TN295 II No. 9083 JPP SSI MUM H M mm mm H SHnl AREEK9 Swill VBK9 HHMP fiBl Ittl ttUtt HHTOKw! M ■ mi 1 ',• V. V <£ c > <&■ , ° " ° «, "V * v . o V 'o V" ^6* 'bv u «5°^ "oV" «•"• "i • a <> + 'Tr< 4 .g a ^ / 4 ^tf 5 ^°<> A ^ **Tl«* ,G V ^ -o.»* A <* */77T* .g^ 'o, -o.»* .a 'bV" '^0^ r oV 'by ♦<- --^i-s ^°.*i^-> A'$&\ /*&k>* A-$&\ .* *--'" o V" 5°^ .0 'bv 5 r o y A > . o « c „ <* A . v - . . -^ A^ .^"° 'bV' •^» .« ■s ay ^_ <*^ • - " < " " ° a +,. A <3> A O/rT G + 1 Itu JpT. •4 o>. > *x -CHS* <£• ^ °. ,\ v * ■^ ^ ^ ' ^O -o. » - \ o ^ "ASS** «* s \ j .W' ^ ^ \m^,' a; o*~. :v-'V" VV-'.V'''' ,*..., **o« •* ^C : y ^ --^p;- 8 /^^ °-w^^ V^ ^ . ^ / /^ f \/ %-^v \^-\^ v^ ^ \ •r V »* vv 6 !b" ^ .^ sinkhole 300 600 _l Scale, ft FIGURE 8.— Location of Carey sinkholes. 1978 around two wells at the Carey Salt brinefield (fig. 8). The two wells, well 50 and well 57, were both part of an in- terconnected nine-well gallery. The area around well 57 began subsiding on May 31, 1978, and continued to settle through June 2. The resulting depression was ap- proximately 120 ft in diameter and had a depth of about 10 ft. The area around well 50 began to subside on June 7, a week after the first movements around well 57 were observed, and continued to subside for several days, leaving a depression approximately 260 ft in di- ameter and 13 ft in depth (7, p. 8). De- tails on production practices for the wells operating in the area at the time of the sinkhole formations are given by Walters (_7_, pp. 6, 13-15). The investigation consisted of explor- atory drilling and coring around the subsidence areas, and installing and monitoring a subsidence-monitoring net- work on the ground surface. The Bureau installed and monitored the network, while SMRI was responsible for supervis- ing the Bureau-contracted drilling and coring operations. Details on the moni- toring network are given in the "Bureau of Mines Surface Subsidence Investiga- tions" section. Five vertical borings (V-l to V-5) and one inclined boring (1-1) were drilled in the vicinity of the two subsidence areas (fig. 9). Borings V-l to V-4 were de- signed to determine the subsurface condi- tions beneath the depression around well 57; boring V-5 was designed to delineate gallery development between the two sub- sidence areas; and boring 1-1 was de- signed to determine the subsurface condi- tions beneath the depression around well 50. Boring V-l was advanced to a depth of 456 ft, boring V-2 to 495 ft, boring V-3 to 455 ft, boring V-4 to 431 ft, and boring V-5 to 451 ft. The in- clined boring 1-1 was advanced to 347 ft (5, pp. 7-10). Details on the drilling and coring procedures are given by Hen- dron (_5_, pp. 7-10). The drilling and coring results in- dicated Chat a large, unsupported roof span existed above the well 57 solution cavity (fig. 10). Borings V-l, V-3, and V-4 each found evidence of a thin, rubble-filled cavity. Boring V-2, lo- cated near the center of the depression area around well 57, indicated that this same cavity had a much larger verti- cal extent in this area. The materials recovered from borings V-l and V-3 in- cluded intact undisturbed shale, sagged and disturbed shale, roof-fall rubble, and undisturbed salt beneath the rubble. Borings V-2 and V-4 recovered sagged and disturbed shale, roof-fall rubble, insol- ubles and fallen stringers (V-2 only), and undisturbed salt beneath the rubble. None of the borings drilled near well 57 found any evidence of salt in contact with the shale that had formed the cavity roof; thus, it was inferred that no salt remained in the roof of the cavity prior to its collapse (5_, pp. 31-40). Hendron suggests that the formation of the two subsidence areas around wells 50 and 57 was due to the development of large roof spans in the solution cavities where the shale had been exposed, softened, and cracked during well operation. The com- bination of these factors induced roof collapse as well as excessive sagging of the shale above the roof. Complete fail- ure of the overlying shale did not occur because the rubble that had stoped from the roofs of the cavities provided sup- port on which the shale came to rest. It is possible that a hydraulic connection developed between wells 50 and 57, in- ducing the collapse of the overlying shale (5, pp. 40-42). Details on the an- alysis of the drilling and coring re- sults are given by Hendron (5, pp. 31- 42). CAREY WELL 56 (FOURTH INVESTIGATION) The fourth investigation took place in 1982 in the vicinity of well 