o I* a ' ,0-^ C\ o. ♦ % 'V' '%: 'a V • *■■ .0- o • d S^'vP. o /1C .^ H o^. "^ <* <^ ■-'^- ^ ^'' r^- A 5 '_• , ^0■ . , 1 - ^v ■o , , ' » w o O"" * « <. '° .0' c ^O .^ \' ^0^ ,^0 '^X. > m\ ^"^. ^•<.^ ^w A o ^o 'I' .0' .0' •V. % A-*^' ,• v^^"'^ ^ * .0^" O t " " • ■^^ A <* v^^ ^f.^. <■• » , ^, -^ .0 .^^ " • >. '^ -^■ '^. .<^ !■' -V ^ ' v. ^-^ ^'. •^•^>. 0^ ^'l o o U. .^--^ o > °^ .'^' ^' 0^ ■'^-, ^o. •/"^ <■ "> ^ ' % ^ .# '(^v » « 1 .,^ O' '^0^ « < -^r '•'. ^> " • * ^O ^: ^ i"^ 4 O ■Q^- ,^ Q "^CilP. » " " «V 'o . » 0.0 O, #.• ...s^'^, 'o> ^ /v V^ ^'.^^ .^^°- TO MY FATHER'S MEMORY THIS VOI.UME IS DEDICATED. ITS MERITS, IF ANY, ARE DUE TO HIS INTEREST IN PRESERVING A CORRECX^NCESTRY OF FAMILIES. THE COMPILER. ANCESTRY OV THE Haines, Sharp, Collins, Wills, Gardiner,- Prickitt, Eves, Evans, Moore, Troth, Borton and Engle Families. COMPILED FROM NOTES OF THE LATE GEORGE HAINES, M. D With some additions by the Compiler, RICHARD HAINES MEDFORD, N. J. liLr^j-j J ^ r--r>?; , ^-r-^, ; CAMDEN, N. J.: STNNICKSON CHEW & SONS COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1902. (^^JV-^^^ <\ THE LIBRARY •F OONOWESS, Two CoPt« Heocived APR. Q 1902 C No. eoPY a COPYRIGHT 1002 BY RICHA.RD HAINES I '. ^ s. / 't-t ft H o OS j:3 Ph W -d t>, o a ;-i ,1-] a OJ +-* a tt-H o o bO o !< gQ^^j ^^^1-,1-Q QQf^^ >K >i< 'iJ body to the earth "^ * * nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God ^ ^ -^ -^ Just debts, funeral charges, etc, etc., to be paid * ^ '^ Item — To my well beloved son Isaac all that three hundred acres of land where I now dwell, with all the improvements thereon. Item — To my well beloved sons, George and Thomas, all that four hun- dred acres of land where I now dwell, to be divided equally be- tween them in such manner that my son Thomas shall have that part of the said land where my dwelling house and other build- ings are, without any notice being taken of said buildings as to their value in the division. Item — I give unto my well beloved wife Margaret one horse and cow, at her own choice, and also the privilege of residing and making use of my buildings on the two above mentioned tracts of land so long as she remains my widow * * -^ also provision for a horse and cow and firewood at the door, and provision for herself, and ten pounds proclamation money per annum during her widowhood, all of which to be paid by my son Thomas * * * >i< Item — I give to my daughter Mary the sum of one hundred pounds, to be paid to her out of my personal estate when she becomes eighteen years old. Item — I give to my dearly beloved wife Margaret, my two sons, George and Thomas, and my five daughters, Elizabeth, Ann, Margaret, Mary and Lavinia, all the remainder of my personal estate, equally amongst them, share and share alike. I appoint my son, Isaac THIRD GBNBRATIOX AXD CHILDREN. 43 Haines, and my son-in-law, Hezekiah Jones, only executors of this my last Will and Testament, etc., etc., etc. GEORGE HAINES, [seal] Witnesses present : It)hn Bishop, Caleb Ogborn, Daniel Jones, J'-- Proved at Burlington, X. ]., April utli, 1760. Amos Haines, son of 'Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, married Rebecca Troth, daughter of William Troth and Eliza- Page 18. l)eth Field. Their children were — 'Rebecca. l)orn ; married Joseph Eves. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Joseph Cooper ']\Iary. born ; married Jacob W^ills. The Will of 'Amos Haines. In the name of God, amen. I, Amos Haines, of the Township of Evesham, County of Burlington, in the Western Division of the Province of New Jersey, being sick and weak but of sound mind and perfect memory, and not knowing how it may please God to deal with me in this visitation, being willing to settle my affairs, do this twenty-sixth day of September, A. D. 1746, make this my last Will and Testament, in the manner and form follow- ing: And first and principally, I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, who gave it ; my body I commend to the earth, to be Ijuried in a decent and Christian-like manner at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named; and as touching that temporal estate wherewith God hath blessed me with in this world, I do hereby give and devise and bequeath and dispose there- of as followeth : Imprimis — It is my will and I do hereby order that all my just debts be, in the first place, satisfied and discharged. 1 do hereby give unto my wife one-third part of all my movable estate, to be at her sole disposal. Item — I do hereby will and give unto my wife the whole income and profits of all my lands during the time she remains my widow and no longer. Item — I do hereby give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca one-third part of my movable estate, to be paid to her when she shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years. Item — I do hereby will, that in case my two 44 HAINBS FAMILY. daiiiihters, Rebecca and Elizabeth, should die before they come of age, to inherit my lands as co-heirs or co-heiresses, I say if they both should die, that is my will, and in that case I do hereby give and bequeath and devise all my lands to my wife, to her, her heirs and assigns forever. Item — I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my beloved wife Rebecca sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament, and do hereby disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other testament, wills, legacies, executors by me at any time heretofore made or bequeathed, hereby ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. AMOS HAINES, [seal] Witnessed by : John Prickitt, Jacob Prickitt, Gabriel L. Blond. Proved and probated at Burlington, N. J., 11-26, 1746. Lib. 8 of Wills, page 340. Joseph Eves, who married 'Rebecca Haines, was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, the widow of Daniel ^Vills, the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wnfe. Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, of Burlington, N. J., who came from London. Jacob Wills, who married 'Mary Haines, was the son of Mica- jah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings. Micajah was the son of James Wills and Elizabeth Woolston. James was the son of Daniel Wills and Margaret Newbold. Daniel was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Rebecca Hewlings was the daughter of Jacob Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London. Elizabeth Woolston was the daughter of John Woolston and Lettice. John was the son of John Woolston, the progenitor, who came from England. Jacob Hewlings was the son of William Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves, from London. William Hewlings was the pro- genitor of the Hewlings family in this section. Till' Will of Rebecca Haines, Relict oe 'Amos Haines, De- ceased. Lib. 15, PAGE 228. Rc1)ecca Haines, relict of Amos Haines, deceased, late of Eves- ham, Burlington County, New Jersey, etc. Item — To my daugh- ter, Rebecca Eves, wife of Joseph Eves, thirty-three pounds, six THIRD GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 45 shillings and eight pence, one equal third part of one hundred pounds, bequeathed in and by the last Will and Testament of my father, William Troth, to be paid among my children after the death of my mother (to myself). Item — I order my said execu- tors to pay my daughter, Elizabeth Cooper, the sum of thirty-three pounds, six shillings and eight pence, bequeathed as aforesaid ''' .-;; 'f. .<-- >i< ^ >:< Item — I will and direct that the other thirty-three pounds, six shillings and eight pence to be paid to my youngest daughter, Mary Haines, being her equal third part of the bequest made to my children by the will aforesaid. Item — I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Eves, the wife of Joseph Eves, the sum of five pounds, to be paid her in money * ''^ * * ^'^ * Item — I give and bequeath unto my daughter Eliza- beth Cooper, the wife of Joseph Cooper, the sum of five pounds, to be paid her in money * * "' * * * Item — I gi\'e and bequeath my negro woman, \V. Cariah, and my negro girl named Dinah, both to my said daughter, Mary Haines ; W. Coriah to be delivered to her when she arrives to the age of eighteen years, or at the time of her marriage, which first may happen, and until that time I order that the said negro girl may live with my daughter, Elizabeth Cooper, and that my negro woman may live with Re- becca Eves or Elizabeth Cooper, which she likes best, until the time above said * >k * * Item — I hereby order that my said daughter, Mary Haines, live with either of her sisters, Re- becca or Elizabeth, which she likes best. Item — I order that my executors hereinafter named have a special regard to my daugh- ter Mary's education ; that no reasonable expense be wanting therein, and likewise that she may be brought up in the principles of the people called Friends or Quakers, to whose care and guar- dianship I commit her entirely, to live with, etc., etc. Item — All the rest, residue and so forth of my estate more or less, whatso- ever, etc.. etc. I give and bequeath unto my youngest daughter, Mary Haines, as her sole and only property to be possessed and enjoyed by her, when she arrives at the age of eighteen years, or at marriage, which may first happen. Item **>!=*** kept for daughter Mary, one best bed and furniture and bedding * * * ^' -^ * * All my pewter, steelyards, pots, etc., etc., etc., large Bible, etc., * * * * and sundry effects that are called "her's." Lastly — I nominate, constitute and appoint Joseph Eves and Joseph Cooper, and my good friend Mica j ah Wills, to be my executors, etc., etc., etc. REBECCA HAINES, [si^al] 46 HAINES FAMILY. Witnesses present : William Troth, Abraham Allen. Probated December the 7th, A. D. 1771. Recorded April 4th, 1772. Ex. Sec. Office, Trenton, N J. rage 18. 'Jane Haines, daughter of 'Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Aus- tin, married William Hooten, son of Thomas Hooten and Mary. Xo record of children. Thomas Hooten and Mary came from England, and settled near Moorestown, N. J. Jane was living, the wife of William Hooten, at the time her father made his will, in 1748- 'Marget Haines, the daughter of 'Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Page 18. Austin, married Thomas Buzby, son of , 9-6, 1727. No record of children. 'Deborah Haines, the daughter of 'Thomas Haines and Eliza- Page 18. bcth Austin, we have no record of her marriage or children. 'Ruth Haines, daughter of 'Joseph Haines and Dorothy , Page 21. married Robert Miller, 1725, son of Gayen Miller and Margaret. Tiieir children were — 'Margaret, born 11-26, 1726. 'Solomon, born 12-28, 1727. 'Dorothy, born 6-31, 1729. 'Patience, born 1-20, 1731. 'Hannah, born 2-17, 1733; died 1733. 'Warwick, born 11-30, 1735; died 1777. 'Hannah 2d, born 2-7, 173 . 'I.saac, born i-ii, 1737; died 1752. 'Jacob, born 9-13, 1739. 'Rebecca, l)orn 8-13, 1742. 'Rachel, born 8-13, 1742; died 1743. 'Joseph, Ijorn 8-8, 1744. 'Rachel 2(1, born 4-29, 1746. 'vSarah, born 6-13, 174 . 'Ruth, born 4-2, 175 . 'Benjamin, born 12-19, 1752. 'James, born 10-21, 1754. THIRD GEMMATION AND CHILDREN. 47 'Joseph Haines, son of 'Joseph Haines and Ehzabeth Thomas, married Ehzabeth , daughter of . Their children were — ■"Sarah, born ; married, 1765, Jacob Sharpless Page 21. '^^'i^iam Haines, son of 'Joseph and Ehzabeth Thomas, mar- ried Lydia Johnson, daughter of Joshua Johnson and Page 21. , 8-10, 1750. Their children were — *Sarah, born 6-8, 1751 ; married Reynolds ^Hannah, born 2-2, 1753; married John Carty. ^Elizabeth, born 10-13, 1754. "Joseph, born y-2, 1756. "Joshua, born 1-23, 1760; died 5-5, 1761. "William, born 11-2, 1762. Xydia, born 6-29, 1768; married Samuel Haines. Lydia died 8-29, 1772, and 'William married Rebecca Bassett, 1 2- 1, 1774, daughter of Thomas Bassett and Hannah. Their children were — Tmmer, born 10-30, 1774; died 10-26, 1778. "Thomas, born 3-30, 1779; married King. "Isaac, born 2-18, 1781 ; married Kirk. "Jacob, born 4-14, 1784; married Sidney Furnace. 'Job Haines, son of 'Joseph Haines and Elizabeth Thomas, mar- ried Esther Kirk, daughter of Timothy Kirk and Ann — , page 21. 2-6, 1765. Their children were — "Timothy, born 11-15, 1768; married, 1795, Sarah Brown. "Reuben, born 5-17, 1772; married Mary Johnson. "Eli, born 7-17, 1776; married Elizabeth Brown. "Job, born 2-22, 1778; married Prudence Brown. "Elizabeth, born 2-16, 1783; married William Kirk. "Esther, born 5-18, 1785; married Immer Knight. "Elisha, born 9-19, 1787; married Hannah Kirk. "Nathan, born 4-26, 1790; married Rachel Williams.' ^ . ... „ Mary Carver.' Esther died 4-1, 1803. -^ . Tsaac Haines, son of 'Joseph Haines and Elizabeth Thomas, married Mary England, daughter of John England and Elizabeth Page 21. , 11-24, 1762. Their children were — "Reuben, born 3-27, 1764; died lo-ii, 1766. "John, born 3-8, 1766; died 10-15, 1766. "Joseph, born 9-13, 1768; married Rebecca Reynolds. "Nathan, born 12-16, 1770; married Hannah Brown. "Elizabeth, born 3-2, 1777; married Jonathan Reynolds. 48 Page 21. Page 21. Page 21. Page 21. Page 21. HAINBS FAMILY. 'Ann Haines, daughter of Joseph Haines and Elizabeth Thomas (second wife), married Hugh Sid well, son of Hugh Sidwell and Ann . I-/. 1750. Their children were — *Samuel, born 'Job, born ; married Rebecca Wilson. 'Xathan. born ; married Eleanor Cook. 'Deborah, born ; married Abner Wells. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Henry Reynolds. 'Ann, born ; married Benjamin Wilson. 'jMiriam Haines, daughter of 'Joseph Haines and Dorothy ,' married Robert Halliday, son of William Halliday and Deborah , 4-3, 1730. No record of children. 'Patience Haines, daughter of 'Joseph Haines and Dorothy ,' married Patrick Miller, son of Gayen Miller and Mar- garet , 9-5, T 735. No record of children. 'Sarah Haines, daughter of 'Joseph Haines and Elizabeth Thomas," married Samuel Reynolds, son of Henry Reynolds and , 3;i2, 1743. No record of children. 'Deborah Haines, daughter of "Joseph Haines and Elizabeth Thomas,'' married Joseph England, son of Samuel England and Sarah , 1-15. 1767. No record of children. All of the foregoing descendants of 'Joseph Haines and Doro- thy, his first wife, and Elizabeth Thomas, his second wife, were furnished by Gilbert Cope, of West Chester, Penna., from the records of Nottingham monthly meeting of Friends. Joseph Haines, after his first marriage, settled at Nottingham, Maryland. His descendants are found in Maryland, Pennsyl- vania, and in the Southern States. There appears to have been very little communication of his descendants witli the Haines family in New Jersey. He had a very large family of children, the descendants of whom greatly exceed those of any of his brothers. Some of the descendants may probably be able to trace their line back so as to connect it wnth what w^e have been able to get of the family, that was to be relied upon. FOURTH GEXERATION AND CHILDREN. 49 ^David Haines, son of "John Haines and Elizabeth Satterth- waite/ married Baustic, daughter of . Page 22. Their children were — ■John, born ; died young. "John 2d, born ; married "David, born ; married ■"William Haines, son of 'John Haines and Jane Smith' (wid- ow), married Sarah Lippincott, daughter of Jacob Lippincott and Page 22. Mary Burr, 1749. Their children were — 'Elizabeth, born ; married Samuel Nicholson. 'Mary, born ; married Mark Nicholson. °Sarah, born ; married Joseph Gibson. "John, born ; married, 1753, Hipparchia Hinchman. 'William, born 'William died and Sarah married Azariah Shinn. Their children were — "Sarah, born ; married David Ware. 'Martha, born ; married Isaac Crim. 'Beulah, Ijorn ; married Gibson Jones. 'Thomas Haines, son of 'John Haines and Jane Smith' (wid- ow), married Hannah , daughter of . Page 22. Their children were — "Hannah, born ; married John Borton. Other children not named. See 'Thomas' will, page 50. Synopsis of the Wile of 'William Haines. A\^illiam Haines, of the Township of Greenwich, County of Gloucester and Province of West New Jersey, weak of body, etc., ■■■' * * * * ^|-^ig sixth day of the tenth month, called December, 1757. Debts and funeral charges to be paid, etc. Item — I give unto Sarah, my beloved wife, all movable estate after del)ts are paid, except ninety pounds and three feather beds, which sum I give unto my daughters, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah Haines, equally divided between them, and one bed to each of them. Item — All my plantation whereon I now dwell I give to my two sons, John and William Haines; my oldest son John to have that part or equal part of my plantation whereon the im- proA-ements are made, but the swamp and meadow ground to be equally divided in quantity and quality, and to pay in lieu forty pounds to his brother William. Item — The lot of land at Wood- 4 HAINES FAMILY. bury Creek to be sold and the money arising therefrom I give unto my wife aforesaid. Item — I give all the profit and rent aris- ing from my i)iantation (except my mother's property therein) until my eldest son arrives to the age of twenty-one years, unto my wife for and toward the needful education of my children. But my desire is that my plantation be kept in good repair. I appcjint my loving wife and my brother-in-law, Jacob Spicer, sole executors, etc.. etc.. etc. WILLIAM HAINES, [seal] Witnessed by : John Brown, Thomas Rambo, John Walker. Lib. 9, page 70 of wills. Synopsis of the Will of Thomas Haines. Thomas Haines, of the Township of Newton, County of Glou- cester, Western Province of New Jersey, Yeoman. He orders all his real and personal estate sold. After paying all debts and funeral expenses, the remainder he gives to his loving wife Han- nah to school and bring up his children, etc. *>;<>!<** He appoints his wife Hannah and his brother-in-law% Aaron Oak- ford, executors, etc., * * * * dated the first day of De- cember, A. D. 1765. Signed, sealed, etc., * * * * THOMAS HAINES, [seal] Witnessed by : John Buzby, William Evans, Gerrard Clark- son. Proved the 29th of January, A. D. 1766. Ex. from Book of Wills, No. 12, page 285. 'Jonathan Haines, son of 'Jonathan Haines and Mary Matlack, married Hannah Sharp, daughter of William Sharp and Mary Page 22. Austiu, 1 74O. Their children were — "Isaac, born 9-14, 1742; married Mary Wilkins. "Jacob, born 8-24, 1745 ; married Sarah Austin. "Josiah, born 8-13, 1748; married Rebecca Austin. "Mary, born 9-27, 1752; married, 3-17, 1774, Job Collins." 'Nehemiah, born 1-23, 1755; married, 1783, Abigail Haines. "Hannah, born 4-1 t. 1762; married Japheth Garwood. Mary \\'ilkins, wife of Tsaac Haines, was the daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Core, the daughter of Enoch Core and Sarah Roberts, who was the daughter of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. Enoch Core was the pr(\genitor of the Core family. Thomas Wilkins was the'^n of Thomas Wilkins and Susannah, the progenitors of the Wilkins familv. FOURTH QBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 51 Rebecca Austin, the wife of "Josiah Haines, was the daughter of Francis Austin and Rebecca. Francis was the son of Francis Austin, the son of Francis Austin and Mary Borton, the daughter of John and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. Francis Austin was the progenitor of that family. Sarah Austin, the wife of 'Jacob Haines, was the daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. Jonathan was the son of Francis Austin, the son of Francis Austin and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, as above. Job Collins, who married "Mary Haines, was the son of Francis Collins and Ann Ashard, widow of Nehemiah Haines and daugh- ter of Ashard. Francis was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd, widow of Dr. John Goslin, and daughter of Thomas Budd, the second w4fe of Francis Collins. Francis was the progenitor of the Collins family in New Jersey, and was the son of Edward Collins and Mary, of Oxfordshire, England ; was a bricklayer in London, and came from there to New Jersey. Abigail Haines, the wife of 'Nehemiah Haines, was the daugh- ter of Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn, the widow of George Turner, and daughter of Thomas Thorn and Letitia Hinchman. Thomas was the son of Joseph Thorn and Mary Bowne, the daughter of John Bowne and Hannah Feake, of Long Island. Joseph was the son of William Thorn and Winefred Kay, of Long Island, who came from Dorsetshire, England, to Massachusetts, and from thence to Long Island, in 1645. Letitia Hinchman was the daughter of John Hinchman and Sarah Harrison, of Long Island, the daughter of Samuel Harrison, who came from Eng- land. Japheth Garwood, who married 'Hannah Haines, was tlie son of Daniel Garwood and Susanna Collins, the daughter of John Collins and Elizabeth Moore, the daughter of Benjamin Moore and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, from Stepney, Middlesex, England. John Collins was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd, his second wife, daughter of Thomas Budd and widow of Dr. John Goslin, of Burlington, New Jersey. Daniel Garwood was the son of Thomas Garwood and Margaret, the progenitors of the Garwood family. D- 2 HAINES FAMILY. ' The Will of ^Jonathan Haines. Let it be recorded, that I. Jonathan Haines, of the Township of Evesham, in the County of BurHngton and State of New Jersey, Yeoman, .being at this time sick and weak of body, but of sound fhsposing mind and memory, thanks be given unto Ahiiighty God for the same, and l)eing desirous that what temporal estate it hath ])leased the Ahnighty to bless me with in this life shall come unto such person or persons as I shall hereinafter nominate and ap- point, hereby revoking and making void all former and other wills by me made, either by word or writing, and this only to be taken for the same as followeth : Imprimis — In the first place, I order all my just debts and funeral charges to be paid out of my personal estate as soon as convenient after my decease. Item — I give and beijueath unto my daughter, Hannah Haines, all the remainder of my personal estate, be it whatsoever it may, to be enjoyed by her as soon as is convenient after my decease, except ten pounds to be taken out of the same, which I give and bequeath to the Upper ^Meeting of Friends, of Evesham, to be paid to the overseers of the said meeting in one year after my decease, and to be applied to such use for the benefit of said meeting as the Friends of said meeting shall direct. Item — I give and devise unto my two sons, namely, Jacob and Josiah, all that my piece of cedar swamp lying at or near a place called "Roberts Meadow," to be equally divided between them according to quantity and quality, one moiety there- of to hold to my son, Jacob Haines, his heirs and assigns forever. Item — As my son, Josiah Haines, hath heretofore been provided for, I i)ass him by, only I order my two sons, Isaac and Nehemiah Haines, to pay unto him thirty shillings each out of the lands I shall hereafter devise to them. Item — I give and devise unto my son, Jacob Haines, a certain part of my plantation whereon I now dwell, lying at the lower end or most northerly part of my plantation, computed to be about one hundred and twenty acres, more or less, which is divided off by a line now run between the same and land hereafter devised to my son, Nehemiah Haines, which line begins at a hickory tree now marked, standing by the westerly side of the southerly branch of the Rancocas Creek, and FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. runs from thence north sixty-six degrees and fifteen minutes west, seventeen chains and twenty-seven links to a stone in Josiah Fos- ter's Hne, corner to land hereafter devised to my son, Nehemiah Haines, all which land lying to the lowermost or northerly side of the above said line, with the buildings and appurtenances there- unto belonging. I give and devise to my son, Jacob Haines, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever; he paying out of the same to my daughter Hannah Haines, the sum of forty pounds in one year after m}- decease. Item — I give and devise unto my son Nehemiah Haines one other part of my plantation whereon is the old mansion house. Beginning at a stone in Josiah Foster's line, corner to the land before devised to my son Jacob ; thence along said Foster's line south seventeen degrees and fifteen minutes west, twelve chains and eighty-four links to a stone by the edge of the meadow in said Foster's line, corner to land hereafter devised to my son Isaac Haines ; thence the six following courses and dis- tances is the division line between Nehemiah and Isaac Haines : First along the meadow side south, sixty-one degrees east, four chains and fifty-seven links to a stone ; thence crossing the meadow (2) south ten degrees and five minutes west, four chains and twenty-five links to a stone; thence (3) north eighty-three degrees and twenty minutes west,- four chains and twenty-one links to a walnut sapling on the hill by the corner of the old orchard ; thence (4) south, about seven degrees east, twenty-four chains and thirty links to a stone in the field; thence (5) south, twenty-two degrees and thirty minutes west, seven chains and forty links to a stone corner to land of said Josiah Foster; thence (6) south, ten degrees and forty-five minutes east, thirty-two chains and eighty-three links to a stone in the line of W^illiam Foster's land, about one chain and thirty-eight links from William Foster's hickory corner by the aforesaid branch of Rancocas Creek ; thence bounding down said creek the several courses to the hickory marked by the said creek hereinbefore mentioned for a beginning corner to land de- vised to my son Jacob ; thence, along by the same to the stone first mentioned, containing about one hundred and forty acres of land, be the same more or less, together with the buildings, improve- ments and appurtenances, to hold to him, my said son Nehemiah Haines, and^ to his heirs and assigns forever, he paying thereout unto my daughter, Hannah Haines, the sum of fifty pounds 54 HAINUS FAMILY. ill one year after my decease. Item — Whereas, my son Isaac, Samuel IMiillips and myself, sometime past built a new grist mill on the land included within, the bounds of land herein- before devised to my son Nehemiah, and each one of us was entitled t(j one-third part of the profits arising from the same, with being at equal expense of costs for repairs; it is now my will and I do hereby order that Samuel Phillips, his heirs and assigns, shall enjoy the same in every respect as formerly, so long as the same should be kept up; and as my sons Isaac Haines and Nehemiah Haines have built a new saw mill near to said grist mill, I do hereby order and give sufficient yard-room for both mills so long as the same should be thought proper to be kept up, to be en- joyed ec|ually in every respect between my sons Isaac and Nehe- miab Haines, to hold to them and their separate heirs and assigns forever, notwithstanding the above devise to Nehemiah Haines. Item — T give and devise unto my son Isaac Haines, the remainder of any plantation whereupon I now dwell, to begin at the stone in Josiah Foster's line by the edge of the meadow, mentioned in the above devise to Nehemiah Haines, then the same six courses and distances following in said devise to a stone in the line of William Foster's land, about one chain and thirty-eight links from Foster's hickory corner by the creek ; thence it is bounded by William and Josiah Foster's land to the stone first mentioned, computed to be about one hundred and nineteen acres of land and premises, with the buildings, improvements and appurtenances, be the same more or less, to hold to him, my said son Isaac Haines, and to his heirs and assigns forever ; he paying thereout unto my granddaughter, Sarah Collins, the sum of fifty pounds, when she arrives at the age of eighteen years. Item — Whereas, I am now seized of one equal fourth part of all that tract of pine land and saw mill, w^ell-known by the name of "Prickett's Mill Tract," situate in Evesham aforesaid, which said fourth part of said tract of land and saw mill I give and devise unto my two sons, Isaac Haines and Nehe- miah 1 taines, to be equally possessed and enjoyed by them till a division shall be made, and to hold to them, my said sons Isaac and Nehemiah Haines, one moiety to Isaac, his heirs and assigns, the other moiety to Nehemiah, his heirs and assigns, they paying out of the same two hundred pounds to my daughter Hannah, in the FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. following manner : That is, Isaac Haines to pay her one hundred pounds in two years after my decease, and Nehemiah paying her the like sum in three years after my decease. Item — Whereas I have given unto my sons, Isaac and Nehemiah Haines, my tract of land and saw mill, called "Prickitt's Mill Tract," it is my will, and I do hereby give free liberty unto my sons, Jacob Haines and Josiah Haines, to cut timber on said tract of land, and saw the same at the mill, that they or either of them should want for the use of their own buildings during their natural lives, but not for them, or either of them, to cut any for sale, under any pretense whatsoever. Item — I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my two sons, Isaac Haines and Nehemiah Haines, and my son-in- law. Job Collins, executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-third day of the tenth month (October), in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty- four ( 1784). JONATHAN HAINES, [seal.] Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared to be my last Will and Testament, in the presence of Lawrence Webster, William Norton, Jos. Stokes. Proved 4 mo, ist, 1785. r:? 'Job Plaines, son of 'Jonathan Haines and Mary Matlack, mar- ried Esther Sharp, daughter of William Sharp and Mary Austin. They left no children. They settled in Newton, Gloucester county, New Jersev. The W11.1. OE 'Job Haines. In the fear of God, I, Job Haines, in the Township of Newton, in the County of Gloucester, Province of West New Jersey, Yeo- man being weak in body, but of a sound mind and memory, praised be the Lord for his mercy, but remembering the mortal- ity of my body, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testa- ment in manner and form following, viz. : Imprimis — I commit my soul unto the hands of Almighty God who gave it, and my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors, hereinafter named. Item — My will is that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid as soon as may be after my decease, and as to my worldly estate my will is that it should be disposed of as follows : 56 HAINBS FAMILY. Item — My will is that my plantation whereon I now live, situate in the township, county and province aforesaid, be given to my wid- ow during her natural life, and all profits arising therefrom, and after her decease my will is that my plantation be sold and the money arising from the sale thereof, to be equally divided between my brother Jonathan's four sons, to wit : Isaac, Jacob, Josiah and Nehemiah. Item — I give and bequeath unto my widow a certain piece of cedar swamp at Atsion, in Evesham, County of Burling- ton, during her natural life, and then my will is that it may be sold and divided in the same manner as the above plantation, that is to say, between my brother Jonathan's sons, to wit : Isaac, Jacob, Josiah and Nehemiah. Item — I give and bequeath unto my broth- er Jonathan's son Isaac a certain piece of cedar swamp, situate in Northampton, Burlington county aforesaid, called "Tom Rob- erts' Meadow," to him, his heirs and assigns forever. Item — My will further is that my movable estate be sold as soon as may be after my decease by my executors hereinafter named, and the money arising therefrom be applied towards paying my just debts and funeral pharges. And further, I do ordain and appoint my wife executrix and my trusty and well-beloved friends, Isaac Haines and James Sloan, to be my joint executors of this, my last Will and Testament, by these presents revoking all former wills heretofore by me made, and this only to be taken for my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twentieth day of the eleventh month (November), in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six ( 1776). JOB HAINES. [SEAI..] Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Job Haines, the Testator, to be his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at his request and in the room where he was, did each of us subscribe our names : Job Siddons, Richard Wat- son, Joseph Lippincott. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 57 'John Haines, son of Jonathan Haines and ]\Iary Alathick, niar- mier Ann Ashard, daughter of John Ashard and . p^'s^-^ ^2. Their children were — 'Rachel, born ''Hepsibah, born Both of these children died in their minority. 'John died 1742, and Ann married Joseph Stokes, son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Barnard. No children In- last mar- riage. The Will of John Haines. In the name of God, Amen, I, John Haines, of Evesham, in the County of Burlington, the \\"estern Division of the Province of Xew Jersey, Yeoman, considering the uncertainty of life, and that it is certain every man must dye, and now at this present time in a poor state of health, but of a good and sound mind and mem- ory; and whereas, God hath blessed me with some of these tem- poral goods, do think meet to dispose of them in the manner fol- lowing: But in the first place I give, return, bequeath my spirit to God who gave it. and my body to the dust to be decently buried by my dear and well-beloved wife, Ann Haines, whom I make and appoint my whole and sole executor, to order and manage my af- fairs after my decease. Imprimis — I give and bequeath to my said wife all my movable estate, goods and chattels, and all my right in the saw mill, commonly called and known by the name of "Haynes j\Iill," together with all the pine lands belonging to me, to sell and pass in fee as soon as she pleaseth after my death, to any persons or person, their heirs and assigns forever, and pay what I owe to loan office and keep the remainder part to her own use. Secondly — I give and bequeath to my two beloved daughters, Rachel and Hep- siba, their heirs and assigns forever, the plantation on which I now dwell, to be equally divided betwixt them when they come to the age of eighteen years; the use and bnfit is for my executor as long as she remains my widow after my departure, for and to- ward the bringing up my said children. Thirdly — I give and be- queath to my said daughters, Rachel and Hepsiba, all my other lands or rights of lands taken up, or to be taken up, to theuL their heirs and assigns forever, to be equally divided betwixt them, as soon as they come to the age of eighteen years, always holding good and vallozi'ed this my last Will and Testament. hcrcl)y dis- allowing any other former gifts and wills by me made. 58 HAINBS FAMILY. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth day of January, A. D. 1742-3. JOHN HAINES, [si^al.] Witnessed by Caleb Haines, William Foster, Enoch Haines. Probated sixteenth day of February, 1742, before Joseph Rose, Surrogate, Sec. Office, Trenton, N. J. Page 22 Page 24. 'Esther Haines, daughter of 'Jonathan Haines and Mary Mat- Page 22. lack, married Jonathan Davis, son of and ,1,9.1743. No record of children. Thev settled at Goshen, Pennsylvania. 'Rachel Haines and 'Hepsiba Haines, daughters of Jonathan Haines and Mary Matlack. We have no record of their marriage or children. 'Nehemiah Haines, son of 'Jonathan Haines and Mary Mat- Page 22. lack, married Ann Ashard, daughter of and . Their children were — ^Ephraim, born ; married Hannah Stokes. 'Hannah, born ; married Joseph Sleeper. Nehemiah died in 1745, and Ann married Francis Collins, son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd. Tsaac Haines, son of Tsaac Haines and Catharine Davies, mar- Page 2!. ricd Mary Cox, daughter of and , in 1744. Their children were — 'Jacob, born ; married, 1801, Lydia Thompson. 'Jesse, born ; married, 1785, Rachel Otley. The following children of Tsaac Haines and Catharine Davies. We find no record of their children. 'Hannah Haines, who married John Eachus. 'Mary Haines, who married William Wall. 'Jane Haines, who married Joseph Yarnell. 'Ellis Haines, who married Margaret Jones. 'Josiah Haines, who married Mary Cock. 'Jacob Haines, who married Martha Sharpless. 'Lydia Haines, who married Ellis Williams. 'Phebe Haines, who married Duborrow. 'Esther Haines. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 59 ']\rarv Haines, daughter of 'Caleb Haines and Sarah Burr, mar- ried Taunton Earl, son of Thomas Earl and iMary Crispin. Page 25. Their children were — 'Thomas, born 12-13. 1754; married, 1778, Edith Sykes. 'Caleb, born 12-21, 1756; married Esther Gardiner. 'John, born 10-25, 1/5*^; married Al)igail Smith.' 1813, Abigail Haines.' 'Joseph, born 1-2, 1761 ; married Theodocia Shreeve. 'Elizabeth, born yy, 17^3; married Jonathan Curtis. 'Mercy, born 3-19. 1765; died single, 9-20, 1805. 'Mary, born 5-25, 1767; married Alexander Shreeve. 'Letitia. born 5-31, 1769; died 3-15, 1774- 'Taunton, l)orn 10-23, 1772; died 1-29, 1796 (single). 'Daniel, born 1-21, 1774; married, 10-7, 1798, Hannah Shinn. 'Esther Haines, daughter of Caleb Haines and Sarah Burr, mar- ried Amos Austin, son of and . l>.,g^. 25. Their children were — 'Seth, born "Amos, born 'Ezekiel Haines, son of 'Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack, married Abigail Kemble, daughter of Thomas Kemble and Mary Page 28. Collins. Their children were — 'Carlile, born 1748; died young. 'Abraham, born 1751; 'Isaac, born 1753; died young. 'Carlile 2d, born 1754; 'Sarah, born 1754; 'Isaac, born 1757; married, 1779, Mary Miller. 'Jacob, born ij^y, died young. 'Mary, born 1760; 'Jacob 2d, born 1761 ; 'Samuel C, born 1765; 'Ezekicl Haines removed witli his family to Culpepper county, , Virginia, in 1773. and settled on the "Fairfax Tract," known also as the "Delaware Tract." He removed by certificate from Eve- sham Monthly Meeting of Friends to Hopewell IMeeting. 'Ezekiel died in 1781, aged 60 years. Abigail died in T781, aged 59 years. 6o HAINES FAMILY. *Ruth Haines, daughter of 'Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack, married Joseph Heritage, son of Joseph Heritage and Hannah Allen. Page 28. Their chil(hx'n were — 'Alary, Ijorn ; married John Gill.' John Thorn." "Hannah, born ; married Roberts. "Elizabeth, born ; died young. Page 28. John Thorn who married ''Mary Haines, (widow Heritage) was the son of Joseph Thorn and Mary Bowne, the daughter of John Bowne and Hannah Feake, of Long Island. Joseph was the son of William Thorn and Winifred Kay, of Long Island, \\\\o came from Dorsetshire, England. ^Rachel Haines, daughter of Carlisle Haines and Sarah Mat- lack, married Vespasian Kemble, son of Thomas Kemble and Mary Collins, 1746. No record of children. 'Rachel died and Vespasian married Esther French, widow of Jonathan French. No record of children. In the family burying ground on the Richard Haines farm, at Fostertown, there was a marble tombstone, on which was in- scribed : Rachel Kemble, departed this life 1767, aged 45 years. Vespasian died in 1778; no record of when he was buried. 'Solomon Haines, son of 'Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack, Page 2s. married Rebecca Sharp, daughter of William Sharp and Mary Austin, 1749. Their children Avere — "Rachel, born 4-16, 1750; died, 5-6, 1771. "Levi, born 8-4, 1752 ; married, . ^"Rebecca, born 7-30, 1754; married, 1774, Josiah Borton. ^Solomon, born 11-13, 1756; died, 9, 1760. "Phebe, born 5-26, 1759; married Job Sharp (went to Ohio.) ^Jesse, born 8-21, 1761; (went to Ohio). "Ruth, born 3-19, 1764; died 7-23, 1766. [Jane, born 12-7, 1767; married Joshua Sharp. Carhlc, born 5-14, 1770; married, (went to Ohio). ^Uilham. born 10-4, 1772; died 11-15, 1783. Sarah, born 8-18, 1776; married Josiah Austin. Rebecca, died 8-17, 1781, and 'Solomon married Mercy Collins am Ithey had one child, "Elizabeth, born 9-2, 1782; married Isaac Mullen (went to Ohio). Mercy, died 9-4, I793, and 'Solomon mar- ried Rachel Gaskill, 12-13, 1/97- No issue. Rachel died 2-27, 151 2. bolomon died, age 92 years, 1820. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 6i Joshua Sharp, who married Jane Haines, was the son of Samuel Sharp and EHzabeth Peacock, the daughter of John Peacock and Ehzabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the pro- genitor of that family. John Peacock was the son of John Pea- cock, who came from Scotland. Samuel Sharp was the son of John Sharp and Ann Haines, the daughter of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. John Sharp was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor of that family. John was the eldest of the three brothers, the sons of William Sharp, who came from England. Josiah Austin, who married 'Sarah Haines, was the son of Caleb Austin and . ' The Wii.Iv oe 'Solomon Haines. Solomon Haines, of the Township of Evesham, County of Bur- lington, in the State of New Jersey, Yeoman. Item — To my daughter, Phebe Sharp, wife of Job Sharp, in the State of Ohio, I give five hundred dollars in money. I also give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Mullen, in the State of Ohio, five hundred dollars in money. I also give and bequeath to my son Jesse Haines, in the State of Ohio, two hundred dollars in money. I also give and bequeath to my granddaughter, Rachel Smith, wife of Thomas Smith, fifty dollars in money, which said legacies to be paid in one year after my death. Item — I also give to my daughter, Sarah Austin, wife of Josiah Austin, fourteen hundred dollars, to be paid her in eighteen months after my decease. Item — I also give one hundred dollars in money to each of my son Carlile Haines' children, in the State of Ohio, namely, Rebecca, William, Jesse, Sarah, Phebe and David Haines, to be paid by my executors to Job Sharp and Isaac Mullen, or either of them, or their, or either of their order, for the benefit of said children, or the survivors of them, in one year after my decease, with a request that they should lay the six hundred dollars out in land in one year after they may receive the same, to be possessed by said children, share and share alike, &c. ; the males at twenty-one years, and the females at eighteen years old. Item — I will and order and leave, &c., my son Levi Haines, a living during his natural life, to be provided for by the discretion of my executors hereinafter named, 62 HAINES FAMILY. out of the rent of my plantation, which I shall hereinafter give to my two great grandsons, Hudson and Jediah Haines, hereby au- thorizing and giving my executors full power to expend all or such parts of the said rents as they may think sufficient for his maintenance, and if it should be, that after my son Levi has his liv- ing as above mentioned, there should remain any part of the rents unexpended, I give the same, to be equally divided betwixt my three great grandchildren, Hudson, Jediah and Elmira Haines, when Jediah is twenty-one years old. Fourthly — I give and de- vise, after my son Levi Haines' decease, all the remaining part of my plantation which I have not devised to my daughter, Jane Sharp, to be equally divided between my two great grandsons, Hudson and Jediah, &c., provided that they pay fifty dollars apiece to their sister Elmira Haines in one year after they take possession of their land. I also will and devise to my two great grandsons, Hudson and Jediah Haines, one piece of pine land, &c. Also, I give the other half of said cedar swamp lying on Duff's Branch, to my daughter, Jane Sharp, wife of Joshua sharp, &c. The re- mainder and residue of my estate to my two daughters, Jane Sharp and Sarah Austin, that is to say, three-fourths part thereof to my daughter Jane Sharp, and one-fourth part to my daughter Sarah Austin. I appoint my son-in-law, Joshua Sharp, and my friend. Job Collins, executors of this my last Will and Testament, &c., this fourteenth day of the fourth month, A. D. 1819. SOLOMON HAINES, [seai..] Witnessed by Asahel Coate, Esther S. Coate, David Livzey. From Book C, page 6, of Wills. Proved the 7th day of April, 1820. One or both of the daughters of 'Solomon Haines — 'Rachel and "Rebecca Haines — married and had children. See by the will. Four of Solomon Haines' children, namely — Phebe, Jesse, Carlile and Elizabeth— went to the State of Ohio. See bv the will. The five following children of 'Carlile Haines and Sarah Mat- lack, namely — ^"Elizabeth Haines, who married Allen Sharp; 'Mary Haines, who married Samuel Warner ; 'Jane Haines, who married Robert Bishop ; Acksa Haines, who married Eld- ridge, and Esther Haines, who married John Garwood. We have no record of children. FOURTH GBNBRATION AND CHILDRBN. 'John Haines, son of 'Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack, mar- ried Martha Eayre, daughter of Habakkuk Eayre and Mary, of Page 28. Eayerstown, N. J. ' Their chikh"en were — 'Mary, born 10-27, 1767; married Core Haines. "Esther, born 6-24, 1781 ; married Isaac Bahinger.' Clavton Brown." 'John Haines, famiUarly known as "Fostertown John Haines," was born in 1742, and weU remembered his three great uncles, WiUiam, Thomas and Joseph, who came to America, and from whom he learned about their embarking for America, and the passage and arrival of the family at Burlington, N. J., and related the substance of the same to Joseph Haines, the son of Nehemiah and Abigail Haines (who lived upon a neighboring farm), which he entered upon a blank leaf in "Paradise Lost," as follows : "John, the eldest son of Richard and Margaret Haines, of 'Ayn- "iioe of ye Hill,' Northamptonshire, England, came to America "some time before the family, and lived in a cave in 'Haines "Bank,' below Lumberton, then sent an invitation for his father "and his family to come, and they embarked for the Colonies in "America— Richard and Margaret, and their children, Richard, "William, Thomas, and the daughter Mary. They had a long and "tedious voyage. Richard, the father, sickened and died, and "Joseph (the fifth son), was born after the father's death in mid- "ocean. They arrived in Burlington in the latter part of the sum- "mer or in the fall of the year, and the widow married Henry "Bircham, of Neshaminy, Pennsylvania, in 1685." 'John lived well on to the century mark, and his grandson, "Mark Haines, the son of 'John's daughter 'Mary, who married Core Haines, learned from his grandfather, 'John, all about the family, which 'John in his interviews with his great uncles, 'Wil- liam, 'Thomas and 'Joseph, had received from them. In an inter- view with "Mark Haines, a short time previous to his death, rela- tive to what he had learned from his grandfather about 'Mary, the daughter of 'Richard Haines and 'Margaret, he said : "His grand- father had never told him anything about her, and thought he had never learned anything of her." And what he had to say of the lineage of 'Mary Carlile (the wife of 'Richard Haines the second), was a duplicate of what our grandmother, Abigail Haines, told us, as told her by her father, Noah Haines, who knew about his grandmother's pedigree, "as allied by blood to Pocahontas." R. H. 64 HAINES FAMILY. Core Haines, who married "Mary Haines, was the son of Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins. Isaiah was the son of Abram Haines and Grace Holhngsliead. Abram was 'the son of Richard Haines and Mary CarHle, who was of Indian Hneage, Lenni Lenape. Rich- ard was tlie second son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the pro- genitors. Grace HoIHngshead was the daughter of John Holhngs- liead. Jr.. and Agnes Hackney, the daughter of Thomas Hackney, of Burlington, N. J. John, Jr., was the son of John HoIHngs- head and Grace, of Burlington, N. J., the progenitors of that fam- ily. Sarah Wilkins was the daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Core, the daughter of Enoch Core and Sarah Roberts, the daughter of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. Enoch Core was the progenitor of that family. Thomas Wilkins was the son of Thomas Wilkins and Susannah, the progenitors. Isaac Ballinger, who married "Esther Haines, the daughter of 'John Haines and Martha Eayre, was the son of Thomas Bal- linger and Susannah Dudley. Xevi Haines, son of 'Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack, mar Page 28. ried Elizabeth , daughter of and Their children were — "Abigail, born 3-8, 1768. "Enos. born 11-20, 1770. "Deborah, born 3-20, 1772. "Lydia, born 5-17, 1776. "Esther, born 11-14, 1777. "Mahlon. born 10-31, 1781. "Hannah, born 2-28, 1784. Xevi, born 3-31, 1793. Levi Haines, with his wife Elizabeth, and children, Abigail. Fjios and Deborah, removed from Evesham Monthly Meeting of l-riends. New Jersey, to Hopewell Meeting, Culpepper county, Virginia, in 1773, with his brother, Ezekiel Haines and family. His wife Elizabeth was a member of Evesham Meeting, and took a certificate from there to Hopewell Meeting. Levi was received ill membership 2 mo. 5th, 1776, and was appointed overseer of Crooked Run Meeting, when that Meeting was set up. His chil- dren. Al)igail. Enos and Deborah, Avere received in membership 8 mo. 3(1, 1778. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. *Sarah Haines, daughter of 'Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack, married Amos \Vilkins, son of . Page 28. Their children were — 'Amos, horn ; married Lydia Jenkins. Other chikh'en unknown. 'Abraham Haines, Jr., son of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hol- Hngshead, married Sarah Elhs, daughter of . Page 3i. Their chiklren were — • ■"Thomas, born ''Benjamin, born "Nathan, born °Sarah, born ^\braham, born ; married, 1748, Hannah Rakestraw. 'Simeon, born 'Catharine, born The ^^"ILIv of 'Abraham Haines, Jr. Let it be recorded, that I, Abraham Haines, Jr., now of the Township of Evesham, in the County of BurHngton and Province of West New Jersey, weak and sick, etc., ****** * * * "^ Directs the payment of just debts, etc., '^ * * >ic * >;t >|j * Jic Item — To my son Thomas, I give my part of that tract of land devised to me and my brother Isaac by the last \\\\\ and Testament of my father, situate and lying in the Colony of Virginia, in the County of Frederick, on Back Creek, the said land for my son Thomas when he arrives at twenty-one years of age. Item — I give unto my son Benjamin that tract of land and plantation I purchased of Thomas Chinoth, and that land and improvements I purchased of Charles Adams, and that I got surve3^ed adjoining thereto, all which lands lyeth near and w\)cm the above said Back Creek, Frederick County, Virginia, when he attains the age of twenty-one years. Item — I give unto my son Nathan all my lands and plantation on Ballskin, in the said Frederick County, Colony of Virginia, unto my said son Na- than when he is twenty-one years old ; and for him, my son Na- than, to pay the legacy of one hundred pounds to my daughter Sarah, fifty pounds thereof within five years after he attains the age of twenty-one years, and the other fifty pounds in three years after that. My executors, as soon as convenient, to purchase a plantation for my wife and children to live on and to have the benefit thereof until my two sons, Abraham and Simeon, attain the age of twenty-one years, and no longer * * * * * * it to be divided between Simeon and Abraham when the latter 66 HAINES FAMILY. is twenty-one years old, and to Simeon for his half when he be- comes twenty-one years. My will is, that my wife Sarah doth have tiie profits of all my lands until my children are to heir them, as aforesaid, in lieu and stead of her dowry; also the interest of money or movable estate, and that she gives them learning to fit them for business. Item— =■= * * '' cedar swamp which my father devised to me afor, near Adsion, and all my right in the pine meadows at the said Adsion unto my two sons, Abraham and Simeon. Item — I give to my son Benjamin all my right and interest in the old (fedar swamp, above Haines' mill, which my father devised to me in his last Will and Testament. Lastly — I nominate and appoint my two brothers, Noah Haines and Benja- min Haines, and my two friends, James Cattle and Samuel Jear- ion, l)eing in Frederick County, Virginia, executors. Will executed the twelfth day of the fifth month, A. D. 1758. ABRAHAM HAINES, Jr. [seal] Witnesses present: Abraham Allen, Thomas Eves, Edmond Haines. Inventory filed, £750, 9s., od. Exf. from Lib. 10, page 126 of Wills. The two latter witnesses being Quakers, affirmed. Hannah Rakestraw, the wife of ''Abraham Haines, was the daughter of Thomas Rakestraw and Elizabeth Zane. Thomas was the son of Thomas Rakestraw and Mary Mason. Thomas was the son of Thomas Rakestraw and Mary Wilkinson, the daughter of Thomas Wilkinson, the progenitor. Elizabeth Zane was the daughter of Robert Zane and Jane. Robert was the son of Rol)ert Zane and Alice Aldv. *Edmond Haines, son of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hollings- Page 31. head, married Elizabeth Warrington, daughter of Henry W^ar- rington and Elizabeth Bishop. Their children were — "Sarah, born "Hannah, born The W'ill of Edmond Haines. Edmond Haines, of Evesham, in the County of Burlington, Western Division of the Province of New Jersey. He gives his negro boy Philip to his brother, Simeon Haines. He gives his wife, Elizabeth Haines, personal property in lieu of her right of dower, as also proceeds of real estate, etc., etc., etc. He gives to his daughters, Sarah and Hannah, all his lands that 'T am pos- FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 67 sessed of, to be equally divided between them." If the daughters die without issue, he devises the real estate between his then sur- viving brothers: To his brother, Josiah Haines, by fifty pounds in value, etc., etc., etc., etc. He appoints his wife and his brother- in-law, Joseph \\'arrington, executors, etc., * * * * >i< * this sixth da}^ of the twelfth month, A. D. seventeen hundred and sixty-five. EDMUND HAINES, [seal] Signed, sealed and witnessed by Hannah French, Elizabeth French, Isaac Evans. Extract from Book of Wills, No. 12, page 228. ^Benjamin Haines, son of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hollings- head, married Elizabeth Roberts, daughter of John Roberts and Pa&e 31. Mary Elkinton. Their children were — ^Abraham, born 1-25, 1753; married Deliverance Haines; died 1816. 'John^ born 10-27, 1754! married Mary Middleton. ■'Mary, born 4-10, 1757; married Caleb Crispin; died 1823. "WilHam, born 10-20, 1759; married Agnes Lippincott; died 1814. 'Job, born 1-24. 1763; married Sarah Carr; died 1844. 'Benjamin, born 6-18, 1765; married Elizabeth Kirby; died 1820. Elizabeth died and 'Benjamin married Margery Belangee, daughter of James Belangee and Elizabeth. No issue by the second marriage. Margery, second wife, died and 'Benjamin married Sarah Butcher, daughter of John Butcher and Mary . Their children were — 'Charles, born 3-10, 1778; died in 1800. "Clayton, born 2-28, 1779; died young. 'Clayton,' born 5-20, 1780; married Rebecca Wills; died 1816. "Rebecca, born 3-24, 1782; married Amos Wills; died 1803. The Wile oe 'Benjamin Haines. I, Benjamin Haines, of Evesham Township, County of Bur- lington, New Jersey, shoemaker and tanner, etc., etc. Item — I give to my two sons, Abraham Haines and John Haines, one dol- lar apiece, they having had their part. Item — To my daughter, Mary Crispin, I give the sum of one hundred dollars in money, likewise I give to my daughter, Rebecca Haines, the sum of four hundred dollars in money, two beds, etc., etc. * =i^ * * * =i= 68 HAINES FAMILY. * To mv two daughters, Mary Crispin and Rebecca Haines, I give pewter, etc.. etc. * * * =^= Item-To my grand- daughter. Ehzaljeth Crispin, I give forty dollars. To my son, Clayton Haines, one sorrel colt, my silver watch and all my sil- ver etc.. etc., etc., apparel, and the residue of my personal estate. Item— To my son, William Haines, etc., etc., I give all that plan- tation in Evesham, which I purchased of Joseph Haines ^ =^ * * ♦ Item— To my tw^o sons, William Hames and Benja- min Haines, a piece of meadow I purchased of Thomas Tallman, in (Evesham), making a division line between them as follows: Beginning at a stone corner to Jacob Lamb, deceased, etc., * * H: * * * * * Item — I give to my two sons, Job Haines and Benjamin Haines, the plantation where I now live, making a division line as follows : Beginning at a stake in Simeon Haines' line, near a small run * * * * * ^- * * all lying northeasterly of said line, to my son, Job Haines, only what I now except, a piece of wood land adjoining Edmund Darnell ****** strikes William Rogers' line, which said piece, to my son, Benjamin Haines, together with the other part of the place where I now live * * * * to my son Benja- min I also give one hundred acres of pine land, near Jackes Brido-e * * * * * * * "^ * * To my son, Clayton Haines. I give all my land in Gloucester County, at the head of Tuskimusco * * * * * To my three sons, William Haines. Benjamin Haines and Clayton Haines, I give all my right in Atsion meadows === * * =^ * * * * * i appoint my two sons, William Ha'ines and Benjamin Haines, executors, etc., the ninth day of the ninth month, A. D. 1800. BENJAMIN HAINES, [seai.] InvciUory filed, $3,240.03. Rebecca Wills, wife of 'Clayton Haines, was the daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. Zebedee was the son of Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings. Micajah was the son of James Wills and Elizabeth Woolston. James was the son of Daniel Wills and Margaret Newbold. Daniel was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Rebecca Hewlings was the daughter of Jacob Hewdings and Dorothy Eves. Jacob was the son of William Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves, from London. Dorothy Eves, wife of Jacob Hewlings, w^as the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London, the progenitor. Elizabeth Woolston was the daughter of John Woolston and Lettice Newbold, the daughter of Michael Newbold and Ann. John was the son of John Woolston and Olive (a sister of Gov. Thomas Olive), his first wife. Priscilla Moore was the FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 69 daughter of John jMoore and Hannah Eayre. John was the son of Benjamin Moore and Rebecca Fenimore. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore, the progenitor, and Sarah Stokes the daugliter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, from Stepney, ]\Iiddlesex, England, the progenitors of the family. Rebecca Fenimore was the daughter of Joseph Fenimore, the son of Rich- ard Fenimore, the progenitor. Hannah Eayre was the daughter of Thomas Eayre and Priscilla Hugg. Thomas was the son of Richard Eayre and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Priscilla Hugg was the daughter of John Hugg, Jr.. and Priscilla Collins, the daughter of Francis Collins and Sarah Mayham, who came from London, his first wife. Francis was the progenitor of the family, and was the son of Edward Collins and Mary, of Oxfordshire, England. John Hugg. Jr., was the son of John Hugg, who came from Wexford. Ireland. Amos Wills, who married "Rebecca Haines (his first wife), was the son of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. Jacob was the son of IMicajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings. For ancestry of Micajah \\\\\s and Rebecca Hewlings, see the foregoing ancestry of Re- becca Wills, page 68. Mary Haines was the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. Amos was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor of that family. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family in New Jersey. Agnes Lippincott, the wife of A\' illiam Haines, was the daugh- ter of Samuel Lippincott and Theodocia Hewlings. Samuel was the son of Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Jennings. Aaron was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Hope Wills. Samuel was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors of the family. Hope AMlls was the daughter of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Elizabeth Kirby, the wife of 'Benjamin Haines, was the daugh- ter of Benjamin Kirby and Rachel. Sarah Carr, the wife of 'Job Haines, was the daughter of Caleb Carr. JO HAINBS FAMILY. *Noah Haines, son of "Abram Haines and Grace Hollingshead, Page 31. married Hannah Thorn, daughter of Thomas Thorn and Letitia I linchman. Their children were — "Abigail, born 1762; married, 1783, Nehemiah Haines. Tlinchnian, born ; married Mary Warrington.' Phebe Hancock.' Rebecca Lippincott.' ''Thomas, born ; married Mary Whitten. ''Caleb, born ; married Rebecca Haines. "Reuben, born ; married "Hannah, born ; married John Ivans. "Letitia, born ; married Thomas Sutton. ■"Noah, born ; married Sarah Burden.' Kesiah Brooks.' *Noah Haines died intestate, in 1794. Letters of administra- tion were granted to Thomas Thorn and Nehemiah Haines. Hannali Tliorn, the wife of 'Noah Haines, was the widow of George Turner, son of John Turner and Jane Engle, when she married Noah Haines. No issue by George Turner. Nehemiah Haines, who married "Abigail Haines, was the son of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp. See that family, page 50- Rel)ecca Lippincott, the third wife of 'Hinchman Haines, was the daughter of Joshua Lippincott and Rachel Dudley. Joshua was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Elizabeth Wills. Free- dom was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Free- dom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progeni- tors. Eliy.abeth Wills was the daughter of Daniel Wills and AL'u-y Shinn. Daniel was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Eliza- beth, his first wife. Rebecca PLiines. the wife of "Caleb Haines, was the daughter of Jacob Haines and Sarah Austin, the daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. Jacob was the son of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp. See that family, page 50. Kesiah Brooks, the second wife of "Noah Haines, was the daughter of John Brooks and Susannah Garwood, the daughter of Daniel Garwood and Susannah Collins. See page 257. John was the son of Thomas Brooks and Mary. ^ * FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 'Isaac Haines, son of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hollingshead, married Deborah Roberts, daughter of John Roberts and Mary Page 31. Elkinton, in 1758. Their children were — 'EHzabeth, born °x\gnes, born . ; married Jacob Hunt. °Grace, born ; married Jonathan Durell. "^Deborah, born ; married James Cattle. 'John, born ; married Jemima Brown. "Isaac, born ; married Lydia Snowden. °Edmond, born ; married Charlotte Leeds. Jonathan Durell, who married 'Grace Haines, was the son of John Durell, the son of William Durell, who came from England, Lydia Snowden, the wife of "Isaac Haines, was the daughter of William Snowden. Synopsis 01^ the Will of' 'Isaac Haines. Isaac Haines, of the Township of Evesham, County of Bur- lington and State of New Jersey, gives his wife Deborah, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. Gives his son, Edmond Haines, "southeast end of my plantation, etc., etc., etc., etc." Gives Benjamin Haines and Joseph Thornton, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. Gives his son, John Haines, plantation adjoining Abel Austin, etc., etc., etc., etc. Gives his son, "Isaac Haines, plantation where I now live," etc., etc., etc., etc. Gives his four daughters, Grace, Agnes, Elizabeth and Deborah, etc., etc., etc., etc. Will executed second month the eighth, seventeen hundred and eighty-nine. Signed and sealed, etc. ISAAC HAINES, [seal] Proved, probated, etc.. Book 35, page 218. 'Josiah Haines, son of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hollingshead, married Mary , daughter of . Page 31 Their children were — 'Caleb, born ; married Mary Eldridge. 'Hannah, born ; married Thomas Bispham. 'Sarah, born 'Abigail, born 'Mary, born "Catharine, born "Elizabeth, born 72 HAINBS FAMILY The Will of Josiah Haines. From Lib. 31, page 281 of Wills. I, Josiah Haines, of the Township of Burlington, West New Jersey, weak, sick, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. Sell all estate, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. After debts are paid, etc., etc., etc., the remainder to be divided into eight equal parts, one of which I give to my loving wife Mary Haines; one other eighth part to my son, Caleb Haines ; one other to my daughter, Hannah Bispham, in manner following, she being in part provided for by me with furniture at the time of her marriage, my will is, she receive its then value for so much of her share. Item — To my daughter Sarah one-eighth part, one other eighth part to my daughter Abigail, one other eighth part to my daughter Mary, one other eighth part to my daughter Catharine, and the other eighth part to my daughter Elizabeth, to receive their shares when they become eighteen years old, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. I appoint my son-in-law, Thomas Bispham, and my son, Caleb Haines, executors of this my last Will and Testament, this twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine (1789). JOSIAH HAINES, [seal] Witnessed by Elizabeth Jones, Mary Jones, David Ridgway. Probated 12 mo., 12th, 1789. Inventory filed, £832, 75s., 8^d. Mary Eldridge, wife of "Caleb Haines, was the daughter of Jonathan Eldridge and Abigail. Tsaiah Haines, son of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hollingshead, Page 31. married Sarah Wilkins, daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Core. Their children were — 'Core, born 1766; married Mary Haines. "Japhet, born ; went West. 'Joseph, born 1770; married Hannah Maxwell. Tsaiah, born 1773; married Rachel Peacock. "Abraham, born 1776; married Sarah Lippincott. "Rebecca, born 1780. "Thomas, born 1783; married Susannah Ballinger. "Isaac H., born 1787; married Elizabeth Haines. Mary Haines, wife of 'Core Haines, was the daughter of John Haines and Martha Eayre. See that family, page 63. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 73 Hannah ]\Iaxwell, the wife of "Joseph Haines, was the daughter of John Maxwell, the son of John Maxwell and Hannah Matlack, the daughter of John Matlack and Mary Lee, his second wife. John Matlack was the son of William Matlack and Mary Han- cock, the progenitors of the Matlack family. John Maxwell was a shoemaker, and resided in Haddonfield, N. J., and is said to be the progenitor of the Maxwell family. Rachel Peacock, the wife of "Isaiah Haines, was the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zachariah Prickitt, the progenitor of that family. John was the son of John Peacock, who came from Scotland, the progenitor of the Peacock family. Sarah Lippincott. the wife of "Abraham Haines, was the daugh- ter of Samuel Lippincott and Theodocia Hewlings. Samuel was the son of Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Jennings. Aaron was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Hope Wills. Samuel was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors, from Stone House, Devonshire, England. Theodocia Hewlings was the daughter of Jacob Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London. Jacob Hewlings was the son of William Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves, from London. William Hewlings was the progenitor of the family in this section, and came from England. Elizabeth Haines, the wife of Tsaac H. Haines, was the daugh- ter of Job Haines and Sarah Carr, the daughter of Caleb Carr. Job was the son of Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Roberts. Benjamin was the son of Abram Haines and Grace Hollingshead. (See that family, page 31, for further ancestry of Benjamin Haines.) Elizabeth Roberts was the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burling- ton, N. J. John Roberts was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family, who came from Ourton, Warwickshire, England, "in the ship 'Kent,' in 1677, the second from London to the western parts, with two hundred and thirty passengers, mostly members of the Society of Friends; some of good estates in England." jj^ HAINBS FAMILY. 'Simeon Haines, son of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hollings- page 31. head, married Mary Stratton, daughter of Emanuel Stratton and j\Iary Joyce. Their children were — 'Stacy, born 2-3, 1768; married, 1-21, 1790, Susanna Engle. 'Simeon, born 11-5, 1771 ; married, 1-8, 1798, Ann Cole. °Samuel, born ; married Lippincott. °Agnes, born ; married Abram Haines. "Mary, born "Hannah, born ']\Iahlon, born 'Chalkley, born 'Joel, born ''Edith, born Susanna Engle, the wife of 'Stacy Haines, was the daughter of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton. Joseph was the son of Rob- ert Engle and Rachel Venicomb, the daughter of William Veni- comb, the progenitor of that family, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, of Long Isl- and, the progenitors. Robert was the son of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the pro- genitors. John was the son of Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progenitors of that family. Mary Borton was the daughter of Obadiah Borton and Susanna Butcher. Obadiah was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progeni- tors. Susanna was the daughter of Samuel Butcher and Silence Bunting. Samuel was the son of Thomas Butcher and Esther, the progenitors of that family. Ann Cole, the wife of ''Simeon Haines, was the daughter of Jol) Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. Job was the son of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd. Kendall was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors, from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire, England. 'Joshua Haines, son of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hollingshead, Page 3]. married , daughter of . Their children were — 'Grace, born "Mary, born See Grace Haines' will, page 33. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 75 *Mary Haines, daughter of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hollings- head, married William Sharp, son of William Sharp and Mary Page 31. Austin, 1752, Their children were — 'William, born ; married Elizabeth Green. °Marv, born ; married Daniel Huff. Elizabeth Green, the wife of "William Sharp, was the daughter of John Green and Catharine Husted. John was a grandson of Thomas Green, the son of Arthur Green, of England. ^Agnes Haines, daughter of 'Abram Haines and Grace Hoi- page 31. lingshead, married Joseph Hackney, son of . Their children were — Grace, born ^Robert Haines, son of Betteanah Haines and Mary , married Esther Wright, in 1767, daughter of and Page 35. No record of children. Esther died and 'Robert married Margaret Smith. No record of children by the second marriage. Esther Wright was a recommended minister in the Society of Friends. *William Haines, son of 'Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, married Elizabeth Ballinger, daughter of Thomas Ballinger and Page 36. Elizabeth Elkinton. Their children were — ° Jacob, born 'William, born ; married Silvers. °Ann, born ; married Enoch Allen. Synopsis of the Will of William Haines. In the name of God, Amen, I, William Haines, of the Township of Piles Grove, in the County of Salem, Western Division of New Jersey, etc., etc., etc. Item — I give to my wife, Elizabeth Haines, all my movable estate and the whole rents and profits of my plan- tation, as long as she shall remain my widow. In case she there- after, etc., etc., etc., etc., the rent of my plantation shall go to my children, equally, until it be sold, etc., etc., etc., etc. Item — The plantation to be sold as soon as my youngest child shall arrive at full age, be the same son or daughter, and the money equally among all my children. I'age 3G. HAINES FAMILY. ( I nominate and appoint my wife, Elizabeth Haines, and my trusty friend, Samuel Lippincott, sole executors of this my last Will and Testament, etc., etc., etc., etc. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine (1759)- WILLIAM HAINES, [skai.] Witnessed by: George M. Nichols (his X mark), Michael Richman, Jacob Richman. From Lib. 9, page 375. 'Amos Haines, son of 'Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, mar- ried Mary Conrow, daughter of Caleb Conrow and Patience At- kinson. Their children were — "Joseph, born ; married Priscilla Middleton. ''Amos, born ; married Ann Borton. ''John, born ; married Elizabeth Hollingshead. 'Darling, born ; married Mary Lippincott. "Jeremiah, born ; married Ann Tomlinson. "Deliverance, born ; married Abraham Haines. "Mary, born ; married Joseph Davis. "Sarah, 1x)rn ; married Isaac Pine. "William, born ; married Mary Matlack.' !Mary Lippincott, the wife of ^Darling Haines, was the daughter of Caleb Lippincott and Anna Venicomb. Caleb was the son of Nathaniel Lippincott and Mary Engle. Nathaniel was the son of Thomas Lippincott and Mary Haines. Thomas was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. Mary Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daugh- ter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the pro- genitors of the Plaines family. Mary Engle was the daughter of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the progenitors of the Ogborn family. John was the son of Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progenitors of the Engle family. A1)raham Plaines, who married "Deliverance Haines, was the son of Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Roberts, the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkin- ton. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progeni- tors. For ancestry of Benjamin Haines, see page 67. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 77 'Xathaii Haines, son of 'Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, mar- ried Rebecca BalHnger, daughter of Thomas Bahinger and Ehza- Page 36. beth Elkinton. Their children were — (^.;^ r^ °EHzabeth. born 2-9, 1757; married Jacob Fowler. :. 'Nathan, born 8-25, 1759; married Elizabeth Githens. Rebecca died and 'Nathan married Dorcas Davis, widow of Sampson Davis. Their children were — 'Henry, P. D., born 9-18, 1763; married ; died 1-13. 1795- 'Joseph, born 7-26, 1 766 ; married Isabella Haines. 'Marian, born 2-24, 1770; married Samuel Lippincott.' Abraham Fenimore.^ 'Sarah, born 12-7, 1764; married Budd Haywood. 'Catharine, born 7-5, 1768; died 9, , 1785. 'Ke'siah, born 1-24, 1773; married Wilson McGovern. 'Nathan Haines died 7-1 1, 1790. Dorcas, second wife, died, 1801. Synopsis of the Wile oe Nathan Haines. I, Nathan Haines, of Evesham Township, County of Burling- ton and State of New^ Jersey, Yeoman, gives his son, Nathan Haines, part of his plantation, adjoining Thomas Hollingshead and \\^illiam Stockton, also gives him cedar swamp he purchased of William Evans. "I give to my wife, Dorcas Haines, property, etc., etc. I give to my son, Henry Pendergrass Haines, part of my plantation, etc., etc. I give to my son, Joseph Haines, three hundred acres of land, in the forks of Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, lying near Chillequake Hills, etc., etc., etc. I give to my daugh- ter, Elizabeth Fowler, five pounds, etc., etc., etc. 