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Art. 1. — The device hitherto used by the Society, and here- with printed, shall continue to be the seal of the Corporation, and may be affixed to any instrument by an impression in inlc or by a stamp ; namely, — Art. 2. — The Recording Secretary shall have the custody of the seal, which shall be kept in the Society's House. CHAPTER II. MEMBEES AND DUES. Art, 1. — The Society shall be composed of Resident, Corre- sponding, Honorary, and Life Members: Honorary and Corre- sponding Members shall be elected from among non-residents of New England ; and Corresponding Members shall cease to be members if at any time they become residents thereof. Resi- dent and Life Members only shall be eligible to office, or be entitled to vote, or to take part in the business of the Society. Art. 2. — A book shall be kept by the Recording Secretary, in the Society's House, in which any member may enter the name of any person whom he may regard as suitable to be nominated as a Resident, Corresponding, or Honorary Member. But no nomination shall be made except by a report of the Council at a Stated Meeting of the Society, nor be acted upon at the same meeting at which it is reported ; nor shall more than one candidate for either Honorary or Corresponding Membership be reported at any one meeting. Transfers from one class of members to another class, however, may be made at any Stated Meeting upon the recommendation of the Council. Art. 3. — Proposals of candidates shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the place of residence and qualifications of the person proposed. Art. 4. — All members shall be elected by ballot, at a Stated Meeting, by a majority of the votes cast. A separate ballot on any name shall be taken upon the request of three or more members. Art. 5. — Each Resident Member shall pay five dollars at the time of his admission, and three dollars each first of January afterward, into the treasury, for the general purposes of the Society ; but any member shall be exempted from the annual payment if, at any time after his admission, he has paid or shall pay into the treasury thirty dollars in addition to his previous payments ; and all receipts for Life-Membership shall be and remain permanently funded, the interest only to be used for current expenses. Life Members shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of Eesident Members. Art. 6. — If any person elected a Eesident Member shall neglect for three months after notification of his election to accept his membership in writing, and to pay his admission fee ; and if any person elected an Honorary or Corresponding Member shall neglect for one year after such notification to accept his membership in writing, — such election shall be void. If any Eesident Member shall neglect to pay his annual assess- ment for one year after it shall have become due, he shall cease to be a member. But this provision shall not take effect until one month after such member's name shall have been read to the Council, and a special notice given to him. The Council may, in their discretion, suspend the above provisions of this Article for a reasonable time. Any person who shall have ceased to be a member, under the provisions of this Article, for non-payment of his assessment may, at any time within two years, be re-instated in his membership by the Council, on paying said assessment and all subsequent assess- ments that would have been due from him, if he had remained a member of the Society. Art. 7. — Diplomas signed by the President, and counter- signed by the two Secretaries, shall be issued to all the members. Akt. 8. — Any member may withdraw from the Society at any time, by sending a written resignation to the Eecording Secretary, and paying all assessments due. Any member may be expelled for cause at any Stated Meeting of the Society, upon a unanimous recommendation voted at any regular meet- ing of the Council, one month's notice in writing having been first given to such member, if his residence be known. CHAPTER III. MEETINGS, QUORUM, AND AMENDMENTS. Art. 1. — There shall be a Stated Meeting of the Society on the first Wednesday of every month except July, August, and September, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in their House in Boston : 2^'^ovided, however, that the Council shall have authority to postpone any Stated Meeting, or to dispense with it altogether, or to direct it to be held at another place, or at another hour, whenever, for any cause, they may deem it desir- able or expedient. Special Meetings shall be called by either of the Secretaries, at the request of the President, or, in case of his death, absence, or inability, of one of the Vice-Presidents or of the Council. The Stated Meeting in January shall be the Annual Meeting of the Corporation. Art. 2. — At all meetings the record of the preceding meet- ing shall be read by the Recording Secretary immediately after the presiding officer has called the meeting to order; after which, at all Special Meetings, the business for which the meeting was called shall be transacted ; and at all Stated Meet- ings the order of business shall be as follows, unless otherwise ordered : — First, The reading of Papers and Essays. Second, The Report of the Corresponding Secretary. Third, The Librarian's Report. Fourth, The Report of the Council. Fifth, The Election of Members, and action on the recommen- dations of the Council. Sixth, The Historiographer's Report. Seventh, The unfinished business and the assignments of the last meeting, taken up in their order. Eighth, The transaction of other business. Art. 3. — Upon the request of the presiding ofliccr, any motion or resohition, oilered at any meeting, shall be submitted in writing. Art. 4. — Fifteen members shall be a quorum for all pur- poses except for amendment of the By-Laws, which shall be made only at a Stated Meeting (in the notification of which mention has been made of a purpose to amend the By-Laws) at which not less than twenty members are present, and after the subject has been reported on by a Committee