56 located at the Carey brinefield. Well 56 is lo- cated in the same gallery that contains the failed cavities of wells 50 and 57 (fig. 9). Although the area around well 56 had not experienced any measurable ground surface movements, the stability of the solution cavity was unknown. Sur- face monitoring would either confirm its continued stability or detect any pos- sible movements. The exploratory drill- ing program would determine whether or not the solution cavity was stable, if 10 R-4o MV-5Q S-|o o o o o d.boooooS-12 MV-4Q MV-3Q MV-2G MV-IO T-IO 100 200 I I I Scale, ft \ \ N- i \ \ S-13 \ - O OO OOS-21 I-, / R-16 OMV-6 OT-20 000|0®00 00 om-9 G G V-lof X We "' 56 OR-58 ON-I LEGEND o Subsidence monument -f- Exploratory borehole ^' Subsidence boundary a Control point FIGURE 9.— Location of boreholes and subsidence monuments at Carey brlnefield. 11 Well 57 FIGURE 10.— Cross section of Carey sinkholes. the cavity was in some stage of progres- sive failure, or if the cavity was pres- ently stable but likely to fail in the future. The investigation consisted of drill- ing and coring five (V-6 to V-10) ex- ploratory borings and extending the sub- sidence-monitoring network to the area around well 56 (fig. 9). The Bureau was responsible for extending and monitoring the network, and SMR1 was responsible for supervising the drilling and coring oper- ations funded by the Bureau. Boring V-6 was advanced to a depth of 565 ft, boring V-7 to 436.5 ft, boring V-8 to 515 ft, boring V-9 to 502.5 ft, and boring V-10 to 552.5 ft (J2, pp. 8-9). Details on the drilling and coring procedures are given by Hendron (2, pp. 8-9). The drilling and coring results in- dicated the shale overlying the solu- tion cavity was intact and undisturbed to within several feet of the salt- shale contact (fig. 11). Near the roof, the shale had softened and undergone bed separations. The cavity appeared to be elongated in the southeast-northwest direction with a roof span of about 150 ft. In the southwest-northeast di- rection,- the roof span was estimated to be approximately 50 ft. The restricted roof span dimensions near the shale were most likely due to the fact that well 56 had been operated by pumping fresh water down the tubing that extended close to the bottom of the salt deposit. This re- sulted in most of the solutioning occur- ring deep in the salt and away from the overlying shale. The borings also indi- cated that there was only a limited amount of shale exposed in the roof of the cavity that was subjected to deterio- ration by fresh water (2^ pp. 37-39). Hendron (2^, p. 39) suggests that the lim- ited exposure of the shale to the de- teriorating action of fresh water beneath the well in combination with the limited roof spans over the cavity led to a stronger roof support and a stable cavity. 12 Surface V-IOV-8 WeM V-6 n 56 Shale layers V-7 Well v-9 [1 56 p Surface Surface soils Surface soils ^«a^T Shale layers A, Northwest - southeast orientation B, Southwest - northeast orientation FIGURE 11.— Cross section of Carey well 56. BUREAU OF MINES SURFACE SUBSIDENCE INVESTIGATIONS FIRST AND SECOND INVESTIGATIONS The investigations carried out at the Barton and Cargill sinkholes did not in- clude surface monitoring programs, CAREY 1978 SINKHOLES (THIRD INVESTIGATION) Background In 1979 the Bureau installed a subsi- dence-monitoring network around wells 50 and 57 in the Carey brinefield. A total of 154 survey points were used to monitor the horizontal and vertical ground sur- face movements in the vicinity of the two sinkholes. The network consisted of 1 existing control point, 4 Bureau-in- stalled control points, 103 Bureau-in- stalled subsidence monuments, 10 Carey- installed subsidence monuments, and survey marks set on the 6 exploratory borings and on 30 brine wells. Subsidence-Monitoring Network Design and Construction The network (fig. 9) was designed to monitor any positional changes of the ground surface associated with the two sinkholes around wells 50 and 57, as well as in other areas of the brinefield. The S-line (S-l to S-21) and a portion of the 13 R-line (R-4 to R-15) subsidence monuments were positioned in the area around the well 50 sinkhole. These two monument lines intersected at right angles near the center of the well 50 sinkhole. The T-line (T-l to T-20) and the remainder of the R-line (R-16 to R-58) monuments were positioned in the area around the well 57 sinkhole. These two monument lines in- tersected at right angles near the center