S86 Copy 1 f ''• 1 n<^% LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A SGHEnE BY SARAH L. STOCKING, PFiee 25 Gents. Copyright, !889 — Saran L. Stocking. K SCHEME 9^rom tlie ^M 0/ CUnsi U (He Sixteentft Cenbiry. ^ ifT BY SARAH L. STOCKING. MOLINE, ILLINOIS: PLOAVMAX PUBLISHING COMPANY, PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1889. THE LIBRARY or CONGRESS I WASHINGTON^ S?i- PREFACE. This scheme is prepared for the use of private classes and literar}' clubs. The topics for study are arranged by centuries, and although not exhaustive, they embrace the most noted and influencive events and characters of the period. The topics for essays are onl}^ suggestive, and may be u.sed or changed for others. Much profit and pleasure will be derived from this supple- mentary exercise, as it will lead to a deeper investigation of the subjects. The catalogue of book^ embraces the best historical works, from which a thorough knowledge of this period of his- tory may be derived, or from which those who have less leisure, or desire for extended research, maj^ select topical readings, which will give them pleasant and important infor- mation of the essential facts and people of the age. Historical romances are helpful, by impressing upon the mind the real, every-daj^ life of historical peoples ; the strug- gles, the interests, passions and purposes which constitute real life, and are often unknown to history. It will be found a pleasant and profitable exercise to analyze, criticise and compare such novels as Bulwer's Harold, Kings- ley's Hereward and Scott's romances, etc., with the best cotemporary authorities. Blank spaces are left for marginal notes and comments. Blank pages for additions to the catalogue of books. S. I.. S. THE ^ariij Centuries of the Christian Ora, From TOO to joo A. D. J-irsi Centuri] ^. ^. — "^fte Tmpcrial Centarij. TOPICS FOR STUDY. The Birth of Christ ; the great central event of history. The Political and Moral Condition of the World under the Caesars. Jewish War — Fall of Jerusalem. Growth of Christianity. The Augustan Age of Literature, Architecture and Art. Herculaneum and Pompeii Destroyed. NOTED NAMES. Emperors — The Twelve Caesars. Authors, Philosophers, etc. — Livy, Ovid, Tibullus, Strabo, Columella, Quintus Curtius, Seneca, L,ucan, Petro- nius, Silius, Italicus, Martial, Tacitus, Quintilian, Pliny the Elder, Pliny the Younger. Apostles, Christian Fathers and Writers — Barnabas, Clement, Hernias, Ignatius, Polycarp. — 6 — TOPICS FOR ESSAYS. Influences of Christianity During the First Century Rome's Legacy to the World. The Material Grandeur of Rome. The Moral Condition of Rome. leading for tfie ^irst Century, ^. AUTHORS. Merivale. History of Rome under the Empire. Dyer. History of Rome. Dyer. Pompeii. Mourier. Wonders of Pompeii. Gibbon. Decline and Fall of Rome. Momse7i. History of Rome. Lord. Old Roman World. P. Suiith. Ancient History — Ecclesiastical History. King sky. Roman and Teuton. Neibuhr. History of Rome — Lectures on Rome. Arnold. History of Rome — Lectures on Rome. Lanciani. Ancient Rome in Light of Recent Research Fa?rar. Life of Christ — Early Christianity. Fisher. Beginnings of Christianity. fosephiis. Antiquities. Milman. History of Christianity. IVithroTV. The Catacombs. F. Clarke. The Catacombs.in Epochs of Religious History F. Clarke. Ten Great Religions. Ulhorn. Conflict of Christianity with Heathenism. White. Eighteen Christian Centuries. David Hill. Social Influence of Christianity. Farrar. Seekers after God — Senaca, Epictetus. Magoon. Westward Empire. W. Williams. Nero and Paul, — In Eras and Characters of History." Lectures by difi"erent authors. )7 ROMANCES AND POEMS. Becker. Gallus — Roman Scenes. Bulwer. Last Days of Pompeii. L. Wallace. Ben