,0o. ^ -tj ^>^ V c^ r ' c£> * // '>> A- V> V OC . \ ,o- ** : ■ %# . HJr>'/ #% v %'* ,VV V . : THE ELEMENTS GREEK GRAMMAR The Rev. SAMUEL CONNOR, AUTHOR OF "EPITOME OF LATIN PROSODY." LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMAN, PATERNOSTER-ROW. MDCCCXXXI LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, RED LION COUKT, FLEET STREET. ADVERTISEMENT. The Compiler of the following pages has endea- voured to prepare a clear, concise, and comprehensive Greek Grammar ; and for this purpose has carefully examined the chief Grammars published in England and abroad. In respect to the Vocabulary, which is attached, he would advise, that the Learner should begin to com- mit it to memory, when he has gone through twtw in the three Voices. Besides the words he might have to learn in translating some introductory Book, as Valpy's Delectus, (which he might commence when he had made himself master of some of the Verbs,) he might take ten words of the Vocabulary each day, repeating fifty (a column) on one day in the week. Thus by the time that he had finished the Vocabu- lary, he would have acquired, with comparative ease, a stock of words, which would most materially facili- tate his progress in translation. Ockbrook, near Derby, Dec. 1830. CONTENTS. ORTHOGRAPHY. Page. Of the Alphabet 1 Of Syllables, Quantity, Breathing, Accent 5 Of Apostrophe 7 Marks of Punctuation and Distinction 7 ETYMOLOGY. Of the Parts of Speech 8 Of the Article 8 Of Nouns 9 Of Adjectives and Participles 23 Of Pronouns 36 Of Verbs - 38 Of the Augment and Formation of the Tenses 54 Of Verbs in pi 62 Of Irregular and Defective Verbs in pi and pai ........ 74* List of Irregular and Defective Verbs 81 Impersonal Verbs 92 Of Adverbs 93 Of Prepositions , 96 Of Conjunctions 96 Of Derivatives and Compounds 98 SYNTAX. Of the Article 106 Of Substantive Nouns 107 Of Adjective Nouns 110 Of Pronouns Ill Of Verbs 112 Of Participles 117 Of Adverbs 119 Of Prepositions 121 Of Conjunctions 1 30 vin PROSODY. Page, Of Quantity 133 Of Feet 141 Of Metre 141 Of the Reading of Verse 145 Of Poetic License 147 Of Accent 147 Of Enclitics 153 Of Dialects 155 Of the Digamma 190 Grammatical Terms and Figures 190 Of the Greek Calendar 192 Greek Vocabulary 194 List of the Principal Greek Authors 204 Abbreviations and Connexions 209 THE ELEMENTS OF GREEK GRAMMAR. GRAMMAR is a science, which teaches the form and use of words. The Elements of a language are letters ; these are combined into syllables, syllables into words, words into sentences, by means of which we express our thoughts. There are four Parts of Grammar ; viz. Orthography, Etymo- logy, Syntax, and Prosody. Orthography relates to the form of letters, syllables, and words : —Etymology to the derivation of words, their signification, and the changes which they undergo : — Syntax relates to the formation of sentences :— and Prosody to the just pronunciation of words, and their harmonious arrangement. ORTHOGRAPHY. Orthography teaches the nature and powers of letters, and their combination in words. Of the Alphabet. The Alphabet is substantially the same in all known languages. The first letters were pictures of visible objects ; their forms may still be considered as contractions of the original rude represen- tations ; their names were originally the names of the objects which they represented ; and their sounds were the initial sounds of those names. The Greeks have Twenty-four Letters, taken principally from the Phoenicians. Form. Name. Power. Oldest Form known. A, a, "A\0a, Alpha, a, A, A, *, B, & e, Bj/ra, Beta, b, *, r, 7t r, Tafifia, Gamma, g hard, fi, a, a, AeXra, Delta, d, K E, e, 'E^iAdv, Epsilon, e short, €, E, z, Z,i, Z^ra, Zeta, z, X> H, V , ? Hra, Eta, e long, H, 0, &, 0, 0J7ra, Theta, th, o, I, e, 'Iwra, Iota, i French, 1, K, k, Ka7T7ra, Kappa, k, K, A, \, Aaju/3^a, Lambda, 1, V> M, p f Mv, Mu, m, M, N, v, Nv, Nu, n, N, #, S, % Xi, x, 2,3,1, Q, o 5 'O/ilKjOOr, Omikron, o short, o, n, 7T, w, m, Pi, P> P, p> £ » p> 'Pw, Rho, fi r, 2, , 0, *«, Phi, pb, *, x, x. x?, Chi, ch guttural, X, *, +, *r, Psi, ps, v, 12, m. 'il/ieya. Omega. o long. n. iVote 1. The Ancient Greeks used only Sixteen Letters, introduced by Cadmus from Phoenicia about 200 years before the taking of Troy. It is said that Pala- medes added the three Aspirates and !• in the time of the Trojan war; and that Simonides completed the Double Consonants, and added the Long Vowels about 500 years before the Birth of Christ. Note 2. In the beginning of a word it is better to write (3, y, $, t, than 6, /, 0, or 7. Note 3. 2, when it ends a word, or sometimes at the end of a syllable in a Com- pound word, is written thus, s ;— - as dvsfievrjs. The Letters are divided into Vowels and Consonants. cu, av. Of the Vowels. A Vowel is the sign of an articulate sound, which can be uttered by itself. There are Seven Vowels ; viz. Two Short, e, o ; Two Long, 77, (o ; Three Doubtful, a, t, v. Anciently e was used for t], and o for w or ov ; — then the long mark was placed over e and o, when used long ; and subsequently they were doubled, and formed into t] and w. The Three last are called Doubtful, because, as they are long in some syllables, and short in others, so also their quantity is frequently undecided. From these Vowels are formed Twelve Diphthongs. If both Vowels perfectly coalesce, and each be equally heard, the Diphthong is called Proper ; if they do not perfectly coalesce, or one of them be sunk in the sound of the other, the Diphthong is called Improper. There are Six Proper Diphthongs, formed from the two short Vowels and a, when short, with 1 or v subjoined. Thus from e, < e '' from 0, < 0l> from short a, < Aristophanes has shown the pronunciation of the Diphthong av, by making it expressive of the barking of a dog. At is in Latin changed into cs, rarely at; — ei into 1, sometimes e ; — 01 into oe; — ov into u. There are Six Improper Diphthongs, formed from the long Vowels and a, when long, with 1 or v subjoined. In Three of these the sound of 1 is sunk ; the 1 is therefore written not in the line, but under it, and called t subscribed. Thus ct, y, ($. The other Three are nv, vt, u>v. Perhaps both av and vi should be considered sometimes as Proper, sometimes as Improper Diphthongs, according to the quantity of the former Vowel. The 1 subscribed was anciently either omitted, or added to the former Vowel, as APAN or APAIN, for Spyv ; and is yet sometimes joined to Capital Letters thus, At. A Vowel is called pure when it follows a Vowel ; impure, when it follows a Consonant. In the former case it is called pure, because it forms a syllable of itself, without being joined to a Consonant. For the Changes and Combinations of Vowels by Contraction, see p. 16. Of the Consonants. A Consonant cannot be perfectly uttered, unless combined with a Vowel. b 2 Of the Seventeen Consonants Nine are Mutes, divided into Three Soft, 7r, k, t ; Three Middle, /3, y, l\ Three Aspirate, (p, x> 0. Each Soft Mute has its corresponding Middle and Aspirate, into which it is frequently changed. Thus tt has /3 for its Middle, and for its Aspirate. The Aspirates are formed from ir, k, r, with an Aspiration. See p. 6, The other Consonants are : a, which may be called a Solitary Consonant, from its peculiar power : — Three Double Letters, £, formed from ds, or al ; £, ks, ys, x« ; \P, — tts, j3s, s : And the Four Liquids, A, ft, v, p. The Letters j3, /x, it, , J say, the Future is written Xe£w, not Xeyrra) ; of "Apaip, an Ara- bian, the Dat. PL "Apa\pi, not "Apa/3eri. But from this rule £ must be excepted, which is never placed either for Ss or , not e§w£w. 2. When two Mutes come together, the former commonly assumes the character of the latter ; and they must both be Soft, Middle, or Aspirate. Thus oktoj, bydoos, ervXi/3w, not exOXifito. But the same Aspirates are never put together, the former being always changed into a Soft ; — as Mar0a7os, not Ma.99a.Tos ; Sa^to, not Sa^^w. 3. Two Aspirates in two successive syllables do not sound well ; whence the former generally, but in the First Aorist of the Imperative, Passive, the latter, is changed into a Soft ; — as 9pi%, Gen. rpi%6s, for 9pi%6s ; 1 Aor. Imp. Pass. tv§9i\ti, for TV(p9t]9i. Sometimes the two Aspirates remain : thus in some Compound words, as 6pvi9o- Qrjpas ; — if a Consonant precede the second Aspirate, as 9pe(p9eis ; — when 9ev and 6i are affixed to words, as rravTax69ev ; — in d(pe9r]v, &c. 4. A changed Consonant is replaced in its former situation, when the letter, which caused the change, falls away ; — or in Verbs, when the Syllabic Augment permits. Thus 9pi%, rpixbs, has in the Dative Plural 9pi%i ; rpi, efiflaivoj for evfiaivw, e\\ajii7ra> for evXafirroj ; — and in Latin illiteratus for inliteratus, &c. The Preposition ev remains unchanged in €vpv9/xos, ev, ev^eo/j,aL, &c. — ■ N in the Preposition avv falls away before £, and before a if followed by another Consonant ; as av^du), (TvcrKid^oj, avaTcdoj, avaroXtj, for 'vd£, for St ava%, O king .-—and the two words are frequently joined in one by Crasis ; thus rovrecrTi for tovto etrri, fcctyw for icai eyw, eyyda for eyu> olda ; where observe, that 1 ejected is always subscribed. Marks of Punctuation and Distinction. The Comma ( , ) is the same as in English. The Colon ( * ), marked at the top of the line. The Full Stop ( . ), as in English. The Sign of Interrogation ( ; ), resembling the English Semicolon. The Hyphen ( -), connecting the syllables of a word ; as \6-yos. The Points of Distinction, (Puncta Dicer eseos) (" ), which separate two vowels in pronunciation, that would otherwise form a Diphthong, and are marked over the latter ; thus avTij, which has three syllables, — avrrj, only two. The Diastole, or Hypodiastole ( , ) like a Comma, and inserted between the parts of some Compounds, to distinguish them from other words ; as 6,t€, the Neuter of 6s, and re ; which is thus distin- guished from ore, when. An Explanation of some other Grammatical Terms, of frequent 8 use, may not be improperly inserted here, though referred to in a future page. Prosthesis, addition in the beginning of a word. Epenthesis, insertion in the middle. Paragoge, addition to the end. Aphceresis, sl taking away from the beginning. Syncope, a taking away from the middle. Apocope, a taking away from the end. Mutation, or Metathesis, a transposition of letters or syllables. ETYMOLOGY. Etymology treats of the different sorts of words, their derivation, signification, and the changes which they undergo. Of the Parts of Speech. There are Eight kinds of words, called Parts of Speech; viz. the Article, to apOpov ; Noun, to ovo/jia ; Pronoun, tj avTiovv/jita ; Ad- jective, to €7rideTov ; Verb, to prjfxa ; Adverb, to eTripprjjjLa ; Prepo- sition, fj 7rp6de/ tttujgis. Of the others, the Verb alone admits the difference of Number. There are Three Genders ; the Masculine, to apaeviKov ; Femi- nine, to drjXvKov ; and Neuter, to ovdeTepov. There are Three Numbers ; the Singular, 6 evims ; Dual (when only two are spoken of, though not much used), 6 dv'iKos ; and Plural, 6 7r\r)dvvTiK6$. There are Five Cases ; the Nominative, y ovofiaaTiKrf, or evBela ; Genitive, f] yevucri ; Dative, rj doriKrj ; Accusative, i) airiaTiKi] ; and Vocative, >/ KXrjTtKrj. For the Ablative of the Latins the Greeks have no distinct form, but its relation is expressed by the Dative or Genitive, or by Prepositions. The Article, 6, fj, to, The, serves to distinguish the signification and gender of Nouns, and is declined thus : Singular. Dual. Plural. M. F. N. M. F. N. M. F. N. Nom. 9> ^ hy TO, N. ol, at, TCt, Gen. tov, rfjs, TOV, N. A. tu), 7-a, TO), G. TOJV, TU)V, T&V, Dat. rp rrj, Tip, G. D. toIv , TOIV, TOIV. D. toTs, rats, TOls Ace. TOV, TY\V, TO. A. TOVS, TCLS, TO.. Note 1. The Article usually answers to the Definite Article the in English. — "AvOpoJTros means a man, or man in general ; and 6 av 0pw7ros, the man. Note 2. The Article wants the Vocative, which is supplied by the Adverb of calling w. Note 3. The oldest form of the Article was r6s, ttj, to ; Plur. rot, rat, tol. Of Nouns. A Noun is the name of a person, place, or thing. Sometimes the term Substantive Noun is used, in distinction from an Adjective, which is also termed an Adjective Noun. In Greek there are Three Declensions, at icXlaeis. General Rules of the Declensions. I. The Nominative and Vocative are frequently the same in the Singular, always in the Dual and Plural. II. The Dative always has t, either final, or in a diphthong in the last Syllable. III. Neuters have the Nominative, Accusative, and Vocative alike ; and these Cases in the Plural end in a. IV. The Dual has only two terminations, one for the Nominative, Accusative, and Vocative ; the other for the Genitive and Dative ; and has the Masculine and Neuter the same. V. The Genitive Plural ends in u>v. The First Declension has Four Terminations in the Nominative ; — a, t], Feminine; — as, ■rjs, Masculine. The following are the Terminations of the different Cases. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. a, ^ as, r]s, a, at, G. r]s (as), ns, ov, ov, aiv, iOV, D. V (#)> \h «> V> air, ais, A. av, nv, ay, y\v, «> as, V. a. rj. a. a(„). a. at. The two first Declensions subscribe i in the Dative Singular. 10 Examples. Singular. N. t] juovcra, the muse. r/ ^wpect, tf/ze gift. >] rtfit], the honour. G. Trjs fJLOvarjs, of, fyc. ^wpeas, rt/j.rjs, D. rrj jjiovar), to, fyc. dojpeq, Ttfirj, A. TT]V JJLOVffaP, dujpeav, Ti\iy\v, V. (J fiovoa. dojpea. Dual. TlfJ.fl. N. A. V. tci, 10 fxovaa, fiojpea, 1 ri/xa, G. D. rcuv jiovaaLV* (Hojpecuv. Plural. 1 TlflCUP. N. cu fxovffat, Siopeal, Tifiai, G. rwv fxovcriov, SioperJTa. edpa, the seat. Dual. Kapdla, the heart. N.A.V. rw, J veavia, G. D. roTv yeavmtv. irpoipyjTa, TrpotyriTCiiv . /3m, force, aekfivq, the moon, aperr}, virtue. Plural 6 rajjiias, the steward. N. ot veaviai, Trpotyrjrai, tco)(\ta.s, the cockle. G. rwi/ veavii\ofi7]\a, &c. make -as : and for the same reason evXaica has euAa/cas. But aKavQ-a, whose final a is short, makes -j?s ; also some others. Note 3. Some Nouns in as make the Genitive in a, as well as in ov ; as Uvda- yop-as, Gen. -ov and -a; rrarpaXoi-as, Gen. -ov and -a; and some have -a only ; as, Qcofxas, Gen. Oiojua. These Genitives in a were in the Doric form. 11 Note 4, Some Nouns in qs also drop s in the Genitive ; as 6 IIooVjs, tov Uodr). Note 5. The ancient terminations of the Gen. Sing, of words in tjs were eo and ao, whence, by changing o into w, and adding v, the Gen. Plur. was formed. From eo was formed the Attic Gen. in ov, and the iEolic ev ; and from ao came the Doric a, which the Attics sometimes retained. Of the Vocative. The Vocative is generally formed by shortening the termination of the Nomi- native. Note 1. Hence the following words make the Vocative in a short : — Nouns in 7rt)s and rt]$ ; — in j/s, derived from /xerpidj, 7rto\i(o, and rpifio), as yewfxeTpijs, &c. — or denoting Nations, as "EKvOrjs, a Scythian; Uepcrijs, a Persian; (but tlepcrris, the name of a man, has ILeptrr} ;) — and the words \ayvr)S, Mevai^jw^s, and II v- paixfir}9. But Airjrqs, aivaperrjs, KaXKnreTrjs, and Ka\\i\a.[jnrirr)s, have tj. Note 2. Nouns in crTrjs have both a and r\ in the Vocative. Note 3. The Vocative of Nouns in as has a long. Note 4. The iEolians and Macedonians adopted the termination a even in the Nominative, instead of as and t]s ; thus irnrora for 'nnroTtis. Note 5. The Accent on some Nouns in mjs and rt]s is drawn back in the Voca- tive; as evpvoTTtjs, evpvoTra; decnroTrjs, Seff7rora. Of the Genitive Plural. Note 1. The Genitive Plural of the First Declension was originally in ewv or aojv ; the Ionians retained the former, and the iEolians the latter. The Attics con- tracted etov into iov, and the Dorians awv into civ. Note 2. The Genitive Plural is therefore always circumflexed ; as /.lovcra, G. PL liovalov :- — except in Feminine Adjectives, that are Paroxytons, from os of the Second Declension ; as ciyia (from liyios), G. PL ay'iiov ; — and in these fovir words, a/ iraodevos, the a/jTreXos, the vine, odds, the way. vfjaos, the island. to SevSpov, the tree pocW, the rose. Kpivov, the lily. lyXov, wood. (TKrJTTTpov, the scep- tre. Note 1. The Attics frequently change os and ov into ws and iov, make the Voca- tive Singular the same as the Nominative, and in all Cases put w, even in the termination of the Neuter Plural of the Nominative and Accusative, subscribing e wherever it occurs. Note 2. If a before the final os of the Nominative be long, they change it into e ; as vdbs, veths ; Xaos, Xews ; — if short, it remains ; as raws. Note 3. When the word has e before the to, the Antepenult may be accented, though the Ultimate is long, as the two Vowels are pronounced almost like one ; — ■ thus dvwyecov. Example Singular. N. 6 Xews, for Xa6s, the people. G. TOV Xed), D. Tip Xeqi, A. tov Xeojv, V. o> Xews. Singular. N. to dvo)yeo)v, for dvioyeov, an G. tov avwyeo), [tipper room. D. T

avojyeojv. Dual. N.A.V. to), w Xew, G. D. toIv Xcojv. Dual. N.A.V. to), o) avioyeoj, G. D. toTv avwyeajv. Plural. N. ol Xeo), G. t(ov Xeo)v, D. rots Xeqls, A. tovs Xews, V. 5) Xe(p. Plural. N. tcl avoiyeo), G. to)V avo)yeo)V, D. rois dvo)yeo)S, A. rd dvojyeo), V. S) dvotyeo). Note 1. Most Nouns in os and ws are of the Masculine Gender ; but %pea>s is Neuter, though to xP e< ^ v ^ s a ^ so use &- Many in os are both Masculine and Femi- nine ; as 6 x, t) dyyeXos, the messenger. Adjectives in ws are both Masculine and Feminine ; as 6 x, tj VXews. Note 2. Some Masculines or Feminines in os are Neuter in the Plural, and de- clined accordingly ; as 6 Zvybs, Ta Z,vyd. Note 3. The Noun Geos, God, has the Vocative the same as the Nominative. Note 4. Some Attic Nouns in ws lose v in the Accusative ; as Nom. 'A0ws, Ace. 'Add) ; Nom. 'A7roXXws, Ace. 'AttoXXw ; and also some Adjectives Neuter in tov lose v ; as Nom. dyrjptov, Ace. dyrfpo). 13 The Third Declension has Nine Terminations, and words of all Genders ; and all the Cases have a syllable more than the Nominative and Vocative Singular, unless prevented by Contraction. The Nouns of this Declension are therefore called Imparisyllabic, those of the others Parisyllabic. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. a, i, v, w, v, t, P, s, xp, c> es, a, G. OS, OIV, tOV, D. «, OIV, Ol, A. a, v, e > as, a, V. in general like the N. e. es. a. Exampl es. Singulai N. 6 \iv\v, the month. f] e\7rls, the hope. to atojua, the body G. tov fxnvos, rrjs e\7ridos, TOV Cr, and is derived from a Verb, are Feminine : — 3. All Nouns ending in a, t, v, as Gen. aros, ap, op, and os, are Neuter ; ex- cept 6 ipap, 6 fxibfiap, r\ dd/xap, and /) bap. Of the Accusative. The Accusative Singular generally ends in a. We must however observe : — 1. Nouns in cs, vs, avs, ovs, whose Genitive ends in os pure, have v, instead of a, in the Accusative, which is formed from the Nominative, merely by changing the final s ; as o$>is, G. cxpios, A. bfyiv ; also Xas, G. Xabs, A. Xdv : — but XP 0VS makes x p6a. 2. Barytons in is and vs, whose Genitive ends in os impure, have both a and v ; as epis, G. epidos, A. epiSa and epiv. 3. Such Proper Names as Tiapis, "Adwvis, have more frequently v : — %apis, favour, has %apii/ ; but Xapis, one of the Graces, Xdpira ; and Ats, G. Aids, has A. Aia. 4. Oxytons have a ; as eX7ris, eXirida. But /cXeis, G. icXeidbs, — some in vs, G. eos, as cjkvs, — and the Compounds of ttovs, as 8i7rovs, have both terminations : thus icXelda or icXeTv, uicea or wkvv, SiTToda or d'nrovv. Of the Vocative. The Vocative is generally, particularly with the Attics, like the Nominative. When different, it is formed by shortening the long Vowel of the Nominative, and cutting off the final s, or changing it into v. I. By shortening the long Vowel of the Nominative. This takes place, especially, when the long Vowel of the Nominative is shortened in the Genitive. Thus 1. reprjv, Gen. repevos, Voc. w repev. 2. firjrrjp, Gen. [xijrepos, Voc. 5) /ufjrep ; avt)p, Gen. dvdpbs for avepos, Voc. St avep, 3. Ar}fioa6ev-r}s } Gen. -eos, Voc. u> AtjfioaOeves. 4. evdaifx-iov, Gen. -ovos, Voc. w evdai/xov. 5. Xe-o>v, Gen. -ovtos, Voc. & Xeov. 6. p{]T-wp, Gen. -opos, Voc. & prjrop. Thus also kvu)v, Gen. kwos for kvovos, Voc. kvov ; 'AttoXX-ojv, Gen. -iovos, Voc. "AttoXXov ; Yloaeid-wv (for -awv), Gen. -wvos, Voc. Tloaeidov and Ilocrei- Sojv ; atoT-tjp, Gen. -rjpos, Voc. awrep. Nouns in w and ws, Gen. -oos, have oi ; as ^%fa>, Voc. ^%oT ; aiSojs, Voc. aiSoT. From this Rule must be excepted Participles and some other words, which, though they shorten the long Vowel of the Nominative in the Genitive, do not in the Vo- cative. II. By cutting off the final s. This takes place with — 1. Nouns in evs; as /3as, Voc. (SaaiXev : and Barytons in is, eis, vs ; as o0is, Voc. 6(pi ; TrXa/coeis, Voc. 7rXafcoei ; fiorpvs, Voc. fioTpv : — also some Oxy- ton Nouns ; as 'AfxapvXXis, Voc. 'AfiapvXXi ; i%0t»s, Voc. i%0y. 2. Circumflexed Nouns of one syllable in us ; as fxvs, Voc. fiv : — also 7ra7s, vavs, ypavs, /cXeis, (3ovs ; as Voc. -koCi, &c. 3. Adjectives in vs, though Oxytons ; as 6%i>s, Voc, 6%v. 15 4. Proper Nouns in as ; as Goas, Voc. Qoa ; KaX^as, Voc. KaX^a ; which may also take v, as Qoav ; but chiefly among the Poets. Here also may be mentioned avaZ,, and yvvrj (for yvvai%), which have ava and yvvai in the Vocative. III. By changing the final s into v. Thus 1. Adjectives in eis, ejecting i to shorten the syllable, change s into v ; as Xapieis, Voc. x a P' iev , and sometimes xapi'ei. In like manner 2ijitoe(s has Voc. Eifioev. 2. Proper Nouns in as ; as Ai'as, Voc. Alav, or Ata. See above. 3. Barytons in as ; as fieXas, Voc. fieXav. But Oxytons (with some exceptions) and Participles conform to the general Rule, and have the Vocative like the Nominative. Of the Dative Plural*. The Dative Plural is formed from the Dative Singular, by inserting a before i, and ejecting d, 6, v, r, or vr together, for the sake of softness, whenever they occur. Thus N. 6s, fori, ojgI ; crap%, vapid, cap^l for crapiccri ; TV-ipas, tv-Jjclvti, rv\pa ^ rom tne P° et i c Dative x e pi > an< i jSovs has (3ov)p, fir)Tt]p. But Ar]ni]Tr]p and Ovyarrip lose it in all the Imparisyllabic Cases ; and likewise dvqp, except that for the syncopated e it takes S ; v admitting after it no Consonants but v, d, 9, t; as avepos, dvdpos. By Syncope dptjv also has for its Genitive dpvbs, and kvu>v, kvvos ; losing in all their Cases the syncopated Vowel. TlaTrjp, a father, is thus declined. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. 6 Trarrip, G. tov 7rarp6s, D. r<£ 7rarpl, A. rbv 7rarepa, V. a> ndrep, N. A. V. Tih, w 7raripe, G. D. rotJ> Tcarepoiv. N. ot irctTepes, G. ra»2/ TraTepwv, D. rots TtctTpdai, A. rovs 7rarepas, V. a) 7rarepes. * The Dative Plural appears to have been formed originally from the Nomina- tive Plural, by annexing ct or i ; so that in the Neuter, instead of a, es was con- sidered the termination. Of Contraction. When two or more Vowels, meeting together, form two syllables, they are often contracted into one. A Contraction of two syllables into one, without a change of let- ters, is called Synaeresis ; as rei^eV, relxet :— -if one letter or more be changed, it is called Crasis ; as reiyeos, reiyovs ; fioaovat, /3oi5 ; mXeeis, fcaXets. E before o, into ov ; as relyeos, reiyovs. E before the remaining Vowels, into ei ; as aXrjdeas, aXrjdels ; aXt]dees, aXwdels ; aXrjdei, aXrjde?. But cap has ?Jp ; Keap, icrjp ; oreap, 0T7?p. iVote 1. Ea and ee, when they stand at the end of a word, without a Consonant, are frequently contracted into rj ; as ret%ea, ret^j; ; dXtjQee, dXrjQrj. Note 2. When a Vowel precedes e«, they are also contracted into a ; as vyiea, vyirj and vyid : if p precede, the contraction is only in a ; as epea, epd. Note 3. In the Neuter of the Second Declension, ea is contracted only into a ; as ocrrea, bora. Note 4. E before at in Verbs is contracted into y ; as TVTvreai, rvirry. Note 5. Proper Names from kXcos are doubly contracted ; as Gen. 'Hpa/cAeeos, 'Hpa/cXeovs, 'Hpa/cAovs. I frequently contracts a, e, and another t, following, into t, though s follow ; as TroXias, 7r6Xcs ; iroXies, ttoXis ; ttoXu, 7roXi, from 7roXis. O before e, o and ov is contracted into ov ; as yjpvaozTov, ypv- aovTOv ; aldoos, aldovs ; ^^Xoovct, (Hr]Xov<7t, O before t, et, oi and y, into oi ; as aldoi, alSol ; c)7/X6eis, SwXoh ; ^rjXooifj.1, drjXotfii ; ^r/Xo^s, ^r]Xols. O before a, r; and w, into w ; as alhoa, aidio ; SrjXoriTov, fyXwrov ; ^Xdw, drjXw. 17 And 01 before e is contracted into ov, the t being rejected ; as fJLOvyKwfiiov for jjiol eyicwfjiiov. Note 1. The Infinitive in oeiv, and Nouns in Sets, are contracted into ovv and oi)s ; as SrjXoeiv, drjXovv ; 7r\aic6eis, 7rXaicovs. The most ancient Infinitive was di]\oe[j,evai ; thence the Doric SrjXoep,ev, Ionic dr]X6ev, Attic SrjXovv. Note 2. The Accusative in oas is contracted into ovs ; as /xei^oas, /xei^ovs ; (36as, j3ovs. Note 3. Nouns in or} and oa, which are contracted in all their Cases, and thence called 6XoTra9r), keep rj and a ; thus cnrXoi], cnrXi) ; cnrXoa, cnrXa. Ya and ve are contracted into v ; as (oorpvas, fiorpvs ; fiorpves, fioTpvs. Before the other Vowels v suffers no Contraction. Contraction takes place in every Declension. The First Declension contracts, according to the above Rules, aa into a ; as N. juraa, fxvd ; G. /ivaas, juvcts ; &c. — ea and en into n ; as N. yea, yrj ; G. yeas, yfjs ; &c. But the terminations pea and oa or orj drop the former Vowel ; as N. epea, epa ; G. epeas, epds ; N. cnrXoa, ctTtXa ; or N. cntXor], cnrXr) ; G. cnrXas or a7rX^s; &c. eas and erjs into 77s ; as N. 'EjO/u-eas, ->?s ; G. 'Epfi-eov, : — N. 'A7re\\-e>7S, -rjs ; G. 'A7reAA-eov, -ov ; &c. Singular. N. 6 vooSf vovs, the mind G. voov, vov, D. vow, vw, A. vcW, yovV, V. voe, vov. Second Declension. Dual. N. A.Y.vou), rw, G. D. voolv, volv. Singular. N. to offreov, darovvjhebone. G. OITTeOV, OGTOV, D. oareo), 6ar<5, A. V. Dual. OGTEOV, OGTOVi', oarkov, ogtovv. N. A.V.eWew, ootw, G. D. 6(TT€0LV,6(7T0ly. Plural. N. j/o'ot, vol, G. VOIOV, vwv, D. VOOtS, VOta, A. rdovs, vovs, Y.vooi, vol. Plural. N.dorea, dord, G.6tTT€(i)V,6crT(OV t D.offTeoiSfdcrrols, A. darea, doret, V. darea, Sard. Note 1. The Compounds of voos and poos are not contracted in the Neuter Plural, or in the Genitive ; thus evvoa, evvoiov, not evva, evviov. Note 2. Saos is contracted thus : Sing. N. eraos, } D. 6(p-icrii -eai, -CIS, -eiov, N. G. D. Givri'K-ia, -ea, (TivrjTT-lijJVf -eior, GlvijTC'HTl, -eai, -ewv A, 6(p-ias, (s and 10. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. f] cu()(W, shame. N. alEol, G. D. A. ald-oos, -ovs, ald-6'i, -ol, aid-da, -w, N.A.V. al%d>, G. atcWy, D. alSo7s, A. aldovs, G. D. aldoTv. V. aldoT, V. aUot. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. // >;x^» ^ ie ec ^ 10 ' N. r/x°*> G. D. A. r\x~oos, -ovs, VX'6'i, -ol, rix-oa, -w, N.A.V. r)x(b, G. D. i]yo iv ' G. /)x^^' D. ?/xoty, A. vxovs, V. VX°~ 1 ' V. r/X 0t '- IV. Words ending in as pure, and pas. Singular. Singular. N. to Kpeas, Jlesh. N. to Kepas, the horn. G. Kpe-aros, -aos*, -ws, G. Kep-aros, -aos *, -ws, D. Kpe-ari, -a'i, -a, D. Kep-ari, -a'i, -«> A. Kpeas, A. Kepas, V. Kpeas. V. Kepas. Dual. Dual. N.A.V. Kpe-are, -ae, -a, N. A.V. Kep-are, -ae, -a, G. D. Kpe-droiv, -doiv, -<5v. G. D. Kep-aTOLV, -doiv, -wv. Plural. Plural. N. Kpe-ara, -act, -a, N. Kep-ara, -aa, -«J G. Kpe-driav, -aW, - -ews, N.A.V. Trrjxee, G. D. 7T7]X^OlV. N. Trrjx-eeSi G. TTYixewVi D. 7T>7X e/x~ eas J V. 7rr/x-ces, -eis. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. G. D. A. 6 l^Ovs, the fish. lyQvos, IxQWi N.A.V. l x 6ve, G. D. IxOvoiv, N. IxO-ves, G. IxQvojv, D. IxOvffi, A. ixQ-vas t -vs, V. l^Ov, V. IxQ-ves, -vs. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. to oorv, the city. N. aor-ea, -»?* G. D, A. aoreos, acrr-e'i, -et, aery, N.A.V. aaree, G. D. aoreoiv, G. aoreW, D. aorect, A. aor-ea, -»7> V. CLffTV. V. aor-ea, -*?• Some words in avs, ovs, and as are contracted only in a few Cases. Thus, 1. Sing. N. f] vavs, G. vaos, D. vat, A. vavV (Poetic yaa), V. vav. — Dual. N. A. V. veie, G. D. vadlv.*— Plur. N. vaes (for which viyes is better used), G. ratov, D. vavot, A. vaas (vavs), V. vaes (vavs). Like vavs is declined ?/ ypavs. 2. Sing. N. 6 /9 ?/ /3ovs, G. /3oos, D. /3oi', A. /3ovv (sometimes /3oa), V. /3ov.— Dual. N. A. V. (36e, G. D. /3oo»>.— Plur. N. fides (fiovs), G. flour, D. fiovorl, A. /3oas (fiovs), V. /3oes (/3ovs). But, on the contrary, 6 vovs, G. vobs (the same as vovs, vov), re- tains PL N. voes, and A. voas ; and also 6 x°^ s > G. x°° s (the same as x°^ s 5 X°^)» ^ as ^* ^"* X° es ' an ^ A. X^ as ' 3. f H xXels has in the Ace. Sing. KXeUa and /cXelv ; and contracts the Ace. Plur. /cXet^as into xXeh. Nouns, that are contracted only in a few Cases, are called d\t- yoiradfj ; and those, which are contracted in all, 6Xo7rad% as men- tioned before. Of the latter class the following words will serve as examples. 21 Singular. N» 6 nXaK-oeis, -ovs, the cake. G. TrXaK-oevros, -ovvtos, D. TTkCLK-OeVTl, -OVVTL, A. TrXaK-oei'Ta, -ovvtci, V. 7rXaK-6ei, -ov. Dual. N. A.V. 7rXa.K-6evT€, -ovvre, G. D. 7rXa.K-oei>TOiv } -ovvtolv. Plural. N. TrXcac-oevTes, -ovvres, G. wXaK-oevrujy, -ovptiov, D. 7r\a/c-dei<7i, -ovai, A. 7rXa/c-dev7-as, -ovVras, V. 7rXa<;-devres, -ovVres. N. 6 'Hpa/cX-e^s, -77s, Hercules. G. 'HpetfcX-eeos, -eovs, -ovs, D. 'Hoa/cX-eeV, -eet, -et, A. 'HpcuX-eea, -£ct, -/;, V. 'HpafcX-ees, -ets, -es. Like 'Hpa/cXe^s all Proper Nouns in KXerjs are declined, as Oe- fiMTTOKXerjs* Singular. N. 6 Xaas, Xds, £Ae sfowe G. Xdaos, Xdos, D. Xdcti, Xdt, A. Xdav, Xdv, V. Xdas, Xds. Dual. N. A.V. Xdote, Xde, G. D. Xadoiv, Xdoiv. Plural. N. Xdctes, Xdes. G. Xada)v, Xdojv. D. \dacri, Xdffi. A. Xdacts, Xdas. V. Xdaes, Xdes. Of Irregular Nouns. Irregular or Anomalous Nouns are such as have some irregularity in respect to Gender, Number, Declension, or Case. I. Heterogeneous Nouns, irregular in respect to Gender. 1. Some are Masculine in the Singular, and Neuter or both Mas- culine and Neuter in the Plural ; as 6 eperfibs, PI. ret epeT/jict ; 6 cVc/ids, PI. ol deafxol and ret eWjua. 2. Some are Feminine in the Singular, and both Feminine and Neuter in the Plural; as >/ neXevdos, PI. al KeXevOoi and to. tceXevda. 3. Some are both Masculine and Feminine in the Singular, and Neuter in the Plural ; as 6 /9 rj rdprapos, PI. ra rdprapa. 4. Some are Neuter in the Singular, and both Neuter and Mas- culine in the Plural ; as to arddiov, PI. rot arddia and ol ardStot. This seeming irregularity arises from Nominatives in the respective Genders being obsolete. As to some Nouns being Feminine in the Singular, and appearing Masculine in the Nom. and Ace. Dual, this may be accounted for by the Attic Dialect, in which ™ is frequently used for rd. 22 II. Words irregular in Number. 1. Proper Names, and such Nouns as cannot well be expressed in sense beyond the Singular, want the Dual and Plural ; as 6 Sw/cpar^s ; 6 ayjp, air. 2. Some words want the Singular and Dual ; as tci aXtyiTa, when it signifies provisions ; tci Krepea, funeral rites : some names of Cities ; as a\ 'Adrjvai : also of Feasts ; as to. Awvvaia ; and the word, at 'Ev[ievides i the Furies. TIL Heteroclites, irregular in Declension. Some Nouns admit different inflexions from the same Nominative, in some Cases, if not in all. 1. Some are of the First and Third Declension; as 6 Adpns, G. tov Adpov and AaprjTos ; 6 deaTrorrjs, A. tov leaizornv and de- airoTea. 2. Some are of the Second and Third Declension; as 6 vovs, G. tov vov and rods ; 6 koXios, G. tov kclXio and kciXwos. 3. Some have different Genitives, yet both of the Third De- clension ; as fj OejjLLS, G. Trjs defiidos and defxiGTOs ; // Tiypis, G. Trjs Tiypidos and rlyptos. Note. Sometimes also a Nominative is formed from an Imparisyllabic Genitive or Accusative; as from 6 [xdpTvp, tov [xdpTvpos, comes 6 [xapTvpos; — from ttjv Arj- fj,t]Tepa, Ai][xt]rpa, comes r) At]fir]Tpa. Among Nouns, irregular in Declension, may be classed the name 6 'Irjaovs, Jesus, which is thus declined : N. 6 'Irjcrovs, G. tov 'I^erov, D. t<3 'Irjaov, A. tov 'I^erovr, V. co 'Irjvov. IV. Words irregular in Case. 1. Of Defectives. Nouns, defective in their Cases, are :— 1 . Aptotes, or Indeclinables ; as the names of the letters, " A\0a, Br?ra, &c. ; — many foreign names ; as 'Afipactfx, Aa/3t§, &c. ; — to defias, to ovap, &c. ; — also words, shortened by Apocope, as to c)c5 for dufj.a ; or increased by 0i or tyw, which the Poets sometimes add to the Gen. and Dat., Sing, and Plur. ; as hepntyt from erepa; — and also the Cardinal Numbers from trivTe to ekcitov inclusive. 2. Monoptotes, or such as have only one Case ; as N. // £ws. 3. Diptotes ; as N. o Xh, A. tov Xiv, 4. Triptotes ; as G. aWi/Awr, D, aXXijXots, A. aXXi'iXovs. 23 2, Of Redundant s. Some words are redundant, as in the oblique Cases (see above), so also in the Nominative ; — thus r) a^ra or a-^vrj, 6 arparos or fj arrpctTia, to devdpov or Sevdpos, 6 kXvttjp or KXyrtop ; — also some Proper Names, as Mcoirrjs, Mioaevs, Mujvarjs, Mwvaevs, Moses; Zevs, AeOs, Zi)v, &c. Jupiter. Some words are redundant in several Cases, and seem to have but one Nominative, when the other is only obsolete ; — and again, some words are declined from obsolete Nominatives, but are not redundant in the oblique Cases ; as fj yvvri (from yvvail,), G. rfjs yvvaiKos, &c. V. J yvvat. Of Adjectives and Participles. An Adjective is a word added to a Noun, expressed or under- stood, to express some quality or circumstance respecting it ; and a Participle is a kind of Adjective, formed from a Verb, which in its signification imports time. The Adjective is frequently termed an Adjective Noun, and then the Noun is called Substantive. See p. 9. Adjectives and Participles have three Genders, the Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter ; and follow the Declensions of Nouns. I. Of Gender. Of the Formation of the Feminine and Neuter. There are chiefly Ten Terminations of the Masculine, which are changed ; viz. as, eis, -qv, ws, is, os, ovs, vs, wv, and ios. Adj. M. as, F. aiva, N. av ; as fieXas, fieXaiva, fieXav. Except fieyas, fieydXr], fieya ; and 7rds, Trdaa, 7rav, with its Compounds ; also those which have only two terminations, as 6 x, i) aeivas, to aelvav. Part, as, aaa, av ; as rvxpas, Tii-tpacra, Tvxpav. A. ets, eaaa, ev ; as %apieis, ytipleaaa, %apiev. Except els, fiia, ev, with its Compounds. P. els, elaa, ev ; as TV(j)8eis, TvtyQeioa, Tv/ p,ei£iop, to fieT&p, P. wv, ouca, ov ; as tvtttojp, TvirTovaa, tvtttop. Thus also 6Kp ; as fiatcap (fxaicaipa, Fern., is Poetic), tyvyas, avaXicis, ddfxrjs, e7njXvs, dyvihs, r?A.i£, and aiyiXixp : — also those compounded with Nouns, as airo%eip, &c. ; except Compounds of ttovs and ttoXis. These Adjectives, however, are rather to be considered as having only the Mas- culine and Feminine. Instead of to ap-iral, we find to dprraKTiKOP. 25 II. Of Declension. Adjectives and Participles have not only the Genders, but also the Numbers, Cases, and Declensions, in common with Nouns ; and therefore those which are regularly declined need no new examples. However, for their more ready comprehension, the following are an- nexed. Examples. 1. Adjectives of Three Terminations. a. Of the First and Second Declension. Singular. Singular. N. ayad'6s, ->)> -bv, N. ayi-os, -a, -ov, G. dyad-ov, -jjs, -ov, G. ayi-ov, -as, -ov, D. ayad-<5, -#' -& D. ayi-io, -?> -y> A. ayad-ov, -J?V, -bv, A. dyt-ov, -av, -ov, V. ayad-e, Dual. -bv. V. dyt-e, -a, 'Ov. Dual. N.A.V. dya0 -a, -m, N.A.V. dy '-io, -a, -to, G. D. dya6 -olv, Plural. -alv, -olv. G. D. dy ',-olv, -aiv, -OLV* Plural. N. ayad-ol, -at, -a, N. ayt-ot, -at, -a, G. dyad-cov, -iOV, -wv, G. dyi-tov, -LOV, -LOV, D. ayaQ-oTs, -dis, -ols, D. ayi-OLS, -cas, -ois, A. dyad-ovs, -as, -a, A. ayl-ovs, -as, -a, V. ayad-ol, -al, ingular -a. V. dyi-oi, S -at, -a. S mgular. N. Trovrjp-os, -a, -bv, N. cnrX-ovs, -y> (-<*,) -ovv, G. 7rovr)p-ov, -as, -ov, G. ci7r\-ov, -rjs, (-as,) -ov, D. Trovrjp-u), •4s 'fs D. clttX-w, ~Vj (?») -w, A. irovnp-bv, -dv, -bv, A. CHrX-ovv, -rjv, (av,) -ovv, V. irovnp-e, -a, Dual. -bv. V. cnrX-ov, -*]> (a,) -ovv. Dual. N.A.V. 7T0VT]p-(O, -a, -w, N.A.V, a.7r\-oj, -a, -to, G. D. irov^p-olv, -a?v, -olv. G. D. dirX-olv, -alv, -olv. Plural. Plural. N. 7TOP)]p-ol, -at, -a, N. dirX-ol, -at, -d, G. 7rovrip-b)v, -LOV, -IOV, G. cittX-wv, -tov, -tov, D. Trovrip-ols, -ah, -ols, D. airX-ols, -als, -ols, A. Trovnp-ovs, -as, -a. A. anX-ovs, -as, -d, V. Trovrjp-o\, -at, -fl, V, dnX-ol, -a?, -a, 26 b. Of the First and Third Declension. Singular. Singular. N. fxeX-as, -aiva, -av, N. 7rds, 7rdaa, nvav, G. fieX-avos, -alvrjs, -avos, G. 7ravr6s, 7rcunis, 7ravrds, D. /aeX-avi, -aivrj, -art, D. Travrl, 7rd(rr], 7ravrl, A. fieX-ava, -aivav, -av, A. Trdvra, iraaav, Tvdv, V. fieX-av, -aiva, -av. V. reds, Trdaa, Ttav. Dual. Dual. N. A.V. jj,eX-ave, -aiva, -ave, N. A.V.7ravre, 7racra, TraVre, G. D. fieX-avoiv, -aivaiv,-avoiv. G. D. 7rdvT0LV,7rdcraiv, iravroiv. Plural. Plural. N. fieX-aves, -atvai, -am, N. irdvres, Tcacrai, rravra, G. /meX-aviov, -aiviov, -avcov, G. ttcivtlov, Tta(T(s)v, ttclvtiov, D. fxeX-aai, -atvats, -acrt, D. 7rd(Ti, Trdaais, izdai, A. fieX-avas, -aivas, -ava, A. Trdvras, irdaas, it avra, V. fxeX-aves, -aivai, -ava. V. irdvres, Tzdaai, iravra. Singular. Singular. N. rv\p-as, -acra, -ay, N. yapi-eis, -eava, -ev, G. rv\b-avros, -aarjs, -avros, G. ^api-evTOS, -effarjs, -evros, D. Tu\p-avri, -aery, -avri, D. yapi-evn, -even, -evri, A. rvxp-avra, -aaav, -ay, A. ^api-evra, -eaaav, -ev, V. rv\p-as, -acra, -ay. V. yapi-ei or -ev, -eacra, -ev. Dual. Dual. N.A.V.rv*^-avre, -acra, -a^re, N.A.V.^ajOt-e^re,~e(Tcra, -evre, G. D. rvfy-ayroiv ,-aaaiv ,-avTOiv . G.Y).ycipi-evTOLV,-eevTOiv. Plural. Plural. N. Tv\p-avTes, -acrai, -avra, N. j^apt-evres, -ecraai, -evra, G. rvip-avriov, -atnov, -avrtov, G. yapi-evTiov, -ecraiov, -evrtov, D. Tv\p-acn, -daais, -act, D. yjcipi-eicn, -ecrcrais, -eicri, A. rv\p-avras } -aVas, -avra, A. yjxpi-evTas, -eercras, -evra, V. rvxp-avres, -a -evra, A. dovras, dovoras, Bovra, V\ Tvtyd-evres, -elaai, -evra. V. dovres, • dovaai, Bovra, 27 Singular. N. yXvK-vs, -ela, -V, G. yXvK-eos, -ems, -eos B, yXvK-ei, -el, -ela, -e/,- A. yXvK-vv, -eta v, -v» V. yXvic-i), -ela, -v. Dual. N.A.V. yXvK-ee, -ela, -ee, yXvK-eoiv, -eiaiv, -eoiv. G.D. Plural •els, -eiai, -eiwv. N. yXvic-ees, G. yXvK-eiov, D. yXvK-eai, -eiais, -eai, A. yXvK-eas, -els, -eias, -ea, V. yXvK-ees, -els, -elai, -ea. Singular, N. heiKv-vs, -vara, -vv, G. deiKV-VVTOS, -V(T1]S, -VVTOS, D. ^eiKV-VVTl, -VG-rj, "VVTt, A. heiKv-vvra, -vaav, -vv, V. ZeiKv-vs, -vaa, -vv, Dual. N.A.V.ceiKv-vvT€,-vaa, -vvre, G.D. ZeiKv-vvroiv ,-vaaiv ,-vvroiv . Plural. N. ZeiKV-vvres, -vaai G. Ecikv-vvtiov, D. SeiKv-vai, A. deiKv-vvras, V. ()eiKV-VVT€S, vvra, -vawv, -vvrcov, -vaais, -van, -vaas, -vvra, -vaat. -vvra. N. G. D. A. V. Singular. TVKT-MV, TV7TT-0VT0S, TVTTT-OVTL, TVITT-OVTa, TV7TT~(t)V, -ovaa, -ovarjs, -OVGYj, -ovaav, -ovaa, -ov, -OVTOS, -OVTL, -OV, -ov. Dual. N.A.V. TVTTT-ovTe,-ovaa, -owe, G. D. TV7CT-6vT0LV,-0VaaLV,-()VT0LV. N. G. D. A. V. Plural. TVTrr-ovres, -ovaai, -ovra, TV7TT-6vT(i)V, -OVO-WV, -OVTiOV, TVTTT-OVG-l, Tvirr-ovras, ■ovcrais, -ovai. TVTTT-OVTeS, N. G. D. A. V. Singular. tvk-Qv, -ovaa, -ovv, tvtt-ovvtos, -ovar]s, "Ovvtos, tvh-ovvti, -ovar], -ovvri, rvTT-ovvTa, TV7T-(x)V, •ovaav, -ovv, ■ovaa, -ovv. Dual. N.A.V. TVK-ovvre,-ovaa, -ovvre, G.D. TV7r-ovi'TOiv,-ovaatv,-ovvTOtv. N. G. D. A. V. Plural. TVTr-ovires, TVTT-OVVTb)V, TVTt-OVaL, -ovacov, -ovvtujv, -ovaais, -ovat, rvrr-ovvras, -ovaas, -ovvra, TV7T-ovvres, -ovaat, -ovvra. Singular. N. rervcp-ibs, G. Terwp-oros, D. rervcp-ort, A. T€TV(f)-6ra, V. Terv(J)-hjs, -via, -vias, -via, -vlav -via, -os, -oros, -on, -os, -6s. Plural. N. reTvty-OTes, -vlai, -ora, G. rerv^-orojv, -VL(jJV, -6t(j)v D. T€TV(j)-6ai, -viais, ~6ai, A. Tervty-oras, -vias, -ora, V. Tervc^-ores, -vlai, -ora. Dual. N. A.V. TeTV(p-0T€, -via, -ore, G. D. rervcb-oTOiv, -viaiv, 28 Singular N. aypaty-os, -OP, G. aypd(f>ov, D. aypd(f>o), A. aypa(p-op, -op, V. aypaty-e, Singular -OP. N. evy-eios, eo)P, G. evyeu), D. euyew, A. evy-eiop, ■eiap, V. evy-eios, ea)P. 2. Adjectives of Two Terminations. a. Of the Second Declension. Dual. Plural. N. aypa-ovs, -a, V. aypaty-oi, Plural. -a. N. G. D. A. evy-eiD, evyeojp, evyeo)s, evy-eios, -€(0, V. evy-eip, -eto. IN. G. D A. V. Singular. aeip-as, aeipavros, aeivavn, aeip-apra, aeip-av. b. Of the Third Declension. Dual. N. C* N. A.V. aeipapre, y.' G. D. aeipdpTOLP. * * -ap, A, -ap. V. Singular. app-rjp f -ep, appepos, appepi, app-epa, -ep, app-ep, -ep, Singular. a\.7]d-r)s, aXrjd-eos, -ovs, aXnO-ei, -el, a\7]d~ea, -rj, aXr)6-es, Dual. A.V. aXr]6-ee, -rj, Do ciXr]d-eoip, -< Plural. aXvO-ees, -eh, aXwd-ewp, -(jjp, aXrjdeori, aXrjd-eas, -els, aXrjB-ees, -e7s, Dual. N. A.V. appepe, G. D. appepoip. Plural. aetp-apres, aeipdpTWP, aelpaai, aeip-apras, aeip-apres, Plural. N. G. app-epes, appepojp, D. appeal, A. app-epas, V, app-epes, ~ea, -*?, -ea, -rj. Singular. N. ev\ap-ts, G. evydpiros, D. evyapiTi, A. evyap-ip (~ira), V. evyap-i, Dual. N.A.V. evydpire, G. D. ev^aplroip. Plural. N. evyap-iTes, G. ev%apir(i)p, D. ev^dpuri, A. ev\dp-iras, V f evydp-ires, •apra, ■apra. -epa, -epa, -epa. -ira, -ira, 29 Singular, N. dl7T-0VS, -ovv, G. dtirodoSf D. diwodt, A. t)i7r-oda (-ovv), -ovv, V. SlTT-OVS ("Ov), Singular. -ovv. N. G. D. A. V. aSatcp-vs, ctddicpvos, adaKpvt, ahaicp-vv, adaKp-v, Singular. -V, -v, -v. | N. evdal/ji-ojv, -ov, G. evdatfiovos, D. ev^ai/iovt, A. V. evBaijji-ova, evhaifJL-ov, -ov, -ov. Dual. N.A.V. a/iroSe, G. D. ZtTtO^OtV. Dual. N. A.V. aldtcpve, G. D. aZaKpvoiv. Dual. N.A.V. evdaifjiove, G. D. evdaifAovoiv, Plural. N. Sin'odes, -oda, G. Snrodtov, D. Z in oat, A, Zt7r-oZas, -oda, V. diTT-odes, Plural. -oda. N. addxp-ves, -va, G. adaxpvcjv, D. addtcpvo-t, A. ctddicp-vas, -va, V, addicp-ves, -va* Plural. N. evdatjjt-oves, -ova, G. evSatfiovojv, D. evdai/uLOcri, A. evdalfi-ovas, -ova, V. evZaifx-oves, -ova. Singular. N. fjiei£-(i)v, -ov, G. fiec^ovos, D. fiet(ovt, A. ixei'C-ova, -oa, -to, -ov, V. fjLe?£-ov, -ov. Dual. N.A.V. jjiei£ov€, G. D. [iet£6voiv. Plural. N. fj.ei£-oves, -oes, -ovs, G. JJ,€l^6v(t)V, D. fxeii^oan, A. fjLei£-ovas,-oas,-ovs, V. fiei^-oves, -oes, -ovs, -ova,-oa,-u>, -ova,-oa,-u) ■ova,-oa,-io. •op, -op, -op. Singular. N. fj,eyaXr]r-(t)p, G. fxeyaXriTOpos, D. fieyaXiiropi, A. fieya\{]T-opa, V. f.ieyd\r]r-op, Dual. N. A.V. fieya\i]Tope, G. D. fxeyaXrjropoiv. Plural. N. /JieyaXJir-opes, -opa, G. fieyaXrjTOpoJv, D. fxeyaXijT opart, A. [xeyaXrir-opas, -opa, V. fxeyaXrjr-opes, -opa. 30 3. Irregular Adjectives. N. fxey* G. pey- D. fiey- A. jiey- V. juey- N.A.V. G. D. N. ftey- G. juey- D. juey- A. ^ey- V. fxey- Singular. as, ~d\r], dXov, -aX^s, -dXov, dXa), -d\rj i »aX«, av, ~d\7]y, -a, ■a, -aXr?, -a. Dual. fiey-aXw, -a'Xa, -aXw, p.ey-dAoiv f -dXaiv,-dXou\ Plural. a'Xot, -a'Xaij -a'Xa, dXtov, -aXwr, -a'Xwy, dXois, -dXais, -dXois, dXovs, -dXas, -a'Xa, a'Xot, -a'Xa i, -a'Xa. Singular. N. 7ToXvS, TToXXl), 7ToXv, G. fl-QXXoV, TToXXfjS, 7T0XX0V, D. 7T0XXw, 7ToXXtJ, 7T0XXw, A. ttoXvv, TToXXfjV, 7roXv } V. 7ToXv, 7T0XX^, 7ToXv. Dual. N.A.V. 7roXXw, 7roXXa, 7roXXw, G. D. 7roXXoh>,7roXXa7y,7roXXo7v. N. 7roXXoi, G. 7T0XXwy, D. TToXXotS", A. 7roXXoi)s, V. TToXXotj Plural. 7roXXai, 7roXXa, 7ToXXu>l', 7T0XXwV, TroXXats, ttoXXoTs, TroXXas, 7roXXa, TroXXaL 7roXXa'. JVbfe. Meyas and 7roXws have only the Nom., Ace, and Voc, Masculine and Neuter of the Singular, and take the other Cases from /jeyaX-os, -»/, -ov, and 7roXX-6s, -?), -6z/. The Poets decline 7toXvs like yXu/cvs. III. Of Comparison. The Comparative is generally formed by the addition of repos, and the Superlative by that of tcitos, to the Positive. In adding these Terminations some change is usually made in the Positive. Thus, 1. Adjectives in eis eject i j as yapi-eis, -eorepos, -e*' add karepos and eoraros to the Neuter ; as Tep-r]v, -evearepos, &c. ; evfialjj-ojp, -ovearepos, &c. 4. Those in os reject s, and after a short syllable change o into w, to prevent the concurrence of too many short syllables ; as kov(j>-os, -orepos, &c, ; crof-os, -wrepos, &c. ; though we also find Kevorepos and crrevorepos. If the preceding Vowel be doubtful, both o and to may be used ; as Itcavos, ixavorepos and ticavojTepos. Some in os lose o also by syncope ; as yepaibs, yepairepos, &c. ; and fiecros has pecairepos, &c. ; while others, rejecting os, take ecrrepos, ecrraros, and iarepos, iuraros ; as afiopty-os, -ecrepos, &c. ; Xd\-os, -forepos, &c. 31 5. Those in ap, is, ovs follow the general rule ; as pciK-ap, -ctpre- pos, &c. ; ev-^ap-is, -/crepes, &c. ; finrX-ovs, -ovarepos, &c. 6. Adjectives in £ change os of the Genitive into iarepos and ioto.- ros ; as aoirat,, apirayiffTepos, &C The above Comparisons at one view. ap, as, fiaicap, fxeXas, jxaKaprepos, fieXdvTepos, fxaKapraros. fxeXdvTaros. eis, Xapieis, XapieGTepos, Xapiecrraros. r\v, H\S, reprjv, , for 9eXu), I ivish. 6 From (pepoj, I bear. In the application of these different words to dyaObs, this Adjective must be understood to signify not only good, but also strong, brave, &c. ayaOwra-os. apicrros. loeXriaros, (jeXraros, KpCLTUTTOS. Xwiaros, X<3gtos. (j)ept(jTos, tyepraros, (peprifTTOs, 32 (.tiKpos, little, eXa^us, little, KaXos, beautiful /jiaKpos, long, aiayjpos, base, e^dpds, hostile, 7ro\vs, much, fladvs, deep, ra^vs, quick, 7raxvs, thick, pahos, easy, ohrpos, miserable, ohrlwv, ireiTitiv, ripe, TteTrairepos fiiKporepos, fwcporaros. ij(T rpels, 4, 3) recrcrapes, 5, e, irevre, 6, *'j H, y 7, r, €7rTCl, 8, V> oicru), 9, &, kvvea, 10, l> deica, 11, ia. evheica, 12, t/3', Bw()€KCt, 13, f-y'i TpiaKciideKa, 14, a'. TecrcrctpaKaiceKci 15, te, wevTeicaideica, 16, i Tpi(j\i\ioi, XXX, rpia^iXtoarbs, 4000, A rerpaKia^iXioi, XXXX, TerpaKio-fciXioGTOS, 5000, / e » 7revTa.Ki(T-%i\ioi, M, 7T€l'TCLia(J'%LXlO(TTOS, 6000, / e'^ciKiff'xiXtoi, MX, e^aKicrj^iXioarbs, 7000, A €7rraKL(T\iXioi, BXX, eTTTCLKi ayjiXtooT 6s, 8000, #» OKTCLKlGyp^LOl, HXXX, OKTaKKT-^lXlOfTTOS, 9000, A kvveaKLayjXLOi, MXXXX, kvveaKiayjXioaTds, 10,000, /» fxvpioi, M, fAVpiOOTOS, 20,000, a* (HMTJilvpiOl, MM, ciiafj.vpioea.. Note 1. Most of the Pronouns have no Vocative, and those which have make it always like the Nominative. Instead of saying like the Latins, tic, the Greeks say w ovros. Note 2. Ov may be considered a Reciprocal Personal Pronoun. From the above Pronouns and the Genitive avrov, of ones self, are formed the Three Compound Reciprocals, ejjiavrov, of myself; aeavrov, of thyself '; and eavrov, of himself ; which are thus declined: eavr-ov, -r)S, -ov, eavr-y, -rj, -<3, eavr-ov, -r\v, -6. Singular. G. efiavT-ov, -rjs, -ov, aeavr-ov, -rjs, -ov, D. efxavT-u), -fj, -£, ueavr-w, -rj, -p,bs, Doric and Ionic. Dual. N.A. &, G. D. olv, a, to, atv. olv. N. G. D. A. Plural. o\\ at, OJV, (OV, ols, als, ovs, as, 00 v, ols, a. In the same manner are declined avrbs and exelvos. Ovros is compounded of the Article 6 and avrbs, and is thus de- clined : — Singular. Plural. N. ovros, ai)Tt], TOVTO, N. OVTOL, avrat, ravra, G. tovtov, ravrns, tovtov, G. TOVTOJV, TOVTOJV, TOVTOJV D. tovtoj, A. tovtov, TavTT], TOVTO), D. TOVTO IS, Tavrais, TOVTOIS, TaVTt]V, TOVTO. A. TOVTOVS, Tavras, ravra. Dual. N. A. tovtoj, ravra, tovtoj. G.D. TOVTOiV ravraiv, TOVTOiV. Like ovros are declined the Compounds tolovtos, such,' togovtos, so great; and ttiXikovtos, so long (in point of time); as tolovtos, roiavrn, toiovto, &c. But the Attics make these -ov in the Neuter. Tis is an Interrogative PronOun, when marked with an Acute Accent ; — an Indefinite, when with a Grave : thus tis, who ? rls, any one. It is thus declined : — Singular. N. rls, Neut. ti, G. Tivbs, D. TLVl, A. riva, TI. Dual. N. A. rive, G. D. TLVOIV. Plural. N. rives, Neut. riva, G. TIVOJV, D. rial, A. Tivas, rivet. In the Imparisyllabic Cases, when tis is an Interrogative, it has the Accent on the Penult ; when an Indefinite, on the Ultimate. 38 The Compound 8 understood. Note 2. The Dual and Plural are scarcely found, but instead thereof is used the word ol TVxovT6s; G. tu>v tv^ovtojv ; &c. The following list of Correlatives may be here inserted. to, the. toTos, of the kind. "1 toiovtos, of this kind. rocros, of the number. tovovtos, of this number. j TrjXiicos, of the size or age. \ rrfkiKOVTOS, of this size, &c. J 7r6s (ancient), what. ttoios, of what kind, irocros, of what number. TrrjXiicos, of what size or age. TTOTepos, which of two. Trodands, of what country. o, ivhich. olos, of which kind. oaos, of which number. i)XiKos, of which size or age. 07r6s (ancient), what. 07ro7os, of what kind. 07rdcro§, of what number. otttjXikos, of what size or age. birorepo's, which. J i][xe()air6s, of our country. \vfA,eda7rbs, of your country. Of Verbs. A Verb is a word which signifies to do, to suffer, or to be ; and is therefore Active, Passive, or Neuter. Active Verbs in Greek have three Voices, the Active, Passive, and Middle. 1. The Active Voice (yevos evepyqTLKov) expresses action, and terminates in the Present in to or fji ; as tvtttw, I strike ; TiQ^yii, I place. 2. The Passive (irad^TiKov) implies the suffering or receiving of an action, and ends in the Present in juat ; as TinrTOfiai, I am struck,' ride fiat, I am placed. S. The Middle (jj,eo~ov) is so called, because it preserves a sort of medium between the Active and Passive, partaking of both in sig- 39 nification and termination : it signifies what we do to or for our- selves ; as Tvirrofxai, I strike myself; Xvo/Jiai two., I set a 'person at liberty, for my own pleasure or benefit. Neuter Verbs (ovderepa, or avroTradnriKa) are such as only express being, or a state of being, and terminate in the Present in w or jui ; as el pi, I am ; vytahu), I am well. Those that only imply being, are also called Substantive Verbs. Note 1. The Active Voice must sometimes be explained reflectively. Thus we meet with dva\a[x(3dveiv e« rrjs voaov, to recover from sickness ; where eavrbv must be understood after the Verb. Note 2. Sometimes Verbs of a Passive or Middle form have an Active significa- tion, and may therefore be termed Deponent Verbs, from having deposed, or laid aside, the form of the Active. To Verbs belong Modes, Tenses, Numbers, Persons, and Conju- gations. I. Of Modes. There are Five Modes (lyicXto-ets). The Indicative (vpiariicr]), or declaring Mode ; as tvtttu), I strike. The Imperative (TrpoaraKTiK^), or commanding Mode ; as rv-n-re, strike thou. This is used in Past Tenses to express urgency of command, or completion of action ; as 7roirjv, -ecr9e, -ec9ojaav. Imperf. s. I). p. erv7rr-6fit]v, I was struck. -OfjLTjV, -OV, -€TO, -6fxe9ov, -ecrOov, -ecrOrjv, -SfieOa, -ecrQe, -ovro. Perf. s. I) p. s. D. P. rerv[jL-[xai, I have been struck. C-jxai, -aat, -rat, ~| j -fieOov, -, 1 j -o~9ov, -o9(i)v, {_-a9e, ~cr9w(rav.J TCTVlpO, T6TV(j)9(i), T6TV(j)90V, T€TV(p9iiJV, T6TV(p9e, TBTv I was struck. 6TV7T-7JV, J -r]v, -r]s, -?], -T]TOV, -r']TT]V, -r\\iev, -r)re, -rjcrctv. ' n ' r be struck. TVTT-K)9l, J — , -rjrw, -rjTOV, -rjTOJV, -t]T6, -tjTojcrav. Fut. 1. Fut. 2. Fut. 3. TV ^ , Imay have been struck. "-(2>fiai, -y, -rJTai, ~\ -U)[j,e9ov, -r)cr9ov, -r)o-9ov, j _-(v/j,e9a, -r)cr9e, -ujvrai.J TVfXfxev-os S), ys, y, -It) rjTOV, 7)T0V, -oi wjxev, r)Te, Sxn. TeTV(p-9ai, to have been struck. T6TVjJ,f.ieV-0S, -7], -OV, having been struck. „, L. ' ' ' M might be struck. -ehjv, -eii]s, -eirj, -eir]TOV, -eirjrqv, -eii]fj,ev, -eh]re, -eirjvav. _' y I should be struck. TVTT- w, J -w, -ys, -y, -rjrov, -rjrov, -wfiev, -VTe, -ukti. TV(p9-i)vai, \ TVTT-rjvai, J to have been struck. TV(t>9-\ , - T >eis,-eicra,-ev, TVTT- J G. -6VT0S, &C. having been struck. rv, I honour. S. -do), -deis, -dei, rifx-ae. -ae, -a, -aeroj, -drco, D. -derov, -drov, -aerov, -drov, -aerov, -drov, -aeroiv, -drv, P. -dojxev, -dere, -&Liev, -are, -dovoi, -WGl. -dere, -are, -aerwaav, -drwaav. Imperf. erifi-aov. S. -aov, -aes, -i»v, -as, D. -derov, -drov, P. -dofiev, -dere, -wfiev, -are, -ae, -a, -aerrjv, -drr/v, -aov, -(x)V. Pres. (piX-ew, / love. S. -ew, -eeis, -w, -els, -eei, -el, -eerai, -eTrca, (pik-eov. -eov, -ov, -eeaBif), -eiaBu), D. -eofxeBov, -ovfteOov, -eeaBov, -elaBov, -eeaBov, -elaBov, -eeaBov, -elaBov, -eeaB(t)v, -eiaBiov, P. -edfxeOa, -ovfxeBa, -66(706, -eiaBe, -eovrai, -ovvrai. -eeaBe, -eTaBe, -eeaBwaav, -eiaBioaav. Imperf. S. -eofxrjv, -ovfxrjv, -eov, -ov, -eero, -elro, D. -eofxeBov, -ov/xeBov, -eeaBov, -elaBov, -eeaBrjv, -eiaBrjv, P. -eofieQa, -ovfjieBa, -eeaBe, -eiaBe, -eovro, -ovvro. Pres. dt]X-6ofiai. S. -Sofiai, -ovfiai, -6y, -oerai, -ovrai, drj\-6ov. -oov, -ov, -oeaBo), -ovaBu), D. -odjxeQov, -ovfxeBov, -oeaBov, -ovaBov, -oeaBov, -ovaBov, -oeaBov, -ovaBov, -oeaBojv, -ovaBojv, P. -odjxeBa, -ovpteBa, -oeaBe, -ovaBe, -QOVTCU, -ovvrai. -oeaBe, -ovaBe, -oeaBwaav, -ovaBojaav. Imperf. edrjX-oofArji'. S. -oojxrjv, -0V\X7\V, -dov, -ov, -oero, -ovro, D. -oo/xeBov, -ovfieBov, -6ea9ov, -ovaBov, -oeaBqv, -ovaBr\v, - P. -oofxeBa, -ov/xeBa, -oeaBe, -ovaBe, -dovro, -ovvro. 51 Verbs in aw, ew, o/j,ai, -dy, -drjrai, -S)jiai, -q., -arai, -awfxeOov, -di]o9ov, -dijcrOov, -ivjxeOov, -dcrOov, -dl\-e6[A6V0S, -0V/.16V0S. drjX-ooifitjv. -OOlflTJV, -0010, -oifiiiv, -olo, -ooifxeQov, -ooiadov, -oifxeQop, -o'igOov, -oo'ifieOa, -6our9e, -oijxeQa, -olo9e, -ooiro, -olro, -00lfie9a, -6i]a9e, -ocovrai, -U)[xe9a, -u)9eh, Aor. 2. erv7n]V, TV7rt]9i. TVire'iiiv, TV7TU>. ~vTvr]vai, TVireis, Fut. 1. TV(p9i)(JOfiai, TV(p9ri(TGi[X1]V, TV(p9i]aea9ai, TV^)97]G6[X6VOS, Fut. 2. TV7rr}(ro[xai, TvmjGoiixrjv, TV7n)<7eo9ai, TvirriGofxevos, Fut. 3. rervxpofiai. T6TV-i\/oilX7}V. T€Tinpe{j9ai. T€TV\p6fX€VOS. Pr. M. TV7TTOfiai, TV7TT0V, TVKTQl\Xr\V, TVTTTWlhCLl, TV7TT€(j9ai, TV7TTOfX€VGS, Imp. erv7rr6jir]v, Perf. Tervira, T€TV7T6, TeTviroiLii, TeTVTTUX, TeTvitevai, TeTVTTUJS, Plup. erervTreii', Aor. 1. ervipa[ir]v, rvtpai, Tvtpalixrjv, TvipiiJfxai, tv^clgBcli, TVipdixevos, Aor. 2. erv7r6fii]i>, TV7TOV. TVTTOlfXtjV, TVTTtOfXCll. TVTrea9ai, TV7r6fX€VO$, Fut. 1. TVtpGjXai, TV\pOl{Xt]V, Tv\pecr9ai, TVXpGfieVOS, Fut. 2. tvttovixcu. TV7TOlfXT]V. TVireiGBai. TVTVOVfXeVOS. Pres.A. TlLl-do), -tv, riix-ae, -a, TljX-doijXl, -(jj^U, TlKl-Clb), -10, nii-deiv, -a~v, TlfX-dlOV, -OJV, Imp. ert/x-aov, -u>v, Perf. TerifiriKa., reriLxrjice, Teri[Xi]tcoiLii, T€Tl[X7]IClO, TGTllX1]Kevai, T€TtfXT]IC(})S, Plup. er6Ti[xrjiceLV, Aor. 1. erifxtjrra, Tl]Xi]GQV, rifxi']ffaifii, TlfXiJGCO, TifxrjGai, TifiijGas, Aor. 2. eTijiov, rifxe. TljXOljXl, Tl/XO). Ti/xelv, TlfXUJV, Fut. 1. TILING (x), Tiii^aoiiii, TLfxijtjeiv, Tl/XyjGWV, Fut. 2. TlfXU). TlfXoTfXl. Tifxelv. TlfXUJV. Pres. P. TijjL-aofiai, Tlll-ClOV, w, Tiii-aoijxriv, Ti/x-doJixai, Ti[x-de, cpCX-keiv, -eTv, (f)lX-io)V, -hJV, Imp. e(f>iX-eop,-ovv, Perf. TreiX)]K0ijxi, 7refia.L, Tre(j)iXria9ai, TT€(plXl]fiePOS, Plup. eirecpiXrijxrjv, Aor.l. e(piX)]0r]v, (piXy)6i]ri, , (piXi]9))(reiX-eofjiai, (piX-eov, -ov, (piX-ewjxai, (piX-eea-Qai, (biX-edj-ievos, Imp. 6, di]X-oe, -ov, diiX-OGijii^otui, Si]X-6oJ,- u), 8?]X-6eiv, -ovv, drjX-6u)v, -oiv, Imp. edt]X-oov,-ovv, Perf. Sedr)X(i)Ka, oeSi'jXioice, dedijXojKcifit, SeStjXidKU), SeSrjXoJKevai, Sed?]XoJKo)S, Plup. ededqXwiceip, Aor.l. edj]Xtoaa, drjXoJGOv. SrfXioaaini, Sr/XojGio. StjXwffai, SrjXoJvas, Aor.2. Fut.l. Fut. 2. dl]XhJ(TiO. SfjXlOGOlfll. d)]X(x)(76lV. dijXuxrioi'. Pres. P. drjX-oofiai, 8i]X-6ov, -ov, dt]X-Goifxijv, St]X-6(*)[.iai, dt]X-6e9qTi. dt]Xco9eir]v, 8r)Xu)6(i). dt]Xo)9i)vat, Sr]Xa>9els, Aor. 2. Fut. 1. Fut 2 S?]Xto9))croixai, di]Xu)Orj(Toiixt]v, dt]Xa)9t]crai. SrjXiotyaiiAqv, hiXojaMjxai, dt]Xii)(?a, i]\in£ov. t — I ; as 'Ikcivo), "itcavoi'. o — w ; as d7ra£w, txnra(ov. v — v ; as 'v(3pi^(o t "v(3pi£ov. ai — rj ; as aipio, rjpov. av — 7}v ; as av'iavoj, ijv^avov. oi — o) ; as oiki^o), wkl'(ov. Verbs, beginning with ??, to, l, v, and ov, receive no Augment ; and those in ei and ev are seldom changed. Note 1. These Five Verbs retain the a of the Present in the augmented Tenses ; aw, dioj, adw, di]diZ,ojxai, dtjOecrvo) ; the two first for the distinction of the mean- ing, and the others on account of the sound. Note 2. The following change e into ei, or rather contract ee into ee : — ■ 67rofiai, epvoj, epyd^ofxat, itrrrjKOJ, epeoj, eartdoi, epTTO), ^X w ' ipTTV^i cm. Note 3. The Attics change ei into y, and ev into r\v ; as eldoj, Plup. eWeiv, Attic ydeiv ; evxofiai, evxofirjv, Attic rjvxojxrjv. They likewise change the Syllabic Augment into the Temporal ; as fieXXoj, ep,eXXov, Attic ij/xeXXov ; and prefix e to the Temporal Augment, aspirated or not according to the Verb ; as bpdo), wpaov, Attic eojpaov ; o'iyoj, Aor. 1. . Note 5. Some Verbs have in the Perfect a peculiar, or Attic Reduplication (as it is called), which consists in the first two letters of the Verb being repeated before the usual Temporal Augment ; as dyeipoj, tfyepica, dyrjyepica ; opirroj, wov^a, opdjpvxa. This Attic reduplication is also found in the Second Aorist, sometimes without the change of either Vowel ; as apapov from dpw ; and sometimes with the change of the first ; as ijyayov from dyo). This Reduplication remains in the other Modes, which only drop the Temporal Augment. In Composition. Note 1. Compounds, whose Simples are seldom or never used, receive the Aug- ment, sometimes in the beginning, and sometimes in the middle. Thus, dfMpi, eXi6o(36Xeov ; cuppoveu), i), oiVi£a>, oiiovi^ofxai i also these four ; oioto, oiKovpew, oi/Aao), and oicrpew or oiGrpctoj. Note 5. A Preposition in composition (except a^tyi, irepi, and 7rp6,) before a Vowel loses the final Vowel ; as a7re^w, from curb and e^w. If after this elision the Preposition comes before an Aspirate, it changes its Soft into an Aspirate ; as CMpatpea), from cnrb and aipeu>. ILpd however is sometimes contracted ; as 7TjOoy%a> for 7rpoe^w. Note 6. In Latin the Temporal Augment may be observed in such words as ago, egi ; emO) emi ; fugio,fugi; jaciOfjeci; video, vidi; &e„ II. Of the Formation of the Tenses. Synopsis of the Formation, "ervKTOV, v\poj, TVTTTOJ-iai) rrvxpo/iai. J ervipa, "-renvoi, fTV7TOVjJ.at. < ervirov, €TVTTTOfir\l\ ervipafirjv. ferervcpeiv. j 1. Tervfjifjiaii eTervfifji^r. ' 2. T€TV\pai, T€TV\pOfXai. u TeTvirrai) ervtyOrji', 7t^>0/ys-Ojuai. {krvTr6fxr]v. eTvirnv, erervireLV* TV7rr]ffOjiat. \_Terv7ra, The Present, First Future, Perfect, and Second Future of the Indicative, Active, are the principal Tenses, from which the others are formed. Of the First Future, Perfect, and Second Future. 1. The First Future is formed from the Present. The general principle is to insert rr (originally ea) before the final o) ; as Ww, r, $c-w, for ^it« ; 7r\>/ftw, 7r\rj ; — and those in £w and aaio (or ttio), change these Terminations into aii) or £w ; as c/>pa£u>, (j>paaa) ; K'pa£w, /cpa£a> ; raaaio, ra£a> ; irXaaaio (or 7rXarrw), irXaaio ; — £ being more frequently changed into o- ; and aa (or rr), into £. 3. Verbs, whose Characteristic is X, /j,, v, p, do not take a, but shorten the Penult, if long, (omitting the latter of two Vowels or Consonants,) and circumflex the last Syllable ; as aipw, apto ; oreXXw, oreXa? ; icpi'vw, KpYvto ; vefioj, rejjioj. Note 1. The Characteristic Letter is that which immediately precedes the termi- nation ; as y in Xey (o, or Xeyopat ; — but when two Consonants precede, if the latter be either r, or any of the Liquids, the former is the Characteristic ; thus k in n'/crw, 7T in TVTTTW, [X m TejXVh). Note 2. The true Characteristic does not always immediately appear, through the substitution of other letters. In Verbs with 7rr in the final syllable, the Characteristic is (B, tc, or

, ew, and ou>, change a and e into rj, and o into o>, before , evapiZoj, icpdZ,a>, Kpio^co, paari^oj, vvardZ,u), oifxoj^io, oXoXv^oj, pe£w, pvard^co, ard^io, arevd^o), arripi^h), ariZ,(o, G(x), &c. The following have both a and § : — ap7ra'£w, (5dZ,io, fiaardZ,(x), j3pL%o), cWra'£w, eyyvaXi^oj, pepprjp'i^oj, 7rai£u>, &c. Those in £ are of the Doric form. ^_ Two Verbs take y before | : — jeXa'£w (fcXa'yl'w), and irXd^io. Note 2. Besides TrXaVcw the following have a single , and Xiaaofxai. Note 3. Verbs in aw, preceded by e or 1, retain a in the First Future ; as ea'o> (ea'), Qedojxai, idopai, Komdix), fietdidu), &c. Boa'w makes fiofjacj. Also in Xaw and paco after a Vowel ; as yeXa'w, ooa'w ; — to which may be added dtcpodopai, dupdu), Spdw, icXdio, /xdoj, vdw, Trerdo), awdo), (pXdoj, &c. : but rcepdto and some others have both aau) and t}aia. Note 4. Some Verbs in eio have eau) in the First Future ; as dp/ceo) (dpKeacj), reXew, rpeu) I tremble, &c. : — some have both effw and »; and alvrjao)), Seo> I bind, veiiceu), &c. : — and some in ew have evaoj ; as Oeoj I run (Oeuaio), vew I swim, TrXew, rrveo), pew I flow, %ew. Note 5. Katw and icXaiu) change aioj into avau) in the First Future. Note 6. Some Verbs in 010 retain in the First Future ; as dpoo) (dpoaco), {36io, ojxoo) I swear, ovocj. Note 7. Four Verbs, which reject an Aspirate in the Present on account of the sound, resume it in the First Future, the letter that caused the change having fallen away; viz. e^w (for e^w), e^w ; rpe0a> (Opecpio), $pe\poj ; rpe%o> (0pe^w), 9pe%(o ; and rvcpo) (9i< ' a - * .S " -as- O 0-ori;, nd koy x > > s w 3 «5 . K '' . TVTTTU), rviph), T€TV(pa. Xeyo), Xe£w, XeXe)£cu 7r\y]6io, 7rX?/(TW, 7T€ir\r}Ka. firXaaato, ifXaau), 7re7rXa/ca. lopvertf-w, opvEio, ojpv\a. ipaXXco, ^aXw, expaXica. iVofe 1. Those Verbs, which have in the First Future both , reraKa. The few that retain the ^, change its form into y ; as ttXvvoj, tt\vvu>, rceirXvyKa ; tpaivio, , 7re(payKa. iVote 5. Verbs, which have ftw in the First Future, take an q before k in the Perfect ; as vepu), vepio, veveprjKa ; also fiaXXio, (3aXu>, fiefiaXijica ; pevoj, pevw, pepevrjKa. And some are syncopated ; as KeKprjica for KeKctprjKa, from Kapvw ; rerpqKa for rereprjKa, from repvio. Thus also (3efiXrjica for fiefiaXrjica, from /3d\\w ; KeicXi]Ka for KCKaXrjKa, from /caXew. 3. 7'^e Second Future is formed from the Present. The Penult of the Present is shortened, and the last Syllable cir- cumflexed. 1. The Penult changes- at f fXrjdco, XaQw. into d as «^ r P w 7 w » rpayw. »l (pairoj, tyavu). \^ivavb), 7raw. Xf/7TW, Xl7T(Ji)o auj et into <; as ei> — v ; as (pevyio, (pvyw. 2. Verbs in aw and ew change these terminations into w; as f.ivKU(t), fJLVKO) ; (j)iXeo), (piXui. 3. Dissyllables, which have e and et, followed by X, fj, v, p in the Present, change them into a in the Second Future ; as depw, dapw ; 59 ffweipio, airapu. — The e of the Present is changed in other Verbs also of two Syllables, if it stand before, or after a Liquid ; as ir\eKu>, 7rXa/oJ ; kXcttto), /cXa7ra> ; Trepdu), napOu ; — but /3Xe7rw, Xeyw, and pa£(t), typa/ru), (ppa^dj, S/xv'xw and ^X 10 a ^ s0 nave 7 m tne Second Future. Note 1. Three Verbs change 7r of the Present into (3 in the Second Future ; j8Xa7rrw, /3Xa/3w ; koXvtttix), KaXvfioJ ; KpvTTTO), Kpvj3u> ; — as they originally had j8 in the Present. Note 2. Eight Verbs change tc of the Present into

; — Polysyllables in aivw, vv, — and many others. Note 4. The Second Future was originally the same as the First Future. Tv7ttoj (Tvirf,(o) made rvTreaoi or tvttctoj, i. e. Tvipw; — the former in the Ionic Dialect became TVTrew, and in the Attic tvtvCo. Of the remaining Tenses. 1 . Tenses derived from the Present. The Present Passive and Middle, and the Imperfect of the Three Voices. 1. The Present Passive and Middle is formed from the Present Active, by changing the final w into ofxai ; as tvtttlo, rvVroyucu. 2. The Imperfect is formed from the Present, by prefixing the Augment, and changing the final w into ov for the Active ; as rvVrw, ervTTTov ; — and into ofxnv for the Passive and Middle ; as ervKTo^v. 2. Tenses derived from the First Future. The First Aorist Active and Middle, and the First Future Middle. 1. The First Aorist Active is formed from the First Future, by prefixing the Augment, and changing the final w into a ; as Tv\p(o, e-v\pa ;—to which is added fArjr for the Middle ; as eTvxpafjnv. 60 Note 1. Verbs in X, fi, v, p make a Doubtful Vowel in the Penult long, change a into r), and e into ei ; as tcpXvw, eKplva ; »//aXw, exprjXa ; fievG>, efieiva. If the a of the First Future be derived from at in the Present, the Penult of the First Aorist has a in the Common Dialect, as (TrjjAaivw, (T7)[xavio, karifiava ; and 7) in the Attic, as ecrrj/xtjva. Note 2. EI 7m and jjveyiea are formed from the Present; — ^«:a, eGrjica, edwica from the Perfect. Note 3. The following drop the or ^fiiw, e\;ea or 'e-^eva. 2. The First Future Middle is formed from the First Future Ac- tive, by changing the final oj into o/juu ; as rvxpio, rvxpofxai. The First Future Active of Verbs in X, pu> being circumflexed, the First Future Middle likewise of such Verbs has a Circumflex ; as ipaXu), ipaXovfxcu ; — i. e. xl/aXecrofxat, -ipaXeofiai, \paXovfiai. S. Tenses derived from the Perfect. The Pluperfect Active, and the Perfect, Pluperfect, First Aorist, First and Third Future Passive. 1. The Pluperfect Active is formed from the Perfect Active, by prefixing the Augment, and changing the final a into eiv; as rerv0a, €T€TVa is changed into fifiai ; as rervcpci, reru/i/xat ; — x a mto yfxat ; as AeAe^a, XeXeyfiai ; — /ca into a\xai ; as 7re0po/ca, 7re(ppa(7jjiai ; — and also into fiui ; as e-ipaXica, expaX/icu. Note 1. Perfects in (pa impure change it into fiai ; as rerepQa, rerepfiai. Note 2. Verbs, having r, d, 9, £, has rera/xai. Note 3. Verbs in X, /x, v, p, and Pure Verbs have only fiat, if the Penult of the Perfect Active be long; as ipaXXw, eipaXica, expaX/xai; Trotew, 7re7roi^K«, ireiroi- rjjxai. But some Verbs also, whose Penult is short, change Ka into /xai ; as dpoco, ypoica, i'jpofiai ; dew I bind, dedefiat ; dpaw, Sedpa/xai ; eXdoj, jjXctfiai and ■ijXaafiai ; 6vw, reOv/xai ; Xvw, XeXvfiai. The following with the Penult long have a^iai in the Perfect Passive ; — cikovlo (flKovto, evrpeQa, eaTpafijxai ; rpe7ro), TeTpajXj.iai ; rpe^co, TeOpajipai; — but they resume the e in the First Aorist; as ecrrpe^Otjv. Note 6. Some Verbs shorten the long syllable of the Perfect Active ; as dedojtca, dedofiai. The following Tenses come immediately from the Perfect Passive. 3. The Pluperfect Passive is formed by prefixing the Augment, and changing fxat into \iy\v ; as rervfifiai, eTervfXfjnr. 4. The First Aorist Passive is formed from the Third Person Sing, of the Perfect, by dropping the reduplication, changing rat into drjv, and the preceding Soft into an Aspirate Mute ; as rervnTai, ervfdrjr. Note 1. A few Verbs assume , (nrapib, ecnropa. Ba'XXw likewise has fiefioXa, and Xayxdvu) has XeXoy^a. But if the a of the Penult come from ij or ai in the Present, it is changed into t] ; as X?)6co, XaOio, XeXrjOa; (paivoi, (pavijj, Tce^rjva. Thus also OdXXoj has reQtjXa, KkdZ,w KGK\t]ya, &c. Note 2. If the Second Future have i from ei of the Present, it is changed into oi; as XeiVto, Xittu), XeXonra. Ei'/cw makes eoiica, eX7ra> eoXira, epyio eopya. Aeidoj has Sedoiica for dedoiSa, to avoid the repetition of & 5. TVze Pluperfect Middle is formed from the Perfect Middle, by prefixing the Augment, and changing the final a into eiv ; as rervTra, erervTreii'. G. The Second A ovist Middle is formed from the Second Future Active, by prefixing the Augment, and changing the final w into ojj,r}v ; as tvku), ervTro/dvi^ 7. The Second Future Middle is formed from the Second Future Active, by changing the final to into ovpai ; as rv7rw, rv7rovp.cu. Three Verbs do not take a Circumflex in the Second Future Middle ; viz. Sec. Fut. edofxai, 7riofxat, (pdyojxau Of Verbs in MI. I. The Verbs in pi are formed from Verbs in aw, ew, ow, and vu), — 1.) by prefixing the initial Consonant of the Verb with 1 ; — 2.) by changing w into p ; — 3.) by lengthening the Penult. Thus from oraw is formed torg/xt, from deio riOnpi, from c)dw dldojpi, from cieiKvvu) ^eiKvvpi. The reduplication is called — 1 . Proper, when the initial Consonant of the Primitive is repeated with i, a Soft being substituted for an Aspirate ; as d6io, Sidwpi ; 0ew, Tidrjfii. This takes place, when the Primitive begins with a single Consonant. 2. Improper, when 1 only is prefixed ; as 7rraw, 'iwrripi ; oraw, 'larrjpt ; ea>, i'r//n. This takes place, when the Primitive begins with or, two Mutes, or a Vowel. The initial i in 'i7rrt]jxi and 'icrrrjfii is aspirated. JVofe 1. The reduplication takes place only in the Present and Imperfect, but is not prefixed to Verbs from vo> ; as detKvvoj, deiKWfjii ; — to those formed from Verbs of more than two Syllables ; as icpefivdio, Kpefxvrjfii ; — or to some Dissylla- bles ; as , reOv-iffit ; — and some have the reduplication in the middle ; as 6veo>, bvtvkia, ovivtffit. Note 3. The Poets change many Verbs in w into fit ; as yeXa'w, yeXrjfit ; ktcuo, Krrj/ii ; oveio, 6vi]fit ; opdu), oprjfit ; 0t\ew, (piXtj/xt ; &c. II. The Conjugation of the Verbs in fit is peculiar chiefly in the Present, Imperfect, and Second Aorist ; the other Tenses are taken from Verbs in w ; — thus didtoiii has Fut. Swcrto, Perf. ciecWa, from hot*). Note 1. Verbs in fit have no Second Future, no Second Aorist Passive, or Perfect Middle ; — and Verbs in Vfit not only have no reduplication, Second Future, or Second Aorist*, but also borrow the Optative and Subjunctive Modes from the Verbs in vw. Note 2. The Present Passive and Middle is formed from the Present Active, by shortening the Penult, and changing [it into fiat; as tarjyjtu, 'icrrafiat; ri9i][ii, rLQefiai ; &c. Note 3. The Imperfect is formed from the Present, by prefixing the Augment, and changing jxi into v for the Active ; as v'tOr^ii, eriOijv; — and fiat into fii]v for the Passive and Middle ; as riQefiat, hrtdefi^v. Verbs in fit are seldom used in the Imperfect. They generally in this, and some- times in other Tenses, adopt their original contracted form with the reduplication ; as 'iaraov, 'iarcov ; eriOeov, eTtOovv ; &c. Note 4. The Second Aorist Active is formed from the Imperfect, by omitting the reduplication ; as eriOijv, cOijv ; — or by changing the Improper reduplication into the Augment; as 'iar^v, ear^v. If the Verb have no reduplication, the Second Aorist is the same as the Imperfect. The Second Aorist Middle is formed from the Imperfect Middle by omitting the reduplication; as ertOe/iriv, eOefirjv. Note 5. Most Verbs in fit have the First Aorist in ica ; as riOrffit, eOijica ; and such Aorists are found only in the Indicative. There are two exceptions, 'itrrijfit and tprjfii, which have e^rtjaa and eavTi, T€TV(j)a, -erov, -erojv, P. -are, -arojaav. -ere, -erojaav. Perf. eora/ce. reOeiKe. Aor. 1. orf?<7ov. Qrjicov. Aor. 2. S. (TT-V01, D. -VTOV, P. -fire, -J)TU) 5 , -t]ru)v, -rjruxrav. 9-en, (0es,) -erov, -ere, -erw 5 , -eroiv, -erwaav. 1 The Third Pers. Plur. of the Present is generally terminated in the Attic and Ionic Dialect in dai ; as larddai or lardai, riOedai, didodai, Sencvvdai. 8 The Penult of the Perfect in t], from Verbs in eco, is changed into et ; as reQqica, reOeiKa ; which is properly according to the Bceotic Dialect. "EaraKa is often changed by syncope into earaa ; — we also find ecrrqica, and in the Pluperfect eiarrjiceiv. in MI, in the Active. G5 From oh) Indicative. VU). Pres. S. did-oj/xi, -MS, -(Offl, de'iKV-vfii, -VS, -Vffl, D. -OTOV, -OTOV, -VTOV, -VTOV, P. -o\iev, -ore, -oven. -vfiev, -VT6, -Vffl. Imperf. S. e$iS-iov, -cos, -h), edeiKV-vv, -VS, -V, D. -OTOV, -6tt]v, -VTOV, -VTTf\V, P. -Ofiev, -ore, -ocrav. -vfiev, -vre, -vaav. Perf. didcoica.. dedeixct. Plup. ededdjiceiv. ededeixeiv. Aor. 1. eduica. eBei'£a. Aor. 2. S. D. ed-ojv, -ws, -OTOV, -0J, -OTTJV 3 , P. -Ojxev, -OT6, -o , -ys (ys), -q, (y), D. -drov, -drov, P. -wfjiev, -are, -wen. ri9-Cj, -ujfxev, ys> -rjrov, -77 re, -rjrov, -axri. Perf. eora/cw. reOeiicoj. Aor. 1. OTjJffW. Gi]Kw. Aor. 2. crr-uj, -y~9, -y, G-Q, -ys, -y> -rjrov, -rjrov, -rjrov, -rjrov, -wfxev, -rjre, -wet. "(VfJieV, -r\re, -ojcrt. Infinitive. Pres. Irrrdvai 1 . riQevai 1 . Perf. Aor. 1. evraicevai, or e cravat, by sync, [and crasis. redeiKevai. 9T)Kai. Aor. 2. ffrrjvcu. Qeivai, or 9i, vai. Fut. 1. arr), D. P. -wfxev, -utrov, -wrov, -wre, -wcrt. Perf. Sedwicu). SeSeLxio. Aor. 1. 8u)KU). 8ei%oj. Aor. 2. 8-u>, "U)[X6V, -iorov, -ibrov, -wre, -wen. Infinitive. Pres. 8l86vo.i 1 . 8eiKvvvai l . Perf. 8e8(OKevai. Sedei^evai. Aor. 1. duiicai. Sel%ai. Aor. 2. dovvai. Fut. 1. 8(x)(T€LV. 3ei%€iv. Participles. Pres. did-ovs, -ovK9i]v, -vv, -6 or re9eivai. Put. 1. [iai, -(£, - Like the Passive. i Like the Passive. eriOefifjv, J e9t]icdixf]v. edefxrjv, Like the Imperfect. 9i),) I am. Indicative. Pres. S.elnl, els or el, e or i. D. , evrov, earov. P.e.i]fie9ov, noQov, ijaOrjv. P.?;/ue0a, rjcfo, rjvro. Fut.M.S.e(r-ojuat,-^, -erai or -rat. D.-ofieOov, -eoQov, -evQov. P.-d/te0a, -e, eT?;re, e'rjvav. D. -oijxeQoVf'OtaOovroiaOrjv. P.-oijue0a,-oi,) / go. Active. Indicative. Pres. S.el/xe, eIsoreT,eI. Aor. 2. S.ie, te>w. D.~ — , ITOV, ITOV. [Xaai). FAfiev, It€, elaiJj. lerov, lerov. F.leLiev, lere, ieiai. Imp. S. — *— « — D. — — — P. «— — leaav. Optative. Pres. S. — — ieiTj. D. — — — P. — — — Infinitive. Participle. Pres. iivai. Pres. tets, leicra, lev. Middle. Indicative. Pres. S.tejucu, team, lerai. D. ie\ie9ov, \ea9ov, leaBov. V.iefie9a, 1e(r9e, tevrai. Imp. S. lefiTjv, lecro, Tero. D. le/xeBov, lea9ov, ii. Aor. 1. S.^/c-oi>, -arw. Aor. 2. S. es or e0t, erw. Pres. S. lei-rjv, -ijs, -?j. Perf. S. e'iK-oifii, -ois, -oi. Aor. 2. S. e'i-t]v, -/;?, -r}. Fut. 1. S.i], iys, iy. Perf. S. eiK-u), ~ys, -y. Aor. 2. S. w (ew, etw), ys, j?. D. , 'lerov, 'lerov. D. , 'Lerov, \err\v. D. , -arov, -arov. D. , -eirov -eirrjv. D.— — , -arov, -arrjv. D. — •, erov, ertjv. D. , -erov, -erov. Imperative. D.'ierov, ieru>v. D.-erov, -erojv. D. -arov, -dr(ov. D.erov, er(ov. Optative. D. , -rjrov, -qrrjv. D. , -oirov, -oiri]v. D. , -tjrov, -tjrrjv. D. , -oirov,-oirrjv. Subjunctive. D. , \r\rov, \j\rov. D. , -r\rov, -tjrov. D. , r\rov, rjrov. P.'lefiev, 'iere, lelai. P/iefiev, iere, 'leaav. P.-a/xev, -are, -aai. P. -eifiev, -eire, -eiaav. P.-afxev, -are, -av. P. efiev, ere, eaav. P.-ofiev, -ere, -ovat. P. iere, ienocrav. P. -ere, -erwaav. P. -are, -aruxrav. P. ere, erwvav. P.-rjuev, -ijTe, -rjaav. P.-oifiev, -oire, -oiev. F.-ijfxev, -r\re, -rjuav. P.-oifiev, -oire, -oiev. P.iwjiev, lyre, twee. P.-ot)fxev, -rjre, -w .-6[ie9a, -eG9e, -ovtcli. D.-6fie9ov, -6g9ov, -bg9ov. Y.-6[xe9a, -e.G9e, -ovtcxi. Imperative. T).'i€g9ov, l6G9iOV. D.€lg9ov, e"iG9u)v. D.e9r)Tov, e9t]Tiov. P.VW0e, t6G9ioGav. P.el<70e, €iG9(OGav. P. e9t)Te, eBrjTtoGav. Optative. D.-fie9ov, -g9ov, D.-fie9ov, -g9ov, D. —— , -r\Tov, -g9tjv. P.-fxeBa, -g9b, -vto. •g9t]v. F.-fie9a, -g9g, -vto. ■7)T?]V. V.-TjjXeV, -T)T6, -T)GCXV. T>.-oine9ov,-oiG9ov,-oiG9r}v.¥.-oi}ie9a, -oiG9e, -oivto. D.-o'ijjL€9ov,-oiG9ov,-o'iG9j]v.'P.-oi[i69a, -oig9b, -oivto. Subjunctive. D. ioj[xe9ov, lrjG9ov, irJGBov. P. ttijite0a, lrJG9e, ia>vrai. D. wfxe9ov, Tig9ov, 7)g9ov. P. u>/ie9a, rJG9e, wvtcu. D. — — -, e9f)Tov, eBrirov. P. €9u)fX6v, e9nre, e9u>Gi. Participles. Pres. lifievos. Perf. elu&vos. Aor. 1. e9eis. Fut. 1. i9r]G6ixevos. Fut. 3. eiGonevos. Middle. Indicative. D.-fxe9ov, -g9ov, -g9ov. P.-fie9a, -c0e, -vrai. T>.-fi69ov, -g9ov, -g9t)v. P.-/*e0a, -g9g, -vto. D.-dixe9ov, -cig9ov, -6lg9i\v. Y.-dfie9a, -aG9e, -avro. D.e}ie9ov, 6g9ov, eG9r\v. Y.e\ie9a, eG9e, evro. D.-6f.ie9ov, -cg9ov, -6g9ov. Y.~6fie9a, -eG9e, -ovrau Aor. 2. S. too (eo, ov), &70w. Prea. S. tei-finv, -o, -to. Aor. 2. S. e'l-jinv, -o, -to. Fut. 1. S. Tja-oijjLtjv, -oio, -oiro. Pres. S. iCjfiai, ty, irJTai. Aor. 2. S. tS/xat, y, ^rai. Infinitive. Pres. 'ieoBai. Aor. 2. ecdai. Fut. 1. tfaeoQai. 78 Imperative. D. £(r0ov, eV0u>v. P. e<706, #<70a>(rav. Optative* D.-/t60oi/, -,) 7 sit. Indicative. D.rjjiedov, rjffOov, tjgBov. P. rjiieOa, rjaQe, rjvrai 1 . I>.ij[ie6ov, rjaQov, tfaOrjv. P. ijfieBa, rjaOe, tjvto 1 . Imperative. D.TjaBov, tfo-Quv. P. 7?. Infinitive. Pres. riaQai. 1 The Third Pers. Plur. of the Present Indicative is also — Ionic earai, and Poetic eiarai j and of the Imperfect, euro, eiaro, and r/aro. 2 Thus the Compound KaQrjao in the Imperative, of which the Ionic is tcaOrjo, whence scaOeo, kclQov. Pres.&Perf.S.el/xai, elcat, elrai, elarat VI. T EIMAI, (from ew,) 7 cfo*Ae myself. Indicative. D. — — — P. — — elvTai. P. — Plup. S.eifitiv,el, -arc D.-dne6ov,-aff9ov,-ao-9riv.V.-dfji€6a,-aff0e t -avTO. Participles. Pres. e'ifievos. Aor. 1. ecroafievos. r. 1. M. S. et -a/ eeia J 79 Note 1. This Verb may be considered as Middle : the Active is %w or evvvfii, forming eaui in the First Future, and elca in the First Aorist, Infinitive elaai, with a generally doubled, and the preceding t omitted ; as ecca, ecraai. Note 2. The Third Pers. Plur. of the Pres. Indicative is also eiarai, and of the Imperf. or Pluperf. e'iaro, Ionic. VII. KErMAl, (from kcw,) / lie down. Indicative. Pres. S.iceT-fiai, -crai, -rat. D.-fieOov, -ffOov, -a9ov. "P.-fieOa, -aQe, -vrai. Imp. S.cKei-firjVf -ffo, -to. D.-r/xeOov, -fie9ov, -ijvQov, -ijffOov. P.-wfieBa, -rjffOe, -(ovtcii. Aor. 1. S. K€ia-b)fiai, -y, -rjTai. D.-ojfieOov, -tjffQov, -r\aQov. P.-c6/te0a, -qaOe, -ujvTai. Infinitive. Participle. Pres. KelaQcit. Pres. KeLfievos. Note. The Third Pers. Plur. of the Pres. Indicative is also — Ionic Kearai, and Poetic Keiarai and /ceovrai; and of the Imperfect, — Ionic /cearo, and Poetic KeiaTO and k£ovto. VIII. "I2HMI, (from laaw t ) I know, Active. Indicative. Pres. S.iff-tyjui, -7js, -rjffi. D. , -cltov, -arov. P.-a/iei/,-are,-a&TOV, QCLTiDV. Optative. P. (pare, tpaTuaav. Pres. or A. 2. S. 7jtov, Qrjrov. Aor. 1. S.[xev, ci. V.-iafiev, -t]T6, -locri. Participles. Pres. .-ii6dov,-o-Qov,-crQ)]v. P. -fxeOa, -aQe, -vro. Imperative. Pres. or A. 2. S. tpaao or (pdo, (pdcrOco. D. P. (pdade, (pdaQioaav. Infinitive. Participle. Pres. or Aor. 2. (pdtrOai. Pres. or Aor. 2. (pdfievos. Note. The is frequently omitted in the Present and Imperfect Indicative Ac- tive: thus r)jttt, f]S, fieri; ijv, rjs, rj. GENERAL LIST OF IRREGULAR AND DEFECTIVE VERBS. There are few Verbs in the Greek Language which can be regu- larly conjugated in all their Modes and Tenses. Some of these deficiencies may be traced to Euphony, and of others it is difficult to assign the causes. Defective Tenses are supplied from obsolete forms of the same Verbs, from kindred forms in other Dialects, or from some other Verbs in use. Here we may notice : — 1. Some Verbs are found only in the Active form, and some only in the Passive and Middle. Such Verbs may be best learned by observation, and reference to the Lexicon. 2. Some Verbs are seldom or never found in the Present and Im- perfect Tenses. The most of these may be observed in the annexed List of Irregular and Defec- tive Verbs. 3. Some Verbs are generally found only in the Present and Im- perfect. The following List comprises most of the Irregular and Defective Verbs, showing the Verbs that are generally used, at least in the Present and Imperfect, which are placed first ; and also such as are obsolete, or little used, but assist in the formation of the Tenses. A. 'A aw, adffKU), I hurt, has 1.) from itself, 3 Sing. Pres. P. ddrai; A. 1. A. aaaa, without augment; A. 1. M. dacrd/x^v; A. 1. P. ddaOrjp, or ddOrjv: — 2.) fr. dro), A. LA. acra, for ricra ; A. 1. P. dcrOrjv. Q 82 "Ayctfxcu, (Poetic ay domett, ayaiofiai,) I admire, has from dyd^o/jiai, F. 1. M. aydffofiai; A. 1, M. rfyaad^p ; A. ]. P. ^ydaOr/v^ 'Ayvvio, ciyvvfii, I break, forms its Tenses from ay w ; as F. 1. A. d£a>, ed£w ; A. 1. A. r?£tt, by Diaeresis ea^a ; P. A. riX a 5 P- P- Vy^cci, eayjiai ; A. 2. A. Jjyov, eayop ; A. 2. P. yyrjv, edyijp ; P. M. riya, eaya. — This e remains in the Subjunc- tive and other Modes ; as KareaywGi. J 'Ay(o, I lead, has 1.) fr. itself, P. A. wx a > Attic dy^o^a, Bceotic a-ye(0%« ; P. P. riypai; F. 2. A. dya) ; A. 2. A. riyov : — 2.) fr. dydyu>, F. 2. A. dyayCo; A. 2. A. yyayop, Part. dyaywj> ; A. 2. M. yyayon^p : — 3.) fr. F. 1. A. d£w, as the Pres. of a new Verb, Pres. Imper. a£e, d%ere. "A^w, dvddvio, I please, has 1.) fr. ddew, F. 1. A. ddt]ff(o: — 2.) fr. ado), A. 1. A. ricra, by Diseresis eaaa ; A. 2. A. ttdov, eadov, iEolic evador, Inf. acfetf ; P. M. rjda, eada, Part, eadws. "A ?jfxi, I blow, retains y\ throughout, where other Verbs in \ii lose the long Vowel. Alpeo), I take, has 1.) fr. itself, F. 1. A. aiprjcrio ; P. A. yprjica ; P. P. ypt][xai ; A. 1. P. ypeOijp, Imp. alpeOijn ; F. 1. P. alpeOfjffOfiai: — 2.) fr. eXco, A. 2. A. elXov, Inf. eXetp, Part. iXwp ; A. 2. M. eiXo/xijv, Subj. eXiofiai. AiaOdvofiai, I perceive, has fr. alvOeoj, F. 1. M. aicr9r](TO{xai; P. P. ys. Thus also the Compound dvaXLcricii), but with some change of the Augment; as, F. 1. A. dvaXiixroj ; P. A. dpfjXtoica, dvdXoJKa, rjvdXwica; P. P. dvtiXojfiaL, dvd- Xcofxat: PI. P. 7} vaXujj.it] p. There is also found A. 2. A. dvdXow ; A. 2. M. Part. dvaXoi'juevos. 'AXvckuj, I shun, has 1.) fr. dXvvaio, F. 1. A. dXv£w : — 2.) fr. dXevco, F. 1. A, dXevcu) ; A. 1. A. ijXeva ; A. 1. M. Part. dXevdfxepos. See dXeeivo). 'AX(j)aipoj, I find, takes fr. dX(pe(o, F. 1. A. dXcprjaoj. 'Ajxaprdvio, I err, has fr. dfiaprea), F. 1. A. djxaprrjao) ; A. 1. A. r'jjxdpTijGa ; P. A. ri/xaprrjica ; A. 2. A. rj/xapTOP, Poetic jjfxfipoTov fr. dju/3poreo>. 