Aerator cg A PROCLAMATION. GEORGE R. HEREAS We have taken into Our Royal Confideration the extenfive and va- luable Acquifitions in America, fecured to Our Crown by the late Definitive Treaty of Peace, concluded: at Paris the Tenth Day of February laft,; and being defirous, that all Our loving Subjects, as well of Our Kingdoms as of Our Colonies in America, may avail themfelves, with all convénient Speed, of the great Benefits and Advan- tages which muft accrue therefrom to their Commerce, Manufactures, and Naviga- a tion; We. have thought fit, with the Advice of Our Privy Council, to iffue- this Our Royal Proclamation, hereby, to publifh and declare to all Our loving Subjects, that We have, with the Advice of Our faid Privy Council, granted Our Letters Patent under Our Great. Seal of Great Britain, to ereé&t within the Countries and Iflands ceded and confirmed to Us by the faid Treaty, Four diftinét and feparate Governments, ftiled and called by the Names of Quebec, Eaft Florida, Weft Florida, and Grenada, and limited and bounded as follows; wiz. UMi=s ON) ABS NN ( Re LA Sy; My Ch) J \\ i : XY NY i Ww) WS | Firft. The Government of Quebec, bounded on the Labrador Coaft by the River St. fobs, and from thence by a Line drawn: from the Head of that River through the Lake St. Yobn to the South End of the Lake nigh Pifin, from whence the faid~ Line crofling the River S¢, Lawrence and the Lake Champlain in Forty five Degrees of North Latitude, paffes along the High Lands which divide the Rivers that empty themfelves into the faid River S¢. Lawrence, from thofe which fall into the. Sea; and alfo along the North Coaft of the Baye des Chaleurs, and the Coaft of the Gulph of St Lawrence to Cape Rofieres, and from. thence crofling the Mouth of the River St. Lawrence by the Weft End of the Ifland of Aaticofti, terminates at the aforefaid River of 8¢. Yobu. Secondly. The Government of Haft Florida, bounded to the Weftward by the Gulph of Mexico, and the Apa- lachicola River; to the Northward, by a Line drawn from that Part of the faid River where the Chatahouchee and Flint Rivers meet, to the Source of St. Mary’s River, and by the Courfe of the faid River to the Atlantick Ocean; and to the Eaftward: and Southward, by the dlantick Ocean, and the Gulph of Florida, including all: Ifands within Six Leagues of the Sea Coaft. Thirdly. The Government of We? Florida, bounded to the Southward by the Gulph of México, incliding all Gfands within Six Leagues of the Coaft from the River Apalachicola to Lake Pentchartrain, to the Weltward by the faid Lake, the Lake Mauripas» and the River AéGfifippi; to the Northward, by a Line drawn due Eaft from that Part of the River Mififppi which lies in Thirty one Degrees North Latitude, to the River Apalachicola or Chatabouchee’; and to the Eaftward by the faid River. Fourthly. Lh@ Government of Grenada, comprehending the Ifland of that Name, together with the Grenadines, and the Iflands of Déminico, St. Vincents, and Tobago. * And, tothe End that the open and free Fifhery of Our Subjeéts may be extended, to and carried on upon the Coatt of Labrador and the adjacent Iflands, We have thought fit, with the Advice of Our faid Privy Council, to put all that Coaft, from the River St. Fobn’s to Hudfon’s Streighis, together with the Iflands of Anticofi and Madelaine, and all other fmaller Ifands lying upon the faid Coaft, under the Care and Infpection of Our Governor of - Newfoundland. We have alfo, with the Advice of Our Privy’ Council, thought fit to annex the Iflands of St. Fobn’s, and Cape Breton or Ifle Royale, with the leffer Iflands adjacent thereto, to Our Government of Nova Scotia. We have alfo, with the Advice of Our Privy Council aforefaid, annexed to Our Province of Georgia all the Lands tying between the Rivers A‘tamaba and St. Mary's. And whereas it will greatly contribute to the fpeedy fettling Our faid new Governments, that Our loving Sub- jects thould be- informed of Our Paternal Care for the Security of the Liberties and Properties of thoie who are and fhall become