NINTH REPORT ‘OF THE ee ee es ee ee COMMITTEE . OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, ON THAT PART OF THE SPEECH . OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR IN CHIEF WHICH RELATES TO THE £ SETTLEMENT OF THE CROWN LANDS. WITH THE MINUTES OF EVIDENCE TAKEN BEFORE THE COMMITTEE, [ORDERED TO BE PRINTED THE TENTH FEBRUARY 182473 reed QUEBEC : Printed by NEILSON & COWAN, No, 3, Mountain Strect. 1824, HTVI¥V a ee : pAb BBE SRT ate oe gee ee bs ra + SaPTTEIwCS ie ays i eee LST SE Rtg by ogee. oe SD >. vi, eee FETE) oo 1) 4 - Li TAMMMeAk AO a a < i ee f a5. r . > . aw ye 3 Ms Stee ee [LORETTE INDIANS. © 4 FTER making on the twenty feventh of February laft the Re- port of the Proceedings had by your Committee upon the claim of the Chriftian Indians refiding at Lorette, tothe Fief and Seigniory of Sylleri, it occurred to your Committee that as the Fief Saint Ignace which adjoins the Fief called St. Gabriel, had been given by the fame Mr. Giffard named in the foregoing Re- port, to the Nuns of the Hétel Dieu of Quebec, it was proba- ble the original Title Deed of the Fief Saint Ignace would throw light upon this subject. Your Committee availing themfelves of the permiflion given by the Houfe to Report from time to time, have now the honor to report that they caufed to be brought before them the Title Deeds of the Fief Saint Ignace. ~ The firft of thefe is a Donation bearing date the firft October one thoufand six hundred and forty feven, by the faid Giffard to the faid Nuns, of one half league of the Land Granted to the {aid Giffard in that year by the Company of New France, by the two Inftruments of fixteenth April one thoufand fix hundred and forty feven and fixteenth May one thoufand fix hundred and forty feven (already reported to the Houfe) which Land had pre- vioufly been granted to Mr. Couillard and was poffefled by him. The fecond is a grant bearing date the twentieth Auguft one thoufand fix hundred and fifty two, by Mr. De Lauzon to the faid Nuns reciting the before mentioned Inftruments and Grants, and granting to the faid Nuns one half League in front upon the River Saint Charles by two Leagues in depth, bounded on the one fide by the Lands granted upon the River Saint Charles to Mr. Guillaume Couillard, and on the other fide by the Lands « latterly granted to the Savages,” in the rear by the ungranted Lands. The third isa Procés Verbal of Survey of the Seigniory of Saint Ignace, made by the faid Nuns with the confent of the Father Jefuits by the widow Hébert Couillard, bearing date 4th March one thoufand fix hundred and fixty nine.— Copies of the Papers are fubjoined. All which is neverthelefs humbly {ubmitted. ANDREW STUART, Quebec, 2d March 1824. B 2 Chairman. 4: eee RRR RE TTT TT A eee ne eeenenneenattpemenny pe ene name vena enn I cred APPENDIX to roe NINTH REPORT. No. I. 1, Ropert Gir FarD, Lord of Beauport, Councillor and Ordinary Phyfician of His Majetty, being defirious of benefiting & aiding my Daughter Francoife Giffard, refiding with the Nuns Hospitallers of New France, eftablifhed at Kebec, and purpofing to be a Nun and to take the Religious Habit and to make her profeffion in due time, have granted and given and do grant and give by thefe pre- fents ‘unto the faid Nuns, one half league in front of the land given to me in this prefent year by the Gentlemen of the Com- pany of New France, by their grant bearing date the 16th day of April 1647, and by another Grant tending to thefame end of the 15th day of May 1647, the faid Land conformably to the faid Grants is to be found in the Lands granted to Mr. Couillard and poffeffed by him, which are upon the River Saint Charles, the fpace of a rood or thereabouts on this fide the fall proceeding towards Kebec, and thus the Lands which have been granted proceeding beyond the faid fall two leagues along the faid River, and ten leagues in depth.— Whereof I have granted and afligned and do hereby grant and affign, the half league neareft the faid fall unto the faid Nuns in the fan.e manner and upon the fame conditions that it was given to me by the faid Gentlemen of the Company of New France, as well for myfelf as for my heirs and Children, amongst whom I defire to aid and benefit my faid Daughter Frangoife Giffard, and to favor her vocation as a Nun of Charity towards the fick Poor of the Country. Done at Kebec the fourth day of October 1647. (Signed) GIFFARD, with a Paraphe. Examined and Collated by me, Secretary of the Council efta- blifhed by the King at, Quebec, the underfigned Notary of New France, with the original written upon Paper to me prefented by Jean Francois Bourdon Sieur de Dombourg, Attorney of the Revd. Nuns Hospitallers and forthwith returned unto him, the 17th day of April 1662, cu No. 2. Jean pr. LAvuZon, ordinary Councillor of the King in his Coun- cil of State and in his Privy Council, Governor and Lieutenant General for His Majesty in New-France for the extent of the River Saint Lawrence—To all to whom thefe Letters-fhall come, fendeth greeting. Br 1r Kyown that the Reverend Mothers Hospitallers \eftab- lifhed at Kebec, New France, having reprefented unto us that fo far back as the year one thonfand fix hundred and forty feven, the Company of New France having given to Robert Giffard, Lord of Beauport, on the fixteenth day of April, two leagues in extent by ten leagues in depth near the faid Seigniory of Beau- port, and the said Sieur Giffard, having reprefented to the faid Company that he could derive no benefit from the faid grant at the place therein defignated, that isto fay, near his old grant, ins a{much as it was bounded on the one fide by the Seigniory of Beaupré, and on the other fide by the Seigniory Notre Dame des Anges ; The faid Company on the fifteenth day of May following, the faid year 1647, having granted to him the fame extent of Land either on the north or on the south, with the fame adyan- tages as contained in the faid grant of the fixteenth day of April, referring however the defignation of the place to the orders of the Chevalier de Montmagny, then Governor in New France.