Hur. E. F. Burr. Dio the Athenian. Ingraham. Prince of the House of David. C. Elizabeth. Lion of the Tribe of Judah. E. H. M. Miriamne. Cowpcr. Boadicea . Milman. Fall of Jerusalem, Pope. Messiah. Willis. Leper. Scene at Gethsemene. Gladstone. Ecce Homo. Seeley. Ecce Homo. Helena's Household — A Tale of the First Century. — 9 — ^fie Second and '^liird Centimes, ^. ^. Second Century, A. D. TOPICS FOR STUDY. Five Good Emperors. The Age of the Antoiiines. Rome Under the Bad Emperors. Third Century, A. D. TOPICS FOR STUDY. Anarch}' and Confusion in the Roman World. The Roman and the Teuton. Aurelian and Zenobia. Division of the Empire Under Diocletian. Growth of the Church. NOTED NAMES. Second Centiiry, A. D. Emperors, Writers — Pliny the Younger, Plutarch, Arian, Suetonius, Juvenal, Martial, Appian, Galen, Ptolemy. Christian Fathers, Philosophers and Writers — Tertullian, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Theophilus of An- tioch, Clement of Alexandria. Third Century, A. D. Emperors — Zenobia. Writers — Dion Cassius, Orrigen, Cyprian, Plotimu s, lyonginus, Hippol3'tus, Celsus Africanus. Reading for tfie Second and '(jRird Centuries, ^. (D. //is/ones same as First Century, A. D. AUTHORS. Fisher. The Apostolic Fathers and Apologists of the Second Century. Fisher. The Fathers of the Third Century. E. S. Brooks. Zenobia — Historic Girls. Geo. Eber. The Sisters — The Emperors, R.* Second Century, A. D. W. Ware. Zenobia, Aurelian, R.=^ Third Century, A. D. * Romance. ^ Ceniunf of Cf^cinfjes. Fourth Ceiitnry, A. D. TOPICS FOR vSTUDY. Constantine the Great. Constantinople the Seat of Power. The Council of Nice. The Apostacy of Julian. Final Division of the Empire. Settlement of the Goths. NOTED NAMES. Emperors — Alaric. Writers — Claudian, Ausonius. Church Fathers and Writers — St. Athanasius, Arius, lyactantius, Eusebius, Ba.sil the Great, Gregory, Nazianzen, St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, Theodoret, Martin of Tours, St. Chrysostom, St. Jerome. TOPICS FOR ESSAYS. The Character and Work of Constantine. St. Augustine: His influence. Chrysostom. The Beginning of Monastic L,ife. leading for tfcnrtR Cenhirij, ^. ^. Histories the same as preceditig ecutiiries. AUTHORS. GJbluvi . Stan/y. P. Sviith. Nei>.nnan. Guizot. Draper. Dean. Merivale. Schaff. F. Clarke. IV. Wi/Iiams. Fisher. Fis/ier. N^eander. R. W.Stephens ■F. Clarke. Lord. Ware. Geo. Fber. Thomas. E. S. Brooks. (sr- Constantine. Constantine in Eastern Church. Ecclesiastical History. Arians of Fourth Century. Histor}^ of Civilization. Histor}' of Civilization. History of Civilization. Conversion of Rome. St. Augustine. /^ St. Augustine — In Epochs of Religious^ History. ^^ St. Augustine — In Eras and Characters of History.' Post Nicine Greek Fathers. Post Nicine Latin Fathers. Life of Chrysostom. Life of Chrj'sostom. Chrysostom — In Epochs of Religious History. Chr3-sostom — In Beacon Lights. Julian. R.'^ Serapis. I^^ Last Athenian. R."^ Helena — In Historic Girls. Romance. '^Be Masi Century of ffie Smpire. Fifth Century, A. D. TOPICS FOR STUDY. The End of the Empire. The New Races. The Formation of Modern States. The Beginning of France. The Beginning of England ; Groans of the Britons. New Languages. Growth of Ecclesiastical Authority. NOTED NAMES. Emperors of the East. Emperors of the West. Odoacer (Visigoth), Theodoric (Ostrogoth), Kings of Italy ; Clovis I., King of Franks ; Alaric, King of Visigoth ; Genseric, King of Vandals ; Attila, King of Huns. Writers — Sidonius, AppollinariS, Macrobius. Church Fathers and Writers — Chrysostom, Jerome, and St. Augustine, Cont. Pelagius, St. Cyril of Alexandria, St. Patrick, Hypatia. SUBJECTS FOR ESSAYS, Nature of this Period. Causes of Fall of Roman Empire ; Degeneracy of the People, Absence