if: . 1 r [:* ; RARE COLOR PLATE SATIRE HEATH, WILLIAM. GOOD DINNERS, DRESSED BY W. HEATH, AND SERVED BY THOMAS M’LEAN, A T THE HOTEL OF WIT AND HUMOUR, 26 HAYMARKET. London: Thomas McLean, 1824. Oblong 4to, late 19 th century full pigskin armorial binding for Henry Arthur Johnstone whose library was sold en bloc in 1921. Elaborate gilt monogram and three pictorial rondelles and device on front cover; full pigskin pastedowns and endpapers with Johnstone’s stamped nautical bookplate dated 1899; spine banded with small gilt ornaments and gilt- lettered. Binding a little scuffed but remarkably nice; internally fresh. Original front wrapper bound in with descriptive list of McLean’s publications on verso. Nine hand colored plates including the elaborate title page. Each plate with six or seven small captioned images of various food and drink with literal representations of mishaps in English life. Punning captions include: “Brown Stout”, a woman of color; “Flounders”, an overturned horse-drawn carriage; “Tongue”, a shrewish woman; and “A Pigeon”, man servant signaling moves to gentlemen at card table. The artist William Heath (1795-1840) was a popular satirist of English life. This album is very scarce, not in Tooley or Abbey, with OCLC locating only the Harvard and Indiana copies. $5000 RleGieirr J FEB 1 4 2019 COLLECTION b. ■■■■■■ I fl I * *' ‘Til /■ i.. v * " * + .■ Y} \ \ * t m t < * *■ ? .. v/ n / ■* / !4£. . A ■' ; * ■ , ' "< ,?; * . -• . } M *'■ . * • • * i y . ;V.- $ • , ' . A \ < • • ., ’ .-4 • ■ , ’ > ’ ' - ' ■ ' \ ' £1 i * } , *- I ’ * " I » ' r • " i ■ f v . . -A , V' . •' \> ■ i •' - . I I Good Dinners, DRESSED BY W. HEATH, AND SERVED BY THOMAS M‘LEAN m tfjc Wotrl of 551 it anti Rumour, 20, HAYMARKET. J\* I J\* E PLATES. Hontion: PUBLISHED BY THOMAS M'LEAN, 26, HAYMARKET. 1824. i Price One Guinea, LATELY PUBLISHED BY THOMAS M'LEAN, No. 26, HAYMARKET. HISTORICAL PORTRAITURE OF LEADING EVENTS IN THE LIFE OF ALI PACHA, Viaier of Epirus, surnamed The Lion, in a Series of Designs, Drawn by W. Davenport, and Engraved by G. Hunt, with a Biographical Sketch. Imperial quarto, price £2: 2s. THE NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS OF A MAN OF FASHION. Twelve Coloured Plates, Imperial quarto, price £l: 5s. COUNTRY versus TOWN. Twelve Coloured Plates, Imperial quarto, price £l : 5s. HUMOUROUS MISCELLANIES, by Henry Al¬ ken, price 12 s. INVOLUNTARY THOUGHTS, by Henry Alken, price 12s. TUTOR'S ASSISTANT, containing a variety of amus¬ ing Scenes, by Henry Alken, price 12s. SYMPTOMS, by Henry Alken ; being a Series of entertaining Plates under this Title, elegantly coloured, and of which an unprecedented Sale of 30,000 bespeaks the Public estimation of the unrivalled spirit and fertility of design evinced throughout this novel and elegant Work, containing 42 Engravings, uniform in style and manner to the “Illustrations to Popular Songs.” Price £4 :10s. neatly half hound. HUMOUROUS ILLUSTRATIONS TO POPULAR SONGS, by Henry Alken ; containing 43 richly co¬ loured Plates of Sporting and other Subjects, executed in the happiest style of the Artist. On imperial quarto drawing paper, price £4 : 10s. neatly half hound. A highly finished coloured representation of A MAIL COACH, by Henry Alken, price Is. 6d. HUNTING, or SIX HOUR'S SPORT, by THREE REAL GOOD ONES, from the East End, without seeing a Hound; by Henry Alken, price £l : 1«. RUSTIC SKETCHES, by W. Heath. Seven Plates, price £l :1s. MARINE STUDIES, by W. Heath, Eight Plates, price £l. Is. COMPARATIVE MELTONIANS, as they are, and as they were. “ All alike good,—but Time makes strange alterations.” By Ben Tally-Ho. Price £2: 2s. SCRAPS FROM THE SKETCH BOOK OF HENRY ALKEN, containing 42 Plates, engraved by Himself, representing Figures, Horses, Dogs, Rural Sub¬ jects, &c.; on fine quarto paper, price £l. 5s. in boards. SHOOTING, or ONE DAY’S SPORT OF THREE REAL GOOD ONES, however ignorant of Sporting Rules, by Henry Alken, price £l '• Is. ALKEN’S COCKNEY’S SHOOTING SEASON in Suffolk. Six coloured Plates, with Poetical Descrip¬ tions price £l : Is. ____ MOMENTS OF FANCY AND WHIM, being an entirely New Work of highly Humourous and Original Sketches, in the Artist's best Style. Parts 1 & 2, price £l : Is. each Part. __ NATIONAL SPORTS of Great Britain. Fifty coloured Plates, with Descriptions, folio, half bound, price £10 :10s. __ HUMOUROUS SPECIMENS OF RIDING. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, price 10s. 6d. each. MILITARY SKETCHES, containing Characteristic Traits of Old Stagers, Big Wigs, Staff, Martinets, Hum¬ bugs, Deep Files, Duty Officers, Skulks, Good Fellows, Paymasters, Doctors, et multis aliis: with nearly 100 coloured Portraits of Original Characters, and numerous Biographical Accounts to each. On quarto drawing paper, Parts 1, 2, 3, price 9*. each Part. FOREIGN MILITARY COSTUME : Seven Plates, Designed and Engraved by W^ .Heath. Price One Guinea. BRITISH MILITARY COSTUME; Seven Plates, J Designed and Engraved by W. Heath . Price One Guinea. - . V «, V ^lA^oV %*«*& S,b4^rvp w y«5>4: 42. <«aVyW A'CkA ^v,- v '* :. -, .. ■ i .. JS - m : ^ * v-> •7>., v ' V ?> • • Y ✓ a . *Mik*L •*■ : ' v«lr- Ci K •) HoWwW ?. p'^ ™ >: * - ^ >& *>* 3 ^ ^v i^X- V»vi $w % arx-t? 1 at/ tuners . of mutton Ce Sharis ^ uro Over' ^fab^Ow */0 13%*? f *SPl e esOtsii 2d Zfeouy <$UoC &&rrvngs • 'til, : Cy V 9 / * wamm • 3? " :.rr Trii^ Mi t'^ 4. u T ~ mm w> \ < «tc S.^ZJSW