'A/ifiXicncu), I cause abortion, has fr. d/.i(3\6, I clothe, has 1.) fr. djupiew, F. 1. A. a'/i- ieifxai; F. 2. A. dfMpiu) : — 2.) fr. d[X7rex, with i subscribed, to which the Attics afterwards prefix an e, and sometimes they even change the a of the Preposition into tj in the beginning. * Many Verbs in aivoj are formed from aw or ew, and have therefore t]s ; P. P. (Sej3r]fxai and (3ej3afXfxai: — 3.) fr. (5i^r}p,i, Pres. Part. /3i/3ds ; A. 2. A. e/3?ji/, Imper. /3j)#i (in Compounds dvd(3r)9i, KardfiijOii also dva(3a0i, KardfiaQi; and, shortened, ctvdfia, Kardfia), Part. /3ds, dra/3ds. BdWw, 7 */*rw, has 1.) fr. itself, F. 1. A. /3a\w ; A. 2. A. e(3aXoP ; P. M. /3e- (3o\a :— 2.) fr. /3a\ew, F. 1. A. fSaXrjdcj :— 3.) fr. /3\ea>, P. A. /3e/3X?;/ca ; P. P. /3e- (3X? } fuxi; A. 1. P. e(3Xi]0iiv; F. 1. P. (5Xt]9r]/ca ; P. P. 3. (3ej3io)Tai:—2.) fr. /3iw/«, A. 2. A. e/3iwj>, Imper. /3i'w0i, Opt. $ioir\v or /3ioJi]v, Infin. fiiwvai, Part. (3wvs. BXavrdvu), I bud, has fr. jSXaorew, F. 1. A. /3\aar?/<7a; ; A. 2. A. efiXacrrov, Part. fiXacrrwv. BXoxtku), I approach, has 1.) fr. fiXoo), F. 1. A. /SXwcrw : — 2.) fr. (3ifiXiop.i, A. 2. A. e/3\wv. B6(Tkw, I feed, has 1.) fr. /86w, F. 1. A. /36w, P. M. (3ef3po)9a. r. Yctfieo),! marry, has 1.) fr. itself, F. 1. A. ya/^crw, yafieao) ; A. 1. A. eydfitjrra; A. 1. A. Infin. ya/xriGai, ya/ieo~ai; P. A. yeydfii]Ka; P. P. yeydfirj/xat; A. 1. P. eyap,r]9r]v: — 2.) fr. yd/jw, A. 1. A. eyrjfia, Infin. yrifiai, Part, y^/ms; A. 1. M. eyrjfidnrjv, Infin. yt]fia, P. Ionic yeyaa for yeyrjKa, Part, yeyaws, yeyws. Fivuxtku), yiyvw, P. P. dedfx?]fiai', A. 1. P. ed{xr]9?]v. AapOdvu), I sleep, has fr. dapOeco, F. 1. M. dap9t] ; F. 1. M. dijao/xai ; A. 1. A. ed?]o~a; P. A. dedeica, ded?]ica; P. P. dedefxai, dtd?]p,ai; A. 1. P. edeOrjv : — 2.) fr. did?] [ii, Imperf. edidijv, Infin. didevai. Aidavicu), I teach, has l.),fr. itself, or c^d^w, F. 1. A. £idd£w ; A. 1. A. edi- dat,a; P. A. dedidaxa; P. P. dedidayfiai; A. 1. P. ediddx9?jv : — 2.) fr. didaGKtxo, F. 1. A. didcuncrjcrio. Aid pdcricu), I flee, has 1.) fr. dpdoj or didpdoj, F. 1. A. dpdau), dprjcrco, or didpacio ; A. 1. A. edpaaa, and ecfpa ; P. A. dedpaica : — 2.) fr. <5p7}/u or didp?][xi, A. 2. A. edpijv, Doric edpav, Opt. dpairjv, Infin. dpdvai, Part. £pds. Aofcew, / think, or appear, has 1.) fr. itself, F. 1. A. doKrjvoj; A. 1. A. edoicrjoa; P. A. dedoK?]Ka; P. P. dedoK?]]iai:—2.) fr. ^okw, F. 1. A. do£o> ; A. 1. A. e^a ; P. A. dedoxa ; P« P« dedoyfxai, P. Infin. dedox^ai. Avvafiai, I am able, has 1.) fr. itself, Imperf. edvvdfxr]v, rjdvvdfirjv : — 2.) fr. dvvdofiai, F. 1. M. dvvrjffofiai; A. 1. P. edvvi]9?jv, r)dvv?)9?]v; edvvdu9?]v, r/dvvdo'9?]v ; P. P. dedvvrjfxai. Avvu), I go in, or under, has 1.) fr. c?uw, F. 1. A. dvff(o; F. 1. M. dvaofiai; P. A. dedvKa; P. P. dedvvficu: — 2.) fr. c^i, A. 2. A. edvv, Imper. dv9i, Infin. dvvai, Part. £ys. E. 'Eaw, I permit, has F. 1. A. edcw ; A. 1. A. eia> for which we find pe%u> fr. pe£w. "Eppw, / go, /go afflicted, has 1.) fr. itself, F. 1. A. epcrio ; A. 1. A. epaa : — 2.) fr. eppeoj, F. 1. A. eppr)ffjoe, Subj. evpw ; A. 2. M. evpofitjv. "E^w (for e%w), I have, Imperf. el^ov, has 1.) fr. e^o>, F. 1. A. e£a> ; — 2.) fr. c^ew, F. 1. A. (Txf], %r], F. 1. A. ^wcrw ; P. A. e^cofca; P. P. e^wc/ttat ; A. 1. P. e^ojaBt]V, F. 1. P. Zu>cr9r))j3auo, rij3<.o(o), I grow, has F. 1. A. fififjffw ; A. 1. A. i'jfirjrra ; P. A. rjfSrjKa. 86 9. QeXiO, I am willing, has fr. BeXeu) or eOeXew, F. 1. A. OeXrjffio, eOeXrjau) ; A. 1. A. eOeXrjcra, r)9eXr}cra ; P. A. reOeXrjKa. Gew, I run, has fr. Qeixo, F. 1. M. Oevuofiai. Qtjydvo), I whet, has fr. 9r\yoi, F. 1. A. 9r]Z(i) ; A. 1. A. e0?/£a ; P. A. reO?;^a. 9 57 7r a), I am astonished, has A. 2. A. ercupov, Part, rcupouv ; P. M. reOrjTra. Qiyydvw, I touch, has fr. Otyw, F. 1. A. 0i£to ; P. A. re6ix a 5 A. 2. A. ediyov. evr}<7K(o, I die, has 1.) fr. itself, F. 1. A. 0j/^£w ; F. 1. M. 9vr\lo\iai; F. 3. reOv^^ofiai: — 2.) fr. 0aveo>, F. 2. A. Gavti; F. 2. M. Bavovfiai; A. 2. A. eOavov: — 3.) fr. 9vdw, F. 1. A. Ovrjaoj; P. A. reOvrjKa, TeQveuca, reOvrja, reOvaa, Part. Te9v?]Kil>s, TeQveiKojs, TeQvrjios, reOvenhs, reOveojs, reOvaws, Te6vd>s ; P. Inf. reOvavcufoi- reOvaevai: — 4.) fr. re9vr][ii, 3 Plur. Pres. redvdai, Imper. reOvaOi, rkdvari, Opt. reOvairjv, Infin. reOvdvai, Part. reOvds. Qodo), I sharpen, has fr. 9oow, F. 1. A. Oowcrw ; A. 1. A. eOooxja, Inf. Bowcrai. Qopvvto, Oopvvjxi, I spring on, has fr. Oopew, F. 1. A. Ooprjaw, A. 2. A. eOopov. I. 'Idpvvoj, I place, has 1.) fr. itself, A. 1. P. lSpvv9r]v: — 2.) fr. idpva), F. 1. A. Idpvcrio ; P. A. 'idpvica ; P. P. 'idpvfxai, Infin. IdpvcrOai, Part, idpvfxevos, A. 1. P. 'I£ax>w, I place, or wmfte s?7, has 1.) fr. t£ew, F. 1. A. t^frw ; A. 1. A. \Z,r\(sa : —2.) fr. i'£w, F. 1. A. mtoi ; A. 1. A. I, Imper. \Xd(j9r}Ti : — 3.) fr. 'iXtj/xi, Pres. Imper. 'IXaQi ; Pres. M. 'tXctfxai, "l7rrafiai, I fly, has 1.) fr. itself, Imperf. i7rrdfir]v: — 2.) fr. wrdo), F. 1. M. 7rrr](T0[xai; P. A. 7re7rrr]ica ; P. P. 7re7rra/xat ; A. 2. M. €7rr6jxr]v, Infin. 7rrea9ai, Part. 7rr6pevos: — 3.) fr. 'i7rrr][xi, A. 2. A. cttt^v, Infin. 7crr\vai, Part. 7r7-ds ; A. 2. M. k.Trrd}.ir]v, Part. 7rrd/j,evos. "Iv^oj, I have, has F. 1. A. a^aco; P. A. ea^Ka, &c. ; from e^w, or rather fr. c%ew. K. Ka9a'ipa>, I purify, has A. 1. A. eiedOijpa, Infin. Ks. KXatto, I weep, has 1.) fr. tcXavw, F. 1. A. KXavvu) ; F. 1. M. /eXatxrojUca ; A. 1. A. eKXavcra; P. A. tceicXavKa ; P. P. KeKXavficu: — 2.) fr. /cXcueto, F. 1. A. Kopevvvio, Kopevvvjxi, I satiate, has fr. Kopew, F. 1. A. /co0e(Tw ; A. 1. A. etcopeo-a] A. 1. M. eKopevdfjirjv ; P. A. KSKopi]Ka ; P. P. KeKopr}p,ai, Ketcopeo-fxai ; A. 1. P. 6Kopeo-6r]v, Part. icopevOeis ; F. 1. P. KopeaQijcrojxai. Kpd%a), I shout, has fr. Kpdyoj, F. 1. A. Koa£w ; A. 2. A. eicpayov ; A. 2. P. eicpdyi]v ; P. M. KeKpaya ; A. 2. Imper. KeicpaxOt for KeicpdyrjOi. Kpefiavvvu), Kpe\idvvv\ii, I hang, has fr. Kpefxdw, F. 1. A. icpefidaco ; F. 1. M. Kpe/j,d ^* P- p£fi>&X r IF' ai > ^* *• ^ e^a^eo-0?;i/ ; F. 2. M. )Ua%oi)jitai. Me ip to, 7 divide, has F. 1. A. juepw ; P. M. [lepopa, Poetic efjfxopa ; P. P. /xe- /napfxat, Attic e'i/xap/xai, c'l/xapjuiai. 88 MeXXw, I am about to be, has 1.) fr. itself, Imperf. e/xeXXov, Attic fyxeXXov : — 2.) fr. /xeXXew, F. 1. A. fxeXXr/crio ; A. 1. A. eiieXXtjaa. M e\a>, /xeXo /.iai, I care for, hasfr. ixeXeco, F. 1. A. /xeXf]a, Attic bSwda; Plup. M. odwdeiv: 2.) fr. 6£ew, F. 1. A. 6£e>w, o^rjcno ; A. 1. A. w'Ceaa ; P. A. w%t]ica. Oi'yw, olyvco, olyvvoj, o'lyvv fjn, I open, has Pres. P. o'iyvvfxai ; Imperf. P. tyyvv\ir\v, Poetic wiyvvfxijv; F. 1. A. oi£w ; A. 1. A. wi£a, ew£a; P. P. ojy/xai, ewyjucu ; A. 1. P. $x®n v -> ^X^n v i wi'x^^ ; F. 1. P. olx9rj(rofxai ; F. 2. P. 0/7*7- (ro//ai ; P. M. eqjya for < t Jya. See also dvoiyco. O ISaivo), oidavu), oISigko), I swell, has fr. oldeu), F. 1. A. oldrjcroj; P. A. l£h]KCt. OiKreipio, I pity, has F. 1. A. onerepw ; and fr. otKreipeio, oiKTeip^ao). O'io[xai, olfxai, Poetic oloj, o'io/xai, I think, has 1.) fr. itself, Imperf. ujb\xy)v, wixrjv; A. 1. M. wivafxiiv ; A. 1. P. oj'hOrjv, w'i9i]v : — 2.) fr. oleo/xai, F. 1. M. oit)/jitai: — 2.) fr. oi'^dw, p. A. oi'%wfca for ^'%w/ca. 'OXicrOaivw, 1 slip, has 1.) fr. oXicrOew, F. 1. A. 6Xi(70//erw ; P. A. wXi(j9?]Ka; A. 2. A. wXiv?in;ai/ai ; Pres. Inf. P. ovaoQai, bvivaaOai. "OTTTOfxai, oirrdvw, oTrravo fiai, I see, has fr. S^ro/iai, F. 1. M. o-ipopat (2 Pers. otpei Attic, for 6\pg) ; P. P. Sjjxjxai ; A. 1. P. ojXicncdv(i>, I owe, has 1.) fr. 6(j)Xeco, F. 1. A. 6(p\rj(ru> ; P. A. w(p\r]Ka : — 2.) fr. 6eiX//<7a» ; P. A. dxpeiXr]Ka: — 3.) fr. 6, Imperf. uxpXoi'. n. Ilacr^w, I suffer, has 1.) fr. 7rei0w, F. 1. M. TreicrojAai : — 2.) fr. 7ra9ioj, F. 1. A. Tra9r)(r(o; P. A. xe7rd9r]Ka, Ionic 7re7rd9aa, Part. 7re7ra9i)icojs, 7re7ra9aor7rera£a>, F. 1. A. 7rera(rw ; A. 1. A. eTreraaa ; P. A. 7re7rer«Ka, by sync. 7re7rraKa ; P. P. 7re7rer«oyjai, 7re- 7rerap,ai, TreTTTap.ai\ A. 1. P. €TreTacr9i]v, F. 1. P. ireTa(j9i](yojxau TIetyvu), I kill, (Poetic,) has all its Tenses, except the Imperfect, from (pevu). Hrjyvvit), irriyvv p,i, I fix, has fr. Trrjyoj, F. 1. A. ttt]%m; A. 1. A. eitrfia; P. A. 7re7rj;%a; P. P. Trendy pea; A. 2. A. eirayov ; A. 2. P. 67ray;^; P. M. 7re7r?jya. IIij/w, I drink, has 1.) fr. 7rdw, F. 1. A. 7rwcrw ; P. A. 7re7rw/ca; P. P. Treiropai for Treir (Often; A. 1. P. e7r69tjv ; F. 1. P. 7ro9i]aojxai: — 2.) fr. 7r. 'Pew, I flow, has 1.) fr. peva>, F. 1. A. pevaoo ; A. 1. A. eppevcra ; P. A. eppevKa; P. P. eppev/xai : — 2.) fr. pt>ew, F. 1. A. pvrjGio ; F. 1. M. pv^GOjiai ; P. A. eppvijica ; A. 2. P. eppvqv, Infin. pvfjvai. 'Pew, / say, has 1.) fr. itself, F. 1. A. pijffw; P. A. eppijKa; P. P. epprj/uLac; A. 1. P. epprjQnv, eppeOrjv: — 2.) fr. epew, P. A, e'ipr]Ka; P. P. elptj/xai ; F. 3. etp?7cro/xai. ! P?/y j/?jw, prjyvvfxi, I break, has fr. prjccu) or prjyoj, F. 1. A. p/??w: A. 1. A. eppri^a; P. A. epprjKct', P. P. epprjypai) A. 2. P. eppdyrjv, P. M. eppwya for eppoya. 'Pdovvvio, pa> vvvp:i, I strengthen, has fr. pow orpww, F. 1. A. pwcw ; A. 1. A. eppiocra ; P. A. eppwica ; P. P. eppwpiai, Imper. eppwcro (farewell), Infin. ep- pwoOai, Part. eppwpeVos; A. 1. P. kppu)adi]v. S. "2(3evvvto, crfievvv /ii, I extinguish, has l.)fr. o-^ew, F. 1. A. cr/3e(7w, , I pour out, offer, has fr. inreidco, F. 1. A. (nreiau) ; A. 1. A. €s, refXcuos: — 2.)fr. rXfjpi or rerXrjfxi, Pres. Imper. rerXaOi, Attic rerXa, Infin. rerXa^at, rXavai ; A. 2. A. erXrjv, Imper. rXrjOi, Opt. rXaiijv, Infin. rXrivai, Part. rXas. Tei^w, ravvw, Tiraivto, I stretch, has 1.) fr. reivw, F. 1. A. revw ; A. 1. A. ereiva: — 2.) fr. rd£w, F. 1. A. rdtrw ; A. 1. A. crava; P. A. Teraica ; P. P. re- rafiai; A. 1. P. erciOip'; A, 2. A, erayov, ererayov, Part. Poetic reraywv. F. 2. A. ra/xut ; A. 2. A. erctfx or A, Tirpau), rirpri [At, I bore, has 1.) fr. rpau), F. 1. A. rprjVio ; A. I. A. er, P. A. rerptjKa.', P. P. rerptjixai; A. 1. P. erprjOrjv: — 2.) fr. rirpaivat), A erirpava, erirpijva ; A. 1. P. h.TiTpdv9r\v, Part. TirpavOeis. TirpoJcnch), I wound, has fr. Tpoo), F. 1. A. rpuxro); A. 1. A. erpwact', rirpu)Ka; P. P. reTpcofiai; A. 1. P. erpojQ^v; F. 1. P. rpa>9r]£,ofiai ; A. 2. A. erpayov. Tvyxavco, lam, obtain, has 1.) fr. rev%w, F. l.M. rev^o/xat; P. A. rerev%a ; F. 2. A. rt^cD ; A. 2. A. erv%oj> : — 2.) fr. rv%ew, F. 1. A. rvxn^ 10 > P» A. rerv- T. 'YTTia^veoixai, I promise, has fr. v7ro7<7w ; A. 1. A. e$r)oa: — 3.) fr. ^>?//t(, Tmperf. ecprjv; Imperf. M. ecpdfxrjv. Qepoj, I bear, bring, has 1.) fr. (popeoj, F. 1. A. (popecrw, (poprjcru) : — 2.) fr. (ppeo), Imperf. eQpovv; F. 1. A. , P. P. tfveyfxai, Attic ev^vey/xai; A. 1. P. rivex9ijv; F. 1. P. evex9i)(yofxai', P. M. -i]voxa, Attic evrjvoxct: — 6.) fr. eveiKO), A. 1. A. jjveaca, eveiKa: — 7.) fr. (pprjiii, A. 2. Imper. ^pes. $0avw, 7 come before, anticipate, has 1.) fr. <[>9au), F, 1. A. (p9tur(o; A. 1. A. 6(j)9a(Ta; P. A. e(p9aica: — 2.) fr. 9r]V, Imper. vw, 7 &ege£, produce, has 1.) fr. itself, F. 1. A. 0i>(rw ; P. A. iretyvKci ; A. 2. P. k, A. 2. A. e)(a.8ov; P. M. /ce^av^a, for Ke^ada: — 2.) fr. ^adeoj, F. 1. A. xa8f]ff, F. 1. M. ^eiaofxai. ~Xa or ^ww, F. 1. A. ^wcrw ; A. 1. A. e'^wcra ; P. P. /ce^wayiai ; A. 1. P. 6)^wad)]v, F. 1. P. ^waOr/o-o/.tat. 'QOew, I push, drive, has 1.) fr. itself, Imperf. P. wOeofitjv, F. 1. A. wOrjaco : — 2.) fr. w0w, F. 1. A. wcrw; A. 1. A. u)(ra, Attic eoxra ; A. 1. M. axra/xj/v; P. A. wKa ; P. P. Sjtyfxai ; A. 1. P. uxjQqv. Impersonal Verbs. Verbs, strictly Impersonal, are used only in the Third Person Singular, in the Infinitive, and the Neuter, Singular and Plural, of the Participle. The following are the principal that occur in an Impersonal form. , Ari]K€L, Kadt'iKei, -n-poariiKei, it be- comes. 'Aireyei, it is sufficient. 'Apevicei, it pleases. Comp d i\e?, it is the practice, it is usual. Xp>), it becomes, it is neces- sary. Here may be noticed, cnr6yjpr\ fr. airoyfiiijii, cnvo\pq., eK)(pq., Kara Xpct, it is sufficient. 'AjueXetrcu, it is neglected. Be/3/wrcu, life is spent. AeSoKTai, it seems Jit, it is decreed. "Eyvojarai, it is known. Jtifxaprai, or e'lpaprai, it is decreed by fate. KtprjTai, it is said, Comp ds a7retpnrai, it is forbidden ; TTpoeiprjrai, it is predicted; dieipnrai, it is inquired. 'Et^e^ercu, it is allowed. 'E7repx e7 " at 5 & occurs to the mind. 93 "HKovcrrat, it is heard. Aeyerat, it is said. AeiweraL, it is left, it remains. Noyu/^erat, it is decreed by law, usual. Ue7rp(t}Tai, it is decreed by fate. Of Adverbs. The Adverb is a part of Speech added to other words, Verbs, Adjectives, &c. to express some quality or circumstance respecting them. The Indeclinable Parts of Speech, viz. the Adverb, Preposition, and Conjunction, are comprised under the general name of Particles. The following are some of the principal Adverbs. 1. Of Place. "Eyfla, e vTavda, here, there. ecro), erTOS, within. IfceT, there. efjcrrpoadey, before. avTodi, there, in the same oiticrd), behind. place. et,(i), euros, without. 07TOV, where. ire pa, -rrepav, beyond. devpo, hither. ov, odi, where. ayX*j aaaoy, kyyvs, 7re\as, near. irov, ttoOi, where ? ems, Troppw, far. 61, whither. Xa/xat, on the ground ir 61, itoae, whither ? avu), above. odev, whence. evepQe, kutu) below. Trodev, whence ? evdov, within (jrest). 7r£> how ? which way ? 2. Of Time. Nvv, now. ov^e7roTe, never. ore, f]vtica, when. a)jf.i€por, today. Tore, rrjvlica, then. abptoy, tomorrow. del, TvavTore, always. fXeTClbpLOV, two days hence. 7rore, sometimes. x e * s > yesterday. 7TOre, TTT) viica when ? irpoyQes, the day before yester- vhi already, soon. day. TTjOOH, early. veuxrri, lately. d^e, late. 7raXat, formerly. Trplv, before. Trpoirakai, long since. OV7TU), not yet. S. Of I Trapaxpvpa, dumber. instantly. Hpuirov, first. aira.%, once. fievrepov, secondly. lis, twice. rplrov, thi rdly, fyc. rp\s, thrice 94 T€Tpa.Kis, four times, Sec. TroXXayjZs, in many ways. TcoXkctKis, frequently. TTOGayws, in how many ways ? TTOCraKLS, JlOW often ? hyrj, doubly. togclkls. so often. rpw> trebly. 4. Of Quantity, Quality, Manner ,$c. IIoAv, much. (7O0WS, wisely. oXLyov, pitcpbv, little. aXwOws, truly. 7TWS-, h0W ? ehrj, rashly, in vain. TToaov, how much ? avai /nor l, without blood. rocrov, so much. av, avre, avdts, again, backwards aXis, enough. rayiffra, very quickly. ayav, fxaXa, Xiay, otyodpa, very iXadov, troop by troop. much. eKTahnv, by extension. iravv, altogether, very much. apTrayhnv, by seizing. poyis, poXis, scarcely, with dif- KVV1)lbv, like a dog. ficulty. Kpvjjdr)}', secretly. rJKa or r)Ka, rjpepa, softly, silently, 6daE„ with biting. gradually. 7Tv£, kul Xa£, with hand and foot KaXws, well. f EXX}]viffrl > like the Greeks. opQQs, rightly. 'Pfci/xatori, like the Romans. Karnes, badly. 5. Of Certainty, Swearing, Negation, Prohibition, Comparison, '$ 'I^ov, lot behold I i], i'jTOt, ye, di), ij pi)v, h'jnov, surely, indeed. $r]Xah), certainly, namely. iravTus, entirely, certainly. optujs, truly, pa, val, vaiy\, vrj, valpa, certainly, ov pa, not indeed, ov, ovk, ov-%, no, not. I ovroj, ovrws, wde, thus, eira, eireira, e^rjs, e(j)eE,rjs, after- wards, next. afia, together, at the same time, bfiov, jointly, along with. "XP IS > /^XP l » ^XP ls > as f ar ovxh not? as, until. ovdapuis, by no means. Xh not, {of prohibition.) U X a, in two divisions, se /jr)Sapoi)s, not at all. parately. paXXov, more, rather. eveica, on account of. r\TTOV, less. 'iauis, equally, perhaps. Vi than. ra X a, quickly, perhaps. ibs, warrep, as, as if. rvxov, by chance, 'perhaps. KaOa, Kada7rep, just as. The following Interjections may here be noticed, Of Exclamation, a, J, lov, io ttottoi, Of Admiration, J, ev, tw, w, oi, at ai. Of Consternation, a a, get ea. Of Indignation, repu>, avwrctTO). Note 3. Some Cases of Nouns and Pronouns are used as Adverbs ; as, e<77repas (supply ?rp6s topav, or ev xpbviji), in the evening ; — [xaicpdv (supply ica9' bdbv), a great way, far ; — y (supply ev bdaj), which way. Note 4. Adjectives in the Neuter, Singular or Plural, are often taken as Adverbs ; as 7rpu)rov, first ; iroXXa, much. Such Adjectives are in the Accusative, governed by Kara understood. Note 5. The same Adverb is frequently used in different significations. Thus 61 signifies where and whither. And Adverbs of Place are frequently taken for those of Time, and vice versa ; as evQa, there and then ; &c. Note 6. The Adverbs avev, cirep, a%pi, fiexpi, ttXt/v, evetca, and those of Place and Time, have frequently the force of Prepositions, and are followed by a Genitive. Adverbial Particles. Besides those Adverbs which are used as above, there is a species of words, termed Adverbial Particles, vyhich are used only in Com- position, and are either prefixed or added to other words to modify their signification. Adverbial Particles, prefixed to words, are the following : — 1. A, used in three different senses: — 1.) In a privative or negative sense; as adapts, unthankful, from %apts, thanks; dcpOiros, incorruptible, fr. (pOirbs, cor- ruptible : — 2.) In an augmentative or increased sense ; as a%vXos, full of wood, fr. %vXov, wood ; drevrfs, full stretched, fr. reivoj, I stretch : — 3.) In a collective sense ; as axavres, all together, fr. irdvres, all. The a is sometimes also redundant, making no change in the meaning of the word to which it is prefixed ; as aaraxvs for ardxvs, an ear of corn. When the a stands before a Vowel, it generally takes a v ; as avoftoios for db- fxoios ; but sometimes the a falls away, and the v only remains ; as vuivv/xos for dvu)Wf.ios. 2. "Apt, epi, (3ov, (3p7, da, %a, Xa, Xi. — These increase the signification of the word to which they are prefixed ; as dpiSrjXos, very manifest, fr. SrjXos, manifest. 3. "Nrj and ve. — These are privative or negative ; as vi\-klo i s, an infant, fr. e7ro», I speak. Sometimes, but very rarely, they increase the signification ; as vri^vjio?, very sweet, fr. rjSvfios, sweet; vtjxvtos, widely poured out, fr. ^i»rds. 4. Ev and Svs ; — ev always used in a good sense, as denoting kindness, pleasure, or facility; as evfxevrjs, benevolent or kind ; evdXwros, easy to be taken: — dvs in 96 a bad sense, signifying hardship, difficulty, or pain ; as SutTfxevijs, malevolent ; dvca- Xwros, hard to be taken. Particles, added to the end of words, are the following : — 1. Ae, XV> signifying in a place; as ovpavoQi, in heaven; 'A9f)vt] place indefinite. Uio, time or manner indefinite. Tot, affirmation. 98 Correlative Particles. ? E7rc«3aj>, when, — ? Ht, as far, — ^Hjiai, when, — 'Hjue*/, when, — - ^Hjjlos, when, — 'Hvikci, when, — "low, just, ■ — Kadcnrep, as, — Mey, indeed, — Me*/, both, — 'OjaoIov, like, — 'OfAoiws, like, — "O-rrov, where, — 'OaaaKi, as often, — TnviKavTa,then. Tavrrj, so far. Tore, then, fjce, then, rfjjjios, then. rrjytKa, then. /cat, as. OVTit), SO. Se, but. he, and. wore, as. wcnzep, as. €K€?, evQa, ev- TavQa, there ToaaaKi, so often Ov, where, Ovtojs, so, Udpos, before, Uplp, before, nplv, before, Tiporepov, before, Tore, then, Tore, then, Tore, then, Tore, then, 'Q,s, as, '£1$, as, 'Qicreif as, "£l(m;ep, as, £Lv7cep, as, £l(T7rep, as, - eicel, there. - ws, as. -irplv, that. -?/, that, -npiv, that. - irp\v, that. - ore, when, -orav, when. -€7r€i()av,whe?i<, • rjpiica, when. •OVTit), SO. - waavTb)s,thus. ■ OVTit), SO. OVTit), SO. ■ KOI, SO. ■ waavro)s,thus. Of Derivatives and Compounds. Of Derivative and Compound Nouns. J. Of Derivative Nouns. Nouns are generally derived from Nouns and Verbs. i. From Nouns. Substantive Nouns are sometimes formed from Adjective Nouns and Substantives,— Adjectives from Adjectives and Substantives. There are Six sorts of Derivatives from Nouns : — viz. Patrony- mics, Nationals, Possessives, Diminutives, Augmentatives, and De- nominatives. Patronymics. Patronymics, or Appellatives, taken from the name of the Father, and given to his Descendants, are Masculine and Feminine. Masculines generally end in drjs, 1. From Nouns in as and t)s, of the First Declension, come the Patronymics in adt]s; as from Bopeas comes Bopeadqs, from 'I7r7r6r//s 'l7T7rora^^s. From Nouns in as the iEolians formed Patronymics in adios ; as "Tppddtos from 'Yppds. 2. From Nouns in os, of the Second Declension, come Patronymics in tSijs and uav ; as from Kpovos come Kpovidrjs and Kpoviwv. The form iojv was peculiar to the Ionians. From Nouns in tos comes the form ictdtjs ; as "HXtos, 'HXiadqs. Thus also Aaep- Ticidtjs, fr. Aaeprios for Acteprqs. 99 3. In Nouns of the Third Declension the Genitive serves as the basis of the de- rivation. If the Penult of the Genitive be short, the Patronymic from os is formed in 187]$; as QeffTopidrjs from Oeorwp, Gen. Georopos : — if the Penult be long, in tadrjs ; as Te\afx,ii)viaSr)s from TeXa/xwv, Gen. TeXctfiwvos. Hence from Nouns in evs, which in Ionic have the Genitive in t]o$, the Patro- nymics are formed in ijiadijs; as HrjXevs, UtjXrios, Jli]Xtj'iddr]s. But since these have also ews in the Gen., we have the Patronymic UtjXetdrjs, contracted TLrjXeiSrjs. The forms idqs, Ladtjs, iovi§i]§, iioviadtjs are often interchanged. A Doric form of Patronymics was cjvdas ; as 'E7ra[xeivo)vdas. Feminines end in as, is, vr\. Thus 'HXids from "HXios ; Upta/ils, Bpicnfis, 'ArXavris, from the Genitives Upidfiov, Bpivrios, "AtXcivtos; 'Adpacrrivi] fic."Adpaffros, 'Nijpivtj fr. Nj/peus. The Patronymic is in iovtj, if 1 or v precede the termination os or iov of the Nominative ; as ' A/cpicriwi/q fr. 'A/cpicnos, 'Heriwv?? fr. 'Heriwv, 'RXeicrpvtbvi) fr. 'RXeKTpVUJV. Of all these Nouns such as end in Srjs, ivri, and tovri are of the First Declension, in lios of the Second, and in wr, as, and is of the Third. Nationals. National or Gentile Nouns of the Masculine Gender have in ge- neral the following terminations. 1. — os pure, from Primitives in ?;, ts, iov, and iov ; as 'Pw/zatos fr. 'Pa»p>/, ' Adt)- vaios fr. 'AQrjvt], AvXidios fr. AvXls, Bv£dvrios fr. Bv^dvriov, BafivXdjvtos fr. Ba/3vXwv. 2. — evs, from eia and iov ; as 'AXe^a^cpevs fr. ' AXe'idvdpeia, Sovvievs fr. Sovi/iov. 3. — j/i/os, from a, is, and r\vr\ ; as 'Efc/3ara?^/r6s fr. '~EKJ3drava, Nicri(3r]vbs fr. NidijSis, Sw^j/vos fr. "Sio^tjvr]. 4. — ivos, from ov ; as Tapairivos fr. Tapavrov, 'PjjyTvos fr. 'Prjyiov. 5. — r^s (irtjs, larrjs, wtjjs, kottjs) ; as 'Af3di]pirr]$ii\ "A(3dr)pa, Ai]Xirr)s, or AtjXios, fr. AtjXos, 27rapnar^s fr. ^TrdpTt], 'E.7reipu)TT]s fr. "H7reipos, Si/ceXiwr^s fr. Si/ceXta. Nationals of the Feminine Gender frequently end in — 1. — <7(ra; as Qpyaaa fr. Gpa£, Kprjcaa fr. Kprjs, QoiviGoa fr. js signify the Greeks residing in Italy and Sicily ; 'IraXot and "EiiceXol, the native inhabitants. Thus also 'EXX?;- vkstoX signify persons using the Greek Language, and imitating the manners of the Greeks ; "EXX^ves, the natives of Greece. Possesswes. Possessives are derived from both Proper and Appellative Nouns. Sometimes they end in eos or 10s; as 'E/cropeos fr. "E/crwp, 7ra7-p<6ios, or Tra- il 2 100 rpt^os, fr. TraTtjp ; — but they are more usually terminated in eios or kos ; as 'A^i'X- Xetos fr. 'A^tXXeiis, AjjXia/cos fr. ArjXos. Some have both terminations ; as j3a? ; as kvXixvos fr. icvXi%, TroXl^vr} fr. 7rdXts. 8. — aXis, aXXts ; as (pvaaXls fr. tpvaa. iXos, iXXos, tXXa ; as vauriXos fr. vavrrjs, XaiviXXa fr. Xaiva. i/Xis, vXXis ; as drpa/crvXis, or drpa/crwXXis, fr. arpaicTOS. vXos, vXXos, vXXa ; as /mkkvXos fr. [jukkos, Doric for fiiKpos. vXXiov ; as eidvXXiov fr. el^os. 9. — ^to^ ; as yrjdwv fr. y7?, 7rarpidiov fr. 7rarr')p. Some Diminutives have two or more terminations ; as f.ieipaici, i7T7ri^iov, i7T7ri(rKos, fr. i7r7ros. From some Diminutives new ones are formed ; as fr. 7roXlxvr] (fr. ttoXis) tto- Xi%viov ; fr. ifidriov (fr. eljwa) ifiaTwiov, ifxanddpiov. The Diminutive termination, however, is not always a mark of diminution ; thus fr. ^ovcros, %pv<7tW, goZd ; fr. dpyvpos, apyvpiov, silver ; fr. Troijxvr], iroifxviov, a flock. We sometimes meet with Diminutives of Proper Names. Augmentatives. Of these some end in is ; as Sains, a great torch, fr. dais ; — some in os ; as dp- veibs fr. dps ;— some in wj/ ; as 9pdau)v fr. Qpaavs ; — others in a^ ; as TrXovra% fr. 7rXov7-os. The following are the principal terminations. For the Masculine. 1. — ets; as ^apieis fr. %dpis, dixadoeis fr. dfiaOos. 2. — jjs ; as oiKerrjs fr. oucos. 3. — os ; as <77rot>6"a?os fr. (nrovdr}, 7ravroios fr. 7rai/, ovpdvios fr. ovpavbs, t7r7ri(cos fr. Wttos, (TTWfxvXos fr. crrdfia, KapTrifios fr. Kapirbs, dXrjQivbs fr. dXj?0?)s, dvOtjpbs fr. aj^0os. 4. — ovcrios ; as eKovffios fr. e/cwv. 5. — wcfys ; as XiQwStjs fr. Xi0os, rapax&ftris &• Ta p a X%' 6. — wj/ ; as dfnreXojv fr. dfnreXos, eXaiojv fr. eXaia. See Numerals, p. 35. Some have various terminations ; as dfiaOwdrjs and d/m0dets fr. afiaQoi, 101 For the Feminine. 1. — a> fy aiva, fr. os ; as Bed and Oeaiva fr. 6ebs, dovXt] fr. dovXos, Xvtzaiva fr. Xvkos. 2. — aiva fr. cjv ; as Xeaiva fr. Xewv, Oepdrraiva fr. Qepcnruv. 3. — eta fr. eus and ?;s ; as fiacrLXeta fr. fiamXevs, also fiaviXls, fiaoLXiffva, flavLXivva, from the same ; lepeia fr. lepeus, evoefieia fr. ev;s and vs ; as avaaaa fr. ai>a§, Trevrjcaa fr. 7revrjs ; &c. See Nationals. 7. — pia, is, aiva, fr. rjs; as Troirjrpia fr. Troir]rr)s, 7rpo0r?ris fr. 7rpo ixOvoTrwXaiva fr. ixOvoTrojXtis ; ^ecrTror^s makes ctecTrons and decnroiva ; au- Xjjt-jJs has avXr)Tis and avXrjTpis. 8. — rj?s; as /ea/cor^s fr. /ea/c6s, ra%vrrjs fr. raxvs. 9. — 1» j/ »/ ; as diKCLioovvr) fr. diicaios, croMppoavvr) fr. crw^pwj/: ii. From Verbs. Besides the Participles there are many Nouns, both Substantive and Adjective, derived from Verbs, which in general are called Verbals, of which some follow the Active signification, and others the Passive. These Nouns are always formed from the Singular by rejecting the Augment, if there be any, and changing the termination ; and they are formed from the Active, Passive, and Middle. 1. From the Active. Nouns are formed chiefly from the Present and Second Aorist, and sometimes from the Perfect and First Aorist. From the Present come Feminines in tj or cia, which generally denote some action or power ; as v'ikt) fr. vikcco), fiaoiXe'ia fr. fiacriXevu), dovXeia fr. dovXevu). To these may be added : — Feminines in is, and Neuters in os, which may also be derived from the Present Middle ; as dvvapis fr. Svvafiai, yevos fr. yevofiai. And Adjectives in rjs ; as irwveps fr. avvex^. From the Second Aorist come Feminines in v\ or ea; as Xa%r\ fr. Xa^eiv, idea fr. Ideiv ; — and Neuters in os ; as 7ra0os fr. itaQe~iv, Xay^os fr. Xa^si j>. Also Adjectives in rjs ; as eXXnrrjs fr. eXXnrelv. From the Perfect we may notice didaxr) fr. dedidaxa, Perf. of didaaicu) ; Tapax'h fr. Terapaxa, Perf. of rapdaaco. From the First Aorist, §6%a fr. e$o'£a, Aor. 1. of Sokguj; 6r)icri fr. 'iBrjKa, Aor. 1. of riQrijxi. 2. From the Passive. Nouns are formed from the First, Second, and Third Persons Singular of the Perfect. From the First Person those in fia, Neut. ; fir], Fern. ; fios and /xojv, Masc. ; — as irpayjia fr. 7re7rpaypai, \ivrj\xr) fr. \xe\ivr]\iai, \paX[xds fr. e-^aXfiai) eXerjfioJV fr. t]Xet]fxai. From these words in fnov come Substantives in fioavvrj ; as eXerjfiovvvr]. 102 From the Second Person come Nouns in is and ta; as Xtfce fr. XeXe^a*, Troirjais fr. 7reTroLt] 3. From the Middle. From the Perfect Middle are derived Nouns with the following terminations. 1. — t) ; as e7Ti(TTo\r) fr. e7re 7. — tp ; as 7raprt/3Xojv// fr. 7rapor/3Xe7rc<>. 103 It may yet be noticed that there are Nouns derived from Par- ticiples ; as obaia, with its Compounds, from the Feminine of the Pres. Part, of elfj.1, I am. From the Feminine of the Adjective ; as bfiu)pofiL, I add ; efti/Jiv^o), I sigh gently ; e7ri\evicos, whitish. Kara signifies down, strengthens, and also gives a bad sense ; as KctTafiaivoj, I go down; KaraKpivio, I condemn ; Karaxpdopai, 1 abuse. M era denotes participation, change, also beyond ; as ixera\ajj,j3dvo), I partake with ; fieravoeu), I change my opinion ; fxerajxoptyow, I transform ; fierafiaivu), I pass over or beyond. II a p d imports proximity, and sometimes augments, or destroys, or changes the signification; as Trape.Z,o\iai, I sit next; 7rapoEvvo), I irritate; irapatypoveu, I am mad ; 7rape'nro), I deceive. Hep I signifies about, and also augments the signification; as 7repi/3a\\w, I surround; 7repi^atpa», I greatly rejoice ; 7repiyivofiai, I surpass. Tip 6 implies before ; as 7rpo\eyw, I say before, or predict; TrpoiffTrjfJii, I place before. Up bs imports motion, and sometimes augments or diminishes the signification ; as 7rpo cay u>, I lead to; -K poGr'&r]\xi, I add to; Trpovatpaipeio, I take away still more ; TrpoadirTonai, I touch lightly. ~2vv implies with ; as avvoiKe.it), I live with. 'Y7rep denotes excess, elevation, also in the place, or on account of; as virep- jxerpos, immoderate; vTrepridnpi, I place on or over; inrep{3aivu), I pass over; vvrepexit), I excel; vitepiidxop,ai, I fight for. 'Ytto signifies under, and sometimes diminishes; as v7roTi9r)p,i, I place under; v7raKovoj, I hear with submission, or obey ; v7ro%\wpos, somewhat pale. 106 SYNTAX. Syntax, or Construction, shows the right use of the several Parts of Speech in forming a sentence. I. Of the Article. 1. The Article, 6, */, to, agrees with the Noun, to which it relates, in Gender, Number, and Case. Thus, b (3i(3Xos, the book ; to Trailiov, the child ; 7] //juepa, the day ; tcl oyofiara, the names. 2. The Article is placed before the Noun, to which it relates ; but the Noun does not always follow it immediately} several words often intervening. Thus, 6 ficiffikevs, the king ; ol kv rots ovpavoTs ayyeXot, the angels in Heaven ; to. Ttjs tQv ttoXXwv \pv\rjs ofifiaTa, the eyes of the soul of many, 3. The Noun, to which the Article relates, is frequently not ex- pressed, and is therefore understood, and must be supplied in order to complete the construction. Thus, ol aQavaTOL, the gods, supply Beol ; to Xeyw, the word Xeyw, supply prjfxa ; to. (jrpayjiaTa) rrjs Tvyrjs, the things of fortune. When the Noun is expressed, to which the Article relates :-— Note 1. The Article, joined with a Substantive Noun expressed, gives it a defi- nite sense. Thus, 6 7rpo, it became him. 2. Ae? and xpn> signifying necessity or want, and eXAe/Vet, fiiXet, SicHpepei, jjierevri, evSeyercu have the Dative with the Genitive. Thus, ypij croi (plXojy, you need friends ; €Keiv(t)v rols (f>av\ois /uerean, the wicked have a share of them. 3. Xpi), TTpeiret, and Set, it becomes, require an Accusative before an Infinitive. Thus, %o>) v^ias Tcoielv tovto, it becomes you to do this. 7. Of the Infinitive. 1. The Infinitive Mode is governed by Verbs, Adjectives, or some Particle, such as s cnrXws elffely, to speak plainly. 2. The Infinitive is often put elliptically, the Imperatives 6pa 9 joXeire, crKoirei, or the Particle wore being understood. Thus, avros evl TrpuroMn (/3\e7re) ^ua^ecrOat, yourself fight among the foremost ; (wore) fxiKpov de7v, to want little, almost. 3. The Greeks use peXXio with an Infinitive, to express the Future, both Active and Passive, which in Latin would be rendered by a Participle of the Future and the Verb sum. Thus, nepl wv vjjiels fieXXere tcpiveiv, of which things ye are about to judge. When the event is to follow immediately, the Present Infinitive is used ; when at an indefinite distance of time, the Future. 4. When the Conjunction that, on or ws, comes between two Verbs, it is frequently omitted, by changing the Nominative into the Accusative, and the Verb into the Infinitive. Thus, Mfirju ae Trapeivcu, for on y, he was not an enemy ; top Xoyoy gov Oavfiaaas eyuy I have admired your speech ; Sw/cpar^s rvyyavei TrepnrctTojy, Socrates happens to he walk- ing ; fxeve Cjs icvpeis eywv (aeavrbv), remain as you are ; /) eort 'KQirrrkoV) thus it is to be done. The Neuter Plural is more frequently used by the Attics. Such Verbal Adjectives in the Neuter, with the Verb eo-n, govern the case of their Verbs, and the Dative of the Agent. Thus, ypcnrT&oy earl fioi e7rt') aXos, near the sea ; aXis \6yu)v, enough of words. Note 1. To the Adverbs, which are thus followed by the Genitive, especially belong: — avev, arep, without; a%oi, «%pts, to; £t%«, separately; eyyvs, near; evrbs, within; e£o>, etcrbs, 7rapeicr6s, %wpts, without; ejiTrpooQev, TrpoitapoiQei', evi07riov, before ; evavrt, Karevavri, evavriov, opposite ; ews, fie^pt, to; \xeratv, between; ttXi)v, besides, except; tt op pto, further ; o7Ttcrw, after; eitdvo), above; eveica, eveKev, j^dpiv, on account of. Note 2. TLXrjcriov is found also with the Dative ; as TrXfjaiov nvl, near to some one. Note 3. II\?}v sometimes assumes the nature of a Disjunctive, and is followed by every case, according to the government of the Verb, with which it is connected. Thus, ovdiv evriv dXXo (pdpfiaKov, 7rX))v Xoyos, there is wo other medicine but reason; ov OefjLLS 7rXrjv rots jxaBt)Taie (or Ide,) and Idov, behold, though sometimes found with the Nominative, are really Verbs, and govern the Accusative. Thus, tc)e 6 apyos rov Qeov, behold the Lamb of God ; ihov fxe, behold me. 8. Adverbs of time are sometimes changed into Adjectives. Thus, ov xi '/ navvvyiov evdeiy (3ovXr)(j)6pov aylpa, it does not be- come a man of counsel to sleep the whole night. 2. Of an Adverb with a Verb. 1. Uplv, before, with or without i), than, (as it is frequently un- derstood,) has sometimes the Indicative, Optative, or Subjunctive, but generally the Infinitive, preceded by an Accusative : — with ay, it governs the Subjunctive. Thus, itp\v i) ffvyeXOeiy, before they came together ; Trplv aXeKTopa (puvrjcrai, before the cock crow ; Trplv elirey, before he said ; Trplv r) eyoi, before he may have ; Trplv i) 'idy, before he should have seen; irp\y av aKovarys, before you should have heard. 2. Adverbs of quality are elegantly joined with Verbs. Thus, ijdeojs eye (ere) Trpos cnravTas, be pleasant to all ; ev Traayeiv, ev Troielv, to receive, to confer benefits. 3. Mrj s (Adverb of prohibition,) and ov, like the Latin Negatives, stand before their Verbs, but are translated after. Thus, ov (jirj/j-L, I say not ; jj.rj ypatye, write not. Mrj, forbidding, is used with the Present Imperative, and the Future Indicative ;— with the Aorist Optative, when referring to the past; and the Aorist Subjunctive, when it refers to the Future. 3. Of an Adverb with an Adverb. 1. Some Adverbs have others particularly corresponding with them, which are therefore used in construction. 121 Thus, wj — ovtcjs ; ottov — eicei ; tote — ore ; &c. (See List of Cor- relative Particles, p. 98.) Sometimes one of the Correlatives is omitted. Thus, y6vr]9r]Tio to OeXTj/xd gov, c!>s ev ovpavy, icai eiri rr/s yrjs, — for ovrco Kai €7ri ttjs yrjs. 2. Two or more Negatives strengthen the Negation ; and two Af- firmatives strengthen the affirmation. Thus, ovk 'iariv obSev, there is nothing ; ov prj 7rUo, I will not drink ; ovde-TTore ovcev ov prj yevrjrai, nothing will ever be done ; afirjv, a/jirjy Xeyw vfitv, verily, verily I say unto you. If a Verb come between the two Negatives, they make an affir- mation, as in English. Thus, ov IvvaixeQa fxr\ XaXelv, we cannot but speak. 3. "Els strengthens the Superlative, particularly in Adverbs, and sometimes the Positive. Thus, ws ra^tora, as quickly as possible ; ibs aXrjdws, certainly. VII. Of Prepositions. The principal relations of things to one another are expressed in Greek by three cases; — origin and possession by the Genitive, acquisition and communication by the Dative, and action by the Ac- cusative. The other relations of time and place, cause and effect, motion and rest, connexion and opposition, are expressed by Prepositions. Every Preposition has one primary meaning, to which may be referred all the other significations, attached to it, arising from the case, with which it is joined. The following Examples are given, as showing the government and chief significations of the Prepositions. Four Prepositions govern only the Genitive ; clvti, ano, £k or e£, 7TjOO. 1. 'ANTF, AGAINST, INSTEAD OF. It generally denotes some opposition, exchange, or comparison. Thus, avrjp civr ai^pos hu), let man go against man; elprjvn avri iroXeyLOv, peace instead of war ; avia avTi dyiauiv, sorrow against (in addition to) sor- rows ; ofSaXfiou dvrl 6cf)daXpov, eye for eye; air dperrjs Tifidadai, to be honoured for virtue ; dvrl TroXXcjy, against (instead of equal to,) many. 122 !. 'AnO\ FROM. Thus, aVo tov 7rvpyov, d7r6 ()e'ncvov ~ 5/ aVo row by\ov, CtTTO T(Sv 07tX(ji)V, aVo Qvfiov, from the tower; from (after) supper; from (on account of) the crowd; from (apart from, without) arms; from (against) the mind. 'Arrb, in the sense of the last example, is sometimes written with the Accent on the Penult. Thus dirb yvw^irjs imports — according to my mind; and dixo yrw/i^s, against my mindt—cnro rpoTtov, unbecoming. 3. 'EK or 'E#, OUT OF. Thus, dweffylowi XlOos e£ opovs, e£ Alyvrcrov, €% elprjvrjs TroXefie'iv, e/c (pv(T€U)s dodels, l/C TWV VOflWV, €K ()ei7TVOV, et, airavTidv th^pbs, a stone was cut out of the mountain ; out of Egypt; from peace to make war ; given from (by) nature; from (by, according to) the laws ; from (after) supper ; pale (distinguished) out of all, i. e. above all. 'E/c and and are sometimes used indifferently. Thus, oi e/c, or dirb rfjs Sroas, the Stoics; e£, or an' dpiarov, after dinner. 4. HPO\ BEFORE, as to place and time. Thus, Trpo t(Sv dvpwv, before the doors ; irpb tov 7ro\ejj,ov, before the war; 7r6\efjiop irpb elpfjvrjs alpeerai, he chooses war before (in prefer- ence to) peace ; Trpo tGv yvvaiKiov /ua%ec0cu, to fight before (for, in defence of) their wives. The Prepositions kv and avv govern only the Dative. 1. 'EN, IN, AMONG. It is used sometimes to express motion, for els ; and frequently with the manner or instrument, in the sense of through, by, with. Thus, kv tovtg) rS toko), in this place; kv jjlol earl, it is in me, or in my power ; kv rpifflp {jfiepats, in three days; oiKeiv kv ttoXItciis, to dwell among citizens; diroareXXiov orpanwras ev ry St/ceX/^, sending soldiers (to be) in Sicily ; 123 uyyeXos mrefiaivev ev rrj KoXv/ii(3ridpa, an angel descended into the pool; kv efjiol dpaffvs, bold to {against) me; ijyero kv r<3 rrvevfiari, lie was led by the Spirit; kv vl<3 i]fuv kXaXnae, He hath spoken to us by, or through^ his Son; kv TrkXrais SiayojvlZevdat, tofght with shields ; kv tovtois vTrarois, in {under) such Consuls; kv (j)apfjLaK

ra t)i' avrov eyevero, all things were made by Him; 124 did fxeXayos ypdtyeiv, di 7]fiep i0 nave among (in) our hands; ijXiTe [i€T dQa.va.T0vs [xaicapas, he has sinned with (against) the blessed gods ; juerd tov (3lov, with (during) life. 128 The Dative is found only among the Poets, WITH, AMONG. Thus, dpOfidr edevro fierd afyiai, they made alliance with them; fier dpdpuiroiffip dpdaaei, he rules among men. 6. IIAPA\ FROM; AT, WITH; TO, BESIDE, THROUGH, governs the Genitive, Dative, and Accusative. The Genitive, FROM. Thus, epyeaQai irapd twos, to come from some one; Trap ejj,ov i'jKovoras, thou hast heard from me. We also find — irapd \6yov, from, i. e. contrary to, reason ; irapd TtvLVThiv Tvyyjivei, he is from, i.e. distinguished from, above, all; irapd deoiv ko} Trap' dpdpojirojp, from the presence of, i. e. before, gods and men. The Dative, AT, WITH, sometimes TO. Thus, Trap byQais, at the banks ; Trap' ejmui Siaiptfiei, he lives with me; livac irapd Tiaraacpepvei, to go to Tissaphernes. The Accusative, TO, BESIDE, THROUGH. Thus, irapd ere epyofiai, I come to thee ; irapd tt\v OdXacrcrav, beside the sea; irapd rravra top yjpovov, through all the time; irapd tovtov ddvfxovai irdvres, through him all are dispirited; irapd top vo/jlop, beside, i.e. against, the law; irapd rovs neroyovs cov, beside, (in comparison,) i. e. above thy fellows ; rjXarrwaas avrov irap' dyyeXovs, thou loweredst him beside, i.e. below, the angels. Thus irapd hvpapip signifies above and below one's strength. irapd top iroTafiop etyevyop, theyfedbeside, i.e. beyond, the river. 7. nEPI v , ROUND ABOUT, NEAR TO, CONCERNING, governs the Genitive, Dative, and Accusative, indiscriminately. Thus, irept aireiovs, about a cave; irepl Awf-iols, about the altars; irep\ rd (TTtjd)], about the breasts; 129 Kepi fX€(7r]pLJ3plav, about noon; 7repl ipv%rjs nayeadai, to fight about {for) life ; Kept Xpiarov Mhxxrjs eypa\pe, Moses wrote concerning Christ ; 7repl 7raar] 7r6\et Behevai, to fear concerning the whole city ; ra 7T€pt \pvxrjv, the things concerning the soul. 8. nP0 N 2, AT, TO, TOWARDS, governs the Genitive, Dative, and Accusative. With the Genitive it chiefly signifies AT, pointing out connexion with an object, in respect to situation, cause, or departure ; and may therefore sometimes be rendered WITH, BEFORE, BY, FROM; and sometimes it implies TO, TOWARDS, AGAINST. Thus, irpbs Qeov kcll av6pu)7riov avainos, innocent before God and men; Trpos enravrojv depaireveadai, to be served by all; irpbs ruv Oe(ov, by the gods ; 7rpbs Qeov ra ayada, the good things from God; ol irpbs aljuaros, those from blood, (the same blood,) relations; rrpbs rrjs iroXeivs earl, it is (useful) to the city ; irpbs yjjLioy earl, it is at or with us, it belongs to us, it is our duty; irpbs gov, ovh' e/iov typaais), I will speak in respect to (for) thee, not (for) myself; irpbs aXbs, at (near, towards,) the sea; irpbs ardpbs eydpov eirKpepiov rrjv xprjebov, voting against an enemy. With the Dative it chiefly signifies PROXIMITY. Thus, Trpos ry Ovpq, at the door ; ?rpos rctis aytcaXais ra iraictia Kojj.i£eir, to take children in the arms; irpbs r<3 o-tyerepG) ay ad<5, to (for) their good; irpbs rols eipvfjLei'ots, in addition to the things said; irpbs eavrS, with or in himself; irpbs ry (fjvaei, against nature. With the Accusative it generally imports MOTION. Thus, irpbs rbv irarepa fiov iropevojiai, I go to my Father; npbs 'Pu/jialovs pa^eaQai, to fight against the Romans; irpbs eairepav, towards evening; ijirtos ?rpos icavras, gentle towards all; ovk ct£ta Trpos rrjv fieXXovcrav ho'iav, not worthy in respect to (of) the future glory; K 130 Trpbs rovs ayyeXovs Xeyet, he speaks in respect to the angels; trpbs tj)v aXijOeiap, according to the truth; 7rpos rrjp aKXwpoKapdiap vjiiiip, in respect to {on account of) your hardness of heart; irpos opyrjp, with (from) anger; 6 Xoyos r\v Tzpbs top Qebp, the Word was with God. 9. 'YIIQ\ UNDER, BY, governs the Genitive, Dative, and Accusative. When signifying BY, it generally requires the Genitive; — UNDER, the Genitive and Dative : — and UNDER, with motion, the Accusative. Thus, vnb x®ovbs, under the earth; v(f yXiu, under the sun ; V7rb voaov aitoQavetv, to die under a disease ; TVTTTOfxaL vir avrov, I am struck by him; v7t6 Tpweavi SaprjvcLt, to be subdued under the Trojans ; v7ro rrjp (Treynv -i]\0e, he came under the roof; eyuiv v-k kjiavrby arpariwras, having soldiers under me; vtto top opdpop, under (about) day-break. In Greek, Prepositions are often put after their cases, especially by the Poets ; as pewp anb teal KXiaiau)p,from the ships and tents. The Poets likewise frequently separate a Preposition from the Verb, with which it is compounded ; as /caret yata KaXvijje, for yaia KctT€KaXv\pe. VIII. Of Conjunctions. Copulative and Adversative Conjunctions generally join the same cases of Nouns and Modes of Verbs, but not necessarily the same Tenses : — if the sense require, they connect different Modes. Some Conjunctions are usually joined with the Indicative, and others with the Subjunctive, Optative, or Infinitive. Of the latter class the following are the principal. 1. A"IOE, E"IGE. A'tfle, eWe, that, are used with the Past Tenses of the Indicative, and with the Present and Future of the Optative. 2. 'EA V N, *AN, *HN, K*A,N. 'Eap, for el ap, contracted ap or y)v, if; and k$p, for ml lav, al- though, govern the Subjunctive. 131 Note 1. The Particle av, with which ei is compounded, and for which kg and icev are chiefly used in Poetry, signifies uncertainty or possibility ; and Conjunctions, compounded with it, generally govern the Subjunctive. Note 2. "Av is frequently followed by the Optative ; as ei' tls Tavra npaTTOi, [iky a fi av uxpeXijaeie, if any one should do this, he would serve me greatly. Interrogative Particles with av generally take the Optative. The Present Optative with av is often used by Tragic Writers in the sense of a Future Indicative. Thus, \ikvoi\i av, I will stay. Soph. Note 3. "Av, kg, and icev give a Subjunctive sense to a Verb in the Indicative. Thus, el^ov, I had; el^ov av, I should have. Note 4. When these Particles are joined with Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives, they may be translated — soever; as airavQ' bV av Xeyo>, all things, whatsoever I may say : — o,n icev Karavevao), whatever I may nod. "Av in this case follows the Noun or Particle, and precedes the Verb. Note 5. Sometimes av is understood ; as r}A0ov eyls. Two successive Vowels, forming two Syllables, even in different words, frequently coalesce in Poetry. Thus Beds becomes a mono- syllable ; XPv^fy a dissyllable ; and in " r) XaOer', r) ovk kvo^aev" (Horn.) i) ovk are pronounced as one Syllable. 4. By Derivation and Composition. Derivatives and Compounds generally retain the quantity of their Primitives and Simples ; as Qvyrj from eyvyov, drlfios from rlpi'i. A, privative, is short ; as "drifios ; but on account of two short Syllables following, it is frequently made long ; — as 'a/ca/mros. "Apt, epi, j3pi f dvs 9 da, £a are short ; as £adeos, &c. 5. By Dialect. The quantity of Syllables is sometimes affected by the Dialects. Thus in the Attic the Accusative of Nouns in evs is long ; as j3aai\ed. In the Doric, a instead of r\ is long, but in the iEolic short ; as Doric yvva for yvrrj, iEolic vvfityd for vvfi^r), also vvfx, which are short ; Kocpivos has the Penult common. The Comparatives in iwv are generally used long, but the Neuter is short ; as fieXri'wv, fieXrXov. 4. In the Antepenult of Diminutives in iSiov from pure Genitives; as ifxarTdiop from ifiariov. 5. In the Penult and Antepenult of words, followed by p ; as "OijTpis, Wipevs, cipbs, Sefu'pa/xis. 6. I is common in the Penult of Nouns in la, it] ; as, icaXTd or icaXXd, kovI'xi or KovX'y. 3. Y is long, _1. In the Penult and Antepenult of most Nouns followed by a ; as xpvvbs, fivcrapos. Except 9v$6v. 8. In some Derivatives and Compounds of ekvs, veicvos ; ^Am/jvs, ^Xafiv^os ; Kopvs, Kopvdos ; ovvt» ovvyos. Principal Exceptions. 1 . The Increment A is long, 1. In Nouns in av, Gen. uvos; as Tit&v, Titcivos. — Mekavos and rdXdvos have the Penult short. 2. In the Doric Genitive ; as 'Arpeiduo, /xovcjaojv. 3. In the following words: — Kepas*, icepaTos ; icpds, KpaTos ; a are short ; as deiKvvjxai ; but Ttvv~\ica is long.' The First Future. 1 . The First Future in aau), te fxoi Xvaaire tyiXrji', rd ()' airoiva fie^eade. Sometimes, instead of the Dactyl in the fifth foot, a Spondee is admitted, and such a Verse is called a Spondaic Hexameter. — \J w — — — \J W — — I — — — ■ KJ Thus, flrj c)e icar OvXvfntoio Kaprjvcop ai^aaa. 2. The Dactylic Pentameter consists of two feet, Dactyls or Spondees, and a long Syllable, followed by two Dactyls, and a long or short Syllable, 143 It is generally found in connexion with the Hexameter, each being alternately used, and thus forms the Elegiac Metre. — — — WW — WW — W W — W Thus, eX-TTis kv dvdpojTtotm \il)vr\ deus effOXr) evevriv, w w — w clWol ()'Ov\vfJ,^^()vh , €K7rpo\nr6vTes efiav. The above are the chief Dactylic Metres, besides which there are several ; as, the Dactylic Dimeter Acatalectic and Hypercatalectic, the Dactylic Trimeter Acatalectic and Hypercatalectic, the Dactylic Tetrameter Acatalectic, &c. which are chiefly parts of the Dactylic Hexameter. 2. Iambics. Of Iambics there are three kinds ; Dimeters, Trimeters, and Tetrameters. 1. The Iambic Dimeter properly consists of four Iambuses, but may have a Spondee instead of the first and third Iambus. Thus we find, ^ -, w - | w -, u - Or, - -, w - | - -, w - Hence in every Iambic Verse a Spondee may be admitted in the odd places ; and as in every foot a long Syllable may be resolved into two short ones, considerable variety may be admitted : — a Tri- brach may be used in every place except the last, and in the odd places a Dactyl or Anapaest instead of a Spondee. The irregular feet however, particularly the Trisyllables, must not be so common as to obscure the Iambic character of the Verse. 2. The Iambic Trimeter consists of Six feet. Thus, o /ecu yeporvL ical veio rifir/v cpepei. Synopsis of the Iambic Trimeter. w Or, w -, w — W W Wj W W W WWW. WWW I WWW. _ * * %? ~ 5 5 5 * WW. " —WW. I w w — , 1 WW-, Note 1. In every place, marked here by an asterisk, one of the feet in the cor- responding part above may be supplied. Note 2. Every foot, except the last, admits an Anapaest of Proper Names. 144 3. Besides the Trimeter, the most common Iambic Verse is the Tetrameter Catalectic. - -, v -|w -, w - | w -, w -j w -, w Thus, et juoi yevoiro irapQevos KaXrj re kci\ repetva. The rules and licenses of this Verse are generally the same as those of the Trimeter ; and the Catalectic Syllable is common. 3. Trochaics. Of Trochaics there are two principal kinds, Dimeters and Tetra- meters. 1. The Trochaic Dimeter Acatalectic properly consists of four Trochees, but may have a Spondee for the second and fourth Trochee. Thus, — ^, — v^ | — <-/, — w Or, - sj, - - | - w, - - Hence in Trochaic Verses a Spondee may be admitted in the even places ; and, as a long Syllable may here also be resolved into two short ones, a Tribrach may be used in every place, and a Dactyl and Anapsest (instead of a Spondee) in the even places. 2. The most common Trochaic Verse is the Tetrameter Cata- lectic, consisting of Seven feet and a Catalectic Syllable. Thus, vovs 6pa, Kcil vovs aKOvei' r ciXXa KOJ(pd teal rv(pXa. Synopsis of the Tetrameter Catalectic. - ^i - w i - o>, - w I - ^, - ^ - ^, Or, *w»wwjwww ^ u Uj u u u I * * _ _ I * | * — —I * * ^ ,^- | , , , Note 1. Every foot, except the fourth and seventh, admits a Dactyl of Proper Names. Note 2. In Tragic Trochaic Tetrameters an Anapaest is admitted only in Proper Names. Note 3. A Pause takes place at the end of the fourth foot, or second Metre, which properly ends with a word. Note 4. The Trochaic Tetrameter is easily reducible to the Iambic measure, if a Cretic, or its equivalent, be removed from the beginning of it. 145 . 4. Anapcestics. The most common Anapaestic Metres are Dimeters, besides which are Monometers, of two feet. Of the former, the strictest is the Dimeter Catalectic, called a Paroemiac*. Anapaestics admit indiscriminately Dactyls and Spondees for Ana- paests, and may contain an indefinite series of Metres, which may be scanned as one Verse ; but for convenience they are generally di- vided into Dimeters. The only restriction in Anapaestics is that an Anapaest must not follow a Dactyl, to prevent the concurrence of too many short Syl- lables ;— that each Metre must end with a word ;— and that the third foot of the Paroemiac f must be an Anapaest. Synopsis, 1. Of the Anapaestic Dimeter Acatalectic. s/ \J —« V-/ V*» — \J \J — j W \J — Or, — v^ *j \^. — \j \~i 2. Of the Paroemiac, or Dimeter Catalectic. \J \J — . W V-» I V^ W — « — Or, -uu,-uw | * , * 3. Of the Monometer Acatalectic, KJ \S — j V^ W — Or, — w ^, — w \j A legitimate System of Anapaestic Dimeters should close with a Paroemiac, preceded by a Monometer Acatalectic. Observations on the Reading of Verse. 1. That part of a foot, which receives the Ictus, or stress of the Rhythm, (the beat of the time,) is called Arsis, or Elevation ; and, when marked, is denoted by the common Acute Accent. The rest of the foot is called Thesis, or Depression. * From Trapoin'ia, because that line sometimes contains a Maxim or Proverb, f The last Syllable of a Verse in this Metre is not common. 14G The natural Arsis is the long Syllable of the foot, so that the Spondee and the Tribrach leave it uncertain where the Arsis takes place. But the fundamental foot of a Verse, (that is, the Dactyl in Dactylic, the Iambus in Iambic Verse, &c.) determines the Arsis for all the other feet, which are used as substitutes for it. Note 1. The Spondee, accordingly, in Trochaic and Dactylic Verse is accented, in reading, thus r _l _ ; in Iambic and Anapaestic, __ *_. Note 2. As the stress, or ictus, of a long syllable, in consequence of the two times, which it contains, falls on the first of them, it must necessarily be placed on it, when the long syllable is resolved into two short ones. Thus a Tribrach for an Iambus is pronounced, ^w! and for a Trochee, i„ to . 2. Caesura is properly the division of a metrical or rhythmical connexion, by the ending of a word. There is, accordingly, a Ccesara, — 1.) of the Foot ; — 2.) of the Rhythm; — 3.) of the Verse; — all which must be carefully distin- guished. 1. The Ccesura of the Foot, in which a word terminates in the middle of a Foot, is the least important, and of little in- fluence on the Verse, as the division into feet is in a great measure arbitrary. 2. The Ccesura of the Rhythm is that, in which the Arsis takes place on the last Syllable of a word, whereby the Arsis is separated from the Thesis. Such a final Syllable receives by the Ictus a peculiar em- phasis; so that the Poets often place a short Syllable in this situation, which thereby becomes long, and alone sustains the Arsis. 3. The Ccesura of the Verse occurs, when the termination of a word falls on a place in the Verse, where one Rhythm, agree- able to the ear, closes, and another begins. In a more limited sense, by the Caesura of the Verse is un- derstood such a pause in certain places, as is necessary to every good Verse of the kind. Note 1. Some kinds of Verse have the Caesura in a fixed place. Thus the Dac- tylic Pentameter requires the Caesura to be in the middle of the line, and this Caesura cannot be omitted ; — the Iambic, Trochaic, and Anapaestic Tetrameter Ca- talectic have their natural Caesura at the end of the fourth foot, but this may be omitted. Note 2. Other kinds of Verse have more than one place for the Caesura, the choice of which is left to the Poet. — In Hexameter Verse the Caesura is generally in the middle of the third foot ; and either directly after the Arsis ; as, firiviv cieide, Qea, | UrjXrfiadeoi 'A-^iXrjos' — or in the middle of the Thesis of a Dactyl ; as, avdpa /xoi evveire, Moixra, \ 7roXvrpo7rov, b$ ftdXa 7roXXd. 14? IK. Of Poetic License. In Greek Poetry a short and a long Vowel, forming two Syllables, frequently coalesce, and are pronounced as one Syllable ; as IL/- Xn'iadeio 'A^iXrjos : — and sometimes two words are thus contracted ; as eyw oh, fxi] aXAa, fxrj ov. The Arsis makes a short Syllable long ; — as, 'ittttovs 3' Avrofjiedovra Qows £evyvv ' \izv avioye. Besides these deviations from the usual Rules of Quantity, the Ancient Poets — 1. Lengthened a Syllable ; — 1.) by changing short Vowels into long ones ; — 2.) by changing a Vowel into a Diphthong ; as ^evofiai for deoficu ; — 3.) by doubling, or inserting a Consonant ; as e^etce for eSeiae, anToXts for a.7roXis ; — 4.) by Transposition ; as urdpTros for arpdiros. 2. Shortened a Syllable ; — 1.) by changing long Vowels into short ones ; — 2.) by rejecting one Vowel of a Diphthong ; as eXov for elXov ; — 3.) by Transposition ; as ejrpaQov for eirapBov. 3. Increased the number of Syllables; — 1.) by resolving a Di- phthong ; as avT for clvtuj ; — 2.) by prefixing, inserting, or adding a letter or syllable ; as aaa-^ros for aayeros, Qeeios for deios, TraiheaL or 7raide(T(TL for nuiai, (Dirjcjn for join* 4. Lessened the number of Syllables; — I.) by Aphaeresis ; as vepBe for eve.pQe ; — 2.) by Syncope; as eypero for iyeiperc, — 3.) by Apocope, and Apostrophe ; as <5w for ^w/xa, [Avpf for [xvplct. IV. Of Accent. Accents are small marks, which were introduced into the Lan- guage to fix the pronunciation, and facilitate it to Strangers ; where- fore the Ancient Greeks never used them. They were first marked by Aristophanes, a Grammarian of Byzantium, about 200 years be- fore the Christian era. The Accents denote the rising and falling of the voice. There are Three; the Acute, ('); the Grave, ('); and the Circumflex, ("or-). No Accent can be marked further from the last Syllable than the Antepenult. 1 . The Acute Accent raises the voice, and may be placed on one or other of the three last Syllables. If the last Syllable be short, x 2 148 the Accent is generally on the Antepenult ; but if long, the Ante- penult cannot be accented ; as 'AXe^cwdpos, 'AXetiardpcp. 2, The Grave depresses the voice, and is understood to every un- accented Syllable, but marked only on the last in a word : — but when this Syllable is also the last of a sentence, or followed by an Enclitic, it is changed into the Acute ; as tljjlyi^ avrjp ns, % e 'i°- An Enclitic is a word, which inclines, or throws back its Accent on the preceding word; as avQp(o7ros eari, aojjxa ecrrt. See p. 153. S. The Circumflex first raises, and then depresses the tone on the same Syllable, which must therefore be long, and equivalent to two short Syllables. Thus au\xa is equal to aoo\xa. It is placed only on the last Syllable, or the Penult, if the last be short ; as €fiOV, ffVKOV. Note 1. All words should naturally have an Acute, as some elevation of the voice is necessary to pronounce any word. But because the voice, once raised, must sink again, this sinking may be on the same syllable, or on the following : — if it be on the same Syllable, thence comes a Circumflex ; but if on the following, the following has no Accent marked, but a Grave is understood ; whence such words are called Barytons. Therefore many consider that the Grave is not properly a distinct Accent, but a privation, or sinking of the Acute. — Accent is not to be confounded with Quantity. Note 2. A word with an Acute or Grave on the last Syllable, is termed Oxyton, or Acutiton ; — with an Acute on the Penult, Paroxyton ; — and on the Antepenult, Proparoxyton : — with a Circumflex on the last Syllable, Perispomenon ; and on the Penult, Properispomenon. A word, not accented on the last Syllable, is called Baryton, or Graviton. No word has more than one Accent, unless an Enclitic follow. There are Ten words which have no Accent, and are therefore called Atonies ; viz. 6, ?/, ol, at, el, ets, kv, en, (or e|,) ou, (ovk or 0U X') ^ s as ' Note 1. The Article is acuted by many, when used as a Pronoun. Note 2. Ov at the conclusion of a Sentence, receives the Acute ; as likewise the others, when they stand after the w r ord which depends upon them ; as Oebs ws, kclkwv e%. Note 3. 'Qs, in the sense of thus, is accented, Rules of Accents. The chief difficulty of the Greek Accents consists in two points ; —in ascertaining, first, the quantity of the Penult and Ultimate ; — and, secondly, on what Syllable the Elevation of tone should na- turally take place. The former point is not so difficult, from the Rules of Quantity; but it is very difficult to decide the latter. Instead, therefore, of multiplying Rules and Exceptions, first, a 149 few General Rules are subjoined ; and, then, some Special Rules on the change of Accents. General Rules for the marking of Accents. 1. Monosyllables, if short, or not contracted, take the Acute (or Grave) ; as os, x €l P' Contracted Monosyllables, and some others, which are long by nature, are circum- flexed ; as (pojs from with a Noun, if they have an Active signification ; as TrpoiTOToicos, producing her first child; — but if they have a Passive signification, they follow the general rule ; as Trpwroro/cos, the first-born child. 6. Participles of the Perfect Passive ; as rervfifievos. 7. Compounds of Perfects Middle with Nouns and Adjectives ; as oiKovdfxos, Tra^itpdyos. 4. Pronouns are Oxytons ; except ovtos, kizeivos, delta, and those ending in repos, as ijfierepos. Note 1. Before ye they throw back their Accent; as eywye. Note 2. Tts, Indefinite, has a Grave on every Case except the Genitive, Dual and Plural, which is circumflexed ; as rts, ri, rivbs, &c. — But rls, Interrogative, is marked with an Acute, which is placed on the Penult of the Imparisyllabic Cases ; as rts, ti, rivos, &c. 5. The Accents of Verbs, like those of Nouns, are in general marked as far back as possible. Verbs in w, not contracted, acute 150 the Penult; as tvtttu)\ — but if contracted, the Ultimate is circum- flexed ; as n/xcJ from rijj.au). Verbs in jm, if Dissyllables, accent the Penult with an Acute or Circumflex, according to the quantity ; as dvfii ; — and, if Polysyl- lables, acute the Antepenult ; as 'Icrrrj/jii. Particular Rules, respecting the other parts of Verbs, will be given under the head of the Change of Accents. 6. The Prepositions, that are accented, have the Accent on the last Syllable ; as avrX, inro. 7. Adverbs and Conjunctions are accented variously, many ac- cording to their derivation ; but all these and many other words are best learned from reading and a Lexicon. In ovkovv, according to its two senses, that Syllable which has the predominant sense receives the Accent; as ovkovv, tines then; ovkovv, not then. Rules for the Change of Accents. The Accent of the Primitive word remains the same, and on the same or the corresponding Syllable, through all its Derivatives ; as \6yos, Xoyov, &c. From this general Rule, however, there are many exceptions, of which the chief are classed under the following Rules. I. One Accent is sometimes exchanged for another. 1 . A Circumflex is used for an Acute, when a long, accented Penult is followed by a short Syllable ; as rrpotyiiTns, 7rpo(prJTai : — Or for a Grave, in the Gen. and Dat. Sing., Dual, and Plural, of Oxytons of the First and Second Declension, Attic Nouns excepted ; as Tigris, Tifirj, Tifiaiv, TifMor, tijjlcus, from rifir) ; and vaov, vaul, vaotv, vauv, yaoh, from vaos ; — and in the Vocative in ev and oi of Oxytons of the Third Declension ; as fiaaiXev, aldo7. Contractions also are circumflexed, if the former of the two Syl- lables to be contracted is acuted ; as voos, rods ; — otherwise they retain the Acute ; as earaibs, earus. From this Rule except such as 7)xpa 9 i]\io ; row, rib ; p. 17. 2. An Acute is used for a Circumflex, if the word be circumflexed on the Penult, and either increase ; as awfiaTos from trulya ; — or make the Ultimate long ; as fiovans from fxovva. 3. An Acute is used for a Grave, when the word increases ; as otcis, aravTos ;— or when it terminates a sentence, or is followed by an Enclitic ; as kuXos ean, %ein. 151 II. The Accent is sometimes thrown back, nearer to the beginning of a word. This change is made — 1. In some Neuters in es and ov ; as avTapKrjs, avrapices ; /3e\r7rw ; — and in Verbs in p ; as ridrifxi from dew, deUwiiL from Seucvvu). The Temporal Augment retains the Accent; as dvr)Ttrov from ai/a7rrw, Tcpov- eixov from 7rpO(T6^w. 4. /ft wzosi Compounds ; as e/cwv, aeKwv ; crowds, tyiXdffocjios ; £os, a7ro£os ; rjfiat, icadrjfiat. Except 1.) Verbs from such as are circumflexed on the last Syllable ; as cnroGTekio from areXut ; — 2.) Verbs from Dissyllabic Aorists and Perfects^ with a Circumflex on the Penult ; as dfyeiKa from el/ca ; but olSa throws back its Accent in avvoida; — 3.) the Perfects and Aorists of the Infinitive and Participles; as cnrodedocrOai from deSocrOcu, aVa/3ds from fids ; — 4.) Verbals in ros, and Compounds of epyov; as ei/Xoy?;ros from evXoyew, cvvepybs ; but dvcrepyos, icarepyos, 7rdpepyos, 7cepl- epyos, and the Contracts icaicovpyos, iravovpyos, throw back the Accent. 5. In Prepositions, when they follow their case, or are used instead of Verbs, compounded of them and eljil ; as deov arco, tovtiov ircpi, irap ejxoiye koX aXXoi, for i:apei. Note 2. On the contrary, when a Verb loses its first Syllable, the Acute is re- moved from the Syllable lost to the next following ; as ecpacrav, ecpav, X €l P° s > X €l P^ X €l P°? r > X et l 0( "" / > X e P ), yvraiKos. Exceptions : — Participles ; as v, wtojv, (p<>lSiov, ^'^wj^, Kparwv, Xdiov. 5. In some Contracts; as ^pvaeos, \pvaovs-, also yciXiceos, dp- yvpeos, Xlveos, iroptyvpeos, tyoiviiceos, which circumflex the contraction in ovs. 6. In the First and Second Futures of Verbs, whose characteristic is A, fjc, v, p ; as oreAw, oraXw; — and in the Second Future Active through all Modes ; as rvrrui, tvtcuT}.u, rvneiv, tvttQv. Note 1. The Second Aor. Inf. Active circumflexes the last Syllable like the Second Future ; as rvireiv ; — and the Middle acutes the Penult ; as rvTreaOai. Note 2. The Second Fut. Indie, and Infin. Middle circumflexes the Penult ; as TV7rov}xai, TVTreiadai. 7. In the First and Second Aorist, Passive, of the Subjunctive and Infnitive; as rvtydio, tvtzw, rv(j)Qrjrat, rvirrjiai. 8. In Verbs in /it, — 1.) in the Active, the Third Pers. Plur. of the Present Indie. ; as TiQeiai, lardm, hdovcri, deiKvvcri, from r/0^/.(t, &c. — and the Present and Second Aor. Subj. ; as ndw, 0, living, dea, a goddess. Beuv, of gods, lov, going. kciXujs, well. Xaos, a people. Xevn), white. fj.ov?], a mansion, pvpioi, innumerable, vebs, a fallow field, vojxbs, pasture. bjAws, together. 7reid(b, persuasion, novvpos, wicked, rpoyos, a wheel, (bfjibs, raw, cruel, uxpos, pale. 155 Dialects. The Pelasgi, a wandering people, are said to have been the first inhabitants of Greece. Their language was improved by Cadmus, who increased the number of letters, and introduced the Phoenician Characters. When the descendants of Hellen, who spread their incursions from Thessaly, had made themselves masters of the country, their lan- guage, which differed from the Pelasgic chiefly in its inflexions, be- came, after the Trojan war, the common language of Greece, under the name of Hellenic. It is probable that the only difference which originally existed, was between the inhabitants of the sea-coast, and those of the inland part of the country. The former, inhabiting Attica, and Hellas or Achaia, then called Ionia, spoke what is called the Old Attic and the Ionic, anciently the same language. The People of the interior parts of Greece used a rough and broad language, known by the name of the Old Doric. The JEolians, a branch of the original people, who settled in Bceotia and Peloponnesus, spoke a Dialect very similar to the Doric, although in general distinguished from it by Grammarians. In the progress of commerce and civilization these Dialects were softened and improved. The Doric was mellowed into the language used by Theocritus. The Ionians, having made incursions into Asia Minor, and settled on a part of the coast, which received from them the name of Ionia, softened their language, through intercourse with their Asiatic neighbours, into the sweetness and sonorous grandeur of Herodotus. The Attic, having passed, like the other Dialects, through many gradations, one of which was marked by the name of the Middle, was refined into what was called the New Attic, and became so polished and elegant, that it was adopted by men of letters and elo- quence in every part of Greece. Thus the Attic, Ionic, Doric, and Molic, are the four principal Dialects of Ancient Greece ; but the separate interests and pursuits of different independent States produced a greater variety ; and it is probable that every State had some peculiarities. These Dialects are distinguished from the Common Language, the koivyi SidXeKros, called also Hellenism, consisting of those words and inflexions which were common to every part of Greece. 156 The Epic, or oldest Poetic Dialect, generally adopts the most an- cient forms, and consequently the most remote from the Common Dialect. Another important Dialect of the Greek was the Latin Language. Writers in the Old Attic ; iEschylus, Euripides, Sophocles, Thu- cydides. Writers in the Middle Attic ; Aristophanes, Lysias, Plato, Xe- nophon. Writers in the New Attic ; Isocrates, Aristotle, JSschines, De- mosthenes, Menander. Writers in the Ionic ; Pythagoras, Anacreon, Herodotus, Hip- pocrates, Arrian. Writers in the Old Doric ; Epicharmus, Sophron, and the Writers of the original Songs to Bacchus. Writers in the New Doric ; Stersichorus, Pindar, Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, Callimachus, Archimedes. Writers in the Molic ; Alcseus, Sappho. Writers in the Epic, or oldest Poetic Dialect ; Homer, Hesiod, the Author of the Orphica, Musseus, Apollonius Rhodius, &c. I. The Attic Dialect. The Attic Dialect abounds in contractions. Its favourite letter is a), which is frequently used for o. The Old Attic used short and simple forms ; — the New softened, and in some cases lengthened, the word. The Attics frequently change — a into e ; as Xaos into Xeu>s. r\ ; as £a into %rj. o; as aGTci(f)ls into oarcubis. o) ; as Kpa'Cb) into Kpot^oj. e into a ; as jodeXXo) into (j^dXXo), r\ ; as edvi'dfjnjv into ifivrd- i ; as o^e into o$l. o ; as XeXe^a into XeXoj^a. at; as Be into ; as e'lojQa for el(9a ; — p ; as Kareppe'ie for /carepe^e ; — r ; as 7rr6Xts for 7r6Xts. At the End they add 1 ; as ovrocrl for ovros; wm for vvv ; — the Particles ye, Si], el, Bev, ovv, 7rore ; as olovel for oTov ; — %t ; as vaixi for vat. -JVo??z the Beginning of a word they take a ; as w 'ya6e for w dyaOe ; — e ; as p

for 7rpwi ; — v ; as kclXo for tzaXov ; — va ; as 'A7rdXXoi for 'ATroXXojva ; — vov ; as Kapa for Kcipnvov ; — ca ; as j3a into \prjfj.vdiov. o into ou; as ovofia into ovvofia, w; as hevpo into devpco. wintoo; as £W/ into £oj/. ao; as cw<^p wy into o-aocfrpwv. to, contracted, into ei»; as ^yd-n-iov into >/yct7rev^. at into r; ; as fiovaais into fiovays. avinto r?v; as vavv into y?7uV. wi>; as avros into wi/rds. et into ea ; as itovelaQat into 7ro- veacOat. eu; as 7rXe7j/ into iv\evv. r] ; as Kelpes into Krjpes. t)i', as ElqXe/dqs into IL7- Xrji^rjs. eo into eu; as 7rXeoras into nXev- vas. ev into r;v ; as evKOfxos into ifvKo- fJLOS. 0) ; as eKnXevffas into e«> 7rAwarts. ov into eo, ew ; as ejuov into e^ueo ; rou into rew. ev; as ttoiovgl into iroievat. 010; as Xdyot/ into Xdyoto. w into on ; as t<5 into rwi. y into £; as dXtyoi^ into dX/£ov. t; as eVey/cw into evetKio. k into %; as aKavBivov into dyav- dtvov. 7r into k; as 7rou into /cov ; 7rws into r into 0; as (3drpa)(os into (3a0pa- (f> into 7r; asa^aipou/iaiintOaVat- pOV/iCU. X into k; as cloaca into detcojxai, aa into £ ; as c>i<7crds into (k£ds. Observations. 1. In respect to Prosthesis, Epenthesis, and Paragoge, with the opposites : — To f/^e Beginning of a word the Ionians sometimes prefix a ; as aVas for 7ras ; — e ; as ee for e ; — ; as oov for ov ; — r ; as top for bV. In the Middle they insert e ; as dde\(pebs for d3e\ — an( ^ y a f ter ; as jaovvos for /zoVos ; — y ; as epiydov7ros for epidov7ro$ ; — cr ; as XeyofxecrOa for Ae- yo/xeOa ; — r ; as orri for on ; — r>7 ; as eTrjTVfios for ervfxos. To the End they add 1 ; as Xoyoicri for Xoyois. From the Beginning of a word they take e ; as oprrj for iopr?) ; — y ; as diet for yata ; — X ; as e'Lfieiv for Xeifieiv ; — c ; as fiiKpbs for crpucpos. .From ^e Middle they take e ; as tpa£ for tepa? ; — 1 ; as Se%b) for o'et'^w ; — d ; as eptos for epidos ; — k ; as /3e/3aa for j3ej3r]Ka ; — X ; as /cdXtov for KaXXiov ; — cr ; as eriOeo for ertOevo ; — r ; as icpeaos for /cpearos. .JVoro if/?e -E?zd they take v ; as ecrO' 07rws for eanv 07rws ; — and sometimes a Syllable ; as KVKeio for Kvicewva, a with out i subscr. v ; as <7op£ into avp%. (2Eol.) e into a short; as rpe)(w into rpaj(w. i ; as devs into dws. (Boeot.) a) ; as rpecfxo into rpto(pco. ■y into e; as" A/^s into" Apes. (iEol.) a long ; as (j>ri/j.i] into ) into ttvouj. (a into a long ; as irptoros into 7rpd- ros. ev ; as >}yc'(7rwj'into >7ya7revK. at into « ; as eratpos into erapos. avintoa; as vavv into vav. w ; as avXaH, into w\a^. et into a ; as /cAelcJas into kXa^as. ?7 ; as etyiXei into ecpiXr]. at ; as (pdelpio into (pdaipio* ev into ov ; as eaeva into eaaova. oi into w ; as noifieviKos into 7rw- /nevtKos. ov into a ; as Alveiov into Alveia, oi ; as /jiovaa into fiolaa, (Mo\.) ev ; as ; as ovpavos into wpayds. (iEol.) a into 77 ; as /3oa into /3o^. 00 and oa into w ; as at^oos into attWs, /3da£ into /3w|. (iEol.) /3 into y; as/3\e0apa intoy\e0apa. £ ; as 6{3eXos into o'ceXds. (jEol.) £; as fiepeOpov into £epe- 0pov. (JEol.) y into $ ; as yrotyos into dp6(pos. h into ; as ovc)e*> into ovdev. t, ; as ahjxes into a^^es. £ into 5 ; as pe^w into ep^w. 3c); as 0ep/£eiv into 0ep/c)cet}/. ) for ttvoh) ; — v after e ; as ZrjTevu) for £>/rea,; — 0; as di^Oa for ^t^^ 5 — ^5 as opvvo) for opvw, — c; as TVTTTb\iea9a for TVTTToneBa ; — they double 7r, cr, r ; as bmroQev for oTroOev, oacrov for ocrov, orrt for bYt. To ^e End they add t ; as KaXoTai for icaXoTs ; — *> ; as eya>v for ey w ; — s ; as olicades for o'licade ; — ya ; as eytoya for ey w ; — vi) ; as eywvrj for eyw. ^/•ora //?e Beginning they take r ; as rjjuos for rv/ios; — they also use Xw for 9eXu). From the Middle they take e; as eyevro for eyeVero ; — t; as eXas for MeyeXaos ; — u ; as fiaaiXevi for fiaaiXevai ;—ev ; as KeXo/xat for KeXevopai; — $ ; as Hdpios for Xlaptdos ; — 9 ; as eo~Xbv for ea9Xbv; — p; as ejXTTGaQev for efiirpOG&Gv. From the End they take letters and syllables; — a; as 7rap for 7rapd ; — s; as o for os; — jua ; as do) for dwfia; — \ivov\ as *cpi for icpifivov ; — rep; as jua for fiarep ; &c. 2. The Dorians sometimes also withdraw i from a Diphthong ; as Xafiev for X«- (ieiv ; — and rjeglect the i subscribed in a, y,