'T nominate and appoint my wife, Dorcas Haines, whole and sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament, this twentieth day of August, A. D. seventeen hundred and eighty-seven NATHAN HAINES, [seal] Witnessed by : William Stockton, Benjamin Stockton, Joseph Griffith. From Lib. ,No. 32, of Wills. The Will oe Dorcas Haines, Relict oe Nathan Haines, Deceased. I, Dorcas Haines, of Evesham Township, County of Burling- ^8 HAINES FAMILY. ton and State of New Jersey, weak, etc., etc., etc. Item — To my son, Joseph Haines, I give a farm and lands -in Gloucester County, New Jersey, etc., etc. To my daughter, Ann Budd, I give four hundred pounds. To my daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Fowler, I give four hundred pounds. To my daughter, Sarah Haywood, now in Virginia, I give the sum of four hundred pounds. To my grandson, Walter Ogilvee, son of Walter Ogilvee, of King- ton, in the Island of Jamaca, I give the sum of two hundred pounds. To Pendergrass Ogilvee, also son of Walter Ogilvee, I give the sum of three hundred pounds, when he arrives at the age of twenty-one years. To my daughter, Marian H. Lippincott, I give my negro Lewis, etc. To my daughter, Kesiah Haines, I give all my household goods, and also thirty pounds a year (rent of my plantation) during Josiah Stewart's lease. I nominate, constitute and appoint George French, executor, and my daughter, Kesiah Haines, executrix, of this my last Will and Testament. Will dated , A. D. eighteen hundred and one ( 1801 ) . DORCAS HAINES, [seal.] Witnessed by Hinchman Bispham, Nathan Clifton, Samuel Fenimore. Probated Aug. 3d, A. D. 1801. Inventory filed, $208.85. From Lib. 39, page 349, of Wills. *John Haines, son of 'Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, mar- Page 36. ried Mary Shreeve, daughter of and . Their children were — "Rachel, born ; married Thomas Lippincott. "Beulah. born ; married John Stokes. ''Anner, born ; married Samuel Lippincott. 'Mary, born ; married David Davis. 'Ann, born ; married Evan Dudley. "John, born ; married Elizabeth Moore. 'Samuel, born ; married Elizabeth Inskeep. 'Joshua, born ; married Mary Pine. Thomas Lippincott, who married 'Rachel Haines, was the son of Caleb Lii)pincott and Hannah Wilkins. Caleb was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Elizabeth Wills. Freedom was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. Elizabeth Wills was the daughter of Daniel Wills and Mary Shinn. Daniel was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills, the progenitor, and Elizabeth, his first wife. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 79 John Stokes, who married 'Beulah Haines, was the son of Joshua Stokes and Amy Hinchman. Joshua was the son of Thomas Stokes and Rachel Wright, his second wife. Thomas was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progeni- tors, from Stepney, Middlesex, England. Samuel Lippincott, who married 'Anner Haines, was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Theodocia Hewlings. Samuel was the son of Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Jennings. Aaron was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Hope Wills. Samuel was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. Hope Wills was the daughter of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Theo- docia Hewlings was the daughter of Jacob Hewlings and Dor- othy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London, the progenitor. Jacob Hewlings was the son of William Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves, from London. William Hewlings was the progenitor of the family in this section. David Davis, who married 'Mary Haines, was the son of David Davis and Martha Cole. David was the son of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem county, N. J. David was the son of John Davis, from Wales, England. Evan Dudley, who married "Ann Haines, was the son of Thomas Dudley and Martha Evans, the daughter of Thomas Evans and Rebecca Owen, his second wife. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors, who came from Wales, England, and settled at Evesham Mount, New^ Jersey. Thomas Dudley was the son of Francis Dudley, who came from England, and Rachel Wilkins, the daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Susannah, the progenitors. Elizabeth Moore, the wife of 'Jolin Haines, was the daughter of Benjamin Moore and Mary Butcher, his second wife, and only child by the second marriage. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore and Rebecca Fenimore, the daughter of Joseph Fenimore, who was the son of Richard Fenimore, the progenitor. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore, the progenitor, and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors, who came from Stepney, Middlesex, England. So HAINBS FAMILY. Elizabeth Inskeep, the wife of °Samuel Haines, was the daugh- ter of Isaac Inskeep and Hannah. Mary PinQ, the wife of 'Joshua Haines, was the daughter of John Pine and Rachel. 'Mary Haines, daughter of 'Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, Pago 36. married Isaac Halloway, son of and , in 1758, and settled in the State of Virginia. Xo record of children. 'John Hilyard, son of 'Sarah Haines and Edward Hilyard, mar- Page 36. ried Mary Heustis, 1767, daughter of . Their children were — "Sarah, born ; married Revil Elton. 'Samuel, born ; married Sarah Grubb. "Mary, born ; died young woman, single. Alary died, and 'John married Frances Haines, daughter of Jeremiah Haines and Hannah Bonnell. Their children were — "Alary, born ; married Joseph Burr, of Philadelphia. "Elizabeth, born ; married John Tomlinson. "Isaac, born ; went to Ohio. "Rebecca, born ; married John Rogers. 'Hannah, born ; married Benjamin Tomlinson (2d wife). Tsaac Hilyard, son of 'Sarah Haines and Edward Hilyard, mar- Page 36. ried Sarah Haines, daughter of Jeremiah Haines and Hannah Bonnell. Their children were — "Hannah, born ; married Hugh Costill. Xydia, born 1764; married John Norcross; died 1864; 100 years. "Reljecca, born ; died in infancy. "Frances, born ; married Aden Haines. 'Martha, born ; married William Engard. 'Jacob Hilyard, son of "Sarah Haines and Edward Hilyard, mar- Page 36. ried Martha Robinson, daughter of . Their children were — "Edward, born 9-5, 1763. "Samuel, born 9-5, 1766. "Margaret, born 12-27, 1768. "Abraham, born 2-9, 1771. , born 6-20, 1773. Tvesiah, born 1-25, 1776; died 9-1, 1777. "William, born 12-22, 1778. "Kesiah", born 4-29, 1781. FO URTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. 8i 'Jacob Haines, son of 'Samuel Haines and Lyclia Stokes, mar- ried Bathshebah Burrough, 1768, daughter of Samuel Burrough Page 37. and Ann Gray. Their children were — 'Jacob, born ; married Rebecca Warrington. 'Samuel, born ; married Mary Mickle. 'Beulah, born ; married Isaac Burr. °Abel, born ; married Ann Moore. Bathshebah died and Jacob married — Stokes. Their children were — Daughter, born ; married Joseph French. Ann Moore, the wife of "Abel Haines, was the daughter of Joseph Moore and Mary Hewlings. Joseph Moore was the son of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. John was the son of Benja- min Moore and Rebecca Fenimore, the daughter of Joseph Feni- more, the son of Richard Fenimore, the progenitor. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors. Hannah Eayre was the daughter of Thomas Eayre and Pricilla Hugg. Thomas was the son of Richard Eayre and Elizabeth, the pro- genitors of that family. Priscilla Hugg was the daughter of John Hugg, Jr., and Priscilla Collins, the daughter of Francis Collins and Sarah Mayham, his first wife. John, Jr., was the son of John Hugg, the progenitor, from Wexford, Ireland. 'Samuel Haines, son of 'Samuel Haines and Lydia Stokes, mar- ried Elizabeth Buzby, daughter of William Buzby and JMary Wills. Page 37. Their children were — AVilliam, born 4-17, 1768; married Mary Eayrek 'Mary, born 11-15, 1770; married Jacob Hollingshead. 'Aaron, born 3-25, 1773; niarried Martha Stokes. 'Abel, born 9-30, 1775; married Elizabeth Stokes. 7oseph, born 4-1, 1778; died single, 1793. "Elizabeth, born 7-15, 1780; died single. 'Samuel, born 12-13, 1/83; married Susannah Chapman. Elizabeth died and 'Samuel married Marv Stevenson, dauiih- ter of Cornell Stevenson and . Their children were — Xydia, born 7-31, 1789. "Robert, born i-2,-i79i; married Edith Rogers. 'Sarah, born 11-31, 1792; died 7-17, 1795. 'Ezra, born 9-26, 1795 ; married Lucy Bishop". Phebe Pierce'. 'Hannah, born 5-15, 1798; married Joseph R. Bishop. 6 8_, HAINBS FAMILY. 'Thomas Haines, son of 'Samuel Haines and Lydia Stokes, Page 37. married Elizabeth Mullen, daughter of . Their children were — 'Samuel L., born 8-30, 1764; married Anna Deacon. "George, born 9-4, 1769; married Edith Woolman. 'Mary, born ; married Task. Xvdia, born ; married Lukes. Page 'Sarah Haines, daughter of 'Samuel Haines and Lydia Stokes, married Caleb Newbold, son of Thomas Newbold and Edith Coate. Their children were — ■'Acksah, born 1-17. 1756; died, 11-8, 1770. 'Daniel, born 7-4, 1757; married Rachel Newbold. 'Lydia, born 12-10, 1760; married John Black. ■'Caleb, born 11-2, 1763; married Sarah Lawrence. 'Edith, born 8-31, 1766; married Thomas Howard. 'Sarah, born 3-22, 1769; married William Bowne. 'Samuel, born 10-18. 1771 ; married Mary Hough. 'Thomas, born 9-28, i /"/t, ; married Catharine Leroy. 'Hannah, born 4-8, 1775: died, 3-8, 1781. 'Mary, born 9-29, 1779; married Anthony Taylor. "Hannah", born 6-23, 1782; married John B. Lawrence. Page 37. Xydia Haines, daughter of 'Samuel Haines and Lydia Stokes. We find no record of marriage or children of this daughter. *John Haines, son of 'Nathaniel Haines and Mary Hervey, mar- ried Rachel Austin, daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. Their children were — 'Sarah, born ; married John Brian. 'Jonathan, born ; 'Joseph, born ; married Phebe Braddock. 'Mary, born ; married Thomas Deacon. 'John. l)orn ; married Ann Engle. 'Nathaniel, born ; married Rachel Engle. 'Rachel, born' ; "Charles, born : FOURTH GENERATION ANDCHILDREN. cS- Phebe Bradclock, the wife of "Joseph Haines, was the daugh- ter of Rehoboam Braddock and Jemimia Darnell, the daughter of John Darnell, the progenitor of the Darnell family, and Hannah Borton, his wife, the daughter of John Borton, Jr., who was the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton fam- ily. Rehoboam was the son of Robert Braddock and Elizabeth. Robert was the son of Robert Braddock, the progenitor, and Eliza- beth Hancock, the daughter of Timothy Hancock and Rachel Firman, his first wife. Timothy was the progenitor of the Han- cock family, and came from Brayles, Warwickshire, England. Ann Engle and Rachel Engle. the wives of "John Haines and ^Nathaniel Haines, were the daughters of Abram Engle and Pa- tience Gaskill. Abram was the son of Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb, the daughter of William Venicomb, the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton, his wife (widow Jones), the daughter of Richard Stockton and /Vbigail, of Long Island. Robert was the son of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the progenitors. John was the son of Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progenitors of that family. John Brian, who married "Sarah Haines, was the son of Thomas Brian and Mary Haines, the daughter of Daniel Haines and Elizabeth Bryan, the daughter of Thomas Bryan and Rebecca Collins, the daughter of Francis Collins and Sarah Mayham, his first wife, who came from London. Francis was a bricklayer of London, and son of Edward Collins and Mary, of Oxfordshire, England. Daniel Haines was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, a sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor of the Austin family. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. 'Elizabeth Haines, daughter of 'Nathaniel Haines and Mary Hervey, married Thomas Lippincott, son of Isaac Lippincott and Page 37. Hannah Engle. Their children were — "William, born ; married Ann Rogers. 'Thomas, born ; married Abigail Borton. °Mary, born ; married Thomas Rakestraw. ^Sarah Haines, daughter of 'Nathaniel Haines and Mary Her- vey, married Cox, son of and Fage 37. . No record of children. ,S4 HAINES FAMILY. 'Roljert Haines, son of 'Jeremiah Haines and Hannah Bonnell, Page 39. married Rachel Venicomb, daughter of WilHam Venicomb and Sarah Stockton (widow). Their children were — 'Hannah, born ; married, 2-26, 1795, Samuel Woolston. "Robert, born ; married, 1802, Rebecca Ann Powell. "Annie, born 11- 19, 1764; died single, 1854. "Mary, born 7-10, 1784; married, 1822, Benjamin Davis. "Rachel, born 11-20, 1779 ; married, 1804, John Bishop. "Beulah, born 5-10, 1787; married, 1813, Joseph Deacon, Sr. 'Charlotte, born 1-21, 1768; married, 1798, Michael Woolston. ■''Williain. l)()rn 5-21, 1774; married, 1822, Mary Mullin. Samuel Woolston, who married 'Hannah Haines, was the son of Samuel Woolston and Cyllania. Samuel was the son of Samuel Woolston and Susannah Budd. Samuel was the son of John Woolston and Letitia Newbold. John was the son of John Wool- ston and Olive, a sister of Governor Thomas Olive, his first wife. Rebecca Ann Powell, the wife of 'Robert Haines, was the daughter of Joseph Powell and Ann Bishop. Benjamin Davis, who married "Mary Haines, was the son of David Davis and Martha Cole, his second w^ife, the daughter of Samuel Cole. David was the son of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem county. New Jersey. David was the son of John Davis, from Wales, England. 'Jeremiah Haines, son of 'Jeremiah Haines and Hannah Bon- Page 39. ncll, married , daughter of — and Their children were — "Elizabeth, born ; (an only child). Synopsis of the Will of Jeremiah Haines. From Lib.— page 18, of Wills. Sec. Office, Trenton, N. J. I. Jeremiah Haines, of the Township of Hopewell, in the Coun- ty of Cuml)erland, Western Province of New Jersey. He gives his daughter. Elizabeth Haines, "all my house and lands in or near Mount Holly * "^ * * seventy acres, etc., etc., etc., etc." Pie gives his wife ******** FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 8 ^f- >;= pjg gives his brother, Wihiam Haines, property, etc., etc., etc. Also his sister, Rebecca White, propert etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. Also his sister, Frances Hilyard, property, etc., etc., etc., etc. He gives his brothers, William Haines and Robert Haines, and his sisters, Rebecca, Sarah and Frances, property, etc. He appoints his brothers-in-law, Isaac Hilyard, John Hilyard and John White, execntors of this, his last Will and Testament, the twelfth da}^ of June, A. D. seventeen hundred and seventy-six (1776). JEREMIAH HAINES, [seai..] Witnessed by John Petitt, Jeremiah Robbins, Elnathan Davis. Probated at Greenwich, Aug. 30th, A. D. 1776. Very much nioiicv. D 'William Haines, son of 'Jeremiah Haines and Hannah Bon- nell, married Mary Eastlack, daughter of . ^^se 39. Their children were — ^Frances, born 5-7, 1778; married Benjamin Tomlinson. ^Jeremiah, born 10-28, 1779; married Elizabeth Bispham. "Mary, born 1-6, 1783; married Jonathan Haines. The Will of William Haines. I, William Haines, of the Township of Northampton, in the County of Burlington, and State of New Jersey, being at this time of sound disposing mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last \\'ill and Testament in manner following, viz.': Item — First, it is my will, and I order all my just debts and funeral charges to be paid by my executor hereinafter named, out of my personal estate. Second — I give to my grandson Ephraim Tom- linson, son of my daughter Frances Tomlinson, late deceased, five hundred pounds, and it is my will that my executor hereinafter named, to put the said sum of five hundred pounds out to interest out of my personal estate, and that my said executor do pay to my said grandson the aforesaid sum with the interest arising thereon when he attains the full age of twenty-one years. Third — ■ I give to my daughter Mary Haines, the wife of Jonathan Haines, and to her heirs and assigns forever, thirty acres of land, to be laid off that part of my land nearest toward Mount Holly, also the sum of seven hundred pounds to be paid to her by my exec- utor hereinafter named, out of my personal estate in one year from and after my decease. Fourth — I give to my son Jeremiah Haines, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all that plantation where I now live, with the improvements thereon, together also S6 HAINBS FAMILY. with all and singular other my lands and cedar swamp, and also all the residue and remainder of my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever. Fifth— And lastly I nominate and appoint my son, Jeremiah Haines, executor of this, my last Will and Testa- ment. Revoking all other wills by me made. In witness whereof, I hereunto have set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord eighteen Iiun- dred and seven (1807). WILLIAM HAINES, [seal.] Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the withhi named William Haines to be his last will and testament, in the presence of us, Hollingshead Hillier, Asher Huntly, Moses Kempton. A true copy from the Records for Abraham Brown, William W. Burr. Jonathan Haines, wjio married 'Mary Haines, was the son of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins. Isaac was the son of Jonathan Haines, and Hannah Sharp. See ancestry of Jonathan Haines, page 50. See Hannah Sharp's ancestry, page 24. 'Rebecca Haines, daughter of 'Jeremiah Haines and Hannah Page 39. Bonnell, married John White, son of Josiah White and Rebecca Foster. Their children were — °Josiah, born 4-18, 1776; died, 5-19. 1776. "John, born 4-2, 1777; died, 8-13, 1798. "Christopher, born 9-17, 1779; died, 9, 1796. 'Josiah, born 3-4, 1781 ; married Catharine Ridgway'. Elizabeth White'. 'Tiannah, Ijorn 2-3, 1783; died, 9-13, 1785. 'Joseph, born 12-28, 1785; married, 12-17, i8o7> Rebecca Smith. John White died, 8-21, 1785. 'Rebecca died, 3-22, 1821. John White, who married 'Rebecca Haines, was the son of Josiah AVhite and Rebecca Foster. Josiah was the son of Josiah White and Hannah Ashbury. Josiah was the son of Christopher ^^'hite and Esther, who came from London. Christopher was the son of Thomas White. 'Frances Haines, daughter of 'Jeremiah Haines and Hannah Bonnell, married John Hilyard, son of Edward Hillier and Sarah Haines. See their family, page 80. FO UR TH G EX ERA TION AND CHILDREN. 87 'Sarah Haines, daiighter of 'Je^'emiali Haines and Hannah Bon- nelL married Isaac Hilyard, son of Edward Hilher and Sarah r'age 39. Haines. See their family on page 80. 'Hannah Haines, daughter of 'Jeremiah Haines and Hannah Bonnell, married \\'oolston, son of and ^^ge 39. Xo record of children. 'Alary Haines, daughter of 'Daniel Haines and Elizabeth Bryan, married Thomas Bryan, 1745, son of . . '^^^^ ^°- Their children were — 5ti 7- William, born ; married Elizabeth - ■John, born ; married Sarah Haines. Sarah Haines, the wife of 'John Brian, was the daughter of John Haines and Rachel Austin, the daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. John was the son of Nathaniel Haines and ]\Iary Hervey. See that family, page 37. 'Priscilla Haines, daughter of 'Daniel Haines and Elizabeth Bryan, married John Antrim, 10- 1, 1743, son of . ^^=^ ^^■ Xo record of children. ']*iIoses Haines, son of 'Daniel Haines and Elizabeth Bryan, married Patience Antrim, 12-11, 1747, daughter of . X^o record of children. 'Elizabeth Haines, daughter of 'Daniel Haines and Elizabeth Bryan, married Pennock, son of ■ — . ^^^^ ^°- X^o record of children. 'Joseph Haines, son of 'Daniel Haines and Elizabeth Bryan, married Mary Wright, daughter of Joshua Wright. P'^^se 40. Their children were — 'Joshua W., born 1768; married Elizabeth Crispin. "Stacy, born Wxm, born ; married, 1790, Cornell Stevenson. 'Elizabeth, born ; married, 1792, Biddle Reeves. Cornell Stevenson, who married 'Ann Haines, was the son of Cornell Stevenson, of Springfield, X'^. J. Biddle Reeves, who married "Elizabeth Haines, was the son of Biddle Reeves, of Gloucester county, X. J. Elizabeth Crispin, the wife of Joshua ^^^ Haines, was the Page 43. 88 HAINBS FAMILY. daughter of Caleb Crispin and Mary Haines. See that family, pag-e 1 08. ^Rebecca Haines, daughter of 'Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, married Joseph Eves, son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn. Their children were — 'Mary, born 1755; married Thomas Evans. 'Ann, born 1757; died young. 'Elizabeth, born 1759; married Jacob Hewlings. 'Sarah, born 1762; died single. 'Rebecca, born 1764; married Isaac Troth. 'Lettice, born 1768; married Joseph Evans. 'Martha, born 1769,' married Job Ballinger. 'Esther, born 1771 ; married 'Ann', born 1 774 ; married Francis Venicomb. 'Rachel, born 1776; married William Venicomb. Thomas Evans, who married 'Mary Eves, was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Eldridge. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors, who came from Wales, England, and settled at Evesham Mount, New Jersey. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the pro- genitors of the Haines family. Isaac Troth, who married 'Rebecca Eves, was the son of Wil- liam Troth and Esther Borton. William was the son of Paul Troth and Deborah. Paul was the son of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of that family. Esther Borton was the daughter of William Borton and Deborah Hedge, the daughter of Bernard Hedge and Elizabeth Prague. William Bor- ton was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann. the progenitors. Joseph Evans, who married 'Lettice Eves, was the son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla. Nathan was the son of Nathan Evans and Susanna Gaskill. Nathan was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Eliza- beth, the progenitors of the Evans family. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Job Ballinger, who married 'Martha Eves, was the son of Thomas Ballinger and Susannah. Thomas was the son of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi. See page 255. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 89 Francis Venicomb and William Venicomb, brothers, who mar- ried 'Ann and 'Rachel Eves, were the sons of Francis Venicomb and Rachel Lippincott. Francis was the son of William Veni- comb, the progenitor, who settled in Springfield, New Jersey, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, of Long Island. 'Elizabeth Haines, daughter of 'Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, married Joseph Cooper, son of . Page 43. They left no children ; and he devised a large part of his estate to his wife in fee. and the balance to her durino- her life, and then to his nephew, William Cooper, to hold "until his son. Joseph W. Cooper, shall attain the age of twenty-one years." Will proved the 3d of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighteen, before Jacob Glover, Surrogate, Gloucester county, N. J. *Mary Haines, daughter of ^-\mos Haines and Rebecca Troth, married Jacob Wills, son of Micajah \\\\\s and Rebecca Hewlings. Page 43. Their children were — ^Micajah, born ; married ]\Iargaret Stockton. ^Joseph, born ; married Rebecca Ballinger\ Ann Venicomb' (widow Rogers). ^\mos, born ; married Rebecca Haines & Hannah Moore. ^Rachel, born ; married John Cole. ^Elizabeth, born ; married Joshua Dudley. "Rebecca, born ; married William Cooper. "Mary, born ; married Ahab Lippincott. ^Sarah, born ; married Levi Troth. Margaret Stockton, the wife of 'Micajah Wills, was the daugh- ter of William Stockton and Abigail Hollingshead. Rebecca Ballinger, the first wife of 'Joseph ^^'ills, was the daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Rebecca Moore. Joshua was the son of Thomas Ballinger and Susannah. Thomas was the son of Joshua Ballinger. Rebecca Moore was the daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. For ancestry of John Moore and Hannah Eayre, see page 68, in Rebecca ^^'ills' ancestry. Ann Venicomb (widow of William Rogers), the second wife of Joseph Wills, was the daughter of William Venicomb and Rachel Eves. For ancestry of William see above. For ancestry of Rachel Eves see that family, page 88. 90 HAINBS FAMILY. Rebecca Haines, the first wife of 'Amos Wills, was the daugh- ter of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher, his second wife. See that family, page 67. Hannah Moore, the second wife of 'Amos Wills, was the daugh- ter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. See their ancestry, page 68, in Rebecca Wills' ancestry. John Cole, who married 'Rachel Wills, was the son of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. Job was the son of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd. Kendall was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor. Samuel was the only son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors, from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire, England. Ahab Lippincott, who married 'Mary Wills, was the son of Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Haines. Thomas was the son of Caleb Lippincott and Hannah \\'ilkins. Caleb was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Elizabeth Wills. Freedom was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. Elizabeth Wills was the daughter of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Rachel Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. See that family, page 78. Levi Troth, who married 'Sarah Wills, was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves. Isaac Avas the son of William Troth and Esther Borton. William was the son of Paul Troth and Deborah. Paul was the son of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the pro- genitors, who came from England, and settled in Evesham, New Jersey. Esther Borton was the daughter of William Borton and Deborah Hedge, the daughter of Bernard Hedge and Elizabeth Prague. William was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. Re- becca Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines. Joseph was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn. Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London. Rebecca Haines was the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth. See that family, page 43. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 91 *Amos Sharp, son of 'Ann Haines and John Sharp, married Deborah Haines, daughter of Enoch Haines and Abigail. ^'^^^ •^^• Their children were — Xevi, born 11-26, 1751. "Ann. born 8-26, 1754; married Joshua Peacock. "Thomas, jDorn 10-7. 1756: married Esther Brooks. 'Barzillia. born 1-7. 17O0; married Lydia Peacock. 'Aaron, born 12-15. 1764; married Rachel Cox. "Enoch, born 2-10, 1769; (went to the State of Ohio). "Daniel, born 5-26, 1762. "Priscilla, born 3-3, 1772. ' "George, born 7-31, 1774. 'John Sharp, son of 'Ann Haines and John Sharp, married Diana Peacock, daughter of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt. Page 4i. Their children were — "Elizabeth, l)orn ; married George Haines. "Isaac, born ; married Susannah Peacock. See page 215 Sharp family, for other children. 'Samuel Sharp, son of 'Ann Plaines and John Sharp, married Elizabeth Peacock, daughter of John Peacock and Elizabeth ^^se 41. Prickitt. Their children were — "Noah, born ; married Elizabeth Braddock. "Joshua, born ; married Jane Haines. "Rhoda, born ; died single, 40 years old. 'Sarah Sharp and 'Elizabeth Sharp, daughters of 'Ann Haines and John Sharj). We have no record of marriage nor children. Esther Brooks, the wife of 'Thomas Sharp, was the daughter of Thomas Brooks and Marv. Lydia Peacock, the wife of 'Barzillia Sharp, was the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth I'rickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prick- itt, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock, the pro- genitor, from England. George Haines, who married Elizabeth Sharp, was the son of George Haines, of Northampton, N. J. George was the son of George Haines and Margaret. George was the son of Thomas Plaines and Elizabeth Austin, sister of Francis, the progenitor. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and ]\Iargarct. the progenitors. 92 HAINBS FAMILY. Elizabeth Braddock, the wife of 'Noah Sharp, was the daugh- ter of Rehoboam Braddock and Jemima Darnell, the daughter of John Darnell, the progenitor of the Darnell family, and Hannah Borton, his wife, the daughter of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Rehoboam was the son of Robert Braddock and Elizabeth. Robert was the son of Robert Braddock, the progenitor of that family, and Elizabeth Hancock, his wife, the daughter of Timothy Hancock and Rachel Firman, his first wife. Timothy was the progenitor of the family, and came from Brayles, Warwickshire, England, in the ship "Para- dise." in 1 68 1. Jane Haines, the wife of 'Joshua Sharp, was the daughter of Solomon Haines and Rebecca Sharp.. Solomon was the son of Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack, the daughter of William Mat- lack and Mary Hancock, the progenitors of the Matlack family. Carlile was the son of Richard Haines and Mary Carlile. See that family, page 14 for ancestry of Carlile Haines. Rebecca Sharp was the daughter of William Sharp and Mary Austin, his first wife, the daughter of Francis Austin, the pro- genitor, and Mary Borton, his wife, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. William was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor of the Paine family. John was the eldest son of the three brothers, sons of William Sharp, who came from Northamptonshire, England. Susanna Peacock, the wife of °Isaac Sharp, was the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor of the Prickitt family, who settled in Northampton, New Jersey, at Springfield. John was the son of John Peacock, the progenitor, wdio came from Scotland, a lad ; tradition says he was an orphan left in the care of an uncle, who to obtain the estate he was heir to surreptitiously had the boy carried away. Joshua Peacock, who married °Ann Sharp, was the son of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger. John was the son of John Pea- cock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock, from Scot- land, the progenitor. Susannah was the daughter of Thomas Bal- linger, the progenitor of the Ballinger family. FO UR TH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. 93 'Joseph Haines, son of 'Isaac Haines and Mary England, mar- ried Rebecca Reynolds, daughter of Jacob Reynolds and Rebecca. Page 47. Their children were — 'Mary, born 7-14, 1802. 'Nathan, born 11-24, 1803; married Elizabeth Wood. °Sophia, born 4-26, 1805; married, 1825, Amos Carter. 'Isaac, born 11 -21, 1806; died, 3-10, 1807. 'Joseph, born 7-28, 1808; died, i-i, 1809. 'Reuben Haines, son of 'Job Haines and Esther Kirk, married Mary Johnson, daughter of . ^^^^ '^' Their children were— 'Joseph, born 1-3, 1798. 'Robert, born 6-28, 1799. 'JMoriah, born 12-13, 1801. 'Esther, born 6-30, 1802. 'Elizabeth, born 6-4, 1804. 'Ann, born 1-13, 1808; died, 1841. 'Littleton, born 2-12, 1810; died, 8-30, 1818. 'Sarah, born 5-16, 181 1. 'Reuben Haines died, 10-4, 181 1. Mary, his wife, died, lo-i, 1837. 'Eli Haines, son of 'Job Haines and Esther Kirk, married Eliza- beth Brown, daughter of Samuel Brown and Sarah. Page 47. Their children were — 'Samuel, born 2-16, 1801. 'Mira, born 3-31, 1805. 'Eliza, born 2-16, 1809. 'Eli, born 8-16, 181 1 ; married Hannah Marshall. Elizabeth, the wife of 'Eli Haines, died, 7-30, 1814. This completes the record we have of the descendants of Joseph Haines and Dorothy, and Elizabeth Thomas, second wife. 94 HAINES FAMILY. 'John Haines, son of nVilliam Haines and Sarah Lippinmott, Page 40. married Hipparchia Hinchman, daughter of James Hinchman and Their children were — "Mary, born 12-23, 1776; married Thomas Tliorn. "Sarah, born ; married Thomas Reeves. "WiHiam, born ; married Ann White. "Samuel, born ; died. "Ann, born ; died. "Joseph, born ; died. "James, born ; married Elizabeth Clark. "John, born ; married Eleanor Bacon. "Isaac, born ; married Hannah Pine. 'John Haines died 1805. Hipparchia died 1830. Thomas Thorn, who married "Mary Haines, was the son of Thomas Thorn and Abigail Burrough, the daughter of Samuel Burrough. Thomas was the son of Thomas Thorn and Letitia Hinchman, the daughter of John Hinchman and Sarah Harrison, of Long Island. Sarah was the daughter of Samuel Harrison, of Long Island. Thomas Thorn was the son of Joseph Thorn and Mary Bowne, the daughter of John Bowne and Hannah Feake, of Long Island. Joseph Thorn was the son of William Thorn and Winefred Kay, of Long Island, who came from Dorsetshire, Eng- land. 'Hannah Haines, daughter of 'Thomas Haines and Hannah Page 49. , married John Borton, son of Obadiah Borton and Mary Driver (2d wife). Their children were — "Mary, born 3-1 1, 1777; married Joseph Engle. "Hannah, born 12-2, 1779. "Rebecca, born 12-25, 1781- "Edward, born 7-25, 1783; married Mary Braddock. "Esther, born 1-31, 1785; married John Collins. "Abraham, born lo-ii, 1786. "David, born ;2-28, 1788; married Ann Haines (widow).' "Abigail, born 9-10, 1789; married, 1823, Daniel Stratton. "Asa, born 4-10, 179 1. "Jacob, born 10-20, 1792. "Thomas, born 4-21, 1794. "Elizabeth, born 1-25, 1798. "John, born 8-31, 1778; married Jemima Braddock. ]\Iary and Jemima Braddock, sisters, wives of "Edward and John Borton, were the daughters of Rehoboam Braddock and FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 95 Jemima Darnell, the daughter of John Darnell, the progenitor, and Hannah Borton, the daughter of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. Re- hoboam was the son of Robert Braddock and Elizabeth. Robert was the son of Robert, the progenitor, and Elizabeth Hancock, the daughter of Timothy Hancock, the progenitor, and Rachel Fir- man, his first wife. Ann Haines, the second wife of 'David Borton, was the widow of Evan Dudley, and daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. John was the son of Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, the daugh- ter of Francis Austin and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Nathan was the son of Wil- liam Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Francis Austin was the progenitor of the Austin family. °Isaac Haines, son of 'Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp, married Mary Wilkins, daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Page 50. Core. Their children were — Jonathan, born 6-6, 1764; died, 8-17, 1774. "Hepsibah, born 3-17, 1766; died, 10-6, 1766. "Job, born 8-29, 1768; married, 5-14, 1794, Martha Ballinger. ""Esther, born 4-22, 1770; married Josiah Costill. "Isaac, born 4-12, 1772; died, 4-12, 1774. "Josiah, born 5-17, 1774; married, 10-5, 1798, Rebecca Lippincott. "Jonathan', born 9-6, 1776; married Mary Haines. "Isaac', born 12-25, ^77^'y married Elizabeth Austin. "Mary, born 2-21, 1782; married, 8-13, 1801, Francis Shinn\ Owen Strattonl Mary died in 1793, and Tsaac married Elizabeth Butcher (widow), daughter of Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Tomlinson. Their children were — "Ephraim, born 3-20,1797; married Sarah Buzby. "Elizabeth, born 1-9, 1800; married Solomon Merritt. Tsaac Haines died in 1804, left a will with a codicil attached. Devised his share in "Haines Grist Mill" to his son. Job Haines. Gave each son a farm and outlands, and provided for his widow and daughters. Will probated by Abram Brown, Surrogate. c,6 HAINBS FAMILY. Martlia Ballinger, the wife of 'Job Haines, was the daughter of Thomas BalHng-er and Susannah Dudley. Thomas was the son of Joshua BalHnger and Naomi. See page 255. Rebecca Lippincott, the wife of 'Josiah Haines, was the daugh- ter of Moses Lippincott and Mary HewHngs, his first wife. Moses was the son of Aaron Lippincott and Ehzabeth Tomhnson. Aaron was the son of James Lippincott and Ann Eves. James was the son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shattock. Restore was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors, from Stone House, Devonshire, England. Elizabeth Tomlinson was the daughter of Ephraim Tomlinson, the son of Joseph Tomlin- son and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Ann Eves was the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, from London. Mary Hewlings was the daughter of Joseph Hewlings and Elizabeth Langstaff, his second wife, the daughter of Laban Langstaff, the son of Laban Lang- staff and Susannah Warrington. Joseph was the son of Jacob Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas, from London. Jacob was the son of William Hewlings, the progenitor, and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas, from London. Mary Haines, the wife of "Joiiathan Haines, was the daughter of \\'illiam Haines and Mary Eastlack. William was the son of Jeremiah Haines and Hannah Bonnell. Jeremiah was the son of William Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Elizabeth Austin, the wife of Isaac Haines, was the daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. Jonathan was the son of Francis Austin, the son of Francis Austin and Mary Borton, the progenitors. Mary was the daughter of John Borton and Ann. 'Jacob Haines, son of 'Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp, Page 50. married Sarah Austin, daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. Their children were — "Jacob, born ; married Elizabeth Haines (widow Bowker). "Jeremiah, born "Jonathan, l)orn ; married Naomi Stratton. "Rebecca, born ; married Caleb Haines. "Hannah, born ; married Jonathan Austin. FIFTH GBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 97 Elizabeth Haines, the wife of "Jacob Haines, was the widow of Bowker, and daughter of /Varon Haines and Priscilla Col- hns, of Gloucester county, New Jersey. She had one child, Japh- eth Bowker, when she married Jacob Haines. Caleb Haines, who married 'Rebecca Haines, was the son of Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow Turner). For ancestry of Hannah Thorn, see page 34. For ancestry of Noah Haines, see that family, page 70. 'Josiah Haines, son of 'Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp, married Rebecca Austin, daughter of Francis Austin and Re- Page 50. becca . Their children were — 'Francis, born ; married Esther Huff. ^Jonathan, born ; married Ann Harvey. 'John, born ; married Ann Lippincott. "Thomas, born ; married Agnes Huff. 'Job, born ; married Rachel Ellis. 'Josiah, born ; married Kesiah Lyons. 'Stacy, born ; married ]\Iary Mull. 'Rebecca, born ; married James Mason. Esther Huff and Agnes Huff, sisters, the wives of 'Francis Haines and 'Thomas Haines, were the daughters of Daniel Huff and Mary Sharp, tlie daughter of William Sharp and Mary Haines. William was the son of William Sharp and Mary Austin, his first wife, and daughter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progeni- tors. William was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. John was the eldest of the three brothers, sons of William Sharp, from England. Mary Haines was the daughter of Abram Haines and Grace Hol- lingshead. See that family, page 31. 'Mary Haines, daughter of 'Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp, married Job Collins, son of Francis Collins and Ann Ash- Page 50. ard, widow of Nehemiah Haines, and daughter of Ashard, in 1774. Their children were — 'Sarah, born ; married Samuel Thorn. "Mary died and Job married Elizabeth Ballinger, daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn, and widow of John Mason. See their family in the Collins family. 7 98 Page 50. HAINBS FAMILY. Samuel Thorn, who married "Sarah Collins, was the son of Thomas Thcrn and Abigail Burrough, daughter of Samuel Bur- rouo-h Thomas was the son of Thomas Thorn and Letitia Hmch- man the daughter of John Hinchman and Sarah Harrison, of Long Island. Sarah was the daughter of Samuel Harrison, of Lono- Island. Thomas was the son of Joseph Thorn and Mary BoN^ie the daughter of John Bowne and Hannah Feake. Joseph was the son of William Thorn and Winefred Kay, of Long Island, who came from Dorsetshire, England. 'Wehemiah Haines, son of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp, married Abigail Haines, daughter of Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow). Their children were — "Sarah, born 9-15, 1783; married, lo-ii, 1809, John Hoskins. "Joseph, born 2-1, 1786; married Deborah Engle. "Charles, born 1-19, 1788; married Mary Troth. "Hannah, born 3-2, 1790; died single, 1-16, 1829. "Clayton, born 2-7, 1792; died young. 5-21, 1796. "David, born 3-18, 1794; married Deborah Troth. "Rachel born 3-20, 1796; married Samuel F. Moore. "George, M. D., born 6-13, 1798; married, 2-17, 1825, Sarah WiUs. "Lydia, born 6-13, 1798; died single, 8-27, 1844. "Abie-ail, born 11-8. 1800; married Edward B. Thomas. 'Nehemiah Haines died 8-12, 1808. Abigail, his wife, died 7-22, 1847. See will of Nehemiah Haines, Lib. A, page 244. See will of Abigail Haines, Lib. C, page 99. John Hoskins, who married "Sarah Haines, was the son of John Hoskins, of Chester county, Pennsylvania. John Hoskins and Sarah settled in Philadelphia. Deljorah Engle, the wife of "Joseph Haines, was the daughter of Aaron Engle and Esther Troth. Aaron was the son of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton. Joseph was the son of Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb. Robert was the son of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the pro- genitors. John was the only son of Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progenitors of the Engle family. Mary Borton was the daughter of Obadiah Borton and Susanna Butcher, the daugh- ter of Samuel Butcher and Silence Bunting. Samuel was the son of Thomas Butcher and Esther, the progenitors. Obadiah was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN, 99 the progenitors. Rachel Venicomb was the daughter of WilHam Venicomb. the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), the daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, the progenitors, of Long Island. Esther Troth was the daughter of William Troth and Esther Borton. William was the son of Paul Troth and Deborah. Paul was the son of ^Villiam Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. Esther Borton was the daughter of William Borton and Deborah Hedge, the daugh- ter of Bernard Hedge and Elizabeth Prague. William was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Mary Troth and Deborah Troth, sisters, the wives of "Charles Haines and "David Haines, were the daughters of John Troth and Ann Engle. John was the son of William Troth and Esther Borton. See above in the ancestry of Deborah Engle. Ann En- gle was the daughter of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton. See ancestry of Joseph Engle in the above ancestry of Deborah Engle. Samuel F. Moore, who married 'Rachel Haines, was the son of Amasa Moore and Agnes French. Amasa was the son of Bethuel Moore and Martha Allen, the daughter of John Allen. Bethuel was the son of Benjamin Moore and Rebecca Fenimore, the daughter of Joseph Fenimore, the son of Richard Fenimore, the progenitor. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors, from Stepney, Middlesex, England. Benjamin Moore was the progenitor of the family, and came from England. Sarah Wills, the wife of "George Haines, M. D., was the daugh- ter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. Zebedee was the son of Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings. Micajah was the son of James Wills and Elizabeth Woolston. James was the son of Daniel Wills and Margaret Newbold. Daniel was the son of Daniel Wills, the progenitor, and Elizabeth, his first wife. Re- becca Hewlings was the daughter of Jacob Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, from London. Jacob Hew- lings was the son of W^illiam Hewlings, the progenitor, and Doro- thy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves, from London. Eliza- beth Woolston was the daughter of John Woolston and Lettice. John was the son of John Woolston and Olive (the sister of Gov. Thomas Olive), his first wife. Priscilla Moore was the daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. John Moore was Lore. • 100 HAINES FAMILY. the son of Benjamin Moore and Rebecca Fenimore, the daughter of Joseph Fenimore, the son of Richard Fenimore, the progenitor. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore, the progenitor, and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, tlie progenitors, from Stepney, Middlesex. England. Hannah Havre was the daughter of Thomas Eayre and Priscilla Hugg. Thomas was the son of Richard Eayre and Elizabeth, the progeni- tors of that family. Priscilla Hugg was the daughter of John Hugg, jr.. and I'riscilla Collins, the daughter of Francis Collins and^Sarah Mayham, his first wife, who came from London. John, Jr., was the son of John Hugg, the progenitor, who came from Wexford, Ireland. Edward B. Thomas, who married 'Abigail Haines, w^as the son of Edward Thomas and Hannah Leeds. He was a merchant in Lnml)ert()n, New Jersey, and an extensive dealer and shipper in wood. 'Hannah Haines, daughter of 'Jonathan Haines and Hannah Page 50. Sharp, married Japheth Garwood, son of Daniel Garwood and Susannah Collins. Their children were — "Hannah, born 12-20, 1786; married Isaac Sharp. 'Hannah died and Japheth married Elizabeth Bates. Their children were — "Sarah, born 2-22, 1792; married Jacob Prickitt. "Daniel, born 3-20, 1800; died young. "Hope, born t-ii, 1796; married Job Braddock. "Rachel, born 11-16, 1797; died 12-22, 18 15. Japheth Garwood left a will, dated 6-18, 1828, in which he de- vised to his (laughter Hannah a farm and other lands, during her life, and then to her son, Japheth Sharp; also a codicil, dated 6-25, 1830. Proved before Charles Kinsey, Surrogate. Isaac Sharp, who married Hannah Garwood, was the son of William Sharp and Elizabeth Green, the daughter of John Green and Catharine Heustead. \Villiani was the son of AA' illiam Sharp and ^lary Haines. William was the son of W^illiam Sharp and Mary Austin, the daughter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progeni- tors of that family. William was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. John was the eldest of the three brothers — sons of William Sharp, from FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN,, lor Northamptonshire, Engiaiid. Mary Haines was the daughter of Abram Haines and Grace HolHngshead. Abram was the son of Richard Haines and Mary Garble, who was of Indian Hneage, Lenni Lenape. Richard was the son of Richard Haines and Mar- g-aret, the progenitors. Grace HolHngshead was the daughter of John HolHngshead . Jr., and Agnes Hackney, the daughter of Thomas Hackney, of Burlington, N. J. John, Jr., was the son of John HolHngshead and Grace, the progenitors, of Burlington, N. J., who came from London, in 1678, and settled at Salem, but re- moved to Burlington, where he died, in 1699. Job Braddock, who married 'Hope Garwood, was the son of Job Braddock and Hannah Snowden. Job was the son of Reho- boam Braddock and Jemima Darnell, the daughter of John Dar- nell, the progenitor, and Hannah Borton, the daughter of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Rehoboam was the son of Robert Braddock and Elizabeth. Rob- ert was the son of Robert Braddock, the progenitor, and Elizabeth Hancock, the daughter of Timothy Hancock, the progenitor, and Rachel Firman, his first wife. Jacob Prickitt, who married "Sarah Garwood, was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Mary Peacock, the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger, who was the daughter of Thomas Bal- linger, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt. Jacob Prickitt was the son of Barzillia Prickitt and Sarah Sharp. Barzillia was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Hannah. Jacob was the son of Zachariah Prickitt, the pro- g^enitor. "Ephraim Haines, son of 'Nehemiah Haines and Ann Ashard, married Hannah Stokes, daughter of Samuel Stokes and Hannah Page 5S. Their children were — *Anna, born ; married William Foster, "John, born ; married Mary Wills. 'Samuel, born ; died young. "Ephraim, born From Lib. 31, Page; 276, of Wii^IvS. Synopsis of the will of Ephraim Haines, of Chester Township, County of Burlington and Province of West New Jersey, Yeo- man, weak of body, etc., etc., etc. Item — To my daughter, Anna I02 HAINBS FAMILY. Haines, sixty acres of land from the lowermost end of my planta- tion, in the Township of Evesham, adjoining the lands of Joshua Stokes and Joseph Eayres, in the best and most commodious man- ner to suit the sixty acres of land hereinafter devised to my son, Samuel Haines, which said sixty acres of land I give to my said daughter, x\nna Haines. Item — I give to my son, Samuel Haines, all the remainder of that tract of land, etc., etc., etc., etc. Item — To my son, Ephraim Haines, seventy acres of land, to be laid or run off on the easterly side of my plantation whereon I now dwell, in the Township of Chester; that is, to lay thirty acres on the southerly side of the Salem road for woodland, and forty acres on the northerly side for cleared plow land, taking part of the land I purchased of the executors of Samuel Atkinson, deceased; the said seventy acres to be laid on the best, etc., etc., etc., to suit the lands hereinafter devised to my son, John Haines. Item — To my son, John Haines, I give all the remainder of my lands and plan- tation, situate in Chester Township. Item — To my son, John Haines, one equal third part of all my cedar swamp, etc., etc., etc. Item — To my said son, Samuel Haines, one equal third part of all my cedar swamp, and the same equal one-third part to my son Ephraim. Item — I order my son John to move the granary- house from where it now stands, on land devised to Ephraim, and dig a cellar and wall it on the north side of said Salem road, and for him, said son John, to have the use and profits of the lands devised to my son Ephraim until he arrives to twenty-one years, etc., etc., etc. Item — I order my son, Samuel Haines, to pay out of the land devised to him the sum of fifteen pounds in gold and silver money, to my beloved wife, Hannah Haines, each and every year so long as she remains my widow, if demanded by her, and one hundred pounds to Ephraim when he comes twenty-one years old * * * * * * * * Item — I do order my son John to pay ten pounds in gold and silver money unto my wife, Hannah Haines, every year, so long as she remains my widow, if demanded, and one hundred pounds to my son Ephraim, when he arrives to the age of twenty-one years * * * * Item — I order my son John to pay all the remainder of my just debts * * * * * Item — I order my executors to take care of land devised to my daughter, Anna Haines, and not suffer the timber to be disturbed until she arrives to the age of eighteen years. Item — To my dearly beloved wife, Hannah Haines, I give all my personal estate, etc., etc., etc., etc., also the use of the west rooms in my dwelling, below stairs, and southwest room above stairs. FIFTH cnXFRATIOX AND CHILDREN. \ox o with cellar room, for her own use, etc., etc. Item — I order my son Ephraim kept at .school until old enough to be put to a trade, then bind him to the trade he choses, etc., etc., etc., etc. I appoint my wife, Hannah Haines, executrix, and my two sons, John Hames and Samuel Haines, executors, etc. EPHRAIM HAINES. [se.\l] Witnessed by John Cox, William Borrodaill, Joseph Stokes. Proved 6-11, 1789. Herbert McEllory, Sur. Inventory filed, £386, 19s., 6d. William Foster, who married "Anna Haines, was the son of William Foster and Mary Strickland. William was the son of Thomas Foster and Lucy Delevee. Thomas' grandfather was one of the twelve proprietors of Long or Rhode Island. Mary Wills, the wife of "John Haines, was the daughter of Moses Wills and ^Margaret. Closes was the son of Daniel Wills and Elizabeth Woolston. Daniel was the son of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Eliza- beth, his first wife. Elizabeth W'oolston was the daughter of John Woolston, the progenitor, and Hannah Cooper, the daughter of William Cooper and Margaret, the progenitors, of Pyne Point, N. J., who came from Cole's Hill, in the Parish of Amersham, Hertfordshire, England. Tsaac Haines, son of 'Ezekiel Haines and Abigail Kemble. mar- ried Mary Miller, daughter of . ^-v wW '>i.uv;. married , daughter of , and went to the State of Ohio. Their children were — "Rebecca, born "William, born "Jesse, born "Sarah, born "Phebe, born "David, born See 'Solomon Haines' will for the names of Carlile Haines' chil- dren, page 61. "Sarah Haines, daughter of 'Solomon Haines and Rebecca Page 60. Sharp, married Josiah Austin, son of Caleb Austin and Their children w'ere — - "Lydia, born 1793. "Rebecca, born 1794; died, 1798. "Solomon, born 1796; died, 1797. "Phebe, born 1797. "William, born 1799. ".\mos, born 1801. "Carlile, born 1804. "Jane, l)orn 1806. "Haines, l)orn 1808; went to Ohio bv certificate. "Caleb, l)orn 1810. "Sarah, born 18 13. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 105 ^Elizabeth Haines, daughter of 'Solomon Haines and Mercy Collins (second wife), married Isaac MuUin, son of , rage go. and went to the State of Ohio. No record of children. ^■\mos Wilkins, son of 'Sarah Haines and Amos Wllkins, mar- ried Lydia Jenkins, daughter of — . ^^^ ''' Their children were — "Amos, born ; married Ann Hewlings. *Nathan, born ; married Mary Troth. ^David, born ; married Rachel Sharp. "Clayton, born ; died single. "Amy, born ; married Jonathan Jones. "Susan, born ; married Asahel Coate. ■"Sarah, born ; married Philip Strieker. ^Keturah, born ; married Joseph Sharp. Ann Hewlings, the wife of "Amos Wilkins, was the daughter of John Hewlings and Lydia Crispin. John was the son of Joseph Hewlings and Elizabeth Langstaff, the daughter of Laban Lang- staff, the son of Laban Langstaff and Susannah Warrington. Joseph was the son of Jacob Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London. Jacob Hewlings was the son of A\'illiam Hewlings, the progenitor, and Dorothy Eves, the daugh- ter of Thomas Eves, from London. Mary Troth, the wife of 'Nathan Wilkins, was the daughter of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves. Isaac was the son of William Troth and Esther Borton. William was the son of Paul Troth and Deborah. Paul was the son of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. Esther Borton was the daughter of William Borton and Deborah Hedge, the daugh- ter of Bernard Hedge and Elizabeth Prague. William was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the pro- genitors. Rebecca Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines. Joseph was the son of Samuel Eves and^ Mary Shinn (widow of Daniel Wills). Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London. Rebecca Haines was the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors. Amos was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, sister of Francis, the progenitor of the Austin family. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Mar- garet, the progenitors of the Haines family. io6 HAINBS FAMILY. Rachel Sharp, the wife of "David \\'ilkins,, was the daughter of Jolj Sharp and Esther Brooks, his second wife, the daughter of John Brooks. Job was the son of Hugh Sharp and Ann Strat- ton. Hugh was the son of WilHam Sharp and Mary Austin, his first wife, the daughter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the pro- genitors of the Borton family. William was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the pro- genitor. John was the eldest of the three brothers, sons of Wil- liam Sharp, from Northamptonshire, England. Ann Stratton was the daughter of Mark Stratton and Ann Hancock, the daugh- ter of Timothy Hancock, the progenitor, and Rachel Firman, his first wife. Mark was the son of William Stratton, of Stratford- Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. Page 63. Jonathan Jones, who married "Amy Wilkins, was the son of Samuel Jones and Elizabeth Reed. Samuel was the son of Samuel Jones and Peacock. Joseph Sharp, who married "Keturah Wilkins, was the son of Aaron Sharp and Rachel Cox. Aaron was the son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. Amos was the son of John Sharp and Ann Haines, the daughter of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor. Thomas w^as the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. John Sharp was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor of that family. John was the son of William Sharp, the progenitor. 'Mary Haines, daughter of 'John Haines and Martha Eayre, married Core Haines, son of Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins. Their children were — 'Ann, born 9-17, 1795; died young. "John, born 4-9, 1 797 ; died young. "Grace, born 5-6, 1798; died young. "Ruth, born 10-13. 1801 ; married Joshua Ballinger. "Mark, liorn 1-2, 1807; married Ann Haines'. Mary Leeds'. Joshua Ballinger, who married 'Ruth Haines, was the son of Joshua Ballinger and Rebecca Moore. Joshua was the son of Thomas Ballinger and Susannah Dudley. Thomas was the son of Jdshua Ballinger. Rebecca IMoore was the daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. See their ancestry, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 107 Ann Haines, first wife of 'Mark Haines, was the daughter of Job Haines and Martha BalHnger, the daughter of Thomas Bal- hnger and Susan. Job was the son of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins. See that family, page 95, and Mary Wilkins' ancestry, page 50. ]\Iary Leeds, second wife of "Mark Haines, was the daughter of Isaac Leeds and Rebecca' Moore. Isaac was the son of Nehe- miah Leeds and EHzabeth Eayre. Nehemiah was the son of Abraham Leeds. Rebecca was the daughter of Joseph Moore and !\Iary Hewhngs. See page 386. 'Esther Haines, daughter of ^ohn Haines and Martha Eayre, married Isaac Balhnger, son of Thomas BaUinger and Susannah. ^'^^^ ^^■ Their chiklren were — ^Richard H., born ; married Mary Ann Haines. °]\Iary, born ; married Joseph P. Wills. Mary Ann Haines, the wife of 'Richard H. Balhnger, was the daughter of Robert Haines and Rebecca Ann Powell, the daugh- ter of Joseph Powell and Ann Bishop. Robert was the son of Robert Haines and Rachel Venicomb. See that family, page 84, and Rachel Venicomb's ancestry, page 39, Joseph P. Wills, who married 'Mary Balhnger, was the son of Joseph Wills and Virgin Powell, the daughter of Joseph Powell and Ann Bishop. Joseph Wills was the son of Aaron Wills and Rachel W^arrington, the daughter of Henry Warrington and Re- becca Dudley. Aaron was the son of Daniel Wills and Elizabeth Woolston, the daughter of John Woolston, the progenitor, and Hannah Cooper, his second wife, the daughter of William Cooper and ^Margaret, the progenitors. Daniel was the son of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Rebecca Dudley was the daughter of Thomas Dudley and Martha Evans, the daughter of Thomas Evans and Rebecca Owen, his second wife. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors, from ^^'ales, England. Thomas Dudley was the son of Francis Dudley, who came from England, and Rachel Wilkins, the daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Susannah, the progenitors. Isaac Ballino^er died and 'Esther married Clavton Brown. Their children were — 'Isaac, born ; married . io8 HAINES FAMILY. 'Abraham Haines, son of 'Abraham Haines and Sarah Ehis, Page G5. married Hannah Rakestraw, daughter of Thomas Rakestraw and EHzabeth Zane. Their children were — 'Ner, born 'Betluiel, born ; married Rachel Wilkins. "Abraham, born ; married Mary Jones. "Thomas, born "Hannah, born "Ellis, born "Asa, born "Mary E., born "Sarah, born ; died 6-5, 1824. Rachel Wilkins, the wife of "Bethuel Haines, was the daughter of \Villiam Wilkins and Sarah. ]\Iary Jones, the wife of "Abraham Haines, was the daughter of Samuel Jones and Peacock. "Abraham Haines, son of 'Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Page 67. Roberts, married Deliverance Haines, daughter of Amos Haines and Mary Conrow. They left no children. 'John Haines, son of 'Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Roberts, Page 67. married Mary Middleton, daughter of . Their children were — "Eli, born 1781. "Atlantic, born "Elizabeth, born 'Mary Haines, daughter of 'Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Page 67. Roberts, married Caleb Crispin, son of . Their children were — "John, born ; married Hannah Buzby. "Elizal)eth, born ; married Joshua W. Haines. See "Elizabeth Crispin and Joshua W. Haines' family, page 149. "William Haines, son of 'Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Rob- Page 67. erts. married Agnes Lippincott, daughter of Samuel Lippincott and Theodocia Hewlines. Their children were — "Samuel, born 1790; married Edith Coates, died 1875. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 109 'Job Haines, son of 'Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Roberts, married Sarah Carr, daughter of Caleb Carr and . Page 67. Their children were — "Jane, born 1793; married James Aloon. ^Elizabeth, born 1789; married Isaac H. Haines. *Sarah, born 1795; married John Collins (3d wife). "Job, born 1791 ; married Phebe Hancock. Xydia, born 1801 ; married John Needles. "Caleb, born 1 799 ; married Lydia Warrington. "Amy, born 1804; married Benjamin Albertson. "John C, born 1806; married Hannah Craft. "Ann, born 1797; died in 1798. 'Benjamin Haines, son of 'Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Roberts, married Elizabeth Kirby, daughter of Benjamin Kirby Page 67. and Rachel , 1795. Their children were — "Empson, born 2-23, 1796; married Rachel Buzby, died 1878. "Benjamin, born 6-17, 1797; married Ann Laurie, died 1852. "Nathan, born 5-1, 1799; died single, 32 years old, 183 1. "Rachel, born 7-14, 1801 ; died single, 1845. "Elizabeth, born 10-23, 1803; died single, 1824. "Abram H.. born 12-2, 1805; married Margaret Brooks, died 1874. "Mary, born lo-i, 1807; died single, 1859. "Clayton, born 11-9, 1809; died young, 1821. "Rebecca, born 12-21, 181 1 ; died single, 1874. "William, born 12-24, 1813; married Rebecca Ann Curtis, died 1867. "Samuel, born 7-19, 1816; married Sarah Lamb. The family all went to Pilesgrove, N. J. Isaac H. Haines, who married "Elizabeth Haines, was the son of Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins. See that family, page 72, and Sarah Wilkins' ancestry, page 34. John Collins, who married "Sarah Haines, was the son of Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger, the widow of John Mason, and daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Job was the son of Francis Collins and Ann Ashard, widow of Nehemiah Haines. Francis was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd, widow of Dr. John Goslin, of Burlington, N. J., and daughter of Thomas Budd, and second wife of Francis Collins, who came from Lon- don, and was the son of Edward Collins and Mary, of Oxford- shire, England. 1 10 HAINBS FAMILY. 'Clayton Haines, son of 'Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher Page C7. (sect)nd wife), married Rebecca Wills, daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. Tlieir children were — "Zebedee, born 11-20, 1807; married Elizabeth Hendrickson. "Sarah B., born 10-30, 1814; married William E. Haines. "Clayton, born 11-5, 1816; died, 4-18, 1817. Elizabeth Hendrickson, the wife of "Zebedee Haines, was the daughter of Joseph Hendrickson and Elizabeth. William E. Haines, wlip married "Sarah B. Haines, was the son of Jonathan Haines and Mary Haines, the daughter of William Haines and Mary Eastlack. See that family, page 85. Jonathan Haines was the son of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins. See that family, page 95, and Mary Wilkins' ancestry, page 50. -Rebecca Haines, daughter of 'Benjamin Haines and Sarah Page G7. Butcher (second wife) married Amos ^^^ills, son of Jacob W'ills and Mary Haines. Their children were — "Benjamin H., born ; married Elizabeth C. Wills. "Rebecca died, and Amos married Hannah Moore, daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. Their children were — "Charles, born ; married Hannah Leeds. "Amy, born ; married Charles Stokes (ist wife). "John, born ; died single. "Mary, born ; died single. Elizabeth C. \\'ills, the wife of "Benjamin H. Wills, was the daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. See their an- cestry, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry ; a sister. Hannah Leeds, the wife of "Charles Wills, was the daughter of John Leeds and Hannah. John was the son of Nehemiah Leeds and Elizabeth Eayre. Nehemiah was the son of Abraham Leeds. Charles Stokes, who married "Amy Wills, was the son of Isaac Stokes and Lydia Collins. Isaac was the son of John Stokes and Beulah Haines, the daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. See that family, page 78, and John Stokes' ancestry. Lydia Col- lins was the daughter of Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger, sis- ter of John Collins. See page 109. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. in "Hinchman Haines, son of 'Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow), married Mary Warrington, daughter of .Page 70. Their children were — "Annah, born 9-10, 1794; died. 4-8, 1872, single. Joseph, born 12-10, 1797; married Mary Evans. *Hinchman, born 12-10, 1799; died, 8-20, 1838, single. *Mary, born 9-12, 1802 ; married Allen Roberts. ^Arthur, born 12-17, i8o4 5 married Mary I. Fairholin. ^Nathan, born 6-27, 1807; married Naomi Borton. i\Iary died and Hinchman married Phebe Hancock. Phebe died and Hinchman married Rebecca Lippincott, daughter of Joshua Lippincott and Rachel Dudley. No issue. 'Hinchman Haines was a recommended minister in the Society of Friends, and a member of Evesham Monthly Meeting. He was a farmer, and died siezed of a competenc}', which he devised to his children by will. See Lib. E, page 265 of Wills. Mary Evans, the wife of "Joseph Haines, was the daughter of Thomas Evans and IMary Eves. Thomas was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Eldridge. Jacob was the son of William Evans and Sarah Roberts. William was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Eliza- beth, the progenitors, from Wales, England. Sarah Roberts was the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, N. J. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Mary Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, the daugh- ter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. Amos Haines was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Aus- tin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Joseph Eves was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn (widow Wills). Samuel was the^^son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas W'as the son of Thomas Eves, from London. Allen Roberts, who married "Mary Haines, w^as the son of Eben- ezer Roberts and Rachel Dudley, the daughter of Thomas Dudley and Martha Evans, the daughter of Thomas Evans and Rebecca 112 HAINES FAMILY. Owen, his second wife. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Thomas Dudley was the son of Francis Dudley, w^ho came from England, and Rachel Wilkins, the daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Susannah, the progenitors. h:henezer Roberts was the son of John Roberts and Phebe An- drews. John was the son of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, N. J. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. Xaomi Borton, the wife of "Nathan Haines, was the daughter of Uriah Borton and Mary Collins, the daughter of Job Collins^ and Elizabeth Ballinger, widow of John Mason, and daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Job was the son of Francis Collins and Ann Ashard, wddow of Nehemiah Haines. Francis was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd, his second wife, the daughter of Thomas Budd, and widow of Dr. John Goslin, of Burlington, N. J. Uriah Borton was the son of Abraham Borton and Rachel Engle, the daughter of Robert Engle and Rachel Veni- comb, who was the daughter of William Venicomb, the progeni- tor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, of Long Island. Abraham Borton w^as the son of John Borton and Elizabeth Lord. John w^as the son of John Borton Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. "Abigail Haines, daughter of 'Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn Page 70. (widow), married Nehemiah Haines, son of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp, 1783^' "^ Their children were — 'Sarah, born 9-15, 1783 ; married John Hoskins. "Joseph, born 2-1, 1786; married Deborah Engle. "Charles, born 1-19, 1788; married Mary Troth. "Hannah, born 3-2, 1790; died single, 1-16, 1829. "Clayton, born 2-7, 1792; died, 2-21, 1796. "David, born 3-18, 1794; married Deborah Troth. "Rachel, born 3-20, 1796; married Samuel F. Moore. "George, M. D., born 6-13, 1798; married, 2-17, 1825, Sarah Wills. "Lydia, born 6-13, 1798; died single, 1844. "Abigail, born 11-8, 1800; married Edward B. Thomas. Nehemiah Haines died 8-12, 1808. "Abigail, his wife, died 7-22, 1847. See ancestry of John Hoskins and Deborah Engle, page 98. See ancestry of Mary Troth, Deborah Troth, Samuel F. Moore and Sarah Wills, page 99, and Edward B. Thomas, page 100. FIFTH GBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 113 'Thomas Haines, son of 'Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow), married IMary Whitten, daughter of . Page 70. Their children were — "Wdiitten, born 'Caleb Haines, son of 'Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow), married Rebecca Haines, daughter of Jacob Haines Page 70. and Sarah Austin. Their children were — "Caleb (only child), born ; married . Rebecca died, and Abigail Haines (sister of "Caleb), took the child, "Caleb Haines, and brought him up. ^Noah Haines, son of *Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow) , married Sarah Burden, daughter of . Page 70. Their children were — "Alaria, born ; married Dunnings. ''Sarah W., born ; married Amos W. Cole. "John, born ; married . "Joseph, born ; married ■ . "Reuben, born ; married . Sarah died, and 'Noah married Kesiah Brooks. No issue by the second marriage. Amos ^^^ Cole, who married "Sarah ^^^ Haines, was the son of John Cole and Rachel AA'ills. John was the son of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. Job was the son of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd. Kendall was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors, from "Cole's Hills," Hertfordshire, England, and settled at Colestown, N. J., on the Pensauken Creek, and called his place "New^ Orchard." He built the old log house that has recently been taken down. He died intestate, and the son Samuel became the owner of all his real estate — more than a thousand acres of land. The old "Coles Church" (recently destroyed by fire), and the cemetery, being in the survey. Rachel Wills w-as the daughter of Jacob Wills and ]\Iary Haines, the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the pro- genitors of the Troth family. Jacob Wills was the son of Micajah A\'ills and Rebecca Hewlings. See the ancestry of Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. 8 ' V 114 HAINES FAMILY. 'Hannah Haines, daug-hter of 'Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow), married John Ivans, son of and Page 71. Xetitia Haines, daughter of 'Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow), married Thomas Sutton, son of and "Reuben Haines, son of 'Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow), married , daughter of. ■ and . No record of children of the above children of 'Noah Haines. 'Agnes Haines, daughter of 'Isaac Haines and Deborah Roberts, Page 71. married Joseph Hunt, son of John Hunt and Esther , 1794. Their children were — "Esther, born "David, born "Deborah, born "Benjamin, born ; married Wilson. "Nathan, born ; married Jemima Powell. "John Haines, son of 'Isaac Haines and Deborah Roberts, mar- Page 71. I'ied Jemima Brow^n, daughter of . Their children were — "Abigail, born 1-22, 1804. "Sarah, born 8-15, 1805. "Susannah, born 5-21, 1807, , born 10-29, 1808. "Charles B., born 6-18, 1810. "Clark H., born, 6-17, 18 13. "Mary W., born 8-27, 181 5. All removed to the State of Ohio by certificate from Evesham Monthly Meeting of Friends. "Edmond Haines, son of 'Isaac Haines and Deborah Roberts, married Charlotte Leeds, daughter of Nehemiah Leeds and Eliza- beth Eayre. Their children were — "Edmond, born ; married Sarah Rhoades. "Sarah, born ; married Aaron Haines. "Reuben. l)orn ; died single. "Leeds, born ; died single. "Thomas, born ; married Elizabeth Sharp. ^Deborah, born ; married Benjamin Sleeper. "Hannah, born ; married William Grubb. "Joseph, born ; went to the State of Ohio., FIPTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN 115 Elizabeth Sharp, the wife of "Thomas Haines, was the daughter of Noah Sharp and Ehzabeth Braddock. Noah was the son of Samuel Sharp and Elizabeth Peacock, the daughter of John Pea- cock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor, of Springfield, N. J. John was the son of John Peacock, the progenitor, from Scotland. Samuel Sharp was the son of John Sharp and Ann Haines, his second wife, the daughter of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, who was the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor of that family. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. John Sharp was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. John was the eldest of the three brothers, sons of William Sharp, who came from Northamptonshire, England. Elizabeth Brad- dock was the daughter of Rehoboam Braddock and Jemima Dar- nell, the daughter of John Darnell, the progenitor, and Hannah Borton, the daughter of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Rehoboam was the son of Robert Braddock and Elizabeth. Robert was the son of Robert Braddock, the progenitor, and Elizabeth Hancock, the daughter of Timothy Hancock, the progenitor, from Baeyles, Warwickshire, England, and Rachel Firman, his first wife. "Isaac Haines, son of Tsaac Haines and Deborah Roberts, mar- ried Lydia Snowden, daughter of William Snowden and Mar- Page 71. garet. Their children were — "Margaret, born 1805; died, 1806. 'Isaac S., M. D., born 4-8, 1808; married Caroline Henry. "Isaac Haines, M. D., settled in Burlington, N. J. 'Grace Haines, who married Jonathan Durrell, 'Deborah Haines, who married James Cattle, the daughters of Tsaac Haines and Deborah Roberts; we have no record of children. ii6 HAINES FAMILY. 'Caleb Haines, son of 'Josiah Haines and Mary , mar- Page 71. ried ]\Iary Eldridge, daughter of Jonathan Eldridge and Abigail Page 71. Their children were — "Abigail, born 1782; married Thomas Shinn. "Mary, born 1783. "Joseph, born 1786. 'Hannah, born 1788. "Jonathan, born 1791. "Josiah, born 1793. "Lydia, born 1795; married, 1816, Samuel F. Woolman. "Sarah, born 1797; married, 1816, Levi Borton. "Harriet, hnm 1800. "Rebecca, horn 1803; married, 1822, Gaskill. "Hannah Haines, daughter of *Josiah Haines and Mary , married Thomas Bispham, son of . There is no record of children, neither any record of marriage of the other children of 'Josiah Haines and Mary — 'Sarah, 'Abig- ail, "Mary, 'Catharine and "Elizabeth. 'Core Haines, son of 'Josiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins, mar- Page 72. ried Mary Haines, daughter of John Haines and Martha Eayre. Their children were — "Ann, born 9-17, 1795 ; died young. "Jolin, horn 4-9, 1 797; died young. "Grace, born 5-6, 1798; died young. "Ruth, born 10-13, 1801 ; married Joshua Ballinger. "Mark, born 1-2, 1807; married Ann Haines.' Mary Leeds." For ancestry of Joshua Ballinger, who married "Rutli Haines, see page 106; and for ancestry of Ann Haines and Mary Leeds, the two wives of "Mark Haines, see page 107. 'Joseph Haines, son of Tsaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins, mar- Page 72. ried Hannah Maxwell, daughter of John Maxwell and Their children were — "Rebecca, born 7-30, 1796; married Nathan Roberts. "Rachel, born 4-13, 1798; married Ezra Haines. "Esther, born 3-5, 1803; married George Buzby. "Keturah, born 8-2, 1805 ; married John Borton. "Hannah, born 2-1, 181 1. "Barclay, born 12-19, 1812; married Sarah Ann Engle. "Stokes, born 5-22, 18 17. "Ann, \nn-n 5-22, 1817; died 6-27, 1817. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 117 'Nathan Roberts, who married 'Rebecca Haines, was the son of Samuel Roberts and Ehzabeth Shute. Samuel was the son of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, N. J. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. Ezra Haines, who married "Rachel Haines, was the son of Stacy Haines and Susannah Engle, the daughter of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton, the daughter of Obadiah Borton and Susanna Butcher, the daughter of Samuel Butcher and Silence Bunting. Samuel was the son of Thomas Butcher and Esther, the progeni- tors. Obadiah was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Joseph Engle was the son of Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb, the daughter of William Venicomb, the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, of Long Island. Rob- ert was the son of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the progenitors. John was the son of Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progenitors of the Engle family. ■ John Borton, who married "Keturah Haines, was the son of John Borton and Jemima Braddock. John was the son of John Borton and Hannah Haines. John was the son of Obadiah Bor- ton and Marv Driver, his second wife. Obadiah was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progeni- tors. Hannah Haines was the daughter of Thomas Haines and Hannah. Thomas was the son of John Haines and Jane Siddons (widow Smith). John was the son of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Jemima Braddock was the daughter of Rehoboam Braddock and Jemima Darnell, the daughter of John Darnell, the progenitor, and Hannah Borton, the daughter of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Rehoboam was the son of Robert Braddock and Elizabeth. Robert was the son of Robert Braddock, the progenitor, and Elizabeth Hancock, the daughter of Timothy Hancock, the progenitor, from Brayles, Warwickshire, England, and Rachel Firman, his first wife. ii8 HAINES FAMILY. "Isaiah Haines, son of 'Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins, mar- Page 72. riccl Rachcl Peacock, daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Balhnger. Their chikh'en were — "Arthur, horn ; married Hannah Moore. "Richard, horn ; married EHzabeth Cranmer.' Sarah Carson.' "Isaiah, born ; married Lydia Miller. "Sarah, born ; married Isaac Brown. "Lvdia. born ; died single. Hannah Moore, the wife of "Arthur Haines, was the daughter of Stacy Moore and Drucilla Tomlin. Stacy Moore was the son of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. See ancestry of John Moore and Hannah, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. 'Abraham Haines, son of 'Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins, Page 72. married Sarah Lippincott, daughter of Samuel Lippincott and Theodocia Hewlings. Their children were — "Agnes, born 11-5, 1805. "William, Ijorn 10-2, 1807. "Abraham W., born 8-5, 18 10. "Samuel L.. born 8-5, 1810; died 2-9, 1826. "Rebecca, born 7-22, 181 5. "Clayton, born 9-12, 1817; married Eliza Curtis. "Sarah L., born 12-13, 1821. All the family went to Philadelphia by certificate from meeting of Friends. • 'Thomas Haines, son of Tsaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins, Page 72. married Susannah Ballinger, daughter of Thomas Ballinger and Susannah. Their children were — "John B., born 11-20, 1808; died 1-27, 1826. "Martha S.. born 9-10, 1819; married Enoch Darnell. "Thomas \\'., born 7-20, 1828. Enoch Darnell, who married "Martha S. Haines, was the son of Joshua Darnell and Eliza Lippincott. Joshua was the son of Edmund Darnell and Rachel Dudley, the daughter of Joshua Dudley and Rachel Roberts. Edmund was the son of Edward Darnell and Jane Driver. Edward was the son of John Darnell, the progenitor, and Plannah Borton, the daughter of John Bor- ton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 119 "Isaac H. Haines, son of 'Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins, married EHzabeth Haines, daughter of Job Haines and Sarah ^^sre 72. Carr. Their children were — Xindley, born 6-12, 181 5; married Anna Sharp. Anna Sharp was the daughter of Joseph Sharp, of Philadelphia. 'Agnes Haines, daughter of 'Simeon Haines and j\Iary Strat- Page 74. ton, married Abram Haines, son of . Their children were — "Edith D., born 12-30, 1806; died single, 8-31, 1879. 'Enoch Barclay, born 4-19, 1810; married Lydia Middleton. "Benjamin El wood, born 8-2, 1804. "Stacy Haines, son of 'Simeon Haines and Mary Stratton, mar- ried Susanna Engle, daughter of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton. Page 74. Their children were — "Asa, born 12-27, 1790 5 married Elizabeth S. Cowperthwait. "David, born 8-7, 1792. "Simeon, born 11-7, 1794; married Mary Austin.' Rebecca Bowker." "Joseph, born 1-3, 1797. "Ezra, born 6-7, 1799; married Rachel Haines. "Nathan, born 1-4, 1801. "Charles E., born 10-12, 1804. "Mary, born 7-24, 1806; married Amos Hewlings. "Susannah, born 5-5, 1809, married David Rogers — second wife. Rachel Haines, the wife of "Ezra Haines, was the daughter of Joseph Haines and Hannah Maxwell. See that family, page 116, for the ancestry of Joseph Haines, and ancestry of Hannah Max- well, page 73. Amos Hewlings was the son of Amos Hewlings and Lydia Hollingshead. Amos was the son of Jacob Hewlings and Eliza- beth Eves, the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. Amos Haines was the son of Thomas Haines and Eliza- beth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progeni- tors of the Haines family. Joseph Eves was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn. Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, from London. IJO Page 71. HAINES FAMILY. David Rogers, who married "Susannah Haines, was the son of WilHam Rogers and Mary Davis. WiUiam was the son of Wil- liam Rogers and Grace Allen (widow Eayres). William was the son of WilHam Rogers, the son of John Rogers. John was the son of John Rogers, the progenitor. Mary Davis was the daugh- ter of David Davis and Martha Cole, the daughter of Samuel Cole. David was the son of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem County, New Jersey. David was the son of John Davis, from Wales, England. "Simeon Haines, son of 'Simeon Haines and Mary Stratton, married Ann Cole, daughter of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. Their children were — "Mary, born 12-17, 1797. "Simeon, born 8-30, 1800. "Samuel, born 4-26, 1802. "Job C, born 1-8, 1804. • "Coles, born 7-29, 1805. "El wood, born 5-12, 1808. °Mary Sharp, daughter of 'Mary Haines and William Sharp, Page 75. married Daniel Huff, son of . Their children were — "Ann, born ; married Job Prickitt. "Esther, born ; married Francis Haines. "Agnes, born ; married Thomas Haines. "Samuel, born ; married Rebecca Phillips. "John, born ; married Rhoda Stockton. "Job, born "William Sharp, son of 'Mary Haines and William Sharp, mar- Page 75. ried Elizabeth Green, daughter of John Green and Catharine Heu stead. Their children were — "Beulah, born ; married Danieb Leeds. "Esther, born ; married Robert Pidgeon. 'Isaac, born ; married Hannah Garwood. "John, born ; married Elizabeth Peacock.' Mary Peacock.' "Elizabeth, born ; married Daniel Sever. "Agnes, born ; married Zeckariah Prickitt. "Lydia, born ; married John Fort, M. D. "Sarah, born ; married Samuel K. Budd. This family will be followed in the sixth generation, in the Sharp family, on pages 240, 241 and 242. &* FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 121 Job Prickitt, who married "Ann Huff, was the son of Job Prick- itt and Ann Smith, the daughter of Thomas Smith and Ehzabeth. Job was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Hannah. Jacob was the son of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor, who settled at Spring- field, N. J. Francis Haines and Thomas Haines, brothers, who married ^Esther Huff and "Agnes Huff, were the sons of Josiah Haines and Rebecca Austin. See page 97 for ancestry of that family. Hannah Garwood, the wife of Isaac Sharp, was the daughter of Japheth Garwood and Hannah Haines, the daughter of Jona- than Haines and Hannah Sharp. See that family, page 50, for ancestry of Jonathan Haines, and page 24 for ancestry of Han- nah Sharp. For ancestry of Japheth Garwood, see page 51. •Elizabeth Peacock, the first wife of "John Sharp, w^as the daugh- ter of Levi Peacock and Lettice Hollingshead. Levi was the son of Melchezedec Peacock and Abigail Thorn. Melchezedec was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock, the progenitor, from Scotland. Abigail Thorn was the daughter of Thomas Thorn and Letitia Hinchman, the daughter of John Hinchman, from Long Island, and Sarah Harrison, the daughter of Samuel, of Long Island. Thomas was the son of Joseph Thorn and Mary Bowne, the daughter of John Bowne and Hannah Feake, of Long Island. Joseph was the son of William Thorn and \\'inefred Kay, of Long Island, who came from Dor- setshire, England. . ^&' j\Iary Peacock, the second wife of '']o\\\\ Sharp, was, the daugh- ter of John Peacock and Mary Prickitt, the daughter of Zeckariah Prickitt and Mary. Zeckariah was the son of Zeckariah Prickitt and Mary Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors. Zeckariah was the son of Zackariah, the progenitor, of Northampton, N. J. John Peacock was the son of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock, of Scotland, the progenitor. Zeckariah Prickitt, who married "Agnes Sharp, was the son of Job Prickitt and Ann Smith, the daughter of Thomas Smith and Elizabeth. Job was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Plannah. I J J HAINES FAMILY. Jacob was the son of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor, who set- tled in Northampton, New^ Jersey, at Springfield. 'Ahel Haines, son of 'Jacob Haines and Bathsheba Bnrrough, Page SI. married Ann Moore, daughter of Joseph Moore and Mary Hew- lings. Their children were — "Jacob, born ; killed by falling in a barn. "Rachel, born ; married James Tomlinson. "Mary Ann, born ; died young. "Abel, born ; married Mary Moore. "Samuel, born "Eliza, lK)rn ; married Samuel Roberts. "Joseph, l)orn "William, born ; died young. 'Samuel Haines, son of 'Jacob Haines and Bathsheba Burrough, Page SI. married Mary Mickle, daughter of Archibald Mickle and Their children were — "Sarah M., born ; married Hall, M. D. "Rebecca M., born "Elizabeth Haines, daughter of 'Nathan Haines and Rebecca Page 77. BalHnger, married Jacob Fowler, son of . Their children were — "Josiah, born ; married Hannah Clark. "Jacob, born ; married . "William, born ; married . "Mahlon, born ; married . "Reynolds, born ; married . "James, born ; married . Charles, born ; married "Rebecca Ann, born ; single. "Eliza, born ; married Mary Moore, the wife of "Abel Haines, was the daughter of Joseph H. Moore and Elizabeth Haines. Samuel Roberts, who married "Eliza Haines, was the son of Enoch Roberts. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 123 'Joseph Haines, son of 'Nathan Haines and Dorcas Davis, sec- ond wife (.widow), married Isabella Haines, daughter of ^^^^ '"• Their children were — "Mary Ann, born ; married Thomas A. Potts. 'Alexander, born ; married Annie Easely. 'Nathan, born ; died single. 'Isabella, born ; died single. 'Kesiah, born ; died single. 'Jane, born ; married . 'Sarah Haines, daughter of 'Nathan Haines and Dorcas Davis, second wife (widow), married Budd Haywood, son of Page 77. Their children were — 'George, born ; married Elizabeth Bowne. 'John Haines, son of 'Amos Haines and Mary Conrow, mar- ried Elizabeth Hollingshead, daughter of . Page 76. Their children were — 'Joseph, born ; married Acksa Biddle. 'Jerusha, born ; married Josiah Bispham. "Mordecai, born ; married Eliza Evans. 'Amos, born ; married Rebecca Cox. 'Charles, born ; married Rachel Moore. 'Keturah, born ; married Samuel Burrough. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Joseph Moore. 'John, born ; died, 1843, in East Indies. 'Zilla, born ; died 18 19. 'Mary, born ; married William Leeds. 'Meriba, born ; married Charles Evans. 'Richard M., born ; married Virginia Moore. William Leeds, who married 'Mary Haines, was the son of Isaac Leeds and Rebecca Moore. Isaac was the son of Nehemiah Leeds and Elizabeth Eayre. Nehemiah was the son of Abraham Leeds. Rebecca Moore was the daughter of Joseph Moore and ]\Iary Hewlings. See page 386. Virginia Moore, t^ie wife of 'Richard M. Haines , was the daughter of Horace Moore, the son of John Moore and Keturah. John was the son of John Moore and Hannah, whose ancestry see page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Rachel Moore, the wife of "Charles Haines, was the daughter of Joseph ]\Ioore, the son of Joseph Mo.cfre and Mary Hewlings. 124 HAINES FAMILY. Joseph Moore was the son of John Moore and Hannah Eayre, whose ancestry see page 99, in Sarah Wihs' ancestry. - Charles Evans, who married Meriba Haines, was the son of WilHam Evans, the son of Wihiam Evans and Rachel Ballinger. William was the son of William Evans and Sarah Roberts, the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington. John was the son of John Rob- erts and Sarah, the progenitors. AA^lliam was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Joseph Moore, who married Elizabeth Haines, was the son of Joseph Moore, the son of Joseph Moore and Mary Hewlings. Joseph was the son of Joseph Moore and Hannah Eayre, whose ancestry see page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. "Darling Haines, son of *Amos Haines and Mary Conrow, nrar- Page 70. ried Mary Lippincott, daughter of Caleb Lippincott and Ann Venicomb. Their children were — "Caleb, born ; married Hope Lippincott. Hope Lippincott, the wife of ''Caleb Haines, was the daughter of Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Haines. Thomas was the son of Caleb Lippincott and Hannah Wilkins. Caleb was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Elizabeth Wills. Freedom was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. Rachel Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. John was the son of Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, the daugh- ter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Nathan was the son of William Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Elizabeth Wills was the daughter of Daniel Wills and Mary Shinn. Daniel was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. 'Deliverance Haines, daughter of *Amos Haines and Mary Con- Page 76. TOW, married Abraham Haines, son of Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Roberts. They left no children. No record of the rest of the children of Wmos Haines and Mary Conrow. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 12s ^Rachel Haines, daughter of 'John Haines and Mary Shreeve, married Thomas Lippincott, son of Caleb Lippincott and Hannah Page 78. Wilkins. Their children were — "Joshua, born 7-24, 1780; died single. \A.hab, born 2-26, 1782; married Mary Wills. "Hannah, born 3-8, 1784; married. 1-14, 18 14, John Collins. "Mary, born 3-29, 1786; died single. "Beulah, born 10-16, 1788; married, 1-13, 1809, Mahlon Atkinson. "Hope, born 10-16, 1788; married Caleb Haines. "Esther, born 2-19, 1792; died single. "Thomas, born 8-9, 1794; married Mary Brick. "Caleb, born 10-24. 1801 ; married Hannah Kille. Mary Wills, the wife of "Ahab Lippincott, was the daughter of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. Jacob was the son of Micajah \A'ills and Rebecca Hewlings, whose ancestry see page 99. in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Mary Haines was the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors. Amos was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor of that family. Thomas was the fourth son of Rich- ard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Caleb Haines, who married "Hope Lippincott, was the son of Darling Haines and Mary Lippincott. See that family, page 124, for ancestry of Caleb Haines. Mary Lippincott was the daughter of Caleb Lippincott and Ann Venicomb. Caleb was the son of Nathaniel Lippincott and Mary Engle. See their ancestry, page 76. 'Beulah Haines, daughter of 'John Haines and Mary Shreeve, married John Stokes, son of Joshua Stokes and Amy Hinchman. Page Their children were — "Caleb, born 1782; married Ruth Shinn. "Samuel, born 1784; married Mary Mathison. "Isaac, born 1787; married Lydia-Collins.^ Mary Collins (widow).' "William, born 1790; married Ann Wilson." Hannah Livzey.' "Mary, born 1792; married Job Lippincott. "Atlantic, born 1794; married Daniel Hurley. "Rachel, born ; died young. 78. 126 HAINES FAMILY. Ruth vShinn, the wife of "Caleb Stokes, was the daughter of Levi Shinn and Hannah. Lydia Collins, the wife of 'Isaac Stokes, was the daughter of Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger, the widow of John Mason, and daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Job was the son of Francis Collins and Ann Ashard, the widow of Nehemiah Haines. Francis was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd, his second wife, the widow of Dr. John Goslin, of Burlington, and dauo-hter of Thomas Budd. Francis was a bricklayer in London, and son of Edward Collins and Mary, of Oxfordshire, England. Mary Collins, the second wife of "Isaac Stokes, was the widow of Job Collins, the son of John Collins, and daughter of Levi Bal- linser and Hannah. 'is* Ann Wilson, the first wife of "William Stokes, was the daughter of Isaac Wilson and Phebe Middleton, the daughter of Samuel Middleton and Ann. Isaac was the son of John Wilson and Mary. Job Lippincott, who married "Mary Stokes, was the son of Amaziah Lippincott and Hannah Prickitt, the daughter of Jacob Prickitt and Hannah. Jacob was the son of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor. Amaziah was the son of John Lippincott and Elizabeth. John was the son of James Lippincott and Ann Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London. James was the son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shattock. Restore was the son of Rich- ard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. "Anner Haines, daughter of 'Jol''ii Haines and j\Iary Shreeve, Page 7s. married Samuel Lippincott, son of Samuel Lippincott and Theo- docia Hewlings. Their children were — "Samuel, born 4-16, 1793; married Elizabeth Hewlings. "Clayton, born 6-14, 1797; married Hannah Brick. "John li., born 6-6, 1802; married Alice Taylor. "Nathan, born 1-7, 1800; married Lydia Burrough. "Anner, born y-2, 1804; married Joseph Burrough — first wife. "Lydia, born 3-14, 1806; married Benjamin Cooper. "Mary, born 1808; married Joseph Burrough — second wife. 'Mark, born 2-15, 1812; married Abigail Evans. "William Cooper, born 3-4, 1814; married Deborah Evans. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 12) Abigail E^'a^s, the wife of "Mark Lippincott, was the daugh- ter of Jacob Evans and Ehzabeth Snowden, the daughter of Isaac Snowden. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves, Thomas was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Eldridge. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines. family. Mary Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Eield, the progenitors of the Troth family. Amos Haines was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Aus- tin, the progenitor. Thomas was the fourth -son of Richard Haines and ]\Iargaret, the progenitors. Joseph Eves was the son of Samuel Eves and ]\Iary Shinn (widow Wills). Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London. Deborah Evans, the wife of AVilliam Cooper Lippincott, was the daughter of John Evans and Rebecca Cowperthwait. John was the son of Enoch Evans and Mary Wilcox, the daughter of Joseph \\'ilcox and Sarah Iredell. Enoch was the son of Wil- liam Evans and Sarah Roberts, the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, New Jersey. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. William Evans was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines, the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann. the progenitors. John was the son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progeni- tors of the Evans family. Rebecca Cowperthwait was the daugh- ter of Hugh Cowperthwait and Rebecca Roberts. Hugh was the son of Thomas Cowperthwait and Mary. Thomas was the son of John Cowperthwait and Sarah Adams, daughter of John Adams and Elizabeth, of Long Island. John was the son of Hugh Cowperthwait, who came to Long Island from the North of England. Rebecca Roberts was the daughter of Joshua Rob- erts and Rebecca Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, New Jersey. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. \ 128 HAINES FAMILY. °Mary Haines, daughter of ']o\\\\ Haines and Mary Shreeve, Page 78. married Da\'id Davis, son of David Davis and Martha Cole. Tiielr ciiildren were — "Martha, born ; married Andrew Griscom. "Anner, born ; married Allen Fenimore. "Joseph, born ; married Hannah Collins. "David, born ; married Caroline Borton, Hannah Collins, who married "Joseph Davis, was the daughter of Job Collins and Mary Ballinger, the daughter of Levi Bal- linger and Hannah. Job was the son of John Collins and Ruth Borrodale. John was the son of Francis Collins and Ann Ashard (widow of Nehemiah Haines). Francis was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd, his second wife, the widow of Dr. John Goslin, of Burlington, New Jersey, and daughter of Thomas Budd. "Ann Haines, daughter of 'John Haines and Mary Shreeve, Page 7s. married Evan Dudley, son of Thomas Dudley and Martha Evans. Their children were — "Allen, born 11-9, 1807; single. "John H., born 2-1, 1812 ; married Hannah Ann Glover. "Mary, born 11-13, 1816; died single. "Thomas H., born 9-10, 1819; married Emeline Matlack. Evan died, and Ann married David Borton, son of John Borton and Hannah Haines. 'Samuel Haines, son of 'John Haines and Mary Shreeve, mar- Page 78. ried Elizabeth Inskeep, daughter of Isaac Inskeep and Hannah. Their children were — "Hannah, born 3-17, 1795; married William Roberts.' "Ann, born 8-12, 1799; married Samuel Shreeve. "Isaac I., born 1-28, 1803; married Emeline Hooten. "Charles, born 1-24, 180 ; married Elizabeth Borton. "Elizabeth, born 9-24, 1809; died single. \\'illiam Roberts, who married "Hannah Haines, was the son of William Roberts and Elizabeth Grinslade. William was the son of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George El- kmton, of Burlington, New Jersey. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. Re- becca was the daughter of Joseph Stokes and Judith Lippincott, the daughter of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. FIPTH GBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 129 Elizabeth Borton, the wife of "Charles Haines, was the daugh- ter of Uriah Borton and Mary Collins. Uriah was the son of Abraham Borton and Rachel Engie. Abraham w^as the son of John Borton and Elizabeth Lord. John was the son of John Borton. Jr.. the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. j\Iary Collins was the daughter of Job Collins and Elizabeth Bal- linger, widoW' of John Mason and daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Job was the son of Francis Collins and Ann Ashard, the widow of Nehemiah Haines. Francis was the son of Francis Collins, from London, and Mary Budd, his second wife, the widow of Dr. John Goslin, of Burlington, New Jersey, and daughter of Thomas Budd. Rachel Engle w^as the daughter of Robert Engle and Rachel \"enicomb, the daughter of William Venicomb, of Springfield, X^ew Jersey, the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), the daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, of Long Island. Robert was the son of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daugh- ter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the progenitors. John was the son of Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progenitors of the En- gie family. 'John Haines, son of 'John Haines and Mary Shreeve, married Elizabeth Moore, daughter of Benjamin Moore and Mary Butch- ^^^^ "^• er.' Their children w'ere — 'Benjamin M., born 9-22, 1793; married Kesiah Burrough. ''Keturah, born 2-1, 1795 ; married Joseph K. Lippincott. "Reuben, born 12-13, 1796; married Ann Hooten. "Mary, born 10-25, 1798; died single, 10-28, 1822. "Rachel, born 10-16, 1800; married Reuben Roberts. 'John M., born 9-14, 1802; married Sarah Evans. "Bethuel, married 5-14, 1805; died single, 7-6, 1826. "Rebecca, born y-y, 1808; died 8-1, 1808. "Chalkley, born y-y, 1808; died y-y, 1808. Joseph K. Lippincott, who married "Keturah Haines, was the son of Jesse Lippincott and Mary Ann Kay. Jesse w^as the son of Caleb Lippincott and Anna Venicomb. Caleb was the son of Nathaniel Lippincott and Mary Engle. Nathaniel was the son of Thomas Lippincott and Mary Haines. Thomas w'as the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard and Abigail, the progenitors. Mary Engle was the daughter of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the progenitors. John was the son of 9 130 HAIXBS FAMILY. Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progenitors of the Engle fam- ily. ]\Iary Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Reuben Roberts, who married "Rachel Haines, was the son of John Roberts and Esther Evans. John was the son of John Rob- erts and Phe1)e Andrews. John was the son of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, New Jersey. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Rol^erts family. Esther Evans was the daugh- ter of Jacob Evans and Rachel Eldridge. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. John Haines was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Sarah Evans, the wife of 'John M. Haines, was the daughter of Joseph Evans and Rebecca Roberts. Joseph was the son of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves. Thomas was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Eldridge. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Rebecca Roberts was the daughter of Joseph Roberts and Susanna Cole. Joseph was the son of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, New Jersey. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. Susanna Cole was the daughter of Ken- dall Cole and Ann Budd. Kendall was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progeni- tor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the pro- genitors of the Cole family, from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire, Eng- land, who. settled at Colestown, New Jersey, on the Pensaukin Creek. FIFTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILD RUN. 1 3 1 'Joshua Haines, son of *Jol^ii Haines and Mary Shreeve, mar- ried Mary Pine, daughter of John Pine and Rachel , 12-18, Page 7S. 1800. Their children ^vere — ^Rachel P., horn 9-25, 1801 ; died single, 8-13, 1861. ""jMary, born 10-17, 1805; married Samuel Lippincott. *Ehvood, born 1-2, 1808; married Emma Mathis. 'Mordecai \\'., born 4-1, 1809; married Elizabeth Harlan. Joshua, born 4-1 1, 18 12; married Elizabeth Inskeep. 7ohn P., born 11-21, 1814; died single. "Franklin D., born 9-15, 1818; married Rachel Hall. 'Joseph Haines, son of 'J^^l^i'i Haines and Rachel Austin, mar- ried Phebe Braddock, daughter of Rehoboam Braddock and Je- ^^^^ ^^■ mina Darnell. Their children were — 'Rehoboam. born ; married Sarah Jane Mathis. "John, born ; died single. "Rachel, born ; married William Dudley. "Charles, born ; married Mary x\nn Middleton. 'Sarah Haines, daughter of 'John Haines and Rachel Austin, married John Brian, son of Thomas Brian and Mary Haines. ^^ge 82. Their children were — "Charles, born "John, born "Stockton, born Daughters unknown. 'John Haines, son of 'Jo^i'i Haines and Rachel Austin, married Ann Engle, daughter of Abraham Engle and Patience Gaskill, Page 82. 1805. Their children were — "Mary, born 1808; married Stephen Pancoast. "Rachel, born ; married Isaac Parrish. "Ann, born ; died young. "Sarah, born 181 1 ; married Taylor Smith. "William, born 1816; married Eunice Horner. "Eliza, born 1819; married Thomas Hoge. 'Mary Haines, daughter of ^John Haines and Rachel Austin, married Thomas Decou. son of — • Page 82. Their children were — "Frank, born 1 ^-' HAINES FAMILY. "Nathaniel Haines, son of 'John Haines and Rachel Austin, Page S2. married Rachel Engle. daughter of Abraham Engle and Patience Gaskill. Their children were — "Joseph, born 12-1, 1808; married, 3-24, 1831, Mary George. "Charles, born 9-3. 18 10; married, 1835, Phebe Cook. "John, born 8, 1812; married, 10-25, 1839, Fanny Smith. "■"phebe, born 10-13, 1814; married, 1834, John Lennon.' 1844, Walter Carpenter'. "Rebecca, born 4-27, 1816; married, 1836, John Beard. "Rachel, born 4-17, 1818; married Jesse Elliott.' 1847 Samuel Hamilton'. "Isaac, horn lo-ii, 1820; married, 1840, Margaret Gregg. "Elisha, born 6, 1822 ; married, 1844, Lydia White'. Sarah W. Cook'. "Mary D., born 3-20, 1826; married, 1841, Joseph Vanlaw. "Sarah Ann, born 8-24, 1828; married. 3-9, 1848, Levi Fawcett. 'Jonathan, '"'Rachel and 'Charles, children of 'Jol^i'^ Haines and Rachel Austin, we have no record of marriage or children. 'Aaron Haines, son of 'Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Buzby, Page 81. married Martha Stokes, daughter of Jervis Stokes and Elizabeth Rogers. Their children were — "John, born ; married Mary Ann Woolston. "Jervis, born ; married Elizabeth Reeves. "Edith S., born ; married Isaac Haines — first wife. "Samuel, born ; married Ann Woolman. "Elizabeth, born ; married Joseph Elkinton. 'Abel Haines, son of 'Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Buzby, Page SI. married Elizal:)eth Stokes, daughter of Jervis Stokes and Eliza- beth Rogers, 1800. Their children were — "Abigail, born 4-20, 1801 ; married, 4-6, 1826, Tylee Williams Burr. "Elizabeth, born 4-5, 1803; married, 4-8, 1824, Arthur Matlack. "Susannah, born 11-24, 1804; died single, 1-20, 1868. "Albina. born 12-30, 1806; married, 10-17, 1839, Aaron Engle.. "Charles, born 6-20, 1809; died the same day. "Mary S.. born 6-29, 181 1 ; married John Troth, Columbus, N. J. "Martha, born 11-15, 1813; died single. 8-9, 1859. "Emily Maria, born 5-9. 1818; married, 11-9, 1841, Joseph Engle. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 133 "Ezra Haines, son of 'Samuel Haines and Mary Sievenson- ( sec^,^---''^ \ oncl wife), married Lucy Bishop, daughter of . Page si. ' Their children were — *Phebe, born ; married Charles Stokes (2d wife). ^ Lucy died and "Ezra married Phebe Pierce. Their children were — "Caleb, born ; married Esther Linton. "Samuel, born ; married Mary . "Spencer, born ; single. Xucy, born ; married William L. Martin, M. D. *Annie, born ; married Samuel Husey. "Robert Haines, who married Edith Rogers, and 'Hannah Haines, who married Joseph R. Bishop, children of 'Samuel Haines and Mary Stevenson, we have no record of their children. 'Robert Haines, son of 'Robert Haines and Rachel Venicomb, married Rebecca Ann Powell, daughter of Joseph Powell and Page S4. Ann Bishop. Their children were — ^Robert P., born ; married Sarah L. Hewlings. *]\Iary Ann, born ; married Richard H. Ballinger. Richard H. Ballinger, who married "Mary Ann Haines, was the son of Isaac Ballinger and Esther Haines, the daughter of John Haines and Martha Eayre, the daughter of Habakkuk Eayre and Mary. Habakkuk was the son of Richard Eayre and Elizabeth, the progenitors. John was the son of Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack, the daughter of William Matlack and Mary Hancock, the progenitors of the Matlack family. For ancestry of Carlile Haines, see that family, page 28. 'Hannah Haines, daughter of 'Robert Haines and Rachel Veni- comb. married Samuel Woolston, son of Samuel Woolston and pag-e S4. Cyllania. Their children were — "Ann, born 1796; died 1813. "Samuel, born 1797; died 1802. "Robert, born 1798; married "Rachel, born 1800. ^William, Esq., born 1802 ; married "Sarah, born 1804. "Letitia, born 1806. "John, born 1807. 'Margaretta, born 1809; married Charles Haines. *Beulah H., born 1810; married Daniel Deacon. 134 HAINBS FAMILY. Charles Haines, who married "Margaretta Woolston, was the son of Samuel Haines and Anna Deacon. Samuel was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Mullin. Thomas was the son of Samuel Haines and Lydia Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Deliverance Horner. Thomas was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, from Stepney, Middlesex, England, the pro- genitors of the family. Samuel was the son of William Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. .William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Daniel Deacon, who married "Beulah H. Woolston, was the son Daniel Deacon and Martha Ridgwav. Daniel was the son of Wil- liam Deacon and Elizabeth Rogers. William was the son of John Deacon and Esther. John was the son of George Deacon and Martha. George was the son of George Deacon, who came from the County of Essex, England. George Deacon, the elder, is claimed by the family to be a lineal descendant of Walter, the Deacon. E. Dallas Deacon's notes. 'Rachel Haines, daughter of 'Robert Haines and Rachel Veni- Page 84. comb, married John Bishop, son of . Their children were — *Emeline, born ; married Gen. John S. Irick. °Mary Haines, daughter of 'Robert Haines and Rachel Veni- Page S4 comb, married Benjamin Davis, son of David Davis and Martha Cole. They left no children. 'Samuel Haines, son of 'Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Mullin, Page S2 married Anna Deacon, daughter of . Their children were — "Thomas, born ; married Sarah Coates. ''Eliza, born ; married John Chambers. "Charles, born ; married Margaretta Woolston and Wetherill. "Harriet, born ; married James Langstaff. "George, born ; single. "Mary Ann, born ; single. "Susan, born ; single. "Lydia, born ; single. "Rachel, born ; single. "Samuel, born ; single. "Isaac, born ; single. "Ann, born ; single. FIFTH GBXERATION AXD CHILDREN. 135 'Sarah Wills, daughter of 'Mary Haines and Jacob Wills, mar- ried Levi Troth, son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves. P^se 89. Their children were — "William, born ; married Frances Haines. Xevi, born ; marrictl 1 lannah Ann Livzey. "Amos H., born ; married Elizabeth Prickitt. "Rebecca, born ; married Oliphant Ballinger. "Mary, born ; married Charles Stratton ( ist wife). "Sarah died and Levi married Mary Haines, daughter of Josiah (laines and Rebecca Lippincott. Their children were — "Sarah \\'., born 8-18, 1837: married, 12-21, 1865, Rich'd Haines. Frances Haines, the wife of "W^illiam Troth, was the daug-liter of Jonathan Haines and J\Iary Haines. See their ancestry, pages 85 and 95, in Isaac Haines' and \\'illiam Haines' family. Elizabeth Prickitt, the wife of "Amos Troth, was the daughter of Josiah Prickitt and Ann Sharp. Josiah was the son of Job Prickitt and Ann Smith, the daughter of Thomas Smith and Eliza- beth. Job was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Plannah. Jacob was the son of Zackariah Prickitt, of Northampton; N. J., the pro- genitor. Ann Sharp was the daughter of Thomas Sharp and Esther Brooks, the daughter of Thomas Brooks. Thomas was the son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. Amos was the son of John Sharp and Ann Haines, the daughter of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor. Thomas Haines Avas the son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. John Sharp was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the pro- genitor. John Sharp was the eldest of three brothers, sons of Wil- liam Sharp, from Northamptonshire, England. Charles Stratton, who married 'Mary Troth, was the son of Owen vStratton and Mary Haines (widow of Francis Shinn). the daugliter of Isaac Haines and Mary A\^ilkins. For ancestry of Isaac Haines, see that family. i)age 95, and for ancestry of Mary Wilkins, see page 50. 136 HAINES FAMILY. '*Amos Wills, son of 'Mary Haines and Jacob Wills, married Page 89. Rebecca Haines, daughter of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher (second wife). Their children were — "Benjamin H., born ; married Elizabeth C. Wills. Rebecca died and Amos married Hannah Moore, daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. Their children were — "Charles, born ; married Hannah Leeds. "Amy, born ; married Charles Stokes ( ist wife). "Mary, born ; died single. "John M., born ; died single. • Elizabeth C. ^^"ills, the wife of "Benjamin H. Wills, was the daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. See their an- cestry, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry, a sister. Hannah Leeds, the wife of 'Charles Wills, was the daughter of John Leeds and Hannah. John was the son of Nehemiah Leeds and Elizabeth Eavre. Nehemiah was the son of Abraham Leeds. Charles Stokes, who married 'Amy Wills, was the son of Isaac Stokes and Lydia Collins. Isaac was the son of John Stokes and Beulah Haines. See ancestry of John Stokes, page 78, and Beu- lah Haines in John Haines' family. Lydia Collins was the daughter of Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger. See her ances- try, page 126. 'Micajah Wills, son of 'Mary Haines and Jacob Wills, married Page 89. IMargaret Stockton, daughter of A\'illiam Stockton and Abigail Hollingshead. Their children were — "William S., born ; married Elizabeth Haines. "Samuel, born ; married Hope Stratton. "Jacob, born ; married Rebecca H. Wills. "Joseph, born ; married Sarah E. Rush. "Richard, born ; died single. "Mary, born ; married George Stockton. "Margaret, born ; died single. "Sarah, born ; married Jacob Glover. "Emmor, born ; married Abigail Shinn. "Alexander C, born ; married Rebecca Ann Wills. Elizabeth Haines, the wife of ^A'illiam S. \\'ills, was the daugh- ter of Isaac Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the daughter o'f Jona- FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 137 than Austin and Rebecca Mason. Jonathan was the son of Fran- cis Austin, the son of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton famil}^ Isaac Haines was the son of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins. See that family, page 95, for ancestry of Isaac Haines, and page 50, for ancestry of Mary Wilkins. Rebecca H. Wills, the wife of 'Jacob Wills, was the daughter of Zebedee M. Wills and Rachel Rogers, the daughter of William Rogers and Mary Davis. \\'illiam was the son of William Rog- ers and Grace Allen (widow Eayres). William was the son of William, the son of John. John was the son of John, the pro- genitor. Mary Davis was the daughter of David Davis and Mar- tha Cole, the daughter of Samuel Cole. David was the son of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem county. New Jersey. David was the son of John Da^•is. from Wales, England. Zebedee M. was the son of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, whose ancestry, see page 99, in Sarah Wills (his sister's), ancestry. Rebecca Ann \\'ills, the wife of 'Alexander C. \\'ills, was the daughter of Joseph Wills and Ann Venicomb, the widow of Joseph Rogers, and daughter of William Venicomb and Rachel Eves, the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines. Joseph Eves was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn (widow Wills). Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London, the progenitor. Rebecca Haines was the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daugh- ter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors. Amos was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. \\'illiam Venicomb was the son of Francis Venicomb and Rachel Lippincott. Francis was the son of William Veni- comb, the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), daugh- ter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, of Long Island. 'Joseph Wills, son of 'Mary Haines and Jacob Wills, married Rebecca Ballinger, daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Rebecca Page S9. Moore. Their children were — ^\mos. born ; married Sarah Sharp. "Jacob, born ; married Rebecca Haines. "Mark, born ; married Mary Copp. Rebecca died and 'Joseph married Ann Venicomb (widow). Their children were — "Rebecca Ann, born ; married Alex. C. Wills (ist wife). 138 HAINBS FAMILY. Sarah Sharp, the wife of "Amos Wihs, was the daughter of Thomas Sharp and Rebecca Troth. Thomas was the son of Thomas Sharp and Esther Brooks, whose ancestry see in EHza- beth Prickitt's ancestry, page 135. Rebecca Troth was the daugh- ter of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves, the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry, see page 137, in Re- becca Ann Wihs' ancestry. Isaac Troth was the son of WilUam Troth and Esther Borton. Wihiam was the son of Paul Troth and Deborah. Paul was the son of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. Esther Borton was the daughter of William Borton and Deborah Hedge, the daugh- ter of Bernard Hedge and Elizabeth Prague, the progenitors. William was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Bor- ton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. 'Rachel Wills, daughter of ''Mary Haines and Jacob Wills, mar- Page 89. ried John Cole, son of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. Their children were — ^Elizabeth, born ; married Aquilla Jones. °John, born ' ; married Lydia Andrews, ''Joseph, born ; married Deborah Deacon. °Amos W., born ; married Sarah \\'. Haines' and Agnes Troth.^ "Mahlon, born ; married Frances Curtis. ^Martha, born ; died single. "Emily, born ; single. Sarah W. Haines, the wife of "Amos Cole, was the daughter of Noah Haines and Sarah Burden. Noah was the son of Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn. See that family, page 70, and Han- nah Thorn's ancestry, page 34. 'Mary Wills, daughter of 'Mary Haines and Jacob Wills, mar- Page 89. ricd Ahab Lippincott, son of Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Haines. Their children were — "Amos H., born ; married Mary Roberts'. Susannah C. Roberts'. "Mary, born ; married Mickle Clement. "Rachel, born ; married Joseph Rogers. Mary and Susannah C. Roberts, sisters, the wives of "Amos H. Lippincott, were the daughters of Joseph Roberts and Rachel Evans. Joseph was the son of Joseph Roberts and Susanna Cole. Joseph was the son of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 139 was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Bnrhngton, N. J. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. Susan- na Cole was the daughter of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd. Ken- dall was the son of Samuel Cole and i\Iary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors, fn^m Cole's Hill, Hertford- shire, England. Rachel Evans was the daughter of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves. Thomas was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Eklridge. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors, from Wales, England. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Mary Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines. Joseph was the son of Samuel Eves and ]\Iary Shinn (widow Wills). Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna, from London. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London, the progenitor of the Eves family. Rebecca Haines \vas the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family, from England. Amos Haines was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Fancis Aus- tin, the progenitor of the Austin family. Thomas was the son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines fam- ilv. Joseph Rogers, who married "Rachel Lippincott, was the son of William Rogers and Ann Venicomb. \\'illiam was the son of Joseph Rogers, the son of W'illiam Rogers and Grace Allen (widows Eayres). ^^'illiam was the son of William Rogers, the son of John Rogers, the second, wdio was the son of John Rogers, the progenitor, from England. Ann Venicomb was the daughter of William Venicomb and Rachel Eves. William was the son of Francis Venicomb and Rachel Lippincott. Francis was the son of William Venicomb, the progenitor, of Springfield, N. J., and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), the daughter of Richard Stock- ton and Abigail, the progenitors, of Long Island. Rachel Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose an- cestry see in the above ancestry of Mary and Susanna C. Roberts. I40 HAINBS FAMILY. 'William Lippincott, son of ^Elizabeth Haines and Thomas Lip- Page 83. pincott, married Ann Rogers, daughter of . Their children were — ^Clayton, born "Thomas, born "William, born "Israel, born "Amasa, born "Elizabeth, born "Martha, born ; married Rachel Collins. ; married Hannah Rudderow. ; married Catharine Rudderow. married Maria Wallace, married Esther Collins. ; married Nathan Conrow. ; married Timothy Paxson. 'Thomas Lippincott, son of ^Elizabeth Haines and Thomas Lip- Page 83. pincott, married Abigail Borton, daughter of . Their children were — "Carlton, born "Barclay, born "Pennington, born "Julianna, born "Elwood, born married Hannah Borton. ; married Deborah Burrough. ; married Susanna H^aines. ; married John Matlack. 'Mary Lippincott, daughter of 'Elizabeth Haines and Thomas Page 83. Lippiucott, married Thomas Rakestraw, son of . Their children were — "Thomas, born "William, born "Abigail, born "Ann, born "Mary, born "Abraham, born "Eliza, born ; married Susan Barnby. ; married Sarah Sugar. ; married James Jackson, married Thomas Baker. ; married Samuel Baker. ; married Lydia Bushbong. ; married James Michener. ^Mary Haines, daughter of 'William Haines and Mary Eastlack, Page 85. married Jonathan Haines, son of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins. Their children were — "Isaac H., born "Elwood E., Ijorn "William E., born "Frances, born "Emeline, born "Mary Ann, born "Barclay E., born ; married Eleanor Page\ Rachel Evans'. ; married Elizabeth Evans. ; married Sarah B. Haines. ; married William Troth. ; married Jonathan Hilyard. ; died single, young woman. ; married Elizabeth Haines. FIFTH GBXBRATION AND CIIILDRnx. 141 Elanor Page, the first wife of "Isaac ii. Haines, was the daugh- ter of Wilham Page. AI. D.. and Agnes Hollingshead, the daugh- ter of Hugh Hollingshead and Elanor. W'ilHani was the son of Thomas Page and Alice. Rachel Evans, the second wife of "Isaac H. Haines and Eliza- beth Evans, the wife of Elwood E. Haines, sisters, were the daughters of Jacob Evans and Elizabeth Snowden. the daughter of Isaac Snowden. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves. Thomas was the son of Jacol) Evans and Rachel Eldridge. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann. the progenitors. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. j\Iary Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry, see page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestrv. Sarah B. Haines, the wife of "William E. Haines, was the daughter of Clayton Haines and Rebecca Wills. Clayton Haines was the son of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher, his second wife, the daughter of John Butcher. See that family, page 67, and the ancestry of Rebecca Wills, page 99. in her sister, Sarah Wills', ancestrv. William Troth, who married "Frances Haines, was the son of Levi Troth and Sarah Wills. Levi was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves, the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry, see page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestrv. Isaac Troth was the son of William Troth and Esther Borton, whose ancestry see page 138, in Sarah Sharp's ancestry. Elizal)eth Haines, the wife of "Barclay E. Haines, was the daughter of Ephraim Haines and Sarah Buzby. Ephraim was the son of Isaac Haines and Elizabeth Butcher (a widow), the daughter of Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Tomlinson. Aaron was the son of James Lippincott and Ann Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas I'.ves, tlic i)rogenitor, who came from London. James was the son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shattock. Restore was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. See Isaac Haines' family, page 95, for his ancestry. '4^ Page 85. HAINES FAMILY. 'Jeremiah Haines, son of 'William Haines and Mary Eastlack, married Elizabeth Bispham, daughter of • Their children were — "William E., born 2-22, 1804; married Sarah Ann Cole. "Joshua, born "Jeremiah, born "Margaret, born 'Frances Haines, daughter of 'William Haines and Mary East- Page 85. lack, married Benjamin Tomlinson, son of • Their children were — "Ephraim, born ; married Sarah Inskeep. Page SS. 'Mary Eves, daughter of 'Rebecca Haines and Joseph Eves, married Thomas Evans, son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Eldridge. Their children w^ere — "Joseph, born ; married Rebecca Roberts. "Rebecca, born ; married William Burrough. "Rachel, born ; married Joseph Roberts. "Jacob, born ; married Elizabeth Snowden. "Sarah, born ' ; married Samuel Roberts. "Mary, born ; married Joseph Haines. "Thomas, born ; married Sarah Burrough. Rebecca and Joseph Roberts, wdio married "Joseph and "Rachel Evans, were the children of Joseph Roberts and Susanna Cole. Joseph was the son of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton. the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, N. J. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. Susanna Cole was the daugh- ter of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd. Kendall was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Ken- dall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors, from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire, Eng- land. Joseph Haines, who married °Mary Evans, was the son of Hinchman Haines and Mary Warrington. Hinchman was the son of Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow). See that family, page 70, and Hannah Thorn's ancestry, page 34. FIFTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 43 'Elizabeth E^'es, daughter of 'Rebecca Haines and Joseph Eves, married Jacob Hewlings, son of . Page ss. Their children were — *Amos (only child), born ; married Lydia Hollingshead. 'Rebecca Eves, daughter of 'Rebecca Haines and Joseph Eves, married Isaac Troth, son of William Troth and Esther Borton. ^^^^ Their children were — Xevi, born ; married Sarah Wills'. Mary Haines". "Samuel, born ; married Edith Lippincott. "Rebecca, born : married Thomas Sharp. "Alarv, born ; married Nathan \Mlkins. Sarah Wills, the first wife of Xevi Troth, was the daughter of Mary Haines and Jacob Wills. Jacob Wills was the son of Mica- jah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings. See their ancestry, page 99, in Sarah ^^''ills' ancestry. Mary Haines was the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of \\'illiam and Eliza- beth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. Amos was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Mary Haines, the second wife of Xevi Troth, was the daughter of Josi^h Haines and Rebecca Lippincott. See Josiah Haines' family, page 95, and Rebecca Lippincott's ancestry, page 96. Thomas Sharp, who married 'Rebecca Troth, was the son of Thomas Sharp and Esther Brooks. Thomas was the son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. Amos was the son of John Sharp and Ann Haines. John was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. John was the eldest of the three brothers, sons of William Sharp, who came from Northamptonshire, England. Ann Haines was the daugh- ter of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, whose ancestry see above, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Nathan Wilkins, who married "Mary Troth, was the son of Amos \\'ilkins and Lydia Jenkins. Amos was the son of Amos Wilkins and Sarah Haines, the daughter of Carlile Haines and Sarah IMatlack. See Carlile Haines' family, page 28, and Sarah Matlack's ancestry, page 66. 144 HAINES FAMILY. Xettice Eves, daughter of 'Rebecca Haines and Joseph Eves, Page 88. married Joseph E\ans, son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla. '^I'hcir cliil(h-en were — "Eh. born ; married Lydia Evans (2d wife). "George, born ; married Mary Sparks. "Xathan, born ; married Lydia Sharp. "Samuel, born ; married Rachel Sharp. "Hepsibah, born ; married Brooks. Lydia Evans, the wife of "Eli Evans, was the daughter of Reu- ben Evans and Martha Phillips. Reuben was the son of Isaac Evans and Mary Smith. Isaac was the son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla. Nathan was the son of Nathan Evans and Susanna Gas- kill. Nathan was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the pro- genitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the pro- genitors. John was the son of Richard Haines and IMargaret, the progenitors of that family. Lydia Sharp and Rachel Sharp, sisters, the wives of "Nathan and "Samuel Evans, were the daughters of Barzillia Sharp and Lydia I'eacock. Barzillia was the son of Amos Sharp and Deb- orah Haines. Amos was the son of John Sharp and Ann Haines. See their ancestry, page 143, in Thomas Sharp's ancestry. Lydia Peacock was the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Bal- linger. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock, the progenitor, from Scotland, "Martha Eves, daughter of ''Rebecca Haines and Joseph Eves, Page 88. married Job Ballinger, son of Thomas Ballinger and . Their children were — "Rebecca, born ; married Henry Marple. "Thomas E., born ; married Hope Oliphant. "Rachel, born ; died single. "Ann, born ; died single. "Rachel Eves, daughter of Tvebecca Haines and Joseph Eves, married William Venicomb, son of Francis Venicomb and Rachel Lij^pincott. Their children were — "William, born ; married Charlotte Beck. 'Ann E., born ; married William Rogers'. Joseph Wills'. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 145 "^Ann Eves, daughter of 'Rebecca Haines and Joseph Eves, mar- ried Francis Venicomb, son of Francis Venicomb and Rachel Lip- ^^^® ^^• pincott. Their children were — "Rachel, born ; married Offley Boggs. 'Joseph, born ; died single. *Ann E., born ; died single. . "Ann Sharp, daughter of 'Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines, married Joshua Peacock, son of . Page 91. Their children were — "William, born ; married ^ "Joseph, born ; married Tamer Penn. "Sarah, born ; married Daniel Thackara. "Elizabeth, born ; married "Stanley, born ^Thomas Sharp, son of 'Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines, mar- ried Esther Brooks, daughter of John Brooks and . ^^^^ ^^• Their children were — "Thomas, born ; married Rebecca Troth. "Ann, born ; married Josiah Prickitt. 'Thomas died and Esther married Job Sharp, son of Hugh Sharp and Ann Stratton. Their children were — "Rachel, l)orn ; married David Wilkins. "Samuel, born ; married Elizabeth Sharp. David Wilkins, who married "Rachel Sharp, was the son of Amos Wilkins and Lydia Jenkins. Amos was the son of Amos \\'ilkins and Sarah Haines, the daughter of Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack. See Carlile Haines' family, page 28, and Sarah Matlack's ancestry, page 16. Josiah Prickitt, who married "Ann Sharp, was the son of Job Prickitt and Ann Smith, the daughter of Thomas Smith and Elizabeth. Job was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Hannah. Jacob was the son of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor. Rebecca Troth, the wife of "Thomas Sharp, was the daughter of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves, the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry, see page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. Isaac was the son of William Troth and Esther Borton. See their ancestry, page 138. 10 146 • HAINES FAMILY. Elizabeth Sharp, the wife of "Samuel Sharp, was the daughter of Isaac Sharp and Hannah Garwood. Isaac was the son of Wil- liam Sharp and Elizabeth Green, the daughter of John Green and Catharine Heustead. William was the son of William Sharp and Alary Haines. William was the son of William Sharp and Mary Austin, the daughter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the pro- genitors of the Borton family. William was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the pro- genitor. John was the eldest of the three brothers, sons of Wil- liam Sharp, from England. Mary Haines was the daughter of Abram Haines and Grace Hollingshead. See Abram Haines' family, page 31, and ancestry of Grace Hollingshead, page 16. John Green was the grandson of Thomas Green, the son of Arthur Green, of Bug Brook, England. Hannah Garwood was the daugh- ter of Japheth Garwood and Hannah Haines, the daughter of Jcjnathan Haines and Hannah Sharp. See that family, page 50, and Hannah Sharp's ancestry, page 24. Japheth Garwood was the son of Daniel Garwood and Susannah Collins, the daughter of John Collins and Elizabeth Moore, the daughter of Benjamin Moore, the progenitor, and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors, from Stepney, Mid- dlesex, England. John Collins was the son of Francis Collins, the progenitor, and Mary Budd, his second wife, widow of Dr. John Goslin, and the daughter of Thomas Budd. Daniel Gar- wood was the' son of Thomas Garwood and Margaret, the pro- genitors. "Barzillia Sharp, son of 'Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines, Page 91. married Lydia Peacock, daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinofer. Their children were — "Enos, born 5-8, 1786; married Ann Simons. 'Amos, born 4-20, 1788; married Sabilla Warner. "Mahlon, born 8-28, 1789; died single. "Abel, born 11-20, 1792; married Lettice Peacock. ' "Rachel, born 8-10, 1794; married Samuel Evans. "Charlotte, born 1-2. 1796; died single. "Barzillia, born 10-13, I799; married Sarah Eva'ns. ^Hannah, born 1-5, 1791 ; died single. "Aaron, born 9-29, 1801 ; married Sarah Garwood. Triscilla, born 8-1 1, 1803; married Joseph Baxter. "Lydia, born 1-2, 1798; married Nathan Evans. "Sabilla, born 6-2y, 1805 ; married Jacob Prickitt. FIFTH GEN BRA TION AND CHILDREN. 147 Lettice Peacock, the wife of °Abel Sharp, was the daughter of Levi Peacock and Lettice Hohingshead, the daughter of John Plollingshead. Levi was the son of Melchizedeck Peacock and Abigail Thorn. Melchizedeck was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the pro- genitor. John was the son of John Peacock, the progenitor. Abi- gail Thorn was the daughter of Thomas Thorn and Letitia Hinch- man. See her ancestry, page 34, in Hannah Thorn's ancestry, her sister. Samuel and Nathan Evans, brothers, who married 'Rachel and Xydia Sharp, were the sons of Joseph Evans and Lettice Eves. Joseph was the son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla, whose ancestry see page 144, in Lydia Evans' ancestry. Lettice Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry see, page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. Sarah Evans, the wife of "Barzillia Sharp, was the daughter of Reuben Evans and Martha Phillips, whose ancestry see, page 144, in her sister, Lydia Evans', ancestry. Jacob Prickitt, who married "Sabilla Sharp, was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Mary Peacock. Jacob was the son of Barzillia Prickitt and Sarah Sharp. Barzillia was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Hannah. Jacob was the son of Zackariah Prickitt, the pro- genitor, of Northampton, New Jersey. Mary Peacock was the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger, the daughter of Thomas Ballinger, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah, the progenitor. Sarah Sharp was the daughter of William Sharp and Hannah, his second wife. William was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the pro- genitor. John was the eldest of the three brothers, sons of Wil- liam Sharp, who came from England. °Aaron Sharp, son of *Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines, mar- ried Rachel Cox, daughter of . Page 91. Their children were — *Aaron, born ; married Rachel Gouldy. 'Joseph, born ; married Keturah Wilkins. Xydia, born ; married Samuel Sharp. 'David, born ; married Martha Rogers. 'Rachel, born ; married Noah Sharp. 148 HAINES FAMILY. Keturah Wilkins, the wife of "Joseph Sharp, was the daughter of Amos Wilkins and Lydia Jenkins. Amos was the son of Amos Wilkins and Sarah Haines, the daughter of Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack. See Carlile Haines' family, page 28, and Sarah Matlack's ancestry, page 16. Samuel Sharp, who married Xydia Sharp, was the son of Noah Sharp and Elizabeth Braddock, the daughter of Rehoboam Brad- dock and Jemima Darnell, the daughter of John Darnell, the pro- genitor, and. Hannah Borton, the daughter of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Rehoboam was the son of Robert Braddock and Elizabeth. Robert was the son of Robert Braddock, the progenitor, and Elizabeth Hancock, the daughter of Timothy Hancock, the progenitor, and Rachel Firman, his first wife. Noah Sharp, who married "Rachel Sharp, was the son of Noah Sharp and Elizabeth Braddock. See ancestry above, in Samuel Sharp's ancestry of Noah, the brother of Samuel. °Noah Sharp, son of 'Samuel Sharp and Elizabeth Peacock, Page 91. married Elizabeth Braddock, daughter of Rehoboam Braddock and Jemima Darnell. Their children were — "Samuel, born ; married Lydia Sharp. "Elizabeth, born ; married Thomas Haines. "Noah, born ; married Rachel Sharp. Lydia Sharp, the wife of "Samuel Sharp, was the daughter of Aaron Sharp and Rachel Cox. Aaron was the son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. See that family, page 147. Thomas Haines, who married "Elizabeth Sharp, was the son of Edmond Haines and Charlotte Leeds, the daughter of Nehemiah Leeds and Elizabeth Eayre. Edmond was the son of Isaac Haines and Deborah Roberts, the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, N. J. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. Isaac was the son of Abram Haines and Grace Hollingshead. See that family, page 31, and ancestry of Grace, page 16. Rachel Sharp, the wife of "Noah Sharp, was the daughter of Aaron Sharp and Rachel Cox. See that family, page 147, for an- cestry of Aaron Sharp. FIFTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. 149 "Joshua Sharp, son of 'Samuel Sharp and Ehzabeth Peacock, married Jane Haines, daughter of Solomon Haines and Rebecca Pag-e 91. Sharp. Their children were — "Benjamin, born 1789; died in 181 1, in Philadelphia. ^Haines, born 1791 ; married Elizabeth Borton. "Leah, born 1800; died in 1802. Elizabeth Borton, the wife of 'Haines Sharp, was the daughter of Jacob Borton. Haines Sharp and his family went to the State of Ohio. °Isaac Sharp, son of 'John Sharp and Diana Peacock, married Susanna Peacock, daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Bal- ^^^e 91. linger. Their children were — "Sarah, born ; married David Mcllvaine. *Mary, born ; married John Prickitt. 'Joshua W. Haines, son of 'Joseph Haines and Mary Wright, married Elizabeth Crispin, daughter of Caleb Crispin and MarypageST. Haines. Their children were — 'Biddle, born ; married Sarah Ballinger. "Mary, born ; married Isaac Lippincott. "Charles, born 7-9, 1813 ; married Beulah Haines, died 1881. "Joseph, born ; single. "Anna M., born ; married Asa Lippincott. "Joshua W., born 4-23, 181 5 ; married Mary Parry. Mary Wright, the wife of 'Joseph Haines, was the daughter of Joshua Wright. Tomoson, daughter of Joshua, married Jacob Merritt; Susanna, died 1768; Anne, died 1760; Joshua, died 1750. Beulah Haines, the wife of "Charles Haines, was the daughter of Jacob Haines and Rebecca Warrington. Jacob was the son of Jacob Haines and Bathshebah Burrough, the daughter of Samuel Burrough and Ann Gray. Samuel was the son of Samuel Bur- rough and Hannah Roberts, the daughter of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. Samuel Burrough was the son of Edward Burrough, the distinguished Quaker of Underbarro, in Westmoreland, England. Jacob Haines, was the son of Samuel Haines and Lydia Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Deliverance Horner, his first wife. Thomas was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, from Stepney, ]\Iiddle- sex, England. Samuel Haines was the son of William Haines and Sarah Paine. See that family, page 17. 1 49a HAINES FAMILY. "Charles Haines, son of 'Joshua W. Haines and Elizabeth Cris- page m pin. married Beulah Haines, daughter of Jacob Haines and Re- becca Warrington, 3-13, 1849. Their children were — 'Susanna \\'., born 8-23, 1850; married Joseph L. Haines. 'Elizabeth C, born 4-12, 1854; married, 10-30, 1884, Howard Parry. 'Joshua W. Haines, son of 'Joshua W. Haines and Elizabeth Page 149. Crispin, married Mary Parry, daughter of — . Tlieir children were — 'Parry, born 12-4, 1852; married Swope. "Letitia, born 3-13, 1855 ; married Jason E. Cook. 'Franconia, born 8-27, 1858; married Frank C. Dale, M. D. 'Elizabeth C. Haines, daughter of 'Charles Haines and Beulah Haines, married Howard Parry, son of Judge William Parry and Alice Stokes, 10-30, 1884. Their children were — 'Susanna Haines, born 10-6, 1885. 'Beulah Haines, born 3-15, 1887. * Howard Parry, who married 'Elizabeth C. Haines, was the son of Judge William Parry and Alice Stokes, of Cinnaminson, Bur- lington County, N. J. William was the son of John R. Parry and Letitia Penn Smith. John R.' was the son of John Parry and Elizabeth Roberts. John was the son of John Parry and Mar- garet Tyson. John was the son of Thomas Parry, who came from Carnarvonshire, Wales, in 1680, and Jane Morris, whom he mar- ried in 17 1 5. Thomas was the son of Love Parry and Ellen Wynn, of Carnarvonshire, Wales. Love was the son of Colonel Geoffrey Parry, of Rhydolion, Carnarvonshire, Wales, (officer of King Charles I., 1625). Letitia Penn Smith was the daughter of Thomas Smith and Letitia Blackfan. Thomas was the son of William Smith and Rebecca Wilson. William was the son of William Smith, who came from Yorkshire, England, and Mary Croasdale, the daughter of Thomas and Agnes Croasdale. Mary Parry, the wife of Joshua W. Haines, was the sister of Judge \Villiam Parry, above. Alice Stokes, the wife of Judge William Parry,, above, was the daughter of Charles Stokes and Tacy Jarrett, of Rancocas, Bur- lington county, N. J. Charles was the son of David Stokes and Ann. Tacy was the daughter of W^illiam Jarrett and Ann, of Pennsylvania. Charles was a lineal descendant of Thomas Stokes' and Mary (Bernard) Stokes, of Stepney, Middlesex, England, the progenitors of the Stokes family, who came directly from London. Charles Stokes was widely known, from the public business engaged in. SIXTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. i :;o 3^ *Mary Haines, daughter of 'John Haines and Hipparchia Hinch- man, married Thomas Thorn, son of Thomas Thorn and Abigail Page 94. Burrough. Their children were — 'Beiilah, born ; married Asa Matlack. Asa Matlack, who married 'Benlah Thorn, was the son of x\sa IMatlack and Tamar Roberts, the daughter of John and Letitia Roberts, of Pennsylvania. Asa Matlack was the son of Reuben Matlack and Elizabeth Cole, the daughter of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd. Reuben was the son of William Matlack and Ann Antrim. William was the son of William Matlack, who came from Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire, England, and Mary Hancock, who came from Brayles, Warwickshire, England, the progenitors of the Matlack famil3^ Kendall was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the pro- genitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors, from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire, England. 'John Borton, son of 'Hannah Haines and John Borton, mar- ried Jemima Braddock, daughter of Rehoboam Braddock and Page 94. Jemima Darnell. Their children were — ^Barzillia, born ; died single. 'John, born ; married Keturah Haines'. Martha Woolman*. Sarah Buzby (widow Warner)'. 'Jemima, born ; married Jacob Ballinger\ David Walton'. 'Esther, born ; married William Glover. 'Pemberton, born ; married Anna Wright. 'Caroline, born ; married David Davis. Keturah Haines, the wife of 'Jo^ii^ Borton, was the daughter of Joseph Haines and Hannah Maxwell, the daughter of John Max- well, the son of John Maxwell and Hannah Matlack. Hannah Matlack was the daughter "of John Matlack and Mary Lee, his second wife. John was the son of William Matlack and- Mary Hancock, the progenitors of the Matlack family. Joseph Haines was the son of Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins. See that fam- ily, page 72. and Sarah Wilkins' ancestry, page 34. David Davis, who married 'Caroline Borton, was the son of David Davis and Mary Haines. See that family, page 128. David was the son of David Davis and Martha Cole.' David was the son of David Davis and Dorothy. David was the son of John Davis, from Wales, England. Martha Cole was the daughter of Samuel Cole. 151 HAINES FAMILY. "Job Haines, son of 'Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins, married Page 95. Martha Ballinger, daughter of Thomas BalHnger and Susannah Dudley. Tiieir children were — 'Mary, born 2-24, 1795; died single. 'Thomas, born 1-7, 1797; died, 7-10, 1801. 'Joshua, born 12-7, 1798; died, 9-24, 1826. 'Nathan, born 11-3, 1801 ; married Esther Buzby (widow). 'Ira, born 1-3. 1804; married Elizabeth Rogers. 'Esther, born 11-18, 1805 ; married Charles Hollingshead. 'Ann, born 10-20, 1807; married Mark Haines. 'Isaac, born 11-28, 1809; married Mary Ann Carr. 'Jacob, born 9-4, 181 1 ; died single, 1834. 'Martha, born 9-7, 1813 ; died single. 'Job, born 3-26, 181 5; married Ann Brown'. Elizabeth Doxy'. 'Thomas, born 2-2,, 1821 ; died, 7-12, 182 1. "Job Haines, born 8-29, 1769; died, 3-6, 1822. Martha, born 5-26, 1776; died Page 95. Mark Haines, who married 'Ann Haines, was the son of Core Haines and Mary Haines. See Core Haines' family, page 116, and Mary Haines' family, page 106. "Jonathan Haines, son of "Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins, mar- ried Mary Haines, daughter of William Haines and Mary East- lack. Their children were — 'Isaac H., born 1 1-5, 1805 ; married Eleanor Page.' Rachel Evans". 'William E., born 1-30, 1808; married Sarah B. Haines. 'Elwood E., born 12-31, 1812; married Elizabeth Evans. 'Frances, born 3-24, 1810; married William Troth. 'Emeline, born 7-12, 1818 ; married Jonathan Hilyard. 'Mary Ann, born 9-1 1, 1801 ; died single, young woman. 'Barclay E., born 4-1, 1821 ; married Elizabeth Haines. For ancestry of Eleanor Page, Rachel Evans, Sarah B. Haines, Elizabeth Evans, William Troth and Elizabeth Haines, see page 14 L "Esther Haines, daughter of Tsaac Haines and Mary Wilkins, married Josiah Costill, son of . Their children were — 'Mary, born ; married Murphy. "Esther died and Josiah married Elizabeth Lippincott, daughter of Moses Lippincott and Mary Hewlings. No issue by second marriage. SIXTH GBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 152 "Josiah Haines, son of 'Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins, mar- ried Rebecca Lippincott, daughter of Moses Lippincott and Mary Page 95. Hewlings. Their children were — 'Mary, born 8-30, 1799; married, 10-6. 1836, Levi Troth (second wife). 'Sarah Ann, born 6-13, 1801 ; died single. ^Hewlings, born 7-12, 1803; married ]\Iary Stockton. 'Elma, born 3-6, 1805 ; died single. ^Allen, born 3-14, 1807; married Lavinia Truitt\ Catharine Fisher'. 'Clayton, born 4-1, 1809; married Hannah Ann Matlack'. Mary Ann Tryday'. 'Josiah L., born 3-25, 181 1 ; married Deborah Bmiting. ^Elton, born 5-4. 1813 ; married Caroline Franks. ''^^'illiam Austin', born 8-15, 181 5 ; died, 9-21, 1816. 'William Austin', born 7-20, 181 7; married Mary Thompson. 'Rebecca L., born 7-17, 1819; died, 5-28, 1829. 'Gula Ann, born 3-1, 1821 ; married Albert Haines. ^Ellen M., born 1-21, 1824; died single, 5-9, 1875. "Josiah, born 5-18, 1774; died, 4-21, 1826. Rebecca, born 2-23, 1779; died, 10-22, 1849. Levi Troth, who married 'Mary Haines, was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves, whose ancestry see, page 141, in \\'il- liam Troth's ancestrv. Hannah Ann ^vlatlack, first wife of 'Clayton Haines, was the daughter of Stacy Matlack and Eleanor, of Chester, N. J. ; she died 3 mo. 26, 1835, aged 21 years, leaving one child, Ellen G., wife of William Fogg. Mary Ann Tryday, second wife of 'Clay- ton Haines, was the daughter of George Henry Tryday and Eliza- beth Ellis, from England. Their children are Rebecca, Amelia. Hannah and Hamilton C, of Philadelphia. Deborah Bunting, the wife of 'Josiah L. Haines, was the daugh- ter of Samuel Bunting and Deborah Middleton, of Crosswicks, N.J. . Albert Haines, who married 'Gula Ann Haines, was the son of Charles Haines and Mary Troth. Charles was the son of Nehe- miah Haines and Abigail Haines. See that family, page 98. Mary Troth was the daughter of John Troth and Ann Engle. John was the son of William Troth and Esther Borton, whose ancestry see, page 138, in Sarah Sharp's ancestry. Ann Engle was the daughter of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton, whose an- cestry see, page 98, in Deborah Engle's ancestry. 153 HAINES FAMILY. 'Isaac Haines, son of 'Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins, mar- page 95. ried Elizabeth Austin, daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Alason. Their children were — 'Elizabeth, born 3-16, 1810; married William S. Wills. 'Rebecca, born 8-8, 1804; married Thomas Wilkins. Tsaac, born 3-16, 1810; married Edith S. Haines'. Mary Engle (widow Burr)'. William S. Wills, who married 'Elizabeth Haines, was the son of Micajah W^ills and Margaret Stockton, the daughter of Wil- liam Stockton and Abigail Hollingshead. Micajah Wills was the son of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. See that family, page 89, and Jacob Wills' ancestry, page 44. Edith Haines, the wife of Tsaac Haines, was the daughter of Aaron Haines and Martha Stokes. See that family, page 132. ]\Iary Engie, the second wife of Tsaac Haines, was the widow of Charles Burr, and daughter of Obadiah Engle and Patience Cole. Obadiah was the son of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton. Joseph was the son of Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb, the daughter of William Venicomb, the progenitor, and Sarah Stock- ton (widow Jones), daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, from Long Island, the progenitors. Robert w^as the son of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the progenitors. John was the son of Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progenitors of the Engle family. Mary Borton was the daughter Obadiah Borton and Susanna Butcher, the daughter of Samuel Butcher and Silence Bunting. Samuel was the son of Thomas Butcher and Esther, the progenitors. Patience Cole was the daughter of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. Job was the son of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd. Kendall was* the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Ken- dall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors, from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire, Eng- land. SIXTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 54 ^Mary Haines, daughter of 'Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins, married Francis Shinn, son of . Page 95. Their children were — 'Esther, born ; married John Wilson. 'Mary, born ; married Benjamin Shreeve. Francis died, and 'Mary married Owen Stratton. Their children were — 'Charles, born ; married Mary W. Troth/ Rebecca Ann Hewlings/ 'Rebecca, born ; married Joseph E. Troth. 'Hope, born ; married Samuel Wills. 'Sarah, born ; married Isaac Collins. 'jMartha Ann, born ; died single. Mary W. Troth, the first wife of 'Charles Stratton, was the daughter of Levi Troth and Sarah Wills, his first wife. Levi was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves, whose ancestry see, page 141, in William Troth's ancestry. Joseph E. Troth, who married 'Rebecca Stratton, was the son of Samuel Troth and Edith Lippincott. Samuel was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves, whose ancestry see, page 141, in William Troth's ancestry. Samuel Wills, who married 'Hope Stratton, was the son of Micajah Wills and jMargaret Stockton, the daughter of William Stockton and Abigail Hollingshead. Micajah was the son of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. See that family, page 89, and Jacob Wills', page 44. "Ephraim Haines, son of Tsaac Haines and Elizabeth Butcher, second wife, married Sarah Buzby, daughter of Nathan Buzbypage95. and . Their children were — 'Millicent B., born 1818; married Aaron Parvin. 