 0-:3-10, b. Ded., of Emil & Minna. AVILKINSOX. 12 Ezra, 2:0: 82, paralysis, te. 80-11-23, 1). Wrentham, of Noah & Hannah (Cheever), Wrentham, do. 14 Ware, 9:1: 71, mortification of foot, a\ 70-4-2, b. Townsend Vt., of Elijah & , AVeston, Townsend. WILLARD. 58 Sally. 7: 27: 48, old age, ?e. 74-0-0. 35 William, 11: 19: 71, old age, oe. 79-0-0, b. Eng. WILLCUTT. 17 Elbridge G., 2: 15: 85, endocarditis, ie. 4-1-8, b. Ded., of Lyman D. & Mer- riel L., Cohasset, do. WILLIAMS. .57 , 12: 31 : 47, consumption, re. 35-0-0. 10 Charles, 2: 21: 70, pneumonia, re. 39-0-0, b. Fayville. 1:30 Sally, 12: 18: 07, dropsy, re. OI-O-O, b. Easton. WILLIAMSON. 7 Martin W., 1 : 3J: 83, erysipelas, re. 59-7-0, b. Eng., of & , Eng., do. WILLIE. 82 Louis, 9: 2: 82, heart dis., re. 45-10-0, b. France, of John & Agatha, Switz., 1 ranee. WILLIS. 28 Lyman, 2: 28: 88, bronchitis, re>. 89-0-20, b. Bridgewater, of Jonah & Abigail, Bridgewater, do. WILSON, WILLSON. :39 Alexander, 2: IS: 04, delirium tremens, a'. . [soldier.] 29 Frank S., 8: 19: 51, dysentery, re-. 1-0-8, b. Clinton, of Jacob & Betsy. 51 (D. at Charlestown) George, 9: 13: .5(), canker rash, re\ 0-5-;5, b. Ded., of Jos. & Eliza. 25 Geo.. 4: 3: 77, suicide, a'. 43-0-0. 30 John F., 7:9: .53, erysipelas, re. 02-0-25, b. Need., of John & Abigail. .59 Lucia N. (Mann), 10: 12: 74, humor, a". 00-10-25, b. Ded., (^T Herman A: Sarah II., Led., Boston. 181 (D. at \Valpole)Lucy (Cai)en), 3: IS: 04, dis. of lungs, re. GS-11-). b. Ded., of Nathaniel & [Submit.] 41 Maria O., 10: 15: 52, consumption, a'. :52-7-8, b. Ded., of John F. & Polly. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 109 47 Molly ^lugalls), 10:14:5!), old age, a-. '.);]-S-17, b.;,nou, of Ki.hraini \-, Mary. 16 Polly S. (Osgood),l: 18: 74, paralysis, re. 78-G-O, b. Woodstock \'t., of iV Molly. (57 Reuben S., 11 : 20: 74, consumption, te. 08-11-24, b. Pelham, of Wni. ^ . 18 (D. at Boston) Samuel S., 1: -Ih: i»0, Bright's dis., ;c. 70-0-0, b. fiiarh-stown, of John & , Charlestown, . oO Wm. H., 8: 20: 40, dysentery, :e. :J-8-0, b. Dcd., of Reuben S. .^ l.ucia. WINUHENBACH. 72 Oscar W., 8: 20: 84, convulsions, ic. 2-4-20, b. Boston, of Daniel iV: Sarali L.. Friendship Me., Waldoboro Me. WINCHESTER. 20 Stephen S., 4: 27: 80, alcoholism, a-. 45-0-0, b. Boston, of Stephen A: J.ucinda, Boston, Me. WINDER. 14 George, 4: 20: 08, consumption, ;e. 20-0-0, b. N. S., of Spencer & Lucy. WING. 87 Mary A., :^: 21 : 55, dis. of heart, re. 0-2-14, b. Ded., of Josiah D. & Clara D. 39 Wm. B., 5:4: 84, pleuro pneumonia, re. 35-9-0, b. Nantucket, of Geo. W. & Phronissa, Fayette, J^ewiston Me. WINS II I P. 74 Julia P. (Pettee), 12: 5: 48, consumption, re. 04-0-0. b. Ded., of Abial I'c . WINSHMAN. 12 Albert, 1: 19: 90, occlusion of bowels, ;e. 0-0-4. b. Ded.. of Clias. II. k, Augusta W. (Stein), Germ., do. 98 Carl, 10: 10:82, c.iolera infantum, re. 0-0-12, b. Ded., of Chas. A: Augusta. Germ., . WINSLOW\ 146 Eddie L., 9: 28: 65, dysentery, te. 2-G-O, b. Ded., of Geo. S. & Sarali A. 14 Herbert, 1 : 2: 70, loss of ,blood, re. 0-0-3, b. Ded , of Martin & Martlia AV.. Ded., Walpole. 25 Olive C. (Smith), 9: 17: 67, , re'. 60-2-23, b. Ded.. of .lohu cS: Anna, Dfd., .ic. 113 Susie F., 12: 24: 66, teething, re'. 1-2-28, b. Ded., of Klislia V. A: Olive .<. WINTERIIALTER. 54 Aloysius, 4: 14: 67, old age, re. 87-1-8, b. Germ., of Jolni (i. : 10: 85, .stilll)orn, b. I)ed., s. of Waldo P. & Ada E. (Sullivan), Ded., Ri(;hm()nd Vt. 117 Annie I. (White), w. of Otis W., 11 : 12:87, tuberculosis, je. 30-1-19, b. Argyle N. Y., of Jolm & Eliz'h, Ire., do. 72 Eoy C, 7: 30: 87, cholera infantum, re. 1-3-2:3, b. Ded., of Waldo T. & Ada E., Ded., Richmond Vt. WITZKIE. 56 , 6:3: 65, , te. 0-0-5, b. Ded., s. of Amnnd & Matilda. W^ODE. 57 Caroline C, 9: 17:60, cholera infantum, ;e. 0-0-3, b. Ded., of Fred'c & Car- oline E., Germ., Andover. WOKECK. 26 Geo. H., 1 : 20: 64, teething, re. 0-8-0, b. Ded., of Fred H. & Louisa. WOLCOTT. 87 Caroline M., 9: 15: 81, consumption, a*. .55-0-0, b. Portland Me., of Timothy & Jane W., Great Barrington, Minot Me. 48 John W., 6:4:8.5, pneumonia, re. 65-10-3, b. Portland Me., of Timothy & Jane Welcome, , Minot Me. W0LKIN8. 87 John P., 11 : 2: 75, heart dis., jv. 70-0-0, b. Germ. WOLLEY. (>Vr WtdUy ) WOOD, wooes. 31 Amos, 8:7: 54, apoplexy, te. 58-8-12, b. Concord, of Amos & . 71 Belcher S., 6: 29: 89, pleurisy, aj. 75-11-1.5, b. Camden Me., of Sylvester k, Laura (Thorndike), Me., do. 94 Caroline (Witherell), 12: 31 : 86, cancer, a?. 80-9-2, b. Norton, of & Lydia. 71 Caroline A. (Goodwin), 6: 7: 62, congestion of lungs, re. 4.5-0-0, b. Yassal- boro Me., of Geo. & Relief, Plymouth, Vassalboro. 9 Carrie G., 8: 1 : 70, cholera infantum, te. 0-3-22, b. Ded., of Geo. & . 10 Chas., 2: 5: 64, lung fever, te. . [soldier.] 