sr ; is 3 cay a F R, BART. O SIR WILLIAM OSLE 2 4 % 2 FROM OXFORD THE BOORDE (ANDREW) 1490 ?-1549.- At 2082. The Breuiary of Healthe, for all maner of sickenesses and diseases the which may be in man or woman, doth folowe. Expressyng the obscure terms of Greke, Araby, Latyn, and Barbary, in Englishe con- , cernyng Physicke and Chierurgerie. sm. 4°. ' (Lond., by Wyllyam Powell), 1552. Two ‘books’ (in one vol.) with sep. foliation and and title-page: The seconde Boke of the Breuyary of Health, named the Extrauagantes foloweth.’ The last quire in bk. i is Q, the first in bk. ii is R, followed by B, C, D. Woodcut border on title-pages, one illustr. and initials. From the Huth collection, with bk.-plate ; bought Nov. 1911. Inserted: letters from the Librarian, R. C. P., and one from Mr. R. L. Poole concerning the statement, on leaf 123, that bk. i was ex- amined in Oxford in 1546. The ist ed. was 1547, Lond., W. Middleton. The Royal College of Physicians copy, the only one I have seen, has leaves xiiii to the end, but the title-page and leaves ii-xi are from the 1556 issue; the 1557 ed. is also in the College library. Bodley has the 1557 and 1598 eds.; the B. M. 1552, 1557, 1575, 1587, and 1598 ; the Hunterian Library 1557 and 1587; and the S. G. L. the 1575 ed. Boorde, one of the most remarkable of English physicians of the 16th century, has suffered not a little in reputation from the attribution to him of the character of the original Merry-Andrew. Furnivall, whose study of his life and works (in no. 2084) is admirable, has a sound criticism in the D. N. B.: No one can read his racy writings without admiring and liking the cheery, frank, bright, helpful, and sensible fellow who penned them. See also Hearne’s account in no. 2085, i, P. xli. The Breviary >“ contains a mine of folk- lore: old proverbs, old-fashioned remedies which still survive... forgotten elements of diet, ob- solete customs... and much positive information concerning the inner habits of the nation (Fox, no. 6659, p. 77). — . — ee eee SRSA Di RR RR eK : — — r IE SSS Wy 10 \ ‘ WAN \ of Heaiche, foz all mane ol f o\\ fickenefles and difeales the which Ne N N may be in man oꝛ woman, doth ko⸗ N SA Ap lowe. Erpꝛeſſyng the oblcurc ter⸗ W nes of Sreze, Arabp. Latyn, and VER / WovVarbarv, in Engliche concernyng n P picicke and Cyterurgerie, com: IHW WON pried by andzewe Boozde, of AG Phiſicke Doctour, an Engliche man. *. 0 2 * Aunoe M D, L II. NN N A 1 ; iN 2 we N IPERS SUTTER IIA PIII ICI TIAA IATA TR TECTIA Ss 8 f 4 7 iy y 0 — 4 LAY 7 N * J 4 j ; / , / 4 j y / i 7 7 1 4a 15 — ..... . . ¼ . —— 8 The preface, Fol, ii, a pꝛologe to Philicions. 8 Gregious doctours and mapſters ok the e Eximioule and Archane Science of php⸗ f fiche, ok pour Urbanitie Cralperace not I vour lelfe agaynſte me foz makynge of this lytle volume of Phiſycke. Conſyde⸗ ynge that mypꝛetence is fo an vtilitie anda common R r e rer r 5 i a 3 j dl ; ; ö / 7 , y ö 5 ) 4 WOR ORY ' The preface: 4 tetpꝛyle to medic with che mintiracion ol philicke chat Galen, pꝛince of philicious in his Terapentike doch res pꝛehende and diſpꝛoue, ſapeng. Af Phiſicions had yoy thyng to do wich Astronomy. Geomacry, Logpcke, and other ſciences, Coblers, Curryars of lecher, Carpenters and Smythes, and al ſuch maner of people wolde leaue the yꝛ crattes, and be ghilicions, as it apperech nowe & dapes that many Coblers be, fye on {uch ones, wher⸗ vpon Galen repꝛehended Ceflalus for bis ignoꝛaunce: for Tellalus ſmattered and medled wich Philicke and vet he knewe not what he dyd, as many doth nowe g dapes, the whiche J maye accompte Teflalug koolyche dyltyples. Juenzoar ſayth, euery Philicion ough: to knowe fyꝛſt lernynge and then pꝛactyle, chat is to fap, fyꝛſt to haue grammer to vnderſtand what he doth rede in latin. Then to haue Logpeke to dylcuſle oz dylfyne by argumentacion che truch from che kalſhod t {0 econ⸗ uerſo. Ind then to haue a Rethoꝛycke oz an eloquente tonge, the which Hulde be placable to the herers ol his wozdes. Andalſo to haue Geomatry, to ponder and way che dꝛegges oz poꝛcions che whiche ought to be miniſtred. Arychmetrycke is neceflarp. co be had, con⸗ ceruyng numeration:vut aboue al chinges next to gram mer a Phylicion muſte haue lurelp his Aſtronompe, to know how, whẽ, ⁊ at what time euery medecine ought to be mintitred, and then tynally to kno we natural phi⸗ lofophy, che which conlyſteth in the knowledge ol nas tural thynges. Andal thele chynges had, then is aman apt to udp Ahilicke by ſpeculacion. And (peculacion obtepued, chen boldelpa man map peactple Phylicke. And Who lo euer he oz che be chat wyll pꝛactyſe hy⸗ lycke in minpſtrynge medecines, not haupnge thele a⸗ fo2elapde lclences, Dall k vll manye moze then he re aue — — — 0 ae ee eee = = 2 2 2 2S . 8 SS SS OBS See — — SS es The preface; Polit. ſaue, fo2 and any fuch blynde Phiſicion helpe oz heale one perlon, the perſõ fo healed is healed moze by chaũce then by any cunnyng, euen lytze as the blynde man doth caſt his tafe, peraduenture he bye the thynge that he Doch caſt at, perauenture nat hyt it, wherkoꝛe J do ad⸗ uertyſe euery man and woman. of what degre o2 eſtate fo euer they be, lackynge the ſpeculacion of philycke, to beware to miniſtre medecines, althoughethey tate no⸗ thing fo2 theyz labour, noꝛ foʒ che medecines. foꝛ if they haue noc a doctours lernyng, and alſo kno wynge they ſymples ho we they Hall compounde them, and what o⸗ peracion they be of, and howe, and whan, and at what tyme they ſhulde be myniſtred, ſuche ignozant perfong may do greate harme, although they do thyntze no euyl, and let them thynke and matze the beſt they can, yet koꝛ thepꝛ pꝛelumptton they thal offend both godand man. There be lome blynde philicions chat wyl excuſe them leltes ſapeng, that they do kolowe theyꝛ boke ozibozes, nmap, nap, it is not fo, fo2 they do folo we theyz kolyſſhe pꝛelumptuous mpnde,fo2 pf doctours of philice ſhuld at all cymes folo we thepz bokes, they ſhulde do moze harme then good. And {ome blynde Phylytyons wyll fape, I was taught of fuch a doctour to pꝛactyſe this thynge and that thynge, luche pꝛactylynge Doth kyll many men that myght lyue many veres. Whereloze to conclude J aduertiſe al marcpous Philitioys to be ware heareaftesin che miniſtracton of interpal medecines, fo2 they do not only offende God and theyz ueyghbour, but allo they offendthe z ynges actes and lawes, the which Wylleth and commaundech with greate penalyt ie that no man ſhulde enterpzyle to medle with Philicke, but they which be learned and admytted, as it doth appeare moze largelver in the Introduction ot knoweledge, de⸗ ‘ A. iti. lyzynge i SS PIE IE III IIE ] A ð y ð x NS RL AIP TR Ate Pag ge) een The preface, — ſyꝛynge all maner of Philitions co be contented ande pꝛactyſe them with chis my wzytynge, koꝛ in this mat ter I haue nowe dilcharged my con ſyente in ſhewynge the truth as godknoweth, who lende al maner ok hy licions a true knowledge in Phiſtcke, thatthey the uh che be lycke and dilealed may haue a remedy. Amen, A pꝛoheme to Chierurgions. 5 ſtbterurgy is a laudable ſcience, and Woehe to be eſtemed and regarded foz the greate bs | cilitte of it, koꝛ it is a ſciente vrgente, nede⸗ a full, and neceſſary fo2 the pꝛeleruscion of — = mang Ipfe, wherefoze mayſters of Chierut gyꝛought co be expert in theyꝛ facultie, hauynge good wyttes and memoꝛp, euermoze to be dylygent and aͤtten dable about tyeyz cures, and to be of a good iudgement in the no wynge of che dileaſe, and to miniſter {ach {als ues and medecines as is accoꝛdynge to the inkiemptie, lyckenes, oꝛ ſoꝛe. Alſo they muſt haue a good eye and a ſtedkaſt bande, koꝛ Chierurgy taketh the name ok. it, woꝛdes of Grete, ol Chier, whiche is an hande, and ol Ergafomei, Whiche is operacion, which is to ſape, ope⸗ racton oz wozkypnge wich the hande, for Chierurgy 67 lyſtethin wozkyng medecines and other necellerp thin ges concernynge the leyence with the hande. Blo Chie⸗ rurgions oughtto be wple, gentyll, fober, circumſpect and lerned, and not dꝛontzen, and to pꝛomyſe no moze then theybe able to perkourme with goddes helpe, and not to be boyſtioule about his pacientes, but lonyngly to comkoꝛte theym. Allo euery Chierurgpon ought to tznowe che complexion of his paciente, and to contyder che age, the weatzenes, and ſtrength, and dylygentlye to conlpder yk the ſyctzenes, fore, oꝛ impediment, be pe , ticulet M4 7 f j 4 , / / j 7 ö ; 7 / ö ö ; Y ö , ) ö 7 . =. sa oS a So 2 2 ͤ SS SS Se, SS Be Se See SSI OES * The prefaces Fol. iiii. titulet by hym (elfe s oz els that it haue any other tnfir⸗ mytie concurrant with it: 02 els that the lickenes in the exteriall partes haue any kedynge from the intertal par⸗ tes, and that they be tirtumſpeete in inficpons and Sca rtkications and Flebothomp, and {ure in Anothomp, and in no wyſe to let bloud in anye part ycular place, there where che ligne hath any dominion, Foꝛthermoꝛe Chie rurgions muſte be circumſpecte in lerchynge greene woundes chat be feſtered and kyſtyled, and that they dlenſe and ſcoure the woundes from al coꝛupcion, and that they heale not the woundes to quickely, mak ynge the wounde whole aboue, and falſe vnderneth. And in any wyſe let them be (ure in ſerchynge of the depnes ol woundes and kyſtules, and accoꝛdyngto the depnes to makethe tentes. Mozeouer Chierurgyons muſte knowe the opoficton and the contunction of the mone; and in what ligne the moone is in euerye daye, and to knowe what ſignes be attractyue, what lygnes be res tent yue, what lignes be expulciue, and what lignes be dygeſtyue. Allo they muſt knowe the operacyonok all maner of bzeades, of dzinkes, and ok meates. And to haue euer in a redynes theyꝛ inſtrumentes and theyꝛ lalues, and they oyntmentes, and in periculus cauſes one Chirurgion ought to conlult wich an other, and to haue the councell of a doctour of philicke, fo2 there is no man can be to lure to helpe a man, as god knowech, who kepe vs all. Amen. af ¶ a Pꝛeamble to fiche men and to thofe that be wounded. 1 Do aduertiſe euery ſicke man, and al other men the 1 which hach anpinkirmteie, ſickeneg, oz impediment, Abouc all thynges to pacyfye hym ſelfe, oz to arme hym ſelke with pacyence, and to Epre his harte and * A. ilil. mynd 0 0 i 6 ae © 6 5 6 0 ( 8 ¢ 6 0 0 1 N ‘ ‘ et ban * os . eS SS OS SS The preface? 5 mynde in Chꝛiſtes death and pallton, and to call to hig remembꝛance, what pepnes, what aduerlyte, and what penury, and pouerty Chꝛyſt dyd lufler koꝛ vs. And he that can thus pacyky him ſelfe, and kele his owne pepne in Chꝛyſtes paſlyon, Hall mittigate his peynes and an⸗ guyche, be it neuer lo greate. And cherefoze let euety ſycke perlon ſtycke as laſt to Chꝛiſte in his peynes and ſickenes, as Chꝛiſt dyd ſtycke faſt to the Croſſe foz out ſinnes and redempcion. And chen ik che pacient wyl haue an councell in Philicke: kyzſte let hym call to him his {pittcuall Phiſicton, which is his gooſtly facher, and let him make his conlcience cleane, and that he be in per⸗ kyte loue and charitie, and yl he haue done any w2onge, let him mate reſticucion pf he can, and pe he be in Dette, let him loke to it, and matze a foꝛmal wyl oz teſtament. lettyng euery thynge in a de we oꝛder For the welth of | his loule, wyſe men be lure ok chep2 teſtamentes mas k ynge many peres befoze they dye, and doche rene we it once à pere as they increale o2 decreaſe in gooddes 0g ſubſtance. All chete atoꝛeſayd thynges gooſtly and god ly pꝛouided fo the foule, Then let the pacient pꝛouyde koꝛ his body, and take councel of lome expert phiſicion, ho we t in what wyle che body may be recouered ol his infitmitic, and than to commyt his body to che induſtry of his Philtcion, and at al tymes redy to lolo w the wil, mynde, and councell of his Philicion, foz who lo euer wyll Do che contrary, laynt Auguſtine laptch, Seipſum in ter imit qui precepta medici obferuare non vult that is to lape. He doch kyll hym felfe that Doth not oblerue the commaundement of his Philitton. After al this, marke chis matter well, that yr there be anpe Phylptyon oz Chierurgyon, whiche is with any ſycke man, woman, oz chelde, lette no man dilquiet theym that be 10 0 22 — eS SO SS, SD DD SSD, DOSE OEE ~~ The prefaces ; Fol, vi | Houle, noz tell theym what they Moulde do, let euery perlon be tendable aboute theym, and do as they Mall | Commaunde them. And let euery man in the houle pleſe and ſerue the h hilicion oꝛ Chierurgion honeſtly, and lette theym lacke nothynge, to the ende chat they mape be the moze dylygent to do the thynge that they go a⸗ bout: whiche is to recouer the ſycke perlon, foz and pk the Phylpcion oꝛ the Chierurgion be checked, and not gentely intreated,⁊ haue no moze chen they do cõmaund it wyll dilcourage them fo muche,; that they wyll haue no ioy noz pleaſure to do theyʒ cure. J had tacher not to meddle with Phylicions and Chyerurgious then to haue / them. pf I ſhulde dyſpleaſe them: fog vf they be dylpleaſed, there is neither Loꝛde noz Lady noz no o⸗ ther perlon can haue any ſeruyce oꝛ pleafure of theym, foꝛ this matter loke foꝛther in the Introduction of kno ledge, and there (hall pou fee what is good both koꝛ the ſoule and body in god. Amen. ¶ The pꝛetace to the readers of this boke, 5 Entvll readers, J haue taken ſome pepue i in makyng this botze, to do ſycke men plea⸗ ate ure and whole men profpre that ſycke men 8 Amar recuperate theyꝛ health and whole mẽ — map pꝛeſerue theym felfe frome ſyckenes (with goddes helpe) al well in Philicke as in Chierur⸗ gv. But foꝛ as much as olde auncyent, and autentpke auctours oꝛ doctdours ot Phylicke in theyꝛ bobes doth wꝛyte manp obſcure termes, geuyng alſo to many and dyuerle infirmyties, Darke and harde names, dyfloc ple to vnderſtande, ſome and mooſte of all beynge Greebe wozdes, lome and kewe bepnge Arabp wozdes, ſome A. v. bepuge inv i 8 5 ge 6 6 0 0 6 5 { 0 5 PFF i : 7 9 ; 7 7 ; ; ; j y 6 ; 4 4 / ; / fl 4 0 The preface, A beynge Latyn wozdes, and lome beynge Batbatas | woꝛdes. Therefore J haue tranſlated all ſuche obſcure woꝛdes and names into Englyſhe, that euery man open lye and apartly mape vnderſtande them. Furchermoge | all the afoꝛeſayde names of the ſayde tntitmites be tet | togyther in oꝛder, accozdpnge to the letters of the Ble | phabete, oꝛ the. A. B. C. So that as many names ad | doth begyn wich A. be let together and lo ſoꝛch, all o⸗ ther letters as they be in oꝛder. Allo there is no licke⸗ nes in man oꝛ woman, che whiche mape be krome the crowne of the bead to the fole of the fote, but ou ſhall lynde it in this booze, al well the ſyckeneſſes the which doch parteyne to Chierurgyas to phiſicke, and what the lick enes is, and ho we it doth come, and medecynes koꝛ the ſelfe ſame. And foz as much as euery man no a dapes is deſpꝛous to rede bzieke and compendioug matters. F cherefoze in this matter pꝛetende to ſatiſſye mens myndes as muchas J can, namynge this booke | nccozdyng to the matter, which is. Che Bꝛeuiarp ol Healch : and where that J am very bꝛiefe in ſhewynge bzieke medecines fo one licknes. J do ic for two cauſes The kyꝛſt cauſe is, that the Archãne ſcience olphylycke ſhulde not be to manifest and open, foʒ thenthe Eximy⸗ dus ſctence ſhulde kal into greate detrimente, and dot tours the whiche hath ſtudied the kacultie ſhulde not be regarded lo well as they are. Secondaryly ik J ſhulde wayte all my mynde, euery bongler wolde pꝛactyſe phir lycke vpon my booze, wherkoze J do omyt and leue out many thynges, relynquyſhynge that J haue omptted to doctours of hygh tudgement, of whom J Halbe Het foꝛ parte of thetechyngesthac J haue vorpeten in this booke: howe be it in this matter J do {etre God before mine epes and charitie, contyderpnge that J do wepte this The preface; Fol. via this boke koz 8 Common welch, as god knoweth my pre tence, not onely in making this boke. but al other bokes that J haue made, that J dyd neuer loke foz no reward neyther ol Loꝛde, no of Pꝛynter, noꝛ of no man lpuing. noꝛ J had neuer no reward, noꝛ J wyl neuer haue none as longe as do lyue, God helpynge me, whole perpe⸗ tuall and katherly bleſlynge lyght on vs all, Amen. The Apendex to all the pꝛemiſſes that foloweth. Oꝛdes, Ladies, and Gentylmen, learned and vnlerned, of what eſtate oꝛ degree lo e⸗ Nuer vou be ok, chynke not that no man can be holpen by no maner of medecynes, pf ſo. be God do ſende the lick nes, foꝛ he hathput n tyme to euerp man.ouerthe which tyme no man by no art noꝛ ſciente can not pꝛolonge the time:foʒ the nõber ofche monthes and dayes of mans lyfe God knoweth. But this aloꝛelayde tyme, the le mont hes and daxyes a man may ſhoꝛten oꝛ abꝛeuiate many wapes concerning that god hach geuen man in this lyfe free wyl, the whi⸗ che ol his ryghteou ines as longe as we do lyue he can when a manne doch abzeuiate his lpfe by lurſettynge, not take it awape from vs. Nowe we haupng this free wyll, dyuers tymes we do not occupy it to the wyll of godagit appereth both foz ſoule and body, we do kyll dur loules às much as doth lye in vs, when that we do bzeake anyot his commaundementes, oꝛ do lynne dead⸗ lv, fFo2 that matter he hath pꝛouided a ſpirituall mede⸗ cine, whiche is repentannce wich penaunce. Alſo we do kyll our bodyes as much as lyeth in vs (excepte that a man do yl hym ſelle wplfully) as many da yly doth (contraty to Goddes wyll) as wel the one as the other by e — Cia. SO 0 | re 1 ö . . 6 Be 6 6 8 5 4 i | 7 ö 1 „ ) y j 7 7 / y Y / , 4 4 7 7 7 ; 9 1 4, 4 The preface. bydꝛonkennes, by pencykulnes, by thought and tare, by takynge che pockes with women, and lepꝛoulneg, and many ocher inkectious lickenelles, beiſde robbyng, kyghtyng, kyllyng, and many other mylchaunces, wi che is not goddes wyl that ſuch thinges ſhuld be done, but God kno wynge at the begynnyng of the creactonot the Woꝛlde, that man wolde be pꝛone many wapegto abzeutate his lyke, made chen prourfion that man might be holpen, by his grace, and chen the vertue the whiche he dyd gyue to herbes, wedes, trees, rootes, frutes, and ſtones. The pꝛopertie and vertue of the whiche, few men oz none doth knowe them, except doctours oF phi licke, and luch as Doth Labour to haue the knowledge of theyꝛ operacions, And this knowledge notwithſtan dynge let no man thynke that there is no Phiſicion nog Chierurgion can make a man ſodenly whole of his in⸗ fyʒmytie as Chꝛyſt and his diſciples and manpe other layntes dyd, koꝛ they mult haue leyſure tyme and {pace as theyʒ lerning and pꝛactiſe is, koꝛ ſycke men, and wo⸗ men be lyke n pece of ruſtye harnys, the whiche can not be made bꝛyght at che fyꝛſt lcourynge, but lette a man contine we in rubbynge and {courpnge , and chan the harnys wyll be bꝛyghte, fo in lyke manera ſycke man can not be made whole of his malady oꝛ ſyckenes the kyꝛſt day, but he muſt contine we with his medecines But here let euery man that is ſycze , be ware of blynd Phtlicions and Chierurg ions the which be ignozaunt and can not tel what thynges doch parteyne to their tots ence, and chertoꝛe let al men be ware of vagabundes and ronagates that wyl {matter with Phylictze, fo by ſuch perlons many lycke men haue ben deteyued the moꝛe pytie God knoweth, who helpe vs al no we and euer, Amen. 4 : Che SIRE RENEE TE EE — The Breuyary of health; Fol. vii. @ @ The pz Chapitre doth treate bpon Abſtpnence. FAN |Bitineneta is the latyn woꝛde. In Sreeke Gbainéee it is named Apochi, In Engloſhe it is 8 th named Abſtynence oz faftpng, oꝛ fozbeas e ryn ge of meates and dꝛynkes. There be d manpmaner ol faſtynges. The kyꝛſt fas ſtpug is noc co eate eyther meate oꝛ dꝛynke. And this kfaſt ynge ought to be vſed after replecion, oꝛ ſurfetyng fo a tyme. The ſeconde Abſtynence is to eate one mele à dap 02 els twyſe a day, and this is not pꝛoperly Abſti⸗ nence, but it may be called Temperance. The thyꝛd Ab ſtinence is inuoluntarp, fo2 manp men wolde eate meate it chey had it, and therfoꝛ nolens volens, they do aſteine. Che. iiii. Abſtinence, is when a man koʒ deuocton, oꝛ by tõmaundement of the church doch abſteyne from lleſhe, kepynge one meale a day, which is laudable, How be it to be longe faſt nge, oꝛ faſtynge to much, it dꝛyeth and materateth che body, it makech che colour ſalowe, it doth ingender melaucoly humours, and it doch hurt the lyght, and it clarykyeth the body. This not wich⸗ ſtandyng, A bſtinence is che moſt perkiteſt medecine that can be aftet replecion oꝛ ſurfet. Andthen pt it be modes rate, it doth conſume ſuperfluittes, and in conlum ynge them. it Dock clarptpe the humours, and fo confequents pte maketh the body fapz¢ coloured, and not onely ke⸗ peth out lickenes, but allo where ſickenes is entred no⸗ chyng moze helpech. vled at the beginning ol the licke⸗ nes: wherkoze A bſtinence moderately bled is ofa hygh eltycacitie koꝛ the lauety of mannes bodye. Ind there is not fo greate a detryment to wee bodpe, ag is re⸗ pletion 02 furfetpnge, | Ind % | 1 . 9) ee 6 5 6 6 8 ¢ . I 1 © — * QI ö 4 ; ; / y ; ; 5 9 ; y ; / ? 7 , i 1 ; ; 7 5 0 ö sl 7 4, 4, Abhoꝛrig of a mans meate. The Breufaty. : And voho fo euer he be that vleth not temperante ie: ting a dꝛynkyng, liueth a beaſtly lyfe. And man haueng wyt and tea lon to gouerne hym ſelke, ſhuld kepe a den oꝛder in eatynge and dꝛynkynge, toꝛ ſauegarde o hig ſoule and body. The ſeconde Chapitre doth chewe of the Abhozrynge of a mans ſtomake agapnſte meate 02 dꝛynke. Bhominacio ſtomachi, 03 els faſtidium ftomachi, ii the latin woꝛdes. In Englypſhe it is named ih abbozrpnge of the ſtomatze, for many men and women beynge lycke oz de leaſed, theyz ſtomatzes doth abbot the lyght of meate, o the lauer of meates and dzyntze The caule of this impediment, ¶ This impedimente doch come ok debplite of the li matze and wekenes ok the bꝛayne, Ind dyuers tymeg it doch come by coꝛrupt humours, the whiche be in the flomake, And otherwhyple it doth come bp replettoh, and other whyle by ouermuch and wylful kaſtynge, bu as fo2 faſtyng that rule now a dapes nede not to be {poy ken of, foꝛ faſtynge, pꝛayer, and almes dedes, of chav tytle, be banpihed out of al regtons and pꝛouintes ad they be knock ynge at parady le gates to go in, Wer pynge and waplynge foꝛ the Cempozalepe and (pity altye, the whieh hath exyledthem. Aremedp fo2 them the whiche doth abhoꝛre they? meatt thoꝛowe debpiptic and licknes. i : > in the Chapptre of the tomake, o7 lt SOROS SESS ON SES, _ > = a eS SSeS of health. Fol, viii. | rbe. 3. Chapiter doth chewe of Abhoꝛtion, whiche is K when a woman is delpuered ot her cyylde Hi befoze her tyme. N Bhorſus 02 Abhortus, he the latyn woꝛdes. In eng abhoz⸗ lyſhe it is named Abhozſton. And chat is when non. 4 à woman is delyuered of herchylde be foze her tyme. De dels Abhoztton is alſo, when a chylde is cut out of the mochers bely. 1 The cauſe of Abhoꝛtion. ¶ Abhoꝛzſion doch come many wapes. Fyꝛſt it mape come by vento lite andlubʒicite ot humours inthe mar i, APE. Oz it mape come by a greate keare oʒ bp extreme iy choughe. oz by extreme lyckenes, oꝛ death it dothcome Alo bp a ſtrype, oꝛ a ſtroke, oꝛ a fall. Alſo it may come i by teceptes of medecines, as by extreme purgacpons, i pocions, and other laxatpue dꝛynkes, of che whiche i jl Date not to ſpeake of at this tyme, leſt anplyghe wo: man ſhulde haue knowledge, bythe which wylkull Ab⸗ yoꝛlion map come of the multitudenes of che flowers of a woman. N N A remedp fo2 Abhozſion. e do aduertyte euery good woman to beware of all maner ol i tbpnges aboue reherſed. And to beware what medicines they doo take: except it be ot ⁊ by the councel of expert doctours of philicke. ¶ It it do come of the Lubzicite of humours in the matrix, ble If Yeralogontan. ; ¶ FE it do come of the multitudenes of the flowers, take of the luyte of fapnt Johns woꝛte; and of the iuyce of planten, of epther lyke poꝛcion, ⁊ dꝛynke it with red wyne, à wyne elegant. ir. dayes. ¶ It it come ot ventolite. Take ot᷑ Anps ſedes, ot Fenell ledes, ot zedual, of eche the weyght ot. xi. , ot Comyn ſedes the weight of, iti. &, of Oꝛzganum, ot Calamintes, of eche the wepght ol. bi. d make fyne poudze of all this, and dꝛynke oc it with white wyne, 1 0; ſtale dayes moꝛnyng and euenyng. And let boyes, folyſh men. and batty men, the which be marped beware ho we that they , Doble theyꝛ wpues when they be with child. and let womt the whi che be with child beware ot any occaſid that ſhuld make Abhoꝛſib. ¶ Fo; Achante, loke in the Chapttve named Spina. . 5 The Oe 5 Be Be pans LS eS OS hb OS eS SS Sw N . ˙ SS Se SS ef reer ms The breuiaty ¶ xbe.4. Chapiter doth ewe of alaurte in the ſkyn of the hed. latin woꝛde, Aco ra, is the Batbarus wozrde,ineng lyſhe it is named dand zulle, oꝛ a (hurfe in the head phe bꝛan oz otmel, che which doch penetrate the lyn oF the head, makynge lytle holes, dyflerynge frome an other infirmptie in the lkyn ok the head, named Fauus, agit Mall appeare in che Chapitre of Fauus, . The caule of this inkirmitie. 5 ¶ This infyꝛmitie doth come thoꝛo we great humydi⸗ tie and moiſtnes in the head, it map come alſo ofa me⸗ lancoly humour, oꝛ of a lalt humour. 2 remedy. ¶ Take the gall of a Bull. and myxe it with byneger and anoynt the head, 02 tls rake of blanched Almons, and grynde them mall and myxe them with white wine, and walche the heade, b. of, be; tymes. Oꝛ cls take of mellylote.iii. paces. of senugrese.ti, vn⸗ ces, of blacke Cope an bnce, ſeth this in water oꝛ wyne, and wache the head. v, oꝛ. bi. tymes. ¶ Foꝛ Acrochordones , looke in the Chapitre of Ana lepſia. : ; €[ 02 Achinodis orexis lookein the Chapitte named Canina appetencia, of Aduſtio, lote in the Chapitre named Combuſtio, C Tbe. g. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a wylde oz runnenge tkabbe. A runnig Cria, is the greeke woꝛde, celſus, doth name it in {kabbe latin Fera ſcabies. In Englyſh it is named a wild Oz runnynge ſkabbe, the which doch inkeſt a man more in one tyme of the pere then in an other. The cauſe of this in firmitie. This tnfirmicte comech to wan, alter his hee A tkurte. A Cor,02 Acoris, be the gteeke woꝛdes, Furfur is the j j ; / } 7 ; y 7 , dl 4 y / y 7 / Oe ORK 2 — — — R RK SO 2 SS SS SS OO Se SSS OSS > ee SS SS SS 2 1 of health. : Fol, ix. by luperabundant humours, oz by lyenge with infec tioule perſons hauynge the layde infirmitie, 02 by ary⸗ dytie oꝛ dꝛyneſſe of coler oꝛ melancoly, the whiche Doth ingender a dꝛyeſkabbe, which is the woꝛſte amonges all the kyndes of labbes. . ¶ 4 remedy. a Take Mercury moztified with kaſtyng ſpetyl. ili. vnces. incoz pozat it with the ople of Bayes, and anoynt the body. Oꝛ cis take Mercury moꝛtitped.iii.vnces, of the pouder ok Bꝛymſtone. ti. vn⸗ ces, of the pouder of Enula campana.ii. bnces, confecte this to⸗ gyther with Barowes grece and anoynt the bady ofte, ¶ The. 6, Chaptter doth ſhewe of an impediment in the cozner of the eye. Egy lops, is the Greeke woꝛde . In Englyſhe it is atuperfuous lleſhe in the cognet ok the eye to⸗ warde the noſe, where vnto cozrupte humours be ga⸗ thered. And ik this impediment do encreale, and a reme⸗ vy by tyme not had, it wyll feſter and fyſtle, the which is dangerous to meddle withall, foꝛ it doth Mande in a daungerous place. ACTbe caule of this impediment, KF This impediment doch come thozowe a reumatpke humoure mprte with toztrupte blonde, oz it mape come with a ſtrype, oꝛ hurte done in that place. Aremedy. Fyiſte it it do come of reume oꝛ coꝛrupte bloude, purge reume and bloude, as it doth appere in the Chapitres Reuma et languis. Ft it do come other wyſle be let bloude ina bayne named NMediana, and ble local medicines, as waters to mundikie the place, than ble falues ſanatiue. @ £02 Aegineta, loke in the Chapitre named Eftara, ¶ he. 7. C hapitre noth ſbewe of dalterations. Gria, is the Brecke woꝛde. In Latin it is named Vicera, In Engliſhe it is named * 02 botches B. * 03 An impe⸗ diment in the epe. Abple, | ROI PIPES ILIA PIPE IE ICI I IU II II I 7¼¾—7ͤ—jꝙßjߧ—ẽw̃⅛˙ TI NE INS RG ee if fo Ane A The Breuiary oz luch lyke apoſtumacions. & dyfference is betwyrte Acria and Agria:foʒ the one is wich ſwellynge, and che other is wich ſkabbes without ſwellynge. ¶ The cauſe of this infirmitie. z This infit᷑mpte commeth thozowe groſſe and raup⸗ nous kedynge, oꝛ els by coꝛruption of bloude myrt with kle wme. CA remedy. * fbi purge fleume and clente the bloude, as it appereth in the Chapitres of Bloude Fleume. Than make maturacions, Fates that make incilton, oꝛ els a coꝛoſiue. than abſtract with plapſters abftractiue the coꝛtupte matter, as it apperet h in the Capitre og Alcus oz Ulcera. Che. 8s. Chapit re dothe chewe ol the grene kyckenes, oꝛ the grene Jaundes. 8 Whe gren Aauecs. A is no greke woꝛde, noꝛ no latyn woꝛd, but à terme in philicke lignitienge a ſyckenes named the grene lickenelle, oz the greene Jaunes, ſome Brag blies doth bile chis woꝛde, Ko Dhe caule ot this inkirmitle. This intirmyte commech of coꝛruption cf bloud and debylytie of e kayntnes about the herte. A remedy. Take Cod ialles and reſtoꝛatiues, and clenſe the bloude, as it appere moꝛe plainely in the Chapitre ot Sanguis. And koꝛ this matter ble the fpzop of Fumitozp, € the cötection ot Fumitozp, C The. s. Chapitre doth chewe of the white goꝛphewe. The whit Lboras, is an Avaby woꝛde, aud fome do name te Mezpbew Albaras, it is named in Latin Motphea alba, n Englyche it is named che whpte of Moꝛphewe. f t The caule of this infirmptie. ¶ This inłirmytte doth come by dekaute of nutrytyus vertue. And it may tome by uſynge to much ol Menus actes in youth. 2 ab ZB ees SNITCH RN 4 = — . 2 a SO 2 . OS ⅛ Se Oe = a a SS See 5 of health, Fol. & ; C Aremedy. ' cd Dake the rootes of Gencian made in fine pouder. Oꝛ take the iupte Of, vnces, myxe it with white bynegre, € wate the face oꝛ palce et with it. Oꝛ els take a tkarlet cloth and rubbe the tate oꝛ place where the Moꝛphewe is. And atter that rub the face 02 place With Mandꝛagoꝛ ſcucs. And to bedwarde anoynt the face with oyle of the Alſhekeyes. 2 els take the rootes ot Madder. iti. bnces lampe it with white vpueger, and rub the face oꝛ place with it. i : ¶ Foz Alchites,02 &8 ſome fape Alfclites , loke in (hele woꝛdes in the Chapitresnémed Afites and Hidroips, Foz Albernaheth, lotze in che Chaptive named Polipus, ¶ F02 Alaxos ligmos, lotze in the. Chapicre named sinz gultus, ¶ Foꝛ Alfoach, lobe in the Chaptere named Singultus, ¶ Foꝛ Albugo, loke in the Chapitre named Argemata, ¶ The. o. Thapttre doth che we ot a titulus impo⸗ flume in the coꝛner ofthe eye. A Learab, is the Ataby woꝛde, Autten doch name it Algaras, In Englyſhe it is an impoſtume in the cozner of the eve. . The cauſe ot this Apotumacion, am This Impoſtume doth come of a Reumatpke hus mour myxt with cozrupte bloude hauynge a recourſe to the epe, aa remedy « ; KF Take of the water of Roles, and of water or Plantame, of eche an bruce, ol Tutry pꝛep ared a dꝛam and a halt of the flowers of HHpziplics,an bnce and a halte, of the lcues of Houle lyke oz Syngrenc, halte an bnce, of Camphpꝛe a dꝛame and a halte, of the white of Egges.iii.beate al this togyther in a moꝛter, and put of the contect ion in the co: ner of the eye bpon the umpoſtume. ¶ 10) Albugo, loke in the Chapitte named Argemita, ¶ Alcola is a Barbatus woꝛʒde, lobe ſoꝝ it in the Chaz pitre Of Aphtis oꝝ Aphtas. And foz Almuſagari, loke in the Chapitre of Almufar, fo2 boththe wozdes hath one ſpgnilication. A poſlum iu thecye. n 6 Be 6 6 16 : 9 0 U 8 9 0 x if 6 é 6 8 The Breuiaty. 3 2 And fod Albugo, loke in the Extrauagantes in the ende of this bote. N ¶ Foꝛ Albaras, loke in the Chapitre named Allopeciag of Albatin is a ſenowe the which doch growe out of the myadle ofthe ſpondyls, io ynynge to che pellicles of the Bydnes. ¶ The. 11. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the infla⸗ cion ot theepes, 25 Linthifar, ig the Araby wozde. In latin it is na⸗ Juflatton med Inflatio oculorumo2 tumor palpebtum. And orte pe. ſome doch name it Aimufagari, In Englyche it is nay med & Tumoꝛ, al well ynge oz an inflation in the epes a The cauſe of this infirmptie. ¶ Chis inkirmitie doth come ol rewme oꝛ els tatzynge of abaperous humourcontunct wich reume. ö ¶ g remedy. ae Fypꝛſte pu rge reume as it doth appere in the Chapitre named Reuma . And ones 02 tuple a weke take of the pylles of Lochee, And beware ot dꝛynkyng of wyne oꝛ of other hote deynkes. And ple a good dyet, and (yt not bp to late, and ble ſome labour oz maz nuall occupacion to lweat at the bꝛowes, except it be in a tyme ok infection, oꝛ whan any bniucrfal fpckenes is in a coũtre, then open not the poozes , neyther by labour noꝛ trauell, neyther by bathes, neyther by ſtuphes, noz luche lpke. And as J do ſhewe my mynde ko this inkirmite , Aboue all other thynges lette euer man beware of the pꝛemilles, reherſed in the tyme whan the pes ſtilence, oꝛ the lweatyng ſyczenes, oꝛ feuers oꝛ agues doth reine in a coũtre. Foz thele lyckenelles be intectioule, and one man may inkecte an other, as it dothe appere inthe Chapiters named Sea bies, mozbus Salltcus. And lpeciallp in the dyatary ot health. wherkoze J wolde that euer y man hauynge this boke, chulde haue the layd dyetary of health withthis boze, conlideryng that the one hoo e is concurrant with the other. i 5 2 Blohofos ig à bone in the backe. C The. 12 · Chapitre doth ſhewe of one of the koure kyndes of Lepꝛoſp, named Allopecia. 4 A kynd of Lopecia, is the g reeke wozde. Ophiaſis, bothe thé Hepꝛolp. grekes and the latins doch vle that woꝛde. The : | barbaroug 7 ö ; 4 / } j j / sl } y N / 4 / J 5 y . e N * =, 3 = SSS SO 2 .. ͤ SS ˙ 8 Se Oe SIE OES, ; ; ol healtin Feiolixi. barbaraus wozde is Alopecia. The Araby woꝛde ig Al bar as, In Englyſpe tt is a ſoden fallynge of a mannes here of his heed and bearde, hauynge growynge vpon the lkynne, vnder the heare an humoure ipke bran 02 otemel, and betwrt the fynger is a whyte dꝛynes, it is named Alopecia, fo as much ag the woꝛde is dertued of greke named Alops: which is iu Englyche a Fox, foz a Fox ones a pere hath that intirmitie Hedpng his he are, hauing allo a lytle ſkurte vnder the heate vpon the ſtzin The caule ok this intirmitie. KF This intirmpytie dothe come ok the heate of the ſto⸗ matze and of the cozruption of the bꝛayne, for the lkyn of the heade wyll ſtynke thoꝛowe the vapoꝛynge of e⸗ uyll and coꝛrupte humours, Alſo this inkirmytie doth come dyuers tymes of the delaut ol humidpt ie oꝛ moyſt humours. And then the lkurke is lytze otemel, but ome lobeth whytyſhe and other black yche. g remedy Fpiſt dꝛynke no hote wynes, no eate dzy meates, noꝛ lept⸗ roule ty ches. Than thaue the head and berde, and anoynt the head with the grece of a Fox, Oz els wache the head with the tuyce ot Beetes. b. oz. bi.tymes, oꝛ cls ſtampe Garlpke and rub the heade with it, and after that wache it with bynegre, do this, b. 02, bi, tymes. D2 cls make aches of Garlyke and tempec it with Donp and anoynt the head. It it do come thoꝛowe any opplaciés, anoint the head with the ople ot bytter Amos, oz with the oyle ot woꝛm wade, oꝛ with the oyle ol Spycnard, and luch tyke oyles. Yk it do rome other wapes, the ople of Myꝛtylles is good oz the ovle of Salles oz the ople ot Walnutes, oꝛ the oyle of Mayden heare. C The. 13, Chapitre doth ſhewe of a Carbocle. „ e is the araby woꝛde. In greke it is named a Carbocle thea, In latin it is named Carbunculus, In Eng⸗ lyſhe it is named a Carbocle oꝛ a botche, Carbunculus doth take his name of Carbo, which is to ſay in engliſhe à cole, toʒ à cole beyng a tyꝛe 3 Vote ſo ig ac Arbor „ul, The . IES i N 5 i | | 0 q 0 é 6 ! 0 6 6 6 ‘Be | 6 6 8 ie 0 AAA OF em ant * ; 7 ; 0 f 7 ; / j 4 ? ; N i GR TREO OR OR ORO The Bteuiaryꝭ he saute of this intirmitie . - ete 2 Wott commonly a Carbocle doch cottte iu the tyme whenche peſtylence doch teigne, oz els when the aper and the bloud is putrified andcozrupted. This vlcern tion and inkirmitie mot commonly doth bzeade in the emuntctoꝛpy places, chere where the. ili. pꝛyncypall men⸗ bers bach theyz puͤrgyng places the which be onder the ate oꝛ thꝛote, oꝛ els about the arme holes oꝛ beſte, of els about the ſecrete partes ot a man oꝛ woinan, oꝛ in the ſhare, oʒ chpab, 02 Hanke. And ok Carbocles there be. illi. kvndes. The kyꝛſt is blacke. The leconde is red The thyꝛde sofa glaſſe oʒ a grenyſhe colour, And the kourth is of a ſwarte oꝛ dym colour, The blacke colour cometh of melancoly and ol a venemous matter. And thetfoze it is daungerous. The red colour of che carbo⸗ tle commech of a coꝛtupte bioude. The glaſſe coloute commeth of coler, and the {watt colour commech of Cog ler, aduſted. Ind yl the Carbocle do appete, and after that dothretourne to the body agayne, comonlyit is an cuyll lygne. And yk the ſycke perlon do Homype and be lompnduent oꝛ llepyng. And che pulces ſubuerted and colde ſweates with alteracion of coloure, wich a vehe⸗ ment age we, it is a ſygne of death. ¶ a remedp as muche as J can tell. Bekoꝛe the ſoꝛe by tp xed, take purgacids accoꝛdyng to the age and ſtrength of the perlone and be let bloud with the councell of a doctour ot philicke, and as it is ſpecitied in the Dpetary ok helthe And pt the fore be kyxed, laye this playſter to tt. Take of Doues donge. ui. vnces, Lampe it with vineger and lape it ouer the loze. And to bꝛeke the Carbocle take ot Dalies halke an vnce, ok Lanz tarides the weyght ok, ii. 8, d ampe this togyther e lape ition the bead of the Carbocle. Than take falues to d:awe out the cozruͤp⸗ Clow, and other whyle müdytp the loꝛe with the iuice of Smalagte Foꝛ this matter loke further in the Chapitre named Epidinug. Foz Ambuttio, whiche is n ſcaldynge, locke in che Chapitre named Combuſtio. a Foz Sass SS ee aS Ss SS = — it 7... ß c OS ORS eel of health Fol. HI. @ Fot Anion, i ſycteues oke in the Chapittes named Hereos, ¶ Foz Ambuſtio meretricis, loke after the Chapitre nas med Anaftropha, The. 14. C hapitre dothe ſhewe ot lytle coꝛnels in the roote of the tonge. Coznels. Migdale, is the latin woꝛde. In englyſhe it is ly⸗ tle toʒnels in the roote of he tonge as ſome la ye, but J do fay it is. it fleſpely peces, the which doth lye to the two vmples lyke the kaſh yon ol an Almon. ¶ The caule of this intirmitie. ¶ This infumitte doch come thozowe reume, the whi⸗ che doch diſcend from che head to the roote of the tonge. And other while it Doth come by hete of the ſtomatze the whiche doch vapoz vp to the roote of che tonge. And it may come ol dꝛyntzynge to much ok hote * and ſtroge ale. T Aremedy. Fypiſte ble gargaryte, and then take hertiytationts, and purs e the head and the fomake with pylles of Cochee. And beware ol in te dꝛynzong andcupll dyet, as ſurfetyng and dꝛynkyng of bate wynes and strong ale, foꝛ Omne nimium vertitur in alem 12 . dothe sewe ofoneofrhe ofthe Fallyng ſyckenes. Nalepfi 15 15 e greke worde. The barbarus woꝛd is named Analencta, In latin it is named Mor bus 1 caducus, ald Morbus commicialis. In ènglyche it ts one ling leck⸗ ol the kyndes of the fallynge ſickenes. And they that nes. haue this lickenes when they do kal they do not lome at the mouth, but they do oefplethem felfe ocher by vrpn dz by cgeſtſon, oʒ bothat once. The caule ot this intirmite, f ae Many aucconrs in dyuers matters be ote opynpons, but fog this matter J do faye that fo2 az B. ili. much ö 9) ( 00 0 5 \ ; ig 5 10 6 16 6 ‘Be 6 16 60 6 80 0 0 © 8 6 6 0 0 * 1 G 16 0 PF mene toy. = ; 7 ; / ; j ; ; y } 1 9 / j , . j j ö NN a Wartes. PP DS SS he SS! A he eS eS SS S'S SS SS SS. TRS ae The Breylaty much as it is one ot the kyndes of the fallyng lyckneg it doch take his ozyginall ofa reumatike humour, oppla⸗ tyng the celles ol the bꝛayne, a the bꝛayne lo opplated and topped, che pacient lyeth pytefully vnto the tyme that nature bath remoued the caufe, A remedy. Foz this matter a great circumſpection muſt be had. Fick in the dyet of the patient, fo2 the pacient not only in this kynde ok the Fallyng lyckenes, but in al other kyndes mutt ahſteyne from white meates, and beke, Hares kleche, ¢ venylon. Allo they mute beware of clymyng vp to hygh places, ther muſte eat no lalades, Garlpke, Namlons, Onpons, Chybolles, o: Scalpons , oz ſuche lyke thynges: the patient mutt rekrapne frome eatynge of water foules, and from eatynge of the katnes of kyche, as eles, Conger and Salmon, oz tuche lyke. And then ble the ledes and the rotes of Pyonp as well in meates and dꝛynkes, as to were the rote and the ledes about the necke, and purge olte the bead and do as it is ſpec itied in the Chapitre named Epileptia. The. 16. Chapitre doth Hetwe of wartes. Crochordones, is the gretze wozde. The barbatus X Wogdels named Acroconides. In latin it is nay med Varuce. And lome do name it Tubercula, looke in Tubercula. In Englyſhe it is named wartes. f ¶ The caule ot this intirmitie. F Chis inkirmptie dothe come ok gtolle and euyll hu⸗ mourg, ö . 1 CA remedp, yr with a pape ot ſyſlers cut ot the heades of the wartes, and then rub them with Garlpke and bap kalte ſtamped both toz Sptber, do thts. bi. oz. bit tymes, And lap ouer them u lptle plate of leade. Foꝛ this matter loke in the Chapitre named Tuber. ¶ Anchus is a crozed eibo we, che barbarous woꝛde is named Anc ha, 5 Che E ee eS SO OS SOS SO OS Oh SR SS SOS, = ea SS Se SS of health, Fol,xiit. 3 The. 17. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a lyckenes in the kleche, the whiche is puked bp lpke a lponge, the klechebepnge fofte and the lkynne dankyche. Nafarea o; Ipoſatea be the greke woꝛdes. In en 4 kynd ot glyſhe it is one of the kindes of Hidroplies, it is che bidzog & water yche humour wohich runnech betwyrt che fleſhe and the ſbyn. and ſome doth fape, it is in the lleſhe and the ſkynne. And this inkirmptie doth make che fleſhe and the {gyn to pufte lyke a ſponge and dothe make the lee dankyſhe. Some auctours doch name this inkir mytie Ipofarca, And lome do name it Sarcites, The cauſe of this inkirmitie. ; @? This intirmitie doth come oF a ſalte wateryſhe hu⸗ mour. A remedp. F pꝛtte dle a pꝛecile dpet, not to eate contagious meates; than ble ſtuphes and calp purgacions, as it appereth in the Dpetary of helthe. The. 18. Chapiter doth ſhewe of caſtynge bp ok a mannes meate. A Naſtropha is the barbarus woꝛde. In greke it is Aomp⸗ named Anaſtrophæ., In Englyſhe it is named, a ne. bomptpng 02 caſtyng vp a mans meate as cataſtropha, is a quicke caſtyng Downe warde ok a mans egeſtton oꝛ leege, koꝛ the one inkyꝛmytie commeth not lo faſte vp⸗ warde, but the other goeth as fat downe warde. f The Laule of this intirmytie. ¶ This intyꝛmytie doth come thoꝛowe greate reple⸗ clon of meates and dꝛynkes, oꝛ els it commetch thoꝛow the malyce ok the ſtomake, oz ollubꝛyfaction of the in⸗ teſtines oꝛ intraples. C A remedy. iH Fp2ke mundifie the ſtomake with pylles of Cochee. And cons fozte the ſtomake with Dpagalanga, and ble odiferous lauours and good meates and dꝛynkes and haue a mery hart, ko: pencikul⸗ nes dothe hurt the ſtomake 88 4 ove 03 a 6 ; \) . 5 0 . 5 45 Re fe * 6 Be a 6 9) 6 0 le 8 0 C 1 0 6 6 ie v \ G 18 16 a ere 2 > MS 2S & bo eS S mS SS Ss a SS SS SS C'S 6 8S Ss Se Pek S, 4 The Breviary == f WF Foꝛ Aneilogloſſi, lobe in the Chapitres Of Balbuelen tes and in Mogilali, C The. 19. Chapitre doth ſhewe of burnyng. of an barlottcs a Aimee meretriels, be chelatin wozdes. Furs 4 glyche it ie named burnynge of an harxlocte ozol lot. an hooze. i ; cs Dhe caule ot this impediment, ¶ This impedymente doch come whena harlot dothe holde in her bꝛeth. nd claple her handes harde togither and toes in lyke maner. And ſome harlot doth ſtande o⸗ uer a chalyng dyſhe a cooles into the which the dorhput bꝛymſtome and there ſhe doch perkume her lelfe. nd temedp. pyk a man be burnt with an harlotte and do meddle with an other woman within a dape, he hall burne the woman that he doth meddle with al. If one be burnt let them wache they: lecre⸗ tes. ii.oꝛ.iii.tymes with white wyne, oꝛ els with facke e water, And pk the matter haue continued longe go to fome expert Chie⸗ rurgion to haue helpe oꝛ els the guttes wyll burne and fall out ol ¶ The. 20 Chapitre dothe ewe ofa mannes bꝛeth oꝛ ende. The bzeth Nhelitus is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named Athma, The Barbarus wozde is Anelitus , Bud in Englyſhe it is vamed the bꝛethe oꝛ ende ok man, the which other whyle doth ſtynkeoꝛ hath an euyll auout, And dpucrs tymes in many men it is ſhoꝛt that he muſt pute aud blowe and gape foꝛ wynd. The cauſe ot this impediment. ¶ This impediment doch come from the bzapne oz el from the ſtomake, oz cls from the longes, pk it do com from the longes, ioke in the Chapitre named Aunma, f it do come out ok the heade, reume whiche is putrilyed and coꝛrupted, inkectynge the bꝛayne is the ee 5 i 5 j j j / / y ; / y 7 7 NN { 2 of heath, « __— Folxfiit. @ pl it do tome by oz thoꝛowe the chꝛote, it doth come of putriſiedhumdut okthe tomate 02 cls of coꝛruption of the longes. ¶ A remedy it᷑ this impediment come ok the bꝛapne. ie Fp zt purge the head and bꝛapne with agargartce, and with pplluly Elephangme. And then ble the Siecturari dc Semmes, oz a confection de Muſto, oꝛ Tiriaca diateſſeron, foz this matter loae iu the Chapitre named Aſthma. ¶ A remedy it this impediment come of the fomake, N Fite purge the ſtomake with yerapigra galem , Than take of Claues the weyght ol. bi. d, of Ligni alocs the weygbt of bit. B. of Galpngale, the weyght of. bi. B. maße pouder of this e dꝛing ol it moꝛnyng and euenyng, as muche as an Halcli nutte And bie to chev in the mouth a cloue without maces in the moꝛnyng. and akter diner, and to bedwarde. ¶ d remedy to pall oꝛ make ſwete the bzeth, whiche waye lo cuer it do come. fFyiſtt in th: mo:nyng cat oꝛ cwalowe. ii. oꝛ, iii.cloues, and kcpe hetwyrt the gummes and the chezes. u. cloues . o els do as Z fapoebefoze. Oꝛ els takc ot᷑ Sauery an buce, of Galyngal c halte an vnce, of the wood of Aloes a quarter ot an once, make pouder ok this, and cat oꝛ dpnkea pozcion in the mozmyng, and a lytle akter dyner, and as muche to bedwarde. ¶ The. ⁊x.Capitre doth ſhewe of the ſquynce. Ngina is the latin woꝛde. Sinachi 02 Chinanchi be Squincy, che greke woꝛdes. The barbatus woꝛzdes be na⸗ med Squinancia 02 Quinancia. In englyche it is named the Squincy. The which is an impoſtume in the thꝛote the whiche doth let a man to lwalowe other meate 02 dꝛinke. And diuers cymes it doch Hop vp a mans wynd oz bꝛeth. And there be. iii. yndes. The fyꝛſt kynd doth not appeare out warde and that is death, excepte it be quickly cured. The lecond kynd doth Combat apeare moze in ward then out warde, and that is not lo daunge⸗ tous as the fyꝛſt is. Che thirde kynde doth appere both in ward and out warde, and that is not lo periculus as the other be, howe be it, it doth continue longer chen the other doth. The. iii bende doch onely appere outs warde, and in it is no peryll. The A Ar ee > ae — — 3 CARRE CRORES — De LS 2 2 eS Sas a oS ees 5 IEEE III IORI Sac 1 The Breuiaty. ¶ The caule of this intirmitie. A ge This inftrmitie doth come of Rewme aſcendynge from the head to the thꝛote. And it maye come ol vapo⸗ roushumours delcending frõ the ſtomatze to the theote, CA remedp. e d Thie thynges is requifite to helpe thele intirmites: Thetyꝛtt is lettyng of bloudetn a bapne named Cephallca. The ſeconde ig to purge the head with the pylles of Cochee. And the thyꝛde is ta ble gargarices, and to ble Clyſters. And than let the pactent koz z {pace abſtepne frome meate, excepte it be of the bꝛothe made of 4 chekyn and let the pacient take ydꝛomel 02 Oximel. And take @ lytle pece of poꝛke oꝛ bacon, oz els a lytle pete ot᷑ a fponge, and itz tynet it in oyle olyue and tye about any of thele thynges a ſtro thꝛede and let the pactent lwallowe in this matter and by and bz pulit out agapne æ be ſureot᷑ the thꝛede that he that thal do thig teate in holdyng fat the thꝛede, & to pul it out agapne qupckelp, C The. 22 Chapitre doth chewe ot the foule ot man, Acou't. Nima ug the latin woꝛde. In greeke it is named Pi chae, In englyſhe it is named the foule of manneg The foule o man is the lyfe of the bodye, for when the loule is departed from the body, the body is but a deade thynge that can not le, heare, noz feele, The foule can not be felte nog ſene, fo2 it is lyke the nature ofan An⸗ gell, hauynge wyll, wyt, Wyldome, reaton, knowledge aud onderſtandynge. And is partatzer ol good oꝛ eupil; Gg the bodxe and it doth oz hath delerued oꝛ operated The icule alſo is a creacure made with man and cons Hered to man, foꝛ man is ol. tt, natures which is to fay, the nature ot che loule, and the nature of the body, whi⸗ che is llelhe and bloud, the lleſhe oꝛ body is palpyble and map be ſene and felte. The loule is not palbpble nog can not be lene noꝛ felt, but both beyng together nowe and Malbe after the generall reſutrection in tyme to come, doch, and Hal do, kele ioy oz papneac, ö A 7 j j ö ; / ; j i / y / ö NN NN XS ofhealthy.::..9 9 i% Fol'xv. 2 It is not the loule onelpdoch make a man, noz the bo⸗ dy ofa mau tsa man, but ſoule and bodye connexed oz ioyned together maketh a man. And che one decepered kromthe other be ol. ii. natures as J haue ſayd, gente che tyme that they do mete againe at the day of dome. Ther fore let euery man in this lyke lo pꝛouide by che meryte ol Chꝛyſtes paſtionthat ſoule and body beynge perfice man mapenter into euerlaſtynge top and gloꝛzyto be in heauen with God. The electuary of Gemmis: and the confection named Alchermes be good to comtoꝛte the ſoule oꝛ the ſpirites of man, ſoule and body beynge to⸗ gether here in earth. ¶ The. 23. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mannes mynde. Nimus, is the lain woꝛde: In greke it is named Thimos,; In englyche it is a mannes mynde. The myndok a man is very mutable and inconſtant, moꝛe in one man then in another, but the moſte parte myght be amended. ¶ The cauſe of this Mutabilitie. A Chis mutabplytie doth come choꝛowe wauerynge and inconſtant wyttes, lackpuge loue and charptye co God, to a mannes o vone felfe, and to his neyghbour, re⸗ gardynge moze other lenlualptie, oꝛ pꝛodigalptie, coue⸗ tps oʒ lucre, then the welth and pꝛokpte of the foule, ve the mynde of man is fo occupied about wozldly mat ters and bulineſles, that god and the loule ol man is foz gotten, by the whiche great daungers koloweth. A remedy. ¶ Fyſt let euery man reconcyle hym ſelfe in and to god, and not to let by the woꝛlde, but to take the woꝛlde as it is, not beyng pars manente no abpopnge place, but to lpue as one chulde dpe euerp houre. and fa man map haue this memoꝛp, he wyl not be mut able, noꝛ fet by the woꝛlde, but be conſtant, haupnge euer a relpect to god his creatoue, and to his neyghbour, which is euer y man where Cocuct he dwell. Stet! The — x Amps. b f . 5 © 0 0 6 0 © 0 8 i? . 5 : Q © A HY 6 3 ae — — e r 1 LEI INIA IMO, PEPSI III RRR 6 | y A 4 | 5 y y , / 4 3 / 7 j ; 4 we A Felon. An ars, The Breufaty ANT R A» ats Ntrax is the Latin woꝛde. In Cnglphe it ion med a Felon, and is lyke & Cetbocle, but not 9 greate in quanticte oꝛ ſubſtance. The cauſe of this infirmitie. 2% This infutmitie doch come ofa venemous matter And other whyle it doc he come okinteriall cauſe, oof an exteriall caufe, The interial cauſe Doth come of fome eupil humour, che extetiall cauſe doch come of lome hey nemous ſtyngynge of a woꝛ me. | ¶ & remedy. t it do come of an eupil humour, eat Triacle € make a Calug 02 a playſter of tryacle and lape bpon the place. Ot els take the tabitcof a rawe egge and put in lalte to it and brate it well togy⸗ ther and mae a playſter. i 2 ¶ Foz Antiades, loke in the Chapitreg named Glanduj le and Cherade, C The. ⁊ 5. Chapitre doth ſhewe of amannes ars oꝛ fundement } Nus, is the Latin woꝛde. In Greeke it is named Grans, In Englyche it is a mannes ars, let euety man bepe that place clene. And let no man matze no tes ſtrycttons that nature wolde expell, other by egeſtyon, 02 by bencolitte. In the afoꝛelayde place is ingendꝛed the pylesoꝛ Emetodes, Fyſtles, and Feſtures, Caw kets, che Boxes, and Ficus in Ano, and dyuers tymes the logation which is the ars gut, doth fal out of the bo dp other while many mẽ can not kepe their egeſſid but lleping a waging they do delle the ſelfe, loʒ al ſuch may ters lobe in ỹ chapitreg of the pꝛenominated inkirmites A remedp Foz kallpnge out of the kundement , KF FP 2 beware ok takpnyecoldcin that place. And beware ol coſtykucs. and kepe the ars and buttockes warme. And (pe nat on the C Tbe. 24. Chapitre dethe ſhewwe of a byle named AX —a_ 2 ea a oe rr Oe ee c of health; Fol. xvi. A the colde earth, to bpon onc oꝛ ones, to: ppott no harde thig but taae ſomwhat under the buttockes, not onely foꝛ fallyng out ol the longacion, oꝛ ars gut, but toꝛ al other iutirmites that map be in the longation ingendꝛed. ( Foꝛ kallynz out of the longacton. Take of Myꝛtylles. iii. vnces, ot Juneper cut in (mall pece iii. vnces, Cory it in water and wache the place. and after that ma c a perfume ot Juneper and lyt oner it. Oz els make a pertu⸗ me of Benguyn, Qpꝛre, 02 Fran zenſece.Oꝛ els tage th in warde xyne 02 barke of an O ke, ſeth it in water with Galles & wache the place and dꝛyn e of Galbanum with ſtale ale, and lap the tubs ſtance of it to the nauyll, it is good foꝛ the fallyng ot the moder. Allo foꝛ the impedimentes in a mans kundemẽt oz ars is good ts anopnt the place with oyle of Lynſedes. ¶ The. 26. Chapitre doth ſhewe of an hote bleera⸗ cion in the rough of the mouth. Phtz, is the greke wozde. Alcola, is che barbarug Biers, — wozde. And Viceratio in palato be the latin doz des. In englyche it is nameda hore Ulceration in che rough 02 palat of the mouth. 2 ¶ The caule ot this intirmitie. ¶ This byle, oꝛ vlceracion in the palace oꝛ the roughe of the mouth, is ingendꝛed of a hote ſtomake, fumpng und metyng with reume at the vnels in the rough ofthe mouth, and that is the caule of this impedpment. a ¶ & remedy . KS Fete qualytpe the bote and the baperous fumolite ot the ſtoma e, and the rcume the whiche Doth delcende gut of the head to the duels, as it doth appere in the Chapitres named Stoma⸗ chus, and bucle, and who lo euer that wolde haue helpe, koz the mouth, oꝛ toꝛ the tonge, oz foꝛ the caves, loz the teeth, foꝛ the nofe, koꝛ the eyes, oꝛ foꝛ any dolour oꝛ peine, the which may be in thele partes oz places, let them bſe otherwhyle ſternutacids, and pylles of Cochee. And ones oꝛ twyle a moneth let chem ble gargaryces ta erhauſte € dꝛawe out the reume out of the head, the whiche reume is the caule ot manp infirmities in mannes body, as it doth moze largelver appere in the Chapitre named Reuma. 95 Foz Anathomia,loge in the Introduction of knows edge. 2a $0} Apepſia lotze iu the C hapitre named e ¢ CS .. DS BS SS eS OO SS ͥ˙ —˙ů̃] SS SS OS eS we eS Sf 1 8 = 2 & Mo == = > OSes Ree SS b= So Dee D : 4 The Breuſary be. 27. Chapit re doth chewe of a mans appetide, petitus, ig the latyn woꝛde. In englyſſhe it 18 maus apetide to meate. There be dyuers apetideg, fome be natural, a lome be vnnatural. And one appecide is without oꝛder, and that is when a man wolde eg Apetyde. and can not. And tome haue lofte theyr Appetyde tha they haue lytle ſtomake oz nouc to cate any meate, 3 naturall appetyde is to eate in due oꝛder and due tyme after a dygeſtion. In vnnaturall appetyde is to vate and dꝛynke at all cymes volthout de we oꝛder, oz to de⸗ ſyze to cate rawe and vnlelull thyuges, as women with chylde doch and fuch lyke. b : ¶ The caule that aman hath late his appetyde. ¶ The cauſe ofleſyngeoka mans appetpde is that the ſtomake is repleted with euyll humours, And it doch come ot her thoꝛowe licknes, oꝛ eis it cometh of to much dꝛynzynge in the moꝛnynge, oz els it doth pronokicate ſickenes to be within ſhozte tyme, ' a TA remedy f h F piſt refrapne from crly dꝛynkynge, than purge the tomate with pylles of Cochie, and ble to cate the confection de Aromat bus, and lo is the lypꝛupe of Wozmewode good fo2 that matter, A remedp ko: women that haue vnletull luſtes. ¶ A haue knowen that (uch luſtes hath ben put awape. by fm: lynge to the lauer of they? owne ſpoes, when they be put of. J luch luſtes it is be that women haue they delyze il it map beget ten, koꝛ thep ſhal neuer tale lurtet by luch luſtes. ii C The. 28. Chapiter doth chewe of the Apoplexie. Pople xis, is the greke wozde. Apoplexia is the bat B popleri, - barus woꝛde. In latin it is named percuſſio. Fi Englyche it is named a lodeyne ſtrykynge downe, de kynge awaya mans wyt, relon and moupnge. The cauſe of this inkirmitie. 5 ex This infiemptic doth come of a colde nee Which j 4 j 7 | } y ; / 4 ; / ö / / ; / / / f / 4 7 / GR TORO ORCI =. 2 a So SO SO 2 . ] Dh ˙— ee 8 eS . > > a ͤ SSS + „el healthy Fol. xvil. B which Doth opylate oz top the ventrpcles oF the bꝛaine and doth kyl the celles ol the head. And ſome ſa ye it is a colde and a groſſe Apoſtumacion that lech in the hyn⸗ der parte of the heade. 2 COCR SC CaAaremady. KS Fr2fte purge the head, and ble this ſternutacion. Take ot Eliboꝛus albus, of Peper, of Caſtozp, ot eche.ii.dꝛames, make pouder of it, and blowe oz {tutte a lytle in the nolethzylles , and ple clyſters and fricacions with lalte and warme binegre. And ble Oximel diuretike ¢ Oximel tquilityke, and purge the matter with Je rarutti, 02 els with yeralogodyan. And the medecines the whiche dothe ſerue foꝛ Epplepſia, whiche is named in Englyſhe the Fallyng lickenes oꝛ p Foule euyl, wyl ſerue toꝛ this ſyckenes. ¶ The. 29. Chapitre doth chewe okt impoſtu⸗ mes generall. SSS Poftema, is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named apoaume 41 Apoftima, In englyſhe it is a Poſtume. A poſtume ig no other thynge but a collection oʒ a runnyng toge⸗ ther o euyll humours, And ſome be intetiall, and fome heextetpall. The intertall Apoſtumes be other in the Head, in the ſtomatze, in the lunges, in the ſplene, oꝛ in the bo wels. The exterpall apoſtumes be in the fleſhe, vnder the lb yn. f ¶ The caule ot this infirmitie. i ¶ Au Apoſtumat tons do come by coꝛrupte bloude, 02 eis bycongeyled flewme, oz fleume vnnaturall. D2 els by coler, oꝛ cls by melancoly. It the impoſtume do come of coʒrupt and infections bloude, then the impos ſtume is named Elegmon, Ind pk it come by congeyled 02 vnnaturall fleume, the impoſtume is named Zimie And ſome do name it Zumma. And yk the impoſtume do come by coler, the impoſtume is named Hexiſipula. And if the impoſtume do come of melantoly, oz coler aduſted then the umpoſtume is named Cancri 02 Scliros, Pet | Cet, there & ge 0 8 5 1 6 5 é 6 6 8 6 0 ¢ 6 © 18 16 15 4 70 } G 1 if { 5 The Bieulatʒ7⁊ . there be many other impoſtumes the whiche do come of myxt Humours, as the botche and byle, and luche lyke. CThele impoſtumes that be intetiall and can not be feng be moze periculus then they the whiche a man mae ſe and kele, Foz this matter and koꝛ à remedy, loke in the proper names ofche impoſtumes and fpectallp in che Chapitre named Suffocation 02 Suffocatio, The. 30. Chapttre doth ſhewe of the Lytrine Water in mannes body, a Qua citrina, be the latin woꝛdes. In Englyche it Citrine As named cytryne water, lyke the coloure of an O⸗ watts, renge which is ingendzed in the body. In greehe it is named Hidor medicon, z FThe Lauleot this impediment. i ¶ Thecaule of this impediment comech ok luperabun dance of Cytryne coler and eupll humours. ; He ¶ A remedp. 9. dle pylles de eſ in a weke. And beware o eatynge of bꝛoy led meates, ot kryed and burnt meates, and of all mater ot mea tes that is depen in the fmoke, & ok cruſtes of bꝛead af ppe cruſtes, cake bꝛean, and lodyn bꝛead lower dy nzes ef C Whe.;1.Lhapitre voth Hewe ok a loze in the eyes. Rgemata is the barbarus woꝛde. In greke it is na Soze eyes med Argema. In engliſhe it is named a ſoze in the eyes, foꝛ à whpte Doth gro we ouer the blacke of the eye and the white of the eye is redde. In latin it is named Albugo 92 Nebula, ¶ The caule of this impediment. . 2% This impediment doch come of teume , and of 6024 rupte bloud, the which doch dyſtyll out ok the head to the eyes. A remedy. Fyꝛſte purge reume, as it doth appere in the C apitre named Auma, and than make a plapher with the wypec een 1 Late “al | 7 | | N 4 ; A y ) / y 4 / 7 / 4 4 7 } vA CS a — r c P of health; Fol. aviil, % pPeate it well togpther, and than put to it a lytle hony, and after that put to it tiere oꝛ towe, and to bedwarde laye it quer the eyes and let it lye al nyght; and in the moꝛnynge waſhe the eyes with tolde watet, and a kyne cloute, do this iii, nygytes one atter an ¶ The. zz, Cbapitre doth chewe ot the geut 8 Arthetpeke, SSS A Bthetica is the Philicke worde. Inlatin it is na? be gone med Morbus articularis, And in gretze it is named Arthetie Articularis, The Barbärous wozde is Gutta artetica. In Englyſhe it is named the Art hetyke paſlion, o2 the Zoute Arthetyctze, it is a peyne oz a paſſpon of the ioin⸗ tes, koꝛ it wyll runne from one ioynt to another, foʒ the matter oꝛ the humour is fo ſubtyllthat it wyll diſcende and alcende into the ioyntes, and othet whyle the peine is lo vehement that it wyll bꝛenke the ioyntes. And this is named the very goute, there be other zyndes of goutes named Chiragra, Podagra, Sciatica, ag it dothe appercin theyꝛ Chapittes. e The caule ok this infirmytie. 1150 ¶ This intirmitie other it doch come of coꝛrupte bloud os elg of a flewematpke Humoute, oꝛ els of a colerice humour, ił it do come of bloud oz ofteumaticke llewme the place wyl ſwel and be red, and che veynes wyll be ful, yt it do come ot᷑ coler, the place do not [wel greatelp but is dꝛye and the place wyl pꝛycke and burne. A remedp. r Fite beware of contagious meates and dꝛynkes, as newe ale, newe bere, rcade wyne, newe hote bꝛead, opfers eles , mul⸗ cles, ſamon, dogge fpihe, rape oꝛ thoꝛnebacke, kreche beke water toules, goole and ducke, and fuche lyke, be nat toſtiue, ble gen⸗ Spl purgacions, aud beware of ryot and late dꝛynkypnge and ta⸗ kynge of colde on the fete, 02 gopnge oz rydpuge wete ſhodde oz boted. Than ble Quphes , and thele oyles it the matter come of colde Humours, the oyle of MO aluuttes, Oleum bulpinum, Oleum — philofophozum, and Oleum de lapide gagatis Ik the matter do come of heate, than is good Olcumde Ranis. t , ht ‘ | 6 8 B i | — — 2 > es. LAD SS Sta SO % © SSS GS 2 6 S TORO ROR OR ROR ROR RIG A bloud ſpotten EPCs Artexs. The Breufary ¶ The. z. Chapitre noth ſhe we of the eye when it is bloudſhot. Tarſati is the Araby woꝛd. In Latin it is named Macula, In Englyſhe it is when the eye is bloud Motten, and fone fape it is a blemyſhe in the eye. ; The caule of this inkirmitie. = ¶ This impediment doth come bya ſtrype oꝛ a blow 02 ſome other cafuall hurte by lome euyl chaunce, oꝛ els | ol ſome euyl humour. lobe foꝛ this matter in the Chis Pitre named Macula, in the Extrauagantes. A remedy. Tanke of the white ot. ti, egges, beat it to a wateriche ſpume than put in towe, g. iu. nyghtes one after an other lay luch plaß⸗ | Gers ouer the eye oꝛ eyes, and in the meane {pace hange ouer the eve 02 epes a grene ſarſenet cloth. æ plonge the eyes in colde water, © The. 34. Chaptre dothe chewe of arters. A is the greke woꝛde, and the Latin wozd. In Englyſhe it is named Arters. Arters be lyke vay⸗ nes, in the vohich be the vytall lpirites, hauynge they begynnpng of the hart. And vppon the Arter doch lye the bapnes, excepte it be in the backe, where as a great Arter named Trachea doth lye vpon the vayne. To the Arters doth fall diſpleaſures, as by bꝛoſpnge, lyſtynge, and other wyle hurt yngethein, koꝛ ſuche matters vle ta annoynt the body with the oyle ol Turpentyne. C The. zv. Chapitre doth ſhewe of puche s and whelkes in the head A is the greke woꝛde. In Englyche they be named wheitzes oꝛ pulbes the which be read, and chep be in the roteg ok the heare, a in the fein ok the hed, And chere be. ii. kindes che one is moiſt x the saa =. 2 = a SS OS Oo 2 2 OS DOO OS OO ee . SS SS SS SS — — 2 of health. i Fo l. xix,. A The caule ot this inkirmitie. ; Bans em The pulhes which be dave cometh ofcoler aduſted. And they che which be mopſte doch come ok cozrupte bloude myxt with fleume. ¶ A remedp for dꝛye puches. = Dake of Camomplan handetul, of Fenugreke an duce , of Role leues an handetull, leth this in white wyne and wache the head. b. tymes at nyght. Oꝛ els take the ople of Linſcdc.ii. bnces and anoynt the head. vii. tymes. ¶ A remedy fez moeyſte puſhes oꝛ whelkes. Take the ruſte of yꝛon the which doth lye about the Smythes bandetyle. it. vnces, of Bꝛymſtone un bnce, of the pulpes of Cole⸗ quyntida halfe an bruce, beate this togyther and put it into a pynt and a halte ot white bineger, and wache the heade . ui, oz. iii. tymes with it. Oꝛ els take arlneck and moꝛztitie it.u. vnces mixe it with grece and with the ople ot Bayes, and anopnte the heade lil. oꝛ.iiui.tymes. C The. 3s. Chapitre doth chewe of woꝛmes in a manns bellr, named aſtarides. Starides, is the gtecke wozde. Jnckngiyche it is wormes! . lytle final woꝛmes, the which moſt comonly doth ipe in the longacion other wyle named che ars gut. Ind there they wyll tycle in the fundement. The caule of the bꝛeding of ſuch woꝛmes. @ Such wozmes be engendzed of coler oz of fleuma⸗ tyke humours, A remedy. The blageofeatpng of Garlpke doth kyll all maner of wore mes in a mans belly, as it Doth moꝛe largelyer appere inthe Lba- pitre named Lumbꝛici. Oz cls take ot the iupce of Lauauder cott and put to it the poudꝛe of woꝛmelede, and dꝛintze it iii. tymes cut⸗ ry moznynge kaſtynge, and dꝛyntze not an haure oz it, after; C The. 37. Chapitre doth ewe of the pu⸗ trytyeng of the ficthe. ate is the gretze wozd, the barbarus woꝛd Puteift- is named Afchachilis, In Englyſpett is putrify- fh. enge of the fleſhe, foꝛ in ſome men the lleſhe halbe pus trilied and coꝛrupted to the bone oz bones, Aſchachilos C,. ili. cometh — . Are SS & & S. . me 5 * — — 22 RAID Le Se OS 8 8 & & St & SS * SOR ORO OR IOS „ . Mpndes ok Hidz0p cles. The Breviarys cometh of choo woꝛdes ol Aica, che which doch (ignifp tuthe Araby tonge cozruption. And of Chilos, & gteke woꝛde, which ig to laye iuyce. 5 The cauſe of this intirmitte. ang @ This inkirmitie doth come ofa venemous matter ag by lome melancoly humour, oꝛ by ſtyngonge ofa vene⸗ mous Wozme C2 Serpent. . C remedp. 8 13 = Fyiſte take the dꝛegges of wyne and myxe it with an buce ol the pouder of roche alome and wache and kcoure the place with tt, than take ot the bꝛan of Beanes, and at the bran of Bari. vnces, of the ſedes ot Nettels made in pouder an Duce , myxe this togyther with the tuyce ot Woꝛme wood and houp € Baze a plap⸗ ſter. Oꝛ els take ofthe ople of Roles. iuii.bnces, ot waxe. ii. bn⸗ ces, lnco:poꝛate this togyther. And whan it is colde, put to it. b. vnces of Cerute that is wached. Than take of the pouder of Hens pane ledes the weyght ol. xit. d. ol blacke Boppy ſedes made in pous der the weyght ot. xii. 8. and make emplayſters of this and lape them to the oe place. Allo foz this matter is good Unguentum egypttacum. ’ ¶ Foꝛ Aſſe, loke in the Chapitre named Nicralopisy . C Zbe. 35. Chapitre doth chewe of one ok the nyndes of the Dpedꝛoplies. } Stites 0} Afclites bethe greke woꝛdes. Che bal barus men do name tt Alchites 02 Alfclites, In ene lyſhe it is one ol the kyndes of Hicdzopiies, and is en gendꝛed in the bellp. koz the belly wyl boll and (wel, and wyl make a nopſe as a bottel halfe ful ot water. N The caule o€ this infirmptie. This inkirmitie doch come of luperabundante of way ter in the belly. Foz loke as the Tympanp commech ok wynde, lo doch this lickenes come of abundance of coz⸗ rupte water. 6 CA remedy, 4 KS Fypꝛd ble Trocit. de lacea, and ble Murgacions and clyſters, fuppofitozs.anbd itit he guergrowne there is no remedy without inciſton o2 cuttpige of the bely. And in this matter there muſte be pf countel eppert Philicions € Chierurgions, the which be eren = 2 a Se SS SOS 2 oD SS | SS SS OS SS OS ... SS A SD of health. Fol. xx. @ in incilions. And after that to wache the guttes with white wine, and than to ſtiche by the place agapne and to minister falues ac⸗ coꝛdyng to the matter. And lette the patient ble a pꝛetiſe dyete in meates and dꝛynkes . Fytſte nat to dꝛynke no neweale, noz enwe tere uoꝛ ſyder. Allo the paticut mute refrapne frome catpnae of newe bead, and lodyn bꝛead. Allo to abſtayne fr ome ali maner of white meates, ſpectally harde cheſe, and in no wyle to cate any fo2t oꝛ kynd ot nuttes. Allo the pacient muſt not cate no maner of frutes noꝛ no other thyng the which ingender wynde. alto the pac cient mutt abſtey ne from eatynge of all kyndes of ſhewes and pon tages. allo nat to cate treſhe biefe and all other ſtyꝛrynge meates, As ali maner of waterkoules as well wylde as tame. And alſo the pacient mutt abeyne from catynge of eles,Camon, freche heryng dogge lyſhe, ray, thoꝛnebacke, and other luche lyke kyſhes. Alſo falt meates is not good, and no moꝛe be beanes and pelon koꝛ any man oꝛ woman hauyng this atoꝛeſapde ſickenes. The. ;. Chapitre doth ſhewe of Aſmatycke perfons, the whiche be ſhozte wynded. N Sthma is the gretze wozde. Alma ig the Varbatus Sboꝛnes 4 voꝛde. Anhelofi, oꝛ Sulpirioſi, 03 Conitrictio ans tf wynde helitus, be the Latin wozdes. In Engliſhe it is named Moꝛztenes ot wynde. a The cauſe ot this infirmities ¶ This infirmptte doth come other by viſeus oz tough Heume beynge in the pypes, oz els by fome Apoſtuma⸗ tion in the pypes, oꝛ eis chere is fome faulte in the lugs Ges that the lunges is 1 95 3 remedy. d Z confection of mucke is good. Alto loch de pino, loch de ſquil⸗ la, loch alf eſcera be good, end lo is the lirupe of Ffope, and the tte rup of Calamint. Foꝛ I baue pactiſed theſe thynges and haue Cped wel. Fyꝛſt I haue made a ptyſane bnder this maner. Take ot Enula campane rootes, pycked aud made clene, and cut in tes. bit, bnces, of the rootes of Fenell waſhed and the pyth pulled ont Hi. oz. bii. bnces, ot Anes ſedes halfe a pounde, of fygges halte a pounde, of greate reaſons, the ones pulled out a quartron of a pounde, of Iſope thꝛe good handfulles, of barly clenled. b. bande- fulles, feth al this togither in two galons of runnyng water, to Halfe a galon. And. xb. dayes J haue gyuen to my pacpent, moz npnge, noone, and nyght. ix, ſponckulles at al tyme, and : a C. Iii, he 6 * 6 15 — 2 n — PII A A {ORO * - . - at ieee 5 — . : — Lares, The Breufary the. xb. apes ende J haue geuen pylles of Lochee, and after thar A haue minicred Dpatulfur, and haue made many whole. Alg the confection of hilonii of the kyzſt inuencion is good: And loig to anoynt the ſtomake with the ople ot Philoſophers, named in latin, Oleum philolophozum. Aud beware of Ruttes, Almong, Chele and myltze, andcolde. And the pylles ol Agarycke is good fog this lycanes. We? i 3 fot Athoromata loke in the chapitre named Tubereula L Foz Aſcelle, loke in the Chapitre named Feror aif} larum, ; Pe F02 Atta bilis, loke in the Chapitre named Cardia ca paſſio. 