M5 r Ml K xqaaB.yijj i^t;. -;?1^ /^. iK'y ^ ^g^JU^t, 1871, "^ X N> '/" Class J::rSj2^ Book JH COLLEGE CALENDAR. 1870. September 1, Thursday. First term commenced. December 21, Wednesday. First term ended. Vacation op Two Weeks. 1871. January 5, Thursday. Second term commences. March 22, Wednesday. Second term ends. Vacation of Two Weeks. April 6, Thursday. Third term commences. June 5 — 7. Final examination of the Senior Class. June 15 — 19. Examination of the lower classes. June 18, Sunday, A. M. Baccalaureate Sermon. June 18, Sunday, P, M. Sermon before the Brainerd Missionary Society. June 19, Monday. Senior Class Day and Concert. June 20, Tuesday, A. M. Addresses from the Committee of Synod. June 20, Tuesday, A. M. Re-union meetings of the Literary Societies. June 20, Tuesday, P. M. Meeting of the Alumni Association. June 20, Tuesday Evening. Oration before the Literary Societies. June 21, Wednesday. Commencement exercises. Vacation of Ten Weeks. August 30, Wednesday. Examination for admission. August 31, Thursday. First term commences. December 20, Wednesday. First term ends. Vacation of Two Weeks. 1872. January 4, Thursday. Second term commences. March 20, Wednesday, Second term ends. Vacation of Two Weeks. ^h^ W^i^U^^^^ «^^VriTf YtTr "^^O^k^^ JUISTE, 1871. PUBLISHED BY THE FRESHMAN CLASS, §Aiior^ : H. G. MENDENHALL, JOHN R. WILLIAMS, N. J. WRIGHT, S. L. STIVER, S. R. QUEEN. Eastox, Pa. : G. M. REEDER, PUBLISHER, 1871. «*'^ p ONTEN TS PAGB Alumni Association 54 Annual Entertainments 33 Annual Reunion 34 Base Ball Clubs 61 Boat Clubs 58 Board of Examinees 10 Brainerd Society 50 Calendar Cover 2d p Chess Clubs 71 Class Day Appointments 55 Commencement Honors 55 Committee of the Synod 10 Croquet Clubs 64 Division Officers 22 Eating Clubs 73 Editorial 5 Faculty 8 Fraternities 35 Franklin Society 31 Freshmen 19 Juniors 14 Library 57 Miscellany 83 Musical Organizations .....65 Necrology 98 Post Office Regulations Cover 3d p Reading Room 56 References 22 Resident Graduates 11 Roll of Honor 53 Seniors 12 Sophomores 16 Summary 22 Statistics of Residence 22 Temperance Society '. 51 Time Tables Covek Trustees 7 Washington Soglety 25 ^- HITOBlAi ^ The Freshman Class, ever alive to the interests of its Alma Mater, has compiled this Miscellany containing a re- sume of college life, hoping that in it not only our fellow- students may find something to recall the happy days gone by, but that the patrons of dear Lafayette may also see something of the inner life of this institution. The Mieror follows in the wake of The Reporter, and presents the col- lege organizations and items of interest to both student and graduate. Among the number of marked improvements, the beauti- fying of the college grounds is noticeable. New walks have been laid out, roads have been graded and shrubbery planted. Old eye -sores are being removed, and at Commencement Lafayette will be dressed in such garments as are meet for the occasion. The winding walk is finished, and it forms a fit substitute for the old college steps. Ground has already been broken for a Scientific building and dormitories, which will be completed ere another graduating class goes forth. A reading-room has been opened in the Eastonian wing, which is supplied with excellent reading matter, and is well patronized by the students. A chair of Elocution was en- dowed, two terms ago, and is now filled by Prdf. Barlow, late of Amherst College. The Literary Societies have held open entertainments, this year, and may we not hope that this is the beginning of an era of" good feeling between the 5 ^' 6 THEMIEKOK. societies which will result in having open Halls ? The class of '71, which has done much for the College, published, du- ring the past year, a college magazine, called " The Lafay- ette Monthly,'' which will be continued by the class of '72. The Junior boat-club, which was the first organized in College,* has been, followed by boating organizations in the Freshman class and the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, and we trust that ere another year, the Lafayette navy will row side by side with Yale, Harvard and the other college navies in their annual regatta. Of those members of College who are soon to leave us, some will take their stand in the . busy marts of trade, some have already glowing visions of dingy documents and writs to be filed ; of crowded court rooms, the audience assembled to listen to their appeals ; others have wafted themselves away to the pulpit or the bed of sickness ; or perchance some one more unlucky than the rest, has taken the pen between his fingers and upon his expansive brow is stamped in indel- ible figure the genius contained therein — but faithful repre- sentatives will they all be of our noble Alma Mater. To you all we say : May God help you in the great work set before you. (6^:^ TRUSTEES. Hox. JAMES POLLOCK, LL.D., President, Rev. S. M. ANDREWS, D. D., Secretary, Rev. SEPTIMUS TUSTIN, D. D., Rev. DAVID J. WALLER, Rev. ROBERT HAMILL, D. D., WILLIAM C. LAWSON, JAMES McKEEN, MATTHEW HALE JONES, McEVERS FORMAN, Rev. SAMUEL F. COLT, Rev. AARON H. HAND, D. D., Rev. WILLIAM C. CATTELL, D. D., Hon. JAMES ROSS SNOWDEN, Rev. MILO J. HICKOK, D. D., A. PARDEE, ALFRED MARTIEN, Rev. J. H. MASON KNOX, D. D., JOHN F. McCOY, BARTON H. JENKS, THOMAS BEAVER, JOSEPH H. SCRANTON, JOHN WELLES HOLLENBACH, Hon. JAMES MORRISON HARRIS, Col. WILLIAM DORR IS, Jr., MORRIS PATTERSON, JOHN CUR Wen, m. d., WILLIAM ADAMSON, Philadelphia. Doylestown. Washington City. Bloomsburg. Boalsburg. Milton. E ASTON. Wysauking. Palisades, N. Y. E ASTON. Philadelphia, scranton. Hazleton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. New York City. Philadelphia. Danville, scranton. Wilkes Barre. Baltimore, Md. Huntingdon. Philadelphia. Harrisburg. Philadelphia. TREASURER, Prof. JAMES H. COFFIN, Easton, Pa. 7 m FACULTY. Eev. WILLIAM CASSADY CATTBLL, D. D., President, AND PROFESSOR OF MENTAL, AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY. TEAILL GREEN, M. D., LL.D., APAMASON PROFESSOR OF GENERAL AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY. JAMES HENRY COFFIN, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. FRANCIS ANDREW MARCH, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY. Rev. JOHN LEAMAN, A. M., M. D., PROFESSOR OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY. Rev. JAMES REED ECKARD, D. D., PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF LITERATURE. Rev. LYMAN COLEMAN. D. D., PROFESSOR OF LATIN AND OF BIBLICAL AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Rev. THOMAS CONRAD PORTER, D. D., PROFESSOR OF BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY. (Jessie Chamberlain Professorship of Botany. ) AUGUSTUS ALEXIS BLOOMBERGH, A. M., PROFESSOR OF MODERN LANGUAGES. HENRY FRANCIS WALLING, C. E., PROFESSOR OF CIVIL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERING. ROBERT BARBER YOUNGMAN, A. M., PROFESSOR OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 8 ■ FACULTY. FEEDEEICK PEIME, Jr., A. M., PEOFESSOK