'Elizabeth, born 1819; married Barclay E. Haines. 'Mary, born 1821 ; died young. 'E. Annie, born 1824; died single. 'Rachel, born 1826; married Clarkson Matlack. 'Sarah, born 1828; single. 'Ephraim, born 183 1 ; married Susan Ketchum. 'Isaac, born 1833; died 1838. 'Jennie, born 1835; married William Test. Barclay E. Haines, who married 'Elizabeth Haines, was the son of Jonathan Haines and Mary Haines. See that family, page 151. DD Page 95. HAINES FAMILY. 'Elizal)eth Haines, daughter of 'Isaac Haines and Elizabeth Butcher (widow), second wife, married Solomon Merritt, son of Their children were — 'Elizabeth L., born ; single. 'Edwin A., born 1824; married Eliza Wayne. 'Alfred C, born ; married P. Emma Johns. 'Rebecca H., born 1829; single. 'Sarah W., born "Jacob Haines, son of 'Jacob Haines and Sarah Austin, mar- Page 96. ricd Elizabeth Bowker (widow), daughter of Aaron Haines and Priscilla Collins. Their children were — 'Amos, born ; died single. 'Elizabeth, born ; married John Elliot King. 'Mary, born ; married Thomas Joyce. 'Clayton, born ; married Hannah Worrell. 'Jonathan, born ; married Dobbins. "Rebecca Haines, daughter of 'Jacob Haines and Sarah Austin, Page 96. married Caleb Haines, son of Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn (widow). Their children were — 'Caleb, born (only child) ; married . 'Jonathan Haines, son of 'Josiah Haines and Rebecca rVustin, Page 97. married Ann Harvey, daughter of . Their children were — 'Mary Jane, born ; married Isaac Parsons. 'Ann Matilda, born ; married 'Sarah, born ; married William Meade. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Isaac Jones. 'William A., born ; married Elizabeth Petitt. 'Mahlon, born ; married Maria . 'Jacob, born ; married . "John Haines, son of ''Josiah Haines and Rebecca Austin, mar- Page 97. ried Ann Lippincott, daughter of Micajah Lippincott and Sarah Roberts. Their children were — 'Micajah, born ; married Mary Ann Williams. 'Sarah, born ; married El wood Dudley. 'John, born ; married Mary Hollingshead. 'Rebecca, born ; died single. 'Emeline, born ; married William Conner, SIXTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 56 "Francis Haines, son of 'Josiah Haines and Rebecca Austin, married Esther Huff, daughter of Daniel Huff and Mary Sharp. Page 97. Their children were — 'Daniel, born ; married Keturah.' Ann Sutton (widow).' Xydia, born ; died single. 'Rachel, born ; married Eayre O. Ballinger — first wife. 'Esther, born ; married Joshua Evans — first wife. 'Sabilla, born ; died single. 'Francis A., born ; died single. 'Mary, born ; died single. 'Hannah, born ; died single. Eayre O. Ballinger, who married 'Rachel Haines, was the son of Thomas E. Ballinger and Hope Oliphant, the daughter of Shinn Oliphant. Thomas was the son of Job Ballinger and Martha Eves, the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry see, page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. See Job Ballinger, page 88. Joshua Evans, who married 'Esther Haines, was the son of Reuben Evans and Martha Phillips. Reuben was the son of Isaac Evans and ^Mary Smith. Isaac was the son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla. Nathan was the son of Nathan Evans and Susanna Gaskill, whose ancestry see, page 144. 'Thomas Haines, son of 'Josiah Haines and Rebecca Austin, married Agnes Huff, daughter of Daniel Huff and Mary Sharp. Page 97. Their children were — 'William, born ; married Lydia Johnson."" Elizabeth Evans.^ 'Wesley, born ; married Sarah Lippincott. 'Mary Ann, born ; married Daniel Fortiner. 'Ellis, born ; married Hannah Fenimore.' ]Matilda Whitman.' 'Thomas, born ; married Henrietta Brown. 'Susan, born ; died single. 'Eliza, born ; married Turner Risdon. 'Emily, born ; died single. 'Charles, born ; married Syllania Evans. Elizabeth and Syllania Evans were the daughters of Reuben Evans and Martha Phillips. See ancestry, page 144, in Lydia Evans' ancestry. ^57 HAINES FAMILY. "Job Haines, son of "Josiah Haines and Rebecca Austin, mar- Page 97. riecl Rachel Ellis, daughter of . Their children were — 'Rebecca, born ; married Elwood Moore, 'Josiah, born ; married . 'Joseph, born ; married . 'George, born ; married . 'Elizabeth, born ; married George Homan, "Stacy Haines, son of °Josiah Haines and Rebecca Austin, mar- Page 98. ''ied Mary Mull, daughter of , Their children were — 'Thomas, born ; married . "Sarah Haines, daughter of 'Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines, married John Hoskins, son of John Hoskins and Rachel \^ilentine. Their children were — 'Rachel G., born ; married Edward Gleason.' William Spooner.' 'Angelina, born ; married Edwin Bladen. 'Edwin, born ; married Anna Maria Barr. 'Anson, born ; married Mary P. Barr. 'Milton, born ; married Anna E. Lawrence. "Joseph Haines, son of 'Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines, Page 98. married Deborah Engle, daughter of Aaron Engle and Esther Troth. Their children were — 'Avolina, born ii-i, i8i6; married, 1844, William Wetherill. 7oseph E., born 5-29, 1819; married Susan Hollinshead. ^'Aaron N.; born 5-20, 1821 ; married, 1843, Priscilla M. Gardiner. Xydia, born 7-9, 1826; married, 1852, Charles Darnell. 'Abigail, born i-i, 1832; died 8-13, 1834. T^ichard, born 12-15, 1833; died 6-29, 1834. 'George, born T-23, 1824; married, 1861, Edith Engle. 'Esther, born 3-23, 1829; died single, 6-9, 1854. "Joseph Haines, born 2-1, 1786; died 4-29, 1837. Deborah, born 1-5, 1793; died 8-23, 1865. Priscilla M. Gardiner, the wife of 'Aaron N. Haines, was the daughter of John Gardiner and Hannah E. Wills. John was the son of Joseph Gardiner and Mary Wilkins. Joseph was the son of James Gardiner and Mary Tomlinson. James was the son of Joseph Gardiner and . Joseph was the son of GEORGE HAINES, son of Joseph Haines and Deborah (Engle) Haines, (Mentioned in Preface.) SIXTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 58 Thomas Gardiner, Jr., and Hannah Mathews. Thomas, Jr., was the son of Thomas Gardiner, the progenitor, of BurHngton, New Jersey. Mary Wilkins was the daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Esther Evans. Thomas was the son of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Core, the daughter of Enoch Core and Sarah Roberts, who was the daughter of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. Thomas was the son of Thomas Wilkins and Susannah, the pro-- genitors of that family. Mary Tomlinson was the daughter of Ephraim, the son of Joseph Tomlinson and Elizabeth, the pro- genitors. Esther Evans was the daughter of William Evans and Sarah Roberts. William was the son of Thomas Evans and Es- ther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Eliza- beth, the progenitors. Sarah Roberts was the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, New Jersey. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the son of Richard Haines and Mar- garet, the progenitors. Hannah E. Wills was the daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry, her sister. Charles Darnell, who married Xydia Haines, was the son of Job Darnell and Agnes Mullin, daughter of William Mullin and Elizabeth Lukins. Job was the son of Edmund Darnell and Rachel Dudley, the daughter of Joshua and Rachel Dudley. Ed- mund was the son of Edward Darnell and Jane Driver. Edward was the son of John Darnell, the progenitor, and Hannah Borton, the daughter of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Edith Engle, the wife of /George Haines, was the daughter of Samuel Engle and Elizabeth Troth. Samuel was the son of John Engle and Lucy Brooks, the daughter of Thomas Brooks. John was the son of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton. Joseph was the son of Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb, the daughter of Wil- liam Venicomb, the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, the progeni- tors, from Long Island. Robert Engle was the son of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane. John was the son of Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progeni- tors. Mary Borton was the daughter of Obadiah Borton and Susanna Butcher, whose ancestry see, page 153, in Mary Engle's ancestry. Elizabeth Troth was the daughter of Samuel Troth and Edith Lippincott. Samuel was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves. See page 145, Rebecca Troth. 159 HAINBS FAMILY. "Charles Haines, son of 'Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines^ Page 9S. married Mary Troth, daughter of John Troth and Ann Engle. Their children were — 'Eliza, born 10-23, 1814; married Joseph Gardiner. 'Albert, born 9-15, 1816; married Gula Ann Haines. 'Caroline, born 8-15, 1818; married Thomas W. Gardiner. 'Clayton H., born 12-4, 1820; married Elizabeth Atkinson.' Tamason Borton.' 'Edwin, born 8-12, 1822; married Hannah \\'ills. 'Charles T., born 1-18, 1825 ; married Agnes H. Haines. 'Mary T., born 2-17, 1827; married \\'illiam B. Haines. 'Eleazer, born 8-26, 1829; died 8-13, 1830. 'John T.. born 6-18, 1831 ; died 12-30, 1835^. "Charles Haines, born 1-19, 1788; died Mary, his wife, born 3-22, 1795; died 11-30, 1833. Joseph and Thomas W. Gardiner, who married 'Eliza and 'Car- oline Haines, were the sons of John Gardiner and Hannah E. Wills, whose ancestry see, page 157, in Priscilla Gardiner's. Gula Ann Haines, the wife of 'Albert Haines, was the daughter of Josiah Haines and Rebecca Lippincott. See that family, page 152, and Rebecca Lippincott's ancestry, page 96. Elizabeth Atkinson, the first wife of 'Clayton Haines, was the daughter of Alahlon Atkinson and Beulah Lippincott, the daugh- ter of Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Haines. Thomas was the son of Caleb Lippincott and Hannah Wilkins. Caleb was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Elizabeth Wills. Freedom was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. Eliza- beth \\'ills was the daughter of Daniel \X\\\s> and Mary Shinn. Daniel was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Rachel Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. John was the son of Xathan Haines and Sarah Austin, the daughter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Xathan was the son of William Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Tamason Borton, the second wife of 'Clayton Haines, was the daughter of Joshua Borton and Elizabeth Engle. the daughter of SIXTH GBXERATIOX AND CHILD REX. i6o Aaron Engie and Esther Troth, whose ancestry see, page 08. in Deborah Engle's ancestry. Hannah Wills, the wife of 'Edwin Haines, was the daughter of John Wills, the son of Joseph Wills and Virgin Powell, the daughter of Joseph Powell and Ann Bishop. Joseph Wills was the son of Aaron Wills and Rachel Warrington. Aaron was the son of Daniel Wills and Elizabeth Woolston, the daughter of John Woolston, the progenitor, and Hannah Cooper, his second wife, the daughter of William Cooper, the progenitor, from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire. England, and Margaret, his wife. Daniel was the son of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Agnes H. Haines, the wife of 'Charles T. Haines, was the daughter of Isaac H. Haines and Eleanor Page. See that family, page 151, and Eleanor Page's ancestry, page 141. \\'illiam B. Haines, who married 'Mary T. Haines, was the son of Charles Haines and Elizabeth Borton. Charles was the son of Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Inskeep. See that family, page 128. Elizabeth Borton was the daughter of Uriah Borton and ^lary Collins. Uriah was the son of Abram Borton and Rachel Engle. Abram was the son of John Borton and Elizabeth Lord. John was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann. the progenitors. Rachel Engle was the daughter of Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb, the daughter of William Venicomb and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), whose ancestry see, page 158. in Edith Engle's ancestry. Mary Collins was the daughter of Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger, widow of John Mason, and daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Xaomi Dunn. Job was the son of Francis Collins and Ann Ashard. widow of Xehemiah Haines. Francis was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd, widow of Dr. John Goslin. of Burlington, New Jersey, and daughter of Thomas Budd. the second wife of Francis Collins, the progenitor, from London. 'Rachel Haines, daughter of "Xehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines, married Samuel F. Moore, son of Amasa Moore and i..,m. 9s. Agnes French. Their children were — 'Carlton K.. l)nrn ; married Mary McClurc. 'Bloomfield H., born ; married Clara Jessup. II i6i HAINES FAMILY. Clara Jessup. the wife of 'Bloomfield Haines Moore, was the daughter of Augustus Jessup, and survived her husband, to whom he devised his vast estate during her Hfe, and to dispose of at her death as she thought proper to do. After her husband's death she removed to London, and resided there, near her daughters, until her death, in 1898. She was a woman of fine poetic taste, and a poetess of no mean al)ihty ; and a noted author. The will of Mrs. Bloomfield Haines Moore was filed for pro- bate in the Register of Wills Office, in Philadelphia. It is dated October 28th. 1898. The witnesses are C. Lervenhantz, Swedish and Norwegian Minister in London; James Cinchton Brown Knight, M. P., of London, and Elizabeth T. Haines, of Medford, New Jersey. The will is as follows : Clara Jessup Moore, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, but now residing at No. 12 Great Stanhope street, Mayfair, in the County of London, widow, hereby revoke all former Wills and Testamentary dispositions made by me, and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. I appoint my grandson. Count Eugene Von Rosen, and Theodore Frothingham, of Philadelphia, to be my executors in the United States (here- inafter called my American executors), and I appoint the said Count Eugene Von Rosen, James Coleman Drayton, of Rogate. Sussex, and William Hitchins, of London, to be my executors in England, and to be trustees of this my will. I hereby declare it to be my wish, that the estate of my deceased husband, Bloomfield Haines Moore, shall devolve upon such persons as are entitled thereto under the provisions of this will and the laws of Pennsyl- vania. I bequeath to my grandson, Harold De Bildt, all my books, papers and manuscripts of a scientific nature, to be deter- mined by my English executors. I bequeath to my maid, Sophia Wirtz, the sum of four hundred pounds. I also bequeath the fol- lowing annuities to Louisa Lawanchy, formerly my daughter's governess, an annuity of £20 pounds during her life, commencing from my decease, to be payable in such manner as my trustees in their absolute discretion shall see fit. To my brother, Edward Jessup. I bequeath an annuity of £400 pounds during his life. I authorize my trustees at any time, if wlien they shall consider it convenient for the administration in distribution of my estate, or for any other reason, to purchase annuities in the names of the said annuitants, or in the name of my trustees, either from the government, or from some insurance and annuity company. SIXTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 162 I devise all my real estate of every tenure, and all my personal estate of every kind in any part of the United States, unto my American executors, in trust, without any more delay than is con- sistent with the realization of reasonable prices, to sell and dis- pose of all said real and personal estate. I direct my American executors, as soon as possible after such sale, to remit to my Eng- lish executors all monev arisine: from said sale in America, ex- cept so much as shall l^e required for my debts in America and the expense of realizing my estate in America. The receipt of my English executors for all moneys remitted to them as aforesaid shall be a sufficient discharge for the same. I devise all my real estate of every tenure, and all my personal estate of every kind not hereby otherwise disposed of, and other what is hereinafter directed to be realized by my American executors, unto and to the use of the said Count Eugene Von Rosen, James Coleman Dray- ton and William Hitchins, their heirs, etc., respectively, accord- ing to the nature thereof, upon trust that my trustees shall sell, either by public auction or private contract, and call into and con- vert into money all the same or such part thereof as shall not con- sist of money, and shall stand possessed of the moneys produced by such sale and of all moneys remitted to my trustees by my American executors, as aforesaid. My trustees shall from said money provide and pay for my funeral and testamentary expenses, debts (except such as shall be paid by my American executors) and the legacies and annuities bequeathed by this my wall, or any codicil hereto, free of duty, and shall stand possessed of the resi- due of such moneys in trust (in the first place) to pay each of the children of my late daughter, Ella Von Rosen, who shall be living at the time of my death, such a sum, wath the amount which he or she shall receive or be entitled to from the estate of my said de- cesaed husband, as will be equal in amount to one-sixth of such es- tate. But if this shall not be sufficient to fully satisfy the last preceding trust, then I declare that each such child shall take pro- portionately so far as the said money will extend, and if there shall be any residue after satisfying the aforesaid trusts, to divide the same between my grandchildren, the children of my two daughters. Ella Von Rosen and Lillian De Bildt, who shall be living at the time of my decease, in equal share per capita; and I declare that the three several sums of £20,000 pounds, or the equixalent thereof, which I have advanced to or for the benefit of lO- ' HAINES FAMILY. each of my three grandchildren— Maud Haterman, Count Rhein- hold Von Rosen, and Count Clarence Von Rosen— shall be brought into account l)y them respectively, and to be taken to- wards or in satisfaction of the interests of such grandchildren under this my will. And I also declare that if any of my grand- children shall die in my lifetime, leaving a child or children who shall survive me. then such child or children shall take equally between them the share which his, her or their parent would have taken if such parent had survived me. I also direct that any and every question as to the value of the shares of my grandchildren respectively of and in the estate of my deceased husband, or any other question which may arise respecting the mode of giving ef- fect to the foregoing provisions, shall be determined by my trus- tees, whose decision shall be final and shall bind all persons en- titled under this mv will. CLARA JESSUP MOORE, [seal] Page 98. "David Haines, son of 'Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines, married Deborah Troth, daughter of John Troth and Ann Engle. Their children were — 'Abigail Ann, born 1-17, 1820; married Samuel H. Roberts. 'Margaretta, born 10-13, 182 1; married David Weatherly, Jr., 4-19, 1849. 'Ann Eliza, born 8-22, 1823 ; married Joseph Jones. 'David T., born 1-24, 1825; married Sarah Bowne. 'Henrietta H., born 2-27, 1827; married Joseph H. Borton. 'Deborah T., born 10-15, 1828; married Josiah Jones. 'Hannah J., liorn 5-30, 1830; married Jonathan J. Comfort, M. D. 'Casper W., born 4-13, 1832; married Mary Drane. 'Asenath, born 4-2, 1834; married Cyrus Eastburn. 'Lydia, born 3-25, 1836; married Abraham Livzey, M. D. 'Rebecca, born 9-30, 1840; married Joshua Brown. 'Lucy Ann, born 1-3 1, 1843; married Frank Lippincott, M. D. 'John N., born 4-7, 1846; married Rebecca Decou. Samuel H. Roberts, who married 'Abigail Ann Haines, was the son of William Roberts and Hannah Haines, the daughter of Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Inskeep, the daughter of Joseph Liskeep and Ann. See Samuel Haines' family, page 128, and William Roberts' ancestry. SIXTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. 164 Joseph H. Borton, who married 'Henrietta H. Haines, was the son of John Borton and Keturah Haines, the daughter of Joseph Haines and Hannah Maxwell. See that family, page 116, and John Borton's ancestry, page 117, and Hannah Maxwell's, page 7?>- 'George Haines, M. D., son of 'Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines, married Sarah Wills, daughter of Zebedee Wills and Pris- page 98. cilia Moore. Their children were — 'Abigail, born 6-29, 1826; died 4-14, 1828. 'Hannah, born 2-2, 1829; died 5-5, 1833. 'Priscilla W., born 6-9, 1830; died 5-21, 1833. "George, Jr., born 12-10, 183 1 ; married Mary B. Gardiner. 'Richard, born 4-27, 1835 ; married Sarah W. Troth. 'Prudence E., born 9-27, 1839; died single. 'James W., born 6-30, 1842; single. 'Anna V., born 9-22, 1844; died 6-1 1, 1845. Mary B. Gardiner, the wife of George Haines, Jr., was the daughter of James Gardiner and Ann B. Powell, the daughter of Joseph Powell and Mary Butcher. Joseph was the son of Joseph Powell and Ann Bishop. Mary Butcher was the daughter of Benajah Butcher and Rachel Shinn, the daughter of Jacob Shinn and Hannah. Benajah Butcher was the son of Thomas Butcher and Sarah. Sarah W. Troth, the wife of Richard Haines, was the daughter of Levi Troth and Mary Haines, the daughter of Josiah Haines and Rebecca Lippincott. See Josiah Haines' family, page 152, and Rebecca Lippincott's ancestry, page 96. Levi Troth was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves, the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry see, page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. Isaac Troth was the son of William Troth and Esther Borton, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Deborah Engle's ancestry. "Abigail Haines, daughter of 'Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines, married Edward B. Thomas,, son of Edward Thomas and page 98. Hannah Leeds. Their children were — 'Lydia, l)orn ; married Ferdinand Sharp. 'George, born ; married blivia Bryan. 'Adelaide, born ; died single. 'Charles M. D., born ; married Zerviah Bateman Stratton. 'Josephene, born ; married Arthur Rodnosky. 'W^alter, born ; married Hannah jMaria Tice. 1 65 HAINBS FAMIL Y. Ferdinand Sharp, who married Xydia Thomas, was the son of W'ilHam Sharp and Jemima Braddock. WilHam was the son of WilHam Sharp and EHzabeth Rakestraw, the daughter of Thomas Rakestraw and EHzabeth Zane. Wihiam was the son of Hugh Sharp and Ann Stratton. Hugh was the son of Wihiam Sharp and Mary Austin, the daughter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the pro- genitors. \\'iniam was the son of John Sharp and EHzabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. John was the eldest of three brothers, sons of Wihiam Sharp, who came from England. Jemima Braddock was the daughter of Darnell Brad- dock and Sarah Rogers. Darnell was the son of Rehoboam Braddock and Jemima Darnell, the daughter of John Darnell, the progenitor, and Hannah Borton, the daughter of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. Rehoboam was the son of Robert Braddock and Eliza- beth. Robert was the son of Robert Braddock, the progenitor, and Elizabeth Hancock, the daughter of Timothy Hancock, the progenitor, and Rachel Firman, his first wife. Sarah Rogers was the daughter of William Rogers and Martha Esturhans. Wil- liam was the son of William Rogers and Elizabeth Walker. Wil- liam was the son of William Rogers and Hannah. "Hannah Garwood (only child), daughter of 'Hannah Haines Page 100. and Japheth Garwood, married Isaac Sharp, son of William Sharp and Elizabeth Green. Their children were — 'Eliza1)eth, born 1807; married Samuel Sharp. 'Susannah, born 1808; died single. 'Kesiah, born 1810; married Allen Prickitt — first wife. 'Hannah, born 1813; married David Scott. 'Japheth, born 1815; married Julia Ann Scott. 'Jane Ann, born 1823; married Hugh Sharp — first wife. Samuel Sharp, who married 'Elizabeth Sharp, was the son of Job Sharp and Esther Brooks, daughter of John Brooks, and the widow of Thomas Sharp. Job Sharp was the son of Hugh Sharp and Ann Stratton, the daughter of Mark Stratton and Ann Han- cock, the daughter of Timothy Hancock, the progenitor, and Rachel Firman, his first wife. Mark was the son of William Stratton, of Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwick, England. Hugh Sharp was the son of William Sharp and Mary Austin, whose an- cestry see above, in Ferdinand Sharp's. Hugh Sharp, who married 'Jane Ann Sharp, was a brother of Ferdinand Sharp. See above for ancestry. SIXTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. i66 Allen Prickitt. who married 'Kesiah Sharp, was the son of Jo- siah Prickitt and Ann Sharp, the daughter of Thomas Sharp and Esther Brooks, the daughter of John Brooks. Thomas was the son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. See that family, page 91, for ancestry. Josiah Prickitt was the son of Job Prickitt and Ann Smith, the daughter of Thomas Smith and Elizabeth. Job was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Hannah. Jacob was the son of Zackariah Prickitt. the progenitor. "John Haines, son of "Ephraim Haines and Hannah Stokes, married Mary Wills, daughter of Moses Wills and Margaret. Page 101. Their children were — 'Samuel, born 'Margaretta, born ; married Joseph Buzby. Joseph, born ; died young man. 'Elizabeth, born 'Richard, born ; went to Ohio. 'John Cortland, born^ 'Mary, born ; died single. [ 'Ezekiel Haines, son of Tsaac Haines and Mary Miller, mar- ried Anna Hopkins, daughter of William Hopkins and Frances. Page 103. ^ Their children were — Hiram, born 1802; married Mary A. C. Philpotts. William, born 1804. Isaac, born 1806. John, born 1808. Sarah, born 18 10. Thomas, born 18 12. Frances, born 1813. Mary, born 181 5. Franklin, born 181 7. , Jane, Ixjrn 18 19. \^ \\\ i'^<-' ' " ' T' '^ Elizabeth, born 1820. Iwcv.^'^'-^ '-• r .^^. - ^ r ^.>~UU>0 Lucy Ann, born 1823. ' 4 Ezekiel, born 1825. Jl p^-^^-^ -»UVVi.>'- " Marsfaret Abigail, born 18-26. v fe'-"^'- ^ ^'^*& Seve;nth Gene^ration and Children. 'Hiram Haines, son of 'Ezekiel Haines and Ann Hopkins, mar- ried Mary A. C. Philpotts, daughter of Oakley Philpotts and Ann. Their children were — 'Hiram, born of Fort Pickens, Florida. i67 HAINBS FAMILY. "Ruth Haines, daughter of "Core Haines and Mary Haines, Page lOG. married Joshua BalHnger, son of Joshua Ballinger and Rebecca Moore. Tlieir children were — 'John, born 2-23, 1826; married, 1855, Rachel Eastlack/ 1878, Lydia Jones (widow)/ 1885, Mary Rogers.' 'Martha, born 1-2, 1828; died young woman, single. 'Mark, born 10-2, 1829; married Rebecca Simmons. 'Charles, born 4-16, 1832; married Hannah Moore. 'Elizabeth, born 2-28, 1836; died young woman, single. 'Joshua, born 2-1, 1838; married Mary Ella Dickinson. 'Rebecca, born 1-13, 1840; single. "Mark Haines, son of "Core Haines and Mary Haines, married Page 106. Ann Haines, daughter of Job Haines and Martha Ballinger. Their children were — 'Edwin H., born 11-27, 1827; married . 'Alary W., born 4-6, 1835; married . Ann died, and "Mark married Alary Leeds, daughter of Isaac Leeds and Rebecca Moore. Their children were — 'Rebecca, born y-2, 1847; niarried Frank Larzalere. "Mary Haines, daughter of "Esther Haines and Isaac Ballinger, Page 107. married Joseph P. Wills, son of Joseph Wills and Virgin Powell. Their children were — 'Rebecca P., born ; married Benajah Butcher. 'Joseph Henry, M. D., born . ; married Lillian Bunting. 'R. Albert, born ; married Louisa Masters.' Jennie Gay Nicherson.' Richard H., son of "Esther Haines and Isaac Ballinger, mar- Page 107. ried Mary Ann Haines, daughter of Robert Haines and Rebecca Ann Powell. Their children were — 'Isaac H., born ; single. 'Champion, born ; married Mary Russell. 'Joseph, born ; married Lydia Ann Kirkbride. 'Henry, born ; married Sallie Cowperthwait. 'Charles, born ; married Carrie Thorn. 'Robert, born ; single. 'Rebecca, born ; married Gardiner Tavlor. 'Anna, born ; married William R. Lippincott. 'Martha, born ; single. 'Mary, born ; single. SIX TH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 68 Lydia Ann Kirkbride, the wife of 'Joseph Balhnger, was the daughter of Jacob Kirkbride and Jane Woolman. Jacob Kirk- bride was the son of John Kirkbride and Ehzabeth Prickitt. John Avas the son of Phineas Kirkbride and ]\Iartha. Jane was the daughter of Samuel F. W'oohiian and Lydia Haines, the daughter of Caleb Haines and ]\Iary Eldridge, the daughter of Jonathan Eldridge and Abigail. Caleb was the son of Josiah Haines and Mary. Josiah was the son of Abram Haines and Grace Hollings- head. Abram was the son of Richard Haines and Mary Carlile, who was of Indian lineage, Lenni Lenape. Richard was the sec- ond son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Grace Hollingshead was the daughter of John Hollingshead, Jr., and Agnes Hackney, the daughter of Thomas Hackney, of Burlington, New Jersey. John, Jr., was the son of John Hollingshead and Grace, the progenitors, of Burlington, New Jersey. Elizabeth Prickitt was the daughter of Jacob Prick- itt and Mary Peacock, the daughter of John Peacock and Susan- nah Ballinger, the daughter of Thomas Ballinger, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock, from Scotland. Jacob Prickitt was the son of Barzillia Prickitt and Sarah Sharp. Barzillia was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Hannah. Jacob was the son of Zackariah, the progenitor. Sarah Sharp was the daughter of William Sharp and Hannah, his second wife. William was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the pro- genitor. John Sharp was the son of William Sharp, who came from England. Sallie Cowperthwait, the wife of 'Henry Ballinger, was the daughter of John S. Cowperthwait and Frances Shinn, the daugh- ter of John Shinn and Keturah Birdsall, the daughter of Elijah Birdsall and Mary. John was the son of Levi Shinn and Hannah. Levi was the son of Caleb Shinn and Mehetable. John Cow- perthwait was the son of William Cowperthwait and ]\Iartha. William R. Lippincott, who married 'Anna Ballinger, was the son of Israel Lippincott and Maria Wallace. Israel was the son of William Lippincott and Ann Rogers. William was the son of Thomas Lippincott and Elizabeth Haines. Thomas was the son of Isaac Lippincott and Hannah Engle. Isaac was the son of Thomas Lippincott and Mary Haines. Thomas was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. Mary Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daugh- ter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the eld- 1 69 HAINBS FAMIL Y. est son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of that family. Hannah Engle was the daughter of John Engle and Mary Og- born, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the progenitors. John was the son of Robert Engle and Jane Home. Elizabeth Haines was the daughter of Nathaniel Haines and Mary Hervey. Nathaniel was the son of William Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. 'Jane Haines, daughter of "Job Haines and Sarah Carr, married Page 109. James Moon, son of . Their children were — 'Charles, born ; married . 'James H., born ; married Elizabeth Balderson. 'Eliza, born ; married Morton Wamslee. 'Jane, born ; married Jonathan Chase. 'Rachel, born ; married Tatnall. "Sarah Haines, daughter of "Job Haines and Sarah Carr, mar- Page 109. ried John Collins, son of Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger ( widow ) . Their children were — 'Job, born (only child) ; died single and young. "Sarah was the third wife of John Collins. See page 265. "Job Haines, son of "Job Haines and Sarah Carr, married Phebe Page 1C9. Hancock, daughter of Daniel Hancock. Their children were — 'Henry, born ; married Elizabeth Shinn. 'Job, M. D., born ; married Mary S. Reeve. Mary Reeve, the wife of 'Job Haines, M. D., was the daughter of John N. Reeve and Priscilla Shepard. John N. w^as the son of Josiah Reeve and Martha Newbold. Josiah was the son of ]\Iark Reeve and Hannah Whitall, the daughter of Job Whitall and Sarah. Mark was the son of Mark Reeve and Hannah. SIXTH CBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 170 °Elizal)eth Haines, (langiiter of 'Job Haines and Sarah Carr, married Isaac H. Haines, son of isaiali Haines and Sarah Wil- I'aee 109. kins. Their chikhxn were — Xindley, born 6-ij, 1815; married Anna Sharp, daughter of Jo- seph Sharp, of Philadelphia, Pa. 'L}(lia Haines, daughter of "Job Haines and Sarah Carr, mar- ried John Needles, son of , 5-1, 1838. P^ee 109. Thev left no children. "Caleb Haines, son of "Job Haines and Sarah Carr, married Lydia Warrington, daughter of Henry Warrington and Their children were — 'Henrietta W., born 8-15, 1826; single. Xydia B., born ; died single. 'Elizabeth, born 5-4, 1829; died young. °.\.my Haines, daughter of "Job Haines and Sarah Carr. mar- ried Benjamin Albertson, son of , 8-16, 1832. Page 109. Their children were — 'Charles, born ; married Mary Eastburn. 'Henry, born ; married Hodgson. 'Benjamin, born ; married ]\Iary Ann Mitchell. 'Sarah, born ; single. 'Lydia, born ; died young. "John C. Haines, son of 'Job Haines and Sarah Carr, married Plannah Craft, daughter of Samuel Craft and . Page 109. Their children were — Alariana, born 12-7, 1829; married Isaac Eastburn. 'John, born ; died 8-22, 1830. "Benjamin Haines, son of 'Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Kirby. married .Ann Laurie, daughter of Thomas Laurie and Ann page loy. Their children were — 'Annie, bnrn ; married Lindley Elkintnn. 'William P., born ; married 'Laurie, born 'Abbie, born ; married . ■ I lannali. l)i n'n And several others. I/I Page 109. Page 109. Page 109. HAINES FAMILY. "Empson Haines, son of "Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Kirby, married Rachel Buzby, daughter of Joseph Buzby and Beulah Their children were — 'Emeline, born 8-12, 1819; married Allen Garwood, died 1893. 'Benjamin, born 4-5, 182 1 ; died young, 1842. 'Beulah, born 7-16, 1824; died young, 1827. 'Elizabeth, born 2-25, 1826; died young, 1827. 'Annabella, born ; died young, 1828. 'Empson, born 5-10, 1829; married Elizabeth Ivans." 'Charlotte, born 6-17, 1831 ; died, 1845, 14 years old. 'Nathan, born 12-31, 1833; married Sarah Garwood. 'Mary, born 2-25, 1837; married Barclay Jones. 'Amos W., born 1-29, 1839; married Martha Williams. 7- Henry, born 11-26, 1842; died 1895. 'Clayton, born 1-29, 1847; m^i'i'ied Anna Potts. ^\braham Haines, son of "Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Kirby, married Margaret Brooks, daughter of John Brooks and Elizabeth . Their children were — 'Lizzie, born 1839; died single, 1855. 'John, born 1843; tlied single, 1867. 'Edward, born 1841 ; died single, i860. 'Margaret, born 1844; married Thomas Ballinger, 1888 — died "William Haines, son of 'Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Kirby, married Rebecca Ann Curtis, daughter of Thomas Curtis and Hannah . Their children were — 'Samuel, born 'Charles, born 'Daughter, born "Samuel Haines, son of ^Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Kirby, Page 109. married Sarah Lamb, daughter of . Their children were — 'Pierson, born ; married Several children died young. Thomas Ballinger, who married 'Margaret Haines, was the son of William Ballinger and Atkinson. William was the son of Thomas Ballinger and Grace Rogers, the daughter of William Rogers and Mary Davis, whose ancestry see, page 289, in Rachel Rogers' ancestry. Thomas was the son of Levi Ballinger and Hannah. SIXTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 7 j 'Zebedee Haines, son of "Clayton Haines and Rebecca W^ills, married Elizabeth Hendrickson. daughter of Joseph Ilcndrirkson P^ee 110. and Elizabeth. Their children were — 'Reliecca, born _>-i r. 1831 ; married Joshua Harmcr ( _'d wife). 'Margaret, burn 3-10. 1832; died 10-3. 1838. 'Jane, born 4-7, 1833; married Samuel J. Eves. 'Priscilla M., born 1-18, 1835; married Joseph B. Evans and Ezra Bell. 'Amy. born 3-27, 1836; married Joseph Nicholson (2d wife). 'Clayton, born 5-7. 1837; married Lydia McGrew. 'Josejili TT., born 12-7. 1840; married Anna \\'ills. 'Elizabeth b\. born 8-5. 1842; married Howard Darnell. 'Zebedee. born 8-20. 1843; married Anna P. I-Iarvey. 'John G.. born 10-20. 1848; married Rebecca Patterson. 'Ellis, burn '/-22. 1852; married Catharine P. Howard. 'Lydia, born 7-19, 1853; single. Samuel J. Eves, who married Jane E. Haines, was the son of Samuel Eves and Hannah E. \\'ills. widow of John Gardiner, and daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, whose ancestry see. page 99, in Sarah Wills" ancestrw Samuel Eves was the son of John Eves and Jane Evans, the daughter of John Evans and Rutli. John Eves was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, his second wife. Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, from Lon- don. Howard Darnell, who married 'Elizabeth F. Haines, was the son of David Darnell and ]\Liry Evans. David was the son of Edmund Darnell and Rachel Dudley, the daughter of Joshua Dud- ley and Rachel. Edmund was the sun of Edward Darnell and Jane Driver. Edward was the son of John Darnell, the progeni- tor, and Hannah Borton, the daughter of John Bort(Mi. Jr.. the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Mary E\ans was the daughter of John Evans and Rebecca Cowperthwait. John was the son of Enoch Evans and Mary Wilcox, the daughter of Joseph Wilcox and Sarah Iredell. Enoch was the son of William Evans and Sarah Roberts. William was the sun of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizal)eth. the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Burton, the daughter of John P)or- ton and Ann. the progenitors. John was the eldest .son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of that family. Sarah Rub- berts was the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Ivlkintun. the daughter of George Elkinton. of Burlington. X. J. John was the 1/3 HAINBS FAMILY. son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. Rebecca Cow- perthwait was the daughter of Hugh Cowperthwait and Rebecca Roberts. Hugh was the son of Thomas Cowperthwait and Mary. Thomas was the son of John Cowperthwait and Sarah Adams. John was the son of Hugh Cowperthwait and Mary, the progeni- tors. Rebecca Roberts was the daughter of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, the progenitor, John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. Anna Wills, the wife of 'Joseph H. Haines, was the daughter of Henry W. Wills and Lydia Stokes. Henry was the son of Joseph Wills and Virgin Powell, the daughter of Joseph Powell and Ann Bishop. Joseph Wills was the son of Aaron Wills and Rachel Warrington. Aaron was the son of Daniel Wills and Eliza- beth Woolston, the daughter of John Woolston and Hannah Coop- er, his second wife, the daughter of William Cooper and Margaret, the progenitors. John was the progenitor of the Woolston fam- ily. Daniel Wills was the son of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Lydia Stokes was the daughter of Joshua Stokes and Lydia Evans. Joshua was the son of Joseph Stokes and Atlantic Bispham, the daughter of Joshua Bispham and Martha. Joseph was the son of Joseph Stokes and Judith Lippincott, his first wife. Joseph was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors, from Stepney, Middlesex, England. Lydia Evans was the daugh- ter of Enoch Evans and Mary Wilcox, the daughter of Joseph Wilcox and Sarah Iredell. Enoch was the son of William Evans and Sarah Roberts. William was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Esther was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and jMargaret, the progenitors of that family. Sarah Roberts was the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton. the progenitor. John was the son of John Rob- erts and Sarah, the progenitors. Joseph Nicholson, who married ^Amy Haines, was the son of Isaac Nicholson and Priscilla Wills, the daughter of Zebedee \Vills and Priscilla Moore, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. SIXTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 74 Joseph B. Evans, who married 'Priscilla M. Haines, was the son of I'l-jah h^vans and Rachel Saunders, the daughter of Solo- mon Saunders and Lydia Burrough, the chuighter of Samuel Bur- rough and Sarah. Solomon was the son of John Saunders and Elizaheth. Uriah was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Borton, the daughter of Abram Borton and Rachel Engle, whose ancestry i>ce, page 398. Jacob was the son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla. Nathan was the son of Nathan Evans and Susanna Gaskill. Nathan was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Bor- ton. the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progeni- tors of the Haines family. "Sarah B. Haines, daughter of 'Clayton Haines and Rebecca Wills, married William E. Haines, son of Jonathan Haines and Page uo. Mary Haines. Their children were — 'Mary A., born 8-4, 1834; married Henry I. Deacon ( ist wife). 'Abigail E.. born 2-25, 1837; married Isaac H. A\'ills ( ist wife). William C, born 6-1, 1845 ! married Hettie Garwood. 'Margaret B., born 10-21, 1848; married S. Newton Gaskill. Henry I. Deacon, who married 'Mary A. Haines, was the son of Henry C. Deacon and Elizabeth Stokes, daughter of Israel Stokes and Sarah Borton. Henry C. was the son of Joseph Dea- con and Mary Chambers, daughter of Henry Chambers and Eliza- beth Fox. Joseph was the son of William Deacon and Elizabeth Roeers. Isaac H. Wills, who married 'Abigail E. Haines, was the son of William S. Wills and Elizabeth Haines, the daughter of Isaac Haines and Elizabeth Austin. See that family, page 153, and Elizabeth Austin's ancestry, page 96. AX'illiam S. Wills' ancestry, see page 153. Hettie Garwood , the wife of AVilliam C. Haines, was the daughter of .Mien Garwood and Emeline Haines, the daughter of Empson Haines and Rachel Buzby. Empson was the son of Ben- jamin Haines and Elizabeth Kirby, the daughter of Benjamin Kirby and Rachel. I^njamin was the son of .Vbram Haines and Grace Hollingshead. See that family, page 31. and G.race Hol- lingshead's ancestry, page 16. /o HAINBS FAMILY. "Benjamin H. Wills, son of ^Rebecca Haines and Amos Wills, Page no. married Elizabeth C. Wills, daughter of Zebedee W^ills and Pris- cilla Moore. Their children were — 'Sarah, born 10-30, 1827; married John D. Haines. Amos H., born 4-18, 1829; died 3-28, 1833. Rebecca C. born 10-12, 1830; died 8-15. 1832. Mary L., born 3-28, 1832; married Benjamin K. Kille\ James Eames'. Jane E., born 12-30, 1834; died 8-21, 1836. Benjamin, born 9-4, 1836; married Helen Reeve'. Croshaw'. Joab, born 7-17, 1838; married Lydia M. Buzby. John M., born 4-9, 1843; married Mary A. Calkett. Priscilla N.. born 10-28, 1844; married John Moore. Elizabeth C, born 6-17, 1851 ; married Joseph Moore. John D. Haines, who married 'Sarah Wills, was the son of Ben- jamin M. Haines and Kesiah Burroiigh. Benjamin was the son of John Haines and Elizabeth Moore. See that family, page 129, and Elizabeth Moore's ancestry, page 79. John Moore, who married 'Priscilla N. Wills, was the son of Abel Moore and Elizabeth Engle. Abel Moore was the son of Cyrus Moore and Mary Austin, the daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. Cyrus was the son of Joseph Moore and Patience Woolman. Joseph was the son of Benjamin Moore and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors. Benjamin Moore was the progenitor, who came from Birmingham, England. Elizabeth Engle was the daughter of Obadiah Engle and Patience Cole. Obadiah was the son of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton, whose ancestry see, page 98, in Deborah Engle's ancestry. Patience Cole was the daughter of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin, whose ancestry see, page 113, in Amos W. Cole's ancestry. Joseph Moore, who married 'Elizabeth C. Wills, was the son of John Moore and Sarah Lippincott. John was the son of Cyrus Moore and Mary Austin, whose ancestry see above, in John Moore's ancestry. Sarah Lippincott was the daughter of Josiah Lippincott and Mary Phillips. Josiah was the son of Amaziah Lippincott and Hannah Prickitt. Amaziah was the son of John Lippincott and Elizabeth. John was the son of James Lippin- cott and Anna Eves. James was the son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shattock. Restore was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. Ann Eves was the daughter of SIXTH GEN BRA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 76 Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, from London. Hannah Prickitt was the daugh- ter of Jacob Prickitt and Hannah. Jacob was the son of Zack- ariah Prickitt, the progenitor, of Northampton, New Jersey. Lydia Buzby, the wife of 7^^^^ Wihs, was the daughter of Nathan Buzby and Mary Moore, the daughter of Cyrus Moore and Mary Austin, the daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. See Cyrus Moore's ancestry, page 175, in John Moore's ancestry. 'Mary Haines, daughter of "Hinchman Haines and Mary War- rington, first wife, married Ahen Roberts, son of Ebenezer Rob- Page ni. erts and Rachel Dudley. Their children were — 'Henry, born ; married Miriam Lippincott. 'Ebenezer, born ; married Mary Lippincott. 'Rachel, born ; married Casper W. Sharpless. 'Mariana, born ; married George Matlack. "Arthur Haines, son of 'Hinchman Haines and Mary Warring- ton, first wife, married Mary Fairholin, daughter of John Fair- page ni. holin and . Their children were — 'John, born ; married 'Joseph, born ; married "Nathan Haines, son of 'Hinchman Haines and Mary Warring- ton, first wife, married Naomi Borton, daughter of Uriah Borton page m. and Mary Collins. Their children were — 'A son, born ; died young. "Joseph Haines, son of 'Hinchman Haines and Mary Warring- ton, first wife, married Mary Evans, daughter of Thomas Evans page ni. and Mary Eves. Thev left no children. "Lydia Haines, daughter of 'Caleb Haines and Mary Eldridge, married Samuel F. Woolman, son of • p^^gg ^g. Their children were — 'Mary E., born ; married Philip Strieker Bodine. 'Levi, born ; married Mary Rogers. 'Emily, born ; married Shreeve Shinn. 'Jane, born ; married Jacob Kirkbride. 'Jonathan, born ; married Sarah Ridgway. 12 ■// HAINES FAMILY. "Thomas Haines, son of 'Edmond Haines and Charlotte Leeds, Page ni. married Ehzabeth Sharp, daughter of Noah Sharp and Ehzabeth Braddock. Their children were — 'Thomas Clark, born ; married Elizabeth Witcraft. 'Jemima B., born ; married Cornelius T. Peacock. 'Margaret S., born ; married Samuel Evans. 'Elizabeth Ann, born ; married Franklin Antrim. 'Lydia S., born ; single. 'Mariana, born ; married Frank Allen. 'Samuel, born ; died single. "Abraham Haines, son of 'Abraham Haines and Hannah Rake- page los. straw, married Mary Jones, daughter of Samuel Jones and Peacock. Their children were — 'Abraham, born ; married Ann Evans. 'Alexander, born ; married Elizabeth Peacock. 'Samuel, born ; married Mary Hancock. 'Mary, born ; married Pennington Lippincott. 'Harriet, born ; died single. 'Elizabeth, born ; died single. 'Hannah, born ; died single. Ann Evans, the wife of 'Abraham Haines, was the daughter of Reuben Evans and Martha Phillips. Reuben was the son of Isaac Evans and Mary Smith. Isaac was the son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla. Nathan was the son of Nathan Evans and Susanna Gas- kill. See ancestry of Nathan Evans, page 174, in Joseph B. Evans' ancestry. "Bethuel Haines, son of 'Abraham Haines and Hannah Rake- Page 108. straw, married Rachel Wilkins. daughter of William Wilkins and Rebecca Roberts. Their children were — 'Elma, born 3-23. 1803 ; died 8-5, 1804. 'Wilkins, born 11-7, 1804; went to Ohio. 'Nathan, born 6-8, 1807 ; went to Mt. Holly. 'Deborah, born 10-9. 1808; Certificate from Upper Evesham Meeting to Ohio. 'Bathsheba, born 5-27, 1810; Certificate from Upper Evesham Meeting to Ohio. "Sarah W. Haines, daughter of °NoaJi Haines and Sarah Bur- Page ns. den, married Amos W. Cole, daugli^er of John Cole and Rachel Wills. Their children were — 'Henry, born ; married Rebecca Read. 'Ella, born ; married John Rorer. SIXTH GBNERA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 78 "Sarah Haines, daughter of 'Isaiah Haines and Rachel Peacock, married Isaac Brown, son of . Page lis Their children were — 'Lydia, born ; married Samuel Hampton. ^Richard H., born ; married Ella Crammer. ^Margaret, born ; married John Hartman. ^Samuel, born ; married ; went out West. ^Rachel, born ; married Charles Powell. 'Isaac, born ; married ; went out West. 'Caroline, born ; married Henry Wright. 'Arthur Haines, son of 'Isaiah Haines and Rachel Peacock, married Hannah Moore, daughter of Stacy Moore and Drucilla Page ns. Tomlin, second wife. Their children were — 'Stacy F., born 6-19, 1838; married Eliza Esher Wills. ^Rachel R., born 5-29, 1842; died 10-6, 1858. 'Joshua ]\I.. born ; died 3-31, 1837. Eliza Esher Wills, the wife of 'Stacy F. Haines, was the daugh- ter of Jacob Wills and Rebecca H. Wills. Jacob was the son of Micajah Wills and Margaret Stockton, the daughter of William Stockton and Abigail Hollingshead. Micajah was the son of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines, whose ancestry see, page 143, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Rebecca H. Wills was the daughter of Zebedee ]M. Wills and Rachel Rogers. See Zebedee M. Wills' ancestry, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry, his sister. See Rachel Rogers' ancestry, page 137, in Rebecca H. Wills' ancestry. "Richard Haines, son of Tsaiah Haines and Rachel Peacock, married Elizabeth Crammer, daughter of . Page ns. Their children were — 'Lydia W., born ; married Isaiah Robbins. Elizabeth died and "Richard married Sarah Carson, from Penn- sylvania. Their children were — 'Josephine, born 'Rebecca, born ; married Japheth Scott. 'Richard Henry, born ; married Sallie Watson\ Mariana Stackhouse'. 'Elizabeth, born ; married B. Franklin Stackhouse. 'Emma, born ; single. 'Fannie, born ; single. 'Fillmore, born ; married Lizzie Flenard. 1/9 HAINBS FAMILY. Japheth Scott, who married 'Rebecca Haines, was the son of David Scott and Hannah Sharp. David was the son of Henry Scott and Tamason, his first wife. Hannah was the daughter of Isaac Sharp and Hannah Garwood. Isaac was the son of Wilham Sharp and EHzabeth Green, the daughter of John Green and Cath- arine Heustead. John was the grandson of Thomas Green, son of Arthur Green, of Bug Brook, England. Wihiam Sharp was the son of Wihiam and Mary Haines, the daughter of Abram Haines and Grace Holhngshead. See that family, page 31, and Grace Hollingshead's ancestry, page 16. See William Sharp's ancestry, page 35. Tsaiah Haines, son of 'Isaiah Haines and Rachel Peacock, mar- Page ns. ried Lydia Miller, daughter of . Their children were — 'Arthur, born ; married Amanda Austin. 'Core, born ; single. 'Isaiah, born ; married Martha Ann Brown. 'John Wesley, born ; married Martie C. Thackara. 'Mark, born ; single. 'Ella, born ; married Benjamin F. Wisham. 'Joseph Cooper, born ; single. 'George W., born ; married Mary Small. 'Frank, born ; married Ella Wilson. 'Winfield S., born ; married Mary Decou. "Clayton Haines, son of 'Abram Haines and Sarah Lippincott, Page ns. married Eliza Curtis, daughter of . Their children were — 'Agnes, born ; married Henry Brick. 'Rebecca, born ; married William S. Kocheresberder. 'Sarah, born ; married Frank Debert. "Esther Haines, daughter of 'Joseph Haines and Hannah Max- Page ns. well, married George Buzbv, son of Amos Buzbv and Their children were — 'Mark, born ; married Sallie Darnell. 'Hannah, born ; died single. 'Sarah, born ; died single. 'Mary, born ; single. Sallie Darnell, the wife of 'Mark Buzby, was the daughter of Job Darnell and Agnes Mullin, the daughter of William Mull in and Elizabeth Lukens. See ancestry of Job Darnell, page 158, in Charles Darnell's ancestry. SIXTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. tSo "Ketnrah Haines, (laughter of "J^'se])!! 1 laines and Hannah Max- well, married Julin Borton. son of John Borton and Jemima Brad- Page ne. doek. Tlieir children were — 'Joseph H., born ; married Henrietta Haines. 'George B.. born ; married Susannali Wills. "Keturah died and John married Martha Woolman, by whom he had three children. Second wife died and he married Sarah War- ner (w idow). No issue by third marriage. Henrietta Haines, the wife of 'Joseph H. Borton, was the daughter of David Haines and Deborah Troth. See that family, page 1^)3. and Deborah Troth's ancestr}-, page 99. Susannah Wills, the wife of 'George B. Borton, was the daugh- ter of Aaron Wills and Martha Jarret. Aaron was the son of Samuel Wills and Grace Rogers, the daughter of William Rogers and Grace Allen (widow Eayres). Samuel was the son of Aaron Wills and Rachel Warrington, the daughter of Henry Warring- ton. Aaron was the son of Daniel Wills and Elizabeth Woolston, the daughter of John Woolston. the progenitor, and Hannah Cooper, his second wife, the daughter of William Cooper and ^Margaret, the progenitors. Daniel was the son of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Eliza- beth, his first wife. See William Rogers' ancestry, page 137, in Rebecca H. Wills* ancestry. "Rebecca Haines, daughter of 'Joseph Haines and Hannah Max- well, married Nathan Roberts, son of Nathan Roberts and Eliza- Page nc. beth. Their children were — 'Mary M.. born 7-21, 1820; married Joshua B. Wilkins. 7"?c])li II.. l):irn i-i. 1822; married Mary W'. Engle. "Ezra Haines, son of 'Stacy Haines and Susannah luigle, mar- ried Rachel Haines, daughter of Joseph Haines and Hannah Page m. Maxwell. Their children were — ^Emma, born 4-9, 1821. 'Stacv, born 8-20, 1828. "Martha S. Haines, daughter of ''Thomas Haines and Susannah Ballinger. married Enoch Darnell, son of Joshua Darnell and pag<. ns. Eliza Lippincott. Their children were — 'Joshua, born ; married Martha . 'Anna H., born ; married William Henderson. i8i HAINES FAMILY. "Simeon Haines, son of 'Stacy Haines and Susannah Engle, Page n9. married Mary Austin, daughter of Jonathan Austin and Their children were — 'David, born 8-4, 1821 ; died 1826. 'Frankhn B., born 5-10, 1824. 'Wihiam D., born 4-6, 1826. 'Emehne S., born ; married Asa C. Hancock. 'Shipley W., born i-i, 1835; married, 1859, Susan White. "Susannah Haines, daughter of "Stacy Haines and Susannah Page 119. Engle, married David Rogers (second wife), son of William Rogers and Mary Davis. Their children were — 'Davis, born ; married Harriet Walton. 'Kesiah, born ; married Caleb Wilkins. Caleb Wilkins, who married 'Kesiah Rogers, was the son of Amos Wilkins and Ann Hewlings. Amos was the son of Amos Wilkins and Lydia Jenkins. Amos was the son of Amos Wilkins and Sarah Haines, the daughter of Carlile Haines and Sarah Mat- lack. See that family, page 28, and Sarah Matlack's ancestry, page 16. Ann Hewlings was the daughter of John Hewlings and Lydia Crispin. John was the son of Joseph Hewlings and Eliza- beth Langstaff, his second wife, the daughter of Laban Lang- staff, who was the son of Laban Langstaff and Susannah War- rington. Joseph was the son of Jacob Hewlings and Dorothy Eyes, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Amos Wilkins was the grandson of Thomas Wilkins and Susan- | nah, the progenitors. "Mary Haines, daughter of 'John Haines and Elizabeth Hol- Page 123. lingshead, married William Leeds, son of Isaac Leeds and Re- becca Moore. Their children were — 'Richard H., born ; married Mary Clementine Stratton. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Samuel Hewlings. 'Rebecca, born ; single. Mary Clementine Stratton, the wife of 'Richard H. Leeds, was the daughter of Charles Stratton and Mary W. Troth. Charles was the son of Owen Stratton and Mary Haines, his second wife, the widow of Francis Shinn, and daughter of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins, whose' ancestry see, page 95, and Mary Wilkins' ancestry, page 50. Mary W. Troth was the daughter of Levi Troth and Sarah Wills. See Levi Troth's ancestry, page 90, and Sarah Wills see, page 89, in Mary Haines' family. SIXTH GBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 182 Samuel Hewlings, who married 'Elizabeth Leeds, was the son of Thomas Hewlings and Sarah Burrough. Thomas was the son of Amos Hewlings and Lydia Hollingshead. Amos was the son of. Jacob Hewlings and Elizabeth Eves, the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry see, page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. "George Haywood, son of 'Sarah Haines and Budd Haywood, married Abigail Bowne. daughter of William Bowne and Sarah Page 123. Newbold. Their children were — 'Mariana, born ; married Benjamin F. Shreeve. Benjamin F. Shreeve, who married 'Mariana Haywood, was the son of Benjamin Shreeve and Mary Shinn, the daughter of Fran- cis Shinn and Mary Haines, the daughter of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins. See Isaac Haines' family, page 95, and Mary Wilkins' ancestry, page 50. "Mary Stokes, daughter of 'Beulah Haines and John Stokes, married Job Lippincott, son of Amaziah Lippincott and Hannah Page 125. Prickitt. Their children were — 'Mary Ann, born 6-13, 182 1 ; married Isaac W. Stokes ( ist wife). 'Edwin, born 6-18, 1825 ; married Julia Culnan. 'Barclay, born 6-6, 1830; died young, 3-28, 1838. Isaac W. Stokes, who married 'Mary Ann Lippincott, was the son of William Stokes and Ann Wilson, the daughter of Isaac Wilson and Phebe Middleton, daughter of Samuel Middleton and Ann. Isaac was the son of John Wilson and Mary. William Stokes was the son of John Stokes and Beulah Haines. John was the son of Joshua Stokes and Amy Hinchman. Joshua was the son of Thomas Stokes and Rachel Wright, his second wife. Thomas was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors, from Stepney, Middlesex, England. Beulah Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. John was the son of Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, the daughter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Nathan Haines was the son oi William Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor of the Paine family. William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors, who came from Aynhoe-of-ye-Hill, Northamptonshire, England. 1 83 HAINBS FAMIL Y. "Atlantic Stokes, daughter of 'Beiilah Haines and John Stokes, Page 125. married Daniel Hurley, son of . Their children were— 'Aubrey, born . ; married . 'Elma, born ; married Asbury Severs (2d wife). 'Stokes, born ; single. "Isaac Stokes, son of 'Beulah Haines and John Stokes, married Page 125. Lydia Collins, daughter of Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger (widow). Their children were — 'Charles, born 1-7, 1822; married x\my Wills'. Phebe Haines'. 'Carlton P., born 7-12, 1810; married Lydia Webster'. Elizabeth '. 'Samuel, born 8-5, 181 3 ; married Lydia Fletcher. 'Elizabeth C, born 4-21, 1817; married John Lowry. 'Chalkley, born 2-24, 1820; married Mary Borton. 'Collins, born 8-8, 1815 ; married Mary Percival. 'Ezra, born 10-27, 1823 ; married Martha Shreeve. 'Edwin, born 2-8, 1827 ; married Martha Andrew's. Lydia died and Isaac married Mary Ballinger (widow), daugh- ter of Levi Ballinger and Hannah. No issue by second marriage. Amy Wills, the first wife of 'Charles Stokes, was the daughter of Amos Wills and Hannah Moore, his second wife. Amos was the son of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. See that family, page 89, and Jacob Wills' ancestry, page 44. Hannah Moore was the daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre, wdiose ancestry see, page 99. in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Phebe Haines, the second w'ife of 'Charles Stokes, was the daughter of Ezra Haines and Lucy Bishop. Ezra was the son of Samuel Haines and Mary Stevenson, his second wife. Samuel was the son of Samuel Haines and Lydia Stokes. Samuel was the son of \\'illiam Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Lydia was the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Deliverance Horner, his first wife. Thomas was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors. Mary Borton, the wife of 'Chalkley Stokes, was the daughter of Joseph Borton and Sarah Jessup, the daughter of John Jessup and Deborah. Joseph w-as the son of Uriah Borton and Mary Col- SIXTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. 184 lins. Uriah was the son of Abram Borton and Rachel Engle. Abram was the son of John Borton and EHzabeth Lord. John was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the pro^^enitors. Rachel Engie was the daughter of Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb, the daughter of William Venicomb, the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), the daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, the progenitors, of Long Island. Robert was the son of John Engie and Mary Ogborn, the daugh- ter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the progenitors. John was the son of Robert Engie and Jane Home, the progenitors. Mary Col- lins was the daughter of Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger, the widow of John Mason, and daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Job was the son of Francis Collins and Ann Ash- ard, the widow of Nehemiah Haines. Francis was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd, his second wife, the widow of Dr. John Goslin, of Burlington, N. J., and daughter of Thomas Budd. Martha Shreeve, the wife of 'Ezra Stokes, was the daughter of Samuel Shreeve and Ann Haines, the daughter of Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Inskeep, the daughter of Joseph Inskeep and Ann. Samuel was the son of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. John was the son of Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, the daughter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Nathan was the son of William Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. 'William Stokes, son of 'Beulah Haines and John Stokes, mar- ried Ann Wilson, daughter of Isaac Wilson and Phebe Middleton. pag,. 125. Their children were — AVilson, born 9-1, 1819; married Elanor McKenney. 'Barclay W., born 8-18, 181 5 ; married Hannah Ann Haines. %Vhitall, born 10-10, 1823 ; married Almira Carman. ''Alfred, born 3-28, 1826; died young. 'Phebe M., born 3-2, 1817; married Edward Brown '. James Roberts'. 'Isaac W., born 5-15, 1828; married Mary Ann Lippincott'. Annie Cooper'. 'Casper, born 11-25, 1821 ; died single. 'Beulah, born 9-17, 1830; married Mark Zelley. 'Edwin, born ; married Matilda Kemble. x\nn died and AVilliam married Hannah Livzey. No issue by second marriage. 1 85 HAINBS FAMILY. Hannah Ann Haines, the wife of 'Barclay Stokes, was the daughter of Caleb Haines and Hope Lippincott. Caleb was the son of Darling Haines and j\Iary Lippincott. Darling was the son of Amos Haines and Mary Conrow, daughter of Caleb Con- row and Patience Atkinson. Amos was the son of Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, who ancestr}- see, page 184. See ancestry of Hope Lippincott, page 124. Mary Ann Lippincott, the wdfe of 'Isaac W. Stokes, was the daughter of Job Lippincott and Mary Stokes, the daughter of John Stokes and Beulah Haines. See that family, page 125, and John Stokes' ancestry, page 78. See Job Lippincott's ancestry,, page 126. "Caleb Stokes, son of "Beulah Haines and John Stokes, married Page 125. Rutli Shinu, daughter of Levi Shinn and Hannah, 1802. Their children were — 'John S., born 4-25, 1808; married Rachel Fletcher'. Rebecca Jones'. Xevi, born 2-8, 1806; married Deborah Haines. 'Elwood H., born 10-9, 181 5 ; married Rachel \ Sarah Stout'. 'Enoch R., born 11-24, 1812; married. 'Ruth Anna, born 9-29, 1822; married Franklin Hewlings. 'Rachel, born 2-3, 1804; married William Riker. 'Beulah, born 7-18, 1810; married Elwood Thomas. "Samuel Stokes, son of "Beulah Haines and John Stokes, mar- Page 125. I'i^d Mary Mathison, daughter of . Their children were — 'Isaac, born ; married . 'Samuel, born ; married . 'Elizabeth, born ; single. 'Emma, born ; married E. H. Carter. "Ahab Lippincott, son of "Rachel Haines and Thomas Lippin- Page 125. cott, married Mary Wills, daughter of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. Their children were — 'Amos H., born ; married Mary Roberts'. Susanna C. Roberts^ 'Mary, born ; married Mickle Clement. 'Rachel, born ; married Joseph Rogers. See ancestry of Mary and Susanna C. Roberts, and Joseph Rogers, pages 138 and 139. SIXTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. i86 'Beulah Lippincott, daughter of "Rachel Haines and Thomas Lippincott, married Mahlon Atkinson, son of . Page 125. Their children were — 'Rachel, born ; died single. 'Mary, born ; married Charles Haines (2d wife). '\Mlliam, born ; died single. 'Thomas, born ; married Mary Ann Wilson. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Clayton Haines (ist wife), 'Joseph, born ; married Beulah Ann Kain. Charles Haines, who married 'Mary Atkinson, was the son of Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Inskeep, the daughter of Joseph Inskeep and Ann. See ancestry of Samuel Haines, page 184, in Martha Shreeve's ancestry. Clayton Haines, who married 'Elizabeth Atkinson, was the son of Charles Haines and Mary Troth. See that family, page 159, and Mary Troth's ancestry, page 99. Beulah Ann Kain, the wife of 'Joseph Atkinson, was the daugh- ter of Levi L. Kain and Hannah Mason. Levi was the son of William Kain and Anna Lippincott, the daughter of Levi Lippin- cott and Lettice Wills. Levi was the son of Jonathan Lippincott and Ann Eves. Jonathan was the son of James Lippincott and Ann Eves. James was the son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shattock, the first wife. Restore was the son of Richard Lippin- cott and Abigail, the progenitors. Lettice Wills was the daugh- ter of Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Ann Eves, the wife of Jona- than Lippincott, was the daughter of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn (widow Wills). Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, from London. Ann Eves, the wife of James Lippincott, was the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor. 'Hope Lippincott, daughter of 'Rachel Haines and Thomas Lip- pincott, married Caleb Haines, son of Darling Haines and Mary page 125. Lippincott. Their children were — 'Hannah Ann. born ; married Barclay Stokes'. Andrew Griscom'. 'Elwood, born ; married Martha Ann Haines. 'Mary, born ; married Clarkson Lippincott. 'Rachel, born 187 HAINES FAMILY. Page 123. Page 126. Barclay Stokes, who married 'Hannah Ann Haines, was the son of William Stokes and x\nn Wilson, the daughter of Isaac Wilson and Phebe Middleton, the daughter of Samuel Middleton and Ann. Isaac was the son of John Wilson and Mary. See an- cestry of William Stokes, page 182, in Isaac W. Stokes' ancestry. "Mary Ann Haines, daughter of Joseph Haines and Isabella Haines, married Thomas A. Potts, son of . Their children were — 'William M., born ; married Mary C. French'. Elizabeth Denfer' 'Nathan, born ; married Anna Gifford. 'Thomas H., born ; married Helen Reckless. 'Marian, born ; married John Lumis. 'Mary A., born ; married Joseph B. Evans. 'Isabella H., born ; single. 'AnnaM., born ; married Alfred Lawson. 'David G., born ; married Bessie Clement. 'Sarah J., born ; married John Briggs. 'Rebecca, born ; single. 'Julia A., born ; single. "Samuel Lippincott, son of "Anner Haines and Samuel Lippin- cott, married Elizabeth Hewlings, daughter of . Their children were — 'Marmaduke, born ; married Marv Wills. 'Joseph, born 'Lewis, born 'Horace, born 'Charles, born 'Keturah, born 'Sarah, born 'Elizabeth, born ; married Elizabeth Haines, died single. ; married Priscilla M. Wills. ; married Annie Shivers. ; married Samuel B. Evans, died young woman. ; married David Griscom. Mary Wills, wife of 'Marmaduke Lippincott, was the daughter of Zebedee M. Wills and Rachel Rogers. See ancestry of Zebedee M. Wills, page 99. in Sarah Wills' ancestry, his sister. Rachel Rogers was the daughter of William Rogers and Mary Davis. See Rachel Rogers' ancestry, page 137, in Rebecca H. \\'ills" an- cestrv. Priscilla M. , Wills, the wife of 'Horace Lippincott, was the daughter of Joab Wills and Mary Rogers. Joab was the son of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. See ancestry, page 99, and Mary Rogers, the daughter of William Rogers and Mary Davis, page 137, in Rebecca H. Wills' ancestry. SIXTH GBNBRA TION^AND CHILDREN. 1 88 Samuel B. Evans, who married 'Keturah Lippincott, was the son of Thomas Evans and Sarah Burrough, the daughter of Samuel Burrough. Thomas was the son of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves. Thomas was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Eldridge. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines, the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann. the progenitors. John Haines was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progeni- tors of the Haines family. Thomas Evans was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Evans family. Mary Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry see. page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. 'Clayton Lippincott. son of "Anner Haines and Samuel Lippin- cott. married Hannah Brick, daughter of William Brick and Page 126. ^lary. Their children were — 'Agnes, born ; married Jacob L. Evans. A\'illiam B.. born ; married Rachel Collins. Jacob L. Evans, who married 'Agnes Lippincott, was the son of Thomas Evans and Sarah Burrough. whose ancestry see above, in Samuel B. Evans' ancestrv. a brother. Rachel Collins, the w^ife of AVilliam B. Lippincott, was the daughter of Clayton Collins and Esther Evans. Clayton was the son of Job Collins and Mary Ballinger. the daughter of Levi Bal- linger and Hannah. Job was the son of John Collins and Ruth Borrodale. John was the son of Francis Collins and Ann x\shard, the widow of Xehemiah Haines. Francis was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd. his second wife, the widow of Dr. John Goslin. of Burlington, N. J., and daughter of Thomas Budd. Francis came from London, and was the son of Edward Collins and Mary, of Oxfordshire. England. Esther Evans was the daughter of Jacob Evans and Elizabeth Snowden. the daughter of Isaac Snowden. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves, whose ancestrv see above, in Samuel B. Evans' ancestry. 'Nathan Lippincott. son of 'Anner Haines and Samuel Lippin- cott. married Lydia Burrough. daughter of . page 126. Their children were — 'Nathan, born ; married Rebecca Kirkbride. ']\Iartha, born ; married Davis Bassett. 'Anna, born ; single. i89 HAINBS FAMILY. Xydia Lippincott, daughter of 'Anner Haines and Samuel Lip- Page 126. pincott, married Benjamin Cooper, son of . I Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married Elizabeth Ann Lippincott. 'Benjamin, born ; married Lydia Evans. 'Clayton, born ; married Elizabeth C. Haines'. Mary J. Haines'. 'Anna, born ; single. Elizabeth Ann Lippincott, the wife of 'Samuel Cooper, was the daughter of Alarmaduke Lippincott and Mary Wills, the daugh- ter of Zebedee M. Wills and Rachel Rogers, whose ancestry see, page 137, in Rebecca H. Wills' ancestry, a sister. Marmaduke Lippincott was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Elizabeth Hew- lings. See that family, page 187. Lydia Evans, the wife of 'Benjamin Cooper, was the daughter of David Evans and Sarah Roberts, the daughter of Samuel Rob- erts and Sarah Evans. Samuel was the son of Joseph Roberts and Susanna Cole. Joseph was the son of Joshua Roberts and Re- becca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary El- kinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, N. J John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors Susanna Cole was the daughter of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd Kendall was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daugh- ter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Cole family Sarah Evans was the daughter of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves whose ancestry see, page 188, in Samuel B. Evans' ancestry David Evans was the son of John Evans and Rebecca Cowperth- wait. John Avas the son of Enoch Evans and Mary Wilcox, whose ancestry see, page 173, in Annie Wills' ancestry. Rebecca Cowperthwait's ancestry see, page 173, in Howard Darnell's an- cestry. Elizabeth C. and IMary J. Haines, wives of 'Clayton Cooper, were the daughters of Isaac I. Haines and Emeline Hooten. Isaac I. was the son of Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Inskeep. See page 128. 'Mark Lippincott, son of °Anner Haines and Samuel Lippincott, married Abigail Evans, daughter -of Jacob Evans and Elizabeth Snowden. Their children were — 'Samuel, born 2-10, 1844; married Emma Griscom. SIXTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 90 "William Cooper Lippincott. son of 'Aimer Haines and Samuel Lippincott, married Deborah Evans, daughter of John Evans and Page m. Rebecca Cowperthwait. Their children were — ^Henry, born 8-21. 1844; married Emily Pancoast. 'Martha Davis, daughter of "Mary Haines and David Davis, married Andrew Griscom, son of . Page 128. Their children were — 'David, born ; married Elizabeth Lippincott. 'Emma, born ; married Samuel Lippincott. 'Barclay, born ; died young. Elizabeth Lippincott, the wife of 'David Griscom, was the daughter of Samuel Lippincott and Elizabeth Hewlings. See that family, page 187. Samuel Lippincott, who married 'Emma Griscom, was the son of Mark Lippincott and Abigail Evans. See that family, page 189, and Abigail Evans' ancestry, page 127. 'Anner Davis, daughter of 'Mary Haines and David Davis, married Allen Fenimore, son of Isaac Fenimore and Martha page 12s. Moore, first wife. Their children were — 'Martha, born ; married Micajah R. Wills. 'Ann, born ; married Benajah Deacon. 'Mary, born ; single. Tsaac, born ; married Sallie Deacon. 'Sarah Jane, born ; single. 'Anna, born ; married Clothier. 'Allen, born ; married Butterworth. 'Lizzie, born ; married Newbold. Micajah R. \\'ills, who married 'Martha Fenimore, was the son of Zebedee M. Wills and Rachel Rogers, whose ancestry see, page 137, in Rebecca H. Wills' ancestry, a sister. Sallie Deacon, the wife of Tsaac Fenimore, w^as the daughter of Henry C. Deacon and Elizabe-th Stokes, the daughter of Lsrael Stokes and Sarah Borton. Henry C. was the son of Joseph Dea- con and Mary Chambers. Joseph was the son of William Dea- con and Elizabeth Rogers. 191 Page 129. HAINBS FAMILY. I 'John H. Dudley, son of 'Ann Haines and Evan Dudley, mar Page 128. ricd Hannah Ann Glover, daughter of • Their children were — 'Richard H., horn ; single. 'Annie, horn ; married Perkins. 'Rachel, horn ; married Joseph Hilton. Thomas H. Dudley, son of 'Ann Haines and Evan Dudley, Page 128. married Emeline Matlack, daughter of • Their children were — 'Edward, born ; married. Two daughters, born "Benjamin M. Haines, son of "Johi^ Haines and Elizabeth Moore, married Kesiah Burrough, daughter of Joseph Burrough and Martha. Their children were — 'John D., born ; married Sarah Wills. 'Martha B., born ; died single. 'Elizabeth M., born ; died single. Sarah Wills, the wife of 'John D. Haines, was the daughter of Benjamin H. Wills and Elizabeth C. Wills. Benjamin H. was the son of Amos Wills and Rebecca Haines, his first wife. See that family, page 136, and Elizabeth C. Wills' ancestry, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry, her sister. "Reuben Haines, son of "Jolni Haines and Elizabeth Moore, Page 129 HTarried Ann Hooten, daughter of William Hooten and Ann. Their children were — 'William, born ; married Abigail R. Sharp. Abigail R. Sharp, the wife of 'William Haines, was the daugh- ter of David Sharp and Martha Rogers. David was the son of Aaron Sharp and Rachel Cox. Aaron was the son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. Amos was the son of John Sharp and Ann Haines, the daughter of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor of the Austin family. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. John Sharp was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. John was the eldest of three brothers, the sons of William Sharp, who came from England. SIXTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. ig2 "Charles Haines, son of 'Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Inskeep, married Elizabeth Borton, daughter of Uriah Borton and Mary Page 12s. Collins. Their children were — 'William B., born ; married Mary T. Haines. 'Rachel, born ; married John Roberts. Mary T. Haines, the wife of 'William B. Haines, was the daugh- ter of Charles Haines and Mary Troth. See that family, page 159, and Mary Troth's ancestry, page 99. John Roberts, who married Rachel Haines, was the son of Amos Roberts and Jane Matlack. Amos was the son of Ebenezer Roberts and Rachel Dudley, the daughter of Thomas Dudley and Martha Evans, the daughter of Thomas Evans and Rebecca Owen, his second wife. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitofs. Thomas Dudley was the son of Francis Dudley, who came from England, and Rachel Wilkins, daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Susannah, the progenitors. Ebenezer was the son of John Roberts and Phebe Andrews. John was the son of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, N. J. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors. "Isaac I. Haines, son of 'Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Inskeep, married Emeline Hooten, daughter of . Page 128. Their children were — 'Hannah Ann, born 12-7. 1833 ; died 8-31, i860. /--- — 'Martha K., born ; died 4-20, 1835. .'Samuel, born 1-26, 1836; married Elizabeth C. Stokes. 'Elizabeth C, born 6-29, 1838; married Clayton Cooper (ist wife). 'Martha Ann, born 12-3, 1841. 'Mary J., born 11-24, 1843; married Clayton Cooper (2d wife). 'Emily, born 2-1, 1846. 'Sarah R., born 9-29, 1849. "Isaac I. Haines, died 11-9, 1855. Emeline, his wife, died ii-io, 1854. Elizabeth C. Stokes, the wife of 'Samuel Haines, was the daugh- ter of Charles Stokes and Amy Wills, his first wife. Charles was the son of Isaac Stokes and Lydia Collins. See that family, page 183, and Lydia Collins' ancestry, page 126. 13 193 HAINES FAMILY. Clayton Cooper, who married 'Elizabeth C. and 'Mary J. Haines, was the son of Benjamin Cooper and Lydia Lippincott, the daughter of Samuel Lippincott and Anner Haines. See an- cestry of Samuel Lippincott, page 79, and his family, page 126. "Keturah Haines, daughter of 'Jo^''^^ Haines and Elizabeth Page 129. Moorc, married Joseph K. Lippincott, son of Jesse Lippincott and Ann Kay. Their children were — 'John H., born ; married Deborah Scull. 'Jesse, born ; married Henrietta Kay. 'Mary, born ; married Charles Kay.' Alexander Cooper.^ 'Joseph, born ; married Mary Bell. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Isaac W. Nicholson. Isaac W. Nicholson, who married 'Elizabeth Lippincott, was the son of Isaac Nicholson and Priscilla Wills, the daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Sarah \\'ills" ancestry, her sister. "Rachel Haines, daughter of 'Jol^^'' Haines and Elizabeth Moore, Page 129. married Reuben Roberts, son of John Roberts and Esther Evans. Their children were — 'Esther, born ; married Ezra Bell — first wife. 'Keturah, born ; single. 'Edwin, born ; married . 7ohn M. Haines, son of 'Jo'i^'i Haines and Elizabeth Moore, Page 129. married Sarah Evans, daughter of Joseph Evans and Rebecca Roberts. Their children were — 'Rebecca R., born 9-17, 1831 ; died single, 2-28, 1850. 'Bethuel, born 12-26, 1829; married Hannah Fox. 'Ann Haines, daughter of 'Samuel Haines and Elizabeth In- Page 128. skeep. married Samuel Shreeve, son of Joseph Shreeve and Their children were — 'Joseph, born 9-24, 1822; married Catharine R. Glover. 'Samuel H., born 11-25, 1824; married Elizabeth Glover. 'Martha N.. born 5-13, 1821 ; married Ezra Stokes. Ezra Stokes, who married 'Martha Shreeve, was the son of Isaac Stokes and Lydia Collins. See that family, page 183, and Lydia Collins' ancestry, page 126. SIXTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. 1 94 "Hannah Haines, daughter of 'Samuel Haines and EHzabeth Inskeep. married William Roberts, son of William Roberts and Page 128. Elizabeth Grinslade. Their children were — ■Samuel II.. l)orn ; married Abigail Ann Haines. 'Elizabeth, l)orn ; married Walter Knight. Abigail Ann Haines, the wife of 'Samuel H. Roberts, was the daughter of David Haines and Deborah Troth. See that family, page 163, and Deborah Troth's ancestry, page 99. "Elwood Haines, son of ''Joshua Haines and Alary Pine, mar- ried Emma Mathis, daughter of . Page 131. Their children were — 'Livingston, born ; married . Two daughters, born ; died young. "Joshua Haines, son of 'Joshua Haines and Mary Pine, mar- ried Elizabeth Inskeep, daughter of John Inskeep and Ann. Page 131. Their children were — 'Mary Elizabeth, born ; died single. 'Rachel, born ; married Elijah B. Woolston, ]\I. D. "Rehoboam Haines, son of 'Joseph Haines and Phebe Brad- dock, married Sarah Jane Mathis, daughter of . P'^e^ i3i. Their children were — 'Phebe, born ; married Barclay Phillips. 'John, born ; single, 'Joseph, born ; single. Barclay Phillips, who married T'hebe Haines, was the son of Samuel Phillips and Martha Braddock, the daughter of Darnell Braddock and Sarah Rogers. Darnell was the son of Rehoboam Braddoc4< and Jemima Darnell, the daughter of John Darnell, the progenitor, and Hannah Borton, the daughter of John Bort(»n, Jr., tlic son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. Sarah Rogers was the daughter of William Rogers and Martha Estnrhans, William was the son of William Rogers and Elizabeth Walker. William was the son of William Rogers and Hannah. Reh ""J rf^a. 0eth. born ; married -. -DD Daniel Garwood, who married 'Susannah Collins, was the son of Thomas Garwood and Margaret, the progenitors of the Gar- Avood family. Joshua Evans, who married 'Priscilla Collins, was the son of Thomas Evans and Rebecca Owen, his seconcPwife. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Evans famil\-. Joshua Evans was a very noted minister in the Society of Friends. 'Francis Collins, son of 'Francis Collins and Mary Budd (wid- ow), second wife, married Ann Haines (widow), daughter of Page 253. John Ashard and . Their children were — 'Joshua, born ; married . 'John, born ; married Ruth Borrodale. 'Job, born ; married Mary Haines.' Elizabeth Ballinger (widow).' 'Priscilla, born ; married James Mulock, M. D. Mary Haines, the first wife of 'J^'^^ Collins, was the daughter of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp. See that family, page 50, and Hannah Sharp's ancestry, page 24. Elizabeth Ballinger, the second wife of 'Job Collins, was the widow of John Mason, and daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Joshua was the son of Thomas Ballinger, the pro- genitor of the Ballinger family 256 COLLINS PAMIL Y. 'Samuel Collins, son of 'Francis Collins and Mary Budd (wid- Page 253. ow), sccond wifc, married Abigail Ward, daughter of , 1721. Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married Rosanna Stokes. 'Mercy, born ; married Samuel Thomas — second wife. Solomon Haines — second wife. Samuel Thomas, who married 'Mercy Collins, was the son of Daniel Thomas, who came from Wales. England, and settled in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Samuel married — first, Dorothy Jones, by whom he had three children. Dorothy died, and he married 'Mercy Collins, and had two children, and parted. Samuel went to "Valley Forge," and died there; and 'Mercy mar- ried Solomon Haines, his second wife, and had a daughter, Eliza- beth, who married Isaac Mullen, and went to the State of Ohio. Solomon Haines, who married 'Mercy Collins, was the son of Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack. See that family, page 28. Sarah Matlack was the daughter of William Matlack and Mary Hancock, the progenitors of the Matlack family, who came from England. Rosanna Stokes, the wife of 'Samuel Collins, was the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Rachel Wright, his second wife. Thomas was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, from Stepney, Middlesex, England, the progenitors of the Stokes family. 4 I FOURTH GENBRATION AND CHILDREN. 237 "Benjamin Collins, son of 'Joseph Collins and Catharine Hiid- dleston, married Ann Hedger, daughter of . Page 254. Their children were — . "Joseph, born "Priscilla, born ; married, 1772, Aaron Haines. "Elizabeth Bryan, daughter of 'Rebecca Collins and Thomas Bryan, married Daniel Haines, son of Thomas Haines and Eliza- Page 25-1. beth Austin. Their children were — 'Priscilla, born ; married, lo-i, 1743. John Antrim. "Moses, born ; married, 12-11, 1747, Patience Antrim. 'Thomas, born 'Joseph, born "Simeon, born "Mary, born ; married Thomas Bryan. "Elizabeth, born ; married Pennock. "Priscilla Hugg, daughter of 'Priscilla Collins and John Hugg, Jr., married Thomas Eayre, son of Richard Eayre and Elizabeth Page 254. ? ^^!^- Their children were — "Hannah, born 5-24, 1739; married, 4-19, 1759, John Moore. "Thomas, born ; married Keturah Moore. John Moore and Keturah ]\Ioore, wh.o married 'Hannah and "Thomas Eayre, were the children of Benjamin Moore and Re- becca Fenimore, the daughter of Joseph Fenimore, who was the son of Richard Fenimore, the progenitor. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore, the progenitor, and Sarah Stokes, the daugh- ter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors of the Stokes family, who came from Stepney. Middlesex, England. "Susannah Collins, daughter of 'John Collins and Elizabeth Moore, married Daniel Garwood, son of Thomas .Garwood and Page 255. Margaret. Their children were — "Japheth, born ; married Hannah Haines. "Susannah, born ; married John Brooks. Hannah Haines, the wife of 'Japheth Garwood, was the daugh- ter of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp. See that family, page 50, and Hannah Sharp's ancestry, page 24. 2S8 COLLINS FAMILY. 'D 'John Collins, son of 'John Collins and Elizabeth Moore, mar- Page 255. ried Patience , daughter of . Their children were — 'Mary, born (only child) ; married Samuel Hugg. 'Priscilla Collins, daughter of 'John Collins and Elizabeth Page 255. Moore, married Joshua Evans, son of Thomas Evans and Rebecca Owen (second wife). Their children were — "Elizabeth, born 1756. "Rebecca, born 1755; died young. "Rachel, born 1760; married Abraham Warrington. -John, born 1762. 'Joseph, born 1765. 'Ellen, born 1767; died young. 'Margarett, born 1769; married John Miller. "Joshua, born 1771 ; married Rebecca Somers. 'Priscilla, born 1773; married Josiah Webster. 'Owen, bom ; died single. 'Rachel, 'John and 'Joseph went to the State of Ohio (Salem). *Job Collins, son of 'Francis Collins and Ann Ashard (widow Page 255. Haines), married Mary Haines, daughter of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp. Their children were — 'Sarah, born 11-15, 1774; married, 3-12, 1794, Samuel Thorn. Mary died, and 'Job married Elizabeth Mason (widow), daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Their children were — V 'Mary, born 8-19, 1780; married, 9-12, 1798, Uriah Borton. 'John, born 5-31, 1782; married Sarah Haines — third wife. 'Naomi, born 4-26, 1784; married Isaac Roberts. 'Elizabeth, born 2-9, 1786. 'Lydia, born 11-17, 1787; married Isaac Stokes — first wife. 'Josiah, born 6-18, 1789. 'Hannah, born 9-5, 1792. 'Hope, born 10-7, 1794. Tsaac, born 7-4, 1797. 'Ezra, born 2-12, 1801. Uriah Borton, who married 'Mary Collins, was the son of Abram Borton and Rachel Engle. Abram was the son of John Borton and Elizabeth Lord. John was the son of John Borton, Jr., who was the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 259 the Borton family. Rachel Eng-le was the daughter of Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb. Robert was the son of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the progenitors of the family. John Engle was the son of Robert Engle and Jane Home, the progenitors of the Engle family. Rachel Venicomb was the daughter of William Venicomb, the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), the daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, of Long Island, the progenitors of that family. Sarah Haines, the wife of 'John Collins, was the daughter of Job Haines and Sarah Carr, the daughter of Caleb Carr. Job was the son of Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Roberts. See that family, page 67, and Elizabeth Roberts' ancestry, page 34. Isaac Stokes, who married Xydia Collins, was the son of John Stokes and Beulah Haines. John was the son of Joshua Stokes and Amy Hinchman. Joshua was the son of Thomas Stokes and Rachel Wright, his second wife. Thomas was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors, from Stepney, Mid- dlesex, England. Beulah Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. See that family, page 78, for an- cestry of John Haines. Samuel Thorn, who married 'Sarah Collins, was the son of Thomas Thorn and Abigail Burrough, the daughter of Samuel Burrough. Thomas was the son of Thomas Thorn and Letitia Hinchman, whose ancestry see, page 51, in Abigail Haines' an- cestry. 'John Collins, son of 'Francis Collins and Ann Ashard (wid- ow), married Ruth Borrodale, daughter of . Page 255. Their children were — 'Job, born ; married Mary Ballinger. 'Samuel Collins, son of 'Samuel Collins and Abigail Ward, married Rosanna Stokes, daughter of Thomas Stokes and Rachel Page 25g. W'right (second wife). Their children were — ^Abigail, born ; married John Lippincott. 'Rachel, born ; married Joseph Champion. 'Hannah, born ; married Enoch Allen, 26o COLLINS FAMILY. John Lippincott, who married "Abigail Collins, was the son of Daniel Lippincott and Elizabeth Pirn. Daniel was the son of James Lippincott and Anna Eves. James was the son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shattock. Restore was the son of Rich- ard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors of the Lippincott fam- ily. Anna Eves was the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, who came from London, and settled at Burlington, New Jersey. Mary Ballinger, the wife of "Job Collins, was the daughter of Levi Ballinger and Hannah. *Mercy Collins, daughter of 'Samuel Collins and Abigail Ward, Page 256. married Samuel Thomas, son of Daniel Thomas, from Wales,. England. Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married Hannah Bishop. "Hannah, born ; married . They parted, and Samuel died, and Mercy married Solomon Haines, son of Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack. Their children were — "Elizabeth, born ; married Isaac Mullen. Isaac Mullen and his wife, Elizabeth, went to the State of Ohio. See Solomon Haines' will, page 6i. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 261 ^Priscilla Collins, daughter of 'Benjamin Collins' and Ann Hedger, married Aaron Haines, son of , of Glou- Page 257. cester County, New Jersey. Their children were — ^Elizabeth, born ; married Bowker/ Jacob Haines.' ']\Iary Haines, daughter of 'Elizabeth Bryan and Daniel Haines, married Thomas Bryan, son of . Page 257. Their children were — "William, born ; married Elizabeth . "John, born ; married Sarah Haines. 'Hannah Eayre, daughter of 'Priscilla Hugg and Thomas Eayre, married John ]\Ioore, son of Benjamin Moore and Re- Page 257. becca Fenimore. Their children were — "Joseph, born 2-4, 1760; married Mary Hewlings. "Priscilla, born 7-15. 1762; married Zebedee Wills. "Eayre, born 1-26, 1765 ; married . "Benjamin, born 4-6, 1767; married Sarah Bowen. "Rebecca, born 2-22, 1769; married Joshua Ballinger. "Hosea, born 5-28, 1772; married Mary Bishop. "John, born 8-20, 1774; married Keturah Eayre. "Stacy, born 1-23, 1777; married Sabilla Austin.' Drucilla Tomlin.^ "Hannah, born 2-';, 1784; married Amos Wills — second wife. Zebedee Wills, who married "Priscilla Moore, was the son of IMicajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Joshua Ballinger, who married "Rebecca Moore, was the son of Thomas Ballinger. Thomas was the son of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Joshua was the son of Thomas Ballinger, the progenitor. Amos Wills, who married "Hannah Moore, was the son of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. See that family, page 89, and Jacob Wills' ancestry, page 44. Sabilla Austin, the first wife of "Stacy Moore, was the daugh- ter of Jonathan Austin. Drucilla Tomlin, the second wife of "Stacy ]\Ioore. was the daughter of \\'illiam Tomlin. 262 COLLINS FAMILY. "Thomas Eayre, son of Triscilla Hugg and Thomas Eayre, Page 257. married Ketnrah Moore, daughter of Benjamin Moore and Re- becca Fenimore. Their children were — "Hannah, born ; married John Deacon. John Deacon who married 'Hannah Eayre, was the son of George Deacon and Ann Burr. George was the son of John Deacon and Esther Wills, the daughter of John Wills and Eliza- beth. John was the son of James Wills and Hester Gardiner, the daughter of Thomas Gardiner, the progenitor, of Burlington, New Jersey. James was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills, the progenitor, and Elizabeth, his first wife. 'Japlieth Garwood, son of ^Susannah Collins and Daniel Gar- Page 257. wood, married Hannah Haines, daughter of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp. Their children were — "Hannah, born ; married Isaac Sharp. Hannah died, and "J^pheth married Elizabeth Bates. Their children were — *Sarah, born 2-22, 1792; married Jacob Prickitt. 'Hope, born i-ii, 1796; married Job Braddock. "Rachel, born 1-16, 1797; died 12-22, 1815. "Daniel, born 3-20. 1800; died young. Isaac Sharp, who married 'Hannah Garwood, was the son of William Sharp and Elizabeth Green. See that family, page 222, and Elizabeth Green's ancestry, page 213. Jacob Prickitt, who married "Sarah Garwood, was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Mary Peacock. See that family, page 223. Mary Peacock was the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger, the daughter of Thomas Ballinger, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the prqgenitor. John was the son of John Peacock, the progenitor, from Scotland. Job Braddock, who married "Hope Garwood, was the son of Job Braddock and Hannah Snowden, the daughter of Nathaniel Snowden and Margaret. Job was the son of Rehoboam Brad- dock and Jemima Darnell, whose ancestry see, page 220. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 263 'Mary Collins, daughter of 'Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger (widow), married Uriah Borton, son of Abram Borton and Ra-Page 258. chel Engle. Their children were — "Joseph, born 4-29, 1800; married Sarah Jessiip. 'Elizabeth, born 1-27, 1803; married Charles Haines — first wife. 'Rachel, born 9-7, 1806; married William Jessup — second wife. "Mary, born 10-7, 1813; married Thomas Evans — first wife. 'Naomi, born 9-1, 18 16; married Nathan Haines. Xydia, born 5-16, 1809; died single. 'Amy, born 8-22, 1818; died single. Sarah Jessup and William Jessup, who married 'Joseph and 'Rachel Borton, were the children of John Jessup and Deborah. John was the son of John Jessup and Elizabeth Ballinger. Charles Haines, who married "Elizabeth Borton, was the son of Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Inskeep. Samuel was the son of John Haines and Mar}^ Shreeve. See that family, page 78, for ancestry of John Haines. Thomas Evans, who married 'Mary Borton, was the son of Jo- seph Evans and Rebecca Roberts. Joseph was the son of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves, whose ancestry see, page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. Rebecca Roberts was the daugh- ter of Joseph Roberts and Susanna Cole, whose ancestry see, page 138, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry, also. Nathan Haines, who married "Naomi Borton, was the son of Hinchman Haines and Mary Warrington. For ancestry of Hinchman Haines, see page iii. 'Job Collins, son of *John Collins and Ruth Borrodale, married Mary Ballinger, daughter of Levi Ballinger and Hannah. ^^^^ 259. Their children were — 'Hannah, born 3-24, 1806; married Joseph Davis. 'Lydia, born 5-9, 1807; married William D. Rogers. 'Levi, born 3-16, 1809; married Jemima . 'Clayton, born 1-16, 181 1; married Esther Evans. 'William, born 7-10, 1813; married Mary Percival. William D. Rogers, who married Xydia Collins, was the son of William Rogers and Mary Davis. William was the son of Wil- 264 COLLINS FAMIL Y. liam Rogers and Grace Allen (widow Eayres). William was the son of William Rogers, who was the son of John Rogers, the son of John Rogers, the first, the progenitor of the Rogers family. Mary Davis was the daughter of David Davis and Martha Cole. David was the son of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem County, New Jersey. David was the son of John Davis, the progenitor, ^ "^ who came from Wales, England, and settled in Salem County, New Jersey. Martha Cole was the daughter of Samuel Cole, the son of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd. Kendall was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Eliza- beth, the progenitors, from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire, England. Esther Evans, the wife of 'Clayton Collins, was the daughter of Jacob Evans and Elizabeth Snowden, the daughter of Isaac Snowden. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves, whose ancestry see, page 1 1 1 . Xydia Collins, daughter of 'Job Collins and Elizabeth Bal- Page 258. linger (widow), married Isaac Stokes, son of John Stokes and Beulah Haines. Their children were — "Charles, born 1-7, 1822; married Amy Wills.'^ Phebe Haines.' 'Carlton P., born 7-12, 1810; married Lydia Webster.' Elizabeth ." 'Samuel, born 8-5, 1813; married Lydia Fletcher. 'Elizabeth, born 4-21, 181 7; married John Lowry. 'Collins, born 8-8, 1815; married Mary Percival. 'Chalkley, born 2-24, 1820; married Mary Borton. 'Ezra, born 10-27, 1823; married Martha Shreeve. 'Edwin, born 2-8, 1827; married Martha Andrews. Xydia died, and Isaac married Mary Ballinger, widow of Job Collins, daughter of Levi Ballinger and Hannah. No issue by the second marriage. Amy Wills, the first wife of 'Charles Stokes, was the daughter of Amos Wills and Hannah Moore, his second wife. Amos was the son of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. See that family, page 89, and Jacob Wills' ancestry, page 44. Hannah Moore was the daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre, whose ancestry see, page 100, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 26; Phebe Haines, the second wife of ""Charles Stokes, was the daughter of Ezra Haines and Lncy Bishop, his first wife. See her ancestry, page 183. Mary Borton, the wife of "Challvley Stokes, was the daughter of Joseph Borton and Sarah Jessup. See her ancestry, page 183. Martha Shreeve, the wife of "Ezra Stokes, was the daughter of Samuel Shreeve and Ann Haines. See her ancestry, page 184. °John Collins, son of *Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger (wid- ow), married Hannah Lippincott (second wife), daughter of Page 258. Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Haines. Their children were — *Mark, born ; married Edith Craft — second wife. "Rachel, born ; died 4-3, 1835. See third wife, page 169, of John Collins. 'Abigail Collins, daughter of *Samuel Collins and Rosanna Stokes, married John Lippincott, son of Daniel Lippincott and Page 259. Elizabeth Pim. Their children were — "Abigail, born ; married Jacob Leeds. "Kesiah, born ; married Kendall Cole. "Priscilla, born ; married Samuel Haines. 'Restore, born ; married Agnes Shoemaker. "Collins, born ; married Amy Shoemaker. "Joseph, born ; married Sarah Albertson. "Jacob, born ; married Beulah C. Beatty. "Rachel, born ; married James Dillon.' John Garwood.' "Daniel, born ; married Mary Morgan. "Mary, born ; married George Eayre.' Wheeland.' "Rosanna, born ; married Gibbs. "Samuel, born ; single. 'John, born ; single. John Garwood (widower), who married "Rachel Lippincott. was the son of Thomas Garwood, and great grandson of Thomas Garwood and Margaret, the progenitors. He married— first, Sarah Prickitt, the daughter of Jacob Prickitt and Mary Peacock, and left no children. Mary Morgan, the wife of "Daniel Lippincott, was of Creole extraction, of Natchez, Mississippi— a lady of high intellectual capacity and refinement. 266 COLLINS FAMILY. "Elizabeth Haines, daughter of Triscilla ColHns and Aaron Page 261. Haincs, married Japheth Bowker, son of . Their children were — 'Japheth, born ; married Prickitt.'^ Elizabeth Sharp.' Elizabeth Shinn (widow).' Japheth Bowker died, 'Elizabeth married Jacob Haines, son of Jacob Haines and Sarah Austin. Their children were — 'Amos, born ; died single. 'Elizabeth, born ; married John Elliot King. 'Mary, born ; married Thomas Joyce. 'Clayton, born ; married Hannah Worrell. 'Jonathan, born ; married Dobbins. "Priscilla Moore, daughter of 'Hannah Eayre and John Moore, Page 261. married Zebedee Wills, son of Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hew- lings. Their children were — 'Rel:)ecca, born ; married Clayton Haines. 'Amy, born ; died single. 'Priscilla, born ; married Isaac Nicholson. 'Zebedee M., born ; married Rachel Rogers. 'Joab, born ; married Mary Rogers. 'Hannah E., born ; married John Gardiner.' Samuel Eves.' 'Sarah, born ; married George Haines, M. D. 'Elizabeth C, born ; married Benjamin H. Wills. 'Micajah, born ; died young. Clayton Haines, who married 'Rebecca Wills, was the son of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher, his second wife, the daugh- ter of John Butcher. See ancestry of Benjamin Haines, page 67, that family. Rachel and ]\Iary Rogers, the wives of 'Zebedee M. and 'Joab Wills, were the daughters of William Rogers and Mary Davis, whose ancestry see, page 263, in William D. Rogers' ancestry. John Gardiner, who married 'Hannah E. Wills, w^s the son of Joseph Gardiner and Mary Wilkins. Joseph was the son of James Gardiner and Mary Tomlinson. James was the son of Jo- seph Gardiner and . See Joseph Gardiner in Gar- diner family. SIXTH GEXERATION AND CHILDREN. 267 Joseph was the son of Thomas Gardiner, Jr., and Hannah Mathews. Thomas, Jr., was the son of Thomas Gardiner, the progenitor, of Burhngton, New Jersey, who came from London. Mary Tomhnson was the daughter of Ephraim TomHnson. the son of Joseph TomHnson and EHzabeth, the progenitors, who came from London. Hannah Mathews was the daughter of Rich- ard Mathews, of Stokernwington, Middlesex, England. Mary Wilkins was the daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Esther Evans, Thomas w^as the son of Thomas ^Yilkins and ]\Iary Core, the daughter of Enoch Core, the progenitor, and Sarah Roberts, the daughter of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Rob- erts family. Thomas was the son of Thomas Wilkins and Sus- annah, the progenitors of the Wilkins family. Esther Evans was the daughter of William Evans and Sarah Roberts. William was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Evans family. Sarah Roberts was the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, New Jersey. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors, as above. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines fam- ilv. Samuel Eves, who married 'Hannah E. Wills (widow Gardin- er), was the son of John Eves and Jane Evans, the daughter of John Evans and Ruth. John was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, his second wife. Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, of Bur- lington, New Jersey, who came from London. Georg-e Haines, M. D., who married 'Sarah Wills, was the son of Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines, whose ancestry and family see, page 98. Benjamin H. Wills, who married 'Elizabeth C. Wills, was the son of Amos Wills and Rebecca Haines, his first wife, the daugh- ter of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher, his second wife, the daughter of John Butcher. See that family, page 67, and an- cestry of Benjamin Haines. 18 268 COLLINS FAMILY. "Rebecca Moore, daughter of 'Hannah Eayre and John Moore, Page 261. married Joshua Bahinger, son of Thomas BalHnger and Susannah Dudley. Their chikh-en were — 'Job, born ; married Susan Troth. 'Joshua, born ; married Ruth Haines. 'Sarah, born ; married Jacob Lippincott. 'Susan, born ; married Stacy Stiles. 'Rachel, born ; died single. Susan Troth, the wife of 'Job Ballinger, was the daughter of John Troth and Ann Engle. John was the son of William Troth and Esther Borton, whose ancestry see, page 99. Ann Engle was the daughter of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton, whose ancestry see, page 98, in Deborah Engie's ancestry. Ruth Haines, the wife of 'Joshua Ballinger, was the daughter of Core Haines and Mary Haines, whose family and ancestry see, page 106. Jacob Lippincott, who married 'Sarah Ballinger, was the son of Levi Lippincott and Lettice Wills. Levi was the son of Jon- athan Lippincott and Ann E^'es. Jonathan was the son of James Lippincott and Anna Eves. James was the son of Restore Lip- pincott and Hannah Shattock. Restore was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors of that family. Lettice Wills was the daughter of Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. See Anna Eves, page 321. "John Moore, son of 'Hannah Eayre and John Moore, married Page 261. Keturah Eayre, daughter of . Their children were — 'Horatio, born ; married Mary Cox. 'John, born 'Reljecca Ann, born ; married Lewis Wilkins. 'Charles, born - "Hannah Moore, daughter of 'Hannah Eayre and John Moore, Page 261. married Amos Wills, son of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. Their children were — 'Amy, born ; married Charles Stokes — first wife. 'Charles, born ; married Hannah Leeds. 'Mary, born ; died single. 'John M., born ; died single. SIXTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN 269 "Stacy Moore, son of "Hannah Eayre and John Moore, married Sabilla Austin, daughter of Jonathan Austin and . Page 261. Their children were — '\\'iniam, born 11-9, 1801. ''Ehzabeth, born 8-5, 1803; married Robert Buzby. 'Meribah, born 4-7, 1806. SabiHa died, and "Stacy married Drucilla Tomhn, daughter of Wihiam TomHn and . Their children were — "Hannah, born 4-9, 1810; married Arthur Haines. 'Stacy, born 10-20, 18 16; died 10-13, 1840. John R., born 12-15, 18 18. Arthur Haines, who married 'Hannah Moore, was the son of Isaiah Haines and Rachel Peacock. See that family, page 118, for ancestry of Isaiah Haines, and page y2> ^^r ancestry of Rachel Peacock. Charles Stokes, who married 'Amy Wills (page 268) was the son of Isaac Stokes and Lydia Collins. See that family, page 264, for ancestry of Lydia Collins, and ancestry of Isaac Stokes, page 259. Hannah Leeds, the wife of 'Charles Wills (page 268), was the daughter of John Leeds and Hannah. John was the son of Nehe- miah Leeds and Elizabeth Eayres. Nehemiah was the son of Abraham Leeds. "Hosea Moore, son of 'Hannah E^ayre and John Moore, mar- ried Mary Bishop, daughter of . Page 261. Their children were — 'Mark, born ; married Beulah Curlis. 'Aaron B., born ; married Acksa Bozarth. 'Hosea, born ; married Rebecca Prickitt — first wife. 'Mary, born ; married George W. Helmbold. 'Sarah, born ; married Zackariah Wood. 'Lydia, born ; married Samuel Conrow. 'Hannah, born ; married Robert Wilson. 'Amy, born ; married Henry Wood. 'Maria Louisa, born ; died young, 6 years. 2;o COLLINS FAMILY. "Hannah Garwood, daughter of 'J^pl^^th Garwood and Han- Page 262. nah Haines (first wife), married Isaac Sharp, son of WilHam Sharp and EHzabeth Green. Their children were — 'EHzabeth, born 1807; married Samuel Sharp. 'Susannah, born 1808; died single. 'Kesiah, born 1810; married Allen Prickitt — first wife. 'Hannah, born 181 3; married David Scott. 'Japheth, born 181 5; married Julia Ann Scott. 'Jane Ann, born 1823; married Hugh Sharp — first wife. For ancestry of Samuel Sharp, who married 'Elizabeth Sharp, see page 165. See ancestry of Allen Prickitt, who married 'Kesiah Sharp, page 166. Hugh Sharp, who married 'Jane Ann Sharp, was the son of William Sharp and Jemima Braddock, whose ancestry see, page 165, in Ferdinand Sharp's ancestry, a brother of Hugh Sharp. "Sarah Garwood, daughter of °Japheth Garwood and Elizabeth Page 262. Bates, second wife, married Jacob Prickitt (first wife), son of Jacob Prickitt and Mary Peacock. Their children were — 'Rachel born ; married William Garwood. 'Daniel, born ; died single. "Sarah died, and Jacob married Sabilla Sharp, daughter of Bar- zillia Sharp and Lydia Peacock. See their children, page 248, in Sharp family. "Hope Garwood, daughter of "Japheth Garwood and Elizabeth Page 262. Bates (second wife), married Job Braddock, son of Job Braddock and Hannah Snowden. Their children were — 'Hannah, born 1-7, 1821 ; married Joshua Garwood. 'Aaron L., born 10-31, 1822; died 2-1 1, 1825. 'Elizabeth G., born ; married Robert Hartley. 'Susannah G., born • ; died single. "Hannah Eayre, daughter of 'Thomas Eayre and Keturah Page 262. Moorc, married John Deacon, son of George Deacon and Ann Burr. Their children were — 'George B., born ; married Mary Ridgway. SIXTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 271 "Joseph Borton, son of 'Mary Collins and Uriah Borton, mar- ried Sarah Jessup, daughter of John Jessup and Dehorah. Page 263. Their children were — "Deborah, born ; married Richard Buzby. 'Elizabeth, born 'Mary, born ; married Chalkley Stokes. 'Rachel, born ; died single. ^Uriah, born ; married Rachel Wiggins. 'Sarah, born ; died single. Chalkley Stokes, who married 'Mary Borton, was the son of Isaac Stokes and Lydia Collins. See that family, page 264, for ancestry of Lydia Collins, and ancestry of Isaac Stokes, page 259. "Elizabeth Borton, daughter of "Mary Collins and Uriah Borton, married Charles Haines (first wife), son of Samuel Haines and Page 263. Elizabeth Inskeep. Their children were — 'William B., born ; married Mary T. Haines. "Rachel, born ; married John Roberts. Tvlary T. Haines, the wife of 'William B. Haines, was the daughter of Charles Haines and Mary Troth. For ancestry of Charles Haines, see that family, page 159, and ancestry of Mary Troth, page 99. John Roberts, who married 'Rachel Haines, was the son of Amos Roberts and Jane Matlack. Amos was the son of Ebenezer Roberts and Rachel Dudley. Ebenezer was the son of John Rob- erts and Phebe Andrews. John was the son of Joshua Roberts and Rebecca Stokes. Joshua was the son of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington. New Jersey. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. "Rachel Borton, daughter of 'Mary Collins and Uriah Borton. married W^illiam Jessup, son of John Jessup and Deborah. p^^^ 263. Their children were — 'Esther, born ; married Edmund Darnell. Edmund Darnell, who married 'Esther Jessup, was the son of Job Darnell and Agnes Mullin, daughter of W^illiam Mullin and Elizabeth Lukins. Job was the son of Edmund Darnell and Ra- chel Dudley, whose ancestry see, page 158. 2/2 COLLINS FAMILY. "Mary Borton, daughter of 'Mary Collins and Uriah Borton, Page 263. married Thomas Evans, son of Joseph Evans and Rebecca Rob- erts. "Mary died and left no children, and Thomas married Sarah Lippincott, daughter of Abraham Lippincott and Rachel Borton. Their children were — 'Sarah, born ; married Elwood Evans. Elwood Evans, who married 'Sarah Evans, was the son of Uriah Evans and Rachel Saunders. Uriah was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Borton, the daughter of Abraham Borton and Rachel. Jacob was the son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla, whose ancestry see, page 144, in Lydia Evans' ancestry. "Naomi Borton, daughter of 'Mary Collins and Uriah Borton, Page 263. married Nathan Haines, son of Hinchman Haines and Mary Warrington. Their children were — Son, born ; died young. "Charles Stokes, son of Xydia Collins and Isaac Stokes, mar- page 264. ^"^^^ Amy Wills, daughter of Amos Wills and Hannah Moore, second wife. Their children were — 'Elizabeth, born 6-25, 1843; married Samuel Haines. 'John W., born 11-20, 1844; married Ann Woolman. 'Charles F., born 11-19, 1852; died 8-7, 1855. See Charles Stokes' second wife, Phebe Haines, page 198. Samuel Haines, who married 'Elizabeth C. Stokes, was the son of Isaac I. Haines and Emeline Hooten. For ancestry of Isaac I. Haines see that family, page 192. "Chalkley Stokes, son of Xydia Collins and Isaac Stokes, mar- Page 264. 1''^^ Mary Borton, daughter of Joseph Borton and Sarah Jessup. They left no children. "Elizabeth Stokes, daughter of Xydia Collins and Isaac Stokes, Page 264. married John Lowry, son of . Their children were — 'John, born ; married Lavinia Haines. 'William, born 'Edward, born 'Lydia, born Lavinia Haines, the wife of 'John Lowry, was the daughter of Allen Haines and Lavinia Truitt. See page 152. SIXTH GBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 273 *Ezra Stokes, son of Xydia Collins and Isaac Stokes, married Martha Shreeve, daughter of Samuel Shreeve and Ann Haines. Page 264. Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married . 'Anna, born ; married Joshua Barton. "I. Collins Stokes, son of Xydia Collins and Isaac Stokes, mar- ried Mary Percival, daughter of . Page 264. Their children were — 'Mary, born ; married Joseph Roberts. 'Elizabeth, born ; married William Roberts. 'Walter P., born ; married Anna Taylor — second wife. 'Carlton Stokes, son of Xydia Collins and Isaac Stokes, mar- ried Lydia Webster, daughter of . Page 264. Their children were — 'Samuel born 'William, born 'Lydia, born 'George, born Lydia died, and °Carlton married Elizabeth . No chil- dren by the last marriage. 'Samuel Stokes, son of Xydia Collins and Isaac Stokes, mar- ried Lydia Fletcher, daughter of . Page 264. Their children were — 'Thomas, born 'Jarvis, born Rachel, born 'Henry, born Xdwin Stokes, son of Xydia Collins and Isaac Stokes, married Martha Andrews, daughter of • Page 264. Their children were — 'Clara, born 'Cortland, born 'Edwin, born "Clayton Collins, son of 'Job Collins and Mary Ballinger, mar- ried Esther Evans, daughter of Jacob Evans and Elizabeth Snow- p^^^ 263. den. Their children were — 'Rachel, born ; married William B. Lippincott. 274 COLLINS FAMILY. "Lydia Collins, daughter of "Job Collins and Mary Ballinger, Page 263. married William D. Rogers, son of William Rogers and Mary Davis. Their children were — Xevi, born ; married Lydia Evans. 'Josiah, born ; married Martha Hollingshead. 'Hannah, born ; died single. 'Mary, born ; single. "Lydia, born ; married Levi Lippincott. 'William Collins, born ; married Meriba W. Borton. Martha Hollingshead, the wife of 'Josiah Rogers, was the daughter of Charles Hollingshead and Esther Haines, the daugh- ter of Job Haines and Martha Ballinger. Job was the son of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins. For ancestry of Isaac Haines, see that family, page 95, and ancestry of Mary Wilkins, page 50. Martha Ballinger was the daughter of Thomas Ballinger and Sus- annah. Thomas was the son of Joshua Ballinger, the son of Thomas Ballinger, the progenitor. "Jacob Lippincott, son of 'Abigail Collins and Joshua Lippincott, Page 265. married Beulah C. Beatty, daughter of . Their children were — ^Freedom, born ; married Lettice Woolston. 'George, born ; married Jane Ouinby. 'Samuel, born 'Robert, born "Joseph Lippincott, son of 'Abigail Collins and John Lippincott, Page 265. married Sarah Albertson, daughter of . Their children were — 'Albertson. born ; married Elizabeth Bodine.' Beulah Cassaday.' 'Susan, born ; married John S. Lippincott. 'Sarah, born 'Elizabeth, born "Rachel Lippincott, daughter of 'Abigail Collins and John Lip- Page 265. pincott, married James Dillon, son of . Their children were — 'Elizabeth, born ; married Henry Shinn.^ Japheth Bowker." 'Ann, born ; married Abram Merritt.' Henry Scott.^ James died, and "Rachel married John Garwood. No issue. SIXTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. 2 -/D ^Daniel Lippincott, son of ^Abigail Collins and John Lippincott, married Mary Morgan, daughter of , from Natch- Page 235. ez, Mississippi. They left no children. "Collins Lippincott, son of 'Abigail Collins and John Lippincott, married Amy Shoemaker, daughter of . Page 205. Their children were — "John, born ; married Susan Lippincott. 'Mary, born 'Elizabeth, born 'Jane, born 'Priscilla Lippincott, daughter of 'Abigail Collins and John Lip- pincott, married Samuel Haines, son of . Page 265. Their children were — 'William, born 'Kesiah Lippincott, daughter of 'Abigail Collins and John Lip- pincott, married Kendall Cole, son of . Page 265. Their children were — 'Julianna, born 'John, born 'Charles, born 'Eliza, born 'Harriet, born 'Maria, born 'Benjamin, born "Alark Collins, son of 'John Collins and Hannah Lippincott (second wife), married Edith Craft, daughter of Samuel Craft Page 265. and . Their children were — 'Samuel C, born 'Charles, born 'Anna C, born 'Mark, born WILLS FAMILY. . / WILLS FAMILY. T\R. DANIEL WILLS, of Northamptonshire, England, the ^-^ progenitor of the Wihs family, came to Burlington, N. J., in the ship Kent, in 1677, and was among the first settlers at Burling- ton ; and was one of the London Commissioners. He located his claim of six hundred acres on the "Rancocas River," and named the township after the place he lived in in England. He was born in 1633; married Elizabeth (first wife) 1655; died 3-20, 1698. Elizabeth died 1-6, 1661. His children were James, Daniel and John, by his first wife Elizabeth ; by his second wife Mary, he had the following: Samuel, Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth and Ann, the latter born loth mo. ist, 1677, after their arrival in Burlington, New Jersey. He appears to have been a man corresponding to the title he bore, and was probably as well read up in his profession, and as well qualified to practice the healing art, as any of his con- temporaries. His outfit, still in possession of some of his descend- ants, comprising surgical instruments, a large work on Materia Medica, called "Herbal" (remedies greatly in vogue in his day), and his medicine chest, indicate that he was prepared for any emergency that might arise — from the amputation of a limb to the administering of pharmaceutical remedies. He and Dr. John Gos- lin settled in Burlington, but subsequently removed to his claim on the Rancocas River. It also appears that he was a man qualified for municipal as well as other official business ; being chosen one of the London Commissioners, and took an active part in the af- fairs of the city and province. He went to Barbadoes to settle his brother William's estate, was taken sick, died, and was buried there in the Friends' burying ground. The children by his first wife, Elizabeth, were — 'James, born 1655; married Hester Gardiner. 'Daniel, born 1658; married Margaret Newbold and ]\Iary Shinn. ■John, born 1660; married Hope Delefaste. The children by his second wife, Mary, were — 'Samuel, born 1667. 'Mary, born 1670; married, 5-8, 1691, Thomas Olive.' married, 1696, Robert Ever.' married, 1703, Nathan Stanbury.' 'Joseph, born 1673. 'Elizabeth, born 1675; married. 2-17, 1712. George Bliss. 'Ann, born lo-i, 1677; married, 1699, James Fox. Jr. 276a WILLS FAMILY. Copy of Dr. Danie;i, Wills' Will. I, Daniel Wills, of Northampton, in the County of Burlington, being in my sixty-five years of age, and truly sensible of the good- ness of the Lord, and of His merciful dealings with me unto this day, \vhich causeth me at this time, in true humility, to make mention of His name in this my last will. Imprimis — I give my soul to God, and my body to be buried at the discretion of my ex- ecutor hereof; and that earthly estate which God in His kindness intrusted me with, and made me steward of, I dispose of it as fol- loweth : Item — My will is that all my debts that I truly owe, be paid by my executor without fraud. Item — I do give unto my son, James Wills, all that lot of land on which he now liveth ; and has built his house upon the same; and also fifty acres of land in the town bounds, long since surveyed unto him, which I had no occasion to make mention of here, only he never had any con- veyance from me of these lands, which I now give to him and his heirs forever. Item — I do give to my son, Daniel Wills, the negro boy Will, which he hath and standeth in my books indebted to me for, either to keep or to dispose of as he thinks convenient ; I also give Daniel, my son, all that he standeth in debt to me for in my books, be it more or less ; I also give my son, Daniel Wills, the reversion of half of my quarter part of a property, which will fall in the third taking up of lands, if any be; and of the rest of it. I do give unto my son, John Wills, all that tract of land belonging and appertaining to me on which he now dwells ; with all the build- ings which were built upon it before he came to live upon it. That which he has built since, he has been at the charge of for the most therefor ; I write in this manner therefore as above. All that tract of land which really belonged to me before my son John came to dwell (there), and all the buildings then built thereupon, I do give unto him to keep and dispose of as he pleaseth. Item — I give unto my grandson, John Wills, son to James Wills, of Burling- ton, my fifty acres of land in the town bounds, surveyed to me, ly- ing near the brick kills ; I say I give him that fifty acres of land, to him and his heirs forever. Item — I give to Mary Ewer, my daughter, a book of chyrurgery, called Cimbros Parry. Item — I give my youngest daughter, Ann Wills, one hundred and eight pounds, to be paid by my ex'ecutor at or upon the first day of the ; / / FIRST GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 276b tenth month, called December, which will be in the year one thou- sand six hundred and ninety-eight ; the reason of the eight pounds being mentioned is for the interest for one year, and for every year till paid. I also give to my daughter Ann, our great brass skillet, and my watch, with all that I formerly gave her, which she has in her possession, or any that is out of her possession that I have formerly given her. Item — My books, any of them Mary shall desire, or Ann, or any of my sons, to keep for a time to read, my will is that my son John shall lend them, or any of them ; but to be returned to him again, excepting son John shall be willing to dispose of any of them, then let any of my children have the re- fusal. Item — I give unto my son, John Wills, all my real and personal estate, whom I make my sole executor; and do appoint him to pay all my just debts, and to receive all that is justly due to me ; I say, I do give him all my lands, except what is before given by me in this, my last will, either in surveys or in revision to be taken up belonging to me ; I say to him, his heirs forever. For the full performance of this, my last will and testament, which I do hereby publish and declare this to be my last will, and is the true meaning of my heart and mind and is unalterable ; and for the confirmation of the same I hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal, the five and twentieth day of the first month, commonly called March, in the year one thousand six hundred and ninety- eight (1698). DANIEL WILLS, [d. w.] Signed and sealed in the presence of Christopher \\>therill, Joseph Smith. • Proved the 20th of ]\Iarch, 1700, before Thomas Lambert, Francis Davenport, and proved anew before J. Basse, the 25th of J"lv, 1715- Copied from the Record, compared and examined by me, Sam- uel Bustill, 276c WILLS FAMILY. Copy of the WiIvI. of John W11.1.S. I, John Wills, of Northampton, in the County of Burlington, and Province of New Jersey, being in the eighty-sixth year of my age, do make and publish this, my last will and testament, etc., dated the seventeenth day of Ninth Month, A. D. ^745. Item — I give and bequeath to my son, Daniel Wills, all that tract of land he now liveth upon, being part of the land I had of my father, Daniel Wills, bounded, etc., and after the decease of my said son Daniel Wills, I give and devise my said tract of land and planta- tion to my grandson, Daniel Wills, the third son of my said son Daniel Wills, and to the male heirs of his body forever, he paying thereout ten pounds apiece to his younger brothers, etc. Item — I give and bequeath unto my son, John Wills, all my wearing- clothes and apparel. Item — I give and bequeath unto my son, James Wills, my ninety odd acres of land, for which he has al- ready an order out of the office for taking it up. I say I give to him, his heirs and assigns forever. Item — I give and bequeath unto nw said son, Daniel Wills, (he paying out unto his three brothers, Jonathan, Moses and Aaron, to each of them, the sum of thirty pounds, current lawful money of the Province, as they shall respectively arrive at the age of 21 years), the remaining part of that tract of land which I had from my father, on which I now dwell, etc., bounded by the line marked with I.W. and D. W., the whole breadth thereof to the Northampton River, etc. I do hereby give, devise and bequeath unto him, my said grandson, Daniel Wills, he paying thereout as aforesaid, and to the male heirs of his body forever ; and I also give and bequeath unto my said grandson, Daniel Wills, my ferry flat and my boat likewise ; I give and bequeath unto him my mill stone and all the iron work that did belong to the mill, etc. I do hereby give, devise and be- queath unto my said grandson, Daniel Wills, one hundred acres of my cedar swamp. I say I give it to him and his male heirs for- ever. Item — I do hereby give, devise and bequeath unto my grand- son Samuel Lippincott, son of Freedom Lippincott, all that my tract of land lying on the south side of Northampton River, con- taining about 270 acres. Item — I give and bequeath to my son-in- law, Samuel Lippincott, my still worm and worm tub, with full and absolute power to unhang and take the same from off the free- hold ; also I give him his choice of six of the best of my books. All the residue of my books I give to my three sons, Daniel, James and John Wills. Item — I do hereby give, devise and bequeath unto my grandson, Jonathan Ladd, he paying thereout unto my two FIRST GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 276d grandsons, namely. Jacob and Samuel, sons of my son James ^Vills. the sum of one hundred pounds when he, the said Jonathan Ladd, shall arrive at the age of 21 years, all that, my 400 acres of upland and 100 acres of cedar swamp lying and being at a place called by the Indian name of Meshequexing, etc. * '" * Item — I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Hope, the daugh- ter of Freedom. Lippincott. the bed and bedstead, with all the furni- ture, etc. * * '^ and the high chest of drawers which are in the room where she lodgeth. etc. ; likewise I give and bequeath unto her all the worsted stuff she hath spun, except enough for a gown for her sister Molly, and another for Sarah, the wife of my son James \\^ills. The residue of my estate I give to my daugh- ters' children, to be divided, viz.. to the children of my daughter, Hope Lippincott, one ecjual fifth part. Freedom, her eldest son, being dead, my will is, that his share shall go to his son Abel. To the children of my daughter Elizabeth Lippincott, another one- fifth part, to be divided equally among them, excepting Samuel, before otherwise provided for. To the children of my daughter Ann, which she had by Jonathan Ladd, another fifth part, viz., to the two eldest, Elizabeth and Samuel, ten pounds apiece, and the remainder to Jonathan. Item — To the children of my daugh- ter, Sarah Lord, another equal fifth part. Item — To the children of my daughter Rebecca, that she had by William Tomlinson, one equal fifth part, etc., and to the particular and respective survivors of them, the shares of my said daughters' children, namely, Hope, Elizabeth, Ann and Sarah. Item — I do hereby will and order that my old negro woman Jenney, have her being, and be pro- vided for by my grandson, Daniel Wills, on my plantation, in con- sideration whereof I do give him the labor and service of my wench Rose, as long as old Jenny liveth. Lastly, I do hereby ap- point, ordain and constitute my son-in-law, Samuel Lippincott, sole executor to this, my last will and testament, and I do hereby revoke and make void all former wills and testaments made by me. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth dav of the ninth month, A. D. 1745. JOHN WILLS. [sii.M,.] Witnesses, Revil Elton, Thomas Green, Gabl. Blond. Recorded Book No. 5, page 308, &c. Robt. Burchan, Clk. pro Regr. 19 277 WILLS FAMILY. 'James Wills, son of 'Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, first wife, Page 276. married Hester Gardiner, daughter of Thomas Gardiner, of Bur- ling-ton, N. J. Their children were — 'John, born 7-8, 1681 ; married, 1707, Elizabeth Frampton. 'James, born 2-17, 1683. 'Mary, born 'Hester, born 'Daniel Wills, son of 'Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, first wife, Page 276. married Margaret Newbold, daughter of Michael Newbold and Ann (first), Mary Shinn (second). Their children were — 'Elizabeth, born 1689; married 'Daniel, born 1692; married, 17 19, Margaret Eayre. 'James, born 1694; married Elizabeth Woolston. 'Joseph, born 1698; married Rebecca Shinn. 'Ann, born 1700. 'Margaret, born 1762. 'Hannah, born 1704. 'John Wills, son of 'Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, first wife. Page 276. married Hope Delefaste, daughter of — . Their children were — 'Hope, born ; married, 1708, Samuel Lippincott. 'Daniel, born 1690; married, 1714, Ehzabeth Woolston. 'Jane, born 1692; married, 1713, Samuel Eves, first wife. 'Mary, born 1692. 'James, born 1695; married Sarah Clement. 'Elizabeth, born 1698; married, 9-17, 171 5, Freedom Lippincott. 'Ann, born 1698; married Jonathan Ladd. 'Sarah, born 1701 ; married, 10-26, 1721, Joshua Lord. 'John, born 1703 ; married, 6-2, 1721, Hannah Circuit. 'Rebecca, born 1706; married, 8-13, 1731, William Tomlinson. Freedom Lippincott, who married 'Elizabeth Wills, was the son •of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son ■of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors of the family. Margaret Eayre, the wife of 'Daniel Wills, was the daughter of Richard Eayre and Elizabeth, the progenitors of that family. Samuel Lippincott, who married 'Hope Wills, was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. See above for ancestry. Elizabeth Woolston, the wife of 'Daniel Wills, was the daugh- ter of John Woolston, the progenitor of that family, and Hannah : SECOND GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 278 Cooper, the daughter of WiUiam Cooper and Margaret, of "Pyne Point," New Jersey, the progenitors of the Cooper family, who came from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire, England. Bartholomew Horner, who married 'Elizabeth Wills, daughter of John Wills and Hope Delefaste, was the son of Isaac Horner, of Northampton, New Jersey. Joshua Lord, who married 'Sarah Wills, was from Deptford, Gloucester county, New Jersey. Samuel Eves, who married 'Jane Wills, was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, of Bur- lington, N. J., the progenitor of that family, who came from Lon- don. 'Elizabeth Wills, daughter of 'Jo^i^ Wills and Hope Delefaste, married Freedom Lippincott, son of Freedom Lippincott and Page 277. Mary Curtis. Their children were — 'Daniel, born ; married Hannah Cole. 'Samuel, born ; married Abigail Bates. 'Caleb, born ; married Hannah Wilkins. 'Joshua, born ; married Rachel Dudley. 'Hope, born ; married Thomas Wallace. 'Solomon, born ; married Sarah Cozens.^ Mary Zane." 'Mary, born ; married Daniel Bassett. 'John, born 'Patience, born 'Nathan, born 'Daniel Wills, son of 'Daniel Wills and Margaret Newbold, mar- ried Margaret Eayre, daughter of Richard Eayre and Elizabeth, Page 277. 1719- Their children were — 'Noah, born ; married Mary . 'Richard, born 'David, born ; married Crispin. 'Daniel, born ; married Meribah Lippincott. 'George, born ; married Priscilla Fenimore. 'Margaret, born 'Hope, born ; married John Allen. 'John, born ; married Sarah Griffith. 'Hannah, born ; married Lawrence \\'ebster. 279 WILLS FAMILY. 'James Wills, son of 'Daniel Wills and Margaret Newbold, mar- Page 277. ried Elizabeth Woolston, daughter of John Woolston and Lettice Newbold. Their children were — "Micajah, born 2-23, 1721 ; married Rebecca Hewlings. *Zebedee, born ; married Ruth Woolston ; died young man. Xettice, born ; married Dobbins. Rebecca Hewlings, the wife of ^Micajah Wills, was the daugh- ter of Jacob Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the pro- genitor, of Burlington, N. J., who came from London. Jacob was the son of William Hewlings, the progenitor, and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, of Burling- ton, N. J. 'John Wills, son of 'James Wills and Hester Gardiner, mar- Page 277. ried Elizabeth Frampton, daughter of William Frampton and Elizabeth. Their children were — 'Hester, born ; married John Deacon. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Bartholomew Horner. *Mary, born ; married Nathan Lovitt. 'James, born 'William, born 'Hope Wills, daughter of 'John Wills and Hope Delefaste, mar- Page 277. ried Samuel Lippincott, son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Their children were — 'Aaron, born ; married Elizabeth Jennings. 'Freedom, born ; married Hannah Rakestraw. 'Mary, born ; married Samuel Cole. 'Martha, born ; married Joseph White. Samuel Cole, who married 'Mary Lippincott, was the son of vSamuel Cole and Mary Kendall. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Cole family, who came from Cole's Hill, Hertfordshire, England. Mary Kendall was the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor of that family, who came from England, and was a bricklayer. He built the first mill in Gloucester county, and became possessed of consider- able real estate. THIRD GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 280 'Daniel Wills, son of 'John Wills and Hope Delefaste, married Elizabeth W^oolston, daughter of John Woolston and Hannah Page 277. Cooper, 1 7 14. Their children were — "* Joseph, born 17 15. 'Hope, born 1721 ; married Benjamin Lippincott. 'Mary, born 1723; married, 8-25, 1739, William Buzby. 'Daniel, born 1725 ; married Foster. ^Hannah, born 1728; married Caleb Lippincott. 'John, born 1730. ^Jonathan, born 1730. ''Aaron, born 1 734 ; married Rachel Warrington. *Moses, born 1737; married Margaret Clement.' Elizabeth French (widow Wills).' Benjamin and Caleb Lippincott, who married 'Hope and 'Han- nah Wills, were the sons of Jacob Lippincott and Mary Burr, of Salem county, X. J. Jacob was the son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shattock. Restore was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors of the family. 'Jane Wills, daughter of ']o\\\\ Wills and Hope Delefaste, mar- ried Samuel Eves, son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Pase 277. Their children were — "Benjamin, born ; died single, young man. 'Jane died and Samuel married Mary Shinn, 1721. Their children were — 'Joseph, born ; married Rebecca Haines. 'John, born ; married Jane Evans. 'Ann, born ; married Jonathan Lippincott. 'Mary, born ; married Joseph Campion. Rebecca Haines, the wife of 'Joseph Eves, was the daughter of \m.os Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. Amos was the son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Austin, the progenitor of the Austin family. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progeni- tors of the Haines familv. Jonathan Lippincott, who married 'Ann Eves, was the son of James Lippincott and Anna Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progeni- tor, from London. James was the son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shattock. Restore was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. 28 1 WILLS FAMILY. 'Daniel Lippincott, son of 'Elizabeth Wills and Freedom Lip- Page 278. pincott, married Hannah Cole, daughter of . Their children were — 'Hope, born ; married William Hollingshead. 'Judith, born ; married William Pine. 'Joseph, born *Samuel Lippincott, son of 'Elizabeth Wills and Freedom Lip- Page 278. pincott, married Abigail Bates, daughter of . Their children were — 'Joshua, born ; married "Annie Bassett. 'Joseph, born ; married Ann Stewart. 'Abigail, born ; married John Tyler. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Isaac Cooper. 'Mercy, born 'Samuel, born *Caleb Lippincott, son of 'Elizabeth Wills and Freedom Lippin- Page 278. cott, married Hannah Wilkins, daughter of . Their children were — 'Thomas, born ; married Rachel Haines. 'Job, born ; married Sarah Burns. ^ Beulah Wills.' Rachel Haines, the wife of 'Thomas Lippincott, was the daugh- ter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. John was the son of Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, the daughter of Francis Aus- tin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Bor- ton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. Nathan was the son of William Haines and Sarah Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor, of Burlington, N. J. William was the third son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. *Joshua Lippincott, son of 'Elizabeth Wills and Freedom Lip Page 278. pincott, married Rachel Dudley, daughter of . Their children were — 'Nathan, born ; married Sarah Allen. 'Rebecca, born ; married Hinchman Haines, third wife. 'Hannah, born 'Elizabeth, born 'Rachel, born 'Mary, born ( FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 282 ^Solomon Lippincott, son of 'Elizabeth Wills and Freedom Lip- pincott, married Sarah Cozens, daughter of . Page 278. Their children were — 'Jacob, born ; married Mary Piatt. "Daniel, born ; married Margaret Irwin. 'Elizabeth, born ; married John Saunders. 'Joshua, born Solomon, born 'Freedom, born 'Martha, born 'Mary Lippincott, daughter of 'Elizabeth Wills and Freedom Lippincott, married Daniel Bassett, son of . Page 278. Their children were — 'Daniel, born ; married Mary Scull. 'Mary, born 'Micajah Wills, son of 'James Wills and Elizabeth Woolston, married Rebecca Hewlings, daughter of Jacob Hewlings and Dor- page 279. othy Eves. Their children were — 'Ahab, born 3-10, 1745 ; married . 'James, born 2-26, 1746; married Elizabeth French. 'Jacob, born 8-19, 1748; married Mary Haines. 'Joab, born 9-1, 1750; married Amy Gill. 'Elizabeth, born 10-5, 1752; married Abel Clement. 'Lettice, born 9-5, 1754; married Levi Lippincott. 'Zebedee, born 10-4, 1756; married Priscilla Moore. 'Zebedee Wills, son of 'James Wills and Elizabeth Woolston, married Ruth Woolston, daughter of . rage 279. Their children were — 'Margaret, only child born. Xettice Wills, daughter of 'James Wills and Elizabeth Wool- ston, married Dobbins, son of Dobbins, of Ran- mge 27=1. cocas, N. J. Their children were — 'Joab, born 'Zebedee, born Priscilla Moore, the wife of 'Zebedee Wills, was the daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestrv. 283 WILLS FAMILY. 'Hester Wills, daughter of 'Jol'^i^ Wills and Elizabeth Frampton, Page 279. married John Deacon, son of . Their children were — °George, born ; married Ann Burr. 'Aaron Lippincott, son of 'Hope Wills and Samuel Lippincott, Page 279. married Elizabeth Jennings, daughter of . Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married Theodocia Hewlings. 'Judith, born ; married Joseph Kay. 'Freedom Lippincott, son of 'Hope Wills and Samuel Lippincott, Page 279. marled Hannah Rakestraw, daughter of . Their children were — ^Abel, born ; married Jemima Evans.' Catharine Hudson.' °Hannah, born 'Mary Lippincott, daughter of 'Hope Wills and Samuel Lippin- Page 279. cott, married Samuel Cole, son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall. Their children were — "Martha, born ; married David Davis — second wife. °Mary, born ; married Newbold. David Davis, who married 'Martha Cole, was the son of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem county, N. J., and grandson of John Davis, from Wales, England. 'Hope Wills, daughter of 'Daniel Wills and Elizabeth Woolston, Page 280. married Benjamin Lippincott, son of Jacob Lippincott and Mary Burr. Their children were — 'Benjamin, born ; married Lydia Pimm.' Mary Wood.' °Jethro, born ; married Phebe Elkinton. "Aaron, born ; married Sarah Haines. ''Mary, born ; married Joshua Paul. 'Hope, born ; married Zacheus Ballinger. 'Samuel, born FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 284 'Hannah Wills, daughter of 'Daniel Wills and Elizabeth Wool- ston, married Caleb Lippincott, son of Jacob Lippincott and Mary Page 2so. Burr. Their children were — 'William, born ; married Elizabeth Fohvell." Christiana Newkirk.' 'Samuel, born ; married IMary Ogxlen.' Patience Webster.' Christiana Black.' 'Rebecca, born ; died single. 'Hannah, born ; died single. 'Elizabeth, born ; died single. Xettice, born ; married Aaron Elkinton. 'Mary, born ; married John Knight. 'Aaron W^ills, son of 'Daniel Wills and Elizabeth Woolston, married Rachel Warrington, daughter of Henry Warrington and Page 280. Rachel Dudley. Their children were — 'Joseph, born ; married Virgin Pow^ell. ""Samuel, born ; married Grace Rogers. Grace Rogers, the w'ife of 'Samuel Wills, was the daughter of William Rogers and Grace Allen (widow Eayres). William was the son of William Rogers, who was the son of John Rogers, the son of John Rogers, the progenitor of the family. The family of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, his second wife, on page 280, (as they have no strain of Wills blood), will be fol- lowed in the Eves family, on pages 323 and 324, in the fourth generation. Elizabeth French, the wife of 'J^iiies Wills, on page 282, was the daughter of Charles French and Ann Clement. Charles was the son of Charles French and Eleanor. Charles was the son of Thomas French and Jane. Thomas was the son of Robert French and Hannah, who landed at Burlington in 1680. Ann Clement was the daughter of Samuel Clement and Rebecca Collins, the daughter of Joseph Collins and Catharine Huddleston. Joseph was the son of Francis Collins and Sarah Mayham, his first wife. Samuel Clement w^as the son of Jacob Clement, the son of James Clement, and Ann Harrison, the daughter of Samuel Harrison, of Long Island, who came from England. 284a WILLS FAMILY. 'Moses Wills, son of 'Daniel Wills and Elizabeth Woolston, Page 2S0. married Margaret Clement, daughter of , Their children were — °Mary, born ; married John Haines. 'Rachel, born ; married David Mickle. ^Elizabeth, born ; married Joseph Burr. , 'Hannah, born ; married John Lancaster. Margaret died and 'Moses married Elizabeth, widow of James Wills, and daughter of Charles French and Ann Clement. Their children were — 'Charles, born 1787; died, 9-9, 1806. 'Moses, born 1792; married, 12-17, 181 8, Rebecca W. Black. 'Moses Wills, son of 'Moses Wills and Elizabeth French, his second wife, married Rebecca W. Black, daughter of William Black and Hope French. Their children were — ° William B., born ; died in infancy. 'Charles, born 10-6, 1821 ; married, 5-5, 1846, Mary Grey Black. %Villiam B'., born "Augustus M., born "Edward, born ; married Elizabeth French. "George B., born ; married Charlotte Biddle. "Elizabeth F., born ; married Richard H. Page. 'Mary W^ills, daughter of 'Moses Wills and Margaret Clement, married John Haines, son of Ephraim Haines and Hannah Stokes. Their children were — "Samuel, born "Margaretta, born ; married Joseph Buzby. "Joseph, born "Elizabeth, born "Richard, born "John C, born "Mary, born "Rachel Wills, daughter of 'Moses Wills and Margaret Clement, married David Mickle, son of . Their children were — "Charles, born ; married Anna M. Black. "Moses, born ; married "Rachel, born ; single. 'Elizabeth Wills and Joseph Burr's children, "Mary and "Mercy. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 285 "Hope Lippincott, daughter of 'Daniel Lippincott and Hannah Cole, married William Hollingshead, son of . Page 281. Their children were — 'Sarah, born "Thomas, born "Caleb, born "James, born 'Judith Lippincott, daughter of 'Daniel Lippincott and Hannah Cole, maried William Pine, son of . Page 281. Their children were — "Joshua, born ; married Mary Thorn. "Joseph, born "Rebecca, born "Priscilla, born "Samuel, born "Benjamin, born "Daniel, born "Hannah, born "Joshua Lippincott, son of 'Samuel Lippincott and Abigail Bates, married Annie Bassett, daughter of . ^^^^ 2^^- Their children were — "James, born ; married Acksah Pancoast. 'Samuel, born ; married Mary Clark. "Joseph, born "Joseph Lippincott, son of 'Samuel Lippincott and Abigail Bates, married Ann Stewart, daughter of . Page 2Si. Their children were — "Lydia, born ; married John Duell. "Mary, born ; died single, young. "Job Lippincott, son of 'Caleb Lippincott and Hannah Wilkins, married Sarah Burns, daughter of • P**8:e 28i. Their children were — "Caleb, born Sarah died and "Job married Beulah Wills. Their children were — "George, born ; married Tacy Lippincott. "Sarah, born ; married Isaac Brown. 'William, born 286 WILLS FAMILY. "Thomas Lippincott, son of 'Caleb Lippincott and Hannah Wil- Pagi 281. kins, married Rachel Haines, daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. Their children were — "Joshua, born 7-24, 1780; died single. "Ahab, born 2-26, 1782 ; married Mary Wills. "Hannah, born 3-8, 1784; married, 1814, John Collins. "Mary, born 3-29, 1786; died single. "Beulah, born 10-16, 1788; married, 1809, Mahlon Atkinson. "Hope, born 10-16, 1788; married Caleb Haines. "Esther, born 2-19, 1792; died single. "Thomas, born 8-9, 1794; married Mary Brick. "Caleb, born 10-24, 1801 ; married Hannah Killie. Mary Wills, the wife of Ahab Lippincott, was the daughter of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. See their ancestry, page 125. Caleb Haines, who married "Hope Lippincott, was the son of Darling Haines and Mary Lippincott. See that family, page 124, for ancestry of Darling Haines. Mary Lippincott was the daugh- ter of Caleb Lippincott and Ann Venicomb. Caleb was the son of Nathan Lippincott and Mary Engle. See their ancestry, page 76. ^Nathan Lippincott, son of 'Joshua Lippincott and Rachel Dud- Page 281. ley, married Sarah Allen, daughter of . Their children were — "Mary, born ; married Job Willitts. "Nathan, born ; died single. "Joshua, born ; married Sarah Buzby. "Abram, born ; married Rachel Borton. "Hannah, born ; married Edward Allen. ^Rebecca Lippincott, daughter of Joshua Lippincott and Rachel Page 281. Dudley, married Hinchman Haines (third wife), son of Noah Haines and Hannah Thorn. No children by this marriage. °Jacob Lippincott, son of 'Solomon Lippincott and Sarah Cozens, Page 282. married Mary Piatt, daughter of . Their children were — "Samuel, born ; married Sarah Kirby. "Tacy, born ; married George Lippincott. "Sarah, born ; married Israel Hendrickson. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 287 'Daniel Lippincott, son of 'Solomon Lippincott and Sarah Coz- ens, married Margaret Irwin, daughter of . Page 282. Their children were- — 'Elizabeth, born ; married Joel Munyon. "Elizabeth Lippincott, daughter of 'Solomon Lippincott and Sarah Cozens, married John Saunders, son of . Page 282. Their children w^ere — 'John, born ; married Rachel Stevens, 'Solomon L., born ; married Lydia Burrough. 'Deborah, born 'Mary, born 'Sarah, born "Daniel Bassett, son of 'Mary Lippincott and Daniel Bassett, married Mary Scull, daughter of . Page 2S2. Their children were — 'Daniel, born 'Gideon, born "Mary, born "Jacob Wills, son of 'Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, married Mary Haines, daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Page 2S2. Troth. Their children were — 'Micajah, born ; married Margaret Stockton. 'Joseph, born ; married Rebecca Ballinger." Ann Venicomb" (widow Rogers). 'Amos, born ; married Rebecca Haines.' Hannah Moore." 'Rachel, born ; married John Cole. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Dudley. 'Rebecca, born ; married William Cooper. 'Mary, born ; married Ahab Lippincott. 'Sarah, born ; married Levi Troth, first wife. Margaret Stockton, the wife of 'Micajah Wills, was the daugh- ter of William Stockton and Abigail HoUingshead. Rebecca Ballinger, the wife of 'Joseph Wills, was the daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Rebecca Moore, the daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre, whose ancestry see. page 100. Joshua Ballinger was the son of Thomas Ballinger, the son of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. 288 WILLS FAMILY. Ann Venicomb, the second wife of 'Joseph Wills, was the daughter of William Venicomb and Rachel Eves. William was the son of Francis Venicomb and Rachel Lippincott. Francis was the son of William Venicomb, the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), the daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, the progenitors, of Long Island. Rachel Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines. See that family, page 88, and Joseph Eves' ancestry, page 44. Rebecca Haines, the wife of "Amos Wills, was the daughter of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher, his second wife. See that family, page 67. Hannah Moore, the wife of "Amos Wills, was the daughter of John Moore and Hannah, whose ancestry see, page 100. John Cole, who married 'Rachel Wills, was the son of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. Job was the son of Kendall Cole and Ann Budd. Kendall was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Cole family. Ahab Lippincott, who married "Mary Wills, was the son of Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Haines. See that family, page 125, and Thomas Lippincott's ancestry, page 78. Levi Troth, who married "Sarah Wills, was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves. Isaac was the son of William Troth and Esther Borton. William was the son of Paul Troth and Deborah. Paul was the son of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. Esther Borton was the daughter of William Borton and Deborah Hedge, the daugh- ter of Bernard Hedge and Elizabeth Prague. William was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the pro- genitors of the Borton family. Rebecca Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines. Joseph was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, his second wife. Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, of Burlington, N. J., who came from London. Re- becca Haines was the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors. Amos was the son of Thomas Haines and Eliza- beth Austin. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 288a 'James Wills, son of 'Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, married Elizabeth French, daughter of Charles French and Ann Page 2S2. Clement. Their children were — Xettice, born ; married William Rowand. ^Elizabeth, born ; married Thomas Wood. *Ann, born ; married Evan Clement, M. D.' John Blackwood, M. D.' ^Rebecca, born ; married Samuel Woolman. 'J^mes died, and Elizabeth married Moses Wills, son of Daniel A\'ills and Elizabeth Woolston. Their children were — 'Charles, born 1787; died single, 9-9, 1806. "Moses, born 1792; married, 12-17, 18 18, Rebecca W. Black. °Joab Wills, son of 'Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, mar- ried Amy Gill, daughter of John Gill and Amy Davis. Page 282. Their children were — ^Elizabeth, born ; married Benjamin Cooper. ^Elizabeth Wills, daughter of 'Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hew- lings, married Abel Clement, son of Samuel Clement and Ruth Page 2S2. Nicholson. Their children were — "Thomas, born ; married . 