/57 w ,J> ;\. ,0-' O"^ s^ '.^'^Sr^, T ^ '^ '. "f %. ^..A ^ . '"^ ^. .^^' ^^>: «.^\'>''% ■»" ,->' .l-^' V>^ A'- 0° ^^^ V ^A r^^ -^^ .\ •x^^-^*.. O V , S - - / ;..^ N^ -r. ^^^'^ -*, "f^ A ^■^0^ t 'V '^^ °^. ,\ *8,A- 'i>.,^"^ :>■ ,^^^^ A SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF MAJOR JAMES POTTS, BORN 1752, DIED 1822, TO WHICH IS APPENDED COPIES OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PAPERS RELATING TO HIM, AND TWO ANCESTRAL CHARTS. By THOMAS MAXWELL POTTS. CAXONSBUKG, PA. PRINTED PRIVATELY BY THE AUTHOR. 1877. V. 2G674 13 -'/I ^ To THOMAS JEFFERSON POTTS, My Revered and Venerable Father, the youngest and only living child of Major James Potts, now verging on four-score years of age, as a slight token of my love and esteem, is this little volume respectfully inscribed by The Author. ^"'^'^-";^N o lB9b Drum. Jacob Folkrod. The roll of privates includes all on the last list except Peter Hartly, Wm. Johnson, Harman Wyly, Jacob Keen, George Street, Jonathan Ray, Lenord Altemus, Paniel Glenn, John Coify and Frederick Caster, beside the follow- inir in addition. Appendix. — Muster Rolls. 55 William Johnson. Johm Carman. Jacob Riffert. John Lorton. James Fryer. Thomas Gordon. John Bavington. Arthur Burns. Joseph Johnson. Henry Caster. In the above roll. John Faremire. Jacob Ramack. David Newport. George Farrow. Andrew Scott. Richard Duffield. John Knowles. Isaac Keen. Samuel Howell. Arthur Neismith is mentioned as de- Gone" opposite ceased, and eighteen others are marked their names. In several of the muster rolls, the list of names are al- most entirely the same. It, therefore, seems unnecssary to repeat them. In such cases, only the heading and such new names as appear, will be given. A Role Call of the upper Division of Oxford first Com- pany first Batt^ Philadelphia County Militia Comanded by Major Thomas Homes for October 1787. The following new names appear. John Fesmire. John Taylor. Simon Crews, (or Cruzen.) George Myers. Sereck Fox. Charles Biles. William Lear. James Eliot. James Wallace. Jonathan Babington Jun. 56 Appendix. — Miister Rolls. A Role Call of Upper Division of Oxford First Compa- ny first Batt^ Phild^ County Militia Commaned by Lieut. Coll Isaac Worrell for October 1787 The following names appear for the first time. Thomas Welden Watson. Henry Man. Andrew Carman. William Eddinger. Daniel Carson. William Lardner. A List or Role of the Volunteer Company of Light In fantry of the first Batt^ of Philad^ County Militia Com manded by Isaac Worrell Esq*" October 1787 Commissioned. Non Commissioned. James Potts Capt. Thomas Chappell. John Dyer Lieut. Christopher Lintz. MUSICK. Jacob Folkrod. Francis Terrell. Privates. Richard Duffield. Jeremiah Ward. Samuel Dungan. Isaac Staats. William Walton. John Ramboe. John Elveston. Patrick Crangle. Frederick Past. Thomas Filpott. Joseph Davids. Levi Kenton. Peter Keen, Benjamin Boar. Jaques Holmes Samuel Neff. William McGargle. Joseph Taylor. Richard Tomlinson. Joseph Strickler. Mathew Orrison. Appendix. — Muster Rolls. 57 John Matchener. Simon Kruzen. Thomas Peart. Daniel Street. Henry Helt. David Boor. John McVeagh. John McRoy. Joseph Johnson. Samuel Briggs. Thomas McDowell. Thomas Grooms. John Patton. William Suterland. Mathias Waxier. Joseph Dyer. Cornelias Sullivan. Joseph Tomlinson. Henry Bowers. Jonathan Walton. Fredrick Baugh. Jacob Ramak. A List or Role of the Volunteer Company of Light In- fantry of the first Batt! of Phil ad* County Militia Com- maned By Lieut. Coll Isaac Worrell June 1788. The following new names are added : — Jacob VanDer- grieft, John Plunket and John Homls. A List or Role of the Volunteer Company of Light In- fantry of the first Batt^ of Phil* County Militia Commaned By Isaac Worrell Esqr. 1789. Commissioned. Musick. James Potts, Capt. Fife Jacob Folkrod. John Dyre, i Lieut. Joseph Taylor, 2 Lieut. The following new names appear in this Roll. William Walton. Michal Yonker. 