OF METALLURGY AND MINERALOGY. ELISHA HUBBAED BAELOW, A. M., PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC, ELOCUTION, AND PHYSICAL CULTURE. CHAELES HENEY HITCHCOCK, Ph. D., i LECTURER ON GEOLOGY. EOSSITEE W. EAYMOND, Ph. D., LECTURER ON MINING GEOLOGY, SELDEN JENNINGS COFFIN, A. M , ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS. JAMES W. MOOEE, A.M., M. D., ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF MECHANICS AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. EDWAED STEWAET MOFFAT, A. M., M. E., LECTURER IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MINING. JUSTUS M. SILLIMAN, M. E., AiDJUNCT PROFESSOR OF MINING ENGINEERING ANJD GRAPHICS. THEODOEE F. TILLINGHAST, C. E., ADJUNCT PROFESSOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. CHAELES McINTIEE, B. S., ASSISTANT IN CHEMISTRY. JOHN BOYD GEIEE, A. M., TUTOR IN MODERN LANGUAGES. WALTEE QUINCY SCOTT, A. B., TUTOR IN GREEK AND LATIN. JOSEPH JOHNSON HAEDY, A. B., TUTOR IN MATHEMATICS. DAVID JEWETT WALLEE, Jr., A. B., TUTOR IN GREEK AND LATIN. 9 Board of Examiners for the pardee scientific department. Term Expires 1871. JOHN W. GARRET, Esq. Hon. ROBERT McKNIGHT, THOMAS DICKSON, A. A. DOUGLAS, Term Expires 1872. ASH^EL WELCH, SELDEN T. SCRANTON, JOHN LEISENRING, HENRY K. SMITH, H. J. LOMBAERT, STRICKLAND KNEASS, P. W. SHAEFER, FRANK CARTER, Term Expires 1873. Baltimore, Md. Pittsburg, scranton. Mauch Chunk. Lambert viLLE, N.J. Oxford, N.J. Mauch Chunk. Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Pottsville. Mahanoy City. COMMITTEE OF THE SYNOD. Ministers. D. A. CUNNINGHAM, FRANK L. ROBBINS, CORNELIUS EARLE, Elders. ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, CHARL:fiS MACALESTER, A. T. McCLINTOCK, EDWARD P. HEBERTON. 10 m nii\ iHM idil ill I liil Im ill ilp l)k MSWA jMii4| |g|| 1^ RESIDENT GRADUATES. ADDISON STORKS LEWIS, Clifton, Ohio, 68 Bushkill. ALEX. HAMILTON SHERRERD, Belvidere, N. J. 7 Northampton. 11 ft SEisrioR;S. OFFICERS. E. BRYAN, President. J. R. PAULL, Vice President. L. H. BARBER, Secretary. J. C. CRAWFORD Cor. Secretary. WM. WIELY, Jr Treasurer. 0. J. HARVEY. Historian. 0. P. HARVEY Marshal. MEMBERS. JOHN S. AXTELL, Sulphur Springs, Ohio, L. H. BARBER, Mifflinhurg, MATTHEW H. BRADLEY, Mercersburg, EDWARD BRYAN, Carbondale, ALEXANDER BRYDEN, Piitston, NORRIS HUNTER CONE, Baltimore, Md. JOHN COWAN, Sadsburyville, JAMES C. CRAWFORD, HerricJc, JOHN M. CRAWFORD, HerricJc, BENJAMIN DOUGLASS, Jr., New York Citp, FRANCIS W. EDGAR, Easton, T. McKEEN FARQUHAR, Easton, 12 3 W. 13 M. 58 E. 20 B. 4W. 36 E. 9 N. 34 E. 12 E. 15 E. 22 E. 1 P. WILLIAM S. FULTON, HORACE P.^LOVER, FISHER GUTELIUS, JONATHAN M. HARRIS, OLIN F. HARVEY, OSCAR J. HARVEY, R. McCHEYNE HAYS, JAMES T. HOUSTON, JOHN B. HUDSON, W. St. GEORGE KENT, DAVID B. KING, B. W. LEWIS, ABRAM W. LONG, JAMES A. Mcknight, GEORGE K. McMURTRIE, WILLIAM McMURTRIE, JOHN MEIGS, FRANK T. OLDT, WILLIAM B. OWEN, JOSEPH R. PAULL, JOHN F. POLLOCK, JOHN SCOLLAY, THOMAS L. SPRINGER, WILLIARD SPRINGER, CHARLES A. STILLWELL, AARON SWARTZ, J. ELFRETH WATKINS, WILLIAM WIELY, Jr., JAMES W. WILSON, JOHN M. YOUNG. Merrittstown, 60 E. Hartleton, 11 N. Miffiinhurg, 2 P. Phillipsburg, N. J, 12 P. Wilkes Barre, 23 E. Wilkes Barre, 23 E. Chamber shurg, 58 E. Olivesburg, Ohio, 3W. Williamsport, 58 E. Phillipsburg, N. J. 22 E. Mt. Pleasant, 2 N. Spring Hill, 33 E. Point Pleasant, 62 Bushkill St. Chambersburg, 45 E. Belvidere, N. J. 8 M. Belvidere, N. J, 8 M. Pottstown, 8 M. New Berlin, 13 E. Wysox, 4 N. Connellsville, 60 E. Fall Brook, 43 E. Westminster, Mass. 21 E. Loveville, Del. 35 E. Loveville, Del. 35 E. Adams^ Mills, Ohio. H Northampton St. Kulpsville, 15 B. Richmond, Va. 7 M. Downingtown, 10 N. Easton, 7 B. Easton. 34 E. -^ j-crisriOK.s. OFFICERS. E. S. DOTY, President. W. E. SMITH, Vice President. S. H. HOUSER, Treasurer. W. S. SWEENY, Secretary. E. L. HILLIS, Historian. J. E. SHULL, Prophet. J. SNYDER, Orator. J. E. SHULL Poet. MEMBERS. CHESTER D. ALLIS, JACOB B. ANDREWS, WALLACE S. AYRES, WM. D. BABCOCK, HORACE B. BANNARD, JAMES G. BOLTON, WILLIAM C. BROBSTON, DAVID H. CAMPBELL, BENJAMIN CHAMBERS, Jr., FRANK DIFFENDERFFER, Rochester, N. Y. 9 P Agricultural College, 11 M Allamuchy, N. J. 7 P Evansville, Ind. 12 P Salem, N. J. 17 Northampton St Philadelphia, 8 P Bridgeton, N. J. IW Antistown, 9 M , Chambersburg, 8W. New Holland, 11 N. 14 . .....:. (T. J U N I E S 15 EDMUND S. DOTY, WILLIAM A. DOUGLASS, THOMAS FASSITT, JOHN FOX, WM. P. GAINES, JACOB S. OANTZ, JAMES I. GOOD, ELISHA L. HILLIS, SAMUEL H. HOUSER, JOHN B. LAW, WILLIAM S..LONG, JAMES A. MENAUL, ARTHUR J. PILGRIM, WILLIAM B. REED, JAMES H. RITTENHOUSE, CHARLES A. SANDT, JOHN E. SHULL, HARRY A. SMITH, HOWARD F. SMITH, SYLVESTER C. SMITH, WILLIAM E. SMITH, ROBERT P. SNOWDEN, JEFFERSON SNYDER, WILLIAM S. SWEENY, CLARENCE G. VORIS, WALTER L. ZIEGLER, Mifflintown, 19 N. Neic York City, 15 E. Philadelphia y 48 E. Easton, 9 P. Calvert, Texas, C. P. Miller, Hagerstown, Md. 56 E. Reading, 7 P. Herrich, 33 E. Maiich Chunk, 7 M. Pittston, 49 E. PointPleasant, 62 Bushkill St. Tyrone, Ireland, 17 B. Columbia, Texas, 1 B. Philadelphia, 59 E. Georgetoian, D. C. 12 M. Easton, 187 Northampton St. Martinis Creek, 14 P. Chestnut Hill, Phila. 13 P. Lyons, Iowa, 11 M. Essex, Conn. 21 E. Ilammonton, N. J. 49 E. Philadelphia, 14 M. Stonersville, 14 B. Easton, 32 N. 2d St. Danville, 24 N. Mount Joy, 59 E. ^f3^^ s o IP h: o 3^«d: o I?. E s. A. R. READ, President. W. J. STEWART, Jr., Vice President. A. P. SILVER, Secretary. T. C. ENGLISH, Treasurer. HENRY RUMER, Chaplain. E. A. BARBER, Poet. N. O. MOORE, Orator. D. W. BRUCKART, Historian. E. A. BARBER, Marshal. H. C. FROST, Ass't Marshal. A. K. MICHLER, Bugler. )A WILLIAM C. ALEXANDER, Lewistown, 47 E. WILLIAM C. ANDERSON, Youngstown, 12 N. E. J. ANGLE, Herrick, 14 E. LLOYD P. APPELMAN, Bloomshurg, 31 E. EDWIN A. BARBER, West Chester, 13 M. STEPHEN G. BARNES, Perth Amboy, N.J. EDWARD N. BARRETT, Bedford, N. Y. 10 E. c^ 16 a> M SOPHO MOKES -^ 17 EMERY S. BARRICK, ENOCH BENSON, JAMES C. BEROSTRESSER, GEORGE N. BEST, FRANK P. BILLMEYER, DANIEL W. BRUCKART, H. THOMAS BUCKLEY, CHARLES E. BURNS, JOHN A. CANAN, CHARLES A. CARSON, ELIJAH R. CASE, WILLIAM C. CLINE, MILTON L. COOK, ALBERT H. DAVIDSON, JOHN O. DIEFENDERFER, FRANK DRAKE, THEODORE C. ENGLISH, JOHN FRACE, HENRY C. FROST, THOMAS C. GALBREATH, JOHN W. GEARY, JOHN A. GREGORY, AARON K. HANNEN, GEORGE L. HUGGINS, WILLIAM H. HULICK, WESLEY M. HYDE, HATHAWAY KEMPER, DANIEL McK. KENNEDY, EDWARD M. KILLOUGH, CYRUS KNECHT, GEORGE M. LEWIS, WILLIAM R. LITTLE, JOHN H. LOTT, EDWARD F. LUMMIS, THOMAS McNINCH, A. KIRTLAND MICHLER, NATHAN G. MOORE, JOHN A. MOUK, SAMUEL C. PLANK, ALEXANDER R. READ, WILLIAM^B. REED, HENRY RUMER, Croton, N. J. 50 E. Bridgeton, N. J. 18 B. Mount Carmel, 57 E. Pittstown, N. J. 10 P. Bloomsburg, 31 E. Silver Spring, 10 M. Easton, 9 P. Duncannon, 18 B. ElDoraclOy 9 M. New Salem, 16 Northampton St. Frenchtown, N. J. 38 E! Harmony, N. J. 17 B. Merryall, 43 E. Augusta, Georgia, 30 E. Allentown, 18 B. Easton, 34 E. Liberty Corner, N. J 30 E. Hecktown, 57 E. Cleveland, Ohio, 6 M. Pylesville, Md. 2 B. Albany, Oregon, 16 Northampton St. Alexandria, Philadelphia, . 