for 9eov ; — and ovs of the Accus. PL into os and tos; as 9ebs for Qeovs, dv9pw7rojs for dvOpojTrovs. In the Third Decl. they change eos of the Gen. into evs; as %eiXevs for ^ei'Xeos; > — and form the Gen. and Dat. from Nominatives in us by rejecting s ; as 0op/ci;s, Gen. and Dat. s ; Ionic, /3a, 8 for on, ya for ye, &c. o into w a IV. 77^ JSo&c Dialect. The /Eolic Dialect agrees in many respects with the Doric, and is followed by the Latin. It changes the Aspirate into the Soft Breathing, and resolves Diphthongs. The iEolians frequently change — ■ a into e ; as Kparos into Kperos. ■q ; as cu)p into rffjp. o ; as aVw into bvoi. v ; as aapl into avpl,. (Dor.) at ; as ras into rats. av ; as kXcko into K\avu>. e into a ; as oirnrQep into oitioQa, (Dor.) ?7 ; as KaXeto into KciXyco. ?? into a short ; as ttuXt? into 7rvXd. e; as"A(9?7S into" Apes. (Dor.) at ; as jjufiin'jGKio into jj,l~ fivaiffKU). et ; as HriXevs into netXeys. t into e ; as Tptros into repros. 7] ; as cucrh' into cacrfiv. ( Ton.) o into a ; as eiKoai into euaTt. (Dor.) e ; as rrpos into 7rp€s. v ; as ovofia into ovvjia. as of.ioios into wfioios, as Wo into viral, v into i ; as vipodev into hf/o0er. w into a ; as yeXcoy into yeXuv. o ; as u)pa into opa. v ; as %eXw*?7 into ^eXvvr]. ui into a ; as apyaios into apyaos. a'i ; as Trats into 7rais. et into >7 ; as eXOeiv into eXdi]v. oi ; as oretpos into bvoipos. ev into >; ; as 'A-^iXXevs into 'A^tX- X//s. oi into o ; as Troirjfia into 7ro7]fxa. ou into- ao; as Alveiov into Ai- re/«o. eu ; as ctKovfievos into ctKev- fieros. ot ; as Tv-KTovoa into ru- 7rrot ; as %vyos into £uyos. 6 into ; as dXlfito into 0X//3w. (Att.) r ; as Kadrjxe into Karijice. (Ion.) M X into /* into j/ into v into £ into 7r into 7rr into a into XX; aso-eXj/r^intoceXXara. /3 ; as fieXXoj into /3eXXw. 7r ; as /iera into 7rera. yit ; as Ttevre into Trefnre. s ; as o/c^os for o%os ; — , %u>, pa), cry (o, u t- S 5 *'. O *< H HH JH < ;£ u ^ c 1. t> e s* d'?- < ?T a ^ ?r 8 Sr R" « a Q Si JS. a 1 o o '3 P" sr « fc.< }zi e b- sf « g o c U 167 *> £ A .' s ►> <^ R" 2 B . see 3 3 ft 3 a fr- 3 ft *8 >ff s£ ( : s Q 1 *w © "So a o e ^ © p ^. ^ s Q o *2 > < £> g & u oT - - r, tt) tu 3 3* s > ° U«3Q 169 j; to i> " ^ '5 * b w "£•<£• s3 to . a. ft a. . 3 *e g ..(0 cs ft ft 1 ft « ?- 4 d 3 3 3 ;3 Co su "S? ^3 o 5. m w to ** * S <* w 3 -T 8 3 2 =L a. a. a. a. ^ ^ £■ 3. a. a. a. a. (2 jJ *(0 cq cd *5j *e *a *a *« to *j * ~< £ <* en „ . to to en o ^W (?5U *3 ?*- -to ~ > «* w < ft) to * 1 "to © to i s* to 3 B , « ~& 4- "to "to "to a. a. a. < Q B .. -S- -R- -s* »W ft ft a. to 3 »T b a. a. a. a. a. a, a. a »5> *S> *S> *5> •*'§ U *. 01 2 ~> O O V *£ > ft "■©- to ft en a CD . 6 3 '5 b to -e- > o (0 - IS b £ .3 qj b in a. *a % s % C O Cfl 4J t- ft CO ^(o (,~i C3 fc, -S -ta Q o "fj o 5 o=2 tl Q -/-^ -3 o O to « 4-> {, «a •©- £ ^1»= b v3 pq . (-; i 10 '3 ■e- ^ CD CO -to ■£ a 8°- o b b b | g 0) rr-J O ^3 ^ fl -s-o i ~ PQ * .2 b rg ft to CD en >-< o C ^ (3 M sto -j z O to o o (~i o -to > CD |'-e-"S "d ^^ o rt c D 'O n o "■©. "73 "U ■S oris- o ft b P > -J, o ■ rt *"£ tO to 3 ft W co ed T3 '5 K - b b b b ^ o "5 % »- IS !- « 3 a s ft °^2 ■£ a) 1 g.J b b CO §p- ft 3 ft* ft 3 ^b CO C *•;? c-r , •©- -Q- -e- -e- -s- ■©« cd ft S 3'S o © fc (^ « 50 O .E C3 a Q 3 ■fca -JS -fcu *- [V] »> bS £ > ™ •^ *H ^ ^ QJ 171 o S 3-i -to i—i I » o o o 9 o -j U K «j f, i_ ; b a ^ <5> 15, ^ ^> ** ^ to eSi 3- 3. 5~ *■ " to acooootoOo .s ^ -Q c^ "3 S (U -to 3'<3 1 * Y « J5 1 b 1 U -S -5> -W «W U t- U c g s k ■* 1 b 1 t> *CD ^ SCi) U U w CD Imp. Perf. 3 Aor. 1. Aor. 2. Fut. 1. 172 3 u 3 --su ^o -e 3 I 3 l- 3 K ;* t- A t« CD j. u U <*> d i i Cfl ?-. 0) Oh S ^ — ( ^ ^ o o 5k .« ^ - & ~ w £ CD S 3.3. 3~^ 3.S. o O i i O O 1 ' a ^ Si, r- I- 1- 0) o 1 i. ^ i -e- o (d -3- i -» ^ o u K t. 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R* ^. ,j> I— * s s R- R- •3- 3" 1- S ^ ^ C to (u ^ s s v^J V^J ^ •> a r~" A — > fc ' ,N ~- > lis V S> -S- k -^- fe -5 -^- fc u » s> s> s> w -5> -=> IV k t- u t. t. u u _^ ®* rA oi H <^ ^ S>4 u .J 3 (U O o •I- PQ o „ ^ ^ ?r ^ 8 » » 5) b O to O o a b 3 u ^8 5 © © r«C> OJ O O ^ £ 1) Ph ,b *- ^ & > 5^ ff Ci CJ O •73 ?T £ o- i— H © o <8 (g? 3 3 £*6 03 J-l P* ^ J E ^b £ Q i-h Ph" ? Ph p o <8 « eg <$ ••< IT » .«■- •* *< ••* •«• 8 S? 8 u © '© Ph' Ph" Ph c8 d8 3 3 S s s s .b ^ w © §D &0 a <*> 'x £ s-r- r— ^ s « 8-< ~>,-£ *© w © 8 o o '1 o . d d Ch da «3~ <3 <3* £ ?T £ 8 <3 w to S § .,? 3~ 3 s 3" 3 »T o b © o ^8 '3 v » *o ^w ^© 3 B © s. Sift 2 o *o »o © © ft R- v 3* 0) ft u o 0> u S3 s IS* 3« 3- o o s 3 o © 3- «M Q ( 3^ o r-; <8 - Q~ da <«-<& © < (0 ^(0 ^) (o [ S~ l Ss. < 1^ 01 ^ . ft « T3 .Tl-H (O ft TS ft ft^e s s • (0 (O „ •> ts »•»«*« (S? a 5 * 3 ft £ 3 ft" r> ft 5? Pn <3V3- f © o ^3 o a ^3- ( 3~ <3~ ( 3 £ . , , !-H ©* 00 rH O? CO . . . . CU s s s s s a S * o o o o o o o O O U N 2 O o 180 ^ ^~ ^~ ^~ <8d8 £# £& <8c8 Q < d< ti< Qbi,brft-b ,*> ft § cS £ « <> a a * a a ' 8 V C *(0 (B -» GO o CO © Pn ' rO fcft. £ © a3 03 n GO © 3 8 ft ft © p *- ft\ ft ft O p ft ST I- 5 i o s b u (x pu ft, a; d8 d3 « l ft h J- •^ s© -± «il 181 1 1 o < i< a ( a V S '5 V S 'S a a «u '£ 5 *o ^ ?T sT v a a. (0 3. it' a. 3 1 J5" 1 5. ■ ■5" a. S *J C ^ a e S? SB- o l- k- m ^S" ^s- +j c| a ?r iT Oi o 'a p p O s R" 5 3*3, a a s* v • i i i I- Q5 i £• a a« o o o 3 ?> rZ f'ff .s 1 im S 8 ^ ft O S> «; ft ft B -£ CD «£> b b : 3 8 8 8~ 8" CD CD CD CD w V v w a. a. a. a. *8 •*> -0 ^s> ft ft ft a. .8. ■3 1 3 1 <3 t Q < Q or. .«• •*> da ft O ft CD ft ft -2 CD CD ^ < b b b b d-> • « , • m 8 U O £> Ph ft 1 ft 1 ft ♦3 9 C 0) 3 1 ft ^ a, a. 1 1 c CO 8 ft (? 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(H« o ;3 go - s .a .3 Si .1 s ea a, > a S . o 9 Js § C_l QJ O 5C 184 h4^ S © r? c (J n cd V b CD b b (rg. «u s b ,3- -S-'a., i §. a* b a t-R*£- R- -R" OS. v b R* *R- a CD b -3- a CD b ►jB" O CD a. b d3 * c£j I'R- c-R frgr fcgV p R £ ''2 *5\S ^R" « .° b Sly *(jj b b b b •5 3 * o < <§ ~ a~ r3 &<-!2 b 8 <^ fr w*£ , "w b b b b b b b b b b S a. <> <> w o o Oh O CD 3. w s w d8 -' «* 5 2 s a cc « CD CD b^ to ,5 ( s S ju % b to to b to b .^ ^Cf -to 6-i CD O o & 3 ,s s • Pn 1 t" a. l w ^S^pes* 3 to to to to a a a A . ft .?■*§- a. "S w a 0) Ti Ph d e3 (U > *eo Ph K b b 3. 8 ft" .ft ^ hH b to b b § 3 . b b 3- a. 55- « b to <35 „- 8 as b b 189 b ^ 2 ( S -©-•©- ^ ( 3 ■©-■©- a. -e- £ S Sf 2 i ig C3 O sr- a b u sr-tgr „ -©-■©--£• ~S? I -©-(-ST « CE> oT £ ~ Digamma, or double Gamma. It was also pronounced like our w. The Digamma gradually disappeared from the Greek Letters ; but there still exist ancient inscriptions and coins, on which it ap- pears ; as poid a for olda, a house ; AIFI for An, to Jupiter. In Latin also we find the Digamma represented by v in many words ; as alky, originally alFdjVfCevum; j36es, /3opes, boves; 'Eorm, peorm, Vesta; 'A^cuos, 'A^cupos, Achivus. The Lacedaemonian Dialect, a branch of the JEolic, always pronounced, and generally wrote, the Digamma like B, a letter which in modern Greek has the sound of V. This letter has also with great propriety been called the Homeric Digamma, from its frequent use by Homer. But gradually disap- pearing, through the introduction of Aspirates, it was at length en- tirely omitted by the transcribers of his works ; and in its stead the final r, or the Particles y', &, r were inserted. Grammatical Terms and Figures. 1 . Prosthesis adds a letter or syllable at the beginning of a word ; as kovTO. for ovra. 2. Aphceresis takes away a letter or syllable from the beginning of a word ; as KeTros for eiceTvos. 3. Epenthesis inserts a letter or syllable in the middle of a word ; as 7rroXis for woXts. 4. Anadiplosis is the doubling or repetition of the first syllable ; as ayiiyepKa for 7/yep/ca, KeKcifiioai for Kafibxn. 5. Diplasiasmus is the doubling of a Consonant ; as ownus for oVws, fieavos for fieaos. 6. Syncope takes away a letter or syllable from the middle of a word ; as erapois for eraipois. 7. Par ago ge adds a letter or syllable to the end of a word ; as el-rrev for elre. 8. Apocope cuts off a letter or syllable from the end of a word ; as 7ro\\aKL for 7ro\\aici$, duj for ^w/xa. 191 9. Metathesis transposes letters or syllables ; as Kpafila for Kapdia, aTrepeiGtos for aireipeaios. 10. Antithesis, Antistcechon, or Metabola, puts one letter for another ; as aotyin for ao(f>ia, 7r6pa for Troppio. 11. Synceresis is the contraction of two syllables into one, with- out a change of letters ; as reiyei for relyei. 12. Cram is the contraction of two syllables into one, when one or both of the letters are changed ; as vovs for voos. 13. Diceresis divides one syllable into two; as iraiis for nais, fiiXeos for fieXovs. 14. Synaloephe is an elision or contraction, that frequently takes place between two words, when the former ends, and the latter be- gins, with a Vowel or Diphthong ; as ra/za for to. epa, rovvofia for to ovopa, doifiariov for to IpaTiov, tcayu) for kcu eya>. 15. Tmesis is the division of a Compound word; as ckpa ttoXis for CLKpOTToKtS. 16. Enallage is when a Substantive is used for an Adjective, a Positive for a Comparative, an Active for a Passive Verb, and the contrary, or one foot for another ; as 6 \6yos 6 cros aXiiQeia eort, for aXnOivos. 17. Metaplasmus is a change of the termination in Declension or Conjugation ; as kXcl&l for KXado), a'Lvrjfii for alveo). 18. Ellipsis is when one or more words are omitted in a sentence; as ra tQv tyiXuv, supply TTpaypara ; ^ fiovffacr), supply Teyv"n* 19. Periphrasis, or circumlocution, is when one word is expressed by several ; as /3tr/ Ilpta/xoto for Uptapos. 20. Pleonasmus is when a word is redundant or superfluous ; as %6(pos gkotovs for (TKoros, Trainees e^wi' for nai^eis. 21. Synthesis is when the construction is regulated according to the sense, and not according to the Rules of Grammar ; as tckvop (plXe. 22. Systole shortens a syllable naturally long, or preserves short a syllable which ought to be long by position ; as ras Teyv&s eyelpei. (Theocr.) 23. Diastole, or Ectasis, lengthens a short syllable ; as 'aTraXds for 'airaXos. 24. Synizesis, or Synecphonesis, is when two syllables are pro- nounced as one ; as n^Xr/Va^ew 'A-^tXrjos. 25. Dialysis is when a word at the end of a verse is divided, so that part is read at the commencement of the following line. 192 Of the Greek Calendar. The Attics divided their Year into twelve Lunar Months, which contained thirty and twenty-nine days alternately, the Months of thirty days preceding those of twenty-nine. The Months containing thirty days were termed 7r\i)p€is, — the others ko7Xol. But as the Lunar Year, which they began with the first New Moon after the Summer Solstice, was shorter than the Solar by about eleven days, — when the twelfth Month ended before the Solstice, they added another Month, and thus that Year consisted of thirteen Months. The following are the names of the Attic Months (mostly given from Feasts), together with the Roman Months, to which they chiefly answered. 'E/ca7-oju/3ctiwv, July, Merayeirviiop, August. Borj^pofiiiby, September. M-ctifiaKTripitoi', October. TJvaveipiojv, November. Hoveideojv, December. Ta/jtriXiiby, ■ January. 'Avdecrrripiwv, February. , ~EXa(pr]fioXiibi', March. Movvv^idjv, April. QapyrjXiwv, May. 1tKipo(f)opLibv, June. The Attics divided each Month into three parts, or Decades, of which the first was termed fjtrjrbs iarafieiov, or apypfievov, of the commencing Month ; — the second, finvbs jieaovvros, or knl deicadi, of the middle Month; — the third, /ulyivos (pdivovros, or Travo^evov, or Xijyovros, or enl elicudi, of the ending Month. They distinguished the Days by the Ordinal Numbers, taking the days in each part by themselves, and reckoning backwards in the last, thus :— - M.TJVOS Iffrafievov, fxeaovvros, \r]yovTOS. 1. vovfinvla; 11. irpwrn ; 21. deKctrr] ; 2. devrepa ; 12. devrepa ; 22. kvva.Tr] ; 3. Tptrrj ; 13. rptrr] ; 23. Sylon ; 4. rerdprr], or rerpas ; 14. Terdprr] ; 24. €J3do/j.r] ; 5. TrefiTTTr], or 7rer- 15. TrejjLTrrr] ; 25. €Krr] ; TCLS, &C. 16. e'fcr^ ; 26. 7re/i7rr?7 ; 6. EKTY] ; 17. e(3c6fxr] ; 27. rerdprr] ; 7. ejodofin ; 18. Sydor] ; 28. rpirn ; 8. Sydor] ; 19. evvdrr] ; 29. devrepa ; 9. hvvarr] ; 20. et/cos, or elKOGTij. 30. err] /ecu via 0. ZeKCLTV]. Tpiaxas. Ol Note. If the Month did not contain thirty days, whatever day or days were omitted, the last was yet termed the thirtieth. 193 The Four Seasons. To"Eao, To Qepos, 'H 'O7rw'joa, Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. The Four Quarters of the World. 'O Bopeas, the North. 'H Meo-r] /Applet, the South. f H 'AvaroXri, the East. 'H Avfffja), the West. e O Bopias, 'O NoVos, The Four Chief Winds. the Northwind. the Southrvind. 'O Evpos, 'O Zetyvpos, the Eastwind. the Westwind. The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. 'O Kpibs, the Ram. 'O Zvyos, the Balance. 'O Tavpos, the Bull. 'O 2/coo7r/os, the Scorpion. 01 AiSvjjioi, the Twins. 'O To^orns, the Archer. 'O Kapidvos, the Crab. 'O Alyoicepws, the Goat. 'O Aeojv, the Lion. °0 'Ydpoxoos, the Waterman. 'H Uapdevos, the Virgin. 01 'Ix^ves, the Fishes. 194 Vocabulary. 'Afipbs, d, bv, soft, delicate, 'AyaQbs, rj, bv, good. 'Aya-AAw,-\o),J7ya\/ca,to adorn. *Ayar,very much,too much, [be displeased. Ayavaicr-ew, -r)aw, -rjica, to bear heavily, Aya7r-doj,-rj(T(i), -ijica, tolove. 'Ay-du), -r), a£w, rix a > to lead. 'O dywv, wvos, a contest, assembly. 'O dSeXio tear. [away. ' Afi(t>iGfiir}T-ew, -rjaw, -rjKa, to doubt. 'H dvdyKt], ijs, necessity. 'O dva%, aKros, a king. 'O dvejios, ov, the wind. 'O avrjp, dvdpbs, a man. To dvQos, eos, a flower. 'O 5 }) dvOpwrros, ov, a human creature. 'H dvia, as, sadness. O avrXos, ov, a sewer, sink. 195 To dvrpov, ov, a cave. 'Av-vio, -vvco, yjvvica, to finish, 'Av-wyoj, -u)%(i), i]V(o%a, to command. H a%iv7], r}s, an axe. "Agios, a, ov, worthy. 'A7raX6s, tj, bv, tender. 'A7rar-au>, -rjaoj, -rjtca, to deceive. 'A7ret\-ew, -7)a , a>, -?]Ka, to threaten. 'A7tXoop, 37, ov, simple, single. 'H dpd, as, prayer. • 'O dpa(3os, ov, a noise. 'Apybs, tj, bv, white. *0 dpyvpos, ov, silver. 'Aoec/cw, apeak), fjpeica, to please. 'H dperrj, rjs, virtue. To apQpov, ov, a joint, limb. 'O dpiOfibs, ov, number. ' Apiarepbs, d, bv, left, (not right.) Td apuTTOv, ov, dinner. 'AjOK-ew, -ecrw, -c«:a, to be sufficient. • To iippia, cltos, a chariot. 'Apv-eofiat, -r\, -rjKa, to hang up. '0 x) 7) dpTios, ov, perfect. 'O dprbs, ov, bread. 'Apr-vu), -vtro), -vko., to prepare, season. 'Ap-voj, -vg, r)pa, to fit. '0 x) 1) daeXyrjS, es, wanton. 'Acr/c-ew, -rjah), -rjKa, to exercise. 'O aGKos, ov, a leathern bag. "Avjxevos, rj, ov, pleasing, willing. 'A(T7r-dZop:ai, -daofxai, to salute, embrace. 'H d, -tjcrco, -tjKa, to help. 'O (369pos, ov, a diteh. 'O [3oX(3bs, ov, a bulbous root. 'H (3opd, as, food. 'H /3ovXt], fjs, counsel. BovX-o/xai, -rjcrofxai, to be willing. 'O (3ovvbs, ov, a hill. '0 x, 7) fiovs, (3obs, an ox, or cow. Bow, /3derw & /3wcrw, -Ka, to feed. 'O fipafievs, eos, an arbiter. . Bottoms, ela, v, slow. Bp«%i)s, eta, v, short. Bpep:-u), -u>, P. M. j3ej3po[.ia, to murmur. T6 /3pe(pos, eos, an infant. Bpe-^co, -£, -^a, to water. Bot-dw, -daoj, to be or make strong. Bpi-9(o, -(Tto, P. M. (3e(3pi9a, to be heavy, 'H /3povT7j, rjs, thunder. 'O (3poxos, ov, a cord. Bpv-K(x), -%, to sigh, deplore. Toyyv-Z,u, -cno, -Ka, to murmur. Topybs, r), bv, swift, terrific. 'H ypala, rjs, an old woman. Tpd-^xt), --ipio, -, Sedrjxa, to bite. To OldKpv, vos, a tear. 'O SaKrvXos, ov, a finger. Aa/x-dco, -dao), -aKa, to tame, subdue. Aa-nrav-dco, -rjco), -rjKa, to expend, waste. To Sd-Tredov, ov, the pavement. Aaavs, eia, v, thick, hairy. 'H dd, P. M. dedofxa, to build. To Sevdpov, ov, a tree. Ae£ios, d, bv, right, (not left.) To terras, aros, a cup. To depas, aros, skin. 'H Sepij, or deipr/, rjs, the neck. Aep-Kto, -£a>, -%a, to see. • Aev-u), -crw, -Ka, to wet. Ae-^opai, -%o[xai, to receive. Aeco, $e, -cro>, -Ka, to seek. 'H Sikij, rjs, justice, punishment. To Siktvov, ov, a net. A'lkix), to throw. 'H divrj, rjs, a whirlpool. AittXoos, rj, ov, double. Ats, twice. Awr-d^oi, -daw, -aKa, to doubt. Ai(p-d(i), -dao), to search. 'H di(p9epa, as, skin. • 'H blipa, rjs, thirst. Ai-w, -cra>, -Ka, to expel, to fear. Aiw-fcw, -£<*>, ~xa, to pursue, [think. AoK-d^o), -dcru), -aKa, to observe, expect, Aofcew, clogw, ~xa, to see, think. 'H cW6s, ov, a beam. 'O doXos, ov, deceit. 'O bova%, aKos, a reed. Aov-ew, -rjau), to agitate. To dopv, aros, a spear. 197 'O dovXos, ov, a slave. 'O doviros, ov, a noise. Aoio, dojcrco, to give. 'O SpaKwv, ovros, a serpent. Apacrcru), -%u), to seize, grasp. Apd-oj, -ffu), -tea, to do, flee. 'H dpocros, ov, dew. "H Spvs, Spvbs, the oak. Av-vu),or dv-w,-ffh),-Ka,to go under. To diopov, ov, a gift. • To eap, eapos, Spring. 'Eyyus, near. 'Eyet'pw, eyepoi, -Ka, to excite, raise. To ey^os, eos, a spear, sword. "E£w, P. e^qKa, to eat. "EZofiai, eaojiai, to sit. T6 eOvos, eos, a nation. To e9os, eos, custom. Etflw, e'lGOfxai, to see. E1/C77, in vain, rashly, by chance. ' El-klo, -%u), P. M. eouca, to be like, yield. Etp-yu>, "1 f to shut up. Ei'p-yw, J " J ' ~^ a ' \ to repel, forbid. 'H elprjvr], f]s, peace. To etpos, eos, wool. '0 x) r) €Kt]\os, ov, quiet, peaceful. 'H eXaia, as, the olive tree. 'EX-avvu), -daw, -aKa, to drive. 'O eXctipbs, ov, a stag. 'O x) t) hXatypbs, bv, light, nimble. 'EXaxvs, elct, v, little. 'O eXeyos, ov, sorrow, an elegy. 'EXey-%w, -£w, -%a, to reprove, convict. 'O eXeos, ov, pity. To eX/cos, eos, a sore, wound. "EX-kw, -%(o, -%«, to draw, drag. 'H eXvrls, idos, hope. 'O evos, ov, a year. *H eoprr), r)s, a feast. 'E7ret-yo;, -£a>, -%a, to urge, hasten. 'O x) ?) 67riTiidr)s, es, fit, suitable. 'H epa, as, earth. 'Ep-dw, -ctGb), -aica, to love, desire. To epyov, ov, a work. 'Epet-6\<;, -crw, -/ca, to fix, support. To epevOos, eos, redness. 'Epevv-du), -r)(Tu>, -rjKa, to search, investi- 'Epe-^w, -xj/d), -0a, to cover. 'O £ r) eprifxos, ov, desert. 'H epts, idos, contention. 'O ept^os, ov, To epfxa, aros, 'O epfxrjvevs, eos, "Ep-7T0J, -\p(i), 'Epv-w, -au), -Ka, a kid. a prop. an interpreter. to creep. to drag, guard. Epxojiai, eXevaouai, to come. 'Epwr-aw, -r)GU), -i]Ka, to ask. 'E(t9i-oj, -ctoj, -Ka, to eat. 'ErrOXbs, r), bv, good, valiant. 'O earTvepos, ov, the evening. • 'H ecrria, as, the hearth. "Eo-^aros, r\, ov, last. O eraTpos, ov, a companion. "Erepos, a, ov, another. 'O eV^e, ov, companion, friend. 'O £ r) erotuos, ov, ready. To eros, eos, a year. 'O x) r) erwuos, ov, true. Ev8-u), -i)o~(o, -Ka, to sleep. Ev9vs, e~ia, v, straight. • 'H evvr), i)s, a bed. Evp-Lo-Kio, -r)aoj, -rjKa, to find. Evpvs, eta, v, broad. E'v-xofLai, -to\iai, to boast, wish, pray. To exOos, eos, hatred. 'E^vpos, a, bv, guarded, strong. "E^w, e£a>, to have. *Ew, eaojxai, to be. "Ew, r]ij(x), to send. "Ew, ecroj, to put on, place. . Zdu), Zrjvoj, to live. Zeo>, ^ecrw, e£e/ca, to boil. 'O ZvXos, ov, emulation. Zi]T-eoj, -r)cr(i), -r)Ka, to seek. Zojvvvjxi, £w<7w, e'CwKa, to gird. Zwpos, d, bv, pure, powerful. 'H ijflr], tjs, youth. 'Hy-eo/xat, -t)aofiai, to lead, think. Hc>i>s, eta, v, sweet. To r)9os, eos, a dwelling, disposition, . "H-/cw, -£a>, to come, [morals. 'HXt'Otos, a, ov, foolish. 'O ijXios, ov, the Sun. 'H r)[xepa, as, a day. 'O x) 7) r'/fiepos, ov, soft, gentle. "B.p,icrvs, eta, v, half. To rjirap, aros, the liver. "Hpep;os, r\, ov, quiet. 'O i'jpios, u>os, a hero. 'O ^ ?7 ?y, -Xw, -Xica, to sprout forth, flou- OdX-7roj, -ip'.o, to warm, cherish. Oa/xct, frequently. To 9d/x(3os, eios, astonishment. Qd-7rrii), -ipoj, reracpa, to bury. Tb 9dpaos, eos, courage. Qavfi-dZoj, -daw, -clkci, to wonder, admire. • 6e-ao/x(u,-acrojtfai, to behold, contemplate. Oeivoj, 9evu>, to strike. 'H Oifxis, 180s, right, law. 'O Qebs, ov, God. 'O Qepditixiv, ovtos, a servant. To Oepos, 60s, Summer. 'O Oeafxbs, ov, a law. Oeoj, Qfjtroj, to place. Qew, 9ev, -%oj, ~x a ) t0 whet. Or)Xvs, eia, v, feminine. 'O 6))p, Oqpbs, a wild beast. 'O 9i)s, 9tjtos, a hired servant. 'O 6t], -/ca, to touch. 'O x, r\ 9lv, 9ivbs, a heap, the shore. GXd-w, -, to break. 'O Oprjvos, ov, complaint, lamentation. 'O 6piafi(3os, ov, a triumph. "H 9pi%, rjoi%os, the hair. Qpio-cncb), -cno, to leap. 'H Ovydrrjp, rpbs, a daughter. H OveXXa, t]s, a storm. O Qvfibs, ov, the mind, anger. 'H Ovpa, as, a door, [crifice. Qvio, Ovcra), tbOvkci, to burn incense, sa- Ooj-7ttoj, -\p(o, to flatter, mock. 'H 6u>pa%, (xkos, the breast, breastplate. "Ido/xai, Idao/xai, to heal. 'id-XXw, -Xw, to send, throw. 'Id-TTTO), -^w, to send, throw, hurt. Td-^w, -%(o, ~X a ) to shout, "lottos, a, ov, private, peculiar. 'IoV-ow, -ojcw, to bend. To 'idos, eos, sweat. 'idpv-w, -co), to place. "I%(0, '1(7(0, 'lOvs, eia, v, Ttcavbs, r), bv, O IK6T1JS, OV, "l/Cto, i?W, to seat. straight, direct, fit, suitable, a suppliant, to come. 'lX-do>, -r)(T(o, -qica, to be propitious. 'O t/ids, d^ros, a thong, 'fyie/pw, to desire. To lov, the violet. 'O lbs, ov, a missile weapon. 'O x) y) t7T7ros, ov, a horse or mare. "Ittt(o, lipio, to hurt. 'H 'ipis, idos, the rainbow. 'H is, ivbs, a nerve, strength. "Laos, rj, ov, equal. '0 x) 7) iVrwo, opos, knowing,witness,his- 'H t'o^vs, vos, strength, [torian. ^I vos, a fish. Tb 'Ixvos, eos, a footstep. Ka9-aipco,-apu>,-apica, to purge. Katros, i), bv, new. 'O tcaipbs, ov, occasion, time. Kaiw, Kavato, Keixavica, to burn. Ka/cds, 7), bv, bad. KaX-eoj, -eaoj or -r)a(o, /ce/cX^fca, to call. KaXds, r), bv, beautiful, good. Kd/xvio, Kajxal, KeKfiTjKa, to labour, be weary. Kd[x-7TTio, -ipo), ~, to perfect, create,rule. To Kpdros, eos, strength. Kpe-KO), -£w, -%a, to creak. Kpefxd-uj, -crw, to hang up. 'O Kpijfivbs, ov, a precipice. 'H Kpy'jvi], t]s, a fountain. 'H KpiQr), r)s, barley. To Kpivov, ov, the lily. Kpi-vcj, -vu), -Ka, to judge, distinguish. 'O Kpibs, ov, a ram. 'O Kporatpos, ov, the temples. 'O KpoTos, ov, beating, applause. To Kpvos, eos, cold. Kpv-7rr(o, -\po), -, to glitter, shine. Mdp-7TTio, -ipu, -(pa, to take, attain. O x) i] fjidprvp, vpos, a witness. Md-aau), -£w, -%a, to pound, subdue. 'H [xdcrri^, tyos, a whip. Mdrijv, in vain. Md^-ofiat, -rjcrofxai, to fight, quarrel. Mdif, in vain. Maw, to desire earnestly. Meyas, fieydXt], fiiya, great. Me^w, to command. Meid-aw, -rjcro), -ijica, to smile. 'O x) 1) ixelpa'i, aicos, a youth. 'O x, r) jxeiojv, ov, less. MeArts, fiiXaiva, fxeXav, black. To [teXi, iros, honey. [delay. MeXXw, [xeXXrjvco, to be about (to do or be,) To fiiXos, eos, a limb, song. MeX-7ra», -, -avS), fiefilayica, to pollute, stain. Miyvvu), /xi^io, -%a, to mix. Mi/cpds, a, bv, little. Mijueojuat, -rjao/xai, to imitate. 'O [iio-Qbs, ov, a reward. To fxicros, eos, hatred. [tion. Mv-dofiai, -rjaofiai, to remember, men- 'O fxoyos, ov, labour, trouble. • Movos, rj, ov, alone. Mopjivpu, to murmur. 'H floppy], rjs, form, appearance. 'H fxovaa, rjs, the muse. 'O jwo^Oos, ov, labour, trouble. Mv-ew, -r)o-(o, -r)Ka, to initiate. 'O [xvOos, ov, a word, discourse, fable. 'O fivs, fivbs, a mouse. 'O /xojfxos, ov, disgrace, blame. Miopbs. a, bv, foolish. . Nai'w, to inhabit. 'O vabs, ov, a temple. 'H vavs, vabs, a ship. To velKOs, eos, contention. Ne/cp6s, a, bv, dead. Ne/i-w, -w, vevefirjKa, to distribute. Neos, a, ov, new, young. To vevpov, ov, a nerve, string. Neu-w, -trw, -Ka, to nod, promise. To vecpos, eos, a cloud. . New, vevaco, to swim. 'O vr]7rws, ov, an infant. 'H vr), -tpio, -(pa, to be sober, to watch. Ni/c-aw, -r)(T(o, -qtca, to conquer. Ni-tttw, -\pw, -(pa, to wash. 'O vofxos, ov, a law. 'O voos, ov, the mind, thought. 'H vodos, ov, sickness. Noor-ew, -rjcru), to return. . T$6(T(pi, apart. 'H vv%, vvktos, night. Nu-ccrw, -£w, -%a, to prick, pierce. 'O vwros, ov, the back. SavObs, r), bv, yellow. Bevos, rj, ov, strange, foreign. Sew, £e(7w, to shave, polish. Srjpbs, a, bv, dry. To %i(pos, eos, a sword. To QvXov, ov, wood, club, tree. 201 'H bSbs, ov, a way. 'O oSovs, ovros, a tooth. 'Odvp-opai, -ovjxai, to lament, weep. 'O b%os, ov, a branch. "OZ,o), oZ,tj-go), -Ka, to smell of. Oi-yw, -%(o, (^x a > t0 open. 'O oTkos, ov, a house. 'O oTktos, ov, compassion. 'O olvos, ov, wine. Olos, 7], ov, alone. ■ Olos, a, ov, such as, ready, able. O'ix-o/xai, -TjGOfxai, to go away, perish. 'O oiojvbs, ov, a bird. Olio, oIgo), to think. 'O okvos, ov, sloth, fear. 'O 6\(3os, ov, happiness, wealth. 'OXiyos, 7], ov, little, in pi. few. "OXXv/xi, oXg-goj, -Ka, to destroy. "OXos, rj, ov, whole. 'OjxaXbs, y), ov, plane, level, equal. ■ '0 opiXos, ov, an assembly. "Ofivvfii, o/xogo), -Ka, to swear. 'Ofibs, t), ov, like, equal. 'H ojKpij, r)s, a divine voice, voice. T6 bvap, a dream. To bveidos, -eos, reproach. To bvo/xa, aros, a name. 'O x) t) bvos, ov, an ass. '0£vs, eia, v, sharp, quick. '07r-a£w, -avo), to command to follow, 'H birr), rjs, a hole. [pursue. To ottXov, ov, a weapon. 'OTTT-au), -tjgo>, -tjKa, to roast. 'H 07T(x)pa, as, Autumn. 'Op-dio, -a, -Xo>, -X/ca, to increase, help. 'O x) 7) btyis, ews, a serpent. 'H b\p, ottos, the voice. 'O^/e, late, in the evening, *0 6%os, ov, a chariot, carriage. Uai-Zu), -cro) or -£w,-^a, to play, jest. • 'O x) 7) 7rdls, 7raidbs, a child, servant. Tlai-10, -go), -Ka, to strike, do quickly. 'H TraXafiT], tjs, the hand. 'H TraXr}, tjs, wrestling. Ila-XXw, -Xo>, -Ka, to vibrate. 'H irapQevos, ov, a virgin, lias, Traoa, vdv, every one, all. TLd-GGO), -co), -Ka, to sprinkle. TLaGx, -%a, to strike. s O ttXovtos, ov, riches. Uvea), 7rvevaoj, -Ka, to blow. Ilvi-yo), -£a>, -%a, to choke. 'O 7r69os, ov, desire. IToi-ew, -ijgoj, -rjKa, to do, make. UouciXos, v}, ov, various, variegated. '0 woi/x^v, evos, a shepherd. "H TToivrj, rjs, punishment, recompense. "0 TToXefxos, ov, war. TioX-eoj, -rjGto, -rjKa, to turn. HoXibs, d, bv, hoary, white. 'H iroXis, ews, a city. IIoXus, 7roXXt], 7roXv, much. 'O ttovtos, ov, the sea. 'O Trora/xds, ov, a river. "O 7r6rfio$, ov, fate. Jlorvws, a, ov, venerable. '0 ttovs, 7Todbs } a foot. 'O £ r) irpdos, ov, mild, gentle. U.pd-GG(o, -£w, -%a, to do. TLpeTTio, to be decent or becoming, excel. Tlpr)-6(o, -anj, -Ka, to set on fire. Upiafxat, to buy. To Trrepbv, ov, a wing. TLvica, thickly, prudently. e H TrvXr], rjs, a gate. To 7rvp, nvpbs, fire. O Trvpbs, ov, wheat Poidios, a, ov, easy. Pai-io, -gu>, -Ka, to destroy. Pa-7rra>, -xpu), -(pa, to patch,sew together. Pe-'£io, -%(o, -%a, to do, make. Peo>, pevao), -Ka, to flow. P/^-<7<70>, -£a>, -%a, to break, burst. To plyos, eos, cold. Pi-ttto), -«|/o>, -, a(3i(ru), -Ka, to extinguish. Sei-w, -era), -Ka, to agitate. 'Eefivbs, ■>), bv, venerable, honourable. T6 , -$>a, to dig. 2/ce£-dw, -d, -£w, -%a, to cover. Sre-X\w,-\w,e(rraX;ca, to send, prepare. 2rep-yw, -£w, -%«, to love. 2repe6s, d, bv, solid, firm. Srep-ew,-^o-(u & -eau), -Ka, to deprive. T6 arepvov, ov, the breast. 2re-0w, -ipo), -, -i//w, -0a, to turn. To ,-Ka, to supplant,overturn,de- "2(po8pbs, a, bv, vehement, strong, [ceive, 'H ona, aros, the body. '0 Ciopbs, ov, a heap. TaTreivbs, r), bv, low. Tapd-GGio, -%oj, -%a, to disturb. To rdpfios, eos, fear. Td-co-w, -?w, -ya, to arrange, order. '0 ravpos, ov, a bull. Taxvs, e'ta, v, quick. 203 Teivo), TevoJ, reraKa, to stretch. Td ret^os, eos, a wall, castle. To re/cjuap, the end, a sign. Td reXos, eos, the end. Te/xvio, re/iw, reYjU/7/ca, to cut. To repas, aros, a sign. T6 repfxa, aros, the end. Tep-irw, -t/'w, -(pa, to delight. Teu-^w, -£u>, -^a, to make, prepare. 'H re^VT), tjs, art. ■ Tf/Xe, afar off. T/?p-ew, -r;crw, -/;/ea, to guard. T'ikto), re£w, to bring forth. Tivd-GGO), ~'£o), ~x a > to shake. TiTpuHTKO), rpuxroj, to wound. Ti-io, -co), -act, to honour, pay. Td t6£ov, cv, a bow. 'O rdVos, ov, a place. Tpi-7T(t), -i//w, -0a, to turn, put to flight. Tpecpu), Qptyo), rirpeipa, to nourish. Tpe^w, to run. Tpeio, rpecro), rerpeica, to fear, flee. Tpi-j3u), -\f/(o, -(pa, to rub, bruise, afflict. 'H rpirjprjs, eos, a galley. Tpwyw, TpuKojiai, to eat. Tvy^ai/w, rev%0fx,ai, to be, obtain. Tv-Trrw, -^/w, -0a, to strike. 'O g ff Tvpavvos, ov, a ruler, tyrant. 'O Tvpbs, ov, cheese. TwpXbs, fj, bv, blind. "H vfipis, ecus, injury, insolence. 'O^ vyirjs, es, healthy, safe. 'Typos, a, bv, wet, soft. To vdojp, aros, water. 'O vibs, ov, a son. 'H vXr), tjs, a wood. 'O inrvos, ov, sleep. To v\j/os, eos, height. $dyo), to eat. &aivu),(pavu>,7re(payica, to show, shine. &av\os, r\, ov, vile, wicked. $aw, to shine, kill, say. &ei-dofjiai, -aofxai, to spare. ep-j6w, -t|/o», -(pa, to feed. epw, o'go), to bear, carry. (bev-yo>, -%o), -ya, to flee. 'H 9d-vo), -ffu), -Ka, to come before, antici- $>9-eo), -rjGO), to corrupt, destroy. 'O (pQovos, ov, envy, reproof. 'O 0/Xos, ov, a friend, <&\e-yo), -%o), ~x a i to burn. Qoit-ccw, -7)goj, -qica, to go frequently. 'O (popTos, ov, a burden. <&pa-%(jj, -go), -Ka, to say. Qpd-GGO), -%o), -Ka, to hedge in, fortify. 'H (pprjv, (ppevbs, the mind, wisdom. $v\a-v-w, -crw, -Ka, to produce. . 'H (pajvrj, i?s, the voice, sound. Xd-^w, -ffw, to retire, contain. Xaivoj, \avib, Ke%aKa, to gape with desire Xa'ipoj, x a P<*>, -pKa, to rejoice, [or admir 13 . XaXd-oj, -era), -Ka, to loosen, let down, yield. Xa/xal, on the ground. Xapd-GGO), -£w, -Ka, to engrave, cut. 'H %apis, iros, favour, thanks. Xareto, to want, need, desire. To %eijua, aros, Winter, tempest. . 'H %eip, pbs, the hand. Xew, %ecra) or %ey, KexvKa, to pour out. Xrjpos, a, ov, bereft. 'H %0wv, %6Wos, the earth, ground. 'H ^Xeu?;, /;s, derision. 'H %oX/}, 77s, bile, anger. 'O x^pros, ov, grass. Xp-dop,ai, -rjGOfiai, to use. Xp-doj, -7}Gw, -7]Ka, to lend, deliver an ora- 'H xP eia > as > use > necessity, [cle, colour, . To %peos, eos, a debt. Td %p/}/>ia, aros, a thing. Xpl-oj, -co), -Ka, to anoint. 'O xpovos, ov, time. 'O xpwbs, ov, gold. Xo)p-io), -7)Go), -rjKa, to go, contain. 'O x&pos, ov, a place. [on stringed instr. ^rd-XXo), -Xu>, -Xica, to touch, strike, play ■^dw, \prjGo), e\pt]Ka, to wipe, touch, soothe. ^ev-do), -go), -Ka, to deceive, lie. . 'H ipt)(pos, ov, a small stone, vote. "^iXds, 7}, bv, thin, bare. 'H ^v%>), 7js, the soul. 'Q9eo), d)9r]GO) & o)Go), oJKa, to push, drive. 'Qkvs, eia, v, swift. 'O Wjiios, ov, the shoulder. 'Qp,bs, ?), bv, raw, cruel. 'Qv-eo/xai, -tjGOfiat, to buy. 'H u>pa, as, time, season, beauty. 'Qxpbs, a, bv, pale. 204 ~ be .CS J OJ as M ft ^ s .2 ~ O Pi V2 H -O ^ o 3 .s c 2 w 3 2 o « ** ° " ^ rt •$ £> Pi O PE| 1-54 to "& > <© 1-3 cs Pi ''S (2) 5b o co o iZ2 M CO H ^ w # 2 O J &0 0) al o> cjd to "3 C3 > fn g Sh H =3 -o -* oc co O O O CN O 1— O O Ci o s a 3 ^3 r£= .2 c = ^ « OT S£ 3 O Q w kJ £3 A C J3 Pi oj 3 o 205 «T3 « cd 3 +j o c r£ fl rt » 2 rt CO o 2 0) c CD CD CD o o &0 -rs s 1 S V2 C/2 g H ti ^ Oj H3 o O o o ". 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Ahi'Za.Xomd I oivoc, for kyvcwjroc, XzaX^ for J^scvScisw j J75 for y^aanari/CfJTZeov @S* 0£oq In.S- 'icrgxyX K£,fcn> Xv^KvcjloV tjC±a C j crufiyc/aS ovvwi' ovc/ivwv END ^Tim-oved Try S JEall, Jt-ury 3o*JBIopmsb? ECLOGJ2 SIVE EXCERPTA E VARUS SCRIPTORIBUS GRvECIS. In usum iuventutis antiquarum litterarum studiosae disposuit et notis instruxit Carolus Passow Dr. Pars prior, quae continet scriptores orationis pedestris. IENAE, SUMTIBUS FRIDERICI FROMMANNI. MDCCCXXXVIL Graecia olim principatum culturae in universo terra- rum orbe obtinuit et omnibus seculis exteri populi exempla inde sibi expetiverunt ingenii et virtutis. sed quamquam ea fuit praesertim Athenis vis et copia cultissimorum civium, qui liberaliter sua participarent cum magna Graecia aliisque coloniis bene multis, vix singulae singulis in civitatibus vir- tutes reperiuntur, quas cunctas complexa est una Athenien- sium civitas. iam vero amissa libertate Graeciae quum ar- tes litteraeque vinculis solutae Alexandrian) immigrassent, in opulentissima ilia Aegypti urbe laetius effloruerunt et Ptolemaeis tutoribus tantopere dominatae sunt, ut splendi- dissimum regiae opulentiae hospitium nanciscerentur et una cum moribus sermo Graecus Aegypli vernaculus baberetur. Neque Romani citius potuerunt ad insignem aliquam litte- rarum laudem pervenire, quam Graecis erant magistris in- stituti ? neque alia ulla totius Europae gens celerius eminuit, quam quae paullo accuratiorem antkpiitatis cognitionem am- plexa ad Graecorum scripta lectitanda, ad intuendam eorum disciplinam domi militiaeque bene administratam , ad emi- nentissima cuiusque artis ac professionis ingenia imitanda se adplicuit. adeo Romani sese quasi totos conformabant ad illorum exemplum, ut nullius praeter Graecam linguam Romae bonos esset et illius scientia qui careret vix posset viri eruditi atque ingeniosi nomen tueri, quanto cui opu- lentiora contigerant fautricis naturae munera , tanto is stu- diosius eura sibi cursum proposuit, quern Graecorum more in excolenda animi facilitate et expromendis ingenii viri- bus teneret. Atque eandem fere vel similem rationem ma- IV ioribus nostris placuisse animadvertes, si in memoriam re- vocaveris ea tempora, quae pulsa pristina barbarie medii aevi laetiora et fortunatiora illuxenmt litteris. erat olim tempus, quo Philippus Melanchthon, Desiderius Erasmus, Rudolphus Agricola, Ioannes Reuchlinus, Conradus Celtes, alii antiquitatis Graecae peritissimi Germaniae nomen illu- strarunt, erat quo Martinus Lutnerus saluberrima consilia dedit rectius interpret andi eos veterum libros, quorum tunc niaxime usus in scholis vigebat. hos illos viros contemple- mini, qui licet in sacris emendandis maxime occupati ae- qualibus et auctoritate persuaserunt et exemplo, ad veram eruditionem nemini patere aditum, nisi qui ab antiquarum litterarum velut vestibulo processisset. nee mirum. etenim probe recteque qui senserit de divinis atque humanis rebus, inanem esse religionem intelliget, quae non et mentes sen- susque instruat, et pectora ita erigat confirm etque , ut ani- mus ad praeclaras virtutes et dignas liomine actiones impel- latur. turn igitur melioris nobis doctrinae lux reddita est, turn rationi atque humanitati, quam in mentibus aeqne at- que in artibus agnoscere licet, virile robur successit, quum tanta ingenia vigebant et facem praeferebant instaurationi illi religionis christianae , quae inimica est superstitioni ignorantiaeque et mentibus humanis veram libertatem im- pertiit. Quod nisi illud seculum iuventutem invitasset ad anti- quitatis studia tamquam ad fontes non solum doctrinae et sapientiae rite colendae, sed etiam elegantiae et facundiae exercendae, de omni vera ac solida eruditione erat concla- matum. neque vero posterioribus seculis mutata baec ratio est, sed omnia subinde vestigiis priorum institerunt et egre- giis ingeniis condecorata tutores et sospitatores liberalium artium litterarumque nacta sunt, parum dixi. nam barba- rie superstitionis repressa eo perventum est, ut monumenta antiquitatis ex claustris monasteriisque in diem magis educta splendidiora atque ampliora domicilia invenirent. acade- niiarum iam in plerisque Germaniae partibus conditarum maior copia, litteraria earnm supellex largior lautiorque; scholarum cautior providiorque cura , institutio emendatior. libri veterum scriptorum maltiplicati et plures editiones in lucem emissae manibusque adolescentum traditae sunt, at- que aditu semel vel potius reditu patefacto incredibile dictu est, quanta fuerit vis disciplinae, quae a ratione suscepta humanitatis studio sustentaretur. Tot tantas opportunitates quis nostrum reminiscatur, quin heroa seculi duodevicesimi celebret, praesidium ac decus aetatis, quam ad suum nu- tum et arbitrium flexit. Fridericus II. is fuit, quern neque domi neque miiitiae quidquam a continuo cum Musis con- sort io abstraheret. neque sibi soli consuluit, sed de tota re litteraria et omni vera eruditione bene mereri voluit. quod ut rite fieret et nostris quoque litteris linguaeque patriae tan- dem aliquando spes adferretur minus dubia, rex omnem do- ctrinae fontem e veteribus derivandum perspexit, quamquam ipse Graecis Romanisque et maiestate et animi excelsitate, quam peculiari utriusque linguae cognitione adfmior. tamen suo potius ingenio, quam aliena auctoritate confisus admi- rationem antiquitatis cepit, et viros bene cordatos, erudi- tionis laude praestantissimos evocavit ad studia ilia exercen- da eosque ita sustentavit, ut qui ingenio pollerent ad ma- iores conatus incitarentur et publicis litterarum subsidiis ampliatis omnium doctrinarum quasi consensus concentus- que efBceretur et praesidiis muniretur. res autem et tem- pora quantum adiuverint regem et consllia regis adduxerint ad effectum, quis nesciat. in hanc enim aetatem, cui nova omnino lux adfulgere litteris nostris coeperat, incidit ado- lescentia eorum virorum, qui lacte antiquitatis, quam di- cunt, classicae nutriti ea scriptis mandarunt, quibus nomen suum immortalitati traderent. quod excellentium virorum consortium quum dies me deficeret si rite nunc persequi vel- lem, ex multis nominasse perpaucos sufliciat, Lessingios, Kantios, Winckelmannos, Klopstockios, Herderos, Wolfios, VI Vossios, Wielandos, Goetliios. tantorum igitur ingenio- rum studia egregie adiuta esse ea, qua antiquitatem ample- cterentur, pietate et admiratione, quum et ipsi professi sint saepenumero et omnia eorum opera eandem illam antiquila- tem redoleant comptius politiusque, quanto minus indole et ammo Germanos se esse obliviscuntur, vix est cur confir- memus. noverant quippe viri illi veterum poetarum ingenia sine exemplis maxima, et quod pulchruni esset per totam- que naturam diffusum, non in carminibus solum locum ha- bere, sed in artibus quoque regnare, in moribus nitere, in universa antiquitatis vita spectari. noverant philosophos non incerto pede inter sidera ambulantes, neque vero rerum in oculis positarum ignaros. noverant denique scriptores historicos et oratores, in iisque succum ilium inesse et in- corruptum sanguinem, unde patriae amor et libertatis gene- rosa cupiditas nutrimenta sua caperent. haec igitur monu- menta non solum subtiliter recteque cogitandi , sed cogitata quoque bene enuntiandi , quum a nostratibus mature agno- scerenlur exempla veri ac pulcliri, effecerunt ut Germania bonarum artium domicilium, museum orbis, eruditionis em- porium et vocaretur et haberetur. Quae quidem ita esse quamquam satis testatur histo- ria, vitae magistra, adversus virorum quorundam obscuro- rum morsum nihil prorsus videtur remedii extare. audiun- tur enim passim voces eorum , qui profiteantur in hac tanta tamque continua ingenuas doctrinas excolendi contentione nimiopere neglectum iacere studium earum artium, quas barbaro et digno istiusmodi iudiciis nomine realm offerre aiunt. neque eo contenti unice commendant istarum re- rum, quas oculis manibusque tenent, scientiam^ reliqua- rum artium gnaros iacere quasi in tenebris neque habere quidquam vociferantes, quod in communem rei publicae sa- 1 utem prodeat. horum non invidemus agilitati, sed videant, quemadmodum nunc praepropere res suas agitant, ita ne posthac sero sapientes haberi audiant, si quando docendi VII fuerint Ciceroniana ilia: nescire quod, antequam natus sis, acciderit, id est, semper esse puerum. iam vero per me licet garriant de ceteris et ingenium sibi portendant ma- nibus palpandum: quidquid dignum sit hum ana natura va- leatque ad honestatis sensum excitandum nutriendumque, penes eos erit iudicium , qui ant i qui tat em accuratius norunt et Graeciae Latiique opes tamquam sapientiae adiumentum, non ornamenta coenationum, non instrumenta victus paran- di intuentur. sed ne contemptor vobis videar earum reruni esse, quas saluberrimas iudico generi humano: omnia in- venta seculi nostri quis neget fovenda esse^ modo tutores eorum historia duce cunctarum sic persequantur doctrina- rum vicissitudines, incrementa, progression's, ut neque soli oracula velut de tripode pandere neque persuadere sibi videantur, quae honorificum ab humanitate nomen tulerint disciplinas utcumque sit istis rebus cedere, quas magis vi- delicet ad panem lucrandum vitamque sustentandam neces- sarias esse gestiant. accedit quod utriusque rationis, in magna diversitate, artius tamen vinculum est, ut qui paullo velit accuratius sive technicas et mecbanicas, sive fabriles et pictorias operas profiteri iisque suppetias ferre, alteram ab altera ratione prorsus divellere nee possit nee debeat. quodsi ita esse intellexeris, recte sentis, et realia et humaniora ne dubites quin luculentiora sint evasura omnibus, qunm quibus nunc facultas non desit vitae commodis fruendi, turn qui post nos futuri sint. Iam vero qui cur tanta sit Graeci nominis veneratio, non tarn intelligant, quam aliquando se intellecturos esse vel sperent vel cupiant, iis hunc libellum dicatum velim. triplex ubique in scriptoribus congregandis et notulis ad- spergendis institutum me duxit. ac primum quidem ut a facilioribus adscenderem gradatim ad difficiliora et iuveni- bus in publico subsellio ordinum et inferiorum et superio- rum sedeniibus discentibusque traderem quae usui conveni- rent, quorumque alia, ut seduio et verbis et sententiis ac- : VIII curatius examinatis enarrarentur, alia ad cursim citatimque legenda magis viderentur accommodata; deinde ut privatim studiosis et sua diligentia ad altiora in diem adspirantibus aliquid proficeretur et excitati etiam incitarentur. denique curavi ut singula quaeque, quae liis eclogis insererentur, unum quasi aliquod atque integrum corpus efficerent maxi- me ratione habita earum rerum, quae partes quasdam com- prehenderent magis minusve continuas liistoriae Graecae, et iudicium in his animumque inbecillera sive conformarent sive corroborarent. De singulis script oribus quum in exor- dio cuiusque delectus disseruerim, nunc non attinet dicere, nisi textum me constituisse ad eas praesertim quas infra lau- davi editiones. Indicem vocabulorum quippe nutrimentum ignaviae abesse volui. accedit quod discipuli si non alius cuiusquam Lexicographi, glossarium certe Fr. Guil. Pviemeri, etsi in re tenui nati sint, pretio comparare sibi possunt admodum exiguo atque rebus suis satis, ni fallor, adparato. Quas potissimum Grammaticas Matthiaei (Ed. II. a. 1825) et Buttmanni (Ed. XIV. a. 1833) in partem negotii vocavi- mus, per compendium curavimus exarandas M. et B. Scribebam Berolini d. VI. m. Maii MDCCCXXXVIL PROGYMNASMATA. Ecloga IIPOrTMNASMATA. 1. r Hyij (Scpcdqa e6xiv. — r H 6co(pQ06vvrj rjSovcov xal etvl&v- (iicov lyxqdxzid egxiv. — r H naidsla soxl (ieXextj evTtu&uctg. — r H dxcc^ia xcci ccGv[1{iexqlcc al6%qa. — r H ccqexiJ eGxl xrjg cpiXlag Oxv]Xy]. — f H cpiXo6o(pLcc tzeqI ccXyjd'Eiccv sGxiv. — Iccxqixt) Tcovrj^lccg t\ dixrj. — Tivcc yvc6(i7jv s%Eig tceqv rrjg dixTjg ; noXXccl elGlv at aH^rooiv yvco^tai. — Ovx £6vl yaksTCOv §6%ccv dvdQEiccg Xcc§elv. — r Az\ tieqI xi^g xcci do- i-rig aycovi&xcci rj TtccxQig. — H xoXccxsia s6xlv cldEXcpr] xijg dicc^oXrjg. — C H cldixicc xcci rj clxoXcc6la xcci ij ccXXq xijg tyvyy\g tcovyiqicc [isyitixov Haec izQoyv(ivcc6[iaTcc ex diversissimis scriptoribus antiquitatis Graecae collecta secundum eum ordinem , quern prima exigebaut litterarum elementa, disponenda et primariis Grammaticae capitibus quasi subtemen intexenda cu- ravi. argumentorum igitur similitudinis aut nulla nobis ratio aut exigua in disponendo habita est id praesertim prospiciendum ratis, ut tradendis prae- ceptis legibusque grammaticis simul et quae legi vel edisci possent exempla et exercitationes suppeterent et eo ingenia melius alerentur. I, 1 — 3- Exempla nominum primae declinationis. 1. dya&og, t\, 6v, bonus. dycavi£szcu , 3- praes. sg. dycovLgofiai, cer- to. ddtXopj] , soror. ddiHLcc , iniustitia. dsi , semper. cclaxQog , d, 6v, turpis. duoXccotcCj intemperantia. ccxqcc, promontorium. dXr/Q'Eicc, Veritas. uXXog, 7], , alius, dvdqiiu , fortitndo. dvxlov , adv. e regione. dno , praep. c. Gen. ab. uqezt], virtus. davfifisxQlcc, immoderatio. dzcc^la, incontinentia. — $Xu- §SQOSi & > ov, noxius. — yrj , terra, yvcopr], opinio, seutentia. yqucpri, pictura. — * dia^oXr] , calumnia. §iy.cno6vvi\ , iustitia. dlxr] , poena, dicoxsiv, Inf. praes. act. 8lt6xm } sequor. 86£ec , fama. gloria. — iyKQarsicc, tempe- rantia. EKfioXij , ostium, ini , praep. c. Dat. prope. inL&vfiicc, cupiditas. libido. §7Zi6z7] {AT] , scientia. EvnhLQ'ua, obsequium. hxttg, 2« praes. f^to, ha- beo. — rjdovi] , voluptas. — ftrjQSvaiv , Inf. praes. act. ^tjqsvco , venor. ftvrjzog, 7], 6v , mortalis. — icctQinrj} medicina. — xcci, et. xccnog, rj, *2 XII nPOrT MNASMA TA. xcSv Svtav xoneov hnv. — AVAqyivovCal slaiv lit\ x$ MaXia ay? avxiov xijg Mvrilrivr}g. — 'HdovaL nvig zteiv al ^isv aya&ai, al 8s xanaL dya&al p\v al c^ <>v , maximus. ^lezrj , cura. ^£- Tu& adv. c. Gen. inter. - ovo^ovoiv , 3. praes. pi. act. ovo^co , no- miuo.' otJ, o*e, non. fc, «, o, qui, quae, quod. - ««**«, educatio " , r P n rirca itoiKiXoc , 7? , ov , variis colonbus distmctus. srspt, praep. c. tren. circa. TroixtAut, , /;,«"> ^ aoloiiwn efficientes. Nom. pi. fern. Part, praes. Ttotso). *olt-s , noUr,, „ Xv, maltus. >o«q«<«, neqaitia. * ? <«s™s , temere. - ffoqpra , sapumtra. •iiOn-. oolumna. flro^, porticos. C? .«fp«. 6 lobus - <"»9?<""""2 : modesUa. - „i honor. Tis, 4, ""0 S> aliquis, aliquid. .fc , V"*;*" 1 ~ ^ff 2* 9 a.«. 9 fa, Philosophia. - * K W S) <, oV, ifBchs. W tfo^- »og, H, o». Pa"- P ra ^- Pa**- 0»«#»> secern0 - _ *" CT ' aMmUS- ~ * A ''" , 2. "toS^, 3. aor. 1. pi. act. tombm , - intoficio, &ofiaW- -« med. ostendo. dcclaro. ^ro' , to', idem. - pio(»^««o» , neutr. comparat. 0»jfefe ^ 5- 1- P**r, W. P«es. ^«<» resprc.o. ^ rcSoms boeotarches. summi magistratus Thebanornm. (Jclcwta. , 3- praes. rfe«; volo. - W*,, septus. ««, impers. oportet. ta«pq|» dominus. M» 3. imp* pL act. »««««««6., drssrdeo «. I. §. 2- XoyiGfiog, ratio. Vernunft. Xoyog, verbum. Xvnog , lupus. — fianccQiog, a, ov, beatus. fidXiGza, maxime. fis- TdxdtocoQ'ai , Inf. aor. med. (fiercer dxrm) , transire ad aliquem (nQog riva). (irjvvrrjg, index. — vavaQ%og, praefectus clas^i. vsaviGKog , iuvenis. oq- yr\ , ira. ovxs — ovxs, neque •— neque. oipov, obsonium. — nulai, diu. TtdQaardxrjg , adiutor. nsvzucpvXXog , ov, quinque folia habens. nXnorog, r\, ov, plurimus. nlovzog, divitiae. novog , labor. 7iQ06ccyays6d'ca (tcqogu- yco) , Inf. aor. 2« med. sibi conciliare. — §6dov , rosa. — GsXrjvrj , luna. Grqarriyog, dux. avfifiaxog, socius. ovvvofiog , ov, iisdem pascuis utens. tdvavria (xa ivavxia) , opposita. xoitog, locus. — vyisivorsqog , a, ov, comparat. vytstvog, sanus. viprjXog, r\, 6v altus, cpdQ[icMOV , remedium. nPOFTMNASMA TA. XV Tied 'soya). — Tav qoSodv noXXai eld 8iacpooaL xd [iev yaQ tiXeigxu cevxeov TcevxdyvXXa, xd Ss ScoSexdcpvXXa, avia tf e6xl nctl sxax6(iq)vXXa. — Avxco xal L7t7tco Gvvvofita iaxov. 2. H Al&aXia vijGog 7tQ06s%^g tjJ riTteiocp hxiv. — r H tieyiaxrj xwv iv ccv&qcqtcoiq vo6g>v 7ta6cov dvaldeia. — e H phv 6vti(iETQLcc xaXr\ kcu 6v(MpoQog, rj <5I a6v^exqla M6%Qci xal davficpooog. — Esvocp&v % % ^ on ~ iunct. praes. med. ccqxco, initium facio. a%VQOV, folliculus tritici. — ficafiog. II, 2» — deilog , r\, ov, timidus. did , praep. c. Ace. propter. 8ic6qv£s, 3. aor. 1. sg. act. dicoQvzrco, perfodio. Sgofiog, cursus. jtQog 8q. quod attinet ad cursum. — ixslvog , rj , o, ille. eveTtQriG&r} , 3. aor. 1. sg. pass. e\ini- nQrjfii, incendo. scsneQa , vespera. ecog , tj. aurora. TtQog e. oricntem ver- sus. — £oooVp animal. — Tjvayxd&xo, 3. impf. sg. pass, dvayad^co , cogo. — &d.7tzov6i, 3. praes. pi. act. Q~dnzco, sepelio. ^rjQU6cov, Nom. Part. fut. act. masc. drjQdco , venor. &7]QSVi7]S, venator. ftrjQiov , bestia. — i60(j,syed'rjg, eg, aeque magnus. — laycog, 6. lepus. IdcpvQov, spolia. praeda. iTjcp&slg, Part. aor. pass. la(i§dvco , capio. — (xtQOvg , Gen. sg. fieQog. ex zov itQOO' nPOrTMNASMATA. XVII dicaQvj-s. — Arnnr\xy]Q xov Jrniocpocovra stzoItjGev cxyrjocov xctl a&uva- xov. — EIg\ xolg itoXlxaig Pco^iol xai veco rcavxcov xcov &ecov. — AaidccXog Xyiqp&Elg vtco Mlvco diet xy\v Gocplccv r\vayxa£EXo exeivco Sov- Xeveiv. — 'Ev xco QcxXeqco eGxi 'AvSooysco ficopog , xov Mlvco. — AeiXoX Ttcxvxsg slalv ol Xccyol. — "Egxi %gvGog ev rolg nxEoolg xov raw %a\ Scpd-ccX^og. — - "*Hv etc xov 71qoGy[vs\]lqv psoovg xijg aXco (top], §u oXyg xrjg uXco olasxai Cot, xd ayyqa. in. 1 . 01 (JLEV uXXoi TtEQCCg coovxo xov 7CoXe^lov xy\v EV MctQCt&COVl xcov fittofittQCOV TjtXCCV ELVCU , @E[llCXOKXijg 8s C(Q%^V ^El^OVCOV clycovcov. — Elalv 'Aftrivaioig slxovsg ev xco &e%eto , 3» impf. sg. oi'xoficci , eo. Ill, 1 — 3. Exempla nominura tertiae declinationis. §. 4. Anomala eiusdem declinationis. 1. dycov, covog , 6. certamen. qfeV, oVog, 17. luscinia. cfyiqp/, praep. c. Ace. circa. &Q%Tq , initinra. a6T7]Q , £Qog , 6. stella. — @dcQ@aQog, ov, barbarus. §eXt[(ov , ov, comp. dyaftog. — yr\yEvr\g, sog , 6. terrae filius. ylyccg, avtog, 6. gigas. — deivdig, adv. vehementer. dig, bis. doztjQ, rjgog, 6. dator. dovXog. II, 1. Sqccxcov, ovtos, 6. draco. — eccq , og , to* ver. eyevsTO , 3- aor. sg. {ylyvo^aC) , fiebat. ysyovivai , Inf. perf. eiusd. esse. hftvov , 3. impf. pi. act. ftvoj , sacrifice sldog, sog, to. forma corporis, zee si'dr] (Ace. pi.) ovdzv foXzlovg , quod ad corporis formam nihil meliores sunt, sixcov, ovog, 17. imago, ixcclloonl&zo, 3. impf. med. sg. (%aXXcoiil£co) 7 c. Dat. gloriabatur re s. de re. hc&Xovv , 3. impf. pi. act. %aXi(o , roco. ttecpccg, avzog, 6. elephas. EnXrjyr], 3. aor. 2. pass. sg. nXtfzzco , ferio, cae- do. Enoip, 07tog , 6. upupa. iofttfg, rjzog, 77. vestis. hzog , tog, xo. annus. xclz tzog , quotannis. — rjzzcc, clades. — ftccXazza. II , 3« ftaXuzzoxQuzcoQ, XVIII nPOTTMNAZMATA. Svvsvovxsg {isxcc ftsovg tfwrijoa. — r Slg ol daxsQsg sidi xov ovgavov xoGiiog, ovxcog ol ohrixoqsg xi)g %coQag. — TixxiS, [isv xixxiyv epilog, fivQ{ir}Ki Ss [ivQ[iri't-. — 'ETcaiiivcovdag 6 TIoXv^vi8og nsvy\g i\v. — A\g %ax sxog r]v rj xcov 'Apcpinxvovcov GvvoSog , saqog xs nccl (isxo- TtcoQov. — KctQirjScov rj via Xifiiat %ca A/jnv^ KEKoGpryiui. — 'Eo&ijxct ovShv fisXxiv) sysi 6 drjpog 'A&rjvalog rj ol SovXoi %a\ ol (lizoixoi, %a\ tcc sX8r\ ovdev fisXxiovg sWiv. — r H xvqavvig aSwiag \ir]xr]q iaxiv. — "ASavig szi nedg cov 'Aoxi{ii8og %oX(p iv ftiiomg vtco Gvog STiXr\yr\. — Ol (Doii'LKsg x

V' mu ^ ier ' yvip, yvnog , d. vultur. — datfMOV, ovog, 6. deus. daemon, dsxec, decern. Seqcciov, to. torques, collare canum. did xccvzcc, propterea. 8iSfi6Qcpa>6£v , 3- aor. 1, sg. SiccfiOQ- cpoco , commute effingo. 816 , quare. diozi , propterea quod. di7iXcc6iog , or, ov , duplo maior. doyuficig'ELV , Inf. praes. explorare. censere. §qvq , 6$ , y. quercus. Svvatftrjv , opt. praes. 8vvoi(iaLj possum. — ty7](xe , 3. aor. sg. ycc- (tico , uxorem duco. idrjfiiovQyrjGccg , % aor. 1, sg. SrjfiiovQysco , fingo. fa- bricor. sSokel (doneco'), videbatHi\ si, si. eltielv, Inf. aor. 2- dicere. hnXstyug, 2- aor. 1. sg. kXetit(o, clam adimo. ixtfa/feaor, sedecim. 8fiog, r\, 6v, meus. g|, sex. ££oqvtt£6&cci, Inf. praes. pass. c. Ace. effodi quod ad oculos {ocp&cdfiovg). £7ti(5ovX£vovTO!i. 3' praes. pi. pass. c. Nom. quibus et c. Dat. a quibus insidiae struuntur. eni^itXov^hvog, Part, praes. iTtifieXsofiai, euro. hnXtvosv, 3- aor. sg. nXica , navigo. snog, sog , xo. verbum. carmen, hovficc, azog, to. prae- §idium. £6XQaT07tE§tv6avT0 , 3' aor. pi. med. CTQUT07tedEvco , - ofcui , ca- stra pono. htE^iBv , 3- aor. 2. sg. ztfivco , concido. tepveug , 2- aor. 1. sg. yvm^, gigno. — fffiy.t pubertas. rj^ii^Qcozog, 6. r\. semesus. tfvdyxaos , 3- aor. l. x ^g. dvaynd^m, cogo. tJticcq, azog, zo. iecur. — ^vya.zr\q , eqos , rj. filia. ftcoQcct- , ccHog , 6. lorica. — Ifidg , dvzog, 6. lorum. habena. IrniEvg, scog, 6. eques. l6%vq6g , a, 6v , validus. — % navis. vo[al£eiv , - eg&cu , Inf. praes. act. et pass. vo[ii£(o , exi- stimo. vv£ , vvxxog, 77. nox. vvv. nunc. — oqfiiJGavxsg , Part. aor. 1. act. OQiiaypsv, 1. praes. pi. oQfidco , irruo. me concito. bnXlxif\g , 6. miles gra- vis armaturae. ottos, c. opt. ut. ooa, Imperat. praes. otyofiai , 1. fut. sg. oqccco, video. — navovqyog , ov , callidus. vafer. nccQanXelv , Inf. praes. praeternavigare. Tcccxqig , idog, rj. patria. navv. I, 2. nXijd'og , £Og, to'. copia. nedr], rj. compes. noXsfiog, 6. bellum. TtoXiat, cci. cani capilli. Tiovg, Ttodog, 6. pes. tcl nqb n. quae ante pedes sunt. 7ZQog y c. Dat. apud. prope. TtQOGrjxe i , impers. decet. tcqooiovze g , adpropinquantes. 7iQ0(pavr]Vca , Inf. aor. 2' pass. (jrooqpatVoa), adparuisse. tzzccqe , Imper. aor. % nzciiQca , ster- nuo. nvQ , nvQog , to', ignis, ncoycov , oavog , 6. barba. — §aov , comp. c. Gen. i. q. rj c. Ace. facilius. qlv , Qivog , rj. nasus. — aog , r\ , ov , tuus. Gxo\ia , arog , to', os , oris, dnb Gx. e memoria. GXQaxsvGavxsg , Part. aor. CT^orravco, expeditionem suscipio. GXQazonEdEvofisvcov xcov e E. Genit. absol. Gxqccxiu, f}. exercitus. — TOiOVTOg — otog, talis, qualis. TOEtg, xqia, tres. TQ07tccLov, to', tropaeum. — vdQonoGicc, rj. aquae potus. V7iSQ(isytd"r}g, £0£, o. rj. immensus. — cpsgsxE, 2. praes. pi. cptQCO. cprjg , 2« praes. sg. cpaGi, 3. pi. cp7](iL — jjjfv, vo's, 6. anser. #«wV, oVog, jj. nix. %or\ , II, 3- EXQV v i oportuit. ftQrJGftca , Inf. %Qdo{icu, utor. aGitEQ , ut. quasi. eoVtos, /a, ov, venalis. 3. dyal(ia , aros, to', simulacrum, statua. cfyotog , (t'a), top, ferus. cfygotHOj, d. rusticus, ayo o 's> II, 2» cctdmg , ov dyoQa , ?}. forum, adrjg , ov, 6. orcus. tartarus. at6&av6fihd'a (jui- c&dvo(iaL)j intelligimus. sentimus. ecKLvrjTog , d. r\. immobilis. cenqog , a r ov , extremus. dvdQLccg, dvrog, 6. statua. uvevqighovol, 3- praes. pi. dvsv- QL6HC0 , invenio. investigo. arcLGrog , d, ?}. infidus. dnoXccv ov6 lv , 3- praes. pi. dnoXctvco , fruor. (dQijv), dqvog, agnus. dqiGzbqog, d, ov , sinister. aQxeov , ovrog, 6. princeps. praeses. dcnlg, tdog, i\. clypeus. dcpQcov, ovog, 6. rj. amens. — fioGurjfia, arog, to. pecus. — ydXcc , unrog, to. lac. yi- Xcog, coTog et to, d. risus. ylyvErccL, 3- praes. sg. yiyvo(iaL. ■ — Sag, decdog, 7). taeda. fax. dsdEfiivoQ, Part. perf. pass, dico, vincio. dEGfiog, ov, 6. via- IIPOrrMNASMATA. XXIII xvoov iv ccqiCteqcc, (lEys&og 8s vtzeq xv\v (ieyiarr)v yvvalxa xo ayaX(ia. — 'Ev xcZ ysiyLcovi noXXa v8axa yiyvsxai , xa\ vXt\ noXXdxig vtvo twv vSdxcov 6vve]-oq[1(x xal 7taQS%£i Tcviypov xa 61x03. — 'Ea&rig aXXrj psv yvvaixi, aXXrj 8e dvSol xaXil]. dv8oog (aev svsxa avriQ ovSslg {jlvqco XQierai' at Ss yvvalxsg (ivoov 7tQ06Ssovxai. — riXcog jm) TtoXvg stixco, ft^d' in\ noXXolg. — FvvaiQ xo6[iov ij Giyy] cpsosi. — Alaxog Tag xXslg xov aSov (pvXaxxst. — Alycav xal olcov xal Itztccov xa\ j3ocov xa\ ovcov xal vc5v xal xcov aXXcov £g>cov dya&d ditoXavovtiiv av&qco not. — JJoXv ysvog dv&QCQTtcov xolg (jlsv ex xrjg yijg cpvoyiivoig sig xoocpr}v ov %qcovxai, duo 8s ^06x7]^dxcov yaXaxxi xal xvqco % £( °S > V' usus * XQ™ > unguo. (p"Ao8o^rni£vog y Part. pf. pass, (olxodofisco), aedificatus. wfiog, 6. humerus. IV , 1 — % Motio atque comparatio sive gradatio Adiectivorum. qui- bus capitibus ea sufficiat hie subministrasse , quae Grammatica non facile tibi largiatur. si quid igitur desideraveris , adi Buttm. §. 59 sq. Matth. §. 105 sq. 1. dyuXXovzai, 3« praes. pi. dyuX%o[Lui c. Dat. laetor. ccyuvQCi, r/. ancora. praesidium. dyiivoog, ov, 6. r). solers. sagax. aiQSZog, r], ov } opta- bilis. dyivqcoGag , Part. aor. 1. dnvQoeo , irritum reddo. dvdnX£cog. II, 4« dnoXefiog, 6. r). imbellis. ditoqia, r). inopia. uQyvQiov , zo. argentum. dq- yvQSog, sa, ov. argenteus. aqna^ ayog, rapax. ccQQrjV, svog, mas. masculus. da&£vr}g. Ill, 2. dGcpaXr]g. Ill, 2- acpQcov. Ill, 4- — §qa%vg, £la, v, bre- vis. — yiyvoavzaii 3« praes. Coniunct. pi. yiyvopcu. — divdyov. Ill, 3* nPOrTMNASMA TA . XXV ZixEXla vrjcog £v§al{icov xal noXvavdocoTtog. — 'AoExrjg ovdev %qi]fia Ce^voxeqov ovSe fisfiawTSQOV Igxiv. — Aa%u a6$£vv\g ayxvqa, tzXqv- tog stt cca&£V£6TeQa. — Trjg 9 A6avqlag itfrl xal aXXa noXi6\x.uxa fie- yaXa noXXa , xo d' ovopaGxoxaxov xal iG%vo6xax6v ion BafivXriv. — 'Ayccd'ai ovSslg tceqI ovdsvog ovSetcoxe lyyiyvExai op&ovog. — Tovg (paoviyiovg slsysv 6 Kaxcov paXXov vito xcov acpoovav , jj tovg acpqo- vag V7t6 xcov cpoovL(icov cocpsXElo'd'ai. — To tcoXvxqotvov xov AXxi- piadov ovx cov ccitXovg , aXXa xaxorforig xal cpiXoTtovrjoog i&av{ia££v 6 Ti6GacpEqvr\g. — • Kvqog ixovxcov (ihv qyrj6axo Mrficov , ixovxcov ds r ToxavLcov. — TJuvxyi itavxa xolg ftsolg vitoya xal %avxap\ %av- xcov Xcov ol dsoi xqcctovCi. — II6cCa {iEV xolg dvdoEioig oSdg zvito- Qog, nag ds noxapog Siafiaxog, xcov tf smxridEicov ovx ditoqia. — IIcxQCiGxEvccGxixdv xcov Eig xov noXEyiov xov cxQuxrjydv Eivat, %afj xal noQHSxizov xcov ImxvfiEicov xolg GToaxicoxaig xal (irj%avixov xal soya- Ctixov xal Itci^eXyi xal xaqxEqixov xal ayyivovv xal cptXocpoovct xe xal copov xal aitXovv xe xal inifiovXov xal cpvXaxxixov xe xal xXe%xy[V xal 7tQOEtix6v xal aqitaya xal cpiXodcoqov xal 7iXeovexxv{V xal clacpaX^ xal etci&exixov xal aXXa noXXa. — To ipEvdog ov dvvaGai aXrjd'sg TtoiEiv. — Aiys xaXridrj! — Ol dsol doxovCi xo &vyog xovxo 6vv- xE&Eixhai , o xaXslxai dr^v xal vqqsv. — To Ev^aqi ^ 6xc6fi(ia~ Civ , dXXd xqonco £7tixr\d£v£. — • Kvqog avxog jievcov iv 2dq8£Gt diaparog , rj , ov, qui transiri potest. Svvaoai, 2- praes. sg. SvvafiaL. Sva- Tr^oog, 6. rj. difficilis navigatu. dcogodoxELV , oblata munera accipere iisque corrumpi. — iyylyvstai , $. praes. sg. iyyiyvofiat, insum. ifi-cxvficc&v, 3. impf. sg. &av[icc£co , admiror. s&sXovtjjs , ov, voluntarius. gnqp^cav, ovog, 6. tJ. amens. consternatus. hxcov , ovrog , volens. ini^ovXos y 6. fj. insidio- sus. im&STixog, >f, oV, paratus ad adgrediendum. inLfiEX^g, Eg, sedulus. irtitijdsiog. Ill, 4. inirt]d£V£, Imp. praes. s7UTT]dsv praes. pi. niv Xov^cci. — Aqyvqiov Xd^avEi o dijiiog, Xva avrog xs %yr\ %a\ oi nXovGioi 7t£VE6reooi yiyvoovxat. — Mrj cpevys xovg novovg, aXX' e&e- Xovxtjg V7c6(i£vs. — C H iqv&qcc dvOTcXovg egxlv. — r O r Ehacov tcuvv ioxiv svyEcog %cd SivSqoov ccvaTtXscog. — H Kq^xrj nXaxvxaxy] E6xl naxa to [is6ov. — ■ Oi yEqalxEqoi xaig xcov vicov xipaig ayaXXovxai* 2. r O ftccvccxog %oivog %a\ xolg %£iqi6xoig %a\ xolg fi£Xxi6xoig. — r O xqoxodEiXog i£ iXa%laxov ylyvEXai [A.Eyio'xog* to {iev yaq olov ov (isl^ov eCxl yr\vEiov , avxog ds yiyvExai %a\ ETtxaxaidExaTcrjivg. • Mi] iv noXXolg oXlya Xsys, aXX' iv oXiyoig noXXa. — El oi 7tXov6ioi lo%vaovCLV, oXiyiaxov iqovov tj (xq%rj EGxai xov dr^iov xov 'A&^vrfiiv. — Trj TtoXiXELOi dya&ov Icxiv xovg ^eXxlaxovg Cco^elv ueI ev xaig tcq- XeClv. — Ol'ovxca xovg dyaqiGxovg xctl tveqI &£Ovg av {idXi6xa cc^EXcog ' £ '%ei,v. — r O Kvqog xrjv Cxqaxidv %ax£xa%£v cog idvvaxo xaXXiOra %ccl CiQlCXCC. r 07C0XEQ0g rJlACOV KCcl CV[MpOQG}XEQCt %Ul KdXXiCD Eig XOV CCEL 'fiQOVOV §LCCTC£7tQC(KXttl, OVXQg E0XIV 6 VLXCOV. "OOW (XV TtXuOVg iqyd- ^covxai , to0oo tcXeiov xdya&a evq7j6ovClv. — Oi 'A&rjvaioi, xovg %eI- qovg aiqovvxai ev xaig tcoXeCi xaig 6xadia£ovo~aig' si [isv yaq rjqovvxo xovg fisXxlovg, riqovvx 1 av ov%i xovg xavxa yiyvco6xovxag Gcpioiv av- xolg ' iv ov§E(jna ydq TtoXsi xo $kXxi6xov evvow ioxl xtp Siq^np , ctXXa comparat. notr'iQiov , to. poculum. tcqoetixos , r\ , oV, ad largieadum pro- pensus. TtQocha^e , 3- aor. 1. sg, TtgoavdzTco , praecipio. — qi£tx , rj. ra- dix. — OEfivos, 7], 6v , augustus. castus. 6i8rjq£a§ {ovg) , su , sov , ferreus. ancofifid } ccros , to. cavillatio. 6WT£d£LvJvac, Inf. pert", act. ovvriQ'rifii, compono. iungo. — vtc6{M£v£ p Imperat. praes. vno[i£vco ., sustineo. vnoxog, ov , subiectus alicui. — cpsvyB , Imp. praes. cptvyco , fugio. cpilodcoQOS, ov, munificus. q)LXon6vr]Qog , ov, improbis amicus. q>iX6(pQcov , ovog , o. rj. be- nevolus. cp&ovog , d. invidia. cpq6vi[iog, ov , prudens. cpvlccxziKog , r], ov, cautus. — ipEvdog , Eog, to. mendacium. — cofiog , r\, 6v , durus. severus. (ocpeXeZg&cu , utilitatem percipere. 2. dyivv7]Tog , ov , non natus. del, semper. Eig xov dsl %qovov , in omne tempus, in sempiternum. 'A&rjvrjOiv , i. q. iv 'A&tjvaig. ufilov, to. praemium certaminis. wIqovvtou, 3- praes. pi. fjQOvvto , 3- impf. pi. med. aiQEO^Lca, mihi eligo. dvdyxrj , r). necessitas. dni^Ei, 3« praes. sg. {dnsxco), c. Genit. distat. dno&vrJGKCQV , Part, praes. dito%vr\6%(Q , morior. dqyvqici, zd. argentifodinae. d%dqL6zog, ov , ingratus. — yEcoQylcc , r). agricultura. yiyvoocxcQV, ovzog , Part, praes. yiyvcoGxcQ , cognosco. — diavzXcov, Part. praes. 8lccvzXe(0 , tolero. bianinqiXKZca , S- perf. med. sg. dicazgdzzca, con- ficio. periicio. — ifiovlov , % impf. sg. fiovXo[ittL. iSvvcczo , 3- impf. sg. dvvafioii. hwvGiv , 3- aor. 1. sg. wxlco , incendo. £^cck(j6loi , at-, a, sex- nPOrXM NASMA TA. XXVII xo %ukiGxov. — 'AvSqI %aXco xs ndyad'co IqyaGla %a\ lm<5xr\\w\ icoa- xlGx?} rj y£cooyia. Soxel yuQ {lu&slv xs §aGxy] uvai %a\ rfdlGxr} koya- £s6'd'ca, Kcil zd Gcopaxa %dXXiGxd xs %al.£vqcoGx6xaxa 7tao£%£Gd'ai. — 'Ev ^£Gco nslxcci xcc aya&d ad-la. — AiovvGiog o devxeQog iv ybEGai- rdxco xr\g 'EXXddog i y\G%Y\yi6v£i fiiov SiavxXcov aXysivoxaxov. — c H^icov naXcog tvqwvvxcov apa naqovxa anavxa %a\ Gacoxsga £Gxi %al &aGGov xa deovxa £%ovGiv ol itoXixai. — r H ETtdoxri dvvaxcoxaxrj xs nal ovo- LiaGzozdzrj iv xrj 'EXXadi, icpdvi]. — IlQ£G§vzazov xcov ovzcov &s6g, ccyswipog yaQ' uaXXiGzov %6tf[wg , nolrj^a yaQ &sov' xd%t,Gxov vovg, dice Ttavxog yaQ tq£%sl' iGyyqoxaxov dvdy%r\ , %Qax£i yaQ icdvxcov. — Ta %elqco xcov kquxxovcov %v£%d iGxiv. — Al&ioTtsg, £CpYl"0fi'YlQ0g i sG'/axoi avdQcov. — 2v ds, co cpiXxaxs AtvoXXo6coqs , soprj HcoxQdxrjg, [naXXov av ifiovXov [it oqclv dizalcog 7\ ddmcog a7tod'V?jG%ovxa ; — e O Tl^cov \iY[Qia xavqcov xs %a\ aiycov itioxaxa £%avGsv STtlxcov /3gj- /xcoi\ — 01 'A&Y\valoi &vov6i Ail vitaxco %a\ 'Ad-rjvec vtcccxy]. — ■ "E'i£Gxiv vulv TtQOXEQOig xcov ciTtovxcov aQiGxov xvyuv. — Ka{x^vGrjg 6vviX£^£ xovg y£Qaix£QOvg Jl£Q0cov. — 'A7t£%Ei xcov aQyvQicov 7] eyyvr xaxa noXig Miyaqa izoXv TtXswv xcov %£vxa%oGicov Gxadicov d%ki£i 6s rj (A£xd xavxa %XY\Gialxaxa Sij^ai TtoXv tcXelov xcov EJ-axoGicov. v. ■ ArniiqXQiog xig dies xco Nsocovi ■ 6v {ihv aTtsiXsTg i[ioi x6v ftdva- centi. e^bgzlv. I, 2. £THGzr\yiri , rj. I, 1. h7SZtty.c.i§8Y.U7Z7j%vg , septemdecim ulnas aequans. igyugscftai , Inf. praes. iqyd^covzca, 3' Coni. praes. pi. igy agonal f laboro. exerceo. igyaGicc, rj. opus, labor. BvgrjcovGiv , 3- fut. pi. svqlokco. £VQCo6rog, ov , robustus. icpccvr], 3- aor. sg. ((pccivsoQ'ai), se praestitit. £%£iv, c. Adverb. (cfyteXaJg), non colere aliquem (jizql xiva). "qG%r\- fiovEL, 3- impf. sg. a6xr]fiov£co , turpiter me gero. — l6%vq6$. Ill, 2« lo%v- 60V6iv, 3- fut. pi. io%vco , potens sum. — xczzstcx^sv , 3« aor. 1. sg. kutk- raTxco , iustruo. %sZxat, , 3- praes. sg. ■netfiai, iaceo. propositus sum. kqk- T£t, 3- praes. sg. xQaxioj , c. Gen. dominor. Hooxo'o^ylog, 6. crocodilus. — [itt&Elv , Inf. aor. % (lavQ-dvco. inqqicc , zee. ([irjQiov), femur. — - vikqjv, Part, praes. vtndco. oiovxai , 3- praes. pi. oi'ofiai, arbitror. 6vo[ic{6z6s. IV, 1. OTIOXZQOg , SQd, £QOV , utei\ — 7CaQ£X £G ^ aL > ^' P raes - me( I' tt<*- Q£%co , -0{iai, exhibeo. pra'ebeo. reddo. 7toXix£ia y r\. administratio rei- publicae. Tcolrjfia , azog , to', opus. — Gzaatd^cov , 0V6a, ov , Part, praes. 6zuGtd£oo , seditionem moveo. GvficpoQog , ov. utilis. gvveXs^s , 3« aor. sg. CvXXiyca , colligo. QU ccvxai xofii^ovGiv. — Ti 6s; co 'Initioc, scpr\ o 2cox^drr}g , ovx ^Gd"qGai on syco a 6oxsl fiov 6l%ecic4 slvcci ov6sv Ttavopui &7to6siKvv(isvog ; Kcu nolog 6v\ goi , h'gprj 6 'litniag ? ovrog 6 Xoyog sGxiv; Ei 6s ^r) Xoyco , £' I Q f» praes. xqdo(ica y c. Dat. — 7]yiJ60(icci t 1. fut. sg. 7jyioficcL, duco. ^ad'7]Gai ) 2« perf. sg. aiGftdvoficci, animadverto. — xcciQog , 6. tempus. t. opportunum. %ax£v&v , recta, gradezu. zo x. quod oculis oppositum est. — Xd@7] , 3. Coni. aor. 2. Xqipsc&s, % fut. pi. Xccfi- fidvco. Xsysxco, 3* Imperat. praes. sg. Xsyco. — fisvcav, ovact, ov, Part, praes. fisvco, maneo. fiiccQog, d, 6v t sceleratus. — vofiog, 6. lex. ~ oida, nPOFTMNASMATA. XXIX ctSov naXiv ccvstvcu xijv tpv^v. — Ovx exact ovxog oqog sGzl dixcao- Gvvr\g, cckr}&7J xs XiyEiv xca cc av Xdfiri rig anodidovcu. — Ovtoi oi piaqcoxaxoi , ovg oodxs , fiovoi r^iiv eIgiv £ft7roda)'v. — Talg oSolg, onolai ccv coGi, xotavxaig dvdyxr\ xqrJG&ai,. — Oi i(iol ocpd'aXfiol xaXXiovsg xcov Gcov. oi fisv Col to xarsv&v povov oqcoGiv , oi 81 e^o\ xal to ex relay Lov. — r Hy^GO[iai, cevzog iyco svd'Ev noXXd %qr\^axa XrjtyEG&E. — e Slg avzog Gv opoXoyeig , ovdhv vit e\iov aSixEi. — Ev xovxco xco xaiqco to fisv fiaqfiaqwov GxqdxEv^a nooriu, to S' jEAA^- vtxdv en iv xco avxco {isvov GvvExdxxszo. — Ai xqir\qEig avzoig %Xv\- qcopciGt, 8iEct^dqy\Gav. VI 1. 'E7taidevd , riv , h'cprj 6 Kvoog, mi avtog ovxcog rolg nqiG^v- xsqoig vtzelxeiv , xccl vpag , co Tcaldsg , ovxcog ETzaLdsvov xovg yEQCti- xsqovg nooxipav. — 'Eyyvg dyad'ov TtaqaitEcpvxE xal xaxov. — Ni~ xlag 6 £coyqdcpog ovzcog v\v cpiXoitovog , coGxs noXXdxig iqcozdv xovg oixixag , si XeXovxev. — Oi {lev exeXevov (iccxEGd'ca f oi ds ixcoXvov. — ■ KlvSvvevGco , h'cprj Ecoxqdxy\g , xco ovxi cpqovxiGxiqg Eivai. — '0 Kvqog 'e&ve Ait E7t\ xcov 'dxqcov, cog TIsqGai ftvovGiv. — r O AeqkvX- Xidag h'd'vs xrj 'A$y\vu • etcel Se exe&vxo , dvEiitE xovg Gzqaxicoxag d'EGd'cxi, xd OTtXcc. — Oi UeqGou izcuSevqvGi xovg Ttaldag xqiu fio'va, scio. ovx oiScc el xi del Xoycov, an quid opus sit verbis nescio. oi'xoi, Adv. domi. ofioXoyelg , 2. praes. sg. dfioXoysco , confiteor. dfiov , una. in eodem loco, ortov, ubi. oncers, 2- praes. pi. 6qco6lv } 3- praes. pi. oqccco. ovzcog, sic. ita. — tcuXlv , rursus. ndcoxofisv, i. praes. pi. ndaxco , patior. navo- (icct, c. Part. (dnodsixvvfiEvos) et negatione : non desisto demonstrare, sem- per demonstro. nXdytos, la, tov , transversus. nXslv , navigare. nXrJQCOfia, azog , to. id quo quid completur. plur. remiges. milites navales. 7ttfiov(isv, 1. praes. pi. noiEco , c Ace. rei et pers. (nana ziva), adficere aliquem ma- lis. 7iQaos 7 0Vj mitis. placidus. tiqo^ei, 3' impf. sg. nqoiivai , progredi. — Cvvszdzzszo , 3- impf. sg. pass, avvzdzzco , instruo. Gco£ov6i , 3* praes. pi. ccS£co. — xcoqig. II, 1. VI. 1. Verba pura. % 3- v. muta. 4. v. liquida. 5. 6. 7« v. contracta. 1. dizog, 6. aquila. uxQog , a , ov y summus. zd. axga , montis cacu- men. dXr\fti£oiiai , vera dico. verax sum. drains , proclamabat (aVftTratv). dvE%coQE i , 3- impf. sg. dva%coQtco , redeo. d7io(ivzro[iai , emungo me. — @OvXevco , molior. consilium agito. — diafioXij , 77. criminatio. dLaXvca, ir- ritum reddo. tollo. didd6nco , doceo. dgvg. Ill , % — iyyvg , Adv. c. Gen. prope. ix, c. Gen. in zeiQog, cominus. sv&a } ubi. EmcpzQO[iai, med. irruo. inveho. iocozdv , Inf. praes. act. SQcozdco , interrogo. hcpOQog , 6. ephorns. ol hep. magistratus quidam Spartanorum. — £coyqd(pog , 6. pictor. — ftnov, rd. numen divinum. ftECiftttt, (zi&r][ii) onXa , 1. arma deponere. 2* in aciem XXX UPOFTM NAZ MATA. LTtTvsveiv kcu xo\evew %cu dlrjd'L^sad'ai. — 'Asxog imcpSQotisvog S7tai6s xov hay a. — Tag dqvg vTtkqypvxai ol avd'Qwrcoi oxav vr\. — c Tgov, vGov, co cplke Zsv , %axa xcov tceSIcov. — Uigxevco xov %oovov Sidci- tstv.os. — Nopiiiov 7jv xoig THoGaig (jujxe tvxveiv pjra aito\xvxx£6&ai. — JSjtovdcov yEvo^kvcov eGeigev 6 &£og. — O IlavGavtag tclGxevcqv %Q7jfiaCi. dialvGuv xyv diapoXrjv cIveicoqei eg ZTtaqxriv. — AkyExai Mldag xov Saxvqov &yio£v6ai oltvtp "MQccaag %Qrjvr}v. — "Ecpoqoi %v- qioi rjGav %ai aqypvxag %axaitavGai. — Ei xi iji&l kcmov fiovXEVEig, u{ia poi doxeZg %a\ cSEavxco xauovovg ilvai. — Avo iv 'Icovia vaol vito Heq6cov >:ax£%av&i]6av. — 'Ev Alyog noxa^olg xo 7 A&r\vaiwv vavxiKov %ax£lv&7]. — Elg ovoavov oqcovxEg ol r 'Elh]V£g Evxovxai, SV&CC ISqvG'd'ai XO &EIOV §OK£L. Ti&QCtV6Xai 6 ftv^Og Tj^LCOV. — Ol TtoXlOQZOV^lEVOl Eig [lEyaXlJV 6TCV.VIV %CCX£xX£L6d'7}6CiV. — 'Eizaio'd'ri l« %£ioog 6 Xicov X6y%rj. — castra ponere. %r}QEVco , venor. frqavco y frango. &v[i6g , 6. animus. Q"6co , sacra facio. hostias iramolo. — Idqvco , colloco.- Itctievco, equito. — KurttKaico , comburo. %ctta^l£ Lay , include %arakvco , opprimo. everto. yiatauavco , abrogo. imperio privo. v.£l£vm , iubeo. nsgdcag , Part, aor. 1. ksqccvvv[ii, misceo. y.lv8vvsvg) , periculum facio. ngijvr] , r\. fons. KVQiog, a, ov, potens. valens. ncolvca , impedio. — Xaycog, o. II, 4- Xovcq, hr. 1. pro med. balneo utor. Ivm , solvo. expio. — • [id%o[iat, proelium ineo. — v6[ii[iog, l[irj , ifiov., lege sancitus. ■ — oly,£Tj]g, cv, 6. servus. olvog, 6. vinum. ovrt, ra. revera. orav, c. Coni. quura. simulac. — Ttcudsvco , insti- tuo. erudio. 7taio3 , ferio. vulnero. nuQacpva , progigno. perf. et aor. % nascor. provenio. nzdiov, to. campus, tugtevcq , credo, spero c. Inf. fut. noXt OQTtovtiEvog , Part, praes. pass. tzoXloq-ksco , obsideo. TtQOviiiccv , Inf. praes. TtQorifidco , prae ceteris aliquem honorare. Ttvvco, exspuo. — GTzdvig, scog , f}. inopia. — to^evco , sagitto. — vnEinco , cedo. vniqxoLica, c. Ace. subeo aliquid. trete unter. vco , pluere. — cpiXonovog. Ill, 1. cpovog , 6. caedes. tpQovzi6Trjg, ov , 6. pliiloscphus. coats, c. Inf. ita ut. 2« dlrj&ivog , r\ , cv , veros. dva^aXiad'cci, Inf. aor. 2- med. (dvafiuX- Xco) , diiferre , pi'ocrastinare. uvcitztcq , adnecto aliquid ad aliquid (sig ti). {■.vev , praep. c. Gen. sine. dvxixixxTUi 7 ex adverso instruo. oppono. duo- $Xeimq 7 respicio. aTtzco, med. antofiai , c. Gen. tango, adficio. uq%(o , im- TTPOTTMNAZMATA. XXXI nofisv. — Tec itaqovxa 6x£Qyco(isv. - — H 6r\ naxqig eXg Ge aTeoflXs- nUt — 01 Aiyivr\xai tvqcoxoi vojiiGficc EKOipavxo. — r ZoXcov xovg aQiGxovg lA&rivmoig v6(iovg eyqaipev. — °0 Avxovyyog xo oXov vo- fio&EGlag SQyov tig xr]v Ttcadeiav avijtys. — Kal o JJXaxcov %a\ o Bevocpwv Gv^iTtoGia yeyquyctGi. — Tov JM^dov naxafiaivovxog etu fY\v r EXXada @e[iiGX0KXrjg naxiXvGE tovg r EXXr]VL%ovg noXifiovg, %al §i'jqXXaE ) £ rag noXug aXXrjXaig TtuGag tag Ei&Qag Sid tov 7toXs(iov ava- fiaXEG&ai. — UoXXdnig SokeI xo cpvXd'E,ai xdya&d xov xtvj&aQ&ffi %cc- Xetccqxeqov. — 01 voyioi oi TtoXXol SoKOvoi pot dvo xavxa ^dXiGxa didatixsiv, ao%£iv xe zal aq%EGQ[di. — r O IIeqGcov fiaGiXEvg Gxicpavov Eig yLvqov fidipag, diETtSTzXsKto dh godcov 6 Gxiqjavog , etce^ev 'Av- zaXnida tzqeg^evovxi vtveq Elqr\vr\g icqog avxov. — EEVoepwv eGxqeijjs tovg KaQdov%ovg. ol Ss fiaqfiaQOi GxoacpsvxEg Ecpsvyov. — 01 itoXk- (ilol XExaqay^Evoi £\n%i%xovGiv eig xsxayyiEvov g. — 'Em xivog Aiyv- Ttxov §i§Xiod"Y\%7]g ETtiysyqaTtxai- ipv%ijg iaxQElov. — Tovg vo^iovg cpvXaxxovxsg (idXi6xa, io 'A&rjvaloL , \kkyiGxoi eGxe , avEv rovxeov ^.r\- 6ev nqaxxEiv TtEiqaG&E. — c O %aXog jcal dya&og avr]q xr]v iavxov yvcoiirjv vrcoxExa^E x

, sepelio. ftavftd^a), admiror. — IcctqeIov, to. officina me- dici. — xad'ci'JZEQ , sicut. VMra^atvco , descendo. adgredior. kotctco , ferio. med. sibi cudere (argentum). kqvittco, occulo. ktiJOmG&cu , Inf. aor. i- %t&- Ofzcu, concilio. adqniro. — XvTtrj, rj. dolor. — [ivgov. JIT, 4- — vsxQog, 6. II, 4- vofjLiOfia. YV , 1. vo[iod'£6ia, rj. legis latio. — h\u,ftv, arog , to. ocu- lus. — ■ ■jtEiQ'co 7 persuadeo. med. mihi persuadeo. credo. 7C£igcc6&£ , 2- praes. pi. TZEiQuofiea , conor. TlEiittcq , mitto. nolrJGca, Inf. aor. tioleco. tioqevo- ficct , iter facio. proficiscor. 7tQon£t^g. I, 1. tcqeg^evco , legatns mittor ad aliquem. 7tQ0T xov xs %coqtov etci^e- XElG&ai xal £i xi aXXo r\8vvavxo §Xa7ixuv toi}s noXE^lovg. — e Q Kv~ to. convivium. ovotQutEvofiai , adiuvo in bello gerendo. — Taftg, scog , 97. acies. zaqctzzco , turbo. zaQixsvco. Ill, 3« zdzzco , instruo. zinzco, pario. — vnozdzzco , subiicio. — q)Evya> , fugio. cpiXiK&g , amice, benigne. (pqdzza, munio. cpQitxco , horreo. cpvXccTtm , custodio. 3. a'Coftoivzo. Ill, % dxovo), audio. dXcoG£6d , ai , Inf. fut. MXcoaav, 3. aor. pi. aXi6xofiuiy capior. afia fiiv — afia #£, partim, partim. non modo , sed etiam. a^iaqxia , rj. culpa, peccatum. avSqunodov , to. servus. dnodid(>u6xa) , aufugio. dnoXa(i§ccvco , mecum abduco. anonXia) , navigo. dnoacpdzTCO , interficio. iugulo. ciQ[i6£(a , adapto. med. me adapto alicui. aQ7tu£(o , diripio. ctvzov , Gen. loci. ibi. dcpvtfs, £g, imperitus. — @cc8Lgco f eo. pergo. j3f0f/cug, violenter. — yr]Qcu6s t d, 6v, senilis. — SsSicog, timens. dsi7tvi£(0) coenam praebeo. 8£nazEvzi]Qiov f zo. locus vectigalibus exigendis adsignatus. Sevqo , hue. dixofiai , recipio. 8idyoi (§lov) , vitam transigo. Sia7t£li7ico , hue illuc mitto. StacpvXdzzco , custodio. — iav s. av , c. Coni. si. iyxazaXEinco , relinquo. t&vog , sog , to', gens. sUe (oquco), c. Part. conspexit. Eio8£%o[iai , recipio. inXiyco , med. mihi eligo. ixXslmo , desero. ixQinzco , proiicio. eiicio. iX£y%co , erroris , mendacii convinco aliquem. i Xv- gizeXu , 3* impf. sg. XvoiteXeco , prosum. £[npv%og , ov , animatus. hvvopog, ov , legitimus. igaXXdzzca , immuto. Part. perf. pass, inauditus. insolens. i^aXilcpco, deleo, tollo (aliquem e numero civium, h. 1. triginta tyranno- rum). irtrJEGav (iniEvaC), impetum fecerunt. etz^qezo , 3. aor. (i7t£QCOzdco} t interrogabat. ^tstxtog, egregie. igyafcoiiai. (kojkoV) , facere. patrare. hv~ nPOrTMNASMA TA. XXXIII Qog 8u7tvi6ag xovg TleoGag, etce\ GvveGkoxccGe , noXXovg avxav St,s- 7C£}iipe' ncci eheXevGe kvkXco xov Gxoaxo7tk8ov hovtzxeveiv , i>ofu'£e<)V a(icc {isv (pvldK'tjv EGEG&ai , lav rig h'^ad'EV TtooGit) , apa 8s iav tig h'£co %q^(jlcctcc cpiotov a7to8i8qaGKri aXtoGEG&ai avxov jccm iyivsxo ov- rtog' noXXol psv yao arced 18 oaGnov , itoXXol 81 saXcaGav , ovg 6 Kv- (tog ixiXev6sv anoGcpa^ai. — 'Eyco , Ecpr\ 6 Kqixiag, ®yiQaii£vr\v xov- rovl st-aXsicpca 1% xov naxaXoyov. anovGag xavxa 6 OrjQa^isvrjg • iyco 8' ecprj , (6 avSosg , Ixexevco xa navxcav svvoiMoxaxa fir} ItiX Koixict zlvai i't-ccXeiepsiv firsts e[le , (irjxs vpav ov av fiovXrixai. cog 8* eItiev 6 Saxvqog, ozi olyia^Eizv el pj GimTirjGEiEv , £7ir\q£xo • av 8s Gicotvco, ovx ccqcc, scpf], ol{icQJ-o[MXi; — 'EtcsI e6ccXmy&v, ETtysGav ol Gxqa- xiiaxai. — "OnXa nqog Tj^iag xopiGaxE , xai xolg xo^ovGlv sGxai eiQtjvr}. — K.xri6iKXi]g Gnvzog s%cov £7z6[jl7Z£vs xa\ xovxco {is&vow lita- tal-i xiva syd-Qov 'Cnaqypv^ avxco. — UriXwov nox av GxEva&iav oi av8o£g ekelvoi ol xaXcov soycov vrco^iv^axa xaxaXutovxEg , el ccqcc a'lG&oivxo, oxl rj noXig rig VTzrjoixov G%ij[ia xa\ xd£iv nqoEXriXvd'S. — ScoxQuxrig 7}Q[ioGxo Ttgog Ttavxa ETtiEixcog. — Tovxo nal Xhyzxai vial XtXk&xai, oxi xo plv co(psXi.(iov xaXov, x6 81 §Xa§£qov aiG%qov. — At EvnqaUai SelvccI Gvyxovtyai xccl GvGxiaGai xag apaoxiag eIg'lv. — At Ka[ir}Xo7taQSaXsi,g %ax£Gxiy}XEvai eIgIv. — Tixxaqa xaXavxa xaxi- Xitcev 6 TtccxriQ KctxoQOOQvyiiivcc. — Accya (tiov £ijg SsSMog nal xqe^kov %cu asl TtXrjyriGEGd'ai tcqogSokcqv. — e O 2coKQccxrjg nai^cov ov8ev c. Gen. consequor. Evnqa^iu, i\. recte factum. — £jJ9 > 2. praes. (£aeo) , vivis. — Ixetsvco , supplico. — vtcc&iZco, adsideo. xa- (i7]lo7iccQdccXig , foaj, ^. camelopardalis. xarajtortco. VI, 1. ■KcczaXunai , re- linquo. y,ccxaay.Evd^(o , paro. Part. pf. pass. h. 1. exornatus, fucatus. Kctxa- 6tI£oo, compungo. xazccazQiopco, finio. subigo. ttatOQVTzco, defodio. hugO'cci, situm esse. xofil£(o , adporto. hqvtczevcOj occulo. abscondo. xvxlos , 6. or- bis. Dat. undique. circa. — Xifivt]. Ill, 1. — (ie&vo) , ebrius sum. (isivas, Part. aor. (xivco, maneo. — vo[Mi£6[i£vos , 7], ov, usu receptus. — otfiaifo* ploro. patior aliquid. onXov , to. arma. — nal^to , ludo. hcctccGOco, ferio. TisXayos , to. mare, tcevlcc, jj. paupertas. ne qitqe%(o , fut. -Q-qi^o^ai, circumcurro. 7Ct\XIy.o%, t\ , ov, quantus. nXdzzco, fingo. tcXtJGOco, caedo. vul- nero. nofimvctj , triumphans , superbiens incedo. TtQoeXtfXv&s, $. perf. nqo- EQXOficu, progredior. 7iQ06lr) , 3« Coni. praes. nQOCisvai , accedere. tcqo6- doxcov , Part, praes. itQOGdoncico , exspecto. — oaXnl^co , tuba canere. 6a- TQunrjs, 6. satrapa. Guonco , Coni. praes. Gianccco , sileo. cuvzog , to', pel- lis. cza6idc£(o , seditionem moveo. 6zsvci£co , gemo. 6vyHQV7tzta , occulto. GvvdiazQipco y versor cum aliquo discendi causa. 6v<$Y.ittfc(Q , obtego. gvgho- XXXIV IIPOrrMNASMA TA. EvcpQcctov %cu xov Tlyqiog dv6{Lci6xca. - — r NslXog &7}Qia xqeopei TtoXXd xaXg idicag E^rjXXay^iEva. — Aioyivrjg idcov xo^oxrjv dcpvrj tvccqcc xov Ckotcov izdd'LGEV eItvuv , %va (irj TcXrjya. — Kvoog xco KlXIkcdv fia6i,Xsl e8co%e Scoqcc a vofxi^Exca xi(iicc, %a\ xr\v ywoav [ir]- %exi c(Q7ittt ) E6Q'ui' xa 8h nqqitaGiiEva ccv§Q(X7Zoda cctvoXcc^ccvelv. — 9 E7t£i 6 KvQog ev BafivXcovi i\v , sdoxsi avxcZ Gaxqditag tce^ltveiv etcI xd %aXECXQa^£va E&vrj. 4. 01 r Pco[M)cloi, TtoXXdg anoixiag £6xuXav. — KvQog dnEGxaX- xel GxqaXEv^a etcI Qovyiav. — El dyvco^iovovCiv i] 6 dnoGXEiXag rj 6 a7tE6TttX{iEVog, 6 Sij^og fiovXEvGExai xi Seitcoielv. — Kadpog cmoKXEivEi dqauovxa, xyjg'AQELccg KorjVTjg cpvXaxa, %ccl xovg odovxag avxov Gtceiqei • xovxmv 6e GTtttQEVxcQv dvkxEikav 1% yrjg dvdo£g evotcXoi. — XccXetvov eGxi SiaxQlvat xov koXcckcc %a\ xov qplXov. — AkyExai 'AtvoXXcqv ekSeiqcu MaoGvav. — KXE0{iiv7]g 6 AaKE8ai[A,6vi,og kavxov [ia%aLQ , volo. ifino- Xrj , 7]. sig e.utt. ad coemendas raerces. tvoriXog , ov , armatus. ivoQu , 3- ]»raes. ivoQuoj , deprebendo. i^cyysXXo) , indico. enuncio. incdQco , comrao- veo. lit dycc&cp, ad util.itatem adferendam. svqjQalvco, oblecto. — Q-scoqovv- zsg, Part, praes. -Of cdqeco , specto. — xccvEvdoo, dormio. ncu vog , y\ , oV ? novus. itaico , uro. v.aTa6v.EvaO(xa , to. molimen. aedificium. nc£TCiT8{j,VG3, mutilo. xoXai; , a%og , 6. adulator, xqcctecq , c. Gen. potior sum. — (id%cu- Qd, 97. gladius. fiivco , maneo. — vsfuo, distribuo. administro. — odovg, nPOFTMNAZMA TA. XXXV orav yhcovrai nosirrovsg ? xovxo avxovg EvcpoaivEi. — AlG%qov , a ftscooovvxag rtfiag EvcpoaivEi, ravxa pj e&eXelv dnayyEiXai. — r TLXd- xcov cp7\6\ xov fysov ETtl xco ^oCftco ysvofisvco EvcpQav&rjvai. — OvSiv (is iivrJQEV ovdh TtoorjyEXO xrjv tzoXlv Ttoodovvai. — El rig iq^dxcov TtQOoSEiG&ai vo[ii£si Elg E^7toh]v , Xa[i(3avSxco ' el 8e rig n %a\ aXXo dsov evoqu , nqog i(A,h tir}[i(uvsTa). — "Oxav xd xcov &ecov %aXcog Eiy, 6riiAr\\u dvSol zvqdvvco ttqo£ ISicozag dycovi&a&ai. vm&v (iev ydo , co 'Ieqcov , ovx av &av{id£oio , aXXd cp&ovoio cog ano TtoXXcov xdg Sandvag 7toiov[ievog, vincopevog 5' av Ttdvxcov (idXiCxa xaxayeXcoo. idv 6v evdai^.ovecxdxr\v xr\v noXiv r\g nqoaxaxevetg naqeyrig, ev I'c&t, vixcov xtp xaXXiGxco dycoviG{iaxi, seal ndvxeg av&QCOTtoi v^ivoiev av xrjv 6riv dqexriv. TteqifiXenxog 6h cov ovil v% idicoxwv povov , aXXd xal Inf. praes. futurum esse, (iszavoico, serius iudico s. considero. ftjjv. Ill, 2. %8co , rado. polio. — 6domoQ803 , iter facio. oixta) , habito. incolo. 6-nveco, cunctor. dubito. — 7t£i%(o. VI, 2. 7ti6r6s , 7], 6v , fidus. fidelis. tvXecq , na- vigo. nXovTEca , dives sum. nolEfiEco , bellum gero. 7toXioQXS SvGxvypvvxi firj litiyeXa. — Tov £ijv ovddg tag 6 yy\- qccGkodv loa. — Ue^ltcovGw 'AvzaXxiSccv Ttoog xov Tlql(}cx£ov nooGxa- %ccvx£g avxov TtEioccGQ'ai dQY\vr\v xy tvoXei nouiGd'ai nqog {$aGiXicc. — 'Etu xolg dc7io&vriGxovGi fttj Xvtcov , ccXX 7 etu xolg cdG%Qtog xeXevxcoGiv. — Awcdoog xrc3. — Ov% olov xs ogyrj xqco^evov XoyiG(icZ %qi]G&cci. — - "0 peXXzig TtoccxxEiv ft-*} rtooXsyE, cc7COZv%cov yciQ ysXccGd"^Gri. — Ovtc STteidccv r^iEig xsXbvx^Gco(x£v xal oi Xoyoi oi tveqI rj^iav avxav Gegl- yt\Govxai. — AcckeScuiiovioi 'AyY\GiXaov (SaGiXicov sxiiirjGccv {ictXiGxa. 7. nXcixnv 7iQog xiva xav TtaiScov (lEpccGxtycaGo ccv 7 h'cpyj , zi p) coQyi^Ofirjv. — Zy\Xov xv\v ccq£xr\v. — MeyccXa dv ^rj(iiolo , n xovg Gsccvxov xaxccxctLvoig. — r H tyv%rj ECtvxrjv ooaf, iavxrjv Siaqd'QoI, eavxrjv oitoiav ccv ^ovXt]Xcci tcoisI. — - XqvGiTtTtog ifyXov 'EtcIkovqov iv TtoXvyqcccpict. — - f H ccqlGxeqcc xccxood'ol xo TtqopoXiov. — 2!^icovl- 8fjg SQaxrjd'elg noGov %qovov P^orf %oovov , eItvev , oXiyov y h'zrj 8h tcoXXcc. — Sxetzxeov [iev Gov Ttoicc i7tiGxccn£vog 0£(iiGTO%Xrjg ixavog iysvsxo xriv e EXXccda iXEv&Eoovv • Gxstzxeov Se nolo, tcoxe sldcog IIsqi- xXrjg nqccxiGTog sdonsi xrj naxoLSi GvpfiovXog eIvcci' ccd'Qrjxiov Ss xal nwg noxE ZoXcov cpiXoGocpriGccg vopovg xoccxlGtovg xfj tcoXei xccxid'rjKEv • £QEVVY\XE0V §E %Cc\ 710LCC AccKeScCI{10V10L CiGXOVVXSg XQCiTlGXOL SoXOVGLV TJysiiovsg eIvcci. — 01 v£vwY\XQX£g eGtscpccvovvzo. — 'OdvGGsvg xov XvTcica y tristitia aliquem adficio. med. doleo. graviter fero. — ficatQ^yogio), mulla verba facio. h&Xigxu nuvzcov, omnium maxime. fiEXezda), meditor. vikcxch , vinco. — dgyr} , fj. ira. olov zs , c. Ace. et Inf. fieri potest. %ccqs%(o , exhibeo. izelvccco , esurio. ii£Qi$Xmzo£Q(yg e8yie xctvxyjv xr\v %coqav. — 01 Koqiv&ioi vavg 7tXY\qco6av~ tEg E&aXaxxoKQuxovv ev Tea tceqI 'Ayu'iav %a\ Akyaiov KoXTtco. — 01 {lavvEig ovxcog hi^tovxo , coats xal fittGiksiag d^iovti&ai. — Mcmz- dovsg idovXcoGavxo IIsQactg. — AlG^qov , co vsccvicc, xov fiovloyiEvov Iv xfj tzoXel 6xQaxrjyELV , e£ov xovxo {la&Eiv , d(jL£X?J6ca avxov • %a\ Sixalcog ccv ovxog £y}{iiolxo tcoXv [iaXXov , j) si xig clvdyiavxag sgyoXa- @oli] fit] [i£[iad'ri%cog dv§Qiavxo7toiEiv. navigo. v.axsd'rjZEv , 3- aor. 1. v.azaziQ'ivai (vofiovg), leges dare. y.uzoq- &6co , dirigo. uoXnog , d. sinus. — fux&slv , Inf. aor. fiSfiaQ'Tj'iicag , Part. pf. liav&ccvcd. fiaoziyoca , verbero. [AE&voy.co , vGco , •■ inebrio. [i£i6co , tempera, coerceo. — ogyi^ot-idi, irascor. — tztjqocd , mutilo. nXrjQOco, repleo. tiqo- BoXiov , to. venabulum. — o%£7iz£ov (6X£7tzo^iaL) , considerandum est. 6Z£- cpuvom , coronis redimio. ovfifiovXog , 6. consultor. — z£%vizit\g , 6. arti- fex. — cpiXoGocpeco , philosophiae operam do. PARS PRIOR OVAE CONTINET SCRIPTORES ORATIONIS PEDESTRIS. IflANNOT 2TOBAIOT ANQOAOriON. I. IIuSaYopou, £¥ "ft™ q T ^ >K no ^ aH , m ™ s &a»^ )s &* ■u£% v ? *« aSyvura the, oiv %^« &, yaw £ ' * J*£"« Z^ «^ £I «- ™ ro? oiSAg pv*, aaUvu. oiro S ZlJZfTe II. ^uicpaTou^. TW p/o> za»d m tyfyUttog 7tivrux« pi^ *#£ J VM S & - Der se linnof ? ^ .' 1,at,n0 ™">> "8 Sim - de ™«*«ctione vocis vid. Lexic. - XTOBAIOT ^Avdoiag fihv inl ficc6SG)g, y , o 5' UTtuiSEv xog xrj tyvyri Ttaq sxaGzov aXXoiovxai. — Ovv oi apovGoi xolg ooyuvoig , ovd' ol a%ai8svxoi xalg axvyiaig Svvavxai GvvaqyLQGaGQ'ai. — 2coKQcat. "Ertov <&£<£. vomica tcel&ov. ftsovg Gsftov. yovslg alSov. yvco&i (lu&cov. dnovGag voei. Gavxov Xg&i. sGxlav xl\xa. days Gsavxov. q>i- Xoig fio^d'Ei. &v[.iov xqaxEi. oqxg) ft?/ %Qw* Gocplav ? fmperat. a v. %Qdo[iai 7 %QrJ6&at,, c. Dat. uti aliqua re. — grjXov a v. grjXoco. — diti%ov (dnsxco, -E%0(iui.) c. Genit. se continere ab aliqua re. — (i7]dsv dyav. Lat. ne quid nimis. ut rum que elliptice et verbum agendi vel perficiendi mente cogi- tandum. — cpslSov , c. Genit. , quern nostrates quoque adhibere solent. — oqc£ a v. oquco. — Xaficov, a v. Xappdvco. dn68og, a v. duooiSco^L. — eqlv. de hoc Ace. in v vid. B. §. 44- 2. — dydnu, a v. dyaTtdco. — dnovxi (aw£4fti.) ft. fidx- cum absente noli pugnare. cf. infra ad Aesop, fab. Vlff. — Gtscpdvov , a v. 6tEcpav6(o. — vtceq tlclxq. pro patria. — n. & v , Partic. verbi slfii, als Knabe ; Lat. tu, dum puer es, modestus sis (i'o&i, fmperat. eiusd. v. , quocum comp. quod modo legimus , i'o&i , a v. oldcc.). — rjficiv, a v. tjfidoo. — • fiEGog, h. 1. de tempore sive aetate, quae medium tenet inter et pueritiam et senectutem. sic (iegov rjftEQag et alia, nee abhorret usus Lat. Cic. Cato mai. c. 20. de studiis pueritiae , ineuntis adolescentiae , mediae aetatis , senectutis loquitur. ANSOAOriON. IV. Aioysvou;. "Ecprj zig zov AioykvY\v cxvojjzov eivca' ode, 'Avo\zog plv ovk slpi, Ecpr\ 7 zov 6s avzov vyiiv vovv ovx h'%CQ. — JJcoXov^Evog iv Koqlv&co eqo^evov rov mJQvxog/ Ti iitiGzaGai; Av&qcoticqv , eyiq, ctQ%Eiv. xccl o xiiqv% yeXaaag- Meya ETtizi'iSEv {.id tccqXco , eX zig &eXei noiaG&ai kvqlov. - — ■ Aioyivrjg eg&lelv k'Xsye zovg avd-QooTzovg rov ?jdE6&cu EVEvxi , aitoiiavEGd-ai 8h avzov zovzovjaoiv \k,r\ exteXelv. — AioysvY\g ovSiva xaXov h'cpi]6cv eIvcci tvovov , ov ft?) zsXog eltj svtyv- yia %a\ zovog tyv%ijg , ukk' ovyl Gcoftazog. — Aioysvvjg 'Azzixov zivog iyxaXovvzog avzcp , diozi, AanEdavyioviovg paXXov snaivcZv recto exel- voig ov Siuzoifisi' Ovdh ydo iazoog , eltvev , vyisiag cov 7ioiv]zix6g iv zolg vyialvovGv zi)v 8iazqifir\v itoiEizai. — 01 cpiXdoyvqot xad'dnEQ (Kxiciioa tc5 6lco zqcovzai ncivza TtoiovvzEg nazal zv\v Xa@i}v. V. .SlJJLQVlBoi), ZiyiU)vi8rig 6 {isXojtowg EiTCOVzog ztvog , oil tzqXXoI avzov rcaq avzco xaxcog XiyovGiv ■ Ov navGy f ecprj , tcoze gv zolg coGl fie (3XaG- cprjficov; — Siiicovidrjg EQcozij&Elg Sid zi EGydzov yrjoag cov cpiXdo- yvoog sir); "Ozi , eItce , fiovXoi^v avdnod'avulv zolg EyQ-qolg (laXXov utioXitzeIv , rj-^cov dElG&ca zcov cpiXcov , xazEyvcoxcog vrjg zcov tcoXXcov cptXiag zo dfispaiov. VI. 'AVTIC7 0£VOU£ Aev zovg {isXXovzag dya&ovg av§,qag yEvrjGEG&ai to (Tev Gco^a IV. zov — avzov v filv ctt. eandem vobiscum mentem. 6 avzog autem et alia quaedam, quae aliquid cum tertio aliquo vel remotiore comparent, Dativum adsciscunt. — ncoiovfizvog , iunge Ecprj. EQOfisvov r. -ariq. Geniti- vus, quera dicimt, absolutus. vid. B. §. 145- 2 et 3. — clq%elv. vid. ad c. 3* — ysXccGccg {ysXccco.) B. §. 95. not. 3- — TtqLuG&ca, Inf. Aor. vid. B. verb, axiom, s. v. — rov ijd. evexcc. Infinitivus Articulo neutr. gen. praeposito vim nominis substantivi accipit, quern usum nos imitamur. comp. Z um.pt. Gr. Lat. cap. 80- §• 597* 598* evekcc et mox %u.qlv Praepositiones c. Genit., ut Lat. causa — gratia.. — ov firj vsl. — , dXX' ov % i, cuius fijiis non es- set — , minime vero ctt. — fiaXXov , suppl. r] zovg 'A&r]veciovg. — ■ ovdh yaQ ctt. plenius: ov diazQL^co ticcqu zolg Accxtd. , ovdh yuq. — div. vid. ad c. 3. — §luzq. nouZzuL (Medium) cemmoratur. — %Qcovrai (xQfjG&cu.) vid. ad c. 3- — v.azu z. Xeifir]v , ex cpi\7\- ficav , desinere (se desinentem facere.) aliquem maledictis lacessere,, comp. ttctvEiv c. Ace. Participii. gv Pron. ne otiose positum putes , opponitur voci noXXot, et quod hue quoque pertinet, ardorem praecepta dautis aut stomachosius aliquem inclamautis et adloquentis magis exprimit. comp. Zumpt. Gr. lat. c. 84- §• 693. 1« zolg cogI videtur Dativus esse, quern dicunt, in- commodi, ex toto sententiarum nexu explicandus. — EQcozrj&Eig, supra c. % — oiv (Eivcci.y, cum Genit. cuius rei vel personae esse dicimur. — dnoQ uvcov, a v. dno%vr\Gv. OXl XCt\ VTtO GXltt (lCt%OV{JLEd'C£. FoQyCO 7] AcC- %E8caiiovia 3 AstovlSov yvvrj, xov viov ctvxrjg etci Gxquxeiglv koqevo- fiivov xr\v aomdu S7ti8i8ov6u eItcev • *H xavxav rj s%\ xavxcc. Aa%&i~ va yvvi) xov viov avxijg iv Ttaouxci'&i icoXcd&svxog %al dvGcpooovvvog lizi xovxo) ' Mi] Xvtcov xekvov , eItcev y %&& sxecoxov yciQ pijfia xijg Idictg ctQExijg V7to[ivrj6&r}6rj. "Ayig 6 @a6iXEvg h'cpT] xovg AoixsScuyio- vtovg [ii] iocoxav orcocoi sialv , aXXcc nov eiclv ol TtoXifiioi. uccl eqcq- xcovxog xivog' IIoGoi eIgI Auxe8uhi6vioi, scpy c I%avol xovg xuxovg CCTtEQVXElV. • AvSoELOg OV% 6 XCOV 7toXE[llo)V KQCCXWV {IOVOV , 0>XX(X %ca o xwv ydovav xqelGGcqv. Ucoxoaxijg EQcoxrj&Eig xl qco^it] , eItve * KlvrjGig tyvirjg [aetcc Gca^ccxog. Zomoaxovg cpEvyovxog xtjv Slxtjv Av- ctctg Xoyov xiva Gvyyoaipug tjX&ev clvxm xopi'^av xat IxsXeve 'iq^Ca- C&cci. xov 8c Avciov elnovrog, %al (jirjv %uXXi6tov avxov sivav Kcu ta Qodcc, h'q>rj , %(X[i£vog avxovg sept] • TekvIcc fiov , iv svi y.ov xcov (x^tveXcovcov ^rjOavgog (xtvokelxcci. oi 8h (.istcc rijv ccvxov xeXevx^v vvvag re xal omeXXccg Xufiovteg naCav avtav tr\v yscoQylav wQviav %ccl xov (ihv {fyjGccvQOV ovy^ evqov , t] d cc(i7tsXog TCoXXarcXaC lov x^v cpoQuv avxolg ccvxeSlSov. c O Xoyog drjXol, oxi 6 nu^cixog &r\6avQog i<5Xt xolg av&QCOTtoig. II. BaTpaxot ahoxivTBq (SaatXsa; Buxqayjoi Xv7tov(ievoi etu xr\ e&vx&v avaqyiK TtQs^fisig %%E^av ijzltov Ala , Seo^lsvoi paGiXea avxolg naqaGyuv. o 6e GvvlScov tr\v Aesopvs,. quern alii Thracern, alii Phrygem ? alii nescio qua terra natum referunt, servus fuit Iadrnonis Samii teste Herodoto (II, 134.)? ob liberals ingenium iam pridem manumissus. vinculis solutis in aula Croesi regis dege- bat , postea vero in Graeciam ab eodem missus familiariter cum VII sapien- tibus maximeque cum Solone vixisse fertur. ex quo coiligas licet, eum aequa- lem fuisse Sapphus poetriae , Alcaei , Mimnermi , et viridem eius vigentem- que aetatem incidere in Olymp. 50. 578 a. C n. hide igitur Xoyonoicp veri- simile est totum poeseos genus nomen Aesopei acceptum referre, quamquam ipsius fabulae ne per litteras quidem , sed per ora populi ad posteros trans*- iisse videntur. — Vid. dissert, anonymi cuiusdam de Gr. fabularum scriptt. in Nachtr. z. Sulzers Th. d. s. K. V, 1. p. 269 sq. — Edd. G. H. Schaefer, c. Hudsoni et Heusing. not. Lips. 1810. 8- I.G.Schneider. Vratisl. 1812. 8- I. (42- ed. Schn.) avijQ yscogyog. nota prius vocabulum, homini nego- tium vel artem aliqnam exercenti iunctum , quod nos et Latini omittere sole- mus, quamquam Graeci aeque ac yvvr\ yQccvg et sim. non sine causa adii-- ciunt. v. Buttm. §. 123- not. 2. — fisXXcov xsX. qiium moriburus esset, in eo esset ut moreretur. B. §. 150. p. 451. — - ifinEtQOvg , ut Lat. perieus c. Genit., quo pars totius alicuius reiindicetur. -— p,STU%ttX s odfiEvog (% dip } perfodio. — svqov (svqlgkoo.). de Augm. B. §. 84- not. 2« — noXXa- TtXuGiov. de genere vocis B. §. 60- 4- — uvrtdidov. v. Gramm. s. v. Sidoojiu. II. (44-) ComparaPhaedrutn, qui lib. I, 2- banc fabulam expressit, post* quam priore poematii parte fabulam Aesopeam eo tempore excogitatam iudi- cavit , quo Pisistratus tyrannus Athenarum arcem occupaverit. vid. tamen Fabricii Bibl. Gr. I. p. 619- Had. 8s6[itvoi. de contractione huius vocis v. B. §. 105. not. 2. — izciqci6%zTv a v. 7tccQE%£iv. — 6vvl8q)V (oqccco.) xtjv Ev^d. quod stultitiam s. simplici- MT0OI svrj&Eiciv %vXov slg xt\v Xipvy\v xa&rjxE- %a\ ol ficcxqaioi xo [isv tzqco- xov xccxccTcXayivxEg xov ipocpov ictvxovg elg xa fiad"Y\ trig ki[ivr\g idido- 6av. vGxeqov 8e cog c\xivy\xov tjv xo 'ivXov , ccvaSvvovxEg ug xoGovxov %axacpqovr]GEcog ijXd-ov , cog Znifiaivovxag avtip smxcc&i&G&ai. elvct- ^lOTia&ovvzeg 81 xoiovxov ejeiv (Saodicc i)xov ex Sevxeqov Ttoog xov Aia xcti xovxov nccQExaXovv elXXat-ai avxolg xov aq%ovxa' xov yccQ TtQ&xov Xlccv elvca vcoieXtj. xal 6 Zevg dyctmxxr'jGag xax avxcov vdgccv avxolg etzetce^ev , vop r\9 GvXXa^avoixEVOi xaxfjGd'lovxo. Xoyog 8y]Xol , oxi a^Eivov eGxl vco&slg xal {ir} 7iovr\Qovg s%eiv &Q%ovxag 9 tj xaoaxxixovg xal xaxovoyovg. III. 