62 Francis W., 8: 25: 57, cholera infantum, a>. 0-7-23, b. Ded., of Chas. S. & Mary A. 14 Geo. A., 3: 23: .58, . re. 10-4-0, b. Ded., of Belcher S. & Hannah. (53 Geo. IJ.. 10: 15: .5.5, cholera infantum, re. 2-3-3, b. Ded., of Oliver P. & Heulah. 18 Hannah (Whiting), 2: 12: 74, paralysis, re. .58-0-0, 1). Dedham, of Peletiah & Polly. 49 John J., 11 : 1: 02, delirium tremens, re. 28-0-0, b. Ireland, [soldier.] 86 (D. at Walpole) Lucy (Sumner), 5: 22: .59, old age, re. 82-0-0, b. Ded., of (Jeo. & Margaret. 23 Mary A. (Johnson), w. of Wm. G., 7: 20: 52, heart eonip., ;e. 4S-2-20, 1). Scot., of James & Mary. 14 Mary A. (Coburn), w. of Chas. S., 1 : 22: 8S. IJrighl's dis., a'. 53-5^'., 1). Ded., of Chas. & Hannah, Talarmo Me., Halifax. 63 Nathaniel, 8: 5: 47, old age, re. 77-0-0, b. N. II. 108 (D. at Medfield), Rebecca (Draper), 12: 26: 70, old age, w. 8.5-0-0, b. Medfield, of Jos. & , Ded., do. ABSTRACT OF DEATHS. 201 67 Eutus C, 7: 29: 85, paralysis, :l'. 07-1-29, b. I'almer, of llollis .V: Aliiiraii. 13 Susan F. (Pratt), J): 15: (51, . a?. 23-2-8, \\ Medway, of Pliilip \- Xuomi C. 88 "Wm. G., 10: 3: 0:3, consumption, n?. 47-0-0, b. Jamaica W. I., of Wm. W. I't Rachel, Eng., do. WORKMAN. 52 John B., 5:7: 90, consumption, a?. :52-n-0, 1). Ire., of Thomas & .Jane ( IJlair), Ire., do. WORTH. ( Alston, Wm., 4 Halev, John. 85 Reader. George J., 154 Anderson, Robert, 4 Hase", Beni., 89 Reim, Otto. 155 Andrews, Newell, 4 Hatton, Edw. E., 90 Rhoades, WiUard F. 156 Atchkinson, John, 5 Hawkins, James J., 91 Roberson, Silas, 159 Hayden, Thornton, 91 Wm., 159 Bartholomew, Stephen, 9 Heath, Wm., 92 Ross, Michael, 160 Bigelow, John, 12 Herring, Edwin J., 94 Blake, John. 13 Hinkley, Ambrose, 90 Seaver, M. Cutler. 164 Bovd, Milton T., 15 Homer, Elnathan L. 98 Shubart, Nicholas. 167 Brandon, John R., l(i Howard, Oramel, 99 Skinner, George, 16S Bryson, Henry L., 20 Smith, Jacob, 170 Jefferson. Austin, 103 Tliomas, 171 Carroll, Chas. W., 24 Jewett. Franklin M. 103 Spencer, Thomas, 173 Chapman, Geo. A., 27 Jolinson. E. A., 103 Stare, James W., 174 Cole, Peter, 35 George, 103 Stevens, Nelson R.. 174 Cooper, Henry, 38 George R., 103 Sturtevant, Geo. W., 176 (^ox, Edward G., 39 Sutherland, Frank, 178 Crittenden, J. B., 40 Kane, Paul, 105 Sutton, Frederick, 178 Crowell, Geo. W., 41 Keneily, James. 107 Cruse. Thomas, 41 Thayer, Horace, 180 Cunningham, John, 4:i Lathrop, Julius ]M., 113 Thomas. Erasmus, 181 Lee, Alfred, 114 Thompson, John, 181 Daley, Michael D., 43 John, 114 Sumner, 182 Diggs, John, 49 Samuel, 114 Tytus, William R., 183 Disbrow, Theodore, 49 Locklie, E., 116 Tracy, Thomas, 184 Donley, John, 51 Donovan, John, 51 McCarty, Jeremiah, 120 Washington, George 190 DoughtJ^ John, 51 McGowan, Wm., 123 Welsh, Henr.y, 192 Malby, Martin, 120 Wevsser, Charles, 193 Eddy, Seth W., 57 Marshall, Levi. 128 Whitmarsh, Geo. S., 196 Everett, Henry C, 01 Mason, Edward B., 129 Wilson, Alexander, 198 INIignault, D. R., 131 ^^'()0(l. Cliarles, 200 Finn, John, (i7 Mulroonev, Wm., 130 Wood.s, John J., 200 Francis, Benj. D., 72 Murphy, John, 137 AVorthington, Isaiah , 201 Franklin, Chester, 72 Nevin, John, 138 Young, .lohn, 201 Gibson, Robert, 78 Thomas, 201 Giftord, Henry A., 78 Owens, John, 144 PLACE INDEX. 20S PLACE INDEX. [Cities and Towns in the United States.] Abl)ott, 118. Abington, 1>, 132, 146, IG.j, 1!19. Acton, 35, 62, 138. Acworth, 116. Addison, 13, 53. Albany, 86. Albany Co., 69. Albion, 14, 17, 18, 44, 93, 120. Alexandria, 113. Alfred, 10. Alston, 73. Alton, 92. Amesbury, 17, 121. Amherst, 22, 30, 45. Anchorage, 193. Andover, 27, 28, 38, 55, 60, 66, 90, !)1, 133, 148, 181, 189, 192, 196, 200. Antietam, 90. Argyle, 200. Ashburnham, ISO. Ashby, 188. Asheviile, 137. Ashlield, :'.4. Ashford, 3:;, 69, 90, 144, 147. Ashland, 186. Assonet, 87. Athol, 48, 101, 1.50, 174, 10(i. Attica, 186. Attleboro, 7, 13, 14, 20, 31, 54, 63, 81,110, 145, 146, 164, 183, 188. Auburn, 92, 07. Augusta, 10, 42, 46, 121. Bakersfield, 34. Baldwin, 4, .55, 104, 170. J3altiniore, 7, 103, 138. Bangor, 38, 1.54, 105. Barnstable, 10, 56, 150, 182. Barre, 47, 8.5, 00, 100, 105, loii. BarringtOM, 18, 138, 139. Barton, 130. Bath, 3, 14, 24, 45, 87, 117. Bedford, 02, 148. ]ielchertown, 138, 201. Belfast, 100, 165. Bellingliam, 101, 105. Bellows Falls, 46. Bennington, 186. Benson, 34. Berlin, 08. Bernardston, 188. Berwick, 81, 117, 166, 172, 182, 103. Bethel, 2. P>ev»'rlv, 104, 167, 160. Hiddeford, 20. JMllerica, 172, 196. JJlackstone, 42, 56, 104. 123, 144, Kil, 165. Bolton, 3, 27, 67. lioonville, 150. Boothbay, W>. Bordentown, 113. Boscawen, 138, 182. Boston, on nearhf every Bow, 60. ]3oxboro, .53. 92, 150. 13 oxford, 9, 31, 106, 170. liradford, 8, 173. Braintree, 34, 30, 75. 140, 144, 178, 181, 188. Brewer, 17. Brewster, 41, 105, 135. Bridge water, 23, 32. 