58 Appendix. — Muster Rolls. Nathaniel Gohun, Thomas Davids. Jesse Elveston. Henry Shearer. A List or Role of the Volunteer Company of Light In- fantry of the Second Batt^ Phila. County Militia Com- manded By Isaac Worrell Esquire for 1790. In this Roll no new names appear. A List or Role of the Light Infantry Company Atached to the 5*^ Regiment of Philadelpa County Militia Com- manded by Lut Coll Isaac Worrell November 1799. Commissioned. James Potts Capt Samuel Paul Liut Samuel Dungan Ens Thomas Gilbert. Lawrence Scetes. Joseph Guilky. Joab Gaw. Martin Richards. Benjamin Dungan. Henry Rutzer. John Worrell Ju^ John Henry. Andrew Shoch. Bare^ Shoch. John McGargle. John Herratage. Jacob Lessly. Samuel Felty. John Lile. Jesse Jackson. Josiah Walton. Jacob Harper. Benjamin Lawrence. William Peart. Clement Smith. Corneliou Tunison. Isaac Burton. Will"^ Engard. Chris'^ Lutz. Thomas Peart. John Enoch. AppeJidix. — Muster Rolls. 59 The bottom of the sheet upon which the foregning Roll is written, is torn off. It is probable that it may have con- tained eight or nine additional names. A List or Role of the Volunteer Company of light In- fantry Attached to the 80^^ Regiment of Pensylvania Mili- tia Commaned by Lieut. Coll. Worrell for 1801. Commissioned. James Potts Capt. William Peart Lieut. Samuel Dungan Eiisin. MusiCK. Edward Well Drum Names of Privates. Andrew Shoch. Jacob Harper. John McGargle. Samuel Felty. Henry Retzer. Joseph Gilky. John Henry. Barnard Shoch. John Herretage. John Enoch. Jacob Lesly. Enoch Lott. Martin Richards. NoN Commissioned. i^^Job Gaw. 2 Thomas Gilbert. 3 John Worrell Jun'" Benjam" Worrell. Bernard Vanhorn. Joseph Hughes. Joseph Bender. Samuel Norton. Joseph Shoch. Henry Shoch. Jesse Vanhorn. John Mower. Fredric Shoch. Fredric A. Beigle. John Gilbert. James Smith. Michal Folkrod. William Love. Charles Hill. John Wood. 6o Appendix. — Muster Rolls. Clement Smith. Thomas Peart. Archibald Watkins. John Harrison. Benjamin Peart Benjamin Dungan. James W. Potts. Mark Heart. John Arthur. Joseph Linn. Jacob Faunce. Christian Willick. Andrew Godshall. A List or Role of the Volunteer Company of Light Infantry Attacth^ to 80 Regiment Pensylv* Militia Com- maned by Lieut. Coll Isaac Worrell — 1801. Commissioned. Non Commissioned. James Potts Capt. Job Gaw (Resigned.) Thomas Gilbert Lieut John Worrell. Sam^ Dungan Ensig. Andrew Shoch. Jacob Harper. MusiCK. Joseph Quicksel. The following new names appear on this List. Eneas Hughs. John James. Jesse McGargle. Henry Lovell. Sir Please to Pay Jacob Foulkrod the Just Account of my Demand for Beating the Drum By So Doing you, 11 Oblige your humble Servant Febury the 4 1788 Jacob Altemus. To Captn James Potts. Appendix. — Orderly Book. 6i ORDERLY BOOK. In giving the following entries from this book, the order in which they are found is given, and not the order of date. The ruling and checking opposite the several lists of names found in the original, has been omitted. An Orderly Book Of the 2** Battalion of Phidelphia County Militia Commaned By Lt CoU Benj" McVeaugh At Newtown Septr 26th, 1781. General Orders Septr 26th — 1781 The General takes this Early Oppetunity to inform the Militia under his Command that they are to Consider themselves Now under the Goverment of the Continental Articles of War which he directs to be read to them to morrow morning as it is the Officers Duty, the being Fath- ers to their men to pay the Stricest attention to them the Genl requires every Officer to be Stricly Attentive to their Duty the Cap°^ Should See that the Subalterns do their Duty and should pay a Constant attention to Every thing that Concerns the Comfort & appearance of their Company the Field Officers have the Gen^ Direction of the Whole & not trusting others Should frequently Examine into every particular thing that relates to the Comfort good Order & Discipline of their Regt. The Use and Beauty of an Army consists more in Regularity & Discipline than in Numbers Hence it is nesesary from the Col^ to the Sergent to be Extremely Carefull & Attentive to Orders for it is of no Use to them if the are not attended to. 62 Appendix, — Orderly Book. As the Troops for want of room are Quartered on the Inhabitants the Gen^ hopes and