'AvYjp xazQ7upay[i«v. Avt\q KctxoTtoayticov GvvoQiGafiEvog TtQog xiva tyevdeg etiiBei&iv xo ev AsXyolg [lavxslov , cog eveGxtj tJ TCQod-£G[iici , Xaficov GXQOV&LOV Eig xrjv %ELQa xal xovxo xo) t^axlcp GxEnaGag i)xev slg xo Ieqov xccl Gxag ccvziXQvg ETaqoooza, tzoxeqov xi E^Ttvovv e%el (isxa %sloag y\ ccTtvovv; (3ovX6[AEvog, iav iisv atyvvov eVtzv. t^oZv xo Gtqov&lov etvlSel- t 5> JJ*" ' h* ~' \ r \ > \ > £Ca, EV.V OS E[A7tV0VV ? Ct7tOTVVL$CCg 7tQO£VEy%ELV. VMl XTEQg GWEig UV- XOV X7JV XaXOXEyyiaV ElTtEV , ClXti CO OVXOg TtETCttVGO ' EV Go\ y(XQ EGXl xovxo 6 E%Eig 7} vekqov slvai 7} h'iityv%ov. O Xoyog drjXol, oxl xo &slov aTtaQEyiEiQiGxov Igxi. IV. FspQv xal OccvaTO?. Teqcov Ttoxs J-vXa xoipag xal xuvxa cpsqoov noXXiqv oSov spades. dice 8exov KOTtov x-ijg odov aTto&siiEvog xo cpoqxiov xov ftavaxov ETtsxa- tatem intellexit. xa&yjyiS a v. xad'Lrjfii demltto. — so fi. TtQcotov primum quidem. KUTCcnXayivtEq (xeczaTtXijzrco.) xov ip. strepitu s. timore strepitus ■perculsi , quo sensu xazEnldyiqv Aor. frequentatur Atticis. 77 verbi nXrjzzco compositis in a mutari docet B. verb. anom. s. v. — bavvovg — idldoGav se dederu.nt (imnl^serunt , ) in profunda paludis loca. plerumque si'g xi s. si'g Tiva dovvaL c. Pron. reflexivo id indicat, cuius in usum, ut alicui aut offe- rara aliquid aut arceam , me dedi operamque meam. sic Demosthenes orator de se : zScokcc ifiavzov vpXv aiiX(og eig zovg mvdvvovg zfjg noXeoog. togovtov c. Genit. , ut Lat. hue vel eo insolenliae. corop. B. §. 132' riot. ex won mutatur. v. supra Stob. c. 7- extr. i\%ov« B. §. 137« not. 8- — £H dtvxhQOV iterum. — tbv y. — Eivuu Ace. c. Inf. pendet ab omisso verbo dicendi. III. (36«) GvvoQiadfiEvog, idem valet quod simplex oql&G&ccl pactionem facere , spondere, quamquam Gvv praepositio h. 1. suara sibi vim tuetur. — ■ iiti§£L%£iv (Ssi-avvfit,). de iis dicitur, quicunque artis vei artiiicii alicuius specimen edunt, maxime cum specie ostentationis. — ivsGzrt vid. lGttj[il in Gramm. — nQO&EGfMCC, vox forensis. proprie enim dies est, de quo convemt inter actorem et reum, vadimonii obeundi. hinc nostro loco dies constitute!, d. anberaumte Tag. — Xafieav. fab. I. — f\%EV. fab. II. — Gzag a v. i'Gvrjfii. — tcozsqov — f^ft. de Indie, tempoi-is praes. et a nostro et a Latinorum usu dicendi recedeate vid. B. §. 137. not. 7- — TtQozvtyxHV a v. 7tQOcp£Q(o> avvug a v. 6vvir]fit,. — (6 ovzog , heus tul B. §. 76- not. 3. — ■ tv Gov yaQ ion , penes te est. IV. (60-) noitov , a v. aoTtzetv pulsar e , tundere. unde Korcog proprie co-ntusio >, das Zerscblagensein , hoc vero loco defatigatio. — ano&ttiEvoq a v. (XTtQzi&rjfii. — £ daazo. v. B. §. 95. 5« — o5g Xinz. qvgi , utpote qui (TtoSsg) graciles esserit. in quibus enuntiatis cov Participium raro ornittere solent. ZQdTtEloa (zQtztco.) B. §. 96- 2 et 6- — kcczu tcoIv — 7iQ0U%E longe eum antevenit. Genitivurn verbis superandi et dominandi iungi docet B. §. 132-3. P- 37i- f-itXQL , et plenius pti%Qi zov§£ , hactenus , hue usque. — TCQO&£ov6a (%ia>.) vid. supra ad fab. V. init. de verbo icls(0. — gvve@7) (GVfifiaiva).) impers. cvenit. ceterum liaec periodus sic ordinanda: z6)v %eq. avz. ifiTtXa- yJvzcov (jT/lgKco.) zolg xX. — Gvvs^r] (irj zqe%elv dvv. Gvlliqcpftrjvod (Xafi- Bccvco.) zep X. — olg §£ H al Gcp. ctt. quibus vero vel maxime confisa sum ctt. nos : worauf ich grade gar sehr vertrauete. cf. infra ad Aeliaa. c. XIX. inE7io'i%ELV. B. v. anom. s. v. asidco et §. 97- 4« c « — dnoilo firiv a v. dnolXvfit. VIII. (910 aQKUtai c. Dat. contentum esse aliqua re. — - Siaizccv, omnia quibus ad vitam sustentandam opus est. Gvvi&evzo paciscebantur. pacto convenit, ut ad pugnam se accingerent. uaraGtcoGi a v. xu&iGzrjfii. — 7iQ0&E6(iiccv. vid. ad fab. III. — GvftfiuxrJGSiv c Dat. ut (.id%£G&]g. coinp. usum Latinornm ab usu Graeeorum JISttllEIOL 13 pew]. Gvvipri 6' ccvzfj uyicpozsqcov azeqrj&rjvai , rov {isv firj icpinofievy 8iori (irjdh r\v , rov o ort vtzo rov Ttora^iov Ttaqeovqiy. Hqog uv8qu 7tXsovs%rrp> o ^oyog ftwcuoog. XIII. As«v, "Ovo^ zal 'AXgJtdqE. Aeov %ui ovog % 6 Xv%og anotvfpv tavtrjg t^g altiag* sept] • 'Alia tcsqvgi tov Ttatiqa \iov iXoi8oqrj6ag. eiTtovtog 8h ekelvov [ayiSetvcq ysvvrj&TJvai , o Xvxog scpi] TCQog avtov Eav Ov anoXoyicov Evjcoqrig , syco Ce ov rMt£8o^ica. ( Xoyog 8it]Xoi, oti olg %qoQ , E6ig ioxiv d8i%£iv, naq avtolg ov- 8h 8i%aia djtoXoyia l<5xi. XVI. 'AcjTpoXoYOv AatqoXoyog i^icov EzaGtots £67tiqag h'&og eI%e tovg daziqag im- 6ko7Z7]6(xl- %a\ 87] TBOte TZSQi'CcQV elg to nqodcstELOV %a\ tov vovv oAov £%cov iv t(p ovqavco 7 'iXa&e %atarce6cov elg cpqiaq. odvoo^svov 8s av- tov 3c«l §ocovtog rcaqicov tig cog IJkovOe tcov GtEvaypcov , 7zqo6£Xd'cov %al (jLaxtcov ta (Sv^^e^r.ota , ecpr\ rcqog avtov '51 ovtog , Cv td sv ovqavco fiX&TCZiv JiELQco^evog td stvI tijg yi\g ov% oqag. Tco Xoyco tovtco %qj]6aito av tig Ttqog sxeivovg tcov av&qco7teov, ol Ttsql 86'^fjg dXa^ovevovteg ov8h tcl zoivd tolg avxrqcojtoig ekizeXeIv 8vvavtai. XVII. ? A'£to? xal KoXoio; zal noi[X7]v. 'Aetog %ataittdg duo tivog vip^Xijg ttitgag dqva. vjoTtaGe' xo- Xotog 8h tovtov &£aad{i£vog did £-i]Aov toUtov (.u(i7]6tt0'd , cci ifoeXs. %a\ 81} %a&£lg eavtov ^i£td tzoXXov qoi^ov Itci nqiov Tjvey&T] ' E^Ttaqhtcov 8' avtco tcov ovvyjcov tolg ^aXXolg i^aq&rjvca (mj 8vva{.i£vog ifttEqvOOE- XV. (152.) Comp. Phaedri fab. 1- libri I. aqva. vid. B. Verz. d. unregelm. Nora. s. v. dqvog. — rj§ovlrj&r] (fiov- lo/xcti.). de Augm.B. §.83- not. 5- — dvcorsQco. dehoc Comparat. B. §.115.6- — ■noil allcog. et praete/ea , et insuper. — clnoxv%cov xavxiqg r. ah. Indus aecusationls expers. cnxGzvy%ttvuv pertinet ad verba , quibus iuopia vel de- lectus subest. B. §. 132- 2. p. 370. sic svnoQijg paulo iuferius c. Genit., quod copiam alicuius rei coraprehendit. — xaTido[.iai. B. §. 95- not. 18. — ov8e, ne — quidem. XVI. (400 iGTtiqag. Genit. temporis. B. §. 132- 2- b. comp. ad f. VI ex tr. — slccd'S (lav&uvcQ.) cum Partic. (Kazan EC (6 v. 7tLnzco.~) B. §. 144. not. 8- — xa 6v(.i@sfir]yi6xa i. q. zee nazala§6vxa. vid. not. ad f. XI intt. IQ'qdaLto av , cum Dativo. hoc dicto uti aliquis potuerit ad illos homines notandos. inslvovg xoov a. de Genit. partitivo B. §. 132. 2- a. — ov8e zee KOivik — inizElsiv, ne vulgar es quidem res, quippe quae terrestres sensum comimmem non fugiant, perficere posse. XVII. (2.) xazaitzag a v. anom. nazanszo^ai. — aqva. ad f. XV ; — tTil kq. 7]V£%&j-] (cpSQeo.) cumimpetu in arieiem delatus est. qua significatione hostili Medium verbi cp8QE6&aL saepe occurrit. ol fiaQfiagoi tp£Q6(.isvoi i6£7U7izov ig zovg Alyiv^zag. Herod, nee solum de animantibus, sed etiam de lapidibus , de telis , de curribus , qui impetu feruntur. comp. cpEQEiv nal ayuv. — ifinccQEvzcav. iunstQco. B. §. 101. 8- — i&Q&rjvcci a v. i^aiqeo. — AI2&I1EI0L 15 to, seog 6 7C0i{irjv to ysyovog aiG&opsvog 7 7iQ0Gdqaiicov GvviXafisv avtov, xal TtEQLxoipctg avxov xd o'ZvTtxsqa, cog sGnsqa xaxsXafis, tolg avtov Tccaalv ix6(xiGs. tcov 6s nvvd'avoiisvcov , %l dv sir] to oqvsov ? h'yrj, tog [iev syco Gacpcog oldct, %oXoiog 7 cog 8s avtog fiovXstai, dstog. Ovtcog i] Ttoog tovg vnsqsyovzag d^iiXXa Ttqog tea iiTjdev dvvsiv xal stvI Gv^cpoqalg nqoGxxdxai ysXcoxa. XVIII. f Ep(iij<; v»aX ' Ayczl^cLTQKQwz. c Eq[.ii]g yvcovat, fiovX6{isvog , sv xlvi ti^irj Ttaq dv&QcoTtoig sGtiv, rinsv dcpo^oico^slg ccv&QCQTtcp slg dyaX^iaxoTCoiov sqya6x\]Qiov • xa\ dsaGayiEvog Aiog dyaX^ia stcv&sxo 7 noGov xov 6s siTiovxog, 8qa- X^rjg , ysXaGag ijocoxa t7Jg r/ Hqag tcoGov sGtiv smovtog 6s stv {isiQo- vog ftsaGapsvog %a\ savtov dyaX^ia vnsXafisv , oxi avtov, STtsidi} %a\ dyyeXog sGxi %a\ STcixsq8i']g , tzeqI tzoXXov oi dv&qconoi tcoiqvv- tai. 6i6 ToqoGSTtvv&dvsxo 6 c Eo{.iijg , xcel 6 dyaX(jiaxoyXvcpog scprj • 'AXX* lav zovxovg dyoodGrjg ? tovtov Got nQ0Gd"ii%r\v 8coGco. JJoog avdoa xsvodo'^Gv , sv ov8s{iiL2T0Y ■I. JIeqI ^G»C^GtTOU^, OTo TO XG)V£10V IftteV. ' Ore v^ev r q vavg r\ Ivl A7\Xov %cu idsi Zcokqcxztjv a.nod'vtpKEiv, cccpLneto eig zo dsCi^coT^QLov AicoXXodcooog ^ 6 zov 2co%Qazovg ezui- Qog y %ixcova xe avzw odeqcov ioicov tcoXvx'eXtj %ai ew]Zqiov %al tfidziov xoiovzo. %ibiO£0&cci desiderari possit? — ov Ttdvv zi non sane quidquam, in ulla re. xl Accusativus Adverbii vim auget ab eoque vix dirimi poterit. v. Bernhard. Synt. p. 44 1 . zavzu xbv Zcokqccxtjv (i. e.) &oi(idxiov (B. §. 29. not. 4-) KEQificc- 2.£6&ca 7]£iov. rjV£6%£zo. de augmento et significatione vocis eo mutata v. B. §. 86. not. 6- §• 114. s. v. l%co. — xovg dficpl zov K. i. e. Critonem , tamen re- spectu aliorum quorundam, qui cum Critone consentiant. B. §. 15Q. pag. 449- — AIAIANOT ZO0I2TOT. 19 Xcog 'AmoXXoScooog ovxco do^afei, el'ys avxo 7teitiGxev%ev , oxi perd xr\v i'B 'A&ijvcdcov cpiXorr\GUiv %a\ to rov cpctqpc'iKov notice exi ovxcog otystca ^coKQarrjV. el ydq oiErca rov oXlyov vGxeqov eq^l^^evov iv izogI Y.al %eigo\xevov y i(i£ elvcci , drjXog iori ft£ ov% eldcog. II. IIspl Aiovuaiou au^TqaavTOS TOt tov 8sG)V. AiovvGiog i't, uTtdvrcav rcov iv EvquxovGcag ieqcov iovh]6s rd IQ^ara. rov 6h dydX^arog rov Aiog neoielXz ri]v EG&TJra xcel rov % oG[iov , og tjv , cpczGi, %qvGlov nevre %a\ 6y8oi]xovxc{ raXdvxcov. 6%vovvxcov 8e rcov 8i]^LOvqycov atyaGxrv.i o8e Ttqcoxog exqovGs to ayaX- pcc. %cu to ctycdy.ci 8e rov AnoXXcovog tceqiegvXijGev Eypv xal avro %ov6ovg fioGrovyovg , mXevGag drcoKElqcd rivcc avro. nXevGag 81 Eig Tooityjviovg rd rov 'AnoXXcovog %al rijg Acvxo&iccg aitavxu iGvXrjGe IQrjyara , r\]v 7taoa.%zi\xkvY\v dqyvquv rip 'AtcoXXcovi roaitzQav nsXsv- Gag dcpeXelv , ^Aya&ov Aai^ovog rco &ecp 8i86vzcxg nqoTtoGiv. III. ITspl 'AXs|avBpou pLsyaXocppoduvY^ d$ tov ^cmcova xal TCI) TOD El£ EZEIVOV. AXc"£,av8qog o QiXitctcov , el 8e ray Sons?, 6 rov A tog, ipol yaQ ovdev Siacpsqu, Qcovlcovi [iov(p, cpaGi, rco 'A&rjvalcQV Grocirrjyep yod- epeov , TCooGEriftzi to Xaiqeiv. ovrcog agee iJo^Jcst rov Mcme&ova 6 Qconicov. dXXd %cu rdXavxa avrco dqyvqiov ETtsntysv ekccxov , %cu 7to- exi ovrcog eo facto , posteaquarn potione mens a corpora segregata est, ut recte Perizonius. £QQi^fi£vov iv 7t. proiectum ad pedes, comp. tc'mxeiv Horn. II. 1 , 593. 4, 482. Eurip. El. 424. Seidl. — dfjXos c. Participio. B. §. 151-7. M. §. 549-5. — sidcog , a v. oidcc, II. (L. I, 20-) XQrifJLCixa, donaria quaecunque et ornamenta deorum ex argento vel auro facta. Periz. &yuX{iaxog (dydXXsiv nitidum reddere) , dydXficcxcc tcuvxdl xu h6 cp£i§co , to:- fiievofisvoi navxaio&zv avrov elg xd hzziyoyLSVu %a\ \xrfiwi xcov noXixcov emxQETtovxsg {i?jxe qcxCxcoveveiv , |mJt£ Qa&vyLEiv eig av- xov, cog civ pi} TtQog xd e|ca xijg doExrjg dvccXidKo^Evog £lxajxdxv\v dicccpd'ELQOLXo. (JiciQxvQiov xovxov 7ZQog xolg aXXoig xca xovxo. d%ov- CtxvxEg oV'EjQdoqoi AaKEdca^ovlwv xovg AekeXuciv KaxciXufiovxug tzeql- 7tdxcp XQrJG&CCt, §ElXlVCp ETtidXElXciV CiVXOig' Ml) TtEQlTCUXUXE' cog ZQV- epeovxeov cevxeov [idXXov , 7} xo Gco^ia extvcvovvxcov. 6eIv ydq Aaxedca- h%yj -aagn. ut haberet (posset) frui; quod nostrates imitantur. — rag htiuftEv TtQ. Adverbium adposito articuio vim Adiectivi suscipit, ea potissi- inura, quae vel tempus vel locum vel modum alicuius rei terminant. B. §. 125- 6« al noXsig ctt. hae urbes fertilitate aliisve emolumentis satis benignae. Cios amnis cum oppido eiusdem nominis , quod fuit emporium noa procul adcolentis Phrygiae, a Milesiis quidem conditum. Plin. H. N. V , 40- Blue a Asiae minoris oppidum maritimum in AeoKde., e regioue Lesbi insulae. My- lasa, de qua urbe Strabo L. XIV. zd Mvlaoa iSqvzdcl iv nsdia GcpodQix SvdcctflOVl. V7CEQY.ELTO.i 6s XaZOC KOQVCpfjV OQog cevzov Xcczofiiov Xevkov Xi&ov %dXXi6zov i%ov zovzo [ihv ocpsXog ioziv ov [iihqov. de Pataris idem ille: ndrccQa — nod avxq [isyctXi] noXig Xifisva h%ov6ct yial Uqd noXXd (unde Apollo Patareus dictus est) , kxlG[icc TlazaQOV. 7ZQ06i£[isvog (7iQ06irj(ii.) ad se admittens, accipiens, pro vulgari verbo db%8G&ca. — zr]v noXiv , singularis numerus ob verba priora: rfelov (itav TZQOSXEGd'CU. V7l£Q(pQOV£iv c. Genit. B. §. J 32- 3- IV. (L. II , 5.) zov [17] ia6aii Inlinitivus , cui Articulus neutr. generis adiungitur, Substantivi locum obtinet , ita tamen'ut suum quisque sibique peculiarem nominis casum veltotam periodum adsciscat. B. §. 140- 5' M. §. 540. Sslvtjv inoiovvzo zov %q. z. cp. permagni faciebant tempori parcere. dsivov igitur sensu ethico et tioluoQ'cu (Medium) pro r)yhlad'CCL s. zift&iQ'tti sumendum. — zafiitvofiivoi ctt. admmistr antes undecunque tempus ita ut non nisi in res necessarias impendatur. Periz. — ■ Qad'vp.uv s£$ avzov (XQorov) quod adtinet tempus socordem se praebere. — cog av fir] — Sicz- cp&EiQOizo ne tempus in ea , quae extra virtutem posita sint , impensuvi mox frustra perdatur. xd k£ca zrjg dp. Adverbium c. Articuio pro Subst. M. §. 272. a. B. §. 125- not. 5. 6. dza vid. ad Aelian. I. xazccXafiovzag qui obtinebant , Deceleam praesidiis tenebant. cog ZQvepcovzeov avzeov. Coniunctio propterea addita est, quod ea quae seqlumtur causam continent illius praecepti : tir) tuqlticczeIzb , et tanquam cogitata ex animo atque sententia Ephororum pronuutiantur. v. B. §. 145. not. 5. comp. supra ad fab. Aesop. XII. 20&IZT0T. 21 (lovlovg ov 6id xov neoiTcdtov , aXXd did xcov yvpvaGicov xv\v vysiav V. IIapaS£LY{j-a oxi ou fiva£o^£VO£ srcdXaiGsv , £&a o 7ra£ 6%Aog o ^£^t£(?ra) £ i£s@6r}Ge , KccftixeTo avxov xy Qufidco 6 r l7t7t6fia%og xa\ slitsv • '^4AAa (ft; ye naxcog xa\ ov% cog ilQfjv ijioirjGag , otcsq £%9V v aflswov ysve- G&av ov ydo ctv ETtrjVEGav ovxoi xsyyinov ge doaGavxd xi. alvixxofie- vog oxi tovg sv %al naXcog sxaGtcc docovxag ov xolg noXXolg , aXXd xolg s%ovGv vovv &ecoq7]xix6v xcov dQcoiiivcov dosGxsiv del. some de xccl Zcoxqdxr\g xt)v xcov TtoXXcov IxcpavXi^siv xqlgw iv xrj GvvovGia xfj Ttoog KqlxcovcCj oxe dcpixsxo 6 Kqixcov slg xo SeG^lcox^qvov xa\ drj etiei&ev avxov aTtoSoavai %a\ xv\v xcov 'A&rivaicov xr[v xax avxov xoiGtv Siacp&stoai. VI. Ilepl xou piif) szxiQsvai (3pscpY) 6hr)(tai6u$ Nofiog ovxog Sr\fia'Cxog QQ&cog d[ia xal cpiiav&ocoTicog xeifXEvog iv xolg {idXiGxa, oxi ovx eI-sgxlv dvdgl ©Tj^aico sx&slvcti itaidiov ovde slg sorjiiiav avxo QLipat, , ftavaxov avxov xaxaip7]cpLGd^iEvog. aXX' idv rj 7iEV7]g slg xd sGyaxa 6 xov Ttcudog TtazrjQ , silts ccqqev xovxo eXxe Q'yi- Xv sGxw , STtl xdg do%dg xopiQsiv £J codivcov xcov ^r\XQCpcov Gvv xolg vysiav 7tOQi£. valetudinem curare, sibi comparare. ceterum vyisict forma antiquis Atticis si non sola usitata , certe usitatior. V. (L. II, 6«) TtdXcciGfid xi — iitdXaiGsv artificium aliquod palaestri- cum luctando exhibuit. simili audacia Aelianus yvfivdotov yvfivd&G&ai. de aliis quibusdam tritioribus v. B. §. 131. 3- — kk&lxszo, c. Genit. pers. no- tare aliquem sive verbis, sive verberibus, comparari possunt vei'ba, quibus notio stringendi sive adtingendi subest. M. §. 330. xr\v z. AXz"£av§Qog oxz zv'i%y\Gz Aaqzlov %al xtjv JJeqCcov aqyriv %axz- borum, ex eodem illo adsumendum (cf. M. §. 63-i- 3-)? vel per hyperba- ton ex prioribus repetendum vofioq nzlzai. — f|j ojdivcov. Praepositio de tempore proxime instante , continuo aliquid excipiente. sic alio loco Aelia- nus : f£ codivmv V7\%£G%cii statim a partu s. simulac natus est, nature. comp. iv. zov 7zciQa%Q7j[Ltt aliaque eiusmodi in F. Passovii Lexic. s. v. hi. Tt-jJbrjV pretium quo quid venditur vel emitur. h. 1. emtoris est. QijtQa i. e. avvfi'fjXT] dice Xoycov ; lex non scripta. liinc Lycurgum La- cedaemonium leges a se latas vocasse Q?]TQag satis notum. — r] p>i]V revera, omnino, in forraulis iurandi et asseverandi, rarius tamen ut h. I. in oratione obliqua, quod nisi 6{ivvvttt vel similis sententiae verbo praegresso non facile fiat. — XQ'cXpziv , de quo praes. teniporis Irifhi. pro fut. (Horn. II. I, 770 vid. Kriiger ad Xen. Anab. II, 3, 27. — &Q£7tT)]Qiu praemia, quae infan- tem educaturo solvuntur. — vtztjqsoio: servitium , obedientia hominum te- nuioris conditionis, qui sedentarii et sellularii (ftavccvGoi) opera conficinnt. 8ovloL — olg ovdlv kHov V7tr\ q so Lag nQOGfasi. Xenoph. — Xafi- fiuvovttt Accus. Subi. VII. (L. II, 11.) Zcokq. idcov ctt. Nominat. absolutus (B. §. 145- not. 4- M. §. 562- 1.)? i n apodosi enim sequitur cpaal intell. ol TtolXoi , vel potius reddas : man sagt. — fic/.QVzavci 7 cum 87iL§ovlsvo[i£vovg coniungendum hoc sensu : locupletes gravissimis peti insidiis. Periz. — 'AvziG^ivzi. An- tislhenes conditor sectae Cynicae, praeceptor Diogenis. fii] xi cot [itx. B. §. 148- 5- — fisya ytal 6S(jlvov ctt. B. §. 129- 6- comp. usum Lat. Zumpt. Grarara. §. 36b- TtovTjQtx d'ciTtva. intelligit non modo coenam Thyestis, sed et Agamemno- nis , qui in adventicia ipsi ab uxore praebita ab ea et Aegistho interfectus est. Periz. &Gzz — %oXqgv. Sgze c. Infiu. B. pag. 433- M. §. 531- not. % sensus, si quidem verbum e verbo expresseris , hie erit: nemo — tarn impudens , ut trucidatum porcum in tragoediam inducat. quo dicto Socrates Antisthe- nem auctorem sectae Cynicae , ut solet , leviter perstringere videtur. accedit ut %qiqoq et porcus etiam de homine inmundo dicatur. VIIJ. (L. II 3 19-) 'Al^avd^og oxz — non inverso ordine, 'Alz'g. enim ■ ■' ." Z0 OI2T0T 23 xxfoaxo , (isya so? savxa cpoovcov %al vtzo xrjg svxv%iag xr\g nsoiXa- fiov6r\g avxov xoxs snd'Sov^svog.STtsaxsiXs xolg r 'EXXr}6i? Ssov avxov i\)i](pi<)tt6&cii. ysXoicog ys' ov yaq amo ovv sk xr\g cpv6so)g ovk slys 7 xavxa i% xcjv dv&QcoTtcQV alxcov snslvog s%sqSaivsv. aXXoi [ilv ovv aXXa eipr}cpL0avxo • Aa%s6ai\idvioi 6s sxslva • ^Ertsidrj 'AXst-avSgog fiovXsxai 'd'Sog slvai , s'axco &e6g' Aancovixcog xs a^ia xal %axd xov iizLlcDQLOv 6cpi6i xqotvov sXsy^avxsg xrjv 'simlrj'&v oi Aaxs6ai^.6vioi xov 'AXs^dvdqov. IX. "Oti 6 utcvo^.Oocvqctou aBsXcpot; xcd TCspl Tog^ioM xeXeuTij^. Fooyiag 6 Asovxlvog im xsq^axi cov xov plov xcel ysyrjQcwwg sv (Hula, VTto xivog atiQ'svsiag %axah](p&sig , %ax ollyov slg vtcvov vizoXiG&aivcov skslxo. STtsl 6s xig avxov TtaorjXd'S xcov iizix^slcov irci- tiKOTtov (isvog %al rjoexo , xl itqaxxoi; 6 Pooyiag scprj' "Hdrj fie 6 "Titvog aqisxai Tzaoaxaxaxid'SGd'ai xco d6sX(pco. X.- ITepl IIXaTovo; $6|yjs ml rapl i(7ovo[no&£. jff nidxcovog 66't-a %a\ 6 xrjg %ax avxov doexijg Xoyog xai slg Aqxd6ag dcplxsxo %al Otjfiaiovg. %al ovv sdsr l d'i]6'av avxov TCQSGfisig vMOGxsiXavxsg Gvv xfj dvcoxdxrj GTCov6fj dcpixsG&aL GopiGi xov avdya, ovx STtl fiovr] xt} xcZv vicov TtqoGxaGia ? ovtf iva avxolg Gvyysvr\xai ini.xolg Xoyoig xolg %axd cpiXoGocpiav , dXXd ydo %al xo exv xovxcov Subiectum per totam periodum regnat. comp. supra Ael. I init. — (isyec — cpQOVCov superbiens , magnifice de se sentiens , cui oppositnm est [AiKQCt cpoovslv. — 7tSQLXajSov6rjg avxov dc tbrtuna , quae alicui favet , prorsus ut Latine dicitur amplexari s. complecti. Fortuna — eos etiam plerumque ef- ficit caecos , quos cornplexa est. Cic. Lael. c. 15- ys Xoicog y s ridicule certe. M. §. 602- nos ironia quadam inserere sole- mus doch wohl. — fn tcov dv&. atvcov ctt. priora verba iunge cum £Ht'^- daivsv ; nam alzcov postularet aut nagee zeov dv&Q.., aut xovg dv&QCOTiQvg* aXXoi — alXa i-iprjcp. alii alia decreverunt. M. §, 302' comp. Zumpt, Gr. lat. cap. 84- §■ 7 11. FfiTtXr/t-iv stuporem , vecordiam. Periz. IX. (L. II, 35.) roQytccgo Asovz. de quo infra Lucian. 1L§. %■ Diodor. II. §. 1. — xar' dXiyov sensim, paullatim. vid. similia ap. Yiger. p. 633 sq, inel de x. ctt. ordo verbornm hie est: insl Ss ztg zdav STUzrjd. TtaQrjX- &fv stuck, avxov. i7ti6%onsi6&ai et in lgko tcsiv de iis qui accu- ratius quid inspiciunt, turn de iis qui visendi causa * convenient aegrotos, quae- situri quid agant, quomodo se babeant. zi TtQcczzoc, posset etiam cog itQ> wie er sich befdnde. aq%ixai cum Participio quid sit vid. ap. M. §. 550- e. — 6 "Tnvog — rep dSslcpco. iam ex Homero (II. 16 , 681 s q-) noti sunt "Titvog xal @dva- xog didvfidoveg. unde factum est 7 ut veteres somnum cum morte in urnis vel cippis sepuicralibus aliisque monumentis Genios una tabula coniunctos lacibus plerumque inversis et ad solum demissis exprirnendos curarent. rem siqui alii ingeniose subtiliterque tractarunt Winckelmann , Lessing , Herder. X. (L. II, 42.) zrjg %az avzov aQEzrjg eius quae in ipso est virtutis. idsrj&rjaav (Ssofiui, dtijco^ac.) c. Genit. B. §. 132- 2- — dvcoxdzfj Gn. i. e. nXsiazTj 6n. , cog zd%iaza. — stcI — nQoaraaia h. 1. de consilio, cur philosophus advoce.tur, ut mox cvyysv. sitl xolg Xay. ctt. con-venire ali- quem, ut eum inter et convenientem sermo fiat de pbilosophia. — dXXd y&Q ■aal. dXXd ■nal redeunt ad priora on etc I [lovt] — , ovd' ivce. — ; yciQ vero particula una cum principali orationis parte causam cur aliquid fiat 24 AIAIANOT liutpv vofiO'd'izriv avxov E%aXow. ovkovv e^eXXov dxvpjGEiv xov dv- dqog' %ca ydo ^G&y] 6 xov 'AoiGxcovog xfj %Xr\GEi %a\ dr) %a\ 'e^leXXev VTCCiK0VGS6d'ai. 1]QEXO (JLEV XOl XOVg 7\%OVXag , 7t(Sg E^OVGi TtQOg xo iGov zyjE.iv aitavxEg; eitel dh £{ia&E ticiq avxtiv, ort %al navv aXXo- zolcog , ovdh tzeLgeiv avxovg xv^av xr\v i6ovo^[av, ccTtdnuxo xr\v ngog avxovg Etud^i'iav. XI. p 'Oti v\ cpiXogocpta ouz octcoAitsutos , xai Tivsg tc5v o&o- (7C9G)V ^TCoXlTSUCiaVTO. 'EjzoXiXEvGavxo ovv nccl qpiXoGoqpoi , r\ ctvxo xovxo [novov xfjv didvoiav dya&ol ysvo^isvoi EQp i]6v%Lag naxEfilcoGav ; Eiv)]VQ()Q\ru>6av ydo xa xoivd, Zakevxog phv xa Iv Aoxoolg , Xaocovdag dh xa ev Kaxdvrj %al xa iv r Prjyico , oxe etc Kaxdvyg h'cpevys. Taqavxlvoig dh eyivExo dya&ov 'Agivxag , SoXmv ds 'A&rjvctloig 9 Blag dh %al OaXijg %y\v 'Icoviav noXXd SvrjGav , XlXcov dh AaxEdaL^iovlovg , MixvXtj- valovg yE pr\v ITixxanog , KXEofiovXog dh 'Podlovg. xal 'Avctgitiavdoog dh r^ynpaxo xijg Eig 'ATtoXXcovlav ek MiXrjxov a%oi%lag. aXXd %a\ &t- vocpoZv Gxoaxiortrjg ayad'Sg i)v xal d(iELVCov GXQaxr\y6g y oxe Kvqco Gvv- avi^f] ' %a\ KvQog [ihv %al ol Gvv avxco aizEQ'avov , xaXovG^g dh xrjg XQEiag xov dvvrjGopEvov GcoGai xovg r/ EXXi]vag %a\ ayayclv xrjv otilGco elg xa olxEla , ovxog i)v. JJXdxcov dh 6 'Aoi6xcovog Aicova naxrjyayEV connectit. comp. M. §. 615* p. 1242. — iy.ot.lovv , h. 1. idem valet qnod ti£Ttt7t£(.ME6&ai arcessere. ceterum observa triplicem dictionis matationem : kill — - lvu — , denique avzbv ekolXovv. 'ejieXXov. B. §. 150. p. 451- rjnovzag qui venerunt, praesentes. B. §. 137' not. 8- — e%ovoi. Pass. Lexic. s. v. E%co. nr. 4' add. B. §. 130- not. 2- — ovds tcelGelv neque se impulsurum esse, ubi Accusativus Sabiecti e verbo shafts peti debet, sed h. 1. quomiuus orationi adpingatur Pron. reflexivum, vetat ratio grammatica linguae Gr. XI. (L. Ill, 17.) i] avto xovxo (i. haec tantura admonent, ut aniraum magis adtendaraus ad sequentia xrjv dudvoiav ay. ctt. , quae per epexegesin Pronpminibus adduntur. M. §. 472* c. e. Sensus est: philosophi nam rem- publicam administrarunt , an id ipswn tantum — mente cogitation cque cordati vitam quiete transegisse satis habent ? i. e. an nihil nisi — trans- cgerunt? cf. Herm. ad Viger. p. 736. E7tr}vcQQ&a>6av. de Augm. B. §. 86- not. 6' — ZdXevxog — Xagcovdccg. Senec. Epist. 91. Zaleuci leges Charondaeque laudantur. hi non in foro nee in consultorum atrio , sed in Pythagorae tacito illo sanctoque secessu di- diceruut iura , quae florenti tunc Siciliae et per Italiam Graeciae ponerent. iyivszo dyecd. contigit } ut salati Tarentinis esset. 'Aq%vzo>.s , Pytha- goreus, geometriae et astronomiae scientia notus , belli domique rempbl. gessit. cf. infra Aelian. c. XVIII. — Blag — Oulrjg , ille eripuit patriam Prienem ex obsidione regis Lydorum Alyattis et Croesum deterruit, ne clas- sera pararet contra Ionas insulanos ; hie autem, qui Ionicae fuit sectae auctor, privatus semper vixit et vel sic consilio iuvit Ionas. Periz. — &vr\Goiv (ovi- vrj[zi.) B. §. 131- not. 4- M. §. 411- 4. — XiKmv , TIizzaKog, KXe6§ovXoq in numero erant septem sapientium , mirifice , inprimis Pittacus vo£io&£zr]$ tyrannidisque expulsor , de civibus suis meriti. 'Jva^lfiavdQOS, Milesius, discipulus Thaletis. zrjv oniGco suppl. 65ov. — ovzoq r\v hie ille erat i. e. insignis ille. maximam partem ut h. I. ad priorem , quem novimus, respicit. aliis placuit lectio : ovzog tuslvog rjv. xazrjyuyev in patriam restituit. ad rem cf. Corn. Nep. vit. Dion. c. 2- ZOOIETOT 25 gig 2insXiav , %a\ 8l cov avxco gwe^ovXeve %a\ idldaGKE, Sid xov- TCOV ZVQCtVVidct XY\V AlOWGlOV KaXsXvGE. 2cOKQaX7]g §£ Xlj {l£V 'A&l]- valcov TtoXixEia ov% i]qs6x£to ' xvoavvixr^v yaq %al juovao^tjc^v ecoqu tfjv §7]^o%qazlav ovGav ■ %al dux xavxa ovxe S7Z£tyi]cpiG£v 'A&rjvaLoLg xov xcov dixec GXQatr\ycov &avaxov, aXX ovdh xolg xqiaxovxa ekoivcqvei XCOV aGE^l^aXCOV. EV&CC 51 E%Q7}V VTVEQ X7]g 7tdXQL§0g ayCQVl&G&ai, aXX ivxavd'cc ys aTtQOcpaGiGxog EKEivog GxQaxiCQxrjg i\v. EGxqaxEvGaxo ovv ETtl 4ijXlov %al slg *A\xcpiitoXiv %al Eig UoxiSaiav. 7 AQiGxoxEXr\g 6h xi]v iavxov TtccxQida ov xo X£y6[iEvov drj xovxo Eig yovv TtEGovGav, aXX' ETtl Gxo^a , dvEGx^GEV av&ig. AyjiiijxQiog 8e 6 OaXi]qEvg %a\ A&SjvrjGiv liticpavkGxaxa irvoXixEvGaxo , eGz dv avxov o tivvrffirig ^Ad"Y]vaioig cp&ovog eZecqGE' %a\ iv AlyvTtxco 6h Gvvcov xco UxoXE^alca vo[A.o&E6i; 'AOVjvas. ' > Aoi6xoX£h}g oxs aTtiliTtE xag 'Adiqvag Seel xrjg xoitiEcog , TtQog xov eqo^evov avxov Tig ianv ?J twv 'Axrrjvaiwv nohg; ecpr\> TLay- %aXfj ' all iv avxfj "0*iyv\ lit o%vy yy]Q(x6KEi , avxov j.cdXov. fiatiikduv plv ydq 7[VEyzav 6cocpq6vcog l%\ Kizoojcog zal 'EqE'i&icQg %a\ ®rjOsojg zed xcov XIV. (L. IV, 22-) 7](i7t£L%ovto. de Augm. B. §. 86- not. 6. — jiOQVfL- §ovq — TtQorjEGUv. corymbi i. e. coma ita structa , ut a fronte supra caput attollatnr, insigne erat nobilitim atque iugenuorum. illos igitur corymbos sursitTii colli gabant (clvadovfitvoi.} crine aurea cicada innexo , si quando in -publicum -prodibant (nQOtjEOav.). tixrj zed cog ezv%£ temere et utcunque sors obtulit i. e. negligeuter. XV. (L. IV , 25,> ivoGfj68 v. ad c. XIII. xttTcdQOVTCt h. 1. intrans. de navibus ab alto deversis et ad liitus ad- ■pulsis. — havxov — eIvcu. de Genit. B. §. 132- not. 8- — UTiEyqucpExo in rationes suas referebat ; nalira ein scbriftliches Verzeicbnifs auf. — av nd- liv et saepius ndktv av ex lingua Homerica in Atticam transiit. cave tamen pro mero Pleonasmo accipias. verte : rursus retro e?nittere, exire pad (ek- 7t£(i7t.) , ut tria in hoc enunciato sint expressa. 8letsXe6s cum Participio. B. §. 144. not. 8- nagsdcozEv — idaaabac medico sanandum tradidit. de Infinit. vid. M. §. 532. a. — InavGaxo c. Genit. B. §. 132. 1. M. §. 355- 4. roaovxov oaov , tantopere quantopere. roGovzov forma bonis Atticis probatior, quam altera toGovto, quod idem statuendum de xavtov et zeevzo, roLOvvov et zolovzo. XVI. (L. V , 130 7 HGav 8s agu ctt. erant igitur (moribus suis con- venienter) valde flexibiles. ccqci enim coniunctio earn habet vim, ut trans- itum faciat ad ea, quae ex rei natura exspectes. nos : es waren nun also die Athenienser ctt. — navzog fiaXXov, quod etiam dicunt ndvzcov /it., omnium maxime , eum locum obtinet , quern supra §Eivcog. 7]veynav, a v. cpioaj. — inl K. temporibus Cecropis s. regnante Cecrope. 28 AIAIANOT KoSqiSojv y.cctG). tvqcivvtdog eTzeioa&riGav ItcX xoov UeiGiGxaaxidoHv • aQiGxo%qaxia 8h s^qriGavxo {,ie%ql xoov xExqanoGicov. eixa vgxeqov de- uce xoov ttoIlxcov nutf enaGxov exog i\Q%ov xrjg itolscog * xelevxalov Se eyevexo avaqyia TteqX xi]v xoov xqiaxovxa %axaGxaGiv. xavx7\v 8s xr]v ovxcog ayiiGxqoqpov {i£Ztt($o\riv xov xqoitov el ejccuvelv X? 1 ?? alia eycoys xovxo ov% old a. XVII. Aicj/uXo? atresias xptMs iztiq hiZG(dQv\. AlGyvlog 6 xqayopSog enqivexo aGspelag enl xivi 8qa(iaxi. exol- (jlcqv ovv ovxoov y A&Lvr\G$"Y\Gav xoov h'qyoov avxov %a\ deprjuav xov AlGyvlov. XVIII. IIs^l cpiAoaocpov (JTpaTYiYcSv xal TCoXixsuaajjivov. Ti 8s; ov% r\Gav %a\ ol cpiloGocpoi xd 7tols{iia dya&oi; i[iol (xev 8okovGiv eiye 'Aqyyxav y.sv eVIovxo s^dmg Gxqaxrjyov Taqavxl- vov , MsliGGog 8s EvuvaQpfte , Zooxqdxrjg 8e sGxqaxevGaxo xqig, Hldxoov 8s %a\ avxog elg Tavdyqav xai slg Koqvv&ov. zr]v 8s Eevo- q)oovxog Gxqaxslav %a\ Gxqaxrjylav Tcollol (jlsv %a\ allot a8ovGi %a\ avxog 81 6{ioloy£L ev xolg tceqI Kvqov loyoig. Aioov 8s 6 c lTC7taqlvov B. p. 421. s. v. hti. — nal tcov K. ndzco, et postea sub Codridis. vid. ad c. XI de v. xdzeo. tTtEiQadTjOav c. Genit. i. q. nslqav h'lccfiov. slxa v6t£qov spaterhin dann. sic etiam Latini deinceps inde Cic. Brut. §. 312« deinde reliquis diebus Caes. B. G. 5, 40- turn deinde Liv. hist. 2, 8- sed abuudantiam vel luxuriem inesse in iunctura harum particularum simile quid, uon idem valentium, cave cuiquam credas. — naff snaGxov ezog quot- annis, singulis armis. saepius xax sviavzov , quod ab isto nihil ditfert. — Tzltvxedov Adiect. neutr. gen. pro Adv. M. §. 446- 7. dXXa kycoys ctt. haec adversantur praecedenti sententiae eamque adpro- bandam esse negant. quod quum aliis locis accidit , turn particula conditio- nali praegressa in protasi , quam in apodosi excipiunt dlld, all' ovv, alloc ys Subiecto mutato. verte igitur : si laudanda ista videntw , at ego quidem nescio certe. cf. supra c. XI extr. M. §.613. p. 1238 sq. XVII. (L. V, 19.) KQi&siq. KQLV8LV, ut reliqua verba accusandi, c. Genit* eui xivi 8qu[i ipEvSog , aXXa %cu etzi xij KEcpctXfj nEQicpEQU * vied eE.ecoGe xa viz av- xov lEy&Evxu , diafidXXcov xov Kelov xov xqotzov £§ cov ecoqccxo. XX. IIspl 'iTCTiapyoD gocpia^ xa! ctcouByJ? Tcsp! tou; tzztzox- Bsupisvou? xa! Tcsp! tg5v f OjJLif)piy-(5v s'tcov. "IrcTtaq^og 6 UEiGiGxaccxov rcalg nqEG^vxcxxog cov xcov UeiGiGxqq;- xov Keel Gocpcoxaxog rjv ''A%"Y\valcov. ovxog %a\ xcl ? 0^7]qov k'm] exoti- cs TtQcoxog slg xdg 'A&rfvag xa\ ijvcxyxccGE xovg yaipcoSovg xolg Uctv- ct&rjvciloig avxu udsiv. xcel etc 'AvctxQEOVza 6h xov Tr\iov TtEvxrjxov- @oicqtccq%C0V , qui erat boeoiarches. erant autem boeotarchae septem numero, qui temporibus Epaminondae et Pelopidae munere magistratus fun- gebantur et revera personam civitatis Thebanae gerebant. — xcov * Pcopauov ctt. Aelianus hoc elicit : sive Romanos sive Graecos respicias, Epaminondas princeps fuit imperatorum. ovdlv — dioiGEi. v. supra ad c. Ill ovdlv dLctcpsQEi. — covt]6£ c. Ace. supra ad c. XI. XIX. (L. VII , 20-) roc [i\v ccXXcc dX. reliquis (quod ad reliqua attinet) vanus osteutator. de Accus. v. ad c. XVIII iiiit. — rjdzlro. aldtlad-at vulgo cum Ace. et rei et pers. M. §. 414. 12. ceterum ex'spectaveris h. 1. aidov- (isvog. V71EQ cov -Acti. copula post relativa illata saepius vim intendendi habet, idem significans quod nos dicimus eben, grade. — it-8coG£ v. ad c. XL f| cov eooq. ex quo conspzeiebatur. t| ov sane frequentius in tali dictione, tamen similia atque audaciora apud scriptores melioris notae nonnunquam deprehendimus. d cp' ov rj iv A£§cc ineunte anno Attico, et ilia quidem triennia, haec quadriennia i. e. quinto quoque anno celebrabantur. Homeri autem carmina Pisistratidae recitanda curaverunt Graecos edocturi , oxt r cc huXXiGxk xcoveQycovnQOfj- Q ovv to. Lycurg. in Leocr. c. 2G> 30 AIAIANOT xoqov eGteiXcV ? iva avxov tcoqevG)] cog avxov. 2i{.icovi8ip> 6e xov Kelov did 67tovdi]g dycov dsl tceqI avxov stys, (isycckoig Scoooig, cog to elxog , nei&cov vmI ^i6&oig • ym\ ydq cog i\v cpilo%Qi]{iccxog 6 Zi- fimviSfjg , ovdslg avxicprfiEi. soyov Ss 7]v dqa xovxco xco "liZTcdqiLo rj tceql xovg TtenaidEv^iEvovg GtcovStj. %a\ ifiovlexo VTCO TtOOtiyrjllKXl xco eccvxov A&7]vaiovg tc6S(J0aL 'Ev Xaiocoveia xovg 'A&rjvcdovg vlkyj £vim]G£ QiXmnog. 'Ejiaq- 'd'elg 6h xfj Evxcqayla o[icog Xoyi6[icp Exqdxi]68. %al ovft vfiqiGE' %a\ Sid xavxa coexo 8elv avxov VTC0(JLi{ivt]G%E6'cal IXsicriGTpocTOu. ZoXcov 6 ^E^keoxlSov yiqcov r\dr\ cov vticotcxeve IlEiGiGxqaxov xvqavvidi £7tiQ'{]6E6d-ai ? Tjvlna TcaqrjX&EV Eig xi)v EKnhplav xcov 'Adr}- vaicov %CASOU$. 0£{iiGxoxXijg 6 NEOxXiovg iavxov elxc^e xalg 8qvg\ Xsycov , oxi ixELvag vTCSQ%ovxai of av&ocoTtoi %a\ 8sovxav avxcov oxav vtj , Gxsy)]v in xcov %Xa8cov Tzo&ovvxsg' oxav 8s ovGi]g Ev8iag TtaoicoGi, xiXXovGiv avxag %a\ tveqlkXcoGiv. 6 8s avxog sXsysv , el fioi xig oSovg 8vo 8el- '£siz, xr\v (iev slg a8ov cpsqovGav , xr]v 8s liti xo fiij[icc, rfiiov av xi\v sxsqav ijX&ov xrrv ev&v xov aSov. XXIV, Uzgl naiKjavi'ou xai 2l[jlovcSod. Ev xivl opaGi GvvdEiTiVQ) Ttttorjv 2i(icovidrjg 6 KElog xal UavGa- vlag o Aa%s8ca[i6viog. tcqogexcc^ev ovv 6 UavGavlccg xco 2i(icovt8rj Go- cpov xi eItvelv o 8s ysXccGag 6 Kslog' MiiivrjGo , shisv , avd'QcoTtog cov. xovxo 7tttQcc%0rj[ici [lev i^EcpcivXiGs UttvGavittg %al Tiaq ov8ev h'&exo V7toxvcp6}i£vog 7J8r} slg xov xov (.iriSl^Eiv EQcoxa xecl [lEyaXocpoo- dXX cc tovtcov fisv £. certe Mis quidem sapientior est. comp. ad c. XI extr. ad c. XVI extr. E^canliGTca. h. 1. non eo sensu, quo genuinis Atticis dici solet, arma induere, sed ut totus sententiarum nexus postulare videtur armaturam exuere. — rj 8vvdTCii quatenus possit. M. §. 480- c. sic aXX?] et TavTrj adverbii vice funguntiu-, etsi od(p , %caQa , {ieqlSl, similia supplere satis proclive. — dice T7\v 7]Xlxi(XV. etsi aetas militaris e lege Attica iude ab initio pubertatis in annum sexagesimum perdurabat , nunc tamen extrema senectute Solon lo- quens cogitatur ac paene centenarius. auctor enim illos sequitur, qui Athenis eum sub Pisistrati tyrannide mortuum tradunt. tcov i cp' 7]Xi%iag. in his formulis ea praepositio ponitur , quam ratio et natura verbi omissi et mente integritati orationis addendi poni iubet. vid. M. §. 596. a. — ncadiKCc , deliciae. utraque vox ad homines transfertur, quos casto amore amplectimur. — eSqccos c. Acc. rei et pers. , ut TiqcxTTUVy tcoleIv et alia verba efficiendi, afficere aliquem aliqua re. B. §. 131. 5. vTtsgyrjQcog , cur autem dyiJQcog, nccvToyiJQcog accentu transposito? XXHI. (L. IX, 18.) sfr.u&, de Augm. B. §. 84- not. 2- — oxav vtj si quando pluat. vid. B. §. 129. 9- M. §. 295* 1- — £n xcov nX. no&ovvTsg. vid. M. §. 596. c. — slg &8ov. B. §. 132. not. 9. comp. ad Aelian. c. XXII. — xr\v et 8 q av r)X&ov ctt. alteram viara ingredi mallcm rectam ad Orcum. de Accus. v. M. §. 409. 4. XXIV. (L. IX, 410 liifivrjao — wv. B. §. 144. 4. a. nao' ov8lv ed'sxo nihili fecit. Ttaqa ita cum Acc. verbo ti$e;tOoTopLia^ tyJs SixeXias tcoXuv yjpovov At iv EikeXIoc Xi&oxoyiiai keqI rag 'EmnoXag i]Gav 7 Gxadiov pij- %og , xo EVQog dvo ttXe&qcov. ?)tiav ds iv avxalg xov %oovov xoqov-, istimare iunctum comparand! signification em accipit, ut proprie sit: aliquUl iuxta ac si nihil esset ponere ; tantumnon nihil, sic notice tioXv, it. (iMQoVf it. oXiyov. — vnoxvcp6}.i£vog, respondet Lat. siibusttis, succensus ; entbrannt in die Liebe ctt. — TtQog ftaGilia. ne Articulura desideres , vid. B. §. 124. not. 3. xfj XcclxiOLxca. cognomen Minervae apnd Lacedaemonios a templo aereo ei inditnm , unde et aedes et ipsa dea adpellatur r, Xal%loi7io'g. 'ceterum comp. Corn. Nep. vit. Pausan. c. 5. — dXyavoraTCi dv&QConcov i. e. crucia- tibus omnium acerbissimis. sic Plat. Euthyphr. p. 13- e. xa &hiu Y.ulltGra cptig Eidtvai uv&Qconcov , divina te scire dicis pule her rime omnium, hoc sensii accipi solet av&QC07tog articulo omisso , ubi de genere in universnm sermo est. comp. 6 czvtjq et dvrJQ. — dXXa ut supra c. XXII. — slg TQi'g. Herm. ad-Tig. p. 857 ita explicat: ,,non item est ac T(Jig, sed significat pro- prie usque ad eum numerurn i. e. non minus quam ter." comp. infra Herod. c. 11 med. — ojfirjv vid. B. p. 295. s. v. oi'o k aai. XXV. (L. XII, 21-) ke icxrcci , filios insepuUos iacere, quo sensu ver- bum iam apud Homernm deprebendi, dpcet Lexic. Pass. comp. Kriig. ad Xenoph. Anab. I, 8, 28- — i7i£6x6novv. vid. ad c. IX. — nx ivavtia, vulnera adverso corpore excepta. — G£[ivov — OQcoGai. OQav et pktntiv cum Ace. Adiectivi neutr. generis saepius et maxime quidem apud poetas exprimit naturam , quam quis vultu suo prae se fert. similiter "Aqtjv filintiv Martem spirare, nos : nacli Krieg ausseben; denique cum Part. (3X. TTScpgov- xi-nbg. cf. M. §. 409- 2- — higag sl%. t&v tq. de Genit. v. M. §. 337- !• £%eiv c. Adverb, fere idem valet quod dtaKEtGd'ai cum Adv. — cog Ivi (svsgti) p. quantum fieri potest maxime. — sx6(jli&ov, vox de mortuis curandis et in monumenta sepulcralia (yJQia) portandis propria , quod alias dicunt iutpiQEiv ejf erre. XXVf. (L. XII , 44-) 'EitinoXdg. quinta pars Syracusarum, in septen- trionem conversa , praerupta, invia ab exteriore latere adeunti. in liis igitur Epipolis fuerunt Xi&oTOiiiat (proprie lapicidinae), de quibus Cicero Verr. V, 27' ,,totum (opus) est e saxo in mirandam altitudinem depresso et. multorum operis penitus exciso. nihil tarn clausum ad exitum , nihil tarn septum undi- que, nihil tam tutum ad custodiam nee fieri nee cogitari potest." — r\Gav 20&IZT0T. 33 xov SiaxqityavxEg av&qconoi , ag %a\ yEya^xEvai exei %al naiSo- TtOiijGai. %ai xivsg xcov rcaidcov ixEivcov firjSeTzcoTtOTS tcoXw ISovxEg, ore elg ZvqaxovGag jjX&ov xal eISov %n%ovg vice^evy^svovg %a\ fi6ag iXavvo{iEvovg , UcpEvyov fiotivxEg- ovxwg ^aqa EJ-ETtXdyrjGav. to ds naXXiGxov xcov exeZ Gn^Xaicov inavvfiov i]v <&iXo'£,evov xov tcowixov, iv a) cpadi diaxqificov xov KvxXcoTta EiqyaGaxo xcov iavxov [ieXcdv xo) x&.XXiGxov , Ttaq ovdev d-i^Evog xr)v ix AtovvGiov xi^icaqiav xal xaxcc- dixrjv , aXX iv avxij xrj Gv[i(poqa ^lovGovqycZv o (DiXo&vog. XXVII. ITspl TikQvcc, zal T(5v auT(3 £ra(3ouXsu6vTQV. riXcov 6 xcov EvqaxovGicov xvqavvog xv\v xrjg aq%ijg xaxaGxaGiv nqaoxaxa eI%e. GxaGico^Eig §s xivEg etie^ovXevov avxcp ■ a Ttvd'o^Evog o riXcov sig ixxXyGlav GvyxaXsGag xovg EvqaxovGiovg ELGrjX&sv conXiG^Evog 6 riXcov , %a\ 8le£eX&cov oGa ayad'a avxolg EiqyaGaxo xa\ xrjv E7iifiovXr[V ihxaXvipE ncii aTtEdvGaxo xr\v TtavonXLav , eItccov Ttqog rcdvxag' 'Idov xolvvv vpiv iv %ixcoviGxcp yvpvog xcov ottXcov tcccqs- Gxr\xa xal 8i8co\jh %Q7Jod-(xi o xi PovXeG&s. xal i&avpaGav avxov XY\V yvco\w\v ol EvqaxovGioi' ol Se kcu xovg imfiovXEvovxag TtaqidoGav avxcp xoXaGai r.ccl xy\v dqyrjv h'dcoxav. 6 8h xca xovxovg EiaGs xcp 8i]- ^tco xiyLcoqr l GaGd'ai. xal eIkovcc avxov ol EvqaxovGioi EGxy\Gav iv a£c6- 6xco %ixcovi , xccl rjv xovxo xrjg Sri^aycoyiag avxov V7t6{iV7]^a %a\ xolg zlg xov \kexcl xavxa alcova {liXXovGiv aq%ELV SLdayiia. XXVIII. lisp! 'AXzi^iaBcD. , lG%vqcog r '0^y]qov i&av[ict£ 8V '^Xxiftiadfji \ 4 xal tcoxs SiSaGxaXEicp naiScQV TtqoGEX&cov quipcadiav 'IXiadog rjzei. xov de didaGxaXov ^y\- c. Part. Aor. Articulo non addito notionem aliquam acquiescendi vel perse- verandi habere videtur. — cog c. Inf. i. q. co6te. vid. ad Aesop, f. II extr. idovzeg — Eidov. B. v. anom. v. oquco. qX&ov s. v. EQ%o(iai. — /?. iXccv- vo[L£VOvg , de bourn armentis in pabulum vel aliorsum propulsis. <&Uo!;ivov. infra Diod. IV. — KvxX. ELQyccaazo , elaboravit Cyclopem, ut alias noLtlv de carminibus pangendis. sic infra fiovcovQycov i. q. fiovco- tioicov. illam materiem poeta sibi sumpsit , ut oblique vulneraret Dionysiura tyrannum, amore Galateae meretricis captum. quibus potissimum aculeis usus bilem effuderit, coniicias licet ex Arist. Plut. 290 sq. eiusque Schol. — naq 3 ovdhv &i(iEVOg. v. supra ad Ael. c. XXIV init. — |jt diov. originem indi- cans , quam quid ex aliquo trahit. comp. duo , vno. XXVII. (L. XIII , 37.) eIxev c. Adv. se habebat. idem igitur , quod Eivui c Adiect. supra ad c. XXV. 8ie%eX%c6v , enarrans , oratione jpersequens , ubi Xoyco vel simile quid supplere non opus est. — Idov. supra adStob. c. II extr. — yv^ivog v. otiX. ubi Genitivus abesse poterat. yvfivog enim, ut Lat. nudus etiam de eo dicunt, qui sola tunica vestitus atque inermis est. ex quo recte colliges, eandem vo- culam id quoque continere in se, quod additum est iv %itcqv'iGy.(o. — didcofit cum Inf. concedo , lege permitto. comp. dare c. Ace. rei et Dat. pers. , vel simpliciter positum , ut Livius : „datum est , ut milites per urbem vagaren- tur." nee secus quae infra habetis naqfSoGccv et EiaGE c. Inf. E6T7]Gccv , ponebant , de monumentis exstruendis et consecrandis. comp. B. §. 107- II, 1. — rouro — vrtofivrjuct. vid. ad Ael. c. XXI. — sig tov — almvcc , fur das Menschenalter darauf ; fur die Zukunft. XXVIII. (L. XIII, 38-) gaipcodiav 'IX. rhapsodiam Uiadis , i. e. par- tem aliquam sive librum II, vid. infra Lucian. IV, 3- iure autem ab Alcibiade carmina ilia posci poterant, quod ab Homero et lectitando et ediscendo pue- rorum institutio incipiebat. quapropter qui Homerum suum non satis nosce- Eclogae. C 34 A1AIAN0T 8lv e%elv r 0firjQ0v cpijdavTog , Evxoityag avxco %6vSvXov sv fidXa 6xe~ qeov 7taQrjXd'EV , £v8u'£,ayL£vog ow inslvog djtcddEvxog e6xl xal totoi;- rovg ccTcocpaivEi xovg Ttccldag. Ovxog Eitl kqlGlv %akov(iEvog ftavaxiKriv Etc UiKsXLag vtzo xcov 'A&TjVCcicOV OV% VTZIjXOVGEV EITCCOV EvTj&Eg XOV £%OVXU SlxTjV 'CftXElV CLTtocpvyEiv evov cpvyEiv. EiTCovxog di Xivog' Ov rtiGXEVEig xfi naxqlSi, xrjv tieqI cov kqlGw ; o 8h eitvev • Ovdh xrj ^xqISi • didoina yda (irj dyvorjCSctGa nccl 6cpuXEi6a xov dXrjd'Ovg slxa xr\v {iiXcavccv E^ccXy dvxl xrjg XEvxijg tyijcpov. itvQ'o^Evog ovv oxi dccvctxog ctvxov %ax£- yvco6d'rj V7t6 xcov tcoXixcov * AeI^o^lev ovv , eItzev , oxi ^co^lev • %cti oQfi^Occg TiQog xovg AazEdaiiioviovg xov AekeXeikov i^rjtys tvoXe^lov liti xovg 'A&rjvaiovg. "EXsys &s (JLrjdEV ticcqcc8o'£ov tcoieiv Aa%Edai[iiovlovg dSscog ev xcp tcoXe^co cL7C0&vr\6K0VXccg * xr t v ydo e% xcov vojjlcov xaXaiTtcoqlav dnodi- SoccGnovxag ftavccxov vtceq xcov novcov cov sypvGi TZQo&vticog dXXdx- XEG&ai, Elco&Ei Si cpaGiv smXsyELV xctig sctvxov Ttod&Giv, oxi xov xcov AioGxovqcov £rj fiiov izctq i^yLEQCiv XE&WjKcog xe %a\ dvctpwvg ' evy\iie- orjGocg ydo h> xcp 8t]fico iGog d'Eolg vo\iit,EGd , ai , nctncog Se anaXXd^ccg xcov vexqcov $if}d£ oXiyov dlCtCpEQEW. XXIX. Tloiv s^pwvTO 01 'AGiqvaioi Ttpos tolc, dp^as. Ov fiovotg xolg aGxoZg e%qcovxo 'A&Tqvedoi nqog xdg do%dg k^ 1 xdg GXQccxrjyivg £7tixr\S£ioig , dXXd ydo %cti %ivovg TtQoyoovvxo xal rent , in proverbium abibant : ov§h xr\v 'A%iXX£cog \ir\viv tGccGi. — (.irjdlv £%. ' O. nihil se Homeri habere , quoniam Alcibiades partem totius opens poposcerat. — ivTQiipug ccvt. xovSvlov ctt. impingens ei colaphum admo- dum durum. knl "HQiGiV — Q'avuziyirjVy in iudicium capitate s. causam publicam vo- catus. de quo iudicio lege Plut. Alcib. c. 21. Corn. Nep. c. 3- 4- — drto- cpvyzlv , h. 1. fugere iudicium i. e. absolvi. — ivov, Nora, absol. quae stru- cturae mutatio verbis impers. fere solita. vid. B. §. 145» not. 7* 2- Bern- hardy w. Synt. p. 470 — 71. — Ssdoma [Mr] — ififiuXr], vereor ne immittat s. immittere possit. B. §. 148- 4. M. §. 520- — - GtpaXuaa. GcpuXXtcftcu c Genit. sensu metaphorico, nihil aliud est quam ipsvosaftai sive cc^aQtavtiv tivog , falli, decipi. - — tltcc. v. ad Aelian. c. I. — iprjcpov , calculum, quo suffragium ferebatur. atque niger quidem calculus damnabat, albus absol- vebat. — i^rjtps noL incendit (commovit) bellum, quod decenne fuit et a Decelea , oppido Atticae, nomen accepit. in Ta>vv6(J>. vid. supra ad c. XXVI extr. — dnoSidQccGnovrag. B. §. 131. not. 1. M. §. 412- 9. — cov h'xovai. Attractio , de qua v. B. §. 151. I, 2. simile quid , ut ex ratione nostrae linguae rem explanem , quamquam durius ausus est Schlegel in vers. Schaksp. Richard II. act. 2. sc. 3- eh' ich auf was ihr sagt erwiedern kann. dco&u (h&co.) intXiy s lv ctt. i. q. \sy. ini xctZq ttQu£. solebat de rebus a se ipso geStis dicere. quae significatio a Lexicographis, quod sciam, non observata est. — nag rjfiEQav, aiterjiis diebus. — ioog li'oog) &■ vopi£. Norn. c. Inf., quo utuntur Graeci ? quum Subiectum verbi finiti (f/co'-^ft Xs- y£tv.) nihil mutatur. B. §. 142- 1- p. 403- M. §. 536- — xaxcag dl dnaXX. minus prosper e vero rebus suis de functus. XXIX. (L. XIV , 5.) dXXk ydq vccl |. nicht Burger allein — sondern ja auch Fremde. sic legimus c. XI. ov zovg nELGovtag , a XX a yccQ xovg @icxGO[i£vavg tffius Sq&gcu — h'nEfityccv. — tiqotjqovvto, Med. v. tiqocuqecq, zomzTor. 35 xa xoivd avxolg £V£%eiqi£ov , eXtceq ovv avxovg dya&ovg ovxag xaxi- yvcoCav xal ETCix^Sdovg slg xa xoiavxa. ^AtcoXXoScoqov xov Kv^ixt]v6v noXXdxig Gxoax^yov eiXovxo 'ihov ovxa xal HoaxXEiSrjv xov KXa£o{is- viov iv 8 £ it- d (iev 01 ydo oxi a^ioi Xoyov sfciv , slxa ovx £8o£av dva^ioi rov 'A%"Y\vaicov do%Eiv elvai. xal vtceq (jlev xovxcov inaivEiv %Qiq xr\v noXiv \k,ri xaxayaoitpyiivYiv tccfaj'&hg xolg TtoXixaig , dXXa vsyiov6av xal xolg ysvu {ihv ft?} 7tQoGr[xov(5i , oY doex}}v 8h dHoig xipaCxrai. XXX. N6|xo£ Aaxeavuws izzpl ttj; tcov aopiaTwv x?° a * *al Aax£Sai[i6viog ovxog 6 v6{iog. 6 8e vopog ixEiva Xiysi' Wh\- Siva AaxESaipovicov dvav8qoX£qov oqaod'ai xr\v %qoav , rj rov oyxov rov 6c6[iaxog zyz.iv vtceq xa yv^ivdoia • iSoxzi ydo xo (ilv doyiav ofio- Xoyzlv , to 81 ov% OfioXoyEiv av8oa. nqoGEyEyqarcxo 6s xco vo^ico xal 8id 8ixa r^iEqcov ndvxcog xolg 'Ecpoqoig xovg icprj^ovg naqloxaod'ai yvpvovg dfj^ioisla. xal eI [lev i]6av EvitayEig xal igqco^ivoi xcel ix xcov yvfivatiicov oiovzl SiayXvcpevxeg xal SiaxoqEv&EVXEg , ETvrjVOVvxo' zi 8i xi yavvov r\v avxolg xcov (jieXcov rj vyqoxEqov , v7ioiSovGr]g xal v7tavaq)vo(iEvy}g Sid xr)v qa&vpiav m[i£X?jg, aXX' ivxav&a (ilv inaiov- xo Jfat iSixaiovvxo. exi%evxo Se xal cpqovxiSa oi "Ecpoooi xa& ixa- Cxtjv TioXvTtQayiLOVEiv xa tceqI xi)v o"roA?]v , eI ExaGxa avxrjg [ir] ano- XEiTtExai xov xo6(iov xov Siovxog. e'Sei Se SipOTtoiovg iv Aaxedai[iovt, zlvai xqzcog [iovov ' 6 8e jcaod xovxo ETtioxdyiEvog s^XavvEXO xijg 27iaQXY\g cog xa xcov voGovvxcov xa&aQCSia. ot avxol NavxXsidrjV xov rioXvfiiddov vTtSQClaQxovvxa xco tfco'ficm Jtal vnioTtayyv Sid xovcprjv yev6{iEV0v ig xr\v ixxXrjaiav xcov ^eco^ievcov xax^yayov zcu ^TtEiXrfiav prae ceteris eligebant , praeferebemt. — xa y.oivcc , i. q. Lat. res publicae. — si'nsg ovv, idem videtur esse quod alias et usitatius quidem eitieq ys, si quidem certe. 6tQCCTrjydv sl'X. (alQEio&aL.) imperatorem (sibi) creabant; quae quam- quam ad ' HQay.Xsidrjv quoqne pertinent, ctQazrjyovg vetat totius periodi ordo scribi. — gtra, v. ad Ael. I. — ( a?) xcczaxaQi^o(i£V7]V ctt. quae (urbs) in gratiam civium nihil veritatis remittit. XXX. (L. XIV , 7.) its qI rrjs — %q. xal Evcpvtag , Articulo non re- petito, quod iis fere locis fit, ubi vel duo vel plura nomina una notione com- prehenduntur. ad VTCEQGaQHOvvxcav vero quippe novum aliquid ac per se cogi- tandum additur Articulus. %qou (%goid.) h. 1. color vel cutis corporis humani, quae sole non exusta et mollitie efleminata crimini vertebatur Spartiatis. dvavSgoTEQOV, Comparativo ita absolute posito nihil frequentius. Gram- matici solent rj dixaiov, rj %qscov egtl ctt. supplere. -vid. M. §. 457- — xrjv XQoav. de hoc Ace. vid. B. §. 131. 6- — £%£iv vnsq to. y. obesitatem cor- poris habere ultra gymnasia s. ultra modum gymnasiorum. sic Tacitus: uxor Vitellii ultra feminam ferox, i. e. ferocior quam feminae decorum. — £qq(d[1£voi. B. v. anom. s. v. Qcovvvfii. — i x rmv yvpv. ad c. XXVI extr. — olovsl diayX. x. diax. quasi sculpti et tornati. Metaphora ex officina sta- tuariorum deprompta. — exi^evto 8e xal cpg. ctt. ponebant vero etiam eo curam , ut diligenter inquirerent (7toXv7iQay(iovuv) quae ad vestitum per- tinebant. — si ExaGxa avx. fi. dnoX. rov x. utrum [si. B. §. 139- 6.) sin- gula quaeque a decore et quidem legitimo non recedant. d7ZoX£i7t£6fi-ai xov x. proprie : destitui decore. vid. M. §. 357. — oiponoiovg — XQEcog fiovov, licuit coquos esse qui solam carnem condirent, intell. sale et aceto, solis quae lege concessa erant condimentis. — ig xrjv ixxXrjGiav. cum Peri- zonio recepi pro vulg. ex trig ixxXri6lag. C 2 36 AIAIANOT aikeS (pvyrig tcqogxl^Giv^ iccv pr} xov fiiov 7 ov sftiov tore, vnaixiov ovxcc xcti 'Icovixov (idXXov ij Accxcovixov xov Xovmov [lE&ctQiioGrjxccL ' ojeqeiv ydo civxov toelSog nccl xfy xov Gcatiecxog dict&EGLV ulGyv-ittfv ■Keel xrj AaxsScdiiovi .nccl xolg vopoig. XXXI. Aia ti o ^PiXitctuo^ xoug t«v BozipioTaTov ^loug tcs^jI tyjv sauxou ^sparcsiav slj£sv. Or* i\i7t7tog xoov iv Maxsdoviu doxificoxccxcav tovg vlslg Tzctoct- Xa^pdvcov nsol %r\y iavxov ftsQCCTtsiav d%sv , ovxi Ttov , opaGlv , ivv- Pql^cov avxolg ovds diEvxsXl^cov , ctXX' ix xcav ivavxicov xcioxsoixovg avxovg ixrcovoov xal ixoljiovg TCQQg xo zee diovxa tcquxxelv dnocpcd- vow. TCQog ds xovg z$vq)G)vxctg avxoov %a\ slgzcc imxaxxo^EVM §u$v- ficog E^ovxag SUxelxo cpaGt TtoXs^icog. 'Acp%bvY]XOV yovv i(iaGxlyooG£v T oxi tjJv xdhv IxXiTtcov i^EXQcmsxo xijg odov §ityr\Gug nccl TtaoriX&Ev Eig navdoxioog. %al 'AoxiScifjiov dnsxzEivEv , oxi ixooGzu^avzog uvxov iv zoig onXoig GvvkyjEiv iavxov ods cctzeSvGccxo ■ ^XtviGe ydo did xi\g xoXaxsiag nccl V7todoo}irjg xsiQcaGccG&cci rov fiaGiXia axe dvrJQ %xtqw xov xEodaivstv a>V. XXXII. nepwjY*! " 1 -? t«v ©STxaXocwv Tepncwv, IX. ctt. ordo verborum hie est: cpccalv (narratur) oxi £>. sl%sv ctt. — vlslg. vid. B. Verz. d. unr. Nom. s. v. vlog. — SievteXl^cov, contemnens, vox auctoritate vett. auctorum, quod quidem sciam, non stabilita. tu praeferes oXiycoQcov rivog , xcircicpQOvcov , similia. — hx r. ivccvxLCOv, ex contrario. M. §. 574. p. 1134- — xccQXSQixovg — exnovcov, exercendo laborum eos patientes reddens. — dnocpalvcov i. q. naqixcov^ diiEQyci^ofisvog. b%ovzag et Slekelto cum Advv. vid. supra ad c. XXV. c. XXVII init. — tu£lv ixX. et alio loco Aeliani x. xazaXEiTtELV , ordines s. agmen deserere, quum tamen simplex XeIuelv huic dicendi formulae usu fere receptum sit. sic XELTioxa^ia , X£L7Cora.xzr]g. — Elg navdoKtcog. sunt qui sig pro al'oco ac- cipiant in his locutionibus; rectius vero ii, qui per ellipsin eas explanandas et olhov supplendum censent, ut Genitivus sit possidentis, idem de iv et, si quibusdam locis fides habenda, de cog Praepositione illo casu adposito sta- tuendum erit. — «nov (B. §. 127- not. 1.), intell. ^iXlmiov. — 6vve%eiv havxov y sese continere in armis , universe de quolibet, quem regis prae- cepta adtingunto — o S £, intell. 'jQxsdctfiog. — &xs dv. 7]ttcovt.x. quippe vir lucrifaciendo s. lucro inferior. XXXII. (L. Ill, 1.) IJEQi7]yr]6ig r. @. T. veterum scriptorum eandem illam Thessaliae regionem adumbrautium duo, quos comparetis cum Nostro, prae ceteris digni videntur, Livius hist. 1. 44, 6 et Plinius H. N. 1. 4, 15« — Tsfinrj , hodie Tzampas. 1. cpEQE ovv, agedum, significatione Imperativi deposita adhortandi particula fit, adeo ut verbum non raro numero plur. sibi adsciscat, veluti cpEQE 8r) 6X07t sir s. cp. df] xivEg dyecftoi. eIgiv ; aut denique cum 1. pers. pi. ut nostro loco. comp. ays et Lat. age. — - roc xccX. T. Latini solent : Tempe quae pocantur (anEQ xuXeltcci.). M. §. 557. 1. B. §. 144. not. 4. — rcov dvdg. — dsivcov , quam viri artis (%siQOVQyiav.) alicuius (praesertim sta~ tuariorum atque pictorum) periti. Z0&I2T0T, 37 [isvog xov xe 'OXv(i7tov %a\ zijg"OGGr]g. 00?? 8e xavx iGxlv vtce^vi};^- la %a\ olov vtco xivog &Eiag €pqovxi§og dtE6%t&[iivv toV Ttayov dvaxQEXEi %al etcmSkmx'C.u xt)v tvexqw %a\ ixzivr} (A,hv vjxoIccv&ccvei , oycixcu Ss to yloct'^ov Ttav %a\ eGxlv ocp&aliJiaiv navr]- 5 yvqtg. ev avxolg 81 xolg lEioig %a\ %ecd-r][iivoig alar) xk EGXb 7tOL%ila %a\ v7todQO[icci GvvE^Elg, Ev-aoa ftsQOvg xazeupvyELV odoiTtOQOig rj8b- Gta KccxctycoyiDC , a %al 818 coGiv aG(.iivG)g i\)v%aGQ'ab. SlccqqeovGl 8e %a\ XQrjycci, Gvyyal , %a\ Itciqqei vdjiaxa v8dxcov tyv%Qcov %al tcleIv 1J81- Gxcov. liysxai 8e xa v8axa xavxa %a\ xolg lovGafiivobg dyadav Eivai O %a\ Eig vyiEiav avxolg GvyifidllEG&ai. %axa8ovGi 8s %a\ oovi&zg al- log ally diEGnaq^svoi %a\ jiahGxa ol ^lovGikol, %a\ egxlcqGlv ev pcc- 2'.' otov — dt8G%i6{i£vcc (6yj£ca.), montes — quasi divino quodam con- silio diffissi. ipsi Thessali Neptanum vallem perrupisse referunt, adprobante Herodoto (VII, f'09-)- siquideiri IJoasidco 'Evvoaiycuov dicerent, qui terrae motibus alveum^ aperuisset Penea fltimini. . — snl — cvccdiovg. de spatio, per quod aliquid pertinet. bis hin , bis zu. M. §. 586. p. 1169. Livio Pli- iiioque testibus angustiae in quinque rnillia excurruut. — zoys (atjv nl., praecedente fisv non tam opposition em , quam transitnm facit, ut tamen, jedoch, aut si mavis porro verti possit. — nliftgov. Plinius 1. c. ait: Tempe — ferme sesquiiugeri latitudine. 3- ol koinoi 7iottt(iol. praeter alios m-ultos torrentes rivulosque nomi- nis expertes hodieque a peregrinantibus duo notantur amnes , Kouralios et Titaresios (Strab'o IX. p. 304. ed. Casaub. comp. cum Horn. II; II, 748 sq.), qui in Feneum influant. quem ■■■Titaresium Homerus , eundem adpellat Orcon (Euroton?) Plinius 1. c. — £Qyd£ovrr]$ , ad pulchritudinem loci ambitiose omnia largientis. 4> ri'&rjkE {&zv ctt. , ex qua repetendnm- ivaxaa^Et. — Gfxilat, h. 1. non taxus , sed genus hederae, fortasse convolvulus. — navr'jyvQ-trg. Hesychius explicat soqti], quod ipsum hue convenit. sic legimus apudAel, £OQrrj oipscog, f. ocpd'aXficSv. 5. £ V __ Xsioig, i. e. xtoQOtg 7t£tQ(ov Xhioiq. — v.aQ")]uh")tg. ■ xadfJG&as li. 1. de locis depressioribus , ad vallem desidentibus. sic Diodorus : rj %(OQCt ZyKd&rjTtti izsfiioig. — didcoGiv — tpv% oc6& at , dant ubi quis refrigeretur. v. ad c. XXVII. — (v.ya&bv ilvai. supra c. XI init. y A^%vxag EysvEto ccya- &6v nvi. — Eig v. avx. Ovf-ifiaXXfCd'ai , ad sanitatem eorum conducere, 6. ciXXog oclXj} , aliae (aves) aliorsum dispersae (diaC7t£i(i£G&tti). de immero plur. huic dictioni iuncto v. M. §. 302. b. — e6xlo)6iv , h. 1. oble- 38 AIAIANOT la xag axoag, Kal 7taqa%k\iitovGiv djiovoog km 6vv ydovij did xov (.tilovg xov Kapaxov xcov naoiovxcov dcpav'iGavzeg. nag eKaxeqa de xov 7toza{iov at diaxQifiai eiGiv at Ttooeiqiqiievai %a\ at avdrcavlai. did peGcov de xcov Te^uccov 6 Ui]vei6g noxayiog zqyexai, Gyolrj Kal 7 TtQacog tzqolcov elalov dtKTjv. TtoXXrj de %ax avxov i) GKid bk xcov %a- QaitecpvKoxcov devdgcov Kal xcov eh]QXi]iievcov Klddcov xiKxexai, dog irci itlelGxov xijg ij^egag avxr\v 7tQ07]KOvGav aitoGzeyeiv xi]v dv.zlva %a\ naqeyeiv xolg nleovGi itlelv %axa ipv%og. nag de 6 TteqioiKog 8 lecog GvvlaGiv allot, Gvv dlloig , Kal ftvovGi %a\ GvvovGiag noiovvxai Kal Gv^tcivovGiv. axe ovv nolloov ovzcov xcov &vovxcqv km xcov na&a- yi^ovxcov Gvvey v cog eiKoxcog Kal xolg fiadi^ovGi Kal xolg izleovGiv 06(ial 6v[i7taQO^aQxov(5vv ijdiGxai. ovzcog aqa rj ti(ir] rj diaQK?}g rj tcbqI xo kqblxxov ekOeoI xov xotzov. ivxav&d xol cpaGi Ttaldeg Qexxalcjov km, 9 xov Aitollcova xov Uv&iov KaxrrjQaGxrat %axa nQOGxay^a xov Aiog y ore xov Ilv&cova xov dqaKOVta Kaxexo&vGev exi cpvldxxovxa TOi)g Aelcpovg xijg rijg eyovGrig xo {lavzelov. GzecpavcoGa^ievov ovv ek xav- xr\g xijg ddcpvrjg xijg Te^jVDiijg km, lafiovxa Klddov elg xr\v dehav yel- Qa Ik xijg avxijg ddcpvrjg il&elv elg Aelcpovg, Ka\ TtaQalafielvxo \iav- xelov xov A tog Kal Arptovg Ttalda. etixi de Ka\ $co\xog iv avtcp x(p{Q xojctp , iv oo km, eGxecpavcoGaxo km xov Kladov acpelle. Kal exi Kal vvv exovg ivvdxov oi Aelcpol Ttaldag evyevelg TteiinovGi Kal dqyi%eco- qov eva Gcpcov avr'cov. oi de jvaQayevo^evoi km ^eyaloTtQBTCoog -Q-uGav- zeg iv xolg Te^TteGiv aitlaGi italiv , Gxecpavovg drco xijg avzijg dd- cpvrjg dianle'^avzeg , dtp r\G7teq ovv km zoze 6 &eog eGzecpavcoGaxo. y.al xr\v 6§6v i%£LV7jv eQiovxai, rj Kalelxai {iev ILv&idg , yeqei de didll ctant aures. simili modo Xenopli. evcodla- l6ziu6Q'ai. comp. quod apud Cice- ronem est: pascere oculos animumque aliqua re. — 7taQ' E'AateQaj fere i. q. na&' ex. ab utraque parte. 7- o 77. noxaiLLO^g. vid. B. §. 124. 3- — ^l^r\ km nQcccog ctt. fere eadem de Titaresio dicta habes apud Horn. 1. supra c. , at mire discrepat Ovidius Metam. 1 , 570- Peneus ab imo EiFusus Pindo spumosis volvitur un- dis. — cog ETzl tcI. xijg rjfxeqag ctt. ita ut (cog. vid. ad Aesop, f. II extr.) maximam diet partem {ln\ c. Ace. de tempore , quam diu aliquid fiat.) ilia progrediens (ghiu) solis radios arceat. 8. ate c. Genit. absol. M. §. 568- — eIkozcos — GvfinaQOfxccQTOvOLV, ut cum rebus convenit (biv.oxcog. sc. qnippe quod multi sint qui sacrificent ctt.) et praetereuntes et navigantes comitantur odores. GVfi7taQ0fidQz£lv f Hesych. 6vvanolov&e Iv , 6V[xnaQ£nE6&cu. — rj xi\ir\ r\ 8. r] tcsql t. Hoelxzov. de Articulo bis posito post nomen subst. ubi duo sequuatur praedicata , vid. M. §• 277' a. — kqutxcv h. 1. numen divinum. v. Lexic. s. v. 9. xa&7J Q ut iustam incolarum venerationem adquisivissent. — - ^Iq^qO'co. B. verb. anom. v. eItceiv, AXIAAEX12 TATIOT AAESANAPE02. HtQiitoV Eibtava tvv tiqXiv %ci\ TtsoiGxoTtwv td uva&riaata ooco 1 yoacpr]v ava%£i(X£V7jV yrjg a^a y>m \rctXcctTrjg. JbvQumrig rj yQcccprj, (Polvlkcqv 7] &ag %a\ QOiag nal Gvxrjv %a\ iXaiag, hsQa&t, a^iTtekov vipi]Xrjv xal mknuxo xmg \nr\Xkaig %a\ xalg oivaig TtSQXa^OVGa, KCC&CiTtBQ JZEqI XOV %aQ7Z0V CCVtCiig TtQOGEQl^OVGa ' XOGaVXa ijtiSQcx. i]Guv 6h kccI KVTcaQizToi xal dacpvai xal nXazavov %a\ nizvg' xavxaig TtaGaig avxl xrjg d^itiXov xixzog inixEixo , xal 6 xoqvyifiog ctvxov (.liyccg cov xal {i£Xaiv6{i£vog @6zqvv i{ii{i£izo. svdov rpj toe xaq- 3 TtecpoQU cpvxa, xa&dnEQ qjoovQOv^Eva' e^co&ev tceqieiGx^xei xa. axaq- %a, %a&cc7CEQ ftqiyyog %£iQ07toi7]zog' xal xavxa {isvxoi ksTtzrjg al^a- Gidg neqied'EL TZEoi^oXog. xix^xo xal Slexexqito tcccvxcc, xal Gxilsiog GxtXeypvg acpEiGTrjXEi. iv [iexecoqw 6e ol xXadoi gvvetzitzx^v aXXyXoig xal iit^XXaxxov Tag xo^iag' idoxEi ^evxoi xal ij xovzcov cpvGig elvai %Eyyr\. i]Gav xal av&Ecov nqaGial, d>v xa {ihv eqdeqev rj yij , xa. 6s iTtoiEi xiyvr] ' ^odcovia %a\ vdxiv&oi %a\ xQiva %£iQog EQya • iavictg %a\ vaqx'iGGovg xal avayaXXidag eojeqev rj yij. Gxid xe r)v &£QOvg %a\ ijQog av&rj vial ^iexotvojqov oncoQa xal xaxa TtaGav oZoav xqvcpi']. iv- 4 xev&ev evotzxov fiEv r)v zo tceSlov ko\ r)v OQav xovg vi[iovxag' EVOTtZOg 8h rj &aXaxza , Y*a\ ecoqcovxo of TtaoaTtXiovxEg. oqGxe xal xavxa [linog iyivEXO xijg iv TtagadEiGcp XQveprjg. Xva xov TtaqaSuGov xo {lEGaizazov ETti (.irjxog %a\ Evqog r]v , vEcog AiovvGov xal pco[idg rjv tceqieIie xov [iev pco{iov xixxog , xov vecov 6s xXfj^iaxa. eI^e dh xal evSo&ev 6 vscog AiovvGiaxag yoacpag , AQiaSvrjV xa&EvdovGav ? AvxovQyov ds- dsfiEVOV, nsv&ia diaiqov^Evov. rjGav %a\ 'Ivdoi vi%q>{ievol xa\ Tv$- sfattGEv. de Augm. B. §. 84> not. 2. — inEXEiro (sc. ccfinslog') — tveqkcc- govoa, se adplicabat malis et piris maturescens, vel, ut cum Ovidio loquar, uva subrubens plena purpureo mero. tzeqy.uQovGci enim non tarn vites, quam racemos earum spectat. — xoQVfifiog. racemi hederae in orbem circumacti vocaptiu- corymbi. Plin. H. N. 16, 62. apte igitur Voss in poetis Lat. vertit : die Dolden des Epheus. 3. Tfc'r^ro. de omisso Augm. historico v. B. §. 83- not. 6. quod ubi Plusquamperfecto detractura est , penes aurem videtur arbitrium fuisse. — 6T£l£%os 6t£X. dcp. trunci a truncis bene dispositi recedebant. - — inrjlXaz- rov z. xoficcg , die Ztveige tauschten gegenseitig ihr Haar. Jacobs. HOfiT]. de arborum foliis iam apud Homerum ; quin etiam plantis tribuitur. comp. Ach. Tatium §. {. — dv&dcov, pro vulg. dv&dov. vid. ad Ach. Tatium §.2- — vccHiv&os-f Iris (Iris germanica s. ut alii volunt Delphinium Aiacis). zijV voLHivfiov cpaGiv dno tov aT(ittTos xov Aiavrog d^ccSo&fjvatj xov iv Tqoiu fiavivzos t 6lSc to tovxo iyytyQccniiivov l%£iv t&\ at xov ovofiuxog xov Aiavxoq. Schol. ad Theocr. Idyll. X, 28. — dvay-allldag. quid sit , hodie quidem iqter rerutn physicarum investigatores non constat. — ftigovg — fi£- TOTZcooov. de Genitivis v. B. §. 132, 6, 4- — TQvrprj , abundantia rerum, quae pro ubertate agrorum omni anni tempore praesto fuerunt. 4. 7jV ogdv, i. q. i'^fjv 6g. B. §. 150. p. 449- simili modo esse imper- sonale , est videre, certe apud poetas Latinos et argentei aevi scriptores. — t'va , Adv. ubi , quo loco. — xov TiaqccdEiGov , Genit. part., de cuius collo- catione vid. Krug. ad B. §. 125. not. 1. b. fiEoatxazov (fitoog) , forma ge- nviino Atticismo aliena. hue pertinent , quae monet B'. in Gramm. uberiore I. §. 69- not. 1. ,,{iEGccizaxog ist Superlativ im allgemeinen Begriff der Mitte" (vid. Herod. IV , 17. xo ifinoQiov xcov naQaQ-alccGGicDV fiSGaixccTOV ioxL.) „[i£GC(Tog nur bei einer Reihe, wie Horn. II. g, 223- 4 ' — ini (tfjxog k. svQog, in lojigitudinem et latitudinem. — 'AQiddvrjv ■Hcc&tvd. fuerunt antiquitus conspicua dydlfiaxa Ariadnes dormientis , ut testantur etiam Epigrammata Anth. Gr. , quorum unura exstat T. IV. p. 183- Eelvoi, Xaiviag firj ipav£X8 xag 'Agiddvag , Mr) v.al dvaftocoGn?] ©rjcia di^ofiivrj. — AvnovQyov SeS. nOIMENIKA. 45 qvjvoI (izzc(iiOQcpov[i£voi ' navxa%ov Hdxvooi Ttaxovvxsg , ituvtcqpv Bdx%ai %oo£vovGat,' ov8s 6 TLav rj[ieXriro. ixad-sQsxo 8s nccl avxog gvq.I£cov etvI Ttixoag, o^ioiog iv8i86vxi xoivov piXog ■%(& zolg nazovGt, xal zalg yposvovGaig. II. 1 Nioi Mrj&viivcthi TtXovGiot 8ia&sG$ai zov zovy)]zov iv Isvixn TEQipsi &sXr\Gavz£g , vavv [uxgdv xa&sXxvGavzsg xal olxszag tcqogxco- novg xa&LGavzsg zovg MvtvXrjyaicoy. dyoovg itEQiETtXsov , ogoi {raXaz- zv\g tcXtjglov. svU{i£v6g te ydo rj TtaoaXla ymI oix7]GEGiv f]Gxv]psvii] czoXvzsXcog. xal Xovxod Gvvs%ij , 7taqd8EiGoi te %ccl aXGr\ * xa {ihv cpv- GEcog soya , xd 8s dvd'QCOTCcov xsyyv] ■ Ttdvxa ivoixiJGai xaXa. Ttaoa- T&EOVXEg 81 Xttl ivOO^O^iEVOl XaXOV [l£V E710L0VV OvSiv , XSQtyEig 6s TtOlxiXag EXEQTCOVXO' TtOZE {ISV dyXlGXQOig XaXd^COV (X7tr)QX71ll£V0ig EX Xlvov Xstzxov nsxqaiovg l%&vg aXisvovxsg ex nsxqag aXixsvovg- itoxs Sh xvgI xal 8ixxvoig Xaycoovg cpsvyovxag zov iv zalg d^iXoig <&6qv- §ov Xa^dvovzsg. r]8y 8s xal oqvl&cov ayoag i[iEXy\GEV avxolg xal s'Xafiov fioo%oig xrjvag dyqiovg xal vrpzag xal (oxiSctg • (Zgzs 7) ziotyig avxolg xal TQciTtifyqg mcpsXsiav TcaoslyEv. eI 8s xivog tcqoge8ei , Ttaoa zwv iv zolg dyqolg iXdpfiavov TtEQizzozsoovg xijg d^lag ofioXovg xaxa- fiaXXovzsg. e8ei8e{iovov dqzov ?cca oXvov xal Gxsyrjg' ov ydo aGcpaXsg iSoxsi iiETOTZcoQivijg coqag sGxcoGrjg iv&aXaxxsvEiv ■ wGxe xal xi]v vavv 2 dvslXxov ircl zi}v yijv vvxxa %ei[ieqiov SsSoixoxsg. zc5v 8t] xig dyqoi- L. filius Dryantis, rex Edonorum, ob procax ingeniura a Baccho ia vincula coniectus est. — Tvqqt]VOl fiExafi. nautae Tyrrheni in delphinorum greges a Baccho rautati. comp. ad totum huac locum Ovid. Metam. IV ab init. — TIdv. etiam Panos fistula canentis imagines ex Anth. Gr, satis saota. v. Epigr. Plat. Tom. I. p. 105- Anyt. p. 131. II. (Lib. II, 12 — 170 luvenes Methymnaei venaturi ad agros Mityle- naeorum navigia adpellunt. quae in stationem subducta venti subito commoti in altum auferunt viminibus , quibus religata erant, a Daphoidis capris cor- rosis. Methymnaei poenas iacturae repetunt a caprario , donee in ius vocati omni , quae adest , pastorum ope propelluntur. 1. dLCid'EG&ai z. tQvy. iv |. xEQipti , vindemiam (i. e. tempus vinde- miatorium) consumere in externis oblectamentis. disputat <3e hac phrasi Schaef. mel. critt. p. 87. — &sXtJccivzss. B. §. 112. not. 3. M. §. 181. not. 3. sic infra ifiiltjosv. — Xovtqu 6vv?%rj , balnea continua , fere nullo spatio in- terrupta vel separata. — ivoinrjoea x. vid. B. §. 140, 3. — 7iaQa7t?Jovz£g t iuxta littus navigantes, oram legentes. Xen. Anab. V, 10, !• etcXeov n a q a rrjv yfjv, xal 7zaQtt7tlsvGavzsg dcpiHovzo slg e HQuxXsiav. — xaXdficov a7tr]QZ. ix Xivov , de hamis , qui tenui lineae adnexi ab arundine suspensi sunt. comp. Homerica ilia : £ y, naGGaXocpL XQSfiaa sv cpoQ[iiyya. Od. 8, 67- affinis potestatis est iv praepositio (M. §. 5960, at minime eius , quae his locis postulatur. — i v. Ttirqag ctXiv. de loco , ex quo aliquid efficitur. von — herab. — cpsvyovxag , ut Lat. fugere , cum Accus. (xov ftoQvfiov). — Xafipccvovxsg , h. 1. venando capientes. — ifisXrjGEV. ueXec cum Genit. rei (aygag) et Dat. pers. est mihi aliquid curae. M. §. 348« not. 2- — si — 7t q o G e8ei> si qua re insuper i. e. praeter res venando sibi comparatas, opus haberent. — xijg d^tag, i. e. ■?} rj d%ia r\v. — naxapuXXovTSg. Thomas Ma- gister: Y,axu§oXrj r\ i'xTLGig v.ca xttza(ldXXa> Qrjua, cog xo xaz s § aXs xuq- yvQiov. cf. Schaef, Ind. Demosth. s. v. — (iszon. coQag sgxco gt\ g , i. e. iv dxurj ovcr]g , dum autumni tempus adest. 2. roJv 8rj xig dyg. nota Articulum a nomine suo divulsum. similis ordo Herodoteo infra §. 5. §. 9. extr., neque refugiunt eum boni Attici. M. §. 279. 46 Aorrov %cov eg dvoX%y)v Xiftov &Xifiovxog xd Ttaxrj&evxa fioxQv8ia igyfecov G%ol- vov xr\g 7CQ0TEQ0V Qctysloqg, %ovcpa ETtl xy)v 'B'dXaXXaV iX&COV , d.CpQOV- Qrjta) xfj vrfi TcaoGeXftcov 7 xo TtelG^ia EKXvGag , o'imxSe %0{iiGag eg o xi zyjqyfeev i^QfjC at o. eco&ev ovv ol M7}&v(ivaloi veav'iG%oi t,y\xi]Giv inoiovv- xo xov TteiG^iaxog %ai — co^ioXoyei yda ovSdg xr)v %Xony\v — oXiya fi£(.iijja(i£V0L rovg t-£vo86xovg naqETtXEOV %a\ Gxd8ia xqiduovxa Ttaqe- XaGavxEg TtqoGoqiii^ovxai xolg dyqolg , iv olg coviovv r] XXorj %ca o Aacpvig' idousi yaq avxolg %aXov elvca xo 7tsSiov ig &i}qav Xaycocov. Gy^olvov (isv ovv ov% el%ov cogxe iK8r]GaGd'ai TtslG^ia ■ Xvyov 8'e %XcoQav [kxkqocv GtoiipavtEg cog Gxoivov, xavxr\ xy]v vavv e% xijg 7tQV(j.vyjg ctKqag elg xy]v yr\v e8y\Gav. eneixa xovg xvvag dcpevxeg QiviqXaxelv iv xalg evxaiqoig cpaivo^ievaig xcov oScov iXivoGxdxovv. ol (iev $7] %vveg cc[ici vlaxrj Sia&eovxeg icp6fir[Gav xdg alyag • al 8e xd oqeiva kccxccXi- Ttovc/ai, [laXXov xi Ttqog xi)v ftdXaxxav coo^irjGav. e%ovGca 8e ov8ev iv al>d[i[icp xqco^l^ov, iXxrovGai Ttqog xy)v vavv al ftqaGvteqai avxcov xvjv Xvyov xy)v %Xcoqdv, t) 8e8exo rj vavg, drcecpayov. r)v 8e xi %a\ xXvSco- 3 vlov iv xrj xraXaxxy KivrjO-evrog and xcov oqcov Ttvevkiarog. xayv di) \idXa Xv&elGav avxy)v vTtrjveyxev rj TiaXiQqoia xov %v(iaxog %ca ig to TteXayog (lexecoqov h'cpSQtv. aiG&r}G£cog 8e xolg Mrj^v^ivaioig yevo^ievrjg ol (iev in\ ftaXaxxav e&eov , ol 8e xovg nvvag GvveXeyov ifiocov 8h rcdvxeg, cog itdvxag xovg i% xcov 7tXr\Giov dyqcov dxovGavxag GvveXd'elv. dXX r)v ov8ev ocpeXog' xov ydq 7tvev{iatog d%(id£ovTog aG%exco xa%ei %axd qovv 7] vavg icpeqeio. ol Se ovv ovx oXiycov Kxr](idxcov Mrj&v- (ivaloi Gxeqo^ievoi VcJ}xovv xov ve^iovxa xdg alyag' %al evqovxeg xov Aacpviv eitaiov , dnedvov. elg §i xig jw! KvvodeGpov dqa^ievog ne- not. 4. Kriiger ad Xen. Anab. Ill, 3, 4. — i<5 dvoly.r)v li&ov ctt. acini in lignea dolia collecti pedibus solebant calcari (noczeiad'ai) ac postea prelo con- tundi vel lapide, qui nvarum snccum exprimeret funibus demissns. — rrjq 7CQ. Quy?i6r]g (Qrjyvvfit.) Genit. absol. — grjTTjGiv inoiovvro (Med.), ex so- lemni quadam periphrasi pro simplici grjTEiv ihvestigare. vid. M. §. 421- not. 4- — 7KYQsXtt6avzs$ (ilavvco.) i. q. supra §. 1. nciQcnzleovveq. — %a~ 7_q V — £ g &r,QttV X. aptum ad venationem leporum. — (Sots exdrfo. it. ut earn (G%olvov) tanquam rudentem religare potuissent (ad navem). sed hoc suppleraentum iam in voce neiCfia contineri a^x est ut enotemus. — ■ %l(ogctv (iuxquv. de Adi. sine coniunctionis vinculo positis v. M. §. 444, 3- — £M TTyg 7tQ. v. ad §. 1. recte vertitur: naveni summa de puppi ad terrain reli- garunt. — iv r. evnaiQOig — xmv odcov. Genitivus non raro ut h. 1. ab Adiectivo pendet, ita ut genera utriusque vocis secum conspirent et vis par- titiva a casu recto transeat ad regentem, B. §. 132- not. 2- M. §. 44-2 % 1. 2. verte igitur: in iis, quae opportunae viderentur , viis. ■*— (laXlov ft. M. §. 487, 4- R. §• 150. p. 445. — 8e8eto , pro idedETO. v. supra ad I, 3- 3. dno zmv 6q. ctnb h. I. de parte, unde aliquid coeperit vel exstite- r it. — ra%v 8. ii. etiam inverso ordine (idla 6. r. admodum celenter. — ■ ig to nil. fiETECOQOV, in ahum mare. — cog navrag — GvveX^eIv , i.^q. coGtE c. Inf.' v. supra ad Aesop, fab. II extr. Aelian. XXVI. — y]v ovSlv ocp. nihil profuiL — Kara qovv , secundo flumine. sic -aaz' ovqov et alia, op- positum est nagcc qovv, flumine adverse — ozeq6[.ievol, cum Genit. (%Qr]- (idczcov), quam ob rem ordine inverso, Gv'eq. Mrj&Vfivcdot, verborum iunctura aptior videri possit. sed exempla ubique sunt buius generis hyperbati. v. Krii- ger ad Xen. Anab. V, 3, 4- 6, 20; «bi Soph. Phil. 1316 crtatur: dv&QconoiGi rag plv §z &ewv zv%ag 8o%'£iGag egt 3 dvayxalov cpsQEtv.^ comp. Bernh. w. Syntax, p. 459 sq. ceterum gteqeg&kl et GZEQSiG&at. quid inter se difle- rat , ex Lexicographis discas. — Inaiov , dneSvov. Asyndeton , quo prae- ceps atque temeraria animorum concitatio effingitur. — elg — zig , units nOIMENIKA. 47 Qirjys xdg %£iQag cog SrjGcov. 6 ds ifioa xe naw^vog xcd lxexeve xovg uyooixovg xal Ttocoxovg xov xs Ad\xcova xal xov Aqvavxa §oi]d-ovg iTtsxaXslxo. ol ds dvxsiyovxo 6xlqqoI ysQOVxsg xca %£lqag ix yscooyi- xcov soycov i6%vqdg £%ovXEg • xal rfeiovv 8ixaioXoy{]C5aC)d'ai tceqI xcov ysyEvrj^iivcov, Tavxa 8e xal xcov aXXcov a'S,iovvxcov 8ixa6xr\v xa&ifrvGi QiXi]xav xov fiovxoXov TCQECfivTctrog xe ydq t]v xcov Ttaqovxcov jcofl xXiog eIjev iv xoig xco^irjxaig dixaioGvvijg Ttsqixxrjg. nqcoxoi dh xaxrjyoqovv ■ ol Mr)d-v{iveciOL Gacpij %a\ 6vvxo\ia fiovxoXov sypvxsg SixuGxqv. „7]X&0[iSV. zlg xovxovg xovg dyqovg &i]Qin Act. et Med., sensim, blanditiis , callidis strophis aliquo perducere, sibi devincire, ad partes suas pertrahere." Reislc. Ind. Dem. s. v. — ojfivvs. 6(ivvBiv et ofivvvai cum Ace. vel Dei vel alius cuiusdam, per quern quis iuraturus est. M. §. 413 > 10« — coGsl ipccQ. if %ol. Horn. II. 17 > 755. coGts ipecQoov vecpog tQ%£xaL r t 8 xoloiaiv. — rjdrj xai avxov p. iam et ipsum manus conserentem. — sgte — i^rjlaoav, priusquam expule- runt , i. e. eo ipso loco destiterunt insequi, quo Methymnaei fines aliarum gentium adtigerunt. de qua loci temporisque definitione quo minus ambigas yetat Indicativus. v. B. §. 146 , 3. A0HNAIOT NATKPATITOT. I. 1 r T6To>67cri vscoxEoog 7jv dSsXcpog ZciQiddoTjg, tceqI (qv XsyovGiv ol i7ti%coQiOL, oxi l'£, 'AcpQodivrjg KccVAdcoviSog syzvvr\d , 7]6ctv. e%vqiev6e 8h 6 {ihv f T6xa6m]g MrjdLag %ccl xijg vnovidxco xcooag , 6 8s Zagia^^rjg 2 rcov vTteoavco KccGtclcdv tcvXcov [ae%qi xov Tavd'i8og. xcov 8h litEXEiva xov Tavd'Cdog OpaQtri fiaGiXEi JVLaqa&iov d , vydxy]Q i]v ovopcc *08d- xig' tveqI t)g ev xalg Itixooicag ykyqa%xai , cog aoa %axd xov vtcvov l8ovda xov ZaQLa§Qrjv EQcctid-ELi] , to Horuisse Grammaticus inter et Commodi et Caracallae Imperatorum dominationem (181 — 211 p. C.n.) dicitur et opus suum confecisse, demvoGocpiGTcov libros XV, quorum duo tamen priores cum tertii exordio in epitomen tantum coacti supersunt. con- tinentnr autem in hoc opere ^lsi7ivoGocpiGTOV, id quod inscriptio fere docere te possit, sermones convivales, quum t'ragmentis scriptorum aliunde non fa- cile petendis, turn' facetis sive fabulis sive historiis scatentes , quos auctor se inter coenam percepisse fingit. — Edd. Schweighaeuser. Argentorati 1801 — 1807- Voll. XIV. 8. Guil. Dindorf. Lips. 1827. Voll. III. 8- I. (Lib. XIII. c. 35. p. 575-) Narrantur Odatidis , Omartae regis filiae, cum Zariadre nuptiae. ex qua pulcherrima fabula Wielandii ingenium singu- laria quaedam ornamenta sibi nobilique car-mini suo epico quaesivisse non est quod dissimulemus. 1. rfjg vnoKUToo %. subiectae regionis dominus erat, i. e. australis re- gionis. septentrionalia enim altiora esse terrarum locis ad meridiem vergen- tibus et eininentiora antiquitus receptum (Kara, xb fiS6rjfi§Qivov t) yr\ $e$6l- QTjTca, onov nSQiOGrj egxi rots Kagnolg %td xij ccvi-rJGSi. Democrit. ap. Plut. de plac. phil. Ill, 12-), etiam decursu fluminum in Maeotida et Pontum Euxi- num scriptoribus probatur. Herod. 1 , 72. Virg. Georg. 1 , 240 — 41 Voss. ceterum vno-auxco et vnegdvco composita minus nota et seriori tantum Atti- cismo accepta. — Kugtclcov nvl. portae vel claustra Asiae , ut iure vocan- tur, intra Tauri montes altissimos et mare Caspium. Plin. H. N. V, 27- etiam ubi dehiscit (Taurus) seque populis aperit , portarum tamen nomine unita- tem sibi vindicat , quae alibi Armeniae , alibi Caspiae , alibi Ciliciae vo- cantur. 2- rcov §s lit. t. T. ctt. ordo verborum hie est: 'OficcQtr] fict6iXsZ xoiv htinuvu rov Tavdidos (oiuovvzcav) MaQcc&aiv. — rov Z. Ace. pendet ab ISovgcc, etenim iqav et hquGftai verba Genitivum flagitarent. — dizz&Xovv, Eclogae. D 50 , A&HNAIOT t7]v %axd xov vnvov cpavzaGiav. i]v 81 i] 08dxig %iQ. exiit lacrimans in atrium, ut recte Scbweighacuser interpres. abacum enim , ubi misceietur vinum, non fuisse in cubiculo hospi- tali, videre licet §. 5- — inEGtaXnEL. Thomas Mag. explicat: etcigxeX- Xslv ov (iovov to 81a yQafifidrcov, ccXXa nai xo ccvzonQOGconcog xeIevgoci,. h. 1. per litteras vel misso nuntio significaverat. — 8itt.Xct%wv, ut simplex Xccvdccvs 1 v , cum Accus. clam castris , vel potius , ita ut penitus lateret milites per castra dispositos. — 8u6£,ag Ttsgl x. ctt. 6 no v. £ iv evloxe xd ctrcXcog Kara Gnov8i]V ilcivvziv. Phavorin. cf. Horn. II. 22, 3-1 1- interpp. tceql, i. e. circiter , de numeris minus certo definitis vel definiendis. Lo- beck ad Phryn. p. 410. comp. cog, Kriig. ad Xen. Anab. Ill, 2, 42« sig, supra ad Aelian. XXIV. extr. 5. avzeo aQfiaxi, i. e. una cum curru. qua verborum iunctura svv praepositionem omittere solent. v. B. §. 150. p. 447- M. §• 405, 3- — WQorj- yiv , h. 1. intrans. ulterius provectus est. comp. B. §. 130- not. 2. — Gzo- Xrjv. v. Kriig. ad Xen. Anab. J, 2, 27 et Ind. verbb. s. v. -~ rngvcoGav. v. B. verb. anom. s. v. xsQavvvfii. — cpidXrjv. Casaubonus testimonies iirmat, videri moris fuisse, quum adfinitatem inter se divites contraherent, ut gener a socero, vel a sponsa sponsus phiala donaretur. — ncci 6V B. §. 126, 5« NATKPATITOT. 51 6 h'epvyEV e%cov ztjv "OSaziv. ol 6h Tcctldeg zed at &EQa7taivai GvvEidvlcu xov socoza z,uzEGicoTcr\Gciv , zed zsXsvovzog xov reaxodg zciXeIv , ovz HepaGuv sldivca otiov tcetco^evzch. (ivrjiiovEVExca 6s 6 socog ovzog tmxqu xolg xr\v 'Atiiav olzovGi ficioficiooig zed TZEqiGGcog iGzi ^rjXcozog , zed xov (iv&ov xovzov ^coyqaepovGiv iv xolg hooig zal xolg fiaGiXELOig, exi 6e xalg Idicozizalg oiziaig- zed xalg iavxcov ftvyazqaGiv oi tcoXXoI xcov dvvaGxcov ovoy.a xi&Evxai 'Odaziv. II 1 HeqI xrjg vtco c Ieocovog xov EvqazovGiov zazaGZEvaGd'EiGrig vscog, ?jg zed 'AQii^drig i]v 6 ysoj^EZQrig inonz^g , ovz ahov slv.ai zqlvco Gico'itijGai Gvyyoa{i{ia izSovzog MoG%icovog xivog. — yoacpEi ovv 6 Mo6%icov ovzcoc' — 'Isqcov 6 zcov EvqazovGlcov ftaGiXsvg , 6 itavza r Poj[MxioLg epilog, BGTtovSazEi (lev zed tveqI leqcov zed yv^vaGicov za- xaGzEvecg, ?)v Se zed tceq\ vav7cr\ylag epdozi^iog nXola Gixv\yd zaza- 2 Gzeva'^o^Evog, cov ivog xrjg zazaGzEvijg ^ivrjGd-rjGoy.-ai. — JSvvrjybcys vavmjyovg zed xovg aXXovg xEyvlxag, zed zaxaGzijGag iz navxeov 'Aq- ylav xov KoQivd'iov do%izEZ,zova jtaoezaXEGe 7tQod"6^iojg ' iTtiXa^iad'ca xrjg zazaGzEvijg , TtooGzaozEocov zed avzog zag ijyEQag. xo {ihv ovv rJliiGv xov itavzog xrjg vscog ev {iiqGlv T§ EioyaGaxo , zal xalg iz [ioXi- fiov Ttoiii^EiGaig zEQafiLGiv ue\ %a& o vavTtrjy rift sir] [ligog TtsoiEXctfjL- fiuvExo cog civ xqiazoGicov ovxcov xcov xrjv vXr]v ioya^oi-iivcov XEyyixeav %coq\g xcov vtmjqszovvzcov. xovxo {ilv ovv xo {isoog Eig xrjv &aXaGGav zcc&eXzelv TrooGEzizazzo , x\\v XoiTtrjv zazaGzEVYjV iv ekeI Xa^avrj. M. §'. 484. b. — ttQTZccaug — ditgyaysv, i. e. rapuit et abduxit. similis est «opulatio Participii A or. et Aor. Indie. §. 4- OQfirjGag §t,rjX&£, vid. Herm. ad Viger. not. 224- p. 773 sq. 6- n cclds e j !• q- oi'/Jzat, ■d'EQanovTsg. — xtxlslv , intell. zrjv 'Odccrtv, quae Obiecti omissio hoc quidem loco paullo, ni fallor, durior atque insolen- tior. vid. tamen B. §. 130, 5- — ovk tcpaeccv. B. §. 148- not. 2- M. §. 608, 1- — OTtov TtsnoQ. pro solemni quadam Graecorura prolepsi vel notionum , ut ita dicam , synchysi. significatur enim onoi 7t£7t6gEVzca zed otcov iavl (tze- 7tOQEV[isvr]). exemplis firmavit Kriig. ad Anab. VI, 1, 23. — ol Ttolloi, plerique. — ovo[xu zi&svzca, cum Accus. vid. M. §. 420. not. 2. c. If. (Lib. V. c. 40- p. 206. d sq.) Descriptio navis ab Hieroue II Syra- cusarum tyranno constructae. 1. rjg z ccl '-A. Coniunctio simul et copulat et intendit. — Ev.Sovzog. ek8l86v(xl saepe de libris, quos quis edit, vel ut h. 1. de commentariis (avy- ygccfifioi) , unde recte coniicias Moscbionem , ceteroquin parum notum , in historiographos referendum esse. — ndvza C P. epilog, de Ace. ndvra v. B. §. 131, 6- M. §. 422- ad rem v. Liv. hist. 21, 50. 22, 37- quo auctore Romani frumento , vestimentis, aliis rebus ab Hierone donabautur. — epilo- Tlfiog 7i£gi ztvog, i. e. perquam studiose versabatur circa aliquid. — tcI. 6ixr\yci , i. q. naves frumentariae apud Caes. B. civ. 3, 96« — obv hvog x. XttzetG'ASvrjg , Ires Genitivi, qui inverso quam positi sunt ordine se mutuo excipiunt. cf. M. §. 380- not. 2. 3- 2. bTtiXccftEG&cu Med. cum Genit. adgredi aliquid, Hand an etwas le- gen. v. Herm. Vig. p. 749- n. 169. — rag r)(itQ]U0XQ07tl0V. i]V 8s xcti (3cdctv£L0V xolkXlvov, nvoiag %. fortasse exspectaveris iv y , sed hie quidem recte istud, quum referendum sit ad piscium vivarium aqua marina (ftaXciT- xvg) repletum. — xgonol nQO£(oG[civoi. Schweighauser explicat: tigna pro- minentia , super quibus ponitur carina. Etym. M. 6 zQonog ' icp' ov xiQ'E- xui r\ xQomg. vulgo legitur xqotiol. — v'jttiXrjrptGav {?.ccf.i^ccv(o.) excipie- bant s. sut,tinebant molem (oyxovg) in summa navis parte. — fisfiaixEg, Perf. contr. (B. v. anom. (jedveo.) signilicatione intr. collocari , esse, sig magistratus dicuntur ol iv xeXsl fisfidjxEg sive ovxeg. 7. d i a. vsoog. dice de loco, per navem. — &