30, 46, 54, l(>7, 125. 148. 140, 157, 16.5, 180, 18S, 195, 108. Bridgton, 104. Brigliton, 26, 61, 77, 15i, 165. Bristol, 33, 49, 167. Brockton, 155. Brooklield, 1, .5. 9, .58, 174, 101. Brookline, 3, 61, 123, 135, 17.5. 1S8. ]Jrooklyn, 7, 71, 93, 174. Brooks, 15,5. Broonilleld, 1.59. Brunswick, 116, 181. Biicklield, 19, 32, 138. Jiiickstone, 1.50. liuffalo, 2, 101. Bull Bun. 24. Burlington, 01, 1.55. Burrellville, 8. Bus.scv Bridge, .5:5. 12<1. 140. ISl'. ISO. Buxton, .5.5. 104, 170. Calais. 02. Cambridge, 6, 17, 20, 37, ::^. ••i". T-'.. l-'f.. 131, 1.34, 181, 188, 103. Camden, 18, 101, 200. 20-1 DEDHAM RECORDS. 131, 198, 139, Campton, 28. Canaan, 14. Canandaigua, 111. Candia, (>, 97. 100. Canterbury, 6. 191. Canton, 2."7, 14, 23, 26, 31, 36, 40, 45-47, 51, 56, 59-61, 63, 64, 68, 69, 79, 81, 89, 90, 96-98, 104. lis, 124, 130, 135, 142, 147, 162, 169-173, 176, 181, 184-187, 194, 195, 197. Cape Ann, 14. Cape Cod, 182. Cape Elizalieth, 78. Cape Neddick, 87. Carver, 1. Castine, 149, 152, 1.57. Castleton, 42. Central Falls, 160. Charlemont, 191. Charleston, 144. Cliarlestown, 6, 10, 14, 24, 27, 39, 44, 75, 96. 100, 103. Ill, 112, 114, 12.5, 133, 146, 152, 164, 165, 168, 175, 191, 199. Charlton, 40, 125, 140. Chatham, 11, 31. 72, 74. 126, 127, 130, 154, 156, 172, 182, 201. Chelmsford, 129, 148, 173. Chelsea, 60, 160. Chester, .38, 82. Chester Co., 15. Chesterfield, 140. Chicago, 31, L56, 185. Chichester, 127. Claremont, 99. Clinton. 198. Cohasset, 46, 178, 198. Colerain, 194. Colorado Springs, 39. Comstock, 38. Concord, 36, 66, 86, 87, 1.59, 101, 194, 200. Conway, 18. Cooks Corner, 68. Corinth, 185. Coventry, 104, 198. Cowhegan, 146. Craftshury, 167. Cranston, 182. Culpepper, 27. Cumberland, 33, 45, 135. Cunningham, 108. Damariscotta, 15. Danbury, 15-5. Danvers, 7, 16, 172. Danville, 5, 87, 128, 192. Davton, U. ])eer Isle, 81, 104. Deerfield, 165, ISO, 188. Denmark, 157. Dennis, 34, 69, 139. Depere, 101. Derby, 17. Derry, 8. Digerson, 89. Dighton, 9, 55, 179, 193, 196. Dixfield, 157. Dorchester, 4-6, 13, 19, 20, 22. 26, 38-40, 50, 54. 62-65, 67, 71, 82, 84, 90, 91, 94, 95, 97, 99, 104, 110, 117-119, 124, 12.5, 129, 133, 139, 140, 143, 146, 155, 158, 159, 175, 185, 187, 194, 195. Douglas, 101. Dover. 3, 7, 15, 16, 20, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 44, 4(1, 49. 53, 73, 74, 84, 88, 94, 99, 103, 114, l-'L', 131, 134, 138, 1.50, 152, 156. 157, 167, 1S4, 201. Dracut, 31, 143, 164. Dresden, 80, 188, 193. Dublin, 172. Dudley, 2. 17(5. Dunbarton, 22. Dunstable, 14. 28. Durham, 116. Duxbury, 106, 116, 162. Eagle, 158. East J3ridgewater, 148, 174. East Greenwich, 88. East Hami)ton, 30. Eastham, 16. Easton, 9, 17, 23, .58, .59, 72, 144, 173, 198. Eastport, 8, 14, 18, 67, 79, 170, 174. Eaton, 179. Edgartown, 174, 175, 201. Edgecomb, 74, 147. Elizabethtown, 129. Elliot, 164. Ellsworth, 1. Enfield, 30, 92. Epping, 27. Exeter, 166. Fairfax, 182. Fairfield, 34, SO, 167. Fairlee, 28, 29, 197, 198. Fall River, 86, 149. Falmouth, 80. Farmington, 40, 149. Fayette, 199. Fayville, 198. Fitchburg, 54, 100, 142, 173, 176. Fitzwilliam, 38, 194, 196. Forks, 78. Fortress Monroe, 144. Foster, 151. Foxboro, 6, 7, 22, 35, 69, 72, 82, 120. 170, 171, 194. PLACE INDEX. i05 Framingham, 20, 23, 86, 37, DO, 104, 133, 150, ltJ7, 180, 181>. Francestown, 19, 43, 40, 77, 195, 193. Franconia, 194. Franklin, 7, 13, 20, 49, .53, 80, 91, 124, 138, 150, 163, 170, 196. Freeport, 2.5. 27. Friendship, 30, 45, 174, 199. Frostburg, 152. Galveston, 101. Gardiner, 169. Gardner, 44. Garland, 86. Geddes, 186. Georgetown, 63, 13.5, 160. Germantown, 38. Gill, 87. Gilmanton, 127. Glenhara, 184. Gloucester, 46, 47, 81, 82, 87, 101, 147, 189. Gorham, .57. Goshen, 1, 2. 150. Grafton, 5, 175. Granby, 154. Great Barrington, 200. Green, 13. Green Garden, 103. (Greenfield, 42, 65, 76, 179. Greenville, 126. Groton, 4, 68, 146, 157. Guilford, 29. Halifax, 6, 9, 16, 32, 85, 132, 171, 174, 182, 185, 2U0. Ilallowell, 31, 175, 195. Hall's Hill, 83, 92. Hamden, 186. Hamilton, 14.5, 151. Hampton, 111, 144. Hanover, 10. 12, 17, 63, 73, 80, 10-5, 128. Hanson, 40, 97, 99, 105, 1&5. Hard wick. S9. Harmony, 197. Harpsweli, 2, 92. Harrington, 69. Harrisburg, 27. Harrison, 56. Hartfonl, 9, 13. 42, 87, 104, 150. Harvard, 68, 89, 151, 162. Harwich, 129, 168. Hatfield, isi. Haudor, 151. Haverhill. 27, 3-5, 44, 6.5, 81, 98, 101, 174. Hawley, 98. Hebron, 13, 43, 140. Henniker, 13. Hill, 96. Hingliam. 10, 3^ V>% 9.5, 116, 128, 169. Hiram, 98. Holderness, 169. Hollis. 12, 168. Holliston, .3:3, 60, 64. 134, 14.5, 197. Hopkinton, 30, 33, 82, 101, 145, 17.5. Houlton, 44. Hubbard.ston, 19, 06, 175, 177. Hudson, 2.5, 38, 94, 185. Hull Gut, 179. Hvannis, 134. Hyde I'ark, 79, 93, 118, 133, 140, 14.S 1.53, 171, 178. Industry, .52. Ipswich, 63, 153, 166, 170. Jaffrey, 1.30. Jamaica, 106, 167. Jav, 12.5. Jefferson, 11, 62, 115. Johnston, 17, 19. Keene, 12. Kennel)ec, 92. Kenncbunk, 2, 80, 92. 