Expects that both Officers & men will be Carfull of the property Of the Inhabitants Where they are quartered and rest Satisfied that the Mili- tia of Pensylvania are influenced by Superior Motives than to Desroy or injure the Property of their Neibours He therefore hopes that no Complaint will be heard on that account. The Gen^ has a very Strict and peremptory or- der to give to those Troops Quartered in the Meeting house that they will be particularly Carefull not to injure any thing Belonging to that building that no fire should be made in the House except in the Stove nor Should Any thing be Cut on the Seats. The Officers should be very Careful of their Men in this respect and Should any destruction be made the Damage must be Charged to the Perpetrators who is so Lost to Good County of Phild>. to James Potts Dr 1780 To Serving Coll. McVeugh' Batt^ as Adju- tant . . . . . . o 15 o 1781 To 2 days serving " . . o 15 o 1782 To Ditto 2 Days . . . . o 15 o 1783 Serveses as Capt in Said Batt^ . To Making Return of Inhabitants . . o 11 3 1784 To Repairs of the Drum . . 020 1785 To Making Return of Inhabitants . . 11 3 To 18 Days Serveses by Jacob Folkrod As Fiffer in 1783 — 1784 — 1785 . -33° 1786 Settled and not Entered [Written in the margin.] To Serveces by Jacob Altemus as Drummer Appendix. — Orderly Book. 63 II Days 1783—84—85 . . . I 18 6 1786 To 4 Days Serveses by John Wessell o 14 o 1787 To making a Return of Inhabitants . 0150 Jacob Folkrods Serveses 4 Days . o 14 o John Wessell 2 Days . . . .070 Henry Mires i Day Drumming . . 036 « An Account of Extra Serveses. 1787 To 3 Days Serveces by Francis . . o 10 3 1788 To Collecting the Arms of my Distritc o 18 9 Eightieth Regiment P: M: to Jas Potts Dr To Setting on an Appeal May 1802 . .1$ Octob 4 To holding an Election for Capt" Ligt Infan & Ensign ..... 1802 II To Ditto 3d Company upper Oxford Capt" II To Ditto 7 Company Frankford Ditto Capt 16 To Ditto 7 Do for Lieutenant for Do . 21 To Ditto 3d Do for Lieut, for Ditto 21 To Ditto 3d Do for Ensign for Ditto . I Nov To Setting on an Appeal for Militia Dece 17 To Ditto Field Officers at Sniders Taven May 2d 1803 To Attening an Election for a Lieuten- 1803 ant in the 7th Company 14 To holding an Election for Captain in first Company at Harrowgate Votes Equal . Sept 3d To Ditto first Company Capt & Lieut . 10 To Do first Do for Ensign October loth To holding an Election for an Ensign in first Company Account rendered in 64 Appejidix. — Orderly Book. April 2 1 St 1804 held an Election in the 8th Company for an Ensign We and Each of us Subscribers hereby Acknowledge the Receipt of the Several Arms and Accutrements to our Names Affixed Wich we Promise to Deliver when Called for or In Case of Death or Removal in as good Order as we Received them Except Injured in Actual Service to Capt James Potts or any Other Commanding Offercer in the upper Division of Oxford Township Witness our hands the Date under Written in year 1788 George Street his James X Fryer mark Joseph Yates Jun Jacob Riffert his Henry x Mires mark Peter Davis John Keen Daniel Glan Richard Martin John Snider Cunard Snider Jacob Ramak John Taylor Cristopher Hartly Sereck Fox John Carman William Lear John Lintz his John X C Lidy mark William magargel Mathias Yantz Richard Tomlinson Samuel griffith Jacob Van Dergrift Samuel Dungun * Probably William Edinger, The arms and accoutrements delivered were Muskets, Bayonets, Cartridge Boxes, Belts and Scabbards. Appendix. — Orderly Book. 65' A Return of Fines of the Light Infantry of Coll. Worrels Batl from 3d Novem 1787 to 5th of may 1789 Lieut Dyre. Jaques Holms. Lieut Chapell. Will™ McGargle. Jacob Folkrod. Joseph Taylor. Chris^ Lintz. Rich'i Tomlinson. Francis Terrell. Joseph Stricler. Richd Duffield. Henry Helt. Jaremiah Ward. Joseph Johnson. Will"^ Walton. David Boar. John Ramboe. Sam^ Briggs. Fredric Post. Jos Dyre. Levi Kenton. Jos Tomlinson. Benj" Boar. Jona'^ Walton. Memmarandom of the Light Infantry of Frankford At- tacht to the 80th Regiment of Pensylvaina Militia from the Time of my Appointment of October — 1799. James Potts Capt. A Return of Absentees of the Light Infantry Company Attacht to the 80th Regiment of Pensylvania Militia for April — 1800 Lieut Sam^ Paul. * Christian Whittock. Lawrence Scates. Robert Hammilton. Joseph Gilky. Andrew Godshall. John Herretage. Jacob Harper. Jesse Jackson. William Peart Ju^ Josia Walton. 