1 @ Foꝛ Anditus loke in the Chapitre named Autes ee Foz Auriga, loke in the Chapitte named Hictericis ¶ The. 40. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mannes cares, Ares is the latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is a mans cates, the which be the oꝛgans of hearynge, Ind in the cares be many infirmities, as ſyngynge in the gates, appoſtumacton, puches, oz whelkes, wozmes and deknes, and luch lpke. ¶ The cauleot thele impedimentes. 2 ¶ Thele impedimentes doch come of cozruption ofthe bzapue, and by opplacions, and eupll humours, Aremedp. t there be any peynes in the cares, the oyle of bitter Amos is good, and ſo is oyle de Been. N Ik there anp ryngyng oz nopſe in the head, loke in the Cha⸗ pitre named Tiunitus aureum. Aft there be any bentolitie in the eares, inſtpll into the cates the ople ot Mardine. ; KS Ff there be any detnes in the eaves, loxein the Chapitre naz med Hurditas, ; Af there be puches oꝛ whelkes in the cares, loke in the Chapy⸗ tre named Puſtule. 5; = At there be woꝛmes in the eares loke in the Chapitre named ermes. At any Apotumacton be in the cares, the ople of bytter BE Mics is good, ae = = SS SS OS 2 SDS OS SS SS OS Se OS „66 of health. 91 fol. af. B KP Re there be any other impedimentes in the eares, vou chal tind it out in the CThapitres of this bone. a a Put nothyng into theeare that is colde, but let it be alpele arme. 2 Thus endeth the letter ot A. And here kolo weth the letter of 25, C The. 41. Chapiter doth chewe of tut: tpnge oz ſtamerpnge. Abbucies is the latin Wozde. In Englyſhe it Stuttng >) by) 1s named ſtuttyng oz ſtameryng. In greze 07 names it ts named bragtlalt. 02 Ancinoglell. TP Og, 1 The caule of this impediment. ( This impediment doth come thee maner cry Sarena ee ee f wapes, one doch come by nature. The other dorhe come by the humiditie of the (ero wes of the tonge. And the thyꝛde commeth to be in the company of a ſtutter og ſtamerer. . CA remedp. ¶ Fyꝛtt as ſtuttynge that noth come by nature, it tan not be hol⸗ pen except it be retoꝛmed in youth by ſome dilcrete tutoꝛ. Ik it do come with beyng in the company of a ſtutter oꝛ a ſtamerer, a man multi retrayne the company of a ſtutter. It it do come bp the humi⸗ dytie ot the tenowes, this is the remedy. Tate ol Balyl an hand⸗ full, of Coullpppes an handctull, fcr all this together in white wone, and dꝛynae of it moꝛnynge, noone, and nyght⸗ thus conty⸗ nue. xb. dayes. Oꝛels tante. bi. oz. bu. kygges, and. bi.oꝛ.bii. faire graines of Caſtoꝛy, beate this togyther with clarikied hony. And then dyuers tymes put the quantitie ora nutte Dppon the tonge, and ble thꝛe tymes a weke of a gargarpce. f pe Foz Barba, le ſyng of the heare ol the bearde, loze in the Chapitre named Alopecia. ; KF F02 Baſilica, loke in the Chapitte named the pʒinci⸗ pal veynes 02 Mediana, ¶ The. 42. Chapitre doth Helvc ot a gredy Appetyde. Bine is the greke woꝛde. Boliſmus is the barba⸗ Bate, 6 I 6 0 . i" 0 i Lo i ie 45 i 18 5 15 — x CRORE oe. tus woꝛde. Ingens fames be che latin woꝛdes. In C. v. Englyche * N N ..... d NTRS ROR RRR Tic. 9 Doꝛtnes. Kpeſtume in the eye. The Breuiatyß * Englyſhe it is named a greate hunger, howe beit when thele the whiche hath this impedimente pk they do cate gredyly a mozſel 2 t wo, they be fatillxed. The Caule ot this impediment. ¶ This impediment doch come ok a colde ſtomatze. T Aremedp. In this impediment q do aduertile al men and women, kyzll to ble odikerous and redolent lauours, as Amber de grece, Stozax, Calampnt, Lignum aloes, Cloues, Lapdanum, and Mutmeges, And to reuocate this ino dinate appetide. wolde that a Cockre⸗ oꝛa ullet myght be lodyn oꝛ rolled and with butter e veneger alperged, with the pꝛemiſſes and to dꝛynke to it Muſcadel oꝛ Bas ſterde os legant, but in any wyſe le that the body be not conuu⸗ pated, ſo that the pacient mape haue daplp a natural egeg ion, other by courte of nature, oꝛ els by fuppolitozs , oz els by fome other calp purgacions. ¶ The. a3. Chapitre doth ſhewe or hozſneſſe. Ranchos tg the greke woꝛde. Branca is the batba⸗ tus woꝛde, In latin it is named Rancedo, In en lyche it is named hoꝛzlnes. 5 The caule ot this impediment. i ¶ Thisimpediment doch come ok reume diſcendynge from the head to the thꝛote. And lome ſa pe it is arenme bticendyng from the head to the chekes oz thzote. And fone do laye that it map come by opilacions. ay a Aremenyp. Foz this matter fpzte purge fleume ble gargarpces e ere nutacions, amd ble pylles of Cochee, and ble to dꝛynze buttred ale oz buttred beere, and fo2 a {pace whlcheis to tape. in.oꝛ. ini. dapes kepe the pacicur warme that he do not come into the open aper, and ſet there be a good kyer where the pacient is. C The. 44. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a puche o7 an impoſtume in the eye. Chor is the ataby woꝛde. In latin it is named pu _) hula 02 Appoſtema. In Englithe it ie named q pute a 8 . . n ]¶! =. = > 2 2 a SO 2 = 2 > SS OS SS SS Oe Se eS eS RESETS * . of healthg»:/1 90"! Fol. xxI. t whele oz an impoſtume in a mannes e pe. And there be ſome auctours ſayth that it is a lytle whyte whelke oz whele in the face named as J do chyntze anale pocke. And ſome auctours faye it is a whele ln the mouthe oz tonge. The caute of this impedument, ¶ This impedinent doth come of late dzynkynge oz lutketynge diloꝛderoꝛ diet in dꝛynkyng of mile ſtrong dle og beere dut ot due tyme. A remedy. pi Ble temperance in dy nkynge to late, than take of the athes of Wplowes and myre it with byneger e wache the place. Oz els take ot᷑ the bzan of Cocle an myxe it with the iuyce of Ka⸗ dyſhe and wache the plate. Oꝛ cls take of the pouder of Radpſhe, myte it with byneger and mat the ie with a tether o7a fpug lynnen clothe. C The. 47. Thapitre doth wet of an imp oſtume growypnge in the thiote oꝛ necke. Bess 07 Nauta be the latin woꝛdes In Englyſhe Aponum: it is a lwelling che which doch grow in the chꝛote meee — Se SS SS SO rr end in the necke. The caule ot this infirmite. z This intirmitie doth come of teume byitvllpnge frõ the heade to the afozeſapde plates, it map come of cogs ruption of bloud. And there be two kyndes, the one is naturall che other is accidental, naturall boctons com⸗ monly chyldꝛen bach, and lo bath ponge perſons that be full of reume, accidental bocions commech to age oz by mylchaunce. A remedy. Fy tt cate to Mattes, no harde chele. noꝛ treſbe ble ke, and ble toe medeeimes. the wbiche be in the nme named Sephiros and Scrophule. ¶ The. 4 6, Chapltre doth chewe of a mannes conde. Bis teſtaculorum be the latin woꝛdes. In Englyche The cod, it is g mannes codde zinthe Wyiche diuerle cymes doth * 88 k 16 Be 6 18 ‘Be 6 6 0 5 0 6 C 0 © os Vv 10 it * * 1 6 N 8 The Breuiaty . 3 doth ingender dyuerle diſeales, as the thꝛe kyndes of i hernpes, and other whyle the liphac is relaxed oz bzo⸗ 0 ken, that the guttes ol man doth tal iuto che codde and Hi then it is uameda ruptute. And otherwhyle the tones may be inflated and inflamed and wollen. A remedpiog 4 all che which lobe in Chapittes ofthe a lozelapde (peks im nelles and inlirmities. © The. 47. Chapitre doth ſhewe ol a mannes armes In arme. Rachium is the Katin woꝛde. In Englyche it ie mans arme, the atmes of man may haue dyuers im⸗ i pedimentes, as che goute named Chiragra, Milo in the anes nap beaches, in the ioyntes and bones, fog the gout in the armes loke in the Chapitre named Chitagra And koꝛ acheg and peyne in the armes, ble ſeaxe clotheg ö that be attract yus. Oꝛ els take of the ople of Tinpen⸗ | tyne and myxt it with Aquauttic, and anoynt che page . 02 places, 0 5 C The. 48. Cbapitte doth thewe of an impetus me, ot (wellyng in the face, A (wellig B Vriga is the latin wozde. In Englyche it is named in the kace an Impoſtume oꝛ an inflacton, the which is in all the whole face ol man. Some docidurs doth name this tufirintete Ruonia, And lome do name tt Gueta tubes, Chere is greate dylkerente betwerte Gutta tubea ANd Gutta rofea,fo2 the caufes ot the infirmities be not lite | Ag ic ſhal appere in this Chapitreand inthe Chapitreol ~ the other intumitte oꝛ impedimente named Guttarofery 5 ¶ The caule of this intirmitie. 2% Thls inkümptie doche come ok a venemous matte alcendpnge out of the ſtomake metyng with reume that wolde dylcende oz dyſtyl out of the heade. And the one alcendynge Cc = 2 =o a a So 2 2 o> 2 8 SS SS 2 2 Se Oe = =. a eS SS A Se ee. health, Fol. xxiii, B alcendyng and the other dylcendyng, and metyng both togyther, dehemently doch cauſe the vapoꝛs to bzeake out, and doch make the Apoſtumacion. CA remedp. ice Fy2rttefo2 this matter Flehothomp is very good and fo he purgacions ot pylles of umitoꝛp, and the pilles ot Coche. Zito the kyzupe of nuniter is good to take of it, moꝛnyng & euenynge. And the medecines, the whiche be in the Chapitre named Andi⸗ mia be good fo2 this impediment. C Tbe. 49. Chapitre doth ſchewe of a grote im po⸗ ſtume named Bubo. vbo is the Latin woꝛde. In Englyche is named a : grolle impoſtume. Bud there be certeyne kyndes Pout fone be peſtilerous, and fome be not peſtikerous. The caule ot this infirmitie. ¶ This infirmp tte doch come onder this maner, grole kedynge doth make groſſe humours, and groſſe and coz⸗ rupte humours doth make many diſeaſes, {pectallp ic doth ingender this aloe ſayde inkirmitie. C Aremedy. t this inftrmite do come of a peſtiferous matter loke in the Chapitre named Carbunculus . Ik it do come ot no peſtiferous matter. Fyʒſt tate a clyſter, oꝛ a luppolitoꝛ, oꝛ Come eaſy purgacid. And akter that take of oyle olyue an vntce, mixt with bay lalte, and lay it ouer the ſoꝛe. And after that tf it do not bꝛeatze, matze an in⸗ cyſion oꝛ a coꝛolyne. And then ble falucs with tentes attractpue, And the matter abſtracted which is the caulſe of the anguylſhe o7 payne, then J do Cape as the Phploſopher doth Cape. Dekiciente taula deficit eſtectus, that is to fape, take awape the cauſe, oz els the caule lackyng, the effect is to no purpoſe.Oꝛ els take the mat⸗ ter as thus. Take away the caule of the ſickenes. And the lycke⸗ nes can do no harme but helth chal folow. And the cauſe not také awap, of the inftrmitte the lickenes mut nedes remayne and conti nue in the body, oz els in ſome perticuler menber it mute pars mapne o: reſt. ¶ Thus endeth the letter ol B. and here folo weth the letter of C. 1 I 0 4 6 ‘ i | 6 i 16 5 * — — St Sh, Fin n EPIC IDEAS Che 2 SLIDING CSCC a * ee An cupil dweller. A mans hecles. Prpes of thelunges The Breuſary pe The. go. Chapitre dothe ewe of an inkirmite the whiche is toncurrant with an Byenzoply, Acecia, 02 Cacexia, 02 Catheſia, be tht greke woꝛdes, In latin it is named Mala 47 habitudo, In Englyſhe it is named an De ul dweller, foz it is an infumitie conem 8 rant with the hidꝛopſies. : @ The caule of this inkirmytie. wie ¶ This infirmuie doch come thozowe cupll, Tacke,o llowe digeſtion. C Artmedy⸗ Ale the confection of Altzengi, and kepe a good dyet e bewan of dꝛynkynge late, and dꝛynke not befoze thou do cate ſomewhz and bie temperate dzynkes, and labour oz exerciſe the body twete. I was in this intirmite, and by greate trauapl 3 dyd make my lelke whole, moze by labour than by phil icke in recepptes. medecines. N 1 ¶ The. yr. Chapitre doth chewe ol a mannes heles. Alcanei is the Latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is nu med the heles ofa man oꝛ woman, the which map dyuers tymes haue inlections, as che goute, ſtraynpng the crampe, the kybes and ſuch lyke. ¶ A remedp. i) Fpꝛſt kepe the fete from colde, and than take of opleot netts fete and put to it a lytle oylc of Turpentine and anopnt the bheles dluers tymes & Oftc. Oꝛ els take of Fenel.ii.handekull, of mal age. it. handekull, of Malowes, tit. handekull, fer this in wyn oꝛ dꝛegges ot wyne, x put therto Dere ſuet æ wache the heles ort ¶ Fo calculus loke in the Chapitte named Nefrefis, ¶ The. 2. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the pypes of the lunges ö Anales pulmonis be the Latin woꝛdes. In Eng Ipthe it is named the pypes of the lung es, oz the canes of the lunges, che which diuerle tymes be oppla⸗ The ted o Topped, = 2 = = a eS Oe Se SOS 8S SO SS ke SSS 2 > ee SS SS SS of health; Fol. xxiii, B The caule of this opilacion. ¶ There is nothyng that doth opplate oz ſtoppe cheſe canes oꝛ pypes, fo much as vilcus fleume doth. ¶ A remedp. Fypiſt eate no maner of tyches noz ſpnewes the whiche wyll adhere oꝛ cleue to the fyngers in the eatynge, dꝛynke no reed wyne noꝛ thycke oꝛ moudp ale oz beare, ſpeciallp it it be newe, cate no newe bead, noꝛ almons, noꝛ nuttes, noꝛ whlte meates noz totes And fo2 this matter epther cate G arlpke oꝛ els Loclanum de pins Andaptplanc is very good, and than take a dꝛame ok pplics of Tochee, oꝛ cis ſome equiualent purgacion, æ beware of to muche venerious actes. KF F02 cacexia, loke inthe C hapitre named Cacecia, Che. gz. Cbapitre doth ſbewe or a Canker, . Ancer, is the Latin wozde. In Englyche it is na a kanzer med a Canker, the which is a loze che whiche doch cozode and eate the lleſhe, coꝛruptyng the Arters, the veynes and the. ſino wes coꝛodyng o2 eatynge the bone, and doch putrifye and cozrupte it, And then it is ſel⸗ dome made hole. The cauſe of this intirmitie. This intirmirie doch come ol a melancolp humour, 02 ot aColertke humour aduſted, 02 it map ſpꝛyng ol an butte oz a harme taten, and not loked bute betyme, doth pile and keſture. C Aremedp. Fk the bone be black there is no remedy, but to tut of the bone kleſhe and all, tpecially uf it be in che armes oꝛ legges, it the bone He nat putritied, t yꝛſt ſcoure the cankerous place, tit.o2, ttt: dapeg with white wyne. Atter that take burnt lead and my re it with the ople of oles and anoynt the place Diners tymes, and pte pylles named Pillule Jude. And aktet that take ot white Poppy an bnce. of Opium and Menbane of either of them a Dzame, of Gumme azabicke halte an vnce, of the ople ot Roles. iii. vnces, incoꝛpo⸗ zate thjs togyther and anoynte the Can zer okte . Oz els ble the ople ot Juneper. Oz els take ot Terre (igillate, ok boole Armo⸗ nia e of eche an vnce, ot᷑ Ceruce, of Mulcilage of either halle an unte, compounde all this togyther with the luyte of Letuce, and the water oꝛ iuyteot᷑ ouleletze and ble Yerologodion and the con kertion ot Mamech. Spy The 1 | 1 * 5 90 | 2. * — ser ns pi, 22 —— n RRR . d 0000000000000 NN Pe „! ˙·AAA IER III IRCCS C ſwellyng. Atanine appetpde, The Breuiaty ¶ The. 74, Chapitre doth che we of kwellynges, Ancrenats the Latin wo2de, In Englipche it is wellyng the which may be in euery member in man hauynge a greenyſhe colour oꝛ els a blacke coloyt, The caule of this inkirmitie. ¶ This inkirmytie doch come of a melancoly humor pt tt he blacke. And yt it be greene it Doth come ol e tryne colour. ¶ Aremedp. In this matter purge coler and melancolp, And koꝛ this matt Flebothomp is good, yt lo be ſtrength x age wyll permit it, g take of honp halke a pynte, the white ok. i. rawe egges, ol barlx a handful, incoꝛpoꝛat this togyther æ make a playſter. Oz els tant of Rapes. iii. bucess ampe them to gytber with bony and malt plapſters ¶ The. s. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a canine oꝛ a dogges appetpde. Aninus Apetitus, be the latin wozdeg. In Englich it is named a canine oʒ a dogges appetyde, oz map be named an vnlaciable apetyde to eate. In grent it is named Achinodis orexts, which is to faye in 17 tin, Canina appetencia, In Englyſhe it is named as haue reherſed. The caule of this inkirmptie. y 2 There be two kyndes of this inkyꝛmptie, the ont doth come of a melancoly humour, alcendyng from ih ſplene to the ozpfpce of the ſtomatze, oz eis it may com of a colde diſtemperante of che ſtomake. The other zin doth come thoꝛo we a hote lpuer, and a hote ſtomaz And thus Mal vou knowe the one kynd krom the othel pf it do tome of a melancoly humour, aman Mall han A tauinynge ſtomake to este what fo euer he can gett, And when the ſtomake is full repleted, then it is tro bled, and then the patient is pꝛoͤuoked to vomptynge And after that che lomatze is lo euatuated 02 „ f t 2 i 8 3 3 of health; _ Fol.xxv, G then the pactent doth Fall to eatyng agapne. There is another canine appetyde, whiche is. when a man is e⸗ uct hungry and is neuer ſatilfied, noꝛ is not well but when he is eatynge 02 dꝛynkynge, ignoꝛant men wyll fap that ſuche perlons bath an eaton in the hely. A remedy foꝛ the fyzſt impediment. fFpiſte purge melancoly with Dpatene and the ſtomake, and then ble to cate katte meates, as Goole, Pygge, and luch lyke, and dꝛyntke good dzynges. And it it do come of Fleume let the matter be digeled with Oꝛganum and Calamynt, and with ane s ledes, and Fenel ſedes, and purge the matter with Yerapigra oz ſuche Ip ke. And ble to cate meates the whiche ingender fleume as pota⸗ ge made of mylke and aples and ſuche lyke. J remedy fo2 the feconde impediment . Fyꝛſte rectifie the Lpucr and ſtomake frome they: caliditie 02 heate, and ble grolſe meates, as Bete, Beanes, harde egges, tripes. podpuges aud ſuche lyke, and anoynte the backe and the ſtomake with ople ot Myꝛtylles, 02 the oyle ot᷑ Roſes, 02 the oyle ot᷑ Sus macke. And koꝛ this impedyment ble no ſauces, ſpecpally Comze lautes that doth pꝛouoke au appetyde, @ Foꝛ camo lobe in the Capicre mamed Combattio, ¶ The. 56. Chapitre doth chewe ot the heare of 7 man. Apillus 02 Capilli be the latin wozdes, In greee % it ig nage hr. In Englyſhe it is heare ofa e mannes heade. Cr inis is che locin wozde fora womans heare. Pili is the latin woꝛde foʒ beaſtes heare. And al mauer of heares be ingendꝛed and doch come of a groſle matter oꝛ fume be ynge hote, wherkoze chis comon pros uerbe is pled in Latin, that Vir piloſus femper eft luxu⸗ riofus, chat is to ſape, man that is full ok beare is euer venerious, vnleſſe grace (as J ſaye) Woꝛtze aboue naz ture. There be. vii. pꝛyncipal colours ofheares. There is fyꝛſt alboʒne heare, velowe heare, reed heate, blacke heate, llexen heare, gray heare, and white heare, Albozne heare and pelo we heare commethe of a gent yll nature, grounded pon a good complexion n af Bi oly g eS SS BS SS DS ¢ é i 4) 5 N ü . ge 16 18 1 0 6 © 6 0 SS DT Se SS Mh KE a — 2. res = SE SEES: The Breufary 8 efi hedre is engendzed ol lleume the teed heave is engem dor che multpeude ol groſle humoures, ſpeciaſſp of ante lub Aid blacke heare commeth of colerpche humours myxt wich melancoly humoures. The guape heares do come ok the defection of naturall beate, 03 el it doch come ok coꝛrupt lleume⸗ Euery heare hach a hole and beſyde euery heare is pooze where the [west dorhe come foʒth. The heares of man haue diuerſe impedimen tes, it may be eaten with wozmes, it may kal of, it map ftp nke. f 1 ¶ Foz fallèyngeokthe heave lobe in the Chapttre nay med Alopecia. CA remedy . ¶ Ik the heave be eaten with woꝛmes takea pput of white win and ſtampe.iii.heades of Garlyke with. it. handekull of Wozme⸗ woode and boyle all togyther and wache the head. Oz els an oput ment named Pltlotium. Oz els de ſolue an nce of Aloes cabaley ma peut ot wyne and wache the head. ii. oz. iii, tymes . ro make heares to growe and that a they chall nat fall. 2 Take ol che ople named in Latin, Olium coſtinum and anopnte che heave With it okte. To make heares to kall. 1 Take of arſnecke an vnce, ot vnſlaked lyme halle an Duce, myxe this together with vineger, and wache oz ano pnt che place diuers tymeg. Oz els take of the oy of Henbane, of che ople of Mandzagoz of ethe halle an Dice, compounde this with the blonde of a bactze 024 llytter moule, and anoynt the place, C The. v7. Chapitre doth chewe of a mates head. The head Cab is the Latin worde. In gretze it is named ce⸗ phalas. In Englyche it is named a mans head, the which is che ſeate of the loule, and thereloze when the head doth ake all che body is out ol temper. In the 10 max =. 2 = o SS SO 8 2 2 Of OS OS SS Se OS SS = ee eS SSS SS ok healthy , Fol,xxyi, © may be many inkirmittes, as the Apopleri, the {cocomp the Megrym, the Sood, the Phzemples, the failpnge fickenes and dyuers other infirmytteg belyde nches, us it Mall appete in they: Chapitres , As for aches in the head be many, Fyꝛſt there is an ache che whiche Doth come by extreme labour. There is an ache the whi ch may come by ſuperabundance reume. Then ts ther ache the which doch come by extreme colde. There is an uchethe which may come byarydytie oz dꝛynkes in the head There is an ach the which may come by a bilus hu mour oz by ſome Appoſtumation. There is an ache the which may come by 02 thozo we Daonkennes . There is an ache in che head, the which may come by vento lytie. There is an ache the which maye come by a blowe , & fitype,o2 fal, oꝛ any great butte in the head. There is head ache, the whiche maxe come by any maner ok feuer, Bud by other certayne ſickenelſleg. And belyde all the le, ache may be in the head thoꝛowe the talyditie or heate ok the fonne, 02 by intetpozancp of the aper coʒrupted. And it may come by the eupli operacion of the planettes and ſygnes. a A remedp fo2 all thele pꝛemiſſes, extepte doukenneſſe. Fypꝛſte ble in all thynges temperance x an oꝛder in al thinges, rule the body that it kall not into intirmites, and purge the heade ofte with gargarices and with ſternutacions, with pules ot Co⸗ chce, Pillule aggregate, Yerapigra Galent , oꝛ Jeraherme tis, 02 Yeralogodion ruckt, and Aqua melis is good. C The. ye. Thapitre doth ſhewe of a Car⸗ bocle 02 boche. Arbunculus is the latin woꝛde. Altoin is the arabp Carbocle. — woꝛde. In engliſhe it is named a Carbocle oz botch Carbunculus, is detyued out a woꝛzde of latin named Carbo, the whiche is a cole in Englyſhe, koz this intyzmptie hath the pꝛopertie ok a cole that is hote bur | Di, nynge * 6 1 9 0 5 8 N BR. ö | A * 1% 6 Be 168 5 8 6 6 6 6 8 i? 0 0 3 . 8 th G N . 4 1 Kanker. 2 The Breufaty + nynge, koꝛ ? Carbocle doch burne and pꝛytke, Foz thig matter lobe in the Chapitre named Altoin, ¶ The. vo. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the lyckenes of the pꝛilons. 1 G is the greke woꝛde, In englyſhe it is a med the lick enes of the pzilon. And ſome auccourg doch lay that it is a Canker, the whiche doch cozode and eate che luperial partes of the body, but J do cake ie for the ſickenes ok the pꝛiſon. 5 The caule ot this inkirmite. ¶ This intirmitie doth tome of coꝛruption ok the dye and the beech and kylch the which Doth come ftom men, as many men to be together ina lytle rome, hauyng bye lytle open aper. 5 A remedy. The chete remedy is toꝛ man, to to Ipue and ſo to do, that he de lerue nat to be bꝛought into no pꝛilon. And it he be in pzilon eyther to get krendes to helpe hym out, 02 els to ble ſome perfu⸗ ee 02 to ſmel to ſome oditerous ſauours, and to kepe the pʒziſon 2 Fog cardiaca loke in the Chapitre of veynes named Mediana, ¶ The. so. Chapitre doth chewe ofa Canker in a mannes noſe. Arcinodes is the greke wozde. In latin it is named ( Cancer in nofa, In Englyche it is named a Canker in the nole. [The cauſe ot this impediment. 2 This impedyment doth come of coler aduſted, myrt with coꝛrupte bloud and reume, for reume is che caule of many inkixmittes. 5 A remedy. ¢ Fd mundptpetheplace with white wyne and roche alomed And then yk there be any deade flethe coꝛode it with Aqua ardens Oz twith aqua kortis, and then take of honpe halke a pynte; of the white ot. it. egges, ok barly bꝛan, an handkull, incozpozate * Sickenes ok the pꝛi⸗ ſon. See Se * - — NESTS TETRIS NN, a eS SS OS SS RS — n a — — — — — Are ö * of health, Fol. xxvii, © togyther and make a playſter, oꝛ els do as vou thal ſynde in ma⸗ Ny places ot this boke ot other kyndes of Cankers. ¶ Whe, 1. Chapitre doth ewe of the Cardiac ke palſion. (Cr Atdiacs paſſio be the latin woꝛdes. In Englyche it err is named the Cardpactze paflion, oz a palſſion a7 palſion. bout che harte, koz the herte is depꝛelled and ouercome with fayntneſſe. The caule of this tnfirmptic, ¶ This tmfitmptic dothe come ok euyll humoures the which be in che celles about the hart, it may come allo ol to much lweatynge. Allo it may come ot imbecpliptic OF wekeneg ol the body. Bnd it maye come of grolnes of bloud, oꝛ ok melancolp: pf it do come of an euyll hu⸗ mour in thetelles about the herte, eyther it Doth come of Nroſſe bloud, oz acolerycke humour. And then is there About the herte tremblynge with heate, the which tau⸗ ferh thyzſt, and depe ketehynge of wynde, pf it do come ok imbel yllyt ye oꝛ of melancoly, then the pacyente is in keare, in dulnelle, and ſoꝛowe. Lek : ~~ CaAremedy. ¶ Foꝛ this matter ble maces in all maner of meates, and bſe the coufection de Aromatibus, and purge euil humours, and ble mirth and merp company, and beware of pencikulnes. ¶ The. 62. Chapttre both: partract of the tleche ot man. — — 5 * 16 t 0 * — ( ( 6 1 6 6 > n Aro is the latin woꝛde, In grete it is named Sarx, but J dpd learne amonges the grezes Creas, ag Fleche. thus to ſape, gyue me ſome fleſhe. Fu greke they ſaye Vos ſo moo creas, this is no true greke although it be the common ſpeche in greke. There be many maner ot kleſhes as euery mandoth knowe, but J do not pꝛetende to ſpeake of no other lleſhe, but ot ry 1 of 8 li. the n S ODERIGI ORIN eR RE INO The Breuiatyy * the wohiche maye be putrilyed and toꝛrupted as hy Bye goriuacté ok Wptte. Akypid of the fallig fickenes. | dꝛopſies and putttfpenge of che bloud, pf the flelſhe be in temperance and not co upted , naturally tc is hore and moyſt, yk it be putrifped with any of the kyndeg a Idꝛopltes, looke in chep2 Chapitres, yk it be in fee wich eupll bloud, loke in the Chaptece named Sanguis, and in the Chapiters of Lepꝛouſneſle. C The. 63. Chapitre dothe cbewe of the pꝛiuacion of mannes wptte. Aros is the greke woꝛde. Subeth and Sabara be the Araby woꝛdes. In Latin it is named Dormitacio Vigilatiua, In Engliche it is named pꝛiuacion ofmang wpe, it doch byfler from a lyckenes named che Lecherge koꝛ Caros doth dzawe the bꝛech in, and expellech it ont and ſo doch not the Letharge that can not be percepued, And the pacient that hach this inkyꝛmyte named Cato pt anp man do atke hym a queſtion, be wyll aunlwere, And the Letharge pactent can not. Alſo it doch dyfſer from an infirmytie named Apoplexia, for the Apoplery is euer with vehement alp yꝛacions and dzawing depe⸗ ly the bꝛeth. And ſo is not Oaro s. ¶ The cauſe of this intirmitie. ¶ This inlitmptie doch come of a colde humour pertuti batynge the bꝛapne. CA remedp. Fyꝛſt purge reume, and kepe t he fete warme, and ble ſlernute cions and gargarices ,. | = ; ga Caros AS ſome men fapis a ſurket. The. 54. Chapitre dothe Hewe ot one of the Rpndes of the tallpnge lyckenes. C Atalepſis 02 Cathocha be the greke woꝛdes, In ls tin it ts named Congelacio. The barbarus woꝛd is named catalencia. In englyſhe it is named che Catalen tp, which is one of che kyndes of the fallyng 9 10 = 2 > oe a 2 O28 2 2 8S 2 Se eS SSS SS SS a SS SS SS of health; Fol. xxviſi. & 3 The caule of this impediment, | E_This tmpeotment doch come of coloereume the mht che doth moleſt and trouble the bꝛayne and head, that tt doth depꝛyue one of his wytte and, dothe fal to the grounde, and can not moue no: fitee fo2 as one is taken fo Hall he lye, otherwhyle open eped, and otherwhyle tlole eyed. And although the eyes be open pet one Mall not ſe, heare, noꝛ ſpeake, no ſcarſe dꝛawe any wynde in oꝛ out that can be percepued, for one Mail lye as he were deade fo2 afpace, 7 ¶ Aremedp, E Fypiſte purge rtume whiche is the chefeſt cauſe of the inlir⸗ mite: and than ble the dyet the whiche is ſpetitied in the Chapitre named Analepſia. And in any wyſe let not the perfore dꝛ patient be in keare noꝛ let hym relo te where there is a greate company, as in market places, churches, ſcoles, and great mennes houfes, kioꝛ fuche thynges doth induce all the kyndes of the falipnge ſyck⸗ nes. And (o it dothe ik the pacient be vnder a baute, oꝛa thurche that is bauted, oꝛ any other cloſe houle, ſpecialſy it there be any Charcole oz fea cole be burned and hath no bent, but that the fus me ok it do enter into the body, the pacient wyll fall, foz this mat ter loke in the Chapitres named Epilepfta & Analepfita. oz Catalécia loke in the Chapitre named catalepcis C The. 6s, Chapitre dothe chewe of a dead oꝛ a depe llepe. 2 1 is the greke woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is ng A depe meda deade oꝛ a depeflepe, OF a dilpoliclon to be depe. euer ſompnouent and heaup. N The caule ok this inkirmitie. | Chis intirmytte doth come of a teumat tze head and ſuperabundaunce of fleume. ¶ A remedy. Fypiſt purge reume, and diminiche ficume,and ple not to much dꝛynky nge of wyne and ſtronge ale. d § 02 Caroli loe in the ſeconde boke named Exatra⸗ Uagantes. | Ke Fot cartilago loke in the Extrauagantes in the endt — . — — — rr 8S & 6 & 6 SS ee — — 3 Re t — — mae — eS a ROAR D, ttt. The EO ORO atte. The Breutaty @ The. 66. C hapitre doth chewe ol a Lathavact, Atharacta (9 the batharus woꝛde. In greebett g named Ypechime, In Englyſhe ic is named a Cay tharact, the which doth let a man to le perkytly. a The cauſe of this infirmite. ¶ This inkirmptie doch come ok a groſle and a wate rpibe humour, the which doch lye befoze the ſyght, et tynge a man to ſe clerelp, fo2 he can not de ſerne a far of, a crowe from a man, noꝛ a beaſt froma buſhe, and of one thynge, he Mall fe two chynges, although tt be bug one chynge. N f ¶ & remedy. Fpiſte beware of any thynge the whiche ſhulde fume into the head, as wyne, G arlpke. onyons, the fatnes ot fyſhe and ſuche Ipke. Than ble gargarifacions and ſternutacions, as J haue re⸗ herſed in this boke ta many Chapitres. And beware of col iueneg and ble purgacious to purge the head and ſtomake, as pplles of Coche and fuchelpke, b ¶ The. s 7, Chapitre dothe Hewe of a Cataruè oꝛ a Murre. Atarrhos, is the greke woꝛzde. Catarrus is the bat; barus wozde. In latin it is named Inundacio og Diſtillacio. In Englyſhe it is named a Catatue oꝛ g Murre. The caule of this intirmite. 5 ¶ This intixmytie doch come ok reume, the which doth dyſtyll from the heade into the ſtomatze, andother while it doth make Souffocacions, : 2 2 remedy . f Fo a gatarue is good Dratcadion ¢ the fpzupe ot opp , and fertiutactons and gargarices be good fo2 this mater. And it there be anp luttocacions whiche by ſtrangulacion dothe kolowe a Ta⸗ tarue, bſe to cate Dianucum, the whiche in Greke is named Dia⸗ coridon and Pilluſe contra catarrhos be very good, and beware of coftiuettes, and therkoze ble the aloꝛelapde pylies. ¶ catin be. b. mall ipondplles, the Which be, v. int bone = a SSS SS OS SS OO SS SO 8 ee OS = a SS SS SS of health . Fol. xxx. G bones in the backe bone. owt dont 2 Foz cataſtropha, loke in the Chapitre named Anas ſtrupha. ‘ e Foz Cathefia, lobe in the Chapitre named Cacecia 02 Cacexia ¶ Foꝛ Cathoca, loke in the Chapitre named Catalepfisg ¶ Foꝛ Cauſos, loke in the C hapitre named Febris ardẽs | @& Canteriſacio, is Canterifacton that ts to lap, burning oz ſerynge with a hote pzon oꝛ ſcaàle of golde. ¶ The. ss. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a peyne in the head, named the Cephalarge. F *Ephalargiats the greke worde. Soda is the arabp 8 woꝛde. In Inglyche it is named Cephalarge, : oz an vniuerſal pepuein the head. Some auctours doth holde opynyon that Soda and Cephalia ig one infpʒ⸗ myptie. worte The caule of this infirmities . KP This intirmit ie doch come eit her by extreme kabout oꝛ by ſurfetyng oz of the coʒtuption of the aper, oꝛ by lome extreme heate, oꝛ els by extreme colde, 02 dꝛyn⸗ kynge of hote wynes. : @ Aremedy. ; con Fv 2tt beware of al thynges the whiche doth hurt the head, as Saripbe, onyds, chibolics, wyne, touppug downe with the head, extreme labour and luche lyke, and beware of lurketyng and dꝛon⸗ kenneſſe, and purge the head with gargarices, and ſternutacids and purge the head and the ſtomake twy te a wee with pylles of Cochee oz Cuche lyke. 3 Erxrhe. 69. Chapitre dothe chewe of a pepne in the head named the Cephale. ö Ephalea is the gteke woꝛde. In latin it is named gephale f Dolor ingens in capite. In Englyſhe it ts named head ache, the Cep hale, che which is au extreme peyne in the head 4 D. . that c f 0 0 0 ie 6 ae. : 5 . 6 * 6 By 6 0 6 6 6 8 0 U 2 Skull. 3 Bꝛapne. } iG SEN ROR ORCIOROR ORS The Breuiary. 5 : that a man tan not abyde no lyght no; no nople and the pacient Doth loue to be in darke places, Ind his head he doch thynke doth go in peces, and a pyllowe is bert for the pacient then a cute ot defente. The cauſe of this impeniment. ; ¶ Tyis impediment doch come eyther ol extreme heate oz els of extreme colde, oꝛ of ſome malpuolus humonte A remedy. Fyill ſe that the pactét he not coſtlue. And than ble all mance of thynges the whiche is reherled in the Chapitre named Cephg⸗ largia. And beware of bling to much benerpous actes (pecially ig ſammer. ¶ Foꝛ Cephalica,lobe in the Chapitres named Medias na aud Vene. The. 70, Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mans Sculle. Raneum is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is name Cranion, og Cranos. In Englyche it is named g mans (bull, the which ina y be fract oz bꝛokzen, oz eis if map be putrified oꝛ coʒrupted. 4 j The Cauleot this impediment. This tinpediment may come ok a fall oz a bꝛoſe, oF by a ſtrype, it may allo come of foie intexiall ſpctzees oz ſome excerial diſeaſe. f AA ſremedy. a = Fypꝛſt the Chierurgions mut knowe how the Skull was bie | hen, and than ſhaue the head, and make incil ion of the ckyn to ſe aparently the Skull, than mundiky the place with white wyne warme. Than take of Mi prre an bnte , of Aloes apatycze. ii. dea mes, ot Sarcocol, ot Frankenlence, ot Sanguis dꝛaconis, ot Ma der of eche the weyght ot. ii. d. incoꝛpoꝛate al this togytber and in . lap it bpon the place and after that do as pou do in other ractures. € The. 71. Chapitre doth chewe of the bꝛayne a of man. ; Ca rebrum ig the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named Eucephalos, In Englyſhe it is a mannes bꝛayne, the which is the (econde pꝛincypall member in * ö 0 a. 2 2 2 oS SO 2 2 Se SASS SS oo) > SS Se SS SS SS of health, Fol. xxx. € In the which pꝛincipall member doch reſt the anymall ipirttes. The bꝛayne is colde and moyſte. And in it lelfe it is without bleud, and without fpich, The beak, the tyche, the fdule, the which bath no bꝛayne can not ſlepe. And tf the bꝛayne be perted oz hurte, parell of deathe conſequently foloweth. Ind dpuers tymes che bꝛapne is inllated and bath dpuers other impedimentes. The cauſe of this inklacion. ¶ The caule is when the poozes be opened out oꝛ a⸗ boue al naturall courſes, it doch let in ſubtyl wynde che which doch matze inflacion, oz elles the poozes opened, cdldnes dilcendynge frome the bꝛayne is reuerberated into che bencricles of the bꝛayne agayne, and makech in flacion whichis a periculus paſſion, and doch put a man in perpl and ieopardy of deathe, koꝛ the whiche is good the confeccion ot muſtze and diateſleron and che cleccuaz ry of Gemmis, and pplies of Elephangpne is good to purge the bzaine, and Oximel fqutlitte cõpound, is good £0; opplacions of che bꝛayne. And to tznowe whether a man be inkeſted wich this inkyꝛmytle oz not, one maye knowe it by theſe lignes, inflacion o lwellynge wylbe about the temples, and che head og kace che wyll {well and be reed, and the pactent Hal not well care, and an ague wyl be concurrant with the infirmpte. : Avemedyp, | E syzite ble ſternutacions and gargarices. And purge the head With the pylles of Elcphangine, and ble the medecines the which ve teherled in this Chaͤpitre in the caule of 5 infiacton of p bꝛapne. ¶ The. 72. Chapitre doth chewe of the hynder parte of the head. i Ornix is the Latin Woꝛde. In Greeke it is named swye pol. Epomis, In Englylſhe it is the hynder parte ol the heade, in the which may be manp impedimentes, as Letharges ® = — .. INSITE I TES LT — ——_ — — — 77772 ͥͤ 7 ²˙ w.. TTT 8 ORCS : Ae j Y Ah 4 j / ; } / Ao / y y 6 ö 75 / , 7 NN Ne F TTC eee The eye lydde. Liphac, | The Breuiary 2 Letharges, Obliuioulnes, che Apoplexi and fluch ly for the which impedimentes oꝛ ficueneflesloke in their Chapitres. and vle che medecines that there be {peep Fred, And beware of hurtynge the hynder parte of the heade, fog the bꝛavne doch lye there. ¶ Chilis is the name oł a veyne, che which doth ſpꝛing out of the lyuer. @ The. 7;. Thapitre doth ſhewe of an inkir⸗ mite in the eye lyde. i Himofis ig the greke woꝛde. In Englyſpe it san impediment the which is in che lůyn, the which doch inclole che eye. i ¶ The cauſe ot this impediment, ¶ This impediment doch come of a falee humour: A remedp. . Foz this matter gargarices be good to bzynge the humour an other wap, that it haue no recourtcto the epes, koz tf the falte humour haue a recourſe to the eyes, it wyl make a man blere eyed belyde this aloꝛeſayde impediment. : ¶ Foꝛ Chinanchi,loke in the Chapitre named Angina, C be. 74. Chapitre both thewe or the Ciphae. Iphac, is the Araby woꝛde In Englyſhe it ia call 02 8 pellycle the whiche Dosh compaſſe about the guttes. And dyuers tymes che (apd Ciphar mape b relaxed oꝛ bzaoß enn: ; 2 f ¶ The cauſe ot the bꝛeakynge of the Kiphat. A The c iphac is bꝛoben thoʒo we a Great lpft, 02 a fa 028 bzoſe, 02 by greate cryenge, oꝛ extreme halo wyng, oꝛ by lepynge into atadell , 02 otherwpſe lepynge 0 ſtraynpnge a mannes ſelfe. er @ Aremedp. ee Fo: a temedy Foz this infirmite loke in in the Chapitre ma med Kuptura. e Foꝛ C irſocella, loke in the Chapitre named — e Che a S of health; Fol. xxxi. © C he. vr. Chapitre doth chewe of Carnels. Ag il Herade ig the greke woꝛde. Sone auctours do cal : ö 2 it Serume, x lome do cal it in greze Antiades. The Larnels⸗ latias do cal it Glandule. The barbarus people do name 0 it Scrophule. In Englyſche it is named carnelles in a mans fede, foꝛ this matter lobe in the Chapitre named Glandule, and ble the medecines that there be ſpecilied. @ The. 76. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the gout i inthe handes. \ tC; Hiragra is the gree wozde. In CnglpMe it is the Tbe gout gout the which is in che handes a kyngers of man. in the ban And it doch runne krome one ioynte to another as other des. Agoutes doch. The taule of this impediment. This impediment doch come ok reume and euyll di⸗ et. And there be two kindes of the goute in the handes, the one is confirmed and can not be made whole, foʒ and , do come by kynde fo that che toyntes be bꝛotzen, the 'fitkenes is vncurable. The other che which is not cons fyʒmed inap be made whole. @ A remedp. Tanke of Cole woztes. ui. handekull, leth it in a lytle lye with ent. (ponkull of bineger, and halte a fponcfullof falte, ſtampe all " his togytber and maße a plapſter. Oz els take and eate Triatle: mae a plapſter of it, and lave it to the place. and mare that ik the matter do come of a hote caule, minifter hote medicines. And ik it do come ok a colde caule, miniſter no hote medeeines but colde medecines, and let the pacient beware ot catynge and dzynzynge b ok thole thynges that be ouer hote oz ouer colde. iN ö 6 . N 7 “Be 4 3 ik 1 | 10 0 90 ( 0 0 6 0 n 5 ¶ The. 77. Chapitre doth ſhewe of carnall copula⸗ : cion betwyrte man and woman. C Oitus is the latin woꝛde. In gretze it is named o2 Janynge. 6 chia 02 Sy nouſia, In Englyche it is named carnal y Copulation bet wirt man and woman, and it isa natu⸗ ral oe WPI TRC — n 40 6 7 A | : 1 7 4 j 7 , A ie ; J y 1 7 CCC The Breuiatys * ral thynge zmonges beattes, ioules, and fpihes, and gz other thynges hauynge lyke gud doch ingender, e taute of this natural copulacien. ¶ planst copilacions Doth come of thze cautes, The frakigrhac whan god had mademan, beat, kyche and foule, and all other thynges that doch ingender, Ye vyd them to encrea le and to multyply the woꝛld oz the eatth, The leconde caule is, that naturally euery male delpꝛeth copulacion wich his make, forthe Phplolt pher laych. Euery lpke delpzeth to haue one iphe te hym, koꝛ and ik any copulacton be had with vnlpke, then is engendꝛeda monſtruous thynge. The thyꝛd cautel that euery thynge bearynge oꝛ hauynge lyfe, delpzen his make except man, foꝛ a man hach ceaton, in whom grace may woꝛke aboue nature, and ik grace do not woz ke aboue nature foꝛ carnal copulaciona manmapelpue chaſte, alwell in pouth as in age. Ind an olde man to fall to carne ll copulacion to get a chylde, he doth kyl a man, koꝛ he doth byl hym ſelle except realon with grate do rule hym. But oktyimes in this matter old men doth Dore, for it is harde to get out ol the fleſhe, that is bee in the bone, And furthermoꝛe J do faye. Qui muſtun coniunt diu viuete non poflum, fo2 it doth ingenderd⸗ uers inkirmpties, (pectallp if venetious perfong vie i nall copulacion vpon a full ſtomatze. C Medecines foꝛ a mau the whiche can not do the acte ok matrimony thoꝛowe impotencie. The electuarp de Aromatibus, and aconfection of ginger i gocd koꝛ this matter. Allo a cdõtection made of the ſtones of a ff, and the electuarp of Ale chot is bery good foz this matter, and io is the confection of Alharit, and the lẽconde confection of the te nes of a Fore, $02 the makyng ot thele thrnges and manp ohen thynges in this boke, the Potytary muſt do it oz els any He m ees of health; Pol,xxxii, & man chall marre al that he doth go about, and the medecines thal nat tabe none eckecte, except p matter be wel oꝛdered & truly made, ke HJendecines to belpe a man o; a woman to haue chyldzene. ö } | Kom Fete a man mule knowe whether the faute be in the man oz in the womã. It the faut be in the ma it doth come thozow wehe nes 07 deblltte of nature, 07 to: lacke of erection of the perde, lette uche men Ofe rettozariue meates and dꝛynkes, and ble goon dyet and ble no venerious actes atter a full ſtomaze. Ak the woman be in the kaute it Doth come of lubzicite of humours in the matrix o2 place of coucepciõ. Foʒ this matter lokein the Chapit re ot concep⸗ cton. Furthermoze this is good to make a woman to concepue. | Wake of Mandzagoz aples, contect them with Role water & Suz ger rolet, and take a poꝛcion of it.ix.dayes. And bere is to be no⸗ ted foz maried men that Ariſlotle layth Secundo de Amma that euerp parkpte thynge ts, whan one may generate a thynge Ipke to , bymieite, toz by it he is adſimiled to the immoꝛtall Gon, Auicene De ſnaturalibus, gloziticd natural pꝛocreacion. and koꝛ this caufe God made man and woman to encecate © multiply to the woꝛlds ende. Fo this matter loke further in the Extrauagantes in the ende or this boke, ! El MHedecines to kepe a man oʒ a woman ö lowe of coꝛage. 5 To kepe one lowe, is the blage of eatynge oz ok deynzynge ok dinegre, oꝛ ot ſmellyg to it, and lo dayly Olen. Rewe and Cam phire foz this matter is good to {nel to it. And æutlane other⸗ wple named Aguns caus and Singrene otherwple named Doulelpke and fronge purgactons, watche and gudy, and all bptter and loure chynges dothe mitigate oz [wage the coꝛage of man, koꝛ this matter loge in the TChapitre named Piapumus. ¶ Jo Contorcio oris Loge in che Chapitre named ror tura.oris e Foz Columella, Ide in che Chapttre named cars garion. & ö 2 The. 78. Cvapitee doth) chewe of the cope. G pailio, be the latin wozdes, In Engl pte it colpche. As named che Colpke, and ie is named a pallyon, | foʒ 2 —— Oey | j ö f ; 7 0 / / / } 7 / ö / f 3 Coler. r ß e 2 O'S 2.9 SS SS. The Breuiaty > fozalmuche is the peyne is very ertreme. The Colpeke doth take his name ok a goute, che whiche is in manne named Colon. vii a7 22m ¶ The caule of this inkirmitie. ¶ This inkirmitie is en gendꝛed of ventolitie oʒ win the whiche is intruled oz incloled in the gotte name Colon and tan not get out. And otherwhyle it come of g Colericke humour the whtche Doth dꝛye vp a man egeſtion oz oꝛder. ; CA remedp. Fpiitt beware of coſtiuenes, and beware of col de, and of eatynge of colde meate and frutcs, and all mater of meates thit Honp is in. and ble Clyſters luppolſitoꝛs, oz Come caly o; gen . tpllpurgacions,and bepe the bely warme. e be not longe kaſtyng, and ble Diacimmum, oz the confection of the kyzſte inneneien gf Phtlontt, and the ople of Lyllies, Co be Pillule keride minozes, C The. 79, Chapitre dothe thewe of an Humo? named Coler. : {Olera is the latin wozde. In greeke it is name Cholæ. In Englyche it is named Coler, the whid) is one of che koute Humours, And is hore and opel engeo2 beynge in the ſtomatze and is mouable. Chat be. b. byndes ofcoler, The fyꝛſt is natural colex which is tedyſhe, clere, and pure. The letonde is glaſſp, mt whiche is ingendꝛed ok wateryſhe lleume, and of ten Clete coler. The thyꝛd is whytyſhe bilcus, and clamm lte the white of a ra wegge the which is ingendzede tongellationokfleume and okelere red coler The. ii is grene, the original of the which commeth ok mal of the ſtomatze. The. v. is a Darke grene toler, and do butne in the ſtomake, and is engendꝛed of to much ad uſted humours. 5 d temedp fo purge Coler. \ ee i ., KF_ Loler. adultchdothe purge, the priles of Laptois lazule 60 lo doth Feralogodion rutkt and the conkectiou of Pamech. am purge Littine coler is good the tontection ol Manna, s the ar = 2 =O SS SO Se OS, Oe Oe ta oS N Se Se SS of health... Fol,xxxiii, | eye which be goodeaganueColervhe,feurrsyaud pillule piii. and | eo. purge gratic and biſcus coler, ble Situ pus acetotus, And it is goon kö tead coler, anid ko; all fupertiuous coltr, ble the pylles na mcd Pillule fcomatite, pylles of Turbyth, oz pylles of Loloquin tida, and lo dothe Situpus acetolus laxat iuus and to dothe the ö confection made ot Fumiterre, this muſt be donc of a Potycarp, the whiche hath the pꝛattpte of all fuche matters foz J noz n man els can nat inthep2 maternal tonge expꝛeſſe the whole ter⸗ mes ot Philicke, 1 dothe ſhewe ot a paſſion g that is in the bely. 1 8 2 i Olirica paſſio g Alexander ſayth is derpucd out of 0 a woꝛde of greke named Colides the which is na⸗ med the inwardes ol a man. Some Gteciong doth name thig ſicknes Colidica 02 C iliaca 02 Cocliaca paſſio. And fome grekes wich the latenyſtes doth name it Cholera, In latyn it is named Ventralis paſſio. In Englyſhe it is named the belly ache oꝛ a paſlion in the bellp. 0 “The cauſe of this impediment. 0 geſtion foꝛ a man ſhal exonerate oꝛ diſcharge by egeſti⸗ 1 on and vomet both his body and ſtomake in an houre. vpwarde and do wne warde, 1701 0 A remedy. f g Fyꝛſte beware of colde, and catynge of colde meates and li⸗ h guide meates, as of all kyndes of Potages, ſewes, pollet ale, ale u bꝛues, and caudelles, and tuery thyng that is laxatiue, as plome s Naples, and ſuche lyke. and comfozt the ſtomake with the cötection ok Aromatickes, and ble Cozdialles and roſted meate, and bꝛop⸗ led meates. U 1 ¶ The. zr. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a man It oꝛ a womans colour. C Olor is the latin woꝛd. In greke it is named Chro 7 nia, In Englyſhe it is named a man oꝛ a womans colour, and ſome be good and many be eupl. " E.i. The 4 Belp ach. This impediment doth come fozlacke of perkyte di⸗ Colour. „ PY Svc 2 AMAA 777: p e 0 os n . ˙ pA & 6 2 S & 6 6 6 6 6 2 O'S 46'S SS be, = . a We — =a 4 = The 3 i a The caule ot good and eupl colours: | 7000 colour cartier) of a good completion, And an curl colour doch come ok ancupl complerion, as byllez nes, o a lodeine feare, oꝛ anger, ox malpte, o bp extrem heate oz colde and by greate labour oʒ dzontzennes and luch lyke cauſes. : CA remedy» fyp idee J do Cape that philicke can nat helge none ok al the ape ech err it do come by lyckenes. And the moſt of the other Doth come by nature and that thynge that nature doth gene to man no Philicion can take it awape, howe be it in diuers in⸗ kirmites many and erpert Philtcions map mitigate the pepne fo a tyme but they can nat clerely take it awape, fo2 this matter loke in the Chapitre named Cutis, and ble good meat, bꝛead € dꝛynz, (cz Foz Collum, which is che necke of man kootze tn the feconde boke named the Extrauagantes in the ende of thig boke. C Cue. 82. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ol Burnpage 7 Burnyng S is the latin woꝛde. In gueke it is name Pyritata, In Englyſhe it is named burnpng With fyʒe. Then is chere Ambuſtio, the whiche is che latyn woꝛd, and in Englyche it is named lcaldyng withlito The caule of this impediment. ¶ This impediment ok burnynge doth come. ii. Loapes eyther it doth come by burnynge of kyꝛe· 02 els by but nynge of a woman thozowe carnal copulacion. And Am buſtio which is to lay lcaldynge, Doth come by hote aud ſethyng lytour, as water. lye ople, wozte, and ſuch lybe⸗ A remedp foz burnpng with sy ct. ' aS Wake the white of a rawe egge and beat it with an buce ! the oyle ot Roles, than put to it the iupce ok Poukeleke an bute, of Nyght Hare, of Plant ame, of eche or them, valle an once, the ruſte that is vnder the handetyle of a empth. u. vnces, com pound abthis togyther and wache the plate okt. And than take 7 pulyon 8 adde to it a lytle of the opleof Roles, almuch ot ann ff , j ö 7 ; ; , 7 „ N 4 / 7 ; 5 el 7 . 2 Niscatx, of health Fol, xxxiſi i. of Plantaine and incoꝛpoꝛate all togyther and make play ters. Oz els take the opntment of Cerufc, and the opntmkt of Sericine named in latin Unguentum ler teinum. And Poprhon ts good, g fuche other lyke. * ' A temedy fog ſcaldynge with water. Take of the iuyce of Moulciche and intincte a linnen clothe in “it and lape it bpon the plate. Allo baple Armontakeſæ Camphire is good whan it fs Defolucd in the ople ol Rotes anv lapde bpon the place. The water of Purllayne and Myꝛtilles. Ceruſe and the | pease of rawe egges, and luche lyke be very good toꝛ all maner of Tcaldynge ö UA remedy fo: burnynge of 02 with a woman. | CF Ignoꝛante pertons that is burnt of an harlot, as ſone as he | Path done his carnall and fylthy concupicence, let hym wache all phis kecret places with white wyne. iii. oz. iini. tymes, as fone as the matter is done, left at length the guttes tall out of the belp, And it he get a dozſer oz. lid doꝛlers and a ryder let hym loke in the Thapitre named Ambuck io meretriets. be. s;. Chapftre dothe chewe of aterrt ble and depe ſlepe. Ge isthe greke woꝛde. In latin it is named ra dis et profundus ſompnus. In Englyſhe it is named an euyn a longe and a greuous ſlepe with exhauſtion of wynde, depe. ktoꝛ he oꝛ ſhe hauyng this impediment Wyll (nozke and ) {uoze the head lyenge hygh o2 lowe. 3 The cauſe of this infirmitie. 3 C This in firmptte doch come of luperabundance of » humours, ſpeciallpok teume & other cozrupt humonureg myxt wich it, che which doch caule immoderate and vn naturall llepe. f C Aremedy, Udit ' a3 Fv2te purge the Geade , and after ble ſternutacions, and ‘ “shies nat late, and ble a good dyet andfurfpt nat, x lpe the head Lee The. 84. Chapitre path ewe of Cenceg tion., Nexceptio is the latin woꝛde . In greke it is named ! Oita Englyſhe it is named conceptpor oz i Eli. when rr KS a 8 le 5 0 6 n 5 ams a ed + 0 / ; 9 , , / / 9 7 1 b .. ß Z 6 6 6S ¶ A ⁵⁰ & oS 8, of health 5 Bol. a 1 when a womanis conreaued with tchylde : Hlepyng with open pes. The caiſe that a woman can nat concepue, 4 z Che cauſe is chat when the lede of man is ſo woe andthe place ol conception is tubzyfact aud can not te; teyne the fede but doth llyppe awaye frome the woman there tan not be conceptton, therfoze let te che matryx oz place of conception be kept in a temperance, nepehetty moyſt noꝛ to Hype. neyther to hore noꝛ to colde. Ind chat the woman haue the due oꝛder ok her termes and pee man oz woman be kat, let them eate peper in theyꝛ mei tes and dꝛyntzes, and ble purgacions. 1 A remedy . Let baten women ple to cat in pouder the matrix ok an z ae oꝛ dꝛynke the pouder of the ſtones of a Boe with wyne⸗ And leite her kepe an oꝛder in her meates ¢ dꝛynkes, and ble no benerions actes after a tul ſtomake, Loke ko: this matter in the Chapitee named Embzio. é 2% Foz Condolamita, loke in the Extrauagantes, . ¶ Foꝛconiunæiua loke in the Chapitre named Oculus The. sg. Chapitre doth che we ot llepynge with open eyes. f f Ongelacio is the latin woꝛde, In Englyche ie when a man lyeth a llepe hauyng his eyes opens Lyon doch without mouyng of the eyes and eye lyds ¶ The caule ot this impediment. Bi: ¶ The caule of this impediment Ariſtotle Doth Mewe in his Metheoror, that it doth come of a Cold toacerpihe humour, che which as J do thynbe doth lye in the hpi der parte of the bzayne. g Fpꝛde purge that sued e e with Clyſters, that make fricacions oz rubhynges with the bande of man bpon the ., forehead, and bie gargarices and ſternutaeions, and andpnt rhe bead with the oyle ot lpiltes, — Che of healthy C Theiss, Chapitre doth chewe ok f the herte ol man. | Cc Or isthe latin worde. In greke it is named Cardia In Englxyſhe it is an herte, the herte is the pꝛinci⸗ pal member in man. And it is the member that haththe kyzſte lyke in man, and it is the laſte thynge that dothe dye in manne, The herte doche viuikpcate all other members and is the grounde and foundacion of al the vi tall ſpirites in man, and dothlxye in the mydle ol the bos dye and is hote and dꝛye. And chere is nothyng to cuyl to the herte as is thought and care, and feare, as foꝛ o⸗ ther impedimentes that be long ynge to the herte dothe gppere in theyꝛ Chapittes, as Cardiaca. 8 To comtoꝛt the herte. urn zw There is nothynge that doth comkoꝛzte the herte lo much be ſyde God as honeſte myꝛth and good company! And wyne moderacelp taken doch letylytate and dothe comkozte the herte, and good bzeade doth confyꝛme and doch ka blyſhe a mannes hette Jud all good and tempe⸗ rate dꝛynkes the which doth ingender good bloud dort comkoꝛte the herte. Al maner ot toꝛdpalles and reſtoꝛa⸗ ſeiues g al ſwete 02 dultet thinges Doth comfort the hert and fo Doth maces and oper: tere egges, and poched kes be a cozdiall. Alſo the e⸗ f ſegges not harde, they vo Fol,xxxy, G qperte, Mectuary Of citrons, Rob de pitis, Rob de tibes, Diambra | Aromaticum muſtatum, Aromaticum roſatum, and ſo is Eleduatium de gemmis, 2nd the confection of xiloaloes and fuchipke be good foꝛ the hert. @ The. s 7. Chapitte doth ſhewe ot delnes. iw Opohtis, is the grebe woꝛde. In latin it is named wetnes: i wees Surditas , In Englyſhe it is named a man that cen not heate, E, lil. The 1 RAIDS —— SS oe 6 @ a 6 wo wis Re Be 2 2 Ok ob eee SS SC 2 SS SS Ss SS SS Om 3 4 ) ö 4 ö 7 y 5 ; ; y 4 j 9 dl dl f . 4 .. 2 hb & SS © 6 A . The Breuiary ¶ Bhecauleol this impediment. 4 ¶ This impediment max come coa man. iii. maner of wapes, ether it doth tome bynatute, oꝛ els accidental by fome ſtoke, oꝛ ſtrype, oꝛ bꝛoſe, ap kall, o els it doth come by an humour, che which doch opplate oz ſtopht the Ozgans ot hearynge. C Aremcdy⸗ © It it do tome by nature, that is to fap that one is boꝛne deel, there is no mater of remedp, but onely god to do a miracle. Veit come accidentallp, as by a ſtroke, a üripe, a bꝛole,oꝛ a fal, os ſuch loke, and thar hy it the azgans ot herynge be cloced vp, there g uo remedy but onelp god. YE it do come ot an Humour there is te uted? , 23 thus. o zũie put nothynge into the care excepte iht warme as bloud. Than take the gall of an Hare and mypre it w the grece of a fore, and with blac ze woll inſtpll it into the cat Oz els take the tatnes ot a balcon cle and intincte blacke wal in and put it into the eare.Oꝛ els Care of the iuyce ot Woꝛme won and temper it with the gall ot a Bull and intyncte blacae woll it, put tt into the care. g ehe. ss. Chapit re dothe thewe of Zlica patio, er | “ah ordaptis is the greke wozde. In latin tt is named Emullicio inteſtinorum, Oi Iliaca paſſio. John Mei nes doch name it ane milerere mei. In Englyche it is in med Illica paſſion. This lickenes is derpued out ofa worde of grenze named Ilia, which is a gout in the bellp ol man. Some men doth name this lickenes Volnulus, The caule of this infirmetie. z Chis tntirmpete doth come of ventolitie oꝛ wyndt the which ts intruſſed and tnclo led in a gout named um and doch alcende dyuers tymes to the herte, and Wp càuſe a man to vompt. , A remedp. Fit beware of code, and de mat Tonge kaaynge, eate no cod meates no no meate that honp is in, be ware ot catyng of potagel and ot krutes, and ot all order thynges the whiche doth gende bentolite, ko; this matter lone in the Chapitre named Alia 0 paſſi c =. 2 = & 2 a SO 2 2 SS OS | OD OO 8 eS 8S P of health; * Fol. xxxvi. C C The. 29. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mans body Ot pus ig the latin wozde. In gretze it is named 80 a mans | ma, In Englyche it is named a body. A mans body be?» feof. v. biſpolictons. Che fat is equalycic the whith tonlyſtech in cqualptte of humoures . Che ſecor de is gromes, the which hath two kyndes, the ove is fetres r d the other is groſues ol fleche, katnes doch come of tolde and mopſt humours; grolnes doth. come cf abun⸗ dante ot hote Humours, The thyꝛde diſpolicton is lence nelle the which doth come of a ape colerycke humour. The fourthis named Sintelts, che whiche leanne ſle is wart and blacke, and it doth come of a colde and adzy | melancolp humour. The fifth ditpolicion is named ſqua lr dytie oꝛ foggynes. And it Dosh come of colde and moyſt humour of the dilpolicion of them the which be infected with the Hiedꝛoplies. The bodythat is ſycke map be made whole many wayts, fyꝛſt by attraction, by expulcion, bptiffolupra, by moꝛtylycacion, bytonſtrie⸗ tion, and byriſtoꝛyng. Cv comfoꝛt the body Diacalami te is good, and ſo is Tritora ſarta magna, nnd ſo is Aces tũ inſquilit is, und Pillule lucis 02 Terahermetis, and Yes ) ralogodion tuffi. i ¶ The. o. Chapitre doth chew of Coꝛpulence. i go’ Orpulencia is the latin woꝛd. In gretze it is named pachos. In Englyſhe it is named Cozpulence, toz Srotnes, poꝛateneſſe o2 groſnes of the body, 02 faͤtneg. U ¶ The cauſe of this impediment, ¶ Thisimpediment doch come eyther by nature oꝛ els bp groſſe fedynge, oz els by gteate dzyntzyng, and that doth make a great belly. : i ¶ A remedy. Hk it do come by nature there is no remedy: it it come by greſſe i ſedynge oz great dzynkyng, vie muche Peper both in meates and deyntes, and ble purgacions and laxatiue meates and bie labour ö and exer ciſe the bobp in open aper and n zbe „ cf N . ³Ü ü] VUVwnlwn 0 eS 6 ee ee Se ee ee N 0 j 4 y y / j j 7 7 j 5 5 / / j ö } ö j 1 4 45 75 ... AA 2 8 SSS ee S&S 2s. The Breuiaty; ¶ The. or, Chapitre doth ewe of the Pole. Oriza is the barbarous 10020. In greke it is nan Gs, Corriza, In latin it is named Rupia 02 grando Fy Englyſhe it is named che poole, oꝛ reume opppugesy opplatynge the nolethꝛylles that a man can not (mel; The caute of this inkirmite. ¶ This intirmitie doch come of reume che which do dyſt yl front the head to che no le, oz nofechaplles . Bip this reume is ingendꝛed thoꝛo we imperkyte dDigeltion and thozꝛowe fumoſyte o2 vapozous Humours, And dy⸗ ucts tymes it is ingendzed of colde tatzen in the kete, an it map come ot late dꝛyntzynge dꝛ ſurketynge, Fo this matter W is good. Alco ſternutach ons o: nelpuges is good And to caule nelynge, ta ze of Glihon albus and make pouder of it and (nuke it into the note, oz aged ryſhe oꝛ a ſtrawe and tytle it within the nolethzyls, and beware : 1 Ae of wyne, and of ſurtetyng, and ble waeme meats ¶ F 0; coxa, loke in the Exttauagantes inthe ende g this boke. | a Foz Coxendrix, loke in the Chapitre named Sciatica @ he.o2, Chapitre dothe ewe of lurketynge Ci Revels, is the latin woꝛde. In greeke it is name Crepalæ. In Engliche it is named a lurłet, and fom lay it is an head ache. ¶ The cauſe of this impediment. e& This impediment doch come of an euyl dyet eating and dꝛynkyng late, oz takyng to much meate oz dune 02 eatyng ofrawe oz contagious meates, o; tab en eu) dzynkes dꝛynk ynge. Aremedp. f C Foꝛ this matter nothpng is fo good as abſtinence, and tobe ware what a man doth eat aud dꝛynze, k what dyet he doth 155 of healehs Hol. æxxv il, & €62 there doth mo perſons dyt by lurketyng than by the l werde oz bplipng oz bangpng, wherkoze J aduertile cuery man that no fer Fualtte duercome hym. And after a full ttomake that which is tara (ok digeckion, dꝛynze. ii. oz. it. dꝛaughtes of wyne lpectally Hecke. And with meate dꝛynke no wynes, excepte it be Salcone wpne, or Kenyche wyne, oz Frenche wynes . And after a lurkyteate no meate noz.dzpnkelptie oz notbyng vntothe tyme the llomaße be euacuated. And foꝛ this matter vometyng is a pertpte medecine, ſo 0 be it that age and ſtreugth wyll permyte it. (L Fo; Craneum, lobe in the Chapitre be toe Cerebrum, i C The. 93. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of the ſtrynges that . 15 N 8 mans ſtones dothe hange bp. nent the Greeke wozde. The Barbatus , woꝛde is named Cremaſtres. In englyſhe ic isthe o¢ the tse ſtrynges whereby the ones ofa manne doch hange and nes they may haue impedymentes certeyne wapes. 0 The Cauleok this impediment. | ge CThts unpedinent doch tome epther by ſtraͤynynge ‘ dz by bꝛoſynge, oz bp lome putrifyed humour. 2 A ſremedy. Take the fatnes of a Cony and anoynt the cod and the ſtones. and than wap the cod in a Conys ſkin, do this.ix.tymes and la⸗ bour nat foꝛz.ix.dapes. es Foz c tines loke inthe Chapitre named Capillus, ge Foꝛ Cronealoke in the Chapitte named Cculus, ä ee se — — See ee ee = eS = . ͤ 6 SS SC OC SS 6s es eS SS 1 x C 6 6 Be 6 a ¶ The. 4. Chapitre dothe ewe of a mannes ſkyn. f Veis is the latin wozd. In greze tt is named Chros i 0} Derma, In englyſhẽ it is alkpn,che which is in The ain. dyuers men of dyuers colours. much after the complexi on of man, koz lome hach wohtte ſüyns, and Come hache reed ſkynnes, and ſome hath blacke {aprines, and lome hach glale and dankpche löpunes, and lome Hach cannp ſkynnes, and ſome hach graſſe oꝛ grenyſhe (kyns, * The caule ot thefe impediments. ¶ Theſe impedymentes doch come manp wa pes. Firſt ‘ pe the (yu be whyte it doth come of lleume, and tk che | pees 7 D. b. {uprne ROC TACT SS SS Oe Se AR r / ; 1 / , ; 1 5 / ; / y 7 1 SS, SS CS. ee ee eee — A SS SS 28 SS SS OS e S&S Se. The Breuiary: ſkyn be reed it doth come of bloud, and pk che (Wynne be Woezmes. Imperkit digeſtion « blactze it doch come of blactze coler e ik the thin betaunp 02 glaſe it Doth tome of coler aduſted, ik it be grafic o grenyſhe, it Both come of melancolp and cold humours, ¶ A temedp to mundikp the Capa, The confection of Hamech is good to purge and to cleuſe the taper, and fo is Trifera muſtata, o: Diamozolion, oyle de Beam is gocd, and lo ts the ayle of the polkes of egges, oz the oyle or J neper, the oyle ot wheat, oꝛ the oyle of Aſhe kayes. The os. Chapitre doth ſhewe of lquare wozmes, 5 in a mannes bodp. Veurbiti is the Latyn wozde. InEnglpche lei ſquare woꝛmes in a mans ma we and guttes. The cauſc of thefe woꝛmes. ae Thele woꝛmes commeth thozowe cozruption aud abundance of lleume. 21 ¶ à remedy. Fate Garlyke with meates dayly ko. ix. dayes and that dothe Ryll all woꝛmes in mannes body A loes cicotrine is good to kyl} Wwozmes, and lo is woꝛmelſede, pt it be bſed & dꝛonne with mptke v2 Balme(p.F02 this matter lose in the Chapitres named Au bꝛict and Bermes. The. s. Chapitre doth ſheweok im⸗ ' 5 perkit e digeſtion. 5 Cc Ruditas Is the latin wozde. In greeke it is named Apepſia. In englyſhe it ie named imperkite dygeſt on, oꝛ when a man dathegeſt his meare it Both come {td him as he dydeate it. oz doth ſe the lubſt aue ok ie, iS The Cauleot᷑ this impediment. ( Chis impedunent doth come of intempetance ofthe ventricles of the Romabe and belp,o3 thozo we imams tions, oz cig an euyl ltuer may be che caule. a @ Aremecdp. KF F728 purge the homake with pylles of Lochec oꝛ fuche Iphe, and ple to cate Grene gyngcr. Diagalanga is good foz this mater, and fois Ypocras and Secae, and other odiferous wynes, and alf maner of adiferous lauours koꝛ this matter is good. Thus endeth che letter C. Ind here fos loweth the letterof D. . ‘ea 1 of health; Fol,xxxviii, 33 155 57, Kbapttre dothe ſpewt of N * ben mannes tothe. 5 Ens is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is nae med Odons. In Englyſhe it is named a tothe. A tothe is a ſentyble bone, che wht a che beynge in a lyuyng mans heade hath kkelonge, and fo hathe none other bone in mans body, and cherfoze che tothe ache ia et at, | BU excreme pepne. 0 ¶ The caule of this pepue. 2% This peyne doth come eyther by an humour dilcen⸗ mdyng out ot the head to the teeth oꝛ gummes, oꝛ it may come by coꝛodyng 02 eatyng of woꝛmes, oꝛ it map come ö of coʒtuption Ipenge and beynge vpon and bet wyxt the teeth, oꝛ it may come by dꝛynk ynge of hote wynes, eas tyng ot hote ſpyces, oꝛ eating of hote aples, peares, and uch lyzke, oꝛ it may come of a hote lyuer oʒ ſtomatze. ¶ A remedy. Fyiſte purge the head with pylles of Cochee, and ble garga⸗ rices, and if it do come ot any colde cauſe, chewe in the mouthe dis hl mers tymes the roote ot Hozehounde. And tf it co ne by wozmes, make a candell ot ware with Denbane ledes and lyght it and let the perkume ot the candel entre into the toth and gape ouer a dyche ll ‘pf colne water an than map pou take the wozmes out of the wa⸗ ter and kyll them on pour naple, the woꝛme is lytle greatter than the woꝛme in a mans hande. And beware of pullyng out anp toth ni toꝛ pul out one, and pul out mo. To mundfp the teeth, wache them eue ry moꝛnpng with colde water and a Iptic Noche alome. bl is a notable worde in Grebe, and the Grecions hath bfed and Doth ble toler this worde Dta befoze all they: notable woꝛdes, as well in Dhilichke as in Mulicke, as tt Hall appercia the Chapitre of Mulicke. K The. s 8. Chapltre dothe thetve ok then that can not ö kepe thepz water but dothe pyle as muche as ther do dzenze. } Diabete A tothe, | :: pdf y ð ̃ ß 7p... NIE «˙Ü—öei i IIE PEI INTIME INI * 1 < > SS A be SS he SS SS 6 6 86 6 Ce ee SSS Se. 2 The Breufaty labete is the greke woꝛde. And fome grekes doth Anoꝛdy⸗ eee it Dipfacos 02 Sipho. The latyns do namen nate pyl⸗ Afflictio rent, The batbarus men do name ic Diabeticg lynge. pailio, In engliſhe it is named an immoderate pplipng The caule ot this impediment. ye. This impediment doch come of imbectllptte of ther nes ofthe backe, and ofthe lecrece members ofmang Looinan,and it maye come of calpdttie oz hegte ok the ra ynes, and the backe, it maxe come of lecherp, and g labour, and luche ipke. ety A remedy. iG>sFy att puree the matter with Manna and Lalla fiftula. Gm than dzpuke tolde water and by and bp vompt it bp agapne. gm than take of Coꝛy ander pꝛeparated, of Spodtum, of Lozailyatg rabes, of eche an bace,.contecte this with Whay and ble tod of it diuers tymes in a dayt. It it do come thoꝛowe imbeeiſten wekenes of the backe, ble Clary ſtewed with a Cockerell, oz c Clary dypte kyzſt in the potkes of egges⸗ E ble reftozatpue meats and dꝛynkes. It it do come by wekenes ok a mans pzinie meme ble to eate in the moꝛnyng. ii. oꝛ. ui. rere egges, and put into dhe the pouder of read nettels and luger. Yk it do come ok heat in backe, ble to anoynt the backe with the oyle of Metwuiler oz oyle oꝛ tupce of Scugryne otherwple named Mouleleke oz lach eolde thynges, ¶ The. o. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of peyne oz dolour en Olor is the latin woꝛd. In gretze it is named ez peptic is. In Englyche it is named pepne ozdolour che ug che may be many wayes, as by lyckenet of the body dilquternes of a mannes mynde. The cauſe of this peyne. N VDyuets tymes of greate plea lute doth come grea peyne, as we ſe dayly that thozo we ryot and ſurketyng and ſenlualytie doch come dyuers lickeneſles. Allo wil {pozt and plape, takyng great heate, oz takynge ob treme colde doth ingendet dileales and peyne. Alſo [0 lacke of pacyente many meng and wemeng myndes Ut vexed and troubled. aa j L / / 7 y } ; Y 7 ; 9 7 ö , 7 ) 7 dl ROO ORY °C SS Sw of healehy Fol, «xxix, D Ha Aremedy. Mita man wyll exchewe many pepnes and dolours lette bpm eue a tober lpte and diſtemper no: dilquped the body by anp er⸗ relle oꝛ ſentualite. And let hym arme hym lelle with pacience, and euermoꝛe chante god what Cocucr is lente to man, toꝛ it aduerlitie do come it is either Cent to punyſſe man toꝛ (pune oꝛels pꝛobacion and with ſoꝛowe ble honeſt myꝛth and good company. MN Foz Demoniaci, lobe the ſeconde bootze named the EExtrauagantes. — — Se eS i The 100. Chapitre doth chewe of a mannes Mpdzypffe. Ilarhrasma ie the gretze woꝛde and the lat in wo : 1 In Englyche it is named the Mpdꝛyffe ina man, WMidricke. che which is a groſſe ſzyn, oꝛ pannycle, oꝛ mulculles, lithe which deceper the lpirituall members fromthe nus “stpepue members deuydynge the herte and the longes rom the ſtomatze and bowels. Alaactze doch ſaye that un pluryle is an hore impoſtume. and is ingendꝛed in the Wydplle other wyle named Diaphragma, fo2 àtemedy (pO? this impoſtume, lotze in the Chapitre named Pluri⸗ tis, and in the Chapttre named Apoſtema. The. ror. Chapitre doth ſhew of the au. Fly xe oꝛ laſze. N larthea ig the gretze wozde. In latin it is named Allyre, Ot J riuxus. Jy Englyche it is named the Flyre, Mt The caule of this inkirmptie. ¶ This inłirmptie doch come ok a lalte and a malycy⸗ us humour. Foꝛ this matter loke in the Chapitre naz ned Fluxus in the Extrauagantes, 8 3 ¶ A remedy. Take of luger rofet made of dꝛyeroles, of Trilandal, of eche In buce and a halte, myxe this togyther and eate it with meates 0 dꝛyuke it with dꝛynkes, but the beſt remedy that J coulde fyn⸗ e is, to take.iui, handefulles of faint Johũs wozte, and as much yptPlantapuc, and as muche ok Crelſis, and ſeth this in a galon k rayne water, oꝛ read wyne to a pote! i ſtrapne it, and put to it buces ot the pouder of Hynamon e dzink of this dzink warme. 18 Didimes — . SO 7 | ; 7 } 7 / J j y , 1 9 , l 4 4 7 ; ONO WIEDEN MIE HE IESE IESE IEMEIE IPMN REMIND The Breuſaty D KF Didimes be. ii. lytle ſuyns the whiche doch compar, Milyng of the hert & bzapne. Digeſtion the ſtones and doth holde them hang ynge and eh bon theym certapye bepties and artüres dolh Palle ph Whiche che lede ol man is conducted to the perde. C The. xoꝛ. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ot ryſynges oz lyttynges bp of the herte and bꝛayne. laſtole is the greke woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is a lynge oꝛ lyftynge vp of the herte oꝛ bꝛayne. The caule of this inkirmite. ¶ This intitmytie doch come ok fome euyl humour th which doch patie oꝛ go by the herte oꝛ bzapne, and do caule them to moue front the humour. And this amy map knowe by rylynge of the pulſes. f AL remedy. Ale no contagious meates and dꝛynkes, ſpetyally ſuch mu tes c. dꝛynkes as be bapoꝛous, the whiche ſhulde perturbe epthe the bert oz bꝛayne, than ſe that the bely be nat couſtupated oz a: Aiue and ble Co:dtalles and dꝛegges to bꝛeake wynde. And ian twp fe beware of cup! fauours, & bfe Aromatyke fumes efanouty, ¶ F02 Digma, loke in che Chapitres named Morſus, The. ro. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a mans digetion, a e is the latin wozde. In greeke it is nam Peplis, In Englyche it is named digeſtion, that When a man hach dygeſted his meate that he hath e ten. Egeſtion is when the meate is dygeſted, andth grote ſubſtante beynge in the mawe and guttes, chan muſt it nedes be egeſted and put foꝛth, yka mans dyg ſtion be perkyte and good, it Doth caule health, and if be Weake and vnperkyte it doch cau le many inkirmiteß The caule ot weake digen ion. The weatzenes ok digeſtion, eycher it doth comes debilttie of the ſtomatze, oꝛ els it mare come of ſuper bundance ok vnnatural feume, o cls coler, oz tom urg calpopuie oʒ heate inthe ſtomake map be che cauſe. he e . of healtfi⸗- Fol. al, b 1 © A remedy. yt banatural sloume be the caule, ble to cate of Dyatitoniton. And it Bo come of heate in the ſtoma ze, ble Dyarodon. and it it do come of Coler, dle the lirupe of Wozmewood with Dparomata, do: Dpatodon. Alto thele thynges be good foz the omake that is weake. Fyꝛſt is Aromatitum roſa tum, Maius, Dpambza, Diact⸗ Aminum and Diatriompiperion. Che, o4. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of the | ; kyngers of man. . Igitus is che latin woꝛde. In greeke it is named DaGiles, In Engliche it is named a kynger. q man map haue manyimpedymentes in che kyngers as the oute and appoſtumactons, che crampe, and chappes, und {uch lyke, fo2 thele inkirmyties loke in thepꝛ owne Chapicres, ¶ Domake the handes and fyngers to loke white. 5 Wache the handes twyſe oꝛ thꝛyle a wene with water ſom⸗ what warme and put to it wheten bꝛan oz the bau of Beanes, 0 do as it is ſpetitied in the Chapitre named Pulchzitudo. 1 ¶ The. og. Chapitre doth ſhewe of whelyng and 0 ſtoppynge ot a mannes wynde. Tee is the latin woꝛd. And lome grekes doch name this inkirmitie Orthomia. In Englyſhe it is named whelynge. ti The caule of this impediment. ul, Thisimpedimence doth come ol vilcus lleume the which is in the pypes oz oꝛgans that mans bꝛech doth enter in and out, andthe wynde doche enter ſtrayter in⸗ warde then out warde. 6 : q Aremenyp. 1cG~F02 this matter a Prifanets good pꝛeparatiue, blynge it. ib. dapes, € after that take pylies of Coche, Ethan ble Loc. de pino. fl ¶ The, ros. Chapitre doth ſbewe of a perilous Flype, named the Dilentery. | xulceratio inteſtinorum. In englyſhe it is named the dilentery, oꝛ exulceracion of the guttes, oꝛ vlceracis ok the bo wels, che barbatus woꝛd is named Diccẽteria. ö The D Akpnger: whealing N Ienteria is the Grebe woꝛde. In latin it is named Atlyxe. Dr SS 8 OS eS SS me ee rss r — 5 r ere f 8 3 Leeb 3 The Breufary The cauſe ot this ſufirmite. ¶ This intirmitie doch come eyt her ol bnnaturaiie ler, epcher els of a lalt Heume, eyther of alperptie oe bloud, epther of a melancoly humour o2 els by ſome g poſtumacion of chelpuer, ether cls by receptes of gil medecines, oz els it doth come by vlceracion in che boy: els the which excoꝛ vate the guttes. Allo it maxe com of a great ſtraynynge of the body, the which doch hum the inwarde partes bꝛekyng a veyne thozowe the w che vlceracion of bloud doch iſſue frome the body twit) the egeſtion ok man, oꝛ els it may come of colet and me lancoly, and then the egeſtion oz ſeege wyl be blache ¶ Aremedy. F pi beware of coldnes and of labour, and ble nat to eaten tucates that be lapatiue 02 doth ingender bentofite, Than tan Apericon other wyle named Saint Johans woꝛte an handen of Plantaine water. iii. vnces, oz els ot Plantaine leues. uit han: fulies, feth this in ronnyng water e dꝛinke at moꝛnyng, none z nyght. ix. ſpontull.Oꝛ els toſte.iii.oꝛ.iiu.egges vnto the tyme polkes be blewe and harde, then erymble them into a pynt of rea wyne and than put to an vnce ot the pouder of Cynamon a bople al togyther, and than dꝛynke it in the moznyng, at none, at nyght tu bedwarde and do this. ix. dapes, and dꝛyntze but ipth, and beware of polſet ale, mylke, but ter, and frute, C The. oy. Thapitre doth ſhewe ol hym that can make no water. One that Ifuria igthe gretze wozd. In latin it is named v can not ficultas mingendi, In Engliſhe it is named the pre. futp, which is when a wanne oz a woman that can io well matze water but wich peyne. The caule of this infirmities : ¶ Thisinfirmycte doch come many wapeg; Fpaltll map come by che colycke and the ſtone, oꝛ the graue ſtoppynge the condytes of the vꝛyne, o elles an imp fume, oz a lompe oklleſhe may gro we oz be ingendi in the condites of the vꝛyne, oz elleg it maye come congelacioh j i } : j 7 1 } ; y y y ; ; ; ; Y 4 ; ö j ; y 0 7 y 7 , GR TRON OE ROR ORCS 4 . = — — = = — —.—.. . „nn ³˙ A SD SS he FOS SSS tS SS SS Sh OS DO he SS SS SSS OS ee SS Ot eS SG SS of health; Fol. xli. D congelaclõ of blond, oꝛ of matter the which doth top the 4 condices of the bzine,o2 els of long holdyng of ÿ water i dA ſremedy. KXFGyiſte let euery man and woman beware of longe holdyng ot thepz water oz reſtrapupg ok thepz egeſtion, let the body be dif] charged that nature wolde expell, & than take the grece of a Cony and anoynt the backe and che coddes and the perd. It it be a wor man let her anoynt her backe and pꝛrue place. And beit man 03 voman let them lape ouer they letretes a Tonys ſkyn > And fog this matter theſe thynges be good, Triatle, the oyle of Balme, the ii ople ot Scozpions, Mitrodatum, and Aurea Alexandzina „lo be it that with this {pckenrs a feuer benat concurrant with it, and in tois matter beware of coſtiuenes and of eupll dyet. i @_, 802 Dipfacos, loke in the Chapitre named Diabetes, \ The. ros. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mans backe. D is the latin woꝛde. In greeke it is named Noton, Inenglyche it is named a backe the which e map haue many infürmitles, as debylptle and wezenes, curuptie, and gybbolitie, befpde other infirmyties in 0 the raynes ofche backe, as Mephꝛelis and {uch lpke. 0 ¶ The caule of thele impedimentes. ¶ Chele impedimentes in the backe doch come eyther by nature, oꝛ els they may come accidentally, yt it come by nature, it dot h come by kynde, yt it do come by kynde there is no remedy, Ik it do come accidentally, as bymiſ chaunce 02 foꝛtune, oꝛ ſyckenes, they map be holpen, ſo be it that the inkirmitie oꝛ the impediment be not vetera ted 02 of a longe continuance. i A 4 remedy. E Clary ts good foꝛ the backe, and pylles named Pulule aggre⸗ gate matozes and Pillule de Serapino, and Pillule de Oppopona co. And thele oyles be good fo2 the backe, Oleum de piperibus, Oleum bulpinum, Oleum Philol ophoꝛum, and Cerotum andꝛu⸗ macht is good. And J haue pꝛoued thele oyles tobe good foz the ö bacae, the ople of Mardine, oz the oyle of Alabaſtre, and the oyle of water lylyes, in hotetauſes, the ople ot popy is very good, in colde cauſes the oyle of Iyllyes, and the oyle of Maſtyr, oꝛ the oyle ok muſtarde is good fo: the backe. Gifo ble frpcations and then aznnoynt the backe otte with the ople of Lyllyes, 5 Hale Piura⸗ 7 7 Je dn ; j / j y ; 5 y ? f 7 } j / y , i j N K / 4 4, The Breufary * ¶ platamator is the latyn woꝛde. In Cagle trish Burres. pellycle oʒ a ſayuue the whiche is withing mans fhull compatpuge the bꝛayne, it may be perced and hurt, and pincers cimeg there is no ieopardy in it, but koꝛ a mo ze ertye take of colykony the weyght ol. ri. d. of Mee Aloes, and maſt pr, of eche the weyght ok. ini. d. of fay cocol, of laffron, of cuetp one the weyght of, ii. d. co pounde them and in landle lay ic ouer che place. ¶ The. 109. Thapitre dothe (ewe of knobbes and burces in the kleche. Divas the Araby worde. The Latins do na it Nodi. In Englyſhe it is named kuottes, uno bes, knozres, 02 burres the which is in a mans fleſhe g fatnes, and there be thꝛe kyndes. The one is harde, an che other is lokte and the other is tindyllerente, but ehe be vilcully congelated, vk there come any matter out of it, it ig named in latin Mellinus, and pf tt be harde 1 named Ingia. The caule of this impediment. : 2 This tinpedimente doth come of cozrupte Houttas tyke humours, che which be putrifped, che one takpag che moꝛe and che other the lefle , and the neuter conſh⸗ ſtech in che myddle. ¶ A remedy k= Fp rte purge the matter with the pylles of Hermodactils with Pillule fetide. Than excoziat the Cayn æ maturat the matte and than abſtracte them out with the intrumentes of HSurgerpse after that incarnate the place, and lo ckyn it, and fog this matt in the healyng and Capnnpng, Mellilote and water of Crelſes, and Dony is very good and lo is Salbanum delolued in a lytle os mt tupce ok Fenell. f 5 } LThus endech the letter D. And here ko⸗ loweth the letter E. 0 Che | of health. , Fol, x lii. i The. 110, Chapitre dothe theive I of dzonkennes. he d 1 : ‘ „ Blrietas is the latin woꝛde. In gree it is Dronkens ‘ ; dꝛontzennes. E ¶ The cauſe ot this impediment. 1 C his impedimente doch come eythet by wetzenes ok the bꝛayne, oꝛ els by ſome greate hurte in the head, 02 ok to much ryotte. A remedp. ft it do come by an hurt in the head there is no remedy but pa cience of all partes. It it do come hy debilite of the bꝛayne € head dꝛynke in the moꝛnynge a do che of mylke, ble a Sirupe named Si⸗ 0 rupus acetolus de pꝛunis, and ble laxatiue meates, and purga⸗ | clos, tf nede do requpze, and beware ot fuperfiucns dzynkynge, i {pecially of wyne and ſtronge ale and beere, and if anye man do per ceyue that he is dzonke, let bpm take a bomite with water and oyle, 02 with a kether, oꝛa Rolemarp bꝛaunche, oꝛ cls with hig tin ger, oz cls let hym go to his bed to llepe. i > Phe. II. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of any {wellpuge that is fofte. E Dema ig the gteke woꝛde. In latin it is named ru Swelling mor mollis, In Englyſhe it is named a lwellynge l the which is lolte. I The caule of this infirmptie. ¶ This inlirmitie doch come ok abundance ok coꝛrupt humours. 0 ¶ a remedy. ( Fyzit maturate the matter, ¢ than eyther by infifions oꝛ ełs by il Cozoliues make an iſſue, and than with tentes and lalues to make 1 the impedimentes whole as it doth appere in the chapitre named fi | . Gulnus The. Iz. Chapitre doth chewe ol a mans egel ion · E Geftio 02 Seſſum be the latin woꝛdes. In engliſhe it Sscege, is named the egeftion oz ſege the which doth come lrom man, it is nece Harp wie che meates that man doch | Fit, cate named Matha, In Engipche it is named nes. RRR BSR SS SS ⏑‚ OS SS hh Sb SS SS SD OS OS SS eS my “e. & & 6 SS Se SS Si 8 & & 6% & @ s 1 Aan & SESE. eee — ce. E The Bteuiaty doth eate be digeſted, chat then the groſnes of it beg geſted, and by the egeſtion the Phplicton in lpcke pey fons hach a great noticion and knoweledge of mans ig firmyties, many men be laxatyue aud coſtyue, and lone be indylletent. Foz laxatyue men lotze in the Chaplen Of Diatthea, nd Difenteria, ; The cauleok imparkite egeſtion. ¶ who lo euer he be that doth eate lytle meate, and & {mall dꝛynker, his egeſtion can be but lytle, but they the which can eate the yꝛ meate and doch lacke egeſlig can not longe lyue without infirmypcies, A vemebdp fo? coſtiuenes. WE Fp ett let no man reſtrayne his egeſtion, whan that he is pron ked to it. And it he be coſtupated let bpm bie Suppolitoꝛs 07 Lip: ſters oꝛ lome gentle purgacions, as Mercury, Polppodp, Henk, Callta kiſtula, Turbpthe, Weuberbe, Napuntica, Aloes cicotrine, and luche lyke. and without counfell of a doctour of Ppiſickze. B ware of Colloquintida, of Alarabaca, Opium, Scamonp » Cats puce, Aloes cabalyn, Aloes epaticum, and Cuch lyke. And let euer man beware, ſpccially wea de men howe that they do take any pilz les 02 pocions of any ignoꝛant perfon, except he do knowe howe, whan, and what tyme medecines, ſpecially purgacions ought t0 be miniſtred. A knowlege in egeſtion. If the meate do come krome a man as in maner he dyd eate it, the ſtomatze is weatze, and the bo wels bell bꝛicated, and it is an euyll lygne. Ik che egeſtion de not puke, it is an euyll lyg ne. Ik the egeſtion do lon lyke the earth, it is a lygne of death. Ik the egeſtiondd latze lyke leade, it is an euyll ſygne. Ik the egeſtyon bt blacke as pnke, it is an euyll ſygne. It the egettiondt blacke and aduſted, ⁊ Doth loke like Hepes tretles, tel is abundance of coler aduſted, and peyne in the fplent Pt che egeſtion be pelowe, and eatyng no laflron befor the body is repleted with coler a cytryne water. J eh egeſtion haue ſtraynes of bloud, there is impeopmenite N i | ; ö 4 j 7 f / ; } y 7 y) j ) 6 j ö / ö NN ‘e of health. rde Fol. xliii, E ia the lyuer and in the bowels. If the egeſlion be blud⸗ hdpthe, there is vlceracion in the guttes. pf the egeſtion lotze lyke the ſhauynge of guttes, beware then olan ex⸗ it treme flyxe and debylytie of the bodye. If a man be to Raxatyue it is not good, ſoꝛ in ſuche perlons can be no ſtrength but much wekenes. Il a man be to coſtyue and can not haue à naturall egeſtion ones a dap, he can not Hyue longe without lyctzeneſſes. Sh The. i;. Chapitre othe ſhewe ol bur⸗ wa nyng in the Sonne. E Ffilla is the latii os ee SS r ‚‚ 6 SS ee 1 n wozde. In Engliche it is burning on pure of the lonne. nyngee ht _ KF The caule of this impediment, ¶ This impediment doch come chozowe greate heate of the lonne. 1 a: ¶ A remedy . : ; Cake of the oyle of Tarter a anoynt the face. Foꝛ this mater i foke in the Chapitre named Pulchzitudo. l 2 The. 114. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a kynde of ‘ lcpoulnes named the Elephaulp. Er 02 Elephantia be the greke woꝛdes. In latin g kyndot it is named Cancer yniuerfalis, In Englyche it is icpzutnes named the Elephancy, oꝛ the Olyphant ſictzneſſe, oz an lyphant is ſturdy and hach no topntes , and Who fo euet that hath this kynde of Lepꝛoulnes can not moue his io yntes and is ſtarke: whertoze he is bedꝛed and can not helpe him ſelfe. 0 ¶ The caule of this infirmitte. eo This tufirmytte doch come of a melancoly humour, and it may come ofa gtoſſe and viſcus fleume. 5 g ö A remedp. fFyidte purge the coufe with ppiles ot Fumitoꝛy, oz with Diacatholicon. and than cotidially as the patient map beare ble utes wete and dy, and exhauſt no bloude, and after the ſtutes anopnt the topntes with the opicof Turpentynt, and Nectes fote jople, and ble Hiarodon abbatis , a F. iii, There 15 i Ki 8 . 5 0 6 iS 6 ac ¢ ¢ 8 ¢ 5 1 XS Do j 4 y j / j j ; ; el j y 4 N 1 / QR RRO eR ROO Concep⸗ tion. Sickenes WN CCC IIMA MORRO TC > The Breuſary There is an other iukirmytie named Flepllanela; Whiehe isa (wellpage in the feete and legges, and che cang both come as the other Elephanſy vache, wherefoze ch matter muſt be fyꝛſte purged and after that vle cetecſo thes artraccpue, ti! Fon Eimita lobe inthe Chaptces named Lambrici; ¶ The. 11. Chapitre doth Hew ok the Con⸗ cepcion ot᷑ a chylde. Mbria is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named zu brion. In Guglyſhe it is a chyde conceyued in eh mochers body, hauyng not the perkyte Mappe oz papi mentes ofa man oʒ woman. The tauſe of this matter. 8 ge The cane ot this, is carnall cepulacpon beton man and woman, ii 2 Topꝛeſerue this pꝛocreacion loke in the Chapli named Conceptio, tr Ale good meates and dꝛynkes, ind let ſuch wonnen haue chep2 luſtes, and beware of abhoꝛ ſion. The. x16. Chapitre doth ſheneot ſyckneſfſe. Gritudo is the latyn woꝛd. In Eng liche it is named ſyckenes, there be many manerok lyckenelles as doch moze largelter apere in the Chapi. named Morbus : q_wpecaute of thele fickndies, ¶ Sickenelles doch come many by ſurketing and euyll dyet, and to company wich inkectyous people to eate and dꝛyntze, oꝛ to lye with chem, and it map com by the punyſhment of god. a remedyp. W God ſende the lycknes J knowe nomedecine. Ik it docom other wayes, eyther it is hoote o2 colde fycineſſes, Ik it be a dont fyckues ble the electuary of Roles. Ak itbe a coloc lyc aues bie Dilatalampt and anoynt the body with oyk Benedict, of with the oyle of Mardine. At it come of a melancop humour a decoction made of Spitbemie is good, fk ii. of health. nit aft Fol zliiii, @& 0 Foz Emigranea loke in the Chapitre named Hemigranea W * Che. 117. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of ſpyttynge 1 of foule coꝛrupt matter. 1 Empite ma be the greke woꝛdes, in latyn yltby L ic is named Supputacio, In Englyche it is named matter, A collection dz a gatheryng togpther of ſyithy matter in the bꝛeſt vpon Diafragma ſpptt nge and coughynge vil cus and kyithy fl eum. N 8 " (The taufe of chefs impedimentes. i ¶ Theſe impedimentes doth come of reume diſtyll ing from the head to the brett couerynge Diafragma, @ Aremedp. KF Fp2t make Ptytane with Hooze hounde and Enula campane Ii rootes and ꝓ tope, and ſo fozth atter the comon makyng ot a Pty⸗ lane, and atter that bſe ot the pylles of Cochee and andynte the 0 beck with the opicof Lawzr myxte with butter. 5 Ente rocela lokt in the Chaptire named Ramex, The. 118. Chapitre dothe che we of i! kpyttynge of bloude . ke Raced oe paſſio be the latin wozdes. In grebe it is Spitting named Hemoptoicon'pethos'02 Phthiſis. And the of bloud, rue tatin wore is named Tabes. In Englyche it is na⸗ med {pyttpn ge of blond, Ih ro” ae be taute of this inttrmitie. 2 Chis intirmptie doch come thozowefome biccrous matter in che bꝛeſt 02 inthe longes. J @ Aremeoy , 22)9)'304 Fpiſt it age, tyme, and ürengthe wyll permpt it, let the paz diente be let bloude in a bepne named Hophena, and than ab⸗ tract a iprie bloude out of Cephalica. And thã after that let them ble to eate my lte o whay, & cẽrtayne tymes let th tate Trtacle Aud let them the whiche bathe this pation beware of great labour oz lyftyng and ot venericus actes 07 ſtrapnyng ok them ſeite and let them ble to dꝛynke the iupet of the waters or Plantain «fant „ Johũs wozt, oꝛ ble urſlayne to eate it o: dꝛynze the iuyte oz wa⸗ tre with ſuger. Alſo foꝛ this matter is good Spedium, Carabies, KNoles, Cozal, Saunders, Sanguis dꝛaconis, Haron, Mpꝛre,. Humacke, Cotiander, Boole hermonyacke, Malix, Storax, Ea⸗ lamynt and luch ipke, F. tui, Foz 0 — = ~ ETF ee 5 — See ee PPE a — — PRATT ROR 60 f ; , Y ; ; ö 7 / / / ; / / 4 0 i ) N NN OR ORONO . The Breutaryy 2 S02 Empirema, loke in the Chapitre named Emping ¶ Foꝛ Emoroides, loke in the the Chapitte named He morrhotdés, 10 8 L Foꝛ Emproſthotonos, looke inthe. Chapitre name Spaſmos, ; 1 a Foz Epatica a bepne,lobe in the Chapitre of beyſl named Mediana, 5 he. 11e, Chapitre dothe chewe ot tbe Wart and of the lpiritts named Incubus il dan Succubus lt 199 E Phiattes is the gteke woꝛde. Epialtes is the barby cus wozde. In latin it is named Incubus and Suef cubus, In Englyche it is named the Mare, And fom lay that it is kynd of ſpirites che which doth inteſtean trouble men when thep be in theyꝛ beddes llepynge, Sapnt Auguſtine lapthe De ciuitate det, Capi, 20 ff Sapnt Thomas of Alquine ſayth in his kyzſt parte his diuinttte, Incubus doch inkeſte and trouble tome and Succubus doth infeſt men. Some holdeth opyne that Marlyn was be gotten of his mother ol the dpi named Incubus, Eſdzas doch ſpetze ok this ſpitite, an J haue ved much of this ſpirite in Speculum exemplori and in my tyme at laynt Albons here in Englande wa infeſted an Ancreſſe ot ſuch a ſpirite as ſhe hewed me Allo to credyble perlous, burthis is my oppnyon that chis Eghtaltes other wyle named the Mare, the whſlehe doch come ta nan oꝛ woman when they be lleping doth come ot ſome euyll humour, con lyderyng that theyth which be thus troubled ſlepyng (hall chyuke that thy di le. here x kele, che thyng chat is not crue. And in Lue ttoublousſleppuga man chall {carte dꝛawe ‘bis bzeth. „ hecauſe ot this impediment. 2 (This impediment dorhcome ofa papozons humout 3 , 05 i teh of health; Fol,xly, & 0 fumofptte tylynge out and frome the ſtomatze to the bpꝛayne, it map come allo thazowe futkecynge and dꝛon⸗ kennes, and lyenge in the bed vpryght, it may come al⸗ ſooka reumatytze humour lupꝛeſlyng che bꝛapne, and the Humour difcendpnge doth perturbate the Hert, bꝛin⸗ gyng aman llepynge into a dꝛeame, to thynke that the which is nothynge, is lom what: and to fele that thyng , That he keleth not, and to le that thynge that he leeth not, wich luch lyke matters. Guß aut! ¶ A remedp. E Fyide let ſuche perlons beware ot lpenge vpꝛyght, led they H be luocatcd, oꝛ dDyctudenlp, oꝛ cls at length they Wpll fall into a i) madnes, named Mania, tberkoze let fuche perlons kepe a good dyet in catynge aud dꝛynkynge, let theym kepe honeſte companp, where there is boneſt myꝛth, and let them beware of mulpnge oz tt ffubtenge bpon any matter, the whiche wyl trouble the bzapne, and bie diuers tymes ſternutations with gargarices, and beware ot wynes and euerp thyng the whiche doth engender kumolite. 5 Pt it be a lpirite. ec. i €, Abaue red as many moze hach done, that can tell pA do wzyte true oꝛ falle. chete is an herbe named ku⸗ ga Demonum,02 48 the Grecians do name it Iperics. In VEnglphe it named laynt Johns wo zte, the which herbe ig Of chat vertue that it doch repell luche malpkycpoul⸗ nes oz ſpirites. Ar 70 | be. rz o, Chapitredoth chewe of a mannes lyuer. 1. 15 E per is the latin woꝛde. In gretze it is named Aeper, 5 EI. Englyſhe it is named a ſpuer, which is no other be Muse thynge but acongeyled bloud the which doch calylythe , Lomake lyke the kyze vnder a pot, and doch matze dige⸗ Mion; andit is the thyꝛde pꝛincypall inember in man, in whome allo reſteth the animal Ipirites, and where as intipient perſons do fap that a mang lyuer maye wate, tis not fo, howe be it the lyuer may haue dyuers and . F. b. manp SSS SS SS SS be eee «eens wm mn ts ates 6 ot eS a eee 6 \ 45 1 WN PE ESE ISIE IROOM rr The Breufaty manp infirmpties, as heate, water galles, carneſles u opylacions, and ſuch lyke dileaſes . The lyuer of hig nature is hote and dꝛye. g e d remedp fo2 heate in the Lyuer r Af the Lpuer be hote, peyne and heate ts telte in ther lyde, and koꝛ it open the Epaticke beine and erate of it on, buces of bloude, ik age and ſerngth wyl permpt it, and bie ten Diarodon with the Sirupe of Roles. And koz the heate of the dy: uer is good, Lpuerwoꝛt, the. ui. kyndes of Saunders, Datioelion, Sonthpſtell, Endiue, Cicoꝛp, and luche lyke. Ft the A puer be opptate. Ze Ifthe lyuet be oppiated the face Wyll well, ah peine wyl be in the ryght lyde, wherkoze elyſters be gag and the conkection of Fumitore. Allo this is god the lyuer, the confection of Gal yngale, and che conte tion Of xiloaloes, al ſo Pillule ſeomatice, and billulesz gregate he good to mund yfye the lyuer. Allo Emplaß ſtomaticum, and Situpus de thimo, and pf the lyuer hei flained J haue ſhewed a remedye, and pk the luer weatze, a plapfter made of wheate is good with Dialer con, ànd ſo is Emplaftrum Andromachi. ¶ Foꝛ Epatica paſſio loke in the Extrauagantes thi ende of this botze. 5 Jos Epenidides lotze in the Chapitte named Aeginets ¶ The. 12 1. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of the Pentilence, id Pidimea is the greke woꝛde. In latin it is nam : Peftilencia 03 Febris peftilencialis, In Engiplhel is ũamed the sine ; 5 ¶ The caule of this inkirmitie. ¶ This intirinytie doch come, eyther by the punpih ment ok god, eyther els ot a coʒtupte and conta gyol⸗ apꝛe, and one man infected with thig ſyctzenes maxe ll fecte many men, this ſickenes may come alſo with ti Genche of euyl dyzty lüretes, of channelles not — clea y j 3 1 / fl 7 ; / y yl / ) j . 7 1 7 } / 4 J 1 j Es ‘= ae of frealth; Fol. xlvi. & npleane, of ſtandynge puddels, and ſtynkynge waters, ol e ges and ſtynkynge dꝛaughtres, of ſhedynge of mans oud, and ok dead bodyes not depely burped, ok a great ompany be ynge in 8 lytle o2 (mal rome ot common piſ⸗ nge places. and of manp luche lyke contagious apers as be teherſed inche dyetary of health. 10 A remedy. i. The chiete remedy that do kuowe is koꝛ euery man to ſub⸗ npt bpm lelte to god and than to amende our lpupnge; and to fle karre rome infectious plates, and nat to go into the company of dem whiche be imtected, oꝛ do reloꝛte to iutectious perlens, and to beware of the clothes, oꝛ anp other thynge that doth perteyne o ſut he intectiue perfons, Than ble a good dyet in eatynge and ezpnkyng, and ble Perfumes in pour chambers and oules , go pat abꝛode in the open apze late in the nyght, noꝛ ryſe nat ear iy n the moznyng, let the Sonne haue domim on ouer the grounde, s wate and confume al cd tagious myſtes ann apers v2 pou aryſc, fand than aryſe and ſerue god which doth gyue helth to al men & Folowe my counſell in this matter, as J hauc ſhewed in the Dye⸗ heacp ot belthe . WL $02 Epiploce la, loke iu the Chapitte named Ramex 0 The. 22. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the 192 Fallynge ſyckncs. E Pileplia is the greke woꝛde. Epilencia tg the barba⸗ She tal⸗ rus wo2de, In latin te is named Conuulcio 02 Mor lyng ſicke bus commicialis, 02 Morbus facer,02 Morbus herculeus, nes. Morbus caducus, And in dyuers regions it is named Morbus mahometus, foz Mahomete (in whom che cars es doth beleue) had the ſayde ſyckenes. In Englythe it named the fallynge lyckenes, 02 the foule pil, aifote g named in latin Ira dei, and ſome do name il Pedon,ayd ome do name it laracionem. The cauſe of this iufirmite. ae hfs inſitmitie is ingend ꝛed eicher of a reumattke Ane oz els Of a groſſe and a colde wynde oz clsofa nelancolp humoure che whiche is bed in the hynder batte of the head, oꝛ els ok curl hninoures abundyng in f the 6 ® SS DS SS OS SSeS ee Se ee SS OS KS hee SS he Se Se ee em ane ee ee 5 —— n * r 1 } j 4 / y y / ; ; ; 9 7 6 ; ) 7 j / f 7 Awhele. N ELISE NIP IER IRON SSS SS The Breuſary the ſtomatze the which doth vapour and fume bp tore bꝛayne opplat ynge the vptal ſpirites. Galen ſapth ir a colde humour che which doch opilate the celles of thy bꝛayne, vnto the tyme chat nature hath remoued ih caule. Thete be thꝛe kyndes olthe kallynge ſyckeneſſ the fyꝛſte is Epileptia, the ſeconde is named Analeplig and the thyꝛde is named catalepſia. Chey che whieh be infected with Epilepfia, in theyꝛ fallynge all fom at the mouth, and this is the common fallyng ſpckene and they the whiche bath Analepſia when they do fal they Mall defyle them ſelfe and not kome at che mouth, And they the whiche hath Catalepſia, Whether they tatzen open eyed, oꝛ halfe cloſed, foꝛ the tyme they ſe nothyng, as it Hall appete in the Chapitre named talepfis, ¶ A remedy. 6 Aſe the confection of Diamuſtt and Tiriata diateſſeron $F rupus de dicades, Acetum Cquilliticum, Oximel Cquilliticum, A the oyutement of Udelltũ, the oyle ot. iii. Pepers, the ople of Brat oꝛ theople of id hiloſopher be good foz the iii. kyndes ot the fal lynge lyckenes, and other wyle purge the matter with Jeraherm⸗ tis, q ble the dyet as is ſpeciłied in the Chapitre named Analehſſ ¶ The. 123. Chapitre doth ewe of umes and wheles Pinictides is the greke woꝛde. In latin it is van Puſtula nocturna, In Englyſhe itis named a whet oꝛ apuche the which doch ryle in che l yn, the which ingendꝛed in the nyght. i ¶ The caule of this impediment. ¶ This impediment doch come ok euyll dyet, o els an euyll humour pꝛocedynge from the Ipuer, 02 dag kyng late, oz els offome venemous wozme. A remedy. 2 ray lee se ibe 1 of it, and touche not the 11 £0; one whele pou cal 5 5 e ee 0 . ; 2 ~~ 0 of healehs Fol. xivii, ö The. 24. Chapitre deth ſhewe of eructua. 0 Lions 02 belehpuges. lie Ruduacio is the latin wozde. In Englyſhe it ig naz L med eructuacion oꝛ beichynge. i The caule of this impediment. 2a This impedunente doch come of vento lytie oꝛ ot lo wer Humours in the ſtomake. fy @ Aremedp. yt it do come of bentolite oꝛ a fume, Foꝛ it is good Coonkecti de acẽtoſis, yt᷑ it do come of a lower humour in the Lomase, than wis the conkection of Galpngale good, Diaciminum, and the fins ale Orunel Cquiltt . ¶ The. 2g. Chapitre doth ſhewe of imklamma⸗ 0 tions of the eyes. M piphora, is the greke wozde. In latin it is named L In flammacio oculorum, In Englyſhe itis named inflammacion of che eyes. 8 The caule of this intirmitie. 1 This impediment doch come of Come lalte humour, dz els coꝛrupte bloud myrt with teume. 51 ¶ Aremedp. C Kyrdte purge the head, and after that ble gargarices, & beware yf catpage of Garlpke and Onpons and luche thynges as is nat good foz the eyes oꝛ bead. F N Foz Eriſipulas, lootze in the Chapitre named Heriz fipulas, ¶ Efchara is the ſkabbe og ctuſt that lyeth on a ſoꝛe that commeth of burnyng made by ſome inſttumente by the induſtry of lome Philicion oꝛ Chirurgion. ¶ The. 2 6. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a ha de 0 puſhe oꝛ whele LsScara, oꝛ Effare oz Eſſara be the latin woꝛdes. In C grebe it is named Ae gineta, oꝛ Epini@ides, In eng⸗ pide it is named a harde puſhe oz a whele much lyke to ſtyngynge of a waſpe, a hoznet, oꝛ a nettle, and lome lay t is the place chat a man is burnt wich a hote ꝓpꝛon and The lot made whole. E Belching. Pepne in the eyes Wheles. — — > „772... nnd IA ORL — — Hf 6 6 r 4 F tony PONG. ILENE SIE INI III III AMOR 5 Se. The Breniary j The tauſe dt this infirmite. a) ¶ This tnftrmpete doth come of a faire ſleumatytze mour oꝛ els ot aduſted coler, 02 melancolp. A remedy. Cake of the leaues ot Colcwoꝛtes. iti. handfulles Gampey, and temper it with Hony and maze a playſter, and tape it to t place. O els take Loztader ſede s n noðeber, and componde it u opie Dipue, and lay it to the place, and dꝛynze this dzynze, wip of Sumacke halte an vnce, leth it in rapne water, oz in why tyne and diynke it warme. 2 ¶ F02 Eſthiſis loke in the Chapitre named sen The. 12 2. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of an tnfirmite cozrup⸗ tynge the ticthe , lynewes and the bones. Stiome nus is the latin woꝛde. In Arabp ic e med Eſthiome nos In Engliſhe it is When the lech the lyne wee, and the bones be putrpfped oz coztupcc And here it is to be noted, that the le inkirmities nan Cancrena, and Aſchachilus be gradiant oꝛ concuttamt with this afozelaide infirmitie Foꝛ Cancrena is a ui to Afchachilo, and Aſebachilus ig al wap to Eftiameno, The Cauſeok t his impediment. | ¶ Thisimpedimenc doth come of acozrupe melanch humour, oz cls tt doth come of ſome beremous matt tozruptyngt the lleſhe. acc. ¶ à remedy. WGA FU this matter mud be bled Canterilacions, and to ceil the place oꝛ places with water the which doth deceuer gold ke ucr, and than ble the medecines the which be in the Chapitre med Elcara. In this matter a dyet muſte be bled, the pacient mu retrapne from cõtagieus meates and dꝛynkes, as ncwe ale, mu TTG fi / 4 y 4 1 4, 25 inom ey — a of health. Ss Folxiviti, & pe Foz Erica paſſio ſoke in the Chapitte named Fenris lectica C hoc. 128. Chapitre doth chewe of ſtertynge ina mannes llepe, ä Se U ; ‘ Xpergifadiofompni be che latin ozdes. In En⸗ Stertyng L giyche it is ſtertynge in oz out ok a mannes dlepe in tbellepe odepnlp. ; The canſe of this impediment. ML This impedimente doche come of a melancoly hur our, op els of an augry og a feateful herte, oz els of a encykull mynde oz a fearetull dꝛeame. 0 : A remedy. 30 fo this matter is nothynge fo good ( belyde god ) as is the Montcction of Mucke, and otherwhile ble Setamab inc, and bewa⸗ e in any wyfe to lye bprpaht, and nat to go to bedde with a full oma ze, x it the paciét do grone in the llepe, awaße hym leilerably il The. 12 9. Chapitre dothe chewe ot 0 whcles oz pulbes, E Xanthemata tg the gretze woꝛde. In latin it is nas Tbema⸗ ned rumores oꝛ pulcule in cute. Bud there be thꝛe 5 f yvudes named in latin. Morbilli vatiole, and Mentagt a pockes » Met bilki is named in Englpche the maleiles, Variole in zugliche is named the mal pockes, foꝛ Mentagta, lobe ithe Chapitte named Lichen. J L The caule of thele impedimentes. Theſeimpedimentes may come of coꝛtuptton of the goud, it may come of coꝛrupte apꝛe, and one man map yifece an other, moſt comonly this doth happen oꝛ come wate ponge perlons. g — i! a remap. . WR FY ead chefelp kene the patient warme, and in no wyTe let om go oz g ande in the open ayꝛe, dꝛynte no dꝛyn ke but that it be arned out of the colde, cate nothyng but chekyn o2 moron, dewed Z. b. o:. bi. dayes. Allo koche, whytynges, playſe, oz luche tpke is Sd to fede ot, beware Of newe ale, oz bearẽ and wyne, and ble to ate Ttiatle o Mitridatum, * The S Sb tS SS SS SS SS OS SO m4 6 6 60 8 00 5 6 0 6 6 . 0 0 ¢ 0 „ fe 0 8 an x oo @ 8 < 7 1 ae E 5 The Breuiary ae C The. 156. Chapitre dothe (ewe of excvementesy a. cae i Extremen E xcrementa is the latin woꝛde. In Englylche tt iy ‘ res. thele thynges the which be digeſted and expulſed. and there be exctementes of the egeſtion, OF bepne, of 4» lleume, of Coler, of melancoly, of [weat cof mylze in tip if 1 mans bzeſtes, of fpetyl, ok the kpich of the nole z ß b beer of theeares, Foꝛ this matter looke in the Chapttteg of 5 ‘eee euerp pꝛenominated impedimentes 62 ii Php The. 1 Chapitre doth ewe in geuerull i @ y at ail ede o 8 ia he nits 17 f Xitura is the latin wozde. Upon What woꝛ _— E grounded, J can not tell, but they the which Witten vpon this wozde, Doth laye it is named ener ! Appoſtumacion, in the which is matter and kylth and | there be many kyndes ol chele Appoſtumscions. The fyʒſt is named Cammarate Caurine the ſecond is named | Albir 02 Toplaria, and the thyꝛde is Talpa, The fale * is named as Zi patie ſayd Cammarata, and this (stage a 0 i dꝛed of an eupland cozrupt lleche, the leconde is nad 25 I Albir 02 Toplaria; the which is moſt commonly in ehll⸗ dens heades, the thyꝛde is named Talpa the Whiehen | én Ee in che head vpon the (epu penpetacryngett i eſhe. | KH Thecaule wich che remedy loke in the — 8 N i ted woꝛdes oz Chapitres. ' | = ct eee Deloria ne? 5 75 ot geen uty : coriacio iS che latin W020, In enguipe Extozia⸗ E excoʒiacion, which is when che {kin is away om any plate of a mans bodp, 02 els when a man Mall e take away vntuer all oz perticulet a mans sy nne. * ¶ The caule of this intirmite. a ae This intitmitie inaye come many ware tm gion. —T———W———T—7—T—G—G—T—ͤ—łW . TCT CR CRRA, =. SS inn, — 2.2 SO 2 . ⅛— . ̃⅛•— 8 9657 — 2 = ee of health; . Fol,xlix, @ bboge, 02 gopnge, 02 greate labour, oꝛ by fome loze, oʒ | by ſbaldynge oz butnpuge, oz els by k eyng oz pullyng oka mans lkyn from hym. Siiriowd Aremedy. "te Avopnt the place with Ungucntum kerilinum oz waſhe the } place ofte with the water of Roch alome, and then cane bponthe Place the pouder of a Soke, and if one wyll nor, wache the place N with the water ol Roche alome, wache the place then with white tyne, and ble the tyne pouder ot a Pole, and there is nothynge pill (pu fo fone as it wyll do. Parauentute Come perlons rea- dong this bokcipecially this mater wy! laughe me to ſcoꝛne, but | foz all that fo fs ynnynge of a place there is nothyng thal ſkyn ſo fone as it wyl do it it be bled, er tepte the place be to muche blcera ted, but fo2 à mans perd and other lecrete places, J haut pꝛoued 5 5 — 75 be the mot belt. Lotze foz this matter in the Extra⸗ Chus endech che letter E. And here 1 koloweth the letter of F. The. 133. Cbapitre dothe ſhewe of à mannes face, Acies ts the Latin worde. Inchtetze it is Te ace, named Profopon, In Englyſpe it is na e meda face, the which is the fayzeſt thing that euer God made in the compaſle ot a wo Ab tote, and it is a wonderkull thynge to be, Molde, conſpder ynge that one face is not lyke another. 10 Che lace map haue many impedimentes. The lyꝛʒſt itis pedyment is to ſe a man hauyng no berde, anda woman o haue a beroe, In the face mape be moles, wertes, he mozphe we, ale pockes, laucefleme, dandꝛulfe, (burfe pltabbes, pockes, melels, fpſtles, cantzers, wellpnges. „Foz all luche matters lotze in the Chapitreg of the in⸗ kyzmpties, fh Ca remedp to mundikie the face, KS Corlere, to clenſe, and to mundifie the face, ble ſtutes and 0 thes, and Cutty. moznyng after keymyng of the head, wype the ite With as karlet cloth, and wache not the face ofte, but ones a 5 : Gi, webe — P 0 6 6 . 8 at 8 \ & 7 U ial i 6 ; é VVV oo & © ũ ² SSS bb 6 eS, SSO SC 6S 6 6 aS a ee a EORTC Se The Breulaey e i 6 e she owls begat the confection of austin ne, oꝛthe Cpzupeot Fumiter p. 07 contection of Manna, and do as is wꝛytien in the Cahpitre named Pulchzitudo. 1 ze Fo: Faſtid ium, lobe in che Chapitre named Abhomi⸗ 1 nacio ſtomachi. i ¶ Foz Fauces, loke in the Chapitte named Branches? alld in the Extrauagantes, in the ende of this bose. N 2a Foz fatigacio loke in the Chapitre named Laſſitude i and in the Extrauagantes in the ende ol this botze. 1 he. 14. Cbapitre dothe ſbewe of a lycknes ae named Fäuus @ ; : i Auus is the latin woꝛde. In Englyche it is abet Akynd of Fin the (ain of che head. lyne to an impediment named {cailes, Keuers. Acor, but the holes ol Fauus is much moze bygger then Acor ig. 4 ¶ The caule of this impediment. ö i ¶ Thistmpedemente doch come chozotve greate Hil i mpdytie in the head, oꝛ it may come of a lalte humour, A remedy FFyꝛde (auc oz cut awaye the heares of the bead, Than tas of Cerute, ot Hute ot the chymney, of Umegre of eche an BNE, i compound this togyther with the oyle of Muttes, and anoynt the ii bead, oz cls take of Doues dunge. ui. vnces, of Chalae halte an bn⸗ ce, uf the pouder of Zuſterd kedes an buce, of Malt halte an en te. contecte of compound al this with the ople of Muttcs and bin ger, and anoput the head. iii.oʒ.iiii.tymes. 1 The. czy. Chapttre doth chewe of the kyndes of Feuers in general. 1 Ebris is the latin woꝛde. In grebe it is named Pixel 0 F tos. In Englych it is nam̃ed a Feuer 02 an Agen ' A Feuer is an vnnaturall heate groundedin che hett and ipuer, lettynge all the body out ok temper or ten perauce. And chere be. xx. kyndes ok keuers. 140 5 in, — . . . 8 SEEDS. — pS & t Reach Fol. I. ¢ Febrisephimera othetwyſe named Febris diaria. Then igFebris cot idina, Febris interpolata, Febris terciana, Febris puartzna, Febris ſinochos othetwypſe named Fes bris continua, then is Febris ſinoc ha, Febris homothena, Febris augmaftica, Febris epamaitica, Febris cauſon > 02 caufos,02 Febris ardens then ts Febris putrida, oꝛ humo⸗ talis, Febris emphiſodes, E ebris emitricea, Febris epial⸗ tes, oz Febris epiala, oz Febris epialia, then ig Febris lip pat ia, O; lipatia , febris tetrathea, tebris ertatica, febris hectica, ànd febris peſtilencialis, foz all theſe Feuers, lotze in the yꝛ Chapitres folowyng, and there you thal le he Englyſhe woꝛdes koz thele aloe ſayd latin woꝛdes. he. 136. Chapitre doth ewe of a Feuer N named the Ephimer Feuer. Fri ephemera be the greetze wozdes, Febris diaria I be the latin woꝛdes. In Englyche it is namedthe E⸗ . imer keuer. And this Feuet is the cauſe of all ocher : , feuers, This feuer doch take his name of a beaſt, Come fay it is a fyſhe, and ſome fay it isa Wozme the which i Doth dye that daye that he begynneth to lyue. So they ö thewhich bach this feuer, the feuer doth dye that daye the which he Doth inkeſt any man. And pF this feuer ont nue any longerthena dape, oz an houre paſlinge ö i. tourle, chen it runnethe into {cme other bynde of euers. 8 ~ be GS O'S S SS & @ & 6 So tw V 5 5 — * ALhe caule of the Sphimer Feuer. &® This feuer doche come by inllacyon of the ſpyꝛyteg bptall, and naturall, anpmall, pf this Feuer do come ofthe vrtall ſpirites, it dothe come thozowe an⸗ ger oz wꝛath, thought oꝛ ſoꝛowe, oꝛ els of extreme heat N cold kit do come by the ſpirites natural, it dothcome bp great hunger oz thurſt, oz els by eatyng 02 dzynking Apote meares 02 dzinkes,02 eis of 8 of a det, 6 6 6 0 i 9 0 . © 6 6 © =. 6 8 i \ 0 0 ROAR RTC TES — , * i Eat b 0 1 Ebris quotidiana, be the Latin woꝛdes . In Eng; " Inter pol⸗ late feuer. 1 „ sod 5 5 bee as eee or gu, nt eR PA I eS SS & SS SS 2 8 SO 6 26'S aS SS SS The Breuiaty 02 by lurketynge: oꝛ by teplecion, eacyng dpuersmestes and bꝛpnkynge lundzy dꝛyntzes, laxes, and coſt yueneg, if greate abſtynence, watchynge, and werpnes Of rydyng oz goynge, and venerpous actes in {uchelpke maye be che occatton ok this feuer. og l 8 A remedy. The chekeſt remedy is koꝛ euery man to oꝛder and rule hym ſelte in a temperaunce, and neytber koꝛ krynde no: ko, to eate no 4, to do the thyn ze the whiche he dothe knowe bp erperience ſhulde hurte bpm, and then bpon this Ephimer keuer, no other keuerg 4 well folowe 192 Cprpnge. a The. 17. Chapttre dothe ſhewe of a cotidian feuer. j 1 | liche tc is named a quocidiane,che which doch inter a man euery dape. ' The caute of this feuer. — oe C Euerp cocidiane is engendzed of a lalte lleume ar of {were flente, oz els ok lower lleume. Fé it be ingen Dred of lalte lleume, the pactente halbe in greate heat, and wylbe thurſty. Ik it be come of ſwete fleume, the patyent wyll be fompnolent, dull, and heaup, and his ſtomake wyll abhozte meates and dꝛyntzes, haupnge 4 taſte oꝛ talege to comfoꝛte che palat of che mouth. I it do come of lower kleume che pacyent Mall haue pez in the ſtomatze, and is euer dilpoled to vometpnge, aid 1 the coldnes of the leuer wil be great and the heatelpae i C Aremedyp . . et A Fy 20 purge talte fleume,and ble airplane, and if it do come of (were fleume, ple Diacalampnrwith Orimel (qutlit Andi it 0 do cic of lower tleume, ble Diatriapiperion with water Diuretihty Apender to the afozefayde Chapitre ſhewynge of a euer interpolatte. 90 — Ebris inter pollata, be che latin woꝛdes. In engliſhe it is named an Interpolate feuer. And there be. Uh bpndeg, ymple, doü ble, and treble, a (pimple 17 Y aa . 8 — e ] . . Se Se 0 of health, Fol. li. § fener doth infeſk a man ones a dap A doble interpolate euer doth infeſt a man t wyſe a dare. Ind a tryble inter polatte feuer doth inteſt a man thꝛyſe a dape, Foz a re⸗ medyloke amongeſt the. xx. kyndes oF feuers as they be heave befoꝛe and after ſpecyfyed. C The. 158. Chapitre doth chewe of a teuer Tercian. F Ebris terciana be the latin wojdes, In Englyſhe it a tercp an is named a feuer tercian, the whiche doch infefte a feuer. man euery leconde day, there may be a double tercian, The cauſe of this impediment. ab This feuer doch come of toler, and it doth opficr tom a feuer cauton, fo2 a feuer tercian doth operate 02 woe his maltce in the veynes andthe feuer caulõ doch wogze his malyce in the concauptie of the lyuer and the lunges, and about the herte. Aremedp, re medecines the whiche dothe helge the Feuer caulon wyl pe a feuer terciane. Fyzlle purge coler,and.tit.oz.titt, houres | before the kytte dothe tome, I do thus. I cauſe a man to lye in his | doublet, and a weman in her wake cote, then do I caule them to put on a payꝛe of gloues, a with. ii.garters do bynde the wꝛeſtes ofthe armes, and do lap thep2 armes and handes into the bedde, do cgu on clothes to bzynge thepm toa fweate before the kyt do tome. iii. 07. iii. houres, and out of Goſe quylles one put into an other, they do take theyꝛ dꝛynke, becaule they chall take no ayer to the bed, then I do geue them fpzt an ale bꝛue: and ſufter them to dꝛyntze as muche Pollet ale as they wyl, E whe the burnyng do begyn, Ado withdzawe the clothes, and thus J do. iti. courfes , « N — made many hundꝛedes whole, but theyz good dapes J do nat tre them to go in the open aper. 8 ic sberzo.Lbapitre noth ſhewe of a Feuer quartapne. Erbe quartana be the latin wozdes. In Englyſhe 2 quar⸗ | it is named a feuer quartapne the which doth infette tarue: ö Aman euety thyꝛd day, that is to ſay two dayes whole 6 d one ſycke, and there map be a rate quarcapne. be th i SS SO OS Se OS SSS — — ienre Be, 0 0 ö C TED a P nr SS SS PL eee 5 2 n . N 2 ee erer vibe bn ae Hy * S RECURS Wig * le The Breulaty: ¶ Toe cauſe of this impediment. 118 C This impedpment dz teuer doth come ok menlaneo iy, 02 els of colet aduſted, and ik the blacke Jlatones be concurrant wich it, it is a dyllrcyll lyetznes to make one whole. A remedyp . A Fpꝛſte purge melencoly, and bfe the pylles of Inde ones oz ripple à wee, and take ofte of the Sirupe named in latyn Hiru⸗ pus de thimo, and foꝛ the heat, and foz the intlacion of al maner of Agues o7 keuers, ble the confection of Pꝛunes. and a Julib of bio lettes. And in all maner ot Feuers fp2t pucge the caule kon euer Fkuer, eyther doth come of the malice of blonde, oz of kleume, oz of coler, oꝛ cls of mclancalp, It map come allo ot mppte humours , do as I haue reherſed in a Feuer terciane. ¶ Febris acuta et continua alts one, and that ching that Wyll helpe Sinochos, wyll helpe this. The. 140. Chapitre dothe ſhewe af a contiuuall Feuer named the Spuoch, Ebris Sinochos is the greke wozde. In latin it is named febris ſinochus, 02 febris continua. In Eng iyche it is nameda tontynuall feuer. Sinochos is dery⸗ uedok two woꝛdes, lyn that is to fap without, E Choos whiche is to lay trauel, and that is as much to laxe ag a feuer without reſt. ¶ An other Feuer. ¶ There is an other feuer named Febris Sinocha the which doch opffer from che feuer Sinochos. Fo this fe net Sinoca hach interpolacion that is to ſape ſome tele oz interpolacion. And there be the kyndes of the feuce Sinochos, whiche be to ſape H@mothena , Augmalticay Epamaſtica, and howe a man Mall kno we the one kro che other it Doth kolowe. Febris Homothena. Bemothe He that hach this keuer hatha dymme and a watt Foose | bꝛyne. . = 2 2 8 — .. . ee of health. 1 fol, lii, Febris Augmaftica, ¶ Who lo euer Hach this keuer bath a blewyſhe vꝛyne 02 Water. Febris Epamaſtica. f who euer hach this foucr bach a reed bꝛyght v⸗ tpneand the keuer wyl inerea ſe, and fo it wyl not in Aug maftica, fo; the water is thycze in the bottome and that doth lyguylpe helth. 9 ¶ The caule of thefe Feuers. a Thele feuers doth come of abundance of bloud 02 es ofputrifped bloud. And then the fkyn wylbe dankyſhe, and al the body wyl be out ol temper, the face wyl wel, the eyes wyl be redyſhe and the veynes wyll be ful, and the vꝛyne wyl be reed with great ſpume. A remedy. iG Fee if age, tyme, and ſtrength wyll permyt it, be let bloud ing beyne named Medt aua. And if the patient be dꝛye oꝛ thurty, ple the ele ctury of Pꝛunes with the ſirupe of Acerole; And ii the pocient can nat flepe , make a Doꝛmitarp. Wake ot the leues of PHenbapne.ti, bandfulles, of the leues of Mandꝛagoze an handful lampe bothe togyther and put them in a cloth and lay it to the tem ples and kozehead, Oꝛels take a Scarlet cloth and intinct it in the opleot Roles and Uinegre, and lay it ouer the head, oꝛ els take towe and perkume it with frankenkence, and lay it Hote to the head and temples and moznpng and eucupng ble this Fomentacion to the fete. Take ot biolct flowers oz leues, ii. handkulles, ot Roles leues, of Malowes ot ether ot them. u,. handtullcs, of Warlp,tit, handtulles, ſeth all this in runnynge oz rapne water, and then Mane this Epythymt, Tahe of the tuyte or Ryghtchade halke a pynt, of read Saunders and white Saunders an bnce, ol Camphi Feli. dꝛames, of oles leues an bnce ot Roe water as muche as Spl tutktce, compound al this togyther, and with ablewe oz a ſearlet clothe, lay it to the xyght (pde , And it the Feuer do caule tonſtupacions, ble Clyſters oe sis Suppolttozs. and it age, tyme and strength wyll permyt it, open a bepne named Mediana, and ephautte an bnce oz. ii.ot bloude as the pacient is of frength . It ithe aman, taße a verne in the rpgbt arme, And if be a woman open the beyne in the fekte arme and ble this dyet, cate no grolle 0? contagtous meates, and abſt ayne from dꝛynkynge of newe ale Hite. becre and wyne, cate noc les, egges noꝛ freche Samen, no} Hell er the, no: the tyche the whichedoth adhere to the kernge tii @ „uli. 66A Aullma⸗ fipcae ke⸗ uer. Epama⸗ tyt ke fez uer. A dozmp⸗ tary, Fomenta cion. Epit hime Adres SIEBER ˙·- A n OS A x i a — we 4 4 N Se RR NN NARNIA RTINRRTRICRIRORTRORORORCTR. 8 1 Cauſon keuer. Hutrikied feuer. ‘BS, = =, & oo oOo & oo ee i eS 6b & SS 2S 2 6 oS 626 6k S S&S SS eS, The Breniaty C Che. 141. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of « 17 teuer named caulon. 0 Ebris cauſon 02 cauſos be the grekewozdes. In latin a it is named Febris ardens, In Englyſpe it is named the leuer caulon which is one of the Woꝛſte keuers that can be. i the caule of this fever. 8 ¶ This feuer doch come of colet, and Doth dpffer buß lptle from a feuer tertian, conlſydetynge that the mattes is in the contauptie ok the lyuer, and therkoze the keur Caufonts moze vehement and Marpe then a terciane. € the mouth ok the patient hauynge the feuer Caulon verp dꝛye, and the bepnets as reed ag kyze. + hi a Arvemcdyp- t Fyiſt purge coler with Callia fiſtula, and extynete the thse ii with the lirupe of Wiolettes 02 Roles, o with the water of Hoops des, and tub the weetkes and the handes with the water that pus nes be Coden in, and do as haue wꝛiten in the keuer tercian. The. 142. Chapitre dothe ſchewe of the me putritied Feuer. n Ebris putrida 02 humoralis be the latin woꝛdes. 40 ‘ Englyche it is named che putrikved 02 bumozal Feuer. 5 ¶ The cauſe of this Feuer. ty This feuer may come many wapes. It may come ß the feruente heate of the lonne, and the a ger, it mahe come by inoꝛdynate labour, oꝛ by great ryding, oꝛ grit labour in goynge, it may come by lurketynge, oz cone gydus meãtes cacpng, it may tome byto much dꝛynzing lpeciallyofdzynkynge of hote wynes. it mape come by dilozdering ok a mans vlage, thit he hach bene gecung | med to do, it may tome by dilozderyng ok any of the ll humours, alwel by llepe as by erceſle ol meat og deine as by labour, whetfoze if this feuet take any Wau \ hu 5 . ~ : 3 — — ] ͤ SS, OS ̃ͤᷣͤ . 8 Se aS > SS rr of health; Fol, lifi; . OE 3 = = — o 4 a — 2 A * 1 A Chis teuer doth come of a vehement heate the whic 8 2 = oO . S eo = Oo * 8 g o oe — — * we 2 = a o a — ae 2 oo a — = i =] — 2 2 —. o on * 2 * — ot Ss 8 > S 8 3 = Mhire wyne, in the wb iche leth. ii. vnces ot the pouder of Feos, oz tig mundifie it with the iupce of Plantapnc, with Boolc ar mo⸗ hiake, 02 els take ot Ariſtology that is rounde, of Pentaphilon, ok che an vnce, make pouder or them, and mpre the poudcrs with y HoUp, and then mae tentes and put them in to the Hyſtle, and than take the egeſtion of a man, and but ne it, and make pouder of tand with the pouder of Peper, lay the ſub ſtance ouer the F patie, Alto Unguentum egipltacum doth mundikie a Piti, and Yeralg y Sodion ruckt dothe purge the matter, and Diaphenicon doth make hole the intirmite, and the oyle of egges is good. QD Fittula cimbalaris is a pype in che chꝛote the whiche Doth molio zate a mans voyce oz back. The. 59. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a ſycknes named Ficus in Ano. i F Teus in ano be the latin woꝛdeg. In Englyſhe it is 2 trgge. A A hameda fygge ins mannes foundement, fozit is a 0 Bt poſtu⸗ F 7 n Sono — — N err PSK 6 RRR * AL PW eee Y! RRC He. S + f The! i poſtumacton lyæe a ſygge oz wlumpe of Ache in 115 peok | Lettynge ot blond. b Whcales: F is the latin worde. In greeke it is named 9 — — + — a 3 — - 8 „„ 2 > SSS SS SS 6 8 SO 6 O'S Se aS SS SS The Breufary?⸗ dn bP ein 5 gacion lpbe a fygge. And tome men fap it isa tim g lleche vue a klygge growynge in the longacion whiehe is in the koundemente. — 99 | The cauſeot᷑ this impediment | This tmpediment doch come oka melancdly hum? the whiche doch diltende to the longacpon oz foul ment, nA A remedy. : Fyidte purge the matter with the confection 15 0 0 ' a te | With the pples df Lapidis lagule; ‘oz with Fera rutin; than ok the pouder of a dogges heed burnt, and inyxe it with the wp) of ympernel. s man tentes and put into the koundement. The. 160. Chapitte dothe ſbewe of Flebo : thomp oꝛ lettynge ot bloude . Lessa e e is detyued out of two woꝛdes ok gteke of Flébi, that is to ſape a veyne, and remoo, thats | to fap openynge oꝝ cuttynge, ſo that Flebothomia ig 0s penynge o2 cuttynge ok a veyne. In latin it is named Minuciofanguinis, In Engl pche it is named lettyng of bloud, there be. ii. Wayes, one is openyng of a veyne, and the other is by boxyng e oz cuppynge. Here J dond ue tyle euery Chyerurgion, ho we, whan, and at what tyme they do let any man bloud, excepte that they do nome the operacionot᷑ the lignes, and do confider the aged ſtrengthokthe paciene, and loz what maner ok diene the pacieut ſhulde be let blond, . ¶ Foꝛ Fluxus, loe in the Chapitre named Piarrhesß, E F02 Fluxus ſanguinis, loobe in the Chapitre nam Sanguis. ö 5 C The. 161. Chapitredothe chewe of a wheale named Fozmica. 0 Mirmichias In Englyche it is named a lytle whele f growyng of health. r fol, lviii, growyynge out of che lz yn, lome doth call this (pckencs lein Formica milliata, a8 who ſhulde lap bzietely by | thngeof Amptes, o Pylmars, 02 Antes, koꝛ this in⸗ fpzinitic doth take his name ol an ante oz Pylmar, oꝛ B ir al sone thyng. and bp this licknes is fo called, is bebaute the linniteude is lyne the byting of an Ante. c. Ind there be thee kyndes okthis tnftrmptic, the yen is kunnynge, the ſetonde is coꝛodynge oz catpug ,and the ſhhꝛde is Hated Formica miliatis, the whiche J do rage oz the lpngles, loze in the Extrauagantes for chat wozꝛde. ¶ The cauſe of thele inkirmites. KF Thele infirmit ies doth come ol dyuers Humours, he that is runnpng doͤth come of coler, he that doth coꝛode oz eate, doch come of coler aduſted, and the latte doch doe ok melaucoly myxte wich kalte fleume. f r 23 A remedp f02 the kyzüe. E Fete purge the caule, and than foꝛ the tyeſt takethe electuas tp of the tupce ot Roles, as weil interially as extertally t ble it. (A remedy £62 the leconde. 0 ane tante piitged; than rake the cotricction ot Damteehe inte⸗ " band erterially. ; 790 a remedpy toꝛ the thyꝛde. K Fvitetalie of the pyſles aggregated and of the pylles of Fu⸗ i . either ot them a dꝛame, and tale ot Boulelpke, and of 15 tio wers of Mewuiler, etherwyle named water Lyilies, and ot 5 e deeyther of them an handfull bray them togyther ö hide wyne and make aplagier of this and beit. > Se Se — a | . wR Pe — * Futur, dz Fürfures lg named dandzuſte oz aſkurke oz Dandzuß 0 1 1 Hb ters Ike to otemei 62 branche cauſe and che re⸗ i Mpx von Mol fynde in the Chapitre named Acor. f 00 50 YH Thelts2, Chapitre dothe chtwe ol an barde n n Preis s che latin wozde, In Cugiphe it ts named a ponume Lede oimpoſtume pnder a mannes arme. F In bard impoſtume vnder a man dꝛa womans arme ble, 02 thete about. ' if i mg 5 Hell. The Oh Se ROR 5 TF mes ~ ¥ 1 * 56 N SORORITIES = 6 b 4 Mpzth. So = 22 oS oo So & oo oS ef SS 2 h G SS 2 6 6.6 6S 66 'O'e 8S S&S SS S, The Breulary':>: ‘« 5 Whe caule of this infirmite. en ¶ This intixmptie doch come ol a melancolp humour, 5 add other whyle ic map come of a Heumatphe matte eo uerted to hardenes. j 4 al ¶ A remedy. f 1 | Fpitte purge tbe mater with Diaturbych oz with vera runs ni, ano after that blethe medecines the whiche is in the Chapitre named Scrophule : 4 qe Ky Foz Frenilis loke in the C hapitre named Frenitis, A Foꝛ formicuius loke amonge the kyndes of impoſtu⸗ mes, the which is ingendꝛed of an euyl e a groſſe bloud, ¶ Thus endech the letter F. and here fos loweth che letter G. i The. 163. Chapitre dothe ſhewe t Jope oz mpꝛthe. . 0 is named io pe oz myꝛch. In gretze it is ua med Hidonæ. . 8 4 The caule ot myꝛthe. 1 i e Dp 2th commeth many wa peg, the pi cypal myꝛth is when a man doch lyue out ok deadix en, and not in grudg of conſcience in chis woꝛlde, and that euerye man doch reiopte in God, and in charitie co hig neyghbour, chere be many other myꝛthes and conſols | cians, ſome beynge good and lauda ble, and ſome bye * perable, laudable myꝛth is one man oz one nepghboume to be mery with an other, wich honettp and vertue, Wu) out (Werpag and lclaunderyng, and rpbaldzy ſpeaking Myth is in mafpcatl inſtrumentes, and goitlp and god ly lyngyng. myꝛth is when a man lyueth out ok det, and may haue meate and dunke and cloth, a though he haue neuer a peny in his parle, but nowe a dayes he is mere t hat hach golde and ſyluer, and ryches with lechery, and allis not woch a blewe poynte. e Ate⸗ of health; Follix, G ([A remedy. 8 C J do aduertiſe euery man to remember that he mut dpe, how, whan, and what tyme he can nat tel, wherkoze let tuery man as wende his Ipfe and commpt bpm lelte tothe mercy ot god. Foz Gala, lobe tn che Chapitre named Lac. Foz Gangina, loke in the Chapitte named Tubercula The. 164. T hapitre doch thetwe of crokednes 02 curuptie in che backe oz Mouiders, Ibbofitas is the latin wozde. In Er glyſhe it is na⸗ 8 8 Gued crokydnes of the backe oz ſhoulders, matzyng g mau to go ſtoupyngly. ; ¶ The caule of this impediment, This impediment doch come eyt her by natute, oꝛ by ſome humour oꝛ licknes, oꝛ els ot ſome b20{¢,02 à ſttipe dz ſuche lytze thynges. ¶ A remedy. Fat it do come by nature, the impediment is bncurable. Ik it do } Come of an humour oꝛ ok lycknes 02 a bzule, ta of the opie of Lp! lies, and ok the oyle of Caſtoꝛy, of eyther an vnce, and anoynt the backe 02 houlvers, and deynke Drimel compounde, ac. 5 6 Foz Gingiue, loke in the Extraua gantes in the ende 0 ofthis botze. 1 The. 165. Chapitre othe chewe of Car⸗ i nelles in the fleche. Ml . . oe is the latin woꝛde. In greeke it is named carnetics 0 Antiades 02 Cherade,02 Strume, In Englyche it is 0 Hamed Carnelles in the lleſhe. And chere be two k yu⸗ es, the one is harde, and the other is fofte, N The cauſe ot this impediment. Che cafe of harde Carnelles cometh of colerycke Huinouts, and the lokte carnelles doch come of toztupt bloud myrte wich fleume. 1 C Aremedy. i ane of Kigge tenes, it. handkull, ot burnt leade halkt an buce, Hampe this fogpther and make plapllers, and lap it to the plate. : Y. ili. The | 6777.7... SS SS 9 of r 4 2S DS Se S&S — — r > 2 ew — x — * — CRORES oy 3 r n oe * „ * 5 777SCS7CCCCcC SS ˙· bs SS SS 6 6b 6 6 SS 6 OS a ae me ae The Breuiaty ‘My The. 166. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ofthe 8 | Somoꝛzp padion. iat 0 i The go⸗ 22 Ontothes is the grebe wozde. In latin it ls named 14 —4 oe ._ ¥ Profluuto fomnis, the barbarous worde Snamed Gomorted paſſo, it ts named lo becaule Gomer aud | dome dyd kynde koz luche Ipkematter, but this matter és not voluntarpe, and they dyd it boluntaryly. Ind there be thec dyndeg. The fpat is agaynſt nature Ehe leconde Doth ome of lome inkirmitie. The thyꝛde dot) come ok imbetpllytie oꝛ wekenes. qs The tauſe ot theſe kyndes· ae ¶ Itit be agaynſt natute the deuple mans wretehed g mynde is therauſe. Alas what pleaſure ſhulde anpe } wꝛetch haue to meddle wich any bꝛute beaſt, oz to pos 4 { 4 . luce hym lelfe woplfullp, J knowe no remedy lo; this but great teperitautice, kor the vengeante or Godhan | geth duer the gendes of them chat ſo doth. Foz this ſon 14 EyodomeandGomoz dyd ſyntze to hell lodenly. Apes ae jucions do come to any man chozowe fickenes, 07 1% imi te bundance of nature, yk it be nat wylfully done do non ie feceacion had in it, it is no fpnne. Ik ie do come eng oꝛ wakyng thozo w imbetyllytie and wetzenes, hauyng ties no dplectacion noꝛ pleatuce, 103 conſentynge to ſynne, le is no oflente. il it do come leping, ok any foule dream a wetten and no dylectacion oꝛ pleature had bekoze no; after it 4 no lynne. if Aremedy. i It it do come naturally, thoſe that be bumaried let themmmas |; re. At it do come otherwile,ble Flebothomy and bomites, pie alla 0 the kirupe of Roles, of Mpꝛtylles, of Runypyar, oz water of Eil fies, 02 Melons, ot bſe to eate Letute, oꝛ Purll ipne, and koz this ö matter Campbire is good myrte with Opium and Benbaime in ee 11 sple ot Noles compounde. f 0 the. 167. Chapitre doth ewe ol a 7 } berry mannes taſtynge. 22 Ch. N r SON RRR IRR TNRCRIRCIRCRORCRRCIR TRCe. S SOIREE RS RTE HH Sa ‚ SS SS SS SSS NS of health : fol, ix, Vitus ig the latin woꝛde! In gtcebe in is named Genfis, In Englyche it is named a mannes taſting Taarng. the which many kycke men Doth lacke, N ¶ The cauſe ot this impediment. po This impedymente doch come of heate ok the lyuer dd vntemmperance ok the ſtomaze. mii A remedy. Take of Lpmons 07 of Ozanges. b. oz. bi. fipfe them and cate | them, and than ble to cate ſtewed o zunes and clenle the tonge, that it be nat kur red with kylth, with Sage leues 6 Alome water, The. 168. Chapitre dothe ſhe we ot an impe⸗ diment in the roufeof the mouthe. | ‘KiArcarion,02 Kyon be the grete wozdes. In latin it Ai named Gurgulfon 02 Columella, oz Granola, Ju Englyche it ts namedan impediment in the roufe of the month. Che cauſe ot this impediment. Chis impediment doch come ofan inklammacton ete fing out okthe ſtomabe, 02 cls it map come ofa hote and groztrupte bloud. 5 A temedy. ed taz this matter bie gargarices and gdernutactons, and an ble pyliles ot Cochee to purge the head and the ſtomaze and Wache the mouthe with ole water in the wyiche Neche alome is diloſued in, and ble this. iili.oꝛ. b. tymes. ¶ Guidegi be veynes Dpon the which great art ures be 10 £01 Genu, loke in the Extrauagantes in the ende of this boke. 5 d Foz Gutter, lobe in the Exttauagantes in the end ol this voke. The. 169. Chapitrt dothe chewe of gurgula. tions in a manncs body. Ne 5 thones belp, N H. lit. : The 68 (\Viguiacio 02 Gurgulaciones be the Latyn wezdes. Surgula⸗ An Euglpche it is named Gurgulacion ok crobpnge cians. SS SS OC DS SS SS SS SS SO Owe, REMI IH 9 AD — 1 6 85 . a \ 1 \ & * * n Ls, =.= 2, = > So Oo DVV 0 SS OSs Sa a meee — GSD ROR OORT ORO SOR ORRRORRORCORCORE ROR CRORORORC IS Sauce kleume kate. The Breniary The cauſe ot this impediments ? ¶ This impediment doch come ol wynde and cold, any eitiptpnes of the guttes, and it map come by nature, and to vle longe kaſtynge in youth. ae ¶ Aremedy. N Fyiſte be nat longe kal ynge, beware of colde, delolue wynde by dꝛagges and calp purgacions, and beware of catynge of potas ge and other ſe we, and ot krutes, and of colde berbes , and dolde meates, and any thynge that Hony is in, and tzepe the bely lapag tiue and warme. ¶ Foꝛ Gutta taken for che gout, loke in the Chaplit named Gutta in the Extrauagantes, ¶ Thc. 20. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a ſaucekleumc face,. Gris rofacea be the latin woꝛdes. In Englpihe tig named a fance lleume face, which is a rednes about the nole nd the chekes wich mall pymples, it is a pee uye ligne of lepꝛouſnes. 1 „ The cauſeokthis impediment. * ¶ Chis impedpment doch come ok euyl dpet and a hotz lyuet oꝛ dilſoꝛdetynge a mans complexion in his pouty watchynge and ſyttynge vp late. 4 ¶ A remedy. 4 CA HPT kepca goodhpet inmeates € dꝛynkes, dzynke no wyne, fcade nat ot kreſhe bete, cate no fell kyches, beware of Samon g Eles, and egges, and qualytte the heate ot the Lpuer and the fo: ma c with the conkection ot Acetole, and than take this opntemkt, take of Boes gretce.ii.vnces, of Sage pouned (mal an vnce and z balfe, of QAuycke lyluer moꝛtikied with age andren au bute, compounde all this togyther and moznynge and kuenynge anon the kace, € kepe the chamber. bii.dapes, 07 els take of Butre ron and ot Ackodyl rotes, of epther. ii. bnces, ot white bineger. li. vn⸗ ces, OF Auripigment.ii.dꝛames, of Bꝛymſtone a dꝛame, maße pon der of al that, that ſhulde be made pouder ok, than put al togete ane ite ande fruit. bourcs , and after that anopnte the noſe and the face, ö 4 o Curgulio lobe in the Chapitre named Gatgatiog ¶ Foꝛ Granola loke inthe Chapitre named Garcation ( Thus endeth the letter ok G. And here kolo wech the letter ol H. The K i a : ‘ 0 4 8 : Se ~~ Ss 77 eS SS SS SO OS OS OSS OS IE e ( Dulneſſe commech many wapes. Fyzſle ' t may come by nature, it may come of to muche feare, and beatpnge a bout che head it may come ok to muche fudpeng oꝛ mulynge vpon one matter, it maye come of dꝛontzennes and great lurfetynge, it may come of ſtudt⸗ enge ok fupernacural thynges, oz of matters that mang rt can not compꝛehende, and fuche ſtudpenge 02 mus \fpngedory bꝛyng many men to dyuers inconueniences, andat length they do fal mad, oꝛ do milchele them lelke. 9 ’ of health; fol. l. 5 ’ Che. 177. Chapitre doth chewe of the dul⸗ 0 nes of a maus wytte. 90 F bitudo is the latin woꝛde. In Englyſpe te 0 ss named dulnelſe. In greetze it is named A 0 A AmbIifis, ae : 55 8 Che tauſe of dulneſle. 6 PP — i! A remedy. *. Mia ble mpꝛthe in mefure with honen company, dudy no? nue nat to muche bpon one matter. It a man loue no good compa ne than let bpm recreate oꝛ refrethe his mynde with lome manucl Oyeracion, And koz this mater let bym loke further in the chapitre named Memozta, 528 Halohonis ig named a bone in the backe. 1 The. 172. Chapitre dotbe chewe of the pyles 6 and the Emozodes. 9 Mj 0 6 6 6 if Eq Aemorthoides is the greke woꝛde. In old tyme the enero⸗ a tattns did ble this Barbarus worde named Emorot des and r, In Englyche it is named the Emozodes, oz pyies bples. "abe Whiche be bepnes in the extreme parte of the lon⸗ “Patton to whom doth happen dyuers tymes. li. lundꝛy gtions, the kyꝛſt is lyke pappes and teates, and they All biede, and they be the bery Emerodes, the other © ipbe wartes aud chep Lop! 1 3 water and lmart ( ‘a and 7 13 ns . 13 5 he 10 1 8 11 7 17 175 1 6 i 1 Y 6 Ane sl ö Win Y ' Atta 1 1 }) ; 9 7 / 4 9 4 3 Pw ĩͤ d ðͤ d 22227 ˙ RC The Bteuiaty * and they be named the pyles, and in the kayd place dog i Whe me⸗ rome. ale, and ſtronge beere is nat good foz this matter, and 4 bꝛede ot her tnfitmpttes, as Ficus in ano, Fuſtula in ang #4 fo; the which loke in their Chapitres. a i> The caule of this impediment. if > This intirmytie oꝛ impediment doch Come of mei cious humours in the mawe and intraples, ozit un come of a coleryeke humour. Wt ¶ A remedy. N Take ot the pouder of Humacze an bnte conkecte it with oe up, and male a fuppolito? and dzyntze Gdellium, and make kumt⸗ gation with it. Oz tls take of Bole armoniacke, of Ter re ligilat, of Sanguis dꝛaconts, of eyther an vnce, of Carabe of Aloes e q trine, ot cither halke an vnce, cöfect this togyther with the white ö g ok an egge oꝛ. ii. and luppolitarylp ble it, and deynze ot ate with the pouder of a lytle Carabe. Wt * The. 173 · chapitre doth there or the gegen, g EI eren is compounde of two woꝛdes, Of Hemi, i which is to lay in Englyſhe che myddle⸗ and ol oa i neum wjtch is to fare the full, In Englyſſhe it is ww wh med the megryme, whiche is a lockenes that is in the ly head kepynge the mypole parce of the (bull dilcendpngg ¢, the temples, and doch letch a compalle lyke a tapnbowe wy and pet dyuers tymes it wylllre moze at the one {poe " thenat the other, the barbarous men doch name thls lyckenes Emigrania. . j The caule of this inkirmite. hi ¶ Thisinkeniciedoch come ofscume,t wyndes ine led in the head and can a t get out but by medetineß , ) 7 N Fpꝛſte purge the head with gargarices and ſternut actions gather while ble Vera hermetis, oꝛ pylles named Pillule alh and anoynt the temples with the ople ot Nardine, oz with the or of Cufoꝛby, oz the opleofLaurp , aplapfter made of Puter naugthe tort to lay tothe temples, and beware of to muche be nerious actes, and retrayne ftom eatyng of Gatlpcke, of 1 ſons, ot Onpons, of Chibolles, and cuche ipkt. allo wyne aun U SS eS SO SS SS SS SOS ORO Se eS > ek SS SSS of health; Fol, Ixii, Y thpnges beware of coftinenes foz confiupactott, and kepe nat the dead to ore no; to colde,but in a tempcrauce, and ble tio potage, dioz newe ale noꝛ beere, noꝛ bote no: ne we bꝛead, except it beret doures olde, as tt Doth moze playnliy appere in p Dyctary of belth KF Foy Hectica paſſio, loke in the Chapitre named Fee bris hecticae Foz Hepar, loke in the Chapitre named Eper. Foz Hemipiexia loke in the Chapt, named Paraliſis, 1 The. 174. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of an is inkirmite named Bereos - g Hes is the gretze woꝛde. In latin it is named Ay Amor. In Englyſhe it is named loue lycke, and wos Lout fick men may haue this lickenes as well as men, vonge pers fons be much troubled with this impediment. ¶ The caulſe of this infirmitie. : PC Thisintiuriciedorh come ofamonrs which is a fers ent louefo2 to haue carnal copulacion with the party har ts loued, and ik it can not be optepned, fome be lo oeche chat they be rauyſhed ol they wyttes. Ir ¶ A temcap. . Fpilte J do aduertiſe cucry perſone nat to ſet to the hart that Wamother doth let at the hele, let no man fet his loue la karre, but that he mape withdꝛawe it betyme, and mule nat but ble mpzthe iene mery compatiy, and be wyſe and nat foipHe. * 00 ¶ The. 175. chapirre doth ſbewe of an impo⸗ ume named Merilipfe. N FEN Gpulas ts the greke woꝛde. In latin tt is named chyngles. i Aapoſtema calidum. Some latins doth name it Ignis placer, Auicen doch name it Spina bycauſe it doch pꝛycke and burne. In Engly ſche it is named ſhyngles, o2 the angles. and the Barbarous woꝛde is named Eri, 10 2 ; : ¶ The caule of this intirmite. 5 met inkyzmptie moſte commonlpe dothe come ok ler. 13 phere’ 1 A tes _ TICS SS DD DP OO eS SS SS Se SD Dh OS SD Kh eS 2 ROCCO — 27 2 Mo. =, 2 >, & oO. oOo & 6 60 (ys d ͤ 6S. OOS a eee 9 NV NTR ORR Hernpes. The Breniary Aremedp, Tanke of Role water, and of Plantapne water, ok either gi ' them halte a pynte, of white wyne as muche put this togptpes | and waſhe the place ofte. D2 els take ot read Wozmes the Whiche do come out of the carth and bꝛay them in a moꝛter & put to they 5 a lytle binegre aud make playſters. xc. Oꝛels take of the oder ö of Camompl, ot Role lcues, of Biolettes, the weyght of epther oF them an bnce , of Myꝛtylles⸗ of Sumacke, ot epther ot them g vnce and a halte, lethe all this in white wyne and make a plaphige | and lap it to the place, oz els take the opntement of Cerule. Aha taken Houlelpke and haue ſampt it with a lptle T ampbive ac haue put to it white wyne and hauc lay d it to the place and haut Dealed the pactent, and the oyle of Roles, or the ople of Wiolettes be good. Foꝛ this impediment, myxte toßpther with the white o egges and the iuyte ort Plantayne. i C The. 178. Chapitre doth Hetwe of the 4 6 kyndes of the hernyes. a Ernia oʒ Ramex,bethe latin woꝛdes. In grebe named ky li. In Engliſhe it is a poſtumacton ini toddes, and there be thꝛe kindes named in latin Heng aquoſa, Hernia ventofa, Hernia carnoſa, whiche i lay in Englyſhe, a wateryſhe herny, a wyndy herne fleſhely herny, and lome do laythat there be. vii pubes | of the hernyeg. Foz this matter lobe in the Chapitte i this boke named Ramex, A The caule of thele impedimentes. a ¶ CTheſe impedumentes be tngendzeo in che coden ther ok a groſſe lleſhely humour, oz of a groſſe water humour, oz els of a wyndy humour. Di ' ¶ Aremedy. a k it do come of atlefhelp humour o2 matter. Fpett purge ih matter with Diaturbyth, and moilefp the codde with Pulteſog, and with the ople of Sppke and Dia quilon, and after that maß incilion, and it any of the tones be peryched, putrified g tor ted, cut away the lone with the Hernta, and than take hadi Sanguis dzaconis, and Dꝛagagant of cyther halfe an vnte, he ' it and tcarle it and compounde it with the white of, ti.cgges, au with a fyne lynnen clothe make a playſter, æ lay it ou the won and whan this hath fucken out the cozrupcion lekt ice i — . . ee R SS Se rr of health; fol. Ixifi, 6 make kde pacient mnole with any falue that wyll incarnate rye fleche and make whole the cayn, and ſtablych and anypt the beynes and {puciwes that the ſtone hang by. Ak the Hernta do come of a N 55 humour, kpzite anopnt the code with the ople of Lpl⸗ lies, and than mate incition & dꝛawe out the water, and with tems des atractwe, and gentle ſalues miniſter. gc. FE it do come ot ven⸗ bolite of wyndy caule, bſe clyſters a luppolytoꝛs that the paciet⸗ 0 147 be larattue, and defoluc Gndellium in binegre, and with a ky⸗ he lpnnen cloth mate a playſter to the coddes, and ble to cate dic bers tymes ok the clectuary named Dtapoliticon, 1 he. 177. chapitre dott chewe ot a etter: Wiese), 3 " Erpes 02 Herpethe be the gretze woꝛdes. In latin it Wetter. is named Her peta, and ſome do naine tt Flaua bilis, In Englyſhe it is named a tetter, and ſome doth name it Lupus 02 Lupie, bycauſe d wolfe bath oftentymes ſuche Inpedtmentes, it doth creepe and cozode and eateth the hon, and waxeth bꝛoder and bꝛoder. i The caule of this impediment. ime This impedimente doth comeofpucrified bloude pokcoler. oz cls by cozrupte bloud onelp, oz of coler Honelp and Lupus 02 Lupie is ingendzed of a fleumatite Matter the which doch make a dyffetence. 6 A remedp, Troſe de Arſenico is good, and it it do come ok bloud, exhauſte N oz. iii. vnces of bloude, and moze ik nede ſyal requy ze, and that “Age, tyme and ſtrengtb wyl permpt it. It it come ot it ap⸗ pereth in the Chapitre named Colera, and ik it be Lupie, cut of the des ol them and rub them with faite and Gaclpue ſtampt to⸗ ther, and lape ouer them a plate of leade. a The. 178. Chapirre doth ſhewe of the Jawnes. it ip] teericia is che latin wozde. Che barbarus worde J ins. Kis letericia, In Englyſhe it is named che Jaunes, V ee there be thꝛe kyndes of chis infirmi a U ee De OO he be OS CSS OSS SS ee eS Se Om N eS 8 E, whiche is co laye che yelo we Jaunes, che blacke gsunes, and he greue lychenelle named Agriaca, and N lome 2 a * * m “eyo * — 777... ᷣͤ v ͤ & 6 6 ̃ò ß p ⅛ðͤ . ˙ . . . . pp. RRC TIRE TRCN RCRA * Droply. — The Breuiaty- hf²²⁰⁴ e ſome do name it pene tele on fand Melanky ten og Melan A chimon ig the blacke Jaunes. on e The caulc ot this inlitmite. 0 ¶ The cauſe of che pelo we Jaunes doth come ok tee i tolet myxt with bloude, 07 eis as J haue had experience the pelowe Jaunes doch come alter a greate tp i 02.8 thought taken, the which hath cõlumed the ble and then the lk yn and che exteriall partes muſte nedes turne to pelowenes, foꝛ lacke of blond, colerhaupng i domtnion outer it. Che blace Jaunes doch come dee ler aduſted, oz els ofmelancoly, che which un ‘ the bloude doth make the {hyn blacke oz tanp,Andey monty che bodye leane, fo2 the body oz fleſhe is ape : and dzyed vp. The grene Jaunes Doth come of ye r colet myxt with puccifped lleume, and eo zruptiog 0 bloud. 1 A remedp. 0 K Fvitte for the pelowe Jawnes, take ot Juozy made ming poudet halte an bute, of Turmarpcke. iti. quarters of an pne ) Englyche tatkron thc wepgyt of a grote, compounde all thist ther and dꝛynze of it a poꝛcion of the pouder moznynge and eus nynge with ſtale ale. And foz the blacke Fawues e e ut lancolp, as it dothe appere in the Chapitre named Melank pon. And foz the Grene Jawnes, oz the Hrene tyckenes, lone a Thapitre named Agriaca whiche is the Greue Jawnes. ee. 1 Foz Hiocianum, ioske inthe leconde boze named the \ Exttauagantes, in the ende of this Hokey ia i @ Foz Hidiocela tobe in the hap tere named Rane ; A” : 7 * 2 20 9 C The. 12. Chapitre dothe chewe of the Sidꝛopkits . EAIdrops, 02 Hidropis,02 Hidropefis isderfyed out of ea WoIdd of greke named Hider, Whichts for the lickenes Doth come ora wateryſhe humour. The olde aunctent grees did name this ſictzenes Lencop mantia, In Englyche it is named the hiedzoply oz dꝛoply. There be two kyndes ol che dꝛoplles, the 4 ve of health? fol. Ixiiii, N ended Aceites, the lecond Alehites ! Foz this matter loke in che Chapitre named Aſchites. The leconde kynd ok the hidꝛoples is named Timpanites, and for that mat⸗ terlotze in the Chapirte named eimpanſtes. The thyꝛde nde ol che hyedꝛop lyes is named Sarcites, and ſome Foehname it Ipofarca, Foz this matter lotze in the Cha⸗ Peete named Analarca, Theſe thynges be good for the igpedzoptyes diamozolton, Pillule ſebelie, Plllule alkens and pylles of Reuberbe. a he. 180, Thapitre dothe chewe ok a wateryſhe hu⸗ ee, Mourinthe kapn ar theheag. Et drocepha os ig the gretze woꝛde. In latin it is nas Ht med Morbus aquofus in cute capitis, In Englyſhe is named a wateryche humour in and vnder che tpn ok the hend, and it may be in other pertyculer members Vohte thepte, The cauſe o€ this inkirmite. } ME This inkirmitie doch come of ab undance ol reume in che head and wich coldenes there tatzen. lt N C ivy Seo a Pile exchewe coldnes, and than ble ſternutacions and gar⸗ 1 9 9605 purge reume, and ble labour an ſtuphes Were z dye, and fe that the body be laxatiue, and ble Clyũers, and beware ot Kontagious meates and dꝛinkes, and (pecially beware of new ale, ewe wyne, and newe becre. L. The. 181. Chapitre doth ſhewe of one of the kyndes of the choꝛtnes of wynde. 5 Nip] Occomia, 02 Occomia be che latin woꝛdes. In Eng notlpnge pie it is named totlynge in the thꝛote oz ſhoꝛtnes in the al wynde. thꝛote. rr 2 Nese S — n 5 8 0 6 0 oe e 5 | ¶ The cauſe of this infirmite. iA his in firmptie doch come when chat Aſthma and 0 {ma be ioyned together. 1 4 a remedy. Feide bfe a S tyfane, and than take an ealp purgacion, and eve the belp warme and ſaxattue and bfe Loctanum de pino and ware ot eatenge ot harde chele, and nuttes. AAA r Foz eee SS, = 2S & . ꝗð / f 6 6s S Se a a ene a I: 1 FE) The Brewiaty | 3 a he 7 fod Hiſtet a puiux, loke in the C hupitte named agen H a chi puiux, oe “Ltt be. ita · Chapitee doth beweot a mam, mi Ffometaebetarin wo2de, In grebe it is named Anf f Pi 8 chropos 07 Auir. In Engſyſhe it is named a mand? a a woman, which be relonable beaſtes, and man is made Fh te to the limilitudenes of god, and is compacke and made ol. x b. lubſtances. DE bones, of gryſtles, of ſynewes a e veynes, ok artures, of ſttynges, of cozdes, of gyn, ofpan 1 nycles, pellycles, oꝛ calles, of heate, of nayles, of gtecz, of fleſthe, of bloud, and of mary within the bones a maß bath reaſon with Angelles , felpnge wich beaſtes, ly upnge with trees, hauyng a beyng with Tones, g Foꝛ Hipo pia, lotze in the Chapitre named Ophtalmia ¶ Foꝛ Hypophtalmia, lobe in the Chapitre val Opht almia. 3 1 2 „ „ C The. 185. Chapitre dotht wewe ot dandynge Hi) by of mannes heare. . etter ne [orripilacio ts thelacin wozde. In Engipthe h ey named ſtandyng vp of a mans heares a 1 0 } The Caule of this impediment. | pe This impediment doth come oa colde reume mars with a melancoly humour and fleume. It may comebx is a krayde of his one ſhadow, oz of a ſpirite. O uh fave J, I chulde haue layde afrayd ofche ſpirite of the buttty, Whiche be perplousbeattes, for ſuche {pitts Doth trouble a man ſo (oze that he can not dyuers tine ſtande vpon his legges. Al this not wichſtandyng⸗ wi out any doute in chunderpnge and in iyghtenynge alld 8 tempeftions wethers many euyl thynges bath ben en and done, but of all chete afogefapde chyngesa mel NONE! a folyſhe feare when a man is by hym ſelle alone, andy; SR NRC NGI RCRA shee ty ‘ : = EY — . ͤ SS DS . > SS SS SSS SS 3 of health; Folixv, § wynde J do not loue, Zin this matter myght bothe ypte d ipeabe the which F wyl paſſe ouet at this tyme. = The ſcconde caule ot tbis impediment. This impediment doch come ok a faynte herte, and ora fearefull mpnde, and of a mannes kolyſhe conceyte aud at a tymerous fantaly. : : ee d remedp. (Fre let cuerp man, woman oz chylde animate them felfe bpon ed and truſt in hymthat neuer deceyued no man, that euer had | bath, oz thal haue confidence in hem, whar can any euyl (ptrite 0; deuell do anp man harme without his wyll. and it it be mp loꝛde g goddes wl, Awolde all the deupls of hell dyd teate my tleſhe al | go petes, to goddes wyll is my wyll in all thynges. J g be. 184. Chapitre doth chewe of the, iii. humours ok the. iii, complex ions ot man, 9 11 Here be foure humours, otherwyſe named the. iti re. lil I complerios ofman, which is to lap, fleiume, bloud, complext⸗ koler and melancoly. And who fo euet he be that hath ons. the one humour hach the other, but notof equal poꝛciõ, oz Ipghtly euery man bach. moze of the one complexi⸗ bu then of the other, koz it doth not kepe an vnpfozmitie put in fe we men. mi The caule of the humours; ¶ God made chem in man, when he made man, and he | Bpdinake man perkyte of foure humours in true poꝛciõ but atter that thoꝛowe lenſualitie man dyd alter his hu 5 tl 02 complexion, ſettyngetheym out of oder and «| ¢ " 152 ¶ A remedy. To purge humours, ble Acetum k quilliticum and pplles naz 8 dead was be greater 5 gee And to diſol⸗ 1 : iche dothe come to the lin 5 dozbu, and fuche Ipke, 8 BE A RIE wide be. rec. Chapttre doth chewe of the hypocundze. Bipocuth: I Ipocondrion is the gtebe woꝛ de. In latin it ts nas der. med Hipocundrium. In Englyche it is named the 0 J : Fete = Dipo⸗ ff aes ean ³˙ WW -- Ä wm SS SO OSS SS SS eS SO ee 2 ? 6 6 — BRIE TCR SKA 7 ah 5 eZ GR ORR RTC IR a) PO IIE IERIE RRC ee a 8 e TTT The Breulary * gyp octindet the which doch kepe the tompalle ok baty Wende, the lydes about the bzeaſtes oꝛ pappes, in the whithe places map be dyuers impedymences. r . ¶ The caule ot this impediment. ¶ The impedimentes of che Hepocuncet DOCH tome ey⸗ ther of ventolitie, oꝛ cls of Come cupt humour there lps enge and beynge, it maye come of che impedimentes of the lplene, 02 the impedimentes of the lyuer, 07 e llesog fome Appoſtumacion and luche lyke thynges. Aremedp. W FE this mater do come ot bentolite , ble Sgellicrat connie g the decoction of Alhas. HE it do come other wapes , ble the lin of Eupatoꝛy. And tf it do come ot the Splen, 07 ot the Leuer, Dag in the Chapitres named Splen and Epar . ; ¶ Thus endech the letter of H. Bud here begynnech che letter ol J. he. 116. Chapitre doth ſbewe ok a wynde onder the kaynne. it is named a wynde the whiche may be in many members of man, ſpecyaly and mol bers. 2 a wo» The remedy ot this intiemitedorty mucheret in the retten. Clon of digettion, that is to Cap the meate the wyiche a man DEVE kate be nat of bentoſite ingendzynge wynde, and tyan ble putga⸗ ctons , ſcarificacion, voxpnge, tlebothomo, and ſkughes · Aan (og this matter the medicines the whiche dothe kerue i the Chalet Aremedy named Tromos is good to; this impediment. che =n EAigacio is the latin wozde. In Engi — . ß ̃⅛ᷣ . ee es of health; fol. ixvi, J The. 8 7. Chapitre dothe Hewe ofa totknes named taint Anthenpes fyer, Gnis fanéi Anthonii, Ignis periſcus and Pruna, be the Saint an latin woꝛdeg. In Englpſhe it is named ſaint Antho mes hxes fyer, they be iytle whe ales the whiche doth burne aie HS fpze, howe be it Ignis periſeus 03 ſaynt Anthontes fps er is not fo vehement as ts the infitmitie named Pruna, fo) Vruna is moze groſler and greater, and doch burne moze then doch ſaynt Anchonpes Fper, f be caule ot this impediment, This impedimente doth come of the cozruptton of ploud, oz of co ler aduſted. ¶ A remedy. GM Take of Houfeleke . li. handfull’, gampe it and myxe it with the pce of Plant ay ne, and make a playſter of it and lay it to the plate infected, oꝛ els take the iuyte of Smalage halte a pynt, of the bzan of Barly. iii. handtull, myxe this togyther with a lytie Wo⸗ hy and make a plapſter, 02 els take of ducke meate whiche be lptle grene thynges the whiche doth lye bpon waters. iit. handtull, of Violet leues an handfull, ſcampe this togyth er with alptic of the Ople of Roſes and make a playſter. W fo ignis ſacer loke in the Chapitre named Heriſi⸗ bulas, san Che. 128. Chapitre doth chewe ok puſkyng oz lwellynge of the flethe, atcha is che greke worde. Bilis ts the latin woꝛd, and Aceltus doth name it aurigo, end lome lasing dothe S welng hame it Arquatus. In Euglyſhe it is named a pullyng za lwellynge in the fleſhe puffyng vp the {ern as one ii Mere pop lone d oꝛ ſlonge wich fome venemous woꝛme 6; beaſt, and ſome Greekes layth that Iaerus is he the Ahich bach any of the hernxes in the code, loke in the Chapitre named Hernia, . 12 f ¶ The caute of this infirmite. 0 00 doth come of a coʒrupte aud vene⸗ mous humour. ö Lig J. il. A tes 3 1 N SS SS A Se SS eS 8 { 0 0 5 rr 4 r be * > 5 Sh SS Oe 8 SS Sh Oe —— e Akinde of rpng wo? mes. a 2 1 os — = ~ ‘ ~~" * 2 2 2 & T— : 2 & 6S ...... = — 9 N fe The Breuiaty 1 E. remedp. +} ; Foil fase of Driatic ogels ot Mitridatum, iti. oz. b. tpmeg? than tage ealp purgactons, as the pacicist is able to vecepuc, and aitce that ble Stuphes and bathes and Flebothomx, as nede ial } requpze. j C. Foz Illica paſſio, looke tn the Chapitre named cory daplis, ; ¶ The. 189. Chapitre doth Hhewe ok the kyndes \ paid din) (gt Scabbes and Apnge wormese ioe 13 is the latin worde. And lome latins do name it Zerna, oꝛ Zerma, this ſyckenes dothe dyfler in the moze and lelle, the grekes doth name this lycenes k chen, the barbatus woꝛde is named Lechena. In Eng i lyche it is named roughnes ok che dein oz {cabbes in ie ſkyn, and there be two kyndes, the one is a dꝛpe (cabbe and the other is a wete oꝛ an vlcerous {cabbe named ig Englyche a tynge wozine oꝛ beynge ok that ſoꝛte. ¶ The cauſe of thele inkirmittes. 1 ¶ Thele inkirmities doch come vnder chis maner. Fig , by lyenge wich any lcabious perlon, by eupll dzynkeg diynkpnge and eatyng okeupll and naugheye meates, and dyuẽrs tymes it doch come akter a greate lyckenes, Andyf the leabbes be dꝛpe it dothe come ok melancolp, and yt chey be wete and water illuenge out of them, doch come of putritied lleume oziels of corrupte blouder ' peo eee A remedy. . nn EH Fort it it be dꝛyt kcabbes, purge melancoly with Pillule lu tig and i illule Andie. And ik it do come of the coꝛrupcion of blond 02 putritied fleume, purge the body with Pylles domatize, Wiles jf of Sarcocol, and pylles of Herappon, and after that anopnte the . body with the ople uf Tarter, oz els take of Dock rotes. Ill. 5. fl, bandfulles, bile them and lethe them in vinegre and waͤlhe the body, oꝛ cls take of the pouder Freos. ili. oz. tit. DUCES, of the bras of Beanes. it. handkulles, more this. wih Bonp and white 7 i and athe the bod Diels this 13 the bed ta Ryll ahn b keabbes, tare ol che oyir of Wapiti bntes @ mpreit Dotty an i of mogtificd AJercurp, the which is moꝛtikico with Malpas br ‘ ra . N 3 = _ = 2 ao Se 8 OS 2 SS DSS SS SS 8 E SS. of health» fol, Ixx. and anoynt the body «iti, tymes, and the oyle of egges, and the liru pe of Fumitoꝛp is good foz this inkirmite. And foz this mater lake in the Chapitre named loꝛa and Scabies and Lychen. ¶ Toꝛ Incubus, loke in the Chapitte named Ephialtes, @ The. 190. Chapitre doth ſhewe of inci⸗ , tons oz cuttpnges, [Neitic is the latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is named incilon oꝛ cuttynge. There be diuers inciſiong oꝛ cut tynges, as cuttynge of a mannes arme o2 lege 02 any other perticuler member, but the very true incifton doth belonge to the cutt nge out of ſtones of a mannes body ozels of cuttynge of ruptures oz hernyes, and other iim pedimentes in the belly, and lome laith letting of bloud ina veyne oꝛ cuppynge oꝛ boxing be inciſions. Foz this matter loke in the Chapitre named Flebothomia, ¶ Foz inteſtina, loke in the xtrauagantes inthe ende of this boge. i oz Incendium ignis, lootze in the Chapitre named i Combuſtio e . 1 if 0 Mi i 2 @ Whe. 191. Chapitre doth chewe of inkla⸗ cions 02 ſwellynges. Nflac io is the latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is named Aan inkllacyon, 02 fwellynge, oz bollynge, oz ryſynge ok humours in che fleſhe. : The cauſe ot this impediment This inkirmitie doth come , oz is ingendꝛed manye Wapes, as by reumatyke humours, coꝛrũption of bloud », 02 bythe admpxtion of eupll humours. And where mas hy doctours in phylictze doch holde dyuers opynions in this inkyꝛmytte, ſayeng that infactons doth dpffer from ppoſtumacions, conſpderynge chat all inflacions doch Bppeate exterpally and n moſt 8 „li. 6 4 Inciſion 02 cutting Inklacid, — — \ > > SSL Mea Nees ar = ROA I KE — — x 6 { 9 n ä eh AA rr a n E NER NG HRT f Stopping af water ou of the moder. yo 2 oo ͤ ... c The Breuiaty a be interyal, I do faye al tnflactons and appoſtumactong be nutets, ko they may be as well exter pal as interial, WE Aremedp, Tae ot the dunge ol a Sote. in. bnces, of Yreos. ii. vnceg, make pouder of it, compounde this togyther with clarikied Bony and make a plaſter, and tasc an ealy purgacion made of the coddes of Scene, oꝛ els take ot Caſſia fiſtule. ii, dꝛames, oz ſeth of Polipo⸗ dy. li, dꝛames in ſtale ale claritied and ſtampe it and dzyntze it, ¶ Foz Intellectus lobe in the C hapitre named Memoria C Tbe. 192. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of ſupꝛellion of a mannes bꝛine, Schuria is the greke woꝛd. In latin it is nameda Sup preſſio vrine. In Englyche it is named luppꝛeſlion of vꝛyne, that is to lap that when a man wolde pple and not. f N Che caule of this impediment. aie ¶ This impediment doch come many wapes eytherby opplacion oꝛ ſtopppnge of the fone, a2 ſome groſſe hus mour, o2els thoʒowe ſome eupll humour growyngen the tondyte of the vꝛyne, oꝛ elles it mape come chozowy longe retenc pon 02 longe holdyng in of a mans water, tr Aremed. 5 Take of the ſedes of Goozdes.tit. dꝛames and they made in pouder, dꝛonk it with white wyneoꝛ Kepnyſhe wone. O: els take halle an bnce of Percely Cedes, and of Geate ones a dame naß kyne pouder of it and dꝛynze it with white wyne, A ¶ Foz Iſchiadieci, joke in che Chapitre named Sciatica paſſio. Foꝛ iſchias loke tu the Chapitre named Sciatica pa? Foz iſophagus lobe in the Chapitre named Ifophagusy: € Thc.193. Cyapitre doth Hewe of kuckoca⸗ cion in the belp. a Sterichi puiax be the greke woꝛdes. In latin it in tiie 3 Lined Suffocacioyteri,, In Englyſhe ic is named the station of the inatryx. she on ol th mn natryr ait f sl i —— _ f she a . — ' 3 =. 2 a a . . . ¾˙— > 2 Sh SS SS SS NS of health; Fol, Ixyiii, The caule of this impediment. | a0 This impedunent Doth come ot ventoſytie and cold nes taben, this ſyckenes in women is namedthe lufko⸗ kation of the matryx. a Atcmedp. ; Foz a remedy lobe in the Chapitre named S clon a Matrix. Thde. 194. Chapitre dothe Hewe of a mannes Jopntes. . is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named chon dili, In Englyſhe it is named ioyntes ola man which map haue dyuers Opfeates, ¶ The cauſe of the dealeales of the Joyntes. | Che diſeales of the topntes dothe come eyther by tolde taz pnge. oz cls by ſome itrayne oz bzoſe, it maye tome by the pockes 02 by the goute oz other dylesles Ipge to the le. g ‘ . ¶ A remedy. Ait do come of colde, purge the matter with era pigra and Nrahermetis, Ak it do come of heate take the Electuarp of the lupe of Roles, and then vſe Local plapſtcrs, and among al other thpnges a hote Lowe tooꝛde is nat the wozſt. a Thus endeth the letter of J. And here kolo weth the letter of k. i Foz Kyon, loke in the C hapitre named Garcarion, , 155 Karabitus, loke in the Chapitte named Phrenitis © F02 Kyu, loke in the Chapptte named Hernia, ¶ Thusenteth the letter ol k. and here begynneth the letter of L. he. 19g. Chapitre doth chewe ora mannes iyppes. J.tit, Labis 4 Jopntes. t 6 6 6 6 E n —— — = 4 4% ROK n DS he Sh OD ²˙» SS CS S SS SC C'S 'S 8S & & S epee — 5 4 ened 4 r ; PIANC ee Sh eS SS SS SS SS SSS SS SS SS Teares. NN SANSUI RRR RSCTA a. 8 The Breuiaty. Abia is the latin woꝛde. In grebe it is nas med Chili, In Engliſhe it is named lypes the whiehe ma ve haue chappes and other f 1 Ty | dileaſes. 1 The cauſe of Chappes. pe aac happes in a mans lpppes mape come it of a ſharpe oꝛ à byttet wynde oꝛ it map come thozowe N beate otche lyuer and ſtomatze. ! 3 B remedy. Lf Canopnt the lyppes with the ople of twete Almons. And toz tus matter loke in the Chapitre named Fillurce 1 C Tyc. 196. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ok teares oꝛ water the whiche both diſtill krom the eyes « 0 [ Actime fache latin woꝛde. In grebe it ts named Dal | cria, In Englyſhe it ts teates o water dpſtpllpngt krom the eyes. 5 The caufe of this impediment. : a ¶ This impediment doch come ok a falc humour inthe a head dylcendyng out of the head to the eyes, Alſo to go oꝛ to tyde agaynita Harpe wynde wyll caule teatesog | water to come out of the eyes, ſoꝛowe care oꝛ peyne worl caule one to ſhede ceares, DuBpHdNes of a man to dpl pleaſe god in offendynge oꝛ opipleatpnge bpm , vopll | cau ſe man woman and chylde to wepe and (pede testeß fox the which the grate and merey of God is lullittent⸗ d temedy foꝛ falte humours the whiche 0 ETS bathe delcende to the eyes. 1 pi ble to dꝛynke ther wate oz the iupce ot Beton and bie to take gargarices ly quide and vnliqupde, and otherwhile taze l the pylles of Coche to purge the head and the ſtomate } C Jo Lapis, lotze inthe Chapicre named Lythatis and Nephreſis. 5 ö N Foz Latus loke in the Extrauagantes, in the ende ol this boke, ee / Che ae a — a — a 2 2 So 2 . ⅛ᷣ ß Se 777 . rer Pad of health; fol, Ixix, 3 Ko> Whe.t9 7. Lhapitre doth ſhewe of the curdynge of a Womans mypike, | L* is the latin wozde. In grecke it is named Gata, Arlze. In englyſhe it is named mylke. And here J do (pebe onely of che curdyng of womans myltze, ko other mils kes lotze in the dyetary of health. Ehe cauſe of curdynge ot womans mylke. @ womans mpl&e is curded thozowe cup! dygeſtlon of meates and dꝛynkes, and thozowe opplacions, ando⸗ ther wh yle it doch come koꝛ lacke of exhauſtynge oz luc⸗ yng? oz da wynge Out the mplke when it Moulde be 1 , atone, =~ 9 @ & remedy 15 1G F02 this matter loke in the Thapttre named MY amille , and it 171 y there be any appodumaclon thete, exhauſte foe bloude the contra ri xp ſyde in a bapue named Cardiaca, and kepe the bꝛeſtes warme, bee ble a good moderate dyet eatynge no meate the whiche doth ingen der greſſe and coꝛrupte homours. and here ſpryngeth the oꝛiginall vg of them whole arme holes doth ſtynze foz it do come of grofie aud 5 i ſupertluous humours, as wel in man as in woman. # che. 198. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of werynes. 5 i t — i Le is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named co Werpnes =. — pos 03 Comat os. In Englyſhe it is named werpnes. 1 The caule of thele impedimente. 2 7 Chis impediment doch come of to muche labour, oꝛ . eis tt doch come of debilytie and wetzenes, oz ok greate . uggychenes not luſt to labour. f A re:mnedy. 1 Ke Fy2te ble moderate labour and than take good meates and dꝛenzes, and lye in a ſotte and an eaſy bedde and dꝛynge pollet ale to bedwarde. a ud further foꝛ this mater loae iu the Thapitre naz med Fatigacio in the &xtrauagantes. ahs 2 ¶CLacerti is the latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is named wlatertes which be bones, and Come lape it is lytleſtrai⸗ hes the which Doth come from the head to the necke and to the eares and the face. Lacuna isa lytle hole in the roufe of the mouth. 85 ’ K — — Pm ä A m1) oi ig 2 2 oa .. SS oS 2 . 8 oS + 6 2 & 6 2 OS 6.4668 62'S 6 OD & eS SS, The Breufary C The,199, Chapitre doth chewe of Lepꝛoulnes . y i Lepzoul: Epra is the letin woꝛde. In Greke it is named Pros v. ra. In Englyſhe it is named lepzoulnes, andthek His be koure p yndes of Lepꝛoulnes, wobichetsto laxe Eley 1 phancia, Leonina, Tit ia, and Alopecia, Theſe.iiii.nameg i 02 khyndes of lepzoutnes doth take theyz names of itt, ‘ kyndes of beaſtes, loꝛ theſe foure kyndes ok lepzouſ⸗ 1 neg hath the pꝛopetttes ok the beaſles as it appeatet) plapnelpin che Chapicres of the ſyceneſſes. 0 n Foz Leco flegmancia, looke in the Chapitte named qi Ydrops, : ‘ | c The. 2 oo. Lhapttre dotha ſhewe of Fracles in i a mannes face and body. : | isa 02 Lentiginos be the latin wozdes. In gez Fratles. it is named Phacos, In Englyſhe it is named i cles the whiche is in ones kace and body. i wt c= Dhe caule of this intirmite. ric KF This impediment doch come eyther bp the calydytle ae of the fonozels bythe cozruption of che ayer oꝛ by fang: interyal caule in cetepnpnge lome luperlluous humour Aremedy. ke Frat let bloud of a veyne named Cephalica. And ik the Fraces do go ouer al the body, be let bloud in a beyne namen Median ? than purge the bedy With Pillulis aurcis and Yera pigra nd than wache the body with the water that thele thynges folowing tte is foden in, the bzan of Barly, ot Beanes, of Fenugreze, and im in biolettes and an vnce of the ople ot bytter Almaus and ſueh 0 ipke, and anoynte the place oꝛ places. ‘ay | The. 2 01. Chapitre dothe chewe of nepilacion, other wiſe r 5 it 0 . Epus marinus be the latin woʒdes. In gtetze * 1 Lagos Thalafios, In Englpſhe it is named dert ts lacionof a mannes heare whiche is to faye haupnge heate beloze in the head and no heate behendes aß a 1 * NN SON RCI IRRITANT. : iat — ' _ = 2 a, — . OS 8 Re . SS SS eS of healefs; Fol. lxx. 1 pate of the ſed hath no heate on the hynder parte, for thismatterloke kurt her in the Chapitre named Capilli, and in the ſecond boke named the Extrauagantes in the ende ok this bone. Ind fome doch name this, lyckenes a wateryſhe ſcabbe that runneth abꝛode and ſome doth katze it fora bynde of bometpng, lootze in the Chapitre named Lepus marinus in the Extrauagantes in the ende ol this boke. ö © Whe, 202. chapttre doth ſhewe of a webbe roted in the eye. apa Lencoma is the greke worde, as ſome do faye. InEnglyſhe it isa webbe the which is ro 2 weve, ted in and vpon the eye o2 eyes. * The caule of this inkirnute. ( Thisinfirinicte is ingendzed of a vilcus humoure Az teume, and it maye come of a ſtrype oꝛ ſome greate bꝛoſe. 7 ¶ A remedy. i ME F02 this mater purge the he ad and the domake with the pylles Coche, and ble gargariccs, and after that bie Colices, but F ö — euerꝝ man nat to medle with it pt it be veterates ' The. 20 5. Lhapitre oth ſhewe of a kynde 0 of Lepꝛouſues named Leonina. es is the greke woꝛde. In Euglyche it is named Hi the Lyons propercic, fozchis woꝛde is deryued out k Leo Leonis, Whiche is in Englylche a Lpon, foꝛ ag he Lyon is moſt kearceſt of all other beaſtes, lo is che donde of lepꝛoulnes moſt wozſk of al other lyckeneſles, oz it doth copade and eate che lleſhe to the bones, and the lleſhe doch rotte away. . Nh ¶ Shecaule of this infirmite. ; MS THis inkirmitie doch come eyther by kynde oꝛels a ſchylde conceyued whẽ che motheris menſtruoule, t may yon’ allo ok putrifkxed coler and melancol ß. A kynd of lepzuſnes: nnn IERIE TAIT TICINO * — 0 6 0 0 6 RIT RODE IEE ID ROR . : . . 6 2 S 6 2 © 6°66 C'S 62'S 6 OS & SS S. 5 f > S'S , 1 The Breniary 5 @ Aremeop. ' 1 AIttbis infirmite do come by nature oꝛ Kkynde, oz by any men⸗ ſtruole humour there is no remedy, but only god and paciente. FF it do come ot a venemous humour, as a melancolp humour o ſu⸗ che lyke, purge the humour, as it is lpecikied in the Chapitre nas med eclancolta, and ble Luphes and bathes and gurgactons, g rte thedpet and the medicines as is fpecificd ot Lignum Bite o Gualcum, and beware of gre (fe meates catynge & of replection, The. 2 04. Chapitre dothe chewe of vnperkite | digeſtien and egeſtton. / Imperkit ſenteria is the greke wozde. In latin it is named dygeſtion Leuor, Englyſhe it is namedthe lpenterp oz imper⸗ f tote dygeſtion with egeſtion doch dpffer frome Coleriea | patfio and frame Cataftropha ag it doth appete in then Chapitres, 5 i" ¶ The caule of this inkirmites · | This inkirmytie doch come of iubricicie, of pong f ol the meate out of the ſtomake, che mawe and gute i wichout perlyte decoctton or dpgettion , iy . ; @ Aremedy. ) 1 9 7 we* Dipnke of rayne water. b. oz. bl. dꝛaugbtes in a dave ds 1 tate ot water crelles, and dampe them and dzyntze the iurte oft | 1 with the iupte of Plantapne, oz els tage of Plantapne. Ut, bande 0 eee tulles, of faint Johns woꝛthe, i. handkulles, of Crelles as mung 1 handkull, tech this ima galon of rapne water, o: a galon oft | wyne to a potell oꝛ moze, tha Qrapncit and put tort, li. Dances of the pouder ol Cynamon and dꝛon ae or it Diners tymes « b . ith ec The. 205. Chapttre dothe ſhewe of bierecyes, . WG Wiere eies 3 is the latin woꝛd. In Engliche it is named | blere eyes which is when che vnder lyd ol the eye ig 5 ſubuerted. Kalls doth laye chat Liptitudo ig When che ö Rais wyyte ol the eye is turned to rednes. x The caule of this impediment. This impedimente doch tome of a lalte humourozel ſuperabundance of reume with cozruption of bloud, i, ¶ & remedy. Fi purge the head as it Doth aypere in the Chapitre named Taput, and vle daylp gargarices and dernutacions, and the eyes ofte with colde water and a kyne lyunen cloth and b | =. 2 a — ]ĩ SS BA èðͤ . SS, of fhealeh? Fol,Ixxi, warde anoynt the eyes diuers tymes with Tutty, and than wache them in the moꝛnyng with colde water. L Foz Ligmos, loke in the Chapitre named Singultus, The. 206. Thapitre dothe ſhewe ot the kyndes ot Scabbes. chen is the greke woꝛde. Lichena is the barbarus ö woꝛde. In latin it is named Zarna,o2 Impetigo and , ome doch name it Mentagra, and ſome grectans dothe lame it pſora. Foz this mattet loke in che Chapitres of che alozekapde names. But Plora in greke ts tatzen fog one okrhe kyndes of lepꝛoulnes, whiche is a perylous ſyctzenes and is infeccious and ſo be al manerof kyndes of leabbes, wherkoze J do aduertple all maner of pers ſons the whiche be vnkected not to lye in bed with anye as — -* Nopfeucts, oz any of the kyndes of the kallynge ſycknes b And {uch lite, and Mentagra ig ingendzed ol a groſle me u laäncoly humour. Fe: Liena lobe in the Chapitre named splen. 7 C The. 207. Chapitre dothe chewe of a mans Sicne. ‘T tents the latin woꝛde. splen is the greke woꝛde. In .eEnglyche it is named a ſplene, the whiche doch lye anche lekte lyde and Doth make a manne to laughe, the which may haue dyuers impedimentes, as it doth moze Uplapnely appeare in the Chapttre named splen, greate fudpe and longe wzytyng and pencpfulnes, choughee, d care doth hurce the ſplene, and honeſte myꝛt he with bonect company doth comkoꝛte the ſplene and lo doch all redalente and odikerous lauours, „Fo Limphaticarom loke in the feconde bote named he Extrau agantes, | 1 Bi The * Scabbes, y Peclorior perſons che whiche be infected with thele ins Se N kiempties oꝛ any other dileale lyke, as the peſtylence. = the lweatyng ſyckenes, oꝛ any ofthe kyndes ol the ague ion The (ple Lale eS SS SS SS SO N eee . 6 6 6 6 P 7 e * * CACC ES, = See Oo, oO 6 & © 600 eS bob +6 & SS SC Sb 6s Ss 6 ep a eee Wicks 1 The Breufary a , The. 2. Chapitre doth ſwewe of a mannes tongs, 5 Atonge. Ingua ig the latin woꝛde. In grebe it is named oaß a, o Glotta. In E ngiyſhẽ it is named a tonge e tonge okman is an inſtrument oz a member, bythe wle che not onely taſtyng but allo the knowledge of mang mynde by che lpebyng ol the tonge is bꝛought to vnde 6 ſtandynge, that realon may knowe the truth frome tig N falſhod and fo econuerſe. Che tonge is the beſt and the woꝛſte offycyall member in man, why, and wherfoze | do remit the matter to the itudgement of che reders t this I do lay that the tonge may haue dyuers impede mentes belyde lelaunderynge and lyenge, the whichis the greateſt impedtment oꝛ lyckenes of all ocher die) les, koꝛ it doth kyll the loule without repentaunce A, paſſe ouer this matter and wyll ſpeabe of the licheneſſe whiche may be in mannes tonge, che which mape we, | 02 elles haue fyllutes, oʒ whealeg, 02 carnelles, oʒ the ) 191 palſey. : i) if The caule of thele tnfirmites, ot ee ¶ Itthe tonge do (wel, it doch come of che copeuption fae of bloud, oz els of luperabundance of reume, oꝛ eupſo a sd et, as lurtetynge. ac. A ¶ A remedy. at ee Ik it do teme of the cozrupcion of blond, exhauſte. fl. 0. tit, nas dk bloud, as age and ſtrength wyl permyt it with tyme cd len ener and then purge the head with pylles ot Lochee, and ble garg tes. It it do come of reume, take the iupce of Hyghtſhade othe | wile named Solatcum, and let the pacient olde im his mouth, longe as he maye. b. ſpontul one after an other. FE it do come ir Palle it dothe come by a greate anger oꝛ fcare, oꝛ cls ot ext colde, 02 els of dꝛeynkynge of to muche wyne and dꝛynzyng ole dꝛyntkes of lond zy bꝛewynges, fome good and fome bad, ft m0 newe, and lome ſtaſe, and it map tome of eatynge of euyl menten, ble therkoze diners tymes to lay a gray ne of Caſtoꝛy bpon thel ge and refrayne from{uche thynges as mape be the occalion ey this licknes reberted. Hf there be killures in the tonge oz chan it doth come ot lome colerize humour which doth caüſe ariden NN a a eo ee ee ee ee ee ee 2 of health; Fol, Ixxif, © | pupttes of the tonge. fo2 Cuche matters ble chellliote and mopſte | ehenges. Ak there be Whcles on the tong it Bory come of lurketyng . and zegynge of cupll dyet, and dꝛionzyage late hote wynes aus Gronge ale, and it may come of heate in the Domakes koz this mata ter kes bfe good det, and than purge the head and ble okte gar⸗ garices with ſtecnut acions. Foz Lipothomia, locke in the Extrauagantes in the ende ok thts boke. C The. 207. Chapitre dothe chewe of the done l in the bladder ; : 1 is the greke woꝛde. In latin it is named cal Teulus in vefica, and Lapis is taken fo; all the kyndeg Nofthe tones, In Englyſche lichiatis is the one in che bladder. And fome doth {ape chat Nefteſis is the fone Nin che taynes of the backe, therloze loke tn che Chapp⸗ "tte named Nefrefis, it. ¶ The canle of this impediment. ya Thistmpedemence doch come eyther by nature oꝛ eis be eatynge of euyl and vyſcus meates, and euyl dꝛin BCS, as thycke ale 03 beate, eatynge bꝛoyled and fryed Meates, 02 meates chat be dꝛyedin the ſmotze, ag bacon wart pnmas bie fe. reed hearynge lpꝛottes and ſalt meas es, and cruſtes of bꝛeade, oꝛ of paſties and ſuch lyke. ¶ Aremedp. At it do come hy nature there is no remedy, a man mape miti⸗ ae the perne and bzeake the Rone toz a tymc, as chalbe reherled. ri fit do come accidentally by eatyng ok meates that wyll ingen⸗ , bet the ſtone, take of the bloud of an are € put it in an erthen pot, MD pat therto. iii. vnces of Sarfrage rotes and bade this togyther en Duen € than make powder of tt, and diynte ottt mozupnge restynge no newe bꝛead, excepte it be. xruui.houres olde. Free Cake bꝛead, Saffron bead, Rye bꝛeade, Leuyn bread, Crack⸗ Alles, Symnelles, and all maner of cruſtes, than J do dꝛynke no uwe ale, no: no maner ot beere made with Hoppes, noꝛ no hoote Mpacs, A do retrapne from Fleche and fyche⸗ whiche be dꝛyed in Delmoke, ann from {alte meates and chell kyches. N do cateno emeates no; burned fleche noz kyche, thus blynge mp lelte F Hatke God J dyd make my lelke w ole and many other, but at begennpng whan J went about to mare my belt whole n aG She on ORS EI SIE EEE RAS 4 SPIER RR PFF SI IE IIH? ">. © > N —— bb AAC ↄ VCC IROOM I OORT RTI Wee . Obliut⸗ oulnes. Hkurke. The Breuiaty : take the ponder folowpnge. Adrdtaßke of Bꝛome fedes, of Per⸗ cilles (ches, ot Sarfrage ledẽs, of Sromel ledes , of epther ot the | an bnte. of Bete lone a quarter ot an bnce, of Date ſtone as much ok egges helles that chekyn hatb lyne in the ppth pulled out halt i an vnce, make pov der of al this and dꝛynke halte atponetul m: nyng and cuenynge with polſet ale 02 whit wyne, Allo the water of Hawes is gocd to drynze. ; 2 {02 Lumbe, looke in the Extrauagantes in the ende of this boke, The. 210, Chapttre dotbe ſhewe of obltuioulnes | Ethatgos is the greeke wozde. And fome Greciang LL doth name it Sy:fen, The barbarug men doch name it Litergia. In latin it is named Lethergia 02 oblinig qq i Englyche ic is named obltuioufues oz foggettulnes, ; The caule ofthis impediment » ¶ This impediment doth come thozowe colpe teu the which doth obnebulate a mans memoꝛpe, and der lye in che hynder parte or a mannes head within then oꝛ bꝛayne panne, Aremedp, Fpiſte it nede requyte ble lebothemy, and aboue all hyn h ges markeo; fe that the body be Hat conlupated oz coſtiue burke gatiue,and ble gargarices, and other while vomites, and anon q the head with the oyle of Caſloꝛy, and the oy le of soles, cöpoung with Aceto (quilitico, and let luch men haupnge this impedin i bewarcot dzyngynge to muche Lrouge dꝛynkes, as wyne and aß and catynge ot Garlpke, Lys, and onpons, and luche lose i The. 211. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of on alkurfcinalltheboop. 10 I oz Teuei be the grecke wozdeg. In latyn ie MM med Vitiligo, In Englyſhe it is named a ure W all the bodp. 10 tc Whe Lauleot this inkirmitie. eer ¶ This infumptie doch come of a colerpbe and melan colp humdur. f 3 std : = Sf oe = [RRR —.—... ̃ —— —— 5 of healehs fol, Ixxtii, 1 Nn A remedy. 12,5 oz this matter J do take. iii. bnces of ores grece the ckyn⸗ nes pulled out, than J do put to it an bnce ot the pouder of Oyſter elles burnt, and ot the pouder of Beymdone, and, it, bnceg ot Mercury moꝛtikied with kauyng tpctpl, compounde al this togy⸗ ther k anoynt the body. in. oz. lin. tymes € take au eaſy purgacion, ¶ Fo Lugia, lotze in the Chapiere named Dubaleth. The. 212. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ot longe telle erde “Face F uvmbrici e latin woꝛde. In greeke it is named : | Lu In Englyche eis named longe whyce woz Wonncs. mes in the inawe, tomabe, and gutteg, Ros The tante of this inftrmtte. i Ke This infirmytie doch come ok fuperabundance of ) lleumatycke Humours, € A remedy. It any man wyll take a Blowe mannes medicine, and the belle N dane ko thele woꝛmes and al other woꝛmes in mannes body, hem cate Gerlyke. Foz this matter loke farther in the Chapt⸗ kes named Wermes, and in Allarides and in Cucurbiti. i Che. 2 1j. Chapitre dothe thewe of Lunatike * Wee, men and women, i 1 i] Vuaticus is the latin woʒde. In Englyche it ts na- Lunatick Amed to: a lunatike perfonche which wylbe rauiſhed ok his wyt ones in a mone,fo2 as the mone doth change 1 And is variable, ſo be thole perfons mutable and not » outa wytted. . The caule of this intirmite. ¶(Chis inkirmptie mapcome by nature and kynde and then it is vnrurable, o2 els it may come by a great feate za great ſtudye. fl «54 remedy. Fpꝛtte be nat lolttary, noꝛ mule nat of ſtudious oꝛ fupernatural matters, vſe mery company, a ble fome mery and honeſt paſtime, @& be nat longe kau ynge, ble warme meates, and dzynke wel to bed⸗ L . pee 02 af 12 llepe, llepe nat in the daye, 4 805 Mos es whiche be int apitres named Memozia, Sculus Aab num, hieh Thap 51. Memo: $03 PA ele LEIS Pag ae > Ca > Bo oS SS SS 28'S 8 8 SS oS — es 8 i 6 6 © =U 0 0 0 5 6 4 ( 6 Pa) N — eee EIS II III IODIDE IODINE 2 1 ih ce 8 The Breulaty . K rhe. 274 chapitre doth ſbewe ol intemperanees Intempe [v= is the latin woꝛd. In greke it is named Afotta} | ib be tance. In Engliche it is named intemperance. Temperante 0 ig ü mozall vettue and wozthelp to be pzapled coultde⸗ | He rynge that it doth ſet all vertues ina due onder. Jute val pcrance is a greate vyte, koꝛ it doch let euere thyng out 2 . of oꝛder, and where there is no oder there is hoztoz. ö 1 And cherfore this woꝛde Luxus map be taken koz all the N Upndes of lenküaltt ie, the whiche can neuer be kubdued uo Without the tecogni{ion aud knowledge of a mannes Pia (elfe what he is or him lelle, and what godis . And foz almuch as god hach geuen cocuctp man liuing fre wil, therefore euctp inan ought co ſtand in che feare of God, aud euer co lobe to his conſcience, callynge to God fe R grate, and dayly to de lyꝛe and to pꝛave fo his mercpe, and this is the beſt medecyne that J do knowe fon ts ae, temperance. ae | gales ¶ Thus endech the letter of L. And here r after folo wech the letter of M. The. z rr. Chapitre doth chewe of the pꝛin⸗ cipall vepnes in man. | Ediana J do tatze hym here for the fy2tte — } Fs bo zincipal ' vepnes. | | lo — A\\ bepne, chen is Cardiaca and Sophena, ald Ice dhalica, & Bafilica, and Salnate lla, aud E vpatica, and Sciatica, and the hemd ꝛ0diall ä vepnes. Mediana Doth lye in the mpdieol the armes and any of the veynes be opened koꝛ an paly ſion 02 grete about the hert. Cardiaca ig at the one lyde in che modle of the arme, and is opened foz palltons and @ pifeates about the herte. Sophena doth le a lptle from the ancle, and is opened koꝛ pallions in cheipuctand the ſtones, Cephalica doth lye n Iptle vnder che cn — f I ONTENTS Se ee = wih „ of health} Fol, Ixxitit, M opened fog paflions ofthe head and eves, Bafilica is o⸗ pened koz pallions of the lyuer and fo2 a feuer quartayne Salnatella doth We bet wyxt the lytle ſynger and the lech lynger, and is opened to tlenle all the body. Epatica is opened to clenſe the lyuer. Sciatica dothe lye i the bes warde parte of che fete and is opened fo2z che ſciatyctze pallion. The hemozodtall veynes be opened to purge melancoly. There be many other veynes opened fo2 o⸗ ther impedimentes longe to reherle at this tyme. The. 216. Chapitre doth ſhewe of afodcinlpchnes, lelke is euyl to the body, but this bath his name of a pꝛo per licknes named a ſodein ſickenes the which doch fal toa man. And there be many ſodein ſickenelles, as the peſtilence, the kyndes of fencers, the ſwetynge lyckenes the maſels, the fmall pockes, the crampe the palſey, and ſound nge, and many ſuche lyke ſycneſles, but here it Is taken as many and dpuers doch holde opinion that it is the krenche pockes, wherekoꝛe lookcin the Chapitre named Mala frantizoz, ànd in the Chapitre named Mors bus gallicus, | ox N C Foꝛ Madarofes loke in the {econde booke named the Extrauagantes, The. 217. Chapitre doth thetwe of the Freuche pockes, Wf Ala trantizoz isthe atabp mogbe, In latin it is na pockes, emed Morbus gallieus 02 Variole maiores, In Eng eit is named one of the firſt kindes ofthe french por kes the which be {cabs and pymples lyke to lepꝛolytie, herfoze fox this matter oʒ lickhnes loke in the Chap. uae med Morbus gallacus. The greciãs c not tel what this Annes doth mene whexkoze they do {et no name koz this . a «Bt difeaty tene wozdes. In Englpche it A codem Its named an euyl ſpcknes, Cuetp lickenes in it Peres. | ei 6 6 6 1 6 rn d III cz EE — — A 7) * * 5 — 232 + N LO II III IIIA IIE III III III III IOI ONO EER NR HRA NRT RISTO The Brepiaty: * dilealſe, toꝛ it dyd come but lately into Spapne and A kylthy ckabbe · Haͤppes. Fraunce, and lo to bs about the pere ol our loꝛda 4.79 he. 218. Cbapitre oth, Mewe ofa kylthy ſcabbe cozrupted. bY, 2 Alum mottuum be the latyn wozdes. In Euglyche it is named a fylthy lcabbe the which mol comons ly is in the armes and legges. The cauſe of this impedimente. ö ¶ This impedunent doch come motte comonly ofa me ſtruous woman, and it may come by coꝛtuptiõ of bloud and dyuerg tymes it doth come of a melancolp humoute aduſted. h ice A remedy. Ko FP 20 make this prepavatiue, take of Enula campatta rootes, clented and cut in peces. iii. duces, of Feuell rotes the hyth pulled out. ii. buces,of the Rapes af ache tres an vnce and ahalte,ot $i , of Bonp Cocieg.tit. handfull , of Famitoze tt, bandtull, of the tender croppes ok Burves, tts handfull, of Herne Polpgody of eche ii. vnces, ot the flowers of Rolemarr and of Uiolettes an bnce, ot Sicados and Epythyme an bace, confect al this togyther with ſuger plate and Role water and matze a Hl rupe and dle to eate it moꝛnyng, none, and at uyght, and than take Jera rutkini, oꝛ Jeralogodion ruckt, 02 Theodoricon a dzame oz., at a tyme.Foꝛ this matter ſoke further in the Extrauagantes. he. 219. hapttre dothe ſhewe of womans bꝛenes “ vo is the latin woꝛde. In greetze it is named Mattos,02 Mazion, In Englyche it is named Wor mans bꝛeſt che which maye haue dyuers impedimentes as lackynge of myltze, curdynge of mylke mmi of the bꝛeſtes, and other whyle they may be ouer fonge and greate, and other whyle the ſÿ n maye go ol kom che nyples. sedan ¶ The caule ot thete imnedimentes ¶ Thete inipedimentes doth come opucts waves may tome fdʒ lacke or ſuctz pug 02 dꝛawing of the mite — .. . OS SS eS of health, fol, lxv. it map come by grofnes ofthe bloude, it maye come of debtlitie and wekenes oz opilacions, as when a woman doch lacke myltze it may come by to muche handlyng of them, and it may come by nature oꝛ grolnes of humours ¶ A remedy. ; It a woman dolacke mplke, take of Criſtall a dꝛame and a balke, and make fpne pouder ot it, aud dꝛynke it with Ballerde oz Mulcadel, do this. b. oz. bi.tymes. Oꝛ els take of Fenell of Ma⸗ lows; of Anys, of Marche, ot eche ot them. ii. hantulles, ſeth it in 5 Baſterde oꝛ Muſcadel and ſtrayne it and dꝛynke it okt. It the bꝛe⸗ les be longe and bydge e great, make a plapſter with Mumlockes foden in white wyne and lay it to the bꝛeltes. It there be any in⸗ N flampnges in the bꝛeſte, take the white ol. ii. egges and. ii. hand tul of Houleleke, compound both togyther and lap it to the bꝛeſte. Oꝛ els tabe Southpttell and Dandelpon, Violet leues, the tender troppes of wylde hoppes, ot eche a hand full, ſethe it in pollet alc @ M dꝛynbe it. It the mylke be curded in the bꝛeſles ſome olde auctours % wl gyue reperculſiues, J wolde not do lo, J do thus, J do take % Diagagant, and gumme Arabpcke, and do compounde them with the whyte of rawe egges. and the ople of biolettes , and do make a plapſter. Oꝛ cls J do take pytch, aud do lyqutfye it in the Mm pple ot Roles puttynge a lytle doues dunge to it, and dzꝛegges of 1 wyne oz ale and make plapſters. ö fo Macula in oculo loke in the C hapitre named rar phati. vi wW> Whe.220, Chapitre dothe ſhe we of one . of the kyndes of madnelſe. 1 M2 is the greke. In latin it is named Infania 02 1 Furor, In Engliche it is named a madnes 02 wod nes ipbe a wylde beat, it doth dyffer krome a phzenyſe, ip koz a phꝛenyſe is with a feuer, and fo is not Mania this iy Madnes that J do pꝛetende to ſpeake nowe of, i be caule ok this infirmite. , Chis inkirmptie doth come of a cozrupte bloude in the head, and lome doch {ape that it doch come of a bys lous bloud intrulſed in the head, and fome laye it Doth " come of wekenes ol the bꝛayne the which letteth a man iy 0 llepe, and he that can not llepe muſte nedes haue an : Vall. pole Badncs , SOS SEE SEE N td * An 0 6 5 N 6 1 0 rere rc c n * 2 8 ae a SOOO 2 P 2 oS b SS & c.. R eee Bandes. The Breuiary his ydle bꝛayne, and forme lap it is a turnyng vp ſo dab in the head the which doch make che madnes. ¶ Aremedy. f F pill in the chamber where the pacient is kept in let therehe no pycters noꝛ papnted clothes about the bed noꝛ chamber, than ple in the chamber all thynges that is redolent and of ſwete fas nours, and kepe the pacient trom mul enge and ſtudteng, and ble myꝛth and mery comunication, ard vle the pactent fo that he de not hurt bpm kelte no: no other man, and he muſt be kepte in keare ot one man oꝛ an other, and it nederequy ꝛc he muſt be puny qed vbcaten, and geue hym. iu. tymes a dape warme meate, and Die te eate Catia fiſtula, and ępithime blew is very good. The. 2 21. C hapitre doth ewe ol a maus haudes Mane is the latin wozd. In greke it is named oh In Englyche it is named a mans hande 02 han⸗ des, che which map haue many impedimentes as chaps pes, wozmes, dꝛynes in che palme of the handes, z lome mopſt humours and {uch ly e. 1 The caule of theſe infirmites, 27.100 & Thele infirmpries doch come eyt her by cozruptſon of bloud, 02 els choꝛowe a humour, oꝛ els chozowe the heate of the lyuet, oz els thoꝛo we the arydytie of Coley ¶ A remedp. f Fpꝛit he that wylbe whole in the body and handes let hym ble to wache the handes oft in a day, ecially in the moꝛnynge z alte diner aud lupper, and foz any impediment in the handes. Dakeol cre fuet an UCC, of Malowes. ii. handfull, ok watcr.i.ppaieg, — ot lecke a pont, (eth al this togyther and diuers tymes in a date, luccially moznyng and euenpnge wache the handes @ kepe them warme out of the wynde. Oz els tike of the pouder of Enula tam pane rotes an Dice and a halte, ok Wozes grece. iii. bnces, of Merz curp moztifica with kaſtyng Cpetyl an bace and a halte, of Cha phire a dꝛame and a halfe, incozpeate all this togpther and mor nynge atid euenynge anopnt the bandes t; kepe tye bandes warm frome the wynde. uth * The. 222. Chapitre doth chewe of the w atriß of a woman. 11 attix is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named r Ttra, In Englyſhe it isnamed che Matrix * 1 — — a. 2 2 2 . D> 2 SO Se 6 N x of health, fol, Ixxvi, H wmoder, oz the plate of conceptton the which hach diuers tymes many impedimentes, as Suffocacions jubzicite the mole of the matrix, cłe rylynge of che matryx, and the lallynge out oꝛ diltending Downe of che matryx the which no mayde can haue foꝛ the oztfpce of that place in a mapd is very ſtrapte, conlyderynge chere be. v. vey⸗ nes the which doth bꝛeaze when a mapde doch leſe her maypdenhead. The cauſc of thete impedimentes. ke Thele impedimentes doch come ot diltemperance of the body and of ſuperſluous and mopſte humoures, 02 diloꝛderynge ok the myduwpfe, in dilozderynge any wo⸗ man when He Hulde be delyuered. 0 5 aAumedy. lt come thozotwe Cuocacion. wake of Betonp cues halfe an handful, ſt ampe it mall and d ynke it with white wyne and mel to Galbanum and Serappne and make a perkume of Juneper, ep⸗ ther or olde lether and lyt ouerit, oꝛ els take of Byonp ledes. tit. Dames, Denke it with Mellptrate. At the matrix do kali out firſt 00 wache the place twyle oꝛ thꝛile with white wyne, 02 els taze ot 1 Juneper cut in peces.iui. vnceg, of Qpꝛtylles.ui.bnces, leththis in runnenge water and wache the place. ii. oz. lit. tymes, than take ot Galbanum.ti, dames, dzynke it with read wyne, euery thyng that wyll helpe the kallyng outot a mannes foundemét wyl helpe pts impediment, wherkoꝛe lokt inthe Chapitre named à nus. Foz Melanchima, lobe in the Chapitte named Melan % kyron, ; a *The. 223. Chapitre dothe chewe of the jis bertue of medecines, % tome ; : - 2 (MA Edicina is the latin wozde. In greke it is named ni M Pharmacia 03 Acefis, In Englyſhe it is named a N a Medecine, The mintſtracion of medecines doch conlyſte intwo thynges, in Theoꝛicke which is ſpeculacion, and in pꝛactyſe. The theoꝛycion doth teache the pꝛacticiner The vertue ok medecines is to kepe a man thatis whole in helch, z he that is lickeby abe map be rb [eR 5 ii. ind rr 7 * he ed “6 = 2 G*: fo S SS 2 UY 02'S 8 2 & 6 & — — . — 6 x 8 4 5 6 6 8. \ “is : j 2 @ &, & S SS SS. > SS SS 6 S So 6.6 8.6 6 SOS 1 > SS SS. ee — M The Breuia xx, And the arte of medetines is to gouerne and bepe the natutal complexion ofa man in who ic (8, and to turne the complexion that is out ofa naturall coutſe into aua; cural courte, wherkoze this ſcience of medecines isa {ci ence fo2 whole men, foꝛ lick men, and foʒ neuters Which be neyther whole men noꝛ loche men, wherkoꝛe A doay | uertyle euery man not to fet lytle by this excellent tcts N ence ok medecines, conlyderynge the vtilitie ok it, as t appereth moze latgelter in the introductiõ of knowlege⸗ 5 ¶ Foꝛ Meli, loke in the Chaptere named Membra. i ¶ Foꝛ Mediana,lobe in the fyꝛſt Chapitre of N. : 2 Foz Melliceriders, loke in the Chapitte named Tuy bercula. ' > The.224. Chapitre dothe chewe of the blacke Jawnes. 1 Theblack Muhr is the Araby woꝛde. Melanchima ia ehe b | Aaunes. grete wozde. Inlattn it is named Hictericla ud ieee ad gra, In Englycheit is named the blacke Jaunes. 0 ‘es Ehe caute of this intirmite. ö . z This inkirmitie doch come of the malpcioulnesotß jet ne melancoly the which doch bꝛynge in death, oz melanez ly and death be concurrant together. 5 ö f ¶ a remedyo. a Reigate! we FE a man haue the blacke Jawnes with a Feuer quartapie, N eg J do remit hym to the mercy of god, ye there mape be and remedy purge melancolp, and than do as ¥ haue wzpten in the Feuer quat | tara tapue. And fo? the black Aawnes without a feuer quartarne um | ls | purge melancoly with pillule Indie, andpillule Lucts , Pille lapide Lazult, Pillule Sebelep, & a contection of Mucke is good, | k The. 22 5. Thapitre doth (heme of a mannes memoꝛp oꝛ bnderſtandyng. : Emoria isthe latin woꝛde. In greebe it is named | Muime, In Engl yſhe it is named the memogy e 3 man, which is concurtant wich vnderſtandyng namie > Intelledus in latin the which both be two powers ole ſoule, as it appereth in the Chapitte named Anima, 5 Memoꝛp « | BNET — 2 a a . ꝗ ↄ : ̃ eS eS ee > oS Sh SS SS SS Se of health; Fol, ixxyii, ! C To acuate and to make quicke a mannes , memoꝛzp and bnderſtandynge. de the confection of Auacardine, and to lauour to amber de Fete. and to ather obiferous fauours, 0 ¶ Tbe. 226. Chapitre doth chewe ot the 0 pꝛincipal member in man. H JV Enbrais the latin wozde. Angreebe ie is named N feli. In Englyche it is named membꝛeg, the whi che be many in man, r they be deuyded in pꝛincipal men perg, and oſttciall members. Pꝛincypall members be i foute, the herte, che bꝛayne the lpuer and che ſtoues of man, and the place of conception in woman. All other members be offfciali meinbers, and dothe offyce to the pꝛyneypal members, foꝛ in the herte be che vitall {pps kptes, in the bꝛapne be che anymal ſpirites, in the lyuer be the naturall ſpirites, and in the ſtones of man and in the plate of conception is generacion. Atany of the pꝛin mj Spal members be inkected 02 hurt, oꝛ out of temperance, all the other official membꝛes muſt nedes be out of due oꝛder and qutetnes, but an official member map be hurt and intected x vet it map be retouered with medecpnes ok lalues. cc. Although the lunges, the ſplene, the cong and che epes be dangerous membzes to heale, ſpecially a pkthere be in anp of thé olde greles. Alſo chere be ſpiri⸗ 10 tuall members befpde the pꝛincipal members, the which at Be boch pꝛincipall and ſptrituall members, and theſe be i Tpititual members, which is to lay, the longes the mid i kpffe, che arter trache, che Epigloote, and they be named n ſpirituall members foꝛ as muche as chep do dꝛawe the ip Beech oz wynde into che body, and Doth expell it out a⸗ 6 gaine. Allo there be other members named in latin Mem W bra hetroge nia, which is to ſaye in Gngliſhe compound membzes as the face is compound of many thynges, and lo be the leggeg, and armes, and luch lyke. eS 2B Amembet 2 ae . 2. eS Sh OS SS SS eS SS SO OS S'S . . eee * — 0 6 ( Pe yD te DD Me Be. SOs Oe ee ff SES Cara f PP. ²˙ oo = oe oe SS SS & 6 S 2 6.6.6 8.8 66'S 6 aS SS SS. 1 — — Bias ait The Brentaty, | é *The. 22 7. Chapitte dothe ſhewe of a womans termes, | X AEsheua is the latin woꝛde. In greetze it ts amd 1 Mie In Englythe ic is named a Woy , ers. m ang termes, the which mot Comonlp euer woman mayden bath, pk they be in godd health and not with | chylde, noꝛ geupuge no chyld lucke, from. xv. pores k theyꝛ age to. l. not two yeres vnder oꝛ aboue, and where IJded lape that the Womens termes in latin is namd f . Menſttua, that woꝛde ok latin is deryued out ol a won |. named Mentis Which is amonty, koz enerp month hep 13 that hath they, health bach theyz termes oz flowers And there be. itil pndes of womans flowers, ted an, ny, whyte, and blackylhe, the reed is natural, and We other be vnnatural and not perkyte, and they beto zen kitmitie oʒ ſyckenes to come when they be not teed. | The caule of this matter. : — 4 ¶ The caule ot this matter is chat god hath oꝛdeyned 1. ic to all women from. xv. yeres ol they uge oz chore M . 1 bout to. l.and as lounge asa woman can bepage forthe hm ae they flowers oz haue thepe termes, fo longe they f bꝛynge forth krute and haue chyldꝛen, oꝛ els no, n — Ce ee ee Oe See Se SOS Se SS SS SS OS ee | ' } & Gremedp foꝛ them that bath nat theyꝛ termes, and forthe, ö 1 that hath tomuche of them, and a remedy kaz them a hat haue them vnnaturalip. 2 ö Ft a womans termes do klowe to muche erhauſte. ti. oz. lien e ene ces ot bloud cut of a beyne named Cephalica, oz els Baſilica os ee of bothe Sephenes, then let ber vie to dzynze of the iure oh | Wanlyp, and of the tupce ot Plantayn wity reade wyne. Ata? ö man haue nat they: termes, take of Mater wozte, ol Plope, oh ganum, ot Calamynt, ol Colloquintida, of Calamus aro matten; and of Ameos and ſuche lpke, and take them in kimples oz tons ponde, & ble it.ix.tymes ont dap one afrer another twile oz the, The. 228. Chapttre dothe cheweok a certein kynde of madnes named Melancholia: Atrndot N AElancholiats derpued cut of two Wozdes of gest ats. WIuhieh is to dar ot Melon, which ts to lap in g a. 2 a — 2 SS OSS ee > SS | of health fol. Ixxyiii, W Niger? In Englyſhe it is named blacke and ol C olim 8 which is co lay in latin Humor. In englyſh it is named humour, the dertuacton of this wozde is as weltefes | ted to this ſictzenes as to the humour whiche is one ol , the tomplextons. This liczeues is named the melanco⸗ lp madnes which is a ſpckenes full of tantaſtes, chyn⸗ f ' Henge to heare oꝛ to ſe that ching that is noc harde {10g ene, and a man hauynge this madnes, Mall chynte in f hm ſelte chat chynge that can neuer be, for ſome be ſo⸗ fantattpeall char they wyll thynke them felfe god oꝛ as : good, oz fuch lytze changes perteynynge to pꝛelumpty⸗ oz to De{peracton to be dampned, che one haupnge i His lycnes doch nat go lo farre the one waye, but che other doch dilpayze as much the other way. ie The cauſe ot this impediment. The oꝛʒygynall of this intymitie doch come of an euyll melancoly bumout, and of a ſtubburne herte, and | tunnyng to farre in fautaſies, oꝛ mulynge, oꝛ ſtudieng ppon thynges that his realon can not compꝛehend, ſuch Mperlons at length wyll tome and be verp natutat fooles 0 hauynge geſtes with them, oz cls peuyche fantaſticall matters nothyng to che purpole, aud pet in they cons kept do thynke them lelke wyle. " Ca remedy. 100 K. Fpyzu in the begynnpnge let them beware of melancoly meates ‘i and ler them ble company, and nat to be alone noꝛ to mute of this enge nor ok that matter but to occupy hym ſelte im tome manuel nf per acion o ſome honeſt paſtime, and let them purge melancoly, 1 and ple to cate Lalita fittula, and ble myꝛth, ſpoꝛt, play, and mu⸗ ig eal marumentes, foz there is nothynge dolh hurt this impedi⸗ nf ment fomuche as doth mulynge and folicituones, Foꝛ this mater i! loke in the Ehapitre named Mania. 1 The. 229. Chapitte doth chewe of an humour . named Melancolypr . ; JV Elaneolia ts deriued as J haue laid in che Chapitre ggelanco⸗ i ati: 0 bekoze chis of. ii. woꝛdes of greke, Ind ß latyns iv. doch >. = a ——— 8 6 SS a & & O & & & S RRS — r é > a \ OQ 6 6 0 CRON r n Pal) 8 8 eee . fat = > CPOE OIC ILO SSS SS SS SS 6 6 S86 688 tS Se SF * RN RNS RRR RRR NNR RCT ROR TR M The Breuiax : ~~ pothname this w020 Melancolia Ag the Grecians doth, In Englyche it is named melancoly otherwyle named placke colet which is one of che koure complexiong og humours, aud is colde and dꝛye. and there be two dyn Des of Melancoly, che one ts natutall and the other ts vunaturell. Maturall me lancoly is lyke the dzegges of bloud which is blackplhe, vnnsturall melancol p is in⸗ gendꝛed of coler aduſted, and of the dzegges of lleume and ok the dꝛegges Of bloud. Diaſene, pilles of Inde pig de lapide lazuli, Pillule lucis be good topurgemelacoyy ¶ a remedy to purge coſer and melancolp it᷑ it ; be kuperkluous of bnnatural. 10 LE Catholicon and Dtafenicon, and olppodp and luche Iphebe | | — good to purge coler, and melancolp humours Feraruſtint, andes it doth apperc mozelargely in the Dpetary of helthe. 17 ¶ Foꝛ Meri, loke in the Chapttre named iſophagus Foz Mentagra lobe in the Chapitre named Lichen; and in che Chapitre named Morbus gallicus, and in Me Chapitres named Variole and Morbilli, W | The. 230, Chapitre doth wee ot an eur :-/ biceracion named Metalincrilis. be 40 Frafincrifis is the greke woꝛde. In latin it is u aneuribl LV Ling Mala viceracio, Ju Englert isuameds | > eupli vlceracion. 1 ¶ The cauſc of this impediment. f ¶ This impediment doch come of coꝛruptton of blond and fleume. Oy Ce remedy. «> Fyztepurge bloude and flrume, as it dothe appere in they! Chapitres, and ble the medecines ſpecitied in the Chapitre named N Ulcus oꝛ Ulcera. he sii The. 25r· Chapitecdoth thewe of a palllon bnder . A pattion Irachia is the greke woꝛde. In latin it is named onder. paſſio Ipocundriata. In englyſhe it is named 10 | a K — W . . Se S&S BAS Oe Se SSS — WARNE + — S ' dk heatehy fol, Lex; don in os onder che Hypocunder, wohetefore loke in 0 Hipocundr ion. . | The cauſe ot this impediment. Ccois impediment doch come chozowoe ofkyctal ficke des comon lpekenes, oꝛ tonlimyl ſpckenes, foꝛ this mes bet named the mirach is ſencyble, and therkoze maupe actydentall int yꝛmyties doch happen to it. Meee Aremedp, LFrzae kepe the bely warme, and as the caule of the tyckenes nj orb come, Co miniſtre the medecines. er Mitra loge in che Chapicre named Matrix, Fo Mirach loge in the Extrauagantes in the nexte a botze alter this. 5 klecercaiee be carteyne bepnes fo named. Loke in the Anthomp in che Introductton to knowledge. 105 > The. 232. Chapitre dothe chewe ot pyllonge: a: M letus 02 Mictura be the latin woꝛdes. In greke it . isnamed Vria. In Engplyſhe it is named pitting pllyng + 3 d chete be many tnipedimences of pyllynge, fo2 lome kn not holde cheyꝛ water, and lome can not pyſle og yittabe water, forse doth pyſſe bloud, and lome in theyz pyllynge dort auoyde koule matter, and ſome dothe ay lopde grauel, and ſome ſtones, and fome when they haue pplled it doch burne in che yllue as Wel in woman ig in man. The caule of theſe infirmites. pt Thele inkirmyties doch come eyther natural oꝛ els eidentall. Ik it do come naturally oꝛ by nature fee Phyliciong can helpe it, but theycan mytigate thepeine 1 inkyꝛzmytie. Ik it do come accydentally it maye olpen. (RE: 12 A ttintoy. hs ott ht Feet koꝛ hym that ber} nat holde his water, take of Mucherons "Wheto le named Tode ſtoles.ii.bnces, of the {tales 0 a 5 rr 4 Sh hb & & 6S & Sb CSS SS he Sh OS SS SO . OS'S 8 & SS 6 Se Oe ; am Pian Li 7 N ROO AIR RRR NINETIES aR ROR CIRCR ORONO RS 9 an impe⸗ diment in 5 ‘ thematrix ſtumation oꝛ a lumpe of lethe ingendzed in a womm Pty 8 PINS SDAIN IE HII III III ODIO DOIN The Breugdty - whiche is abut a fmpthes Handilyle an bnce and a halte, g the le. li. thynges togptber in a bꝛalenmoꝛter as kpne 02 as fubtple | as one map do it, aNd then put it in a quart of read wyne and e it lande, iiti.oz. b. houres, then ſtreyne it and dꝛynke or it moze | nyng and euenyng. ix. (pont ul at a tyme: and it nede require maße treche and frethe. Oz els take ot E nula campana rotes, of acopugg f of cyther of them. ti, vntes, make fine pouder of them and dzynde it at tymes with the iuyet of Plantayne and faint Johns worte | Conde with read wync. Oꝛ els take agotes blader, 02 a ſhepes bd der, oꝛ a bulles bladder, make pouder of it and denke it with be ö neger oꝛ water, and dynke it moznynge and euenynge.iii.dapes, It a man can not pylle, take of Gypllekolp. li: handfull, of Bertele li. handtull, of Rettles 02 Mettle ledes and buce and a halte n pounde all rhis togyther and inkute it in white wyne and depth it moꝛnynge and cuenynge. ix. fponcful at a tyme and anopnt rapnes of the back and the lydes and klanckes with Conpes or D2 cis take ot the rotes of Kapcs, of Burres, of Dockes ore tely, ot Settles: of ethe. ii. vnces, ſeth all this in white wyne ad dꝛynke of it moꝛnynge and euenynge, and of the lubſtante ) plaiger and lap it ouer the lydes æ the bely. At a man do pile bn take of @thakenge ,of Burres, of cyther an unte, of Mucherem an bnce; confecte this with the S irupe of Roles and dzynke i, tponetull at a tyme. D2 els take of Hozehounde, ot Mader ole ii. bnces, Gampec it and dꝛynze it with Binegrer. At it ö f the ende of the perde, take than ot the ſedes ok Gooꝛdes and ort tedes of Citrulles ercoꝛiated, ot cehe.ii.vnces, iutule it in the w ter of ates and dle to dꝛynze ot it and auoynte the codes a the rayues ot the backe with it and ople of Nuniter. Foz Muime lobe inthe Chapitte named Memoria: C The. 233. Chapitre doth tbewe of an impoſtu⸗ a macion in awomans matrix. M Olon is the greke wozde. In latin it is named Mo la matricis, In Englyſhe it is named an im matryr, which ts che plate ok conception. Che caule ot this impediment + pee pe This impedymente doth come ok groſſe homo the whiche be ingendꝛed in the matryr mabyngea® man to thyntze that the ig with chylde wegen Mele ME with chplde, N 8 e “gt * 7 STROM Se > Dh Dh Oh SS Se . SS SSS Se eS Se SS es > of health; Fol. lx 9B 0 € Aremedp ; im Forte let her beware of eatyng of any meates the which doth ingender wynde, than let her ble ſtuphes and take than this mede eine, take ot Moder worte of garmander, of Calamint , of Bytonp aß eche an vnce and a halte, ol auys ſedes. ot Acnell ſedes an bnte, ot Lalamus aromaticus, of Cipꝛes, of eche an bnce, ot white Biz geger. ii. vnces, of Rolet hony and vnce, matze a Sirupeok this a A purge tue matter with Theodoztcon and ble Stunhes and let the ih Mydwyke ko: water occupy Betroſtum, euery thyng that is good ate oHozlton is good koꝛ this mupedimet named Mola matricis. 