117, 134, 173. 191. Kennebunkport, 127. Killinglj', .38. Kingston, 1, 5, 7, 17, 24. Laconia, 169. Lakeville, 158. Lancaster, 89, 90, 97, 102, 111, 173, 174. Lawrence, 14, 22. 160, 199. J^avvyersville, 187. Lebanon, 102. Ledvard, 18-5. Lee.' 1S2. Leicester. 89, 172. J^empster, 6i). Leominster, 4.5, 99, 144. Lewiston, 97, 127, 142. 199. Lexington, (i6, TO, 91, 100, 130. Limingtoii, 18. Lincoln, 151, 168. Lindon, 69. ].isbon. 5. (•). 49, 147. Li tell field, 13. 21, 80. Little Falls. 186. Littleton, 49. 68, 69, 162, 186, 189. Liveiuiore, 79, HI, 152. Londonderry, 27, 28. 188. Long Island, 8. Lorav, 100. , ._ ,.„ Lowell. 79, 82, 92, 100, 109, 120, 12i. 137, "l64, 187, 201. Lubec. 8. Ludlow, 1S7. Luiieub-irg. 61, 99. 146. Lyman. 29, 42. i/vnie, 72. Lynn. 16. 75. 9.5. 147. Lvnntield, 75. •206 DEDHAM RECORDS. Macliius, 47, 141, 14S. Machiasport, 170. Mail bury, 186. ISlalden,'!). 46, 47, 72, 96, 101. Manayiink, 183. Manchester, 46, 48, 66, 78, 160, 186. Manlius, 186. Mansfield, 3, 19. 40, 47, 63, 66, 14.i, 147, 175, 176, 182, 194. Marbleliead, 8, 11, 22, 79, 101, 117, 184. Marion, 10. Marlboro, 1, 5, 8, 33, 64, 99-101, 171. Marlow, 104. Marshfield. 116, 182. Mattapoisett, 4. Maxfleld, 49. Maynard, 169, 182. Medfield, 1, 3, .5-8, 15, 22, 28, 30, 33-35, 40, 52, 53, 58, 59, 79, 82, 101, 129, 134, 135, 157. 162, 163, 169, 170, 172, 179, 200. Medford, 3, 96, 146, 150, 172. Medway, 11. 12, 21, 24, 33, 34, 58-60, 101, 135, 157, 159, 163, 197, 201. Melrose, 69. Mendon, 69, 73, 166, 17."), 180, 181. Mereditli, 5. 70. 174. MeridtMi, ('.(!, I'.)S. Merriiiiac-, -12, ];]0. Metliiieii, 74, 14S. Middlehoro, 9. 146, 147, 1()2. Middleton, 1()9. Milford, 63, 69, 95, 132, 152, 157, 175. Millburv, 84, 105. Millville, 3, 30. Milo, 123. Milton, 2, 5-8, 10, 11, 18, 19, 28, 31, 4.5, .56, 64, 65, 70-72, 77, 81, 87, 96, 98, 102, 118, 132, 143, 145, 146, 148, 157, 185, 188, 192, 195, 196, 201. Minneapolis, 106. Minot, 42, 43, 92, 200. Monmouth, 3, 4(), 98, 12.5, 179, 180. Montgomery, 74. Montpelier,'l45. Montville, 7. Moultonboro, 42. Mukwonago, 38. Munroe, 60. Munson, 7, 9. Nantucket, 32, 38, 71, 87, 199. Naples, 10. Nashua, 14, 46, 108, 157. Natick, 5, 7, 33, 38, 44, 10-3, 111, 124, 140. 147, 149, 162. 176, 196. Naugatuck, 80. Needham, 2, 3, 6, 11, 13. 24, 34, 41, 46, 49, 57-59, 64-68, 80, 83, 84, 88, 91, 95, 104, 111, 126-128, 132, 138, 139, 156, 157, 171, 175, 181, 184, 189, 198. Nelson, 2. New Bedford, 4, 79, 118. New Braintree, 83, 84. New Brunswick, 2, 92. New Canaan, 191. New Castle, 44. New Glaston, 137. New Hampton, 103, 169. New Haven, 146. New London, .36, 6.3, 70, 131. New Market, 18, 74, 173. 174. New Orleans, 4, 14, 17, 60, 129. New Sharon, 90, 15.5, 156. New York, 4, 6, 20, 28, 37, 42, 47, 61, 70, 84, 91, 98, 11.5, 146, 174, 175,182, 186, 188, 191, 194, 197. Newark, 166. Newbern, 19. Newbury, 61, 66, 115, 149, 170, 173. Newl)uryport, 19, 22, 44, 104, 108, 137, 148, 183, 189. Newport, 80, 156, 163, 179, 186, 189. Newton, 3, 6, 16, 38, 62, 77, 79, 95, 102, 1.36, 138, 145, 156, 1.57, 161, 165, 171, 176. Norfolk, .5, 32, 88, 150. Nortti Anson, 11. North Attleboro, 71. North Bridgewater, 95. North Brookfield, 9, 191. North Haven, 186. Nortii Ipswich, 166. Northanii)ton, 147. North Ijoro, 28, 136, 14.5, 165. North) )ridge, 3, 152, 15.5. Northwoocl, 173. Norton, 47, %\ 147, 175, 200. Norway, 3.5, (i5, 134. Norwich, 141, 162. Nottingham, 98. Oakham, 5.5, 100. Oldtown, 168. Orange, 8, 64. Orange Co., 18. Orleans, 101, 129, 160, 168, 172, 186. Orono, •6^S. Orrington, 17, 34. Oxford, 21, 46. Palmer, 201. Paris, 40, 56, 68, 91. Pawtucket, .5, 29, 49, 90, 91, 183. Pcacliani, 150. Pelham, 195, 199. Pembroke, 17, 19, 106, 116, 140, 182. Pepperell, 3.3, 144, 14.5, 164, 180. Peterboro, 97, 104. Petersburg, 189. Petersham, 19, ,56. Philadelphia, 11, 28, 89, 175, 182. PLACE IXDEX. •201 Pliilipston, loS. Pittstield, 1'.-), 51, 73. Pittston. 172. Pliiiulield, 7, SO, 105. Plaistow, 82. PIvmoutll. 2, 17, 42. 45, 57, (52, 103. 115, 162. 1()4. 173, 190,200. Poestenkill, 10.5. Poiiifret, 27. 32, 34, 10.5, 176. Portland, :;s. 40, 48, 80, 89, 104, 132, 157, 161, 167, 172, 183,200. Portsmoutli. 1, 5, 16, 44, 53, 84, 85, 98, 110, 111, 1()0. Portsmouth (irove. 67. Post :\Iills. 197. Pottsville, 25. Poughkeepsie, 102, 113. Powmil, \m. Princeton, 44, 100, 158. Prospect, 1.55. Providence, 4-8, 14. 22. 28, 30, 33, 75, 76, 90, 91, 99. 