iociety of Colonial Wars CONSTITUTION % OFFICERS - MEMBERS • id LIBRARY^F^CONGRESS. I Chap.h,A.§^^_ Skelf 3 - UNITED STiTES OF AMERICA. With the compliments ofnthe Society of Colonial IVarsjM^ — if/iw Sifa^o of iVoiv jim( ' . '_;^_, ./^_^.=-- . (howl AND PELL, 4 & 6 U'arrcJi Street. ^-^.^, "^ Secretary. Neiv York City. " '"""**'-~.v^.^^ yias oltlic J&oticttj of Colonial ^ars. ANNUAL REGISTER OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE ^SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY *■ NEW-YORK January, 1895 > v CONTENTS General Officers and Delegates. Constitution of the General Society. Officers and Members* of the State Societies in the Order of their Establishment. New York Society. Pennsylvania Society. Maryland Society. Massachusetts Society. Connecticut Society. District of Columbia Society. New Jersey Society. Virginia Society. New Hampshire Society. Vermont Society. Illinois Society. Missouri Society. Summary. Index of Ancestors and Descendants. ( To avoid repetition the services of ancestors will only appear in the index.) Committee on Louisbourg Memorial. Roster of Officers of the Expedition. Roster of the Officers of the First Regular American Army. * An asterisk ( * ) preceding a member's name indicates that he was a charter member. The General Society of Colonial Wars was organized on May 9 and 10, 1893, in the Governor's Room, City Hall, New-York, by delegates from five States and the District of Columbia, A Constitution was adopted on May 10, 1893, subject to the approval of a majority of the delegates present at an adjourned meeting of the General Assembly, and the General Officers were then elected. An adjourned meeting of the General Assembly was held at the Hotel New Netherland, New-York City, on December 19, 1893, and the Constitution as amended unanimously adopted. A meeting of the General Council was held in Car- penter's Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., on May 8, 1894, and another meeting was held in New- York City on Novem- ber 12, 1894. The Secretary-General announces with deep regret the death, on July 29, 1894, of Mr. Nathan Gillette Pond, Deputy-Governor General of the Connect- icut Society, and a founder of the Society, August 18, 1892, OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS. 1893-1896. Governor -Geiieral : Frederic J. de Peyster. Deputy Governor -Generals : For New-York, Charles H. Murray, For Pennsylvania, James Mifflin, For Maryland, General Joseph Lancaster Brent, For Massachusetts, General Wm. F. Draper, For District of Columbia, Rear-Admiral Francis Asbury Roe, U. S. N., For New Jersey, Malcolm Macdonald, For Connecticut, Hon. William Hamersley, For Vermont, Colonel Edward A. Chittenden, For Missouri, Henry Cadle, For Illinois, Josiah Lewis Lombard, For New Hampshire, Hon. Henry O. Kent, For Virginia, Hon. Richard Thos. Walker Duke, Jr. Secretary-General : t Howland Pell, 4 Warren Street, New- York. Deputy Secretary-General : Edward Trenchard. Treas7(rer-General : Satterlee Swartwout, Stamford, Conn. Deputy Treasurer -General : S. Victor Constant, Registrar -General : Geo. Norbury Mackenzie, Law Building, Baltimore, Md. Hislorian-General : Dr. Francis E. Abbot, Cambridge, Mass. Chaplain-General : The Rev. C. Ellis Stevens, LL. D., D. C. L. Surgeon-General : Samuel Clagett Chew, M. D. Chaticellor-General : The Hon. Thomas F. Bayard. First General Assembly of the Society of Colonial Wars. 1893-1896. LIST OF DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES. State of New-York. Delegates : T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, Frederic H. Betts, William G. Davies, Howard R. Bayne, Frederic Gallatin, Philip Livingston, Maturin Livingston Delafield, Jr., Frederick E. Haight, T. Waln-Morgan Draper, John Schuyler. Alternates : Lieut. Walter J. Sears, U. S. N., Madison Grant, Walter Chandler, Gouverneur M. Carnochan. Stale of Petirisylvama. Delegates : Edward Shippen, M. D., U. S. N. , T. Chester Walbridge, Wm. Macpherson Horner, Geo. Cuthbert Gillespie, Wm. Fisher Lewis. Alternates : Thomas H. Montgomery, Edward Shippen, State of Maryland. Delegates : Edwin Harvie Smith, John Appleton Wilson, John Philemon Paca, Thomas Marsh Smith. State of Massachusetts. Delegates : James A. Noyes, Henry O. Houghton, Walter G. Page, Albert A. Folsom, Myles Standish. Alternates : Abijah Thompson, Edwin T. Barker, Nathan Appleton, Henry O. Houghton, Jr., F. A. Foster. State of Co7inecticut. Delegates : Dr. Charles Samuel Ward, Charles H. Trowbridge, Daniel C. Eaton, George B. Sanford, Frederick J. Kingsbury. District of Columbia. Delegates : General Richard N. Batchelder, U. S. A., General Absalom Baird, U. S. A., Charles Waldo Haskins, Charles F. T. Beale, Frank Berge Smith. Alternates : Lieut. T. B. M. Mason, U. S. N., Captain Oscar F. Long, U, S. A., Lieut, Richard Graham Davenport, Q. S. N., Professor G. Brown Goode. State of New Jersey. Delegates : Rev. Frank L. Humphreys, George E. Koues, Pierrepont Edwards, General Wm. S. Stryker, Wm. Morris Deen. State of Vermont. Delegates : Governor Urban A. Woodbury, General Theo. S. Peck, Colonel Wm. Seward Webb, Colonel Robert J. Kimball, Colonel E. C. Smith. State of Illinois. Delegates : Charles K. Miller, Frederick H. Winston, S. E. Gross, Charles Cromwell, Captain Philip Reade, U. S. A. CONSTITUTION. PREAMBLE. Whereas, It is desirable that there should be adequate celebrations commemorative of the events of Colonial History happening from the settlement of Jamestown, Va., May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775: Therefore, The Society of Colonial Wars has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of those events, and of the men who, in mili- tary, naval, and civil positions of high trust and responsibility, by their acts or counsel, as- sisted in the establishment, defense, and preser- vation of the American Colonies, and were in truth the founders of this nation. With this end in view it seeks to collect and preserve manuscripts, rolls, relics, and records; to pro- vide suitable commemorations or memorials relating to the American colonial period, and to inspire in its members the fraternal and patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and in the community, respect and reverence for those whose public services made our freedom and unity possible. ARTICLE I. NAME. The Society shall be known by the name and title of the General Society of Colonial Wars. ARTICLE IL MEMBERSHIP. Any male person above the age of twenty- one years, of good moral character and reputa- tion, shall be eligible to membership in the Society of Colonial Wars, who is lineally de- scended in the male or female line from an ancestor : (i) Who served as a military or naval offi- cer, or as a soldier, sailor, or marine, or as a privateersman, under authority of the Colonies which afterward formed the United States, or in the forces of Great Britain which participated with those of the said Colonies in any wars in which the said Colonies were engaged, or in which they enrolled men, from the settlement of Jamestown, May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775; or (2) Who held office in any of the Colonies between the dates above mentioned, either as ((2) Director-General, Vice-Director-General, or member of the Council, or legislative body in the Colony of New Netherlands ; (^) Governor, Lieutenant or Deputy Gov- ernor, Lord Proprietor, member of the King's or Governor's Council, or legislative body in the Colonies of New-York, New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware ; (^) Lord Proprietor, Governor, Deputy Gov- ernor, or member of the Council, or of the leg- islative body in Maryland and the Carolinas ; (d) Governor, Deputy Governor, Governor's Assistant, or Commissioner to the United Colo- nies of New England, or member of the Coun- cil, body of Assistants, or legislative body in any of the New England Colonies, One collateral representative of an ancestor such as above specified, shall be eligible to membership, provided there be no existing lin- eal descendant, and provided that such person be the oldest collateral representative in the male line, of such ancestor, or has filed with the Secretary-General of the Society written re- nunciations from all other persons having nearer claims to representation. No State Society shall adopt any rule of eli- gibility for membership which shall admit any person not eligible for membership in the Gen- eral Society. 13 But any State Society may, except as to members transferred from another State Society, further restrict, at its discretion, the basis of eligibiHty for membership in its own society. ARTICLE III. GENERAL SOCIETY. The General Society of Colonial Wars shall consist of the societies now existing in the States of New-York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and District of Columbia, and such other State Societies as may from time to time be duly organized and authorized by the General Society. Whenever the word " State " occurs in this Constitution it shall be held to include within its meaning the Territories of the United States, and the District of Columbia. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. The officers of the General Society of Colo- nial Wars shall be — a Governor-General, a Deputy Governor-General from each State So- ciety, a Secretary-General, a Deputy Secre- tary-General, a Treasurer-General, a Deputy Treasurer-General, a Registrar-General, a His- torian-General, a Chaplain-General, a Chancel- 14 lor-General, and a Surgeon-General. With the exception of the Deputy Governor-Gen- erals the above officers shall be elected by a plurality vote of the delegates present at a General Assembly of the Society. Vacancies occurring by death or resignation may be filled by the General Council, for the unexpired term. Each Deputy Governor-General shall be elected by a plurality vote of the delegates present in the General Assembly from the State from which said Deputy Governor-General is chosen. The above officers shall serve until the next regular meeting of the General Assembly, or until their successors are duly chosen. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS. The regular meetings of the General Society shall be termed "General Assemblies" and shall be held once every three years, at such time and place as the preceding General Assembly may elect. Special General Assemblies may be held upon the order of the Governor-General, or upon the order of the Governors of three of the State Societies. General Assemblies shall consist of the Gen- eral Officers and five delegates from each State Society. Delegates or General Officers repre- senting a majority of the State Societies shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi- es ness; and proceedings shall be in accordance with parliamentary law. The order of busi- ness shall be — First. The calling of the General Assembly to order by the Governor-General, or in his ab- sence by the Secretary-General. Second. Prayer by the Chaplain-General. Third. Reading of Minutes of last General Assembly. Fourth. Report from Secretary-General. Fifth. Report from the Treasurer-General. Sixth. Reports from Committees and Officers. Seve7tth. Unfinished Business. Eighth. New Business. Ninth. Reports from State Societies. Tenth. Election of Officers. Eleventh. Benediction by the Chaplain-Gen- eral. The minutes of each Assembly shall be read before its final adjournment. ARTICLE VI. STATE SOCIETIES. Each State Society shall annually transmit to the Secretary-General a circular letter stating the number of its members, general matters of interest, and any suggestions which may be deemed of advantage to the Society. Each State Society shall, in the month of January in i6 each year, pay to the Treasurer-General the sum of $25.00. ARTICLE VII. POWERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY. The General Society shall have sole power of action in the national, as distinct from the State, affairs of the organization. It shall have jurisdiction to pass upon all questions of eligi- bility referred to it by the Registrar-General; but shall not otherwise interfere in the regula- tions or government of any State Society, unless by a plurality vote of the General Assembly, when the surrender of a State charter may be demanded, should an investigation show that such action is necessary for the welfare of the Societies at large. It shall have power to grant charters to States other than those in which the Society is already organized, provided that at least nine persons duly qualified to be members make such application. It shall issue the in- signia and the diploma of membership. It shall publish the Year-Book with the coopera- tion of the several State Societies ; and the cost shall be defrayed by the latter in propor- tion to their membership. The General Council, which shall be com- posed of all the General Officers, shall exercise the powers of the General Society (except those of demanding State charters, and of amending 17 the Constitution) between meetings of the General Assembly, to which latter body it shall regularly report all its transactions. ARTICLE VIII. GOVERNOR-GENERAL. The Governor-General, or in his absence, a duly selected temporary presiding officer, shall preside at all General Assemblies and meetings of the General Council of the Society. ARTICLE IX. SECRETARY-GENERAL. The Secretary-General shall be keeper of the Great Seal of the Society, and of the General Society flag, and of the diploma. He shall con- duct the general correspondence of the Society and keep a record thereof He shall have charge of the printing and publications of the Society, He shall give due notice of the time and place of the holding of all meetings of the General Assembly, and of the General Council ; and shall keep full record of their proceedings. ARTICLE X. TREASURER-GENERAL. The Treasurer-General shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society, and de- i8 posit and invest them subject to the direction of the General Council. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the General Council. He shall keep a full account of his receipts and payments, and at each Gen- eral Assembly, or when required by the General Council, shall render an account of the same. He shall be custodian of the die of the insignia, and may issue the insignia and rosettes. For the faithful performance of his duty, he may be required to give such security as the General Council may deem proper. ARTICLE XL REGISTRAR-GENERAL. It shall be the duty of each State Society to file with the Registrar-General a duplicate of the application of each member. The Registrar- General shall receive and file all duplicate ap- plications upon vv'hich membership has been granted, with a list of all diplomas signed by him, and all documents which the Society may acquire. It shall also be his duty to submit to the General Council any application for micm- bership which, in his opinion, does not fulfil the requirements of Article II. of this Constitution. 19 ARTICLE XII. HISTORIAN-GENERAL. The Historian-General shall keep a detailed record of all historical and commemorative celebrations of the General Society, and shall edit and prepare for publication such historical addresses, papers, and other documents as the Society may decide to publish. ARTICLE XIII. CHAPLAIN-GENERAL. The Chaplain-General shall be an ordained minister of a Christian church, and it shall be his duty to officiate when called upon by the proper officers. ARTICLE XIV. CHANCELLOR-GENERAL. The Chancellor-General shall be a lawyer duly admitted to the bar, and it shall be his duty to give legal opinion on matters affecting the Soci- ety when called upon by the proper officers. ARTICLE XV. SURGEON-GENERAL. The Surgeon-General shall be a practising physician. 20 ARTICLE XVI. GREAT SEAL. The Great Seal of the General Society shall be: Within a beaded annulet, a title scroll," 1607, General Society of Colonial Wars, 1 775 "; and in base the motto : " Fortiter Pro Patria," surround- ing diaper charged with nine mullets. Over all a shield, surmounted of the crown, bearing Ameri- can colonial seals quarterly of nine : I. Vir- ginia : Argent, a cross gules between four es- cutcheons each regally crowned proper, the first and fourth escutcheons France and England quarterly; second escutcheon, Scotland; third, Ireland. II. New-York : Argent, abeaver bend- ways proper, on a bordure tenny, a belt of wam- pum of the first. III. Massachusetts: Azure, on a mount between two pine trees vert, an In- dian afFronte or, belted with leaves of the second, holding in his dexter hand an arrow paleways, point downwards, and in his sinister hand a bow paleways, of the third; upon a scroll proper, issuing from his mouth, the legend, "Come over and help us." IV. New Hampshire: Quarterly, first and fourth grand quarter of France and Eng- land; second, Scotland; third, Ireland ; overall an escutcheon of pretence ; azure billetee or, a lion rampant of the second, for Nassau. V. Con- necticut : Argent, a dexter hand issuing out of clouds in dexter chief, holding a double scroll proper, fesseways, bearing the legend, " Susti- 21 net qui transtulit " ; in base fifteen grape-vines, six, five, four, leaved and fructed proper. VI. Maryland: Quarterly first and fourth paly of six or and sable, a bend counterchanged, for Calvert; second and third, per fesse and per pale argent and gules, a cross bottony counter- changed for Crossland (seal of Lord Baltimore). VII. Rhode Island: Azure, an anchor in pale or. VIIL New Jersey: Quarterly, first, Eng- land impaling Scotland ; second, France ; third, Ireland ; fourth, per pale and per chevron ; first, gules two lions passant guardant in pale or, for Brunswick ; second, or, semee of hearts, a lion rampant azure, for Lunenburgh ; third, gules, a horse courant argent, for Westphalia; over all an inescutcheon gules, charged with the crown of Charlemagne. IX. Pennsylvania: Argent, on a fesse sable, three plates ; (Arms of Penn.) ARTICLE XVII. INSIGNIA. The insignia of the Society shall consist of a badge, pendant by a gold crown and ring, from a watered silk ribbon one inch and a half wide of red, bordered with white and edged with red. The badge shall be surrounded by a laurel wreath in gold and shall consist of: Obverse; A white enameled star of nine points bordered with red enamel, having be- tween each starpoint a shield displaying an em- 22 J \i,¥,. t,r\ ^^i- *A^^^\ /iU ->. ■7^.;.-?-ffl'^^V' 4^ blem of one of the nine original colonies ; and, within a blue enameled garter bearing the motto " Fortiter Pro Patria," an Indian's head in gold relievo. Reverse ; The star above described, but with gold edge, each shield between the points dis- playing a mullet, and in the center, within an annulet of blue bearing the title " Society of Colonial Wars, 1607-1775," the figure of a colonial soldier in gold relievo. The reverse of the crown of each insignia shall bear an engraved number, corresponding to that of the registered number of the member to whom such insignia has been issued. The insignia shall be worn by the members on all occasions when they assemble as such, for any stated purpose or celebration, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony. It shall be worn conspicuously on the left breast ; but members who are or have been Gentlemen of the Council of a State Society, may place a ro- sette of regulation pattern upon the silk ribbon from which it is pendant. Members who are or have been General Officers, or Officers of a State Society, may wear the insignia with three jewels in the crown, and suspended from a reg- ulation ribbon around the neck. Members who are or have been Governors, Deputy Gov- ernors, or Lieutenant-Governors of State So- cieties, or officers of the General Society may, in addition to the insignia so suspended, wear a 23 ribbon of the Society's colors, three and one- half inches in width, extending from the right shoulder to the left hip. The insignia shall be worn only as above prescribed. The rosette in use by the New York Society was adopted by the General Society, but by error the description was omitted in the Constitution. ARTICLE XVIII. DIPLOMA. The diploma of this Society shall bear the following words : General Society of Colonial Wars. To All Whom it May Concern. Greeting. Know ye, this is to certify that on the day of , in the year of our Lord , and in the year of this Society the Gentleman, was duly elected an Hereditary Member of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of by right of his de- scent from hi witness whereof : We have here- unto signed our names and affixed the Great Seal of the General Society. Officers of the General Society. , Governor- General. , Secretary- General. Registrar- General. And countersigned by the Governor, Secretary, and Registrar of the State Society. 24 Bordering the top and left side of the di- ploma is an ornamental scrollwork containing within the initial letter " G." of " General So- ciety," a representation of Captain Miles Stand- ish and a band of colonial soldiery; the initial surmounted by the imperial crown of the British empire, and having below it the motto of the Society. Ranged along the scroll are shields bearing the arms of the original nine colonies as emblazoned in the Great Seal of the Society ; and around these are emblems of colonial war- fare, with the flags of Sweden and New Nether- land, and the rose, thistle, shamrock, and cornflower — badges respectively of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. At the center, at top is a cluster of Indian weapons and the head of a Sachem charged upon the fleur-de- lis of France. ARTICLE XIX. FLAG. The flag of this Society shall consist of the red cross of Saint George on a white field, bear- ing in the center the escutcheon of the General Society surmounted by the crown and sur- rounded by nine stars. 25 ARTICLE XX. STATE SECRETARIES. It shall be competent for the General Council to appoint State Secretaries in States where no State Societies exist, with a view to represent the interest of this Society, and, if authorized to do so, to prepare for the organization of new State Societies. Such State Secretaries shall be sub- ject to the direction and regulation of the Gen- eral Council. Their appointment shall be for a limited time, not to exceed one year, but may be renewed. They may be removed for cause, and their office shall terminate upon the organi- zation of, and grant of a charter to, a Society in their State. They shall communicate with and receive communication from the Society through the Secretary-General. ARTICLE XXL MEMBERS OF STATE SOCIETIES. The General Council shall elect to member- ship only charter members of new State Socie- ties; whose membership shall be ipso facto trans- ferred to their own State Society with the grant of its charter. No State Society shall elect to membership persons resident within the territory of another State Society, except upon written consent given in advance by the Council of the latter Society. But members changing residence 26 from one State to another, or coming within the jurisdiction of a new State Society, may at their option retain membership in the State Society in which they were originally admitted. A member of any State Society may be ad- mitted to membership by action of the Coun- cil of another State Society, within the bounds of which he is resident, upon satisfactory proof of his membership in good standing in the So- ciety from which he comes, and subject to the rules and regulations of the Society he enters. An initiation fee shall not be twice required. ARTICLE XXII. ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. No alterations of, or amendments to, this Constitution shall be made, unless proposed by the Council of a State Society in writing. The Secretary-General shall send a printed copy of the proposed amendment to each State Society, naming the time when and the place where it will be voted upon, and the voting shall take place in the General Assembly. Six months' notice shall be given to each Society. No amend- ment shall be made, unless adopted by a two thirds' vote of the State Societies through their delegates in the General Assembly. 27 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New- York, the first society organized, was instituted August 1 8, 1892, and incorporated October 18, 1892. The First General Court and dinner was held at Delmonico's, De- cember 19, 1892, and the Second General Court and dinner at the Hotel Waldorf, December 19, 1893. The Third General Court was held at the Hotel Waldorf, December ig, 1894. During the past year the Society has been officially represented at the dinners of the Cin- cinnati and Sons of the Revolution on February 22, and at their church service, at the dinners of the Saint Nich- olas Society, the St. Andrew's Society, and at the New England Society, at the parade of the Eighth Battalion N. G. S. N. Y., April 23, and at the unveiling of the Tarrytown Revolutionary Soldiers' Monument, October 19. The flag of the Society consists of the red cross of St. George on a white field, with the arms of the Province of New Netherland on the center, surmounted by the Dutch ducal crown. The membership clause in the Constitution has been amended, so that legislative service unaccompanied by military record no longer constitutes eligibility. 28 ^' <■-. \y OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. Elected at the Third General Court, held at the Hotel Waldorf, December 19, 1894. Governor : Frederic J. de Peystek. Depttty Goveryior : James M. Varnum. Lietitena7it-Governor : T. J. Oakley Rhinelandek, Secretary : Howland Pell, 4 Warren Street. Deputy 'Secretary : Philip Rhinelander, 41 Wall Street. Treasurer : Arthur M. Hatch, q6 Broadway. Registrar : Frederick E. Haight, 22 Thomas Street. Historian : S. Victor Constant. Chancellor : Hon. Abraham R. Lawrence. Surgeon : Francis Le Roy Satterlee, M. D. Chaplain : Rev. Alexander Hamilton. 29 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term expiring 1895 : Amory Sibley Carhart, James William Beekman, George R. Schieffelin. Term expiring 1896 : Charles H. Murray, Philip Livingston, Madison Grant. Term expiring 1897 : Edward de Peyster Livingston, Charles H. Pond, John T. Wainwright. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership : James F. Ruggles, Chairman, J. N. DE R. Whitehouse, Deputy Chairman, David A. Clarkson, William G. Davies, James B. Metcalf, COURTLAND ScHUYLER VaN ReNSSELAER, James H. Townsend, Secretary, Cominittee on Historical Documents : Edward F. DeLancey, Charles Isham, William G. Ver Planck, Gouverneur M. Smith, M. D., Abraham B. Valentine. Committee on Installation, and Stewards 0/ the Society : Frederick H. Betts, Chairman, F. Diodati Thompson, Henry G. Trevor, William P. Wainwright, Jr., Henry C. Swords, Secretary, 30 NEW YORK. LIST OF MEMBERS. [Numbers up to 105 were elected in 1892; 106 to 331, in 1S93 ; and 331 to 472, in 1894.] 228. Abbot, Francis Ellingwood. Fourth in descent from Captain John Abbot. 405. Adams, Henry Herschel. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Henry Adams. 394. Adams, Washington Irving. Seventh in descent from Major William Phillips. 363. Aiken, William Benford. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beek- man. , Sixth in descent from Colonel Gerardus Beekman. 418. Allen, Frederick Percival. Fifth in descent from John Allen. Seventh in descent from Captain John Stanley. 450. Arnold, Conway Hillyer, Jr., Cadet, U. S. M. A. Sixth in descent from Captain Richard Calloway. 138. AsTOR, John Jacob, Colonel and A. D. C„ S. N. Y. Seventh in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevenson van Cortlandt. Third in descent from Colonel John Armstrong. 278. Avery, Frank Montgomery. Eighth in descent from Captain James Avery. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant James Avery, jr. Eighth in descent from Captain George Denison. Seventh in descent from Captain Daniel Wetherell. 31 NEU^ YORK. 196. Backus, Brady Electus, Reverend. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant William Backus. Ninth in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt Seventh in descent from Major William Whiting Sixth in descent from the Reverend John Whiting. Fourth in descent from Abner Mallary. 257. Backus, J. Bayard. Ninth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Eighth in descent from Major William Bradford. Eighth in descent from Governor John Haynes. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Talcott. Fifth in descent from Major John Chester. Fourth in descent from Colonel John Chester. 106. Baker, Frank Leslie. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Phineas Upham. 188. Baldwin, Joseph Clark. Sixth in descent from Captain John Beard. 12. Baldwin, Nathan A. Sixth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 233. Bangs, Anson Cuyler. Sixth in descent from Captain Jan Jansen Bleecker Fifth in descent from Captain John Bleecker. 302. Banks, David. Fourth in descent from Colonel Josiah Ogden. 107. Banks, David, Jr. Seventh in descent from Richard Man. Fifth in descent from Colonel Josiah Ogden. 298. Banta, Theodore Melvin. Seventh in descent from David Demarest. Seventh in descent from Corporal Pierre Cressor. Seventh in descent from Corporal Simon de Ruine. Seventh in descent from Andrew Ward. 32 NEW YORK. 321. Barclay, James Searle. Fourth in descent from Captain John Searle. 420. Barnes, Alfred Cutler, General. Sixth in descent from Japhet Chapin. 454. Bartlett, George Frederick Hunter, M. D. Seventh in descent from Robert Bartlett. 282. Bartlett, John Russell, Captain, U. S. N. Seventh in descent from John Russell. 200. Bassett, Charles Franklin. Eighth in descent from William Bassett. Sixth in descent from Colonel William Bassett. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Dymoke. Eighth in descent from Ensign Shubael Dymoke. *8. Bayne, Howard Randolph. Third in descent from Captain John Ashby. 384. Beatty, Robert Chetwood. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. Eighth in descent from John Ogden. 383. Beatty, William Gedney. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Bull. Eighth in descent from John Ogden. 369. Beckurts, Charles Lewis, ist Lieutenant 6th In- fantry, U. S. A. Sixth in descent from Captain John Paxton. 108. Beekman, James William. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beekman. Fifth in descent from Colonel Gerardus Beekman. Eighth in descent from Colonel OlofF Stevensen Van Cortlandt. Eighth in descent from Brant Van Slichtenhorst. Eighth in ( escent from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer. Seventh in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rens- selaer. NEW YORK. Eighth in descent from Colonel Peter Schuyler. Seventh in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler. Seventh in descent from Major Abraham Staats, M D, Seventh in descent from Alexander Lindsay Glen. Sixth in descent from Captain John Sanders Glen. Fifth in descent from Colonel Jacob Glen. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Robert Sanders. Sixth in descent from Captain Johannes Wendell. Fourth in descent from Captain Abraham Keteltas. Fourth in descent from Captain William Steele. Fourth in descent from Captain Robert Bailey. 158. Belknap, Robert Lenox. Fourth in descent from Samuel Belknap. Third in descent from Captain Samuel Belknap. Seventh in descent from Thomas Mekins. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Isaac Stearns. Fourth in descent from Colonel John Williams 356. Benedict, Robert Dewey. Third in descent from Captain Stephen Dewey. 468. Benjamin, Marcus. Ninth in descent from Governor William Bradford. 70. Berry, Gerald. Sixth in descent from Captain John Berry. 80. Betts, Frederic H. Third in descent from Samuel Comstock Betts. Eighth in descent from Governor John Haynes. Eighth in descent from Abraham Cruttenden. Eighth in descent from Edward Rosseter. Sixth in descent from Josiah Rosseter. Seventh in descent from Governor George Wyllys. 34 NEW YORK. Sixth in descent from Samuel Wyllys. Seventh in descent from Governor William Leele. Fifth in descent from Samuel Sherman. Fifth in descent from Captain John Taylor. Fourth in descent from Colonel Andrew Ward. 314. Betts, Louis Frederic Holbrook. Fourth in descent from Samuel Comstock Betts. Ninth in descent from Governor John Haynes. Ninth in descent from Abraham Cruttenden. Ninth in descent from Edward Rosseter. Seventh in descent from Josiah Rosseter. Eighth in descent from Governor George Wyllys. Seventh in descent from Samuel Wyllys. Eighth in descent from Governor William Leete. Sixth in descent from Samuel Sherman. Sixth in descent from Captain John Taylor. Fifth in descent from Colonel Andrew Ward. 315. Betts, Samuel Rossiter. Fourth in descent from Samuel Comstock Betts. 68. BiBBY, Andrew A. Fourth in descent from Charles Ward Apthorpe. 442. BiCKLEY, Lawrence Wharton. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Lloyd. 390. BiNNEY, William Greene. Seventh in descent from George Vickere. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Cromwell. 167. Bishop, Coktlandt Field. Seventh in descent from John Bishop. Sixth in descent from Colonel Abraham de Peyster. 3 35 neiv york. 35. Bleecker, Anthony James, Seventh in descent from Captain Jan Jansen Bleecker Seventh in descent from Antoine L'Espenard. Sixth in descent from Captain Anthony Lispenard. Sixth in descent from Mathew Clarkson. Sixth in descent from Captain Johannes de Peyster. 122. Blunt, Stanhope English, Captain, Ordnance Department, U. S. A. Seventh in descent from Colonel Shadrach Walton. Seventh in descent from Sampson Sheafe. Sixth in descent from Sampson Sheafe, Jr. Seventh in descent from Major Charles Frost. Seventh in descent from Doctor John Cutler. 370. BooRAEM, Robert Elmer. Seventh in descent from Edward Elmer. Fifth in descent from Captain Jan Ariense Sip. Fourth in descent from Colonel Cornelius Van Vorst. 76. Bowen, Clarence Winthrop. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Henry Bowen. Eighth in descent from Captain Isaac Johnson. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Seventh in descent from Major-General Daniel Gookin. Seventh in descent from Captain John Chester. Seventh in descent from Deputy-Governor Thomas Dan forth. 244. Bowers, John Meyer. Sixth in descent from Samuel Johnson. 295. Brackett, Robert Lambert. Sixth in descent from Captain Anthony Brackett. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Smith. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Pierpont. 36 NEW YORK. 24. Brainard, Cephas. Fifth in descent from Captain James Brainard. Sixth in descent from Ensign Jared Spencer. 245. Brainerd, Cephas, Jr. Sixth in descent from Captain James Brainerd. Seventh in descent from Ensign Jared Spencer. ; 435. Bright, Louis Victor. Fourth in descent from Jacob Brecht. 37. Bristow, Frank H. Eighth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 372. Britton, Charles Price. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Eighth in descent from John Curtis. Seventh in descent from John Porter. Seventh in descent from George Adams. Sixth in descent from Daniel Adams. 293. Broome, George Cochran. Sixth in descent from Captain John Nelson. 456. Brown, George Leroy, Captain, nth Infantry U. S. A. Eighth in descent from Captain George Dennison. 451. Brown, Louis. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Daniel White. Sixth in descent from Captain Daniel White. 255. Brugler, Charles Edward, Reverend. Sixth in descent from Captain David Lacey. 276. Bryant, Percy, M. D. Ninth in descent from General Constant Southworth. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Jabez Howland. Seventh in descent from Captam Paul Sears. Z1 neiv york. 254. Bryson, Andrew. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Walker. 135. Butler, Henry Percival. Seventh in descent from Captain Samuel Green. 181. Cammann, George Philip. Sixth in descent from Colonel Conrad Weiser. 469. Cammann, Henry Lorillard. Sixth in descent from Colonel Conrad Weiser. 41. Carhart, Amory Sibley. Eighth in descent from Major William Phillips. 396. Carney, Sidney Howard, Jr., M. D. Ninth in descent from Captain Richard Brackett. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant William French. Eighth in descent from George Abbott. Eighth in descent from Simon Crosby, second. Fourth in descent from Ensign Seth Bullard. 87. Carnochan, Gouverneur Morris. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beek- man. Seventh in descent from Colonel James Graham. Seventh in descent from Major Abraham Staats, M. D. Sixth in descent from Governor Lewis Morris. 72. Carpenter, James Oliver. Eighth in descent from William Carpenter. 202. Cass, Charles Wyllys. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Seventh in descent from Governor Joseph Dudley. 129. Chandler, Walter. Seventh in descent from Major Job Chandler. Sixth in descent from Colonel William Chandler. Ninth in descent from William Swaine. Eighth in descent from Captain Samuel Swaine. Eighth in descent from Jasper Crane. 3^ NEW YORK. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Eighth in descent from Colonel Richard Lee. Eighth in descent from Governor Philip Ludwell. Seventh in descent from Major-General Daniel Denni- son. Fifth in descent from Colonel Josiah Ogden, 403. Chapin, Henry Dvvight, M. D. Sixth in descent from Japhet Chapin. Seventh in descent from Captain Timothy Dwight. 170. Chapman, Thomas Brownell. Seventh in descent from Robert Chapman. Tenth in descent from Richard Treat. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. ' Seventh in descent from John Alden. Sixth in descent from Colonel Sylvester Richmond. Sixth in descent from Colonel Benjamin Church. 317. Chauncey, Henry, Jr., Major, N. G. S. N. Y. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 169. Chenoweth, Alexander Crawford. Sixth in descent from William Cromwell. Fourth in descent from Colonel William Crawford. 264. Childs, James Edmund. Fourth in descent from Captain Penuel Childs. 155. Church, Richard. Sixth in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler. Fifth in descent from Colonel Johannes Schuyler. 95. Clark, Henry Schieffelin. Ninth in descent from Colonel Richard Ingoldsby. Eighth in descent from Major John Pell. Eighth in descent from Captain Nicholas Stillwell. Seventh in descent from Colonel Stephanus Van Cort- landt. Sixth in descent from Killian Van Rensselaer. Sixth in descent from Captain Arent Schuyler. 39 neiv york, 109, Clark, William Newton. Seventh in descent from Captain^Nicholas'^Stilhvell. 423. Clarke, Edward Smith. Fifth in descent from Janna Meigs. 457. Clarke, Isaac Sherman. Seventh in descent from AndrewV/ard. 160. Clarkson, Banyer. Sixth in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 92. Clarkson, Clermont Livingston. Sixth in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 91, Clarkson, David Augustus. Sixth in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 325. Clarkson, Frederick, Fifth in descent from Matthew Clarkson. 192. CoGHiLL, Howard. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Lion Gardiner. Ninth in descent from John Rowland, Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Francis Bill. Eighth in descent from Captain John Gorham. Seventh in descent from Jabez Graham. 194. Cogswell, Cullen Van Rensselaer. Eighth in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rens- selaer. Sixth in descent from Colonel Johannes Van Rens- selaer. 446. Coles, Henry Rutgers Remsen. Eighth in descent from Captain John Underhill. 431. Collins, Clarence Lyman. Eighth in descent from John Collins. Eighth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Seventh in descent from Major William Bradford. Eighth in descent from Governor William Leete. 40 NEiV YORK. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Leffingwell. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Lyman. Seventh in descent from Samuel Partridge. 23. Collins, Holdridge Ozro. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hart. Ninth in descent from John Plumb. Eighth in descent from John Bronson. Seventh in descent from Louis Du Bois. Sixth in descent from Roeloff Swartout. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Jonathan Beebe. *i. Constant, Samuel Victor. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Tuttle. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant James Smith. 93. CONSTANTINE, RiCHARD BuELL. Eighth in descent from Governor Roger Williams. 290. Crawford, Charles Ellison. Fifth in descent from Captain Nathan Hurd. 242. Crosby, Edward Nicoll. Eighth in descent from Brant Arentse Van Slichten- horst. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beek- man. Seventh in descent from Matthias Nicoll. Seventh in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuy- ler. Sixth in descent from Matthew Clarkson. Sixth in descent from Captain Johannes de Peyster. Sixth in descent from Robert Livingston. 241. Crosby, Livingston. Eighth in descent from Brant Arentse Van Slichten- horst. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beek- man. 41 NEIV YORK. Seventh in descent from Matthias Nicoll. Seventh in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuy- ler. Sixth in descent from Matthew Clarkson. Sixth in descent from Captain Johannes de Peyster. Sixth in descent from Robert Livingston. JT,. Dana, Richard Starr. Sixth in descent from Josiah Keith. 299. Davenport, Timothy. Sixth in descent from Major Nathan Gould. 409. Davies, Julien Townsend. Ninth in descent from Colonel Job Almy. Ninth in descent from Major Abraham Staats, M.D. Ninth in descent from Captain John Underhill. Eighth in descent from John Hull. Eighth in descent from Captain John Seaman. Seventh in descent from Samuel Sewall. 187. Davies, William Gilbert. Eighth in descent from Major Abraham Staats, M.D. Seventh in descent from John Hull. Sixth in descent from Samuel Sewall. 378. Deen, William Morris. Seventh in descent from Edmund Jennings. Sixth in descent from Major William Harris. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Turpin. 357. de Koven, Henry Louis Reginald. Sixth in descent from Governor Joseph Dudley. 163. Delafield, Joseph Livingston, Seventh in descent from Robert Livingston. 164. Delafield, Maturin Livingston, Jr. Seventh in descent from Robert Livingston. 42 NEW YORK. 94. DE Lancey, Edward Floyd. Third in descent from Governor James de Lancey. 36. DE Peyster, Frederic J. Fifth in descent from Colonel Abraham de Peyster. 393. De Rose, Edward. Sixth in descent from Robert Livingston. 343. DoMiNiCK, William Gayer. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Cooper. 275. Douw, Charles Gibbons. Seventh in descent from Colonel Benjamin Church. 27. DowNES, Anson Treat. Third in descent from Captain Ebenezer Downes. Sixth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 458. DowNES, Emery Newell. Fourth in descent from Sergeant Moses Brackett. ^^. Downes, Stancliff Bazen. Fourth in descent from Captain Ebenezer Downs. Seventh in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 176. Draper, Charles Albert. Sixth in descent from James Draper. Fifth in descent from Captain James Draper. * 5. Draper, Thomas Waln-Morgan. Fifth in descent from James Draper. Fourth in descent from Captain James Draper. Fifth in descent from Joshua Child. 268. Duane, William North. Eighth in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuy^ ler. Eighth in descent from Governor Rip Van Dam. 43 NEW YORK. 232. Du Eois, William Maison. Seventh in descent from Louis du Bois. Eighth in descent from Captain Daniel Brodhead, Eighth in descent from Harmen Myndertse Van Der Bogaert. 230. Dudley, Edgar Swartwout, Captain and Assist- ant Quartermaster, U. S. A. Sixth in descent from Francis Dudley. Seventh in descent from Roeloff Swartout. 351, Duke, Richard Thomas Walker, Jr. Fourth in descent from Doctor Thomas Walker, 256. DwiGHT, Arthur Smith. Seventh in descent from Captain Timothy Dwight. Fifth in descent from Colonel Timothy Dwight. Seventh in descent from Colonel Benjamin Church. Sixth in descent from the Reverend Timothy Edwards. 123. Earle, Ferdinand Pinney, Brigadier-General, N. G. S. N. Y. Fifth in descent from Richard Earle. Eighth in descent from John Porter. Seventh in descent from Captain John Bissell. Seventh in descent from General Johannes de la Mon- tagne. Seventh in descent from George Phelps, Seventh in descent from Sergeant Thomas Spencer. Sixth in descent from Ensign Enoch Vreeland. Fifth in descent from James King. Fifth in descent from Captain William IMorris. Fourth in descent from Captain Benjamin Pinney. 131. Edwards, Pierrefont, Fifth in descent from the Reverend Timothy Edwards. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Willett. 44 NEW YORK. 459. Egleston, Thomas. Fourth in descent from Major John Paterson. Third in descent from Major-General John Paterson. 285. Elliot, Daniel Gikaud. Fifth in descent from Henry Elliott. Third in descent from Asa Elliot. Eighth in descent from Richard Treat. Seventh in descent from Ensign William Goodrich. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Hollister. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Welles. 312. Ely, Smith. Third in descent from Captain William Ely. 432. Emery, Brainerd Prescott. Seventh in descent from Jonathan Emery. Fifth in descent from Colonel Stephen Emery. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant William Brainerd. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Josiah Brainerd. Sixth in descent from Jonathan Prescott. 421. Emery, Rufus, Reverend. Sixth in descent from Jonathan Emery. Fourth in descent from Colonel Stephen Emery. Seventh in descent from Captain John Appleton. Seventh in descent from Richard Dummer, Sixth in descent from Ensign Jacob Tappan. 168. Endicott, Robert. Eighth in descent from Governor John Endicott. 173. Erving, William Van Rensselaer. Fifth in descent from Colonel John Erving. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Ninth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. Ninth in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Vivn Cortlandt. 45 NEW YORK. Eighth in descent from Nicholas Bayard. Eighth in descent from Killian Van Rensselaer. Seventh in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rens- selaer. Seventh in descent from Robert Livingston. Sixth in descent from Henrv Sherburne. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-General William Shirley. no. Farrar, George Dow. Seventh in descent from Jacob Farrar. 303. Ferris, Morris Patterson. Eighth in descent from Nicasius de Sile. 444. Field, Hugh Wentworth Greene. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant-Governor John Wentworth. 443. Field, Thomas Goldsmith. Sixth in descent from Captain Zecheriah Field. 398. Fisher, Harris Baldwin. . Sixth in descent from Captain Daniel Fisher. 399. Fisher, Nathaniel Campbell, Sixth in descent from Captain Daniel Fisher. 346. Fitch, Edward Sherman. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Fitch. Third in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Fitch. Eighth in descent from Deputy-Governor William Jones. Eighth in descent from Governor Theophilus Eaton. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Piatt. Seventh in descent from Samuel Sherman. Fourth in descent from Sergeant John Jones. 358. Fitzgerald, Louis, Brigadier-General, First Brig- ade, N. G. S. N. Y. Seventh in descent from Colonel Peter Schuyler. 424. FoLSOM, William Henry. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Peter Foulsham. 46 NEIV YORK. 434. FoNBUSH, William Curtis, Captain 5th Cavalry, U. S. A. Sixth in descent from Tliomas Fonbush. 436. Foot, Morris Cooper, Captain 9th Infantry, U. S. A. Fourth in descent from Major Isaac Foot. 400. FooTE, Horace Allen. Sixth in descent from Sergeant Samuel Field. 460. Foote, Hon. Wallace Turner, Jr., M. C, Sixth in descent from Quartermaster Nathaniel Foote, 2d. 29. Ford, George Hare. Seventh in descent from Sergeant Thomas Tibbals. 266. Foster, Howell. Eighth in descent from Richard Coleman. Eighth in descent from Major Richard Smith (Bull Smith). Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Hezekiah Howell, Sixth in descent from Hugh McLellan. Fifth in descent from Captain Henry Beeker. Fourth in descent from Benjamin Pettingill. 413. FouLKE, Bayard Fish. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beek- man. Sixth in descent from Colonel Gerardus Beekman. Sixth in descent from Captain Johannes de Peyster. Fifth in descent from Captain Abraham Keteltas. 26. Fowler, Franklin Hamilton. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant William Fowler. Sixth in descent from Sir Charles Hobby. 25, Fowler, William Miles. Sixth in descent from Captain John Beard. 422. Freeman, George Wentworth. Seventh in descent from Major John Freeman. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Prince. 47 neiv york. 85. Gallatin, Frederic. Third in descent from Captain James Nicholson. 61. Gallatin, Rolaz Horace. Eighth in descent from Colonel Job Almy. Fourth in descent from Captain James Nicholson. 53. Gardiner, David. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Lion Gardiner. Sixth in descent from Major-General Roger Wolcott. 54. Gardiner, Robert Alexander. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Lion Gardiner. Sixth in descent from Major-General Roger Wolcott. 38. Gerry, Allston. Eighth in descent from John Prescott. Eighth in descent from John Winter. Seventh in descent from John Harrington. Seventh in descent from John Rugg. Seventh in descent from Thomas Sawyer. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Brocklebank. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant James Lewis. Sixth in. descent from Ensign William Longfellow. Fifth in descent from Captain Joseph Jewett. Fifth in descent from Samuel Sawyer. Fourth in descent from Sergeant Moses Richards. 406. Gilfillan, William Whitehead, M. D. Fourth in descent from Paymaster Hezekiah Thomp- son. 51. Grant, De Forest. Seventh in descent from Captain Samuel Swaine. Seventh in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 340. Grant, Frederick Dent, Colonel, late U. S, A. Fourth in descent from Captain Noah Grant. 48 NEVy YORK. 40. Grant, Madison. Seventh in descent from Captain Samuel Swaine. Seventh in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 259. Greene, George Sears, Jr. Sixth in descent from Deputy-Governor John Greene Seventh in descent from John Wickes. Seventh in descent from John Coggeshall. Sixth in descent from John Godfrey. 172. Greene, Richard Henry. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Hulbert. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant David Wilton. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Marshall. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Job Winslow. 283. Gregg, Levi Laertes. Fifth in descent from Captain James Gregg. 269. Grinnell, George Bird. Ninth in descent from Governor John Haynes. Sixth in descent from Governor William Pitkin. 270. Grinnell, William Milne, Fifth in descent from Sergeant George Grinnell. Eleventh in descent from Governor George Wyllys. Tenth in descent from Colonel John Otis. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Ninth in descent from Governor John Haynes, Ninth in descent from Jacob Lansing. Ninth in descent from Captain Richard Lord. Ninth in descent from Governor John Webster. Ninth in descent from Captain John Gorham. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel John Gor- ham. Eighth in descent from Captain John Cullish, Eighth in descent from Captain Caleb Stanley. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Seventh in descent from Captain John Osgood. 49 NEW YORK. Seventh in descent from Major Abraham Staats, M, D. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant James Frye. Sixth in descent from Governor William Pitkin. Sixth in descent from Dirck Van Der Heyden. Sixth in descent from 'Captain Johannes Wendell, Sr. Fifth in descent from Captain Johannes Wendell, Jr. Fifth in descent from Captain James Stephens. * 7. GuNN, George Miles. Seventh in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 20. Haight, Abner Sherman. Seventh in descent from Philip Sherman. * 6. Haight, Frederick Everest. Ninth in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. Eighth in descent from Ensign Samuel Munson. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant John Lymar. Eighth in descent from Philip Sherman, Eighth in descent from Captain John Taylor. Fifth in descent from Samuel Comstock Betts. 352. Hall, Benjamin Elihu. Ninth in descent from Governor William Leete. 18. Halsey, Harlan Page. Seventh in descent from Thomas Halsey. Seventh in descent from John Ogden. Seventh in descent from Captain Samuel Swaine. Seventh in descent from Governor Robert Treat. Sixth in descent from Major John Treat. Sixth in descent from Jasper Crane. 17. Halsey, Henry Augustus. Eighth in descent from Thomas Halsey. Eighth in descent from John Ogden. Eighth in descent from Captain Samuel Swaine. Eighth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. Seventh in descent from Major John Treat. Seventh in descent from Jasper Crane. 50 neiv york. 151. Hamersley, James Hooker. Fourth in descent from William Hamersley. Eighth in descent from Brant Arentse van Sclichten- horst. Seventh in descent from Captain Filyp Pieterse van Schuyler. Sixth in descent from Robert Livingston. Fifth in descent from Thomas Gordon. Fourth in descent from Joseph Reade. 177. Hamilton, Alexander, Reverend, Sixth in descent from Colonel Johannes Schuyler. 425. Hand, Billings Learned. Ninth in descent from Captain George Dennison. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Lefling- well. Seventh in descent from Isaac Learned. Sixth in descent from Captain Roger Billings. 127. Harriman, William Edward. Ninth in descent from Colonel Richard Ingoldsby. Eighth in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Van Courtlandt. Eighth in descent from Killian Van Rensselaer. Seventh in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rensse- laer. Seventh in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuy- ler. Sixth in descent from Captain Arent Schuyler. 323. Hart, George William. Seventh in descent from Stephen Hart. Sixth in descent from Captain Thomas Hart. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Hawkins Hart. Eighth in descent from Captain John Gallup. Eighth in descent from Anthony Hawkins. Eighth in descent from Major John Mason. J Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 4 51 NEW YORK. Sixth in descent from Ensign Nathaniel Burwell. Fourth in descent from Captain Israel Burwell. Sixth in descent from Captain Jeremiah Fitch. Fifth in descent from Captain Abner Fitch. Fifth in descent from Captain Ebenezer Root. 360. Hartley, George Derwekt. Ninth in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. 21. Hatch, Arthur Melvin. Seventh in descent from Captain James Beebe. Seventh in descent from Samuel Boardman. Sixth in descent from Captain David Sherman. Sixth in descent from Ensign Thomas Taylor. Fourth in descent from the Reverend Nathanael Tay- lor. 199. Hawes, Gilbert Ray. Fifth in descent from Daniel Hawes. 126. Hawkes, E. McDougall. Fourth in descent from General Alexander McDou- gall. 263. Heilner, George Corson. Fifth in descent from Captain John Morgan. Fifth in descent from Captain Samuel Fish. Third in descent from Captain Zebulon Butler. 64. Henry, John Francis. Fourth in descent from Samuel Henry. Sixth in descent from Captain Isaac Gale. 274. Henry, William Barrett. Fourth in descent from Samuel Henry. Sixth in descent from Captain Isaac Gale. 148. Herman, John Armstrong. Fourth in descent from Colonel John Armstrong. 52 ALEXANDER McDOUGALL, h 1732 cl 17S6. Captain of the privateers "Tiger " and " Barrington" in tiie war of 17S6 with the Frencii. MAJOR GENERAL in the Revolution, Commanding at West Point. From a miniature owned by Mrs. H. Le Grand Cannon, New York. A'EIV YORK. 50. HiLLHousE, Francis. Eighth in descent from Captain Roger Clapp. Eighth in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Van Courtlandt. Seventh in descent from Captain Jan Jansen Bleecker. Seventh in descent from Major John Mason. Seventh in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rensse- laer. 42. HoADLEY, James Henry. Second in descent from Colonel Andrew Hillyer. Third in descent from Elihu Tudor, M. D. 121. HoFF, John Van Rensselaer, Major, Medical De- partment, U. S. A. Sixth in descent from Captain John Sanders Glen. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Killian Van Rensse- laer. 144. Hornor, William Macpherson. Eighth in descent from Joran Kyn. Fourth in descent from Captain John Macpherson. Third in descent from Major William Macpherson. 248. Hosmer, Edward Sturges. Ninth in descent from Governor Roger Conant. Ninth in descent from Governor William Pynchon. Eighth in descent from Captain Elizur Holyoke. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Sixth in descent from Colonel John Burr, 2d. Sixth in descent from William Pitkin, 2d. 133. Howard, William Colman. Fourth in descent from Colonel Moses Titcomb. 78. Howell, Henry Wilson, Jr. Fifth in descent from Jacob Howell. Sixth in descent from Randal Vernon. 329. Howell, William. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Hezekiah Howell. 53 N£IV YORK. 124. Howes, Frederic Reuben. Sixth in descent from Jeremiali Howes. 359. HuBBELL, Henry Wilson, Captain, First Artillery* U. S. A. Third in descent from Lieutenant John Hubbell. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Richard Hubbell. 182. HuLBERT, Henry C. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Hulbert. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Dymoke. Seventh in descent from Ensign Shubael Dymoke. Seventh in descent from William Bassett. Fifth in descent from Colonel William Bassett. 305. Humphreys, Frank Landon, Reverend. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Humphreys. 287, HURD, RUKARD, Seventh in descent from John Hurd. Fifth in descent from Captain Nathan Hurd, Sr. Fourth in descent from Captain Nathan Hurd, Jr. 71, Hyatt, Frank Stanley. Sixth in descent from Thomas Hyatt. 447, Hyde, Edwin Francis. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Simon Loth- rop. 411. Hyde, Frederick Erastus, M. D. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Simon Loth- rop. 354. Innis, Hasbrouck. Seventh in descent from Captain Andries De Witt. Fourth in descent from Captain Petrus De Witt. Seventh in descent from Jacob Hasbrouck. Sixth in descent from Colonel Henry Pawling. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Louis Bevier, 2d. 104. IsHAM, Charles. Fourth in descent from Captain John Isham. 54 NEW YORK. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Smith. Seventh in descent from Jacob Burhans, Sixth in descent from Quartermaster Nathaniel Foote 2d. Sixth in descent from Joseph Chamberlin. 441. Ives, Francis Joseph, Captain, Medical Depart- ment, U. S. A. Ninth in descent from Major Aaron Cooke. Eighth in descent from Captain Aaron Cooke, 2d, Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Robert Foote. Sixth in descent from Captain Joseph Foote. Fourth in descent from Captain Abraham Foote. 401. Jackson, Alfred Barney, First Lieutenant, gth Cavalry, U. S. A. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Seventh in descent from Joshua Henshaw. 16 r. Jackson, Oswald. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Lloyd. Seventh in descent from Edward Shippen. Sixth in descent from Captain John Gyles. Fourth in descent from Benjamin Chew. 395. Jennings, Albert Gould. Seventh in descent from Major Nathan Gould. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant-Governor Nathan Gould. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel John Talcott. Sixth in descent from Major John Burr. Fifth in descent from Major Peter Burr. 380. Johnson, Jeremiah Augustus. Fourth in descent from Captain James Gibson. 453- Johnson, Joseph Horsfall, Reverend. Seventh in descent from Captain Nathaniel Merriam. 55 nejv york. 404. Johnson, Stephen Albert. Fourth in descent from Captain Abner Johnson. Eighth in descent from Major-General Robert Sedg- wick. Eighth in descent from the Reverend Samuel Stone. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Francis Bell. Seventh in descent from Captain Nathaniel Merriam. Fifth in descent from Captain John Merriam. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Caleb Merriam. 111. Jones, Shipley. Seventh in descent from Governor Benedict Arnold. 410. Kelly, James Henry. Fourth in descent from Sergeant Reuben Hewit. 389. Kendall, Edward Hale. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Kendall. 414. Ketch am, William Platt. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Ketcham. 97. Kip, William V. B. Eighth in descent from Hendrick Kype. 96. Kitchen, John Cornelius Duryea. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Joris Rapelje. 367. Koues, George Ellsworth. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Ninth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. Eighth in descent from General Johannes de La Montagne. 112. Lansdale, Philip Van Horne, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy. Fourth in descent from Colonel Philip Van Horne. 84. Lawrence, Abraham Riker, Justice of the Supreme Court of New-York. Fifth in descent from Major Thomas Lawrence. Fourth in descent from Captain John Lawrence. 56 NEW YORK. Second in descent from Major Jonathan Lawrence. Sixth in descent from Matthias Nicoll. Fifth in descent from Governor William Smith. Third in descent from General Nathaniel Woodhull. 427. Leonard, Edgar Cotrell. Ninth in descent from Governor William Bradford. 142. Lewis, William Fisher. Fifth in descent from Evan Lewis. 335. Litchfield, Edward Hubbard. Seventh in descent from Lawrence Litchfield. 44. Livingston, Edward de Peyster. Fourth in descent from Robert R. Livingston. 32. Livingston, Philip. Sixth in descent from Robert Livingston. Eighth in descent from Brant Arentse Van Slichten- horst. Sixth in descent from Captain Peter Van Brugh. Seventh in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuy- ler. 280. LocKwooD, James Betts. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Jonathan Lockwood. 440. Lord, Frank Howard. Eighth in descent from Captain Richard Lord. Eighth in descent from Cornet Joseph Parsons. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Parsons. Seventh in descent from the Reverend Gershom Bulke- ley, M. D. 166. Lord, Nathan Holcomb. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Leflfing well. Sixth in descent from Thomas Leffingwell. 57 NEiv York:. 253. LuQUER, Lea McIlvaine. Eighth in descent from Edward Shippen. Sixth in descent from Paymaster Edward Shippen. 449- LuQUER, Thatcher Taylor Payne. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant William Paine. 217. Mackenzie, George Norbury. Eighth in descent from William Parke. Fifth in descent from Colonel Joseph Williams. 470. Macy, Sylvanus Jenkins. Seventh in descent from Captain John Gorham. 361. Mann, Elias Plum. Sixth in descent from Richard Man. 362. Mann, Francis N., Jr. Sixth in descent from Richard Man. 345. Marsh, Charles Wells. Fourth in descent from Captain Moses Marsh. 261. Marshall, Henry Rutgers. Seventh in descent from Captain Daniel Brodhead. Seventh in descent from Louis Du Bois. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Judson. Sixth in descent from Harman Rutgers. 69. Marshall, Howard. Sixth in descent from Captain John Berry. 292. Marshall, John Gilbert. Sixth in descent from Captain William Lawrence. 419. Mayo, Edward Carrington. Fourth in descent from Colonel William Mayo. 56. McAllister, Heyward Hall. Eighth in descent from Captain Richard Lord. Sixth in descent from Dr. John Cutler. Fifth in descent from Captain Thomas Heyward. Fifth in descent from Captain Mathew Dill. 58 NEIV YORK. 448. McVicKAR, Edward. Fifth in descent from Surgeon John Constable. 42S. Meday, Henry Hawes. Sixth in descent from Daniel Hawes. 273. Melville, Henry. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Brooks. Eighth in descent from John Prescott. Seventh in descent from Captain Jonas Prescott. Sixth in descent from Captain Jonas Prescott, 2d. Seventh in descent from Captain Timothy Wheeler. Sixth in descent from Captain James Gregg. Sixth in descent from John Melvin. Sixth in descent from Captain James Minot. Fifth in descent from Colonel James Barrett. Fifth in descent from Sergeant Joseph Houston. Fourth in descent from Adam Dickey. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Josiah Whitney. 136. Metcalf, James Betts. Ninth in descent from Mathew Allyn. Eighth in descent from Captain George Barber. Eighth in descent from Captain Roger Clapp. Eighth in descent from Governor Theophilus Eaton. Eighth in descent from Captain Benjamin Newberry. Eighth in descent from Captain John Stanley. Seventh in descent from Deputy-Governor William Jones. Seventh in descent from Captain John Taylor. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant John Taylor, Jr. Sixth in descent from Captain Daniel Noble. Third in descent from Sergeant Selah Benton. 140. Mifflin, James. Fourth in descent from John Mifflin. Eighth in descent from Cornet John Steadman. 59 NEW YORK. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Philip Thomas. Sixth in descent from Anthony Morris. Sixth in descent from Captain Richard Snowden. *46. Miller, Charles Benjamin. Eighth in descent from Ensign Thomas Huckins. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant George Macy. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Hinckley. * 4. Miller, Edward Clarence. Eighth in descent from Commissary-General Thomas Huckins. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant George Macy. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Hinckley. 159. Miller, John Bleecker. Eighth in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuy- ler. Seventh in descent from Governor Rip Van Dam. Seventh in descent from Major Abraham Staats, M. D. Sixth in descent from Captain Jochim Staats. 243. Minor, John Crannell, M.D. Sixth in descent from Captain John Minor. Third in descent from Seth Minor. 45. Mitchell, William Anderson, M.D. Eighth in descent from Mathew Mitchell. Seventh in descent from Captain John Sherman. Fifth in descent from Colonel James Minot. 307. Montgomery, James Lynch. Eighth in descent from Brant Arentse van Slichten- horst. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Wilhelmus Beek- man. Seventh in descent from Colonel Peter Schuyler. Seventh in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler. 60 NEIV YORK. 34. Morgan, Appleton. Fourth in descent from Sergeant Joseph Morgan. Fifth in descent from Major Isaac Appleton. Fifth in descent from Major Samuel Appleton. Eighth in descent from Samuel Symonds. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Baker. Sixth in descent from William Sawyer. 113. Morgan, James Henry. Sixth in descent from Captain John Morgan. Seventh in descent from Captain James Avery. 279. Morgan, Robert Webb. Seventh in descent from Captain James Avery. 229. Morgan, William H. Sixth in descent from Captain John Morgan. Fifth in descent from Captain Theophilus Morgan. 114. Morris, Lewis, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N. Sixth in descent from Governor Lewis Morris. 193. Morris, William Henry. Fourth in descent from Governor Lewis Morris. 471. Morrison, George Austin, Jr. Ninth in descent from John Johnson. 332. Morse, Waldo Grant. Sixth in descent from Captain Joseph Morse. 249. MosELEY, Edward Augustus. Fourth in descent from the Reverend Samuel Moseley Ninth in descent from Deputy-Governor George Cleeves. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thaddeus Clark. Sixth in descent from John Weeks. Fifth in descent from Governor Edward Tyng. Fourth in descent from John Brown. Fourth in descent from Colonel Jonathan Buck. Fourth in descent from Jabez Fox. 61 neiv york. * 3, Murray, Charles H. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant William Allis. Eighth in descent from Samuel Belden. Eighth in descent from Thomas Wells. Seventh in descent from Samuel Ball. Seventh in descent from Captain George Dennison. Seventh in descent from William Scott. Seventh in descent from Major-General Robert Sedg- wick. Seventh in descent from Doctor Thomas Starr. Seventh in descent from the Reverend Samuel Stone. Sixth in descent from Sergeant John Dickinson. Fifth in descent from Jedediah Strong. 62. Myer, Isaac Seventh in descent from Corporal Simon de Ruine. Seventh in descent from Sergeant Edward Riggs. 339. Noble, Henry Harmon. Fifth in descent from Ensign David Noble. Eighth in descent from Mathew Mitchell. Eighth in descent from Stephen Terry. Seventh in descent from Samuel Sherman. Sixth in descent from Captain John Sherman. Fourth in descent from Captain Archibald McNeil. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Paul Welch. 381. Norton, Edward Loudon. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from Captain Mathew Fuller. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Fuller. Eighth in descent from Captain John Gorham. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel John Gorham. Seventh in descent from Sergeant Thomas Barber. Seventh in descent from John Porter. 62 NEW YORK. Seventh in descent from William Thrall. Sixth in descent from John Hosford. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Timothy Phelps. Fourth in descent from Captain Ichabod Phelps. Fifth in descent from Captain Morris R. Tillotson. Fifth in descent from Captain Benoni Trumbull. 134. Norwood, Lewis MoRPas. Sixth in descent from Governor Lewis Morris. 347. NoYES, Charles Phelps. Fourth in descent from Captain Thomas Noyes. Sixth in descent from Deputy-Governor James Barker. Sixth in descent from Governor William Coddington. Sixth in descent from Simon Lynde. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant John Sanford. Fifth in descent from Governor Peleg Sanford. Sixth in descent from Thomas Stanton. Sixth in descent from Deputy-Governor Francis Wil- loughby. Fifth in descent from Captain John Rogers. 210. NoYES, James Atkins. Fifth in descent from Captain John Loring. 288. Oakley, E. Benedict. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Benedict. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Daniel Benedict. 115. Oakley, Henry Cruger. Fifth in descent from Major Hendrick Cuyler. Third in descent from Henry Cruger. 49. O'CoNOR, John Christopher. Sixth in descent from Captain John Miles. 338. Ogden, Ludlow. Seventh in descent from John Ogden. 63 NE]V YORK. 355. Olin, Stephen H., Lieutenant-Colonel and As- sistant Adjutant-General, N. G. N. Y. S. Seventh in descent from Colonel Peter Schuyler. 22. Olney, George Washington. Ninth in descent from Thomas Olney, Sr. Eighth in descent from Thomas Olney, Jr. Eighth in descent from John Whipple. Fourth in descent from Corporal Ezekiel Olds. 203. Orne, Henry Merrill, Ninth in descent from JMathew Allyn. Eighth in descent from Captain Benjamin Newberry. Eighth in descent from Captain Roger Clapp, Seventh in descent from Captain Preserved Clapp. Sixth in descent from Captain Roger Clapp. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Pickering. 310. Paige, Edward Winslow. Third in descent from John Paige. Eighth in descent from Philip Sherman. Seventh in descent from Captain Edward Richmond. Seventh in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Van Courtlandt. Sixth in descent from Matthias Nicoll. Sixth in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 331. Parker, Ely S., Donehogawa, Brevet Brigadier- General, late U. S. A. Representing as Hereditary Chief Sachem of the Iro- quois, or Six Nations, the Dotiehogawa, or Keepers of the Western Door or Gate of the symbolic " Long House " of the Iroquois, who, by their successive trea- ties with the Dutch and Plnglish Governments, for over a hundred years formed a protective barrier against the French and their Indian allies, confining their Canadian Colonies to a narrow strip along the St. Lawrence, and preventing them from seizing the country south of the Great Lakes, thus enabling the English colonies to gather strength for the final over- throw of New France. 64 NEl^^ YORK. 234. Parsons, Albert Ross. Eighth in descent from Cornet Joseph Parsons. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Parsons. Fifth in descent from Aaron Parsons. 334. Patterson, John Henry, Major, 3d Infantry, U.S.A. Fifth in descent by representation from Captain John Bull. 392. Peck, Guy Dayton. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Francis Bell. Eighth in descent from Captain George Dennison. Eighth in descent from Governor John Webster. Seventh in descent from Ensign John Stream. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Dayton. Fourth in descent from Captain Abner Baldwin. 313. Peck, John Hudson. Third in descent from John Peck. 407. Pell, Frederick Aycrigg. Sixth in descent from Samuel Pell, Third in descent from Captain John Pell. 342. Pell, Harrison Archibald. Seventh in descent from Major John Pell. 15. Pell, Howland. Nmth in descent by representation from Surgeon Thomas Pell. Seventh in descent from Major John Pell. Eighth in descent from Governor Walter Clarke. Seventh in descent from Zoeth Howland. Seventh in descent from Captain William Lawrence. Sixth in descent from Ensign Joseph Lawrence. Seventh in descent from Colonel Richard Townley. Seventh in descent from Colonel Thomas Willett. Sixth in descent from Deputy-Governor William Rob- inson. 65 NEW YORK. 33. Pell, John H. Sixth in descent from Samuel Pell. Third in descent from Captain John Pell, 258. Pell, William Cruger. Sixth in descent from Major John Pell. Seventh in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Van Courtlandt. Sixth in descent from Major Kendrick Cuyler. Sixth in descent from Colonel Johannes Van Schuyler. Fifth in descent from Colonel Johannes Van Rensse- laer. Fourth in descent from Henry Cruger. Fourth in descent from Colonel Philip Schuyler. 416. Perley, Harry Otis, Captain Medical Department, U. S. A. Fourth in descent from John Fowler. 461. PoMEROY, George Eltweed. Fourth in descent from Seth Pomeroy. II. Pond, Charles Hobby. Fourth in descent from Charles Pond. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Benjamin Fenn. Eighth in descent from Captain Samuel Newton. Seventh in descent from Governor Theophilus Eaton. Seventh in descent from Sir Charles Hobby. Seventh in descent from Deputy-Governor William Jones. Seventh in descent from Captain John Miles. Fifth in descent from Captain Hercules Mooney, 14. Pond, Winthrop. Fourth in descent from Charles Pond. Seventh in descent from Governor Theophilus Eaton. Seventh in descent from Sir Charles Hobby. Seventh in descent from Captain John Miles. 66 NEW YORK. Seventh in descent from Deputy-Governor William Joneso Sixth in descent from Colonel Roger Newton. 301. Post, William Augustine. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Abraham Post. 262. Powers, Charles Andrew, M. D. Fifth in descent from Gideon Powers. 251. Price, Henry Reese, M. D. Eighth in descent from Major John Mason. Sixth in descent from Captain John Fitch. Fourth in descent from Samuel Webb. 377. Prime, Ralph Earle. Eighth in descent from Captain Ralph Earle. Eighth in descent from Edward Howell. Seventh in descent from Major John Howell. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Wheel- wright. Sixth in descent from Colonel John Wheelwright. Fifth in descent from John Wheelwright. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Pier- son 175. Pruyn, John Van Schaick Lansing. Fifth in descent from Samuel Pruyn. Eighth in descent from Brant Arentse Van Slichten- horst. Fourth in descent from David Groesbeck. 426. Rankin, Egbert Guernsey, M. D. Seventh in descent from. Captain William Hallett. Sixth in descent from Captain Francois Rombouts. 304. Read, Harmon Pumpelly, Major, N. G. S. N. Y. Fifth in descent from Colonel John Read. Third in descent from Sergeant John Pumpelly. (^1 NEW YORK. 19. Reed, Henry Bidlack, M. D. Eighth in descent from Captain Daniel Brodhead. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Sixth in descent from Captain Jonathan Alden. Fourth in descent from Captain Prince Alden. 116. Reed, James Monroe, Jr., Eighth in descent from Captain Daniel Brodhead. 100. Remington, Cyrus Kingsbury. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Remington. Sixth in descent from Launcelot Granger. Third in descent from Quartermaster-Sergeant Abner Granger. 408. Remsen, Phcenix. Third in descent from Lieutenant Henry Remsen. 58. Rhinelander, Philip. Sixth in descent from Major Hendrick Cuyler. Fourth in descent from Henry Cruger. 28. Rhinelander, T. J. Oakley. Sixth in descent from Major Henry Cuyler. Fourth in descent from Henry Cruger. 197. Rhoades, Lyman. Fifth in descent from Samuel Rhoades. Third in descent from Ensign Samuel Rhodes. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant William Clark. Sixth in descent from Robert Coates. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant John Fuller. Sixth in descent from John Stebbins. Fifth in descent from Ensign Ebinezer Sheldon. 350. Richards, Frederick Barnard. Ninth in descent from John Hall. Seventh in descent from Joshua Bigelow. Seventh in descent from Balthasar De Wolf. Sixth in descent from Colonel Stephen Lee. 68 NEW YORK'. Sixth in descent from Ensign Thomas Lee. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Richard Lord. 86. RiKER, John Jackson. Seventh in descent from Major Thomas Lawrence. 117. RiKER, John Lawrence. Sixth in descent from Major Thomas Lawrence. 415. Ripley, Charles Stedman, Lieutenant, U. S. N. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. Ninth in descent from Governor John Webster. Eighth in descent from Governor William Bradford. 13. RoBBiNS, Howard Sumner. Eighth in descent from Samuel Robbins. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Jonathan Robbins. Tenth in descent from Captain Joseph Hills, Ninth in descent from Deputy-Governor James Barker. Ninth in descent from Captain Jeremiah Clarke. Ninth in descent from Captain John Wayte. Eighth in descent from Governor Caleb Carr. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Putnam. Seventh in descent from Captain Jonathan Walcott. Sixth in descent from Captain Robert Taft. 189. Robertson, Henry Montague. Eighth in descent from Peter Montague. 81. RuGGLEs, James Francis. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Seventh in descent from Governor William Leete. 433. Russell, Averly Claude Holmes, Surgeon, U. S. N. Sixth in descent from Captain Daniel Brodhead. 207. Russell, Willlvm Hamilton. Seventh in descent from Captain Johannes de Peyster. Sixth in descent from Colonel Stephanus Van Court- landt. 69 NEIV YORK. Fourth in descent from Major-General William Alex- ander, Lord Sterling. Fourth in descent from John Watts. 277. Saltonstall, Andrew H. Mickle. Ninth in descent from Sir Richard Saltonstall. Eighth in descent from Richard Saltonstall. Seventh in descent from Colonel Nathaniel Saltonstall. Sixth in descent from Governor Gurdon Saltonstall. Ninth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. Eighth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. Seventh in descent from Major-General Wait Still Winthrop. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Seventh in descent from Joseph Dudley. 198. Sands, Benjamin Aymar. Sixth in descent from Captain John Sands. 153. Sanger, William Cary, Colonel, N. G. S. N. Y. Seventh in descent from Captain George Barber. Seventh in descent from Captain Richard Betts 239. Satterlee, Francis Le Roy, M. D. Third in descent from Lieutenant Benedict Satterlee. 162. Schermerhorn, Charles Augustus. Sixth in descent from Symon Schermerhorn. Third in descent from David Grim. 438. Schermerhorn, Edward Gibert. Seventh in descent from Symon Schermerhorn. 103. Schieffelin, Eugene. Sixth in descent from Captain William Lawrence, Sixth in descent from Major John Pell. Sixth in descent from Captain Nicholas Stilwell. 60. Schieffelin, George Richard. Seventh in descent from Major John Pell. Fifth in descent from Ensign Joseph Pell. 70 NEW YORK. Seventh in descent from Captain William Lawrence. Seventh in descent from Colonel Richard Townley. Fourth in descent from David Frothingham. 101. SCHIEFFELIN, ScHUYLER, Ninth in descent from Colonel Richard Ingoldsby. Seventh in descent from Major John Pell. Seventh in descent from Colonel Stephanus Van Court- landt. Seventh in descent from Captain Nicholas Stilwell. Sixth in descent from Captain Arent Schuyler. Sixth in descent from Killian Van Rensselaer. 102. SCHIEFFELIN, WiLLIAM JaY. Eighth in descent from Captain William Lawrence. 437. SCHROEDER, JaMES LaNGDON. Ninth in descent from John Brown. Eighth in descent from Captain Richard Brackett. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Willett. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Edward Winship. Seventh in descent from Captain William Lewis. Sixth in descent from Captain John Stanley. Fifth in descent from Captain Joseph Hooker. 348. Schuyler, Clarkson Crosby, M. D. Sixth in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler. Fifth in descent from Colonel Peter Schuyler. Seventh in descent from Brant Arentse Van Slichten- horst. 154. Schuyler, John. Seventh in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. Sixth in descent from Colonel Johannes Schuyler. Third in descent from Colonel Philip Schuyler. 344. SCUDDER, HeN'RY TowNSEND, ReVEREND. Sixth in descent from Major Moses Mansfield 71 NEW YORK. 82. Seaman, Louis Livingston, M, D. Seventh in descent from Captain John Seaman. 4 1 7. Sears, Clinton Brooks, Major, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Eighth in descent from Richard Sears. Seventh in descent from Captain Paul Sears. Ninth in descent from Edmund Freeman. Eighth in descent from Major John Freeman. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Prince. Eighth in descent from John Bigelow. Seventh in descent from Joshua Bigelow. Eighth in descent from Captain Jonathan Sparrow. Eighth in descent from George Willard. 59. Sears, Walter J., Lieutenant, U. S. N. Eighth in descent from Richard Sares. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Silas Sears. Eighth in descent from Captain Paul Sears. Seventh in descent from Silas Sears* Seventh in descent from Captain Samuel Sears. Ninth in descent from John Mayo. Eighth in descent from Samuel Mayo. Ninth in descent from George Willard. Seventh in descent from William Locke. Seventh in descent from William Merrick. 324. Shelby, Cass Knight. Fifth in descent from Captain Evan Shelby. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Isaac Shelby. 286. Shelton, George Gregory, M. D. Seventh in descent from Deputy-Governor Roger Ludlow. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Welles. Fifth in descent from Captain John Savage. Fourth in descent from John Gray. 72 NEW YORK. 284. Shelton, William Atwood. Seventh in descent from Deputy-Governor Roger Ludlow. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Welles. Fifth in descent from Captain John Savage. Fourth in descent from John Gray. 333. Shepard, Robert Fitch. Sixth in descent from the Reverend James Fitch. Fifth in descent from Major James Fitch. , Seventh in descent from Governor William Bradford. Sixth in descent from Major William Bradford. 147. Shippen, Edward, Medical Director, U. S. N. Retired. Fifth in descent from Colonel Joseph Shippen. 430. Short, Edward Lyman. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant John Lyman, 452. Sibley, Frederick Trowbridge. Fourth in descent from Captain Abraham Whipple. 326. .Sill, Frederick Schroeder, Reverend. Sixth in descent from Captain Joseph Sill. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Richard Lord. 349. Sill, John Targee. Sixth in descent from Captain Joseph Sill. Eighth in descent from Major-General Humphrey Atherton. Eighth in descent from David Provoost. Eighth in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. Eighth in descent from Brant Arentse Van Slichten- horst. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Mathew Gris- wold. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Sylvester Salis- bury. 73 NEIV YORK. Seventh from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuyler. Seventh in descent from Captain Nicholas Stillwell. Seventh in descent from Deputy-Governor Francis Willoughby. Sixth in descent from Colonel Jeremias van Rensse- laer. 330. Skidmore, William Lemuel. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Skidmore. 462. Slocum, Joseph Jermain, Colonel, U. S. V. Seventh in descent from Captain Myles Standish. 267. Smith, Gouverneur Mather, M. D. Eighth in descent from Major-General Humphrey Atherton. Seventh in descent irom Antoine Lispenard. Sixth in descent from Captain Anthony Lispenard. Fifth in descent from Colonel Leonard Lispenard. Sixth in descent from Captain Anthony Rutgers. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Mather. 291. Smith, Lewis Bayard. Eighth in descent from Major-General Humphrey Atherton. Seventh in descent from Antoine Lispenard. Sixth in descent from Captain Anthony Lispenard. Fifth.^n descent from Colonel Leonard Lispenard. Sixth in descent from Captain Anthony Rutgers. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Mather. 391. Smith, Philip Henry S. Seventh in descent from Captain Leonard Lewis. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Colonel Henry Filkin. 472. Smith, Thomas Edward Vermilye. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Leffingwell. 74 NEW YORK. 260, Spalding, the Right Rev. John Franklin, Bishop of Colorado. Sixth in descent from John Spalding. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant John Spalding. 183. Spencer, Lorillard. Fifth in descent from Governor Roger Wolcott. 364. Spies, Francis Ferdinand. Sixth in descent from David Foster. 128. Spofford, Paul Nelson. Fifth in descent from Captain John Spofford. Fourth in descent from Captain Abner Spofford. Fourth in descent from Colonel Daniel SpofFord. Ninth in descent from Captain Edmund Greenleaf. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Bradbury. Sixth in descent from Captain Joseph Boynton. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant John Dresser. Sixth in descent from John Hopkinson. Sixth in descent from Stephen Mighill. 412. Sprague, John Titcomb, M. D. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Ralph Sprague. Seventh in descent from Captain John Sprague. Sixth in descent from Jonathan Sprague. 309. Standish, Myles. Eighth in descent from Captain Myles Standish. 137. Stevenson, William Paxton. Fourth in descent from Captain Robert McPherson. 320. Stilwell, William Moore. Eighth in descent from Captain Nicholas Stilwell. 221. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr. Eighth in descent from Thomas Root. Seventh in descent from Samuel Belden. Seventh in descent from Zachariah Field. 75 NEW YORK. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Philip Smith. Seventh in descent from Ensign Daniel Warner. Fourth in descent from Israel Hubbard. 371. Stokes, Anson Phelps. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Eighth in descent from Governor John Haynes. 190. Story, Henry Grafton. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Prince. Ninth in descent from Edmund Freeman. Eighth in descent from Major John Freeman. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. Seventh in descent from Ensign Samuel Munson. Eighth in descent from Deputy-Governor Samuel Symonds. Seventh in descent from Major Samuel Appleton. Sixth in descent from Major Isaac Appleton. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Baker. 191. Story, Joseph Grafton. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. Sixth in descent from Ensign Samuel Munson. Seventh in descent from Deputy-Governor Samuel Symonds. Sixth in descent from Major Samuel Appleton. Fifth in descent from Major Isaac Appleton. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Baker. 201. Stringer, George Alfred. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Fifth in descent from the Reverend Timothy Edwards. Fourth in descent from Captain John Ellsworth. 152. Strong, Joseph Montgomery, Jr. Seventh in descent from Thomas Strong. Sixth in descent from Robert Livingston. Fifth in descent from Colonel Philip Livingston. 76 NEW YORK. 174. SuYDAM, Walter Lispenard. Seventh in descent from Captain John Underhill. Seventh in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. Sixth in descent from Symon Schermerhorn. Fourth in descent from the Honorable Henry White. 289. Swan, Frederick George. Seventh in descent from Richard Swan. Sixth in descent from Robert Swan. Fifth in descent from Sergeant Joseph Lamson. *9. SWARTWOUT, SaTTERLEE. Sixth in descent from Roeloff Swartout. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Benedict Salter- lee. 57. Swords, Henry Cotheal. Third in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Swords. 443. Talmage, Robert Sanford. Eighth in descent from Major William Phillips. 429. Taylor, Washington Irving. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Wiggins. Seventh in descent from Governor Simon Bradstreet. 336. Terry, George Davis. Eighth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Seventh in descent from Major William Bradford. Seventh in descent from Governor John Haynes. 337. Thebaud, Paul Gibert. Seventh in descent from Symon Schermerhorn. 218. Thom, William Henry De Courcy Wright. Fifth in descent from Judge Solomon Wright. NEW YORK. 219. Thomas, Douglas Hamilton. Eighth in descent from Deputy-Governor Isaac AUer- ton. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Allerton. Eighth in descent from Governor Robert Brooke. Seventh in descent from Major Thomas Brooke. Sixth in descent from Colonel Thomas Brooke. Seventh in descent from Colonel John Addison. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel William Randolph. Seventh in descent from Colonel William Travers. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Travers. Sixth in descent from Colonel William Fitz Hugh. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Marshall. 272. Thomas, Lawrence Buckley, Reverend. Sixth in descent^ from Lieutenant Philip Thomas. Seventh in descent from Colonel Samuel Chew. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Robert Feke. Seventh in descent from Captain Richard Snowden. Sixth in descent from Captain William Lawrence. Fifth in descent from Ensign Joseph Lawrence. 464. Thompson, Edward Ray. Sixth in descent from Governor Gurdon Saltonstall. 43. Thompson, Frederick Diodati. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Lion Gardiner. Fourth in descent from Colonel Abraham Gardiner. Eighth in descent from Deputy-Governor Roger Lud- low. Fifth in descent from Governor Roger Walcott. Fourth in descent from Deputy-Governor Matthew Griswold. 463. Thompson, Hobart Warren. Seventh in descent from Governor Gurdon Salton- stall. 78 NEW YORK. 318. Thompson, William Prall. Seventh in descent from Deputy-Governor Roger Ludlow. 195. Throckmorton, Charles Wickliffe. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Fleete. Eighth in descent from Daniel McCarty. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant George Mason. Seventh in descent from Captain George Mason. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant George Mason. Seventh in descent from Stevens Thomson. Fourth in descent from Sergeant Benjamin Logan. 252. Throop, George Enos. Fourth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Seventh in descent from Thomas Gridley. Sixth in descent from Deputy-Governor James Bishop. Sixth in descent from Captain Joseph Hawley. 186. Tillinghast, William Henry. Third in descent from Thomas Tillinghast. 379. Tompkins, Hamilton Bullock. Seventh in descent from John Alden. 31. TowNSEND, James Hill. Fifth in descent from Richard Townsend. Eighth in descent from Samuel Gorton. Seventh in descent from Captain John Underhill. Sixth in descent from John Wickes. Sixth in descent from Captain George Woolsey. 132. ToWNSEND, RUFUS M. Eighth in descent from Captain Myles Standish. 10. Trenchard, Edward. Fourth in descent from George Trenchard. Eighth in descent from ' Deputy-Governor Ambrose Gibbon. 79 NEW YORK. Sixth in descent from Captain Nathaniel Thomas. Sixth in descent from Captain John Sands. Fifth in descent from Captain Tobias Langdon. Fourth in descent from Captain Richard Langdon, 63. Trevor, Henry Graff. Seventh in descent from Antoine Lispenard. Sixth in descent from Captain Anthony Lispenard. Fifth in descent from Colonel Leonard Lispenard. Seventh in descent from Harman Rutgers. 281. Trott, James Parkhurst. Seventh in descent from Joshua Bigelow. Fourth in descent from Captain Jonathan Whitney. 65. Trowbridge, Charles Hotchkiss. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Trow- bridge. 366. Trowbridge, Samuel Breck P. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant James Trowbridge. 376. Tucker, Oilman Henry. Seventh in descent from Governor Joseph Dudley. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant James Dudley. Sixth in descent from Captain John Gilman. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Peter Foulsham. 24. Tufts, Walter Brownell. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Sixth in descent from Governor Simon Bradstreet. 455. Tuttle, Frank Day. Eighth in descent from Captain Nathaniel Turner. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Job Winslow. 322. Underbill, Edgar. Seventh in descent from Captain John Underbill. 465. Underbill, Frederick Edgar. Eighth in descent from Captain John Underbill. 80 NEW YORK. 66. Valentine, Abraham Bates. Sixth in descent from Colonel Benjamin Valentine. Eighth in descent from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 382. Valentine, Samuel Hempstead. Sixth in descent from Colonel Benjamin Valentine. Eighth in descent from Captain James Avery. 184. Van Cortlandt, Robert B. Seventh in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. 74. Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt Schuyler. Seventh in descent from Kilian Van Rensselaer. Sixth in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rensselaer. Fourth in descent from Colonel Johannes Van Rens- selaer. 178. Van Rensselaer, Eugene. Seventh in descent from Kilian Van Rensselaer. Sixth in descent from Colonel Jeremias Van Rensselaer. Fifth in descent from Kilian Van Rensselaer. 105. Van Rensselaer, Maunsell, Reverend. Fifth in descent from Captain John Sanders Glen. 185. Van Vechten, Abraham Van Wyck. Third in descent from Lieutenant Tennis Van Vechten. 48. Varnum, James M., Brigadier-General and Pay- master-General, S. N. Y. Seventh in descent from George Varnum. Sixth in descent from Samuel Varnum. Fifth in descent from Colonel Joseph Varnum. Fourth in descent from Major Samuel Varnum. 341. Vermilye, Ashbel Green, Reverend. Seventh in descent from Isaac Vermilye. Sixth in descent from Johannes Vermilye. 81 Ivard Jackson. Sixth in descent from Captain Joseph Fuller. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Isaac Gale. 2 2. Churchill, Gardner Asaph. Seventh in descent from John Churchill. Eighth in descent from Deputy Governor Isaac Allerton, Seventh in descent from Captain Jonathan Prescott. Sixth in descent from Colonel Joseph Buckminister, Sr. Fifth in descent from Colonel Joseph Buckminster, Jr. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant James Fowle. Fifth in descent from Captain John Fowle. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel John Jones, Jr. 62. Churchill, Nathaniel Wiley. Eighth in descent from Captain John Gilman. * 9. Clark, Arthur Wellington, M. D. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Brooks. Eighth in descent from George Minot. Sixth in descent from Captain James Minot. Seventh in descent from Captain John Whipple. Seventh in descent from Job Lane. Sixth in descent from Isaac Temple. 49. Coffin, Rufus. Ninth in descent from Captain Myles Standish. Eighth in descent from Alexander Standish. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from Ensign John Whitman, Ninth in descent from Captain Nicholas Byram. Eighth in descent from John Churchill. 47. COLLAMORE, JOHN HoFFMAN. Fifth in descent from Captain Anthony CoUamore. 23. Corliss, Augustus Whittemore, Captain, 8th In- fantry, U. S. A. Third in descent from Joshua Corliss. 123 ma ssa chuse tts. 80. Gushing, Harry Cooke, Jr. Eighth in descent from Colonel Benjamin Church. 20. DoRMAN, William Barnes. Fourth in descent from Timotliy Dorman. Eighth in descent from Joseph Fowler. Fifth in descent from John Fowler. Seventh in descent from Captain William Perkins. Seventh in descent from Sergeant Richard Church. Sixth in descent from Captain John Gould. Sixth in descent from William Peabody. Sixth in descent from Ensign William Longfellow. Sixth in descent from Daniel Warren, Sr. Sixth in descent from John Spaford. Fifth in descent from Captain Joseph Hale. 10. Draper, Walter Holbrook. Fifth in descent from John Draper. * 7. Draper, William Franklin, M. C, Brigadier-Gen- eral, U. S. V. Fifth in descent from James Draper. 87. Fernald, Charles Augustus, M. D. Fifth in descent from Captain John Fernald. 18. FoLsoM, Albert Alonzo. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Peter Foulsham. Sixth in descent from Captain John Gilman. Fifth in descent from Captain Jonathan Thing. 53. Foster, Francis Apthorp. Eighth in descent from Edward Foster. Eighth in descent from Richard Williams. Fifth in descent from Captain Elijah Macomber. 57. Foster, George Whitfield. Sixth in descent from Thomas Flint. 124 a/a ssa chuse tts. 52. Gould, Levi S wanton. Sixth in descent from John Gould. Sixth in descent from Francis Whitmore. Fifth in descent from John Whitmore. 91. Gragg, Isaac Saul. Seventh in descent from John Alden. 89. Green, Charles Montraville, M. D, Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Henry Green. Eighth in descent from John Bent, Sr. Eighth in descent from John Howe. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Drury. Sixth in descent from Captain Thomas Drury. Seventh in descent from John Witherbee. * 6. Green, Samuel Swett. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Fourth in descent from Brigadier-General Timothy Ruggles. Seventh in descent from Jonathan Sprague. 83. Griffith, Merriweather Hood. Seventh in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenberry. 50. Guild, Chester, Jr. Eighth in descent from John Guild. Seventh in descent from Samuel Guild. Sixth in descent from Ensign Nathaniel Guild. Eighth in descent from John Woodcock. 86. Hale, Henry Appleton. Seventh in descent from Major Samuel Appleton. 19. Hall, George Franklin. Eighth in descent from Captain Francis Norton. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Syll. Seventh in descent from John Sargent. Seventh in descent from Captain John Green. 125 MA SSA CHUSE TTS. Seventh in descent from Captain John Peabody. Seventh in descent from Captain Daniel Champney. Seventh in descent from Jases Buckman. 30. Hall, Lewis Coleman. Eighth in descent from Captain Joseph Syll. Eighth in descent from Daniel Hawes. Eighth in descent from Job Lane. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant William Avery. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Thurston, Sixth in descent from Nathaniel Farrington. 69. Hartley, Isaac Smithson, Reverend. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. 84. Hastings, Henry. Eighth in descent from Colonel Nathaniel Saltonstall. IJ. Hemenway, Frederick Trowbridge. Sixth in descent from Joshua Hemenway. Eighth in descent from Major Aaron Cooke. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant James Trowbridge. Eighth in descent from Captain Roger Clapp. Seventh in descent from Captain Samuel Clapp. Seventh in descent from Timothy Tileston. 27. Houghton, Henry Oscar. Seventh in descent from Richard Bowen. Sixth in descent from John White. Sixth in descent from Ensign John Lakin. Sixth in descent from Lawrence Waters. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Preserved Abel. Fifth in descent from John Whitcomb. Fifth in descent from Ensign John Divoll. Fourth in descent from William Divoll. Fifth in descent from Abraham Temple. Fourth in descent from Henry Willard. Fourth in descent from Corporal Hooker Osgood. 126 ma ssa chuse tts. 39. Houghton, Henry Oscar, Jr. Eighth in descent from Richard Bowen. Seventh in descent from John White. Seventh in descent from Ensign John Lakin. Seventh in descent from Lawrence Waters. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Preserved Abel. Sixth in descent from John Whitcomb. Sixth in descent from John Divoll. Fifth in descent from William Divoll. Sixth in descent from Ensign Samuel Manning. Sixth in descent from Abraham Temple. Fifth in descent from Henry Willard. Fifth in descent from Corporal Hooker Osgood. 15. HowLAND, Daniel Webster. Seventh in descent from Arthur Howland. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Prince. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Robert Barker. Sixth in descent from Samuel Sprague. Sixth in descent from Christopher Wadsworth. Sixth in descent from Thomas Brintnall. Fifth in descent from Captain Samuel Wadsworth. 58. HuRD, Charles Russell. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Nathaniel Burt. 88. Jenks, Henry Fitch, Reverend. Fourth in descent from Captain Samuel Jenks. 74. JuDsoN, William Voorhees, ist Lieutenant, Engi- neer Corps, U. S. A. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Judson. Ninth in descent from Matthew Mitchell. Eighth in descent from Hendrick Kype. Seventh in descent from Captain John Minor. 25. Lamson, Daniel Sanderson. Fourth in descent from Samuel Lamson. 56. Earned, Francis Mason. Eighth in descent from Captain Hugh Mason. 127 ma ssa chuse tts. 40. Martin, William Pierce. Fifth in descent from Colonel Joseph Frye. 35. Mason, Charles Frank. Seventh in descent from Captain Hugh Mason. Fourth in descent from Captain Eliphalet Fales. 90. McGlenen, Edward Webster. Eighth in descent from John Cushing. 66. Morris, Seymour. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Edward Morris. Second in descent from Lieutenant Edward Morris. Sixth in descent from John Johnson. Fifth in descent from Captain Isaac Johnson. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant William French. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Henry Bowen. *4. NoYES, James Atkins. Fifth in descent from Captain John Loring. * 5. Page, Walter Oilman. Sixth in descent from Sergeant John Page. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Page. Eighth in descent from Captain John Whipple. Seventh in descent from Colonel John Lane. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Brooks. Fifth in descent from Ensign James Springer. 64. Pearson, Joseph Hiram Starr. Sixth in descent from John Moulton. Sixth in descent from Isaac Marston. Fifth in descent from Thomas Nichols. 14. Philbrook, Charles Frederick Bacon. Ninth in descent from Captain Richard Brackett. Ninth in descent from Captain John Whipple. Eighth in descent from Colonel John Lane. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant William French. Sixth in descent from Benjamin Bacon. 128 ma ssa chuse tts. 82. Plaisted, Appleton Heath. Eighth in descent from Major Samuel Appleton. 79. Putnam, George Jacob. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Nathaniel Putnam. Sixth in descent from Captain John Putnam. Fifth in descent from Captain Benjamin Putnam. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Stephen Putnam. Eighth in descent from Governor John Endicott. 24. Reade, Philip, Captain, 3d Infantry, U. S. A. Fifth in descent from Sergeant Ephraim Hildreth. 45. Remick, John Anthony. Third in descent from Quartermaster Joseph Remick. Seventh in descent from William Titcomb. Sixth in descent from Benaiah Titcomb. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Edward Wood- man. Seventh in descent from Captain Edmund Greenleaf, Seventh in descent from Tristam Coffin. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Tristam Coffin. Seventh in descent from Nicholas Noyes. Sixth in descent from Captain Cutting Noyes. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Cutting Noyes. Third in descent from Joseph Noyes. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Jacob Toppan. Fifth in descent from Isaac Knapp. Fourth in descent from Samuel Knapp. Fourth in descent from Nathaniel Knapp. 67. Remick, Ninian Beale, Reverend. Third in descent from Quartermaster Joseph Remick. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Tristam Coffin. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Cutting Noyes. Third in descent from Joseph Noyes. Fifth in descent from Isaac Knapp. Fourth in descent from Nathaniel Knapp. 129 ma ssa chuse tts. 43. Remick, Timothy. Third in descent from Quartermaster Joseph Remick. Seventh in descent from William Titcomb. Sixth in descent from Benaiah Titcomb. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Edward Woodman. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Edward Greenleaf. Seventh in descent from Tristam Coffin. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Tristam Coffin. Seventh in descent from Nicholas Noyes. Sixth in descent from Captain Cutting Noyes. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Cutting Noyes. Third in descent from Joseph Noyes. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Jacob Toppan. Fifth in descent from Isaac Knapp. Fourth in descent from Samuel Knapp. Fourth in descent from Nathaniel Knapp. 28. Rich, James Rogers. Seventh in descent from Major-General Daniel Denison. 31. Rich, Thomas Phillips. Seventh in descent from Major-General Daniel Denison. 85. Rust, Nathaniel Johnson. Seventh in descent from Quartermaster Nathaniel Rust. 70. Sargent, John Smith. Seventh in descent from Jonathan Sargent. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Eighth in descent from John Rowland. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Ralph Sprague. Seventh in descent from Jonathan Sprague. Seventh in descent from Nathaniel Jones. ■^■^. SowDON, Arthur John Clark. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Noble. 68. Sprague, Frank William. Seventh in descent from Captain John Gorham. 130 ma ssa chuse tts. 55. Standish, Myles, M. D. Eighth in descent from Captain Myles Standish. l^. Stratton, George Gardner. Fifth in descent from Joseph Stratton. Seventh in descent from VVilliam Ward. Sixth in descent from Abraham How. 59. Swan, Robert Thaxter. Eighth in descent from Captain John Thaxter. Seventh in descent from Colonel Samuel Thaxter. Sixth in descent from Major Samuel Thaxter. * 8. Thompson, Abijah. Third in descent from Abijah Thompson. Eighth in descent from Edward Converse. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant James Converse. Sixth in descent from Major James Converse. Fifth in descent from Captain Josiah Converse. Seventh in descent from Captain Edward Johnson. Sixth in descent from Major William Johnson. Seventh in descent from Captain John Carter. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant John Carter. Sixth in descent from Ensign Samuel Walker. Fourth in descent from Edward Walker. Seventh in descent from Francis Whitmore. 60. Thompson, John Taliaferro, ist Lieutenant, Ord- nance Department, U. S. A. Sixth in descent from Sergeant James Thompson. Fifth in descent from James Thompson. Ninth in descent from Edward Converse. Seventh in descent from Caleb Simonds. Seventh in descent from James Taylor. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel James Tay- lor. 9 131 MA SSA CHUSE TTS. 6i. TiLTON, Palmer, ist Lieutenant, U. S. A. (Retired.) Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Abraham Tilton. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Daniel Tilton. Ninth in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenberry. Ninth in descent from Colonel Henry Ridgeley. Eighth in descent from Colonel William Burgess. 75. Tilton, Warren Codman. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Abraham Tilton. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Daniel Tilton. Ninth' in descent from Colonel Henry Ridgeley. Ninth in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenberry. Eighth in descent from Colonel William Burgess. y^. Tucker, William Ruggles. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Eighth in descent from Richard Bourne. Seventh in descent from Captain Philip Pieterse Schuy- ler. Seventh in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. Seventh in descent from Elder John Chipman. Fifth in descent from Brigadier-General Timothy Rug- gles. yG. Upham, Charles Clifton. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Phinehas Upham. 51. Wadsworth, Dexter Emerson. Seventh in descent from Captain Samuel Wadsworth. 42. Wadsworth, Edwin Dexter. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Wadsworth. 