6 M. New York City, 48 E. Easton, 52 E. Baltimore, Md. 16 B. Dayton, Ohio, 2 R. Chambersburg, ■27 E. Harrisburg, 19 E. Easton, . 25 South 6th St. Wyalusing, 12 E. West Chester, 19 E. Easton 51 E. Cedarville, N. J. L. P. Potts Grove, •6W. Washington, D. C. 12 M,* Pottstown, 14 E. Columbia, 24 E. Allen, 12 M. Clearfield, 9 M. Chambersburg, 27 E. Wilmington, Del. 16 B. , ._ ^s^ 18 THE MIKKOE JOHN M. St. CLAIR, ISAAC P. SCHAEFFER, WILLIAM H. SCHUYLER, WALTER M. SHANKS, JOSEPH R. SHIMER, ALBERT P. SILVER, AUGUSTUS T. SMITH, HENRY De WITT SMITH, LEWIS F. SPRENGER, HERMAN A. STEES, * WILSON C. STERLING, JACOB S. STEWART, WILLIAM J. STEWART, Jr., R. M. STOCKER, HENRY M., STRUBLE, NATHANIEL TAYLOR, LEVI E. WALLER, ' • JOSEPH G. WILLLA.MSON, Jb., Indiana, 45 E. Fleetwood, 20 E.. Bloomshurg, 31 E.. Neio York City, 9W.. Martinis Creek, 14 P.. Glenville, Md, 47 E. Marshall, Texas, 10 M.. Marshall, Texas, ■ 10 M.. Kutztown, 20 E.. Mifflinhurg, 13 B.. New Derry, 7W.. Alexandria, 37 E. Duncannon, 38 E. Hamlinton, 5W. Pleasant Valley, N. J^ 8 B. Mooreshurg, 6W. Bloomshurg, 32 E. Sidney, N..J. 10 P. P^ K; E S H: DVwdl E IT . • W. W. DORRIS, Pkesident. J. B. REYNOLDS...... Vice President. D. W. NEVIN, Secretary. S. R. QUEEN, Cor. Secretary. CLAY KEMBLE, Treasurer. P. .C. EVANS, Historian. S. SPRECHER, Marshal. JOHN R. WILLIAMS, ) > Orators. M. H. HOUSEMAN, ) J. B. HELLER, ) > Poets. N. J. WRIGHT, ) HENRY A. ALLER, Prospectville, 10 P. GEORGE B. ANDERSON, Ymngstown, , 23 N. JOHN B. BAUSMAN, Lancaster, C. P. Miller. WILLIAM H. BAYLESS, Glenville, Md. 34 E. CHARLES J. BECHDOLT, Easton, 10 R. ERASTUS S. BLOOM, Blomnshury, N. J, 13 E. 19 20 THE M lEEOR WILLIAM C. BO YARD, CICERO BRODHEAD, LEVI W. CASE, NAI CHU, AARON J. CLARKE, ROBERT L. CLARK, HARRY COOK, ENOCH I. DAVIES, FRANK N. DAY, WILLIAM DEATS, CHARLES R. DIL WORTH, LAWRENCE DILWORTH, WILLIAM W. DORRIS, L. BANKS DOTY, ADDISON S. ELLIOTT, PENNELL C. EVANS, FRANCIS G. FISHER, ANGUS L. FULLERTON, ROBERT H. FULTON, JAMES B. GILFILLAN, ADAM GRADWOHL, DUDLEY W. GREGG, ROBERT H. HAMILTON, JACOB B. heller; Jr., SAMUEL B. HEPBURN, JOHN HERRON, DANIEL G. HEYLMUN, EDWARD HICKEY, CLINTON HILLIARD, GEORGE M. HOLT, M. H. HOUSEMAN, FRED. E. KEIM, CLAY KEMBLE, FRANK LAMBERT, CLARENCE F. LEIDY, ROBERT McCONAUGHY, FRANK C. McCOWN, HARLAN G. MENDENHALL, WILLIAM McK. MILLER, CHARLES H. MILLIGAN, DAVID MOORE, JOHN W. MUMPER, Brady, 7W. Delaioare Water Gap, 22 N. FrencJiioivn, N. J. 8 R. Bangkok, Siam, 1 R. Brooklyn, N. Y. 13 P. Chestnut Level, 16 Northampton St. Philadelphia, 31 South 5th St. Phillipsbiirg, N. J. 2 B. Philadelphia, C. P. Miller. Lower Mt. Bethel, 2 E Pittsburg, 51 E Pittsburg, 51 E Huntingdon, 56 E Mifflintown, 19 N Callensburg, C. P. Miller Easton, 2W Standing Stone, 12 E Chillicothe, 0, Dr. Eckard Latrobe, 60 E Cochranville, C. P. Miller Easton, J. Gradwohl Susquehanna Depot, 6 R Altoona, 2 E Easton, 28 E Campbell Hall, N. Y. Dr. Eckard Jeioett, 0. 2 B Bloomjield, N. J. C. Harrison Scranton, 5 R Easton, 69 North 4th St South Easton, Canal St Rostraver, L. P Easton, 28 E Philadelphia, 6 R New York City, 9 R Danville, 2W Mount Pleasant, 2 N Philadelphia, 9 R Coatesville, 13 M Port Jervis, N. Y, 11 E Greenville, Tenn. 17 Northampton St Alexandria, 11 E Bethlehem, 6W ... ^ FRESHMEN. DAVID W. NEVIN, Shippensburg, 7 R. JOSEPH P. NEVIN, Shippenshurg, 7 R. JOHN S. NOBLE, Easton, Soutli eth St. NATHANIEL M. ORE, * Wilkes Barre, 33 E. ISRAEL P. PARDEE, Hazleton, C, P. Miller. SIDNEY PERKINS, Cleveland, 0. 6 M. SYLVANUS R. QUEEN, Mount Pleasant, N. J. 4 R. FRANK B. REED, Clearfield, 9 M. GEORGE B. REYNOLDS, Plymouth, 56 North 3d St. JOHN B. REYNOLDS, Kingston, 55 North 3d St. THOMAS McK. RIEGEL, * Easton, 7 B. SAMUEL M. RILEY, Montrose, 10 M. A. DOUGLAS SALKELD, Mauch Chunk, 1 M. THOMAS F. SALKELD, Mauch Chunk, 1 M. CHRISTIAN W. SANDT, Easton, 9 E. DAVID E. SAYRE, Monticello, Mo. J. H. Buell. E. KITCHELL SAYER, Monticello, Mo. • J: H. Buell. DAVID SCHENCK, Trenton, N. J. 3 E. MICHAEL J. SHALTER, Tucker-ton, 10 E. CLAYTON K. SMITH, Chestnut Hill, 13 P. ARTHUR SNYDER, Easton, Bushkill St. SAMUEL SPRECHER, Lancaster^ 13 M. GEORGE W. STEWART, Duncannon, 38 E. SAMUEL L. STIVER, Potter's Mills, 58 E. J. FRANK STONECIPHER, Fayette, Mrs. Field. JAMES J. SULLIVAN, Philadelphia, 6 R. JOHN A. SUTTON, Indiana,. 59 E. JOHN W. SUTTON, Jk. Indiana, 46 E. GEORGE A. THOMPSON, Warren, Md. C. Harrison. GEORGE R. VAN REED, Reading, 1 E. SAMUEL R. WARRENDER, Stapleton, N. Y. 9 E. ETHAN A. WEAVER, Easton, 1 N. THOMAS WELLS, Scranton, 8 P. WILLIAM WESTON, Jr. New Ym-k City, 9 P. WILLIAM H. WIGTON, Philadelphia, 9 R. JOHN R. WILLIAMS, Frenchtown, N. J. 5 R. JOHN C. WRIGHT, Mifflintoiun, C. P. Miller. N. J. WRIGHT, Milford, N. J. 4 R. JA '^. Resident Gtraduates.... 2 i' Seniors 42 Juniors 36 Sophomores 67 . Freslimen 86 233 Undergraduates, < lesidmce. Massachusetts 1 Virginia 1 Connecticut 1 Tennessee 1 New York 12 Georgia 1 New Jersey 27 Texas 4 Pennsylvania ...., 158 Oregon 1 District of Columbia 2 Indiana 1 Delaware 3 Missouri 2 Maryland 7 Iowa 1 Ohio 8 Ireland 1 SlAM 1 leferencBB. E. East College. N. Newkirk Hall W. West College. M. Martien Hall B. Blair Hall. P. Powell Hall. R. Refectory. Seniors.— Prof. MARCH. Juniors.— Prof. YOUNGMAN. Sophomores.— 1. Prof. S. J. COFFIN. 2. Prof. J. H. COFFIN. Freshmen.— 1. Tutor SCOTT. 2. Tutor HARDY. 3. Tutor WALLER. 22 \mmnp0n fitefaf| ii?ciri|. t. %. ESTABLISHED 1830. DAVID H. CAMPBELL President. DANIEL W. BRUCKART 1st Vice President. ALEXANDER R. REED 2d Vice President. GEORGE M. LEWIS Secretary. DAVID W. NEVIN Asst. Secretary. STEPHEN G. BARNES Treasurer. ELISHA L. HILLIS Librarian. JOSEPH P. NEVIN Asst. Librarian. WM. P. GAINES, ) !> Corresponding Committee. WM. B. REED, ) MMMBBM8. MATTHEW H. BRADLEY, DAVID B. KING, EDWARD BRYAN, BRADLY W. LEWIS, JAMES C. CRAWFORD, JAMES A. McKNIGHT, JOHN M. CRAWFORD, JOHN F. POLLOCK, BENJAMIN DOUGLASS, Jr. JOHN SCOLLAY, THOMAS M. FARQUHER, THOMAS L. SPRINGER, JONATHAN M. HARRIS, ^ WILLIAM SPRINGER, - OLIN F. HARVEY, ^ JOHN B. HUDSON, OSCAR J. HARVEY, ROBERT M. HAYS. leys. JACOB B. ANDREWS, ARTHUR J. PILGRIM, WILLIAM C. BROBSTON, JAMES H. RITTENHOUSE, DAVID H. CAMPBELL, HARRY A. SMITH, £7^S^ 25 "^i 26 THE MIEEOR WILLIAM A. DOUGLASS, WILLIAM P. GAINES, JAMES A. MENAUL, CHARLES A. SANDT, WILLIAM C. ANDERSON, E. JACOB ANGLE, STEPHEN G, BARNES, EDWARD N. BARRETT, ENOCH BENSON, DANIEL W. BRUCKART, JOHN A. CANAN, MILTON L. COOK, ALBERT H. DAVIDSON, THEODORE C. ENGLISH, HENRY C. FROST, THOMAS C. GALBRAITH, HOWARD F. SMITH, ELISHA L. HILLIS, SYLVESTER C. SMITH, WILLIAM S. SWEENY. Sy3 JOHN H. GREGORY, JOHN W. GEARY, AARON K. HANNEN, DANIEL M. KENNEDY, EDWARD M. KILLOUGH, GEORGE M. LEWIS, " ALEXANDER R. READ, WILLIAM B. REED, JOHN M. St. CLAIR, AUGUSTUS T. SMITH, HENRY D. W. SMITH,' WILSON C. STERLING, JACOB S. STEWART. 