100, 129, 140, 149, 1.54, 157, 159, 106, 173, 182. Provincetown, 35, 89. Putney, 54, 99. Quincy, 1, 28, 36, 3'9, 68, 90, 147, 153, 154, 102, 177, 188. Kahway, 182. Raleigh, 189. Kandolph, 6.5, 87, 144, 146, 170, 180, 18-5. llayniond, 178. liaynham, 190. Eeadlield, 170. Heading, l:'.9. Pedfleld, 00. Kehoboth, 83, 9.5, 06, 146, 149, 170, 171, 183. Richmond, 13, 31, 186, 187, 199,200. Riverside, 87. Roliinstown, 10. Rochester, 41, 193. Rockaway, 85. Rockingham, 92. Rockland, 1, 89, 186. Rockville, 97. Rome, 180. Rowe, 174. Roxbury, 2, 7, 9, 15, 16, 18-20, 25, 26, 30, 31, 38, 41, 43, 4.5, 40, 50, 53, 55, 59, 00, 62, 64, 66, 68, 72, 76, 80, 82, 84, 87, 89-92, 95, 07, 100, 101, 108, 119, 138, 139, 141, 142, 149, 151, 1.52, 150, 157, 103, 168-171, 177, 180, 188, 190, 192, 194, 196, 201. Royalston, 30, 85, 186. Rumlord, 19. Rumnev, 1:'.."), 174. Rutland, 179. Rye, 98. Saco, 2. 73. Sagliarbor, 89. St. George, 151. St. Johns, 70, 103. St. Johnshurj', 170. St. .lose, 16. St. Louis, 28. Salem, 7. 9, 27, 04, 75, 85, 89, 92, 129. 134, 148, 1.52, 189-191. Salisbury, 109, 135. Sanbornton. 113. Sandlake, 179. Sandwich, 15, 130. Sanford, 13, ,56, 117, 192, 193. Saratoga, 110. Saugus, 149. Saunders, '(S^d. Scituate, 86, 95, 143, 169-171. Searsmont, 60. Sedgwick, 12, 141. Seekonk, 40, 75, 131. Sharon, 1, 7, 9, 13, 19, 21. 23, 30, 31. 38, 49. 53, 54, 61, 03, 68, 74, 70, 82, 84, 95,97, 100, 102, 105, 111, 114, 131, 134, \^\ 1.50, 157. 10.5, 109, 177, 179. 187, 191, 194. 197. Sherborn, 32-34, 38, 47, 73, 82, 91. 101, 105, 121, 140, 141, 140, 173, 186. Shirley, 144, 191. Shrewsbury, 73, 103, 112, 101, 177. Skowhegan, 1 lO. Smithfield, 112. Snowhill, 54. Somers, 140. Somersworth, 192, 193. South l^erwick, 81, 16(i, 172, 182. South Jirooktield, 175. South Brunswick, 172. South Reading, 139. Southampton, 45. South boro, (iS, 153. SoutId)ridge, 9, 92, 125. Southi)ort, 16S. Spencer, 12, 40, 82, 175. Springlield, 4, 10, 20, 77, 110. 1:51. 141. Standish, 91. Stark, 3. Staten Island, 160. Sterling, 33, 50, 80, 150, 189, 195. Still River, 89. Stoddard, 104, 169. 171. Stoneham, 3, 191, 192. Stoughton, 13, 29-31, 38, 49. 02. 70, <0. (8, 98, 99, 157, 109, 170, 177, 179, 188, 197. Stow, 5. Stratham, 197. Stratton, 1.58, 197. S>idl)ury. 19, 30, 82, 84. 122. Suflield, 201. Sumner, 151. Suucook, 22. 208 D ED HAM RECORDS. Surrey, 179. Sutton, 20, 45, 128, 175. Swampscott, 16. Talarmo, 200. Tamworth, 52, 129, 180. Taunton, 24, 27, 29, 80, 88, 48, 55, .59, 78, 8.5, 87. 95, 96, 98, 11.5, 116, 130, 138, 151, 162, 164, 170, 171, 183, 189. Temple, 110. Templeton, 100. Tewksbury, 131, 147, 148. Thetford, 27, 28, 92. Thomaston, 20, 186. Thompson, 57, 60, 76, 83, 151. Tiverton, 7. Townsend, 79, 164, 198. Tremont, 181. Trenton, 49. Troy, 45. Turner, 125. Turner Centre, 56. Tyngsboro, 22. Upton. 3, 101, 156, 179. TJtica, 77. Uxbridge, 83, 96, 179. Valley Falls. 4. 49. Vassalboro. 2U0. Vernon, 175. Wakefield, 47. AValdoboro. 4.5, 60, 147, 150, 174, 186, 199. Wallingford, 147. Walpole, 2, 3, 6-8, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24. 27, 29, 31, 34. 35, 36, 39, 40, 46, 52, 53, 58-60, 62-64, 67-69, 72-77, 79, 83-85, 89, 90, 100, 10.3, 104. 107, 111, 115, 120, 127, 134, 1.35, 144, 147-150, 15.5, 158, 159, 162, 168-170, 183, 190, 194-199. Wtiltham, 19, 23, 33, .53, 09, 89, 120, 146, 152. Ware, 191. Wareham, 21, 104, 192. Warner, 2.5. Warren, 72, 118. Wiurensburg, 188. Warwick, 173, 196. Warwick Neck, 4. AVashington, 45. 61, 101, 161, 173, 197. Waterboro, 77, 80, 93. Waterford, 9, 61, 6.5, 117, 124, 151, 162, 175. Watertown, \Q,, 19, 86, 99. Wayland. 20, 73. Weatlierstown, 5.5. Webster, 54, 55, 132, 141, 1.57, 176. Welbieet, 149. Wellington, 11. Wendall, 34, 156. Wciitworth, 60. AVcst ihidgewater, 4. 46. AWst Cambridge, 158, 161. AVest lioxburv, 9, 12, 21, 24-26, 28, .37, 43-46, 49, 51, 63, 6.5, 68, 72-75, 81, 88. 90, 91, 97, 101, 108, 114, 117, 119, 122, 124, 130, 138, 148, 151, 1.56, 171, 172, 180, 181, 192. AVest Salisbury, 109. AVest Townsend, 79. Westlioro, 26, 39, 54, 93, 175. AVestfield, 144. AVestford, 5, 6, 9, 64, 109, 1,54. AVestmoreland, 166, 190. AVeston, 19, 27, 33, 37, 112, 198. AVetbcrslield, 186. AVevniontli, 13. 41, 80, 116, 128, 140, 181. AVhitingham, 1.58. AVicklord, SO. AVilliaiustown, 188. AVilliniantic, 40. AVillington. 175. AVilinont, 9(>. AVilton, 22. 42, 189. AVinchendon, 99, 173. AVindham, 81. Windsor, 27, 197. AVinsor Locks, 12. AVinthrop, 42, 97, 152. Wiscasset, U, 12. AVoburn, 11, 14, 35, 41, 104, 133. Wolfboro, 100. AV'oodburv, 92, AVoodstock, 32, 86, 90, 130, 189, 199. AVoolwicli, 145. AVoonsocket, 21, 52, 54, 55, 80, 124, 1.35, 140, 167. 184. AVorcester, 1.5, 17, 34, 68, 110, 120, 160, 164, 176 AVrentliani, 13, 45, 47, 49, 53. 59-61, 64, ()7, 71, 'f^'6, 91, 127, 131, 133, 134, 150, 157. 165, 182, 193, 19.5, 198. Yarmouth, 9, 39, 98, 139, 179. Yonkers, 69. York, 174, 175, 193, 194. INDEX OF MAIDEN NAMES. 