66 Appe7idix. — Orderly Book. A Return of Absentees of the Light Infantry Attacht to the 8oth Regiment Pensylvania Militia for 1800 & 1801 Samuel Dungan Ensi Job Gaw. John Worrell Jun Henry Retzer. John Henry. John Enoch. Enoch Lott. Martin Richards. Thomas Street. John Harrison. John Mower. Benjamin Dungan. Bernard Van horn. Joseph Hughes. Jacob Deal. Samuel Norton. William Love. Henry Shoch. Charles Hill. John Wood. Mark Hart. John Ather. Joseph Linn. October 5 12 19 1799 Musick paid by the Company. April 12 — 19 — 24 — 1800 Days Appointed by Law The Musick paid by the Company. October 4 — n — 17 — 1800 Days Appointed by Law mu- sick paid by the Company. April II — 18 — 23 — 1801 Days Appointed by Law mu- sick paid by the Company. October 5 — 10 — 17 — 1801 Lawfull Days Musick by the Company. Appendix. — Orderly Book. 67 A Return of Absentees of the Light Infantry Company Attacht to the 80th Regiment of Pensylv Militia Command- ed by Isaac Worrell Esqr for 1801 [April.] John McGargle. John Enoch. Jacob Lesley. Enoch Lott. *Not in the Countv. fSick. John Harrison. Benjamin Dungan.* Samuel Norton. f Jesse Van Horn.t A Return of Absentees of the Light Infantry Company Attatched to the 80th Regiment Pensyl^ Militia Comman- ed by Lieut Coll Worrell for 1801 [May and June.] Ensign Dungan. Andrew Shoch. John McGargle. Sam^ Felty. Henry Retzer. Joseph Gilky. John Henry. Barnard Shoch. John Heretage. John Enoch. Jacob Lesly. Enoch Lott. Martin Richards. Clement Smith. Archibald Watkins. John Harrison. Samuel Norton. Jesse Vanhorn. Fredric Shoch. [July and August.] Samuel Felty. Sick. Jacob Lesley. Samuel Norton. Jesse Van horn. Henry Retzer. Joseph Gilky. John Henry. 68 Appendix. — Orderly Book. A Riturn of Absentees belonging to the Light Infantry Company attached to the 8oth Regiment of Pens^ Militia Commanded by Lt. Coll Isaac Worrell for iSoi. [October.] Ensign Dungan. Tho^ Street. John Enoch. Benj Peart. Enoch Lott. John Herritage. John Harrison. John McGargle. Joseph Bender. Andrew Godshall. Samuel Norton. A Return of Absentees Continued 1802. [January.] Saml Dungan. Joseph Hughes. Jacob Harper. Joseph Bender. John Herritage. Saml Norton. John Enoch. Jesse Vanhorn. Jacob Lessley. Fred A Beigle. Enoch Lott. Eneas Hughs. Arch'i Watkins. Thom^ Street. Bernard Vanhorn. A Return of the Absentees of the Volunteer Company of Light Infantry Attatch,d to the 80th Regiment Pensyla. Militia for the Stated Days of Muster by Law 1802. Names of Delinquents. Jesse Vanhorn. Henry Retzer. Jesse McGargle. Jacob Lesley. Ensign Dungan. Enoch Lott. John McGargle. Archibald Watkins. Barnard Vanhorn. [The days are the loth, 17th and 22d of April.] Appendix. — Orderly Book. 69 An Account of the Arms & Accutrements Received from the Following Persons of the upper Company of Oxford first Batt^ October 1786 Richard Johnson. Isaac Keen. John Knowles. Fredrick Caster. Peter Hartle. Capt. Dungan. Spring 1787. George Farrah. Robert Orchard. A Return of the Absentees of Light Infantry Attatched to Militia of Phil* County for 180 Ensign Dungan. John McGargle. John Henry. John Enoch. Jacob Lisley. Enoch Lott. Benj" Worrell. of the Volunteer Company the 80th Regimt. Pensyla. 