of National Religion, Division of Power, Decline of Military S3'stem, Invasion of Barbarians. Influence of the Romans upon the New Races. Influence of Christianity upon the New Races. — 14 — ^eadiiH] for tlw J-iftfi Ccntimj, j£. X. AUTHOKS. (iiliboii. Decline and Fall of Rome. Moivalc. Romans Under the Empire. P. Smith. Ancient Histor3^ P. Smith. Ecclesiastical History. Ahiburh. Lectures on Rome. Arnold. Lectures on Rome. Lord. Old Roman World. J\i)ios/i'v. Roman and Teuton. I\olra7'. Adams. Medieval Civilization. Drapc) . Historj' of Civilization. Gidzot. History of Civilization. Dean. History of Civilization. Wliitc. Eighteen Christian Centuries. Green. History of F^nglish People. I\)iioht. History of England. Gidzot. Histor}' of France. Michelet. Historj' of France. Fin toy. Byzantine Empire. Kingsley. Hypatia. E. S. Brooks. Pulcheria of Constantinople ; Clotilda of Bur- gunda. — 15 — THE MIDDLE AGES. FIFTH TO FIFTFFNTH CEXTrA'/FS, A. I). THE DARK AGES. FROM FIFTH TO TUF/.FT/I CFX'D h'/ES, A. /). SixtH Ccnturij. I'aiod of Invasions and Chaii^a^cs. TOPICS FOR vSTUDY. P^astern Empire. Settlement of the Lombards. Laws of Justinian. Christianity Introduced into P^ngland. NOTED NAMES. Emperors, Kings, Generals — Belisarius, Narses. Writers — Procopius, Priscian, Gregory (of Tours), Boe- thius. Pope Gregory the Great, St. Benedict, St. Gildas, St. Columba, St. Columbans. S event f^ Ccnfurij, y{. ^. TOPICS FOR STUDY.' Rise of the Saracens ; Their Early Government and Re- ligion. Mohammed ; His l{arly Life ; His Mission. The Hegira. The Koran. The Conquests of the Caliphs. NOTED NAMES. Emperors of the East, Kings of Franks — Mohammed and his successors, Abu Bekir, Omar, Othman, Ali. Writers — Nennius, Bede. — i6 — Sigfiffi Cenfimj, ^. ^. TOPICS FOR STUDY. Temporal Power of the Church. The Empire of Charlemagne. NOTED NAMES. Emperors of the East, Kings of France — Haroun-al- Raschid, Caliph of Bagdad. Writers — Eginhard, Bede, Alcuin, John Damascanus, Egbert, Clemens, Dungial. J2intfi Centurtf, j£. ^. TOPICS FOR STUDY. Dismemberment of Charlemagne's Empire. The Weakness of His Successors. Egbert Unites with the Saxon Kingdoms. Danish Invasion of England. Reign of Alfred the Great. NOTED NAMES. Emperors — Caliphs. Kings, Writers — Alcuin, John Scotus, Hincmar, Heric, (preceded Des Cartes in philosophical investigations), Ma- carius. ^enifi Century, ^. ^i. TOPICS FOR STUDY. Superstition, Darkness, Famine, and Despair. The Saracens in Spain. NOTED NAMES. Emperors of the East, of Germany; Kings of France, of England. Writers — Dunstan, Suidas, Gerbert, (PopeSjdvester II.) — 17 — Sfeventft Centiinj, ^. ^. Period of Papal Poiver. TOPICS FOR vSTUDY. The Holy Roman Empire, the lyCading Power in Enrope. Improvement in the Condition of Europe. France becomes more of a Kingdom. The Norman Conquest of England. The First Crusade — 1096- 1099, A. D. NOTED NAMES. Emperors of Germany, Emperors of the East, Kings of England. Kings of France. Writers — Hildebrand, (Gregory VII.,) Abelard, Rosce- lin, Anselm, Berenger (of Tours), Eanfranc, the Cid, (Cam- peador. %Xi^e[fifi Cenfiirij, J^. ^. TOPICS FOR STUDY. England Under the Normans. Elevation of Learning, Growth of Towns, Spirit of True Inquiry — The Plantagenets. Second Crusade 1147-1149, A. D. Elevation of Woman. NOTED NAMES. William of Malmesbury, St. Bernard, Thomas a. Becket, Peter Lombard, (Master of Sentences), Eustathius, Pope In- nocent III. ^Hirieenih Century, j£. ^. TOPICS FOR STUDY. The Mogul Empire — Genghis Kahn. The Magna Charta of England. The Beginning of English Parliament. Hanseatic League. — 18 — The Last Cnisade. Italian Cities. NOTED xa:mes. Emperors. Kings, Writers — Pope Innocent III., Mat- thew Paris, Alexander Hales, (Irrefragable