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'*-« b *.t:t' A .0* .c»jL°-- ■'b^ .-^ .'y.'" "K 4 o. *bv* 0* c^Vf% 1 • ,JCSWw.«r- "oV" ^^'•'^"m^V *P-J"j. : -^^0^ --..r .^^"v %„./ /MA". -^...^ /^M\ \/ '^^ i-'J^' 0-, C" , cs^^^ .w/Mm^ ..\^. iV^^ K.^^ "^^/^T/^r.^^- -^^/--^/.^^^'xwc^v^^^^ '.^i^^- .^--. -. .v/«^'. \„./\,^ •^^^^^ » <3 r> >^ . » • < V- .*»V1'* cv V ,.**' ,i&«i-. ' **, .* ' y^-. ~*^„ ^' .•; -V .*' ^^-n^. ■^^ * -^^0^ :^ ""^^ ♦._o« .n^ * - . » ' .fl-l ^0 '^a'^ ^°-%. *^^* .^^ o V .^•^ IC ^^""^ Bureau of Mines Information Circular/1985 Factors Affecting Respirable Dust Generation From Longwall Roof Supports By John A. Organiscak, Jeffrey M. Listak, and Robert A. Jankowski UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 75j '^INBS 75TH AVi^ Information Circular 9019 Factors Affecting Respirable Dust Generation From Longwall Roof Supports By John A. Organiscak, Jeffrey M. Listak, and Robert A. Jankowski UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Model, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES Robert C. Horton, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Organiscak, John A Factors affecting respirable dust generation from longwall roof supports. (Bureau of Mines information circular ; 9019) Bibliography: p. 16. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27:9019. 1. Coal mines and mining— Dust control. 2. Mine roof control. I. Listak, Jeffrey M, II. Jankowski, Robert A. III. Title. IV. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines) ; 9019. TN295.U4 [TN312] 622s [622'. 42] 84-600328 CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Survey description 2 Longwalls with low concentrations of support-generated dust 3 Geology 4 Supports 5 Operational procedures 5 Longwalls with moderate concentrations of support-generated dust 5 Geology 5 Supports 6 Operational procedures 7 Longwalls with high concentrations of support-generated dust 7 Geology 8 Supports 9 Operational procedures 9 Factors affecting dust generated by supports 9 Roof strength 9 Depth of cover 10 Shield design 10 Other factors 10 Support dust control technology used in the United States 11 Water application 12 Other dust control practices 12 Conclus ions 15 References 16 Appendix A. — Data from longwall survey. 17 Appendix B. — Dust-sampling strategy 19 ILLUSTRATIONS 1 . Typical longwall shield face 3 2. Instantaneous roof support dust concentrations at longwall A 4 3. Instantaneous roof support dust concentrations at longwall F 6 4. Instantaneous roof support dust concentrations at longwall G 8 5. Relationship between roof loading factor and average support dust concen- tration at surveyed longwall faces 10 6. Relationship between panel depth and average support dust concentration at surveyed longwall faces 11 7. Relationship between face air velocity and dust levels at the face 12 8. Spray manifold located on support canopy 13 9. Relationship between debris thickness on shield canopy and dust generated 14 10. Effectiveness of shearer-clearer system 14 11. Relationship between distance downwind of support movement and dust level 15 TABLES A-1 . Numerical data from survey 17 A-2. Descriptive data from survey 18 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT ft foot psi pound (force) per square inch ft2 square foot psig pound (force) per h hour square inch, gauge in inch pet percent mg/m^ milligram per cubic meter ton/ft^ ton per square foot mm millimeter ft/min foot per minute m/s meter per second L/min liter per minute ym micrometer NOTE.- -See appendix B for explanation of RAM units. FACTORS AFFECTING RESPIRABLE DUST GENERATION FROM LONGWALL ROOF SUPPORTS By John A. Organiscak, Jeffrey M. Listak, and Robert A. Jankowski ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines conducted a survey of eight shearer longwall oper- ations to identify factors that affect respirable dust generation from longwall roof supports. The longwalls surveyed were in coal seams lo- cated in different geographic regions of the United States. Data were collected on mining (geologic) conditions, support design, operational characteristics, and amount of respirable dust generated from roof sup- ports. Analysis indicated that mining conditions are the main factors that affect the generation of dust during roof support movement. Both roof strength and depth of cover above the coal seam showed relation- ships with the amount of support dust generated. Several practices are currently employed to effectively control roof support dust; however, some of these controls are limited. More research and development is needed to improve dust control technology for longwall roof supports. ^Mining engineer. ^Supervisory physical scientist. Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. INTRODUCTION Previous Bureau research on dust sources at shearer longwall operations has shown that roof support movement can generate a significant amount of respira- ble dust (_1).-^ Investigators found that as much as 31 pet of the respirable dust to which shearer operators were exposed was generated by the cyclic movement of longwall roof supports Q) . On most longwalls in the United States, the major source of dust is the cutting action of the shearer drums , and the ma- jor effort has been to control dust from this source. Thus, very little research has been done on the control of support- generated dust in the United States (J^). Some research has been done in Europe, but only limited technology has resulted. To fill this gap, the Bureau conduct- ed a recent study to gain a better understanding of conditions that contrib- ute to high levels of support dust on longwall mining operations. The objec- tive was to identify the inherent char- acteristics of longwalls having high levels of support-generated respirable dust. This report describes the study and presents the findings. The problem was addressed by conducting dust sampling at longwalls in the east- ern and western United States having a wide range of dust levels generated by support movement. The criteria used for assessing the origins of respirable dust were local geology, support design, and operational procedures. The data were collected and analyzed for correlations, in an attempt to identify the character- istics that influence dust generation. SURVEY DESCRIPTION Eight shearer longwall faces using shield supports were surveyed (fig. 1).^ The characteristics and dust concentra- tions of these longwalls are shown in ap- pendix A. The longwalls surveyed were located in seven coal seams (table A-2 in appendix A) at varying depths of cover, in different geographic regions of the United States. Geologic conditions were observed during the survey, and drill- core data from the vicinity of the panels were obtained from mine personnel. During the survey, four types of imme- diate roof were identified. Compressive strengths of these roof types were esti- mated (based on observation) for use in relating the support load exerted on them to the dust generated (_2 ) . The four roof types and their estimated compressive strengths were as follows: coal, 650 psi; weak shale (soft), 4,000 psi; strong -^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references preceding the appendixes. '^Frame and chock support faces were not included in this survey because only a limited number of these installations are in use, and their application in the United States is quickly diminishing. competent shale, 10,000 psi; and weak siltstone (soft), 4,000 psi. The esti- mated roof strength and roof type for each of the longwalls surveyed are given in tables A-1 and A-2, respectively. Supports used at the longwalls surveyed were either two- or four-legged shields. The pertinent characteristics of the shields were setting pressures, yield loads, support dimensions, and leg speci- fications. From these data, the average setting-load density exerted on the roof by the supports at each longwall was de- temnined. As an indication of the roof's susceptibility to crushing under the sup- port setting load, a roof loading factor was devised from a ratio of the average roof strength to the average support setting-load density. The lower the val- ue of this factor, the more likely the roof was to crush under set load. Dust samples were taken at each long- wall, and operational procedures were observed. Support dust was measured by using GCA^ Real-Time Aerosol Moni- tors (RAM's) and short-term gravimetric ^Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. FIGURE 1. - Typical longwall shield face. samplers immediately upwind and downwind of support movement along the