2. [July.] Bernard Vanhorn. Henry Shoch. Jesse Vanhorn. Fredric Schoch. Christian Wittock. Andrew Godshall. Jesse McGargle. Received February 10^^ 1788 of James Potts the Sum of Nine Pounds five Shillings & Nine pence in part for Ser- veses Performed for the first Company First Batl Witness my hand Jacob Foulkrod. Oxford October 13TH 1783. Receits of Arms and Accutrements delivered to the 70 Appendix. — Orderly Book, Upper Division of Oxford Militia by Captain James Potts First Batt^ Pliil^ County Comaned by Coll Benj. MVeagh. Received 17th of February 1788 of James Potts the Sum of Six Shillings for Servis in the Light Infantry Company Witness my hand Franks Tyrrell. Received October 13th 1783 of Capt. James Potts one Musket With Acutrements belonging thereto Witness my hand. John Lince. Received October 20th 1783 of Capt. James Potts one Musket With Acutrements belonging thereto Witness my hand. Joseph Yates. Receved May 3d 1784 of Capt James Potts one Stand of Arms Compleat Witness my hand Received October 17th 1786 of Capt. James Potts the Sum of 14 Shillings it being for Fifeing four Days for the Company for year 1786 Witness my hand. Jacob Foulkrod. Received October i6th 1786 of Capt. James Potts the Sum of Three Shillings & Nine pence it being for Drum- ming on Said Day received per by me Received October 23d 1786 of Capt James Potts the Sum of Seventeen Shilling & Six pence it being for Drum- ming 5 Days for the year 1786 Witness my hand. John Wessell. Appendix. — 'Orderly Book. 71 Received December 15th 1787 of Capt. James Potts the Sum of Ten Shillings and Six pence in full to this Date it being for Druming 3 Days in October 1787. Fra^^ Tyrell. Received of Capt James Potts, the following Public Arms and Accutrements Which is hereunto our Names Anexed Witness our hands this 9th Day of October 1786. Thomas Smith John Fesmier John Lince Henry Harttle John Quee Chrpher Harttle Israel Kenton John Snider Jonathen Jones George Foulkrod Connard Snider Jacob Ramah George Caster Received of Capt. James Potts the following Public Arms & Accutrements Which is hereunto our Names Anexed Witness our hands this i6th Day of October 1786 George x Farrahs mark Andrew Scott x Joseph David. William Edhinnar Robert Orchard (Edinger.) William Shallcross Richard Tomlinson Samuel Dungan John Keen Received January 2 2d 1788 of Capt. James Potts 21 Muskets 19 Bayonets 23 Cartridge Boxes 18 Seaboards & belts being Public Arms of the upper District of Oxford Witness my hand Joseph Dearman Capt. 72 Appendix. — Orderly Book. Account of Arms and Accutrements Delivered to the under Named Persons by James Potts Capt of the upper Division of Oxford [1783.] John Lince Thomas Smith. Joseph Yeats. John Quee. John Nagle. Isral Kentton. Edmond Staats. Isaac Lile. A List of Persons and the Arms & Accutrements they Delivered up to mee 3 of January 1788. John Taylor. George Folkrod. Joseph Taylor. Jacob Ramah. John Lintz. Joseph Davids. John Quee. Samuel Dungan. Isreal Kenton. John Keen. Sereck Fox. Will™ Eddinger. Conrod Snider. Rich^ Tomlinson. John Snider. Isaac Lile. George Caster. Joseph Yeates. Christopher Hartle. Mathias Yance. Amount of the fines incured under the State Law in the Duplicate of the Light Infantry Attacht to the 80th Regi- ment Philada County Militia Commanded by Coll Worrell from 12 April 1800 to 23 April 1801 is 41 Dollars. In the Duplicate of the By Laws from Sept 1800 to 6 June 1801 Amounts to 15 Dollars 25 Cents. In the Duplicate of the Monthly Contributions Amounts 7 Dollars 62 Cents. Appendix. — Ot 'derly Book. 73 Coppy of a Return Made on October 17th 1785 of the 6th Company first Batt^ Philad. County Militia Commaned By Benj" M'Veagh Esqr. James Tison. John Salter. Will™ Johnson. Fredrick Caster. [Signed.] Joseph Howell. Henry Mires. Thomas Shallcross. James Potts Capt. Return of Absentees in the first Company First Batt^" Philad. County Militia Commanded by Lieu^ Coll Benjn. McVaugh. [1786.] Samuel Emlen. Leonard Shallcross. Thomas Shallcross. Sebastian Spencer. Jacob Levensetter. [Signed.] Will™ Johnson. John Coffy. Isaac Lile. Harm an -Wiley. James Potts Capt. Return of fines in the First Company First Batt^ Philad. County Militia Commanded By Lieu^ Coll Isaac Worrell Esq^ [October, 1786.] Leonard Shallcross. Isaac Lile. John Lince. Thomas Shallcross. Benj'^ Fisher. Samuel Emlen. George Tomlinson. Sebastian Spencer. Richard Tomlinson. John Duffy. Jesse Newport. Thomas Gordon. 