209 NDEX OF MAIDEN NAMES. Abbott— Elizabeth B., 175; Fanny F., 12; Sophia E., 46. AcHORN— Huldah M., 147; Rosa J3., 186. Adams— Elizabeth L., 53; Lucy, 19; Mary, 145; MaryE., 188; Sarali D., 92. Ahlborn— Emma, 143. Alden — Clarissa, 24; Elizabeth, 95; Elizabeth A., 1.32; Emily A., 64 ; Hannah, 104; Martha C, 20; Martha E., 19. Aldridge— Clemie E., 144. Alexander— Elizabeth A., 15. Allen— Addie M., 63; Charlotte, 33; Cordelia, 174; Elizabeth, 115; Hannah, 32; Lydia A., 98; Rachel, 33. Anderson— Sarah, 192. Apthorp— Jane, 182. AsPAL— Margaret, 94. Aspen— Margaret, 94. Atiierton— Catharine, 49. Atkingson— Betsey, 159. Atkins— Martha J., 34. Austin— Dolly, 23; Dolly A. 164. Avery— Jerusha, 13, 110; J^ucy (I., 11.5. Ayers— Julia A., 6. Bacon— Lucy A.. 20. Baker— Adeline B., 99; Anna H., 22; Catharines., 110; Caty, 30; Celia, 33, 34;ElmiraM., 76; Fanny, 53; Hannah, 68; Hannah C, 7; Harriet, 154; J^ucy. 21; Matilda, 77; Nancy, 97; Nancv B., 66. Bambauer— Anna, 74. Barber— Lucretia, 3. Barnard— Betsey J., 191. Barnes— Maria B., 93. Barnicii— Ellen, 42. Barrett— Bridget, 113. Barrows— Eliza (;., 99; Lydia, 43. Bartlett— Catherine, 164. Batks— Bathsheba, 132; Hattie P., 46. Battelle— Mehitable, .30; Polly, 157. Bayer— Eva, 187. Bayley— Dolly, 125. Real— Ann J.. 190 ; Mary M., 98. Beckwortii— Tirzah M., 65. Bell— Lavinia, 149. Bennett— Mary A., 116; Xancv, 139. Bent— Elizabeth, 64. Berry , 14. BiCKMAN— Christiana, 10. Billings— Charlotte B.. 127; Keziah, 68 ; Nancy, 181; Sarah, ^'$'-, Susan, 197. Bingham- Lucy A., 110. Bird— Clarissa, 62; Susan, 157. B.toikman -Johanna E., 147. Blackburn— Ann, 124. Blackwell— ;Mary, 101. Blaiu— Jane. 201. Blake — Eveline, 7; Hannah, 71, 72; Harriet A., 49; Olive. 137; Sally. 127. Blakie— Lillies B.. 175. Blanchard— Sarah, 181. Bodge- Mary L., 127. Bolton— Hetsey J., 27." Bond— Sally, 45. BONNEY— Polly, 99. BoswoRTii— Elizabeth, 9. BouTON— Martha A., 150. BoYDEN— Susan, 40. Bradford— Sarah A., (i. Bradley^— Ann, 172; :Mary A., 51. Branan, Brannen — Ellen, 142; Marv A., 143. Brazer— Eliza, 5. Bbeslan — Tulia, 291. Uridge— Florence, 14. Broad— Emma A., 44. Brogan -Julia. is9. Bromily— KlizaJteth, 81. BuoxsoN -Mary G., 69. Brooks— Al))»ie L., 58. Brown— Bridget P.. 140; Elizabctii A., 165; (Jeorgianna H.. 96; iMargaret, 137; Sarah, 110; Sarah W., 172. Bryant— Pollv, i3. FiKELEV-Fllen, 89. Finn— Bridget E., 32: Lucy C, 17. Finn EUTV- Ellen. i()7. Fischer— Minna, 19S. Fish— Frances E.. 19I FisHER-Adah, 49; Becc.i, .; ine, 143; Hannah, 197; Ha Catliar- riet P., 212 D ED HAM RECORDS. 173; Louisa, 34, 156; Lydia A., 89; Graded— Marj% 80. Mary, 44; ISTabby F., 135; Sally, 111; Grady— Mary, 100; ]S'ora E., 107; Scib- Sarah, 74; Sarah M., 159; Sophia M., ine, 65. 57. Grafton— Ann, 45. FiTZPATRiCK— Delia T., 120; Margaret. Gragg— Mary F., 157. 64; Mary, 105. Graham— Isabel, 28; Jane, 71. Flagg— Eliza H., 179. Gramer— Elizabeth, 138. Flaharty— Mary, 22. Gray— Arvilla, 68; Mary L., 26. Flanagan— Honora, 22. Greely— Fannie A., 170. Fletcher— Eliza, 35, 62. Green— Ellen, 107. Flinn— Ellen F., 169. Griffin— Jane, 118. FoLLANSBEE— Juliette, 172. Grover— Jane A., 7. FoRBUSH— Persis G., 101. Guild — Carrie F., 21; Elmira, 110; Ford— Eliza, 32; Susanna, 185. Harriet, 168; Maria, 59; Mary, 196; Foster— Elizabeth, 17. Mary J., II; Olive, 15; Sarah E., 165. Fowler— Matilda, 47. Guiney— Hannah J., 188; Mary, 73. Fox— Martha, 143. Gyer— Nancy, 174. FoxcROFT— Emnieline, 5. Freeman— Betsey, 33; Mary A., 101. Haberlin— Ellen, i:32. French— Hannah, 76; Joanna, 73; Hale— Huldah G., 189; Martha A., 180. |« Louisa, 161; Lucinda F., 196; Mary, Haley— Ellen, 122. r76; Polly, 15; Sarah K., 161. Hall— Harriet A., 57; Sophia E., 138. Fuller— Eliza W., 197; Elizabeth, 23, Hallahan— Ellen, 9.5. 195; Pollj% 77; Prudence, 47; Sally, 16. Hamilton— Sarah R., 171. Fullerton— Mary A., 18. Hammond— Roxanna, 138. FuRAY— Mary, 52. Hand— Sophia H., 84. Hanson— Hannah M., 149. Gaffney— Rose, 142. Harding— Abigail H., 119; Patty, 135; Galucia— Betsey, 16. Permelia H., 4. Gannon— Maggie J., 93. Harrington— Cornelia, 79; Mary, 5; Gardner— Sarah, 95. Mary H., 67; Mary M., 170; Sally, 173; Garfield— Annie, 28. Harris— Mary, 34; Sarah, 47. Gately— Maria A., 108. Hartnett— Ann, 111; Katie Y., 178. Gauman— Anna M., 163. Harvey— Lydia, 170. Gay'— Abigail, 34; Catharine, 13; Hasanfus— "Franciska, 84. Clarissa, 156; Hannah, 7; Julia A., Haskell— Fanny, 14. 100; Lucy, 74, 100; Lucy M., 190, 198; Hastings— Julia A., 128. Mary E., .34; Mary G., 31; Molly. 196; Haven— Eunice, 111. Rebecca, 197; Sally, 111; Sarah, 74; Hawes— Rachel, 13. Sarah A., .59. Hayden— Caroline E., 23. Geddes— Mary, 81, Hayes— Mary, 132. Gellup— Susan M., 90. Haynes— Emily J., 127. Gibbons, Gibbens— Mary A., 98; Mary Heath— Catharine, 88; Sarah, 50, K., 166. Hedtlen— Sophia, 57. Gilbert— Alice F., 168. Heef— Mary, 43. Gill— Alice, 114; Margaret, 78; Mary, Heidler— Fannie, 144. 