face. (For details of the sampling strategy, see ap- pendix B) . Ventilation data were col- lected at each longwall. At some of the longwalls, the effect of ventilation on the dilution and diffusion of support dust at various distances downstream of support movement was determined from RAM measurements. (See appendix B.) Addi- tional information about operational pro- cedures was collected, including support advance practices, support dust control practices, and horizon control of the roof and floor with the shearer. LONGWALLS WITH LOW CONCENTRATIONS OF SUPPORT-GENERATED DUST At two of the longwalls surveyed (long- walls A and B, as identified in appendix A), dust concentrations generated by sup- port movement were very low. The average respirable dust concentration was < 0.5 RAM unit^ as measured with the RAM's and °Ram units are explained in appendix B. < 0.5 mg/m-' as measured with the gravi- metric samplers. An example of low dust concentrations generated by support movement along the face is shown in figure 2, a plot of the instantaneous measurements made at long- wall A. The difference between the imme- diate downwind and upwind concentrations h| 3 CO H ni ~: < CO CO => ,- ;^ o f{ LU O z P < < H CC Z H 1 r=^ z h: uj CO o o 0. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEY o Imnnediate downwind cone ° Immediate upwind cone ^ I//J Dust from support \ movement l^^Av downwind cone = 0.9\ £ ! 1 1 I I J I -T— T— Av Upwind cone _ _ ^SOv^ ^/V^?}^ \'- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 40 50 60 -* — Headgate 70 80 90 100 Tailgate — >- SUPPORT MOVED (Support identification number) 10 FIGURE 2. - Instantaneous roof support dust concentrations at longwoll A. measured during support movement indi- cated the dust concentration generated by the supports (the shaded area between the two curves). The average downwind dust concentration was 0.9 RAM unit, and the average upwind dust concentration was 0.5 RAM unit, resulting in an average dust concentration of 0.4 RAM unit generated by the supports. The difference between the dust concentrations of the downwind and upwind gravimetric samples made con- currently with instantaneous sampling at this longwall yielded 0.3 mg/m-^ of dust generated from support movement. Dust concentrations produced by the supports at longwall B were similar to those produced at longwall A; the average instantaneous and gravimetric concentra- tions were 0.4 RAM unit and 0.1 mg/m-^ , respectively. Besides the similarities in support-generated dust concentrations, longwalls A and B had many similarities with respect to mining conditions , sup- port design, and operational procedures. GEOLOGY The mining conditions at longwalls A and B were very similar. Longwall A was located in the Lower Kittanning coal seam, with a mining height of about 5 ft. The mining face was horizontal, with no major irregularities in the coal seam. The immediate roof was composed of 48 ft of dark-to-medium-gray hard shale. This roof was very competent in front of the canopy tips and caved readily at the rear of the supports. Its assumed compressive strength was 10,000 psi. The floor was a dark-to-medium-gray claystone of excel- lent quality. The cover over the panel was 320 ft deep and was formed of thick sandstone and shale strata interlaced with thin coal seams. Longwall B was located in the Campbell Creek coal seam. The mining height was approximately 6 ft. The coal seam had no major irregularities and was relatively flat. The immediate roof consisted of 5 ft of a gray hard shale overlain by 32 ft of gray sandstone. This roof be- haved very well, being competent in front of the canopy tips and caving readily be- hind the supports. (Its compressive strength was also 10,000 psi) . The floor was a gray sandstone of excellent quality which provided a firm surface for the support bases. The cover over the panel was 500 ft deep and was composed of thick sandstone and shale strata interlaced with coal. Thus, both longwalls had excellent min- ing conditions. SUPPORTS The supports used at the two longwalls were identical: four-legged lemniscate shield supports, each with a 55-ft^ can- opy bearing area. The setting pressures and yield loads of these supports were 4,350 pslg and 564 tons, respectively. The side seals on the flushing shield were spring-activated with hydraulic override. The supports could be moved in the contact-advance mode from a bidirec- tional adjacent control. The strong shale roof at both longwalls was assumed to have had a compressive strength of 10,000 psi. The load den- sity set on the roof by the support at a setting pressure of 4,350 psig was 113.9 psi, resulting in a roof loading fac- tor of 87.7 (roof compressive strength/ load density at set pressure) at both longwalls. This roof loading factor in- dicated that the roof had a strong re- sistance to crushing under the setting loads of the supports. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Both longwalls A and B used a unidirec- tional cutting sequence with contact ad- vance of supports in one of the cutting directions. Also, each mine maintained good horizon control during mining. Con- tact advance and good horizon control re- duce the amount of debris that is re- ground and crushed into respirable dust. Also, both longwalls applied water to the roof to reduce dust entrainment when supports were moved. Longwall A free- wheeled the leading drum near the roof during the cleanup pass to apply water. Longwall B wet the roof using a venturi spray mounted on the shearer body and directed downstream at an angle of ap- proximately 45° relative to the roof. The average velocity of the air at the face, traveling in a head-to-tail direc- tion, was 580 ft/min for longwall A and 289 ft/min for longwall B. LONGWALLS WITH MODERATE CONCENTRATIONS OF SUPPORT-GENERATED DUST At four of the longwalls surveyed (longwalls C, D, E, and F) , moderate amounts of respirable dust were generated by the supports. Average respirable dust concentrations measured with gravimetric samplers were between 0.5 and 2.0 mg/m-'. Average respirable dust concentrations measured with the RAM's ranged from 0.6 to 2.4 RAM units. A typical example of instantaneous dust concentrations measured at a long- wall with moderate amounts of support- generated dust (longwall F) is shown in figure 3. Again, the difference between the immediate downwind and upwind concen- trations measured during support movement (the shaded area) represented the dust generated by the supports . Peak support dust concentrations were measured at ar- eas of the face with deteriorated roof conditions. The average downwind dust concentration was 2.0 RAM units, and the average upwind dust concentration was 0.3 RAM unit, resulting in an average dust concentration of 1.7 RAM units generated by the supports. The corresponding dif- ference between the downwind and upwind gravimetric sample concentrations yielded an average dust concentration of 1.5 mg/m-^. The other longwalls (C, D, and E) also had moderate dust concentrations, and instantaneous peak concentrations similar to those measured at longwall F were measured at deteriorating roof areas along their faces. GEOLOGY Longwalls C, D, E, and F were located in three different coal seams , but had similar mining conditions. Longwall C was located in the 6-ft-thick Eagle Seam. Longwall D was located in the 6-ft-thick Pittsburgh Seam. Longwalls E and F were 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 -• — Headgate Tai Igate *■ SUPPORT MOVED (Support identification number) FIGURE 3. - Instantaneous roof support dust concentrations at longwall F. located in the 9-ft-thick Blind Can- yon Seam. No major seam irregularities occurred at any of these longwalls except at longwall D, which had 1 ft of rock parting in the middle of the seam. Each of the longwalls had a fairly soft fria- ble roof composed of shale (longwall C) , coal (longwall D) , or siltstone (long- walls E and F) . The floor at longwalls C and D was a wet, soft shale; at longwalls E and F, the floor was a wet, soft muds tone. Depths of cover over the longwall panels ranged from 430 to 1,600 ft. In general, the longwalls under greater depths of cover had somewhat higher concentrations of support-generated dust. The stratigraphic composition of the overburden for longwalls C, D, E, and F consisted mainly of shales, sandstones, limestones, siltstones, and coal seams. General mining conditions for these longwalls were fair to good. SUPPORTS All four longwalls used two-legged lem- niscate shields that were basically similar in design, but with some differ- ences. The