3*7 -4- GEORGE B. ANDERSON, JOHN B. BAUSMAN, CHARLES J. BECHDOLT, WILLIAM C. BOVARD, NAI CHU, AARON J. CLARK, ENOCH J. DAVIES, WILLIAM W. DORRIS, ANGUS S. FULLERTON, " ROBERT H. FULTON, ADAM GRADWOHL, DUDLEY W. GREGG, ROBERT H. HAMILTON, JACOB B. HELLER, CLINTON HILLIARD, HAMPTON HOUSEMAN, FRED E. KEIM, CLAY KEMBLE, FRANK LAMBERT, WILLIAM H. ROBERT McCONOUGHY, FRANK C. McCOWN, WILLIAM M. MILLER, DAVID MOORE, JOHN W. MUMPER, DAVID W. NEVIN, JOSEPH P. NEVIN, NATHANIEL M. ORR, FRANK B. REED, GEORGE B. REYNOLDS, JOHN B. REYNOLDS, SAMUEL M. RILEY, CHRISTIAN W. SANDT, MICHAEL T. SHALTER, CLAYTON K. SMITH, SAM. SPRECHER, SAMUEL L. STIVER, JOHN F. STONECIPHER, ETHAN A. WEAVER, WIGTON. .^t WASHINGTON LITERAEY SOCIETY. 27 QUID NUNC? IJSTTELLIGEJVTM, LOGIGA ET ORATORIA. J. M. St. CLAIR President. M. H. HOUSEMAN Vice President, J. B. BAUSMAN Secretary. J. F. STONECIPHER Treasurer. INAUGURAL. EXERCISES. FIRST TERM. Wednesday Eveming^ Sept. (3th^ ^71. Orator A. R. READ. Poet S. L. STIVER. FOUNDED IS3I ^vxY[ KapS/a pyiv OFFICERS. FRANCIS W. EDGAR President. JOHN FOX Vice President. GEORGE N. BEST Secretary. EDMUND S. DOTY Cor. Secretary. JOHN E. SHULL Treasurer. WILLIAM H. SCHUYLER Librarian. LATIMER B. DOTY Orator. NOMER J. WRIGHT Scriptor. WILLIAM H. BAYLESS Poet. ]Sd:EM:BEIlS. isyi- JOHN S. AXTELL, ABRAM W. LONG, DAVID H. BARBER, GEORGE K. McMURTRIE, ALEXANDER BRYDEN, WILLIAM McMURTRIE, NORRIS H. CONE, JOHN MEIGS, JOHN COWAN, FRANKLIN T. OLDT, FRANCIS W. EDGAR, WILLIAM B. OWEN, WILLIAM S. FULTON, JOSEPH R. PAULL, HORACE P. GLOVER, AARON SWARTZ, FISHER GUTELIUS, JOHN E. WATKINS, JAMES T. HOUSTON, WILLIAM WIELY, Jr. WILLIAM St. G. KENT, JAMES W. WILSON, JOHN M. YOUNG. 187-2. WALLACE S. AYRES, JAMES I. GOOD, WILLIAM D. BABCOCK, SAMUEL H. HOUSER, * JAMES G. BOLTON, JOHN B. LAW, 31 THE MIREOR FRANK A. DIFFENDERFER, WILLIAM S. LONG, EDMUND S. DOTY, THOMAS FASSIT, JOHN FOX, JACOB S. GANTZ, JOHN E. SHULL, WILLIAM E. SMITH, ROBERT P. SNOWDEN, JEFFERSON SNYDER, CLARENCE G. VORIS. 3-73 WILLIAM C. ALEXANDER, EDWIN A. BARBER, EMERY S. BARRICK, JAMES C. BERGSTRESSER, GEORGE N. BEST, FRANKLIN P. BILLMEYER, HERBERT T. BUCKLEY, CHARLES E. BURNS, CHARLES A. CARSON, ELIJAH R. CASE, WILLIAM C. CLINE, JOHN G. DIEFFENDERFER, FRANK DRAKE, JOHN FRACE, GEORGE L. HUGGINS, WILLIAM H. HULICK, WESLEY M. HYDE, CYRUS KNECHT, WILLIAM R. LITTLE, HENRY A. ALLER, WILLIAM H. BAYLESS, ERASTUS S. BLOOM, CICERO BRODHEAD, LEVI W. CASE, HARRY COOK, FRANK N. DAY, WILLIAM DEATS, LAWRENCE DILWORTH, LATIMER B. DOTY, ADDISON S. ELLIOTT, FRANCIS G. FISHER, JAMES B. GILFILLAN, JOHN HERRON, HARLAN G. MENDENHALL, JOHN S. NOBLE, E. F. LOOMIS, JOHN H. LOTT, THOMAS McNINCH, AMBROSE K. MICHLER, NATHAN G. MOORE,' JOHN A. MOUK, SAMUEL C. PLANK, HENRY RUMER, WILLIAM H. SCHUYLER, JOSEPH R. SHIMER, ALBERT P. SILVER, LEWIS T. SPRENGER, HERMAN A. STEES, WILLIAM J. STEWART, RHAMANTHUS M. STOCKER, HENRY McD. STRUBLE, NATHANIEL TAYLOR, « LEVI E. WALLER, JOSEPH G. WILLIAMSON, QV^ ISRAEL P. PARDEE, SYLVANUS R. QUEEN, THOMAS McK. RIEGEL, DAVID E. SAYRE, EMILIUS K. SAYRE, DAVID SCHENCK, ARTHUR SNYDER, GEORGE W. STEWART, GEORGE A. THOMPSON, GEORGE R. VAN REED, SAMUEL R. WARRENDER, THOMAS WELLS, WILLIAM WESTON, Jr. JOHN R. WILLIAMS, JOHN C. WRIGHT, NOMER J. WRIGHT. ^nnud ^nieijtmnment of th(^ ffHshingian Maci^t^, WEDNESDAY, February 22, 1871. PROGRAMME: MUSIC— Grand March Coates Prayer— BY Rev. J. H. Barclay, D. D. Opening Address— by the President. •. John Scollay Music— Galop : "Storji Bird"— from Faust Gounod Oration- "Prominent Traits in the Character of "Washington" A. B. Howell, Esq Music— Waltz : "Dream of the Ocean" Gungel Siamese Oration— ' ' Help Me, I Pray Thee " Nai Chu Poem— "The Student's Dreams" B. W. Lewis Music— Lanciers : ' ' Good Will " C oates Washington Journal— Part I ±.aitors • ^ -v\^. c. Anderson Eecitation—" Clarence's. Dream. " Shak.: Eich. Ill W. W. Dorris Music— ScHOTTiscHE Offenbach Washington Journal.— Part II Music— Galop : "Ida"— from Faust Gounod Oration— "The Problem of Nations" J. A. McKnight Benediction— BY Eev. C. H. Edgar, D. D. Music— "Die Wacht am Ehein" Carl Wilhelm AUTH.ORIZED Reporter S. L. Stiver ^nnnd ^nteiitmnment of thf^ ^mnUiti ^ociftff, MONDAY EVENING, May 15, 1871. ORDER OF EXERCISES : Music— Opera of William Tell Messrs. Buckly & Good Invocation— BY Rev. C. H. Edgar, D. D. Music— Greeting Glee Oration— "Our Teutonic Ancestors" W. S. FuLtON Music— "The Guard on the Rhine" ESSAY— ' ' Hats " J. E. Shull Music— Solo : "Father, Come Down with the Stamps" J. I. Good Poem— "The Knight's Choice" T. Aaron Swartz Music— Solo : "Upidee" By J. S. Gantz Paper— ' ' The Reflector " ( H. G. Mendenhall . Editors : SCOTT, '67, 11 K. BRENSINGER, '70, F. DRINKHOUSE, Lehigh Univ., '71, W. H. THQMESQN, '73. ACTIVE MIMBERS. W. S. FULTON, R. M. HAYS, X E. EAUIiL. THOS. FASSITT, W. B. REED, S7^3 J. S. GANTZ, J. E. SHULL. G. L. HUGGINS, L. DILWORTH, W. W. DORRIS, A. SNYDER, S. C. PLANK. W. H. HULICK, C. R. DILWORTH, D. MOORE, J. A. SUTTON. 37 eltd M^fifi^ M^^i^^H^ RHO CHAPTER— ESTABLISHE,D 1855. SAMUEL FREEMAN,,M. A., JOS. MARTIN, M. A., '59, Prof. E. H. BARLOW, M. A., Amherst, '66, Rev. FRANK MILLER, Miami, '64, Prof. J. W. MOORE, M. A., M. D., '64. 1871. JAS. C. CRAWFORD, BRADLEY W. LEWIS, OSCAR JEWELL HARVEY, ' JAS. A. McKNIGHT, DAVID B. KING, ; ' JOHN SCOLLAY, AARON S. SWARTZ, 1873^. WILLIAM P. GAINES, ARTHUR J. PILGRIM, JAMES I. GOOD, W. E. SMITH, ELISJIA L. HILLIS, JEFFERSON SNYDER. 187 S. ' EDWARD N. BARRETT, GEO. M. LEWIS, CHAS. E. BURNS, ^AUGUSTUS T. SMITH, ED. M. KILLOUGH, H. D. W. SMITH. 187Jf. GEO. B. ANDERSON, R. McCONAUGHY, JOHN B. BAUSMAN, W. McK. MILLER, WM. C. BOVARD, E. K. SAYRE, Jr., JOHN HERRON, JOHN F. STONECIPHER, S. L. STIVER. * *Died Nov. 20th, 1870. 39 w^ ^eta 1 si. TAU CHAPTER— ESTABLISHED 1857. RESIDENT MEMBERS. WILLIAM W. MOON, '61, HOWARD J. REEDER, '63, *JOHN H. BUCKLEY, '63, CLEMENT STEWART, '64, S. V. B. KACHLINE, '63, GEORGE T. KELLER, 'm, W. S. KIRKPATRICK, '63, ROBERT J. HESS, 'm, FRANCIS REEDER, '63, CHARLES 1. Rx\DER, '67, W. HACKETT,-Je., Coll. of N. J., '63, A. B. HOWELL, '68, ACTIVE MEMBERS. 0. F. HARVEY, JOHN MEIGS, GEO. K. McMURTRIE, W. B. OWEN, W. McMURTRIE, JOHN POLLOCK. W. WIELY, Jk. CHESTER D. ALLIS, D. H. CAMPBELL, J. B. ANDREWS, JOHN FOX. IS-73. W. C. ANDERSON, H. T. BUCKLEY, E. J. ANGLE, JOHN A. CANAN, N. G. MOORE. DUDLEY W. GREGG, F. B. REED, CLAY KEMBLE, j; B. REYNOLDS, N. M. ORR, W. WESTON, Jr., N. J. WRIGHT. * Deceased. 41 a I^ ^otn S^l^hH §d^fiH. DELTA CHAPTER— ESTABLISHED 1863. ISAAC OTT, M. D., '67, CHARLES McINTIRE, '68, DAVID HOLT, '67, ' M. S. SEIP, '68, S. Y. HELLER, '68, A. H. SKINNER, '72. 1872. S. C. SMITH, W. S. SWEENY, 187S. A. H. DAVIDSON, J. W. GEARY, W. R. LITTLE. E, S. BLOOM, J. B. HELLER, FRANK LAMBERT, J. W. MUMPER, 187Jf, J. B. GILFILLAN, F. E. KEIM, F. C. McCOWEN, W. H. WIGTON. ^ 43 M 44 .-fri i.^ hetd Belt^ ^hi. PHI CHARGE— ESTABLISHED 1866. RESIDENT EVBEIVIBERS. R. D. DOUGLASS, U. of Toronto, '65, W. N. STEM, 68, H. G; H. TARR, Williams Coll.-, '63, F. W. STEWART, '69, A. H. SHERRERD, '70. ACTIVE MEMBERS. 