6 g. cf. ad Aesop, f. I. — vTttQ^ccXlov , Part, ut saepe sensu intrans. inszgnem, immensam altitudinem. — EvqciKoGia. ne quis EvQUXOVGia ex- spectet, tenendum etiam Syracusanos ex dialecto Dorica per o pronuntiasse, non per ov. — ■ (ivQiddEg f|, intell. fisSi^vcov. — ■ vkv.q%uv. xcd avxl xov sivui. Thorn. Mag. — disyvco. Siayiyvaoxsiv cum Inhn. decemere, constituere* AOTKIANOT ZAM02ATEX12 NEKPIKOI AIAAOrOI... I. UXoutov yj xaTa Msv'tctcou. 1 Kqo160£. Ov cpeQousv , co IIXovtcqv , MsviTtnov xovrovl XOV KVVCt TtUQOLXOVVttt , OCXS qj EXSLVUV TtOi XaXV,QX1f\<5QV , 7] tj^Sig (A6XOI- xrjao^iev slg exeqov xoorov. IIL Tl 5 v{iag debvov ioydferai oycovExoog Sv ; Kq. 'EiTEidav t][i£Lg ol[ic6'£cQiiEv xal 6rivco(i£v exelvcov {tE[ivrjii§- vol rwv civ a, Midag (lev ovxoal xov %qv6iov, ZaoSavcmaXog 8s xrjg jToXXijg XQvcpijg , iyco 8s xcov d'ijGavQcov , ETtiysXa xal i£ovEidi£si dv- dQaKodct xal xaxra'qpaxa rpiag aTtoxaXcov ■ ev'loxe Sh xal adcov £%ixu- Qaxrsi r,{icov xdg ol^coyccg* xal oXcog Ivnriqog idxi. Lvcianvs circa Hadriani Imperatoris tempora Sai. ^atis natus est, urbe Euphratem flumen , nbi S3^riae fines intrat , adiacente , ide semet ipse 2Jv- qov vocat x(ov 'E7t£vq)Q(xzt6iOjV (Piscat. c. 19). postquam ^x pueris excessit, Antiochiam petiit operara daturus dicendis causis et arti Aetoricae. cuius disciplinae spatiis decursis iter instituit per cultiores Europae Asiaeque par- tes, et flagrantiore philosophiae studio incensus ex variorum populorum mo- ribus , legibus , institutis, quam ex ipsis plrilosophorum dictis capere maluit quod aliquando ad commanem utilitatem transi'erret. sunt au-tem eius scripta quam plurima , Massiliae atque Athenis fere confecta , ut probatur doctis, quoddiutius illic commorabatur , politissimis facetiis, ingeniosissima in mo- ribus adumbrandis arte atque ea dicendi suavitate condita , quam adsiduo Platonis et Xenophontis imitatore liaud prorsus indignam censeas. iam ex tanta copia librorum delibemus quae et ingenium Lucianeum , quantum pro ubertate eius fieri queat, maxime referre et usui nostro videairtur adcommo- data esse, ac primum quidem accipiatis dialogos mortuorum selectos , qui- bus vs*/.QO[.uy.vTSiyota } %a\ "\lovg 6s %cd Kccloodiov , acp ov xr)v vtcequv iTCohjGag , dvo dou- %{* — d&Qoovg xivdg. Pronomen iudennitum cum modestia quadam Adiectivis numeruin multitudi- nemve indicantibus adiungitur: confertos nescio quos , s. quale s forte sint. similiter nolloi xivzg , ollyoL xivtg. • — ivicxai in mea erit potestate. B. p. 449. 4- Hcc&t5ov(iaL. v. B. §. 95. not. iQ. iv%6^vog. BV.%oficd aoi xd§8 dvxl xov %ux aq m fi a i (imprecor). Suid. s v. sv%o[x,cu. 5' £t nocl etsi , wenn audi immer (v. Herm. ad Viger. p. 832-) cum Optat. sequente Indicatiuo , yel ut h. 1. ubi minus usitate apodosis excipit protasiu : it v.a\— TtttQczxBivoczo, (all' b\acog) afiELVov ovxcog (tGrca). Lu- cian. dial. deor. 8. r t 'A(a £%cov xov ntlEHW o^vxaxov, tl v.al XL&ov dtoi dtcc- Kotpca. ibid. 20. c/' v.al — faumqesmi , p'a&ibvfMU, qfe M. §. 524- not. 3- Herm. 1. c. p. y34. 812. 830. — 3tli}V dlioc verumtamen. — nxgiyivovzo, 58 AOTKIANOT dvSosIoi ciTtctvreg, atfiarog dvd%Xscp %ct\ xqctv^axlai oi itoXXol* vvv 8s i] cpc(Q{iaxcp xvg vtco xov Ttcadog (XTtod-avcov rj vied xijg yvvcaxog, a] vno xovcpijg E^cpdTjxcog xr\v yaGxsoa xa\ xd GxeXtj , ca%Qol ditavxsg %ai ayevvug ovds 0^.0101 ixslvoig. oi 6s %lsi6xoi avxcov did iqr\^axa tjxovOlv ETtifiovlsvovxzg dXXrjXoig , cog loixaGi. Xdq. JJdvv ydq 7ZEQi7t6d'r l xd zGxi xavxa. Eq(i. Ovxovv ovd syco d6'£cttfii dv d^aqxavsiv Tcixocog drccci- xcZv xd ocpsilo^isva nuod gov. III. Kvtq[W)vo£ xal AapiTCTcou. Kv7]{icov. # Tovxo ixslvo to xijg Tcaqoi^iag , O vepQog xov i liovxa. Aa\i. Ti dyavaxxslg , co Kvy^icov; Kv. Ilvvd'dvr} xi dyavaxxco; xXi]qov6(WV dxovGiog xaxaXs- Xoina xocxaGocpLG&Elg 6 d&Xiog, ovg sfiovXoprjv dv (idXiata gjeiv xd\xd TtdQCiXlTtCOV. Ad\i. Ucog xovx sysvsxo; Kv. E$}[l6XcC0V XOV Ttdw TtXovGlOV UXEXVOV OVXCC E&SQiX7tZVQV 2 ETil ftcivctxcp , xaxslvog ovx drjScog xijv 'd'EoaTtsioiv tzqoGiexo. k'do£e d^l {ioi xai Gocpov xovx slvai ? &EG&ai dLa&ijxag sg xo cpavsgov , sv dig ins iv co xaxaXzXonta xd[id rcdvxct 7 cog xdxslvog ^tjXcoGeis xal xd CiVXa TtQUl-ElE. A dp. Ti ovv §7} Exslvog ; Kv. "0 xi [iev ovv avxog svsyocaps xulg savxov dictfrjjKccig ovx oldct' syco yovv depveo aizid'avov xov xiyovg poi sTtiitsGovxog. xal vvv 'EgpoXaog e%ei, xdpd coGtzeq xig Xdfiga'E. xal to dyxiGxqov xco dsXsaxi GvyxaxaGitaGag. alii ftcxQEyiyvovto. vid. ad Achill. Tat. §. 1. Buttm. Gr. uber. II. p. 96. — i^epdyxcog (otdtco , otdaivco) , sensu intrans. iumefactus, — naqcc Gov. de Accentu voculae encliticae v. B. §. 72. not. 3. Ill (8. Hemst.), J. rovzo S'uslvo , formula Aristophani comico fami- liaris atque ex ipsa vita petita. Cnemon quod auimo secum volvit ita elo- quitur, ut praecipite quadara indignatione ad verba ilia prorumpat et caeeo ardore abreptus magis innuat quam iudicet, quid rei sit. Lat. abat hoc illud est. exeIvo igitur hac iunctura de eo , quod in oratione sequitur. exerapla praebet Reisig coniect. in Arist. p. 279- — xb P. Genit. v. B. §.128- not. 2. — 6 vsfiQog ctt. proverbia fere inutila et aliqua parte truncata adferuntur veteribus. h. 1. intell. cxIqei. vides igitur dicto illo signiiicari quod TieiQa ttqoG- doxtav accidat. — xctraaocpLO^uq h. 1. sensu pass, deceptus. — ifiovlo- fiw { v uv , vellem , exoptarem. M. §. 509- a. 2. i&EQttTitvov c. Ace. de iis , qui ofiiciose frequentant s. observant principes et praefectos. idem de captaudo caelibis obsequio praeceptum ha- bes ap. Hor. Sat. II, 5, 47. leniter in speni adrepe officiosus. snl &civd- TO) i. e. spe mortis, ea exspectatione ut moriatur. vid. M. §. 585. §• — tcqoGiezo. vid. ad Aelian. Ill extr. — xal Gocp. insuper, obenein. — &8- 6&ai — £g to cpavsgov, in publicum proferre, cum pluribus communicare, ut recte Hemsterhusius. — xal to ayxiGXQ. ctt. sunt liaec avidissimae vo- racitatis , qtiibus satis adposita comp. ov ('cvqov) ovvog ovrolg xolg xaXa- QOig xaxrfi$iEV. Arist. Ran. 560. hoc quidem loco metaphora hami ab dy- XLGtQoqjayip praerosi percommode transfertur ad captatorem nostrum dece- ptum. comp. Hor. 1. c. 24 sq. 2AM02ATES12. 59 Adyt. Ov {iovov , cilia ymI avzov tfs zov dlisa • cotfrs cocpiG^ia natcl Gavzov Cvvzi&Eixccg. Kv. "Eoixci' otymQw xoiyaqovv. IV. Aw/svcu^ xal 'AXs^avBpoi). z/toy. TV rovro , AioyEvsg' ov ydo scp&aGa S7tiG%rp\)ai zi Ttsoi ccvzrjg, ij zovzo \lqvov, oxi driopv*fi%wv IlEQ8i%za zov 8anzvliov stvs- 8m%a. 7ih}v alia, zi yslag , co Aioysvsg; Aioy. Ti ydo alio rj dvEy,vijGfr}]V , ola ejioIel y] r Elldg , dqzi GE TtaoEihjwoza zi]v doy/p KolaKEvovzsg ^al 7cqoGzazv\v aiqovpsvoi %al Gzqazrjyov srvl zovg ftaqpdqovg , evioi 8s %a\ zolg ^oq^ekoj ftsolg IV (13. Hemst.), 1. zi — djti&ccvov. B. §. 149 s. v. si. M. §.617. p. 1251- nee mirum me obiisse s. quod obii. sed et Latine recte dixeris si, — civ izz&vrjxEiv. B. §. 139, 10- 2- oiiOia iXsy. similia ferebantur atque Ammonius Iuppiter de se prae- dicaverat — Xtycov savrov 6S Etvai vlov. eomparatio igitur consistit in Am- mone et dracone , quern Olympias mater genitorem proclamaverat , nee opus ut locum turbemus cum Hemst. scribentes aut naQoc zfig '01,, aut onolcc sltyovxo; — '^fificovlcov TtQOrp. Ammonii, gens religiosissimis caerimoniis quasi arce atque nemoribus, quae incolebant, Oasimagnae confinibus circum- vallata, Herodoto teste (II, 42.) AiyvnrLayv zs y.al Al&lothdv 4- — %uvdbv — tcle, i. e. KExrjvozcog , d&Qooag tc. sic alio quodam loco Lucianus : tc'l- vel ds 7]Q£(icc, ov % iv Avd. nov. Pausanias II, 22, 3 in Sipylo monte Lydiae Phry- 62 AOTKIANOT Tav. Tovv ccvto ?j KoXaGlg egxi, xd dityrjv [iov xr^v tyv%qv cog Gco^a ovGav. Mev. 'Alia xovxo {ihv ovxoi tclGxevgo^lev , etceI cprjg tw 8Lvjel 3 %oXd&G&ai. rid' ovv Goi xd 8elvov eGtai; ij 8i8iag py fads tec xov xtoxov arcod'avyg; ov% oqco yccQ aXXov ^iExd xovzov adrjv , fj ftavuzov EVZEV&EV Eig STEQOV XOTCOV. Tav. OQ&cog (.dv Xiystg. %a\ xovxo 8* ovv (JLEQog xrjg %axa8l- K7jg , TO imfi'V [ISLV TVLEiV {17]S&V 8e6{,ievov. Mev. ylfjQElg, co TdvxaXs, %a\ cog dXi]&cog tcotov Sslad'ai 8o- %Eig, ccKQaxov yE eXXe(36qov v?) Ala , oGxig xovvavxiov xolg vtco xcov Xvxxcovzcov %vvcov 8E8iqy(iEvoig TCEitovd'ag ov to v8coq, dXXd x?]v 81- 1JJUV 7TE(p0py]{lEV0g. Tav. Ov8h xov eXXe^oqov , co Mevitctce , dvalvo^ai tcieiv • ye- VOIXO flOt [IQVOV. Mev. &aQ§£i, co TavzaXE ■ cog ovxe Gv, ovxe aXXog niExai xcov vekqcov aSvvaxov ydq. %alxoi ov TtdvxEg , cogtceq 6v , ex %axa8iK7jg diijjcoGi xov v8axog avxovg ov% vito^iEvovzog. VI. Xapwvos, Msvfetou xai 'Eppicu. XaQ. 'ArcoSog , co %azaQax£ , xd TtOQd'^ia. Mev. Boa, zi xovxo Goi tjSiov ? co XaQcov. XaQ. Ano8og cptj^l, dvQ? cov ge SiEitoQ&^EvGd^v. Mev. Ovk dv Xdfioig Ttaqd xov ft?) vfovxog. XaQ. Egxi 8e xig ofioXov ft?) e'icov ; Mev. El (dv %a\ aXXog xig, ovk ol8a' eyco 8h ovk e%co. XaQ. Kal (irjv dy$co GE v?) xov UXovxcova , co (.aaQE , ijv {irj djco8cog. Mev. Kayco xco %vXco gov Tcaxd'^ag SiaXvGco xd ZQaviov. giaeque ipse conspexisse sepulcrum testatur. — cog — ovGav, ac si corpus esset, de re practexta , quam cur sit aliquid vel fiat causam praedico. su- pra dial. IV, 7. cog nal xovxo fiEQog ov xdya&ov. ibid, non addito Par- ticipio IvnEiondat, cog hti yayiGroig dya&olg. comp. ad dial. 1, 4« 3. ftuvazov ivv. Etg sz. xonov. comp. VIII, 4- [isxafioXriv tvzEV&EV £g ullov §iov. — cog dlrj&cog , fere idem signiiicare videtur, quod supra §. 2- Menippus cavillaturus Tantalum quamquam nullius potus indigentem, sitiendi desiderio enectum , ,,deliras , inquit, et quasi vere potus indigere videris." quibus tzozov indicat propria h r 1. potestate adhiberi. d ithv ovv "Eqcog zrjg Tlavdyjfiov 'JqpQodizrjg cog dkrjd'cog nuvdrj^og egtl. Plat. Symp. p. 181. a. dttallayng zovxcovi zcov epaaxovzeov dinciOzeov slvcu evqtjgsi (iv adov) zovg cog dlrj'&tog diKaordg. Plat. Apol. p. 41 init. ceterum comp. Devar. de part. Gr. p. 368. Interpp. ad Arist. Lysistr. v. 1191. 4. fiovov. sic alio loco Luc. Ids fiovov , vide modo. nfraQQEi [idvov. ?]V fiovov , si modo. — ititzai. recte Plirynichus : inov^iai — ovk OQ^eog SQzlg. Tcioftai yd.Q iazi zo aQ%alov , >ial TtiopiEvog uvtv xov v. comp. B. et M. verb. anom. VI (22 Hemst.) , 1. dv&' cov. vid. ad Long. II. §. 4 extr. — 60V, iunge cum to kqccviov. recte ordinaretur etiam to kq. gov , neque vero ita ut Pronomina interponantur et Articujum a nomine suo divellant. dial. I, 1. rjfxcov zag oiftoiydg. IV, 7- l*ov zfj tieqc itaiciciav cpiXozifiia. ibid, avxov xrjg Gocplag. V, 2. ftov zr\v ipv%rjv , et sic ubique avxov, avxcov et Genitivi Pron. personalium. secus avxcov , ifiavxov , csavzov. v. B. §. 127* not. S. ZAMOZATESIZ. 63 Xccq. Maxi]v ovv £(?]] nsTtXsvacog xoGovxov tlXovv. Miv. c r EiQ(Lrjg vtceq s[iov 601 artodoxco, og (is naqidcoxi 601 c Eq(i. Nr] 4ia- 6vcci[ir}V t el [liXXco ys kcu vtceqekxivelv xoov VEXQGOV. Xccq. Ovx ajvoGzriGOficd Gov. Miv. Tovxov ye evsxct vecoXxrjcag xo TtOQ^^iElov Ttaqa^iEvs' nh)v all' o ye (it) £%co , ncog av lafioig; Xccq. Zv <5' ovx ijSsig cog %o(ii£ew diov ; Miv. "Hidsiv {lev , ovz el%ov Si. xi ovv; £%qyjv did xovxo py] ccjvod'CiVEiv ; Xccq. Movog ovv avpjGEig tcqoiku TtsnXsvxivai ; Miv. Ov TtQOixcc, co piXxiGxs- %a\ yaQ 7]VxXy]Ga %ctl xijg xco- 7t7ig gvvetceX(x[}6[,u]v xal ovz Exlctiov povog xcov aXXcov ircifiaxcdv. Xccq. OvSev %v.vxcl TtQog xd 7t0Q&{iLa' xov ofioXov ccTCodovvcd 6S del' ov yaQ &i[ng aXXcog ysvsGd'&i. Miv. Ovxovv drcecyayi (is av&ig sg xov fiiov. Xccq. Xccqlev XiyEig- %va xal nX^ydg etcI xovxco %ccqc\ xov Aiaxov tvqogXcc(5co ; Miv. Mi) EvoyXci ovv. XciQ. Asl$0V XL EV XT] TC1]Q(X E^cig. Miv. Oiq^ovg , si ftiXsig, xal xijg 'Excctyjq xo Seltwov. Xccq. Ho&ev xovxov 7/fiiv, co r Eo(.i'i], xov xvva ijyaysg ; old ds xal eXccXel TtdQCi xov nXovv , xcov ETajjcixcov emavxeov xaxaysXcov xa\ STtiGxconxcov xal fiovog adcov ot^co^ovxeov sxelvcov. Eq(x. AyvoEig, co Xccqcov, otvolov ccvSqcz disnoQd'^iEvGag; iXsv- &EQOV dxQificog, xovdsvdg cevxm [liXsi. ovxog sGxlv 6 Mivmizog. XaQ. Kal |lu]v av 6s Xdfico noxs. Miv. Av Xdfiiqg , co fiiXxiGxs; dig dh ovx av Xdfioig. 2. i'vr] TtsnlsvKcog. de hac periphrasi , quod dicunt , Paulo post futuri vid. M. §. 498- p. 940. — vr) z/. dvaCfiTjv, nun fiirwahr! davou hatt' ich etwas rechtes, wenn ctt. s. da kam' ich schon an. Aristopli. ovcuo — si' zig SYMikyvsis os. alalv dttt6[i"q%%siq qvcut av ovToci. — xovxov ys svsna. vid. B. §. 150- p. 450- s. v. svs&a, — TtoQ&ficlov , h. 1, pro navigio ve- ctorio. Hesychius: noon^fislov , Guoccpidiov biansQovv fiiG&ai. 3. ■JiQoZxa , i. e. uvsv {jllg&ov. — (6 fishnets, o bone, lenis compel- landi formula cum quadam ironiae significatione. cf. Herm. ad Viger. p. 722« — nQog to. 3zoo&., ubi Ttoisl vel simile quid omittere legitimtim. sic Lafc. tu vero quid ad haec? Gv 6h zi uqbq xavxa ; — ov &E[iig. v. ad dial. IV, 5- — 4. Alanov. v. ad dial. IV, 5 extr. — &£Q[iovg , uti lupinos , vilissi- raura pauperibus cibarium fuisse scriptores et Graeci et Romani consentiunt. — si &f?>sig , formula solemnis , qua vel urbanitatis , vel ut h. 1. negligen- tiae atque coatemtionis causa quod in disceptationem vocatur alterius arbi- trio permittitur. otXkr\ sgvI -jtaibog aqszi] %al 7Tqsg§vtsqov avSgog, si [isv fiovlsi slsv'd , i(JOv , si 8s fiovXsi dovXov. Plato. — "Ezavrjgx. dsl- Tivov. mos erat, ut trigesimo quoque mensis die pisces quidam marini aliaque cibaria in triviis adponerentur Hecatae a pauperibus subinde consumenda. 5- si. o(itj3(og, prorsus ut Lat. absolute liberum , sive probantis sive reprobantis est. Demosth. Lept. §. 67- fisfiuiwg bxslvog syivtxo cpiXo- nolig , er war ganz Patriot, cf. Viger. p. 376- — xovo'svbg — [.is- Isi. Thorn. Mag. (xilsi jiot vovds Kal fi. (iol zods cpapiv. ceterum ad- sentior Hemsterhusio ovdsvog non ad rem, sed ad personam referendum censenti. 64 AOTKIANOT VII. NlpSfi)5 3 0£p(7LTOU Xfxl MoVlTCTOU. JVi^. 'Iv dv TidQ'. x. quid ergo facial aliquis? TtdGyeiv vox de quo- libet adfectu Atticis usitata , etiam h. 1. ubi nos et Romani verbum agendi vel faciendi poscimus. zl Ttd&a; quid fad am? ei nd&couev , bene nobis sit! lasst uns lustig sein! comp. zXrjvca. semel imitatur hunc Atticismum Horatius : audax omnia perpeti gens humana. Od. I, 3, 25- — olfiui. v. ad dial. VII, 1. — cpaalv , aiunt , vulgo dicunt. — dyccnccv. Suidas: dQV.il- G&al zlvl %cd [irjdev TcXeov ini^zelv. h. 1. cum Dat. ut infra Lysiae Epi- taph. §. 21- totam sententiam paeue ad verbum expressit Horatius Od. Ill, 8 , 27. dona praesentis cape laetus horae et linque severa. Eclogae. — I£ 66 AOTKIANOT I. Tov IlayxQaxiiv syvcov Ieqov xiva av&QCQTtov ovxa, %al vmtcc 1 (jlvkqov cpiXoqpQOVov^Evog EXa&ov svcilQog ttVT(pxca Owy-d'Tig y£VO[JL£VOg' cqGxe tzccvxcdv exolvcqvel ^,01 xcov aTtOQQiixtov • nccl xiXog jcsid'ei fia xovg [ihv olxixag ccTtavxug hv xij M£{icpi8i xaxctXiTtuv, avrov 8e povov ctKoXov&slv [iex avxov, [irj yaq aTtOQiqGEiv rj^iccg xtiv Sictxovr}Go[i£vcov. TiCcl TO (AETCi XOVXO 0VX(O 8l7\y0^EV. STVElSt] 81 sXd'Ol^EV £l£ XI XaXCiyCQ- yiov , Xaficov ccv avijQ xov ycoyXov xrjg fivQCtg r\ xo KOQfjd'Qdv 7] xal XO VTCEQOV , TXEQlflaXttV ' t[lttXLOl.g , ETtELTtCOV XLVd £Tt(p8r]V ETlOlEl fiaSl- £av xolg aXXoig aituGiv av&QcoTtov dvai Sonovvxa' xo 8e aTtsXd'OV vdcoQ x£ aTtiqvxXsi %ct\ oipcovu Kul eGxevc^e %a\ ig Ttavxa dE^Lwg VTtrj- qexei %al SltjxoveIxo r^ilv. Eixa 61 £7t£idrj aXig £%oi rf/g 8iaxoviag, (XV&ig X0Q7J&Q0V TO KOQYl&QOV , 7J VTCEQOV TO VTtEQOV CcXXfjV ETtGjSrjV ETtELTtCOV ETtOlEl VCV. XOVXO iyCO K TtCCVV iGTtOvSttXCOg 0V% sl%OV OTCCOg ix[ltt<&Ol[lL TtCCQ CiVXOV ' ificcGxaLVE yaQ CCVXOV KttlXOl TZQOg Xtt CcXXd TtQoyEiQoxaxog cav. \iw 8e tioxe tJ^eqcc Xa&cov iTtr\xovGa xr\g £7ccp§rjg, t)v 81 XQiGvXXafiog, G%e86v iv Gxoxelvqj VTtoGxag. %ai 6 {ihv (p%£Xo ig xv\v ayoqav , ivtsiXc^ievog ro3 wpi(tto a 'edsi tcolelv. iyco 8e ig xr\v 3 vGxEQaiav ixEivov xi ncczcc xrjv ccyoQav 7tQuy{iax£vo{i£vov Xaficov to vtceqov , Gyri^axiGag , 6(jLoLcog etceltzqjv xag GvXXuftag ekeXevov v8qo- CpOQELV. ETtEl 81 i(A,7tXr]GC({A£V0g XOV (X[lCpOQEa £%6{llG£ ' TZETCCCVGO, ECpr\V, %dl (ITjXEXL vdQOCpOQEl, fxXX LG&t, av&ig VTZEQOV. XO §£ OVKEXL ^01 71EI- ^EGd-ai ^eXev, aXX' vftqocpoQEi ci£i ? a%qi §i] EVETtXrjGEV tJ^lv v8axog I (4?doipSvdrjg rj 'AniOTcov. c. 34 — 36). Eucraten quendam , rernm philosopharum peritum , convenerant plures studiorum consensu iunctissimi. dum adsident philosopho illi aegrotanti, in quaestionem vocant, quid sit cur tantopere homines admirentur omnia quaeque fabulosa et portentosa. quibus inter se dictis Eucrates non praetermittit narrare quae hie proposita sunt quaeque accidisse sibi perhibet per Aegyptum proficiscenti cum Pancrate quo- dam magicis artibus ab ipsa Iside instructo. — Ex ingeniosa hac fabula carmen Goethii fluxit etiam ingeniosius : der Zauberlehrling. 1. 'Kara fiiKQOV, cave unquam interpreteris paululum, ut aliqnando fit. verte paulatim. yiXoopQOVovfitvog , i. q. %aQi£6[i£vog. — 2« Reiz. ad Vig. p. 761. — ETto'iEi a v , reddere solebat. v. B. §. 139. not. 5. — rovzo. redit ad tnepd^v^ quae mutatio generis ex rarioribus est. Achill. Tat. II, 17. vavv dh eI%ev — xovzo nQOv.azaGKhvdoag omo^EV. ibique animadv. Ia- cobsii. — £H[Md&oi[ii , de quo Optat. v. B. §. 139, 2- — pid 8s it. fj^sga, i. e. certo quodam die. v. Xen. Memorab. Ill, 3, 12 et supra ad Achill. Tat. §•2- — Xa&cov etciJk. Aeschines orator : Xa&wv VTCEiGrjl&E zo yrjqag. Xenoph. Xa&ovzEg etzetceoov avzqj. cf. Viger. p. 259. comp. vlbnxtov ad Aelian. XIII. — VTtoGzdg, recte Thomas Mag., qui nostrum locum respicit, avzi xov •XQVxpLcog Iczdfievog , versteckt in einem dunkelen Winkel. 3. &XQi 8r] eveuX. B. §. 146, 3. ibique not. 1. comp. e6ze ad Long. II. 2AM0SATESIS. 67 xr\v olxiav EitavxXovv. iyco dh d^rjiavcov ray nqay^att , idsSieiv yccQ p} o nayKQccvrjQ ircavel'd'cov (xyavaxx^ar} , otceq %ccl iyivExo , uE,ivr]v Xapcov SiaKOjtTG) to ^tteoov et's fo;o ftio^' xa ds, ixccxsoov to fiegog, a{MpoQsa Xaftovxct vdoocpoQEi, zccl avO 1 ' ivog dvo (iol iyivovto ol dia- xovol. Iv xovxco %al 6 IIccyxQUZYjg IcplGtatai, xcd 6vvslg to y£v6[is- vov exelvcc {ikv uvd-ig £7toir]6E ^vXct, coGtzeq rjv tcqo xrjg STCfpdijg • avxog dh clnoXntcov \xe Xa&cov ovx o/<5' onoi acpavtjg Iovv ol cpiXoL, a7to6%6[i£- vog uv&ig xqocprjg eUXltze xov piov. IlXaxcov dh 6 tsqcoxaxog ifiicoOEV 2 extj £v xal oydorjxovva. ovxoi (jlev cpiXoOooDcov ol h'vdo£oL. ■ — Prjxo- qcov dh rooyiag, ov xivsg GocpiGxrpj xaXovGLV, extj ixaxov oxxco ifiico- Gev. xqocpijg 6k aTtoGyo^svog ixEXEvxr}6Ev , ov cpa6LV EQeoxrjd'Evxa x*y\v alxiav xov [lcwqov yrjocog %cd vyiEivov iv itaGmg xctlg alad"^6E6iv eItieiv, dice xo {irjdsTvoxE 6vfi7tEQiEVEi'd'fjvca xcdg ccXXcov Evcoiiaig. 'Itio- KQaxrig ivEvrjTiovxa %al e| sxcov ysyovcog xov TtccvrjyvQixdv EyqayE Xo- yov tzeq\ exit] dh hog (XTtodiovxa ixaxov yEyovag, cog fod'Exo 'A&v\- §. 6 extr. — ETCUvxlovv , pertinet ad to de (vtceqov) , aquam haustam ef- fundens s. infundens. — ol did-aovoL. Articulum exeiiiit Hemsterhusius exemplo unius Godicis. ego vero nihil muto , qui hanc verborum structuram praeferendam censeam: %a\ dvQ" 3 svog ol di&Y.ovoL (lot iyivovzo dvo , ubi dvo id fere, quod germanice dicas ein Paar. II (MaxQofiiOL. c. 19 — 28). Lucianus somnio, ut ait, commonitus libellum, ex quo haec decerpta sunt, de Longaevis tanquam munus defert ad Quintillum sibi amicum, cuius dies natalis instat, eique sacrum esse iubet. 1. xcov kXtj&evtcov , i. q. supra Aelian. XXXII, 1 ra xalov^Eva, ubi v. not. De Thalete et Pittaco monitum est ad Aelian. XI. — ££r]6£v , quae forma seculum redolet, quo vixit auctor. antiqui scriptoresquamquam gijGSLV et alia eiusdem temporis non adspernantes praeferunt ifiicoOEV. B. v. anom. s. v. gecco. — EvsvrJKOVTCi. evvsv/]kovt(x minus vera, vel certe dubia scri- ptura. v. Lexic. Pass, et Buttm. Gr. uberiorem I. p. 283- — xi ps fioocg ; quid me vocas? terram dicit, a qua se vocatum sentit. fioccv c. Ace. pers., ut Lat. clamare aliquem. Diogenes Laert. vit. Zen. VII, 28 sic narrat: ex xr\S 6%oXrjg dnicov nqooinzccLOE xcd xov ddxtvXov TtEQLEQQrj^E. naiGag ds rrjv yi\v xr\ %elql tpr\Qi to eh xrjg Nto^-qg (Sopboclis, ut putant)* "EQX°^ a h xl (i dvzug; — ovxog ysy. Pronomen ad aliquid in eadem enuntiatione iam prolatum refertur, ut eius notio extollatur. ovxovv ol xolg vdfiOLg tlel- &6[ievol SLxcclu ovxol 710L0v6l; Xenoph. — unoxccoxSQcov , interprete Cicerone Tuscul. 1 , 35 , 84 a vita quidam -per inediam discedens. 2. rogylccg. lege Aelian. IX. — 'iGoxQdzrjg ctt. pugnant haec adversus .eos, qui oratorem non unius testantur, sed decern annorum spatium in ora- tionem illam perpoliendam insumsisse. fortasse voluit nava%r\vaLxbv Xoyov, quern Isocrates paulo ante Chaeronensem calamitatem (3380 scripsisse fertur circa annum 340 a. C. n. — hog dnodsovxa ex. vid. B. §. 70. not. f. — E 2 68 AOTKIANOT vaiovg vtco (DiXltctcov sv zrj tceqI Xcuocovsiav [iccm vsviKr}{isvovg, TtotvKOfisvog zov Evoitc18eiqv Gziyov Tcoo6rivEy%azo , elg sccvzov ccvcc- CpSQCOV , Ei8ioviov itoz aCzv KaSpog skXltccIv — xccl etceitccav wg 6ovXevGel tj r EXXag ? s^shns zov fllov. — EocpoxXijg 3 o TQaymdoTioiog Quyu GzcccpvXijg nazajcicov aTCETtviyY\ , tcevzs %cd svs- vrjKovTa 'Qy]6ag szrj. ovzog vtco 'Iocpcovzog zov vlsog sici zsXzi zov fiiov Ttaqavolag %Qiv6[i£vog dvsyvco zolg 8c%a6xalg 018'itcovv zov stcI Ko- Icqvg) , s7tideLKVv(.isvog 8ca zov 8od[JLazog , oitcog zov vovv vyiaivEc cog zovg 8iKaOzdg zov p\v VTCEQ&av^ciOai „ KaTaipTjcplaaad'ac 8s zov viov avzov {iccviav. Kqazlvog 8s 6 zrjg xcQ(.i(p8iag TCOif}Zt)g siczd Ttoog 4 zolg svEvy\%ovza szsQiv ifitcoos %ccl -rcoog zep zsXsi zov piov diSai-ccg zi]v HvxivY\v Kixl vi%i}6ic6[iiov. c. 4 — 12)' Hanc patriae laudem etsi sunt qui ab Luciano profectam negent , tamen nihil dubitavi vobiscum communi- care, idque tanto minus quod maxima pars encomii eiusmodi est, ivt optimis non solum Graecae libertatis temporibus, sed omnibus omnium liominum gentiumque seculis digna censeii debeat. 1. 6 v6[ios- legibus a Soloue latis sancitmn erat, ut supplicium sume- retur de pueris , si qui verecundiam deorum et erga parentes pietatera lae- derent. — ol%Eioi« Hesycb. ol v.ax ETtiya^lav dlltjloig Ttgoofaovrsg xccl i'dioi xal xax oiyilav ndvxsg. sensus : atque inde ex Mis proavito tempore nobis cognati. dvcoxsgco enim, ut plenius apud Aelianum ol dvco xov yivovg, aetatem spectat patribus avis que vetustiorem. — dva^i^a^o^iEVOV , h. 1. de tempore retro adscendente. dignum observatu et Lexicis addendum. 2- Q'sot, dii patrii vel indigetes, qui varii in variis locis celebrabantur. memorare iuvat cultum Iovis Cretensis, Iunonis Samiae, Apollinis et Dianae Deliorum , Veneris Cytbereae. — - Ttcog ovx — , nonne , quidni. cui subest maxima vis adfirmandi. v. M. §. 610? 6* 3. zl xuL — dlV ovv , etsi s. quamquam communis , — tamen. sua- Cxco voyiVC,. TcaxQ. usus Latinorum satis quotidianus: ut hie deus unicuique credatur patrius. perperam alii : ut videatur esse, quae interpretatio recedit ab usu vocis vo[ii£siv. ■ — Xctlnv , interprete Ammonio , dxdv.xcog IxcpEQEiv ret Qr'ijiatDi. biuo apte de loquendi discendique quasi incunabulis. — xcov (i£i£6vcov , ad rhstitutiohem maioriim rerum , quam quae in viliori urbe na- tali disci queant. cf. infra Xenoph. orat. Cyri morientis ad filios §. 16^ neminem facile praeterit, quam adposita baec sint ad ipsius Luciani patriam et itinera inde suscepta. — (.irj — ixaQ-cov, i. e. si pr) ijLLCc&tv. vid. M. §. 608- d« 4. cpLXoxL{iiccg svsxev ctt. i. e. ambitiosa quadam (qua quis ipse sibi gloriam adroget) contentione beneficiorum in publicas patriae impensas con- 70 AOTKIANOT rcog, oipcu* del ydo ova d^aqicxovg elvca rovg rcov ^EyiGrcov rv- %6vxccg evEqyEGicov. dX)J si %cci roig natf evcc rig dizovsyioi %doiv, coGtieq 86x1 dixcuov , insiddv sv nadr} noog nvog , itoXv (idXXov TtQOGTqnu rv\v Ttarqida xolg %a&7]K0vGiv d^Ei^EGd'ai. KwcoGEcog [iev ydo yovecov sigI vo^ioi Ttaod roig tcoXegv %oivr\v dh nqoGrixei ndv- ZCOV [l7}X£0Ci ri)v TCCtZQldci VO'(l%SW , %a\ laQLGXTjQia rQOCpCOV dnodi- dovcci xctl trig rcov vo^cov avrcov yvcoGECog. cocp&7] dh ovdslg ovxcog 5 a[ivri[Acov rijg Ttaroidog 7 cog sv ctXXr} tvoXei y£v6{i£vog dpEXEiv. dXX* 0% re xaxoTtQccyovvxEg iv rcclg 41» — naidbiag. vid. ad Lucian. dial. mort. IV, 5. — Xufiio&cu , cum Genit. rei vel pers. , ut reliqua verba attingendi. exempla praebet M. §. 330. comp. Virgilianum illud : iam tandem Italiae fugientis preridimus oras. Aen. VI , 6i- similiter com- •plecti , amplexari. — cpcdvrjzai , cum Part, quo maiorem eum apud alios gloriam meruisse omnibus cvmpertum est; cum Infin. i. q. videri. 6. oca) nXzov. nXhlov an nXeov dicas nihil interest, quamquam hoc Atticis pervulgatius. v. M. §. 135« — yiaraXvOai. male in libris quibusdam xazaXvoEiv. Schol. ad Soph. Oed. T. 273. zo yaq sv %o ficci dvzl zov vtci- 6 %v o v (xcc 1 zL&Efievov (isXXovzi Gvvz&GObzr.ti , dvzl 8s zov sv%r\v yial dSTjGLV 710 10 V [lUl £lg SVS6Z(X)ZU7tOLQCp%l-lllSVOV SKCpSQSZCCl. OiXiGXEG&Cll, cum Genit. sensu forensi satis frequens. Lat. condemnari peregrinatioms. 7- S7t7]Xv8sg. Hesych. vscoGzl sX&ovzsg «| hzsQctg yrjg. quibus oppositi sunt yviJGioi vel avzo^ovsg. — czsqyovzsg , proprie de amorc a natura 2AM0ZATE&E. 71 tayr\ twv iTimydsicov EV7t0QrJ6Eiv [istqov svSmfC0v.lcc§ tag trjg ya6toog Tjdovag ti&EftEVOi. olg 6e xa\ firjtrjQ r] naxoXg dyaTtcoGi trjv yrjv , ecp r\g iyivovto %al EtgdcprjGav , %dv oXiyrjv £%co6i , %dv toayuav %al XETtxoyscov' %dv anoQcoai xrjg yijg litaivEGai tr\v aQEtrjv, tcov ye vtieq trig rtuvQidog ovx ccttoq^GovGiv iyxoo^iicov. dXXa %dv idcotiiv stioovg 6s[ivvvo{iivovg 7ZE§ioig dvsifisvoig %a\ Xel(icq6i cpvtolg TtavvodaTCoig 6iEiXr]^svoig, %a\ avxol rcov xr)g Ttaxoidog iyxco^icov ov% EniXav- ftavovxai' xr)v 6h iTZTtotoocpov VTZEooocovxEg %a\ xovooxooopov litai- 8 vovGi. %a\ 6tcev§ei tig ig tr]v TtaxoiSa xdv vrjGicoxr]g rj , %av nuQ aXXoig Evdai(xovElv dvvrjxai %a\ dido[A,svrjv d&avaGiav ov 7ZQ0Gr\G£Xai, TtQOXL^icov tov ETtl tr)g iratoidog tdqpov , %a\ 6 trjg TtatQidog ccvtm KCCTivog la^TtQotEQog 6cpQ"iqGEtai tov tckq aXXoig Tivoog. ovtco dh aoa tl^xiov ilvai SokeI Ttaod TtaGiv rj izatqlg y coots %al tovg rcav- ta%ov vofiod'itag idoi tig dv etci toig [lEyictoig ddixr^iaGiv cog %a- XETtcotcctrjv E7ti^E^Xrj%6xag tr]v cpvyr)v Tt^co^/cw. ?cal ov% 01 vo^iod-i- tai fihv ovxcog £%ovGiv , oi 6e ttiGxevo^ievoi tag GtqaxTqyiag stEocog, aXX ev tcdg pa%aig to (xiyiGtov eGxi twv TcaqayyEX^dtrnv toig na- Qataxxo[iEvoig, cog vtveq natQiSog avxoig TtoXE^iog. %a\ ovdslg oGtig dv axovGag tovtov xaxog Eivai <&eX7] ' tvolei ydo xcci tov 6eiXov dv- dosiov to trjg TtatQidog ovofia. IV. Evl tovta) fiovfp Tjcdvta dvadqa^EiGd'ai vvv iXiti^Eig tco nta- 1 6y.ovxu vorjocu rjg yalr\g ftavhiv IfitiQExai. — inifibfiXriKOxcig. ETtt^dX- Xav sive simpliciter sive xificoQiav , ^iqfiiav aut E7ii$oXr\v addito multam irrogare. — 7it6ztv6[MEVoi xccg 6xq. quibus praefectura exercitus commen- datur, olg cd 6xQuxrjyiai TiiGxEvovxai. sic apud Diod. XIV, 288 naqd xolg TtoXixaig 7ii6xtv&sig anaf- oxQttzrjyiag , qui semel a civibus imperium sibi crediturn accepit. IV. Tlgbg dTtcddsvrov nal tcoXIu ftifilla cavovpEVOV, c. 4 — 14 baud paucis praetermissis. iam ante Luciani aetatem talia apud veteres exempla studiosae luxuriae increbruisse, ex Senecae philosophi libro de tranquillitate animi (c. 9.) discas , ubi de iis loquitur, quibus libri non studiorum instru- menta, sed coenationum ornamenta sunt. 1- 7i. dvad(Jct(A,El6&ai , equidem explicandum censeo : quavis ration e te auctum iri speras multis libris comparandis, ut dvadoctyLElv pro av£r}\rrj~ 72 AOTKIANOT Iio6&evovq , oGa xyj %siqI xrj avxov 6 Qyjxcoo h'yQcnps, x,a\ xd xov 0ovxv8l8ov \ o<5a tcdcqcc xov ^f^ioG&ivovg xa\ avxa oxxdxig (istsy- yEyoa^Eva Ev^sd , 7j xcdcog. el arcavxa IxEiva xxy\G^ oGa 6 ZvXXag 'Ad"rivr}Q'8V slg 'ixaXiav sE,E7t£'Jiipe , xi av ex xovxov tcXeov elg rcai- §elccv xxr\Gaio , xdv vTZopccXXofiEvog avxa imnad'svdrjg rj '^vyxoXXri- Cag xa\ 7t£Qif}aXX6{i£vog TtEQivoGxrjg ; nid^Kog yccQ 6 Tcid'fjxog, r\ tccc- QOipia cprjai, xdv %QVG£a e%r) GvfipoXa. xai Gv xoivvv fiifiXiov {/lev e%£ig iv xrj %siq\ xa\ dvayiyvcoGxEig del, xcov 8e dvayiyvcoGxo^EVcov olGxra ovSev , aXX' ovog Xvoag dxovtig xivcov xd coxa, cog eHys xo xexxTJG&ai xa fiifiXia %al TCETvaidEv^isvov ditE^aivE xov eyjovva, itoX Xov av cog dXtj&cog xo xvij^a r >]v a\iov xa\ \xovcov vpcov xcov tzXov- Glcov , el coGtzeq J| dyoQag i)v %QiaG\rai xovg Ttivijxag r^iag vtceq- fiaXXovxag. xig 81 xolg i^TtoQOig xa\ xolg $i$Xioxa7t')]Xoig 7]qiGev av tceqI Ttaidclag xoGavxa fii(3Xia 8%ovGi xal tccoXovglv; aXX eXye dis- XkyjEiv i'Q'EXoig, oijjei ^d' ixsivovg izoXv Gov xd ig 7tai8ciav a^Ei- vovg , aXXcl fiaoftaQovg [jlev xr\v cpcovrjv coGtzeq Gv y a^vvixovg oh xrj yvcooei, o r LOvg slzdg elvai xovg {itjSev xcov xcdcov %ccl aiGyjicov xa- &£COQctxoxag. xcdxoi Gv ^lev Svo rj XQta Ttag avxcov exelvcov TtQia^ie- vog EjEig' of os vvxxcoq xai [IE& Tj^isQav Sid %£iqog h'%ovGw avxa. xivog ovv dya&ov covrj xavxa, el xa\ [it] xdg aTtod"i]xag avxag xcov 2 fiifiXio'jv 'i'jy-rj nzTtfxidzv-G&ui xoGavxa iteoieiovGag TtaXaiiov av8ocov vat hide ab Homero non raro adhibitum est, Herod. VII, 156- at SvqtJkov- 6ai dvd x EdQupov xal dvifiXaazov. Diod. V. c. 12- ol KazotKOvvtEg xtjv MeXittjv xolg ze fiioig dvsdQafiov xal zalg do^atg rjv&ffirjGctv. ibi Wess'el. alii nescio quo inre interpretantur : omnia te iam emensurum operas. — oca zf] %. zy avzov ctt. uno verbo dicere solebant avzoygacpa vel IdioyQacpa. sed et Demosthenem more veterum nonnunquam adliibuisse araanuensem , ut dictaret op^ra sua, arguit oaa vooula. ex qua etiam paucis post recte con- iiceve licebit siDgula quaedam ab oratoris manu excerpta, non totum Thucy- didis opus exstitisse descriptum. cf. Kriig. de vita Thucyd. p. 82- — ual avzd. v. ad Aelian. II. — oaa 5 SvXlag ctt. Athenis a Sylla captis (86 a. C. n.) magna quum statuarnm turn librorum copia, Plutarcho teste (vit. Syll. c. 26-) bibliotheca Apelliconis Teii Romam comportata est, cuius splendidissima dicuntur ornamenta Aristotelis et Theophvasti scripta fuisse. — hpyKoXlr'iGag, vox ex officina glutinatorum desumta. dianoXXuv, GvyaoXXav enim de libris glutine compingendis. — TtEQLVOGzfjg. tceqlvogtuv i. q. 7t£Qi£Q%t6ft'ai , Tts- qlo8svelv. — Tti&rjytog 6 nift. comparari potest Latinorum Non magnu-s. jjujniiio, licet in monte constiterit. sed accuratius paulo , quod mox sequi- tur, proverbio ovog XvQag da. ctt. respondet Lat. Asello surdo narrare. fabellam. — cog dXrj&cog. vid. ad Lucian. dial. mort. V extr. — [lovoav vficov , repete ex superiori oratione xzrjfia. — V7t£Q@dXXovzag , Accusat. subiecti, qui pendet ab r\v (il-rjv). recte etiara diceres : vn£q§dXXovGtv s. moze vftdg vti£q§(xXXelv. — Efi7c6Q0ig, exspectes KanrjXotg s. dyoqaioig. comp. negotiator , mercator , caupo, — 8ik %£iobg e%. libros manibus tractant et versant. into %EtQog i%. esset: in potentate tenent. comp. ev %£LQh ^ x ^ %£LQag £%£iv. % zivog ovv dya&ov , cuius igitur boni causa — ? eadem Elbpsi, quaGraeci svEua omitteresolent, etiam Latini recte : averruncandae dearum irae victimam alicui mactare. v. Drakenb. ad Liv. XXXI, 12 ? 4« — ^ KQbmog , 8iaGXQO(pog xo Gco^a %ui XeXco- §r}{.iivog. EKEivog xo'ivvv o @EQGixi]g , 6 xoiovtog el Xufioi xt]v A'fiX- Kicag itavoTcXiav, oXel oxi avxlza 8 id xovxo %al naXog a^u %ai ld%v- — Tf^w&iov. Timotheus Thebanus , quo tibiis canente Alexander ad arraa prosiluisse et animi impetum sedasse dicitur. 'iafirjViov. Ismenias, de quo Eustath. ad Horn. II. 2, 502- rj 8s ®iG$r\ (urbs Boeotiae) tcoXlttjv [ilv Ig^e rov TitQiTivGrov avXr\xy\v 'iG^rjvlav • @L6(3svg ya tjUEQCiV (ihv Iv xrj tcoXei j^QTJa&cci ovx aGcpaXhg oiea&aL eivcu, VVXXCOQ 6h VTtO KoXrtOV £%OVXCi (10VOV TtQOeld'SlV Big XO TCQOttGXELOV %al 7tQOi£iQi(}CX[isvov xqoveiv xal GvvxaodtxEiv xdg %OQ§cLg dvEyvov xal a\xovGov VEav'iGxov , eXtcl^ovtcc xal fiiAi? xlvcc dEGizEGia VTCKfiJ\- GEiv xt]v Xvqccv , vcp cov Ttdvxag xaxa-d'iXt-SLV %a\ % r qX'\pEiv %ca {ia- OidoLOV EGEGd'ai xXr]QOvo^rjGavva xrjg 'OQtpEcog iiovGixr}g' ct%Qi §7] j-WEX&ovxccg xovg xvvag Ttoog xov i)%ov , tcoXXoI dh ?)Gav avxo&i, diaGnaGaGd-ai avxov cog xovxo yovv oycoiov xco 'OocpEi Ttad-uv %al fiovovg lop iavxov £vyxaXsGai xovg xvvag. ore tceq xal GawsGxaxa &cp&r{ , cog ov% rj Xvqcc {riXyovGa i)v , aXXd r\ xejvy\ xal i\ coSt], cc \iova i£cciQ£xcc xco 'OocpEL TtccQcc xrjg yLi]xq6g vjtrJQ%£v. 7] Xvoa 8e 6 ccXXcog xxr^ia v\v ovdhv c^elvov xcov aXXcov fiaofihcov. xal xi Got, xov 'Oqcpka 7] xov Niav&ov Xiyco , otcov xal xa& r^iag avxovg syivEXO xig xal exi egx'lv , ol^iai, og xov 'Etvlxx^xov Xvyvov xov Zlxco'ixov xEoaiiEovv ovxa XQiG%iXicov doai[icov ETCQiaxo; r(kTti^s ydo, oi[iai, xaxElvog eI xcov vvxxcov vtv sxslvco xco Xvyyco avayiyvcoGxoi, avxlxa \naka, xal xy\v 'Emxxrjxov Gocpiav ovao ETiiGxijGEG&ai %ccl b\uOLOg EGEGd'CU XCO &CCVfi(XGXCp EKEIVCO yEQOVXi. %&£g §£ KCil TtQCOrjV aXXog xig xi)v UqcoxEcog xov Kvvinov ficc%xi]QLav , vjv xaxci&iftsvog ijXccxo £ig xo tzvq ? xaXdvxov KclxELvog i'Ttqiccxo %cu ty£i [ihv xo %ei- 5. % Qo g sqcotcc. cur hoc praesertim loco iusolentius istud pro a'g tg. ifiKLTtTtiv praetulerit scriptor, nemo facile pervideat. sic hostes dicuntur fig d&vixlccv £{i7i£6£lv apud Xenoph. sed structura longe usitatissima est: Egcog fiot £ii%LTCt£t. num etiam §fis — ? v. Herm. ad Soph. Oed. Col. 946- — KQOVEtv , h. 1. pulsare plectro citharistae. Orpheus chordas iam digitis, iam pectine pulsat eburno. Virg. sic etiam avlov xqovslv , Latini tibiam digitis pulsare. Lucret. IV, 589- — V7CT]%7]G£iv , h. 1. vi transitiva , ut re- liqua verba sonandi. hinc recte dicitur uvIeixui ftccv [lilci&QOV, dumus per- sonat tibiis. comp. q£cd , Xd(i7ico , alia eiusmodi verba. — %XiqQOVO[xv l GccvTa. Schol. ad hunc locum: 'Atzlxcos kXt]QOVO{ig) zivog, i. e. haeres sum ali- cuius. quocum veteres Grammatici conspirant. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 129- — 7\%ov. Thomas Mag. quamquam paulo angustioi-e, tamen apta huic loco de- finitione : 7}%og nvQicog iiti [isXovg xui §QOvzrjg. — ozs ksq nat, nos : wo denn audi deutlich erkannt wurde. complectitur enim ots particula h. 1. si- mul et causae et temporis significationem. Thuc. I, 8^ ol yag bk zcov vr\- 6cov % Rhiano poeta et Myrone historico Prienensi deperditis probe pernoscere non potes. Iustinum tamen (L. III. c. 5 — 60 in bis rebus ne dedigneris comitem. — Edd. C. G. Siebelis. Lips. 1822 s. V. 8- Imm. Bek- ker. Berol. 1826- II. 8- I. Primum bellum, quod undeviginti annos compleve- rat, conficitur Olymp. 14, 1- Messenii asperrime a Lace- daemoniis vexati bello iterum suscipiendo deficere sta- tuunt. Aristomenes. — 1. evince dr. ex eadem analogia , qua vl%r\v , iia.%r\v vikuv , recte dicis zeftqimtov , c£Q[iC£ f Gzddiov v. et id genus alia, docebit hemistichium ali- cuius poetae: zliocpcov 6 $>LXcovog sviKa"Jlficc, 7Co8coH£Lr]v, 8lgkov, ukovzcc, ndlrjv. nee duorum b. 1. concursus Accusativorum babet quod ollendat. Demost. c. Theocr. p. 1342- 'E7UxccQ7]g 'OXv^ima ivUrjGs Ttaldccg gtuSlov, ubi Ace. loci, i-ei, personae. — iqvvGUEvov. vid. B. §. 98- uot. 6' — is 'Elsvclvcc , unde mysteria olim et sacra deorum in Messeniam erant illata. — xccg ncczQidccg ctt. in pristinas suas patrias , h. e. urbes Messeniae se re- ceperuut, quas duobus proeliis commissis primo bello deseruerant in Ithomen montem commigraturi. 2- ku&eIXov ig ed. solo aequarunu sic tioXlv kcczccgzqecpelv , dnoQ- 78 TIATEANIOT XEg rjQovv. (xvi&EGecv 81 %cd cItio xcov Xacpvocov xco 'A{ivxXcdco xoi- nodciQ 'ictlnovg Tec 8e ig ctvxovg MEGGrjviovg tcccqu AaxE- 3 8ai[iovL(ov eg%ev ovxcog. tiqcoxov [iev avxolg indyovGiv oqkov \i7\xb ccTcoGxijvai tvoxe ait avxcov, (i?]X£ aXXo EQyaGcca&ai vecoxeqov [irjSiv. 8eVXEQ0V 8h CpOQOV [IEV OvSeVCC ETtEXC/.^CiV EIQV^EVOV , XCOV 8s yECOQ- yOV[l£VCOV XQOCpCOV GCplGlV CLTCOCpEQElV Eg UTtttQXrjV TCttVXCC TJ^iCECC. TtQOEiQTjxo 8h nccl etvI xccg ixcpooug xcov pccGiXicov %ccl aXXcov XCOV iv xeXei %al av8oag ix xijg MsGGrjvicig %al xccg yvvcuxag iv eg&tjxi, 7JXELV {lEXcilVY} ' XCU XOLg TlttQCifiaGlV ETtEXELXO TtOlVY], XlfJlCOQLCU 8c CC£ vfiai^ov Eg xovg MEGGTjviovg Tvoxcdco TtEnoirniEvai eIgiv* coGtceq bvoi {lEyaXoig ayd'EGi xeiq6[ievoi , 8eGtcogvvolGl cpEQOvxEg uvayxctiY\g vtco XvyQTJg 1][l[,GV TCCiV , 0GG0V XdOTtOV CCQOVQCt CpEQEL. OXl 8e XCU GV(X7VEVd'EiV EXElXO UVXOig CiVCiyXTJ , 8e8'{]XcOXEV EV TCpSs' dEGTtoxccg oi{icd£ov-Eg 6[icog aXo%oi xs xa\ avxol, EVTE XIV 0\)Xo\K£VY\ \k,OlQCi XL%01 &CtVCCXOV. Toiovxcov ovv oi MegGtjvloi, xaxEiXi]cpoxcov x,a\ a^ia ig xd {.liXXovxct 4 Ov8lv EVOQCOVXEg 7tCiQ(X XCOV AttX£8cU(A,0VLC0V CplXdv&QCOTtOV, tvqo xe §71 XCOV TtCQQVZCOV XE&VttVCU (li^0ft£V0f £ , 7} XCil XOTtCtQCXTCCtV EX IIeXo- tcovvtjgov cpEvyovxag ofysGd'cu vo^i^ovxEg cxIqexcoxeqcc , aopiGxaGd'ai itavxcog iyiyvcoGxov. ivijyov 8h ov% i]xiGxa ig xovxo %cu oi vecoxeqoi, 7Z0X£[10V (IEV EXl (XTCElQCOg £%OVX£g y Xtt[lTCQol 8h OVXE£ Xtt CpQOV?][lCiXCt %CU CiTtod-CiVEVV 7tQ0XL[lC0VXEg iv iXEV&EQtt Xlj 7taXQl8l y El XCil XU CiXXu evScapovcog 8ovXeveiv rtaQSirj. STtETQctcp?] 8e VEOxyjg xcu aXXcx^ov xv\g 5 MEGGrjvlctg, oi 81 cxoigxol %cc\ cxqi&iiov tcXelgxol tceqI xr\v 'AvduviuVy qltcxelv tig £8acpog. — too 'JfivaXaicp , i. e. Apollini Amyclis, oppido agri Laconici, culto. 3- ctvtolg inccyovtiiv oqy.. eos adigunt ad iusiurandum, non raro cum significatione importunitatis vel acerbitatis , ut nos einem etwas aufbiirden, aufladen. §iy.r}V, ri[ir][i(x, SovXstav nvl indysiv. — EtQrjfiEvov, pacto con- stitutum. — ixcpOQccg , de funeribus efl'erendis, ut ixcpsQi-iv — ixuofiidr] et iwHOpLi&M 'i sat ' s uotum. v. ad Aelian. XXV. — ncci xag yvvaXv.ug , Arti- culus succedit in vicem eorum , quae supra ad ccvdQctg abesse eum patieban- tur , ev> zrjg M. aut si mavis verte : atque illorum coniuges , id quod verba Tyrtaei mox suadere videntur. — iv io&. (isXcdvrj. quum alii populi, turn Graeci Romauique atris vestibus utebantur in luctu , sed exstincta re publica etiam alba vestis mulieribus Rom. videtur lugubris fuisse. — SeOtiogvvolGi, i. q. 5f GTiorccig , quamquam alias solet pro adiectivo capi , ut SsGnoovvoc dvayucii necessitates a dominis iniunctae. Aesch. Pers. 593. — vrto. alii minus recte h. 1. vtco. v. B. §. 117, 3- — avxol. vid. ad Lucian. I. §. 1. — E vts , i. e. otcote z. quando quern abripuisset fatum. 4. zoiovzcov — -Kcy.tBLlrjcpoTcov , talibus tanbisque (malis) incitatis. ne vero ad xaTccXccfifiavFiv absolute positum subaudieudum quidquam putes, lege quae commode citat Siebelis , rolg kvdov cd'G&rjGig iyeyovsi zov kcctsi- Xrjcpoxog v.iv8vvov. Pans. IV, 29, 1- otcote TcoXs^og HazccXdfioc (quoties in- grueret bellum.), rco cpQovQim oi 'A&Tjvccloi e%qwvto. Thuc. II, 18. ceterum animadverte verborum traiectionem , quamquam huius synclrysis gemella ex- empla non admodum rara. Thuc. IV, 135- (xtcetceiqccGE Se zov ccvtov %U~ ficovog kccI 6 BQcxGi8(xg zElivxcovzog , nccl Tcgog euq r t 8r} , IJozcdaLag. — tcqo te 8r) zcov n. Pans. IV , 7 , 4« tcqo zs 8tj zrjliyiovzGJV -hcmwv niodog dnoQ-avElv. cf. M. §.450. not. 1. §.575- — iyiyvcoGyiov, decreverunt,jpla- cuit , qua significatione usui forensi receptum de legum latoribus aliisque magistratibus. cf. Athen. II, 8 extr. Lucian. dial. mort. 1,4. — zee qp^O- Vi][ic!zcc } hohe Gesinnung. £7CccQ6ig 7 Siavoict ETc^QfiEVT]. KAIITLAJOKOZ. 79 iv 8s avxolg %a\ ^AqiGxo^£vr\g y og nal vvv h'u cog ijocog ejei Ttaod MsGGrjvLoig xi^dg' %al ol %a\ xd xr\g yeviaecog iincpavEGXEqa vTzag^ai vo[i%ov6i,. NinoxEXEia ydo xr\ \Lr\xkqi avxov 8al^iova i] &eov dya- %ovxi ElxaG^iivov 6vyyeve6&ca XiyovGi 'AqiGxo^evei 8e rta- xsqa r EXXy]vcov ol noXXol Tlvqqov cpaolv slvca' ME66i]Viovg 8h olSa avxog irci xcdg GTtovdalg 'Aqigxo^ievtjv Nizo^dovg %aXovvxag. ovxog (lev ovv d%{jia£cQV rjXiKiu %a\ xoX^ir) %al aXXoi xcov iv xeXel Tcaocot-vvov iicl XY\V CiTt06XCt6LV. ilCqaGGEXO 8e XCLVTU OVK £vd"Vg 1% XOV CpttVEQOV, %qvqpa 81 ig "Aqyog %a\ Ttagd xovg 'AoxdSag dnEGxEXXov, ev GopiGiv dnqocpaGiGxcog %a\ \kv\8\v ivSEEGxiqcog i} iiti xov tcoXe^ov xov tcqo- XEQOV (X[IVV 2. Gvve- %ss , zazcc £%&og similesque vocaliura concursus. — tojv iv teXsl. Schol. ad Thuc. I, 58. ol AaxedaifiovLot. xovg uQ^ovtag teXtj indXovv dice to avrovg xa xiXr\ xolg TTQayfiaGi xiQ'Evat. sic ol iv x. i. q. xclggov xsg , xo- G(ir}xoQ£g , iufra II , 3. II. Deficiunt. aequo Marte pugnatur ad Deras. Ari- stomene imperatore cum sumraa potestate electo iterum proelium paratur. 1. XafiTiqmg — i^rJTtxo. i^dnxEiv fere constanter de incendendo igne, veluti cpXoya Arrian. I, 22, 2. II , 19, 3. Diod. L. 16. c. 58. unde Grae- cos pariter uti decuit ilia iunctura, ac nos : der Hass war in helle Flammen ausgebrochen.^ ~ ivUa Gx. v. ad I, 1. — 'A&i]vr)GL , ut supra I, §. 1. cum Iota depingendum curavi contra rationem nonnullorum Grammaticorum, qui licet ex Dativis ortum concedant subscribi vetant. — TXrjGiag, Archon anno 683 a. C. n. — d(icp avxr\v 6' ifi. intellige dficpi MeggtJvtjv xr\v na- TQida. usus dfiqpl Praepositionis , ut apud Horn. II. 461- "IXiov dfiyspd- %ovzo. 22, 381- dficpl TtoXiv gvv xev%£Gl 7ZEtQ7]&o5{i£v. comp. 18, 20- — vcoXsfiecog. Hesych. @laiov> cwf^j, adiaXEinxcog. hinc iure videtur deri- vandum a Xutmq et adfixo vrj-, de quo v. B. §. 120- not. 12. — 'Avd- £av8Qov.^ Anaxander, Eurycratis I (709 a. C.) hlius, Polydori (750 a. C.) nepos , circa annum 684 Spartae rex originem deduxit ab illorum principum 80 HATSANIOT d(x[iov xov ®807z6[A7tov Toxe §s ol MeGGtjviol Aaxedcaiiovioig 2 Gv^ciXXovGiv iv Aiqaig viaXov\iEvaig xijg GcpExiqccg exev rcqcoxco (xexcc ttqv cctzoGxuGiv. aTtrjGav 6h d^irpoxEqoig ol 6v[A,{ia%oi' %a\ vixr] [isv iyivExo ov^Exiqcov Gacpyjg, ^AqiGxo^EVYiv Sh Eqya cpaGlv a7to8dt l a6d'ai tvXeov xl 7] ctvdqa^ eva u%6g t)v, coGxe %al paadia {isxa xijv ^%7jv ijqovvxo avxov t)v yciq %cu yevovg xcov Altzvxlcx8cov' Ttaqaixov^i- vov xe, ovxco Gxqaxrjyov avxoyiqdxoqa e'lXovxo. AqiGxo^ivEi. dh na- QiGTCiXO ^L7J§ av CiXXoV CCTta^lCOGCtl TtU&ElV XI Iv tcoXe^co SquGccvxa ccj-i-ct iiv7]ii7jg' avxco {isvxoi nai tcqo Ttavxog ivo[ii'£EV Eivai exi ctq- %0(xevov xov tvoXe^ov -AaxE§caiJLOVLOvg %arct7tXi]£ ) uvxa cpaivEG&ui %ca ig xcc {ieXXovxcc GcpiGi cpopEqcoxsqov. axE 6e ovxcog s%cov , acpixoyiEvog vvkxcoq ig xr)v AanEdal^iova clvaxi&riGiv aGTVida Ttqog xov xijg XaX- %iol%ov vcxov §7tsysyQct-7Cto 6b 'AqiGxo^Evrjv &tc6 Ejcaqxiaxcov SlSo- vcu xrj &Ecp. iyivExo Sh %cd AaKsdai^iovloig [Mxvxsvfici ek AeXopcov 3 xov A&rjvalov imxysG&cti GvycfiovXov. cItzqGxeXXovGiv ovv naqa. xovg A&rjvaiovg xov xe %qr]GyLOV ccTtayyEXovvtag %al ccvdqa aiXGvvxag Tta- qcavEGovxa a %Q7] GcpiGiv. 'Aftorvciioi Sh ovdsxEoa ftsXovxEg , ovxs AaxE^ai^ioviovg uvev {lEyctXcov xivSvvav TtqoGXa^Eiv yioiqav xcov Iv IJeXotCOWJJGCO X7JV CCqiGXTjV, OVXE CCVXOL TCCtqCiKOVGCCL XOV &EOV, TZQOg xavxa e'E,evql6kov6l. %al — tjv ydq Tvqxalog SidaGaaXog yqa^dxcov, vovv xe 7\ya6xu ejeiv Soxcov %al xov sxEQOV xcov rcodcov %coXog , — xovxov cctzoGxsXXovgiv ig ZItmxqxtjv. 6 6h acpixo^iEvog Idla xe xovg Iv xeXel %a\ Gwdycov onoGovg xvyoi, %ai iXEysia Kcd xcc etct] G(pi6i xd familia , qui Agidae CAyictdai) adpellantur ; Anaxidamus vero cum patre, avo proavoqne ab altera ilia Eurypontidarum. 2- xijg GcpkTtgag , intell. yijg. pendet a voce Akqais? cui oppidulo cur K(xXov[,uvcag adpositum sit , ex ipsius humilitate atque ignobilitate commode interpretaberis. — TtXiov xi. Siebelis ita explicat : ,,appositio vocabuli egycc. nos: Thaten verrichtet hah en , mehr als glauhlich war, class ein einziger Mann sie verrichten konne. avdqa Eva pendere ab sluog rjv et am'mo i'e- petendum esse (XTCodEluvvGd'cu manifestum est." — AiTtvziccdcov. Aepytus, rex Arcadum, cuius posteri Aepytidae vocantur. — 7KX^carovpJvov, suppl. avxov. cf. M. §. 563- — TtaQLGzaro, c. Dat. de cogitationibus ex prae- senti rerum statu orieritibus, ut phiribus docet Hemsterh. Lucian. III. p. 392. Bipont. , et iam antea Etymol. Gud. tmxqiGt at at [iol rods, dvxl xov d o- ksl. nostro loco cum Ace. et Inf. ut Plat. Phaed. p. o8- e. coots [iql Ttccqi- GTciG&ca xov Ucokqccxt] (irjd* tig cjdov iovxec clvev &ziag fioigag livai. — etvzaj — Evofiifev stvixi. scribendum sit avzov, an Dativum Genitivi lo- cum tenere dicam, incertns sum. sed quidquid erit, verte : nihil sihi anti— quius existimavit , vel si mavis: suum esse existimavit. comp. tamen Bern- hardy w. Synt. p. 90- Tibull. Eleg. I, 6, 24- ibique Heyne. — xr\g XaX^ xiolxov. vid. ad Aelian. XXIV. — dno Ilnaqxiax^v de Spartanorum ma- nuhiis. 3. fidvTEVfia ex 4. ctt. Lycurgns orator c. 28 • xo'ig AuxzSou'sovloig izoXzfiovGi Tiqog ME667]viovg dvulzv 6 &Eog tzuq' rjfiojv rjysfiova Xcc^eIv %al vi%t\6hiv xovg ivavxiovg. comp. sequentia. — ■ [xol^av. Horn. II. 16, 68« %coQ7]g oliyrjv exi [iolqchv E%ovx c c g. — KQog x. s^evqigkovgi,, mente supp- lendum xl , de qua Ellipsi v. Bernhardy av. Syntax p. 414- - — didaGnaXog yQa^i^mx(ov ctt. quibuscum conspirant quae infra legimus cap. Ill, !• quid vero de Ly cargo, qui 1. c. haec proiert sane quam confidenter: xig yccq ovk oiSe xcov'EX?>7]vcdv, oztTvQxalov GxQazrjyov tXccfiov tkxqcc zrjg7t6Xctog, [IE& ov xcov TtoXEfiicov sy.QccxrjGccv; add. Strabon. VIII, 4, 10. lustin. Ill, 6. — rbv e'xeqov x. it. i qua iunctura Herodianus Grammaticus alteram illud r. s. Tpodec praestantius exliibet, certe apud Nostrum ter quaterve suum sibi lo- KAIUIAJ0K02. 81 4 dvdjtaiGxa f)Ssv. sviavxco 8 s vGxsqov rov Ttsql rag Jiqag dycovog, rjuovxcov d^cpoxsqoig %a\ xcov Gv^d^cov > itaqEGxsva^ov cog ybdyr\v Gvvdtyovxsg stcI xco %aXov\LEvco Kditqov Gj\\xaxi. MEGGrjvioig (jlev ovv'HXelol %cd Aq%d8sg , exl 8s s'£ "Aqyovg dcplxsro %a\ Ei%vcovog PoilO-ELCC. TtCiQTJCCiV 8h %ttl OGOl TtqOXEqOV XCOV MeGG1]VLC0V SCpEVyOV inovGicog , i| 'EXsvGivog xs olg rcdxqiov 8qdv xd oqyia xcov [isydXcov &ECQV %a\ ol Av8qoy,Xsovg drcoyovoi. %a\ ydq ol GvGrcEvGavxsg {id- XiGxd GcpiGiv rjGav ovxoi. AansSai^ovLOig 8s i]Xd-ov Koqlvftioi GV(l- (jLa%?]GovT£g zed AsTtqsaxcov xivsg naxd s%&og xo 'HXslcov. AGivuioig 81 OQXOl TtQOg £i86f.isvot xv.g £caag' ov yctQ nocxQiov xocg Endqxag ! 4« ogol — ecpsvyov ctt. vid. c. I. §. 1. — it at q iov , i. e. a maiori- bus traditum fu'u , pro quo alias dicunt naxQcoov. Thomas Mag. naxgcoa, ra sk TtaxsQcov slg vlovg %(oqovvxcc, tcuxqicl 8h xa xrjg noXscog s&rj. — ol Gv Gnev Gctvxzg , cum Dat. qui partibus alicuius favebant. ol gvGtievSov- Tfg TLoXvvhlv.il. Paus. JI, 19 , 8. — AenqEuxcov ctt. Lepreos Triphyliae Eliacae oppidum , cuius incolis olim Spartiatae libertatem restituere conati erant. III. Proelium ineunt. Aristomenis fortitudo ultra vim hum an am excelsa quidquid hostiura resistit vel in fugam coniicit vel humi prosternit. Tyrtaeus carminibus Spar- tan o r u m animos reficit et recreat. Pharis urbsabAri- stomene expugnatur, Caryatides virgines comprehensae abiguntur. 1. gvv cpQovrjiicixi. vid. ad 1 , 4 extr. — ojg r)XiKiag eX%ev , quantum quisque aetate (pro aetate) valebat. de quo casu partitivo Adverbiis adposito vid. M. §. 337. Bernh. w. Synt. p. 158- 2. Xoyddsg, i. e. su'iXsv.xoi , ixXsxxoi. — eheIvco z. avtrjv. cf. ad Stobaeum. IV init. B. §. 133. not. 1. — 6V oXiyov. Siebelisio adstipulor Eclogae. J? 82 IIATZANIOT xal cii dvaypq^Gig ovx EGXcu avxolg, yv %qaxv]d'CoGiv xa xe hqd GcpiGiv ovk Ecp?] yEyovivai %axd yvc6[i7jv. ekeXevev ovv Ttdvxa xivd , ETtEiSdv avxog arj^vri , s c. Optat. de re praetexta , quam quern credere iubeo, si- mulavit Aristomenem evasisse. Arist. Vesp. 291 sq. Xiycov , cog cpLXa^rj- vaiog r\v v.a\ xa iv Zd[i(p tcqcoxos uax £ Lno i , nos : er eiu Freund der Athener wollte audi die erste Anzeige von dem in S. gemacht haben. % inl xfj naX. MtydXrj T. alio loco Pausan. hoc ordine: r\ T. r\ xu- Xov(i£vr] Msy. Polyb. hist. 4, 33. iv xfj ficc^J] t'tj Y.aXovfxivrj nsal TucpQOV. tacitam relinquunt hanc pugnam Diodorus L. XV et Iustinus 1. supra c. — ditb 71UGCOV x. tcoX. i. q. Xenoph. fiorfoHV i% xov aGxtog Gvv Givl. Etym. Magn. ftorfow, Isytxai xb (izxa (lorjg &£ca. — tiqlv 8s r/, et Atticis longe familiarius tcqlv, suppresso rj (v. B. §. 149 s. v.) cum Inf. vel Ace. et Infin. meram temporis definitionem continere solet nulla ratione habita rei. cf. in- fra c. V, 2 med. — aQSxy xs ol fiaxofisvoi ctt. virtute atque fortuna, quam deus mortalibus largitur , pugnantes rem suam decernebant. 3. GoepLGfia , h. 1. idem quod TidXaiGfia vel potius GxQCixr'iyrnicc, artes imperatoris. Phavorinus ait : GocpiGxrjg Gr^iaivsi kccl xov dnaxscova. comp. Lucian. dial. mort. Ill, \. — d Saificov , non deus, sed fortuna, sors, fatum. i) xv%r], ut Schol. ad Soph. Oed. Col. 76- interpretatur. Eurip. Ion. 1390- xa xov ftsov pJsv %Q7]Gxd, xov 8s 8 a i (iov o g fiaqsa. — ano- (pavslv , h. 1. reddere , exhibere. similiter supra Aelian. 28- dnaiSsvTOVS diiocpaivkiv xovg nalSag. — s-nqvnxsv ig xovg 'A. haec structura sugge- renda vulgatiori illi cum duplici Ace. celare aliquem aliquid , quam Lexica solam agnoscunt. sed vereor ne exempla etiam magis sint numerabilia, quam ilia cum Dat. pers. Hesiod. opp. et d. 42- — a7ZSiXrj(A(z£voi intercepti, vel- KAIIIIAAOKOZ. 85 cog 8s ol AaxsSaLfiovLOL Gvvs[iL6yov xal i}6av ig xo xax avxovg oi MeGGy\vlol zEzqa^svoi, ivzavd'a 'AQLGzoxodzrjg aQ%0{iivY}g trig ^dyr\g ciTtijys xovg 7 Aqxd8ag , %a\ xolg Meaarjvloig xo xs ccqlGxeqov xal (ii- 6ov r\qr\\icoxo. oi ydq 'AoxdSsg GcpiGiv si%ov d^cpoxsQa axe anovxcov fih 'HXsicov zr\g (t>cc%r}g, dnovzcov 8s ^Aoysicov xal Elxvcovlcov. tcqog- s^eiQyccGd'rj 8s xal aXXo z^AoLGzoxqazsi' 8id ydo MsGGyvicov iitOLslzo xrjv cpvyr\v. oi 6s noog xo avsXitiGzov zcov Tcaqovzcov iyivovzo sx- cpQOVsg, xal d[ia {mo zv\g diSJ-odov zijg xazd Gcpdg xcov 'Aoxadcov izaqaGGovzo , ooGxs avzoov idirjGciv ov tcoXXv xal ETciktt&eGd'Cd zcov iv %eqgLv. clvxl ydq xcov Aaxs8aL^ovicov iTtLCpsoopsvcov %§r\ Ttqog xovg 'AqxdSag dcpEco'qcov cpevyovzag , xal ol kiev 7iaoa[i£lvaL GopiGiv ixszsvov , oi 8s xca XoiSoqLaig eg avzovg cog ig dv8qag 7too86zag 4 xal ov 8ixalovg i%qcovzo. Aaxs8aiyLOvioig 8s ?] xs xvxXcoGig xcov MeGGtjvlcov flovco&svzcov iysvsxo ov lalsTtri %ca vlxtjv izoLHOzazrjV icaGcov xal aitovcozaza dvdXovzo. 'AoLGzoiiivrjg 6s xal oi Gvv avzco GWE^iEivav (juev xal xcov Aax£8aip,ovicov xovg (icchGxa iyxEi^ivovg clvEiqyEiv etcelqcovxo , oXlyoi 6s ovxsg ov {i£ydXa coepiXovv. xcov 8h Meggtjvlcov xov (ihv dvjiiov xoGovxov TcXTJ&og ciV7]Xcod"riGav , cog xa ■jtqeoxa Aaxed(XL^.ov[(ov dsGTtoxag dvzl dovXcov eGeG&cu vo{ii'£ovxag xoxs (i7]8s ig xr[V Gcoz^oiav avxr\v ETCEjEiv iXitlba. drci^avov 8e xal zcov nqcoxEvovxcov aXXoi xs xal 'AvdooxXrjg xal Qlvxag xc/t Xoyov (idXi- Gxa d^icog dycovLGccfisvog rectius fortasse svSsxu hxr] (B. §. 131, 8-)> 86 UATEANIOT vov xijg jcoXioQKiag ytvk&ai xoGovrov drjlol %a\ mds vtco r Piavov TteTtOLTjjiivct eg xovg Aa%edai^ioviovg' ovoeog aoyevvolo neql 7ixv%ag eGXQaxowvxo %ei(iaxa xe itoidg xe dvco %al emoGi TtaGag. %u^mvag yaQ %al &sqt} y.axele'^e itoag elnolv xov ylcaqov Gixov 7} 6UyOV TtQO C(^]XOV. V. MsGGfjvioi de cog eg xi)v Eloav avmrdGd'rjGav xijg xe alhjg \ i&ioyovxo , itlr)v oGov Gw'iGiv ol llvlioi xa enl ^alaGGr) %a\ ol Mo- ftavaioi dieGco^ov, elyGxevov xr\v xe AaxcdVL%?}v %al X'rjv Gcpexeqav, Tcoleiiiav rjdrj xccl xavxijv vo^ovxeg. allot xe di] GvviGxavxo eg xdg xaxadoo^iag, oog exaGxoi xvyoiev , km 'AQiGxo^evrjg de xovg iteql ccvtov loyadag ig XQiaxoGlcov aQL&fiov 7CQ07]yayev. ?)yov [lev drj xa AaxedaifAOvlcov xccl scpsQOV xi xa\ dvvaixo avxmv exaGxog. elov- xeg de Gixov xccl fioGxij^iaxa xccl olvov dvrjliGxov , enmla de xccl av&QQmovg arcedldoGav %Q7]^idxcov. coGze xa\ e7ioiv]Gavxo ol Aaxe- dcapovioi doypa, axe xoig ev zrj EI'qcc [idllov 7) GcpcGiv avzolg yecoo- yovvzeg, vrjy MeGGfjviav xcel xijg Aaxcovixijg xt]v 7tooGe%ij, ecog av TtolepcaGiv, eav aGTtooov. xal dno xovxov Gixodela eyevexo ev Znaox^ 2 xat o[iov xrj Gizodeiu GxaGig' ov yaQ y\vei%ovzo ol zavxin xa xx7\}xaxa eyovxeg xa Gcpexeoa a^yd elvca. xal xovzovg ^ilv xa didcpoqa dielvs TvQxalog. AQiGzo^iiviig de eywv xovg loyadag xt]v [jlIv e£odov Tteol pa&eiav eTZoir'jGazo ionioav, k'cp&r] de vtco xd%ovg xi)v eg 'A^vxlag ccvvGag tcqo ccvia^ovtog tjIlov ' xccl 'A^vxlag xo TtoliG^ia elle xe xal OLfjQTtaGe zal xr}v aTCoiojQrjGiV eTtonpaxo , tvqIv rj xovg e% xfjg Zitaq- xr\g TtQOGfioTjd'rjGai. %axeroe%e de %al vtixeoov trjv %oooav, eg Aa- %edai[ioviow lo%oig releov q xolg ri^vGeoi %a\ xolg fiaGilevGiv ayucpo- xeQOig Gv^i^alcov alia xe e'a%ev a^vvo^evog xoav^axa %al %h\yevxi VTto li&ov xt]v YyEcpah}v avzop GnoxodiviioGiv ol ocpd'al^oi, %a\ Tra- vel certe ev Praepositione Dativo adiuncta, ut fieri solet, si quid diuturnum extitisse indicitur. cf. ad Athen. II. % — dqyevvolo. de rupibus cretosis et raarmoreis Irae montis, quibus hodieque scatent qnum reliqua Peloponne- sus turn insulae maris Aegaei. V. Messenii praedas aguntexLaconia. seditioinde ob frugum pecor unique penuriam concita'ta sedatur a Tyrtaeo. Aristoraenes Amyclas occupat; postea prehen- sus et in Caeadam coniectus dolo sive miraculo ex car- cere e I a b i t u r. 1.^ rrjg re allrjg e^elqy. haec copulandi ratio pro % at xrjg cell, (in- tell. yrjs. cf. M. §. 282 , 2.) etiam optimis Atticis , maxime Thucydidi fami- liaris est. — cog en. rv'%oiev, intell. 6WLGxd(ievoi,^ i. e. sors alium alior- sum ad excursiones faciendas tulit :, Aristomenes vero ctt. hinc dixit zv~ %oiev , non cog — ezvy%avov , vel cog exuGroi , et subaudiatur GvviGxavxo. cf. infra VIII, 4. — nqor\yayev , verraelirte sie auf dreihundert. Lat. pro- movere in (ad) ampliorem numeruni, provehere , simil. — dnedidoGctv %QT]f.i. i. e. pristinis possessoribus reddebant. de Genit. v. ad Lucian. dial, mort. II, J. — Sks:, quippe , cum Part. h. 1. de re non ficta , sed vera. v. ad IV, 3.^ — eav ccgti. pendet ab doy^ia irtoirjoavTO , i. e. idoKEi placid t. 2* ofiov , cum Dat. una vel simul cum. sed et Tacitus cum poetis si- mul aliqua re dicere sibi permittunt. — i]vei%ovzo , ad Aelian. 1,1. — ■ ciQyd, h. 1. signilicatione pass, ovk eiQyaa^ieva, depvzevzoc. — ecp&r], cum Part. v. ad Lucian. dial. mort. IV, 3. B. §. 150. s. v. rp&dveiv. — %axe- TQe%e , incursando vastabat. hinc Suidas s. v. explicat : inoQd'Ei, elrjt&evo, edyjov. ubi tamen id tenendum , ut ex editiore loco in depressiorem cu,r- KATLIIAAOKOZ. 87 Govxa d&oooi xcov Aav.ESaiybOvicov eTtiSqapovxeg £covxa aioovGiv ojXcoGav Se %a\ xcov tveqI avxov eg 7ZEvz7]xovza. xovxovg EyvcoGav oi Aa%ESai\*.6vioi Qitym navxag ig xov KaidSav. iGfiaXXovGi Sh Evzav&a 3 ovg av etcI [isyiGzoig ziyLcoqcovxai. oi {ihv Srj aXXoi MeggyjvIcov i{i- TtLTtrovreg dizcoXXvvzo avzlna • ^Aqigzo\i£vy\v Sh eg re zd aXXa &ecov tig %a\ Sr\ %a\ tors icpvXaGGsv. oi Sh aTtoGE^vvvovzeg xd zaz avzov IAqlgzo^ievei cpaGlv ipfilyj&ivvi eg zov Kcaadav oqvi&a zov dezov VTtOTtheG&ca xai dvijeiv xalg tcxeqv'^lv , eg Katrjvsyxsv avzov eg xo Tteqag , ovxe TCfjqcod'Evxa ovShv xov Gtopazog , ovxe xqav^ia eizi- Xafiovxa. e^leXXe Sh dqa %a\ avxo&ev Sai{icov eE,oSov arcocpmvEiv uvxeo. Mxl-6 {lev cog ig xo xsq^xa r\Xd'E xov fiaqdd'Qov , xaxErMd 1 ?] xe %a\ ecpeXnvGciiievog xr\v yXa^vSa dvs{ievsv cog Ttdvxcog 01 ajzo&avEiv 4 Tteitqcoiievov. xqixr] Sh vGxsqov r\[ieQu ipocpov xe uiG&dvExai uui ekkcc- Ivipd^Evog (iSvvaxo Sh 7]Srj did xov Gxoxovg Sioqav) dXcoTtsza eiSev ccTtxoiievrjv xcov vekqcov. vTtovoi'jGag be eGoSov elvai xco ^o/ca tzo- &ev , dvEfiSVEV iyyvg oi xr\v dXcojzsxa yEVEG&ai , yevo^evrjg dh Xa^i- fidvExai • xrj dh ixsqa %siqI, gtcoxe ig avxov iitiGx^Ecpoixo, xr\v yXa- {ivSa rcoovfiaXXEV oi %al SdxvEiv TtaqEiyE. xd ftev Si] tzXelco &sovGrj 6VVE&EI, xd Sh dyav SvGEioSa %a\ icpEiXnszo vtc avxrig. Sips Si itoxe otzyjv xe elSev aXcoTtsxi eg SidSvGiv i%avr\v xai cpeyyag Si av- trjg. %al xy\v (lev, cog ajco xov 'AQLGxo{i£vovg ^XevO-eqcoO"}], xo cpcoXiov e^leXXev VTtode^eG&aL • ^AqiGxo\ievY\g Se [ov ydq xi r\ oitr\ %a\ xovxco Ttaqhfeiv eSvvaxo \%oSov) evqvxeqav xe xalg ^eqgIv eTtoirjGe %a\ ol%aSe eg xrjv Eloav dnoGco^exai , TtaqaSo^co [ihv xvyr^ ual eg xi)v aXmGvv iqY]Ga^evog' xo ydq oi cpQovi]{ia rjv %a\ xd xoXfirj^iaxa {isi^ova, vj cog eXititiai xivd 'AoiGxoftevrjv al^idXcoxov dv yeviad'ai' TtaQaSo^oxEqa rentis sit et pleruraque sig Praepositionera adsciscat. — sg TtevzTq'AOVta. ig s. slg cum numeris coniunctum quid sit v. ad Aelian. XXIV extr. — eyvco- Cav. supra ad 1 , 4. ql^ui , alii perperam $[ipai, ut praeter alios Gramma- ticos Etymol. M. p. 673, 9- te edocet: to rc'iTtxa cpvGSL [lanQK 7taQg, post Comparativum ex vulgari canone grammatico solum Infinitivum admittit (v. M. §. 448- bO, rarius ut b. L Accus. et Inf. vel Indicativum , ut Paus. 1 , 20. extr. dyQioiTSQa rj cog &v8qo. elndg v t v eq~ ydGac&ai. comp. ad c. Ill , §. 2» ceterum ilniQuv h. 1. cum signiiicatione timendi , ut nonnunquam sperare. — izagadot-OTEQa. B. §. 60. not. 4- mox 7iQo§7}l6zaza , quo TtQodrjlozdzrj ne cut optatius videatur, v. siipra c. IV, 4 iiait. 88 IIATHANIOT 8s sGxi %al Tcctvxcov TtqodTjXoxaxa ovx dvsv &eov tJ ex xovKaid8a 6cox7\qla. VI. Aaxs8ai^ovioig 8s Tcaqavxixa {isv vtco dvSqcov aTzrjyysX- 1 Xsxo avzo^oXcov , cog IdjQWw^svTjg E7tav?jxoi Gcog. vo{ii£o{iivov 6s mciGxov Kurd xavxd, i) sX rivcc xsd'vscoxa sXsysxo dvafiicovai , naq avxov roiovds 'AoiGzo^svovg v7trJQ%sv sg %Igxiv. KoqLv&vqi Aaxs- 8ai[iovloig 8vva[iiv cog Gvvst,aiQi]Govxag xr\v Eiqav dnoGxsXXovGi. xovxovg TtctQCi xcov xccxuGxoitcov 7ivvd'av6(.iEVog 6 'AoiGzo^ivrig xrj noQELa xs dzaxxozsQOV iqiiG&ai koI xaig (5zQaxoTC£6ziaig dcpvXdxxcog, ETtixid-EXai vvxxcoq GcptGi' xai xcov xs aXXcov xad'Ev8ovxcov sxi scpo- vevGe xovg rcoXXovg, xai xovg TJysnovag r T7tEQ^Evl8i] %a\ 'AyXa8alov xai AvGiGxoaxov xai Ei8exxov dnoxxslvovGi. 6t(XQ%aGag 8s xai xi}v Gxy\v\]V vfjy axQcafjylda TCaqsGX7]GEV sv sl8svai ZnaQxidxaig , cog 'Aqi- 6xo[iEV7]g xai ovx aXXog MsGGijvicov egxIv 6 xavxa slqyaG{isvog. E&vGE 2 6s Kctl xco ACi xco ^I&coyiaxa. xr\v ftvGiav , ?}V r Exaxo{icp6via 6vo{id- t,ovGiv. avxiq 6s xa^EGxiyxsi pisv sx itaXaioxdxov , ftvsiv 6s avxrpj MsGGrjvicov ivopi&xo otcqgqi TtoXe^tiovg dvSoag xaxsoyaGaivzo sxa- %6v. 'AoiGXOfiEVEL 6s , OXE ETtl KciTCQOV G7][M(Xl ElKX%iGCiXO , dvGdVXl ExCiX0[lCp6via TtQCQXOV , 6svXSQCt 7]8fj Aqi<3xo\xkvy\v saa- yovGiv ol Koyxsg , GvvEcpqoviqGEV tj Ttao&ivog vitao r\xsiv xo iv xi] wxxi ot Ttscprjvog, xal ctvrjocoxa xr\v {irjxioct oGxig eXt] • {la&ovGa^ 8s STCEQQcoo'd'T} xs xal aiti8ovGa ig avxov xo TtqoGvay&EV Gvvrjxev. oivov ovv xolg Kq7]G\v iyyiovGa avs8ijv , xal cog Gcpag fj [Lsdr] xaxsXa^- fiavsv , vcpciiQEixca xov paXiGxa vtvvco[ievov xo syisioiSiov. xa juiv ovv 8s6[ici xov ^AqiGxoiisvovg 'exsfisv r\ %aQ&Evog' o 8s TtaqaXaficov to fycpog SiELoyaGaxo. xavxrjv xrjv TCdQ'&svov Xa^avsi yvvalxa Too- yog'AoiGxoyLEVovg' i8L8ov 8s''AQiGxoyLSvr[g xrj 7tai8l ixxlvcov GcoGxoa, insl Tooyco ovx rpj Ttco 8sxaxov xcti oySoov svog oxs syrjiisv. VII. EvSsxaxco 8s exel xijg TtoXioqxiag xrpj xs Eiqav etistvqcoxo ctXcovai xcti avaGxaxovg ysvsGQ'ai MsGGrjvlovg , xcti 8ri GcpiGiv iitz- xsXeGev 6 xrsog AqiGxoiisvst xal OsoxXco xqrjGd'Evxi. xovxoig yao iX- S'OvGlv sg JsXcpovg pszct xrjv inl xrj Tacpqaj 7tXi]yr]v xal iitEoopz- ■vovg V7CSQ Gcoxrjoiag xogov8s sitcev rj ILvd-La' sgxe XQctyog TtivrjGi Nidrjg eXlxooqoov v8coq , ovxsxi MsGGiqv'ijv qvo^iai' GisSo&sv yao oXsd-qog. elgI 8s at Ttrjyal xijg Ni8ag iv oqel xco Avxalcp • tvqoeX&cov 8s o 7toxa(x6g 8ict xijg 'AqxaScov , xal iniGxQEtyag avftig ig xi\v MegGy]- vlav oq'l^ei xa htl ftaXaGGii MsGGrjvioig %ca 'HXsioig xy\v yr)v. xoxs ig ctyQOV, quid h. 1. significet incerti sunt viri docti. Siebelis dedit ig dyqav zivu iv x. M. et vertit praedium rusticum, einen Meierhof. comp. supra Long. I, 1. ubi ctygog i. q. fundus , ager. 4. nazQog OQCp. quamquam OQcpavog perse is etiam est, cui matre viva mortuus est pater , tamen latius patet et privatum significat omnibus rebus caris. — rj nalg. recte Hesych, naig, xal dvzl TcagQ'ivov, nee solum de serva , lit ait Ammonius (7tai8L6nr) rj itevd'SQa , naig 8s rj dovXrj), sed de quavis puella s. virgin e. — tdo^EV, h. 1. cum Accus. et Infin. , quae structura etiam melioris notae scriptoribus comprobatur. Romanorum quam- quam sunt qui in his quoque Graecam syntaxin imitentur, tu tibi noli indul- gere. Gell. N. A. 19, 8- videturne tibi Caesarem — satis aperte pronun- tiasse? cf. Zumpt. Gramm. c. 70. §• 3S0. — vnag r\v.hiv ctt. intellexit quod noctu sibi oblatum esset exploratam veritatem advenisse. auctori obversatur ipse Aristomenes, quod ni esset, pro tjxslv haud dubie ytvsodou dicendum fnisset. — dtOfid. B. §. 56, 6- M. §. 96- s. v. — dtEigyaGuro, suppleudum inslvovg. — ovk rjv Ttco , i. e. ovtzco ijv. Xen. Anab. 7? 3, 35. ovx I'aaoC tzco , et multis aliis locis Xenoph. VII. Apollo oraculo ediderat Irani undecimo post ob- sessionem anno expugnatum iri, quod e ff a turn i am non i r- ritum fore intelligunt Messenii. Aristomenes, ne in po- sterum omne temp us salutis spes concidat, prohibet. 1. ETttTtQcovo. supra ad c. V. §. 3- — bTtsxsXsGHV , ipso rei eventu iis satisfecit. — iQrjO&EVTi , cui vocabulo xco &£(p, rco [lavztico, alia a Nostro fere omissa adplicari possunt, oraculum consulenti, vel potius consulentibus. sed liberiores sunt quum alii, turn Pausanias in admitteudo numero singulari. Paus. 3, 19, 5- 'AfivxXai dvccazazog ysvo/xivrj nagelxszo ctt. 8, 33, 1. Mvxrjveci, zolg"EXXr]Otv ijyr]6afisv7]. cf. M. §. 293. — hzs, cum Coniunct. v. ad Long. II, 6- nLVTjCi, B. §. 103, V. not. 13- — Ns8i]g iXtx. Pausanias alio loco Nedam (hodie Bousi) flumen vocatMaeand.ro excepto flexuosissimum. 2. OQi&i xd ini &. — xt\v yrjv , terrain Messenioruni et Eleorum in 90 HAT2ANIOT 8e ol [isv xovg alyag xovg a$@evag eSsdoinsGav , firj tclvcqCiv uho rr\g Nidag- xolg §s doa 6 dalpcov 7tQ0£67]{jLcavE xolovSe. xo 6ev§qov XOV EOiVEOV ELtilV 'EIItjVCOV 01 XCilovGlV 6XyV>d"r}V, ME66TJV10L 8e av- xol xqdyov. rots ovv Ttoog xrj Ni8 ol dh (Lacedaemonii) tnl TtyEtftag iazQazsvovTO. simiiia praebet Bernhardy w. Synt. p. 310. corap. M. §.616, 3. — xo dsvdQOV xov eq. de hac adiectione vocabuli aJicuius abundantis Pausaniae familiari vid. ad c. V. §. 3> — hl6TQig. add. ad B. §. 124 , 3- — TtQOEvoriGazo 8e xal ex r. n. prae- meditabatur tamen etiam salutem suorum quantum ex praesenti rerum dis~ crimine fieri poterat. 3- V7to§QV%iov , Suidas: vnb xo vdcoQ 7Z0VZLG$£v , ut haec sit totius loci sententia : illucl citzoqqtjzov si aboleretur Messeniam quasi sub aqua sub- mersam absconditurum esse in aeternum, sin vero conservaretur ctt. — s%ov~ ra , obtinentem , tuentem, vox de diis tutelaribus inde ab Homero satis vul- garis. Etym. M. l%&cci , nqoEtoiiiaGa^svov %al iG&ijta %al Gitla , avSqag 8s tcov iv tsXsi tce^tiovGi Ttaqafjivd-ELGd-al ts tovg MsGGTjviovg %a\ ijy£[,i6vag tijg Ttoqslag apa ysvEG&ai. %u\ tovg {i£v, mg ig to Av- naiov avEGoj&fjGav , i^svi^ov %al td aXXa Evvo'ixoZg tceqieitcov ol'Aq- xd8sg , xatavs^siv ts Eg tag TtoXsig rftsXov %al dva8aGaG&ai 81 EKEtvovg ti\v yijv. 'AqiGtopivsi 8s o ts olxtog 8iaq%at,o^svr l g tijg 2 Eiqag %al to ^ilGog to ig tovg Aa%s8ai[iovlovg fiovXEv[ia 7taqlGti]Gi, toiov8s. TtEvtanoGiovg tcov MEGGrjVLcav, ovg [xaXiGta TjTCLGtato avtcov acpEidcog h'yovtag , drcozqlvag ano tov Ttlrj'd'ovg , nqqsto Gcpag ev etvtj- %6(p tav ts aXXtov 'Aozadcov %a\ 'AqiGtoxqdtovg , ats ovta nqo- SotTjv ov% sldcog' avav8qia ydq %a\ vtco 8siXiag opvyslv tots ijSi] AqiGto%qatr\v tijg pd'/Tjg ym\ ov 8lcl xaxiav ovds^lav i86'S.a^sv avtov, caGts Ivavtlov nal tovtov tovg nsvtaxoGiovg ijqsto , si ti^icoqovvtsg trj 7tatql8i a7iod-vi]6%Eiv Gvv avtco i&sXijGovGi. opa[isvu3V 8s e&eXeiv drcsyv^vov to TCciv , cog rcdvtcog tijg iTtiovGfjg sGrcsqag etvl ti\v Sjtdq- tfjv aysiv {ieXXoi. Aa%E8ai[Aovlcov ydq tots dq [idXiGta ig tip Elqav uTtijoav ol TtoXXoi , %a\ aXXoi ts iTcscpoitayv cpsqovtsg jccd ayovtsg to. MeGGijviojv. „Ka\ ijv {iev eXelv ti\v UrcaqtTjv xccl xataGyslv 8v- Vfj&coiiEv ," scpaGxsv 6 ' ' AqiGto^Evi]g, ,,s'Gtiv i]\nv aicodovtag Aaxs- 6aL[iovLOig to, ixslvav ■xo^iGaGd'ai td olxsla' a(iaqtavovtsg ds opov a7io&avov{isda ys 7 ^vij{A7]g xal tolg snsita ai-ia iqyaGa(isvoi. u tavta ELTtovtog, tcov 'Aqzadcov oOov tqiaxoGioi [istsiSLV %al avtol tov toXy,7](Aatog r\&EXov. %al tots {ihv EKEiyov tijg i£odov td ydq LEqd syiyvsto avtolg ov rMtd yvco^jv' trj Sh ETtiovGiq to ts aTCoqqrjtov 3 h'yvcoGav GcpoZv tovg Aa%Edai[ioviovg nqoTCETCvG^svovg %a\ avtol dsv- tsqov VTto 'AqiGtoxqatovg 7tqo8s8o[iivoi. td ydq tov AqiGto^svovg PovXsv^iata avtl%a 'AqiGtoxqdtrjg iyyqdiljag fiifiXia), %al to fiipXiov — {nod t^ac&ai, , maluerunt quidam Infinitivum Futuri. sed recte [ieXIslv h. 1. cum Aoristi Inf., quum scriptor exprimere velit rem iam coeptam, quin etiam mente vel cogitatione perfectam. comp. Herm. ad Viger. p. 754. — EVVOiY.eog TCEQinnov (etcg)), sic prorsu-s Latini: b ene volenti a pros equehantur. % dcp£i8co$ 1%. cum Genit. ut dcp£i8siv. de Adv. v. ad Aelian. XXV. XXYII. al. — tv ETtrjXOCp , proprie loco quo dam , unde vox alterius ab altero audiri -potest, cum Genitivo vel rei vel personae, sive quis audit, sive quid auditur. — zrjg ^a^^ff , Gemtivus pendet a cpvyslv. sic Paus. IT, 2, !• ovdsfila iotfv ol ixrj%civrj Siacpvyuv tov oov.ov. de his aliisque ver- bis , quibus subest signiiicatio recedendi vel exeundi, cum Genit. coniunctis v. Bernh. w. Synt. p. 179- — avxov , tantum abest ut cum aliis Interpp. abundare dicamus , ut orationis vim egregie nobis excitare videatur. vertas : und nicbt aus irgend einer Niedertrachtigkeit meinte Aristomenes sei er gra de gellohen , i. e. Aristocratem omnium minime. — dnsyiifivov , He- sych. cpcivEQbv etcoiei. — is t>*]V E. dnrjoav. ig cum verbo quiescendi iam nihil habet ofFensionis. de similibus brachylogice dictis monitum est ad Athe- naeum I. §. 6- al. — EGtiv r^ilv ctt. Xenoph. Cyrop. 2, 1, 15- e£s6tl 8' vfilv Xafiovzug otcXu Eig rav8vvov ififiaivEiv. et sic saepissime apud Nostrum, veluti II, 2- c£ B. §. 142, 4- not. 2. M. §. 536- comp. Zumpt. Gramm. Lat. §. 601. — ooov rqiax. ad trecentos. comp. itSQi , cog, sig ad Athen. I. §. 4- — E7Z£l%ov , c. Genit. intell. havtovg , excursione (se) abs- tinebant. 3. rrj iniovGY]. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 464- — fiifiXiov , latiore sensu de quovis scripto dici satis notum. comp. liber, Bremi ad Nepot. Lys. IV, 2« KAnnAJOKOE. 95 ETtL&Elg xcov olxsxcov ov r\7ti6xaxo ovxa swovcsxaxov , naqa Ava- t-ccvSyov dnEGxsXXsv ig ZlTtccQtrjv. iitavtovxa 8 s xov olxstrjv lo%co- GlV CCv8oEg XCOV 'AoKCidcDV dlttCpOQOl X&l 7ZQ0XEQ0V XCp ' AoiGXOXqd- zsl y Gyovxsg 6s xi %ccl vtvotcxov xoxs ig avxov. Xo'fjpavxsg 6s xov olxsxrjv iitavdyovGiv ig xovg 'AQxadag zed £7Zc8sixvvov ig xov 8rj{iov xd dvxsnsGxaX^Eva ix Aa%s6ai>JLOvog. iitsGxsXXsv xs 6 Avd'§av8oog, cpvyrjv xe avxco xy\v tvqoxeqov dno xijg MsydXrjg Tdcpoov cpd{isvog ovx dvovrjxov sx Acixs8ui\JbOvicov yevead'cu , nqoGsGEGd'ai 6s ol %ccqiv 4 xal xcov iv xco Ttaqovxi {irjvvftcczcov. cog 6s UTZijyys'kQ'T} xccvxa ig ccrcctv- xccg , avxol xs xov ^ AqiGxoxqdx^v sficxXXov ol AqxaSsg xal xolg Msti- Grjvloig 8iexeXevovxo ■ ol 61 ig xov ^Aqi^xo^svypj amsfiXsTtov ■ xca o ^isv ig x?)v yijv dcpoocov sxXctis , xov 8s 'AQiaxoxqdxi^v ol Aoxd8sg xctxcc- XixrcoGavxsg xov (ikv xcov oocov ixxog ixfidXXovGiv axaopov , gx{\Xv\v 6k dvs$EGav ig xo xs^isvog xov Avxalov XsyovGccv Hdvxcog 6 xqovog evqe 8lxr\v d8lxco ficcGiXrj'i, evqe 8k MsGGrjv?]g Gvv Ait xov TtQoSoxrjv Qi]'i8icog. %uXetcqv 8k Xa&slv &s6v uv8q etcloqxov. %caQS Zsv fiaGiXsv , %ca Guov 'Aqxadiuv. 1 X. Tcov 8s JVleGGyjvlcov otzogoi tceqI %v\v Elqczv y\ xai exsqco^l Ttov xijg MsGGrivlttg iyxaxEXsicpfopav, xovxovg yikv ol yiaxs8ai}xovioi 7tQ06EVEi[iccv ig xo ElXcoxixov TIvXioi 8s xccl JYLo&owctZoi xal ogov xa . TtccQccd-cuXaGGia coxovv , vuvgIv vtco xrjv aXcoGiv xijg EXqag ditaiQOvGiv ig KvXXrivrjv xo snlvsiov xo 'HXsicov. ixsldsv 8s Ttaqcl xovg iv Aqxu- 8ia MsGGrjvlovg ajxsaxsXXov, i&sXovxsg xoivco GxoXco ^coqciv sv&a olxi\- GOVGlV CtVttfyxELV, XCil 'AQLGXO^iEViJV i'/JXEVOV ijyELG&Ctl GCplGlV ig CCJtOL- ziav. o 8s avxog psv scog dv TCEgifj tcoXe^li]6eiv Attxs8ca[iovioig s'cpcc- 6kev , iTtlaxaOd'ai, 8s axoificog , cog asl xi dvacpvCsxai xrj 27tctQXri 6l — iTa&Elg x. oiketcov ov ctt. de quo genere Attractionis v. B, §. 151 , 4« — iniGTiXlsv. vid. ad Athen. I. §. 4' quocum comp. infra X , 1. catEGtsK- Xov. — ovk dvovrjxov. vid. supra c. IV. §. 2- 4- h'fiaXXov , lapidibus petebant , qua significaticme xolg XL&oq — Ar- ticulum enim addere. solent — non raro reticetur. — 8ley.eXevovto , sup- pleri potest to avvo noislv vel simile quid, quod vicarium est xov fiaXXsiv. — dvs&EGav ctt. Polybio teste (IV, 33.) ol Ms 6Gr\v to i nccQoc xov xov /dib§ rov Avkklov ficofidv dvE&EGctv GxiJXtjv. — XsyovGczv. simili modo you (i [lux a. Xsyovxa xccds , epistolarum haec est sententia. comp. Latinorum loqui. v. Iuterpp. ad Cic. de fin. b. et m. II, 9, 26. — Xcc&uv &sov , la- tere deum , 7207Z animadperti. B. §. 131, 1. M. §. 412- — G(XOV. v. B. et M. verb. anom. s. v. ooi^co , Gaoco. X. Messeniorum alii in numerum tcov EiXcoxcov ad- scribuntur, alii Gyllenen Eliacam se recipiunt. Euerge- tidas frustra tejitat amissam Iram recuperare, Aristome- nes quotquot superstites sunt suorum in tuto collocat. b ellu m f ini t ur. 1. ig x. ElloaxiKOV, in numerum Helotarum. non alien um videtur h. 1. usuin prouominum possess, commemorare , to vfiixEQOV pro vpslg, xo i{iov pro iyco , ctt. vid. M. §. 466 , 3- — TIvXioi — Moftcovaloi. v. cap. V. §. 1. — inivsiov. bene explicat Schol. Thuc. I, 30- noXiG^ia TtaQaQ-aXaG- GlOV , lv$U ZCC VECDQLU ZCOV TCoXscOV , COGTtEQ 6 TTElQUtEVg xcov 'A&rjvcclcov y.a.1 r\ NiGaioc zrjg MsyctQidog. — GzoXcp, comp. supra c. VI. §. 1. tcoqeIu et quod ibi monitum est. — %oXs^r\GEiv , cum Dat. si quem mihi infestura bello peto. de altera structura gvv zivi, [iexcc zivog idem valet, quod de liu%£G$v.i et 6V[i[iccx& v dictum est ad Aesop, fab. VIII. — dvucpvGExai 96 nATZANIOT KAIUIAJ0K02. avxov kockov ekeivo ig ds FoQyov %a\ MavtixXov eScokev TJyE^ovccg. o 8h EvcQyETidctg ig {iev xo Avv.ctiov gvv rolg aXXoig MECScSrjvioig %al 2 ccvxog aTCZ"icQQiq<5£v ' ivel&sv 6e, cog ecoqcz xo (5ovXsv[icc diuTZETtxcoxog tc5 AqiGto^ievei xo ig xi)v zaxcxXrjipLV xijg ^TtaQvrjg , clvaJtELGag xcov ME6ar]vicov cog TtEvxijxovxct inccvEiGiv iizl xovg AuzEdaL^ovtovg ig xr\v EioCiV , %Cil EVXVJtoV dlVQTZa^OVGlV EXl XCi E7tlVl%lCi TCEV&Og Gcpiav iTtohjOEV %ccl xov [lev ivxav&a iniXaiifiavEi xo %qecov , 'AQicxoiiEvrjg 6e cog xovg r/yE^ovag xolg ME66rivioig inExa'^Ev ig KvXXr)vfjv , oaxig i&sXoi [lExiyEiv xijg uTCoiy.i&g. %a\ {iexe6%ov anavxEg, tvXtjv eI yijoctg XiVCi (XTCElQyEV 1] {17]§S EVTCOQCOV EXVJEV ig X7]V cc7io§rj{iiccv ovxoi 8h ccvxov YMXE^iEivav TtuQo, xolg Aqkcxglv. EaXco dh r\ Eiqa %ca 6 tcoXe- 3 [iog 6 dEvzEQog A(xxEdai %al MeC6t]vlcov xiXog e6^ev A&rjvaioLg cxQypvxog Avxocjd'Evovg, exei kqcoxcq xijg oydovjg xe %al ElxoGxrjg oXvp- TtLctdog. ctt. es werde (lurch ilin noch immer ein Unheil erwachsen konnen fur Spar- ta, at vero fefellit Aristomenem spes ilia, mox enim bello firiito legimus a pud Pausaniam aTto&avEiv avxov voGiJGavzci. ov yao e8el Gv^icpoquv ov- d£[iietv jUwcbcuiLovLOLg ezl f'| 'AQLGzoptvovg ytvtod'ca.. 2. EvtQytxidccg. c. VIII. §. 1. — diarttTZxccxog. sic Aeschines ora- tor: to GVKOcpdvrrj^a diSTtLTtxtv avxrZ. Poly'oius : Sletiegsv avzco tj etci- |3oAr/. comp. Lat. dilabi. — i g x. xazaXrjipiv , consilium ad occupationem pvonum. comp. Horn. II. 2, 379- el ds not' ig ys fiiav (intell. fiovXrfv) fiov- XbvGoatv. — cog Tiivxy^.ovzoi. v. supra ad c. IX , 2 extr. — cog xovg TjyE^i. i. q. TCQog xovg i\y. , de cuius particular usu v. ad. Aelian. XX. — EVitoowv , quod plenius clicuut scriptores zgocpfjg — Gizmv svitOQHV. 3. IxhiiiQcoxcp ctt. „belli fiuis in Ol.XXVUI, 1, initium in 01. XXIII, 4 (684 — 667 a- C. n.) incidit, ergo decern fere septera annos huic bello Pau- sanias dedit." Siebelis. IIAOTTAPXOT XAIPHNEX12. I. 1. Tcov ^TCdQtiarcov nctlSag ov% lit covyxolg ovde ^iGd'loig iTZOirjGccto itaidaycoyolg 6 AvvLOvqyog ? ovd' i£,rjv ezcajxa) XQ&cpEiv ovds ncadsvsiv cog ifiovXexo xov viov , dXXcl Ttdvxag svd"vg ETCxaexElg ysvo- liivovg TtccQcclc^ipcivcov avxog slg dyiXccg %axEXoji^E y %ccl avvvopovg Ttoicov xal CvvTQoqpovg ycsx dXXrjXcov eX&i^s avfinal^eiv %al 0v6%oka£sw. CLQ%ovxa 8' avxolg naqiGzaxo xijg dyiXijg xov xcZ cpQOvelv 8iacpEQOvxa nai &v\xoEi8E(SxaxQV iv x

xs zslqovxsg %a\ pa8i£siv dvvjtoSjjxovg TtdL&iv ts yv^ivovg cog ta TtoXXa avvs&it > ovxsg. ysv6{isvoi 8s 8co8snasxslg dvsv %ixcovog rfivi 8isxsXovv, *|v fydxiov slg tbv sviavxbv Xapfidvovxsg , c^p^ool ta Ccofiata %al Xovxqcov %a\ dXsL{i[idxcov aTCSiqot' 7tXr]v oXiyag rjiis- qag tivag xov sviavtov tijg xoiavxi]g cpiXav&Qco%iag (jlsxsI%ov. SKa&sv- 8ov 8s opov %ax iXtjv %a\ dysXrjv s%\ axifid8cov , dg avxol avvscpo- qovv xov naqa xov Evocoxav Ttscpvxoxog KaXd^ov td aKQa talg %sqalv ccvsv 6idtjQ0v naxaxXdaavxsg. sv 6s tco %si^covi xovg Xsyopsvovg Xvko- cpavovg vits§aXXovxo %a\ %axs\kiyvv6av talg 6xi$glGi ftsopavtmov sysiv Tt trjg vXyjg 8o%ovar\g. 2. HStj 8s xolg tr\Xi%ovtoig soaaxal tcov sv8o%i{icov vscov Gvv ■ avsatqicpovto %a\ itooaslyov ol TCosafivxsQOi xal [idXXov, STticpoixcovxsg slg ta yv^ivdaia %al {ia%oyisvoig %al a%co%xovaiv aXXrjXovg Ttaoaxvy- %avovxsg ov Ttaqsoycog , dXXd xqortov tivd rtdvxsg oio^isvoi itdvicov %a\ natSQSg sivai %al TtaiSaycoyol %al dq%ovxsg , coats (i^xs naiqbv vTtoXsiTtsa-d'aL , {i7]xs %coqiov sQrj^iov xov vov&sxovvxog tov a^iaqxd- vovta %al noXa^ovxog. ov ftijv dXXd %a\ TtaiSovopog s% xcov xaXcov %a\ aya&cov avSocov ixdxxsxo , %al %ax dysXag avxol Tcqotaxavxo xcov Xs- yopivcov sIqsvcov asl xov Ccocpooviaxaxov %a\ iia^L^coxaxov. sl'osvag ds tur. — tjxqocovto , sic Thuc. 3 , 27. i7t£idf] slttfiov onXa , ovv. tfxQoaivTo iti xoav dq%6vxcov , ubi recte Schol. vnrjyiovov xolg c(q%ovgiv. — inaQts- qovv , cum Genit. idem fere valet quod dvi%SGQ'UL c. Ace. vel Genit. tole- rare , patienter ferre. — roc noXXcc — dsl, Schaefer cum hac formula com- parari iubet noXXoc ndvta. cf. praeter alios locos Herod. 1 , 203. xu noXXcc ndvxa (l&vsa) an vXj]g dyQirjg £coovxa. sic etiam ol TtoXXol ndvxsg , ple- rique omnes (plerique — ne dicam omnes). — yqa^axa ctt. hinc dnui- Ssvxol et ccfAOvooi vocantur Lacones. nam a musica etsi non prorsus alieni erant , tameu et ea inserviebat legibus moribusque civitatis , poesin vero (cf. tamen Wolf. Proleg. ad Horn. p. 139- Plat. Legg. III. p. 680. c), faculta- tem dicendi (vid. c. 4«) aliasque artes in exsilio fuisse res nota. — uaQXS- gslv , c. Part. vid. M. §. 550. b. — avxav xrjv aGH. de Pronomine sic rite collocando dictum est ad Lucian. dial. mort. VI, 1. — iv %qcp KSiQOVXsg, I. e. strictim adtondentes , cute tenus. qui mos quo spectet h. 1. per se pa- tet (v. Manso. Sparta I , % 197 s.) , seriore quidem tempore philosophorum quorundam est et aliorum avaritiae sordibus inquinatorum , tonsoris opera quam rarissime indigere cupientium. — at g xa noXXd. sic co g ini xb noXv, fere, ut plurimum , ubi cog eandem , qua numeralibus adiungitur, temperan- di et mitigandi vim accipit. — diszsXovv, Participium verbi substantivi etsi rarius omissum testimonio optimorum scriptorum comprobatur. v. Lobeck ad Phryn. p.277« — cvvscpogovv. v. ad Aesop. fab. IV. — Xvnocpdvovg, teste He- syebio i. q. Messeniis dicitur h%iv6%ovg, cardui genus echini pedibus simile. 2. (c. 17.) v.al (idXXov, vel maiorem in modum, quod nihil fere aliud est quam (idXXov 8s s. fidXXov 8s v.al TtqoGsl%ov ctt., formulae in corre- ctionibus frequentes. — coGxs [njxs xaigbv ctt. ut neque tempus, neque lo- cus correctore atque castigatore peccantis alicuius vacuus iisdem egerel. — - sIqsvcov. si'qriv i. q. supra aQ%(ov (comp, Herod. 9> 850 > praefectus ado- XAIPSINES12. 99 xaXovOL xovg sxog n/\8r\ 8evxeqov 1% ncddcov ysyovoxag, {lEXXEiQEvag 8s xcov Ttcddcov xovg 7iQ£6pvxdxovg. ovxog ovv 6 siqtjv eikoGiv sxy\ ys- yovcog ao%£i xs xcov vitoxExay^svcov iv xalg pcr/ctig ku\ %ax oixov vrtrj- qsxaig iQTJrai, Ttqog xo SeItivov. srcixaGGEi 8s xolg [ilv d8golg £vXcc cpSQSiv , xolg 8s {iLKQOXSQOig Xa%ava. %a\ cpigovoi xXsTtxovxsg , ol {isv ln\ xovg %fj7tovg fia8i£ovxsg , ol 8s sig xd xcov dvSocov GvGGixia Tta- qsiGqsovxsg sv (idXa navovgycog %a\ TtEcpvXay^iivcog' dv $' aim, tzoX- Xdg Xapfidvsi, TtXrjydg xrj \xaGxiyi gad"V(icog 8oxcov yXetzxeiv %a\ dxs- %vcog. zXsnxovOL 8s %a\ xcov Gixlcov o xi dv 8vvcovxai [lav&dvovxsg sv- cpvcog s n ix ids 6&ca xolg %ccd , Ev8ov6iv ?} gad'v^cog cpvXaGGovtii. xco Sh aXovxi 'QmxLa 7zXy\yci\ %cd xo tveivtjv. yXiG'^qov ycco avxolg s6xi 8sl- tcvov , OTtcog 8i avxcov d{ivv6[iEVOi xijv sv8ciav dvayv,d±covxai xoX- [idv xai Ttavovoyzlv. ym\ xovxo (isv soyov xijg oliyoGixiag' tcccqsq- yov 8s cpaGi xr\v xcov Gco^idxcov av'^GiV. cpsosxca ydo slg uiJKog, oxav to Ttvsvpa (tu) 7toXh)v G%rj 8iuxQifii)v %a\ aG^oXiav vtco %Xr[- %ovg xootpi\g sig ficc&og kcc\ rcXdxog Ttis'Cp^xsvov , dXX dvco ^ccSi^rj Sid xovcpoxrjvu xov Gcoiiaxog sxXvxcog %a\ Qa8icog S7ti8i8ovxog. xo 8 avxo kcu jccdoi)? 8o%el tvoleIv al ydo Ig-jvcu %a\ SidxEvoi [iccX- Xov s%sig vrcaxovovGi TtQog xrjv 8lccq&qco6lv' al 8' oyxcodsig xai tco- Xvxqocpol 8id fidoog dvxifiaivovGiv 3. Outgo 8s xXetcxovGi TtscpoovxiG^svcog oi TtalSsg, coGxs Xs- ysxal xig i]8y] Gxvfjcvov dXconsxog xszXocpcog %al xco XQificovico tzeqi- 6xsXXcov , 67za.ga6GoixEVog vtco xov dijoiov xt)v yaGtSQU xolg ovvti %cu xolg 68ovGiv , vtvsq xov Xcc&slv iyxaoxsocov dnod'Civslv. x«l touto [lev ov8 ano xcov vvv scp'/jpcov (XTtiGxov s6xiv , cov TtoXXovg STtl xov ficoftov X'Y\g 'OQ&iag scoodxaLisv sva7iod'viq6novxc(g xalg nXr}- lescentium in singulas classes distributorum , ita tamen ut ratio semper ha- benda esset absentis magistri pueritiae (rtcudov6[ioq). cf. Xenoph. de rep. Laced. II, 10- — xXtTtzovzsg. pertinuit flagitiosa ista ratio ad instituta bel- lica Lacedaemoniorum , neque solum condonabatur furandi crimen , sed ne- cessarium etiam iniungebatur pueris famem expleturis. de quo more adde Xenoph. Anab. IV, 6, 14. de rep. Laced. II, 6 sq. — gvgoLzlcc, quae alias vocantur cpEtditia , caenae parsimonia atque frugalitate conditae , quarum viros tantum atque cives socios participesque fieri legitimum erat. hinc ado- lescentes mox TtdQStOQEOVXEg , furtim irrepentes in caenationem. — aV 8' ccX(p. av h. 1. dicas an }}v nihil dillert. utraque particula et unde exortae sunt iocv non dicyntur Hermanno docente ad Vig. p. 834, nisi de re futura, quae possit , non debeat necessario fieri, verte igitur si quis sit deprehen- sus. — svcpvcog. svcpvTJg , d tig itdvza 8s£iog. Thorn. Mag., hinc Etym. Gudian. d navovgyog nai 6Kco7ivr]g. — ykiaxQOv ctt. nota sunt ^cotisvfiaxa Spartanorum s. (lilag gcofiog, egregia potandi abstinentia et id genus alia. — cpEQSxaL y. fig iirjuog , repete xa Gco^ttzci. sententia totius loci videtur haec esse : corpora in longum producuntur , quum spiritus levitate corporis ex- pedite facileque crescentis ductus sursum fertur , neque vero ciborum co- pia in profundum latumque suppressus multum commoratur et occupatur. 3. (c. 18.) £yxaQTZQo~iv , ut coniungatur cum 67taQa6a6(iEvog , Schaef. comma tolli iubet post dSovoiv. — an 6 zcov v. £cp. aniGzov, tacite sup- plendum yiyvtod'ai , quum Praepositio id indicet, unde aliquid proficiscatur vel peti possit. — xr\g 'OgQ lag. fuit hoc signum Dianae Orthiae , quod olim e Taurica Orestes et Iphigenia sustulerant , in Limnaeo i. e. suburbio Spartae. Cic. Tuscul. II, 14, 34- eandem illam 8iaiiaGxiy#., ut alias sv&vg in lzaidiov, formulae apud Plutarchum frequentissimae. v. infra c. 5 init. — • to yaQ iQcozrj&evxcc ctt. de vi Articuli Infinitivo adpositi v. ad Aelian. IV. — inoLovvvo , cum duplici Accusativo signiiicationem putandi vel existijnandi adsciscit et certis qui- busdam formulis adstrictum per periphrasin dici censent pro simplici verbo : G7]fislov , ^av^ia, 1%'iav 7ioiEiG%al xi pro arjixalvEiv , & ex scho- lis philosophorum depromptum. anode i^ig , ut Cicero Acad. II , 8 > 26 in- terpretatur, argumenti conclusio s. ratio quae ex rebus perceptis ad id, quod non percipiebatur , adducit ; alxia ratio, verniinftige Ueberlegung. — EV&vvag V7i£l%, poenam sustinuit. — in ccp,(p6x£Qa , i. e. amatores omnia cum pueris communia habebant, sive quid laudi sive vituperationi erat eru- diendis. 4- (c 19.) aitb (5q. lei-sag. cf. ad c. 3 init. ava%£coqr\Giv , proprie consideratio , quae examinandi causa denuo aliquid spectat , hinc nostro loco promptum atque argutum ingenii acumen. — £7toir}G£V , cum Infinitivo quid sit v. apud Herm. ad Viger. p. 761. — voftLGpa, ut nostrates tropice das Geprage, den Stempel der Rede.— xij 7t. Giconf/, Articulus indicat rem cognitam, quae fuit in orehominum, quamquam ex supra dictis iam colli- gis taciturnitatem quandam fuisse ipuerorum. — ghcqtitovzos ... slg xr\v XAIPSINE&2. 101 tdg Aaxcovixdg {ia%aiqag slg xr]v pnxqox'Y\xa %a\ Xsyovvog , oxi §a- dtcog avxdg oi d-av^iaxoTtOLol xaxattivovGiv iv xolg ftEaxooig • Keel (irjv fidXiGta, eItcev , rj^ielg icpiKvovfjisd-cc xolg Eyxuoiftioig xcqv no- Xe}iIcqv. iyco de xa\ xov Xoyov oqco xov Aaxcovwov (Sqaivv {iev el- vai doxovvxet, yidXiGxa 8h xcqv nqayyudxcov icpixvov^Evov xal xijg diavoiag ditxo^Evov xcqv dxqocQfiivcQV. xal ydq o Avxovqyog avxdg PqayyXoyog $ig eolxe yEVEG&ai xal ditocpd'Ey^axixog , el del XEx^iai- QEG&at, xolg aitOfjLvrj^ovev pieces lv • oiov stiu xo 7tEoi xrjg rcoXixnag Ttoog xov d'fyovvxa tcoieIv Sr](ioxqaxiav iv xrj tcoXel' 2v ydq, Ecprj, nqcoxog iv xr\ olxla Gov itoiv]Gov Srj^oxqaxlav. xal xo tceqI xcqv &VGICQV TZQOg XOV Ttvd'O^iEVOV , §L(X XL (JLLXqdg OVXCQ XCil EVXckElg Exa- %EV C 'IVU [11] TtOXE, ECpr\, XlfiCQVXEg XO &ELOV diaXiTCCQ^EV. KCcl XO tveqI xcqv d&Xr]{idxcQV , xavxa {iova f*i} xcoXvGavxog dycQvi&Gd'ai xovg TtoXlxag, iv oig ^uq ovx dvaxEivExai. cpiqovxai cf cevzov xal 81 etcigxoXcqv ctTiOKQLGEig xoiavxai rcqog xovg TtoMxag ' Hcog dv tcoXe- fiicov Ecpo&ov aXEioliiEd'a ; *Av Ttxutypl [livrjxE xal fir] {i£G§co dxEqog ftcsCXEOOO XqaX£Y\XE. %Ul TtaXlV TZEqI XCQV X£C%CQV ' OvX &V El')] aXEiyi- Gxog TtoXig , axig dvSqaGi, nocl ov TtXiv&oig ictscpdvcoxai. tveqI- (lev ovv xovxcqv %a\ xcqv xolovxcqv i%iGxoXcov ovxe CC7tl6XfJGaL qddiov OVXE JtlGXEvGai. .... 5. '-Ey §h xalg [id'/aig xal xolg veoig xd GxXiqqoxava xrjg ccyco- yrjg ETiaviivxEg ovx ixcoXvov xaXXcQTii&G&ai, Tteql x6{at]v xal xog^iov otcXcov nccl i[ictxicov , yaioovxeg co6tceq 'Ircnoig yavqaoGi nal cpqvax- xo(.iivoig TtQog xovg clycovag. 8vo xo^icovxEg Evd-vg i% xrjg xcqv icpiq- §cqv TJXixiag {ivXiGxa tveqI xovg xivdvvovg e&eocctzsvov x-y]v ko\juy\v kiTtaqdv xe cpaivEOd'cu %v\ 8Lcxx£XQi(JL£vriv &eov Gvprtaqovzog. sycoozi 8s 6 fiaGiXsvg sitl xovg TtoXspiovg s%cov psd- savzov Gzscpavizijv dycova vsvixrpxoza. xai cpaGi ys xiv a %Q7]pdzcov TtoXXcov lv 'Olvpitioig 8i8opsvcov avzcp pr\ 8s'£a- psvov^, aXXa noXXcp tcovco xazarcaXaiGavza xov dvraycoviGzi)v y cog rig slrcsv avxcp' Ti goi TtXiov , co Aaxcov , ysyovsv aito rrjg vixrjg; cpavai psiSiaGavxa- JJqo xov fiaGiXscog xsxaypsvog pa%ovpai xolg noXspioig. rosipapsvoi 8s xal vixrjGavxsg ISicoxov oGov sxfisfiaicoaa- cOm xo vixypa xfj cpvyfj xcov rcoXsplcov , six svQ-vg dvsicoQOvv ovxs ysvvaiov ovxs EXXt]vixov i)yovpsvoi xorcxziv ^ai cpovsvsiv anoXsyo- psvovg xai TcaQaxsycoQrjxoxag. i)v 8' ov povov xaXov xovxo xal psya- Xoipvxov, aXXa xal %Qrjoi[iov. sldoxsg yao ql pa^opsvoi TtQog avxovg, qxi xovg vcpiGzapsvovg dvcaoovGi, cpsidovvat 8s rcov lv8i86vzcov t rov psvsiv xo cpsvysiv ijyovvzo XvGlzeXsGzsqov. 6. Avzov 8s xov ylvxovQyov r l7t7tiag psv 6 GocpiGzr}g tioXs- {iixcoxazov cprjCi ysvia&ai xal noXXcov s^7tEi(jov 6xoaxr)yicov. QlXq- 6xscpavog 8s xal xr}v xax ovXapovg xcov Ititcscov 8iavo^r\v Av- xovQyep TtooCxLd'riGiv* sivai 8s xov ovXapov, cog sxslvog 726 positum censet pro togovtov cZgts. cf. B. §. 150. p. 445. M. §. 479. not. 2« b> — viK7]pa , vox genuino Atticismo ignota , Plutarcho , Diodoro aliisque supparis aet.atis familiarior. — *EXXr]Vi->t6v , Graecis dignum. sic unaquaeque fere gens suos mores ceteris puriores et candidiores aestimat, unde Romano more i. q. candide , sincere 5 Latine , Teutonice loqui i. q. simpliciter, non figurate. 6- (c 23-) "hmiag. Hippias Eleus 438 a. C. n. gloriabatur nihil esse ulla in arte rerum omnium, quod ipse nesciret. Cic. de orat. 3, 32- — GTQatrjyicov. Gtqarriyiai h. 1. artes imperatoriae , ut alias legimus GZQazr]- ytffiaza, fir\%avr]p,aza. — f&iXoGzscpavog. Philostephanus Cyrenaeus, histo- riarum scriptor , tempore Ptolemaei Philadelphi floruit. XAIPSINE^IS. 103 iititeoav TtEVTYjKOvta xo nXrjd'og iv XEXQccycovcp Gyy^xaxL xExayfiivcov. 6 de QaXrjQEvg ^drj^rjxQiog , ovSe^iiccg ciipcc[ievov TtoXe^iLXTJg TtQcci-ecog iv eIq^vtj xaxcxGxrjGccG&aL xr\v itolixdav 7. r H de nccibeia {ie%qi rcov ivrjlincov diizeivev. ovSelg yao r/v acpeiyLsvog cog i^ovXexo jijv ? czXX' olov iv Gxqaxo7tE8cp xfj tvoXel xcu diccLxccv s%ovTeg coqlG^levtjv xal 8lcctqi§7]v tveqI xct xolvcc %ca oXcog vo{ii£ovxeg ov% avxcov , ccXXcc xrjg TzaxoiSog elvul, SlexeXovv el fit) xl TtQtxxxeiv exeoov eXv] nqoGxExay^kvov , eniGxoitovvxeg xovg Ttaibag kccI bidctGxovxeg xi xcov %q7]GI^cov 9 t} (lavxravovxEg ccvxol Ttccoct xcov TtQEOpVXEQCOV. %UL yv , i.e. r) ol cpvGEi h%ovxeg ansq ifiifisixo XAIPSINES12. 105 ZoXcov xayju xo ri&og icpcaoaGEv avxov %a\ xrjv ETtifiovXiiv nqcoxog iy- kccteISsv ov [ir^v E\iiGiqGEv , aXX' etvelqccxo TtqavvEiv na\ vovd'EZEiv, %a\ %Qog avxov s'Xsys xal 7tqog izsoovg , cog ev rig i't-iXoi xo cpiXoTtqco- xov avtov xijg tpv%rjg %al xi)v Eiti&vyilav laGaixo trig xvqavvldog , ovx %Gxw aXXog EvcpvEGXEoog Ttqog doEzrjv ovds (SeXzIcov TtoXlxrjg. dqio\xk- vcov 6h xcov tveqI QeGtziv i]8i>] ztjv xoay(p8lav klvelv %a\ diet xr\v %cu- voxrjxa xovg noXXovg ayovxog xov ixqay^iazog , ovtzco 8e Eig ayuiXXav ivaycoviov i'£r}y(iEVOv , cpvGEi cpiXrjKOog cov %a\ cpiXo^iad"r\g 6 UoXcov, ezi 8s [iccXXov iv yrjQct G%oXrj %a\ TtccLdicc %a\ vr) Ala izozoig %a\ (iov- Gixrj 7taQa7ti(ji7tcov iavzov i&saGazo xov QeGtziv avxov vitoxoivoyLE- vov , coGtceq h'xrog ?)v xolg TtaXaiolg. {iszd 8e xr\v &iav TtqoGayooEvGag ccvrov 7]Qc6riiGEV , si xoGovzcov Ivavxlov ov% aiGjyvExai xrjXiKavxct tyEv86[i£vog. cprjGavxog 8s xov QsGraSog, {ir} Ssivov Eivai xo \hexo. itai- 8iag Xiysiv xa xoiavxa %a\ itqaGGEiv , Gcp68qa xfj f3aKxr}Qia xrjv yi\v o ZoXtov naxd'iag ■ Ta%v [ievxol xr)v naidiav, h'cpvj, xavxv\v hitaivovv- XEg %a\ XLficovzEg evqtjGo^lev ev xolg GvpifioXaloig. 2. 'EiTCsl ds %axaxocoGag avxog savxov 6 HEiGiGXoaxog r)%£V Big olyoodv etcI fcvyovg no^o^iEvog Tial Ttaqco'^vvE xov 8rj[iov cog Sid xr}v noXixEiav vtco xoZv Ey&Qtov ira^E^ovXEv^EVog %a\ TtoXXovg eI%ev clya- vanxovvxag %a\ ftowvzag , TtqoGsXxrcov iyyvg 6 ZoXoav %a\ TtaqaGzdg' Ov xaXcog, eItcev , co Teal r l7t7iOKQaxovg , vtcokjoIvy] xov e 0^r\qi%6v OdvGGsa' xavxa yaq noiEig xovg TtoXlxag TCaoaKQOv6[i£Vog , olg ekei- vog xovg noXE^iovg E%Y\%axr\GEV ahiGa^Evog iavxov. ek xovxov to (isv TtXrj&og i]V £toi(iov V7i£Qiia%£iv xov JJEiGiGxqaxov , %a\ GvvrjXd'EV slg EKxXrjGiav 6 dijpog' 'AoiGtcovog ds yqaipavxog oncog dofttdGi %Evxi\- 6 nsi6L6TQaTog. — i(pcoQa6Sv. cpaquv h. 1. pro sliy%Eiv , vnovonv, quam- quam consulto utitur ilia voce, ut furtivum atque occultum Pisistrati inge- nium castiget. — rcov 7T8qI GsOtclv , respiciunt haec non solum Thespin, ad quern tragoediae inventio refertur , sed etiam Phrynichum illius discipulum omnesque , qui antiquissimo illo tempore aliquid susceperant officii in agenda fabula , et praeter unura quidem , quern Thespis adhibuit, actorem necessaria tragoediae pars habebatur chorus, vid. de ilia dictione ad Aelian. I. extr. add. Bernh. w. Synt. p. 263. — ctfitXlav ivay. notantur certamina tragica eo demum tempore, quo Aeschylus floruit, crebrius commissa atque adeo tumultuose, ut tabulata theatri {tec Ihqlk) semel corruisse dicantur. — Tca- QaTtbfiTtwv savvov , i. e. oblectans Schaefero interprete. — f'^og iqv. paulo superius SoXav to tf & o g icpcoQaosv , quo verbo omnes habitus mentis con- tinents ; mores , morum quaedam proprietas. cf. Quintil. inst. VI, 2, 8 sq. £ & o g vero consuetudo , lex , neque iis accedendum , qui nihil interesse do- cent. — ivavxlov, i. q. dvviKQv c. Genit. coram tanta multitudine . — iv z. 6V(i(loXaloig. Ovfifiolaia sunt pacta non solum de ratione pecuniarum, de dando et accipiendo iure inter civitates privatosque, sed etiam de quacun- que re cum alio quodam. nos: Welt- u. Lebensverkehr , Handel u. Wandel. 