19 be, 254. Chanitre dothe ſbewe of otuttynge vi 92 Stamerpnge. { Met 02 Ancinoglofi be the greke wozdeg. Fulai Stame⸗ tin ic is named Balbucies, In Englyche it is nas rvage, med ikuttynge 02 ſtameryng. Ancinogloſi doth come bp Vature. Mogilali cometh by vlage to Hamer, beyng con MVNA yin the company of a ſtamerer. Foz this matter cke in the Chapicre named Balbucies. e joke in the C hapitre named Exanhemata, ca 2 ‘ 02 Mirmachia loke in che Chapitre named Formica oz Mola matrices lobe the Chapitre named Molon, 11 . The. 257. Chapitre doth chewe howe al maner ie of lyctzuelles be deuided. * hl 4 5 6 6 { 0 6 Morbus is che latin woꝛde. In greetze it is named @ Cichnes ; Noſos. In Englyche it is named a lickenes oz a dre. And there be. tit. kyndes of loꝛes 02 ſyckneſſes, vni⸗ i all, perticuler, and conſymel. An vmuerlal licknes eh occupate all the partes of a mans vody, a perticu⸗ er lictzeneg oz loꝛe doch occupate a patticuler membet , place in man. A confpmel ſyckenes oz ſoꝛe is when bapaerfall and a pertyculer lictzenes 02 ſoꝛe be cons rant one wich an other oꝛ lytze one to another , Foz matter lotze in the Chapitre named Egritudo, The . r EPI SEINE III FEI III IROOM The Breuiaty. The. 236. Chapitre doth ſhewe of we brngg cupll. Orbus regius be the lacin woꝛdes. In En glyſhe it | whe 151. is named the kynges eupll, which is an ee ges CUP" eg oz impeviment. The caulc of this impediment, This ſnpedimen t doth come ok the cozruption of humours reflectynge moze to a pertpculer plate then} bupuerfall places, and it ismuche Ipke to a kyſtle, fo and pfic be made whole in one place it wyl bzeke out 1 | ) an other place. l | are @ & remedy. \ pal Foꝛ this matter let cuery man makef rendes to the Rynges u icſtie, for it doth pertayne to a Rynge to helpe this inkirmir oy | the grace the whiche is geuen to a Rynge 0 But kozs ) muche as fome men dothe iudge diuers tymes a Fp Mle oz s Kren pocke to be the kynges Eupll, in luche matters it behoueth nag Nynge to medle withall, except it be thoꝛowe and ot his bons full goodnes to geue his pptyeull € gracious countel. Fo ao ö and kynges lones and other noble men hath ben eximious Phil ap a . eions, as it appereth moꝛe largely in the Introduction of knowles 17 ge, a boke of my makynge, beynge a pꝛyntyng with Bo, Coplade, i 5 2 $02 Morbus caducus dd Morbus comicialis, loben len the C hapitre named Epilepfia, fee KF 02 Morbus arquatus, loke in the Chapitre natd 1 Hictericia. aed The. 237. Chapitre dothe chewe ol the Freuche pockes. Orbus gallicus,03 Valiore maiores be the latin Mop Frenche des. And lome Ho name it Mentagra, but fog Mem 1 pockes. tagraloke fit Lic! hen. In Englyſhe, Morbus Gallicus ß named the Frenche pockes, When that J was vonge they were named the Spanpihe pockes the which be ol many kyndes of ihe pockeg, ſome be moyſt, ſome beds teryſhe, ſome be dꝛye, aud fome be lkozuie, ſome bell fravoes, lome belptze rpnge wozmes, fone be a ued GE SEER RRR RRR CR RCC, of health) é' Fol, Ixxxi, M ‘gone be feſtered, dome becankarugs, fome be ipde wens (fone be lpke bpics, fone be lpkeknobbes and znutres, aud tome be biceroushaupnge a lycle dꝛye ſcabhe in che pddle of che vlcerous lcabbe, fome hath ache in che lopntes, and no ligne of the poczes, and pet it mape be the pockes. Ind there is the {mall porke, lobe fo2z it in the Chapitre named Vatiole maiores, to. The caułe of theke kpe knees. Che cauſe of theſe impedimentes oz infirmities doth done manp wa pes, it map come by lieng in the che tes oꝛ bedde there where a pocky perſon hach the nyghe befoze peng in, it mapcome wich lyenge with a pocky perlan, Aman come By fitting ona deaught or lege ther where „ Apockp perlondydlatelp ſyt, t may come by dꝛynkyng oft with a pocky perlon, but ſpeclally it is taken when one pock y perlon doch lynne in lechery the one wich an other, All the byndes of the pockes be infectious. 1 Ca remedy, axe ol the grece ot a boʒe the ſkyn clene pycked out the weyght il OF a pounde, ot the ponder of Bzymſtone. iti. baces ot the pouder of O pier thels, it. vnces, ot Uerdygrece the weyghte of xit, d. ot the _ tarde barke of the bꝛaunces ot a byne. b. vnces, of quycke lil⸗ ner moꝛtytied with faſtynge ſpetyll. b. bnces, than ſtampe al this togpther in a moꝛter and anopnt the boop, ſpectallp as nyghe the lozes as one mape, and than lay the perlon in a bed & caſt clothes enough ouer hym and let hym Sweat xx.oꝛ.xx iii. houres, do this t. tymes in. ir. dayes, and after that take an eaſy purgacion and i tale of the water of Plantain halke a pynt, of Mercury fublima⸗ ted the weyght of, viii. d. of Roche alome halke an bnce, matze pou⸗ der ok it and myxe al togytber and with a keder anoynt the places. Os els take of Turpentine well wached an bruce, of Lpterge, ot 1 burnt Alome, of eche an vnte, myrethis togyther, than take.ite vnces ot the tatnes of a Bote oꝛ a pd and anopnt the places. D2 Els take ot freche Butter an bnce and a hake, of Warowes grete u balte a pounde, of olde Treacle an Duce of Mitridatum halte an a Duce, of Quycke ſiluer mortified the Wey ght oF bi. grotes of Lys terge and Salte of eche halte an vnce / myxe al this togyther aud maße an orntement. * Lt, The a 6 F 2) i | 2 ; 1 6 6 a 6 — — rr on ob ss — Lo = = a, & So Oo 0 ͥãꝗ 6S 6 bb So StS 6 6s ee a ae eee hi . 6 The Breuiaty if N. LE Che. 238. Chapitre doth cheweol the SHHoꝛphewe⸗ 1 3 Or phea is the latin woꝛde. In Englyche it ien I deopbew medthe Moꝛphewe. And there be. li. Fyndeg of | ah ig the Moꝛphewe, the white Moꝛphewe, and che blacks | bya tl Moꝛphe we. The white Moꝛphewe is named Alboras | 4 9 ; fozicioke in the Chapicre named Alboras, Be vig The caule of chele inticmites « | posal ¶ Chele inklirmities doth come by dekaute ok then . tritiue vertue, 02 by vlyng venerious actes in pouth, e ¶ Aremedp. not curable, Hf it do blede, take of Kapes, ot Noket, of eche anun⸗ ce and a halle, ſtampe it with Mineger, and after that wache te place. Oꝛels take a Lowes hoꝛne and burne it and with d ö wache the place, oꝛ els take earth ot Ackricke myxe it with ings ger and wache the places otte. e The. 239. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of an impediment in the bꝛoͤwes and the cares. l N A moze, Mo: is the latin woꝛde. Jn Eoglyſhe it is naue 5 5 a q moꝛe oꝛa lytle lumpe of flee che whiche boty gro we in the bꝛowes oz eates, oz in anp mannes foun Dement 02 other places, it doch dylfer from Verues wht che is a warte, ag it Doth appere moze playnely in ö Chapitte named Actochordones, 199 8 : ¶ The cauſe of thele inkirmites. ih Vag ¶ This tnfiemitte doch come ok a grolſe anda fupechy dus humour, of corruption ofbloude, and of coler ay” uſted. i * Aremedp⸗ 2 ¶ Take of Hepes Dunge Neves bꝛay it with Pony and a let Vineger. and make a plapſter oꝛ a luppolitoꝛ oꝛ a tente. O: els tat ol Aue au unte, of Salt pyter halte an vnce, bꝛap this togythert make a playſter. Oꝛ els part as depe ot the matter as the ae | map Cutter, and dꝛoppe than bpon the place read wage, as one w do to an agnell, chi | } It the place be pꝛycked and wyll not blede the Mozphemeig | B f — 4 — 1 * S e — : yu of healtii; Fol. Ixxxii, M he. 246. Chapitre doth chewe of a Monger, : NA Onktrum ischelactn wozde. In gree it is named g monger Aretas. In Englyche it is named a monſter oz a thynge to be wondꝛed of, that is to lay, to ſe a manne ta baue, it. hedes, oz. it.thoms og to haue vi. yngers on one U hande, oz to lacke legges, 02 armes o2 anp other mem⸗ ber, and was ſo boꝛne, 02 anythyng that is diſfourmed isa monſter. . i Ehe cauſe ofthis impedimente, ¶Chis impediment doth come eyther ofabundance of hature,02 els of tolptle nature, it may come by che ber: geante of god. or by bnnatural copulacton bet wyxt man woman, oz to meddle with anp vnrealonable beat of one kynd to cople with an other beau of a cõtrary kynd . Aremedy, ; In this matter God muſt only remedy it and folowe the counſel or laint Paule, fapcug, MAS C VL Vs Caper teminam in timo⸗ ke pti. This is to bnderſt ande, betwyye man and wyke, the which map letully and lautull ble the acte of matrimonp, and other per⸗ fons can not do fo without deadly ſynne, and betes to bie them jj) Helfccontrary to their kynde. I do cople them togyther burcalona 6 i bietorefonable, olpnzc not realone. ai i. The. 241. Chapitre dothe Hews of bytyng oz E upngypng of a benemous wome. f Aris is the latin wozde. In greetze it is named . ‘ Digma, In Englyche it is named a bytynge, the ge. nich may come many wapos, as by bytyng ol an ads i deroꝛ gyngynge of a ltozpion, ludke, oz Walpe, pilling Aa code, 02 ſpyder aud luch lybe, the venym ot all che which may hurt man. 0 WH) Whe caule is wewed. 1 gol A remedy, 10 E. ea tate a Sponge and put tt in hote water and twinge — mur the water and laye it hate to the plate, do thus diuers tymes, i and than cuppe the plate, and after that make a plapter of Tria td gaat lave tt to the place, And ko the x ngynge of a Walpe 02 Bee, 07 Hornet, put duer the place colve Stele. 7 , * A n 71 PROMI ]ꝗ᷑ ͤ .. VELA = 2 a” 6 — — Dre a Eo 2 2S & & OS > 2 Sh SS SS | Tae as SAC - . : ; ost 8 9 eS 6 > = SS 2 6°66 SO 6 eS eee ee Eff. . RUROINI RNa ga ee Ae bia 4 \ ‘ i as A woman , The Breviary > | Thel 2426 Chapitre dotuebeweak a emates Viier is the latin wozde, Jugretze it is uamedez⸗ uy. In Englyche it is named a woman, kirſt when | g woman was made of God he was demed Virago hes | caule he dyd come of a man, as it dathappere in the conde Chapitre of che Seneſis. Fuxchetmaꝛe now i 4 woman ts named a woman, J wyll ſhe we my mynde. Jomo is the latin woꝛde, and in Englyche it is ag wel fora woman as foꝛ a man, for a woman che lilablescõ uerted is no moze to lay as a man in vo and let wo be foze man, and then it is woman, and wel He may bens med a woman, for as muche as Ihe Doth bere chyldzen With wo andpepne, and allo (he is ſubtect to man; ex. tept it be there where the White mare is the bettet hore therkoze Vt homo non cantet cum cuculo, let euerꝝ an pieate his wyle in all matters. and diſpleaſe her not but let her haue herowne wol, fo2 that the wyll haue whe ſo euer fap nap. ee The caule of this matter. N This matter doch lpꝛynge ol an eupl educacton o2 bait gynge vp. and of afenfuall and a peruerte mynde, not kearpng god noꝛ wondely hame. | Aremedp. ae rs Pbilikecan nat helpe this matter, but onely od and gest fpchtes mape fubdue this matter, and ne man els. 45 1 Vt muliet non coat cum alio vito wifi cute proprio. c 1 Beleue this matter il pow wopit. E E the gal ot a Bote and the gal of a Wolfe, myre then togpther, and put to it the oyle ok W lpur E Y N NG obirga D els tage et the katnes of a Gote that is guter pete of age. E V NG birga.@icls fake the biaynes ofa Cbote and more it with igouy.B-T, VLG. birga.. But the beſk remedy that do Kam fo; this mattet let euerp mati pleate dia wyfe and bear heß n dut let her haue her owne wyll, as Abauc fade: „ p11 0ie The. 243. Chapitre dothe cwweweok Sulptke 5 nd ufiralr mckrümentes⸗ pia cs : f eo pul | = 2 = 2 — .. 8 Se SIS. ol healthy __ Fol, Ixxxiii, M a Mv is the latyn woꝛde , In grete it is named Putyck, ö Mulicæ, In englyche it is named muſycke whiche gone ok the. vii. Iyberall ſciences and a ſcyence whiche tscomkoz table to man in lycknes and in healthe, chys , ſeyence is deuyded in theorpeke oꝛ ſpeculacion and in pꝛactyle, che grecions in mulicke doch bie cheir termeg, gs they do in philicke, foz they do put before all notable l woꝛdes in mulyce Dia as they do in philycke, as Dias teſſeron whiche is a fourthe Diapente is a fyfth, Diapa⸗ on is an eyght, Diaphonia is a dyſtoꝛde, foꝛ chys mat⸗ ter lobe in the introduccyon of knowledge, A Mufcilago,Mufculi , 02 Muffulagines be the latyn Mulcles. I Mogdes. In engine it is named mulcles, 02 muſſula⸗ ges, the Whiche be lytle ſtraynes de lcendynge from che head to che necke and face and other partes, and they be gompounde of lyne wes kylmes and ligamẽtes and pans hycles, and ſome fay that they be lytle greſtle bones. Here endeth the letter ol M. And here after kolo⸗ 1 weththe letter ol N. Mi The. 244. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a mannes Moſethzylles. —ůů ů —ů—ů—ů—ů N 0 r a in el; nes nolethzylles, che which be the oꝛgans 5 got the bꝛayne, by the whiche the bꝛoͤyne lie ANS dothe attracte and expulce the aper wich⸗ Hf Ont the which no man can lyue, and without the nole⸗ vy kheplles no man can imell and the nolethzylles be che wi emunctoz ve places of the bꝛayne, by the whiche reume is expelled and expulſed wyth other cozrupte humoures andotherwhyle the nolethꝛylles be opplated and ſtop⸗ ed that a man can net mel. L. lil. The cau⸗ fie — — Ares ig the latpn woꝛd. In greke it is nar morte. med Riues. In englych it is named a man⸗thꝛilles. >. = a eS SS SS! SRR MRR ² w III IRL IIE RII TACIT IASI CIS E & a e ar, ee 2 een ge Fuge TTT ES RN RRR IRCCS Buttocks Nature. he Breuiaty if The cauſeot᷑ this impediment. e This impediment doth come ut. mance of Mapes, the | fyꝛſt is thoꝛiwe abundance of reume. Ox els it doche come chozowe ſome Apoſtumacionlieng bet worte che bꝛayne ⁊ the Oꝛgans of the no lechꝛylles 02 els it may come by lom apoſtumacion growing in the nofchais, Aremedy. 4 Fpiſte tale ſternutacions and gargarices and ble ones : tuple in a weke a dꝛame of pylles of Lochee , and ble labour ? walkyng, and be ware of dꝛynaynge of wyne and aͤbſtapne krome the katnes of Saman, the katues of Conger, æ the katues ot less as it doth appire in the Chapitre named Keuma * Th.. 245. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a maus buttockes, Nis isthelacin wozde. Englyſhe it is nameds mans buttoctzes the whiche dpuers tpmes yl chafe, and lome wylbe galled, | The caule of theſe tmpedimentes. 8 ¶ CThele inpedimentes doch come epcher by greatelie | bour, goynge a fote, oz rydyng vpon ancupll hozte n à naughty ladle. bisa A remedy. g Chere ig nethyng better than to rub, anoynt, oꝛ grove the place With a talowecandel, and they that bath great buttockes beine they do trauell let them anoynt them lelte betwexe the buttocaes with ople Dipue, . The, 2 46 Chapitre doth ſhewe of the nature of a man. atura is the latin wozd. In gretze it is named zn fis, In Englyche it is named the nature of mam the which is thechekeſt bloud in man, and it doch change i to whiteneswhen it doth come in the cundptes bp the ſtones. The nature of manne doch diéfer from the (eve of man, although they be contuncted togyther, 192 the fede ol man s lite the ſedes of rice, vohẽ it is lodẽ, but l is nothing lo byg, x that is tn che natute ol man, whiche is wetiche athicke, whithout the whiche can be no P20? creacion, and it map walt and confume,o? be pucrytped . . ꝗ̃ . ĩ ͥ ] NN 2 a of health; Fol, [xxxiiii, N ’ @ Whe caule of thele impedimentes. ( Finature do wae and cor lume it dothtome thozot dtoine lickenes, and ik it be putrikted, it doth come tho⸗ towe the coꝛruption of the bloud. ! ¶ Aremedy. i xsp2t beale the cauſe, that is to lay, heale the lycknes, and clente the bloude⸗ and all thynges that is (wete is nurtitiue and dothe iy increate nature. ‘ it @ F092 Nauſea lobe in che Chapttre named Abhomina⸗ clio ſtomachi. Mh The. 247. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a peyne in the backe named Nephꝛelis. 4 Ephrefis 02 Nephritis be the greze woꝛzdes. Nefre The ſtone gq A Vaaisthe barbarus wozde. In latin it is named Po lor renum, & lome lay it is Calculus in tenibus. In Eng⸗ lyche it is named the ſtone in the raynes olthe backe. cS Che cauſc ot this impediment. bis impediment doch come many wapes, as by jy great lyltyng, oꝛ greate ſtrapnyng, oꝛ to much medling ~ witha woman, and it may come by kynde, oz by eating Ofeupll meates ingendꝛyng the ſtone. 1 CA remedy. Flary frpcd with the yolkes of egges is good foꝛ the backe, & bots Mulcadell and Baſterde dꝛonke nerte a mannes herte. aito theſe oyles be good ko the backe, Ople of Alabaſter, opie ot Scoꝛ⸗ yy pions, ople of Munyker, other wyle named the oyle of water Ly⸗ is Ipes,ano ſuche lyke, and beware of Coſtiuenes and ble clyſters 02 buppoliters, and ble the medecines the whiche be in the Chapitre ih named Lithlalis. 10 he. 248. Chapitre dothe hewe of ad impo⸗ „ flume on the batke, an! MAA J Atta oz Narra be the latin wozdes. In Englyche gume in Nit ts a great flechyimpoſtume lyze a wenne and is the backe, 1 fofte and it doch growe on the backe o2 the Moulders, iy The caule of thts impediment, ¶ This impediment doth come of reume, and ot the ut grolnes of blond, : A, lit, 3 tes ene 9 ORIN PE EEE PEE PUD CDEP 6 ——— > ee PR GTS FAAS ele EN Neg ee See te Bh DD Me SS NN — © fon FLIES III NESSIE PENI INI IER N The Breviary CAremdy. 9. * Fyiſte gyue the patient adzameot pplles Aggregate, and than make incikion vnder this maner, cut the (hyn kroſſewyte, pte the lkyn and cutte out the matter and waſhethe place with white wyne and lay downe the Cyr, € then miniſter kalues to heale it, ¶ Foꝛ Nephroi loke in che Chapitte named Renes, The. 249. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of an impedi⸗ i ment ina mannes kyght. WT Yaalopis is the gteke woꝛde. In lat yn it is named Me that Nocturna cæcitudo. In ataby it is named Amica, | 5 hee lopes,02 Sequibere,02 Superati 02 Affe, 02 Tenebrolitas, nas. The barbarous woꝛde is named Noctilopa. In englyſh ne it is named darknes of the lyght, koꝛ when the fone „ is Downe and the euenpnge in, a man can ſe go thynge in darkenes, alchough othermen can percenm and fe ſomwhat that hach not this impediment. ¶ The cauſe of this infirmite. pao This impediment doch come ok an humour the wh | che doth lye before the lyghte, and it maycome of daf? 1 chynge ok a mannes eyes vpon che ſonne, oz els ol nal an pꝛyntedletters, oꝛ ſuche lyke. 4 woes C aremedy. ste cr F yꝛſte purge the head and toe ſtomake with pylles ot Cocher 17 and ble gargarices and ſternutacions, and beware of coctkiuenes . and of the occalion of the impdimente. ö i The. 2 go. CThapitre dothe ſhewe of the age __ fpnetwes of aman, par A linewe. Etuus ig che latyn woꝛde. In greke it is named war Neuron. In englyſh it is named line wes the whien 8 ¶ The caule ot theſe impedimentes. Che impedimentes whiche doch koꝛtune to the ly ne wes may come by cuttynge ofa line we, 02 by ſtraß⸗ | nynge, o2 by ſtarkneſle, oꝛ by the crampe, oz fuchelphe ae matter oz cauſes. 4 | map haue dyuersimpedimentes. ey = a= 2 = a 2 | 2 OS 2 2S OO OS Se SS SESE RNS n of health; a Fol, Ixxxy, Cm Aremenys t a ſynewe be cut alonder there ts no remedy to make it whole, pt impedimẽ tes do come to the lyne wes thoꝛowe the crampe loke in the Chapitre named Spalmos. At any impedimt̃t do come other wapes, ble the opie of Turpentine and Netes fore oyle. The. 251. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a certayne ; kynde ot blyſters. Oma is bſed foꝛ a latyn woꝛde . In englyſhe it is for a certayne kpnde of blyſter oꝛ blyſterg, the whiche doch ryle in che nyght vnkyndly. The cauſe of this infirmite. . 5 This impediment doth come of cozruption of fleu⸗ matyke humours myxte wich putrified bloude. A remedp. pit foꝛ this matter beware of ſurketyng, and late eating and Diynkong. And koz this impediment J do neither miniſter medeci⸗ nes noꝛ vet no ſalues, but i do wꝛap a lytle clout ouer oꝛ aboute it and as it dothe come lo J do let it go, toꝛ and a man chulde kor euery trykle tycknes and impediment chulde runne to the Phili⸗ tion oꝛ to the Chirurgton, lo a man ſhuld neuer be at no point with * bymiclfe, as longe as he doth lyue. In great matters ace Cubs Mauctal counfeliand as fo2 (mail matters let them paſſe ouer. @ Foꝛ Nodi loke in che Cyappere named Pubaleth. Foz Noctilopi loke in the chapitte named NiGalopis; : The. 2592. Chapitre dothe chewe ok a dileale named Noli me tangere. Noli me tangere be the latyn woꝛdes. In englyſhe it is named tuch me not, a fome doth name it an ale poctze, which ts a whele about che nole, oꝛ the lpppes oꝛ thebes oz in ſome place in the face, and why it is named tuche me not, for yt one do nyppe 02 bole hym, oꝛ do matze hym to blede, he wyll ryle and bꝛeatze out in an o⸗ ther place, oz els it wyll feſture and bꝛede a further dit plealure. The cauſe of this impediment ¶ Chis impediment doch come ok late dꝛynkynge oz eupllopet, 3 0 aA Blyſters. Tuche me not. > SS 2 Se SS SS O'S Se SS & & SS 4 — — r 9 0 ere Oe Sem 3 Say. FP III IIE PEDIC y IROOM I * S Ne Se RRR. . Obliuiouk nes. The Bteuiaty d remedp. g The chicke remedy is nat to tuche no: medle with it, but loke as it both come, lo let it go, and beware ot catynge ot Garlytze g onyons & ſuche iyke, and dꝛynze nat to much ote wynes, and die the medecines the which be in the Chap. named Hallum klegma. ¶ Foz Nucha loge in the Extrauagantes in the ende ol this boke. 5 Foz Nuretitus loke in the feconde boke in the Extras uagantes. ' ¶ Thus endeth che letter. N. And here ko⸗ loweth the letter O. The. 27;. Chapitre doch ſchewe of an impedi⸗ ment named Obliuiouſnes. coulres 02 fozgetfülnes. | ¶ The caàuſe of this impediment. a e This impedimente doth come ok reume 02 fone vento lſytie, oꝛ oł ſome colde humour lpenge g bout the bꝛayne, it may come of ſolicttudenes oz great ſtudy oecupyenge the memoꝛp lo much that it is fate ted, and the memoꝛ y lracted thete muſte nedes then he obliuiouſnes, tit map come to ponge men and woe when theyz myxnde is bzyched. : cS A remedp * i > FP zt beware and elche we all luche thynges as do maße oz i gender obliuiculnes, and than bie the confection of Anacardine, mel to odiferous and redolent faucurs,and ble the thynges oz me decines the whiche is ſpecikied in the Thapitre named amm and Memozta. * A medecine fo2 Eꝛyched perkones, Fao nat know, except it be Unguentum baculinum, as it dothe appere in the Thapitre named the feuer Lurden. ¶ fe Cedema,loke in the Chapitte named Vndemis, KP 102 Cccomia looke in the Extrauagantes iu the ende of chis bo&e, i Che of health; fol, Ixxxyi, * The. 254. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mannes eyes. * thalmos, In Englich it is nameda maus eye, wht ; che is the tẽdereſt place in a mans bodp. and ofcheepes be. itil. colours. which be to lay gray, whytiſhe. blackt h 1 And variable, aud euery epe hach. bii.tunicles, oꝛ cores gamed in latin, Rethina, Secundina, Scliroſis. Tela ares na, Vnca, cronea, and oniunctiua, The fyzſt is Rethina i Which is iyke a nette that doth compalle che eye. Then is Secundina, Whiche is apellitie, that bꝛedech of an other pellicle named Pia mater, The contunctyue is white and thycke and it doth compaſſe che eyes. Thẽ is Cronea Which doch take his oꝛiginalof Duca mater whi⸗ che is a pellicle about the bꝛayne as pia mattei is. Then is Tela arena Which is lyke a ſpyders webbe the which doch compa fle the eye. And then is Scliros, the which is eg moyſt pannycle. The epe alſo hath oꝛ is made of. tit, ili Humours o2.4iti, ſubſtances, the fyette is iuthe myddes okthe eye, and is lyke an haple ſtone, the which is a crt⸗ HH ſtallene humour oz (ub ance and in it doth reſt the light Che chere isa glaſy humour 02 lubſtance the which is Wn the hynder parte of the cryſtallyne humoure. The ie thyꝛd humour oz lubſtance is the vohite okche eye. The lit humour oz ſubſtante is the clerenes of the eyes, the hien doch compalle the criſtallyne humour, and there © Map be manp unpedimen in the eye, as a blered eye, a re doaterynge eye, the pyn and che webbe, an impoſtuma⸗ ye kion and blyndnes {pore blynde, gogyll epes, and dym n yghted, and luch loke, foz the which lobe in the Chapi, ® ol luch impedimentes. vas FThele thynges be good foz the pcs, 10 i Cuerp chynge that is grene oz blacke 18 good fog a man co loke vpon it. Allo to loke vppon golde is ieee ot * . > eS SS SS SSS OD, O 0 9 55 is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named op The eye. . 2 —· eS a Sh Dh bh oS Se SSS SO SS Sh OS SS SG SS . . . ee AS, = 2 2S oo Soh SS d SS Sto, 6 6 SS a a a eee 1 „o SG RESTRICTS ETRE RC x : : | 9 Li 1 2 { ‘ A | { | } — Smel⸗ lynge. The Breuiaty for the ſyght and lo his glalle, colde water and euere colde thynge, excepte the wynde is good koz che eye and no hote thynge, noꝛ warme thinge is good fo the eyes, excepte womans mylze and the bloude ok a done, | Theſe thynges be eupll koꝛ the Eyes. or ¶ Euerp thynge that is hore is naught koz cheepes, the lonne, the kyꝛe the lnowe and euery chpnge that s wWhyte is not good koꝛ the ſyght, and lmotze, weppuge the wynde, ſycknes reume:redynge in mall pꝛynted boy f kes. ſpecyally gretze bokes, and onpons, garlpze eh bolles, and luche lyke be not good fo2 the eyes. To clarity the eps and the fpght, I 2m Take of the ſedes of oculi chꝛiſti, and put into eyes. li.iii.oꝛ.itii.ſedes, oꝛ els take colde water and o a Fyre lynnen clothe wallhe the eyes dyuers tymes u dap, the ofcer the better and chaunge the water oft eh it map be krelſhe and colde. The zy. Chapitre doth che we ol Smellynge, 4 Llactus is the lat yn woꝛde. In grekeit is nam . In engivihe it is named ſmellynge ih which diuers tymes is opilated oꝛ ſtopped that one a mel nothig, oꝛ haue any lauoz by the noleoꝛ nolethuls. The cauſe ot theſe intirmites ¶ Thys impediment doche come thozowe teuine that cauferh the murre orby lome appoſtumaciõ oz huwen ! the which Doth opilace and Goppe che Oꝛgan of Me lynge, oz thozotne lome fledhp apottumnacton.the dh doch gro we in the nolethzylles. wa i= Wake the water o: 1 ven ee art, and inayll it tothe! Molethꝛplles diuers tpmes faſtynge, and ble dternutacions, alſo fo2 this impediment is good to ble gargarices. 2 Opilacio ig the latyn wozde. In engieſhe it 15 Wy med opilacion og ſtoppynge, thatũ nnn cam not embed turallpeinand expell out of hys bodye the aer ae ) — . 1 1 1 = ae of healefi; Tool, ixxxvii, O fitiebefide other members che which mae be opilated bett dorh moze plapnely appeare in che Chapitres ok this boke. ¶ Foz ophiaſis, loke in the Chapitre named Alopecia. ö The. 256. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ot one of ö : the kyndes of the Crampe. 5 a Piſthotonos is the greke wozde. Inlatin tt is na A uynd ot 1 med Conuulcio retroſſa. In Englyſhe it is named Crampe . actampe, che which doch dꝛawe the heade back ewarde to warde the Houtocrs, ſome Laceniſt dothneme it Ris gor ceruicis, and fome doch name it s palmus rettoſſus. * Che cauſe of this impediment. n gta This impeoiment doch come thoꝛowe the attracct⸗ on ok che line wes and foz lacke ol bloud it may come by g feare, oz anger, oꝛ bpa ſtrapne. Arxemedp. € Foz this matter beware of anger and keare and vlynz of be⸗ Waertoug actes akter replecion, and than take ot Muſtecde ſedes rade in kyne pouder an dices put it into bineger, and than ble fri egen ¢ great rubopng about the necze and koꝛhed abe temples e Optique and [ome do name it Oblique is à line we that doth cule che eye, and it hach two bꝛaunches. erbe, z. Chapitre doth ſbewe ot an impedi⸗ je EAL ment in thetpe. i \Phtalmfa 02 Hipophtalmia be the greeke wozdes. A hote im be batbarus wozde is named Obralmia, ECOMC poaumein Map Hipopia. And the latins doth name ic inflacio incon the eres. lunctiua of Apoſtema calidum in coniectina. In Englich eis nameda hore impoſtume in he eye. jh vined The caulc of this unpepiment, l This impediment doch come ofa, colde teumatike hu our og eig of a coꝛrupte blond myxc with coler as au⸗ tentytze doctourg doch declare, but J faye it mape come 12 as by a ſtiipe o a blowe with a mans fyſt 1 a a 02 if 10 6 — > . 2 — ; 6 ¢ ¢ | é 4 — > — 1 — 0 A 2 3 E PRCA BS =, 2 2, & oo, © ĩð!u d SS StS C6 SS 6 a a ae ee PN NNN RRR RTI RRR A coꝛne in the epe. The Breufaty 02 ſuch phe matter, koꝛ pr there were no caute ofan i firmitie chere ſhulde be no lycknes, and il there be no | lycnes a man (hal lyue as longe as bloud and nature in hym, and this impediment mape come by melancolp, ö Ta vemedp. i yt it do come of areumatiic humour the epes wyſbe inflate, and therfore fp2fte purge the caule with Feralogedion ruft, and pylles of Turbith doth in ly ze maner purge the caͤuſe. Nit do come by coꝛrupcion of bloud my xte with coler, readnes and blewnesg heat about the cpe wyll chewe the caules , and than tase the con fection of Anacardine. It it come of a melancoly humour the epes wylbe dzyt without mopſter, than take the confection of Muſtze, And pk it do come by coler, than is heat and pꝛyckyng in the eyes, and it wyll trouble a man, as it there were duſte oꝛ graueiſ in the eyes, than ble Diacitontton, and ptilule Stomatice. — 9 The. 288. Chapitre doth ſhewe ok an infirmite tyke | | à Bari coꝛne in a mannes eye lydde. De ee is the latyn wozde. In englyche it lane med a Coane in the eye lydde muche lpke a barg cozne, 92 6 1 — The caule of this impediment. ett ge This impeimenut doth come ofa ceume myxt with tcoꝛrupt bloude che whiche hach a recoutle moze that place than to any other place. ¶ à remedy. a N Take ot Ackodyll an handfull (ccd this in white wyne dhe bzap it and make a playſter and lap it to the place ¢ bſeit okte, 4 ic Dhe.25 9, Lhapitre dothe ſhewe of an euptt dꝛawynge of ones wynde. 11 DD eee ee is the greze woꝛde. In latpn it Saw | med Recta ſpiracio. In englyſbe ic is named aut uyll Rating ofa msnnes beech , koꝛ pike do dye ing bende he is redy to founte,o2 che bꝛethe wyl be ſioppe ¶ The caule of this impediment. . 2 This impediment doth come eyther ot the mal of che lunges oꝛ els of opilacions of che pypes obe may come thoꝛo we vilcus fleume, 1 — — 14 9. = SON IEEE NRE of health; fol, Ixxxvili, 7 C A remedy. pz bie a p titane, and Loclanum de pino, and after that ble dies o: twytle a wyeke pylles of Cochee, and other ealpy purgacids and beware of eatyng of Ruttes and harde cheſe, and cruſtes of bread & luche lyke thynge, & aboue al thyng beware of colliuenes. Foz Orthomia, loge in the Chapitre named Diſma. The. 260, Chapitre doth ewe ol a mannes mouth. Sis the latin woꝛde. In gree it is named stoma Inenglyche it is naineda mouth which hach ma inp impedimentes, as heate, impoſtumes, wheales and {uth lytze. ye N The caule of thele impedimentes. Chele inpedimentes doch come thozꝛowe reume, oz els of kumolitie oꝛ heate of che lyuer oz ſtomake, 02 cls ok ſome coleryctze humour. f @ @ remedy. Foꝛde purge reume with pylles of Lochee, pk the cauſe come reume, It it do come of coler purge coler with pillulis Stoma⸗ tieis. Ak it do come ot heate of the lyuer 02 the ſtomate, quality thebeate with colde her bes, as Endiue, Cycozp, Dandelion, Sow “Appt ant uche icke berbes, and lurketyng ¢ late dzynkynge, KS" Whe.2 61. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mans bones. Oo be the latin woꝛdes. In greke it is named Soto. In Englyſhe it is named a bone oz bones, there is no bone in man the which bath any felynge but onely a mannes teeth, the which hath fealynge as wel s any part oł a mans lleſhe oꝛ membet. Cuery man the whith bath all his whole lymmes, hath. li. c. xi vii. bos nes, as it doth moze playnelyappeare in my Anothomy Inthe Introduction of knowledge whiche hach bene longe a pꝛyntynge fozlacke of monepand paper, andit s in pꝛyntynge with pyctures at Boberte Coplande puter, 1 The. 262. Cbapitre dothe ſhewe of Oſſitacion, eanynge oz gapynge. 1 Feanynge oz gapyng 2 fiat O The mouth. Bones. r 6 6 E “4 Soe Se ffi Sm . BS o & > SS oo SS & PD ²ↄ SS V I NNR RR HERR IINHRNIRRIRRTNCRTRNCRORRORCRR CT veanyng. The in⸗ der partot the head. Ulcer. The Breuiaty 0 j Oracle isthe latin woꝛde. In grebe it is naſned Chafma, In Englpche it is named ollegttunkes 4 nyng or gappnge. ‘ ¶ The caule of this infirmite. 8 ¶ This imkitmicte both come eyther fog lacze of tg f oz els it doch come before a feuer oz ſome other infitm tie, oꝛ els by luſtzyſhenes bꝛotherto the keuet Lurden, A remedp. 5 € Take away the taule, and take away the impediment aun le well in the moꝛnyng e not in the daye tyme as the after none The. 263. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ol the bynder parte ok the head, mre, J Ceiput is the latin woꝛde. In gretze it is named la ion. In Englyſche it is named the hinder parte g the heade the which map haue dpuers finpedunentes a the letharge, obltutoulnes, and {uch lytze belide cangers The cauſeot thete impedimentes. ¶ The caules be Hewed in the pꝛenominated ifm ties ag it Doth appere in chep: Chapitres. | 3 remedy» iF Foꝛ a remedy loke in the Chapitres named Lethagos, Sem, ria, and Cancer. 45 ¶ Foz Onix loke in the Chapitre named Piofis, ¶ Foz oyſophagos loke in Chaapitre named Pen gus, ’ The. 2 64. Chapitre doth eweofan 4 | bleer in the Rote. 5 C)Zenails is the arebe woꝛde. Fo latin it is named vy cera natrium. Ju Englyche it is named an Vicer 0} lere in the noſe. at a ¶ Whe caule of this impediment. ¶ This impedimente doch come of a fylehy anu humour the which doch come from the biapne and he . ingendzed ok teume and coztupte bloud, CA remedy. 1 + In this matter reume mut be purged as it dathe anpcce nth Ayapitve named Ucuma, than ppese not the nole, no 1 A not, ercepte br K of heal tn Fol, Ixx xi, 10 gent cantes caubeth the cantrary e ble gargarices and ſternutacions. J wyll ob Homan to ble Sehentent oz er⸗ treme ſternutacions koz per * they can not nefe vbat eng the bꝛayne. Sentpl tternu⸗ tations is bfen atter this coꝛte. y a man bl ynge trom flepe oꝛ _ Gomptige lodenly out ok a haule und lonynge into che element 02 | Sonne, ſhal neſe twyſe oꝛ thꝛiſe, oꝛ cis put a lrawe 02 a rpihe in⸗ » tothe nole and tyckle the ryche 02 the Sratuc in the nofe and it wyl maße ſternutactons, the pouder of Peper, the pouder ot Eliboꝛus us ſnut̃t oꝛ blowen into the note dothe make qupcke ſternuta⸗ 5 But in this f tie to mache ok thele powders at a tyme fo: troblynge the leronde | pyincipal menber whiche is the biapne, and they the whiche wpll dot neſe, ſtope the noſethꝛylles with tue foze kynger and the thome bpon the nole, and nat within the noſethzylles, and if they wold matter J do aduertiſe euery man not to , al maner ot medec ines nat withſtandyng, howe bett J wolde countell all men takyng a thynge to prouoke tuche ‘ Matterg to make no restrictions * i * | he, 26 f. Chapitre dothe ſbewe ol an impodu⸗ 1 me the whiche maye be in the kyngers and 14 K in the naples ot a man. 0 ö with care waxe. N 5 ke U e teiy HNO @ Thus endechthe ſettet ot O. And here folowerh the letter ol . — — Annas icium ig the latin woꝛde. In Euglithe e mapbe an unpoſtumacton in the (yngers and the nayles of a mannes hand and {ong dorh lay it isa white Have vnder the nayle. stn The cauſeof this impediment ; 5 This impediment doth come of an hote colerpke hu⸗ 0 mour, 1 70 dane Atremedp. 5 e i f Ye + Dake. of the ople of soles an bnte, of the ople of enbanc halfe at Once, of Gieneger, iti.Cponfull , tieozpozate this togylher and jehonnt the kengers aud the naples, oz eis anoput the naples The, 366. Thauttre doth ewe of traces in ones face. 5 is the latin wozde. In Engipſhe it is named Fracles. an impedimen tin the face ſpectaũy in the tace of a AS woman = “= 8 ox =e : — Neca — ce — ene . r 6 eS Oe 6 Se Sew 5 . N 5 LIPID ITH & Fab > LS, =, > o> S&S b —.— — dee eee a sxixaxt lod The Breufary ur at — dia desc aimee . woman when ce is wich eb rd chts nenne t 10 30 4% The kauft MENDES impediment, n 3! amiss This impediment doch come eyther by heüte akte tonne. oF by hegte the which Doty ume krome the lyuer 13 re 4 5 hi } and the ſtomae. . temedp e 70 to Hat i A Fyshanovnt the face with tyeople of lower Alinons aun ne to ürrnze oft of whay the whiehe dard eome of chele. Oels f ſhepes dunge and bray it with d ineger. and to bedwarde auopnne a the kace. bi oz. bun. nyghtes, f 117235 Bae oz Pauus pattepnpngte che eye lo in the Chapt . Bate tte after veripneumonta, nt . iat The. 25 7% Chapltre dötht thewwe ot 'a woe a, a Vi Hi debe or vetpuct pige. ln i" a with cit P Artus is the laßt 13820. In qrelie it is named Tocos In Englpche it is named when a woman is redy tw ö 5 be delpuͤeteß che which deltuerance is very harde with many women and Doth put cheym in igopardp of ches ype. lpues. „ et og : 3,24, Ae, \ i - : 1 ier DOE gg bete bt this matter 7 ¶ Che cnuſe wohn ir is moge harder peyne and teopat ' 1 dy wich oue woman chen wich an: ocher⸗ When they meee (halve be deuuered is that one woman tand {o ſtronge | of complerton Hs an ocher woman is and peraduentun“ eee che khylde ts thinned in dhe mochers boop,” ende head doth not come kyꝛſt chen chere is great petyl “„ C00 Aremedp. a et | SETHE it of the agi Bets nat tome kourth tpt toe fe than my etoyene the cheldethar the head may come fourth! ano let tHe möbpke anoynt her hande with ople Slrue ait the woman be in eptreme labour, let ber take of tye iu eof | tanp a drame wil the Watre ot Aenugreke, oz cs cof Herz? N : pyne an unce æ dynzeit at lit. tymes With the water of Cher and ke pe the wann rode arly in A temptbate heate? ebe a eee Kia f dich iu the eares. paul 0 g KK! p ¾˙ r zoe ‘ Rowen SSS r ä ‘ ~~ of health. . fol. Ixxxx, 15 Pitre isthe greke woꝛde. In latin it is named 9 i i 7 i tu ih " —— — cere Tonfille bz Inflaciones aut iu In Hügi che it iis named inffactons of the cares“ nie „ The cauck oF this imptdiment. 3 t This impedunent doch come of laperabußdance alf tozrupte blond, 02 els. Of teume, ov els of Come hurte, WO) FZ remed ee uam! pid be let bloud of a veyne named gephalſca and than ble gargaryces' and letuutactons and pre pplles ot Kocher, auß put into the care with woile the ople of Been. J do nat lpeaßc of the ople ok Benes, but an op e made ol Ben the Which the Woric aries path, and vſe foꝛ this matter. the medertges the which ſpalbe ing tonuenient cpecitied in the Chapitrenamen Aures. Foz Rerocela lotze in the Cha pitre named Kamen 02 Ranicere N neee amm 1 „nne ede Se} ald: sosde}adnes oa des adore The. 269. Chapitred ewe o Coꝛnels . eee 0 0 cl 348 n , He carts. Bhs wht) se A Arotides is the gree worde, In latin it ts named Inflaciones, In kugliche it is nmed Cozneis abont che cares. ta 3 ehe baute of this impotent. 0 CThis impement dach come of hore bloude, codafie Hplous Humour jad other wohtte it dothcome dia me⸗ dancolp humour. Perl sige f bn een e enn Font be let bloude ot a vepne named Cephalica, it ſo be that 20 ſtrengeh wol permtte it, with a conucnient tyme. As koz Ai other localimicdediics-o7 players! Waduer tile all perkones. bor to naten ca muthe with the impediment tozit wyll werc ware bg ic elfe. clan Bult f The. 2 70. Chapitre dothe chewe of a wijite klawe. i : 3 HEY Drriomche ig deryued dut of two woꝛdes of greke of ios : Feri whichis to fap about; and oni hiche 1s to anale wht his an impediment about the naue, dotake it fag a white fate; oz luch lpke and ſome do amm e Patonichiius, | 8 Y. ii. The 5 Inflact⸗ ons of the eee Cornelis, whpte 5 6 6 6 © C . 5 8 a U 0 5 os, ö en’ | 13 | ip 1 8 i af fb tee 11 if 1 . ) 5 14 1 1323 fe ie | | see 1 7 / 7 ; 1 1 / 6 4 97 5 rr õͤãã ĩðV» VV VVVVCcCCC ORR The eee 1 a The cauſe ot tuts impediment . € bis impediment doch come ola venemous hunde fodenlp ingendꝛed vnder oz about the nale. f nA remed yz ß ö As J dyd ſap in the Chapitre named oma, that J wolde 4 tounccl a man koꝛ euety frp fie tyeknes ta go to Philtke or Chi 1 gp, let natute operate in fuche matters in expullpuge Cache has mours and medle no further is! Frog 181 of IN -tha ' Kue. Chapliee oth wewa ot the rudes of allt,” m aralifis 8 the grebe worde. In latin it is name | k N there be two kyñndes the one is vntuerlalland the bert Ebenen The Piivertal palley doch tabe halle ß {pecheog all is taken a wap, the one legge and the one atme is bend med 02 aſtonned that they tan not do theyz handes, oz legges dochihatze crymble, oz quake che it is the pal lex, koʒ {uch matters lotze in the Chaput med Tremor, ig F 15 i . 8, 0 “a he taule of allies, «ft e N palleyböth come, whether it be vninerſal or pit titulet bprefolucion oz eis compzeſſion ok the oꝛ ſine weg, and by opilarion dz ſtoppynge of theblonde which hath not hisernecourteriog tecourle that dai come vnder thig mauer, eyther it doth come by s — Sige x 0 az ERROR RTE NE IIE pk health. d Fol. Ixxxxi, B bnger, oz els ok a great leate, it maye allo come by ex, reine colde rpdyng, oꝛ goyng in an impetule wynde, 10 @ Aremedy fei ble a good dyet and eate no contagtous meates, and pt de be ble clyuers and anoynt the body with the oples of Laurp and Lamompll, but whether the Pally be bniuertal oz perticuler, J do anopnte the body with the opie of Turpentine compounde with a qua bite, and ble tricacids oꝛ rubbynges with the handes, As one wolde rub with grece an olde payze ot Botes, not hurtynge the lkyn noꝛ the pacient. And J do gpucthe pacient Treacle with the pouder of Peper, o2 cls Mitridatum with Peper oz els take of Miatriapiperion , And it one wyll hemay rub the pacient with the rotes of Aylyes bꝛaped og ſtamped, after that ble dꝛye ſtuphes, ) asthe pacient is able to abpde. Oz els take a Fore and with the 5 Kynne and all the body quartered and with the herte, lpuer and ſunges, and the fatnes of the intraples, ſtones and kydnes, lethe it longe in runnynge water with Calamynt and Balme and Cara⸗ wapes and bath the pacient in the water ot it, and the fmell of a 0 Fore is good foꝛ the Palſy. i KF Mhe.272, Chapitre dothe Hewe of an impedi⸗ U 05 ment in the Beles, P Etniones is the latin woꝛde. per noni is the Barba⸗ Aybes, r Tous wozde., In Englyſche it is named the kybes in a J mannes heales. ie The cauſe of this impedimente. (This impediment moſt comonly doch inkeſtoz doth 1 happen to ponge perlons the which be hardly brought i bp, goyng barefored oz with euyli foes and it voche ame ok extreme colde and fleumatyke humours, a it eon. A temenp.s MG Foz the Kybes beware that the Snowe do nat come to the Dee its, and beware of colde , nor pꝛyche, noꝛ pycke the Iphes , kepe them warme with wollen clothes, and to bedwarde wache the he⸗ 0 les and the kete with a mans pꝛopꝛe bine, ¢ with Metes fote cple, The. 2 75. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of lyte in a mannes body oz head oz any other place. ui , Pas 02 Morbus pediculorum be the latin Loulpe. woes. In grebe it is nained Phehiriatis,An Eng⸗ ig Sb, ttt, lyſhe 6 i P rer 1 * * i, RARER eat eretiae reper aX 5 4 — f .. — obere ie NN S’ Deere 88 . e Au impedt N Eripneumonia is the greke woꝛde. The barbarons The Breuſaty id lyche it is named loutines, and there be. lil. kyndes uh che be to lay, head lyte, body lyce, crabbe lyre, and ng, a t The tauſe ot this impediment. 2 This impediment doch come by che coztuption of hote humours wich [weat, oz cls of ranckneg of cheba Dy, oz els by vntleue keppnge, oz lpenge with loulp per fons, oꝛ els not chaungynge off mannes cherte, die A S lyenge in a louſy bedde. d ſremcbp. Take of the ople of Baye an vnce and a halte, of Staupfens made in kyne pouder halte an bnce, of Mercury moztrticd wit es Epnge (petpll an bnce, incoꝛpoꝛate al this togpther in a betel bon achakynge dyſhe ok coles and anoynt the body A do take ondy the oyle of Bayes with Mercury moꝛtitied and it doth helpe cucep man and woman, excepte they be not to vances of complexion. the lungs ain it is named Inflacio polmonis, 02 Refpiracio, 3M Englyche it is named inllation ol che junges. And (ome doch layiit is an impoſtume in che flappes of che lunges, ' fo this matter loke in che Chapitre named Pulmonia W the Extrauagantes, ; . The caufe of this impediment. 1 ¶ This impediment doch come ok cozrupte and grolle fleume, and certatne tymes it doth come ol a catarue aud tertayne tymes ofa pleurpce, and it map come of lutz | abunpance of other groſle humours, re CA remedy. : N In this matter I do pꝛapte a Ptytłane made as it doth 145 — N in the Chapitre named Tullis, and the medecine che whiche ral fore ko a B leurefy and for the Loughe is good for this in, ment the matter perſtructed in dewe oder and kachion da chem ſtracion of the medee ines. N ee of health; Fol, [xxxxti, 93 he. 275, Cbapitre vothe chewe of Cornels ö 5 in a mannes ware, 0 Enel in a mans (are, it map be allo in other partes ot gmannes body. 5 The caule ot this impediment ( Thisimpedtmente doch come os coꝛtuption of the puer and of a wateryſhe bloud, oz of coler. A remedy. r Fe purge the matter with pylles of Fumttoꝛy the greater, ot M gopilcs aggregatiue, ot Agarycke, ot eche a ſcruple, make than pyl⸗ fes and eate tbem and ble a good and a temperate dyct ag well in meates as in dꝛynkes. 2 Foz Petia in oculo loke in the ſeconde booke named the Extrauagantes, Pw F0zPeaus lobe in the Extrauagantes in the later ende of this boke. Foz Ceplis loke inthe Chapitre named Digeſt io : he. 2 76. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mannes fete. E pous, In Englyche it is named a fore of a man the Which map haue Diners impedimentes as one ol the kinz des ok the gout named in latin podagra, allo there map bethe crampe wich other dyuers impedunentes, ko the 0 which lobe in theyz Chapittes. The. 277. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of Pia mater. al Pr mater be the latin woꝛdes. In Ergivihete is naz med a pellycie oꝛ a ſꝶhᷣyn full ot Artures, and {mall Depnes the which doch wꝛappe oz compaſſe aboute che g bzapne in many fellycles. ’ pt oz pedes be the latin wozdes. In greze itts named a tote, f ee = 1 N oh : 0 Nitdenth $ Pia mater oꝛ pel pcle be * pil ver is no 288 ee oS SS A SS SS paces is the latin woꝛde. In Engliche ie named a coz Coꝛnels ä DSS SS OS SS Oe SR. TORI I 0 { > 3 eS SO Se Se SS SS BS D&S oo, & oe pdp 6b 6 CO 6 oe De eee ON NNR TNR RRR TORR TRO 5 Phzenelp The breufarfe i ¶ Foꝛ phehirialis, lobe in the Chapitte named Pedienp lacio, : e Foz Phlebothomia lobe in the Chapitte named Fie bot homia. The. 2 78. Chapitre dothe mete of the Phenelles, P Hrenitis is the greke woꝛd. And ſome grectans doth name it after the Arabpes.Sirſen 02 Karabitus, Che barbarus woꝛde is named Freniſis. The trewe latpng doth bie the terme after the grecians. In englychele s named a phꝛenyſe 62 madnes the whiche abfolucelp ig as an impoſtumacion bꝛedde and ingendꝛed in che pellty cleg of the bꝛayne named in latin Pia mater, Che Which appoſtumacion doth make alpenacion of a mans un and memoꝛy. There is an other accident pheenple , the» which is toyned with an other fickenes, as a pheenple with a ſickenes, oʒ with a pluryce, and luche other Iphe fickneffes, The caule ofthis ſycknes. ¶ Foꝛ the phꝛenyſe the cauſe is He wed, hon be it lone holdeth opinton that a phꝛenyle doch come of a bplous humour oppꝛeſlyngethe bꝛapne, and fome lay it is gu inllacion of che bꝛapne, the Which doch perturbate me teafon ⁊ doth make a man out of reaſon. The accident — —— —u— phzenple doch come. ii. wayes, the one is thoꝛow a hoe kume alcendynge krom the ſtomake to the bꝛayne. Che other is choꝛowe collygacion ok the nerues 02 ſine weg which che bꝛayne bath with the mydꝛyfle. ; A remedp. ; F pꝛtt let the patient bloude of a beyne named Cepbalica, then Waue the head aud anoynt it with the ople of Roles, o els wache the bead with Role water and Bineger. and ik the pacient can nt llepe bie doꝛmytaries, and ke pe bpm as it is Cpecitien in thy ys pitre named cgania. ¶ Foꝛ Pharmacia loke in the Chapite named wei a —s > -_——S = 2 = .. 2 ͤ . . ee 8 FCC SS SS of health; Fol. lxxxxiii, pi The. 279, Chapitre dothe ſhewe of white f coꝛnes vpon the epe. | PHlitanai is the greke wozde. The barbatous wozde gornes, is named veſice. In latin it is named puſtule. In en glpche it is named puches oꝛ whyte coznes vpon the eye and lome lay it is a whele oꝛa lytle bladder in any plate ok the body. i The caule of this impedimente. E Chis impediment doch come ok colerpke humours, boylyng vnder the (ayn penytractyng che Aedhe a lytle kit be as ſome do ſay it is a bladder, than it doch come ) ofa wateryſhe humydytie, and then this impedimente mapcome as weil chozowe ſkaldyng as by labout oꝛ ar hp other wape, ſome doth name this impediment Macu la in oculo. i Aremedp, * Fyꝛſt purge coler as it doth appere in the Chapitre named Co⸗ tera, and than ble Colirions, oꝛ cls ble the water ot Plantein with Tutty loted, ad euer ble colde thynges to the eyes, and beware of bote o2 warme thynges to be put into the eye oꝛ eyes. baſtinaco is the latin woꝛde. It is taken foʒ a ſicke⸗ hes as well as fora perſneppe. eo; Pili loke in the Chapitre named Capillus. i Che. 280. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of the if fatnes of a man, i DInguedo is the latin woꝛde In greke it is named pu⸗ & neli, In Englyſhe it is named facnes 02 kogeynes oꝛ ii {uch lyke. The caule of this impedimente. ¶ This impediment doch come of greate eaſe ⁊ groſſe d oklaucpouſe kedyng, it may come allo by nature. if C Aremedy. if > Whe be remedy that J do knowe is to ble purgactons, and with mete and pot ages of ſewes is to cate muche Peper, and Ble tlectuarp of Lachar and ble gargarices and ſternutacions, as it Is ſpecitied in the Chapitre named Op inet. i MN. b. Foz Fatnes. SRI ²˙ A TP é © . * 6 5 5 90 6 é 3 { LO DS SS Ot SS Se — + Ne ee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee : Verde. The Breuiae x, i KF F02 pitatialis lobe in the Chapitre named porrigo, ¶ The. 281. F hapitre doth ſchewe ol matter in the coner of the eye. ö pretis 02 Onix be the greke wozdes. In latin it is d med pus in cronea, The barbarons Wo2des be name Sanies incronea, In Englyſhe it is matter in the eye. ¶ Sie caule ot this impdiniente. Y Chis impediment doch come ol vilcus reume other tobple myxt with a lalt humour, and it map come of eo ruption of reume. Aremedp. WG Fit purge reume and the head and the Romake with pple > of Cochee, and beware or eatyng of bilcus meates the whiche wy adhere oꝛ cleue to the fpngers, beware of lmoke, and diuers tpm itt the daye clenfe the e yes with colde water dyppyng a kyne in nen clothe in the water and dꝛoppe it to the eyes. The. 2 82. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of inuoluntare ſtandynge of a mannes Ferd. 2 * | 1 F is the greke woꝛde. In latinit is named Erectio inuoluntatia vitge. In nglyſhe it is named an inudluntarp ſtandyng ofa mans perd. 1 The cauſe of this mpediment. e This impediment doth tome thozo w calditte ad inflactens from the raynes of the backe, oz els it do tome of inũlacions ot the vaynes in the perde and ſtoneß it may come by che blage of venerions actes. CC Aremedy. be Fpiſi anoynt the verde and codes with the ople of Mumeper, and the oyle Camphoꝛie ts good, Anu ſo is Agnus cauus bꝛayed and made in a plapſter and lar de bpon the ſtones, and let patſtes bic faſtyng, watchynge, cupll kare, harde lodgynge, and geen ſtudp, and fle from al maner of occations ot Lecherp, and leb then {inci to Aue, Uineger and Camphire. Che. 28. chapitre dothe ſhewe of ſpetyng ok bloud, PHehitis isthe grebe woꝛde. In latin it is named Te bes, InEnglyche it in named an bicerma n a — — 8 7 =. a = SSS SO 8 SS OS SO Oe ee eS S =] eS SSS SS of health, Fol. Ixxxsitti, N lunges, and lome lap it is ij ſpptepng of bloud, and lome doch naine it Rmoptoica paſſio, fo2 this mattet looke in the chapitre named Emope oica paſſio, and vſe the mede⸗ tines that there is ſpecitied, and de ware of Grapnpnge | opiptepnge, 02 great coughpng, The 1284 Chapitre doth thetwcof a mannes Spetyl. 13 is che latin woꝛde. In greke it is named phleg Spetyl. ma. In Englyche it is named a mans ſpetyll. ; The cauſe of this matter, This matter doth come of the humiditie oꝛ mothers bloude, and ſpecially of fleume, and ocher Lobple of . vue abuanD pag tn the N75 dilcendyng by the buls. Aremedp. I It the ſpetyl be fuperfluous without bifcutnes clenſe the head and tomate with pylles of Cochee. It it be biſcus purge the head and ſtomake with ppllults alfo ot Cochee. Foꝛ this matter loke in 0 Hputum in the Extrauagantes in the ende of this boke. ih be. 285. Chapitre dothe chewe of the Plurely, pe is che greke woꝛde. And lome do name it Ar sslurety 5 nat ia. In latin it is named Lateralis dolor. The bats 0 batdus wozde is named pluricis. In Englyſhe it is na⸗ 1 med a plurice che which is an impoſtume in the tenerite Of the bones, but there be. ii. kyndes, the one is in ward ' and the ot her is in the gryſtels of the bones, and the os ther is in lacertes in the bꝛeſt, and Jlaac lapth that it 105 au hore impoſtume that is ingendꝛed in the myd⸗ pe named Diatragma, and commonly a fener is con: kurtant With chis ſickenes. ¶ Toe tauſe of thts infirmitic, 60 25 This intyʒmitie doch come of a fumyſhe bloudand ok an haſty harte che which dothperturbate eycher the Aes op elsoé che hart and ſtomatze wich the bꝛelt ie Rar! map Cc SRLS I — a © & YW 6 9 0 8 rr ——— 8 2 e } ee . + NOOR Se NR RRR RRR RII RCT .. A 2 ĩ˙² SO SS ̃ꝗꝰòꝗ ↄ 6S 6 6 SS ee Se eee ie The Bieui mt mape alſo come of greate heate 02 extreme coldebp the noꝛth wyndes, and it may come by Ozonbeuneg, >| . 5 A remedy. i Oe tyafte pf the part be conſtupated take calp purgacions , ag) Tan kiſtula, o: els bie ſupoliters oz clyſters, & haue knoten olde auncient doctours in this matter ble Phlebothome, the wih che J dyd neuer ble in this matter, conliderynge the periculilnes of it, In this matter a Ptiſane is good oꝛ cis the waters of Maz lowes, Giolettes, Bugloſe, 02 Bozage with ſuger Candy, c bie clene and a good dpet, as wel in meates as in bꝛea des and dyntes as a lyght bꝛeade, beynge. xriii. houres olde is laudable, tale dzynze and meates lygytokdigeſtion J do pꝛaple. xtc. And for pig ritis Joke in the Chapitre Pulmonta in the Extrauagantes in the ande ok this bote. an 2 Plura ig thyn pannycle the whiche doth couer the rybbes in the which dyuers tymes is engendzed an i poſtume named Pluritis, ne C The. 286. Chapitre dothe chewe of a klechy a matter in a mannes nofe. Pelrus is the lat in woꝛde. And lome doth name it x creneia catnis in naſo. In englyſhe it is named a fet ſhye humour growynge inthe nofe, And there be tus kyndes, the one is a bytyl note, which is as byggessg mans fyſt, and the other is a llelſhy humour oz an im ſtumacion growyng wirhin the nolethzylles. ¶ The caufe of thełe impediments. 1 2m Thele impedimentes doth come of groſſe humonkz the which be pifens deſcendyng but and from the he to the nole oꝛ noſethzylles, it map allo come ofa mei coly humour, oꝛ els it mapcome ot huttyng the no ¶ A remedy. f i Tanke the pounder of Dꝛagagant with e — oe 2 . 5 So a tent and introduce it into the nole oꝛ nolethzplies . D7 eis te the iupce ot blacke Juy and with a lytle cotton make a tent ad introduce it oz put it into the nolethꝛyllcs. 7 Fog piritaſta, loke in the Chapitre named Combuſie C dee e ol te out in the fete the kete. Povestt | . 3 S 2 = & = 2 So 2 2 2 > BO Oe Se Se NE ES SO SE SE ‘of healehs * Fol. fxxxxy, 49 Pocher is the grebe wogde. In Englyſhe tr is named — in the fete. The gout rer The cauſe of this infiemite. ‘EChis énéicmtete Doth come of cuplt doce lottynge oz Faändynge longe at dye, cardes, oz longe ſtudpenge 92 uch lyke thinges takyng extreme coldnes in che fete, it ‘map tome of late dꝛynkyng, oꝛ it may come by nature, oz tislonge ſtandyng oz 2 ge at wꝛyting oꝛ ſtudieng A remedp. vin rekoꝛme euyll dyet and ſurtetyng, and than ble duphes ybothewete and dꝛye, and bew are of dꝛynkpnge of wyne and bie to Menze Yozomell, aud make plapſters of Treacle o: Mitridatum, pels take ot the iuyce of Letyce and womans mplae halke an ne, compounde it with. iii.egges, and warme lap it to the place i dayes. Oz els take of the cromes of white bꝛead a pounde and noze, ot Cowes myl e a pynte, of the oyle of Roſes.iii.vnces, of he polkes of egges.tti.of Saſtron the weyght of. ii. d. ma ac of this y bape plapſtec and ple it, and this is good fo; Chiragra. e €The.2es,Lyapttre doth mete of Polucions, i N Olueio is the latin woꝛde. Fugreke it is named tho Polulton ra, In Engi yſhe il is named a polucion oꝛ a decepe⸗ . 5 nature from man andthere be thze kyndes, the « nuoluntary,che othet is leping, and it may be as inuo⸗ untary as voluntarp, and the other is voluntary. . t Cbe caule ot this matter. Ait be voluntarychey that ſo nothoffend in bogaty ud they that fo dach bechole che whiche ſaynte Baule ſoth cat tbem molles which can not inherite che kynge⸗ dme ok heuen, and lo do J fay, without repentance & mendment. Ehe other is in voluntary, which is to ſaye 10 when nature doth depart agaynſt a mans wyl, the Bich doch come to a man thoꝛo we imbecyllytie and betzenes of the body. Che other doch come ſleping, and bat maybe as well e ag inuoluntarp, boz it 5 doth — J N gt — 4 ‘ “x 2 3 — . — ͤä— 2 ——— . reer 2 7 ̃²˙ TIE TARO tn 4 2 — f P ec R Ne TROTTER OTTO ORR Ssurfe, The Bieulaty 905 Doth come ofa koule luxurtous dꝛenme, and ik aup dee tation, Wyll, conlent, oz occaſion had before the u and in the wakyng to elite in ehe maͤteer it is dediy tin, and 10 le is tit do come bydzontzennes then it is voin taty, And ik it do come contcarply withduranp occhi op delectscton it is no ſpune fez it dorh tome or fap pundante Of nature 02 elsthozowe debpllete, f LNA reinedy, =~ & Nid e ¶ Foꝛ the kyꝛſt is no remedy but oncly repentaunce. Fo: theo the whiche be muoluntary it it do come bp lurtetynge ordne f nelle it is a deadly lynne, and ſo it is t any voluntary p tion dothe come oz is had wefoze the dꝛeme o: polucton, thep the whiche beinfedes witiythis pallton moſt comonty they be pong perlons the whiche be vnmarted, and pꝛeſtes that do ſpue therkoꝛe toꝛ ſuch matter let them pa and faſt and lye N ble no delicate meates and dꝛynkes, the whiche is a great cation to this foule impedinent. Ytherkoze do adnertiſe a i that be ot ſtrength to ble hlebothomp, i this matter doro imbecillitie oꝛ great wenenes after a kytknes, dylmape nat the | matter but ble godd relloratiue meates and dzyntzes within zs oꝛder without lürketyng gn =a ¶ The 290. Chapitre do ſhewe of a lytle N iat! kur fe in the head sj tos 1 Ertigo o Porre d F urfures , lome latempſde doch thele termes. Phe gretlans doth vle this wond i med Pitatiaſis. In Englyſpe ic be lmall ſcabbes byggz then che ſcales of Dandauffe „ſpriowrpnge ein th iy) tudes and not in longttudes lytze che head of aleße € Hye caute ekthis imptdimen t. This impedunent doch come ok a great mopflute i the hed and of teume oz eis ola dy melancelp hund 8 Ca remedy. „ ee ee 4 Take Garlpke and ſtampe it with faite and anopnt the pin tymes, oz eis take of Literge, ak Auripigmet, ot eche an bate fpne pouder of it and myxe it withbineger aud wache chef tymes. tod (00 Tae 2 Foz Precipitacio matricis loke in the Ae tes lu the ende ol this bo be. i of healefs; best] Fol, ixxxxvi, ' Cor Pettis love n the Chapitte named gis fegen (Antoni, ( ** Tbe. 2 74. Ebäpitte both eine of beben dur 05 of cozeupcton in lome perticuler place bs sa ot 4 1 hated body. Ruritus is che ene is a 92 Sprow⸗ Kein OP burſtyng our e the ſetidee Places ok manne tyng. Woman, and lome doch litte it eh, ko the paciene ttache and cla wwe. be tauce ot this imped imeut © | 5 impediment doth come ot greate humpdycie i" 0 lülttiat patted ok the body pet fall en che ‘opi ibe ate nares els in the kounde ment oꝛ co the partes wadigrent to che layde placeg. A remedp. 1 Tit ot rend Hage an handtulf, bople it in freche Butter and ieh Cotton make a tent oꝛ a fupoliter, Oꝛeis take of Batowes Fete i. bnces, of Mercury moztitied with kallyng Cpetp! an vn⸗ ke and a halke, of Gagetraciy gesunde an Bandkfufl companne al this togyther a then auopnt the nlace, Oꝛ fo2 this mater oꝛdeyne 900d payje of naples and rent. the cnyn and teare the kleſhe auß sont warer and bloude. “4 The. 291. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ot : bledynge at the Role. N DRoflanio fangninis ‘enaribus be the lacin worde blarng. * In Englpche it is named bledong at the noſe. i @ whe taufe of this impediment. istiipediment doth come many wapes, it mapcome 4 A ſtrype oꝛ by a fal, oꝛ by extreme labour and heat, oz eat lyckenes, 02 by ſome ſtrayne, oz by bꝛeabpnge 5 33 to much, pectaliy pue, ages s temedy. G0 teurptt the * — wylche doth tlowe out ot a mannes Make, ſettt hym kniell to an hogges tonde and lape the tones and Mis in Gmeger . Ik it be a woman lette her lape her bꝛeſtes in vineger + Seated 6 6 * = 0 5 . . 8 N A OI . * oy te fl. PIII. (SRG RRR . HLS SS SS 8 oe SS be SS SS SS OS 6S O'S 8S SS SS, The Breniary. 1 Nineger · Oz els exhauſte an bnce oꝛ moze oute ot a derne nung 6 10 14 Cephalica. C The. 202. Lhapitre doth chewe of Atchynge. f latin wozd. In Englyſche tt is named ben Pas the 2d. J glyſhe it is named itching of amans body, (apn, 02 fete, „„The cauſc ot this unpedimente. ¶ This impediment Doth come of cozrupcion of eue bloud the which wolde be out ok the lleſhe, it may ad come of lleume inyxt with roꝛrupt bloud che which da puttiſie the fleſhe and lo conſequently the fen, 8 s dA A remedy» iD This J do aducttifc cucep man fo: this matter to odernen Prepare a good papꝛe of naples, to crathe and clawe and to nt | teare the kkynne andthe kleche that rhe toꝛtupt bloud ape ane out of the tlewe, and ble than purgacions and auphes g weng and beware reuerberate not the caule inwarde with no opntment, g noꝛ clawe nat the lkyn with lychre kyngers, but wache the has des to bed warde. iy 4 1 Tbe. 29) Chapitee both wewe ot Scabbes. | Sora is che gretze Woꝛde. In lat in it is named Seal | Seabbes "vies. In Englyche it is named lcabbes whieh e infectious ſickenes, foz one man may infect an other bp” lyenge togyther iu a bedde, aud chere be two B png, the dzy ſcabbes and the wete ſcabbes, oz moyſt {cabbes | Th cauſe of this impediment⸗ a If the ſcabbes be dye it doch come of coler ad uſted, yk they be moyſt it doth come of the cozrupttone bloude. CA remedy 12 ¶ Take ot the Churfeo€ pron the which doth Renee hes vandkple . iu. Dandfull, make (mal pouder of it; and put to ln tes of the pouder of bꝛymſtone, conkect oz tompounde this tog: tir with onp and ople Olyue, and anoynt the body, Dy els ti of the rotes of Burres. v. baces, of the rotes of Enula campen bil. dices, bꝛoſe oz Rampe this together and put to it i 100 * = “Su es ~~ S = oS SS SO 8 OO. he SS ee oS SS SSS of health; Fol, Ixxxxvfi. the pouder of Szpmétone; of S ercury moꝛtitied.iu.vnces confect this togyther with Bozes grece the lůyn pulled out and componde , allthis togpde r and anopnt the body. For the dꝛyelcabbes, take of HSozel, ot Oꝛganum, ok eche. tit. handtull, dampeit and put to it the ople ot Menbane and vmeger and anoynt the bodp. 6 The. 2 94. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of one ot the kyndes of Conlumptions. i . ts the greke woꝛde, In latin it is named Cons & fumpcio, In Engiyche it is named a conlumption oz Vatoattpnge, and there be two kyndes, che one is natu⸗ kal, and che other is vnnaturall. The nacurail cou tun p 0 tion reſteth in aged perſons in whom bloud and nature doch decrece, and lo conlequentlye webenes foloweth, is Mherfoge in old tyme olde men were named waſted men 1 confumed byage. In vnnatural conſumption eyther it is wich feuer oz without a feuer, yt it be wich a feuer there is an ot her ſyckenes runnyng in the body with it asthe feuer hect ycke, oꝛ lome other longe fickenes the which dot hconlume the naturall mo yſture in man, De 11 it doth come by ſome ocher feuer o2 ſyckenes, the Which doch extenuate oꝛ matze thyn the bloud ok man, lo te conclude, a confumption conſumeth a man away out aok this woꝛlde. And lome doth fap that this impedimẽt doth come of an vlterous matter in the longes. N The caule of this intirmite is chewed. 0 603 f A remedy * i ode men hauynge thts infirmite cheryſhe them with reſtoꝛa⸗ tine meates and dꝛyntzes, and let them beware of anger and haſli⸗ delle. Other medecines J do nat knowe fo2 a natural confumpcton Foz an vnnatural conſumpcion ble to cate mylke with luger and 10 Depnbe no wyne except it be Jpocras, and bie nutritiue and reſto⸗ i Latiue meates, and moꝛnyng and euenynge ble Diailopus, o: Di⸗ J its o2Diacalamint, oz fucbelpke, and Loclanum is goad fo; all Wende woieh hath tis inticmite, and lo is a htü ane, 0 WTbe. 29 f. Chapitte dotbe chewe ot the 1 webbe in a mannes eye. N. i, f Pteri⸗ 9 conlipti Ou, 0 6 5 6 . ian — . n R DS Sy St Se SS > — E ne SISOS PERRO ‘> ©. % 2 SS ht Se f= gi 1 N 3 “ec male 2 2 2 & . 6 2 6 ̃ 2 2 & 6 ¶˙ 6 «. a a an ee Beute. The Breuiaty i Terigion tsthe greke worde. In Arabp it in named Sebel, In latin it is named Vnguis. The barbarous woꝛde is named Vnguta. In Englyche ic is named ei webbe in the eye, which is a netuous matter bed vp⸗ pon the epe, and doth couer che puppl ot the eye. ¶ The cauſe of this impediment. @, This impediment doch come and is ingend ed org reumatycke and a vilcus humour congealed togicher, f Aremedy. An this matter there is. ii: wapes to make one whole. The tee is by wyndynge oꝛ cuttyng awape the webbe with an inttrum, And the other is by a water to cozrode € ta eate awap the webbe, it mape be remedied by the iupce or Hozehounde, Oculus Chiti, and Dialerps iniectes tuto the eve, but ZF take only the iupte oF Hoꝛchonde e the iuyce ot᷑ Lyceꝛyce iniected in the eye is bery good. * The. 296. Chapttredoth ſbewe of a mannes Pulſes Vite is the latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is named? mang pul leg, and they be named pulſes becaule they | de euer knoct yng and labozyng. Foz this mater lonenm the Extrauagantes and in the Chapitre named Aten and in che Chapitre named ve ne. Me | * The. 297. Chapitre doth thetwe of fapzenes oz bewty, * Vicritndo is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is mand Pues Idos, In Englyche it is named beauty, favꝛenes, oꝛ pulcritudenes the whiche is a decepuadle grace, fo2 they the which be beweikul halbe moze inſ gated ta pꝛyde and biciou ines then other ſhalbe not ha uynge this grate, wherkoze let luchperlons tand iure feate of god, and lurrender thantzes to hym, leaſte chat he do turne beautye and kapzenes into gecace deko tic, as J haue bnawen many (uch perteus che Whühe hath ben fo lerued. Bu PS ae ee A. =. 2 = & . . 8 S Se ee SS eS SD of health. Fol, Ixxxxvſii, { A temedy to kepe a mannes face, handes and ſhyn , infoftnes and tapzenes, ’ @ Take of the rootes of Lpilics, ot the rotes of Serpentozp , of t Ryle of Aundp, ot Lpruce waſhed, ot white Sope, ok eche. ti. 1 baces,put all this togyther in a newe earthen pot and put the pot into an Duet and let it Lande vnto the tyme it be redp to mate pvouder of it, than take Pꝛagagant, Gummc arabpcke of eche an nee, intuſe it into the water of the flowers of Penes, than take and mere al this togyther with the water of Lymons, and tage moze ot the water of Benes then of theLpmons e then let fande " grittt,houres, &repne it, and than to bedwarde waſphe the face and handes, and let it dꝛye vr, and in the moznpng with warme wa⸗ i ter wache the handes D2 els take Lymons and cut them in peces⸗ and keth them in white wyne and wathe the face and handes, and this mutt be done diuers tymes, loke in the Chap. named Facies. f @ The. 298. Chapitre doth che we of a mannes lunges, 1 bee is the latin woꝛde. In gteke it is named Pneu mon, In Englyche it is named a mannes lunges, whiche be hote and moiſt, and in the lunges may be ma it np intirmities as ſpyttynge of bloud, vlceracion and fil thy maeter and luch lyke. Allo it may haue. itit. maner ol lieb enelles, as Asthma, Piſma. Sãſugium, and Cceomia s ie doth appere in theyꝛ Chapittes in this boke, and in che Extrauagantes. es The caule of this impedimente. ¶ This impediment doth come of great colde and eupll Det, and lurfetynge, it may come by great labour, pt⸗ tynge oꝛ ſtraynyng. l 8 A remedy. * *& Ptifane is good kfoꝛ the Lunges, and ſo is the blage of Lyco⸗ tite, Oz els take of Spnamon, Galbanum, Caſtorp. iii. dꝛames, of 0 Stozar, Calampne, of Lypcozices of Dꝛagagant, ot eche a dꝛame, i) OE Opium, of cackron, of eche. v. dꝛames , confecte this togythet With Yozomel, and make pylles of this and ble them, and eate no Buttes noꝛ Chele, noꝛ Aples and ſuche lyke. it > The.2 99, Lhapitre dothe ſhewe of Flees, i PViicis is che latin woꝛde. In greke it is named Pryls & le, In Englyſhe it is named flees, the whiche dory te and ſtynge men in theyꝛ beddes. N. li. The * 4 a * 8 I aryvrioe The lun= ges. Flees > 4 fi, 7 5 O 6 0 . DDr — > an PPA AO A n n mec ‘SS, = SSS > So So = eso ef eS Sh Sb SS SS 2 8 C6 C'S S'S 8S So, SS. . K ee ee eee ee eee oe ee ee ee Se ee ee ee ee ee 8 Puſhes . Thie Breuiaty The cauſe of them, 2 z The caule ot the ingendꝛyng ot llees cometh may wayes, they be ingendzed of a coꝛrupte duſte and ih {weat of dogges doch ingender them , and lo doch he clene kepyng of houles and chambers, and beddes . Aremedp. fyꝛſt kepe the chambers € boule clene, and Ble no olde Rycheg noꝛ Bentes in the houle, lwepe the houle and chambers oft and make the beddes betyme in the moꝛnynge, and lap a blanket on the grounde in boule oz chamber, and al the slices woll lepe into the blan zet that is bpon the grounde and fo mape pou take them ſtrawe the chamber with Walnutte leues, and ik thon anoynt thy body with bitter almdõs, oꝛ with the oyle of wom | 2 Foz Pulmonia, loke in the Extrauagantes in the end of this boke. 5 ¶ The. oo. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a certeyn kynde ot wheles in the face oꝛ mouth and other places dyſfe⸗ rynge from a kynde of wheales named in greke Phlitanai. Piat is the latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is named wheales oz puſhes, and thele chat J do {peake of moſt commonly be in the face and mouth. and che arab es Doth name it Saphati which is a pꝛeupe lygne of pꝛoulnes. The caule of this impediment, J ¶ Ths impediment doch come eyther ok cozrüptiaß ol bloud, and then they be reed, oz els it doth tome or bundance ok fleume and then they be whyre, 02 else doth come of coler, then they be dꝛye and harde. Ander they be blacke it doch come ok melancolp, and chey 00 lignilye death, foꝛ melancol y humours doch bꝛynge death. N 4 Ca remedy. Fp ili loke what humour doth make the caule of the impedl ment and purge it. And it nede be exhauſte out of a bepne namenꝛ.iii.vnces of bloud oꝛ moze as the age and ſtreugtg wyll permpt it, and to kyll oꝛto heale extexially al ſuche e atid ‘ ‘ . 