appointed for the purpose at a previous meeting of the Society. CHAPTER IV. OFFICEES. Art. 1. — The Officers of the Society shall be a President, who shall be Chairman of the Council ; a Vice-President for each of the New England States ; a Recording Secretary, who shall be Secretary of the Council ; a Corresponding Secretary ; a Treasurer ; and a Librarian : all of whom shall be chosen by ballot at the Annual Meeting, and shall hold their respective offices for one year, or until others are duly chosen and installed. Tlie President, the Vice-President for Massachusetts, the Piccording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary, the Treas- urer, and the Librarian, with nine other members, shall con- stitute the Council of the Society. Each member of the Council shall have a vote. Of the said nine members three shall be elected by ballot at each Annual Meeting for the term of three years, in place of the three whose term then expires ; and no one who has served a full term of three years shall be eligible for re-election until one year, at least, after the expiration of his term. Elections to fill vacancies 8 which may occur in the Council shall be for the unexpired term or terms, and shall be by ballot ; and such vacancies may be filled at any subsequent Stated Meeting on nomina- tion by the Council, unless otherwise ordered. AiiT. 2. — At the Stated Meeting in December, a Nominating Committee of five persons shall be elected by ballot by the Society. This Committee shall report at the Annual Meeting a list of candidates for Officers and members of the Council. Any twenty or more members may nominate a member for election to any position to be filled at the Annual Meeting, by signing and sending a nomination paper to the Recording Secretary, before the fifteenth day of December ; and all can- didates so nominated shall have their names printed on the ballots, in addition to the names of those nominated by the Committee. Should more than one person be nominated for any position, the names shall be printed on the ballot in alpha- betical order without any designation ; and each member vot- ing shall mark a cross (x) against the name of the candidate for whom he desires to vote. Akt. 3. — No member, in voting at any meeting, for any Officer, or for any member of the Council or of any Committee, shall be limited to the candidates who have been nominated ; but he may vote for any member of the Society. Art. 4. — Seven days, at least, before every meeting at which Officers or members of the Council are to be chosen, the Eecord- ing Secretary shall send a notice thereof to each Resident and Life Member, containing the names of all persons nominated for such positions. CHAPTEll V. THE PRESIDENT. Art. 1. — The rresident shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society; and, with the advice of the Council, shall superintend and conduct its prudential affairs. Art. 2. — The President, and in his absence one of the Vice- Presidents (the Vice-President for Massachusetts having prece- dence), shall preside in all meetings of the Society. In the absence of all these officers, a President ^jro tempore shall be chosen. Art. 3. — Unless otherwise ordered, all committees shall be nominated by the presiding officer, and confirmed by the Society. CHAPTER VI. THE RECORDING SECRETARY. Art. 1. — The Recording Secretary, or, in case of his death, absence, or inability, the Corresponding Secretary, shall warn all meetings of the Society, and of the Council, in such manner as the Council shall direct. Art. 2. — He shall attend all meetings of the Society and of the Council, and shall keep an exact record of the same ; enter- ing in full all accepted reports of committees, unless otherwise specially directed, or unless the same are to be included in the printed Proceedings. Art. 3. — He shall enter the names of all members system- atically in books kept for the purpose. Art. 4 — All books and papers in his official custody shall be the property of the Society, and shall be kept in the Library. 10 Art. 5. — In the absence of the President and of all the Vice-Presidents, he shall, if present, call the meeting to order, and preside until a President 'pro tciri'pore is chosen. CHAPTEE VII. THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Art. 1. — The Corresponding Secretary shall inform all per- sons of their election as members ; send to each a copy of the By-Laws, calling attention to Articles 5 and 6 of Chapter II. ; and on their acceptance issue the proper diplomas. Art. 2. — He shall conduct the correspondence of the Soci- ety not otherwise provided for, and deposit all original letters received and copies of all letters sent, in regular files, in the Library. Art. 3. — At every Stated Meeting he shall read .such communications as he may have received since the last Stated Meeting. CHAPTER VIIL THE TREASURER. Art. 1. — The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due to the Society, and shall keep, in books belonging to it, regular and faithful accounts of all the moneys and funds of the Society that may come into his hands, and of all receipts and expendi- tures connected with the same, — which accounts shall be open always to the inspection of the Council ; and at the Annual Meeting he shall make a written or printed report of all his doings for the year preceding, of the amount and condition of all the property of the Society intrusted to him, and the character of the investments. 