of the well 57 sinkhole. The monuments R-16 to R-58 were also designed to moni- tor the area between the two sinkholes and were therefore oriented along the axis between the two sinkhole centers. The MV-line monuments were distributed throughout the area around the sinkholes to monitor any ground surface movements due to neighboring wells. The remain- der of the survey points, including the wells, boreholes, and previously in- stalled survey movements, were used to monitor movements of the ground surface over a large area around the two sink- holes. Control points P-l, P-2, and P-3 were placed in areas that were considered to be stable and not affected by solution mining activities; these control points were located in areas outside the area shown in figure 9. Control points SC-1 and SC-2 were located in the brinefield for the trilateration surveys and were checked for stability prior to each survey. The k control points and the 103 monu- ments installed by the Bureau at the Carey brinefield were all of the same de- sign and construction (fig. 12). The monument consists of a small inner pipe fitted with a pointed anchor on the bot- tom and a reference-marked cap on the top, and a large outer pipe which is used to drive the anchor below frost depth. The inner pipe extends through a cap on top of the outer pipe. The outer pipe is free to undergo movements due to frost heave or swelling and shrinking soils without affecting the inner pipe on which measurements are made. The monuments proved to be very stable and effectively guarded against soil distances throughout the entire time of the investigation. / Inner pipe cap with (.„ w , survey reference point '/2-in-OD inner pipe I'/^-in-OD outer pipe FIGURE 12.— Detail of Bureau-designed subsidence monu- ment. The wells, boreholes, and structures that were used as subsidence monuments all had survey marks that provided consistent reference points. Monitoring Procedures The procedures used to monitor posi- tional changes in the network involved various survey techniques. Trialteration and traverse surveying procedures were used for horizontal control, and trigono- metric and differential leveling proce- dures for vertical control. The horizon- tal control surveys, as well as the trigonometric level surveys, established initial and subsequent coordinates and elevations by measuring angles and dis- tances from control points SC-1 and SC-2 14 to the monuments in the network. Although SC-1 and SC-2 were located with- in the brinefield boundaries, their sta- bility was verified before each survey by using trilateration and differential leveling procedures from control points P-l, P-2, and P-3, which were located on stable ground away from the brinefield. The Bureau began surveying the network in June 1979 and continued through February 1983. A total of 17 vertical and 12 hor- izontal control surveys were performed. maximum vertical settlement measured was 1.58±0.04 ft at R-15. From R-16 to R-39 (fig. 14) the subsidence was concentrated in the vicinity of the two sinkholes, with less movement at the midpoint be- tween sinkholes. Vertical settlement in the area around R-16 was 0.18±0.04 ft; settlement in the area around the midpoint between sinkholes (R-26) was 0.09±0.04 ft; and settlement in the area around R-39 was 0.24±0.04 ft. Data from R-40 to R-58 (fig. 15) showed that the Results — Vertical Movement The results from the vertical control surveys indicated that both sinkholes ex- perienced vertical settlements between June 1979 and February 1983. Appendix A contains data from the final vertical control survey of the Carey brinefield; these data were used to calculate the maximum vertical displacements of the subsidence monuments. Data from the R-line indicated that vertical settlements occurred between monuments R-7 and R-50. From R-4 to R-15 (fig. 13) the settlements increased line- arly, starting at monument R-8 and con- tinuing toward the well 50 sinkhole. The 0.0 r 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 _L J= _L R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-ll R-12 R-13 R-14 R-15 SUBSIDENCE MONUMENT FIGURE 13.— Subsidence from R-4 to R-15. O UJ Q CO 00 CO 0.0 i .5 R-I6 ± i i I R-20 R-25 R-30 SUBSIDENCE MONUMENT FIGURE 14.— Subsidence from R-16 to R-39. ■ ■ R-35 R-39 UJ o z. Ul 9 CO m 3 CO 0.0 ,- I.O R-40 J. ± R-42 R-44 R-46 R-48 R-50 R-b^ SUBSIDENCE MONUMENT FIGURE 15.