Inhabitants thereof ; We have thought! fit to publifh and declare, by this Our Proclamation, that We have, in the Letters Patent under Our Great Seal of Great Britain, by which the faid Governments are conftituted, given exprefs Power and Direction to Our Governors of Our faid Colonies refpectively, that fo foon as the State and Circumftances of the faid Colonies will admit thereof, they fhall, with the Advice and Confent of the Members of Our Council, fummon and call General Affemblies within the faid Governments refpectively, in fuch, Manner and Form as is ufed and directed in thofe Colonies and Provinces in America, which are under Our immediate Government; and We have alfo given Power to the faid Governors, with the Confent of Our faid Councils, and, the Reprefentatives of the People, fo to be fummoned as aforefaid, to make, conftitute, and ordain Laws, Statutes, and Ordinances for the Publick Peace, Welfare, and Good Government of Our faid Colonies, and of the People and Inhabitants thereof, as near as may be agreeable to-the Laws of England, and under fuch Regulations and Reftrictions as are ufed in other Colonies : And in the mean Time, and until fuch Affemblies can be called as aforefaid, all Perfons inhabiting in, or reforting to Our faid Colonies, may confide’ in Our Royal Pro- tection fot the Enjoyment of the Benefit of the Laws of Our Realm’ of England, for which Purpofe, We have given Power under Our Great Seal to the Governors of Our faid Colonies refpectively, to erect and conftitute, with the Advice of Our faid Councils refpectively, Courts of Judicature and Publick Juftice, within Our faid Colo- nies, for the hearing and determining all Caufes, as well Criminal as Civil, according to Law and Equity, and as near as may be agreeable to the Laws of England, with Liberty to all Perfons who may think themfelves ag- erieved by the Sentences of fuch Courts, in all Civil Cafes, to appeal, under the ufual Limitations and Reftrictions, co Us in Our Privy Council. We have alfo thought fit, with the Advice of Our Privy Council as aforefaid, to give unto the Governors and Councils of Our faid Three New Colonies upon the Continent, full Powef and Authority to fettle and agree with the Inhabitants of Our faid New Colonies, or with any other Perfons who -fhall refort thereto, for fuch Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, as are now, or hereafter fhall be in Our Power to difpofe of, and them to grant to any fuch Perfon or Perfons, upon fuch Terms, and under fuch moderate Quit-Rents, Services, and Acknow- ledgements as have been appointed and fettled in Our other Colonies, and under fuch other Conditions as fhall appear to Us to be neceflary and expedient for the Advantage of the Grantees, and the Improvement and Settlement of Our faid Colonies. | And whereas We are defirous, upon all Occafions, to teftify Our Royal Senfe and Approbation of the Conduct and Bravery of the Officers and Soldiers of Our Armies, and to reward the fame, We do hereby command and impower Our Governors of Our faid Three New Colonies, and all other Our Governors of Our feveral Provinces on the Continent of North America, to grant, without Fee or Reward, to fuch Reduced Officers as have ferved in North America during the late War, and. to fuch Private Soldiers as have been or fhall. be difbanded in America, and are-actually refiding’ there, and fhall perfonally apply for the ame, the following Quantities of Lands, fubject at the Expiration of Ten Years to the fame Quit-Rents as other Lasds are fubject to in the Province within which they are granted, as alfo the fame Conditions of Cultivation and Improvement ; viz. To every Perfon having the Rank of a Field Officer, Five thoufand Acres.—To every Captain, Three thou- fand Acres.~To every Subaltern or Staff Officer, Two thoufand Acres.—To every Non-Commiffion Officer, Two hundred Acres.