3 7 = = = & 2 ß ᷣͤ ee oo eS SSS of health, fol. ixxxxix, QD the matter purged interialip, taheot Ceruſe, ot Literge,oferther | ofthe. tun, dzames, of Burnt lead. ii. dame s, of the oyle of Roles, and Pyghtivade, of eyther of them. ui. dꝛame s, incoꝛpozate al this togpther and anopnt the place, and it nede be compounde of moz⸗ tied Mercury with it anbuce. e ereenderh the letter ot , And here a after fold wech the letter of Q. " > Whe. zor. Chapitre dothe Mewe of a lickneg 10 : named the Squypncev. 8 aS Vinancia 02 Squinancia be the Barbaroug Squincy. woꝛdes. The latin wozd is named Angina Tye grekes doth name it Sinanchi, In eng il vyche it is named the ſquintey. Foz this ma — der lotze in the Chapitte named Angina, Thus endech the letter of Q. And here 1 Ng co tolo weth che letter ol K. * rr bt. 0: chapitre both che we ol an appo⸗ or ſtumacion onder the tonge. = ' * Anula ig the latin worde. In Englyche Tonge, iw | BW (Ctsnanted an impoſtume badert he tonge 9 he cauſe of this inkirmite. ne Chis intirmiie doch come of to much Ihumtdicte llowynge to the place there where che impoſtume is. ag 2 böten A reme dy, tet Hi GHpe pur ge the matter with pylles ok Lochee and bie a gar Karies, and ik nede be erhalte. it. 7. itt. vnces OF blond? out of g it ne bnder the tonge, oz els out of a beyne named Cephalica. ly KF Whe. 30 3. Chapitre doth thewe of chappe s e 2 lo ena @mannes foundement. Agades is the greke W020, Ragadie is the barbar Fonnde⸗ i PN LONS WordelZindacinds tanamed Fiſfure o Rinies ment. In ngiyche ic is named Chappes in a mang foundes ment and in the ſecrete place of & woman. we HN. iui The — SS b&b Oo & 2 6S 6 BS SS r .. * es 6 © 8 0 0 Dn 9 mae — So Se tho ao 9 5 a So SS Oe SOS bs SS SS SO OS 6 SS 6 aS a eee IN S . eee 5 1 Pernics . The Breufarx The taule of this impedim enk: ¶ This impediment doch come ol ariditie Of OF A dert tolerycke humour. „ CA reme dp. 4 eee 1 Wake of Roſeleues tit. handtull teth it in white ug and wache the plate orte Oꝛ eis anoynt the plare with the bele of Almons, oꝛ with the katnes of an Ele. KG Whe. 304, Chapitre dothe chewe of certein kyndes of Herpes» Ra is che latin woꝛde. In greke it is named zyt In Engly he it is named herntes oz wellen it the cod. Hernia is acomon name to thee dileaſes, whith be to {ap Entetoce la, Epiplocela, and Hidrocela, Fyre Enterocela is when the guttes do fall out of the beim to che cadde where che ſtones lye. Epiptocela 1 when the guttes doth kall into che cod, with the oment oz Si phac which ts a pellicle the whiche doch campalle and doch bere vp the guttes. which hath a confluence to the Ramices doth ſomwhat dyffer from Rame x, foꝶ it hath allo thꝛe lundꝛy kyndes. the which be co {aye Patocela, Sarcocela, Sirſocela. ParocelatS when che mattet 18 harded in the cod oꝛ about the ſtones. Sarcocelals Worn there doch growe a fle(he in the codozabour the ſtones, Cirſocela ig when the veynes in the todde doch wel in flatyng the ſtone. Allo chere is an other kynde named Bubocela which is when the bowels do fall no key then the tare. Foz this matter, and fo2 a temedy look in the Chapicres named Hernia and Ruptura, The. zor, Chapttre dothe che we ol hoztnes of a man. Dale 1 80 Run latin woꝛde . In greeke it is nanied Hope. branches, JuEngipe ir is named hoplues obe Hidrocela is an. humdure the ſtones as Cellus ſapth, - — 2 of heal? Fol. C. N The caule of this impedimente. N Chis impediment doth come cyther ok a great heate dd a lodeyne colde tab en pon che heate, oz els it mar tome by lewzynge, halowynge, oꝛ great crpeng, it may come of late diyntz ynge and late lyctynge vp, it mape tome ol inkection ot the inwarde partes, and then it is a {ygue of lepzouſnes. Aremedp. nga Walcot the water ok Scabious, of the water of Fenell, of the water dt Lycoꝛyce, of the water of Bugloſe, of eche ot them a pir, gt fuget Candy a pounde ſeth this togyther, and mozupug and chenpuge dꝛynke. ix. ſpontull. 210617 : The. 306. cbapitre both thee ot the Pole oꝛ ſnyke. Ty vpiatsthctacin wozde. In Englyſpe it is name the pole. : The caule of this impedimente. r This im pediment doth tome of luperabundance of d Polt. mume, taken ot colde oz of g lurket. ( Aremedy fyitt purge the he ad and ſtomake with pyltes of Coche ann ble gargarices and ſternutacions. And foz this matter loke in the Thapitre named Coziza. The. 30 7. Chapitre dothe che we of the rapnes ok a mannes backe. Maypnes, > Enes ig the latin woꝛde. In gteke it is named Ne⸗ TA phroi, In englyche it is named the raynes of the backe the which map haue many impedimentes, as in⸗ Hactons, the ſtone, ache, and ſuch lpke. Foz this matter oke in the Chapicres ofehele infirmit ies and in the Exs trauagantes in the ende of this boze. The. os. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of reume in a mannes bead. na. In Engliche it is named reume che which doch Ingender many infirmities deltending from the Head co q : N, uu. ths Rum is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named Reu Reume, 1 „ . AR rr rr r * 0 0 6 0 6 A RRA —— cou SS 2 eh & IN NNR RRR TR RC, Croking Kupture. Fw A A A 0 ccc The Breulaty the infertal partes. Cbe caule ot Reume. ¶ Meume is ingendzed inthe head whlch is a bittug humour, andit is ingendzed of takynge of colde in ae fete and in the head and necke and it max tome thozo dꝛynkyng of wyne and Grongeale, and it mape tam tho owe lurketyng and late lyttyng vp. 9010 ¶ A remedy . 4 «3~ wheblageof Anacardine and ſternutacions and gavgari is very good, and purge the head with Yerapigra, and ble labour, 07 walkpnge, and tmell to tuis bal. Täke of Stazar, Calama of Amber de grece, of eche a dꝛame, of Gloves, of agi i, dꝛa⸗ mes, of Mulke.iii.grapnes, ot Lapdanum abiame, contecte this togyther. ec. 2 Foz Rouſgy nechios looke inthe Chapitre namd Menſttrua. ig ¶ The. o. Chapitre dothe chewe ot rrcnpng in amannes belp, tots Vgitus ventris be the latin woꝛdes. In enti it is named crokpng oz clockpug in Onna bel giete it is named Brichithmos. The cauſe of this impedimen. This impediment doth come of coldenes in the gut tes, oꝛ longe falpng,o2 eatyng ok fruttes and wpadp meates, and it may come of euyl dyet in youth. Aremedp. fyꝛſte beware ot colde anz Jonge kaſtynge and beware OF catpnge of frutes, potages, and ſewes, and beware that the belt be not conſtupated oz coſtiue and bledꝛagges to bꝛeake wynde «a> Foz Rupia lobe befozeand atter the bene nag med Rancedo, ¶ Foꝛ Reduuie Joke in the Extrauagantes, The. zr, Chapttre dothe wewe of a Ruptur, Vptura is che latin wozde. In greetze it ls naue Epigozontaymetion, In Englpche it is named rupture 5 of healehpe ix E wipennéjand that is when the Siphac which ts a pelix⸗ tie oꝛ is vn che which doch compaſle avout the guttes, ig relaxed oꝛ bꝛoken, then the guttes boch fall into the todde. And there be thꝛe kyndes ol ruptures, the fyꝛſt is zübale, che leconde is inteſtinall and the thyꝛdis nu⸗ fetal, fo: he doch take his oztgmat of boch che other. ö The cauſe of a rupture. Atupture doth come ofcrpeng, oz els ok a gteat lpft, o oka great fall oz bzoſe, o lepyng vneſely bppon an hogle, oꝛ clymyng duera hyghe hedge oz ſtyle, oꝛ by a Neat Trapne oz pociferacion, ue ¶ & remedy: 6 fptte make a truſſe to kepe in the guttes that they do nat falt out ot the bely. and than take the rotes of Bnewholme. itt. vn⸗ kes, ot Polppody. ii. bnces, of auynce an handfull and a halfe, ot Centinody, of Mouſere, ofeche ot them. ii. handkull, ſtampe all this togyther in a moꝛter, and than inkuce into it a quart of fale Ale, and let it ſtande.iiit.oꝛ. v. houres, then ſtreyne and dꝛynke of it moznyng and euenpnge.ix.ſpontul, continue this. ri dapes o2 moe. Ik a rupture do continue. iii.peres in a man he can nat be made whole without inci tion 02 cuttyng, koꝛ the bely at that lyde hat the rupture is in muſt be cut and the call oꝛ pclicle that the gurtes doch lye in mul be cut awape that dothe hange out, and lo muſt one of the tones, it the ſtone be putritted and than muſt the ' Sipbac be bounde and knyt oꝛ lewed vp agayne aud than fered, ¢ ſo than made woole with lalues, this mud be done ol Come expert Chirurgion with the counfell of Come Philicion, the whiche bath dothe lpetulacion and pꝛactiſe. SEs ( © Foz Redimie loke in the Extrauagantes in the ende of thts boze, é' q, Chusendech che letter ol N. And here ö koloweth the letter ol S. The. zii. Chapitre dothe chewe of a Sau⸗ cetleume face. ig a token oꝛ a pꝛeuy ſygne oflepꝛoulues. A Thye cauſe ot this infirmite. This ol. C. i. N Alſum fle gma be the latin woꝛdes. In Eng⸗ Sauce iyche it is named a lauſe lleume face, whiche kleume. 2S. SS SS ä 2 n Be 2 ~~ > 4 LSPS I IIE — 0 6 © x n n 1 PENRO ORR * f ** 9 ms eee : i 1 * . . e | 0 N ö 8 1 CS SS > SS oo Oe = & eS © fj eS Sb Sb SS SS 2 6b 6 60'S 6 & S SS, SS, K — 5 The Breulaysee: z This infitmytie doch come eyther of the chlpypag oꝛ heate of the lyuer, oz eis ot the malice of che ſto man it doch moſt comonlycome of eupil dyet, and late den kpuge; and great ſurfet ynge. ue eae A remenp,. i) alae @ Gabe of Bozes grece the fay and ſtraynes clene pycheden an vntesot Sage kynely damped an handkull, of Py ercurp mol fled with kaſtyng (perpt an Dace, incoꝛpozate al this togyther am anoynt the face to bedward. In the moꝛnyng wype the face wg bꝛowne paper that is ſotte, and wache nat rhe face in. vi. % u daycs, and kepe the pacient clole aut ofthe wynde eo Sabara loke in the Chapitte named estes, C Foz Saphatiloke in che Chapirre named Pane Foz saharalotze in the Chapitre named Suben, ¶ Foz saliua lotze in the Chapitre named pirus , Ke Foz satcocela tone in the Chaptere named Ra and Ramicis. ü 39 6 %% he. rz. Chapitre doth chewe ol a mannes bloud pit 1 | Hag Sea is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named He ma, In Englyſche it is named bloud the which p2incipall humour in manne, foz the lpke oz ſpirites | man conlyſtech in the blond. ba: The caule of blonde. een es Bloud is ingendꝛed of flleume, and fleume is ingen dzed of good meates and dꝛynkes. A remedp foz bicude putriited o2 cozrupted. 0 > Fp2t ble hupbhes and bathes and gentle purgacions, fe alfa meates of Ipght digeſtion, and be Wate of grolle meates and cull dꝛynkes and ot furferpng and ok to much repletion, and of den rwus actes, ſpecially at᷑ter a full Qomake, 2% Foz Saluatella n beyne, locke in che Chapitte ot ve ypnes named Mediana. g For Sarcites loge in the Chapitte named Ipofarca ¶ sarcoides is named in Engiyſhe a pooze, Fog we matter loke in the Extrauagantes, The tial . —— SOS Se SEES of ealtbhxß Fol. C. i. @ The. ir. Tbapitre dothe ſhewe ot the erection c Rampage’ a mannes perde. VAtitiatis is the greeke woꝛde. In latin it is named Yerde Deſide rium erigendi virgam. In Englyche it is nas med a deſyꝛe oꝛ ſtandyng ot a mannes perde, and ſome doch lay it is a contynuall ſtandyng ofa mans perde. The cauſe whp ir can not ſtande. @a man thac is in great age, oz ſpente, 02 beynge in ‘fithencs, 02 grace wozkyng aboue nature in man vnma⸗ tied ſhalt haue no ereccions oł his fleſhe to exerciſe any venerious act, vt any maried man che which wold haue this matter 02 de lyꝛe and can not thoꝛowe imbec yllytie ve the acte of matrimony, I wyll ſhewe my mynde to then in che Chapiere named conceptio, and in the Chas Piece wages Coitus, 9 remedy, 1 Cuniagalangs, and in oe thozupng tfe to cate, it, 62, itt. new Negges roſten reere, and put into them the pouder of the ledes ö ee ſuger. Alco al twete thynges is nutritiue and Doth 15 this matter. Allo Jpotras, Elegant, Wäſterd, Mulcadel, ene is good to this matter, bot nowe a dapes tewe Fach tbis impedt mente bat bath ccection the perde ta lynne. Aremedy koz that is to lcape into a greate veſſe lot colde water 02 ente iu the cobpete about the perde aud iones, he. 514. Chapitre dothe chewe of the Scotomp. e is the greke Wozde, Scotomia is the barba⸗ i dus WOE, In latin it is named Vertigo, In Eng⸗ ‘ oe is named the ſcotomp 02 mulrng, oz (opmpnge lache koze part ot che hend?! The cauſc of this inkirmite. Ccbis inficmicte doch come of abapozous humour the which doth perturbate ee powers. remedp⸗ ö & Aide let tbe A ede of 511 nkynge of wyne 6; ſtronge Menzes, they mul be ware of catynge or Chibolles, e on Scotomp SOO "eS Dh OS OS Ee SS S SS SS 2 SS SS ee a => * * 6 6 x JGG AAI IE A A 25 W 4 . Lyn Wiese * sg ae i cay + ERNST The Sia⸗ tpke, MS, S&S, & oo So & & eee es eee | The Breniaty Onxons, and all bapozous meates and dzynkes, and ſet them bee pylles of Cochee to purge the ſtomake anathebead, and gargart⸗ ces be good foꝛ this matter, and Jerapigra, and ſuch men hauyg this palſion let them beware ot clpmipg op SorNs:Pponbeah ay - * 5 7 . 8 les 02 rounde ſtapzes. 7 The. pry. Chapitte dothe ſhewe ol a goute N named Sciatica. latica patio id the barbarous woꝛde. In latin it 5 named Dolot ſcie. In greetze it is named fehiasof the which woꝛde dochcome leniadici, t ſome doth nam this intirmitte Cocendrix d Coxendtieis motbus The cauſe ofthis infirmite. 11 ¶ Thisinfirinicic doth come ot hard lyenge on the kylf hones oz lpenge onthe grounde, oꝛ ppon a fem oz ſuch lyke harde thynges, it may come by a eee n grente fall, and it wyl runne krom the hobyll bone to the kne, aud from the kne to the ancle, and from thean cle to the lycle too, and then it is paſt cure, and och whyle this gone wyll haue a reflection to the rape the backe, aud to the flankeg, a it may tome ok a gil é ae fleumatyke humour. it ‘ 4 remedy 3 ii 11 J 1 Thechekeſt remedy that euer J dyd knowe pattpfed % anopnt the places with the oyle of Turpentine and Aqua bite com pounde togyther, and fo to ble to anoynt the place agapna the iy ofte, and lere clothe ol Pytche be good. ¶ The. 31 6. Chapitre doth chewe ot many inttrmites named, whiche calbe kounde in theyz Chapitres. 2 F pril foꝛ Scabies loke inthe Chaptere named Biome Foz scitrhus Whiche is a [wellynge aboue natue and is harde. loke inthe ſetonde boke named ehe Eau uagantes. „% C100 hf % Scarificacio ig the latin woꝛde, In englyſhe it s med ſcarikitation, foꝛ the which lone in ele i 8 5 “pata 2 = = = o SS S 2 2 2 OSS 8S Se eS oS SS Se SS SSS of health. Fol, C. iii. named the Extrauagantes. For sclitos lobe in Chapitte named Febris tetrathea Foz Sebel lobe in the Chapitre named pterigion. Foz Semiapoplexia, looke in the C happtre named Paraliſis. n C The. 31 /. Chapitre doth ſhewe of Coꝛ⸗ els in the necke. . is che latin wozde. In Englyſhe it is na⸗ med knottes 02 burreg which be in chyldꝛẽs neckes 8 ¶ The cauſe ot this impediment. N This impediment doch come ok grolle lleume and is e to an inkirinttie named Dubaleth, and Glandule con geting the rotundyte of che lickenes, but it doch differ In quantitie of Scrophule, foz the one is greater then the other. A remedy : chen purge the matter with the pylles named Hermodactplis land atter that wache the place with decoction of yreos, and than age or the rotes ot Lyllyes an vnte and a halte, ok Stozax, Cala⸗ Wear halke an bnce, incoꝛpoꝛate this togyther with the mary of a Malte, aud make a plapſter oz plapſters aud continewe with this oe F072 this matter in Rome and Mountppller ts bled ins kilions. Che. zr s. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a ſycknes 0 named a burnyng (cabbe oꝛ a tetter. \ k 2 Loztels Oxrpigo is the latin woꝛde. And lome auctours doth zeeters name ic fgnis volatilis, And ſome fapche that this Ncbenes doch but lytle dyffer froma lickenes of lcabbes MAND Impetigo, but that the one is bygger then the o⸗ cher, and lome doch name it Impetigo zarna, ag it doth pere moze playnlyer is this booke befoze this matter d akter, as it is (pecifiedin the Chapitres of chele irmyties, but J do fap that chis lickenes oz diſeaſe NCD ger pigo is à burnynge tk abbe, and it doch runne the ſtzin infertynge it moze oz leſle, and is named in Englpchen Teceer. * Che rr rr P SHOR OROM CP OS SOS SCR SS SS Sh OB SS 6 6 Na’ N — _ SS Sh & C000 INI PEI IIE III TIO TCO ä a = The Breulary N. g ¶ The caule of this impediment, Aan peer 2 Thisimpeduncne doch ce me of hore and cogeupte E bloud myxt with colet. ‘| Abe @ Aremenp.. * Take of theaple of Wheat and myxe tt with theople of enge and with a mannes bine wache and anoynt the lzyn, og eis tale | thc water ol Burres, oꝛ leth Burres in water and wache the box? The. zr. Chapitre doth chewe ot the ſayn that the 5 tchylde lyeth in in the mothers belp, * E Ecundina pellis be the latin woꝛdes. In Englych i Mabe gerundi⸗ Dis a byn oz acall, in the which achploedorh reg ee ttzhemothets bely, and a woman matt be belpucredor ie Bui alter the chylde is boꝛne, oz els che doth dye, koz theone : muit come atter the other perkyt. Thecauteot this ſkyn. 1 2% This ſk vn oꝛ call myght noꝛ maye not be wien the conception, and akter the chylde is concepued a co t i 4 | yh to the lintamentes,fozme,and Mape of a cteature chen te iga pellycle, a {kyn,oza cal chat doth gro we incictum 705 rente about the chylde, and when that doch bꝛeaze Me e chylde isredy to be bozne, and then che chyld doch eon Te befozeand the pellpcleoz {kpn doth come after, pf ir yo ) not kolowe after the chyld is deliueted from the mother, Ae 4 the mother is in great daunger. i PA remedy. a $= Dzpnke Penpꝛiall with pollet ale and make a fume ok Laps N danum Foz Sequibere lobe in the Chapitre named Hicalopigy ey o> Whe.320, Chapitre doth chewe of an harde “a oz dence appoſtumacion. Bae, |, Ephiros ig the greke woꝛde. In Englyſhe it ig W Apoſtume wed med an harde appoſtumat ion in che Bethe Dubetiyen ſbynne. 61 The cauſe of this impediment. 1 cs This impedimente doch come eyther oF 8 19 1 i ou NNR HRN ICTR ORR RRR RR, .-. = a — ß SO 8S eS ee SS » a SS > = & 2S SS SS SD e N a ROM of health. Fol. C. flit, S pifeus fleume, oz els ot a melantoly humoure, and ik iet be whytyche it doth come ol fleume, pf it be warte te both come ol melancoly. 3 i Aremedy. ; -Fvst take the Cirupeot Bugloit,andof the ficupe of Fumi⸗ , terp, ol eche au vnce and a halte, mpre them togyther and deynne wich the water ok Fumtterp, and than take Doues dunge. lit. , bates ok wheten bꝛan au handkull, æ ſeth it in Gineger and mike plapſters. C The. zz. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the. b. lg wittes in man. | @Enfus hominis be the latin woꝛdes. In greeke it is Toue Olamed Ethitis anthropon, In Engipche it is named worttes the lences oz the wyttes Of man. And there be. v. which be to lape, heryng. kelynge, ſeynge, ſmeilpuge, and ta⸗ hynge, and theſe fences map be thus deuyded, in natu⸗ ital anpmall, and ractionall. The naturali fences be in gehe members of man che which hath any lelyng. The anal fences be che eyes, the tonge, the eares, the ſmel⸗ Moge, and all thynges pertepnyng vnto an vnreaſona⸗ Une beast. The racionali ſences conliſtech in realon, the ich doch make a man oz woman a realonable beaſte, which oy realon may teuple vnte lonable beaſtes, and al other thynges beyng vnder hes dominton. And this ts the ſoule of man, foz by reaſon euety man created doth ho doe his cteatour which is onely God that created al ulgpnges of nocthyng. Man thus created of God doth hototiter from a beaſte, but that the one is rea lonable, which is man, and che ocher is vnte lonable the whiche ſzeuerp beaſt, koule, fyſhe, and wozme. And foꝛ as much ad we do ſe and haue in experience that the mofte ¥ Of ceafonable beaſtes which is man doth decay in . — PHT SEIFERT IN a 0 rs \ . 6 6 * 2 % Ab memozp, and be obliutous, neceſſary it is to know he caule, and lo confequendy to haue a remedy. ees PRR 7 n FLIPPIN I IEIPAIEIAI d (BEER UCT ROTOR * The Breuiary. ¶ The cauſe of this impedimente N „ r This impediment doth come eprhernatutalip ye Apdentally. A remedp. It naturally a mans memozy is tarde ot᷑ wyt and knowlege oz in derſtandpng, A knom ns demedp, yr it come by great ſtudy oz folie’ | cituducs, bꝛeanpng ama mynde about many matters the whith’ | be can unt tompꝛehende by his capactte, and although he can com⸗ zehend it with his capacite and the memoꝛy kracted from the pee 9 gnantcc of it, let hym ble odikerous Cauours and no contagionle ) apers , and bie otherwyhyle to dꝛynke wyne and mel to amber de grece, euery thyng whichets odiferous doth comkoꝛzt the wittes, 5 the memoꝛy and the lences and all euyll favours doth hurt the len ces and the memory as it appereth in the Chapitre named Sig ¶ The. 5ꝛ2. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the rydge⸗ . bone og the backe bone. ' Pina ig the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named Achan’ Sie Ju Englyſhe it is named the backe bone oz he rydgebone, the which may haue many dileales, as gehe and other peynes. W f The cauſe ot᷑ the diſeaſes. e ¶ This diſeaſe may come of great lyftes, and ſtrayneß bzoſes, oz ſtripes, oꝛ it may come ot medlyng to much ot 02 with venerious actes, alſo a bone og bons in the ba map be dillocated 02 out of ioynt. 4 Aremedp. a @ Foꝛ the backe the grece of a Fort, oꝛ the oyle ot a Foxe is good | lo is the oyle of Spphe, oz the ople of Camompl l, oꝛ the oyle on fipke, oꝛ the oyle ot Lyllyces. In colde caules the oyle of Münter is good, and fo is the opie of Alabaſter, and the oile of Canoe en t the ople ol Scoꝛpions, anda pyth cloth is good. haa? ¶ Foꝛ Sinanchi lobe in the Chapitre named Angin #® Siphac is an Araby woꝛde, teis a pellycle 02.8 TKN | growynge out ok the mydryſte the which doch dil to che ſpondyls of the backe, And doth fuftepnethe fh make and the guttes, and endech inthe necher parte of ' the belp,and of this Siphac the two dydymes eh * a . De SOI ROS HIS NRE _ > a a Se SS SS a a of health : fol. C. 85 diedthe which dot z dilcende to che ſtones oust a bone S named pecten, torchediDimesioke n. WS. The. 323. C hapitre doeh Merwe of lytie woꝛmes the sin Avbiche doth bꝛede vuder de laynne in . „the bandes and fete. ne is the latin wozde. In Englyche it be woz⸗ mes that doch bꝛede vnder the fan, And there be. u. nde s, che one kynde bꝛede in the handes and wꝛeſtes and ehe ocher doch bꝛede in the keete and chey be nas med degges. is 5 De The cauſe ok this impediment E Cheſe wozmes be ingendzed ok che cozruption of dloud and fleume. Aremedy. * A Take ot Quycke ſyluer moztykied an bnce compounde it wit IN placke Hope and anoynt the places. is sinke vis is the greke Woꝛde. InEnglyche it is na⸗ N e ka yntnes the which doth come ak⸗ great icke nelle. A remedp is to cate good meates Ald depnkes, and to haue good cheryſhynge. g i od be. 4 Tbapitredothe theme of tyucopa⸗ ue, tions of feundynges. j Soſiding Riineopie is the Grebe woꝛ de, and to is Lipothomia, In ' FF latin it is named Concifio, In Inglyſche it is named « Uncopacionso2 ſoundynges, and lome doch na me it in latin parua mor ast) 1 10 1 The tauſe of this impediment. ¶ This impediment doch come ol inkectton aboute the 10 hRayne and the harte, ma yng chere opilacions 0; els it f doth come ol lome extreme licknes, it may come thoꝛow Neat heate and loden rolde and ſo econuerfe, it maye i tome of doyng tg much of venerious actes, doyng moze i hen a man is able co petfoutme, it maytome by teplett⸗ , takyng of fuperiinousmentes and dzynkee, it may 1 O, i. tome SSR we Wozmes, =» #2 SS - — —_ = ! Lae * 8 6 6 6 6 ia’ re e rere 3 . III PDI IIE PEL III III I III II DIEIEI RAINED RIM ROW IRON NIN RRR RICCI ORORCORCRCOROR CORON Spetyl. 7. Hol The Breuſatyl 53 20 2 cbine OF and thoꝛd we great lweates; otwestyuge z ſtuphes, oꝛ bashes, it map allo come of to muchmyꝛth hauyng to much myꝛch in kanraſtital matters. (a remy. > „ ¶ Fyꝛſt and chefelp beware of the nemiltes bre temperance and than it᷑ uche accident cauſes do tome take and cate a race ot Wynger, or bꝛynke a Cponctull ok Agua bite. o; els ot Raus don 8 fita, and rub the Pulle s ot the bꝛayne and bert with ole water, | and Uiueger, and holde to the nole ot the pactẽt cedalent Cayours, : The. 32 y. Chapitre dotbe chewe ol exvng : 02 the Pyctet. ee C7 Ingultus is the latin woꝛde. In greetze it is named , Alexos ligmos, In Irabp Alſoach. In Englpche lt ö is named the vexe oʒ the hicket, and of Come the onzen mannes cougge. 1 Che cautt ot this impedimen tt. 2 Chis iuſpedunent doth tome oba ktolde amabe kame eupll humour about rhe heute, it map alle come to much dꝛynkyng, and therkoze many men dor), aun it the dꝛonken mannes cough. 3 A temedps © ac$~sfo2 this matter a fponetullot Aqua bite, 02 qua compotita | is good, and ro is a race ot grene Senger, oz a rate ok Synger na⸗ ii t ra N n 5 olin red and Cut in.iiii.oʒ. b: petes an ewe ee ouer — an other, as hole as one can. Alto Diatriapiper ton is goon te; matter, and lo is burnt Malmeley oꝛ burnte Hecke, ann lo isy Couſtautini, and yevalimpler Galen. 1 | Che. 326. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ob a mans dpetrz⸗ an 8 is the latin woꝛde. In grete it is named er Oma. In Englyche it is named a mannes ſpecpil the Which Doth ſhewe dyuers tymeg the inkirmicieg oma body, as White and vilcus Heume doth ligutkte that the fickenes doch come or Aeume, The lpetyll che wh che is viſtus and blacke oz leke lead, doch {pgnpticehat 5 the lickenes doch come ofa melancoly humoure a olf healthy, - {petpl which is eyerpne oz glafpe dothlignilp that the lletzenes doch tome of color, The ſpetyl which is tewny dpe Pye doch ſegniky that the lufttmire doth come Of blond! The kpetpil Whrche ts white and not vilcus but ind ilſerent doch ligrikxs health. The ſpetykwhlch ig kompe Doth lignity s cawe ſtomstze. The lleume that isipbe.che uhyte ol arate egge doth ligurfrc a tawe ſtomake, lacke andtloweofdigeſtion. ot Sideratis loze in the Chapitre named coco. pe Foz Sinden OBC in the Chapitre named Phrenitis , % Tethargos g Ne eee oz Sopheris loke in the Chopitte named Medians; Foꝛ Soporloke in j Exttaua, in the ende of this boke. Fo Soma lote in the C hapitre named Corpus, og Soda loke in the Chaptete named Cephalargia Fot Sparma ſoke in the Chapitre named Natura. Fot Sompnus lobe in the Extrauagantes in the ende this bone. f ne OUSG NOS be. 31 7. Lhapitte dothe chewe of the crampe. e is the greke woꝛde. Spatnus is the Barba⸗ tous worde. In latin it is named Conuulcio; 0} Con) kackto nerudtum, In Eirgliſhe it is named che Crampe Which is attractton of ine wes and there be. ini. kindeg the fyꝛſt is named Emproſthotonos the whtch is when We head ts vzawendownewarde to the beet, The tes Tondtsunmed Thetanos) andt hat is when the foꝛe head m anthe whole body is dꝛawen fo vehementelp that thé body is vnmouable. Che thyꝛd is named Opiſthoto⸗ vob and that is when the hend is dꝛo wen backe ward oz themduch is dꝛawen towarde the eare, fop hefeehte | Bloke mntheyz Chapittes, The fourth kynde is „ bamed spatmos, the which doth Dad the finewes very wagte and alperoully in che fete and legges. Vell Fol. C. vi, &» The * Atampes © 3 SO 7 2 EPE f ᷣ v · . SOO ˙ h ˙ . Oe ee Ee n — SCIEN 8 NNER NTT ORR RRR, —̃ = 1 gs — 55 8 = N The ſplen The Betufaty The tauſeot tis intirm ite. 2a This (nftempete dothtome ept het ol to much bene cioufues lpecially pled after a full ſtomabe, it map come alſo tho ꝛc b debilitie and wekenes, o koz lachynge of bloud and nacures i ae after a great Cisne The kyngten Matelkte ut i nde (a this mattet i be lowynge Lrampe vynges, and lo gyuen without mony oꝛ petiel Allo tor the Crampe take dt che ople of Aplines and CA 5 f do come al acolde cauſe. Ag t do come ok a hote cauie audynte. ſynewes with the ople of een Lpllpes and wpllowes ob tes. At it do tome ot any other caule, take ot che op le of Cato? and Caſtoꝛy and of Pyꝛetoꝛp, and contecte oz compaunde altoge⸗ ther and anoynt the place oz places with the partes adiatent. Cabegen adapter dorh ewe of a mans Spiene.“ x 5 8 pien is the gehe 908), In latin it is aämed Lien Bf che is a (pongtous kubſtance lienge vnder che hoe bes in the left lyde, and it doth matze a man to be m and to laughe although melancoly redech in the lpene, ik there be impedimentes oz lick nes in it as ſoʒon pew cifulnes, and care, and aug r oz ſuc he ivke makech ima⸗ ny men and women to haue kuche impedimentes in eh ſplene, as opilacions and appoſtumeg aud ſuch lens Lena. In Englyſhe it is named a mans ſplene . Melancoly meates, harde chele, and feare is not geo foz the ſplene, andil any man be lpeniticke let him vie mery company and let him be let bloud ol a beine named Saluatella, of che left lyde, forme doch ble to les bloud is A beyne named Baliltea on che left lyde, but J fay. chat eucry thyng che whiche doch hurte che puer doch hunt the ſplene, and euery thyng that is good toz che due ig alfa good forthe ſplene : and who ſo euer wyll make the hardnes ol the ſplene whole, kyꝛ tate che map os calfe and the mary of anhart, and che laenes of an yeaa | _- R SS SO SS SS S88 OS eS oS 2) = SS SS SS SS SD ** |, * at > Ss Sw SU SS OS O'S 8S @ & & Gs bs of health, Fol. C. fl. @ ela capon and ol aducke, and the oyle of duese BU Tons of lpbe nozcton myxe this to gythet and anoynte the region of che ſplene, and dꝛye the longes of a ince ö mabe pouder and eate it wich fygges, fo2 this matter oke in the Chapitre named Lien, in the Extraua sania “i ende of this boke. , 03 Splenatica paſſio, loke in the Extrau de ende of thisboke, ) «oats fo Sputum fanguinis, lobe in the Chapitre named Emoptoica paflio, be. 32. Chapttre doth mee of a mannes Spirites, Q Piritus is che latin woꝛd. In greke it is named noa Spi ft 0? Pneuma, Jn Englyſhe it is named a ſpitite, J do pirite, i bot Pactende here to ſpeatze of any ſpirite in heauen 02 Abel no: no ocher kpikite but onelp of the tpisites in ien che whichdoch conlylt the lte of man, e there 0 be thre, natural, anpmal, and dptall, the naturall ſpp⸗ He reſtech tu the head, the auimall ſptrite doth reſt in 6 che lyuer.and the vital ſptrite teſteth in che here of man, ih _— 9 To tonfoꝛte and to reioyce theſe ſpirites. Fpidte ipue out ot (pn, and folowe Chiles doctrine, and than 9 us ee yt honen 88 a stip to cate good meate moderat iy. Foꝛ this matter loke in the 8 i) med Puig. For he Chapitre na: pI Squame loke in the Extrauagantes in the end of boke, 1 Foz Squinacia loke in the Chapitre named Angina, 1 0 The. 330. Chapitre doch chewe of thyꝛuat 9 oꝛ dꝛyneſſe of a man. unis isthe latin wozde, In gretze it is named Dipſa, Tbrꝛs. Onmnengiche it is wheñ a man is chirſty oz dꝛye, 8 Ht : Tbe caufe of this impediment. ¢ && This umpedimente doch come manp wapes, eyther ie dothcome by fome lictznes oꝛ els 5 03 . lft, els SPREE REAPER REIN IIIT n r i OE — “a PA 1 8 VE, ~~. SEES eT ES SES DETER oS be Soo Oo tS eee A aed STS nalts PSII PII 0000000000 . The Brenfary wer els by lome heat in che lyuer on ſomake 02 eig ik doll come by hocenes ok the apet oz els ol extreme labour. it may come by eatynge of falce meaces, A rem edo It it do come of a bote ſtomake oz a hote Eyuter, quality the Nat ot the lpucr, as it doth appere in the Chapttre named Epar, fit do come otherwyle, eate. b. oz. bi. Prunes and nepe one gt the p une tones in the mouth, and otherwyyle rolle the tone with ti touge in the mouth. Oxiz acra oꝛ the lirupe ot Miolettes, 2 Opi⸗ mel diuretycke is good. The. 3; . Chapitre dothe chewe ol a ſycknes. named Soda. peyne in See tsthe latin worde. In Englich it is peyne thehe the head. O head, and there be two kyndes, vniuerlal and perei⸗ culer the vmuerlal holdech a mans whole head, Ande e perticulerts ina perticulet place inthe head in che aie ** che is peyne. | The. 342, Chapitre dothe ſhewe of the Strangurye «| 4 gurp, che which isa diſtillyng oz dropping of a mans ee’ water diuers cymes in one houre with great peyne aun e pilactõ in the necke of the bladdet. and chozow the gong oz els by ſome impoſtumous humour. The cauſe of this inkirmite, | | . burnyng in theifiue ol man oz woman, oz els it is an Of | ö | A Thistnfirmitte doch come of lome piceracten in the atredite oꝛ ſharpnes of the water it may tome allo of to 1 much heat oz to much coldues in the backe and bladder. . , Aremedp. 1 fyp yt the belp be congupated, ble Cipkers o! ſuppoliters, thau teto:me the matter the w inch is ockendant. And it it do come or heate bie Suger rolet and the, ul, kyndes ol Saunder 6 i 2 Stciguep Sy cranegnets is the greke woꝛde. In latin it is named i Stillicidum vrine, In Englische te is named the ſttran blader oꝛ tanies of che back, oꝛ els it may come thozow 122 — — | 2 N 1 * a 3 ye * Bye of health; f Fol. C. viii. & deunde with the Hirupe ot Myztylles . It it do tome ot colde, ble Mittidatum, Diaollbanum, Diampnte, o: Diagalanga. ez Strangulaciolooke in the Chapitte named sut⸗ kocat io. No Whe. zu. chapitre dothe ewe of Anclyng. : ee ma is the latin woꝛd. In Englyſche tt is na⸗ Anecſpng. med ſternutsctonoꝛ tznelpnge the whiche is a good ligne ol an eupll cauſe. N ¶ The cauſeot this impediment, This impediment doch come of dilactö ofche poozes of the bzapne, oz of coldnesoꝛ heate in the heade, oꝛ it map come caſt pug vp vᷣ {ight toward the lyght oz ſon. 1 dA remedp nat to kneſe. e man wyll nat knefe, tet hym dolde his nole harde with his kyngers, and ik a man wyl knele take a ſtrawe oꝛ a ryſhe ann U tpele hym feife in the nole, oz els take of the pouder made of the bote ol Elibozus albus, othet wyſe named knelynge pouder. * KG> Whe, 334. Thapitre doth chewe of bar ynneſſe of a woman. — RAR rer S PE ‘ Orerilea⸗ is the latin woꝛde. In greeze it is named Ostiroſis, oꝛ Acarpia. In Englyſhe it is named barin⸗Varinnes nes ok a woman when ſhe can not conceyue a chy de. N @ The caule of this impedimente. This impediment doch come of to muche humpditie unthe mattix o2 inthe place of conception, foꝛ when the {ede of man is ſo wen, and che woman can not reteyne it but doth App away from her, there can be no contepti⸗ on. Allo ik mans nature be webe he can get no chylde, thetfoze the defaut map be as wel in the man as in the . tal lass Sues put ots SD a OS hb Sw ; ' Ca remedp. N A $02 this matter lobe wi the Chapitre named Concepcio, and in ide Capitre named Coitus, and in iht Capitre named Embꝛio, and yew O,, itit. in A —— Cay I RN NNN NHR RRR IRR RRR * 7 2 . The Breutary = inthe chapitte named Abhorfus and lette the manne: Stomake 5 fh ’ Stduing. G Tupor is tyelactn worde. In Englpche te is namen that is weke Die reſtozatiue meates and dzynkes, ang ple cozdpalles and myzth wich hone company, and let the woman tatze no thought and vie good chpuges as mangzagoꝛ, peches, and peper il ſhe be latte. ge. 357. Chapttre dothe ewe of a mannes ſtomaze. „ 10 the latin wozde. In grebe ic is named 8 Romachos, In Englych it is named a mans tomate tiere be. ii. mance of ſtomatzes, che one is an appetpde to eate and to dꝛynke, and the other is a vellell in man the which doth reteyue meate and dz ynke into it, and is lotze a pot in the which meate and lycour is put in aud as the kyꝛe doth decocte the meates and the bꝛoth inthe pot, lo doth che liuer vnder the ſtomake decoct the meat in mannes boop, and ik che luer be out of oꝛder the toy make tan not be in good temper, wherkoze looke in the Chapitte named Epar, and rectify hym and cecepty Me ſiomakt, and yt he be out of oꝛder al the body is out of temperance. The ſtomake is roughe within and lmoth without. the caute ot this matter is chewed partly. But the caule mapcome other wapes, às by anger aß feate oꝛ great ſtudyenge vppon many matters oz by er / treme heate, oz by lurketyng, oꝛ luch lytze doch hutte the ſtomaze. eee remedy. 17 ro comkoꝛte the ſtomake, ble Gonger and Galyngale, bl myꝛth and well to fare, vlc Weper in meates, „ bewart ot anger, goꝛ it is a ſnode bert that maketh al the body fare the wozle. The. 3; 6. Chapitre Doth cbewe ol donnynge of a membꝛe ok a man. 4 fonnpage in che fete oz legges, armes oz handes, in a manoꝛ womã, Come doth lay chat this ape ' > * 1 ͤ — — ä ſDſ2Dw 8 — \ 1 1 1 \ : =. 2 = SS rf Oe ee eS „6 K of health. 8a llepe das thus yf one manne doch athe an other that hach chis impedimente, he wyll (ape my legge oz pre | atime is a llepe. 5 ¶ De caule of this impdimente. t This impediment doch tome of lacapnge bloud in the member wohere it 18, oz els that the ſpirites be let⸗ tedehat they can not haue a recourſe to che ſine weg oz els bloud doch lacke in che veyneg. I La temedy. WH Fost rub the place with a Slewe oz a Scarlet clothe , and it I ede Die WHlebothanty,and anopute rhe place with the ople or Furperine, oz with the opie ot Wolmarp flowers, named in grese Authos oz tuc he lpke oples. ¶ Foꝛ suberati loge in the chapitre mained Nictalopia KF 02 Scrathomata loke in the Chapitte named Tuber i! etila, Foz Serume loke in the Chapitre namedchirade,, foz Succubus, loke in the Chapitre named Epialtes. Fo Subeth lotze in the Chapitre named Caros, oz sardiras loke in the Chapitre named cophoſis 4 5 ‘ he. z;37. Chapttre Doth chewt of fwctpnze oz toe Swetpnge licknes. or is the latin wozde. In greekeit is named Hy⸗ Octos. In Englycheit is named ſweat, and there be dpuers lweates, che one doch come by labour, che other map tome bp ſickenes and peyne. and chole be hote and tolde, and there is an other lweat the which is vehement zn that weat is named che [weatyng lickenes, and bomeſweates doch ſtynke and {ome doch not. 1 Fhe caulſe of thele impedimentes. 4 © Thecaute ot lweates, eptter it doch come ok heat oz koxxuption ok the aper, oz it may come by one per ſon in letepng another, oz ag I layd by labour oꝛ ſome licknes IF : ¶ A remedy foi the Swetyng (ye snes, * Roa kepe the pacicas 1192 to hote noz to cold but in a temperance U. and Fol. C. H. & Sweat, ‘oS he S Sb oD oe fe SS eS SS DS GS Oe 'S £6 & © & 6 SS. — =. E 7 r ace FLYIN PIII IIE ͥõã 0 TCR OOOO . (NNN NN IRN RCN RR TR &ffocas cton. 1 The Breufaſxß and let hym not catooute armes, tete: nos legges cut ot the bed let tlie head be couered and the tace opcit, nepe a ftyer in thecham⸗ bet be the aper neuer ko hote, eatt no meate foz Pitt. boures onieg it be an alc bzuc, dzynze warme denke. and no wyne and euer thynge that is teceyued, lut ke it ihoꝛowe quxiſes ot a Swan Got, ini. oz. b. gaylles put togyther the one in an other, and theß the which be not inkected let them beware of intectioule perlös foz the kytknes is inkeet me and is one ok the kynde s ot the plage Peſtilente, fo: bnnatur al (wetes the which doth come by trete a Saphyꝛe is gerd to Diyas it oz to holde a Haphyze mones ham ez els take ok Myttplles and ot Roſe ſeues ot eche of them i vnces, make pouder of it and caſt it in the chetes, chert op and lay tome to the Bultes, and dzynke of thele atozetapd th loden in ale, and anoynte the Pulſes of: the hart beayne and the Teuer with the ople of zZandzane. And as kor west that dei Gyuke loacin the Chapitre named Fetoz allellarum. 5 The. 35e. Chapitre doth cht we ok. it. lukotactons. 8 02 Strangulacio be the latin wozdes, Fe Englylhe it isnamed a luſtocation the whiche tor come. ii. wapes, the one is a ſuflotation ofthe mattxx the other is a rangulacton, oz che fuffocation of the matrix loke in the chapitre named iſteruehi puiux MS 0g the luffocatiõ o2 drangulaciõ J do pꝛetẽd now cofpeke, i @ The Cautc of this impediment. f This impedinent doth roine many waxeg, it tome by batty eatyng oz dꝛrnbynge thozowe then che troms oz fome dꝛopp s of dz pnbe kallet h inte the we lande oz thꝛote boll, it mag come by lpeng open mous thed, and lame woꝛme oꝛ A xe, oꝛ any other groſſe mat ter may happen into che chroce bolle, it may tome by a impoſtlume oza orotic lleume lodepnlp tyſynge mape make ſtrangulationg end ſoconſequentlp lodeine death 62 elo ieopaxdy ol deach doch folo we. * KE Sremcdp, 943 Ik it do come bp hay catynge oz bzynkynge, frie be un guwieule in the takynge ok it, but eate thy meate aud deynde MP deynke with deliberated. Ik it do tome by ſyeng open muted, erchewe fiche matters and the ottallon of it the whiche — „ ee / 5 E — — ee a a a .. 2 = 2 2 8S So SS SS 8 ee eS oS 2) SS he SS os 3 : of healeh; fol. C. r. & dba ts tboꝛzowe Ipenge bycpght . Ik it do come by an impokus tei en the oꝛikice of the thꝛort toe which wylbe a rylynge oz lwel⸗ {png there, than ik the tethe be clapted togy ther open the mouth as wyde as may be and lo ze onder the klappe ot the tonge, and there al vou konde the impoſtume, and with pour kynger dzawe it our . * = — SPEDE DESO IE IESE IES Mels Coden death doth kolowe. A itdo come by bilcus kleume tus 5 diene rather to muche than tu lptle. and they the wunche be inte f 0 o with kleume purge it, and let them ble Lockanum de pino, but Be Piatoridonis the hpguet remedy, or Wianucum alis one, fo2 tye „„ Biecians doth ble this wozd Piacoridon as the Latins doth ble Dianucum. Allo Serotum andzomachum dotu maſucate and doth ö » Delolue appoſtumacions. Allo a plapſter made of Diaquiton and f Mok Gtolettes doth delolue and maturat hote impodumes, and th Cerorunt ſandalinum and oyle of Ulolettes is good fo2 an yore ap⸗ potumacion that is intlammed, and the opie of P hilolophers naz — 1 ned in latyn O lium philolophoꝛum is good for impoſtumes of the 1 Splene, Also emplaſtrum de Bits is good foz impoſtumes in the 1 howelles, Aldo the oyle ot Maſtiy is good foz harde appoſtuma⸗ tions in the fomake, 8 ebe. 5. Chapitre dath ſhtwe of a ſqupnte . eye oꝛ gogle eyes. ye . Ortaboſiras is the latin woꝛde. In Englyche ir is naz 8 1 med a ſauynt oz a gegyll eye. ere. f The caule ot this tmpedimentes N 4 Se SD SD RS Re » he (npedtarent doy come epthet nacuraliy oz ac⸗ : ., Spdencally, tf it cane nacucallp chen the paclent wos fo i. », BORE and there is no remedy, pF te come accidencally ic ae ;, Doth come by attractton of the ſiuewe within the exe. : (iy 5 if A temedy⸗ ute the medecines that is forza perticaler Pally, and foꝛ the Frampe, but beware what is put into the cre, extept it be colac, og Males it be womans mylte and the bloude of a Douc, 0 Foz Suſpirium lotze iu che Extrauagantes. at 65 Thus endech the letter of S. And hete ko⸗ '. lo wech che letter ok T. N iG Whe. 340. Chapitre Doth Merwe cf touchyng thetwbicheis one of the. v. wyttes . i" nous is chelacin woꝛd. In grebe te is named Aphi, Touching „ Incengliche tr is named touezing az handiyng, aud a Obandiprig oz touching beit. forces, 5 one is venerious and — a >. RAIA FFF Pad FP SII RENT RRR NRT RTT Loſtiuc⸗ nes. The Breulae x and the other is auartcioug, che one is thogotve tand: concupiſcente, the other is thoꝛo we cupitie of wos ly ſubſtance oz goodes. @ The caule of thele impedimentes. / ¶ The kyꝛſt impedimente Doth come epther chatman Wyll not tall fog grace to god not to diſpleſe hym, ozes a man wyl kolowe his luxurions ten fusltte phen bante | beatte, The ſeconde impediment the which is auarpes | oꝛ conet ple wyll couch all thynges and tate as much ag he can get, koz al is kyſhe that comech to the nette wih {uch perlons. 1 A ſremedy. 10 ¶ Foꝛ theſe matters I kuowe no remedy, but onely god, lo th is ewe og none that doth feare God in none ot thele. ii, c aue A | the feare of God were in vs we wolde not do fos Jeſus helpe d all. AMEN, 1 b ¶ Foz rabes loke in the Chapitre named phil, C The. ar. chapitre vothe thewe of coſiiuenes. Enifmos is the greke wozde. Ind ſome doth nam it renaſmon. The barbarous woꝛde is named Te naſmus. Ind the latemſtes doch name it Teneſmus, 30 ſome latenyſtes doch name it Gemitus. In 90 ts named loꝛo we oꝛ waplynge, and Jam not fo goods | grecian to declare, diſcuſle, oʒ defyne as lome auccoutes | Doch weyte in this matter, loz as many doth faye thie | Tenaſmon is à difliſil thyng foꝛ a man to matze his eg ſtion 02 ſeege, and all this matter tonſpdered all * b bined 02 couned in one impediment the Which is con nes, the which ts when a man can not go to bisegesion™ oz to ſege, ho we be it the faut is tng gut named Intent num tectum the which is opilated, foz aman wold keine do hig egeſtion and can not. 17 The caule ot this impediment. 4 ¶ This impediment doch come of to lide derung } { ‘ . — =. = So p ̃ĩͤ OO SO Sk §— ee OS SENET EI, 1 „or hezleln Fol, C. xi, b ne oz bete and it maye tome of to muthe dꝛyn kynge ol Dpne, and it map come ok eatyng of coſtyue meates, oz elg of luperabundance of coler abused, r CAremedy, 1 Cute to cate lar attue mates, and ttople oꝛ thzife a weke with eos potageeate balfe a fpone full o: moze of poudcr of Scene 0 in it deny weyghte ot Gynger, oꝛ els ble as muche as a Wal⸗ Mate of Callta fiftula, oz ſome other gentyl purgacions, as Boli⸗ i 0 i, 02 Nercurp, oz luche lpke. if BPIUN OL 255 : be. p42, Chapitre doth chewe ot the impe⸗ . iment of the eye. „med Macula in oculo. In Englyche it is named a \i Pot oz apuche in the eyes. ut ¶ The caaſe of this impediment. his impediment doch come of a reumatycke hus mur delcendyng tothe eye. N CAremedy. eee ber blonde in a beyne named Cephalica, and ceth Colewoꝛtes in white wone, and ble to make playſters of it, oz eis Ble the wa⸗ . ter ot plautalue. „„ c The. 343. c bapitre dothe ete of one ot tie äpndes ot rhe Crampe. if 2 * 1 Hf is named Tetanus; out of the whiche is vlurped a word named retamſi, Thetanos tu Engliſh it is named alrampe the which doch pull che head backe ward and doeh dꝛawe the bodye lo vehementely that foz a lpace a tan Habe bninouable foꝛ this matter loke in the Cha 5 be named Spafmos, and ble the medecines that chete be lpecikled, and beware of venerious actes, akter a ful yloinake, and beware ok anger and feare, oz reras, lotze in che Chapitre named Monſtrum. or Teranifiobe in the C hapitre named Thetanos, rale loze inche Chapitre named Tegudo. 5 Foz d Arphati ts the barbarous wozde. In latin it is na / Sve tHetanos ig che grebe won. The barbatous wand Same. SPEIER IER RII I ON Ce Sb he bb SS CS SSS 8S S © & 6 SS Ce é 6 0 x >. % SS a OIA : — Stine ee eee EIN NNER HSIANG RCT RRR Tar ry 7 BS 102 The Breufar̃̃ . Fo reticulilobe in the Cpapitre folobopg en Thorax. 1215 nen 1) iG. e 110 855 5 j J5SUGBISGH * The. 344. Chapitre doth. chem of atpehnes ” 1 named Tegund IA Efudo isthelatin worde. And ſome do name it al ö pa. In ck nglyſhe it is a lickenes the whiche der) crepe vnderneth che lb in of the head, and tk it dotoztupt the (sul this ſickenes is vncurable, but J do lapethens is a difterente betwyxt ral pa and Teftuda;tozTeftudo rt _ ig auimpottune haun g a lpele bladder, and fo hach ö F Talpa, 11 14 ine f he caule ot this impediment. Chis impebimente doch come ok a benemous Yule mour which is tumozuſe. D at tS) a kemedp. 115 Wann, * Fp itt purge tbe head and the dtomanke with the pylles ok Cocht * and fpaue the head, and than make inctſion croſſe tuple and pull 7 tl oꝛ ryp out ar the tumozule matter and than lap dowue the thpm 7 and bſe ſanat iue ſalues. sie ne e | 0 . e een e A kbe. 345. E bapitte noth ſhewe of a Tb ns e f in the bely. f imnpenf “T Impanitis ig the gtebe ode. The barbatus won 1 is named Timpanides, . In Englypche it is whey ee tympany the which dorh make ones bely to ſwel hl | tober oꝛa dꝛouullet, and the fiche or the boppDethpine | india! away, and it matzeth dne very ſhozt wynded any dig kapn tt. Rinane n j f C Te caule of tytsinftemities y(t) FI J This inticnittie doth come ot ventolitte intruſeh My A vemedp re J : of bir Fp ꝛſt beware of Atl aner of meates that both mgender 00 as frutes, colde herbes and fuche lyke. Allo beware ok dyn of ne we ale o7 newe deere, and or eatpuge ot newe bande and nuttes and kuche iphe thynges. Furthermore koz daun mal the belp mutt be hepte lapatine with purgacious and 5 on ö ; : . > of health; 114 Fol. C HH © | Eappoftters. And in ggountppller fo: this matter is bfepiticitions loge there be no incitton there can not be longe lyte, dꝛagges koz is mattes is good that Doth bzeake wynde. k lo is euerß thinge the whiche Doth make a man to belche oz ta farte, Zehe. 46. Chapitre dothe ſyewe of feare. i NE Fo Enslitdeicis named feave audehere is nothing N focuplico the herte as adodepnefeare , fo2 feare doth 0 herng in death co che herce, e ye cauſe ot this impediment. eos enpediment doch come manp wapes, as feare fer, keare by water, keare of great diſplealure ola great man, keare ot kyllynge and {uch lyke Ms Aremedy. ; Foz this matter thanke God of al aduerlite, and ble merp com⸗ paup and lo ble thy ſelte that thou feate nothynge but Bod. 5 aie Fhe. 347. Lbapitre dothe ſhewe of kyngyng o: * Se > 3 foundpage in a mannes eare. gndthis doch pꝛonoliicate dealnes 10 The cauſe of this imped iment. ots impediment doch come ol ventolitie oz wynd 1 wohiche is in che heade aud in the eares and can not det out, A remedy « N i Keꝛde purge the be ad, and than take ot the ople ot Lattozy, oꝛ f the ople of Radyche e put it into the eare oꝛ cares, the vyle ot Eiter Almons is good, and lo is ople of Been inſtilled into the ares with blacke wolle, a The. 34. Chapitre dothe chewe of lytle he wheales in the head. 1 He che latin worde: In Englyche le is named ke be many byndes aud ſoztes ok chele inkirmptles, * fome T0 is the lacin 0020, In greke it is named Dilia Feare. nies aut ium be the latin woꝛdes. In Englyſhe it Viping in * isnamed{pngynge og a foundpnge ina mang eateg doe cart. 10 . 9 F iptle Wheales oz ſkabbes in the len of the head, 2 Mheales 5 ** ® > = A — KS << - — Fe . 8S S © & 6 SS Se ORCI ACRES ge? GB SR WR RRR RRC IEICE IESE SEINE SEIN IIPS IE EIEN III TION OI © hbeade. A kynd of lepꝛoul⸗ nes. (J oz Tifis lone in the C hapitre named priſis, ane The Breuer, ſome be moyſt and lome be dꝛye. lame be lte teateg, | fone be lte lytle honycolmes, and ſome be ibe hoppeg oz wheten bray. 1 A he caule of this inkirmite. ‘a : ¶ Chisinficmitiedoty come epther by Corcaption of bloud oz els by abundance OF reume oz Tome wand N humour. ¶ A vemedps ¶ Fyiſte ſhaue the head, oꝛ clyp awaye the heares than purge eis head with gargarices and ſternut acions, and purge the hende and ſtomake with pylles ol Coches, and anopnt the head withehe N of Camompl, o2 with the ople of Almons, oz with the oy le ora lettes, do this. ii.days and. iii. nyghtes, than after that wachen head with dꝛegges o7 Ives ot white wyne in the whiehe a e Roche alome is defolucd and after that fampe Onpons ande Ipae togyther and rub the he ad with it. iti. oz iini. tymes, and after that anoynt the head with the iuyce ol Coziander and Mon og els ſtampe Doues dunge with ople Olpuc and anoynt the head, d. oſ, bi. tymes, oz els take, iii. vnces ot Bozes grece and an pnce and a halke of Bꝛymſtone, Lampe all togyther, and than put to it an buce, of Mercury moꝛtikied with fattpnge ſpetel and anop nz the 1 1 C The. 340. Chapitre doth ſhewe of one of the zrudet of lepꝛoulnes named Tir ia Iria is the latin wo2d, In Englyche it is deu the tyꝛe oz the pꝛopertiẽ ofan ander whiehe is n of {kales, fo is this kynde of lepꝛouſnes full of fades g ſtzabbes, cozodyng the lleſhe. ale The taule ot this watperimertes .. KF This impediment doth come of a venemous and melancolp humour. N mi dA remedy. ö ¶ Foꝛ this ble Treacle € purgations and bomites, and than ia of Merturp moztificn with faſtynge ſpetyl and Bzymſtone , of eche an bnec, of Boes grece. iu. vnces compounde this togytherg bie to ancynt the body, and than ble Ruphes aud bathes ud ae ftvuctes, ; 1 4 mae ö i 4 0 a of heateh, Fol. C. iii, M 8 : Type. 38. Chapitrt dothe ſhewe of an impos 5 1 dume named Topinarta. Opinaria fs the latin wozde, In Englyche it is an Aponun » | impoſtume in childzens heades and ponge perſons r Tyc caute ot this impedimente. his inpediment doch come of abundance of fwete ume oz els cfabundeance of blond with fleume. . d remedy. ed take. tit. Onyons ot a good quantite, and. tii, Egges and i ber wer: ithe Hote emeries ot the fper, than gampe togptyer and inco:pozate al togyther with olde Boꝛes grete made piapuers. and it nede be make incikton, and than mun⸗ i the place, and after all this incarnate the place, and than pn it with caſues. f 1 02 Tonfille loke in the Chapitte named Par iſthomia, 1 he. 351, ¶ hapitre doth ſhewe of dꝛawynge of a mans 1 mouth towarde the care. ortura orfs be the latin wordes , Almanſo? doth name ie Contrackto. In englich it is nained a palſy 5 Wpieh is kalle, for it ts moꝛe nerera Crampe chen a pal he lo it doch arttatt the line wes of thole patteg. g eThecaule of this impediment. Abts impediment doth tome ok coldnes taken oz els y rananger, oz Cf a (pice of a particuler pallie. ih Aremedp, i Dake of guſterde halte a pynt, and let the pacient with hes one. hande s take. ii. oꝛ. ui ſpontulles in his bandes chatynge the ede hande with the other and than let bym mabe fritactons, re⸗ git ducpnge the [yde ok the mouthe the whiche is dꝛawen to the one lde to bꝛyng it to the other (poe, do thus. b. dayes and plediuers temes gargarices and ſternutacions. 0 he. zes. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ol peynes in the Belly. N . 02 Tormen be the latin woꝛdes. In eng weines in bit ee SA pepne in the belly, oz a fretynge inthe the belle, ih Mur. A were mouth. SOON ORTRONICS 2,1, The 0 © 8 U 0 9 ¥ 0 0 ( a oO ~ 4 j e e clam sate eae aye . .. 6S SS S46 6 6 Oe 8 AS SS SS, CS SOCORRO RRR RRR FW RNR TCOORCORORCOROR ROR Shakyng Hye bret bone. The Breuß de tauſe ot this impediment⸗ „ A This imped ment doth come epcher oF coldeneß i the guttes, 02 eis ok wyn de intruled in the bellp , and | can not get out, aud it may come of conſtupacion, i | A ſremedp. 4 I Fyide kepe the bely warme, and ke that thou de not kae betvare of catpnge colde meates and colde herbes and krutes, bie Diatripiperion and dꝛagges, and Cipũers, o: els luppoſiters, che. 55 3. Chapitre dothe ewe of the Shakynge of the Bead and handes by D eens isthe grecke woꝛde. In latin it is named | Tremor 02 Iectigacio, dꝛ Morbus officialis, Junge | lyſhe it is named an ollictal fickenes, fo2 ag muche agit |) doth occupate an officiall member fog it doth make a | mans head to Make,oz the handes 02 other partes o quake. A Cbe taute ot tbeſe impedimentes. ¶ Cheſe impedimentes doth come thoꝛowe imbecillis tie 02 wekenes of the finewes, alſo it mape come ol ete / tteme colde oꝛ great feate, 02 thoꝛowe a Greate auger, and be ware of dꝛyntzynge in the moꝛuyng, but eacyng ſome what beloze. A remedy. ¶ Fyꝛt beware of colde, of teare, and of anger, and than ble 0 6 wache the Heese and the handes with the water that Sage a Palme ha h ven ſoden in. 5 8 che. r. Chapitre dothe chewe of the Beek done. ag Here ts the greke woꝛde. In latin it is named To? | tax. In Eug'pHe it is named che bꝛeſt bone the wht che map haue diuers impedimentes. 6 The cauſe of theſe impediments. 3 ¶ Tyeſe impedunentes of che bꝛeſte bone epeber Doth coine of lome great byolpnge, oz eis ok fome puttiktenge of it oʒ ſuehlxtze. N * Kei fo2 this matter inte tally reme dy. * . ¢ caty o: gentpll purgartone : a. 2 2 oS | SO OS 2 8 SS OO OS SO 8 Oe _ oS SS SS a SS = a > S & 5 > of healeh, Fol. C. xitii, © As thele tolowyngePouder of the coddes of Scene, Mercury, ) polppody, Caſlia fiſtula, Opliulc aurea, Byllult Cochie, and ſuch on * he, and C02 a bote take Sparmatcti with warme ale and Mal⸗ metp⸗ And extertally theĩe opntementes be good fo the bree bone, opic of Mutes, op le of S pie and iuche ipic. N The. zrr. Chapitre doth ſhe we ol a mans Stones, Efticult is the latin woꝛde. In grecke it is named Stones, i oS Se orchia. In Englyſhe it is named a mannes ſtones tze which may haue many finpedimentes, „ The tauſcot᷑ the impedune ntes of the S toncs. g cChele impedimentes doch come by lome of che bins des ot che hernies oz cis by ſome othet humour de lcen⸗ dynge krom che body to the koddes mabpng iwellinges oz bürnynges, oz ſome other appoſtumacions, & it map fh some by a bzoſe. A remedy. Ait do come hy any of the kyndes of the Dernies loke in the U Chapitre named Hernia. If it do come anp other waycs anopnte the tones with Guguentum album, oz cis make pultes 07 molli⸗ age batyes, o fuchelpke be good, ie sree KF Zhe.355. Chapitrt doth ſhewe of the Welande } oz thzote boll, rte: artetia be che latin woꝛdes. In Englyſhe it 1s named the we lande, oz the thꝛote bol, by che whi⸗ the the wynde and che aper is conueyed to the longes, « ifanp crome of bꝛede, 02 dꝛop ol dꝛynke go oꝛ enter in⸗ ey tothe layde we lande, yl a man do not coughe he ſhulde u beſtranguled and therko ze whether he wyl oz wyll not he muſt cough and laye befoze hym that is in the thꝛote and mouth, noz he can be in no quietnes Onto the tyme the matter be expelled oz expulſed out ok the thꝛote, as it doch moze largely appere in cheC hapitre named Seran V gulacio, | _ we a) 5 0 g ö : 0 a 7 Ma Welasines RRO MRR ORR ¶ The tauſe of this impediment, i € This impedimente doth come of grepynes to eate is Peil. 97 A FLIPPIN IIIS ANI ² ⁵ f Ve (EB RR HRT C Wertes 5 The Breniaty ae oꝛ dꝛynke fodepulp not taking leplure allo it imap come of ſome fipe inhauſted into a mans throte fonepnelpag J haue lene by othet men as by mp ſelle foz anpttedzz llye comming bate a mannes mouth when he dates in his bꝛech and aper, lobe what tinal chyng is before © the mouth is inhauſted into the we lande, and lo it per⸗ turbeth the pacient with coughynge. ö Aremedp, a Foꝛ the tyꝛſt caule be nat to gredy, cate and dꝛynze with leper fearyng God, and as foz the ſeconde caule J do committe onlpto Bod, £02 this matter coughynge is good. * ¶Foꝛ Trixcom loge in the ſetonde boke in the E unagantes. ie The. 357. Chapitre dotbe sete of Swellpuge of wartes and ot agnelles. Tun: latin wozde. Ju Englyche it is named euety lwellynge oz rylynge in the fleſhe⸗ Tuben la is a dymynttiue of the latin woꝛd Tuber z in Eng it is named a werte oꝛ an agnell growyng in the kette todes, And in latin thep haue manp kindes and termes, 88 Mellicerides Gangilia, Athoromata and Stratomats“ ¶ Tuc caule ot thefe impedimentes. 2% Theſe impedimentes doch come many wapes, Pit be wertes in the handes, face oꝛ other lupertall partes, it doch come of groſſe and coꝛrupte humdurs ik it be ag nelles it Doth come of chafynge of the fete and of raue holen in the fore, ſpectally it doch come ol ſtrapte Hoes Werynge, and it may come by nature. Aremedy. Pp E Fyꝛſte clyppe of their beades and than rubbe them well wür Alome water and Bap lalte, do this. ix. tymes and lap duet is places thyn plates of leade. f C The. 378. Chapitre Doth ſhewe of the Coughe⸗ 5 Loughe, Tum is the latin woꝛde. In greeke it is named vi, In Englyche it is named a Cougye, a _. 2 & r. 8 ECC . ieee wh > > > SB $ of health; Fol. C. vi 5 7 fd t . © The cauſe of this impediment. 15 * s Chisimpediment doch come of the longes, oz els ok R ateume diſtyllynge to the alperous arture, oz the pipes N . C Aremedy. Fit toꝛ this matter lette the pacient be kepte in a clene aper Without corruption of Wiaughtes, dung bylles, and cup! favours and klauours, Let the pacient beware ok (wepynge of boufes and fitetes, and daunkyng bpon ry hes there where muche dus is vn⸗ der the ryches, thele thynges oblerued and kepte , than the pacikt mute exchewe and refrapne frome certepne meates and bꝛpnkes and bzeades, #7 p70 from bꝛeades, as fale and newe bꝛeade, frome ſoden bꝛeade, as Semnelles and Cracknelles and alta Lake bead and crufes. Atter this newe Ale o· Beere, lower Ale 02 Heere, o: lower Spder oꝛ wyne, let the pacient rekrayne frome it, Egges, mylke,and(pecally harde chefe and nuttes, let them the it Which hath the Coughe cate none of it. A Ptilane made under this aner. Fy2t take of Enula campane rotes. iii. vnces mundikied g tit Keced thyn, of Elope. ui. hantulles moze 07 lelle, as the tyme of t he Hi pore wal requyze: fo: in Somer whan the bertue is in the herbes is woꝛth. lit. handtulles in Wynter, than take of Fenellrotes the Hi en out, oꝛ cls of Fenel ſedes the weyght ok an bruce and a 0 alte, of Anys fences, tit. buces, of great Raylyns the tones pulled 1 Our a quarteron of a pounde, of Figges pulled into peces halke a pounde, of Apcoꝛpte bꝛoled halfe a pounde, of Barly clented oz n pycked clene and bꝛoled, and fo purified. iti, handfulles, fethe alt Sis togyther in a galon ot runnyng water, ſtrapned and boyle all 0 together tyl it be conlumed to lefie than. ili. quattes, t᷑ than ſtray⸗ N ne it and let the pacient deynke moznynge, none, and uyghte. ir i} Spontullat a tyme. And what this dynge named u Btilane is i) Bote let the pacient purge hym telle with pylles of Coche, oꝛ with it dolles Stomatical, and after that bleLoclanum de pino. 3 in this 1 Matter wolde nat that lodenly a reſtriction chuld be cured lek per⸗ f er thoꝛowe fuche ſodeyne mutacions inconueniente myght all, fo2a lodeyne mutacion is deathe . Ind who lo euer he be the | Hpuicbe can toughe fo longe he can nat dye, but beware the akter gf dlappes. And d do fap, who lo euer that can coughe and expulle o2 1990 * 02 eee e es he cage 0 0 he — 1 to ſtopbpethe bꝛeath and the ipfe on at qe fone a ; i intents ye conan good it is to take medicines to relaxe, if ; ¶ Thus endeth the letter of T. And here ü kolo weth the letter of . P. ili, The — A — — — K PSK PII EOD 6 * \ \ — — n 2 ROR I 22% & SO OS Sb 6 0 0 8 SS OS ho GS SSS 6S 6 SS. SA Se eee The Breulaty The. 7. Chapttre oth ewe of the mall Bockes. 4 = yjAriole minores bee the latin woꝛdes. J He % Englrche it is named the Cmalt pockes pockes. % che which wyl bzeake out kyzſte as dag XI, puſhes, and after that they wyll be la „ bedaktera ſtynkyng lozte. 23 The cauſe of this impediment. KF This impediment doch come moze of the coꝛruptiog of bloud then any other humour, it may come of a men e ſtruous humourin the conception of a chylde wherko e 1 this infirmit ie is an accident cauſe to pouth, age is nog ra infetted noztnfecced wich this inkyzmptie, ontelle tebe thoꝛowe a great contagious aper recept and taken ofa fectious perſons, and pf the pacient be ſo generated 3 | ware of lepꝛoſitie conſequently wyll tolo we. bepnes ſpecially in the kete and legges. Swelling Arices ig the latin wozd. In Englyſpe it is nad ene ſwellynges of veynes in the fete ſt legges, and in other places aboue any naturall courſe. . The cauſe of this intirmitie. . ¶ This impediment doth come dyuers wapes, epthel ö by extreme labour with goynge eappnge, daunkpnge, wꝛanlynge, v2 luche lyke, oz els it Dory come Of on 1 Ca cemedr. i pte F pit let al Philicions beware nat only in this iuktrmite but 1 in many other, not to miniſter medicines ertertal, which chulde de „ repercuſſiue, which is to lap, to dryue in the inkirinite to the bod, . and beware in this matter of oyntmentes and bathes and ol eos i 5 and open aper, oꝛ ot pykyng oz touchyng any of the puches oz P eae i bes kepe the pacient warme and let hym oꝛ her be of a good derne 1 to comkoꝛte bloude although that ſome expert doͤctours in this | {is geil” matter wolde that a man ulocerbauge bloune out of a Dep | named Mediana. rae | 1 The. 36. Chapitre dothe chewe of cwellynge of te NAN HREOC RRR A fi it nede be, erbaute bloude out of the Walilike bapne, and ihan purge the matter with Yeraruffini, oz with pylles of Voz varuce loke in the Chapiere named Acrochors in man, takyng thep2 oꝛiginal oꝛ begynnyng of the ly⸗ | Cephalica, Sophe na, Baſilica, Epatica, Saluatella, ànd 5 fromchẽ, fozthermoze fo2 this matter lette them looke RESORTS EE EI, P 3 of health; _ | Fol. C avi. N pupll humour delcendynge from the ſupertall partes to the inkeriall partes, andas J do pꝛecyſelyknowe, chis matter is much grounded vpon ventolytie the whiche intipalltauſe. is the pꝛincip e Lapidis lazuli, and than take ot the Céurfe of yꝛon in a Smythes forge a haͤndkull, of wheten ban. iii.handful, ſeth this in white wyne oz in lyes and wache the place. ii. tymes to bedwarde, and purge coler. dones, u The. 361. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of the pꝛincipall Gepnes, Ine is the latin wozde. In greetze it is named $thigmos, In Englyche it is named bepnes, a beine isa cundite that doth conteine the pꝛincipal bloud Ueynes. net, There be manp pꝛincipal bepnes in man, as the ra mus veynes, then be theſe veyneg, Mediana, Cardiaca, hemozodyall veynes they be namedpꝛyncypall veynes, for as much as they do parteyne to the pꝛyucypalmem⸗ berg and they be che pepneppall veynes, for asmuche as the pꝛyncypalytie of al other veynes reſteth in them and hath a confluence, 02 à courſe and recout ſe to and that wolde haue moze knowledge in che Chapitre nav med Mediana ũnd in Phlebothomia. The. 362. Chapitre goth chewe of benym 02 poplounpnge. Mrrenum ts the latin wozde. In greke it is named Jenpm, los., In Engliyche it is named venim the which is the moſt ſubtiliſt matter that can be, fo2 nature doth ab horte it, conſpderynge that ui ate and cozrupte Not viii. > — S ‚— ' Sy ee SG * 1 77S ccc REPAID 2 RIMINI EIEN d ORO OOOO ai a ee eee ee ee ee a ee eee ee Oe ee Woꝛmes. The Breufary : not onely oſttelal mebers but allo the principal eber The tauſe of this matter. . Chis matter doch come of lome venemous woe 02 beaſt bytyng oꝛ ſtynging, and poploning docheom by eatynge oz dꝛynkynge of poplon, howbeit in Rome they wyll poylon a mannes ſterope, oz ladle, 02 anpoy ther thynge, and it any parte ofones body do take auß heate oꝛ warmenes ok che poylon, the man is then pops ſoned. e Atemedp. i It a man do perteyue that he be poploneds ky att let hym bomit, and gyue hym purgacions, Clyſters, oꝛ luppoliters, and ſet hym bloude of thele bepnes named Mediana and Cardiaca, and ble to dzynke Treatleoꝛ Mitridatum, and alſo Garlpke and Rewe ig good agaynſt poyſon oꝛ poyfonpnge. Ik one be ſtonge oz bytten with a benemous beaſte o2 wozme , loke in the Chapftre named Mozlus reptilium, i The. 363. Chapitre doth ſhewe of ventolite. Entoſitas tgthe latin woꝛde. In greke tt is named Auemodia · In Englyſhe it is named ventolitie oz wpnde. * 4 tt The caule of this impediment, 24 ¶ This impediment doch come dyuers wapes, as bp longe faſtyng oz takynge of extreme colde, oz eagtynge of frutes, 02 eatyng ol potage o2 lewes, 02 groſſe meg tes and (uch lyke. N ¶ A remedy. N Foꝛ this matter ble to cate Dlalpermaton, oꝛ Diatellexon, 0 Diaciminum, oꝛ cls take Anps Cees, of Caraway ledes, ok He ledes of Gynger, ok Setual, of Gloucs, of Compu ledes, of ech. dꝛames, make pouder of all this and ble a poꝛcion euerp day With meates, dꝛynkes 02 potages,¢ beware of coſtiuenes s ble diegges, The. 364. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of diuers 3 kyndes of woꝛmes. 1 Ermes ig the latin woꝛde. In greeke it is named Scolices, In Engliſhe it is wokmes. Audtheneh, E oS Se SO 2 2 SS OS 8 SS 8 Oe SSeS, . 2 2 = = fe K aS 5 aay a ya > : of health; Fol,C xvii, A many kyndes of wozmes. C here be in the bodye thꝛe ſoztes, named Lumbrici, Aſearides, and Cucutbitie. Lum brici be longe white wozmes in the body, Aſcarides be mal ipecle white wo zmes as bygge as an here and halfe gn ynche ok lengthand chey be in a gutte named the lon a acionaud chey wyl tycle in a mans foundement.cucue be be ſquare wazmes in a mans body, and J haue lene pwozmes come out ot a mans body lpke che kaſhion ok a maggot, but they haue bene wart oz hauynge a darke u kblour. Allo there be wozmes in a mans handes named a) Sirones, & there be wozmes in a mans fete named deg⸗ s ges, then is there a rynge woꝛme named in latin Impe 9 tigo, And there may be woꝛmes in a mans ceche e eares ok che which J do pꝛetende to ſpeke ol nowe, as fog all the other woꝛmes J haue declared theyꝛ pꝛoperties and kemedies in they? owne Chapitres, N The caule of woꝛmes in a mannes Eare ¶ Two caules there be chat a man haue wozmes in his eares, che one is ingendꝛed thoꝛowe cogruption of ſhe bzayne, the other is accidentall by crepynge in ol a wozme into a mans care 02 cates, 8 iM nA remedy. % Anctyll into theeare the ople of bitter Almons , o: els the oyle o wozmewode, oꝛ els the tupce ot Rewe, warme euery thyng that fi mut be put into the eare. Foz Vertigo loke inthe Chapitre named Scoromos, W he. 367. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a mans bladder. My if oS 8 6&6 & @ & 6 a R IRN eee j Eſica is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named cy⸗ Bladder. is Ris. In Cugiphe it is named a mans bladder, the which doth rete ue the water oꝛ vꝛyne the whiche doch dyſtyil from the lyuer and che raynes of the backe to it i bp the pooꝛes named Vritides 02 Vrichides. The blad⸗ if der may haue many impedimentes, as Senne e he t oS Oh Oe OS ee 7 n ROR SEN ERT RCTRCOROR TROON . Match, @ mans verde. EINE DEINE PETIT IIR IROOM ORCRCOO 2 „un Breufaty 2 ; ciofig inflaminaciong alſo a pal ſy may be in the bladder oz great debylytie that one can not holde his water. The cauſe ot theſe impedimentes. ¶ Thele impedimentes doch come moſte commonly of euyl oꝛderynge in youth, the other caules be ſhewed. A remedp Fyiſt anoynte the raynes and the coddes and other fecret pl ces with the ople of Scoꝛpions, € dꝛynke read wyne in the whiche Mucherons ts ſoden in. Allo J do aduertiſe cuery man to diſchar⸗ ge otte the bladder and neuer to hold in the water ko; bp reſeit tynge ot the water luche inpedimentes be ingendzed and (o is the Boute. ¶ Foz Vefice lobe in the C hapitre named Phlitanai, The. 366. Chapitre doth thewe of hym oz her that can nat flepe doug Igilie is the latin woꝛd. In greke it is named on goriæ. In Inglyſhe it is named watchyng ort that can not llepe. ö C he cauſe of this impediment. 