— Subsidence from R-40 to R-58. R-54 R-56 R-58 15 settlement around the well 57 sinkhole began at R-49 and linearly increased toward the center of the sinkhole. The maximum settlement measured was 0.49±0.04 ft at R-40. The S-line showed vertical settlement between S-5 and S-20. The line from S-l to S-l 2 began movement at S-6 and con- tinued to minearly increase to S-12 (fig. 16). Maximum subsidence of 1.81±0.04 ft was measured at monument S-12. Data from S-13 to S-21 (fig. 17) showed that move- ment began at S-20 and continued to line- arly increase to S-13. The maximum sub- sidence at S-13 was 0.20±0.04 ft. Data from the T-line indicated that vertical settlements occurred between T-8 and T-19. The line T-l to T-12 (fig. 18) experienced movements that started at approximately T-9 and linearly increased to T-12; the maximum subsidence at T-12 was 0.23±0.04 ft. The line from T-13 to T-19 (fig. 19) showed movement that began at approximately T-18 and con- tinued to linearly increase to T-13, where a movement of 0.34±0.04 ft was measured. S-l S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-IO S-ll S-12 •SUBSIDENCE MONUMENT FIGURE 16.— Subsidence from S-1 to S-12. 0.0 r UJ o UJ Q CO 00 CO -L -L J_ I S-I3 S-I4 S-I5 S-I6 S-I7 S-I8 S-I9 S-20 S-2I SUBSIDENCE MONUMENT FIGURE 17.— Subsidence from S-13 to S-21. Results — Horizontal Movement The results from the horizontal surveys indicated that minor horizontal move- ments occurred in the vicinity of the well 50 sinkhole. However, the data from the surveys were inconclusive as to whether any movement had occurred around the well 57 sinkhole. Any possible move- ments along the R-line from R-16 to R-58, from S-13 to S-21, and the entire T-line were of a magnitude less than could be detected by the surveys; the minimum observable movement was cal- culated to be ±0.35 ft. Appendix B con- tains data from the final horizontal con- trol survey of the Carey brinefield; these data were used to calculate the maximum horizontal displacements of the subsidence monuments. The R-line monuments underwent horizon- tal displacements oriented along the line from approximately R-10 to R-14 (fig. 20). The movement increased line- arly in the direction toward the well 50 sinkhole. The movement at R-14 was ap- proximately l.O±0.35 ft. o.o .5 _L J_ J- i/> T-l T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 T-9 T-10 T-l I T-12 SUBSIDENCE MONUMENT FIGURE 18.— Subsidence from T-1 to T-12. UJ o UJ q to 0Q z> 00 T-13 T-14 T-15 T-16 T-17 T-18 T-19 SUBSIDENCE MONUMENT FIGURE 19.— Subsidence from T-13 to T-20. The S-line monuments underwent hor- izontal movements that started at approximately S-5 and continued through S-12 (fig. 21). The movement was ori- ented along the line and increased linearly toward the well 50 sinkhole. 16 0.5 r- R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-ll R-12 R-13 R-14 SUBSIDENCE MONUMENT FIGURE 20.— Horizontal movement of R-4 to R-15. I.O r 0*- 0.5 r E 0^ o J I I L S-l S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-IO S-ll S-I2 SUBSIDENCE MONUMENT FIGURE 21.— Horizontal movement of S-1 to S-12. The maximum horizontal movement at S-12 was measured to be approximately 1.0±0.35 ft in the direction toward the sinkhole. The results of the surveys taken on the T-line and the R-line from R-16 to R-58 were inconclusive as to whether any hori- zontal movement had taken place. If any movement did occur, it was of a magnitude less than could be ascertained by the re- sults of the horizontal surveys. CAREY WELL 56 (FOURTH INVESTIGATION) Background As part of the fourth investigation, the Bureau monitored a subsidence net- work in the vicinity of well 56 located at the Carey brinefield. This network was designed to detect any positional changes of the ground surface due to cav- ity failure around well 56. The network consisted of 19 Bureau-installed subsi- dence monuments. Subsidence-Monitoring Network Design and Construction The area around well 56 was monitored by two perpendicular lines of sub- sidence monuments (fig. 9). The M-line (M-l to M-9) was oriented in the east- west direction, and the N-line (N-l to N-10) was oriented in the north-south direction. The intersection of these two lines occurred at well 56. The design of the subsidence monuments used in the M-line and N-line was identi- cal to that used for the monuments in the previous investigation (fig. 12). These monuments were installed by Carey person- nel using the same techniques as were used by the Bureau in the third investigation. Monitoring Procedures As in the third investigation, the Bureau used trilateration and traverse surveying procedures for horizontal con- trol of the subsidence-monitoring net- work, and trigonometric and differential surveying procedures for vertical con- trol. The monitoring program began in May 1981 and continued through February 1983. Seven vertical and five horizontal surveys were performed. Results The data obtained from both the verti- cal and horizontal surveys indicated that no apparent movement had occurred in the area around well 56 during the time of the fourth investigation. If any 17 movement did occur, it was of a magnitude less than could be detected by the surveys. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS FIRST AND SECOND INVESTIGATIONS The analyses of results for the first and second investigations were not performed by the Bureau and are therefore omitted from this report. The analyses can be found in publications by Hendron (J_, _3-jy and Walters (6^). THIRD INVESTIGATION The survey data indicate that the sub- sidence in the vicinity of the two sink- holes continued throughout the period of the investigation. The results from the exploratory drilling program indicate that sagging shale beds were resting on the roof-fall rubble pile in the well 57 solution cavity; owing to the similarity and proximity of the two wells it was in- ferred that the well 50 cavity roof was resting on the roof-fall rubble pile in the well 50 cavity. The behavior of the subsidence around the two sinkholes was therefore most likely a result of the gradual settling of the sagging shale beds that was caused by the continued consolidation of the rubble piles on which the shale beds rested. As the rubble piles gradually compacted, the overlying strata responded with a gradual downward deflection into the rubble- filled cavities. If the consolidation processes ceased, the subsidence would also gradually cease; however, the subsi- dence was not halted, implying that con- solidation was still occurring in the two collapsed cavities at the end of the in- vestigation. It is logical to assume that the consolidation processes occur- ring in the rubble piles will, at some point in time, be completed, and subsi- dence still occurring after the comple- tion of the investigation will eventually decrease and stop. The characteristics of the subsidence occurring over the two failed cavities indicate that gradual yet significant settlement of the ground surface can be expected after the initial collapse of a solution cavity and the formation of a sinkhole. This conclusion is further supported by the continued settling of other major sinkholes in the region; the area around the 1952 Barton sinkhole, for example, is still experiencing some minor deformations (6). It is also logical to assume that a larger volume cavity with accompanying sinkhole will experience surface deformations of greater magnitude than a smaller volume cavity; a larger volume cavity will contain a larger rubble pile, and thus experience more initial collapse and eventual consolida- tion. This is evidenced by comparing the deformations occurring above the well 50 cavity and the smaller well 57 cavity. The symmetry of the ground surface de- formations around the two sinkholes was due to the geometries of the underlying cavities, since the subsidence areas were similar in plan to the probable cavity geometries. The subsidence around well 50 was found to extend approximately 190 ft on the north and west sides of the sinkhole. The area east of the sinkhole was affected by a drainage canal that runs north-south in the vicinity of well 50 (fig. 9); the canal and its effects on the subsidence around the well 50 sink- hole are explained later in this section. The well 57 sinkhole, however, did not have a similar ground surface deforma- tion pattern. The subsidence around the well 57 sinkhole was elongated in the northeast-southwest direction and had a total span of approximately 570 ft. The span of subsidence in the southeast direction was about the same as the di- mensions for the well 50 sinkhole subsi- dence pattern. This could have been the result of a cavity extending in the northeast-southwest direction, elongated by hydraulic connections to other brine 18 wells in the area. However, the drilling data cannot confirm or deny this possi- bility owing to the limited number of holes that were drilled. Since both well cavities were located in virtually iden- tical geologic settings and were mined by similar methods, it is