74 Appe7idix. — Orderly Book. William Johnson. Jacob Livensetter. Benjn Tomlinson. John Stover. [Signed.] Athur Burns. Joseph Johnson. Jesse Newport. David Newport. James Potts Capt. A Return of Absentees made for April & May 1787 of the first Company of foot in the first Batt^ Philadl^ County Militia Commanded by Isaac Worrell Esq^ 1787 Leonard Shallcross. Isaac Lile. John Lince. Thomas Shallcross. Levi Kenton. Sam^ Emlen. William Johnson. Benjn Tomlinson. Robert Orchard. Richard Tomlinson. Athur Burns. Jesse Newport Jun. David Newport. Jacob Livensetei:. Andrew Scott. Return of Absentees in the First Company First Batt. Philad^ County Militia Commanded By Lieut. Coll. Isaac Worrell Esq^ For 1787. [October.] Leonard Shallcross. Sam^ Emlen. Thomas Shallcross. Jesse Newport Jun Benj" Fisher. David Newport. Benj" Tomlinson. Will"^ Johnson. Henry Riffert. Andrew Carman. George Mires. Appendix. — Muster Order. 75 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Philadelphia County, September, 13th, 1787. Notice is hereby given, To the Militia of the County of Philadelphia, That the following days are appointed by law, as days of exercise, viz. In Companies the two first Monday's in the month of 06lober, viz. The first and Eighth. And in Battalions in the following order, viz. The first Batlalion on the third Monday in 06tober, viz. The 15 th. The second Battalion on the Tuesday following, the i6th. The Companies Commanded by Captain's Gray, Worrel, and Streeper, will as usual join Col. Jone's Battalion on Friday, the 19th of 06tober, &c. The Troop of Light Horse, is to take Notice, that they are to meet properly equipt on the company days, viz. ist and 8th of 06tober, at Shippen's field, nearly opposite to the Robin Hood, on the Ridge Road ; it is expe6ted they will be ready to form by eleven o'Clock in the morning; at the meeting a Captain to be Ele6ted in the Room of Captain Hopkins Resigned. They are also to meet on the 15th of 06lober, at the ten mile Stone, on the New-town road, by eleven o'Clock in the morning, in order to join Col. Worrel's Battalion. The Militia will please to observe, that for the future, it is expefted, that if they have any appeal to make for being absent on any of the days appointed as days of Exercise, they must make the same within ten days after Battalion 7 6 Appendix. — Toasts. day, to their respedive officers, as any applications later, will be ineffectual. Given under my Hand, this 13th day of September, William Coats, Lieutenant, C. P. 1 May the present year produce Peace and Plenty to the sons of Liberty throughout the world. 2 May the Rising generation throughout the world be indowed with principles of the rights of man. 3 May the time of Tirants & tories be like unto Jonah's Goard. 4 George Washington Benjamin Franklin & all others, patriots of American Independancy, May their Names be held in gratefull remembrance by the people of the United States. 5 May the insueing Presidential Chair be filled with Honor to the United States. 6 Thomas McKean the Govenor of Pennsylvania & the pride of the Republicans. 7 May the Present year give New Lustre to the Great Bulwark of the Nation, the Militia. 8 The thirteen Usurpers in the Senate of Pennsylva- nia, may they for ever be remembered by the true Sons of Liberty. 9 May the Republicans of the United States triumph over Tyrany & Congratulate the Downfall of their Antag- onists. 10 May the Alien & Sedition Laws meet with a Speedy Obliteration. Appendix . — Toasts. 7 7 11 The Shores of the United States, may they be an Asylum for the friends of liberty & the admirers of our Constitution. 12 May the Commotions of the Seas strike terror on & Sink the plunderers of our Commerce. 13 Thomas Jefferson Vice President of the United States, May his good patriotism well merited intitle him to the Name of President of the United States of America. 14 Thomas Jefferson friend to Liberty & to his Con- stituents. 15 A Sound Sleep to the Enemies of Liberty. 16 The Era now Commenced in the United States, the Sure pledge of the Downfall of despotism and Aristocacy. On the first day of the new year, the celebration of the Election of President & vice President of the United States, was held at the House of Major Sullivan in Frankford, by the first Philad^ County troop of Horse Commanded by Capt^. Snider and the Company of Light Infantry attached to the 80th Regiment Commanded by Capt" Potts, after performing Military exercise — sat down to an excelent repast provided on the occation — after which the following toasts were drank. 