— In consequence of which grant the faid Sieur Giffard had, on the first day of October of the faid year one thoufand fix hundred and forty feven, given to the faid Mothers Hopitallers one half league in front by the whole of the faid depth of ten leagues, to be taken upon the Fiver St. Charles for the length of the half league adjoin- ing the grant of the Sieur Guillaume Couillard, and ascending the faid River St. Charles to the boundaries of the grant latterly made to the Savages. For thefe caufes, we, having feen the faid two erants by the faidCompany of New France of the fixteenth of April and 15th May one thoufand fix hundred and forty feven, figned Lamy and fealed; and having alfo feen the donation of the faid half league made to the faid Mothers Hospitallers by the faid Sieur Giffard, the faid firftt day of October 1647, WE, in virtue of the power to us given by the faid Company, have confirmed ‘and do hereby confirm, and fo far as it now is or hereafter may be neceffary, have given, granted and beftowed, and do hereby give, grant, and beftow unto the faid Revd. Mothers Hospi- (gQ tallers the faid half league in front upon the River St. Charles, and ten leagues in depth ; as to be taken bounded on the one fide by the Lands granted upon the faid River Saint Charles unto the faid Guillaume Couillard, and upon the other fide by the line which feparates the Lands hereby granted from the Lands latterly granted to the Savages, and in the rear by ungranted Lands, and in front by the River Saint Charles ; the faid River together with all Iflands therein, of whatfoever fize or description in front of the faid halt league, being comprized in the faid grant : ‘To have, hold, and enjoy the premises unto them the faid Mothers Hospitallers in frane almoigne and franc aleu without jurisdiction, for ever, and free from every charge fave that of furnifhing an avew et de- nombrement every twenty years to the officers of the ‘faid Company.—We accordingly enjoin the High Steward of New France or his deputies in the King’s Court at Kebec, to put the faid Mothers Hospitallers into poffeflion of the faid places, to caufe boundaries and limits to be placed as of law and right to do. This we give him power to do in virtue of that given unto us by th Company of New France. In Witness whereof we have figned thefe prefents, and have caufed to be put to them the feal with our arms, and the fame to be counterfigned by one of our Secretaries. Given at Fort St. Louis of Kebec, this 20th day of Auguft 1652, Rie (Signed) . DE LAUZON, | with Paraphe. And fealed with feal of Red Wax, and lower down is written. By my Lord, PEUVRET, with Paraphe. Collated and examined by me, Secretary of the Council eftab- lifhed by the King at Quebec, the underfigned Notary of New France, the original written on ‘paper, having been prefented to me by Jean Francois Bourdon, Sieur de Dombourg, Attorney of the Reverend Nuns Hospitallers, and forthwith returned to him the 17th of April 1662, . No. 3. THE YEAR of Grace 1669, the fourth day of March, at the Prayer of the Revd. Mothers Hefpitallers of Quebec, with the confent of the Revd. Fathers Jefuits of the faid place, and of Marie Guillaume Hébert, Widow of the late Sieur Guillaume Couillard, deceafed, I, Jean Guyon du Buiffon, Surveyor of the King in New France, underfigned, went purpofely, to and upon the Lands of the faid Revd. Mothers Hospitallers, bounded in front by the River St. Charles, where being, I Surveyed the front of the faid Lands along the faid River containing half a league; which I bounded as followeth, that is to fay, on the South Weft fide by a line which I drew of the length of feventy arpens run-° ning North Weft one quarter North, which makes the line of fe- paration of this land from thofe of the faid Revd. Fathers the Jefuits, upon which I planted two Boundaries, the firft at about two Perches diftance from the faid River, and the fecond at fifty Arpens from the firft in the Wood ; and on the North Eaftern fide I drew a line parallel to the foregoing line upon which in like manner [I planted two Boundaries—the firft being upon a little hill diftant elevén Perches or thereabouts from the bank of the faid River, and the fecond in the Woods, diftant from the pre- ceding Boundary one league, under whichfaid Boundaries is buried Brick and Iron Slag, with three leaden Medals under each of them, upon which is an image of St. Auguftin, and around it written + Supérieur des filles de la Miséricorde L. N. Dieu K—. becg, which feparates the faid Lands of the faid Mothers Hos- pitallers from the Lands of the faid Dame Couillard, of which faid Survey and bounding, I have drawn this prefent Procés Ver- bal to ferve and avail unto the faid Revd. Mothers Hospitallers, in all times and places asto Lawand Juftice fhall appertain, The whole meafured, done, and drawn in prefence of the Sieur Jean Lemire, refiding at the Grande Allée, and of Jacques Gauthier, Yeoman, refiding upon the faid Lands. Witneffes—Thus figned on the original :—(C/laude Dabilon, Attorney of the Miffions of the Company of Jefus in New France : J. M. Hébert ; Jean Lemire ; and J. Gayon, Surveyor ; the faid Gauthier declaring that he knew not how to write thereto ques- tioned according to the Ordinance. J. GUYON, Surveyor. : A Oe Oy Oe A ED A gs - 7 . AGE See eS bic vi i) bana r. 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