likely that the ground surface deformation patterns were the result of a consistent failure pro- cess that was dependent on the dimensions of the two cavities. The results from the survey data also indicate that well 50 experienced more vertical movement than did well 57. Hen- dron (5, p. 31) suggests that stoping of the well 50 cavity apparently progressed higher into the overlying shale beds than did stoping of the well 57 cavity, owing to a larger, unsupported roof span in the well 50 cavity. This would have created a larger volume of rubble in the well 50 cavity. This larger rubble pile would consolidate to a greater degree and cause more vertical movement of the overlying shale beds that were resting on it. This in turn would create a sinkhole of greater vertical extent. The subsidence around the well 57 sinkhole, however, was found to have extended much farther hori- zontally than the subsidence around the well 50 sinkhole. As proposed earlier, this was possibly the result of an elon- gated solution cavity. Much of the ground surface movement in the vicinity of the well 50 sinkhole con- sisted of both horizontal and vertical components, but it is estimated that vir- tually all of the ground surface move- ments contained both components. The horizontal movements around well 50 were always vectored toward the center of the sinkhole; it was toward the center where maximum vertical displacements were ob- served. The horizontal movement in the area of the well 50 sinkhole produced tensional strains which were vectored to- ward the area of maximum vertical move- ment. Since the well 57 sinkhole had formed under nearly identical conditions to those at the well 50 sinkhole, it was inferred that there had been horizontal components of movement accompanying the vertical deformations around well 57, al- though these movements would have been much smaller in magnitude owing to smaller vertical movements. The surveys also indicate that the ground surface between sinkholes had experienced considerable amounts of ver- tical deformation (with presumed accom- panying horizontal deformation). The two solution cavities were known to be hydraulically connected (5, p. 4); this connection may have elongated the two cavities along the area of communication. When the two cavities failed, the elonga- tions could have deformed the ground sur- face above them. This explanation would be in agreement with the characteristics of the elongated subsidence pattern around well 57 (fig. 9). The drainage canal that runs north- south through the brinefield (fig. 9) arrested approximately 90 pet of the ground surface deformations caused by the well 50 sinkhole. The S-line from S-13 to S-21 was located entirely on the east side of the canal; the first portion of the S-line was located on the west side of the canal, along with the well 50 sinkhole. The canal is approximately 25 ft wide and 15 ft deep. This reduction in ground surface movement could be ex- plained by the fact that the canal severed the communication of the top 15 ft of the surface soil. This would totally halt all tensional strains in the top 15 ft of the soil that were brought about by the formation of the sinkhole. The horizontal and vertical displacements that were measured would have been the result of the communication of the soil underneath the canal. FOURTH INVESTIGATION The results obtained from the drilling and coring programs indicated that there was no evidence of bed separations, sag- ging, or stoping of the roof shales above the well 56 solution cavity. The survey results verified these findings by indi- cating that virtually no ground surface movements had occurred in the monitored area. It was, therefore, concluded that the solution cavity was , stable and not undergoing deformational stresses. Since the drilling and coring program found the 19 well 56 cavity to have a smaller roof span than the well 50 or well 57 cavities, it is apparent that smaller CONCLUS horizontal cavity dimensions were respon- sible for creating stable cavity condi- tions for well 56. The four investigations performed by the Bureau in cooperation with the SMRI were designed to determine the character- istics and parameters of sinkhole for- mation over solution-mined salt cavi- ties. The results from the exploratory drilling and coring investigations indi- cated that the Cargill sinkhole, the Bar- ton sinkhole, and the two Carey sinkholes all were the result of solution-cavity roof failures caused by