Doctor), St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelic Doctor), Roger Bacon, Cimabue, John Duns, Scotus, Dante, Giotto. ^cnrteentfi Centuries, ^. ^. TOPICS FOR STUDY. Swiss Confederation Founded, 1307, A. D. The Hundred Years' War. Battle of Crec}-, 1346 A. D. Battle of Poitiers, 1356 A. D. Great Plague in Europe, 1347 A. D. Tamerlane's Conquests. The Beginning of Religious Dissent. Schism of the Church. Rise of Modem Literature. Union of Denmark, Xorway and Sweden, 1397 A. D. NOTED NAMES. Emperors, Kings, Writers — John Duns Scotus. Dante, Giotto, William Occam (Invincible Doctor), Petrarch, Bocac- cio, Wyclifife, Chaucer, Froiassart. ^ifteenifi Cenhiri], ^. ^. TOPICS FOR STUDY. Unsettled State of Europe. Hundred Years \\'ar Continued. Joan of Arc at Orleans, 1429 A. D. War of the Roses. Ferdinand and Isabella of Sixain. Conquest of Grenada. Maratime Explorations. Discovery of America. The Renaissance. Printing Introduced into England, 1474 A. D. — 19 — NOTED NAMEvS. Froissart, John Huss, Joan of Arc (Maid of Orleans), lyOrenzo de' Medici, Columbus, Cardinal Ximenes, Ariosto, Leonardo da Vinci, Macchiavelli, Copernicus, Michael Angelo. general topics for ific DdTiddfe ^ges. ( Feudalism. Institutions of the Middle A^es, < ^ \ '^ I Crusades. 1^ Papal Church. f Mohammed. T • -ui r 4.1. -ni 1 A Charlemaj^ne. Lights of the Dark Ages, ^ Alfred [ Hildebrand. Causes of Loss of Culture. Influence of the Church. Monasticism. Saracenic Civilization. Character and Influence of Charlemagne. Character and Influence of Alfred the Great. Character of Tenth Centur}-. The Influence of Hildebrand. Joan of Arc ; Was She an Impostor ? Influence of the Crusades. Result of the War of the Roses. Influence of the Papal Church. INFLUENCES REvSULTiNG IN THE RENAISSANCE. The Growth of Towns ; Formation of Leagues. Money Lending Prnrri — Banks. Rise of Universities. THE INFLUENCE OF PHILOSOPHERS AND AUTHORS. Saracenic Learning. Invention of Printing and Manufacture of Paper. Invention of Compass and Maratime Adventures. Discovery of America. Changes in the Art of Warfare. DISCOVERIES, INVENTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Lanterns used for lighting purposes in England, 872 A. D. Arithmetical characters brought into Europe by the Sara- cens, 991 A. D. The age of Arabic learning lasted about 500 years, and was coeval with the darkest period of the history of Europe, but as the sun of science arose in the West it declined in the East. Clocks invented in France, 996 A. D. Manufacture of Paper from cotton rags, 1000 A. D. Musical scale invented, 1025 A. D. Glass windows used in Europe. Astronomy and Geometry introduced into England by Saracens. Chemistr}' introduced into Europe, 1150 by Saracens. Gold coined in Europe, 1257 by Saracens. Glass mirrors and magnifj-ing glasses invented, 1260 by Saracens. Spectacles invented by Spina, 1285 by Saracens. Surgery improved. First dissection of dead bodies at Bologna; it is afterwards forbidden by Pope Boniface, 1315 A. D. The Mariner's compass improved, 1302 A. D. Gun powder invented at Cologne by Schwartz, 1320-40, A. D. Cannon used, 1342. Muskets, 1370. Gunlocks, 15 17. A. D. Printing invented by Guttenberg, 1435. Metal types, 1452, A. D. Engraving on wood and copper, 1460 A. D. Post letters in France, 1464 A. D. Watches invented, 1477 A. D. Pins invented. Pens made from quills. Reading for tHe D^iddfe ^ges. AUTHORS. . "^ G?een. History of English People. //time. History of England. Knight. History of England. Dickens. History of England. Guizot. History of France. Michelet. History of France. White. History of France. Stricklands. Queens of England. Bush. Queens of France. Green. History of the Middle Ages. Turner. History of the Middle Ages. //allam. History of the Middle Ages. Church. Beginning of Middle Ages. Baring Gould Myths of Middle Ages. Boyds. lycssons of Middle Ages. C. B. Adams. Medieval Civilization. Bryce. Hol}^ Roman Empire. James. Feudalism. James. Chivalry and Crusades. Bidfinch. Age of Chivalry. Buljinch. Legends of Charlemagne. Michaud. Crusades. Cox. Crusades. Fireman. Saracens. Muir. Mohammed, /rving. Mohammed. F. Clarke. Ten Great Religions. Chatjeld. History of Dark Ages. Maitland. History of Dark Ages. Froissart. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. White. Eighteen Christian Centuries. Brown. Chaucer's England. • Scott. Tales of a Grandfather. Draper. History of Civilization. Guizot. History of Civilization. Dean. History of Civilization. Buckle. History of Civilization. Freeman. Norman Con.quest. Freeman. Old English History. Freeman. The English People in Its Three Homes. Kolra iisch . Germany . ZimiJierman. Germany. Ranke. Eives of the Popes. Ruck. Medieval Popes. Sismondc. History of Italian Repviblics. Abbott. History of Italy. Olip/iant. Savonarola — Makers of Florence. F. Clarke. vSavonarola — In l^pochs of Religions Historj^V Wi/iiams. Savonarola — In lEras and Characters of His- tory^'' Lord. Beacon Eights of History. Prescott. Ferdinand and Isabella. Yonge. Moors in Spain. Inquisition. P. Smith. Ecclesiastical History. Miehclet. Joan of Arc. Parr. Joan of Arc. /'. Clarke. Joan of Arc — In Epochs of Religious History. Lo)d. Joan of Arc — In Beacon Lights.' Hefile. Xi mines. Carlyle. Heroes and Hero Worship. Manning. Haroun al-Raschid. Roseoe. Life of Lorenzo de Medici Abbott. Alfred the Great. Pauli. Alfred the Great. Hughes. Alfred the Great. THE STORY OF THE NATIONS. A. Gil man. Massan. Lewis. Bradley. S. O.Jeicittt. The Saracens. Early France. Byzantium. The Goths. The Normans. ^23 Irving. A. H. Johnson. W. Stubbs. Warbiirton. J. Gardyicr. Creacy. EPOCHS OF MODERN HISTORY. Life of Columbus. Normans in Europe. The Early Plantagenets. Edward III. House of Lancaster and York. Battles of Chalons, of Tours, of Hastings, Joan of Arc at Orleans. C. S. Brooks. Chivalric Days, Historic Boys, Historic Girls. ART. Labaret. Arts of Middle Ages and Renaissance. Ltibke. Arts of Middle Ages. Perkins. Tuscan Sculpture. Jarvis. Art Hints. Lacroix. Arts of Middle Ages. Oliphant. Makers of Florence. Tyewhith. Christian Art. Flaxmayi. Lectures on Sculpture. Knight. Pictoral Gallery of Art. Symonds. Renaissance. D. Aginconrt. History of Art. Taine. Florence and Venice. Grimm. Michael Angelo. Vasari. Lives of Painters. Jameson. Sacred Art. Pater. Renaissance. Lanciani. Ancient Rome in Light of Recent Research. C. P. Brace. Influence of Christianity upon Art, in Gesta Christi.''^ MISCELLANEOUS — ROMANCES — POEMS. Irving. Alhambra. Porter. Scottish Chiefs. Biuzver. Harold — Last of the Saxons. Bidwer Rienzi — Last of the Tribunes. 24 — Bulwer. Aquilar. Aquila) . Scott. Longfellotv. Rossctti. Rossctti. H. R. Shattiik. Farrar. Speyicer. Tennyson . Tennyson. Lowell. Shakespeare. Sonthey. Sou they. Con they. Bloss. Hemans. Napier. Kings ley. Pope. Sigourney. Munro. Knowles. Chaucer. Campbell. James. George Eliot. Annie Lucas. Last of the Barons. Days of Bruce. Vale of Cedars. Historical Romances. Dante's Divine Comedy. Dante and His Circle. A Shadow of Dante. Dante's Divine Comedy. Dante — A Lecture. Faerie Queen. Idyls of the King. Harold and Sons of Godwin. Sir Laundfal. Plays. Mohammed. Roderic — Last of the Goths. Joan of Arc. Heroines of the Crusades. Song of the Cid — Norman Baron — Burial of William, The Conqueror — Crusade War Song. William, The Conqueror. Herew^ard. Abelard and Eloise. Magna Charta. Silver Fetters. William Zell. Canterbury Tales. Battle of Bannockburn. Agincourt- Agnes Sorel-Mary of B^rgund}-. Romala. Wenzel's Inheritance- A Tale of Bohemia. Silii.