14. Henderson— Mary R., 20. Gilman— Eliza, 176. Hendley— Nancy, 53. GiLMORE, Gilmor— P^liza A. H., 182; Hennessey— Joanna, 54. Martha, 166. Henry— Julia A., 75. GiLROY— Bridget, 23. Herger— Willielmine, 161. Gleason— Ellen, 2(>. Herring— Cally, 34, 46. Godfrey— Hopestill, 175; Sally, 69, Hersey -Fanny, 128; Hannah, 95. GoLDiNG— Bridget, 105; Jane G., 100. Hewins— Sybil," 84. Goodwin— Caroline A., 200; Isabella Hibbard— Mary A., 99. S., 192. IIiCKEY— Ann, 71; Mary J., 115. GooNAN— Maria, 98. Higgins— Martha, 149; Sarah, 24. Gor:many— Catliarinc, 122. Hill— Clara A., 187; Hattie A., 172; Gould— Fanny II., 169; Martha A., Mary, 120, 193; Mary C, 104; Mary 79; Polly, 42; Ruth, 65. W-, 16; Sarah, 61. INDEX OF MAIDEN NAMKS. 213 HiJsEs— Catherine, 183. HixoN— Ann, 123. HoEY— Mary, 123. Hoffman— Eliza, 174. HOGAN— Catharine C, 42; Katie Y., 1. Holland— Mary, 50. Holmes— Annie M., 19; Caroline F., 50; Dene, 7, 21; Jerusha E., 98; Lois, 04, 197; Louisa M., 125; Mary E., 10; Marv H., 194; Mary R. H., 10; Me- hitable, 77, 100; Sibbel, ;!1, 54. Holt— Ellen, 25. HOLTON— Ellen, 61. Hooker— Agnes, 100; Susanna, 111. Horton— Elizabeth, 101. Hoskins— Susan, 84. HosLEY— Lydia, 144. Hoavard— Lucy M., 72; Minnie S., 152. Howe— Abigail G., 187; Fanny, 170; Huldah, 28. Howes— Lorenza H., 34; Persis H., 69. HoYLE— Rhoda, 145. HoYT— Mary E., 4.5. HuLEN— Mary, 148. Hull— Ellen, 57, 108. HuLMES— Ann, 18. Humphrey— Mary, 60; Sarah, 48. Hurley— Mary J., 104. Hyde— Margaret, 120, 121. Hyland— Margaret, 32. Ingalls— Lucy, 170; Molly, 199. Ingraiiam— Martha A., 194. Jackson— Susan C. 71. Jacobs— Catherine C, 2. Jaques— Elizal)eth, 187. Johnson— Betsey J., 23; Hannah, 72; Hannah A., 58; Mary A., 200. Johnston— Sarah G., .54. Jones— Anna, 33; Martha C, 159; Mary, 184; Mary A., 77, 120; Mary J., 119. Jordan , 29; Hannah, 11; Rebecca, 139. Joyce— Ellen, 05. Kane— Sarah A., 174. Katon— Mary, 37. Keating— Catherine, 100. Kelliher— Maggie J., 91. Kelly, Kelley— Ann, 10; Bridget, 110; Bridget A., 110; Catharine, 35, 85; Jennie, 138; Margaret,162; Mary J., 18. Kendall— Sarah, 101. Kennard— Sarah E., 37. Kennedy— Bridget, 132; Ellen, 78. Kenney— Betsey, 9; Catherine, 88; Sarah, 98. Kensilla— Mary, 37. Kenslor— Catharine, 94. Kernan— Eliza, 185. Kerrigan— Catherine, 151. KiLHURN— Sally, 145. KiLCOiN— Beezy, SS. KiLDUFF— Ann, 127. KiLROY— Catharine, 192. KiMRALL— Sophronia B., 2. King— Mary, 120. Kingsbury— Asenath, 0; Emma J., 81; Hannah, 04; Hannah K., 94; Mary. 173; Mary E., .59. Knigiit— Calista B., 198. Kostek— Anna C, 78. KuiiN— Barbara, 10. Lacy— Mary, 121. Lamb- Eloisa. 39. Lampiiear— Eliza, 29. Lander— Maria, 127. Lane— Ellen, 52; Lurania W., 90. Langdon— Amelia A., 152. Larkin.Larkins- Al>byA.,0; Bridget, 05. Laverty— Mary, 124. Lawrence, Lorence — Elenor, 5 ; Frances M., 90. Leach— Betsey, 101. Lealand, Leland— Charlotte G.,175; Hannah L., 190. LEARY-^Ellen C, 110; Kate, 9. Lee— Lucy, 00; Mary, 147. Lemouge— Margaret, 130. Leonard— Catharine, 133; Naomi G., 1.51. LEAVis-Fanny E., 02; Hannah E., 88 Lucv, 57; Lydia J., 181; Marv E., 82 Mary J., 2; May H., 131; Miliy, 171 Olive D., 155; Rel)ecca, 59; Sarah, 171 Susan. 4; Sybil E., 135. LiNNiiiAX— Mary, 43. Litciifii:i.i)— Mary J^., 12. Littlkki flu- J^avina, ti2. LocKF— lsal)elle M., 79. LOCKWOOD— Ann, 139. Logan— Caroline E., 90; Sarah ,1., 149 Long— Maria M.. 113; Mary. 51. LoRiXG— Ruth, 10; Sarali IF., iTH. Loth Rop— Sarah, I05. LovELL— Jemima, 197. Lucas— Sarali, 1 19. Luce— Sophronia, 90. LuDELWiCK— Annie, 107. LUND-Elizabeth A., 118. Lyford— Marv, 74. Lynch— Hli/a, 185; Margaret. 141 Mary, 21. Lynde— Susan .\., (iKi!s— Abigail, 130; Catherine. 184; H., 129. Ross— Submit, 188; Tiieresa. 1. RoTCii— Hannah, 70. RorxDTUY- Kli/.abeth. 147. Roup- Elizabeth. 117. RoiviERK— Rosilie, 13. RowE— Susan, 100. RrxiiE- Johanna, 191. RiTii— Ellen, 35. RuTTER— Abigail, 73. Ryax— Ellen, 51; Margaret. :!7; Marv. 119; Mary A.. ]2(i; Su.san. lOl. Sampsox — Mary, 102; ISIarv ().. .39; Susan B., 140. Sanhokx— Lydia, 93; Nellie R.. 102. Saxford— Elizabeth P.. 7. Saxger— Mary. 141. Sargext— Martha A.. 60. Sauxders— Mary A., 2; Susan E.. 101. Savage— Marcia H.. 11. Savil— Emeline, 154. Sawix— Clarissa, 33; Lurana. 104; Marv M., 7. ScHEFFKi;— Kulalie A., 70. ScHLrsKMKVKK— Joanna L.. 149. ScHNElDEii— Johanna C. 85. SCHULZ— Elizabeth. 115. SCHUTZ— Catharine, s. SCHWEDLEK— Florentine, 192. SciMMEREU— Barbara, 10. Scully- Marv A., 113. Seaus— Ruth \V., 19(5. Seaveu— Lucy R.. 23. Selcek— Susannah. 187. Seuss— Barbara, 163. Seymohe— Caroline J. W., 173. Shack LEV— Abby R.. 134. Shaplev— Catharine, 44. Shaw— Anne E., 179; Lydia. 190. Sh EI— Margaret. 136. Shepahd— Marv S.. 184; Sarah E., 84. Sheridan- Ann, 61. 103; Mary, so. Sheravin- .