large, unsup- ported roof spans and deteriorating shale roof rock. In the case of the Cargill sinkhole, the cavity roof rock was com- pletely breached, forming a chimney that piped approximately 90,000 yd 3 of surface soil into its interior. The overlying shales of the Barton and the two Carey solution cavities did not completely fail, resulting in these beds sagging and resting on the rubble piles in the solu- tion cavities. The solution cavity of well 56 in the Carey brinefield appeared to be stable in that no sagging or major deterioration of the overlying shales had occurred. The results of the surveying programs that monitored the ground surface around wells 50, 57, and 56 in the Carey brine- field indicated a relationship between cavity size and subsidence geometry. It was inferred from the drilling and coring program that the postfailure subsidence was due to the consolidation of the rubble piles on which the sagging shale beds rested. It is evident after evaluating the sur- face monitoring and the drilling and coring data that the large, unsupported roof spans that ultimately failed were the result of the well completion and mining operation procedures used for each collapsed solution cavity. These methods allowed salt dissolution near the roofs of the cavities, creating the large, un- supported spans that eventually failed. The methods used for salt dissolution in the area have now been changed to prevent salt dissolution near the top of solution cavities so as to limit the dimensions of the cavity roofs. The resulting cavity configurations should be more stable. REFERENCES 1. Hendron, A. J., Jr., R. E. Heuer, and G. Fernandez-Delgado. Final Report, Field Investigations at Cargill Sinkhole, Hutchinson, Kansas. Solution Min. Res. Inst., Woodstock, 1L, Rep. 78-0005-SMRI, Aug. 1978, 9 pp. 2. Hendron, A. J. , Jr. , and P. A. Len- zini. Subsurface Investigation at Well No. 56 Carey Salt Brinefield Hutchinson, Kansas. Solution Min. Res. Inst., Wood- stock, IL, Rep. 83-0001-SMRI, Oct. 1983, 40 pp. 3. Hendron, A. J. , Jr. , P. A. Lenzini, and G. Fernandez-Delgado. Field Investi- gations of North Subsidence Area at Car- gill, Kansas (Preliminary Report). Solu- tion Min. Res. Inst. , Woodstock, IL, Rep. 79-0001-SMRI, Jan. 1979, 32 pp. 4. hendron, A. J. , Jr. , G. Fernan- dez, and P. Lenzini. Study of Sinkhole Formation Mechanisms in the Area of Hutchinson, Kansas. Solution Min. Res. Inst., Woodstock, IL, Rep. 79-0002-SMRI , Jan. 1979, 17 pp. 5. . Field Investigations of Subsidence Areas at Carey Salt Brine- field, Hutchinson, Kansas. Solution Min. Res. Inst., Woodstock, IL, Rep. 81-0002- SMRI, July 1980, 45 pp. 6. Walters, R. F. Land Subsidence in Central Kansas Associated With Rock Salt Dissolution. Solution Min. Res. Inst. , Woodstock, IL, Rep. 76-0002-SMRI, June 1976, 144 pp. 7. . Surface Subsidence Related to Saltwell Operation - Hutchinson, Kan- sas, 1978. Solution Min. Res. Inst., Woodstock, IL, Rep. 79-0010-SMRI , Oct. 1979, 32 pp. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY Chang, C-Y. , and K. Nair. Analytical Methods for Predicting Subsidence Above Solution-Mined Cavities. Paper in Pro- ceedings, Fourth International Symposium on Salt (Houston, TX, Apr. 8-12, 1973). Northern OH Geol. Soc. , Inc. Cleveland, OH, v. 2, 1973, pp. 101-117. Dunrud, C. R. , and B. B. Nevins. Solu- tion Mining and Subsidence in Evaporite Rocks in the United States. U.S. Geol. Surv. Map 1-1298, 1981, 2 sheets. Ege, J. R. Surface Subsidence and Collapse in Relation to Extraction of Salt and Other Soluble Evaporites. U.S. Geol. Surv. Open File Rep. 79-1666, 1979, 37 pp. Nair, K. , C. Y. Chang, and A. M. Abdullah. Analytical Techniques for Pre- dicting Subsidence — Time-Dependent An- alysis. Solution Min. Res. Inst. , Wood- stock, IL, Rep. 72-0007-SMRI, Oct. 1972, 33 pp. Nair, K. , and C. Y. Chang. Investi- gation of the Influence of Certain Variables on the Subsidence Above Mined Areas. Solution Min. Res. Inst. , Wood- stock, IL, Rep. 69-0004-SMRI, Dec. 1969, 53 pp. Nigbor, M. T. State of the Art of So- lution Mining for Salt, Potash and Soda Ash. BuMines OFR 142-82, 1981, 90 pp. Piper, T. B. Surveys For Detection and Measurement of Subsidence. Solution Min. Res. Inst., Woodstock, IL, Rep. 81-0003- SMRI, Jan. 1981, 53 pp. Serata, S. Annual Report (Nov. 1973- Oct. 1974). Development of Research Pro- gram for Detection, Prediction, and Pre- vention of Surface Failure Over Solution Cavities by Using REM Computer Techni- ques. Solution