1 ¶ This impedimente doch come thoꝛowoe pdelnelle oz Wet enes of che bꝛayne, oz els thoꝛowe fickenes anger, 02 faſtyng, oꝛ els thoꝛowe ſolicitudenes 02 repletion, extreme heat, oꝛ extreme tolde in the fete oꝝ ſuch ye. q Aremedp » ; ¶ Take of the ople of Miolettes an vnce, of Opium halfean bnes, incozpozare this togyther with womas mylae and with a tyne lynnen cloth lap it to the temples. O els take ot᷑ the ſeues of Dene baue ſtampe it and lap it to the temples.Oꝛ els ble to tate ot A tute ledes, of white Bopy ledes, of cg andzagoz ſedes, of Haul ber, ot eche.iii.dꝛames, but aboue all thynges myꝛzthe is dell 10 bedwarde. ¶ Foꝛ Virago loke in the Chapitre named Malier. The. 36 7. Chapitre dothe chewe of amannes Ferde⸗ Irga vitilis be the latin woꝛdes. In grebe it is ia med Aedion. And ſome do name it Pioli; 02 Hex fie, oꝛ Oplis, In Engiycpe it is named a man 1 > = 2 eS Se SO SS SSO 8 SO Oe ee eS „6 ö ' ofheatths = =i“ Fol, Cyxvilif, U Whlehe is a member full of (pitetwes arters, and veynes, wich lacertes and other lügamentes, che lyne wes doch » procede from the newke which is the mary of the backe The erection ofthe perde dothcom frome the arters ol § herte and the head. The beynes doch pꝛocede from the puer. The lacertes c the ligamentes doch pꝛocede out m and from the thyes, ſpectally of a bone oz bones there be ynge. The yerde maye haue many impedimentes ag well wichin the condyte as without vnder the lÿynne ol ö the head ol the perde. 9 The cauſe of thele imped imentes. 1 a Theſe impedimentes doch come as J (apde many wapes. Ikit do come interially tn the cũdyte ofthe perd t dochcome of au hote coleticke humour, oꝛ els by ſome euyll humour ingendꝛed eyther in the bladder. 02 els in the taynes of che backe, and it mape come of an eupll diſpoled woman that is eyther kylthy oz els pꝛetending to do man diſplealure. FE it do come extertally whiche s to fape that the impediment be in, vnder, oꝛ bpou che head ok che perde betwyrt the lkyn and che Head of che perde, eyther it doch come ol heate oF the body, oꝛ els tho towe much medlynge witha woman {pecially it He be mendtruous pockep, oz lepzous. i es CF ALCMEDPe ‘i i= Ff this impedimente be in any intertall caufe, ble fo dꝛynke melde, o7 eis dꝛynke otte a good poꝛcion of the water of Hawes, % and inter ato the perde the water of Campppze. It the impedt- ß ment be betwyrt the ckyn and the head ot the perde and the heade felfe, wate the bead of the perde diuers tymes with white wyne. n And after that ble the gouder of a rotten poſte, oꝛ any ſiccat iue me⸗ 1 detines, 02 cls Bopuſton, oz unguentum Egiplicum is good. ft 1 The. 368. Chapttre doth ewe ok a mans fpght. . Llus is the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named oni Spgdt, V clies, In Englyſhe it is named a mans ſyght the wien may haue many unpedimentes as lpooze bipride, ' athe T rere 6 6 a * 6 * ea tas ROR 1 ö 7 0 7 ) } / / 9 ; 7 ; ; ; } / y ö , 7 / 0 y 4 Häupl. 700 ã ò ði pd oS tS. 6 6 CS 6 a nae — — 2 The Breuiarx ſtarke blynd, gogle eyes and many other impediinenteg ag it doth apete in diuers Chapic res ot this boze, pet ally in theſe Chapitres named Cculus, Tarphati, Arges mat a, Bot hot, Epiphora,Lacrime Lencomata, Liptitudo, Macula in oculo,Ophtalmia, Ordiolus, Pauus, Pecia in of culo, Phlitanai, Pterigion, Sebel, Vngula, ſt Strabofitasy ¶ The cauſe of thele impedimentes. i There can no impediment come to the eye, butepekey it doth tome of an interiall cauſe, oꝛ els ot an exteriaſ caufe, as it doth appeare in the Chapitres of the aloe ſayde woꝛdes. A remedy to clarity the ſyght. a @ Fyꝛſt ble gargarices and Rernutactis, and caſp purgacions te purge the head and do as it is wꝛyten in the Chap. named Oculug Foz Vesligoloke inthe Chapitre named Luce, * The. 36 9. Chapitre doth thew of Ulcers. oꝛ blceracions. Vleus oꝛ Vlcera be the latin woꝛdes. In grebe it is named Helcos oꝛ Helcea. In Engliche it is us med an vlcer oꝛ biceractons the which is a puttiliedand a cozrupte matter in a ſoʒe. i The caule of this mattter This matter doch come of a coletycke and a Harpe humour. CA remedy. 121 ; 1 ¶ Fyꝛit take of vnguentum Egipfiacum. ii. vnces, myxt wih th iup ce of ome garnades and mundity the place and that wyll ay the malignite of it. Allo it is good to wache ort the blcer with the water of Plantain, in the whiche a lytle roche Alome is delolued ut, and let the paciente ble a good dyet, as well in meates as in dꝛynkes and let hym not be coſtiue but laratiue. 4 The. 370. Chapitre doch ſhewe of a mans Mauyll. Mbelicus ig the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named Omphales, In Engliſhe it is nameda mana 7 c c SE RE ECC of health b Hol. C. ae N the tobiche may haue dyners impedimentes, to the na ul may fall out oꝛ be burſtenoꝛ chere may be lone aps poſtumacion. f The tauſe ot theſe imnedtmentes. ö © Theſeimpedunentes doch come eyther of great er enge oz of great halo wynge oz ol lewzynge, ic mape comme ok a great b20fe oꝛ ly ynge oz ſtraynyng. ; A vemedp. Fett make a truſſe of white tuſtiane and futke it with carded wolle oz Cotton, and than truſſe in the matter, and atter that lette j the pactenk dyn ie wich ate ale the tupce of Dalepes, Centino⸗ ‘Dp, Bnewpolme rotes. Auance, and the rates of Polipody, oz ſeth Atogpther in elartkicd Ale, and deynze of it noznpüge and cues kuge . pv. dayes. | The. 31. Chapitre dothe chewe of a fofte 0 apoftumacion, mis {sche latin wozde. And Come doch tape it gnonuine ba barbarous wozde. In Englyche it is named a lde appoſtumation, white, and ſofte. The caule of tots umpediment. his tnpedtinenc doch come of a colde lleumatpke humour. Aremedp. K fpꝛd maturate the tauſe witu Pultefis, and than make a coz kolpue with Cant arides, than miniſter ienies aud atter that Cale nes attractiuc. Fog Vngula loke in the Chapitre named Prerigion, be. 372. Chapitre doth ſhewe ot a mans Maples. MV Oniches, In Engliche it ts named a mans nayles the which map haue dyuers inmpedimentes, as fallpnge ofthe naples, oꝛ rottyng of naples, and by poyſonynge “op bꝛoſynge, oꝛ by ſtrapte ſhoes werynge a man mape elt bis na ples, and ſome mens napleg be berp hard and and fome be lokte. 5 — SISTER IER RTI I IRE IIR IIE TIAL IKI TNS IC IUD Ngues is the latin woꝛde. In greeke it is named maples. & ERIS 2 eo — 5 a = ION . ‚ , r . . eee a — Vometig Amans vopte. The Breniat̃ The caule of ryote impedimente ? ¶ The caute ofthe moſte parce of thele impidimented. | is (he wed before, pf the naples be harde, tc Doth come | of groſle humours ir the naples be lolte it doch come of | gencpliuatare, E50 % Aremedy. 7 He DWho ſi euer that bath eupil naples, ble the ople of Moles, a and the lupte ok Dlanraine myxte with the white of an tage and ano pnt the naples. co at ' The. 37. Chapitre doth chewe of Mometynge⸗ i | Omitus is che latin wozde: In greeke it is named Emitos. In Englyſhe it is named vometyng, ofa | vymypt oꝛ perbzeakynge. a The cauſe ofthis impedimentt ¶ This impediment Doth come either voluntaty orth | voluntary, ył it be holuncary le doch come by proud cion, as by puttynge the kynger into che chaote 02 clpea pata fether oꝛ a bꝛance of roſemary oꝛ fuche Isen the thꝛote. D2 els it maytcome by tab ynge ſome pocyon | 02 lome herbe; oz ſome other medetine, pf tt do com ine | uoluntarp, thẽ it doth come of the malice of che ſtomaze A remedy foz inuslunt arp bametpnge. . kTahke of Anys ledes. ii. dꝛames, of atthe a hzame, of pas ger a dꝛa me and a halte, of all this make fine pouder and put it in⸗ to. b. Ipontall of azole water and with fuger let the pactent einm it. I do gyue this potion without tuger, o eis take of Opium dꝛame, myxe it with the iupte ot lantaine and a lotle laltron and dꝛynkt OF this. iti. oꝛ.ilii.tymes. a0 Fon volnulus loke in the Chapitre namedCordapls The. 374. Chapitre dothe ſdewe ol a mans boyte. V is the latin wozd. In greke it is named phon In Engliche it is named a mans voce, che Which map haue dpuers impedimentes as hoz ines, bꝛapengt and other while it is taken away, 4 * 7777. ROR TEIN ̃²˙ ‚ — —ͤ— — RENE 3 Pee i of health. ö Eol. C. N he cauſe of theſe finpedimentes. = Thee impedimences doth come inanp wayes.either l bpfickenes, 02 els by lepꝛoulnes, oz it ina p come by ha lowynge, 02 bp extreme ale wzynge, 02 cryeng, oꝛ byto magidus iyngynge, fetchyng a greater compatte then , oatelp a man can teche. Allo it map come choꝛow great tolde tak ynge akter an heate, it it come Of ctyen ge and tallynge vpon bꝛute beates, and it mape come of cole 6 dale o any other duſt oꝛ fmoke the which may opilate ‘the ozgans oꝛ pypes ol the bꝛeſte. 0 5832 Aremedy. eig erchewe colnes and dzynke butterd Alcor butterd becre and bee catp purgacions and warme meate and twete meates, to: alae meates and Cale me ates and bytter thynges be not good fo; the vopte Foz Vrinaloke in che ſeconde boke named the Extra U begantes. f a K Fele! The. 375. Cbapitre dothe ſhewe ol the condites it . of the bine. 5 i SOF Richides 02 Vritides be the latin woꝛdeg. In Eng wzpne, I lylhe it is the cundytes thoꝛow the which the wa ter doch palſe, and lome do name chem che water gates i thewhich be tyed to the matryx ol a woman the whiche hay haue terteyne impedimentes as ſtoppynge of the pater by che one oz by Come groſſe humour. Te be tauſe is ſhewed. „ A temedy. end pte Clyſters oz tis ĩunpoliters, and to dyn je #9 vſelx yy dts and alptie seat mane in kyne poude ,Dzrmae it wito Ke⸗ nyſhe went. o: white wyne, oz with Polſet ale. " be. 376. Chapitre dothe Hewe of a womans. itl . in lecret membꝛe . V Vlua is the latin woꝛde. In greke it ts named lt porta Vara In Enguch it is named a womans ſecret me veutris; 6 i" bet the whiẽh is d gate oz Boze ok the matryx oꝛ bell pe, sass and + SIS 8 a ORR RII ETUC ONL FOGG SIA EE IA DN I haha EE SEE ̃ ˙ IIE ge = 3 < NG — 3 1 INN ETN LIE INNIS VVV PEIN IIE IIE IORI ITO ON I 1 KK—2 The Breniary itso! Yo | and there may breve manp dileaſes as bicets Mabbeg, appoſtumes, lyllure g, kyttles, teſtures, the pockes ß burnyng of an harlot. $0 ee ¶ Che caute of thele impdimente. Many ol the le impedimentes doch come by lyenge with au vnclene man oꝛ menne, oʒ lyenge wich gnelene women oz vntlene perlong. 105 ¶ A remedy . | KF F02.avemedp fo al thele atogelaꝝ de diſeaſes, loke in the gya | pitres of the pꝛopze names of the wo des and there is remedy ae } i . cient. f a it} The. 377. Chapitre doth ſhewe of woundes. Vu 02 Vulnera be the latin woꝛdes. In gie eum. kt is uamed Trauma 02 Traumata. In Enge is named a wounde oꝛ woundes, and there be dene ſoztes of woundes, ſome be ne we and kreſhe wouneg and ſome be olde woundes, ſome be depe woundes, ad ſome be playne woundes, and ſome fyſtuled, and tome | be feſtered, lome be vlcersted and ſome hach kylſures, and lome hath none. 3 7 The cauſe ot woundes Cast @ Moſt comcnip woundes doch come thozowe an het ö lot, 02 foʒ an hounde, it doth come allo thoꝛowe gute iptige, that ſome hate knauy He blonde wolde be out, & Dpuersepmes woundes dochcomethozowe dzontzennes fo. when the dzyntze is in, che wytte is out, and then haue at the, and thou at me. fooles be they that wold them part, that Wee {uch a dionken matte, remedp. a 1 t it bea grene wounde , fyzſte Nane the bloude, and pethe wounde be large and wyde ſtyche it, and akter that lap a play der and let it lye.xx . hourts 07 moze, tha open it, and mundifp anh white wyne. And ik the wounde be depe bie kictatine pla made with Ollbanum, Frankenlente, Literge, Pecos. the bean of Benes, and Ariſtologia rotunda and luche iy ke. HE the wound ve plapne tale ot the rotes of Lyllies, ot pome Sc aS “ Se of health; Fol. C. x, N Balles, of Aloes oz ſuthe lyke. It the woundes be inditkerent the wunde mundificd, ble the pouder of Mystylles and Role leues and luche lp ke, and let the pacient beware of benerious actes @ of contagious meates and dꝛynkes. : ¶ Foꝛ Vnea lobe in the addieiong after the Extraua⸗ antes. The. 3s 7. Chapitre doth chewe of the danels. 1 J Veletscthelattyn wozde. In englyſhe it is named mou he ly ke lytle longe teetes and other whyle they do em and other whple theydo fall downe out of rhey2 Place. hes The cauſe of theſe impedimentes 2 pe vuels do well ie doche come thozowe aboun⸗ daunte of reume of els choꝛo we a hote humoure, if the | Huelsvo fall eythet it doth come by laboure 02 bp heer, | Op elsthozowe great ſytknes and wekeneg. 72 A 2 remedy, eit do come ot reume, ble gargarites and ſternut actions, and ge the head and the domane with pylles ot Lochees It it do Some of beat purge coler, and put bp the Muels that Doth tal with the thome layenge Peper on the rhome , and ble to cate Peper oz J tls take the pouder of a Suaple that is burnte and mp pe it with Pons and lay it an the ende ot the thome æ than put bp the bucls, | em Thus endeth the letter of. M. And here fos loweth the letter of. &. ehe. 378. Thapitte dothe chewe ot an ünpe⸗ diment in the eres. Rophthalmia is the greke wozde. In eng⸗ eile lpche it is named à blaſt oz an impedp⸗ ves. ment in the exe, the which mape come cer⸗ RUIN Scene: Wages: 21 . e 3 The cauſe His impe es 2 This impediment doch come ofan eupi { 1 O, i. wynde N WV duels the whiche doche lye in che route of che Guts. 0 6 © 6 5 = G te 8 5 rr n Ce re neee Oe ap? ys N — 3 8 i, 8 BS A ee OS Se SEO 95 ae, er Bans 8 - Freer 5 eee om sag mais . Pee The. Breuiary Wynde 02 elles of fome contagpous heet or of an cup Humoure 02 {uche lybe, fog the exe wyll neyther fwell, 102 water nog dꝛoppe. N Aremedy . Imyghte bere chewe of many talubziouſe medetines but the belt medecine that A do knowe is to lette the matter alone and medle nat with it but were before the eyes apete of blacke Carcence and eate neyther garlycke noꝛ onpons 1102 dꝛynke no wpnes noz ſtronge ale, and it wyll were awape. 1 The. 380, Chapptre dothe ewe ofa gut the which dathe e behynde the welande oz tytote boll thoꝛowe the which meate and dꝛynne Doth palſfſe oute ot the moutbe into the ſtomaze 6 latyu Wozde. In Geebelt “5 is named Oyſophagos 02 Meri. In engliſh ic is named Ilofagon oz the mevp, orthe mabe there is nothynge that doth palle thozowe the thꝛote boll oꝛ the welande but onel ve Wynde pf by chaunte chere do at anpe tyme aue dꝛoppe of diene oz Crome oł bꝛeade, 02 fipe:, 02 any ſuche Ipse thyn⸗ ges doth happen into the welande there is no remedpe but to coughe it out agapne , ve fo be that there do bp gredy eatynge, oꝛels by ane other mytkoꝛtune that anp kyſhe o2 flee bone, oꝛ an pe other thynge do ltare — . in the ozilice ol the pꝛenominated. (ofagon otherwiſe named the mery, then do as it hal folowe. LThe taules be ewe. 5 A remedp. 105 It there happen a bone. o: a pyn, oz any other tyzote, fra prouobe.a bonute, and it that wylf nat helpe, dene a (portal of moze of oyle Olpue ofheriopte named in Englande Salade ople, and dynke well, and ließe vpon it. f & * < pa GL Fox Y pichinaa tone in che chapter named, can hpng into ons of health; Fol. C. xxii, Foz Ypofarca joke in the chapttte named Anoſarca 03 Hidropis, 8 The. 381. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of them that both abhoꝛre water · Droforbia 02 Hidroforbia be the greke woꝛdes Vie Dftail woꝛde of latyn is detiued oute ok greke named 1droforbia ag {8 ſayde, J haue lene and redde that the barbarous wozde is named Euforbium which tS falle, foꝛ Euforbium is gumme. Hidroforbia in eng⸗ lyſde is abhoꝛrynge of water as J lerned in the partes olgrece, and lome doth laye it is water in the belye, and ſome doch faye that it is an impedimenr of him that tan not ſe the waues of the ſee oꝛ ſoundynge of the was ter but his ſtomatze is turned and muſt, oz els is redy to petbzeatze 02 to vompt. Nins Je: ¶ The cauſe of this impediment < EThisimpedtinencdocy come ag many auctours doch MApofa melancoly humour foz the inpotent is named a Melancol y paſſion but J do faye as J do knowe not Onelpe by mp ſelfe but by manye ot her whan J dyd bie He leas, and of all ages, and ok all complexions beynge in my company, that this matter dyd come moze of cos ler than melancolp, conliderynge that coler is mouable nd doch lwimme in the ſtomazke. a ‘ d vemedp, > Foz this matter purge Coler and melancoly humours, fo: | my ſelte, whiche am a Philicion is combered muche Ipke this paflicn, foz I can not awap with water noz waters by nauiga⸗ tion, wher foꝛe J do leue al water and to take my ſelte to good Bic, and other wh ſe fo2 Ale à do take good Galcon wyne, but J wyl not dꝛynke Nronge wynes, as Malmeſcy, Nomucy, Nomaniſte wyne, wyne Qbozle, wyne Greke, and Hecke, but other whyle a Draught oz two of ulcadell 02 Batter de, Oley, Capꝛpcze, Ali⸗ ant. Tyze, Nalppte, J wyll not refute , but white wyne ol Anz 117 wyne of Ozleance, 02 Renpche wyne white oz read is bod ko al men, there is Iptic read Renyche wyne, ex tept it growe bout Bon beyonde Colyn, There be many other wynes in diuers Q. ii. tigiong R A ‚ ee, * 0 { 5 5 9 0 n Ar SS a * ec 2 eat nat wid .. ² Ü...... —— be CS NOONE CTR ONIN RTC I ‘ 5 . The Breularys regions, pꝛouintes and countrcps that we haue not in Englande; But this J do lap, that all the Ayngdomes of the woꝛlde haue nat {o manp Condzp Byndes of wynes, as be in Englande, and yee there is nothynge to make wyne of. : 7 | ¶ Thus endeth the letter of. P. And here fos | wech the letter of 2. The. ;s 2. Cbapitre dothe chewe of dye ſcabbes . Etma 02 Zerua be the latyn woꝛdes. J gretze it is named Plora 02 Lichen the bat barous wozde is named Lichena. In eng lyſhe it is a kynde of ſkabbes the whiehe be tnkictious. Scabbes. ¶ The caule of this impediment. 2@ This impediment doth come ok dꝛynzynge of euplt dꝛynkes aud ofeacpuge of contagpous meares, lpecp⸗ allpe bp lyenge watch tnéecttous perfons „it mape come of the coꝛruptyon of bloude , oz els by lome menſtroug humoure. Aremedy. ff T Dake of Calte water a galon. and feth in it. tii. handfulles of cromes of wheten bzead that is leuande and wache the baue Wit) the water twyle oꝛ thꝛyle, 02 cis wache the body in the Hes. li. 0 lit. tymes, oꝛ els take the bꝛan made of Clocle ſedes. ili. handkull. of the pouder of Bꝛymſtone. u. vnces Cerd this ina potell of white wyne oꝛ Nmeger, and wache the bodp.lii.oꝛ.iiii.tymes . The. 383. Chapitre dothe ewe of an impo⸗ fume that doth come of Fleume. 5 3 Apotume Imie tothe latyn worde. In engipihe it is an im poſtume ingendꝛedok a fleumatyze humour. The caule is chewed. remedp, ¶ Foꝛũ purge tleume, than matucate the matter, and than laun⸗ ce the impoll ume, oz els ma ie à coꝛoſiue, and mae tentes s Aue that miniſter lalues attractiue, and than maturate the kleche anoynt the place. n Ch 6 | bgolejoz fall, oz ſome g a Ti Foy make incifion, and after that canterile the abſtraction, =a =a SS. . * of nie altiiz Fol. C. Kii, Z The. 384. Chapitre noth chewe of a Pannicle the wyiche walbe reherted. dt ig the lat yn wozu In englyſhe it isa pans Z upele oz a caule compounds af. ii. thyn tunicles of Duets artoures and vaynes and kenne ſſe, it doth couer the Hemabe and the guttes and it Ooty kepe the heet althem and doth dekende the cold, this perce oz pans nycle oz caule map be relaxed oʒ bꝛoken. The caule of this impedimente⸗ ¶ Tyis impediment doch come of lome great ſtrapne, rente lyft oz fuche lyke thynges. i Aremedy. A pellicle. and I haue lene the cur tanteriſed that the flure of bloud chuld nat folowe, the ouerplus ot my mynde in this matter and all other matters J do commpt it to the induderp of wyle and expert Pbi⸗ fictions and Coterurgtons. eats us 2.7 LAGS. TKA; Here endeth the kirſt boke examined c rtoꝛd in June the pere ot our loꝛd. M. CCC CC. vi. And in the reigne of our ſouerapne Loꝛde hb ypnge Henrpe the. hilt, kynge of Eng⸗ lande, Fraunce, and Jrelande the. xxx viii. a pere... And newly Impꝛinted and co: rected, the 5 pere of dur Loꝛde God. . O. tit, 8 ¢ © 8 6 1 8 if 0 if x ut nae er N IIE IED oes n ; U 4 7 y f ; el i / y ) y 4 7 7 1 f f . ö 4 4 Co 2,2 > eS oe Oe & oot © be SS. S = S&S, SS. 6 e's e's aS oe eS, Kim Hete foloweth che Table ol chis plelent booze. 85 ¶ Che. . Chapitre doch ſhewe of Bays ap U foundment. Hence. Folio. vis ¶¶ Che. 2. Chapitre doth ewe of Abp⸗t epng of a mans ſtoma ne. Folio. m. ¶ Tue. 3. Chapitte doth Heme ? abbey. fion AU. vin. ¶ The, 4. Chapitre sory Ho ofa Fhucte in the (hyn oF the head. Folſo. eodem. The. 5. Chapitre doch Meme ok a tun⸗ np ze lea be Folio. codem. + The 6. Chapter doth ſhewe of an impe⸗ diment in the cordce ot the e pe. Fol. ix. ¶ The. 7. Cyapitee dath ſhe we at viceras clons. Folio codem. ¶ Che. s. Cbapitre doth ewe ol the grene lecbenes 02 the grene Jauries, Fol. obem ¶ She. 9. Chapitre Dory e we ot the whit moꝛphewe. . ¶ The. 10. Chapitre doth de weota fillu⸗ dus impoſtume. Folio · x. The. Chapitre doth Mewe of the inflation of epes. Folio.eodem The. ii. Chapitte doth ſhewe af one of the. iii i.xpndes of Lipꝛoſie. Fol. eodem. Che. 13. Chapiere doth ſhewe of a Car Gocte es Folio, xi. C Che. 14. Chapttee doch ewe of Weile conels in the tote of the tonge. Folio. xi. AL. The. 15. Chapiter Voth Heror of one ot the kyndes ot the katiyng ſickenes . Fol. eo. Che. 16. Chapitre Doth: Meme ol war⸗ tes. Folid eodem. C The. 17. Chapitre doth ſſheme of ane ot the kyndes ok the Hydꝛiopfpes. Fol. iii. L Che. 1g. Chapitre doth ſhewe of caſting fp of a mans meate. Folio codem. ¢ The. 19. Chapitre doth Mew of burning of an hariotte. Folte..eodem, ¶ The. 0. Chapitre doth ſhewe ola mans xeth 02 ende. Folio.eodẽ. The. 21. Chapitre doth ſhewe os the fapnce Folio. xiiii. Che. s Chapitre doth ewe of the ſaule of man. Folio. eodem. L £42.25. Chapitre doth ſhewe ol a mans Mpnde. Folio. tv. L The. 24. Chapttredoth Mewe of a byte. Gia felon. Folio.coden ¶ Che. 25. Chapi tre doth Hewe ol a man Folio codem. Folic. Che. 26. Chapicxe doth meer of psi vlterac tõ in the toute OF the mouth. o. di. L Che. Chapitre doth ſhewe ol a mans apetpde j Folio. eodem. ¶ A he. ꝛg.Chepitre doth Hew of the ape Plexpe. Jolio e €L The.z9. Chapitre doth ſhewe of impas fumes generall. Folio. rit, ¶ Tue. 30. Chapitre doth Hewe of a Cys tryne water, Folio. coden. Che. 51. Chapitre vorh ſhewe of a low in the eyes. olig, code, ¶ The. 32. Chapitre doth Hew of the gal artherpthe. Folio,cvy * The. 33. Chapttre doth Hewe of the 4 when it is bloudſhot, Folio. codon; Che. 34. Chapitre doth se we of at i saints aes ee Folio. cod, e. 38. Chapitre doth ſhewe of and wheines. Fold ¶ Che. 36. Chapitre doth ewe of wow mes. 7 Folio. siz, ¶ Che. 27. Lhapltre doch Mewe of the pu trifieng ot the flee. Folio. codein. ¶ be. 38. Chapitre doth ſhewe ak one g the kindes of Hidzoplies. | Folio. code he. 39. Chapitre doth Heme of matpcke perlons whiche be Morte wynd Fotis 2 Tt eG L The. 40, Chapitre doth Hewe of a mans tates.’ Folio. coda, id ¶ Che. 41. Cbepitre doth Hewe of tuts tyng e oz ſtameryng. „ Folio. xx € r Doth Merwe of a gees DP apetyde. ol eodem ¶ Che. 43. Chapitre doth ewe of hor’ nes. ; olio. codem. ¶ The. 44. Chapttre doth (ewe of au im poſtume in the epe- Folio. cove Che. 45. Chapitre doth ſhewe of an tims poſtume in the necke. Folio. xxil. Che. 46. Chapitre doch thew aß a maus olio. co dam. codde. ¶ Che. 47. Mhapttre doth ew ot a maus grmes: is : 3 — The tabiey Che. 4g. chapitre doch ſhewe of an im⸗ poitume oz lwellynge in the kate. ‘se: thapitre doth Dew ol a — aa pollume. tolio. xxiit . a: . Cees. thapitre doth ſhewe ok an inkir⸗ a the whiche is concutrante wrth an oplie. tolio eodem. apt dothe ſhewe oba mannes kolio codem. r. ‘chapitre doth ſhewe of the pppes or the iung es. folſo codem. Ther ds. chapitre dothe ſhewe of a tan hex. folio. xxiuit. he . chapitre dothe ewe ora lweil⸗ J ge. folio todem. ah ss thapttre doth Mewe of a canine oz 0 9 ö ö apetyde. kolio eodem. i 256. Hale dothe Derwe of a mans “told. iv. 4 | ; 575 ſchapite doth Mewe of a mannes folio todem. f Pipe ss. chapter dothe Meme of a Car⸗ | ee 259 kolio.xx vi. Che. 55. ene dothe ſhewe of the lycknes 0 the pꝛplon folio codtm. 0 C he 60. ihapisee dothe ſhewe ofatan: Fer in a mannes nole. (86186 todem. t —.— chapltre Doth chewe ot the cacdigke bali olio. xt. n tc The -62. shapitre dothe — ok the flee of man di id code m. The. 63. Noltre dothe ſhe we of the pꝛios⸗ 13 mannes wp tre. Whe.6¢, shapitre dothe Mewe of one or Sagat Aa Halipned pehenes fol rod m. + He +85) chapitre dothe ſhewe of a deye folio xxbiit. he les. shapitre doth Mewe of ara, folio: codem. ’ Che. 5 chapitre doth chewe ob n ope | ue o murre. foio codem The. 8 chapitre dothe chewe ot the vc: 2 ge, Dondfelfo . xxx f 22 apie tothe 990 oF: Wee „Abend rolle todim. / 8 18 thap tee dothe chewe of amen; s Th kolto todem. & 85 21. chapitte dothe ewe of a mens Wegolo totem. 5 bꝛapne Folio codem. The. 7. chapitte dothe ſhewe at the hynder „ Parte of the head. kolio.x xx. L CTye. 7s. chapitxe dothe ſhe we or an ine Feb in the epetpdde. fotio todem. ¶ Che. 7g. chapute dothe Mewe of the ti⸗ Phar. folio eod:m. Ehe 75, chapitre doth ſhewe . Folio. xxi. © Che. 7s. chapitre doth ſhewe of 3 in the handes. folio codem. Te chapitre Doth ſhewe ok carnal co⸗ pulacio fotio codem. ii @he 78. chapitre dothe tur we of the tolycke. folio.xxxii. The. 79. 0 ok an humour named co folic codem. 11 Che 90. chapitre dothe ſhewe ok belye athe. ol io.xxxiti. The.g1. chapitre dothe ſhe we of a mans oz womans toloure. kolto todem, Che. gz. chapitre dothe Mewe of burnynge. Folio. todem. Che. gs. chapi tte dothe ſhewe ok a terri⸗ ble and depe Hepe folio.xxxiiiſ. The 84. 2 dothe ſhewe of contepti. on. folfo eodem. Cc The gr. chapitre goth ſhewe of liepyngs with open cpcs. folio codem. Mbe.g6. thapitre tothe ſhe we of the hart of man. kolio.xxxv. if Che. tx. chapttre dothe ſhe we of Teck eſſe . lolio eodem en. 28. thapitrt tothe ſhe we of Zita paſ⸗ follo todem. che 80. thapitre dothe di we cf a mannts folio xxx vi. che seat apitre dothe he wt ol corp —— orm. fhe 2 «thapitee Doty Ac we of the pote. Forts: eodem. 3 8 515 thapitte tothe ſhewe ok lurkt⸗ tyn foifo todem. chr 93. chapitre doth ſhewe of the Krprece of the ftoness folio. xxxbii. The. chapitre dothe Hrwe ofa mannes Fuyp une: Folio eodem. K Wes, chapitre tothe ſhewe of ſquare tromics in a mannes bodye. oo eodem. * The. 96. chapiitt votke ſhewe of imper⸗ pie digeſtion. Folio todem Mme 8 . 6 x ¢ ( 9 Fr Ar n — ye 0 6 th ROR OR CRORES ; é j 4 ) y , j y ; y Y ; y ö y 4 ; / Y f / ö 75 4 2 2 2 SS So 2 SS Se 6S oS SS SG 6S 26 6.68 6 6 S'S 6 8S SS = S. 8 The table. D r chapitee Both ſhewe ofa mannes Meweok 25 hapitre doth chewe Fer 2.97 chapitte dosh ewe ok amans — apitt the pe S 97,0 Folio. xxxvitz, lente- Folio, coden CC. 58, chapitre doch Meme ok indir Theis, Chapltre doth Met of W nate pyllynge Folio covem lyckenes Folio ld! C Cie. 99. chapitre doth chewe o peyne oz The. 123. chapitre doth ſhewe of pulhis oz holour. Folio. eodem wheales. Folio. cod ¶ The. 100. chapitre doth ſhewe ok a mans The. 124. Canine doth Dewe of 11 pdapffe. Folio. xrxix, oz belchyn Folio, lit, Toe. 101 chapters Doth irc of rpſyng The. 4 *. * doth ſhewe 5400 or lpktpnge vp of the herte and bꝛayne. tions of the eyes. Folio code. The. xs, chapitre doth ſhewe 1 a fade J Ci. 103. chapitte doth we of a mans puſhe oz wheate, Folio, eobem. dßgeſtion. 50 Fo — pom Me ithe ss doth Hew of puting he.roFachapitee doth ſhe we ok the kin ob the ge Krad Man. ond Folio. xi. Che. 12g. chapltre, ‘noth ſhewe of 040 L Che. 10%. chapitre Doth ſhewe of whe⸗ in a mans fepe Fuge and ſtoppenge of a maanes 2 4 129. chapitre doth 1 10 3 todem. pu eos. chapitre doth ſhew ol a perilous bes, chapitre doth ewe sh 5 iy xe. Folio. code. tes · 0. eobem. — The. 107. thapttte doth ſhewe of one The 131. Chapitre doth ſhewe ot ai aa that can not pote. Folio eodem. matious. ex. 10g. Chapitre doth ew ph The. 13 f thapitre doth ſhewe o cor bac ke olio.rii. Folio ¶ Che. 109. chapitre doth ſhewe ol knob⸗ The. 133. chap tre doth ‘ems of ‘tu bes burres in the ele. Fol, eodem face. 0, slik. The * dopitee ot des, 1 € 16305 {calles The. 135. chap {tre bof ewe, a ie 19 795 he. 110, chapitte doth ſhewe af dꝛon⸗ offences in genera ! —— ’ Folio xlii. The. 186. thapitre doth deset AL Ghz, chapitee doth Mowe of ange mer keuer b Emclipng that is ſokte. Folio eodem She 37. chapitre both che we ok a corpoy The. 12. chapitre doth Heme of maunes an keuer kolig. eo dem. egeſtion Folio. eodem. Che. 138. chapttre dath Meret, a keller i pre 15. chapitre doth ſhewe ol ſonne bur cian. kollo it, Folio, xiiii. ang. chavutes doth ſhe w ofa a En one chapitre Doty Me wené.theclepha: kayne- lo code, cy. Folio. eodem. Fhe⸗ den chapltre doth he we bike gent be. urg. eh aces we of the concep⸗ feneto : bolig egen SOO at Fol. eodem. The. chapitte do th ese reer | Tae. 118. habs det ſhewe at lickenel⸗ cauſon⸗ kes. Folio. eodem. Sr: chapitee doch ‘hese ee 8 he. 11 y. chanttre dothyſhewe gt lpyttynge fied keus ol koule corupte matter. Folio, ebage. ne. crap doth Merwe ot te 1810 ade Eig. Thapttre doth Gewe of ſpyttynge lone feuer. » too. blond. Folio esdem. The. dae doth che so: an ai A. chapitte doth eee thy Ware tryckke Cece’ of 2 qHt lied Folio. AOD at. W ebaptt both dei ol a — * 00. e. thapltre doth Mew of fop 3 : : 8 4 ye 3 table; ele ig eodem gulation⸗ he. ld. 6. Chapitre doth Uebe the Repo. Che. 170. chaplite We anes 2 a Sauce 0. code kous teuer. folio.code fleume face, folio codé Che. 4 7. chapitee doth ewe of the Te⸗ ttath keuer folio, dist, 2 pt ri » chapitre doth fees | oF che erra⸗ a tycke io. eodem. Je 171. thapitte Doth Metve of dul⸗ Che. 149. "thapitre Doth Mewe of the feuer nelle of wytte : ss fol‘o.tri, Etycke. folio eodem. ¶ The 17. chapitre doth Mewes of the Es Eee 150. chapitre doth ſhewe of the keuer merodes. : kollo codctsy chplence. folfo.iy, * The. 173. chapitre doth Mewe of Me⸗ » ji el chapitre doth chewe ot the keuer Stvm folio eodem. folio. eodem & The. 17, chapitre doth ſhewe of lous 7 bree dont ſhe we ofa mannes Locke. folio lxit. gail, kolto. eodem. L The. 175. chapitre doth ſhewe of the The. 153. chapitre doth ſhewe ok a bead child Shyngles. folio, eodẽ follo. eodem. The. 17 6, thapitre doth ſhew of the kyndes . thapitre doth Mewe of use ot hernpes kol o codem. kolſo. eodẽ * The. 177. thapitre doth Oe we of a Tet⸗ Tbensz thapitre doth thew of — — folio. iriit. { + Che 17g. chapitre doth chewe of the 597.466. chapitre doth ewe of —.— Jaunes kol o. code. eadem. T The. 179. chapitredo th ſhewe of the his 17. chapitre doth ſhewe of — dꝛoplye foito. eodẽ. todem. The. 180. chapitre Doth Mewe of a wate⸗ 810 “al chapitre doth ſhewe oratyllle. tp He humour. - folio. ixtité ibit 2 The. igt. choprtee doth Hewe of rotling Ceres, chapptredoth ſhewe of titus 1 the thiot kolio.codem kolio.codem * Che. 8. 9 doth. ſhewe of a man. aue doth Mewe of bloud let⸗ Folio eodem. folio. coven ¶ The. 183. thapitre doth ſhewe of fanz The. 161. thapitre doth ſhewe ok a wheale. dhnge OF heares. kolio.eodẽ. ed fonnica. foliocone, The. 184. chapitre doth ewe of the. tit be. ler. chapitre doch ſhe ve of an harde e e, kolio lxv, ſtume. fol. 1 vfit. T The. 185. chapitre doth ſhewe ok the hy⸗ : potunder. folis.covg. 3 dé. ¶ The. 186. chapitie doth H:we of a wind — 164 chapitre doth ſhewe of — vnder the l kyn. kolio.eodem. houlders. folio. eodem. ¶ The. ig /. chapitre doth ſhewe of Capnte gana thapitre doth ſhe we of tar⸗ Inthonpes kyer. folio. ir vi. folio. eodem The. 18g · chapitre doth ſhewe of ot The. e ee doth ſhewe of the Go: lynge. tolio cod mazp patio — io eodẽ The. ige. chapitre doth Dupes of apr 5 e, 8. th ſhew ol a mans woꝛmes. otto. rode ty — 67 chapitre do 99 on iO. ley The. 190. chapitre eee 8 Die. 16s chapitte dott Mew o theroug clons. olto. Ir vii ofthe io oes Bass ts afolieg0dés The. 191. chapitre doth ewe of gnitacys — chapitre doth Hew of Gur⸗ ons. Totte. ESPERO I ROI MORO SS & & 6 So oS SES — — — 6 * 2 xox The table; che. ioĩ. Chapitre oth ſhewe ol op cipal veynes in man. folio.eodẽ ppng of a mans water. Folio. cove. * rer chapitre doth ſhewe ok a lodeyn The. 193. Chapitre doth ſdewe ot lulfo lpckene kolto. Ixxuſt, tation in the bely. Folia eodem Eber. thapitte doth ſhewe ol 1 ¶ Che. 194. Lhapitee doth Mew of a mans pockes kolio.codem. | dopntes. folio. vit. T The. ag. Chapitre doth 9 of a teh thy ſcabbe. Folio. eodem. 1 The. ⁊ T9. thapitre doth ſhewe of womans eee doth chewe ok a mannes bestes. fol. codum. imp Folio. eod m. 2 wae 220, thapitredoth wan, ms Mad⸗ abe. 196. Chapitre doth Hem of Tcares. folio. xv. Folio. eodem. Bie. 211. chapitre doth ſhewe of a tanks . The. 19 7. Chapitre doth Mewe of wo⸗ handes. Folio. eodem mans myplke. Folio. lxir. æ The. 2 22. chapitte doch ſhe we of themes 855 The. 198. Chapitre doth (ewe of wert⸗ teprok a woman Folio. eodem ö olio. eodt por The, 223. chapitre doth Merwe r. ver⸗ a5. 199. Chapitre doth Mewe of lepꝛoul tue of m. detines. Folio. lx * Folio. codem. I The. v2. tapitte Doth b ok the at qs Che. 200. Chapitre doth ewe of Fra⸗ Bawnes Folio eodem. Folio. eodem. The 215. chapitre dothe ewe ö eo Che. 201. Chapitre doth chewe ok depy⸗ Memory. kolio eod lacion Folio. eodem. The. 276. chapitre doth ſhewe ot the pz ¶ Che. 20. Chapitre doth ewe of a web cipali member in man. folio. xx vi in the eye. Folio. tre. Tht. 22. chapitre doth Hew of a womans + The. 203. Chapitre doth ſhꝛw ofa hind termes. folio coden, of Kepꝛouſnes. Fol io code. 2 2 22g. chapitte doth ſhewe of mad⸗ ¶ The. 04. chapitre doth ſhewe of imper⸗ n Folio coven, kyte dygeſtton Folio. eodem an. 229, chapitre Doth ſhawe of melanto The 205. Chapitre doth Merwe of biere Folio. lx vil epes. folio contin. ee: 230.chapitre dothe ſhewe ok an ö % Che. 206. Chapttre doth ſhewe of the wicerasion. Folio covert, kyndes of ſcabbes. Folio. iert. cr aang a ai dothe ſhewe of a: patton ¶ Che. 0. chapitre doth ſhewe ol a mans vnde Folic, eodem, Cpiene folto.eodẽ . The. 217. thapitre dothe ſhewe ot ben 5 $ The. 20g. Chapitre doth ſhewe ol a mans Folio. tonge. folio. eodẽ . The. 233.chavitee doth es 92 The. 2 09. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the ſtone went in the matrpx. Folio eo in the bladder. Folio. ixxii. The. 234. chapitre dothe aut abe 1 ¶ The. 2 10. chapitre doth ſhewe of obly⸗ oz ſtamerynge. Foito-trrk, wouties. folio. codem The. 235. chapitre doth Mewe 200 ale“ Che. z un. Chapitre doth ſhewe or a lkurte neſſe. Folio eodem. in ali the body. Folio. coder The. 236. chapitre doth ſdewe of the rage | The. 212. Chapitre doth chewe of whpte eupit. lio to wozmes. kolio. le xiii. ¶ The. 237. chapitre dothe pci of the 4 The. 245, chapitre Doth ſhewe of Luna⸗ Hrenche pockes. io cadet dycke m folio. eodem 4 mine. chapitre dothe — of tht The. ote Chapiske doth ſhewe ol Intem⸗ mosphew io deri perance. 8 Hotio.robem, ¢ h dani doth Merwe of armors 4 24 ites dot we of amm 5 dra. 0 6 9 l =" = Fe The.ris.chapitee doth ſhewe of the pin⸗ e A VCPCCCCCPCCCCPCVCPCDCVDCDCDCDCVCDCVCVCVCVCUCVCVCVCVCVCVCVCVDVDVDVFVUVUVUVUVUUVCVVVVCVVVVVCVVACVCCCACCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEE N i Sbepttts te 50 The table. Che. 24 r. Chapitte Both ewe of by (T The. 264. thapitte Doth Mewe of an vis 2 kolio.codem. see in the not i Gie242.Chapitre dorh Hew of amoman. ar tolio. codem. *. che 4 5. Chapttre doth Mews of — . Folia. lx. . che bens, ‘thapttes doth Detwe of an * 2 pon o. Ixxxix. a 1805 Chapitre doth 9958 oe cles. eodem. C. be. 115 chapitte doth ſhew or a mans @ The. 267. Chapitre doth Merwe of a wo poten ite folio.codem mans labour Folio. codem. | Sete vun dong ewe 8 ¶ Che. 26g. chaptte doth Mewe of infas | buttorkes ſolio.eodim. clons of thaeg Folio Ixxxx. che 146. thapitre doth ſhewe of the na; Cex. 269. pre doth . of Car⸗ bete o of man. folio. todem. Folio. coven, 2 247. chapitre Bath ſhye we ol ite ee fe Che .270.chanitre noth ſhewe of whpres * 10 cod em Ach 14s thapitre doth ſhe we ot an in ( Che dt ire nene of the ö polame in the backe. kolio.eodem kyndes of pal tye o. codem. — 9 Chapitre doth ewe et 3 N The. 272. 5 doth tae 0 ky⸗ te em. * xxxxi. ie 280. b doth fee ofthefps ¶ rang! Ae chapitre doth cue b folto.eodé, Foli Sete. chapitee doth: we of blyſſers. The. — tre doth Mewe of ad gsr. mentes in the lunges, Folio. eodem. ö e. Chapters doth hee of neli Che 275. chapitte doth Mewe or cars M tanger tolio.eodem. nels folio. ixxxxit. f eder thapttre doth ſhewe of & mannes O folio. eodem. er; Ne doth Were ob'f- G5 7. chapitre doth Mewe of Dia thas uioulne kol io. eodem. ter. Folio rodtm. oes thapitre doth ſhewe of a mans The 278. chapitre doth ſhewẽ of phzenplee, folio. ixxx vi. foilto eodem. ss, Chapitre doth Nowe of lmellyng. Che. thapttre doth ſhewe of why te toys eodem. nes. Folio levers; e Chapitre doth Mewe of the The. 280. chapitre doth ſhewe of the katnes folio. lexx vit. of a man Folio. eodem. Sf ' 17 thapitre doth ewe ok an impe⸗ Che. 281. chapitre doth ſhe we ok matter in Aument in the eyes. kolio eodem the eye. Fol. eodem. 125 258. chapttre doth Hew of a come The. 282. Chapitre doth Mews of inuoiun folio eodem tarp ſtanding of à mans perde. Fol code, cz. Chapitre doth chewe of Morte ( The. 283. chapttre dolhe ſhewe ot fpita ded. —— cove: — ra 90 Folio. codem. 2.260, {tre doth Mewe of mans Je. 254. chapitre doth ſhewe of a mannes 7455 hap 9 Irrxvitt ſppttpll Folio. Ixxxritit. . Chapitre doth chewe of mans The. 185. Chapttre doth Mew ot rhe Ping Folic.codem. folto dem. a 62. Chapitre doth Mewe ofveas The. 286. + Sa Merwe of gectüy mat | A ‘2 SS DS OOS SOS SD SS Sh OS SS te ee ‘oo, Rone a, the — e. 5 0 3 263. chapitre doth ſhewe ok the hin The. 287. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the cute ef dsh. ’ Folio. eodem. in the fete Folio. lxxxx v. e — So OP, ͤ Sh eS SS, < ome * > rect he table, S chapttre Doth Merwe ot polus : 2 kolio.eodem. The 1 chapttte doth ſhewe of Chut te in ¶ The. 311. chapiteeDorbe ewe ore ante the head. folio dodem. kieume face kolio, c., 5 = 290. thaprtre Doth Mews of tpꝛow⸗ The. 312 chapttre doth chewe ok a mannes oho. rxxx vi. blonde folio; eodem. Thelen, chapitre doth chene of bledynge The. 313. thapitre doch Merwe of the ence at the nole. folio.coneim tion oF the perde. kolio. c. li. 4 Ehe 291. chapitre dothe aoe of tte L The. 314. chapitre dothe che we ok the chpnge olto.concm. {rotomip: kolio.eodem. Eh, 29 chapitre doth ſhewe Ot chabbes, The. 315, chapitre doth) he we ofa goutte, Fol eodem. named Sciatica folio, tod em, A Ce. 294. chapitre doth ſhewe ok con⸗ The. 316, chapitre doth ewe of many dys kumption. kolio. jerxx vii. (ales, kolio, codes, Nhe. 295. ehapitee doth ſhewe of a webbe The. 317 chapitte doth ſhewe of tarnelles⸗ in a mannes © folio codem. Folio c. ill ¶ The. 295. chatte dot ij mare ofamans Gh: 318. chapitre dothe ſhewe of a Tetter, 11178. Lo codem. ake codem. h 297, chapitte t dolh fee ot biwt? ee 96519. chapitre dothe ſhewe of a lctum Folio. codim.· a folio codttte The 298 chapitre doth Hews 225 att: Che. 31. chapitte doth ſhewe ofa postum. ties lunges. folto. lexxxvui. Folio eod m. The 299. chapitre dothe chewe ol klets. The: 321, chapttre do the he we oft kyus Folio. eadem. wyttes. olio. c. liz IL C The „300, thapitre. dothe chewe OF The. 322. thapttre dothe ſhewe ofc 5 puches. folio, eodem. bone oz backe bone foli 155 The. 313. chapitre doth ewe ‘ot wow Q. folio. tb. ö : Che. ane chapitre doth. hee W todem. Tie Zei. chapitre dothe Mewe of the es ſqupnepe. folio. ixxxxix. . 325. chapitre doth deweck We The. 116. thapttre doth ewe of wei M. 01 at: 302 . chapitre Milt, 9 ok the Folio folio, codem. E Thg. 377. thapitre dothe * of Vi, The ra chapitec dothe ewe of chapprs. crampe. eodem. The. 31g. chapitre doth chewe ok a manned ie 304., chapitre dothe ewe of the Bere fplene. folio.t0 folio. eodem. x Bein 32.9. chapitte Sirk neem « ica, chapftre doth Hews of hozle⸗ fpirttes folio.:vl folio. corem. The. 330. chapitre doth Weg one 306. chapitre dothe ewe of the pole . o. codem, . . The. 337, chapitre doth trot ae 307 e doth ſhewe of the ray nes ae named i of the ba kolio eodem. The · 33 2. 6 i ot dere oe aa The. 5 eee doth ewe ol a rcume in rye. a mannes head folio. eodem. The. 333. chapttre dothe a 5 1 en Che. 369. shapitee dothe mm ok ero⸗ lynge lot, slio.codan. The. 334. chapitre doth chewe of 3 a. 310. chapttre dothe e ots tup: ok a woman. ture. kolio codem. i 3 i dein t a The 335, chapitre doth Mets oke 77 ROR EES SES * 85 5 Folio 8 5536. apitre Doth ewe of ſton⸗ — ca Folio. en dem. € Ehe. 337. Chapi tre doth ſhewe of pf tex 356 · Chapitre doth ſhe we ok fuffos 5 deme spa ns. Chapitre doth ſhewe of gogie 0 Folio. C. x. & = 340, Chapitre doth ſhewe or tou⸗ olio eodem. ett Chapitre dothe ſhewe of coz 14 Se. N Folio. eodem. Ce Che 341. Chapitre doth 2 ewe 11 * tio re 172 Che. 343. Chapitre doth Seine of the stampe. Folio eodem. 1 he. 344. Chapitre doth ewe of a lic genes named Teſtudo. 5 Ah = Nr 45. Chapitre doth Hew ok a Gi * Sand Folio. eodẽ 1 Ehe. 34 s. Chapitre doth ewe of feare 5 oli C. xil. The. 34 7. Chapitre doth ſhewe of pp⸗ anz in the care. Folio. eodem. ee Chapitre doth ih we ot whea⸗ eon cabbes. Folio. eodem. 1 The 349. Chapitre do th ſhewe of Ue⸗ Pioulncs, Folio. eodem i Hi The. 350. Chapitre Doth ſhe we of a vo⸗ Folio. C. xiit. s bes. Chapi tre doth ſhew of a wire 10 a 1 : Tie. Chapitre doth ſhe we of peyne ce a hep Folio. oto « itre do ewe of ſha⸗ | a 35 · Chapitre doth 2 oro cone. Bi ‘i . 34%. Chapitre doth Mewe of the co 5s Chap engen apitre doth (ew of a mans or 355. Chap 75 25 25 356. itre Doth Mewe of ¢ 12 ee 356. hap Fol o. co. L 5 tre dot eh 275 ot war⸗ ve Sue Chapi 9 pe ot mans Chapitre doth 1 — ok the 555 * eo Follo.codem. M. le che. 359. Chapitre doth ſheweok the The Table; mali pockes. Fol. C. rv. ¶ The. 360. Chapitte doth ſhewe of kwei⸗ iyng of vepnes. Folio. todem. ¶ The. 261. Chapitre doth Mew of the pein cipal vepnes. Foto. L.pdt. 45 05 362. Chapitte doth Hew of veum eodem. a eh. 363. Chap itte doth ſhewe of vento fptic. Folio. eodem. € The. 364. Chapitre doth Mew of woꝛ⸗ mes. Folio eodem. The. 65. Chapitre doth Hew of a mans bla ladder Folio. C. vit. be. 366. Chapitre doth ſhe we of wad dem. € The. 567. Chapitre doth Hew of a mans perde. Folio eodem. ex oe Chapitre doth Mewe of a mans Folio. C. x viul. ca 29265 Chapitre dott ewe of vicers — = eodem a be. 370. Chapitre doth ewe of a mans naupli. Folio. eodem 40 — 371. Chapitre doth 5 ot a pos Folio. C. xix, € 1555 37%. Chapttre doth ſij mot a mans naples Folio. eodem l -373. Chapitre doth eo of vo⸗ ye olio todem. Th . 374. Chapitre doth ſhe we ok a mans vorte. Folio. eodem⸗ + The. 375. Chapitre doth e o of p eun⸗ dytes ok the vzpne. olio. C. xc. The- 37s Chapitre doth Howe of a wo mans ſetrete member. Folio. codem. c The. 277. Chapitre doth ſhe we of woũ⸗ olio.rodem. 95 che. . Chapitre doth ſhe we of the vs Folio. C. x xi. * ¶ The. 379. Chapitre doth ſh ew ofa mans epes. Fotio.codem. ¶ The. 380 ‘chapter path Mewe of a gut the which doth lye behpnde the weſande oz thzote bolle. Folia code. Che. 381. Chapitte doth ſhewe of abhoꝛ⸗ ryng of water. Folio. C. xxii. a ee he SS SS et SS Se Sw —— a F A rr rr ae — PIE i> 4 te eae ED hh te Ss SS ms * — — ~~ slice * pra a ae — : a" > = po * + sit he 3 # a RS r= I RIN Ne NN RINT RNC TIN ae _. o 8 eS b SS G 6S 2 6 So & 26 6 O'S 6 8S SS Se, The table. ſtume. : Folio, C. xxfl. = 05 nea oh thapi tre doth eer 2 f . 385 Chapitre Doth Mewe ok dꝛpe cle oʒ ca i olio. C. xxlil. Ader 4 5 : Folto.eodem. Finis tabule. tS The. 383. Chapitre doth ew of a po⸗ „ Impꝛinted at London in leteſtrete at the ligne of the George next to laynt Dunitones Church by Wyk: pam Po well. In the yere ol our Loꝛde God. M. 0 8 2 CVM PRIVILEGIO AD imprimendum folum, a = SS Se SO SS OS Se ei Cas ENG SS ON che Bꝛeupary of 7 Health, named the Extrauagantes foloweth. 3 > a Se Se SS ATHE SEN «CONDE BOKE OFF Nes Comppled by Indzewef Booꝛde of Philicke e — 44 —— — —E—ũ4ͥ—— ͤ——-— ᷣ — IIE IEICE TVT iF ** — — SK SaaS P WX A V/ do in this boke a man ſhall knowe the Audictalles hilike that euery man can percepue the receptes. Therkoze J do aduertiſe ang do counſel all men to cottlutte with Come experte Pa 5 Me ticarp in makpnge and oꝛderynge of Cuche receptes and medeel⸗ Ia ues.Furthermoꝛẽ lerned men and other map wel interrupt and re⸗ F pꝛehende me foz weytynge mr incongruite that the latyn worde be nat truely let in theyꝛ cales with the Englyche wozdes , blyng diuers tymes the nominatiue cave toꝛ other cafes . J da it koz ne other purpofe, but that ignoꝛaunt perſons map the better vnder⸗ ſtande the matter. Foꝛ F do nat wꝛyte thele bones koꝛ lerned men. but foz ſymple and vnlerned men that they may haue Come knows iege to eale them telle in their Dplepfes and inkirmites And by⸗ of cante that A dyd ompt and ieauc out many thynges in the kyzlle ‘ hoke named the Bꝛeulary of Health. Ja this bone named the pz trauagantes I haue lupplted thole matters the whiche ſhulde de Bee ceberten inthe fy2t bobe, And nowe to conclude pt A baue omnpte . ted any thonge necellarp to be erpzcfico in thele bookes, ia oz haut not latiltyed euerv mannes mende of their infty feed) mities oꝛ dileales, I do remitte this matter to 6 the koꝛther induſtry and iudgement of ange diccrete doctours ot Philike and ex⸗ pert mayſters ot Chierurgy. K: Thus endeth the Preface; Nie GOO ͤ ĩͤ 0 eee 77 ᷣͤ SS OS Se — The Extranagantes, : Whe kyzite Chapitre dothe thewe of the diſtemperance of the Stomake, REA Norexiats the Grebe woꝛde. The barbatus iad wo zd is Anarexia In latin it is named Sto ache diftemperamentum, In Englylhe it is d nameda diſtemperance of che ſtoma ze oz aa Ss uercion of the ſtomake from meate. | ¶ The cauſe of this impediment, This impediment doth come of euyl humours in the | flomabe, 02 cls thozowe imbecillytte oz weber es of the ſtomake, oz cls thozowe Greate intyꝛmytie the whiche doch tate away a mans Daunen 02 gᷣpetyde. remedy. i whe caule digetted al ſower ryptiges and fauces doth pꝛouokc Sot. oz this matter lotze in Apetitus in the Bꝛeuiarp ot The. 2. Chapitre dothe ſchewe of lytle fat grapnes in the bꝛowes. Sarnar 03 Arnerſa be the atabp woꝛdes. In latyn f it is named Aggregacio 02 Materia pinguis in {ug percilia. In Cngipihe it is named a fatte matter in the | prowes che whiche be granulufe aggregacions. The cauſe ot this impedimente KF Chis impedimente doch come of lleume oz els of teume. Aremedy. Hy wache the place with white wine. tit. tymes x after that anopnt the bzowes with the opie of woꝛmewod e purge fleume, The. 3 Chapitre dothe ewe of Dooꝛt and of white heares. f Pew A nicies is the latin wozde. In gretze it is named Sm poliotos. In Englyſhe it is named hooze 02 zwhite heares, The cauſe of this matter. 8 bes ¶ This matter doch come eyther naturally oz els accp⸗ U, it, dentally \ — — . ——EK— ——— — FFF SS oe Fol. fl. 7 — DDr ... ̃ ͤ—ͤ—̃ Xn ⏑—— -ͥ̃ — . A rere — (ag ROE OR ORR ERROR RTT ak Se ee Sa SO S&S Sb & 6S SS S 6 SS 6 2's 6 S'S So be, The Extravagantes; dentallp, pt it do come nacurally it doth come thoꝛo dee age and melancolp humours, pf it do come accidentally it doch come thozowe feate, lozowe, greace trouble great lyckenes, and it maxe come of to muche blage o venerious actes. b It it do come naturally, that thynge the whiche nature doth j ag= A remedy, tally ble the Electuarp de Aromatibus , oz the confection of Ble barpfe, and anoynt the head with the oyle of Coſtine. The. 4. Chapttre dothe ſbewe of Chakynge ſpecially vnder the cares - Aroli ig the latin woꝛde. In EngipHe it is namen chafyng, ſpecially vnderthe cates. And lome doth ſap it is an vᷣlceracion bet wyrt the ltz ynne and the head vnder che cates. ¶ Whe cauſe of thele impedimentes. ze This impediment doch come dyuers Wapes, as bp euyll humours in che head, oꝛ lpenge with vnclene oz menſtruous perſons, 02 eatynge oꝛ dzynkynge lomee; upllchynge. 5 A remedy . t age, tyme, and ſtrength wyll permpt it, open a bepne na⸗ med Sophena and exhauſte.ii.oꝛ.iii. bnces of the ſyde that the ime pediment is in. and after that purge the matter, and take ol Calla of Diacatolicon, of eche halte an buce, of the Electuary of Roles ti. dꝛames, and with the water ol Endiue make a potion ¢ dzpnze it at. iii.tymes, and if nede be ble TClpſters and ſuppoliters, and make playſters after this maner. Take of Malowes, of Roles le ues, of Camompll, of eche an handkull, of Mellylote an once € a halte, Cech all this in fapze water, and put into it of the oyle of > pl, of the ople ot Roles, of tye ople ot Camompll, ot eche an buce and make platters of it and lap it to the place diüers nyghtes to bedwarde. The. s, Cbapitre dothe Herve ok Cartila⸗ i ges 02 Gryſtles. Artilago ig the latin woꝛde. In greeke te is named Chondros. In Englyſhe it is named cavtplagee 4 gryltles gyue, no man by lernyng can take it away. It it do come accidena | 177 . Oe oy The Extrauagantes, geyſtles, to the whiche many impedimentes map come, ds ache, and tozettpnge of io yntes, and ſuche lxke. Che caule of this impediment. (This impediment doch come of fone great colde, oz | eisbp fome eupll myltoꝛtune 02 chaunce. ic Aremedp. ypiit the ople of Turpentyne myxte with Meres fote ople ts good, 02a Pych cloth is good, and lo is euerp thynge the whiche Is good fo2 the ioyntes, therfoze loke in the Chapitre named Func tute in the Breuiarp of Health. 3 The. 6. Chapitre doth ewe of a Surfytte. Aros is the gretze wozde. In latin it is named ra pula, In Englyſhe it is named a furkyt. ¶ The cauſe of this impediment. t This impediment doth come moſt comonly of eupll tule oꝛ euyll dyet, 02 eating oꝛ dꝛynk ing to much meat , 02 dꝛzynke, oz W ne 02 euyl meates and dzinkes. A remedy. ) ‘a Chedbetk remedy foz a Surtptte is to abſtapne longe after that the kurkytte is taken and to fepemuche02 els to labour it out, and fo2z this matter purgacions be good, fo be it that age c tyme wril 11 after a lurkptte d dzaughte of Aqua dite mape be ufer ed. chinus is the iute pꝛotedyng of meat digeſted. The. 7, Chapitre dothe Herwe of Agnelles in a manness fetes i es is the latin woꝛde, and ſome do name it Papu le. In englyſhe it ta named toꝛnes oz agnelles ina mannes fete 02 toes. The caule of this impeniment , r Chis impediment doch come by werpnge of lltayte Hoes, by rea ſon ot the which the fete and che toes doth not Ive at ipbertie with cafe and then labour wich hente obupatynge oz beynge concurrant togpther doth pꝛo⸗ N. tif, create ¥ —— Se ete SESE SS | Fol. il, B he eS, 7 SSS a, Se RIESE BIH FIER IE EIEIO SEDER 3 — * 3 Se. eee . a PPC — PCC e | cteatẽ asin gendenchisagozclapde impedimnent. eS OS ec The Extnanggattess ¶ A remedy. rae = Pyrite pace the Agnelles oz toꝛnes with a charpe kupke Unto the tyme it dot he come to the guycze kleche that the bloude ronne Hut Wype awaythe bioude and than dꝛoppe into the place oz placeß read waxe, and let it xe vnta the tyme it be tonlumed, and than yk nede be reitterate this matter. The. s. Hpapitre doth ſhewe of amans Recke. G Ollum is the latin woꝛde. In geeke it is named Aud | chin, In Euglyſhe it is named a necke. In the nectze may be man dileaſes, as the crycke, oz Makpng oꝛ fucbipke, 5 The caule of chete impediments. n 5 ¶ Theile impedimentes doth come epther by lpenge F wipe wich che necke, oz els it doth come ol fome colde taken tu che necke, oz els by lome reumaticke humome dyſtyllynge krom the head to the necke, od it inape come of dꝛynkynge in the moꝛnynge wichout bꝛeade oz meat eat ynge, oꝛ els by lome great leare.o2 els anger. : [L vemcay. ee 1 9 k it do come ok reume purge reume, as it is cgecikied in the Chapitre named reuma in rhe Breatavy ot health. Ak tt do come ak colde, oz ot the debilite of [pondylles, angynt the necke with the ople of Anthos, otherwyle named the oyle of Kokmarp klowers beware of ſtoupynge with the head and necke, koz this matter the oyle of Spyke is good. It it do come ot acrycke oꝛ auy other Ways, anoynt the necke with oyle of Turpentine cöpounde with a lptle Aqua bite, and kepe the necke bone warme Che. o. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of the ylles oz fwellpnge in the Foundement . is the greke woꝛde. In latin it is named Rugoſum ani tuberculum. The barbarous woꝛdeis named Condolomata, In englyſhe it is named a fwel? lynge in the koundment and forme doth take this fog the pples the whiche J do tate this impedymente ol 920 4 ‘ = =o ͤ 8 Oe 22 SS Se SS Se = ee Se SS SS N 5 = | 1 The Exträuagantes. Fol, iii, G lpnge Doth moze inkeſt women chen men: ie ¶ Whe tauleiat this unpedunent. This impedimenc Doth come ol reume andol the toz⸗ } tuptionof lleume. 0} 050 5 1791 n remedy. 5. i Frade wache the place, twile oz theite with wpite wyne and than ble licatiue medecines, f The. ro Chapitre doth chewe ol a mannes Buttocke bones ö U oxats the latin wozde! In gtetke it is named Ichi on, In Englpche it is named a buttocke bone, the which may haue many dilplealures as by a kala ſtripe, 4 gbzole, 02 luchelypke. i ‘ aut i remedy es . Tae ok Smalage and ot Louage | of eche. f. handfulles, of PMalowes tit, bandfüll, ot Peare ſuet. tu Buccs, terhe all this in ronnyng water, and akter that bath and Wach the place wird the wather, and than to bedwarde⸗ lay the lubſt ante bpon the place. Oꝛ els take of the oplcok Turpent ine. lit. vnces and compounde it with Aqua vite and anopnt the place druers tymes, oꝛ cls tanc of the Netes {ore ople. iti. vnte g, ot the oyle of Sppke balte aupnucec anopnt the place as one ſhulds grete a pay e ot olde bote 0 Foz Craffitudo loko in the Chapitre named Pinguedo intche Fpatk bote nanted che Bꝛelliarx ok hesch. f The. 11. Chapttre dothe ſbewe of a Demonlacke g perkon, the wülche is polleced ok oz with e n ate eben & MEPS » — . {Seas BE) E honiadas 02 Denioniaei be the latin woꝛdes ie EWA \ ti gtebete is named Demontet . In Eng⸗ 3 6 ircheſteis named he oz they the whith be mad 1 and poſleſted of the deuyll oz deupls, and 1 thepe pꝛopertte is ro hurt and hp them felfe, oz els to bur and byll any other chynge thertoꝛe let euerx man | beware ok them. aud kepe khem in a ture cuſtody. f 1500 AR tit, The r I Na 7000000 IEICE NE ⅛ð d NESE DEN IIE SL IE IIA DOPE IO Le = = > & > oo oo eS © 668 Sb SS & 6S SoS 6S 6 8 SOS OS SSS S, GE EON ETE 2m This matter doth paſſe all maner of (pckeneſles and The Exttauagantes, The caule ot this matter « Difeates, and is a leatetul and a terryble thynge to ſes deuyloꝛ deupls ſhoulde haue fo muche and (0 greate ay power ouer man as it is ſpetiłyed of ſuch perſõs dyuerg tymes in che golpell, {pecially in che. ix. Chapttte of Marke, Chꝛyſte lendynge his dilcyples to pꝛeache the woꝛde of God, geuynge them power to maze lpcke ms whole, lame men to go, blynde to ſe, ct. Some of therm dyd go by a man that was polleſſed ol deuels, and they coude not make him whole. Sho ꝛztly co tonclude, Chziſt dyd make hym whole. The dy lepples of Chꝛyſte aſted of hym why that they could not make the pollelled man of the deuyls whole. And Jelus Chꝛiſt layd to ches this kynde of Deupls can not be caſt out without pꝛayer and kaſtynge. Here it is to be noted that nowe a dapeg ew 02 els none Doth fee bypꝛayer oꝛ faſting regardyng not gods woꝛdes, in this mattete J do feare that ſuch pers fons be poſleſſed okthe deuil although they be not fark | madde, and to ſhewewe kurther ok Bemontabe perfons | the whiche be ſtarke madde. The kyꝛſt tyme that J did dwell in Rome, there was a gentylwoman of Germanx the whiche was poſleſled of deuyls, x He was bꝛoughe to Rome to be made whole. Foz within the pꝛecyncto f D. Deters church without D. Peters chapel andeth | a pyller of white marble gratedtounde about with ?? ton, to the whiche our, Loꝛde Fetus Chꝛyſte dyd lein bpm felfe vnto in Pylates hall, as the Romapues dot) lap, to che which pyller al thole that be poſlelled of the deupyll, out of dyuers countres and nacions be bought thyther, and as thep fave of Rome (uch perfons be mane there whole. Amonge al other this woman ol Germans whiche is. CC CC. myles and odde, krome 9 be 70ug! oe es —— te | RRA ROAR . REE, SSE women va Spurt into that pel and alter bi er Dp dgoinap 8 woman vnder this man er int i munter deupig Az OF the the g And b th rtue. tome, ninhate sit matt, what oꝛdes b 1 fo? men woyll not dele = a and 5 Ie, but . other: 10 ko haue en ed int " ig ſpecit ; that Jelu 5 " was polleſled aie g C. nynetyand: that when they v i men, thatthey myghte ol fo they Bpd,¢ and theh i J were diodoned. Ft 4 J and afcard, croſfed n ſuch oe : v reaſon. 7 mate Hae at 1 N Ange baz 0 in ö ; ih * tf Nh and not in the pyller kit weten 10 9g and ty — i the pyller t her We and the Ca é e A ven many pe pat and thoſe that waere in ence. Welde haue hadit ö and they tha — . 7˙ eee — SS ——— NNER NNN = SS) PEPSI III III OID DIDI ICI, — — The Exttauagantes f reuerence, and not to lufee rayne, haple, (note, a ſuch wether to fal on it, oꝛit hath no couerynge, but at laſte when that J dyd conſyder that the vernacle the phiino⸗ my of Chꝛiſt and ſearſe the ſacrament ok theaulter was in maner vncouered, e al ſ. Meters Churche Downe in rupne, a biterly decayed & nothing {et by, conſideringe in olde chapels, beggers and baudes, hooꝛes & theueg yd lye within them, alles ek moyles dyd defple within the pꝛecincte of the Churche, and byenge and ſellynge there was vled within the precinct of the ſayde Church that it dyd pytie my harte and mynde to come and le a⸗ nytyme moꝛe the ſayde place and Churche. Then dyd go amonge the fryers mendicantes, and dyuerstp⸗ mes J dydſe reuelathes pro de functis hange bppon ftyer g backes in walettes, then J went to other rely⸗ gious hduſes, as the Celeſtines and to the Charter⸗ houſe, and there J dyd ſe nullus ordo, And alter that dyd go amonges the montzes a chanons and cardy⸗ nalles, and there J dyd le hoꝛroꝛ inhabitans. Then did J go rounde about Rome, and in euery place J did ſe Lecheryand boggery, deceyt and bierp in euerß coꝛner and place. And pt ſaint Peter a Paule do lpein Rome they do lye in ahole vnder an Aulter, hauing as much golde and ipluer, oꝛ anp other Jewel as J haue about myne eve and itit do rayne, haple, oꝛ ſnowe, il the wind ſtande Cawarde, it chalblowe the rayne, halle oꝛ (nove ko faint Peters ſpelunke, whereloꝛe it maketh manys men to thinks that the twooo holy Apoſtles choulde not Ipe in Rome ſpecially in the plate as the Romaines fat they do lye. J do meruayle greatelp that ſuche an holy place and ſo great a Churche as is in all the woꝛlde, evs cept faint Sophis churche in Confantmople,Guldbe in ſuch a vyle caſe ag it is in. eee byſ ops -~- — - — a nee ee ee ee ee eee — — ee ee 2) Se ee. Se — . , eee — = — SOO ERO REE, The Extrauagantes thops of Romes palice, æ his caſtel named catel angil ſtandyng vpon the water oꝛ great ryuer ol Tiber with in Rome, aud other oftheir placeg and all that Cardy⸗ nalles palacis be fo ſumptuduſly maintepned, as well without as in maner wilhin, and that they wyl ſe thers Cathedꝛal churche to lye lyke a ſwopnes ſtie. ur Peter pente was wel beſtowed tothe reedylpeng of l. Peters Churche, the vohich dyd no good but to noꝛiche ſyn a to ma intaine war. And choꝛtly to cõclude, J dyd neuer ſe no bertue noꝛgoodnes in Rome but in bychop a dꝛyãs Bays vhich wold haus reformed Dinersinozmities, @ fo2 his good buil c pꝛetentehe was popſoned within. ii quarters of a pexe alter he did com to Rome as this ma ter with many other matters mo, be expꝛelled ina boke Of my ſermõs, now to cõclude who fo euer hath bin in Rome a haue ſene theyꝛ vlage there, excepte grace da Woꝛk aboue nature he chal neuer be good man akter. be not thele creatures pollelled ot the deuyl. This matter J do remit to the iudgement of the reders⸗korgod kno eth that J do not wꝛyte halle as it is 02 was, but that J do weite is but to true, the moꝛepptie as god know⸗ ety. Do not you thinke that many in this contre be pol ſelled of the Denil, a be mad although they be not tarke mad, who is blynder thé he that wyfl not le woho is mad der then he that Doth go about to bil his owne foule, he that wil not labour to kepe thecomaundements of god but Daly wil bꝛeke thẽ doth bil his foul, who ig he that loueth god and his neighboure as he ought to do, but who is he that nove a dapes de kepe thepꝛ holy days c where be they that Doth ble anx woꝛdes but finerynge, Ipenige, ogflaunderpng is the one ende of theirtale. In all the wol zde there is no region noz countrie that doth pre moze llwearynge then is vled in Englande pie 5 a ee I EE A — — — Fol. vj. D S . I NN r — rr — — — D . IES N N Wt ROE Ne, pe SB C- 1 oy > $ > os & dapes COR pbiwaetea S grea ** heBxtauagantes:! , chibethat toartſe can ſprabe above agate, benches: ests Sano kmue + and an olve dꝛabbe, was dy dio wh bp fxzſt. that he tha D chat when lwerynge d were chaulde haue cit ns 10 they dat geratt it, and thet yep and chyl⸗ been wolde beware akter that of ſmerpnge whiche is a damnableſpane, the venge at een ok god doth orte hange ouer them, c ypkthep! do notat ne end and take repentance they chalbe da bes belt beets a Ude i euermoꝛe boo?! ſayle a ll (uct peu! Loy 1 ied perm sof bot 0 at Sogneefoe ner th. N epber OF. amendet (Hel? fat : Hol we! rlürestrme an DIVE aitD Do penance, fo2 cls che ev Je mend. Wold to god t 8 and wich his maß honozable ct ! lweringe @ at puniche⸗ 5 £02 no mäß can cemedprbcte fi RCS, out god Ar 15 suit Bpng. koz there be a perilous number k then ti ube if ebep were dDiligentip fought out, 3 eft bebe here of heretikes, as for lwererß a ina nede not co to (eke koz them, forin the noes court & loꝛdes tourtes, in Cities, Boz S, 6 in euerp houle, ain maner chere Sau about to redzeſce! ange as for nol lin, tebe che is a dam inable { ff pnne e, € they i phich d doth ple it, be pote celled of the denpll, no man can 15 5 ther it, but Bod € dur Rpnge, Foz Demontacus loke in the Chapitre named Mania. The. 12. Chapitre doch ewe ok innolun⸗ tary pplpnge ID lanpnes is thegrete wonde and the wating doth ble the ſayde woꝛde. Ju Engipthe it is nameda paſlion of the bladder, out at which tnucluntarelp doth paſſe og iſſueth out ofthe brine of ſome menne that they van not kepe theyz water neyther wabinge noz llepinge and „gpucthat zuaue or dzabbea phylyp with a obvies hep haue U band no man doth go =. 2 a a ccc ———— — . The Extrauagantes. and fome men hauynge this paſſion in thepꝛ ſlepe Mal thynke and dꝛeame that they do make water agaynſſe a Wall, a tree, oꝛ hedge oz ſuch lyke, and ſo dꝛeamynge they do make water in theyꝛ bedde. The caule of this umpedimente. This impedunente doch come of greate debylptye and wekenes of the bladder, 02 els thozo we great frig. ditie oꝛ coldnes of the bladder, 02 cis of to muche dꝛyn⸗ kynge, and loutchkulnes. Aremedp. r For a remedy loke in the Chapitre named Mictus in the fps doe named the Breuiarp ot Bealthe. * The. 13. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the emunctoꝛp places. Mun doria is the latin wozde. Ju Englyſhe ve ie is named che einunctozpoz clenſynge pa es ok mans body. ere is to bemartzed that man hath. lit. pꝛincppall members, che here the bꝛayne and the lyuer, and euery one ol cipall members hat he emunctoꝛy places to the (ate. 6 The. a. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the paſſion of the Lyuer. Elena paſſio bè the latin woꝛdes. In Englyche it Lis named che paffion of the lyuer, and who fo curr hach this paſſion doch fele peyne inthe ry ght ſyde. i The cauſc of this impediment. ( This impediment doth come ola colerycke humour y 98 elgof myxt humours, oz otmenſtruous humours, ! Bes * — rr ³ eS OSE EES ~*~ . SS § 4 3 n K Tr SAA. beer a S n Aer The Exttauagantes: A remed :, ico Fv zie purge coler, and ble ealp pürgationg; and beware ol cuerp thynge that Doth burt the Lruer, as hote wynes and Cpices and Aqua bite, and ble colde thynges as Saunders, Southynell, Endiue, Dandelpon, Cicoꝛy, andy puerwwogt, Letice, & fuch lyke. The. 15. Chapitre dotbe chewe of amans welande. ENS ere grethe woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is naß med the flappe ef che we lande oꝛ che thzote bol the Whiche doch deupdethe two cundites, the one is the we lande che whiche wynde doth paſle in and out, and the other is nam ed P lophsgon thozo we che wWhiche meate and dꝛynke doth go into che ſtomatze, as it doch appete J in the chapitre named Oyſopnagos in the Bzeulary ok health. The. 16. Chapitre doth chewe of excoꝛiacion. E Xcoriacio is the latin woꝛd. In englyſh it is named excoxiacion oꝛ takynge gwaye the Thin in any plate of mans body. In Italian ic is named Malum Mule, ¶ The cauſe of excoꝛiacion. ¶ Excoziation dothcome two Woxes, eyther volunen | tp oꝛ eis inuoluntatp, ik it be voluntarp then the top is tanken of bylome knyfe, oz lome other inſtrumene and yk it be inuoluntarp, eyther it doth come bychaking oz els by gallynge, that is to fay eythet by goyng oz by rydynge. A remedp: Take of Role leues, of Plant ain leues, o Malowes, ot 07 tylles, of eche li. handtull, keth this in water, and put to it a lytle Seek and wache the place. ui. nyghtes to bedwarde, and if you can not get this, tub the place wich a talowecandel. Th, 17. Chapitre dothe chewe of eructua⸗ N „ dtons o belchynge. Ructuaeio is the latin mode. In Englyſhe it is 0H L med eructuacpon og beichyng. pe _. = = 2 8S SO 8 . ax FCC > The Extranagantes; Fol,vili, & C hecauſe of this impediment. f z This impediment doch come of greate ventolitte in “the botome ok che ſtomake, and otherwhtle it doch tome ok gredy eatynge. ¶ A remedy « In this matter dle Diatriumpiperion dꝛonken with wpne, Nrapigra in this matter is good, and lo be dꝛeg ges and lolanges | made to bꝛeake wynde. " , ie Whe, 18. Chapitre doth tetwe ok ſpitynge of Ff bloude thoꝛowe a cougg. 6 Pima is the greke wozde. In latin it is named s pu 5 tum lanioſum exiens cum tuſſi. In Englyſhe it is na RRR} ik are = — Seca med ſpyttynge of bloud wich a cough, for chts matter " ſotze in the Chaptere named Emoptoica paſſio in the {itt 7 boke named the Bꝛeuiary ok health. The. 19. Chapttre dothe chewe of the kyndes of Fluxes. 55 r Luxus venttis be the latin wozdeg. In en N J iyche it is named the flyxe, and there be { iii. Bpndes named in latin Lienteria Diar 90 J e N thea AND Diffinteria, In Euglyſhe it is na 7 | WEIN medthe Lpentery, the Dparthy, and the i | Dpllenterp, The Lpencery egeſteth oz dot!) auopde the 2 meate in maner as tt was eaten. The Dparrhy ts à coz mon laxe. The Dyſſintery is the bloudy lyre, and ſome doth name thele Apres after this mance. Inteſtinal. Cr 1 paticall and Sa guine. Inteſtyuall commech daye and nyght with fretyng in the belly. Epatycke oꝛ Epatycal fore cometh without peyne pꝛyckyng 02 feetpug, The bloudyoz Sangupne flpxe maketh excoztacton of tie guttes with pepuc pꝛyckynge andkretynge. f be. 20, Chapttre doth chewe of werpucs ol a mannes body, Fatiga⸗ r err rr — — — a NC — ~ a) RNIN NNN (FC; b> & SS SO Rům eee The Extrauagantés, J EK Atigacio ig the latin. In greke it is named ponos oz Camatos, In Englyſhe it is named werynes of the body. The caule of werpnes. ¶ Werpynes doch come many wapes, as by extreme las bout, dopnge moze then che ſtrength ok the bodpisable to perkourme, it maye come ofthe debylitte ol che bor dy, it may come thoꝛo we ſyckenes, and it map cone tho rowe tydynge vpon an eupll hozſe, oz ſyttynge in ane upli ſadle, ſpectally When the hozſe is galled on the backe, 02 ſpoʒe galled, chen the hole is as werp of his mayſter, as bis maifteris werpok hym. @ A remedy. * #2 after labour and iwcrpnes , cafe and reſt is the bet mede⸗ cinc. And it luche matters do come of debilitie oz Cickenes , Dita good diet, and tobe noꝛpched with good meates and dzyntzes and good lodgynge, and let no man labour no moze than the trength— ot the body is able to do and to perkourme it. And pk it do come thoꝛowe rydinge bpon an cupll bozfe 02 adic , let hym neuer ryde in no fadte noꝛ bpon no hoꝛſe, geldyn no mare, no2 other beaſt, and be ſpall neuer be werp noꝛ galled koꝛ luche matters. The. 2x. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mans Aawes. Auces is tht latin wozde, zu grebe it is named Pha ringés, In englyſhe it is named a mans Jawes the Which mape haue many impedimentes, as che Crampe and the Mal ſye. ac. The caule of thele impedimentes ¶ Thefe impedimentes doch come ok reume eauſynge ache, oz els it mape come ofabzofe oz afiripe cau lynge the pepne, 02 els it may bea palfye 02 a Crampe oꝛ they map be out of toynt. C Aremedy. At it do come ot reume. purge reume as it doth appere in the Chapitre named Meuma . It it be out of tointe uri o7 lette it in agapne. Bf it do come eyther ot apalſy oz of acrampe., ble krica⸗ port ih the oyle of Muſterde ſedes, oz eis with Mullerde oz é abe The Extrauagantes, Fol. x. The. 22. Chapitre dothe ſbewe of Buches oz wheales vnnaturall. Ormica miliaris be the latin woꝛdes. In Englyſhe it is named puthes, pimples, 02 lycle wheales. Tue caule of this impediment. (his tmpedimencdoeh come okcoler 02 elsokmyxte humours, as of coler and lleume, oz ofcoict and melan⸗ colp. c. | , te Aremedp. ke tocate the lirupe of Fumiterp, and purge the matter with Diacathontcon and Diakenicon oz other purgacions , as the caule requircth, and after that take of Gerdegrece ok Bony ot roche Alome, of eche halfe an bnce, of Role water, of Plantain water, ok the iuyce ot Celondine, ot eche balfe an vnce ot white arlnecke heal ot. ui. 8. bople al this togyther and wache oz auoint the place. The. 23. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a mannes nc 02 knees. N Enu is the latin woꝛde. In greeke it is na⸗ med Goni, In Englyſh ie is named a mans ies, as ache, ſtknesIwellpnge, ſtrapnyng und it mape be out ok topnte, oz els other⸗ " Tople hurce, and it mape tome bya gout 02 a ſpaticke palſton, oꝛ ſome extreme colde there taken, oꝛ luche lyte 4 tnpediment. 1 The cauſeot thele impedimentes. ‘ | ©, Thele impedimentes doth come of cupll oꝛder of a mans ſelke, 02 euyll dpet, oz by myplfogtune 02 ot ſome pzincipall ſick N Aremedp. : * J do not knowe a better remedy than fricacions oz rubbynges with a mans bande, takynge the ople of Turpentine with the krt i cacion oꝛ rubbynge, and foz this matter an bote Cowe tooꝛde is nut the woꝛd medecine, oꝛ plapſter applicated to the wars. = nue che which map haue diuers impedimen 5 be SO rr SS SS SS 2 SS 8 Ow SS 6 ee ee 7 P. ˙ KIN ee Se RO RINT STROH CRON TS i & ge SoS Oe SS Oh 6 SS SS 6b SS SC OC tS SS SS, The Exttauagantes: tc The. 24. Chapitre dothe ewe of grolues. Roſſit ies is the barbarous woꝛ de. Inlatin it is nas med Craſſitudo. In gretze it is named Pachites, In Englyſhe it is named groſnes. Os ¶ The caule of this impedimente. This impediment doch come naturally, 02 elgaccpa dently, ik it do tome naturally there is no remedy, pit do come accidentlythen it doth come eyther by greate dꝛynkynge, 02 by groſſe and great kedyng, oz els of to muche cherychynge andnourychynge ok ones lelle. i d remedp. ne purgacions and great ſtudy⸗ and in meates and dꝛynzes, ble Peper and eate & meger and lower fautes . Fo this matter loke in the Chapitre named o inguedo in the Breutarp ok healthe. The. 2g. chapitre doth ſhewe of a mans Goomes. Coe is the latin woozde. Jugreckettis named L Oula, In Englyſhe it is named the goomes the whiche map haue many impedimentes, as Wheles, bip⸗ ſters, fyſtles, bledynge, excoziacion, and fuperfinous growynge of the fleſhe of the goomes and lucie lpbe. , The cauſe ok this impedimente. KE This impediment mo comonlpdoth come of fuper abundance ok reume dyſt yllynge from the heade to the goomes anddpuers other wayes. A remedy, f tk it do come thozowe reume, purge reume. ac. Ik it do come thoꝛowe any Canker oꝛ kyſtle, loke in the Chapitres named Can⸗ cer and Fiſtula in the Breutarp of health. It it de come of luper⸗ tluous fleſhe remoue the caule with an opntment named Unguen⸗ tum egipltacum, and the water of Alome is good to the gomes kei cated oꝛ rubbed with Hage leurs, ‘ The. 26. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of dicktcultnes of openynge and clolynge the epes. = Effe is the arabp woꝛde. In lacin tt is named Pit! lcultas apiendi et claudendi oculos, In Engliſhe ſ 5 8 b i is = 2 = o oS Se Oe 2 2 OS S88 eS eS The Extrauagantes; = Fol. x; is named when one can not wich eale open and chyt the G eye lyddes. 9 The caule ok this impediment. c This impedimente doth come of vilcus reume and groſle humours in che head ¶ A remedy. N Fy itte purge the head with gargarice and ſternutacions, and than purge toe head and the ſtamane with pylles of Cochee, and cate nat the heades noꝛ bzapnes ot᷑ the fleſhe no tyſhe, and beware to eate the katnes of allfpipes, The. 27. Chapytre dothe ſhewe of the. titi, f kyndes of the Goute. Auvtta (88 barbarous wozde, and there be, tit, kyn⸗ des named in latin Chiragea,Podagra, Sciatica, ind Artetica, the one is in the handes and fpngers, and ars mes, the whiche is named Chiragra, the other is named Podagra, and that is in the fete and the toes, and the legges. The thyꝛde doch kepe the hokyl bone, and doch runto the knee, and in pꝛoces of tpme it Doth diſcende to the ancle and to the litle toe, and is named sciatica. The illi. k pnde of the goute is named the goute artetycke the whiche doth runne all the toyntes and partes ofa mang body. Foz theſe matters loke in they Chapitres in the frat boke named the Bzeularp of health. The. 28. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a mans thzote, Viter is the latin woꝛde. In gretze it is named La⸗ Triux. In Englyſhe it is named a thꝛote the whiz che is the Whole {pace that doch conte yne the pꝛincipall Way that is named Flophagon 02 che Merpe and the pꝛincipall way of che beth the whiche is named in la⸗ tin Canna pulmonis 02 Trachea arteria otherwiſe named in englyſhe the weland 02 the thzoteboll, a in this place may be ingendzed many inkürmities, as carnels, Tooele B. ii. ipnges = SSS SS RR eS — 5 ROOSTER III IN AS I NN NN I a St 6 SS OS Ge 0 iy — 2 — te eee — 9 n EA me SS Sb OS St 6S 2S 2 6 6 6 6 'S'e 6 aS & SSS, The Extrauagantes; H lynges, apoſtumes as chefquinces, and hoꝛſnes, and uche ipke, koꝛ the whiche loke inthe chapitres named Angina. Raucedo, Apoſtema, in the kpꝛſt bootze named the Bꝛeutarp of healch. The. 29. Chapitre doth ſhewe of Frantickenes. voſtia num is a kynde of krantictzenes, and it doch tatze the name of agretze worde na⸗ f 0 med Hioſtianns the whiche in Englylhe ig N named Henbane, foz who fo euer doth eate Dol Henbane oz an herbe named wale Hal fal into a frantycbenes 02 a fantaſtycall mynde. Che tauſe is Heed. Aremedy. y ꝛſt kepe the paciét in a cloſe chamber and let hym haue mery company about bpm, and gpue to hym Gores mylke with luger⸗ and let hym dꝛynde polſet ale made with Gotes mylne. 111.03. lut. Dayes. And it one can not get Gootes myläe, ble koz it Meth oz Wetheglyn, oꝛ pure water with luger. The. zo. Chapttre doth chewe of a mannes tlanckes 02 hare, | Nguine is chelacin woꝛd. In greke tt tons med Bubones, In Engiyche ic is named 8 mans flantzes oz chare che which map haue dpuers impedimentes, a8 carbocles, a poſtu Ames and luche lpke. a The caule of thele imped imentes. Thele impedimentes ano ſuch tybe doch come tho⸗ tobe the inkection ol rhe lyuer, for tho e places ce che e⸗ munctoꝛp places ot the luer. Aremedy, Tate of Malowes Coven in the bꝛoth that kleche hath bene ſoden in. u. handtull, of wheat flower, of Barly flower, of eche. ul. vn⸗ ces make a plapſter of tts puttynge to it. u. volkes ot egges and a iptle Butter and oyle Olpue, and make players. and lap it on the toze place, and after that, take of the rotes of whue Lollies ot : Wolphockes Ar N e P ~*~ . nme * 1 © The Extrauagantes, Fol.xi, I 1 0 Holphockes, ot eche.iiu.bnces.ſeth this in water, and then put to f 1 tot the flower of Ipne ſede ot wheate lower. ili. bnces, ot (wines 11 grece. ii. vnces, and when it is colde compounde. tif, polkes ot eg⸗ 1 ges with it and make plapders. \ ( @ The. zr. Chapitre noth ſhewe ol a mans vowels. ( Nteſtina ig che latin woꝛde. In gretze it is named En 1 0 b I tera, In Englyſhe it is named a mans guttes oz bo⸗ 1 Welles, che whiche may haue dyuers impedimentes. as ö ftetynge, oꝛ abynge oꝛ ſuchlyke. b i 1 CTbc caule of thele impedunentes. ii 0 e Thele impedimentes doth come epther of colde oꝛ mf the colycke, oz of wozmeg, oꝛ els of ſome great laxe, o⸗ 1 ok che Iliatze, A remedp. It it do come of colde, kepe the bely warme, and ble warme meates, vt it do come of the colyckce, oꝛ Fltacke,o2 of wozmes, oꝛ of any laxe, loke in the Chapitre named Colica paſſio, bermes, and Pt arrhea in the Bꝛeuiarp of health. C The. 32. Chapit re doth ſhemt ok an barclppped perlon. Abrum leporinum be the latin woꝛdes. In i Englpche te is named Pare lypped. i The caule ot this unpcouncnt, i A This unpediment doth come eyther naz „ turally oz els accydently, it it do come by na tüte the perfon was borne lo, ik it do come accidently it doch come eyther by a ſtripe oz byburnpnge. A remedy. It it do come by nature, the kleſhe whiche doth growe to the gummes mutt be rered with a charpe inſtrumkt, and the vpper fide mutt be a lytle rypped and the. it. fides of the Dare lyppes muſt be extoziated, and then flicked with a nedle and a good ſtronge thzede and then lay to it ſalues, pf it do come bp burnynge loke in the cha pitre named Combuſt io. Ik it do come ol a ſtrype make it whole ipke an other wounde. ent B. ili. The A > a —— e r — ee. S| ———ů— ir PS N D. * * * St SRST ROO OR CRC {ROE < ~ 5 Sc , SORRENTO R FFP IL A1. & SS 2 6 2 6 2S 6 2 'e's aS SS So, The Extranagantes, * The. 33. Chapitre doth Hewe of a mannes kyde Las is the latin wozde. In greke it is named Plura In Englyſhe it is named a Spode. In the ſide 07 libes may be many impedimentes, as impoſtumes and ſiyt; ches and luche lyke. l The caule of thefe impedimentes « ce Chele impedimentes doch come Opucts wapes,pei¢ be in the ryght lode the impediment doch come ok the in fection ok theipuer, pric be in che lekte (ype the ſplene may be inkected, oz els in the lodes mar be impoſtumes ſtyiches, oꝛ Jlica pallio. os ſuche lpke, the Whithe Doth come ok ventolitie 02 wynde. (A remedy. * Ak the Lpuer be the caute, lo ze in the Capitre named Epar. FE the Splene be the cauſe, lo ze in the Chapitrenamed Splen in the fp2ft none named the Breutarp of health. At it come otherwapes, takt bp the earth within a doꝛe that is well troden and pare it bp with atpade after a cake, and caft &ineger on it, and rot it againſt the kyer, and in a lynnen clotbe lave it bote to the lyde, and ble Cliſters 02 fuppoliters, o: els tase calp purgacions , fo that the bely be nat cofttue, and beware ot colde and of catpuge, of krutes, 02 newe bzead> 02 ne we ale, and of al thinges that dothe ingender weutofite » The. 34. Chapitre doth chewe of akynde of furtoufnes. | is a barbarous woꝛde, and is deriued ok. it. wozdes of greze named Limphati and carom, of the whiche Doth coine Limphatici hich is to fapmad oz furious, tunnpng about here and there as theyz kan taly wyll leade them. The caule of this impediment. 2 Thisimpedimenc doth come ofa water and a wynd intruled oz tnelofed in the head, and it map come thozow peupſhenes in lettyng the mynd to much of an amouts oz louynge s chynge td muche. 60 2 remed A Fp rt purge there tered gaͤrgarices and dernutactons and with pylles ol ay. 8 ehe pactcapam a Clade cpambet,€ gyue r j i The Extrauagantes; gyue to the pacient warme meate.iit.tymes a dape, and do as it is lpecitied in the Chapitres named Pyrenitis and Mania in the Wreutarp of healthe. The. 37. Chapitre doth che we of a kynde . ak vometynge. e marinus be the latin wozdes. In englyſhe it is named a peyne in the bely and wyll cauſe a man to bompt, and wyll cauſe the pactente to lw ete foꝛ peyne. The caulcot this impedunent. , @ This impediment both come of coloc,andof ventofis tie and it doth dy fler ftom the colpcke aud the Illactze. Aremedy. & vid beware of colde, and than tate a ſuppoliter oz two. and than take an ealy purgacion, and beware of caping ot frutcs, to: this matter loke in the Breuiarp of heathe. The. 36. Chapitre athe ſhewe of a crycke oꝛ an acht aboute the necke and the chulders. Leethemi is thearabp wozc e. In latin it is named *-Dolor Scapularum, In Englyſhe tt ts amedacniche oz an ache about the ſhoulc ers and che wech. and it wil pꝛycke, and ſtyche, and abe. The cauſe of ticle impedimentes· ¶ Cyeſe impedimentes doch come ot grolle fumes the whiche doch alcende by the veines to the aloꝛe layDd pias tes, and it may come of abundance of reume 02 elles ta⸗ kynge colde in thole plates, oz els lxenge a wave with the necke. ¶ Aremedp. f Fit kepe the necke and the cbulders warme than ple frica⸗ tions, and anopnt the place with the oyle or Antos, aud purge the bead and domagec with piles or Coche. Pee iG The. 37. C bapitre othe chewe ot a mannes lopness I Vmbi is the latin wozde. In grebe it is named Phre⸗ Enes. In Englyſhe it is named the lopnes. And dpuerg impedimenteg map come to then as uche, nerunes and ſuch lpke, i B. titi, This — Fol. xii. 1 43 ee ee ee ad — — r ——— — ner SO OSS 8S SS OS SSS Se a, SSD Oh OO ROSS eS SS n ä 7 7 ...e K. ee a eee ee ee See ee ee ee SR, The Extrauagantes, The caule of this impediment. pao This impediment doch come of takyng of colde in che raygnes of the backe, oꝛ in mediynge to much wiry venerious actes, and it may come of a great ſtrapne og ofa great lykt oʒ luch lyke. C Aremedy. A pyche cloth made with pyche and a lytle Turpentyne and Ware, and Peper woꝛne. iti. oz. iill. wekes is good, and the ople os Alabaſter, oz els the ople ot ſcoꝛgious is good. C The. 3s. Cbapitre doth Doth cheweoka con⸗ ſumption in olde men. Araſmon (Sthe Dtaby worde. In latin ie is named Conſumptio. In Englyſhe it is named a Conſumption, oꝛ a confumpuge KN | sf che body in aged and olde perfons, 40 t t$- The caute of this impediment. 5 = This impediment doch come thozowe the dominion ok an eutl complexion that is dꝛy grounde in aged perfons, and is not lpke Prifis, no che etyeke paſſion foꝛ ic is without a feuet. a Aremedy. The chekeſt remedy koꝛ this matter, is good cherychyng⸗ wher foze the Medecyues muſt come out ot᷑ the kytchen. C The. 3. Chapitre doth ſbewe of a cer⸗ : teyne kynde of lcabbes. N Alum mortuum be the latin woꝛdes. In Englyche tt is named a kynde ol ſcabbes the which moſt Cos mouly be about che thies, che hammes, and buccockes, The cauſe ot this impediment⸗ ung 6. E Chisimpediment doth come ofa melancoly Humour and fome of thefe ſcabbes be were and ſome be dye. it A remedp. Fpiſte take a purgacton, and oben bie the medecynes the whtl⸗ che be h in the Chapitre named Sravies in tbe Bꝛeularr k heal ot hea ate ae =. 2 so 2 SS OS SS SS SS [SSS «KK ESOS cate! he Extrauagantes. The. 40. Chapitre dothe chewe of the Flophagon oz the Mery. Miz 02 Ifophagon be the Araby wo2des, it is a gutte behynde the welandethozowe the whiche the meãte and dꝛynke doth paſle thoꝛo we into the ſto⸗ matze, fo it doch delcende from epigloton co the ozikyte of the ſtomake, fo2z this matter loke in chapirre named Lſophagõ in the kyꝛſt boke named che Bꝛeuiary of helth Che. 41. Chapitre dothe chewe of a blempche in the eye. Acula is the latin wozde. Aterphati ig the Araby woꝛzd. In Englyche it is named a blemiche in che eye, and lome doth fap it is when the exe is blodſhottẽ. Bo The cauſe of this impediment. ¶ This impediment doch come either of an euyll hu: mour oꝛ els by ſome ſtrype, oꝛ luche lyke matter. N Aremedpy. C Taue the white of two egges and beate it to a wateriche fpume, than put towe into it and. iii. nyghtes lap it to the eye and bynde it kaſt, and rene we it euery npght. And koꝛ this matter loke in the Osi named Aterphati in the kyzſt bo ae named the Becutarp calth e The. 42. E haplere doth ch: we of kallynge awaye 3 ot the heares of the bꝛowes. Adarofis {3 the greke woxde. And Come doch name it Milphofis, I n latin it is uamed Oculorũ morbus. In englych it ts named afliing away of che heres in the exe lyddeg. The barbatus woo ade is named Madroſis. The cauſe of this impediment. pao This impedimeut doche come eyther by lome kynde ok lepꝛoulnes, 02 cls by foie other kynde of licknelle. A remedy. k= Foꝛ this matter lone in the Shapitre named Capillus in the fp2 boke naimco the reuiarp al healthe. The — SS S. a gies SOIL ROBIE PINES VEC De EOF Diba oc EISELE PE SEC ¶ LE IEICE A SIE SICSS — 7 . REE ee ETS F oS eS > SS a & S S 6 2 6 26 6S 26 & 8 SS tS, The Extrauagantes: The. 43. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of the kyndes of madneſſe. Here be. iii. kyndes ol madneſſe, whiche be to ſaye in latin Manta, Melancholia, Freniſis, c Demoniacus They the whiche be man pabe, in they mad nelle be tull of diuin acton, as thpukynge them ſelke to coniure oz to create, oꝛ to make thynges that no man can do but God, and dorh pꝛelume bppon lupernaturall chynges, thyn⸗ kynge that chey can thynke oꝛ do che thynge the Which is impoſſible toꝛ man to do. Melancholia ig an cover kynde of madneſle and they the which be infeed wich this madneſſe be euer in keare and dꝛede, a dothe chyntze they ſhall neuer do well, but euer be in parell eycher of ſoule 02 of bodye 02 bothe, wherefore they do fle frome one place to anocher, and can not tell where to be except they be kept in ſafegarde. Frenifists another kzynde or madne ſle, and it dothe euer tome in a keuer they do raue and ſpeke, ⁊ can not tell what they (ape. Demoniacus 02 Demoniaci is another kynde of madneſſe. Ind they the whiche be in this madnefle be euer polleſſed of the deupll, and be deuelyſhe perlons k wyll do much hare and cuyll, wozſet than they the which be maniatze koz maniake perſons tommeth of tnfitmites ofthe body, but demontake per lons be polleſled of lome cupll ſpirite, as it dooche appere in che Chapitre named Demontacus, Allo there is an other kynde of madneſſe named Luz naticus the whiche is madneſſe thet dothe inkeſt a man ones in a mone the whiche doth caule one to be geryſhe, and wauerynge wytted, not conſtant, but kantaſticall. Foꝛ al chele matters loke foʒt her in the Chapitres thele woꝛdes pꝛenominated in the Bzeuiarp of helthe. — — = =. SS = =~ = eee 9 The Extrauagantes. ¶ The. 44 . Chapitre duth chewe of a pellicle named the r pꝛacke. Iraeh is the araby worde. The Barbatous woꝛde Wis named che Mitac, In Englyſhe it is named che Hiracke, the which is a pellpcle a cal oz a ſthyn the wht che doth tye che inteſtynes, and guttes togyther, and is compounde of a fat and flechely pannycle oꝛ tt vn with mufcilages, che whiche may be relared, as it doch aps pere in the Chapitre nomed Ruptura in the fp2tte book e named che Bꝛeuiary of health. he. 47. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the Myfentery that both tye the Guttes togyther. 1 ts the latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe tt is named the milentery whtche is a pellycle oꝛa lxᷣyn the whiche doth tye the guttes together, and it is coms pound ok coꝛdes oz ſtrynges, and kacnelle che which doth make a lofte pannytle 02 logament, and fone doth holde opymon that the mylentery and the myꝛacke is one pel⸗ licle, and J could neuer elpy in no belly that IJhaue lene open, chat there is no mo ſtzyns then che mydꝛylle and this akoze layde paunycle oz ſbynne, and the lip hac che wyhiche doch holde inthe guttes, Aste doth appere in che Chapitre named Siphac in the lyzſte booke named the Breutary of health. C Foz Milrofis, lobe in the C hapitre named Madarofis Tbe. 46. Chapitre doth chewe of the Malclles. Orbilli is the latin woꝛd. In Crgly He it is named the malels the which is a kaput G chenes, ¶ The caule of this lpekenes. C This ſpckenes doch come of a lleumatycke humour aud ol che tozruption of blond, and alto one iukected per {on may iu tecte an other viule Are; . — ⁰Ü•15.71˙ A1 We Ne Se gg ag CCC > Fol, xtili, gD EF — — “E rr WA Sr * — * ——TTTTTT————————GG—ͤTWWPPTTTTTCTTCTTTCTTPTCTTłTkTVTVTVTVTVTVTVTCTVTVTVTCTVTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCVCWCVWCW—W—œA——WWWWW eee 6 S'S S'S 618 aS So SS The Extrauagantes, Aremedp. ¶ Fyiſt in the moꝛnyng gyue the paciente to dꝛynke a lptie ria cle o: Mitridatum with a dꝛaught et fale Ale warme, And kepe the pacient warme, and iet hym nat cate neꝛ diynke nothyng that is colde, noꝛ fo a (pate let hym not go in the ogen aper, and bie ipghte meates of digeſtion koz a ſpate. ¶ T. 47. Chapitre doth ſhewe of the ſtrynge oz matp in a mannes backe. oca is the latin wozde. In greke it is nar med Nucha In Englyche tt is named the e newue which is the mary of the ſtrynge in the backe bone, and it is muche ipke to the qantas) apne of a mans heade in coloure and in it may be great debilitie and Lockenes, and it may be bur oꝛ cut a ſunder by ſome ſtrype bꝛole o2 fall, when the backe is bꝛoken a under, and yk the newke be bꝛotzen it can neuer be made whole, the backe may be fet agapne in io ynt, ho we be it there ſhall euer remapue a curuite and crokednes. A remedy to comkoꝛte the Rewke. @ al reſtoꝛatiue thinges doth cökozt the Rewe and Co doth (wete lwpnes, as Mulcadell, Baſterde, Aligant, and the blage of Llarp is good to eate loden oꝛ fried with the polkes of egges, and euere thynge that is reſtoꝛatiueis good. C The. 48, Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a Spnewe that is ſpꝛonge. Jvreticus is the barbarous wozde. In greke it is named Nureticos, And {ome lateniſt Doth name it Neruicus, In Cnglyſhe ie is named line we lpꝛonge ag do tate it nowe. ¶ The caule of this impediment, This impediment doth come ok a ſtrapne oꝛa fall. Aremedp. Foꝛ this matter the ople ot Metes fote is good, and ſo is the ople ot Turpent ine and ſuche lpke. 1 03 ——- — ees Oe —dſ - .. = = 2 2 a 6 2 2S 2S OSS eS Se he. Lm ay 2 — 8 The Extrauagantes, Fol. xv. _ Kp F02 Napta lokein thechapttre named Bocium in the O i \ fp2tt bobe named che Bꝛeutarpok healch. i ( For Nebula loke in the Chapitre named Albugo in the Bꝛeuiarp of health. ¶ The. 40. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of panyng 07 gapynge. it c Scedo oz Oſſitacio be the latin woꝛdes. In if foi | greke ie ts named Chatna, Ancngipche u f 0 is named peanpng oꝛ gapyng. . je” © Tye caule of this impediment » rr Thisimpediment doch come of valu⸗ ' ſtines oz els foꝛ late of Depe, 02 els it Doth come befoz¢ afeuer ozanague. \ A vemedp. ti ¶ che che ten remedy that J do anowe is to llepe enough, oꝛ els to excerciſe the body with walsynge ozlabourpitge, foz this matter SS SSO Oe SS eS SSO _ i joke in the Chapitre named Ollitacio in the tyꝛſt bose named the Jl Bieularp of healtbe. f : J haue vende De Oftocopo , hut it is fo longe agone ‘ that J haue fozgotten whacicts, And when J bid mate f this bobe J was there chat J had no Auctours noz does dcourg to helpe me, but onelp bp mp pꝛactyſe⸗ 0 e Fon Papule lobe in the Chapitre named claus. 0 = Dhe. so. Chapitre dothe fhetwe of a mannes beet. Apa ances the latin woꝛde. In grekeit is nas 0 med tor. In Englyche tt is named a brett 0 che which in a man may haue diuers delea⸗ ess, as ſtraines ofthe beet, cozenes ok the Wpnde 07 fomeappottumacion oz luch like diſeaſe. N Che caule of thefe impedimentes. C Chele impedtmentes doch come of cupil dyet oz of fatfetpnge, or eis tatzynge great rolde vpon an heate, "audit may come of luperabundance of eupl Wat a ORIFICE IN ITI ID oS OS 8 So OS & GS — ** ; . PPP ee ~~ eee ASA 4 * R N P:! · w 7 p T 8 5 The Extranagantesé dA remedy» Fyzde ble calp purgacions, and anopnte the bzeſte with the pple of fwete Almons, dz cls take of the ople of lwete Almone.o€ Denies grete, of kreſhe butter, of eche of them an bnce ok the mary of a Calues legge 02 legace, halte an bnce, of ware halſe an nee, compounde all this togy ther ouer a fofte frer , and anopnte the bꝛeſte diuers tymes, and ble Loclanum de pino to cate moze nynge, noonc, and ar nygot. The. v1. Chapiter dothe ſhewe of the pꝛecipit ation o; fallynge downe of the Matt ix oꝛ the Moder. Pen matricis be the latin woꝛdeg. In areke it is named Propecia mittas. In engipipe it is nas. med the kallynge downe ofthe matryx. ¶ The caule of this impediment. ¶ This tmpedtment dor) come dyuets wapes, ag by euyli oꝛderynge ot a woman wohen (he is delpuered, oz it mape come by che lubzicitie of moyſte humoutes, it maye come by greate ſtrapnynge, oz bp a fail, ozà bzoſę oz ſuche lyke matter. N j ¶ A remedy : ° Ak it do come of euyll oꝛderynge ok a woman whan that he is deltuered, it muſt come ot an buerpert Hydwpke. In mp kyme as well here in Englande as in other regions and of olae antiquis tie, cuerp Widwpfte ſhulde be pꝛelented with hone women ol great grauttic to the Byſhop, and that they chulde teſtiky for her that they do pꝛelent chulde be a ladde woman, wylc and diferete, hauynge experience, and woꝛthy to haue the office of a Midwpfe⸗ Than the Bpchoppe with the counſel of a doctoz of pitch ought to examine her, and to inſtructe her in that thynge that the is ignoꝛaunt, and thus pꝛoued and amitted is a laudable thynge, foz and this were bled in Englande there chulde not halke fo manp women mylcarp, noꝛ lo many chyldꝛen periſhed in euery place in Englande as there be. The Bychop ought to loke on this matter, If the kallynge downe of the Matrix come any other wapes as is teberfen, do as it is ſpecitied in the tallyng out ot ones fonndmet. Foz this matter lone in the ghapitre named Anus in the fire bolt named the Bꝛeutarp ok heith, and allo in the Chapitre names Matrix in the fete boke. xc, Che = 2 =o 2 8S Oo 2 SS Se OS® La ee Se > ee SS SS SD — ——— a 19 ronnynge ouer the face. Sm < 1 My 6 N The Exttaudgantes, Fol. xvi t 6 „„ The. rz. Chapitre dothe chewe of a foze 2 9 1 0 iy . jotigo ts the latin woꝛde. In Euglyſche it is named a ſoze, a (cabbe, oz alburfe that doch run oueral the kace. Ane Dhecaule of this impediment. po This impediment doth come ofa mentrudus hu⸗ mour ingendꝛed in the generacton ok the paciente 02 cls ok ſome blaſte of wynde coꝛrupted, oz els oF lupetabun⸗ dance of reume. 5 aA remedy. © Foꝛd purge the head, and atter that anoynt the face with crat⸗ 1 me, and the ople of bytter Almons . N C The. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a gogle eye. P tus is the latin woꝛde. In CugipMHeic is named —— — = T gogle eped. Foz this matterloke inthe Chapitre na — i) Med Serabofitas in the fpatte boke named the Bzeuiarp ö ol health. f The. 54, Chapitre dothe ſhewe of a i r dileaſe in the Lungnes. ö ; A 10 PVimonia is the latin woꝛd. In Englyſhe it is named . 1 © ꝗ collection of ſuperfluites ofa vple and a cozrupte 4 matter the whiche doth ingender lome appoſtumacion And there be. ii. kyndes, the one is ingendꝛed in thelun ges and is named Pulmonia oꝛ Pipulmonia, AND [ome doth name it beripneumonia, the other doth cleue to the My rybbes, and is named Plutitis, 03 Periplumonſa, 02 Plus ig tea, oz Pluriſis, 02 Pluris, o; Plurefia all is one thynge, laue that fome woꝛdes be barbarous woꝛdes. Foz thele 7 dileales loke in the Chapitres named Peripneumonia, and Pluritis in che fpꝛſt boke named the Bzeutatye of yy health. he. 5c. Chapitre dothe chewe ol the 8 pulles of a man. SOO ROR OECTA . Se OD Se DS SS 3 Pulle eh Sb 77 me . G ⁵»V ._in SRR RCT RNR 2 0 = SS 2 SS 6 2 & SS SS 6 6 oS 6 SOS 8 8, So, SS, 8 Thie Extrauagante? | Vite is the latin woꝛde, In grebe it is named Sphig mos. In englyſhe it is named pulles. And there be xii.pulſes the which doth take theyz oꝛiginall of the by tall ſpirites, thꝛe of the whiche pꝛincipal doth long to the herte, the one is vnder the lekte pape, the other two Doth lye in the wzeſtes dyzectly agaynſte the thommes The bꝛapne hath a re ſpecte to, vii. pulſ pꝛinei⸗ pall, and. lit. be minoꝛs, the. iii. paincipall pulles dothe lyethus, two in che temples, and one goynge under a bone named the ryght kutcle, and the other doch ive in the coꝛner of the ryght lyde ofthe nole. And there be. li minoꝛ pulles, the one Doth lye in the toꝛner ok che lekte lyde okthe nole, and the other two doch lye vppon the mandibles of the two iawes. The lyuer hath a velpecte to the two pulſes, che which doch lye vpon the fete, Bp thele pulſes expert Philitions and Chicrurgions dot} knowe by theyꝛ knock ynge o2clapppnge, whiche pain cipall memberts diſtempered, & whecher the patient be in peryll, pf any of the pꝛincipal pulfes dg, not bnocke 02 clappe truelp, kepyng as ttue courſe as the mynutes of a clocke, the pacient is in peryll, howe be it the pul {es mutt go with quicker agillitte chen che mynutes Of a clocke,fo2 there is no perel in the paclent, ſo be it that they da kepe a true courte in theyz knockpnge without any pauſe oꝛ ſtoppynge, which is to lay, ik the pulledo gyue. v. knockes and do paute at the. vi. Bnoctze, 02 els Doth knocke. vit. Knockes and do paule at (ye. vil. knoe ke, oꝛels dothknocke. x. knockes and doth leape out the. xi. and beginneth at. xi. knoctzes and fo lozth, che patient is in perell oꝛ eis not, foʒ it is not in the ag llli⸗ tie, 102 in the tarde knockynge of the pulfes that the pe rel is in, but in the paulynge of the pulfes is the danget and the tloze in luche cales, let the Philtcion be 1 pects — — a — — ee 2 — 1 ee ae The Extrauagantes; {pette fo2 fincopacions, and foundprge of che pactente, and ſet hym vpryght in the bedde with pillo weg and let one ſyt at the backe, and gyue the pacient dꝛynke, and let the pacient ſmell to role water and vyneger, D2 els ſmel to amber de grece, oz els rubbe the pulles with ag qua vite, . The. 56. Chapitre dothe chewe of a white tlawe oz a blowe, Eduuſe is the latin woʒzde. And lome doth name it Redinia, The Barbarous wozde ig named Redimie, In Cngipihe it is named a upytte blowe, oꝛ a whyte flaw, the which doth growe about the rote ot the naple, che grekes doth name it Paranochia, medeciues may be had foꝛ this cauſe but my councell is not to medle with no chierurgymatters, foz as muche as Phiſitions wyll not meddel with it. The. 57. Chapitre dathe chewe of the raynes of a mans backe, and Come do take it foꝛ the Rydneys. Enes ig the latin woꝛde. In greke it is named Ne⸗ phroi, In engliſh it is named the raynes of a mans battze the whiche may haue dpuers impedimentes, sa ache, the crycke, and ſtraynynge. ac. ¶ Good foꝛ the Rydneys and Rapnes. @ Baſtarde, Mulcadel, Aligant, and Ipocras, newe lapd egges, and rere roded, Clary fryed with polkes of egges and luger. Kyte potage and all ponge fleche that doth lucke, and (wete meates is good fo: the Rydneys and the rayncs of the backe, and thele oynt⸗ mentes be good, Populion op le ot Alabaũer, ople of Scozpions, and ſuche Ipke , The. ys. T hapitre dothe ſhewe of chzeuels in a mannes face and handes . Vege is the latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is named Mꝛeuelg whiche isa nn bers the fain * in — SS Fol. xvii. AK FCC ~~ te x a ye SS OD BS TR PPP R Ne RR IRIN RNR IRCCS =e SS eS, > 2 Sb & SS 2 2 2 6S 8 6 2 O'S fo So SS, The Exttauagantes : in a mannes kate and necke, oz the koꝛhead, and the hag des, oꝛ other places. The caule ot this impediment, @, This impedinent doch come dyuers wapes, ag bp bendynge of the bꝛowes, leaneſſe of body, great licknes age, and venerious actes, and luche lde, and it doth {04 ner come to leane men then to lat men, f Atemed yz. - Anoynt the Face, fozehead, necke; and handes with the pole of Coſt ine and ble the medecines that is bled oꝛ wꝛiten in the Cha pitres named Cutis, Facies, and Pulchzitudo in the Cpe boke nas med the Bꝛeutarp of healthe . ö The. 5. Chapitre dothe ſhewe ok eupll : taipngeot the becthe, CAnfugiumés the latin wozde. In Cnglplhe it is na med an euyll tab ynge of the bꝛeth, ko one Mal take in moe bꝛeth then he can expell. ¶ The cauſe of this impediment. f fia: KF Chis impediment doch come ok the lunges, oz els of ſtraptenes of the bꝛeſte, and ie mape come of greate ſoghynge. . ‘ C Aremedy. E Fy 20 for this matter aboue in the Chapitre named Pectus, aud in the Chapitres named Atha and Diſma in the kyzſte bone pou ſpall kynde remedies, and foz this matter ble prtfanes, The. 6s. Chapitre doth chewe of the poꝛe s in man. S is the greke woꝛde. In latin it is named Poore. In Engĩyche it is named pooꝛes the whiche be in mans lk yn. out of the which doch iſlue the lweate the whiche doth come out of mannes bodye. And in the tyme that che pooꝛes be open, and chat the feat poche come koꝛth. J do councell all men to tatze no lodeyn cold neyther to walhe handes nog face, noz to go amonges any infections people infected with lepꝛoulnes, oz wit 1 3 f the peſtilence The Extragattes;” -°"- Folxeyiif; peſtilece, feucts oz agues, the fweatphafickenesorthe (nalpockes,che matels, and ſuche Ipke, Ind allo to bes Wate of Contagious apers, a3 dꝛaughtes, dunghylles, Prifons dead cadauers, 07 carpn, comon pilling places, and luche lyke. And to reſtzyckte lweatynge is goodte take the pouder of role leues, and myꝛtyls. , e The. 61. Chapttre doth chewe of, tit, kyndes of Scabbes. Cabies is the latin wozte. In oeckett is named Pre O48, gnenelpibe it is named ſcabbes. And there be fl. zyndes, named in latin Scabies lupinoſa, Scabies fur⸗ furia, AND Scabies ſabina. In Englyche it is named {rab bes lyke hoppes, and ſeabbes lpbe bꝛanne, and ſcabbes ipbe benes. Foz this matter lotze in che Chapitre named Scabies in the tyſt boke. qt. 8 ¶ Scarificacio ig named Scarificatton which is when A chierurgton doth with an inſtrument lkotch and dothe tut lytle mall cuttes dyuers tymes vpon a place chat is dppoſtumated. f The. sz. Chapitre doth ſbewe of Cwellpuge aboue nature. Seien is the greke woꝛde. In latyn it is named Tas ber, In Englyſhe it is an harde [wellynge aboue nature. Foz al (uch lwellynges pou ſhall kynde in the kyꝛſt boke named the Bꝛeulary of healch lullicient teme Wees i> Whe. 6} Chapitre dothe ſhewe of the lynewes of the eyes. Yirigis is che greke woꝛde. In latin it is named Ner⸗ Nui oculorum. In Englich it is named. it. litle line wes the one ok the which doth ſtretch krõcheright lide of the bꝛayne to the left eye. And the other line w doth ſtretche from che lekte lyde of the bꝛayne to che ryght eye crolle Cut, wyle nn > ee Se SS SS — rr re — . ̃ĩͤ v ̃⁵²ͤ Ar PRC IES at Nea) 4 TINIE RRR SSS bo > & & Soe .. ⅛˙—“2ͤ SS SS 6 6 SS 6 O'S |S 8S So SS, The Extrauagantes; * twple; And yk any ol them be bꝛoken the ryght ſyght of that ſyde is veterly peryſhed. = Che. 64. C hapitre doth chewe of Slepe. Opot 02 Sompnus be the latin woꝛdes. In greke it 8 is named Hipnos, In Englych it is named llepe and {ome doth ſlepe to muche, and lome doch lepe to lptle, and ſome can not ſlepe. The cauſe of ſlepynge to much The taule ot to muche ſlepynge doch come ok a Aen? maãtycke complexion, oꝛ els of greate graueditie in the head thoꝛo we reume, oz els it map come thoꝛowe fome greate diſeaſe, as the phꝛenyle, oꝛ peſtilence a (uch ipke, N a N CTA remedp. E F piii it the caule do come ot reume in the head purge the head, pk it do come by any other lyckenes, remoue the caule and take awape the impediment. The cauſe of them that tan not llepe. ¶ Thep that can not llepe, eyther it doch come of wetze nes oꝛ lyghtnes of the bꝛayne, oꝛ els oF greate taſtynge and llepynge with an empty ſtomake, oz elles thozowe greate peyne and extreme ſyckenes, 02 cis it mape come of ſtudienge oꝛ mulyng to much of ſome matter, in the whiche lome perfonnes doth wade to karre, bꝛyngynge them ſelfe into kantaſyes @ Aremedp, ¶ Dake of Populion an bnce and a halfe, of the ople of Popp, of the oyle of water Lillies ot eche halte an bnce, myxe thts togpther and with towe lape it to the temples. Oꝛ els tate of wylowe leues of Letute, of the rynes of white Popp, of GWiolcttes , of wa er Lilles, ot Henbaine, of eche halfe an handkull, Cethe this in the water Of Soꝛel and Ryghtchade, and with towe lay it to the tems ples.Oꝛ els make a doʒmitarp of Denbaine, and lap to the teples. he. 65. hapitre dothe chewe of grolnes ol the bꝛowes. Silack 2 The Extrauagantes; Fol. xx, Gilach is the araby wozde. In latin it is named Gror Mfities palpebrum, In Englyſhe it is named grofnes of the bꝛowes, hauynge reednes with biceracion, and fallpnge awapof the heateg. _ ke Che cayle of this impediment. ke This impedimence doch come of a teumatycke bus mour diſtilling out of the head to the bꝛowes 02 cls tho owe ſome lepꝛouſe humour. Fpꝛſte purge reume and Mf reba and anopnt i Swete Almondes. nt the bzowes with the oyle ol The. 66. chapttre doth ſhewe of gryndynge of ones tethe in ones flepe, N tides dentium be the latin wozdes. In Engiphe & Dis named gryndynge of ones teeth Heppnge , kyhe cauſe of this impenimente . > @ This impediment doch come of debilttie of the lacet⸗ tes mouyng chem W it is a kinde of che crampe remedp. fFpiſt purge the head and ſt ˖ and anopnt the iawes with the — 5 phates KF The, 67. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of aſtunnynge 02 amated. : S Teper isthelatin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is named Daſtunnpnge oz amaled, oz ſuche lpke. 8 The caule of this impedimente. ¶ This impediment doth come eyther bys feare oz e palfie, 02 els of ſome great doubt oz admitacion. d A remedy. WATE it come of a Dallie, loke in the Chapttre named Spalmos in the kyzſte booke named the B zeutary of health. It it do come otherwyle, rekrapne from the caules afozefapae, The. 68. Chapitre doth ſhewe what is a Sinteriſey. Ynterifis is the greke wozde. In lat in it is named A tencio 02 Conſeruacio bona, The barbarous woꝛde Seem ae ig — * * P WISE Se ee —— acme ¥ 2 55 „ 6 711117117 . ß x NS EIS TTT EC & 10 The Bettauagante s Is named sinderiſis, In Englyche it is named a power Neeber oxi of the foule, the whiehe doch reluct agaynſt vyces and ſynne, and redargueth 02 rep ꝛehendeth (pune, hauyng euer a zele to kepe his loule clene be. so. Chapitre dothe chewe of the „ baſſion ofthe Splen. 0 Je palllo be the latin wozdes. In Cughy Delt Vis named the pation ofthe ſplene. ¶ The cauſe of this impediment. z This impediment doch come bythoughe, anger og cate, 02 ſoꝛowe oktmpꝛplonment, of feare and d2eade and for lacke of mente and diynbe. Allo it may eome ol great lolptudnes, 02 lol pcptuduelle to ſtudy, oz to be ot cupied about manp matters. (Ca temedr. Te $- The cheteſt remedy koz this matter ts to ble honeſt and merp.. cointpany and to be iocunde and nat to mute vgon no matter; but to leaue of at plealuve, and nat to Rudy vpon any cupernaturall thynges, ſpectally thole thynges that reaſon can nat co mpꝛehende noꝛ ble nat to leane o ſloupe downe to write 07 rede and beware of flepe the after uone, and ble the medecines , the whiche be eß⸗ pꝛelled in the Chapitrẽ named Splen in the kpzſt bone named the Bꝛeuiarp of healthe. ‘ The. 70, Khapitre Doth there of S kales that map be on the Cpa and kleche. de Qame is the latin wozde, In Englyche tt is named ſkales, whiche is a kynde of (Rabbes chat doch ies on the lyn and fleche, 5 A he cauteoktbis impediment, : es Chis impediment doch come of coler aduſted ozels ol melancoly. Foz a remedy loke in thec hapitre named Scabies in chefpzitboke .cc. n ee i The. 71. Chapitre doth ſhewe ot Spahenge 02 ſobby e ge. G Vibivium che latin moad,tn arge gte name, See Ones wos, in Engirche ir S ns ned log hing or oben N X + The Exttauagante ed i: The cauſe ot this impediment; 31 4 This impediment doch come ether bp thoughte o? pencifulnes, oz eis by Ceaxe, ot Wepynge, oz by replett dn, oꝛ by Lome enn A in the fomake, ; remedy BERR IS RE Ay after euery kygh make an hem, oꝛ tough after it and ble my eh and mery company, and mute not bpon bnkyndnes, and yt it do come of the cozruption of the Lomakesfy zd purge the omake and then ble to cate a vate of grene gynger, and dꝛynke a dzought oz two ot wyne, and ble to cate in lautes the pouder of myntes. The. 72. Chapitre doth ewe of dꝛawynge bp of the mouth to warde the earc. Ottuta is the latin wozde. In Englich it ts named a dꝛawynge bp of the mouth to warde the care, Thbecauleok this impediment, N @ This impediment doch come of a fpatmoute taute; fome doch faye that it is a palſte, but it is a bynde or a ttampe. at n: d remedy, 42003 eb Frit ble a gargarpte, and then krycations 07 rubbynges with muſterd, keducbug the mouth and lyppes coutrarply . Foꝛ this mat ter lobe inthe Chapitre named Toꝛtura in the Bzeuiarp of health The. 75 Chapitre doth ſbewe of a mannes bpne. Ninats the latin. In greke it is named cu⸗ ria. In Englych it is named an vzine. The latyn wozdis named yrina (as Egidius Ooth fap) is derined out ofA woꝛde of greke named Vryth, which ts to lay in latin Demon ſtracio: In Englyſhe it is named a demonſtracion oꝛ He 904 — : foꝛ by the vꝛyne the humapne dilpoſicions be ewed. f ¶ In vꝛpnes oꝛ water there be many thynges to be conſidered and marked: kylte rae the quantite of ee Fol vx, & The n T a Se OS DD SO . Sh Oe SOO tS Sb OS CS S'S SS & SS CSS eee th eS SS > Se % € ‘Mo = = > eo >, ect 6 hb a eee TOA RRR 5 =e 2 ao TSN — ee ee gees : The Extrauagantes,: -' the hapne, then is to be marked the. iii · regions with chs circle, chen to no we the. xx. colaurgof veynes, and che tx. contentes, ano what all chis doch (ignifpe, ¶ Fyzũſte as concernynge the quantitie ot an vꝛyne pl the bipne be but lytle in quantitte it is an eupll lygne, If there be a good quantitie that the regions may be ae 1 ct diſtinecly decerned wich che circle, it is a good igne. Secundarplyas conternynge the regions. The tus perial region witch the circle doch pertepne to che head and bꝛapne. The mediall region poche perteyne to the hert, the lunges, and che ſtomake, and to al other officts al members Whiche be aboue the midꝛyfle named in las tin Diaphragma. The inkertal tegion doch pertepne to the lyuer, and to the kydneis, and the raines of the back and to ocherinfetiall members, And by the contentes g the colours the whiche be in the afoꝛelayd regions. an expert phifition hall knowe what greke, ſicknes, oz di⸗ ſeaſes, any man oꝛ woman hat h in theyꝛ body as it Hal be declared moze plap nely in the coloursiand contentes. ¶ Chyꝛdely as concernynge che circles ot the bꝛynes the whiche noth ſhe we the diſpolicion of the bꝛapne and of the head. ae Pi che circle be wanne oꝛ tohytpihe it doch fignifve à teumatycke head, a there is peyne in the hynder parte of the bead. ; ae Fiche tyꝛcle be thycke, it Doth lignikie abundance of reume about che bꝛapne. CP PF thecircle be wateryſhe of colour it doch ſignykye great frigiditie and wekenes about the bzapne lettyng the bꝛayne to caſt out ſuperlluites. FE the cyzcle be purple of colour and thyctze, it doth ſiguttye ache in the hynder parte of the head. 2 It the cyꝛele be pale and chyn ol colour, it doth gn = 2 > oe SS SS OS 2 2 SS SOO SS 5 > = a Se SS Se SD ) The Extrauagantes; te diſtemperance and coldnes in che left fine of the head ¶ Itthecyꝛele be reed and thyn of colour it doch lig⸗ hifie peyne in the ryghe (ide ol che head comyng of colet If che cyꝛcle be ble wyſhe lyke to lead, it doth ſignt⸗ fye the kallynge lyckenes, and the apoplext and moꝛtilt tation ot che bzapne. f Che cprcle the whiche is grene in colour, in a feuer both fignifpe pepne in the head commynge by coler, and kit do continue it wyl ingender an impoſtume che whts the wyll cauſe a frenyſ p. Che circle the whiche is quauerynge oꝛ quabynge doth lignity pepne in the raynes ol the backe. em The cyꝛcle the whiche is blactze in colour doth figs nifie mozctficacton oꝛ deeth. ¶ Ot the. yx. contentes in an bꝛine and fp2t of the ipoſtaſp. f 5 fp T He ppoſtalp is one of the chelelt chinges to be mat ked in an vine, the hypoſtaly is che lubſtante of the vꝛyne. J do not ſpeke here ol che quanticie of the bs tyne, but okthe qualicte of che lubſtance the whiche is Within the brine, the which doch hange lyke a piene ap ple in an bepue, except the vꝛyne be bꝛoken and turned out of his proper nature, oꝛ els that che pacient making the vꝛyne be of great debllitte, oz that che vꝛyne be cart ed, and lo the Fpoſtalpbzoke, al othet vines haupng a telydente mofte comonly hach an ypoſtaſp, che whiche (fic be whyte it is lauvable, and il it be blacke; it is no good ligne. Foꝛ this matter a man mul mathe whether the ypoſtaſp be moe in the ſuperlall region. chen in che mediall region, oz che inferial region, oz whecher it doth holde oz hänge vntuerſallp in althe tegionsa lyke. And allo to marke whether i: be whole, tound, oz kract, and al lo to knowe what tyme in the dape it Doth kal to his re⸗ lldence, x ik the brine be caxied, the beet muſt a Cb 8 Fol. xxi. N RAS — * im a A eb SS SS SE OS'S SS eS & S- PRES bs ae eae : ‘ 5 R eee OF yee n GPE BONER RTT TRIN 7 _ —— x — — — ——ͤ— 1 The Exttauagantes: be krotted ag I ſapde and haue no reſydente, whertoz J do aduertiſe all men and women the whiche would haue their vꝛine truly ſene, let them ſende koz an expeit Philicion the whiche may le che vꝛyne with the ppota ly bufracted and not be caxied neicherg hoglebatkenng a fore, leeſt the phittcion be deceyued, and the patente put to hinderante. Many men wl laye fuche adoctout of philicke and luche a man that vleth the pꝛactyle of phylycke, can tell this aud that and fo foꝛth. And J do fay that an vꝛyne is a ſtrumpet, oꝛ an hatlot, ſoꝛ it w ipe, and the beſt doctour of Philice orthem all mape be deceyued in an vꝛyne and his eunnyng and learning not a iote the Worle, J had rather to fe the egeſtyon of afpcke perlon, then the vꝛyne, boche be good to loke on as it doth appere in the Chapitre named Egeſtio, in the lyꝛſt botze namedthe Bꝛeutary of beate ee a reed * Breve ppoſtaty ts no good ſpgne. € Ol the ſpumẽ ot bꝛynes. T ſpume ok an brine isa froth the which és white and doth lye vpon the vꝛyne. And there be. ii z in⸗ des whiche be to ſaye, a wyndy ſpume che which is full of burbles, and that doth lignilie greate ventolitie and much bifcofice in the body. ¶ Che lecond ſpume is leſſe then the kyꝛſt, and it doth fignéfte Heute and tozruption in che ſtomaze. The thyꝛde ſpume is lyke the kome of a Bozesmouth and it doch hangetogyther without bꝛeakynge, and it doch fignifpe vnkynde heate about the lyuer, oz els ol e uyll humours within the body: oz eis it mapecome of both, that is to lay, of ebullycion ofthe lpuer, oꝛoka⸗ gilitie of eupllhumours. Am Fiche ſpume be pelo we, it doth ſygnyf pe diſtempe / uence ofthe lyuet figendipngerhe pelowe Aabnes. git — . Se Are YS. > ee = Se The Extrauagantes: Fol.xxit, V Ikche ſpume be grene ic dach Ct gnikye the grene Fans ites 02 the grene lickenes named in latin Agrlaca. i Ik che lpume be blacke, it doth fiqnifpe the blacke | woes, oz moztificacion, except menſtruoulnes, oza Freatebzole doch demonſtrate thecoucrar. Od burbles in bzmes. Here is a dyterence bet woyxt a ſpume and burbles of che ſpume J haue ſpoken ol, and there be two zyndeg of burbles, the one is relident oꝛ permanent and the other is nat reltdentnoꝛ permanent. Relddent bite bies doth lignykye ventolitie intruled inthe body, oz ls of a lickenes that bach continued longe; and wylcon tinue without remedy be kounde. f @, The burbles whiche be not permanente but dothe bꝛeake quickly doch ſignikie debillte oꝛ wekenes, @ Burvlescleupnge to the bzinall. doch lignikie chat che bod is repleted with manp eupil humou ess. @ Butbles allo doth fignifpe che tone in the rapnes ol ‘ the bactze, named in gtcke Nephrefis and iu latin calcu⸗ lus in tenibus, ¶ Ot cloudes in bꝛynes. n Loudes in bꝛynes be uche lyde a ſpyder webbe Cc and it doth lignitye eupldpgelltoucomipngtyoz0mM the imbecillitie ok the lyuerand wekenes of the ſtomake Ikthe cloudes be reddyche, it doch lignylye that che {pchenes is very Harpe and ſtronge. . Ficheclouves be pelowyſhe, (usatt,o2 of purple co⸗ lout, it doth lignifpecaltfaccton okche puer. Ae @, Fe theclouvesbe tateyche it doch figuifye’ bak pnde heat in the ſpirituall members, aud waäſtpuge ok nacu⸗ gall mopſture in mam. ; ngelate matter in an bꝛyne lykt the whe 5 is ai pp area rr i eee 10 At SPANAIR IAI ꝛ mm ðé—] . e "ee OS <3 eR IIIS ... ˙ c * — . en SORORITIES, r... c Res WANE © N A ee The Extranagantesé F there do appere in anye vꝛinen ſlimy matter lpke the vohlte ol a rawe egge, ic doth lignitie peyne in the taynes of the backe, and in the iſlue of the bladder, peyne about the foundmenc. and in the heed of the perd⸗ and pe it be not holpen betyme the pactent Mail dye of that inkyꝛmpte. f Ot dpſtyllacions of nature, Han J dyd Dwell in Scotlande and dyd pꝛactics there Philicke J had two loꝛdes in cure that had diſtyllacton lpke to nature, and fo hath many men in a regvons. Foz this matter let no man diſmaye bpm ſelte, fo2 it is a thynge lone holpen, as it dothe appete in the kyꝛſt botze inthe chapitre named Gomorrhea paſſio in the Bzeutarpe of healthe. ¶ Ot matter and tylthe iſſewynge with the bzine, ¥? chere be anp matter og fpleh in che relidente ofan bꝛine on any vlcerus matter, eyther it doch come krom the raynes ol the backe, oz els fromthe blabder, oz els from the lyuer, yt it doo come frome the rapnes ofthe backe, the pactent dothe fele peyne about the lopneg and flankes, yk it do come from the bladder. the pacpent noth fele peyne about che ſhare, yt it come from the lyuer, the pactenc doth kele peyne about che ryght ſpde. N A DE tatneſſe in an brine, Puers tymes a fatueg lpinge vpon an bine doth lignikte conlumynge of natute.oz els dyloluynge of the kidneys and the katnes of the raynes ol the backe and here is to be noted that there is. il. kyndes of fatnes in an pꝛyne, the one is grealy and the other is of an ops lep lubſtance: ifit be greatyit doth ſignilie de bilitte and wekenes, and waſtyng ok nature, pf ic be oplyſhe it doth {ignitte a feuer hectycke, 02 els ſome Other ſictzenes that Wyll fall to che paclent ſhoꝛtip after. GMs sie 2 Olf SS oS SS SSS ⅛˙ . ˙ OS SS SS SS SS ~~ The Extrauagantes; Fol,xxifi, WW Ot ablody bine, : N brine the whiche blode hath turned it into red⸗ ö nes dothe come iii. maner of wayeg, it mape come from̃ che lyuer, it maye come froma bapne named Kyli, 02 els it maye come krom che bladder, yt it da come from the bladder, che Brine wyl ſtynke and the ſubſtance wyll kall to che bottom, and che paclent felech payne in the ' Mate and bladder and the perde, yk the blode do come frome the lyuer the bine is clere blouddyſhe and the patient doche fele papne in the ryght ſyde, pk it do come ofa vaine named Kyli, than lome vatnes che which hath a tecourſe to that vapne is bꝛoken and the bloude lo ſtyllynge from the vapne doch make it blodyſhe, allo bloude maye come in an vꝛine frome the raynes of the backe and than into the bladder, and than the pacyent 0 dothe kele payne and pꝛyckpnge in the raynes ok the bacgte the whiche dothe come of che ralynge ol a ſtone f 1 in one 02 ocher condyte 02 (pde, 0 @ Ot graucli in a mannes bine, if 0 Puers tymes grauel doch illue out wich vꝛine and i there be .itt, Byndesof grauell, whiche be to faye, reed grauell, blacke grauell, and whyte grauell, pf the | grauell be whyptiche it poche lignikie that the pacyent bathe o2 Mall haue the ſtone ingendzed in the bladder, pk the grauell be reed che ſtone dothe ingender in che tapynesokthe backe, and pf che grauell be blactze it is ins gendzed of a melancolp humour. iH Okt an bzine the whiche hath a content lyke if ; chopped cares, ) ~ gs in an vꝛine dos appete a content lyke as heares were chopped in it: it dothe ligntfie reſolucion and . waſtynge tn che raynes ofthe backe. ¶ Ot an brine the which bath a content lyke bꝛan. 5 Futturoulſe water oz Heine that is tyre as bꝛanne were in it, Doth lignikie an vnk ind heat wich a con⸗ ſumpcton rs 2 — ͤ Sos Ss 6 = ss . * „„ 2 ; , eS Oe P EEE REET S cy MS 2 2 > oo o> S48 eee SARTORI RTS GT CNN ERNE RII The Extrauagantes, lũption, and it the paclent haue no fener the blapnerig ſcabbed oꝛ (kurute. Fee ¶ Ot an bꝛyne the which bath a content lyke kcales. A K. vꝛyne in che whiche is a contente lyke (haleg bygger then a furfursule content, it doch lignite lounge lyckenes, and pf it be thycke and heup, it doth fig milie moztification. @ Ot another loꝛte of lcales in the content of an bzyne. 1 Mthis matter take good hede, that thou do marke Afurfurous bꝛyne from a ſquamus water, and alga mus water from a ſkaly water, foz as J ſayde the fury kurus water is lyke ban, and doth ſignikie as J hang ſapde. Che lqamus water ſome what bygger then che Rakes of bzan, dothſignifie a conſumption, buc a {kalpe water Ipke to the lkales olkiches doch demonſtrate a le / uer etycke. Of motes in an bꝛyne. N Otes in an vꝛine be tike the motes the which doth fall and aſcende in the lonne ſhynynge inat a doze 02 wyndo we, doch lignikie the goute oz coꝛruption of humours in the tuferigil partes, and reume isa greste matt er in this cauſe. C Ok diſtillacion ok nature with the bꝛyne. F nature do appere in an vꝛpne, it doch lignifie that ſome polucion oꝛ deceperynge of nature was had lately befoze, if noſuchethynges were bekoze had but did come by chaunce 02 debilitie it doch fignifte the pal ſpe, oꝛ the kallyng lickenes, oz the apoplerp og {uch like Oe a content in an bꝛyne lyke bnto aſhes. N Content in an vꝛyne lyke to alſhes, doch lignikpe ~\ the pyles and the emozodes. oꝛ a woman no wers oz termes, 02 peyne in the inferiall partes. ; O trawe humonrs in an bꝛyne. In N PPP SS NG The Fxtrauagantes,- Fol. xxiiii. N N vꝛune the which hach rawe humours in it, pk BEX they do lye in the bottome of the vzyne it doth lig hifie peyne in the raynes ol the backe, and lometyme in the codde, and ik the humours be in che mydle region, it doch ſignifye wynde in the ſtomatze and in the gůttes exeeſſe of meate and dꝛynke, yr the buinoures be in che lupꝛeme region, it doch lignilte an eupllplene, a reuma tycke head and ſhoztnes ol wynde. Ok the colours of bꝛynes, and fp2t ot a blacke bꝛyne. Nn this matter I wyll begynne kyꝛſle with a | ‘Ail blacke water, and ſo wyl ende with a blacke vater. All auctours in maner allyꝛmeth and doch fay, that it is impoſſibleto matze whole them the whiche be lycke, in whole vꝛynes any npgtes dytie 02 blactzenes hach Dominion, Iwas of thac opint⸗ on my ſelfe vnto the tyme that J was olt deceyued and pzoued this matter conttary,as J yl teherle. J dyd Pꝛactyſe philicke kyꝛſt in Scotlande, and alter that J had tatied there one pere, J returned then into England ald dyd come to a towne in pozzeſhire named Cuckold ihijere a boc her had a lonne that fel out ot a hyghe haye tycke: and his water was bꝛought to me, and when FI dyd le the bapne blacke, J dpd iudge deach accozdyng dd the la peng of {uch auctours as J had rede, chis noc Wichſtandynge, che father ol thechylde dyd delyze me to gine his lonne (lo loꝛe bꝛoled)a medecine fo2 a bꝛoſe the pacient recouered. Aro maiſter Edmonde so ute perlon had a frenche pꝛeſte named fpz James, che whi⸗ che dyd kal out ol the toppe of an elme at his plate at Wheley, ⁊ he beyng ſpethelelle andas desde: koz a {pace God and J recouered hem, his blacke vꝛyne not wich⸗ e 4 wong ——— 3 =. =. ss SS SS SD RRA, (TTT ES a w ĩᷣͤ v ² Vw DS CO SO 6 8 0 ]¾— 2 ]¾ 222 Kreer A SOE Pty. 2 DE EGER NI RR BE RRR IRR nopos, fog theſe vines doth take their colo of 7 ult rr a . ͤ SS 6.6 St 6 8 See The Extrauagantés, A woman in Seorlgndehaupnge che blacke Jawneg, hauynge a blacke Water was recouered vnder inp handes at Lythco with the lo vogh beyonde Edynbo⸗ rowh. Alſo dyuers menſtruouſe women beynge groſſe 02 coꝛrupted hauynge thep2 termes, dyuers tymes wyll haue a blace water and pet in no maner of parell, I other blacke waters dothe demonſttate death. f i ¶ Ot a blewy che bꝛine. 2 An brine which is blewe 02 ble wyſhe doth fignifie eyther a llyxe oꝛ els an Miebzopſie, and papne and dyl⸗ pleafure in the lpuer. Of a whpte water lpke mylke. ¶ An vꝛine lpke to myltze 02 haupuge a mylkyſhe to⸗ lour doth figntfte payne in the ſplene, and eupil digeſti⸗ on anda colde lyuet. and alſo ſuche waters boche Heme infection ofthe peſtylence, and wozmes and the kyndes of hiedzopſtes, ¶ Ot a whyte water lyke water oꝛ glaſſe. àcAn vine that is lyke water o2 glaſſe, doche ſigniſie exteſſe in tak nge to muche dꝛynke, o els paynes in the raynes ok the blacke, and Jpocraces fayech in his affos riſmus that a whyte clere is eupl in nekretycke it a Frans tycke perlon, and Theophilus affirmeththe laid wozdes in bys iudiciall of vꝛines, and J do lape that they the whiche dothe dꝛynke muche hall haue a whyte ie thyn water and perauenture haue none of thele afozelapde impedimentes, and pet the lyuer is diſtempered, ‘ ¶ Ot an bꝛine named in greke Buopos the whiche is à dimmce water. An bine that is dymme and darke dothe ſygnilye aduſtion of blode, and loke what iudgement is geuen in an bathe named kianos t that is to be tudged here in Fs sip oO 8 3 :: . ⅛˙ 0 . 7 6 The Extrauagantes? Fol. y Hultte of bloud, oz els thele vꝛines be ingendꝛed ok the dyſtemperance ok the lyuer, fo2 as muchas che lyuer can not deuyde the pure fom che vnpure, and ik any ok thele two afogeſapde vꝛynes haue no reſidence in the bottom of the vꝛyne with a fener, it doth ſignitie deach, and without a feuer it doch demonſtrate ey cher ſome kyndes ok the gout oꝛ hredꝛopſies, 02 els {kab bes c Ok an bꝛyne that is grene of colour ¶ An vꝛyne that is grene doth lignilpe aduſtion ofco let. The philicions in Grete and in Conſtantino pie doth determyne that a reede vꝛyne dothe lignitte adugyon ok toler: ho we be it, y it be a grene water it doch come of coler: and it Doth ſignifyethe grene Jawnes 02 the grene ſyckenes, and re lolucion of the natural humiditie of the pacient. ¶ Ot an bpꝛyne that is greny che. ¶ An vꝛvne that is grenyſhe doth lignikye aduſtion of bloud the which doth induce the pelo Ja wneg and the turnyng ok a mans natural complexion into vnnatural. ¶ Ot anbꝛyne that ts darke oꝛ a dymme grene. An vꝛyne that is Darke and dymme grene, doth figs nik xe aduſtton coler and melancolp, and doth induce the kacke Jawnes. 5 ; Ok an bzine 8 3 named in greke An vine that is falowe lyke the heare ok a falo we beak: doth lignifte an hiedꝛopſie oꝛ a wynde vnder the ſyde, oꝛ the ſtone in the raynes of the backe, oꝛ apoſtu⸗ macion in the longes and lleume. Ota pelowe bine. 2 An bꝛyne that is pe low lyke the pelowyſhenes of an hoꝛne of alantetne that is bʒyght: doth lignifpe that melancoly bath great dominton in the body, and pf there beanpthynge of waterylhe colour, it doth {ignifie that Reute bach great domluion in the body. D.. > OF A * * a - — Ke u JJ ü 000 ²³²»n «́ ) ! 8 ö Pr c Oe 2's St St 1 K. .. ͤ . eres — The Hxtrauagantes. : tl an bꝛine named Caropos. ge An bꝛyne the whiche is bet wyrc Whyt yſhe and pea lowpthe of colour: doch lignifpeabundance of lleume @ melancolp and vnperkecte digeſtion, and ikthere be any lande oꝛ grauel in it, it Doth lignikye the ſtone. ; Ot an bꝛyne that is pale. .- n pꝛpne chat is pale of colour doch ſignikne Abun⸗ dance ol lleume, and ykit be {pple oꝛthycke it Doth lig pipes cotydyane, and pk it berempſhe, then is there great coldneg in the body. Ot an pꝛyne that is palpſbe. An pꝛyne that is palyche doch lignitye abundance of eume and lome coler,a great dicteperance ok the body, ico Of a water that is citrine. se An bꝛyne that is citrine, isa colout the whiche ig bet wyrt pelo we and reddyſhe, and yl the bepne be bats ght. it doth ſignikpe diſtẽperance of the ſpene, and ik the vꝛyne be thyn ok lubſtante, it doth lygnylpe diſtempe⸗ cance ok che lyuer, and vl {ach an vꝛyne be kul ok burbles it doth lignitye that che lunges be out ok oꝛder, and dps ſtemperated. Ot aſubcitrine brme. ¶ An pzyne that is lubcitrine is à coloure the tohiche is betwyrt a whytyche colour anda pelo w, and it doth fignifpe abundance of fleume myrt with coler. Ok an bine that is ruddy lyke vnto golde. pa In bꝛyne the whiche is ruddy like vnto golde doth lignyfy a begynnyng oklome fickenes ingendzed inthe ipuer and the Lomake, and it it be thyn in lubſtaunceit Doth lignykye abundance ol fleume the whiche Wyll in gender lome of the kyndes of keuers. Ot an 2 oe - ruddyſhe dymmer the 5 3 ¶ An vꝛyne the whiche is ruddp he ſomwhat dymmer chen golde doch lignytpe in chyldzen Aae 2 : . a ~ . The Extrauagantes; Fol. II nged perfons it is a good ſygne of health: lo be it che a tontentes be good, koz wyſe and experte Philicionsg g dothe iudge moze by the contentes than bythe colours 1 of vzines, koꝛ chere is not the wilell Philicion liuynge: a | but that ( J beynge an whole man) may decepue him by my vzpne, and they Mall iudge a licknes that J haue 4 not: nozneuce had, and all is thozo we diſtemperaunce i of the bodye bied che day before that the vꝛyne ig made in the moꝛnynge and this J do ſape as ko the colours of vꝛynes is a ſtrumpet oꝛ a harlot, and in it many phi⸗ lictong mape be deteyued but as touchynge the conten⸗ tes ol bzynes experte phiſicions mape kno we the int yz⸗ myttes of a pacient vnfalipbly. ¶ Okt anbzine which is as redde as a burnynge cole. ¶ An pꝛyne the which is red ol colour ipke burnynge coles dothlignylye a feuer, oꝛ els inllammacion of the | lyuer, and yt᷑ the vꝛyne be coludp, it doch {ignytp a plure ſye, and pk the vꝛyne be thycke, chen the bloud is infec | ted, and yk the vꝛyne be thyn and cloudy it doth ſyguy⸗ fy that colet abundech. ‘an Ot an bꝛyne that is reed as bloud. ¶ An bꝛynethat is reed lyke bloud and Doth ſtynke, it doch ſiguykye a putrykyed keuer, oz els fome impedi⸗ mente in che tuferpall partes. Pl an bꝛyne that is reddy che lyke waterpſche blond. 2 An vꝛyne that is lpke wateryſhe bloud doth lignyfy | putrifaction o2 cozruption of the tuferpall partes andre | peetentech chofe thynges that an brine the which is red ; Of ablacke water, ¶ J lapde that J wolde begyn with ablacke water, and ſo ende with a blacke water, A blacke water dothe ſignytye except in certeyne tauſes, as J haue ſhe wed in che begynnynge ol this cherte, dect. 5 4 Es Batty 6 oe SS Oh SSS he GS SS DS BOS HBOS SS SS SD Bs SS eK 4 i 4 — SS SS Se = Se ee Se 8 ee . — * Se ACTS wi Ar e .... 5 7 1 0 13 CS Nee The Extrauagantes. ¶ Totznowe a womans water from a mans water al⸗ tet the courle of phylycke, it is a dyflycyle thyng, koꝛ al the tules of phylycke layth that a womannes water is moze remplle then a mans water, and that a womannes water hath licle ſpnme oꝛ none, except He be with child that che be paſt bearynge ol chyldzen, oz haue retencton ok her flowers, in luche women the vꝛyne Wyll be ſpu⸗ mouſe: and koꝛ as muche as thep be kul of imbecillytye F wyl not pertracte of theyꝛ bepucs for there then J haue done. Addicious foz certepne impediments. Frontle is a lytle impoſtume ingendzed of a groll bloud. A temedp. € Take of the rote of wpite lyllyes, ok matowes, of eche. il. vnces, ſtampe them together with lwynes grece and mae a plapſter, fog the reſt lone in the kyꝛſt bone in the Chapitre named Blepmon. Foꝛ a bꝛoken chynne. ¶ Taue an olde O zen lete that is gentpll and kyne, and laye ik to the Coze 02 place, but tyꝛſt wache the place with whpte wpne, pk mene ſhal require. : ¶ Btlocation is when a bone is out of ioynt. Foz one that bath loſte his ſpeche 02 tonge taped. 15 ¶ It one haue lof his ſpeche, eyther it is chozowe ſome great lyckenes, oꝛels thoꝛowe a pallve. Aremedy. C Take a grapne ot cattozy and lap it on the tonge, and do lo the tymes and ble gargarpces. At one be tonge ted theres under the tonge a ürynge the which mut be cut when the lygneis not in the head 10; in the thꝛote. and waſße then the mouthe with wyhyte wync. 02 with a iptle lecke and water ot plantapne, and bie pera⸗ iogodion nimphitum oꝛ pera ſacra logoliteChplozen that can not tpeaze vuto the tyme that they do come toa tertein age, doth {peke theke. lit. woꝛdes. Aua, Acca, Agon. Aua doth kignikpe kather, Ac⸗ ca doth ſignifye iope oꝛ mpꝛth, Agon Dory kignitpe dolour 02 loꝛo all mfantes oth lpeat thele woꝛdes tf a man do marke them, and what wa dothlignikye when they ceye. Fi caulde neuer rede ol it. it do liguitpe any tbynge it is Difpleaturc o: not contented, ait a P S| SS Oe OG SO The Extrauagantes. Fol. xxvfi. C reifera ſaraſenica, oz els ſe ipentes fleſhe eaten doth make an olde man ponge, ſuche thynges is much vled in Turkey and in chziſtentte in hyght countries. Vea is the latin woꝛde. In Englyſhe it is named a pellucle oz à ſłᷣyn in the eve che whiche doch coz luer à part of the eye named Chronea. a ‘Omnia is che latin woꝛde. In greke it is named E⸗ Onipnia. In Englyche it is named dreames, @ The caule of this impediment, This impedement doth come moſt comonly of webe nes oꝛ emptynes ot the head, oꝛ els of ſuperlluous hu⸗ mours, 02 els of fantaſticalnes, oꝛ collucton, oz illuly⸗ ong ok the deuyll, it mape come alſo by god thoꝛo we che good aungell oz luch lyke matters: but ſpectally ok frac tion of che mynde and extreme lickenes doch happen to many men. A remedp. C Foꝛ this matter ble doꝛmitacy.and rekraine from fuch matters ag ſhulde be the otcalton ot ſuch matters and be not coſtiuc. c. ¶ Thusendech theſe botzes to the honour of the facher, and the ſonne, and the holy ghoſt to the pꝛokpte ok all pooꝛe men and women. c. Amen. as, * — eS eS Se . P 0 . ES S N ay SS hh he OS SS SS DS 2 OS me. 67272: p pp — “ ßEꝗ⁊Ei II EI IS I I If 6 é 8 1 ig ges ~ . l f Oe ia eaten a Le | SS Se, © SS SS 2 O'S 6 66.8 eee 8 et ee 6 2 Here foloweth the table of this prefent boke, — He. l. Chapi tre doth ſhewe ok the di T The. xxitit. Chapſtre doth ewe o? T fremperance of the ſtomatze. ko. lt. mans kne oꝛnees. Folio. eodem. L The tl. Ehapitre dath ſhtwe of groſneſſe. Folio codem. ditic kat gratnes in the bzowes. Fo. eo. gy The x cv. Chapitre doth Hew ok g F The fupzde Chapttre doth ſhewe . Of mans gunnnes. Folio. eodem. [8 hoore and of whpteheares. Fol. cov ¶ The, xx vi Chapitre doth ſhewe of * ca The. fiif, Chapitre doth thew of chaz gpenynge and clolynge of the eyes. ( kyng vnder thecares.. Fotſocodem Folie todem. L The. v. Chapitre doth che we of Lat- The. xx vii. Chapitre doth Meweot tplages oz gryftles Fol. codem. the. fll-kyndes of the gout. 0 % Che. bi. Chapitre doth Meme of à ( The. rebut. Lhapsice vot ewok t furfpt. Folio ii. a mans thꝛote. Folio. codem. The vit. Chaptire doth Mewe of as? ¶ The. Exix. Chapitre Doth chewe ok nelles in a mans fete. Fol. codem. frantyckenes. Folio. todem, i! wile GF The. viii. Chapitre doth Gewe of a gi The. xrr. Chspitre doth Mew ofa if ruin mans nthe. Folio. codem. mans Rankes oz Hare. Fol. co. ai Che. fx Zhapitre doth theme of the ¶ The. ext. Chapitre doth ewe ok : pples oz [wellynge in the koundmente a mans bowels. Folio kl, N Folio eodem. ( The. xxxti. Lhavitee doth ewe of Che. x. Chapltre doth Mewe of a an harctyppcd perton. Fol codem mans buttocke bones Forti. ¶ The. xxxtit · Chapitre doth Mewot i J The. xi. Chapttre doch ewe oka de a mans lyde ol. ode. | montake perlon which is poſſeſſed of the gr The. xxxitit. Chapitre doth Hew ok J F deupil. Folio. eodem. a kynde of furtoutnes. ol. coves eat ¶ The.xit, Chapitre dori ewe of in⸗ EF The. xxxv. Chapitre dots ewe oF 1 usiuntary pyſſpnge Folio. vi. vometynge. olio. il. 1 et ¶ The. xiii . Chapitre doth Mewe of es ¶ Ahe.revvi.Lhapitte doth chewe ok 5 munctozy places. Folio. vil. g trycke in the netke and ſhoulders. | ee | Che. xiiti. Chapitre doth Hewe ok Folio todem 1% the paffton of the ipuer. Fol. esdẽ I The. xxx vii. Chapitra doth thewot | eh The. x v. Chapitre doth ewe ok a a mans toynes. Fol. codem. mans welande Folio. codem. = The rxxviti.Chapltre doth ſhew Tze. vi. Chapitre doth ſhewe ok of aconlumption in old men. ¢ excoriation. Folto. codem. ¶ The. xxxix. Chapitre doth thewe of | ff. The.rdii. Chapitre doth ſhe we of e⸗ gq certcine kynd of lkabbes. Fo. code ae ructuaclons orbelchpng Fol. codem. (1 The. xi. Chapitte dothe Mewe of The. x vit. Chapitre. doth Hewe she Blophagon oi themerp- Fo. lil. } of lpyttyng of bloude thoꝛowe a tough. ¶ The. xit. Chapitre doth Heme ofa ; Solfo. vill. biempMe in the epe. ot, toben, IL The. xtr. Chapitte doth ſhewe ot the ¶ The. xlii. Chapitre doth ſhewe 9 Ryndes of ſtuxes. Folioeodem. faliynge awap of the heates. Fol. o, ¶ The. xx. Ehapitre doth Meme of we: ¶ The. xliii. Chapitre doth chewe rpues of a mans body. Fol.eodem. the kyndes of madneſſe. Foli. code. The. xxi. Chapitte doth ewe of a ¶ The. xilili.Chapitre doth chewe of ö mans Jawes. Folio. coder. apeltpclenamed the miracke F 0. Kilt W ö Che. xxti. Chapitre doth ſhewe of ET The. xiv. Chapitre doth ſhewe of \ puches oz wheales vnnatural. Fo. tx. tyemplenterp. Folio. eodem. ¶ Cbe.xxii. Chapltre do th ewe ol a ¶ he. xl Chapitre doth dhe we o SAA · rr RSS 5 . Tabulae. e malels. Fol /o. codem. + The, xt. Chapitte doth Metwe ok Che. xi vt. Chapitre doth Mewe of Fuisiphae abonewutarr. o. cond the firpnge oz marp in a mans backe The. i rtit. Chapitre ath Mewe ol a lio todem line we of the eyes. Folio code. i Che. xl vit. Chapitre doth Mew ok Che. Axt. Chapitre dork chewe of 2 atinewe that is Tpionge. Fol. cod fiene. Folio. code. 4 The. xlix. Chapitee doth chewe ot E CThe. lep. Chapitre dõthe ſhe we of panynge 02 gapynge⸗ groſſenes of the biowes. ol. eodem The. Chapitec doth Gewe of a T Sheievé Chapitre dat ewe of mans bzeſte . ollo code: gryndynge of a mans teeth in his llepe Che. li. Chapitre doth ch ewe ok the Folio. xir. kallynge downe of the matriz- Fo. eo. ok The. lx bii. Chapitre doth Hewe ol The lit. Chapitre doth ſhewe of a aſtunnenge oz amaled. Folto. code. foie runnpng over the kate. Fol. xvi. * The. Ir viii. Chapitre dothe ſhewe The. liii. Chaptitre dothe ſhewe of what is a linkertlev. Fol.eodem. go gic eyes. Fol. eodẽ , Che. lxix. Chapitre dott he wok the The. litt. Chapitre doth Dewe ofa paſſion ot the ſplene. Folio. eodem. | Difeatein the lunges. Fol. eodem. (The. Ixr. Chapitre doth Mew of (tra . + The. iv. Chapitre doth (ewe ok the les that may be on the lkyn and fee. pulles ofa man. ol. eo dem. Folio. eodem. . The. vi Chapitre doth Merwe ofa L The. Ixxt. Chapltte doth ſhewe of white fawe opablowe. Fol.rvlt. (yghynge oz fobbyng. Folio. eodem. The. Ivit. Chapitre dothe ſhewe of The. lxxii.Chapitre dothe Mcwe of che raynes ok a mans backe. Fol eo, dzawynze pp pe the mouth toward the A rr rr h vill. Chapttre doth ewe ok care. Folio.xx. j Greupletnamansfaceoz handes. . The. tritt. Chapitre doth Mewe of 2 i coddh a mans vzpne. Folio. eodem f Fol io T The. lix. Chapttre tothe ewe of + Kor a broken chynne. Fol. xx v. eupl takynge of the bꝛeth. Folio cove 4. Fo one that bath loſt his lpeche or The. ir. Chapitre doth Merwe of the is tonge eyed. Folio. todẽ. pozes in man. Folio eodem. * The. lxi.Chapitre doth Hewe ok. ii. Finis Tabulæ, 8 kyndes of lcabbes. Fol. xvlit. aw IAmpꝛynted at London in Flete⸗ firece at che lygne ol the George next to laynt Dunſtones N Wyllyam. 0 ' ell. C VM PRIVILEGIO AD imprimendum folum, — — m Peed eR CORO ee RES Jere r SO OS 8S SS OS TO eS BS RS 2 Kp co. . 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