—To every Private Man, Fifty Acres. : We do likewife authorize and require the Governors and Commanders in Chief of all Our faid Colonies upon the Continent of North America, to grant the like Quantities of Land, and upon the fame Conditions, to fuch Reduced Officers of Our Navy, of like Rank, as ferved on Board Our Ships of War in North America at the Times of the Reduction of Louifbourg and Quebec in the late War, and who fhall perfonally apply to Our repective Governors for fuch Grants. And whereas it is juft and reafonable, and effential to Our Intereft and the Security of Our Colonies, that the feveral Nations or Tribes of Indians, with whom We are conneéted, and who live under Our Protection, fhould not be molefted or difturbed in the Poffeffion of fuch Parts of Our Dominions and Territories as, not having been ceded to, or purchafed’ by Us, are referved to them, or any of them, as their Hunting Grounds ; We do there- fore, with the Advice of Our Privy Council, declare it to be Our Royal Will and Pleafure, that no Governor or Commander in Chief in any of Our Colonies of Quebec, Eaft Florida, or Weft Florida, do prefame, upon any Pretence whatever, to grant Warrants of Survey, or pafs any Patents for Lands beyond the Bounds of their refpettive Go- vernments, as defcribed in their Commiffions ; as alfo, that no Governor or Commander in Chief in any of Our other Colonies or Plantations in America, do prefume, for the prefent, and until Our further Pleafure be known, to grant Warrants of Survey, or pafs Patents for any Lands beyond the Heads or Sources of any of the Rivers which fall into the Atdantick Ocean from the Weft and North. Weft, or upon any Lands whatever, which, not having been ceded to, or purchafed by Us as aforefaid, are referved to the faid Indians, or any of them. : And We do further declare it to be Our Royal Will and Pleafure, for the prefent as aforefaid, to referve un- der Our Sovereignty, ‘Protection, and Dominion, for the Ufe of the faid. Indians, all the Lands and Territo- ries not included within the’ Limits of Our-taid- Three New Governments, or within the Limits of the Ter- ritory granted to the Hud/on’s Bay Company, as alfo all the Lands and Territories lying to the. Weftward of the Sources.of the Rivers which fall into the Sea from the Weft and North Welt, as aforefaid; and-We do hereby ftrictly forbid, on Pain of Our Difpleafure, all Our loving Subjects from making any Purchafes or Set- tlements whatever, or taking Poffeffion of any of the Lands above referved, without Our efpecial Leave and ‘Licence for that Purpofe. firft obtained. : a “And We do further ftrictly enjoin and require all Perfons whatever, who have either wilfully or inadvert- ently feated themfelves. upon any Lands within the Countries above defcribed, or upon any other Lands, which, not having been ceded to, or purchafed by Us, are ftill referved to the faid Indians as aforefaid, forthwith to remove themfelves from fuch Settlements. : g Lands of the Jndians, to the great And whereas great Frauds and Abufes have been committed in the purchafing Prejudice of Our Interefts, and to the great Diflatisfation of the faid Indians; in order therefore to prevent fuch Irregularities for the future, and to the End that the Jvdians may-be convinced of Our Juftice, and determined Refolution to remove all reafonable Caufe of Difcontent, We do, with the. Advice of Our Privy Council, ftrictly enjoin and require, that no private Perfon do prefume to make any Purchafe from the faid Jndians of any Lands referved to the faid Indians, within thofe Parts of Our Colonies where We have thought proper to allow Settlement 5 but that if, at-any Time; any of the faid Indians fhould be inclined to difpofe of the faid Lands, the fame fhall be purchafed only for Us, in Our Name, at fome Publick Meeting or Afflembly of the faid Indians to be held for that Purpofe by the Governor or Commander in Chief of Our Colonies refpettively, within which they fhall lie; and in cafe they fhall lie within the Limits of any Proprietary Government, they fhall be purchafed only for the Ufe ‘and in the Name of fuch Proprietaries, conformable to fuch Directions and Inftructions as We or they fhall think proper to give