shields used at longwalls C, E, and F had extendable forepoles. The canopy areas with the forepoles retracted were 42.0, 42.8, and 42.8 ft2, respec- tively; with the forepoles extended, they were 52.7, 59.0, and 59.0 ft^, respec- tively. The shields used at longwall D had no forepoles and had a canopy area of 50.7 ft^. The setting pressure for long- walls C, E, and F as 4,350 psig; for longwall D, it was 4,000 psig. Yield loads at longwalls C, D, E, and F were 426, 352, 472, and 472 tons, respective- ly. The canopy areas with the forepoles retracted were used for the load-density calculations for longwalls C, E, and F because the forepoles were not extended on most of the shields at these faces. ^ The side seals on the flushing shields at these longwalls were spring-loaded with hydraulic override, and the sup- ports could be moved in the contact- advance mode from a bidirectional adja- cent control. Loading densities exerted on the roofs at longwalls C, D, E, and F were 134.7, 40.3, 108.3, and 108.3 psi, respectively. At longwall D, the load density on the roof was significantly lower because of the fairly large canopy area and smaller props on the longwall D shields. The roof loading factors (roof compressive strength/ average set load density) for longwalls C, D, E, and F were 29.7, 16.1, 36.9, and 36.9, respectively. These fac- tors were significantly lower than the roof loading factors of longwalls A and B, indicating that the roofs over long- walls C, D, E, and F were more suscepti- ble to crushing and grinding during sup- port movement. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Each of these four mines advanced the supports during the head-to-tail pass. Longwalls E and F did not utilize contact advance; longwalls C and D utilized con- tact advance in some areas of the face where the floor was strong enough to keep the supports from digging in. At all four longwalls, the floor and roof were cut fairly evenly. However, the supports would sink or dig into the floor, and some of the weaker roof areas would break off in front of the canopy tips, leaving cavities on top of the can- opies. These cavities developed highly stressed roof-contact areas that frac- tured and crushed. When the supports were dropped significantly before being advanced, a thick layer of debris would build up on the canopy, and this debris was subject to further crushing and grinding during set loading. At long- walls C and D, the support movers lowered the front of the canopy and cleaned the debris off some of the shields into the panline. This was a very dusty operation and was conducted upwind of the shearer operators and other face personnel. If debris needs to be cleaned off the can- opies , it should be done downwind of all workers. One longwall (longwall F) uti- lized spray manifolds on the shields to suppress support dust. Ventilation ^airflow was less than 200 ft/min at three of these longwalls. Longwalls C, E, and F had average face air velocities of 167, 184, and 179 ft/ min. Longwall D had an average face air- flow of 402 ft/min. LONGWALLS WITH HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF SUPPORT-GENERATED DUST At two of the longwalls surveyed (long- walls G and H) , large amounts of res- pirable dust were generated by the sup- port movement, with average respirable dust concentrations above 2.0 mg/m^ 'The forepoles would be utilized mainly to catch loose material separated from the roof in some areas of the face. Therefore, there was probably very lit- tle if any loading of the roof with the forepoles. as measured with gravimetric samplers. Average respirable dust concentrations measured with the RAM exceeded 2.0 RAM units. A typical example of instantaneous dust concentrations at a longwall with large amounts of support-generated dust (long- wall G) is shown in figure 4. Again, the shaded area between the two curves repre- sents the dust generated by supports. The average downwind and upwind RAM measurements were 6.1 and 0.6 RAM units. < < cc LU O z O o I- co ID Q CO 3 o LXJ 12 10 8 - z ~1 [ 1 I r-T I I I \ 1 I r J — I — I — I I 1 it I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 20 30 -• Headgate 50 60 70 80 Tailgate — SUPPORT MOVED (Support identification number) 90 FIGURE 4. - Instantaneous roof support dust concentrations at