Min. Res. Inst., Wood- stock, IL, Rep. 74-0005-SMRI, Nov. 1974, 47 pp. Wong, K. W. A Manual on Ground Surveys for the Detection and Measurement of Sub- sidence Related to Solution Mining. So- lution Min. Res. Inst., Woodstock, IL, Rep. 81-0003A-SMRI, 1982, 147 pp. APPENDIX A. —FINAL VERTICAL CONTROL SURVEY OF CAREY BRINEFIELD (Positive values correspond to downward movement) 21 Subsidence monument Movement , ft! Subsidence monument Movement , ft' Subsidence monument Movement , ft 1 M- 1 0.02 .00 -.01 -.04 -.03 -.01 -.01 .00 .01 .04 .01 -.01 .02 -.01 NA .04 -.01 -.02 -.02 -.04 -.02 -.04 -.01 -.01 -.02 -.02 NA .03 NA .03 .05 .13 .37 .52 .74 1.03 1.31 1.58 .18 NA NA R- 1 9 R-20 R-21 R-22 R-23 R-24 R-25 R-26 R-27 NA 0.22 .13 .11 NA .11 .09 .09 .16 .10 .12 .15 .12 .14 .16 .18 .29 .23 .23 .26 .24 .49 .42 .32 .30 .30 .27 NA NA NA .07 .04 NA .02 .03 .03 .02 .01 .01 .01 -.02 S-2 0.02 M-2 S-3 S-4 .03 M-3 .03 M-4 S-5 .04 M-5 S-6 .07 M-6 S-7 NA M-7 S-8 NA M-9 S-9 S-10 .75 NA MV-1 R-28 R-29 R-30 R-31 R-32 R-33 R-34 R-35 R-36 R-37 R-38 R-39 R-40 R-41 R-42 R-43 R-44 R-46 R-48 R-50 R-51 R-52 R-53 R-54 R-55 R-56 R-57 S- 1 1 1.44 MV-3 S-12 S-13 1.81 .20 MV-4 S-14 NA MV-5 S-15 .15 MV-6 S-17 S-18 NA MV-7 N- 1 .09 .08 - N-3 N- 4 S-20 S-21 .04 .04 .03 N- 5 T- 1 .04 N-7 T-2 T-3 .04 .05 N-8 T-4 T-5 T-6 .05 N-9 N- 1 .04 .05 R-4 T-7 .01 R-5 T-8 .02 R-b R-7 K-8 T-10 T- 1 1 NA .08 .14 r-9 T-12 T-14 T-15 T-16 .23 R-10 R-11 K-12 R-13 .34 .21 .15 .10 R-14 T- 1 7 .05 8.-15 T-18 NA R-16 T- 1 9 .02 R-17 R-58 S- 1 T-20 NA R-18 Not availah 'Movement is el le. evation ch< inge between initia 1 and final . surveys. It. — Survey accuracy is ±0.04 ft. The error limits were determined by statisti- cally averaging the standard deviations of stable subsidence monuments for all surveys. 22 APPENDIX B. — FINAL HORIZONTAL CONTROL SURVEY OF CAREY BRINEFIELD (Positive values correspond to increasing easting or northing) Subsidence AEasting, ANorthing, Subsidence AEasting, ANorthing, monument ft 1 ft monument ft' ft M-l -0.17 -.19 -.06 -.14 -.20 -.16 -.06 -.06 -.04 0.04 .02 .05 .04 .01 .02 .10 .11 .14 R-20 NA 0.22 .11 .23 NA .20 .14 .19 -.11 NA M-2 -0.20 M-3 R-21 -.09 M-4 R-22 1.61 M-5 R-25 R-27 NA M-6 .17 M-7 .18 M-8 .03 .49 MV-1 .09 .03 R-28 .17 -.02 MV-2 .07 .06 .03 .03 R-29 NA .31 NA .09 MV-4 .11 NA NA .23 NA NA R-33 .13 .20 NA -.03 MV-5 -.08 NA .01 .04 R-34 .27 -.08 N- 1 -.07 -.29 -.16 .05 .00 .03 R-36 R-37 -.02 .25 .22 .87 N-2 -.05 N-3 -.08 -.18 .02 .29 -.13 N-5 .01 .08 R-39 .05 -.04 -.22 -.01 -.22 .09 N-7 -.11 .05 .06 .07 N-8 -.16 -.03 .02 .12 .04 .08 .14 .13 N-10 -.12 .26 NA .05 .02 NA R-45 R-46 .14 NA .15 .16 R-4 NA R-5 .11 R-6 .26 .01 NA NA R-7 .22 -.04 NA NA R-8 .17 -.18 .26 .05 R-9 .22 -.40 R-50 .28 .01 R-10 .13 .17 -.57 -.62 R-51 NA .28 NA R-11 .06 .26 -.82 R-53 .28 .04 .01 -1.00 R-54 .61 .26 R- 1 4 .13 NA -.97 NA R-55 .33 .31 .08 R-15 R-56 -.02 R-16 NA NA NA NA R-57 .20 .25 .00 R-17 .00 NA NA .26 .04 See footnotes at end of appen dix. 23 (Positive values correspond to increasing easting or northing) Subsidence monument Atasting, ft' ANorthing, ft Subsidence monument AEasting, ft' ANorthing, ft S-2 0.31 .26 NA .27 .36 .45 NA .85 .97 NA 1.12 -.04 -.06 .01 NA .14 .17 .17 .13 .13 0.13 .09 NA -.02 .08 .06 NA .09 .30 NA -.09 -.11 -.46 -.17 NA -.15 -.13 -.07 -.14 -.12 T- 1 0.34 .34 .33 .21 .28 .30 .23 .26 NA .31 .32 .30 .04 .08 .06 .04 -.70 NA .05 NA -0. 15 S-3 T-2 -. 15 S-4 T-4 -.15 S-5 -.27 S-6 T-5 T-6 T-7 -.09 S-7 -.12 S-8 -.05 S-9 T-ll -.07 S-10 NA S-11 S-12 .04 .00 S-13 T-12 .02 S-14 S-15 T-15 -.19 -.06 S-lb .04 S-17 S-18 S-19 T-18 .06 -.14 NA S-20 S-21 .04 NA NA Not 1 Moveme available, nt is change in horizontal coordinates between initial and final surveys. NOTE. — Survey accuracy is ±0.35 ft. The error limits were determined by statisti- cally averaging the standard deviations of stable subsidence monuments for all surveys. 438ft 420 US GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1986-60V01 7/40.058 INT.-BU.OF MINES,PGH.,PA. 28300 U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Mines— Prod, and Distr. Cochrans Mill Road P.O. Box 18070 Pittsburgh. Pa. 15236 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. $300 ] Do not wi sh to recei ve thi s material, please remove from your mailing list. J Address change* Please correct as indicated* V y* °o if $■ ***** :-:%.J '^v - av<^ •&M&0& *<& ° V.^ 0* ..^* .V ^ *♦' >' *o ^o v . • i ••, O v^ . a^L'* ^ a0^ • « • o ^ V v 0^ *^ > •> .0 .A A^"V ,0^ v v ^ a0 V » y • °. " c i\ \/ ° A^ v*^^°-^ *.^JR :