1 The present year may it produce peace & plenty to the Sons of freedom throughout the world. 3 Cheers i volley. 2 Thomas Jefferson president Elect, the rock on which the storms of monarchal faction long has beat without avail. 6 cheers i volley. 3 Aaron Burr vice president Elect, the tried and un- 78 Appendix. — Toasts. daunted friend of his Country. 3 Cheers i volley. 4 George Washington & Benjamin Franklin the great- est of the late age, may their fame be held in remembrance until time shall be no more. 5 The Government of the United States, may it be conducted with admiration to the World. 3 Cheers i volley. 6 The Governor of Pennsylvania, Republicans pride. 3 Cheers i Volley. 7 The Militia the only safe defence & bulwark of our nation, may the present year add new lustre thereto. 3 Cheers i volley. 8 The rising generations of the world, may they be in- dowed with the principles of the rights of man. 3 Cheers I volley. 9 The time of Tirants & torys, may they be like unto Jonahs goard. 6 Cheers i volley. 10 May the Republicans of the United States triumph over Aristocracy and foreign influence to the end of time. 3 Cheers i volley. 11 May the alien & sedition laws be speedily oblitera- ted. I volley. 12 The Shores of the United States may they be an Asylum for the opressed friends of freedom and the admir- ers of our constitution. 3 Cheers i volley. 13 May the commotions of the seas strike terror on and sink the plunderers of our commerce. 3 Cheers i volley. 14 The manufactories, agriculture, and commerce of our country may they rise superior to any in the world 3 Cheers i volley. Appendix. — Regimental Orders. 79 15 A sound sleep to the enemies of Liberty. 16 The Era now commenced in the United States, the sure pledge of the downfall of Toryism the Aristocray. Regimental Orders. For the 80^^ Regiment on the 23^ of April. 1 The Regiment to parade at 12 oClock precisly to be formed with the Horse & Infantry on the flanks. 2 Standing Salute. 3 Manuel Exercise. 4 Wheeling by Platoons. 5 Do. by Divisions. 6 form Collom on the right the right in front. 7 Do. Collom on the left the left in front. 8 Do. Collom on the 5th platoon the right in front. 9 advance the whole Charge & fire a volley. 10 change the front. 11 Marching Salute in platoons. Call the role & dismiss. April 17th 1 80 1. Isaac Worrell Capt" James Potts. Coll: 80^^ Reg. P. M. Light Infantry. Order of Sham Battle for the 22D of Oc^ 1801 for the 80TH Regt : P. M. Major Pearson will command the right wing Major Sul- livan the left. The left wing will form Column and march to the oppo- 8o Appendix. — Regimental Orders. site side of the field from the Parade ground and then dis- play. The right will form Column on the right Platoon and advance to a proper distance from the left and halt and display to the' left. The Platoons of each will fire from right to left. The right & left Squadrons of horse will charge each oth- er during this manoeuvre and return at the signal given by Maj. P. which the commanding officer of each Squad is requested to take notice of, and form to the right & left of Maj. P's Division. Maj. P. will then order his Division to the right about face and retreat. The Infantry who are to reserve their fire will now ad- vance and face Maj. Sullivans Division in order to cover the retreat of Maj. P's division and the Horse will charge the right & left Platoons of Maj. S's division which right & left Platoons are to receive them with a Charge and the Center Platoons are to keep up their fire on the Infantry as soon as Maj. P's division is on the Parade ground the Horse and Infantry will take their stations on the ground as they where first Paraded & Maj. S's Division will also march and form on their original ground. The subscriber is thus particular as his whole reliance for the due execution of this manoeuvre as well as all oth- ers on this day is on the exertions of his Brother officers as it will be the first time he has had the honor to com- mand a regiment, of Course will not be able to go through with the arduous task without it. Clement B. Pearson, Cap. Potts. Maj. Com. pro Tern. Appendix. — Letter. 