48. Warner, Frank Edwards. Fifth in descent from Nathaniel Burt. * I. Watkins, Walter Kendall. Ninth in descent from Deputy-Governor Isaac Aller- ton. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Marshall. Eighth in descent from John Fuller. 132 MA SSA CHUSE TTS. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Fuller. Seventh in descent from Andrew Mansfield. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Nathaniel Putnam. n. Wetherbee, Winthrop. Sixth in descent from John Wetherbee. Seventh in descent from John How. Seventh in descent from John Lovejoy. Seventh in descent from John Thacher. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel John Thacher. 17. Wheeler, Horace Leslie, Reverend. Ninth in descent from Edward How. Eighth in descent from Thomas Burgess. Eighth in descent from Captain John Sherman. Eighth in descent from Nathaniel Sparhawk. Eighth in descent from Edmond Freeman. Eighth in descent from Captain Hugh Mason. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Stearns. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Abijah Brown. Fourth in descent from Stephen Nye. 16. WiLLEY, William Lithgow. • Sixth in descent from Colonel John Willey. Seventh in descent from Quartermaster Matthew Bridge. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Noble. Fourth in descent from Captain William Lithgow. 54. Williams, William Klapp. Eighth in descent from Clement Plumsted. 78. Wilson, Fred Allan. Seventh in descent from Sergeant Joseph Wilson. Ninth in descent from Major Richard Waldron. Ninth in descent from Captain Nathaniel Fryer. Ninth in descent from Captain William Gerrish. Eighth in descent from Captain John Gerrish. ^11 3ia ssa chuse tts. 72. Winston, Frederick Hampden. Fourth in descent from Captain John Mohr Mcintosh. 41. Wood, Alva Sylvanus. Eighth in descent from Edward Converse. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant James Converse. Sixth in descent from Major James Converse. Fifth in descent from Captain Josiah Converse. Honorary Member : Mitchell, Zerviah Gould. Seventh in descent from Massasoit, Sachem of the Wampanoags. 134 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Connecti- cut was chartered April 26, 1893, and incorporated under the State Laws, May 21, 1S93. The first General Court was held in New Haven on December 19, 1893, the two hundred and eighteenth anniversary of the Great Swamp Fight. The Seconcf General Court was held on Decem- ber 12, 1894. 135 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Elected at the Second General Court, held December 12, 1894. Governor : Professor Daniel C. Eaton, (Yale). Deputy Governor : Colonel George Bliss Sanford, U. S. A. Lieutena?it-Governor : James Junius Goodwin. Chaplain : The Right Reverend John Williams, D. D., LL. D. Secretary : Charles Samuel Ward, M. D. Bridgeport, Conn. Treasurer : Charles Hotchkiss Trowbridge. Milford, Conn. Registrar : Frank Butler Gay. Hartford, Conn. Historian : Hon. Morris Woodruff Seymour. Bridgeport, Conn. 136 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Ralph William Cutler. Hon. Abram Heaton Robertson. General William Buel Franklin, U. S, A. Charles Dudley Warner. Hon. Frederick John Kingsbury. Reverend Samuel Hart, D. D. Hon. Lyman Denison Brewster. General George Hare Ford, C. N. G. J. Lawrence Chew. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership : Hon. Morris Woodruff Seymour, Chairmmi. Edward Vilette Raynolds, D. C. L. Hon, Henry Gleason Newton. Hon. William Hamersley. Charles Samuel \Vakd, M. D. Committee on Historical Documents : Hon. Frederick John Kingsbury, Chairman. Professor Theodore Salisbury Woolsey. Reverend Francis Goodwin. Reverend George Leon Walker, D. D. Jonathan Trumbull, ^n CONNECTICUT. LIST OF MEMBERS. 15. Baird, George William. Seventh in descent from Captain John Beard. * 9. Baldwin, Nathan Adolphus. Sixth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 95. Bishop, Henry Alfred, General, C. N. G, Seventh in descent from Captain Benjamin Hitchcock. 77. Bishop, Timothy Huggins, M. D. Ninth in descent from Governor Theophilus Eaton. 23. Bissell, Evelyn Lyman, M. D. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Isaac Bissell. 28. Bradley, Cyrus Sher\vood. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Cornelius Hull. 89. Brainerd Leverett. Fifth in descent from Quartermaster Nathaniel Foote, 2d. 72. Brewster, Lyman Denison. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg. Sixth in descent from Captain Martin Kellogg. 30. Brown, Charles Edwin. Ninth in descent from John Brown. 'i,']. Bulkeley, Morgan Gardner. Seventh in descent from the Reverend Gershom Bulke- ley, M. D. 96. BuNCE, Jonathan Brace. Seventh in descent from Thomas Bunce. 75. Catlin, Abijah. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Wadsworth. 138 connecticut. 69. Chapin, Charles Frederick. Seventh in descent from Japhet Chapin. Fifth in descent from Elisha Chapin. 67. Chew, James Lawrence. Sixth in descent from Governor Roger Wolcott. Fifth in descent from Governor Jonathan Law. Fifih in descent from Captain John Prentiss. 53. CoiT, Robert. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Lion Gardiner. 58. Collins, Atwood. Ninth in descent from Governor William Leete. 45. CooLEY, Francis Rexford. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Smith. 24. Cropper, John. Ninth in descent from Richard Treat. Ninth in descent from Captain Nathaniel Turner. Ninth in descent from Governor John Webster. 51. Curtis, Jonathan Strong, M. D. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Fifth in descent from Captain Moses Curtiss. 31. Cutler, Ralph William. Seventh in descent from James Cutler. 60. Daggett, William Gibbons, M. D. Ninth in descent from Thomas Mahew. 44. Davis, Gustavus Pierrepont, I\L D. Sixth in descent from Governor Roger Wolcott. 71. Deming, Judson Keith. Ninth in descent from Major-General Humphrey Atherton. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant John Druiy. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Judson. Seventh in descent from Sergeant Samuel Washburn. 139 connecticut. 43. Dennis, Rodney. Fifth in descent from Thomas Dennis. Third in descent from the Reverend John Dennis. 27. Downes, William Elijah. Seventh in descent from Governor Robert Treat. * 7. Durand, William Cecil. Sixth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. T)'^- Eaton, Daniel C., Professor. Ninth in descent from John Clark. Ninth in descent from Governor John Webster. Eighth in descent from Ensign John Beebe. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. Eighth in descent from Thomas Stanton. Fifth in descent from Amos Hurd. 88. Farnesworth, Frederick, M. D. Fifth in descent from Captain Jonas Prescott. * 3. Ford, George Hare, Brigadier-General, C. N. G. Eighth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. Seventh in descent from Captain John Beard. Seventh in descent from Sergeant Thomas Tibbals. 84. Fowler, Franklin Hamilton. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant William Fowler. Sixth in descent from Sir Charles Hobby. 54. Franklin, William Buel, Major-General, lateU. S. A. Eighth in descent from Governor William Leete. Fifth in descent from Samuel Rhoades. 14. French, William Freeman, M. D. Tenth in descent from Governor John Webster. Ninth in descent from Thomas Buckingham. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant William Fowler. Eighth in descent from Alexander Bryan. Eighth in descent from the Reverend John Whiting. Eighth in descent from Major William Whiting. 140 connecticut. 74. Gay, Frank Butler. Ninth in descent from William Thrall. 32. GoocH, Frank Austin, Professor. Seventh in descent from James Gooch. Seventh in descent from Sir Charles Hobby. 48. Goodwin, Francis, Reverend. Third in descent from Captain Joseph Morgan. 34. Goodwin, James Junius. Third in descent from Captain Joseph Morgan. 66. Grant, Thomas Page, M. D. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Tracy. 46, Hamersley, William. Fourth in descent from William Hamersley. Sixth in descent from Colonel Abraham de Peyster. 21. Harrison, Lynde. Sixth in descent from Governor Roger Wolcott. 40. Hart, Samuel, Reverend Professor, D. D. Sixth in descent from Captain Thomas Hart. Eighth in descent from John Clark. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Seventh in descent from Anthony Hawkins. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant William Pratt. II. Heaton, John Edward. Tenth in descent from John Johnson. Ninth in descent from Captain Isaac Johnson. Tenth in descent from Richard Treat. Tenth in descent from Major Simon Willard. Ninth in descent from Captain Thomas Munson. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Eighth in descent from Deputy-Governor Stephen Goodyear. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Stearns. 141 connecticut. 41. Hooker, Edward William. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Willett. Sixth in descent from Cornet Jonathan Gilbert. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Simon Lothrop. 76. HUNGERFORD, HoRACE CaTLIN. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Wadsworth. 29. Ingersoll, Colin Macrae, Jr. Sixth in descent from the Reverend Jonathan Inger- soll. 85. Jarvis, Samuel Fermor, Reverend. Sixth in descent from Anthony Hawkins. Fifth in descent from Captain Thomas Hart. 92. Kimball, Arthur Reed. Seventh in descent from Joseph Chapin. 52. Kingsbury, Frederick John. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Kingsbury, ist. Sixth in descent from Joseph Kingsbury, 2d. Sixth in descent from the Reverend Mark Leavenworth. 61. Learned, Bela Peck. Seventh in descent from Isaac Learned. Eighth in descent from Captain George Denison. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Leffing- well. 62. Learned, Walter. Seventh in descent from Isaac Learned. 13. Leete, Charles Sidney. Eighth in descent from Governor William Leete, 70. Merriman, William Buckingham. Sixth in descent from Sergeant Samuel Field. Fifth in descent from the Reverend Mark Leaven- worth. 142 connecticut. 26. Miles, Frederick Plumb. Eighth in descent from Captain John Miles. 17. Newton, Henry Gleason. Sixth in descent from Captain Samuel Newton. 36. Parkhurst, Charles Dyer, ist Lieutenant 4th Artilier)', U. S. A. Eighth in descent from Governor Roger WiUiams. Seventh in descent from Joseph Williams. 39. Parmele, George Luther. Third in descent from Samuel Parmale. 94. Perkins, J. Deming, Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Leffing- well. 65. Pierce, Bradford de Witt. Tenth in descent from Captain Michael Pierce. 50. Plumb, Henry Blackman. Eighth in descent from Thomas Hurlbut. * 8. Pond, Nicholas Misplee. Fourth in descent from Charles Pond. Seventh in descent from Governor Theophilus Eaton. Seventh in descent from Colonel Sir Charles Hobby. Seventh in descent from Captain John Miles. Fifth in descent from Captain Hercules Mooney. 79. Raynolds, Edward Vilette, D. C. L. Seventh in descent from Captain Nathaniel Raynolds. 59. Roberts, Henry. Seventh in descent from Thomas Taylor, ist. Sixth in descent from Thomas Taylor, 2d. 12. Robertson, Abram Heaton. Eighth in descent from Deputy-Governor Stephen Goodyear. 64. Robinson, Lucius Franklin. Eighth in descent from Captain George Denison. CONNECTICUl. 55. Salisbury, Edward Elbridge, LL. D. Eighth in descent from Major-General Daniel Gookin. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Edmund Quincy. Sixth in descent from Captain John Walley. 25. Sanford, George Bliss, Colonel, U.S. A, (Retired.) Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Lyman. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Benjamin Fenn. Sixth in descent from Captain John Miles. Fifth in descent from Captain Samuel Newton, 73. Sanford, Samuel Simons, Professor. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Judson. 'i^Z. Seymour, Morris Woodruff. Seventh in descent from Captain Joseph Wadsworth. 57. Shipman, Arthur Leffingwell. Ninth in descent from Captain George Denison. 56. Shipman, Nathaniel. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Leffing- well. 91. Skinner, William Converse. Eighth in descent from John Alden. 20. Smith, Bradish Johnson. Ninth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 62. Smith, Edward Alfred, D. D., Reverend. Ninth in descent from Captain Richard Walker. 19. Smith, Edwin Porter. Ninth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 49. Stearns, Henry Putnam, M. D. Fifth in descent from Captain John Stearns. 22. Stoddard, William Buddington. Ninth in descent from William Gibbard. 144 connecticut. 42. Taintor, George Edwin. Fifth in descent from Governor Roger Wolcott. Fourth in descent from Captain David Ellsworth. 10. TiBBALS, Frederick Lemuel. Eighth in descent from Sergeant Thomas Tibbals. ''' 5. ToMLiNSON, Charles Abraham. Eighth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. Sixth in descent from Captain John Beard. *4. Trowbridge, Charles Hotchkiss. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Trow- bridge, Eighth in descent from Governor William Leete. 93. Trumbull, Jonathan. Fourth in descent from Governor Jonathan Trumbull. 97. Turner, Luther Guiteau. Eighth in descent from Major John Mason. %1. Tyler, Augustus Cleveland. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Willett. 47. Walker, George Leon, Reverend, D. D. Eighth in descent from Captain Richard Walker. Third in descent from Phineas Walker. Fifth in descent from Captain Ebenezer Eastman. Fourth in descent from Captain Joseph Eastman. 63. Walker, Williston, Reverend. Tenth in descent from Captain Richard Walker. Eighth in descent from Major Nathan Gold. * I. Ward, Charles Samuel, M. D. Seventh in descent from Andrew Ward. Tenth in descent from Governor John Haynes. Ninth in descent from Major-General and Governor Sir John Leverett. Ninth in descent from Thomas Gregson. 145 CONNECTICUT. 86. Warner, Charles Dudley. Fifth in descent from Captain Joseph Warner. 1 8. Warren, Herbert Cleveland. Eighth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. 82. Webster, William Reuben, Jr. Ninth in descent from Governor John Webster. 35. Wessells, Henry Walton, Colonel, C. N. G. Ninth in descent from "Elder" John Strong. Eighth in descent from Andrew Ward. 83. Wheeler, Ralph. Eighth in descent from Captain George Denison. 90. Whitney, Eli, Jr. Eighth in descent from John Brown. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Willett. 78. Whitney, Stephen. Seventh in descent from Captain John Lawrence. Sixth in descent from Major Thomas Lawrence. 16. Williams, John, Rt. Reverend, D.D., LL.D. Sixth in descent from Captain Isaac Williams. Fifth in descent from Colonel Ephraim Williams. Fourth in descent from Surgeon Thomas Williams. 81. Woodward, Joseph Gurley. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Leflfing- well. 80. Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury, Professor. Ninth in descent from Major-General Daniel Gookin. Seventh in descent from Governor William Smith. Seventh in descent from John Walley. 146 ^^ in ll?p StaJp of ffonitprlirut ^j^mHg ftfirtififtli Hjal fif toa^ rho^pn a WpwiItj* of ,^aiii ^SoctPlg in manformil^ taiti] tliFi^rHrlp^ of it^ ©oitJilitnHon on Ihf da£ of in thf itf ar of'^nrjl'oril om thon^anh hanirfii ani anii of litt fcnniinjj of Ikf ^olottj of ^onnwltrnt llfi? |j.t 'S^iln(fd^ toliprfof 't^p haOF hppponto dg^xied oar nantp^ and affixpsJ tljyWrfat ^ral of tl?p®orifl^. Goliernar. RffjjisJraR. Mr. Pond was a charter member of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Connecticut, being No. 6 on the roll of membership. He was the first Secretary, and the first Deputy Governor-General to the General Society. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia was organized, May 20 1893, with a member- ship of twelve and was incorporated on November 17, 1893. T^^ fi''st General Court was held on December 19, 1893, and officers were elected for the ensuing year. The membership at that date was 25. The second Gen- eral Court and dinner took place December 19, 1894, in honor of the 219th anniversary of the Great Swamp Fight. A constitution was adopted and printed during the month of December, 1894. Prior to that date the So- ciety was governed by the Constitution used by the New York State Society. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of good moral character and reputation, shall be eligi- ble to] membership in the Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia, who is descended from an ancestor who fought in battle under Colonial authority, or who served as a Governor, Deputy-Governor, Lieuten- ant-Governor, or member of the King's Council, or as a Military, Naval, or Marine Officer, Soldier, Sailor, Pri- vateer, or Marine in the service of the Colonies, or under the banner of Great Britain in North America in the wars in which the said Colonies participated, or enrolled men from the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, from May 13, 1607, to the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, provided the claim to eligibility is satisfactorily based upon the service of an ancestor who performed duty as above under Colonial sanction, or British enlistment in North America, either in garrison, in the field, or on the sea ; or was descended from men who rendered conspic- uous civil service in a period of warfare. 148 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Elected at the Second General Court held at Washing- ton, December 19, 1894. Governor : General Walter Wyman, U. S. M. H. S. Deputy -Goverjior : Captain Oscar Fitzalan Long, U. S. A. Lieufenant-Governor : Doctor G. Brown Goode. Secretary : Joseph Cuyler Hardie, War Department. Deputy Secretary : John William Henry. Treasurer : Joseph Frederick Batchelder, 516 9th Street N. W. /Registrar : Captain Calvin Duvall Cowles, U. S. A. Historian : Aloxzo Hov>^\rd Clark. Chaplain : Rev. James Owen Dorsey. Chancellor : Edward Augustus Moseley. Surgeon : Albert Charles Peale, M. D. 149 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. (To serve three years.) Rear-Admiral Francis Asbury Roe, U. S. N., William Holcomb Webster, Charles Waldo Haskins. (To serve two years.) General Richard N. Batchelder. U. S. A., Edward Augustus Moseley, General Walter Wyman, U. S, M. H. S. (To serve one year.) Doctor G. Brown Goode, James Bowen Johnson, Alonzo Howard Clark. Conimiltee on Membership : Charles F. T. Beale, Captain Oscar Fitzalan Long, U. S. A., Frank Birge Smith, William Holcomb Webster, Charles Waldo Haskins. Conwuttee on Hislorical Documents : Samuel Moore Shute, D. D., George Colton Maynard, Alonzo Howard Clark, Albert Charles Peale, M. D., James Bowen Johnson. Committee on Installatiofi : Edward Augustus Moseley, General Walter Wyman, U. S, M. H. S. Henry Dearborn Saxton, Frank Birge Smith, Charles Edward Cooke. 150 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. 46. Baird, Absalom, Inspector-General U. S. A. (Retired. ) Fourth in descent from Lieutenant John Baird. 31. Batchelder, George Aiken, Sixth in descent from Ebenezer Batchelder. Seventh in descent from Captain John Gilman. Fifth in descent from Joshua Boynton. * 8. Batchelder, Joseph Frederick. Sixth in descent from Ebenezer Batchelder. Seventh in descent from Captain John Gilman. Fifth in descent from Joshua Boynton. * 7. Batchelder, Richard Napoleon, Brigadier-General and Quartermaster-General U. S. A. Fifth in descent from Ebenezer Batchelder. Sixth in descent from Captain John Gilman. Fourth in descent from Joshua Boynton. 32. Beale, Charles Frederick Tiffany. Eighth in descent from Hendrickse Gerritse Van Wie. Seventh in descent from Francis Wainwright. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Casparus Conyer. 43. Boyd, Allen Richards. Seventh in descent from Captain Roger Clapp. 24. Clark, Alonzo Howard. Tenth in descent from Edmund Freeman. Ninth in descent from Major John Freeman. Ninth in descent from John Rowland. Ninth in descent from Governor John Haynes. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Prince. Eighth in descent from Thomas Clark. 151 district of columbia. * 9. Cooke, Charles Edward. Fifth in descent from Captain (afterward General) Gideon Brownson. id. CowLES, Calvin Duvall, Captain, 23d Infantry, U. S. A. Ninth in descent from John Cowles. Fifth in descent from Captain Josiah Cowles. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hart. Ninth in descent from Thomas Judd. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Judd. *2. Davenport, Richard Graham, Lieutenant, U. S. N. Seventh in descent from Colonel George Brent. 38. Fisher, Robert Strettle Jones. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel David Jameson. 25. GooDE, George Brown, Assistant Secretary Smith- sonian Institution ; in charge National Museum. Seventh in descent from John Goode. Ninth in descent from Hugh Calkin. Ninth in descent from William Swaine. Eighth in descent from Captain Samuel Swaine. Eighth in descent from Jasper Crane. Eighth in descent from Henry Lyon. 37. Hardie, Francis Hunter, Captain, 3d Cavalry, U. S. A. Ninth in descent from Kilian Van Rensselaer. Eighth in descent from Jeremias Van Rensselaer. Seventh in descent from Captain Henry Van Rensse- laer. Eighth in descent from Major Hendrick Cuyler. 26. Hardie, Joseph Cuyler. Ninth in descent from Kilian Van Rensselaer. Eighth in descent from Jeremias Van Rensselaer. Seventh in descent from Captain Henry Van Rensse- laer. 152 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Eighth in descent from Major Hendrick Cuyler. Eighth in descent from Colonel Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. Eighth in descent from Alexander Lindsay Glen. 27. Haskins, Charles Waldo. Fifth in descent from Captain John Haskins. Ninth in descent from Captain John Waite. Ninth in descent from Lieutenant Phineas Upham. 44. Henry, J. Malcolm. Seventh in descent from Patrick Forrest. 30. Henry, John William, Seventh in descent from Patrick Forrest. 19. Hopkins, Archibald. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant John Hopkins. Fifth in descent from Captain Timothy Hopkins. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Mark Hopkins. Fifth in descent from Captain Eleazer Hubbell. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Eleazer Hubbell. 42. Horton, William Edward. Seventh in descent from Joseph Clarke. 47. HuiDEKOPER, Frederick WoLTERS. Seventh in descent from Edward Shippen. Sixth in descent from Colonel Joseph Shippen. Fifth in descent from Paymaster Edward Shippen. 18. Johnson, James Bowen. Ninth in descent from Captain John Johnson. Eighth in descent from Captain Isaac Johnson. Eighth in descent from Samuel Bass. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Henry Bowen. Fifth in descent from Captain James Gibson. 2^. Keith, Arthur. Eighth in descent from Thomas Richardson. 153 district of columbia. 28. Knox, William Salseury. Eighth in descent from Captain Samuel Sherburne. 21. Long, Oscar Fitzalan, Captain and Assistant Quar- termaster, U. S. A. Seventh in descent from Simon Volkertsie Veeder, Seventh in descent from Jan Pietersie Mabie. *ii. Mason, Theodorus Bailey Myers, Lieutenant, U. S. N. Seventh in descent from Captain Hugh Mason. 22. Meade, Richard Worsam, Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. Eighth in descent from Major Simon Willard. Sixth in descent from Captain Janna Meigs. 29. Maynard, George Colton. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Maudesley (Moseley). Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Consider Maudesley (Moseley). Fourth in descent from Josiah Moseley. I'i^. IMerrill, James Cushing, Major and Surgeon, U. S. A. Eighth in descent from Major-General and Governor Sir John Leverett. *i2. Moseley, Edward Augustus. Fourth in descent from Rev. Samuel Moseley. Ninth in descent from Deputy-Governor George Cleeves. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thaddeus Clark. Sixth in descent from John Weeks. Fifdi in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Tyng. Fourth in descent from Colonel Jonathan Buck. Fourth in descent from Jabez Fox. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant John Brown. 154 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ''ij. Peale, Albert Charles, M. D. Seventh in descent from Colonel Henry Ridgeley. Seventh in descent from Edward Shippen. Fifth in descent from Paymaster Edward Shippen. Seventh in descent from John Brewer. Sixth in descent from George Stewart. Fourth in descent from Colonel James Burd. Fourth in descent from Captain James Patterson. 39. Pike, Charles Eliot. Seventh in descent from Major Robert Pike. 5. Roe, Fayette Washington, Captain, 3d Infantry, U. S. A. Fourth in descent from John Roe. *3. Roe, Francis Asbury, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Re- tired). Third in descent from John Roe. 6. Roe, George. Fourth in descent from John Roe. 16. Saxton, Henry Dearborn. Seventh in descent from John Catlin. Sixth in descent from Joseph Catlin. Fifth in descent from Captain John Catlin. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Seth Catlin. *io. Shute, Samuel Moore, D. D. Third in descent from Lieutenant William Shute. 17. Smith, Frank Birge. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from Ensign John Howland. Eighth in descent from Major-General Daniel Gookin. Seventh in descent from Captain Samuel Gunn. 34. Smith, Robert Atwater. Eighth in descent from Deputy-Governor Stephen Goodyear. 155 district of columbia. 15. Thompson, Gilbert. Fifth in descent from Josiah Keith, Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Nash. 35. Vaughan, George Tully, M. D., U. S. M. H. S. Sixth in descent from Colonel James Nevil. *4. Watmough, James H., Pay Director, U. S. N. (Re- tired). Fourth in descent from Captain Edmund Watmough. Seventh in descent from Major Simon Willard. 45. Webster, Joseph Rawson. Eighth in descent from Governor John Webster. 40. Webster, William Holcomb. Eighth in descent from Governor John Webster. 41. Wells, Benjamin Warner, Jr. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Welles. 20. Wyman, General Walter, Surgeon-General, U. S. M. H. S. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Nehemiah Wyman. Eighth in descent from Richard Cutter. 156 flu flDcmoriam 14. Reverend James Owen Dorsey, died February 4, 1895. The Reverend Mr, Dorsey was born in 1849 ^^ Baltimore, and died in Washington. He was the first Chaplain of the Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia, and took an active interest in its welfare. He was connected with the Bureau of Ethnology, and greatly interested in the work of civilizing the Indians. In May, 1871, he was a mission- ary among the Ponca Indians, whose language he learned. He published numerous works among the reports of his Bureau, his latest book being entitled "Omaha Dwellings, Fur- niture, and Implements." SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. ■ The Society of Colonial Wars in the State ot New Jersey was organized May i, 1894 ; chartered by the General Society of Colonial Wars, May 8, 1894. First meeting of the Society to receive the charter and to elect officers, May 10, 1894. Incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey, July 26, 1894. Meeting on this day at the house of His Excellency, General Edward Burd Grubb, Edgewater Park, on the Delaware River, opposite the spot where Washington and La- fayette first met. 158 OFFICERS OF SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Governor : General Edward Burd Grubb. Deputy-Governor ; General Williaji Scudder Stryker. Lieutenant-Governor : Walter Chandler. Secretary : George Ellsworth Koues, Elizabeth, N. J., and 120 Broadway, New York. Treasurer : William Morris Deen. Short Hills, N. J. Registrar : Rev. Frank Landon Humphreys, S. T. D. Morristown, N. J. Historian ; Howard Coghill. Chaplain : Rev. Ashbel Green Vermilye, D. D. Chancellor : Hon. Clifford Stanley Sims. 159 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. (To serve three years.) PiERREPONT Edwards, Malcolm Macdonald, William John Potts. (To serve two years. ) George C. Thomas, Bradford Darrach, Charles Burnham Squier. (To serve one year. ) George S. Wylie, William Fellowes Morgan, Frank O. Briggs. Membership Commitlee : George Christian Kobbe, Chairman, Walter Chandler, George Ellsworth Koues, William Morris Deen. 1 60 ^TEIV JERSEY LIST OF MEMBERS. 2 1. Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln. Ninth in descent from Major William Phillips. 23. Brigg, Frank Obadiah. Ninth in descent from Captain Thomas Bradbury. Sixth in descent from Colonel Stephen Emery. *4. Chandler, Walter. Eighth in descent from Major Job Chandler. Sixth in descent from Colonel William Chandler. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Seventh in descent from Major-General Daniel Deni- son. Eighth in descent from Jasper Crane. Eighth in descent from John Ogden. Sixth in descent from Colonel Josiah Ogden. Eighth in descent from Captain Samuel Swaine. *6. Coghill, Howard. Eighth in descent from Captain John Gorham. 14. Darrach, Bradford. Eighth in descent from Edward Howell. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Hezekiah Howell. Seventh in descent from Major John Pell. Seventh in descent from Captain Francis Rombouts, Fourth in descent from Captain William Bradford. ""•'ii. Deen, William Morris. Eighth in descent from Edmund Jennings. Seventh in descent from Major William Harris. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Turpin. 161 new jersey. *8. Edwards, Pierrepont. Fifth in descent from the Reverend Timothy Edwards. *2. Grubb, Edward Burd, General. Sixth in descent from John Grubb. Fifth in descent from Colonel James Burd. *io. Humphreys, Frank Landon, Reverend, S. T. D. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Samuel Hum- phreys. 19. Humphreys, Frederick H. Seventh in descent from ' Lieutenant Samuel Hum- phreys. 16. KoBBE, George Christian. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Richard Lord. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Rogers. * 5. KouEs, George Ellsworth. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Ninth in descent from Governor John Winthrop. Ninth in descent from General Johannes de La Mon- tague. Eighth in descent from Captain John Gilman. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Winthrop Hilton. Seventh in descent from Captain Jonathan Thing. * 7. Macdonald, Malcolm. Seventh in descent from Captain George Dennison. 17. Milnor, Thomas William. Eighth in descent from Deputy-Governor Thomas Lloyd. 15. Morgan, William Fellowes. Seventh in descent from Captain John Morgan. *i. Potts, William John. Seventh in descent from Captain John Hughes. 162 NEW JERSEY. *i2. Sims, Clifford Stanley, Hon. Sixth in descent from Hezekiah Brainerd. 20. Squier, Charles Burnham. Fifth in descent from Stephen Crane. Fifth in descent from Captain Ephraim Terrill. *3. Stryker, William Scudder, Adjutant-General, N. G. N.J. Sixth in descent from Captain Jan Stryker. 13. Thomas, George Cummings. Eighth in descent from Captain Jacob Leisler. Eighth in descent from Sergeant David Provost. Sixth in descent from Colonel David Provost. Fifth in descent from Captain David Provost. 22. Toler, Henry Pennington. Ninth in descent from John Ogden. Ninth in descent from Captain Samuel Swaine. Eighth in descent from Jasper Crane. Eighth in descent from Major William Sandford, Sr. Eighth in descent from Governor Robert Treat. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant John Ward. *9. Vermilye, Ashbel Green, Reverend, D. D. Seventh in descent from Isaac Vermilye. Sixth in descent from Johannes Vermilye. 18. Wylie, George Sandford. Seventh in descent from Captain John Miles. 163 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Virginia was organized June 28, 1894, at the Capitol, in the City of Richmond, and chartered by the General Council November 12, 1894. The first Court was held in the rooms of the Virginia Historical Society, December 29, 1894. 164 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. Elected at a Court held on December 29, 1894. Governor : Joseph Bryan. Deputy-Governor : GusTAVus Adolphus Walker. Lieutenant-Governor : ViRGiNius Newton. Secretary : Thomas Bolling, Jr., Box 404, Richmond, Va. Treasurer : Thomas Bolling, Jr., pro teni. Registrar : Edward C. Mayo. 165 VIRGINIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. *9. BoLLiNG, Thomas, Jr. Sixth in descent from Colonel John Boiling. 10. Bryan, Joseph. Fourth in descent from Jonathan Bryan. *3. Cabell, James Alston, Fifth in descent from Captain William Cabell. 11. Carter, Thomas Nelson. Sixth in descent from Colonel John Carter. *2. Duke, Richard Thomas Walker, Jr. Fourth in descent from Adjutant Thomas Walker. *4. Lyons, James. Eighth in descent from Colonel William Claiborne. *7. Mayo, Edward C. Fifth in descent from Colonel William Mayo. *8. Newton, Virginius. Sixth in descent from Colonel Henry Corbin. *i. Walker, Gustavus Adolphus. Fourth in descent from Captain Samuel Meredith. *6. Walker, John Garland. Sixth in descent from Colonel William Fitzhugh. *5. Walker, William James. Sixth in descent from Colonel William Fitzhugh. i66 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW HAMP- SHIRE. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Hampshire was organized, September 27, 1894, at Con- cord, incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, September 28, 1894, and chartered by the General Council, November 12, 1894. The first General Court was held, December 11, 1894, in the library of the New Hampshire Historical Society, at Concord, and the officers and committees for the ensuing vear elected. 167 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Elected at the First General Court, held December ii, 1894, at Concord, N. H. Governor : Hon. Henry Oakes Kent. Deputy- Goverjior : William Lithgow Willey, S. D. Lieutenant-Governor : Charles Frederick Bacon Philbrook. Secretary: Franklin Senter Frisbie, p. O. Box 70, Penacook, N. H. Treasurer : George Albert Senter. Registrar : Charles Calhoun Philbrook. Chaplain : Reverend Charles Langdon Tappan, M. A. Chancellor : Colonel Adolphus Skinner Hubbard, U. S. V. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Franklin Thomason Beatty, M. D. , HosEA Emery Bowen, Henry Stedman Jackson. 168 Committee on Me^nhership: William Lithgow Willey, S. D., Charles Frederick Bacon Philbrook, Franklin Senter Frisbie, Reverend Charles Langdon Tappan, George Albert Senter. Delegates to the General Society : Elected December ii, 1894. Franklin Thomason Beatty, M. D., Franklin Senter Frisbie, Charles Frederick Bacon Philbrook, Henry Stedman Jackson, William Lithgow Willey, S. D. Auxiliary Committee 07i Loiiisbourg Memorial. Colonel Henry Oakes Kent, U. S. V., Reverend Charles Langdon Tappan, Franklin Senter Frisbie, Charles Frederick Bacon Philbrook, William Lithgov/ Willey, S. D. 169 NEW HAMPSHIRE. LIST OF MEMBERS. * 14. Bangs, Charles McClary. Fourth in descent from Cap)tain John McClary. * 7. Bangs, Frederick Lincoln. Fourth in descent from Captain John McClary. 18, Beatty, Franklin Thomason, M. D. Sixth in descent from Governor Jean Paul Jacquett. * 12. Bowen, George Henry. Ninth in descent from Anthony Emery. Eighth in descent from James Emery. * 10. Bowen, Hosea Emery. Ninth in descent from Anthony Emery. Eighth in descent from James Emery. * II. Clapp, Frederic Walter. Seventh in descent from Thomas Clapp. Sixth in descent from Major Samuel Clapp. 17. Denis, Augustus Henry. Sixth in descent from William Hall. * 3. Frisbie, Franklin Senter. Eighth in descent from Captain Nathaniel Fryer. Eighth in descent from Major Richard Waldron. Eighth in descent from Captain William Gerrish, Seventh in descent from Captain John Gerrish. Sixth in descent from Colonel Timothy Gerrish. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel William Pepperrell. *9. Gross, George Herbert. Eighth in descent from Robert Clement. 170 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 15. Hubbard, Adolphus Skinner, Colonel, U. S. V. Eighth in descent from Edmund Hubbard. Sixth in descent from Caleb Hubbard. Fourth in descent from Peter Hubbard, Sr. *8. Jackson, Henry Stedman. Seventh in descent from Edward Jackson. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Timothy Jackson. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Spring. Sixth in descent from Ebenezer Stone. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant James Trowbridge. Fifth in descent from Captain Thomas Greenwood. *6. Kent, Henry Oakes, Colonel, U. S. V. Third in descent from Colonel Jacob Kent. *I3. Philbrook, Charles Calhoun. Third in descent from Corporal Samuel Clough. *i. Philbrook, Charles Frederick Bacon. Ninth in descent from Captain Richard Brackett. Ninth in descent from Captain John Whipple. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant William French, Eighth in descent from Colonel John Lane. Sixth in descent from Benjamin Bacon. Fourth in descent from Corporal Samuel Clough. 16. Plaisted, Sheridan. Eighth in descent from Major Samuel Appleton. *5. Senter, George Albert. Seventh in descent from Robert Clement. *4. Tappan, Charles Langdon, Reverend. Sixth in descent from Captain Tristram Heard. *2. WiLLEY, William Lithgow, S. D. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Willey. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Matthew Bridge. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Noble. Fifth in descent from Captain William Lithgow. 171 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VERMONT. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Vermont was chartered November 12, 1894, and incorporated under the State Laws November 20, 1894. The first General Court was held at Montpelier, November 20, 1894. 172 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VERMONT. Elected at the first General Court, held November 20, 1894. Governor: General Theodore Safeord Peck. Deputy- Gover7ior : Colonel William Seward Webb, Lieiitenani-Gover7ior : Governor Urban Andrain Woodbury. Secre/ary: John Grant Norton, St. Albans, Vt. Treasurer : Colonel Charles Spooner Forbes, St. Albans, Vt. Registrar : Hon. Hiram A. Huse. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Colonel George Grenville Benedict, Frederick Nash IMorton, Colonel Truman Chittenden Fletcher, Colonel Robert J. Kimball, Horace Edward Dyer, Austin Weld Fuller. ^73 VERMONT. LIST OF MEMBERS. * 7. Benedict, George Grenville, Colonel and A. D. C. Fourth in descent from Captain Stephen Dewey. * I. Chittenden, Edward Alonzo, Colonel and A. D. C. Seventh in descent from William Chittenden. Third in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Chittenden. * II, Dillingham, William Paul, Ex-Governor of Vermont. Fourth in descent from John Dillingham. * 15, Dyer, Horace Edward, Captain, V. N. G. Eighth in descent from Captain Robert Chapman. * 6. Fletcher, Truman Chittenden, Colonel and A. D. C. Third in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Chittenden. *i2. Forbes, Charles Spooner, Colonel and A. D. C. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Seventh in descent from David Alden, Seventh in descent from Governor Constant South- worth. Seventh in descent from James Cutler. Seventh in descent from Richard Sares. Sixth in descent from John Hull. * 14. Fuller, Austin Weld, Captain, U. S, V. Tenth in descent from Governor Thomas Prince, Ninth in descent from Major John Freeman. * 10. HusE, Hiram Augustus, Hon. Eighth in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Cooper. 174 VERMONT. * 9. Kimball, Robert Jackson, Colonel and A. D. C. Fourth in descent from Robert Bradish. * 4. Morton, Frederick Nash. Sixth in descent from Colonel Thomas Ellison. * 5. Noble, Robert. Fifth in descent from Captain Eli Noble, * 13. Norton, John Grant. Ninth in descent from John Norton. Eighth in descent from Governor Theophilus Eaton. Seventh in descent from Governor William Jones. * 2. Peck, Theodore Safford, Major General and Ad- jutant and Inspector General, V. N. G. Fifth in descent from Lieutenant Joseph Peck. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Jeremiah Peck. Sixth in descent from Elias Keyes-. 16. Smith, Edward Curtis, Colonel and A. D. C. Sixth in descent from Hezekiah Brainerd. *3. Webb, William Seward, Colonel and L R. P., V. N. G. Seventh in descent from Sergeant John Nott. * 8. Woodbury, Urban Andrain, Governor of Vermont. Fifth in descent from Peter Woodbury. Fourth in descent from James W^oodbury. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Eighth in descent from Governor Simon Bradstreet. 175 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Illinois was chartered by the State of Illinois on October 13, 1894, and by the General Society on November 12, 1894, On December 7, 1S94, a meeting was called by the incorporators, to be held at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, at which time a constitution and by-laws were adopted and officers chosen. The first annual banquet was held at the Union League Club on the evening of December 19, 1894, the 219th anniversary of the Great Swamp Fight, Eligibility for election to membership in this Society is the same as that of the General Society, except legis- lative service unaccompanied by military record is not recognized. 176 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Elected at the meeting of the charter members, held at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, December 7, 1894. Governor: Captain Philip Reade, U. S. A. Deputy-Governor : Edward McKinstry Teall. Lieutenmil-Govertior : Frederick H. Winston. Secretary : Seymour Morris. 142 La Salle Street. Deputy Secretary: William Ruggles Tucker. , Treasurer : Lyman D. Hammond. 177 La Salle Street. Registrar : John S. Sargent, 145 Monroe Street. Historian : Henry Sherman Boutell. 177 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Rodman C. Pell, Charles Cromwell, Samuel E. Gross. Comviiltee on 3fenibership: Seymour Morris, Edward M. Teall, Edward M. Adams. Eniertainment Commiltee: George F. Bissell, Rodman C. Pell. 178 ILLINOIS. LIST OF MEMBERS. * lo. Adams, Edward Milton. Tenth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Tenth in descent from William Collier. Ninth in descent from John Rowland. Ninth in descent from Governor William Leete. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Prince, Ninth in descent from Captain George Denison. 25. Baker, Frank. Eighth in descent from Captain Hugh Mason. Eighth in descent from James Cutler. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Brooks. Seventh in descent from Sergeant Thomas Wheeler. Eighth in descent from John Wheeler. * 16. Benedict, Robert Patterson. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Thomas Benedict. * 8. BissELL, George Francis. Third in descent from Captain Ozias Bissell. Seventh in descent from Major John Mason. * 14. Boutell, Henry Sherman. Seventh in descent from John Boutell. * II. Cromwell, Charles. Sixth in descent from William Cromwell. 23. Eaton, Alfred Beers. Fourth in descent from Amos Hurd. * 13. Gross, Samuel Eberly. Seventh in descent from Louis Du Bois. 24. Hall, Lemuel Ruggles. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. 179 ILLINOIS. * 6. Hammond, Lyman Dresser. Third in descent from Lieutenant Ebenezer Ham- mond, Eiglitli in descent from John Plumb. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Lyman. Third in descent from Captain Richard Dresser. 1 8. Jordan, Scott. Seventh in descent from Josiah Cleveland. * 15. Lombard, Josiah Lewis. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Governor Thomas Roberts. 20. Miller, Charles Kingsbury. Seventh in descent from Richard Borden. Seventh in descent from Ensign Thomas Cornell. Sixth in descent from Christopher Almy. * I. Morris, Seymour. Eighth in descent from Edward Converse. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant James Converse. Sixth in descent from Major James Converse. Fifth in descent from Captain Josiah Converse. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Josiah Converse. Seventh in descent from Captain John Carter. Sixth in descent from Nathaniel Richardson. * 12. Pell, Rodman Corse. Seventh in descent from Major John Pell. Eighth in descent from Governor Walter Clarke. Seventh in descent from Zoeth Howland. Seventh in descent from Colonel Thomas VVillett. Sixth in descent from Deputy Governor William Robinson. I']. Pierce, Frederick Clifton. Eighth in descent from John Whitney. * 2. Reade, Philip, Captain, 3d Infantry, U. S. A. Sixth in descent from Sergeant Ephraim Hildreth. 180 ILLINOIS. * 5. Sargent, John Smith. Ninth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Ralph Sprague. Sixth in descent from Captain John Sprague. Seventh in descent from John Rowland. 2 1 . Strong, William Wolcott. Ninth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Eighth in descent from Major William Bradford. * 7. Teall, Edward McKinstry. Third in descent from Surgeon Oliver Teall. Fifth in descent from Stephen Paine. * 3. Thompson, John Taliaferro, Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, U. S. A. Fifth in descent from Sergeant James Thompson. * 4. Tucker, William Ruggles. Tenth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Blake. Ninth in descent from Governor William Bradford. Eighth in descent from Major William Bradford. Eighth in descent from John Rowland. Sixth in descent from Colonel Stephanus Van Cort- land. * y. Winston, Frederick Hampden. Fourth in descent from Captain John Mohr Mcintosh. 19. Wooderidge, Jonathan Edwards. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Seventh in descent from Governor William Leete. 22. Wyman, Walter Channing. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant John Wyman. i»i THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Missouri was the first one organized in a Western State, having met at the Lindell Hotel, St. Louis, with twenty-four charter members on November 22, 1894, and fully organized. It was chartered by the General Council, November 12, 1894, The Society adopted as the date for the General Court, October loth, which date commemorates the possession of Fort Chartres, and the battle of Point Pleasant. For by the Treaty of Paris, concluded February 10, 1763, the question which had been in doubt for a century whether French or English domination should control this con- tinent was settled for all time. By this treaty Canada and that portion of Louisiana between the Alleghanies and the Mississippi came into possession of Great Britain. Captain Stirling with a company of the 42d High- landers came down the Ohio in boats from Fort Pitt, arriving early in October, 1765. On the loth day of that month he relieved the French Commander of Fort Chartres, St. Ange, who for some months had been under orders to give up the fort whenever a force of British came to relieve him. These were the first English troops that ever put foot in the Illinois country. Fort Chartres, built by the French in 1720, was, in its time, the strongest fortress in America. Its ruins are on the left bank of the Mississippi River in Randolph County, Illinois, fifty miles south of St. Louis, and sixteen miles northwest of Kaskaskia. October 10, 1774, occurred the battle of Point Pleas- 182 ant, at the junction of the Kanawha with the Ohio River. This was a most important battle, and the complete victory over the Indians under Cornstalk put an end to their assaults upon our frontiers. Both these events were important Colonial footsteps in the direction of the West. The rules laid down by the General Society as to eligibility to membership were adopted by this Society. I ^'3 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MISSOURL Elected at a Court, November 22, 1S94. Governor : Prof. Alexander Frederick Fleet, A. M.,LL. D, Mexico, Mo. Deputy-Governor : Dr. John Green, 2670 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. Lieii{enant-Govcr7ior : CuRTiss Crane Gardiner, Security Building, St. Louis. Secretary : Hon. Selden Palmer Spencer, A. M., Ph. D., Turner Building, St. Louis. Deputy -Secretary : Henry Leverett Chase, 8 North Main Street, St. Louis. Treasurer : Henry Purkitt Wyman, loi South Main Street, St. Louis. Registrar : Henry Cadle, Bethany, Mo. Historian : James Thomas Sands, Roe Building, St. Louis. 184 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Prof. Alexander Frederick Fleet, CuRTiss Crane Gardiner, Henry Purkitt Wyman, Richard Aylett Barret, Esek Steere Ballord, George Amos Nev/comb, William Henry Gregg, Dr. John Green, Hon. Selden Palmer Spencer, Henry Cadle, John Scott Carter, John Crocker Foote, Clarence Conde Obear, Dr. Horatio Nelson Spencer, Hon. Henry Littleton Edmunds. Committee on Metfibership : Hon. Selden Palmer Spencer, Charles Hadley Wyman, Norris Bradford Gregg, Frank Obear, James Thomas Sands. 185 MISSOURI. LIST OF MEMBERS. 24. Adams, William Porter. Fourth in descent from Sergeant Thomas Adams. * 8. Ballord, Esek Steere. Fifth in descent from Nathaniel Ballord. Third in descent from Zaccheus Ballord. Seventh in descent from Simon Lynde. Seventh in descent from John Tower. Sixth in descent from Captain John Oilman. Sixth in descent from James Gooch. Sixth in descent from Sir Charles Hobby. Fifth in descent from John Valentine. 17. Barret, Richard Aylett, Third in descent from Lieutenant William Winston. 25. Brush, Edmund Cone. Fourth in descent from Colonel Joseph Spencer. * I. Cadle, Henry. Fifth in descent from Ensign James Johnson. * 12. Carter, John Scott. Sixth in descent from Robert Carter. 21. Chase, PIenry Leverett. Seventh in descent from Captain William Bond. 22. Chase, Robert Savage. Seventh in descent from Captain William Bond. * 7. Eastman, Lauren Chase. Sixth in descent from Peter Tilton. 186 MISSOUKI. I. Edmunds, Henry Littleton, Hon. Ninth in descent from Governor John West. Eighth in descent from Colonel William Claiborne. Seventh in descent from Colonel William Browne. * 2. Fleet, Alexander Frederick, A. M. , LL. D., Pro- fessor. Sixth in descent from Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Fleete. 15. FooTE, John Crocker. Sixth in descent from Quartermaster Nathaniel Foote, 2d. * 4. Gardiner, Curtiss Crane. Seventh in descent from Captain George Denison. Seventh in descent from Lieutenant Lion Gardiner. Seventh in descent from Thomas Stanton. * 9. Green, John, M. D. Eighth in descent from Governor Thomas Dudley. Fourth in descent from Brigadier-General Timothy Ruggles. 19. Gregg, Norris Bradford. Fourth in descent from Major Samuel Gregg. 18. Gregg, William Henry. Third in descent from Major Samuel Gregg. 20. Gregg, William Henry, Jr. Fourth in descent from Major Samuel Gregg. 23. Newcomb, George Amos. Fourth in descent from Isaac Newcomb. * 10. Obear, Clarence Conde. Seventh in descent from Captain Peregrine White. * II. Obear, Frank. Seventh in descent from Captain Peregrine White. 187 missouri. *3. Sands, James Thomas. Sixth in descent from Captain James Sands, Seventh in descent from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 14. Spenxer, Horatio Nelson, M. D. Fifth in descent from Captain William Pratt. 13. Spencer, Hon. Selden Palmer, A. M., Ph.D. Sixth in descent from Captain William Pratt. *6. Wyman, Charles Hadley. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Nehimiah Wyman. Seventh in descent from Richard Cutter. *5. Wyman, Henry Purkitt. Fourth in descent from Lieutenant Nehimiah Wyman. Seventh in descent from Richard Cutter. 188 SUMMARY. The New-York Society, 472 Died, 5 Resigned, 2 Failed to qualify, i Transferred, 39— 47—425 The Pennsylvania Society, .... 105 Died, I — 104 The Maryland Society, 5^ Transferred, i — 5° The Mas.sachusetts Society, .... 90 Transferred, i — 89 The Connecticut Society, .... 97 Died, I Transferred i— 2 — 95 The District of Columbia Society, . . 47 Died, I Resigned, i — 2 — 45 The New Jersey Society, 23 The Virginia Society, 1 1 The New Hampshire Society, ... 18 The Vermont Society, 16 The Illinois Society, 25 The Missouri Society, 25 Membership, January, r895, . . . 926 Correction of errors and notification of omissions should be sent to the Secretary-General, through the Secretaries of the State Societies, that changes may be noted by them. The degree of descent is counted by including the member and excluding the ancestor through whom eligi- bility is claimed. 189 ERRATUM. READ IN CONNECTICUT SOCIETY, 76. HUNGERFORD, ClARENCE CaTLIN. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. (ancestors in small caps, the number indicates THE page. ) Abel, Lieutenant Preserved, 1724. Served in King Philip's War. Ensign, i6go. Lieutenant in Cap- tain Gallop's Company in Sir M'illiam Phips's Expedi- tion against Canada, 1690. Munro, Wilfred H., 102. Houghton, Henry O., 126. Houghton, Henry O., Jr., 127. Abbot, Captain Abiel, 1741- iSog, Wilton. Commis- sioned Captain, February 16, 1769, Province of Nevi^ Hampshire. Abbott, Francis E., 121. Abbot, George, 1615-1681. In garrison at Andover, Mass., in King Philip's War. Carney, Sidney PL, Jr., 38. Abbott. Francis E.. 121. Abbot, Captain John, 1704- 1793. Second Foot Com- pany, Town of Andover, Fourth Regiment of Militia, Essex County, Mass., Colonel Richard Saltonstall, 1754, French and Indian War. Abbot, Francis E., 31, 121. Adams, Daniel, 1652-1713. Served under Major Willard in King Philip's War. Britton, Charles P., 37. Adams, Ensign Edward, 1630 -1716. Ensign, 1681, 1702. Deputy to the General Court, 1689, '92, 1702, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Adams, Edward M., 121. Adams, George, 1696. Served in Captain Joseph Sill's Company in King Philip's War. Britton, Charles P., 37. Adams, Lieutenant Henry, 1604 - 1676. Lieutenant, Medfield, Mass., Train Band, King Philip's War, Killed February 21, 1676, Adams, Henry H., 31. Adams, Sergeant Thomas. Served in the Company of Captain Stephen Whipple. Colonel Plaisted's Regi- ment, Massachusetts Troops, on the Expedition to Crown Point, 1756. Also Quality Sergeant in Captain Whipple's Company, Col- onel Berie's Regiment, at Fort Edward, 1756. Adams, William Porter, 186. Addison, Colonel John, 1678 -1706, of Cumberland, Eng- land. Captain, 1692. Col- onel, 1695. Member of the Council, 1691-1705. Province of Maryland. Thomas, Douglass H., 78. Howard, McHenry, 113. Addison, Colonel Thomas, 1729. Member of the Provincial Council of Mary- land, 1710-1726. Howard, McHenry, 113. Alden, David. Assistant, Plymouth Colony, Forbes, Charles Spooner, 174. Alden, John, 1599-1687. One of the signers of the origi- 191 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. nal Mayflower compact. Member under arms of Captain Miles Standish's Duxburough Company, 1643. Assistant, 1533-41, and 1650-86. Deputy to the General Court, 1641- 49. Member of the Council of War, 1653-60, and 1675 -76, Plymouth Colony. Chapman, Thomas B., 39. Grinnell, Wm. Milne, 49. Jackson, Alfred Barney, 55. Reed, Henry Bidblack, 6S. Stringer, George A., 76. Tompkins, Hamilton B., 79. Winter, Francis A. , 88. Lee, Edward Clinton, 99. Reed, James M. Jr., 103. Barker, Edwin Tobey, 122. Coffin, Rufus, 123. Gragg, Isaac Saul, 125. Curtis, Jonathan S., 139. Skinner, William C, 144, Johnson. James Bowen, 153. Forbes, Charles Spooner, 174. Tucker, William Ruggles, 181. Alden, Captain Jonathan. Served in KingPhilip'sWar. Reed, Henry Bidblack, 68. Alden, Captain Prince, 1718- 1804. Quartermaster of the Troop of Horse, 3d Regi- ment of the Colony of Con- necticut, 1758. Lieutenant, 1760. Captain subse- quently ; wounded in a skirmish near Ticonderoga, 1758. Reed, Henry Bidblack. 