longwall G. respectively. The amount of dust gener- ated by the supports varied significant- ly along the face. The highest and low- est dust concentrations measured dovmwind of the supports were 11.8 and 2.2 RAM units, respectively. Less dust was gen- erated by the supports at longwall H, but the amount of dust generated was still significant. The average RAM and gravi- metric measurements of support-generated dust for both longwalls were 2.6 RAM units and 3.0 mg/m^. Instantaneous RAM measurements showed that support dust concentrations varied at longwall H but were more consistent than at longwall G. GEOLOGY Mining conditions at longwalls G and H were similar. Longwall G was located in the Hiawatha coal seam, with a min- ing height of about 8 ft. The mining face was horizontal, with no major irregularities in the coal seam. The immediate roof was composed of 1 ft of coal overlain with 10 ft of sandstone. This roof was fairly competent in front of the canopy tips and caved readily at the rear of the supports. The assumed compressive strength of the coal roof was 650 psi. The floor was a dry sandstone of excellent quality and provided a firm surface for the support based. Overlying this longwall panel was 1,600 ft of over- burden composed of sandstones, mudstones, siltstones, shales, and coal seams. Longwall H was located in the E-Seam. This coal seam is characterized by local thickening and thinning due to the pres- ence of rolls in the coalbed. The strata above the coal seam are composed of sand- stone, shale, and mudstone. The seam is fairly flat, with a 2° to 3° dip in the northern direction. At the longwall pan- el, 8 ft of coal was mined, limited by the maximum support height , leaving 1 ft of coal for the immediate roof below the sandstone strata above the seam. This roof was fairly competent in front of the canopy tips and caved readily at the rear of the supports. The assumed compressive strength of the coal roof was 650 psi. The floor was a hard, dry shale and pro- vided a firm surface for the support bases. Overlying this longwall panel was 2,200 ft of overburden composed of sand- stones, mudstones, siltstones, shales, and coal seams . Since the immediate roof at both long- walls was coal, it was assumed that the roof at both mines had a compressive strength of 650 psi. Load densities exerted on the roof by the supports at longwalls G and H were 73.6 and 80.6 psi, yielding roof loading factors of 8.8 and 8.1, respectively, indicating a tendency of the roof to crush and grind under set- ting loads . OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES SUPPORTS The supports used at longwalls G and H were similar in design. Supports at longwall G were two-legged lemniscate shields with a 57.6-ft^ canopy bearing area. The setting pressures and yield loads of the supports were 4,350 psig and 472 tons, respectively. Longwall H also had two-legged lemniscate shields, but the canopy bearing area was 54.0 ft^, the setting pressure was 4,500 psig, and the yield load was 440 tons. At both long- walls, the side seals on the flushing shields were spring-activated with hy- draulic override. The supports could be moved in the contact-advance mode from a bidirectional adjacent control. Longwalls G and H used a unidirectional cutting sequence with contact advance of supports during the head-to-tail pass. Horizon control was maintained fairly well. Ventilation at G and H was head- to-tail, with average face airflows of 650 and 355 ft/min, respectively. Mining conditions at these longwalls were fairly good. The large amounts of roof support dust seemed to be generated by the easy crushing and grinding of the coal roof during advance and setting of the sup- ports. The airflow at longwall G was quite high, which could have contributed to the entrainment of support-generated dust. FACTORS AFFECTING DUST GENERATED BY SUPPORTS Eight longwalls were surveyed and cate- gorized according to the amount of res- pirable dust generated by roof supports (low, moderate, and high). Within these categories, similarities were observed, mainly with respect to mining conditions (geology). Mining conditions determined by the coalbed geology seemed to be the main factors affecting support dust generation. ROOF STRENGTH Strong shale roof seemed to generate the least amount