2- (c. 30.) fioavzag, ut saepius in subito terror e clamantes , vocife- rantes. — 7CttQuxQov6[i£vog , Med. i. q. mox || an at co v , qua significatione, ut ait Harpocration , noXv iazi nagee zolg allotg ' Atxiv-olg Hal naQcc dr\- (106&8VSL. — alxiGccfievog iavx. respicit haud dubie Homer. Od. IV, 240 — 258' comp. tamen Odyss. XXII ab init. — yQaipavxog , qitum ediceret, le- gem ferret, sic fere de diis, de legislatore ; cives vero quippe legibus obno- xii a se ipsis latis rectius dicerentur vouov yoaqpFG'9'at. comp. ftsivai et fti- O&cci vofiov. M. §. 492. b. Aristonem quod adtinet, videtur illo tempore 106 TIAOTTAPXOT xovxa KOQwrjcpOQOi xco TlEiGiGtQfxxcp cpvXaxrj xov o co \ictxo g , ccvxeItcev 6 ZoXcov avaGxag xcel tcoXXcc 8i£'S,riX&Ev o^oia. xovxoig, olg dice xjoov TCOitjiiarcov yeyqacpzv rig yaQ yXcoGGccv oocxxs xcel rig etcy\ cxl[ivXov cevdgog. v[icov 6 , slg fiev sxcxGxog cxXcoitExog XyyEGi fiaivsi, cv(X7tcc6iv 8 v\ilv yavvog eveGxl voog. 'Oqcov 8s xovg {isv Tcsvrjxag oQfJLCoiisvovg iccql^EGd'Cii IJeiGlGxqccxco xcel ftoQvfiovvxctg , xovg 8s TtXovGiovg €1710818 QaGxovxag xcel i vtc^xovge. xa\ vopovg avxog ixioovg syocnpEv , cov eGxi %a\ o xovg Ttrjocod'Evxag iv Tcols^cp 8r}[ioGia XQ£cpE6d'ca xeXevcov. xovxo 8e cpiqGiv r HociKlEidrjg xai tvqoxeqov etci SEqGiititcp Ttijocod-Evxi xov ZoXco- vog ipr}cpt,Ga[i£vov, fupitfacrOm xov TIel6i6xoag , ov 8lijxovGe zcov tceql Zd'Cv Xoyioov tvqoG- ijxovxa xolg ^A&rjvaloL^ , i'Ssxa^iEv ov <5t' da%oXiav 9 cog UXdxcov cprp Giv , aXXd ycaXXov V7ZO yyqoog cpofirjd'Elg xo {liyE&og xijg yocccpijg. Ircu 6%oXrjg yE TiEoiovGiav avxov {irjvvovGiv at xoiavxai cpcovai • yrjoaGxco (f alsl TtoXXd dtdaOxo^iEVog' Kixl' h'qya 8e Kvitooysvovg vvv (not cplXa xa\ Alovvgov xa\ MovGecqv , a xld'7j6 > dvdoaGiv EvcpQOQvvag. iitavcccpSQEtt. vid. B. §. 117, 2- not. 2. — tovtovs 7}v£i]6kt£, i. e. Pisi- stratum Pisistratidasque. — qvglu b\ i. e. &v£%VQa y quasi pi gnora ojferen- tes tyrannidis stipatores istos. 3- (c. 31-) dnovoElzcxL , comp. dnovoiu supra Pausan. Ill, 2, de eo, qui talia et dicit et facit, ut ratione carere videatur. — i^Ed-EQUTZEVOfv. cf. supra ad Lucian. dial. mort. Ill , 2 > u bi similiter verbum simplex. — tfifiE- vcov , repete rots vofioig. sic Latiui manere in conditione , in pactione ctt., ubi coustanter et religiose pacta ab aliquo servantur. — cpovov 7tQ06%lr]%'uq slg "A. ob caedem ad Areopagitas citatus. TtQOGKCcXslcQ'ai Passiv. et Med. ut reliqua verba accusandi (cf. ad Lucian. II, 3-) cum Genit. rei. TQavfiazog etg "Aqelov ndyov [ie nqoGEyiaXioaro. Demosth. — rqicp£G%ca xtXzvcov, plerumque cum Dat. vel Accus. et Infin. Act. , rarius keXeveiv ut h. 1. cum Ace. et Infin. Pass. cf. Long. II, 28- ivJXsvGs dva£r)TSiG&ai, XXorjv. IV, 34« Y.£XsvGa.g XccfMQccv koziccGiv TZttQccGXEvaGd'rjvcu. comp. Lat. iubere. — c Hga- xlELdrjg. Heraclides Ponticus, auditor Speusippi Aristotelisque. scripsit teste Diogene Laertio duo de vitis illustrium virorum libros. — 'AvXavzindv . . liv&ov. maximam olim terrae continentis partem et in Asia et in Europa obtinuerunt , si fides est fabulis sacerdotum Saiticorum , reges Atlantidis iu- sulae, quam auctores ipsis dominantibus virtute bellica Atheniensium postremo expuguatis in vasto gurgite demersam Hngunt. — 7iQay[iuzzittg. plenius Dio- dorus Lib. XX init. iGzoQinri ■KQayf.cazEtcc , et alii serioris aevi. ceterum 7t s q I Xoyov i] fivdov, ut saepius, peripbrasin Genitivi facit. cf. infr. ad Plut. Ill, % — cog Tlldzcov cp. vid. Plat. Tim. p. 23 extr. — tnt I , non raro causam subiungit, ut Latine reddere liceat per nam. v. M. §. 618- B. §. 149 s. v.— Movoecov , dissvllabum. v. B. §. 34. HI. not. 5- 108 . IIAOTTAPXOT III 1 . 'Ejtsl Aaxig vTto Aaqsiov ite^cpd'ELg , Xoyca fisv im&Eivcu 81- xrjv y Ad-r]valoig , oxl Eccq8£ig svE7tqr]Gav , EQyco 8s xccxaGXQStyciGd'Cii xovg rf EXXi]vag , sig Maqad-iavci itavxX xcp GxoXto xaxsGys. xa\ xi)v %co- Qav stcoq&ei, xojv Ssxct xci&EGxcoxcov xolg 'A&iqvaioig etu xov rtoXspov 6XQaxr}yoov ^EyiGxov psv eI%ev (xHco^ia MiXxict8rig, 86^7} 8s %a\ 8vvcc- [iEi SsvtEQog i)v 'AQMStslSrig. xal tors ueqI xrjg \iciyr\g yvojfirj xrj MiX- XLDCSOV TtQOGd'S^EVOg OV {ILXQCCV E7t0L7]GE QOJtljv XVLl TCCtQ ij^LEQCCV SXCi- 6xov Gxqaxr\yov xo xqaxog s%ovxog , cog TVEoiijXxrEV slg avxov rj uqyr\, TCCXQeScOXE MlXxittSr} 8l8ciGXCQV XOVg CVVCCQIOVXag , OXl XO TtEl&EG&Cil xca cixoXov&Elv xolg ev cpqovovGw ovx aiG^qov , ccXXcl G£[ivov egxl xal CcoxrjQiov. ovxco 8s rcqavvag xr]v cpiXovEixiav xal 7CooxQ£ipa(i£vog ccv- xovg dyandv (jli — Gtolco, h.l. de hostinm exercitu mari transvecto. cf. ad Pausan. VI, \. — 7CQ06&£nsvog y eo ut accederet sententiae Miltiadis. quae dictio unde profecta sit, arguit locus Demosth. ri[iiv av n o o G& s [i£v o i xr\v iprjyov £voQHolr}TZ. simi- liter forma activa: rjv nXEiovg a>oiv al [islcuvai (tyrjcpoi) , gv nQoa&aiaci xr\v GEccvTTJg Ga'QE. Lucian. — nccy' fjfiEQdv. v. ad Aelian. XXVIII extr. adde Bernhardy w. Synt. p. 258. — dxoXov&slv , vox de iis frequens , qui imperio alicuius ducis in acie ottemperant. infr. V, 4 med. — uyanav, eodem sensu quo supra Lucian. dial. mort. VIII, 4, ubi vid. adnot. yvcofiy igitur Dativum utrinque sustineri , et ab dycaiccv et a ^oco^fVovg, in proclivi est videre. — fiia. . . xr\ xqutigtyi , acquiescere in uno consilio atque optimo quidem. secus esset Articulo exemto , ubi elg non unus, solus, sed praeci- puus. Plut. Them. c. 21. 'Aqlgtel8ccv inccLvsco ccvSq' Uquv an 'A&uvav iX&uv h'vcc Id) G x ov. Virg. Aen. II, 426« Ripheus iustissimus unus , qui fuit in Teucris. — xco d7iSQiG7tcx6Z(p , c. Genit. summo imperio nihil dis- tracto. quam eandem vim Adiectivorum deprehendis apud Romanes Grae- corum aemulos, maxime apud Taciturn. Hist. 4, 50« obscuro adhuc coeptae lucis domum irrwnpunt. incerta belli, et id genus alia. — %aiQ£LV yccg icov, missum faciens , imperio quasi valedicens. similiter Xiyco et xtXsvco %CiLQZLV. cf. Herm. ad Vig. p. 766- Kriig. ad Xen. Anab. VII, 3, 23- comp. Cic. Epist. ad divv. 7 , 33- multam salutem et foro dicam et curiae. — xov (is- gov 7tov. Herod. VI, 113- xo [ilv fisGov xov GxQcctonidov ivtncov ol (iccQ- ficcgoi, ... TIeqgcu xs ccvxol xal 2dxai. — inl viJGoov. vid. quod supra XAIPSINES12. 109 rijg iavxov cpvXijg 'AQiCTSidrjg aTioXsiy&sig cpvXa'6, xcov ali^aXcoxcov xal xcov Xctcpvocov ov% iipEvGaxo xr\v 8o£av , ctXXd yy8r\v (iev aayvoLOV %cu %qvgov TtccQOvrog , iGxrijxog 8s 7tccvxo8ci7tijg %cti %qr\{idxcov ccXXcov ccfiv&tjxcov iv xalg G%7\vaig %a\ xolg ijXcoxoGi, GxcicpsGiv VTzaq^/pvxcov, ovx ccvxog iitEO'v^riGE ftiysiv ovx ccXXov slugs , nXj}v eX xivsg ixslvov Xci&ovxsg cocpsXrid"riGav 2. 'AoiGxslSrig xv\v incovvyiov sv&vg ciqyr\v tjqI-e. xalxoi eprj6\v 6 <&aXriQ£vg Arjii^XQiog aq^ai xov ccvSqcc [ilxqov spTtooGd'SV xov da- vctxov [nsxa %y\v iv UXaxaialg \xuyv\v. iv 8s xalg avayqacpulg \xsxct [isv B da'A^g dvxiGjovxag , cog s'lQrjxs Si- pmviSrjg , XTjV xaXr)v i%Eivr]v xca 7t£Qi(36rjXOV ttod[i£VOL vlktjv, ijg ovd "EXXr^Giv ovxe fiaqfidooig ivdXiov soyov EXoyaGvai Xk^tcqoxeqov , dv- 6qel(x y,sv %ci\ TtQod-vfXLK noivrj xcov vavp,cr/y]GdvxcQV 7 yva^irj 6h xccl dsivoxrjxi @£[uGxoxXSovg. 3. Mexcl 8s xijv vctv(jLcc%ictv EsQtirjg {ihv exi d'v^o^.aicov Ttgog X1}V CiTCOXEvtlV £7t£%ELQ£L Sid %CQ[JldxCQV ETZCtyELV XO TVE^OV Eig J2ocXcsC[LlVCi xolg e 'EXXr\Giv iixcpqaiag xov Sid [isGov tvoqov • @EuiGxoKXijg d' dno- 7t£iQ(6^.Evog 'AqiGxeiSov Xoya yvcopriv etzoieIxo Xveiv xo ^Evy^a xcdg vavGiv ETtLTcXsiHSctvxag Eig r EXXrJ67tovxov "Oncog, sept], xv[V Adiav iv xrj Evqcotcy} Xd§copiEv. SvGiEoaivovxog SI xov 'AqiGteiSov %ai Xsyovvog, 0X1 NvV [l£V XQVCpCQVXL TW (3(XQfi(XQCp TtETtoXs^Ka^lEVy UV Sb XCtXCwXEl- 6co[i£v Eig xr]v r EXXdSa %a\ %avccGxr}Gco[i£V slg dvdyxrjv vtzo Siovg dv- Sqa xtjXikovxcov Svvdp,£cov kvqiov, ovkexi xcc&rjjyksvos vied GnidSt XovGi y.a.1 xov aqyjiyhr\v zav (ivGzrjQiav (i. e. mysteriorum Eleusiniorum), zrjs drjfirizQOS daifiovoc. quern Iacchum initiati Eleusin deducebant (i^txysiv), ingenti strepitu et saltantes et cantantes " Iuy^ov vel hymnos sacros. " la%%o§ enim, ut recte Hesychius, nal rj (pSyf, ijv ol fiE^vrj^EVOt aSovGi. — Aict- Ki8ccg. Peleum dicit eiusque filium Achillem , Telamonem , Aiacem, alios ex Aeaco prognatos , Aeginetarum olim dominatoi'e. — AvKOfirfd^g. eadem He- rodotus 8, ll de LycOmede quodam refert non in hac quidem pugna , sed iu prioii ilia ad Artemisium , unde cum Sinteuisio subverearis , ne Noster memoria sit falsus. — dccyvrjcpoQcp. cf. supi-a Aelian. XXXII, 9- — iv gte- vco . . . 7tQOG7iL7tzovzag dXX. cum Plutarcho conseutit Nep. Them. c. 4- har- barus — adeo angusto mari conjlixit , ut eius multido navium explicari non potuerit. contra Herodotus 8, 86 stragem Persarum quantumvis fortiter pugnantium ex nimia quadam incuria atque acie minus ordiuata pependisse uarrat. — dsiXrjg. dtilr] rj tceql 8vGlv r)liov coqcc. Hesych. — dgccfikvoi vl- •ATjv , sunt verba Simonidis , fortasse ex eiusdem carmine lyrico Esq^ov vav- [icc%lcc petita. comp. Homerica ilia xXiog , ui&Xicc d^icdou. Herod. 6? 103. vl-nrjv dvciiQElGQ'UL , aliis locis. — yvcofijj. h. 1. idem valet ac qtQovrjGig, prudentia in imperio administrando. cf. Nep. Them. c. 4. 3. (c 16.) &V[iO{i{iu EnetQazo (Xerxes) dici^ovv ycivlovg ze (boivinrjiovg 6vvidfS > i'vee dvzl ze G%E8irig cCOGi kul z£i%Eog. — yvco^irjv in. sic yvcofirjv dttoftiiY.WGd'cci , yv. dno(pa.LviLG$CLi Articulo omisso, nisi forte sententiarum nexus flagitaverit. v. Xen. memorab. IV, 7, 1- — zqvcpcovzi , h. 1. de Xerxe utpote qui delicias facit, hostem quamvis potiorem armis negligit et dedi- gnatur. nos: hochfahrend, ekel thuend. Dem. de f. leg. p. 402 extr. ovv. dvEHzov alxfidXcozov ovGav zQvcpav. cf. Xen. memorab. Ill, 11, 10. — &v Se hcctccxX. v. ad Plut. I, 2 med. Eig tr)v *EXX. ut Lat. includere in all- 112 nAOTTAPXOT XQvOrj dsccGerai xr\v fidirjv Icp i)6v%iag , aXXd Ttdvxa xoXpcov nccl tvcc- Civ dvxog Ttdqcov Sid xov nivSvvov £7tdvoQ&co6£Xdi xd TtdQEi^Eva nai povX£v6£xai piXxiov vnlq xcov oXcov. ov xy\v ov6av ovv , scprj , del yi- cpvodv , co ©s^iiaroTileig , Tj^iag dvaiqelv , dXX* sxsQdv eitveq oiov xe 7tQ06%arci6%eva6avrag infidXEiv did xdjovg xov dv&QcoTtov ek xrjg Ev- QCOTtTjg- OvKOVV , ELTtEV ©E^ll6X0xX'f]g , El §OK£l XdVXd 6VlMpEQEW 7 cood Gkotieiv %d\ fi7]%dVdad'di Ttavrag 7](A.dg , OTtcog d7tdXXdyr\6EXdi xv\v Xd%i6xy\v e% T^g 'EXXccdog. etze\ 6e xdvxd e6o£e, tve^tcei two. xcov |3a- 6iXiKcov evvov%cov ev rolg dl%yidXcoxoig dvEvocov , 'AQvdxrjV ovo[icc f cpQa&iv fidGiXEi %eXEvG Qe^iiGxoxXei Se ? KaiTZEQ auovxeg vno cp&ovov , to kqcoxelov dTtidoGdv V.TtCLVXEg. ETCEl yctQ dVd^C0Qt]6dVXEg Eig XOV Jtfa^OV CC710 XOV @CQ{10V XTjV TpTJCpOV ECpEQOV Ot 6XQdX7]y0l , TtQCOXOV {l£V EKCiGXOg EUVXOV CtTVE- cpctivEV doExrj, 6evxeqov 6e {lEtf iavxov ©E^ii6xo%X£a. Aaa£dai(i6viOL if Eig xr(V 2.7tdqxr[V avxov y.axayayovxEg Evovfiiddr] [iev avdaEiag, ixEivco 6h 6ocpiag dqiCxuov sdooav 'd'aXXov axiepdvov %d\ xcov %dxd Xr\V TtoXlV (XQ[ldXCOV XO TtQCOXEVOV idcQQl'lG'dVXO Kdl xoid%o6iovg xcov VECOV 7C0[l7t0Vg d%Ql XCOV OQCOV 6VV£^£7tE^l1pdV. XiyEXdl 6' 'OXv^iTtlcov xcov icpE^ijg dyo^Evcov %dl TtdQsX&ovxog Eig to 6xd8iov xov Qstiioxo- quid. — Tiavta xolfiaiv , formula de iis frequens , qui abrepti caeco ardore omnia sua in aleam dant, inde quidquid est salutis quaesituri. Soph. Oed. C. 765- Arist. Nubb. 375. — xcov oXcov. ad tec oXcc suppleri potest tcqu- yficcxa aut OVficpEQOVTCC. comp. to oXov omnino, in universum. — ofoV ts. v. B. §. 150- pag. 446. — xov av&QConov , contemptim. v. Xen. Anab. I, 7, 4- ibique Kriig. — wpa, cum mero Infin. xov Articulo suppresso. v. Heind. ad Hor. Sat. II, 4, 1. Kriig. ad Xen. Anab. I, 3, 10- — 6vo[icc. v. B. §. 131, 6. rarius hac iunctura 6v6(iuti, ut Xen. Anab. I, 4, 11- — SeSohtui, cum Ace. et Infin. cf. ad Pausan. II, % VI, 4- — xr]S6(isvog /?., i. e. cpQOvxi^tov tveqi xivog, imfjLEXovfiEvog xivog, ut Suid. et Hesych. cf. M. §. 348. — 7t£LQ(xv . . . 7tdQE0xsv, documentum sui dedit Themistoclis et Aristidis prudentia in Mardonio. Reiske. — TlXaxeuaciv. v. ad Plut. Ill, 2. 4. (c. 17.) 'Hgodorog , Lib. VIH. c. 93. c. 122- — dno xov ficofiov. mos fuit , ut Graeci iurandi causa ad aras accederent. v. Cic. orat. p. Balbo §. 5. atque cuius h. 1. dei aram indicet, legimus apud Herod. 1. c. 123- ol GxQdxrjyol diEVEfiovxo xag iptfcpovg hit xov TIoGEidEcovog xco j3co^tco. quod superest iprjcpov ErpEqov verte : ab ara suffragia tulerunt s. calculum demi- serunt singuli quique duces, cf. Schaef. ad Demosth. pag, 1317 , 27* — xo TtQcoxEvov. vid. supra ad Achill. Tat. §. 3 extr. Pausan. Ill , % — xcov vecav Ttofinovg ctt. ex iis quidem , qui Spartae iTCTtEig equites dicebantur. Herod. 1. c. 124- quo eodem loco quanti fuerit honor iste docemur: fiovvov drj xov- xov (Themistoclem) itavrcov dv&QcoTtcDV , xcov rjfzEig i'dfiw , ZndQxirjxoci 7iQ0E7Zt[iipuv. — Ecpt^rjg dy. „pugna Salaminia quum facta sit Olymp. 75, 1, — patet intelligendum esse 01. 76." Sintenis. icpsgijg igitur h. 1. de tempore, deinceps. — &£ct6&ai . . ETtideinvvEiv. de Inhnitivis temporis imperfecti di- XAIPSINES12. 113 %Xsovg d^iEXrjdavtag tcov dycovcCtcov tovg rcaqovxag oA^v xi]v r^sqav EKclvov &£a.6'Q , ai xal tolg %svoig EitidEvavvEiv d\x.a Q-avik.a'Cpvxag xal xgoxovvxag , coats xal avxov ijdd'EVxa 7ro6g rovg cplXovg o^ioXoyijoai XOV KttQTCQV dllEJElV XCOV VTtEQ %T[g jEAAa'dog CiVtCp 7lOV7]d'EVXCOV. V. 1. Ki{icov 6 MiXtidSov ovte xoX(irj MiXtidSov Xzntocizvog ovrs 6vve6u ®S(iL6TOKXiovg dixcaoTEQog clpcpoLV 6{A,oXoy£iTca ysvEG&cu, xal talg TZoXEiiincdg ovdh {jllkqov cItvoSecov doExalg ekelvcov d^rjiavov o(5ov ev talg TCoXitiKdlg v7tEQ($aXiad-ai viog cov exi xal tcoXe^icov ctTCEiQog. org yda xov dij^iov etclovxcov M^Scov ®syLi6tOKXr\g etzeixtE tcqoe^evov tr[V tcgXlv xal tr[V y^coqav r/Xmovta %qo tijg 2aXa^ilvog ev talg vav6i tec OTtXa ftiodca xal diaycovlaad&ai xatd &aXattav , iKTCETtXrjy^EVCOV tCOV TtoXXcOV XO x6X^,l]liCi TtQCOXOg Kl^lCOV COCpd")] did XOV K.EQU[l£lXOV cpaidoog avicov £ig v\\v d%qo7toXiv (aexu tcov Exaiqcov r i7t7tov xivd %aXi- vov dva&Elvai xr\ &eco did %elqcqv ko(i%cov , cog ovdlv LTtTtiKrjg dXxi]g, aXXd vav[id%cov dvdocov ev xco Ttaqovxi xijg noXscog d£0{i£vr]g. ava- &£lg 8s xov %ccXivov xal Xaficov ex tcov tceqI xov vaov XQEyLapEvcov C(6TCidcOV xal 7lQ06£v'£,dyL£V0g trj S-ECp %Qu sivai, ig %(6oav fiaivsiv. — rtx onla &. h. 1. idem esse quod izzdcTTBO&ca , iv ra|ft ftso&cu tcc onXct , etiam me non monente quivis facile videt. de reli- qua potestate illius formulae consule Lexica et Viger. p. 297 sq. — Keoa- [isixov. Timaeus Lex. Plat. KeQdfiffnol dvo , 6 filv svdov xti%ovg (quae via fuit ad Acropolin accedentibus munitissima) , d ds ixvog , tv&a zovg iv •rcoli^icp ztlsvzcovTttg 'iQanxov. — %alivbv uva&. sic gladiatores vel poetae arrna , lyram, alia dvccd"rj[xazct , quibus uti posse iam desperabant, diis de- dicabant et in templis aut postibus adfigenda curabant. — xfj &EG) , i. e. deae in arce Atbenarum cultae , ut •O'Eog Articulo addito fere de certo quo- dam vel iam commemorato deo. — 81a %eiqwv v.. cf. ad Lucian. IV, 1 extr. — "Icov. Ion Chius , poeta dithyrambicus", tragicus , melicus eadem qua Ci- mon aetate floruit. — oi;A?/. de o^Aog voce satis erit te adlegasse ad Buttm. Lexil. II. p. 158 et Lex. Passov. — agta xov M. verba mirifica vi plena, Eclogue. H 114 nAOTTAPXOT 6&ai %a\ TtQocGGeiv, oq^aavxa 8' avxov stu xr\v noXixsiav aa^isvog 6 Srjiiog sSs^axo , %a\ {isaxog cov xov @E{ii6xo%Xsovg dvijys nqog tag peyi6xag iv xrj TtoXsi xi^idg %a\ dq%dg svdq^ioaxov ovxa %al TcqoCqpdrj xolg noXXolg 8ia Ttqaoxnjxa %ca dcpsXsiav. ov% r\%iGXa cf avxov r)v"£,vj- Gsv AqiGxsiSrjg o Av6i\idyov xr\v svcpvtav ivoqcov xcq yfosi vial tcolov- {isvog olov avxlitaXov rcqog xr\v @£{iiCxoKXsovg 8siv6x / Y\xa %a\ xoXpav. 2. E%s\ 8h MyScov cpvyovxcov sk xrjg r EXXd8og sTti^Kp&ri cxqa- xrjyog, %axa ftaXaxxav ovtcco xr(v dq%r\v 'A&rjvaLcov i%6vxcov , sxi 8s UavGavia %al AaxsSaL{iovioig stzo^lsvcov , Ttqcoxov fihv iv xalg oxqa- XY\yiaig dsl Ttaqslys xovg TtoXixag %06yLCp xs &avyia6xovg %a\ Ttqod-v- \xia tvoXv Ttavxcov 8iacpsqovxag • sitsixa Havaaviov xolg (isv fiaqfid- qoig 8iaXsyo[isvov tcsqI 7vqo8ociag %a\ fia6dsl yqdcpovxog liaGxoXag? xolg 8s Gv^iiaypig xqayjcog %a\ av&aScog 7tqo6cpsqo{isvov Kal noXXd 8i s^ovalav %a\ oyaov dvoyjxov v(3qi£ovxog , VTtoXa[i(5dvcov Ttqdcog xovg d8iKOV{isvovg %al cpdav&qcQTtcog s^o^idcov s'Xa&sv ov 8i otcXcov xi}v EXXdSog r\ys\ioviav , dXXa Xoyco xal rfoil TtaqsXo^isvog. TtqoCsxi- ftsvxo ydq ol itXslGxoi xcov av[jL{id%cQV ittsivco xs %a\ 'AqiGxeiSr} xi}v ya- XsTtoxyxa xov UavGavlov nal VTtsqoipiav (if] cpsqovxsg. oi 8s %ai xovxovg a^ia 7tqoCr\yovxo %a\ xolg scpoqoig ns^iTtovxsg scpqa&v , cog dSo^ovCrjg xr\g Znaqx^g %ai xaqaxxo^isvrjg xijg r EXXa8og dvanaXzlv xov HavGaviav 3. Ki{icov 8s xcov 6v(x^idycov ijSrj 7tqoCK£xcoqrj%6xcov avxco Gxqa- xiqyog slg &qdzriv stiXsvgsv, Tcvv&avoiisvog Usqcscov dvSqag iv8o£ovg quibus oblique simul populus in mernoriam revocatur rerum a patre Cimonis olim gestarum. idque copiosius eloqui non opus erat, quod pugna praesertim Marathonia etiam ad Plutarchi aetatem quotannis die VI Boedromionis ab Atheniensibus celebrabatur. Plut. de gloria Athen. T. VII. p. 378« Reisk. — OQ{M7]GavTCi , non solum de corporis, sed etiam animi impetu et fervore , ut cpSQSG&cxi. Plut. Cic. c. 5. Klksqcov ilnidcov fxsGtbs snl rr\v itoXixuav cps- QOfisvog. cf. ad Aesop, fab. XVII. similiter cpoQU et 6q[xt]. — fiSGzog cov tov @. taedio Themistoclis captus. ol nollzat — (iegxoi xov Gvv£%cog Xs- yovxog. Dem. p. Cor. §. 308- et ita Latini quoque poetae scilicet. Hor. Ep. I > 20 , 8 ? ubi Epistolarum librum priorem adloquitur : et scis in breve te cOgij quum, plenus languet amator. — olov. cf. M. §. 445- b. 2. (c. 6-) ttQXijv , irnperium Graeciae , rjytfiovlttv , quam Athenienses inde a pugna Plataeensi usque ad initium belli Peloponnesiaci (479 — 431) obtinuerimt. — noGfiop , vox de exercitu bene ornato et instructo frequens, unde KOGfislv, KOGfirjxrjg , av§Q£g HOGfiiot, dicto audientes vel interprete Xenophonte (Anab. VI, 4, 32.) Ihccvol xoj &q%ovti nsl&EG&ai. — nqoGcps- qofiivov , Med. se gerere aliquo modo erga aliquem. ov yaq cog cpLXiot nqoGbcp'cQOVzo rjfiiv. Xen. Anab. V, 5, 19. cf. M. §. 402- b. atque usitata haec est structura, quamquam altera ilia nqog xiva non minus apud opti- mos auctores occurrit. — iniGzoXag. leguntur exempla apudThucyd. I, 128- 129« comp. Nepos, vit. Pans. c. 2« — avftadcog, vide num rectius forte cum aliis enunties av&dScog. cf. B. §. 115. not. 1. adde Gramm. uber. §. 115, 4. not. 2. — noXXa . . v(3q{£. v. ad Aesop, f. VIII. — ol nXuGxoi. praeces- serant Samii , Chii , Lesbii , mox reliqui acclamaverunt omnes, qui ex Pelo- ponneso convenerant militibus exceptis. Thucyd. I, 95. — [ixi cpsqovxsg, quippe qui tolerare non possent. etenim sentiendi verbo intercepto causam, cur socii Cimonis partibus se adiunxerint (nqoGezldevzo), eamque ex mente et cogitatione indicari imperio Pausaniae se abdicantium , fiij docet particula negativa. cf. Xen. Memorab. Ill, 7, 7- Sintenis praef. ad Plut. Them. p. 37 sq. — cog, c. Gen. abs. ut supra c. 1. cog ovdw ImtiKrjg dXHrjg ... dEo^s- vrig. vid. ad Aelian. IV extr. comp. &zs ibid. XXXII. §. 8» al. XAIPSINES12. 115 xcu 6vyysv£ig ^aGLXicog H'Cova itoXiv etci tw Sxavpovi xel^evtjv tzoxcc- ug5 xaxkyovxag svoyXslv xolg tteqI xov xotzov ixeivov r 'EXlr]6LV. tvqco- xov iibv ovv pec'/,]} rovg UsoGag avxovg ivlxrjCE %a\ kccxexXei6sv elg xrjv TtoXiv • etceixu rovg vtgsq Exqv^iova Qoaxccg , o&sv avzolg sopolza clxo g , ccvccGxdxovg ttolcqv %a\ xr/v %mqav TtccoctqpvXdxxcQV anaGav elg xoGavxrjv unoo'iav rovg nohooKOVfiivovg zariatrjaev , coGxs Bovxtjv zov ^ccGiXsocig 6xoax7]y6v ccjtoyvovza zee Ttqay^aza zr\ tzoXei tcvq evel- vai %a\ (Swdiacp^ELQai (iezu zcov ctv6S7][ios , cuius historici aliunde minus noti fragmenta supersunt ad- modum pauca. — i^eninzov , de iis qui a proposito aberrant et ipsi inscii ad aliena deferuntur. hinc recte Schaef. interpretatur igcoxeXXov. sunt tamen qui malint : elapsi effugerunt , ut sit idem quod Siegemnxov. Interpp. ad Arrian. Ill, 15,, 6- — izd[i7toXXcil ZLveq. v. supra ad Lucian. dial. mort. II, 3. Plut. I, 7- 5. (c. 13.) Pid&G&ctL , cum Ace. rei aut eig Praepositione adiuncta, vi aliquid acquirere , loci, ut TaGitus ait, difficultates eluctari. de gemella vocis constructione v. Interpp* ad Arrian. II, 23, 4. — noXXccnXaGiotg ctt. XAIPSINES12. 117 $oo[iri nctl cpQOvrjiiaTi, rov kqciteiv OOOOy E7tV\Q^VOVg Ticcl tvqo&viaovq 6(JL06e %cqqeIv zolg (5ccQp sed etiam exspirantes corruunt et de ipsis occisis, id quod frustra negatur a quibusdam. — Enr]y(ovi6cizo zcclg v. Reiske inter- pretatur : post victoriam iam partam certare perrexit. — "TdQ(p. alii Svqtj, quae est urbs Ciliciae, alii aliud libris invitis. sed verendum, ut multum con- iecturis proficiatur in oppido aliunde ignoto nee satis hie nobis notato. — fj xal fiuXXov , formula in adnectendis sententiis quum aliis turn Plutarcho quotidiana, ubi si quid opus videatur rvx^j supplebis s. £v[icpOQ(x. Scliol. ad Thucyd. I, 25 ait: dvxl zov 8 id ual (i. comp. 57 ko.1 drjlov, fj n. epetve- qov, y y.. Quov. v. Sintenis ad Plut. Them. IV. 8' — innov [i> 8q6[iov, vo- luit : ocov iTZTtog 8 1 a fitccg 7) (it gag tqe%ei^ ut docet Demosth. de f. leg. p« 428 extr. quod spatium Plutarclius alio loco amplitudine stadiorum tre- centorum metitur. paulo secus Diodorus XII. c. 4, tovg zaiv UeqGcov Gazqd- Ttag [irj %uz&$mvuv Oil &dl. comp, supra ad Pausan. 1 , 5> AIOAflPOT ZIKEAIXITOT. I. WrjyiOficiTog ovzog nctQcc zolg 'A&ijvcdoig TylEyctQSag sfyyEOd'cci 1 vrjg zs dyoQccg %ct\ zoov Xi{jlevcqv oi MeyaQslg naxEcpvyov liti zovg £%u.Qzwzag. oi 6h AciKEdcapovioi TVEiad-ivteg zolg MsyccoEvGiv aits- 6zEilav TtQsafisLg iz zov iiQocpavEGzuxov cctvo zijg zov %oivov avv- eSqlov yvc6{A.7]g TtQOOidxzovzEg zolg *A%"\]vaioig uveXeiv zo %aza zcov MEyaQEcov ip?j(pi6}JLCi' {irj 7tEi&o[i£vcQV dh avzcov aitEikovvzEg tvoXe^- Celv avzolg (iezcc zcov (fv^ctgrov. 6vva-/Jd'ElG^]g ovv tceqI zovzcov ek- Diodorvs Agyrii Siciliae oppido natus est D. Iulio Gaesari incertum an Augusto Imperatori magis aequalis. utriusque linguae gnarus et concitatus adsiduo studio veterum historicorum magham peragravit Europae Asiaeque, exiguam Africae partem, ut quae toto orbe terrarum vel acta essent vel age- rentur quasi oculis lustraret et scriptis aliquando mandaret. itaque historiam, ut ipse tradit, omnium populorum omniumque temporum condendam in opere suo (Bifi?A0&iJH7] Igtoqlkt].) sibi sumit, quod licet raancum dimidio plus ad- mirabili est rerum ipsarum varietate et amplitudine. Diodorus quidem quam- vis a viris doctis satis male audiat, quod nunquam bene Atticeque scribendi laudem sibi peperit et operosam magis fere quam curiosam testium indaga- tionem sectatur, quo minus prorsus recederet dav[A@olog , non solum res videbantur memorabiliores liistoriae Graecae vetare , sed dicendi quoque ge- nus ad cito cursimque legeudum peridoneum. igitur et his fruere optatis , dum licuerit et puriores fontes aperire et aditu reconditiores, — Edd. P. Wesse- ling. Amstelod. 1746. I. JI. fol. L. Dindorf. Lips. 1828- I. (Lib. XII , c. 39. p. 307 s.) Exponuntur res G r a e c i a e sus- eepto bello, quod dicuut, Peioponnesiaco. Olymp. 87? 1- 431 a. G. n. ef. Plut. vit. Pericl. c. 29—33. Thircyd. I. c. 139 — 145. 1. ei'gy soften , cum Genit. rei, qua quern arceam , ut alia verba prohi- bendi et recedendi. v. supra ad Pausan. IX , 2. add. M. §. 353 , 3. — cItco zrjg *. yvco^rjg, ex sententia totius conventus , ut saepius and adnotavimus de ea parte dictum, unde aliquid coeperit vel extiterit, interdum etiam de animatis, a quibus profectum aliquid perbibetur pro vno. M. §. 573- — f^f] nstfto^ivcov ctt. hoe decretum a Pericle latum , quo Megarensibus interdi- ctum erat foro et portubus Atticis, — portaverant enim eo praeter alias res venales allium , salem , porcos — praecipuam causam fuisse belli quamquam diu imminentis omnes testantur et poetae et historic!*, verissimam autem, quae ceteris siletur, brevi complectitur Thucydides I, 23- rrjv fisv yaQ^dXrjfts- b6vog rchv QTjroocov to ksvxqov iynaxiXiTtE rolg ccKQOco^ivoig. Alxlai \jlev ovv rov IlEXoTvovvyGiaxov tvoXe(iov roiavrai nvzg vttrjo- £czv , cog "Ecpooog dviyqatyE. rcov ds TJyov^iivcov TtoXscov xovxov rov XQOTtov sig tzoXe^ov i^rcEGovGcov AaxEdai^iovioi {ilv \xEra rcov IIeXo- novvrioicov GvvEdqEvGavxEg iiprjcpiGavxo 7ZoXe{ieIv xovg ''A^vaioig^ xai TtQog xov IIeoGcov (SaGiXia TtQEGfiEvGavxEg TtaQExdXovv Gv^a%Elv av- rolg, %al roi)g Kara rr\v SixeXUv ymI 'IraXiav Gv^ayovg diarcQE- GfizvGayiEvoi diaxoGicag rQirjQEGiv ETtEiGav pofi&ziv' avrol ds pzra rcov IlEXoTiovvrjGicov xdg ns£w«Q dwd^sig diaxd'i-avxEg %a\ xaXXa ra TtQOg XOV TtoXspOV 7}X0lliaG{lEV0l TtQCOXOl xov tioXe^ov %ax7]Q^avxo. %axd ydo xrjv Boicoxiav rj rcov TIXaxaiEcov TtoXig avxovopog i]V %aL Gv^cailav eIje Ttoog 'A&rjvaiovg. iv xavxrj xcov tcoXixcov xivsg %axa- XvGai XT(V avxovo^iiav §ovX6[ievoi diEXs%&7}Gav xolg Boicoxolg, snay- ysXXo^Evoi rrjv rcoXiv vno rv { v rcov ®r\fiaicov rd'^Eiv GvvrsXEiav %ai naqadcoGEiv avxolg rdg TlXaxaidg , lav avxol Gxqaxicoxag Tts^ipcoGi rovg Porj&ovvxag, did 3tal rcov Boicoxcov arcoGxEiXavxcov Gxqaxicoxag iitiXixrovg xqiaxoGiovg vvxxog oi nqodoxai rovrovg TiaqziGayayovizg vibus recipiendis. — it. XsiTtEGd-ai. de structura v. Xsi-jiead'ai c. Dat. rei et Genit. pers. v. M. §,358, 2- add. Xenoph. Anab. VII,7 ; 31- ~ c 'QXypauoq. Plut. Pericl. 6. 8 alteram addit nominis causam et originem : oi & and rr t q iv xr\ noXiTtia ual zctig GtQatrjylcag dwdfiscog 3 OXv(i7tiov uvzbv oiovxai itQ06ayoQ£v&fjvcu. — Il£Qi%l£7]g ctt. versus Aristoph. (Acharn. 535 s.) Dio- dorus negligenter adscripsit Eupolidi. ad verbum reddit Cic. Brut. Pericles si tenui dicendi genere uteretur, nunquam ab Aristophane fulgere, tonare, per- miscere Qraeciam dictus esset. — EvnoXig , poeta eiusdem antiquae co- moediae, Olyrap. 87, 3 florere fabulasqne Athenis docere coepit.^ qui mox adferuntur trimetri ex Eupolidis Demis servati sunt. — roiavrai tiveg. v. ad Lucian. dial. m. II, 3- Plut. I 7- — "Eyoqos^ Diod. 1. IV init. Iao- KQcctovg coy iiaQ"r\xr\g , vnoGxriad^hvog yQocopziv rag ko iv ag 7CQU§Eig, ra dab rmv c HganXeiSmv yta&odov 7tqa%&4vv ; a 6vvra£d{i£Vog ravxrjv dq%riv iit'oit'ocero rrjg lavoqlag. — diaxoolaig tqitJq. cf. Thucyd. II , 7« ^ f f 4. r. noXix&v riv£g. Thucyd. II, 2. NavuXstS^grs v.ai oi ilex avtov (erant autem optimates , qui cum Thebanis faciebant.) §ovX6fi£voi Idiag %v£%a dvvdfiscog avSgag t£ xcov noXixcov rorg 6 not. 4> — xcov TtalScov. Thucyd. II , 4. tcov yvvuixiov %cd xcov olketcov ctt. — §aXX6vvcov rag xsQaLildag , quod nihil deterius est pervul- gatiori dictione rcug xsQa^Zaiv , rolg Xl&oig al. Pausan. VIII, 4 et de Arti- culo in hac formula fere addito ibid. IX , 4 , tametsi sunt qui de more no- stratium reticeant. supra Aelian. XVII. Thucyd. 1. c. xcov oikstcov . . . XL- ftoig xs xal x£Qii(xcp fiaXXovxcov. ibid. IV, 34- E§aXXov Xi&otg xs nal xo- £sv[ia6L xal d-AOvxioig. — xaxa x. yjcoqav , in agris Plataeensium urbi vici- nis. v. ad Plut. V, 1 init. — sys (isv , ut Pint. V, 5. 5. drcoXafiovxsg , quin contra captivos non receperunt teste Thucydide II, 5, sed Plataeenses , quippe quod nee iureiurando nee aliis pactis con- stricti essent, omnes interemerunt centum et octoginta. accedit testimonium auctoris orat. in Neaer. p. 1379. ol IlXaxaisZg rovg avdgag , ovg sXa§ov xcov ©rjfiaLcov iv xfj {idxV ^covxag, dnsxxsivav. — h^intfiipav , vox etsi frequens de duce vel exercitu in expeditionem educendis, rarius ut h. 1. in usum aliorum , ad auxilium aliis ferendum. cf. infra Diodor. II , % ibid. 4. Xenoph. de republ. Laced. VI ,3- — fiy) cp&dGavxEg. de fif] particula cum Participiis iuncta dictum est ad Plut. V, 2 extr. verte : quum se non prae- vertisse sensissent , comportanda curaverunt. — -/. xiv.va x. yvvalxag, ta- metsi de certis quibusdam civium Plataeensium liberis uxoribusque dicitui', sed Articulum in his Graeci fere omittere solent. infr. Diod. II , 5. aliis exemplis firmat Kriiger ad Xenoph. Anab. 1 , 4, 9- — xcov &XXcov TIsX. om- 122 . AIOASIVOT Xoitovvr\Gicov' xj]v 5' ijy£{iovLav h'dcoxav 'AQpddfia xco ficcGi- XeI. ovxog de {iexcc xijg Svvc'i[i£cog eve§ccXev dg xr}v Axxixyiv ■ xolg 8e cpoovoioig TiooGfioXag iitOLslxo %a\ xijg %coQug TtoXXrjv e6t]coGe. xcov de 'A&rjvaicov 7t(XQo'E,vvo^h(ov dice X7\v xijg %(OQag %axadQ0^i7)v %al /3ov- Xo{i£vcov 7iaQUXu'E > a6d'ca xolg nolzydoig IlEQLnXijg Gxoax7\y6g cov %ai xi]v oItjv 7]yE(doviav h^cov rcaqExaXEi xovg veovg ^(Svyiuv iysw $ inccy- yeXX6[ievog ccvev klvSvvcov sxficcXsiv xovg Accx£dca[iovlovg i% xijg 'Ax- XLKijg. 7t\7]QU)6ccg ovv excaov xqnqoEig tied dvvcc[iiv elt-ioXoyov elg xdg veevg ev'&e^cvog xai GVQaxiqyov E7tiGxi]Gcig Kaqxlvov %a\ Exsqovg xivag i'£87te{iip£v elg xi)v IIeXotcovvjjgov. ovxoi dh rcoXXvjv xijg TCctQCid'cdax- xiov %coQag TtOQ^GavxEg %ai xiva xcov cpqovqlcov iXovxsg KctxETtXrjt-av- xo xovg Aa%e8ca^iovlovg. 6lo %a\ xtjv ek xijg 'Axxwijg Svva^iv xa- %scog ^EXccTtE^ijja^Bvoi 7coXXn}v uGopciXEiav xolg UEXoTcovvY]Gioig tzciqeL- y^ovxo. xovxco dh xco xqotcco xijg 'Axxmijg EXEvd i EQcod , EiGrjg 6 ^lev Ue- QixXrjg uTtodopjg IxvyyuvE Ttaqa xolg itoXixaig, cog dwapEVog GxQaxr\- ytlv %al xolg AccKEdcupovioig diaTtoXE^Elv. II. 01 AeovxIvoi XaXxidicov (iev ovxEg unoi%oi y GvyyEVEig 8s ^A%"y\- 1 VCtlCOV EXVJOV VTCO EvQCiXOVGlCOV TCoXe^IOV^IEVOI. TtLE^O^lEVOL Se XCO 710- l£(Mp %a\ dice xt\v V7t£9oyr\v xcov ZvoaxovGicov oavdvvEvovxEg aXcovcu xccxci %Qccxog i'ZETCEinpav TtQEGpEig elg xag 'A&rjvccg , d^iovvxsg xov 8v\- iies enim Peloponnesii socii fuerunt, ut Diodorus alio loco docet et Thucy- dides II , 9 Ttlrjv 'Agyficov kczl 'A% 2- eodem fere tempore (01.88, 1.) , ubi Peloponnesii tertio invaserant fines Atticos, Mitylenaei ab Atheuiensibus de- ficiunt et in potest at em redacti sorte dividuntur. 1. XuXklSecov .-. anoiuoi. Thucyd. 6, 3- ol XuXuidslg .. izEi ni[inzio (jiEzcc SvQccxovcag o l%iG% Eioag Aeovzivovg . . . oiui'QovGi. urbs igitur con- dita est Olymp. H, \. a. C. n. 736* — VTCE^o%r\v . v. ad Diod. I, 2. — ttXwvai y.a.z& KQazog , verba sunt ab urbe vi capienda ad defendentes trans- EIKEAISITOT. 123 {iov poq&iJGai xyjv xajiGxr\v %a\ vrjv itoXiv eccvxwv in xdv xivdvvcov qvGuG&ccl i\v Ss xcov dnEGxaXiiEVtov (XQiiTCQEG^Evx^g Fooyicig o $)]- tcoq, 8elv6xt]xl Xoyov itoXv 7tooE%cov Ttavxcov xcov need-' eccvxov. ovxog %ai xkjyag QrjxoQixdg Ttqcoxog e^evqs xcel %axd xy\v GocpiGxEiav xoGov- rov xovg aXXovg VTtEQifialsv , ooGxs [iiGxrov Xcc(i(5 %ccl xoxs 6 aG^EVcog TtqoGdE^d^Evoi xovg xov Tooylov Xoyovg sifjrjcpiGccvxo GV(A,{ltt%lC(V £%TtS(lTtElV XOLg AEOVXlVOig , TtqOCpCiGlV [IEV QpEQOVXEg Xf\V xcov GvyyEvcov iqslav km, 8et]Giv , xij <5' dXrjxrEiu xr\v vijGov GtvevSov- xsg %%LXia.. Thucydides nihil, quod sciam, de hac re. v. ta- men 1 , 96. Boeckhius revocatis ad nostrae pecuniae rationes e Delo com- portatis effecisse putat 2, 475,000 Imperial, s. 1800 talentorum. Athen. Sthhltg. I. p. 475- — dv&E&G&cu , c. Genit. v. M. §. 330- infr. 4- ? - 3- i^E7C£fitpci^ . . vavg axetzov. Thucyd. Ill, 86. 'AdrjvccloL elkogi veevg E6z£ilioXoyov Ecpd'a6av A&v\- valoL vavg aXXag Ovv SnXLxaig %iXioig aitoGrdXavrEg Eig Aitifiov xovrcov 8' rjyov{A£vog TJdyi]g 6 'EtcixXijqov , xaravrrjGag Eig MirvX?}- vr\v %a\ ri\v nqovTCaqyovGav dvvapiv TCaoaXaficov TiEqiErdyiGE rr\v tvo- hv xal 6vvE%Eig TtooofioXdg EitoiEtro ov povov xaxd yijv , aXXd xal Kara ftdXaxrav. Aax£8ai[iovioi dh i^aTtiarEiXav Eig n)v MirvXrjvriv XQiy\Q£ig {ihv XEXxaqdxovxa tcevxe %al Gxoaxrjyov AXxl8av , Eig dh xy)v 'Axxixrjv EicipaXov ^Exd xcov (Sv^iidycov. ircEX&ovxEg dh xal xovg ita- qaXEXEip^Evovg xonovg xrjg 'Axxixijg xal S^coaavrEg xr\v %coqav Irca- 5 vrjX&ov Eig xyv olxEiav. MixvXrjvaloi dh xy GixoSsia xal xco TtoXE^co 7tu^6^Evoi %a\ 6xa6id£ovxEg noog dXXiqXovg %a& o^ioXoylav TtaQsdco- xav xr\v tcoXiv xolg tcoXioqxovCiv. ev dh xalg ^A%"\\vaig xov dr\^ov PovXEvopivov, cog %orj 7tqo<5EVEyxa6d-ai xolg Mixv\r\vaioig , KXscov 6 SyjiJiaycoyog , copog av xov xqorcov r.al fiiaiog, Tcaqcot-ws xov drjpov 4* (5ovXo[isvcov avvoLKLQ'siv ctt. haec detorta sunt sive falso interpre- tando loco Thucydidio , sive non satis recordando. etenim Athenienses non in unam omnes coiigregandos urbem censuerunt, sed a Methymnaeis aliisque quibusdam ad credendum adducti Mitylenaeos tale quid conari , legatos mi- serunt to zrjv Asafiov Eig xr\v MiTvlrjvr]v ^vvoiv.i&iv prohibituros. qui quum nihil eflicerent, bellum indictum. Thuc. Ill, 2- 3- cl. Arist. Polit. V, 3, 20. Gottl. ceterum , ut hoc semel moneam , cum plerisque libris exarandum cu- ravi Mirvlrjvr] , Mitvlrjvaioi, etsi non diffiteor adminicula esse haud levia alterius scripturae (MvziXrjvr]) quum quae legimus apud veteres Gramma- ticos., uTto yaQ Mvzavog xov xxiGrov M.vxiXr\vr\ uaXsixai , turn praesertim nummos antiquos. — KluvinTtidrjv. Thuc. 1. c. KX e in it i dr\ g 8s 6 zlsi- vlov ZQixog avxog iazQaxrjysi. — ncxqa xcov 6v[i[icc%cov. de quibus sociis nunc dicat, non adparet. Imbrii et Lemnii postea quidem a Cleinippide ar- cessebantur, quum Athenienses rem pace componi non posse cognoverunt. Thuc. Ill, 5. 6. — XELCp&BVZEg, inferiores quum essent. XslnEGd'cii, rjxxctG&ai. Suid. — 6 'ETtixXtfQov. Thuc. Ill, 18. 7tsfi-n:ov6i Tlu.yr\xa xov 'En lkov go v GxQccxrjyov. — ticcTccvxriaag. v. supra ad §. 1. — tieqiexei%i6e ctt. Thuc. 1. c. 7iEQirsixi£ov6i MizvXtfvrjv iv wvkXco ccnXco teijei . . . %ccl fj [u.lv MixvXr\vr\ -acixu xqdzog i]8r] dficpoxEQCod'Bv xal ex yr\g xal ix &aXuC6rjg EiQyhxo. — TtxzaQoixovxa nivxE. Thuc. Ill, 26- Svo xal xEGGaqaxovxa vavg. 5. ttQOGsvsyxaoQ'ai, cum Dat. ut saepius legere meministis iiticpEQEG&aL nqog riva , de iis qui aliquem adgrediuntur. cf. ad. Plut. V, 4 init. — 8iq- (layooyog, id quod apud Livium III, 72 concionalis , de eo qui populum ad 96 AIOASIVOT ccitocpcavo{i£vog 8eiv xovg MixvXy\vaiovg avxovg y.sv ijfirjdov anuvxag (XTtOKTslvai , xixva 8h %al yvvaiKag £E ) av8Qcmo8iQ'a6 A^"Y\valcov (jXQctxrjyoi 7cw9'civ6(iEvoi xo {jLEys&og xov GwayoycEvov xolg TtoXsyiioig GXOXOV TtEQldEEig 7J6CXV , \AT(J10XS TtCiCdig XCilg XQl}]QE6lV EKLTtXEVOaVXEg oi tzoXe^ioi %vqiev6co6l xcov vecov. o&ev uvxol (jlev Kad'£X%v6avxEg xdg ovoctg iv Zv\Gxco vavg TtSQiETtXsvCav xr\v XsqQovrjCov %al %a&coqyLi- 6&r\6av Big Kuodiav slg 8s ®od% r Y\v icodg ®oogPraepositio de eo, quod quis adpe- tendum vel perficiendum sibi sumit. cf. Bernhardy w. Synt. p. 265. — ITqoi- y.6vvrj6ov. compositum putant ex vrjoog et nqoi^. t) 7ia.Ga.ig zalq vr\ooig KQolxcc zcov {iccQficcQcov [i£Ta.8ov6a.. Etym. M. alii — rectius, an secus non facile erit iudicare — ex 7zqo£- s. nQOKcig, unde nQonovvr]Gog , Rehinsel. 2. slg tqlcc (i. SislXovto , verba dividendi et distribuendi frequentius et genuino, ut putant, Atticismo familiarius requirunt duo Accusativos omissa Praepositione. v. M. §. 419- i. Bernhardy I. c. p. 127. — fisxcc xov kcct' avrov [i. cum, suo sibi demandato agmine, quam eandem significationem etiam ro (lEQog , ea quae cuique tributa est pars, sibi vindicat solo Arti- culo adiecto. v.. Bernhardy 1. c. p. 315- — £cpiXoTS%vovv slg to %. neque minus recte nsgi xi , ngog xi vel denique Infinitivus verbo illi adnectitur apud Atticos huius aetatis, quum antea vix unquam deprehenderis. — sIq- £ ccg 8b Kccxaxixocooxcov VTtoyEioiovg iXapftccvs , xdg 8b TtXEiGxctg zvoog ccvxrj xrj yrj ku&coq^i- Cpivag xccxccXccficov etce^ciXXe 6i8x\qag yuoag, xcu xavxccg ccTtoCTtav cctzo ?ijg yy)g ETtuoaxo. TtcxoafioTi&ovvxcov 8b xcov tce^cov cctvo xijg yijg xolg IlEXoTCOVvTjaloLg noXvg eyivsxo cpovog, cog av xcov [ibv 'A&yjvcclcov dux TO TtQOXEQIJlia &QC{6VXEQ0V 7} (jV^CpOQCOXEOOV CCyCOVlt,O^EVCOV , XCOV 8h Tl£X0TC0VV7]6LC0V TtoXv XOig 7lkl]d'£6lV VTtEQEJOVXCOV. %Cil ycCQ TO XOV f&CCQVCifittQOV OXQCiXOTtEdoV 7CCiQ£fioii']d'£l XOig Act%£8cUftOVlOig , %Ccl Xr}v \k&rfy\v 1% xijg yijg tcoiov^ievov xr\v tixccGiv £i%£V aGcpaXEGxEQciv. 0qcc- GvpovXog dh &ecoqcov xovg TCE^ovg xolg noXEiiloig porj&ovvxag , %ca xovg XoLTtovg xcov impccxcov ciTTEplfiacSEv Eig xi)v yijv gtvevScov Porj&ij- 6ai xolg tceqI xov i AX%i§la8i]v • xco 8s ®i]qci[jlev£i tzciqekeXevGcixo xolg tzeqI XctQTjxa TtE^olg 6wciipccvxcc xrjv xa%i6xv]v 7]KEiv , oncog tce'C^ 8lcc- ycoviacovxcci. xcov 8h ^A%"Y\valcov tceqI xccvxa yivopivcov Mlv8aqog o 3 rcov AciZEScapovicov acp7]yov{i£vog avxog [ihv TtQog 'AXxifiiaSrjv vtveq xcov c(Cp£X%o^£Vcov 8irjycov%£xo , KXeccqiov 81 xov Enaqxicinqv [i£xa velut iam vicissent, victores essent. de viv.av, vlxoiv ctt. significatione Ao- risti v. Kriig. Xen. Anab. I, 8, 12- Ed. 1830. — dvtlnQcoQOL. Dind. dedit dvxiTtQcpQOL praeeunte Hermanno ad Soph. Phil. 480. — [MX&ovTSg, cum Par- ticipio ut h. 1. et cum Infinitivo quid inter se ditferat vid. apud M. §. 530, 2- §. 549, 3. comp. supra Lucian. II, 2 aloft 0LVt6fttti c. Part. — xof-frfttfT^- kslgccv. ■auQ-LgtcigQ'cu h. 1. ut veteres Grammatici solent interpretari pro 8i- vcu , in einen Zustand versetzt werden. Thorn. Magist. yaxftiOTCi^cii uQ%(av r)roi ylvouai. — cpvyuv , cum Genii:, vid. ad Pausan. IX, % — KXiJQOvg. KlrJQOL videntur loca quaedam fuisse vel scopuli, ut alii opinantur, Cyzice- norum tern's vicini. — «g {ihv . . . czq 8i. V. B. §. 126, 2- 3- M. §. 289, not. 7. — oiSrjQtis %£^Qocg. iam anno 414 a. C. n. Syracusis a Nicia Lama- choque obsessis Athenienses usi sunt ferrets manibus , Sots, ut ait Thucy- dides 7 , 62 , itsfyfiaxtw d%6 rcov vecov. atque iude ab hoc tempore iiori raro adhibuerunt machinas illas in pugnis navalibus et in oppugnandis oppi- dis maritimis , velut.i in Byzantio capiendo et in proelio ad Arginusas. Diod. XIII , 67- 99- — cos av . . . dycovi&fiEvcov. v. supra ad Aelian. IV. add. B. §. 139, 14- Kriig. ad Xen. Anab. I, 1, 10. V, 2, 8^ — cxdoiv. sjc Diod. alio quodam loco: ol cpQovool gzccglv vtceqSe^lov e%qvzs$ nollovg %axEt ix qgoGxov. simili modo GvccGEig Xcc^olvelv iG%VQag de verbis rite col- locandis. — tnifiuzmv. v. ad Athen. II , 5- — xco Ss &. tzc(Q£mzXevgaXa7t£7tOVr\\!L£VO0V ol TtSql XOV @f]QCC[lEVriV cooiir}6(xv xolg \x.sx AX%i$id8ov %ivSvv£v6a0i fiorj&iJGcxi. ovv8qa{iov- 6cov 8s xcov 8vvd(i£cov slg sva xoicov 6 [isv Mivdaqog ov xaxsTcXdyrj xr]v scpoSov xcov itsql ©7]Qa^svr)v , dXXd SisXo^svog xovg TLsXo7tovvv\- Giovg xolg \xsv rjfilcsCw d%r\vxa xolg stciovGi, xovg 8' r\iii6sig ccvxog syvov %a\ 8s6[isvog skocGxov {ir} KaxaiGyyvai xo xrjg ^Ttdqxr\g d^ico^a, %a\ xavxa 7t£^0(ia%ovvxag, dvxExd^&r] xolg Ttsql xov 'AX%i$id8v\v. tvsqI 8k xcov vscnv irJQmxrjv 6vaxrj6a(i£vog \.idp\v %a\ tcqo rcdvxcov avxog %iv8vvevoov TtoXXovg \isv dvslXs xcov dvxixsxay(xsvoov, xo 8s xsXsvxcdov d'^ioog xrjg %axqi8og dycovi6ayL£vog vtco xcov tzsqI xov 'AXzifiLaSrjv dvrj- qid'7]. xovxov 8s 7t£7Zxco%6xog o r L xs UsXoKovvr\(5iOi y.ca navxsg ol 6v[i- [Lciypi 6vvs8QCi{iov vm\ xccxcnvXayivxsg slg cpvyrjv coq^aav ol o^'A&r]- vccloi \jlz%qi \iiv xivog STts8lco^av xovg TtoXs^iiovg , 7ivv&ccv6{i£voi 8k xov QccQvccp(x^ov [lExd TtoXXrjg "jiitov %axd 67C0v8rjv STCiyivo^isvov dvs%ci^.ipav stcI xag vavg xccl xrjv [isv tco'Xiv TZccqsXctfiov , 8vo 8s xqo- itcaa Kaxs6x7]6ccv acp s%axsqag vw,r\g, xo [isv xrjg vuvyicfyiag iv x\ vr\6co xrj IIoXvSooqov y.cdov^ivrj , xo 8s xrjg itst,o\ia.'fiag, ov xr]v xqo- nr]v STtoi7]Cavxo xr(V Tzqcoxrjv. ol iisv ovv iv xrj tcoXsi UtXo7T,ovvy]6ioi %ca Ttdvxsg ol 8iucpvyovxsg 1% xijg (ictirjg scpvyov vtco xo xov Qaqva- vi abripiebat , navibus propugnabai. ubi in omisso vscov qui offenderit non admodum reprehendendus. est enim Ellipsis hoc quidem loco panlo , ni fal- lor, durior. — vnsGxr\, c. Ace i. q. v7te\u£LVFV , excipiebat hostes , ut su- pra Plut. IV, 1 extr. — ninrovzcxg. vid. ad Pint. V, 5. — 7Z8qisq%o[1£vcoi>. in quibusdam libris legitur 7i£Qi£%o[xhcov , Wesselingius vero neutrum illo- rum comprobans proponit 7iEQi%ho^ibvrov. — dnsyvcoxovEg , cum Ace. ut alias cum Genit. vel Infin. , spe salutis iam prorsus abiecta, quod supra Pausan. IV, 3 legimus : TtQog to uve\tii6tov toov 7mxqovtcov syivovxo. — ncxQ EQQijy vvto , ut Lat. perfringi , vox turn de muris , turn de militum or- dinibus perruptis frequens. — ■ ttjv tcpodov , h. 1. idem valet atque OQfir], ETttdgOfiT], inifiolTJ, ut recte Interpp. ad Thuc. 7, 5- Xen. Anab. If, 2, 18- i^ETtXoiyr] 8s v.a.1 ficeotlsvg xy scpodco xov oxfjccxsvfiaxog. — %al xavxa, praesertivi. iis%Qi fisv xtvog, aliquatenus, cui oppositum est [i£%Qi navxog, semper, in perpetuum. — imzov , sensu collectivo solet feminini generis esse , quamquam pluralis quoque uumeri (al Xititoi) certa exempla reperiun- tur. comp. rj (3ovg. inl &r}Xvy.ov v.a\ xo xcov §ooov Xsyofisv a$Q0iG[ia, olov xrjv fiovv EXrjLGavxo. Thorn. Mag. — IJoXvScoqov , Polydori insula, quae et ipsa vocatur Polydora , in Propontide sita est e regione Cyzici. Plin. H. N. V, 44* — vno xo . . GXQaxoTcsdov , alii malunt inl xb ox. vid. supra Eclogae. I 130 JIOJSIPOT fia^ov CxqccxotceSov ol 8s xcov 'A&rjvaiojv GXQaxrjyoi xcov xs vscov unacscov synoaxug sy£V7]d , 7j6av %cd TtoXXovg {ihv al%^.aXcoxovg , dva- qL&^xov 8s TtXrjd'og Xucpvocov rfoqoiGav. , cog av 8vo 8vva^sig cc(iu Tr\Xixavxug vBvwyjxovEg, IV. AXKiPictSrjg rjysv xcov rjXcoxvicov vecov ov% iXaxxovg SiaxoGicoVj 1 al%^aXcoxcov 6s dv8ocov na\ Xacpvocov TtXrjd'og' slisv 8s tag idiag xqiiq- QSig OTtXoig s7ti%Qv6oig xwl 6x£cpdvoig , h'xi 8s Xacpvooig xccl xolg aX- Xoig ctTtaGLv sni^sXcSg %£K06(jL7][i£vag. nXuOxoi 8 9 sn\ xr\v 'AX%i§La8ov &sav Ovvs8q(X(aov sill xovg Xi^isvag, co6t£ TtavxsXag £Qr}{icod"rjvai. xrjv itoXiv 6v{icpiXoxiiiQvii£vcdv xolg sXsv&SQOLg xcov SovXcov. KCCX SKsivovg yao xovg %oovovg ovxco avvspr) d'av^a6& ; i]vai xov av8oa xovxov, co6& oi [asv VTtsqsiovxsg xcov , Ad'7]vaicov poyig svop^ov EvorjvJvai Svvaxov av8oa xovxov cpav£ocog %al &Qa6£cog civtitd£,a6&ai xco 8iqyLco 8vvcx^£- VOV , OL 8 dTtOQOL VTZELXlJCpElGCCV CvVayCOVL6X7jV S&IV UQlGtOV XOV O.7C0- vsvor]{iivcog 6vvtaod^ovta xi}v noXiv %a\ xrjv iavxcov STiccvoQ&coGovxa Tcsvlav. &Q(x6si yaa tcoXv 8iscpEQ£ xcov aXXcov %al 8uv6xaxog rju sitcelv, xa\ naxa (jlev xrjv GxaaxsLciv aoioxog , %ata 8s xrjv xoXpav noaxxmco- Lucian. dial. mort. Yll , 2« 3« recte igitur Wesselingius : sive sub castra sive ad ea fugisse velis, ratio sermonis.constabit. — vscov dnuGcov. Xe- noph. hist. Gr. I, 1, 12- numerura captarum navium magis finivit: rag 8b vavg ol 'A&rjvalot &yovto ayovt£g ig Uqoiv.6vvr\Gov dndoag itXijV xcov ZlvQci7iov6i(QV • inslvag 8s avxoh -AO.ttv.av guv ol EvQanovGioi. erant enira viginti naves Syracusanorum in classe Spartana. sed utut est , omnia fuisse profligata atque perdita , arguit Ilippocratis , qui in locum Mindari succede- bat, epistola civibus Spartanis inscripta : e$Q£i to. naXd. MlvdaQog dnsG- 60va. 7i£LvcavTL toivdQsg. anoQtofiig ti %Qr] dgav. IV. (L. XIII. c. 68 — 74. p- 367s.) "Alcibiades post proelium Cyzicenum facta in Thraciam expeditione multisque oppi- dissubactis Athenas redit et summum terra mariquei m- perium n actus continuo nova de Andriis, Cois, Rhodiis tropaea sistit. Lysander in locum Mindari suffectus Athe- nienses ad Notium fun dit (Ol. 93, 2- a. 407-) ; Al ci bia des in crimen vocatur et X ducibus creatis sibi ipse exsilium i r r o g a t. 1. twv rjXcoxvioov v. ctt. non solum de navibus in proelio Cyziceno (Diod. III.) captis intelligi debent, sed de spoliis quoque e Byzantio aliisque Ilellesponti urbibus a. 409 a. C. ab Alcibiade partis, ceterum haec iisclem paene verbis a Plutarcho Alcib. c. 32 exornata prorsus ab Xenophonte neg- lecta nureris. — lacprgeov. v. ad Plut. Ill, 1 extr. comp. qvgiov ibid. II, 2 extr. — £7tl . . aisav, ad s-pectandum , spectandi causa, de ludis , specta- culis, aliis. — &vd(ja tovtov, ubi Pronomen vim praedicati sustinet (toiov- xov , tovzov ovto;) et a seq. Participio dcwdszcog adiecto (M. §. 557, 3«) accuratius definitur : virum ita comparatum, ut oppunere se posset. — vn£L- Xi'jcpziGav , de qua forma Diodoro admodum accepta (infra VI, 2- ) pro - scav v. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 149- — inavoQdcoGovta, Lobeck I.e. p. 250. — Seivotatog r\v sItceIv, sunt qui Xsyuv Trifinitivum huic formulae crebrius opinentur adnexum. cf. infra ad V , 2. sic de eodem Alcibiade Diod. L. XII extr. tjv 8sivotatog (isv slnzlv tcov itoXiTcav. quae quomodo concinere vi- deantur cum Alcibiade illo balbutiente verbisque imparatissimo (Plut. Alcib. c i- c. 13.) alienum ab hoc loco ostendere. — xata fi. t. cqattiav ctt. Plut. V, 1 , de Cimone : y. a t avzbv tov dycova Xafinqog* quod iam minus hnbet insoliti , quam alterum illud t y.at a. trjv toXfiav , quo qualis quis sit ZIKEAISITOT. 131 rccrog. tjv Ss %a\ xy\v oipiv xa& VTtEQ^oXiqv EVTtoETtrjg xai rrjv ipv%rp> la{i7tQog xai {lEyaXETtifSoXog. xa&oXov 8e x7]Xixavxrjv vtcoX^lv sfyov vneq avxov 6%e8ov anccvvsg, a)6&' a{ia xrj ixEivov %a&68(p xai xr\v toov 7ZQ xal MiXr\xov •cTtXbvGEv , sxeWev 6' Eg"EcpE6ov, xal ixsl h'fiEivs vavg ix (0V EfiSofirjxovxa. — [AVQiovg SaQEixovg. Xenoph. 1 , 5 , 9. xdXavxa nsvxaxoGia. alii alium Darium numos illos aureos cudisse perhibent , quum ex Herodoti testimonio (IV, 166-) vix dubites, quin et originem darici et riomen traxerint a patre Xerxis. sunt tamen qui emendatorem tfystaspidem , quam auctorem rei nu- mismaticae babere malint. — oncog oca dv nQoaiQcovxai A. X°Q r iy r i GcCL ' ut quidquid Lacedaemonii agitent , ad id liberaliter sumptus praebeat. X°Q r l~ yEiv ab eo translatum , qui alternis contribuebat , quibus chori instruerentur et adornarentur. ad rem Xenoph. I. c. Kvqoq E(prj xal zov ftqovov xaxa- xoxpEiv , Ecp' co ixd&rjxo , ovxa dqyvqovv xal %qv60vv. 2IKEAISIT0T. 133 4 , AXxi$id8v\g de Ttv&oiiEvog iv 'EcpEGca xov AvGavSqov H-aqzvuv xov GtoXov avrii&T] {i£xd naGcov xcov vecov £ig"Ecp£Gov. iTznzXEvGug de xolg XifiEGiv cog ovdslg dvxavrjysxo , rag plv izoXXdg vavg xa&coqpiGE Ttsql to Noxiov xi)v rjyE^oviav avxcov 7vaqa8ovg 'Avxio'fco xco l81oj xv- fisQvrjvr). 8iaxEXEvGa^.Evog t¥ avxco {irj vav[A.a%Elv scog av avxog iza- qaysvrjxai , xdg GxqaxicoxiSag vavg dviXafie xal xaxd GTtovdrjV etvXev- Gev eig KXa£o[i£vdg. avxr\ ydq rj rcoXig Gv^ayog y Ad"i]vaicov ovGa xaxcog £7iaG%Ev V7t6 xivcov cpvyd8cov TtOQ'd'ov^Evrj. 6 <5' "Avxloyog GOV XTJ CpVGEl TCQQIElQOg, Kttl GTZEvScOV 8l ECCVXOV XI TtQttE.ai la^TtQOV xcov [iev AXxi(3id8ov Xoycov ^^eXtjGe , 8exa de vavg dqvGxag TtXrjqcoGag xal xdg akkag xolg xqii]qdq%aig TtaqayyEikag Exoipag ejeiv , av tj iqela vav{ia%ETv, etcztiIevGe xolg TCotepLoig izqoxakeGo^evog eig vavpa'lLav. o de AvGavSqog 7t£7tvG{iEvog Txaod xivcov avxo^iokcov xrjv dcpoSov Ak- xifiid8ov xal xcov dqiGxcov (ag-r' avxov Gtqaxicoxcov xaiqov Elvat Siikafie 7Zqaf-ai xi xijg £7tdqxy\g a'^iov. Slotted nuGaig xalg vavGlv avzavaffitXg [ilav \k\v xrjv TtooTtkEovGav xcov Sexa , xa& i]v 'Avxloypg ?)v dvxixe- xaypevog, xaxeSvGE' xdg 6° akkag XQEVjdfjiEvog iSico'^E ^IQig ov xdg akkag nkrjqcoGavxEg ol xqirjqaq%oi xcov 'A&fjvaloyv TtaqE^orj&rjGav h> ov8e(iia xd'<~Ei. yEvo^Evrjg 8e vav[.ia%iag d&qoaig xalg vavGlv ov fu<:- xqav xijg yijg Adr\valoi 8ia xyjv axa'iiav fjkaxvco&rjGav , xal vavg ajzifiakov Svo Ttqog xalg eixoGi' xcov <5' iv avxalg dvSqcov okiyoi {lev i^coyqr^&rjGav , ol 8e koinol Ttqog xrjv yrjv 8i£V)]£,avxo. AkxipidSrjg 8e Ttv&o^Evog xo y£ysvr}{i£vov Sid GTtovSijg dv£xa{ity£v Eig to Noxiov, xal TtaGag xag XQiSjoeig 7iky]QcoGag ETzmkevGE xolg ki^iEGv xcov nokE- filcov ov xokiicovxog 6' dvay&rjvai xov AvGavdoov xov rckovv eig Ed- {iov ETZoirjGaxo. . . . > 'Akxifiiddiig §h ix Hd^iov {i£xd TtaGcov xcov vecov TtkEvGag Eig Kv- (ivjv tysySslg aixlag etieqqi^e xolg Kvpaioig, (5ovk6{i£vog avxcov fiexd TCQOCpaGscog SiaqnaGai xv\v %coqav. xal to ^ev tzqcoxov itokkcov aly v ^a- kcoxcov Gcofidxcov xvqiEvGag djzrjyEv Inl xdg vavg' Exfioy]d"Y]Gdvxcov ds xcov ix xrjg TtokEcog TcavdrtfiEL jckI tvqoGtvegovxcov drcooGSoxrixcog %oo- 4. ISoriov , Joniae oppidum maritimum , cuius incolae Coloplionii fue- runt testibus Theopompo (Barpocr. s. v. Nonov) , Plinio , Livio. — OTQa- zicozLdag vavg, i. e. vavg bnlix ay coy ovg , milites ad pugnam terrestrem in- structos vehentes, quibus saepius opponuntur Ttt%fZca, izqog vavfia%Lav int- zrjdEioi. Thuc. VI, 31. 43. Xen. 1. c. I, 1, 26- — KXagofJLEvag, minus recte Tcaqo^vvEtai in Edit. Wessel. to Klct^o'xEval itoXig o^vvEzai. Arcad. de Accent, p. HI. ]. 9. add. Gpttling. allg. Lebre v. Accent, p. 153. supra ad Diod. I, 4. — Sexcc cU vavg. Xen. 1. c. I, 5, 7. 'AvTio%og xr\ ts uvtov vr\l xal ally ix Notiov sg xov li{.tiva xaiv'EyEoicov ionlsvoag 7tag' av- rag rag nqcoqag xav AvcuvSqov vecov naQEitlhi. — 7tQOxaX£66[i£Vog , ex coniectura Eichstadii. vulg. nqov.alEOaixEVog. — v.aiQOV , c. raero Infiii. comp. ajqa , ad Pint. IV, 3- — /^ixqig ov , Dindorf extrito g edidit invitis iibris. cf. B. §. 26, 4- Lobeck ad-Phryn. p. 14 s. — bvo nqbg xalg eYkogL Xen. 1. c. §.8. ol ' rf&rjvaloi . . tcpvyov aTrolioavxtg nsvxEY.aidexa xqi/]Qtig. 5. (c 73 med.) tbEvSuq cttxiag ?7tSQQi,il>s ctt. calumnias impegit Cu- niaeis. lucramur ex his verbis et duabus aliis, quae boc ipso capite con- iineutur, criminationibus notitiam quandam in bistoria Alcibiadis a Xeuo- phonte et Plutarcbo ignoratam. atque baec crimina plus etiam valuisse apud populum , quam cladem illarn a Lysandro acceptam facile «t credas ex mo- nks Atheniensium adduci poteris. -r ccfyfiaXcoTCOV 6toiiaxcov. h. 1. nihil aliud videtur esse quam captivi, sive servi sive liberi. cf. supra ad Athen. IT, 2- — £xpor]&r]6ocvxcov 81 xcov iv. xrjg tz. AtLractionis genus admodum frequens. 134 AIOJSIPOT vov {lev xiva diEKaqxEoovv ol tveqI xov ''AXyii$ictd'Y\v , {iexcc dh xavxa xolg Kv^aioig 7tQOGysvo[iEVG)v nollcov xcov ex xrjg Ttolscog %al xr)g %coqag '^vayxdo^jGav xaxalircovxEg xovg afypalcoxovg Kaxacpvyslv etvI tag vavg. o 8' , Al%i$id8 r Y\g etvI rolg llaxxch\xaGi 7t£Qialyr\g ysvofiEvog i% Mirvh]V7]g iiEXE7tE(xipaxo xovg orcllxag , xa\ tvqo xi\g nolEcog sxxd- tag xr]v dvva^iv tzqoexccXeito xovg Kv^cdovg Eig {idpiv ovdEvdg d EJ-ioviog drjcoGag xrjv %coqav ditEitlEvGEV ircl Mivvh'jvrjv. Kv{iaicov dh TtsiiijjttVTCov Eig 'A&y'ivocg TtqEG^Eiav vlcli KaxrjyoQOvvxcov *AX%i$w- dov , dioxi 6v(jL{ia%ov itoliv ovdhv d8i%i}6a6av etcoq&yigev lyivovxo dh xai dllai moiled diapoXal %ax avxov' xcov ydq iv Ed^co xivhg 6XQCCXLC0XC0V dXXoXQLCOg XCi TCQOg CiVXOV £%OVX£g etcIevouv Eig 'A&7]VCiQ KCil %CiX7]y6Q7]6CiV EV EKY.h]6lU %CIX 'AXxifilddoV, OXl XCi AaXEdai^OVlCOV cpQOVEi xui 7tQog 0aQva^a'C,ov ejei cpiXiav, 8i t)g eXtci^ei %axaXv&svxog xov tcoIe(aov zaradvvaGXEvGEiv xcov itoXixcov. xayy dh xov nXrjO'Ovg 6 TtiGxEvovxog xaig diafioXaig rj phv Ttqog 'AXxifliddyjv e&qccvexo do'ia diet xo tieqI xtjv vav\nayiav Eldxxco^a %Cil XCi tveqI X7]V KvtLTjV ri[UXQ- X7](xiva. 6 dh xcov 'A&Tjvaicov dialog vcpoooi^Evog xi)v xov dvdqog xol- Liav dir.ee oxqaxrjyovg eIXexo p Kovcova , AvGaviav, AioyiEdovxa, Ue- qizIecc , Ttqog dh xovxoig 'EgaGivid^v , 'AqiGxoxqdxrjv , 'Aqyiaxqaxov, JJqcox6[xayov , OqaGvllov , , AqiGxoy8V7jv • s% dh xovxcov Ttqoxqivag Kovcova xayjcog §l-i7CE(itys Ttaq 'Alxifliddov xo vavxixov Ttaqalv]i\)6ii£~ vov. AXxifiidjSrjQ dh xijg dq%i]g ix%coqrjGag xco Kovcovi %a\ xdg dvvd- liEig Ttaqadovg xt]v [isv Eig 'Afajvag ETtdvodov drtiyvco , {lExd dh XQitj- QQvg {iiccg Eig nanxvTjV tijg Soay.rjg djiEicoQriOEV* supra §. 3 med. TQi^QSig llezetce^ccto zag ix Xiov. I, 5- zee Xoitzcc zcov clnb zrjg %coQag HctzExofiiGav Eig zy\v tioXiv. ibid, zrjv ix zfjg 'AzzLKrjg Sv- vttfiw /.iEtanE^dfiEvoi. Athen. I, 3- owtxyayuv zovg ey. zijg (3cc6iIeI(xs dvvdozag. v. ad Long. II, 3- B. §. 151. I, 8- — 7ZSQLaXyrjg, pariter ac ns- QtaXyElv ETii zivl (Aelian. var. hist. Lib. II, 4 extr.) vocabula praesertim re- centioribus usitata de sumraa animi aegrituditie atque anxietate. Diod. L. IV. C 11. < HQOLY.y.r\g nSQLalyrjg tjv inl too fisytd'Ei rrjg Gviicpogocg. Plut. Mar- ceil. c. 25. ubi Poeni adeo bello vexantur a Marcello , co6Z£ zbv 'Avvificiv •jiEQicclyrj yivo^iEvov zovg K(XQX7]8ovLovg d&Qoiocu ctt. — Kvpaicov Ss 7iE(i- ipdvzcov ctt. scriptpr pluribus interiectis deilectit paullum ab instituta stru- ctura, quum quae hac periodo apodosis exspectetur, initio sequentis capitis alteram protasin excipiat. cuiusmodi sermonis cZvaxoXovQLCcv adiuva sic con- struendo : Kvfiaiav ds tti-fiipdvzcov — , r«p 8s zov TcXrjQovg tciotevov- zog — , 7] {xlv 8o£(X t&Qavtzo. similia v. Athen. II , 3. Xenoph. Anab. IV, 3, 6. Mem. 3,1,9- — 8nx§oXal v.av avzov , mox ncczrjy. naz' ' AXiu$id- 8ov. usus aaza Praepositionis illustretur exemplis ap. Bernh. Synt. p. 238. Thucydides vero : ETZEfiaQrvQezo (Alcibiades) [irj dnovzog tieql avzov 8ia- /3oAag a7io8t:%£Gxttti. VI , 29. — zd A. cpQOVEi. Latine dixeris sentire cum Liacedaemoniis. luKcavL^CQ , zee zcov Aaxoovcov cpqovco. Suidas. comp. voGElv supra Aelian. XIII. 6- z6X{iuv, ut Lat. audaciam, et bono et malo sensu dici satis notum. h. 1. idem fere quod fi-QaGog, &QUGvzr}g. ceterum zoXfia an toX^tj Atticis acceptius sit, cum scriptoribus veteres Grammatici ambigunt , quamquam in Thucydide et oratoribus quod sciam prior ilia forma locum Fere obtinet. — AvGaviav , qui h. 1. I^ysanias , idem alio loco Diodoro vocatur AvGiug. 77s- QiylEU , F. Periclis Olympii adulterinus , quem Athenienses Pericli patri gra- tiiicaturi defunctis legitimis filiis nomine isto ornarunt. ©qugvXXov, ita scri- bendum pro vulg. ©gaGv§ovXov ex Xenophonte dudum notarunt Interpre- tes, — > &niyv(B> vid. supra ad Plut. V, 3 extr. ZIKEAISITOT. 135 V. \ Q>iXnvitog 6 xcov MaxsSovcov fiaGiXsvg G%sv8cov xdg icp* 'EXXrjG- novxco izoXsig %EiQcoGaG&ai M.7]%v^SQvav psv %a\ Toqcovr\v %coolg xiv- 8vvcov 8t,d nqo8oGiag naqiXa^sv • iutl 8s xr\v (.isyiGxrjv xcov Ttsql xovg zoitovg xovxovg noXscov "OXvv&ov GzQaxsvGag [isxd itoXXifg 8vva[i£Cog, xo [iev nqcoxov vimqGag xovg 'OXvv&iovg 8vgl pdiaig OvvixleiQsv Big TtoXioQKiav ' TCQ06(3oX Ttdoi 8s [leyaXag enayyeXlag £vxQr}6tcog Ttoiov^evog TtoXXovg sCyjev STti&v^rirdg rijg Ttgog avxov (piXiag* VI. (JfrlXiTtnog o flaGiXevg rovg 7tXsi6xovg xcov f EXX\]vcov elg cpiXiav \ nqofjy^evog eopiXoxi^eixo xcel xovg 'A&rjvalovg xaxaTtXij^a^evog aSrjqi- rov Wjeiv xi)v {\ye^oviav xr)g r EXXa8og. 8i07teq acpvco xaraXafio^evog EXareiav tcoXiv xal rag 8vvd{ieig elg xavxrjv ad'oolcsag diiyvw tzoXe- P- 736- Tag sig"Olvv&ov fiorj&sittg dnsGxeiXav 'A&rjvalcu TieiG&evzsg vno drjfioodavovg. id quod etiam evidentius fit ex ipsis orationibus Olynthiis. — deivotccrog , i. q. infra Diod. VI , 2 de eodem Demosthene dwazcorarog si- Tteiv, fuit, puto , causa Infinitivi omissi in proximo QrjrcoQ. — roiavtr] cpG- qu ctt. vid. Dera. or. de coron. §. 295 — 96, ubi larga proditorum copia protracta acquieseit in verbis : iTiikiltysi {is Xtyovxa rj rjfzsQU xa xmv tiqoQo- zdiv 6v6{iccza. ceterum cpoQtt quo sensu h. 1. adhibetur exempla dat Wessel. TittQcc. zoig~'EllrjGi cpoQczv tcqoSozcov ovvsfir] ysveaftai. Bern. 1. c. §. 61- hc?>1- Xigzov be ndvzeov xzQticov fj rcov dyoc^cov 7. b. ol izalQQi cevzov (Pliilippi) ovx dqi- 6xivdr]V s^ilsyfihoL, dXX' it xig r\v iv zoig r 'Elfo]Giv r] zolg §aQ§dqoig Xd~ GxavQog rj fidtXvQoc, rj &QctGvg zbv zqottov, ovzol Gy y khbv anavztg zlg Ma- xtdoviccv d&QOiG&tvzsg Izalqoi QiIititcov TtQOGriyoQtvovzo. ctt. quorum ver- borum censura fungitur Polyb. VII. c. H. 12. 3- 'Olvfima ctt. Ulpian. comm. in Dem. or. de f. leg. xu 'OXv(i7ua 7CQ(azog 'AQ%£la.og (v. supra ad Diod. Ill, 1.) iv A'up xrjg Maiitdoviug xcc- Tibsi^iv. r)yhzo b' lit ivvtu, rag cpaGiv, rjfieQag iGttQl&fiovg xcdg MovGcag. — xocxd zdg 7TQon6Gsig , Rhodomanno interpreter pocula a" se propinata. accuratius ni fallor: tnultis prout rex propinabat pocula cxhibuit, seu mavis secundum sir/gu/as quasque propinationes. VI. (Diod. Lib. XVI. c. 84 — 87. p. 554 s.) Co rami ttitur p ugn a ad Chaeroneam (01. HO, 3- a. 338- ) rebus ab utraque parte iu Boeotia instructis. 1. dbi'iQLzov. Hesych. ix,[LU%ov , dy.u.Ta.ybd%r\zov. vox olini poetis tau- tum concessa (Horn. II. 17, 42- Aesch. Prom. 105-) recentiore aevo rursus invaluit et Plutarch o , Poijrbio, Diodoro nimiopere blanditur. similiter a quo etymon habet, brJQig. cf. quae supra monita sunt ad Achill. Tat. §. 4 extr. — v.yvco. cf. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 18. — 'Eldrsiav. Philochorus 1. c. pag. 742 SIKBMSITOT. 137 {isiv xolg 'A&Yivctioig. drtaoaGxEvcov d' ovxcov avxcov 8id xr\v gwxe&ei- {livyv SLQ^vrjv ^Xtvl^e §a8icog TCEQiTtouqGccGO'cii xijv vlz)]v otveq %a\ GvvEXEXiG&r}. xaxctXrjcp&ELGrjg yccQ xijg EXaxsiag ?]xov xivEg vvxxog ajtayyiXXovxEg xr\v xaxdXyjijjiv xijg rcoXEcog nccl 816x1 xa%icog rjtei (Di- liTcnog [lexu rijg 8vvu^£cog Eig xyjv 'Aruxrjv. ol 8h Gxoetxrjyoi xcov A&rjvcdcov 8id xo %ci()d8o'£ov xijg Ttgdhcog xaxarcXayEVXEg xovg xe GaX- Ttiyzxctg \JLEXEitE}XTtovxQ Keel 67](idlv£LV 7Cqo6exa& Eavxov xExay^isvovg. xo S' avvo %a\ xcov TtaoaGxaxcZv avxco noir\Gavxcov xo GvvEyhg ds\ xrjg xakscog TtaqEQQrjyvvxo. tzoXXcov 6h GCOQEVO^EVCOV VEXQCOV 01 7CEQL XOV ^AXkiavdoOV TtQCOXOL §iaGa { Ll£VOl xovg %afir iavxovg izQEipavxo. (.iexcc dh xavxa %a\ 6 fiaGiXsvg avxog TtQoxivdvvEvcov na\ xijg vlzrjg xr\v £TCiyqacpr)v ovd avxco TtaoaywQCOv AXE^dvdocp xo {ihv nqcoxov e^ecoGe xfj fila xovg avxixExayphovg, etvel- xa dh %cd cpEvyEiv GvvavayxaGag caxtog iysvsxo xrjg vinr\g* xcov 6 Ad"Y\- valcov E7ZE60V [ihv iv xi] indpj TtXsiovg xcov %iXlcov , ijXcoGav dh ov% iXdxxovg xcov diGiiXicov. o^olcog dh %vX xcov Boicoxcov TtoXXoi [ihv dvr\- QE&rjGav, ovk oXiyoi dh it ) coyqv l Q"Y]Gav. ^Exd dh xr)v [idpjv o OiXiTtTtog TQOixaiov GxrJGag xal xovg vsxQOvg Eig xacprjv GvyicoQipag ETtwiKia xolg dsoig s&vgs %a\ xovg dvdoayad"Y\Gavxag naxd xr\v d'^lav ext^Gsv. Alexander annum duodevicesimum. — tag kccxoc fi£Qog rd'^ag ctt. singulos quosque ordines pro instantis temporis ratione disposuit. — xov 'AXtl^otv- 6 qov ctt. adsentientem habet Plutarchum vit. Alex. c. 9- o 'Aki^avdgog iv XaiQcovhla xijg nqbg xovg 'EXXrjvag iiayr\g Ttagcov [astegx 8 "^ Xiyixai noojrog ivasloat tc5 lEQa X6%a> zav ©rjftaioov. iam melius patebit , quid voluisse Noster videatur dicens xo Gvvzylg xrjg zal-scag iQQTj^s , quae ver-eor ut recte interpreteris cum Rhodom. primus vicinam hostium aciem per- rupit. malim pro ddiccXEinxcog s. nvv.vag iia%Q[iivr\v , itb7tvytv(op,ivr]v xd^LV intelligi , ut commode transferas ad delectam istam Thebanorum manum. — ■HUT.ETiov'ci , proprie de morbis et aliis rebus (vno nfvlag "/.avanovsiGd'aL), quibus quis vel debilitatur vel frangitur. Diodorus ubique fere eo , quo hie adhibetur, sensu. — avzqj 7t. 'AXs^avSqa. ne desideres avrco rw 'A. vid. su- pra ad Pausan. Y\, 1. add. C. §. 127- n. 7« — TiXuovg xcov %lXI(ov. Lycurg. c. Leocr. §. 142. %iXioi xcov v^iezeqcov noXixcov iv XcuocovEia iz8Xsvzr]6av. — TQOTtttiov GxTjaag , sunt qui tropaea statuere moris fuisse non Macedo- nia contendant, neque Philippum in agro Chaeronensium quae deprehendan- tur erexisse, sed Syllam ducem Romanorum. Pausan. L. IX , 40 , 4. EE^0XlOT0Z A0HNAIOT. I. AvcavSqog in xov r ElliqG7i6vxov vav 4 (a. C. 413.) ipso Agide duce oc- 3EN0Q&NT02 A0HNAIOT. 141 [lovioi 8e £'£ris6 20- atque sic saepius apud Xenophontem eu- phoniae gratia, cf. Long. I , % ixrsTa.ro. 3« rsr[Lr\ro. Athen. II , 4« (J-Sfirj- %d.vr]ro. — e%ovte g , ea conditione ut retinerent. cf. Viger. p. 348. comp. Kriig. ad Xen. Anab. 1 , 7 > 4. 6- 7[l7] av8Qa7to8iGaG&ai xi)v noXiv (3ovX6(jl£vol avxiyjovGi tzeqI xcov XEl%COV ?} TtlOXECOg EVEKCt. TC£[iq)&£\g 8l diSXQLpS TtCCQCi AvGav8o(p XQELg (irjvccg xal tzXeig), £7iixr\Q neque structurae ratio diversa. Xen. Anab. IV, 4, 6- 6 8s TrjQLfict'Qoq £ Xeysv , on, GnBioccad'ai fiovXoizo &cp' oi (njz' avzog zovg "EXXtjvccs ccdL-xslv, [i^z ixs ivov g xcc is iv zeeg oiniag. — 7tXi]v 8c6- 8sxoc. Diod. XIII, 107- ficcKQug veevg (xi] nXslov s%siv 8ixa ctt. 11. oyXog . . cpofiovtisvoL. cf. supra ad Lucian. dial. mort. IV, 3« Pau- san. VI , 1. — ov yao szi svs%c6qsl , iam non concessum erat , non licuit, ut alias ?y%ooQOVV r\v. — ro3 Xifico , Articulo ne forte ofFendaris , v. ad Lu- cian. II, 4- — TiQowyoQZL , etymon habere videtur a v. 7tQ07]yoQ£ca. Plut. Brut. c. 6- BQovzog zai z&v Aifivcov ficcotXu 7tQor]yoQcov rjzzoizo zov fisys- &ovg zmv xcczrjyoQiwv, ubi minus usitate tertium casum additum habet. cf. Lex. Passov. s. v. Tzooocyoqiu}. — noXXco 8h nX. Dind. praefert noXv 8. TtX. utrumque recte defeudi potest. Xen. Cyrop. V, 5, 45. noXXcp av {iCxXXov dvvoai 8vvai[is&a. cf. M. §. 455- not. 5. Lat. multum, quamquam rarius, et multo -post, ante. Cic. Ep. ad div. 3, 1L permultum ante certior f actus erara litteris. 12. vn avXrjzoiScov , de usu Praepositionis exposuit Bernb. w. Synt. P a g- 268- sic Latini graecissantes. Copa init. copa — sub crotalo docta mo- vere latus. sed potior est ratio Ciceronis , ad tibicinem muros diruere. ce- . terum conditiones pacis si credimus Plutarcho duriores. AvoavSoog zee zsi- %rj KuzeoxccTtzE xal zag zoirjosig xazscpXsys noog zov avXbv ioztcpavcoiitvcov xccl 7iai£6vz(ov a^ia zmv 6Vfi(idx0V. vid. Lysand. c. 15- II. Lib. II. c. 4, 23 sq. Imperio triginta virorum abrogato res Atlieniensium ita componuntur, ut cives praeteritis discordiisiniuriisque perpetua oblivione obrutis pacera inter se concilient. 01. 94, 2- a. C. 403. 1. ol {i. ZQtaxovza , sic vocantur, quamquam duo perierant Critias et Hippomachus. significatur enim id ipsum tempus, quo Thrasybulus Piraeeo capto in Munychia fudit adversarios. — rcov zai6%. dicit cives Atheniensium 144 3EN0&SINT02 za%ov Si,ECpEQpvTO Ttqog aXXyXovg. oGoi (isv ycla iitETtoi^xEGav xi fiicao- xeqov Kcct icpofiovvxo , ivrovcog eXejov , cog ov %Qr} xab x vcpi£GQ'ca xoZg iv IIeiqcueZ' ogoi dh etclGxevov (jLrjdhv ijdLxrjxivca, avxol xe dvEXoyl- £ovxo xal xovg aXXovg idldaGxov , cog ovdhv dioivxo xovxcov xcov xa- xcov, xcd.xoZg xqidxovxa ovx EcpuGav %Q?jvca TtEi&EGd'ca, ovd' etcixqe- TtElV CtTtoXXvVCil X7JV TtoXiV. XCil TO XeXeVXCcZoV EljJ^qpiGaVXO EXELVOVg [IEV xaxanavGca , aXXovg de iXiG&ca' xal eiXovxo dixa , sva cctzo qpvXTJg. Kal ol [iev xoidxovxa 'EXEvGZvdds aTtrjX&ov * oi dh dixa xcov iv 2 CC6XEI XCil [AaXcC X£Xaoay[JL£VCOV Xa\ aTCLGXOVVXCOV dXX?jXoig ivV XoZg llt- Ttdo%oig i7t£{jLEXovxo. i'i-Exdd'Evdov dh xal ol iifKEZg iv xa 'QiSeLg) xovg xe r i7i7tovg xal xdg aGTtidccg £%ovx£g , %al di ditiGxiav icpcodEvovxo to fiev dcp EtiTtEoag %vv xaZg aGitiGi xazd zd XEiyy\ , xo dh itoog oq&qov |i)v xoZg 'ZrcTCOig, del cpofiovyiEvoi, (it) etceiGtcegolev xivEg avzoZg xcov ex xov IlELQcaoog. ol dh noXXol xe ijSr] b'vxEg xccl TtavrodaTtol onXa 3 etcoiovvxo , ol {isv tvXiva , ot dh oiGv'Cva , xccl xavxa eXevxovvxo. tiqIv dh iJiiEQttg dixa yEVEG&ai, TtiGxd dovxEg, olxivEg ^v^iTtoXE^GEiav, Kca eI '£,evoi eiev, iGoxiXEiav EGEGd'ai, i£r\£6av noXXol {ihv oitXlxai, TtoXXol dh yv^Lvrjrsg' iyivovxo dh avxoZg xal litTtEig coGeI i^do^xovxa' 7tqovo[iag dh tiolov^evoi xal XaycfidvovxEg 'ivXa xal oizcoqav ixa&Evdov TtdXiv iv IIeiqcueZ. xcov <5' ex xov ccGxEog aXXog [ihv ovddg fw oitXoig 4 ES,r\Ei 9 ol dh IjtTtEZg eGxlv oxe xca XrjGxag eieiqovvxo xcov ix xov Hei- qaicog xca xtjv cpcxXctyya avxcov ixaxovoyovv. tceqiexv^ov dh xal xcov Al^covicov xigXv ig xovg avxcov uyoovg ircl xd ETCixridEia 7tOQ£vo[i£VOig' %ccl xovxovg AvGi^aiog 6 r i7Z7t 6- Caes. B. G. 6, A0HNAIOT. 145 zal ydo 7JSrj (ieya icpoovovv , coGxe zal Ttoog xo rsl%og xov aGxeog rcooGefiaXov. el 8e zal xovxo del elnelv xov \Mf\yavonoiov xov iv xco aGxei, og inel eyvco , oxi zaxd xov iz Avzelov dq6(iov (liXXoiev xdg (ir)%avdg rcooGayeiv, xd t,evyi] izeXevGe rcavxa a^a'^iaiovg Xi&ovg ayeiv zal zaxafiaXXew otvov exaGxog (SovXoixo xov dq6(iov. cog de xovxo iye- 5 vsxo, noXXa slg exaGxog xcov Xl&cov nqdy^xaxa 7taoel%e. ne\ntovzcov Ss TzaeGfieig eg Aaxedai(iova xcov (lev xqidxovxa l| 'EXevGlvog , xcov 6* iv zaxaXoyco i'E, aGxeog zccl fiorj&elv zeXevovxcov , cog acpeGzi]xoxog xov drtfiov and Aax edai^xovlcov , AvGavdqog XoyiGa^ievog , oxi olov re sit} xayy izTtoXioozfjGui xovg iv xco Ueiqaiel xaxd xe yijv xal zaxd ftaXaxxav, el xcov iTtixiqdeicov dTCoxXeiG&eirjGav, t-vveTCQctt-ev exazov xe xaXavxa avxolg daveiG^vai zal avxov (lev xaxd yijv ccQ{io6xrjv , Al- 7 fivv de xov ddeXcpov vavaq%ovvxa ixrceyicpd-ijvai. xal i£eX&cov avxog (iev 'EXevGivdde j-vveXeyexo onXlxag TtoXXovg IleXoTtovvrjGicov • 6 dh vavaqypg zaxd ftdXaxxav icpvXaxxev, OTtcog (irjdhv elanXeoi avxolg xcov iraxrjdeicov * coGxs xctyy ndXiv iv aTtooia i]Gav ol iv Ueiqaiel, ol 6" iv xco aGxei ndXiv av (isya icpoovovv iitl xco AvGavdqco. ovzco dh nqo- %coqovvxcov UavGaviag o fiaGiXevg cp&ovrJGccg AvGavdqco , ei xaxeiq- yaGfievog xavxa a(ia (ihv evdoxi(ir\Goi , a(ia dh idiag noirJGoixo xdg 8 'A&rjvag, TteiGag xcov 'Ecpoqcov xqelg i'S,dyei cpqovqdv. J-vveiTtovxo dh zccl ol fyuiiyiaypi itdvzeg tzXtjv Boicoxcov zccl Koqiv&lcov. ovzoi dh eXe- yov (iev , oxi ov vo(il£oisv evoqxelv av Gxqaxevofievoi iit 'Adyvaiovg (irjShv tcccqccGtcovSov noiovvxccg' etiqccxxov de xavxa, oxi iylyvcoGzov Aaze8ai(iovlovg flovXofievovg xr\v xcov *A&v\vaicov %coqav olzeiav zal mGxrjv TCOiriGaGQ'ai. 6 de FLavGaviag iGxqaxoitedevGaxo (lev iv xco r AXi7tedco zaXov(ievco nqog xco JJeiqaiel de^iov 'e%cov zeqag , AvGav- 44* exercitum Caesar Durocortorum Remorum reducit. — si §s xal r. ctt. Apodosi omissa , ut fieri solet in hac formula modestius inducente quibus fa- cile scriptor supersedere posse videretur. sic prorsus Latini si, siquidem, si iam. vid. similem structuram ap. Cic. Tusc. IV , 35 , 75« nos : urn auch dies noch zu erzahlen , s. wofern ich auch dies noch erz. soil. — Avkslov. tria Athenarum gymnasia Avv.uov , KvvoGUQyeg , 'Anctdrjfiicc. Lyceum , a Pisi- strato conditum, ad orientem versus in suburbio fuit curriculo (dgofiog) sive loco, quo instituerentur cursus certamina , instructum. — onov , c. Gen. Bernh. Synt. p. 157- 6. xcov ev HCCTctXoycp, proprie de iis dictum, qui in peditatu gravi ar- matura stipendia faciebant eoque publicam quandam auctoritatem habebant, unde GTQttTSvovveg sx xcczaXoyov et drjfxos ipiXbs inter se oppositi. iam no- stro loco tqi6%IXioi illi dicuntur, de quibus §. 1. — cog dcpZGxr\x6xog xov 8. vid. ad Lucian. dial. mort. I, 4- Plut. V, 2 extr. — j-vvinoa^v , impetra- bat. — uQ[ioGzrjv. Harpocr. uQfioczcci ol vnb Aaxsdccifiovicov slg xccg v%r\- xoovg iioXug a.Q%ovxeg ixn^(in6ynvoi. hinc recte comparaveris Romanorum triumviros in subactas provincias mitti solitos. — iznsficpd'rjvcu. ad Diod. J, 5. 7. oncog, c. Optat. cf. B. §. 139, 4- not. 2- — 7ZqoxQovvzcov , idem fere quod supra I, 8 xoiovxcov ovxiov. plenius hist. Gr. V, 2» 1- xovxtov dh TtQOHExonQrj'iioxcov cog ipovXovxo ctt. • — si , c. Opt. temporis fut. si glo- riam consecuturus esset. auf den Fall dass. Xen. Anab. V, 10, 7- Kriig. ad I, 4, 7« — XQslg, fuerunt autem ex Timaei in Lex. Plat, testimonio, quum plurimum, quinque Ephori. — cpQovQciv, Laconibus fere i. q. gxqcc- tsia , vel ut h. 1. 6zQUxia , GzQocxsvjLia. 8- ov vopiQ'. v. B. §. 148, 2- not. 2. evoq-aslv av. v. B. §. 139, 14- M. §.598, 1 ; a. — syiyvcoaytov ,- c. Part.v. B. §. 144, 4- M. §. 530, 2- — ^AXiTtsdcp. Suid. s. v. AXinedov. 6(LaXbv Zdacpog Tiaou xrj ftuXaGGy. xivlg Eclogae. K 146 mNOOSlNTOS 6qog Se %yv xolg pt6&oy6QOig xo evcovufxov. itELinatv §h Ttgia^sig o 9 HavGaviag rcoog xovg iv TlEiomsl iyJXevEv amivca hti xd iavrcSv ETtcl 8 OVK iTVEL&OVZO , 7CQ06E^aXXEV OGOV CCTtO fiorjg EVcXEV, OTCCQg (It) difiog EiTj Ev^iEv^g avxolg av. etceI <5' ovdhv and rijg TCQoapoXijg nod- '$ag dTrijX&s , xrj vGXEQaioc Xaficov xcav (xhv AaxsScaiiovicov 8vo poQccg? xcov 8s , Ad"r}valcov iitTticov XQslg cpvXdg TcaorjXd'Ev inl xov xcocpdv Xi- (xsva GnoTtcov Ttij evartoTSiiiGTog eitj 6 UsiqaiEvg. etvel 8s dni6vxog\§ avxov TtQOGs&Eov xivzg %al jcqdyfiaxa avxai 7taosl%ov , a%$k<$&skg na- oijyyEiXs xovg pLsv iTtitsag iXdv sig avxovg ivsvxag aal xd 8sna acp Tq(h]g ^WETtEG'd-ca • £vv ds xolg aXXoig avxog iny]%fjXovd'£i. %a\ dnsKXEi- vav (ilv iyyvg xQiduovxa xcov ipiXtov, xovg d 9 dXXovg KaxsSico^av noog to iv TlEiQcaEl \rsaxoov. izsl 8s sxvyov s'E.QTcXi^oyisvoi ot xe tceXx axSxaXW Ttavxsg %ai oi otiXIxui xcov 1% Tlsiqaicog. xal oi $lev tyiXoi sv&vg s%- 8qa\A,6vzsg ijkqvx^ov , h'fiaXXov, ixohvov , sGcpEvSovcov oi 8h Aaxs- dttllAOVlOL, ETCEi dVXCOV TtoXXol EZIZQCOGXOVXO, (MxXcC 7Us£6(lEVOl «V££W- QOVV STcl Ttodtt' 01 8' EV XOVXCp TtoXv (idXXoV S7ZEKEIVXO. EVXaV&tt Ss UTiod'vriGKEi Xaiocov xs xccl @ipQa%og, apcpco 7toXs[iaQ%co , xa\ Aa- xqdx^g 6 , OXv^7tiovi%rig %a\ aXXoi oi XEd-afifisvoi Aaxs8ai(AOvlcov Ttqo XCOV TCvXcOV EV KsoapELOitp. OQCOV 6s XCiVXCi 6 @QttGVpOvXog Kttl Ot ClX-lQ. Xoi OTtXlxai ifioyi&ovv xal xayv Tcaqsxd'iavxo tcqo xcov aXXcov etc oaxta. 6 6h UavGaviag {iaXa 7tiE6&Elg %eii ava%wQ^6ag o6ov GxaSia xkxxaoa ij TtEvxs itQog Xocpov xiva naoriyyEiXs xolg Act%Edai[iovioig acu xolg 81 tbv TIelqcciu tpaGiv. hart Ss nccl noivbg Tonog, og 7taXcti (ilv r\v %a~ Xccogcc y czv&Lg Ss yiyovs nsdiov. 9- O0ov and §orjg sv. quoad clamor e s. clamando effici -potuit ado- riebatur , h. e. simulate, per speciem. in quo enunciato aeque agnoscere li- cebit abundantiam quandam vel duas loquutiones in unam confusas atque in nostro : nur so um des Schreiens willen. similia praebet Bernh. Synt. p. 199 — 200. evexsv , supra ad Lucian. Ill, 4. — ovdhv dnb rrjg nqoofi. nihil quum inde ex hac obsidione effectum haberet. nos : in Folge der Blokade s. von Seiten. Thuc* 6 , 19« Nixlecg yvovg ott and (isv rcov avtcov Xoyoov ovy. av stL dnoTQ£ip£isv avrovg. cf. ib. c. 101 init. supra ad Plut. I, 3. Diod. 1,1. iam vero minus hue pertinent d 16-), cog fir] svFQyovvta slg dnoiqv. ceterum etiani in sinu Toronaico portus qui ncocpog dicitur. Pomp. Mela II , 3 init- io. sXav , -etsi poetis probatius pro tXavveiv ex quattuor Codd. cum Dind. recepi alteram exemplnm excitante Cyrop. 8> 3, 32« — hvivxag, sic optime Dind. pro dvsvzag sex libris suffragantibus. voluit sine dubio pleno cuisu, missis habenis. — to. Sena ctt. qui decern annos excesserant inde ab initio pubertatis, i. e. eius aetatis, qua quis prima stipendia mereri Athe- nl's solebat. v. ad Aelian. XXII. notanda formula ilia fere sic elliptice es- pressa, quam expleas licet hoc modo : rovg z. 8. a. rj. Ezr\ h%ovzag s. 6zqa- rzvofisvovg. hist. Gr. Ill , 4 , 23. intlEvos za. Sfna dep' rj^ijg &£iv d[io6S avtolg. — - syyvg. Xen. Anab. IV, 2, 28 Interpp. V, 7, 9. comp. tyyvg zi, ovS' syyvg , sim. 11. s£onXi£6p£voi , v. ad Plut. II, % — dvs%. ml noSa , i. q. alias fal oxsXog %coqsIv s. dva%. , cui si quid opus est 6%oXlov habetis in Lexx. Segg. to oniGa dva%(Qquv fir] 86vza zolg vTiEvavzioig za vcoza. ef.'ad Plut. V, 4. — KsQafiEMcp. v. ad Plut. V, 1. 12. sn okzco, formula militaris de altitudine singulorum agminum , z'ta ut octoni singulis ordinibus procederent , acht Mann hoch. cf. M. §. 584, A6HNAI0T. 147 akkoig Ivpiiayoig imxcoQEiv 7to6g iavxov. ixsl 8s 'S,vvxa^a^svog $a- ftsiav Tcavxskcog xv\v cpdkayya rjysv inl xovg 'A$"Y\vaiovg* ol 8' slg Xsioag psv i8s£avxo 9 snsixa 8s ol (isv i^scoGd"yjGav elg xov iv xalg Akalg 7tr\X6v , ol 8s ivsxkivav nca dTto&vrjGxovGLV avxcov cog itsv- j^x^xovxa naX sxaxov. 6 8s HavGaviag xoonaiov GxyGafisvog uvsicoqri- Gs' %at ovtf cog coqyi&xo avxolg, dkkd kd&oci 7ti(X7Ccov i8i8aGxs xovg iv UsiqaisZ ola %orj ksyovzag TCosGfisig ns^rcsiv rcqog savxov xctl xovg naqovxag 'Ecpogovg. ol 8' insid'ovxo. 8ugxv]Gi 8s xaX rovg iv xcp aGxsi xaX sxsksvs TtQog Gcpag itooGisvai cog nksiGxovg J-vkksyo(isvovg, ksyov- tag, on ov8sv 8sovxai xolg iv xcp ILsiqaisi Ttoks^islv, dkkd 8iakvQ , sv~ \^xsg y.OLvrj d^cpoxsqov Aaxs8ai(iovioig (pilot slvai. jj/Biag 8s xavxa xaX NavxksiSag "Ecpoqog cov Jzywkfepvsv coGtceq ydo vofjdfexca. |vi/ fiaGdsi 8vo xcov 'Eopoqcov 'Z.vGxqazsvsGxrai , xaX xoxs TcaoTJv ovxog xs xaX ak- kog, d(icp6xsqoi xrjg [isxd TJavGaviov yvcofirjg ovxsg yuakkov rj zvjg (isxd AvGavSqov. 8id xavxa ovv xa\ slg xy\v Aaxs8ai^ova Ttoo&vyLoig STtsy,- nov xovg x ix xov Usiqaicog syovxag xag rcqog Aaxs8aL{iovLOvg Gitov- 8dg xaX xovg and xcov iv tw ccGxsl ISicorag , KijcpiGocpcovxd xs xa\ IbMshxov. ijvsl [nsvxoi ovxoi co%ovxo slg Aaxs8ai(jbova , sns^nov 8i) kgi ol dizo xov xoivov 1% xov aGxsog ksyovzag , oxi avxol {isv %aqa- 8i86aGi %a\ xd xsly-q a syovGi xaX Gcpag avxovg Aaxs8ai^ovloig %qi]<- G&ai o xl fiovkovxai ' a'^iovv <5' scpaGav xaX xovg iv Usiqaisl, si 21. — kud'Qa. alii ku&QCi. in quibus orthographicis, ut semel dicam , ita versatus sum, ut Iota exemerim ubicunque Dativi illi insta Nominativi forma carent. hinc ubi~ que dedimus cckkrj , idiu , ns£f] , dinky al. , at vero s lv.i\ , navTU%r\ , nok- ka%y] , Ttavxr\ , onr\ ctt. — dttazTjGi. Dind. 8i'i6tr\ ex uno Codice probante Schneidero ob seq. ixeksvs- 14. rjdscog . . ^vvrj-aovsv , henigne haec excipiehat una cum Pausania. — vo{mi£st 1- — ol d-s.6 xcov EQyau oip. quo tempore solcnt qui a rebus rusticis {in urbem redeunt) tardissime. 3. 'AtpQoSiGiu , exeunte mense Attico TJoGeidscovog h. e. extremo De- cembri Thebis celebrabantur a polemarehis magistratu decessuris (in k£68cp xijg ttQ%rig). seeusPlut. Pelop. c. 9, ubi. Phyllidas coniurationem adiuvat xu~ xrjyysXxag xolg tzeqI xov 'Aopav noxov x iva. xai GvvovGiav. 150 SENO$&NTO£ y.ctg naXai vniG-p/ov^svog a&w avzolg zdg GEiivozdzag %a\ zaXXiGzag xcov iv Srjfiaig , zoz h'vX~ U8av mcjxdv vo(jbi£(ov siGiivai. ol 8* end sIgt{X%ov , xov {lev aitoxxd- vavxsg, %y\v 81 yvvalxa cpofiijGavzsg xazsGLConfjGav i£i6vz£g 8s siitov Z7jv frvqav xmXslG&ai* si 8h Xyipoivxo dvscoy\kivY\v ^ iq7iEiXi}Gav dito- %xslvai ajzavzag zovg iv zrj olxia. insl 8s xavza ETZSTtoaxzo, Xafioov 7 dvo o QvXXISag xcov dvSgcov? r/AO-e Ttqog zo dvayxalov , za\ sins xco UQyftocpvXa%i, ozi av8oa ay si Ttaqd TtoXspdoxcov ov sl^ai 8soi. cog 6k ave'coks , zovxov {ihv aTtizxEivav sv&vg , zovg 8s 8s6^icozag sXvctav. %a\ xovzovg (asv xa%v xcov 1% zv\g Ozodg qtcXcov Ka&EXovzsg conXiGav, %al dyayovzsg stu to ^AyLcpslov , ftsG&ai hiXsvov zd oitXa, sk 8s zov- 8 ■rot; sv&vg Hi\qvzzov ihivat Ttdvzag @7}flaiovg 7 lititsag zs %a\ o%Vi~ zag^ cog zfiv zvqdvvcov rs&vscozcov. ol 8s TtoXlzai, sag (ihv w£ r\v, 4- f /CQ06£d£x 0VT0 ) exspectaharit , quo seiisu saepius c. Inf. et apud Xen. et all. Arrian. II , 4 1 4* — 80. ndXXiov zovg 'A&rj- valovg cpilovg dfj ovvag (ir t iaaai. afi>£lv. 6. ncofiaatdg i Nachtschwarmer. Lucian. Amor. c. 54* zobg ovo^ia^o(i£- VOVg n, sfgyvvfii. — vav'tlovng , cum Gen. v. M. §. 331. not. Bernh. Synt. p. I4g. — &j t, $tQQi§, Pint. Pelop. c. 12. vovg nQoGiovrag g>tiXi£ov dcpat- Q0vvt£g dnh xtov gtqcov xh Ttzgixsifisva GxvXct, mos fuit Graecorum, ut spo- lia in publicis porticibus suspenderentur. Athenienses stoae lovis liberatoris dedicaoant arma postea a Sullauis derepta. — 'Jpcpslov , videtur templum fuisse Amphionis's, conditoris Thebarum. A6HNAI0T. 151 dmGxovvxEg r\Gvyiav e\ov etveI S' rj^soa x y\v xal cpavsqov tjv xd yeyevrj^ivov , xayv drj wu ol orcXlxai xal ol Imzslg gvv xolg orcXoig ih^orfd'ovv. STCEfityav 6' Inn'sag ol xaxEXrjXvd'OXEg xal etvI xovg rcoog rolg oqioig 'A&rjvaicov xovg dvo xcov Gxoaxrjycov. oi d' eiSoteg xo 9 rcqaypa icp o arcEGxaXxEGav - o fisviot iv xrj ctxqoTtoXsi ccq(jlo- 6X7]g stzeI yo&Exo xo vvxxEqivov xrjqvy(ia, Ev&vg ewe^iijjev slg TJXa- raidg xal QsGrndg inl /SorjO^av. xal xovg (iev UXaxaiiag alG&oyiEvoi nqoGiovxag ol xcov 0r)(3cdQov liznzig f aTcavxyJGavxsg ditixxEivav avxcov tvXeov 7] elxoGlv etcel 6e slGrjX&ov xavxa nqd'^avxEg xal ol 'Ad-qvalot, lOccTto xcov oqicov 7]drj TtaqrjGav , 7tqoGE§aXov itqog xr\v clxqoitoXiv. cog 6h syvcoGav ol iv xij axqonoXsi oXlyoi ovxsg, xi)v xe 7tQO&v{iiav xcov nqoGiovxcov cxTtdvxcov scoqcov , xal xcov xrjqvyLidxcov psydXcov yiyvo- fiivcov xolg rcqcoxoig avafiaGw, ix xovxov cpo(3yD , £vxEg eItcov , OXI anioiEv av , ei GcpiGtv aGcpdXEiav [lExct xcov otcXcov dmovGi SlSolev. ol 6s ccG[ievol xe k'doGctv a r\xovv , xal g%eiGu\x,evoi xal oqxovg opoGav- \\XEg £7cl XOVXOig E^E7tE\lTC0V. E^IOVXCOV {ISVXOL OGOVg ETZSyVCOGUV XCOV il&qcov ovxag GvXXa[if3dvovxsg cctvexxslvccv. 7\Gav 6s xivsg, ot xal vtzo A<9"Y\vaicov xcov ditd xcov oqlcov imfiorj&rjGavxcov it-ExXdmjGav xal SiEGco&YiGav. ol (jlsvxoi ®i]ficdoi xal xovg Tccddag xcov &7iod'uv6vxcov y oGoig ijGav y Xafiovxsg ditsGcpa^av. 12 'Etcel 6e xavxa etcv&ovxo ol AaxE§at,[i6vioi , xov {ihv dq{ioGZ))v xov iyxaxaXiTtovxa xr\v axqoTtoXiv xal ovx ava^Eivavxa xt)v (torj&Eiav (XTCExxELvav • cpqovqdv 6e cpalvovGiv etcI xovg &7]§alovg. xal , Ayv]Gl- Xaog [iev Xiyoov , oxi vtceq xExxaqaxovxa ext\ dcp yfifjg Eirj , xccl coGtzeq xolg aXXoig xolg xiqXixovxoig ovxsxi avayxrj eXy\ xfjg savxcov i'loo Gxqa- xEVEG&ai, ovxco drj jtal fiaGiXEvGi xov avxov 6Vra voycov cctveSeixwe. xdxslvog fi£V &q Xiycov xavxa ovx sGxqaxsvExo. ov (isvxoi xovxov yE svexev xaxifiEivEv , aXX' ev sldcog oxi , eI GxqaxYiyoir] > Xe^oiev vl ito- 8. i&fioiqd'ovv. cur ne verbo quidem h. 1. tetigerit Xenophon ueque Pe- lopidae neque Epaminondae in patriam liberandam merita , ipse quid excu- sationis sit viderit. certe negligentia plectitur in his a diserto virtutum lau- datore, Plut. Pelop. 12- yxov 6h fiorj&ovvTEs fiEta xcov onXcov ol TcegVETta- fiivcovdav «ort rogyldav 6vv£iXo%6te$ ovk dliyovg xcov vscov xal xcov tzqe- 6l3vteqcov xovg ftt\Ti6T0vq. ibid. 13- 6 TlEXonidag sv&vg Xiatioig oXiyov htiitQOGd'Ev (initio anni 379) vtieq cpvyaScov 7tEnoXE{.i7)- 152 3EN0&SINT02 Xlzai, cog 'AyrjGiXaog, oitcog PorjxrrjGsis rovg rvodvvoig, nqdy^iaxa ry itoXsi Tcaoz^oi. sXa ovv avxovg fiovXsvsG&ai o xi fiovXoivxo 7tsq\ xovxcov. oi S' "EcpoQOi 8i8ugx6[ievoi vTto xcov (isxd rag iv 0?j/3cMgl3 ccpayccg sxtcstcxcoxoxcov KXs6y.ftooxov sxtcs^tvovGi tots tzqcoxov rjyov- psvov , [idXa xzipcovog ovzog. %al xr\v \xsv 8i 'EXsv&zqcov 68ov Xcc- Pqlctg s%cov 'A&rjvalcov nsXxaGxdg icpvXaxxsv 6 8s KXs6(i§qoxog dvi- ficavs %axa xr}v slg UXaxaidg cpsgovGav. ttQo'Covxsg 6s oi nsXxaGxal 7tSQixvy%avovOLV i%\ xco anqco cpvXdxxovGi xolg in xov dvayxaiov Xs- Xvpsvoig , cog rcsql sxaxov %a\ Ttsvxrjxovxa ovGi. %al xovxovg (xsv ctjvctvxctg, si {irj xig i'Zscpvysv, oi nsXxaGxal djisxxsivav • avxog 8s %ctxs(3cavE nodg xdg IlXaxaidg sxi cpiXiag ovGag. i%s\ 8s slg ®sGitidg\k dcplxsxo, ixsl&sv oqiirj&sig slg Kvvog xscpaXdg ovGag Srjpaicov iGzqct- rojtsSsvGcczo. (istvag 8s ixsl nsql sxKcdSsxct rjfjiEQCtg dTCS%c6qr\Gs TtdXiv tig OsGrcidg. %dxsl ^sv %axsXmsv dq^oGxriv 2cpo8qiav xal duo xcov 6v^dicov xo xqizov \isqog sxaGxcov ' 7tctQs8coKe 8s ccvxco xcti yjqz\\iaxa, oca ixvyyavsv otxo&sv s%cov , %a\ ixsXsvGs %evm6v TtqoGfjuGd'OvGxrai. seal o psv £qpo8qiag xavx sitqaxxsv. 6 8s KXso^qoxog dm\ysv in lb ol'xov rijv 8id KqzvGiot; xovg {IE&* zuvxov Gzqaxicoxag xa\ fidXa dno- qovvxag, itoxsqd tcozs TtoXspog %qdg ®r\fiviovg rj slq7]vrj sir}' yyays fisv ydq slg zrjv xcov Srifiaicov to Gxqdxzvpa, dTtijXxrs 8s cog s8vvaxo iXcciLGxa %axovqyrjGag. ditiovxi ys p)v dvsfiog avxco ij-aiGiog S7tsysvs-1Q xo , ov %ai olcovi£ovzo xivsg Grificdvsw. nod xcov {isXXovxcov. jcoXXa fisv ydo xa\ aXXct ysvvcrfu iitoly\Gsv , dzdq viai vTtsqfidXXovxog ccvxov (xsxd rijg Gxoaxiag in zijg Kosvoiog xo kcc&tjkov stvI ftdXaxxav oqog noXXovg p,sv ovovg 7iaxs%Q7]^viG£V avxolg GxsvsGi , Ttd^noXXa 8s otcXu uvaQKCiG&svxu s'Bstcsgsv slg xr\v ftdXuxxav. xsXog 8s tcoXXoI ov 8vvd-17 fxsvoi Gvv xolg onXoig noosvsG&ai, svd-sv nccl sv&ev xov cckqov %a- xsXntov Xi&cov i(i7cX^Gavxsg vTtxiag xdg dG%i8ctg. zed xoxs \xsv iv AlyoG&svoig xrjg MsyuQixijg i8eL7tvrjGav cog s8vvavxo' rrj 8s vGxs- ■K(bq ccv&ig 6 a. vid. M. §. 301, ubi exempla habes commutationis illorum numerorum, si de duo- bus sermo sit. add. B. §. 129, 5. n. 4- Bernh. Synt. p. 420- 19. r) avrol it. v. ad Lucian. 1,1. — toiovSe zl, hiine fere dolum excogitant. comp. ad Lucian. dial. m. II, 3. roioGds, ods , coSe plerumque sequentia spectant , ovtog vero , roiovzog , ovzcog non item praecedentia. — cos vnconzEVE zo , Xenophon cautius loquitur, quod praeter morem viri illius fuisse videtur talis corruptio. cf. Plut. Pelop. c. 14- Ages. c. 24. Diodorus (XV, 29) etiam ab ipso Cleombroto narrat Sphodriam impulsum esse, ut Pi- raeeum occuparet. — iK7ioX8fir]6Ei£. hunc locum respicit Harpocration , qui pro SHTCoXEficoGat , sig ti6Xe[iov xaxaGzrJGaL dictum notat. 20. ©QLaGL, demus Atticus et ©giu et Sqial dictus. Plutarchus habet iv @giaGi(p 7t£§i(si. — -Hal ovdh zavz' tTtolrjGEv coGte X. videtur locus sicin- telligi posse: ne hoc quidem curavit, ut lateret, i. e. clam et insciis incolis Atticis rem ageret. potuisset etiam ovzco tcoleIv cog s. oncog. Schneider ab auctore scriptum coniicit : -a. ovdh z 6 r £ in. , ex quo vereor ut quidquam lucremur. 21- tw Ttgo^svco , cui hospitii ius cum civitate Lacedaemoniorum inter- cedebat et iniunctum erat, ut prospiceret , ne quid detrimenti caperent ab Atheniensibus neque ci vitas Spai'tana neque legati illinc missi.-— dniXoyovv- ro. UTZoXoyEiGftttL , se defendere sive verbis sive factis. comp. ditoXoyi^E- G&at, nuQaLZEiG&aL , aitoxqivEGd'ai. 154 SEN0O&NT02 exi S 9 h'keyov , cog svSrjXov %cd xolg 7 Ad"Y\vcdoig egoixo , dig ov8 y rj tto-22 Xig xcov AcmeSaiyLOviMv xavxa Gvvrfiti. Eopod^iav ydo sv zldivcct, k'cpaGav , oxi dnoXmXoxu %evGoivxo vno xijg TtoXscog. xaxslvoi fihv nqi&ivzsg prjdh GvvEiSivcti dcpEidriGciv. ol 8' "EcpoQOi dvExdXEGav xa xov Hcpo8qlav nal vjtijyov ftavatov. IV. 9 E7ta[iEwc6vSccg l^r\u Boi&xovg s%(qv ndvxccg xccl Evfioiag x«l 1 OexxkXcov TtoXXovg nagcc xe 'AXs^avSoov %a\ xcov svctvxicov avxco. &ob~ KEig (asvxol ovx iJxoAoi^ow Xsyovxeg, oxi Gvv&iJKcu, GcpiGiv avxolg eiev , eX xig E7t\ Qrjpctg Xoi , ppvfislv lit ciXXovg 81 GxqaxEVEiv ov% eIvccl iv xalg GvvQ"iq%cag. 6 (ievxol i Eita^Eivcov8ag iXoyifexo xccl iv 2 IlEXo7tovvri6cp GcpiGiv vtcuqieiv ' Aqyaiovg xe %ca MEGGrjviovg %ccl 'Aq- xdScov xovg xd Gcpszsqcc cpqovovvxccg. tjGccv 81 ovxoi Tsyeaxai %ct\ MsyaXoTCoXlxcu %ca 'Agevxcu %al HaXavxiEig ku\ eX xivEg 6V) noXtig diet xo 6(iMQcd xe Elvai ku\ iv [LEGaig iavtts.ig oixeIv tfvayxoc^ovxo. i£rjX&s [lev 8$ 6 ^Eita^Eivcovdag did xci%icov ' etce\ 8e iyivExo iv Ne- 3 (iia ? ivxav&a Sistqifisv iXm^cov xovg 'A&rjvcdovg naqiovxag ArJi//£- G&ai , %a\ Xoyi^oyiEvog {liyci av rothro ysvsG&cci xolg [ilv Gcpsxiqoig Gv^dyoig Eig to ijtiqqcoGca avxovg, xolg 8e ivavxioig Eig xo Eig d&v- fiiav EyLTiEGEiv (6g dh gvveXovxi eitzeIv , nav dya&ov Elvai S^aioig o xi iXaxxolvxo ' * A%"\\valoi. iv 8\ xrj 8iaxqifirj avxov xavxrj GvvyEGav 4 itdvxEg ol opocpQovovvxsg slg xv\v Mavxivsiav. stveI (jlevxoi 6 f E7ta^iEi- vcovdag ijkovGs xovg A&qvcdovg xo {isv %axd yv\v tcoqeveG&cu cctve- yvcoxivai , %axd ftdXaxxav 81 TtccQctGxEvd&G&ai cog 8id Aa%E8ai^ovog fior\&riGovxug xolg 'AqxuGiv, ovxco 8rj d(poQ^r(Gag sk xijg Nf^Eccg 22* V7trjyov davcczov, h. e. zig Sixtjv frccvdrov, ut supra Aelian. XXVIII. legimus tig xqIgiv ftavcirixrjv hccX£i6&cxi, et similia; tamen reus Agesilao pa- trono usus absolvitur, quae iniuria quum permolesta Atheniensibus accideret, bellum indicitur. Plut. Ages. c. 26* Thebani voti compotes facti eo suut alacriori et magis prompto animo ad bella suscipienda Lacedaemoniorum. hinc a. 378 o' -xlri&ug BouotLHog TioXsfiog. Diod. XV, 25- IV. Lib. VII. c. 5, 4 — 27. Thebani d u c e Epaminonda 01. 