for that Purpofe: And, by the Advice of Our Privy Council, declare and enjoin, that the ‘Frade with the faid Indians fhall be free and open to all Our Subjects whatever; provided that every Perfon who may incline to trade with the faid. Indians, do take out a Licence for carrying on fuch Trade from th Governor or Commander in’ Chief of any of Our Colonies refpectively, where fuch Perfon fhall refide; and alfo give Security to obferve fuch Regulations as We fhall at any Time think fit, by Ourfelves or by Our Commiffaries to be appointed for this Purpofe, to dire and appoint for the Benefit of the faid Trade; and We do hereby authorize, enjoin, and require the Governors and Commanders in Chief of all Our Colonies refpectively, as well Thole under Our immediate Government as Thofe under the Government and Direction of Proprietaries, to, grant fuch Licences without Fee or Reward, taking efpecial Care to infert therein a Condition, that fuch Licence fhall be void, and the Security forfeited; in cafe the Perfon, to whom the fame is granted, fhall refufe or neg- lect-to obferve fuch Regulations as We fhall think proper to prefcribe as aforefaid. And We do further exprefsly enjoin and require all-Officers whatever, as well Military as Thofe employed in the Management. and Dire€tion of Indian Affairs within the Territories referved as aforefaid for the Ufe of the faid Indians, to feize and apprehend all Perfons whatever, who, ftanding charged with Treafons, Mif- prifions of Treafon, Murders, or other Felonies or Mifdemeanors, fhall fly from Juftice, and take Refuge in, the faid Territory, and to fend them under a proper Guard to the Colony where the Crime was committed ‘of which they ftand-accufed, in order to take their Tryal for the fame. Given at Our Court at Sazut James's, the Seventh Day of Odober, One thoufand feven hundred and fixty three, inthe Third Year of Our Reign. G OD fave the KING. Ce 0 oe a a: | Printed by Mark Baskett, Printer to the King’s moft Excellent Majefty; and by the Affigns of Robert Baskett. 1763. HEREAS We have taken ift luable Acquifitions in America, {ech Peace, concluded: at Paris the Tt all Our loving Subjects, as well . may avail themfelves, with all ci 4 tages which muft accrue therefrd@inm P tion; We have thought fit, witl Our Royal Proclamation, hereby \¢ that We have, with the Advice \ Patent under Our Great. Seal of ¥ Iflands ceded and confirmed to Governments, ftiled and called by and Grenada, and limited and Bountl AtherLate Definitive’E tS “Out Colonies_in 4 eat Benefits and Ad \ anufactures; sand” N > Firft. The Government of Quebec, bounded on the Labret loaf 3 thence by a Line drawn: from the Head of that River through Wau e athe Lake nigh Pifin, from whence the faid Line croffing the River 6A, Lae in Forty fwe Degrees of North Latitude, paflts along the High Lands’ whic themfelves into the faid River S¢. Lawrence, from thofe which fall into the, Sea’ Coaft of the Baye des Chaleurs, and the Coaft of the Gulph of S+. Lawrena iN Rafe «rofiing the Mouth of the River 5+. Lawrence by the Weft End of the If NN of A aforefaid River of Sv. Fobn. Ni Secondly. The Government of Eaft Florida, bounded to the Weltward by dachicola River; to the Northward, by a Line drawn frome hat Part of the Flint Rivers meet, to the Source of St. Mary’s River, andeby” he, and to the Eaftward and Southward, by the Atlantis Ocean, within Six Leagues of the Sea Coaft. . Thirdly. The Government of Wet Florida, boup§eeste UMands within Six Leagues of the Coaft from the a athe faid Lake, the Lake Mauripas, and the Riv: ahat Part of the River Mififippi which lies in Chatabouchee, and to the Eaftward by the faidR Fourthly. The Government of Grenada, conmprell and the Iflands of Deminico, St. Vincents, and Zi obaga. crs ‘hae empty” fovalong the “Norrh. wes, and ” frond thence - 5 to the Weftwardb awa -due- Batt fron RM ey topic! with “the Creitlings, 7 ) Line ~~ a Pe And, tothe End that the open and free Fith ry 6F Gin Coatt of Labrador and the adjacent Ifands, We VE faite thalipae put all that