1871. B. DOUGLASS, Jr., J. M. HARRIS. W. A. DOUGLASS, 1872. H. A. SMITH, H. F. SMITH. L. P. APPLEMAN, H. C. FROST, 187S. F. P. BILLMEYER, J. H. LOTT. A. J. CLARK, A. L. FULLERTON, D. G. HEYLMUN, S. N. PERKINS, 1874- F. N. DAY, J. B. HEPBURN, I. P. PARDEE, C. K. SMITH. )>>. 45 t3 '^tO PHI CHAPTER— ESTABLISHED 1867. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Rev. WM. A. KERR, R. E. JAMES, '69, A. E. CARPENTER, Penn. Coll., '71, J. D. MAXWELL, '71. ACTIVE MEMBERS. 1S71. J. E. WATKINS. H. B. BANNARD, S. H. HOUSER, 187^, J. H. RITTENHOUSE, R. P. SNOWDEN. E. A. BARBER, 187S. A. K. MICHLER. C. BRODHEAD, H. G. MENDENHALL, C. H. MILLIQAN, D. W. NEVIN, 1874- J. P. NEVIN, S. M. RILEY, A. D. SALKELD, T. F. SALKELD. 47 ^ff'r% 48 <5klf^?. 9>i hx Jajrp f si THETA GH&PTER-ESTIBLISHED I860, (Resident Member. GEORGE D. STAHLY. Active Members, 1871. L. HOWARD BARBER, ALEXANDER BRYDEN. HORACE P. GLOVER. 187^3. FRANK A. DIFFENDERFER, CLARENCE G. VORIS. 1873. WILLIAM C. ALEXANDER, JAMES C. BERGSTRESSER, DANIEL W. BRUCKART, WESLEY M. HYDE, 1874:. WILLIAM H. BAYLESS, PENNELL C. EVANS, CLARENCE F. LEIDY, JOHN A. MOUK, HENRY RUMER, LEWIS F. SPRENGER, NATHANIEL TAYLOR. SILVANUS R. QUEEN, SAMUEL SPRECHER, JOHN R. WILLIAMS, JOHN C. WRIGHT. 49 OH&ANIZED 1833. (( Go Work To = day in my Vineyard/' The objects of this Society are to advance the standard of Christianity in College, and awaken an interest in the Missionary work. The Society maintains a Reading Room in College, and has a Library of five hundred volumes. Many of the prominent Clergy and Laymen of our land were formerly connected with this organization. Its Anniversary is held on Sunday eve preceding Commencement. Regular daily Prayer-Meetings are held at 6 P. M., under the auspices of this society. About sixty of its members are engaged as Superintendents and Teach- ers of Sunday Schools in and around Easton. Eight of these schools, and several weekly Cottage Prayer-Meetings are conducted almost wholly by them. The Schools are as follows : CEDARVILLE... *. JEFF. SNYDER, SuFT. HOPEWELL S. L. STIVEE, DELAWARE W. S. LONG, BUSHKILL J. B. ANDREWS, JACKSON F. GUTELIUS, CHESTNUT HILL M. L. COOK, DELAWARE UNION E. BENSON, COLLEGE HILL J.M.CRAWFORD, OFFIVMM8. WILLIAM WIELY, Jk Pkesidekt. JEFF. SNYDER ; Vice-Peesident. D. H. CAMPBELL EEC. Secbetaby. F. GUTELIUS Cob. Secbetaby. W. M. HYDE Tbeasubeb. S. G.BARNES \ H. RUMER > Executive Com. J. G. WILLIAMSON ' 50 ®E@AMII PLEDGE, I do solemnly promise, while a member of Lafayette College, neither to make, buy, sell, nor use any wine, spirituous or malt liquors as a beverage, and do also promise, during this time, to discountenance the manufacture, sale and use thereof. o:f:fioei^s. AARON S. SWARTZ President. S. R. QUEEN Vice-Ppesident. 0. F. HARVEY .....Secretary. E. I. DAVIES Treasurer. REGULAR APPOINTMENTS. ORATOR...... S. L. STIVER. ESSAYIST W. B. REED. DEBATERS { ^' «■ CAMPBELL. I W. S. AYERS. J. M. HARRIS, D. B. KING, F. GUTELIUS, W. B. OWEN, E. BRYAN, JOHN COWAN, A. S. SWARTZ, WILLIAM WILEY, Jr. J. C. CRAWFORD, . W. S. FULTON, 0. F. HARVEY, GEORGE K. McMURTRIE, JOHN SCOLLAY, J. M. CRAWFORD, T. L. SPRINGER, THOMAS FARQUHAR, 51 "^i 52 THE MIEEOE. W. SPRINGER, J. B. HUDSON, T. H. BRADLEY, JAMES A. Mcknight, JEFFERSON SNYDER, J. A. MENAUL, W. A. DOUGLASS, C. G. VORIS, G. S. DOTY, D. H. CAMPBELL, E. L. HILLIS, HENRY A. STEES, W. M. HYDE, H. RUMER, W. C. CLINE, C. E. BURNS, W. H. SCHUYLER, T. E. ENGLISH, C. KNECHT, W. B. REED, W. R. LITTLE, G. M. LEWIS, N. G. MOORE, E.BENSON, W. H. BAYLESS, E. S. BLOOM, F. G. FISHER, R. McCONAUGHY, J. F. STONCIPHER, L. B. DOTY, G. B. ANDERSON, THOMAS F. WELLS, E. T. DAVIES, H. A. ALLER J. R. PAULL, H. P. GLOVER, JOHN MEIGS, JAMES T. HOUSTON, JOHN S. AXTELL. S-72 87^3. S7"4. J. G. BOLTON, J. E. SHULL, J. S. GANTZ, W. BAIRD REED, JOHN B. LAW, S. C. SMITH, B. CHAMBERS. E. J. ANGLE, H. F. BUCKLEY, J. S. STEWART, M. L. COOK, A. R. READ, W. C. ANDERSON, J. R. SHIMER, THOS. McNINCH, W. C. ALEXANDER, J. A. CANAN, A. P. SILVER, W. C. STERLING, N. TAYLOR. R. H. FULTON, N. J. WRIGHT, S. L. STIVER, S. R. QUEEN, HARRY COOK, L. DILWORTH, F. E. KEIM, W. C. BOVARD, A. S. ELLIOTT, C. F. LEIDY, WILLIAM McK. MILLER. B®11 ®f a®B®r^ SOLDIERS IN COLLEGE WHO SERVED DURING THE REBELLION. SEJYIORS. J. C. CRAWFORD Co. A, 141st Pa Musician. F. GUTELIUS '. Co. D, 150tli Pa Sergeant. JOHN SCOLLAY Co. F, 25th Mass Private. J. B. ANDREWS. JUJYIORS. ...Co. a, 148tliPa , Private. R. H. FULTON. FRESHMEJf. Co. H, 54th Pa . Private. 53 ALUMNI AggOeiATION. The Anmial Meeting is held, on Tuesday afternoon of Commencement week, at which an Oration and Poem are pronounced. The Association is composed of graduates, and such of their classmates who left College before graduation, and in good standing, as may have been elected. Subscriptions, confined to one hundred dollars each, to the fund for endowing an Alumni Professorship, have been made to the amount of $11,000, of which $6000 have been paid in. This is in addition to numerous gifts of larger sums, from members of the Association, to the general funds of the College. The re- cent effort to secure five thousand dollars for the erection of a Monument to com- memorate the services of those who fell in the late war for the Union, is nearly complete. A Register of the post-oflBlce address of all who have been matriculated at Lafayette, is kept by the Secretary, who is anxious to receive early information of all changes, and also to be furnished with Biographical Sketches of all alumni, copies of their works, and their photographs, card size, to be preserved in the archives of the Association. OFFICERS FOR 1870-71. PRESIDENT. Rev. WILLIAM ALFRED JENKS Bridesburg, Pa. VICE-PRESIDENT. Rev. SAMUAL FISHER COLT Wysox, Pa. treasurer. ELISHA ALLIS, Esq Easton, Pa. secretary. Prof. SELDEN J. COFFIN Easton, Pa. temporary clerk. Rev. SAMUEL M. GAYLEY Colora, Md. COMMITTEE OF THE ALUMNI. Hon. ALEXANDER RAMSAY, A. M., Class of 1838, Washington, D. C. Rev. WILLIAM ALFRED JENKS, A. M., Class of 1855. J, MORGAN RAWLINS, A. M., Class op 1855, Parkesburg, Pa. JOSEPH BARRETT, A. M., Class of 1861, Bedford, N. Y. EDWARD P. CONKLING, Class of 1867, Flemington, N. J. 54 Wednesday, June 21st. 1871. WILLIAM B. OWEN Valedictorian. DAVID B. KING,. Latin Salutatory. AARON SWARTZ Honorary Oration. ORATIONS* JOHN S. AXTELL, BRADLEY W. LEWIS, JAMES C. CRAWFORD, JAMES A. McKNIGHT, FRANCIS W. EDGAR, JOHN MEIGS, WILLIAM S. FULTON, JOHN F. POLLOCK, HORACE P. GLOVER, JOHN SCOLLAY, FISHER GUTELIUS, J. ELFRETH WATKINS, WILLIAM WIELEY, Jk. -» ♦ • Monday, June 19, 1871. JOHN SCOLLAY Poem. WILLIAM WIELEY, Jr Oration. 0. JEWELL HARVEY, Historian. EDWARD BRYAN ....Tree Oration. FRANCIS W. EDGAR Phrenologist. JOHN S. AXTELL Presentation Address. WILLIAM B. OWEN Valedictory Address. JOHN M. CRAWFORD Song Composer. OLIN F.HARVEY « Master op Ceremonies. 