8 1 [The following extract is from a letter addressed on the outside to "Mr. James Potts, Oxford," and on the inside to his wife, and was from her sister, Miss Ann Wessell, From the previous portion of the letter it appears that Miss Wes- sel had been spending a few days in the country, and on her return to the city sends this letter back to her sister, in which she gives a brief account of the honors paid to Gen- eral Washington on his passage through Philadelphia and Trenton, on his way from his home at Mount Vernon to New York to be inaugurated first President of the United States, in 1789. The procession referred to, was probably the grand demonstration on the Fourth of July, 1788, a full description of which can be found in Carey's Avierican Museum for 1798.] ^ * I was angry enough to cry, when I was told what great works there was here a Monday ; there was more people here than on the day of the Procession ; the bridge at Schuylkill was beautifully dressed with laurel and pine shrubs and an elegant arch was was at one end and a little boy was dressed in white and placed unperceived among the bushes; and as the General moved along under he crowned him with a wreath of laurels : and at Trenton it was partly the same only it was decorated by the Tren- ton Ladies and a number of Ladies was standing on one side the bridge, on the other side as many little misses dressed in white with wreaths of flowers on their heads, and baskets of flowers in hands strewing them before him 8 2 Appendix. — Letter. as he passed singing a song composed on the occasion. He stopped to hear them seeming quite lost in thought remem- bering that spot I suppose. When they had done he bowed and said something very pretty to them and rode on. "*" ^ ANCESTRAL CHARTS, -'zrssiB^ On the following pages are given charts of the American ancestors of Major James Potts and of his wife, Sarah Wessell, so far as is at present known to the writer. The ancestors of "John Wessels, " were residents of New Am- sterdam, now New York. The writer has in manuscript some account of the descendants of Wesel Evertszen and Geertie Bouwkens, the ancestors of one branch of the "Wessels" or "Wessell" family. Until about the year 1700, the Dutch system of patronymics was adhered to. 84 Ancestral Chart. c O p 3 3 :^ P c r C/5 1^ c O P l/j > w o C/2 O o n p p P (t a o 1 D' (T) O W S^ C/2 D- O fD 3 p ?;- ft) > oCe^ / 1 r-^ Ancestral Cha^'t. 85 * p s •< =r 3 f^ < 5" P C/3 -< p* 3 0* CI. P c c < 3rq nr a>* CD ^ ^ cr C/3 rD a> (/) ^ P > 5 ^ >dO p S-3 !ir. O) £1 i; 2 3 ^3 c« S's p — 3 p hJ. ft) c 2 n> ft) '< rB' ' ^ 3 3 Hj 3 < en • c« < ">.-• H t:^ '—I W -« c p ■< ^ 3 fD 3 OH". p C/5 % •-( CO <: 0" i td Q rD hJ P V3 D- )_>. rt) (T> f& en I—" 5* j2 C/3 qq 3^ < 3 in c ^ C/3 ^ P 3 P < w < H fD rS CO S p tr <: (T) 3 > 3 3 P •-{ John Wessels. Hannah Wells. John Wessell. Sarah Wessell-Potts. Ancestral Chart, — Corrected. 84 2- ^ I-! a in o 3 85 A?u'estral Chart.— -r< ^rredcit c^r T^Ci >n O^ p o — • ^ ^.'' S p 2 3 3.^ 9. t |cfq 7^:3 2 c/2 X ^ .•-1 >— ' >— >- rt fD "~ i: »< d' p 3 3 ^it 3 3 < C/3 . v/: p d' ?* 3* O V) — ^ < a> ■^ s 3 r.'-ii < 5- ^^.-^ V _..^' ^-r^ ^f^ ■=:: c - <- - f^ ^ p "^ M c » o "^ o w< rD Tk) 3 p 3 -1 U.4 < "Tt" i Ej o ■I ^ Q [^ o 5' CTQ 3^ O C/5 2- c o^ ^^ v' v^ -.A° ^ <' g ffi C/2 ^ a> "^ P c C/3 Q ^ «< 2 P W3 CL IT' '^ S 3 2- [^ g ^ <5 ^ ^ -^ o W3 2- o 3 P ^ ^ tj' O < 2- 3 •~~f-^ u^ Ann St rk. John Wessels. ^r^ ~<-— nnah Wells. John Wessell Sarah Wessell-Potts. fe?>:8 59 xN ^ ^^ ^\6^ •^ * -) S 0>^ -C' ,^^^^, . ^^ -^"^^ •-. .-^^ : ^ 0^ = -^ ; -^ V <^ ^ , ^ ■ ^^•n*.. V*' X ^ o , _ "^ ^/*'^/>^;^/■'^"•"cpn^:;L^C^'= •0^ ■^-^, ^^ %^;^ow*^.^ ^^-C' ^.. ,^V>^^^ >,, V "^ ^ -^ m^ -Jd ' >o ^r:.^\,d^ X"' -7* , -^o O^ s^ L^.* A. .x'^• •% 3 ■%?-°>"-.-'; ^■*-' .^ii^^^^'^' .^^'% % ^^ ^ ^0