Coaft, from the River St. Fobn’s to Fiudjon's Steaghis, toget and all other fmaller Ifands lying upon the. faidCoalt, fae Pa ren Newfoundland. — ht We have alfo, with the Advice of Our —= annex te, TMands of- or. Deby’ s, and Cape” Breton or Ife Royale, with the lefler IMands oe to Our Government "of, =e a Scotia. We have alfo, with the Advice of Our Privy: NS efaid, annexed to ie 1 eargia all the Lands lying between the Rivers Attamaba and St. Mary's. Wallis And whereas it will greatly contribute to- ap pitling Our faid new crete | jeGts thould be informed of Our Paternal Care=forothe Security of the Li and rae ‘are and fhall become Inhabitants thereof ;/ We ahaw chic ough fit to publith a rel ie that We have, in the Letters Patent under ut Gre peat Seal of Great Brita conftituted, given exprefs Power and Direétt y Goveér of Our | as the State and Circumftances of the nid : will ad of the Members of Our Council, fummonyand General in fuch. Manner and Form as is ufed and direcie Our immediate Government; and We have-alf ae faid Councils, and the Reprefentatives of the -Reopl = ordain Laws, Statutes, and Ordinances for the Pts! rake and of the People and Inhabitants thereof, as Regulations and Reftrictions as are ufed in. be called as aforefaid, all Perfons inhabi Or tection for the Enjoyment of the Benéfite iven Power under Our Great Seal to with the Advice of Our faid Councils.ref nies, for the hearing and determinit gall as near as may be agreeable to the~ grieved by the Sentences of fuch Ce rt <0 Us in Our Privy Council. We have alfo thought fit, with thes Councils of Our faid Three New~Colc wr Towing Sub- OF ithdle who Proclaajation, 2 Ws zs Hing mean/Time, and) u id Belonies, may cond 36 of Hfilandes. for. wh Ffaid Colonies refpeatis ely, | sof Judicature and Publick Jt vel} Criminal as. Civil, according te ith Liberty’ to a pon who may ; , to appeal, oe the : al 2 & and 1 ae gi ‘a d LAN: or > ing fe Gove and et andy sree with any other“Perfons whe thal Tenements, and Hereditaments, as are now, or “hereafter fhall be in Our Pow wer ii to any fuch Perfon or Perfons, upon fuch Tertis,.and under fuch moderate X Q ledgements as have been appointed and fettled in Our other Ce : zo Us to be neceflary and expedient for the Advantage of the Our {aid Colonies, Given at Our Court at Sait— Printed by Mark Baskett, Printer to the King’s moft Excellent Majefty; and by the Affigns of Robert Baskeit. IE ete and va-7, Tactony 0) [they are 3 ant a, “Ses at shee Pia i —} fore, with the of Mexico ichading ah st Apalackica ange tl aments are al a as = ons, to teftify Our Royal Senfe and Approbation of the Conduct “Armies, and to reward the fame, We do hereby command and Colonies, and all other Our Governors of Our feveral Provinces ithout Ree or Reward, to fuch Reduced Officers as have ferved in } yate. Soldiers as have been or fhall be difbanded in America, ily ‘for the ee the following Quantities of Lands, fubject b America, : ig the late War, ai “iding' there, and fhall poe f Yen Years to the fame Quit- alfo fabject to the fame Conditions ‘an ndwatewa: “at the Pil ae Aeres.—To « every Private Man, Fifty) 5 = “likkewife authorize and require the Governpls and Commanders in Chief of all Our faid Colonies Continent of North America, to grant P €ahke Quantities of Land, and upon the fame Conditions, sostich, Reduced Officers of Our Navy, of hik Rg@iy as ferved on Board Our Ships of War in North America “at the es of the Reduction of Loifbodig fi Mec in the late War, and who fhall perfonally apply to Our ~ repedctive Governors for fuch Grants. . # And whereas it is juft and reafonable, and effom E IE Nations or Tribes of Indians, with who vi be mOleited or idifturbed in the Poffeffion/ Stes ceded. ta, or. 1 to Our Intereft and the Security of Our Colonies, that the We are conneéted, and who live under Our Protection, fhould F\fuch Parts of Our Dominions and Territories as, not having putchafed by Us, are referved to them, or any of them, as their Hunting Grounds ; We do there- ewef,Our Privy Council, declare it