55 afatdti QUARTeRLieS AND MONTHLIES Van Nostrand's Magazine, American Naturalist, American Bee Journal, Edinburg Review, British Quarterly, North American Review, Princeton Reriew, Harper's Monthly, Atlantic Monthly, Univjbrsity Review, African Repository, Beecher's Magazine, . Pennsylvania Teacher, Light for the Line, Nature, Franklin Institute Journal, grarderers monthly, Westminster Review, London Quarterly, Blackwood's Magazine, Bibliotheca Sacra, i'resbyterian review, Scribner's Monthly, Galaxy, Overland Monthly, Aldine, ' Association Monthly, Advocate of Peace, Lippincott's Magazine, Journal of Science and Arts. New York Herald, " ■ Tribune, " fe. WofeLD, DAILIES. Philadelphia Press, *' ■■ Ledger, 1 J ,' PiTTSBU]SG CoMMiERCIAL. Evening .Mail, WEIEKLIES. Scientific American, Nation, : • Harper's^ Presbyterian, Observer, Christian at Work, Reformed Church Messenger, Sunday School Workman, Times and Educator, Academy, Every Saturday, Appleton's Journal, Springfield Republican, Independent, Christian Weekly, Christian Intelligencer, Evangelist, Christian Union Work, Fireside Favorite, Presbyterian Banner. 56 LAFAYETTE EEADING EOOM. C Yale Literary Magazine, Amherst Student, Nassau Magazine, Argus, Dartmouth, Brunonian, Antiochian, Collegian, Nortre Dame Scolastic, Index Niagarensis, Mt. Pleasant Reveille, Medical Independent, Public School Advocate. Dalhousie Garette, Herald, Torch Light, Camp Fire, Vidette, Cap and Gtown, Times, OLLEGE. Cornell Era, Lafayette Monthly^ Harvard . Advocate, Williams Quarterly, Hamilton Monthly, Analist, Miami Student, Irving Union, College Days, Georgia Collegian, Courier, University Press, SiMPSONIAN, Acorn, Qui Vive, McKendree Repository, World, , University Reporter, ^Yale Courant, :,,,., .^.. Review. The Reading Room is open every week-day from 12^ to 2 P. M., and from 5|- to 7 P. M. Also, on Wednesday and Saturday from 12|^ to 5 P. M. Reference to Cyclopedia and other reference works from 9^ to 11 A. M., and frpm 2 to 4 P. M. D. B. KING, Curator of the Reading Boom. COLLEGE LIBRARY. Sen. and Fresh. Thursday, 8 — 9. JuN. Friday, 9—10. Sophs. Saturday, 9 — 10. Hours for Juniors and Sophomores, from 9 to 11 A. M,, on Friday. Hours for Seniors and Freshmen, from 9 to 11 A. M., on Saturday. Prof. F. A. MARCH, Zzftmnan. BOIT CLUBS. WAW ClUD #P ^f m ORGANIZED AFKIL, 1870. TWO BOATS. Nq. X.— ^Spanish Cedar Barge — "NETTLE" — 4 Oars. 38 feet long, 4 feet wide. No. 2.— Lap-streak Gig— " CUSWEN "— 6 Oaes. 40 feet long, 31 in. wide. Uniform — Blue trimmed with White. » ♦ fe r- OFFICMM8. THOMAS FASSITTT Captain. HARRY A. SMITH.... \ First Lieutenant. W. E. SMITH ...Second Lieutenant. J. I. GOOD Third Lieutenant. W. P. GAINES Purser. HARRY A. SMITH. , S. H. HOUSER. , R. P. SJSTOWDEN , A. J. PILGRIM ' Executive Comu. 58 [ Composed of the active members of the Rho Chapter of the D. K. E. Fraternity. ] OROANIZKD IN 1870. Boat " DELTA," 6 oared lapstreak oatrigger, 40 feet long, 34 iiich.es wide, weight 300 lbs ; carries a coxswain. Uniform — Blue and Gold. OFFICERS. 0. J. HARVEY Captain. W. E. SMITH Lieutenant. R. McCONAUGHY Purser. E. L. HILLIS, C. E. BURNS, . Executive Com. E. M. KILLOUGH, , 59 -^^ mMw BOM cim Of 74. ORGANISED MAY, 1871. Uniform — Blue trimmed with dark red. L. DILWORTH Captaiit. S. PERKINS First Lieutejstant. J. A. SUTTON Second Lieutenant. N. M. ORR Third Lieutenant. L P. PARDEE.? Purser. H. G. MENDENHALL, W. W. DORRIS, \ ...Executive Com. D. E. SAYRE, MEMmmMB'. A. J. CLARKE, F. N. DAY, L. DILWORTH, W. W. DORRIS, L. B. DOTY, A. L. FULLERTON, . D. W. GREGG, C. KEMBLE, H. G. MENDENHALL, N. M. ORR, I. P. PARDEE, S. PERKINS, J. B. REYNOLDS, D. E. SAYRE, S. SPRECHER, J. A. SUTTON, W. H. WIGTON, J. C. WRIGHT. 60 © Mau Ball eiuijs. APAwaii! H. C. FROST, '73 President. E. L. HILLIS, '72 Vice-President. H. A. SMITH, '72. Secretary. « E. S. DOTY, C. H. A. SMITH, 1st B. E. L. HILLIS, 3d B. C. G. VORIS, C. F. F. P. BILLMEYER, S. S. H. C. FROST, P. J. S. GANTZ, L. F. W. S. SWEENY, 2d B. J. E. SHULL, R. F. ^- BALL MATCHES, Lafayette vs. Belvidere Club. Warren County Fair, N. J. September, 1866. Score, 23 to 7. Prize — A Silver Ball. Lafayette vs. Chintewink. Jersey Flats. May, 1867. Score, 52 to 19. Lafayette vs. Lehigh University. Easton. October, 1869. Score, 45 to 45. Lafayette vs. Lehigh University. Betlilebem. October, 1869. Score, 31 to 24. Lafayette vs. Lehigh University. Easton. May 14, 1870. Score, 50 to 34. 61 .•^ THE M3RE0K. IST'L J. M. CRAWFORD President. J. COWAN Vice-President. L. H. BARBER Secretary. E. BRYAN Scorer. FIRIST HriNE. J. C. CRAWFORD, Captain. A. BRYDEN, 1st B. J. W. WILSON, 2d B. A. SWARTZ, 3d B. JOHN POLLOCK. S. S. J. C. CRAWFORD, P. J. M. CRAWFORD, C. J. GOWAN, R. F. W. S. FULTON. C. F. Gr. K. McMURTRIE, L. F. lays. W. S. SWEENY President. H. A. SMITH Vice-President. E. S. DOTY Treasurer. JEFF. SNYDER Scorer. FIRSiT lfIX£. J. E. SHULL, Captain. J. S. GANTZ, L. F. C. O. VORIS, C. F. E. S. DOTY, C. H. B. BANNARD, 1st B. . J. S. SHULL, S. S. W. S. SWEENY, 2d B. H. A. SMITH, P. F. DIFFENDERFER, 3d B. J. G. BOLTON, R. F. IST-S. L. P. APPLEMAN , President. H. A. STEES Treasurer. L. E.WALLER .....Secretary. E. M. KILLOUGH Scorer. FIRST XINF. H. C. FROST, Captain. A. K. HANNAN, R. F. L. P. APPELMAN, 3d B. T. C. GALBREATH, C. J. G. WILLIAMSON, L. F. H. A. STEES, 1st B. A. H. DAVIDSON, C. F. L. E. WALLER, 2d B. F. P. BILLMEYER, S. S. H. C. FROST, P. §^ BASE BALL CLUBS. 63 S. N. PERKINS PRESIDE^'T. L. DILWORTH !. Vice-President. F. N. DAY Secretary. S. SPRECHER Treasurer. S. B. HEPBURN Scorer. FIRST XIXE. S. N. PERKINS. Captain. S. N. PERKINS, C. L. DILWORTH, P. J. B. BAUSMAN, S. S. T. M. RIEGEL, 1st B. A. J. CLARK, 2d B. J. B. KELLER, Jr., 3d B. J. C. WRIGHT, L. F. W. H. BAYLESS, C. F. C. KEMBLE, R. F. FLY-TAKERS OF '74. FIRST NIXE. S. SPRECHER, Captain. S. SPRECHER, P. H. G. MENDENHALL, C. N. J. WRIGHT, 1st B. W. M. MILLER, 2d B. P. C. EVANS, L. F. J. P. NEVIN, 3d B. W. W. DORRIS, S. S. D. E. SAYRE, R. F. G. R. VAN REED, C. F. 1 aif 4 11114 I. p. PARDEE, Scorer. H. A. SMITH, 1st B. L. APPELMAN, 3d B. S. PERKINS, C. F. N. DAY, L. F. FIRST KINE. H. C. FROST, Captain, A. J. CLARKE, 2d B. F. P. BILLMEYER, S. S. H. C. FROST, P. S. B. HEPBURN, C. F. A. L. FULLERTON, Jr., R. F. ©B©©WHW OtWB ^ SCABIES OCCUPET EXTREMUM. E. L. HILLIS President. E. N. BARRETT Sec'y and Tkeas'e. MEMBEES. J. C. CRAWFORD, B. W. LEWIS, E. L. HILLIS, E. N. BARRETT, JOHN SCOLLAY, Qt. M. LEWIS, W. M. MILLER. Acl>0 APTON. ANIM! RELAXANDI CAUSA OFFICERS. J. A. Mcknight president. W. p. GAINES Secretary. J. R. PAULL Treasurer. B. CHAMBERS First Captain. W. B. REED Second Captain. MEMBERS. M. H. BRADLEY, '71, BENJAMIN CHAMBERS, '73, W. P. GAINES, '72, ' R. M. HxlYES, '71, W. S. KENNEDY, J. A. McKNIGHT, '71, J. R. PAULL, '71, W. B. REED, '73. 64 tmmtmm'^ C'}f/V?£i J. M. CRAWFORD Leader. J. T. HOUSTON, R. H. FULTON, .JOHN MEIGS, : 66 THE MIEEOE 72 QUINTETTE* J. B. LAW 1st Tenor. E. L. HILLIS 1st Bass. J, S. GANTZ 2d Tenor. W. S. AYRES 2d Bass. J. I. GOOD, Pianist. The a r^c h P l a ye i\_s o f • 7 3 PER OSTIOLA AD PAXILLOS OFFICERS. L. E. WALLER. T. McNINCH . President. . .Secretary. MFMBEHS. W. H. SCHUYLER, J. A. CANAN, W. C. STERLING, L. E. WALLER, T. McNINCH, H. A. STEES, E. BENSON. MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS 67 THE DIAMOND OUEE GUUB. D. K. E. " Wilt thou have J^usio ? Har'k I Jlpollo plays, find, tiventy caged nig-hting-ales do sing"." A. S. SWARTZ, '71, E. M. KILLOUGH, '73, H. D. SMITH, '73, E. L. HILLIS, '72, R. McCONAUGHY, '74, J. C. CRAWFORD, '71, a.B. ANDERSON, '74, j ' J. B. BAUSMAN, '74, J. I. GOOD, '72, Pianist. Soprano. Tenor. 