68. Allen, John, 1684-1761. Served in Captain Joseph Kel- logg's Company, Father Ralle's War, 1720-24. Allen, Frederick Percival, 31. Allerton, Lieutenant-Col- onel Isaac, 1630-1702. Major, under Colonel John Washington, of Virginia Forces, in expedition against the Indians, 1675. Lieuten- ant-Colonel, 1680. Mem- ber of the House of Bur- gesses, 1676. Member of the Council, 1683. Thomas, Douglass H., 78, 116. Allerton, Deputy - Gover- nor Isaac, 1659. Dep- uty-Governor of Plymouth Colony, 1621-24. Thomas, Douglass H., 78, 116. Churchill, Gardiner A., 123. Watkins, Walter K., 132. Alexander, Major -General William, 1726-1783. Earl of Sterling, Private Sec- retary and Aide-de-Camp, Somerset Militia, 1775. Attorney - Gen e r a 1 and Member of the King's Council, Province of New Jersey, 1761. Served with distinction in the Revo- lution. Russell, Wm. Hamilton, 70. Allis, John, 1642-1691. Sol- dier in King Philip's War. Stockbridge, Henry, 115. Allis, Lieutenant William, 1676. Lieutenant of Hampshire County Troop, 1672. Slain in the Falls Fight, King Philip's War, May 19, 1676. Murray, Charles PL, 62. Stockbridge, Henry, 115. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 116. Allyn, Matthew, 1671, Windsor. Deputy to Mas- sachusetts General Court, 1636. Deputy to Connect- icut General Court, 1648- 57. Assistant, 165S-67. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1660-64. Metcalf. James Belts, 59. Orne, Henry Merrill, 64. Allen, Theodore Lathrop, 121. Almy, Christopher, 1632- 1713. Deputy from Ports- mouth, R. L, to the General Court, 1690. Same year chosen Assistant to Gov- 192 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ernor Andros. February 27, i6go, chosen or elected Governor of Rhode Island, but refused to serve. August, 1693, Messenger to England from Rhode Island. Miller, Charles Kingsbury, 180. Almy, Colonel Job. Deputy from Warwick to the Colo- nial Assembly of Rhode Island, 1670-72. Commis- sioner to treat with the Indian sachems, May 7, 1673. Davies, Julien T., 42. Gallatin, Roiaz Horace, 48. Anderson, Captain Patrick, 1719-1793. Captain, 1755, Province of Pennsylvania, during French and Indian War. Pennypacker, Samuel W., 103. Andrews, Lieutenant Wil- liam. Sergeant, New Haven Train Band, 1639. Lieutenant of Artillery, 1648. Washburn, William Ives, 86. Appleton, Major Isaac, 1664 -1747, Ipswich, Mass. Lieutenant in Port Royal Expedition, 1707. Major, Essex County Regiment. Morgan, Appleton, 61. Story, Henry G., 76. Story, Joseph G. , 76. Wilson, J. Appleton, 117. Appleton, Captain John, 1622 -1699. Lieutenant, 1653. Captain, 1658, Ipswich, Mass. Emery, Rufus, 45. Appleton, Major Samuel, 1624-16(^6, of Ipswich, Mass. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, six terms, between 1668 and 16S0. Lieutenant, 1668. Captain, 1675. Major and Commander-in-chief of Mas- sachusetts Troops, 1665. In command of Masssachusetts Troops at Springfield, Hat- field, and at the Great Swamp Fight. Sergeant- Major of the South Essex Regiment, 1682. Assist- ant, 1681-86 and 1689-92. Imprisoned by Sir Ed- mund Andros, 1687, for refusing to pay taxes levied without the consent of the Council. Morgan, Appleton, 61. Story, Henry G., 76. Story, Joseph G., 76. Appleton, Nathan, 121. Hale, Henry Appleton, 125. Plaisted, Appleton Heath, I2g. Plaisted, Sheridan, 171. Apthorpe, Charles Ward, 1737-1797. Member of King's Council, 1763-75. Bibby, Andrew A., 35. Armistead, John, of Gloucester Co., Virginia. Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 16S5, and ap- pointed to the Council, 1687. Gill, William H., iii. Armstrong, Colonel John, 1725-1795, of the Pennsyl- vania Provincial Forces, Braddock's Campaign, Commanded expedition against Indians at Kittan- ning, September 8, 1756, completely destroying their settlement, himself being zvounded during the assault, for which services the City of Philadelphia voted him a silver medal. He served at Forts Loudon and Pitt, 1764 ; in the expedition against the Susquehannas, 1763 ; and commanded the Highlanders and Pennsyl- vania Troops in the expe- dition against Fort Du- quesne. 193 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Astor, John Jacob. 31. Herman, John Armstrong, 52, 98. Armstrong, Horatio Gates, no. Arnold, Governor Benedict, 161 5-1678. First Governor of Rhode Island, 1657-60, 1662-63. Jones, Shipley, 56. AsHBY, Captain John, who served in the Virginia line at Fort Loudon, Va., in the expedition of General Brad- dock against the French and Indians, and subse- quently in various move- ments of the Virginia Troops, especially at the battle of Point Pleasant on the Ohio, commanding a company. Bayne, Howard Randolph, 33- Atherton, Major -General Humphrey, i 6 6 i . Deputy from Dorchester to the General Court, 1638, and nine terms afterwards. Speaker, 1653. Assistant, 1654-61. Lieutenant, 1645. Captain, 1646. Commander of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1650. Com- manded expedition against Pesoacus, a Narragansett chief, 1650. Major-Gen- eral, 1661. Sill, John Targee, 73. Smith, Gouverneur Mather, 74- Smith, Lewis Bayard, 74. Hall, Clayton Coleman, 112. Deming, Judson K., 139. Atlee, Captain Samuel John, 1739-1786. Lieutenant in Colonel Clapham's Augusta Regiment. Served in the Forbes Campaign, 1758. Afterward promoted Cap- tain. Barber, E. Atlee, 95. Avery, Captain James, 1620- 1694. Ensign, Lieutenant, and Captain of the New London Company. Served throughout King Philip's War in command of forty English from Stonington, New London, and Lyme. In 1676 was Captain of one of the four companies which protected the fron- tier. Was in the Great Swamp Fight. Twelve times Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1656-S0. Avery, Frank Montgomery, 31. Morgan, James Henry, 61. Morgan. William Webb, 61. Valentine, Samuel IL, 81. Adams, Edward M., 121. Avery, Lieutenant James, Jr., 1646-1732. Lieuten- ant in the Connecticut Colonial Forces during the frontier wars. Avery, Frank Montgomery, 31- Avery, Lieutenant William, Dedham. Lieutenant, Ded- ham Company, 1673. Dep- uty from Springfield to the General Court, 1669, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Hall, Lewis C, 126. Ayer, Cornet Peter, 1633- 1699. Cornet of the Hav- erhill Company and Dep- uty from Haverhill to the General Court eight terms, from 1683 to 1698, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Ayer, James B., 121. Ayres, Captain John, — 1675, of Brookfield. Captain in the Colonial Forces of Mas- sachusetts Bay. Killed by Indians at Brookfield, 1675. Ayer, James B., 121. Backus, Lieutenant William, 1640-1721. Norwich. Sergeant of Train Band, Ensign, 1680. Lieutenant, 194 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1693. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, i6So-8g, Colony of Connecticut. Backus, Brady Electus, 32. Bacon, Benjamin, 16S8-1727. Soldier in Captain John Lane's Company, 1703- 13 ; served in the Biller- ica Troop of Horse, in Queen Anne's War, at the relief of Dunstable, Mass., July, 1706. Philbrook, Charles Frederick Bacon, 128, 171. Bailey, Captain Robert, 1705-1798. Captain of Militia, Lancaster County, 1746, Province of Pennsyl- vania. Beekman, James William, 34. Baird, Lieutenant John, 1760. Ensign in Gen- eral Forbes's Regiment in the Expedition against Fort Duquesne, 1758. Lieuten- ant, 1759, Provincial Forces of Pennsylvania. L'aird, Absalom, 151. Baker, Lieutenant Thomas, 1631-1718. Deputy nine terms, from 1663, and Cap- tain of the Topsfield and Andover Troop of Horse, 1713- Morgan, Appleton, 61. Story, Henry Ct., 76. Story, Joseph G. , 76. Bent, Samuel A., 122. Baldwin, Captain Aener, 1726-1781. Ensign, 1757. Lieutenant, 1762. Captain, 1767. Colonial Forces of Connecticut, French and Indian Wars. Peck, Guy Dayton, 65. Ball, Captain Alling, 1700. Captain of the New Haven Militia, 1643. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Ball. Captain Alling, Jr., 1656-1710. Captain of the New Haven Militia. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Ball, Samuel, 1648-89. Soldier in Captain William Tur- ner's Company, Falls Fight, May 19, 1676. Murray, Charles H., 62. Ball, Lieutenant Thomas, 1722. Lieutenant, Talbot County Militia, 1696, Province of Maryland. Mullikin, Howard, 114. Ball, Colonel William, Sr., who in March, 1675, was empowered by the Virginia Assembly to impress men and horses against the In- dians. Gill, William H., iii. Ball, Captain William, Jr., 1641-1694. Of Lancaster County Militia, Virginia. Gill, William H., iii. Ballord, Nathaniel W. A soldier in King Philip's War. Ballord, Esek Steere, 186. Ballord, Zaccheus, 1731- 1807. Enrolled in Captain Eames's Company in French and Indian War, 1754-63. Ballord, Ezek Steere, 186. Barber, Captain George. Cap- tain, Ancient and Honor- able Artillery Company, 1646. Metcalf, James B., 59. Sanger, W. Cary, 70. Barber, Sergeant Thomas, 1614-1662. Soldier in the Pequot War. Norton, Edward L., 62. Barbour, Hugh, 1715-1800. Of Captain George Berry's Company, 1747. Walker, Richard H., 83. Barbour, John. Of Major Sam- uel Moody's Command at the Fort at New Casco, 1716. Walker, Richard H., 83. Barclay, Governor Robert, i64S-i6.)0. Governor of East Jersey, 1682--90. Hall, P. Penn Gaskell. 97. 95 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Barker, Deputy-Governor James, 1623-1702. Dep- uty-Governor of the Rhode Island Colony, 1678. As- sistant and Deputy, 1663- 86. Corporal, 1644. En- sign, 1648. Noyes, Charles P., 63. I'vobbins, Howard S. , 6g. Barker, Lieutenant Robert, Duxbury, Mass. Served under Major William Brad- ford in King Philip's War. Rowland, Daniel W., 127. Barrett, Ensign PIumphrey, 1716, Concord, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1691. Ensign, 1688. Barrett, Edwin S., 122. Barrett, Colonel James, 17 10 -1779, of Concord. Colonel of Middlesex Militia, 1774- 75. Member of the Provin- cial Congress of Massachu- setts Bay, 1774-75. Deputy to the General Court, eleven terms, 1756-75. Melville, Henry, 59. Barrett, Edwin S., 122. Barrett, Captain Nathan, 1735-1791, Concord, Mass. Ensign, 1766. Captain, 1773- Barrett, Edwin S., 122. Bartlett, Robert, 1603-1676. Served in Captain Myles Standish's Company, 1632. Bartlett, George Frederick Hunter, 33. Lass, Samuel, 1600-1694, of Braintree. Deputy to the General Court in 1641 and subsequently. Johnson, James Bowen, 153. Bassett, William. Came over in ship y^£j;'/«<«^, 1621. Vol- imteer in Massachusetts Forces during Pequot War. Bassett, Charles Franklin, 33. Hulbert, Henry C, 54. Bassett, Colonel William, 1656-1721, of Plymouth Colony. Ensign, 1687, 196 Bassett, Charles Franklin, 33. Hulbert, Henry C, 54. Batchelder, Ebenezer, 1710- 1784. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1774, Colony of New Hampshire. Batchelder, George A., 151. Batchelder, Joseph F.. 151. Batchelder, Richard N., 151. Baulstone, Lieutenant William, 1600-1678. Lieu- tenant, Portsmouth Com- pany, 1642. Assistant, 1641, '44, '48, '57, '73, Colony of Rhode Island. Lee. Edward C, 99. Bayard, Nicholas. 1644-1707, Member of the Council, and Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of the Province of New- York. Erving, William V. R., 46. Beall, Colonel George, 1695 -1780. Provincial Forces of Maryland. Balch, Edwin S., 94. Balch, Thomas W., 95. Beall, Colonel Ninian, 1650 -1 7 17. Commander - in- Chief of the Provincial Forces in Maryland. Served against the Susquehannocks in 1688-89, over whom he gained a signal victory, and for which services he re- ceived the thanks of the Maryland Assembly. Balch, Edwin .S., 94. Balch, I'homas W., 95. Balch. Francis Du Pont, no. Bean, Captain Joseph, 1676 , who served in the French and Indian Wars, 1700-55. Walker, Richard H., 83. Beard, Captain John, v,-ho served under Major Robert Treat at the Great Swamp Fight in command of the New Haven Company. Baldwin, Joseph Clark, 32. Fowler, William Miles, 47. Baird, George W., 138. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ford, George H., 140. Tomlinson, Charles A., 145. Beebe, Captain James, 172S. Lieutenant, 1696. Captain. lyicQueen Anne's War, Colonial Forces of Connecticut. Hatch. Arthur M., 52. Beebe, Ensign John. Ensign, King Philip's War. Eaton, Daniel C, 140. Beebe. Lieutenant Jonathan. First Lieutenant, Seventh Conipany, Second Connecti- cut Regiment, 1759. Served in the French and Indian War at Crown Point, Lake George, and Ticonderoga. Collins, Holdridge O.. 41. Beekman, Colonel Gerardus, M D., 1653-1723. Captain of Militia at Flatbush, 1681. Major, i6?9. Lieutenant- Colonel of Kings County Militia, 1698. Colonel, 1700-03. Member of Leisler's Council, i6go-gi. Member of Council, 1705- 23. President and Deputy- Governor, 1709-10. Aiken, William Benford, 31. Beekman, James William, 33. Foulke, Bayard F., 47. Ver Planck, William G., 82. Beekman, Colonial Henry, 1st, 1649-1716. Member of the Legislative Assem- bly, 1691, '92, '95, 1702, '03, and Speaker. Colonel of Militia, Province of New York. Armstrong, Horatio Gates, 110. Beekman, Colonel Henry, 2d, 16S8-1776. Member of the Legislative Assembly, 1724, '28, '30, and mentioned as Asiemblyman as late as ^759- Juc^ge of Ulster County. Colonel of Militia, Province of New York. Armstrong, Horatio Gates, no. I Beekman, Lieutenant Wil- HELMUS, 1623-1707. Lieu- tenant in the Burgher Corps of New Amsterdam, 1652- 58. Vice-Director on the South River, 1658-64. Scout at Esopus, 1664. Lieutenant in the Militia under the Dutch, 1673. Deputy-Mayor of New York, 1681-S3. Aiken, William Benford, 31. Beekman, James William, 33- Carnochan, Gouverneur M., 38. Crosby, Edward N. , 41. Crosby, Livingston, 41. Foulke, Bayard F., 47. Montgomery, James Lynch, 60. Ver Planck, William G., 82. Belden, Samuel, 1657-1737. Soldier in Captain William Turner's Company, Falls Fight, May 19, 1676. Murray, Charles H., 62. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 75, 116. Stockbridge, Henry, 115. Belden, Stephen, 1658-1720. A soldier under Captain Turner in the P'alls Fight, May 19, 1676, and who was killed by the Indians, September 16, 1677, in an attack upon Hatfield. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 116. Belknap, Samuel, 1707-1771. A private in Captain Ed- ward Harrington's Com- pany, Colonel Josiah Brown's Regiment, Crown Point Expedition, 1755. Belknap, Robert Lenox, 34. Belknap, Captain Samuel, 1735-1821. Captain of the Massachusetts Colonial Forces. Belknap, Robert Lenox, 34. Bell, Lieutenant Francis, i6go. Stamford Com- pany. Deputy, 1653-64. 97 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Johnson, S. Albert, 56. Peck, Guy Dayton, 65. Benedict, LieutenantDaniel, 1652-1723. A "soldier in the Great Swamp Fight." Oakley, E. Benedict, 63. Benedict, Lieutenant Thom- as, 1617-1685. Commis- sioned Lieutenant in Cap- tain Bryan Newton's Foote Coihpanie at Jamaica, April 7, 1665. Member of the Colonial Assembly at Hempstead, 1665. Deputy from Norvvalk to the Gen- eral Court, 1670 and 1675, Colony of Connecticut. Oakley, E. Benedict, 63. Benedict, Robert Patterson, 179. Bennet, Governor Richard, 1606-1676. Member House of Burgesses, 1629. Member of the King's Council, seven terms, 1642-60. Governor of Virginia, 1652-55. Elected by the House of Burgesses, Commissioner to England, where he signed the agreement with Lord Baltimore, November 30, 1657. Major-General of Virginia Forces, 1662-72. Lee, Edmund J., 100. Browne, Bennet B., iii. Benson, Captain James. 1709. Captain of a Troop of Horse, 1693, Province of Maryland. Benson, Alexander, 95. Benson, Edwin N., 95. Mullikin, Howard, II4. Bent. John, 1596-1672, Sud- bury. Private in Major Simon Willard's Troop of Horse, Expedition against Ninigiet, 1654, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Green, Charles N., 125. Benton, First Sergeant Se- LAH, 1740-1812. Of the Seventh Company of the First Regiment of Connect- icut Infantry in the French and Indian Wars, 1761-63. Metcalf, James B., 59. Bernard, Governor John. Governor of the Somers Isles, or Bermuda, in 1622, which Isles at that period belonged to Virginia. Tiernan, Charles Bernard, 116. Bernard, Thomas. Burgess from Warwick County in the Virginia Assembly, 1642 -45- Tiernan, Charles Bernard, 116. Berry, Major George, 1706- 1776, who served in the French and Indian Wars, 1747- Walker, Richard H., S3. Berry, George, Jr., 172S-1S16. Of Captain George Berry's Company, 1747-49 '< ^Iso of Captain Isaac Ilsley's Company, 1757. Walker, Richard H., S3. Berry, Captain John, 1640- 1713. Deputy and Acting Governor of New Jersey in 1672. Berry, Gerald, 34. Marshall, Howard, 58. Betts,CaptainRichard,i6i3- 1713. Member of New York Provincial Assembly, held at Hempstead, L. I., 1665. "High Sheriff of Yorkshire upon Long Is- land," 167S-81. Captain, 1663. Sanger, VV. Cary, 70. Balch, Edwin S., 94. Balch, Thomas W., 95. Betts, Samuel Comstock, 1732-1823. Soldier in the Second Company, Ninth Regiment of Connecticut Foot. 1767. Betts, Frederick H.. 34. Betts, Louis F. H., 35. Betts. Samuel Rosseter, 35. Haight, Frederick E., 50. :98 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bevier, Lieutenant Louis, 2d, 1684-1753. New York Provincial Forces. Lines, Hasbrouck, 54. BiCKKR, Captain Henry, 1722 . Lieutenant in Jersey Regiment, 1755. Cap- tain, 1756. Captured and imprisoned in Canada four- teen months. On his return acted as Quartermaster of General Gage's Regiment until close of War. Foster, Howell, 47. BiDDLE, William, 1630-1712. Member of the Council of the General Assembly for Province of West Jersey, 1682, and President of the same, 1706-07. Biddle, Thomas, Q5. Biddle, William Foster, 95. BiGELOw, John, 1617-1703, Watertown, Mass. Soldier in the Pequot War, and in King Philip's War. Sears, Clinton B., 72. Bigelow, Melville Madison, 122. BiGEi.ow, Joshua, 1655-1745. Wounded in King Philip's War. Served in Captain Nathaniel Davenport's Company, also in Captain Joseph Sill's Company. Richards. Frederick B., 68. Sears, Clinton B., 72. Trott, James P., So. Whitney, Drake, 87. Bigelow, Melville Madison, 122. Biles, William, 1710. Signer of Penn's Great Charter. Member of the first Council of the Province of Pennsylvania, held at Philadelphia, March 16, 1683. Member of the As- sembly from Bucks County, 16S6-1710. Powell, Washington Bedlyn, 103. Smith, Thomas M., 115. I Bill, Lieutenant Francis. Colonial Forces, Connecti- cut, 1666. Coghill, Howard, 40. " Billings, Captain Roger. 1708 . Lieutenant Eighth Connecticut Regiment, 1744. Lieutenant in Cap- tain Dennison's Company, Expedition against Canada, 1746. Captain of Troop of Horse, Eighth Regiment, 1751- Deputy, 1747, '49, '52. Hand, Billings Learned, 51. Bishop, Deputy-Governor James, 1691. Secretary of New Haven Colony, 1661-65. Assistant of Connecticut Colony, i663- 83, and Deputy-Governor, 1683-91. Throop, George E., 79. Bishop, John, 1684. Mem- ber first New Jersey Assem- bly, 1668. Member Gov- ernor's Council. 1675. Bishop, Courtlandt Field, 35. Bissell, Lieutenant Isaac. Queen Anne's War. Bissell, Evelyn L., 138. Bissell, Captain John, Wind- sor, Conn. Troop of Horse, King Philip's War. Earle, Ferdinand P., 44. Bissell, Captain Ozias, 1729- 1822, who served in the French and Indian War. Was in an engagement on Lake George in i 755. Taken prisoner to Havana in 1762, where he was kept for nearly nine months. Bissell, George Francis, 179. Blake, William, 1663, of Dorchester, Mass. A mem- ber of the Ancient and Hon- orable Artillery of Boston. Tucker, William Ruggles, i8r. Bland, Colonel Theodorick 1630- 1671. Member of House of Burgesses of Virginia, and Speaker, 99 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1659-60. Member of the King's Council, 1666. Lee, Edmund J., 100. Bleecker, Captain Jan Jan- sen, 1642-1732. Albany Militia, 1676. Served in the French and Indian Wars, 1689. Mayor of Albany. Bangs, Anson Cuyler, 32. Bleecker, Anthony James, 36. Hillhouse, Francis, 53. Bleecker, Captain John, 1668-1738. Served in the Mohawk Expedition, 1686. Captured by the French at Ottawa, and held prisoner until October 23, 1687. Commissioned Captain by the Earl of Bellamont, i6g8, in Colonel Peter Schuyler's Regiment. Bangs, Anson Cuyler, 32. Blodget, Samuel, 1724-1807. Served in French Wars. Louisburg, 1745, Crown Point and Lake George. Was commissary at Fort William Henry, 1755- Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Ilillsboro County, N. H., 1770. Hall, Clayton C, 112. Reed, John L., 115. Stickney, George H., 115. Bloetgoet (Bloodgood), Fran(^ois, 1635-1676 Com- missioned by Governor Colve Chief Military Offi- cer of Flushing, Heem- stede, Rustdorp, and Med- delburgh. Privy Councillor to the Governor for the surrender of the Colony to the English, 1675. "Sorely wounded in a skirmish with the Indians at White Stone." Whistler, Garland Nelson, 87. Blunston, John, 1644-1723. Member Provincial Coun- cil, Province of Pennsyl- vania, 1701-04. Lloyd, Howard Williams, loi. Boardman, Samuel, 1673. Wethersfield. Assistant, 1670, Colony of Connecti- cut. Hatch, Arthur M., 52. Bulling, Colonel John, of " Cobbs," Chesterfield County, Va. Member of House of Burgesses, and Colonel of Henrico County Mihtia, 1743-51. Boiling, Thomas, Jr. , 166. Bolton, Thomas, 1712 . Of Captain George Berry's Company, French and Indian Wars, 1747. Walker, Richard H., S3. Bond, Lieutenant -Colonel Jonas, 1664-1727. Water- town. In Canada Expedi- tion, i6go, Colony of Mas- sachusetts Bay. Chase, William L., 123. Bond, Captain William, 1695. Watertov/n. Deputy to the General Court, i68g, '93> '95- Speaker, 1691, '93, '95. Captain of Water- town Company in King Philip's War, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Chase, William L., 122. Chase, Henry Leverett, 1S6. Chase, Robert Savage, 186. Borden, Richard, 1601-1671. Portsmouth. Assistant, 1653-54. Treasurer, 1653- 55. In 1667-70 Deputy, Colony of Rhode Island. Miller, Charles King.sbury, 180. Bourne, Richard. Deputy to the first General Court, 1639, and seven terms after. Member of the Council of War, 1667, Colony of Mas- sachusetts Bay. Tucker, William R.. 132. BouTELL, John, 1645-1719. Private in Captain Joseph Gardiner's C o m p a n y of Reading, in King Philip's INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. War, Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Boutell, Henry Sherman, 179. BowEN, Lieutenant Hknry, 1634-1724, of Roxbury, Mass., and Woodstock, Conn. Served in the Great Swamp Fight, King Philip's War. Bowen, Clarence W., 36. Morris, Seymour, 128. Johnson, James Bowen, 153. Bowen, Richard, 1674. Deputy to Plymouth Gen- eral Court, 1651. Houghton, Henry O., 126. Houghton, Henry O., Jr., 127. BoYNTON, Captain Joseph, 1730. Provincial Forces of Massachusetts Bay. Deputy, 1697-1714, from Rowley. Spofford, Paul N., 75. Boynton, Joshua, who served in several campaigns in the French and Indian Wars. Took part in the expedition to Canada. Batchelder, George A., 151. Batchelder, Joseph F., 151. Batchelder, Richard N., 15 1. Brackett, Captain Anthony, 1640- 1703, of Casco, Me. Captured by the Indians in 1676 and in 16S9. Com- mander of Fort Loyal and of the Town Militia, 16S2. Was Representative in the Falmouth General Assem- bly. Brackett, Robert Lambert, 36. Brackett, Sergeant Moses, 1717-1793. Served in Cap- tain Peter Thayer's Com- pany, Relief of Fort William Henry. 1757. Downes, Emery N., 43. Brackett, Captain Richard, 1610-1690. Commander of the Militia of Braintree, Mass. Member of Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston, 1636. Deputy to the General Court, 1655-S0. Carney, Sidney Howard, Jr., 3S. Schroeder, James Langdon, 71- Wood worth, Newell Bertram, 88. Philbrook, Charles Frederick Bacon, 128, 171. Bradbury, Captain Thomas, 1610-1695. Ensign, Salis- bury Train Band. Captain, 1660. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1651-57, Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay. Spofford, Paul N., 75. Brigg, Frank O., 161. Bradford, Governor Wil- liam, 1589-1651. Govern- or of Plymouth Color. y. Backus, J. Bayard, 32. Collins, Clarence L., 40. Benjamin, Marcus, 34. Leonard, Edgar C. 57. Ripley, Charles S., 69. Shepard, Robert F., 73. Terry, George D., 77. Allen, Francis O., 94. Strong, William Wolcott, 181. Tucker, William Rup-.^'les, 181. Bradford, Major William, 1624-1704. Deputy-Gov- ernor of Plymouth Colony. Commanded Plymouth Forces in the Great Swamp Fight, where he was severe- ly wounded. Backus, J. Bayard, 32. Collins, Clarence L., 40. Shepard, Robert F., 73. Terry, George D., 77. Allen, Francis Olcott, 94. Strong, William Wolcott, iSl. Tucker, William Ruggles, iSi. Bradford, Captain William, 1721-1791. Member of the Philadelphia Association for the general defence of the City and Province. Lieu- 201 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. tenant Fourth Company, 1747. Captain, 1756. Bradford, T. Hewson, 96. Darrach, Bradford, 161. Bradley, Captain Daniel, 1 704-1 765. Ensign, Fair- field Company, 1743. I-ieu- tenant in a Connecticut Regiment, Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745. Cap- tain, Fairfield Company, 1747- Wakeman, Jessup, 82. Bradish, Robert, 1675-1763. Scout in the French and Indian Wars. Kimball, Robert Jackson, 175- Bradstreet, Major-General John, 1711-1774. Lieuten- ant-Colonel at the Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Gov- ernor of St. John, New- foundland, 1746. Captain, Sixtieth Foot, Royal Amer- icans, 1757. Lieutenant- Colonel, York Regiment, 1757. Colonel, 1758 (in America only). Deputy Quartermaster-G e n e r a 1 , 1760. Colonel in British Army, 1762. Major-Gen- eral, British Army, 1772. Landreth, Burnett, Jr., 99. Bradstreet.Governor Simon, First Secretary of Massa- chusetts Bay Colony. One of the Commissioners of the United Colonies, 1643. Deputy Governor, 1672- 70. Governor, 1679-86. Taylor, Washington Irving, 77. Tufts. Walter B. , 80. Woodbury, Urban Adrain, 175. Brainkrd, Hezekiah, 1680- 1727. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court and Speaker. Assistant, 1723-27, Colony of Connecticut. Sims, Clifford Stanley, 163. Smith, Edward Curtis, 175. 2; Brainerd, Captain James. 1669-1742. Captain of the Train Band of Haddam, Conn. Brainerd, Cephas, 37. Brainerd, Cephas, Jr., 37. Brainerd, Lieutenant Jo- siAH, 1711-1792. Lieu- tenant Fourteenth Com- pany, Sixth Connecticut Regiment, 1752. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 45. Brainerd, Lieutenant Wil- liam, 1673 . Lieuten- ant Haddam Train Band, 1722. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 45. Bray, Lieutenant Asa, 1741- 1815. Served in Captain Josiah Lee's Company, Colonel Phinehas Lyman s Regiment, Crown Point, 1758, and drummer in Cap- tain Joel Clark's Compan)% Colonel Nathan Whiting's Regiment, Crown Point, 1759. Sergeant in Captain Eldad Lewis's Company, same Regiment, 1762. En- sign, 1768-72, and Lieu- tenant Fourth Company, Fifteenth Regiment. After- wards Captain and Colonel in the Revolution, Colony of Connecticut. Wasliburn, William Ives, 86. Brecht, Jacob, 1729-1802. Served in Independent Troop of Horse, Philadel- phia, 1756- Bright, Louis Victor, 37. Brent, Captain George, of Stafford County, Va. Cap- tain of a Troop of Horse in 1670, and Ranger-General of the Northern Neck of Virginia. Brent, Joseph Lancaster, no. Keyser, Robert Brent, 114. Davenport, Richard Graham, 152. Brent, Lieutenant-General Giles. Treasurer of the INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Province of Maryland. Commander of Kent Is- land. Deputy-Governor and Lieuienant-General of the Province of Maryland, 1643-44. Lord of Fort Kent Manor. Jenkins, Edward A., 113. Jenkins, Edmund P., 1 13. Brewer, John. Member of the House of Burgesses. Prov- ince of Maryland, 1661. Peale, Albert C, 155. Brewster, William, who drafted, in the cabin of the Mayflower, the first written Constitution. Brewster, Lyman D , 13S. Bridge, Lieutenant Mat- thew, 1 650-1 738. Quar- termaster in Captain Pren- tice's Troop in King Philip's War, and in Expedition to Canada, l6qo. Willey, William Lithgow, 133, 171- Brintn ALL, Thomas. Soldier in Lieutenant William Hasey's Company, and in Captain John Wiiipple's Company, King Philip's War. Rowland, Daniel W., 127. Brockett, Surgeon John, 1610-1679. Served in King Philip's War. Washburn, William Ives, 86. Brocklebank, Captain Sam- uel, 1628-1676, of Rowley, Mass., who was killed dur- ing King Philip's War, at Sudbury, April 12, 1676. Gerry, AUston, 48, Sylvester, William W., 104. Brodhead, Captain Daniel, 1667. An officer in the ser- vice of Charles II., under Colonel Sir Richard Nic- olls, 1664. Appointed by Governor Nicolls Com- mander-in-chief of the Forces at Esopus, 1665. Died in command of the Ulster County Militia, 1667. Du Bois, William M., 44. Marshall, Henry Rutgers, 58. Reed, Henry B , 68. Reed, James M., Jr., 68. Russell, Averly, C. H., 69. Bronson, John, 1636-1680, who was a soldier in the Pequot War, and fought in the Fort Fight, 1637. Collins, Holdridge Ozro, 41. Stockhridge, Henry, Jr., 116. Brooke, Acting Governor Robert, 1602-1655. B. A., 1620; M. A., 1624 ; Wad- ham College, Oxon. Com- missioned by Lord Balti- more, September 20, 1649, Commander-in-chief of a new county to be set out in Maryland, and Member of the Council. Commanderof Charles County, 1650. Ap- pointed March 29, 1652, by Cromwell's Commissioners, President of the Council and Acting Governor. Thomas, Douglas Hamilton, 78, 116. Browne, Bennet Bernard, ill. Smith, Thomas M., 115. Fleet, Alexander Frederick, 187. Brooke, Major Thomas, 1632 -1676. Commissioned Ma- jor Maryland Forces, Feb- ruary II, 1660. Served in Expedition against Indians, 1667. Member of Assem- bly for Calvert County from 1663 to 1676. Thomas, Douglass H., 78, 116. Browne, Bennet B., III. Brooke, Colonel Thomas, 1660-1730. October 29, i6gi, apjiointed by William and Mary one of their Majesties' Council of Mary- land, and so continued un- til 1707. Was reappointed 1715, and so continued un- til 1724. Thomas, Douglass H., 78, 116. 03 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Brooks. Lieutenant Joshua, 1688-1768. Lieutenant of the Foot Comi^any which marched from Concord to Boston on the French Alarm of 1746, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Bent, Samuel A., 122. Brooks, Captain Thomas, 1667, Concord. Deputy to the General Court eight terms, 1642-62. Captain of the Concord Company, 1643, Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. Melville, Henry, 59. Clark, Arthur W., 123. Page, Walter Oilman, 128. Wheeler. Horace L., 133. Baker. Frank, 179. Bent, Samuel A., 122. Brown, Lieutenant-Colonel Abijah, 1736-1818. Wal- tham, Mass. Soldier in Captain Timothy Hough- ton's Company, 1756. Wheeler, Horace L.. 133. Brown, John, 1584-1662. Com- missioner to the United Colonies. 1644-56. Assist- ant, 1636, '38, '53, '55. Member of the Council of War, 1642-46, Plymouth Colony. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 71. Lee, Edward C, gg. Brown, Charles E., 138. Whitney, Eli, Jr., 146. Brown, Lieutenant John. 1732-1817. Lieutenant under King George IIL Served in French and In- dian Wars. Moseley. Edward A., 61, 154. Brown, Thomas, 1657 , Hampton. Private in King Philip's War, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Brown, David H., 122. Browne, Colonel William. Member of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. 1673, '76. '77,"' '79. '82. County Lieutenant of Surry County, Va., 16137. Edmunds, Henry Littleton, 187. Brownson, Captain (afterward General) Gideon, of Ver- mont, I73g-i796, who served in the French and Indian Wars. Was severely wounded and taken prisoner in the Expedition to Cana- da. Was one of Warner's "Green Mountain Boys." Cooke, Charles E., 152. Bryan, Alexander. Assistant, Colony of Connecticut, i66S-7g. French, William F., 140. Bryan, Jonathan. Aided General Oglethorp in set- tling the Province of Geor- gia, and, 1754, Member of first King's Council. Bryan, Joseph, 166. Buck, Colonel Jonathan, of Bucksport, Me. Received a Lieutenant's commission under the Provincial Gov- ernniiint in 1745, and Colo- nel's in 1775. l\Ioseley, Edward A., 61, 154. Buckingham, Thomas. Deputy to the General Court, 1657, New Haven Colony. French, ^Yilliam F. , 140. Buckman, Jases, 1641-1694. Private in Captain Wheel- er's Company, King Phil- ip's War. Hall, George F., 126. Buckmin-ster, Sr., Colonel Joseph, 1666-1747, Fram- ingham, Mass. In Sir Charles Hobby's E.xpedi- tion. Churchill, Gardner A., 123. Buckminster, Jr., Colonel Joseph, i6g7-i78o, Fram ingham. Commissioned Colonel in I73g. Com- manded troops in I'rench and Indian War, 1744 and 1757. Deputy, Colony of 04 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Massachusetts Bay, 1738- 70, twenty-two times. Churchill, Gardner A., 123. BuLKELEY, M. D., Reverend Gershom, 1636-1713. Chaplain to Connecticut Troops in King PhiHp's War. Lord, Frank H., 57. Bulkeley, Morgan G., 13S. Bull, Captain John. Penn- sylvania Provincial Forces. Present at capture of Fort Duquesne. Patterson, John H., by rep- resentation, 65. Bull, Captain Thomas, 1606- 1684. Served in the Pequot Fight, and was Captain of the Hartford Company which took part in the defense of Saybrook in 1675- Backus, Brady Electus, 32. Beatty, Robert Chetwood, 33- Beatty, William Gedney, 33. BuLLARD, Ensign Seth, 1737- 181 1. Ensign in Captain Ebenezer Clapp's Com- pany, Walpole, Mass., 1772. Carney, Sidney H., Jr.. 38. BuNCE, Thomas. A soldier in the Pequot War, 1637. Bunce, Jonathan B., 138. BuRD, Colonel James, 1726- 1793. Captain, 1754. Com- missary in Braddock's Ex- pedition. Major, Third Bat- talion, Augusta Regiment, 1756. Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Battalion, 1757. Colonel, 175S-60. Pro- vincial Forces of Penn- sylvania, French and In- dian Wars. Brinton, John Hill, 96. Brinton, John H., Jr., 96. Peale, Albert C, 155. Grubb, E. Burd, 97, 162. Burgess, Thomas, 1685, Sandwich, Mass. Deputy to the General Court eight terms, 1642-68. Wheeler, Plorace L., 133. Burgess, Colonel William, 1619-16S3, Maryland. Member of Lord Balti- more's Council of Estate. Deputy-Governor. Province of Maryland. Justice of High Provincial Court. Colonel of Regiment of Trained Bands. General in Chief of Military Forces, Province of Maryland. Tilton, Palmer, 132. Tilton, Warren C, 132. Burhans, Jacob. A soldier in the Company of Peter Stuyvesant, at Esopus, 1660. Isham, Charles, 55. Burnham, Lieutenant Thomas, 1620-1694. En- sign and Lieutenant of the Ipswich Company against the Indians, 1643, and thereafter Deputy to the General Court, Colon)' of Massachusetts Bay, for sev- eral terms. Greenough, Eben W., 97. Piatt, Franklin, 103. Burr, Colonel John, 2d. Member of Council, 1729- 40. Served at Port Royal, 1710. Hosmer, Edward S., 53. Burr, Major John. 1673-1750. Captain Fairfield Train Band, 1690. Commissary Fairfield County. French and Indian War, 1693. Major, 1694. Jennings, Albert Gould, 55. Wakeman, Jessup, 82. Burr, Major Peter, 1667- 1754. Auditor, 1700-24. Deputy, 1700-02. Speaker, 1702. Assistant, 1703-24. Judge Probate, 1723-24. County Court, 1706-24. Superior Court, 1711-16. Chief Judge to 1724. 205 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Major, Fourth Regiment, 1694. Jennings, Albert Gould, 55. Burt, Lieutenant Nathan- iel, 1711-1755, Longmead- ovv. Captain of a Company in Colonel Ephraim Wil- liams's Regiment. Killed in battle at Lake George, 1755- Hurd, Charles R., 127. Warner, Frank E., 132. BuRWELL, Captain Israel, 1747-1813. Captain Wall- ingford Company. Hart, George W., 52. BuRWELL, Ensign Nathaniel, 1686-1732. Ensign, Wall- in gford Company, 1730. Hart, George W., 52. Butler, Captain Zebulon, 1731-1795. Served in the French and Indian War in 1758 ; on the Canadian frontier and at Fort Ed- ward, Lake George, Ticon- deroga, and Crown Point. He also served in the Ha- vana Expedition, 1762. Heilner, George C, 52. Byram, Captain Nicholas, 1687. Captain, Bridge- water Company. Coffin, Rufus, 123. Byrd, William, ist, 1650- 1704. Member of the Coun- cil of the House of Bur- gesses, and " Receiver- General of His Majesty's Revenues for the Colony of Virginia," which office he held until his death. Page. S. Davis, 102. Byrd, William, 2d, 1674-1744. P'or thirty-seven years a member of the King's Council of the Dominion of Virginia, and eventually its President. Agent of the Dominion in England. Founder of the City of Richmond. Page, S. Davis, 102. M., , i6go. Dep- Byrd, Colonel William, 3d, 1728-1777. Colonel of the Second Virginia Regiment, 1756. Member of the King's Council, Dominion of Virginia. Page, S. Davis, 103. CABEi^L, Captain William. Captain in militia prior to 1744- Cabell, James Allston, 166. Cadwallader, Dr. Thomas, 1707-1779. Member of the Council, Province of Penn- .sylvania, 1733-76. Chair- man of the Board of War, 1759-62. Member of Cap- tain Bathe's Independent P'oot Company, 1756. Cadwallader, Charles E., 96. Cadwallader, Richard 96. Calkin, Hugh, 1690. uty to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1650- 51. Goode, G. Brown, 152. Calloway, Captain Richard, 1780. Colonial Forces of Virginia, French and In- dian Wars, 1755-64. Arnold, Conway Hillyer, Jr., 31- Wood, Thomas N., 88. Calvert, Sir George, 1580- 1632. Secretary of State of England, 1619-25. First Baronof Baltimore, towhom the Province was granted April 15, 1632. In 1622 v\'as one of the eighteen Councillors of the New England Company. Brent, Joseph Lancaster, no. Keyser, Robert Brent, 113. Calvert, Governor Leonard, 160S-1647, who sailed with the Ark atid the Dove from Cowes, Isle of Wight, No- vember 22, 1633, to colo- nize Maryland. Was the first Governor of Maryland, 206 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. from 1633 until his death in 1647. Brent, Joseph Lancaster, no. Keyser, Robert Brent, 113. Calvert, William, 1644-1682. Member of the House of Assembly, from St. Mary's County, 1664-69. Ap- pointed Member of the Council by Lord Baltimore, 1669. Deputy-Governor of Maryland, 1670. Principal Secretary of the Province, 1673-82. Brent, Joseph Lancaster, no. Keyser, Robert Brent, IJ3. Carpenter, Samuel, 1650- 17 14. Province of Penn- sylvania. Treasurer, 1704. Member of the Governor's Council, five terms, 16S7- 1713- Lewis, William F., 100. Carpenter, William, 1605- 1667. Deputy to Plymouth General Court, 1656. Carpenter, James Olliver, 38. Carr, Governor Caleb. Com- missioner, Colony of Rhode Island, five terms, 1654-62. General Treasurer, 1661- 62. Deputy, six terms, 1664-90. Assistant, i6gi. Governor, 1695. Robbins, Howard S., 69. Lee, Edmund J., 100. Page, S. Davis, 102. Carter, Colonel John. Mem- ber of the House of Bur- gesses, 1643-58. Com- manded against Rappahan- nock Indians, 1654. Was appointed to the Council, 1668. Carter, Thomas Nelson, 166. Carter, Captain John, i6i6- 1692, Woburn. Ensign, 1 65 1. Lieutenant, 1664. Captain. 1672. Captain of Woburn Company in King Philip's War, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Piatt, Franklin, 103. 20 Thompson, Abijah, 131. Morris, Seymour, 180. Carter, Lieutenant John, 1653-1727, Woburn, Mass. Sergeant, 1682. Lieuten- ant, 1700-27, of the Wo- burn Company. Piatt, Franklin, 103. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Carter, Robert, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses in Virginia six years. Was Treasurer of the Colony, and, pending the arrival of Governor Gooch, he acted as Gov- ernor one year. Page, S. Davis, 102. Carter, John Scott, 186. Catlin, John, 1643-1704, who fought against the Indians, and was killed in the de- fense of Deerfield, Alass., February 29, 1704. Saxton, Henry Dearborn, 155. Catlin, Captain John, 1704- 1758. Commandant at Fort Shirley, iMass., 1747-48. Captain in His Majesty's Service in the Indian Wars, 1749, and in 1756-57. In command of a cordon of twelve forts extending from North field to Pontoosuc in X758,anddied in the service. Saxton, Henry Dearborn, 155. Catlin, Joseph, 1704, who was killed in the defense of Deerfield against the French and Indians under Hertel de Rouville, Feb- ruary 29, 1704. Saxton, Henry Dearborn. 155. Catlin, Lieutenant Skth, 1734-1798- Lieutenant in His Majesty's Service in the Indian Wars, 1759, also in 1760. Quartermaster, General Timothy Ruggles's Regiment. Lieutenant in Captain Shepard's Com- pany in 1761-62. Saxton, Henry Dearborn, 155. 7 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Chamberlain, Joseph, Hadley, Mass. A soldier in "The Falls Fight," King Philip's War. Captain Turner. Isham, Charles. 55. Champun, Lieutenant-Col- onel Christopher, 1731- 1805. Major, 1755, at Crown Point. Commissary of Troops, 1755. Lieuten- ant-Colonel, 1756. Mason, George Champlin, Jr., lOI. Champney, Captain Daniel, 1644-1691. King Philip's War. Appointed by Gen- eral Court, 1677, to redeem Lidian captives. Hall, George F., 126. Chandler, Major Job. Mary- land Provincial Foices, 1651-56. Captured by the Puritans at the Battle of Providence (now Annap- olis, Md.), March 25, 1655. Receiver-General of Prov- idence and Councillor of State ; appointed August i, 1651, reappointed July 10, 1656. Justice of the Pro- vincial Court and Commis- sioner of Province of Mary- land, 1651. Chandler, Walter, 38, 161, Chandler, Colonel William (Protestant), of Maryland Provincial Forces, who was in command of the " foote souldiers " of Charles County, Maryland, Decem- ber 27, 1681. Chandler, Walter, 38, 161. Chapline, Captain Moses, 1698-1772. Maryland Mil- itia, 1757. French and Indian War. Collum, Richard S., 96. Chapin, Elisha, 1756. Commander of Fort Massa- chusetts, 1754. Massacred by tlie Indians at Iloosack, July II, 1756. Chapin, Charles F., 139. Chapin, Japhet, 1642-1712. A soldier in Captain William Turner's Company, in the Falls Fight, King Philip's War, May 18, 1676. Barnes, Alfred Cutler, 33. Chapin, Henry Dwight, 39. Chapin, Charles F., 139. Chapin, Joseph. A soldier in the Turner's Falls Fight, May 19, 1676. Kimball, Arthur R., 142. Chapman, Captain Robert, 1616-1689. Served in the Pequot War under Lieu- tenant Lion Gardiner, and King Philip's War. Ap- pointed Captain by the General Court at Hartford, October 14, 1675. Deputy to the General Court from Say Brook forty-three times, and assistant nine times, serving continuously from 1654 to 1684, Colony of Connecti- cut. Chapman, Thomas Brownell, 39- Dyer, Horace Edward, 174. Chase, Thomas, 1654 . Soldier under Major Ap- pleton, King Philip's War. Chase, William L., 122. Chauncey, Colonel Elihu, 1710-1791. Colonel of a Regiment in the French and Indian War. Chief Justice, Colony of Connect- icut. Chauncey. Charles, 96. Savage, William L., 104. Chester, Captain John, 1635- l6g8, Wethersfield. Troop- er, 1658. Lieutenant, 1672. Captain, 1677. Deputy to General Court, 1678-89, Colony of Connecticut. Bowen, Clarence Winthrop, 36. Walbridge, T. Chester, 83, 105. Washburn. John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Wilson, J. Appleton, 117. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Chester, Major John, 1656- 1711, Wethersfield, Conn. Ensign, i68g. Captain, 1698. " Sergeant-Major for the countie of Hartford," 1702. Member of "Com- mittee of Warre," 1706-08. I'eputy to General Court, 1694-1701. Speaker of the House of Representatives, 1699, and "Assistant," 1701-11. Backus. J. Bayard. 32. Walbridge, T. Chester, 83, 105. Washburn, John Henry, 84. V/ashburn, William Ives, 85. Chester,(Jolonel John, 1703- 1771, Wetherstield, Conn. Ensign, 1724. Captain, 1725. Lieutenant-Colonel Sixth Regiment, 1739, Colo- nel, 1756. Memberof "Com- mittee of Warre," 1745 and in 1754. Deputy to Gen- eral Court twenty - five years; also "Assistant" during eighteen years. Spe- cial Commissioner to the Conference with the Six Nations, held at Albany, N. Y., 1751. Backus. J. Bayard, 32. Walbridge, T. Chester, 83,105. Chew, Bknjamin, i 722-1 810. Member of the Council, Province of Pennsylvania, 1755. Commissioner of De- fense of I'hiladelphia, 1761. Attorney -General, 1755. Speaker of the Assembly, 1756. Chief Justice of the Supreme Couit, 1774. Jackson, Oswald, 55. Howard. McHenry, 112. Chew, Colonel John, 1590- 1655. Member of the House of Burgesses of Vir- ginia from Hog Island, 1623, '24, and '29. Mem- ber of the House of Bur- gesses of Virginia from York County, 1642, '43, '44. 20 Chew, Samuel Claggett, III. Howard, McHenry, 112. Williams, Mason L. W., 117. Chew, Colonel Samuel, 1677. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1659. Member of the Governor's Council, 1669-77. Chancellor and Secretary of the Province. Colonel of the Provincial Forces of Maryland before 1675. Thomas, Lawrence Bulkley. 78. Chew, Fielder B., in. Chew, Samuel C, in. Williams, Mason L. W., 117. Howard, McHenry, 112. CHn.D, Joshua, who served in Captain Holbrooke's Com- pany in 1716 against the Indians. Draper, T. Wain Morgan, 43. Childs, Captain PENUEL.iegg- 1760. Deputy from Kill- ingly to the General Court of Connecticut for five terms. Commissioned En- sign, 1737, of the Company of Thompson. Lieutenant of the Second Company at Killingly, Conn., 1744, and Captain South Company of the Eleventh Regiment in same town, 1753. Childs, James Edmund, 39. Chipman, Elder John. Deputy to the General Court, 1663- 66. Tucker, William R., 132. Chittenden, Lieutenant- Colonel Thomas, 1730- 1797. Major of the Four- teenth Regiment, 1767-70, and Lieutenant-Colonel, 1770-73. Deputy to the General Court. 1765, '69, '72. Colony of Connecti- cut. Governor of Vermont. Chittenden, Edward Alonzo, 174. Fletcher, Truman Chitten- den, 174. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Chittenden, William, 1593- 1660. One of the four gen- tlemen clothed by the Guil- ford (Ct.) Colony, with "full power and authority to act, order, and despatch all matters respecting the publick weale and civile government of the Planta- tion, until a church was gathered among them." On the gathering of the church, June 29, 1643, these Magistrates resigned their trust, and William Chitten- den was elected principal military man of the Colony, also Magistrate of the Plan- tation, and Deputy of the General Court until his death, 1660. Chittenden, Edward Alonzo, 174. Church, Colonel Eenjaimin, 1639-1718. One of the most distinguished officers of the early Indian Wars. Com- manded the party by whom King Philip was killed. Commander-in-chief of an Expedition against theEast- ern Indians, 1689. Chapman, Thomas B., 39. Douvv, Charles G. , 43. Dwight, Arthur S., 44. Gushing, Harry Cooke, Jr., 124. Church, Sergeant Richard, 1608-1668, Plymouth, Volunteer in Pequot War, 1637. Dorman, William B., 124. Churchill, John, 1663. Soldier in Plymouth Mili- tary Company, 1643. Churchill, Gardiner A., 123. Coffin. Pvufus, 123. Churchill,Colonel William. Member of the Virginia Council, 1705- Gill, William H., in. Chute, Sergeant Thomas, 1690 . Sergeant in Captain George Berry's Company, and in Captain Daniel Hill's Company, 1748-49. Bodge, George M., 122. Claiborne, Colonel William, 1 587-1676. Secretary of State of Virginia, 1625. '37, '52, '60. Member of Coun- cil, 1625, 1660. In 1642 was made Treasurer of the Virginia Colony for life. In 1653, Deputy-Governor of Virginia. Commanded Ex- peditions against the In- dians in 1629 and 1644. Edmunds, Henry, 4, 1S7, Lyons, James, 166. Clapp, Major Jonathan, 1 713- 1782. Major in the Massa- chusetts Militia. Allen, Theodore L., 121. Clapp, Captain Preserved, 1643-1720, Northampton, Mass. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court. Orne, Henry M., 64. Allen, Theodore L., 121. Clapp, Roger, 1684 - 1762. Deputy to Massachusetts General Court. Allen, Theodore L., 121. Clapp, Captain Roger, 1609- 1692. Member Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1646. Lieuten- ant, 1655. Captain of the Castle (Fort Independence). Deputy to the General Court, 1652-73, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Hillhouse, Francis, 53. Metcalf. James B., 59. Orne, Henry M., 64. Allen, Theodore L., 121. Hemenway, Frederick T., 126. Boyd, Allen R., 151. Clapp, Captain Roger, 16S4- 1767. Captain in Connect- icut Colonial iNIilitia and Deputy to General Court. Orne, Henry M., 64. 210 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Clapp, Captain Samuel, 1634- 1708, Dorchester, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, six terms, 1689-99. Hemenway, Frederick T., 126. Clapp, Major Samuel. Scitu- ate. Major of Massachu- setts Militia in Queen Anne's War. Deputy to the General Court, Ply- mouth Colony, 1680-86, 90, 91. Deputy to the Massachusetts General Court, nine terms, 1692- 1715- Clapp, Frederick Walter, 170 Clapp, Thomas, 1597-16S4, Dorchester, Weymouth, and Scituate. Deputy to the Massachusetts General Court, 1649. His son Eleazer was killed in battle with the Narragansett Indians, March 15, 1676. Clapp, Frederick Walter, 170. Clark, John, Patentee of Connecticut under the Charter from Charles II., 1663. Soldier in the Pequot War. Eaton, Daniel C, 140. Hart, .Samuel, 141. Clark, LieutenantThaddeus, 1690, of Falmouth, Maine, who was killed there in the Second Indian War, 1690. Moseley, Edward A., 61, 154. Clark, Thomas, i 599-1697. Deputy General Court, Plymouth Colony, 1651-55 ; served against the Peauot Indians, 1637. Clark, Alonzo H., 151. Clark, Lieutenant William, 1609-1690. King Philip's War. Rhoades, Lyman, 68. Clarke, Captain Jeremiah, 1652. President, Re- gent, and Acting Governor of Rhode Island Colony, 1648 ; Treasurer, 1644-47 ; Lieutenant, 1642 ; Captain, 1644. Robbins, Howard S., 69. Clarke, Joseph, 1618-1694. Named as Assistant in the Second Rhode Island Charter of 1663 ; was also Assistant in 1658, '64, '65, '78. '79- Horton, William E., 153. Clarke. Governor Walter, 1639-1714. Governor of Rhode Island, King Philip's War. Pell, Howland, 65. Pell, Rodman Corse, 180. Clarkson, Matthew, 1702. Commissioned in 1689 by William III. Secretary of the Colony of New York, holding office until his death in 1702. Bleecker, Anthony James, 36. Clarkson, Banyer, 40. Clarkson, Clermont L. , 40. Clarkson, David A., 40. Clarkson, Frederick, 40. Crosby, Edw.ird N., 41. Crosby, Livingston, 42. Cleeves, Deputy Governor George. Deputy Governor of Maine, 1640-43. Deputy to General Court, 1663-64. Founder of Falmouth (now Portland), 1636. Moseley, Edward A., 61, 154. Clement, Robert, 1658, Haverhill. Deputy to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1647-53. Gross, George Herbert, 170. Senter, George Albert, 171. Clement, Samuel. Member of Assembly, New Jersey. Griswold, Benjamin H., 112. Cleveland, Jo si ah, 1667- 1709. Served as a private in the Indian War, 1688- 89. Also in the Garrison in the West Regiment of Middlesex County, 1691-92. Jordan, Scott, 180. 21 I INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Clough, Corporal Samuel, 1736 . Soldier in the Second, Captain T r u e - worthy Ladd's, Company of Major Thomas Tash's New Hampshire Battalion, at the defence of Fort Ed- ward in 1757. Corporal in the Eighth, Captain True- worthy Ladd's, Company of Colonel John Hart's New Hampshire Regiment at the Crown Point Expedi- tion in 175S. Philbrook, Charles Calhoun, 171. Philbrook, Charles Frederick Bacon, 171. COATES, ROISERT, 1627 , of Captain William Turner's Company, King Philip's War. Rhoades, Lyman, 6S. Cock, Peter Larssen, Sr., 1611-1688. Memberof the Council, Province of Penn- sylvania, 1668. Benson, Edwin North, 95. CODDINGTON, GOVERNOR WiLL lAM, 1601-1678. Assistant, Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630-37 ; Treasurer, 1634- 36 ; Deputy, 1636-37. Gov- ernor Portsmouth and New- port, R. I., 1640-47. Gover- nor of the Colony, 1674-78. Noyes, Charles P., 63. Coffin, Lieutenant Tristam, 1632-1704, Lieutenant at Newberry, 1683. Deputy, 1695, 1700-02, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Remick, John A., 129. Remick, Timothy, 130. Remick, Ninian B., 129. Coffin, Tristam, 1609-16S1. Commissioner at Salisbury, 1655. Chief Magistrate for Nantucket under Governor Lovelace, of New York. Remick, John A., 129 Remick, Timothy, 130. CoGGESHALL, John, 1591-1647. President of the Colony of Providence Plantations in 1647. Greene, George Sears, Jr., 49. COLLAMORE, CAPTAIN AN- THONY, 1693. Lieu- tenant and Captain of the Scituate Company, Massa- chusetts Militia. CoUamore, John H., 123. CoLEGATE, Major Richard, 1675-1721. Member of the Maryland House of Assem- bly, from Baltimore County, from 1709-21. Shoemaker, Michael M., 115. Coleman, Thomas, 1600-1674. In 1654 appointed to pro- cure men and necessaries for the expedition against Ninnigret in the Narragan- sett War. Foster, Howell, 47. Collier, William, 1670. Assistant, 1634-65, Ply- mouth Colony. Commis- sioner for the United Colo- nies, 1643. Adams, Edward Milton, 179. Collins, Francis, 1635-17 — . Member Governor Jenning's Council, 1683. Griswold, Benjamin H., 112. Collins, John, 1616-1670. Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany of Boston, 1644. Collins, Clarence Lyman, 40. Combes, Major William, 1690. Major, Talbot Coun- ty Troop of Horse, 1689, Province of Maryland. Mulliken, Howard, 114. CoNANT, Lot, Jr., 165S-1745, Beverly, Mass. Soldier in Captain Joseph Gardiner's Company, King Philip's War. Abbot, Francis E., 121. CoNANT, Governor Roger, 1592-1679, Beverly, Mass. Governor of the Massachu- setts Colony at Cape Ann, INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1625-26, and Salem, 1627- 29. Deputy to the General Court, 1634. Hosmer, Edward S., 53. Abbot, Francis E., 121. Constable, Surgeon John. Surgeon in the First Regi- ment of the Province of New York, 1762. McVickar, Edward, 59. CoNTEE, Alexander, 1691- 1740. Member of the Maryland Provincial Legis- lature from Charles County, 1724. Thomas, Douglass H., 116. Converse.Edward, 1590-1663, VVoburn. Deputy to the General Court, 1660, Mas- sachusetts Bay Colony. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Thompson, John T., 131. Wood, Alva S., 134. Morris, Seymour, 180. Converse, Lieutenant James, 1620-1715, Charlestownand Woburn. Lieutenant of the Woburn Company, in gar- rison in King Philip's War. Deputy, 1679, Massachu- setts Bay Colony. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Wood, Alva S., 134. Morris, Seymour, 180. Converse, Major James, 1645- 1706, Woburn, Mass. Dep- uty to the General Court, five terms, 1679-92. Speak- er, 1699, 1702-03. Com- manderatdefenceof Storer's Garrison, 1691-92, for which service he was made Major. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Wood, Alva S., 134. Morris, Seymour, 180. Converse, Captaln Josiah, 1684-1748, Woburn, Leices- ter, and Brook field. Dep- uty to the General Court, seven terms, 1715-50. Cap- tain of the Woburn Com- pany. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Wood, Alva S., 134. Morris, Seymour, 180. Converse, Lieutenant Josiah, 1710-1775, of Woburn and Leicester, Mass., and Staf- ford, Conn. Deputy to the General Court, 1733, from Leicester. Lieutenant of the Leicester Company. Morris, Seymour, iSo. Conver, Lieutenant Caspa- Rus, 1 693-1 769, of Claver- ack, N. Y. Lieutenant in Captain Henry Van Rens- selaer's Company of Foot Militia, 1735, New York Provincial Forces, French and Indian Wars. Beale, Charles F. T., 151. Cook, Mordecai. Burgess in the Virginia Assembly for Gloucester County, 1702. Thomas, Douglass H., 116. Cooke, Major Aaron, 1610- 1690, Westfield, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1668. Ensign, 1676. Captain of a garrison in King Philip's War. Major of Hartford Troop, 1658. Ives, Francis J., 55. Washburn, John Henry, 83. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Wilson, J. Appleton, 117. Heminway, Frederick T., 126. Cooke, Captain Aaron, 2d, 1641-1716. Ensign, 1663I Captain, 1678-1713, Hadley Militia. Deputy, 1689, '91. '93, '97- Ives, Francis J., 55. Washburn, John Henry, 83. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Cooke, Francis, 15S3-1663. Came over in the May- floiucr. Served in Expe- dition against Indians, under Captain Myles Standish, February 16, 1621. Mem- ber of the Plymouth Mili- tary Company, June 22, 1644. 213 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Washburn, John Henry, S3. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Cooke, Deputy -Governor Nicholas, 1717-82. Dep- uty Governor of Rhode Island, under Royal Char- ter, 1769. Deputy Gover- nor, with power of a Com- missioner-in-Chief, 1775. Cooke, James Welch, 96. Cooke, Samuel, 1641-1702. Dragoon in Captain Rob- ert Syll's Company, 1675. Washburn, William Ives, 85. CooLiDGE, John, 1691, Watertown. Deputy to the General Court, 1658, Colo- ny of Massachusetts Bay. Chase, William Leverett, I22. Cooper, Lieutenant Thomas, 1619-1695, who, when the Indians attacked Brook- field, Mass., August 7, 1675. commanded the res- cuing force of twenty-seven dragoons and ten Spring- field Indians. Killed by the Indians at the burning of Springfield, October 5, 1675- Dominick, William Gayer, 43- Huse, Hiram Augustus, 174. CoRBiN, Henry. Member of the Council of Virginia, 1663-67. Member of the Flouse of Burgesses, 1658- 59- Howard, McHenry, 112. Newton, Virginius, 166. Corliss, Joshua, 1733-1819, Haverhill, Mass. Soldier in expeditions, 1755, '57, '66, French and Indian War. Corliss, Augustus W., 123. Cornell. Ensign Thomas. Ensign, Portsmouth Militia, 1642-44, who served with Governor Kieft against Indians. Colony of Rhode Island. Valentine, Abraham B., 81. Sands, James Thomas, 188. Miller. Charles, 180. C o w L E s , John, 1675. Deputy from Farmington to the General Court of Connecticut, 1653-54. Cowles, Calvin D., 152. CowLES, Captain Josiah, 1716 -1793. Ensign, 1756. Cap- tain, 1761, of the Second Company, or Train Band of Southington, Conn. Cowles, Calvin D., 152. Crane, Jasper, of Connecticut and New Jersey Colonies, 1 590-1680. Signer of orig- inal agreement to elect town officers. New Haven, Conn., June 14, 1639. Deputy, General Court, Connecticut, 1653-58. As- sistant, Connecticut Col- ony, 1662-67. Deputy, Provincial Assembly, or House of Burgesses of East Jersey, 1667-73. One of the founders of Newarke Towne (or Newark) N. J., and its first magistrate, 1667. Chandler, Walter, 38, 161. Ha^sey, Harlan P., 50. Halsey, Henry A., 50. Goode, G. Brown, 152. Toler, Henry Pennington, 163. Crane, Stephen, i 709-1 780. Quartermaster on the fron- tier, 1758. Member of the Assembly of New Jersey, 1765, et scq. Speaker, 1770-72. Mayor of Eliza- bethtown, 1772-74. Pres- ident of the Provincial Con- vention, 1774. In 1743 he was sent to England by the people of Elizabeth- town, to present their rights against the Proprietors, in a petition to King George II. Squier, Charles Burnham 163. 214 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Crawford, Colonel William. 1722-1782. Colonial Forces, Virginia. Ensign, 1755. Served at Fort Du- quesne under Washington. Served in the Pontiac War, and in Lord Dunmore's In- dian War. Killed by the Delaware Indians, 1782. Chenoweth, Alexander C, 39. Cresson, Corporal Pierre. Served in expedition against the Indiansat Esopus, 1663. Banta, Theodore Melvin, 32. Cromwell, Captain Thomas, 1617-1649. Commanded a privateer, 1646-49, under a commission from the Earl of Warwick. Brought Spanish prizes into Boston and Plymouth. Binney, William Greene, 35. Cromwell, William, 1627- 1684. Member of Legisla- tive Council of Maryland under Lord Baltimore. Chenoweth, Alexander C, 39. Cromwell, Charles, 179. Crosby, Simon, 2d, 1637-1725. Served in garrison, at liil- lerica, Mass., and on scout- ing service in King Philip's War. Private in Captain Lane's Troop, 1706. Dep- uty, 1691-2, 97-S. Carney, Sidney H., Jr., 38. Cruger, Henry, 1707-1778. Member of New York Pro- vincial As: '45. 'SO- Deputy Governor, 1630-34, 1637-40, 1646-50, 1651-52. Assistant. 1635-36, 1641- 44. In office continuously twenty-two years. Commis- sioner for the United Colo- nies, 1643, '47, '49, and twice President of the United Colonies, , . Major- General, 1646. Signed the Charter of Harvard College, 1650. Cass, George Wyllys, 38. Chandler, Walter, 39-161. Chauncey, Henry, Jr., 39. Erving, William V. R., 45. Orinnell, William Milne, 49. Koues, George Ellsworth, 56-162. Morton, Edward L., 62. Ruggles, James F., 69. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 70. Stokes, Anson Phelps, 76. Taylor, Washington Irving, 77. Tufts, Walter B., 80. Williams, Ephraim, 87. Adams, Edward M., 121-179. Green, Samuel S., 125. Sargeant, John Smith, 130— 181. Tucker, William R., 132. Woodbury, Urban Andrain, 175- Green, John, 187. Gross, Samuel Eberly, 179. Hall, Lemuel Ruggles, 179. Woodbridge, Jonathan Ed- wards, 181. Dulany, Daniel, 16S6-1753. Member of Council, Prov- ince of Maryland. Montgomery, Thomas H., lOI. Dummer, Richard, 1598-167S. Assistant. 1635-36. Colony of Massachusetts. Emery, Rufus, 45. DwiGHT, Captain Edmund, 1717-1755- Ensign at the capture of Louisburg. Young, William Hopkms, 8g. DwiGHT, Captain Timothy, 1639-1718, of Dedham. Cornet of Horse and Cap- tain of Foot. Served in ten Indian expeditions, and was Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. Chapin, Henry D wight, 39. Dwight, Arthur S., 44. Young, William Hopkins, 89. Dwight, Colonel Timothy, 1694-1771. He served as Captain in the old French War in 1724. He built Fort Dummer, and was its first commander. Pie was Colo- nel of a Regiment. Chief Jus- tice of Hampshire County, and Deputy to the General Court. Dwight, Arthur S., 44. 219 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Dymoke, Ensign Shubael, 1644-1732. Ensign and Deputy to Plymouth Court. Eassett, Charles Franklin, 33. Hulbert, Henry C, 54. Dymoke, Lieutenant Thomas, 1658. Lieutenant of Barnstable Company. In active service against the Indians, 1643-44. Deputy for six years to Plymouth Court. Eassett, Charles Franklin, 33. Hulbert, Henry C, 54. Leach, J. Granville, 99. Earle, Edward, 1668-1714. Member of the House of Deputies, 1695. New Jer- sey Commissioner of Reve- nue during the French War, 1702-13. Earle, Ferdinand P., 44. Earle, Captain Ralph, 1606- 1678. Captain of a Troop of Horse. Colony of Rhode Island, 1671. Prime, Ralph Earle, 67. Eastman, Captain Ebenezer. Officer in Port Royal Ex- pedition ; and Captain, siege of Louisburg. Walker, George L., 145. Eastman, Captain Joseph, Captain in Crown Point Expedition, 1755. Walker, George L., 145. Eaton, Governor Theophi- LUS, 1590-1657. Governor of New Haven Colony, 1639-57. flounder of the City of New Haven. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 46. Metcalf, James Betts, 59. Pond, Charles Hobby, 66. Pond, Wiuthrop, 66. Wilcox, Reynold Webb, 87. Eishop, Timothy H., 138. Pond, Nicholas Misplee, 143. Norton, John Grant, 175. Edwards, Rev. Timothy, 1669-1758. Chaplain Colo- nial Forces of Connecticut, Expedition to Canada, 1711. First Minister at East Windsor, 1694-1758, sixty- four years. Dwight, Arthur S., 44. Edwards, I'ierrepont, 44-162. Stringer, George A., 76. Elliot, Asa. Soldier in the campaign, 1757-58, against the French and Indians. Elliott, Daniel Giraud, 45. Elliott, Henry. A soldier in King Philip's War, 1675. Elliott, Daniel Giraud, 45. Ellison, Colonel Thomas, 1701-1779. Colonel in French and Indian War. In 1757 marched his regi- ment from Ulster County to Fort Edward to the relief of Fort William Henry. Morton, Frederick Nash, 175. Ellsworth, Captain David. Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Taintor, George E., 145. Ellsworth. Captain John, 1697-17S4. Captain Colo- nial Forces of Connecticut. Ensign, French and Indian War, 1756. Stringer, George A., 76. Elmer, Edward, 1676, Killed by Indians in King Philip's War, June, 1676. Booraem, Robert E., 36. Ely, Captain William. En- sign of Third Company Militia, Lyme, Conn., 173S. Lieutenant, 1740. Captain, 1745, during Louis- burg Expedition. Ely, Smith, 45. Emery, Anthony. Kitlery, Me., and Portsmouth, N. H. Deputy to the Massa- chusetts General Court, 1672. Eowen, George Henry, 170. Eowen, Hosea Emery, 170. Emery, James, 1630 . Kit- tery, Me. Deputy to the Massachusetts General Court, 1693 and 1695. 220 INEEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bowen, George Henry, 170. Bowen, Hosea Emery, 170. Emery, Jonathan, 1652-1723. Served under Major Sam- uel Appleton in the Swamp Fight. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 45. Emery, Rufus, 45. Emery, Colonel Stephen, 1710-1795. Ensign, 1746. Captain, 1757. Colonel of Seventh Regiment, Massa- chusetts Militia. Appointed, 1767, by Francis Bernard, Esq., and by Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., Colonel of the Second Regiment of the towns of Newbury and Rowley in 1771. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 45. Emery, Rufus, 45. Brigg, Frank O., 161. Endicott, Governor John, 1 588-1665, Salem. Gov- ernor Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1629. General of forces against Indians, 1636. Deputy-Governor, 1641. Governor, 1644. Ser- geant-Major, 1645. Presi- dent United Colonies, 1658. Endicott, Robert, 45. Putnam, George J., 129. Erving, Colonel John, 1693- 1786. Assistant of Massa- chusetts Bay Colony twenty years. Colonel of the Bos- ton Regiment. Erving, WiUiam V. R., 45. Fales, Captain Eliphalet, 1717-1781, Dedham, Mass. Captain in Crown Point E.\- pedition, 1755-56. Mason, Charles F., 128. Farmer, Major Robert, 1720-T779. Captain, 1740, in the Nineteenth Regiment of Foot, Province of East Jersey ; and Major of the Thirty-fourth Foot (Cum- berland Regiment). Brooke, George. Jr., 96. Farrar, Jacob, 1642-1675. Killed by the Indians in King Philip's War, August 22, 1675. Farrar, George D., 46. Farrington, Nathaniel, 1656 , Dedham. Pri- vate in Captain John Ja- cob's Company, Hingham. Hall, Lewis C. , 126. Feake, Lieutenant Robert, Lieutenant in Captain Pat- rick's Company, Colonial Forces, 1632-36, Member of the First General Court, Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1635-36. Thomas, Lawrence Buckley, 78. Morton, Thomas G., loi. Fenn, Lieutenant Benjamin. Assistant, 1654 and 1665- 72. Colony of Connecticut. Pond. Charles Hobby, 66. Sanford, George B., 144. Fernald, Captain John, i6g8 . Captain of the " Abigail," Siege of Louis- burg. Fernald, Charles A., 124. Field, Sergeant Samuel, 1697. A soldier in the Falls Fight, May 19, 1676, in King Philip's War ; and was killed by Indians, 1697. Foote, Horace A., 47. Merriman, William Bucking- ham, 142. Field, Zacheriah, 1666. One of the thirty-seven soldiers from Hartford that served in the Pequot War. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 75. Field, Captain Zecheriah, 1685-1746. Sergeant in Captain Kellogg s Com- pany, Father Ralle's War, 1725. Captain, Northfield (Mass.) Company of Mili- tia, 1743. Field, Thomas Goldsmith, 46. 221 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. FiLKiN, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry, 1713. Lieuten- ant-Colonel, Kings County Militia, 171 1. Smitli. Philip II. S., 74. Fish, Captain Samuel, who served in King Philip's War. Heilner, George C, 52. Fisher, Captain Daniel, 1649-1713. Captain, Ded- ham Massachusetts Com- pany, 1676. Fisher, Harris B., 46. Fisher, Nathaniel C, 46. Fitch, Captain Abner, 1703- 1798, of Lebanon. Captain, 1753- Hart, George W., 52. Fitch, The Reverend James, 1622-1702, of Hartford. Chaplain of the Connecti- cut Forces in the Great Swamp Fight in King Philip's War. Shepard, Robert Fitch, 73. Fitch, Major James, 1649- 1727. Served against In- dians, and also against the French in 1702. Shepard, Robert Fitch, 73. Fitch, Captain Jeremiah, 1670-1736. Captain, 170S. Deputy, 1725 and 1734. Hart, George W., 52. Fitch, Captain John, 1667- 1743, of Connecticut Militia. Deputy twenty sessions. Price, Henry R., 67. Fitch, Lieutenant Samuel, 1727-1811. Appointed by Governor Jonatlian Law of Connecticut. First Lieu- tenant of Captain William Whiting's Company of Foot for the Expedition against Canada, 1746. Deputy to the General Court from Norwalk, 1744-68. Com- mittee of War, Crown Point, 1757. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 46. Fitch, Captain Thomas, 1630- 1690. Ensign, 1665. Com- missioner, i66g. Captain, 1673, and in King Philip's War. Deputy-Governor, .1673. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 46. FiTz Hugh, Colonel William, 1651-1701. Lieutenant -Colonel of Westmoreland County, Va., 1683. Member House of Burgesses, 1678-87. Colonel of Stafford County Forces, 1690. Thomas, Douglass H., 78, 116. Walker, John Garland, 166. Walker, William James, 166. Flagg, Lieutenant Gershom, 1641-1690. First Lieuten- ant of the Woburn Com- pany, Massachusetts Troops. Served in the French and Indian War. Killed in action near Lee, N. H., July 6, 1690. Piatt, Franklin, 103. Fleete. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry. Member first Maryland Assembly, 1637 -38. Captured by the Ana- costa Indians, 1623. Ran- somed, 1627. Commis- sioned by Lord Baltimore, 1644, with the power of Captain-General, to make treaty of peace with the Susquehannas. Burgess for Lancaster County, Va., 1652. Throckmorton, Charles W., 79- Fleet, Alexander Frederick, 187. Flint, Thomas, 1645-1721, Salem. Soldier in King Philip's War. In Captain Gardner's Company on ser- vice against Narragansetts in 1675. Foster, George W., 124. 222 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. FoNBUSH, Thomas, 1667-1738, Westboro, Mass. Served in Indian Wars. Fonbush, William C, 47. Foot, Major Isaac, 1717-1755, Branford, Conn. Lieu- tenant, 1750. Major, 1755. Member Council of War, 1755- Foot, Morris Cooper, 47. ■ Foo TE, Captain Abraham, 1725-1S23. Ensign. 1757. Lieutenant, 1758. Captain, 1760. Captain of the Second Connecticut Regi- ment in 1760. Served in the Expedition against Montreal. Ives, Francis J., 55. FooTE. Captain Joseph, 1666- 1751. Lieutenant. Branford Connecticut Train Band, 1713. Captain, 1715. Dep- uty, 1714-15- Ives, Francis J., 55. FooTE, Quartermaster Na- thaniel, 2d. Quartermas- ter of Captain William Turner's Company in "The Falls Fight," May 19, 1676, King Philip's War. Isham, Charles, 55. Foote, Wallace Turner, Jr., 47- Brainerd, Leverett, 138. Foote, John Crocker. 187. Foote, Lif.utenant Robert, 1629-1681. Lieutenant, Branford Connecticut Train Band. 1677. Ives, Francis J., 55. Ford, Thomas, 1676, Windsor, Conn. Deputy to the General Court, 1638, '41, '44, "54- Allen, Theodore L., 121. Forrest. Patrick. Member of the Maryland House of Burgesses, 1649-50. Grand- son of Sir Anthony Forrest, Knt., who with his son and wife (the first gentlewoman to land in America) came to Jamestown, Va., in 1608 with Captain John Smith. Henry, John W., 153. Henry, J. Malcolm, 153.^ Foster. David. 1704-1779. Private in the Sixth Regi- ment of Militia, Province of New Hampshire, 1746, un- derColonel Benjamin Rolfe. Spies, Francis F., 75. Foster, Edward, 1644. Deputy to the General Court from Scituate. 1639 and 1640. Served in the Scituate Company Plym- outh Colony Forces, 1643. Daves, John C, iii. Foster, Francis A., 124. FouLSHAM, Lieutenant Peter, 1649-1717. Ensign of the Exeter Company, New Hampsliire Militia, 1692. Lieutenant, 1710. Folsom, William Henry, 46. Tucker, Gilman H,, 80. Folsom, Albert A., 124. FowKE, Colonel Gerard, 1669. Burgess from Westmoreland County to the Virginia Assembly, 1663 . Burgess from Charles County to the Mary- land Assembly, 1665. Ramsay, Henry A., 115. Fowle, Lieutenant James, 1642- 1690. Member of Woburn Company. Churchill, Gardiner A., 123. Fowle, Captain John, 1671- 1744, Woburn. Member of Woburn Company, 1721- 44. Churchill, Gardiner A., 123. Fowler, John, 1715-1803, Ipswich, Mass. One of Captain Richard Manning's Troopers, under Colonel Daniel Appleton, who marched to the relief of Fort William Henry, Au- gust, 1757. Perley, Harry Otis, 66. Dorman, William B., 124. 223 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Fowler, Joseph, 1629-1676, Ipswich, Mass. Soldier in Captain William Turner's Company. King Philip's War. Killed in the Falls Fight, May ig, 1676. Dorman, William B., 124. Fowler, Lieutenant Wil- liam. King Philip's War. Deputy to the General Court, Colony of Con- necticut, 1673-80. Fowler, Franklin H., 47, 140. French, William F , 140. Fox, Jabez, of Portland, Me. Assistant, 1752-55 ; and Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. Moseley, Edward A., 61, 154- Freeman, Edmund, 1590-1682. Assistant, 1640-46. Mem- ber of the Council of War, 1642, to provide forces for the safety of the Colony against the Indians. Plym- outh Colony. Sears, Clinton B., 72. Story, Henry G., 76. Page, S. Davis, 102. Wheeler, Horace L., 133. Clark, Alonzo H., 151. Freeman, Major John, 1627- 1719. Ensign of Military Company of \Valtham,i654. Major in Expedition against the Indians at Saconett, 1667. Member of the Council of War, 1667-76. Captain in fight against Indians at Taunton, 1675. Chosen Major, Barnstable Troops, 1685. Freeman, George W., 47. Sears, Clinton B., 72. Story, Henry G., 76. Clark, Alonzo H., 151. Fuller, Austin Weld, 174. French, Lieutenant Wil- liam, 1604-1681, Billerica, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1663. Lieutenant in King Philip's War. Carney, Sidney Howard, Jr., 38. Morris, Seymour, 128. Philbrook, Charles F. B., 128, 171. Frost, Major Charles, of Kittery, Me., 1632-1697. Member Provincial Coun- cil, New Hampshire, in 1681. Major of the Maine Regiment. Killed by Indians, 1697. Blunt, Stanhope E., 36. Frothingham, David, 1727- 1766. Was in military ser- vice in Massachusetts in 1746. French War. Schieffelin, George Richard, 71- Frye, Lieutenant James. Lieutenant at Crown Point, 1756. Afterwards Colonel. Grinnell, William Milne, 50. Frye, Colonel Joseph, 1711- 1794, Fryeburg, Maine. Deputy, Massachusetts General Court, 1750-54. Ensign in Hale's Regi- ment, Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Colonel, and taken prisoner, at Fort William Henry, 1757. Martin, William P., 128. Fryer, Captain Nathaniel, 16 1705, Boston, Mass., and Portsmouth, N. H. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1666. Commissioner with Captain Champernoon to conclude a treaty with the Indians at Casco, Me., in 1678. Royal Councillor of the Province of New Hamp- shire, u n d e r Lieutenant- Governor Cranfield, 1683. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1683. Commissioned Captain in King William's War by the Governor of Massachusetts, 224 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1690. Royal Councillor under Governor Allen's Commission, 1692-1702. President of the Governor's Council, 1695. Chief Jus- tice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1693-95. Judge of the Probate Court, 1697- 1705. Commandant of His Majesty's Fort William and Mary at Newcastle, under Lieutenant-Governor Usher, 1692-97. Captain of Mili- tia, 1702. Wilson, Fred A., 133. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 170. Fuller, Lieutenant John, 163X-1695. Lieutenant. Served in King Philip's War. Deputy to the General Court, 1674, and four years after. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Rhoades, Lyman, 68. Watkins, Walter K., 1 33. Fuller, John, 1666, Lynn. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1655 and 1664. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Watkins, Walter K., 132. Fuller, Captain Joseph, 1652-1740. Captain, Mas- sachusetts Militia. Chase, William L., 123. Fuller, Captain Matthew, 1678. Lieutenant under Myles Standish, 1654. Surgeon-General Plymouth Colony Forces in the Great Swamp Fight, 1675. Norton, Edward L., 62. Fuller, Lieutenant Samuel, 1675, of Barnstable. Killed in King Philip's War. Plymouth Colony. Norton, Edward L., 62. Gale, Captain Isaac, 1708- 1793, who served as Lieu- tenant in Captain Solomon Holman's Company in the expedition for the relief of Fort William Henry in 1757- Promoted Captain, 1763. Resigned, 1769. Henry, John Francis, 52. Henry, William Barrett, 52. Chase, William L., 123. Gallup, Captain John, 1675. One of the six Con- necticut Captains killed in the Great Swamp Fight. Hart, George W., 51. Gardiner, Colonel Abraham, .Suffolk County, New York Provincial Militia, 1772. Thompson, Frederick Dio- dati, 78. Gardiner, Lieutenant Lion, 1599-1663. Lieutenant in the English Army. Engi- neer and Master of Works of Fortification in Leagues of the Prince of Orange in the Low Countries. En- gineer at Boston. Con- structor and Commander of Saybrook Fort,Pequot War. The first Englishman seated in New York. Lord of the Isle of Wight (now called Gardiner's Island). Coghill, Howard, 40. Gardiner, David, 48. Gardiner, Robert A., 48. Thompson, Frederick Dio- dati, 78. Lennig, Charles F., 100. Coit, Robert, 139. Gardiner, Curtis Crane, 187. Gardiner, Captain-Lieuten- ant Luke, who came to Maryland on the Ark and Dove, 1634. Member of Assembly, 1659, Province of Maryland. Ramsay, Henry A., 115. Gerard, Thomas, 1600-1673. Member of the Assembly from St. Marie's Hundred, 1641, and Member of the Council. Commissioner of the Proprietary, and Lord of St. Clement's Manor, Province of Maryland. 225 INDEX Oh ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Jenkins, Edward A., 113. Jenkins, Edmund P., 113. Ramsay, Kenry A.. 115. Gerrish, Captain John, 1646- 1714, Newbury, Mass., and Dover, N. H. Captain of New Hampshire Militia in 1672. Captain of all the Troops of Horse in the Province of New Hamp- shire, 1680. Commissioned Captain in King William's War by the Governor of Massachusetts, i6go. High Sheriff of the Province of New Hampshire, 1683. Member of the Special As- sembly convened by Gov- ernor Cranfield in 1684. Deputy to the General Court of New Hampshire, 1684, '89, '90, '97, under Gov- ernor Allen's commission, 1692. Royal Councillor of the Province of New Hamp- shire. Justice of the Supe- rior Court, 1699-17 14. Wilson, Fred A., 133. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 170. Gerrish, Colonel Timothy, 1684-1756, Dover, N. H. Proprietor of Gerrish's Isl- and, Kittery, Me. Captain in the Provincial Militia at Dover, 1719. Deputy to the General Court of New Hampshire, 1709, '15, '22. Colonel of the Provincial Militia of York County, Me., 1725. Appointed in 1730 by Governor Belcher of Massachusetts, Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, of which Sir William Pep- perrell, Bart., was Chief Jus- tice. Royal Councillor of the Provinceof Massachu- setts, 1730-1735- Frisbie, P>anklin Senter, 170. Gerrish, Captain William, 1617-1687, Newbury and Boston, Mass. First Cap- tain of the Military Com- pany of Newbury. Captain in King Philip's War, 1675- 76. In command of the garrison at Newbury sev- eral years. Deputy to the General Court of Massa- chusetts, 1650. '51, '53, '54, "63, '64- Wood, Marshall William, 88. Wilson, Fred A., 133. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 170. GiBBARD, William. Deputy to the General Court. Secre- tary and Assistant, New Haven Colony. Stoddard, William B., 144. Gibbon, Deputy-Governor Ambrose, 1600 . Dep- uty, Governor of New Hampshire, 1630. Captain Portsmouth Colony Alarm, 1643. Trenchard, Edward, 79. Gibson, Captain James, 1700- 1752. A retired ofticer of the British Army. He . joined the Expedition to Cape Breton and Louisburg in 1745, having contributed ;^500 thereto. One of three who escaped death while on a scout. May 10. With five men he towed the fire-ship against the enemy's fleet and the west gate, which did great execution. Johnson, Jeremiah A., 55. Johnson, James Bowen, 153. Gilbert, Cornet Jonathan. Cornet of Troop of Horse under Captain John Mason. Hooker, Edward W., 142. Gilbert, Deputy-Governor Matthew. Deputy-Gov- ernor New Haven Colony, 1661-63. Munson, C. La Rue, 102. GiLMAN, Captain John, 1624- 1708. Lieutenant of the Militia at Exeter, N. H., 1669. Member of the first Council of the Province of New Hampshire, 1680. 226 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Member of Assembly, 1693- 97. Speaker of the House in 1695. Captain Exeter Militia. Tucker, Oilman H., So. Wakeman, Jessup, 82. Brown, David H., 122. Churchill, Nathaniel Wiley, 123. Folsom, Albert A., 124. Batchelder, George A., 151. Batchelder, Joseph F., 151. Batchelder, Richard N., 151. Koues, George Ellsworth, 162. Ballord, Esek Steere. 186. Glen, Alb;xander Lindsay, 1685. A soldier in the service of the Dutch West India Company at Fort Nassau, on the South River, in 1633. Magistrate at' Albany, 1643-63. Proprie- tor at Schenectady, 1663. Beekman, James William, 34. Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, 153. Glen, Colonel Jacob, 1691- 1762. Member of the New York Colonial Assembly, 1726-51. Beekman, James William, 34. Glen, Captain John Sanders. 164S-1731. Captain First Foot Company, Schenec- tady, 1700. Served in French and Indian Wars, 16S9. Beekman, James William. 34. Hoff, John Van Rensselaer, 53- Van Rensselaer, Maunsell, 81. Godfrey, John. Commander of an armed ship sent against the French at Block Island in 1690. Greene, George S., Jr., 49. Gold, Major Nathan. See Gould. GoocH, James. Soldier in French and Indian War, 1692. Gooch, Frank A., 141. Ballord, Esek Steere, 1S6. GooDE, John, 1630-1709. Of Virginia Colonial Forces in General Bacon's Campaign against the Iroquois (Sus- quehannocks and Man- goacks), 1675-76. Goode, G. Brown, 152. Goodrich, Ensign William. Ensign in Wethersfield Train Band, commanded by Captain Samuel Welles. Deputy, 1660-66. Elliott, Daniel G., 45. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, V/illiam Ives, 86. Goodyear, Deputy-Governor Stephen, 1658. Dep- uty-Governor of New Ha- ven Colony, 1655-58, and Commissioner for the Unit- ed Colonies, 1643. Wakeman, Jessup, 82. Heaton, John E., 141. Robertson, Abram Heaton, 143- Smith, Robert A., 155. GooKiN, Major- General Daniel, 1612-1687. Cap- tain of a Military Company, 1648. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court from Cambridge, 1649 to 1651. Speaker, 165 1. Assistant, 1652 to 1686. In 168 I was ap- pointed Major-General of the Colony of Massachu- setts. Bowen, Clarence W'inthrop, 36. Wood, Marshall W., 88. Salisbury, Edward E., 144. Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury, 146. Smith, Frank B., 155. Gordon, Thomas, 1722. One of His Majesty's Coun- cil, Province of East Jersey. Deputy Secretary, 1692. Attorney - General, 1692. Receiver - Gen e r a 1 and Treasurer, 1 7 10-19. and one of the Lords Proprietors. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 51. 227 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. GoRHAM, Lieutenant-Colo- nel John, 1651-1716. Served in the Great Swamp Fight in King Philip's War; also in Canadian Expedi- tion, i6go, and was second in command under Colonel Benjamin Church in the Expedition, 1704. Grinnell, William Milne, 49. Norton, Edward L., 62. GoRUM, Captain John (or Gor- ham), 1620-1676. Deputy to the General Court, 1653, to consider the military affairs of the Colony. Lieu- tenant, 1673. Captain of ' the Second or Barnstable Company of the Plymouth Colony Regiment under Major William Bradford at the Great Swamp Fight. Died in the service, from fever, at Swanzey, Febru- ary 5, 1676. Coghill, Howard, 40, 161. Grinnell, William Milne, 49. Macy, Sylvanus J., 58. Norton, Edward L., 62. Adams, Edward M., 121. Sprague, Frank W., 130. Gorton, Samuel. Commis- sioner to the Narragansett Indians, and Member of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1652-66. Townsend, James Hill, 79. Gould, Major Nathan, 1694. Assistant, 1657, '62, '94. Major, 1666. Member of Committee of Defense against Dutch, 1662. Representative to the first Colonial Congress in New York, i6go. Major of Dragoons, 1675. Davenport, Timothy, 42. Jennings, Albert Gould, 55. Walker, Williston, 145. Gould, Lieutenant-Govern- or Nathan, 1663-1723. Chief Justice Supreme Court 1712. Lieutenant- Governor of Connecticut, 1708-23. Jennings, Albert Gould, 55. Gould, John, 161 0-1690, Charlestown, Mass. Troop- er in Lieutenant William Hasey's Company, and in Captain Wheeler's Com- pany, also in Captain Hutchinson's Company. Gould, Levi S., 125. Gould, Captain John, 1635 , Topsfield, Mass. Was successively Ensign, Lieu- tenant, and Captain of a Company in Topsfield, 167S-96. Dorman, William B., 124. Graham, Jabez. Soldier in King Philip's War. Coghill, Howard, 40. Graham, Colonel James. At- torney-General of Province of New York, 1685-87, and 1691-1701. Member and Speaker of Provincial As- sembly of New York. First Recorder of New York, 1683-1700. Carnochan, Gouverneur M., 38. Granger, Quartermaster- Sergeant Abner, 1735- 1816. Quartermaster-Ser- geant First Connecticut Colonial Troops, 1758, French and Indian Wars. Remington, Cyrus K., 68. Granger, Launcelot, Suf- field, Conn., 1633-1689. Went with the inhabitants of Suffield to Westfield, Mass., and was severely wounded in the attack on that town in September, King Philip's War. Remington, Cyrus Kingsbury, 68. Grant, Captain Noah, 171S- 1756, of Grant's Hill, Conn. Served as Lieutenant in Captain Rodger's Scouts at Lake George, November, 228 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1755- Promoted Captain Seventh Company Second Connecticut Regiment, 1756. He had distinguished himself so greatly during the campaign that the As- sembly, in 1756, voted him " thirty Spanish milled dol- lars" as a gratuity, at the same time giving Captain Israel Putnam fifty such dollars. He was killed September 20, 1756, while out with a scouting party of Mohawks and Highlanders from Fort William Henry. Grant, Frederick Dent, 48. Gray, John, 1729-1813. Pri- vate in Captain Robert Lothridge's Company, Col- onel Israel Williams's Regi- ment, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Shelton, George G., 72. Shelton, William A., 73. Green, Lieutenant Henry, 1638-1717, iMalden. Dep- uty to the General Court, i6Sg, '94, i703,'o4. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Green, Charles M., 125. Green, Captain John, 1632- 1707, Maiden. Captain of Military Company. Deputy to General Court, 1692, '93, '94, 96. Hall, George F., 125. Green, Captain Samuel, 1615- 1701, Cambridge, Mass. Ensign in King Philip's War. Commissioned Officer of Colonial Forces of Mas- sachusetts, 1 660-1 701. Butler, Henry P., 38. Greenbury, Colonel Nich- olas, 1697. Member of the Council of Sir Lionel Copley, first Royal Gov- ernor, 1692. President of the Council, 1694. Acting Governor of the Province of Maryland from Septem- ber 9, 1693, to September 25, 1693. Commissary-Gen- eral of the Province, 1692. Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal, 1692-94. Field Officer for the County of Anne Arundel, 1694. Griffith, William R., in. Hoffman, Richard C, H2. Poultney, Walter De C, 114. Griffith, Merriwether, 125. Tilton, Palmer, 132. Tilton, Warren C 132. Greene, Deputy-Governor John. Commissioner to the General Court, 1652-63. Attorney-General, 1657- 60. Assistant, seven terms, 1660-90. Deputy, nine terms, 1664-80. " Major for the Main," 1696. Dep- uty-Governor, 1690-1700. Captain, 1664; Major, 1683, Colony of Rhode Island. Greene, George S., Jr., 49. I'age, S. Davis, 102. Rogers, James S., 103. Greene, Thomas, Sr. , 1628- 1717. Assistant, Colony of Rhode Island. Page, S. Davis, 102. Greenleaf, Captain Ed- mund, 1600-1671, of New- bury. Massachusetts Colo- nial Forces. Lieutenant, 1642 ; Captain, 1645, New- bury Company. Spofford, Paul N., 75. Wood, Marshall William, 88. Remick, John A., 129. Remick, Timothy, 130. Greenleaf, Captain Stephen, 1652-1743, Newbury, Mass. Commanded his company in battle with French and Indians at Wells, Me., 1690. Wood, Marshall William. 88. Greenleaf, Captain Stephen, 1630 -1690. Drowned during E.Kpedition against Port Royal, 1690. Wood, Marshall William, 88. 229 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Greenwood, Captain Thomas, 1696-1774, Newton. Mass. Captain in the Massachu- setts Militia. Deputy to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay from 1743 to 1756- Jackson, Henry Stedman, 171. Gregg, Captain James, 1678- 1735. Commanded the first company of soldiers raised in Londonderry, 1719, dur- ing War with the Eastern Indians, Province of New Hampshire. Gregg. Levi Laertes, 49. Melville, Henry, 59. Gregg, Major Samuel, X738- 1808. Sergeant in Captain Rodger's Company of Rangers in the French and Indian War, 1758. Was in the Cape Breton Expedi- tion and at the storming of the French works at Caber- rus Bay. Gregg, Norris Bradford, 187. Gregg, William Henry, 187. Greeg, William Henry, Jr., ^187. Gregson, Thomas. Assistant First Treasurer New Ha- ven Colony. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1643-46. Commissioner to Parliament, 1646. Ward, Charles Samuel. 145. Gridley, Thomas. Soldier in Pequot War. Tliroop, George Enos, 79. Grim. David. 173S-1826. Of the Privateers Kingof Prus- sia and General Wolfe, 1757-1758- In an engage- ment in which an enemy's ship was blown up, a pack- age of papers with valuable information fell on the deck of the General JVol/e. Schermerhorn, Charles A., 70. Grinnell, Sergeant George. Sergeant, 1750. Grinnell, William Milne, 49. Griswold, Lieutenant Eben- ezer, 1702-1779. Second Lieutenant of the First Company, Third Connecti- cut Regiment, 1755, Crown Point Expedition. Griswold, Benjamin H., 112. Griswold, Deputy-Governor Matthew, 1714-1799. Captain of the Train Band of Lyme, 1739. Major of Third Regiment of Horse and Foot of Connecticut, 1766. Assistant, 1759-65. Chief Justice, 1769. Dep- uty-Governor, 1 771, Colony of Connecticut. Thompson, Frederick Dio- dati. 78. Griswold, Lieutenant Mat- thew, 1620-1698. Lieu- tenant Lyme (Conn.) Train Band. Deputy, 1654, '67, '68. Sill, John Targee, 73. Groesbeck, David, 1692-1763. Member Captain Roose- boom's Company, Albany, 1715- Pruyn, John V. S. L., 67. Grubb, John, 1648-1708. Member of the Council, Province of Delaware. Member of Assembly, Province of New Jersey, 1692-98. Grubb, E. Burd, 97, 162. Gilpin. George, 97. Gunn, Captain Samuel. 1670- 1749. Captain in the Mil- ford Train Band, Connecti- cut. Smith, Frank B., 155. Guild, Ensign Nathaniel, 1678-1774. Ensign in Cap- tain Eben Woodward's Company, 1736. Guild, Chester, Jr., 125. Guild, John, 1682. In Captain Appleton's Com- pany, King Philip's War. Guild, Chester, Jr., 125. 30 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Guild, Samuel, 1647-1730, Dedham, Mass. Private in Captain Samuel Moseley"s Company, King Philip's War. Guild, Chester, Jr., 125. Gyles, Captain John, 1678- 1755. Lieutenant in French and Indian War, 1700-06. Captain, 1706-37. Jackson, Oswald, 55. Hale, Captain Joseph, 1671- 1761, Boxford. Deputy to the General Court sixteen terms, 1714-35. Was suc- cessively Ensign, Lieuten- ant, and Captain in the Militia, Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. Dorman, William Barnes, 124. Hale, The Reverend John, 1636-1700, Beverly. Chap- lain in Canada Expedition, 1690, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Abbott, Francis E., 121. Hall, Captain Asahel, 1717- 1795. Ensign, Second Com- pany, Wallingford, 1757. Captain, 1764, French and Indian War, Colony of Connecticut. Wodell, Silas, 88. Hall, John, 1606-1676. Served in the Pequot War. Richards, Frederick B., 68. Hall, William, 16 17 14, Salem, N. J. Representa- tive to the Assembly of West Jersey, 1697 and 1 701. Appointed Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1699. Royal Coun- cillor of the Province of New Jersey, 1708-1713. Denis, Augustus Henry, 170. Hallett, Captain William, 1729. Captain of a Foot Company, Newtown, L. I., Province of New York. Rankin, Egbert G., 67. Balch. Edwin Swift, 94. Balch, Thomas Willing, 95. Halsey, Thomas, 1592-1681. Served in Indian Wars. Deputy from Southampton to General Court, Colony of Connecticut. Halsey, Harlan P., 50. Halsey, Henry A., 50. Hamersley, William, 1687- 1752. An officer in the British Navy, stationed at New York, 1716. Served in His Majesty's ship Valeur on the American station, 1714-16. Letters of appointment as officer dated March 10, 1700. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 51. Hamersley, William, 141. Hammond, Sergeant Eben- ezer, who served in Captain Jonathan Tooker's Charlton (Mass.) Company, of Colonel John Chandler's Regiment, that went for the relief of Fort William Henry, 1758. Also Lieu- tenant in First Regiment of !Militia, in the County of Worcester, March i, 1763, serving under Captain Paul Wheelock. Hammond, Lyman Dresser, 180. Hammond, Colonel John, 1643-1707. Colonel of forces of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, October 4, 1699. Member of the House of Burgesses, April, 1692. Hoffman, Richard C, 112. Hammond, Samuel, 1757-1842. At fourteen years of age he served as a volunteer under General Andrew Lewis, in Drummond's Expedition against the Western Indi- ans and was at the battle of Point Pleasant, October 10, 1774. Washington, Hugh Vernon, 86. 31 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hanson, John, 1665-1740. Member of the House of Delegates of Maryland seven terms, 'i-Til-'i^ll'^- Represented Frederick County in the Provincial Convention, January 24, 1775- Representative to carry into execution the association agreed on by the American Continental Congress, June 22, 1774. Delegate to the General Congress of Maryland. Thomas, Douglass PI., 116. Hanson, Samuel, 1630-1713. Delegate to Maryland Leg- islature, 1716-28. Thomas, Douglass H., 116. Harmon, John, Scarborough, Me. Soldier in King Philip's War. Bodge, George M., 122. Harrington, John, 1651- 1741. Served under Cap- tain Beers, King Philip's War, and was in the fight at Northfield when Cap- tain Beers was killed, where he was twice wounded. Gerry, Allston. 48. Harris, Major William, 1678. Appointed Major of the Charles City and Hen- rico County (Va.) Regi- ment, 1656. Member of the House of Burgesses from Henrico County, 1652, 56-58, Dominion of Virginia. Deen, William Morris, 42, 161. Harrison, Benjamin, 1698. Member of the Council of Virginia until his death in 1698. Burgess, 1680-S2. Gill, William Harrison, ill. Harrison, Colonel Benja- min, 1645-1713. Member of the House of Burgesses, Colony of Virginia, and .Speaker in the same, 1705- c6. Member of King's Council, 1699, 1700-04. Commissioner for Indian Affairs, 1699-1709. Lee, Edmund J., 100. Harrison, James, 1626-1687. Member of the first Coun- cil called by William Penn, 1683. Lewis, William F., 100. Harrison, Colonel Nathan- iel, 1677-1727. Member of the Council of Virginia, 1713. Burgess, 1706. Ap- pointed County Lieutenant of Surry and Prince Georges, 1715. Gill, William Harrison, iii. Hart, Lieutenant Hawkins, 1677-1735. Lieutenant Wallingford Company, 1720-30. Hart, George W. , 51. Hart, Lieutenant James, 1717-1766. Lieutenant in the wars of the Austrian Succession, 1741-48. Adams, Francis P., 94. Adams. Robert, Jr., 94. Hart, Byerly, 98. Hart, Stephen, 1606-1683. Served under Mason in the Pequot War. Deputy from Farmington to the General Court, 1647, '55, '60, Col- ony of Connecticut. Collins, Holdridge O. , 41. Hart, George Wm., 51. Cowles, Calvin Duvall, 152. Hart, Captain Thomas, 1644- 1726. Ensign, 1678. Lieu- tenant, i6g3. Captain, 1695, Colonial Forces of Connecticut. Deputy from Farmington, 1690- 1711. Speaker, 1700-06. Hart, George Wm., 51. Hart, Samuel, 141, Jarvis, Samuel F., 142. Hartshorne, Richard, 1641, whowas. with William Penn and the Duke of York, one of the Proprietors of East Jersey, 16S2. One of 232 INDEX Oh ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. the Deputies in Governor Lawrie's Council, 16S4. Member of the Assembly from Middletown, 1685. Speaker of the Assembly, 1687-9S. Member of Gov- ernor Basse's Council from 169S to the surrender of the Government to the Crown. Large, James, 99. Meeker, Richard C, 114. Smith, Thomas M., 115. Tyson, Anthony M., 117. Tyson, Matthew S., 117. Hasbrouck, Jacob, 16S8-1761. Private in Captain Joliannis Ten Broeck's Troop, Uls- ter County Militia, 1738. Innes, Hasbrouck, 54. Haskins, Captain John, 1729- 1814. Of Colonel John Erving's Boston Regiment, Colonial Troops. Plaskins, Charles Waldo. 153. Hatch, Jonathan, 1625 . Served under Captain Myles Standish in 1645 against the Narragansetts. Wheeler, Edward Jonathan, 87. Hathorne, Major William, 1607-16S1, Salem. First Speaker of the House of Deputies, 1644. Assistant, 1662-79. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1643. Captain of Salem Company and Major, 1656, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Hawes, Daniel, , Ded- ham. Private in Captain Henchman's Company, King Philip's War. Hall, Lewis C., 126. Hau?es, Daniel, 1652-1739. An officer in the Colonial Forces of Massachusetts, French and Indian War, 1757-59- Hawes, Gilbert R., 52. Meday, Henry Hawes, 59. Hawkins, Anthony. Assist- ant and Deputy. One of the Patentees of Connecticut under the Charter from Charles II., 1662. Hart, George W., 51. Hart, Samuel, 141. Jarvis, Samuel F., 142. Hawley, Captain Joseph, 1675-1752. Connecticut Colonial Militia. Throop, George E., 79. Hayden, Lieutenant Daniel, 1703- 1790. Cornet of Troop, First Regiment, Colony of Connecticut, 1753. Lieutenant, 1759. „ Hayden, Horace E., 98. IIayuen, Lieutenant Daniel, 1640-1712. Of Windsor Train Band, 1692, and Windsor Troop, 169S. Deputy to the General Court, Colony of Conrvecti- cut, 1695-98. Hayden, Horace E.. 98. Hayden, William, 1600-1669. Deputy to the General Court, Colony of Connecti- cut, 1667. Soldier in the P e q u o t War. Received special mention in official report of Major John Mason, for saving his life by his gallantry at the Mystic Fort. Served in Major John Mason's Troop, 1657-58, the first Troop of Horse in the Colony or- ganized by order of the General Court. Hayden, Horace E., 98. Haynes, Governor John, 1594-1654. Governor Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1635. First Governor of Connecticut Colony. Presi- dent of the First General Court in 1637. Held the office of Governor in every alternate vear until his 233 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. death in 1654. Commis- sioner of Connecticut at meeting of Commissioners of United Colonies, Hart- ford. 1650, and signed con- federation to secure united action in defence against the Indians. Was Colonel of regiment raised (1636; against the Indians. Backus, J. Bayard, 32. Betts, Frederick H., 34. Betts, Louis F. H., 35. Grinnell, George B., 49. Grinnell, William M., 49. Stokes, Anson Phelps, 76. Terry, George D., 77. Ward, Charles Samuel, 145- Clark, Alonzo H., 151. Heard, Captain Tristram, 1667-1735, Dover, N. H. Lieutenant commanding a Company of New Hamp- shire Militia in 1725. Sub- sequently Captain in com- mand of the garrison known as "Heard's Garrison," at Dover. Killed by the In- dians in 1735. Tappan, Charles Langdon, 171. Heatly, Captain William, 1720-1789. Province of South Carolina, Captain of Militia. Dulles, Andrew C. 97. Heerman, Colonel Augustin, 1605-1686. First Lord of Bohemia Manor. One of the "Nine Men" of New Amsterdam, 1647-49 ^"^ 1650. Ambassador from New Amsterdam to Rhode Island in 1652 ; Ambassa- dor to Virginia ; Ambassa- dor to Maryland, 1659. Member of the Council, Province of Maryland, and Colonel of Militia. Com- missioner to treat with the Indians, 1678. Spencer, John T., 104. Hemenway, Joshua, 1668- 1754, Framingham, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1712-17, Ileminway, Frederick Trow- bridge, 126. Henry, Samuel, 1734-1790, of Hadley, Mass. Private in Captain Moses Porter's Company, 1756. Henry, John Francis, 52. Henry, William Barrett, 52. Henry, Captain William, 1729- 17S6. Armorer of Braddock's and Forbes's Expeditions. Jordan, John W., 99. Henshaw, Joshua, 1643-1701. Served in King Philip's War under Captain Thomas Brattle. Jackson, Alfred Barney, 55. Herkimer, Captain Han- YOOST. Served during the French and Indian Wars. Was in command of Fort Herkimer, April 30, 1758. Shoemaker, Michael M., 115. Herter, Captain Henry, I 730-1 822. Served in the French and Indian Wars. Was made captive by the Indians and carried to Can- ada. Shoemaker, Michael M., 115. Hewit, Sergeant Reuben, 1738-1808. Second Ser- geant in the Fifth Com- pany, Fourth Connecticut Regiment, Invasion of Canada, 1760. Kelly, James Henry, 56. Heyward, Captain Thomas, 1700-173S. Captain in Pro- vincial service ; commanded at Fort Johnson. McAllister, Heyward Hall, 58. Hicks, John. Deputy to the General Assembly, Hemp- stead, L. I., 1665. Williamson, George De Witt, S7. 234 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. HiLDRETH, Sergeant Eph- RAIM, 1680-1740, Dracut, Mass. Sergeant, 1725, in Captain Eleazer Tyng's Company, June 10 to No- vember 3, 1725. Reade, Philip, 129, 180. Hii.T.s, Captain Joseph, 1602- 1688. Captain of Maiden, Massachusetts, Colonial Forces for many years. Deputy to the General Court, 1647-69. Speaker, 1647. Robbins, Howard Sumner, 69. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William ' Ives, 85. HiLLEGAs, Michael, 1729- 1804. Member of Assem- bly, Province of Pennsyl- vania, 1765-75. Dillard, Henry Kuhl, 97. HiLLYER, Colonel Andrew, who served as a Sergeant under Lord Amherst in 1760, and in the expedi- tion against Havana, 1762. Ploadley, James H., 53. Hinckley, Governor Thomas, 1618-1706. Dep- uty to General Court at Plymouth, 1646. Assist- ant, 1658 to 1680. Com- missioner of Plymouth Col- ony against King Philip, 1675-76, and was present at the Great Swamp Fight. Deputy - Governor, 16S0. Governor, i68r. Assistant of the Province of Mas- sachusetts Bay. Miller, Charles B., 60. Miller, Edward C, 60. Brown, David H., 122. Hilton, The Hon. Colonel WiNTHROP, 1671-1710. Commissioned Lieutenant by Governor Allen, 1689. Commissioned Captain by his uncle, Governor Joseph Dudle}', 1703, and Lieu- tenant, 1704. Lieutenant- Colonel in the Expedition to Nova Scotia, 1705. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1706-10. Chosen, in 1710, a Member of the Council, but was killed, on his farm, July 23, 1710, by Indians in ambush, and never took his seat. Koues, George Ellsworth, 162. Hitchcock, Captain Benja- min. French and Indian Wars, 1740. Bishop, Henry A., 13S. HoADLKY, Captain William, 1630-1709. Captain of the first Train Band of Bran- ford, Colony of Connecti- cut. Washburn, William Ives 86. Hobby, Sir Charles. Served as Colonel of Massachu- setts Regiment under Gen- eral Nicholson in the Port Royal Expedition, 1710. Was knighted July g, 1705, " for good service done the Crown in New England." Fowler, Franklin H.,47, 140. Pond, Charles Hobby, 66. Pond, Winthrop, 66. Gooch, Frank A., 141. Pond, Nicholas Misplee, 143. Ballord, Esek Steere, 186. Holden, Captain Randall. 1612-1692. Deputy to the General Court, Colony of Rhode Island, ten terms, 1666-86. Lee, Edmund J., loo. HoLGRAVE, John, 15S0-1670, of Salem. Deputy to the First General Court, 1634- 35, Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Mackenzie, George Norbury. 114. Hollister, Lieutena.nt John. Deputy, Massachusetts, 1644 ; Connecticut, 1645- 235 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS 56. Lieutenant, V/ethers- field Train Band. Elliott, Daniel Giraud, 45. Holme, Captain Thomas, 1624-1695. Member of the Council, Province of Penn- sylvania, 1683, '84, '85. Hough, Oliver, 98. Holmes, Lieutenant John, 1649-1712. Deputy, 1682, 1704, '05. General Treas- urer, five terms, 1690-1709. Lieutenant, 1696. Lee, Edmund J., 100. HoLYOKE, Captain Elizur, 1676, Springfield. En- sign, 1653. Lieutenant, 1657. Captain, 1663. Dep- uty to General Court, six terms. 1656. Was second in command at Springfield and Hadley during King Philip's War, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Hosmer, Edward S., 53. Walbridge, T. Chester. 82, 104. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Hooker, Captain Joseph, 1705 - 1764. Lieutenant, Farmington (Conn.) Train Band, 1746. Captain, 1750. Deputy, 1748-49. Schroeder, James Langdon, 71- Hopewell, Captain Richard, 1744- Member of the Lower House of Assembly, Maryland, from St. Mary's County, 1732-34. Warner, C. Hopewell, 117. Hopkins, Lieutenant Mark, 1739-1776. Ensign and Lieutenant under Francis Bernard, Royal Governor of Massachusetts. Hopkins, Archibald, 153. Hopkins, Lieutenant John, 1665-1732. Sergeant, Con- necticut Colonial Troops, 1714. Ensign, 1715. Lieu- tenant, 1716. Ver Planck, William G., 82. Hopkins, Archibald, 153. Hopkins, Stephen. Member of Captain Myles Standish's Company, which was formed in February, 1621. Assist- ant, 1633-36. Member of Council of War, 1642, Plymouth Colony. Lombard, Josiah Lewis, 180. Hopkins, Captain Timothy, 1691-1748. Colonial Troops. Hopkins, Archibald, 153. Hopkinson, John, Rowley. Served in King Philip's War. in Captain Brockle- bank's Company, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Spofford, Paul N., 75. Hopkinson, Thomas, 1709- 1751. Member of the Council, Province of Penn- sylvania, 1747. Hopkinson, Edward, 98. HosFORD, John, 1698. Soldier in the Pequot War from Windsor ; also mem- ber of the first Troop of Florse in Connecticut Col- ony, 1658. Norton, Edward L. , 63. Hough, Richard, 1705. Member of Provincial Council, Province of Penn- sylvania, 1 692- 1 700. Hough, Oliver, 98. Houston, Sergeant Joseph, of Bedford. In Captain John Oilman's Company of Colonel Nathaniel Mes- servey's Regiment, Crown Point Expedition, 1756, Province of New Hamp- shire. Melville, Henry, 59. How, Abraham, 1695, Sudbury, Mass. In garri.son at Sudbury in King Philip's War. Stratton, George G., 131. How, Edward, 1644, Wa- tertown, Mass. Deputy to 36 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. the General Court six terms, 1635-43- Wheeler, Horace L., 133. How, John, Sudbury, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 133. Howard, Nathaniel. Served in the first, or Mount Hope Campaign, August, 1675, under Captain Thomas Prentice, in King Philip's War. ^ Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Howe, John, , Marlboro. In garrison 1675, King Philip's War. Green, Charles M., 125. Howell, Edward, 15S5-1656, Lynn, Mass. (Removed to Southampton, L. I., 1639.) Assistant, 1647-53, Con- necticut Colony. Prime, Ralph Earle. 67. Mackenzie, George Norbury, 114. Darrach, Bradford, 161. Howell, Lieutenant Heze- KIAH, 1677-1744. Military Forces of Connecticut from Southampton, L. I. Foster, Howell, 47. Howell, William, 53. Darrach, Bradford, 161. Howell, Jacob. 1687-176S. Delegate to Provincial As- sembly of Pennsylvania, 1752. Howell, Henry W., Jr., 53. Griswold, Benjamin Howell, 112. Howell, Major John, 1625- 1695, Southampton, L. I. Deputy, 1662-64. Com- mander Troop of Horse, 1684. Prime, Ralph Earle, 67. Howes, Jeremiah, 1637-1706. Town Councillor of War in 1676, Dennis, Mass. Howes, Frederick Reuben, 54- ^11 HowLAND, Arthur, 1387- 1675, Marshfield, Mass. Soldier in Lieutenant Na thaniel Thomas's Company, 1642. Howland, Daniel W., 127. HowLAND, Lieutenant Jabez Lieutenant under Captain Benjamin Church, in King Philip's War. Bryant, Percy, 37. Howland, Ensign John, 1627 , who was " Ensign of the Military Companie of Barnstable " in 1675, in King Philip's War. Smith, Frank B., 155. Howland, John, i 593-1673. Signer of compact on May- floiver, 1620. Deputy to the General Court, 1633-35, and 1650-51. Assistant ' to raise soldiers," 1637, Plym- outh Colony. Bryant, Percy, 37. Coghill, Howard, 40. Norton, Edward L., 62. Sargent, John S., 130, iSi. Clark, Alonzo H., 151. Smith, Frank B., 155. Adams, Edward Miiton, 179. Tucker, W^illiam Ruggles, 181. Howland, Zoeth. Killed by Indians in King Philip's War, March 28, 1676, at Pocasset, Rhode Island. Pell, Howland, 65. Pell, Rodman Corse, 180. HucKiNs, Commissary-Gen- eral Thomas, 1617-1679, Barnstable, Mass. Ensign in 1639. Commissary-Gen- eral on Governor Brad- ford's Staff, in King PhiHp's War, 1675. Miller, Charles Benjamin, 60. Miller, 60. Hubbard, Edward Clarence, Caleb, 1630-1711, Braintree. Deputy to the INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1694. Hubbard, Adolphus Skinner, 171. Hubbard, Edmund, 1570- 1646, Hingham. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1639- 42. Hubbard, Adolphus Skinner, 171. Hubbard, Israel. Member of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, wliich as- sembled at Salem, October _ 7- 1774. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 76. Hubbard, Peter, Sr.", 1709- 1756, Braintree, Mass. Sol- dier of Captain Nathaniel Blake's Company in the Massachusetts Provincial Forces during the French and Indian VVar. Died in the service near Fort Wil- liam Henry, New York, September 5, 1756. Hubbard, Adolphus Skinner, 171. Hubbell, Lieutenant Elea- zer, 1739-1810. Of the Connecticut Troops. Hopkins, Archibald, 153. Hubbell, Captain Eleazer, 1 700-1 770. Of the Con- necticut Troops. Hopkins, Archibald, 153. Hubbell, Lieutenant John, 1734-1810. Lieutenant in the Second Troop of Horse, Fourth Regiment Colonial Forces of Connecticut, 1769-75. Hubbell, Henry Wilson, 54. Hubbell, Lieutenant Rich- ard, 1654-1738. Ensign of the Train Band, Strat- field. Conn., 1709. Lieu- tenant, 1715, Queen Anne's War. Hubbell, Henry Wilson. 