to be Our Royal Will and Pleafure, that no Governor or Se Our Golonies of Muebec, Eaft Florida, or Weft Florida, do prefume, upon any Pretence r_pafs any Patents for Lands beyond the Bounds of their refpettive Go- ma is4~as alfo, that no Governor or Commander in Chief in any of Our Pee do prefume, for the prefent, and until Our further Pleafure be known, Ms Patents for any Lands beyond the Heads or Sources of. any of the #% Ocean from the Weft and North Weft, or upon any Lands whatever, or purchafed by Us as aforefaid, are referved to the faid Indians, or any ot --|__Comimanderti: Chief i : —whatever, tO Sram W. 1 % ‘it to be Our Royal Will and Pleafure, for the prefent as aforefaid, to referve un- otection, and Dominion, for the Ufe of the faid. Indians, all the Lands and Territo- in the Limits of Our*taid Three New Governments, or within the Limits of the Ter- “Hud/on's Bay Company, as alfo all the Lands and Territories lying to the Weftward of Rivers which fall into the Sea from the Weft and North Weft, as aforefaid,; and We do of Our Difpleafure, all Our loving Subjects from making any Purchafes or Set- feffion of any of the Lands above referved, without Our efpecial Leave and res ne : ritOhpaghal te the Sources*of . hereby ftriétly pplements whateve @ require all Perfons whatever, who have either wilfully or inadvert- Piebin the Countries above defcribed, or upon any other Lands, which, re te, We. '¢ t » are {till referved to the faid Indians as aforefaid, forthwith to from fuch Settlements. Evauds afd Abules hay Prejudice of Our Intérefts} and to the) EZ Irregularities, for the Kyture, and to the Refolution to) remove al} reaignable Cauie enjoin and require, that\go private PeMon do gicrved to the faid ime py of 2 théfe Parg be sicommitted i in the purchafing Lands of the Jndians, to the great Diflatisfagtion of the faid Indians; in order therefore to prevent “fuch 7th the indians may be convinced of Our Juftice, and determined t, We do, with the Advice of Our Privy Council, ftrictly pefme" po make any Purchafe from the faid Indians of any Lagge yOur Colonies where We have thought proper to allow Settlement hould ‘be Joclined to difpofe of the {aid Lands, the fame fhall be publick Meeting or Affembly. of the faid Indians to be held for that hrpoie by the Governor @r Commander in hic ef a Our Célonies refpectively, within which they fhall lie; and ia cafe \ they fhall lie within the Limits of an “I As tary Government, they fhall be purchafed only for the Ufe d in the Name of fuch Pfoprietaries, eonformable. 1 Directions and Inftructions as We or they fhall think i ‘r to give for that Purpefe: And We do, byg the (Advi Lof Our Privy Council, declare and enjoin, that the { id Indians hall be free and opegl “Subjects whatever ; provided that every Perfon, ade with ‘the faid Indians, “Gay Licence for carrying on fuch Trade from the frein..Chief Of any of Our Op lonies ref ively, where fuch Perfon fhall refide; and alfo cli» Ré We fhalfat any Tifme.think fit, by Ourfelves or by Our Commiffaries 4| Purpote, to dire’tyand app@int for) the Benefit of the faid Trade; and We do. hereby equire the Governors ard Commandersin Chi€f of all Our Colonies refpectively, as well ‘Thofe overnment as Thofe undef the SS ey and Direétion of Proprietaries, to grant kg Boao or ied a king: efpevial Cate to Be therein a Condition, that fuch Licence ‘@afesthe Perfon, to w the fame is granted, fhall refufe or neg- ial) think. proper to prefcribe as aforefaid. nd | require , all*Officers. whatever, as well Military as Thofe employed Fairs Whin the Territories referved as aforefaid for the Ufe ah Petfons dwhatever, who, ftanding charged with Treafons, Mif- ik: qi of) Mit ifdemeanors, fhall fly from Juftice, and take Refuge in. aides Ghard to the Colony where the Crime was committed for the fame. fthat if, at any Time, any of the faid Indidy ieee only for Us, in Gir Name, at fomey ive Seeurity to to be [Appointed uthorize, enjoin, a) Our Amine} i ai “of the. faid prifions of. Tres the faid Tefrito) ‘of whith they“ 1763,