'Micajah, born ; married . "Zebedee, born ; married Wood. "Abel, born ; married Kesiah Mickle. "Rebecca, born ; married Newbold. "Beulah, born ; married Warwick. °Ahab Wills, son of 'Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, married , daughter of . Pj,gp 2S2. Their children were — Several ; names and whereabouts unknown in the family. 'Ahab and his wife went South. Amy Gill, the wife of 'Joab Wills, was the daughter of John Gill and Amy Davis, the daughter of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem county. New Jersey. David was the son of John Davis, of Salem county, who came from Wales, England. John Gill was the son of John Gill and Mary Heritage, the daughter of Joseph Heritage and Hannah Allen. Joseph Heritage was the son of Richard Heritage, the progenitor, who came from Sutton-Bray- les, Gloucestershire, England. 289 WILLS FAMILY. 'Lettice Wills, daughter of 'Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hew- Page 2S2. Hugs, married Levi Lippincott, son of Jonathan Lippincott and Ann Eves. Their children were — 'Anna, born ; married William Kain. "Beulah, born ; died single. "James, born ""Joab, born 7acob, born ; married Sarah Ballinger. ""Reuben, born "William, born "Elizabeth, born ; married Jacob Hollingshead. Sarah Ballinger, the wife of "Jacob Lippincott, was the daugh- ter of Joshua Ballinger and Rebecca Moore. Joshua was the son of Thomas Ballinger, the son of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Joshua was the son of Thomas Ballinger, the progenitor. Rebecca Moore was the daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre, whose ancestry see, page lOO. She was a woman of ex- ceptionally fine character and great mental ability. 'Zebedee Wills, son of 'Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings^ Page 2S2. married Priscilla Moore, daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. Their children were — "Rebecca, born 11-17, 1784; married, 1-15, 1807, Clayton Haines. "Amy, born 1-13, 1787; died single (very old). "Priscilla, born 4-15, 1789; married Isaac Nicholson. "Zebedee M., born 9-9, 1791 ; married Rachel Rogers. "Hannah E., born 1-22, 1794; married John Gardiner.^ Samuel Eves.' "Joab, born 11-23, 1796; married Mary Rogers. "Micajah M., born 6-25, 1799; died, 7-13, 1810. "Sarah, born 3-30, 1802; married, 2-17, 1825, Geo. Haines, M. D. "Elizabeth C., born 8-24, 1804; married Benjamin H. Wills. , 'Zebedee Wills was born 10-4, 1756; died, 8-1 1, 1825. Priscilla Moore was born 7-15, 1762; died 4-8, 1815. Clayton Haines, who married "Rebecca Wills, was the son of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher, his second wife, daughter of John Butcher and Mary. See that family, page 6y, for ancestry of Benjamin Haines. Rachel and Mary Rogers, the wives of "Zebedee and "Joab Wills, were the daughters of William Rogers and Mary Davis. William was the son of William Rogers and Grace Allen (widow Eayres). William was the son of William, who was the son of FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 290 John Rogers. John was the son of John Rogers, the progenitor, A\ho came from England. Mary Davis was the daughter of Da- vid Davis and Martha Cole. David was the son of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem County, New Jersey. Da\-i(l was the son of John Davis, who came from Wales, England. Martha Cole was the daughter of Samuel Cole and Mary Lippincott. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Cole family. Mary Lippincott was the daughter of Samuel Lippincott and Hope \\^ills. Samuel was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail. the progenitors. Hope Wills was the daughter of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Eliza- beth, his first wife, the progenitor of the Wills family. John Gardiner, who married ''Hannah E.,W ills, was the son of Joseph Gardiner and Mary Wilkins. Joseph was the son of James Gardiner and Mary Tomlinson. James was the son of Joseph Gardiner and Catharine Ridgway. Joseph was the son of Thomas Gardiner, Jr., and Hannah Matthews. Thomas was the son of Thomas Gardiner, of Burlington, New Jersey, the progenitor, who came from London. Qatharine Ridgway was the daughter of Thomas Ridgway. Mary Tomlinson was the daughter of Eph- raim Tomlinson, the son of Joseph Tomlinson and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the family. Mary Wilkins was the daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Esther Evans. Thomas was the son of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Core. Thomas was the son of Thomas Wilkins and Susannah, the progenitors. Mary Core was the daughter of Enoch Core and Sarah Roberts, the progenitors of the Core family. Sarah was the daughter of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. Esther Evans was the daughter of William Evans and Sarah Roberts. William was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Bort(-)n, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and IMargaret, the progenitors of that family. Sarah Roberts was the daughter of John Rob- erts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Bur- lington. New Jers'ey. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. 20 291 WILLS FAMILY. Samuel Eves, who married "Hamiah E. Wills (widow of John Gardiner), was the son of John Eves and Jane Evans, the daugh- ter of John Evans and Ruth. John was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, his second wife. Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the pro- genitor, of Burlington, New Jersey, who came from London. 1 George Haines, M. D., who married 'Sarah Wills, was the son of Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines, whose ancestry see, page 98, in that family. Benjamin H. Wills, who married "Elizabeth C. Wills, was the son of Amos Wills and Rebecca Haines, his first wife. See an- cestry of Amos Wills, page 287, in Jacob Wills' family, and an- cestry of Rebecca Haines, page 43, in Amos Haines' family. 'George Deacon, son of *Hester Wills and John Deacon, mar- Page 283. ried Ann Burr, daughter of . Their children were — 'John, born ; married Hannah Eayre. Hannah Eayre, the wife of 'Johi^ Deacon, was the daughter of Thomas Eayre and Keturah Moore. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eayre and Priscilla Hugg, whose ancestry see, page 100. Keturah Moore was the daughter of Benjamin Moore and Re- becca Fenimore, whose ancestry see, page 100. 'Samuel Lippincott, son of 'Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Page 283. Jennings, married Theodocia Hewlings, daughter of . Their children were — "Aaron, born ; married Rebecca Zane. "Agnes, born ; married William Haines. "Samuel, born ; married Anner Haines. "Elizabeth, born ; married Isaac Cooper. "■Hope, born ; died single — old. "Jacob, born ; married Elizabeth Stockton. "Theodocia, born ; married Jacob Wilkins. "Sarah, born ; married Abraham Haines. *Josiah, born ; died single. William Haines, who married "Agnes Lippincott, was the son of Benjamin Haines and Elizabeth Roberts. See page 6y. FIFTH GBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 292 Anner Haines, the wife of "Samuel Lippincott, was the daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. See that family, page 78, for ancestry of John Haines. Abraham Haines, who married "Sarah Lippincott, was the son of Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins. See that family, page 72, for ancestry of Isaiah Haines, and page 34 for ancestry of Sarah AMlkins. Elizabeth Stockton, the wife of 'Jacob Lippincott, was the dausfhter of William Stockton and Al^igail Hollingshead. °Judith Lippincott, daughter of *Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Jennings, married Joseph Kay, son of . Page 283. Their children wxre — *Aaron, born *Sarah, born "Joseph, born 'Abel •Lippincott, son of Treedom Lippincott and Hannah Rakestraw, married Jemima Evans, daughter of . '^^^'^ -^• Their children were — *'Abel, born ; married Anna Hammitt. ''Jemima, born "Freedom, born Jemima died, and 'Abel married Catharine Hudson. No issue bv second marriage. 'Martha Cole, daughter of 'Mary Lippincott and Samuel Cole, married David Davis, son of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem Page 2S3. County, New Jersey. Their children were — "■Samuel, born 1764. ■Joseph, born 1766; married Mary Haines. "Mary, born 1768; married William Rogers. "Jacob, born 1770. 'Martha, born 1772; married Joseph Burrough. "David, born 1774; married Mary Haines. "Benjamin, born 1776; married Mary Haines. William Rogers, who married "Mary Davis, was the son of William Rogers and Grace Allen (widow Eayres). See page 289, for ancestry of William Rogers. 293 IV ILLS FAMILY. Mary Haines, the wife of "David Davis, was the daughter of j John Haines and Mary Shreeve. See that family, page 78. for ancestry of John Haines. Mary Haines, the wife of "Benjamin Davis, was the daughter of Robert Haines and Rachel Venicomb. For ancestry of Robert Haines, see page 84, and ancestry of Rachel Venicomb, page 39. 'Benjamin Lippincott, son of 'Hope Wills and Benjamin Lip- Page 283. pincott, married Lydia Pimm, daughter of . Their children were — "Elizabeth, born ; married John Stretch. "Hannah, born ; married Samuel Duell. "Lydia, born ; married Asa Moore. "Benjamin, born ; married Anna Duell and Rebecca Howe. "Joseph, born ; married Anna Cole. Lydia died, and 'Benjamin married Mary Wood. Their children were — "Ira, born ; married Mary Somers. 'Jethro Lippincott, son of 'Hope Wills and Benjamin Lippin Page 2S3. cott, married Phebe Elkinton, daughter of • Their children were — "Jacob, born ; married Mary Maul. "Job, born ; married Rebecca Jones. "Mary, born ; married Enoch Shute. "Levi, born "James, born "Joshua, born ; married Mary Springer. "Esther, born ; married Samuel Madara. 'Aaron Lippincott, son of 'Hope Wills and Benjamin Lippin Page 283. cott, married Sarah Haines, daughter of . Their children were — "John, born ; married Hannah Moore. "Benjamin, born ; married Elizabeth Holmes. "vSarah, born ; married Thomas Edwards. "Hope, born ; died single. "Elizabeth, born ; died single. "Deborah, born ; married Somers. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 294 'Hope Lippincott, daughter of 'Hope Wills and Benjamin Lip- pincott, married Zacheus Ballinger, son of . Page 283. Their children were — 'Isaac, born ; married Jane Reeve. "Mary, born ; married Joseph Hance. "Naomi, born ; married Hugh Hackney. "Benjamin, born ; married Elizabeth Stratton. 'William Lippincott, son of 'Hannah Wills and Caleb Lippin- <:ott, married Elizabeth Folwell, daughter of . Page 2S4. Their children were — "Ann, born ; marrietl William Buzby. "William, born ; married Hannah Wright. "Elizabeth, born ; married Thomas Borton. "Hannah, born ; died single. "Deborah, born ; died single. "Mary, born ; died single. "Samuel, born : married Hannah Reeves. "Thomas, born ; married Ann Stanger. Xo children by marriage of Christiana Newkirk. "Samuel Lippincott, son of Hannah Wills and Caleb Lippincott, married Mary Ogden, daughter of . ^^ge 2S-i. Their children were — 'Josiah, born ; married Sarah Cooper. "Charles, born ; married Amy Bassett. ^Samuel, born ; married Sarah Zane. "Hannah, born ; married Asa Moore. 'Joseph Wills, son of *Aaron Wills and Rachel Warrington, married Virgin Powell, daughter of Joseph Powell and Ann Page 2S4. Bishop. Their children were — 'Rachel Ann, born ; married Abram Stockton. 'Joseph P., born ; married Mary Ballinger. 'Daniel, born ; died voung. 'John B.. born ; married Rebecca Buzby. Henry W.. born ; married Lydia Stokes. Wrgin died, and 'Joseph married Sarah Shreeve. No children bv second marriage. ■^to" Alary Ballinger. the wife of "Joseph P. Wills, was the daughter of Isaac Ballinger and Esther Haines. See that family, page 107, for ancestry of Esther Haines. Isaac Ballinger was the son of 295 WILLS FAMILY. Thomas Ballinger and Susannah Dudley. Thomas was the son of Joshua BaUinger and Naomi Dunn. Joshua was the son of Thomas Ballinger, the progenitor. Lydia Stokes, the wife of "Henry W. Wills, was the daughter of Joshua Stokes and Lydia Evans, his third wife. Joshua was the son of Joseph Stokes and Atlantic Bispham, the daughter of Joshua Bispham and Martha (born on the Atlantic Ocean). 'Jo- seph was the son of Joseph Stokes and Judith Lippincott. Joseph was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors, from Stepney, Middlesex, England. Lydia Evans was the daugh- ter of Enoch Evans and Mary Wilcox, the daughter of Joseph Wilcox and Sarah Iredell. Enoch was the son of William Evans and Sarah Roberts. William was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Evans family. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of that family. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progeni- tors of the Haines family. Sarah Roberts was the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkin- ton, of Burlington, New Jersey. John was the son of John Rob- erts and Sarah, the progenitors. Rebecca Buzby, the wife of "John B. Wills, was the daughter of Nicholas Buzby and Hannah. "Samuel Wills, son of Aaron Wills and Rachel Warrington, Page 2S4. married Grace Rogers, daughter of William Rogers and Grace Allen (widow). Their children were — ^A.aron, born ; married Martha Jarrett. 'Hannah, born ; married Joseph B. Cooper. 'William, born ; died young. 'Ann, born ; married George Williams. 'Daniel, born ; married Susanna Richardson. SIXTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. "James Lippincott, son of "Joshua Lippincott and Annie Bassett, married Acksah Pancoast, daughter of . 296 Page 285. Their children were — 'Sarah Ann, born ; married William Dunn. 'Hannah, born ; married Jonathan Colson. ^Samuel Lippincott, son of "Joshua Lippincott and Annie Bas- sett, married Mary Clark, daughter of . Page 285. Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married Rachel Saunders. 'Bowman, born 'Martha, born 'Franklin, born 'Mary, born 'Thomas, born ; married Maria Brick, married Samuel Ogden. ; died single. Xydia Lippincott, daughter of "Joseph Lippincott and Ann Stewart, married John Duell, son of ■. . Page 285. Their children were — 'John, born ; married Lydia Pimm.' 'Joshua, born 'Samuel, born 'Ann, born 'Phebe, born Tacy Horner." ; married Abigail Borton. ; married Hannah Lippincott. married Benjamin Lippincott. ; married Chalkley Lippincott. 'Ahab Lippincott, son of °Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Haines, married Mary Wills, daughter of Jacob Wills and ?^[aryrage 2S6. Haines. Their children were — 'xA.mos H., born ; married Mary Roberts.' Susanna C. Roberts.' 'Mary W., born ; married ]\Iickle Clement. 'Rachel, born ; married Joseph Rogers. 'Ahab, born ; died young. See ancestry of Mary and Susanna C. Roberts, the wives of 'Amos H. Lippincott, page 138, and Joseph Rogers, page 139. 297 IV ILLS FAMILY. "Beulah Lippincott, daughter of 'Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Page 2S6. Hahies, married Mahlon Atkinson, son of . Their children were — 'Rachel, born ; died single. 'Mary, born ; married Charles Haines — second wife. 'William, born ; died single. 'Thomas, born ; married Mary Ann Wilson. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Clayton Haines — first wife. 'Joseph, born ; married Beulah Ann Kain. Charles Haines, who married 'Mary Atkinson, was the son of Samuel Haines and Elizabeth Inskeep, the daughter of Joseph In- skeep and Ann. See ancestry of Samuel Haines, page 184, in Martha Shree\-e's ancestry. Clayton Haines, who married 'Elizabeth Atkinson, was the son of Charles Haines and Mary Troth. See that family, page 159, and Mary Troth's ancestry, page. 99. Beulah Ann Kain, the wife of 'Joseph Atkinson, was the daugh- ter of Levi L. Kain and Hannah Mason. See ancestry, page 186. "Hope Lippincott, daughter of 'Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Page 286. Haiues, married Caleb Haines, son of Darling Haines and Mary Lippincott. Their children were — 'Hannah Ann, l^orn ; married Barclay Stokes.' Andrew Griscom." 'Elwood, born ; married Martha Ann Haines. 'Mary, born ; married Clarkson Lippincott. 'Rachel, born Barclay Stokes, who married 'Hannah Ann Haines, w^as the son of William Stokes and Ann Wilson, the daughter of Isaac Wilson and Phebe Middleton, the daughter of Samuel Middleton and Ann. Isaac was the son of John Wilson and Mary. See ances- try of A\'il1iam Stokes, page 182, in Isaac W. Stokes' ancestry. "Caleb Lippincott, son of Thomas Lippincott and Rachel Page 286. Haines, married Hannah Killie, daughter of . They left no children. SIXTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 29S 'Mary Lippincott, daughter of 'Xathan Lippincott and Sarah Allen, married Job W^illitts, son of . Page 286. Their children were — 'Sarah, born ; married ^^^illiam B. \\'illitts. 'Joshua Lippincott, son of Nathan Lippincott and Sarah Allen, married Sarah Buzby, daughter of . Page 2S6. Their children were — 'Rebecca, born ; married Joseph Willitts. "Abram Lippincott, son of "Nathan Lippincott and Sarah Allen, married Rachel Borton. daughter of . ^^^^ 286. Their children were — 'Benjamin, born ; married Priscilla Nicholson. 'Sarah, born ; married Thomas Evans — second wife. ''Joseph, born ; died single. 'Lydia, born ; died single. 'Esther, born ; died single. 'Nathan, born ; married Mary C. Hinchman. Priscilla Nicholson, the wife of 'Benjamin Lippincott, was the daughter of Isaac Nicholson and Priscilla Wills, the daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. See that family, page 289, for ancestry of Zebedee Wills, and ancestry of Priscilla Moore, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Thomas Evans, who married 'Sarah Lippincott, was the son of Joseph Evans and Rebecca Roberts. Joseph was the son of Thomas Evans and Mary Eves, whose ancestry see, page 139. in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. Rebecca Roberts was the daughter of Joseph Roberts and Susanna Cole, whose ancestry see, page 139, in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. "Hannah Lippincott, daughter of "Nathan Lippincott and Sarah Allen, married Edward Allen, son of . Page ijsg. Their children were — 'Samuel, born 'Edward, born 'Sarah, born 299 WILLS FAMILY. "Samuel Lippincott, son of 'Jacob Lippincott and Mary Piatt, Page 286. married Sarah Kirby, daughter of . Their children were — 'Jane, born ; married James Devault. 'Mary, born ; married Benjamin Devault. 'Rebecca, born ; married Joel Early. 'Ercurious, born ; married Ann Cory. 'David, born 'Artemus, born 'Thomas, born Tacy Lippincott, daughter of 'Jacob Lippincott and Mary Piatt, Page 286. married George Lippincott, son of . Their children were — ^Hannah, born ; married James Burnett. 'Mary, born ; married Enos Stetcher. 'Sarah, born ; married- Isaac Warner. 'Howell, born ; married Chew. 'Sarah Lippincott, daughter of 'Jacob Lippincott and Mary Page 286. Piatt, married Israel Hendrickson, son of . Their children were — 'Judith, born ; married Samuel Bowers. 'Mary, born ; married Isaac Thompson. 'Ann, born ; married Job Kay. 'Emeline, born 'William, born "Elizabeth Lippincott, daughter of "Daniel Lippincott and Mar- Page 287. garct Irwin, married Joel Munyon, son of . Their children were — 'Joel, born "Solomon L. Saunders, son of "Elizabeth Lippincott and John Page 287. Sauudcrs, married Lydia "Burrough, daughter of Samuel Bur- rough and Sarah Lamb. Their children were — 'Rachel, born ; married Uriah Evans. 'Lydia, born ; died single. 'Sarah, bom ; married Isaac Darnell. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Thomas Evans — third wife. Uriah Evans, who married 'Rachel Saunders, was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Borton (his second wife), the daughter SIXTH GENERATION' AND CHILDREN. 300 of Abraham Borton and Rachel. Jacob Evans was the son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla, whose ancestry see, page 144, in Lydia Evans' ancestry. Isaac Darnell, who married 'Sarah Saunders, was the son of Edmund Darnell and Rachel Dudley, the daughter of Joshua Dud- ley and Rachel. See ancestry of Edmund Darnell, page 158, in Charles Darnell's ancestrv. Thomas Evans, who married 'Elizabeth Saunders, was the son of Joseph Evans and Rebecca Roberts. Joseph was the son of Thomas E\'ans and Mary Eves, and Rebecca Roberts was the daughter of Joseph Roberts and Susanna Cole. See ancestry of all in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry, pages 138 and 139. "Mica j ah Wills, son of 'Jacob Wills and Mary Haines, married ]\Iargaret Stockton, daughter of William Stockton and Abigail page 287. Hollingshead. Their children were — '\\^illiam S.. born ; married Elizabeth Haines. 'Samuel, born ; married Hope Stratton. 'Joseph, born ; married Sarah E. Rush. 'Jacob, born ; married Rebecca H. Wills. 'Richard, born ; single. 'Mary, born • ; married George Stockton. 'Sarah, born ; married Jacob Glover. 'Margaret, born ; died single. 'Emmor R., born ; married Abigail Shinn. 'Alexander C, born ; married Rebecca Ann Wills.' Marianna Sharp.' Elizabeth Haines, the wife of 'William S. \\'ills, was the daugh- ter of Isaac Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the daughter of Jona- than Austin and Rebecca Mason. Isaac was the son of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins. See that family, page 95, and Mary Wilkins' ancestry, page 50. Hope Stratton. the wife of 'Samuel Wills, was the daughter of Owen Stratton and Mary Haines, his second wife. See that fam- ily, page 154, for ancestry of Mary Haines. Rebecca H. Wills, the wife of 'Jacob Wills, was the daughter of Zebedee M. Wills and Rachel Rogers. Zebedee i\I. was the son of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. See their ancestry, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. See Rachel Rogers' ancestry, jiage 289. 301 WILLS FAMILY. Rebecca Ann Wills, the wife of 'Alexander C. Wills, was the daughter of Joseph Wills and Ann Venicomb, his second wife. Joseph was the son of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. See that family, page 287, for ancestry of Joseph Wills, and ancestry of xA.nn Venicomb (widow of Joseph Rogers), see page 288. - Marianna Sharp, second wife of 'Alexander C. Wills, was the daughter of Aaron Sharp and Rachel Gouldy. See that family, page 250 for ancestry of Aaron Sharp. "Joseph Wills, son of 'Jacob Wills and Mary Haines, married Page 2S7. Rebccca Ballinger, daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Rebecca Moore. Their children were — 'Amos, born ; married Sarah Sharp. 'Jacob, born ; married Rebecca Haines. 'Mark, born ; married Mary Copp. Rebecca died, and 'Joseph married Ann Venicomb (widow Rogers), daughter of William Venicomb and Rachel Eves. Their children were — 'Rebecca Ann, born ; married Alexander C. Wills — first wife. Sarah Sharp, the wife of 'Amos Wills, was the daughter of Thomas Sharp and Rebecca Troth. See that family, page 246, for ancestry of Thomas Sharp. See Sarah Sharp's ancestry, page 138. Alexander C. Wills, who married 'Rebecca Ann Wills, was the son of Micajah Wills and I^Iargaret Stockton, the daughter of William Stockton and Abigail Hollingshead. For ancestry of Micajah Wills, see page 300. 'Amos Wills, son of 'Jacob Wills and Mary Haines, married Page 287. Rebecca Haines, daughter of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher (second wife). Their children were — 'Benjamin H., born ; married Elizabeth C. Wills. Rebecca died, and 'Amos married Hannah ]\Ioore, daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. Their children were — 'Charles, born ; married Hannah Leeds. 'Amy, born ; married Charles Stokes — first wife. ''Mary, born ; died single. 'John M., born ; died single. Elizabeth C. Wills, the wife of 'Benjamin H. \\'ills, was the daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. See their an- cestry, page 99. SIXTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 302 For ancestry of Hannah Leeds, the wife of 'Charles Wills, see page 136, and Charles Stokes, who married 'Amy Wills, see pages 78 and 126 for ancestry of his parents, Isaac Stokes and Lydia Collins. 'Rachel Wills, daughter of 'Jacob Wills and ]\lary Haines, mar- ried John Cole, son of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. ^^ee w. Their children were — 'Elizabeth, born ; married Aquilla Jones. 'John, born ; married Lydia Andrews. 'Joseph W., born ; married Deborah Deacon, 'Amos AV., liorn ; married Agnes Troth.' Sarah W. Haines 'Mahlon, born ; married Frances Curtis. 'Martha, born ; died single. 'Emily, born ; single. Agnes Troth, the first wife of 'Amos W\ Cole, was the daughter of Samuel Troth and Edith Lippincott. Samuel Troth was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves, the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry see, page 137, in Re- becca Ann Wills' ancestry. Isaac Troth's ancestry see, page 138. in Sarah Sharp's ancestry. Sarah W. Haines, the second wife of 'Amos W. Cole, was the daughter of Noah Haines and Sarah Burden. See that family, page 113, for ancestry of Noah Haines. "I^Iary Wills, daughter of 'Jacob W' ills and ^lary Haines, mar- ried Ahab Lippincott. son of Thomas Lippincott and Rachel pago 2s7. Haines. Their children were — 'Amos H., born ; married Mary Roberts.' Susanna C. Roberts.' 'Mary W^, born ; married Mickle Clement. 'Rachel, born ; married Joseph Rogers. 'Ahab, born ; died young. For ancestry of ^^lary and Susanna C. Roberts, the wives of 'Amos H. Lippincott, see page 138. For ancestry of Joseph Rogers, who married 'Rachel Lippm cott. see page 139. 303 WILLS FAMILY. *Sarah Wills, daughter of 'Jacob Wills and Mary Haines, mar- Page 287. ried Levi Troth, son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves. Their children were — 'William, born ; married Frances Haines. 'Levi, born ; married Hannah Ann Livzey. 'Amos H., born ; married Elizabeth Prickitt. 'Mary, born ; married Charles Stratton — first wife. 'Rebecca, born ; married Oliphant Ballinger. Frances Haines, the wife of AVilliam Troth, was the daughter of Jonathan Haines and Mary Haines. See that family, page 151, for their ancestry. Elizabeth Prickitt, the wife of ''Amos Troth, was the daughter of Josiah Prickitt and Ann Sharp. Josiah was the son of Job Prickitt and Ann Smith, the daughter of Thomas Smith and Elizabeth. Job was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Hannah. Jacob was the son of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor, of Northamp- ton, New Jersey. Ann Sharp was the daughter of Thomas Sharp and Esther Brooks, the daughter of Thomas Brooks. Thomas was the son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. See that fam- ily, page 215, for ancestry of Amos Sharp. Charles Stratton, who married 'Mary Troth, was the son of Owen Stratton and Mary Haines, his second wife (widow of Francis Shinn). See that family, page 154, for ancestry of Mary Haines. Oliphant Ballinger, who married 'Rebecca Troth, was the son of Thomas E. Ballinger and Hope Oliphant. Thomas was the son of Job Ballinger and Martha Eves. Job was the son of Thomas Ballinger and Susannah Dudley. Thomas was the son of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Joshua was the son of Thomas Bal- linger, the progenitor. Hope Oliphant was the daughter of Shinn Oliphant and Hope Eayre, the daughter of Habakuk Eayre and Mary. Shinn was the son of Jonathan Oliphant and Mary. Mar- tha Eves was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, whose ancestry see, page 137, in Rebecca Ann Wills' ancestry. *Anna Lippincott, daughter of Xettice Wills and Levi Lippin- Page 289. cott, married William Kain, son of . Their children were — 'Levi L., born ; married Hannah JNIason. SIXTH GBXBRATION AND CHILDREN. y)7,:\ Xettice Wills, daughter of °Janies Wills and Elizabeth French, married William Rowand, son of . Page 2S!>u. Their children were — 'Joseph F., born ; married Xancy Butterworth. 'Acksah I., born ; married Joseph J. Budd. ^Sabilla F., born 'Ann, born "Elizabeth F., born 'Sarah S., born "Rebecca W'^ills, daughter of 'J^mes Wills and Elizabeth French, married Samuel Woolman, son of . Page 2S8a. Their children were — 'Elizabeth W^, born ; married Thomas E. Deacon. 'Uriah, born ; single. 'Martha, born ; married John Borton. 'Charles, born ; married Patience Buzby. 'Elizabeth Wills, daughter of 'James Wills and Elizabeth French, married Thomas Wood, son of . Page 2ssa. Their children were — 'Richard, born 'Charles, born 'Ann, born 'Louisa, born 'Ann Wills, daughter of 'James Wills and Elizabeth French, married Evan Clement, M. D., son of • Page 2ssa. Their children were — 'Son, born ; married , and had daughter- Caroline. Evan died, and 'Ann married John Blackwood, :M. D., son of Their children were — 'Elizabeth, born ; married Asa G. Shinn. 'Evan C, born ; married Mary Burr. 'Elizabeth Wills, daughter of "Joab Wills and Amy Gill, mar- ried Benjamin Cooper, son of Samuel Cooper and Prudence. v>^- 2<.s:.. Their children were — 'Rebecca W., born ; married John M. Kaighn. 304 WILLS FAMILY. "Jacob Lippincott, son of Xettice Wills and Levi Lippincott, Page 289. married Sarah Ballinger, daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Re- becca Moore. Their children were — 'Joshua B., born ; married Josephine Craig. Joshua B. Lippincott was the noted book publisher and accumu- lated a large estate in business — first, with his father-in-law, as Graig and Lippincott; and then J. B. Lippincott and Company, of Philadelphia. "Elizabeth Lippincott, daughter of Xettice Wills and Levi Lip- Page 289. pincott, married Jacob Hollingshead, son of . Their children were — 'Lydia. born ; married Jacob H. Horner. 'Rebecca, born ; married Elwood Allen. 'Mary, born ; married John Haines. John Haines, who married 'Mary Hollingshead, was the son of John Haines and Ann Lippincott. See that family, page 155, for ancestry of John Haines. "Rebecca Wills, daughter of 'Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, Page 289. married Clayton Haines, son of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher (third wife). Their children were — 'Zebedee, born 11-20, 1807; married Elizabeth Hendrickson. 'Sarah B., born 10-30, 1814; married William E. Haines. 'Clayton, born 11-5, 1816; died 4-18, 18 17. Elizabeth Hendrickson, the wife of 'Zebedee Haines, was the daughter of Joseph Hendrickson and Elizabeth, of Crosswicks, New Jerse}^ William E. Haines, who married 'Sarah B. Haines, was the son of Jonathan Haines and Mary Haines. See that family, page 151, for ancestry of Jonathan and Mary Haines. "Priscilla Wills, daughter of 'Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, Page 2S9. married Isaac Nicholson, son of . Their children were — 'Zebedee, born ; married Lydia Parker. 'Mary, born ; married John Glover. 'Priscilla, born ; married Benjamin Lippincott. 'Joseph, born ; married Sarah Kain.' Amy Haines.' 'Isaac W., born ; married Elizabeth Lippincott. SIXTH GEXBRATION AXD CHILDREN. lo 6^:> Benjamin Lippincott, who married 'Priscilla Nicholson, was the son of Abram Lippincott and Rachel Borton. See that family, page 298, for ancestry of Abram Lippincott. Amy Haines, the second wife of 'Joseph Nicholson, was the danghter of Zebedee Haines and Elizabeth Hendrickson, the danghter of Joseph Hendrickson and Elizabeth. See that family, page 172, for ancestry of Zebedee Haines. Elizabeth Lippincott, the wife of 'Isaac W. Nicholson, was the daughter of Joseph K. Lippincott and Keturah Haines. Joseph K. was the son of Jesse Lippincott and Mary Ann Kay. Jesse was the son of Caleb Lippincott and Anna Venicomb. Caleb was the son of Nathaniel Lippincott and Mary Engle. Nathaniel was the son of Thomas Lippincott and Mary Haines. Thomas was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors of the Lippincott family. Mary Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. John Haines was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Mary Engle was the daughter of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, the daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane, the pro- genitors of that family. John Engle was the son of Robert En- gle and Jane Home, the progenitors of the Engle family. Keturah Haines w^as the daughter of John Haines and Elizabeth Moore. John was the son of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. John was the son of Nathan Haines and Sarah Austin, the daughter of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton. the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. Nathan Haines was the son of William Haines and Sarah Faine. the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor, of Burlington, N. J. William Haines was the third son of Richard Haines and ALar- garet, the progenitors of the Haines family. Elizabeth Moore was the daughter of Benjamin Moore and Mary Butcher, his sec- ond wife. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore and Re- becca Fenimore. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore, the progenitor of the Moore family, and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors of the Stokes family, who came from Stepney, Middlesex, England. Re- becca Fenimore was the daughter of Joseph, the .son of Richard Fenimore, the progenitor. 21 /^ 306 J FILLS FAMILY. "Zebedee M. Wills, son of 'Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, Page 289. married Rachel Rogers, daughter of William Rogers and Mary Davis. Their children were — 'Rebecca H., born ; married Jacob Wills. 'Mary C, born ; married Marmaduke Lippincott. 'Micajah R., born ; married Martha Fenimore. 'Zebedee R., born ; married Mary Powell. 'Martha Ann, born ; died single, 11-13, 1840. 'William R., born ; married Lydia Haines (widow). Jacob Wills, who married 'Rebecca H. Wills, was the son of Micajah Wills and Margaret Stockton, the daughter of William Stockton and Abigail Hollingshead. See page 300 for the family and ancestry of Micajah ^^'ills. Marmaduke Lippincott, who married 'Mary C. Wills-, was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Elizabeth Hewlings. Samuel was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Anner Haines. Samuel was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Theodocia Hewlings. Samuel was the son of Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Jennings. Aaron was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Hope Wills. Samuel w^as the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors of the Lip- pincott family. Hope Wills was the daughter of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Daniel Wills, the progeni- tor, and Elizabeth, his first wife. Anner Haines was the daugh- ter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. See that family, page 78, for ancestry of John Haines. Martha Fenimore, the wife of 'Micajah R. Wills, was the daughter of Allen Fenimore and Anner Davis, the daughter of David Davis and Mary Haines. See that family, page 128, for ancestry of Mary Haines. David was the son of David Davis and Martha Cole, his second wife. David was the son of David Davis and Dorothy, of Salem County, New Jersey. David was the son of John Davis, from Wales, England. Martha Cole was the daughter of Samuel Cole and Mary Lippincott. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Mary Kendall, the daughter of Thomas Kendall, the progenitor. Samuel was the son of Samuel Cole and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Mary Lippincott was the daughter of Samuel Lippincott and Hope Wills. Samuel Lippincott was the son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary Curtis. Freedom was the SIXTH GENBRATION AND CHlLDREy. 307 son of Richard Lippincott and A1)igail, the progenitors of the family, who came from Devonshire, England. Hope Wills was the daughter of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. John was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills, the progenitor, and Elizabeth, his first wife. Mary Powell, wife of 'Zebedee R. Wills, was the daughter of Benajah Powell and Martha Ann Fenimore, the daughter of Isaac Fenimore. Benajah was the son of Joseph Powell and Mary Butcher. Joseph was the son of Joseph Powell and Ann Bishop. Mary was the daughter of Benajah Butcher and Rachel Shinn. Benajah was the son of Thomas Butcher and Sarah. Rachel was the daughter of Jacob Shinn and Hannah. 'Hannah E. Wills, daughter of 'Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, married John Gardiner, son of Joseph Gardiner and Marv Page 2S9. Wilkins. Their children were — 'Joseph, born 11-15, 1815; married Eliza Haines. 'Priscilla M., born 9-10, 1817; married, 1843, Aaron N. Haines. 'Thomas W., born 12-1, 1819; married Caroline Haines. 'Micajah W. C., born 11-28, 182 1 ; married Margaret Edwards. John died and "Hannah E. married Samuel Eves, son of John Eves and Jane Evans. Their children were — 'Samuel J., born 8-14, 183 1 ; married, 1861, Jane E. Haines. 'Jane E., born ; died young. Eliza and Caroline Haines, the wives of 'Joseph and 'Thomas AV. Gardiner, were the daughters of Charles Haines and Mary Troth. See that family, page 159, for ancestry of Charles Haines, and page 99, for ancestry of Mary Troth. Aaron N. Haines, who married 'Priscilla M. Gardiner, was the son of Joseph Haines and Deborah Engle. See ancestry of Joseph Haines, in that family, page 157, and page 98 for ancestry of Deb- orah Engle. Jane E. Haines, the wife of 'Samuel J. Eves, was thc-daughlcr of Zebedee Haines and Elizabeth Hendrickson, the daughter of Joseph Hendrickson and Elizabeth, of Crosswicks, N. J. Zebedee was the son of Clayton Haines and Rebecca Wills, the daughter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, whose ancestry see, page 99. in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Clayton was the son of I'.cnjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher, his third wife. See that family, page 67, for the ancestry of Benjamin Haines and Sarah Butcher. 3o8 WILLS FAMILY. "Joab Wills, son of 'Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, mar- Page 289. ried Mary Rogers, daughter of William Rogers and Mary Davis. Their children were — 'James, born 8-17, 1820; married Martha Ellis. 'Priscilla, born 7-12, 1822; married Horace Lippincott. Martha Ellis, the wife of 'James Wills, was the daughter of Joseph Ellis and Ann Champion, of EHisburg, New Jersey. Horace Lippincott, who married 'Priscilla Wills, was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Elizabeth Hewlings. Samuel was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Anner Haines. For ancestry of Anner Haines, see that family, page 126. Samuel was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Theodocia Hewlings. See ancestry of Samuel Lip- pincott, page 306, in Marmaduke Lippincott's ancestry. "Sarah Wills, daughter of 'Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. Page 289. married George Haines, M. D., son of Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines. Their children were — 'Abigail, born 6-29, 1826; died, 4-14, 1828. 'Hannah, born 2-2, 1829; died, 5-5, 1833. 'Priscilla W., born 6-9, 1830; died, 5-21, 1833. 'George, Jr., born 12-10, 183 1 ; married, 1853, Mary B. Gardiner. 'Richard, born 4-27, 1835 ; married, 12-21, 1865, Sarah W. Troth. 'Prudence E., born 9-27, 1839; died single. 'James W., born 6-30, 1842 ; single. 'Anna V., born 9-22, 1844; died, 6-1 1, 1845. For ancestry of Mary B. Gardiner and Sarah W. Troth, wives of 'George Haines, Jr., and Richard Haines, see page 164. 'Elizabeth C. Wills, daughter of 'Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Page 289. Moore, married Benjamin H. Wills, son of Amos Wills and Re- becca Haines. Their children were — 'Sarah, born 10-30, 1827; married John D. Haines. 'Mary L., born 3-28, 1832; married Benjamin Killie and James Fames. 'Benjamin E., born 9-4, 1836; married Helen Reeve and Croshaw. 'Joab, born 7-17, 1838; married Lydia M. Buzby. 'Priscilla N., born 10-28, 1844; married John Moore. 'John M., born 4-9, 1843 ; married Mary A. Calkitt. 'Elizabeth C, born 6-17, 1851 ; married Joseph Moore. 'Amos, 'Rebecca C.and 'Jane Elizabeth, died young. SIXTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. 309 For ancestry of John D. Haines, who married 'Sarah Wills; Jolin Moore, who married Triscilla N. Wills; Joseph Aloore, who married 'Elizabeth C. Wills, and Lydia M. Buzby, the wife of 'Joab \\'ills, see pages 175 and 176. 'John Deacon, son of 'George Deacon and Ann Burr, married Hannah Eayre, daughter of Thomas Eayre and Keturah :\Ioore. P^'ge 291. Their children were — 'George B., born ; married Mary Ridgway. 'Aaron Lippincott, son of 'Samuel Eippincott and Theodocia Hewlings, married Rebecca Zane (first wife, daughter of Page 291. Their children were — 'Francis, born ■Joseph, born 'Maria, born "Agnes Lippincott, daughter of 'Samuel Lippincott and Theo- docia Hewlings, married W^illiam Haines, son of -. Page 291. Their children were — 'Samuel, born "Samuel Lippincott, son of 'Samuel Lippincott and Theodocia Hewlings, married Anner Haines, daughter of John Haines and Page 291. Mary Shreeve. Their children were — 'Samuel, born 4-16, 1793; married Elizabeth Hewlings. 'Clayton, born 6-14, 1797; married Hannah Brick. 'Nathan, born 1-7, 1800; married Lydia Burrough. 'John H., born 6-6, 1802; married Alice Taylor. \A.nner. born /■-2, 1804; married Joseph Burrough. first wife. 'Lydia. born 3-14, 1806; married Benjamin Cooper. 'j\Iary, l)orn 1808; married Joseph Burrough — second wife. 'Mark, born 2-15, 1812; married Abigail Evans. 'William C, born 3-4. 1814; married Deborah Evans. ''Agnes, born 'Charles, born ) ^,A • ,• , T^TA, 1 • , y \ wms ; died voung. i heodocia, born j For ancestry of Abigail Evans, the wife of 'Mark Lijjpincott. and Deborah Evans, the wife of 'William Cooper Lippincott. see page 127, in Haines family. o lo WILLS FAMILY. "Elizabeth Lippincott, daughter of "Samuel Lippincott and Theo- Page 291. docia Hewliugs, married Isaac Cooper, son of . Their children were — ^Theodocia, born ; married Benjamin Griscom, 'William, born ; died single. 'Samuel, born ; died young. 'Jacob Lippincott, son of "Samuel Lippincott and Theodocia Page 291. Hewlings, married Elizabeth Stockton, daughter of William Stockton and Abigail Hollingshead. Their children were — 'Charles, born ; married Sarah Allen. 'William, born ; married Rebecca Cowperthwait. 'Richard H., born ; married J\Iary Collins, first wife. 'Mary, born ; married William Curlis. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Elwood Lukens, ist husband. 'Samuel, born ; died single. 'Theodocia, born ; married Henry Lishman. 'John, born ; died young. 'Jacob, born ; died single. 'Hope, born ; married Joseph G. Shinn. 'Ann, born ; married Samuel Smith. 'Hugh, born ; married Sarah Lippincott. "Theodocia Lippincott, daughter of "Samuel Lippincott and Page 291. Thcodocia Hewlings, married Jacob W'ilkins, son of . Their children were — "Sarah, born ; married Joseph Butterworth. 'Mary Ann, born 'Theodocia, born 'Jacob, born 'Isaac, born 'Charles, born 'Joseph and others, born "Sarah Lippincott, daughter of "Samuel Lippincott and Theo- Page 291. docia Hewliugs, married Abraham Haines, son of Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins. The family went to Philadelphia. Their children were — 'Agnes, born 11-5, 1805. 'William, born 10-2, 1807. 'Abraham W., born 8-5, 18 10. 'Samuel L., born 8-5, 1810; died, 2-9, 1826. 'Rebecca, born 7-22, 181 5. 'Clayton, born 9-12, 1817; married Elizabeth Curtis. 'Sarah L., born 12-13, 1821. SIXTH GBNBRA TION AND CHILDREN. -i 1 1 'Abel Lippincott, son of 'Abel Lippincott and Jemima Evans, first wife, married Anna Hammett, daughter of . Page 292. Their children were — 'Joseph, born ; married Rachel Lippincott. '^lary Davis, daughter of ''Alartha Cole and David Davis, mar- ried William Rogers, son of William Rogers and Grace Allen r^sc- 2112. (widow). Their children were — 'Martha, lK>rn 1-26. 1790; died, 2-26, 1795. 'Rachel, born 2-27, 1791 ; married Zebedee J\I. Wills. 'Grace, born 6-21, 1793; married Thomas Ballinger. 'Josiah, born 1-9, 1795; died, 9-1 1, 1821. 'David, born 1-4, 1797; married Lydia Evans.' Susannah Haines.' 'Mary, born 2-1 1, 1799; married Joab Wills. 'Ann, born 5-21, 1801 ; died, 4-7, 1837. 'Allen, born 5-14, 1803; married Catharine Atkinson., 'Joseph, born 5-14, 1805; married Jane Oliver. 'William D., born "10-2, 1807; married Lydia Collins. 'Benjamin, born 9-21, 1810; died, 9-15, 1835. Zebedee J\L Wills and Joab Wills, who married 'Rachel and 'Marv Rogers, were the sons of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore. See that family, page 289, for ancestry of Zebedee Wills, and ancestry of Priscilla Moore, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ances- try. Lydia Evans, the first wife of 'David Rogers, was the daugh- ter of John Evans and Rebecca Cowperthwait. John Evans was the son of Enoch Evans and Mary Wilcox, the daughter of Joseph ^^'ilcox and Sarah Iredell. See ancestry of Enoch Evans, page 295, in Lydia Stokes' ancestry. Rebecca Cowperthwait was the daughter of Hugh Cowperthwait and Rebecca Roberts. Hugh was the son of Thomas Cowperthwait and Mary. Thomas was the son of John Cowperthwait and Sarah Adams, the daughter of John Adams and Elizabeth, of Long Island. John was the son of Hugh Cowperthwait and Elizabeth, who came to Long Island from the North of England. Rebecca Roberts Avas the daughter of Joseph Roberts and Susanna Cole, whose ancestry see, page 138. in Mary and Susanna C. Roberts' ancestry. Susannah Haines, the second wife of 'David Rogers, was the 312 WILLS FAMILY. daughter of Stacy Haines and Susanna Engle. See that family, page 119, for ancestry of Stacy Haines, and ancestry of Susanna Engle see, page 74. "David Da\'is, son of 'Martha Cole and David Davis, married Page 292. Mary Haines, daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. Their children were — 'Martha, born ; married Andrew Griscom, first wife. 'Anner. born ; married Allen Fenimore. • 'Joseph, born ; married Hannah Collins. 'David, born ; married Caroline Borton. Hannah Collins, the vvife of "Joseph Davis, was the daughter of Job Collins and Mary Ballinger, the daughter of Levi Bal- linger and Hannah. For ancestry of Job Collins, see that family, page 263, in the Collins' family. Caroline Borton, the wife of 'David Davis, was the daughter of John Borton and Jemima Braddock. For ancestry of John Borton see that family, page 150, and ancestry of Jemima Brad- dock see, page 94. 'Benjamin Davis, son of 'Martha Cole and David Davis, mar- Page 292. ried Mary Haines, daughter of Robert Haines and Rachel Veni- comb. Thev left no children. "Benjamin Lippincott, son of 'Benjamin Lippincott and Lydia Page 203. Pimm, married Anna Duell, daughter of . Their children were — Xydia, born ; married John Haines. 'Barclay, born ; married Mary Jones. 'Hannah, born ; died young. 'Jesse, born ; died young. Anna died and "Benjamin married Rebecca Howe. Their children were — 'Charles, born married Elizabeth Colson. 'Isaac, born ; married Louisa Cooper. 'Rebecca, born ; single. 'Abigail, born ; died young. SIXTH GENERA TION AND CHILDREN. -^ i . 'Joseph Lippincott, son of 'Benjamin Lippincott and Lvdia Pimm, married Anna Cole, daughter of . Page 203. Their children were — 'Joshua born ; married Martha Petty." :Mildred Wood/ 'Thomas, born ; married Lydia Butcher. 'Lydia, born ; married John Lippincott. 'Martha, born ; died young. 'Jacob Lippincott, son of 'Jethro Lippincott and Phebe Elkin- ton, married Mary Maul, daughter of . Page 2y.i Their children were — 'Jacob M., born ; married Ann Dubois. "Job Lippincott, son of ^ethro Lippincott and Phebe Elkinton, married Rebecca Jones, daughter of . Page 233. Their children were — 'Jethro, born ) nr^ .• . f ! died single. 'William, born j ] ; married Elizabeth Wills. 'Phebe Ann, born ; married William Williams. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Richard Horner. 'Clinton, born ; married Elizabeth Hampton. 'Job, Jr., born ; married Hannah Munyon. 'Rebecca, born ; married Hiram Grooms, ^Joshua Lippincott, son of 'J^^hro Lippincott and Phebe Elkin- ton, married Mary Springer, daughter of . Page 293. Their children were — 'Lydia, born ; married Henry Hughes. 'Martha, born ; married George Mitchell, 'Edward, born 'Harriet, born ; married Edgar Buck. 'Joshua, born ; married Mary Camm. 'Eliza, born ; married Chalkley Johnson. 'Preston, born ; married Mary Hichner. 'Ann, born ; married Albert Van Meter. "Esther Lippincott, daughter of "Jethro Lippincott and Phebe Elkinton, married Samuel Madara, son of . i'ag«- 2!.3. Their children were — 'Joseph, born ; married Elizabeth Hewitt. 'Chalkley, born ; married Sarah Sharp. 'Joshua, born ; married Hannah Matson, 'Levi, born ; married Edith Weatherby. 3U WILLS FAMILY. Page 293. Page 293. Page 293. Page 294. "John Lippincott, son of 'Aaron Lippincott and Sarah Haines, married Hannah Moore, danghter of . Their children were — 'Chalkley, horn 'Stacy, born 'John, born 'Rachel, born 'Hannah, born 'Rebecca, born 'Sarah, born 'Tacy, born 'Elma, born ; married Phebe Duell. ; married Martha Pancoast. ; married Lydia Lippincott. ; married William Haines. ; married Amos Peasley. ; married Ephraim Cole. ; married Abraham Woolman. ; married Jacob Bitters. ; married Lewis Miller. "Benjamin Lippincott, son of 'Aaron Lippincott and Sarah Haines, married Elizabeth Holmes, danghter of > Their children were — 'Aaron, born 'Josiah, born 'Barclay, born 'Martha, born 'Clayton, born 'David, born ; married Ann White. ; married Anna Ogden. ; married xA.bigail Dyer, first wife. ; married Jacob Davis. ; died young. ; died young. "Sarah Lippincott, daughter of 'Aaron Lippincott and Sarah Haines, married Thomas Edwards, son of . Their children were — 'Ann, born . 'Thomas, born 'Barclay, born 'Mary, born 'Aaron, born 'Sarah, born married Samuel Rogers. ; married Sarah French. ; married Keturah Moore. ; married Samuel Borton. ; married Rachel Moore. ; married Clayton Gaunt. Tsaac Ballinger, son of °PIope Lippincott and Zacheus Ballinger, married Jane Reeve, daughter of . Their children were — 'Isaac, born ; married Jemima Crispin. 'Samuel, born ; married Ann Reeve. 'Hannah, born ; married Cole. 'Marv, born William Haines, who married 'Rachel Lippincott, was the son of William Haines and Ann White. William was the son of John Haines and Hipparchia Hinchman. See page 94, in Haines' family. SIXTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 3' 5 'Ann Lippincott, daughter of 'William Lippincott and Eliza- beth Folwell, married William Buzby, son of . rage 25)4. Their children were — ^Maria, born ; married John C. Deacon. 'Eliza, born ; married Elijah Ellis. 'Jonathan, born ; died single. 'Ann, born ; died single. 'Hannah, born ; married Jonathan Knight.' Joseph Gill.' 'William, born "William Lippincott, son of 'William Lippincott and Elizabeth Fohvell, married Hannah Wright, daughter of . Page 294. Their children were — '\\'illiam, born ; married Elizabeth Davis. 'Priscilla, born "Samuel Lippincott, son of 'William Lippincott and Elizabeth Folwell, married Hannah Reeves, daughter of . Page 294. Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married Annie Cauley. 'Nathan, born ; married Mary Borton.^ 'Ann, born 'George, born Priscilla Wright.' married Nathan Robbins. ; died young. "Thomas Lippincott, son of 'William Lippincott and Elizabeth Folwell, married Ann Stanger, daughter of . Page 294. Their children were — Isaac, born ; married Abigail Zimmerman. : married Kesiah Clark. Daniel, born Rebecca, born Elizabeth, born Abigail, born Joseph, born Anna, born ; married Channing Howey. ; died single. "Charles Lippincott, son of Samuel Lippincott and Mary Ogdcn, married Amy Bassett, daughter of • Page 294. Their children were — 'Alfred, born ; married Mary Smith. 'Christianna, born ; married Isaac Dickson. 3i6 WILLS FAMILY. 7osiah Lippincott, son of 'Samuel Lippincott and Mary Ogclen, Page 291. married Sarah Cooper, daughter of . Their chikh^en were — 'Thomas, born ; married PrisciUa Simpson. "VViUiam, born ; married Hattie Arnold. 'Caroline, born ; married Joshua Gaskill. 'Martha, born ; married B. H. Farquhar. 'Hannah, born 'Samuel Lippincott, son of 'Samuel Lippincott and Mary Ogden, Page 294. married Sarah Zane (first wife), daughter of . Their children were — 'Hannah, born ; married George Horner. 'Sarah Ann, born 'Rachel Ann Wills, daughter of 'Joseph Wills and Virgin Pow- Page 294. ell, married Abram Stockton, son of . Their children were — 'Sarah W., born ; married Samuel Williams. 'Susan R., born ; single. "Joseph P. Wills, son of 'Joseph Wills and \'irgin Powell, mar- Page 294. I'ied Mary Ballinger, daughter of Isaac Ballinger and Esther Haines. Their children were — 'Rebecca P., born ; married Benajah Butcher. 'Joseph Henry, M. D., born ; married Lillian Bunting. 'R. Albert, born ; married Louisa Masters.' Jennie Gay Nickerson." 'John B. Wills, son of 'Joseph Wills and Virgin Powell, mar- Page 294. ried Rebecca Buzby, daughter of Nicholas Buzby and Hannah. Their children were — 'Hannah B., born ; married Edwin Haines. 'Rachel, born ; died young. 'Joseph, born ; married Mary Emma Buzby. 'Samuel S., born ; single. 'John, born ; single. 'Charles Henry, born ; died young man. 'Mary, born ; married John Deacon. 'Howard H., born ; married Helen R. Stokes. 'Alfred S., born ; married Sarah Ballinger. SIXTH GEXERATION AND CHILDREN. 317 "Henry \\'. ^^^il!s, son of 'Joseph Wills and Virgin Powell, mar- ried Lydia Stokes, daughter of Joshua Stokes and Lydia Evans P^ee 294. (his third wife). Their children were — Xydia E., born 3-26, 1843 5 married Joseph Evans. 'Joshua S., born 10-10, 1845; married Rebecca Wistar. 'Rachel A., born 12-10, 1847; single. 'Anna, born 1-21, 1850; married Joseph H. Haines. 'Sarah F., born 11-29. 185 1 '> married Joseph G. Evans. Joseph Evans, who married 'Lydia E. Wills, was the son of A\'illiam Evans and Susan Evans. William was the son of John Evans and Rebecca Cowperthwait. John was the son of Enoch Evans, whose ancestry see, page 295, in Lydia Stokes' ancestry. Rebecca Cowperthwait's ancestry see, page 311, in Lydia Evans' ancestrv. Joseph H. Haines, who married 'Anna Wills, was the son of Zebedee Haines and Elizabeth Hendrickson, the daughter of Joseph Hendrickson and Elizabeth, of Crosswicks, New Jersey. Zebedee Haines was the son of Clayton Haines and Rebecca Wills. See that family, page no. for the ancestry of Clayton Haines, ami the ancestry of Rebecca Wills see, page 99, in Sarah Wills' an- cestry, her sister. Joseph G. Evans, who married 'Sarah F. Wills, was the son of Josiah B. Evans and Hannah Gardiner, the daughter of Joseph Gardiner and Alary Wilkins, whose ancestry see, page 290, in John Gardiner's ancestry, a brother. Josiah B. was the son of Thomas Evans and Abigail Bispham. Thomas was the son of Enoch Evans and Mary Wilcox, the daughter of Joseph Wilcox and Sarah Iredell. Enoch was the son of William Evans and Sarah Roberts. William was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Eliza- beth, the progenitors of the Evans family, who settled at Evesham Mount, New Jersey. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. John Haines was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Sarah Roberts was the daughter of John Rob erts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton. of Bur- lington, N. J. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family, who came from Warwickshire. England, and located on the north branch of the Pensauken creek. in a cave till a log house could be erected. 3i8 WILLS FAMILY. VVaron Wills, son of 'Samuel Wills and Grace Rogers, married Page 295. Martha Jarrett, daughter of Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married Lydia Buzby. 'Chalkley, born ; married Ann Deacon. 'Susannah, born ; married George B. Borton. 'Dilhvyn, born ; died young. ^Charles, born ; died single. 'Daniel, born ; married Elizabeth Swift. George B. Borton, who married 'Susannah Wills, was the son of John Borton and Keturah Haines, his first wife. John was the son of John Borton and Jemima Braddock. See Jemima Brad- dock's ancestry, page 94. John Borton was the son of John Bor- ton and Hannah Haines. John was the son of Obadiah Borton and Mary Driver, his second wife. Obadiah was the son of John Borton, Jr., the son of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors of the Borton family. Hannah Haines was the daughter of Thomas Haines and Hannah. Thomas was the son of John Haines and Jane Siddons, his second wife, and the widow^ of Job Whitall, by whom she had two children, and secondly the widow of James Smith, by whom she had one child. John was the son of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the son of Richard Haines and Mar- garet, the progenitors of the Haines family. Keturah Haines was the daughter of Joseph Haines and Hannah Maxwell, the daugh- ter of John Maxwell, who was the son of John Maxwell and Han- nah Matlack. of Haddonfield. New Jersey. Hannah was the daughter of John Matlack and Mary Lee, his second wife. John was the son of William Matlack and Mary Hancock, the progeni- tors of the Matlack family. William came from Cropwell Bish- op, Nottinghamshire, England, in the ship "Kent," in 1677, and Mary came from Brayles, Warwickshire, England (with her brother Timothy), in the ship "Paradise," in 1681 ; and they were married in 1682, she being only sixteen years of age. Joseph Haines was the son of Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins. Isaiah was the son of Abram Haines and Grace Hollingshead. See that family, page 31, for ancestry of Abram Haines, and page 16, the ancestry of Grace Hollingshead. Sarah Wilkins was the daugh- ter of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Core. See ancestry of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Core, page 34. SIXTH GBXBRATION AND CHILDRnX. "Daniel Wills, son of 'Samuel Wills and Grace Rog-ers. married Susanna Richardson, daughter of Joseph Richardson and Re- p^.r.- »3. becca. Their children were — Ann born ; married Joseph Lippincott. William R., born ; died single. Elizabeth R., born ; married George Hilyard. Susanna, born ; died voung. Clayton N., born ; married Rachel Pennell. Hannah C, born ; married ^Villiam Scattergood. 319 "Hannah Wills, daughter of 'Samuel Wills and Grace Rogers, married Joseph B. Cooper, son of . r.-.go 205. Their children were — 'Joseph, born ; married Elizabeth Kain. 'Charles, born ; married Hannah Brown. "Ann Wills, daughter of 'Samuel \\'ills and Grace Rogers, mar- ried George Williams, son of . Page 295. Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married Sarah Stockton. 'Hannah, born ; single. Very little is known of the early history of the Wills family in England, prior to the emigration of Friends in 1677. ])r. Daniel Wills early embraced the religious tenets as set forth by George Fox, and was several times imprisoned in Northampton gaol, for holding meetings in his house according to the established order of Friends. In Northamptonshire "Notes and Queries," reference is made to an address written by Dr. Daniel Wills to Rev. M. Ford, of the Established Church of England, which is said to have been sharp, vigorous and logical on religious subjects. Dr. Wills was no doubt a man of strong and earnest convictions, and for conscience sake, fearless of the magistracy in promulgating the religious tenets he embraced. He was born in Northampton. England, in 1633. and undoubtedly of good parentage, to fit him for the med- ical profession; and was possessed of means and executive abil- ity that brought him to the front in the land of his adoption. He seems to have been a man of great physical, as well as intt'lleclual. ability, from the arduous duties, both professional and municipal, that were called for at his hands. EVES FAMILY. 22 EVES EAMILY. First and Second Generations and Children. • npHOAIAS EVES, "Barber in London/' came in the sliip *• "Kent" to Burlington. Xew Jersey, in the year 1^)77, "the second from London to the western parts," with two hundred and thirty passengers, mostly members of the Society of Friends. Among these were "John Roberts and Sarah, his wife. Thomas Olive, Daniel Wills, \\'illiam Peachy, William Clayton. John Crips, Thomas Eves, Thomas Harding. Thomas Noister. Thomas Fairnsworth, Morgan Drewitt, William Penton, Henry Jen- nings, William Hibes, Samuel Lovett, John Woolston. William Woodmancy, Christopher Saunders and Robert Powell." Thomas Eves settled in Burlington with the others above named, with the exception of John Roberts and his wife, and so far as we know he never removed from there. He had three chil- dren — Thomas, John and Dorothy. 'Thomas Eves, son of 'Thomas Eves, from London, married Hannah , daughter of . Their children were — 'John, born 12-24, 1678; married, 6-17, 1710, Mary Hudson. The birth of 'Jo^''" Eves was witnessed by Prudence Clayton, Prudence Reynolds, Mary W^ills, Judy Olive, Elinor Harding, ]\Iary Perkins, Joanna Clift and Ann Peachee. Children by his second wife, Anna, were — 'Daniel, born 9, 1681 ; died 1708. 'Samuel, born 5-20, 1684; married, 10-2, 1713, Jane Wills.' married, 9-16, 1721, Mary Shinn."' 'Benjamin, born 8-29, 1686; died 1708. 'Thomas, born ; married, 10-20, 17 13, Jane.' MaryAshard' (widow). 'Anna, born 3-11, 1689; married, 1709, James Lippincott. 'Hannah, born ; died 1708. 'Dorothy, born 9-29, 1692; married Jacoli Hewlings. Anna died and 'Thomas married ^Lary Roberts, daughter of John Roberts and Sarah. 'Dorothy Eves, daughter of 'Thomas Eves, from London, mar- ried William Hewlings, 9-7, 1680, (the progenitor). Their children were — 'Jacob, born ; married Dorothy Eves (daughter of Thomas and Anna ) . Tradition says— 'John Eves went to Pennsylvania. 321 BVBS FAMILY. 'Samuel Eves, son of 'Thomas Eves and Anna, married Jane Page 320. Wills, daughter of John Wills and Hope Delefaste. Their children were — "Benjamin, born ; died a young man. Jane died and ^Samuel married Mary Shinn. Their children were — "Joseph, born ; married Rebecca Haines. "John, born ; married, 1752, Jane Evans. "Ann, born ; married Jonathan Lippincott. "Mary, born ; married Joseph Campion. Rebecca Haines, the wife of "Joseph Eves, was the daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca Troth, the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the progenitors of the Troth family. See ancestry of Amos, page 43, in that family. Jane Evans, the wife of "John Eves, was the daughter of John E^'ans and Ruth Nicholson. Jonathan Lippincott, who married 'Ann Eves, was the son of James Lippincott and Anna Eves. James was the son of Re- store Lippincott and Hannah vShattock. Restore was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. Anna was the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, from London. 'Thomas Eves, son of 'Thomas Eves and Anna, married Jane Page 320. (first wife), daughter of . Their children were — "Mary, born ; married, 1731, John Cripps. "John, born "David, born "Anna, born ; married, 1734, Hugh Hollingshead. Jane died and 'Thomas married Mary Ashard, widow of John Ashard. No issue by second marriage. 'Anna Eves, daughter of 'Thomas Eves and Anna, married Page 320. Jamcs Lippincott, son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shat- tock. Their children were — "Jonathan, born ; married Ann Eves. "Aaron, born ; married Elizabeth Tomlinson. "John, born ; married Elizabeth Elkinton. "Daniel, born ; married Elizabeth Pim. "Moses, born ; married Meribah Mullin. "Anna, born ; married Thomas Taylor. THIRD GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 'Dorothy Eves, daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna, married Jacob HewHngs, son of WiHiam Hewhngs and Dorothv F,\es. Pago 320. Their children were — 'Rebecca, born ; married Micajah Wills. Joseph, born ; married Hannah Wood.' Elizabeth Langstaff'' (widow). 7acol), born ; married Agnes Buckman. 'Abraham, born ; married Kay. 'Theodocia, born ; married Peter Vanse. ■^William, born ; married, 1743. Esther Wright. 3-'-' 'John Eves, son of 'Thomas Eves and Hannah (hrst wife), married Mary Hudson, daughter of . Page 320. Their children were — 'Mary, born ; married Thomas Middleton. 'John Hudson', born Ann Eves, the wife of 'Jonathan Lippincott, was the daughter of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, his second wife. See Samuel Eves' ancestry, page 321. Elizabeth Tomlinson. the wife of 'Aaron Lippincott, was the daughter of Ephraim Tomlinson. Ihc son of Joseph Tomlinson and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the family. Esther Wright, the wife of 'William Hewlings, was the daugh- ter of Jonathan Wright, late of the City of Burlington. X. J. Mar- ried 4 mo., 2d, 1743. Micajah Wills, who married 'Rebecca Hewlings, was the s. mi of James Wills and Elizabeth Woolston. James was the son of Daniel Wills and Margaret Newbold. Daniel was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his hrst wife. Elizabeth Woolston was the daughter of John Woolston and Lettice Newliold. John was the son of John Woolston and Olive, his first wife, the progenitors. Margaret and Lettice were sisters, the daugh- ters of Michael Newbold and Ann. Hannah Wood, the first wife of 'Joseph Hewlings. was the daughter of Benjamin Wood and his second wife. Eli/^abcth 323 nVBS FAMILY. Langstaff, the widow of William Hammitt, and daughter of La- Page 321. ban Langstaff, the son of Laban Langstaff and Susannah War- rington, the progenitors. 'Joseph Eves, son of 'Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, second wife, married Rebecca Haines, daughter of Amos Haines and Re- becca Troth. Their children were — 'Mary, born 10-23, 1755; married Thomas Evans. ^Ann, born 7-3, 1757; died single, young. 'Elizabeth, born 7-16, 1759; married Jacob Hewlings. 'Sarah, born 1-9, 1762; died single. 'Rebecca, born 5-24, 1764; married Isaac Troth. Xettice, born 1-18, 1768; married Joseph Evans. 'Martha, born 10-10, 1769; married Job Ballinger. "Esther, born 10-31, 1771; died single. 'Ann,' born 1-18, 1774; married Francis Venicomb. 'Rachel, born 2-10, 1776; married William Venicomb. Thomas Evans, who married "Mary Eves, was the son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Eldridge. Jacob was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of William Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Isaac Troth, who married "Rebecca Eves, was the son of Wil- liam Troth and Esther Borton, whose ancestry see, page 288, in Levi Troth's ancestry. Joseph Evans, who married "Lettice Eves, was the son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla, whose ancestry see, page 144, in Lydia Evans' ancestry. Job BalHnger, who married 'Martha Eves, was the son of Thomas Ballinger and Susannah. Thomas was the son of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Joshua was the son of Thomas Bal- hnger, the progenitor. Francis and William Venicomb, who married 'Ann and 'Rachel Eves, were the sons of Francis Venicomb and Rachel Lippincott. Francis was the son of William Venicomb. the progenitor, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), the daughter of Richard Stock- ton and Abigail, the progenitors. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 'John Eves, son of 'Samuel Eves and Alary Shinn, second wife, married Jane Evans, daughter of John Evans and Ruth Xichol-Page 321. son. Their children were — 'Ann, born ; died single (very old). 'Hepsibah, born 'Beulah, born ; married Job Lippincott, Esq. 'Rachel, born ; married John Hammitt. 'Mary, born ; married Benjamin Pine. 'Samuel, born ; married Hannah E. Wills (widow Ga.\\\- iner). 3 -'4 Hannah E. Wills, the wife of 'Samuel Eves, was the dauiiiiter of Zebedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, whose ancestry see. page 99, in Sarah W^ills' ancestry, a sister. Job Lippincott, Esq., who married 'Beulah Eves, was the son of Samuel Lippincott and Ann Hulet. Samuel was the son of Re- store Lippincott nad Hannah Shattock. Restore was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. ^\nn Eves, daughter of ''Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn. second wife, married Jonathan Lippincott, son of James Lippincott and Pagt- 321. Anna Eves. Their children were — 'James, born ; married Susanna Evans. 'Levi, born ; married Lettice \A'ills. ''William, born ; married Rhoda Lishman. 'Samuel, born ; died a young man of small-pox, at the house of John Haines, in Cropwell, N. J. Susanna Evans, the wife of 'J^mes Lippincott, was the daugh- ter of Nathan Evans and Sybilla, whose ancestry see, page 144. in Lydia Evans' ancestry. Lettice Wills, the wife of 'Levi Lippinc(itt, was the daughter of Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, the daughter of Jacob Hewlings and Dorothy Eves. Jacob w^as the son of William Hewlings, the progenitor, and Dorothy Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, of Burlington, N. J., who came from London, in 1677. in the ship "Kent," with Dr. Daniel Wills and others. Dorothy Eves, the wife of Jacob Hewlings, was the daughter of ^^'illiam Hewlings and Dorothy Eves, above. Micajah Wills was the son of James Wills and Elizabeth Woolston. whose ancestry see. page 279, in that family, and page jyj, Elizabeth Woolston's ancestrv. 325 BVBS FAMILY. ^Jonathan Lippincott, son of 'Anna Eves and James Lippincott, Page 321. married Ann Eves, daughter of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, second wife. Their children were — °James, born ; married Susanna Evans. Xevi, born ; married Lettice Wills. 'William, born ; married Rhoda Lishman. "Samuel, born ; died young man, of smallpox. See ancestry of Susanna Evans and Lettice Wills, the wives of "James and "Levi Lippincott, page 324. *Aaron Lippincott, son of 'Ann Eves and James Lippincott, Page 321. married Elizabeth Tomlinson, daughter of Ephraim Tomlinson and . Their children were — "Moses, born ; married Mary Hewlings.' Sarah Stratton.' "Elizabeth, born ; married John Butcher.' Isaac Haines' (his 2d wife). "Sarah, born ; married Caleb Lippincott. °Mary, born ; married Quicksall. 'Aaron, born ; married Hannah Snowden (widow). Mary Hewlings, the first wife of "Moses Lippincott, w^as the daughter of Joseph Hewlings and Elizabeth Langstaff, his second wife, the widow of William Hammitt, and daughter of Laban Langstaff, the son of Laban Langstaff and Susannah Warring- ton, the progenitors. Isaac Haines, who married ^Elizabeth Lippincott (the widow of John Butcher), was the son of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp. See that family, page 50, for ancestry of Jonathan Haines, and page 24, for ancestry of Hannah Sharp. Hannah Snowden, the wife of "Aaron Lippincott, was the widow of Job Braddock, and daughter of Nathaniel Snowden and Marp-aret. fe*^ *Moses Lippincott, son of 'Anna Eves and James Lippincott, Page 321. married Meribah Mullin, daughter of . Their children were — °William, born "Rachel, born FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. -,jr, 'Daniel Lippincott, son of 'Anna Eves and James Lippincott. married Elizabeth Pirn, daughter of '■ . Page 321. Their children were — ''John, born ; married Abigail Collins. ^James, born ; Hannah Crispin. "Daniel, born ; married Hannah Pim. ''Micajah, born ; married Sarah Roberts. ^Anna, born ; married Elias Hammitt. 'Benjamin, born ; married Hannah . 'Rachel, born ; married Joshua Crispin. 'Sarah, born ; married Nathan Middleton. 'Jonathan, born ; married Elizabeth Crispin. 'Lydia, born ; married Ashard. Xevi, born Abigail Collins, the wife of "John Lippincott, was the daughter of Samuel Collins and Rosanna Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Rachel Wright, his second wife. Thomas was the son of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors of the Stokes family. Samuel Collins was the son of Samuel Collins and Abigail Ward. Samuel was the son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd, his second wife, the widow of Dr. John Goslin, of Burlington, N. J., and daughter of Thomas Budd. Francis was the progenitor of the Collins family, and came from London. ^A.nna Lippincott, daughter of 'Anna Eves and James Lii)pin- cott, married Thomas Taylor, son of . ^^^^ ^21. Their children were — "Meribah, born ^Rebecca Hewlings, daughter of 'Dorothy Eves and Jacob Hewlings, married Micajah Wills, son of James Wills and Fjiza- Pa*-''' ^" beth Woolston. Their children were — 'Ahab, born 3-10, 1745. 'James, born 2-26, 1746; married Elizabeth French. 'Jacob, born 8-19, 1748; married Mary Haines. 'Joab, born 9-1, 1750; married Amy Gill. 'Elizabeth, born 10-5, 1752; married Abel Clement. 'Lettice, born 9-5, 1754: married Levi Lippincott. 'Zebedee, born 10-4, 1756; married Priscilla Moore. See ancestry of Mary Haines, Levi Lippincott and Priscilla Moore, page 282, in the Wills family. 32/ BVBS FAMILY. 'Joseph Hewlings, son of 'Dorothy Eves and Jacob HewHngs, Page 322. married Hannah Wood (first wife), daughter of Benjamin Wood and . Their children were — ^Abigail, born ; married Vincent West. "Rebecca, born ; married Paul Crispin. ^Dorothy, born ; married Jonathan Crispin. ^Samuel, born ; married Brooks. Hannah died, and 'Joseph married Elizabeth Langstaff, the widow of William Hammitt and daughter of Laban Langstaff. Their children were — 'Hannah, born ; married Benjamin Lippincott.' John Howell.' ^Mary, born ; married Moses Lippincott — first wife. 'John, born ; married Lydia Crispin. 'Elizabeth, born ; died young. Benjamin Lippincott, who married 'Hannah Hewlings, was the son of Daniel Lippincott and Elizabeth Pim. Daniel was the son of James Lippincott and Ann Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. See page 320. See ancestry of James Lippincott, page 321. Moses Lippincott, who married 'Mary Hewlings, was the son of Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Tomlinson. See Elizabeth's ancestry, page 322. Aaron was the son of James Lippincott and Anna Eves, the daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, from London, James was the son of Restore Lippincott and Hannah Shattock, his first wife. Restore was the son of Richard Lippincott and Abigail, the progenitors. 'Mary Eves, daughter of 'John Eves and Mary Hudson, mar- Page 322. ried Thomas Middleton, son of . Their children were — 'Hudson, born 'Martha Eves, daughter of 'Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines,- Page 323. married Job Ballinger, son of Thomas Ballinger and Susannah. Their children were — "Thomas E., born ; married Hope Oliphant. "Rebecca, born ; married Henry Marple. "Rachel, born ; died single. 'Ann, born ; died single. FIFTH GEN BR ATI ON AND CHILDRBN. 3J8 'Mary Eves, daughter of Joseph Eves and Reljecca Haines, married Thomas Evans, son of Jacob Evans and Rachel Ekh-idge. I'aKo 323. Their children were — 'Joseph, born ; married Rebecca Roberts. 'Thomas, born ; married Sarah Burrough. 'Jacob, born ; married Elizabeth Snowden. 'Alary, born ; married Joseph Haines. "Sarah, born ; married Samuel Roberts. 'Rebecca, born ; married William Burrough. "Rachel, born ; married Joseph Roberts. Rebecca Roberts and Joseph Roberts, who married "Joseph and "Rachel Evans, were the children of Josiah Roberts and Susanna Cole, whose ancestry see, page 138, in Mary and Susanna C. Rob- erts' ancestry. Joseph Haines, who married "Mary Evans, was the son of Hinchman Haines and Mary Warrington. See that family, page III, for ancestry of Hinchman Haines. 'Elizabeth Eves, daughter of 'Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, married Jacob Hewlings, son of . Page 323. Their children were — "Amos, born (only child) ; married Lydia Hollingshead. "Rebecca Eves, daughter of 'Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, married Isaac Troth, son of William Troth and Esther Borton. page 323. Their children were — "Samuel, born ; married Edith Lippincott. "Rebecca, born ; married Thomas Sharp. "Mary, born ; married Nathan Wilkins. "Levi, born ; married Sarah Wills.' Marv Haines.' Thomas Sharp, who married "Rebecca Troth, was the son of Thomas Sharp and Esther Brooks, the daughter of John Brooks. Thomas Sharp was the son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. See that family, page 215, for ancestry. Nathan Wilkins, who married 'Mary Troth, was the son of Amos Wilkins and Lydia Jenkins. Amos was the son of Amos Wilkins and Sarah Haines. See that family, page Cy-,, f^r nn- cestry of Sarah Haines. 