11 Akt. 2. — He shall invest aud manage the funds of the Society, with the consent and approval of the Council. Akt. 3. — When required to do so, he shall give bonds to the satisfaction of the Council for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. ^in\ 4. — He shall pay no moneys, except on draft of the Council, or of its duly authorized committee. CHAPTER IX. ArmOPEIATIONS, AND TKEASUEER'S ACCOUNTS. Art. 1. — No person or committee shall incur any debt or liability in the name of the Society, unless in accordance with a previous vote and appropriation therefor by the Society or the Council. Art. 2. — At the Stated Meeting in December an Auditing Committee, consisting of not less than two persons not mem- bers of tlie Council, shall be appointed to examine the accounts of the Treasurer for the year preceding, and at the Annual Meeting to report thereon, and on the state of any property of the Society in his hands. CHAPTER X. THE LIBRARIAN. Art. 1. — The Librarian shall have charge of all the books, tracts, maps, manuscripts, and other property appropriate to the Library, and of all coins, works of art, remains of anti- quity, and other articles appropriate to the Cabinet ; and shi Jl cause to be made, and kept exact and perfect, catalogues of 12 each and all of them, doing whatever may be in his power, at all times, to preserve and increase the collections under his care. He 'shall properly assort, store, and safely keep, in such place or places as may be prescribed by the Council, all books, papers, and other articles not appropriate to the Library or the Cabinet. He also shall be the custodian of the Society's House. Art. 2. — He shall acknowledge every gift that may be made to the Library or the Cabinet, by a certificate addressed to the person making it. Art. 3. — At every Stated Meeting he shall report all gifts made to the Library and the Cabinet since the last Stated Meeting ; and, at the Annual Meeting, he shall present a state- ment of the condition and wants of the Library and of the condition of the Cabinet, with a detailed list of all accessions to each during the year, and the names of all donors. Art. 4. — He may have one or more assistants, appointed by the Council, who shall aid him in all or any of his duties ; who also shall aid the Eecording Secretary in warning meet- ings, copying reports, or in such other ways as may be required ; and who shall render such other services to the Society con- nected with its Library, its proceedings, and its publications as the Council may direct. Art. 5. — He shall be present in the Library, in person or by an assistant, at such hours and times as may be appointed by the Council for keeping it open, and shall endeavor to ren- der it useful to all who may resort to it. Art. 6. — He shall make all necessary preparations for the meetings of the Society, and of the Council, to whom he shall be responsible for the proper discharge of his duties. Art. 7. — He shall receive such compensation for his ser- vices as the Council shall determine. IB CHAPTER XI. THE IIISTORIOGKAPIIER. Art. 1. — The Historiographer shall collect materials for a history of the Society, prepare biographies of its deceased members for publication, and deposit the same in the Library. He may read at the Stated Meetings such of the biographies, or such parts of them, as he may deem advisable. Art. 2. — He may have such assistants as the Council shall determine. CHAPTER XII. THE EDITOR OF PUBLICATIONS. Art. 1. — The Editor of Publications shall edit, under the direction of the Council, the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, the Memorial Biographies of deceased members, the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, and all other publications of the Society not specially committed to other editorial supervision. Art. 2. — He shall receive such compensation for his ser- vices, and may have such assistants, as the Council shall determine. 14 CHAPTER XIII. THE COUNCIL. Art. 1. — The Council shall determine their own quorum; establish rules for the transaction of their business ; fix all salaries ; authorize all expenditures of money, drawing upon the Treasurer, from time to time, for such sums as may be required ; provide all engraved or printed blanks, and books of record ; act upon all resignations and forfeitures of member- ship ; and see that the By-Laws are complied with. An exact statement of all property so disposed of, with the names of recipients and manner of disposition, shall be filed with the Librarian, and shall be open to the inspection of members. They also may dispose, by sale or exchange, of any personal property not appropriate to the Library or the Cabinet, Art. 2. — They shall appoint, annually, the Historiographer and the Editor of Publications. Art. 3. — They shall appoint such subordinate officers and agents as they may deem necessary (who shall hold their respective offices during the pleasure of the Council), prescribe their duties, and allow them reasonable compensation. Art. 4. — They shall report, at their discretion, nominations for Eesident, Corresponding, and Honorary Members, to whicli not less than eight of their number shall have assented at a meeting of the Council. Art. 5. — They shall meet in the Society's Plouse within one week previous to every Stated Meeting, on such day and at such hour as they may fix by standing rule, and, upon notice, at such other times as the Chairman shall appoint, for the dis- charge of their appropriate duties, and for furthering the trans- action of such business as may be brought before the Society. LBJL'M 15 Art. 6. — They shall report, at every meeting of the Society, such business as they may deem it advisable to present. Aijx. 7. — They may appoint, for terms not exceeding one year, and prescribe the functions of, such committees of their number, or of the members of the Society, as they may deem expedient, to facilitate the administration of the Society's affairs ; and a complete list of such committees and the mem- bers composing the same, shall be printed, at the beginning of each year, in the Annual Proceedings. Art. 8. — They shall make all proper rules and regulations for the use of the Library and the Cabinet. Art. 9. — At the Annual Meeting they shall make an Annual Report. It shall include a detailed statement of the condition of the Library and the Cabinet, both of which they shall carefully examine annually in the month of December. Art. 10. — The records of the meetings of the Council shall always be open to the inspection of any member of the Society. wye 75 -S^Qt 7 \ r <' ' h o V >>*. 0-7- > ■ • ° 4 c» -S ^'^""^ Vt^'M^: .^''<^. <.......:'; .s^^"^^ ^WM*^; ."^ ^ ^ '^'^/^^^ . '^^ ^.. 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