of dust during support movement (< 0.5 mg/m^). The weaker shale and siltstone roofs generated moderate amounts of dust during support movement (> 0.5 mg/m? and < 2.0 mg/m-'). Longwalls that left an immediate coal roof (lowest compressive strength) because of weak strata above the coal or limits of the longwall equipment had the highest amounts of support-generated dust (> 2.0 mg/m^). Thus, there appears to be an in- verse relationship between roof strength and support-generated dust. Figure 5 shows the relationship of the roof load- ing factor to dust concentration. Usual- ly, the lower the roof -loading factor (roof compressive strength/load density exerted on roof by canopy) , the weaker the roof. The dust concentrations plot- ted in figure 5 were the average RAM mea- surements of support dust at each long- wall; using the gravimetric dust data instead of the RAM measurements yielded the same relationship. 10 o a: f2 O a. CL Z) (/) UJ >- U DQ O O CO Z) Q Q UJ UJ UJ CD < DC 5 - o 1 1 o 1 1 KEY Av RAM dust cone - 4 - - 3 2 1 - o "** o o 1 o 1 ^- -. 1 T^ o - 20 40 60 80 100 ROOF LOADING FACTOR FIGURE 5. - Relationship between roof loading factor and average support dust concentration at surveyed longwall faces. DEPTH OF COVER Another geologic factor that seemed to affect the amount of support-generated dust was the depth of cover over the coal seam. At the eight longwalls studied, the support-generated dust seemed to in- crease as overburden above the seam in- creased. In figure 6, seam depth is plotted against average RAM concentra- tions of the support dust at each long- wall. The gravimetric data for these longwalls showed the same trend. As depth of cover increases, vertical and horizontal stresses in the strata in- crease, usually producing more pronounced fracturing of the strata. Also, deeper strata usually have more in situ stresses in all directions. Generally, fractured and highly stressed rock, strata are weak- er and less competent during mining, which may make them more susceptible to crushing and grinding by longwall roof supports. SHIELD DESIGN The longwall roof supports at the eight longwalls were either two- or four-legged lemniscate shields. Their designs did not seem to be as strong a factor in dust generation as roof strength. The only major difference between the two-legged and four-legged shields was that the four-legged shields distributed floor loads more evenly throughout the bases. Other differences between the shields were their prop sizes and canopy areas, which produced different load densities exerted on the roof with approximately the same setting pressures. However, there seemed to be no relationship be- tween the load densities alone and support-generated dust. A relationship did appear when the load densities exert- ed on the roof and the roof strength were utilized together to determine the roof- loading factor. OTHER FACTORS Other factors that may influence the generation of support dust are horizon control, contact advance, water applica- tion, and face airflow. Good horizon control should be maintained by the shearer or plow. When irregularities occur in the roof and floor, the bearing areas of the supports make contact with only a portion of the roof or floor and will crush out these areas due to high stress. All the longwalls included in this study maintained good horizon con- trol. However, at longwalls C, D, E, and 11 Q DC LlI ID O < HO CL CL Z) >- 00 2 - 0, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o KEY o Av RAM dust cone _ — '"^ ^^^^ 1 ^ u CO o u •o > 1-1 4-1 a 1-1 u o CO o CM w iH . O 1 g CO H 4-l ■3 10 O CO TJ X3 , 4-> O 4-1 0) iH 4J -iH U CO 1-1 i-< x: to iH M <4H •a a M 4J 3 0) CC u-i C <4H 3 1 • 4J (-1 1-1 WOO) >>X3 M Cu rH > D-rH O U OJ •3 (J • >^ XI )-l > to 4J ^ rH 4J to 3 3 • > to T3 3 t3 XI -3 4-1 a 0) • 4J (U cO • X) 4J CO T3 to 1 . to 1 to •> to x: 4-1 x: . 4-1 4-1 3 U O 1 c 1 3 CO (1) 3 Q) 1 3 O !-i to r-4 to to -3 • to 4-i rH rH to -3 3 CI. O. 4-) 1-1 0) 4J CO 4J -H > 1 3 0-30 •H 3 iH 3 -H T3 4J to d) XI D- C to rH 3 D S to to 3 CO CO • (3 0) <-{ 3 4-1 a x: CJ 0) CO 4-1 QJ > 4J > 4J • XI w u u C/D w s U -3 • • •3 • • • • 4-> -< • • • to 1-t 4J -o T3 u XI U X) -3 XI 0) ^ c • iH iH 4: o o s • • CO s CO s >, 1 4J • • 4-10) • >. 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