329 EVBS FAMILY. Sarah Wills, the first wife of "Levi Troth, was the daughter of Jacob Wills and Mary Haines. See that family, page 287, for ancestry of Jacob Wills, and ancestry of Mary Haines, page 43, in Amos Haines' family. Mary Haines, the second wife of Xevi Troth, was the daugh- ter of Josiah Haines and Rebecca Lippincott. See that family, page 152, for ancestry of Josiah Haines, and page 96 for ancestry of Rebecca Lippincott. Xettice Eves, daughter of 'Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, Page 32C. married Joseph Evans, son of Nathan Evans and Sybilla. Their children were — "Eli, born ; married Lydia Evans — second wife. 'George, born ; married Mary Sparks. "Nathan, born ; married Lydia Sharp. "Samuel, born ; married Rachel Sharp. ''Hepsibah, born ; married Brooks. See ancestry of Lydia Evans, the wife of "Eli Evans, page 144. Lydia and Rachel Sharp, wives of "Nathan and "Samuel Evans, were the daughters of Barzillia Sharp and Lydia Peacock. See that family, page 225, for ancestry of Barzillia Sharp. Lydia Peacock was the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Bal- linger, the daughter of Thomas Ballinger. John was the son of Johri Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock, from Scotland. 'Ann Eves, daughter of 'Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, mar- Page 323. ricd Francis Venicomb, son of Francis Venicomb and Rachel Lip- pincott. Their children were — 'Rachel, born ; married Offley Boggs. "Joseph, born ; died single. "Ann E., born ; died single. 'Rachel Eves, daughter of 'Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines, Page 323. married William Venicomb, son of Francis Venicomb and Rachel Lippincott. Their children were — 'William, born ; married Charlotte Beck. 'Ann, born ; married William Rogers.' Joseph Wills.' FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 330 William Rogers, who married 'Ann Venicomb. was the son of Joseph Rogers, the son of William Rogers and Grace Allen (wid- ow Eayres). See William Rogers' ancestry, page 289, in Rachel and ]\Iary Rogers' ancestry. Joseph Wills, the second husband of "Ann Venicomb (widow Rogers), was the son of Jacob Wills and IMary Haines. See that family, page 287, for ancestry of Joseph Wills. See ancestry of Mary Haines, page 43, in Amos Haines' family, his danghtcV. 'Benlah Eves, daughter of 'John Eves and Jane Evans, married Job Lippincott, Esq., son of Samuel Lippincott and Ann Hulet. ^^ee 324. Their children were — "Ann, born ; married Revel Elton. "Job, born ; married Hannah . 'Mary Eves, daughter of 'John Eves and Jane Evans, married Benjamin Pine, son of . Page 324. Their children were-^ "Benjamin, born "Hope, born ; died single. 'Samuel Eves, son of 'John Eves and Jane Evans, married Hannah E. Wills (widow), daughter of Zebedee Wills and Pris- P^ee 324. cilia Moore. Their children were — "Samuel J., born ; married Jane E. Haines. "Jane E., born ; died in infancy. Jane E. Haines, the wife of "Samuel J. Eves, was the daughter of Zebedee Haines and Elizabeth Hendrickson, the daughter of Joseph Hendrickson and Elizabeth, of Crosswicks, N. J. For an- cestry of Zebedee Haines, see his family, page 172. °James. Lippincott, son. of 'Ann Eves and Jonathan Lippincott. married Susanna Eves, daughter of Nathan Evans and Sybilla. rnKc sr.. Their children were — "James, born ; married Sarah Hilliard. "Nathan, born ; married Mary Childs. "Jonathan, born : married Edith Zelley. "Elizabeth, born : married John Atkinson. "Hope, born ; married Enoch Fenimorc. "Samuel, born ; died single. "Mary, born ; died single. 331 BVBS FAMILY. Page 325. Xevi Lippincott, son of *Ann Eves and Jonathan Lippincott, married Lettice Wills, daughter of Micajah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings. Their children were — 'Anna, born ; married William Kain. 'Beulah, born ; died single. "James, born "Joab, born 'Jacob, born ; married Sarah Ballinger. ''Reuben, born. "William, born "Elizabeth, born ; married Jacob Hollingshead. Sarah Ballinger, the wife of "Jacob Lippincott, was the daugh- ter of Joshua Ballinger and Rebecca Moore, the daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre, the daughter of Thomas Eayre and Priscilla Hugg. Joshua Ballinger was the son of Thomas Bal- linger, the son of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. Joshua was the son of Thomas Ballinger, the progenitor, of Evesham, Burlington County, N. J. Thomas Eayre was the son of Rich- ard Eayre and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Eayre family. Priscilla Hugg was the daughter of John Hugg, Jr. and Priscilla Collins, the daughter of Francis Collins, the progenitor, and Sarah Mayham, his first wife, who came from London. John Hugg, Jr., was the son of John Hugg, who came from Wexford, Ireland. John Moore was the son of Benjamin Moore and Re- becca Fenimore, the daughter of Joseph Fenimore, who was the son of Richard Fenimore, the progenitor, who came from Eng- land. Benjamin Moore was the son of Benjamin Moore, the progenitor, who came from Birmingham, England, and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, the progenitors, who came from Stepney, Middlesex, England, and settled at Moorestown, Burlington County, New Jersey. "Aaron Lippincott, son of 'Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Page 325. Tomliu, married Hannah Snowden (widow), daughter of Nath- aniel Snowden and Margaret. Their children were — "Aaron S., born "Charlotte, born ; married Middleton. "Hannah, born ; married . FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 332 'Moses Lippincott, son of *Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Tomlinson, married Mary Hewlings, daughter of Joseph Hew- Page 325. Hngs and Elizabeth Langstaff (widow). Their children were — "Rebecca, born ; married Josiah Haines.' Isaac Wilson.' "Elizabeth, born ; married William Austin.' Josiah Costill.' ^Dorothy, born ; married Joseph Matlack. "Sarah, born ; married John Hoile. "Benjamin, born ; married Elizabeth Wilkins.' Martha Collins.' Mary died, and 'Moses married Sarah Stratton. daughter of David Stratton and Rebecca. Their children were — "John S., born ; married Hannah Albertson. "Eli S., born ; married Elizabeth Vandyke. "Mary, born ; died single. Josiah Haines, wdio married "Rebecca Lippincott. was the son of Isaac Haines and Mary Wilkins. See that family, page 95. for ancestry of Isaac Haines, and page 50 for ancestry of Mary ^^'ilkins. Isaac Wilson, wdio married "Rebecca Lippincott (the widow of Josiah Haines), was the son of John Wilson and Mary. John Hoile, of Jefferson County, Ohio, who married "Sarah Lippincott, w-as the son of John Hoile and Sarah, who resided in the North of England. "Elizabeth Lippincott, daughter of 'Aaron Lippincott and Eliza- beth Tomlinson, married John Butcher, son of . I'ago 3:s. No record of children by this marriage. John died, and "Elizabeth married Isaac Haines (a widower), son of Jonathan Haines and Hannah Sharp, 1794- Their children were — "Elizabeth, born 12-31, 1794; died 4-1 1, I797- "Ephraim, born 3-20, 1797; married Sarah Buzby. "Elizabeth", born 1-9, 1800; married Solomon Merritt. } Isaac Haines was born 9-14, 1742; died 10-12, 1804. "Mary Lippincott, daughter of 'Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Tomlinson, married Ouicksall, son of • Their children were — "Aaron, born 333 BVBS FAMILY. 'John Lippincott, son of ^Daniel Lippincott and Elizabeth Pim, Page 326. married Abigail Collins, daughter of Samuel Collins and Rosanna Stokes. Their children were — "Abigail, born "Kesiah, born 'Priscilla, born "Restore, born "Collins, born "Josepti, born "Jacob, born "Rachel, born "Daniel, born "Mary, born "Rosanna, born "Samuel, born "John, born ; married Jacob Leeds. ; married Kendall Cole. ; married Samuel Haines. ; married Agnes Shoemaker. ; married Amy Shoemaker. ; married Sarah Albertson. married Beulah C. Beatty. ; married James Dillon.' John Garwood.' ; married Mary Morgan, married George Eayre.' W'heeland.'' : married Gibbs. ; died young. ; died young. See this family, page 265, in the Collins family. I 'age 326. 'James Lippincott, son of 'Daniel Lippincott and Elizabeth Pim, married Hannah Crispin, daughter of ' ^ - \^>;,' -» ■\ yjv,reHo//vxA Their children were — "Lydia, born "Elizabeth, born "Patience, born "Levi, born "Charles, born "Sarah, born ; married Josiah Smith. ; married Joel Borton. ; married Levi Evans. ; married Mercy Lippincott.' Mary Penquite.' ; married "Daniel Lippincott, son of 'Daniel Lippincott and Elizabeth j-;)ge 326. Pim, married Hannah Pim, daughter of. . Their children were — "William, born "Elizabeth, born "Amos, born "Joel, born "Emma, born "Mary, born "Ann, born "Vashti, born "Lydia, born ; married Ann Pharo. ; married William Riland. ; married Mary Sickel. married Elizabeth Daniels. ; married Michell. ; married William Wilson. ; married John Frame. ; married Cameron. ; died young. FIFTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 334 'Micajah Lippincott, son of 'Daniel Lippincott and Elizaljeth Pirn, married Sarah Roberts, daughter of . I'ago 326. Their children were — "jMicajah, born ; married Rebecca Downs. "Rebecca, born ; married Duncan Eldridge. 'Mary, born ; married Joseph Kain. °Sarah, born ; married Jonathan Reed. "Ann, born ; married John Haines. "Benjamin, born "George, born John Haines, who married "Ann Lippincott, was the son of Jo- siah Haines and Rebecca Austin. See that family, page 97. for ancestry of Josiah Haines and Rebecca. 'Jacob Wills, son of 'Rebecca Hewlings and Alicajah Wills, married Mary Haines, daughter of Amos Haines and Rebecca page 32c. Troth. Their children were — "Mica j ah, born ; married Margaret Stockton. "Joseph, born ; married Rebecca Ballinger.' Ann Venicomb (widow)." "Amos, born ; married Rebecca Haines.' Hannah Moore."' "Rachel, born ; married John Cole. "Elizabeth, born ; married Dudley. ."Rebecca, born ; married William Cooper. "Mary, born ; married Ahab Lippincott. "Sarah, born ; married Levi Troth — first wife. For ancestry of Margaret Stockton, Rebecca Ballinger. Ann Venicomb, Rebecca Haines, Hannah Moore. John Cole, Ahab Lippincott and Levi Troth, see pages 287 and 288. Xettice Wills, daughter of 'Rebecca Hewlings and Micajah Wills, married Levi Lippincott, son of Jonathan Lippincott and rage 2-x. Ann Eves. Their children were — "Anna, born ; married William Kain. "Beulah, born ; died single. "Jacob, born ; married Sarah Ballinger. "Elizabeth, born ; married Jacob Hollingshead. "\\^illiam, born "Reuben, born "James, born "Joab, born 23 335 BVBS FAMILY. ■'Zebedee Wills, son of 'Rebecca Hewlings and Micajah Wills, Page 326. married Priscilla Moor^, daughter of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. Their children were — "Rebecca, born 11-17, 1784; married, 1-15, 1807, Clayton Haines. 'Amy, born 1-13, 1787; died single, 1877. "Priscilla, born 4-15, 1789; married Isaac Nicholson. "Zebedee, born 9-9, 1791 ; married Rachel Rogers. "Hannah E., born 1-22, 1794; married John Gardiner.^ Samuel Eves.' "Joab, born 1 1-23, 1796; married Mary Rogers. "Micajah M., born 6-25, 1799; died 7th mo. 13th, 1810. "Sarah, born 3-30, 1802; married, 2-17, 1825, George Haines, M. D. "Elizabeth C, born 8-24, 1804; married Benjamin H. Wills. For ancestry of Clayton Haines, Rachel Rogers, John Gardiner, Samuel Eves, Mary Rogers, George Haines, M. D., and Benja- min H. Wills, see pages 289, 290, 291. "Hannah Hewlings, daughter of 'Joseph Hewlings and Eliza- Page 327. beth -Laugstaff (second wife), married Benjamin Lippincott, son of Daniel Lippincott and Elizabeth Pim. Their children were — "William, born Benjamin died, and ^Hannah married John Howell. No record of children. "Mary Hewlings, daughter of 'Joseph Hewlings and Elizabeth Page 327. Laugstaff (secoud wife), married Moses Lippincott (first wife), son of Aaron Lippincott and Elizabeth Tomlinson. Their children were — "Re1:)ecca, born ; married Josiah Haines.' Isaac Wilson.' "Elizabeth, born ; married William Austin.' Josiah Costill.' "Dorothy, born ; married Joseph Matlack. "Sarah, born ; married John Hoile. "Benjamin, born ; married Elizabeth Wilkins.' Martha Collins.' 'Mary died, and Moses married Sarah Stratton, daughter of David Stratton and Rebecca. Their children were — "John S., born ; married Hannah Albertson. "Eli S., born ; married Elizabeth Vandyke. "Mary, born ; died single. FIFTH GBNBkATlON AND CHILDREN. 336 'John Hewlings, son of 'Joseph HewHngs and EHzabeth Lang- staff (second wife), married Lydia Crispin, daughter of Their cliildren were — "Ann, born ; married Amos Wilkins. 'Dorothy, born ; married John M. Cristopher, ^Joseph, born - ; died young man. Amos Wilkins, who married "Ann Hewlings, was the son of Amos AVilkins and Lydia Jenkins. Amos was the son of Amos Wilkins and Sarah Haines, the daughter of Carlile Haines and Sarah Matlack, the daughter of William Matlack and Mary Han- cock, the progenitors of the Matlack family. William came from Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire, England, in the ship "Kent," in 1677. Mary came from Brayles, Warwickshire, England, in the ship ''Paradise," in 1681, with her brother Timothy. Carlile Haines was the son of Richard Haines and Mary Carlile, who was of Indian lineage, Lenni Lenape. Richard was the second son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family, who came from "Aynhoe of ye Hill," Northamp- tonshire, England, in 1682, in the ship "Amity," Richard Dia- mond's ship. 'Thomas E. Balliuger, son of °Martha Eves and Job Ballinger, married Hope Oliphant, daughter of Shinn Oliphant and Hope p^g^ 3,- Eayre. Their children were — 'Dudley, born ; married Sarah Test.' Susan Peacock.' 'Eayre O., born ; married Rachel Haines.' Esther Sharp.' 'Thomas, born ; married Rachel Jennings.' Arabella French.' 'Alfred M., born ; married Matilda French. 'Oliphant, born ; married Rebecca Troth. 'Joseph E. O., born ; married Elizabeth Sharp. 'Shinn, born ; died young man. 'Margaret, born ; married Joseph Sharp — first wife. 'Adelaide, born ; died young woman. "Rebecca Ballinger, daughter of 'Martha Eves an.">.^ Jacob Roberts, who married "Syllania Evans, was the son of John Roberts and Esther Evans. See that family, page 344, for ancestry of Esther Evans, and page 339 for ancestry of John Roberts. Rachel Saunders, the wife of "Uriah Evans, was the daughter of Solomon Saunders and Lydia Burrough, whose ancestry see. page 349, in Elizabeth Saunders' ancestry. Meribah Jones, the wife of "Jacob Evans, was the daughter t>f William Jones and Sarah Webster, the daughter of Lawrence Webster and Hannah Wills, the daughter of Daniel \\'ills and Alary. Lawrence was the son of Thomas Webster and Sarah Venicomb. the daughter of William Venicomi). the progenitor, of Hanover, New Jersey, and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones), daughter of Richard Stockton and Abigail, of Long Island, the progenitors. Thomas was the son of Samuel Webster, the ]iro- genitor, who came from England. William Jones was the son of Samuel Jones and Peacock. Joseph Kaighn, who married "Susannah Evans, was the son of John Kaighn and Elizabeth. 354 EVANS FAMILY. Page 344. Page 344. 7acob Roberts, son of 'Esther Evans and John Roberts, mar- ried Syllania Evans, daughter of Jacob Evans and Rachel Bor- ton. second wife. Their children were — "Rachel E., born 12-9, 1824. 'Mary H., born 10-28, 1827. "Jacob E., born 8-2, 1830. Syllania died, and 'Jacob married Ann Evans, the daughter of Joseph Evans and Rebecca Roberts. No record of children by this or the two subsequent marriages. "Reuben Roberts son of 'Esther Evans and John Roberts, mar- ried Rachel Haines, daughter of John Haines and Elizabeth Moore. Their children were — 'Esther, born ; married Ezra Bell — first wife. 'Keturah, born ; single. 'Edwin, born 'Mary Roberts, daughter of 'Esther Evans and John Roberts, Page 344. married William Jessup, son of John Jessup and Deborah. 'Mary died, leaving no children, and William married Rachel Borton, daughter of Uriah Borton and Mary Collins. Their children were — 'Esther, born ; married Edmund Darnell. Edmund Darnell, who married "Esther Jessup, was the son of Job Darnell and Agnes Mullin, the daughter of William Mullin and Elizabeth Lukens. See ancestry of Job Darnell, page 158, in Charles Darnell's ancestry. 7ohn H. Dudley, son of 'Evan Dudley and Ann Haines, mar- Page 345. ried Hannah Ann Glover, daughter of . Their children were — "Richard G., born ; single. "Annie, born ; married Perkins. "Rachel, born ; married Joseph Hilton — second wife. "Thomas H. Dudley, son of *Evan Dudley and Ann Haines, Page 345. married Emeline Matlack, daughter of . Their children were — "Edward, born ; married . Two daughters. FIFTH GEXBRATION AND CHILD REX. o^.-^ 'Rachel Warrington, daughter of 'Rebecca Dudley and lleurv Warrington, married Aaron Wills, son of Daniel Wills and Eliza- p^bo 315. beth Woolston. Their children were — "Joseph, born ; married Wrgin i'owell. "Samuel, born ; married Grace Rogers. "Allen Roberts, son of 'Rachel Dudley and Ebenezer Roberts, married Mary Haines, daughter of Hinchman Haines and Mary Page 3<5. "Warrington. Their children were — "Henry, born ; married Miriam Lippincott. "Ebenezer, born ; married Mary Lippincott. "Rachel, born ; married Casper W. Sharpless. "Mariana, born ; married George IMatlack. 'Amos Roberts, son of 'Rachel Dudley and Ebenezer Roberts, married Jane Matlack. daughter of . Pae«- 3i5. Their children were — "John, born ; married Rachel Haines. "Rebecca, born ; married Thomas Branson. "Hannah, born ; married George Pharo. Rachel Haines, the wife of "John Roberts, was the daughter of Charles Haines and Elizabeth Borton. See that family, page 192, for ancestry of Charles Haines, and page 129 for the ances- try of Elizabeth Borton. "Esther Andrews, daughter of 'Rebecca Evans and Isaac An- drews, married Samuel Ogborn, son of . ^^^'^ '^-• Their children were — "Joseph, born 2-9, 1812. "Mary, born 9-9, 18 14. "Allen, born 8-25, 1816. "Edwin, born 8-25. 1816. "Evan, born 3-20, 1819. "Lydia, born 1-3, 1821. 356 EVANS FAMILY. ^Elizabeth Andrews, daughter of 'Rebecca Evans and Isaac An- Page 342. drews, married Joseph Ogborn, son of . Their children were — "Hannah, born 9-5, 1808. "Rebecca, born 8-27, 18 10. "Samuel, born 11- 17, 1812. "Isaac A., born 3-14, 181 5. "Ann, born 4-9, 181 7. "Sarah B., born 12-11, 1819. "Sarah Buzby, daughter of 'Sarah Evans and Jabez Buzby, Page 34. married Joshua Lippincott, son of Nathan Lippincott and Sarah Allen. Their children were — "Mary, born 1-21, 181 7. "Hannah, born 1-31, 18 19. "Sarah, born 7-1 1, 1821. 'Sarah died, and Joshua married Kesiah Clement. Their children were — "Rebecca, born ; married Joseph Willitts. "Morris, born One branch of the New Jersey Evans family spell their name with the letter "e," instead of the letter "a," which is undoubted- ly wrong, from the fact that the name originated in Wales (from whence the family came), and from the five sons of levan, known as Evan Robert Lewis, who, in 1601, was living in Wales, Eng- land, taking for themselves, in the Welsh manner, the surname of ap Evan. They were John ap Evan, Cadwalader ap Evan, Griffith ap Evan, Owen ap Even and Evan ap Evan. The errors in the orthography of names of persons, as well as places, are frequently traceable to clerical errors, as w^e not in- frequently find the name in the same legal instrument written dif- ferently two, and even three times; and in marriage records it would seem that the phonetic system was very frequently adopted or adhered to, as the orthography of the name was scarcely recog- nizable. The name Engle we find written Ingall, and Evans written Ivans, which would seem more proper, from the manner in which they are pronounced. It appears that the rules of or- thography were not in early days in this country very strictly en- forced, as the names of persons in legal instruments, wills, deeds, etc., were written differently from the signatures. PRICKITT FAMILY. PRICKITT FAMILY. First Generation and Children. yACKARIAH PRICKITT, the progenitor of the Trickitt ^-^ family, settled in Northampton, Burhngton County, New- Jersey. He is said to have brought with him a large estate, and invested largely in real estate. He left a will, dated February 28th, 1727, proved March 14th, 1727. He names in his will his sons j[ohn, Zackariah and Jacob; his daughters Hannah, wife of Philip Ouigiey; Elizabeth, wife of John Peacock, and wife EUi- pha. 'Zackariah Prickitt. the progenitor, and EHipha, his wife. Their children were — °John, born ^Zeckariah, born ; married, 1-2, 1721. ]\Iary Troth. 'Jacob, born ; married Hannah — . 'Elizabeth, born ; married, 9-2, 1723, John Peacock. 'Hannah, born ; married Phillip Quigley. ]\Iary Troth, the wife of 'Zeckariah Prickitt, who were mar- ried 1-2, 1 72 1, at Friends' Meeting, at Evesham, New Jersey, was the daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, the pro- genitors of the Troth family, who came from England. John Peacock, who married 'Elizabeth Prickitt, 9-2, 1723. by John Gosling, Justice, of Northampton, New Jersey, was the son of John Peacock, the progenitor of the family, who came from Scotland. Zeckariah Prickitt the second, son of Zackariah and Ellipha, left a will, dated January 22d, A. D. 1753, and proved January 30th, 1753, in which he names his brother, Jacob Prickitt. and his sons Richard and Zeckariah, and daughters, Patience Smith. Sarah Simons, :\Iary IMiers, Hannah Prickitt and Hope Prickitt. Witnessed by William Foster, John Goldy, Jr., and James Allen. Jr. Recorded, West Jersey Wills, Lib. VII, page 310. Zeckariah Prickitt the third, son of Zeckariah Prickitt an-l Marv Troth, left a will, and died in 1771. and names in his will his sons Joseph, John and Zeckariah, and two daughters. Charity and Marv. and makes mention of an unborn child. 358 PRICKITT FAMILY. 'Zeckariah Prickitt, son of 'Zackariah Prickitt and Ellipba, Page 357. married Mary Troth, daughter of William Troth and Elizabeth Field, 1-2, 1721. Their children were — ''Zeckariah, born ; married Mary . 'Richard, born ^Hope, born ^Patience, born ; married Smith. 'Sarah, born ; married Simons. 'Mary, born ; married Miers. 'Hannah, born "Elizabeth Prickitt, daughter of 'Zackariah Prickitt and EHipha, Page 357. married John Peacock, son of John Peacock, the progenitor, 9-2, 1723. Their children were — 'Alexander, born 2-1, 1737. 'Tamar, born 4-27, 1739. 'James, born 6-19, 1740. 'Adonijah, born 8-5, 1724; married Elizabeth Springer. 'John, born 10-29, 1734; married Susannah Ballinger. 'Abner, born 2-25, 1727; married Margaret Hutton. 'Dianna, born 4-1, 1730; married John Sharp. 'Elizabeth, born 7-15, 1732; married Samuel Sharp. 'Melchezedec, born 12-31, 1742; married Abigail Thorn. 'Margaret, born 11- 15, 1746. Susannah Ballinger, the wife of 'John Peacock, was the daugh- ter of Thomas Ballinger, the progenitor of the Ballinger family. John Sharp and Samuel Sharp, who married 'Dianna and 'Elizabeth Peacock, were the sons of John Sharp and Ann Haines, his second wife. John was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. John Sharp was the eldest son of William Sharp, the progenitor. Ann Haines was the daughter of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis, the progenitor. Thomas was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors. Abigail Thorn, the wife of 'Melchezedec Peacock, was the daughter of Thomas Thorn and Letitia Hinchman. Thomas was the son of Joseph Thorn and Mary Bowne, the daughter of John Bowne and Hannah Feake. of Long Island. Joseph was the son of William Thorn and Winefred Kay, of Long Island. See an- cestry of Letitia Hinchman, page 51, in Abigail Haines' ancestry. SECOND GBXBRATION AXD CHILDREW 350 / 'Jacob Prickitt, son of 'Zackariah Prickitt and Elliplia. mar- ried Hannah , daughter of . Page 357. Their children were — 'Josiah, born 8-23, 1733; married, 4-12, 1764. Sandi Cowperth- wait. 'Jacob, born 9-18, 1735; married EHzabeth PhilHps. 'Barzilha. born 9-22, 1737; married Sarah Sharp. "Ann, l)orn 10-20, 1739; died 4-4. 1759.. ^Rosannah, born 2-1 1, 1742. 'Job, born 4-24, 1744; married Ann Smith. 'Hannah, born 6-26, 1746: married Amaziali Lippincott. 'Sabyllah, born 9-24, 1748. Hannah, wife of 'Jacob, died 4-12, 1759, aged 53 years. vSarah Cowperthwait, the wife of 'Josiah Prickitt, was the daughter of John Cowperthwait and Rachel Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes, of Gloucester County, New Jersey. John was the son of John Cowperthwait and Sarah Adams, the daughter of John Adams and Elizabeth, of Long Island. John was the son of Hugh Cowperthwait and his first wife, Elizabeth, who came from England and settled at Flushing, Long Island, in i^»74. Sarah Sharp, the wife of 'Barzillia Prickitt. was the daughter of William Sharp and Hannah, his second wife. William was the son of John Sharp and Elizabeth Paine, the daughter of John Paine, the progenitor. John Sharp was the eldest of the three brothers, sons of ^^'illiam Sharp, the ])rogenitor. Amaziah Lippincott, who married 'Hannah Prickitt, was the son of John Lippincott and Elizabeth Elkinton. John was the son of James Lippincott and Anna Eves, whose ancestry see, page 327, in Moses Lippincott's ancestry. Ann Smith, the wife of 'Job I'rickitt. was the daughter of Thomas Smith and Elizabeth. Adonijah Peacock, the son of John Peacock and Ivlizabeth Prickitt, was killed by the accidental ignition of .several l)arrcls of gunpowder, which lie was drying over a iire in his kitchen, during the Revolutionary war. A woman standing in the n..rth door, when the explosion occurred, was carried fifty yards with- out injury, except the' scorching of her hair and chdhing. .\ French "blunderbus" suspended oxev the door was discharged and found one hundred and fifty yards from the house, which was literallv blown to atoms. 36o PRICKITT FAMILY. 'Zeckariah Prickitt, son of 'Zeckariah Prickitt and ]\Iary Troth, Page 358. married Mary , daughter of . Their chikh'en were — 'Joseph, born 4-13, 1766; married Ann Coverly. *Mary, born 3-13, 1769; married John Peacock. 'Zeckariah, born ; married Agnes Stackhouse. 'Hannah, born ; died single. 'John, born ; died single. 'Charity, born ; died single— Philadelphia. / 'Adonijah Peacock, son of 'Elizabeth Prickitt and John Pea- •Page 358. cock, married Elizabeth Springer, daughter of Benjamin Spring- er and . Their children were — 'Ann, born 3-17, 1753 ; married Joshua Owen. 'Adonijah, born 2-17, 1755; died in infancy. 'Elizabeth, born 5-21, 1756; married James Read (went West). 'Adonijah', born 9-16, 1757; married Sarah Voorhees. 'John, born i-ii, 1759; married Mary Shemela. 'Benjamin, born 9-24, 1760; married Mary Martin — second wife. 'Thomas, born 7-8, 1 762 ; married Ann Sharp. 'Samuel, born 6-6, 1764. 'George, born 5-21, 1766; went to Kentucky. 'David, born 2-2, 1768; married Sarah Hollingshead. 'Jacob, born 12-8, 1769; went to Canada. 'Levi, born 12-13, 1773. 'Deborah, born 9-16, 1775; married Thomas Bishop. 'Grace, born 9-16, 1777; married Wrigley. Sarah Voorhees, the wife of 'Adonijah Peacock, was the daugh- ter of Henry Voorhees. 'Adonijah died 8-25, 1831. Ann Sharp, the wife of 'Thomas Peacock, was his first cousin, the daughter of John Sharp and Diana Peacock, the daughter of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt. See page 358. 'Jacob Peacock was in the American army at the defeat of Gen. St. Clair's army and went to Canada. ' John Peacock, who married 'Mary Prickitt, was the son of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger, the daughter of Thomas Bal- linger, the progenitor. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt. See page 358. THIRD GBXBRATIOX AXD CHI LORES. ^6 j^ . 'Jolin Peacock, son of 'Elizabeth Prickitt and John Peacock, married Susanna Balhnger, daughter of Thomas BalHngcr and Page 358. Their chiklren were — 'Joshua, born 1758; married Ann Sharp.' Hannah Gifford.' 7ohn. born ; married Mary Prickitt. Xydia, born ; married BarzilHa Sharp. *Mary, born ; married Jacob Prickitt. 'Rachel, born ; married Isaiah Haines. 'Elizabeth, born ; married John Taylor. 'Hannah, born ; married Samuel Taylor. 'Susannah, born ; married Isaac Sharp. 'Sarah, born ; married Isaac Borton. 'Alethia, born ; went out West. Ann Sharp, the first wife of 'Joshua Peacock, was the daughter of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. See that family, page 215, for further ancestry. Hannah Gifford, the second wife of Joshua Peacock, was the daughter of Jonathan Gififord and Plannah, of Tuckerton, New Jersey. Mary Prickitt, the wife of 'John Peacock, was the daughter of Zeckariah Prickitt and Mary. See page 360. Barzillia Sharp, who married 'Lydia Peacock, was the son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. See that family, page 215. Jacob Prickitt, who married 'Mary Peacock, was the son of Barzillia Prickitt and Sarah Sharp. See page 359. Isaiah Haines, who married 'Rachel Peacock, was the son of Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins. See that family, page 72, for ancestry of Isaiah, and page 34 for ancestry of Sarah Wilkniv 'Elizabeth Peacock, daughter of 'Elizabeth rrickiu and J.«hn Peacock, married SamuerSharp, son of John Sharp and .\nn r«ge 358. Haines, second wife. Their children w^ere — 'Noah, born ; married Elizabeth Braddock. 'Joshua, born ; married Jane Haines. 'Rhoda, born : died single, aged 40 years. See ancestry of Elizabeth Braddock and Jane Haines, jnige 216. 25 362 PRICKITT FAMILY. / 'Abner Peacock, son of 'Elizabeth Prickitt and John Peacock, Page 358. married Margaret Hutton, daughter of . Their chikh-en were — 'Abner, born ; married Margaret — • . 'Hutton, born Abner and Margaret had six other sons — names unknown. Page 358. Isaac Sharp, who married 'Susannah Peacock, was the son of John Sharp and Diana Peacock, the daughter of John Peacock and EHzabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor. John Peacock was the son of John Peacock, of Scot- land, the progenitor. 'Diana Peacock, daughter of "Elizabeth Prickitt and John Pea- cock, married John Sharp, son of John Sharp and Ann Haines, second wife. Their children were — 'Elizabeth, born ; married George Haines. 'John, born ; married Perkins. 'Hannah, born ; married Samuel Berry — second husband. 'Isaac, born ; married Susannah Peacock. 'Deborah, born ; married John Middleton. 'Mary, born ; married Thomas Calliper. 'Samuel, born 'Priscilla, born ; married Sharon Middleton. 'Amos, born ; married Martha Gaskill — first wife. 'Ann, born ; married Thomas Peacock. 'Mahlon, born ; died young. George Haines, who married 'Elizabeth Sharp, was the son of George Haines, of Northampton. See page 91. Susannah Peacock, the wife of 'Isaac Sharp, was the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah BalHnger. See page 361. Thomas Peacock, who married 'Ann Sharp, was. the son of Adonijah Peacock and Elizabeth Springer. Adonijah was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zack- ariah Prickitt and Ellipha, the progenitors. John was the son of John Peacock, of Scotland. THIRD GENERATION AND CHILDREN. lUi / 'Melchezedec Peacock, son of 'Elizabeth Prickitt and John Pea- cock, married xA.bigail Thorn, daughter of Thomas Thorn and Page sss. Letitia Hinchman. Their chikh'en were — Xevi, born : married Lettice Holling-shead ^Thomas, l)i)rn ; married Mary Thompson. ^\lexander. born ; married . 'Hannah, born ; married Wihiam Goukly. * . born ; married WilHam Wooster. ''Abigail, born ; died single. %etitia. born ; died single. / William Wooster. who married . daughter of Melchezedec Peacock and Abigail Thorn, was the son of Michael Wooster. wdio came from Scotland. William was said to be an expert in playing on the bagpipe. 'Jacob Prickitt. son of 'Jacob Prickitt and Hannah, married Elizabeth Phillips, daughter of Peter Phillips and Sarah. Page 359. Their children were — 'Hepsibah, born 'John, born ; married Sabilla Hammitt. 'Aaron, born 'Samuel, born 'Elizabeth, born 'Job Prickitt, son of 'Jacob Prickitt and Hannah, married Ann Smith, daughter of Thomas Smith and Elizabeth. p.,,.,, 35.,. Their children were — 'Rachel, born 11-5. 1770; married James Allen. 'Sabillah. born 9-9. 1772; died single. 'Josiah. born 9-29. 1775 ; died young. • 'Job. born 7-9, 1777: married Ann Huff. 'Josiah', born 2-25. 1779: married Ann Sharp. 'Barzillia, born 2-20, 1781 ; married Martha Haines. 'Ann, born 2-13, 1782: married Allen Joyce. 'Zeckariah. l)orn 1-4. 1784; married Agnes Sharp. 'Stacy, born 10-14. 1785; married Jane Conover. 'John, born 5-28, 1787; married Jenetta Sharp. 'Elizabeth, born 7-9. 1789; died single. Ann Huff, the wife of 'Job Prickitt. wa^ the daughter of Daniel Huff and Mary Sharp. See page 223 for ancestry of Mary Sharp. 364 PRICKITT FAMILY. Ann Sharp, the wife of 'Josiah Prickitt, was the daughter of Thomas Sharp and Esther Brooks, the daughter of Thomas Brooks. See page 224 for ancestry of Thomas Sharp. Agnes Sharp, the wife of 'Zeckariah Prickitt, was the daughter of Wilham Sharp and EHzabeth Green. See page 222 for an- cestry of William Sharp, and page 213 for ancestry of Elizabeth Green, 'Hannah Prickitt, daughter of 'Jacob Prickitt and Hannah, Page 359. married Amaziah Lippincott, son of John Lippincott and Eliza- beth Elkinton. Their children were — 'Jol), born ; married Mary Stokes. "Isaac, born ; married Hannah Thomas. "Hannah, born ; married Stacv Stratton. "Josiah, born ; married Mary Phillips. "Jacob, born ; married Martha Oliphant. "Joshua, born ; married Ann Crispin. "John, born ; married Mary Zane. "Amaziah, born ; died single. "Elizabeth, born ; married Aaron Day. "Ann, born ; died young. Mary Stokes, the wife of "Job Lippincott, was the daughter of John Stokes and Beulah Haines. See page 125 for ancestry of Beulah Haines, and page 78 for ancestry of John Stokes. 'Barzillia Prickitt, son of 'Jacob Prickitt and Hannah, married Page 359. ' Sarah Sharp, daughter of William Sharp and Hannah, second wife. Their children were — "Jacob, born ; married Mary Peacock. Mary Peacock, the wife of "Jacob. Prickitt, was the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger, the daughter of Thomas Ballinger. John was the son of John Peacock and Elizabeth Prickitt, the daughter of Zackariah Prickitt, the pro- genitor. John was the son of John Peacock, from Scotland. Mary Stokes, the wife of "Job Lippincott, was the daughter of John Stokes and Beulah Haines, the daughter of John Haines and Mary Shreeve. See page 78, that family, for ancestry of John Haines, and ancestry of John Stokes on the same page. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 36: 'Joseph Prickitt, son of 'Zeckariah Prickitt and Mary, married Ann Coverly, daughter of . Page atw. Their children were — ''Joseph, born 2-19, 1800; married Alary Ann W'isham. ""Mary C, born 8-6, 1802: married Josiah Prickitt. ■''Ner, born 6-2, 1804; married Rachel Prickitt.' Elizabeth Wooden.' ^Rachel, born 9-1, 1806; died single. AVilliam, born 12-16, 1808; died single. ^Japhet, born 4-10, 181 1; married Priscilla Southwick. ''Budd, born 9-9, 1813; married Elizabeth Ann Prickitt. ""Edmund D., born 1-16, 1816; married Rachel Wilkins (widow) ^Caleb S., l)orn 7-6, 1817; married Alary Jane Prickitt. y *Mary Prickitt, daughter of 'Zeckariah Prickitt and Mary, mar- ried John Peacock, son of John Peacock and Susannah Baliinger. pagt- 3*). Their children were — ^Mary, born ; married John Sharp — second wife. 'John, born ; married Sarah Brooks. 'Josiah, born ; married Alary Calkitt. ""Esther, born ; married Jonathan Reed. 'Ann, born ; married Godfrey Hancock — first wife. ^\lcenia, born ; married Eber Engle. 'Ner, born : died single. John Sharp, who married 'Alary Peacock, was the son of Wil- liam Sharp and Elizabeth Green. See ancestry of William Sharp, page 222, in that family, and ancestry of Elizabeth Green, page 213. 'Joshua Peacock, son of John Peacock and Susannah Baliinger, married Ann Sharp (first wife), daughter of Amos Sharp and p,,^,,. 3^, Deborah Haines. Their children were — 'Joseph, born Ann died, and 'Joshua married Hannah Gifford, daughter of Jonathan Gifford and Hannah. Their children were — . ^ AVilliam, born 'Susannah, born ^A.nn, born "Elizabeth, born 'Anna, born 366 PRICKITT FAMILY. ^ Xydia Peacock, daughter of 'John Peacock and Susannah Bal- page 361. linger, married Barzillia Sharp, son of Amos Sharp and Deborah Haines. Their children were — 'Enos, born 5-8, 1786; married Ann Simons. °Amos, born 4-20. 1788; married Sabilla Warner. "Mahlon, born 8-28, 1789; died single. 'Hannah, born 1-5, 1791 ; died single. 'Abel, born 11-20, 1792; married Lettice Peacock. 'Rachel, born 8-10, 1794; married Samuel Evans. ""Charlotte, born 1-2, 1796; died single. Xydia, born 1-2, 1798; married Nathan Evans. "Barzillia, born 10-13, 1/99; married Sarah Evans. 'Aaron, born 9-29, 1801 ; married Sarah Garwood. 'Priscilla, born 8-1 1, 1803; married Joseph Baxter. 'Sabilla, born 6-27, 1805; married Jacob Prickitt — second wife. Lettice Peacock, the wife of 'Abel Sharp, was the daughter of Levi Peacock and Lettice Hollingshead, the daughter of John Hollingshead. Levi was the son of Melchezedec Peacock. See page 363. Samuel and Nathan Evans, who married 'Rachel and Xydia Sharp, were the sons of Joseph Evans and Lettice Eves. See page 352. Sarah Evans, the wife of 'Barzillia Sharp, was the daughter of Reuben Evans and Martha Phillips, whose ancestry see, page 144, in Lydia Evans' ancestry. Jacob Prickitt, who married "Sabilla Sharp, was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Mary Peacock, the daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Ballinger. See page 361. Jacob was the son of Barzillia Prickitt and Sarah Sharp. See page 364, and Sarah Sharp's ancestry, page 359. y^ 'Rachel Peacock, daughter of 'Jol^i^ Peacock and Susannah Bal- Page 361. linger, married Isaiah Haines, son of Isaiah Haines and Sarah Wilkins. Their children were — 'Arthur, born ; married Hannah Moore. 'Richard, born ; married Elizabeth Crammer.' Sarah Carson.^ 'Isaiah, born ; married Lydia Miller. 'Sarah, born ; married Isaac Brown. Xydia, born ; died single. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 367 Hannah Moore, the wife of \\rthui- Haines, was the daughter of Stacy Moore and Drucilla Tonihn. his second wife. See an- cestry of Stacy Moore, page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Stacy was a son of John Moore and Hannah Eayre. 'Noah Sharp, son of 'Elizabeth Peacock and Sanuiel Sharp, married Elizabeth Braddock. dano-hter of Rehohoani I'raddDck •'••«•■ ^oi. and Jemima Darnell. Their children were — "Samuel, born ; married Lydia Sharp. "Elizabeth, born ; married Thomas Haines. "Noah, born ; married Rachel Sharp. Lydia Sharp, the wife of "Samuel Sharp, was the daughter of Aaron Sharp and Rachel Cox. See that family, page 226, for ancestry of Aaron Sharp. Thomas Haines, who married 'Elizabeth Sharp, was the son of Edmond Haines and Charlotte Leeds, the daughter of Xehemiah Leeds and Elizabeth Eayres. Nehemiah was the son of Abraham Leeds. See ancestry of Edmond Haines, page 114. in ICdmond Haines' family. Rachel Sharp, the wife of 'Noah Sharp, was the daughter of Aaron Sharp and Rachel Cox. See that family, page 226, for ancestry. 'Joshua Sharp, son of 'Elizabeth Peacock and Samuel Sharp, married Jane Haines, daughter of Solomon Haines and Rebecca page sei. Sharp. Their children were — 'Benjamin, born i/eS^iVlied in Philadelphia, in 181 1. "Haines, born 1791^ married Elizabeth Borton. "Leah, born 1800; died in 1802. 'Abner Peacock, son of 'Abner Peacock and ^Largaret Mutton, married Margaret , daughter of • P"»* ^• Their children were — "Amos, born : married Dinah Sharj). "William, born ; married and wcnl out West. "Isaac, born ; married ■ "Margaret, born Dinah Sharp, the wife of "Amos Peacock, was the daughter of John Sharp, Jr., and Perkins. John was the son (^f John Sharp and Diana Peacock. See page 215. 368 PRICKITT FAMILY. 'John Sharp, son of 'Diana Peacock and John Sharp, married Page 362. Perkins, daughter of . Their chikh^en were — ^Dinah, born ; married Amos Peacock. 'Isaac Sharp, son of 'Diana Peacock and John Sharp, married Page 362. Susannah Peacock, daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Bal- Hnger. Their chikh'en were- — "Sarah, born ; married David Mcllvaine. "Mary, born ; married John Prickitt. Xevi Peacock, son of 'Melchezedec Peacock and Abigail Thorn, Page 363. married Lettice Holhngshead, daughter of John Holhngshead and . Their chikh^en were — "Ehzabeth, born ; married John Sharp — first wife. "Samuel, born ; married Esther Rogers. "James, born ; married Elizabeth Van Meter. "Mary, born ; married Jonathan Rogers. "Lettice, born ; married Abel Sharp. 'Kesiah, born ; married Benjamin Buckman. Xevi, born ; died young man. ^John, born ; died young man. ^Sarah, born ; died young woman. 'Martha, born ; died young woman. John Sharp, who married "Elizabeth Peacock, was the son of William Sharp and Elizabeth Green. See ancestry of William Sharp, page 222, in that family, and Elizabeth Green's ancestry, page 213. Abel Sharp, who married Xettice Peacock, was the son of Bar- zillia Sharp and Lydia Peacock. See that family, page 225, for ancestry of Barzillia, and ancestry of Lydia Peacock, page 215. , 'Stacy Prickitt, son of 'Job Prickitt and Ann Smith, married Page 363. Jane Conover, daughter of . Their children were — 'Stacy, born ; married Elizabeth Garwood. 'Jane, born ; married Amos Wilkins, Jr. 'Ann, born ; married Mahlon Prickitt — first wife. 'Elanor, born ; died young. Amos Wilkins, Jr., who married 'Jane Prickitt, was the son of Amos Wilkins and Ann Hewlings. See ancestry, page 336. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. v».) 'Josiah Prickitt, son of 'Job Prickitt and Ann Sniiih. niarried Ann Sharp, daughter of Thomas Sharp and Esther Brooks. Page 3G3 Their chikh-en were — 'Josiah, Jr., born ; married Emehne Engle. 'Allen, born ; married Kesiah Sharp.' Emmaretta Jones.' ^Thomas, born ; married Ann Engle. ''Sarah, born ; married Ezra Engle. 'Nathan, born ; died single. "Elizabeth, born ; married Amos Troth. 'Esther, born ; died single. 'Mary Ann, born ; died single. 'Lemuel, born ; married Anna Moore — first wife. 'Edwin, born ; married Deborah Sharp. 'Amos, born ; died young. 'Mark, born ; died young. 'Ezra, born ; died young. 'Amos'", born ; died young. Emeline, Ann and Ezra Engle, who married 'Josiah, 'Thomas and 'Sarah Prickitt, were the children of Arthur Engle and Eliza- beth C. Engle, the daughter of Robert Engle. Arthur was the son of Obadiah Engle and Patience Cole. Obadiah was the son of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton, whose ancestry see, page 98, in Deborah Engle's ancestry. Kesiah Sharp, the wife of 'Allen Prickitt, was the daughter of Isaac Sharp and Hannah Garwood. See that family, page 240, for ancestry of Isaac Sharp, and page 100 for ancestry of Han- nah Garwood. Amos Troth, who married 'Elizabeth Prickitt, was the son of Levi Troth and Sarah Wills. See that family, page 135. for an- cestry of Sarah Wills, and page 90 for ancestry of Levi Troth. Anna Moore, the wife of 'Lemuel Prickitt, was the daughter of Abel Moore and Elizabeth Engle. Abel was the son of Cyrus Moore and Mary Austin, the daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. Cyrus was the son of Joseph Moore and Pa- tience Woolman. Josei)h was the son of Benjamin Moore and 'Sarah Stokes, the progenitors. Deborah Sharp, tlie wife of 'Edwin Prickitt. was the daughter of Aaron Sharp and Rachel Gouldy. See that family, page 250. 370 PRICKITT FAMILY. y 'Barzillia Prickitt, son of 'Job Prickitt and Ann Smith, married Page 363. Martha Haines, daughter of Enoch Haines and Prisciha. Their chikh^en were — "Martha, born ; married WilHani Dyer. 'BarziHia, born ; married Rachel Lippincott. 'Margaret, born ; married Wilham Thorn. 'Job, born ; married . 'Prisciha, born ; married Joseph I. Bates. 'Abraham, born ; married Mary Ann Davis. 'Barclay, born ; died single. / 'Ann Prickitt, daughter of 'Job Prickitt and Ann Smith, mar- Page 363. ried Allen Joyce, son of Daniel Joyce and Dorothy. Their children were — 'Allen v., born ; married Susan Lippincott. 'Job, born ; married Hilliard. 'Daniel, born ; married Elanor Dixon. "Charles, born ; married Catharine Lee. 'Elwood, born ; married Sarah Brooks — first wife. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Benjamin Russell. 'Rachel, born ; married Benjamin Allen. 'Dorothy, born ; married William Mathis. 'Biddle, born ; died young man. 'Mahlon, born ; married Harriet . 'Zeckariah Prickitt, son of 'Job Prickitt and Ann Smith, mar- Page 363. ' I'ied Agucs Sharp, daughter of William Sharp and Elizabeth Green. Their children were — 'Charles, born ; died single. 'Nelson, born ; married Ruth Shinn. 'William, born ; married Elizabeth White. 'Lorenzo, born ; died single. 'Albert, born ; died single. 'Lydia, born ; died single. 'Sabilla, born ; married Samuel Allen. 'Elizabeth Ann, born ; married Budd Prickitt. 'Jacob, born ; married Elizabeth Sopher. 'S. Gilbert, born ; married Hannah Ann Fox (widow). 'Ridgway, born ' ; married Hannah D. Joyce. 'Esther, born ; married Cyrus Moore. Budd Prickitt, who married 'Elizabeth Ann Prickitt, was the son of Joseph Prickitt and Ann Coverly. See family, page 365. FOURTH GBNBRATION AND CHILDREN. 0)^-115 ]\Ioore. who married ''Esther Prickitt. was the son of Abel ]\Ioore and Ehzabeth Engle. Al)el was the son of Cyrus j\Ioore and INIary Austin, whose ancestry see, page 369. Ehza- beth Engle was the daughter of Obadiah Engle and Patience Cole. Obadiah was the son of Joseph Engle and Mary Borton, whose ancestry see, page 98, in Deborah Engle's ancestry. Patience Cole was the daughter of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tonilin, whose ancestry see. page 90, in John Cole's ancestry. :>/ I ^ 'Job Lippincott, son of 'Hannah Prickitt and Amaziah Lippin- cott, married j\Iary Stokes, daughter of John Stokes and Uculah I'age 3w. Haines. Their children were — 'Mary Ann, born 6-13, 1821 ; married Isaac \V. Stokes — first wife. "Edwin, born 6-18, 1825; married Gulia Culnan. 'Barclay, born 6-6, 1830; died 3-28, 1838. For ancestry of Isaac W. Stokes, who married "Mary .\nn Lii)- pincott, see page 182. / 'Isaac Lippincott, son of 'Hannah Prickitt and Amaziah Lippin- "^cott, married Hannah Thomas, daughter of . P^ge 3«. Their children w^ere — 'Hinchman, born ; married Rachel Allen. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Charles Matlack. 'Sarah, born ; married Joseph Anderson. 'Mary T., born ; died -single. 'Hannah, born ; married William Mason. 'William C. born ; married Abigail Eldridge. 'Jonathan, born ; died young. ' 'Hannah Lippincott, daughter of "Hannah Prickitt and Ama- ziah Lippincott, married Stacy Stratton, son of • '""k^' 2<''- Their children were — 'Daniel, born 'Lucv, born 'Elizabeth Lippincott. daughter of "Hannah Prickitt and Ania- ^ ziah Lippincott, married Aaron Day, son of ^• Their children were — 'Josiah. born ; married • 'Hannah, born ; married Charles Stackhouse. 'Samuel,'born ; married ^lary Ann Anderson. ^ Myers (widow) . Z7^ PRICKITT FAMILY. *Josiah Lippincott, son of 'Hannah Prickitt and Amaziah Lip- Page 364. pincott, married Mary Phillips, daughter of . Their children were — "Lucy, born Ira, born "Jacob, born "Barzillia, born Joseph, born "Samuel, born 'Sarah, born "Marv, born "Hannah, born ; married Edward Evans, married Abigail Foster. ; married Louisa Bowers. ; married Elizabeth Brooks. ; married Mary Stratton. ; married John Moore. ; married Isaac Brackney.' ; married Isaac Bracknev.' John Moore, who married "Sarah Lippincott, was the son of Cyrus Moore and Mary Austin, whose ancestry see, page 369, in Anna Moore's ancestry. / "Jacob Lippincott, son of 'Hannah Prickitt and Amaziah Lip- Page 364. pincott, married Martha Oliphant, daughter of . Their children were — "Ruth, born ; married Chauncey Bragg. Page 364. *Joshua Lippincott, son of 'Hannah Prickitt and Amaziah Lip- pincott, married Ann Crispin, daughter of . Their children were — "Crispin, born "Joshua, born 'Anna, born 'Hannah, born "Lydia, born "Rebecca, born ■'Rachel, born "Henrietta, born "Dorothy, born °Allen, born ''Elizabeth, born ^William, born ; married Mary Wilkins.' Elizabeth Ann Garwood." ; married Mary Githens. ; married Joshua Stiles. ; married Charles Garwood. ; died young. ; married Joseph Rogers. ; married Barzillia Prickitt. ; married Noah Glover. ; died single. ; married Sarah Gough. ; married William Haines. ; married Hannah Cook. Barzillia Prickitt, who married 'Rachel Lippincott, was the son of Barzillia Prickitt and Martha Haines, the daughter of Enoch Haines and Priscilla. Barzillia was the son of Job Prickitt and Ann Smith. See page 363. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. *Joli^'' Lippincott, son of 'Hannah Prickitt and Amaziah Lippin- cott, married Mary Zane, danghter of . Page 364. Their children were — "Rebecca, born ; married Samnel Price. "Amaziah, born ; married Ellen Morrison. "John, born ; married Emma Woolshorn. "Mark, born ; married Emily Knight. 'Hannah, born "Ann, born ^Elizabeth, born v>/.> "y ^J'^cob Prickitt, son of 'Barzillia Prickitt and Sarah Sharp, mar- ried Mary Peacock, daughter of John Peacock and Susannah Bal- P^ee 364. linger. Their children were — "Barzillia, born 10-8, 1785; married Thompson. "Isaac, born 12-13, 1786; married Dorothy Joyce. "Sarah, born 9-30, 1788; married John Garwood. "John, born 2-24, 1790; married Mary Sharp. "Jacob, born 6-4. 1792; married Sarah Garwood.' Sabilla Sharp.' "Elizabeth, born 2-1 1, 1794; married John Kirkbride. "Josiah, born 6-14, 1796; married Mary Prickitt. "Charles, born 5-4, 1799; married Hannah Prickitt.' Atlantic West (widow).' "Joel, born 11-8, 1801 ; died young. "Job, born 3-3, 1804; died young. ^ 'Adonijah Peacock, son of 'Adonijah Peacock and Elizabeth Springer, married Sarah Voorhees, daughter of Henry Wwrhecs Page- 36o. and . Their children were — "Ann, born 1783; married WiUiam Baird. ' "James, born 3- , 1785; died 10- , 1786. "Jane, born 1786; married William Shinn.' "Rachel, born 1788; married Peter DeGroff. "Adonijah, born 1790; married Jemima Rue (widow). "Sarah, born 1792; married Joseph Lipsett. "Elizabeth, born 1794; married Samuel Tule. "Mary, born 1796; married Samuel Rockhill. "Ichabod, born 2-4, 1799; died 2-4, 1799- "Margaret, born y-G, 1800; married Auley Heulings. "Elanor, born 9-1 1, 1802; died, aged 20 years. "Meribah, born 1805; married George Riley. "Lesley, born 10-17, 1809; married Isabella Stevenson. 374 PRICKITT FAMILY. y *Zeckariah Prickitt, son of 'Zeckariah Prickitt and Mary, mar Page 360. riecl Agnes Stackhouse, daughter of , Their chikh-en were — 'Samuel, horn ; married Maria Holland. 'Hannah, l^orn ; married Robinson. 'Agnes, born "Zeckariah, born ; married . "John, born ; married Mary Sharp. / 'Elizabeth Peacock, daughter of 'John Peacock and Susannah Page 361. Balliuger, married John Taylor, son of . Their children were — 'Patience, born ; married John Miller. "Hannah, born ; married Thomas Parsons. "Elizabeth, born ; married John Borton. "Susan, born ; married John Bozarth. "Israel, born ; married Sarah Crane. 'John, born ; married Mary . 'Thomas, born ; married Mary Kell. "Mary, born ; married Samuel Fenton. *Hannah Peacock, daughter of 'John Peacock and Susannah Page 361. Ballingcr, married Samuel Taylor, son of . Their children were — 'John P., born ; married Amy Dickerson. "Israel, born ; married Dorothy Alloways. "Susannah, born ; married Jacob Alloways. . 'Sarah Peacock, daughter of 'John Peacock and Susannah Bal- Page 361. linger, married Isaac Borton, son of . Their children were — "Abigail, born ; married Benjamin Borton. "Sarah, born ; married John Clifton. 'Aaron, born ; died single. "Charles, born ; died single. Mary Sharp, the wife of 'John Prickitt, was the daughter of See thi.s Isaac Sharp and Susanna Peacock. See page 227, and ancestry family page ^ c> n i ^ i o / . 252. 01 busanna Peacock, page 216. GARDINER FAMILY. GARDINER FAMILY. First Gi:neration and Children. THOMAS GARDINER, the progenitor of the family in New Jersey, came from London and settled at Burlington, New Jersey. He was a man of considerable estate, and one of the most prominent identified with the Society of Friends. He was not the first of that name that came to America, but was probably of the same family who came to New England, as they were Friends, and suffered persecution from the hands of the magis- trates for their mode of worship. He built one of the first houses within the precincts of Burlington, which was of logs, but large and commodious; and in it the Friends held their meetings and solemnized the marriages in the society until a place of worship was established, in 1685. He took a very active and prominent part in the affairs of the city and Province. He was a member of the first provincial legislature, and a member of the Governor's Council; and was successively and continually in office and offi- cial business until, from age and declining health, he was com- pelled to relinquish all business, and died in 1694, leaving a wid- ow and several children. At Burlington monthly meeting, in the third month, 1 681, it was agreed upon to establish a yearly meet- ing, and the meeting assembled on the 28th of the sixth month, 1 68 1, at the house of Thomas Gardiner, in Burlington, and con- tinued its sessions four days. Thomas Gardiner's children were — 'Thomas, Jr.. born ; married Hannah Mathews. 'John, born ; married Sarah Righton, 10-19, 1689. 'Hester, born ; married James W' ills. 'Jane, born ; married Samuel Harriot. 12-3, 1690. 'Mathew, born ; died without issue. Hannah Mathews, the wife of 'Thomas Gardiner, was the daughter of Richard Mathews, of Stokenwington, in Middlesex County, England. James Wills, who married 'Hester Gardiner, was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills, the progenitor, of Burlington, N. J., and Elizabeth. his first wife. Samuel Harriot, who married 'Jane Wills, was a mariner.^ from Bermuda. Certificate was witnessed by James Wills. Esther Wills, .and thirty others. 26 2>7^ GARDINER FAMILY. 'Thomas Gardiner, Jr., son of 'Thomas Gardiner and Elizabeth, Page 375. married Hannah Mathews, daughter of Richard jMathews and Their children were — 'Andrew, l)orn ; married Hope Robinson. 'Mathew, born ; married Sarah . 'Elizabeth, born ; married Abraham Bickley, 'Hannah, born ; married Isaac Pearson. 'Thomas, born ; married . 'Joseph, born ; married . 'Hester Gardiner, daughter of 'Thomas Gardiner and EHza- Page 375. betli, married James Wills, son of Dr. "Daniel Wills and Elizabeth, his first wife. Their children were — 'John, born 7-8, 1681 ; married Elizabeth Frampton. 'James, born 2-17, 1683. Hope Robinson, the wife of 'Andrew Gardiner, was the daugh- ter of Thomas Robinson and Sarah Lowe. Abraham Bickley, who married 'Elizabeth Gardiner, was a dis- tiller, and lived in Philadelphia. Some years before his death he located or purchased a tract of land in Gloucester County, New Jersey, known as the Blue Anchor tract, whereon Avas the old Blue Anchor Hotel, so well known by travelers between the coast and the Delaware river. Isaac Pearson, who married 'Hannah Gardiner, was by trade a silversmith, and lived in Burlington, where he followed his trade for a livelihood. "Mathew Gardiner, the son of 'Thomas Gardiner the first, mar- ried and settled on the Raritan river, in Hunterdon County, New Jersev. He left no children. 'Thomas Gardiner, Jr., after his marriage, settled on Wood- bury creek, and resided there up to the time of his father's death, when he removed to Burlington, N. J., and was appointed Sur- veyor-General of the Western Province of New Jersey, which office he held to the year 171 7, the time of his death. He left a large estate, which consisted chiefly in landed property in and near Burlington, N. J. THIRD GENERATION AND CHILDREN. .">/ / 'Andrew Gardiner, son of 'Thomas Gardiner, Jr.. and Hannah Mathews, married Hope Robinson, daughter of Thomas Robin- Page stu. son and Sarah Lowe. Their children were — 'James, born 'Henry, born 'Ehnor, born 'Joseph Gardiner, son of 'Thomas Garchner. Jr.. and liainiah Mathews, married Catharine Ridgway. daughter of Thomas Page src. Ridgway and , 1724. Their children were — 'James, born ; married Mary Tomlinson. 'John, born 173 1; married Elizabeth Lawrence. 'Thomas, .born ; died 1744. Mary Tomlinson, the wife of 'James Gardiner, was the daugh- ter of Ephraim Tomlinson and Sarah Corbit, his first wife. Eph- raim was the son of Joseph Tomlinson and Elizabeth, the progeni- tors of the Tomlinson family, who came from the city of London. and were members of the Society of Friends. Joseph was ap- pointed King's Attorney, which office he held for some years, be- ing reappointed when his term expired. 'John Wills, son of 'Hester Gardiner and James Wills, married Elizabeth Frampton, daughter of . Page 376. Their children were — 'Hester, born ; married b'hn Deacon. 'Mathew Gardiner, son of 'Thomas Gardiner and Hannah Mat- thews, married Sarah , daughter of . pi.k.- :t7u. Their children were — 'Mary, born 9-8, 1721. 'Thomas, born 12-13, 1722. 'Abraham, born 11- 12, 1724. I mo. 6th, 1755. Thomas Gardiner presented to i'.urlingt..n thly meeting an acknowledgment for misconduct in marriage rar'v to discipline, which was read and received." L.nrlmgfon mont contrary to discipli M. Mtg. records. "Thomas Gardiner, of Burlington, died 1st of 6 mo.. 1780. 378 GARDINER FAMILY. 'James Gardiner, son of 'Joseph Gardiner and , Page 377. married Mary Tomlinson, daughter of Ephraim Tomhnson and Sarah Corbit. Their children were — "Joseph, born 1764; married Mary Wilkins. 'Ephraim, born ; married . "" James, born Mary \\'ilkins, the wife of 'Joseph Gardiner, was the daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Esther Evans. Thomas was the son of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Core, the daughter of Enoch Core, the progenitor, and Sarah Roberts, the daughter of John Roberts and Sarah, the progenitors of the Roberts family. Thomas was the son of Thomas Wilkins and Susannah, the progenitors of the Wilkins family. Esther Evans was the daughter of William Evans and Sarah Roberts. W^illiam was the son of Thomas Evans and Esther Haines. Thomas was the son of W^illiam Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Evans family. Esther Haines was the daughter of John Haines and Esther Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progenitors. John was the eldest son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the progenitors of the Haines family. Sarah Roberts was the daughter of John Roberts and Mary Elkinton, the daughter of George Elkinton, of Burlington, N. J. John was the son of John Roberts and Sarah, the progeni- tors of the Roberts family. 'Hester Wills, daughter of 'John Wills and Elizabeth Framp- Page 377. ton, married John Deacon, son of . Their children were — 'George, born ; married Ann Burr. 'Joseph Gardiner, son of 'James Gardiner and Mary Tomlinson, Page 378. married Mary Wilkins, daughter of Thomas Wilkins and Mary Core. Their children were — "Thomas W., born 1790; died 1808. 'John, born 1792; married Hannah E. Wills. ' 'Esther W., born 1795; died single, in 1852. "James, born 1799; married Ann B. Powell. "Mary, born 1803; died single. "Sarah, born 1805; died single. "Hannah, born 1808; married Josiah B. Evans. 'James Gardiner died, and Mary married George Colson, by whom there was one son, Jonathan Colson, of Mullica Hill, N. J. FIFTH GBNBRATIOX AXD CIULPREN. 379 Hannah E. Wills, the wife of "John Gardiner, was the (lauo-h- ter of Zehedee Wills and Priscilla Moore, whose ancestry see. page 99, in Sarah Wills' ancestry. Ann B. Powell, the wife of "James Gardiner, was the daughter of Joseph Powell and Mary Butcher. Joseph was the son of Jo- seph Powell and Ann Bishop. Mary was the daughter of Ben- ajah Butcher and Rachel Shinn, the daughter of Jacob Shinn and Hannah. Benajah was the son of Thomas Butcher and Sarah. Josiah B. Evans, wdio married 'Hannah Gardiner, was the son of Thomas Evans and Abigail Bispham. Thomas was the son of Enoch Evans and Mary Wilcox, the daughter of Joseph Wilcox and Sarah Iredell. Enoch was the son of William Evans and Sarah Roberts, whose ancestry see, page 378, in ^hu-y Wilkins' ancestrv. 'George Deacon, son of ^Hester Wills and John Deacon, mar- ried Ann Burr, daughter of . Page 378. Their children were — *John, born ; married Hannah Eayre. Hannah Eayre, the wife of "Jo^ii^ Deacon, was the daughter of Thomas Eayre and Keturah Moore, the daughter of Benjamin Moore and Rebecca Fenimore, the daughter of Josei)h Fenimore, who was the son of Richard Fenimore, the progenitor of tiie Fenimore family. Benjamin was the son of Benjamin Moore, the progenitor, and Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Mary Bernard, who came from Stepney, Middlesex. Eng- land, the progenitors of the Moore family. Thomas Eayre was the son of Thomas Eayre and Priscilla Hugg. Thomas was the son of Richard Eayre and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Iviyre family. Priscilla Hugg was the daughter of John Hugg. Jr.. and Priscilla Collins, the daughter of Francis Collins, the progenitor, and Sarah Mayham, his first wife. Francis was the son of Ivl- ward Collins and Mary, of Oxfordshire, England, and came from London. He was a bricklayer by occupation, in Londdi. All^ of his children by his first wife were born in England. S<»(jn alter his arrival in New Jersey, Sarah died, and he married ^fary Gos- lin, the widow of Dr. Goslin, of Burlington, N. J., by whom he had four children. John Hugg, Jr., was the son of JmIiu I lugg. the progenitor, wdio came from Wexford, Ireland. MOORE FAMILY. MOORE FAMILY. First Generation and Children. "pENJAMIN MOORE, the progenitor of the Moore family, •■-' came from Birmingham, Lincohishire, England, to Burling- ton, New Jersey. He married Sarah Stokes, the daughter of Thomas Stokes and Alary Bernard, who came from Stepnev. Middlesex, England, in the ship "Kent," in 1677. to Burlington. New Jersey. 'Benjamin Moore and Sarah Stokes' children were — ^John, born ; died single. ^Benjamin, born ; married. 1730, Rebecca Fenimore. 'Thomas, born ; married Mariana Ridgway. ^Joseph, born ; married Patience Woolman. 'Samuel, born ; married Abigail Evans. 'Sarah, born ; married Michael Mills. 'Elizabeth, born ; married John Collins. 'Dorothy, born 'Mary, born ; married Abraham Hewlings. 'Benjamin IMoore died in 1754. Rebecca Fenimore. the wife of Benjamin Moore, was the daughter of Joseph Fenimore, who was the son of Richard Feni- more, the progenitor of the Fenimore family. John Collins, who married 'Elizabeth Moore, was the son ••f Francis Collins, the progenitor, and Mary Budd, the daughter of Thomas Budd, and widow of Dr. John Goslin. of Burlington. New^ Jersey, and the second wife of Francis. 'Benjamin Moore, son of 'Benjamin Moore and Sarah Stokes, married Rebecca Fenimore, daughter of Joseph Fenimore and phk- m Their children were — 'Keturah, born 12-15, 173 1; married Thomas Eayre. 'Hannah, born 7-2, 1734; died single. 'John, born 9-19, 1736; married Hannah Eayre— first wife. "Mary, born 12-24. 1738; died single. 'Bethuel, born 1-14, 1741; married Martha Allen. 'Benjamin, born 2-17, 1743: married Sarah Ballinger.' Mary Butcher." 'Joshua, born 6-3, 1746; married Rachel Ballinger. 'Rebecca, born 8-15, 1751 ; died single. Thomas Eavre, who married 'Keturah Moore, was the son of Thomas Eavre and Priscilla Hugg. See page 381. 38i MOORB FAMILY. Se;cond Generation and Children. Page 380. Hannah Eayre. the wife of 'John Moore, was the daughter of Thomas Eayre and Priscilla Hugg. Thomas was the son of Richard Eayre and Ehzabeth, the progenitors of the Eayre family. Priscilla Hugg was the daughter of John Hugg, Jr., and Priscilla Collins, the daughter of Francis Collins, the progenitor, and Sarah Mayham, his first wife. John, Jr., was the son of John Hugg, the progenitor, who came from ^Vexford, Ireland. Martha Allen, the wife of 'Bethuel Moore, was the daughter of John Allen. "Joseph Moore, son of 'Benjamin Moore and Sarah Stokes, Page 3S0. married Patience Woolman, daughter of . Their children were — 'Mary, born 8-3, 1740; married John Mason." ^Elizabeth, born 7-13, 1744; married John Mason.' 'Patience, born 11-8, 1750; married Joseph Vainey. 'Uriah, born 11-8, 1753; died single. 'Jona, born 4-6, 1758; died single. 'Cyrus, born 12-3, 1760; married Mary Austin. 'John, born ; married Bathsaba Ballinger. Mary Austin, the wife of 'Cyrus jNIoore, was the daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca Mason. Jonathan w-as the son of Francis Austin, the son of Francis Austin, the progenitor, and Mary Borton, the daughter of John Borton and Ann, the progeni- tors of the Borton family. 'Elizabeth Moore, daughter of 'Benjamin Moore and Sarah Stokes, married John Collins, son of Francis Collins and Mary Budd (widow), second wife. Their children were — 'Sybilla, born ; married Samuel Gaskill. 'Susannah, born ; married, 1737, Daniel Garwood, 'John, born ; married Patience . 'Francis, born 'Joseph, born ; married Diana Prickitt. 'Priscilla, born ; married Joshua E\'ans. 'Charity, born ; married Charles Kain. 'Sarah, ])orn ; married Samuel Bates. 'Mary, born ; married James Budd. 'Elizabeth, born ; married . Daniel Garwood, who married 'Susannah Collins, was the son of Thomas Garwood and Margaret, the progenitors of the family. THIRD GBNERATIOX AXD CHII.DRHN. 382 Joshua Evans, who married 'Priscilla ColHns. was the daughter of Thomas Evans and Rebecca Owen, his second wife. Thomas was the son of W'ihiam Evans and Elizabeth, the progenitors of the Evans family, who came from Wales, England, and settled at Evesham Mount. Xew Jersey. Iveturah Aloore. daughter of 'Benjamin Moore and Kebecca Fenimore. married Thomas Eavre. son of Thomas Eavrc and Pnscilla Hugg. Their children were — 'Hannah, born ; married John Deacon. Other children. John Deacon, who married 'Hannah Eayre, was the son of George Deacon and Ann Burr. George was the son of John Dea- con and Hester Wills, the daughter of John Wills and Elizabeth Frampton. John was the son of James Wills and Hester Gar- diner, the daughter of Thomas Gardiner, the progenitor, of Bur- lington, X. J. James was the son of Dr. Daniel Wills, the pro- genitor, and Elizabeth, his first wife. 'John Moore, son of 'Benjamin Moore and Rebecca Fenimore. married Hannah Eayre. daughter of Thomas Eayre an..".-. TaKo 3S2. Their children were — °Ann, born ; married Al)el Haines. Several "Rebecca, born ; married Isaac Leeds. '"'^••'* chllilren. xAbel Haines, who married 'Ann :\Ioore. was the .son of Jacob Haines and Bathsheba Bnrrongh. Jacob was the son of Samuel Haines and Lytha Stokes. See that family, page 37, and Lydia Stokes' ancestry, page 18. *Priscilla Moore, daughter of 'John Aloore and Hannah Eayre, married Zebedee Wills, son of Micaiah Wills and Rebecca Hew- r Page 3S2. Imgs. Their children were — "Rebecca, born 11-17. 1784; married, 1-15, 1807, Clayton Haines. "Amy, born 1-13, 1787; died single (very old). 'Priscilla, born 4-15, 1789; married Isaac Nicholson. 'Zebedee j\I., l)orn 9-9, 1791 ; married Rachel Rogers. 'Hannah E., born 1-22, 1794; married John Gardiner.' Samuel Eves.' 'Joab, born 11-23. 179*5; married Mary Rogers. ''jMicajah M., born 6-25, 1799; died 7-13, 1810. "Sarah, born 3-30, 1802; married. 2-17, 182^, George Haines, M. D. 'Elizabeth C., born 8-24, 1804; maried Benjamin II. Wills. Zebedee Wills, born 10-4, 1756; died 8-1 1, 1825. ^Priscilla, born 7-15, 1762; died 4-8, 1815. For ancestry of Clayton Haines, Rachel Rogers, John Gar- diner, Samuel Eves, Mary Rogers, George Haines, M. 1)., I>en- jamin H. Wills, see pages 289, 290 and 291. 'Rebecca Moore, daughter of 'John Moore and Hannah Iv'iyre, married Joshua Ballinger, son of Thomas Ballinger and ^"^''^"" p,,^^. 3S2 nah. Their children were — 'Job, born ; married Susan Troth. 'Joshua, born ; married Ruth Haines. 'Susan, born ; married Stacy Stiles. "Rachel, born ; died single. 'Sarah, born ; married Jacob Lippincott. Susan Troth, wife of 'Job Ballinger, was the daughter of J..hn Troth and Ann Engle, whose ancestry see, page 99. in Mar\- and Deborah Troth's ancestry, sisters of Susan Troth. \8y , MOORB FAMILY. Ruth Haines, the wife of 'Joshua BalHnger, was the daughter of Core Haines and Mary Haines. See that family, page io6, for ancestry. Jacob Lippincott, who married "Sarah Balhnger, was the son of Levi Lippincott and Lettice Wills. See that family, page 289, for ancestry of Lettice ^^'ills, and page 282 for ancestry of Levi Lip- pincott. ^Stacy Moore, son of 'John Moore and Hannah Eayre, married Page 3S2. Sabilla Austin, daughter of Jonathan Austin and Rebecca. Their children were — "William, born 11-9. 1801 ; married Martha Warrington. 'Elizabeth, born 8-5, 1805; married Robert Buzby. 'Meribah, born 4-7, 1806; died single. Sabilla died, and 'Stacy married Drucilla Tomlin, daughter of W^illiam Tomlin and . Their children were — "Hannah, born 4-9, 1810; married Arthur Haines. "Stacy, born 10-20, 181 6; died 10-13, 1840. 'John R., born 12-15, 1818. /\rthur Haines, who married "Hannah Moore, was the son of Isaiah Haines and Rachel Peacock. See that family, page 118, for ancestry of Isaiah, and ancestry of Rachel Peacock, page 73. *Hannah Moore, daughter of 'John Moore and Hannah Eayre, married Amos \\'ills (second wife), son of Jacob \Y\\\s and Mary Page 382. Haines. Their children were — 'Charles, born ; married Hannah Leeds. 'Mary, born ; died single. 'Amy, born ; married Charles Stokes — first wife. "John M., born ; died single. For ancestry of Hannah Leeds, the wife of 'Charles Wills, see page 136, and Charles Stokes, who married 'Amy Wills, page 183. *John Moore, son of 'John Moore and Hannah Eayre, married Page 3S2. Kcturah Eayre, daughter of . Their children were — ■ 'Horatio, born ; married Mary Cox. 'John, born ; married 'Rebecca Ann, born ; married Lewis Wilkins. 'Charles, born FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 38S *Hosea Moore, son of 'John Moore and Hannah Eayre, married Mary Bishop, danghter of . Page 382. Their children were — °Mark, born ; married Beulah CurHs — second wife. ^Aaron B., born ; married Acksa Bozarth. 'Hosea, born ; married Rebecca Prickitt — first wife. 'Mary Ann, iDorn ; married George W. Hehnbokl. °Sarah, born ; married Zackariah Wood. Xydia, born ; married Samuel Conrow. ''Hannah, born ; married Robert Wilson. ^A-my, born ; married Henry Wood. °]\Iaria Louisa, born ; died young, 6 years old. *Amasa Moore, son of 'Bethuel Moore and Martha Allen, mar- ried Agnes French, daughter of Samuel French and Their children were — °Samuel F., born 10-7, 1793; married Rachel Haines. 'William, born 9-27, 1795; died 3-19, 1796. 'Mary, born 1-31, 1797; died 9-10, 1799. 'Sarah, born 4-13, 1799; married Thomas Inskeep. 'Amasa, born 2-4, 1807. Rachel Haines, the wife of "Samuel F. Moore, was the daughter of Nehemiah Haines and Abigail Haines. See that family, page 98. She was a woman of rare intellectual capacity and business qualifications. • *Sarah Moore, daughter of 'Bethuel Moore and Martha Allen, married Joseph Rogers, son of ^^'illiam Rogers and Grace Allen p„ge 353 (widow). Their children were — 'William, born ; married Ann Venicomb. 'Martha, born ; married Izri Roberts— first wife. *Allen Moore, son of 'Bethuel Moore and Martha Allen, mar- ried Ann Kay, daughter of Josiah Kay and Elizabeth Horner. ^,^^^^ ^ Their children were — 'Martha, born 1-15 ,1813; went to Philadelphia. 'Elizabeth, born 6-9, 18 15. 'Ridgway, born 4-4, 1821 ; went to Philadelphia. 27 389 MOORB FAMILY. ^Elizabeth Moore, daughter of 'Benjamin Moore and Mary Butcher, second wife, married John Haines, son of John Haines Page 3S4. and Alary Shreeve. Their children were — "Benjamin M., born 9-22, 1793; married Kesiah Burrough. "Keturah, born 2-1, 1795; married Joseph K. Lippincott. 'Reuben, born 12-13, 179^; married Ann Hooten. "Mary, born 10-25, ^79^'y <^^ied single, 10-28, 1822. "Rachel, born 10-16, 1800; married Reuben Roberts. "John M., born 9-14, 1802; married Sarah Evans. "Bethuel, born 5-14, 1805; died single, 7-6, 1826. 'Rebecca, born y-y, 1808; died single, 8-1, 1808. "Chalkley, born y-y, 1808; died single, y-y, 1808. Ann Hooten, the wife of "Reuben Haines, was the daughter of William Hooten and Ann. For ancestry of Joseph K. Lippincott, Reuben Roberts and Sarah Evans, who married "Keturah, "Rachel and "John M. Haines, see pages 129 and 130. 'Benjamin Moore, son of 'John Moore and Hannah Eayre, mar- Page 382. ried Sarah Bowen, daughter of John Bowen and Susan. Their children were — 'John, born ; married Clarisa Hand.' Nancy Evans.'' "Rebecca, born ; married William Davidson. "Joseph, born ; married Rachel Davis. "Eayres, born ; married Sarah Wooster. "Zebedee, born ; married Rachel Githens. "Sarah, born ; married John Williams. "Mark, born ; married Sarah Ann Carty. "Benjamin, born ; married Sarah Watkins. -. "Hannah, born ; married Job Bishop. *Cyrus Moore, son of 'Cyrus Moore and Mary Austin, married Elizabeth Stokes, daughter of Jarvis Stokes and Elizabeth Rog- Page 3S4. ej-s_ Their children were — "Cvrus, born "Jarvis, born ; died 10 years old. "Abigail, born ; married Amos Harvey. 'Mary, born FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 'Abel Moore, son of 'Cyrus Moore and ^lary Austin, married Elizabeth Engle, daughter of Obadiah Engle and Patience C.^le. P"6c 3S<. Their children were — 7ohn, born ; married Priscilla X. ^^'ills. 'Granville, born ; died single. 'Cyrus, born ; married Esther Prickitt. 'Barclay, born ; married Catharine Johnson. "George, born ; married Kate Sellars. "Anna, born ; married Lemuel Prickitt. 'Elizabeth, born ; died single. .^90 Priscilla N. Wills, the wife of 'John Moore, was the daughter of Benjamin H. Wills and Elizabeth C. Wills, whose ancestry see. page 308, in that family. Esther Prickitt, the wife of 'Cyrus Moore, was the daughter of Zeckariah Prickitt and Agnes Sharp. See that family, page 370. for ancestry of Zeckariah, and page 364 for ancestry of Agnes Sharp. Lemuel Prickitt, who married "Anna Moore, was the son of Josiah Prickitt and Ann Sharp. For ancestry of Josiah Prickitt. see that family, page 369, and for ancestry of Ann Sharp, page 364- 'John Moore, son of 'Cyrus Moore and Alary Austin, married Sarah Lippincott, daughter of Josiah Lij^pincott and Mary I'bil-p^ ^^ lips. Their children were — 'Joseph, born ; married Elizabeth C. Wills. 'Abel, born ; went West. 'Mary, born ; married Isaac H. Wills — second wife. "Elwood, born Elizabeth C. Wills, the wife of 'Joseph Moore, was the daugh- ter of Benjamin H. Wills and Elizabeth C. Wills. See their an- cestry, page 308, in that family. Isaac H. Wills, who married 'Mary Moore, was tiie son of Wil- liam S. Wills and Elizabeth Haines. See that family, page JOi. for ancestry of Elizabeth, and page 300 for ancestry ol William S. Wills in Micajah WWW family. 391 MO ORB FAMILY. 'Mary Moore, daughter of 'Cyrus Moore and Mary Austin, married Nathan Buzbv, son of Thomas Buzbv and Esther Bor- Page 384. ^^^^^ Their children were — 'Lydia M., born (only child) ; married Joab Wills. Joab Wills, who married Xydia Buzby, was the son of Benja- min H. Wills and Elizabeth C. Wills, whose ancestry see, page 308, in that family. 'Eliza Moore, daughter of 'Cyrus Moore and Mary Austin, Page 3S4. married John Engle, son of John Engle and Lucy Brooks. Their children were — 'Mary A., born 1-13, 1827; went to Burlington. 'Japheth Garwood, son of 'Susannah Collins and Daniel Gar- wood, married Hannah Haines, daughter of Jonathan Haines and Page 3S5. Hannah Sharp. Their children were — 'Hannah, born ; married Isaac Sharp. Hannah died, and 'Japheth married Elizabeth Bates. Their children were — 'Sarah, born 2-22, 1792; married Jacob Prickitt. 'Hope, born i-ii, 1796; married Job Braddock. 'Rachel born 1-16, 1797; died 12-22, 1815. 'Daniel, born 3-20, 1800; died young. Isaac Sharp, who married 'Hannah Garwood, was the son of William Sharp and Elizabeth Green. See that family, page 222, for ancestry of William Sharp, and ancestry of Elizabeth Green, see page 213. Jacob Prickitt, who married 'Sarah Garwood, was the son of Jacob Prickitt and Mary Peacock, whose ancestry see, page 262. For ancestry of Job Braddock, who married 'Hope Garwood, the daughter of Japheth Garwood and Elizabeth Bates, his sec- ond wife, see page 262. 