104, 3 (a. 362) Spartam urbem adgrediuntur et occup assent, ni- si Agesilaus mature auxilio venisset. Epaminon das Man- tin earn se r.ecipit et bis superatus dedecus abluit simul et morte et victoria parta (d. XII. Scirophorionis). 1. 'EnafiEiv(6v8ag y cum diphthongo ex tribus Codd. recepi, qui nove- rim eandem formam etiam in scriptis libris Plutarchi Pausaniaeque primas te- nere. cf. ad Stob. X. — 'AXs^dcvdQOV. Pherarum tyrannus iuraverat (a. 364), se quoscunque Thebani bello petituri essent socium fore Boeotiae. Plut. Pe- lop. c. 35. — ivaifzicovy dicit Maguetas, Phthiotas, Achaeos Thebanorum ope liberates. Plut. 1. c. 2- rcc oqp. cpQOvovvrag. v. ad Diod. IV, 5 extr, — 'Ag^utcu . . Ucclccv- ring. Asea et Palantium Arcadiae oppida. 3. rovg 'A'd'rjvaiovg ctt. hi enim a. 369 societateni coierant cum Lace- daeraoniis ita ut alternis quinis diebus utriquq ducum officio fungereutur. — ■ tag . . sins iv , ut paucis dicam. B. §. 150 s. w. M. §. 544- in quibus for- mulis cog particula notionem continet fini s vel consilii. cf. supra ad Lucian, dial. m. II, 2. 4. dneyvamEvai. cf. ad Plut. V, 3» Diod. Ill, 3- — ovxto 8rj dcp. sae- A0HNAIOT 155 5 acpMVUTcti slg xrpt Tsyiciv. £vxv%rj {iev ovv ov% dv h'ycoys q>rJ6ai(it xt)v CtQatfjylccv avxco yEVEG&cci' oGct (ievxol noovoicig soya %cti xoXprig Igx'lv , ovdiv (ioi doxsl 6 clvriQ iXXiTtELv. nqcoxov {iev ycto eyooys incu- vco avxov , oxi xo Gxqc(t6tce8ov iv xco xel%el xcov Teysarcov ZTCoiiqGaro, hv^ iv aGtpciXEGxsoco xe i]V ij el i'jjo sGTQccTOTZsdevGccTo , xcel rolg TtO- ls(iL0ig iv ccdrjkoTEQW o xl tiqccxxolxo. %ccl TtccQuGKSvdfcG&ca Sh sY xov idelro iv xrj tvoXel ovxl evtzoqcoxeqov 7\v. twv 8e exeqcov £'£ca Gxquxevo- {ievcov i'^iiv oqccv , sits xi ooQ-cog inoaxxExo , elxs xi rjiiaoxcivov. %a\ (xrjv olo^Evog %qelxxcov xcov clvxLitaXcov eIvcu, otcoxe oqcorj %(ooioig Q TvXsovEzxovvxag avxovg , ovx i^ysxo ijiLXL&EGd'aL. oqcov 6e ovxe no- Xiv TZQOGypQovGciv avxco ov8e^l oi VEVixrjxdxEg xovg Aaxs8ai,[ioviovg , oi xco rcavxl nkiovsg %a\ tzqogexi VTtEQdihcc %CQQia h'xovxEg ovk eSe'^ccvxo xovg tceqI xdv 'AoyL8a\iLQv y dkk lyxklvovGu xal oi [lev ttqcoxol xcov J Eita^Eivclv8ov ditod'vriGxovGiv '10 £7Z£l [lEVXOL clyClkkoyLEVOl XY\ ViXfj i8iCO^aV Ot Evdo&EV TtOQQCOXEQCO XOV xaiqov , ovxol av aTto&vyGxovGt' TZEQieyiyoaTtto ycio , cog eolxev, VTtO XOV &EIOV, [JLE%Qig OGOV 7} VLXl] i8i8oXO CtVXOig. Y.Cil [IEV 8r] ^Qilda^og XQonaiov xe idtato Ev&a ETtEXQaxrjGE , xal xovg ivxav&tt TtEGovxag xcov 7tok£\k,icov VTtoG7tdv8ovg cc71eSl6ov. 6 (5' , E7ta^.Eivcov8ag\ 1 koy t£o' fiEvo g , oxl ol'Aazadcg poi^^Gouv Eig xr\v AaxEOa'niova, exei- voig [iev ovx ifiovksxo xal izaGi AaxESai^ovioig 6[iov yEvo^iivoig pd- lEG&ai , cckkcog xe xal Evxv%r]x6cL, xcov 8s d7iox£xv%r]xdxcov ' itakiv 8\ TtOQEvd-slg cog idvvaxo xdyiGxa slg xijv Tsysav xovg fiiv oitkixag avi- navGE, tot)? 8e LTtTtiag etce^ijjev dg xi)v Mavxivsiav, SEij&slg avxcov TiQOGxaQXEQTJOcci Kul 8i8aGxcov , cog itavxa [isv sixdg h'^co dvai xct xcov MavxivEcov ^o6xr\[iaxa , itavxag 8h xovg avftocoTtov g , ctkkcog xe xal Clxov 6vyxo^L§ijg ov6y\g. y,o;l oi {ihv coyovxo ' oi <5' 'A&rivaioi iitTCEig^ OQiirjd'EVXEg Et, 'EkEvcslvog idEiTCvoTtoiijOavxo (xev ev 'l0^fic5 • duk&ov- t£g 81 ^al xag KkEcovag ixvy%avov TtooGiovxEg dg xr\v MavxivEiav xal 'xaxa6xqaxo7t£8£v6a^Evoi ivxog x£i%ovg ev xalg oixiaig. etcei 8e 8rjkoi rfiav Tcoo6£kavvovx£g oi Ttoki^LOi, i8iovxo oi Mavxivug xcov Ad-rj- vaicov i%it£cov fiori'&iJGai , ev xi 8vvcavxo' i'fca yccQ dvai xal xa fio- 6xfj(iaxa itavxa xal xovg igyaxag, nokkovg 8h xal nal8ag xal yEoai* TEQOvg xcov ikEv&EQCov. clxovCavtEg 8e xavxa oi 'A&rjvaloi ix^o^d'ov- Olv exl ovxEg dvaoiGzoi xal ovxol ^o;t oi Xitnoi. ivxavd-a 8fj xovxcovlo av xr}v doExrjV xig ovx av dyao&Eiri ; ot xwt nokv Ttkuovag oqcovng xovg TtokE^iovg , xal 8vGxvyr\^.axog yEyEvrj^iivov iv Kooivd'cp xolg in- 9. to . . y£v6fi£vov. cf. M. §. 432- p- 806- B. §. 131, 8. n. 6- — cct- Tiu6&ai, h. 1. in bonam, certe non in malam partem ex mente Xenophontis adhibitum. exempla conflavit Heind. ad Plat. Gorg. §. 126. — xolg dnovE- vorjfitvotg. cf. ad Pausan. VIII, 3- — izqos oq&iov, in locum arduum. hinc supra -KttTafiaivovTEg hostes dicuntur, mox vnEQdE^ta %(0()ia i%avTcg* — nvQ tcv. ut Lat. flammas spirare. 10- iiQCozoi. Iustin. 1. c. duo in hoc proelio duces Thebanorum cecidisse refert. — ol tvdo&ev, significantius actionem motumque exprimit quam ol iv8ov. ceterum v. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 128. — vnoGnovdovg, ut infra §. 23 pactis induciis. , fide data. 11. Tcav 8s dnox. dicit Thebanos. — cog ndcvrcc plv ctt. ordo verborum hie est : cog sixog (elt}) Ttocvza roc (iooxjj^iara f^w elvkl (xrjg Mavvivsiccg). 12- KIecovuc, oppidum Argolidis a Corintho octoginta , ab Argis cen- tum viginti stadia aberat. — ■nazaotQazoTC^dEVGafiEVOL , h. 1. coiurnorantes, cantonnirend, ut manifestum fit ex iis, quae adposita sunt. cf. Xen. Anab. IIF, 4, 18. 13. nokv nkdovag. Atheniensium auxilia fuerunt mihtum 6000, Epa- minondam vero dicunt quindecim millia secum duxisse ad^ adoriendam Spar- tam. — Svazvxwazog , de qua calamitate cogitandum sit dubitant viri do- A6HNAI0T. 157 tcevGlv ovSev xovxov E7zsXoyi6avTO , ov8 oxl xa\ ©fipciioig C([ICC %al SsxxaXolg xolg xqaxlGxoLg ltckevGiv uvav 8oxovGlv e^eXXov {idyEGxrai, dXX' al6yvv6(i£voi, el rcaqovxEg ^i]8ev coweXriGELav xovg Gvppdyovg, cog elSov xdyLGxa xovg jcoXEfiiovg , Gvvsqqa'iav iqcovxEg avaGwGaG&ai 14t>}v naxqaav So^av. xal [layoiiEvoi mxioi {ikv iysvovxo 6cod'i]Vca xa £%co itavxa xolg MavxLVEvGLV • avxcov 8s dnsftavov dv8qsg dya&oi, y.al d-TiEKXEivuv 8h SyjXovoxl xoiovxovg' ovdsv ydq ovxco pqayv otiXov ixdxsqoL Eiyov , co ovx eI-lxvovvvo aXXi'jXcov xal xovg [isv cpdiovg vExoovg dvsiXovxo , xav 8s tvoXe^Icov i]V ovg vrcoGrcovSovg drtiSoGav. 15o cf av 'E7tci{i£ivo!>v8ccg ivd'VfiOVfA.Evog, oxl oXlycov [ihv 7i[i£Q(ov dvdyxrj eGolxo ccTtiivai 8ia to EE.y]X£iv xrj Gxqaxsla xov yqovov , el Sh xaxaXEL- ipoi igrjiiovg olg ^AOe Gv^iia^og , sxelvol 7toXioqxi\GOLVxo vito xcov dvxLTtdXcov , avxog 8s XcXv^ciG^ivog xij savxov 86%rj TtavxarcaGiv sGol- xo 7 yxxijiiivog \ilv ev AaxsSaLyiovL Gvv TtoXXoj OTtXixixc) V7C oXiycoVj TJxxrjftEvog 8s ev JVLavxivsia Innopayia , aXxiog 8s ysysvrjLisvog 8ict xr\v sig IIsXoTtovvrjGov GxqaxEiav xov GvvEGxccvca AaxESaL^ovlovg xal 'AqxdSag xal 'Aycaovg xal 'HXdovg xccl 'Axrrjvafovg' coGxe ovx s8o- xel avxco Svvaxov eivcci dpaysl TtaqsX&slv XoyL^opsvip , ow, eI {isv vix(pi] , ndvxa xavxa avaXvGoixo • si 8e ditod-dvoL , xc&ipr xr\v xeXev- xr\v {]yt]Gaxo eGeG&cu nsiqcoiiivcp xi] ttccxql8l dqp}v n.sXoTtovv7\Gov xa- \§XuXl7l£lV. TO [l£V OW CCVTOV XOLCCVXK 8lCiVOELG&Cil OV TtaVV \LOl 80XSL 'd'CCVfldGXOl' ELVCiL' CpiX0Xl[ACQV y ircEiddv zivag cpzvyovrag zcov iavzcov oqcoGi' v.cu orccog {it} £7nf3oi?- ftcoGiv ol 'A&rjvaloi drco zov zvcovviiov xiqazog inl zo s%Ofi£yov , xcc- z£Gtr\GEV ijtl yY\X6cpcov zivcov Ivavziovg avzolg xal LTtTCsag kccI orcXlzag cpofiov povkofievog %a\ zovzoig naq£%£iv 7 cog, eI §or}d'f]GOL£v f bm- 6&£v ovtoi etcikeIgolvzo avzolg. zr)v psv di) Gv(i(3oX^v ovzcog 1%oi i y\- Gazo , Kcd ovx £ty£v6d"\] zijg iXTcidog' xqazijGag ydq y nqoGEfiaXzv 22bXov E7ioir]6£ cpEvyuv to zcov ivavzicov. etzei y£ \ir\v ixslvog etcegev, ol XoiTtoi ovdh zrj vixr] Sod-cog h'ti idvvaGd'r}Gav ^qTqGaG&ai , ccXXa cpv- yovGyjg (xhv avzolg zrjg ivavziag cpaXayyog ovdiva aitExzEivav ol oitXl- rai, ovdh 7tqor\X&ov ex zov %coqlov , k'v&a rj GvfifioX^ iyivzzo' cpv- yovzcov 6' avzolg xal zcov Itvtvecov anEXznvav \khv ovd' ol IrcTtug dico- xovzzg ovz£ iTtrtEag OV& oizXizag, coGTtEq dh y\zzcoii£voi TZEcpofirjixsvcog did zcov cpEvyovzcov tvoXe^lcov diinEGov. xal (irjv ol a^ntrcoi xal ol TtEXzaGxal GvvvEvixrjxozEg zolg ItctcevGiv dqplxovzo fihv litl zov evco- vv(iov cog xqazovvzEg • exeI dh vito zcov 'A&rjvaLcov ol tcXeIgzoi avzcov 23^ £&avov. zovzcov dh nqay^d-Evxcov zovvavziov iyEyivrjzo ov ivopiGav navtsg av&ocoTtoi £G£G&ai. GvvsXrjXvxrviag ydq G%£dov drcaGrig zrjg r EXXddog xa\ dvziz£zay\xkvcov ovdug i\v, oGzig ovx coezo , ri ^d%Y\ i'tfonro, zovg fihv xqazrjGavrag dq^Eiv, zovg dh xqazrjxrEVzag vKY\xoovg €G£0d'ai • 6 dh fcog ovzcog ETtoirjGEV , coGzz a^icpozEqoi [ihv cog v£vixt\- %6z£g ZQOTtaiov icszricjavzo , zovg dh iGzapivovg ovdizEqoi ixcoXvov vzxqovg dh d[icp6z£qoi [ihv cog vEvix^xozzg vnoGnovdovg ayzidoGav, 2&d(icpoz£qoi dh cog r}zxr][i£voi vitoGTiovdovg a7t£Xa^avov. V£vi%y\%£vai dh cpdaxovz£g £%dz£qoi, ovz£ %coqa ovzs noXu ovz dq%ft ovdizzqot, ovdhv nXiov k'%ovz£g £Cpdvr\6av , rj Ttqlv zr\v iid%7}v y£V£6d , ai' dxqi- Gia dh %al xaoayr\ £zi nXucov yL£zd zr\v pdp\v iyivEzo , r\ 7tqoGd-£v iv zrj r EXXddi. niensium equitatum ab Epaminonda fugatum comperimns. — hccvzcov, pendet ex vocula zcov. sic saepius ol havzcav, praesertim apud scriptores serioris At- thidis, i. q. ol oinstoi, die Angehorigen. — zo £%6yiEvov, de iis qui in acie proxime Athenienses excipiunt. Xen. Anab. I, 8» 4. c. Gen. ibid. 9« — iipsv- 6&r), c. Gen. ut infra Lys. Epit. §. 31- zov nXrfoovs tp£v0& , 8VTSg. rarias ipsv- 6slv atque solis poetis , ni fallor, usitatum. Aesch. Pers. 478 ibique Blomf. conip. ccficiQTUvsiv , oqxxXleGd'al zivog. 22. £7i£6sv. alii ab alio Epaminondam prostratum narrant. plerique lau- dem perhibent Gryllo Xenophontis F., Dioscorides (Pint. vit. Ages. 35-) An- ticrati Lacedaemonio. — idvvK6d'7}6av. formam magis Ionicam passim oli'e- runt libri Xenophontis. Anab. VII, 6, 20. Gyrop. I, 1, 5. al. — SitTtsaov, perrumpendo elabebantur , schlugen sich durch. 23- zovvavziov . . ov svofiiGav, contra quam omnes arbitrarentur aa- cidit. de Genit. v. M. §. 366- «• 2' — dvztzzzayfievcov. cf. supra Lucian. IV, 4. Xen. I, 11 ibique cit. nostra quidem verba ut sint paullo insolentiora ob praegressum avvs IrjXvd'viag , tamen excidisse quidquam Schneidero non concesserim. ceterum triginta tria millia militum in utroque exercitu fuisse auctor est Diod. XV, 84« — Sozs dficpozsgoi ctt. consentit Diodorus. sunt a-utem qui Epaminondam solum renuncient victorcm. Paus. IX, 15, 3. Stra- bo8,388. 24- dy.^ifjia ctt. Dem. de cor. §. 18. i) nslonovvrjoog unaoa diticzrj- »ts<. ' * jjv ^ uhqizus «\XttVV£ XfjV TtoXlV GVV xolg cpiXoig Tc %cd iTtiKcaoioig x&v Gvaaccyoav. Inu ds wxtE'd'Sci- Gccxo xa tsv)(fl- 9 ccTtccyeiv 7tctQ£Gx£vc(Gcixo xvjv gxqocxiccv cmo xqg no- Xscog" s&X&cov 6s Tig avx6{ioXog eiTtsv, on £7tixid'£G&c>i [ieXXoiev ccvxa OTtoxe anayoi to GToaxEvyta' xccxa&sco^iivoig yuQ , ££ aoiGxovg £Lvai %a\ xovg X£X£vxatovg , iv {iegcq 6h xovg %C(Xl- Gxovg x£xay&ai' ij 8 9 ovxcag k'xovGct xa&g %a\ Ttoog xo [mxxsg&cu, idoXU £V TtUQEGKWttG&Cil %v\ TCQOg XO fllj CpSVyHV. »Cit OV LTC7t£lg V. Kvqov ncciSsiag §i$Xia. r\. Sunt autem duo quae sequuntur capita ex nobili illo libro Xenophontis excerpta, in quo scriptor institutione Cyri mai<»ris enarrata usum quoque fructumque illius disciplinae explanandum sibi sumit. ac priori quidem capite (VII , 5, 1 — 34) Babylon urbs obsessa et occupata tenet ur a Cyro. 538 a. C. n. Edd. I. G.Schneider. Lips. 1815. L. Dindorf. Berol. 1830- 8- j. inrriKiQioig, explicat Xenophon Cyrop. V, 5 ? 44- eosdern vocans rcov cpiXmv xovg IxavooTcctovg xat cpgovuv xcci 6v[mqutzhv , £ i n Ssq'i. 1- nolv ru%og. Herod. 1 , 178- Bafivluv xzszixi hv nsdiq) (isydXa, Htycc&og sovoa (lerconov snetozov fikotft uai hnazbv ozccSCcov iovorjg xztqcc- ytovoyi ovtoi 6t(x8lol xrjg 7t£Qi6dov rf/g noXtog yivovzai Gvvdnccvzsg oydcoHovzcc kccl tezqcckogioi. — KvxXovfievovg. v. ad Paus. VI, 1. 3. ro koxrjTtog , i. q. modo dixerat fie6ov zrjg GxQttziccg. sic i) £6xr}",ivla i\liY.iu Plat, de legg. p. 802- d. starts aetas , media, quae paullisper quo progrediatur tempns videtur intennittere. — song ysvotzo ctt. donee utrin- que extrema -phalangis pars ad suum quae qua locum atque ad mediam aciem pervenerit. constiterant quidem gravis armaturae milites in medio agmine. iam vero phalange explicata atque inversa {avanzvCQiiv) in utro- que cornu positi ad mediam aciem singuli quique prodeunt, quo altiorem efficiant et ultimi ordinentur ol StcXlzcci. 4- Htvovx£g , i. q. supra zo kozrjxog , quippe qui loco non reeessissent. hinc ex utroque latere in medium qui processerant ol dniovzzg. — sv&vg yocQ ol {i. etenim signis conversis fieri poterat , ut aeque in hoslera obvoi- terentur ol onXlzat atque in primo agmine collocati. — avvrjipccf- ^omp. ad Diod. Ill, 2 extr. 5- iv (i£6(p 8s zovg x. dicuntur ii , qui alias agmen fere claudere solent 8 ol inl 7tu6i, ol teXevxaloi. — ngos xo fii) q?. impediebant milites gravis armaturae. A0HNAIOT. 161 6s xai ol yv{AV7]t£g ol dito zcov ksquzcqv dd syyvzsQov syiyvovzo xov aqyovrog xoGovxco oGco vj cpdXay'6, ^qayvxsQa. syiyvsxo avu6i%Xov- 6 (iivr]. sjtd 6s ovzco GvvsGTtsiQad'YjGciv , aTC^Cav , scog phv s^lkvelzo xd §sXt] clrco xov TEL%ovg, s%\ %o6w stvsI 6s s£co (SsXcov sysvovzo, Gzqacpsvzsg %ca xo (isv ttqcoxov oXiyu fiy^iaxa Ttqo'Covxsg {isxsfidXXovxo S7t doTtidcc, %a\ Xgxcivxo nqog xo zsl%og pXsjcovxsg' oGco 6s tvqogcoxsqco sylyvovxo, zoGco6s (jkxvotsqov (X£Z£^dXXovzo. srtsl 6' sv zco uGcpaXsl i66xovv slvai , tvvuqov dniovzsg , stirs sitl zcclg 6%7]valg sysvovto. 7 ' 'End 6s %utsGtqat07ts6sv6avto, 6vv£xdXsG£v 6 KvQog zovg sm- TidiQiovg %al sls'&v "Av6qsg fufiftogot, zs&sd^^a (isv %v%Xco trjv Ttohv iyco 6s oizcog fisv dv tig tsl%rj ovzcog fayvqa %cu utyrjka tvqoG- {ACC%6{lEVOg sXoi, OVY» EVOQttV {101 60KCO' 06Cp 6h 7tlS0VSg 'dvd'QCOTtOl sv trj tcoIsv sWiv , STtsiTtSQ ov yMx*/pvrcii sE,i6vtsg , zoGovzco dv ftccxxov Xipco avxovg TJyovpca dXcovca. si fir) ziva ovv aXXov zqotvov s%szs Xs- 8 ysiv 7 zovzco TtoXiOQKfixiovg cpr^A sivca xovg av6qag. zal o XqvGav- tag slizsv r O 6s Ttoxa^iog, scpr] , ovxog ov 6id ^sGiqg xrjg itoXscog qsl nXdxog sjcov tiXelov , rj siti 6vo Gxddva; Nal pa Ji\ scprj 6 Ijoo- §qvag , %al fid&og y cog ov6' dv 6vo dv6qsg o sxsQog stu xov sxsqov sGxrjncog xov v6axog VTtsqs^oisv coGxs xco Ttoxa^co sxi iGyyqoxsqa sGxlv 1} TtoXig, 7] xolg xsi%s<5i. %a\ 6 KvQog' Tavxa [isv , scprj, m XQvtidvxa, sco(jlsv , oGci kqsixxcq sCxl xijg n^sxsqag 6vvd{iscdg' 6ia- {iSXQr\6aiisvovg 6s %qr\ cog xd^iGxa xo (iSQog sudeszov rj{icov oqvxxsiv zdcpQov cog TtXaxvxdxtjv %a\ fitt&vzdz'rjv, oncog on sXct%iGzcov ?](ilv zcov fOcpvXdxcov 6srj. ovxco 6rj uvxXco 6ia^i£XQ^o'(xg tcsql xo zsl%og, dnoXiTtcov otiov zvQtisGi (jLsydXcag dno zov noza^ov , coqvzzsv sv&ev %al sv&sv xov zslyovg zdopqov vKsq{isysd"Y\ , %al zy\v yijv ciVsftctXXov Ttqog suv- \\zovg. %ca tcqcozov [lsv nvqyovg stu zco tcozcc^co cpKo66[isi cpoivil-i &£- {isXicoGccg ov (jlsIov t\ TtXs&QLcdoig' sIg\ ydq xui (isifovsg ?] zoGovzqi to [irJKog Ttscpvxozsg' %a\ ydo 67} Ttis^o^svoi ol cpoivwsg vno fidgovg 12<*W kvqzovvzccl, coGTtSQ ol ovoi ol %civd"i!iXioi' zovzovg 6' VTZSzi&Sl, 6« hp\ Ttoda. vid. ad Xen. II, 11. — in dc-itida, ut nag' daitiSag, in ccQiGTSQa %£LQog apud Homerura , sinistrorsum, quod sinistro brachio clypeum gerere solebant, unde opposita sunt inl 86qv, inl device. — i-vvsl- QOV , se corripiebant , cur sum capessehant , ut alias dicunt Xoyovg Gvvsl- qsiv drtvsvGTL. Deraosth. -rag h^rjg Ttgcc^Eig G. Diod. comp. Hor. Od. I, 3, 33. corripuit gradum. quibus ne inducaris ut nostro loco ^jxcctu repetas ex praecedentibus. ?• oncog , h. 1. relative, qui fieri possit ut moenia capiantur , equi- dem non perspicere mihi videor. (iol 6okg> modestius, ut fit, eloquitur quae vix in controversia esse videantur. sic apud Platonem (101 donovfiev (So- phist, p. 229- b.) , quibuscum cave confundas 8o'H£lv Infinitivo futuri tempo- ris iunctum. iyco [iot ^oxoo ■xcizciKSiGEGQ'cii , i. e. placet mihi recumbere. Plat. Phaedr. p. 230. e. ibique Heindorf. 8. V7t£Qs%0L£v , c. Gen. v. M. §. 358, % Bernh. Synt. p. 170. 9. to fisQog. cf. ad Diod. Ill, % — rjfilv . . dsy. 8£i c. Dat. ut Plat. Phaedr. p. 229. e. nolXrjg uvz GxoXrjg d£7]G£i. Xen. Anab. Ill, 4> 35- add. M. § ; 391 , 2. Bernh. Synt/ p. 91- 10. ciitoXiTtcbv ogov zvqgeGl ctt. intervallo relicto quantum turribus sufficiens erat: ogov ig s. nqog zvQGEtg Ikccvov , quam pleniorem dictio- nem Graeci non prorsus abiiciunt. cf. Ellendt ad Arrian. IV, 2, 3- 11. uvco KVQTOVvtccL. haec Xenophontis narratio, palmas Babylonias quum onere premantur sursum atque in sublime curvari velut asinos cli- Eclogae. L 162 EENOOSINTOE xovtov evsnoc dncog oxi paXiGxa ioixoi %oXioq%r\6siv TcaQaGxEva^oyLs- va , cog, si %a\ 8iacpvyoi 6 Ttoza^dg elg xr]v xdcpoov , (ir) dvsXoi xovg nvqyovg. dvi non in ipsis aedibus , — sed locus ante ianuam domus vacuus, per quern a via aditus accessusque ad aedes est. — cpotvfaog. B. §. 132, 4, 3- 23. 6xvnEL0V , dedimus cum optimis libris scriptis. alii gxvtitieXqv. V. Lobeck ad_ Phryn. p. 261. 26« fl i8vvavxo cog xd%. quam librorum lectionem mutavi monitn Din- dorfii. inisere enim friget illud cog intrusion, neque habeo equidem quo de- fendant a suspicione interpretamenti. 27. etu xovg cpvXaxag x. qui consistunt in acie contra excubitores. L * 164 BEN0QSINT02 ETzerfmTitovGiv civxoig nivovoi noog cpcog tzoXv , %cu ev&vg cog noXe- {iloig e%qcovxo avxolg. cog dh xoavyi) xai nxvTtog syiyvsxo, aiad , 6(i£voi < lS oi evdov xov $ooi>/3oi> , KeXevGavxog xov §ac%ik£cog 6%etya6&ai xi eX&£ovg32 fl£V 7CQCOX0V TtQOGEKVVOVV , 0X1 XEXL^COQTJ^LEVOL i]GdV XOV CiVOGLOV fld- GiXsa, ETtEixa dh Kvqov KccxecplXovv zccl %siocig Keel TtoSag TtoXXcc doc- xqvovxeg ccpa %ccqcJ %ca svcpQuivopevoi. etieI §h r^isqa syivsxo %a\33 rJG&ovxo oi xccg ccKoccg syovxsg eccXcokvlccv xs x?}v tgo'Xiv kccl xov ficcGi- Xscc xe&V7]k6x(x, TtccQctdidoccGL %a\ xccg ccxoccg. o dh Kvoog xclg (wii/34 ctfioctg EV'd'vg 7tciQsXcx{iftciv£ %ccl qpoovQccqxovg xs %cc\ cpQOVQOvg slg xav- xag dvETtEiiTts , xovg dh XE%w\x6xag ftanxsiv septus xolg 7vqo6yj%ov6i • xovg dh %r\QV%ag %rjQvxx£LV ekeXevGev ctnocpEQEiv Ttccvxag xcl orcXct Ba- fivXcoviovg' ottov dh X^cp^rjcoixo oitXa iv olnia TtQorjyoQEvsv, cog tcccv- xsg oi evdov clTto&avoTvto. oi phv d?) uTtscpEQOV' 6 dh Kvgog xavxa elg xccg cmqctg xaxi&exo 7 cog eXif\ exoi^u. eX xi noxe deoi %QijGd'CiL comp. tcctt£6&(xi §7ci xt, , constitui ad aliquid gerendum, atque de densatis vel extenuatis militum ordinibus inl itoXXovq , sjcl Xetctov xETct.ffia.i. — tzqos S M- plane ut Cicero alicubi , ni fallor in Epp. potare ad multum diem. 28* KQCivyri , i. q. §oiq , sonitus clamantium, nzvizog vero onXeov, fis- XcSv , similium rerum. — ol hvdov . . in&soval zivsg, singuli qui dam prorumpunt, qui sunt e numero illorum in arce, neque vero ol Evdov omnes. qnare noli de Nominativo, quern dicunt, absoluto cogitare. comp. supra ad Lucian. II, 1. 31. %7]qvtt£lv zovq 2. ETCiGzafiEvovg , pendent ex superiori tiqoelizev, quippe primaria sententia atque periodi subiectum. quod superest ktjqvzzelv edicere , proclamare, h. 1. qbserva simili modo atque keXevelv quarto casui iunctum, quum alias fere Dativum sibi adsciscat cum Infinitivo vel earn quam postea structuram ozi &ccvazo360LZO. 32. %tttb(piXovv , adulatio cumulatior ipso verbo composito , usque deosculahantur manus et pedes , quod maxime fuit illiberale atque vilissimi cuiusque dignioribus blandientis. — ccfia, cave cum %Gcqa iuugas, velut Arist. Tliesm. 148. Ey si' si 6s slg aXXijXovg cx8lkov ti cpqovjjGsxs , in ndv- tcov tcov av&qcoTecov to cl'^iOTtiCtoi slvai ccTto^ciXslts' ov6s\g yaq av %xi 7ti6tsv6ai Svvcuto v^iiv , ov6 7 si itdvv 7tqod , v\ioito , l6cov d8ixov- {isvov xov [idXiGxa cpiXia Ttqocsrjxovxa. si phv ovv iyco vpug ixavcogity 8i8a6%m, o'lovg %qr\ Ttqog dXX?jXovg slvai' si 6s pj , %a\ %aqa tcov 7tqoysysv?][isvcov (lav&dvsxs' avxr\ ydq dqictT} 8i8a6%aXia. 01 {isv ydq TtoXXol 6iaysysvr\vtai cpiXoi {isv yovslg Ttaicl, cpiXoi 6s a8sXcpol a6sXcpolg' 7]8t] 8e tivsg tovtcov %a\ ivavtla ccXXrjXovg S7tqa'§av otvo- tsqoig civ ovv aliSd'dvTjGO'S td Ttqcci&svta Cvvsvsy%6vta, tavta 6rj al- QOV(isvoi oq&cog av fiovXsvoiGd'S. %al tovtcov {isv Xdcog ijSrj aXig. to20 6' i[iov 6co[xa, co 7tai8sg, otav tsXsvtijaco , {irjts iv iqvaco 'd'ijvs [iijts iv dqyvqu) fii]^£ sv aXXco iif}8svi, clXXd trj yrj cog td%i6ta d7to6oxs. ti ydq tovtov iianaqicotsqov tov yrj {iii&ijvcu , rj Tcdvta [iev td %aXd } Ttdvta 8s tdya&d cpvsi ts %ccl tqscpsij iyco 8s %al hXXcog cpiXavQ'qco- 16. iyyvzsQov . . . vitvov. ad rem comp. supra Aelian. IX. — tots dfaov , Cicerone interprete, quura remissi et liberi sunt annm. 17. alia &£ovs ys , liaec in apodosi posita excipiunt priora si 8s ^r/ — dXlu ctt. sin minus, sed — , at certe quidem deos verebimini. — zov- rovg cp. hos inquam verentes , nota epanalepsis pluribus interiectis. — (itf~ nor . . iirj8iv. B. §. 148, 6- M. §. 609. 18. to dsl inly, de posteritate nunquam exstingnenda , in secnla pro- pagata. — tt-a> tcov d8. , quod alias dicitur ixto'g c. Genit. sine iniustitia. of. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 128- — sk navtcov z 34. nam ma" litia , ut idem ait , certi cuiusdam vitii nomen est , vitiositas omnium, 8- xcov y. ovtcov, quae revera sunt, quibus quae videantur esse (do- xovvta sivai) opponuntur. hinc to ov philosophis fere id quod to alrjd'sg. — &£Qa7Z£VTeov, Adi. verbalia generis neutrius solent structuram verbi sui ser- vare. v. B. §. 134, 10. sic mox evsgystslv , cocpsXEiv , i7iiiiElsl6&ai ctt. 10. zovtcov svsna, Ii. e. cc rjdsa v.ai dyaQ'cc Got slvai dousi. pertinet enim ad utrumque. — ybr\%a.vcouivr\ , eodem fere modo dicitur , ut Ages. c. II, 5- 'AyrjaiXaog svsvlxjjksl ovv co avxoq iiir]%av)]6aro IrntLxm. ubi alias legere meministis xaTaGnsvags iv , GvXlsysiv , tamen sedulam quaudam cu- ram atque animi contentionera , qua quid comparetur, priori illi subesse ety- mon vocis docebit. — %t6va, etiam nix vel potius aqua nivalis aestivo tem- pore recondita in scrobibus subterraneis luxuriosius viventium fuit, ut mul- tis demonstrat Athenaeus, nostri loci non immemor. 1. HI. p. 123. f- p. 124. — (laXaxcig, iunge cum verbo 7taga6K£V(x^SLg , ut sit praedicati instar, nee so- lum Grgcofivag , sed etiam xXivag ct vrtofiaftqcc explicet definiendo. — dss- G&ui, formam solutam cum optimis libris retinui. cf. Buttm. verba anom. s. v. fe'o?. Ed. mai. supra ad Plut. V, 5 extr. — dvaynd^stg , cogendo vel 172 3EN0&SINT0Z vrj' ovxco ydq Ttatdsveig xovg iavxijg cpiXovg xijg [isv vvnxog vfiqi^ov- Ga , xrjg 8h i]{iEQ&g xo %qr\Giiiioxaxov %axaKoi(ii c £ovGa. u&uvaxog 8e11 ovGa ex xrscov [iev aTteyQiipca, vtco 6s dv&QCQTtcov dywd'cov axi^d^r} ' xov 8s Ttdvtcov {]81gxov dxovG^iaxog, Eituivov iavxrjg, dvijxoog el xccl xov Ttecvxcov ijSIgzov &sd[iaxog dd-saxog- ov8ev ydq tccotcoxe Gsavxijg soyov xaXov xs&saGai. xig d' dv Got XsyovGrj xi tclGxevGele ; xig cf dv dso^Evrj xivog e7T£V. vid. ad Xen. Ill, 17. dicit igitur: ab utroque la- tere Graecorum mercede conductorum sexaginta mi Ilia Cardacum collocat. 7. LGZiV ol'. vid. ad Pausan. VII, 2- ad Xen. IV, 14. — nrj fisv , ali- qua parte , quod mox oppositum habet I'tzeltm suppressa ds particula ex constant! prope optimorum scriptorum usu. tiro: non secu~. v. Heind. ad Plat. Phaec'on. §.81- §.85- ceterum htEixa h. 1. observa adverbium non tem- poris , sed loci vel potius ra|£ft>g. Bom. Odyss. IV, o54- vyjcog etzelzcc ti$ eGzl ctt. ibid. !X , 116- — h £7ux. rtQoiov, in anfr actum porrectus (mons). supra Aelian. XXXII, 7- 6 FirjVEtbq Ttoxa^ioq GyoXr\ y.cd Ttqeccog tiqolcov. 8. ficcxrog, h. 1. novissimum agmen, extrema acies. Suidas: /Ja^oc Eclogae , M 178 APPIANOT pov , OTtiG&sv i]V xcov EXXrjvcov xcov [iLG&ocpOQCOV xcd xov ln\ cpdXay* yog xsxaypivov fiaofiaQLKOv. sXiysxo ydq r\ TtaGa 1-vv Aagslco GXQaxLct (jluXlCtu ig ihjxovTa (ivQiadug {laiitiovg sivai. 'AXiJ-av8oog Si, cog 9 avxco ttqoGco lovxi xo %coqlov 6iiGisv oXlyov ig TtXdxog , itaqr\yays xovg LTtTtiag, xovg xs sxaioovg xaXovpivovg %aX xovg OsGGaXovg %ca xovg MccneSovccg. %aX xovxovg ^kv InX xco 8e£lco niga d{ia ol sxa^s, xovg 6s s% UzXo7tovvi]6ov %aX xo ccXXo xo Gviniiayinov sitX xo svcovv- \iov TtiiiTtst cog UaQicsvicova. Aagslog Si, cog Gvvxsxay^ivrj r\8y] ^vlO avxco rj cpdXayt. , xovg LTtTtiag , ovGxLvag Ttqo xov Ttoxaiiov liti xcoSs nqoxsxdysi , oncog aGcpaXcog avxco 1] SKxaj-ig xijg Gxqaxiag yivotxo, dvsKaXsGsv ilno ^vv&^axog. %aX xovxcov xovg [Csv itoXXovg liti rcS Sshco keocc TtQog xrj ftaXaGGrj y.axa Uagiisvicova sxa'E,ev , oxi xavxy \iaXXov xi LTtTtaGLiia i\V' iiioog 8s xi avxcov %aX STtX xo svcovvpov itqog xd oqy\ Ttaorjyaysv. cog 6s dygSLOi ivxav&a 8id Gxsv6xr}xa xcov %coqIcov scpalvovxo , %aX xovxcov xovg noXXovg 7taqi7tTtsv6ai STtX xo Sshov y.sqag ccpcov sksXsvcssv. avxog 8s Aaoslog xo \jls6ov xijg itd- ' 'AXs- 2- ig iTtLKCtfinrjv TtQbg to oqog ctt. Gronovius recte: in obliquum vel inflexion ad montem a (ergo constituit nonnullos equitum ctt. hinc imyJa- niog rd^ig incurva acies, in etngiem forficis iustructa (sichelformie) ita ut ea cm adhibebant pbalangis pars d^totofiog esset et in duo corfiua divisa adpareret. Diod. }9, 27 extr. fra&v ilicpavxag hbukaiiitim. Polyb 5 82 9 inntlg tv sttixaimicp naQEvl^aXs. ' ?■'>-'• 3 naatv i7t£Ta X &rj6av , a tergo omnium collocati , omnibus postpositi sum. Xenophon inbet ETtcTarzecdca zij yaXayyt X6 Z ovg cpvXwctg imBon- Qr^ovzag (Anab. VI, 3, 9), coiiortes subsidiarias dicit, ubi ad triafios res rednt in pugnis Romanorum. — Hag zwv h. , turmas amicorum , quarum octo erant et pnncipem locum tenebat ea , quam ipse rex ducebat An Bct- GiXiv.ii. ceterum v. ad c. 2, 9. _ 4- . inl fxszcoTCOV, ad frontem , lata fronte , die Fronte entlane ut le- ■gimus evil alms prope alium , neben einander. comp. irri xspcoe supra c. 2, 2 5 .ibiQSiaig zszccy^vovg , qui in cacumine monbis col- locati sunt, quo sigraficata vtzeq de terrarum locorumqne situ frequens cf Dissen ad Pmd. Wem. V1T, 64- comp. supra ad Pint. V, 3. — tor* of /ire noh interpretan neque de summa neque de ima, sed de media quadatn atque proclmore montis parte; ro Kara, (itqog rov oqovg, [itY.qbv dytocorrjolov mterprete Hesj'-chio. ^ v yv 4 -"" c. 4, 1. frvi Ss onov yuI X . Ttagarsivag, verb am lazi omnis generis relative pnaepom saepius dictum, hoc vero loco tenendum Participium se- dui pro vulgation structura Indicativf, ubi facilius est perspectu, quam prone tormula ilia absit ab Adverbio loci vel temporis. Arrian. 1. V c. 9 extr 6Xiyoi (noza^ol) . . jtafroroot l8Uv *al h'eriv onov nsodoivoi h e zvia%ov. sic egxlv ore pro arora, kvlozs. egxlv oi' pro rtvsg. cf' ViLer' M2 180 APPIANOT J-av8oov xrj yvco^r) dedovlcopivog. cog 8h o^jlov ijdrj rpv xc\ 6xoaxo7tE8ct t 2 ivxav&ci TtccQiTtnevcov Ttcxvni , AXEE > av8qog TtccQEKcclsi, ccvSoag ayad'ovg yiyvz6d'Cii , ov xcov r]y£{i6vcov povov xc\ 6v6(xaxa %vv xco tcqetcovzi ■y,06[icd avaxccXcov , cdXd %cu iXccoiag %a\ Xo^ayovg ovoycacsxi, %cti xcov &EVCOV XCOV lUGd~OCpOQ(dV OtfOl XCIX Cx'S,LC06LV ?j XIVCC CLOEXlpJ yVCOQl[lCOX£QOl fjOav ' %ccl avxco TZctvxctyo^Ev /3ot) iyivExo ft?) SiaxoifjEiv , clXXcl icjfjctX- Xeiv ig xovg TtoXE^tovg. 6 8h yysv iv xcl'^ei exl xd {iev txqcoxu, kccltieq 3 iv ciTtOTtxcp 7j6rj h'icov xrjv /Jcxqeiov Svvapiv , fid8i]V xov (it) diuGita- O&rjvcd xi iv xi) ^wxovcoxeqcx noqEia xv^rjvav xijg cpdXayyog. cog 8s ivxog fieXovg iylyvovxo , ttqcoxoi 8?) ol %exz 'AXitccvSoov xen ctvxog AX£t,av8oog i%\ xov 8e£wv XExay^iivog 8q6[ico ig xov Tioxaiiov ivifiaX- Xov , cog xrj xe 6'£vxy]xi xijg icpoSov ixizXrfeca xovg nioGexg xcu xov &(x66ov ig %ELQug iX&ovxctg oXlya nqog xcov xo'^oxcov pXci7TXE6&cu. xcxl 'E,vve^7] OTtcog elxccgev 'AXEZavSqog, Ev&vg ydo cog iv %eqgIv rj (icc%ri 4 iyivExo , XQETCOVxca xov UeqGixov 6xQaxEV(xcaog ol rra cxqiGxeqco xeqcx imxExcxy pivot- zed xccvxrj yulv ivixa Xcx^nqcog 'AXi^avSoog xe %a\ oi clyL($ CiVXOV ol d£ r/ EXX7JVEg 0L (A.lG'd'OCpOQOL OL GVV AcXQELCp, fj diEGie xcov MvxeSovcov ij cpdXay£ cog in\ xo 8z't.iov xiqag nexQaQqayaGa, oxb 'AXE^exvSoog \ilv 67tov8yj ig xov izoxapov ipficcXcov xcxl iv %eqgI xi\v pd- yrjv TCOir(Cag i£ > cod'Ei yd?] xovg xavxi] XExaypivovg xcov UeqGcZv , ol 8h XC.Xa (XEGOV XCOV MdXEOOVCOV ovxe xi] Xgy\ GTtovSij fjipavxo xov £(jyov, %cu 7toXXa%rj %q7](-ivco6e6l xalg 0%&cug ivxvy%dvovxEg xo {jlexcotvov xijg epedayyog ov dvvcaol iyivovzo iv xrj avxij xat,Ei §iei6(o6a6&cti , xctvxij i^fiaXXovOiv ol "EXXyvsg xolg Ma%Edo6LV r) {idXiaxa 8iEOTtaG^EV7jv av- xolg xy)v cpaXayyci ymxelSov. xcu xo Eqyov ivtav'&a xmqxeqov '>)v , xcov {jiev ig xov tzox(x[iov aTicoGaG&ca xovg MaxE§6vag xal xi\v vixrjv xolg rjdi] cpEvyovOiv avxcov dvaGcoGctGd'ca, xcov MaxEdovcov 8e xijg xe 'AXe- ^clvSoov ijStj cpcavo(iivrig EVTtoctyiag $11] XELCp&ijvcu seal xr\v do'£,av xijg cpotXcxyyog cog u^iuyov 8i} ig xo xoxs L)icifi£porni£v\]g ft?) ctcpaviGui. %ui ( p. 235 sq. — t,}j yvcofirj otdovl. similiter xa&t iiiivog , rfraTtEivco^kvoq 90- §(p , oiF.(pv(YQ[ibvog tttig yvc6(iciLg. nostra ex Thucydide fluxisse existinuiut, IV, 34. TtQoixov dnifieuvov xfj yvco^irj dsdoulajuivoL &5g tnl AciKEdcafioviovg. 2- OzQUTOTitda, h. 1. pro OVQaztVficc, quae sigtuficatio aeque legitirna optimisque Atticis probata atque vulgaris ista. cf. Timaei Lex. Plat. s. v. ibique Ruhnk. comp. signa, castra. — v. ax cx^icoaiv. v. ad Diod. IV, 1 extr. — avtco . . fiorj iy., ut Xen. Anab. J, 8, 1» tcqlglv otg ixvy%avcV i§6a. 3. iv sxKOTtxco , in conspectu , tametsi haec qnoque sententia subest Persas oculis esse remotiores atque eminus conspici , deinde postea intra tell iactum ventura esse. cf. Lobeck ad Soph. Aiac. 14« p. 77 sq- Ed. II. — &w- xovcaxtQCi. B. §. 60, 4- not. \. — KVfifjvav t ut infra c. 5, 1 xo tzkohqqco- yog , de quorum Part, usu v. notata ad Died. II, 1 extr. ad usum tropicura liuins vocis gemella sunt verba Xen. Anab. I, 8, 18- i^Exvficavs xi xf t g rpa- Xayyog. quara loquutionern respicit Bemetr. de Eloq." 85« xr)v xrjg xa^ecog rttXQEY.TQOTZTjV i'/.Tivficuvovaj] Q-aX&GGr] ti'xciOE. — OTtcog, vi relativa ut centies. 4. fj 8i£6%£ ctt. periodus paulio perplexior pluribusque interpositis tur- bata. quae enim initio poirantur, qua parte Macedonum phalanx divisa erat et disciasa (TtciQaQQCxytiGcx) , iterum enuntiantur in apodosi (x turn vero potius habere tempus finitum, quum Participium alterius verbi (h. 1. Tts- cpevyoxa) adstruatur. infra §. 7- 3. d[ifidzccg, quae forma per se bona (Lobeck ad Phryu. p. 340.) atque Arriano accepta (V, 19, 5- VI, 14, 3- cf. IV, 30, 80 tanti aestimanda vi- detur, ut vulgatam ifificizag cum Schneidero Kriigeroque reprobemus. ip,@di- TY\g vide ut incorruptis testimoniis firm are possis. 4- evftvg cog hl%ev, sogleich, wie er war. Curt. VIII, 3, 10- simp erat omenta veste in castra pervenit. sic thg s. wgtcsq ?%oiiev et reliquae perso- nae, neque necesse est tv&vg adiiciatur. at cave hue trahas e^oj cog hx (0 > ^ e quo supra ad Aelian. XIII. 182 APPIANOT xal to to|ov cLTioluTtu em xov aofiaxog , avxog 6s ltvtzov inifiag Hcpsvys. xa\ rj vi)g ov did (laxoov lniy\vo\)L,kvr\ dcpEilsxo avxov xo TtQog AXs^avdoov aXcov ai. ^AXs'E.avdgog ydo egxe [Jlev cpdog r t v dvd xoa- Q tog idicoxEv cog 8s GvvsGxoxa^s xe r'jdrj xa\ xcl tcoo tioBcov depavij r\y y ig to h'{i7tcdiv ixoditEzo cog etcI xo GXQaxojtsdov to (jlevxoi ao^a to Aaosiov h'Xafis %a\ xi)v aGrclda etc avxco %a\ xov %dv6vv %CU TO To£oV. xctl ydo Hal rj 8ico'£ig fioaOvxioa czvtcp iysyovsi, oxi iv rjj Tcocoxrj %a- 7 Q Aqlcxav8Qov xov p,dvxiv o xv vool 6 olavog ; 6 8h AqiGxciv8qov svexci. % 40 detrudebant , loco pel- lebant , postqnam ventum est ad puguandura cominus. pugnator quidam Ma- ra thonius apud Herod. VI, 117 dicitnr ovrs Ttlojyslg ovdtv zov 6c6[iazos OVTE @Xt]&8Lg. comp. infr. Arrian. IV. c. 2 , 2- 2« fcf^£ zov (ii] ovk . . i"o fere advectia Ion- gum esset dicere et Gurtium ctinsnlcre non abnues. NIKOMHJE&Z. 185 &sv xijg TtoXscog IxeXevCev , zvoog {ihv eg 8vo Gvadtovg, vipog 8h sg 4 Ttodag 7CEVzr\xovza xal Siccxoolovg. cog 8s ai xs (jltj^ckvcu ccvxco ETtoiy]- d-7](jciv xal enayQ-zlacii xaxd xo %co^a xaxsdEKSav xov ZEi^ovg hti tcoXv, vtcovo^icov xs dXXr} xal aXXy OQv66oidvcov xal xov iov dtpavcog ixq)£- QO{l£vOV TO X£lV0g TtoXXap] ?]QEL7t£XO VCpi^aVOV XCiZCi TO XEVOV{l£VOV, rolg re §eXe6lv etzI tvoXv xazEi^ov ol MaxsSovsg dvaexsXXovzsg zovg 7tQO[icc%o[.iEvovg ex xcov nvoycov ' lg (i£v ZQEig TtootifioXag ol sx xijg noXecog d7to&vr}6xovxcov xs avxolg rcoXXcov xal zlzqgxjxo[,ievcov o^icog 5 CLVXEl%OV ' Ztj ZEZCiOZI] 8h XCOV MaXsSoVCOV ZTjV CpdXayya TtCiVXO&EV 7ZQ0G- ccyaycov 'AXi'SavSoog rrj (.ihv vtcoqv66o^.evov to xuyog xaxafiaXXsi , rrj de 7Cca6(A,svov xalg ^Y^avalg xaxaGsiEi etzI tcoXv , cog ft?) %aX£7tr)v ralg xXl^a'ii xrjv 7ZQ06poX?)v xaxd xd EQr\qi^Eva svdovvcu. a% xe ovv xXl- Q [LCtXEg 7lQ06l'iy0VZ0 rep xei'/ei %Cil EQLg TZoXXfj i]V XCOV TfittXsSoVCOV 0601 ti doExrjg ^.exetcoiovvxo , o6xig Ttocoxog aiQfjasi xo rsl%og' xal ctlosl reqeorog NE07tx6X£{iog xcov excuqcqv rov Alaxi8cov ysvovg • stcI 8h avxco 7 aXXca xal aXXai xd^Eig opov xoig ijyspoGLV dvsfiaivov. cog 8h aita^ rca- QriX&ov xivEg svrog xov rsl'/ovg rcov MaxsSovcov xaxaoyldavxEg aXXag xal aXXag rcvlag , otfaig %xa 3. — %ov , quam formam ex plu- rimis optimisque libris receptam recentioribns Graramaticis restituas. B. §. 58. 8. v. M. §= 90. — oficog. cf. ad Arrian. I, 5, JO. 6« 060L . . fiETcTtoiovvro , sua Arrianus irrigavit ut saepius Thucydi- diis, II, 51 , ubi de couflictatis gravi ista pestilentia : dLECp&Eigovzo , v.a.1 ficcXiCTCi ol ccQEzrjg xl (lEvanoLoviiEvoi. quae verba respiciens Suidas ({ittoc- noiovfMEvoi ' 67]iiuiv£i dvzLTtotov^Evoi) etiam nostris lacem attulit. ete- nim utroque loco ii sunt, qui ambitiosa quadam contentione virlutem s. constantiam prae se ferebant. 7. cog 61 ajra| it. ut kernel penetraverunt nonnulli Macedonum ctt. cxiictt- igitur sine numeri significatione, ut solet tog, inti, insidij , r\v, iav, Sg, 06ti£q similibusque adnexis. comp. cbg , insl , ozs itgcozov. — izaldag x. fVvaiTtccg, quamquarn de certis quibusdam omisso Articulo. cf. ad Diodor. I, 5. — oca , tamquam. Arrian. II , 5 > 9. 'AXt^uvdyos 'A^iXoico ogu tJqcq'C ivrj- yiGs. comp. cog supra I, 5, 11- III. (Lib. V. c. 18, 4- c. 19.) Porus rex Indorum in proelio fortis,in clade nobilis. Alexander etiam in virtu te alio- rum agnoscenda ma gnus. Curt. L. VIII. c. 13. 14. Pint. Alex. c. 60. c. 1, 1. /tc?^, in qua pugna anno 327 a. C. n. (teste Arriano : in ccQyovzog 'A%r\valoig ^Hyzizovog (nqvog MszccysizvLoovog) ad ripam Hydaspis commissa duo Pori filii interfecti , ter riiillia equitum , viginti millia peditum caede confecta sunt. — u7tod£L^cc[jiSvog (£Qycc) , formula Herodoto acceptis- sima de eo, qui egregium aliquod j acinus ediderit. Iuterpp. ad Her. II, J 86 APPIANOT vrjyov , alia %al Gzqaricorov yevvalov , cog rcov rs lititecov rov cpovov xarelds v>a\ rcov slecpdvrcov rovg jiev avrov nsTcrcozorag , rovg be iqrj^iovg rcov 'ijye^.ovcov Ivrtyjoovg TteTtlavrj^ievovg, rcov 6e rce^cov avzco oi nleiovg dnolcoleGav , ov% coGiteo Aaqelog 6 peyag fiaGilsvg i'tdo- %cov rolg d^qp avrov rrjg cpvyijg djtEicoqsi , cilia sore ydq vne^eve ri rcov 'Ivbcov iv rrj payy kwEGrvjuog, ig roGovbs dyo)viGa{ievog' rezqco- 2 {livog be rov de£iov co^iov, ov bi] yv^ivov povov eycov iv rrj [idyr\ dvs- Croecpsro, — caio yaq rov dllov Gco^azog rjOKEi avrco rd fitly] 6 &co- Qct'£ TtSQixrog cov %ctra re n\v lG'/yv xcd r?)v do{ioviav , cog vGzeoov Karai.ia&eiv Oeco^evocg i}v , — rore bi) %a\ avzog aTCzyoroei ertiGrQe- tyag rov elecpavxa. %a\ 'Ale't-avdqog (.teyav re avrov %cd yevvalov av- 3. 8oa Ibcov iv rrj [layr] GcoGca ine&v^]6e. tze^tcei dr) tcclq avrov itocora qlev Ta'^llijv rov 9 Iv86v %a\ Ta&fajg nqoGiTtJcevGag icp oGov oi aGcpa- leg icpaivsro rco elecpavri og ecpeqe rov Tlcooov iniGz^Gai re i0ov to ftrjoiov , ov yao elvai ol en cpsvysiv , %a\ dv.ovGai rcov %aq 'AXsj-dv- $qov Xoycov. 6 be Ibcov avSoa ix&QOV 1% TtaXaiov zov Ta^iXr\v ini- 4 Groetyag dv^ysro cog d%ovxiGcov %al av %a\ %ars%avsv dv xvyov > el iwj vnocpfiraGag izelvog aTtsXaGEv dito rov JJcoqov tcqogco xoy "ltctcov. *A.Xe£avbcog be ovde irci xwbe rco Ucoqco yaXeitog iyivero , all' allovg re iv (xeoei btze^tve %cu br) zed Meqotjv dvbqa 'ivbov , on cpllov elvai i% Ttalaiov rco ILcoqco rov Meooijv s^ia&E. Hcooog 6e cog rd Ttaqd 5 toi> Mzqoov ijKQvCE %cti £K rov dlipovg cqia BKQarEiro , i7tEGrr]6s rs rov ilicpavra %ca rMiefirj ait avxov • cac be erae rs Hal dvityv'^Ev, aysiv o:?;toV Gicovdrj iyJlEvGE Ttaod Ali^avdqov. 2. Kal 6 fiev 7]yEvo r 'Ale^avSoGg be cog TtooCayovra eTtvO-ero, \ 7tQ0Gi7t7tEv6ag TtQO rijg rd£ecog £vv dliyoig rcov eraiqeov ditavxa rco IIcooco' %a\ ijciGrijGag tov Xtztzqv to' re {ieye&og e&av^a'Qev vtceq Ttevrs TCi'iysig {icxliGza tviifialvov, %al to xdllog rov IIcoqov, not oti ov ds- 148 , 2. — M on. cf. B. §. 150- p. 444. M. §. 624, 4- -- XvnrjQovg, recte Gronov. tristes , agnoscentes quasi cladern suam. fivftooocpog ya.Q , ut re- fert Arrian. Hist. Jnd. c. 14. 6 iltcpag • v.ai rivtg rjSi] cevzeov zovg ccfifiurag <5(pcov iv ttoasilo} ttTZO&civovxag agavzeg ccvzol i^/jveyaav ig zacpi]v , . . 6 di zig 7rp6g OQyrjV dnoKtehag rov dfifidzrjv vno [xezavoLrjg ts v.al ddv- fjiirjg djis&avev. — aTrolcoleaav , mira enallage cojistructionis. ex lege ser- monis posceres ditolcolozag. simiiia congessit M. §„ 631, 3« 4- — zi zmv 'I. etiam omisso Genit. Xen. Cyrop. V, 3, 57. ei zi nov (sc. zcop 7to%£[iicov) ivavziolzo ccvzoj , — el zi zi nov cpevyov dcp&eir] ctt. 2. e%cav . . dvtazQicpszo, sufficeret tl%ev extremo verbo finito suppresso. Jam vero bis posuit apodosin dvEGZQtqjezo et prolixiore parenthesi interiecta tozs dij dnexcoQEi, ut eo esset apertias, qui denique factum sit, ut ipse pedem retulerit Poms. — uQpLOviav. Xen. Memor. Ill, JO, 11- &ceQa'% &Q- (iottcov Gcofiazi, corpori congruens , singulis et corporis et thoracis parti- bus inter se concinentibus. 4- xort civ Titti x. av z. posterius civ spectat ad zv%bv vocem dubita- tioni obnoxiam , si forte fieri potuisset. nos : vielleicht etwa wiirde er ihn sogar getodtet haben ctt. sic i'ctog dv . xd% dv, id genus alia abun dan tiara quandam redolentia. Arr. V, 5, 3. zv%bv . . xvy^dvii ov. Demosth. p. Phorm. p. 961- zd% dv , el zv%oi, %al rovzov tfdUet. Arist. Vesp. 1456- zd%a d c-v i'ocog ovk S&iXoi* de Part, ilia geminata Herni. ad Tiger; p. 814 sq. — iv tiZQEij per vices. — %al di) -nai , vim habet restringendi admodum gra- rem. ndvzeg i§or}&eov, xai dr] Kal ol Tcaldeg. Herod. VI, 138, 4» dXXa r-e tyeiv %coQia , xcl dr] ual Arjpvov. ibid. 137 , 7 ibique Interpp. NIKOMHJESIZ. 187 SovXcofisvog rrj yvcopr} scpcdvsxo , clXX' coGtceq avr)q dya&og dv8q\ dya&co TiooGeXtioi vtveq fiaGiXsiag zrjg avxov nqog fiaGiXia dXXov xa- 2 Xcog i]ycovi6{iivog. svd-a 81} 'AXs^avSgog Ttgcoxog tzqoGeitzcov avxov Xs- ysiv sxsXevgsv xi oi ysvEG&ai s&iXoi. Ucogov 8s aTCOxqivaGQ'ai Xo- yog, 0x1 fiaGiXixcog (jloi %g7}Gai, co 'AXsZavSoE' xal 'AXs^avSgog ijG&slg tco Xoyco , xovxo {.lev sGzai Goi , Ucoqs , scprj, s^iov svsxa • Gv 8s Gav- %ov svsxa, xl Go\ qpiXov , d'Blov. 6 8s Ttavxa scpr) sv rovxco svslvaf 3 Km , AXs'E > av8qog xovxa sxi paXXov rep Xoyfo rjc&eig xrp xs a§%r\v rco JJcoqco rcov re avxcov 'IvScov s'Soms %cc\ ciXXr\v sxi %coQav nqog rrj rca- Xccl ovGtj TtXelova xijg TtqoG&sv nqoGsd-^xs* xctl ovxcog avxog xe fiuGi- hxcog %EiQ7}{isvog r\v ccvSqi dya&cZ %a\ sxslvco ix zovzqv ig anavtu niGxcZ i%Qi}Gaxo. IV. 1 1. „Ov% VTtsQ xov xaxanavGca vytcov xr\v ol r xa8s OQfiyjv, co Ma- KsSgvsg , Xsy&rjGsraL p.01 o8e 6 Xoyog, — s'tEGvi yaq vpiv andvai OTtoi PovXeg&e s[iov ys svsxa, — dXX' cog yvcovai v(iag Ttqog OTtoiovg 2 xivag v^iag hvxag otvoiol Xivsg avxol ysvopsvoi dnaXXaGGsGd'E. xal nqcoxd ye cztzo (DlXitvtcov xov Ttaxqog , tjtceq xal slxog , xov Xoyov ccQJ-dptai. (PIXiTtTtog ydq TtagaXaficov v(iag TtXavrjxag xca djcoqovg, sv Sicp&EQaig xovg noXXovg vs^iovxag dvd tec ogi] Ttoofiaxa oXlya xal vtceq tovxcov xaxcog (xaio^isvovg 'iXXvoiolg rs xal ToifiaXXolg xal xolg ofto- QOig Sqa'ii, %Xa^v8ag (jlsv yuZv dvxl xcov Sxp&Egcov cpogslv scorns, xaxiqyayE 8s ex xcov oqujv sg xd 7ts8la dJiio^idyovg xaxaGxrjGag xolg TtQOGicoQO ig xcov fiaQ§a(3Cov 9 cog p?} jcoqlcov sxi oivqox-qxi itiGxEvovxag \kaXXov , 7] rrj olxsla cIqextj Gco&G&ai' noXscov xs oixi]Xoqag ctTtscpTivs c. 2, 1« scpaivszo . . TtQOGsXQ'oi. haec extrema voluit ex sententia Ale- xandra dicta. Line modornra commutatio explicanda. cf. supra ad Pausan. IV, 1. 2' Xoyog, sic solet Herodotus maxime in fabulosis pro Xsystai sive ad- dito siSvi, sive omisso ut h. 1. Herod. Ill, 5- sv Zsg^covidi Xifivjj Xoyog tov Tvcpw xeHQvqp&ai. Interpp. ad VII, 198- — on. B. §. 149 s. v. 3- rdiv zs avzav 'I. Kriig. exliibet z. r. avzov % commeudatur certe verbis Plutarchi vit. Alex. c. 60 extr. ov [zovov dyrjusv avzov a.Q%siv cov ZfiaGiXsvE Gazqdnrjv Kalov/itvov , uXXa v.al nQOGE&rj-KS %(6qav ctt. ceterum cf. Curt. VIII, 14, 45 ibique Freiosli. IV. (Lib. VII. c. 9—11.) Alexander Opira reversus (a. 325 a. C.) se- nes mutilatosque domum remitti iusserat, quara missionem milites secus ac debebant interpretati castra seditiosis vocibus compleverant. priiicipibus tur- barum ad suppliciura datis , reliqm's subito metu adtonitis, rex adscenso suggest u hunc fere in modum disserit. c. 1, 1. £[zov ys svs-aa. ad Arr. II, 2,2. — ngoq onolovg z. vfidg ovzag ctt. ad quales quidem vos qui (nunc) estis quales ipsi denique facti (i. e. quam mutati) discedatis. fingit igitur Macedones ad semet ipsos qui- dem abeuntes , neque tamen ad se eosdem , sed paullatim certe immutatos. ovzag tempus indicat praesens, quo ipsi meliores iam redditi exsistuut, ys- VOfisvot praeteritum vel potius id, quod auspicia capiens a prima mutatione rernm praesentem statum adtingit. hinc non est cur cum viris quibusdam criticis coniiciamus legendum: rj (i a g ovzag. distinguuntur non personae, sed tempora. 2- cpogsLV, Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 585. ,,dicimur ea (cpOQSlv) , quae no- biscum circumferimus , quibus amicti indutique sumus , turn quae ad habi- tum corporis pertinent." cf. supra ad Aesop, fab. IV. tamen scriptores non 188 APPIANOT %al vo^ioig %al r^sGi iQ7]GT0Lg ixoG^rjGsv. avxwv 81 ixsivcov xoHv pao- 3 pciQtov, vcp cov tiqog&zv nqyEG&E %d\ icpEQEGd'E avxoi xe %a\ xa v(is- TEoa, i]y£[JL6vc{g %ax£Gxi]G£v in 8ovXcov xal VTtrjXomv, %a\ rijg Qoaxrjg va TtoXXa rrj MaxsSovia 7CQoGEd'r]XE %al zcov etzI zfj ftaXaxxij ^cootcov xa inmaigoxaxa %axaXafio>dEvog xr]v i^LTCOQLav xrj %(oga avETiixaGE, seal rcov (tsxaXXcov xr\v igyaGiav cldcij TtaoEGyE. 0EGGaXav oh ccQyovxag, 4 ovg TtaXai ixE&vrjxsixE xcg 8eel, a7ziqji]VE' mat to (Dcgkecdv E&vog xa- TtEivwGag trjv ig xi}v r EXXa8a 7taoo8ov nXaxsiav %a\ evtcooov avx\ Gxe- vrjg xe %cu cItcoqov viilv ircoirpEv 'Ad-VjVaiovg xs %a\ "®i](3ai.ovg icps- SoEvovzag del xfi ManESovla ig zoGov8e izanuvrnGEv , -ijSrj zavxa ye jcal rjiicov avxcp '^v^tcovovvxcov , cog avxl xov cpOQOvg xeXelv *A%v\- valoig %a\ vTvaxovEiv GyfiaUov icaq rtfieav iv xoj {.ieqel EXEivovg xr)v ccGcpcdEiav GcpiGi TtOQi^ECd'ai. ig IJsXoyiovvrjGov 8h TtaQsX&cov xa ekeZ 5 cv iy.6<3{JLr\(5E ' %a\ ijyE^icov amoxgaxcoo Gv^inaG^g xijg alh]g r EXXa8og aTtodEiy&slg xijg irci xov TUqGrfv Gxgaxiag ov% savxco fraXXov xi xr]v fio^av x?jv8e i] too xoivoH xmv MaxE§6vcov TtooGE&rjxE. zavxa uhv xa Q Ik xov Ttaxodg xov eliov ig vpag vTtrjpyLiEva , coc [ihv avxa ixp sav- zoqv GxityaG&ai, (XsyaXa, (jaxqa 8e , cog yE 8r] Ttgog xa ijixixEoa £v(i- fiaXelv. og TcaoaXafjcov rcaou xov Tcaxgog %QvGei (.lev xal dqyvqa extvco- paxa oXiya, xaXavia oh ov8h e'^rpiovxa iv xolg d-rjGavQolg , %qscqv 8s ocpEiXo^Eva vtzo (DiXiTtTtov ig 7tEvxa%o6ia xcdavxa , 8avELCa^Evog i%\ tovxoig avxog aXXa 0%ta%06va, oqyLvftEig 1% xijg yojQag xijg yE ov8h . o?g . . GKEipaGd-cu. cf. ad Xen. IV, 3- Arrian. I. c. 2 , 1. — zrjg ys ovds v t uag avxovg /5. ad expeditionem profectus ex Macedonia ne vos qui- dem solos bene alere valida. avxog igitur i. q, ftovog. v. ad Lucian. I, i. Xen. Ill , 19. NIKOMHAESIH. 189 v^iExiQa do%rj nqoGs^qxa xal xrjy AloXlda TZtiGttv xal oxt pr\ avxT] rj Tioocpvoa %a\ xo diddr^aa xovxo ; yJxzrj{ica dh Idia ovdiv, ovdh e%ei xig aTZodsi^ai \r7]6avqovg spovg, oxl llt] xavxa VLisxsoa %xy- (laxct tj ooa evExa vpcov cpvXdzxsxca. stceI ovds e'gxiv Idia p.oi ig o xi cpvXd'ico avxovg Gixovp.svco xe xd avxd vpiv Gixia %a\ vrcvov xov avxov aioovLCEVcp' %ai xoi ovus Gixia ipol doxco xa avxa xolg xovcpcoGiv v^jlcov GixelG&ca ' nooayovTivcov ds v^icov olda , cog zad'SvdcLV s-fsxz v^lelc. 1 2- 'AXXd xavxa yda viicov tzovovvxcov v.al xaXai7zcooov[xsvcov exxjj- Gd{iriv avxog arcovcog %a\ axaXairtcoqcog lh}yov[xzvog. nod xig Vjicov rj 7iov}[6ctg oldsv spov (.laXXov 7] syco vtveq eke ivov ; dye dfj %a\ oxco ToavLiaxa vllcov Igx'l , yvpvcoGag avxd ETZidsi'^dxco y.cd syco xdiid etzi- 2 dci^co lv (iSQEi' cog s^ioiye ovz egxiv o xi xov GcoyMxog, xcov ye di) Mp/rvQSJG&sv {lEQCov, ciXQeoxov VTZoXzlziTzzai' ovds otcXov XI EGXIV 7\ i% %Eiq6g 7] xcov acpizpevcav , cu ys ovx Xyvr\ lv spavxeo cpSQco' aXXd %a\ £icpsi ex %EiQvg xixQco'jXai xa\ xsxo"t,zv\Lai ydy v,a\ drto \w\yavv\g (Si^hj- [iaiy %a\ Xlvoig izoXXayji %al 'ivXoig itaio^iEvog vtvsq vpcov xal xrjg v{iEX£Qag dohjg xa\ xov v^exeqov tvXovxgv vizcovxag vpeig dyco did 7. KQaxrjOag. cf. ad Arrian. I. c. 1 , 6^ — &Q- eZurportoovg , dicit in- colas maioris et minoris Phrygiae , alterius utpote Hellesponto propioris a Strabone Plinioqne etiam Hellespontiae vocatae, quae Troada compiectitur, alterius ab Hellesponto remotioris sub Bithynia circa Olympuin habitatae. S- yjzlv LQihTtxLy de rebus inanimutis , vohis adferuntur. Xen. Hier. 1^ V5' hQXtxat uvtoig r« -toiavxa v.al ci'xoi ^kvovSL. sic de bonis baeredi- tariis Herod. II, 36, 2 ibiuue luterpp. Cic. p. Flacc. 36- hereditatem , quae ad utrumquc lege venisset ctt. de Invent. I, 45- neque eniisti (eqiuim) ne~ que hereditate venit. — rj fisGr] r. n. Mesopotamia, quam ab oriente Tigris ilumen claudit, ab occidente Euphrates. 9. oxl [iT\. v. ad Arrian. I. c. 1 , 6- — noQtpvQcc , h. e. iGd~rjg tzeqi- TtogcpVQog , clavus ille pttrpureus tunicarum, etiam Persarum et Komanoriun regium insigne. ceterum Lucianus supra dial. mort. IV, 6 eundem Alexan- drum tangit taeniam caudidam purpureamque vestem gerentem. — irctl ovos hcviv, quandoquidem non eat, quippe qui non /labcam. supra Arr. [. c. 5, 10. cf. M. §. 618- — TtQoayQVTtvcov ctt. vigilando quod ego quidein vos anteeo y dormiendi copiarn video esse vobis. c. 2, 1- dllci . . ydQ,^a£ enim. dllcc ad senstim voci ixTiqGetpfjy ad- struendum est, sed particulae illae quamquam duffs proprie orationis partes indicautes, in nnum sclent confundi et cum ironia quadam vel cpfrigentis esse ve! opponentis. nos : aber freilich wohl; aber vielleieht etwa. — 0.716- vcog , idem fere quod modo legimus afia^sL — rig vfioov rj . . rj-, quis ve- strum scit, utrum ipse plures pro vie labores subierit , an ego pro illo? 2- dv'A E. c xi, i. e. ovolv xov 0. vid. ad Arrian. I. c. 2, 7- c. A, 1. — onXov c'x %tiQog, quae cominus tractantur anna, quibus opposita sunt ra eccpLS(.iEvu , tela ex machinis atque eminus excussa. hinc f.iQoi , BiXn dnb firjxavrjg dcptt[isva. — TtaidfiEvog , ut latino j'erire pariter dicunt 71. (ia%aiqa, GtdtJQq) , noalv^ ac jr. X6y%aig , xo&vfiaGiv, GcpEvdovuig, cf. ad Arr. II. 'c. 2,1- 190 APPIANOT TCaGrjg yrjg %a\ &aXd66i]g %a\ navxeov Ttozapcov %a\ oooSv xal nsdiow Ttdvzcov yd^ovg ze v^lv xovg avxovg yEydprjua zccl noXXav v^cov ol 3 Tcaldeg 6vyy£V£lg eoovvca zolg Ttaiol zolg i^olg' art ze ca %Q£a i]v , ov 7toXvTtQuy{iov?]6(xg sop' oza iysvEzo , zooavza psv {iiad-ocpooovvzcoVy xo6avza 8e aoTta^ovzcov ? otcoze ex noXioQXiag aoTtayri yiyvoizo , 8ia- ksXv^ica xavxa' Gzscpavol ze %qvGoi xolg nXuGzoig vpcov eIg\ {ivtipEla xrjg xe MQEx-rjg zijg v^EXEoag ymI xr\g it E(iov xiftijg dd-dvaxa. oGxig 8s 4 fa) Xttl CCTCE&ttVEV , EVxXEYjg {IEV aVXOJ 1] XeXevZT] EyEVEZO , TVEQLCpCiVrjg 8s o xdopog* %aXxal 8s al eiKOVsg zcov tcXelGxoovjjizol egzuGiv , ol yovEig 6 evxi]xoL eigi Xsizovoyiag xe ^vpicaG^g %cu EiGcpooag ccitTiXXqy pivot ' ov ydq xig yE cpsvycov vpdSv ixElsvza ipov dyovzog. %al vvv xovg 5 anoXipovg vpcov &]\coxovg xolg olxoi anoitE^Eiv spsXXov • dXX etzel- §1) Ttdvzsg ccTtiEvai ^ovXeg&e, arcixE Ttdvzsg' %ai drtEX&ovzEg oXxot ciTtayysiXazs , 6x1 xov fiaGikka vpav AXi^avSoov , vixcovxa {lev FLeq- Gag xal Mydovg %al Baxzolovg %a\ Edxag, xazaGZQEijjdpEvov 8s Ov^lovg xe xal Aoa%CQXOvg %a\ Aodyyag, %exxt]{ievov 8e xa\ Uao&v- Q aiovg xa\ XcoQaG^iovg xal Tonaviovg sGzs etcI xi)v &dXaGGav xr\v KaCTtlav , vnEofidvza 8e xov KavxaGov vtceq xag KaGKiag rcvXag xal TiEqaGavxa 'Sijj-ov xe xov noxa^iov xal Tdva'Cv , szi 8e xov 'Ivdov tco- xa^iov ov8ev\ aXXcp ozi ft?} AlovvGoj TZEqa&EVza , xal xov r T8a67ti]V xai xov AxsGivrjV xal xov r T8Qac6zrjv ? xal xov"TooaGiv 8ia7iEqaOavxa 7 ctv , el {.17] %x ^'^ f CdvxLyuvrj) %qv6riq cc'gicc Tifirjg lct%uv; 4. Xi-Lzovgyiag. vox ipsa (Xr'izcv , lilzov) signiiicat munera publica, munera quae communi omnium utilitati deferebantur (XtizovQyziv, ut Gram- niatici interpretantur , f/g xd 8ri[i6(5iOV t Qya.'QE6&/(tiart, ov8s rig 7jy,oXovd'}]G£ zco fiaGtlsl djcaXXavzo^Evcp on t u-?} oi a^icp avxov ixaiQoi xe %a\ ol Gco[AazocpvXax£g • ol 8e rcoXXol ovze [isvovxsg o xi nqdxxovGiv ij XiyovGiv styov , ovxe aTtaXXaxxsG&ai i\&eXov. 7» £7tuvriya.ysxs , h. 1. sensu intransitivo indvo8ov TZOislGftai , ut cen- ties et huius verbi composita et id genus alia, supra Arrian. I. c. 1 , 1. Diod. Ill, 2 med. ETZiGXQEcptiv. ibid. HI, 3 extr. IV, 3 extr. 4 extr. dva~ %d{XTTT£iv. cf. ad Aelian. XXII. Long. II, 2. Athen. II, 8- Pausan. Ill, 4« IX , 2 extr. add. Bernh. Synt. p. 339 sq. — i'Goyg , h. 1. ut saepius pro At- tica quadam urbanitate atque ironia scilicet, utique , sane quidern. comp. olfiac iuterpositum (v. supra ad Lucian. dial. m. VII, 1. VIII, 4. ad Long. II, 4.) mox SrjTtov nimirum , et Lat. fortasse. Hor. Sat. I, Q, 98 ibi— que Heind. 8- ovdh ig rijv v. vid. supra ad Arrian. I. c. 1, 1. add. Pausan. VII, 3. — rovroig 8e , observa Ss adversativum ex constanti fere usu Arriani sic in Apodosi positum, quantumvis supervacuum credideris. lib. I, 23, 4- OG01 8s . . xazaXccfifiavoivzo , zovzovg 81 Gco'Qzlv TtaQijyystXEv. ibiqiie Interpp. — cpiXsiv, ad viros translatum eorumque necessitudinem i. q. dyuituv , ^svi&iv, Kara ipv%i]V , ut aiunt Grammatici , cpililv, nostro vero loco i. q. xvvslv y zoig %£iXsgiv uCTCu&Gd'cti. — o2 Gco[ictTOCp. Krug. Articulum uncis sepsit. v. ad Xen. Ill, {. — ovte f/ivovzEg, exspectes vel ordine inverso, de quo hy- perbati genere Herm. ad Soph. Truck 382. Xen. Anab. VII, 2, 33- OTCcog ^ojtjv fir] ilg zrjv ZHsivov Tgdnz^av dno @ X etz tov. comp. ad Long. II, 3, vel potius : ovze {xeveiv zi tzq. fj X. dyvoovvzEg } ovze dnaXX. tJ&eXov* AT2I0T A0HNAIOT. El jilv ?]yov{iriv oiov zz stvca, co TtaqovzEg litl xcp8z im zdcp®, 1 Xoyco SiqXtiGai z))v zwv iv&ads xzi{XEvm> 3 in lucem editus est omnibus ex re avita vivencli copiis abundans. quin- decim aunos na-tu's cam Herodoto historico Thurios profeetus., sex subinde septemve lustra peregrinator in patriam rediit et ipsius moribus artibusquo Tisiae (ad. Diod. II, J) scbolis rhetoricis excultis et rebus publieis aliquan- tum mutatis, regu.ahant cuim triginta viri, a quibns exsul factus a'nnuus , Megaride mox redux cum Socrate vixit familiarissime et diem denique obiit octogenarius a. 378« Orationes Lysias scrip'sit quadringentas vigiuti quinque teste Plutarcho, in iisque egregie res Atheuiensium civiles depictas qui ac- curatius examinaverit profitebitur. quod quanto minus velirri de panegyrica dictum, qiuilis bacc est oratio ('ErtiTtxyiog zolg Koqlv&icqv porftoig), tanto earn spero intellectu faciliorem vobis fore legentibus. continet autem laudes Atheniensium initio belli Corinthiaci occisorum (3f| a- C.), quas ut rite Ly- sias persequatur, ab ovo ut aiunt osdiendinn ceuset celebratissima quaeque, qnibus et Graeciae et omnium rerum Graecarum immortalitas maxime parta, breviter atque in transcursu adtingens. — Edd. I. I. Pieiske. Lips, j 772- 8- I. Bekker. Berol. 1d23- 8- cf. Wolf ad Dem. Lept. p. 363- Bernhardy w. Synt. p. 310, quibus vereor ne nimis cupide vo^Eiag conderanetur oratio nostra. 1. zojv ivftudfi -a. i. e. in Ceramicu sepultorum, bello Corirrfliiaco cae- sorum. v. ad Pint. V, 1. — EfiSfityttfjLrjV ay. cf. ad Lucian. dial. m. IV, \. add. M. §. 508- b. — ■ i'% okiycov rj(iSQaiv XiyEiv. quae quamquam copulanda, iu mente tenet quod modo dixerat zoig eTt'ayyEiXaOiV , cui verbo etiam ma- gis videatur t'| Praepositio convenire, quurn Xsysiv, Eltleiv 1% xivog fere conditionem vel causara indicpt, cur quis dicat. iam vero pro iis, qui man- data dederant panels ante diehus per synchysin quandam sententiarum ipse dicitur inde a panels diebus disserens , h. e. orationi exercen , v^ivovvrag (isv iv rolg codalg , Xsyovxag 8' iv ralg rcov dya&cov (ivij[iaig , ri(icovrag 8 iv rolg naigolg rolg roiovroig, nai8svovxag <5' iv rolg rcov rs&vscorcov SQyoig rovg £covrag. 4 *A}ia£6vEg ydq "Aqsog yclv to naXaiov 7}Gv.v ftvyaxsqeg , olnov- xr\v vtceq avxcov dixrjv e%qvglv oi ys nstadivTbg. comp. ad Pint. IV, 4 extr. minus accurate h. 1. dixisset d. dovvai. — ■xoiii&gQ'ccl, i. q. ttTtolttfipccvEiv, dnocpEQiiv (Xen. V, 34). comp. infra §. 15 svQiGxsG&ai. prius tamen illucl h. 1. aptissimum utpote solemne de honoribus mortuis rite tribuendis. 8. ETtidtL-A.vvGQ'tti , dicuntur quicunque speciem aliquam virtutis edunt. Aesop, f. JIT. comp. dnodii^aG^ai, Arrian. HI. c. 1 init. — xcov vofii^o- (i,EVCQV , quae apud mortuos sunt sancita, xacprjg rrjg vo{il£o[isv7]<;. 9. vnEQ (.i. xcov , Articulus pro demonstr. Pron k xovxcov. quern usum quamquam rariorem apud Atticos nolim tabtopere crimineris (viu\ Bernh. Synt. p. 310), tat inde aliquid extrices, quo arguatur oratio subditicia et non Lysiaca. ut alia taceam (cf. M. §. 287), quid facias eiusdem Lysiae oratione adv. Pancleonem §.8? nod xov , bg tcprj oeGTCOzrjg zovxov Etvai , TtctQtfco- fuxi ([xcxQTVQtt). — igv^QLGcoGtv . . einsldcoGi, Optativus suo iure h. 1. feren- dus sententiam pendentem faceret ex cogitatione pugnantium, nunc vero res significatur elfeeta, tanquam in ipsa actione posita. cf. Herm. ad Viger. p. 850- Thuc. I, 91. tcpofislzo firj ol AcxxEdaifxovioi Gcpdg ovhetl dcpcociv. VI, 42. ixlTJQcoGcxv , iv a (atjzs dnoqcociv vdazog . . hkI Qcxovg aQ%siv coGi. — tiqo- tsqov, prius quam res Atheniensibus acta esset, i. e. ut infecta re in pa- triam ne redirent. cf. ad Arrian. 1 , 1 , 2. ubi Ellipsis membri comparativi violentior. A6HNAI0T. 195 r ijg zvpjg iltecQ&ivteg ^EiQovog Ttaod Ka8ii£lcov ZL^icoqiag ETtsdij^fjaav, dik[ sxeivoig {isv avx\ rijg aGE^Elag xr\v savxcov r)g aya&ijg , xogovxov xivSvvov vtcsq av- zcov ^qavxo , rovg {ihv d8i%ov{isvovg iXsovvxsg, zovg d* v^ql^ovzag ^L60VVXEg m %Ci\ XOVg {IEV ZCoXvELV E7ti%ELQ0VVXEg , XOig 8' ETCIXOVQELV Vt.lOVVXEg , vjyOV{l£VOl EX£V&£QlCCg ^EV Elvai 6}]flEL0V {JL7j8eV 7C01EIV ccnovxag , 8ixcao6vvi]g 8e xolg d8iKOv\iEvoig fiorj&Elv , Evipv%iag 8' ^VTtEQ ZOVXCOV Ci^lCpOXEQCOV , EL 8eOL ? fU^OflcVoi;? CtTCO&Vl'jGZSLV. ZO- 60VX0V 8' ECpQOVOVV oco^ccta ug aouuv %az£6zrj6av, ccTt. — $ugiXsvo[i£vqvs .. . 8ida- A0HNAIOT. 197 20xcd ydo xoi xal cpvvtsg xaXcog xcd yvovxEg ofioia, TtoXXa [lev xaXd rial &aVfiaGxd ol TtQOyOVOl XCOV EV&ads XELflEVCOV HQyaGaVXO , CCci{lV1]Gta ds xal LiEydXa xal Ttavxa^ov ol k'E, Ixdvcov ysyovovsg xoonaia did zrjv avxcov uQctijv xaxiXirvov. fiovoL ydo vTteQ drcaG^g xrjg EXXadog 7tQ0g llrcoXXdg (.ivoiadag xcov fiaofidocov diExivdvvEvGav. 6 ydo xijg *A.Giag fiaGiXsvg ovx dya-xcov xolg V7tdo%ovGiv dyad-oig, aXX! eXto%cov xu\ xijv EvQCDTtijv SovXcoGEG&ai e'gxeiXe izEvxr\xovxa {jLVQLadag Gxqaxidv. rjyrj- Ga^iEvoi §s, si xrjvds xr]v itoXiv ij ixovGav qpiXrjv Ttonpaivro, rj axov- Gav xaxaGXQEtyaivxo , qadlcog xcov aXXcov r EXXijvcov aq'i-uv , aTtE$r\Gav tig Maoad-cova , vopiGavxEg ovxcog av EQr\[ioxdxovg sivai Gv\L\idyja)V xovg r 'EXXr}vac , el sxi GxaGia^ovGrjg xyg r EXXadog coxivi %Qrj xootxco 22 z ovg Eitiovxag dyLvvaG&ai xov xivdvvov Ttoir\Gaivxo. h'xi 6' avxoig i% xcov TCQOXEQcov h'oycov tceqI xijg rcoXscog xoicivxf] do'£a TtaqEiGxrjxsi, cog, El (l£V 7CQ0XEQ0V lit aXXrjv TtoXiv Xuoiv , IxEivoig xal y A9-7]vaioig 7tO- Xe^lijgovGi' Ttoodvcicog ydo xolg ddixovfiEvoig ij'ZovcSL (So7}&r]GovtEg' el <5' Ev&dde nqcoxov dcpi'Zovxai , ovdivag a.XXovg xcov EXXrjvcov toA- inqGEiv EXEQOvg Gco^ovxag cpavsqav s'/ftoav Ttqog ixslvovg vtceq avxcov ^xaxa&EGQ'ai. ol (isv xoivvv xoiavxa disvoovvxo * ol <5' ijfiixEqoi tvqo- yovoi ov XoyiG^ico sldoxEg xovg iv xco txoXs(ico xivdvvovg , aXXd vofii- fcovxsg xov evxXecc ftdvaxov d&dvaxov Ttsqi xcov dyadcov xaxaXsiTCEiv Xoyov ovx i(po(^i]&7jGccv to TtXrjd-og xcov Ivuvxicov , aXXd xrj avxcov doExrj (jlkXXov irciGXEvGav ' %cu aiG%vv6[i£voi , on i]Gav ol fidoPaqoi avxcov iv xrj %coqa , ovx dvifisivav Ttv&EGd-ai ovdh poi'jd'ijGca xovg Gv(.i(id%ovg , ov8' coiforiGav dsiv EZEQOig xijg Gcox^Qtag %dQiv£lc)Evai, Q&dXXd GcptGiv avxoig xovg dXXovg r 'EXX7jvag. xavxa (iiu yvco^rj ndvxEg yvovxEg dm\vxcov oXiyoi TtQog noXXovg. iv6(ii^ov ydy dnod'avEiv {ihv Cxopsvovg , Participia ad dv^Qconoig relata deserunt legilimam structnram. sed videtur xovzoig vicinum illud proximnm fecisse, ut orationem commutaret. 20. ncei ydcQ xol xal cp. x. etenim. eo profecto quod et — et ctt. — (iovol .. dcExtvdvvsvaav , cave per hyperbolen dictum censeas. pugna enim Marathonia praecipua fuit universae Graeciae gloriandi mateiies (v. ad Plut. V, 1.) , quod Atlienienses victoriam reportaverant soli. Her. IX, 27. fiov- v oi r Kllr\vcov ii o vv o (x a %r\ G a v x e g tc3 IJ£Q6t] . . ivixrjGaiisv. Thuc. 1, 73» cpa[i\v ya.Q MaQcc&aivi [i 6 v o l rtQOXLvdvvsvoai xai fiaQfiaQcp. hinc JSoster quoque maxime immoratur in extolleadis xolg MccQadcQVO(id%OLg, §. 20 — 27. 21- dyccTtcov. vid. supra ad Lucian. dial. m. VIII, 4. Plut. Ill, 1. — 7t£VT7]KOVxa [i. 6zQ. similera adpositionem habes Thuc. I, 96- hlXrjVOxafiLat 'A&rjvaloLg xaxEGzr] a'o^?f. in numeralibus Xen. Auab. I, 4, 2-3- ceterum in qningentis illis millibus qui offendat, videat ne operam perdat. quis enim numeraverit? — rjyrjGDCficVOi , tametsi praecesserat fivQiddag. v. Pausan. VI, 1. — cpXLVi. Bekkerus ro xivl — v. Buttm. Gr. mai. §. 14. not. 10- 22- eI .. i'lXGiv , signilicatione futuri temporis, ut mox el dcp(t;ovxai. quo tempore quod in conditione positum est vix sustinuerim atque eilectum iri vel negaverim vel noluerim. infra §. 32- §. 45- aliis exemplis demonstrat Kriig. ad Xen. Auab. IV, 7? 3. — xaxa&tG&ai, tyfiqav ut dicunt ito^av, %ciQLV , EVEQysGiav , cpiliav 'Kaxa^so&ai. Herod. VII, 178. Thuc. I, 128. quocum subit comparai e Ciceronis illud collocare apud aliquem benejicium. 23. ov XoyiGfMp ttdozsg ctt. similia de moribus Atheniensium Pericles apud Thuc. II , 39- xaixoi £i §uQ"y : fii;id fiallov rj novcov iieXextj . . e&eIo- (iev mvSvvEvsiv , nEQiyiyvExai ijidv xolg xe [isXIovglv dlyEivoig fir] tiqo- xdfivEiv, xal is avxu eX&ovgi (ir) dxolfiotEQOvg x<5v del no%&ovvxcov cpai- vtG&ai. — xaxalsiTtEiv , comp. infra §. 24 xazalsiipELV , eodem verbo vo- [ii£co praegresso. 24. TtQog it. adnotari potest structura vocis dnavzdv pro vulgatiori 198 AT2I0T avxolg {itxcl tvcxvxcov 7tQ067]KSLV, ccycixrovg <5' slvai psx oXiycov, zcuxctg psv tyvyctg aXXoxqlag did xov ftdvaxov XEKxiJGxrcci, xyjv d* ek xav %iv- dvvcov pvi]pr\v 18'ictv %ax aXs itysiv. vfeiovv <5' ovg firj povoi vlxcqev, ovd' 6 zrjg'AGictg PccGiXevg, KaxacpQovrjGag27 psv xijg EXXadvg, itysvGpsvog 8e xijg iXnidog , dxipa^oi.csvog 8h xco ysysvrjpEvcp , d'f&opsvog ds xrj GvpcpoQix , oQyi^opsvog ds xolg aixioig, cc7tad"t]g <5' cov %ancov ym\ ccrvEiQog dvdQCov dya^cov , 8s%dxco sxei rva- QaGKEvaGapsvog %iXiaig psv %a\ diaxoGiaig vuvgIv cxcpixsxo , xijg 8h Tts^ijg GxQccxvag ovxcog cctvsiqov xo TiXij&og rjysv , coGte kccI xcc £&vy\ xcc [iet avxov ccKoXoV'd'ljGcxvxci tvoXv av EQyov sir} %axaXs£ai. xo 5h ^£-28 yiGxov 67j(i£iov xov nXrid-ovg' i'E,6v yaQ avxoi) %iXiaig vccvgI Stafiifi aGai ilia cum Dativo , occurrere, ohvium se dare alicui , quum proprie significet dn. tiqoq XL receptum habere ad aliquem aut regerere, respondere. Dem. Mid. p. 522? b. Ssi itQog ekccgtov cxnavtocv, orav ovtog Xsyr\. Aelian. v. h. VIII, 12* tukqotktcc u7zrjVT7]6E nQos xovtov xov loyov. infr. Lys. §. 30. §• 32. §• 52- — dycc&ovg , quamquam in prioribus avxolg nQOGij-Kfiv. v. ad Pausan. IX , 2 extr. — dllotqiag , h. e. animas se possidere quasi non per- tinentes ad se sibique ereptas. pertinet ad oxymora , quibus alterum altero tollitur. 25. xcov p. Gco{.idzcQV dcp. sanguinis atque animae suae prodigi , ut cum poetis loquar. Gcoficc , quod Latini caput dicunt utpote domicilium vi- tae. hinc xivdvysvstv iv xolg GcoiiccGi , §. 63- — tarrjaccv ctt. verba paullo perplexiora construendo adiuvemus : iGr,r\Ga.v iv xfj ccvxcov {yrj) , naqa xovg OQOvg xijg %c6Q7](iatcdv 8ls- cp&aoyJvoi • a^icpoxEQa 8' 7jv avxovg xa TtSid-ovxa , xso8og xal 8iog. 3(fAd"rjvatoi <5' ovxco 8Lax£i{iEvr}g xrjg r Elld8og avtol ^ilv slg xag vavg dafiavxtg etc ^Aoxe^Igiov ifforjftfyis&v , Aa%s$ aipovioi 8s xal xoov 6v{iiA.a%(ov Eviov slg @EQ{i07tvlag aUrivxrfiav , TJyovfiEVOL 8ia xr]v Cxs- Slvoxfjxa xcov iQOQicov xi}v 7taQo8ov oioi xe s6E(5d'ai Siacpvlaj-at,. ysvo- [ikvov 8e xov xiv8vvov xaxd xov avxov iqovov 'A&rjvaloi (isv ivixoov xrj Vctvpayia i Aaxs8ai}xovLOi 8s ov8\v xalg tyvyalg ivSsElg ysvo^E- voi , alia xov Tthjxrovg ijjEvG&svxEg xal ovg opvlatSLV ooovxo , xal rcoog ovg xlv8vvev6eiv e^eIIov , ov^ TJxxrjd'EVXsg xcov svavxlmv , all 32cc7tod'avovxEg ovtceq Ixayd'ipav poqsG&ai. xovzuo 8s xop xqotzoo xcov {isv SvGxvi7]Gavxoov , xoov 8h xrjg 7tao68ov XQaxrjGavxoov, OL (IEV ETCO- QEVOVXO ETtl X1]vSe XTjV TCollV , Ot 8' 7\\lEXEO0L TCOOyOVOl TCV&6[l£V0L [ilv xijv yEyEvr]\isvr]V Aa%s8ai\iovioig GvyLQpooav , aTtOQOvvxsg 8e xolg TtEQiEGXTjxoGi 7tQay{ia6iv, sl86xsg 8' oxi , si {isv xaxa yrjv xolg @ag§tXi Qoig aTtavxr](5ovxai , ETCiTtlsvGavxEg %iliaig vav6lv Eqri^iqv xr\v noliv lrp\>ovxai , si 8e tig xag xoirjQEig E^i]6ovxai, vtco xrjg TtE^ijg 6xqa- loyijoaLfisv ctv 7tovr]qoruxov 0EGG(xXlr]g Tracer. — cvzovg zee it. Articulus per hyperbaton postpositus. Soph. Ant. 33- zavza zoIgl [ifj elSogl. Plat. Apol. p. 39- c. itlEiovg egov- zai vfxccg ol sliyftovzeg. cf. Pansan. VIII, 4. Arrian. I, 2, 3- 30- Ttagodov. Hesych. sl'aoSog. diccfietGig. nos: sie glaubten den Pass behaupten zu konneri. Herod. VIII, 15. rjv ds Ttdg 6 dycov zoIgl dficpl Aeco- vidsa. zrjv EG§olr\v cpvlaGGSiv. 31- ivLXcov. secus Her. 1. c. 16« iv zavzrj zij vaviKX%ir] it a q a-7ilr\- 6 Lot clllrjloLGL iyivovzo. — zalg ipv%alg ivd. i. q. supra §. 25 ov cpilo- ipv%i]Gccvz£g. Diod. IV, 3 zalg ipv^alg ovh §vdi86vai. ceterum ne baereas in sententia totius enuntiationis neve deesse videatur verbum aliqnod fini- tura, repete quod ipso antitheto sponte tibi succurrit £vr/,r]d'?]G(XV ex svlkcov (rf. ad A then. II, 8.) , aut quod etiam magis placeat ex sequentibus iSvGzv- %Y]6(xv. cf. ad Lucian. dial. m. VII, 4- — K«l ovg ctt. i. e. xcd zovxcov {zov ttXrJTTovg) oi)g cp. go. -aa.1 zovzwv 7r()6g ovg -a. z. X. 32. zovzg) 81 zco zq. notabile est dl bac periodo octies repetitum (v. iafr. §.37«) ad contiuuaudara orationem, qua plura continentur, quae scri- ptor complectitur in unum. cf. Xenoph. IV, 19. neque auteni pluries posi- tum quemquam offendet. quater leges in Cic. Acad. I, 10, 36- ibi Gorenz. — ditoQOVVZEg , cum Dat. ut saepius apud Xenoph. KvQog zovzoig dnogav Anab. I, 3, 7- djtoQovvvEg zip TtQdyp.azi ibid. 5 5 13. — EQrjfirjv, frequen- tius sane Atticis eqt][aos forma feminino adposita , nee tamen prorsus dis- 200 AT2IOT xicig cxXcogovxcci , cx(icpox£Qcz 8 ov SvvriGovxcti ap.vvctGd'Cii xe %a\ cpv- XdK^V LKCCV^V KCCXCtXiTtELV ' dvOLV §£ 7TQ0K£l{LEV0lV , 7C0XEQ0V %Qr) T^v33 itaxoida ekXitcuv , 7} \iExa xcov ftaoficxqcov ysvopivovg naxadovXcoGcc- C&ca xovg r, EXXrjvag , tjyrjOa^svoi xqeixxov eivai ^ex doEXTJg %al toe- vlag kccI cpvyrjg iXEvd-Eoictv , rj fist ovEidovg %cti nXovxov SovXelcxv rijg TtctTQidog , I'ieliTtov vtceq xrjg'EXXadog xv\v tcoXlv , r iv iv ^isqei TtQog ekuxeqciv , ccXXd (itj Ttoog d^icpoxEQctg d{icc tag Swaging zivdv- VEVGCOGlV V7tEK&S(lEVOl §E JtW-Sttg %ttl yVVttllUXg KCtl {llJTEQCCg slg 2Jf(T-34 Xci^Zva Gvvfi&Qoi&v Koi to xcov cxXXcov 6v^^iaicov vavxiv.ov. ov tcoX- Xcdg <5' vGxeqov rj^EQcag ijX&E nctl r\ tce^tj oxqaxid %ct\ xo vccvxizov to xcov fittofidocov „ o xlg Idcov ow av icpoprj&'r] , cog fiiyag %ccl §Eivog xr\- 8e xrj tzoXei KLvdvvog vtceq xr\g xcov ? EXXy\vcov iXEv&Eoiag fjycovicsd'rj; Ttoiav dh yvco^LTjfif slypv t\ ol &£c6[isvoi xovg iv xcdg vccvGlv ineivaig f 35 ovGrjg xal xijg avxcov Gcoxr\QLag diciGxov seal xov %ivdvvov TCQOGiovxog, 7\ ol [lEXXovxEg vccvftctirjtiEiv vtceq xrjg cpiXox^xog , vtceq xcov ci&Xcov xchv iv EciXa^iivi; oig xoGovxov navxa^od'Ev tceqlelgX7]kel nXrj&og tto-36 Xe^LCOV , COGtE iXdyrfXOV [LEV CLVXOig EiVCii XCOV TCCZQOVXCOV %CCKCOV xov ftavaxov xov avxcov TtQOEidEvav , [lEylGXfjV 6h dv^icpoqav , a vtco xcov fiaqfidQcov Evxvirjcsavxcov xovg VTCEVLXEd'Evxag ^Xtcl'^ov tceIgeg&cu. ^7rou37 did xr\v v7tciQ%ov6av ccTCOQiav icoXXdvag {lev idEt-icocjccvxo clXXi)Xovg, e1- xoxcog cjh Gcpag avxovg coXocpvoavxo ' eldoxsg liev xctg 6cpEXEQccg vavg oXlyccg ovCag, oQcovxsg 6h noXXcxg xctg xcov tzoXeiilcov , ETtiGxdiiEvoi 6h XVJV LIEV %6XlV 1JQT}{lC0{lEVr]V , XY\V §£ ^COQCiV 7tOQ&OV{lSV7}V %Cil (IEGX1JV xcov ficiofictocov , Ieqcov §h zccLO^iEvcov , cLTtcivxcov 6 lyyvg ovxcov xcov3S Seivcov , ccKovovxsg dh iv xavxco 6v[i[iE[ny[iEvov r EXXr\vi%ov xccl (3uq- pctQiKOv naiavog , 7tctQCMeXev6{iov d? d^cpoxiqcov ncti xQavyijg xcov plicuit altera, qua Noster utitur. Xeri. Anab. I, 5, 4. Jro'Ztg §Ql][ir]. Thu~ cyd. IV, 26- iv vr t G(p iQ'ijfirj. comp. infr. Lys. §. 49. 33- iv a . . KivdvvEVGojGiv. vid. supra ad §. 9- plura disputavlt de hac commutatione modornra apud Lysiam haud sine iudicio post tempora prae- terita Coniunctivo utentem I. H. Bremi in excursu ad Lys. oratt. primo p. 435 — 36. 34- vnEnd-EfiEvoL , infr. §. 36- vox solemnis de lis, qui pericula instan- tia toleraturi quidquid in deliciis habent alio transferunt et deportant. idem vocabulum de eadem hac migratione ap. Thuc. I, 89. — o rig Id. ov% civ icpofirjdr] — ; queni exercitum qui conspexerit , cuinam existimatis non timendum fuisse? interrogatione dernta: ovdzlg (Igziv) oGtig [it} cpo^rj^T]- GSTctL s. oi'o[x(xi anavxag (po^rj&rjvat av Idovxug. infr. §. 40- comp. Xen. IV, 13. 35. xrjg ccvzcov G. alii ccvtrov. illud non minus vere ac §. 28 rjyovfiEVog t/)v diazQifirjv civzcp (alii ccvztp) nollrjv s6£G&cu. comp. supra ad §. 2- — V7CEQ x. cpiXozrjzog, pro carissimis pignorihus. quae facile ? opinor, suspi- cionem movere possint. sunt enim molestissima h. 1. 36« xov ccvx. 7iqoEi8ivciL. Bekk. xov ccvzcov, zca avzov nooEidivcn, ctt. sex libris refragantibus. quodsi optio datur, non difficile augurari quid tibi eligas. — rilm'Qov , sperandi verbum Graecis atque Latinis in metu frequens, proprie se negare dicturis malum sperare. cf. ad Pausan. V, 4- 37- r\Ttov , h. e. profecto dicat aliquis ; mitigat enim aliquantulum Ttov adseverationem xov r\. Bekkerus 7\ nov. — Isqwv 8s . . dsivaiv , quae ne omni orationis continuation! adversentur, subaudias licet e praegressis /j£Gtt]v, et iubente sermonis ratione cum Reiskio sufficias : Ieqcov x a — anoLVxeov x' iyy. 38. dxovovzs g , per zeugma huic uni iunguntur plura , quorum suum ASHNAIOT. 201 SiacpdEioofiEVcov xa\ xijg &aXdxxrjg ^ECSxrjg xcov vexqcov kcu tcoXXcov {LEV 6V\l7tl7lX0VXC0V %d\ CplXlCOV Xa\ ttoX£[llCOV vavaylcov ? CiVXlltdXoV ds Ttolvv %oovov ov6i]g xijg vavpayiag , SoxovvxEg rots (isv vEvixrj- 39xev cov evliv- 8vvevov %al rtodg ovg etcoXs^ovv , iqyE^ovEg ysvsGd-ca xrjg r EXXu8og. vGxeqco 8s XQOvep r EXXr]vi'/,ov tcoXs^iov viaxaGxavxog 8ia £ijXov rcov y£-48 yEvrtfisvcov %a\ cp&ovov rcov TCETCQay^iviov , ^sya (isv aicavxsg cpQO- 43- r%aig TiiGxEvGavxsg %al xcov Imovxcov %axacpooviqGavx£g , ol yEoaizeooi %al ol xrjg rjkmiug evxog 51yeyovoxEg vi'iiovv avxol (xovoi xov %lvdvvov TCOirjGaG&ai , ol fi£i> ip- nsigla xi)v doExiqv , ol ds cpvGsi y,SY,xr\}xsvoi , %al ol (isv avxol itoX- la%ov dya&ol ysysvrjiisvoi, ol 2tzoleiv dvva^ivcov JVLvocovidov Gxoaxrjyovvxog ccizavxt'jGccvxEg avxol slg xr}v MEyapwrjp ev'izcov [iay6[iEvoi arcaGav xy)v dvva^iiv xr\v ekei- vcov xolg nt]8r\ aTtEioiiKoGi %a\ xolg ovtcco dwa^ivoig , xovg Eig xy\v OQGcpExioav ifi^aXslv d'^icoGavxag Eig xr)v dXXoxoiav anavx^GavxEg , xqo- Ttaiov ds 6x7\Gavx£g xaXX'iGxov [isv avxolg eoyov , alGyiGxov ds xolg TtoXs^itoig , ol fisi> ovkexl xolg GcopaGiv , ol 6' ovtcco 6vvd(isvoL , xalg ds ipvyaig d^cpoxsooi Kqsixxovg ysvo^EVOi , {lExd xuXXiGxrjg do'Zrjg slg xrjv avxcov arceXd-ovxEg ol \hev itdXiv ETtatdsvovxo, ol ds tceqI xcov Xol- ncov spovXsvovxo. 54 Ka& hxaGxov psv ovv ov Qadiov xd vtz6 tcoXXcqv KivdvvEvd-svzct sxttGTOi . . . iXufificcvov , quam desideramus constructionem Genitivi absol. subito interrumpit , continentur enim tria in his vel certe duo nomina : omni- bus superb ienti bus , quibusque autem minutarum criminationum egentibus, Athenienses (quod petendum ex verbis vav[ia%iag 'A&rjvaiotg ctt.) naves ceperunt. 49« xrjg rjXtxLccg , i. e. xav ev r\Xiy.iu, xcov rjXiKicoxcov. cf. Lobeck ad Phryn. p. 469. T]Xlxic( autem aetas militia'e apta, ut infra §. 50. — &£siv, h. 1. rariore quidem nsu , abstrahere exercitum ab aliquo loco , sed dnd^ELV cum Reiskio scribere nihil opus est. — ■ rsqavsiu , nomen montis et, ut quibusdam visum, oppiduli Megaram inter et Corinthum. 50- dnovtcov , scil. slg AlyvTtvov. iyyvg ovx. sc. iv AiyivT}' totam periodum Participiorum structuris mire variatam paulloque hegligentius col- ligatam Belckerus adiuvit aliter atque rectius distinguendo quam olim, apo- dosin inchoari docens* a §. 52 verbis MvqcoviSov 6xqa.xr\yovvzog ctt. — ol xrjg r)X. evxog, citra iustam militiae aetatem constituti , quibus opponuntur ol yeQttiTSQoi, s. ol Extog rjlLKLctg. cf. ad Aelian. XXII. — avxol fi. ipsi soli, quod alias solent {iovoi avvoi, quum priori illo ordine fere i. q. avxol aut {iovol. sed h. 1. oppositionis vis illud postulabat. 52- avxol, h. 1. nihil aliud quam avxol [xovoi §. 50- cf. ad Arrian. TV, 1 > 6- — xolg iq§r} dnetQ. defatigatorum ope ; vermittelst ders. est enim Da- tivus quern dicunt instrumentalis cum ivUcov iungendus. quod idem vocabu- lum dominatur in duo Obiecta sine vinculo nexa, &. xrjv dvvapiv et xovg . . afcicooavxag. 53. ol (ihv . . dvvdfisvoi , satis putida baec et nauseosa utpote bis terve repetita paucis mutatis §. 50. 52. — enaidevovxo . . i fiovXevovzo , il- lud de artibus litterisque , quibus qui aetatem militarem nondum adtigerant domum reduces instituendi, hoc de re forensi, quae decet aetate sapientia- que probatos. 54. xa&' EKaszov. Lys. or. p. bonis Arist. §. 57. I'va dh el8t)x8 xal 204 ATZIOT — . . . _ ■ ■ — ■ vcp evog qrjd'rjvat,, ovdh rd ev anavxi tw %qovco Ttqa-ffievra ev pia r^ieqa SriXoad'rjvca. rig ydq dv rj %qovog 7} loyog rj qi]xcoq Ixavog ye- voixo liTjvvaca rr]v rcov ev&dde xeipevcov dvdqcov dqexijv ; perd TtXel-55 cxrov yaQ tzovcov K'al cpaysq cordi way dycovmv xcii xalllaxcov xivdvvcov ilevd-eqav phv iTtoirjOav rrjv 'EXXdda , (i£yl6rrjv 6' dniSsigav rrrv eav- rcov rcarqida, efldo^jxovra ^lev err] rr\g &aXarxt]g dq^avreg , dora- Ciddrovg £s 7iaqa6"i6vx£g rovg dv^dyovg , ov rolg oXiyoig rovg tcoX- lovg dovXevew d't,ico6avxeg , cilia, to Xaov e^eiv ditavrag dvayxd-oQ Gavreg, ovdh rovg avfifidxovg da&evelg itoiovvxeg , dXXd xdxeivovg 16%vqovq xad-itixdvzEg xal trjv avxcov dvvaiiiv roGccvrrjv enideiiavxeg, wW {isyag fiaodevg ovx h'n rcov dXXoxqicov iTes^Vfiei , all' edldov rcov eavxov nctl tvsqI rcov Xoltccov icpopeizo. %a\ ovxe rqirjoeig ev57 ixslvcp rco %qovco ex rrjg Aoiag etzIevGkv , ovrs zvqawog ev rolg "EXXvfitv xaxeGXT], ovxe 'Elhplg Ttolig vtzo rcov fiaqfidqeov rjvdqaTCO- diO&rj. roGavryjv 6cocpqo6vv7]v xal deog rj rovxeov dqexr] TtaGiv dv- •Q-qcoTtoig itaquiev. cov evexa del povovg xal nqoGxdxag rcov r Elh]- vcov xal rjye^ovag rcov tcoXecov yiyvea&cti. ensdei'^av dh xal ev ralg^S 8v6tvilaig rrjv eavrcov dqszijv. djtoXo[JiEvcov ydq rcov vecov ev r Elh]6- Ttovrcp eXxe 7}ye\.\.6vog xaxia , el're ftecov diavoia , xal Cvpcpoqag exei- vrjg iiEyiGTTjg yevo[ievr]g xal i^ilv rolg dvGxvyjiGaGi xal rolg dlloig c 'Elh]6iv , edr\Xco6av oy noXXco %qovcp vOxeqov , on 7) rrjg TtoXecog §v- va[iig rrjg Ellddog r)v Ccorr]qla. exeqeov ydq r]yepovcov yevoyJvciv^d evi'/Apav {lev vav^iayovvxeg xovg r/ EXXrjvag 01 nqoreqov eig rrjv $vXar- rav ovx e^fiaivovreg , STtlevCav 6' elg rr]v Evqcomjv , SovlevovGi §e Ttoleig rcov r Ellr]v cov , rvqavvoi , cum Messeniis, EMis a Lysippo vexatis (Xen. hist. Gr. Ill, 2, 30)> aliis sociis Lacedaemoniorum pessime actum erat. Athe- nienses igitur et Boeotii foedere cum Corinthiis Argivisque icto adversus so- cios istos , ut ait, pugnabant libertatem redclituri. — xcov avxcov, idem, quo ipsi utebantur, imperium populare communicare cum Peloponnesiis co- habanturi haec enim summa universi belli , si quidem Athenienses respexeris. 69. itZLVOig, xolg Aay.EOa.ip.ovLcov 6V{.t[io:%oig. — dya&olg, non solum in rebus praeclare gestis, sed in quibusque patriae decoribns ornamentisque. vox enim latius patet. 71. cogze a^iovi omisso verbo auxiliari , ut supra Xen» IV, 18* Lys. A0HNAIOT. 207 rolg £co6t> rovzovg txo&elv xal Gcpag avrovg oXocpvQEG&ai %al rovg Ttoooijxovrag avzcov iXsELV rov irciXoLTCov fiiov. rig yaQ avzolg art ojSovr} xuTcdBLTCEtca roiovzcov dvSocov d'cc7tzo{.LEVG)V , oi Ttdvza tvsqI iXdzxovog rijg aQErrjg r\yov\x,£voi avzovg (isv aTCEOxigrjOav fiiov ? %r\- Qg. la.y%dvELV quo iure proprie sibi poscat Accusativum exposuit Bernh. Synt. p. 176- 178' 79. ovh bniTQixpuvzsg .. tvxj], non fato alicui permittentes arbitrium sui. — kccI yccQ zoi , recte pro vulg. %uixoi yh.q Bekk. aliique. v. ad §. 42. 80- Gocpictg (dycovsg) , edita sunt Graecis etiam poeseos et eloquentiae certamina, quae quin huic loco maxime conveniant, ex eo etiam non dubi- tas, quod supra legimus §. 3> ubi v^ivilv poetarum est, 7-iytiv et tificiv ora- torum atque omnium omnino soluta oratione utentium. quamquam prius illud ab orandi arte non prorsus alienum. Pericles ap. Thuc. II, 42- zr\v noliv vfivrjccc. — cog . . zifiuG&cci, v. ad Aesop, f. II extr. 81. xqhtzov E ivui , illis solis existimo expedire quod nati sint. simili- ter Eurip. Alcest. 982- xi /xot £rjv drjxu xvdcov , cpiXot; ubi Schol. %qelz- xov. plenius Xen. Apol. 33. tyvco CSaynQd.zr]g) zov cxi grjV zo xE&vdvcu. avzm V.QEIGG0V Etvcu , quae quaiis sit ratio formulae y.qeIzzov ElVUi cum Dat. et Infin. te edocebunt. I20KIUT0T2 A0HNAIOT. 1 IloXXovg v^n2v ol^iai &ctv(ict£sw ? ijvtiva nors yvcotirfv e%aiv fesql CcorriQiag xr\v 7VQ06odov i7toir}6cc[ir]v, cqGtcsq rrjg noXscog iv xivSvvoig ovGijg | 6cpccX£QCQg avtrj tcov TCQccyparav KadeoxajToov, aXX' ov TtXuovg lihv rqi^QSig r\ 8icmo6iccg X£KT7}[A,ivrig, UQr\v7iv 61 Y.aX xa Tteyi rrjv %q)- Isocrates anno 436 a. CL 01. 86 » 1 Atheuis natus est et paucis diebus post cladem Chaeronensem (338) mortem occubuit , nihil suis ultra relictum augurans nisi vel vivere vel perire cum dedecore. pietate patris Theodori mature litteris instituto secunda filio adolescenti fortuna obtigit, ut Socrates indolem eius ad virtiitem pronam fovefet et ingeniurii altioribus studiis irii- pertiret, veram eloquentiam demonstrans perenni philosophiae fonte irri— gandam. orator subinde quamvis cum Theramene oratoriae artis magistro, cum Platone, Xenophonte, aliis vixerit familiarissime, tamen isti viro divino tantum non omnia videtur accepta retulisse , quibus quam Athenis aperuit scholam rhetoricam quasi ad dicendi officinam provexit universae Graeciae celebratissimam et adolescentes ab omni cura forensium exercitationnm avo- catos docere coepit prudentiam cum eloquentia iungere* Orationes Jsocratis genuinae viginti quinque, si alios audis viginti una etiamnunc superstites numerantur , quarum quam hie proponendam diiximus Areopagiticam ('/. 'AQSonayiTiHog) iure aestimant efricacissimam ad animos modestiores red- dendos legumque plebeculae imperio refragantium amantissimos. etenim ora- tio anno fere 354 a. C. scripta in eo potissimum — id qtiod nomen ei indi- dit — versatur, ut Areopagitarum senatum rigidum istum tutorem legum a Solone latarum in pristinam dignitatem restituat et optimis civibus res admi- nistrandas commendet. atque exordio facto, quo pessime actum cum civitstfe Atheniensium docemuf bonis institutis orbata (1 — 15) , res Solonis Clisthenis- que temporibus gestae praedicantur fortunatiores (J6 — 28). causae positae in ipsa administratione , in pietate erga deos, in mutua civinm benevolentia, in auctoritate Areopagi (29 — 38)* virtutes huius senatus (37 — 56)- refuta- tis denique qui oratorem imperio paucorum studere opinentur, cives , ut peiore rerum statu spreto meliorem adpetaut, admonenttir. — Edd. Ada- mant. Corae's (KoQCtrjg). Paris. 1807. 8- Imm. Bekker. or. Att T. II. Berol. 1823. 8. 1. vfiaV, oratio quamquam non liabita est, coram populo Athenie'hsi, quem Isocrates adloquitur, haberi fingitur. — ngooodov in. ut infra" §. 84 formula propria de iis , qui copia dicendi concessa in concionem prodennt consilia daturi. nihil igilur aliud quam Demosthenicum illud nuQ£Q%£6&ca sis xov Srjfiov. comp* §. 15 nq66o8ov dnoy^excpsa^ai. iam Orator acturus est nEQc 6oaT7]QLCis i. e. de salute publico. , ne quid respbl. detrimenti ca- piat. — co aXXcog xe %al xrjg phv TtoXsag iq^icZv tcoXv rMxadEEGXEoov vvv 7ZQaxxovGr\g rj kclx Ikeivqv xov %q6vov , xov dh (.uGovg xov xcov c EXXrjvcov v.a\ xijg s%Q'Qag xr]g TtQog fiaGiXsa naXiv dvaY*EY*aiviG\K£W\g , a xoxe xaxE7toXs{ir}6£v Tj^iag. 9 Aitooco dh tiqxeqov vitoXdfico (iriSev ^eXeiv v(ilv xcov xowcov tzqu- y^idxcov ij cpqovxl^Eiv {ihv avxcov , sig xovxo c¥ avaiG&rjGiag tfxsiv, coGxe Xavd'dvuv vyuag tig OGr\v xaqapjv t] rcoXig %a&£Gxiq/iSv. ioixaxs ydo ovxco diciKEiyiEvoig dv&ocojtoig , olxivEg drcaGag phv tag TtoXsig rag l%\ ®Q tzqXiv ?Jfta>vl2 VTtOTt£GovGr\g %m fierce vy}v Kovcovog vav\x.ajiav xal {i£xa xi)v Tfyio- &£ov CTQCiVYjyiuv ovdiva %qovov zeeg Evxvpag uaxaGyElv iqdvv^'d'rj^Ev, cilia raxioag duGxaqiipriGa^Ed'a xctl dielvGa^sv avxag. nolixdav yaq xrjv OQ&cog av xolg Ttqay^iaGi %qi]6aiisv7jv ovx e%o^ev ovxs xalcog f C,y\- TOV{iev. xaixoi xag EVTtqaylag aizavxzg Xg^ev %a\ itaqayvyvo^ivag xa!13 naqa^EvovGag ov xolg xa xzlji\ xalliGxa xal \kkyiGxa TtEqi^E^lri^E- voig, ovbl xolg {iexo. tcIeIgxov av&qcoTtcov elg xdv avxov xotcov Gvvr\- •d-qoiGpEVOig, alia xolg aqiGxa xal GcocpqovsGxaxa xr\v avxcSv tcoIlv SiolxovGiv, eGxl yaq tyv%rj Tcohcog ovdsv sxsqov v\ Ttohxeia xoGavxyvl^ h'%ovGa dvva(.w , QGr\VTt£q iv G(0(A,axi cpqovrjGig. uvxr) yaq iaxiv ij povlsvo^ivi] ireql anavxeov , xal xa phv ccyxx&a diacpvlaxxovGa , xag dh Gvpcpoqag SiacpEvyovGa. xavxij xal xovg v6(iovg %a\ xovg qrjxoqag %a\ xovg iSicoxag avayxalov ioxiv oiioiovd'ai %a\ Ttqaxxziv ovxag sxa- Gxovg , oXavTtEQ av xavxr\v eicoGlv. r\g rj^iElg diEcp&aqiiEvrjg ovdsvio cpQOVxi£o{iEv , ovdh gxotcov^lev OTCwg iTcavoq&coGo^iEv ccvztjv all' etci (iev xoov iqyaGx7]qi(ov xa&i^ovxEg xaxriyoqov^Ev xtav xa&EGxaxcov, %a\ Xiyo^iEv cog ovdznox iv 8r\^oxqaxla xaxiov iitoliXEvd'ri^.Ev, iv dh xolg TtQayfiaci xal xalg Siavoiaig alg £%0[i£V (lallov avxr\v ayajtco^iEV xijg V7to xmv TtQoyQveov xaxalEicp&ELGyjg. vnlq rjg iyco jcccI xovg loyovg tiillto TtoulG&ca %a\ xt}v TtqoGodov aTi£yqaipa[ir}v t EvqiGxw yao xav-\Q tTjv jiovTjv av y£vo^i£V7jv xal xcov {lellovxcov xivdvvcov aTtoxqoit))v %a\ xwv ixaoovxcov xaxcov aitallayY\v , rjy e&eI^Gco^iev ixslvrjv xrjv drj^o- XQaxLav avalafolv , i]v 26lcov {ihv o dr][AOXLKCoxaxog y£v6(i£vog ivo- [to&ixriGE , KlsiG&ivrjg 8' 6 xovg xvgavvovg EKpalcov %a\ xov dr^iov naxayaftov nahv i| aQ%rjg %ax£Gxrj6£v. 7jg ovx av evqol^iev ovxe 8r r \"] flOXLXCOXEQaV OVXE Xfj Tt6lu palloV 6viL(pEQ0V6aV. XEXlHTiQlOV 8h (jLEyi- axov ot [lev yctQ ixsivy %qc6(Ji£VOi, 9 nolla xa\ xala diaTtQa^a^Evot, xa\ %aqa TtaGiv av&QKmoig Ev8oxi[iy]GavxEg naq exovxcov xcov r Ell^~ vcov X7\v 7Jy£{iovlav slafiov , oi ds rijg vvv 7taoovGr]g iitid'V^yiGavxEg, vno navxeov (iLG^ivXEg xal Ttolla xal §£iva ita&ovxEg (alxoov anili- Ttov xov {it} xalg EG%axaig 6v[i(poqalg tceqitzegeIv. xa'ixoi Ttcog #^18 12. vtco r. 7t. vid. Bernh. Synt. p. 267' — 8i£6xa()i(pr]6d(isd'tt , res secundas celeriter destruximus , quasi unguibus scalpsimus. recte enim He- sychius : SiaaxaQicprjoai kul oqvecov xcov xols ovv&i Gxalsvovrav xr\v yrjv xvqlcos Xsyexai. I4i. uvxrj, intell. f} noXixBia. — idicorctg, ut alias Idiazai et |tVof, vel apud Deraosth. adv. Aristocr. §. 62 &Q%onv et Idiaizrjg [magistratus ct pripatus) nunc rhetores oppositi sunt hominibus de plebe. Hesych. Idtcotai, TioXlxai. 15. xa&t^ov te$. v. supra ad Long. II , 4. nostro loco vi intran3. ■con- sidentes in officinis, suetis illis apud Athenienses confabulandi tabernis col- legiisque iufimae faecis populi. v. Ind. Demosth. ScJiaef. s. v. i^yaovrjQiov. — t. xa&EGzcozcQV , de rerum qui nunc est statu; tj xaroc6TU6i$ trjg noli- xEiag. — tcq. cc7t£yQttipcciir}V, moris fait', ut 6 7toirjGccfi£vog 7tQo6o8ov (§. 1.) noraen et rem, de qua dicturus esset, magistratui profiteretur in tabella per- scripta. similiter v. simplex Dem. adv. Timocr. §. 48. itQO&oSov yqccipaa^ai vtQog xr\v fiovXrjv. 16. £* 6 drjfiozixiozaTog. infra §. 59. Arist. Nubb. 1187. 6 SoXcov 6 naXaiog r\v cpiXoSrjfiog xr\v cpvoiv. Dem. de Cor. §. 6. supra Plat, IL 17- zsKfiTiQiov 3h (i% infra §. 35. 68. 82. yid, ad Lys. §. 28- — fiixgov dniXwov xov (irj . . zceqmegelv , alias fere usitatius ft. (xitilinEV ctt,, pa- ABHNAIOT. 213 xavxrjv xr\v noXiXEiav Ircaivuv jy GxioyEiv xrjv xogovxcov ph? xccxcov ctlxiav Ttqoxsqov yEvopEvijv , vvv 6h xcixr' exccGxov xov iviavxov etu to %eIqov asi cp£QO{i£vrjv ; Ttcog cf ov 8el dcdiivai, f0? xoGavxrjg etvi- doGscog yiyvoiiivqg xEXsvzcoyxsg slg XQCtyvxEQCi Ttqay^aza rcpv xoxe ye- VQ{i£vcov i£oxEiXco[i£v; 19 r 'Ivu 6s ft?) GvXXqfidrjy (xqvov ctxrjxooxEg , clkX' dxQificog slSoxsg itoiiJGxrE xcd xv\v cxXqeGiv %a\ xy\y nolGiy cevxeov , v^exeqov (aev EQyov £gx\ 7ZccQcc6%£lv v(iccg avxovg TtooGEypyxctg rov vovy xolg vtc i^iov Xs- yo(ievoig , lyco 8' cog ay dvvcofiai Gvvxo^4 Tccrci 10$ d^cpoxsQcov xqv- X(OV 7CElQ(X(SQllC(l dlsXxrSlv TZQOg VfJLCtg. 