1st Basso. 2d Basso. GlEE CLUB OF 74* SAM. SPRECHER, FRANK. LAMBERT, N. M. ORR, J- 1st Tenor. .} F. N. DAY, 2d Tenor. A. J. CLARKE, WM. WESTON, Jr CLAY KEMBLE, A. L. FULLERTON, 1st Bass. PHt PSI GLEE CLUB* WESTLYN M. HYDE LEWIS SPRENGER JOHN C. WRIGHT, SAMUEL SPRECHER,^ WM. C. ALEXANDER, J 1st Tenor. 2d Tenor. CLARENCE G. VORIS, FRANK A. DIFFENDERFER HORACE P. GLOVER, I 2d Bass. . . Leader. 1st Bass. ALEXANDER BRYDEN .) 2d Bass. a^^- t 68 THE ^IIEKOE StGMA CHt QUARTETTE. Wb E. A. BARBER 1st Tenor A. K. MICHLER 2d Tenor. J. H. RITTENHOUSE 1st Bass. R. E. JAMES 2d Bass. /EOllAW QUARTETTE. SERENADE „(Stfjlttfcu SiehJO^I." J. M. CRAWFORD 1st Tenor. E. A. BARBER 2d Tenor. J. C. CRAWFORD. J. M. YOUNG .1st Bass. ,2d Bass. &. c^^ -A w MUSICAL ORGANIZATION'S 69 UdhovmmmdehBohmtnrtron^er 44 *' The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, strategems and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are -dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus : Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music." E. Clara Louise Kellogg Worwell Doty Tenor (American Primadonna) W. Max Maretzek Mollenhauer Randolphi Babcock Grand Baritone C. Carlotta Patti Parepa Rosa VoRis....SECUNDissnio Bassissimo Profundissimo W. Giovanni Operti Brignoli Ronconi Gaines Mezzo Soprano *T. Tedesca Filomena Fassitt Violinist J. Hersee Christine Nilsson Shull Banjo Soloist Wehli Mason Schreiwer Berge Sanderson Bristow Smith Pianist * This noted fiddle-player has been engaged for a limited time by the troupe, at an enormous price. N. B. — This troupe will appear before the Easton public .in two grand Concerts during the coming season. Admission — Grown people $7.50 — Children Half price — Reserved Seats $4.00 Extra. 70 THEMIEEOE 2ETA PSt GLEE CLUB* JOHN MEIGS, ) W. WESTON, Jr. ) >• 1st Tenok. > 1st Bass. N. M. ORR, } CLAY KEMBLE, ) JOHN FOX, ) W. B. OWEN, ) ^ J- 2d Tenor. }• 2d Bass. J. B. REYNOLDS, ) JOHN POLLOCK, ) HERBERT T. BUCKLEY, Pianist. Tii^SI]©M@^i^N) TKU© L^ Amour fait beaucoup, mats la musiquefait tout. B. CHAMBERS, Jr., Violino Primo. J. C. DIEFENDERFER, Violino Secondo. E. BRYAN, Pianista. i) -®^ ^^A'^ ^ I Mi OJl^ (D yi VEN! V!DI VICTURUS SUM. j J. M. CRAWFORD Kixa. F. GUTELIUS 1st Kxight. F. T. OLDT QuEE>. E.BRYAN 2d Kxight. B. DOUGLASS, Je 1st Castle. A. S. SWARTZ 1st Bishop. J. C. CRAWFORD 2d Castle. WILLARD SPRINGER 2d Bishop. ■72. SECUNDUM ARTEM. R. P. SNOWDEN KixG. JEFFERSON SNYDER Queex. JOHN FOX Bishop. C. D. ALLIS, J. BOYD ANDREWS, H. B. BANNARD, D. H. CAMPBELL, B. CHAMBERS, Jr., W. A. DOUGLASS, .JOHN FOX, W. P. GAINES, H. A. SMITH, H. F. SMITH, S. C. SMITH, W. E. SMITH, R. P. SNOWDEN, WM. S. SWEENY, JEFFERSON SNYDER. i^ I M 72 THE MIEEOR B. DOUGLASS King. R. D. DOUGLASS Knight. A. S. SHERRERD Bishop. F. P. BILLMEYER Pawn. MEMBERS. L. P. APPLEMAN, H. C. FROST, L P. PARDEE, S.N.PERKINS, F. N. DAY, . H. A. SMITH, • D. G. HEYLMUN, J. H. LOTT, H. F. SMITH. .^t/ r \9 n FOUNDKl> ANNO DOMINI 1867. -% SYLE ME THOJy'E MARAjY HLAF. J. B. ANDREWS President. F. P. *BILLMEYER Vice-President. W. S. AYRES Treasurer. a. A. THOMPSON, J. C. WRIGHT, W. H. WIGTON, H. KEMPER, J. C. BERGSTRESSER, S. SPRECHER, J. B. REYNOLDS, SII.EXT WORKERS. G. C. TILDEN, A. J. CLARKE, L. E. WALLER, W. C. ALEXANDER,* H. C. FROST, D. G. HEYLMUN, E. M. KILLOUGH. * Carver. 73 Aj 74 THE M I K R E RAYESfOUiS GABBI.ERIS. D. B. KINO, J. B. ANDREWS, W. S. AYRES, T. A. DIEFFENDERFER, R. McCONAUGHY, § H. H. JACKSON, E. A. BARBER, T. C. ENGLISH, N. G. MOORE, A. K. HANNEN, M. J. SHALTER, J. B. BAUSMAN. KITCHEN CALIPERS. W. D. BABCOCK, F. N. DAY, J. F. ROBERTSON, N. M. ORR, A. H. DAVIDSON, S. N. PERKINS. B— OI(Y)STER— OUS BOYS. F. P. BILLMEYER, C. KEMBLE. Total weight of Club, 2 tons 765 lbs. LENGTH 11 rods 13 ft. 9 in. mmm GENERAL t H. G. MENDENHALL. LIEUT. GENERAL*** .A. K. MICHLER. MAJOR GENERAL** R. P. SNOWDEN. BRIGADIER GENERAL* J. H. RITTENHOUSE. BVT. BRIG. GENERAL! .' S. H. HOUSER. § Carver. % Two eyes knocked into four (instead of one) at battle of Five Forks. *** Pensioned on account of wounds received in right foot at Bull Run. ** An old Veteran unal)le to walk from wounds received at battle of Brandy-wine. * Shattered to pieces by grape and cannister at Pea Ridge. t Seven balls pierced his manly breast at (fish) Balls Bluff. All actively engaged in the conflict at Kettle Run, Falling-water. Peach Orchard, and Chick-a-hominv. d^) % Q:-v5 EATING CLUBS 75 SERO VENIENTIBUS OSSA J. E. SHULL President. W. C. ANDERSON Vice-President. J. M. St CLAIR Treasurer and Coshssary. W. M. SHANKS Bell Ringer, No. 1. W. J. STEWART, Jr Bell Ringer, No. 2. CABISfET. J. E. SHULL Ye Chief, W. H.SCHUYLER Chief's Bower. W. H. BOVARD Joker, .T. M. St. CLAIR Medicus Cards. M. H. HOUSEMAN Latrans Canis. MEMBERS. G. B. ANDERSON, D. MOORE, W. C. ANDERSON, D. W. NEVIN, W. C. BOVARD, J. P. NEVIN, C. E. BURNS, W. B. REED, B. CHAMBERS, Jr., S. M. RILEY, NAI CHU, D. E. SAYRE, J. G. DIEFENDERFER, E. K. SAYRE, f M. H. houseman,! J. M. St. CLAIR, D. M. KENNEDY, $ ' W. H. SCHUYLER, W. R. LITTLE,! W. M. SHANKS, J W. M. MILLER, J. R. SHIMER, J. E. SHULL, - WM. J. STEWART, Jr., H. D. W. SMITH, J. F. STONECIPHER.f t Cliarged double board. t Boarded free for jokes. 76 THE MIEEOE S0C9l^T$C W. E. SMITH President. J. G. BOLTON Vice-President. E. L. HILLIS Treasurer. W.WESTON, Jr Joker. HONORARY MEMBERS. E. HICKEY, F. G. FISHER, S. G. BARNES, S. R. WARRENDER. ACTITE MEMBERS. J. C. CRAWFbRD, E. S. DOTY, W. P. GAINES, J. B. LAW, J. I. GOOD, N. J. WRIGHT, H. M. STRUBLE, L. W. CASE, G. M. LEWIS, E. N. BARRETT, L. B. DOTY, J. B. GILFILLAN, M. L. COOK. EATING CLUBS. 77 nEAETON (AWFUL-EATING.) VIVIMUS KDERE. DUM VIVIMUS VIVAMIJS. Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus, Exaturahamur . PRIOR TEMPORE, PRIOR JURE. BON TON. HENRY A. SMITH, Ye Scalpel Manipulator. TOWIEGANTZ -. Server or (Adam's) Ale. LOUIE FULL-ERTON Waiter (for dessert). LARRIE DILWORTH Molasses Swiller and Vox faucibus haesit. GEORGIE HUGGINS Bre(a)d and Mustard in N. Y. TOMMIE FASSITT ) ^.^^,^ ^^^.