54. Hughes, Captain John, 1711- 1772. Associated Regi- ment of Foot, Philadelphia, 1747. One of the Com- missioners to treat with the Indians, 1758. Member of Assembly, 1755, '63, and •65. Potts, William J., 103, 162. HuLBERT, Thomas, 1610-1675. Clerk of the Trained Band, 1640. Served under Lieu- tenant Lion Gardiner in the Pequot War. Lieuten- ant of the Company that garrisoned Saybrook Fort. Greene, Richard H., 49. Hulbert, Henry C, 54. Hull. Lieutenant Cornelius, 1626-1695. Lieutenant for Fairfield, Conn., in King Philip's War. Messenger of the Council of War, October, 1675. Appointed Lieutenant of the *' Hon- oured Major Treat's Life Guard," 1675, King Philip's War. Deputy from Fair- field to the General Court, 1676. Wakeman, Jessup, 82. Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood, 13S. Hull, John. Master of the Mint. Treasurer of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1676, and Assistant. Davies, Julien Townsend, 42. Davies, William Gilbert, 42. Forbes, Charles Spooner, 174. Hull, Captain Theophilus, 1710. Ensign 1705, Lieutenant 1709, Captain 1709, of the West Military Company of Fairfield. Conn. Member of the Com- mittee of War, Fairfield County, 1709. Wakeman, Jessup, 82. Hulls, Surgeon John, " Chi- rurgeon to ye Army." Served with Connecticut Forces in the Great Swamp Fight, in King Philip's War. Washburn, William Ives, 86. 2%2, INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Humphreys, Lieutenant Sam- uel, 1656-1736. Deputy to the General Court, 1702-25. Commissioned Lieutenant, 1710, Colony of Connecti- cut, and in command of a company from Simsbury sent to fight the Indians in Hampshire County, Mass. Humphreys, Frank L., 54, 162. Humphreys, Frederick H., 162. HUNNEWELL, LIEUTENANT Richard, Scarborough, Me., of Captain Joshua Scottou's Company, King Pliilip's War. Bodge, George M., 122. Kurd, Amos. Soldier in Seven Years' War. Eaton, Daniel C. , 140. HuRD, Amos, 1726-1759. A soldier in the French and Indian War, and perished of starvation in tlie cam- paign of 1759. Eaton, Alfred Beers, 179. HuRD, John, Windsor. Deputy to the General Court, Col- ony of Connecticut, 1657- 58. Hurd, Rukard, 54. HuRD, Captain Nathan, Sr., 1694-1779. Captain of the Train Band of Stratford, Conn., and a private in Captain Ebenezer Down's Company, Woodbury, Conn. Relief of Fort Wil- liam Henry, 1757. Crawford, Charles E., 41. Hurd, Rukard, 54. HuRD. Captain Nathan, Jr., 1727 . Quartermaster of a Troop of Horse in the Thirteenth Connecticut Regiment, 1766. Cornet, 1768. Lieutenant, 1769. Captain, 1771. Hurd, Rukard, 54. Hurlbut. Thomas, who was wounded in a fight with the Pequot Indians, February 22, 1637. Plumb, Henry B., 143. Hutchins, Francis. Member of the Maryland House of Assembly, 1694. Smith, Thomas M., 115. Fleet, Alexander Frederick, 187. Hyatt, Thomas, 1641 , who served in King Philip's War. Hyatt, Frank S., 54. Ingersoll, The Rev. Jona- than. Chaplain in Seven Years' War, campaign of 175S. Ingersoll, Coilin N., Jr., 142. Ingoldesby, Colonel Rich- ard. Major and Com- mander-in-Chief of the Forces in New York, 169 1. Lieutenant-Governor, 1709. Colonel in the British Army, 1711. Clark, Henry S., 39. Ilarriman, William E., 51. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 71. IsHAM, Captain John, 1742- 1828. A soldier in Cap- tain Edward Barnard's Company, Connecticut Troops, French War, 1755. Sergeant, Provincial Forces of Connecticut, 1758-62, in "The Ha- vana Expedition " ; subse- quently Captain. Isham, Charles, 55. Ives, Captain Joseph, 1673- 1751. Captain of Connecti- cut Militia. 1718. Washburn, William Ives, 86. Jackson. Edward, 1605-1681, Deputy from Cambridge to the General Court. Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1647, and for fifteen years there- after. (Left by his wil-1 a large gift of land to Har- vard College.) 239 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hall, Clayton C, II2. Chase, William L., 123. Jackson, Henry Stedman, 171. Jackson, Lieutenant Timo- thy, 1726-1774, Newton. Lieutenant in the Massa- chusetts Colonial Forces during the French and In- dian War. Jackson, Henry Stedman, 171. Jacquett, Governor Jean Paul, 16 17 — , New- castle, Del. Governor of New Sweden under General Governor Peter Stuyvesant, 1655-57. Justice of New- castle, 1676, '77, '78. Beatty, Franklin Thomason, 170. Jameson, Lieutenant-Colo- nel David, 1715-1800. Captain in Colonel James Burd's Augusta Regiment, May, 1757. Captain Sec- ond Regiment Pennsylva- nia Foot, December, 1757. Major, 1759. Brigade Major and Lieutenant-Colonel, 1760. Served at Forts Lit- tleton, Halifax, Augusta, and Aughwick, and at the Battle of Loyal Hanna, .1756-59- Fisher, Robert S. J., 152. Janney, Thomas, 1695. Member of the Council of Pennsylvania, 168^-86. Smith, Thomas M., 115. Jennings, Edmund, 1659-1727. Attorney-General to the Dominion of Virginia, 1684. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1692. Member of the King's Council, 16S4-98. Secre- tary of the Dominion and President of the Council ; also Acting Governor, 1706 -10, from the death of Gov- ernor Nott to the advent of Governor Spotiswoode. Deen, William Morris, 42, 161. Lee, Edmund Jennings, 100. Jenkins, William, 1648-1712. Member of Assembly, 1690 -95. Member of the Coun- cil, Province of Pennsyl- vania, 1691-92. Lloyd, Howard W., loi. Mullikin, Howard, 114. Jenks, Captain Samuel, 1732- 1801, Lynn. Captain of a Company in Colonel Salton- stall's Regiment, General Ruggles's Brigade, 1758 and 1760. Jenks, Henry Fitch, 127. Jewett, Captain Joseph. 1656 -1694, who served in King Philip's War under Cap- tain Samuel Brocklebank. Gerry, Allston, 4S. Johnson, Captain Abner, 1702 -1 75 1. Wallingford Com- pany. Johnson, S. Albert, 56. Johnson, Captain Eduard, 1 599-1672, Woburn. Dep- uty to the General Court 1643 to 167 1, except the year 1648. Speaker, 1655. Cap- tain of first Train Band of Woburn, 1644. Ensign in Captain George Cooke's Company, 163S. Lieuten- ant, 1643. One of the Founders of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1637, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Woodworth, Newell Bertram, 88. Adams, Edward M., 121. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Johnson, Captain Isaac, 1675. Captain of the An- cient and Honorable Artil- lery Company, 1635. Cap- tain of the Roxbury Com- pany, 1653. In the famous Narragansett Fort Fight, Captain Johnson was killed while leading his men into 240 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. the fort over the felled tree which was the only bridge over the swamp, and across which but one man could pass at a time. Bowen, Clarence Winthrop, 36. Morris, Seymour, 128. Heaton, John E., 141. Johnson, James Bowen, 153- Johnson, Ensign James, 1677- 1752. Ensign of the New Hampshire Troops in Queen Anne's War, 1705. Cadle, Henry, 186. Johnson, Captain John, 1600- 1659. Came from England with Winthrop. Was " Sur- veyor of all ye Armyes." Deputy to the first General Court of Massachusetts Bay. Morrison, George A., 61. Heaton, John E. , 141. Johnson, James Bowen, 153. Morris, Seymour, 128. Johnson, Hon. Samuel, 1710- 1785. A Chief Magistrate of West Jersey, and Dele- gate to the First Provincial Congress of Trenton, March 29, 1775- Bowers, John Meyer, 36. Johnson, Major William, 1629-1704, Woburn, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1674, 1676-S3. As- sistant, 1683-86. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Jones, Nathaniel. Deputy to the General Court, 1727, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Sargent, John S., 130. Jones, Lieutenant-Colonel John, Jr., 1722-1797. Pri- vate in Captain Jeremiah Belknap's Company, 1757. Major in Third Middlesex Regiment, 1762. Lieuten- ant-Colonel in 1771. Churchill, Gardiner A., 123. Jones, Deputy-Governor William, 1624-1706. As- sistant, 1662-64. Deputy Governor, 1664-65, New Haven Colony. Assistant, 1665-91. Deputy-Gover- nor, 1691-98, Colony of Connecticut. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 46. Metcalf, James Betts, 59. Pond, Charles Hobby, 66. Pond, Winthrop, 67. Wilcox, Reynold Webb, 87. Norton, John Grant, 175. Jones, Sergeant William, 1713-1817. Served in Colo- nel Nathan Whiting's Regi- ment in 1761, Expedition against Canada. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 46. JuDD, Captain Thomas, 1662- 1747. Ensign of the Water- bury Train Band, 1703. Promoted Captain, 1715, Colony of Connecticut. Cowles, Calvin Duvall, 152. JuDD, Thomas, 16S8. Dep- uty from Farmington to the General Court of Connecti- cut, 1667, and afterward. Cowles, Calvin Duval, 152. JuDSON, Lieutenant Joseph, 1619-1690. Ensign Strat- ford Train Band. Was appointed, July 6, 1665, by the General Court, one of a committee to defend the coast from Stratford to Rye against the Dutch under Admiral De Renter. Lieu- tenant, July 26, 1672. Served in King Khilip's War, and Lieutenant of the Woodbury Train Band, 1684 ; also many times Dep- uty to the General Court, Colony of Connecticut. Marshall, Henry Rutp-ers, 5S. Judson, William Voorhees, 127. Deming, Judson K., 139. Sanford, Samuel S., 144. 241 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Keith, Josiah, 1704-1754, Easton. Soldier in the French and Indian Wars, Province of Massachusetts Bay. Dana, Richard S., 42. Thompson, Gilbert, 156. Kellogg, Lieutenant Joseph, who was a Lieutenant at Hadley, 1662. He was a Sergeant in Captain Wil- liam Turner's Company in Falls Fight, May 19, 1676. Brewster, Lyman Dennison, 138. Kellogg, Captain PvIartin, who was several times cap- tured by the Indians, and was commissioned Captain. Brewster, Lyman Dennison, 138. Kendall, Lieutenant Sam- uel, 1682-1764. lieuten- ant Massachusetts Militia, 1732. Kendall, Edward Hale, 56. Kent, Colonel Jacob, 1726- 1812, Plaistow, N. H., and Newbury, Vt. Commis- sioned, 1760, First Lieu- tenant of Captain John Hazen's Company in Colo- nel John Goffe's New Hampshire Regiment, which formed a part of the Expedition under command of Major-General Jeffrey Amherst for the invasion of Canada. Commissioned, 1764, by Governor Ben- ning Wentworth, Captain of the first military com- pany organized in New- bury. Subsequently Colonel of the Regiment of Pro- vincial Militia in that vicin- ity. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1772. Af- terward served with dis- tinction as Colonel in the War of the Revolution. Kent, Hen 17 Oakes, 171. Ketcham, Lieutenant John, 1697. Huntingdon Militia, Long Island, N. Y. Ketcham, William Piatt, 56. Keteltas, Captain Abraham, 1673-1744. Appointed Caj)- tainof Militia in New York City by Governor Hunter 1717. Beekman, James William, 34- P"oulke, Bayard Fish, 47. Key, Philip, 1696-1764. Mem- ber of the Lower House of Assembly of Maryland from St. Mary's County, 1729- 36, 1750-54 ; also from Charles County. Howard, McHenry, 113. Ramsay, Henry Ashton, 115. Keyes, Elias, original propri- etor of Londonderry, N. H. , 1719. Member of Gilbert Abbott's Company at An- napolis, Nova Scotia, 1710, '11. Peck, Theodore Saflord, 175. Keyes, Major John, 1674- 1768. Major in the Massa- chusetts Militia. Leach, J. Grenville, 99. KiLBOURNE, Sergeant John, 1624-1703. Sergeant, Wethersfield Train Band, 1657-75- Wells, Charles Nassau, 86. King, James, 1675-1722. Mem- ber of Captain Samuel Baynard's Company in gar- rison at Deerfield, 1722-23. Earle, Ferdinand Pinney, 44. Kingsbury, Joseph, ist. Pri- vate in Captain Simon W^ainwright's Company, 1708. Kingsbury, Frederick J., 142. Kingsbury, Captain Joseph, 2d, Norwich. Deputy to the General Court, 173I1 '34. '38, '39, '42. Ensign, 1719. Lieutenant, 1727. Captain, 174S. Kingsbury, Frederick J., 142. 24: I^^DEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Knapp, Isaac. Soldier in the Expedition against Canada, i6go. Remick, John A., I2g. Remick, Ninian B. , 129. Remick, Timothy, 130. Knapp, Nathaniel, 1713-1776. Soldier in the Second Louis- burg Expedition, 1758-59. Remick, John A., 129. Remick, Ninian B., 129. Remick, Timothy, 130. Knapp, Samuel, 1717-1745. Soldier, killed at Louis- burg, 1745. Remick, John A., 129. Remick, Timothy, 130. Kyn, Joran, 1620-1690. Sol- dier in the Life Guard of Governor John Prinz, third Governor of the Swedish Colony on the Delaware. Plornor, William Macpher- son, 53. Kype, Hendrick, 1576 . Appointed by Governor Stuyvesant one of the Coun- cil of Nine Men. Kip, William V, B., 56. Judson, William V., 127. Lacey, Captain David, 1715- 1757. Stratford. First Lieutenant of Fairfield Company, 1755. Captain of 7th Company of Colonel Nathan Whiting's 4th Reg- iment, 1756, and was killed in His Majesty's service in the Crown Point Expedi- tion in the following year, Colony of Connecticut. Brugler, Charles E., 37. Ladd, Captain Daniel, 1686 . Exeter Scout, 1710. Captain of a company in pursuit of Indians in New Hampshire, 1724. Captain of a company raised for protection of Rumf ord, 1 746. Brown, David H., 122. Lakin, Ensign John, 1697. Ensign, 1692. Com- 24: mander of Garrison at Gro- ton. Sergeant in Kino- Philip's War. Houghton, Henry O., 126. Houghton, Henry O., Jr., 127. Lamson, Sergeant Joseph, 1658-1752. Served in King Philip's War in Captain Turner's Company, and in Garrison at Chelmsford, 1675 ; also. Sergeant in Lieutenant-Colonel Balan- tine's Company in the Port Royal Expedition, 1710. Swan, Frederick G., 77. Lamson, Samuel, 1638-1691, Reading, Mass. Soldier in Captain Nathaniel Daven- port's Company, King Phil- ip's War. Lamson, Daniel S., 127. Lane, Job, 1620-1697, Billerica, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Deputy to the General Court six terms, 1676-93. Clark, Arthur W., 123. Hall, Lewis C, 126. Lane, Colonel John, 166 i- 1715- Lieutenant of the Billerica Troop, 1693, King William's War. Captain of same, 1699. Major of the West Regiment of Horse and Foot, 1711, Queen Anne's War. Deputy to the General Court, 1702. Colonel of Massachusetts Alilitia. Died in the ser- vice. Page, Walter Gilman, 12S. Philbrook, Charles Frederick Bacon, 128, 171. Langdon, Captain Richard, 1694-1765. Captain, New York Colonial Troops. Ex- pedition to Canada. Old French War, 1745. Trenchard, Edward, 80. Langdon, Captain Tobias, 1660-1725. Portsmouth County Provincial Troops. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Commissioned Ensign , i68g ; Lieutenant, i6g2 ; Captain, 1696. King Wil- liam and Queen Anne's Wars. Province of New Hampshire. Trenchard, Edward, 80. Langstaff, Captain John, 1647-1707. D e p u t y of Council held at Perth Am- boy, Province of New Jer- sey, 168S. Captain of New Jersey Militia, 1707. Bradford, T. Hewson, 96. Lansing, Jacob, 1695 . Served in Captain Henry Van Rensselaer's Troop, Albany, 1715. Grinnell, Wm. Milne, 49. Lardner, Lieutenant Lyn- FORD, 1715-1774. Re- ceiver-General, and Mem- ber of the Council, Province of Pennsylvania. Lieuten- ant, Philadelphia Troop of Horse, for defense of the city in the French and In- dian War. Lardner, James L. , 99. Law, Governor Jonathan, Judge of the Supreme Court, 1715-25. Chief Justice, 1725-41, and Gov- ernor, 1742-50, Colony of Connecticut. Chew, James L., 139. Lawrence, Captain John, 1729. Captain, New- town, Long Island, Troop of Horse, 16S9-91. High Sheriff, 1698. Lawrence, Abraham R., 56. Wells, Thomas Lawrence, 86. Whitney, Stephen, 146. Lawrence, Major Jonathan, 1737-1812. Captain, 1772, Major, 1775, Provincial Forces of New York. Dele- gate to Provincial Congress, 1775. Lawrence, Abraham R., 57. Lawrence, Ensign. Joseph, 1666-1759. Ensign, 1744, New York Provincial Forces. Pell, Howland, 65. Thomas, Lawrence Buckley, 78. Lawrence, Major Thomas. Patentee of Newtown, Long Island. Major of the Queens County Forces, De- cember 30, 1689. Lawrence, Abraham Riker, 56. Riker, John Jackson, 69. Riker, John I^awrence, 69. Wells, Thomas Lawrence, 86. Whitney, Stephen, 146. Lawrence, Captain Thomas, 1733-1817, who com- manded ship Tartar, in French War, 1758. Wells, Thomas Lawrence, 86. Lawrence, Captain Vv'illiam, 1623-1680. Queens County Militia, 1665-80. Com- manded the " Flushing Foote Companie " at the surrender of New York to the Dutch, 1673. Marshall, John Gilbert, 58. Pell, Howland, 65. Schieffelin, Eugene, 70. Schieffelin, George Richard, 71- Schieffelin, William Jay, 71. Thomas, Lawrence Buckley, 78. Leach, Captain Richard, 1639-1687, Salem, Mass. Allen, Francis Olcott, 94. Learned, Isaac, 1655-1737, who was in Captain Daven- port's Company and was wounded in a fight with the Narragansett Indians. Also in Captain Sill's Company in King Philip's ^^'ar. One of a Committee of the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts Bay to organize the Town of Framingham. Hand, Billings Learned, 51. Learned, Bela P., 142. Learned, Walter, 142. 244 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Leavenworth, The Reverend Mark, Chaplain in Colonel Nathan Whiting's Second Connecticut Regiment, Ex- pedition against Canada, 1760 ; Montreal, 1761. Kingsbury, Frederick J., 142. Merriman, William Bucking- ham, 142, Lee, Captain Richard Henry, 1732-1794. Captain, V/est- moreland Cavalry Com- pany, 1755-65. Member of the House of Burgesses, Dominion of Virginia, 1757- 64. Lee, Edmund J., 99. Lee, Colonel Richard, 1647- 1714. Member of King's Council. Naval Officer, 1692-1704. Lee, Edmund J., 99. Lee, Colonel Richard, Colo- nial Secretary of Virginia under Sir William Berke- ley. President of His Maj- esty's Honorable Council of State, 1641. Chandler, Walter, 39. Lee, Edmund Jennings, 99. Lee, Colonel Stephen, 169S- 1783. Served in Crown Point Expedition. Colonel of Militia. Deputy, Colony of Connecticut. Richards, Frederick B., 68. Lee, Colonel Thomas, 1690- 1750. Member of the King's Council, 1742. Com- missioner to treat v/ith the Indians of the Six Nations, 1744. President of the Council and Acting Gov- ernor, 1749. Lee, Edmund J., gg. Lee, Ensign Thomas, 1705. Ensign Lyme Train Band, 1701. Deputy to the General Court, 1676, Colony of Connecticut. Richards, Frederick B., 6g. Leete, Governor William, 16S3. One of the Signers of the Plantation Covenant, 1639. Assistant New Haven Colony, 1643 58. Deputy Governor, 1658- 61. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1655-79. Governor, 1661-65. Assist- ant of Connecticut Colony, i665-6g. Deputy-Governor, 1669-76. Governor, 1676- 83. He v^ras one of the Founders of New Haven Colony, and served the Col- onies of New Haven and Connecticut continuously for forty years. Betts, Frederick H., 35. Betts, Louis F. H., 35. Collins, Clarence L., 40. Hall, Benjamin Elihu, 50. Ruggles, James F., 6g. Wadhams, Frederick E., 82. Collins, Atwood, 139. Franklin, William B., 140. Leete, Charles Sidney, 142. Trowbridge, Charles H., 145. Adams, Edward Milton, 179. Woodbridge, Jonathan Ed- wards, 181. Leffingwell, Lieutenant Thomas, 1622-1710. En- sign, 1657. Rendered im- portant aid to "Uncas" when the latter was be- sieged by hostile Indians. Lieutenant of the Norwich, Conn., Train Band, 1672. Served in King Philip's W^ar ; also served in Cap- tain Denison's famous band of Indian fighters. Deputy to the General Court, 1661- 1710. Collins, Clarence Lyman, 41. Hand, Billings Learned, 51. Lord, Nathan H., 57. Smith, Thomas E. Vermilye, 74- Learned, Bela P., 142. Perkins, J. Deming, 143. Shipman, Nathaniel, 144. Woodward, Joseph G., 146. 245 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Leffingwell, Ensign Thom- as, 1649-1724. Ensign Norwich Train Band. Lord, Nathan H.. 57. Leisler, Captain Jacob, Cap- tain of the Fort and Mili- tary Commandant and acting Governor of the Province of New York, 1689-91. Executed for treason, May 16, 1691, but attainder subsequently re- versed by Parliament in 1695. Thomas, George Cummings, 163. L'EsPENARD, Antoine. See LiSPENARD. Leverett, Sir John, 1616- 1679. Captain in Parlia- mentary Army, 1644-45. Agent of the Bay Colony to the English Court. Ma- jor-General of the Massa- chusetts Forces, 1663-73. Deputy-Governor. Gover- nor of Massachusetts, 1673- 7g. Knighted by King Charles II., August, 1676 for important services as Governor of the colony dur ing King Philip's War Died in office. Ward, Charles Samuel 145- Merrill, James Gushing 154- Levis, Samuel, i 694-1 734 Member of G o v e r n o r's Council, 1692. Province of Pennsylvania. Levis, Henry, 100. Levis, Samuel W., 100. Lewis, Evan, 1677-1735. Member of the Provincial Assembly of Pennsylvania, five sessions, 1706. Lewis, William Fisher, 57. Lewis, John T., Jr., 100. Lewis, Lieutenant James, 1637 - 1713. Lieutenant Barnstable Company. Gerry, AUston, 48. Lewis, Captain Leonard, Captain of Foot Company, New York, 1700. Smith, Philip Henry S., 74. Lewis, Captain William, 1690. Captain Farming- ton, Conn., Train Band, 1674. Deputy, 1689-90. Schroeder, James Langdon, 71- LiSPENARD, Captain An- thony, 16S3-1758. New York Colonial Forces. Cap- tain of the Company raised at New Rochelle for the Spanish Expedition, 1740- 1742. Bleecker, Anthony James, 36. Smith, Gouverneur Mather, 74- Smith, Lewis Bayard, 74. Trevor, Henry Graff, So. LiSPENARD, Antoine, 1643- 1729, who was bearer of military despatches from Governor Dongan of New York to Marquis de Nou- ville, Governor of Canada, 1687. Returning alone in the dead of winter he warned the English of the French Expedition known as the " Snow-shoe Expedi- tion," which resulted in the defeat of the French. Bleecker, Anthony James, 36. Smith, Gouverneur M., 74. Smith, Lewis Bayard, 74. Trevor, Henry Graff, 80. LiSPENARD, Colonel Leonard, 1715-1790. Member of the New York Colonial Assem- bly, 1759-6S ; also Mem- ber of the first Colonial Congress, 1765. Smith, Gouverneur M., 74. Smith, Lewis Bayard, 74. Trevor, Henry Graff, 80. Litchfield, Lawrence, 1614- 1657. Member of the An- cient and Honorable Artil- lery Company of Boston, 1640 ; and of Lieutenant ;46 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Thomas Dymoke's Com- pany at Barnstable, in ac- tive service with the In- dians, 1643-44. Litchfield, Edward H., 57. LiTHGOW, Captain William, 1715-1798. In command of Forts Richmond, West- ern, and Halifax at differ- ent dates, French and In- dian Wars. Willey, William Lithgow, 133, 171- Littleton, Colonel Nathan- iel, 1654. Councilor of Slate to Governor Sir William Berkeley of Vir- ginia, 1642. Dennis, James Teackle, ill. Littleton, Colonel Southey, 1645-1734, who served against the Indians, and assisted Sir William Berke- ley in Bacon's Rebellion. Dennis, James Teackle, in. Livingston, Colonel Philip, 1686-1749. Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Mem- ber of the Assembly, 1709. Participated in the capture of Port Royal, 1710, and, later. Colonel of the Provin- cial P'orces. Member of the Council, 1725-49. Sec- retary for Indian Affairs, Province of New York, 1721-49. Strong, Joseph M., Jr., 76. Minis, John Livingston, 114. Livingston, Robert, 1654- 1728. First Lord or Pro- prietor of the Manor of Liv- ingston. Member of the Council, Province of New York, 1698 and 1 701. Mem- ber of the Assembly, 1709- II. Crosby, Edward N. , 41. Crosby, Livingston, 42. Delafield, Joseph Livingston, 42. Delafield, Maturin Living- ston, Jr., 42. 24 de Rose, Edward. 43. Erving. William V. R., 46. Hamersley, J. Plooker, 51. Livingston, Philip, 57. Strong. Joseph Montgomery, Jr., 76. Livingston, John Henry, 100. Armstrong, Horatio Gates, no. Minis, John Livingston, 114. Livingston, Robert R., 171S- I775- Judge Supreme Court, Province of New York. Livingston, E. de Peyster, 57- Wainwright, John T., 82. Wainwright, William P., Jr., 82. Lloyd, Edward, 1695. Burgess from Lower Nor- folk County, Va., 1644-45. Commander of Anne Arun- del County, Md., July 30, 1650. Commissioner t o make treaty v/ith the Sus- quehannock Indians, 1652. Member of the General As- sembly, 1654. Member of the Council, 165S-66. A party to treaty with the Susquehannah Indians, 1661. Orders scouting par- ties against Indians, June 20, 1662. Commissioner to confer with Virginia, May 9, 1663. Brice, Philip H., 96. Howard, McHenry, 112. Lloyd, Edward, 1690-1718. President of the Council and ex-officio Governor of the Province. Howard, McHenry, 112. Lloyd, Colonel Edward, 1711-1770. Member of the Lower House of Assembly of Maryland, 1739. Mem- ber of the Council of Maryland from 1743 to 1768. Howard, McHenry, 112. 7 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lloyd, Colonel Edward, 1744-1796. Member of the Lower House of the Assembly, 1 771-1774. Howard, McHenrj-, 112. Lloyd, Colonel Philemon, 1646-1685. Commissioner, Captain of Horse on Ches- ter and Wj'e River, July 2, 1667 ; and served against the Indians. Colonel of Horse of Talbot, Kent and Cecil Counties, 1681. Member of the Assembly, 1671. Speakerof the House of Burgesses, 1678, '81, '83, '84. Commissioner to nego- tiate treaty with Northern Indians (Five Nations) at Albany, 1682. Brice, Philip H., 96. Howard, McHenry. 112. Lloyd, Deputy - Governor Thomas, 1640-1694. Member of the Council, President of the Council, and Deputy-Governor of the Province of Pennsyl- vania during William Penn's absence in England. For eight years, 1684-93, the chief magistrate of the Province. First Master of Rolls ; and Keeper of the Great Seal. Bickley, Lawrence Wharton, 35- Jackson, Oswald, 55. Griscom, Clement A., 97. Griscom, Robert E., 97. Morris, Henry, lor. Milnor, Thomas W., 162. Locke, William, 1628-1720, who was " Chirurgeon '' of the Massachusetts Forces in the Mount Hope Campaign. He was Surgeon of the Massachusetts Forces dur- ing King Philip's War. Sears, Walter J., 72. Lockwood, Lieutenant Jon- athan, 1639-1688. Colo- nial Forces of Connecti- 24 cut. Deputy to the Gene- ral Court. Lockwood, James B., 57. Logan, Sergeant Benjamin. Sergeant in Colonel Bou- quet's Expedition against the Indians, and Dunmore's Expedition, 1774. Throckmorton, Charles W., 79- Longfellow, Ensign Wil- liam, 1651-1690, New- bury, Mass. Ensign in the Canada Expedition, 1690. Gerry, Allston, 48. Woodman, Clarence E., 88. Dorman, William B., 124. Lord, Captain Richard, 1611-1662. Captain First Troop of Horse, Colony of Connecticut, 1657. One of the Patentees under the Charter of 1662, from Charles II. Grinnell, William Milne, 49. Lord, Frank H., 57. McAllister, Hey ward Hall, 58. Lord, Lieutenant Richard, 1647-1727. Ensign Lyme Train fJand, 1703. Lieu- tenant, 170S, of New Lon- don County Company for service in Queen Anne's War, Colony of Connecti- cut. Richards, Frederick B., 69. Kobbe, George C, 162. Sill, Frederick Shroeder, 73. LoRiNG, Captain John, Provin- cial Forces, Massachusetts. Commanded a company in Colonel Joseph Thatcher's Regiment in the Expedition against Crown Point, 1755- 56. Noyes, James A., 63, 128. Barker, E. Tobey, 122. LoTHROP, Lieutenant-Colo- nel Simon, 1689-1774. Commanded a Connecticut Regiment at the storming of Louisburg, 1745. Hyde, Edwin F., 54. 8 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hyde, Frederick E., 54. Hooker, Edward W., 142. LovEjoY, John, i6go, An- dover, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 133. Lowe, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry, 1717. Com- manded the Militia of Saint Mary's County, i6g6. Judge of the Provincial Court of Maryland, 1697. Deputy Commissary General, 1695- 97- Browne, Bennet B., iii. Ludlow, Deputy-Governor Roger, 1590-1665. As- sistant General Court, Mas- sachusetts Bay Colony, 1630. Deputy-Governor, 1634. Served with Mason as "Ad- viser " in Pequot War. Deputy-Governor Connecti- cut Colony, 1639. Com- mander-in-chief of Con- necticut Forces in antici- pated conflict with the Manhattoes and Dutch. Shelton, George G., 72. Shelton, William A., 73. Thompson, Frederick Diodati, 78. Thompson, William P., 79. Ludwell, Governor Philip, Member of the King's Coun- cil, 1676-83. Member of the General Court, 1676-77. Deputed to raise men and horses for the Indian War, 1676. Appointed Governor, Colony of North Carolina, by the Proprietors, 1693- 97- Chandler, Walter, 39. Lee, Edmund J., too. Ludwell, Colonel Philip, 1672-1727. Member of the House of Burgesses, Domin- ion of Virginia, and Speaker of the same, 1795. Mem- ber of King's Council, 1710 -15- Lee, Edmund J., 100. Lux, Darby, 1697-1750. Mem- ber of the General Assembly of Maryland, 1748-50. Wilson, James G., 117. Lyman, Lieutenant John, i623-i690,whoservedunder and was in command after the death of Captain William Turner, of the Northamp- ton soldiers, in the' famous " Falls Fight " above Deer- field, Massachusetts, May 18, 1676. Collins, Clarence Lyman, 41. Haight, Frederick Everest, 50. Short, Edward Lyman, 73. Sanford, George B., 144. Hammond, Lyman Dresser, 180. Lynde, Simon, 1624-1687. Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, 1658. Served in King Philip's War, 1675. As- sistant, 166S-79. Justice of the Superior Court, 1687. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Noyes, Charles P., 63. Ballord, Esek Steere, 186. Lyon, Henry, 1703. Dep- uty to the General Assem- bly of East Jersey, 1675- 86. Member of the King's Council, 1683-86. Goode, G. Brown, 152. Mabie, Jan Pietersie, •- 1725. Freeholder in Al- bany. His stone garrison- house was successfully de- fended against the French and Indians when Schenec- tady was destroyed in i6go. Served on all the "alarms" to repel attacks, and en- rolled men under Colonial sanction. Long, Oscar Fitzallan, 154. McCall, Major Samuel, 1721 -1762. Major in the Asso- ciated Regiment for the de- 249 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. fense of Pennsylvania, 1747 -48. Balch, Edwin Swift, 94. Balch, Thomas Willing, 95. McCarty, Daniel. Burgess, Westmoreland County, Va., 1706. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, 171 5 -20. Throckmorton, Charles W. , 79- McClary, Captain John, 1719 1801. Epsom. Soldier in Captain Joseph Thomas's Company of Scouts at the relief of Epsom, N. H., September-October, 1747, under orders from Governor Benning Wentworth. Sub- sequently Captain of New Hampshire Provincial Mili- tia. Bangs, Charles McClary, 170. Bangs, Frederick L., 170. McDouGALL, General Alex- ander, 1732-17S6, who commanded the armed ves- sels Tiger and Barri7igto7i, sailing out of New York under letters of marque, French War, 1756. *Hawkes, E. McDougall, 52. McIntosh, Captain John MOHR, 1 700-1761. Mcin- tosh County, Ga. Captain of the Highland Light In- fantry, under General Ogle- thorpe's command, against the Spaniards, 1740. Wounded and captured at Fort Moosa, Florida, after a gallant fight, and sent a prisoner to Spain. Winston, Frederick H., 134, 181. McKiM, Lieutenant Thomas, 1710-17S6. Commissioned by the Governor of Dela- ware, Lieutenant of Militia in the Upper Regiment from Brandywine Hundred, 1756- Wilson, James G., 117. McLellan, Hugh, 1710-1797. Served in the defense of Narragansett, No. 7, in the French and Indian War, 1745. Foster, Howell, 47. McNeil, Captain Archibald, of Litchfield. Ensign, Colo- nel Phineas Lyman's Tenth Connecticut Regiment, Lord Loudon's Expedition, Fort Edward, 1757. Cap- tain, Colonel John Reed's Fourth Connecticut Regi- ment, 1758, and Captain, Colonel David Wooster's Third Connecticut Regi- ment, 1759, ^t Crown Point. Captain, Colonel Wooster's Third Regiment, 1760, Ex- pedition against Canada. Captain, Colonel Nathan Whiting's Second Connec- ticut Regiment, 1761, Ex- pedition against Montreal. Captain same Regiment, 1762, Expedition against Havana and the .Spanish West Indies. His company was recruited mostly in Litchfield, Connecticut. Noble, Henry Harmon, 62. Macomber, Captain Elijah, 1718-1802. Taunton. En- sign Fifth Company, Third Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1762. Captain Fifth Company, Third Regiment, 1771. Foster, Francis A., 124. McPherson, Captain Robert, Third Battalion, Colonial Forces of Pennsylvania, 1758. Stevenson, William P., 75. Macpherson, Captain John, 1726-1792. Commander of the privateer Britannia, of Philadelphia, French War, 1757 ; also in Spanish War, 1762. He was made a Bur- gess of Edinburgh, his birth- place, in 1764, in honor of 250 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. his distinguished services in the West Indies. Hornor, William Macpher- son, 53, 98. Macpherson, Lieutenant William, 1756-1813. En- sign, 1769. Lieutenant, 1773, and Adjutant of the i6th Regiment of Foot, British Army. He resigned at the beginning of the Revolution and was granted a commission as Brevet Major by the Continental Congress, September 16, 1779, in recognition of his services in the cause of American independence. Hornor, William Macpher- son. 53. gS. Macy, Lieutenant George, of Taunton, Mass. Served in King Philip's War. Deputy, 1672-7S. Miller, Charles B., 60. Miller, Edward C, 60. Mahew, Thomas. Deputy from Watertown to Gen- eral Court, 1636-37. Gov- ernor of the Island, 1641- 64, Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Daggett, William G., 139. Mallary, Abner, 1 723-1804. Member of Captain Eben- ezer Down's Company, Woodbury. Conn. Fort William Henry Expedition, 1757- Backus, Brady Electus, 32. Man, Richard, 1652 . Served in the Indian Wars in Connecticut, and was in the " N a rrag a n s e 1 1 Sortie." Banks, David, Jr., 32. Mann, Elias P., 5S. Mann, Francis N. Jr., 58. Manning, Ensign Samuel, 1644-1710. Ensign in the Militia, Colony of Massa- chusetts. Leach, J. Granville, gg. 25 Mansfield, Andrew, 1623 . Lynn. Deputy to the General Court, 16S0-83. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Watkins, Walter Kendall, 133- Mansfield, Major Moses, i63g-i703. Lieutenant, New Haven Troops, 1675, Captain, 1676. Appointed Major Commanding, i6g4. Served with distinction in Indian Wars. Member of General Court for over twenty years, also Assist- ant, 1691. Scudder, Henry T., 71. Maris, George, 1632-1705. Member of Provincial Coun- cil, i6g5. Province of Penn- sylvania. Dulles, Andrew Cheves, 97. Marsh, Captain Joseph, of Lebanon. Ensign, 1757, Lord Loudon's Expedition to Fort Edward. Lieu- tenant, 1 761. Captain, 4th Company, 12th Regiment of Connecticut, 17C3, in the French and Indian War. Rogers, James S., 103. Stevens, Charles Ellis, 104. Marsh, Captain Moses, 171S- 1796. Commanding Had- ley Company, Massachu- setts Militia. Marched to the relief of Fort William Henry, July, 1757. Marsh, Charles W., 58. Marshall, Captain Samuel, 1675. Killed in the "Swamp Fight," King Philip's War. Greene, Richard H., 49. Marshall, Captain Thomas, 1613-1689, Lynn. Lieu- tenant, Captain, Deputy to the General Court, 16^9, '60, '63, '64, '67, '68, Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay. Watkins, Walter Kendall, 132. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Marshall, Lieutenant Thom- as, who served, during the French and Indian War, in the Virginia Militia. Mem- ber of the House of Bur- gesses, 1678-1687. Thomas, Douglass H.,78, 116. Barton, Randolph, iio. Marshall, David B., II4. Smith, Edwin H., 115. Marston, Isaac. Private in King William's War from Hampton, N. H. Pearson, Joseph H. S., 128. Marston, Lieutenant John, 1715-1786. Lieutenant in Timothy Ruggles's Foot Company, 1740. Served at Louisburg, 1745. Marston, Henry W., loi. Marston, John, loi. Martin, Colonel JosiAH,i6g8- 1778. Provincial Aide-de- Camp to the Royal Gov- ernor of the Province of New York, 1757. Member of the Governor's Council, 1759-61. Martin, Jonathan W., loi. Mason, Captain George, 1670- 171 1. Captain of Rangers in 1699-1700. County Lieu- tenant, Stafford County, Va., and, under General Nichol- son, was engaged in Indian Wars. Throckmorton, Charles W., 79- Mason, Lieutenant George, 1690-1735. County Lieu- tenant, Stafford County, Va., 1719. Member Assembly, 1718-28. Throckmorton, Charles W. , 79- Mason, Lieutenant George. County Lieutenant, Stafford County, Va., 1675. Repre- sented his County in Bacon's Assembly in 1676. Espoused the popular side in the House of Burgesses. Indian Wars, 1675-84. Throckmorton, Charles W., 79- Mason, Captain Hugh, 1605- 1678. Lieutenant Water- town Train Band, 1645. Captain, 1652-78. Deputy to the General Court nine terms, 1635-77. Member of the Council of War, 1676. Commanded his com- pany in the " Sudbury Fight," April 29, 1676, King Philip's War. Ayer, James B., 121. Earned, Francis Mason, 127. Mason, Charles Frank, 128. Wheeler, Horace L., 133. Mason, Theodoras B. M., 154. Baker, Frank, 179. Mason, James, 1625-1667. Member of Governor's Council, Colony of Virginia, 1652-54- _ Cleeman, Richard A., 96. Mason, Major John, 1600- 1672. Lieutenant under Sir Thomas Fairfax in the Neth- erlands. One of the Found- ers of Connecticut. Com- manded the Colonial Forces in the Pequot War, 1637. Assistant, 1642-60. Pat- entee and Deputy-Governor of Connecticut under the Charter from Charles II., 1662. Deputy - Governor, 1660-70. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1647- 61. He was for many years Commander-in-chief of the Military Forces of the Col- ony, and organized the first Troop of Horse, 1657-58. He served the Colony in many other positions of trust and confidence, and was said by Trumbull to have been one of the first class of settlers who were the civil and religious fath- ers of the Colony. Hart, George W., 51. Hillhouse, Francis, 53. 25: INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Price, Henry R., 67. Whitney, Drake, 87. Rogers, James S., 103. Stevens, Charles Ellis, 104. Turner, Luther G., 145. Bissell, George Francis, 179. Mather, Lieutenant Joseph, 1686-1749. Lieutenant of the First Company, in the Town of Lyme, Conn., 1738. Smith, Gouverneur Mather, 74- Smith, Lewis Bayard, 74. Mayberry, Richard, 1735- 1807. Of Garrison at Marblehead, Me., 1757. Walker, Richard H., 83. Mayberry, William, 17 10 . Soldier in Captain George Berry's Company, and in Captain Hill's Com- pany 1748-49, French and Indian War. Walker, Richard H., 83. Bodge. George Madison, 122. Mayo, John, a member of the " Barnstable Company" of Plymouth Colony, Lieuten- ant Thomas Dymoke com- manding. Active service in if . Deputy to the General Court ten terms, 1689- 1730. Ensign, 16S2. Lieu- tenant, 1691. Captain, 1699, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Hall, George F., 126. Peabody, William, 1646-1700. Topsfield, Mass. In Cap- tain Gardiner's Company, King Philip's War. Dorman, William B., 124. Pease, Captain John, 1654- 1734. First Captain of the First Train Band of En- field, Colony of Connecti- cut. Allen, Francis Olcott, 94. Peck, Lieutenant Jeremiah, 16S7-1765. Ensign, 1735. Lieutenant, 1737. Peck, Theodore Safford, 175. Peck, John, 1742-1S19. A soldier in the French and Indian War. Served from INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. the Campaign of 1759 to the end of the war, 1763. Peck, John Hudson, 65. Peck, Lieutenant Joseph, 1653 . Lieutenant, 1709. Peck, Theodore SafTord, 175. Pell, Major John, 1643-1702. Styled Sir John Pell in the New Rochelle town rec- ords. Second Lord of the Manor of Pelham, 1669. First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 168S, and first member of the Provin- cial Assembly, 1691-95, for Westchester County, Prov- ince of New York. Captain of Horse, 16S4, and Major 1692, French and Indian War. Clark, Henry Schieffelin, 39. Pell, Harrison Archibald, 65. Pell, Howland, 65. Pell, William Cruger, 66. Schieffelin, Eugene, 70. Schieffelin, George R., 70. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 71. Whipple, Charles Henry, 87. Darrach, Bradford, 161. Pell, Rodman Corse, 180. Pell, Captalm John, 1728- 17S2. Captain of the pri- vateers Mary, 1756, and Revenge, 1758, French War. Pell, Frederick Aycrigg, 65. Pell, John H., 66. Pell, Ensign Joseph, 1721- 1752. Of Pelham Manor. Ensign in Captain A n - thony Lispenard's Com- pany, New Rochelle, N. Y. Spanish Expedition, 1740-42. Schieffelin, George R., 70. Pell, Samuel. Served in the Armed Patrol at Harlem during Indian alarms. Pell, John H.,66. Pell, Frederick Aycrigg, 65. Pell, Thomas, 1608-1669. Sur- geon at Saybrook Fort, who served in the Pequot War, 1637. Deputy from Fair- field, Conn., to the General Court, 1664, and first Lord of Pelham Manor, New York, Indian Grant, 1654. Pell, Howland, by represen- tation, 65. Pemberton, Doctor Thomas, 1653-1693. As Surgeon accompanied Expedition to Canada in 1690. Hall, Clayton C, 112. Penhallow, Samuel, 1665- 1726. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1698. Speaker of the House, 1699. Treas- urer, 1699-1726. Assistant, 1702. Secretary, 1704. Judge of Superior Court, 1714- 1717. Chief Justice, 1717- 1726. Commissary General, 1712, Colony of NewHamp- shire. Hall, Clayton C, 112. Penn, William, 1644-1718. Founder. Hall, P. Penn Gaskell, 97. Pepperrell, Lieutenant- Colonel William, 1654- 1734. Kittery, Maine. Captain in command of the company of Provincial Mil- itia at Kittery, 1714. Com- mandant of His Majesty's Fort at Kittery Point, 1714. Subsequently Lieutenant- Colonel of the Provincial Militia of York County, Maine. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1715- 1730. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts, 1696, '97, 1 70S, '09, '24. Father of Sir William Pep- perrell, Bart., Lieutenant- General and Command- er-in-chief at the Siege of Louisbourg, 1745, the first American born Baronet of Great Britain. Frisbie, FrankHn Senter, 170. Pepperrell, Sir William, Bart., 1606-1759. 262 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wheeler, Everett Pepperrell. No. 506, New York Society. Fifth in descent. Perkins, Captain William, 1607-1682. Topsfield. Dep- uty to the General Court, 1644. Captain of Military Company, Weymouth, Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay. Dorman, William B., 124. Pettingill, Benjamin, 1720- 1795. Clerk of Colonel Ephraim Leonard's Regi- ment, P'ort William Henry Expedition, 1757. Foster, Howell, 47. Phelps, George, 1605-1687. Member of the Hartford County First Troop of Horse, 165S. Member of the Council of Ten. Earle, Ferdinand P., 44. Phelps, Captain Ichabod, 1708 . Ensign, 1749. Captain, Crown Point E.\- pedition, 1756 ; also in Ex- pedition against Canada, 1760. Norton, Edward L., 63. Phelps, Lieutenant Timothy, 1639-1719. Lieutenant un- der Colonel William Whit- ing, Queen Anne's War, I yog- Norton, Edward L. , 63. Phillips. M.-\jor William, Commander of the York- shire Forces, Maine, 1663. One of the King's Commis- sioners, and Justice for settling the affairs of New England. Major Command- ant of the Military Forces of the Province of Maine, 1665. During the Lidian troubles in 1675, his house and mills at Saco were burned, and his garrison sustained a long and terrible siege. Adams, Washington Irving, 31. Carhart. Amory S., 38. Talmadge, Robert S., 77. •63 Adams, Washington I. L., 161. Pickering, Lieutenant John, 1637-1694. Who served under Captain Moseley at Deerfield, 1675. Orne, Henry M,, 64. Pierce, Captain Michael. Commissioned Captain by the General Court of Ply- mouth Colony, 1669. Killed in battle with the Narra- gansett Indians, March 26, 1676. Pierce, Bradford De Witt, 143- Pierpont,Lieutenant Joseph, 1704-1752. Lieutenant of the Fifth New Haven Com- pany, 1742. Brackett, Robert Lambert, 36. Pierson, Lieutenant- Colo- nel Henry, 1652-1701. Lieutenant-Colonel Suffolk County Militia, 169S, Prov- ince of New York. Prime, Ralph Earle, 67. Pike, Robert, 1616-1706. Lieutenant of Salisbury Troop of Horse, 1652. Captain, 1659. Major of Military Forces of Norfolk and Piscataqua Counties. 1670. Commander-in-chief of all Military Forces North and East of Merrimac River i n Massachusetts, New liampshire, and Maine, in the War against the French and Indians, 1690. Deputy to the General Court twenty-three terms, 1648- 82. iissistant, 16S2. Com- mittee of Safety, i68g. A Commissioner to treat with the Indians, 1690. Pike, Charles E., 155. Pinney, Captain Benjamin, 1715-1777- Windsor, Conn., Troop, French and Indian Wars, 1755. Earle, Ferdinand Pinney, 44. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pitkin, Captain Thomas, ist, of Bolton, 1700-1766. Lieutenant, 1737. Captain, 1739. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1755-56, Colony of Connecticut. Rogers, James S., 103. Pitkin, Captain Thomas, 2d, Lieutenant of 1st Company, 1st Regiment, 1761. Cap- tain, 1764, in the Seven Years' War, Colony of Con- necticut. Rogers, James S., 103. Pitkin, William, ist, 1636- 1694. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1675-90. At- torney-General , 1664. Treasurer, 1676. Assist- ant, 1690-94. Commis- sioner for the United Colo- nies, Colony of Connecticut. Rogers, James S., 103. Pitkin, Chief Justice Wil- liam, 2d,''i664-i723. Dep- uty to the General Court, 1696. Assistant, from 1697, for twenty-six years. Mem- ber of the Committee of War, 1702, War of the Spanish Succession. Chief Justice of the Colony of Connecticut, 1713-23. Hosmer, Edward Sturges, 53- Rogers, James S., 103. Pitkin, Governor William. Colonel of the First Con- necticut Regiment, 1737, and Governor of the Colony. Grinnell, George Bird, 49. Grinnell, William Milne, 50. Plater, Colonel George, 1695-1755. Member of the Council of Maryland, 1732 -55. Howard, McHenry, 113. Platt, Captain Joseph, 1672 . Captain Norwalk Train Band, 17 10. Served in Port Royal Expedition, 1710. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 46. Plowden, Sir Edmund, 1659. Founder, Governor, Captain-General, and Earl Palatine of New Albion (now New Jersey). Charter granted by Charles I. Jenkins, Edward A., 113. Jenkins, Edmund Plowden, 113- Plumb, John, 1594-1648. Served under Mason in the Pequot War. Collins, Holdridge Ozro, 41. Plumb, John, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, Wethers- field and Branford, Con- necticut. Deputy to the General Court, 1641-43. Hammond, Lyman Dresser, 180. Plumsted, Clement, 1680- 1745. Philadelphia. Mem- ber of Common Council. Member of Pennsylvania Assembly, 1712-20. Judge, Court of Common Pleas, 1717-45. Presiding Judge, Provincial Council, 1727- 45- Devereux, Alfred, 97. Devereux, Frederick, 97. Klapp, William H., 99. Burton, Robert, no. Williams, William Klapp, 133- Plumsted, William, 1708- 1765. Member of Assem- bly, 1755-57- Member of the Council. 1759-64, Prov- ince of Pennsylvania. Burton, Robert, no. PoMEROY, Major Seth, 1706- 1777. Fourth Massachu- setts Regiment, served in the Louisburg Expedition, 1745, and at Crown Point, 1755- Pomeroy, George E., 66. Pond, Charles, i 744-1832. Soldier in Major David Baldwin's Company, Colo- nel Nathan Whiting's Sec- ond Connecticut Regiment, 264 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1761. Afterwards Captain in the Continental Line. Pond, Charles Hobby, 66. Pond, Winthrop, 66. Pond, Nicholas Misplee, 143. Porter, John. Member of the first Troop of Horse, Con- necticut Colony, 1658. Dep- uty to General Court, 1646. Earle, Ferdinand Pinney, 44. Norton, Edward Loudon, 62. Porter, John, 1651 . Served in King Philip's War. Britton, Charles P., 37. Porter. Sergeant John, 1596 -1676. Served in the Mas- sachusetts Militia at Hing- ham and Salem. Washburn, William Ives, S5. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Porter, Joseph, 1638-1714. Served in King Philip's War under Captain Mose- ley. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Porter, Samuel, 1755. Served in garrison at Fort Edward, where he died of fever, 1755. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Post, Lieutenant Abraham, 1690. Ensign of the Train Band, Say b rook , Conn., 1667. Lieutenant in Command of Saybrook Fort, 1680. Post, William Augustine, 67. Powers, Gideon, of Lexington, Mass. A volunteer in the West India Expedition, 1740. Powers, Charles A., 67. Pratt, Captain William, 1653 -1 7 1 8. Was granted per- mission, in 1675, by the Council at Hartford, to for- tify and garrison his house. Appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut troops in 1709, and Captain of the First 265 Company, or Train Band, May, 17 1 7. Spencer, Horatio Nelson, 188. Spencer, Selden Palmer, 188. Pratt, Lieutenant William. Lieutenant of the Saybrook Forces that fought under Mason in Pequot War. Deputy, 1666-67. Backus, Brady Electus, 32. Eaton, Daniel C, 140. Hart, Samuel, 141. Prentis, Captain John, who was Commander of the 'iloo-p Dt'ft'itse at the taking of Louisburg, Cape Breton, July 17, 1745. Chew, James L. , 139. Prescott, John, 1604-1681. Served in Garrison at Lan- caster, and in defense of the town against Indians, Aug- ust 22, 1675, and February 10, 1676. Gerry, Allston, 48. Melville, Henry, 59. Prescott, Captain Jonas, 1648 -1723. Captain of the Groton Company in King William's War, 1689. Dep- uty, 1699, 1701-05, Col- ony of Connecticut. Melville, Henry, 59. Farnesworth, Frederick, 140. Prescott, Captain Jonas, 2d, 1678-1750. Groton. Dep- uty to the General Court, 1720, Colony of Connecti- cut. Melville, Henry, 59. Prescott, Jonathan, 1675- 1755. Private in Captain John Gilman's Company, 1710. Emery, Brainerd Prescott, 45. Prince, Governor Thomas, 1600-1673. Assistant, Plymouth Colony, 1635, '36, '37, '39. '46, '56. Gov- ernor, 1634-38, and 1657- 72. Member of the Coun- cil of War, and " went forth against the Pequot In- INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. dians," 1637. Commis- sioner for the United Col- onies, 1645, '50, '61. Freeman, George Wentvvorth, 47- Sears, Clinton Brooks, 72. Story, Henry Grafton, 76. Howland, Daniel W., 127. Clark, Alonzo H., 151. Fuller, Austin Weed, 174. Adams, Edward Milton, 179. Provoost, David, 1608-1656. Commander at Saybrook Fort, 1642-47. Sill, John Targee, 73. Provost, Colonel David, 1760-1714, Captain of Foot, 1700. Member of General Assembly, 1702- II, and 1716-18 as Colonel Provost. Member of Coun- cil, 170S-10. Thomas, George Cummings, 163. Provost, Captain David. Captain of a Company of Troops, raised July 22, 1740, that took part in the Expedition against the Spanish. Thomas, George Cummings, 163. Provost. Sergeant David. Of the Burghers' Corps of New Amsterdam, 1653. Thomas, George Cummings, 163. Pruyn, Samuel, 1677-1752. Member Captain Roose- boom's Company, Albany, 1715. Pruyn, John V. S. L., 67. PuMPELLY, Sergeant John, 1727-1S19. Served in Cap- tain John Loring's Com- pany at the Relief of Fort William Henry, 175S, and at Crown Point, 1755. Read, Harmon Pumpelly, 67. Purchase, Ensign Olliver. Assistant, 16S5, Massachu- setts Bay Colony. Allen, Francis Olcott, 94. Putnam, Benjamin, Captain, 1664-1715. Salem. Lieu- tenant, Captain, 1706-11. Putnam, George J., 129. Putnam, Captain John, 1627- 1710. Salem. Corporal, 1672. Lieutenant, 1678. Captain, 1687. Deputy, 1679, '80, '86, '91, '92. Putnam, George J., 129. Putnam, Lieutenant Na- thaniel, 1619-1700. Dep- uty to the Massachusetts General Court, 1690-91. Lieutenant of the Foot Company of Salem Village, 16S3. Putnam, George J., 129, Watkins, Walter K., 133. Putnam, Lieutenant Stephen, 1694-1772. Salem. Lieutenant in Third Company, First Regiment of Massachusetts Militia. Captain Samuel Flint, Colonel Ichobed Plaisted. Putnam, George J., 129. Putnam, Lieutenant Thomas, 1614-1686. Lieutenant of Troop o f Horse, Lynn, Mass.. 1662. Served in King Philip's War. Robbins, Ploward S., 69. Pynchon, Governor W i l - liam, 1590-1662. Spring- field, Mass. Chartered Incorporator and "Assist- ant." Treasurer, 1632-34. " Governor of Springfield," 1641-50. Governing Mag- istrate of Connecticut, 1637 -38. Hosmer, Edward Sturges, 53. Walbridge, T. Chester, 82, 104. Washburn, John Henry, 83. Washburn, William Ives, 85. QuiNCY, Lieutenant-Colonel Edmund, Braintree. Dep- uty to the General Court. 66 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Major. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Suffolk Regiment, 169S, Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Salisbury, Edward E., 144. Rambo, Peter Gunnersox, 1698. Member of the Council, Province of Penn- sylvania, 1668. Penson, Edwin N., 95. Randolph, Lieutenant-Colo- nel William, 1651-1711. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1700-05. Cap- tain, Henrico County Forces, 1680. Lieutenant- Colonel, i6gg. Attornejf- General and Member Royal Council of Virginia. Founder of William and Mary College, 1690. Thomas, Douglass H., 78, 116. Rapelje, Lieutenant Joris, 1675-1756. Lieutenant of His Majesty's Forces, Queens County. Kitchen, John Cornelius Duryea, 56. Whitehouse, J. Norman De Rapelje, 87. Raynolds, Nathaniel. Pri- vate in Captain Hudson's Company, May 12, 1675. Captain under Colonel Church. Raynolds, Edward V., 143. Read, Colonel John, 1688- 1756. Lieutenant in the Delaware Colonial Forces, 1747, when organized for defense, French War. Read, Harmon Pumpelly. 67. Reade, Joseph, 1771 . Mem- ber of Provincial Council of New York, 1764-71. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 51. Reed, William, 1605-1658. Deputy from Weymouth to the General Court, 1636, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Reed, John L., 115. Remick, Quartermaster Jo- 2 SEPH, 1731-17S2. Quarter- master in Captain Jonathan Bagley's Company, Colo- nel Samuel George's Regi- ment, 1756. Remick, John Anthony, 129. Remick, Ninian Beall, 129. Remick, Timothy, 130. Remington, Lieutenant John, 1617-1667. Of Row- ley, Mass. In Pequot War. Remington, Cyrus Kingsbury, 68. Remsen, Colonel Jeromus, 1754-1760. Provincial Forces. New York. Whitehouse, James Norman De Rapelje, 87. Remsen, Lieutenant Henry, 1736-1792. Lieutenant in Captain David Abeal's Foot Company, New York city, 1760. Remsen, Phoenix, 68. Revell, Randall. Member of the Assembly of Mary- land, 1638. Member of the Virginia House of Bur- gesses, 1657-58. Dennis, James Teackle, III. Reynolds, Thomas. Delegate from Calvert County, Mary- land, to the Lower House of Assembly, 1754-57- Reynolds, Edward, 115. Rhoades, Samuel. Mayor of Philadelphia, 1774. Mem- ber of the Continental Con- gress, 1774. Franklin, William V>., 140. Rhoades, Ensign Samuel. Commissioned Ensign, 1768, in the 3d Company, (Captain Gallison) of Mar- blehead, Mass. In Colo- nel Jacob Fowle's Regi- ment of Foot. Rhoades, Lyman, 68. Rhoades, Samuel, 1643 . Served in Captain Gardi- ner's Regiment, King Phil- ip's War. Rhoades, Lyman, 68. 67 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Richards, Sergeant TsIoses, 1730-1757. Served in Cap- tain Nathan Adams's Com- pany, French and Indian War, 1754. Gerry. Allston, 48. Richardson, Abel, 1736-1761. A soldier in the French War, 1756-60. Woodworth, Newell Bertram, 88. Richardson, Lieutenant John, 1639-1696. Soldier in King Philip's War, and Lieutenant in Massachu- setts Militia. Leach, J. Granville, 99. Richardson, Joseph, 1643- 1717. Served under Ma- jor Samuel Appleton in Great Swamp Fight. Woodworth, Newell B., 88. Richardson, Nathaniel, 1651 -1714. Of Woburn. A soldier in Captain Prentiss's Company, in the Great Swamp Fight. Morris, Seymour, 180. Richardson, Samuel, 1719. Provincial Coun- cillor, 1688-95. Member of Assembly fourteen terms, Province of Pennsylvania. Lewis, William F., 100. Pennypacker, Samuel W. , 103. Richardson, Thomas, 1645- 1720. A soldier of Captain Samuel Gallup's Company in Expedition to Canada in 1690. Deputy to General Court. 