'George B. Deacon, son of 'Hannah Eayre and John Deacon, Page 385. married Mary Ridgway, daughter of • Their children were — "William R., born ; married Abigail Collins. The parents of Howard Deacon, of Philadelphia, the genealog- ist. TROTH FAMILY. TROTH FAMILY. ^^\V71LLIAAI TROTH, the progenitur of the Ta.th lainilv, ^ came from England and settled in Evesham Townshi'p, Burlington County, New Jersey, on what is known as the Engle farm, on the line of the Medford and Haddonheld Railroad, at Elmwood station. Soon after William's arrival in the land of his adoption, a young woman came by the name of Elizabeth Field, to whom, no doubt, he was betrothed before he left his na- tive land, as they were joined in wedlock upon her arrival. Her family was possessed of great wealth, and for some reas'on un- known in the family, unless it was the difference in the worldly prospects of the two families, were opposed to the marriage of their daughter; and for the consummation of the union it was necessary for them to remove to a foreign clime, consecpiently they came to the wilds of America." Tradition says, "In order to accomplish her intention she was necessitated to dispose of her jewelry to procure the requisite means to defray the expenses incident to her journey, as her fam- ily refused to supply her with the necessary means." With that tenacity of purpose characteristic of women, she ai)plie(l herself diligently to assist her "Will" in his work on the i)lantation, and they reared a family of children and surrounded themsel\-es with all thinofs needful. The children of William Troth and Elizabeth Field were- 'Alary, born ; married, 1-22, 1721. Zeckariah Prickitt. 'Jane, born ; married, 1724, William Garwocjd. "Rebecca, born ; married, 1731, Amos Haines. 'Paul, born ; married Deborah . Zeckariah Prickitt, who married 'Mary Troth, was the sou 01 Zackariah Prickitt, the progenitor of the Prickitt family, who set- tled in Northampton. Burlington County. New Jersey. William Garwood, who married 'June Troth, was the son of Thomas Garwood and Margaret, the progenitors of the Garwood family, who settled in Northampton, New Jersey. Amos Haines, who married 'Rebecca Troth, was the son of -Thomas Haines and Elizabeth Austin, the sister of Francis Aus- tin, the progenitor of the Austin fanu'ly. Thomas Haines was the fourth son of Richard Haines and Margaret, the |.n.tro,iitors of the Haines family. 393 TROTH FAMILY. 'Mary Troth, daughter of 'WilHam Troth and EHzabeth Field, married Zeckariah Prickitt, son of Zackariah Prickitt and ElHpha. Page 392. Their chikh-en were — 'Zeckariah, born ; married Mary . 'Hope, born 'Richard, born 'Patience, born ; married Smith. 'Sarah, born ; married Simons. 'Mary, born ; married Miers. 'Hannah, born This family will be followed in the Prickitt family. 'Rebecca Troth, daughter of 'William Troth and Elizabeth Field, married Amos Haines, son of Thomas Haines and Eliza- Page 392. bctll Austiu. Their children were — 'Rebecca, born ; married Joseph Eves. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Joseph Cooper. 'Mary, born ; married Jacob Wills. This family will be followed in the Haines family. Joseph Eves, who married 'Rebecca Haines, was the son of Samuel Eves and Mary Shinn, his second wife. Samuel was the son of Thomas Eves and Anna. Thomas was the son of Thomas Eves, the progenitor, of Burlington, N. J. Jacob Wills, who married 'Mary Haines, was the son of Mica- jah Wills and Rebecca Hewlings, whose ancestry see, page 99, in Sarah ^Vills, ancestry. 'Paul Troth, son of AVilliam Troth and Elizabeth Field, mar- Page 392. ried Deborah — , daughter of . Their children were — 'William, born 1733; married, 1757, Esther Borton. Other children. Esther Borton, the wife of 'William Troth, was the daughter of William Borton and Deborah Hedge, his first wife, the daugh- ter of Bernard Hedge and Elizabeth Prague. William was the son of John Borton, Jr., and his first wife. See page 394. All of the family that we have bearing the name of Troth trace their line of ancestry to William Troth, the son of Paul Troth and Deborah. Page 393. THIRD GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 393a 'William Troth, son of 'Paul Troth and Deborah, married Es- ther Borton, daughter of William Borton and Deborah Hedge. Their children were — 'Paul, born 1-3, 1758; married . 'Deborah, born 12-28, 1759; married Jacob Evans— first wife. Tsaac, born 11-14, 1762; married Rebecca Eves. 'Jacob, born 1-5, 1764; married . 'John, born 11-13, 1767; married Ann Engle. 'Esther, born 2-18, 1771; married Aaron Engle. Jacob Evans, who married 'Deborah Troth, was the son of Na- than Evans and Sybilla. See their family, page 353. in the Evans familv. Rebecca Eves, the wife of 'Isaac Troth, was the daughter of Joseph Eves and Rebecca Haines. See their family, page 328, in the Eves familv. Ann Engle, the wife of 'John Troth, was the daughter of Jo- seph Engle and Mary Borton. See their family, page 399, in the Engle familv. '&' Aaron Engle, who married 'Esther Troth, was the son of Jo- seph Engle and Alary Borton. See their family, page 399. in the Engle family. The descendants of the above fouu families — children of Wil- liam Troth and Esther Borton, will be followed respectively in the Evans, Eves and Engle families. 'Samuel Troth, son of 'Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves, married Edith Lippincott, daughter of . Their children were — ^Elizabeth, born ; married Samuel Engle. ^Edith, born ; married Franklin Cox. 'Agnes, born ; married Amos W. Cole — first wife. 'Joseph E., born ; married Rebecca Stratton. VVsahel, born ; married IMeribah Taylor, 'John, born ; married Mary Haines. Tsaac, born ; married Sarah Jones. "Samuel, born ; single. BORTON FAMILY BORTON FAMILY. JOHN BORTON and Ann, his wife, of llillsdown, on the "Northampton River," Burhngton County, New Jersey, came from the Parish of Aynhoe, Northamptonshire, England, bring- ing a certificate from the Monthly fleeting of Burton, in Oxford- shire, dated 3d mo. the 5th, 1679, O- S., and signed l)y a number of persons who vouch that they ''have known ye sd John and Ann Borton these many years, and they have walked honestly among us, living in the fear of God and in obedience to the bessed truth revealed in this our day, and have been of a good savour ttt friends and to their neighbours in ye village where they dwell/' John Borton died at Hillsdown, in the year 1687, leaving a will, dated 5th mo. 28th, and proved the nth mo. 14th. of the same year. In his will he names his sons John and William, and enum- erates his six daughters, but does not name them. ^John Borton and Ann's children were — "John, Jr.. born ; married 171 7, Ann Darnely.' 1732, Mary Hillbournc.' AVilliam, born ; married, 1699, Hannah Cole. 'Ann, born ; married, 1681, Thomas Barton. 'Elizabeth, born ; married, 1684, John Woolman. 'Esther, born ; married, 1684, John Haines. 'Mary, born ; married, 1696, Francis Austin. Two other daughters. 'to' 'John Borton, Jr., son of 'Joh" Borton and Ann, married three wives — Ann Darnely, second wife; Mary Hilll)ournc, third wife, i-uge aiu. Children by the first wife were — 'Obadiah, born ; married Susannah Butcher.' Mary Driver.' 'John, born ; married Elizabeth Lord. 'William, born ; married Deborah Hedge.' Abigail Lord.' 'Hannah, born ; married John Darnell. 'John Borton, son of 'John Borton, Jr., and first wife, married Elizabeth Lord, daughter of . i'°«^- ^'*- Their children were — 'John, born 12-16, 1730; married Rebecca Haines. *Abram, born ; married four wives. *Abieail, born ; married Reuben Braddock. Tsaac, born ; married J\Iary Hooten. 'Elizabeth, born ; married Joseph Gauntt. 'Jacob, born : died young. 395 BORTON FAMILY. Page 394. Page 394. Page 394. Children of ^John Borton and Ann. 'Obadiah Borton, son of ']o\'\\\ Borton, Jr., and first wife, mar- ried Susannah Butcher, daughter of Samuel Butcher and Silence Buntinof. Their children were — 'Silence, born 'Mar}^, born ; married Joseph Engle. *Solomon, born ; married f^lizabeth . 'Samuel, born ; married Rhoda Packer. Susannah died, and 'Obadiah married Mary Driver. Their children were — 'Jane, born ; married Thomas Bond. 'Joseph, born 'Phebe, born ; married, 1781, Richard Burdsall. 'John, born 9-16, 1755; married. 1776, Hannah Haines. 'Benjamin, born 'Job, born 'William Borton, son of 'Jol^i^ Borton, Jr., and first wife, mar- ried Deborah Hedge, daughter of Bernard Hedge and Elizabeth Prague. Their children were — 'William, born ; married, 1760, Martha Owen, 'Esther, born ; married, 1757, William Troth. 'Hannah, born ; married, 1763, Joseph Lippincott. Deborah died, and 'William married Abigail Lord, Their children were — \f 'Joshua, born 'Josiah, born 'Caleb, born 'Sarah, born ; married, 1772, Mary Lippincott.'' 1 78 1, Rachel Borton.!.- ; married, 1774, Rebecca Haines, married, 1766, Silence Willetts. (V. A died single. 'Hannah Borton, daughter of 'Jol^" Borton, Jr., and first wife, married John Darnell, the progenitor of the Darnell family, in 1722. Their children were — 'Edward, born 1-14, 1730; married Jane Driver. 'Lewis, born 1736; married, 1759, Grace Thomas. 'William, born 1739. 'Hannah, born 1742. , " 'Jemima, born 1744; married Rehoboam Braddock. The descendants of 'Esther Borton, the wife of John Haines, will be found in the Haines family. Some of the descendants of 'John Borton, Jr., and 'Mary Borton, the wife of Francis Austin, will be traced in several of the families in this volume. FOURTH GBNBRATION AND 'ciIll.nRnx. 305a *Abram Borton, son of 'John Borton and Elizabeth Lor.l. mar- ried Rachel Engle, daughter of Rol)ert Engle and Racliel Veni- comb. Pag.. 394. See their family, page 398. in the luigle family. 'Mary Borton, daughter of 'Obadiah Borton anil Susannah Butcher, married Joseph Engle, son of Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb. ,.,^., ►,,- See their family, page 397. in the Engle family. 'John Borton, son of Obadiah Borton and Mary Driver, second wife, married Hannah Haines, daughter of Thomas Haines and Hannah. m^e 390. See their family, page 94, iji the Haines familv. 'Esther Borton, daughter of 'William Borton and Deborah Hedge, married William Troth, son of Paul Troth and Dclx^rah. r.-.Kc 395. See their family, page 393a, in the Troth family. 'Edward Darnell, son of 'Hannah Borton and John Darnell, married Jane Driver, daughter of . Page 395. Their children were — "Samuel, born ''Edmund, born 1768; married, 1790, Rachel Dudley. 'Jemima Darnell, daughter of 'Hannah Borton and John Dar- nell, married Rehoboam Braddock, son of Robert Braddock and Elizabeth, first wife. Puge 395. Their children were — ^William, born ; married Ann Rogers. 'Darnell, l)orn ; married Sarah Rogers. °Job, born ; married Hannah Snowden. 'Elizabeth, born : married Noah Sharp. 'Hannah, born ; married William Gifford. 'Phebe, born ; married Joseph Haines. 'Jemima, born ; married John Borton. 'Bathsheba, born ; married Daniel Zelley. 'Rachel, born ; married John Dudley. 'JVIary, Ijorn ; married Edward Borton. See ancestry of John and Edward Borton, page 94: .l'»^t-ph Haines, page 131; Noah Sharp, page 148; Sarah Rogers, page 221. Rachel Dudley was the daughter of Joshua and Rachel Dudley. ENGLE FAMILY 28 ENGLE FAMILY. First axd Second Gem:katiuns. "DOBERT ENGLE, the progenitor of the Engle family, came J-V. from Cambridgeshire, England, and settled in h'veshani Township, Burlington Comity, New Jersey. He married, 5th mo. 4th, 1684, Jane Home, and died in 1696, leaving a will, dated 4lh mo. 4th, and proved 6th mo. ist, of the same year. He ileviscd his entire estate to his wife until his son (and only child) should attain the age of twenty-one years, when she was to ha\'e the use and benefit of one-half the estate, so long as she remained his wid- ow. In the event of the death of the son without issue, she was given a hfe interest in the whole of the estate, with power to will one-half; the other half reverting to his brothers, Peter Nevell and Henry Nevell, of Millbourn, in Cambridgeshire, old England. His widow married, 9th mo. 23d, 1703. Henry Clifton, of Phila- delphia. 'John Engle, son of 'Robert Engle and Jane llorne) married Mary Ogborn, 10-4, 1707, daughter of Samuel Ogborn and Jane. Their children were — ''Robert, born ; married Rachel A^enicomb. 'John, born ; married Hannah Middleton. 'Mar}', born ; married Nathaniel Lippincott. 'Hannah, born ; married Isaac Lii)])incott. 'Jane, born ; married John Turner. 'Robert Engle, son of 'John Engle and Mary Ogl)orn, married Rachel \>nicomb, daughter of W^illiam Venicomb and Sarah Stockton (widow Jones). Pas*" **• Their children were — 'Robert, born ; married Jane Sharj). 'Joseph, born 7-24. 1740; married. 1760, Mary Borton.' Mary Stratton (widow).' 'Abraham, born ; married Patience Gaskill. 'Rachel, born ; married Abram Borton. 'Sarah, born ; married William Hackney. 'Hannah Engle, daughter of John Engle and Mary Ogborn, married Isaac Lippincott, son of Thomas Lippincott antl Mary Haines. P"*' ** Their children were — 'Samuel, born ; married Priscilla Bryant. 'Isaac, born ; married Elizabeth Antrim. 'Thomas, born ; married Elizabeth^ 1 laines. 'Mary, born ; married Abraham l%ld ridge. 'Hannah, l)orn ; married Jacob Lippincott.' John Cahill.' 'Bathshelia, l)orn ; died single. 'Esther, born ; died single. 397 HNGLB FAMILY. ^Mary Engie, daughter of 'John Engle and Mary Ogborn, mar- ried Nathaniel Lippincott, son of Thomas Lyippincott and Mary Page 396. Haines. Their children were — 'Seth, born ; married Hope Wallace. 'Mary, born ; married Joshua Borton. 'John, born ; married Anna Matlack/ Hannah Tilton.' 'Martha, born ; married Isaac Buzby. 'Grace, born ; married Jabez Buzby. 'Caleb, born ; married Ann Venicomb.' Zilpah Shinn.' Sarah Lippincott.^ 'Barzitta, born ; died young. 'Joseph Engle, son of ''Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb, married Mary Borton, daughter of Obadiah Borton and Susanna Page 396. Butcher. Their children were — 'John, born 8-i6, 1761; married Lucy Brooks. 'Obadiah, born 3-16, 1763; married Patience Cole. °Aaron, born 11-6, 1764; married Esther Troth. "Susanna, born 7-22, 1766; married Stacy Haines. Thebe, born 2-7, 1769. 'Asa, born 11-7, 1770. 'Ann, born 3-15, 1774; married John Troth. 'Joseph, born 7-16, 1776; married Lydia Conrow. 'Rachel, born 4-15, 1783; died 2-14, 1802. Mary died, and 'Joseph married Mary Stratton, daughter of Emanuel Stratton and Mary Joyce. No issue. Patience Cole, the wife of "Obadiah Engle, was the daughter of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. See Job Cole's ancestry, page 288. Esther Troth and John Troth, who married 'Aaron Engle and 'Ann Engle, were the children of William Troth and Esther Bor- ton. See their ancestry, page 99. Stacy Haines, who married 'Susanna Engle, was the son of Simeon Haines and Mary Stratton. See that family, page 74. and Mary Stratton' s ancestry, page 35. Page 396. FOURTH GENERATION AND CHILDREN. 398 'Robert Engie, son of 'Robert Engle and Rachel Vcnicunih, married Jane Sharp, daughter of W'ilham Sharj) and Hannah , second wife. Their children were — "Samuel, born 4-27, 1762; died aged 21 years. -William, born 11-12, 1764; married Rachel Tarapin. 'Josiah. born 4-27, 1766; married Mary Aliddleton. "Rachel, born 11-28, 1768; married Caleb Laine. 'Robert, born 2-26. 1771; married Mary Woolman. "Isaac, born 3-15, 1773; married Sarah Price. "Hannah, born 9-6, 1775; married James Hughes. 'Sarah, born 1-30, 1776; married Kendall Cole. 'Joshua. l)()ni lo-ii, 1781 ; married Hannah Weatherly. "Jonatlian, born T,-y. 1784; died aged 2 years. 'Abraham Engle. son of 'Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb, married Patience Gaskill. daughter of . Their children were — "Caleb, born 11-12, 1767; married Mercy Craft. "Grace, born 1770; married James Bellangee. "Beulah. born 1772; married Isaac Broderick. 'Joshua, I)orn ; married Elizabeth Woolman.' Hope Small.' "Job, born 1780; married Sarah Borton. 'Jane, born 1782; married Benjamin Gritifith. "Ann, born 1785; married John Haines. °Samuel, born 1787; married Elizabeth Willett. "Rachel, born 1789; married Nathaniel Haines. Page 396. John Haines and Nathaniel Haines, who married 'Ann and "Rachel Engle, were the sons of John Haines and Rachel Austin. See that famih-. page 82. 'Rachel Engle. daughter of 'Robert Engle and Rachel W-ni- comb, married Abram Borton. son of John Borton and l-'lizabcth Lord. Pugo 3;»6. Their children were — 'Abraham, born 9-4, 1769; died 3-28, 1784. 'Joseph, born 4-28, 1771 ; married Esther Dudley. 'Robert, born 3-29, 1773; died 11-26, 1781. 'Rachel, born 8-26, 1774; married Jacob Evans. 'Uriah, born 12-1. 1776; married Mary Collins. 399 BNGLB FAMILY. Jacob Evans, who married 'Rachel Borton, was the son of Na- than E\ans and Sybiha . See that family, page 343. Mary Collins, the wife of "Uriah Borton, was the daughter of Job Collins and Elizabeth Ballinger (widow Mason), daughter of Joshua Ballinger and Naomi Dunn. See that family, page 258. 'Sarah Engle, daughter of 'Robert Engle and Rachel Venicomb,. Page 396. married William Hackney, son of . Their children were — "William, born ; married Reed. "Elizabeth, born ; married John Garwood. "Rachel, born ; married Thomas Clifton. 'Abigail, born ; married Joshua Crispin. "Keturah, born ; married Benjamin Garwood. "Jehue, born ; married Catharine Suiters. "Aaron Engle, son of 'Joseph Engle and Mary Borton, married Page 397. Esther Troth, daughter of William Troth and Esther Borton. Their children were — "Deborah, born 1-5, 1793; married Joseph Haines. "Paul, born 10-22, 1797; died single. "Elizabeth, born 9-17, 1807; married Joshua Borton. "Esther, born 9-2, 181 3 ; married George T. Browning. "Mary Ann, born ; married Isaac Hewlings. "Ann Engle. daughter of 'Joseph Engle and Mary Borton, mar- page 397. i-ied John Troth, son of William Troth and Esther Borton. Their children were — "Mary, born 3-22, 1795; married Charles Haines. "Charles, born 2-14, 1797; died 9-9, 181 5. "Deborah, born g-28, 1798; married David Haines. "Susannah, born 10-22, 1800; married Job Ballinger. "Huldah, Ijorn 11-2, 1802; died 9-8, 1815. "Esther, born 9-16, 1804; married Daniel Coate. "Lucy Ann, born 4-2, 1807; married Charles Burr — first wife. "John, born 1812; died 1814. Joseph Haines, Charles Haines and David Haines, who mar- ried "Deborah Engle, "Mary and "Deborah Troth, were the sons of Nehemiah and Abigail Haines. See page 98. Job Ballinger, who married Susannah Troth, was the son of Joshua Ballinger and Rebecca. See page 386. PIFTH GBNERATIOX AXD CI 1 1 ID RUN. 'Obadiah Engle. son of 'Joseph Engle and Alary Borton, mar- ried Patience Cole, danghter of Job Cole and Elizabeth Tomlin. i-ac ^:. Their children were — 'Ann, born 4-17, 1795; died. 1797. 'Job C, born 12-13, 1/96; married Louisa C. Fornian. ^'Arthur, born 3-9, 1799; married Elizabeth C. Engle. 'Aaron, born 4-6, 1801 ; married Albina Haines. 'Elizabeth, born 2-5. 1803; married Abel Moore. "Mar}', born 4-12, 1805; married Charles Burr.' Isaac Haines.' 'Rachel, born 6-24, 1807; married Asher Woolman. 'Samuel C, born i-ii, 1810; married Edith Sharp. 'Sarah Ann, born 5-20, 1812; married Barclay Haines. 'Nathan, born lo-i, 1817; died single. 400 7ohn Engle, son of 'Joseph Engle and Alary Borton, married Lucy Brooks, daughter of Thomas Brooks and . ^'»ec 397. Their children were — 'Mary, born 9-14, 1783; died 1793. 'Thomas, born 3-17, 1792; died 1793. 'Joseph, born 5-26, 1794. 'Amasa, born 12-12, 1796. 'John, born 9-23, 1801. 'Samuel born 11-12, 1803; married Elizabeth Troth. 'Charles, born 7-14, 1806; died 1821. 'Allen, born 7-12, 1810. "Robert Engle, son of ^Robert Engle and Jane Sharp, married Mary Woolman, daughter of . ^'"^^ **^- Their children were — 'Eber, born ; married Alcenia B. Peacock. 'Elizabeth C.., born ; married Arthur Engle. 'Abram, born ; married Elizabeth Peacock.' Sarah Engle.'' 'Hannah, born ; married Isaac Sharp. 'William, born ; married and went West. See Albina Haines, page 195; Abel Moore, page 390; Isaac Haines, page 153; Edith Sharp, page 246; Barclay Haines, page 116; Isaac Sharp, page 237; Arthur Engle, see above. Elizabeth Troth was the daughter of Samuel Troth and Edith LippinccHt. Samuel was the son of Isaac Troth and Rebecca Eves. Sec that family, page 328. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES "Friends" at Buiiington, New Jersey, held their -ReH-ious Meetings" under a "Tent" covered with "Sail Cloth" until John Woolston finished his house. This was the first frame house built at Burlington, and in this house and that of Thomas Gar- diner they held their meetings until a house for "Worship" was erected, which was not for several years thereafter. Thirteen couples passed meeting and were married before the year if.Si. The first Yearly jMeeting of "Friends" was held at Burlington. 6 mo. 28th, 1 68 1, in the house of Thomas Gardiner. This Yearly Meeting consisted of the meetings at Shrewsbury. Salem, Burlington and Ancocas, on the east side of the Delaware River, and Shackamaxon, near the falls of the Delaware, and Chester, on the west side of the Delaware River. The first meeting of '"Friends" in New Jersey was held at Shrewsbury, in 1670. At Salem, in 1675. "Friends Meetings" were occasionally held at Spicer's, near Cooper's Creek. The first meeting house at Chester (Moorestown), was built of stone, in 1720, by John Cadwalader, a Friend, who was with John Estang in the Island of Tortula, in 1742, and both died there. Meetings were first held at Evesham in 1695, and in the same year joined to Newton Monthly Aleeting. Thomas Story was born in Cumberland, England, in the year 1666. He was an eminent minister of the Society of Friends. He visited the United States in 1698. While here on his religious visit, he married the daughter of Edward Shippen, of Philadelphia, returned to his home, in Cum- berland, England, and died in 1742, and was buried at Carlisle. In 1700, Thomas Story visited "Adams Meeting." held at Moorestown — came by water — thirteen miles from Philadelphia. On his return to Philadelphia he stayed all night at the Widow Spicer's, at Cooper's Creek. He was a minister nearly fifty years. In the first volume of "Records of Men's Monthly Meetings (^f Friends at Burlington," New Jersey, in 1684-5. "^^'^^ John IJrown. It is now owned by Charles Ballinger, 1901. 413 BIRTHS. From Friends' Records at Bureington, N. J. Ann Wills, daughter of Daniel Wills and Mary, was born lo-i, 1677. William Black, son of William Black and Allis, was born 1 1-23. 1677. John Eves, son of Thomas Eves and Hannah, was born 12-24, 167S. The birth was witnessed by Prudence Clayton, Prudence Rey- nolds, Mary Wills, Judy Olive, Elinor Harding, Mary Perkins, Joana Clift and Ann Peachee. John Wills, son of James Wills and Hester, was born 7-8, 1681. Daniel Eves, son of Thomas Eves and Anna, was born 9, 1681. James Wills, son of James Wills and Esther, was born 2-1, 1683. Samuel Eves, son of Thomas Eves and Anna, was born 5-20, 1684. Samuel Lippincott, son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary, was born 10-24, 1684. Thomas Budd, son of William Budd and Ann, was born 2-27, 1686. Benjamin Eves, son of Thomas Eves and Anna, was born 8-29, 1686. Thomas Lippincott, son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary, was born 10-28, 1686. Anna Eves, daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna, was born 3-1 1, 1689. Abraham Hewlings, son of Abraham Hewlings and Hester, was born 9-15, 1689. Mary Hewlings, daughter of Abraham Hewlings and Hester, was born 6-24, 1691. Dorothy Eves, daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna, was born 9-29, 1692. (414) MARRIAGES. From Friends' Records. Robert Zane, of Newton, to Alice Alday, 2-10, 1679. John Ashton, of Shackamaxon, to Patience Taylor, of Shacka- maxon, 10-7, 1679. William Hewlings to Dorothy Eves, daughter of Thomas Eves, of Burlington, N. J., 9-7, 1680. John Woolston, of Burlington, N. J., to Hannaii Cooper, daughter of William Cooper, of Pyne Point. 1681. John Woolman to Elizabeth Borton, daughter of John Borton and Ann, 8-8, 1684. John Haines, son of Richard Haines and Margaret, to Esther Borton, daughter of John Borton and Ann. 10-10, 1684. Henrv Bircham. of Neshamonv. Pennsvlvania, to Margaret Haines, widow of Richard Haines, 1685. Tohn Sharp to Elizabeth Paine, daughter of John Paine. 4-17. 1688. Samuel Harriott, of Bermudas, mariner, to Jane Gardiner, spinster, of near Burlington, 12-3, 1690. Thomas Olive, of Willingboro, to Mary Wills, daughter of Daniel Wills. 5-8, 169 1. Thomas Haines, son of Richard Haines and Margaret, to Eliza- beth Austin. 1692. William Haines, son of Richard Haines and IMargaret, to Sarah Paine, daughter of John Paine, 1695. William Venicum, of Springfield, to Sarah Jones, widow. 1706. James Lippincott, son of Restore Lippincott and Hnniinli, to Anna Eves, daughter of Thomas Eves and Anna, 1709. Samuel Lippincott, son of Freedom Lippincott and Mary, to Hope Wills, daughter of John Wills and Hope, 1708. John Eves to Mary Hudson. 6-17, 17 10. George Bliss to Elizabeth Wills, daughter of Daniel (in his new house), 2-17, 1712. (415) 41 6 MARRIAGES. Freedom Lippincott to Elizabeth Wills, daughter of Daniel Wills and Mary, 9-17, 171 5. Abram Brown to Phebe Adams, daughter of John Adams, 1712. Daniel Haines, son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth, to Eliza- beth Bryan, daughter of Thomas Bryan, 17 19. John Sharp, son of John Sharp, to Ann Haynes, daughter of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth, 9-28, 171 7. Caleb Haines, son of John Haines and Esther, to Sarah Burr, daughter of Henry Burr, 9-26, 17 19. Daniel Wills, son of John Wills, to Elizabeth Woolston, daugh- ter of John Woolston, 17 14. Daniel Wills, son of Daniel Wills and Mary, to Margaret Eayre, daughter of Richard Eayre, 17 19. John Wills, son of John Wills, and Hope, to Hannah Circuit, of Mansfield, 6-2, 1721. Samuel Eves, son of Thomas Eves and Anna, to Mary Shinn, 9-16, 1721. Joshua Lord, of Deptford, Gloucester county, to Sarah Wills, daughter of John Wills, 10-26, 1721. Bartholomew Horner, son Of Isaac Horner, to Elizabeth Wills, daughter of John Wills, 11-25, 1721. Josiah Haines, son of John Haines and Esther, to Martha Burr, daughter of Henry Burr, 2-25, 1723. Samuel Sharp, son of John Sharp and Elizabeth, to Elizabeth Haines, daughter of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth, 1725. John Deacon to Esther Wills, 1 726. Thomas Haines, son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth, to Re- bekkah Foster, 1726. Thomas Buzby to Margaret Haines, daughter of Thomas Haines, 1727. Nathan Lovitt to Mary Wills, 1 729. Thomas Evans, son of William Evans and Elizabeth, to Re- bekkah Owen, 1730. William Tomlinson, of Gloucester county, N. J., to Rebekkah Wills, daughter of John Wills, 8-13, 1731. William Haines to Frances Bonney, 1732. Jacob Lamb to Sarah Haines, 1732. Thomas Webster, son of Samuel Webster, of England, to Sarah Venicum, daughter of William Venicum, 11-31. I73-- William Davis, son of William, of Hanover, to Ann Venicum, daughter of William Venicum, 4-24, 1735. Jeremiah Haines, son of William Haines and Sarah, to Hannah Bonnell, 1736. MARRIAGES. William Brown to Elizabeth Haines. 1738. Francis X'enicum, son of William, of Springfield, to Rachel Lippincott, 1739. Nathaniel Haines, son of William Haines, to ^Jary Hervey, daughter of John, of ]\Iansfield, 3-23, 1739. \\illiam Bnzby, son of Nicholas Buzhy. to Mary Wills, daugh- ter of Daniel Wills, 8-25, 1739. John INIickle to Mary Stockdale, of Willingboro, 5-15. 1741. Benjamin Lippincott, son of Jacob Lippincott, of Burlington. to Hope Wills, daughter of Daniel \\'ills, 9-1 1, 1741. William Hewlings. son of Jacob Hewlings, of Evesham, to Esther Wright, daughter of Jonathan Wright. 4-21. 1743. John Antrim, son of John Antrim, of Burlington, to Priscilla Haines, daughter of Daniel Haines, lo-i, 1743. John Sleeper, of Bridge Town, N. J., to Hannah Ilaines, daugh- ter of Nehemiah Haines and Ann, 9-26. 1754. Samuel Haines to Elizabeth Buzby, daughter of William Buzby, 5-13, 1767- Caleb Haines, son of Josiah Haines and Mary, to Mary Eld- ridge, daughter of Jonathan Eldridge, 11-15. 1781. Joseph Burr, son of Robert Burr, of Ruland, Pa., to Elizabeth Wills, daughter of Moses Wills, of Willingboro, 5-4, 1785. Samuel Haines, son of Samuel Haines and Lydia. to Mar\ Stevenson, daughter of Cornell Stevenson, 10-15, 1788. John Haines, son of Ephraim Haines, of Chester, to ^Llry Wills, daughter of Moses Wills and ]\Largaret, 3-1 1, 1789. Jacob Hollingshead. son of Jacob Hollingshead and Mary, to Mary Haines, daughter of Samuel Haines and Elizabeth, 7-15, 1789. Cornell Stevenson, son of Cornell Stevenson, tn Ann Hames, daughter of Joseph Haines and ]\Lary. 5-13. 1790. Biddle Reeves, son of Biddle Reeves, of Gloucester county, to Elizabeth Haines, daughter of Joseph Haines and Mary, 6-7, 1792. Evan Clement, M. D., son of Samuel Clement, of Gl»)ucester county, to Ann Wills, daughters of James Wills and Elizabeth. 4-8, 1795. Jacob Haines, son of Samuel Haines and Lydia, to Hannah Stokes, daughter of John Stokes and Hannah. 4-9. I794- George Haines, son of Thomas Haines and Elizabeth, t.. i-,i INIarriages Friends" Meeting, Evesham. Henry Newberry to Sarah Boyes, daughter of Richard. 1703. Henry CHfton to Jane Engle ( widow ), 1703. WilHam Newberry to Mary Hasker, daughter of W'iUiani. 1705. John Engle to Mary Ogborn, 1707. Mark Stratton to Ann Hancock, daughter of Timothy. 1713. Emanuel Stratton to Hannah Hancock, daughter of Timothy, 1713- Thomas Evans to Esther Haines, 171 5. William Hudson to Jane Evans, daughter of William. 171 7. Richard Matlack to Rebecca Haines, 1721. Luke Gibson to Sarah Clark, 1721. Jacob Coffin to Hannah Wilkins, 1721. Carlile Haines to Sarah Matlack, 1721. Zeckariah Prickitt to Mary Troth, 1721. John Darnell to Hannah Borton, 1722. John Ratherwell to Mary Ballinger, 1723. Jonathan Ladd to Ann Wills, 1723. John Pim to Lydia Briggs, 1723. William Garwood to Jane Troth, 1724. Nathan Haines to Sarah Austin, 1725. Amaziah Ballinger to Elizabeth Garwood, 1725. Nathan Crosby to Elizabeth Garwood, 1726. Josiah Albertson to Ann Austin, 1727. Thomas Wilkins to Mary Core, 1727. Richard Clark to Elizabeth Flanagan, 1728. Edward Richardson to Mary Richardson, 1728. William Foster to Hannah Core, 1729. Thomas Pedrick to Rebecca Bickam, 1729. William Borton to Deborah Hedge, 1731. Thomas Jennings to Ann Borton, 1731. John Cripps to Mary Eves, 1731. Samuel Cole to Mary Lippincott, 1731. Amos Haines to Rebecca Troth, 1731. Philip Pedrick to Hannah Bickam, 1732. Thomas French to Mary Cattel, 1732. John Wills to Abigail Lippincott, 1732. Joseph Hopewell to Sarah Briggs, 1733. Thomas Garwood to Mary Ballinger. 1733. Francis Dudley to Rachel Wilkins, 1733. 422 MARRIAGES. David Davis to Mary Musgrove, 1733. Brazilla Newbold to Sarah Core, 1734. Josiah White to Rebecca Foster, 1734. Samuel Hopper to Mary Johnson, 1734. John Haines to Ann Ashard, 1734. Daniel Garwood to Susanna Collins, 1737. Isaac Decou to Mary Cripps, 1737. William Evans to Sarah Roberts, 1738, William Earl to Mary Sharp, 1739. Thomas Budd to Rebecca Atkinson, 1739. Freedom Lippincott to Hannah Rakestraw, 1739. Joseph White to Martha Lippincott, 1740. Joseph Lippincott to Elizabeth Evans, 1740. John Lippincott to Elizabeth Elkinton, 1740. Jonathan Haines to Hannah Sharp, 1740. Thomas Middleton to Esther Barton, 1740. David Elwell to Mary Haines, 1740. Timothy Middleton to Elizabeth Barton, 1740. Joshua Ballinger to Martha Stratton, 1741. Sylvester Sharp to Mary Wills, 1741. William Austin to Mary Robeson, 1741. Samuel Wick ward to Sarah Buzby, 1741. Jonathan Davis to Esther Haines, 1742. Ebenezer Andrews to Patience Lippincott, 1742. Freedom Lippincott to Elizabeth Ballinger, 1743. Eber Decou to Sarah Eves, 1743. Gabriel Davis to Sarah Ballinger, 1743. William Pinyard to Mary Young, 1743. Robert Stiles to Hannah Burrough, 1743. Solomon Lippincott to Sarah Cozens, 1744. Amaziah Ballinger to Ruth Collins, 1744. John Green to Catharine Husted, 1745. Isaac Evans to Bathsaba Stokes, 1745. Thomas Lippincott to Rebecca Eldridge, 1745. Jacob Shinn to Hannah Lippincott, 1745. Aaron Lippincott to Elizabeth Jennings, 1746. Samuel Atkinson to Esther Evans, 1746. John Garwood to Charity Wright, 1746. Enoch Stratton Amy Elkinton, 1746. Francis Collins to Ann Haines (widow), 1746. Samuel Hammock to Esther Sharp, 1747. Joseph Butcher to Prudence Rogers, 1747. MARRIAGES. ,>. John Fisher to Grace Mason, 1747. Jonathan Austin to Rebecca Alason, 1747. Wihiam Haines to Ehzabeth BaHinger, 1748. Jacob Evans to Rachel Ekh-idge, 1749. Job Haines to Esther Hamniitt. 1749. Wihiam Austin to Hannah Thomas. 1749. John Pinyard to Martha W'ilkins, 1749. Aaron Silver to Ann Hall, 1749. Obadiah Borton to Mary Driver. 1749. ^ Amaziah Ballinger to Mary Ashbrook. 1751. James Lippincott to Ehzabeth Lippincott, 1751. Thomas Eyre to Catharine Moore. 1752. John Eves to Jane Evans, 1752. Abner Woolman to Mary Aronson. 1752. Joseph Lowe to Rebecca Waite. 1752. Joseph Wilcox to Sarah Iredell, 1752. Thomas Andrews to Catharine Webster, 1752. Caleb Lippincott to Hannah W'ilkins, 1752. Julius Ersan to Sarah Middleton, 1752. Richard Satterthwaite to Elizabeth Wright. 1752. William Sharp to Mary Haines, 1752. John Ballinger to Mary Andrews (widow), 1753. Henry Burr to Elizabeth Foster, 1753. Aaron Lippincott to Elizabeth Tomlinson, 1753. Thomas ]\liddleton to Jane Nicholson (widow), 1753. Joseph Johnson to Mary Ellis, 1753. Thomas Cummings to Mary Craig, 1753. Edward Darnell to Jane Driver, 1754. Joseph Sleeper to Hannah Haines. 1754. Edward Andrews to Tabitha Richardson. 1756. Ezekiel Lippincott to Bathsaba Matlack. 1756. Jacob Evans to Mary Cherrington, 1756. Joshua Lippincott to Rachel Dudley, 1756. Benjamin Gaskill to Sarah Heusted. 1756. William Montgomery to Mary Ellis. 1756. Joshua Gibbs to Hannah Burrough, 1757. William Troth to Esther Borton, 1757. Abraham Eldridge to Mary Lippincott, 1757. John Brackney to Mary Cheeseman. 1758. John Peacock to Susannah I'.allinger, 1758. Jacob Prickitt to Elizabeth Phillips, 1758. Caleb Austin to Lydia Mason. 1758. 30 424 MARRIAGES. Abel Lippincott to Jemima Evans, 1758. William Sharp to Elizabeth Lippincott, 1758. John Haines to Mary Shreeve, 1758. John Miller to Sarah Andrews, 1758. Isaac Halloway to Mary Haines, 1758. Brazilla Prickitt to Sarah Sharp, 1759. Samuel Sharp to Rosanna Prickitt, 1759. Clayton Newbold to Mary Foster, 1759. John Painter to Susanna Stratton, 1759. Joseph Engle to Mary Borton, 1760. Thomas Rogers to Elizabeth Craig, 1760. Isaac Borton to Mary Hooten, 1761. Thomas Stokes to Sarah Inskeep, 1764. William Wills to Ann Craig, 1765. John Jessup to Elizabeth Ballinger, 1766. Joseph Gibson to Mary Ballinger, 1766. Jesse Thomas to Sarah Beckett, 1769. Marriages Friends' Meeting, Chester. William Hollingshead to Elizabeth Adams, 1692. Edward Buzby to Susanna Adams, 1696. Francis Austin to Mary Borton, 1696. Joseph Heritage to Hannah Allen, 1697. Thomas Eves to Mary Roberts, 1699. Samuel Burrough to Hannah Roberts, 1699. Judah Allen to Deborah Adams, 1701. Hugh Sharp to Rachel Allen (widow of Matthew), 1702. Enoch Core to Sarah Roberts, 1705. John Heritage to Sarah Slocum, 1 706. John Roberts to Mary Elkinton, 1712. Henry Allen to Abigail Somers, 1714. John Antrim to Amy Andrews, 17 14. Abram Haines to Grace Hollingshead, 1719. John Hancock to Mary Gurnell, 1719. Henry Warrington to Elizabeth Austin, 1719. Richard Haines to Agnes Hollingshead, 1721. Joseph Matlack to Rebecca Haines, 1722. Benjamin Clark to Mary Hooten, 1724. John French to Sarah Wickawan, 1724. John Eewdell to Hannah Ward, 1724. Henry Willard to Elizabeth Ballinger, 1724. MARRIAGES. ,.- Thomas Bickam to Elizabeth Hooper, 1725. Derrick Tyson to Ann Hooten. 1727. Henry Warrington to Ehzabeth Bishop. 1728. John Swain to ]\Iary Buzby, 1729. Richard Heritage to Sarah Tindall. 1729. George Ward to Margaret Bennett, 1729. Hasker Newberry to Mary Heritage. 1730. Wihiam Hooten to Ann Sharp (widow), 1730. John Buzby to Hannah Adams, 1731. Anthony Sharp to Mary Dimack, 1731. Thomas Clark to jMarilja Parker, 1731. Hugh Hollingshead to Ann Eves, 1734. Samuel Haines to Lydia Stokes, 1734. John Cowperthwaite to Rebecca Stokes, 1734. Thomas Bishop to Rachel Matlack. 1736. Jonathan Ellis to Mary Hollingshead, 1737. "VXilliam Sharp to Elizabeth Risdon, 1737. Andrew Griscom to Susanna Hancock, 1737. Benjamin Moore to Mercy Newberry, 1737. Edward Hollingshead to Mary ]\Iorgan, 1737. John Maxwell to Hannah Matlack, 1737. Nathan Allen to Martha Stokes, 1737. Ebenezer Brown to Elizabeth Ives, 1737. Robert French to Hannah Cattel, 1737. John Tanner to Susan Alcott, 1738. John Higbee to Mary Barton, 1738. Amos Wilkins to Susan ■-: , 1738. Isaac Warren to Priscilla Matlack, 1739. Samuel Butcher to Mercy Newberry, 1740. Abraham Iredell to Sarah Coffin, 1740. Daniel Packer to Ruth Warrington, 1740. Michael Mills to Sarah Moore, 1740. Habakuk Ward to Hannah Lord, 1741. William Barton to Abigail Lord, 1741. Joshua Roberts to Rebecca Stokes, 1741. John Roberts to Esther Lippincott, 1742. Thomas Hooten to Mercy Bates. 1742. Benjamin Heritage to Kesiah Matlack. 1743. George Matlack to Rebecca Hackney, 1743. James Delzel to Elizabeth Hancock, 1744. Edward Barton to Elizabeth ISliddleton. 1744. John Rowand to Sarah Matlack, 1744. 426 MARRIAGES. Richard Matlack to Mary Cole, 1745. Hudson Middleton to Christian Hopewell, 1745. William Allen to Judith Stokes, 1746. John Brown to Sarah Cooper, 1746. Joseph Stokes to Ann Haines (widow), 1746. Richard Ward to Hannah Warrington, 1746. George Ward to Martha Bates, 1 746. Thomas Warrington to Mary Roberts, 1747. Ebenezer Andrews to Mary Warrington, 1748. Robert Hunt to Martha Ward (widow), 1749. Ezekiel Lindsey to Rachel Shores, 1749. William Middleton to Ann Barton, 1750. Thomas Eyres to Sarah Mills, 1750. Nathaniel Brown to Mary Bircham, 1750. Benjamin Matlack to Susanna Hewitt, 1750. Thomas West to Deborah Wills, 1750. Daniel Bassett to Mary Lippincott, 1750. John Risdon to Sarah Turner, 1750. Isaac Mason to Sarah Price, 1750. William Cushin to Phebe Young, 1750. Joseph Browning to Kesiah Stokes, 1750. Thomas Evans to Hannah Roberts, 1751. William Rogers to Sarah Warrington, 1754. William Snowden to Margaret Ballinger, 1754. Joseph Buzby to Hannah Warrington, 1 754. Samuel Andrews to Phebe Cowperthwaite, 1754. William Wilkins to Elizabeth Swain, 1754. Amos Haines to Mary Conrow, 1754. John Hankinson to Elizabeth Bispham (widow), 1755. William Cathcart to Mary Orin, 1755. Joseph Hackney to Agnes Haines, 1755. John Lippincott to Ann Matlack, 1756. John Newbold to Mary Cole, 1756. Caleb Evans to Abigail Hunt, 1756. David Satterthwaite to Mary Wright, 1757. Robert Stiles to Mary Ellis (widow), 1757. Hudson Middleton to Sarah Haines, 1757. Joseph Stokes to Atlantic Bispham, 1757. Jacob Wilkins to Ann French, 1757. Isaac Haines to Deborah Roberts, 1758. Aaron Wills to Rachel Warrington, 1758. Ephraim Haines to Sarah Cheeseman, 1758. MARRIAGBS. 4,7 George Turner to Hannah Thorn, 1759. John Moore to Hannah Eayre, 1759. John Mason to Mary Moore, 1759. Lewis Darnell to Grace Thomas, 1759. Marriages Friends' Meeting. Woodbury, Joshua Lord to Sarah Wood, 1689. Joshua Lord to Lsabella Watts, 1709. James Dilks to Ann Barker. 1710. John Wood to Mary Whitall. 17 10. Samuel Ladd to Mary Medcalf. 17 13. Thomas Hackney to Rebecca Wilkins, 17 14. Henry Wood to Hannah Whitall. 171 5. Job \\'hitall to Jane Siddon, 1716. Abraham Chatten to Grace Mills, 1717. William \\'ickawan to Sarah Mason, 1717. George Nicholson to Alice Lord, 1717. James Whitall to Sarah Rakestraw. 1718. John Hill to Sarah \\diitall, 17 18. John Lord to Mary Tindall,, 1721. Luke Gibson to Sarah Clark. 1721. John Haines to Hannah Wood (widow), 1722. James Caffrey to Margaret Zane. 1722. Richard Bicl^im to Mary Wood. 1725.. James Smith to Jane Whitall (widow), 1725. William Clark to Phillis Ward, 1727. Moses Ward to ALiry Clark. 1728. John Borton to Elizabeth Lord, 1730. Thomas Wilkins to Joanna Wood, 1730. Joseph Parker to Mary Ladd, 1730. John Saunders to Elizabeth \\'ilkins, 1731. John Ladd to Hannah Mickle. 1732. Francis Eastlack to Phebe Driver, 1733. Richard Chew to Abigail Wood. 1733. John W^ilkins to Sarah Wood, 1733. Obadiah Gibson to Mary Lord, 1733. Thomas Saunders to Ann Hopper. 1733. William W^ood to Hannah Wood. 1734. John Howell to Catharine Ladd. 1734. Abraham Moss to Ann Ladd. 1734. Edmund Lord to Elizabeth Wood. 1734. 428 MARRIAGES. Ebenezer Hopkins to Sarah Lord, 1737. John Jessup to Margarett Whitaker, 1737. James Wood to Sarah Kinsey, 1737. ^' James Whitall to Ann Cooper, 1739. WilHam Wood to Rachel Stockdale, 1739. Thomas Kinsey to Hannah Ward, 1740. Habakuk Ward to Hannah Lord, 1740. Wihiam Barton to Abigail Lord, 1741. Robert Downs to Catharine Ladd, 1742. John Mitchner to Sarah Wilkins, 1743. Robert Zane to Martha Chatten, 1743. Abraham Chatten to Mary Wood, 1745. Joseph Gibson to Sarah Lord, 1746. Jacob Wills to Deborah Ladd, 1747. John Heustead to Sarah Lord, 1748. Joseph Cowgill to Ann Arnold, 1748. Isaac Wilkins to Elizabeth Bliss, 1751. Ebenezer Cook to Elizabeth Zane, 1751. Thomas Robeson to Sarah Chatten. 1752. Francis Wood to Rachel Zane, 1752. John Lawton to Elizabeth Stevens, 1752. James Wood to Sarah Bick'am, 1753. Nathan Lord to Ruth Snowden, 1753. James Wood to Rebecca Wilkins, 1758. James Wilkins to Mary Ward, 1760. ' Samuel Mififlin to Mary Jessup, 1760. John Tatem to Sarah Ward, 1762. Jeremiah Andrews to Ann Wood, 1768. Thomas Saunders to Rachel Stevens, 1768. Phineas Lord to Mary Gibbs, 1771. William Mickle to Sarah Lord, 1772. William Wood to Hannah Ladd, 1777. John Tatem to Elizabeth Cooper, 1780. Richard Wood to Ann Cooper, 1780. George Ward to Edith Wood, 1782. George Ward to Deborah Saunders, 1794. Benjamin Hopkins to Rebecca Ward, 1794. AIAKRIAGBS. ^_,,^ Marriages Friends' jMeeting, Sai.km. Abraham Strand to Rachel Nicholson. 1677. William Brachvay to Elizabeth W'ootl, 1687. William Cooper, Jr., to Alary Bradway, 1692. Bartholomew Wyatt to Sarah Ashton, 1693. Abel Nicholson to Mary Tyler, 1693. Isaac Sharp to Margaret Brathwill, 1704. William Tyler to Mary Abbott, 1710. Hugh Clifton to Elizabeth Tindall, 1722. Robert Smith to Elizabeth Wyat, 1723. John Brick to Ann Nicholson, 1729. Abel Nicholson to Isabella Daniels, 1729. John Evans to Ruth Nicholson, 1730. Joseph Tomlinson to Lydia Wade, 1734. Erastmus Fetters to Rebecca Thompson, 1737. William Griscom to Sarah Davis, 1740. John Nicholson to Sarah Powell, 1740. John Gill to Anne Davis, 1741. Samuel Nicholson to Sarah Dennis, 1743. Othniel Tomlinson to Mary Marsh, 1744. Jacob Spicer to Mary Lippincott, 1746. Thomas Redman to Mercy Davis, 1747. Isaac Ellis to Alary Shivers, 1748. William Haines to Sarah Lippincott. 1749. Joshua Ballinger to Naomi Dunn, 1749. Andrew Griscom to Alary Bacon, 1753. Richard Haines to Elizabeth Test, 1756. Joseph Kay to i\nn Thompson, 1758. Joseph Clement to Ann Brick, 1761. AIarriages Friends' Meeting, Xewtox. James Atkinson to Hannah Xewbie. 1684. John Ladd to Sarah Wood. 1685. Walter Forrest to Ann Albertson, 1686. Thomas Shable to Alice Stalles, 1686. Samuel Toms to Rachel Wood, 1686. Joshua Frame to Abigail Bates. 1687. William Clark to Alary Heritage. 1687. John Hugg, Jr., to Priscilla Collins. 1688. 430 MARRIAGES. Joseph Cooper to Lydia Riggs, 1688. Thomas Thackara to Hepsiba Eastlack, 1689. Thomas Willard to Judith Wood, 1689. John Butcher to Mary Heritage, 1691. Simeon Ehis to Sarah Bates, 1692. Daniel Cooper to Abigail Wood, 1693. Daniel Cooper to Sarah Spicer, 1695. William Sharp to Jemima Eastlack, 1695. Joseph Nicholson to Hannah Wood, 1695. Isaac Decou to Rachel Newbie, 1695. Thomas Thackara to Ann Parker, 1699. Joseph Bates to Mercy Clement, 1701. John Estaugh to Elizabeth Haddon, 1702. Stephen Newbie to Elizabeth Wood, 1703. John Mickle to Hannah Cooper, 1704. Josiah vSouthwick to Elizabeth Collins, 1705. Joseph Brown to Mary Spicer, 1706. Edward Newbie to Hannah Chew% 1706. Benjamin ^Vood to Mary Kay, 1707. Benjamin Thackara to Mary Cooper, 1707. John Hallowell to Elizabeth Sharp, 1707. John Kay to Sarah Langstone, 1707. Samuel Mickle to Elizabeth Cooper, 1708. Ezekiel Siddons to Sarah Mickle, 1708. Simeon Breach to Mary Dennis, 1709. John Harvey to Sarah Hasker, 1709. Robert Braddock to Elizabeth Hancock, 1709. Thomas Bull to Sarah Nelson, 1710. William Harrison to Ann Hugg, 1710. Thomas Middleton to Mercy xA^llen, 1710. Joseph Stokes to Judith Lippincott, 1710. Thomas Sharp to Catharine Hollingsham, 1710. Thomas Smith to Sarah Hancock, 171 1. Jonathan Haines to Mary Matlack, 171 1. Daniel Mickle to Hannah Dennis, 171 1. Samuel Dennis to Ruth Tindall, 171 1. Thomas Lippincott to Mary Haines, 171 1. Abraham Brown to Hannah Adams, 171 2. Joseph Dole to Hannah Somers, 1714. John Hugg to Elizabeth Newbie, 1714. John Cox to Lydia Cooper, 1714. John Adamson to Ann Skew, 1716. MARRIAGES. , , , Trancis Richardson to Sarah Cooper, 1716. Thomas Robinson to Sarah Lowe, 171 6. William Sharp to Mary Austin, 1716. Alexander Morgan to Hannah Cooper, 171 7. Benjamin Cooper to Rachel Mickle. 1718. Thomas Rakestraw to Mary Wilkinson, 171 8. Samuel Sharp to Martha Hall, 17 18. John Gill to Mary Heritage, 1718. Thomas Eayre to Priscilla Hugg. 1719. Marriages Friends' Meeting, Haddonfield. Timothy Matlack to Mary Haines, 1720. Jedediah Adams to Margarett Christian. 1720. Joshua Raper to Sarah Cooper, 1720. Thomas Adams to Hannah Sharp, 1720. Samuel Nicholson to Sarah Burrough, 1722. Thomas Ellis to Catharine Collins, 1722. Samuel Burrough to Ann Gray, 1723. Joseph Mickle to Elizabeth Eastlack, 1723. James \\'ills to Sarah Clement, 1724. Thomas Sharp to Elizabeth Smith, 1724. John Hudson to Hannah Wright, 1725. Robert Jones to Sarah Siddon, 1725. Isaac Albertson to Rachel Haines, 1725. John Burrough to Phebe Haines, 1726. John Wills to Elizabeth Kaighn, 1726. Joseph Kaighn to Mary Estaugh, 1727. Ephraim Tomlinson to Sarah Corbit, 1727. James Cattle to Mary Engle (widow), 1727. John Haines to Jane Smith (widow), 1728. Isaac Knight to Elizal^eth Wright, 1728. Thomas Wright to Mary Thackara, 1729. John Turner to Jane Engle, 1729. Timothy Matlack to Martha Haines (widow), 1730. Samuel Sharp to ]\Iary Tomlinson, 1730. John Kay to Sarah Ellis, 1730. Bartholomew Wyat to Elizabeth Tomlinson. 1730. David Price to Grace Zane, 1730. Daniel Morgan to Mary Haines (widow), 1731. William Mickle to Sarah Wright, 1732. Samuel Abbott to Hannah Foster. 1733. 43-' MARRIAGES. Thomas Egerton to Sarah Stephens, 1733. Richard Bidgood to Hannah Burrough (widow), 1733. Peter White to Rebecca Burr, 1734. Nathan Beaks to Ehzabeth Hooten, 1735. Edward Borton to Margaret Tomlinson, 1736. Thomas Bishop to Rachel Matlack, 1736. Nathan Lippincott to Mary Engie, 1736. Walter Faucett to Margaret Rillings, 1736. David Stratton to Mary Elkinton, 1736. Jacob Taylor to Ann Andrews, 1737. Thomas Redman to Mercy Gill, 1737. Jacob Howell to Mary Cooper, 1737. Thomas Thorn to Mary Harrison, 1737. Thomas Egerton to Esther Bates, 1738. James Whitall to Ann Cooper, 1739. Charles French to Ann Clement, 1739. Robert Stevens to Ann Dent, 1739. Isaac Lippincott to Hannah Engle, 1739. Thomas Rakestraw to Mary Mason, 1739. Jacob Hinchman to Abigail Harrison, 1740. Samuel Stokes to Hannah Hinchman, 1741. Thomas Stokes to Abigail Matlack, 1741. William Albertson to Jane Turner, 1741. Joshua Stokes to Amy Hinchman, 1741. Isaac Burrough to Deborah Jennings, 1742. John Ashard to Mary Middleton, 1742. Thomas Hooten to Mercy Bates, 1742. Samuel Mickle to Eatitia Matlack, 1742. Henry Wood to Ruth Dennis, 1743. Daniel Fortiner to Rebecca Smith, 1743. Joseph Wilkins to Sarah Hartshorn, 1743.- Daniel Hillman to Abigail Nicholson, 1743. Abraham Haines to Sarah Ellis. 1744. Samuel Nicholson to Rebecca Saint, 1744. John Warrington to Hannah Ellis, 1744. Job Siddon to Achsa Matlack, 1744. James Cooper to Deborah Matlack, 1746. John Hillman to Hannah Nicholson, 1746. Samuel Noble to Lydia Cooper, 1746. William Miller to Elizabeth Woodward, 1747. Jacob Clement to Hannah Albertson, 1747. Joseph Snowden to Rebecca Howell, 1748. MARRIAGES. 43. Michael Lents to Rachel Richardson, 1748. Samuel Clement to Ruth Evans, 1748. Benjamin Champion to Ann Hewitt, 1748. William Alatlack to ]\Iary Turner, 1748. Samuel Collins to Rosanna Stokes, 1748. Samuel Nicholson to Jane Albertson (widow), 1749. James West to ]\Iary Cooper, 1749. Jacob Stokes to Priscilla Ellis, 1749. John Jaffereys to Mercy Butcher, 1 749. Archibald Mickle to Mary Burrough, 1749. Thomas Hinchman to Latitia Mickle (widow), 1750. Jacob Ellis to Casandra Albertson, 1750. John Branson to Sarah Sloan, 1750. John Thorn to Mary Gill (widow), 1750. John Barton to Elizabeth Champion, 1750. Jonathan Fisher to Hannah Hutchinson, 1750. Simeon Breach to Mary Shores, 1750. Jacob Burrough to Sarah Thorn, 1751. Enoch Burrough to Deborah Middleton, 1751. John Glover to Mary Thorn, 1751. Joseph Bispham to Elizabeth Hinchman, 1751. Samuel Hugg to Elizabeth Collins, 1752. Thomas Bates to Sarah Pancoast, 1752. Restore Lippincott to Ann Lord. 1752. Charles West to Hannah Cimtv 17x2 Remembrance Lippincott to Hannah Bates. Gloucester County, 173-2- James Mickle to Sarah Eastlack. Gloucester County. 1732. Thomas Bates to Mary Shivers. Glouces-ter Countv, 173J. Tobias Holloway to ]\Iary Ladd (\vi(l;)\v). Gloucester Countv. 1732. Edward Tonkins to Mary Cole. Gloucester CoinUy. ij.^.v Samuel Parr to Hannah Burrough, Gloucester Countv. 1733. Robert Hunt to Abigail Wood, Gloucester County. 1733. Jacob Matlack to Rutli W'cKxlathall. Burlington County. 1733. Isaac Matlack to Rebecca Bates, Gloucester County. 1733. Isaiah Ross to Ruth Tind.nll. Gloucester County, 1733. John Preston to Margarett Macintosh. Gloucester County^ John Kentee to Hannah Sharp, Gloucester County. 1733. Samuel Eastlack to Ann Breach, Gloucester County. 1733. William Kent to Sarah Powell. Gloucester County, 1733. John Wright to Ruth Mapes. Gloucester County, 1733. John Maher to Edith Jones, Gloucester County, 1733. Benjamin Cooper to Elizabeth Burdsall. Gloucester County, 1734- Abraham Siddon to ]\Iary Cooper (widow). Gloucester Coun- ty, 1734- George Vaughn to Hannah Smith. Burlington County, 1735. Abraham Sharp to Mary French (widow). Burlington County, 1735- William Sharp to Ann Austin. Burlington County. 1735. Henry Cooper to Elizabeth Curtis. Burlingtt)n County. 1735. Thomas Budd to Jemima Leeds, Burlington County, 1735. Benjamin Collins to Ann Hedger, Gloucester County. 1735. Thomas Potter to Rachel Wainwright. Gloucester County, 1735- John Eastlack to Margarett Hillman, Gloucester County, 1735. George Ellis to Sarah Wild, Gloucester County, 1735. William Heppard to Deborah Hinchman. Glinrester Count v. 1735- Andrew Morton to Emily Somers, Gloucester County, 1735. William Guess to Christiana Archard, Gloucester County, 1735. Elias Champion to Mary Steelman, Gloucester County. 1735. Benjamin Holmes to Hannah Roberts. GU)Ucester County, 1735- 31 440 MARRIAGES. John Kain to Mary Worriman, Gloucester County, 1735. Charles Taylor to Rachel Horner, Gloucester County, 1736. Jeremiah Wood to Catharine Lloyd, Salem County, 1736. Blackinstone Ingledon to Mary Mickle (widow), Gloucester County, 1736. John Chambers to Mary Mickle, Gloucester County, 1736. Nathan Middleton to Mary French, Burlington County, 1736. Amos Austin to Esther Haines, Burlington County, 1736. John Goslin to Sarah Budd, Burlington County, 1736. Hugh Caldwell to Jane Cox, Gloucester County, 1736. John Shivers to Mary Clement, Gloucester County, 1736. Samuel Morton to Lydia Cox, Gloucester County, 1736. Henry Willard to Ann Wetherill, Gloucester County, 1736. George Flanagan to Sarah Jennings, Gloucester County, 1736. John Matlack to Hannah Shivers, Gloucester County, 1736. Jeremiah Birch to Mary Jones, Gloucester County, 1736. Samuel Butcher to Susanna Marple, of Philadelphia, 1736. Charles Hopkins to Ann Green, Salem County, 1736. John Hampton to Ann Deval, Salem County, 1736. Abraham Lord to Amica Mullica, Salem County, 1736. John Collins to Elizabeth Moore. Burlington County, 1737. William Hugg to Sarah Harrison, Gloucester County, 1737. William Kaighn to Abigail Cooper, Gloucester County, 1737. Samuel Few to Susanna Collins, Gloucester County, 1737. Abraham Albertson to Hannah Medcalf, Gloucester County, ^737- John Bishop to Rebecca Matlack, Burlington County, 1737. Roger Hartley to Rebecca Packer, Burlington County, 1737. John Hooten to Sarah Kay, Burlington County, 1737. Thomas Clement to Mary Tylee, Gloucester County, 1737. Archibald Jolly to Deborah Cheesman, Gloucester County, 1737- Joseph Albertson to Rosanna Hampton, Gloucester County, 1737- John Eastlack to Mary Bolton, Gloucester County, 1737. John Green to Elizabeth Browning, Gloucester County, 1737. John Norton to Hannah Eastlack, Gloucester County, 1737. Ephraim Norton to Sarah Mickle, Gloucester County, 1737. Isaac Kay to Mary Ann Gregory. Gloucester County, 1738. Benjamin Donnoly to Susanna Collins, Burlington Countv, 1738. Henry Siddons to Elizabeth Sharp. Gloucester County, 1738. MARRIAGES. 44, Henry Jones to Naomi Cheesman. Gloucester County. 1738. Jonathan Thomas to Sarah Ellis (widow). Gloucester County 1738. Daniel Barber to Margarett Hampton. Gloucester County, 1738. Robert Turner to Abigail Ikn-ne, Gloucester Countv. 1738. David Roe to Elizabeth Taylor. Gloucester County, 1738. John Chew to Ann Jennings. Gloucester County. 173<). Isaac Smith to Elizabeth Norris. Gloucester Countv. 173«). Abraham Inskeep to Sarah Ward, Gloucester Countv, 1740. Jonas Cattel to Mary Pratt. Burlington County. 1710. Philo Leeds to Sarah Shinn. lUirlington County. 1740. William \\'allace to Dorothy Connolly. Gloucester County. 1740. James \\'ard to Alary Hackney. Gk)ucester County. 1740. Daniel Eastlack to Mary Cheesman. Gloucester County. 1740. Nathaniel Paul to Deborah Vaneman, Gloucester County. 1740. Clement Russell to Sarah Purdy. Gloucester County. 1740. Peter Champion to Hannah Thackara. Gloucester County. 1740. John \A'ild to vSarah Chew, Gloucester County. 1 740. Thomas Spicer to Rebecca Day, Gloucester County, 1740. . Jacob Horner to Zabatha Wright. Gloucester County. 1 740. Gabriel Newbie to Elizabeth McCoppring. Cumberland Coun- ty. 1 741. John Heritage to Ann Hugg. Gloucester County, 1741. Edward Fennett to Margaret Smith (widow), Burlington County. 1 74 1. William Bates to Rebecca Tomlinson, Gloucester County, 1741. John Githens to Rebecca Frame. Gloucester County. 1741. Jacob Clement to Elizabeth Tylee. Gloucester County. 1741. James Shivers to Rebecca Doster, Burlington County. 1741. Michael Bowker to Mary Collins, Burlington County. 1741- Thomas Kingston to Sarah Cripps, Burlington County, 1741. Edward Hampton to Sarah Breach, Gloucester County. 1741. John Eastlack to Patience Hugg (widow). GkHicester Cun- ty. 1 74 1. Joseph Cooper to Deborah Taylor. Monmouth County. 1741. Thomas Simpson to Abigail Burleigh. Pennsylvania, 1741. Joseph Hewlings to Hannah Wood. Burlington County, 1 741. 442 MARRIAGES. Casper Fish to Sarah ColHns, Philadelphia, 1742. Owen Carty to Esther Watson, Burlington County, 1742. John Franklin to Mary Graysbury, Gloucester County, 1743. Francis Kay to Jemima French. Gloucester County, 1743. William Kay to Barbara Smith, Burlington County, 1743. Samuel Spicer to Abigail Willard, Gloucester County, 1743. John Cox to Abigail Ellis, Gloucester County, 1744. Hugh Middleton to Mary Fairly, Burlington County, 1744. Eaban Langstaff to Ann Hewitt, Gloucester County, 1744. Joseph Morgan to Sarah Mickle, Gloucester County, 1744. ' James Wood to Rachel Cooper, Gloucester County, 1745. John Hammitt to Sarah Hilliard, Gloucester County, 1745. Jeremiah Chew to Hannah Ashbrook, Gloucester County,. 1745- Daniel Bates to Sarah Higbee, Burlington County, 1746. Joseph Heritage to Ruth Haines, Burlington County, 1746. Abraham Hess to Elizabeth Hammitt, Burlington County, 1746. Vespasian Kemble to Rachel Haines, Burlington County, 1746. Thomas Bates to Mary Clemenz, Gloucester County, 1746. John Erwin to Mary Bellows, Gloucester County, 1746. Richard Cheesman to Hannah Cheesman, Gloucester Coun- ty, 1746. Peter Cheesman to Ann Ellis, Gloucester County, 1746. Edward Castle to Ann Norton, Gloucester County, 1746. Thomas Clark to Ruth Hooten. Gloucester County, 1746. Isaac Mickle to Sarah Burrough, Gloucester County, 1746. Samuel Champion to Sarah Dilks, Gloucester County, 1746. John Bates to Sarah Collins, Gloucester County, 1747. Jonathan Wright to Mary Inskeep, Burlington County, 1747. James Inskeep to Mary Patterson, Burlington County, 1747. James Gill to Hannah Hinchman, Gloucester County, 1747. Abraham Hammitt to Mary Hilliard, Gloucester County, 1747- William Albertson to Hannah Harrison, Gloucester County, 1747- John Hinchman to Elizabeth Smith (widow), Gloucester County, 1747. Charles Collins to Ruth Starkey, Burlington County, 1748. Joseph Nicholson to Rachel Livzey, Gloucester County, 1748. Daniel Fortner to Bathsaba French, Gloucester County, 1748. MARRIAGES. 443 Edward Hollingshead to Susanna Shivers, Gloucester Coun- ty, 1748. Samuel Packer to Elizabeth Ilawkes, e)1oucesier Countv, J 748. John Holmes to Esther Carty. Gloucester County. 1748. Joel Hillman to Latitia Cheesman, Gloucester Countv. 1748. Isaac Kay to Hope French. Gloucester County, 1748. "William Southei/y Cooper to Mary Cheesman, Gloucester 'County. 1749. • Joseph Harrison to Ann Clement, Gloucester County. 1749. Charles Hubbs to Alary Eastlack, Gloucester County. 1749. William Dwyer to Sarah Ellis, Gloucester County. 1750. Josiah Ward to Kesiah Albertson. Gloucester County. 1750. John Eastlack to Elizabeth Read. Salem County. 1751. Richard Lippincott to Hannah Clemenz, Burlington County, 1751- John Stokes to Ann Champion (widow). Gloucester County, 1751- Edward Browning- to Grace Oldale, Gloucester County, 1751. Jacob Spicer to Deborah Leaming (widow). Cape May Coun- ty, 1 752- Isaac Hinchman to Latitia Woolston. Gloucester CouiUy, 1753- Thomas Bispham to Sarah Hinchman, Gloucester County. 1754- John Mullen to Hannah Collins, Burlington County, 1754. James Brown to Alice Wood. Gloucester County. 1754. Henry Crawford to Elizabeth McCullock, Gloucester County. 1754- James Hillman to Mary Smallwood, Gloucester County. 1754- Levi Albertson to Kesiah Roberts. Burhngton County. 1750. Joseph Hewlings to Elizabeth Hammitt (widow), Burlington 'County, 1756. Joseph Inskeep to Hannah McCullock, Gloucester County. 1756- Aaron Albertson to Elizal)eth .Mbertson, Gloucester County. 1756- Elijah Clark to Jane Lardener. Gloucester County. 175^». Williani Ellis. Jr.. to Amy Matlack. Gloucester County. 175^.. Jonathan Knight to Elizabeth Clement. Glonco^tor Countv. 1756. 444 MARRIAGES. Abraham Hewling's to Sarah Perkins, Biirhngton County^ 1757- Thomas Rakestraw to Ehzabeth Zane, BurHng-ton County, 1757- James Miilock, M. D., to Priscilla Collins, Gloucester County, 1757- David Hurley to Sarah Branson, Monmouth County, 1757. John Buzby to Sarah Ellis, Gloucester County, 1758. John Budd to Rosanna Shivers, Gloucester County, 1758. Abraham Hewlings to Mary Ann Kay, Burlington County, 1758. John Inskeep to Elizabeth Buckman, Burlington County, I758- Joseph Hillman to Sarah Shivers, Gloucester County, 1758. William Rudderow to Abigail Spicer, Gloucester County, 1758. _ Benjamin Cooper to Elizabeth Hopwell, Burlington County, 1759- Thomas Ellis, Jr., to Hannah Albertsori (widow), Gloucester County, 1759. Richard Collins to Sarah Griffith, Burlington County, 1759. Samuel Gaskill to Sybilla Collins, Burlington County, 1759. Titan Leeds to Hope French, Burlington County, 1759. Charles Day to Latitia Albertson, Gloucester County, 1759. Hugh Creighton to Mary French (widow), Gloucester Coun- ty, 1759- William Harrison to Abigail Thorn, Gloucester County,. 1759- John Parker to Elizabeth Kay, Gloucester County, 1759. Biddle Reeve to Anne Clement, Gloucester County, 1759. Capt. Joseph Ellis to Mary Hinchman, Gloucester County,. 1760. Simeon Ellis to Priscilla Bates, Gloucester County, 1760. Isaac Albertson to Deborah Thorn, Gloucester County, 1761. James Cooper to Sarah Irvin, Gloucester County, 1761. Thomas Heppard to Rhoda Zane, Gloucester County, 1761.. Joseph Hugg to Sarah Smith, Gloucester County, 1761. Joseph Harrison to Kesiah Tallman, Gloucester County,. 1761. Josiah Hillman to Elizabeth Pancoast, Gloucester. County,. 1761. Joab Hillman to Mary Matlack, Gloucester County, 1761. MARRIAGUS. 445 Samuel Hitgg to Elizabeth Thorn, Gloucester County, 1761. Samuel Murrell to Ann Stokes, Gloucester County. 1761. John Cane to Hannah Tice, Gloucester County, 1761. Robert Friend Price to Alary Thorn, Gloucester County, 1761. Thomas Gill to ]\Iary W'allis, Burlington County, 1761. Samuel Boggs to Margaret Halloway, Gloucester C(nnity, 1761. Benjamin Hartley to Mary Bates, Gloucester County, 1762. John Kay to Rebecca tlartley, Gloucester County, 1762. Joseph Hillman to Drusilla Cheesman, Glnuccstcr Cimnty, 1763- Nathan Albertson to Jane Thorn, Gloucester County. 17^)4. Abraham Albertson to Sarah Albertson, Gloucester County, 1764. Samuel Hugg to Mary Collins, Gloucester County. I7<")4. Thomas Ellis to Anna Humphries, Burlington County. 17^)5. Aaron Albertson to Margarett Wells. Gloucester County, 1765. Moses Branson to Sarah Borrodale, Burlington County, 1766. Haddon Hopkins to Hannah Stokes, Gloucester County. 1766. Benjamin Bates to Sarah Hugg (widow), Gloucester County, 1766. Robert Friend Price to Lizzie Hugg. Gloucester County. 1766. Isaac Tomlinson to Elizabeth Shivers. Gloucester County, 1766. Isaac Burrough to Rebecca Nicholson, Gloucester County. 1767. Benjamin Graysbury to Lydia Matlack. Gloucester County. 1767. Jossph Kaighn to Prudence Butcher, Gloucester Lounly. I7()7. William Bakely to Elizabeth Albertson, Gloucester County. 1768. Samuel Kaighn to Mary Gerard. Gloucester County. 1768. Joseph Bates to Judith Alliertson. Gloucester County. i7<'>8. George Flanagan to Patience Collins. Gloucester County. 1769. John Lippincott to Abigail Collins. Puu-lingt.)n County. 1770. John Blackwood to Hannah Stretch. Salem County. 1770. Joseph Blackwood to Rebecca Moss. Salem County. 1770. Jacob Albertson to Elizabeth Flanagan. Gloucester ('-"nty. 1770. Samuel Nicholson to Elizabeth Haines. Gloucester Cunty. 1770. 446 . MARRIAGES. Isaac Burrough to Abigail Marshall, Gloucester Comity, 1771. Brazilla Hngg to Mary Wood, Gloucester County, 1771. Jacob Rowand to Annie Heppard, Gloucester County, 1771. Benjamin Holmes to Phebe Heulings, Gloucester County, 1772. Aaron Haines to Priscilla Collins. Gloucester County, 1772. Joseph Albertson to Mary Albertson, Gloucester County, 1773. Job Kay to Rachel Adams, Gloucester County, 1773. Vespasian Kemble to Esther French (widow), Gloucester County, 1774. Silas Lord to Elizabeth Bates, Gloucester County, 1774. Ephraim Albertson to Elizabeth Warrick, Gloucester County, 1775- Jacob Burrough to Elizabeth Gill, Gloucester County, 1775. Samuel Ellis to Hannah Gilbert. Gloucester County. 1775. Henry Thorn to Elizabeth Tice, Gloucester County, 1775. Benjamin Graysbury to Latitia Shivers, Gloucester County, 1775- William Zane to Alice Chatten. Gloucester County, 1775. Benjamin Bates to Mary Thackara, Gloucester County, 1777. Thomas Burrough to Rebecca Fish, Gloucester County, 1777. Benjamin Bates to Sarah Hammel, Gloucester County, 1777. William Davidson to Elizabeth Eastlack, Gloucester County, 1777- William Kaighn to Mary Cole, Gloucester County, 1777. William Buzby to Sarah Burrough, Gloucester County, 1779. John Kay to Kesiah Thorn, Gloucester County, 1779. Isaac Evans to Esther Collins, Burlington County, 1782. Isaac Albertson to Sarah Thackara, Gloucester County, 1782. Ephraim Albertson to Charitv Langley, Gloucester Comity, 1782. Abraham Bennett to Mercy Bates, Gloucester County, 1782. Thomas Kay to Mary Mattson, Gloucester County, 1782. Benjamin Burrough to Hannah Wilkins, Gloucester County, 1783- Levi Ellis to Elizabeth Hillman, Gloucester County, 1783. Samuel Risley to Abigail Soniers, Gloucester County, 1784. Isaac Ellis to Sarah Hillman, Gloucester County, 1785. Alexander Rowand to Phebe Clement, Gloucester County, 1785- Abel Nicholson to Mary Ellis, Gloucester County, 1786. Nathan Eyres to, Sarah Kay, Gloucester County, 1791. John Roberts to Hannah Bassett, Gloucester County, 1791. ERRATA. Page 1 6. Richard Haines' mark (R). Page i8. William Haines' mark (W). ■ Page 19. Thomas Haines' mark (H). Page 57. Joseph Stokes and 2d wife, Ann Haines, had two sons, John and Thomas. Page 161, twelfth line. James Cinchton Brown Knight. M. D., instead of M. P. Page 196. Lanstaff shonld he Langstaff. Page 284. Thomas French was the son of Thomas French and Sarah. Page 284. Ann Clement was the daughter of Jacob Clement and Ann Harrison. Jacob was the son of James Clement and Sarah Field, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Field. (Cor- rection bv Charles French, of Philadelphia.) \^' INDEX. Page Borton Family oqa Bi''ths _^j_^ Collins Family 253 Eves Family -120 Evans Family ^-^y Engle Family 396 Gardiner Family 375 TT • r^ '*"«'^ names Family j< Moore Family ^j^, Miscellaneous Notes 401 Prickitt Family ,;- Sharp Family _,^,x Troth Family 30^, Wills Family 276 INDEX TO FAMILIES. Page Andrews, Esther 355 Elizabeth 356 Cole, Amos W 204 Elizabeth _>o? Joseph W _M4 John J, , , Mahlon jtq Martha j,)2 Borton, Abram 39Sa Elizabeth 371 Esther 395a Collins. Abigail jt>^ Benjannii j^j Clayton 273 Elizabeth 253 Elizabeth I Francis Francis _■-,, Joseph _'54 John John Job John Jyi Job 263 John Lydia - i I.ydia 274 Mary Mercy Mary .! Mark 27S Hannah 395 John 394 John, Jr 394 John 394 John 150 Joseph 271 John 395a Mary 272 Mary 395a Naomi 272 Obadiah 395 Rachel 271 William 395 Elizabeth 257 Bishop. Emeline 199 Ballinger, Isaac 314 Richard H .167 Mary V. 200 Buzby, Sarah 356 Bryan, 448 INDEX TO FAMILIES. Page Collins, Priscilla 385 Priscilla 254 Priscilla 258 Priscilla 261 Rebecca 254 Samuel 254 Susannah 257 Samuel 259 Susannah 385 D Davis, Anner 190 Benjamin 312 David 312 Martha 190 Mary 311 Dudley, Evan 345 John H 191 John H 354 Rebecca 345 Rachel 345 Thomas H 354 Thomas H 191 Darnell, Edward 395a Jemima 395a Deacon, George 379 George 391 George B 391 John 309 E Eves, Ann 145 Anna 321 Ann 324 Ann 329 Beulah 330 Dorothy 320 Dorothy 322 Elizabeth 328 Elizabeth 143 John 322 Joseph 323 John 324 Lettice 329 Lattice 144 Mary 2i~7 Mary 328 Mary 330 Martha 2>~7 Martha 144 E Page Eves, Rebecca 143 Rebecca 328 Rachel 329 Rachel 144 Rebecca 393 Samuel 321 Samuel 330 Thomas 320 Thomas 320 Thomas 321 Engle, Aaron 399 Ann 399 Abraham 398 Ann 393a^ Aaron 393a John 396 John 400 Obadiah 400 Robert 396 Robert 398 Robert 400 Rachel 398 Sarah 399 Evans, Esther 339 Enoch 341 Esther 341 Elizabeth T,2,y Esther 344 Hannah 341 Isaac 352 Jacob 393a Jacob 339 Joshua 340 John 346 Joseph 348 Jacob 350 Joseph 352 Jacob 353 Martha 340 Mary 342 Nathan 339 Nathan 343 Rebecca 342 Rachel 351 Sarah 342 Sarah 351 Susan 352 Thomas :i:^7 Thomas 343 INDEX TO FAMILIES. 440 E Pag •347 IT Evans, Thomas Thomas 34g William ^^j William 338 William 342 Eayre, Hannah 261 Hannah 270 Hannah 385 Thomas 262 G Gardiner, Andrew ^jj Hester 376 James 378 Joseph 378 Joseph ^77 Matthew ^77 Thomas 376 Garwood, Hannah 165 Hannah 235 Hannah 270 Japheth 262 Japheth 391 Sarah 270 H Haines, Abram 31 Ann 41 Amos 43 Ann 48 Abraham 65 Agnis 75 Amos 76 Ann 87 Abraham 108 Abigail 112 Agnes 1 14 Agnes 119 Abraham 118 Abel 122 Anner 126 Ann 128 Abel 13-2 Aaron 13-^ Abigail . . .' 164 Amy 170 Abraham 171 Arthur i7f> Abraham 1 77 rase «93 «95 Haines, Arthur Ann Albina Abigail Bcthanah Benjamin <,- Benjamin m^ Bculah 12^ Benjamin 170 I Bcthucl |;7 Benjamin M kji Barclay E J05 j Calel) 25 Carlilc 28 CarJile 104 Clayton no Caleb 1 13 Caleb I if) Core ii() Charles 132 Caleb 170 Clayton i7(> Charles 192 Charles k/) Charles 234 Charles i4(>a Carlile 217 David 2;\^ David \'< Deborah 41 > Deborah 48 Deborah 1 15 David .)') Darling i_'4 Deliverance 124 David 163 Elizabeth -f/i Esther 22y Elizabeth 230 Ephraiin . 231 Enock 3.S Esther 2<> Esther 58 Esther 59 Ezekiel 59 Elizabetii 59 Edmund 66 Elizal)eth K^ Elizabeth 87 450 INDEX TO FAMILIES. H Page Haines, Elizabeth 91 Eli 93 Ephraim loi Elizabeth ' 105 - Esther 107 Edmond 114 Elizabeth 122 Ezra 133 Esther 151 Ephraim 154 Elizabeth 155 Ezekiel 166 Elizabeth 170 Empson 171 Esther 179 Ezra 180 Elwood 194 Eliza 195 Edith 196 Elwood E 205 Emeline 205 Elizabeth 149a Francis 86 Francis 142 Francis 156 Francis 205 Francis 231 George, M. D 234 George, M. D 164 George 42 George 87 Grace 115 Hannah 87 Hannah 94 Hannah 100 Hannah 114 Hannah 116 Hannah 133 Hannah 195 Hannah 219 Hinchman iii ! Hiram 166'^ Harriet 196 Isaac 218 Isaac 229 Isaac 224 Isaac 47 Isaac 58 Isaac 71 H Page Haines, Isaac 87 Isaac 95 Isaac 103 Isaac 115 Isaac H 119 Isaac 153 Isaac 1 192 Isaac S 195 Isaac H 204 Isaiah y2 Isaiah 118 Isaiah 179 John 10 John 22 John 57 John 63 John 78 John 82 John 94 John 108 John 114 John 122 John 129 John 131 John 155 John 166 John C 170 John M 193 John 196 John 233 Joseph 21 Jonathan 22 Josiah 27 Jeremiah 39 Jane 46 Joseph 47 Job 47 Jonathan 50 Job 55 Josiah 59 Josiah 71 Joshua 74 Jacob 81^ Jeremiah 84 Joseph 87 Joseph 93 Jacob 96 Josiah 97 - Jesse 104 INDEX TO FAMILIES. 4? I H Page Haines, Jane 104 Job log Joseph 116 Joseph 122 Joseph 131 Joshua 131 Jonathan 13J Jeremiah 142 Joshua W 149 Job 151 Jonathan 151 Josiah 152 Jonathan 155 Joshua 149a Jacob 155 Joseph 157 Job 157 Job 169 Jane 169 Joseph 176 Joshua 194 Jervis 19" Jane 217 Jacob 218 Josiah 219 Job 228 Josiah 229 Jonathan 230 Jacob 231 Jonathan 232 Job 233 Joseph 233 '- Keturah 180 " Keturah 193 Levi 217 Levi 228 Levi 64 Lydia 82 Lavinia °7 Levi 104 Letitia ii4 Lydia i/O Lydia i'^' Lucy '9^ Mary 261 Mary -5 Mary 30 Marget 4^J Miriam 4-*^ H Pnge Haines, Mary 59 ^Lary 75 Mary 80 Mary 87 ^Lary 87 ^Lary 87 Margaret 87 Mary 89 Mary 97 Mary 106 Mary 108 Mary laS Mary i,u Mary 134 Mary 140 Mary .150 Mary •154 Mary IO7 Mark 167 ^L^ry . .176 Martha ..180 Mary iSi Mary Ann 187 Mary 217 Mary 3iO Nchemiah 2iy Nathan 3'' Nathaniel 37 Nehemiah 58 Noah 70 Nathan 77 Nehemiali >8 Noah 113 Nathaniel 1^2 Nathan I7f> Patience l-*^ Patience 3'-> Priscilla °7 Phebc ; Phebe .. '^ Richard -^ Richard «4 Richard. v^ Richard.. ' "'"^ Rebecca -'^ Rebecca '" Rachel . . '^ Ruth ... >'i Rachel .. ^^ 452 INDEX TO FAMILIES. H Page Haines, Ruth 60 Rachel 60 Robert 75 Robert 84 Rebecca 231 Rebecca 86 Rebecca 88 Rebecca no Reuben 93 Reuben 114 Rachel 125 Rachel 132 Robert I33 Rachel I34 Rebecca i55 Rachel 160 Ruth 167 Rebecca 180 Reuben 191 Rachel I93 Rehoboam 194 Robert P 198 Sarah 36 Sarah 48 Sarah 65 Sarah 82 Sarah 83 Sarah 87 Sarah 104 Sarah 123 Sarah 131 Sarah I57 Sarah 169 Sarah B I74 Sarah W 177 Sarah 178 Sarah 217 Sarah 233 Samuel 37 Solomon 60 Simeon 74 Samuel 81 Simeon 87 Stacy 119 Simeon 120 Samuel 122 Samuel 128 Samuel I34 Stacy 157 n Page Haines, Samuel 171 Simeon 181 Susannah 181 Samuel 197 Samuel 207 Stacy 213 Thomas 232 Thomas 18 Thomas 41 Thomas 49 Thomas 82 Thomas 87 Thomas 113 Thomas 118 Thomas 156 Thomas 1 77 Thomas 198 William 17 William 47 William 49 William 75 William 85 William 108 William 171 William E I95 William E 205 Zebedee 172 Huff, Agnes 242 Ann 244 Esther 243 John 244 Samuel 244 Haywood. George 182 Hilyard, Isaac 80 John 80 Jacob 80 Hewlings, John 2)3(> Joseph 327 Mary 335 Rebecca 326 Hannah 335 Hugg, Priscilla 257 Lippincott, Ahab 185 Amos H 199 Aaron 283 Abel 292 Aaron 293 INDEX TO FAMIUJSS. 453 L Page Lippincott, Ahab 296 Abram 2gS Anna 303 Aaron 309 Agnes 309 Abel 311 Ann 315 Aaron 325 Anna 326 Aaron 331 Beulah 186 Benjamin 293 Beulah 297 Benjamin 312 Benjamin 314 Clayton 188 Collins 275 Caleb 281 Caleb 297 Charles 315 Daniel 326 Daniel 333 Daniel 281 Daniel 287 Daniel 275 Elizabeth 332 Elizabeth 299 Elizabeth 304 Elizabeth 310 Esther 313 Elizabeth 3/1 Freedom 283 Hannah 37i Hope 186 Hope 285 Hope 294 Hope 297 Hannah 298 Isaac 37^ Job 371 Josiah 37- Jacob 372 Joshua i7^ John 373 Joseph 274 Joshua 281 Judith 285 Joshua 285 Joseph 285 L Lippincott, Job . . .385 Jacol) jg^, Judith ;r)2 Jethro James ,1, Joshua ^.jA Jacob 304 Jacob ;(> Joseph 1 3 John ,14 Josiah 316 Jonathan 325 James . .330 John 333 Kesiah 275 Levi U Lydia Jt/i Lydia 189 Moses 325 Moses 33^ Mary 332 Micajah 334 Mary 140 Mark 189 Mary IQQ Mary 282 ^Liry 283 Mary 298 Nathan 28() Nathan 188 Priscilla 275 Rachel 274 Samuel 187 Samuel 281 Solomon 282 Samuel 2t)i Samuel. . . : 294 Samuel 296 '' Samuel 299 Sarah 200 Samuel i^) Sarah • ^"o Sarah • -^U Samuel 3'5 Sannici -^><» Thomas -^ Tacy .... • -W Tlu-odocia -MO Thomas . --J'S 454 INDEX TO FAMILIES. L Page Lippincott, Thomas 140 William 140 Wm. Cooper 190 William 294 William 3i5 M Moore, Abel 390 Amasa 388 Allen 388 Benjamin 380 Benjamin 380 Bethuel 383 Benjamin 384 Benjamin 389 Cyrus 384 Cyrus 389 Hannah 268 Hannah 387 Hosea 388 John 268 John 382 Joseph 381 Joseph 386 John 387 John 390 Keturah 382 Mary 39i Priscilla 386 Priscilla 266 Rebecca 386 Rebecca 268 Stacy 269 Stacy 387 Sarah 388 P Prickitt, Ann 370 Barzillia 364 Barzillia 370 Charles 245 Elizabeth 246 Elizabeth 358 Hannah 364 Isaac 240 Jacob 359 Job 363 Jacob 363 Joseph 365 P Page Prickitt, Josiah 369 Jacob Z7?, Jacob 223 Jacob 245 Josiah 244 Mary 365 Stacy 368 Zackariah 357 Zeckariah 358 Zeckariah 360 Zeckariah 370 Zeckariah 374 Peacock, Adonijah 360 Abner 362 Adonijah 2>72 Diana 362 Elizabeth 361 Elizabeth 374 John 361 Joshua 365 Lydia 366 Levi 368 Melchezedec 363 R Roberts, Allen 355 Amos 355 Mary 354 Reuben 354 S Sharp, Amos 9^ Ann 145 Aaron I47 Amos 215 Ann 224 Aaron 226 Amanda 239 Agnes 242 Ann 247 Abel 248 Amos 249 Aaron 250 Aaron 250 Barzillia 146 Barzillia 225 Barzillia 249 Beulah 240 Charles -238 INDEX ro FAMILIES. 455 s Page Sharp, David 2^7 Eli 230 Elizabeth 241 Esther 241 Enos 250 Elizabeth 251 Franklin 236 Hugh 210 Hannali -. . . . .213 Hannah 228 Hugh 214 Isaac 227 Isaac 229 Isaac 237 Isaac 240 Isaac 149 Isaac 368 Joshua 367 John 368 John 91 Joshua 149 John 2og John 212 John 215 Job 221 Joshua 22/ John 241 Lydia . . ; 240 Lydia 249 Lydia 250 Mary 120 Mary 223 Maria 239 Mary 252 Noah 367 Noah 227 Noah 148 Priscilla 250 Rebecca 213 Rachel 239 Rachel 249 Samuel Qi Sarah • 9i Sarali 214 Samuel 216 Samuel 240 Samuel -5 ' Susan • 239 Sarah 242 8 ragr Sharp, Sabilla .248 Sarah Thoniii _ - Thomas . .224 Thoma /^(, Thiinia> 1^^ William 208 William. . . . ,120 William. . 10 William. . .-j i William. . 21 J William. . 221 William. . jj William J37 Stokes, Atlantic 183 Caleb 185 Charles J72 Chalkley .72 I. Collins 273 Elizabeth 272 Ezra 27i Edwin 273 Isaac 183 Mary 182 Samuel 185 Sanniel 272 William 1S4 Saunders, Solomon -'«w T Troth, Amos IT. -'oo Anna 200 Levi . iQt; Mary W -OO ,. Mary !')3 Rebecca 393 Rebecca E 200 Samuel ''M-i William William William W Wills, Amos .... Ahab Amy Alexander C -"o.^ Ann Ami)s Aariin • 456 INDEX TO FAMILIES. w Page Wills, Amos 301 Aaron 318 Ann 319 Benjamin H 175 Charles 200 Dr. Daniel 276 Daniel 277 Daniel 278 Daniel 280 Daniel 219 Elizabeth 303a Elizabeth 276 Elizabeth 303a Elizabeth 278 Elizabeth C 308 Elizabeth 288a Hope 279 Hester 283 Hope 283 Hannah 284 Hannah E 307 Henry W 31/ Hannah 319 Hester 378 Joseph 137 Jacob 202 James ^-jj John 277 James 279 John 279 Jane 280 J acob 287 Joseph 294 Joseph 301 Joab 288a Joab 308 James 288a W Page Wills, Joseph 316 John B 316 Jacob 334 Lettice 334 Lettice 282 ' Lettice 289 Lettice 303a Micajah 136 Mary 138 Mary 276 Moses ; 284a Micajah 282 Micajah 300 Mary 302 Priscilla 304 Rachel 138 Rebecca 303a Sarah 135 Samuel 295 Sarah 303 Sarah 308 William S 201 Zebedee 282 Zebedee 335 Zebedee 289 Zebedee ]\I 306 Wilkins, Amos 105 Amos 205 Amy 206 David 206 Keturah 206 Mary 347 I i Nathan 206 Susan 206 Sarah 207 Woolston. Beulah 197 Warrington. Rachel 355 ■^ Y ID 58 r i 4. ■'■■■' / ■■x--^^ -S'^"-.- -^ <■.. 'X. £ ,0- .«' V* .o"^ . ' ' * A '0 <■' ^%u^ ^V' '^. o « o ^1^^' n •^_ .*J ■^o V* ^^ '*, « ^ -*" .•- ^.^. , i%^\^ ,V ^-.. ,VX^ ■'.^ ■* -■■^ o* N ,v^* . • • • :^ .c:^v °%: •=1. -^v-. I 1 • .''% '^ .-^^^ G '^^^ -^ 0^ ;r^ .0-^ ^^^<;,^" >''^<-. ^oV^ DOBBS BROS. LIlkAAV IINOINa .^^ rl.^ ^^^2084 » fee ^ ■«