^r^r^^, f Heathen Chinee Rice Eaters. JACKIE SUTTON, i 78 THE MIREOE n tmm ciUB 71 L. H. BARBER, A. BRYDEN, J. COWAN, W. S. FULTON, 0. F. HARVEY, B. W. LEWIS, J. A. Mcknight, JOHN MEIGS, J. R. PAULL, JOHN SCOLLAY, W. SPRINGER, J. E. WATKINS, W. B. OWEN, PRESIDENT, JOHN POLLOCK. VICE-PKESIDENT, A. S. SWARTZ mehibers. E. BRYAN, N. H. CONE, J. M. CRAWFORD, H. P. GLOVER, 0. J. HARVEY, A. W. LONG, W. McMURTRIE, F. T. OLDT, JOHN POLLOCK, T. L. SPRINGER, A. S. SWARTZ, W. WIELY, Jr., FISHER GUTELIUS. EATING CLUBS 79 BlLIifABIil u BE NATURAL M. H. BRADLEY. R. H. FULTON.... A. R. READ H. RUMER .... H. A. STEES .Pater Primus. .Pater Secundus. .SCRIBA. .Gustos. .Factotum. MEMBERS. E. J. AXGLE, J. S. AXTELL, W. H. BAYLESS, S. A. BESSON, M. H. BRADLEY, D. H. CAMPBELL, R. H. FULTON, R. H. HAMILTON, J. T. HOUSTON, G. R. VAN REED, W. M. HYDE, J, A. MENAUL, J. A. MOUK, A. R. READ, H. RUMER, A. P. SILVER, H. A. STEES, W. C. STERLING, J. S. STEWART, S. R. QUEEN. ^± r^{ 80 THE MIEEOE ^^B(¥)lf§ffeMS ©fel^ WHAT DO YOU CHOO-SE? " o:f:ficeii^s. J. G. WILLIAMSON President. L. P. APPLEMAN Vice-President. A. S. ELLIOTT Secretary. W. DEATS .Treasurer. S. B. HEPBURN Bell-ringer. C. W. SANDT Chaplain. S. L. STIVER Standing Com. OTHER MEMBERS. L. P. APPLEMAN Bell(y)icus Princeps. W. DEATS .....Bell(y)icus Secundus. S. B. HEPBURN Bell(y)icus Tertius. C. W. SANDT PSALMOGRAPHUS. J. Gr. WILLIAMSON Potator Lacteorum. LA(Y)ME MEMBER. A. S. ELLIOTT. es- EATING CLUBS 81 mm^w WAWBB otwB# FOUNDED BY JOHN SMITH, 1607. D. W. BRUCKART President. T. C. GALBREATH Vice-Pres;dext: L. F. SPRENGER Treasurer. WILLIAM CARPENTER CLINE Attending Physician. MEMBERS. H. A. ALLER, THOMAS C. GALBREATH, ENOCH BENSON, THOMAS McNINCH, WILLIAM C. BROBSTON, A. JULIUS PILGRIM, DAN. W. BRUCKART, JEFFERSON SNYDER, ELIJAH R. CASE, LEWIS F. SPRENGER, WILLIAM C. CLINE, NATHANIEL TAYLOR, ROBERT L. CLARK. CLARENCE VORIS. 82 THE MIRROR ©p#^® #@ Mm Or®^#® MOTTOES. BBEAEFAST Mas vale tarde que nunca. DINNER Revenons a nos moutons. SUPPER,... "Please, Sir, I want some more." W. W. DORRIS President. MEMBERS. C. D. ALLIS Raba avis. J. FOX Chicken Stealer. D. W. OREGG Club Bell Ringer. I. P. PARDEE Champion Butterist. A. b. SALKELD "Toast," "Toast." T. F. SALKELD "Dry" Joker. T. F. WELLS Joke ex pounder. W. W. DORRIS Tester of Pies. M W. B. OWEN, D. B. KING, JOHN SCOLLAY, A. J. PILGRIM, E. L. HILLIS, W. C. BROBSTON, D. H. CAMPBELL, EDITORS 'y\. B. W. LEWIS, J. F. POLLOCK, J. A. Mcknight, W. S. FULTON. EDITORS 'yS- J. E. SHULL, J. I. GOOD, H. A. SMITH, J« S. GANTZ, Superintendent of College Grounds. SAMUEL L. FISLER, A. M. JANITOR. WILLIAM H. WEAVER. COLLEGE BELL RINGER. J. A. MENAUL. 83 J. S. AXTELL, F. W. EDGAR, P. GUTELIUS, C. G. VORIS, E. S. DOTY, JOHN FOX, H. F. SMITH. 84 THE MIKEOE. iWABMi) FOWLER PRIZE ESSAY. D. J. WALLER, Jr. ADDISON — Selections from the Spectator. ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCE. R. W. D. BRYAN. MATHEMATICAL PRIZE. JOSEPH J. HARDY, AARON SWARTZ. PARDEE geiENTIPIGg^ J. B. BAUSMAN, NAI CHU, W. W. DORRIS, A. GRADWOHL, G. M. HOLT, H. HOUSEMAN, R. McCONAUGHY, C. H. MILLIGAN, D. MOORE, T. McK. REIGEL, J. W. SUTTON, T. WELLS. MISCELLANY. 85 AT LAFAYETTE COLLEGE November 20, 1870 Aged 17 years and 9 months. WILLIAM HART THOMPSON, JR., Class of 1873 Easton. ]>I£]> AT EASTON May 20, 1871 Aged 18 years and 5 months. 98 1870--71. DANIEL S. DUSENBERRE, Died at Bedford, N. Y., June 29, 1870. Principal of Seminary. WM. LEWIS DAVIS, Died at Easton, October 3d, 1870. Aged 43. Editor of the Easton Daily Express. EDWARD P. FIELD, Died at Easton, April, 1871. Aged 42. Rev. WM. HUNTER, Died at Clinton, Pa., October 5, 1870. Aged 56. Rev. OSCAR PARKE, Died at Chetswortli, Dl., January 25, 1871. Aged 54. For a time one of the Faculty op Carroll College, Wis. Prof. JACOB PERSON, Died at Belvidere, N. J., March 19, 1871. Professor in the Polytechnic College, 'Philadelphia. JOHN M. SIEGFRIED, Died at Easton, April 1, 1871. A Numismatist and Antiquarian. ENTML SiMG BoOMS 14gf ®1. WA. MEALS AT ALL HOURS! }te inm of |vw| Ibor. ||5tef§ tti |ver| |i|ie. Fresh, every day. 0^^ COLLEGE ORGANIZATIONS furnished with meals at reasonable rates. ^^ FAMILIES and CLUBS supplied at the house on leaving their address at the Bakery. WM. B. MIDDAU6H & SON. BEOADWELL, CONKLING & CO., WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL Srocers and ^roTision Pealsrs, S- \A/. COR. 'EISTON, PI, FRANKLIN HQUgE, EA gTQN. FA. This Hotel is situated in the centre of the City of Easton. It has been re- fitted and greatly improved by re-furnishing, painting, and papering, and now offers superior accommodations to any hotel in the place. is artistically arranged and well stocked with choice Liquors and Cigars of all brands. A large Billiard Room is attached — also good stables for the accommo- dation of horses. OHAS. LAUDENBEHGEH, Proprietor. p w. m BAawnWi RUGGisT AND Apothecary, 1^9 JVorthampton St., Easton, Pa., Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in Hale, \mlm ml liilficatiiig |ti| fatnlf aitl \ml French and American Window Glass, Fine Soaps and Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &.c. AGENT FOR WETHERILL'S PURE WHITE LEAD, &c., &c., &c. A call is solicited. Satisfaction oruaranteed. BID'W^K^nD DELE'S Wholesale and Retail Hi MPIRE UAI^^FET TIALL. J^o. 186 JTorthampton St., Easton, CPcu. BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, AND INGRAIN CARPETS, DRUGGETS, MATTING, CARPET CHAIN, STAIR RODS, STAIR, TABLE, AND FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, FINE TABLE' AND PIANO COVERS, • ^c'., Sec, Src. Manufacturer and "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in npoRf 11 & Mniifii iMAis^ 132 Northampton St. (bet. 3d and 4th), EASTON, PA. CONSTANTLY ON HAND Hotels, Stores, and Dealers supplied at moderate prices. C3-. .^. STEDN/dl, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SEGARS, CHOICE BRANDS OF AND A FIXE ASSORTMENT OP Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Holders, Canes, ^c, Always on Hand, No. 9, Porter's Llocl; South Third Street, EASTON, Pa. JAMES E. SMITH DEALER IN m, Always on hand a fine assortment of Soft, Stiff and Semi-Stiff Hats. CLASS CAPS AND SILK HATS MADE TO ORDER. iVb. IS J- Wortho/m/ptoii Street^ &jlj^u:bilj o-^e^is. MANUFACTURER OP FRENCH SOF^B, Am, Parlor ani Roclii CMrs, MMt, Tales, Biireais, &c,, 140 Sr 1^4 JS'orthainpton Street, (Few tloors beloAv Mt. Vernon Hotel, ) EASTON. pa. ^^" Factory, Cor. Fifth and Ferry Sts. Turning, Sawing, etc., done promptly. THE STUDENTS OF LAFAYETTE ■TTr7"ILL ALWAYS FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO STOP AT E. VV D. MILLARD'S, on their way either up or down, as he is always pleased to see them, and ever ready to supply their many wants. He keeps a general assortment of Goods, such as are needed hy a Student, consisting of ^onl§ mid pitchers, ^ii^§ und ^itmbler^. Soaps and Brushes, Lamps and Chimneys, Shoe Blacking, (which can he used on hoots,) TAPE and RIBBONS, WICKS and SHOE-LACES, PINS and NEEDLES, BUCKETS and BROOMS, and hetter than all, ICE COOL MILK as a heverage. In fact anything and everything except — Money. SOUTH WEST COKXEIl OF THIRD AND BISHKILL STREETS. CLIFTON & HILBURN, PLAIN AND FANCY BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, COfflffl SOUTH THIRD AM PfflSTBEITS, Next dook to Post Office. MMmCMMMW WMmmSs AND DEALERS IN (*?;. ^ Si Largest Assortment, Clioieest Styles, And our prices are the Lowest of any offered in town, ^g- Special attention given to FINE WHITE SHIRTS. DATESMAN & AMCLE, 53 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa. M'NEAL & SIEGERT, SUCCESSORS TO GEO. B. TITUS. WM ®S®tt©P^ 1^M®©K§S|) ^0W®fiS^I) SILVER AND PLATED 77AIIE, No. 71 NORTHAMPTON STREET, SINE & KING, i , * 11 R IP B I Mastow. Pa. 8. W. SINE, DD.S. T. F. KING. THIE JL.ls/L:ElTtXCDJL.l