1703-04. Kieth, Albert, 153. Richmond, Captain Edward. Lieutenant during King Philip's War. Captain, 1690. Paige, Edward W., 64. Richmond, Colonel Sylves- ter, 1673-1754. Who re- ceived the French flag at the first capture of Louis- burg, 1745. Chapman, Thomas B. , 39. Ridgely, Colonel Henry 1 70S. Member of the Assembly, i6g2. Member of Governor's Council, Ma- jor and Colonel of Militia, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Commissioner, 1683. Tilton, Palmer, 132. Tilton, Warren C, 132. Peale, Albert C, 155. RiGGS, Sergeant Edward, 1619-1669. Of Roxbury, Mass., who served in Pe- quot War, 1637. Meyer, Isaac, 62. Ringgold, Major James, 1636- i6S6. Lord of Eastern Neck Manor. Major and Commander of the Militia, Kent County, Maryland, in the Expedition against the Nanticoke Indians, 1678. Spencer, John T., 104. Robbins, Lieutenant Jona- than, 16S6-1725. Served in Captain Lovewell's Com- mand, and was killed in battle with Indians at Frye- burg, Maine, May 8, 1725. " Lovewell's Fight." Robbins, Howard S.,69. Robbins, Samuel, 1643-1708. Of Cambridge, Mass. Pri- vate in Captain Thomas Prentice's Company, King Philip's War. Robbins, Howard S. , 6g. Roberts, Governor Thomas. Last Colonial Governor of New Hampshire, having been elected April, 1640. Lombard, Josiah Lewis, 180. Robinson, Deputy-Governor William, 1694-1751. Dep- uty-Governor of Rhode Island, 1 745-48. French War. Judge of the Court of Equity, 1741-42. Dep- uty, 1724, '26, '34, '42. Pell, Howland, 65. Watson, William Henry, 86. Pell, Rodman Corse, 180. !68 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rodman, John, 1679-1756. Member of the King's Council, 1738-56. Mem- ber of the Court to settle the controversy between the Mohigan Indians and Col- ony of Connecticut, 1749. Jones. Charles Henry, gS. Jones, Richard Legh, gg. Paul, John Rodman, 102. Paul, Lawrence T., 102. Roe, John. Killed in Colonial Service in the French and Indian Wars, near Lake Champlain, in 1756. Roe, Fayette Washington, 155- Roe, Francis Asbury, 155. Roe, George, 155. Rogers, Captain John, 1641- 1716. Newport, Rhode Island. Captain, 1701. As- sistant, 1705-12. Noyes, Charles P., 63. Rogers, Lieutenant Joseph. Ensign of Milford Train- band, 1723. Lieutenant, 1726, Colony of Connecti- cut. Kobbe, George C, 162. ROLFE, John. First Secretary and Recorder of the Colony of Virginia. Tiernan, Charles Bernard, 116. RoMBOUTS, Captain Francis, i6gi. Member of the Council of the Province of New York under Governor Sloughter, i6gi. Schepen of New Orange. 1674. Al- derman of New York, 1673- 78, 1686-87, and Mayor, 1679. Captain, 1684. Rankin, Egbert G., 67. Darrach, Bradford, 161. Root, Captain Ebenezer, 1732-1758. A Captain in the Colonial Forces of Con- necticut, died in camp at Fort Edward. 1758. Hart, George W., 52. Root, Thomas, 1605-1695. One of the thirty-seven soldiers from Hartford that served in the Pequot War. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 75. RossETER, Edward. Assistant of Colony of Massachusetts Bay, i62g-30. Betts, Frederick Holbrook, 34. Betts, Louis Frederick Hol- brook, 35. RossETER, JosiAH. Assistant of Colony of Connecticut, 1701-11. Betts, Frederick Holbrook, 34- Betts, Louis Frederick Hol- brook, 35. Rousby.John, 1685. Mem- ber of the House of As- sembly of Maryland, 1681- 84. Howard, McHenry, 113. RousBY, Colonel John, 1744. Member of the Low- er House of Assembly of Maryland, 1714-21. Mem- ber of the Council of Mary- land, 1721-3S. Floward, McHenry, 113. RuGG, John, i6g7. Served in Garrison at Lancaster in King Philip's War, and in defense of the town against Indians, August 22, 1675, and February 10, 1676. Gerry, Allston, 48. RuGGLEs, Brigadier-General Timothy, 1711-1795. Pro- vincial Forces of Massa- chusetts on the Northern Frontiers. French and Indian War, 1756-63. Delegate to the Congress which met in New York in 1765, and President of the same. Green, Samuel Swett, 125. Tucker, William Ruggles,i32. Green, John, 187. Rutgers, Captain Anthony. Member of the New York Colonial Assembly, 1726- 37. 269 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Smith, Gouverneur Morris, 74- Smitli, Lewis Bayard, 74. Rutgers, Harman, 1711. Private in the Burgher Corps of New Amsterdam, 1653- Marshall, Henry Rutgers, 5S. Trevor, Henry Graff, 80. Russell, John. A member of the " Barnstable Com- pany," Plymouth Colony, Lieutenant Thomas Dim- mock commanding. In active service with the Indians. 1643-44. Bartlett, John Russell, 33. Rust, Quartermaster Na- thaniel. 1639-1713. Quar- termaster. Expedition to Canada, 1690. Deputy to the General Court, 1690- 91. Rust, Nathaniel J., 130. Salisbury, Lieutenant Syl- vester, 1629-1680. Lieu- tenant of the Governor's Company of Foot, 1670, and Commander of the Fort at Albany until his death. Province of New York. Sill, John Targee, 73. Saltonstall, Governor Gur- DON, 1666-1724. Gover- nor of the Colony of Con- necticut, 1708. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 70. Thompson, Edward Ray, 7S. Thompson, Hobart Warren, 78. Lennig, Charles F., 100. Saltonstall, Colonel Na- thaniel, 1647-1707. In August, 1680, was in com- mand of the troops sent from Boston "to prevent usurpation of Governor An- dros, and to quiet the people at Casco Bay." Member of their Majesties' Council, and Assistant of the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1679-86. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 70. Hastings, Henry, 126. Saltonstall, Sir Richard, 158 6-1 660. Proprietary Patentee and Assistant of the General Court in charge of the military and civil affairs of the Massachusetts Bay Company. Chairman of the Committee to ar- range the transfer of the government of the Com- pany from England to the Colony, 1629. Original Patentee of Connecticut. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 70. Saltonstall, Richard, 1610- 1694. Sergeant-Major of Colonel Endicott's Regi- ment, October 7, 1641. Assistant and Deputy to the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay Colony, 1635-49- Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 70. Sanders, Robert, 1642 . Lieutenant in the Train Band at Albany, 16S7. Commissioner on Indian Affairs, 16S9-90. Beekman, James William, 34. Sandford, Major William, Sr., 1692. Of Bergen County, N. J. Commis- sioned Major, December 2. 1683. Attorney-General, 1683. Member of Council of East Jersey in 1682 under Deputy-Governor Thomas Rudyard, and again under Deputy-Gov- ernor Gawen Lawrie, 1683- S6. President of Court at Elizabeth, May 16, 1671, and Judge in Bergen County. Toler, Henry Pennington, 163. Sands, Captain James, 1622- 1695. Deputy of New Shoreham County, R. I., 270 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1665. Assistant Warden, 1676. Commanded the New Shoreham Company in King Philip's War, and his house was turned into a fort and garrisoned by him. Sands, James Thomas, 188. Sands, Captain John. 1649- 1712. Commanded New Shoreham Company, Rhode Island Troops. Deputy, 1678-81. Sands, B. Aymar, 70. Trenchard, Edward, 80. Sanford, Lieutenant John, 1653. Sergeant, 1640. Lieutenant, 1644. Assist- ant, 1647. Noyes, Charles P., 62. Sanford, Governor Peleg, 1639-1701. Major, 1679. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1687. Member of Sir Edmund Andros's Council, i 6 S 7. Governor of Rhode Island, 1680-16S3. Noyes, Charles P., 62. Sares, Richard. See Sears. Sargent, Jonathan. Repre- sentative to Massachusetts General Court, 1721-30. Sargent, John S., 130, 181. Sargent, John, 1639-1716. Charlestown. Private in King Philip's War under Lieutenant Gil lam and Major Savage. Hall, George F., 125. Satterlee, Lieutenant Bene- dict, I 7 I 4-1 778, who served in French and In- dian War. Commissioned Ensign, 1758. Lieutenant, 1759- Satterlee, F. Le Roy, 70. Swartwout, Satterlee, 77. Saunders, James, ■ 1707. Member of the General As- sembly of Maryland, 1692- 1701. Appointed one of the Council of Her Majesty Queen Anne, May 21, 1701. May 15, 1707, one of the Council of His Majesty. Wilson, James G. , 117. Savage, Captain John, 1707- 1792. Served under Aber- crombie, 175S ; also under Bradstreet at Ticonderoga, 1758. Shelton, George G., 72. Shelton, William A., 73. Sawyer, Samuel, 1698-1787. Served in Lovewell's War, 1722-26. Gerry, Allston, 48. Sawyer, Thomas, 1616-1706. Served in garrison at Lan- caster in King Philip's War, and in defense of the town against Indians, August 22, 1675, and February 10,1676. Gerry, Allston, 48. Sawyer, Vv'iluam, 1656-1718, Newbury, Mass. Soldier in Major Samuel Appleton's Regiment, King Phihp's War. Representative, 1707, 1716-17. Morgan, Appleton, 61. Scarbrugh, Captain Ed- mund, 1st. Member of the Virginia House of Bur- gesses from Accomac Coun- ty, 1629, '31, '32. Dennis, James Teackle, no. Scarbrugh, Colonel Ed- mund, 2d, 1671. Mem- ber of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1642-71. Speaker of the House, 1645. Was in command of the Expedition against the As- sateague Indians, 1659, Dennis, James Teackle, no. Schermerhorn, Symon, 1658- 1696, who, at the destruc- tion of Schenectady by the French and Indians, Feb- ruary 8, 1690, though wounded, rode to Albany to give the alarm. Schermerhorn, Charles A., 70. Schermerhorn Edward G.. 70. 271 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Suydam, Walter Lispenard, 77- Thebaiid, Paul G., 77. Schuyler, Arent, 1662-1730. Captain in the French and Indian Wars, 1693-96. Clark, Henry Schieffelin, 39. Harriman, William E., 51. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 71. Schuyler, Colonel Johan- nes, 1668-1 747. New York Provincial Forces, French and Indian Wars. Church, Richard, 39. Hamilton, Alexander, 31. Schuyler, John, 71. Schuyler, Colonel Peter, 1657-1724. Lieutenant of Horse, 1685. Commanded a company at Schenectady, and in 16S9 was in com- mand of the Fort at Albany. For many years he was Delegate to the Councils of the Five Nations, who hon- ored him with the name of "Queeder." He led the Expedition which ended in the capture of Fort La Prairie. Member of the King's Council, 1692-1720, and as President, Acting Governor of the Province. Beekman, James William, Fitzgerald, Louis, 46. Montgomery, James Lynch, 60. Olin, Stephen H., 64. Schuyler, Clarkson C, 71. Wainwright, John T., 82. Wainwright, William P., Jr., 82. ' Livingston, John H., 100. Armstrong, Horatio Gates, 110. Schuyler, Colonel Philip, i'j33-i8o4. Captain in the Colonial Service, 1755. Major, 1758- Colonel, 1767. Engaged in active service in the French and Indian Wars, and afterward Major- General in the Continental Army. Pell, William Cruger, 66. Schuyler, John, 71. Schuyler, Captain Philip Pieterse, 1600-1684. Cap- tain of Foot at Schenectady, New York Provincial Forces, 1669. Beekman, James William, 34. Church. Richard, 39. Crosby, Edward Nicoll, 41. Crosby, Livingston, 42. Duane, William North, 43. Harriman, William E., 51. Livingston, Philip, 57. Miller, John Bleecker, 60. Montgomery, James Lynch, 60. Schuyler, Clarkson Crosby, 71- Sill, John Targee, 74. Ver Planck, William Gordon, 82. Armstrong, Horatio Gates, no. Tucker, William R., 132. Scott, William. Soldier in Captain William Turner's Company, Falls Fight. Murray, Charles H., 62. Seaman, Captain John. 1610- 1695. Served in the Indian Wars, 1668-76. Davies, J u 1 i e n Townsend, 42. Seaman, Louis Livingston, 72. Searle, Captain John. Com- manded the privateeryrtc7'/^ eight guns, in the Spanish War, 1762. Barclay, James Searle, 33. Sears, Lieutenant David, 1710-1788. Lieutenant in French and Indian War. Served in Bradstreet's Ex- pedition, 175S. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. gEARS, Capt.ain Paul, 1637- 1707. Captain in the Mas- sachusetts Militia. Served 272 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. during the Narragansett War. Bryant, Percy, 37. Sears, Clinton Brooks, 72. Sears, Walter J., 72. Sears or Sares, Richard. 1590-1676. Member of the " Yarmouth Company," Lieutenant William Palmer commanding. Deputy to the General Court, Ply- mouth Colony, 1662. Sears, Clinton Brooks, 72. Sears, Walter J., 72. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Forbes, Charles Spooner, 174. Sears, Captain Samuel, 1663- 1741. Lieutenant in 1706, and later a Captain. Sears, Walter J., 72. Sears, Lieutenant Silas, 1637-1697. Commissioned Ensign in the "Barnstable Company," 1681. Lieu- tenant, July 7, 1682. Dep- uty to the General Court, Plymouth Colony, 1685-gi. Sears, Walter J., 72. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Sears, Silas, 1661-1732. A member of the "Barn- stable Company." Repre- sentative to the General Court at Plymouth in 1691. Sears, Walter J., 72. Sedgwick, Major-G e n e r a l Robert, 1613-1656. Cap- tain, Charlestown, Mass., Company, 1636. Charter Member and Captain of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Com- mander of the Castle, 1641. Member of the Colonial Council of War, 1643. Major-General of the Mas- sachusetts Forces, 1652, in the Expedition against Acadia, and also in 1656, in the Expedition against Jamaica, where^ he died, having been made Gover- nor and Major- General by the Protector. Johnson, S. Albert, 55. Murray, Charles H., 62. Sewell, Henry. 1665. Principal Secretary of Maryland, 1661-65. Brent, Joseph Lancaster, no Keyser, Robert Brent, 113. Sewell, Samuel. 1652-1730. For thirty-three years As- sistant, and for forty years Chief Justice of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Davies, Julian Tovvnsend, 42. Davies, William G., 42. Sheafe, Sampson, 1650-1724. In 1698 Assistant and Sec- retary of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Commissary of the New England Forces in the Expedition against Quebec, 1711. Blunt. Stanhope English, 36. Sheafe, Sampson, jk., 16S1- 1772. New Castle. Mem- ber of the Council, New Hampshire, 1740-61. Blunt, Stanhope English, 36. Shelby, Captain Evan, 1720- 1794. Captain of Rangers in Braddock's Expedition, and Captain in the Provin- cial Forces under Forbes. Led the attack which cap- tured Fort Duquesne, 1758. In 1774 he raised a com- pany of fifty men, and joined the Army of Vir- ginia under General Lewis, in the war against the Shawnee and Delaware Indians. Shelby, Cass K., 72. Shelby, Lieutenant Isaac, 1 750-1826, who served under his father in the Army of Virginia, 1774; under General Lewis in the war against the Shaw- nee and Delaware Indians. Shelby, Cass K., 72. 273 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Sheldon, Ensign Ebinezer, 1678-1755. Ensign, 1701. Rhoades, Lyman, 68. SHKkBURNE, Henry, Member King's Council, 1759. Erving, William V. R., 46. Sherburne, Captain Samuel, 1638-1691. Killed by the Indians at Meregnoit, in King William's War. Knox, William Salisbury, 154. Sherman, Captain David, 1665-1753, of Connecticut. Lieutenant, 1708. Cap- tain, 1709. Hatch, Arthur Melvin, 52. Sherman, Captain John, 1650-1730. Captain of the Woodbury Train Band, 1711. Assistant, 1711-23. Deputy, seventeen sessions. Speaker, 171 1-12, Colony of Connecticut. Noble, Henry Harmon, 62. Sherman, Captain John, of Watertown, 1614-1690. Ensign, 1654. Captain, 1680. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1651, '53, '63, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Mitchell, William Anderson, 60. Wheeler, Horace L. , 133. Sherman, Philip, 1610-16S9. First Secretary of the Provi- dence Plantations, 1639. Member of the Court of Commissioner, 1656. Dep- uty, 1665-67. Haight, Abner Sherman, 50. Haight, Frederick E., 50. Paige, Edward Winslow, 64. Sherman, Samuel, 1618-1684. Deputy to the General Court, May, 1637, which declared that " there shalbe an offensive warr against the Pequoitt. " Trumbull says that " the measures taken by this court were so spirited, that the names of its members deserve per- petuation." Assistant 1663 -68. Appointed by the Gen- eral Court July 6, 1665, one of a committee to defend the coast from Stratford to Rye against the Dutch under Admiral De Renter, Colony of Connecticut. Betts, Frederick Holbrook,35. Betts, Louis F. H., 35. Fitch, Edward Sherman, 46. Noble, Henry Harmon, 62. Shippen, Edward, 1639-1712. Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany of Boston, 1669. Speaker of the Assembly, 1695. Member of the Pro- vincial Council of Pennsyl- vania, 1696-17 1 2. Judge of the Supreme Court and Presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1697. First Mayor of Phil- adelphia, 1701. Acting Deputy Governor, 1703. President of the Provincial Council, 1702-04. Jackson. Oswald, 55. Luquer, Lea Mcllvaine, 58. Hutchinson, Charles H., 98. Page, S. Davis, 102. Prime, Frederick, 103. Shippen, Edward, 104. Huidekoper, Frederick W., 153- Peale, Albert C, 155. Balch, Edwin Swift, 94. Balch, Thomas Willing, 95. Shippen, Paymaster Edward, 1703-17S1. Paymaster Brit- ish and Provincial forces, French and Indian War, under General Forbes Stan- wix ; and for his services he received public thanks in 1760. Mayor of Philadel- phia, 1744. One of the founders of Princeton Col- lege. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1746-48. One of the founders of the University of Pennsylvania. 274 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Luquer, Lea Mcllwaine, 58. Balch, Edwin Swift, 94. Balch, Thomas Willing, 95. Shippen, Edward, 104. Huiclekoper, Frederick W., 153- Peale, Albert C, 155. Shippen, Colonel Joseph. 1732-1S10. Colonel of Pennsylvania troops in Pro- vincial army in the French and Indian Wars. Served in Braddock's expedition against Fort Duquesne. Shippen, Edward, M.D., 73, 104. Balch, Edwin Swift, 94. Balch, Thomas Willing, 95. Shippen, Edward, 104. Huidekoper, Frederick W., 153- Shirley, Lieutenant-Gene- RAL William, 1693-1771. Lieutenant-General Eng- lish army. Commander-in- Chief of all the forces in British North America, 1755. Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1741-45. Erving, William V. R., 46. Shute, Lieutenant William, 1723-17S4. Of Captain Enoch Hunt's Company, New Jersey troops. Served in the French and Indian War, 1 76 1. Shute, Samuel Moore, 155. Sill (Syll), Captain Joseph, 1636-1696. Served in King Philip's War, and in several expeditions against the In- dians in Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire. Sill, Frederick Schroeder, 73. Sill, John Targee, 73. Hall, George F., 125. Hall, Lewis C, 126. SiMONDS, Caleb, 1649-1712. Woburn. Soldier in King Philip's War, 1675-76. In Captain Davenport's Com- pany, Massachusetts troops. Thompson, John T., 131. 18 Sip, Captain Jan Ariense, 1662-1729. Lieutenant and Captain, Bergen, New Jer- sey Militia, 1703-11. Booraem, Robert Elmer, 36. Skidmore, Lieutenant Thomas, 1693-1761. En- sign 1723, Lieutenant 1734, Newtown Train Band. Skidmore, William L., 74. Skinner, Abraham, 1649 • Served in the Mount Hope campaign, September 21, 1675, and in the Narragan- sett Fort fight, Decem- ber 19, 1676, in King Philip's War. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn. William Ives, 85. Skinner, Ensign William, 1720-1807. Served at the siege of Louisburg, 1745. Commissioned Ensign in the Fifteenth Company, Eleventh Connecticut Regi- ment, May, 1757. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, WiUiam Ives, 85. Slye, Gerard, 1662-1733. Commander of T'ort Sus- quehannock. Jenkins, Edward A., 113. Jenkins, Edmund P.. 113. Slye, Captain Robert, 1615- 1670. One of the Com- missioners of the Province and Council of State in Maryland. Member of the Maryland Assembly from St. Mary's County. Jenkins, Edward A., 113. Jenkins, Edmund P., 113. Smith, Lieutenant James, 1645-1690, of Newbury, Mass. Served under Sir William Phipps in the Ex- pedition against Canada in l6go. Constant. S. Victor, 41. Smith, Lieutenant Philip, 165 3-1684. Lieutenant Town Troop, Hadley, Mass., and Lieutenant of 275 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. a Troop of Horse for Hampshire County, 1678. Deputy to the General Court, 1680-84. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 76. Stockbridge, Henry, 115. Smith, Major Richard (Bull Smith). Indian Wars in Connecticut. In 1675 con- cluded a treaty with the Narragansetts making terms for the delivery to jNIajor Smith of Philip of Pocanoket. Foster, Howell, 47. Smith, Lieutenant Samuel, 1602-1680. Lieutenant of Hadley Troop, 1663-7S. Deputy to the General Court, 1661-73. Commis- sioner to negotiate with the Mohawks. 1667, Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay. Isham, Charles, 55. Hayden, Horace E., g8. Stockbridge, Henry, 115. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 116. Cooley, Francis R., 139. Smith, Captain Thomas , 2D, 1673 . Ensign 1716, Lieutenant 1718, Captain 1723, East Haven Train Band. Brackett, Robert L., 36. Smith, Governor William, 1655-1705. Page to Charles II. Governor of Tangier, 1675- S3. Received the grant of Saint George's Manor, Long Island, from William III., 1693. Mem- ber of the Colonial Council of New York, 1691-1704. Judge of the Court of Ad- miralty of New York, New jersey, and Connecticut, 1693-97. Commander of the Suffolk forces, 1693. Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, 1691. Chief Justice of the Colony, 1692-1700-02. Colonial Governor, 1701. 276 Lawrence, Abraham R., 57. Este, Charles, 97. Houston, William Churchill, Jr., 98. Woolsey, Theodore S., 146. Smythe, 1ST, Colonel Thomas, 1650-1719. Mem- ber of Assembly, nine terms, 1694-1707. Member of the Council, 1715-19. Colonel of the Kent County Militia, 1699. Deputy Com- missary-General, 1707-18. Province of Maryland. Browne, Bennet B., iii. Neff, Peter, 114. Smythe, 2d, Thomas, 1710- 1 741. Member of Assembly, Province of Maryland, 1738. Neff, Peter, 114. Smythe, 3D, Thomas, 1730- 1819. Member Provincial Convention, Province of Maryland, 1774. Neff, Peter, 114. Snow. John, 1707 , of Cap- tain Samuel Ilsley's Com- pany of Falmouth, 1757, Walker, Richard H., 83. Snowden, Captain Richard, 1704. Captain of Pro- vincial forces of Maryland, 1700-03. First Lord of Birmingham Manor. Miiflin, James, 60, loi. Thomas, Lawrence Buckley, 78. Large, James, 99. Southworth, General Con- stant, 1615-1697. Served in the Pequot War, 1637. Ensign Duxbury Company, 1646. Lieutenant, 1653. Deputy from 1647 for twen- ty-two years. Treasurer of Plymouth Colony sixteen years. Member of the Council of War, 1658. Commissioner for the Unit- ed Colonies, 1668. Com- missary-General during King Philip's War. Gov- ernor of Kennebec. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bryant, Percy, 37. Forbes, Charles Spooner, 174. Spaford, John, 1648-1697. Rowley. Oneof Captain Ap- pleton's Troopers. Served under Captain Prentice in King Philip's War. Colony of Massacliusetts Bay. Dorman, William B., 124. Spalding, Lieutenant John, of Chelmsford. In Captain Robert Richardson's Snow- shoe Company, Lovell's War, 1724. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Spalding, John F. , 75. Spalding, John, of Chelms- ford. A soldier in Captain Manning's Company, in King Philip's War. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Spalding, John F., 75. Sparhawk, Nathaniel, 1647, Cambridge, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1642-47. Wheeler, Horace L., 133. Sparrow, Captain Jonathan, 1630-1695, of Eastham, Mass. Captain in French and Indian War, 1690. Sears, Clinton Brooks, 72. Spencer, Ensign Jared, of Haddam, Conn. Served in King Philip's War. Rep- resentative, 1674-75. Brainerd, Cephas, 37. Brainerd, Cephas, Jr., 37. Spencer, Colonel Joseph. Major in the Second Con- necticut Regiment under Colonel Whiting, and sub- sequently Lieutenant-Colo- nel in the French and Indian Wars in 1758, and at the outbreak of the Revolution was Colonel of the Twelfth Regiment of the Colony Militia. General in the Revolution. Brush, Edmund Coke, 186. Spencer, Sergeant Thomas. Served under Major John Mason in the Pequot War. Earle, Ferdinand P., 44. Spofford, Captain Abner, 1705-1777. Commission in Massachusetts Provincial Forces, dated Nov. 22,1743. Spofford, Paul N., 75. Spofford, Colonel Daniel, 1721-1803. Rowley, Mass. Commissions in Massachu- setts Provincial Forces. Ensign, dated 1757. Cap- tain, 1764. Major, 1774. Colonel, Seventh Massachu- setts Regiment, 1775. Spofford, Paul N., 75. Spofford, Captain John, 1678 -1735. Rowley, Mass. Commission in Massachu- setts Provincial Forces, dated May 8, 1721. Spofford, Paul N., 75. Sprague, Captain John, 1627- 1692. Captain Maiden Company, 1685. Deputy, i6go, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Sprague, John T., 75. Sargent, John S., 130, i8r. Sprague, Jonathan, 1656- 1731. Maiden. Servecl in Captain Moseley's Company in King Philip's War, Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay. Sprague, John T., 75. Green, Samuel S., 125. Sargent, John S., 130, 181. Sprague, Lieutenant Ralph, 1603-1650. Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1637. Lieutenant of same, 1639, Deputy to the General Court, Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. Sprague, John T., 75. Sargent, John S., 130, 18 1. Sprague, Samuel. Deputy to the General Court, Ply- mouth Colony, 1686-92. Secretary, 1682-85. Howland, Daniel W., 127. 277 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Spring, Lieutenant John, 1630-17 1 7, Newton, Mass. Lieutenant in the Massa- chusetts Provincial Militia. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1704-07. Jackson, Henry S., 171. Springer, Ensign James, 1698 . Ensign in Tenth Company, Captain Moses Pearson. First Regiment Massachusetts Troops, Colonel William Pepperell, Louisburg Expedition. Page, Walter Oilman, 128. Staats, Major Abraham, M.D., 1694. Captain, i66g, and Major of Foot at Albany. Surgeon at Rens- selaerwyck. Member of the Council at Beverwyck, and its President in 1644. Beekman, James William, 34. Carnochan, Gouverneur M., 38. Davies, Julien T., 42. Davies, William G. , 42. Grinnell, William Milne, 50. Miller, John Bleecker, 60. Staats, Captain JocHiM. New York Provincial Forces. Ensign, March 19, 16S5. Captain, December 28,1689. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, October 19, 1690. Served in Canada Expedi- tion, 1688. Miller, John Bleecker, 60. Stacy, M a h l o n, 1704. Member of the Council, Province of New Jersey. Standish, Alexander, of Duxbury. Soldier in the Duxbury Company, Plym- outh Colony Forces, 1643. Cofhn, Rufus, 123. Standish, Captain Myles, 1584-1656. February 27, 1621, he received the first military commission given in this country. In 1649 lie was appointed "Gen- eral-in-Chief " of all the Companies in the Colony. Before coming to Plymouth Colony in the Mayjlower he held a commission from Queen Elizabeth, and served in the Low Countries, in aid of the Dutch. Slocum, Joseph Jermain, 74. Standish, Myles, 75. Townsend, Rufus M., 79. Thomsen, Alonzo L., 116. Coffin, Rufus, 123. Standish, Myles, M.D., 131. Stanley. Captain Caleb, of Hartford, Conn. Captain in King Philip's War. Grinnell, William Milne, 49. Stanley, Captain Caleb. Lieutenant, 1683. Cap- tain, 1689, King William's War. Massachusetts Bay Colony. Rogers, James S., 103. Stanley, Captain John, 1624-1706. Sergeant 1669, Ensign 1674, Lieutenant 1675, Captain 1676, Hart- ford County Militia. Served in King Philip's War "up the river." Colony of Con- necticut. Allen, Frederick Percival, 31- Metcalf, James B., 59. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 71. Stanton, Thomas, 1616-1677. Indian intei-preter to John Winthrop the younger, in Connecticut, before the Pequot War. Served in the Pequot War, and ren- dered valuable services at Saybrook Fort. Indian interpreter to the General Court of Connecticut in all cases where the controversy was between the whites and Indians. Noyes, Charles P., 62. Eaton, Daniel C, 140. Gardiner, Curtiss Crane, 187. Starr, Doctor Thomas, 1616- 278 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1658. Surgeon of forces sent against the Pequots. Murray, Charles H., 62. Stedman, Cornet John, 1601- 1693. Ensign Cambridge Company, 1641-47. Cornet in Captain Davis's Troop expedition against Nini- gret, 1657. Quartermaster Cambridge Militia, 1676. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Mifflin, James, 59, loi. Mifflin, William, loi. Stearns, Isaac, 1661-1739. Served in Captain John Lane's Company, Billerica, Mass. Queen Anne's War, 1706-07. Belknap, Robert Lenox, 34. Stearns, Captain John, Cap- tain in Lidian Wars, 1748. Stearns, Henry P., 144. Stearns, Lieutenant Sam- uel, 1673 , Watertown, Mass. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, eight terms, 1714-31- Wheeler, Horace L. , 133. Heaton, John E., 141. Stebbins, John, 1626-1679, of Captain Samuel Moseley's Company, King Philip's War. Rhoades. Lyman, 68. Stebbins, Lieutenant Thom- as, 1620-1683. Lieutenant in Captain William Turner's Company, at the Falls fight, in King Philip's War, May 19, 1676. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 86. Stebbins, Thomas, 1648-1689. Served in King Philip's War, in defense of Garrison House, at Northampton, against Indians. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 86. Steele, Captain William. Captain of one of the asso- ciated companies of Lan- caster County, Penn., in 1756- Beekman, James William, 34. Stephens, Captain James, 1686 , Andover. Cap- tain in the Louisburg expe- dition. Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. Grinnell, William Milne, 50. Stevens, Captain Nathaniel, 1749. Captain of Sixth Company, Seventh Con- necticut Regiment, 1741. Stevens, Charles Ellis, 104. Stewart, George, 1733- Member of Assembly, Penn- sylvania, 1730-33. Peale, Albert C, 155. Stickney, Lieutenant Wil- liam, 1592-1665. One of the founders of the town of Rowley, Mass., 1639. Lieutenant, 1661. Hall, Clayton C, 112. Stillwell, Captain Nicho- las, 1612-1671, vi^ho or- ganized a Troop of Horse in Virginia against the In- dians, 1644. Captured King Ohechancanagh, suc- cessor to Powhatan. In 1663 was Lieutenant under Captain Martin Kregier in the second Esopus War. Clark, Henry Schieffelin, 39. Clark, William Newton, 40. Schieffelin, Eugene, 70. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 71. Sill, John T., 74. Stillwell, William Moore, 75. Stockbridge, Charles, 1634- 1683. Soldier in King Phil- ip's War. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 116. Stockton, Lieutenant Rich- ard, 1606-1707. First Lieutenant, 1665, Flushing, Long Island, Troop of Horse. Gillespie, Geo. Cuthbert, 97. Levis, Henry, 100. Levis, Samuel W., 100. Powell, Washington B., 103. \ 279 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Stockton, Richard, 1730- 1781. Member of the Gov- ernor's Council, Province of New Jersey, 1768. Hunter, Richard Stockton, 98. Stoddard, Anthony. Mem- ber of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court twenty-three terms. Member of the Court of Commissioners, 1651-59- Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, V/illiam Ives, 85. Stoddard, Colonel John, 1682-1749, of Northamp- t o n. Commissioner to Quebec, 1713, to nego- tiate exchange of prisoners. Colonel Massachusetts Militia. Assistant and Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Stone, Ebenezer, 1662-1754, Newton, Mass. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts from 1708 to 17 17. Subsequently Royal Councillor of the Province of Massachusetts. Jackson, Henry S., 171. Stone, Rev. Samuel, 1602- 1663. Chaplain under Major John Mason, Pequot War. Johnson, S. Albert, 56. Murray, Charles H., 62. Stone, CSovernor William, 1659. Appointed in 1648 Governor and High Admiral of Maryland. He was dispossessed by the Revolution of 1654. Brent, Joseph Lancaster, iio. Keyser, Robert Brent, 113. Stoutoff, Captain Elbert Elbertson, 1620 - 1688. Appointed by Governor Colve. Captain of the Militia, in the Conquest 28( of the Province of New York by the Dutch, in 1673. Jones, Charles Henry, g8. Stratton, Joseph, 1666 , Marlborough, Mass. Sol- dier in garrison at Marlbor- ough, 1711. Stratton, George G., 131. Stream, Ensign John, 1621- 1685. Ensign, 1665, Colo- nial Forces of Connecticut. Peck, Guy Dayton, 65. Strong, Jedediapi, 1667-1709. Slain by Indians in Queen Anne's War. Murray, Charles H.,62. Strong, "Elder" John. Deputy to the General Court, 1641, '43, '44. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Wessells, Henry W., 146. Strong, Lieutenant Return, 1640-1726. Cornet Wind- sor Troop, Colony of Con- necticut, 16S9. Deputy to the General Court, 16S9-90. Lieutenant of Troops, 1692. Hay den, Horace E., 98. Strong, Thomas, 1630-1689. Trooper under Major John Mason, 1658. Strong, Joseph M., Jr., 76. Strycker, Captain Jan, 1615- 1697. Member of the Great Landtag in New Am- sterdam, 1664. Member of the Hempstead Convention, 1665. Schepen, 1673. Cap- tain of the Military Com- pany at Midwout, L. I. Deputy to the Great Confer- ence at New Orange, 1674. Stryker, William S., 104, 163. Swaine. Captain S a m u e l, 1610 - 16S2. Lieutenant Connecticut Colonial Forces, 1663, and of the Newark Soldiers, 1667- 73. And when Robert Treat, his captain, re- INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. turned to command the Connecticut troops in King Philip's War, he was elected Captain of East Jersey Provincial Forces in com- mand of the fortified town of Newark. Deputy to the General Court of Connect- icut, 1663. Deputy and "Third man" Provincial Assembly of East Jersey, 1673-76, during the Indian hostilities. Chandler, Walter, 38, 161. Grant, De Forest. 48. Grant, Madison, 49. Halsey, Harlan P., 50. Halsey, Henry A., 50. Goode, G. Brown, 152. Toler, Henry P., 163. SwAiNE, William, 1585-1664. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1636. A Commissioner to establish and govern the new Colony of Connecticut, 1636. Assistant first Gen- eral Court of Connecticut, 1637. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, New Haven Colony, 1653-57. Chandler, Walter, 38. Goode, G. Brown, 152. Swan, Richard, of Rowley, Mass. Served in King Philip's War. and Deputy to the General Court, 1666, '73, and '75. Swan, Frederick G., 77. Swan, Robert, 1628-1698. Soldier at Great Swamp Fight, King Philip's War. Swan, Frederick G., 77. Swartwout, Roeloff, 1634- 1715. Schout of Esopus during the Indian War of 1663, and Member of Gov- ernor Leisler's Council dur- ing the war with France in i6Sg. Collins, Iloldridge O.. 41. Dudley, Edgar W., 44. Swartwout, Satterlee, 77. Sweat, Benjamin. Jr. Private in Captain Jacob Bayley's Company, Colonel Love- well's Regiment, 1759. Webster. Frank D., 86. Swords, Lieutenant Thomas, Fifty-fifth Regiment of Foot, British Army. Fort George, Albany, and New York City. Last French War. Swords, Henry Cotheal, 77. Syll, Captain Joseph. See Sill. Symonds, Deputy-Governor Samuel, 1595-1678, Ips- wich, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1638- 43. Assistant, 1643-73. Deputy-Governor, 1673-78. Morgan, Appleton, 61. Story, Henry G., 76. Story, Joseph G., 76. de Benneville, James S., q6. Piatt, Franklin, 103. Taft, Captain Robert. Com- manded Mendon, Massa- chusetts Colonial Forces, Representative to General Court, 1741-46. Robbins, Howard S., 69. Talcott, John, i6oo-i65o, Wethersfield, Conn. Dep- uty to General Court of Massachusetts, 1634-36. Deputy to General Court of Connecticut. 1637-53. "Assistant," 1654-60. Treasurer, 1652-60. Com- missioner for the United Colonies, 1656-58. Walbridge, T. Chester, 82, 105. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Talcott, Lieutenant-Colo- nel John. Commander-in- chief of the Connecticut Forces in King Philip's War, also commanded Troops at Hadley in 1676. Jennings, Albert Gould, 55. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Talcott, Captain Samuel, 1635-1691. Of the Hartford Troop of Dragoons at Deer- field, King William's War. Lieutenant, 1677. Captain, 1681. Deputy, 1669-84, Assistant, 16S5-91. Backus, J. Bayard, 32. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Tappan, Ensign Jacob. En- sign, 1683. Newbury, Massachusetts. Emery, Rufus, 44. Tasker, Colonel Thomas, 1700. Member of the Lower House of Assembly of Maryland, 1697. Howard, McHenry, 113. Tayloe, John, ist. Member of the Council of Virginia, 1732. Howard, McHenry, 113. Tayloe, John, 2d, 1779. Member of the Council of Virginia, 1756. Howard, McHenry, 113. ayloe, Colonel William, 1710. Member of the House of Burgesses of Vir- ginia from Richmond Coun- ty, 1705-10. Howard, McHenry, 113. Taylor, Lieutenant-Colonel James, 1732-1814. Caro- line County. Adjutant under Washington, Brad- dock's Campaign. Lieu- tenant-Colonel of Caroline County prior to Revolution. Member House of Bur- gesses, Dominion of Vir- ginia. Thompson, John T., 131. Taylor, James. 1674-1729. King and Queen County, Va. Member of House of Burgesses, 1702. Thompson, John T., 131. Taylor, Captain John, 1641- 1704. Captain of Troop of Hampshire, killed by the Indians May 13, 1704, when 28 in pursuit of them after the destruction of Pascomuck. Betts, Frederick H., 35. Betts, Louis F. H., 35. Haight, Frederick E., 50. Metcalf, James B., 59. Taylor, Lieutenant John, Jr., 1666-1742. Lieuten- ant in command of his father's Company after his death, French and Indian War. Metcalf, James B., 59. Taylor, Reverend Nathan- AEL, 1722-1800. Chaplain of Colonel Nathan Whit- ing's Regiment at Ticon- deroga and Crown Point, 1759- Hatch, Arthur Melvin, 52. Taylor, Ensign Thomas, 1643 -1735. Ensign Danbury Train Band, 1689-1706. Deputy, i697-i702,'o6, '07. Hatch, Arthur Melvin, 52. Taylor, Thomas, ist, who was active in the French and Indian Wars. Was wounded at Deerfield. Roberts, Henry, 143. Taylor, Thomas, 2d, who, while on a march from Deer- field to Fort Dummer, July 14, 1748, in command of seventeen men, was attacked by one hundred French and Indians, taken prisoner and carried to Canada ; was ex- changed September 17, 1748. Roberts, Henry, 143. Teall, Surgeon Oliver. A Surgeon in the English army, serving through the French W^ar. Teall, Edward McK., 181. Temple, Abraham. Soldier in Captain Nathaniel Daven- port's Company, 1675. Houghton, Henry O., 126. Houghton, Henry O. Jr., 127. Temple, Isaac, Sr.. 1678 . Marlborough, Mass. Sol- INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. dier in Garrison at Marl- borough, 171 1. Clark, Arthur W., 123. Temple, Isaac, Jr., 1704-1760. Marlborough, Mass. Dep- uty to Massachusetts Gen- eral Court, 1747, '49, '56, '58. Clark, Arthur W., 123. Terrill, Captain Ephraim, I 7 I 3-1786. Captain of Troop of Horse at Eliza- bethtown, Province of New Jersey, 1760. Squier, Charles Burnham, 163. Terry, Major Ephraim, 1701- 1795. Major, Enfield Train Band. Justice, Hartford County, 1737, Colony of Connecticut. Allen, Francis Olcott, 94. Terry, Captain Samuel. Cr.p- tain Enfield Train Band, 1716, Colony of Connecti- cut. Allen, Francis Olcott, 94. Terry, Stephen, 166S. Served in the Windsor Troop of Horse, i 6 5 S. The first Troop organized in the Colony of Connecticut. Noble, Henry Harmon, 62. Thacher, Lieutenant-Colo- nel John, 1703-1785. Yar- mouth. Commanded a Regiment of Militia, Colo- ny of Massachusetts Bay. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 133. Thacher, John, 1675-1764. Yarmouth, Mass. Member of the Council of War. Assistant. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 133. Thaxter, Captain John, 1626-16S7. Hingham. En- sign, 1675. Lieutenant, 1664, under Captain Hud- son. Captain against the Dutch at New York. Cap- tain of Cavalry. Deputy to General Court in 1666. Swan, Robert Thaxter, 131. Thaxter, Major Samuel, 1723-1771. Hingham. Cap- tain of a Company in Colo- nel Gridley's Regiment, Crown Point Expedition. French and Indian Wars, 1775. Major, 1756. Fort William Henry. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Sv/an, Robert Thaxter, 131. TH.'i.XTER, Colonel Samuel, 1665-1740. Hingham. Colonel, 1725. Deputy to General Court, 1697, and 170S-12. Assistant, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Swan, Robert Thaxter, 131. Thing, Captain Jonathan, 1694. Ensign, Exeter Company, New Hampshire Militia, 1690. Captain, 1692. Folsom, Albert A., 124. Koues. George Ellsworth, 162. Thomas, Captain Nathaniel, 1610-1674. Commissioned Ensign, Plymouth Colony, under Captain Myles Standish, 1640. Lieuten- ant, 1643. Captain {vice Standish, promoted), 1644. Pequot War. Trenchard, Edward, 80. Thomas, Lieutenant Philip, 1600-1675. A meiTiber of the High Commission gov- erning Maryland in 1656, and one of those who, in 1659, surrendered the Gov- ernment to Lord Baltimore. Lieutenant in the Provincial Forces of Maryland before 1655- Mifflin, James, 60, loi, Thomas, Lawrence Buckley, 78. Large, James, 99. Thomas, Doctor Philip. Delegate from Frederick County to General Con- gress, Annapolis, Mary- land, 1774. Representative to carry into execution the INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. association agreed on by the American Continental Congress. Thomas, Douglas H., Ii6. Thompson, Abijah, 1739-1S11. Served in the Massachu- setts Colonial Forces in the French and Indian War. Was stationed at Lake George, 1758. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Thompson, Paymaster Heze- KIAH, 1735-1S03, Served in Captain Wait Hinman's Company, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Gilfillan, W. Whitehead, 48. Thompson, Sergeant James, 1680-1763. Enlisted in Captain After Bragden's Company, in His Majestie's service, October 18, 1723. Corporal, 1723. Sergeant, 1724. Thompson, John T., 131. Thompson, James, 1716 . Woburn. In Colonel Hur- ry's Regiment, under Colo- nel Benjamin Goldthwait, Lake George, 1756. Pri- vate in Captain Samuel Bancroft's Company, Colo- nel Eleazer Tying's Regi- ment, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Thompson, John T., 131. Thompson, Colonel John, 1636-1 736. Colonel of Mili- tia, Province of Maryland. Spencer, John Thomson, 104. Thompson, Richard, 1646. Commissioned, August 6, 1642, by Lord Baltimore, Governor of Kent Island. Was Burgess for Kent Island in the Maryland As- sembly. 1637-40, '41, '42. Thomas, Douglas H., 116. Thomson, General Stevens. Attorney-General of Vir- ginia, 1703-13. Throckmorton, Charles W., 79- Thrall, William, 1606-1679. A soldier from Windsor, who served under Captain John Mann in the Pequot War, May, 1637. Norton, Edward L., 63. Gay, Frank B., 141. Thurston, Lieutenant Thomas. Medfield. Ser- geant, 1657. Lieutenant, 1658. Deputy, 16S6. Hall, Lewis C, 126. TiBBALS, Sergeant Thomas, 1615-1703. Milford. Pri- vate in the Pequot War. Sergeant, 1671, Colony of Connecticut. Ford, George Hare, 47. Baldwin, Morton G. , 121. Ford, George H., 140. Tibbals, Frederick Lemuel, 145. TiLESTON, Timothy, 1637- 1697. Dorchester, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1689-92. Soldier in Captain Samuel Wads- worth's Company, under Major-General Winslow, King Philip's War. Hemenway, Frederick T., 126. TiLLINGHAST, ThOMAS, 1742- 1821. Member Rhode Island General Assembly, 1772-75. Afterwards Major in the Revolution. Tillinghast. William H., 79. TiLLOTSON, Captain Morris R., 1683-1761. Hebron. Lieutenant, 1729. Cap- tain, 1736. Colony of Con- necticut. Norton, Edward L., 63. Tilton, Lieutenant Abra- ham, 1690. Ipswich. Lieutenant in the E.xpedi- tion of 1690 against Canada, under command of Sir William Phipps. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Tilton, Palmer, 132. Tilton, Warren C, 132. 284 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. TiLTON, Lieutenant Daniel, 1697-1745. Ipswich. Lieu- tenant, siege of Louis- bourg, 1745, Second Com- pany, Fifth Massachusetts Regiment. In Indian Fight, 1722. Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. Tilton, Palmer, 132. Tilton, Warren C, 132. Tilton, Peter, 1696. Deputy to the General Court, 1675- 77, '79. Assistant, 16S1-86, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Eastman, Lamen Chase, 1S6. TiTCOMB, BeNAIAH, 1653 . Soldier in Captain Thomas Noyes's Foot Company, 1696, Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Remick, John Anthony, 129. Remick, Timothy, 130 TiTCOMB, Colonel Moses, 1707-1755. who com- manded Titcomb's Battery at the siege of Louisburg, commanded the riglit wing of General Sir William Johnson's army at the de- feat of Baron Dreskau, and was killed at the battle of Lake George, Septembers, 1755. "•■■Howard, William Colman, 53- TiTCOMB, William, 1676. Deputy to the General Courc, Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. 1655. Remick, John Anthony, 129. Remick, Timothy, 130. Toppan, Lieutenant Jacob, 1644-1717. Ensign, 1690. Lieutenant, 1717. Remick, John A., 129. Remick, Timothy, 130. Torrey, Lieutenant James, 1615-1685. Of Scituate. Commissioned Lieutenant of the Scituate Troop of Horse, May 6, 1658. Dep- uty to the General Court, 285 1660-65, Plymouth Col- ony. Mackenzie, George Norbury, 114. Tower, John, 1609-1702. Of Tower's Garrison House during King Philip's War. Ballord, Esek Steere, 186. TowNLEY, Colonel Richard, 1628-1711. Captain, Eliza- beth Town , East Jersey, Train Band, 1686. Colonel before 1690. Took part in defeat and arrest of Gover- nor Leisler, i6go. Mem- ber of Governor Lord Neill Campbell's Council, East Jersey, 1686. Member of Governor Fletcher's Coun- cil, New York, 1692. Pell, Howland, 65. Schieffelin, George R., 71. Townsend, Richard, 1739. Private in Captain John Hickes's Company, Queens County Militia, 1738. Townsend, James Hill, 79. Tracy, Lieutenant Thomas, 1610-1685. Ensign, First Train Band, Norwich, Con- necticut, 1666 ; and in 1672, Lieutenant of the New Lon- don County Dragoons, en- listed to figlit the Dutch and Indians. Member of Gen- eral Court twenty-seven ses- sions. Commissary in King Philip's War. Lord. Nathan H., 57. Ripley, Charles S., 69. Grant, Thomas P., 141. Travers, Captain Samuel, Richmond County, Vir- ginia. Captain, Richmond County Militia, 1685-93, Thomas, Douglas H., 78. Travers, Colonel William, 1630 . Appointed Com- missioner, 1675, to employ Indians in defense of the Colony. Member of the House of Burgesses for INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lancaster County, Virginia, 1677, and also Speaker of the House of Burgesses. Thomas, Douglas H., 78, 116. Treat, Major John, 1650 . Major commanding Essex County, New Jersey, Mili- tia, 1731. Member of As- sembly from Essex County, 1695-1710. Halsey, Harlan P., 50. Halsey, Henry A., 50. Treat, Richard, i 590-1669. Deputy to the First General Court, 1637, '44, forWeath- ersfield County. Assistant, 1654-65. Named in the Royal Charter one of the Patentees for Connecticut, 1662. Chapman, Thomas B., 39. Elliott, Daniel Giraud, 45. Wilson, J. Appleton, 117. Cropper, John, 139. Heaton, John E., 141. Treat, Corporal Richard, 2D. Corporalin the Weath- ersfield Troop of Horse, 1658. The first Troop in the Colony, organized by Major John Mason, by order of the General Court of the Colony of Connecti- cut. Wilson, J. Appleton, 117. Treat, Governor Robert, 1622-1710. Commander at Great Swamp Fight. Ma- jor commanding Connecti- cut troops at the battles of Hadley and Springfield. Deputy-Governor, 1676-86. Appointed Governor, 1686. Resigned, 1701. In the encounter with the Indians at Bloody Brook, Septem- ber 18, 1675, his arrival on the scene of action with the Connecticut Forces turned the tide. Baldwin, Nathan A., 32, 138. Bristow, Frank H., 37. Downes, Anson Treat, 43. Downes, StanclifTB., 43. Grant, De Forest, 48. Grant, Madison, 49. Halsey, Harlan P., 50. Halsey, Henry A., 50. Baldwin, Nathan A., 138. Downs, William E., 140. Durand, William C, 140. Ford, George H., 140. Gunn, George M., 50. Smith, Bradish Johnson, 144. Smith, Edwin P., 144. Tomlinson, Charles A., 145. Warren, Herbert C, 146. Toler, Henry Pennington, 163. Trenchard, George, 1706- 17S0. Attorney-General of West Jersey, 1769-75. Trenchard, Edward, 79. Trippe, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry, 1632-1697. Of Dorchester County, Mary- land. Member of the Low- er House of Assembly, T671-S1. Trippe, Andrew C, 117. Trowbridge, Lieutenant James, 1636-1717. New- ton. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court from Cam- bridge, 1700 and 1703. Served in King Philip's War. Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. Trowbridge, Samuel B. P., So. Hall, Clayton C, 112. Hemenway, Frederick Trow- bridge, 126. Trowbridge, Charles Hotch- kiss, 145. Jackson, Henry S., 171. Trowbridge, Lieutenant Thomas. New Haven Troop, under Captain Wil- liam Russell, King Philip's War. Trowbridge. Charles H., 80. Trumbull, Captain Benoni, 1680-1742. Lieutenant, 1736. Captain, 1740. Norton, Edward L., 63. Trumbull, Governor Jona- 86 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. THAN. Deputy-Governor, 1766-69. Governor of Con- necticut, 1770-83. Trumbull, Jonathan, 145. Tudor, Elihu, M.D., who served in the Campaign against Canada, 1755, un- der Wolfe in 1759, '^"^ in the expedition against Havana, 1762. Hoadley, James H., 53. Turner, Captain Nathaniel, 1647. Captain in Pe- quot War. Assistant, 1639. Tuttle. Frank D., 80. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Cropper, John, 139. Turpin, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas. Of the Militia of Cumberland County, Vir- ginia. Appointed by Gov- ernor Dinwiddie, August 31, 1754- Deen, William M., 42, 161. Tuttle, Lieutenant John, 1596 . Of Ipswich, Mass., who was Represent- ative in 1644, and Member of the Ancient and Honor- able Artillery Company, 1644. Constant, S. Victor, 41. Tyler, Robert. Lord of the Manor of Brough, one of the four Delegates from Prince George County to the Lower House of As- sembly of the Province of Maryland, 1704-25. Johnson, Bradley Tyler, 113. Tyng, Governor Edv^'Ard, 1649 . Commander of Fort Loyal, 1680-81. Mem- ber of the Council, Prov- ince of Maine, 1686. Ap- pointed by Governor An- dros. Lieutenant - Colonel and Commander of the Province of Laganaduck, 1681-89. Governor of No- va Scotia, 1690. Moseley, Edward A., 61, 154. Starr, Isaac, Jr., 104. Underhill, Captain John, 1600-1672. One of the earliest officers of the An- cient and Honorable Artil- lery Company. Served in the Pequot War. Gover- nor of Exeter and Dover, New Hampshire, 1641. Led the Dutch Troops against the Sinaroy Indians, 1644. Coles, Henry Rutgers Rem- sen, 40. Davies, Julien T., 42. Suydam, Walter Lispenard,77. Townsend, James Hill, 79. Underhill, Edgar, 80. Underhill, Frederick E., 80. Balch, Edwin S., 94. Balch, Thomas W^, 95. Upham, Lieutenant Phine- HAs,i635-i676. Of Maiden, Mass. He was Lieutenant of the Fourth Company of the Massachusetts Regi- ment headed by the brave Isaac Johnson of Roxbury, in the Great Swamp Fight, and after the Captain was killed, received his mortal wounds, from which he lan- guished until October fol- lowing. Baker, Frank Leslie, 32. Bell, Charles Upham, 122. Upham, Charles C, 132. Haskins, Charles Waldo, 153. Utie, Captain John. Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1623-29, for the plantations between Arch- er's Hope and Martain's Hundred (Kiskiak), after- wards Yorktown. Member for Hogg Island, 1631. Captain of Militia, 1631. Member of the King's Council, 1732-34. Browne, Bennet B., iii. Valentine, Colonel Benja- min, 1650-1712. Dragoon in colonial service. 287 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Valentine, Abraham B., 8i. Valentine, Samuel H., 8r. Valentine, John, 1724. His Majestie's Crown Advo- cate-General of the Prov- inces. Ballord, Esek Steere, 186. Van Brugh, Captain Peter, 1666-1756. Captain, 1715- 22, at Fort Orange. Livingston, Philip L., 57. Van Brunt, Mayor Corne- lius, 1754- Mayor of Kings County Militia, No- vember, 1700. Member of the General Assembly of the Province of New York, 1699-1711. Warner, Culbreth H., 117. Van Cortlandt, Colonel Oloff Stevensen, 1600- 1684. In 1649 Colonel of the City Train Band, and in 1655-64, the last Burgo- master of New Amsterdam before the English con- quest. Astor, John Jacob, 31. Beekman, James William, 33. Erving, William V. R., 45. Harriman, William E., 51. Hillhouse, Francis, 53. Paige, Edward W., 64. Pell, William Cruger, 66. Sill, John T., 73. Suydam, Walter Lispenard, 77. Van Cortlandt, Robert B., 81. Ver Planck, William G., 82. Tucker, William Ruggles,i32. Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, 153. Van Cortlandt, Colonel Stephanus. Kings Coun- ty Regiment, 1671-93. Member of King's Council, 1680-1700. Clark, Henry S., 39. Russell, William Hamilton, 69. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 71. Ver Planck, William G., 82. Tucker, William Ruggles,i8i. V.\N Dam, Gov^ernor Rip, 1660 -1749. Member of New- York Provincial Assembly, 1699. Member of His Majesty's Council thirty years, and Governor of the Province, 173 1. Duane, William N., 43. Miller, John Bleecker, 60. Van Der Bogaert, Harmen Myndertse, 1612-1647. Surgeon of the West India Company's ship Endraght, 1630-33, at New Amster- dam. Commissary at Fort Orange, 1645. Du Bois, William M., 44. Van Der Heyden, D i r c k . Served in Captain Johannes Schuyler's Troop, Albany, 1715- Grinnell, William Milne, 50. Van Horne, Colonel Philip. Commanding a Regiment of Militia, Province of New Jersey, 1771. Lansdale, Philip Van Horne, 56. Van Rensselaer, Captain Henry. Captain of a Com- pany of Foot Militia, 1735. New York Provincial Forces, French and Indian Wars. Hardie, Francis H., 152. Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, 152. Van Rensselaer, Colonel Jeremias. 1674. The second Patroon. Member of the Colonial Assembly, and Speaker, 1664. Colo- nel of Militia at Albany. Beekman, James William, 33. Cogswell, Cullen Van Rensse- laer, 40. Erving, William Van Rensse- laer, 46. Harriman, William E., 51. Hillhouse, Francis, 53. Paige, Edward W., 64. Sill, John T., 74. Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt S., 8r. Van Rensselaer, Eugene, 81. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hardie, Francis H., 152. Hardie. Joseph Cuyler, 152. Van Rensselaer, Colonel JoHANNES,i7o8-i783. New York Provincial Forces. Cogswell, Cullen Van Rensse- laer, 40. Pell, William Cruger, 66. Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt S., 81. Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, 1595 -1670. First Patroon of the Manor of Rensselaer- wyck, 1631. Beekman, James William, 33. Erving, William Van Rensse- laer, 46. Harriman, William E., 51. Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt S., 81. Van Rensselaer, Eugene, 81. Hardie, Francis H., 152. Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, 152. Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen. Second Lord and Third Patroon, Manor of Rensse- laerwyck. Member of Coun- cil, 1704-19. Clark, Henry S. , 39. .Schieffelin, Schuyler, 71. Van Rensselaer, Eugene, 81. Van Rensselaer, Lieutenant Killian, 1717-17S1. Pro- vincial Forces of New York, 1743- Hoff, JohnVanRensselaer, 53. Van Schoonhoven, Captain Jacobus, 1690-1749. Of the Colonial Forces of New York, 1715. Whitney, Drake, 87. VAN Schuyler, Filyp Pie- terse, 1628-1683. Cap- tain in New York Provincial Forces, 1667. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 51. Schuyler, John, 71. Tucker, William R., 132. VAN Schuyler, Colonel Jo- hannes, 1633-1717. New York Provincial Forces, and Indian Wars. Pell, William Cruger, 66. Van Slichtenhorst, Brant Arentse. " First Resident Director of the Colonie of Rensselaerwyck," 1646-48, and Commander of the Fort at Rensselaerwyck. Beeckman, James William, 33. Crosby, Edward Nicoll, 41. Crosby, Livingston, 41. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 51. Livingston, Philip, 57. Montgomery, J. Lynch, 60. Pruyn, John V. S. L., 67. Schuyler, Clarksoii C, 71. Sill, John T., 73. Armstrong, lioratio Gates, no. Van Vechten, Lieutenant Teunis, 1707-1785. First Lieutenant, 1748. Cap- tain Kasparus Bronk's Company, first Battalion of Sir VVilliam Johnson's Regi- ment, of Albany County, Province of New York. Van Vechten, Abraham V. W.,Si. Van Vorst, Colonel Corne- lius, 1728-1768. Com- mander of a Battalion of Foot. Bergen County Mili- tia. Booraem, Robert E., 36. Van Wie, Hendricksee Ger- ritsee, 1691. A sol- dier in the Expedition against Canada in 1690. \\ as desperately wounded at La Prairie, and died soon after. Beale, Charles F. T., 151. Varnum, George, i 594-1649. Ipswich, Mass. Took part in Indian Wars in Massa- chusetts. Varnum, James M., 81. Varnum, Colonel Joseph, 1672 . Of Massachu- setts Troop of Horse, in King Philip's War, and on the Staff of Governor Fran- cis Bernard. Varnum, James M., 81. 589 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Varnum, Samuel, 1620 . Served in Captain Nicholas Manning's Company, of Ipswich, in Narragansett Campaign, King Philip's War. Varnum, James M., 81. Varnum, Major Samuel, 1715-1797. Of Massachu- setts Troop of Horse, In- dian Wars. Varnum, James M., 81. Vassall, William. Assistant and Patentee of Massa- chusetts Bay Colony, 1629. Allen, Francis O., 94. Vaughan, Cartain Robert, 1600-1668. Commander or Viceroy of Kent, Province of Maryland, 1647. Privy Councillor, 1648-50. Mem- ber of Assembly, 1642. Spencer, John T., 104. Veeder, Simon Volkertsie, 1624-1697. One of the defenders of Schenectady when it was attacked and destroyed by the French and Indians in 1690. Long, Oscar F., 154. Vermilye, Isaac, 1601-1676. Commanded the Harlaem Volunteers in the Expedi- tion to Esopus, June, 1663, during the Indian War. Vermilye, Ashbel G., 81, 163. Vermilye, Johannes, 1632- 1696. Member of Governor Leisler's Council, 1690. Vermilye, Ashbel G., 81, 163. Vernon, Randal, 1640-1725. Member of Provincial As- sembly of Pennsylvania, 16S7. Howell, Henry W., Jr., 53. Griswold, Benjamin Howell, 112. Ver Planck, Ensign Geleyn, 1637-1684. Ensign, 1673. In Garrison at the Fort in New York City. Ver Planck, William G., 82. Ver Planck, Ensign Philip, 1695-1771. Ensign in Colo- nel Vetch's Regiment, Mas- sachusetts Colonial Forces, 1611. Commissioner to the Six Nations, 1746. Com- missioner for fortifications, 1755. Member New York Provincial Assembly, 1734- 68. Ver Planck, William G., 82. Vickere, George, 1679. Private in Captain John- son's Company, King Philip's War. Binney, William Greene, 35. Vreeland, Enoch. Member of General Assembly of East Jersey for seventeen years. Commissioned En- sign, 1681. Earle, Ferdinand P., 44. Wadsworth, Christopher. Duxbury. Deputy to the General Court, Plymouth Colony, 1639. Soldier in Captain Myies Standish's Company, 1643. Howland, Daniel W., 127. Wadsworth, Captain Joseph. Lieutenant in King Philip's War. Afterward Captain of the Hartford Train Band. He was the preserver of the Connecticut Charter, Octo- ber 31, 16S7, which he se- creted from Governor An- dros in the Charter Oak. Catlin, Abijah, 138. Hungerford, Clarence Catlin, 142. Seymour, Morris W., 144. Wadsworth, Captain Sam- uel, 1676, of Milton. Killed by the Indians at Sudbury, April, 1676. King Philip's War. Howland, Daniel W., 127. Wadsworth, Dexter E., 132. Wadsworth, Edwin D., 132. Wainwright, Francis, 1692. A soldier in the Pe- quot War, who took part 290 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. in the battle of Bloody Brook. Beale, Charles F. T., 151. Waite, Captain John. See Wayte. Wakeman, Captain Joseph, 167 0-1726. Lieutenant, 1704, Captain, 170S. Fairfield Train Band. Member Fairfield County Committee of War, 1709. Assistant, 1724-25. Wakeman, Jessup, 82. Walcott, Captain Jonathan, 1699. Lieutenant, 1685. Captain, Salem, Massachusetts, Troop of Horse, 1689. Served in King Philip's War, and in expedition against the In- dians in 1689. Robbins, Howard S., 69. Waldron, Major Richard, 1615-1689. Dover, N. H. Commissioned Captain and Majorfin King Philip's War. Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Expedition against the Penobscot and Kenne- bec Indians, 1676. Ap- pointed Commander of the Provincial Forces of New Hampshire, with the rank of Major, 1679, and again in 1689. Deputy to the General Court of Massa- chusetts, sixteen terms, 1654-79. Speaker of the House, General Court of Massachusetts, seven terms, 1666-79. Royal Councillor and Deputy-Governor of the Province of New Hampshire, 1680 ; de facto Governor of the Province, i68r. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1659-82. Member of His Majesty's Council under Lieutenant- Governor Cranfield, 1682. Chief Justice of the Supe- rior Court of New Hamp- shire, 1683. Massacred by the Indians at Cochecho (Dover), June 27, 1689. Wilson, Fred M., 133. Frisbie, Franklin Senter, 170. Walker, Edward, 1694-1787, WobuiTi, Mass. Repre- sentative to the General Court, five terms, 1745-54. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Walker, George, 1731 , of Captain Israel Davis's Company, Maine, 1757. Walker, Richard H., 83. Walker, Phineas. Soldier French War, 1759. Walker, George L., 145. Walker, Captain Richard. Deputy from Reading to the Massachusetts General Court, 1640, '41, '48, and '49. In 1632 was a Lieuten- ant in a company defending Lynn against the Indians. March 9, 1637, he was made an Ensign of the Lynn Company. April iS, 1637, was ordered out by the General Court for the war against the Pequots. A member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, and was Captain in 1656. Smith, Edward A., 144. W^alker, George L., 145. Walker, Williston, 145. Walker, Ensign Samuel, 1642 -1703. Corporal, S e r - geant, and Ensign of the Woburn Company. Mem- ber of the Boston Con- vention, 1689. Deputy to the General Court, 1694. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Walker, Captain Samuel, 1655-1712. He was Cor- net, Lieutenant, and Cap- tain, and served under Major William Bradford, in King Philip's War. He was also Deputy to the Gen- 291 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. eral Court held at Plymouth, Mass., 1705. Biyson, Andrew, 38. Walker, Dr. Thomas, 171 5- 1794. Adjutant of the Fron- tier Counties of Virginia, 1754. Served in the expe- dition to the Ohio against the French. Was at Brad- dock's defeat. Member of the House of Burgesses. Duke, R. T. Walker, Jr., 44, 166, Walker, William, 1700 . Of Captain Joseph Inger- soU's Company, Colonel Jonathan Bagley's Regi- ment, Fort William Henry, 1756- Walker, Richard H., 83. Walley, Captain John, who was a member of the An- cient and Honorable Artil- lery, 1671. Commander, 1679. Assistant of Plym- outh Colony, 1684-gi. Member of the Council, Col- ony of Massachusetts, 1691. Commander of the Land Forces in the expedition against Quebec, 1690, Judge of the Superior Court of Massachusetts, 1700-11. Salisbury, Edward E., 144. Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury, 146. Walton, Colonel Shadrach, of New Castle. Ensign in the Provincial Forces of New Hampshire, 1691. Colonel at the capture of Port Royal in 1 710. Mem- ber of Council, 1716. Blunt, Stanhope English, 36. Ward, Andrew, 1600-1659. One of the Commissioners appointed by the Bay Col- ony, March 3, 1636, to govern the people of Con- necticut. One of the Assist- ants of the First General Court, that declared that " there shalbe an offensive warr against the Pequoitt," May I, 1637. Banta, Theodore Melvin, 32. Clarke, Isaac Sherman, 40. Wakeman, Jessup, 82. Ward, Charles Samuel, S3, 145- Ward, Sylvester L' Homme- dieu, 83. Brinton, John Hill, Jr., 96. Wessels, Henry W. , 146. Ward, Colonel Andrew. Served in expedition of New England Colonies against Louisburg, 1744-45. Dep- uty to the General Court, Colony of Connecticut, 1750, '54, '55, "57- Betts, Frederick H., 35. Betts, Louis F. H., 35. Ward, John. Lieutenant of New Worck (Newark) Sol- diers, 1673, ^iid of Essex County Militia, 1683. Sche- pen at New Worck, 1673. Justice of Peace, Essex County, 16S2-83. Judge, 1683. Toler, Henry P., 163. Ward, John, 1626-1708. Dep- uty from Cambridge (New- ton), 1689, and nine years. His house was used as a garrison prior to and dur- ing King Philip's War, 1675. Hall, Clayton C, I12. Ward, Richard, 1666-1739. Deputy from Newton to the General Court, Colony of Massachusetts Bay, eight years. Hall, Clayton C, 112. Ward, William, 1597-1687. I~)eputy from Sudbury to the General Court, Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1644, and from Marlborough in 1666. One of the founders of the town of Marlborough, 1660. In garrison at Sud- bury in King Philip's War. Hall, Clayton C, 112. Stratton, George G., 131. 29? INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Warner, Ensign Daniel, 1692, of Hadley. En- sign in the Foot Company raised in that town, 1674. Stockbridge, Henry, Jr., 76, 116. Stockbridge, Henry, 115. Warner, Captain Joseph. Led a company on an expe- dition for the relief of Fort William Henry, in August, 1757, during the French War. Warner, Charles Dudley, 146. Warren, Daniel, Sr., 1628 , Watertown, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Dorman, William B., 124. Washbourne, John, 1670. First Secretary of Massa- chusetts Bay Colony. Washburn, John Henry, S3. Washburn, William Ives, 84. Leach, J. Granville, 99. Washburn, John, 1621 . Served in King Philip's War under Captain Church. Washburn, John Henry, 83. Washburn, William Ives. 84. Washington, Sergeant Sam- uel, who was a Sergeant in a Company organized in Bridgewater, Mass., dur- ing King Philip's War. Was in a fight with the Indians, May, 1676. Deming, Judson K., 139. Waters, Lawrence. Soldier in garrison at Lancaster, 1675, and earlier. Houghton, Henry O., 126. Houghton, Henry O., Jr., 127. Watmough, Captain Ed- ward. Provincial Armies in Massachusetts in the Earl of Dumlaureg's Regi- ment, 1752-55- Watmough. John G., 105. Watmough, James H., 156. Watts, John. Member of As- sembly, Province of New York, 1753. Served on a Committee to defend New York against New Hamp- shire and Massachusetts. Russell, Wm. Hamilton, 70. Wayne, Captain Isaac, 1699- 1774. Provincial Forces of Pennsylvania. Indian Wai-, 1756. Wayne, William, 86, 105. Wayne, William, Jr., 105. Wayte, Captain John (Waite), 161 8-1693. Lieu- tenant of Maiden, Massa- chusetts, Colonial Forces, 1658. Captain, 1662-84. Led detachment of soldiers to Marlborough, 1675. Served in King Philip's War under Major John Pynchon. For eighteen years Deputy to the General Court. Speaker of the House of Deputies, 1684. Robbins, Howard S., 69. Haskins, Charles Waldo, 153. Webb, Richard, 1611-1676. Served in Captain Turner's Company, Great Falls Fight. Wilcox, Reynold Webb, 87. Webb, Samuel. Private in Colonel Israel Putnam's Regiment at siege of Fort George and Fort Edward, 1756-57- Price, Henry R., 67. Webster, John, 1590-1661. One of the original settlers of Hartford and one of the founders of the Colony of Connecticut. Deputy, 1637. Assistant, Hartford, Conn., 1639-55. Deputy Gover- nor, 1655. Governor, 1656. First Magistrate, 1657, '58, '59. Judge of the Court, Hadley, Mass , 1660. Grinnell, William Milne, 49. Peck, Guy Dayton, 65. Ripley, Charles S., 69. Rogers, James S., 103. Stevens, Charles Ellis, 104. 293 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Crappens, John, 139. Eaton, Daniel C, 140. French, William F., 140. Webster, William R., Jr., 146. Webster, Joseph Rawson,T56. Webster, William H., 156. Weeks, John, 1690, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, who died on the expedition to Canada, 1690. Moseley, Edward A., 61, 154. Weiser, Colonel Conrad, 1696-1760. Commissioned Colonel, 1755. Command- ed a regiment of volunteers from Bucks County, and had command of the Sec- ond Battalion, Pennsylva- nia Regiment, in the French and Indian War. Cammann, George P., 38. Cammann, Henry L., 38. Welch, Lieutenant Paul, 1696-1778, of New Mil- ford. Lieutenant New Milford Company, 1743. Deputy to the General Court sixteen terms. Col- ony of Connecticut. Noble, Henry Harmon, 62. Welles, Captain Gideon, 1692-1740. Commissioned, May, 1725, Ensign of the North Company of Weath- ersfield. Lieutenant, May, 1731. Captain, 1735. Col- ony of Connecticut. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, W^illiam Ives, 85. Welles, John, 1621-1659. Deputy to the General Court, 1656. Assistant, 1658. Colony of Connect- icut. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Welles, Captain Robert, 1648-1714. Deputy to the General Court forty-two ses- sions, 1690-1714. Assistant, 1697. Captain, 1687-1701. Colony of Connecticut. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Welles, Captain Samuel, 1625-1675. Deputy, 1637- 62. Commanded a com- pany at the Great Swamp Fight. Elliott, Daniel Giraud, 45. Shelton, George Gregory, 72. Shelton, William Atwood, 73. Welles, Governor Thomas, 1 598-1660, Weathersfield, Conn. Magistrate of Gov- erning Court, 1637-60. Second Treasurer, 1639- 51. Secretary, 1640-48. Governor pro tern., 1651. Deputy Governor, 1654, '56, '57> '59- Governor, 1655, '58. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1649. Backus, J. Bayard, 32. Bowen, Clarence W., 36. Britton, Charles P., 37. Chapman, Thomas Brownell, 39- Elliott, Daniel Giraud, 45. Hart, George W., 51. Hosmer, Edward S., 53. Shelton, George G., 72. Shelton, William A., 73. Throop, George Enos, 79. Walbridge, T. Chester, 83, 105. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Welles, Benjamin, 86. Lennig, Charles F., 100. Munson, C. LaRue, 102. Rogers, James S., 103. Stevens, Charles Ellis, 104. Wilson, J. Appleton, 117. Hart, Samuel, 141. Heaton, John E., 141. Hooker, Edward W., 142. Wells, Benjamin Warner, 156. Wells, Captain Thomas, 1620- 1677. Soldier in Captain William Turner's Company, Falls Fight. Murray, Charles H., 62. Wellington, Benjamin, 1676- 173S. Lexington, Mass. 294 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Deputy to Massachusetts General Court, 1728-30. Clark, Arthur Wellington, 123. Wendell, Captain Johannes, Sr., 1649-1692. Captain of Infantry at Albany, 1684. Beekman, James William, 34. Grinnell, William Milne, 50. Wendell, Captain Johannes, Jr., 1684 . Served in French and Indian Wars around Albany. Grinnell, William Milne, 50. Wentworth, Lieutenant- Governor John, 1671- 1730. Member of Queen Anne's Council, 1711. Lieu- tenant-Governor of New Hampshire, 1717-30. Field, Hugh Wentworth Greene, 46. West, Colonel John. Gov- ernor of Virginia, 1635-37. Edmunds, Henry Littleton, 187. West, Thomas. See Lord de la Warr. Westwood, William, 1606- 1669. One of the Com- missioners appointed by the Massachusetts Bay Colony, to govern the Colony of Connecticut, 1636. Assist- ant, Connecticut Colony, 1637. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 85. Wetherbee, John, 164--1711, Marlborough, Mass. Sol- dier in King Philip's War. In Garrison at Marlborough. Green, Charles N., 125. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 133. Wetherill, Christopher, 1711. One of the original proprietors, and Member of the Proprietary Council of West Jersey four terms, 1688-1707. Levis, Henry, 100. Levis, Samuel W., 100. Powell, Washington B., 103. Wetherell, Captain Daniel 1630-1719. Captain and Commissary in charge of New London depot of sup- plies in King Philip's War. Commissioner to treat with Uncas. Avery, Frank M., 31. Wharton, Colonel Jesse, 1675. President and Member of the Council of Maryland, 1672-76. Dep- uty-Governor, 1676. Brent, Joseph L., iio. Keyser, Robert Brent, 114. Wheeler, John, 1642 . Of Concord. A member of Captain Davenport's Com- pany at the Great Swamp Fight, December 19, 1675. Baker, Frank, 179. Wheeler, Captain Timothy, 1604-1687, Concord (Mass.) Militia. Served in King Philip's War. Deputy nine terms, from 1663. Melville, Henry, 59. Bent, Samuel Arthur, 122. Wheelwright, John, 1760. Assistant, 1745-54, Tvlassachusetts Bay Colony. Prime, Ralph Earle, 67. Wheelwright, Colonel John, 1664-1745. Com- mander Massachusetts Bay Militia. Assistant, 1708-32. Prime, Ralph Earle, 67. Wheelwright, Lieutenant Samuel, 1635-1700. Lieu- tenant, 1665, Massachu- setts Bay Colony Militia. Assistant, 1695-99. Prime, Ralph Earle, 67. Whipple, Captain Abraham, 1733-1S19. Captain of the Privateer Gamecock, 1760. Sibley, Frederick T., 73. Whipple, Captain John, of Ipswich, Mass., 1626-1683. Cornet in Captain John Ap- pleton's Troop, 1668. Lieu- tenant of Captain Nicholas Paige's Company in the first. 295 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. or Mount Hope Campaign. King Philip's War, 1675. Captain of Ipswich Troop in 1676. Deputy to Gen- eral Court, 1674, '7g, '82, 83. Olney, George W., 64. Page, Walter Gilman, 128. Clark, ArthurWellington,i23. Philbrook, Charles F.B., 128, 171. Whitcomb, John, 1 683. Soldier in Garrison at Lan- caster, 1675. Houghton, Henry O. , 126. Houghton, Henry O., Jr. ,127. White, Captain Daniel, 1671- 1726. Ensign, 1711, in Queen Anne's War. Cap- tain of Troop, 1716, Col- ony of Connecticut. Brown, Louis, 37. Rogers, James S., 103. White, Lieutenant Daniel 1713. Lieutenant of Hatfield (Mass.) Company, 1692. Brown, Louis, 37. White, the H onorable Henry, 1732-1785. Mem- ber of Governor Tryon's Council, 1771, Province of New York. Suydam, Walter Lispenard,77. White, John. Soldier in Lan- caster Company previous to 1675. Houghton, Henry O., 126. Houghton. HenryO., Jr.,127. White, Captain Peregrine. First child born of the English in New England. Captain of Massachusetts troops and member of Council of War at Ply- mouth. 1675. Obear, Clarence Conde, 187. Obear, Frank, 187. White, Colonel Thomas, 1704-1779. Colonial Forces of Maryland, 1740-50. Montgomery, Thomas H.,ioi. Whitehead, Major Daniel, 1646-1704. Member of 296 the Assembly for Queens County, Province of New York, 1691-1701. Crothers, Stevenson, 96. Whiting, Rev, John, 1635- 1686. Chaplain of Hart- ford Forces in King Philip's War. Backus, Brady Electus, 32. French, William F., 140. Whiting, Major William. As- sistant and second Colonial Treasurer, Colony of Con- necticut, 1641-47. Served as Major in Colonial Forces. Backus, Brady E. , 32. Allen, Francis O., 94. French, William F., 140. Whitman, Ensign John, 1692. Weymouth. Ensign Military Company, 1645, Coffin, Rufus, 123. Whitmore, Francis, 1625- 1685. Cambridge. Trooper in Major Siinon W'illard's Command, King Philip's War. Gould, Levi S., 125. Thompson, Abijah, 131. Whitmore, John, 1654-1739. Medford. Soldier under Major Swayne against the Saco Indians. Gould, Levi Swanton, 125. Whitney, Captain Jonathan, 1704-1756. Massachusetts Colonial Forces, 1748. Trott, James P., 80. Whitney, Drake, 87. Whitney, John, 1624-1692. Of Watertown. A member of Captain Hugh Mason's Company in King Philip's War. Served in the Sud- bury Fight, April 29, 1676. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Pierce, Frederick Clifton, iSo. Whitney, Lieutenant-Colo- nel Josiah. Member of Captain Samuel Preston's Company, in Colonel John Whitcomb's Regiment, INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Crown Point Expedition, 1755. Member of Captain Israel Taylor's Company, in Colonel Oliver Wilder's Regiment, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Cap- tain, Harvard, Massachu- setts, Militia, 1773. Lieu- tenant-Colonel of Worcester Militia, 1774. Melville, Henry, 59. Whiton, Thomas, 1719 . Private in Captain Ezekiel Turner's Foot Company of soldiers of Hanover, Ply- mouth Bay Colony, 1750. Also private Second Foot Company, Captain Stephen Cushing, of Hingham, 1755. French War. Whiton, Louis C, 87. WiCKES, John, 1609-1675. One of the Commissioners to treat with the Narragansett Indians. Deputy, 1664-73, and 1675. Killed by Indi- ans in King Philip's War, March 17, 1675. Greene, George S., Jr., 49. Townsend, James Hill, 79. WiGGiN, Governor Thomas. Governor and Commander- in-chief of the Upper Plan- tations (Maine and New Hampshire) under Lord Say and Seal and Lord Brooke. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, and Assistant. Taylor, Washington Irving, 77- WiLLARD, George. A mem- ber of the " Scituate Com- pany" of Plymouth Colony. Active service in 1643-44. Sears, Clinton B., 72. Sears, Walter J., 72. Willard, Henry. Command- er of Garrison at Still River, Lancaster, 1692. Houghton, Henry O., 126. Houghton.Henry O. , Jr., 127. Willard, Major Simon, 1605- 1676. One of the founders of Concord, Mass. Dep- uty to the General Court, 1636-54. Assistant, 1654- 76. Commander-in-chief of the Expedition of the United Colonies against the Nyantics, 1685. Led the heroic relief at the battle of Brookfield. Commanded the Middlesex Regiment of Massachusetts Troops in King Philip's War. Stevens, Charles Ellis, 104. Wheeler, Horace L., 133. Heaton, John E., 141. Meade, Richard W., 154. Watmough, James H., 156. WiLLETT, Captain Thomas, 1610-1674. Captain of Mil- itia, Plymouth Colony, 1648. Member of Council of War, 1653. Member of General Council, 1672. First English Mayor of New York, 1665. Served on Ex- pedition which captured New York from the Dutch, 1664. Died at Barrington, R. I. Edwards, Pierrepont, 44. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 71. Tyler, Sidney Frederick, 104. Hooker, Edward W. , 142. Tyler, Augustus C, 145. Whitney, Eli, Jr., 146. WiLLETT, Colonel Thomas, 1645-1722. Commander of Queens County Militia, 1683-89. Member of Gov- ernor's Council, 1690-98, Province of New York. French and Indian War. Pell, Howland, 65. Jones, Charles H., 98. Jones, Richmond L., 99. Pell, Rodman C, 180. WiLLEY, Lieutenant John, 1648-1688. Soldier in King Philip's War. Willey, William Lithgow,i33, 171. Williams, Colonel Ephraim. 297 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Captain at Newton, Mass. Afterwards was made Colo- nel. Williams, John, 146. Williams, Captain Ezekiel, 1729-1818. Of Weathers- field. Captain First Com- pany Sixth Connecticut Regiment, 1761. After- wards Commissary during the Revolution. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 86. Williams, Isaac, i 638-1 707. Captain Military Company at Newton, Mass. Served in King Philip's War. Deputy to General Court five terms, 1692 - 1705. Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Washburn, John Henry, 84. Washburn, William Ives, 86. Williams, John, 146. Williams, Colonel John, 1706-1774. Sharon. Cap- tain, 1745. Lieutenant- Colonel, 1767. Colonel Fourteenth Regiment Con- necticut Militia, 1770. Belknap, Robert Lenox, 34. Williams, Colonel Joseph, 1708-1798. Massachusetts Colonial Line, 1755, during the Mohawk War, and was also in the Canadian Cam- paign of 1758-60. French and Indian War. Mackenzie, George Norbury, 58, 114. Williams, John Savage, 117. Williams, Joseph. Soldier in King Philip's War. Parkhurst, Charles D., 143. Williams, Richard, 1606- 1693. Deputy to the Ply- mouth General Court for Taunton, 1646, '48, '50, '51. Foster, Francis A., 124. Williams, Governor Roger, 1599-1683. Captain of Train Band at Providence during King Philip's War. 298 Governor of Rhode Island, 1654. Constantine, Richard Buell, 41. Lee, Edmund Jennings, 100. Parkhurst, Charles D., 143. Williams, Captain Stephen, 1 640-1 720. Roxbury, Mass. Captain of Troop of Horse in command of the Fron- tier, 1707-12. In the sum- merof i7ioCaptain Stephen Williams and his Troop served as a guard to Colonel Schuyler and the Maqua Indians. Mackenzie, George Norbury, 114. Williams, Surgeon Thomas, 1718-1775. In the French and Indian Wars of 1744— -48 he was Surgeon in charge of a line of forts from Fort Dummer, on the Connecticut River, to Fort Massachusetts, in Berkshire County. In 1755 he was Surgeon under Sir William Johnson, in the Crown Point Expedition, in the Regiment commanded by his brother, Colonel Ephraim Williams, and was present when he was killed, "on the day of the bloody morning Scout," September 8, 1755- Williams, Ephraim, 87. Williams, John, 146. Willing, Captain Charles, 1710-1754. Commanded a Company in the Associated Regiment of Foot of Phila- delphia, 1747, '48, under Colonel Abraham Taylor. Balch, Edwin S., 94. Balch, Thomas W., 95. Bayard, Thomas F., 95. Page, S. Davis. 102. Willoughby, Deputy-Gov- ernor Francis, 1613-1671. Ensign, 1640. Assistant, 1650. Member of Parlia- INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ment, 1658. Deputy-Gov- ernor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1665-71. Noyes, Charles P., 63. Sill, John T., 73. Wilson, Sergeant Joseph, 1655-1710. Keeper of Garrison House at Kit- tery. Wilson, Fred A., 133. Wilton, Lieutenant David, 1678. Served in King Philip's War, Colonial Forces of Connecticut. Greene, Richard H., 49. Winchester, John, 1638-171S. First Deputy from Brook- line to the General Court, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Mackenzie, George Norbury, 114. Wingate, Colonel Joshua, 1679-1769. Deputy to the General Court, Province of New Hampshire, from Hampton, 1715, 1727-31. Captain, 1716. Major, 1730. In 1745, being then Colo- nel, despatched two com- panies of his Regiment for service at Louisbourg, Cape Breton. Hall, Clayton C, 112. Stickney, George H., 115. WiNSHip, Lieutenant Ed- ward, 1612-1688. Mem- ber of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, 163S. Ensi'gn and Lieutenant, 1660, in the Militia. Deputy to the General Court, Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1663 '64, '81, '86. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 71. Leach, J. Granville, 99. Winslow, Governor Edward, who came to Plymouth in the Mayflower. Governor of Plymouth Colony, 1633, '36, '44- Ward, Aaron, 83. Winslow, Lieutenant Job, 1641-1675. In command of Trained Band, Free- town, Mass., 1702. Served in the fight at Swansea, 1675. Greene, Richard H., 49. Tuttle, Frank D., 80. Winslow, Governor Josiah. Commander - in - Chief of Colonial Forces in the Great Swamp Fight. Gov- ernor of Plymouth Colony, 1673-80. Ward, Aaron, 83. Winston, Lieutenant Wil- liam, 1737-1799. A Lieu- tenant in the Virginia troops in French and In- dian Wars. Barrett, Richard Aylett, 186. Winter, John, 1635-1690. Soldier in Captain Hench- man's Company, King Phil- ip's War. Gerry, Allston, 48. Winthrop, Governor John, 1587-1649. First Governor of Massachusetts Bay Col- ony, 1629-34, 1637-40, 1642-44, 1646 to his death in 1649. At other times he was either Assistant, 1635 and 1641, or Deputy Gov- ernor, 1636 and 1644. Was in office continuously twen- ty years. Commissioner of United Colonies, 1643 and 1645. Colonel Suffolk Regi- ment, 1636. Frving, William V. R., 45. Koues, George E., 56, 162. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 70. Winthrop, Grenville Bayard, 88. Ballantine, Henry W., no. Winthrop, Governor John, 1606-1676. Governor Con- necticut and New Haven Colonies, 1657-76. Lieu- tenant-Colonel Essex Regi- ment, 1636. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 70, 299 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Winthrop, Grenville Bayard, 88. Winthrop, Major-General Wait Still, 1641-1717. Major-General, Chief Jus- tice, Member of the Execu- tive Council, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 70. Winthrop, Grenville Bayard, 88. Withington, Captain John, 1649-1690. Commanded the Dorchester Company in Sir William Phipps's expe- dition against Canada, and was lost at sea, with forty- six of his men, October, 1690. Withington, James H,, 88. WoLcoTT, Governor Roger, 1679-1767. Major-General, siege of Louisburg, 1745. Governor of Connecticut, 1751-54- Gardiner, David, 48. Gardiner, Robert A., 48. Spencer, Lorillard, 75. Thompson, Frederick Dio- dati, 78. Chew, James L. , 139. Davis, Gustavus P., 139. Harrison, Lynde, 141. Taintor, George E., 145. Woodbury, James, 173S-1823. In Colonel Robert Rogers' Regiment of Rangers at the storming of Quebec, Sep- tember 13, 1759. Woodbury, Urban A., 175. Woodbury, Peter, 1705-1775. Enlisted at Marblehead, Mass., in 1755, in French and Indian War. Woodbury, Urban A., 175. Woodcock, John, . Reho- both. (>)mmander Wood- cock's Garrison, King Philip's War. Guild, Chester, Jr., 125. Woodhull, General Nathan- iel, 1722-1776. Served un- der Lord Abercrombie, 1754, and Lord Amherst, 1759, being present at the capitu- lation of Montreal, in 1760. Lawrence, Abraham R., 57. Woodman, Lieutenant Ed- ward, 1612 . Lieu- tenant, 1637. Served in the Pequot War. Deputy, 1836, '37, '39, ' 43, Mas- sachusetts Bay Colony. Woodman, Clarence E., 88. Remick, John A., 129. Remick, Timothy, 130. Woodman, Lieutenant Joshua, i 720-1800. Ser- geant in Captain Joseph Woodman's Company, 1757. Lieutenant, 1761. - Woodman, Clarence E., 88. WooLSEY, Captain George, 1650 - 1740. Captain Queens County Militia, 171 5, Province of New York. Townsend, James H., 79. W^RiGHT, Lieutenant Abel, 1631-1725. Served in In- dian Wars. Deputy, 1695, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Allen, Francis Olcott, 94. Wright, Judge Solomon. Member of the Maryland Conventions four terms, 1771-75- Thorn, W. H. De C. W., 77, 116. Wyeth, Ebenezer. Soldier in Cambridge Contingent, French and Indian Wars. Wyeth, Richard H., 89. Wyeth, John. Soldier in Cap- tain Gookin's Company, King Philip's War. Wyeth, Richard PL, 89. Wyllys, Governor George, Trooper in Pequot War. Assistant, 1639. Governor of Connecticut, 1641-42. Betts, Frederick H., 34. Betts, Louis F. H., 35. Grinnell, Wm. Milne, 49. Wyllys, Samuel, Assistant, 1654 - 85. Commissioner 300 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. for the United Colonies, i66i,'62,'64,"67. Colony of Connecticut. Betts, Frederick H., 35. Betts, Louis F. H., 35. Wyman, Lieutenant John, 1621-1684. Of Woburn, Lieutenant in Captain Thomas Prentiss' Company, in the Mount Hope Cam- paign, September 21, 1675, and in the Great Swamp Fight, December ig, 1675, and in the latter received a wound in the face. Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay. Wyman, Walter Channing, 181. Wyman, Lieutenant Nehe- MIAH, 1722-1775. Ser- geant in Captain David Green's Company of Colo- nel Eleazer Tyng's Regi- ment, which marched to the relief of Fort William Henry in 1757 ; also again served in Colonel Tyng's Regiment from Woburn in 1759. Lieutenant, 1763- 74- Wyman, Walter, 156. Wyman, Charles Hadley, 188. Wyman, Henry Purkitt, 188. Wynne, Dr. Thomas, 1630- i6g2. First Pr o vi n cia 1 Assembly, Province of Pennsylvania, 1682-83. Williams, Charles, 105. Yardley, William, 1632-1693. Member of the Governor's Council, 1688. Powell, Washington B., 103. Yeates, Jasper, 1720. Member of the Council, Province of Pennsylvania. Balch, Edwin Swift, 94. Balch, Thomas Willing, 95. * Furnished a print of their ancestor for this Register. 301 " CAMP COLOUR. BORN AT THE SIEGE OF LOUIS- BOURG, 1745. EXPEDITION UNDER SIR WILLIAM PEPPERRELL. PRESENTED TO THE NEW YORK HIS- TORICAL SOCIETY BY JOHN STARK." A FAC-SIMILE OF THE ORIGINAL, MADE BY PERMISSION FOR THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. APPENDIX. Committee on Louisbourg Memorial. HOAVLAND Pell, Chairman, New York. Satterlee Swartwout, Treasurer, Stamford, Conn. Walter K. Watkins, i8 Somerset St., Boston. John Appleton Wilson, Baltimore, Md. Gen. R. N, Batchelder, U. S. A., Washington, D.C. Malcolm Macdonald, Princeton, N. J. Dr. Charles Samuel Ward, Bridgeport, Conn. F. Senter Frisbie, Penacook, N. H. John Grant Norton, St. Albans, Vt. George Cuthbert Gillespie, 1380 Arch St., Philadelphia. Madison Grant, Secretary, 18 Exchange Place, New York City. The committee having been successful in raising sufficient funds to erect a suitable memorial to commemorate the cap- ture of Louisbourg, June 17, 1745, consider that a brief ac- count of the undertaking may be of interest to the members of the Society. The fame of the strength of the fortress, and difficulties to be overcome were so great, that when Governor Shirley first proposed the scheme to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, it was rejected, and when reconsidered was i APPENDIX. carried by only one vote. While the expedition was a New England enterprise, New York sent ten cannon, powder, and provisions ; New Jersey and Pennsylvania also con- tributed money and clothing. The expedition sailed March 24, 1745, and consisted of 4,070 men : 3,250 from Massa- chusetts Bay, 304 from New Hampshire, and 516 from Con- necticut. The Rhode Island contingent of 150 men arrived after the surrender. The troops were embarked in a fleet of 90 transports and 16 armed vessels under Captain Ed- ward Tyng. The fleet reached Cape Breton early in April, but on account of the ice was prevented from landing at Louisbourg, and remained at Canseau, where the English ships under Commodore Warren joined the expedition on the 23d of the month. On May ist the whole force was safely landed at Gabarus Bay, a short distance to the west- ward of the fortress. Louisbourg was a fortified town on the easterly end of Cape Breton Island, and was supposed to be the key to the French possessions on the river and gulf of St. Lawrence. The fortifications were commenced by order of Louis XV., in 1720, and cost about six million dollars. In honor of the event he ordered a medal struck off, and it is proposed to have the reverse of the medal issued by the committee, in honor of the 150th Anniversary of the capture, a facsimile of the reverse of the French medal. The town, which contained churches, a hospital, and many build- ings, was situated on a tongue of land between the harbor and the ocean, being protected on the land sides by powerful bas- tions connected by curtain walls of earth and masonry with a wide moat and glacis. The water fronts were protected by earthworks and palisades. Across the harbor, half a mile wide and two miles long, was the Grand Battery, built to protect the narrow entrance. Between Rochefort Point, the end of the tongue of land on which the old town was built, and Light House Point, the other side of the entrance to the harbor, was an island with a battery on it. The country around the fortress was slightly undulating and swampy in places over which the besieging forces, with great difficulty, dragged their cannon. A reconnoiter- ing force, under Colonel Vaughan, flanked the position, APPENDIX. burned a quantity of stores and buildings, and occupied the Grand Battery, which they found abandoned. Not having a flag, a New England boy, William Tufts, climbed up the pole and fastened his red coat to it. The heavy guns captured here were of great use in reducing the works, which were so strong and well defended, that they were not surrendered until June 17th, after much suffering and gallant fighting on both sides. The total losses of the New Eng- land forces during the siege were 130, but several hundred died subsequently while in garrison, until relieved the fol- lowing spring by regulars from Gibraltar. The French lost in killed and wounded about 200 ; and Governor Duchambon surrendered 650 regulars, 1,310 militia, 2,000 inhabitants, besides the frigate Vigilante with her crew of 560 men, captured early in the siege. The fleet rendered valuable service in blockading the harbor and by its moral effect ; but all the fighting was done by our gallant New England forefathers. It is unnecessary to give the personal history of the principal officers, as they will be found in the Index, for this Society is fortunate in numbering among its mem- bers many of their descendants. Louisbourg, though now deserted save by a few fishermen, still shows that it was a strong fortress with glacis, moat, ramparts, gateways, bas- tions, and casemates, in which the sheep now find a refuge from the wintry blasts, though there are people yet living, whose grandparents found a shelter there from the storm of New England shot and shell. The long rows of un- marked graves have been neglected by their countrymen for a hundred and fifty years, but in a few months a lofty granite shaft, crowned with a cannon ball, of victory, will do honor to the memory and gallant deeds of the American soldiers of 1745. APPENDIX. A Registry of the Commissions in the Army under THE Command of the Hon. William Pepperrell, Esq., for an Expedition against the French Settlement on Cape Breton. general officers. William Pepperrell, Esq. Lieutenant-General and Commander-in-Chief of all the Forces by Sea and Land in said Expedition, and dated January 31, 1745. From Governor Shirley, Governor Law, and Gov- ernor Wentworth. Roger Wolcott, Esq. Major-General, from Governor Shirley, dated March 7, 1745. Samuel Waldo, Esq. Brigadier-General, jfrom Governor Shirley. Dated March 7, 1745. Joseph Dwight, Esq. Brigadier-General, from Governor Shirley. Dated February 20, 1745. commissions in the first regiment of the Massachu- setts troops, received from governor SHIRLEY. The Hon. William Pepperrell, Esq. Colonel and Capt. of the ist Company, Jan. 31, 1744. John Bradstreet, Esq. 2d Colonel and Capt. of the 2d Co., Feb. John Storer, Esq. 2d Lieut.-Col. and Capt. of ye 3d Co., Feb. 5. Richard Cutt, Esq. Major and Capt. of ye 4th Co., Feb. 5. Peter Staples, Capt. -Lieut, ist Co., Feb. 5, 1744. Ephraim Baker, Capt. 2d, Feb. 16, John Kinslagh, Capt. 5th, Feb. 2, John Harman, Capt. 6th, Feb. 5 LIEUT.-GEN. SIR WILLIAM PEPPERRELL. BART. The Victor of Louisburg, A. D. 1745. FROiM Original Painting from the Peiierkeli, Mansion, at Kittery, Me., NOW IN Possession of the Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. APPENDIX. Moses Butler, Thomas Perkins, William Warner, Moses Pearson, John Butler, John Fairfield, Bray Deering, Andrew Watkins, Benjamin Harman, John Burbank, George Gerrish, George Knight, George Gowell, Joel Whittemore, John Greenough, Joshua Rice, Nathaniel Kemball, Joseph Weeks, Charles Cavenagh, Thomas Adams, Thomas Hardy, John Bridge, James Springer, Joseph Goldthwait, John Gorman, Capt. 7th Co. Capt. 8th, Capt. gth, Capt. loth, Lieut. 2d, Lieut. 3d. Lieut. 4th, Lieut. 5th, Lieut. 6th, Lieut. 7th, Lieut. Sth, Lieut, gth, Lieut. loth, 2d Lieut. 1st, Ensign 1st, Ensign 2d, Ensign 2d, Ensign 3d, Ensign 4th, Ensign 5th. Ensign 6th, Ensign 7th, Ensign Sth, Ensign gth. Ensign loih. Adjutant, Armorer, Feb. 5, 1744. Feb. 5, Feb. 6, Feb. 16, Feb. 5, Feb. 5, Feb. 2, Feb. 5, Feb. 5, Feb. 5, Feb. 6, Feb. 5, Feb. 5, Feb. 16, Mar. I, Feb. 5, Feb. 5, Feb. 2, Feb. 5, Feb. 5, Feb. 5, Feb. 6, Mar. 12, Feb. I, COMMISSIONS IN THE SECOND MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT WHEREOF THE HON. SAMUEL WALDO, ESQ., IS COLONEL. Samuel Waldo, Esq. Colonel and Capt. ist Company, Feb. 7, 1744. Arthur Noble, Esq. Lieut. - Col. and Capt. 2d Co., William Hunt, Esq. Major, Feb. 15. Feb. 7. Samuel Moody, Capt. 1st Co., Feb. John Watts, Capt. 2d, Feb. Philip Dumaresque, Capt. 3d, Feb. Benjamin Goldthwait :, Capt. 4th, Feb. 20 V g, 1744. APPENDIX. Daniel Hale, Capt. 5th Co., Feb. II, 1744, Jacob Stevens, Capt. 6th, Feb. 9. James Noble, Capt. 7th, Feb. 8, Richard Jaques, Capt. 8th, Feb. 9. Daniel Fagg, Capt. gth, Feb. 13, Jeremiah Richardson, Capt. loth, Feb. 8, Charles Procter, Lieut. 1st, Feb. 9, James Noble, Lieut. 2d, Feb. 8, Josiah Crosby, Lieut. 3d, Feb. 8, Charles Harrison, Lieut. 4th, Feb. 9» James Bayley, Lieut. 5th, Feb. II, Stephen Webster, Lieut. 6th, Feb. 9' Solomon Bragden, Lieut. 7th, Feb. 8, William Allen, Lieut. 8th, Feb. 19- John Libbee, Lieut, gth, Feb. 16, Clement Chamberlain, Lieut. loth, Feb. 8, John Murphey, Ensign of ye 1st, Feb. 9. John Cargill, Ensign 2d, Feb. 8, Thomas French, Ensign 3d, Feb. 15, Joseph Newhall, Ensign 4th, Mar. 5, Abraham Edwards, Ensign 5th, Feb. II, Edmond Morse, Ensign 6th, Feb. 9. Daniel Meshavey, Ensign 7th, Feb. 8, Edward Clark, Ensign Sth, Feb. 9' Jonathan Lord, Ensign gth, Feb. 16, John Russell, Ensign loth. Feb. 8, John Shaw, 2d Lieut., June 12, COMMISSIONS IN THE THIRD MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT WHEREOF THE HON. JEREMIAH MOULTON, ESQ., IS COLONEL. Jeremiah Moulton, Esq. Colonel and Capt. ist Company. Nathaniel Donnell, Esq. Lieut. -Col. and Capt. 2d Co., Feb. 5, 1744. Edward Ellis, Esq. Major, Capt. 3d Co., Feb. 25. 1744- Christopher Marshall, Capt. 3d Co., Feb. 13, James Grant, Capt. 4th, Feb. I, Charles King, Capt. 5th, Feb. I, Peter Prescott, Capt. 6th, vi Feb. 9' APPENDIX. Ammi Ruhami Cutter, Capt. 7th Co., Samuel Rhodes, Capt. 8th, Jan. 29, 1744, Bartholomew Trow, Capt. gth, Feb. 15, Estes Hatch, Capt. loth, Capt. -Lieut, ist, Capt. -Lieut. 2d, Feb. 4, Benjamin Stansbury, Lieut. 3d, Feb. I, Benjamin Phippen, Lieut. 4th, Feb. I, John Marston, Lieut. 5th, Feb. 4, William Larker, Lieut. 6th, Lieut. 7th, Feb. 9. Jonathan Hartshorn, Lieut. 8th, Feb. 8, Joseph Miller, Lieut, gth. Feb. 15. Ebenezer Newall, Lieut. loth, 2d Lieut. 1st, 2d Lieut. 2d, Feb. 4, Nathaniel Richardson, Ensign 3d, Feb. 15, Israel Porter, Ensign 4th, Feb. I, Joseph Gerrish, Ensign 5th, Feb. 14, Jonathan Hoar, Ensign 6th, Ensign 7th, Feb. 9> John Hearsey, Ensign 3th, Feb. 8, Joseph Fairbanks, Ensign gth. Feb. 8, Ebenezer Summer, Ensign lOth, Feb. 4, James Donnell, Ensign, Feb. 5, John Lane, Lieut., Feb. 5, COMMISSIONS IN THE FOURTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT WHEREOF SAMUEL WILLARD, ESQ., IS COLONEL. Samuel Willard, Esq. Col. and Capt. ist Company, Feb. 19, 1744. Thomas Chandler, Esq. Lieut. -Col. and Capt. 2d Co., Feb. 9. Seth Pomeroy, Major and Capt. 3d Co., Feb. 24. Joshua Peirce, John Warner, David Melvin, Palmer Goulding, James Stevens, Capt. 1st Co., Capt. 4th, Capt. 5th, Capt. 6th, Capt. 7th, vii Feb. 18, 1744. Feb. 18, Feb. 15, Feb. 15, Feb. 13, APPENDIX. John Huston, Capt. 8th Co., Feb. 15. 1744. John Miller, Capt. gth, Feb. 16, Jabez Omstead, Capt. loth, Feb. 20, Abijah Willard, Lieut. 1st, Feb. 18, John Payson, Lieut. 2d, Feb. 9. Ebenezer Alexander, Lieut. 3d, Mar. 9, Joseph Whittcomb, Lieut. 4th, Feb. 18, Eliezer Melvin, Lieut. 5th, Feb. 15, John Stearns, Lieut. 6th, Feb. 15, Timothy Johnson, Lieut. 7th, Reuben King, Lieut. 8th, Feb. 15, Samuel Chandler, Lieut. 9th, Feb. 20, James Fry, Lieut. loth. Feb. 13, John Trumbull, Ensign ist, Feb. 18, David King, Ensign 2d, Feb. 9. William Lyman, Ensign 3d, Mar. 9. William Hutchins, Ensign 4th, Feb. 18, Isaac Barran, Ensign 5th, Feb. 15, Nathan Payson, Ensign 6th, Ensign 7th, Feb. 15, Benjamin Shelden, Ensign 8th, Feb. 21, John Maw, Ensign gth. Ensign loth, Feb. 20, Jonathan Hubbard, Adjutant, Feb. iS, John Hamilton, Lieutenant, Feb. 20, COMMISSIONS IN THE FIFTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT WHEREOF ROBERT HALL, ESQ., IS COLONEL. Robert Hall, Esq. Colonel. Edward Evelith, Esq. Lieut. -Col. and Capt. of the 2d Co., Feb. 7, 1744. Moses Titcomb, Esq. Major and Capt. of the 3d Co., Feb. 7. Jonathan Bayley, Jerenth. Foster, Samuel Davis, Thomas Staniford, Charles Byles, Capt. 4th Co. Capt. 5th, Capt. 6th, Capt. 7th, Capt. 8th, Capt. gth, viii Feb. 7, Feb. 7, Feb. 7. Feb. 7, Feb. 12, 1744. MOSES TITCOMB. APPENDIX. Benjamin Ives, Daniel Tilton, Samuel Grenough, Caleb Swan, Daniel Giddins, Isaac Annis, Samuel Morgan, Daniel Eveleigh, Bembsly Glazier, Joseph Frye, Joseph Goodhue, John Rowe, Joseph Stanwood, Benjamin White, Capt. loth Co., Capt. -Lieut. 1st, Lieut. 2d, Lieut. 3d, Lieut. 4th, Lieut. 5th, Lieut. 6th, Lieut. 7th, Lieut. Sth. Lieut, gth, Lieut. loth, 2d Lieut. 1st, Ensign 2d, Ensign 3d, Ensign 4th, Ensign 5th, Ensign 6th, Ensign 7th, Ensign Sth, Ensign gth, Ensign, Adjutant, Feb. 7, 1744. Feb. 7, Feb. 7, Feb. 7, Feb. 7, Feb. 12, Feb. 7, Feb. 7, Feb. 7, Feb. 7, Feb. 12, Mar. 16, COMMISSIONS IN THE SIXTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT WHEREOF SYLVESTER RICHMOND, JR., ESQ., IS COLONEL. Sylvester Riclimond, Jr., Esq. Col. and Capt. of the ist Co., Feb. 6, 1744. Lieut. -Colonel, Major, Capt. 4th, Capt. 5th, Capt. 6th, Capt. 7th, Capt. Sth, Capt. gth, Capt. loth, ('apt. -Lieut, ist, Capt. -Lieut. 2d, Capt. -Lieut. 3d, Lieut. 4th, Lieut. 5th, ix Robert Swan, Ebenezer Eastman, Cornelius Sole, Jonathan Lawrence, Eben Nichols, Jeremiah Westen, Nathaniel Bosworth, Thomas Waldron, Jonathan Roberts, Feb. 13, 1744. Feb. 6, Feb. 8, Feb. 5, Feb. 6, Feb. 12, Feb. 6, Feb. 13, Feb 6, APPENDIX. James Griffin, Lieut. 6th Co., Feb. 8, 1744, Thomas Moorey, Lieut. 7th, Feb. 7, William Trefry, Lieut. 8th, Feb. 7, Edward Pratt, Lieut. Qth, Feb. 13. Joseph Clark, Lieut. loth, 2d Lieut. 2d, 2d Lieut. 3d, Feb. 20, Edward Gray, Lieut, 1st, Feb. 6, Seth Hathaway, Lieut. 1st, Feb. 6, Jeremiah Prebble, Ensign 4th, Feb. 13, John Webster, Ensign 5th, Feb. 6, Joseph Brown, Ensign 6th, Feb. 8, Nathaniel Smith, Ensign 7th, Feb. 15, John Tinney, Ensign 8th, Feb. 12, Grover Scolley, Ensign 9th, Feb. 13, Benjamin Esterbrook, Ensign loth, Feb. 20, Madett Engs, Adjutant, Mar. 14, COMMISSIONS IN THE SEVENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT WHEREOF SHUBAEL GORHAM, ESQ., IS COLONEL. Shubael Gorham, Esq. Col. and Capt. of the ist Co., Feb. 20, 1744. John Gorham, Esq. Lieut.-Col. and Capt. of the 2d Co., Feb. 20. Joseph Thatcher, Capt. 3d Co., Feb. 20. 1744. Edward Dimmock, Capt. 1st, Feb. 15, Elisha Doan, Capt. 4th, Capt. 5th, Feb. 20, Sylvanus Cobb, Capt. 6th, Feb. 13, Israel Bayley, Capt. 7th, . Feb. 14, Gersham Bradford, Capt. 8th, Feb. 14, Jonathan Carey, Capt. gth, Feb. 14, Samuel Lumbart, Capt. I Gth, Capt. -Lieut. 2d, Feb. 20, Nathaniel Fish, Lieut. 1st, Feb. 15, Joseph Freeman, Lieut. 3d, Feb. 14, Theophilus Paine, Lieut. 4th, Feb. 20, Samuel Bartlet, Lieut. 6th, Feb. 13, Joseph Lawrence, Lieut. 7th, Feb. 5, Jonathan Loring, Lieut. 8th, Feb. 14' Nathaniel Bourne, Lieut, gth, X Feb. 14, APPENDIX. Peter West, Lieut. loth Co., 2d Lieut. 2d, Feb. 20, 1744. Sylvanus Hall, Ensign ist. Mar. 2, Joshua Bassett, Ensign 3d, Feb. 14, William Clark, Ensign 4th, Ensign 5th, Feb. 20, Nathaniel Bosworth, Ensign 6th, Feb. I3> Jonathan Eames, Ensign 7th, Feb. 14, Caleb Cook, Ensign 8th, Feb. 14, Jonathan Carver, Ensign 9th, Feb. 14. Joseph Manter, Ensign loth. Feb. 20, Matthew Lumbart, Adjutant, Apl. 12, COMMISSIONS IN THE CONNECTICUT REGIMENT WHEREOF WILLIAM BURR, ESQ., IS COLONEL. Andrew Burr, Esq. Colonel, Mar. 16, 1744. Simon Lothrop, Esq. Lieut. -Col., March 16. Eleazar Goodrich, David Worster, Henry King, William Whiting, Daniel Chapman, Robert Denison, Andrew Ward, James Church, Stephen Lee, Nathaniel Beedle, Samuel Torrey, William Throope, Noah Taylor, David Seabury, V/illiam Smithson, Samuel Pettibone, Jonathan Read, Nathan Whiting, John Hogskins, Joseph Wait, John Huntingdon, Major, June 3. 1745 Capt. of a Co., Mar. 16, Capt., June 3, Capt., Mar. 16, Capt., Mar. 16, Capt., Mar. 16, Capt., Mar. 16, Capt., Mar. 16, Capt., Mar. 16, Lieut. , Mar. 16, Lieut., June 3, Lieut., Mar. 16, Lieut., Mar. 16, Lieut., Mar. 16, Lieut., Mar. 16, Lieut., June 14, Lieut., June 14, Ensign, Mar. 16, Ensign, Apl. 2, Ensign, June 14. Ensign, Mar. 16, xi APPENDIX. Jonathan Darling, Ensign, Mar. i6, 1745 Christopher Tracy, Ensign, Mar. i6, Jonathan Noble, Ensign, June 14, Thomas Leeds, Ensign, June 3, COMMISSIONS IN THE NEW HAMPSHIRE REGIMENT WHEREOF SAMUEL MOORE, ESQ., IS COLONEL. Samuel Moore, Esq. Col. and Capt. ist Company, Mar. i, Nathaniel Mesharve, Esq. Lieut. -Col. and Capt. 2d Co., Mar. Eliezer Oilman, Esq. Major and Capt. of 3d Co., Mar. John Tufton Mason, William Sayward, John Furnel, Samuel Hall, Jacob Tilton, 1744. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Edward Williams, James Whidden, Thomas Westbrook Wal- dron, Moses Wirgett, Ezekiel Pickman, Richard INIattoon, Samuel Robie, Jonathan Flagg, Eliphalet Dannel, Jeremiah Wheelwright, Samuel Leavitt, Clement Ham, John Hart, Robert Perkins, Edmond Brown, Christopher Huntress, Thomas Pickrin, Edward Brooks, John Eyre, Thomas Sherbourne, of a Co., of a Co., of a Co., of a Co., Capt. of a Co., Capt. of a Co., Capt. -Lieut, ist Co., 2d, Capt. -Lieut Lieut., Lieut., Lieut., Lieut., Lieut., Lieut., Lieut., 2d Lieut., Ensign, Ensign, Ensign, Ensign, Ensign, Ensign, Ensign, Adjutant, Capt. of a Co., xii Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. I June 6 1744 APPENDIX. Trueworthy Dudley, Capt. -Lieut., Mar. I, 1 744' Samuel Conner, 2d Lieut., Mar. I, Daniel Wormall, Ensign, Mar. I, Jonathan Oilman, Lieut, of Marines, Apl. 15, Abraham Trefithen, Captain of a Marines, Co. of Apl. 13, COMMISSIONS IN THE TRAIN OF ARTILLERY SENT FROM THE MASSACHUSETTS PROVINCE. Joseph Dwight, Esq. Colonel, Feb. 20, 1744. Richard Gridley, Esq. Lieut. -Col. and Capt. of the Train, Feb. 21, and Commissary, Mar. 20. Abraham Reller, j 2d Capt., (i Thomas Campling, Bartholomew Green Joseph Chadwick, Joseph Holbrook, John Gorman, Chas. Pyncheon, Joseph Hawley, Feb. 21, 1744. Feb. 16, Feb. 21, Feb. 21, Feb. 21, Feb. 21, Feb. 20, Mar. 20, Mar. 10, and Chief Bombardier, 1st Lieut., 2d Lieut., 3d Lieut., 4th Lieut., 1st Under Bombardier, Adjutant, Chaplain, Commissions. John Henry Bastide, Esq. Prin. Engineer, June 3, 1745. Robert Glover, Esq. Adjutant-Gen., Mar. 10, 1744. William Maclntire. Quartermaster-Gen., Mar. 20. Edward Ellis, Esq . Surgeon-Gen. of the Mass. Troops, Feb. 19. Joseph Pierce, Esq. Surgeon-Gen. of the N. H. Troops and Naval Force, Mar. r. Robert Keith, 2d Surgeon-Gen. of the Mass. Troops, Mar. 20. John Kinselagh, Agent for the Transports, Mar. 10. xiii APPENDIX. John German, Prin. Armourer, Feb. I, 1744. Thomas Waldo, Muster Master, Mar. 7, Andrew Lemercier, Jr., Interpreter, Mar. 7. Nathaniel Walter, Interpreter, Mar. 22, Samuel Rhodes, Aide-de-camp, May I, Samuel Waldo, Jr., Aide-de-camp, William Winslow, Commissary, Samuel Waldo, Jr., Commissary, Feb. 2, Melatiah Bourne, Commissary, Feb. 20, George Carwin, Commissary, Feb. 21, Jeremiah Miller, Jr., Commissary of the pro- visions of Muster Roll for the Conn. Regt.. Mar. 14, Andrew Le Mercier, General Clerk, June lO, Edward Paine, Master of the bag- gage, Mar. 19, Alexander Bulman, Surgeon, Feb. 4, William Rand, Surgeon, Mar. 9, Joseph Binney, Surgeon, Feb. 10, Anthony Emery, Surgeon, Feb. 20, Philip Gospers Cast, Surgeon, Feb. 19, Gillam Taylor, Surgeon, Charles Pyncheon, Surgeon-Gen. 's Mate, Mar. 10, Joseph Lebarron, Under Surgeon, Feb. 19, Jacob March, Under Surgeon, Mar. 4, Michael Lowell, Under Surgeon, Mar. 18, Jonathan Prescott, Dr. to Surgeon-Gen., Mar. 19, James Oliver, Dresser to Surg.-Gen., Mar. 19. Mathew Barnard, Capt. of House Car- penters, Mar. 16, James Pierpont, 2d Capt., Mar. II, Andrew Brown, Lieut., Mar. II, Edward Paine, Capt. of an Independent Co. of Grenadiers, Feb. 19, Richard Abbott, 1st Lieut., Feb. 19, George Manners, 2nd Lieut., Feb. 19, Moses Bennett, Capt. of Sloop Benetta, in the pay of Mass., Mar. 18, John Prentis, Capt. of the Sloop De- fiance, in ye pay of Conn., Mar. 19, APPENDIX. Edward Brooks, Zechariah Forss, Benjamin Green, William Maclntire, Joseph Goldthwait, Robert Glover, Samuel Waldo, Jr., Andrew LeMercier, Jr. Andrew Pepperrell- Frost, Benjamin Green, Charles Frost, A true copy. [Signed] 1st Lieut, of the Sloop Abigail, in the pay of N. H., Mar. i, 1744. Lieut, of the Sloop Abi- gail, Mar. I, Brevets. Captain, etc.. Mar. i. Major, Mar. 22, Captain, Mar. 20, Captain, Mar. 19, Captain, Mar. 23, Lieutenant, Feb. 5, Lieutenant, Mar. i, Sec. of the Expedition, Mar. i, 2nd Secretary, Mar. i, Benj. Green, Sec7-ctary. Copied from Registry of Commissions in the British War Office, dated June 28, 1745, by William D. Spalding, Esq., 13 Edith Road, West Kensington. London, Ja^i. 12, 1895. Note.— This official copy was obtained for the Society by Francis Olcott Allen, Esqr., of the Society of Colonial Wars in Pennsylvania. APPENDIX. ROSTER OF OFFICERS OF THE FIRST AMERICAN ARMY. As Organized for the Narraganset Campaign, and Mustered at Pettisquamscot, December 19, 1675. Compiled by the Rev. George M. Bodge, of Leominster, Mass., Chaplain of the " Society of Colonial Wars " in Massachusetts. General Josiah Winslow, Governor of Plymouth Colony, Commander-in-chief. General Staff : Daniel Weld, of Salem, Chief Surgeon. Joseph Dudley, of Boston, Chaplain. Benjamin Church, of Little Compton, R. I., Aid. MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, Major and Captain of First Company. Regimental Staff : Richard Knott, of Marblehead, Surgeon. Samuel Nowell, of Boston, Chaplain. John Morse, of Ipswich, Commissary. Officers of the Line : First Company : Jeremiah Swain, Lieutenant. EzKKiEL Woodward, Sergeant (Acting Ensign). Second Company : Samuel Mosely, Captain. Perez Savage, Lieutenant. Third Company : James Oliver, Captain. Ephraim Turner, Lieutenant. Peter Bennett, Sergeant (Acting Ensign), xvi A PPENDIX. Fourth Company : Isaac Johnson, Captain. Phineas Upham, Lieutenant. Henry Bowen, Ensign. Fifth Company : Nathanial Davenport, Captain. Edward Tyng, Lieutenant. John Druky, Ensign. Sixth Company : Joseph Gardiner, Captain. William Hathorne, Lieutenant. Benjamin Sweet, Ensign (promoted Lieutenant). Jeremiah Neal, Sergeant (promoted Ensign). Cavalry Company : (" Troop ") Thomas Prentice, Cap- tain. John Wyman, Cornet (promoted Lieutenant). PLYMOUTH REGIMENT. William Bradford, of Marshfield, Major and Captain of First Company. Regimtnlal Staff : Mathew Fuller, of Barnstable, Surgeon, Thomas Huckins, of Barnstable, Commissary. Officers of the Line : First Company : Robert Barker, of Duxbury, Lieu- tenant. Second Company : John Gorham, of Barnstable, Captain. Jonathan Sparrow, of Eastham, Lieutenant. William Wetherell, Sergeant. CONNECTICUT REGIMENT. Robert Treat, of Milford, Major. Regimental Staff : Gershom Bulkely, Surgeon. Rev. Nicholas Noyes, Chaplain. Stephen Barrett, Commissary. APPENDIX. Officers of the Lme : First Company : John Gallop, of Stonington, Captain. Second Company : Samuel Marshall, of Windsor, Cap- tain. Tliird Company : Nathaniel Seely, of Stratford, Cap- tain. Fourth Company : Thomas Watts, of Hartford, Cap- tain. Fifthi Company : John Mason, of Norwich, Captain. To the First and Fifth Connecticut Companies were attached Indian Scouting Companies, numbering seventy- five to each. Additional, The following oflicers were sent out from Massachu- setts, to reorganize their Regiment, and fill the vacancies caused by the losses at the " Fort Fight." I do not attempt to assign the special commands. Surgeons : Dr. Jacob Willard, of Newton. Dr. John Cutler, of Hingham. Dr. John Clark, of Boston. Captains : Samuel Wadsworth. Joseph Sill. Samuel Brocklebank. Thomas Brattle. Jonathan Remington (promoted). Lieutenants : Stephen Greenleaf (promoted). Daniel Ring (promoted). Several of the above officers were in the "Fort Fight" as subordinate officers, and afterwards promoted. Printed by James Pott & Company Fifth Avenue New York '' ' ■-: < ■V'> LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 529 926 8 ^'