20 01 yCCQ %UX EXEIVOV XOV %QOVOV XTjV 7l6\lV SlOMOVVTEQ K€Ct£GXrj' GdVXO TtoXlXELCiV OVX o'vOfttm {LEV TO) KOIVOZCCXO) itm TtQCiOXCiXCp 7tQ0G&- yoQEvo(i£V7jy x litl, &s xcov Ttocct-Ecoy ov xoictvxrjv xolg £yxvy%qyQyG4 cpaLvo^iyrjv »., ovd* $ xovxqv xov xqotzov iitcddEys. xovg TtoXLxug, c&G$ TJyEiG/d'Qd, i»jv ply clxoXctGiav drjiioxQCixictv , xrjy d& TtccQavofiiav i\sv- ftEQiay , xr\v 6s 7taQQriciccv iaoyo(iiav , rrjv d' e£ovgIccv xov xavxa %oieTv Evdaipovictv , aXXcc {iiGoyGct xal xoXd'^ovGa xovg xoiovxovg (IeX- %\xiovg xcel GcocpQOVEGxEQovg anayrag xovg rtoXixag £7toir\GEv. \XEyiG.xoy 8 avxolg Gvve^uXexo nqog xq xaXcog olxslv xrjv itohv, oxi dvoiy li$o- xr\xoiv vo{ii£oiisvcav eIvch, %a\ xijg (jlev xavxqy anctGiy ci7tovE(xovGr}g, xrjg 6e xo tcqoGjjxov ixqGxoig, ovxt r\yyoovv xyv %QyGi[iCQZEQuv , ccXXcc xr\v [iev xcov avxcov ctj-iovGav xovg iQriGxovg %ca xovg 7tovY\oovg ciTts- ^Idoxipci^ov cog ov dMCiiyv ovGay, xr\y dh xazd. xrjy ti^iav ExaGxov xi^lco- Gav xai %oXcc£ovGctv TCQorjQovvxo, xccl Slu xcivxr\g coxovv vigv itoXiv ov% i'£ ditccvxcov xc\g uo%c\g xX-^qovvxEg, clXXcl xovg §£XxiGxovg %ul xovg Ina- vcoxdxovg Icp ExaGxov xcov SQ.ycov TtgoxQivovxEg. xoiovxovg ycca r^iti- riter ac latiae hand Tiiultum abfuit quin inciderent in extrema -pericula. sic niqtniiixELV c. Dat. §,. 27. §• 64- 18. GTEQyuv , ampleQti '., acquiesceze rebus , pro vulgatlore wytaiav. Isocrat. Demonic. §. 29« GtEgys ra naqovra. Dera. ad Callicl. §, 30« Gtsq- yco xr\v xv%f]v xcel rd^avrov rpvXcczxEiv itsiQccGOficu. cf. infr. §, 27«, — nag y o,u- diente , regnante rege ctt. ot tvzvy%civovT£S, igitur h, I. qui una fuerunt cum Solone atque experientes illarum rerum facti su?it. — zocvxa it. h. e. to r\ytiG&cii xr\v d^olccGiav 8f]fiouQ(xziciv ctt. 21- GWEpuXszo. cf. Aelian, XXXII, 5- Xen. hist, Gr, VII, 1 % 35. liiyct GWE^dllszo zat riElo7tL§u Etg zb zifiacd'ca. — qIkeXv , c. Ace, sae- pius ut Swwuv, adrninistrare % regere. sic oIkslv oIkov , $Lov al. atque fit ubi meruiri oLkeiv significet vitam -politicam viyere. infr. §. 53. Plat, Me- nex. p. 238- b. Txeudsv&ivzEg ovzcog ol TiQoyovoi Snow noXizsiccv v.oczcc- cxsvuGufibvot. — iGozi]zoiV ctt. Genitiyos adtrahit ad se quod sequitur ver- bum x. %Qr}Gi(.icazEQCiV , ut sensus sit : quod duarum , quae creduntur esse, aequalitatwii — quarum altera idem omnibus adtribuit , altera vero ae- quum iustumque singulis quibusque , — non ignorariait utiliorem. 22- zctg UQxetg xX> magistratum sortientes y sorte ducentes non ex omnibus, sed iudicio adhibito eligentes (TtgoHQivovzEg) ctt. quod de Solo- nis ClistheBisque institutis dictum adparet. nam multo post auctore, ut pu- tant, Aristide aojjal quae vocantur y.Xnqtozal et ciIqexcu s. %UQOXOVT]XKi constitutae dicuntur. cf. Tittmann Gr. Stvfssg. p. 308 »q« 214 ___ I 20KPAT0T2 £ov sGEG&cu xccl xovg uXXovg, olol tzeq civ cogw ol xcov Ttoaypcixcov iniGxaxovvxEg. %%Eixa %ccl drjiioxLTicoxiqav ivoyu^ov elvcti xavxr\v t?)v23 HaxaGxaGiv m\ xr(v dice xov Xuyictvsiv yiyvo\x£VY\v iv \Cev ycto rj} vXy\- qcoGel xv\v xv-/r\v pQctfievasiv , %a\ TtoXXanig Xitysc&ca rag aqxag xovg oXiyciqyiag iTti&vpovvxag , iv 6s xco tzqoxqIvelv xovg iitiEiKEGxcixovg xov drjpov k'asG&ca nvqiov zUg&cii xovg clyuitcovxag \LCiXiGxa xr\v na- &EGxcoGav Ttolixsiciv. aixiov 5' t)v xov xavxa xolg TtoXXolg ccq£Gkeiv2& kcu {irj TtEQipaxrjXOvg eIvcu xcxg ccq%ccg , Zxi fiSfia&riKoxsg i]Gav ioya- t > E<$d'Cii Kca (pei&EG&cci, %a\ p) xcov [isv ohsieov cIiheXeIv, xolg tJ^eqcch iaccGzi^v ooftcog xccl vo[il{xcog TtQ&zzovzeg SiezeXeGciv. avayxrj ydq zolg tceqI ZXcov xcov TtQCtypuzcov xaXag rag vTto&EGEig TiSTtairjfiivoig %a\ xa {liar} xov avzov XQOTtOV E'fElV ixElVOig. 29 Kcth tcqcozov (iev xd tceqI xovg d'EO'ig, ivzEv&ev yccq aq^EG^ai 8i~ %aiov , ovk avcopakcog ovcf ctzccnzcog ovz e&eqcctcevov qvz cooylcc^ov OvS' OTZOXE (IEV 86'E.EIEV CiVZOig , ZQlttKOGLOVg fiovg MtZE^TTOV , OJtOtS 6h xv-foiEv, xag rcazqiovg frvGiag ij-ihsmov ' ovdh zag (xev im&irovg. eoq- xag, cdg EGzlccalg xig tz^ogeIt}, ^EyaloitQETtcog qyov, Iv 6b xolg ctyico- SQxCiXOig XCOV IEQCOV CC7CO yLlG&COfidzCOV h'&VW CiXl! EKELVO (JLOVOV iz{\- QOWy OTtcog inqcMv (itjze zcov itazolcov %axaXvGovGi pv\x e'S,co zcov vo$u- foiiivcov tvqog&tjGovGlv. ov ydq iv xcdg tzoIvzeXelcuq ev6(xl^ov slvcci Xr\V £V6E^ELaV, CiXX! EV XCp {JiriSEV KIVEIV COV CiVZOig 01 TtQOyOVOl TCCiQE- doGctv. %ca y noXXovg Ofioiovg xolg jjxteglv ditofiaivEiv , iv olg av exaGxoi naiSEv- & dvafiaivstv Elg"A. tc. sic Cic. Divin. I, 25- Sophocles adscendit in Areo- pagum , detulit rem ctt. — xoiovxov av. Bekfc. ex uno Cod. xotovro. si ad uspm Isocratis adtendas, illud praeferes. vid. etiam Bremi ad Lysiae oratt. sell. p. 22. var. lectt. 39. zi}y d. TOittvzqv, sc. fiovXtjv, hunc igitur talera Senatum, quo mox referas verba 77 — ivoai'Cfiv sic ordinanda : r\ ivofi, dyvoslv (parum, nihil sapere) xovg olouivovg, ivzccvd'cc yiyvEG%a.i |5. ccv§Q(xg. — ticcq' olg ( quamquam praecessit ivTccv&cc, infra §. 47 tccxq' olg uzv — kccqcc xovxoig — onov di ctt. — KelfiEuoi. §. 41* v « Aelian. VI. — %VExd ys. v. ad Ar- rian. IV, 1, 1, 40. dXloc ydq. v. ad Lys. §. 77. — ditoQaivEiv , Latinorura fieri, evadere, ut recte Hesych, conferri iubeat yiyvEG%ai. Plat. Symp. p. 181. a. ag ixv HQa%ftij , zoiovsov dnsfir]' xaXcog (lev yug ngaxxofisvov — Jta- X6v y iyvszai, arj d^cUg 8h alG%Qov. — olxElG&ai. v. §. 21. 218 IZOKPATOTZ vA%£6&ai, Selv 8h rovg oo&cog TtoXixEvoyiEvovg ov rag cxodg ljUjrt-41 mkqvai yqa^dxcov , dXlt iv ralg tpv^aZg e%eiv to dixaiov ov ydq rmg tj)rjq)i 35. quid leges sine moribus vanae pro- ficiunt ? 43- yifiovzag. §. 51. supra Plut. V, 5. cxrjvocg navzodaTCcov %qy\nax(ov yEfiovaag. Diod. 1,4* 1? %(oqm zaQa%rjg nai SiaQnayrjg iysfiEv, — xaXcov iTtiTTjdsvfiaTcov ctt. quales fuerint labores voluptate quasi conditi, mox ipse innuit. vid, etiam supra Plut. I, 7- eiusd. vit. Solon, c. XXII. — ccv, c. Inf. v. ad Lys. §. 75- 44- nzql x. fiiov, h, 1. ut saepissime (§. 45«) oca Gv^itpEQEt nqog xov §iov , tceqI xtjv ovcCav. — iJQfioxxsv, impers. ut aptum erai singulorwn facuhatibus. — yscaqyiag. vid. §. 32- 45. dvaiQOvvxzg ctt. atque extremis qnidem suppliciis banc causam ma- lorum (xrjv aqyiav) sustulerunt veteres Athenienses. Plut. I, 7. — \mtiVLr\v . . tpiXoGocpiav , ne quid tibi orator praetermisisse videatur artium ingenuarum, velut poesin , musicam , facultatem dicendi , sciendum omnia philosophiam complecti ad liberalem doctrinam pertinentia. hinc ap. Isocr. cpilo6ocp£iv Xoyov, cpiXo60(p£iv tieqI xovg 7toirjxds ctt. quod superest apte Interpp. b. 1. comparant Ter. Andr. I, 1, 29 s. Quod plerique omnes faciunt adulescen- tuliy Ut animum ad aliquod studium adiungant , aut equos Alere , aut canes ad venandum , aut ad philosophos. — 8iaxQi§ELV , id fere quod §. 42 67tOv8a.&LV KEQl XI. A0HNA1OT. 219 &szi]Gavz£g ovdh zov Xoitcov %qovov toXiycoqovv, dXXd diEXopEvoi zr[V fihv noXiv xcczd xcoiictg, zr\v ds %coqav xcczd di\^ovg idscoqovv zov fiiov zov sxaGzov , xcti zovg dxoGfiovvzag dvrjyov slg zr\v fiovXiqv' rj ds zovg (A<£v evov&szei , tolg cf rJTtstisi, zovg d* cog TtqoGrjxEv ixoXa- £ev • rJTtiozavro ydq oxi dvo xqorcoi zvyydvovGiv ovxsg ol Jtal rcqoxqs- QJitovTEg etcI zdg ddixiag xai Ttuvovzsg zcov 7tovy\qicov • ?cctq olg (juhv ydq ft)jr£ cpvXctxrj (i^zs ^r^ila zcov xoiovxcov xcc&sGxrjXE , pf9-' at xqiGEig cxxqifislg eIgI, Tvctqu zovzoig {aev diacpO'EiqEGd-ai xcd zdg irtiEixslg zcov cpvGscov , OTtov ds (i7}Z£ Xcc&slv zolg ddixovGi qddiov e6zl, pjre CpdVE- qolg yEvopsvoig Gvyyvc6{irjg xvyslv ? ivxccv&a (f itixiqiovg yiyvsG&ai ASxdg xcixori&Eiag. cctceq ixuvoi yiyvcoGxovxEg d^icpoxsqoig xatslyov xovg TCoXixccg , xdi zcclg zi^icoqiaig xaX zalg sTti[iE\sicug' zoGovxov yaq k'dsov avzovg Xavd'dvsiv ol xaxov zi dEdqaxoxEg , coGxs xa\ zovg iiti- do£ovg a[iaqx7]G£G&ai xi TtqoiqGd'dvovxo. zoiyctqovv ovx iv zolg Gxi- qeccpEioig ol vecqxeqoi diizqiflov, ovd' iv zalg avX^zqiGiv, ovd' iv zolg zoiovzoig GvXXoyoig, iv olg vvv dirtfiEqEvovGiv , dXX' iv zolg i%izr\- dsvpaGiv h'lisvov, iv olg ixdy&viGav, &avyid£ovx£g xca fyXovvxEg zovg sv zovzoig TCQCozEvovzctg. ovxco d' scpsvyov ztjv dyoqdv , toGx eI xcd Ttozs disX&slv dvayxaGd'Elsv , (i£xd noXXtfg aldovg xcci GcocpqoGvvrjg &9icpMVOvxo xovxo noiovvxEg. ccvxeitieIv ds xolg TtqsG^vxsqoig r\ Xoido- QijGccG&cu dsivoxsqov iv6{ii£ov , r[ vvv tceq\ xovg yovsag i'E,a^.aqxElv. iv xctTtrjlELCp ds cpayuv v\ tcieIv ovdslg ovd' dv olxsvrjg S7tL£iKi}g IroA- (iqGsv ' GE^vvvsG&ai ydo iyLElsxcov, dXl' ov ^Qo^oXoiEVEG^ai. %al xovg svzQctTtiXovg ds xcd zovg gkcotczeiv dwapivovg, ovg vvv svcpvslg TtqoG- ccyoQSvovGiV , ixslvov dvGzv%slg ivopi^ov. $0 Keel prjdslg oUg&co fis dvGxo\cog duxnuGd'cii itqog zovg zavxrjv 46« cohycoQOWy sc. tmv voficov, quod mente revocandum atque peten- dum a v. vofio&STsZv. — Kara xcofietg, Grammaticis vox explicatur uficpo- dos j GTEvog t07tog, Gtsvconog , ut commode convertas Stadtbezirk, Stadt- quartier. sic agri Attici partes raox uavoc drjpovg discretae , i. e. in curias quasdam sive municipia divisae, unde cives cognomen habebant. — ivov- &£t8l . . inolci&v. Plut. Sol. c. 19. xr\v avco fiovlrjv (Areopagum) £7rt- Cxonov TtccvTCOv xccl tpv\c£KK t&v voficov EKOcftiGsv (Solon), add. Demosth. adv. Aristocr, p, 627 > 20- • — dvo tqotcoi , quas duas rationes leges §. 47* 47^ naq' olg filv ctt. qualia sint antitheta res ipsa loquitur, prior enim ratio (xQOTtog) continetur verbis tckq' olg (xsv -r- naqcc zovzoig [ilv ctt., aU tera illi opposita vv. onov ds — ivravfta ds ctt. 48. togovtov y. edsov, quod alias legere memineris zoG. 'sdsi zovg x. v. dsdocexozag. v. B. §. 151 , 7. cornp. supra §. 17 fiixgov dnsXinov, — Gxi- Qccysioig, vett. Grammatici interpretantur xv^slcc , xvfisvrriQitt, aleatoria. — iv t. avXrjZQLGiv , recte Coraes : iv too zona ovrtsq oixovciv al avXrj- ZQidEg. cf. supra ad Aesop, fab. IX. alias eiusmodi formulas, ubi pro abs- tracto nomine coneretum v. Bernb. Synt. p. 57. — iv olg vvv d. v. ad §. 15. ■ — (xyoQCCV. sic ephebi bene morati ab adeundo foro arcentur Arist. Nubb. 985. xd7UGzr]6EL fiiGslv uyoouv ctt. ubi Schol. svzav&ci yaQ ol itavovqyoi diu- zql@ovgiv. accedit quod causidici tabernaculum ibi collocarant. cf. ad §.51« 49. iv KKTtrjltLG), olim Areopagitarum fuit cavere, ne quxs cauponas et similia loca inhonestiora intraret, iam vero temporibus mutatis mutati mores et virorum et feminarum, ut ex pluribus locis Comici praesertim in Lysistr. adparet. — oi)g vvv svcpvslg ctt. hodie convertere licet: die man itzt fur ein Genie ausgiebt, hielten iene fiir misrathcne (ver- ungliickte) Talent e. Sv6Tv%hl$ igitur ut Dem. Olynth. HI. §. 21- ov yocQ oiizcog acpqcov ovd' dzvxqe sifii. 220 ISOKPATOTS $%0VTccg rr]v rjXixlav. ovxe ydg i]yovpai xovxovg alrlovg uvai xcov yiyvopEvoov y Gvvoidec re xolg nXsiazoig avxoov nqxiGxa yaioovGi xavxrj tj] xaxaGxaGu, 8l i]v h%£Gxiv avxolg sv xalg dxoXaGlaig xavxaig St,a- zqI@elv> doGx 7 ovx dv uxoxcog xovxovg l%ixi\xcoy\v , aXXd 7EoAt) dlKCtlO- xeqov xolg oXiyoo tzqq rj[icov xv\v noXiv 8ioixr\GaGiv. exeIvoi ydo rjGavol ol TcooxosiffavxEg iiti xuvxag rag oXiycooiag xal xaxaXvGavxsg xr\v xr\g fiovXijg 8vva[iiv. rjg £7aGTmxovGrig ov 8ixcov ov8 l EyxXxipdxvov ov8 elocpOQCov ov8e itEviag ov8h tcoXe^lcov y\ noXig eye^isv , dXXd xa\ noog aXXyjXovg nf\Gvylav u%ov xai TtQog xovg dXXovg artavxag Elqr\vriv ijyov. 7iaQEi%ov yccQ acpctg avxovg xolg (iev"EXXt}Gi niGxovg , xolg 8e /3a£|3a-52 Qoig (pofiEqovg. xovg (ihv ydo GEGcoxoxsg rjGav, nctocc 8h xoov 8lxriv xr[Xmavxr[v EtXrjcpoXEg, &Gx dyarcdv EXEivovg eI \x,y\8ev exi kkkov red- G%oiev. xoiydqxoi 8id xavxa (jlexo) xoGavxTjg aGcpaXsiag Sirjyov, coGxs xaXXlovg elvca xai TtoXvxEXEGXEoag xag olx^GEig xa\ xag xaxaGxEvdg rag hcl xoov dyocov jj xag Ivxog xEiyovg, xai noXXovg xcov TtoXixoov (irjd sig xdg eooxdg slg ccGxv xaxafiaiVEiv , dXX' aiQElG&ai, (jlevsiv etu xolg idloig dya&olg (idXXov , 7} xcov xqlvcov tmoXavEiv. ovds ydo ra53 TiEQi xdg &ECQQlcig, cov evex dv xig t\X$ev, aGEXycog ov8* vTtSQfiyidvcog, aXXd vovvE%6vxcQg etcoIovv. ov yda ex xcov no^iTCoov ovff ex xoov tceqI xag yoqr\yiag (piXovEiximv ov8 ? ex xcov xoiovxcov dXa£ov£ioov xv\v EvSai- (Aovlav ISoxi^a^ov , dXX* ex xov GoocpQovoog olxslv xa\ xov fiiov xov nctd 1 rtfiioav xa\ xov fnqdiva xcov tcoXlxcov drcooElv xcov imx7}§£icov. il- cbvTtEQ %Q7] xotvEiv xovg cog d?>r}d'cog ev nodxxovxag xa\ {irj cpoqxi- xcog TtoXixEvo^evovg' ETtsl vvv ye xig ovx dv bti xolg yLyvo^ivoig^ xcov ev (pqovovvxeov dXyrjGELEV y oxav X8r] noXXovg xcov itoXixcov av- xovg {iev tveqI xcov dvayxaioov, effl £%ovGiv eix.s fi^, rtQQ xqju dwa- 50. Gvvoida . . x not. % M^ §. 548, 2- de ovte — z£ particulis (neque ' — et, que) ita statuendum, ut negativa praeeunte posterior gradationem atque sententiam efficiat graviorem. — xolg oliycp it. r\. Plut. praec. reipbl. ger. T. IX. p. 237. 8l EcpidXzov 8s xr t v t| 'Aqelov nccyov fiovXijv hauilvovSE (JIeqixItjs). add, C. Sintenis ad Plut, Pericl. c. IX, 28. 51. tlocpoQoov. v. ad Arrian. IV, 1, 4. — iyxXTjfidziov , accusationes falsaeque delationes in dies magis manarunt per Graeciam ex multitudine litium (dixojv), et ci^m ista morum corruptione simul et pauperiern et discor- dias et bella irrupisse praesertim ab iis concitata, qui blanditiis verborumque conversionibus populum ad se pellicerent, res nota, hinc drjfiayaxyol et no- Xsfionoioi, ap. Plut. Cim. c. 19. Nic. c. Q. 11. 12. — - eT%ov , . r\yov y -pace fruebantur , pacem servabant, §. 1. infhi £. 80. cf. Xen. IV, 19. ad Plut. II, 2 rxtr. 52. Ttaqk Ss xcov, exspectes xovxmv. sed vid. Bernh. Synt. p. 310, qui nostri loci haud immeraor aliis exemplis firmavit. cf. etiam ad Lys. §. Q. — dyanav . . ft c. Opt. comp. §. 73 cum Indie. — dyqmv. vid. ad Pausan. VIj 3- — cciQzla&cti . . (iccXXov , malle. cf, supra §. 5- uiox §. 57« 53. ov8l y. xoc &. t. ftscoQias ctt. etenim aevo Isocrateo instruebant luxuriosissime sacrificia (§. 29) , ut publicos reditus iara non in classern cxercitumque, sed in dies jestos. adparatusque ludorum effunderent. hue pertinent nominal, %op^y/at, ad quas adornandas tria quattuorve miilia drachmarum a singulis irapendebantur. — craqp^oVfog otxslv , quid sit vid. §. 21. — tog dXiyd'CQS , h. 1. ex eadera ellipsi explicandum , qua cog xa. noX- Xd , ut plurimum, cog iiti xo noXv , saepissime. v. §. 5« — ■ cpoQxixm^ i. e. fiaQiaxs, iTcax^dSs. A&HNAIOT. 22 i CT7]qIcov %XrjQOviiivovg f rcov S f e EXXr\vcov rovg iXavvEiv rag vavg fiov- Xofiivovg TQecpuv dl-iovvxag, %a\ %OQEvovxag {ihv iv iqvGolg tixaxioig, %£i[icc£ovvag 6' iv roiovroig, iv olg ov ^ovXoiiai Xiysiv , %cd rotavrag dXXag ivavxicoGsig tveqI ri\v dL0ixr}6iv yiyvo^hag , cti {isydXrjv al orator didit: auch mir sagten sie drohe sogarGefahr, dassctt. — Hi6o87](iog, osores populi et democratiae haud multum abfuit quin omnibus temporibus vocafentur in crimen laesae maiestatis. sic Critias apud Xeno- phontem, Appius Claudius apud Plutarchum ftaVTCov ^t,i.Go8r](i6Tatoi. 58. GvvsdQOvg rj GvyyQacpi ag , consessores aut viros legum scriben- darum causa deligendos, qui pariter ac TtQofiovXoi illi a. 413 a. C. n. con- stituti suramarn huius rei potestatem habebant {avxonqdtOQig Thucyd. 8, 67) atque imperio paucorum maxime favebant* -*- to txqozsqov, anno 410 a. C. n. 222 IZOKPATOTE Ttavxsg I'gxs %a\ naxowv tj^iIv ovGav %al tiXeiGxcov uya&cov %a\ rij no- Xei ym\ rolg aXXoig 'EXXrjGiv alx'iav yEy£vr\\K£VY\v , u^og 8s xovxoig vtvo roiovxcov ccvSqcov vo^o^Exij^ElGav %al naxaGxa&slGav , ovg ovdslg oGxig ovx ixv o^oXoyiqGEis drjiioxixcoxaxovg ysyEviJGxrai xcov tvoXixcov. coGxs navxcov av ftot Gvupairj Ssivoxaxov > si xoiavxqv Tcolixsiav elGtj- yov^svog vecoxeqcov 86%aiyLi TtQay^idxcov i7ti&v{islv. sitEixa ndxsl&svQO qadiov yvcovai xi)v s^rjv 8idvoiav sv ydq rolg nXuGxoig xcov Xoycov twv siq^evcov vie i(iov cpavrjGofiai, ralg {ikv 6XiyaQ%iaig Hal xalg TzXsovE^iaig etiixiiicov, rag 6' iGox^xag %a\ rag 8r][iozQaxiag STtaivcov, ov TtaGag, alia xdg naXcog %a%r£GX7}xviag , ovd' cog exv^ov , dXXd di- KCiicog %a\ Xoyovsyovxcog. ol8a ydg xovg xs TtQoyovovg rovg 7}(jLEXEQ0vgQ\ sv xavxr\ xrj %axaGxaGEi itoXv xcov aXXcov diEVsyxovxag , %a\ AcckeScxl- liovlovg Sid xovxo xdXXtGta TtoXixsvoixivovg, oxi (idliGxa d^^iozQaxov^ psvoi xvyvavovGiv. sv ydq xrj xcov dcjycov aiQEGEi %ca xco §Uo xco %a& > r^LEQCiv kccI rolg aXXoig rolg ETtixrjdEvpaGiv idoifisv dv izuq avxolg rag iGotrjrpcg %a\ xag o^iOLOxrjxag pciXXov vj Ttagd xolg aXXoig C6%vov- Cag' olg hi {isv 6XiyaQ%iai tcoXe^iovGlv ? ot Sh xaXcog drunoxqaxov^ vol y^co^Evoi 8iaxsXovGiv. xcov xoivvv aXXcov noXscov xalg STticpavs-ftQ Gxaxaig %a\ psyiGxaig , jjv s&xa&iv ^ovX^&cofiEVj zvq7]Goi>lzv rag §y\- lioxQaxiag paXXov ij xag oXiyagyiag 6v(icpEQ0v6ag' etzeX %a\ xi]v ?][i£- rEQav TtoXirsiav , rj Ttavxsg STCixipcoGiv , ?jv TtaqafidXcoiiEV avxiqv (irj TCQog xy(v vtl Efiov yri&ElGav , dXXd Ttqog xr\v vno xcov XQiaxovxa nu- raCxacSav, ovdslg oaxig ovx av &£07Coiy]xov slvai vo{jli6eiev. BovXo^iav d' el %al xivsg fia cpriaovciv s'ico xy\g VTtod'ECiEcog Xsysiv,Q3 59- Tcdrgtov. Beldc. ex nno Cod. recepit naxqlav. §. 29 natQioi &v- Giai. comp. Isocrat. Encom. Eelen. §. 63. — ovdelg oGtig ovk ctt. eandem formulam habes §. 62. proprie : quos nemo est qui non maxime populares fuisse prof essurus sit. iam vero slvai auxiliare supprimere in hac loquutiono legitimum, ut Pronomen negativnm a relativo omnino separari non possit et syntaxis totius enuntiati eo conformetur. hinc enira ov negatio pro fit] expli- canda atque ratio eorum locorum i quibus alteram alterius Fronominis casum vi quadam adtrahendi sibi adsciscit. v. B. §. 148? 6. not. 8. Herm. ad Vi- ger. p. 709. 60- ov5' cog Wvyjov , neque temere nee casu id perfect , sed ctt. nos : nicht vie sich's eben traf. potuisset etiam cog szv%E. cf. ad §. 48' iafra §.71' bxuv 8s xv%co. 61. on [i. drjfiov.QaTOVfiSvot, r. quod omnium maxime democratia utuntur, h. e. eo imperio populari, senatorum (yEQOVtcov) regumque potestate ternperato , quale quum omnibus gentibus orator noster turn suis civibus sa- luti fore iudicaverit. fuit enim, ut ipse Isocrates ait, forma reipbl. Spartanae mixta, imagine antiquae Atticae efficta. Panath. §. 153, ubi L} r curgi mentio fit, cog (xL(.iri6ixy.ivov xrjv 8ioLv.i-}Oiv — xr\v xcov TtQoyovcov x&v rjficXEQcoVi xczh xr)v xs drjfiOXQCCzitxv -xarttOTrjoavTog nag' avzolg xr\v d^iGtcmqaxict [it- (iLyfitvTjv, TjTtEQ fjv itKQ rj/iuv , kuI rag uQ%)v xrjg QQ'd'aXcixxyg ; Kal {isv 8r] xal rd8s rig ov \lvy\\iov£vei rcov r]Xixicoxcov xcov Eftcov, xr]v (isv 8r]{ioxoaxiav ovxco xoG[it]GaGav xijv tcqXiv xal xoig lEQoig xal xovg oGloig, coGx exl xal vvv xovg dcpixvov^Evovg vo^l^elv ccvxrjv a£lav sivai jit?} (iovov xcov r EXXi]Vcov aQ%siv, dXXd y,a\ xcov aX~ Xcov ciTcavxcov, xovg 8h xqidxovxa xcov (isv dfisXrjGavxag , xd 8s 6v- XrjGavxag y xovg 8s vscoGoixovg etu za&atQEGEL xqicov xaXccvxcov dito- 67 8o{iivovg, slg ovg ?J TtoXig dvrjXojasv ovx iXdxvco %iXicov xaXdvxcov ; dX- Xa. ^L7\v o\)8s xy[V noaoxY\xa. 8i%aicog dv xig STtaivsGEis xrjv exelvcov paXXov r} Xr]v xov 87]{iov. ol (asv ydo iprjcpicsijbaxi TzaoaXafiovxsg xrjv tcoXiv TisvxaxoGiovg {.dv %al %iXLovg xcov tcoXixcov axqixovg dizkxxcivaVy avtrj rrjs rots , conferuntur res praesentes, ante oculos oratorfs obversantes et quibus usi sunt Athenienses subditi triginta viris. — xctvza. 8s, refer ad zl collectivum. Plat. Theaet. §. 30. xi nor' sgtlv, a diavoov^sd'a; ubi alii perperam xlva. cf. Heind. ad Gorg. §. 136' 8 s autera particula additur filo orationis quasi abrupto verbis ft 8s xi kuXov ctt., quae accuratius sane ad- necterentur: xa 8s xccXdig 8LU7tS7tQay[iiva — xavtct TteiQCiXslnsiv. 64- dncolsGaiisVy clade ad Aegospotamos accepta a Lysandro, qua tan- tum non. omnis vis navalis Atheniensium periit. — (xrj tcolsIv xo tcq. , de quibus supra exposnit Xen. I, 4 sqq. — ticf' stsgotg. v. ad Lys. §. 44* — tovs 8. r. oliyaqxiaq ett. notatur fraus Theramenis. Xen. 1. c. §. H. 65- x. all. uxgonolsig , praeter alias urbes i-ecordemur Megarorum, Abydi, Lampsaci , Thasi , Byzantii, quae fracto paullatim irnperio popular! ab Atheniensibus defecerant. de v. d'AQonolig vid. ad Pausan. VJU, 1. — ol cpsvyovtss x. duce Thrasybulo , ut supra Xen. TI plenius enarratur. 66* Y-oGynqGaGav. Dera. Phil. B. §. 30. anavxec — yLvr\yiOvsvsx ol8' ox i QTjd'svta. cf. Xen. Anab. IV > 3, % hue pertinet svqlgksiv intelligere cum Ace. Participii supra §. 16. Ad rem quod attinet, Periclis h. 1. Cimo- nisque etiam sine me nemini non in mentem veniet. — vscoGoUovg, Hesych. to. vscSqmx, sv&cc 97 vavg ysi[icovog slGcpsqszai. —*• dnoSofisvovg. duo86- C&ai med. i. q. vendere, rccoXslv, quocum saepe iungitur. Xen. Symp. 8> 21. 6 iv dyoQG, TicaXtav nai d7to8i86fisvog. verte igitur: quis non meminit ty- rannos navalia tribits talentis destruenda vendidisse ? 67.^ alloc (irjv ovSs x. tcq. at vero s. atqui ne clementiam quidem* comp. r\ fiijv , ov prjv alloc, Kal (irjv. B. §. 149. s. v. [itfv. M. §. 605. — ol [isv ydq, sc. ol TQiuxovza) quibus opponuntur ol 8h ZQat^Gavxsg ctt., alterum vero [xlv in societatem sibi adsumit verba slg 8 h xov 77. , ab ad- versativa vi fere recedentia. v. §. 69 et ad Xen. VII, 13. — ukqlxov$. cf. 224 ISOKPATOTZ tig 8h zov Ueiquiol cpvyslv nXslovg rj 7t£vzaxiG%iXlovg rjvdyxaGav • oi 8s %Qctzi]Gavz£g na\ (led- onXmv naziovzEg ctvtovg rovg aizicozdzovg rcov xancQV dvsXovzEg ovzco zd izoog rovg aXXovg xaXcog xal vo^i^g SiaxriGav, wars {irjdlv s'Xazzov s%ew rovg ixfiaXovzag zc5v xazEX&ov- rcov. o 8h itdvzcov xdXXiGzov xal (isyiGzov zExpriQiov zrjg imEixEiagQS tov 8v\pov ' §avsiGc({AivcQV yda zcov iv ugzei (xEivdvzcov ixazov zdXavzcc naqd AccxtSai^iovLCOV slg zt}v noXioqxiav zdiv zov IlEiqaia xazaGfov- rcov y ixxXrjGiag y£voii£vr\g tieqI ccTCodoGecog zoov xQrjfiarav xal Xeyov- twv TtoXXcov, cog dixamv egzi 8iaXv£iv zd nqog Aax£8ai$Loviovg ft?) tovg 7ZoXiOQKOV{iivovg, aXXd rovg 8av£LGa{iEvovg, h'8o£s za dr^oy xoi- Vi]v 7ioii]GaG&ai zi)v artoSoGiv. %ai yaq zoi 8ia zavzr\v zyjv yvcoprivfaQ •elg zoiavzn]v rjiiccg ofiovoiav xaziGzrjGav % et sim.il. 69. xogovxov imdovvca, vid. supra ad §. 5» — 7CQ06xdxxovtag rjfilv, qui singulis fere diebus aliquid imperabarii , ntandata nobis dabant. — fir] ttSQiiSnv ctt. recte Corae's : [lij taoca civxovg itavxanaGiv vno &7]@cdcov v Tcgoyovcov ctQSTTJg TtdQEyovxwv , %ctT7]yoQLU 6s tcov xag svysvEiag TCilg uvx&v Qad'V(Xicag %ai Kcoilcag TiaxcaG'/vvovxcov. otvsq TJfislg TtOLOVfiEv ' siQ^GExat yciQ xaXrj&ig. xoiavxrjg yccQ rj^ilv rijg cpvGEwg vTtaqyovGijg ov diEcpvXd'E.a^Ev avxi]v , aXX i{.i7tS7ttc6yM(i£v slg avoiccv nca xaQayyjv nai TtovrjQcov TtQay^cczcov litid'v^lav. aXXcl yctQ rjv STtanoXovd-co xolgll IvovGiv imTifiijGcu, %al KavtiyoQ7}6cci, xwv evegxcoxcov TtQayfidxcov , di- doiKcc pr) 7c6qqco Xictv xi)g viroxriGEcog ccTtOTtXavrjd'co. nsgl (isv ovv TOVTCOV Y.Cil TCQOXEQOV £LQ7]KaflEV %Cil TCCiXiV IqOV\/l£V , jjV {17} 7l£lGCQ{lEV V(xag TtavGaG&ca xoiavxa i£a{iuoxdvovxag' tieqI (? cov l£ aQ%rjg xov Xoyov xax£6T7]<)- QiGai xrj tcoXei Gyag ctvxovg * of dh fiaqfiaQOi xogovxov g ; copula videtur explican- tis esse : aequales semper actiones vel paene aequales , similes existant. necesse est. Plat. c. XL 79. atQEzsov. vid. ad Xen. Vtt, 8- ■ — tzqcoxov [lev , respondet §. 82 sxi ds, paullo quidera solutiore nexu sententiarurn , neque tamen ita ut deesse quidquam videatur. — 6vp,§dXXaxaL f v. ad §. 21- — naza tqotiov, vid. ad §. 11. 80. coGxs . . xazifiaivov , termini significantur devictis olim ad Eury- niedontem barbaris constitute , quos terminos alii definiunt circumscriptos a septemtrione insulis Cyaneis prope ostium Pouti Euxini sitis, a meridie Che- lidoneis Phaselidem urbem adiacentibus. v. supra Plut. V, 5 extr. A6HNAI0T. 227 slg rovro rd Tcoaypcixa iisqdGxr\v.sv , wV-fr' oi (isv (itGovGi xr\v tvoXlv, oi 8s %azacpQovov6iv rjtxcov. %cu tcsqI {isv xov ^iiGovg rcov r EXh]vcov ccvrcov ccKrjKOctTS xcov GxQctxi]ycov' cog 8s §aGiXsvg syzi nqog rjticcg, 1% xcov srciGxoXcZv cov sTce^itpEV s8y]XcoGEv. 82 "Exi 8s TtQog xovzoig vtco psv izsivi]g xijg svxa^lag ovxcog irtcti- 8svQ"r\Gav oi tcqXXxcu Ttgog c\qex7]v , coGxs Gcpixg (jlev uvxovg (iq y.ivslv, rovg 8' slg rt)v %c6qccv slGfiaXXovxcig cmctvxsg (xai6(isvoi vixav. r^islg 8s xovvavxlov ccXXijXoig (-isv ycto nazcc 7tctQs%ovxsg ov8e[ilocv rjy,sQav 8iaXsi7topsv , rcov 8s tcsqi rov tvoXe^lov ovxco xctxiifisXriyM^iEv , coax 83oi;)v G-Quzidv. — ri]v del jr. i. e. zr)v hudGrozs n. cf. Bremi ad Aeschin. or. adv. Ctes. §. 126- Xen. Anab. IV, 1,7 Interpp. 84- t. Xoyovg, ne forte loyov h. 1. desideres v. §. 15. §• 58. nihil aliud est, quam quod latine dicitur verba facer e. P2 FTAATflNOS A0HNAIOT. I. Em. Tl ryvmaSe oicpl^ai, to Kqlztav; ij ev tcqw hi Icfr/i/j Kg. Ilavv [iev ovv. Kg. "OQ&Qog pad"vg. £co. Oavjia^co ovccog y&ik'qoi cot xov deCjicotriQiov cpvXa% VJlCMOVGCtU Plato Aristonis F. d. 22 rao m. Maii a. 429 a. C. (01. 87 , 4) Athenis natus est et Octogenario maior e vita cessit. a primis discendi iacunabulis flagrabat cupiditate veri inquirendi , cui uni curae intentus quam maturrime quum alia ad se liberaliter erudiendum studia impendit , turn Heracliteae et Parmenideae se tradidit philosopliiae. sed annus aetatis vicesimus omnium) dum vivebat, uberrimus et copiosissimus, quo eum virum coepit audire, qua- lem nee sapientiorem nee candidiorem Graecia tulit. Socrate autem parente philosophiae nioralis defuncto (a. 399) Plato primum se contulit ad Euclidem Megareum , post Aegyptum , Siciliam , magnam Graeciam domicilium Pytha- goreorum peragravit , ubicumque quid esset , quod disci posset > eo venien- durn ratus. quid denique Athenas redux civibus suis praestiterit Acadenjiae conditor, quae sit eiusdem adversus sapientiam Socraticam ver-ecundia, quae philosophandi ratio atque ars dialectica , qua non exploratam nobis rerum seu divinarum sen humanarum veritatem exhibet, sed eandem nos explorandam docet, quum nemo facile existat, quem validiorem interpretern agnoscas quam Jpsum magistrum longe omnium et disserendi acumine et eloquendi faeultate principem , evolve diligenter aureolum huncce dialoguni vulgo inscriptum : TlXatxavog Kqltcov. in quo libello cum Critone colloquitur Socrates, qui quam- quam in vincula coniectus , supplicium propediem exspectans sibi subeundum, fideli opulentoque discipulo opem salutemque laturo fuga petendam non ob- temperat, sed cum eodem potius ducit in id inquirendum, quid faciendum sit recteque fieri possit salvis legibus , salva existimatione , quid non. — Edd. I. Bekker. Berol. 1816. P. Buttmann. Diall. IV. Meno > Crito> Alcibiades uter- que. Berol. 1630. 8- I. TiQco. quod olim in libris residebat tcqcoT, vett. Grammatici minus Atticum redarguunt ,, ad quorum normam ubique ttqco s. tcqgj monosyllabum apud Aristophanem poetam Atticismo leges scribentein. lota subscriptum ex analogia vv. veo, ffepto elidendum cum Buttm. Lexil. I. p. 49- — n- fidcltGta; quartdo vero moxime? nos: wie friih, denn eigentlich? cf. ad Ariian. I, 2» 5- — fiaQ-vs. Theocr. Id. 18, 14. tzcci68eiv ig Pud"vi> oq&qov. Lucian. quom. hist. s. 28« &%Q l ^oc&iiag h6nsQccg. eiusd. Lucius 34. insi &£ ^v vv£ ficc&sla. — &uvncc£co , non solum mirantis est , sed cupientis quoque scire quod cui mirum videatur quippe nescienti. sic alia verba adfectuum V. ap. Erf. ad Soph. Oed. T. 74- — vncuiovcm. cf. ad Xen. VI, 11. Plat. Phaed. nAATSlNOH A6HNAI0T . 229 Kq. Bwv\&r\g TjSrj (iol iaxiv , w UuxQaxeg, 8id to noXkdxig Ssvqo cpoixav xal xi xal evsgyivviwi vis iflov* Zco. "Aqxi 81 tfxsig 7] Ttdkui; Kq. 'Emsixcog ndXai. £co. Elxa %cog ovx tv&vg Ini'iytiQag fts, aAAcJ Ciyy nuQCi- Kq. Ov fta toV Ala, w £co7tQ.ctxsg , ov8' av avzog q&sXov iv roOavTij xs dyQVTCVia xal XvTtr], elvat. dXXd xal Gov ndXai d'avpd^co cci6&av6{isvog cog ridicog xa&Evdeig' xal iTvizrjdig tie ovx tfyeigov, tva cog ijSioxa diayrjg. xal noXXdxig plv $ij 6£ xal tsqoxeqqv iv navxi xco jS/ra svdcaiiov^aa xov tqotcov , nolv 8e {idXi6xa iv rjj yyy 7taQ£ 8d) dcplxxai, dXXd doxsl yJv ftot ifaiv trj(iSQOV l| cov ccTcayyiXXovow tfxovxig xivzg dno Eovvlov xal xaxaXmovxsg ixsl ctvxo. drjXov ovv ix xavxcov xcqv dyyiXcov oxi %E,si x^eqov, xa\ clvayxri dri iaavQiov eoxai, co JScoxQaxeg, xov §lov 6£ xsXsvxav. II. 2co. 'AXX' , co Kqlxcov , tv%ri dyad"fj I si xavxy taig $toig (plXov , xavxrj eaxco. ov [isvxoi ol^iat fyi-eiv* avxo Tijfis^av, Kq. Ilod'sv xovxo tsxpLcd^si; £cq. 'Eyco 6oi loco, tm ydg nov vOXBQala 8 si ws &7to&viiGit$iv 7i ^ av SlVY} TO TtlOlOV. Jlo. (Pad yi xoi 8rj oi rovxcov xvqioi. £co. Ov rolvvv tr\g imovGijg TtfisQag olpai avxd ^|ftv, «AA« p. 59. e. — BVSQy£T7}Ttti. Augmenti neglectio licet repngnet praeceptis Gram- raaticorum (B. §. 86, 2' M. §, 169.) defenditur quum locis Xenophonteis, turn Dem. Lept. §. 33. sv£Qyhi]'K£V. §. 41. iVEQysrrjto. cf. Isocr. Paneg. §. 56. ubi Bekk. plerisque Codd. faventibus £V£Qy£Trj6iv. — Cov it. &av- [icl£g> , Ammonio monente yeviv.fi filv GvvtazzofiEvov GTjpctivsi jo Mavayi- v<06K(0 xal xaTTjyoQco, attiaviyifj 8\ to Inaivca. cf. Isocr. Paneg. ink. Bernh. Synt. p. 152. — £ t 8u ctt. v, ad Xen. V, 14- — to firj ovjL c. IX. v. ad Arrian. II, 2, 2. — £Gtl xavxa. v. infra c. VII quae de voce tltv monita sunt. — iv rots fiuQvxaz' av I. c. XIV init. iv xolg fidXiaza. de quibus formulis exposui ad Aelian. VI. add. Hemst. ad Lucian. somn. c. 2* — t<5 nXolov . . ix J. vid. ad Aelian. I. II. ol x. xvqioiy significantur undecimviri (o£ £v8£-&a), praefecti publi- cis carceribus, in quibus mos erat quum alios, turn cicuta potionibusque mor- tiferis puniendos ad supplicium agere. cf. ad Xen. II, 16. — xrjg iilL0V6r}Q »}. quae nunc instat — sunt enim haec primo diluculo enuntiata, — quum alias usurpetur de postero die , at Pausan. IX , 3 oraisso nomine diei. infra c. V 230 I1AATSIN02 Tijg itSQccg. xsxpaLQO^ca 6 s ex Xivog Ivvitvlov, o ecoquxu oXiyov tzqovsqov xavxyg xr]g vvxxog ' xa\ xivdvvsvELg £v xulqcZ XlVi ovx, iysiQai lis. Kq. r Hv ds di) xl to Ivvtiviov; £co. *ESqxei tig {ioi yvvij TtQOGsX&ovGa xaXr] xa\ svsi8?jg, Xsvxd i{iccTicc s'iQv6a, xaXsGai {is xa\ slnsiv SI ZcoxQaxsg, i\^axl y.ev x q ix ax co Q&Lriv soificoXov f Cxovo. Kq. big axoitov xo evvicviov y co 2iGWQ SQydt > E6d'ca ? clXXcx xd yLsyiGxa G%sdov y idv xig sv ccvxolg dici^spXTjiiivog y. Z'co. El yuQ cocpsXov , co Kqlxcov > olot xs sivai ol TtoXXol xd {le~ yiGxa xaxd s^SQyd^EGdca, Xva olol xs ifitiv av %a\ dyad'd xd psyiGxa. %a\ y.aXcog av slys' vvv 5s ovdixsQa olol xs' ovxs yaQ cpQovi\\,ov ovx aopQOva dvvaxol 7toi7]Gai • noiovGi dh xovxo o xl av xv%co6iv. IV. Kq. Tavxa {isv §rj ovxcog s%itco. xdds ds ? co EcoxQarsg, sink ft-ot' aQa ys fit] i(iov HQopyid-sZ xa\ xcov aXXcov STZL-xrjdsicov , p,r\, extr. de Genit, v. ad Xen, IV, 15. — ollyov kq. haud sine causa addit. etenim post raediam noctem somnia visa esse veriora res nota. Heindf. ad Hor. Sat. I, 10, 33- — r\ycati -asv .. Tholo , Horn. II. IX, 363- Achilles ostendit tertio se die venturura esse (iniuriis Agamemnonis commotum) Phthiara patriam perquara fertilem. sic Socrates per somnum cernit se paucis illis in- teriectis diebus rediturura optatiora patriae h, e. coeli rura. cf. Cic. Divin. I, 25. III. daifiovis, o heate. qua voce blande adpellatur Socrates Platoni- cus , quippe vi quadam divina (cf. ad Lys. 78 de v. daificov) instructus, qua i'utura aiebat sibi significari. similiter (.iccHUQiog , fttiog , dyecd-os, licet du- plex verborum significatus facete non raro atque ironice ludentis esse soleat. — ovdsvcc (xrinors , cum Ind. Fut. ut h. 1. et c. VI init. aut c. Aor. Goni. cf. M. §. 517- de tempore praes. firmissimae illi negandi formulae iuncto egit Ilerm. ad Soph. Ocd. C. 1028- — cog . . dfitlrjoca, quae structura post v. 86£co pro inero Infin. aliquid oflensiouis habet, quamquam sunt quae quo- dammodo hue pertineant Plat. Alcib. II. p. 141. c. fiovXoficu cog ndvrag alG&£6&cu. Xen. Cyrop. Ill, 2> 29. cprjdlv TtSLQaosa&ixi itoirJGDCL Sozs as vofii&iv. supr. Xen. Ill, 20- add. M. §. 538. pauci Codd. cog dfisliJGai(it. — Tuvzrjg . . r/ 8okhv. vid. ad Lys. §. 73. Isocr. §. 27- — "vet . . rjcav, ut pos- sent etiam maxima bona nobis infer re , at non possunt. sic oncog c. Impf. cf. Herm. ad Vig. p. 791. IV. cIqu ys [17] ctt. num forts sollicitus es ; dich halt doch nichfc die AQHNAIOT. 231 edv Cv iv&ivSe ikiX&rjg, oi cvxocpdvxai rjfiiv TtQay^axa TtaQfyadv cog 6e iv&ivds ixxXiipad , xal dvayxacd-(0[i£v 7} xal rcaCav xt]v ov- Giav dno^aXuv 7} Gvyyu. xqr^iaxa, i\ xal aXXo xi rcqdg xovxoig na- ■freiv; ei ydo xi xoiovxov cpofiel , zacov avxd xaioziv fystg ydq tcov Slxavoi iC[i£v GcoGavxig C£ xivSvvzmiv xovxov xov xivSvvov , xal idv Sir], exi xovxov fist^co. aXX i(iol Ttsi&ov xal {17} aXXcog rioisi: Hco. Km xavxa 7tQO[i7]&ovjidi , co Kqlxcov , xal aXXa noXXd. Kq. MiqxB xotvvv xavxa cpofiov. xal ydo dvSe tcoXv xaqyvoiov Icxw , &£XovGi Xa(3ovx£g xivlg GaGaL ce %a\ Qayayuv iv&evde. e'jteixa ov% oqag xovxovg xovg Gvxocpdvxag , cog sytEXsig xal ovShv av Sboi ire avxovg tcoXXov doyvqiov ; Col Sh vTtdqisi {i£V xd spec %or r paxa, cog lyfh^ai, [xavd- tituxa xal eX xi i{iov x7]S6^£vog ovx oXu Selv dvaXiGxuv xa i{id, j-ivoi ovxoi iv&dSE exol^ioi dvaXiCxuv. eig Sh %a\ XEXOpiXEV lit avxo xovxo dqyvoiov ixavov , Si^lag 6 ©7]- §alog' Exoipog Sh na\ Ki§7]g xal aXXoi 710XX0I rcdvv. coGxb, otceq li- yco , fujrg xavxa cpofiovpEvog dnoxd^rig GcoGai cavxov , (X7]X£ J iX£y£g iv tcq SixaGxriqico , SvGiEoig col yEvic&co , oxi ovx av £%oig i&X&cov oxl %Q(po 6£avxcp. TtoXXaypv fihv ydo xal aXXoGE otcol av dcpixri, dya- 7t7]Govcl Ce ' idv Sh fiovXy dg 0£xraXiav Uvai , sloiv £{io\ ixu £ivoi, oZ 6£ 7t£q\ TtoXXov itQi7povxai %a\ d<5 15; o hominem mille mortibus dignum! Senec. de clem. I, 18. cf. tamen Cic. Tuscal. I, 48, 116 ibiquo Kiilmer. — AQHNAIOT. 233 fis&a avzd; si tcqcozov [isv zovzov xov Xoyov dvccXd(3oi{isv , ov cv X&~ ysig tvsqi xcov 6o'E,cov , tlozsqov %aXcog sXsyszo ixccGzozs rj ov, ozi zccig [isv 6sl xcov 6o£cov tzqogsisiv rov vovv , xalg 6s oir rj tvqIv {ihv i(is 6slv djtod'VjJGKSiv xccXcog sXsyszo , vvv 6s %ctzd6rjXog uqcc iysvszo ozi aXXcog sveku Xoyov sXsyszo , r\v 6s 7tai6id y.cti cpXvaqla cog dXr\d , (Zg. iTti&viMD 6' sycoys STtiGnsipccGd'cct , co Kqlzcov , noivrj pszd Gov, si zi \xoi ccXXoiozsoog cpavsizai, S7tsi6r) cods syco , rj 6 uvxog, %al saaopsv ycdosiv rj TisiGofiS'&ci avzco. sXsyszo 6s Ttcog , cog syco^iai, sxaGzozs co6s VTto zcov oiopsvcov zi Xsysiv , coGtcsq vvv 6r) syco sXsyov , ozi zcov 6o%cov ag ol av\foco%oi 6o^d'QovGi, 6soi rag {iev tieqI tcoXXov itoisi- Gxrai, zdg 6s {.irj. zovzo Ttqog ftscov , co Kqlzcov, ov 6oxsi naXcog Got XsysGd'cci; 6v ycxo , oca ys zdvd-Qcoitsia , szzog si rov (isXXsiv drto- •dvrjCjKEiv avQiov , %ai ov% cxv as tcclqcikqovoi rj naqovCa Zviicpooa. Ghotcsi 6r\' ov% inavcog 6ozsi Got XsysGd-ai, ozi ov izuGag %Qr) zdg 66- j-ccg zcov dv&Qconcov xikiccv , dXXd xdg (isv , rdg 6' ov; ov6s Tzdvxav, dXXd zcov [.isv, zcov c¥ ov ; zi cpijg; xavza ov'/l xccXcog Xsyszai; Kq. KcxXcog. £co. Ovuovv rdg psv %QrjGxdg xi\xav , xdg 6s Tcovrjodg [irj; Kq. NaL Sco. XqtjGzciI 6s ov% at zcov cpQovipcov , 7tovr\Qa\ 61 at zcov dcpQOVcov; Kq. TIcog <5' ov; VII. Eco. (&eqs 6i], ncog civ zd xoiavza sXsyszo; yviiva^6(.is- vog avriQ %cu zovzo nqdzzcov , tcozsqov Ttavzog dv6qog srtcdvco ncti tyoycp %a\ 66'£ri xov vovv itQoGsysi, jj ivog yiovov ixsivov og cxv xvy- %dvy iazQog t\ %ai6ozQi^Yig cov ; Kq. r Evog povov. 2co. Ovxovv cpofislcsd'ai %Qr) xovg tyoyovg %cu dctTtdfeo'd'cii xovg incdvovg xovg xov svog eksivov , dXXd ft?) xovg xcov noXXcov ; Kq, AijXa 6r[. 2co. Tavzrj ccqcc avzco TtQctKzsov kcu yv[ivaGriov %cu 16sgzsov ys KCU TtOZSOV , 7) dv XCO SVl 6oKTJ XCp STClGZUZr[ KCtl STUX'lOVZl [ICiXXoV ?} t\ %vyutciGi xoig uXXoig. Kq. "EGzi zavzct. 2co. Elsv ditsid'YiGag 6s xco evl %al dxiyidGag avzov xr]v 66%ctv rj 7tQ\v (i\v ifis 8stv unoftv. x. iX. an forte prius guam me mori oporteret recte dicebatur. quibus quantopere philosophus irndeat amicum , quis non sentiat? — olofiivcov xi Xsysiv, qui se aliquid (quod alicuius momenti es- set) dicere opinabanlur. v. Herm. ad Vig. p. 731- comp. ad Lucian. dial, m. VII, 4. — sv-zog si rov (i. d. loquutio a curriculo, ni fallor, carceribus- que certantium petita. Arist. Ran. 1005. p>6vov oncos firj a' 6 frv(ibs ixzbs o'Cgsi tmv slaiov. VII. rovro tcquttcov, qui huic Tiegotio (rw yvuvdig£6d'(u) operam na- val, hanc artem factitat. c. XVI init. Xen. hist. Gr. IV, 8 ■> 22- dsl agog w sir} SQyai zovzo stiqczzzsv. — idsozsov ys, particula ita infertur in enu- merandis pluribus rebus (Heindf. ad Plat. Hipp. ra. §. 47-) et h. 1. emphasi quadara ironica earn praesertim , cui adnectitur, vocem intendit: et eden- dum utique ctt. c. IX init. ccvk^lcog-koiisvcov y av. Arist. Ran. 570. s§Xs- i/>sv si'g [is Sqi(iv ndfivnuzo ys. — rc5 kvi. v. ad Aesop, f. VI. — inaiovri. paullo post c. Ace. prjdsv ina'lsiv. c. VIII init. in. itsql rivog, rei peritum esse, ut eldivcu nsqi tivog. — slsv, ubique finem videtur imponere supe- 234 IIAATSIN02 xccl rovg ijtcdvovg, Ti\xv\Gag 8\ rovg tcqv TtoUcov xal tirjSev ijtct'Cov- tcqv , ccQa ov8ev xaxdv nsttietai} Kq. Ilcog yaQ ov ; Zco. Tl 8 egti to zaxov tovto; zctl noi tslvsi, y,u\ slg %i TCQV TOV ttTCEld'OVVTOg; Kq. Ay(Xov on slg to Gcoy.a. tovto yaQ 8ioXXvGiv. 2co. KaXcog Xsysig. oiwow xa\ raXXa, co Kqitcqv , ovrcog, 7vce (it] Tcavra ddco[isv zed Si) xa\ tveqI tcqv Sixaicov xa\ ccdlxcov , xcd cuG%qcqv xat xaXcov , %a\ aya&cov xa\ xaxcov, tveqI cqv vvv i]{ilv egtlv 7] fiovliq , tcoteqov rfj tcqv tcoXXcqv 86^7] del r^vag ETCsG&ca nut, cpo(3si- cd-ca avxr\v , 7] Trj tov hog , ei Tig egtlv sita'Ccov , ov del %al aiGjy- veo&ca %a\ cpofieiGd'ai (laXXov rj \v(Htavtug rovg aXXovg; co si [irj CiXOXovd"t]GO(lEV , 8l,ttCp'd'£QOV[JL£V EXEIVO KCtl XcO ^rjG 6 ^LSd' a , TCp (IEV 8ixalco piXriov Eylyvero ? rco de dSixco aTtcoXXvTO. rj ovSsv £gti tovtg; Kq. Ol{ica h'ycoys, cl ZcoxQarsg. VIII. 2co. 0eq£ 8i], ictv to vtco tov vyisvvov (iev piXriov yiyvo\izvov , vtco rcu voGco8ovg 6s Siacp&eiQOiiEvov 8ioXsGcq(iev %u&6~ (isvoi ft?) Trj tcqv STtaiovTcov 8o'£r] , agct fiicorov tJ^uv sGxl discpd'ccoiiE- vov avtov; egti 8s tcqv rovro Gco { uw j] ov%i; Kq. Ned. 2co. Aq ovv (3lcqt6v ly^iiv £gt\ {ietcc (ioy&y}Qov' %a\ discp&aQ- (livov GcQ{iaTog; Kq. Ov8ctticQg. £CQ. AXXa (1ST EXELVOV CiQCi 7][ILV ftlCOTOV dlECp&CCQflEVOV , CO TO aSmov (iev XcofiaTai, to 8h 8Lxaiov ovivrjGvv; tj cpavXoTEQOV ?jyov- {le&a Eivai toi; GCQ(iarog exeivo , o ti tzot eGzI tcqv tj^eteqcov , %eq\ o i] ts d8ixla xa\ r] 8ixaioGvvi] egtIv; Kq. OvScc^icog. £CQ. 'AXXct TipiCQTEQOV ; Kq. TIoXv ye. 2CQ. OVX CCQ(X y CO fieXxiGTE, TtCtW 7j[liv OVTCO CpQQVTlGTSOV Tl eqovGiv ol ttoXXoI fj(.idg, dlX o tl 6 ETtatcQv tceqI tcqv 8ixalcov Xttl Ci8l' kcqv, 6 elg, %a\ civty) ?J clXrj&Eia. cqGte tvqcqtov (aev Tamrj ovx OQ&cog eiGrjyEL, ElGrjyovyLEvog Trjg tcqv noXXcov 66£rjQ 8elv TJficxg cpQOVTiQEiv jieqI tcqv 8ixaiCQV xal xaXcov xcci ayct&cov %al tcqv IvavTicov. ccXXa [IEV 8rj , cpalri y av Tig, oioi % elgIv i^ag oi noXXol cntoxTLVvvvai. Kq, AijXa 8rj xal ravra • epedrj yocQ av , co ScoxQareg. £co. 'AXtj&yj Xiysig. clXX' , co &ciV{ic(Gie, ovzog ts 6 Xoyog ov rioribus sermonibus , ita tamen ut transitum inde ad alia qnaedam faciat. cf. Reisig. Enarr. Oed. Col. 1303. cui satis cognata quae legistis EGzai , tori, ravra, eveniant haec , jiant quae iussisti, ravra (i\v 8rj ovzcog £%ST(a, c. IV. — aga ovdlv x. %. cf. supra ad c. IV. Herm. ad Vig. p. 824- — xal 8f] xai. v. ad Arrian. Ill , \ , 4- — iyiyvEto . . ditcoXlvro. de Impf. usu v. Lucian. dial. rn. VIII, 2 et quarn ibi laudavimus Gramm. Matthiaei nostra verba percensentis. VIII. fxrj tv, riav hi. 86^rj , exspectes rfj rcov fii] lit., sed videtur, id quod viris quibusdam criticis placuit , antitbeti aliquid snppressnm esse, vel- ut dXXa. rfj rav fir] lit. d. comp. de ov negatione supra ad Lys. §. 13- — tovto G(£[ia. Bekk. dedit tovto to g. — c3 . . Xa^arai, cui verbo solet Ace. adstrui, sed v. Arist. Eqq. 1408 iv i'dcoGiv avtov, oig eXco^uQ-', ol £tvoi. ibique Dind. in Add. et Corrig. — b tl £qovglv . . ruidg, cf. M. §. 416- A&HNA10T. 235 8izh]lv&ayLev h'uoiys Soxel ezl opoiog elvai % igcoxav xe xa! anoxqivEGd-ai. cpeoE yao , xi iyxaltov r^ilv xe v.a\ xyj tcoIei ETtiyEioElg rjjiag drcollv'-ca; ov tcqoUxov [lev ge £y£vvy]GayL£v ruiEig, v.al 8l rj^ccov slaflE x?]v [irjTEoa Gov o 7ia~ X7]Q %a\ IcpvxEvGE Ge ; cpqaGov ovv , xovxovg rjiiav xolg v6(xoig xolg JtEQL xovg yapovg fiEficpEi xi cog ov zalcog e%ovGiv ; — Ov fi^u^Oftat, cpaiyv av. — Alia xolg tceqi xr]v xov yEVO[XEvov XQocpiqv xe xal Ttai- dziav^ iv y xai Gv ETtaiSev&rjg; tj ov xalcog TtqoGkxaxxov yjacov ol ETtl xovxoig XExay^iEVOi vofioi, TtaQayysllovxsg xcZ Ttaxql xco Gtp GE iv povGixy xal yvpvaGxixYJ TtaidEVEiv; — Kalcog , cpair\v av. — Elev. XI. to xotvov trjg noX. quod saepius apud Ciceronem simili modo ex- pressum legimus: commune Miljadum, commune Siciliae. Verrin. I, 38, 95 ibi Ztuript. neque multum ab illo distat quod passim obvium roc olcc. quod superest y,ai h. 1. ut raox c. XII r\yilv (rolg vo/uoig) Hal rfj Ttolsi explica- tivum. Lat. e£, que, ac , atque — alio re rj ctt. an aliud quid vis (tv V(p £%£ig) quam ctt. solet enim aliquid ex vicina periodo suppleri , ut fit in formula ovdhv alio rj , sin id minus ex toto sententiarum nexu, sive yivoix av, sive eiusmodi quid aliud, quod in rem esse tibi videatur. c. XIV extr. — rjdtxEi .. ekqive, Ficinus vertendo recte expressit tempora : an respoiidebi- mus<, civitatem non recte iudicando nobis iniuriam intulisse? forma enim prior, qua Heindorfio potius olim videbatur ddiXEZ, id ipsum indicat, quo Socrates in carcerem coeperat et coniici et eodem teneri. alteram autem for- mam pro Aor. sumas. XII. Torilra cofioloy. Buttmannus referri iubet ad obiurgationem illam, ydi-an rjfiag f} nolig. — rep igcorav xs y.al dnoHQiv. significatur inductio ilia Socratica atque ratio , qua philosophus et interrogando et respondendo ciolloqui cum discipulis iisque artem adhibere obstctriciam solebat. cf. c. IX extr. — ov 71qcotov ctt. de negatione interrogativa v. B. §. 148, 5« supra c^IV init. — tlaps xr)v fi. Herod. IX, 108- donscov xi\v ftvyartQcc uallov XufiTpsGd-cu, rjv ravza izoirjar]. — iv {lovoiitfj nal yvfiv. haeo et similia ar- tificium vel scientiam aliquam indicantia articulo fere carent significatu ta- 238 IIAATSIN02 Itceioi] 8s lysvov xs %a\ It-Exqdcprjg kcu, iTcaidsv&rig , £%oig dv eItchv nqcoxov {lev cog ov^i r](X£X£qog TjG&a %al 'ixyovog %al dovXog, avxog %z %a\ ol Gol Ttqoyovoi; %a\ si xovxr' ovxcog £%£i, ao' || Xgov oXei eI- vai Gol to dUcuov %a\ rjfxlv, %a\ axx dv r}{islg Ge l7ti%siqco^sv tcoieZv, %a\ Gol xavxa dvxntoislv oXsv dixcuov sivai; rj Ttqog (isv dqa Gov xov naxsqa ovx l'£ Xgov ijv to 8ixaiov xal Ttqog xov deCTioxyjv, el Goimv IxvyjavEV , coGxs ditsq TtaGypig , xavxa xccl dvxnzoislv , ovxs xaxcog dxovovxa dvxiXsysiv, ovxs xvrtxo^svov dvxixvTtxsiv ' ovxe aXXa xoi- uvxci TtoXXd' Ttqog 8s xr]v naxqida dqa xal xovg vo^iovg I'isGxai Got, coGxs lav GE lm%Eiqco[i£V ij[i£ig dnoXXvvai Sixaiov r)yov^£voi dvai, %al Gv 8k r^iag xovg vopovg xal xr\v Ttaxqi8a xatf ogov SvvaGai liti- yjsiqypEig avxartoXXvvai , xal cp7}G£ig xavxa itoicov 8ixaia Ttqdxxuv , o ry akrj&eia xijg dqsxijg iTtiixsXo^svog; t) ovxcog si Gocpog, coGxs XsXrj&s 6s oxl [lyjxoog xs xal Ttaxqog xal xcov aXXcov itqoyovcov djtdvxcov xi- fiicoxEQOV sGxi Ttaxqlg xal Gspvoxsqov %a\ dyicoxsqov xal lv {isi&vi (loiqa xal Ttaqd {/EoZg xal itaq dv&qcoTtoig xolg vovv h'zovGi, %al Gs~ fisG&ai 8sl xal [laXXov vnsvxsiv xal &coTtsv£iv rcaxqida laXsitaivovGav ?} naxsqa , %a\ j} tcel&elv r} Ttoislv a av xsXevy] , xal TtaGysiv lav xi 7tqoGxdxxrj Tta&slv , 7jGv%iav dyovxa , idv xs xvTtxsGd-ca , lav xs §el- G&ai, lav xs slg tvoXe^ov ayy xqcod"r}Go^£Vov 7] aTto&avov^Evov Ttonq- teov xavxa, nal to dtxaiov ovxcog s%si, %a\ ovyl vtceikxeov , ovdh ava%coqr]xiov , ovdh Xunxeov xt]v xat.iv , aXXa %a\ lv TtoXi^Kp %a\ lv diKaGxyjqLCp %a\ Ttavxayov tcoii]xeov d dv %eXev^ rj noXig xe y.al r\ %a- xqig , ij tceI&siv avxrjv rj to Slxaiov Ttlcpvxs , fiid&Gd-ai t¥ ov% oGiov ovxs ^.ijxiqa ovxs Ttaxsqa , noXv §£ xovxcov h'xi i]rxov xi)v rcaxqiSa. Tl cpi']Go[i£v rcqog xavxa, co Kqixcov ; dXrj'd-r] XsyEiv xovg vo^ovg ij ov ; Kq. ' E{ioiys doxsl. XIII. 2,(0. Skotcei xolvvv , co Ecoxqaxsg, cpaisv dv iGcog olvo- (.wi, eI r\^ug xavxa aX^i] XlyoiiEv, oxi ov 8'ixava rj{xdg InixuqEig dqav, a vvv Ini'iuqElg. r]^£ig ydq G£ yEvviqGavxsg, Ixd-qEipavxsg, ttai- dsvGavxsg, (isxadovxEg drcavxcov cov olol x iy^iEv xaXcov Got xs %a\ xolg dXXoig TtaGi noXlxaig, opcog TtqoayoqEvo^iEV xco I'^ovGiav Tt£7tOL7}XEvat *A\r\}vaicov xco ^ovXo^hco , iTtsidav doxi^dGrj kccI lStj xd lv xr\ tzoXei Ttqdyiiaxa xal i]ixag xovg v6{iovg , co dv ftt) dqsGxco^EV 7][isig , l^slvai Xafiovxa xd avxov ditilvai onoi dv povXrjxai. %a\ ovddg r]^cov xcov vopcov l(jL7to8cov Igxlv ovd' ditayoqEvsi, lav xs xig povXrjtai vpcov slg ditoixiav isvai, si (ir) dqsGxoi^sv Tj^ug xe xal t] noXig, lav xs {isxoi- Innri vocum iam per se satis definito. v. S&haef. melett. cr. p. 4« — naxcog dviovovTCi , bene Ficinns : neque si iurgio hi te laces s ant , contra iurgare. nam quod vulgo y.ocy,co noir\GEiv xavxa ' xai xov {ir} Tteid-o^svov xqiirj cpa^isv ddixsiv, oxi xs ysvvrjxaig ovGiv rj[iiv ov Ttsi&Exai, nal oti xoocpsvGi, v,a\ oti 0{.ioXoyrjGag i] (xt]V TtsidsG&aiy ovxs Ttsixtsxai ovxs Ttsi&si rj^ag , si (.cr) xaXcog xi noiovyLSV tcqoxi- frivxcQV tj^icov %al ovx dyoicog inixaxxovxcov tzoisiv a av keXevco{aev, aXX icpiivxcov dvolv ftaxsoa, yj Tcsi&tiv r^iag r\ rcoislv, tovxcov ov- ditSQd TtOlSi. XIV. Tavxaig 8r] cpapsv xa\ tfi, co Scoxoaxsg , xaig cdxiciig ivs^sG&ai, eI'tceq 7toir\GEig a imvoslg , ncii ov% r\xiGxa 'Axrrjvaicov as, dXX' iv xolg {idXiGxa. El ovv iyco sItcoi\jli , did xi Srj; iGcog av {iov Sixaicog xa&dnxoivxo Xiyovxsg oxi iv xolg [idXiGxa *A%"Y\vaicov syco av- xolg co^oXoyryxcog xvyydvco xavxyjv xr)v 6[ioXoyiav. cpalsv ydo av, ' ' Oxi, ob Scoxqaxsg , (isydXa r\[uv xovxcov xsxyir\Qid ioxiv , oxi Goi xal rj^isig 7\qsG%oik.sv kccI rj TtoXig. ov ycto av tvoxs xcov aXXcov 'A&rjvaicov dndv- xcov diacpsqovxoog iv avxrj iTtsdij^sig , si \n,i] Got diacpsqovxcog r]qsGxs' %a\ ovx hti dscoqiav tzcotzoxe ix xrjg noXscog i£rjXdsg , oxi pj aTtah, slg Igv^lgv , ovx aXXoGs ovda^ioGs, si pi] itoi GxqaxsvGotxsvog y ovx aXXr]V ETioi^Gcd ciTCodrjfxiav tccotcoxs cogtceq oi aXXoi av&ocoTtot,' ou<5' imO'v^la. 05 aXXr\g noXscog ovef aXXow vojjlcov k'Xapsv slSivca , aXX* rj^slg gov ixavol irjfisv xa\ i] ruisxsoa TtoXig' ovxco Gcpodoa ijfiag rjqov, %al co^oXoysig Y.a& rj^iag TioXixsvEG&ai xa xs aXXa %a\ Ttaidag iv avxrj i7toii]Gco cog aqsGxovGijg Gov xijg TtoXscog. szi xolvvv iv aviij xrj dixy i'E,rjv Gov cpvyr)g xi^GaGd-ai, si ifiovXov , %a\ otvsq vvv axovGi]g xijg TtoXscog STtiiELQEig, xoxs sxovGTjg TtoiiJGai. Gv 8s xoxs psv ixaXXcoitl^ov cog ovx ayavaxxcov , si dioL xs&vavai Gs , aXX* rjoov 7 cog scprjGd-a, nod xrjg cpvyijg ftavazov vvv 6h ovx ixslvovg xovg Xoyovg aiGyyvsi, m, I, 1. — r\ (ir)V iistfts cQ'ai , praepropere Buttmannus corrigi iubet nsi- G£6&ai, sane quidem post verba promittendi iurandique et confnmaudi par- ticulani r) fifjv tempus illud usitatissinmm ; v. Xen. II, 21. o^ooavrtg r\ fii]V fir] (ivrj6ixayir]G£LV. Blomf. ad Aesch. S. c. Theb. 527- tamen nihil da- bito , quin illud ferri possit , ubi actio tempore quo quid agitur praevalidior esse videatur. exempla quidem non suppetunt , vid. tamen Xen. Cyrop. VI 4> 6- Anab. II, 3, 27- infr. c. XIV ad vv. cofioloyEis TzoXittvsGd-ai. XIV. &SCQQL&V. cf. ad Isocr. §. 53. — oxi (if t . v. ad Aniau. I, 1,6. — GTQUxtvoofisvos. Plat. Apol. Socr. p. 28- e. iv tlovidaloc xal iv 'AficpinoXsi xort inl d-rjXico .. . ifisvov aGnsq xcel aXlog rig, Tial iy.ivdvvavov dno&u- vslv. incidunt autem haec bella in a. 435 (.01. 86 > 2) et sequentes. — slSi- vai, h. e. cogxe sidivcu rrjv noXiv %a\ xovg vofiovg. v. B. §. 140, 2. Bernh. Synt. p. 363. — noXiTE veg&ui , et h. 1. et paullo post cofioXoyrjxivai noXt- TEvsGd-ai Infinitivum praes. temporis cum libris Bekkeri servavimus pro noXi- zsvGEG&ai. sensus enim hie est: te professus es civem Atheniensem, nostris institutis utentem, et re quidem ipsa, ut altero illo loco adfirmatur, non verbis te professus es TioXixsv6[iEvov naff r\(iag. cogitanda igitur est fides a Socrate data non futura , sed iam pridem coepta atque duratura. -£> tifirj- GaG&ai) cum Gen. proprie actoris est, ut xqiveiv , Siaixsiv, xaxaipr](piG&f]- vai %avuxov , cpvyijg ctt. , sed h. 1. forma media de rev sibi ipsi poenam proponente litemque aestimante. lege concessum erat auctore Lysia c. Theomn. §. 17 , ut si. quis causae suae sibiqiie desperaret , fagitando (toj dgaGxcc- &w) se subtraheret. exilium igitur perpetuum S. dsicpvyia, licet perfugium 240 n AAT9.NO E ovxs rj^icov xcov v6[icov Ivx^etcei £til%eiqcov Siacp&Elqai , nqdxxEig X8 vtzeq dv SovXog o cpavXoxaxog Ttqd'iEiEv, djcodidQaGxEiv l7ti%Eiqcov Tta- qd rag t-vv^jxag xe xal tag o^oXoylag , xatf ag rj[ilv 'ivvs&ov TtoXi- XEVEGd'ai. nqcoxov [lev ovv tJ^ilv xovx avxo dnoxqivav, el alri'&rj Xsyo- ^lev cpaGxovxig gs co^ioXoyrjxEvai TtoXiXEVEG&ai zatf rjfiag Eqyco , dXX* ov Xoyco, rj ovx aXri&ij. Tl cpcoiizv Tiqog xavxa, (o Kqixcov ; aXXo %i rj 6iioXoyco{isv ; Kq. 'Avdyxv], to ZcoxqaxEg. Eco."AXXo xi ovv, dv cpanv , r\ £vv&r}xag xdg noog rj{iag av- tovg nal 6{ioXoy[ag Ttaqa^aivEig' ov% vtc dvdyxrjg 6[ioXoyi]Gag, ovdh dnaT7]$Eig , ovo iv oXiyco xqovco dvayxaG&Elg fiovXEVGaGftai, dX)! iv Zxegiv ipdoprjKOVxa, iv olg i'£,rjv Gov anikvai , eXtceq St) {irj 7jqeGxo- \iev 7]\iElg, prfih dixaiai icpaivovxo Gov at 6{ioXoyiai Elvai; Gv 8s ovxa AaxEdal^iova TtqorjQov ovxs Kqtjxtjv, ag drj ixaGxoxs cpyg evvo^eX- G&ai , ovxe aXX7]v ovoE^ilav xcov 'EXXrjvidcov tzoXecov , ovdh xcov fiao- fiaqixcZv , aXX' iXdxxco i| avxrjg d7tEd7}[i7}Gag , 7} ol icoXoi xe xal xv- cpXol %a\ ol aXXoi dvaTtrjQOi. ovxco 601 diacpEqovxcog xcov dXXcov 'A&ti- vaicov tJqegxev 7] TtoXig xe xal r^ulg ol voycoi dfjXovoxi' xlvi ydo dv noXtg dqsGxoi dvsv v6{icov; vvv dh 67] ovx i^iiEVEig xolg co^oXoyr^iE' voig; idv r^dv ys TVEi&rj, to ZcoxqaxEg' xa\ ov xaxayiXaGxog ye eGei ix xijg noXEog e^eX^cov. XV. Zxotcei ydo Sij , xavxa naqapag xa\ i^a^aqxcov xi xov- xcov, xi aya&ov EqyaCEi 6avxov ij xovg iTCLX^Sstovg xovg Cavxov. 0x1 fiev yaQ xivdwEvCovGi yi Gov ol iTtixijdsiOi xa\ avxol cpsvyeiv xai cxEQi^'d-ijvciL xijg TtoXscog ij xrjv ovclav aTtoXicca, G^cdov xi SijXov. av- xog 6h tcqcSxov ^ev idv Etg tcov iyyvxaxd xiva tzoXecqv EX&yg, 7} @r]- fiafc 7} Miyaodds, — Evvo^ovvxai ydo dpcpoxEQai — TCoXi^uog iqtug, co ZcoxqaxEg , xrj xovxcov TtoXixEia , xa\ ogoitzeq x7]8ovxai xcov avxcov tcoXecov , VTtoftXEtyovxal ge diacpftoQEa 7]yov^Evoi xcov vopcov , xa\ $e- (SaicoGEig xolg dixaGxalg xy)v do£av , coGxs Soxelv OQ&cog xt)v Slxijv StxaGai. oGxig ydo v6\icov diacp&ooEvg eGxi, Gcpodoa tzov dotistsv dv vecov ys pal dvo7jxcov dv&ocoTccov diacp&OQEvg zivai. tvoxeqov ovv cpsv- £el xdg xe Evvo^iov^hag noXEig xal xcov dvdocov xovg xoG^icoxaxovg; gal xovzo TtOLOvvxi doa d'^iov Goi tfiv h'tixai; 7}jcXriGidGEig xovxoig xai. dvaiGyyvx{}GEig SiaXEyo^Evog xivag Xoyovg, co ZcoxqaxEg; >Y] ovGtceq iv&d§E, cog 7] doExi) xal 7] SixaioGvvT] tcXelGtov d'^iov xolg av&qcoTtoig xal xd vo'fufta xal ol v6[ioi ; xal ovx oih aGpi^ov dv cpavElGd'av xo xov Zcoxqdxovg Tzoaypa; ol'sGd'ai ys %Q7], 'AXX ex [lev xovxcov xcov esset portusque suj)plicii , a morte civill s. politica nihil distabat. — iv oli- yco . . iv h'xiGLV . . ev olg. v. ad Xen. IV, 18. Krug. ad Anab. V, 7, 17- # — iav r)filv ys Ttsl&r) , i. e. certe , si nos quid em audies. sic fiagitat ratio in- terrogandi a legibus instituta ovn ififisvEig — ; vix igitur est cur repetas quidquam , velut dXX' i(i[i8vus sive aliud eiusdem verbi vicarium. XV. xcov iyy. riva it. vid. ad Arrian. JI, 1, 4- — MiyaQuSs. alii MEyccQads. vid. ad Xen. II, 2 ibique laudata. — av yavEiod-ccL, nee putas fore ut inhonestum videatur negotium istud? interrogatione igitur sublata sic sententia convertenda : a.6yr>[L0v av tvavolxo , seu mavis cpavrjGoiro ctt. Particulam illam cum Inf. futuri temporis iunctam et ipsa ratione rei et cer- tis exemplis firmatam habes ap. Hartung. Lehre v. d. Gr. Partik. II. p. 319 sq. A0HNAIOT. 241 xoncov aitaqEig, ^%£ig 8h dg ©EXxaXlav itaqd xovg j-svovg xovg Kql- xcovog' IkeZ yaq 8r] tcXeiGxt] dxa'^ia %al dnoXaGia' %a\ "Gag av rjSicog Gov axovoiev , cog ysXoicog Ik xov 8eG{icoxyiqiov d7t£8L8qaGK£g gxevt]v xe TLva TtBQiO'i^Evog , rj Sicp&iqav Xaftcov oj aXXa oloc 8rj Eico&aGiv Iv- GXEvd&G&ai ol a7Vo8i8qaGKOVX£g , % 54* XVII. X0Qv(3ccvTi6}VTbg, proprie de aegrotis, ut Ruhnk. ad Tim. p. 164, qui tibiarura sonum sibi audire visi , quasi funis agitautur et vexantur insom- niis. — fio[ifiu f in auribus bombitat, F. A. Wolf. INDEX VERBQRUM, LOQUUTIONUM, RERUM VEL EXPLICATA- RUM VEL NOTABILIUM, *Aya&6s. e5 @£ Xth?t8 Luc. d. m. VI, 3. pro Adverb. Xen. Ill , 10. verha- &[i£Lvov , num pro dyccd'ov ? Plat. Hum constructio Xen. VII, 8« Isocr. XVI. cf. Lys. 81. Arr.I, 1, 2. dya- 79- Plat. X. cf. s. v. 80. fttozocrog Diod. VI, 2 med. r« ay a- Adpositio Xen. IV, 9« Lys. 21. ibid. &ct Lys. 69- yiyvszai zig dya&ov 28- Isocr. 17. partis ad totum Paus. T cdvizzzGfrcu tig , itoos ztva Pans, ayo^a, sedes impudicorum et causi- yjjj 9. dicorum Isocr. 48. Alfrvslg Xen. II, 4. ayeog Paus VI, 3. Isocr. 52- a l QB i v cf. s. v. lo'yog. alas ta&clt prae- aycoyrj naiSmv Plut. I, 5. optare A rr. II , 1 , 3- addito tidX- Accentus , Fronominum quorundam lov Isocr# 52 . c f. fo^ c ^ at , Luc. d. m. II, 5. IV, 8. mzlvi. o) ato&dvscftccL c. Ace. Part. Lucian. nvi Lys. 21. uv&adag , uv&udaig d m V 1 Plut J V '.?- T ^ rts ibid.UI, 1. ma- aiaxvv'eo&lu c. Dat. Xen. VII, H. raiaciv lb. Ill, 2. KXafr/xs vat Diod. Lys# jj c# ^ cc# Lys> 25. IV, 4- 'Olv[M7ilcc6iv , 'Olv[x7ziccoi tt izia Plut. 13. Paus. IV, 4- 'EUv6lvdos Xen. , „ „ v ' TTr ~ II, 2. MiyccQdde Plat. XV. iwrwafra* Xen. IV 9. „ Accusativas c. Inf. pro Nominat. c. % LTL0 ^ c ' Ae , c ' et X ?f' X Vt' IV > U ' Inf. Aes. fab. II. Ace. Adiectivo- *™°™ xrjmara Isocr. 3o- rum neutr. gen. ap. vt>. intrans. ^^8vvw S Lys. 4o. Aes. f. VIII. Plut. V, 2. ap. ftvsiv, &*[*>d&iv Atben. I, 3- Long. II, 3. vt-Hav Paus. I, 1. Isocr. 10- Ace. anprj Isocr. 37- Fart. vv. impersonalium Lys. 28« &*olovftuv Pint. Ill, J. Isocr. 73- ' foyoTwvov Arr. II, 1, 3. dxovstv c. Inf. Xen. V, 15. xaxwj to Xsyofisvov Aelian. XI. §vopa &*- plaL XI1 - Plut. IV, 3. avQocTOS Xen. VI, 15. dSslcpos Plat. XVI. dKQipcng iXsv&egog Luc. d. in. VI, 5- adY/9iros Diod. VI, 1. &%QLzog Isocr. 67- Adiect. nra/r. g Diod> ^ j. ^ ^ £* c. J^. P^ e5 . * ^. Xen. II, 8- ^ ^ Xe " - "-' 9 ' ^ ait °* Lys. 75. Isocr. 43- c Inf. Fut. Plat. XV. c. Part. Plat. IX. c. Indie. Aor. Long. II, 4. Xen. IV, 7. Lys. 1. 34. c Plusqpf. Luc. d. ra. IV, 1. c. Impf. Lucian. I, 2« vv. &sXelv, fiovltad'UL ctt. Luc. d. m. Ill, 1. uv in uno periodi membro bis Arr. Ill, 1,4. dvafiaivsiv etg "Aqeiov izdyov Isocr. ,38. dvufiifiu£E6&tti Lucian. Ill, 1. Athen. II, 7- dno trans latum a locis ad distantiam locorum Long. I, 1. ol dno zLvog qui arti alicui vel artijicio operam navant Xen. II, 14. HI, 2. dnoftuivsiv Isocr. 40« dnofiullsiv sk ZLvog xi Xen. VI, 18- dnoyiyvcoGy.ELv Plut. V, 3« Diod. Ill, ^ 3. Xen. IV, 4. Lys. 46- d7toyQ X T V * . Tr 4 11. Lys. 19. Isocr. 10. Plat. V. IX. ccnoHaQTSQEiv Lucian. II, 1. XII extr. ditoXutifiuvEGQ'ui intercipi Paus. IV, 3- dvuXafifidvEiv otzXu , ckevtj Paus. dTtoXELitEiv. (ilkqov dnilmov Isocr. VIII, 1. 17. cf. s. v. Verba. fwaKarflm Xen. IV, 15. dnoXoyEi6%ui Xen. Ill ? 21. ^f- 65. dvuTtuiGzu Paus. II, 3. dnovoEtG&ui Plut. II, 3- 01 utcove- dvanEzuvvvvui rrjv ifinoQiav Arr. vorjfiivoi Xen. IV, 9. IV, 1, 3- dnovoiu Paus. VIII, 3- Anaphora: GvvEipn (iiv — gvvei[ii 8s dnoQElv Xen. Ill, 15- c. Infin. Lu- Xen. VII, 12. eXvge jiev — eXixGs cian. Ill, 7. c. Bat. Lys. 32. 8s Xen. IV, 19. dn6$QT]zu Lucian. I, 1. dvuzQExsiv Lucian. IV, 1. dnocpEQSiv Xen. V, 34« dvu%(OQEiv ini Ttodu Xen. II, 11. dnocpOQu Plut. I, 7- INDEX ADNOTATIONUM 245 ccqcc (irj — ; Plat. IV. ccqcc ovdiv — ; . Plat. vn. dgyswog Pans. IV, 5. Areopagus, officio, quaedam huius senatus Isocr. 48. 49* auctoritas fracta ibid. 50. 51- aQSTT] Lys. 26* aQXELGfi-cd nvi Aesop, f. VIII. ccQfiovla de harmonia thoracis Arr. f III, i, 2. aofioGTTJg Xen. II, 6. ccQ[l6tteiv impers. Isocr. 44. aprt Plat. X. ccqti p,iv — aor£ cM Luc. d. in. IV, 7. Articulus, rem certias dejiniens Luc. d. m. II, 1. Lucian. II, 4. Xen. I, 11. Plut. IV, 1. pro Pron. demonstr. Lys. 9. Isocr. 52. Aesop, f. IX. rc- petitus Xen. Ill, \. Ait. I, 5, 6- Plat. XV. Aesop, f. XII. vtco rov yelcoTog , vito rov Xifiov et Art. omisso Lucian. II, 4- to c. Gen. Luc. d. m. Ill , 1. Art. non omit- tendus Lucian. I, 3. Art. in for- mulis iv zolg (idlLGxa ctt. Aelian. VI. Plat. I. to [lETU xovxo Lucian. I, 1. TO (X(p' S67l8Q0!g, TO 7lQ0g OQ- ftqov Xen. II, 2- ra iv noGiv Luc. d. m. IV, 4- to. iv %eqgIv Paus. IV, 3 extr. ol dno rov kolvov, ol dno rcov iv &CT8L Xen. II, 14. 18. HI, 2- ol tieqL tlvu Aelian. I extr. Plut. II, 1. Xen. Ill, 1. ol icp' i\liY.Lag Aelian. XXII. ol iv teIel Pans. I, 5. Participiis additus Plut. II, % post numerate c. nomine iunctum Hiatus Xen. Ill, 2- t) %coQa et %u>- gcc Plut. V , 1. Xen. Ill , % 6 slg Plat. VN. 6 [ihv slg — 6 8' i'vEQog Aesop, f. VI. certis quibusdam vi\ non fere additus veluti zekvcc xal yvvulKtg , Ttccldsg y.ccl yvv. Diod. I, 5. Lys. 34. coqcc Xen. VII, 2. fivijfiTj Lys. 6. paatlEvg rex Per- sarum Plut. V, 4- Lys. 45. 56. Isocr. 8« Arr. Ill, 1, 1. de v. av- &Qa>7tog cf. ad Aelian. XIX. XXIV. nominibus artium et virtutum Plat. XII. nom. propriis , ccvxog Prono- mine praegresso Paus. VI, 1. Diod. VI , 3. Arr. I, 1, 6. formulis slg tovto dvcciG&rjGiag sim. Isocr. 9. vid. etiam s. v. ovxog. dgxv Trig GKEipscog Plat. X. a'o^ai Y.lr}Qcoxa.i , d. cuqetul, %8iqotov7]- rcci Isocr. 22. Asyndeton Long. II, 3. Xen. II, if. drciQ ovv Aesop, f. XI. Athenienses , avxox&ovsg Lys. 17. distributio terrae Att. Plut. II, 1. Isocr. 46- 'Axlocvxinog fiv&og Plut. II, 3. Attractio Pronommis relat. Aelian. XXVIII. Paus. VI, 3. Xen. VI, 12- VII, 5. 12. IV, 23. Lys. 39- Isocr. 15- nominis subst. ad antecedens verbum Xen. I, 8- Participii Xen. IV, 13. Isocr. 72. al. Praepositio- num Diod. IV, 5- Xen. II, 2- Ad- verbii loci Plat. IV. Augmentum Plus quamp erf ecti Long. I, 2. Athen. IF, 4. Xen. I, 5. Arr. I , 5, 10. verbi co&slv Arr. I, 4, 4. soQzdfetv Paus. IV, 3- oicnvi'C l EG f &ca Xen. Ill, 16. svsQyszelv Plat. I. avxog ubi eccvtov exspectes L} r s. 2. 28. 35- ap. num. ordinal. Xen. I, 9. avvri) , ccvzolg c. Dat. sine gvv Athen. I, 5. Xen. Ill, 16- avtog i. q. fiovog Lucian. I, 1. Xen. HI, 19. Lys. 52. kvtoI p,6vot Lys. 50. ccvzb need' avTO Isocr. 4- ccvrog xwi simil. Lys. 66. cf. s. v. Pro- noraina. dcpccvi&G&cu Lys. H. dcpEidEiv c. Gen. Lys. 25. dcpsiSag Paus. Ill, 2. dcprjyELGd'ca i. q. rjyElGQ'ca Diod. Ill, 3« dcpLEvai Plat. IX. ttcpvro Diod. VI, 1. &%Qi Lucian. 1 , 3. Bdd'og extrema acies Arr. I, 2, 8- /3«iK;s oq&qos Plat. I. §u11eiv opp. co^av Arr. II, 2, 1. /?. Z/ihHff, rolg Xid-ocg Paus. IX, 4. Diod. I, 4 extr. ^UQ^ccQog rex Persarum , non Phi- lippus Macedo Isocr. 10. fittQpiTOV Lucian. IV, 6. fittQECOg CpEQELV E7ZL XIW et ZLVL Lys. 77- Puqvveg&cu c. Dat. Xen. VII, ll. (Ha opp. vopog Lys. 19. §iy xivog Lys. 65- PldJZEG&CCL Tt, Eig Tt Plut. V, 5« pL§U8iov Plut. V, 4. 0i/?Atov Paus. IX , 3. /3/og i. q. ovGia Isocr. 44. fiXiitEiv c. Ace. Luc. d. m. VII, 4- Aelian. XXV. fiouv riva Lucian. II, 1. fioav zivi, §orj yiyvExai xivi Arr. I, 4, 2. @07]&elv in, dno nvog Paus. IV, 2. §or}&EZG&cii c. duobus Dat. Plut. II, 2. fiovXeG&cci. tv fiovlofiEVog — ; Isocr. 71. 6 (3ovX6[isvog Plat. XIII. PQCi§£V£LV IsOCr. 23« I^cfo , collocatio quaedam Luc. d. m. VII, 1. iteratum in vicinis periodi membris Plat. IV. 246 IflDEX ADNOTATIONUM. ys Diod. VI, 1 extr. Arr. IV, 2, 4- Plat. VII. ys Xcog. vnb rov ysXcozog Lucian. II, 4. ysXcoza ocpXiGxuvsiv ibid. IV , 3- ysfisiv Isocr. 43- Genitivus temporis Aesop, f. VI. Xen. IV, 15. pretii Aesop. XVIII. Luc. d. m. II, 1. Paus. V, 1. pendet a nom. proprio Paus. II, 2» Xen. II, 5. Ill, 1. partitivus Xen. II, 5- Arr. II, 2, 4- absol. omisso nom. Plut. I, 4. Xen. II, 7. Arr. I, 1, 8- e.rpZ. «& omisso svsy.cc Lucian. IV, 2. Arr. 1 , 3, 1. duo Gen. pendent ab lino nomine Arr. IV, 1, 5. collo- catio quaedam Lucian. IV, 4. cf. s. v. Pronomina et s. v. zlg. in comparatione Long. II, 1. Xen. VI , 7. VII , 2- cf. s. v. r\. clv&scov non dv&oov Paus. Ill , 4» oXCyov, noXXov, [ilkqov Arr. I, 3, 1. <^"~ £/ Plut. V, 1. StccficiXXsGficii. Ttoog zivte Isocr. 10. SittdsiG&ul zl Luc. d. m. IV, 6- 8icazct Aesop, f. VIII. diccXccpfidvsiv Diod. IV, \. 8ia.Xav%D1.vSLV c. Ace. Luc. d. m. II, 3. SiCiXvSLV Zl TtQOg ZtVCl IsOCr. 68* 8td~ IvsgQcil Xen. VI, 15. 8ta7ii7izstv Xen. IV, 22. Paus. X, 2- SiccTtvslv Plut. V, 4. 8iaGY.oiQicpuGQ'ca Isocr. 12. 8iCizsXslv omisso Participio verbi subst. Plut. 1,1. dm ad has pertinent Plat. VI. HfMteiQog c. Gen. Aesop, f. I. ifiTCLnldvat Paus. VIII, 4» ipnliixuv big, Ttqog xl et c. Ace. Lu- cian. IV , 5. Xen. I , Q. Isocr. 76. iv in significatione temporis Athen. II, 2. Xen. IV, 18. Lys. 13. 54. Isocr. 25- Plat. XIV. iv xolg (.id- licza vid. s. v. Artie, iv dnonxcp Arr. 1,4, 3. bv xivl blvai Aesop, f. III. XVIII. %v xivi TtlTlXblV ■, QL- nxboftai Aelian. I. $vay%og Paus. VIII, 7. Enallage generis Athen. II , 6« Lu- cian. I, 2- IV, 5- Plut. Ill, 2 extr. - Isocr. 61. Arr. I[, 1, 3. personae et numeri Luc. d. m. IV, 3. Lu- cian. IV, 4. Paus. VI, 1. Lys. 20. 60. Isocr. 51. Xen. I, 11. V, % VII, 11. casuum Paus. IX, 2 extr. Lys. 19. 24. 78- pers. verbi ap. oratores Isocr. 10- ivavziog c. Gen. Xen. VI, 19. IV, 23- Lys. 5. svSsna, ol Xen. II, 16- Plat. II. ivdiSovat xalg ipvxalg Diod. IV, 3« h'vdo&sv, ol i. q. ol bvdov Xen. IV, 10- ivslvat. iviGtai Luc. d. m. II, 3> td ivovza Isocr. 77. bvtxa , svsiijd ye Xen. I, 8. Isocr. 39. ip,ov ys bvbVLa, simil. Arr. II, 2> 2« ooov and @ofjg bvbua Xen. II , 9. ZV8K8V Lucian. Ill, 4. b'vbxa sup- plendum Lucian. IV, 2« Arr. I, 3, 1. 7ii6T£cog bvbna Xen. I, 8. ivbvtfxovza, bvvbvrjnovxa Lucian. II, 1. ivbqyd KTjjfiara, aqya. vlz. Isocr. 35. £vb%(6qbL impers. Xen. I, H. £vftbv Kal Iv&bv c. Gen. Xen. Ill, 17. - Arr. I, 2, 5. ivl6zu6&ai Aesop, f. VIII. ivT£lls6&ai Luc. d. m. II, 1, ivtog de loco et de tempore Arr. I, 5,2. ivTQi@eiv novdvlov rivi Ael. XXVIII. ivxvy%dvbiv. ol bVXvy%dvovxsg Isocr. 20. 83. i^dybG&ui xl noiuv Lys. 61- i^dybiv "IaK%ov Plut. IV, 2- cpQovQav Xen. H, 7. Ill; 12. i^dnxsiv Paus. II, 1. ££&yiv.ETO impers. Lys. 6» £%slavvstv , i^slaoig de pompis Luc. d. m. IV, 6. £££Q%s6&at> bi'g xi Aesop, f. XIII. ij-Lsvai. s&slg., b^i-ng Aesop, f. XI. ilixvHO&ai c. Gen. Xen. IV, 14. i&ntU&a&m Plut. II, 2. Xen. II, 11. t'^co c. Gen. Isocr. 63. in dye iv xivl oqkov Paus. I, 3« VIII, 4. PluL. IV, 3. bitaibiv Plat. VII. inaivbiv c. Gen. Xen. IV, 5« £*S tC XLva Luc. d. m. IV, 7« ina-aolovQ-blv c. In/in. Isocr. 77. 'EnafiE ivcovdag , 'Ena^iLVcovdag Stob. X. Xen. IV, 1. inaQY.uv Isocr. 34* insi nam Plut. II, 3 extr. bnbixu , slxa sine Si particula , ubi opp. fisv Arr. I, 2, 7. Ad v erbium loci , non temporis ibid, bixa voxb- qov ib. XVI. bill c. Genit. Xen. Ill, 15. Isocr. 20. 55- 69- btl [ibzanov Arr. I, 3, 4« ini KbQcag aysiv Xen. IV, 19. Arr. If 2, 2. bep' w simil. Xen. I, 10. II, 16. Arr. IV, 2, 3. «*& $avdz 3« s^vs cos eJjjjev Arr. 1 , 5 , 4. svjxccQ'ijg Plut. II, 2- svusvrjg Xen. V, 14. £VQiox£Lv Augm. Aesop, f. I. svqIgke- G&ca Lys. 15. cf. ad §. 7. svqIgxsiv c. Ace. Participii Isocr. 66- svqccv- ■ to Aor. Aelian. XI. svcpvrjg Plut. I, % opp. dvGzvxtfg Isocr. 49- £v%£6&ca Augm. Xen. VI, 2. c. J/z- J?tz. temp. jut. et aor. Lucian. Ill, 6. £v%. imprecari Luc. d. m. II, 4. icpdfiiXXog Diod. VI, 2- icpf^rjg deinceps Plut. IV, 4* icpfHvslod'cu cum Gen. Aesop, f. XII. icpOQ&v Xen. VI, % h%£iv c. Infin. Isocr. 6. £%> nqbg lav- rolg Xen. V, 20- sxsa&ai c. Gen. Achill. T. §.3. i%uv divrv Lys. 7. l%stv dfpbibag c. Gen. Paus. IX, 2« htgcog Aelian. XXV. XXVI. fysiv XL 6lU XtlQOS ? £V %8lQl , |U,£rW ££t- qccg Lucian. IV, 1. Plut. V, 1. l%ziv i. q. yci[i£iv, 6 \%cov maritus Paus. VIII, 1. h%siijo§ £%si Aelian. XIII. sv&vg cog d%zv Arr. 1,5,4- ot %X0VT8g divites Isocr. 55. 83. i. q. ol cpvau hxovvsg Plut. II , 1. %%ov- tes Xen. 1,5- zb ix6(i£vov Xen. IV, 21. Arr. I, 2, 3. 7j7\v. s£r]6£V Aor. Lucian. II, 1. Zeugma Arr. IV, 1, 3- Lys. 38. Plat. IX. "H post verba similitudinis, ubi alias y.ciL (cf. s. v.) Paus. VI, 1. ij cog c. Indie. , c. Infin. , c. Ace. et In- fin. Paus. V, 4. 7} quam, omisso comparativo membro. Lys. 62. rj post Gen. Comparativo iunctum iterum infert membrum compara- tivum Xen. VI, 20- Plat. III. add. Eclogae. Interpp. ad Herod. VIII, 86, 2? et infra s. v. ovzog. r\ pr\v Xen. II, 21« c. Infin. temp. praesentis Plat. XIII. r)7tov Lys. 37« rj^rj Xen. II, 10. r)firjd6v cctiokthvcu Diod. II, 5. y&o g, s&og Plut. II, 1. rjnuv Aesop, f. II. III. Xen. I, Q. r\liY.i(x. Aelian. XXII. i. q. ol iv 7]li- ^ xia Lys. 49- 50- iJQcog Paus. I, 5. riXog Lucian. IV, 5. Hippias et Hipparchus, uter maior natu Aelian. XX. Homerus , zvcpXog Luc. d. m. VII, 2. inscriptio rhapsodiarum Lucian. IV, 3« carmina quando Athenis recitata Aelian. XX. institutio pue- rdrum incipiebat ab Mis lectitan- dis Aelian. XXVIII. Hyperbaton ap. Artie. Long. II, % Arr. II , 1 , 4- IV , 2 , 8- Pronom. Lys. 29. Nom. et Adiect. Lys. 64. Arr. I, 2, 3- Paus. VIII, 4- Far- ticip. Long. II, 3. ©avazot Plat. VI. ftuvdzov vituysiv zivd Xen. Ill, 22- ^a.v(id^£iv Plat. I. &av(id^£tv zivog ibid. ftiazgov i. q. iY.yiXr\Gia Diod. VI, 1. ftitetv. £i ft£X£ig Luc. d. m. VI, 4. %£{iig Luc. d. rn. IV, 5. &t6g, 6, 7} Plut. V, 1. &801 TtCCZQCOOl Lucian. Ill, 1, % &8Qa7C£V£iv c. Infin. Plut. I, 5. cum Accus. Luc. d. m. Ill, 2. comp. in- &£QCC7t£V£iv Plut. II, 3 ink. d'ZQtiOL Luc. d. m. VI, 4. &£C0Qiai Isocr. 53. Thessaliae equi Lucian. IV, 2« fticcoog Xen. VII, H. Q-Q£7izr]QLcc Aelian. VI. comp. zee tqo- cpucc Lys. 70. Gqlccl, &Qid Xen. Ill, 20. &v£iv c. Accus. Isocr. 10. &v i uoi.iccx£iv Plut. IV, 3* 'Idicozr-g Isocr. 14. ol zv%6vzsg Idtco- zkl Diod. VI, 2 extr. Imperfectum c. dv particula Lucian. 1 , 2. cum conditione enuntiatum Lys. 7» r]v in apodosi Lys. 78- pro temp, praes. Luc. d. m. VIII, 2. Infin. temporis imperf. Plut. II, 1. IV, 4 extr. iv a cum Imperf. Plat. III. iva et I'vei firj c. Coniunct. ubi Optativum ex~ spectes Lys. 9. ibid. 33. Indicativus temp. fut. Lys. 22. Indie. R 250 INDEX ADNOTATIONUM. c. Optat. iunctus ad Paus. IV, 1. Indie, ubi Optativum cum ixv ex- spectes Lys. 15. Infinitivus Aorist. ubi Fut. exspectes Arr. 1 , 1 , 5« In fin. Fut. et Aor. ap. fisllsLV Xen. I, 8- Lys. 39- Paus. IX, J. Praes. et Aor. apud verbum sperandi, promittendi Diod. VI , t init. Plat. XIV. Infin. pro Imperat. Lucian. IV, 3« Paus. VIII, 7. ZQEcpEiV Infin. pro Fut. Aelian. VI. Infin. Praes. et Fut. ap. v. VOjjLl&O Lys. 23- Infin. passiv. ap. v. keXeveiv Plut. II , 3. inf. ap. cp&dvsiv Luc. d. m. IV, 3- Inf. explicandi causa additus Plat. XIV. Inf. post verbale in zeov Plat. XI f. slvai superfluum Paus. Ill, 2» cf. etiam s. vv. cog, coGzs. lonicae formae Lucian. Ill, 4« Paus. I, 5. Pl»t. V, 5 extr. Xen. II, 10. ^ IV, 22. VII, 10. iTinog, rj Arr. I, 1, 6- al I'nnoi Diod. Ill, 3 ITCTtOV doofiog Plut. V, 5. IgoxcoXk Diod. II, 1. I'gov , to Lys. 56. to i'aov rivi Lys. 76. vid. ibid, ad §. 66- Icozqg. iGorrjTsg Isocr. 21. lezdvcci. to EGzyxog vox jnilitaris Xen. V, 3. I'Gcog Arr. IV, 2, 7- frvg Puus. Ill, 4- Ka&aiQzlv c. Gen. Xen. Ill, 7« xc- &cclqsiv xi sig edeccpog Paus. I, 2. Muddofiazu , t/e ho minibus Luc. d. m. I, 1. xaxri'QEtv, y.a%-r\G%'at Long. II, 4. Isocr. 15- ^ #0>. Ko'7rog Aesop, f. IV. '/.omtacpOQog Lucian. IV, 2. KOrtzEiv xrjv ftvQccv Xen. Ill, 6. xoQvfiavxiuv Plat. XVII. TiOGflQg, XOGfiEtv, HOGpiOg, H66(17JT^9 Plut. V, 2. stOtfrsZv c. .^cc. Arr. I, 1, 6« KQccvyrj Xen. V, 28- Lys. 38. kqeIzzov , xo i. q. to <&-aov Aelian AtTarfyftv Xen. II, 4. Xoyad^g, o2 Paus. Ill, 2. Jlo'yos. Ao'yoi»s noLSiG&cti, sIqtjksvcxl Isocr. 84. Adyog or^ft Plat. IX, €og Xoyog Arr. Ill, 2, 2. Lucian. 3V, 4« /to'yog numeri ratio Plut. IV, I. 2vfiv i. q. Trav'ftv Xen. IV, 19. Avxeiov Xen. II, 5. XXXII, 8. %oslxx6v sgzlv expedit Xvficcivtad-at c Dat. Xen. IV, 15. Xvnvgog sXscpag Arr. Ill, 1, 1. A^Gffav Paus. VIII, 8. Xco@cc6&(U cum Dat. Plat. VIII. MccXXov Ss Plat. V. %cu (idXXov Plut. 1, 2 init. Ttavxog ficcXXov Aelian. XVI. Plat. X. [iclXXov amission Arr. II, 1, 3. Lys. 62- n&XXov d^iovv Lys. 12. pukiGzu circiter Arr. I, 2, 5. 7tr]VLKa {iuXlcxu Plat. I. (iciv&dvsiv c. Fart, et c. Injin. Diod. III, 2. Marathonia pugna, quotannis cele- brata populo Athen. Plut. V, 1 extr. Lys. 20- [isyuX£7zi§oXog Diod. IV, 1. psycegpotens, auctoritate pollens Isocr. 32. psXctg Ttovxog Lucian. IV, 4« psXca- va ia&jjg lugentium Paus. 1 , 3- psXst pot xt et xLvog Luc. d. m. VI, 5. Xen. VI, 12. Isocr. 9. HslXr}G(i6g Paus. VIII, 3- Aav.sS. 8r}po-/.QCizovp£voi, Isocr. 61 • (isXXsiV c. Inf. temp, praes. Aesop. XccXelv Lucian. Ill, 3. f. I. c. Inf. fat. Xen. I, 8- Lys. Xccpfiuvsiv onXa Paus. VIII, 1. X. 39. c. Inf. Aor. Paus. IX, 1. fiszafioXag Isocr. 6. X. yvvcclncc in pslog, to' Lucian. II, 5. piXog Ktt- matrimonium ducere Plat. XII. Xcifi- Gzoqelov Plut. 1 , 5« pdveod-cu c. Genit. Lucian. Ill, 5. psv — Ss non dirimit, sed exaggt Lys. 81. cf. s. v. dycx&og. KoEvGig TtoXig Xen. Ill, 15. v.qivs g& 6. R2 252 INDEX ADNOTATIONUM. fiEQog. iv fiEpEi Arr. IV, 1, 4. to gov (i£Qog Plat. V. (i£6og. piouxog, iiEGaixaxog Long. 1, 4. fZEGzog xivog taedio alicuius rei ca- ctus Plut. V, 1. |ll£TK. ^f-9 1 ' £G7l£QdV^ fl£&' f})lEQCiV prima luce Paus. Ill, 5. P&&' ^(IS- qccv xglxrjv Pans. VIII, 6« (iSTCcXoc(i(3ai)siv exeqov xl Isocr. 71- [iETCi7ioiHGd'cci ccQ8Tr t g xi Arrian. II, 2, 6. ; [i£xuGz£i%£iv ex coni. propositum Luc. d. m. VIII, 2. (1£T£%£IV ZlVOg. (l£T£%£LV (IEQOQ XL XI- vog Lys. 44- {iexolkhv Plat. XII. {1£%ql, p£ZQig Diod. IV, 4. p^jftt quamdiu c. Indicat. Aesop, f. VII. XXI. ^?? interrogativum Luc. d. m. IV> 5« c. Co7zf. !//o/\ ibid. c. Particip. Lu- cian. HI , & Plut. V , 2- M ov. ^ oifyt Arr. II, 2, 2. Plat. I. (if] oxl Arr. Ill, 1, 1. ^ ??cw .swo /oco positum Plat. VJII. ^,?y s. [irjnoxs post verba verendi Diod. Ill, 1. Xen. VI, 17. post verba vetandi, negandi al. Isocr. 17. ov fit] Plat. III. vid. etiam s. v. ov. s. v. oxl. (iqv Partic. adfirmandi Isocr. 67. ov [irjv dlld Isocr. 6« 37 p,7]V Xen. II, 21- inqxciVuGftca Xen. VII, 10- [ILKQOg. TlttQOC [ilXQOV IsOCr. 6« KCCXtt (iixQOV Lucian. 1 , 1. [ilzqov cctzo- 1ii%£i Isocr. 17. [iiGfi-coficc. ftvsiv dno [UG&copdxcov Isocr. 29. [iiGodrjuog Isocr. 57« MlxvXtjVT] , MvriXtfvT] Diod. II, 4- fivr}(iov£V£iv c. Ace. Part. Isocr. 66. (IOLQCC. iv (ZOIQCC xivl ilvai , xa&£- cxdvcu Plat. XII. [lovog. (lovov modo Luc. d. m. V, 4- cw'tos /tioVog Lys. 50. Lucian. I, 1. (iOQ[ioXvxx£G&cci Plat. VL Navaytu, vavdyia Lys. 3$. yayg GXQCcxicoxig Diod. IV , 4. V£c6goly.ol Isocr. 66. vrjTtiog Arrian. 1, 5, 9- vlxuv Gxddiov, ccQfia ctt. Pans. 1,1. c. duobus et tribus Ace. ibid, vl- %uv xivd xi Lys. 52« vmav, vlhoqv ctt. signif. Aor. Diod. Ill, 2. vUrjfia Plut. I,' 5. vofilfeiv c. Infin. temp, praes. et fut. Lys. 23. vo(ii£elv ftsovg Lucian. Ill, 3. voixi&Tcu Xen. If, 14. Paus. VI, 2. al. zee vofiL^6(i£VU Lys. 8. ov vofii&iv Xen. II, 8« Nomina substant. c. constructione ver- balium Luc. d. m. V , 3. VIII , 4. Xen. VII, 14. Arr. IV, 1, 4- Norn, propr. c. Gen. Xen. II, 5. Ill, 1. al. Nom. quaedam gentilia con— temptui inserviunt Luc. d. m. I, 4« collective num. sing. Arr. IV, 1, 5- Nom* concretum pro abstr. Isocr. 48. abstracta num. plur. Diod. IV, 2. Arr. I, 4, 2. Plat. VI. Nominativus absolutus Aelian. XXVIII. Paus. IV, 1. Lys. 48. 50 sq. v6[MiG{ict xov loyov Plut. I, 4« vdfiog opp. §ia Lys. 19- voguv c. Ace. Aelian. XIII. cf. Diod. IV > 5 extr. i/v^rGoo Paus. VI, 1. Numerus sing. Nominis collect, c. verbo n. plur. Luc. d. m. IV , 3- Paus. VI, 1. Xen. I, 11. VII, 11. al. Nom. gentil. Arr. IV , 1 , 5- verbum n. sing, pluribus iungitur Paus. IV, 1. VII, 1. — Verbum 72. plur. c. num. plur. neutr. gen. Luc. d. m. I, 2. IV, 2. quamquam prior locus etiam alia ratione ex- plicari potesl. xi Collect, c. Pron. num. plur. Isocr. 63. Verbum n. pi. c. duali iuncium'Xen. Ill, 18- Abs- tracta n. plur. cf. s. v. Nomina subst. Comparat. neutr. gen. num» plur. Xen. I, 8. vcqI£{i,£CO$ Paus. II, 1. BzvizEveiv Lucian. Ill, 5« ^rjqog (norafiog) Xen. V, 18- [Composita cum '%vv v. in gvv.^ OWa. ovh old' OTtwg Luc. d. m. V, 1. old' oxl Isocr. 3. oiG&cc dqd- G£ig; Luc. d. m. IV, 8- ol£G&ccl. oi'sLf oi'eG&s in media in- ter rogations Long. II, 4. ova ofc- 6&c(L §£lv nolle, prohibere Plat. IV. oI(il(ovi^£G% , CLL Augm. Xen. Ill, 16» dfivvvccL inl xlvl Xen. Ill, 10. c. Ac- cus. Long. II , 6« ofio&sv Xen. VI, 9. opovoHV Lys. 43. 6fiOG£ %(OQUV Plut. V, 5. 6(iov c. Bat. Paus, V, 2« 6{i6ip7](pog c. Bat. Luc. d. m. I, 3. INDEX ADNOTATIONUM. 253 ovivdvui. 6vcd(ir]v , GVCCIO ctt. usus quidam Luc. d. in. VI, 2. o^scog i. q. xcc%icog Diod. VI, 2. Oxymoron Lys. 24. OTiT] ■ndXXufza Xen. II , 16. OizXa Xen. II, 3- onXcc Xufiuv , dq- TtugsLV Paus. VIII, 1. 6'jrAa a^Gafra Plut. V, 1. onov c. Genit. Xen. II, 5« Optativus post Par ticulas svzs, Snots Paus. 1 , 4. Arr. IV, 2 , 3- insiSij Lucian. I , % Isocr. 37. §'«S Xen. V, 3- el ncci Lucian. Ill, 4. ib. dial, m. II, 5. oncog Xen. II, 7. ozt Xen. I 9. IV, 15- w S ^ Plut. V, 4. OTrocot Paus. VI, 2. ft c Op*. _Fw/. Xen. II, 7. eos c. Indie, et Opt. Paus. IV, 1. V, 1- ort c. JrceZz'c. et Opt. Arr. Ill, 2, 1. Coni., ubi Optat. exspectes Lys. 33- oncog relative Lucian. II, 3- Xen. V, 7. Plat. XI init. cum Indie. Fut. Xen. VI, 15- Isocr. 30- cf. s. v. Optativus. — ov% oncog . . . dXXd Isocr. 32. oqav c. Part. Aesop, f. V. sic eiusd. verbi composita Lys. 44 et centies al. Idov, idov Stob. II extr. Aelian. XXVII ctt. oqeev xi irgendwie aussehen Aelian. XXV. oqcc p,r\ Plat. V extr. OQfiav ig yeXcoza Lucian. II, 4. 6q- p,av de aliis animi adfectibus Plut. . v ' !; OQcpctvos Paus. VI, 4. Sg (xiv — og ds Diod. Ill, % accl og ^ Athen. I, 5. Aesop, f. XXII. o6ov ap. numeral. Paus. IX, 2. c. In- jin. Plut. I, 5. o6ov dno Xen. II, 9- oGa tamquam Arr. II , 2 , 7« ©(Too non sequente membro compa- rative) Arr. II j 1 , 3- org 7tEQ ncd Lucian. IV, 5. ozt p,tf Arr. 1 , 1 , 6. Plat. XIV. on c. Indie. Fut. Lys. 32- ozi $idXi- Gccty o. nXdcza Xen. V, 12. ov in interrogatione Plat. XII. ov, ow, nein Lucian. d. m. I, 5« VIII, 2« ovv. non suo loco positum Lys. 13. cl certis quibusdam verbis non disiungitur Xen. II, 8- ov fii] Plat. III. ^ ov ndvv Xen. IV , 16. ov [i7]v dXXd Isocr. 6. ov% oncog — dXXd Isocr. 32* ov [iovov ov% — dXXcc %cu Aesop^ f. VIII. ov% 7]V nco Paus. VI, 4. ov cp&dvco Hal Luc. d. m. V, 1. ovds' ys — ovds Xen. VI, 15- ovd' &g Xen. II , 13. ovdslg, oGxig ov% Isocr. 59. ovds\g 6's Plat. XV. qvze — zs — ovdus Paus. IX, 1. ovdsv fortius quam ov Aesop, f. X. ovdsv slfit Xen. VI, 12. firjdlv slvai ibid. 22- ovzs — zs Isocr. 50. ovzs — dXk' ovds Aelian. XI. ibid. XIII. ovzog in epanalepsi Lucian. II, 1. 5» ovzog iv&dds quasi de praesente Plat. IV. cb ovzog Aesop, f. III. VIII. XI. ovzog l Luo. d. in. 1, 1. TOVtov ap. Co?nparat. videri pos- sit superfluum Lys. 73> Isocr. 27. cfizog', ut videtur , i. q. ovzog cov, zoiovzog Diod. IV, 1. %ovzo sq- yov, ovzog avsfiog Articulis omis- sis Aelian. XXI. Achill. T. §. 4- Plat. VIII init. — Vid. etiam s. v. Pronomina. ovzcog in apodosi Xen. IV, 4* Ucudsiu Luc d, m. IV, 7. TtcudsvsG&cu opp. fiovXsvsGd'cci Lys. 53- Kccxcog naidsvsGd'KL de bestio- lis Long. II, 5. ncudixd Aelian. XXII. nalsG&ai Arr. IV, 2, 2° ncclg, ri Paus. VI, 4. TtdXcciGficc naXaisLv Aelian. V. nocXccfivccloi Xen. VI, 13« Palmae Babyloniae Xen. V, 11. TtuvoTiXia Athen. II, 7. nciQu. nag? rjfiiQav Plut. Ill, 1. nag? ovdev &£G&cu Aelian. XXIV. TMXQccyiyveGd'cu h&i zwu Aesop, f. VII. nccQCCQQijyvvGd'cu Diod. Ill, 3. TZccQctzifttGQ'ctt, de cibis adpositis Ae- sop, f. XI. netQiGzctG&cu. TtttQiGzcizcd fioi i. q. dons! c. Ace. et Inf. Paus. II, 2« ndoodog Lys. 30. Participium generis neutr. pro Sub- stantivis Achill. T. §. 3. Paus. Ill, 2. Plut. IV, 4- Diod. II , 1. Arr. I , 4 , 3. duo Part, sine copula coniuncta Plut, I, 3, Xen. IV, 6. al. d c. Part. Arr. 1 , 1 , 7. Part, in Attractione Xen. IV, 13« c. Articulo Plut. II, 2- IV, 1. zb ys- vopzvov Xen. V, 9- zee dvsayozu Luc. d. m. II , 2. ££Gyd7]X(6g ibid. II, 5. ol (lapazsg Athen. II, 6- ov %ccIqcov Paus. VIII, 7« cf, s. vv. sl- vm, e%siv, Igzuvui. vttig. -ituvzbg (iccXXov Plat. X. ig nav ■kqoUvkl Paus. Ill, 2. ndvzcc zoX- ficcv Plut IV, 3 ; itdG%ziv. zi av nd&oi rig; Luc. d. m. VIII, 4- add. Horat. Od. Ill, 24,44. ndzQtog, ov. Paus. II, 4« Isocr. 59. TtdzQIOl fivGlCil Opp. iTtlQ'BZOL ft. Isocr. 29- 254 INDEX ADNOTATIONUM. 7t 3. Tf^fvrav cum Genit, Xen. VI, 12. tegra orationis membra adnectit Paus. V, 1. add. Herra. ad Viger. p. 835- tslxog , rfi%r] i. q, tpQovQiov Diod. IV, 2 extr. ra ficxHoa. vsijm Xen. 1,7. 256 INDEX ADNOTATTONUM. rslr), zu. ol i v zilzi p aus , J 5 f ad Athen. II, 6. Tempore : Praes. et Imp/, in una perzodoXen. II, 1 3 . Imp f % et Aort Plat. XI, Praes. et Aor. Lys. 59. Infin. Put. et Aor. Arr. I, \ , 5. Praes. pro Put. Isocr. 77, jFW. p*. 2, afo .La*. Coniunct. temp, praes. Long. I i. „•# Ag si y. - Aelian. XXXII, 4. Plusgf 3 plur. in saav -stow Diod. IV, 1. VI, 2- ^/d. ef/am ,?. ^. Impf. wS-eva* i. cj. UyiZEGfrcii Luc. d. m. jj» 1, &£6&cii ig zb cpcivtQov ibid. ti J ' 2; f f'fftfor* 7r^ 9 3 ov'fcV AeJian. XXIV. ovopor Tt#£ff#ca Athen. I, 6. #£ tva* et &EGd-ai v6(jlov Plut. II, 9. onla &8G&CC1 Plut. V, 1. ztfidv, ztfi7]6£zai Xen. VI, 10. n- jiriGCLGftcti c. Gen. Plat. XIV* Tie 4diectivis et Pron. adpositum Luc. d. m.II, 3. Xen. Ill, 19. £o- xovgi zi et TLvhg Uvcci Aesop, f. XX. Tie et zi, rig et zi collect, cum Pron. neutr. num. plur. Isocr. 63- Ti9, collocatzo ouaedam Arr. II, 1, Ti x XV * T * supplendum Paus. Tto*/ I^oW) Arr. Ill, 1,1. np-jt cur, quid? Aesop, f.' XL zl ds; zi Scci; Aelian. XVIII. Lucian. IV, 2. Plat. X. zl povX6{i8vog - ; isocr. 71. zi 7c 0L( z v jj p lat# X y # ro^a, ro'A^ Diod. IV, 6. *°lf* v l f ovx aiG X vv£G&ai Plat. XV. v. fin. Ttuvza zolficcv Plut. * ' > o« tqicpuv signif. f m . Aelian. VI. tqs- CpUV OIHEZCCS, KOQVV7]Cp6QOVe Plut. itQonuioy GzrJGai Diod. VI, 3. TQoncozrJQ Luc. d. m. II, 1. TQvyttv contemnere, ludibrio habere Hut. IV, 3. ivzQvcpdv z iv 1 Luc. d. m - /, 5. 37 r W>? ' Long. I, 3. Tvyzavsiv. coe £zv%ov quod for s fe- rebat ut alias o3 S I'rt^j; Isocr. 60. Plat. Illextr. ibid. V init. 6 zvvcov, 01 zvxovzse Diod. VI, 2. Tyrtaeus SMaxuXog yQafifidzcov, ut quibusdam visum, etiam gzqcc- Trjyog zdiv 'EMtJvcov Paus. II, 3. 'Tfivtiv opp. Xiynv Lys. 3. cf. ad §. 80- VTiaysiv ftavuzov zivd Xen. Ill 99. vnaxovsiv c. Bat. Xen. VI, 11. ver- < bum , de ianitore proprium Plat. I. vnExTi&so&cu Lys. 34. vnsQ c. Ace. trans, vulgo c. Genit. e Hut. V, 3. Arr. I, 3? 4. vasQsxsiv c. Genit. Xen. V, 8- vtzzqov^ zo. vnsQog, 6 Lucian. I, 9. vnsQoouv c. Acc. Lys. 77. V7zsqoxi] Diod. I, 2. V7t£QcpaXayyeiv Arr. I, 2, 4. i)7iE(3%ZGfrai Plat. XV. V7tYj%£iv sensu transit. Lucian. IV 5. VTIO cum Genit. comite aliquo, comi- tatu alicuius Xen. 1 , 12. add. In- terpp. ad Herod. VU, 22, 2. cum Bat. de loco, sub Xen. IV, 19. VTio zivi yiyv£G&cci in potestate esse Lys. 44. Isocr. 64- cum Acc. Diod. Ill, 3 extr. v-jioninz£iv vuo zivcc Isocr. 12. vno vvkzu de tem- pore, rarius c. Bat. Lys. 46. vno ^ Paus. 1,3. V7io$QV%iov Paus. VII, 3. vnoKooi&G&cci Xen. VII, 6. V7ioloi[ifioiv£iv Aesop, f. XII. vnozslslv Isocr. 2. V7Z0(p£Q£lV l. q. Xd&QCt CpEQUV Plut. vncoQEia Arrian. I, 3, 4. vcpriyuoQ-ca Xen. VI, 10. vcpiGxavai. vnoGzece h' e. nqvcplcog iGzccfiEvog Lucian. I, % Verba tangendi c. Gen. Aesop. VII. IX. Diod. II, 2. recedendi c. Gen. Paus. IX, 2. Diod. I, 1. HI, 2. Xen. V, 20. accusandi c. Gen. rei Lucian. II, 3. Plut. II, 3. cf. Xen. III, 22. Plat. XIV med. ■praeferendi , praeoptandi c. Gen. Xert. VI, 5. distribuendi c. duobus Acc. aut sl'g zi Diod. Ill, % Xen. . V, 13. intrans. vi trans. Aelian. XIII. Xen. Ill, 6. Lucian. IV, 5. cf. s. v. Accus. trans, vi intrans. Luc. d. m. II, 2. 5. Athen. I, 5. Isocr. 5. 11. 15. 69. eundi , migrandi, quasi motu confecto Athen. I , Q. Xen. IV, 7. cf. s. vv. iv et Iv do&sv. quiescendi s. quietis c. Praep. motus Aesop. VII. XIII. Paus. IX, 2- Arr. I, 5, 5. passiva c. Acc. Paus. Ill, 5« impersonalia naturam depo- nunt Isocr. 17. 48. 60. Plat. III. V. sperandA , promittendi c. Inf. Praes. s. Aor. pro Put. Diod, VI , 1 init. Isocr. 77. Plat. XIV. INDEX ADNOTATIONUM. 257 f&alvsG&ai Soy.hv Xen. VII, 2. cp£Q£iv (jcCQtrag ximil. intransitive, xi- vi et sni xivt Lys. 77- cf. Isocr. 73. cpFQ£iv iprjcpov dnb xov ficofiov Plut. IV ? 4« cpeQEiv procreare , nutrire, iunctum c. xQicpstv Isocr. 74. cptqs ovv Aelian. XXXII, 1. cpevysiv c. Genit. Paus. IX, 2. Diod. III, 2 med. cp&dvsiv c. Infin. Luc. d. m. IV, 3« ov cp&dvco — xca Luc. d. m. V, 1. tpiluv Xen. VI, 7. Arr. IV, 2, 8- cpiXoGocpicc Isocr. 45- (pilor£%vHv Diod. Ill, 2- cpOiTocv, de commeatu Plut. V, 3« cpoQcc TtQodorcov Diod. V, 2« €poquv Arrian. IV, 1,2* cpoor^oag Isocr. 53. tpoQtiov Aesop, f. IV. epQOvslv xd xivog, xd (jcpstSQCt Diod. IV, 3 extr. Xen. IV, 2- cpQOVTJfiarcc Paus. 1 , 4. cpQOvgd. cpQovQav £'£ay£M> Xen. II, 7* III, 12. govaig Aelian. XXXII, 3. cpvGug 8iv- dgcov, gcocov ctt. Isocr. 74. cpvGU cpvsc&cti Xen. VI , 8- Lys. 29- cpcoqdv Plut. II, 1. XuLqslv c. Part. Luc. d. m. I, 2. %kiq£lv idv Plut. Ill, 1 extr. Plat. IV, VI. ourot %uLqovx£$ Paus. VIII, 7- #apa: prae gaudio Xen. V, 32- XcxqlgxtJqlcc Lucian. Ill, 4. #££'£>. d^o: %uqos, iv x £t Qh ^ £T< * 2 s *" Q&S £Z £LV Xl Lucian. IV, 1. Plut. V, 1. a/g %£Iqcc<5 7]HSIV, ilxtsZV} cvfifiiyvvvcu Arr. 1 , 1 , 4« 07rAoj «c #?£(>os Arr. IV, 2, 2- X* l Q*S CidrjQccl ad oppida oppugnanda Diod. Ill, 2- Xzlidovica (vrjaoL) Plut. V, 4 et 5 extr. %icov t luxuriae inserviens Xen. VII, 10. ftOQSvm/. %OQ£vovTSg Isocr. 54- WQriyuv Diod, IV, 3 extr. Arr. IV, 2, 4. %QQriylcii Isocr. 53. #oug. Genit. %ov Arr. II, 2, 4. Z9?^a Long. I, 2- XQrjGftcu (iia yveofiT] Lys. 17. 29oVo*». P scr. ®tmv. P. 12*. 1- 13- «■• 2«-