Class TS*.7I* Book .^75 Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. &**JL# '&// &JL&VVU. &l^<^*^ ^ POEMS OF CHARLES ROBB Edited By Mrs. M. L. Robb Hutchinson Niece of the Author CHICAGO W. B. CONKEY COMPANY Publishers -fs* 1 if Copyright, 1910, by MRS. M. L. ROBB HUTCHINSON' AU. RIGHTS RESERVED ©CLA286043 CONTENTS PAGE To the Reader Biographical Sketch of the Author jj The Altar of Friendship j* The Critics and the Poets' Union j* The Grave on the Hillside l * Camp Gauley Bridge, Kanawha Falls, Va j* Lines on the Marriage of " Lulu" J* March of Mind ••••■ ™ Lines Written on the Occasion of a Visit to the Author