\eiisah F.. 101. Shield, Shields — C;itlierine. 170; Ellen, 127. Shokes— Margaret, 111. 216 DEDHAM RECORDS. Shubert— Agnes L., 100. SiBLY— Lydia. 157. SiDp:sELr— Mary, 181. SiGOURNEY— Martha A., 188. Sinister— Mary, 100. SissoN— Mary F., 10. Skelley— Catherine, 153. Shillings— Aphia, 78; liuthy, 127. Skinner— Mary, 34. Slack— Louisa, 103. Slade— Frances, 199. Small— Ruth, 155. Smith , 172; AbbaS. C, 191; Abbie, 170; Amanda F., 160; Ann 8., 21; Anna, 178; Catherine, 150; Chloe, 68; Christiana, 164; Hannah, 131; Harriet A., 27 ; Irene D., 61 ; Judith, 53 ; Lois, 48 ; Louisa, 53; Lucy A., 104; Lucy S., 81; Lydia J., 6; Marv C, 66 ; Mary T., 24 ; Mehitable, 189; Nancy M., 146 ; Olive, 69, 196 ; Olive C, 199; Sarah H., 84; Sophia M., 69. Snell— Sarah D., 148. Snow — Esther, 201; Mary A., 135; Rose, 142; Saloma, 74; Susan, 100. SouLE— Angeline, 1.59. Sparrell— Carrie E.. 95. Standish— Mary A., 91. Staples— Mary S., 175. Starkweather— Rebecca G., 29. Stearns— Hannah E.,180 ; ]S^ancy S.,89. Stein— Augusta W., 199. Stevens— Abbie, 78. Stewart— Esther G., 57; Sally, 117. Stimson— Caroline, 197. Stone — Marcy, 75; Maria L., 74. Stowe— Elizabeth G., 139; Prudence, 40. Stowell— Lucv, 194. Stroldel— Chi-. Frederica, 109. Studer— Louisa, 160; Mary A., 193. Sulkoski— Mary A., 163. Sullivan— AbbyT., 121; Ada E., 199, 200; Annie, 157; Catharine, 26, 177; Johanna, 48, 71; Julia, 116; Margaret, 48; Mary, 40; Minnie, 24. Sumner— JuliH, 134; Louisa, 59; Lucy, 200; Sybil, 63. Sirri'ON— Eliza A., 41. Swain— Hannah J., 96. Swan— Adaline, 20; Sally, 183. SwEETSER— Meiiitable S., 6. Swift— Martha, 21. SwiNiJURN— Maria, 17. Symond— Margaret JJ., 40. Taft — Amanda E., 96; Ida E., 89; Lauretta VV., 83; Mary F., 96. Talbot— Hannah, 49. Talmadge— Sarah M.. 66. Taubert— Mary A., 186. Taunt— Ruth, 135; Ruth S., 135. Taylor— Catharine M., 65. Tenney— Susanna E., 128. Thacher— Venus, 158. Thayer— Jane, 58. Thomas— Ann R.. 114 ; Martha B., 147; Sarah, 18. Thompson— Agnes S.. 97; Elizabeth F., 167; Harriet E., 155; Harriet R., 38; Jane, 97; Margaret, 85; Mary S., 12, Thorndike— Laura, 200. Thornton— Lucy V., 86. Thurston— Susan, 20. TiDD— Sarah B., 133. TiERNEY—Catharine, 153. TiLSON— Sabina, 85. TiNNEY— Catherine, 125. TiSDALE— Hannah, 95. ToBiN, ToBAN — Ellen, 94 ; Margaret, 105. Tor REY— Mary, 38. TouRGEE— Elizabeth, 103. Tower— Annie, 180; Flora M., 150. TowNSEND—Dorcas B., 91. Tracy— Ellen E., 147. Tray— Mary, 43. Trull— Mary, 5. Tucker— Chloe, 17; Lydia, 146; Phi- lenia A., 178; Susanna E. T., 77. Tufts— Angeline H.. 172. Turner— Blanche, 125; Eliza, 56; Sally, 114. TwAiNG— Malvina W., 186. Tyleh— Harriet, 25. Tynan— Catharine, 134. Tyne— Bridget M., 41. Upton — Deborah C, 159. Urry— Mima, 87. Vagiian— Margaret, 120. Van Buren— Marv S., 189. Va VI AN— Elizabeth, 136. Very— Mary, 88. ViDETO— Amelia C, 176. VoiT— Louisa, 144. Wade— Betsey, 96 ; Joanna, 41 ; Mary, 88. Wadswortii— Selina W., 162. Wales— Martha S., 31; Myra, 78. Walker— Abigail, 56; Hannah B., 46; Mary, 190. Wallace— Elizabeth. 29, 01. Ward— Frances F., 112. Wahe— Annie, 73; Marj% 184. Wahner — Mary A., 28. AVah HEN— Ruth, 196; Sophia, 30. INDEX OF MAIDEN NAMES. 21' Watsox— Mary, 30. Waver— Rosanna, 28. Weatherbee — Lucy, 63; 159 : Mary W., 19 : Susan, A., 178. Webber— Sarah C, 138. Webster— Mary r., 127. Weed— Emma F., 9. Welch — Catharine A., 24 ; M. A. E., 150 ; Susan Julia, -176; Margaret, 41 ; Mary A., 192. Weld — Susan, 130. Wellingtox— Nancy, 19; Sarah. 28. Wextwortii— Eliza J., 20; Elizabeth, 40. Wheat— Hannah, 168. Wheeler— Hannah, 161. White, , 26; Annie I., 200; Ellen, 121 ; Emma A., 125 ; Ilortense E., 109; Lydia M., 1.55; Sarah, 102; Viola L , 7. WidTixG— Catharine, 1.5, 58; Charlotte E., 66; Elizabeth, 76; Elizabeth W., 72 ; Estlier W., 85 ; Hannah, .53, 170, 200; Harriet, 24; Lenda, 96; Loacada, 195; Louisa W., 47; Lucy. 135; Lydia, 20; Molly, 73; Polina R., 124; Re- becca, 83 ; Roxy, 7, 8 ; Sarah, 127 ; Sarah A., 23 ; Susan J., 47. Whitney — Arabella S., 16; Caroline J., 79; Desire, 64; Hannah R., 44; Mary R., 146. Whitox- Lucinda, 182. WiiiTTEMoRE— Frances 1'., 9. Whittier— Eliza 13., 60. WitiHT- Abbie J^., 60; Catliarine, lO'.i. Wilbur— Mary, 135. Wild— Jeruslia W., 144. Willard— Elizabetli, 56; Rachel A 102. Williams— Amy, 7; Bridget, nc. Willis— Jane AV.. 114. Wilson— Elizabeth, 167 ; Lucy A., 30 Tiiankful (i. W., UMi Wilton— :Mary E., 192. WiNOLLR — Augusta B., 93. "W I N'si It I' — J ( )a n n a , 1 30. WiNSLow— Lydia, 104. WiTHAM— Lena K., 101. WiTiiKRELL— Caroline, 200. WiTHiNGTON— Clarissa, 117 ; 99; Mary A., 31; Medora L WoLcoTT— Harriet T., 15. Wood— Abigail, 179; Betsy nah. 31. W.. ic.l Charlotte W., 9; Polly, 179; Susan M 77. Woodward — Laurinda A., 7. Wortiiixgton— Frances, 4. Wright -Elizabeth, 22. YouxG— Cordelia P., 11; Esthers.